2 responses »

  1. Hi Theresa, i don’t usually write strangers for fun,but i enjoyed your comments about Matt and Briana on “what i watched on tv”.
    It made me curious too about how you went about beginning your tv blog and developing it into something popular where viewers are directed to get info on shows.

    I don’t know why,but I pictured you as a twenty something year old single working sex and the city type gal..funny huh. Turns out when i read your brief “about” page that we have things in common. I’m probably older than you,but I see you are a grandmother, so I was off there. Also I have 5 dogs..pomeranians and a mutt with corgi legs and black lab head plus various cats. I too love tv.

    Anyhow, I will follow your blog. Mine just has a few topics, and i comment regularly on reality tea snarks which is fun..under my email name. On the flipside i answer mail on an adoption website for emotionally tried mothers and anyone who writes for advice or comments in the adoption arena,so no snarking there..just love.

    I’m always busy goofing off as much as possible but would love to hear from you about your blogging or just stuff we like, or if not, I’m sending you good vibes and best wishes…Marcia in Modesto Ca but visiting Orange County this month.


    • Hi Marcia – thanks for your kind words! I’d love to give you some words of wisdom about developing a popular blog, but I’m not even sure how many people read this & often feel I’m just doing it for my own amusement. lol! While my single sex in the city days are over (at least I think so), I did spend many single years in NYC, albeit on a smaller budget than Carrie Bradshaw & her friends. Although back in the day, I’d hoped to go into show business, at this point, my dream job is to watch TV for a living. As a wise therapist once told me, “your dream man is not going to show up in your kitchen,” I figured neither is my dream job. So I started the blog to hone my skills & hopefully have a “portfolio” of work if I can find that internet opening. I am old enough to be a grandmother, but my grandkids all have four legs. My husband and I were the proud “parents” of a male & female Pekingese who presented us with 6 granddogs. I think their mother knew she was only going to be allowed one litter, so she outdid herself, as most Peke litters aren’t that big. The dogs & I also run an eBay store (ok, I do most of the work) & I post pictures of them daily on the store Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JulietsTreasuresOldAndNew

      It sounds like you also share my love of TV & writing, & have a houseful of pets. This is a crazy week, but I’ll try to get in touch by email & we can share experiences. Thanks again – your comment made my day!


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