Monthly Archives: November 2019

November 29, 2019 – Thanksgiving Begins In Port Charles, a Starlit Thanksgiving, Long Weekend Extras, an Ennead of Quotes, What’s On & Thank You


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

A mini-cap of GH’s Thanksgiving Day episode.

Mike went to Sonny’s for Thanksgiving. When Mike asked if Sonny had a good relationship with his old man, Sonny knew it wasn’t going to be a good day. He rolled with it, saying he and his father did have a good relationship, and Mike told him that you have to tell people how you feel before they’re gone. Life is too short for regrets. No doubt there was collective sobbing from viewers everywhere. It’s at the point where, when I see Mike is going to be in an episode, I figure I might as well just start crying.

Franco met with Andre, who said the memory mapping had been streamlined since he’d first worked on it, and he’d do everything he could to mitigate the risks. Franco told Elizabeth that he was having the procedure done tomorrow. Which will probably be Tuesday in our world.

Finn kept trying to call Hayden, but his calls all went to voicemail. When he checked Violet’s backpack for her doll, he found the letter Hayden left. She wrote that she was in the kind of trouble that could put Violet in danger, and she knew Violet would be safe with him. She asked him, please don’t come after her, take care of Violet, and make sure Violet knows, no matter what, her mother loves her. Finn showed the letter to Anna, and said that when Hayden is backed into a corner, she always runs. Anna told him that Hayden must be in serious trouble if she was leaving Violet. Anna didn’t think Hayden would have left Violet with Finn if there had been an alternative.

Kendra came by to see Alexis, who said she’d been given the all-clear from the hospital, but she was going to wait before going back to working with Kendra. Alexis also said she spoke quite a bit of Italian, and could order the supplement herself. Kendra wondered why Neil had given her the cold shoulder, and asked if Alexis was getting ready to fire her. Alexis said, no; she was just being vigilant. Later, Neil discovered that Alexis had checked herself out of the hospital. He told Julian that he’d accused Kendra of poisoning Alexis.

Michael picked up Wiley to go to the Quartermaine’s for Thanksgiving dinner. Brad begged off, saying he was coming down with something and didn’t want to get anyone sick. Michael didn’t believe it, and suggested it was because of Nelle, since his family knew about Brad going to her parole hearing. While this was going on, Julian sat outside in his car, obviously up to no good. After he saw Michael leave with Wiley, he cut the brakes to Brad’s car.

Lucas told Elizabeth about Brook Lynn being back, and said Elizabeth looked like she’d rather have a root canal than hear that news. Lucas decided he’d rather be home on Thanksgiving, and Elizabeth got his shift covered. Lucas went home, and told Brad that he was sick of fighting. He wanted to know what was going on, and what Brad was hiding.

Peter and Maxie went to Anna’s for Thanksgiving, where they saw Andre. Andre told them about Franco deciding to go through with the procedure. He said Franco realized that no matter how many memories of Drew’s he had, he wasn’t Drew; and there were people who loved Franco and missed him.

Sonny and Mike watched football, and it was all good until Mike wanted to hold Donna. Both Sonny and Carly overreacted, and Mike got the message they didn’t want him holding the baby. He ended up pushing Sonny into the table of appetizers. Mike was persuaded to take a nap upstairs, and Sonny asked Carly to call Turning Woods, saying his dad wasn’t safe at the house.

Kendra went to Kiefer’s grave with a gorgeous autumn flower arrangement. Alexis saw her, and waited for her to leave. When Kendra was gone, Alexis went over to look at the headstone. But Kendra wasn’t really gone, and whacked Alexis in the head with a rock, knocking her out.

On Monday, Lulu tells Brook that Dante abandoned her, Julian wonders why Kendra would target Alexis, and Sonny says he’s not going to be that guy. And maybe we’ll find out about the Quartermaine pizza. I’m a little miffed that they didn’t include that in the Thanksgiving episode.

🍗 Thanksgiving With the Stars…

Soap stars:

And everyone else:

🎢 Some Fun Stuff…

The only thing I love more than pop culture are lists about pop culture.

Wishes, messages, and greetings to share.

🚩 Quotes of the Week

You can’t save everyone. Sometimes you have to give people their problems right back at them. – Dr. Woods-Trap (Phylicia Rashad), David Makes Man (I am a big fan of that philosophy.)

We’re going down on a sinking ship, and the only way to do that with dignity is to be drunk. – Jack Dundee (Robin Williams), The Best of Times

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road. – Dag Hammarskjold

Life—the way it really is—is a battle not between good and bad, but between bad and worse. Joseph Brodsky

If bad things didn’t happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?Elizabeth Scott

Always have a willing hand to help someone, you might be the only one that does.Roy T. Bennett

You don’t sneak up on people in a zombie apocalypse. – Charlie Barnett (Tom Everett Scott), Z Nation

The truth isn’t always beauty, but the hunger for it is.Nadine Gordimer

I’m alone, and I’m old. But guess what? I’m tough. – An 82-year-old bodybuilder who fought off a home intruder.

😘 Last But Not Least…

Hoping that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of family, friends, and food. It would be remiss of me not to say how thankful I am for my readers and followers. No Dead this week, only Christmas movies, but some good ones. Saturday night is Elf, and on Sunday, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Christmas with the Kranks. Christmas Vacation holds a spot in my heart because my old acting teacher, William Hickey, plays the part of Uncle Lewis. And we all see where I am today. Just kidding. He was a phenomenal teacher.

🏁 Double Duty…

My thanks, as well as the official start of the season. And so it begins…


November 27, 2019 – Hayden Makes a Decision, Jersey In Jamaica, What Is It About, Flipping Jeff, Too Cautious, No FOMO & Film For T-Day


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Chase and Willow go to Anna’s place, and Finn introduces Violet to Uncle Chase. Chase likes the sound of uncle, and asks if Violet has any other uncles, but she says, not yet. He introduces Willow, who tells Violet that Chase is a keeper. He’s been known to let kids have ice cream for dinner. Chase brought her a present – an Aquamat. No one knows what it is, including me, but Chase says Willow helped him pick it out. Violet goes to set it up with Chase and Willow, and Anna says she’s never seen Finn so happy. He says he is, and thanks her for being great about this. She says it’s worth it for his smile. (FYI – I looked up the Aquamat, and it’s pretty cool. You fill it with water and “draw” on it. The water evokes the colors, and when the water is gone, so are the drawings. Magic!)

At The Floating Rib, Michael invites Sasha to Thanksgiving dinner at the Quartermaine mansion. She doesn’t want to put anyone in an awkward position, and he says he can’t promise there won’t be a knockdown, all-out fight, or two, but he can promise those fights will have nothing to do with her. She says she could do with a double-dose of family. She doesn’t have one anymore; real or fake. He tells her, consider herself an honorary member of his two, and they kiss. Obrecht comes in, and Michael asks if they can help her. She sits, and says they already have. Maxie and Nina have accepted her back into the family, and back into James’s life. For that she’ll buy them a drink. Sasha wants to put it behind her, but Obrecht says, that’s the point. It’s over. Michael says, actually, it’s not over. Not yet.

Brad comes out of the elevator at the hospital, and sees Lucas at the reception desk. He says he just clocked out. Any chance Lucas can come home with him? Lucas says his shift isn’t over. Brad says he’s been working so much. It’s been days since they’ve had dinner as a family with Wiley. Lucas says it’s obvious Brad is hiding something from him, covering with lies and half-truths. Now he wants Lucas to sit down to a nice family dinner? No. Brad says, that’s it? Just no? Lucas says, pretty much. Until Brad gets the courage to tell him what’s going on, he’s going to spend time with Wiley on his own. Brad says, what about tomorrow? Can they at least spend Thanksgiving together?

Valentin says, his father amended his will and Helena hid the document in the portrait. Martin takes it Valentin didn’t know, and Valentin asks if Martin has any more specifics. Martin says Jax and Laura seem to believe that the codicil takes the estate away from Valentin.

The guy who jumped Hayden at the pier puts his hand over Hayden’s mouth, and she struggles with him. Nikolas shows up.

Neil tells Alexis, as requested, he’s having the lab analyze the mystery pill Kendra tried to force feed her. Alexis is anxious for the lab to clear it up. She honestly can’t believe Kendra would give her something that harmful. Kendra won’t even let her eat wheat. She would think thallium was out of the question.

Chase confesses, he was hoping to see Finn at a tea party, and Finn says he should have gotten there earlier. Chase says he’s proud of Finn. It’s like he’s been waiting to be a father his whole life. Finn says it’s almost like he has. It feels really good. Willow tells Anna, Violet is adorable, and Anna says, Violet loves her father too; no surprise there. She wishes Hayden hadn’t kept Finn from knowing for so long, but it is what it is. Willow steps away, and takes a breath. Chase asks if she’s okay, and she says she’ll be fine. She doesn’t know what happened. He says it’s his fault. He didn’t think it through. What happened with Finn and Violet must remind her of what happened with Wiley.

Brad tells Lucas, it’s a family holiday, and he arranged to take it off months ago. Lucas says he volunteered to cover the ER, and Brad says he knows Lucas is angry, but it’s Thanksgiving. They should be together with Wiley. They need to find a way to get past this hiccup in their marriage. Lucas says Brad needs to come clean. If Brad tells Lucas what he’s hiding, he’ll find someone to cover the shift. On three. One… two… He didn’t think so. Brad says because of a stupid accusation, but Lucas says, it’s more than that, and Brad knows it.

Obrecht hopes Sasha and Michael aren’t trying to undermine her hard won serenity. Sasha says Michael was just giving her a heads up about Curtis’s investigation. Obrecht says, what investigation? It’s over. Sasha confessed, and Obrecht is paying for cocktails. What more could there be? Michael says there was still a sample on file at GH, and Curtis had it retested. Sasha says it proved again that she and Nina are mother and daughter. Michael says he tried to convince Curtis to drop it, but he said his reputation as a PI is at stake. He’s still looking for answers, and eventually he’s going to realize Obrecht was involved.

Martin tells Valentin that he’s sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Valentin wonders why his father changed his will, unless he was pressured by Helena. Helena hated him. Martin says Valentin must have suspected, or he wouldn’t have sent Martin to Jax with that story. Valentin says he needs to get his hands on the painting, and Martin agrees. If Jax finds it first, Valentin will lose his island, his home, his horses, his business holdings, and even the nicely tailored shirt on his back. Valentin says he has no intention of losing anything. This makes their project all the more important.

Nikolas fights with Hayden’s attacker, and dude runs off. Hayden asks if he’s all right, and he says she was the one who was almost carried off; is she hurt? She says, no, and he asks if she saw who it was. Does she know what they wanted?

Martin asks how Ava acquired the portrait if Valentin threw it out, but Valentin doesn’t have a clue. Martin asks if Valentin is going to reach out to her, or let him, but Valentin tells Martin that Ava said Valentin would never put his hands on the portrait. Martin says, another person less than fond of Valentin. Valentin says Ava suffered a psychotic breakdown, but that’s not the cause of her animosity toward him. She has a perfectly sane reason to hate him. What bothers him is that she imagined she saw Nikolas.

Hayden tells Nikolas, he just came out of nowhere. He didn’t take her purse; she thinks he wanted to kill her. Nikolas says he was afraid something like this would happen. That’s why he came back. He started to worry that Valentin would make good on his threat. She says it’s nice to know he still cares. She asks if he thinks Valentin sent the guy, and he says, she doesn’t think it’s a coincidence, does she? The day after Valentin tries to coerce her into working for him? She wonders what she should do, and he tells her that she should leave now. He’ll help her. She says, what about Violet?

Willow tells Chase that she’s fine. She gets to be a part of Wiley’s life, which is more than she dreamed possible. She’s beyond  thrilled that Finn has a daughter, and Chase has a niece. How lucky can a little girl get? He asks if she wants to get out of there, and she says, only because she’s starving. Chase tells Finn and Anna that they’re going to let them have Violet all to themselves. Anna is surprised they’re leaving already, and thanks them for coming. Chase congratulates Daddy Finn, and Willow tells Violet that she loved meeting her, and can’t wait to see her again. Chase says, he was thinking maybe Violet wants to be an honorary officer of the law; Sergeant Violet. He gives her a badge, and asks, or does she want to be a detective, or a spy like Anna? Violet says she wants to be a doctor like her daddy.

Brook Lynn shows up at the hospital, and says, paging Dr. Lucas Jones, heartthrob of Port Charles High. He says, Brook Lynn, and she says, in the flesh. They hug, and he says she looks fantastic. He keeps checking the music charts for her. She says she’ll get there; her career is on pause. She’s visiting the family, but Olivia is still frosty with her for trying to break up Dante and Lulu a million years ago. He says he tries to stay away from the family drama, and asks how long she’s staying.

Obrecht says Curtis should mind his own business. Her thank you cocktails might have been premature. She tells them to buy their own drinks, and jets. Sasha tells Michael, she almost feels sorry for Obrecht. Almost. Michael says Obrecht would bake Hansel and Gretel into a pie if she could. Sasha says when Obrecht realized they had the same goal – namely Nina’s happiness – she literally became Sasha’s partner in crime. Michael says he’s curious. Sasha said the sample came from Valentin. Where did Valentin get them?    

He says they couldn’t have come from Nina, or it would have been an exact match. Sasha says she has no idea where Valentin got them; she just followed instructions. Chase and Willow approach their table, and Michael says they’ll talk later. Chase asks if he and Willow can join them, or is this a big date? Michael tells them to sit, and says he’ll get the drinks. Chase says he’ll go with Michael, and Willow says just a club soda for her. Sasha says, if she’s hungry, they ordered way too much food. Dive in. Willow says she’s not hungry anymore, and Sasha asks if she’s okay. Willow says, just queasy. She’s going to wash her hands. She loves playing with the kids, Wiley and Chase’s new niece Violet, but kids are geniuses at picking up germs.

Obrecht sees Brad in the alley behind the Rib. He asks why she’s still alive. She says they made an agreement, but Brad says she broke it when she told Lucas that he had a bigger secret than the lab test.

Alexis tells Neil, maybe Finn was right, and it’s a disgruntled client, or the victim of one who walked. Neil says, anyone but Kendra? She tells him, say he’s right. That means she rolled out the red carpet for someone who wanted her dead. She wonders what that says about her. That she’s gullible? Clueless? Maybe stupid? He says she’s blaming the victim, and she should know better.

Finn asks what Anna is making for dinner, and she says she has ice cream. He thinks there are other courses they need to worry about, and she says she did stock the pantry with anything she thought a child would like. She has organic tater tots, and Finn asks if he has to share them with Violet. Anna says he can have anything he wants. He thanks her for accepting Violet into their lives, and she says she’s happy to be part of his journey through fatherhood. He says it looks like one of those ancient maps that says, beyond this point, there might be dragons. She says there’s nowhere else she’d rather be, and he asks how he got so lucky. She says she asks herself that all the time; how did he get so lucky? He kisses her, and Violet sings, Daddy and Anna sitting in a tree – K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  

Valentin tells Martin, if the codicil is real, than Spencer stands to inherit everything. He would expect Laura to be involved, but not Jax and Hayden. Martin says, the infamous daughter of Raymond Berlin, and Valentin asks if he knows her. Martin says she reminds him of someone in another life altogether. (BA-DUM-CHH! Another nod to All My Children.) Valentin says they’ll regret it. The important thing is he stands to lose his inheritance to a teenager; a spoiled prince, fixated on the notion that Valentin murdered his father. Martin says, did he? and reminds Valentin of attorney/client privilege.

Nikolas says he remembers how Hayden cared for Spencer. She says she still does, and he says she must be a wonderful mother. Taking Violet with her will put Violet at risk. Anna and Finn will keep her safe, and right now, it’s the best place for her. Hayden says she can’t just leave Violet, and he asks if she thinks he wanted to leave Spencer. He wants to let his son know he’s alive, but he can’t put Spencer in danger. They knew what they were getting into had risks. She says, leaving her child… and he says he knows how hard it is. It’s been years for him. For her, it might just take weeks. She says she can’t leave Violet. Nikolas says he can’t tell her what to do – he never could – but knowing Spencer is safe is the one thing that makes it bearable. They sacrifice for their kids, even if it means removing themselves from their world. It’s the best way to protect Violet. Give up the joy of being with her right now.

Alexis asks if Neil didn’t fire her as a patient. He says, which time? and she says, touché. He says, patients usually deflect to avoid responsibility. She wants to shoulder it. She says she’s done it before; let someone in her life, no questions asked. It appears she may have done it again.

In the ladies room, Willow pats water on her neck. Sasha comes in, and asks if she’s okay. She was getting worried. Willow thanks her, and says she’s fine. Sasha checks the stall, and says they’re alone. So, club soda? Queasiness? Maybe it’s not her place, but is Willow…? Willow says, don’t say it out loud. She doesn’t know, but she’s late.

Chase tells Michael that they were with the kids all day; Willow is probably exhausted. They had a great time, but he can tell it took a lot out of her. Michael asks how Finn has taken to fatherhood, and Chase says, super well. He never thought of Finn as dad materiel, but he’s a changed man. Michael says, kids will do that to you.

Brad tells Obrecht that his husband is threatening to leave him. All he’s done is protect Lucas. Obrecht says, even after Brad tried to kill her? He says his husband is barely speaking to him. He loves Lucas and Wiley so much. He wants them to be closer, but he’s losing Lucas, and being pulled in different directions. He starts to cry.

Lucas tells Brook that he and Brad hit a rough patch. He loves Brad, but Brad’s not being honest about what he’s saying. Protect their family from what? Brad can’t tell him, but they’re supposed to be partners. Brook asks what he’s going to do, and he says bury himself in work. He’s on the schedule tomorrow. She says, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. He should be with family. He has to be with family.

Valentin tells Martin, when he and Nina are married, Charlotte will have the family she always wanted; what they’ve both wanted. Like Martin cares. He’s too close to lose now. Martin admires Valentin’s determination. Valentin says, if he tells Martin, money is no object, is he willing to step outside legal boundaries, into a grey area? Martin says Grey is his last name. What does Valentin have in mind? Valentin wants eyes on Spencer. He wants to know where is, and what he’s doing. Martin says, why? If the others find the codicil before Valentin does, what happens to the boy?

Hayden shows up at Anna’s, and Anna says she thought they had Violet until tomorrow. Hayden says they do, and tells Violet, the sleepover is still on. She just thought Violet might want her blanket and a few other things that she loves. Finn says, it’s nice of her, but Violet could have gone a night without them. Hayden says, she could have, but why should she? No one should have to go without the things they love. Violet shows Hayden her gift, and says she drew Hayden a picture. Finn tells Hayden that he understands what she’s feeling. She’s not there because Violet needed her things. She’s there because she really misses Violet.

Neil tells Alexis, he doesn’t see why she needed to fix her life in the first place. She says she wanted it back on track, and he says, it was on track. She was making progress, and even managed to trust herself to try and have fun at Drag Bingo. Alexis says, it’s good to try, and he asks why not trust herself now? She has beauty, brains, a sense of humor, and an endearing personality. She says, it’s been a rough week. She could use a boost. He says he hopes she realizes she can say those things to herself instead of hearing it from someone else.

Brook tells Lucas, Thanksgiving is the one holiday not fraught with impossible expectations. It’s just turkey, football, and gratitude. Despite his marital troubles, he can still care about his family. If not Brad, Wiley. He says, it’s not that simple, and she says look at her.

Obrecht asks what Brad is doing; stop blubbering this instant. Brad says Lucas can’t know; he’s going to lose Lucas. Obrecht doesn’t quite put her arms around him, and pats his shoulder. She says, pat, pat, pat. That’s enough consolation. Man up. He made his bed, he has to lie in it, and continue to lie. He has to be strong. They both must. It’s the only way to get through this. She walks away.

Michael tells Chase, when Nelle told him that she was pregnant, he was blindsided. The relationship was already toxic by then, but he loved the idea of being a father so much, he kept his eyes on the prize. He asks if Chase has ever thought about being a father.

Willow tells Sasha, she can’t be pregnant. They’ve been careful. Sasha asks how late she is, but Willow isn’t sure. She noticed a few days ago. She’s been so busy; she may have forgotten to take her pill a few times. Sasha says she has to tell Chase. They’re a serous couple, and need to talk about what they want for the future. Willow says what if she doesn’t know what she wants. Sasha says, then they’ll figure it out together. Just be honest with him.

Martin tells Valentin, when he said grey area, it was a euphemism for… How far to the dark side does he want to go? Valentin says he’s not killing the kid, if that’s what Martin is worried about. He has to admit it’s a fair question, but he wants his great nephew happy and healthy.

Hayden says she brought Violet’s favorite book; she likes a story at bedtime. Finn says he got Eloise for Violet, and Anna says she found Robin’s old books. Hayden says, sometimes Violet gets picky, so she brought a few. Finn says it looks like a whole library, and Hayden says she brought some extra toys and clothes, and detangler; be careful brushing Violet’s hair. Finn says Hayden is only a phone call away, but Hayden says she wanted to make sure Violet felt at home. She hopes it wasn’t presumptuous. Finn says, it’s perfect. She thanks him, and asks if she can have a moment to say goodnight. Anna says they have to finish making dinner anyway, and they go to the kitchen. Hayden goes to Violet, and asks what she’s working on. Violet says she’s making a drawing, and Hayden says she’s sorry to interrupt, but can she get a hug? She holds Violet.

Valentin tells Martin, if the day ever comes that Laura announces all his worldly possessions belong to Spencer, he needs leverage. She’s convinced he’s cold-blooded. He just needs her knowing that he knows where Spencer is at any given time. She won’t risk her grandson. Is Martin in? Martin says he’ll get eyes on Spencer right away. They clink glasses, Martin downs his drink, and leaves.

Alexis puts on some makeup, and Neil says, she looks better already. She says, it’s amazing what a little concealer, bronzer, and lip gloss can do. She was about to text Molly. He says he stopped by the lab, and she asks if he found out what Kendra was adamant about having her take. Cyanide? Hemlock? He says, gingko biloba.

Brook tells Lucas, if she can put herself out there, and try to mend fences, can’t he? He says he already got put on the schedule; he can’t back down. She says he needs to put aside the business of saving everyone else’s lives, and save his family instead.

On the phone, Brad leaves a message. He says he thought they might be too busy to answer since they got their medical license back. Congratulations. And happy Thanksgiving, in case he doesn’t get a chance to call tomorrow. I miss you, Britt.

Chase says Michael doesn’t shy away from tough questions. Michael says he didn’t mean to pry, but that’s what friends are for. Chase says, Willow definitely wants kids. As for him… Sasha and Willow come back, and Chase says they thought they’d lost them to better prospects. Willow says, there aren’t any. Chase wants to show them pictures of Violet, so they can marvel at the resemblance between Violet and her favorite uncle.

Valentin calls Hayden. She looks at the phone, and Violet asks, who is it? She says, nobody she wants to talk to. She wants to take a picture. Violet puts her arms around Hayden, and she snaps a photo. She says, perfect. Just like Violet. She wants to make sure Violet knows how much mommy loves her. All the way to the sky and back, a million times over, forever. Violet says she loves Hayden all that, plus one. Hayden says, daddy is a really good man. He’ll take good care of her. She wants Violet to remember, even when she’s not there, mommy loves her more than anything and everything. Never forget that. She tells Violet that she can draw now, and tries not to cry. She puts an envelope in Violet’s backpack (I think). Finn asks if everything is okay, and Hayden says she’s good. He says, about tomorrow. Would she mind picking Violet up in the afternoon? He’d like to spend the morning with her. She says, sure; that’s perfect. He promises with every ounce of his being that he’ll take care of Violet. She says she knows. She leaves, and cries on the porch.

On the pier, the guy comes back, and grabs Nikolas. Nikolas tells him, knock it off. The guy asks how he did, and Nikolas says, he was a great success. He terrified a woman half his size. Mission accomplished. The guy says it was Nikolas’s idea, and Nikolas says, it was necessary; not for fun. The guy says he did it for the money. Now how about his bonus? Nikolas shoves an envelope at him, and says, take it and go. The guy walks.

Next time, Kendra asks what Alexis isn’t telling her, Andre tells Franco it’s not too late to change his mind, and Julian says he’s been given no choice.

The guide shows GH as being a new show tomorrow, but if it is, I probably won’t be able to recap until Friday, if at all. I’ll at least post the highlights. On Friday, ABC will be airing football. The traditional program that accompanies the after-dinner coma.

🍹 A Quick Look…

At The Real Housewives of New Jersey, which I’m only peripherally watching. Marge has to sell her property because she settled a $12 million lawsuit for $300K. I couldn’t figure that one out, but I guess she has a lot of bills to pay. She and Joe #3 also own the property next door, and since she was whining about having to sell, I wondered why she didn’t just subdivide. Melissa and Joe #2 were investigating having another baby in vitro. Melissa felt it was now or never. Jackie had a birthday party for one of her kids, and I appreciated her viewpoint. She said all kids needed for a party was, friends, pizza, and cake. The priority was that the kids have fun. Ever the competitor, that wasn’t enough for Jennifer, who said in her interview, her party would win in a popularity contest, and Jackie’s party was just like a playdate at her house. Ugh. I also continue to mix up Jackie and Jennifer, who I think should switch names. Jackie felt Teresa was bullying her – a term which seems to have a pretty loose meaning on these shows – and Teresa said Jackie was bullying her because she’d said something Teresa didn’t like, which goes way past a loose definition. The women went to Jamaica, where Jennifer separated Jackie and Marge in a hotel room away from the rest of the group. Or as Marge described it – they were in the servants’ quarters, and the others were in a mansion. To be fair, we’re talking really nice servants’ quarters, but they had to hike to where everyone else was. Jennifer couldn’t see why there was a complaint, since she’s Jennifer. Marge made an off-hand remark about Teresa liking them over 21, that Teresa let pass, but no doubt we’ll go back to it until the Apocalypse. I’m starting to resent any Housewives going on these glorious trips that they waste by being petty and fighting. Melissa was happy they got through a dinner that they actually ate, but next time, the Marge pisses Teresa off, so I’m sure there will be fireworks. And not the kind in the sky.

🍜 It’s Still About the Pasta…

I actually never questioned what it was about, which was James being out-of-his-mind drunk.

🍸 No Surprise Here…

They do drink an awful lot on Flipping Out.

🎬 Let the Holiday Viewing Commence…

I’m just going to say it. People are offended too easily these days. While I can agree with some points made in this article, it goes a bit too far to say the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp are drawn in stereotypically Asian fashion. They’re drawn like Siamese cats, and if that’s stereotypically Asian, blame the cats. Or God for making the cats. Where does it end?

🎆 From the Parade’s Mouth…

All you need to know. The best thing you need to know is, don’t have FOMO over not being there. I’ve gone twice, and you’re better off seeing it on TV. The second time wasn’t so bad. I worked in an office over the parade route, and they served bagels and mimosas. If you can snag one of those invites, go for it. For the regular parade goer, it’s a nightmare. I had to get there at 6 am, I froze my everything off, and I thought I would never get warm again. If that wasn’t enough, the balloons are scary hanging over your head, and you can see where they’ve been patched and stuff. They’re not as pretty as on TV. And you can see the obvious lip-syncing by the musical artists. Seriously. Stay where you’re comfy and warm, and can get a sandwich or go to  the bathroom.


🍗 Have a Happy Thanksgiving…

My film recommendation every year is the same – Henry Jaglom’s Eating. It has a dual storyline, the plot revolving around a birthday party for three women – one thirty, one forty, and one fifty – and a woman making a documentary about women and food at the same party. It’s a hidden gem and fabulous. Every woman should watch it, as well as all the men who would like to know women better.

November 26, 2019 – Hayden Meets With Nikolas, the OC Takes On Miami, Kelly Sets Things Straight, Finally It’s Happened To Her & Almost T-Day


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Alexis appreciates Neil’s concern, but she’s concerned. She was poisoned by something banned in the 60s. Does he really think Kendra did it? Neil says he doesn’t know Kendra, but assessing the information he does know rationally, everything points in one direction. Her life coach poisoned her.

Lulu finds Dustin and asks if he’ll sign her hall pass. He asks when she started attending the school, and she says she’s not officially enrolled, but she heard there’s an amazing English teacher, and she wants to audit the class. He says students can tell when a teacher is distracted, and she’s nothing if not distracting. He kisses her, and she says she’s not really there for class. She has a Thanksgiving card from Rocco for him. He says maybe he can wish Rocco a happy Thanksgiving in person. What are they doing on the holiday?

Cameron tells Dev, come on, dude. Just tell us. If he’s not Sonny’s cousin, who is he? Trina says, no secrets; house rules. Josslyn says, maybe some secrets are secrets for a reason. Cameron asks if she knew about this.

At the pier, Hayden flashes back to Valentin offering her a quarter million dollars to tell him what’s so important about the portrait. If she doesn’t want payment, he can exert influence in other ways. He has a skill set that he’s experienced in using, and once the money is off the table, it will get unpleasant. He’s asking her one more time if they have a deal. Her phone rings, and she asks what they want.

Valentin tells Hayden that he’s ready to wire the money, but she says she’s still setting up the account. He asks what the delay is, and she says she’s juggling a million things. He says breaking a deal with him causes substantial penalties, and she says she’ll call him. Charlotte comes in, and Valentin asks if she’s ready. She asks when she can go back to school; she misses her friends. He says he thought they weren’t taking any chances after what happened. Charlotte flashes back to Nikolas telling her that he works for her father, but the next time, he’ll be faster to save her. He wants to stay on as her bodyguard. Charlotte tells Valentin that she doesn’t have to worry. She knows she’ll be safe.

Nikolas comes downstairs, and Jax asks where he’s off to. He says he has an appointment, and Jax asks if he realizes that every time he leaves, he risks their operation. Jax wonders if Nikolas has a secret desire to be found out. Nikolas says Jax gave him a deadline for wrapping things up before New Year’s Eve. Laura comes to the door, and Jax says Nikolas is welcome to get that. Nikolas jets, and Jax says he didn’t think so. Laura says, it’s important. The situation is heating up.

Jax answers the door, and asks what brings Laura by. She says she’s assuming he got one of these, and shows him the invitation to Valentin and Nina’s wedding. Jax tells her that Nina and Valentin are going to try to get married again. She says she wasn’t invited to the first one. Does he have any idea why they requested the pleasure of her presence this time? Jax says she’s Charlotte’s grandmother, but she says, something is up. Maybe Valentin is rubbing her nose in the fact that what he has belongs to her son.

Alexis asks if Neil is giving up psychology for detective work. He wonders if she’s doubting his amateur sleuthing, and she says, emphasis on amateur. He says there was no question that thallium was in her bloodstream; the questions is, where did it come from? He asks if Julian told her about the dead rats in the alley, and she says he did. Neil asks if Julian told her that he ran into Kendra there the day before.

Lulu tells Dustin that Charlotte will be spending Thanksgiving with her father and Nina, so she and Rocco are going to the Quartermaine’s for Thanksgiving dinner. She hopes being there might keep Rocco from feeling sad about missing his dad. He asks what time dinner starts, and she says, between three and four. He says that means she has the morning free. Can he interest her in going to the Port Charles parade with him?

Dev tells them to leave Josslyn out of it. It’s his secret to tell – or not. Trina asks if Josslyn is covering for him, and Cameron asks if she’s covering, or is Dev pressuring her. Josslyn tells them, calm down. They’re all friends. Dev says he thought so. Josslyn tells Dev, they have to tell them or they’ll keep digging. Cameron asks, what’s going on? and Trina asks if there’s something wrong. Josslyn says everything is okay, but Dev isn’t exactly Sonny’s cousin.

Valentin says, after the horrible experience with Cassandra, he thought Charlotte didn’t want to rush back to school. What changed? She flashes back to telling Nikolas that she doesn’t want to lie to her papa. He says it’s not a lie if she just doesn’t tell. Please. He just wants to prove himself, and that he can keep her safe. Charlotte tells Valentin that she was afraid at first, but she knows he’ll make sure she’s safe. He says he always will; she’s his whole world. Charlotte hopes he and Nina get married this time. She wants Nina to be in the family forever. Valentin calls her his princess, and says once they make Nina the queen, they can guard the castle and make sure no dragons harm their family. He hugs her.

Nikolas shows up at the pier, and Hayden tells him, two more minutes, and he would have been there by himself. She could be spending time with her little girl and her father. What was the urgency? He says, her first. Anything to disclose? She asks what he’s talking about, and he says he got impatient yesterday. He decided to take advantage of the fact that he’s dead, and eliminate Valentin. He’s known, one way or the other, it would come down to Valentin or him, so he went to Spoon Island, and let himself in through the secret passage. But Valentin wasn’t alone; she was there. He heard every word. She should learn to negotiate. A quarter of a million dollars is nothing. She says he might think otherwise if he’d heard everything else, but he says he doesn’t know why anyone would be fool enough to trust Valentin. They could meet the same fate as Cassandra. She says she had no choice. Valentin knows that she knows something, and he won’t back off. Why did he drag her into this? He says he got her into it; let him get her out.

Jax says he assumes Laura isn’t there to discuss the invitation, and she says, no. As mayor, it was brought to her attention that for a brief time, he was a person of interest in Cassandra’s escape. He says his credit card was used to rent the van she escaped in. It was dismissed, since it was a case of identity theft. She says what she has to ask is, why his identity? He asks what her point is, and she says whoever helped Cassandra escape might have wanted to implicate Jax when she died. Then he’d be an accessory, and they’d get rid of two enemies at once. Does he think Valentin would frame him? Valentin might have figured out the potential value of the portrait. He says, all the more reason to step up their game, and find out what Ava knows. The doorbell rings, and she asks if he was expecting someone else. He says he wasn’t expecting her. It’s Colonel Sanders Martin, who introduces himself, and walks right in. He’s glad to see Laura there too, and asks if there’s any chance they could discuss a matter of mutual interest. Laura asks what that would be, and he says, a work of art. More specifically, a portrait of a lady.

Dustin tells Lulu than the band and cheer squad have been practicing for weeks, but she says he doesn’t have to go for the hard sell. Rocco loves parades. He says, what about Rocco’s mom? and she says she loves them. He asks if he can pick her up or should they meet, and she suggests he come over early. She can make pumpkin spice pancakes. He says he’ll be there, and asks how Charlotte is. She says, it’s amazing how well she’s doing, and he says, she has a strong family around her. Lulu says he’s perceptive, and he tells her, it’s the company he keeps. He knows a hotshot journalist. He’s looking forward to getting together.

Dev tells Josslyn, Sonny isn’t going to like this. Trina asks if this is a godfather situation. Is that the kind of family Dev comes from? Josslyn tells Dev that if  they don’t say anything, Trina and Cameron will think it’s worse than it actually is. Cameron says, just say it. Who is he? Dev says he’s not Dev Corbin. He’s Dev Cerci. It’s a Turkish name. Trina asks why it’s a secret, and Josslyn says, Dev is from Turkey, and he met Sonny when Sonny was searching for Dante. There was trouble, and Dev put himself on the line, so Sonny owes him. Trina asks if Sonny brought him back, but Dev says he got there on his own. Josslyn says Dev is in the country illegally, and has a fake passport. Sonny arranged for him to have a US ID, but if anyone looks too close, there could be serious trouble. Dev could get deported.

Alexis tells Neil that murder needs a motive and opportunity. He asks if Kendra didn’t supply the supplement, but Alexis says she had it tested. He says, when she first started taking it. She says she had her doctor check on the ingredients, and he says, from the first batch. She says she liked it, and it made her feel good, so she had Kendra refill it. He asks why she didn’t just order it herself, but she says it’s from Italy and she doesn’t think it’s distributed here. He wonders if Kendra told her that, and she says she didn’t see it anywhere. He asks if she saw Kendra take it, and she says she saw Kendra mix it herself from her container. He asks if she saw Kendra drink it, or could she have substituted something? She tells him, hang on, Sherlock. He’s forgetting motive. Why would Kendra want to poison her? They met randomly at a fitness boot camp for charity. He says he has to see a patient, but while he’s gone, think of the day she first felt ill, and the day she last saw Kendra. Maybe she can remember what’s wrong or right. He leaves, and Alexis ponders.

Kendra shows up, and says she’s glad to hear Alexis is on the mend. She felt inadequate, just sending her a smiley emoji. She’s been worried about Alexis, and thought she’d come and see for herself if Alexis is feeling better. Alexis says, much better. And don’t worry about the emoji. She’s used to it; she has three daughters. Kendra asks if there’s anything she can do, but Alexis says, no. Everything is good. People have been kind; her doctors, her family, Neil, even Julian. Kendra says, obviously, he still cares about Alexis. Alexis says Julian came by to talk about… She wants to change the subject. Does Kendra go to Charlie’s sometimes? Kendra says, it’s true. She does enjoy the occasional Manhattan. She hopes that doesn’t make Alexis doubt her commitment to a healthy lifestyle. She says Alexis should elongate her spine, and starts messing with the pillows.

Trina asks what about Dev’s family? Don’t they miss him? Dev says it was better for him to come there. Sonny said he’d help him, and give him a shot at a better life. Josslyn says, they can’t mess up with Dev’s story, even for a second. Cameron says Dev hasn’t perfected it yet. What about political asylum? Josslyn says, it’s too late for that. Dev got in with a fake passport. To apply legally, he’d have to leave, and then apply under his real name. It could take years. Cameron says he’s stuck with being Dev Corbin forever. Josslyn says, only a few people know. Her mom, Sonny, her dad, Jason, and now them. They have to be together. No one says anything; no one makes a mistake. Dustin comes to the door, and Dev blocks it. They scramble into their seats, and Dev jumps into his, leaving the door. Dustin comes in, and says, okay. What’s going on?   

Lulu goes to Windymere to get Charlotte, and asks how Charlotte is feeling. Charlotte says she’s fine, and Valentin say,s she’s nothing if not resilient. Charlotte says she wants to go back to school, and Lulu doesn’t see why not, but Valentin says he’ll send Lulu a text about it later. Lulu says Spencer girls are fierce. Valentin tells Charlotte to stick close to her mother, and they leave. Valentin looks at his phone, and says, the clock is ticking, Hayden.

Martin says he represents a client who prefers to remain anonymous. They’re an art lover with eclectic taste, and acquired a portrait by J. Garran, purchased from the Jerome gallery. He’s heard they share an interest in the artist, and his client is open to hearing their best offer. Jax says he’s not making an offer sight unseen. How does he even know they’re in possession of it? Martin opens his briefcase, and says, seeing is believing. He shows them a picture of the portrait. I’m wondering why this should be enough to prove it.

Nikolas gives Hayden his jacket, and she asks why he’s being so nice to her. He says there was a genuine connection between them once. That’s why he contacted her. He needed allies in Port Charles, so he could roam freely, but he also wanted to make amends, and give her a cut of what he stands to get from Valentin. It’s significantly more than $250,000. She appreciates his good intentions, but says that’s not going to protect her from Valentin. He says he can protect her. She can leave before Valentin knows she’s gone. He can have her identity scrubbed clean, and she can have a fresh start where Valentin will never find her. How soon can she leave? She says, never.

Hayden says she’s come too far and sacrificed too much. Her daughter has finally met her father, and their future is there. Nikolas says, it’s a fantasy. The only way to keep her daughter safe is to disappear. She says he brought her there knowing the risk. Now he says it’s too great? Why should she trust him? She still has the scar from when he tried to kill her. He says, it cuts both ways. That’s the past, and they need to look at what’s happening now. Her best, her only option, is to leave, and he can make that happen. She says, thanks, but no thanks. She has too many reasons to stay. She starts to walk away.

Martin says, J. Garran isn’t known for his brushstrokes or lighting. It’s the puzzles he puts in his paintings; the riddles his devotees love to solve. Jax asks how he knows it’s even intact. Laura asks if the canvas and frame are in pristine condition, and Martin says, authentication will be provided when an offer is made. Laura asks the name of his client, and Martin says, as he explained, they want to remain anonymous. Laura says she has a problem with that. She holds public office, and needs to know who she’s doing business with. Martin says she’ll be doing business with him. Think about it, but don’t wait too long. The painting is in great demand. He tells them that he’ll see himself out. He leaves, and Jax and Laura look at each other.

At the café, Lulu shows Charlotte pictures of Donna, Wiley, and Rocco. She tells Charlotte that Olivia claims she’s cooking a turkey dinner, but she doesn’t believe it. Charlotte asks why she thinks Olivia can’t cook turkey, and Lulu says, the Quartermaines have a terrible track record when it comes to Thanksgiving. When Charlotte is eating dinner with her papa and Nina, they’ll be eating pizza. (One of the things I look forward to every year, along with how Lucy will lose her clothes at the Nurses Ball.) Charlotte says, Leo loves pizza. Lulu says she and Rocco have a busy day planned, and asks if Charlotte wants to join them at the parade. Charlotte says she and her papa have a whole day planned too. She asks if Dustin will be at the parade, and Lulu asks how she knows about Dustin. Charlotte says he’s Lulu’s special friend, isn’t he? Lulu says, he’s a friend, and he’s special, but they’re still getting to know each other. Is Charlotte okay with that? Charlotte says, she likes Dustin, and Lulu says she’s glad to hear it. She likes Dustin too.

Dustin asks if Mr. Rosenberg is on a break, and Train says he is. He asks for how long, and she says, a while. He ask if they’re planning on taking over the lunchroom, and staging a walk-out because there’s no sushi, and Josslyn says, that’s it. Dustin says they broke the rules, and they’re here to learn to take responsibility for the consequences when they make bad choices. The choices they make could cause harm to them or someone else. Have they thought about that? Cameron says they have, and Dustin says Cameron was already on probation, and stands to lose the most. Does he have anything else to say? If there are any other choices they’re wrestling with, now’s the time to say so.

Kendra says, now that Alexis is on the mend, she’ll be out soon, and back on her feet in no time. Alexis says she’s not rushing back into working out without doctor’s orders. Kendra asks if it was a bug, and Alexis says she was poisoned by thallium. It’s been banned for decades, but was used as rat poison. The police believe that it was deliberate. Someone is trying to kill her.

Nikolas tells Hayden, some people have been blown to bits. That’s how far Valentin is willing to go to protect himself. Once she tells him what he wants to know, she’s expendable. She says she can’t leave. Violet has never had a real home, or known her family. Now that she’s been introduced to her father, Hayden isn’t taking that away. It’s not fair. Nikolas says, it isn’t, but it’s temporary. Once he’s found the codicil, and reclaimed the estate, Valentin will be powerless. He won’t be able to touch her. Right now, the closer Violet is, the more danger she’s in. 

On the phone, Valentin says he’s a patient man. He wants them to move on this. They know what to do. Do it.

Jax tells Laura, something’s not right. They were just talking about what Ava did with the painting, and Martin shows up wanting to sell it. Laura says, it’s convenient. An anonymous client bought it to sell it to them? Jax says he should act quickly. Martin said there was a lot of interest. It has to be Valentin. He could know the codicil is in the portrait. Laura says he didn’t know when he had it thrown out. He did ask about it a couple of times, so he must have realized it’s important. Jax doubts he realizes the codicil strips him of the estate. Martin rings the bell again. He apologizes, saying he was in such a hurry to report back, he left the picture. He picks it up off the coffee table, and I’m betting there’s a mic in the frame. He says he hopes he hears from them soon. He leaves, and Laura wonders what they was about. I say, what that was about is, you stupid.

Cameron tells Dustin that he thinks he can speak for everyone in saying they’re totally committed to making the right choices, even if those choices are unpopular. Trina adds, and even if their friends don’t understand the cost. Josslyn says, that’s what real friends do. Dustin is glad they’re willing to hold themselves accountable. They seem to have gotten something out of it. He tells them if Mr. Rosenberg isn’t back by the end of the period, they’re free to go. He leaves, and Dev thanks Cameron. Cameron says, not so fast. Dev might not like what he has to say next.

Kendra wonders who would do such a thing, and Alexis says she keeps wondering that herself. Kendra says it’s going to cause stress, and it’s the last thing Alexis needs while she’s recovering. She suggests doing cleansing breaths, but Alexis says she’s feeling tired. Kendra says, before she goes, she has something that will help Alexis relax, and give her a sense of well-being. She hands Alexis a capsule, but Alexis doesn’t think it’s a good idea to mix it with the medication. Kendra says, it’s totally holistic, like this makes a difference. She tells Alexis, just swallow, and she’ll start to feel more alive. Neil comes back, and asks what Kendra is doing there. Kendra says she was just checking in, and Neil says, the doctors were pretty clear that Alexis needs rest. Kendra says she was just on her way out, and tells Alexis, get better soon. She can’t wait for them to get back to work. She leaves, and Neil asks if Alexis is okay. She says, she didn’t swallow it, and Neil says, what? She shows him the capsule, and says Kendra gave her something to relax. He’s glad she didn’t take it, and she says his suspicion is contagious  That doesn’t make Kendra guilty though – yet. She asks him to take it to the lab and have it analyzed. See if he’s right.

Cameron is sorry he pressured Dev to tell his secret. Obviously, it would be better if they didn’t know, but there’s no turning back. Trina says, if Dev goes down, they all do. Josslyn says they have to make sure he’s not caught. Cameron says they have each other’s backs, and need to trust each other not to tell another living soul – no matter what. They touch hands, and they swear.

Lulu tells Charlotte that she’s grabbing their order, and to stay there. She’s going to be two feet away, and make sure Charlotte is safe. Charlotte says, she’s perfectly safe, and Lulu says, she’s a Spencer girl after all. Charlotte looks at Lulu’s pictures, and sees one of Nikolas. She flashes back to him saying there are bad people out there, and he promises to get rid of every last one of them.

Hayden throws Nikolas’s jacket back at him. She says it’s her life and her child. Get out. He says he’ll go, but know that the more she drags it out, the more danger she’s in. In spite of their rocky past, he doesn’t want to see her or her daughter in harm’s way. He leaves her alone on the pier.

Jax tells Laura, they can’t look too eager. He’ll have to offer below market value. Laura says when Valentin finds out, what’s to stop him from making a counter-offer? She looks at Martin’s card.

Martin arrives at Windymere, and Valentin asks if he was successful. Martin says, tell him, and plays a recording of Jax saying, the codicil to Valentin’s father’s will is hidden in Helena’s portrait. Told you.

Hayden stands on the pier, and flashes back to telling Finn about Violet being born, and how she was named after his favorite flower. Every smile, every expression reminded her of him. She takes out her phone, and says, Finn, pick up. He’s the only one she trusts. Someone grabs her from behind.

Tomorrow, Lucas tells Brad to come clean, Sasha talks to Willow, Valentin has no intention of losing anything, and Nikolas tells Hayden that she has to leave now.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Kelly meets Braunwyn who said woke up 6 am, and was already running late. The only time I see 6 am is when it’s because I’ve stayed up until then. Braunwyn says she and Sean are going to Miami on Sunday, and she’s not prepared. Kelly says she doesn’t want go. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says Kelly is her friend, and she wants Kelly to go. She tells Kelly that she doesn’t have to hang out with Tamra, Vicki, or Shannon. In Kelly’s interview, she says, that’s not a vacation; it’s Game of Thrones. She tells Braunwyn, they’re like The Witches of Eastwick. In her interview, she says they have all the characteristics of witches. They have the cackle – we flash back to each of them… well, yeah, they’re cackling – and they plot and plan. She tells Braunwyn, these bitches better stay in their lane and stop picking on her. Braunwyn knows they won’t, and Kelly says, Tamra is so two-faced, it’s ridiculous.

Tamra and Gina go shopping for bathing suits. I’m going to be the first to say it tonight. Gina needs to lose that blonde hair. The shade is bad for her, and it looks over-processed. I don’t know if she didn’t spend enough on a hairdresser, did it herself, or what, but it’s a huge no. Tamra says her competition days are over, and we flash back to her strutting her stuff. Gina asks how long they’re staying, and Tamra says, it’s only one night in Miami. Gina asks if she’s talked to Kelly, and Tamra says she hasn’t. It’s been three weeks since Kelly trash talked her to everybody. The first time she sees Kelly, it’s going to be totally awkward.

Kelly tells Braunwyn, they have a gang mentality. Tamra’s been talking about Kelly’s mom and repeating rumors. She yelled at Vicki, saying repeating a rumor is the same as telling one, and then does it herself. Braunwyn says something about these women as a group brings this out. She thinks if Kelly dealt with them individually, they can get through it. Kelly says they’re obviously not her friends. Braunwyn tells her, stop engaging with them, and just hang with her. Kelly says it doesn’t work, and she doesn’t like it. They say she fights dirty. They should shut up first, then she will.

Tamra tells Gina, something flips in Kelly. When she thinks someone has done something to her, if it’s true or not, she goes ballistic. In Gina’s interview, she says, Kelly gets mad, and tries to destroy people. She involved herself in Jim Bellino’s lawsuit. Kelly has been reaching out to Jim. We see tweets from Kelly with hashtags to Jim. Tamra says she’s not stooping to that level, and I laugh so hard, I almost fall out of my chair. In my head. Gina says, step away, have some shots, and some hot Miami men. Tamra says Gina can do the last one; she can’t.

Braunwyn says she knows Tamra loves Kelly. You only get that angry at people you love. Kelly says Tamra doesn’t love her.

Tamra says, Kelly doesn’t think. She’s only as smart as the last person she’s talked to. She feels Kelly has crossed the line.

Braunwyn says if Kelly is done after the trip, she won’t talk her out of it, but she wants Kelly to give it one more shot. At least then she tried. Is she in? Kelly says she is. In her interview, Kelly says, she’s not letting the three amoebas (ha-ha-ha!) get in the way of her fun.

Shannon calls lawyer Ben from the car, and tells him that she’ll be there in ten minutes. In her interview, she says the divorce was filed two years ago. It’s such a shame they had to fight. It should have been easier to move on. The first few days, you try to settle, and today is the last day. Either they settle or go to trial. The process has been so nasty and emotional, she can’t wait to clean her hands of the marriage and move on with her life. We flash back to David being a jerk, moving on to being fake, and then being a jerk again. We see Shannon at the reunion, saying they’re not together anymore, and they’re getting a divorce. She says it makes her want to pull her hair and cry her eyes out, knowing there are people who want her to get nothing. It frightens her to death.

In another car, Tamra tells Gina that Vicki has a surprise for them. Gina says Vicki invited everyone over, except Kelly. Tamra says, and Braunwyn. She nearly said something, and Braunwyn didn’t know about it.

Emily arrives at Vicki’s first, and Tamra and Gina follow. In Gina’s interview, she says she had no idea what Vicki’s surprise is. It could be an I’m taking you on vacation surprise, or a COTO insurance education class surprise, where they have to buy insurance at the end. Vicki says Shannon is going to be late, and makes a big deal of fanning herself because it’s hot. Gina grabs Vicki’s hand, saying, is she serious? Vicki says she got engaged. In her interview, Vicki says, this happened, and shows us her ring. In Tamra’s interview, she says, Vicki’s love tank is full. In Emily’s interview, she says Vicki sold a lot of insurance to buy that ring. Vicki tells them, two nights ago, Steve suggested they just have a quiet dinner. In her interview, she says that Steve told her that he just wanted to be with her, and they both started crying. She tells the women that Steve said he loves her, and his family loves her, and he wants her to be his wife. Shannon joins them. Tamra tells Vicki the pictures don’t do the ring justice. In Shannon’s interview, she says she’s over the moon for Vicki. She believes in love and romance, and knows she’ll get married again, and has a happy life ahead. Shannon says, it’s done; she signed the papers. Things were contentious, but today, David was being nice. In her interview, she says the final settlement was about in the middle of the high and low points she thought she’d be. Today, she was coming from a place where she might get nothing. She tells them, before she got there, she got an email from David. He said he’s proud of what she’s done, and hopes they can move forward. He wants the best for her. She says it’s what she wanted him to say when they were married. Emily says, validation, and they toast. Vicki says they’re going to have fun, eat, and then celebrate. They go inside to eat. Tamra says Shannon is going to piss all over Key West. In Shannon’s interview, she says it’s going to be Shannon Storms time there, and she’s not thinking about David’s affair. Gina tells them about Matt bringing her breakfast in bed and flowers. In Gina’s interview, she says Matt is bringing his A-game. He’s trying to woo her. Emily asks if she feels the change is permanent, and Gina says he’ll never sh*t on her again. In Emily’s interview, she says, Gina and Matt are the worst divorcing couple ever. They want a divorce, and want to get back together. As a former divorce attorney, she hasn’t seen this. People who come for a divorce, usually want a divorce. Shannon tells Vicki that she forgot about Braunwyn, even though Braunwyn invited her to Miami. Vicki says she doesn’t know Braunwyn, and Tamra says, you really get to know people when you travel together. Vicki asks about Kelly, and Tamra says she doesn’t know. Legally, she and Shannon can’t talk to her. In Tamra’s interview, she says their attorneys advised them not to talk to Kelly, which isn’t the same thing, so as usual, Tamra is making it up as she goes along. Shannon says, anything they say can be used against them, and Tamra says she’ll never be Kelly’s friend again.

Braunwyn asks Sean for Miami outfit advice. They’re going early, and she’s looking forward to a few stress-free days with her husband. She doesn’t wear a lot in Miami. Everything she has is Vegas stripper. She says Sean learned about fashion with her careful tutoring. When she met him, he was wearing overalls, with one side unbuttoned. Sean asks if she thinks Kelly is coming, and she says she’s hoping they work through it. Vicki just got engaged. She invited everyone over but her and Kelly. Vicki is mad at Kelly, and to quote her, Braunwyn doesn’t exist. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says she and Vicki don’t have a relationship, but they have mutual friends. Braunwyn wants Vicki to be nice and pleasant, and maybe learn her name. Sean says, the trip will help. They can laugh and have fun. Braunwyn doesn’t understand how they can be so intense with each other, but still close. It’s almost like they’re married. She and Sean fight, but then have sex, and it disappears. Because of Tamra, Braunwyn can’t make out with the others.

Tamra bikes to Vicki’s. Briana, Ryan, Michael, Owen, and Walter the pug are there. In vicki’s interview, she says Briana moving away was her worst nightmare. In Briana’s interview, she says her life in North Carolina is amazing. It’s been her best year healthwise in ten or twelve years. She’s getting good medical care from the best lupus practice in the nation. She’s been on the keto diet, and lost sixty pounds, and there’s less stress. Vicki tells Steve, they went from a quiet house to dogs and kids. Vicki asks when Steve thinks they should get married, and he says, next year. Briana asks if Vicki is changing her name, and Vicki says, absolutely. Tamra jogs in, and hugs Briana. In her interview, Tamra says Briana is like a daughter to her. They met when Briana was young. She ask if Briana thinks they’ll ever move back, and Briana says, f*** no. Tamra asks when they’re having another kid, and Ryan says, last night. Vicki says, they consummated their marriage downstairs? and Briana says, they’ve been married eight years. Vicki leaves to get her camera. In her interview, Tamra says, she and Briana came together when Vicki was dating Brooks; they knew he wasn’t good for her. We flash back to them discussing him. She’s happy Vicki is with such a good guy. She tells Briana that Vicki has changed since she’s been with Brooks. She’s said before that Vicki is a chameleon dater. In Briana’s interview, she says Vicki’s relationship with Don was good. They got married when she and her brother were still little, and Vicki and Don raised them. But she doesn’t feel they were ever truly in love. Brooks was all passion (ew! thanks for the visual), but there was nothing else. No respect; nothing else that makes a true relationship. Vicki comes back out with the camera, and Tamra takes a family picture. Steve wonders if he should stand where he could be cut out of the photo later if something happens.

Braunwyn and Sean are already in Miami. Sean says, it’s so cool. It’s like group therapy for the women. Braunwyn says if they can’t have fun in Miami, they can’t have fun. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says when she and Sean lived in Miami as a couple, they always wanted to be fun, and have crazy nights and days. The city was made for her. She says, it’s the right environment, and there’s tons of alcohol. Sean says it’s awesome there. Braunwyn seriously lives in a dream world. Maybe she has to, with all those kids. With tons of alcohol, it’s never going to be the right environment for these women.

Tamra calls Braunwyn while she’s packing, and asks what she needs other than a bathing suit. Braunwyn says, a sexy dress. It’s humid, so no matter what, she’ll be sweating. Bleh.

Vicki dumps sand out of her suitcase from wherever she went last time.

Sophie suggests Shannon bring lingerie, and a T-shirt with a motorcycle that says, put something exciting between your legs. Shannon says, honest to God.

In the car, Emily says she knows Kelly doesn’t want to go. Kelly says she’s not scared of Tamra or Shannon. Braunwyn was her friend first.

Tamra tells Shannon, she doesn’t know how to predict Kelly will act. She’s not even having any eye contact with her. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it should be an interesting trip, with no talking. Shannon says Kelly is afraid of them, but Tamra says she doesn’t think Kelly is afraid of anything.

Everyone gets to the airport. Shannon says, come on. Florida, we’re coming for you.

Braunwyn gets champagne and flowers for Vicki. In her interview, she says, Vicki has found love, and it’s a peace offering. Question mark over my head, since Braunwyn didn’t do anything to Vicki.

Shannon is not excited to see Kelly. Braunwyn meets them in Miami, with two convertibles to take them to the hotel. In Gina’s interview, she says she’s not surprised about the two Maseratis. Braunwyn tends to be bougie, but she’s not upset about it. Kelly says Gina had better hold on to her hair, but everyone’s hair is whipping. This is why I hate convertibles.

They get to the hotel, and are met with welcome mojitos. Braunwyn says everyone has their own room. They can freshen up, and then she’s taking them to her favorite club. Vicki sees the flowers and champagne, and says, fancy. She opens the card, and it says, congratulations on your engagement – welcome to Miami. She calls Steve, and tells him about the card. She pops the champagne, scaring herself. Sean tells Braunwyn, so far, so good. There’s magic in the Miami air. Tamra and Shannon check out the terrace, and Tamra says, don’t let Kelly out on the balcony, or stand too close. You never know who could get pushed off. Kelly calls Brian, and says they’re clubbing it up tonight. Emily tells Gina the room is very Miami, and wonders if she should move there. Vicki goes to Braunwyn’s room to thank her, saying it was super cool. Braunwyn hopes they get it right this time. In Vicki’s interview, she says she’d like to start fresh. She and Braunwyn have nothing in common, but if she gets presents, she’ll take it.

They women meet in the lobby. In Kelly’s interview, she refers to Shannon, saying, women over fifty don’t need to be wearing extensions. It looks ridiculous. They go to the Club Eleven, which Braunwyn says is a strip club. Well, there are strippers, but I wouldn’t consider this a strip club. They drink, take selfies, and dance. Gina is liking Miami. They make it rain for the strippers, and in Emily’s interview, she says she likes to further education for women. You make that money. You pay that tuition. Tamra dances on a ledge, and Vicki says, it’s Tequila Tamra, telling her to get down. In Kelly’s interview, she says Tamra still thinks she’s twenty. Have some decorum, at least for your grandchildren. Kelly asks Shannon why she’s mad at her, and Shannon says she can’t hear over the music. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it’s classic Kelly. She starts sh*t, then wonders what’s going on. She’s not having this conversation right now. On the way to the taxi, Shannon says she doesn’t go to the club, but tonight she went to the club. Some of them put on hats from the club. Kelly says she’s all about change, but Gina should get rid of the blonde. She tells Shannon that she needs to cut her hair; it looks like sh*t. Shannon asks if she can’t be nice for a second. She was trying to be different because they’re in Miami, but she’s glad Kelly told her that she looks like sh*t. Kelly says sorry if Shannon is offended. She was just trying to make her look better. She’s like sixty, and has to cut it short. Geez. I wasn’t crazy about it either, but that’s a pretty ageist and across-the-board remark.

The next morning, Braunwyn is saying goodbye to Sean. Gina calls, and says she and the others are by the pool, talking sh*t about them. Get down there. Sean tells Braunwyn, she’s on her own, and she’ll be fine. She says she misses him already. She’s going over to Shannon’s room once he leaves.

Shannon tells Braunwyn that Kelly said her hair looked like sh*t. Braunwyn says she thinks Kelly meant it as constructive criticism. Shannon says a lot people thought she looked cute. She doesn’t give a f*** what Kelly thinks. At the pool, Gina say she had fun with Kelly, and thinks she has a good heart. Tamra says, Kelly is mean. Gina says she thinks it has something to do with Kelly’s childhood, and Tamra says that’s why she kept sticking up for Kelly, but when it doesn’t stop and you’re in your forties, you can’t fix it. There need to be boundaries. Braunwyn joins them, and says Shannon isn’t happy about Kelly’s comment that her hair looked like sh*t.

Gina goes to the bar, where Kelly is sitting, and asks what she’s doing. Kelly says, working, and Gina sits down. The bartender asks what she’d like, and she says, a good time. Braunwyn tells Kelly that she wants her to be included. She feels bad, since she begged Kelly to come on the trip. In her interview, Braunwyn says she wants everyone to get along. She wants miracles. Braunwyn tells Shannon that she and Kelly have a friendship; they should talk. Shannon says she didn’t do anything, and Braunwyn tells Kelly that her talking to Jim hurt Shannon. We see a clip of Shannon saying that what Kelly did is financially devastating to her and Tamra. I wish they’d explain this better. I doubt anything Kelly said caused Jim to appeal. He seems like a sore loser, and if he’s using her tweets as the basis, he would have just found something else. Kelly says she didn’t do anything wrong. In Kelly’s interview, she says the case against Shannon was dismissed. She’s just looking for a way to be mad at Kelly because Tamra is mad at her. Braunwyn calls Shannon over, and says she’s upset because of the Jim thing. Kelly says she didn’t say anything, and Shannon says Kelly immersed herself in the case. Kelly says she was backed against a wall. People need to shut up. Shannon says it has nothing to do with her. Tamra says it has to do with her, and Kelly repeats that she was backed against a wall. Tamra brought up the train, and said she’d broke someone’s hand. She said it to Shannon. Tamra also said she threw her mom down the stairs. Tamra says, Vicki said that, and screeches that she was sticking up for Kelly. What doesn’t she get? Kelly says, Tamra was repeating what was said. Shannon says they have real live sh*t going on, and Kelly says, don’t talk about her. People who tell lies, get sued. Tamra walks away, and Braunwyn sits down. Tamra says, Kelly is dirty AF. Shannon says this is why they don’t want to talk to Kelly. Tamra tells Kelly to s*ck d*ck for money, since that’s what she does best. Because Tamra wants another lawsuit on her hands. These women are getting so tiresome. They’re making Beverly Hills look good.

Next time, Key West, Kelly feels stupid for taking the bait again, and Gina finds out Vicki contacted the woman Kelly got in a fight with. Kelly says Michael has a lot of dirt that could implode Vicki’s engagement.

👂 Repeating a Rumor Is Just As Bad…

But how about listening to it in the first place?

💍 She Finally Did It…

Congratulations, Tinsley! I hope it sticks this time.

🍗 Almost Here…

The four-day weekend.








November 25, 2019 – The Port Charles Breakfast Club, the Return Of Rhylee, Meghan’s Misery Drags On, a Queen & Her Pups, VanderTrailer, Utah Wives & a Birthday


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Neil visits Alexis, who’s with Monica. He says he’s sorry to interrupt, but Monica says she was just leaving. Alexis asks how he is, and he says he was about to ask her the same thing. She says other than recovering from rat poisoning, being in this bed, and her daughter in prison for manslaughter, she’s just fine. He says, hold up. Rat poison?

Cameron, Trina, Josslyn, and Dev sit in detention. Cameron asks if Dustin is coming back, and Trina says, that’s the scam. He leaves for coffee, and comes back in time to collect their essays. Josslyn asks if Trina has been there before, but Trina says it’s her first time – thanks. Dev makes a paper airplane out of his essay, and launches it at Cameron, saying he shouldn’t even be there. Cameron says he’s sorry he got drunk and dragged Dev into it. How many times does he have to apologize? Dev asks how many apologies he has left, and Cameron says he’s fresh out. Trina says, it’s going to be a very long day.

At the hospital, Julian sees Elizabeth at the reception desk. He says he’s putting together a surprise for Brad and Lucas, and asks if he can see their schedules. He wants to know when they’re off at the same time. She says, absolutely not, but she’ll check for him. She looks on the computer, and says, Lucas is a sweetheart. He volunteered to work on Thanksgiving. Julian says, all day? Without Brad?

Franco goes to Monica’s office. She says she thought he already moved with Kim, and he says, about that. They need to talk.

At Turning Woods, Stella asks Mike how he’s feeling. He’s fiddling with some shoe laces, and doesn’t look up. She asks if he needs help. Sonny and Carly come in, and Sonny says Stella is there bright and early. Carly asks how Mike is doing, and Stella says, it’s not a good day. Sonny says he’s used to seeing Mike live in the past, but Stella says, it’s worse than that. They go over to Mike, and Sonny says, hey, dad. Look who he brought. Carly says, long time, no see, but he looks at them blankly.

Alexis tells Neil that TJ put the symptoms together, and found out it was thallium poisoning. It was banned in 1965, but they did a lab test, and he was right. Neil says she looks better, and she says, the cure is blue paint; Prussian blue to be exact. It’s pretty, and she’s alive. Neil says if it was banned, it’s not because of a careless exterminator, and Alexis says they believe it was deliberate. Neil asks, who would do that? and she says she’s a lawyer. They’re not known for making friends. TJ comes in, and Alexis says she was just singing his praises. Neil tells him, well done. TJ says he’s glad his guess was the right one, and Alexis asks what brings him by. He says he was hoping she might have a minute, and Neil says he’ll go get some coffee. He leaves, and Alexis says, before TJ tells her what he’s got to say, she saw the look between them. It wasn’t subtle. What’s up? He wants to talk about Molly.

Julian thanks Elizabeth, and she asks if he’s heard from Kim. He says, no, and he doesn’t expect to. They’re definitely over. She says there are some things he doesn’t know about Franco that affect Kim, but he says it’s not in him to talk about Kim. There’s just scorched earth between them.

Dev and Trina play basketball with crumpled paper balls and the trash can. Josslyn says Dev is being a jerk; it’s his default setting. Cameron says that’s not why he’s worked up. He tells Josslyn that he’s sorry. He should have never talked her into drinking. She points to the board with the essay topic, and says, how your actions affect those around you, and how you can do better. He didn’t pour it down her throat though. Cameron says he was stupid, and Trina says, they were all stupid. Dev says, except him. He was downright heroic, but he got punished anyway. He  doesn’t know how he could do any better. He was selfless. Josslyn tells him to write that down, and Dustin might give him the answer. Trina asks how Dev intends to do better.

Franco tells Monica, when they met, she was looking to know Drew. He says, if there’s anything he can tell her, or any questions he can answer to help ease the pain of her loss, he’ll be glad to. She says she’d like that very much.

Carly asks Mike if he needs help with the laces. He asks where they go, and she says she can show him. Sonny says Mike is having a bad day; worse than the last time. Stella says the nurse told her it varies significantly from day to day. Sonny says she told him that too. Carly tells Mike, he’s all set, and he smiles. Stella tells Sonny when she saw him yesterday, Mike thought he was a young man with his whole life ahead of him. Does Sonny remember when they started this journey, what she told him about forgiveness? Sonny says she told him that he needed to forgive his dad for leaving him. Stella says, and to forgive himself for letting him leave.

Elizabeth tries to tell Julian about Franco, but he tells her, don’t. He can’t tear himself apart about those two, and she shouldn’t either. She should close that chapter of her life, move on, and survive. That’s what he’s doing.

TJ tells Alexis, this is very traditional; old school. He has the deepest respect for her and Molly. He loves Molly more every day, and wants to cement… She says, cement? He amends it to, secure their future. He wants to ask Alexis’s permission to ask Molly for her hand in marriage. So what does she say? Alexis says he doesn’t want to do that.

They kids lie in a circle on the floor, their heads pointed toward the middle, eating potato chips. I guess we’re going Breakfast Club here. Cameron says, sour cream and onion; the least imaginative flavor. What about barbecue sauce? Josslyn says she likes it on French fries. Which brings her to the question, which flavor is their favorite? Cameron says, original, and Josslyn asks, how can that be less boring? He says, it’s pure and honest. Just potato with a dash of salt. Trina says her favorite is sea salt and vinegar. Josslyn says her mom likes those, but they taste sour. Trina says if she has them on a sandwich, it will change her life. (My favorite is dill pickle, but I make a mental note to try Trina’s suggestion.) Josslyn asks what about Dev? and Dev says it’s going to be a shock, but he agrees with Cameron. The best ones are the original. Josslyn says all varieties are going to be at her Lady and the Tramp viewing party (and she makes a plug for Disney+). Trina says they need to have spaghetti and meatballs too. Cameron says, it’s a cartoon, but Trina says, it’s live action. Cameron says, dogs eating spaghetti, and Josslyn tells him not to question how they do it. It will also be their post-detention consolation party.

Monica tells Franco that traditionally the Quartermaines get together on Thanksgiving, and she’d like him to join them. He asks if she’s sure it’s a good idea. She says it’s a chance to be with the family, and if circumstances were different, they’d be his family. She’d love for him to be there. He’s not sure everyone else feels the same way, but she says, who cares? It’s her house. He thanks her, and says, there’s one other thing. The Navy put his personal effects in a storage locker in San Diego. Maybe she’d like to pass them along to Drew’s daughter. Monica is sure Scout would love to have them. She knows she would too.

Mike works on a jigsaw puzzle. Sonny tries to help, and Mike yells, no! It’s his puzzle. He calls Sonny Anthony, and tells him to find his own. Sonny sits, and Mike puts his head in his hands. Carly tells Stella, this is more than just a bad day. Stella says the staff told her that Mike has suffered significant cognitive decline. Carly says, it’s weird. It’s taking forever, yet it’s happening all at once. Stella says, the disease progresses at an uneven pace. Carly asks if he’ll have good days again, and Stella says, it depends on how you define good. Days when he’s living in the past, but in happy memories, are a different good, but it only gets harder from there. Mike tells Sonny, that’s how you do it. He’s too young. When he’s older, Mike will teach him how to do it. Stella tells Mike that it’s time for her to say goodbye now. She wants to tell him how much she enjoyed his friendship. He gets up, and asks if she can take Anthony with her. Anthony is getting in his way. Stella tells him, Anthony’s mom is coming in a little bit, and asks if Mike can keep him a little longer. Mike says, okay, fine, but he’s not letting Anthony have his ice cream. Sonny says he doesn’t want any, and Mike says he’s a liar. He’ll try to take some, but Mike won’t let him. Carly says she thinks there’s enough for everyone. Stella tells Mike it was good seeing him, and Mike takes her hand, saying he’ll see her around the neighborhood. She kisses his forehead, and he smiles. Sonny and Carly walk Stella to the door, and Sonny says they can’t begin to thank her for everything she’s done. She says, it was an honor to know him. She’s crying, and a sob bursts out of me. Carly says Mike loves her; she knows that. Stella says she promised Mike a long time ago, when this time came she’d speak for him, and tell them both that he loves them, and how much he needs them to do what’s important for him, and help him say goodbye. As hard as it is, they’ll be able to do that for him because Sonny is a good son. Sonny and Carly hug her, and Carly says they’re so grateful. She’s always welcome in their family. Stella tells them to take good care of the children.

TJ says he doesn’t want to what? and Alexis says he doesn’t want to ask permission to marry Molly. He loves her, but they’re talking Molly. She tells him to sit, and says, when Molly was eight years old, they watched Fiddler on the Roof together. By the time it was over, Molly said she was going to take down the patriarchy. He says, at eight years old? and she says, yes. Molly used that word. The three daughters were her heroes because they defied family, faith, and tradition to make their own choices. So no permission. She loves the old school approach, but if he asked Molly about Alexis giving permission for her hand, she’d say it wasn’t Alexis’s to give. TJ says she’s so right. He doesn’t know why he didn’t see it. She says he was caught up in the romance. For the record. Molly is romantic too. She loves the knights and damsels, as long as they rescue each other equally. Now he has to figure out a way for Molly to say yes. TJ thanks her for helping him. She says, that’s what future mothers-in-law do. He doesn’t need her blessing, but should they decide to get married, they have it. He says he’ll take it, and she tells him, good luck. He hugs her, and leaves.

The kids are now playing volleyball, using overturned chairs as a net. Trina wonders, which is worse; telling your greatest secret or telling someone who doesn’t like you that you like them? Cameron says, for some people, it’s the same thing. Trina says, not for her. Cameron says tell them her great secret, and she says, last year she took a DNA test as part of a project, and it said she had a direct relative there in Port Charles. It’s crazy, since her mother is the only relative she’s ever had there. Josslyn asks if she’s met them, but Trina says, what if they’re a crazy freak? Dev says, what if they’re a gazillionaire looking for a long, lost heir? She says, that doesn’t happen, and it’s not worth the risk. She shut it down. Cameron says, that’s not a secret; it’s something she hasn’t told them. She says, it’s all she’s got. What about Cameron? Josslyn asks, what’s his secret?

Julian sees Neil with two coffees, and asks if one of those is for Alexis. Neil says it is, and Julian says, she must be feeling better. Neil says, let it suffice to say they’ve figured out what’s wrong and she’s expected to fully recover. Julian says, she must be relieved, and Neil says, to a point. She got sick because she ingested rat poison, and there’s almost no way it could be by accident. Julian says there were dead rats in the alley behind Charlie’s, and he thinks they were poisoned as well.

Carly wonders why Sonny didn’t tell her about Mike sooner, and he says he just thought it was a run of bad days. Some days were good, and Mike was his normal self, flirting with the nurses, and tending to Yvonne. He just hoped Mike would get better. Carly understands wanting that, but it’s not going to happen. They’ve discussed how the disease is progressing. Now there will be bad days or worse days. Sonny thought they could hold it off a little longer. Mike stares into space, breaking my heart into a million pieces.

Julian tells Neil, the only time anyone is out in the alley is to dump garbage. A couple of days before the dead rats showed up, he ran into Kendra. He was making a call, and saw her dumping something in the trash. He didn’t think anything of it, but then the rats were dead. Neil asks how long it was happening, but Julian says, just once. He scrubbed the place down, and he called in the exterminator, and it never happened again. Alexis started to get sick around the same time the rats were killed. Neil thanks him, and says, that was helpful. He tells Julian that he wants to get the coffee upstairs before it gets cold, and takes the next elevator.

What Cameron wants to know is what Josslyn is writing every day, ten times a day. She says, treasure maps and nuclear launch codes. It’s private. He says, that’s a secret, but she says she has others. Trina says, it’s still Cameron’s turn. He says, it’s hard to think of something Josslyn doesn’t know. They’ve known each other their whole lives. He says, but there’s Dev, the mysterious Corbin cousin from Connecticut. Why is he really there?

Franco and Elizabeth see each other on the stairs, and she asks how he is. He says he just saw Monica. He thought he should give her the news in person. She asks how Monica took it, and he says, she’s great. She’s a very understanding person. When he first saw the newspaper with Jason’s picture, and found out he had a twin and was a Quartermaine, he didn’t think they’d ever want him or accept him. Not only was he wrong, in the end, he thinks Monica would have been a good mom. She’s been a good friend. Elizabeth says, that’s the kind of person she is. He says he should probably go work out, and she says it was nice seeing him. He says, her too.

Stella meets TJ at the café. She says she missed him, and he says he missed her too. And apparently, he’s going to miss her again. He heard she’s not staying. She says it’s just a quick stop to extend her visa, then she’s flying back to London. It’s the adventure of her life. She tells him that he can visit her when he can. He says he’d love to someday. In meantime, he’s going ask Molly marry him. Stella thought that might be what he had to tell her. She takes his hand, and says she knows how much he loves Molly. What’s not to love? She’s a brilliant, remarkable young woman. And fiery. Her fight for Charles Street was a sight. TJ says he was proud of her. Stella says the thing is, if he does this, it will be a hard road for them. TJ says he knows. They still have to finish school, and get their careers and lives in gear. She says they do, but she’s not talking about that. She’s talking about the fact Molly is white.

TJ says, it doesn’t matter to him, and he can’t believe it matters to her. Stella says, let her finish. She loves Molly, and will welcome her into the family. He asks what the problem is then, and she says, they only see through their hearts to each other. The idea that we live in a color blind world is a fantasy. He says she doesn’t have to tell him. She’s glad he’s proud of his culture, and how it defines his place in the world, but he doesn’t have to look far to know not a lot of people feel that way. As hard as it is now, it’s been worse. The right for a man like him to be with a woman like Molly, has only been protected for fifty-two years. There are people out there who want to turn back the clock. Not just stop them, but punish them for loving each other in the first place. TJ asks if she wants to let them win, and she says, far from it. She wants him to be safe. The world has changed, but there’s still plenty to be afraid of.

Dev says he got in trouble at his old school; that’s why he’s there. He cheated on all of his tests. His father was furious, and sent him away. Now they know everything. Trina says, he was sent away after his father was dead? Dev says, before he died, he told Dev’s grandmother that he wanted Dev to go to Uncle Sonny’s. Trina asks if he doesn’t mean cousin, and he says, of course (🍷). He meant cousin. Cameron says, didn’t his father die a long time ago? Trina says Dev is a terrible liar, and Cameron says, the worst. It’s surprising. When Dev first got to Port Charles, he was smoother. Trina asks, is Sonny his cousin or not?

Neil tells Alexis that he ran into Julian, who sends his best. She asks what else he said, and Neil says her life coach came up. She asks what Julian said about her, and he says, not much. Just that they all seem to have their own approach to work. What exactly are they working on?

Sonny says it’s hard to see his dad like that. Carly kisses him, and says she knows. She loves Mike too. Whatever time they have left, they’ll make the most of it. Embrace the good days, and help each other through the bad ones. Mike asks if the ice cream will be there soon. She says she’d like some too, and Mike says, the kid would love some, meaning Sonny. She says she’ll see what she can do.

Julian says he thought Franco and Kim left town. Franco says they were going to, and Julian tells him not to stay too long. He’s ruined enough lives already. Julian starts to leave, and Franco says, this town ain’t big enough for both of them? Is that what Julian is saying? Julian says Franco is a human wrecking ball. They’ll all be better off when he clears out. Franco says, there’s been a change of plans. He’s staying there. Kim is gone, but he didn’t go with her. Julian says he thought Franco said there isn’t anything keeping him there. Franco says, there isn’t, but there are things keeping Franco there. He volunteered for the procedure to restore Franco’s memory. Julian says, what about Kim? He made all these promises to her, and now he’s backing out? Franco looks confused, as we all do.

Dev asks, why are they ganging up on him? It’s Cameron’s turn. Cameron tells him to answer the question. Trina says, is he or is he not Sonny’s cousin? and Cameron says, and if he isn’t, who is he?

Stella tells TJ just being a Black man alone puts him at risk. He says he remembers being detained by security for shopping while Black. She says, a lot worse has happened to a lot more people. It doesn’t matter if they’re poor or rich, or what they’ve done with their lives. He could be on a drive minding his own business. TJ says he doesn’t want to live in fear, and doesn’t want that for her either. She says, when you’re in danger, fear can save you. She tells him to walk through the world with his eyes open, but don’t let it diminish one ounce of the love in his heart. He says he won’t. Do they have her blessing? She says they do, and asks him to promise to be true to himself – all parts of himself – so the rest of them can learn from that truth. He promises, and she says she has faith that all of them will be better off for it. As for the wedding, she intends on sitting in the front row. They hug, and she says she loves him so much.

Elizabeth asks if Monica has a minute, and Monica says she was kind of expecting her. Elizabeth says she ran into Franco, and he told her that he let Monica know he was going through with the procedure. Monica says, Drew believes it’s the best thing to do. She’s sure Elizabeth does too. Elizabeth says she just wants her husband back. Monica tells her, as she knows, there are no guarantees she’ll get Franco back. Elizabeth asks if letting Drew live his life is okay, and Monica says she thinks so. Elizabeth says Franco knows the what’s at stake, and what he stands to lose. She wishes it had never come to this. Monica says, so does she, but here they are, and whatever the resolution, there will always be heartache. He’s a brave man putting his life on the line. She hopes his bravery isn’t for nothing.

Julian calls Franco a selfish, self-centered SOB. Was he using Kim’s love for him for nostalgic sex? Franco says he loves Kim, and Julian says he has a funny way of showing it. He’s shredding her life; all that pain and hurt for nothing. Franco says the procedure is going to kill him, and Julian says he hopes it does. Franco says he’s not sure where Kim will wind up, but wherever she lands, she’s going to need a friend. Julian says it sure as hell won’t be him.

Mike, Sonny, and Carly sit on the couch, eating ice cream, and the three of them look happy.

Alexis tells Neil, Kendra is great. She got Alexis to mediate for ten seconds, which is better than thinking about it, then binge watching. She’s been exploring her life goals as well. Neil asks if Kendra’s main concentration isn’t fitness, and Alexis says, and nutrition. Out with the bad foods, and in with the supplements. Neil says she got sick around the time she started taking the supplements, but she says she took it to her doctor, who checked the ingredients. It was all fine. Does he think Kendra is poisoning her?

Tomorrow, Dustin asks Lulu what she’s doing for Thanksgiving, Neil tells Alexis that her life coach poisoned her, Valentin tells someone they have to move on this, and Nikolas says he got Hayden into this, let him get her out.

Below Deck

Arghhh! It’s pirate day. Captain Lee tells Ashton that he ordered a new deckhand. He wants to get her on board as soon as possible. Ashton asks if he can look at a copy of their CD, and the captain says he already knows it. It’s Rhylee. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says he knows Rhylee is a hard worker. It’s his choice; his call. He’s bringing her back. He tells Ashton that he knows she had issues with Ross and Chandler, but he thinks Chandler was over-the-top (agreed), and Ross didn’t set boundaries (also agreed). Maybe this will be like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and he’ll be just right. He thinks Rhylee just needs to be channeled properly. In his interview, Ashton says he’s not happy. She’s emotional and reactive.

In Kate’s interview, she says, pirate day, how basic of them. Get an eye patch, get a parrot, get a sword, get a hat. Doesn’t it get old after childhood? Brian’s says his leg is worse than yesterday, but he took some painkillers, so he’ll be okay.

Drunken idiot primary Michael toasts to getting booty. In the galley, Ashton tells Tanner and Brian that he’s not sure what’s happening with Brian’s leg, so the captain is bringing in a deckhand. It’s someone who was with him last season – Rhylee. She likes to stay informed, and be part of the team. She’s someone he has a lot of history with. Brian says, like Kate, and Tanner asks what kind of painkillers is he taking? He won’t stop. Kate says they need more Jell-O shots. The captain calls Kate to the bridge, and tells her about Rhylee joining the crew. She says, how perfect, and he says he thinks so. She says, it’s pirate day, and Rhylee is coming back. In her interview, Kate says they had a rough start in Tahiti, and we flash back to that. By the end of the season, she loved Rhylee. She says she has to clean her room.

Kevin asks where Simone is, and Kate says she was up late; she’s just getting up. Kevin tells Courtney to get the deckhands to serve, and Courtney radios for someone to come. In his interview, Kevin says, Kate is used to serving food through a Burger King window. She doesn’t realize the work that goes into this, so he has to take over. Says the guy who forgot to order seafood for the seafood extravaganza. We flash back to times he’s thought Kate was lacking. He says he shouldn’t have to do this. He should just worry about the food. Kate gets to the galley, and Kevin is giving out the bowls. In Kate’s interview, she says, now the deckhands are serving breakfast. That’s a new one. He’s a control freak. Kevin tells them not to forget their pirate accents. Whatever it is he served, it must be spicy, because there’s a lot of reaction by the guests. Not in a bad way; just surprised. Anchor is dropped and locked.

Kevin asks if Ashton has any pirate flare, and Ashton says he has a big sword. Guest Shani flirts with him, and in Ashton’s interview, he says he often enjoys the game more than getting something out of it. She says he’s like forbidden fruit. She doesn’t look like his type though. Simone is straightening up the lounge, and Michael harasses her, saying she’s from South Africa, and he’s from North America; opposites attract. He asks if she’s wearing a garter, and does she want him to take it off?  Brian leaves in the tender to pick up Rhylee.

When Rhylee arrives, Kate tells her that they’re going to be roommates. In her interview, Rhylee says, since Tahiti, she’s been on a fishing charter. She wants to learn more about the lay of the land for a yacht. She goes up to say hello to Captain Lee, who thanks her for coming on short notice. She says she couldn’t not help out when they’re in a tight spot. He tells her that Ashton is her bosun. Respect the rank, and do her job, and everything will be fine. In his interview, Captain Lee says he hopes Rhylee doesn’t let her dump truck mouth overload her wheelbarrow ass. I’m not quite sure what that means, but it sounds good. Rhylee asks if Ashton is pleasantly surprised. In Ashton’s interview, he says he’s definitely not ready for this.

The captain tells Ashton that he’s explained to Rhylee how things go on the boat. Treat her like one of the guys, and they’ll get through the season. In Ashton’s interview, he says he already has anxiety. We flash back to an altercation between the two of them. He says then, he could deal with her at arm’s length, but he’s the bosun now, so she’s his problem. He’s not looking forward to it. Captain Lee tells her, welcome aboard. In Rhylee’s interview, she says it makes her nervous with Ashton in a leadership role, but she’s not going to let it deter her from doing her job and being her.

The guests play in the water. Ashton tells Brian to stay off his leg for as long as he can. In his interview, Brian says he’s not a person who can stay still, and he feels guilty. Courtney says they have Rhylee now. Rhylee joins them, and asks Brian, how’s it going? Why is she there? He tells her, Abbi left, and she says, thanks, Abbi. In her interview, she says she’s happy to be there. Everything about Brian screams sexy to her. She’s looking forward to seeing more of him. Michael pops into the galley, and says he and Simone are going shark diving. Simone says she doesn’t think so. In Kevin’s interview, he says he’s feeling awkward. Michael is being inappropriate to Simone, and he’s standing six feet away. Michael tells Simone she’s good at what she does, and she thanks him while escaping up the stairs. He says they’re going to break some rules. Kate says the guests are way too comfortable.

Ashton tells Rhylee, they’re starting fresh. In Rhylee’s interview, she says, last season, she was left out deck meetings and the heavy lifting. She hopes Ashton makes her feel part of the team. Ashton says he wants open communication, and Rhylee says she has no problem expressing any issues. He says they’ll do a quick walk around. Brian asks Courtney about following her on Instagram. She says she followed him, and he didn’t follow her back, but he says he’s looking for her. Simone is confused about the process of making ice coffee, and Courtney volunteers to make it. In Kate’s interview, she says Simone is training herself in service on this charter, and she’s training herself in patience.

Ashton shows Rhylee the boat, and where everything is. They run into Michael, and Ashton literally picks him up and carries him, depositing him in Rhylee’s arms. She plops him on a chair. Kevin sings in the galley, and says he’s going to take a food photo for Instagram. Normally, Kate does it, but she’s not there. That’s because she’s decorating the pirate day table with gold coins. Courtney takes the picture. In Kevin’s interview, he says the heat and humidity make Thailand’s produce beautiful. He loves how quick and simple it is to work with. Kate asks if he wants to go out there, and he says he likes making her job easier. She says, same. Michael dumps water on Shani, who isn’t too happy about that, and throws some back on him. Or maybe it’s a drink. I have no clue. The captain asks Kate, what’s for dinner? and she says, big steaks. She’s going with a country/western theme, and giving everyone bandanas. Michael bugs Simone about going shark diving, saying he’ll be the shark, and she can be the diver. Simon says, o-m-g., and he says, once you go white… Kate asks Simone to meet her in the galley. She tells Simone that she’s getting weird vibes from the primary, and it’s past point of being appropriate. She tells Simone to help with laundry, and says she’ll call when they need her. She thanks Kate, saying, the primary is drunk and creepy. In Kate’s interview, she says, it happens sometimes. The guests think they can do whatever they want, but that doesn’t make it okay. As Simone’s boss, it’s her job remove Simone from the situation. Michael makes rude gestures, and says, it’s the last day. Let’s get as drunk and disrespectful as we can. And these people are like, forty???

I have to interject that I’m astounded, and just a little sick, watching this moronic beast be abusive to Simone.

Kate talks over the menu with Kevin, saying she wants to do a country/western theme. Kevin says he’s doing a steakhouse menu, simple and classic. He lived in Denver, and experienced American cuisine; it’s all about meat. Ashton takes the guests out on the tender to watch the sunset. Shani says it’s pirate day, and he can tie her up, as she runs her foot up his leg. In Ashton’s interview, he says he hasn’t had much luck with the ladies this season. It’s hard not be tempted be a woman constantly hitting on him, but he can’t do that. If he took up with a guest he’d be fired.

Kate shows Rhylee their room, and says she’s as sloppy as a man. Ashton tells Rhylee to get over her jet lag, and rest. Kate wants to country it up tonight. Tanner asks how Simone is feeling, and she says she’s ready for the guy to go. Tanner thinks Simone has a crush on him, and he says they’ll see what happens tomorrow night. Michael asks Simone where her garter is, and if she left it in his room. Captain Lee joins them for dinner, and says Michael is the epitome of lit. Kevin says, the girls will take out the sides, and the boys will take out the steaks. Kate says, it’s very sister wife. In Kate’s interview, she says it’s a blow to her ego that only Kevin gets to decide how the meal is served. She’s head of service, but she’s been made into a side piece. Kate tells Kevin, it’s nice to have all the active crew members in the galley. In her interview, she says she can’t live like this. She knows Kevin has control issues, but the least he can do is not overstep his boundaries. It’s bullsh*t. She knows it, and he knows it.

Kevin says he’s glad it’s over. Kate asks how the guests are doing, and Michael says they like seeing her smile. He’s just saying what the captain is thinking. Captain Lee says, with that, he’s bidding them adieu. Kevin asks Kate if it’s been a rough day, and Kate says she’s pissed off at him about dinner. He took her job without consulting her, and made her and girls side bitches. It made her feel like sh*t. Kevin says he thought they’d all go out together, and Kate says she understands the concept, but it’s never been done that way. In Kevin’s interview, he says, everything is always different. If Kate doesn’t take charge, that makes him have to take charge. Kate says they take the  time to plan, then at the last minute, he pulls the rug out. In her interview, Kate says she’s doing her best to make Kevin’s job as easy as possible. If he continues to disrespect her position, his job can become more difficult.

Michael hunts down Simone. BTW, every time he sees her, he goes, Simone, Simone, like he thinks he’s slick. It’s stomach turning. He broaches the subject of shark diving again, and gets a negative. He asks if she’ll just sit on the boat, but she says she doesn’t agree with the concept of shark diving. In her interview, she asks if this day can’t end and these people just go. She tells Courtney, it’s unnerving. If it was a normal environment, she’d say something; it’s so inappropriate. Courtney says she could tell by his picture he was going to be a sleazebag, but Simone says she thought he’d be a nice geek. It’s a huge contrast from yesterday. We flash back to her talking to Tanner. She tells Courtney that she and Tanner were chit-chatting, and thinking about it makes her feel better. Kate says she doesn’t want either one of them up with the primary. She bets he does this to every waitress. Everyone goes to bed.

It’s the final day of charter. Tanner asks if Rhylee wants to help deflate the slide. He jokes about a double pump, and she says, it’s too early for sexual innuendo. It’s her first slide experience. In her interview, she says the most appealing thing about working on a yacht is getting to travel the world. She’s always wanted to visit Thailand. She tells Tanner that she has a trucker’s mouth. Captain Lee sees Michael wandering around, and says, don’t let him come in here. He radios Kate and tells her the primary is up, but it’s too late. Michael is in the wheelhouse. Kate says, hide your wives; the primary is up. Rhylee hooks up the slide, and Tanner says she’s a helluva hooker. Nice job. Brian tries to get out of bed, but can’t. Ashton goes to his cabin, and Brian says he can’t walk on his leg. Ashton says, it’s hot; that’s not good. In Ashton’s interview, he says, Brian’s leg is worse, and he might end up losing him. In Brian’s interview, he says his leg feels excruciating. He needs to see a doctor asap.

Michael wanders into the galley next, and asks for chicken stir fry. Kevin says, sure, but in his interview, he says, go eff yourself. Ashton tells the captain that Brian is worse. His calf is swollen. Whenever Brian or Ashton say, calf, I think they’re saying, cough, and wonder why Brian has a cough. In his interview, Captain Lee says, there’s no way Brian can finish the charter. They’ll have to replace him. How can he get by with a one-legged deckhand? Breakfast service begins, and Kevin pounds the chicken. Ashton shows Rhylee how to deal with the anchor. Ashton says he’d rather have Rhylee on deck, working hard and willing to learn, and being part of the team. The captain announces the final approach.

Tanner says Rhylee is on her A-game, and she says, more like her age game. The captain hopes the goodbyes are brief and to the point. Michael asks if Simone is glad she met him, and in her interview, she’s like, just go already. When they’re gone, Captain Lee heaves a huge sigh, and tells the crew to get the boat cleaned up. Courtney gets Brian coffee, and the doctor arrives. He tells Brian that he has an infection, and he’ll give Brian an antibiotic injection. The captain says an infection never entered his mind, which surprises me, since Brian cut his knee when he fell. Brian says he’ll take anything he can get. The doctor gives him a shot in the butt, and says it will take about three days. Ashton asks if the doctor can do anything about Brian’s face, and they all laugh.

Tip meeting this charter wow rather have someone pull through knot hole in fence by dick than have these guys back. When Michael handed him the tip money, he said the captain was going to be speechless, and he was, but not in good way. The tip is $15K, which sounds like a lot, but isn’t, especially for these messy guests. In Kate’s interview, she says, eff you, Michael. Eff you. Captain Lee says he appreciates them. He knows gratitude can’t replace cold, hard cash, but they have his. He tells them to go out tonight, but work as long as they feel they need to first to get the boat flipped.

Kev makes martinis, and sings as he uses the shaker. In his interview, he says, what a d*ck. Obviously, the helicopter business is not going well, but he’s not letting it ruin his night. The girls get in one taxi, and the guys in another. Rhylee asks how Courtney feels about Brian, and she says she doesn’t know him well, but thinks he’s cute. They go to a restaurant with a huge outdoor area. Rhylee says she hasn’t had a chance to get to know the crew yet, and everyone does a shot. Kate asks Kevin to order starters, and Rhylee asks if he can include something paleo. Kevin jokes about restrictive diets, but she says she’s not on the diet. She wants to drink her weight in calories, but eat better food. Here’s where it gets weird. Kevin gets stuck on saying if she’s on a certain diet, she should order herself; he’s not her chef. She keeps saying she’s not on any special diet; she just wanted him to order something like that. It starts to get loud, and Kate is embarrassed. Well, it isn’t the first time. Rhylee asks wtf is Kevin’s problem?

Rhylee says Kevin was ordering for the table, and she just wanted him to add a paleo dish. If he doesn’t want the responsibility, don’t take it on. In Ashton’s interview, he wonders, what the hell is going on? Rhylee’s just been there a few hours, and she’s going full-on at one of the crew members. He was hoping she’d changed, but a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Actually, they do, but that’s a conversation for another time. He says, here we go – boom! Tanner and Kevin sit on the beach.

Kevin is still stuck in the loop in his head that Rhylee is on a special diet, and says she should have looked at the menu. They had a sh*t charter, topped off by this sh*t. Kate is pissed at him, and now Rhylee is on his back as well. I think I’m getting it. Kevin was mad already about what Kate said, and I’m guessing he doesn’t know what’s in a paleo diet and got flustered. It wouldn’t surprise me, since he doesn’t even know a seafood extravaganza requires seafood. I’m never letting that go. Ever.

At the table, leis are given out. Rhylee says she’s not trying to start a fight; chef was rude, and it pissed her off. The guys come back, and Kevin says he can’t be bothered. Rhylee calls him chef, and he tells her not to call him that; it’s annoying. Tanner calls for shots. Kevin asks if Rhylee is going to want something paleo, like potato vodka. She says, that’s not paleo. She thought he would know that. Ha-ha! I was right. He says it was a joke, and she says she didn’t get it. He tells her to bring a baseball glove next time. In Kate’s interview, she says, it’s like what would happen if a pet store broke the rules and put two beta fish in the same tank. It’s a recipe for disaster. In Simone’s interview, she says Kevin has been super condescending since day one, and has met his match. She thanks the universe, and says, show him, Rhylee. Rhylee asks Kevin what his problem is, and he says she’s not the special superstar she thinks she is.

Having a smoke on the sidelines, Kate tells Courtney that they’re fighting over nothing, and Kevin is obnoxious. In Tanner’s interview, he says, it’s only Rhylee’s second day, and she’s creating drama. The guys go back to the beach, and Rhylee says she thought Kevin was the cool one of the group. Ashton tells the guys that he’s not letting her rock the boat of their happy, existing family. Don’t get sucked into her bullsh*t. Rhylee goes over to him, and asks if she made them uncomfortable. Ashton says he’s embarrassed by the way his crew members are acting.. Rhylee says, members, not member, and he tells her he said plural. She’s been on the boat for two days, and it’s déjà vu already. She asks, why? and he says she’s creating drama. She asks if he thinks it was her fault, and he says, yes. She asks, why? and he says, she raised her voice. Courtney thinks this is getting carried away. Ashton says, the one who acts out most and reacts, is the person who’s an idiot. Unfortunately, it’s her. He starts to walk away, and says, she’s a joke. She says he never wants to talk about problems. Tanner tries to interject, and she asks, who is he? STFU. Ashton says she doesn’t belong there. She belongs on a fishing boat in Alaska. She says, buy her an effing ticket, and she’ll go back.

Tanner wants to hook up with Simone, an all moms charter, the captain is dubbed the silver fox, Kate says Simone made their department look bad, and Captain Lee doesn’t think Brian can finish the season.

Because It’s Never-Ending…

Kind of like a Mets game I went to once. Their kids will be in college by the time we stop hearing about it.

😭 I Have So Much FOMO…

And I want a Giggy jacket too.

🍸 In Case You Haven’t Seen It…

The trailer for the next season of Vanderpump Rules.

🌅 New Wives On the Horizon…

What happens in Utah stays on Bravo.

🎂 They Say It’s My Birthday…

And while this isn’t what I really, really want, it’s still fun. Warning: Bad words ahead.

November 24, 2019 – The Horde Is Discovered, Talk Tidbits, It’s Real, Saul Returns, Some 90 Updates & James Sings Ray


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


The Walking Dead

Dante flashes back to being with Alpha. She says she doesn’t care about his past; they all have a past. None of it matters now. He did well, but she needs something more; eyes inside the walls. He’s the kind of man she trusts. Practical, loyal, and smart. The kind of man her daughter should get to know. He asks where he should start, and she says, find some strangers and join them. We see him walking in the woods with the Whisperers. He moves ahead, takes off his mask, and for help. He acts like he’s fighting them off, and a group of people runs to his aid. We hear Alpha say, go to the gate. They won’t turn you away. We see him arrive at Alexandria with the people he’s hooked up with, and Siddiq examining him. Alpha’s voiceover tells him to make them think he’s one of them. We see him leave a message in a small box and hide it in a tree. Alpha says, exploit their weaknesses until they crumble. We see him messing with the water filtration system, and killing Cheryl. Alpha says, do all this, and they’ll welcome him home when they fall. He has a special place in her heart. She puts her palm on his chest.

In the present, Dante checks for Siddiq’s pulse, and closes Siddiq’s eyes. Rosita comes by, and asks if Siddiq is awake. She saw the light on. They make small talk in Spanish, and she asks, what’s happening? Dante jokes that he and Siddiq have a hot romance going on. Really, they were just hanging, and Siddiq got called out. Something about Andy and Donna’s kid throwing up. She just missed him. He asks if he can help with anything, and Siddiq opens his eyes. Coco cries, and Rosita sees that Dante has a knife. She puts Coco in the tub without taking her eyes off of him. She tries to go past Dante, into the room where Siddiq is, and  they struggle. Dante gets her down, and Siddiq comes out and walks toward the crying baby. Dante tries to strangle Rosita, but she stabs him in the leg. She jumps up, pikes Siddiq in the head, then beats the crap out of Dante. She picks up Coco, and tries to process Siddiq turning into a zombie.

Gamma meets Aaron, and he asks if she’s all right. She asks if the baby is still alive. He asks if she means the baby they rescued from Hilltop, and she says, yes; he’s her nephew. Did they name him? Her sister couldn’t do it. He says, the family who adopted him named him Adam. She asks if she can see him, and Aaron says, they left him to die. Why should he agree to that? She says they can trade. She has information for him. He asks, what information? If he sees it’s true, then they’ll talk, but he’s not promising anything. She says she’s not talking unless she can see him. He’s the only family she has left. He tells her to take off her mask. She does, and says, before all this, her name was Mary. He asks what she wants to tell him.

Daryl slugs Dante, and says he hopes it hurts. Dante says, it doesn’t matter. None of it matters. Seeing humans devour each other showed him it was ridiculous to attach yourself to anyone. The truth will set you free. Gabriel asks if that’s what he’s doing to Rosita. Setting her free. Why did he put Siddiq through all that torture just to kill him? Dante says he liked Siddiq. He wasn’t part of the plan, but he found out who Dante was. Carol asks what the plan is, and he says to increase their paranoia so they make bad decisions. People in places like this grumble, and he’ll enjoy seeing them rip each other apart making a decision about him, like they did with Negan. Gabriel asks if he wants his public reckoning, and Dante says that’s what they’re good at. Gabriel says Rosita helped him, but Dante says they got something from him too. They needed a doctor. Places like Alexandria are a cruel promise. People aren’t really kind, but he didn’t put Siddiq’s head on a spike. The Whisperers are selfish and brutal, but they’ve taught him what people are. Gabriel punches him in the face. Aaron walks in, and says Dante has been there for four months. How did they not know? Daryl says, none of them did, and Aaron says, they ate together, they talked about militia, he treated Gracie. Carol tells him not to do this to himself, and Daryl seconds that. Aaron says, the Whisperer he’s talking to, Mary, told him where Alpha is keeping the herd. Carol says they’ll leave after the funeral, and Daryl asks if they’re trusting a Whisperer now. Lydia is still gone, and it’s probably an ambush. Aaron says the baby the Whisperers left to die was apparently Mary’s nephew. He doesn’t think she’s lying. Daryl says they already sent a group to Hilltop, who’s ready to meet them there. On the side, he tells Carol that she should have said something to him about seeing Lydia. Her disappearing again is on Carol. She says they can push on the Whisperers’ wounds too. She doesn’t think Lydia wants to be found. Daryl asks if she’s talking about Lydia or herself.

Michonne, Judith, and Luke ride in a literally horse-powered car, while Scott checks the path ahead. He tells them he’s found fresh tracks, but it could just be a scout. Michonne says if there’s just one set, she likes their chances, but they have to be as quiet as possible. Luke says he knows that was meant for him. He tells Judith that he likes to whistle his favorite music by Rachmaninoff. The only time he gets to hear it is in his head these days. He asks Judith what she’s writing, and she tells him that she’s compiling a history of their people. He says if she’s writing personal histories, she should read more. There’s a library close by in Waterford, and she can pick up some inspiration. Michonne says they don’t have the time, but they stop there anyway.

Michonne picks up a Russian/English dictionary for Eugene, and Luke says, since they’re there, he’s going to check out the music section. Scott says he’ll look around, and see what’s worth taking. Michonne picks up a book, saying she’s always wanted to read it. Judith asks if they could read it together. Rosita calls Michonne on the radio, and Michonne asks, what’s happening?

Luke whistles as he looks through the books, and gets all happy when he sees some music by Rachmaninoff. He flips through it, and laughs, but a zombie is on the other side of the shelf, and grabs him. Another comes out from behind him, and he yells for help. A guy comes out of nowhere, and pikes the zombie. Luke asks what his name is, but he jets. Luke says, thank you, and stabs the other zombie in the head.

Michonne asks, what happened? and Luke says a guy came out of nowhere and saved his life. Then he ran off. Maybe they can still catch him. Scott goes back out, and Michonne loads her bag with books. Luke is like, what the hell? He tells Michonne he’s sorry, and asks if everything is all right. She says, Siddiq is dead, so everything is not all right.

Uh-oh. They announced a surprise cast member on Talking Dead. This usually means a dead character on Walking Dead.

Gabriel officiates at Siddiq’s funeral. He says a scholar who understood the importance of it, wrote, let me live if life is better, or take my life if that is better. He knew the world defied logic and justice, which is why he posed the sentiment. Gabriel tosses dirt on the grave, and says, you were taken from it, and are now brought back to it, and from it, will be raised a second time. Everyone is bummed. Rosita sits on the ground near Siddiq’s newly dug grave. Ezekiel has come to pay his respects, and Carol goes over to him. She says it’s good to see him, and he says, her too. He can’t believe Siddiq is gone. He was one of those people Ezekiel thought would live forever. There are too many things changing. She asks how long he’s staying, and he says, a day or two. She wishes they more time, and Ezekiel says he heard about them looking for the zombie hoard, and asks if they need help. She says, no, and asks if everything is okay. He tells her, good luck.

Outside the gate, Rosita sees some zombies, and takes out brass knuckles with spikes on them. She thinks of Siddiq and Coco, and stabs them, but the last one gets the better of her. Eugene runs over, and knocks it down. She tells him, thanks, but he says, no expression of gratitude is required. It was lucky he was crossing through. He gives her his deepest condolences about Siddiq’s passing. It was a tragedy, and he wishes there was more he could offer. He tells her, travel safe, and then realizes he’s the one who’s going to be traveling.

Gabriel watches the initial interview he did with Dante. He asks what Dante was before, and Dante says, a father just trying to get by. Gabriel asks how long he knew the people he came in with, and he says he lost track of time. They saved his life. Gabriel asks the standard, how many people has he killed? and he says, only one; the man who tried to hurt is son, but the walkers got Jimmy in the end anyway. Gabriel snaps the video camera shut. Rosita comes in. He sees she’s a mess, and asks, what happened?  She says she was helping Eugene with the walkers at the gate. She asks if Coco is sleeping, and Gabriel says she fell fast asleep. She tells him, the truth is that she wasn’t helping Eugene; he was helping her, but she should be able to handle the walkers. Gabriel says, it’s been a rough day. She says, it’s not that. She could die She used to think, if it happened, it happened, but now it would make Coco an orphan. She can’t die. She’s afraid, and the feeling isn’t going away. Gabriel says, feelings are not the future, and she says that sounds like a quote. She could freeze again, and won’t have Eugene to save her. Gabriel says he has to meet with the council. They need to figure out how this happened. They need to find Lydia, and find out why she didn’t know Dante. She says he’s not hearing her, and he tells her that he’s saying the feeling will pass. She says, maybe Dante was right about them. They’re not as strong as they think they are.

Aaron quizzes Gracie on state capitals, and she asks him about his travels. He says he once went hiking with a man he loved in California, and they went to Oakland. While they were hiking, the found some ruins that they explored. They listened to the sound of the waves crashing, and imagined what the people were like who were now lost to time. They had their own laws, beliefs, and hopes for the future. He was one of the first ones there when Alexandria started. When they thought they knew what it was going to be. He’s been thinking more and more about that village. Gracie asks, what happened to those people? but he says he doesn’t know.

Michonne and her group arrive at Oceanside. She tells them that Dante showed up before the fire, and whatever process they’ve been using to vet their newest people, they have to do it again. A few of the women drag a guy in, and Rachel asks how he got in there. Michonne asks who he is, and Jules says they caught him trying to steal a sail, and he was probably going to steal a boat. He struggles to get away, and Michonne takes out her sword. She says she’s not asking him again, and he says just trying to get home; to get back to his family. Luke says this is the guy who saved his life. Jules says he was also sneaking around, messing with their security, and Rachel says, they’ve hung men for less. Michonne says, he might be a Whisperer. Luke says he was taking books, and had pictures of his family. Does he look like a Whisperer? Michonne says she doesn’t know what they look like anymore. He tells them to let him go, and Michonne says, answer her question. Who are his people? They hear some zombies coming, and Michonne tells them to hold him, and slices the top off of a zombie’s head. She pikes a couple of them, but then looks panicked at seeing how many are appearing.

Gabriel goes to the cell where Dante is being kept. He asks if Dante even had a son, and Dante asks why it matters. Gabriel guesses it doesn’t, but it’s one of the things he liked about Dante. Dante says, that his son was killed? and Gabriel says, that he had a family. He supposes Dante would like it if he didn’t trust anyone again. Dante says, that was the idea. Gabriel opens the cell and goes in, leaving the door open. He asks if that’s why he was there. He says he was there to show them to look around look. Look at what people did to the world. Gabriel thinks people can be good, and deserve a second chance. Gabriel says he loved Siddiq like a brother. His family will never be the same. His daughter won’t know him. Maybe Rosita will blame Gabriel, and maybe she’s right. He didn’t protect them enough. He hasn’t always been brave. Dante asks if Gabriel thinks people deserve a second chance. Gabriel says he doesn’t know, but sometimes they get one anyway. He stabs Dante, and Dante pushes Gabriel up against the wall. Gabriel just keeps stabbing him, and yelling with every stab. I say, better stab his effing head, and Gabriel does, then stands there and cries. Apparently, no public reckoning for Dante.

At Oceanside, while they’re fighting the zombies, the guy tries to get away. A zombie comes after him, and knocks him down. Judith tells him, don’t move, and kills it. She calls to Michonne, and Michonne says, good girl.

Rosita walks around the house with Coco, saying reassuring words, probably more for herself than the baby. She looks outside, and sees Gabriel coming toward the house.

On his bike, Daryl leads Aaron and Carol, who are on horses. He parks, and they meet Jerry, Connie, Kelly, and Magna. Jerry asks how Rosita is, and Carol says, as you’d expect. Daryl thanks Connie for helping, and she writes, anything for us.

It’s starting to get dark out when they cross the border where the head stakes are. Daryl crosses last, and follows Carol. Carol takes out a sword, and snaps an animal trap. She says if they’re laying traps, it means they’re closer. Daryl tells her, stop this sh*t. She wants Alpha dead so bad, she doesn’t care  what happens to her. Carol says, not true, and he says she never came off the boat. It’s like talking to a goddam ghost. He’s the one she should talk to. Carol says she doesn’t know how, and Daryl says, try. He hugs her, and says, she’s not worth it. She’s a dead woman anyway. They have a future. Don’t let her take that too. He asks if she’s good, and she says yeah. He tells her that he’ll lead, and snaps another trap. A zombie comes along, and Carol kills it, barely breaking her stride.

Gabriel watches Dante’s body burn. Rosita joins him, and puts her head on his shoulder.

Unnamed guy wakes up with his wrists bound. Judith is sitting near him, reading, and he tells her, don’t go through his stuff. The book belongs to his daughter. Judith says it fell out, and she picked it up. It clearly belongs to the library. He says it’s for his daughter; put it back. She continues to read, and he tries lunging for the book. She changes position to be more out of reach, and tells him, be careful. He’s going to rip his stitches. Michonne joins them, and asks if he’s comfortable? He inches back to his original spot, and Michonne asks Judith to give them a minute. When she’s gone, Michonne ask what he’s really doing there. He says her daughter is a demon with a sword, and she says, like mother, like daughter. Only her swords won’t leave anything to heal. Answer her damn question. He says he didn’t mean it in a bad way. No way could they make it this long without being comfortable with violence. She asks how long he’s been watching Oceanside, but he says he wasn’t watching. He doesn’t want to hurt anybody. He left home for supplies, and now he’s trying to get back. She asks if him helping her friend was part of the play, but he says, there’s no play. He just did it. What if he needed help? The same thing might happen to him. He’s glad he did it. Mercy’s in short supply these days. He doesn’t expect it, and maybe he doesn’t deserve it. He asks if something is wrong, and Michonne says he reminded her of something a friend of hers used to say; my mercy prevails over my wrath. She looks off into the distance, and brushes a tear away. She asks him to just tell her where home is, but he says he can’t tell her where he lives. His family is there. She asks if that’s how he’s getting back to them or keeping them safe. They don’t know where he is, or even if he’s coming back. She tells him, don’t put them through that. He says he lives on Bloodsworth Island, south of Tangiers. It’s hard to find. He didn’t mean to break in and cause chaos, but he needed a boat. She says good intentions or not, he owes Oceanside for the damage. He’s not going anywhere until she figures it out. He says they have enemies to fight. Maybe they can help each other. She asks what he means.

Michonne goes to Judith, and Judith asks what he told her. Michonne says he lives on an island two days from there. It’s an old Naval base, and there could be enough weapons for them to destroy the horde. He’s going to let her have them, but she has to find a way to bring them back. Judith asks, what’s wrong? and Michonne says it has to be just her taking that risk. If anything happens, they shouldn’t be  together. She has to find out if he’s telling the truth. Is that okay? She holds Judith close.

Daryl’s group walks deeper into the woods. They see an empty clearing from the top of a cliff, and Daryl says, dammit, and Aaron says, that doesn’t mean she lied. They put traps around. The herd could have been there. They had an obligation to check it out. Daryl says they have time to find Lydia; let’s go. Aaron tells Carol that he knows it looks bad, but he wasn’t wrong about this. Carol looks out to the clearing.

Michonne tells nameless-so-far guy that whatever weapons are on his island will pay his debt. She’ll take him home, and bring them back. He says, it can’t be that simple, and she says, or thank you, you’re welcome. It’s up to him. He asks if he can have his stuff back, and she gives him his backpack. He holds out his hand, and says, he’s Virgil.

Michonne tells Luke, tell everyone back home that she’s only a couple days behind, and to radio if they need help. Keep her posted. Luke says, don’t worry. Judith will be looking after them. Michonne tells him, keep her safe, and tells Judith, it doesn’t have to be emergency to check in. Do it every day. She gives Judith a radio, and hugs her. She says she’ll see Judith soon. Be good for Uncle Daryl.

Michonne and Virgil sail out to sea.

Daryl’s group walks through the woods. Daryl suggests taking the river downstream. Carol loiters off to the side, and says she’ll meet them in a few minutes, but Daryl says they all stay together. Carol looks at the clearing, and sees Alpha staring at her. She takes off after Alpha, who runs, and the group all run after Carol. Alpha goes deeper into the woods, and the group continues to follow. Alpha runs into a cave, and some zombies appear. Daryl tells the group to get Carol’s ass out of there. He pikes the zombies, and walks toward the cave. It’s pitch black inside, and he walk holding knives out ahead of him. He quietly calls to Carol, then tumbles down into a hole. The others are there. It’s a ledge, and zombies reach up from beneath them. They’ve found the horde.

On February 23rd, 2020 – Gamma tells whoever’s left at Alexandria that their friends are in trouble, trapped in the cave where Alpha placed the horde; Alpha sets the cave on fire; Gamma is brought into Alexandria, and tries to see Coco;  Negan tells Alpha the spy she’s looking for is in her camp; Daryl can’t turn his back on Carol; and Daryl tells Carol they’re not fighting for revenge; they’re fighting for their future.

Good cliffhanger.

👹 On Talking Dead, my prediction was correct, and Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas) was the surprise guest. Chris Hardwick mentioned that the book Judith was reading was The World Before, which was also the title of the episode. We also found out that the cave set had once been used for the Sanctuary, and that a spin-off show, The World Beyond, is slated for 2020. You can read about it here:

The Real Island…

Another thing we learned on Taking Dead was that Bloodsworth Island, and its old Naval base, is a real place in Chesapeake Bay.

Bloodsworth Island

Better Call Saul will be back on February 23rd, 2020.

💍 In 90 News…

The Good.

The Bad.

And the awkward.

🍗 Coming This Week…

A bounty of delicious foods. This song is originally by Ray Charles, but this was the only version they had where you don’t have to stare at an album cover through the whole thing.













November 22, 2019 – Hayden Makes a Deal With Valentin, Worst Wife Ever, LVP Reigns Supreme, Six Quotes From Fred Plus Two That Aren’t & If Only


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Carly leaves a message for Jax, saying he has to call her. They have to discuss how far they’re going to cover for his houseguest. What affects him, affects Josslyn. They have to be on the same page with this. Sonny walks in, and says, sounds important. More secrets she’s keeping from him?

Stella goes to visit Mike at Turning Woods, and says, it’s good to see him. She just got back in town. It’s been a while, and she thought she’d come by to see him. He says he’s great, and thanks her for asking. He tells her that he’ll have a scotch/rocks. She says, he wants to order a drink? He says that’s why he came to the track. Have a couple of drinks, and play the ponies. She’s going to be in for a big tip. She says she’ll get his scotch. He says, make it a double. He’s feeling lucky.

Finn calls Anna from the hospital, and says he got called in on an emergency. He’s going to be a little late. She’s at the MetroCourt, and asks if he wants to just meet at the house. He says, no; he’ll be there. Jason is with her, and Anna tells him, Finn got held up at the hospital, so she has more time than anticipated. He says, to do what? and she says she needs his help solving a mystery.

Jax says, Nina wants to destroy Valentin? She says, yes. At least that’s what she thought she wanted.  Their big reconciliation was just an act. When Sasha confessed, she knew Valentin was behind it. It was too thorough; too perfectly executed. He lied to her about finding her daughter so she would forgive him. So the plan was, to give him a taste of his own medicine. See how he feels; to deceive him like he deceived her. Jax says he knew she was too smart to fall for Valentin’s lies.

Nikolas skulks around behind Valentin with a fireplace poker. The doorbell rings, and Nikolas is like, drat! and I laugh. Valentin answers the door to Hayden, and thanks her for coming on such short notice. He invites her in, but she says she doesn’t know why she came out there. She owes him nothing. She doesn’t work for him. He says, maybe they can find a way to change that.

Carly tells Sonny that she was leaving Jax a message. Sonny says he figured that. When she said they have to be a team, it was a giveaway. She says Jax called, but Jason was there. Did he hear about Sam? Sonny says, two years, but she could end up with community service. He’s been trying to call in favors. Carly says, Sam doesn’t belong in Pentenville. That’s why Jason was there. He doesn’t know what to tell the kids. Sonny isn’t surprised Jason was there, since he and Carly confide in each other. Did she tell Jason what she’s been keeping from him?

Anna tells Jason, there are still questions about Cassandra’s escape and probable death. And how he managed to turn up at the pier at the perfect time. He tells her that Cassandra and Sam were cellmates, and ended up on work detail with one another. Cassandra escaped, and he didn’t want Sam to be blamed. Cassandra is Valentin’s only known associate, and he thought Valentin would know where she’d run. Anna asks if Valentin seemed guilty, but he says, no. Nina was the one who got upset. Anna says, Charlotte had been abducted, and Jason says he assumes that was it. The only change in Valentin was when he got a phone call. He didn’t answer it, but it seemed like he wanted to. After that, Nina kicked him out. Anna wonders if it was Cassandra calling, and Jason says that’s what he was thinking. So he went to the pier to check, since it’s isolated. That’s where he ran into Charlotte, and Anna knows the rest. Anna says it’s no secret Cassandra was using Charlotte as leverage to negotiate with Valentin. Who else could supply a boat? And who else could wire the boat to explode?

Hayden asks if Valentin is offering her a job, but he says he’s offering to pay for information. She says, about what? and he says he’s caught her snooping around twice. Once when she was there with Jax for cocktails, and the nanny caught her. She says she got lost, and he says then Obrecht caught her going into the trophy room, where Helena’s portrait was. Hayden stammers, and Valentin says, tell the truth. Although he knows it’s a tough concept for her, she’ll earn a great deal of money if she does. What’s so important about the portrait?

Jax says Nina almost had him convinced she believed Valentin. She says, almost?  He says when they sat together that night, when she ran out of the wedding, he saw how much pain she was in, and she was pretty convinced Valentin was behind it. Nina tells him that she doesn’t remember half the things she said; she was so upset. He was very sympathetic while listening to her; he deserves a medal. He says he was trying to be a friend. What troubled him was her falling for Valentin’s lies. He knew she wasn’t that gullible. She says, no, she’s not, but he’s the only one who shares that opinion. No one else had trouble believing Valentin snowed her again. He says, that was the idea, wasn’t it? She says, it was part of the set up. To pull the rug out from under Valentin, and watch him fall apart. Jax says, it’s a great plan, but completely wrong for the situation.

Valentin tells Hayden that Ava had a nervous breakdown, and submitter herself to Shadybrook. He just came from a visit. They had an enlightening conversation about the portrait, and how it came into her hands, despite the fact that he threw it away. Hayden asks if she still has it, and he says, not in Shadybrook. It’s difficult to say where, but she said Jax and Hayden were searching for it. That would explain why she was searching his home. She says, he puts a lot of faith in a nervous breakdown. Valentin says he’ll make it easy. He’ll pay her a quarter of a million dollars to tell him what’s so important about the painting. Nikolas listens in.

Nina says, it’s a good plan, but the wrong plan? and Jax says he knows it’s tempting to take revenge; make Valentin feel the heartbreak she felt. But it’s a lose-lose situation. She asks how? and he tells her take his word for it. Revenge doesn’t always give you the satisfaction you’d expect, and it can hurt more than the person you’re targeting. She tells him to offer her a different solution. He says, it might sound cliché, but living well is the best revenge. End things, cut your losses. Don’t press charges for fraud, and drag Valentin into court; it’s a waste of time. All those weeks won’t matter once she’s free. He tells her, don’t get tangled in revenge. Focus on the good things in your life that are in front of you. Nina says Valentin won’t let her go. He’ll come after her. He says she has to make Valentin think she’s moved on; found someone else. She could fake date him if she wanted. Nina says that’s because he wouldn’t date her in real life. He says he didn’t say that.

Jason tells Anna that Cassandra held Valentin’s daughter hostage. Why not retaliate? Anna says, that’s not how the law works, but he asks, what good is the law, when it  puts the wrong person behind bars? Sam was convicted of manslaughter, and sent to Pentenville for two years. Anna says she’s sorry, and wouldn’t have asked him to meet her if she’d known. He says he needed something else to focus on. Something he understands. She asks if the children know. He says, not yet. He’s figuring out how tell them. He can’t wrap his head around it, and nothing is working. She asks if she can offer some advice. Be honest with them. Tell them as much as he thinks they’re old enough to process. The most important thing is to reassure them that he’ll be there for them. Jason thanks her, and she says he’s a bit unconventional for a father, but she thinks he’ll be brilliant. He hopes so.

Stella gives Mike a glass of water, and tells him, sorry, but they’re out of scotch at the bar. He says, it’s probably just as well. He has to work tonight. His boss is a jerk, and if he smells booze on Mike’s breath, he’ll make a big case of it. Stella says he doesn’t want that, and asks where he works. Mike says he won’t be there much longer. Just long enough to show his girl’s father that he can hold a steady job. She says he’s got a girl? He says, the most beautiful one in the world. Stella asks her name, and he says, Adela. She’s an angel. The only thing wrong is, her father doesn’t approve. She asks, how come? but Mike says he hasn’t asked him. He couldn’t care less, but being with her is world anything her old man puts him through. He just needs one good score, and he’ll have enough to make his own business. He’ll use what’s left over for a down payment on a house. It will make Adela happy; she wants to have kids, just like he does. Stella is sure he’ll be a wonderful father, and Mike says, his own childhood was hit or miss, but he’ll be different for his kids. He’s going to do it right. He’ll be home for dinner at six, Saturdays in the park, and mass on Sunday morning. Stella says, it sounds lovely, and he says as soon get he gets married, they won’t see him around there.

Carly tells Sonny that Jason was focused on Sam going to prison, and how he was going to break the news to the kids. She didn’t think it was the time to bring up a conversation about Jax. Sonny says Jax is lying about why he doesn’t want Josslyn to move in. He’d never chose a girlfriend over Josslyn. Carly says they have to get along, and Sonny says he’s trying. She tells him, try harder. He says he has no doubt Jax loves Josslyn, but also no doubt he’s using the situation to his advantage.

Jason goes to the Quartermaine mansion, and Monica says it’s good to see him. Scout was out by seven, but Danny is probably awake. She tells him, Robert called about the verdict. She’s so sorry. Jason says the lawyer is pushing for parole, but the kids need know Sam could be gone for a while. Scout is too young to understand, but he doesn’t want to risk Danny finding out some other way. Monica says what’s important is stability, consistency, and reassurance. He’s going to need help while Sam is away, and she wonders why they couldn’t live there.

Sonny tells Carly that Jax is going to push himself into their lives and family, judging everything Sonny does. Jax would love nothing more than to catch him doing something illegal. Carly says Jax already has. He knows Sonny is breaking all kinds of laws having Dev there, and said he’d keep the secret. Sonny says Jax wants to be Josslyn’s hero, but what if he finds something to use against Sonny that Josslyn isn’t involved in? Don’t think Jax won’t turn him over to the cops.

Jax tells Nina, what he’s saying is, she runs a successful magazine. Her boss thinks she’s wonderful. Nina says, does he? and Jax says, he does. Doesn’t she think it best she focus Crimson instead of destroying Valentin? Millions of people get heartbroken every day, but not many have her choices. She can wallow in hate and revenge, or choose to chase what makes her happy. She says he makes it sound easy. He says, ditch the revenge, detach herself from Valentin, start living her life. and the world is her oyster. She says, what if she doesn’t want that particular oyster? What if she wants to forgive Valentin? He asks why she’d want to do that.

Finn meets Anna at the MetroCourt, apologizing for being late. She says she met with Jason to go over the Cassandra incident. Did he know Sam was convicted of manslaughter? She’s been sentenced to two years in Pentenville. Finn says, it’s horrible, and she says, it’s terrible. Jason is grappling with how to tell the children. It made her think about how complicated life is, and how their circumstances impact their children. She tells him that she met with Hayden, and he asks how it went. She says, pleasant enough, and Finn says, but… She says she doesn’t think she trusts Hayden all that much. He says, sadly, that’s not a surprise.

Valentin says Hayden has experience in high finance. She can aggressively invest the money, and Make a princely sum. It would be all hers. She says she’d love to take his money, but she doesn’t know anything about the portrait. He says he’d prefer to pay her for the information, but he can exert influence in other ways. Once the money is off the table, it’s going to get unpleasant. He’s going to ask one more time. Do they have a deal? She says they do, and tells him to wire the money to an offshore account. He says he’ll need something up front, a gesture of good faith. She says, the reason Helena gave the portrait to Nikolas… Charlotte comes in, interrupting the conversation.

Nina tells Jax, she’s been planning her revenge since the day of the wedding. When she went back to work, she ran into Sasha, and she lied again, saying the scam was all her fault. She went to Windymere, hoping Valentin would tell the truth, but he didn’t. He lied again. It’s who he is, and who he’ll always be. Why let the truth stand between him and what he wants? So she decided to play his game, and she’s been playing him ever since, until Charlotte was abducted. Then, revenge seemed pointless. All she could think about was how much she loves Charlotte. She’d give anything for Charlotte to have a safe at home with the father she loves. She loves the three of them; they’re a family. It’s hard to give up, no matter what Valentin does or the crimes he’s committed. Jax says, please don’t say Valentin is a good father.

Sonny tells Carly that he just wants honesty from his wife. Admit Jax is out to get him. She says Sonny would already be feeling it if he was. He could be a threat to Sonny’s coffee business, which would leave his real business in serious trouble. Sonny should be grateful that Jax isn’t as vindictive as he is. What would he do if someone had him deported and kept away from his child? If all Jax does is annoy Sonny, he’s getting off easy. Sonny asks why it’s his fault. Carly put it in motion when she slept with Jax.

Jason tells Monica, he appreciates the offer, but he just doesn’t know. It’s hard enough the kids will be separated from Sam. He doesn’t know if he should take them out of their home. Monica says they spend a lot of time there anyway. It’s comfortable and familiar; they have their own rooms, and adore the nanny. They’ll have consistency and security, and won’t be confused about Sam’s absence when they come home from school. Jason says he’ll talk to Sam, and see if it’s okay. Monica says he doesn’t have to say anything, but Scout and Danny’s mother is in prison. Scout’s dad is dead, and Jason is the only parent they have. Please think before taking any chances that might get him killed or put in prison.

Charlotte says Valentin promised they’d read her book. She knows they were going to wait for Nina, but she wants to start tonight. Valentin suggests she go upstairs for a bit, but Hayden says she doesn’t want to intrude. She asks what the book is, and Charlotte says, Little Women. Hayden says it’s one of her favorites. She’ll see herself out. Valentin says he and Charlotte will show her out. He doesn’t want her wandering off somewhere she doesn’t want to be. Nikolas puts the poker back, and slips out the secret door. Valentin thanks Hayden for coming, and tells her to get the account number for him. She says, no problem about everything they discussed. When she’s gone, Charlotte wonders why Valentin didn’t introduce her, but he says, there was no need. He doubts they’ll see her again.

Jax tells Nina, Sonny is a good father too. That’s how Carly rationalized going back to him time and again. Now one of her kids is dead, and her life is in a mess. He doesn’t want that to happen to her. Nina says it’s not his decision to make. Jax says she’s right. He should know better. He can’t live someone else’s life. She has every right to choose Valentin. All he can do is give her a better alternative, and hope she’s smart enough to take it. She hands him the invitation, tells him, don’t forget to RSVP, and leaves. Geez, think he likes her?

Carly says she slept with Jax when she had reason to believe Sonny had sex with Nelle, and was covering it up. Does he think she forgot that he slept with her lawyer Martina, or flirted with Margaux right in front of her face? If he wants to compare lists, his is way longer. The house phone rings, and Sonny says, send her up. Carly asks, who’s there? and he says, Stella. He knows it’s not a good time, but Carly says, of course (🍷) Stella should come in. They need to finish this though. Sonny opens the door, and Stella says, hey, stranger. He asks how she is, and Carly says she’s here from across the pond. Stella says, just for a quick visit. She was just visiting Sonny’s father. Unfortunately, he had no idea who she was.

Finn tells Anna that Hayden is Violet’s mother, but he’s under no illusion that motherhood transformed her. As happy as he is to have Violet in his life, he’s not sure he can forgive Hayden for the time she’s taken from him. Anna says she’s sorry, and Finn says, this is where science does him a favor. He looks at the facts, and wonders if he and Hayden can find a way to co-parent that’s best for Violet. Anna says, for Hayden, the best way might mean the two of them getting back together.

Jax looks at the invitation, and Nikolas walks in. Jax asks where he was (déjà vu!), and Nikolas says, out. Jax asks if he was breaking more drug traffickers out of custody. Nikolas asks what Nina wanted, and Jax says to invite him to the wedding. She’s marrying Valentin at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Nikolas says, she’s a fool, but Jax says, she knows what she’s doing. She’s a good person, and too many people lied to her, including him. He’s done.

Nina walks into Windymere, and hears Valentin reading to Charlotte. She sees them on the couch, Charlotte’s head on Valentin’s shoulder. She watches them.

Jason tells Danny that he wants to talk about something that happened. He had to testify in court. Danny asks if it was for his mom’s trial, and Jason says it was. Danny ask if she’s okay, and Jason says what he’s about to tell Danny is complicated. He’s sure Danny will have a lot of questions, but he’ll explain everything. Danny’s mom was found guilty of something called manslaughter.

Stella tells Sonny, she’s not surprised. She and Mike met after he developed Alzheimer’s. He was so fully immersed in another time and place, with no sense of disorientation or uncertainty. It’s clear Mike’s Alzheimer’s is progressing. Carly asks, how long before he won’t remember them? but Stella says, it’s impossible to say. Sonny says, based on her experience, what’s her guess? Stella says, the day when Sonny’s father won’t remember him at all, is coming a lot sooner than they think.

Jason says Danny’s mom was protecting him, and as a result, Shiloh died. The judge found his mom partly responsible; that’s what manslaughter means. He asks if it makes sense, and Danny asks if Sam is going to prison. Jason says, yeah. The judge wants her to go for two years. Danny says, no, and Jason says the lawyers are trying to get her home sooner. Danny wonders what will happen with him and Scout, and Jason says he was talking  to Grandma Monica. She thought they could stay there, and he doesn’t think it’s a bad idea. But if Danny wants to be home, they can do that. Whatever he wants. Danny thinks he wants to stay. If they’re at home, they’ll just miss their mom more. Jason says, it’s okay. Jason will need his help. If Scout sees Danny is okay, she’ll be okay. Danny says he can do that, and Jason says he knows Danny can. Jason promises to do everything to get their mom home, but whatever happens, Danny has him. He’s not going anywhere. They hug.

Hayden goes back to the MetroCourt, and sees Anna and Finn at the bar. Anna says now that Finn has had time to think, does he have any insights to share? He says, just one. He loves her. He would have never asked her to marry him if he’d had any doubts. She says she doesn’t have any either. He says, whatever happens, they’ll deal with it together, and she says, of course (🍷). Whatever it takes. She loves him. He says he loves her too, and kisses her. Hayden watches.

Nikolas asks what Jax means by done. Jax says if he can’t find the codicil by New Year’s Eve, he’s going to tell Nina everything; that Nikolas is alive, and about his involvement. Valentin will be focused on Nikolas, and he’ll rape Cassadine Industries, bankrupting Valentin. Nikolas says Jax will render the estate worthless, and Jax says that’s Nikolas’s problem. Nikolas asks, what about Spencer? and Jax says he can take care of Spencer, without further involvement in his family’s politics. Nikolas asks, what happened? and Jax says, his priorities have changed, and he wants to make sure Nina comes out unharmed.

Nina says she can’t believe they started without her. She would have rushed home. Charlotte says she loves it so far, and Nina says she knew Charlotte would. Charlotte says she can’t believe papa didn’t know the book, and Nina says it’s on them to keep him educated. She takes the book, and says, her turn. She reads, and Charlotte says, those poor girls. She doesn’t know what she‘d do without her papa. Valentin says she doesn’t have to worry about that.

Nikolas calls Hayden. He says he needs to see her tomorrow. Don’t say a word to Jax. This is between them. It’s urgent. Everything has changed.

On Monday, TJ tells Stella that he’s going to propose to Molly. Neil asks Alexis what she and Kendra work on, and Trina asks if Dev is Sonny’s cousin or not.

🔥 Oh Hell No…

I’d rather watch five of anyone else.

👑 Oh Hell Yes…

The queen can still do no wrong.

No surprise, she also wins most popular.

📢 Quotes of the Week

Because it’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood, some quotes from Fred RogersMr. Rogers to you.

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.

Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.

How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us.

I think of discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline.

Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.

And because it can’t all be sunshine and rainbows.

Honey, her wig is desperate.NeNe Leakes, Real Housewives of Atlanta

Nothing ruins a beach picnic like a fatality. – Kate Chastain, Below Deck

🌠 I Wish…

I’ll spare you the songs from Oliver! that are somehow stuck in my head.  See you when Alexandria and Oceanside meet.
















November 21, 2019 – Yesterday’s Today, GH News, Wives Gossip, Vanderpump Still Rules, Gone To a Better Stage & Next Week’s Friday


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Yesterday, I went into the future and recapped the episode that was aired in most places today. Magic! However, it’s my understanding that it was again preempted in some areas today. There are no words, except to say, if you missed it altogether, you can catch up here:

Hopefully, Friday’s episode will be on Friday, but who knows what’s going to happen in this topsy-turvy world we now live in, where low-rated hearings are forced on us and Franco is a nobody. Or is it Drew?

🍵 Tea For You…

Since there were no new evening episodes for the usual programs, enjoy some trash talk. I mean, articles on the world of entertainment.

👠 New Old Girl In Town…

A refresher course on Brook Lynn.

🎁 Home For the Holidays…

Hard to believe it’s been two years.

🏆 General Honor…

So glad props were given to Maurice Benard.

🔄 The Divorce Is Back On…

I think.

🚫 Apparently, She Does Say No To Some Jobs…

But someone tried to make it a yes.

💰 You Can’t Keep a Rich Bitch Down…

She’s ba-a-ack.

💍 Watch All About It…

More on Kelly’s rebound engagement.

🌴 Desperation…

Some people will do anything to reunite with those who hate them.

🍸 Vanderpump Returns…

In case you missed it. Although it’s hard to take someone’s argument seriously when they’re in costume.

📣 The First Roll Call Of the Dead…

Those entertainers we loved and lost in 2019.

😱 It’s Coming…

I shopped on Black Friday once. It wasn’t worth it.

November 20, 2019 – Not Preempted For Me (Or You), Everyone Gets a Baby Elephant, Quick Take On Jersey, Jax Dream & the White Christmas Of Thanksgiving


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


SPOILER ALERT: This show was not seen on regular TV in the US today, so it will be shown tomorrow. Through the magic of the internet, I saw it anyway, but if you want to wait, close your eyes and scroll down for RHOD.

General Hospital

Brook Lynn asks how Ned is, and he says he’s good. He asks if she just get in, and she says, more or less. He says he didn’t call, and she asks if no one is still down for surprises anymore. She says hi to Olivia and Sonny.

Jason tells Carly that he just came from the courthouse. Sam has been convicted of manslaughter. Carly says, she’s going to prison? She asks, for how long? and he says, two years. She hugs him and says she’s sorry.

Valentin waits for Ava in her room at Shadybrook. He wonders how he didn’t know about this high-end retreat, and she says he’ll make it there eventually with his lineage. He says that’s what he wanted to talk to her about, and she says, his mental health? He says, his family.

Nikolas comes downstairs and tells Jax that Nina is there. She pulled up, got out of the car, and got back in. She can’t seem to make up her mind. Jax suggests Nikolas go to his room until Jax tells him to come out, and Nikolas says, that’s a good one. He has an errand to run. Jax says he’ll be seen, and this will all be for nothing. Nikolas flashes back to locking eyes with Charlotte at the pier. The doorbell rings. Nikolas says he’ll be careful, and Jax says he’d better be.

Finn giftwraps a children’s book. Chase comes in, and he tells Chase make himself useful and help him. Chase says, it’s a little light for Anna, but Finn says, it’s not for her. Chase asks if it’s for the daughter Finn neglected to mention.

Hayden meets Anna at the MetroCourt bar. Anna wasn’t sure she’d be interested in clearing the air, but Hayden says they’re going to be one big happy family once Anna and Finn get married. They’re  still getting married, right?

Carly tells Jason that she’s so sorry, and asks how Sam is. Jason says, she’s trying to be strong. Carly asks what about him? and he says he hates it. He’ll do anything to get her out. He’s worried about the kids. He’s struggling with what to tell them. He doesn’t want to lie, sugar coat it, or tell them Sam will be home soon. She says there has to be a way to reduce Sam’s sentence, but he says, everything with Shiloh has worked against them. What if the sentence sticks? The kids think two weeks is a long time. How does he tell them she’ll be away two years? Carly says they’ll figure it out together.

Jax opens the door to Nina. He says he figured she’d be at Windymere with her family. She says she was, but she wanted to drop something off. He asks how Charlotte is, and she says not as rattled as her and Valentin. That kid is ridiculously brave. She likes what Jax has done with the place. He asks if she wants a drink, and she says, no, and hands him something. He hopes it’s not her resignation, and she says he’ll have to pry Crimson out of her cold, dead hand. He sees it’s a wedding invitation, and he says, she’s going to try to marry Valentin again? She says she’d like for him to be there.

At the MetroCourt, Curtis tells Jordan that he guesses he should find Nina, and tell her the man she’s about to marry is no good. He hired a woman to impersonate her daughter. Who does that? Jordan says, tell her, and he says, and blow up her world again? She says, then don’t tell her, and he says, and let her live a lie? She says he already knows how she feels. He says, he has no proof, it’s none of his business, let her figure it out. She says he does actually listen, and he says he hopes Nina never figures it out. She asks if it’s occurred to him that, on some level, Nina already knows. Maybe facing the truth isn’t worth losing Valentin. Maybe Nina loves him that much. He says, that’s insane, and she says, but to some people, a lie is more comfortable. Stella comes in, and asks if someone said comfort. She’s in the mood for a hug. Curtis hugs her. This is so weird. I was just wondering when she was coming back.

Finn asks how Chase found out, and Chase says, Robert. Finn says, for a guy who was a spy, Robert can’t keep a secret. He wanted to tell Chase himself. Chase says he would have liked that too, and Finn says it’s been overwhelming. He’s still trying to wrap his head around it. He should have told Chase, and he’s sorry. Chase says he has a daughter; how does it feel? Finn says, amazing and utterly terrifying. Chase thinks it’s awesome he’s an uncle, and their dad is a grandfather. Finn says Chase hasn’t told him, and Chase says he hasn’t, but Finn should. The family is expanding, and he can’t wait to meet Violet. Finn says, she’s incredible. He thanks Chase for being on board. He’s not sure everyone feels the same. Chase says, everyone, or Anna?

Anna asks why Hayden would think she and Finn weren’t getting married. Hayden says Finn didn’t say anything, if she’s concerned. Anna says she’s not, and Hayden says, it’s just that Anna has been gone so long. She knows how it is. Anna isn’t sure she does. Hayden says, time passes; feelings change, but Finn never told her anything like that. Anna says that’s what they share in common. They don’t tell people things. It’s Hayden’s MO.

Brook likes how they redecorated, and Ned tells her, Monica can be touchy about uninvited guests. She asks what Monica has to do with anything, and Ned says, it’s her house. They all say in, Alan gave it to her, in unison. Brook says she’s not a guest; she’s family. Olivia says, welcome home. She asks how the music industry is, and Brook says, great, but she can’t say the same for her shoes. The terrace is an obstacle course. She almost came in through the kitchen. She asks if somebody died, and Ned says the were in the middle of something. She says, they’re Quartermaines. When are they not in the middle of something? All except for Uncle Dimples. She asks if Sonny is still driving the ladies wild, and he says, it’s a gift.

Ava tells Valentin that she’s not feeling herself these days. Perhaps they could finish the conversation another time. He says he wants to continue their conversation from Halloween; the one about Helena’s portrait. He’s had time to reconsider its worth, and would like her professional opinion. He’ll reward her handsomely, of course (🍷). She says, right, and he says she owes him. He arranged for her reconstruction. She says, look where it got her. He says because of him, she still has her beauty, but she says she might still have her soul. She would have done the right thing by Spencer, and wouldn’t be seeing him around every corner. He asks if she’s seeing Spencer, and she says, no. Nikolas.

Nikolas pops out through a secret door at Windymere. Charlotte asks who he is, and what’s he doing in her living room?

Ava asks Valentin to leave; she’s exhausted. He asks what kind of meds they have her on. She says, the kind that stop you from having hallucinations. He says, so that’s what she meant by seeing Nikolas, and she says, Halloween night. He’s surprised, since Nikolas has been gone so long, but she says, that’s the thing about regret. He says he wouldn’t know, and she says lucky him. He says, if you make a mistake, you fix it, but if you can’t, you don’t dwell. There’s nothing anyone can do for Nikolas now. She says she’ll keep it mind the next time any Cassadine memorabilia passes by. He says that’s why Nikolas is on her mind. She has Helena’s portrait.

Jax tells Nina, it seems a little fast, but she says, to her, it seems like the most drawn out wedding in history. He says, a lot has happened since the last time. She says, things have been dealt with and any remaining issues will be dealt with by the ceremony. She asks why he’s upset, and he tells her that he doesn’t think she’s thinking it through. He doesn’t know what to say. She tells him, just say chicken, fish, or vegetarian. He says, none of the above. He won’t be attending.

Chase says, Anna came home to find Finn, Hayden, and Violet – a child she didn’t know existed – shacking up in her house? Finn says, there was no shacking up. Chase says, it could have gone bad. Finn says it didn’t go great, but for the most part, Anna took it in stride.

Hayden asks if Anna has something to say about the choices she’s made as a mother. Anna says she has no clue about Hayden’s choices. Violet seems lovely, and it must be due to Hayden’s influence; at least in part. Hayden thanks her. Anna says she’s referring to Hayden’s choices as a human being, and keeping Finn in the dark. Hayden asks if Anna thinks it was easy. She’s beaten herself up enough. Anna says, Finn should have had a say; an opportunity to be a father. Hayden says, he’s getting that now, but Anna says she’s robbed him of years. Both of them actually. Hayden says, Robin turned out okay.

Carly asks Jason for all the reasons he’s mad and blames himself. She knows he won’t vent unless she makes him. He says he should have killed Shiloh from the start. If he had done his job, they could have avoided this whole situation. She says, Sam didn’t want that. Sam chose to handle Shiloh they way she wanted to, and these are the consequences. He needs to ask himself if Sam is the one he’s mad at. She is. She’s furious at Sam. Like he said, this could have been avoided if Sam had let him do what he needed to, and looked the other way. But here they are because of Sam’s decisions. She’s not judging; she loves Sam. Jason says he’s frustrated, but in the end, it was Sam’s call to make. Kristina is her sister, and this is how she wanted to handle things. She accepted the risk, and took it. Carly says, and he accepts it too. Jason says, but that’s him and Sam. It’s not their kids.

Curtis asks why Stella didn’t call. Stella says she didn’t want to trouble them; she’s just here for a minute. She’s grabbing a visa, and going back to London, so she can stay as long as she wants. Curtis takes it that her and long lost cousin Wanda are getting along. Stella says, like fish and chips. Curtis says it’s not the same without her, and she asks if he expected otherwise. She says, London is amazing, and Jordan says she’d love to go someday. Curtis asks, what about now? They never got their honeymoon. How does Christmas in London with Aunt Stella sound?

Charlotte says she knows Nikolas. She saw him on the pier last night. Does he work for Cassandra like those other creeps? He says he works for her father. He was supposed to find her and bring her home safe, but someone else rescued her. He’s sorry. Next time, he’ll be faster. She says, next time? and he says her father wants him to stay on as her bodyguard. She says, papa didn’t say anything, and he says her father thought she’d be frightened, but he thought she’s old enough to know. She says she is mature for her age, and he says he thinks so too. He’s going to stick to the shadows, and she won’t even know he’s there. She asks why he told her when papa didn’t want him to.

Valentin tells Ava that he threw away the portrait and now she has it. It’s important to him. His daughter was kidnapped, and could have been hurt, or worse. She asks what that has to do with the portrait, and he says she told him the artist sometimes hides information in his work. Laura seems to think if she can get to the portrait, she can get to him. Why is that? Ava says, it isn’t just Laura, and he says, it’s Jax and Hayden.

Nina says it’s important to her that Jax is at her wedding, and he asks, why? She says, because it is. He says, Valentin lied to her time and again. He used her worst pain to draw her in close, and now she wants to marry him again? She says she sees things clearly for the first time, and he has to trust her. Sasha owned up to the scheme; she did it all herself. He says Nina doesn’t actually believe that, and she says if he has proof to the contrary, hand it over. He says, fine. He can’t tell her what to do. If she wants to make the biggest mistake of her life… She says, it’s hers to make.

Carly tells Jason that she’s learned by having kids in your life, they’re in your life. Technically, Avery isn’t her daughter. He says, she is. That’s how he feels about Scout, even though she’s Drew’s. Carly says, unfortunately, Scout won’t remember Drew. Jason is the father she’s going to have. Jason says the kids count on them, and he’s realizing they should have taken it into consideration before getting involved with this whole thing.

Valentin says he wants that portrait, and Ava says, join the club. He asks if Jax knows she has it, and she says, he may have come calling. She’s going to tell him what she told Jax. That wretched painting is somewhere he’ll never find it. He says name her price. She laughs and asks if he’s not more creative. Numbers are so mundane. He says he can’t negotiate by himself; tell him where to start. She says, how about hell? Start there. Now get out.

Jax says working with Nina gave him a chance to know her. She’s an amazing person. Intuitive, with good judgement, but she’s the last person who should be with a guy who blows up his own enemy. They both know Valentin rigged Cassandra’s boat. He’s a criminal. Nina says, he was afraid for his daughter, and Jax says, being with a criminal can ruin your life. Trust him; he’s seen it happen. She says all she wanted was to invite him to her wedding, but he says, all she wanted was for him to talk her out of it.

Finn asks how he got here, and Chase says he’ll have to be more specific. He says he went from a doctor to a father who’s engaged, who has friends – not many, but a few – and a brother who he thinks cares about him. He has to figure out how to be all those things. He’s terrified of messing it up. Chase says, all those things – marriage fatherhood brotherly love – you can’t control them. You just have to jump in and figure it out.

Anna tells Hayden, what happened with Robin isn’t the same situation as what happened with her daughter. Hayden says, she heard Anna got pregnant and took off – same – left the father out of the loop – same – and for even longer than she did with Finn. Anna says, her life was filled with danger, and Hayden says, so she was protecting her daughter? That makes it better; more justified? Anna says, it does, and Hayden says they both had their reasons. Anna says she’d love to hear about Hayden’s reasons. She must have thought Finn might get angry and want to take the child from her, so why tell him at all? Hayden says she had to; Violet got sick. Anna says there are other doctors, yet Hayden chose to come there and loop Finn in. Why now? Hayden says she has her reasons. Suffice it to say, the timing felt right. Anna says she bets it did. She was out of the picture.

Hayden says Anna could have returned at any second, but Anna says she didn’t. Hayden asks if that’s her fault. Anna says, no. She’s just pointing out that Hayden had Finn’s undivided attention for months, and it couldn’t have worked out better for her. Hayden asks if Anna wishes she hadn’t told Finn, but Anna says she’s glad Finn know and Violet will be a part of his life. It’s beautiful. She’d just like Hayden to be honest. It was less about a father/daughter reunion, and more about Hayden rebuilding her relationship with Finn. Hayden says she and Finn already had a relationship, and because of Violet, they always will.

Chase says he can’t picture Finn hosting a tea party, but Finn says, Violet was the host; he just attended. Bella and Otto were supposed to be there, but couldn’t make it. Chase says, Bella and Otto? Finn says, Bella’s a pig, and Otto’s an owl. He’s heard they’re uptight, but he hasn’t met them yet, so he’s reserving judgment. He shows Chase pictures of the tea party. Chase never thought he’d see the day, and Finn says he didn’t either. Chase says fatherhood looks good on Finn, and Finn says, it feels good.

Jordan asks if London isn’t wet and cold this time of year, and Stella says more than it is there. They need to go someplace warm, put their toes in the sand, and relax. She’s surprised Curtis hasn’t planned a honeymoon for his bride yet, and Jordan says work has taken up all of their time. Stella says they have to make time. For themselves and each other. Otherwise, what’s the point? Curtis says, TJ, among other things, and Stella wonders what her grandnephew is up to.

Jason tells Carly that they could have done a better job of calculating the odds. She thinks the days of Sam riding off with him, guns a-blazing, are probably over. She should have told him that, but she doesn’t think Sam would have listened. He says he thinks she’ll listen now. She says, in the meantime, the kids need him.

Brook asks if Dante is going to be okay. Sonny says, after the kind of trauma he’s been through, it’s a long way to the other side. She suggests Dante’s wife should have stood by him, but Sonny says, Dante is the one who wanted the divorce. She asks if Lulu has never seen a paper shredder.

On the terrace, Ned tells Olivia that he’s sorry about Brook. She’s becoming more like his mother. Oliva says tell her about it, but it’s not her. He says, it’s about Dante, and she says she wasn’t just writing weather reports and local gossip. She told him to take his time and get better; that they would be there and were rooting for him. That the minute he reached out, they’d be there to get him. He didn’t see any of it, and doesn’t even know. She cries, and Ned holds her.

Nikolas says it’s his job to protect Charlotte, and he didn’t feel comfortable lying to her. They’re a team, but if Valentin finds out Nikolas broke his confidence, he’ll be fired. Will she keep his secret? She says she’s not supposed to lie to papa, but he says she wouldn’t be lying if she just doesn’t tell. Valentin didn’t tell her that he was hired. Please. He just wants to prove himself and keep her safe.

Jax says, Nina is at war with herself. Half of her knows he’s right about Valentin. Nina says, what about the other half? and Jax says, the other half is willing to look past the atrocities Valentin has committed, and tell herself that it won’t affect her or Charlotte. She’s smarter than this. Nina says he’s a patronizing condescending jackass. Who is he to tell her who she is or what she wants? He’s better than Valentin?

Carly tells Jason, no more openly daring the cops get to him until Sam is out. He’s a superhero with a secret identity. She feels for Sam, in that cell, wondering what happened, but Sam knows her kids are okay because they have him. She hugs him.

Stella asks if she suddenly developed a British accent, and they don’t understand her. What’s going on with TJ? Jordan says, nothing yet, but it may be something. Stella says they’re scaring her, but Curtis says, it’s nothing bad. The opposite. Jordan says, it’s TJ’s place to tell, not theirs, and Stella says, then she’ll track him down.

Ned and Olivia go back inside. Brook apologizes. She says she had no idea, or she wouldn’t have said anything. Olivia says she understands, and Ned asks how long Brook is in town. Brook says, TBD. She assume she could crash there, but Olivia doesn’t seem okay with it. Olivia says, that’s not it, and Brook says she did Olivia a major favor when she took Leo. Olivia says she’s thanked Brook a gazillion times, and Ned says they’re glad to have her. Leo will be excited, and maybe she can teach him to ride his new pony. Olivia says, that’s not a done deal. Brook thinks it’s cool, but Ned says, Olivia is a hard sell. Olivia says Leo hasn’t learned to ride a bike yet, and it’s so over-the-top. So Quartermaine. Brook says Ned wants to buy Leo a pony. Who could say no to that? Olivia says, how about someone who doesn’t want to raise an entitled spoiled brat? Sonny laughs, and Brook asks what he’s laughing at. Sonny says he was thinking how much Edward and Lila would enjoy this. We see their picture on the mantel.

Finn gives Chase everything he’s got on Alexis’s poisoning, and Chase thanks him for helping out. He asks when he can meet Violet, and Finn says they’re having a sleepover tomorrow. Is that too soon? Chase says he’ll stop by. He congratulates Finn on his way out, and Finn says Violet is lucky to have Chase as an uncle.

Anna tells Hayden that she welcomes the addition of Violet to the family. Hayden says, but not her. Anna says she comes with the territory. Violet is going to be a part of their life, and she’s over the moon about that, but it’s their life – hers and Finn’s. She doesn’t want Hayden to get it twisted. She leaves, and Hayden smiles. Sort of.

Jax tells Nina, she’s right. It’s her life and her choice if she wants to throw everything away to marry Valentin. Nina says, what if she’s not planning on marrying Valentin? What if she’s planning on destroying him? I say, ah-ha! I was right.

Charlotte says she could use a secret bodyguard. There are a lot of bad people out there. Papa says so. Nikolas promises to get rid of all the bad people – every last one of them. Valentin arrives home, and Nikolas makes himself scarce. Charlotte runs to Valentin, and he asks if she had a good day. She says, full of surprises. He hopes good ones, and wants to hear all about it, but has to make a quick call. He tells her to go upstairs and brush her teeth. He’ll come up soon as he can.

Valentin calls Hayden. He says, sorry for the delay in notice, but he’d like her to come out to Windymere tonight. He has a proposition for her that he thinks she’ll find attractive. He tells her, keep an open mind. He thinks they could be useful to one another. Nikolas listens in.

They had no preview, since the same show will be on tomorrow.

The Real Housewives of Dallas

The women arrive in Thailand. Kameron says she’s a little foggy. She took a Xanax for the plane ride, and doesn’t remember much. Did they put masks on? We see a clip, and yes, they did. Beauty masks, not Halloween masks. Stephanie only remembers sleeping. D’Andra says she didn’t sleep. Either it was hot on the plane, or she’s menopausal. She was sweating her balls off. It’s very difficult, but I’m sitting on making a joke here. LeeAnne says between getting off the plane and going to the hotel, she doesn’t remember much. In her interview, Kameron says there’s a twelve-hour time difference, so they’re traveling to the future. It’s really yesterday in Dallas. She says, future Kameron is twelve hours older, but she looks great. Stephanie feels like she should be sleeping. She doesn’t know how they got there, and she’s confused.

The women gather for breakfast. Stephanie wants to be the hostess with the mostest, and pre-ordered breakfast. She knew they’d be tired. Kary puzzles over a rambutan – that spiky fruit I always stare at in the grocery store and wonder if I should try. I hear they’re hard to peel, and I don’t like to work for my fruit. They toast to Thailand. Stephanie says Travis will be there in two days. They’ll see him on the last day, since he has stuff to do for work and his dad. She says they’re going to the temple today, explore a little, and come back to the hotel for dinner. In her interview, Stephanie says she pretty much planned all the activities on the trip. Well, really Travis did. Kameron wants to go to the red light district. She says people are  hanging off the windows there. Stephanie says tomorrow, they’re doing the elephant sanctuary. Kameron sings ♫ Thailand, Thailand, where everyone gets a baby elephant ♫ to the tune of Toyland. Sort of. LeeAnne says Kameron didn’t even take a Xanax this morning. In Kameron’s interview, she says that’s been in her head for years. She and Court made it up on a  trip there. She reads a list of rules for the country to the others, and says, you can’t talk about the king negatively, or you’ll go to jail. You have to respect your elders, and lean forward when they speak. D’Andra says Stephanie and Brandi are going to have to do a lot of leaning. Kameron reads, no teasing or joking excessively, and you can’t stare at someone for too long. Brandi says they’re all going to jail right away. Kameron says you also can’t whisper in front of anyone. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says she thinks the rules are being directed at everyone but Kameron. Kameron says, no fighting in public and making a scene of yourself. In their separate interviews, everyone agrees that D’Andra and Kary are most likely to go to jail first. In Kary’s interview she says she doesn’t follow the rules at home; she’s not following them there.

Stephanie says they’re tired, but everyone is excited. Kary picks up a handful of makeup brushes, and asks if D’Andra needs so much makeup. D’Andra says she pared it down. She has a surprise brought one of LeeAnne’s Infinity dresses. She says she got it to support LeeAnne, but has to figure out what goes where. I’ve checked out this dress online, and although it was a bit out of my price range, I’d definitely buy it. In Kary’s interview, she whines about LeeAnne saying the necklace she gave D’Andra looked like anal beads. She can dish it out but can she take it? D’Andra doesn’t think LeeAnne will find it funny, but sometimes you have to behave badly for a funny moment. If she’d designed the dress, LeeAnne would be wearing it.

Kary says she’s ready to do Thailand. They get into a limo bus. Stephanie says she loves the elephant statues everywhere. In her interview, D’Andra says the elephant is revered in many cultures, and is considered a symbol of prosperity. She has a statue in her yard, but maybe hers is facing the wrong way. Kary says most of the cute girls there have a pee-pee, and Stephanie says, lady boys. LeeAnne says, they’re annoyingly pretty. In Stephanie’s interview, she says, the lady boy shows are like the drag shows in the US. She doesn’t know if it’s jet lag or Kameron is getting her freak on in Thailand, but she likes that Kameron wants to check the red light district out. They get to Wat Pho, and go to the temple. Tour guide Yom welcomes them, and tells them the temple was built in 1688. First, he shows them the place where the monks pray, chant, and meditate. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says she’s highly religious, and excited that they’re starting with the temple. It brings peace and inner calm. Yom tells them to take their shoes and hats off to go inside. In Brandi’s interview, she says she’s a spiritual person, and thinks it’s important to learn about other people and their beliefs. Kary keeps having to be reminded to take her hat off, and in LeeAnne’s interview, she wonders how many times Kary needs to be told. In Kary’s interview, she says she knows. Don’t tell her what to do. One more Housewife disappointment. I liked Kary at first, but with each episode, I like her less. They see the reclining buddha, which is huge and gold. Yom tells them it’s made of brick covered in plaster, then lacquer, and on the outside, gold.

Kameron nearly hits her head on a porch roof, and says she’s too tall to be in Thailand. Kary tells Kameron that LeeAnne is annoying, and should mind her own business. They go to a market that has just about everything, including a fortune teller. He tells Stephanie that she’ll die a peaceful death when she’s older, and won’t be murdered. In Stephanie’s interview, she says she’s thought murder is a possibility many times in this group. Oddly enough, this guy is pretty accurate. He points out that D’Andra has issues with her mommy and money, and says if she keeps drinking a lot, she’s going to need an operation. She drinks too much sometimes, and talks too much. Holy! He’s a regular Long Island Medium. In her interview, LeeAnne says, imagine that. She suggests Kary monitor D’Andra, and in Kary’s interview, she says she’s tired of LeeAnne telling her what to do.

Next is Bangkok. Kary tells Kameron about LeeAnne telling Eduardo that it’s her turn to babysit D’Andra. LeeAnne is always poking at her. The text tells us that Kary is breaking the whispering rule. The women get into several little open cabs, kind of like golf carts, and the drivers go pretty fast. Kameron tells LeeAnne that Kary is mad about LeeAnne getting on her about the hat. LeeAnne says she didn’t want Kary to be disrespectful. Kary asks how LeeAnne doesn’t get on D’Andra’s nerves. D’Andra says she knows LeeAnne was thrilled when the guy said something to her about her drinking. Kary tells D’Andra that LeeAnne needs to mind her own business. LeeAnne tells Kameron that she was joking about the babysitting. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says Kary wants to make Kameron not hang out with her. It’s manipulation 101. Kary knows LeeAnne is an alpha, and she wants to be the alpha and take her out. In Kameron’s interview, she says, LeeAnne and Kary are both rebels. They want to control their own situations, and the minute someone tells them what do, they fire. LeeAnne says if she’d kept quiet, Kary would have found something else. They stop for street food, and Kary gets coconut water in a coconut. In D’Andra’s interview, she says Thailand is renowned for its food, and she’s going to try as much as she can. In Kameron’s interview, she says her typhoid shot has run out, and she’s not eating something from a dirty pan that hasn’t been washed all day. She’s nervous to eat street food. LeeAnne and Brandi are skipping it too, and LeeAnne suggests they find a place where they can all eat. In Stephanie’s interview, she says she want to be a good hostess and try things, so she got pad thai. People pleasing 101. LeeAnne tells Brandi that Kary thinks things are directed at her when she’s joking.

On the bus, Kary says she’s so full, and Kameron tells her, shut up; she’s starving. They get back to the hotel, and get ready for dinner. D’Andra is rooming with Kary, and pulls out the Infinity dress. Brandi and Stephanie have drink in their room before getting dressed. Brandi thinks it’s fun so far, and Stephanie says everyone is being nice. Brandi tells Stephanie that she’d better get busy, since the fortune teller also said she’d have five kids. She can adopt Bruin’s sibling. Stephanie asks how Brandi is feeling about that; does she think it’s for sure? Brandi says she’s 110% sure Bruin’s mother is pregnant, and it’s definitely the same daddy. Stephanie says, it’s insane. Brandi says she’s not sure on the adoption. It would be mentally and physically challenging to have another baby, but emotionally, she wants to do it. Her hesitation comes from her concern that everyone gets enough attention. She wants to be the best mom. At the end of the day, she’s going to let go, and let her heart and God lead her.

D’Andra tries figure out the dress, saying, there are no instructions. She says the claim is that there are 175 ways to wear it, but it should say it takes 175 hours to put it on. In Kary’s interview, she says they can’t figure out one way to wear it. D’Andra says you need a genius IQ to figure it out. Well, that leaves these two out.

LeeAnne, Stephanie, Kameron, and Brandi get drinks before dinner. In their room, D’Andra and Kary die laughing, trying to put the dress on D’Andra. D’Andra says it’s an enormous challenge. She never thought snaps would be so difficult. She wonders if she’s wearing a cape as a sleeve or a train. It’s confusing. At the table, LeeAnne thinks they must have passed out. It’s rude not to show up on time. The waitress gives them single flowers to wear behind their ears. Kameron says since they’re in Thailand, they should order in Thai, but seems to be the only one who has mastered it. Brandi says she’ll have what LeeAnne is having. Kameron says she got a text from Kary saying they had a wardrobe malfunction. LeeAnne says her money is on D’Andra. They sing Kameron’s Thailand song, and D’Andra walks in. Kameron thinks it’s sweet that she’s wearing LeeAnne’s design, but D’Andra says, it’s coming apart. We see another broken rule – no teasing or joking.

Stephanie says D’Andra looks gorgeous. In her interview, Brandi says she didn’t see that coming. She knows the dress isn’t D’Andra’s style, and thinks shade is going on. D’Andra isn’t wearing the bottom piece, and LeeAnne says she made it super long so people can hem it. D’Andra says it took an hour for her to get into it, and Kary says, it should have come with instructions. They needed private lessons. LeeAnne says she needs a drink. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says she loves the way they described it. She realized it was meant to piss her off. Kary says they couldn’t figure it out, and LeeAnne says you’re supposed to snap it together first, before you put it on. D’Andra says, it was a situation, and she lost a snap every time she was in the bathroom. In Stephanie’s interview, she says it’s a joke at someone else’s expense, and LeeAnne is the punchline. It’s not cool. Kary says, instructions with pictures would be helpful. In Kameron’s interview, she says her initial reaction was that it was sweet, but during the aftermath and the conversation around the dress, she didn’t think the intentions were sweet. Kary wouldn’t shut up, and had to keep repeating herself. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says, if it’s a joke, make it and move on. If they keep going when they’ve gotten no reaction, that means they did it to get a reaction. LeeAnne says she’s tired, and Brandi asks why they’re picking on LeeAnne. D’Andra says she was just asking, but Brandi says they’re picking on her. D’Andra insists she bought it to be supportive, but she can’t figure it out. Brandi says Kary keeps on going, and she feels like she’s continuing to dig at LeeAnne. LeeAnne feels the same way 100%. Kary is making fun of her, and she’d thought they were in a different place after Travis’s party. D’Andra says she wanted to surprise LeeAnne. Kary says she was making a joke, and LeeAnne asks if everyone thinks it’s funny. She gets silence, and in D’Andra’s interview, she says, LeeAnne has no sense of humor. She used to be fun; now she’s a buzzkill. She doesn’t understand how it’s not funny. D’Andra is less of a disappointment to me, since I used to not like her, and now I just don’t like her even more. Kameron says some jokes should be kept private. Kary says the dress is complicated, it should come with instructions, and it’s a pain in the ass. D’Andra says she’s sorry, and Brandi says LeeAnne puts her heart and soul into her stuff. they’re being nit-picky, and LeeAnne is taking a beating. She’s at dinner, and being torn apart. LeeAnne gets up from the  table. She doesn’t think this is the time or place. D’Andra says she thought it was funny, and Brandi says LeeAnne’s feelings are hurt. In Brandi’s interview, she says D’Andra did it to piss LeeAnne off. If she wants to be honest, fine, but then they kept going. LeeAnne comes back, and says she thinks D’Andra meant to embarrass her; she knows Kary did. If trashing her husband last year didn’t embarrass her enough, this is the icing on the cake. She walks out, and Stephanie follows her. What a couple of girl pr*cks Kary and D’Andra are. The two of them are disgusting.

Kary says, sorry, and Kameron says, it’s LeeAnne’s baby. Kary says if the pearls fell off of one of her necklaces, she could take a joke. Kameron says, then tell the joke and drop it. In Kary’s interview, she says she’s never seen someone cry on demand so much. LeeAnne should go into acting. Kary mimics LeeAnne being upset. Stephanie tells LeeAnne that she understands LeeAnne is feeling hurt. LeeAnne says they just kept going when she didn’t take the bait. In LeeAnne’s interview, she says she keeps trying to move forward. If D’Andra doesn’t want to fight, why go out of her way to get the dress and make fun of it? At the table, Kary says LeeAnne has been nothing but a bitch to her. She was nit-picking about Kary’s hat. She can give it out, but can’t take it. Um… the hat thing was a Thai rule, not a nit-pick. Kary says she’s sick of people like that. LeeAnne is an effing bully. I have to mention something I left out. When they went to the market, LeeAnne bought a knickknack, and Kary made a huge point of saying LeeAnne was stupid and didn’t know how to negotiate since she’d never been outside the US, to both the store clerk and the other women. Methinks LeeAnne isn’t the bully here.

LeeAnne tells Stephanie that she can imagine what they did in their room. They don’t have the balls to be honest. In her interview, LeeAnne says don’t sit there and say you’re being funny when you’re being hurtful and mean. She tells Stephanie, they’re being passive aggressive, but expect her to take it. She’s tired of it. She thought Kary was all Mexican and strong. That bitch wouldn’t survive sh*t. In Stephanie’s interview, she says she understands LeeAnne is mad at Kary, but talking about her ethnicity is disgusting. While in some cases, I might agree here, I’m guessing LeeAnne was repeating something she’s heard Kary say a  thousand times. Stephanie thinks LeeAnne is having a breakdown. Kary tells Brandi and Kameron that LeeAnne is always drama. Quit defending her. She says Brandi is getting out of hand. Brandi wonders how she got out of hand, and Kameron says they’re the ones who kept going. Kary says she’s going to take her drink to her room. We see another rule broken – no fighting in public. In Kary’s interview, she doesn’t know why no one is calling LeeAnne out, but she’s not drinking the Kool Aid.

LeeAnne cries, and wonders what she did. Stephanie hugs her. Brandi tells Kary that LeeAnne was being picked on. It’s ridiculous. Kary says LeeAnne picks on everyone else, and can’t take it. Brandi just says, okay. In Brandi’s interview, she says she has her history and past with LeeAnne, but she’s moving forward. She thinks this is wrong, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. She’d be feeling hurt in LeeAnne’s position. D’Andra says she didn’t think LeeAnne would take it personally. She meant it to be funny, not mean. She leaves, and Kameron tells Brandi, last ones standing. Brandi looks like she has a headache.

Next time, bears, monkeys, elephants; Stephanie talks to D’Andra; Brandi says D’Andra did it to be an a-hole; a trip to the red light district; and Kameron makes a diagram.

🍷 On Real Housewives of New Jersey, Melissa had a 40th birthday party where Jennifer fake apologized to Jackie. She didn’t think she should apologize for anything until daughter Gaby basically shamed her into it. Since Marge had called Jennifer a bully, pointing out that Jennifer wouldn’t have liked it if someone had mimicked her daughter, Jennifer showed Gaby the video she’d made aping Jackie. Gaby said it would have hurt her feelings, and Jennifer practiced her apology. Out of the mouths of babes, Gaby not only told her, no buts (no one wants an apology that includes one of those), she asked if Jennifer was looking to defend herself or apologize. I’m still not buying it though. Teresa had an old flame put in her new pool, at half price, and said she should have taken him to prom. She and The Marge sort of made up, and Jennifer put her husband’s money where her mouth is, and invited everyone to Jamaica for her birthday.

😴 I had a dream the other night that I was with Jax from General Hospital, and he turned into Jax from Vanderpump Rules. I don’t know if I watch too much TV, or there are just one too many Jaxes.

🍵 Probably Just Tea Tomorrow…

I’ll see what I can find, since the evening only holds Below Deck reruns. Meanwhile, a tale of a Thanksgiving past…











November 19, 2019 – Franco Says What We’ve Been Waiting To Hear, Braunwyn Has a Weaning Party, Worst Date, New Wife, New City, Stassi Spins Off, Teresa’s Latest & Adam Gives Thanks


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Elizabeth tells Franco, it’s not a good time; she’s working. He asks her to get someone to cover. It’s important. She tells him, he already said goodbye. What’s left to say?

Kim opens the door, and Hayden is there. Hayden says she was supposed to meet the agent for a walkthrough. She just rented the apartment.

Anna fiddles with setting the table, and tells Finn that she’s almost done. He says, it looks great, and gives her a huge vase of flowers. She tells him, they’re beautiful, and he says, like her. He asks if she cooked, and she says, Pizzulo’s cooked; she plated. Some things never change. Finn says, some things do, and she nods.

At Charlie’s, Julian tells Brook Lyn to hit the road, but she says he hasn’t told her what the fight was about. He asks why she cares, and she says, it must have been juicy for him to close up shop before the dinner rush. He says maybe he doesn’t need the business. She asks what he does need, and he says, time to think. If that’s okay with her. She says, bartenders are always listening to other people’s problems. It sounds like he needs someone to listen to his. And she needs a refill. How about if they make each other happy?

Lucas tells Brad, all he has to do is tell the truth. Is Obrecht holding something else over him? If he loves Lucas, it shouldn’t be this hard to tell the truth. Brad says he does love Lucas, and Lucas says, then trust him. What did Obrecht mean when she said she knew the cold hard facts about Brad and Wiley’s father? What else is Brad hiding from him?

Olivia hopes Ned doesn’t mind, but she asked Sonny to come over. Ned asks, why? and she says she’ll let him know when Sonny gets there. In perfect soap timing, Sonny walks in. She thanks him for coming, and he asks, what’s going on? She shows him a big manila envelope, and says she got it from the WSB.

Judge Madrigal says, after careful consideration of the evidence and testimony, both oral and sworn affidavit, she’s prepared to make her ruling. She asks the defendant to rise. She says, for the charge of murder in the first degree, she finds Sam not guilty. Sam hugs Diane, and Jason smiles.

Elizabeth tells Franco, don’t make it harder than it already is. Franco says he had an intense conversation with Scotty. She says she knows; Scotty told her. He asks if she knows what it was about, and she says, yes. He asks why he had to hear it from Scotty. If she knew that Franco had saved him when they were kids, why not tell him?

Kim tells Hayden, she didn’t realize there was already a renter. Hayden introduces herself, and asks if Kim owns it. Kim says she does. She was going to sell it, but Lucy told her it’s a buyer’s market, so she went back to making it a rental. Hayden says she got the same speech. She hopes she didn’t come too soon, and Kim asks if she’s moving in today. Hayden says, no. She’s just measuring, but she’s glad she caught Kim. Is there anything she should know? Kim says, it’s a great apartment. It’s spacious, and has beautiful views. She hopes Hayden will be as happy there as she was.

While they eat dinner, Anna says, another medical mystery solved thanks to Finn, but Finn tells her, it was a team effort. TJ first thought of rat poison, but they still have to figure out how Alexis ingested it. He congratulates Anna on rescuing Charlotte, but Anna says that was also a team effort. Jason arrived in a timely manner, and Charlotte was impressive. Most children would be too frightened to make a move, but she saw her chance, and didn’t hesitate. It was a thing of beauty. Cassandra was distracted, and Charlotte bit her. She thought Cassandra would have a stroke, she’s so worried about infection. She admits she shouldn’t take satisfaction in it, since Cassandra is most certainly dead. Finn says they can’t pretend they’re not relieved. Anna says she’d like to know who arranged it, and Finn asks if it wouldn’t be Valentin.

Olivia tells Sonny that she’s been writing to Dante. He asks, where? The WSB won’t tell them where Dante was sent. She says she sent the letters to the WSB office in Manhattan, then out of the blue, she got this back. Ned says, through some back channels, he contacted some old school friends who work in defense and intelligence. Maybe the WSB is ready to give them some answers. Sonny wonders if the WSB is giving Dante treatment for his PTSD. Maybe he’s recovered enough to tell them what’s going on. Olivia says that’s why she asked him over. They’re Dante’s parents. She thought they should open it together.

Sam takes Jason’s hand, and the judge tells Diane to advise her client that court is not adjourned. The defense made a compelling case for extenuating circumstances. Shiloh’s history of violence against Sam and her family is undeniable. The court finds her act wasn’t premeditated, however, the court isn’t persuaded that she acted solely in self-defense, nor that she exhausted her duty to retreat. Evidence and testimony indicate that Jason is more than capable of fending for himself, and his life wasn’t in jeopardy. Had Sam not chosen to fire the flare gun, Jason could have subdued Shiloh alone. For those reasons, on the charge of manslaughter and negligent homicide, the court finds Sam guilty. Please. Is she kidding me?

Gabriel says a bench trial was requested to expedite the proceedings, and he’s prepared to accommodate that by asking for immediate sentencing. Diane says they intend to appeal, and thinks it’s premature. The judge says they have the right to appeal, but the prosecution’s point is well-made, and she’s prepared to hear their arguments.

Julian tells Brook Lynn, what he says goes no further. He and his associate had a disagreement. Brook Lynn says Julian was staring daggers at the guy. Julian says, maybe he deserved it. They were involved in a high stakes situation. Reputations were at stake; familial loyalties. Things money can’t buy. She says she knows all about family. She spent many years making sure her paths didn’t cross her nearest and dearest. Like a black cat. One of them is bad luck for the other. Julian says, that would be an understatement. His associate can’t be trusted to hold up his end of the deal, and she says, why risk it? Terminate the partnership. He says she took the words out of his mouth.

Brad asks Lucas if they can go somewhere more private. Everyone already assumes he’s in the wrong. Lucas says he’s Brad’s husband; the man who loves him. Talk to him. What does Obrecht have on him? Brad says, nothing, but that doesn’t stop her from inventing more lies and messing with them. She’s a miserable woman. Her own daughter prefers him over her. Lucas asks if it’s about Britt, but Brad says, no. Obrecht just wants to make him look bad, like Julian did. Lucas asks why everyone is after him, and Brad says, they’re jealous. Julian’s relationship history is a minefield, and Obrecht has been alone forever. He and Lucas are happy, and they’re not. Right? They’re happy, aren’t they?

Elizabeth asks what Scotty told Franco, and Franco says that he and Franco shared a part of his childhood. Jim Harvey sexually abused Franco, and Franco pushed him down the stairs, trying to protect him. He was injured and sent to a state home. At the time, it was assumed Franco was disturbed because no one had any idea what was going on. She says she considered telling him, but didn’t think it was her place. If she’d told him about Jim, she would have felt like she was betraying Franco’s trust. She hopes he understands. He says, after all she did, all her fighting to get Franco back, there was a line she wouldn’t cross because she loved him that much. She says she still does, and always will.

Gabriel tells the judge that Sam shot Shiloh in the back. She fired no warning shot, didn’t ask him to stand down, and gave him no chance to surrender. By her words and actions, she considered herself judge, jury, and executioner. She has an extensive criminal record of fraud and larceny. She was a grifter. That way of life first put her in the path of Shiloh. She has ties to the criminal underworld to this day, and the people request the maximum sentence.

Diane says, several weeks ago, a fellow prisoner, a vicious woman named Cassandra Pierce, injured a guard in an attempt to escape. When Sam had the chance to escape, she chose to stay with the guard until the police and paramedics arrived. That’s not the action of a criminal or a con. Sam fired the gun to save Jason, her ex-husband and the father of her son. She has two young children waiting for her at home, and strong ties to the community. Incarcerating her accomplishes nothing, but allowing her to return to her place as a productive member of society, benefits them all.

😱 Sidebar: Just as Franco begins to talk, ABC interrupts with the hearings again. No warning; no nothing. I momentarily freak. I can’t believe they’re busting in on the moment I’ve been waiting for. Then I get a grip, and go to my trusted secret site.

Franco tells Elizabeth, ever since he came to Port Charles, people have been weighing in on Franco; the good, the bad, and everything in between. He didn’t think it affected him. It was like hearing stories about a stranger. He doesn’t remember much about his life before he was sent to the state home. Names and faces; Bobby was one of them. To find out Bobby saved him, and made it possible for him to have a life… He was a SEAL, and he loved being a SEAL. Bobby made it possible for him to meet Kim, and he loves her. They had a child. There’s a lot about his life to love, but it’s not his life, is it?  This life belongs to Franco, and it’s time for him to give it back.

Hayden tells Kim, she’s been staying with her sister. It will be nice to have her own space again. Kim says she lucked out with the neighbors. Hayden says give her the dirt, and Kim says the lady upstairs is hard of hearing, and the man next door keeps to himself. Hayden asks how he is with noise, and Kim says, he’s tolerant. Just don’t play any metal. Hayden says she has a little girl. She’s a single mom, and thought the apartment would be the right size for the two of them. Kim says it’s cozy, but big enough that they won’t be on top of each other. Hayden can tell this place meant a lot to Kim, and Kim says, it did. It was home, and now it’s Hayden’s. If she has any questions, just have Lucy reach out to her. Kim takes her bag, and Oscar’s stuffed toy falls out. Hayden says, she’s a mom.

Finn asks about Anna’s travels. Any closer to finding Alex? She says she went through Alex’s records in Hungary, and followed her trail form Paris to Singapore to Dubai. She’s convinced Alex is more of a dilettante than a spy. She goes wherever the wind takes her or the money beckons. She guesses she’s been looking for answers, but she only has more questions. Finn asks why she came back. She says she hit a dead end, and had nowhere else to go. He says, he was the default, but she says her life is with him. She came back to be with him.

Ned says Olivia and Sonny probably want to read what’s in the envelope in private, and he has to call the probate lawyer anyway. He leaves, and Olivia says she’s afraid to open it. Sonny takes it, and opens it. He says he’s sorry; they sent them back. She spills her letters out on the table, saying, they never sent them. Sonny pulls a single sheet of paper out, and Olivia asks if it’s a form letter. They regret to inform her that her son no longer cares about her. Sonny says, it’s not a form letter. It’s for her. She looks at it, and says, it’s from Dante. She reads; mom, stop sending me letters. Sonny holds her while she cries.

Judge Madrigal thanks Diane and Gabriel for their well-considered arguments. She sentences Sam to two years in prison. Diane gets up, but the judge says she’s not finished. Diane apologizes, and the judge says, the sentence is neither the minimum or maximum. She took into consideration the threat posed by Shiloh, and Sam’s heroic actions during Cassandra’s escape. Accordingly, the court will ask that Sam be allowed early release, and to finish her sentence on probation or parole. Until that time, she’s remanded to Pentenville immediately. Court is adjourned.

Diane tells Sam and Jason that she’ll do everything in her power to persuade the parole board to release Sam. Jason asks, what about an appeal? Diane says she was under the impression that Judge Madrigal was fair and impartial. She doubts there will be any grounds for appeal, but she’ll do her best. Sam says she’s actually going to prison, but Diane says there are many avenues she can pursue. Jason asks for a moment, and Diane steps away. Sam whines that she’s going to be in prison for two years, but Jason tells her to just focus on what’s in front of her. That’s how they’ll get through this. One day at a time.

Julian says Brook Lynn is a good listener, and she says, it’s a gift. He says it helped to get it off his chest and clarify things. He puts some money on the bar, saying, time is money. She could have earned more elsewhere. She says he’s paying her for her time? He thinks she’s a hooker? He says he’s not judging. He heard her on the phone with her boss, saying he doesn’t own her. She says, that’s right; no one owns her. And no one pays her. He can keep his money. She hopes his partner screws him royally. She walks out. Outside she takes out her phone, saying, it can’t wait any longer.

Lucas asks if Brad thinks he’s unhappy in their relationship. Brad doesn’t know; is he? Lucas says all he’s ever wanted is Brad and Wiley. If anyone seems unhappy, it’s Brad. He doesn’t remember the last time Brad went a full week without being stressed out or snapping about something. Brad says he’s sorry, and Lucas says, what they had has grown into something bigger. They’re a family now. That’s why it hurts so much to think Brad is keeping things from him. Brad says Lucas has no idea what he’s done for their family. The choices he’s made; the prices he’s paid. Lucas says, obviously not, so clue him in. What has Brad done for their family that he couldn’t do with Lucas?

Elizabeth says she doesn’t understand, and Franco says he’s volunteering for the procedure reversal. He hopes it brings Franco back to her. She says, what about him? He was leaving town, and starting over with Kim. He says, Kim has to heal. He’s not someone who can help her with that. She asks if he told her, and he flashes back to his conversation with Kim. He says he told Kim that he owed it to Franco to do everything he could to get him his life back. Kim said, no matter what, she was leaving Port Charles, so he guesses he is too. Just in a different way. Elizabeth wipes a few tears away.

Anna says she missed Finn; she missed them. He says, he did too, but can’t help wondering if something else with Alex comes up, will she take off again? Anna admits she wants closure. She worries about Alex blowing back into town, and claiming Peter as her own. Finn understands. She’s gotten close to Peter. She’s been good to him, and shown him there’s a life after Faison. She says Alex could undo all that. If she comes back, and tells Peter that she’s his mother, whether she has proof or not, she could ruin everything. Finn says, it’s just a thought, but maybe if Anna spent more time with Peter, and had more influence in his life, it would lessen the impact. Instead of chasing after Alex, maybe Anna should commit to spending more time with Peter. Anna says things have changed a lot since she left. Now Finn has a daughter.

Finn thinks they could put off the discussion about Violet for tonight, but Anna doesn’t think they’ll do themselves any favors by avoiding it. Violet is going to change Finn’s life. He says, she already has. It all happened so fast. He knows he’ll need her help to figure things out, and he wants Violet to know her.

Kim tells Hayden that it will be a great apartment for her. Hayden apologizes for holding Kim up, but Kim says, it’s fine. Hayden wants to give her a proper sendoff. She takes out a bottle of champagne, and suggests they have a toast. From one mom to another.

Franco tells Elizabeth if she can put him in touch with Andre. Hopefully, they can start the procedure sooner rather than later. She asks, what about him? Does he want to take time for himself? He smiles, and says, after months of fighting, and insisting he have this procedure, taking him to court to have him committed, she’s trying to talk him out of it? She says, no. She wants him to have the procedure, but realizes it wasn’t her choice to make. It’s his. He asks what Franco told Cameron to tell her, and she says that he loves her and he’ll be back. He says, because that was Franco’s intention. Because Franco wants to come back to her, to his life with her. Franco has already decided and made his choice to have the procedure. He’s choosing to get out of Franco’s way.

Lucas says Brad doesn’t have to go it alone; they’re a team. Brad says, that’s the idea, but not the reality. The truth is, he’s been the one making the sacrifices and taking the hits. Lucas asks what he’s talking about, and Brad says Lucas doesn’t even see it. Lucas says he doesn’t, so let him in. Brad says he’s telling Lucas how he feels. Why isn’t that good enough? Lucas says because Brad isn’t being fully transparent. He’s clearly keeping secrets. Brad says he’s keeping their family together. If Lucas can’t accept that, and keeps looking for problems, he’s going to break them up. Is that what he wants? Lucas tries to grab Brad as he starts to walk out, but Brad brushes him off.

Ned asks, what’s going on? and Olivia tells him, don’t worry. Dante’s not dead. Sonny says, they’re dead to him. Ned looks at the paper, and says he’s so sorry. Olivia says, he’s ashamed of breaking. He feels that he has to protect his family, so he’s pushing them away. She gets that, but he can’t get better if they can’t reach him, and he’s refusing to let that happen.

Sam is cuffed, and she tells Jason to let the kids know she loves them and will call as soon as she can. Don’t bring them to see her. He says they’ll figure it out. They exchange I love yous, and she leaves with the guard.

Anna wishes she could see into the future, and Finn says he thought she was all about the unexpected. She says not where her children are concerned. He’s about to find that out for himself. He says he’s already there. Now that Violet is a part of his life, he’s obsessed with finding out what comes next. She says, whatever it is, she’ll be there for him. His phone dings, and he says, it’s Chase. He says it’s really important. Anna tells him, go. She’ll be there when he gets back. She promises. He kisses her, and says he’ll be quick.

Kim tells Hayden that she has a plane to catch, but save it, and share it with someone special. Hayden says she’ll take good care of the place, and tells Kim, good luck. She’s glad to have met her. Kim says, her too, and leaves. Outside, she looks a little stunned.

Franco asks if Elizabeth is all right. She says there are a million things she wants to say, but all she can come up with is thank you. He’s making a big sacrifice. He says, however it turns out, he’s ready. She says she’ll call Andre for him, and he says he’ll talk to her soon. She watches as he leaves.

Lucas looks at picture of Wiley and Brad on his phone.

Brad goes to Charlie’s and sees it’s closed. He bangs on the door, and asks Julian to open up. He knows Julian is in there. Julian turns the lights out, and Brad says he needs Julian. They can help each other. They need to stick together. Julian disappears into the back, and the cheese Brad stands alone.

Olivia grabs the letters, saying she’ll shred them or burn them. There’s no need to keep them. Sonny tells her, hold on. Don’t do that. Someday Dante will come back to them, and she’ll want them. She asks what she’s supposed to do. Say more prayers? Write more letters? For how long? Sonny says, for as long as it takes. Dante is protecting them, which means he still loves them, and he’s coming back. Ned tells her, you know what they say. Home is where they have to take you in, no matter what.

On cue, Brook Lynn breezes in, saying she almost broke her ankle getting back there. Ned says, Brook Lynn, and she says, hi daddy. I’m home.

Tomorrow, Chase confronts Finn about Violet, Valentin says Ava has Helena’s portrait, and Jason says he should have killed Shiloh from the start.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Vicki and, Tamra meet for lunch. Tamra asks if Vicki has seen what Kelly is doing on social media. She’s been blocked. Vicki says Kelly blocked her too. Tamra says that Kelly claims she said Kelly pushed her mother down the stairs, but she’s taking the conversation out of context. Someone secretly recorded her conversation with Shannon, and posted it on the internet. She was telling Shannon about the terrible things that were said at the tea party – we flash back to that – but she was supporting Kelly, not spreading rumors. Tamra must think we’re all blind, deaf, and really, really stupid, along with having short term memory loss. Emily joins them, and Tamra says it’s been a crazy morning. Kelly’s gone to a level that’s psychotic.

While waiting for Shannon at a restaurant, Kelly calls brother Eric and mom Bobbi. In her interview, Kelly says, not having a relationship with her mother for the past two years has been hard on her. She tells Bobbi that she loves her, and she’s sorry for everything. She doesn’t like this. In Kelly’s interview, she says it takes a big person to say they’re sorry, but it feels good in her heart and conscience. She tells them that she misses them, and Eric says he misses her too. Bobbi says they’re good. She has no problem with Kelly. Kelly says she’s being attacked by everyone. Tamra said she threw Bobbi down the stairs. Bobbi says, you can get sued for defamation of character. She doesn’t know where Tamra is coming from, saying hateful things like that. In Kelly’s interview, she thanks Tamra, and says getting her mother back was the silver lining. She didn’t throw her mom down the stairs, she put her outside the door. She tells Bobbi and Eric that she’s meeting with Shannon. Shannon arrives, and Kelly says she just got off the phone with her mom and brother. Shannon tells Kelly that she looks pretty , and it’s possibly the first time she and I have agreed. I’m loving Kelly’s blue and white striped top. It’s tailored like a waistcoat. Shannon says she was up until three. She woke up saw Kelly’s text. Tamra told her that she was defending Kelly. She was repeating what was said, but she told Shannon that she felt like the others were bashing Kelly. Kelly says, they were, and Tamra is the culprit of all of it.

Tamra asks if they’ve seen what Kelly is doing. She’s been tagging Jim Bellino, when Tamra and Shannon are in a lawsuit with him. In her interview, Tamra says, she and Shannon are in a lawsuit together, and they’ve spent a half million dollars on legal fees. It’s been financially devastating. In Emily’s interview, she says she’s good friends with Alexis. We flash back to Alexis and Jim, being his usual a-hole self. Emily says Shannon and Tamra went on a podcast, said negative things about Jim’s personal life and business, and Jim sued them for defamation. She tells Tamra, it has nothing to do with Kelly. You can’t talk about someone publicly; there are repercussions for that. Tamra says Kelly knows what it’s cost her financially. Her kid’s college fund is being taken away.

Shannon says Kelly’s low blows cloud her good points. In Shannon’s interview, she says even though she won the case Jim had against her, they’re moving to the court of appeals. It’s like starting over again. She says Kelly knows the damage it can do. Kelly says Tamra did damage to her sick mother, and Shannon always sticks up for her. In Kelly’s interview, she says Shannon is of high intellect, but she’s getting manipulated by trailer trash Tamra. She thinks Tamra was probably Patty Heart’s captor. Look up Stockholm Syndrome in the dictionary, and there’s Tamra’s face. She tells Shannon that she can’t be a part of it. She says, Tamra is telling everyone that Shannon is a drunk, and Shannon says, give her a break. Kelly says she has the text, but she’s not stooping to Tamra’s level. In Shannon’s interview, she says she believes Tamra. They’ve reached a point in their friendship where they tell each other the truth. Shannon must be delusional.

Vicki says, Kelly needs psychological help. Emily says Kelly lashes out from a place of hurt, and Vicki tells her, they’ve all been through sh*t. Emily says she’s not giving Kelly a hall pass; it’s not right what happened with Shane. We flash back to Kelly calling him a little bitch, which I totally agree with. Vicki says, Kelly is an effing victim all the time. In Emily’s interview, she thinks a line has been drawn between Tamra and Kelly, and they’re only allowed to choose one side. It’s difficult, because she has no issue with either one of them, but if she has to pick a side, she’s going with the person she trusts, and that’s Kelly. Tamra says Kelly crossed a line.

Kelly tells Shannon that Tamra can do what she wants. Shannon doesn’t see her point-of-view, and Kelly is tired of it. Tamra has knocked her down, and she’s not putting up with it. Shannon is sorry Kelly feels that way, and Kelly says if Shannon wants to be a part of it, she’ll have to remove herself from the tres amigas. She gets up, and says, the good news is, she got back with her mother. Her mother hates Tamra. She told Kelly that Tamra is an evil person, and to stay away. She’s right. Kelly leaves Shannon sitting by herself.

In the car, Braunwyn tells Sean that her apartment will be perfect for her weaning party. In her interview, she says it’s something she invented. After 18 years of breastfeeding, she wants a celebration. She tells Sean that she told everyone to bring only inappropriate gifts. She’s excited to see what she ends up with. She hopes everyone embraces the spirit. Sean says she’ll have as much fun as she wants to, and Braunwyn says, it’s going to be epic. She and Sean stop at a gift store, and Braunwyn wants to get a humorous tea towel for Kelly. She wonders why Tamra wants to fight. Kelly said Tamra called her a drunk. Sean doesn’t understand why, since Tamra says nice things to her face. That’s not a good friend. She has to ask Tamra why. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says she’s shocked that Tamra said this. (I’m not.) They hit it off quickly. We flash back to them making out. Braunwyn says, if it’s true, it hurts, Sean asks if Tamra is coming to the party, and Braunwyn says when she invited Tamra, she thought Tamra was a friend. Sean says she’ll have to reach out. I suggest she do a freeze out. I’m so sick of Tamra. She does all the things she accuses others of doing. She’s not a Christian, she’s a freaking Pharisee.

On the way to a sex accessory store, Emily tells Gina that Shane thought she said Braunwyn was having a weenie party. In Gina’s interview, she says she’s never been to a weaning party unless you consider drinking an entire bottle of wine by herself when she was done breastfeeding, a party. Emily asks about Gina’s date, and Gina says, on one hand, meeting Dr. Hottie is the best thing that could happen to her, but Matt was so upset, he cried. It’s the first time she’s seen him cry in twelve years. In her interview, Gina says, seeing him cry for the first time, she feels he gets it; the family was impacted. And she believes he’s committed to wanting to repair it. Emily says, on the other hand, Matt hurt her deeply. In Gina’s interview, she says, on one hand (phrase of the night), she’s moving on, but on the other side, it feels good to be wanted and loved. It’s confusing. I’m not confused. He’s a dog with a bone, shedding crocodile tears. Stay away. They go into the store, and Emily asks if Gina is ready for some inappropriate gifts for the party. Emily explains to the clerk what they need, and the clerk says there’s no shortage of inappropriate items there. In Gina’s interview, she says, it sounds like it’s going to be a crazy orgy. She’s going to chuck dildos and run. In Emily’s interview, she says, anytime you get to be someone different is fun. She asks Gina if she thinks Braunwyn would like a swing, and asks the clerk if it’s good for three people or only two.

Shannon irons. Lots of ironing going on in reality TV this week. She gets ready to go to her first deposition. David’s attorney is going to ask her questions about the marriage. The divorce has been completely contentious. David’s attorney is Tamra’s old attorney, and she hears he’s a bulldog, so who knows how it will go? She calls her business manager, and says it needs to be up and running at the latest mid-July. In her interview, she says she created a low calorie food line, and she’s launching a website. She doesn’t want to rely David financially, but she’s uneasy not knowing what the final settlement will be. Her manager tells her to breathe. In Shannon’s interview, she says she still gets emotional, and a pit in her stomach, when she sees David. There’s so much anger when she sees him, but she feels stronger, both mentally and physically. She’s not very organized though. She’s trying to balance all of these folders and books, and I’m wondering why she didn’t use a tote bag.

Braunwyn meets Tamra at a bar. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says normally, if she’s uncomfortable, she doesn’t pick up the phone, but she hasn’t seen Tamra since the tea party, and wants to find out what made Tamra call her a liar Braunwyn says she doesn’t know where to start. Tamra called her a liar, but she didn’t bring up Kelly’s boyfriend. Emily asked how they’re doing. We flash back to the tea party, and Tamra says she wasn’t talking about that. Braunwyn says she thought Tamra meant she brought it up, and she owns her sh*t. Tamra says, as she does, and I choke on my coffee. Braunwyn says, the next night at dinner, Kelly said Tamra thinks she’s a drunk and didn’t like her tea party outfit. Tamra says Kelly asked what Braunwyn was wearing, and she said it was cute. Kelly takes a little information, and twists it. Braunwyn says she’d love it if Tamra would come to her if there’s a problem. Tamra asks if she looks like the type who wouldn’t. In her interview, Braunwyn says she was conflicted. She believed Kelly, but now she believes Tamra. She’s sure the truth is somewhere in the middle, but it doesn’t involve her. She’s taking a step back. She’s good with both of them, and it’s not her problem. Tamra says Kelly is going dirty, and she thinks it’s best if she doesn’t go to the party. Kelly’s temper scares her. Braunwyn suggests she come early and hang out beforehand. Tamra says, okay, but if Kelly comes at her, she’s leaving. Braunwyn says, fair enough. They hug, and Braunwyn says she was nervous because she really likes Tamra. Tamra says, what’s not to like?

Tamra gets her hair done, and Vicki joins her. Tamra shows her the cake, a pair of boobies with a bikini top double nip slip. Vicki says someone told her they’re lactating tonight; the party is about boobs. Tamra says, it’s weaning, and Vicki says, it sounds like a puppy. Shannon FaceTimes Tamra, and Tamra asks if she’s been crying. What happened? Shannon says she just got back from the deposition. She made the most money she ever has last year, but less this year, and they won’t look at that. Tamra says, no way Shannon is walking away with nothing, but Shannon says, it’s a possibility if they can find a case to support it. In Shannon’s interview, she says, even though it was common property, David started the business before they were married. The bulk of it grew after they were married, but if that’s not applied to her, she’s screwed. Shannon tells Tamra, seventeen years count for nothing. Tamra says all she can do is move forward. It’s just money. They hang up, and Tamra tells Vicki that Braunwyn just sent a picture of her boob. Vicki says, Braunwyn likes herself. Tamra is the one who invited her; she never heard from Braunwyn. Tamra says, Braunwyn has loyalty to Kelly, and Vicki says she’s going to drug test Kelly. We flash back to the reunion where Kelly said go ahead and test her.

At Braunwyn’s love shack, the bartenders take their shirts off, and the DJ sets up. The guests arrive, and it gets crowded pretty quickly. Vicki says she doesn’t need a swing. She has jungle gym with Steve at home. I find this really hard to believe. Tamra tells Braunwyn, Vicki thought it was a lactating party. Braunwyn says, that would be less fun. She’s done, but instead of being sad about having no more babies, she’s celebrating. She tells them that Kelly isn’t going to be there. She didn’t want the focus on her, since it’s about Braunwyn. Tamra breathes a sigh of relief.

Kelly goes out with friends to a restaurant. She thanks them for coming and supporting her. Drama free night. In her interview, she says she knows if she goes to the party, the sh*t will hit the fan. She wants to disengage, and be a stronger person. They toast to loyalty.

Gina is impressed be Braunwyn’s apartment. She asks about Kelly, and Tamra says she’s not coming. Gina asks if it’s a kind gesture, and Tamra shrugs, telling Gina, she has no words.

Kelly says Tamra told everyone she did a train, and threw her mother down the stairs. Pump the breaks, Becky. She admits to going off the handle, and she’s tried drugs, but doesn’t do them. Her brother put some things out there on the internet, and her mom took Eric’s side. Kelly says they’ve made amends, but any information Tamra knows about, she twists it. She’s dumber than a box of rocks.

Shannon shows up at Braunwyn’s party, and Braunwyn asks how it’s going. Shannon says her divorce trial starts on Monday. Gina asks what she means, and Shannon says David’s lawyer found a case that would support her getting nothing. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says, a stay-at-home mom raising three daughters is a job. If she and Sean got a divorce after she raised seven children, she’d expect to get everything. Vicki tells Shannon that Kelly isn’t coming, and Braunwyn says Kelly decided it’s her night, and didn’t want to be a distraction. Braunwyn knows they got into it a little at the tea party, and she bores Vicki, but she loves them all. She wants them to come with her to Miami, where she’s from. She and Sean are checking on some places they own. In her interview, Braunwyn feels that her personality will make more sense to them when they see her in Miami. They say she’s too loud, but everyone is like that there. She’s not crazy, she’s just from another city. Well, maybe a little crazy. She passes out gift bags that contain little blackboards inviting them to a party in Key West. Shannon says she’s not going; it’s where David started his affair, but Tamra says she’ll stay with Shannon. In Shannon’s interview, she says David went on a trip with an organization that included one woman. She believes David started his affair with her on one of the group retreats, and it was in Key West. She remembers him calling her. We flash back, and Shannon says David called her at midnight last night. He’s up until midnight when he’s in Florida. Why is he up late with other people, and not her? He says they’ll have to change that, and she tells him she’s going to hold him to it. She thinks that’s the night the affair started.

Emily spanks one of the bartenders. A pseudo cop comes in, with a woman in a low-cut shirt that says SWAT. He says there have been complaints of loud noises and lewd behavior. He looks at Vicki’s butt, and says it’s as he suspected. They have crack. Okay, I laughed. Vicki wonders if it’s a bachelorette party. Braunwyn gets lap dances, and tells Tamra that she’s not cheating on her. Tamra says that’s why she didn’t get a blonde. In Emily’s interview, she says she was thinking breasts, not shirtless guys, and not strippers. In Vicki’s interview, she says, here we go again. It reminds her of Mexico. She tells Emily, it’s not her jam, and Emily asks if Vicki wants to paddle her with the bitch paddle. Vicki leaves, and Tamra says, that’s the way to get Vicki to go; hire a stripper. Emily rides on a dude who motorboats her, and in her interview, Tamra says she thinks that’s the most action Emily has gotten in a long time. Braunwyn shouts, no more babies! Gina wonders if this is the way everyone does it when they stop breastfeeding. Braunwyn nearly falls, and flashes everyone. Gina says she didn’t have this sh*t at her bachelorette party.

Braunwyn asks if Shannon is okay. Shannon says she’ll go to Miami, but Key West is on her no fly list. She believes David started his affair there. Emily asks if he was there for work, and Shannon says, it was a work retreat, and there was one woman on the trip. Emily suggests it might help her heal to go, but Shannon says she’s not that kind of person. She doesn’t want to think about it. Emily says if she conquered it, she might feel empowered. Gina  tries to interrupt, telling Emily that Shannon said she’d conquered it. In her interview, Gina says she remembers when she found out about the affair with Matt. She couldn’t function or breathe. If Key West is a trigger, she doesn’t know if Shannon should go there. Shannon say she’s not emotional about the demise of her marriage, but she doesn’t want to bring up the memories. Braunwyn says Shannon has a legit girl gang with her.

Shan visits lawyer Ben, and says she’s been emotional since the deposition. Ben says he doesn’t blame her. Shannon says she was told no facial expressions; not a peep. It was hard watching David burst into laughter and smirk. In her interview, she says, it’s as nasty as it can be. A part of her wants to be amicable because she wants to be the best co-parent she can be. Shannon says she knew if she said anything, she’d start to cry, so she stayed silent. Ben doesn’t think she lost it; she kept it together admirably. He wanted to orient her as to where they’re going when the trial concludes. It’s common for permanent support to be less than temporary support, and her income has increased since the end of the marriage. Shannon says, it’s declining now, and Ben says it’s not the ideal time for her to go to trial, but he doesn’t know where it’s going to crack up. She says when David started his business, it was out of his rented place. He didn’t get his first million dollar job until after they were married. Shannon says, there’s no way they can argue it was a separate property. She helped him grow the business. They were married seventeen years, and she’s the mother of his kids. In her interview, Shannon believes she can support herself, but never thought it was a possibility that she was entitled to nothing. She guesses being at home with the kids adds up to nothing. She tells Ben that she’s emotionally and physically exhausted, but she’s not going to let David get the best of her.

Next time, Gina and Mett get a hotel room in Laguna, Shannon can’t wait clean her hands of the marriage and move on, the Miami trip, and Vicki gets engaged.

🙈 I’m being forced into watching Blind Date because it’s wedged into the half hour between two other shows. The second episode was as bad as the first. Worse, because it was the same. It’s like they took the worst people, put them in the worst show, and sent them on the most boring date. The name of it should be, Two Jerks in a Hot Tub, since that’s what it seems to amount to. It’s like watching the worst Tinder date ever. Maybe not the worst, but pretty bad. Tonight, one guy went on about how he had to take a pee, and then when in the hot tub, remarked that the water was warmer. Eww! Please, Bravo, get rid of this show yesterday.

🗽 Replacing Bethenny…

The new Real Housewife of New York

🙋 Joining the Franchise…

This should be interesting. Will we see Sister Real Housewives?

🍔 Basically…

Stassi is on a roll.

🍷 In Giudice News…

Not so happy reunion.

Teresa at Bravocon.

Keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.

🍗 Before Hanukkah Comes…

Definitely drumstick worthy.

November 18, 2019 – Sam’s Hearing Concludes, Fraternity On Deck, WWHL Presents Bravocon, Blind Date Bore & More Pirates


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

I missed the first few minutes, and hope this isn’t indicative of the week.

Kim asks if Franco is ready start their new life. He says he’s very sorry, but he can’t leave Port Charles with her after all. Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!!!

Alexis asks if TJ is saying that she somehow ingested rat poison. There’s an antidote, right? Elizabeth comes in with Finn, and asks how Alexis is feeling. Finn says her blood pressure has dropped to its lowest point, and Alexis says it probably shot up after she heard TJ’s theory. TJ says her symptoms are consistent with thallium poisoning. Finn says, it’s been banned for decades, but TJ suggests they run tests to be on the safe side, and Finn agrees.

Kim tells Franco that she doesn’t understand, and asks if it’s about slowing down. He says, that’s not it, and she asks, why stay in Port Charles? She saw Monica, and Monica understands. He says, it has nothing to do with Monica, and she asks if it’s about Elizabeth and the boys. He says, it’s about Franco, and what Franco did for him when they were kids.

Julian flashes back to Kim saying he was never her Charlie. That man never existed. It was him pretending to be someone he’ll never be. A woman (let’s just say it, Brook Lynn) asks if he’s working today. She wants a black Russian. He says he’ll get someone to help, and she says, or he could pour it himself. Unless he has something better to do.

Brad says he didn’t know Lucas spoke to Julian, and Lucas says, yesterday. He was with Julian when Brad called. Once Brad said Charlotte had been abducted by Cassandra, it slipped his mind. Julian just made excuses about how he was protecting him and Wiley from Brad’s shady dealings. Brad says he was set up, and Lucas says, in reality, the only person they needed protection from Julian. Julian is nothing to him. If they see him when they’re out somewhere, they’re going to turn the other way. He’s sorry Brad got set up. It seemed like he and Julian were getting close, and he knows how that hurts. Brad says, it hurt Lucas too; he’ll miss his father. Lucas says he misses the father who raised him. He doesn’t miss Julian. Lucas’s phone dings, and he says he has to get back to work. Brad says he and Wiley will be waiting.

Diane tells Jason and Sam that they don’t need to debate the evidence. It’s already on record, and Judge Madrigal has a reputation for fairness. The judge comes in, and the bailiff says, court is now in session; the United States vs Sam McCall. The judge asks if they’re ready, and Diane introduces herself as council for the defense. She says they’re ready, but the US attorney seems to have something better to do. Judge Madrigal asks the bailiff if there’s been any word, but he says not that he knows of. Diane says, in light of the no show, she’s asking that all charges be dismissed immediately. Jason makes a face like one of my dogs makes when I have food in my hand.

Diane says, her honor is of course (🍷) familiar with the spurious charge of murder against Sam. She doesn’t use the term spurious lightly. At the time of Shiloh’s death, Jason was definitely unarmed and in imminent danger. The charges against her client were hyper-inflated, and are now outright lies. They say Sam arranged Shiloh’s escape for the sole purpose to kill him herself. Phone records show Sam answered a call from Dev Corbin, who was on the Haunted Star. She went unprepared and unarmed, which is illogical. If she arranged to kill Shiloh, why go unarmed? It makes no sense. Sam never should have been charged and taken from her home, where her two children need her, to spend even one hour to clear her name. It’s a clear-cut case of self-defense. She asks that the charges be dismissed. A man – who looks a lot like Anderson Cooper – runs in, and introduces himself as Gabriel Burke. He apologizes for being late, but he was interviewing the victim’s friends and supporters. They were once homeless and down on their luck, and they’re now thriving. They all tell the same story. If not for Shiloh, they’d be on the street. The man Sam shot in the back and erased from the world was a healer, helper, and hero. We all gag.

Obrecht asks Lucas how Wiley is, and he says she doesn’t even have a vague interest in his son. Brad is finished with her. She says she’s sorry to hear that. He’s been in contact with Britt, and she has an update. He tells her, give it a rest. She’s been blackmailing Brad. She took advantage of him being an anxious new father, and wrote a prescription for him. She took advantage of it, and used Brad to tamper with Sasha’s tests. Obrecht says she doesn’t know if he’s naïve or being deliberately ignorant, but in his eagerness to put the blame on her shoulders, he conveniently ignores what he knows about his own husband. Brad is a liar, and capable of lying to him.

On the phone, Julian tells Lucy that he has the right to keep Olivia’s deposit (he still hasn’t mentioned in what world), and to get her client under control. Brad asks if he’s having a bad day, and Julian tells him, get out. Brad says Julian might want to hear his deal first. Julian says Brad got the best of him this time, but he still has a story to tell, so don’t get cocky. He’s not done. Brad tells Julian, never mention how Wiley fell into his arms again, or Sonny will be over to visit so fast, it will make Julian’s head spin. But he has a more positive reason for visiting. Something that should make Julian happy.

Alexis says she’s sorry she doubted TJ, and TJ says he doubted himself too. Maybe he’s wrong, but her symptoms are specific. He wonders how she might have come in contact with the poison.

Franco tells Kim, Franco sacrificed himself, and his life was damaged irreparably. Despite monumental challenges, Franco rebuilt his life. Franco had a relationship, a family, and a home, until he showed up and took them away. Kim says, Shiloh and that crazy doctor did that. He had no choice. Franco says, Franco sacrificed himself for Cameron, and years before, did the same for him. Kim says if he feels obligated to visit Elizabeth’s family and be a friend to the boys, she’ll accept it. It won’t be easy, but they can stay. She just wants to be with him. He says he wants be with her too, but he can’t. He has nothing but love for her, but he’s going to have the procedure reversed. I say, thank God, and God laughs because these people aren’t real.

TJ says, maybe a local exterminator is using the poison, and Finn asks if Alexis has eaten any take-out. She says, only the usual; Kelly’s, Charlie’s, the Floating Rib, the MetroCourt. None of them would use something like that. Finn says it’s possible an employee had it on their hands. TJ says there would be other cases if that happened. Elizabeth brings back the test results, and Finn says, TJ is right. It’s thallium. Alexis says, now that they know what it is, tell her there’s a cure.

Franco says he’s not trying to hurt Kim, but he has to do right by Franco. He was never meant to be there. Kim says, but he is there. She can touch him and feel him. He says his memories are in another man’s body. A man who saved him when he was too little to save himself. Kim says he can’t. It’s too dangerous, and he could end up in a permanent coma. He says, the last thing Franco said to Cameron was, tell Elizabeth that he’d be back. Kim says, Elizabeth is handling this. Please. She can’t lose him. He says he has to try. He’s no good to her, himself, or anyone else if he doesn’t.

Brad tells Julian that he’s willing to let bygones be bygones. What Julian did was despicable, but not unforgiveable, especially since they were starting to be one big happy family. Julian asks what Brad wants now, and Brad says he’ll ask Lucas to give Julian another chance. Julian asks how he’ll mange that, and Brad says, he’ll have to take it slow; wear Lucas down over time. But Julian has to play his part. Keep his distance, and Brad will make sure he and Lucas are close again. As long as Julian doesn’t even think about exposing the secret about Wiley.

Lucas tells Obrecht to stop playing her twisted mind games. They don’t work; not with him or Brad. He doesn’t trust her, and if she ever tries to blackmail Brad again, he’ll go to the authorities. Obrecht says then she has no choice but to reveal the cold hard facts about Lucas’s husband, and why she was involved.

Judge Madrigal says Gabriel was late, and now he’s grandstanding. It’s a bench trial, not the theater. The only important thing she’ll pay adherence to is a productive argument and the charges. Prior to his death, Shiloh had been charged with sexual assault, attempted murder, murder, blackmail, and money laundering. He was a complex man who had a complex death, and it’s her job to judge whether there was malice aforethought or not. Diane calls Jason to the stand.

Jason says when he got the Haunted Star, Shiloh was standing over Sam, who was lying on the ground with broken glass all around her. Shiloh was attacking Sam, and he told Shiloh to stop.

Sam says, once she was alone on the boat, she knew she had to plan her escape, so she kept Shiloh talking. She went to the bar to pour a drink. That’s when he told her that he was responsible for his father’s death; that he tampered with the breaks on his father’s car. Gabriel objects, saying Shiloh isn’t on trial for his father’s death. Diane says it shows the state of her client’s mind; she was clearly in fear for her life, and it shows intent. Shiloh – the hero – admitted to murdering his own father. The judge says, continue, and Sam says Shiloh was closing in on her. She took the bottle to use as a weapon, but Shiloh got it out of her hand, and threw it on the ground. Then he threw her to the ground on top of the glass. He forced her legs open, and started to unbuckle his pants.

Jason says he shot Shiloh. He hit Shiloh in the chest, and thought he was dead. He didn’t check Shiloh’s pulse, and went directly to Sam. Diane asks how Shiloh survived, and Jason says, he had a bulletproof vest he took from a guard when he escaped. Jason didn’t realize, and was on deck when Shiloh came at him with a gaffing stick.

Sam says, Shiloh was going to kill Jason. She had no time, so she just reacted, shooting him in the back with a flare gun. He stumbled, and fell overboard. Gabriel says what she described sounds terrifying. Was she terrified? Sam says, of course (🍷). Gabriel says, then why did Sheri say in her sworn statement that Sam knew Jason didn’t need help, and could deal with Shiloh on his own? She shot Shiloh because of what he’d done to her sister and her. Diane says, hearsay, but Gabriel says Sam wanted Shiloh dead, didn’t she?

Finn tells Alexis the antidote is in paint, like the kind in Van Gogh’s Starry Night. It’s also used in blueprints. It binds to the metals in the body, and flushes them out safely. Alexis wonders how someone came up with it. They licked a paintbrush? (That sounds like something I’d ask. I know. Let’s try drinking paint!). Finn says she’s going to be okay. TJ comes back, and says there’s no report of anyone else being poisoned in or around Port Charles. Finn says the symptoms are unique to Alexis, which brings them back to why.

Sam says she won’t apologize for wanting Shiloh away from her sister or the other young women he preyed on. But no matter what, she took a shot to protect Jason. Gabriel says, so she was mistaken. She didn’t think he could handle it himself. Diane says, hearsay, which the prosecution should understand. He’s using backdoor maneuvers to get the statement on record. The judge says, sustained. Move along.

Gabriel suggests that Sam and Jason set up a sting operation, but Diane objects, saying that’s a speculative premise. The judge sustains her objection, and Gabriel asks if Jason ever physically assaulted Shiloh. Jason says they fought, and Gabriel asks, how many times? Did he ever throw Shiloh down the stairs?  Diane objects again. She says Gabriel had ample opportunity to present the evidence of Jason allegedly throwing Shiloh down the stairs, but none was presented. There’s no way to prove it happened. Her objection is sustained. Gabriel says there are numerous counts of assault, and Diane objects again. Judge Madrigal says, sustained. She warned Gabriel about grandstanding, and next time, she’s going to cite him. Gabriel asks if Jason was so inexplicably defenseless, that if Sam hadn’t shot Shiloh, he wouldn’t have been able to defend himself. Diane says, that calls for speculation, and Gabriel says, withdrawn. Diane brings out the gaffing stick, and asks Jason what it is, for the record. He says it looks like the gaffing stick Shiloh was going to hit him with, and Diane says, Shiloh’s fingerprints were all over it. Gabriel – who’s really reaching now – says Sam could have placed it in Shiloh’s hands after he died. Diane says, false narrative, but Gabriel says, Sam, Jason, and Shiloh were alone on the water, with no witnesses to give history. The only life in danger that night was Shiloh’s. I wonder why they’re not making more of Dev’s phone call.

Julian says Brad loves throwing Sonny’s name around. Maybe he should tell Sonny his grandson is still alive. He’ll be so grateful, he’ll shake Julian’s hand. Brad says he came to Julian in good faith with a peace offering, but Julian says, how about extortion? Brad says Julian can get his son back if he lets them keep theirs, but he’ll have to agree to the terms. Julian tells Brad that he’d better not screw up. Brad holds out his hand, but Julian doesn’t shake it. Brad leaves, and Julian announces there’s a problem in the kitchen, and they’re closing. Their charges are covered, but they have to get out. Brook Lynn continues to drink.

Kim says, so he’s giving up his life, but Franco says it’s not his life to have; it’s Franco’s. If he holds on to it, he’s no better than the men who did the procedure in the first place.

On the phone at Charlie’s, Brook Lynn says, they owe her. O-W-E, owe, not own. They can find someone else if they want someone to push around. Go to hell. She hangs up, and tells Julian, black Russian, take two. He says, the bar is closed; she has to leave. She says she’ll get where she’s going eventually. In the meantime, she’s comfortable. Is he going to pick her up and toss her out, or call the cops? It would be simpler to just get her the damn drink.

Franco asks what Kim will do now, but she says she doesn’t know. All she knows is, she can’t stay and watch, hoping it doesn’t work out. However it turns out, he’s no longer hers. Franco says she doesn’t need to leave because of him. She says she needs to leave because of her. Without him and Oscar, there’s nothing left for her in Port Charles. Franco says, she’s an amazing woman. He wishes he could love her the way she deserves. She says he did once; they both did. She guesses this is goodbye. She cries, and says, goodbye, Chief Andrew Cane. He holds her, and says he loves her. She says she loves him too. He walks to the door, and walks out without turning back. She cries, and says, she always will.

Alexis tells Finn that she’s careful with her diet, and she’s working out with Kendra. Finn asks if she’s gotten any herbs or teas from the internet. She says, the only other thing is the supplement she’s been taking, and she had her doctor check it out. Finn asks if she’d mind if he took a look at it, and TJ says he has a key to the house; he can pick it up. Alexis says, that’s not necessary. She can have Kendra drop some off. Why? Why did she say that? Elizabeth comes in with Alexis’s first dose, and Finn says she’ll feel better in a couple days. She drinks it, and says, tastes like paint, but if it saves her life, she won’t complain. TJ says they still need to uncover how Alexis got exposed. He thinks she probably got it from a restaurant. Finn says he has a hard question. Is there any chance someone poisoned her intentionally?

Lucas tells Obrecht that she has no right to blow up their life. She says that’s not what she wants. She’s never subscribed to the philosophy that the truth will set you free, but he seems like he was raised on that principle. He should thank her for full disclosure. Lucas says her manipulation no longer works. She has nothing to tell him that he doesn’t already know. She says, is that so? His husband has a colorful past. So many highs and lows. She has something to tell him. Brad blows in, and asks, what’s going on? Obrecht says Lucas was lauding Brad’s honesty and disparaging her in the same breath. If his manners don’t improve, he’ll live to regret it, and so will Brad. She walks off, and Lucas asks if that’s a threat. Brad tells him, forget it. She won’t say anything or she’ll be implicated too. It’s over. Lucas says he doesn’t think it is.

Gabriel says Sam paid Brice to arrange Shiloh’s escape, but Diane says the defense admitted an affidavit from Brice’s lawyer. He was in the process of cutting a deal and amending his statement, when he was brutally murdered. The judge says the court has read it, and the statements offset each other. Neither will be counted to weigh more than the other. Gabriel says they only have the testimonies of Sam and Jason. Shiloh can’t give one, and conveniently, there were no security cameras. Perhaps Sam arranged that so she could kill him, and fabricate a story of attempted assault. Diane says, seriously? Hearsay and speculation. Gabriel says they haven’t offered once ounce of tangible proof, and the judge says, point taken, but she’s warned him. Gabriel says Sam shot Shiloh in the back, not to save Jason, but to snuff out a man she despised. Shiloh deserves his day in court. She took his life, and should be held accountable. Jason’s arrest record proves he was anything but defenseless. Judge Madrigal says she’s heard what she needs to hear. There will be a short recess before she gives her ruling. Spinelli tells Sam and Jason, everyone is in good health, but he has an emergency, and has to leave. His heart is with Sam. Sam asks Jason what he thinks. Is it going to go in her favor?

Alexis says she can’t think of anyone who would want to poison her except Helena, and she’s dead. She supposes Helena could have left posthumous instructions. TJ wonders if it could be a disgruntled client, or the family member of someone Alexis had put away. Finn tells Alexis to rest and let the medicine do its job. They’ll deal with the rest later. He leaves, and TJ starts to go, but Alexis says, not so fast, you. He saved her life. She thanks him, and he says he’s glad she’s okay. He’ll call Molly and let her know. She tells him to make sure to tell Molly about his role in it, or she will. He says he’ll check on her later. When he’s gone, she gets a text from Kendra asking how she is. She texts back, great news. I’m going to recover.

Kim looks around the empty apartment.

Elizabeth is at the reception desk, when Franco walks in. She asks what he’s doing there, and he says he needs to talk to her.

Julian asks the woman, why stay in a place that’s closed? She asks, why did he close it? What’s up with that guy he was talking to? It seemed heated. He says it’s none of her business, but she says she’s a total stranger, and they can be the best listeners. What not take advantage of that?

Brad tells Lucas, back to normal, but Lucas says, every time he turns around, there’s another secret. Brad asks what he means, and Lucas says Obrecht told him she knows the cold, hard facts about Brad and Wiley’s father. What else is Brad hiding?

Sam asks Diane how she thinks it went, but Diane tells her, it’s difficult to say. Sam and Jason were both compelling and straightforward, which works in their favor, but it’s hard to imagine Jason being defenseless. That shouldn’t count, but it can cast doubt. She asks Jason, how many fights he had with Shiloh. Jason says, real fights? Four. Diane asks, what’s a real fight? and Jason says where one of them almost killed the other.

The judge comes back in. She says, after careful consideration of the evidence and testimonies, she’s prepared to make a ruling. Will the defense rise?

Tomorrow, Kim hopes Hayden is as happy there as she was, Lucas asks Brad why everyone is after him, Olivia suggests she and Sonny open something together, and the verdict is read.

Below Deck

27 hours before charter. Brian says he kissed Courtney last night, and Ashton says, sh*t went down. Kate tells Ashton, good morning, lover boy. He asks how they hooked up, but Kate says he put his tongue in her mouth. That’s all that happened, so stop saying that. She loves him, but not that way. In Ashton’s interview, he doesn’t know how that happened, but it wasn’t him; it was Smashton. That’s the way Smashton operates. Kate tells him, get out of here. In Kate’s interview, she says she looks at Ashton as a brother, and she’s not that kind of family. Tanner feels better, like a new person, and says sleep was what he needed. Kate tells Tanner about Ashton kissing her, and he asks how that was. She says, disgusting. Tanner asks Courtney about Brian kissing her, and she says, that never happened. It was a peck. Ashton says they were so cute together, and she says, never going to happen. In Courtney’s interview, she doesn’t know how she feels. She’s a bit picky. Did she cringe, or does she want to kiss him again? Those are the two options. Tasks are given out. Tanner swills water.

Tanner watches Cortney and Simone fold clothes, and jets before he’s asked to help. Simone tells Courtney that she has to stop breathing when Tanner is around. Kate tells Simone that she’ll be on late, so she’ll be helping more with service. She asks what part of service Simone wants to work on, and Simone asks what Kate thinks she needs to work on. Kate asks how she is at opening wine, and Simone goes, uhhh… In Kate’s interview, she says it’s like on a sports team when someone is saying, put me in coach, but she doesn’t want to rush Simone either. Kevin makes up songs in the galley. Kate hands Simone a bottle of wine, and tells her to show her skills. Simon fumbles around. Kate tells her to do it without using the counter. In her interview, Kate says, that Simone doesn’t know how to open a bottle is a little troubling. She said she worked for a year on yachts. No one drank on that boat? Kate shows her how to open the bottle, and they move on to pouring.

Time for the preference sheet meeting. In Simone’s interview, she says most of her experience has been on laundry and housekeeping. She wishes she could get full service instruction. Captain Lee says their new primary is Michael Blackton, who owns a helicopter charter business. He and his closest friends went to Florida State. Kate says she knows people who went there, and the only major is drinking beer. In her interview, she says, no employer goes, wow, when they see Florida State on a resumé. The captain tells them that Michael says the crew isn’t prepared for what’s going to transpire on board. Kate says all they’ll need is red Solo cups. The captain says they want a beach lunch, a college style party with garnet and gold decorations, a pirate day, and they want the crew to come up with another theme dinner of their own creation. It’s going to be full-on. He asks how Tanner is, and Ashton says, he’s 100%. Captain Lee says they need him back. In Ashton’s interview, he says he has a calm exterior, even though inside, he’s pretty nervous. Kate makes a call to get a bunch of pirate stuff. Brian slips on deck, and hurts his knee. Tanner asks Ashton if they’re going to have hats and eye patches and sh*t, and Ashton nods.

Captain Lee watches as Simone irons. She tells him the iron is malfunctioning, and he shows her how to use it. Kate says it’s an honor and a privilege to watch him iron. I actually think it’s sexy. Tanner tells Kate about Brian whacking his knee, and asks how her tongue is doing after the attack. She says it recoiled to the back of her throat.

Ashton wants the boat looking nice and sharp, and the deckhands take care of last minute details. In Brian’s interview, he says he’s not sure what’s happening with his knee; it’s swollen. He can still do his job, but he can’t focus 100%. He hopes the pain goes away soon; he doesn’t need this on deck. The provisions come in, and Courtney says, yay Florida. Brian says his knee is hurting, and everyone gets changed to their whites. Tanner says he’s dripping sweat, and the captain says, four minutes to show time.

Kate brings out gold and garnet leis. As the guests come up to the boat, one says they’re going to get ripped every night, and Michael says, they have no idea what’s coming for them. Captain Lee says he’s not ready for these guys. In his interview, Ashton thinks the girls are beautiful, and it’s going to be a distracting charter. I’m a good bosun. I am a good bosun. The captain tells the guests they have a fun few days planned. Kate will give them a tour of the boat, and they’ll get this party started. Kate does the tour, and anchor is pulled up. One of the female guests wonders when Ashton’s shirt is coming off. Kate describes Michael to Kevin as still being in the fraternity and having a Republican haircut. She puts Courtney on laundry duty. Michael wants to see pirates. I don’t think Captain Sandy would agree that’s a good idea. Kate tells Simone to check on the guests. In Kate’s interview, she says if Simone wants to improve in service, when she says, check on the guests, that doesn’t mean wander around. She didn’t speak to one of them. A guest comes to the galley, and asks for a vodka/Sprite. Kate tells Simone, look at every guest, and ask if she can get them anything. You never want them to have to ask.

Michael is already making all kinds of inappropriate remarks to Simone. Courtney suggests Brian get an actual bandage on his knee, and tells him to stop touching it with dirty fingers. Simone says she wants the guests to be super happy and drinking. Kevin makes ribs, and says, Michael is fantasized [sic] by an American type steakhouse. Tanner asks if Brian is going to text Courtney to marry him. Kevin sings, love is in the air. Kate says Courtney has a glow, and Courtney says that’s because she got some sun. Kate says, he’s the son of someone. Michael says, let’s get loose, and asks when Simone gets to drink. He tells her that he was going to bring his girlfriend, but they broke up before the trip when he found out she was a hooker. He thinks this is pretty funny, while the rest of us just look at him blankly. He grabs Simone’s hand, asking about her ring finger, and guessing her size, telling her, he’s good at that. They arrive in Koh Roi. Simone tells Kevin, the main guy is ugh. In her interview, she says she’s trying to be professional, and Michael is being creepy. Get her out of there.

Kevin tells Kate that he wants to go over to the beach with the food. Ashton explains that he’ll make the initial run with the crew, and while they set out the food, he’ll go back for the guests. In Kevin’s interview, he says he wishes he could trust Kate with the beach picnic, but she’s checked out. We flash back to Kevin looking for Kate the last time. He says she needs to manage better, and he doesn’t trust her with any of the aspects of a beach picnic. I dub Kevin officially insane. He tells Kate that he’s going along because he doesn’t want to make more work for her. Ashton has a meeting with the deckhands, and the tender is put in the water. Captain Lee asks Ashton what Brian did to his leg, and Ashton says, that’s how hard he fell for Courtney the other night. We all laugh. Tanner asks Brian how his knee is, and Brian says, effed up.

Kate gets ready for the picnic, and says, the gang’s all here; Tito, Jack, and Jim. Ashton thinks it’s the hottest day so far. They leave to set up, and one guest asks for a banana daquiri. Simone says she can do it, and then looks it up on her phone. Courtney says, it’s just a daiquiri with bananas in it. Kevin sets up, making Ashton and Tanner change things around from what Kate told them. Ashton says they’ll just do what Kevin wants to do, and Kate says, welcome to her life. In Kate’s interview, she says, usually, she’d like the chef to show up and participate, but Kevin is very OCD, and it makes everything more difficult. Simone conquers the daquiri, and the guest pronounces it delicious. Kevin starts talking about dinner, but Kate wants to deal with lunch first. The guests arrive, and Kate tells them, welcome to lunch. Kevin tells Kate not to forget the salt and pepper, and she says it’s on the table already. In her interview, Kate says, whenever Kevin jumps into the service realm, he’s doing it to overpower her. Kevin needs to stay in his lane, or take over the job fully, and she’ll take a vacation. She tells Simone, practice makes perfect, and to serve the guests so they don’t have to get up.

Courtney doesn’t understand ironing. It just rewrinkles. Tanner tells Courtney, it’s going to be a chill charter for her – until the laundry starts coming in. In Courtney’s interview, she says, it’s like a frat party, but they’re forty. It’s chill, but it’s pretty sad. I think it’s just pretty sad. The guests play in the water. Simone stays to pack up, and the guests return to the boat. Brian tells Simone that guest Kim is hot, and Simone says, Kim is a scorcher. He asks if she has any comments on the guys, and she says, Tanner makes her… and she fans herself. Brian says, he makes her flustered

Kate tells Courtney, tonight it’s garnet and gold forever. And beer pong. In Kate’s interview, she says the guests are having a college-themed party because the college years were the best years of their lives. Anyone still talking about college, peaked in college. It’s embarrassing. She makes Courtney the creative director of Jell-O shots. Ashton gets the slide ready by himself. The guests jump into the water from the side of the boat. Brian says his knee is worse; the pain is intense on the sides. Ashton says Brian’s knee isn’t looking good. In his interview, he says, there’s a massive difference between being one man and two men down. He hasn’t had a full-strength team all season. He’s exhausted. He asks to talk to the captain.

Ashton tells Captain Lee that Brian banged his knee, and it’s swelling. In his interview, the captain says he has to come up with a backup plan in case Brian can’t work. He feels like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. Kevin goes over dinner with Kate. Tanner tells Simone that he thinks he found the coolest spot on the yacht. Simone agrees, and they catch a breeze. One of the guests says she’s trying to get a buzz. She’s way too sober. Tanner tells Simone about Brian’s knee. Michael goes to the galley, and asks Kate where the group shots are. Tanner asks if Simone misses home. She says she misses her grandma, and talks about her all the time. Tanner says his grandpa is his best friend. They have to treat each experience like they don’t want it to be the last one. In Simone’s interview, she says, not only does Tanner have his symmetrical God-given face, he appreciates his grandparents. He asks how old her grandmother is, and she says, ninety-five. In Kate’s interview, she says, Simone is exhibiting all the telltale signs of being a yachty with no experience. If she can hear Simone, the guests can hear her. It’s not Simone’s cruise. She tells Kevin, Simone is having a conversation on the sundeck, and the guests are listening to her life story. Kevin says Simone talks too much. Kate says she’s like a puppy you want to train, but don’t want to break its spirit. Kevin says you need to give it house rules. Everyone looks at the sunset. Kate tells Simone to change into her blacks. The guests get dressed for dinner. Kevin prepares a New York cheesecake.

Kate tells Simone to get the glasses for dinner. Ashton tells Tanner that Simone likes him, and asks if Tanner likes her. Tanner says, that’s dangerous. Kate tells Simone that the guests could hear her talking to Tanner. She was busy making drinks, and didn’t hear what it was about. Should she ask the guests, or does Simone want to tell her? Simone says they were just talking. In Kate’s interview, she says she’s annoyed that Simone is playing that she wants to learn. If she wants to learn, a little less this – she makes a hand gesture for talking – and more of this – she gestures like she’s cleaning something. She tells Simone, if guests are around, be careful.

I just have to interject here. I’m always surprised at how brazen the guests are, like with asking a deckhand to take their shirt off or being forward with a stew. It’s never once crossed my mind to make a pass at any kind of waitstaff or server when they’re technically in my employ. It’s outrageously inappropriate. Does money make people stupid? I had money for five minutes once, but the only inappropriate thing I ever did was take a limo to a Spice Girls concert, and it wasn’t even my idea.

Ashton tells Kate that he’s another man down, and Kate asks, how down is he? Ashton says he needs to rest. As usual, Kate makes a gorgeous centerpiece, using green/gold netting and fairy lights. Kate tells Simone, during service, keep conversation to a minimum. The guests hear everything. A guest says there’s finally a breeze, and Michael says he hasn’t had a BJ this good in years, causing all of us to collectively roll our eyes, and push him off the boat. Okay, I made up that last part. In Kevin’s interview, he says he hasn’t really been around college students before. They’re toasted, and he thinks they’ll be impressed with dinner. Michael talks about playing the drinking game, Never Have I Ever, but never have I ever played that game, nor have I ever been interested in playing. In his bunk, Brian puts a towel over his face.

Tanner and Ashton continue working. Ashton wishes he could go to bed. The captain looks at Brian’s leg, and says it’s going to be a pain in his ass. He’ll probably have to get a doctor. He tells Brian to put ice on it. The guests ask for green tea shots with Red Bull (bleh), and they need them quickly. Simone tells Kate, and Courtney brings some cheesecake to Brian. He asks if she’ll get him some ice, and promises to take her for champagne when the crew goes out. Kate downs one of the shots, and declares it good.

Kevin delivers the cheesecake, singing, once, twice, three times a cheesecake, on the way. Michael toasts to waking up and not getting pissed on. A guest says it’s the best cheesecake they’ve ever had. Michael tells them, it’s college night tonight, and Kate says they have beer pong, and a two-story beer bong. The guests change, and then play beer pong. Simone watches and laughs. Kate tells Courtney the laundry is looking good. Courtney says, it’s a nice change, but it’s boring. Kate asks her to help Simone for a while. These people really are acting like they’re in college. I’m embarrassed. Michael messes with the kayak that’s hanging on the side of the boat.

Ashton tells Michael, no. Please don’t do that. In his interview, Ashton says, what the hell does Michael think he’s doing? He’s beyond drunk, and he’ll snap the kayak, and himself. Michael says Ashton is effing up his kayak experience, but commends Ashton on saying it properly. He puts his arm around Ashton, and Ashton says at least he got the message. Simone tells Courtney that she’ll finish up. Ashton puts the slide away by himself. Brian tosses and turns in pain.

Kate asks Kevin to practice his pirate talk. He says, arghhh! Kate says, yay! Pirate day! It’s not the most  gentile, elegant thing, but she can play along. Shiver me timbers. Arghhh! In Brian’s interview, he says his knee is worse. He couldn’t sleep, but he’s not the type of person who can do nothing, especially since he’s lead deckhand. He feels guilty. Ashton looks at Brian’s knee, and in his interview, he says he tried having a positive mindset, but he needs to deal with the fact that he might lose Brian. One of the guests is stoked that it’s pirate day. Kate tells Kevin that she can only use one hand. When he asks, why? she says she only has one, and shows him the hook prop on her other one. I actually have one of those because we did Peter Pan one year for Halloween.

Kate tells Kevin that she’s a leprechaun pirate. Captain Lee tells Ashton, be ready to rock and roll at 8:30. Kate gives the captain a gentle reminder that it’s pirate day. He says, them’s that dies be the lucky ones, and she says, totally. They pull anchor. Kate tells Courtney, she looks like she’s a lame not-team player. She’s working with a hook. She says it’s Courtney’s last chance to choose her own outfit or she will. The captain asks about Brian, and says if he sees his ass up and around, he’ll have his ass. He gives Ashton the helm, and says he has a new deckhand coming. Brian is so close to being down, he wants to get her on board. In his interview, Captain Lee says, when you’re shorthanded, you run the risk of injury. It’s dangerous, and they can’t continue down this road. Ashton asks if he can look at a copy of the deckhand’s CD, and the captain says he already knows her. It’s Ryleigh. In Ashton’s interview, he says, you have to be effing kidding. Captain Lee says they’ll see if she learned anything.

This season, elephants; Captain Lee tells the crew that some of them aren’t getting his two rule message – don’t embarrass themselves or the boat; Ryleigh says she’s back, bitches; Ashton isn’t ready for this; Ryleigh says she’ll make Brian forget Courtney; Kevin says it’s getting heated; Alexis Bellino is a guest; a guest calls Kate a bitch; a nasty child; Kate hopes the boat sinks, and a cat in a snuggly.

📺 Tonight, I also watched a rerun of Watch What Happens Live, the Bravocon edition, aka WWHL at Bravocon. While I still wish I could have gone, holy! it was crowded. During the show, Andy basically trotted out all the Bravolebrities, so there was a massive amount of people on stage as well, but I can’t imagine even standing in an autograph line with this many people. You would have needed some kind of VIP ticket just to survive, and I’ve been to crowded conventions. I loved seeing LVP, joining the Vanderpump Rules cast, along with Puffy. She looked like the princess she is. I’ll never give up wishing she’d adopt me. Even with all my dogs, her house is so huge, she’d never even know I was there if she didn’t want to. And I’d treat her so much better than Cedric, or whatever the hell his name was. That POS from the first season of RHOBH. The highlight was Andy introducing Kim Zolciak, and not knowing the words to Tardy for the Party, but singing along anyway. You know. Like you do in the car. They played Squash That Beef, and Ramona had to go up quite a few times. Shep, Jax, and Vicki won the drawing for the shotski. The whole thing must have been insane.

👓 I also checked out Blind Date, and was not impressed. The premise is exactly what you’d think, watching a blind date, but stupid pop-ups are scattered throughout. Dating: No Filter (on E!) is a thousand times better. I think the narrator for Blind Date might have been the same person who narrates the Olive Garden commercials, since for a moment, I thought the couple went to Olive Garden when I was looking at an ad. I give it a D-.

🚣 Because It’s Stuck In My Head Now…
