Monthly Archives: August 2020

August 28, 2020 – Wiley Comes Home, a Trophy Price For a Trophy House, 4 Soap Teabags, Four For the Wives, In Agreement, Binge This, MTV Looks Back, Just Past 10 Quotes & Delivery


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Clinging to the side of a cliff, Nelle calls to Carly, and says, please. She’s going to fall. Carly tells Nelle to take her hand, and Nelle does, but her grip isn’t strong enough, and she falls. I’m thinking, the police will never believe Carly didn’t push her.

Jordan meets Jason at the pier, and he asks if this location is better. She says, what’s so important that he’d risk her reputation and career by barging into her office? He says, this, and shows her a shell casing. She asks where he found it, and he says, the pier. The same place he just found Taggert.

Jax finds Carly, and asks, what happened? She says she was trying to save Nelle, but she fell. He looks over the edge, and then holds Carly, who’s freaking out. He says he’s got her.

At Kelly’s, Portia says she hopes the coffee is hot after the icy blast her daughter sent Curtis’s way. He says he doesn’t blame Trina. She’s grieving her father, and has to put her anger somewhere. She appreciates him understanding, and he says, it’s good Trina has friends to help her through it. She says, Josslyn and Cameron are terrific. It was Cameron’s idea for them to perform at the Nurses Ball. It was a gift. It took Trina out of herself for a while. She asks if he ever performed at the Nurses Ball, and he says, more than once. A few years ago, he did a magic act. She asks if he pulled a rabbit out of his hat, and he says he did dazzling illusions. It was his way of asking Jordan to marry him. She says, so the Nurses Ball is a kind of anniversary. She apologizes, saying it was the worst possible time to bring up the past, and she wishes she hadn’t said anything.

Dante tosses and turns. He dreams, and hears, complete the mission. He flashes back on loading his gun, and saying goodbye to Lulu. He sees Lulu come into the room, and he raises his gun. Complete the mission. Dr, Kirk comes in, and stands next to his bed. Dante jumps up, and grabs him, but the doctor says he’s in no danger; he’s safe. Stand down. Dante lets go.

Lulu goes to the Quartermaine mansion, and asks Willow where everybody is. She thought this would be the command center. Willow says Olivia and Ned are with Brook at the hospital. Monica is at the hospital, and Michael is searching for Wiley. Nina was there, and insisted on trying to teach her to play backgammon, but she finally convinced Nina to head home. Lulu says, Brook is through the worst of it, and she can stick around to keep Willow company.

Sonny tells Michael, the place is crawling with police searching for Nelle. Michael says, Wiley is sleeping, but as soon as he talks to the cops, he’s taking Wiley home. Sonny asks if he’s all right, and he says they still don’t know where Nelle is.

Jax asks Carly, what happened? and she says she went after Nelle. She caught up with Nelle, and tried to stop her. They fought, and Nelle got away. She heard a scream, and when she got there, Nelle was begging for her help; she said she’d fallen. Carly hesitated for a moment, thinking Nelle was trying to trick her, and Jax says, of course (🍷). She could have taken Carly with her. Carly says, Nelle was barely hanging on. She had Nelle’s hand, but she slipped and fell. Jax tells Carly to look at him and listen. They need to decide what to do next. She asks what he’s talking about. Nelle fell, and she tried to save her. She only hesitated for a second. Jax says he believes her, but the police might not.

Sam visits Alexis, and asks if Alexis is still having trouble with her wrist. Alexis says, hello to her too. It’s nothing that a little ice and aspirin won’t help. If she was working, she wouldn’t bother, but she has nothing to do, so she’s coddling it. Sam thinks maybe she should see a doctor, and Alexis says, then what would Sam have to nag her about? Sam asks if Alexis thinks she’s nagging, and Alexis says she thinks Sam cares, and she appreciates it. Sam asks if she’s seen the missing child alert. She’s worried, but also angry with Jason.

Jordan says, Taggert was shot? What happened? Jason says she’s not surprised Taggert is alive, just that he was shot. He was chasing a lead, and found Taggert slumped over on the pier along with the bullet. He said he’d stopped a man from shooting a woman, but didn’t know who they were. He took Taggert to a safe place, and called Epiphany. She wasn’t surprised either. Jordan asks where Taggert is now, and Jason says he left Port Charles. He said it was what Jordan would want. He answered her questions; now it’s her turn. How did she help Taggert fake his death?

Portia tells Curtis that she shouldn’t have dredged up ancient history. Even if it sounds like it, that’s not what ended her marriage. She and Taggert had many other problems. His job for one. He was away all the time when he was undercover with the DEA. She loves being a doctor, but it’s not her entire life. Getting involved with Curtis took away the loneliness. He asks why she eventually told him, and she said she could imagine a life with him. He wonders if she thought he’d ask her to leave, and she says he made it clear it was deal breaker, so that was the end of that.

Sonny asks Michael where his mother is, but Valerie shows up (remember her?), and tells Sonny and Michael that they have all hands on deck. Wiley is VIP status. She’ll need their statements while they’re still fresh. Michael asks if there’s any news about Nelle, and she says they have roadblocks in place. Nelle’s car is still there; she won’t get far on foot. Michael says he walked in the door, and it was dark. Nelle was waiting, and hit him in the head with something; he thinks it was a vase. He grabbed her, and they argued. She wouldn’t tell him where Wiley was, but he heard Wiley crying, and left to check on him. Valerie asks if he’s sure Wiley was unharmed, and he says, just worn out. He tried to call Willow, but there’s no cell reception. Valerie says she’ll do it from the car, and leaves.

Willow tells Lulu, the last time Michael checked in was hours ago. He was at the PCPD. Lulu understands what it’s like to wait, and be worried about a child you love. Willows phone rings, and she says, it’s the police. Valerie tells her, Wiley is safe, and Willow says, thank God. She asks where he is, and Valerie says, with Michael at a place in the mountains. There’s no cell reception, but they’re safe. Willow thanks her for calling. Thanks for finding Wiley.

Dante tells Dr. Kirk, he had a nightmare, and the doctor asks if it was the same one. Dante says, it’s always the same. He overreacted; sorry. Dr. Kirk says, if Dante is concerned, he can up the dosage of his medication, but Dante says, it’s like living in a fog; everything is dull and far away, except his dreams. They’re just as bad. Dr. Kirk says Dante refuses to participate in therapy, so there aren’t many options to treat him. Dante says, maybe he can’t be treated, but Dr. Kirk says, the trick is getting Dante to believe him. Dante’s lack of progress is a blow to his professional ego, but now the situation has changed. He’s getting pressure from his superiors. Dante says, about him? and the doctor says, yes. They want him to go home immediately.

Jax tells Carly, when he got there, Nelle was gone, and he saw her reaching over the edge. He doesn’t know what happened. She says he told her that he believed her, and he says, he does, but he’d be lying if he said the worst didn’t cross his mind. Carly says she didn’t push Nelle, and he asks if she thinks the cops would take her word for that. She’s Sonny’s wife. Every DA dreams of prosecuting and convicting him, and she’s the next best thing. Wiley is safe, but she went after Nelle anyway, and a DA would spin it for the jury. She and Nelle have had years of fighting in public, and Nelle falls off a cliff. Carly’s hair is a mess, her clothes are ripped, and she has scratches. Don’t think they won’t say Nelle defended herself. She says he can back her up, but he says, they’re exes, and on good terms. No one will believe him. Does she want to go to prison? She asks what he’s saying, and he says he wants her to volunteer as little information as possible. There’s evidence of a struggle. She can say Nelle knocked her down, and by the time she came to her sense, Nelle was gone. That’s it. That’s all she has to say.

Alexis asks why Sam is mad at Jason, and Sam says she has a new parole officer who has a heart. Alexis says, that’s great, and asks when and how it happened. Sam says she’s sorry she hasn’t kept Alexis in the loop, but she’s been under a lot of stress. Alexis says she understands, and asks how Jason is. Sam says, he was fine, but isn’t now. He checked himself out of the hospital against doctor’s orders to help Michael find Wiley. Aside from one phone call, she has no idea where he is or what he’s doing.

Jordan says she doesn’t owe Jason any explanations. He says he could have called 911, and she’d be explaining to someone else. The DA for starters. She says she let everyone believe Taggert was dead to protect him and Trina from Cyrus. He says, she knew Cyrus would still punish Taggert by using Trina, like he’s doing with her and TJ. He and Sonny could have helped. She says they have a truce with Cyrus. How does she know they didn’t give Taggert up to Cyrus, or that they’re not divvying up Port Charles? He says she doesn’t believe that, and she says, tell her what she believes. Enlighten her about herself.

Alexis asks how Sam got a sympathetic parole officer, but Sam wants to talk about anything else. Alexis asks how the Nurses Ball went; she heard there were a lot of volunteers. Sam says, Sonny and Carly were there. Maxie had a hot mic, and told the world she was pregnant. Alexis says, any other volunteers? and Sam says, Mac, Anna, Robert… She knows there’s only one name Alexis wants to hear. Why doesn’t she just ask if Neil was there?

Sonny asks Michael when Carly got there, and where she is now. Michael says, it was shortly after Nelle took off. Carly went after her. Valerie comes back, and says they have officers searching every inch of the woods; they’ll  find his mother. Michael says Jax is searching for her too. Sonny looks at Michael.

Carly asks if Jax wants her to say Nelle disappeared, and she doesn’t know where Nelle went? He says, let the police find her, and Carly asks if he wants her to lie. He says, no be truthful… to a point. Nelle slashed Brook’s throat. They know she’s dangerous. He says, Nelle is dead under questionable circumstances, and she can either tell the whole truth, or take his advice, and save herself.

Curtis tells Portia, before he knew she was married, it was early in his recovery, and he couldn’t let it be serious. There’s a rule for every recovering addict. She says, don’t get in a relationship, and Curtis says he had a long way to go. He’d tanked his career as a cop. When she told him that she was married, it brought up a lot of stuff. He never wanted to be that guy who wrecks a marriage. He let himself get involved, and needed to take a closer look at what he was doing in his life. She says she knew it was wrong to deceive him; she’s so sorry. He apologizes for being harsh when she admitted the truth. It touched on personal issues for him, but one thing he couldn’t ignore was dishonesty in a relationship.

Jason says Jordan is in deep. She can’t make a move unless and until Cyrus incriminates himself. In the meantime, she’s stuck, and has to take out her anger and frustration on someone. And here he is. Jordan tells him that she’s said he should have been a cop, but maybe he should have been a shrink. He’s right; she’s pretty damn stuck. Jason says, Taggert didn’t kill Cyrus for two reasons. One, he’s hoping to get back to his daughter one day, and two, he owes Jordan, and knows she’s against it. She says, Taggert was quite chatty, and Jason says, he was. Taggert cares about her. That’s why he decided to get out of Port Charles and let her handle it her way. He asks how it went with Cyrus. He went looking for her and wound up in the hospital. Cyrus wants to get rid of him to clear a path to Sonny.

Alexis says Sam brought up Neil, not her, and Sam says, no. Neil wasn’t at the Nurses Ball Telethon. Not that Alexis would care what he does with his time. Not that it’s any of her business, but Neil came over with an opera DVD and wanted to hang out, but she sent him away. Alexis says she did, but he wasn’t supposed to listen to her.

Dante says he’s not safe to be around. He was put in there because of his PTSD. The doctor says the Bureau is willing to suspend treatment because they want him for a priority operative. Dante says, they’re going to ignore that he’s a danger to himself and others? What kind of operative is that? The doctor says he was to be given no details, unless Dante accepts the assignment. Dante wonders why they’re asking for him, and the doctor says the operative concerns someone close to him.

Willow thanks Lulu for waiting with her, and Lulu says, thanks for letting her. Now that it’s over, she can tell Willow, based on personal experience with Sonny as her father-in-law, he would have never let Nelle disappear with Wiley.

Valerie tells Michael and Sonny, they haven’t located Nelle, Carly, or Jax. Are any of them familiar with the area? Michael says Carly has been there before. Jax hasn’t, but he’s an experienced hiker. To his knowledge, Nelle doesn’t know the woods and trails at all. Jax calls Michael, and says he’s found Carly; they’re together. Michael asks if they found Nelle, but Jax says he’s having a hard time hearing. The reception is bad. He hangs up, and I laugh, since we’ve all done something like that. Michael tells Valerie and Sonny, there’s bad service even with a satellite phone. He doesn’t know if they found Nelle.   

Carly tells Jax, Michael has to know Nelle is dead. He can’t spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. Jax says, if the truth comes out, Michael could get in trouble too. She says her DNA will be all over Nelle, but Jax says, that’s okay; they fought. She’s overthinking it. She says from her experience, cover-ups never turn out the way you want. Look at Michael and Claudia Zacchara. It was justifiable homicide, and they should have turned him in. He went to prison. Jax says they wouldn’t be punishing her for killing Nelle, but to get to Sonny. She can’t let that happen. They hear the police coming, and Jax says the police can’t find them there. They have to get to the clearing where she found Nelle.

Valerie finds the fake passports Nelle had that disappeared from the evidence locker. Michael says they might never have found his son. Valerie says, Nelle has no more options, and must still be in the woods. Michael says he wants to bring Wiley back home; Willow won’t believe it until Wiley is in her arms. Sonny says Michael isn’t driving alone; he’ll go too. Valerie says, in the meantime, she’ll send a squad car to follow them home just in case.

Curtis tells Portia, to be honest, if he could go back in time, he would have ended it before it began. She tells him, she can’t say she regrets the time they spent together, and Curtis says he liked her a lot. He was lonely, and being with her gave him a sense of peace and focus he hadn’t felt in a while. When she told him that she was married, he really couldn’t trust her. She says, the truth is, she didn’t trust herself. She married Taggert, and didn’t keep her vows. Instead of addressing it with her husband, she turned to Curtis for comfort. She built a huge wall between herself and Taggert, and he died without knowing it was there.

Jordan asks if Jason is angry because she didn’t tell them Taggert was alive. He says they’ve been cooperating with each other, but that doesn’t mean she owes them full disclosure. She says, almost no one knows, not even her husband. She didn’t want to implicate him if things went south. Jason says, it’s his risk, and she says that’s what Curtis would say. She’s sure he would have supported her, but she didn’t want to put him in a compromising position. If she tells him now, it could destroy her marriage.

Alexis tells Sam, her mommy is a hypocrite. Sam says her mommy sounds like she’s arguing with herself. Alexis says she always wins that way. Guys always either tell her what she wants to hear or don’t listen to her. Neil actually listened when she told him to keep his distance, but she wished he hadn’t. The doorbell rings, and surprise, it’s Neil, who looks very cute in his new beard. Unlike Michael with his new hair-do, that looks like he’s auditioning for a Flock of Seagulls cover band.

Portia tells Curtis, here she is talking honesty and she insists Trina tells the truth. She thinks it’s the most important lesson she has to teach her daughter, and Trina gets it. Curtis says, Trina has a good, strong, moral center. He knows that’s what Jordan wants for TJ too, and Portia says, from what she’s seen, TJ has those qualities. That’s what she wants for Trina; to be honest, and have integrity. She wants Trina to be a better woman than she is. She wants Trina to be more like her father.

Jordan tells Jason, Curtis will never accept that she was protecting him. She helped frame Cyrus, and everything that happened after that was her fault. Curtis is a good man, and she doesn’t want him tainted with her failures.  Jason says she’s making a lot of assumptions for Curtis. If she’d just give him a chance to support her… Jordan says this is on no one but her, and she has to figure it out the only way she knows how. He doesn’t need to understand.

Neil asks if it’s a bad  time, but Alexis says, not at all, and invites him in. He sees her wrist, and asks if everything is okay. She says, it’s just a gym mishap. Sam asks if Neil is just dropping by, or is there a reason for his visit? Alexis says, Sam… but Neil says, it’s okay. Sam’s phone dings, and she says, the missing child alert has been canceled. That’s good news. She should go. Does Alexis need her to stay? Alexis says they’re fine. Sam leaves, and Neil says he doesn’t want to pressure Alexis, but thinks it’s important that they talk. She says so does she.

Carly and Jax get back to the cabin. Valerie asks how Carly is doing, and Jax says he didn’t want to worry Michael, but she might need some medical attention. Carly asks where Michael and Wiley are, and Valerie says Michael was anxious to bring Wiley home to Willow. Sonny gave them a ride. She sent officers to protect the house, in case Nelle sneaks back. They’ve pulled out all the stops searching for her. Carly sits, and just shakes her head.

Dr. Kirk tells Dante, he wasn’t full briefed, but it might involve family. They want someone with access. Dante asks if it’s about his father. Is the Bureau suddenly interested in racketeering and organized crime? Dr. Kirk says he doesn’t have the details, and Dante says, give the director a message from him – go to hell.

Neil says, Sam is protective, and Alexis says her injury happened at the gym Sam forced her to go to. She feels guilty. At least Alexis doesn’t need to write a brief since she has no job. Neil says he tells himself the same thing. He’s going to read those books he’s been meaning to, and fix his boat. She says, it’s like a forced retirement, and he says they could take up knitting together. She says, that won’t work; what about bird watching? He says they’re dancing around the issue, so he’s going to come straight out and say it. She told him they couldn’t be friends. He wants to know if she still feels that way.

Portia tells Curtis, maybe Taggert wasn’t the man of integrity she’s held him up to be. He fabricated evidence to put Cyrus in prison. Curtis says, he deserves to be in prison, and she says she doesn’t disagree, but she’s the one who has to explain to Trina her father’s… mistake? Curtis says it doesn’t seem to have knocked Taggert off the pedestal Trina has him on, and Portia says, that’s the other thing. She’s glad Trina loves her father, but she can’t be civil to Curtis. He says he can handle her anger. She has to grieve in her own way. Portia says, as does she. Curtis says he has to get going. Just so she knows, he told Jordan about the conversation they had at the Nurses Ball.

Jason gets that Jordan doesn’t want anyone else to be burdened, and she asks if that means he and Sonny will let Taggert stay dead, until she can figure out how to reveal his existence. Jason says she doesn’t have to do it by herself. She says, Jason Morgan working with a cop? He says he’ll be working with her. He can handle that. He starts walking away, and she calls to him, and says, thank you.

Dante tells Dr. Kirk, even if it’s not about his father, he’ll have to betray someone he cares about. He did enough of that when he was undercover. Dr. Kirk says, all right. In that case, he has one of two choices. Sit and rot, or do the work to address his PTSD, and get back to his life. Dante says he’s spent enough time locked up for his own good. He’s ready to do the treatment. Dr. Kirk says, it’s a decision Dante had to make, but he’s glad he did. He’ll look around and see if he can find a medication to help with Dante’s nightmares without the fog. He’ll check in tomorrow. Dante asks, now that he’s willing to do  the work, how long will it take? He’s been gone more than a year, and he doesn’t know how much longer his family will wait for him.

Outside Kelly’s, Lulu looks at her phone. She sees a text from Dustin: Kids in bed. Wine uncorked. How soon can you get home? She texts back, on my way.

Willow sleeps on the couch, but wakes when she hears Michael on the monitor. He says he loves Wiley so much. Willow loves him too; he’ll see her in the morning. He’ll see both of them. They’re never losing him again. He promises.

Carly says she’s fine, but Jax says she isn’t. Valerie tells the paramedic they’ll still need him in case they find Nelle. She’d like to ask Carly some questions if she’s up for it, and Carly says, go ahead. Valerie says, Carly tore out after Nelle. Did she find her?

Willow goes into Wiley’s room, and says, he’s home. Michael smiles, and says, home, and they hug.

On Monday, Sam asks Jason what’s more important than finding Wiley, Neil missed Alexis and hopes she missed him, Sonny tells Mike not to stick around for him, and Valerie asks if Carly hurt Nelle when they fought.

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

Tracy went to look at house in West Hollywood, but a few blocks east. Tracy explained that West Hollywood was the liveliest place to live, but further east was less desirable and more affordable. She met with Michele who lived in Vegas, bought the house the year before at $3.850 million, but never lived there. It was a boxy white modern, which Tracy said was the type of house to sit on the market because it was flooded with them. The Fuller house was 4,440 square feet, with tons of skylights, a chef’s kitchen with Wolf appliances, and four-sided infinity pool and spa. Michele said what had attracted them was the openness and high ceilings. It had 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths, and the coup de gras was a boutique style walk-in closet, Tracy saying, nothing comes between a girl and her closet. There was an open air atrium, and a 1,200 square foot rooftop deck. Tracy thought it was the quintessential (a word they use a lot) West Hollywood new construction, and felt the skylights set it apart from its competitors. Michele said the plan had been to stay there while they were building a house in Vegas, but within three weeks, discovered nine leaks. Luckily, nothing was in the closet. In Tracy’s interview, she said a lot of newer constructions had sacrificed quality for speed. Michele said they had nowhere to go, since they had renters in their old home – like someone who can pay $4 million for a house can’t afford a hotel – and were already $200K out of pocket. All of the balconies had been redone, and she was hoping to recoup at $4.3 million. Tracy thought $4.1 million was more realistic; it was competitive, but the under $4 million buyers would consider it. That would be me, but I’m about $3.95 under $4 million. Tracy’s potential commission was $102,500.

James and David headed for their Tigertail property, which had been in the Getty fires. All of the roads were closed and David James said it was like doomsday. We saw horrifying clips of the L.A. fires, and the incredible devastation. They were going to see how bad the damage was, so they knew what they were dealing with. The first word out of James’s David’s James’s mouth was, f***, which about summed it up. The property was burned to the ground. In James’s interview, he said living through fires was becoming a normality. It wasn’t a question of if, but when, and you didn’t know where they’d come from, where they’d go, or how quickly they’d be put out.

Josh Altman went to meet developer Ilan at a Laurel Way property he’d been waiting five years to list. In Josh’s interview, he said the business was about relationships. Ilan was a big developer, and one of his most important relationships – a VIP client, but also a good friend. He explained that everyone knew the cachet of the 90210 zip code, but there were amazing pockets where you could find the best real estate. Laurel Way was a trophy property, nestled at the top of a hill, and super exclusive. Ilan said he’d been stressed enough trying to finish, but had the added stress of Josh calling him every day and asking when he could put it on the market. At 15,473 square feet, it had 7 bedrooms and – wait for it – 22 toilets housed in 15 bathrooms. There was an open floor plan, entertainer kitchen with Miele appliances, a 65’ infinity pool, a view to die for, a million dollar outdoor kitchen featuring a pizza oven and six beers on tap. But wait, there’s more. Altogether there were 4 kitchens – Ilan said he’d built it for convenience – a four-story glass elevator, a wine cellar and tasting room, and a custom gym with a marble sauna that had radiant heating and massaging water jets. When I saw it, I cried, and ate a cookie to swallow my feelings. There was an indoor hot tub with a gorgeous blue agate wall, which the wine cellar also had. Josh’s favorite spot was the garage, which had three turntables for cars and one for a motorcycle. He was also impressed with the uplit stairs, and Ilan said, at night, this place is unreal. There was also a $75K smart shower, and a private staircase that went to a rooftop infinity pool. Ilan wanted $55 million, but Josh thought it should be more like $45 million. He knew Ilan had poured his heart and soul into it for five years, but the price still needed to reflect the neighborhood, which had nothing over $38 million. Josh suggested they wait, and test the market first, and get feedback. He thought they should have an event with a soft launch, pricing it at $48 million, and see what people who could afford it would say.

Tracy wanted to use a different approach with the Fuller house, since there were so many like it. Since the area typically attracted young professionals in their 30s, who enjoyed the nightlife, Tracy went to a trivia night to see if she could attract buyers. She hoped a traditional marketing plan, plus her outreach worked. She and team member Erika planned an open house from 11-2 pm, but at noon, no one was there. Eventually, people trickled in – local agents, as well as those from New York and Miami. As well as pointing out the panoramic view that included the Hollywood sign, Tracy said that a 3 bedroom condo, three blocks away, was the same price.

JoshA told his team that the Laurel Way house would get white glove service. Ilan was one of his best friends, and they’d been in business together for a decade. There was no room for error. He wanted to do something that was able to create a buzz without actually listing the property. In his interview, he said when he started in real estate, you listed a property in the paper, and it was still a limited audience. Today, with social media, you could reach 5 million people for free. It’s how he got his buyer for Beverly Ridge (that phenomenal castle from last week). Millennials were the largest group buying now, and were involved with social media – Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. He said he was going to boomerang that sh*t, but a producer said, that’s not how it works.

James and/or David said Tigertail was a burned mess. In his interview, James said a few weeks ago, they didn’t even know what strategy they’d be using, but how were they going to bring a buyer to a burned down structure with a hillside covered in ash. He said, for once, he was bloody speechless. They met with developer Phillip, who said in his ten years in the business, he’d never seen something like this. He literally saw his big investment go up in smoke when he was just about to sell, and might never make his money back. We saw before and after shots, and it was pretty sad. James and/or David asked how long before Phillip could clean it up, haul things out, and make it presentable? and David estimated it to be up to six months. James David said that wasn’t a bad thing, since the stigma would be more in the past. Phillip said he was fighting with the insurance company, and boy, did I understand. We were flooded during Sandy, and first it was like pulling teeth to extract what we’d paid premiums for, just to get some furniture, and then came the fight with the mortgage company who doled it out like methadone. Until they decided I was more of a pain in the ass to them than they wanted to be to me. But I digress. James said, as is, a buyer would try to lowball Phillip, and insurance companies had declared a moratorium. In James’s interview, he said it could take months to process claims. Investment comes with risk, and sometimes you were lucky to come out with your shirt. He thought in six months, it might be viable. He told Phillip, it had to be delivered and packaged correctly. The text told us that Phillip was going to demolish it, and build again with his own plans.

JoshA said he needed to up his game for the Fuller house. He needed a unique way to show a special house, so they were doing a soft launch, inviting tons of influencers. When people saw celebrities partying in a house, they wanted to own it. They partnered with Vital Proteins, which Josh said had an unbelievable social reach. He stuck to his story that a trophy property deserved a trophy price. Ilan was right; the place was absolutely unreal at night. I ate more cookies. There was a DJ and tremendous catered spread, including Vital Proteins juices. Josh gave a personal tour to Camille, a Sports Illustrated cover model, and domestic partner of Rob The Gronk Gronkowski, tight end for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the NFL. Many selfies were taken, and Camille pointed out that, being a model, she knew good lighting when she saw it. They took a photo in the master bath, and damn if she wasn’t right. Josh said he knew they were aggressive with the price, but it would be trending so hard when it hit the market, it would need its own social media account.

Tracy met with agent Tony about the Fuller house. Tony said his client was a powerful executive in the entertainment industry. He offered $3.75 million, and in her interview, Tracy said her client had moved back to Vegas, and she had no other offers. She thought it was priced too high, but Michelle said, anything below $3.8 million would be disappointing. I’m guessing she’d about break even. Tracy countered with $3.9 million, and better contingencies, and they settled at $3.8 million, all cash, 10 day close, and no contingencies. Lesson for this week: This is called an ACR – all contingencies removed. They decided to have a drink on it, and Tracy told Tony that he was buying.

Next time, a house designed by John Barrymore in 1920, complete with opium den, and sketches left behind. I knew someone who lived in a Barrymore house here on the beach, and had sketches. He must have left a trail.

🏀 Enjoy the Ball…

Behind-the-scenes and video performances from the 2020 GH Nurses Ball.

👶🏼 WileyGram…

Wiley’s real mom tells us about his brief scene in the nursery, filmed at home. Be sure to check out his mad counting skills as well.

🩺 The Britch Is Back…

Can Brad be far behind?

🕶 Holly Ain’t Dead Yet…

But poor Emma Samms can’t catch a break.

🛌🏻 Jeff’s Pain In the Neck…

Looks like he won’t have to wear that burial tux after all.

🤐 She Knows Nothing…

For once, Ramona ain’t talkin’.

👠 Steppin’ Out…

Could Teresa be dating again?

👜 All I Got Was a Bag Of Rocks…

It pays to have friends in high-end purse places.

🐍 She’s a Cold-Hearted Snake…

You’re welcome, Denise.

🗽 Me Three…

Alert the media. Leah, Ramona, and I agree.

📺 For Your Bingeing Pleasure…

I saw Lovecraft Country last week, and it was terrific. Scary on several levels.

🎧 Down MTVemory Lane…

VJs then and now.

🥂 Quotes of the Week

Make the choice to embrace this day. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the “To-Do” list of tomorrow! It’s inspiring to see all the wonderfully amazing things that can happen in a day in which you participate. – Steve Maraboli

Our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if the other person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We must practice this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable. – Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, Author and Peace Activist (It’s that pesky loving the unlovable thing that trips me up every time.)

We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing and inclusion. – Max de Pree

We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. – Cesare Pavese

I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that’s all you have – happy memories. – Sarah Strohmeyer

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.Paulo Coelho

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.Buckminster Fuller

We’re all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding. – Rudyard Kipling

History is much more the product of chaos than of conspiracy. – Zbigniew Brzeziński

The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men. – Lyndon B. Johnson

It’s not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache. – Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry), The Rocky Horror Picture Show

📦 Delivered As Promised…

It might be late/early, but I finally got in those million dollar houses. And wept enough tears for an infinity pool watching them. Do something different in the next two days, whether you still call them the weekend or not. Until the next yacht sails, stay safe, stay breathing deep, and stay not pretending your dead.

August 27, 2020 – Michael Finds Wiley, Two Parties For the Price Of One, Was She Or Wasn’t She, Take Cover & Soon


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

On the phone, Jordan says to keep her posted. Curtis comes by, and asks if it’s about Wiley’s kidnapping. Is there any news? She says, not yet, but she’s got all her resources on finding him. She asks if Curtis has something on his mind, and he says he does – Taggert.

Sonny asks how the hell Taggert is alive in the first place? Taggert says, long story, and Sonny says he’s got other things going on, so make it brief. Why is he back? Taggert says it was the only way he could protect his family, and make sure he’s the only one who has to die.

At Kelly’s, Josslyn tells Trina that it was a fun performance. She’s not bragging, but she thinks they nailed it. Trina says, totally. She wonders why Cameron didn’t come with them, and Josslyn says maybe he’s tired. Is she… Trina says, what? and Josslyn asks if she thinks Cameron acts weird around her.

Ned sits by Brook’s bedside. Brook dreams about Nelle slashing her, and wakes with a start. Ned tells her that she was dreaming, but it’s okay. He’s right there. The doctors are working on a treatment plan for her, and everything is going to be okay.

Michael calls Carly, and she asks where he is. He says he had a lead on Nelle. She’s in the mountain cabin. Call the police, and let them know. He hangs up, and Carly tells Jax, Michael found Nelle.

Nelle rants, asking herself, why did she tell Julian to bring the kangaroo? Why did she tell him to bring the stupid tracker? It’s all falling apart. She tells Wiley, Mommy will not let that happen.

Curtis tells Jordan, objectively, he did everything he could to save Trina. He went along like Taggert asked him to, and got her out. Jordan says, he saved her life, but he says he can’t help thinking, what if he’d called for backup? What if he’d pushed Trina out the door, and stayed behind? It might have played out a million different ways. He knows what she’s going to say, and he gets it. It’s no good to play the what-if game, but Trina is a teenager grieving her dad. He can say over and over that Trina’s anger and irritation is just her looking for a place to put her grief – and it is – but part of him feels like she’s not entirely wrong. One different decision, and Taggert would be alive.

Sonny says Taggert’s daughter is grieving him, and Taggert says, doesn’t Sonny think he knows that? What the hell was he supposed to do? As long as he was around, Cyrus could take revenge on his daughter. Jason says, like he’s using TJ to get to Jordan, and Taggert says, at least she gets to be alive and be with her son. Sonny asks if Taggert understands how dangerous Cyrus is, and Taggert says, more than anyone. Sonny says, but he’s dead. He’s the last person they’d suspect. Why not take Cyrus out and save everyone the trouble?

Portia says Brook’s vitals are strong. She’s suffered a major trauma, but her prognosis is excellent. It’s just a matter of taking the time to heal. They don’t know the extent of her vocal chord damage (yes, you can spell chord that way in this case). There’s no way to tell. Ned asks what they need to do, and Portia tells Brook not to strain herself. Don’t try to talk under any circumstances. Brook remembers telling Michael about the tracker. This time, she sounded clearer, and said there was a tracker on Wiley, when I thought she’d said, a tracker in the wallaby. But on Wiley, in the wallaby, same thing. I actually like wallaby better.

Michael gets to the cabin, and opens the door. It’s dark inside, and Nelle is waiting. She hits him over the head, and he drops.

But after the commercial, he’s back up. They struggle, and he asks where his son is.

Taggert says, if Cyrus dies, Sonny and Jason will be blamed. Sonny says, and they’re innocent. Taggert says, for once, and Jason says, Sonny is right. Cyrus is a threat to Taggert’s daughter, and the only way to keep her safe is to eliminate him. Cyrus thinks he’s dead; he’ll never see it coming. Taggert says, it would work if he hadn’t gone to Jordan. Sonny asks why the hell he did that, and Taggert says Jordan was the only reason he could fake his death. His daughter is still alive; it was a trade-off. He lives his life underground for Trina. He knows he and Sonny disagree on a lot, but they’re on the same page about the people they love. Sonny says, family first, always. Taggert says Jordan is already drowning. He doesn’t want to add to her burden. He’s not doing it.

Jordan says Curtis is blaming himself for something he had no control over. Taggert knew how dangerous Cyrus was, and Trina was in jeopardy. She wishes she could have called in a SWAT team, but in Taggert’s professional opinion, that would have gotten his daughter killed. Taggert thought the best course of action was to invite Curtis in. The bottom line is – his daughter, his decision. She knows Trina doesn’t understand, and given time, she has reason to believe Trina will, and hopefully Portia will get her there. Curtis says, that might be tough. Portia is dealing with guilt over the way her and Taggert’s marriage ended. They were talking, and she said it was because of him. Like he told Jordan, as soon as he found out she was married, he broke it off. Portia never told Taggert, but the marriage crumbled anyway. Jordan asks how Curtis feels about that, and he says, blindsided, but Portia made it clear that it was ancient history. It’s done and over with. He’s telling Jordan because he doesn’t want any secrets between them.

Josslyn says, it’s not even Cameron. Dev brought it up that Cameron liked her. Trina asks if she means like like, and Josslyn says she doesn’t think so. He didn’t act weird during rehearsal, or their water fight backstage. Trina says she thinks Lucy is still mad about that, and Josslyn says Cameron is still giving her a hard time like usual. Everything is the same. She looks at Trina, and says, huh. Trina asks what that means, and Josslyn says, now that she thinks about it, the only person Cameron acts different around is Trina.

Michael asks Nelle where their son is. She says now he’s their son? He wasn’t their son in the courtroom, or when Michael brought out that ridiculous Willow. Nelle says she’s a strong capable mother, and Michael asks if she hears herself. She says, Willow doesn’t deserve their son, and neither does he after taking her side. Michael says, Nelle thinks she’s a good mother? He’ll give her a chance to prove it. Tell him where Wiley is, and he gives her his word that he’ll find a way to keep her in Wiley’s life.

Brook flashes back to Ned telling her, when he needed her most, she chose Valentin over him. He tried to buy out her contract. She says, Valentin was successful. Ned told her to grow up, and stop asking him to come to her rescue. Well, guess what? She’s all grown up, and came to her own rescue, like any good Quartermaine. How does he like her now? He tells her, get out. She’s no longer welcome.

Ned tells Olivia, when he was young, he had a front row seat to the battles between his mother and grandfather. Olivia says, they were epic. He says he witnessed Tracy withhold Edward’s heart medication, which set the standard. Tracy messed up worse than Brook, and he’s never forgotten how his grandfather spoke to her; so harsh and unforgiving. It just made her act worse. He was young at the time, but he remembers thinking it didn’t have to be this way. They could just get along. Deep down, they loved each other. He looks into Brook’s room, and says, if someone had told him he would ever make the mistake his grandfather made, he would have sworn there was no way.

Trina asks, since when does Josslyn pay attention to what Dev says? Josslyn says she doesn’t know that he’s wrong. Trina tells Josslyn this is a conversation she should be having with Cameron, and Josslyn asks what she’s supposed to say? Word on the street is that he likes her? Trina tells Josslyn that she would never say word on the street, and Josslyn says, true, but what if she asks, and he doesn’t? What if he’s shocked she’d even mention it? How humiliating would that be? They couldn’t be friends anymore. It would be super awkward. Can she imagine? Trina says, actually, she can.

Sonny says he respects Taggert looking out for Jordan, and Taggert says, if he kills Cyrus, he’s a murderer. He’ll have to stay dead; no coming back. Sonny asks if Taggert expects him to eliminate Cyrus, and Taggert says, not personally. That’s the challenging part. The law is always around, Sonny is in public, and there are witnesses when his enemies go down, but Jason is another story. He tells Jason, disappear Cyrus. No one deserves it more. Taggert knows Sonny. He takes his time, and makes sure there’s nothing to trace it back. Do all that, but remember he’s waiting. If it works, maybe he’ll get the chance to see his daughter again. Hold her again. Protect her, and talk to her. He’s given up a lot, but he’s not giving that up.

Nelle says she wants to believe Michael. He says she can, but she says even if he means it, be honest. He can’t let her in Wiley’s life; his mom won’t let him. Carly runs his life, and that’s a fact. Carly never wanted him to love her. She didn’t want him to be happy with her, and certainly didn’t want her to have his child. And at every single turn, Michael gave in to her. Their relationship, or lack thereof, is on Carly, but it’s his fault too. He said he loved her, then never stood up for her. If he’d believed in her, and fought for her, just think where they’d be. He says he can’t change how she sees it in her head, but lead him to Wiley, or he’ll let his father handle it. She says, it must be nice. He gets to be Mr. Wonderful, and his hands stay nice and clean. She’s done the dirty work, getting her hands dirty, while his gangster father takes care of everything. He says maybe she’s right. He’s had everything done for him, and he’s the world’s biggest hypocrite, but he has resources, both inside and outside the law. She tried to kill Brook, and kidnapped Wiley. It’s serious, and there’s no way she’s spinning it. She’ll go back to Pentenville, and where she’ll be within his father’s reach. She’s done, unless he intervenes. So tell him… He hears Wiley, and says, it’s okay; he’s there. He goes into the bedroom, and she says, screw him. By the time the cops get there… She runs out the door.

Michael goes to Wiley, and says, it’s okay. She’s gone. He tricked her into running away. Wiley is safe, and she’ll never touch him again.

Brook flashes back to Ned slamming the door behind her. Ned tells Olivia, don’t get him wrong – he loved them – but he promised never to put business before family like his grandfather did. He was so focused on the damage at ELQ, he lashed out at Brook. He can see that clearly now. Life is funny like that. Brook did something stupid, and Valentin took advantage. It’s what businessmen do. Of course (🍷) he outmaneuvered her; it’s his specialty. Why is it that we only understand our unbelievably stupid behavior when it’s too late? Olivia says, it’s not too late. His daughter is getting better now. It was a terrible thing, but the silver lining is, he got his priorities straight. He says, it took long enough. The hard reality is, he’s no better than Edward. She says, but he can do what Edward never did with Tracy. He can actually learn from his mistakes. It’s awesome and spectacular, and all that really matters. He says he’s so grateful to have that chance, and looks in on Brook again.

Trina tells Josslyn, when she and Cameron were kidnapped, it was a crazy, scary, emotional thing. Afterwards, it felt like they understood each other in a way other people couldn’t. Josslyn says, it makes sense. They went through a trauma together. Trina says, it bonds people. So when they came over to study, and they were out on the terrace and Josslyn went back in… Josslyn says, yeah? Trina says, she and Cameron kissed.

Taggert tells Sonny, he has to disappear. He doesn’t have any option. He’s asking one more time. He needs Sonny to look after his daughter; protect her and take care of her. Sonny says, for the record, he admires Taggert for taking a stand against Cyrus. He’ll protect Trina as much as he can.

Michael tells Wiley, tomorrow, when he wakes up. he’ll be in his own bed, and this will feel like a bad dream. He’s so sorry. He let it go too far. He knew who Nelle was, and should have stopped it sooner. Carly and Jax run in, and Carly calls to Michael. Michael comes out, and she asks where Wiley is, and he says, Wiley is okay. He’s sleeping. They hug, and Jax asks, what about Nelle? Michael says they were arguing, and he heard Wiley crying. He went to Wiley, and assumes Nelle ran. The police will track her down. Carly says she needs to let Sonny know he’s okay, but her phone is getting no reception. Jax says he has a satellite phone in the car, and leaves. Carly asks if Michael is sure Wiley is okay. Michael says, he woke Wiley up for a minute. He smiled and went back to sleep. Carly says, this can’t happen again. Nelle has to be stopped.

Jax calls Jordan, and explains where they are. He says, Wiley and Michael are safe, but Nelle is still at large.

Carly tells Michael to look after Wiley. He asks where she’s going, and she says she’s going after Nelle. The police won’t be there in time. If she thought Nelle would leave, and start a new life, she’d let Nelle go. But she’s obsessed and won’t let go. For Wiley’s sake, Nelle has to be locked up. She’s going after her.

Nelle is walking through the woods, and stops. Carly comes up behind her, and asks if she’s having trouble finding the road. Nelle isn’t surprised mommy came to Michael’s rescue, but Carly said she didn’t. He found her on his own, but this is between them. Nelle is done. It ends right here.

Jordan says she’s relieved to know that little boy is safe. Curtis says he is too. He knows she has work to do, so he’s going to get out of her hair. She’s glad he came to check in, and he says he is too. He says she knows he loves her, and she says she loves him more.

Sonny says he has more to deal with than Cyrus. He’s thinking Cyrus should have been taken out when he got out. Jason says it takes planning, but even if Cyrus has an accident that’s no accident, they’ll be suspected. Sonny’s phone rings, and it’s Jordan. She says she wanted him to know that Wiley was rescued. Sonny asks where he is, and Jordan says, apparently, Michael chased him and Nelle to their cabin in the mountains. Jax called to tell her. Sonny asks, where’s Nelle? and she says, still missing. She has a dragnet in place. Sonny thanks her, and tells Jason, Wiley is safe. Jason says, that’s great news, and Sonny says, it’s one less reason to wait. His dad doesn’t have much time… Taggert says, and he doesn’t want to waste it. Sonny says, even though they want him gone, Cyrus deals with heavy hitters. If they take him out, there will be someone to replace him. He has to fail, so his associates lose money, cut their losses, and leave Port Charles. Taggert says, makes sense, and Sonny says, no more surprises. He wants answers. Jason says he’ll get them, and leaves.

Josslyn tells Trina, okay. That was not what she expected. So she and Cameron… Trina says, back up. There is no her and Cameron. She flipped out. Her dad had just died, and there was nothing she could do. Josslyn says, so what it was, was a mistake, but Trina says, that makes it sound bigger than it was. They were scared, and comforted each other. Josslyn says, makes sense. She guesses after what happened, it was  reaction to trauma. Trina says, totally, but she thinks sometimes Cameron feels like he did something wrong. Like he crossed a line. She doesn’t see it that way. Josslyn says, but if Trina liked Cameron, she’d tell her, right?

Jax tells Michael that he spoke to Jordan. The police are no more than ten minutes away. He asks where Carly is, and Michael says, she went after Nelle. Jax says, what?! Why didn’t he stop her? Carly should have waited. Michael says, Nelle had too much of a head start.

Carly tells Nelle, attempted murder and kidnapping. Brook ID’d her, and she’s going to prison for the rest of her life. Nelle says Carly must be happy to be right about her. She’s trash, crazy, a psycho. It must be like Christmas for Carly, but Carly pushed her. She was supposed to be Nelle’s sister. She was supposed to love her, and be there for her, and teach her, but she did none of those things. Instead, she screwed Nelle over, and drove to the only option she had to be with her son. She didn’t set out to attack Brook, or any of it. She just wanted a piece of what Carly had. Carly says, Nelle had that. She tried over and over. When Nelle first got there, Carly opened her life to her. She would have given Nelle everything. She kept trying to find reasons to believe Nelle. She didn’t want this, but Nelle kept testing and pushing her, until anything good was destroyed, because Nelle can’t let herself be happy. She won’t accept kindness or love. She pushes anything good away. Carly wants to believe that somewhere inside, Nelle loves Wiley, and wants him to have the best life; the life she never had. So take responsibility, and turn herself in. Let this be over. For once in her life, do the right thing for herself.

Sonny calls Olivia to tell her that Wiley is safe, and Olivia tells him, give that baby a hug. Olivia tells Ned and Brook that Wiley was found, and will be okay. Ned tells Brook, he doesn’t know how, but she did it. Brook smiles.

Trina tells Josslyn, they’ve wasted enough time talking about Cameron. They had a blast, and will never let a stupid boy come between them. They pinky swear, and Portia comes in with Curtis. She says, it must be serious, and asks if they’re celebrating their performance. Trina says they are, and Curtis says, the telethon was a huge success. The two of them and Cameron made it possible. Josslyn thanks him, and says, it was a lot of fun. Trina and Josslyn’s phones ding, and Trina says, Cameron is joking, right? He was the lead, and they were his back-up? Josslyn says, if they’re being honest, Cameron is talented. Trina says, the best part is, he has no idea. Josslyn says, don’t tell him, and Trina says, are you kidding? He already has an ego the size of New York. Curtis tells Portia, it’s good to see Trina smile. Portia asks, what’s so funny? and Trina tells her, Cameron is saying they were his back-up, and they should take their gig on the road. Taggert looks in the window, hiding his face with his hood. Which isn’t too obvious.

On the phone, Jordan says, they found the child. She’s informed the local law enforcement. Let her know when they arrive. Jason walks into her office, and she tells him that he can’t just barge in. He says he saw a friend of hers, and she has a lot of explaining to do.

Nelle says, give herself up for Wiley? Carly is a hypocritical bitch. It would make it easier on her. If Carly wants her to give up, come and get her. She runs, but Carly tackles her. They struggle, but Nelle gets the better of Carly, and takes off. Carly hears a scream.

Michael tells Wiley, they’ll get home, but first they have to wait for the police. He can’t believe how Wiley can sleep through all this. He says, sometimes thing happen in life that we don’t understand; that we can’t fathom. People make bad choices, and do wrong things, but few people are actually evil. Wiley’s mom isn’t evil.

Nelle begs Carly to help her. She says, please. She can’t hold on much longer. Oh my God, please. She’s going to fall. Carly finds Nelle hanging from the side of a cliff, and says, grab her hand. Nelle does, but doesn’t get a good enough grip, and falls.

Tomorrow, Curtis tells Portia that he can’t ignore dishonesty, Jason tells Jordan that Cyrus wants to get rid of him to clear a path to Sonny, and Dante attacks the doctor.

The Real Housewives of New York City

I’m sure you’ve heard the news about Dorinda. We’ll get to that afterwards.

Sarah calla Leah, who says she’s getting ready for her party. There’s a lot of pressure. She’s celebrating her brand, and their mom is coming. She’s going to be staring at her and Sarah with binoculars. Maybe they should slip something in her drink.

Dorinda calls LuAnn, and asks if she got the invite to Dorinda’s birthday party. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, the party is at the Russian Samovar (a place I have always wanted to go). She tells LuAnn to bring her happy birthday voice. She settles on to the couch, and says, nothing is better than a nap under the Christmas tree.

Sonja confers with her assistant Destiny. She says she needs to text her old assistant Raquel. She needs help with the townhouse, and flew Raquel in. All the packages for the townhouse were going there, and it was a schlep. In her interview, she says, Sonja By Sonja Morgan is a success story, but redoing her home simultaneously has been a lot. She tells Destiny she needs a sample for the staircase she’s redoing, and needs to check with the broker. Where are the renters? She’s put the house on the market as well. In her interview, she says it’s a daily drain on her emotions and time, and will be one less thing to worry about. It would be great for her. She puts down wee-wee pads for Marley, tucking one under the table for when he poops, because he gets embarrassed. I believe this, since I actually have a dog that likes privacy too. She tells Destiny, it’s an effort for him, like Elvis.

Ramona gets her outfit together while conferring with her dog Coco. LuAnn comes by, and in Ramona’s interview, she says she wants to support Leah. After Mexico, they were in a  good place .She even bought some of Leah’s items and paid retail, so she’s definitely supportive. She tells LuAnn she got sushi for them. The Mexico trip knocked her for a loop. She thought LuAnn was talking to Dorinda about them as a group, and LuAnn says she couldn’t, since the text Ramona sent got her going. Ramona says, she blows up, and LuAnn says Dorinda barely gave her a hug. it feels unsettled. It was a great trip, but nothing was resolved. We flash back to LuAnn trying to talk to Dorinda, and LuAnn says, it’s like a bad taste in her mouth. She feels like she was sucker punched. She tells Ramona, Dorinda said she was sorry, but there was no warmth or compassion, nothing. Ramona says, something deep inside is bothering Dorinda, but if Dorinda doesn’t get to the root of it, she can’t be around it. They can’t fix it for her. LuAnn wants to give Ramona a heads up, and says, Leah invited Elyse to her party. We see a clip where Leah tells Dorinda that Ramona said she’s not allowed to invite Elyse. That’s crazy. LuAnn asks what happened between Ramona and Elyse, and Ramona says she has to go to the bathroom. In her interview, LuAnn says she hasn’t seen Ramona get up that fast to go to the bathroom since Mexico. And she didn’t make it. Ramona says, Elyse isn’t a girl’s girl, and LuAnn says she’s had Elyse’s number from the beginning, and it’s not 212 (the area code for Manhattan). In Ramona’s interview, she says the trouble started when she brought Elyse into their friend group. She was always about the other girls. She’s like a friend jumper. Ramona tells LuAnn that she thinks Elyse is manipulative, not genuine, and disgusts her. LuAnn says, there you go. It’s a list.

It’s the 15th anniversary party for Married to the Mob, and Leah arrives with Sarah. Leah complains about not having palm trees, but Sarah thinks it’s a great space. Leah is excited to have her friends and family in one place to celebrate, but she’s nervous about Ramona, Dorinda, and the rest of the group coming. Her brand is streetwear, and her friends in the community know what they’re getting, but she thinks the Housewives will want caviar served, and that’s not happening. In Dorinda’s interview, she says it was like going down into a dungeon. It was some kind of hip-hop thing, with everyone dressed in what looked like pajamas. She tells Leah she must have missed the dress code. They look like they’re going to work out class. Once you start dressing up, it’s hard to wear sweats. In Leah’s interview, she says, maybe Dorinda never saw the website, but she’s in business because of sweat pants and T-shirts. Dorinda insists she’s really gangster despite what she’s wearing. Elyse comes in, and Dorinda says they look like they came from the office.

Elyse says she hasn’t heard from Ramona. She doesn’t think they’re friends anymore. Dorinda says, for some reason something turned, and Ramona doesn’t trust Elyse. Leah says Ramona said she shouldn’t invite her, and Elyse says, that’s definitely not friend if Ramona is trying to neutralize her. Leah says she would never tell Ramona who to invite to her party. In her interview, Leah says Ramona told her that she was not allowed to invite Elyse, which obviously is complete bullsh*t. Elyse says, if there’s a problem, friends talk about it. Bunny comes in, and in Leah’s interview, she says Dorinda’s mom is like her mom. They both go to church. She introduces Dorinda, and says Dorinda said Bunny was like her mom. We see a clip of Leah meeting Dorinda’s mom, and in her interview, Dorinda says their moms love them for who they are, and let them be. That creates confident women. She thinks they should go to church together. Leah tells her friends, if Bunny asks, she’s drinking Pellegrino. Hint: It’s not Pellegrino.

LuAnn comes in, and Leah hollers, viva la diva! LuAnn says, very cool, and Dorinda says they’re the only ones dressed up. Leah says, what about her? and Dorinda says she looks hot, but these people need to go home and get dressed. Leah tells her, quiet; these people are her friends. In LuAnn’s interview, she says, it’s streetwear. She doesn’t know what Dorinda expected. Sonja comes down the stairs, telling a guy, don’t be scared; she doesn’t bite. She yells, where does she start? Hot guys! She plops in the middle of a bunch of dudes, and Leah says she’s got to say hi to Sonja. Sonja tells a random guy that she never gets invited to parties with hot guys. In Sonja’s interview, she says she loves this group. The men look like they’re over twenty… four? She tells Leah that she just landed there. In Ramona’s interview, she says she’s not engaging in BS. She’s lived her life, and knows how she is. At this stage of her life, she wants to surround herself with people she enjoys, who respect her and who she respects. She tells Leah that she wore sparkly for her, and Leah introduces Ramona to her mom. Ramona says she feels like she knows Bunny. She feels like Leah is her daughter too; she gets frustrated. Bunny says they need to have a conversation. Ramona says she loves Bunny. Elyse joins them, and Ramona pretends like she’s not there. Elyse asks if Ramona isn’t talking to her, and Ramona says she doesn’t know who Elyse is. She walks away, and Elyse tries to grab her arm. Ramona shakes her off, and Elyse says she’s duplicitous. Ramona calls Elyse sick and evil, and trots back up the stairs to the street. Leah calls to her not to leave.

Leah tells Ramona, please stay; it’s just her. Ramona won’t even turn around and keeps going. In Leah’s interview, she says Romana didn’t even look back, and just prances out. She wonders wtf happened, and says, Ramona is off to an Upper East Side bar to pick up men, which is where she really wants to be. Elyse says she’s so done with Ramona, and in her interview, she says she never thought she’d resent or be as angry with Ramona as she is. She doesn’t know where go from here. She asks Dorinda, who’s had Ramona’s back the most? and Dorinda says she accused Elyse of having Stockholm disease. Stockhouse syndrome. Balloons pop, and LuAnn say she loves this party. A guy tells Sonja that he had Captain Morgan last night, and she says he has Lady Morgan right now. Sonja tells Leah that she likes Leah’s friends more than her own. In her interview, she says, there’s a good mix of people; fashion, artists, rappers. This party is real. LuAnn thinks Bunny looks like Mother Earth. She’s right.

Leah takes the mic, and thanks everyone for coming. All of the people in the room. They mean so much. Married to the Mob is her brand – everyone cheers – that she started 22 years ago. Rob saved her life in so many ways. If they hadn’t met, she wouldn’t have started the brand. He also gave her their daughter Kiki. She wants to acknowledge Sarah, whose life coach asked her why she didn’t buy stock in Leah’s company. She’s giving Sarah 15 % of her brand. She says, thanks, bitch. I love you. Sonja says she’s going marry Sarah. Leah says her mom wants to say a couple of words. She’d be nothing without Bunny. Bunny says her husband couldn’t be there because he’s not feeling well. She’s never seen anyone work as hard as Leah. She marches to her own drum, and was reading Vogue at nine years old. Bunny has never read Vogue in her life. If Leah had asked if she should start a business, Bunny would have said, get a job. Thank God Leah followed her dream. She loves her. She tells Leah, congratulations, and in Leah’s interview, she says she’s relishing this moment, knowing her parents are proud. Hopefully Bunny will give a toast in front of the family at dinner on Sunday.

Dorinda toasts to a badass bitch. Leah is a great mom, and a great friend. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, Leah was so young when she started her company. She was a baby 15 years ago. Leah says her heart is bursting. These are great people she’s known for a long time, and her new friends, who are genuinely proud of her.

LuAnn calls Ramona from a restaurant, and asks, what happened? Why did she leave? Ramona says she doesn’t like negative energy. She doesn’t want to be around negative people. She had a lovely talk with Bunny. She wasn’t what Ramona expected. LuAnn says, she was very granola looking. Obviously, Ramona didn’t bond with Elyse. Ramona says Elyse asked if she wasn’t going to talk to her; very aggressive. Elyse went nuts, and grabbed her arm. LuAnn says Ramona should have stayed, and Ramona says, whatever. She’s not doing that. In her interview, Ramona says Elise is manipulative, and doesn’t make her feel good. Luann says she’s having coffee while she’s waiting for the writer who’s doing her book. In LuAnn’s interview, she says she’s been through so much – horses, therapy, rehab, being arrested – she wants to write a book, and needs some help. Writer Sheryl comes in, and LuAnn introduces her to Ramona on the phone. Ramona tells Sheryl to write a bestseller. Sheryl says she’s on it. LuAnn says, she has a lot of story. Her life hasn’t been easy. She wasn’t privileged. Sheryl says she was surprised that boys said she was pretty, but chubby. LuAnn says, and taller than them. She used to saw the heels off her shoes. Sheryl says she shopped at Payless, and LuAnn says, there were seven children; life wasn’t easy. Sheryl says, the stuff about her dad, and LuAnn says he was important to her. Going through what she went through, she understands his struggle. Ramona is still on the phone because she can’t figure out how to hang up. LuAnn suggests she power off the phone. Ramona says LuAnn is an inspiration. Sheryl says, when LuAnn described being in the jail cell, and it was the first moment. When she was connecting with her dad for the first time, and understood what he went through; it was a shame. LuAnn says, it was ten years of craziness. He was a drinker, and when she got arrested, she looked at her ankles and thought, oh my God. Now she could start to understand his pain and struggle. In her interview, she says her father was her everything; he was her rock. He struggled with alcohol, eventually stopped, and AA saved his life. Now she understands so much more than she did as a young adult. His struggles were real. She’s had the same struggles. He’s not there today, but she is. She’s coming full circle, and if everything hadn’t happened, she’d never be doing this. She had to figure out how to believe in herself again, and get back in the driver’s seat. She repaired herself in a certain way, and there’s plenty to be done, but this will fix something. She thanks Sheryl, who says, it’s a New York Times best seller in the making.

Dorinda calls her sister Melissa from her bed, and says she’s so high up, it looks like she’s in no man’s land because of the fog outside. Does Melissa have something to say to her? Melissa says, happy birthday, and Dorinda says she’s calling about the party tonight. In her interview, she says she’s looking forward to it. It’s all people she’s known for ten or twenty years, not someone she met at CVS a few days ago. Ramona collects friends the way people collect leaves in the fall. She tells Melissa that she’s having the party at the Russian Samovar. It’s really Russian, and an old-fashioned fun bar. In her interview, she says, it’s one of the best places; old New York. You start off at the supper table, and end up drinking with the chef at 2 am. She tells Melissa that she invited John, and Melissa asks what she last talked to him. Dorinda says he stopped by church when she was there. It was sad, but things are better now. She asks if she doesn’t seem calmer, and Melissa says she’s more peaceful. Dorinda says she and John are friends now; he’s part of the family, and that’s how she wants it to be. Melissa says they’ve been through a lot together, and Dorinda says, they have fun. She loves him on some level, and always will. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, it would be mean, cruel, and unkind to cut him out. Just because their relationship is in a different place, doesn’t mean she should dispose of a person who’s been part of her life for seven years. Melissa says, be careful tonight, and Dorinda says she’s not being careful, and tells Melissa to call tomorrow, and see who she ended up with. Just kidding.

Sonja picks up LuAnn, and LuAnn asks what she thought of Leah’s party. Sonja says she had a blast. Those people are real. LuAnn asks what she thought about Ramona with Elyse, and Sonja asks, what happened? LuAnn says Ramona went on about how Elyse had done this and that, and how she was going to tell Elyse about everything. Sonja says, and Ramona hightailed out of there. LuAnn says, Ramona came in guns blazing, but didn’t say a word. Like she didn’t say anything to Dorinda in Mexico. Ramona does that; she retreats. In LuAnn’s interview, she says she’s not a retreater. She sticks around and confronts the issue head on. When the going gets tough, Ramona runs.

The Russian Samovar is the coolest place. Hannah mentions she’s been there once before. Sonja says, the vodka is flavored and so good. In Sonja’s interview, she says LuAnn is drinking again. Let’s get this train going again. Leah comes in, and Sonja says Leah’s party was real. Leah asks, for Sonja’s drag queen party, does she have to bring a drag queen or dress like one? Sonja says, whatever she wants to do, and Leah says she’s wearing big hair. In her interview, Sonja says she’s has drag queen Bingo nights to raise money for the LGBTQ community. There’s something about drag queens; they’re more theatrical. More guests arrive, and they toast to 2020, LuAnn asking, how crazy is that? Dorinda comes in, and tells everyone, happy birthday. They’re like, wait a minute… In Dorinda’s interview, She says she’s looking forward to tonight; a table filled with people she loves, who she knows will love each other. John joins the party, and in her interview, Dorinda says, it’s not about the food; it’s about the music, the people, and the atmosphere. It’s a great place to let all things go. It’s her birthday. She announces that she loves a dinner party in honor of her. In Ramona’s interview, she says she’s shocked to see John. It doesn’t make sense. Dorinda is sending him the wrong messages. He didn’t want it to end. Is she giving him a carrot? Ramona doesn’t like it. Oh, well, by all means, banish him then. What the hell? Leah approaches Ramona. In Leah’s interview, she says, Ramona called to apologize. Little does Ramona know, she doesn’t care. We see a clip of Ramona saying she’s proud of Leah – congratulations. She was happy she met Leah’s mom. She was much smarter; not like Ramona thought she was. In her interview, Leah says, Ramona doesn’t mean to be one of the rudest people in the world. She has no awareness of how socially awkward she is. Even when she tries to compliment you, she disses you.

Dorinda says she’s 55, she can’t wait too long, and LuAnn says, 55 never looked so beautiful. Dorinda says, every face there means so much to her. They’ve laughed and cried with her, and she’s blessed to call all of them friends. The best present is in front of her. LuAnn says she loves Dorinda, and Sonja tells Dorinda to stop worrying about them, and enjoy herself. Dorinda says Sonja has too many apps open on her phone; her phone is dying. LuAnn tells them to get off their phones, reminding Dorinda of how she got on their cases about that in Mexico. We flash back to that, and LuAnn tells Dorinda, it’s not her problem. Dorinda says she’s closing the apps for Sonja, and Ramona tells Dorinda, don’t raise her voice because – wait for it – it’s her birthday. Nothing has ever made less sense coming from Ramona, and that’s saying a lot. LuAnn says Dorinda is yelling at her. In Dorinda’s interview, she says LuAnn rides her hard. LuAnn watches her closely, but it’s her party. She’ll phone if she wants to. She tells LuAnn to stay out of it.

Dorinda says her phone is turned off, and in her bag, which is what you do at a dinner party. Ramona babbles, and tells Dorinda to chill. In Ramona’s interview, she says, even at Dorinda’s own party, she’s snapping at someone. Ramona tells a random guy, it’s not healthy emotionally. They’ve been trying to figure out how to help, but Dorinda doesn’t want to recognize the problem. This is beyond socially awkward, and not what you do at someone’s birthday party. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, Ramona has nothing going on in her life, so this is what Ramona is stuck on. It’s kind of sad. John wants to make a toast, and Dorinda tells him to keep it short. He says everyone there are all dear friends, family, and loved ones, and they’re fortunate to be so close for so many years. They’ll have a special bond for a lifetime. Dorinda says he’ll always have a seat at her table, no matter what. He’s in her family. In her interview, Dorinda says she’s proud that John had the confidence to give a toast, and it was sincere. It shows she did it. It’s what she wanted to achieve tonight, and she feels positive.

LuAnn takes the mic, and says she and Dorinda met on the dance floor of a bar mitzvah. Huh? What? Really? In Leah’s interview, she says, LuAnn will always find a mic, no matter where they are. LuAnn says they had a connection, and danced the night away. They never lost the embrace, and they’ve been friends ever since. She relates to Dorinda, and supports and loves her. In Ramona’s interview, she says, LuAnn is going on forever. I tell Ramona, STFU. In Sonja’s interview, she wonders if they’re going down Memory Lane with LuAnn at Dorinda’s party. Ramona, who can never contain herself, tells LuAnn that she’s ruining the party; it’s about Dorinda, not her. This is not a cabaret show. LuAnn says if it makes Ramona feel better, she’s winding it up. I wonder how everyone allows Ramona to dictate what should happen at their parties. LuAnn sings Happy Birthday, and in Leah’s interview, she says, it’s a sh*t show. LuAnn gets up, and in Dorinda’s interview, she says, it never fails. LuAnn is so on cue. Dorinda thinks she pops out at birthday parties all over NYC, at clambakes, car washes… It’s like something out of a Saturday Night Live skit. I’m sure all of them are right, but Dorinda did tell LuAnn to bring her happy birthday voice, so… They all sing and I’m sad. In her interview, Dorinda says a little bit of vodka, a red room, great music, her girls from New York. They all like each other. It’s the ultimate reason they’ve been together for so long . She and John dance, and John complains about having to sit hear Ramona. He says he needs a shot.

Next time, LuAnn goes to the recording studio, drag queen Bingo happens, and LuAnn says happy-effing-holidays.

🏯 Goodbye, Bluestone Manor…

And all holidays Dorinda. Since sources conflict as to whether she was fired or she decided to go, maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If she was fired, especially for drinking, it would be pretty hypocritical, since Bravo keeps the booze free and always available. For sure Dorinda has issues, and they aren’t excuses, but everyone deserves a chance. I had to fire someone as a friend for being a mean drunk, so I can get it, but I hadn’t exploited displayed her issues on TV for all to see. Or give her free liquor. Take your pick of sides.

😱 Hold Your Nose & Close Your Eyes…

Everything you wanted to know about the RHOBH upcoming Reunion. Or not. And while I’m on the subject, what’s up with Kyle’s hair? No, just no.

🚵🏾‍♀️ It’s Coming…

More tea and big houses tomorrow, but for now, stay safe, stay passionate about something, and stay away from the edges of cliffs.

August 26, 2020 – Tracker In the Wallaby, Denise Is a No Show, New Wives Coming, Denise Blasts Bravo, Dorinda Is Shown the Door & Apologies


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Jason thanks Epiphany for coming, and she says she didn’t have a choice. One minute, she’s informed that Jason checked out against doctor’s orders, and the next there’s a car waiting for her and it drives her here. What’s going on? He says one of her patients needs help. She sees Taggert lying on a bed.

Sonny looks in on Ned and Brook. Olivia says she’d asked to be notified when Brook woke up. Thank God she was there when Brook opened eyes. Sonny hopes Brook knows something about Wiley’s abduction, and Olivia says she prays Brook can help find him.

Ned tells Brook, don’t try to talk; just listen. He loves her, and was praying she’d wake up, so he could make sure she knows. He’s sorry for saying the things he said, and throwing her out of the house. He was wrong. She’s his daughter, and he loves her. That’s all that matters now. Brook flashes back to telling Nelle that she’s going to call the cops, and that Nelle is going back to prison where she belongs.

Nina and Willow play backgammon. Nina asks how it’s going for Willow at the Quartermaines. Is the bickering driving her crazy? Willow says, it’s not too terrible. They’re still on their best behavior, and trying not to shock her. Wouldn’t it be nice if the worst thing she had to worry about was the Quartermaines bickering? The doorbell rings, and Nina says she’ll get that. It’s Jax, who says he thought he’d find Nina there. Willow comes out, and he asks if there’s any news about Wiley. She says there’s an update on the alert with Nelle’s alias.

Michael says, Nelle was just waiting for a chance to snatch Wiley and run. She doesn’t love Wiley. She doesn’t know the meaning of the word love, and sees Wiley as a prize, not a child. The moment Wiley becomes a burden, God knows what she’ll do.

Chase tells his men to keep the patrol on the backroads, and roads going to the northern border. Sasha comes into the station, and says she heard about Nelle taking Wiley. Chase says someone broke into the Quartermaine mansion, chloroformed Monica, and Wiley was stolen. She tells Michael, she’s so sorry. Michael says they’re going to find him. They have to.

The woman tells Nelle, her little boy is a cutie. What’s his name? Nelle says, Will, and I still can’t believe for such a scheming manipulator, she couldn’t come up with something that wasn’t so close to his real name. She tells the woman, he’s a light sleeper, and the car is the only thing that will keep him sleeping. She gets in the car, and the woman tells her, keep below 30. The roads are marked, but there are blind turns. If she goes more than two miles, she’s missed the Occidental, and will have to turn around or drive for hours. Nelle says she’ll look out for it, and pulls out. The woman says, if you miss it, hon, you’ll be driving all night. Her wrist thing beeps, and she says, dear Lord, another alert about some poor missing… Oh my God. It was her. She knows it’s that poor little boy.

Sasha says she saw the alert, and asks if Willow is there, but Michael says she’s at home. He said he’d call if anything came up, but so far, there hasn’t been anything. An officer found Nelle’s cell phone in the bushes a few feet away from the car. She’d abandoned it, but if she’s kept a tracker on the car, it could indicate where they’re going or who’s helping her.

Sonny asks Olivia if there’s been any word on Dante, but she says, no. He still hasn’t reached out. Sonny says, he will. Someday when he’s healed. She says she believes that, and Sonny says he believes Dante may be struggling, but he’s strong, and won’t give up on the people he loves or himself. Olivia says, he’s right. Dante is strong, and will never give up. Now there’s Brook.

Ned tells Brook, Olivia tried to tell him that the family isn’t a corporation. He knows that, of course (🍷). He allowed himself to lose sight of that, and got caught up in ELQ and his decisions. He lost track of the most important thing int the world – his child. He was wrong, and couldn’t bear it if her last memory of him was shutting the door in her face. Brook flashes back to saying she can’t wait for Nelle to be hauled off in front of all the people at the Nurses Ball and the viewers at home. She remembers Nelle knocking the phone out of her hand, and her saying, no worries. Mac is there, and can arrest her himself. Nelle picks up the shears when Brook’s back is turned, and says she’s sorry, and asks Brook to pretend she didn’t see or hear her. Brook says, save it, bitch. She’s messed with her last Quartermaine. Ned tells Brook, what he’s trying to say is, he’s sorry. Brook gets distressed, and he asks if she’s okay. He tells her to lie still, goes to the hallway, and asks for somebody to get a doctor. Olivia runs off.

Epiphany says Taggert’s blood pressure is stabilized, and his blood loss isn’t severe. He’s a lucky man. Jason asks if she’s going to report it to the police, but she says, how is she supposed to report the shooting of a dead man? Jason guesses Taggert faked his death to protect his family from Cyrus, and she says, how is she supposed to know? He says Taggert couldn’t have pulled it off without help. He knows it must have been difficult for her to talk to Trina, who was grieving when Taggert wasn’t dead, but he also knows she wouldn’t have supported it without good reason. He’s grateful. She says, good. He’s come to her from time to time over the years, like tonight, requesting her help, no questions asked. The point is, he’s not the only one with secrets. She respects his privacy, and expects him to respect hers. What she knew, what she did, and why she did it, is her business, not his. He says, understood, and she says she’s given him a lot of leeway. Mostly because she knows if she ever needs him, he’ll be there, no questions asked. She asks if his driver is waiting, and Jason says, he’s outside. She says, good. She expects he’ll make sure Taggert finds a way safely out of Port Charles. He says, yes, and she says he did good calling her. At the door, she almost says something else, but keeps going. I’m really hoping they give Epiphany more storyline soon. I’ve been waiting for an eternity.

Ned tells Brook, don’t try to talk. There will be plenty of time after, when she’s healed. Sonny comes in, and says, they can take the girl out of Brooklyn, but they can’t take Brooklyn out of the girl. Ned tells him not to cause Brook any stress. They’ll find out later who did this when she’s stronger. Olivia suggests they wait until the doctor has a chance to look at her. Sonny approaches Brook’s bed, and says he doesn’t want to bother her, but his grandson Wiley was kidnapped. She doesn’t have to talk. Just nod her head, yes or no. Was it Nelle who attacked her? She nods.

Nina says, it must have been Nelle, and Willow says they know the attack happened backstage. Nelle was supposed to perform, but never did. Brook probably overheard or tried to stop her. Jax says, there’s a possibility it’s not related, and tells them not to jump to conclusions. Willow says, at least Brook is at the hospital, surrounded by family and an expert medical staff. Wiley is all alone with Nelle, and she’s gotten a head start. Jax says, she’s traveling with a toddler, and has to stop for gas, food, and to change diapers. There’s a missing child alert, and he doesn’t think it will be long before someone puts two and two together. It’s just a matter of time.

Chase says, Nelle’s phone is locked. He’ll have a tech look at it. Michael asks how long it will take, and Chase says, there’s no way to predict. Michael says, let him look. Chase is hesitant, but Michael says, when you live with someone, you get to know them and what matters to them. Let him try.

Nelle tells Wiley, that woman never shut up. The sacrifices she makes for him. At least she told them out to get back on the highway, and she’s gotten him away from Michael and Willow. They deserve each other, but they don’t deserve him. He belongs with her.

Michael says, please, and I say, oh come on, Chase. Chase hands over the phone, and Michael messes with it. Carly comes in, and sees Sasha. She thanks Sasha for being concerned about Wiley, and Sasha says, Wiley is a wonderful little boy. She doesn’t think she’s cut out to be a stepmom, even if things didn’t unfold like they did, but she cares about him and Michael. Michael is a good person, and a good dad. Carly says she knows what it cost for Sasha to make sure Michael got custody, and Sasha says she prays to God it all works out.

Michael tells Chase, no good. He could have sworn it was Wiley’s birthday. Chase says, careful. A few more tries and he’ll get locked out.

Ned tells Sonny, sorry; he didn’t know. Olivia wonders why Nelle would attack Brook, and Sonny says, she tried to call Michael before the attack. He’s sorry to bother her, but is that why she tried to call? Brook nods, and Sonny says, to warn him about Nelle? She nods again, and Sonny asks, is that why Nelle tried to silence her? She nods, and looks like she wants to cry. Sonny asks if there’s anything more, and she nods. He asks for a pencil and paper, and Olivia gives it to Brook. Sonny says, she can do it, and Brook is shaky, but tries to write.

Brook has hard time writing, and Epiphany comes in. She asks, what’s going on? What are they all doing there? The doctor with her says, everyone out. Sonny says give him one minute, but Epiphany says, him too. Brook is in ICU for a reason. Visitors will have to wait. They leave, and the doctor tells Brook, he’s Dr. Fisher. He did her surgery. She’s a tough patient. She did great, but has to give herself time to recover. He can’t stress enough not to try and speak. She could do greater harm to her vocal chords. Understand? She nods.

In the interrogation room, Michael says, Nelle’s birthday didn’t work, and Chase tells him, think hard before he tries again. Sonny calls, and Carly asks how Brook is. He says, awake, but the doctors say she can’t talk yet. He asked her if Nelle was the one who attacked her, and she confirmed it. Carly says she’ll put him on speaker. Chase asks if there are any details, and Sonny says, Brook seems to know more, but can’t communicate it.

Olivia calls Willow, and asks how she’s holding up. She heard about Wiley. Willow says she’s hanging in, but how is Brook? Olivia says, she pulled through and she’s awake. Willow says, that’s wonderful news. She knows Olivia and Ned must be relieved. Olivia says, they are, but brace herself. Brook confirmed Nelle attacked her. Willow says, at least they know now for sure. Olivia says, she’s not alone, is she? and Willow says, no. Nina and Jax are there. Olivia says, good. She’ll let Willow know as soon as they know. Willow thanks her for calling, and Nina asks about Brook. Willow says, Brook was able to confirm that Nelle attacked her. She didn’t realize it until this minute, but deep down, she was hoping Nelle wasn’t this desperate or vicious. Nina says she doesn’t know if this will be a comfort, but she knows Nelle wouldn’t hurt her own child. She might hurt someone who tries to take him, but not Wiley himself. Jax says he’ll go to the hospital and see what he can find out. Willow says she appreciates it, and he says he’ll do what he can. Stay calm. Nina walks him to the door, and says, thank you for that. He says, absolutely. He’s there to support her, Michael, and Willow. He’ll do what he can to bring Wiley back to the people who love him. Inside, Willow looks at pictures of Wiley on her phone.

The woman calls the PCPD hotline, and says she saw the kidnapper. She spoke to her for about ten minutes, and saw the little boy in the back of the car. Nelle was pulled over on Schoolhouse Road outside of Clarksfield. She says she’ll wait, but hurry. Nelle’s been gone at least 20 minutes.

Nelle pulls over, and says, they’re here. She gets out of the car.

Sonny calls Jason, and asks where he is. Jason says he’s at the safe house outside of Telegraph Road. Sonny asks, what’s going on? and Jason says he has a situation, but it’s not urgent. He asks if there’s an update, but Sonny says, not yet. There’s a wide net, but his people haven’t found anything. What about Spinelli? Jason says Spinelli tracked Nelle’s phone to where she last used it, on Pier 55, but there was no signal. Sonny wonders if she could be traveling by boat, but Jason says the alert was updated, and she’s in a car. Sonny asks if Jason wants to tell him about the situation, but Jason says he’s handling it. Sonny says he has to go; Michael and Carly are there. Sonny asks Michael if there’s any news, and Michael says Chase found Nelle’s cell phone. He says he needs to talk to Brook, and leaves. Sonny tells Carly that he talked to Jason. She asks if he has a lead, and he says, it’s not about Wiley, but he has something going on. He’s at a safe house, and said he has a situation, but he knows what he’s doing. It must be important or he’d be looking for Wiley. Carly suggests Sonny go help Jason.

Willow looks at pictures of Wiley, and Nina wonders if she can ask a question about Charlotte. Willow says, okay, and Nina asks what she thinks about Charlotte as a student. Willow says, Charlotte is extremely bright; it helps that she’s bilingual. She’s curious, articulate, inventive, and good at synthesizing information. Academically, she could skip ahead, but socially she should stay in a regular class. She’s been somewhat isolated, and it’s good for her to be around regular kids. Nina says, they all need friends, right? The doorbell rings, and Nina says, it might be Jax. She runs to the door, but it’s Sasha. Sasha and Willow lock eyes.

Nelle says, good thing she remembered where the key was hidden. Michael and his family will be looking, but they’ll never think of looking there.

Chase tells Epiphany he needs to speak to Brook, but Epiphany says, she’s resting, and shouldn’t be disturbed. She walks away, and Michael messes with Nelle’s phone. Chase says, any luck? but Michael says, no. Chase says two more tries and they’re locked out for good. Chase looks at his phone, and says, there’s been a possible Nelle and Wiley sighting outside town. He tells Michael to stay, and let him know if he cracks the password. He’ll be in touch. He leaves, and Michael looks in on Brook. She raises her hand, and he tells the guard that he’s going to check out his cousin. He goes into the room, and Brook smiles. He closes the door, and sits next to her bed. He says he’s so sorry this happened to her. He’s sorry he brought Nelle into their lives. He’s sure Brook tried to stop her, and thanks her for that. She flashes back to Nelle telling Julian about the tracker in the kangaroo. She whispers to Michael, Nelle has a tracker in the wallaby.

Sonny arrives at the safe house, and asks Jason to tell him about the situation. Jason says, see for himself. Sonny goes inside, and sees Taggert. He asks, how the hell is he alive?

Sasha says she saw the alert, and went to the PCPD. Michael was there, and said Willow was waiting at home. She didn’t want Willow to be alone, but obviously she’s not. Willow says it was kind of Sasha to check on her, and Sasha says she’s so sorry. Whatever Willow thinks of her, never in million years did she think this would happen. Willow says, no one did.

The woman tells Chase, that’s her. She recognized her as soon as she saw the alert. He asks, how was the child? and she says, snug in his car seat, fast asleep. He asks if there were any signs of distress, but she says, he was sleeping the whole time. She gave Nelle directions to get back on the highway, since her GPS wasn’t working on her phone. He says, she had a phone? and the woman says the reception stinks there. Chase asks if she said anything about where they were going, but the woman says Nelle just asked how to get back to the highway. She told Nelle to turn right, but she was in a hurry. If she missed the turn, she could still be driving around there.

Nelle tells Wiley, it’s Michael’s fault. He let Carly come against her time and again. He believed Carly, and took her side. One more person to betray her and lie to her.

Michael tells Brook that he has Nelle’s cell phone. She dropped it next to the car, and the police recovered it. Is she telling him that Nelle installed an app to keep track of Wiley? Brook nods. He says he tried to guess the password, and only has one more try. He’s tried Nelle and Wiley’s birthdays, and Wiley’s name. Apparently Michael knows Nelle isn’t very creative. He says he knows it has to be something about her, and thinks back to when they were together. He remembers telling Nelle that he’s sorry about what happened, but grateful she saved his sister. Nelle says she prefers to think of her scar as a birthmark. From that moment on, she was reborn, and it led her to him. Her life started over on March 21st, 2011. Michael tells Brook, Nelle thought her new birthday was the day before Josslyn’s transplant. He tries it, and the phone opens. He looks at Brook.

Michael says he can’t thank Brook enough for the lead in finding his son. Ned asks what Michael is doing there; Brook is supposed to rest. Michael says he saw her trying to get out of bed, and Olivia says, you know Brook; she always leaps before she looks. Michael tells Brook to take care of herself. He’ll take care everything else. In the hallway, Epiphany tells the guard, there you are. She understands he has a job to do, but so do they, and theirs takes precedence. Michael slips away.

Sonny asks Jason how he found Taggert, and Jason says he was tracking Nelle’s cell phone to Pier 55. She wasn’t there, but Taggert was lying on the ground, bleeding. He called Epiphany, who showed up, no questions asked. She wasn’t expecting to see Taggert, but didn’t seem surprised that he was alive. Sonny asks if she told him who helped, and Jason says she told him it was her business, and not his. Sonny says, she couldn’t have done this alone. He’s sure Jordan is in on it, but why did Taggert go through all this trouble just to come back? Taggert wakes up, and says, what the hell? How is the girl? Sonny asks, what girl? and Taggert says, on the pier. A guy was going to shoot her. Sonny asks him to focus. What is he trying to tell them?

Jax sees Carly at the hospital, and thanks her for meeting him. He didn’t want to intrude on the family. He asks how she’s holding up, and she says she’s trying. Nelle has done so much damage. He asks if she’s seen Brook, but she says, not yet. Sonny had to leave, so she was making phone calls to make sure everything is okay at home. Jax asks how Josslyn is, and Carly says, she’s still with Trina. She’s praying Wiley is brought home safe before Josslyn knows he’s gone.

Sasha says she should go. Let her know if she can do anything. Willow says, say a prayer, think good thoughts. Sometimes their faith is all they have. Sasha says she’s got it, and leaves. Nina says, well that was weird. Willow doesn’t hate Sasha? Willow says, actually, she misses having Sasha as a friend.

Carly sees Olivia, and says she’s so sorry this happened. Jax asks how Brook is, and Olivia says, she’s already stronger. Ned is in with her. Carly asks if she saw Michael and Chase. They were supposed to talk to Brook. Olivia says she hasn’t seen Chase in a while, but Michael was visiting with Brook. They had to kick everyone out, since she’s supposed to be resting. Carly asks if Olivia talked to Michael, and she says, not really, but he did say something weird. He told Brook to take care of herself, and said he’ll take care of everything else.

Sonny asks if Taggert remembers what happened at the pier. Taggert says he was supposed to meet a launch that would take him to a freighter. But when he got close, he saw a man holding a women at gunpoint. Jason asks if he got a look at the man, but he says, it was dark; he only had time to react. He grabbed the man from behind, and they struggled for the gun. He lost. All he remembers after that is Jason showing up. Sonny says they’ll revisit that later. Right now, he just wants to know, how the hell is Taggert still alive?

Ned promises Brook that the police will find Nelle, and make her pay. If they don’t, he’ll hire people to track Nelle to the ends of the earth. Olivia says the important thing is that Brook beat Nelle; she survived, and she’s going to heal. Chase calls, and says he wants to ask Brook some questions. The medication is wearing off, so she should be able to use a tablet or write. Dr. Fisher says, it’s essential that she try not to speak. Any attempt could damage her vocal chords. Olivia tells Brook to rest; get all the sleep she can. Brook nods, tearing up, and Olivia says, don’t cry. Everything will be okay. Ned says she’ll be good as new in no time.

Chase calls all units, telling them that he’s outside of Clarksfield. He give them Nelle’s alias and the license plate number, saying she was last seen on Route 73. He describes Wiley, and tells them, approach with caution. She’s a convicted killer, and considered dangerous.

Outside, Sasha takes out a small bag of coke.

Nina says, Willow has let go of resentment. What’s her secret, and can Willow teach her? Willow says she feels betrayed, and hasn’t forgiven them, but she doesn’t think they did it with malice. They were weak and hurting, and overwhelmed by the situation. They made a wrong choice. Nina tells her, the same could be said about what Sasha did to her. Valentin can be overwhelming, and probably convinced Sasha that they weren’t doing any harm. The ironic part is, she misses Sasha, even after knowing Sasha’s not her daughter.

Nelle fingers her half-heart necklace. She says Wiley is worn out. He’s sound asleep, but she can’t blame him. She can barely keep her eyes open. They need to leave early to avoid the police. She digs in her bag for something, and pulls out the kangaroo.

Carly looks at her phone.

In the car, Michael follows the tracker. His phone rings, but he ignores it. He says, sorry, mom. I’m coming, buddy. Dad’s coming.

Nelle asks why she brought this stupid thing. She takes out the tracker, and says they had it on them the whole time.

Tomorrow, Curtis tells Jordan that he doesn’t want any secrets between them, Josslyn says the only person Cameron is different around is Trina, Carly says Michael found Nelle, and Michael asks Nelle where his son is.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


Kyle and Sutton work on a collaboration. In her interview, Kyle says, Sutton has the right clientele.

Garcelle finally found a director for her movie, and meets her team for drinks. Director Amy Barrett says, it’s the kind of movie that needs to get made. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, it’s called Split Marriage, and it’s a psychological thriller. Garcelle tells them, let’s make a kick ass movie, and they clink glasses.

Party planner Nick Pary meets with Dorit to plan a housewarming/Christmas/whatever party. In her interview, Dorit says she’s dealt with a lot of BS. We see a headline that questions them being able to afford a $6 million house. She asks, what do people want The Real Tax Returns of Beverly Hills? Her kids enjoy every space in the house, and she feels that it’s a happy home. She talks to PK and Nick about integrating the party with the people. PK wonders if the illusionist can make Dorit’s friends disappear, and Dorit suggests he make her husband disappear. The planner is staying out of it. Dorit wants everyone to come together, and bury the hatchet. Good luck with that. In her interview, she says, two years ago, she and LisaR weren’t in a good place. We flash back to them making up, and Dorit says, now LisaR is one of her best friends. She knows LisaR and Denise are at odds, but she believes they can get through anything. She tells PK that Denise never ended up coming last time, then Brandi showed up. As Denise’s friend, she feels responsible to challenge what Brandi has said, and Brandi is telling them to look at the texts on her phone. PK says, that’s not a friend, and Dorit tells him to let her finish, but she’s lost her train of thought. PK says he’s a great listener. Is he supposed to just nod? She says, that’s what people do. She thinks it’s important that Denise be able to tell her side. PK says he has no interest in getting involved. Don’t bring him in. He only gets involved if Dorit is being attacked. Dorit says, for the first time in a long time, it’s not her, and he says, keep it that way.

Teddi and LisaR call Erika in New York. She’s at the theatre, and LisaR says, it’s the role of a lifetime. Which she ought to know, since she did it 18 years ago. In Erika’s interview, she says she’s back in New York, walking to work like she used to when she was 18 with her backpack. She sees a poster for the show on a receptacle, and says, you know you’ve made it when you’re on a trashcan. She asks if everything is okay, and LisaR says, the party was an intense moment. Teddi says Erika left at just the right moment. Erika wonders what happened, and LisaR says she and Denise talked and texted a few times. She told Denise about the party, and Denise said she’d see her there. In LisaR’s interview, she says she’s torn. She wants to be a good friend, but now thinks maybe Denise is the sh*tty friend. She made her bed, she has to sleep in it. Even if it’s felled with nails and snakes. Don’t give me ideas. Already my blood pressure is going up.

PK models some outfits for Dorit. After seeing a particularly loud jacket, Dorit says, maybe not tonight… or ever.

Kyle tells her glam squad that her sister is coming. She had her boobs redone, and her teeth done. Now they have to find her a nice husband. One of the squad says Kim has no problem attracting men, and Kyle says, she has seven or eight engagement rings. Um… Isn’t the usual practice to only keep the ring if the other person breaks up with you?

Everyone gets glam. I sleep through this part.

Garcelle waits with Michael outside Denise’s hotel. Garcelle says, Denise is nervous. Some of the girls (cough) had it out for her, so they decided to arrive together. She thinks Denise feels vulnerable with the group ganging up on her. They’ll probably have a few shots in the car. She has Denise’s back, no matter what. That’s what friendship means to her.

Dorit loves the party set-up, and talks to René, her pyro for tonight; he’s taking care of the candles. I didn’t even know you could hire people for that. LisaR says the place is gorgeous, and PK asks her to try his new non-alcoholic champagne. He thinks it will be a huge hit. She tells him it’s good, but in her interview, she doesn’t own it, and says, champagne with no alcohol is like sex without an orgasm. What’s the point? Have water. Can this woman even be more of a self-centered a-hole? Dorit points out that the name of it is L’astuce, which means trick in French. She says they wanted to have it on time for the baby shower, and Teddi says, it’s good. The morally corrupt Faye Resnick shows up, and LisaR babbles about naming her wig. In her interview, she forces us to listen to stories about her wigs, and tells us their names. Adrienne arrives, and I’m loving what Sutton is wearing. It’s weird, hard to explain, and I couldn’t find a picture. She was dragged on social media for it, but I love crazy clothes.

Garcelle keeps trying to call Denise, and says she’s starving. Michael asks if she didn’t eat, and Garcelle says only some chicken wings a friend brought her. She loves them; it’s so Black of her. Michael says she’s getting animated while she’s talking about it, and says he should see how animated she gets when she talks diamonds. He asks if she wants to talk diamonds, and she laughs. In her interview, Garcelle says she’s feeling like she’s ready to have a relationship. She didn’t have sex for seven years after her divorce. She didn’t trust, and didn’t think she was capable of letting someone in. And she didn’t. She was tight as hell. She tells Michael, her calls are going right to voicemail, and he says, that’s what happens when your phone is off.

PK tells everyone that his wife has something to say. Kyle says, that’s a shocker. Dorit welcomes everyone to her new home, and says, it’s a very special night. Phoenix pops out and asks why she’s being loud, and she explains she’s projecting her voice. Phoenix tells her to whisper it, and Dorit says, mommy teaches well. They have a nice treat, a world-renowned illusionist and mentalist. She introduces Simon Winthrop, and he makes Teddi’s ring disappear. Too bad he couldn’t make Teddi disappear.

Still no Denise, and Garcelle suggests they just go and see if she shows. She gets it if Denise doesn’t want to be there, but don’t leave them hanging. Garcelle says, if Denise is there, she’s going to kill her.

Simon makes a cigarette float in the air. He’s no David Blaine, but then again, he’s not harassing the women at the party either. Garcelle and Michael arrive, and LisaR states the obvious, saying Denise isn’t with them. No. She’s hiding in Garcelle’s purse. What an ass LisaR is. Garcelle says Denise was supposed to meet them, and was a no show. Her calls are going straight to voicemail. Dorit says, maybe she’s going to be late, but Garcelle says she would have returned a text or taken her calls. Dorit says Garcelle missed the magic act. In asshat LisaR’s interview, she says, it’s strange how Denise never showed, yet she reached out, asking if LisaR was going to be there, and saying they needed to work through stuff. She said, of course she’ll be there. LisaR tells the others, Denise had asked if she was dressing up, and said she was going with Garcelle. Garcelle asks if Dorit is okay, and Dorit says her heart is racing. This woman could get nervous over a snail race. LisaR says either Denise’s phone is off or she’s been blocked. Dorit says Denise just texted her last night. In Dorit’s interview, she says, Denise has no problem facing people. When Dorit had a problem with Camille, Denise was supportive. LisaR says, Denise isn’t coming, and Garcelle says Denise stood her up; that’s not okay. At least say something. In her interview, Garcelle says she’s sure Denise has a reason for not showing, but she’s been there for Denise, and Denise should value the friendship. She asks if Brandi was invited, but Dorit says she’s not even friends with Brandi. On the side, Garcelle tells Michael they’ll have to go to In & Out Burger. I’m not sure why, since there’s food, but maybe Garcelle isn’t keen on the menu. Garcelle recognizes a server from Kyle’s party, and we flash back to her calling him a tall drink of water. Chocolate Michael talks to Sutton’s boyfriend Michael, saying he and Garcelle are talking about a proposal. Michael #2 says, don’t tell Sutton. Chocolate Michael says, it’s not often both people are on the same page at the same time.

Dorit says Camille phoned her out of the blue last night. She has no desire of any kind to have a relationship with Camille. Sh*tty friend LisaR says, someone saw Denise and Camille together. We see a clip of Denise telling Camille, no matter what she says, they don’t believe her, and Camille saying, now Denise knows what she went through. Denise says, she’s going to be seeing them tomorrow. Camille says she hopes Denise is prepared. In LisaR’s interview, she wonders why Denise would want to reach out to Camille. We flash back to Denise getting in Camille’s face, yelling, back off, and LisaR says, Camille will jump on anyone’s bandwagon. This coming from the one who has admitted she’ll do anything for money/exposure. She says, you could manipulate Camille wearing a blindfold and a ball in your mouth. No comment. Too easy. Brandi comes in with Kim, and Garcelle says, there you have it. Dorit says, oh my goodness gracious, and in her interview, she says, thank God Denise isn’t here, but holy sh*t. She and Brandi aren’t in the best of places, and this girl is at her house. She didn’t know Brandi was Kim’s plus one. Hmmm… maybe Kim is the one from the group Brandi was talking about. They seem to be joined at the hip. Kim yaps about how great her boobs are since her implants were taken out, and Kyle pokes at them. Kim asks Mauricio to touch her side boob, and dumb as a box of rocks Kyle seconds that request, but Mauricio wisely declines. Brandi asks if Denise is there, and Sutton says, no, but they need to work this out. In Sutton’s interview, she says she’s known Denise for years. They go to the same skincare specialist, and see each other socially on occasion. She’s not worried about anyone saying she had sex with them. Look at her. I’m not sure what that means. She’s too good for everyone, or she’s no one anybody would brag about having sex with? She tells Brandi, maybe one day she’ll learn not to say stuff, but Brandi says, that’s not happening. Kim can’t stop touching her own boobs. Dorit is surprised Denise didn’t come, and Brandi says she sent Denise a text. Putting paramedics on speed dial for when I have my stroke. Brandi says she assumed Denise would be there, so she was giving her a heads up. Kyle asks if Brandi has talked to Denise, and Brandi says she has. First, Denise called her a liar, and then asked wtf she was doing. In Garcelle’s interview, she says she doesn’t want to see any texts. She wants to believe Denise. She wants Denise to show up with all the tea, and know she’s vindicated with the truth. She chooses to believe Denise because she’s Denise’s friend. The women throw ice cubes in the pool like they did with coins in the Trevi fountain. Brandi acts like she’s in the opening credits already.

Remember how I said the texts Brandi produced didn’t sound like Denise, but sounded like Brandi? Well, I remember, and when Brandi goes over to the women, she says, hey, pretty ladies. That was in her text, supposedly from Denise. Maybe I’m delusional, but I’m telling you, Denise is right. Brandi made this sh*t up. And there are several apps for that.

15 minutes later. Another sh*tty thing happens. As Garcelle is getting in her car, a producer pops his head in, and tells Garcelle that they got a text from Aaron saying there was a family emergency. He says Garcelle was defending her and now Denise bails on her. Garcelle says, that’s not cool. W. T. F. ?  Producers are now blatantly manipulating situations on the show? I always knew the pot was stirred behind the scenes, but do they just not care anymore?

Garcelle meets LisaR at a restaurant, and supreme phony LisaR says, it’s a nice surprise; meeting for a Christmas drink. Garcelle says her favorite drink there is called Emotionally Unavailable. LisaR thinks she’s joking, but it’s a real thing. LisaR asks if Garcelle is going to be there for Christmas, and Garcelle says she’s been on so many flights, she just wants to be home. She’s still unpacking from the move, and just wants to nest. Dorit joins them, and Garcelle asks where Dorit’s kids were at the party; in the basement? Dorit says Garcelle didn’t make it for the beginning, still not answering the question, and Garcelle says, waiting for Denise, her mind went straight to the worst. Dorit says she never heard anything, then Denise messaged her the following day, saying, sorry she missed last night; they’ll talk soon. She says, but Denise and Garcelle are friends. Garcelle says Denise reached out (holy! I have never once said a friend reached out, and they say it every five minutes) on Sunday, but she had people over, and couldn’t go into it in depth. Denise said she didn’t want Garcelle to have to lie for her, so she didn’t call. She’d told the producers there was a family emergency. Dorit says, so there was no family emergency? In her interview, Garcelle says, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle. She’s not sure where the pieces go, or what’s real or not. Garcelle says Denise wanted to get together, but she had the feeling things were going to fall apart, and they did. We see a clip of Garcelle going to meet Denise, and Denise calling, saying she got hung up, and can’t make it. She suggests dinner over the holidays with their men. Garcelle mumbles that she came all the way up there. Dorit says, it’s sad, and Garcelle says she’s been Denise’s friend. Dorit says, it feels tricky, and in her interview, says it feels manipulative, and she wonders what’s real. LisaR wonders why Denise reached out to her, but says she’s still there for Denise.

This show is going to make me gain weight. I need a constant stream of cookies while watching. The sad part is, I used to look forward to it. LVP, glimpses of Giggy, even Brandi when she was just an a-hole and still seemed like she might learn how to be a decent human.

LisaR says Garcelle has proven she’s Denise’s friend, but wonders why Denise reached out to her. We flash back to Garcelle telling Denise that LisaR is different today from the LisaR she knew. It feels like she’s the bad guy in their movie. Dorit says, that’s deflecting, apparently not understanding the definition, and asks if Denise thinks she’s able to control the narrative through the press. LisaR says, Denise has done it her whole life. Evidently, LisaR is now owning it for other people. She says Denise didn’t show on Saturday, and the first post on her social media was from Aaron of her in a hospital bed with hernias. It’s called a sympathy post. It happened three months ago, and it conveniently looks like she’s still recovering, but that’s not the truth. Dorit doesn’t know if it’s strategic, and LisaR says, of course it is. Garcelle finds it hard to believe, but LisaR says Denise was married to Charlie Sheen, and fought him in the press for 14 years with 14 different lawyers. They’ll all be portrayed as mean girls. She knows how the game works. If they don’t think Denise is capable of this, they’re effing crazy.

The text tells us that Denise sent a cease and desist letter to the cast and the producers. We see a January 8th headline that says Denise stopped filming. In Kyle’s interview, she says, you can’t get entangled with Brandi and think it’s going to be kept quiet. LisaR calls Kyle, and says they’ll probably never see Denise again. Kyle says she’s scared to show who she is. We see Denise driving, and she calls Aaron, saying she’s done with the shoot, but wants to stop by LisaR’s house. They talked on the phone. He asks how it went, and she says, not so good. He tells her, selfishly, he’d like to understand the thought process, and why Denise is being treated this way. Denise says she would too, and Aaron says, so ask her. We see a clip of her calling LisaR, and saying she’d like to talk in person. She asks if LisaR would be open to doing that, and LisaR says if Denise comes with an open mind and heart, she’ll be happy to. Denise says she’s not coming for a therapy session (snort), but as a friend. LisaR says Denise can’t beat her over the head for being a bad friend. Denise says she’s never done that, and LisaR whines, that’s how she feels, since she can’t possibly own it. Denise says, great. See her soon.

They hug, and Denise thanks LisaR for letting her come over; she’s missed LisaR. She asks what they can do to move past this. She asks if LisaR knew Brandi was going to be at the party, but LisaR says, no. Denise seems skeptical, and LisaR asks if Denise knew. Denise says she did; that’s why she didn’t show up. She didn’t want Brandi to create some Jerry-effing-Springer moment. A high horse trots out, and LisaR gets on it, saying, so there was no family emergency. Denise says, no, and LisaR hisses, that’s a lie. They were worried about her. Denise didn’t respond to her. Denise says she responded to Dorit and Garcelle, and LisaR says she doesn’t care about them. Denise says she didn’t get LisaR’s text, but LisaR pats her horse, says good boy, and claims she has a screen shot. Denise says, the reality is what it is, and LisaR says Denise lied. Whatever is going on isn’t her business… Denise says, there’s nothing going on. Why doesn’t LisaR believe her? LisaR says, to be honest (choke), she doesn’t know what to believe. She witnessed something that confused her. We flashed back to her hunger for looking at the texts Brandi had, and she tells Denise that it was a long text chain. Even if it was platonic, there was a relationship. Denise says she doesn’t care what Brandi has. Their interaction was limited. In Denise’s interview, she says there’s an app that can revise texts. She tells LisaR, whatever Brandi has, she doesn’t care. She’s only seen Brandi four times in her life. LisaR says she doesn’t buy that. It’s none of her business, but she doesn’t understand why Denise doesn’t ask Brandi why she’s doing this. Denise asks why she should engage with something like that, and LisaR asks if that’s how it goes away, by ignoring it? Denise says she’s dealt with other things, but doesn’t want to say how. LisaR says, by sending cease and desist letters? She knows Denise wanted the footage taken out. Denise asks who told LisaR that, but instead of owning it or being honest, LisaR creepily whispers, you’re so angry. Seriously, her face and tone aren’t just deflective, but disturbing. Denise says LisaR is playing dirty. Slanderous things have been said, and if they’d been about LisaR wouldn’t she send a cease and desist letter? LisaR doesn’t know, but she’s shown up and dealt with who she’s needed to. Denise says she has too. She wants to resolve this and move on. LisaR wants to know who’s being honest. Denise says she’s had to explain to her kids that stuff was said that’s not true, but they have to hold their heads high and move past it. They can’t let it take them down. It’s actually been a lesson she’s talked to her kids about. LisaR says, that’s positive, because she’s a twit, and Denise says it’s not a conversation she wants to have with them. LisaR says there are a lot of conversations they don’t want to have with their kids. In her interview, Denise says it’s not the first time their family has been in the press, but they have to rise above it holding their heads high. If she didn’t have a solid marriage, it might be a different situation. In LisaR’s interview, she says neither one of them is changing their point of view. They’ll have to agree to disagree, which puts a dead end on their friendship, since LisaR doesn’t understand how to actually be a friend. She says, it’s sad. LisaR says she’s always been there for Denise, and still will be if she wants her too. Denise says same with her, but I’m guessing these two are never going to talk again when this season is over.

Sutton gives everyone a private jet ride to NYC. She tells the others that she got a text from Denise that said, have fun. LisaR wonders who wouldn’t want to be on a private jet going to see Erika in Chicago. If you don’t, you need to work on your life. I guess I’d better start working on mine. Thanks for the enlightenment. They meet Erika, and it’s all hugs and kisses. In Erika’s interview, she says, nothing worth having is easy. She’s always kept her eye on the prize. What great thing is next? I dunno. Covid-19? The text says, Erika earned rave reviews, then we see a video where Erika is in an empty theater, looking downcast. She says, no audience. So this is how it ends. The text says Covid shut down the theatre two months after Erika started, and she went home to Tom.

Garcelle tells us, she’d say to that little girl living in Haiti, don’t be scared, even though things aren’t right and they’re hurtful. The text tells us that she wasn’t so sweet on Chocolate Michael, and is on the hunt for a spicier guy.

Teddi says, like it or not, this is who she is. I pick not. The text says she had baby Dove, and is finding time to work off the baby weight. Zzzz…

Kyle says the pandemic has changed her thinking. She’s been analyzing the things she can’t live without – people and things. Articulate as ever. The text tells us her fashion line is being sold online, and her loungewear is selling big during quarantine.

In Denise’s interview, she says there are a few sides to her. You can be a wild thing, and be a protective mom at the same time. The text tells us The Bold and the Beautiful was the first soap to return to filming. Due to restrictions, Aaron has been her stand-in during love scenes. I did read that shows are doing their best to have real life couples do the up close and personal romance.

We see LisaR acting like a jerk on Instagram, and she says, you can’t sweep things under the rug. She’s a big nasty bully truth seeker, and knows when she’s being bullsh*tted. She couldn’t not listen to that voice.

Dorit tells us, it’s really important that she voice what she believes. Even if it’s not the majority opinion, she’s okay being on the island. Can we vote her off? Actually, I’m least annoyed with her. The text tells us the Capri room closed because of the pandemic, but Dorit is helping Phoenix do her cooking show. We see Phoenix in the kitchen, and Dorit says, the ladies (choke again) have the ability to look past their disagreements, and move forward. They’re always holding on to hope.

Next time, the Reunion. I think this is my last season for this show. I said that last time, but this was almost worse.

🛣 The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City begins this fall. I, too, hold on to hope.

🤺 Owning It and Then Some…

Denise has a few things to say.

🍸 It Was Bound To Happen…

I still like Dorinda. She’s totally a mean drunk, but I was hoping she’d continue in therapy, and things would change. Here’s hoping they still do.

🏒 Putting It Off…

I ended up with another long day, but promise Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles is on this week’s agenda. RHOBH took a lot out of me, and yes, I know how sad that sounds. So until next time, stay safe, stay truthful, and stay out of Dorinda’s way.

August 25, 2020 – Chase Gets a Lead, a Huge HAHN Return, New Temptations, OWNing It, Backyard Combo & Morning


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Ned tells Olivia, all the words we have. All the different ways we have of saying things. All the different lyrics to songs, and it all comes down to one thing. What else is there to say? He loves Brook, and if Brook can’t hear him say it again, he’ll never forgive himself. Portia comes out, and says she spoke to Brook’s surgical team. Ned asks if his daughter made it, and Portia says, she survived the surgery. He says, thank God, but she says, unfortunately, there were some complications.

At the MetroCourt, Franco tells Elizabeth, Ava isn’t trying to destroy their marriage by pushing her closer to Nikolas. Elizabeth says she heard Ava say it, but Franco says, maybe she misunderstood or misinterpreted something. She says, Ava made it very clear that she gets 90% of the Cassadine fortune if Nikolas cheats. That’s why Ava is pushing Nikolas closer to her. Franco suggests it’s the other way around. Nikolas is trying to push him closer to Ava. Elizabeth insists Nikolas would never undermine her happiness like that, but Franco says, obviously he would. She sees Nikolas come in, and says, in that case, why doesn’t she just ask him?

Ava walks into Charlie’s, and tells Julian that she just got an alert about Wiley being missing, and she was concerned Nelle roped him into helping her kidnap Wiley. Julian says, it’s ironic. Sonny thought the same thing. Ava just missed him. She says she’s glad Julian convinced Sonny that he had nothing to do with it, but he says he’s not sure he convinced Sonny. As long as he sticks to his story though, he’s sure Sonny will leave him alone. She says, so there’s a story, and he says Nelle did have use for him after the hearing. Ava says she told him that Nelle would, after he let that harpy – I laugh; who uses that word? – blackmail him into marriage. He says he had no choice, and she says, a gun or a knife. A revolver or automatic. Silencer or no silencer. Those are choices. He says he was hoping to avoid being involved with murder. He though he’d hold his nose for a couple of weeks, and it would be over. She asks what Nelle wanted him to do, and he says he’s the one who snatched Wiley from the Quartermaine mansion.

Sonny arrives at the Quartermaine mansion, and Michael tells him that Nelle’s car was found. Before she absconded with Wiley, she parked in a public lot. Chase says there have been no hits on her phone, but she could have turned it off. The PCPD is searching her car, and the surrounding area. They’ll contact him if they find any clues to Nelle and Wiley’s whereabouts. Michael doubts they will, but Chase says, even the best criminals make mistakes. There’s also still a chance someone will spot them from their photos. Willow says the alert is useless, since Nelle isn’t using her own car, but Michael says, the photos and descriptions are still the same. Someone could recognize them.

In the car, Nelle tells Wiley, he’s a lucky little boy. His mom wasn’t too intimidated to rescue him from Michael’s stepfather. She’s not calling Sonny his grandfather; he’s got no strand of Corinthos blood in his DNA. She can’t say the same for Carly. She’s his biological grandmother, but good news. He’ll never know that. Carly will never see him again.

Chase says he has to get back. He needs to connect with customs and the border patrol, in case Nelle runs to Canada. He promises they’ll get Wiley back. He leaves, and Sonny says he paid Julian a visit, but Julian claims he knows nothing. Michael asks if Sonny believes that, but Sonny says, no. Sonny wants to go to the station, and Carly says she’ll go with him. He says there’s nowhere Nelle can run where he can’t find her. They’ll get Wiley back. Michael says he’s going too, and asks if Willow wants to go. She says she can’t deal with the squad room. Every time someone runs in or the phone rings, she’ll jump out of her skin, thinking it’s about Wiley. She’d rather Michael be there, so when there’s a lead, he can go straight to Wiley. He says he’ll call as soon as he know anything. Wiley will be okay.  

Portia tells Ned and Olivia, during surgery, Brook became hypotensive; her blood pressure dropped, and she lost a lot of blood. The problem caused DIC, a condition where tiny blood clots form and block the blood vessels. When the damage is repaired, they can stabilize her, but it’s too risky to continue the procedure right now. Ned asks what that means. Will she be okay, or not? She tells him, that’s difficult to say. They’ve stopped the bleeding, and they’re issuing a transfusion protocol. They’ll do tests to see how she responds once she’s stabilized. Ned asks if he can see her, and Portia says, of course (🍷). She’ll let him know when Brook is settled into her room in ICU. She leaves, and Olivia tells him to focus on the good news. Brook is alive. She made it through the surgery. He’ll get to see her, and when he does, he’ll get to say all the things he didn’t say before. Ned says he knows. He needs to call Lois. Cyrus walks by, and says, what a terrible tragedy. His sympathies. For Ned to have his daughter attacked in such a fashion, who would do such a thing?

Nelle says, Carly was sure she’d won. She probably hand-picked Willow to marry Michael, and Michael fell in line. It never occurred to him to do anything else. Willow is now Mrs. Michael Corinthos, but you know what she doesn’t get? Nelle’s son. Wiley is only hers.

Nina goes to the Quartermaine mansion, and Willow answers the door. Nina says she takes it they haven’t found Wiley, and Willow says Sonny and Michael are confident they will. Nina is sure they’re right, and says he knows they’re not great friends, but if there’s anything she can do to help. Willow says, Michael and his parents are at the station, and said they’d call as soon as there’s news. Nina says she can wait with Willow, and Willow says, thanks, but… Actually, that would be great if she stayed.

Franco says it’s that thing Elizabeth does; she sees the best in people. Case in point. But she’s wasting her time on Nikolas. He’s not a good guy, not even close. He’s awful to Ava, and used Kiki’s death to make Ava think she was crazy. That’s a low blow. Elizabeth says, Ava punished him by forcing him to marry her, but Franco says he doesn’t blame her. He also doesn’t blame her for wanting to leave with every cent, but he can’t see her doing this. Elizabeth says, for the first twenty years of Kiki’s life, Franco believed Kiki was his daughter, and was devastated when he found out the truth. Franco says he and Ava have developed a real, true friendship. She knows how much his and Elizabeth’s relationship means to him. Elizabeth says, sure she does, but she doesn’t care.

Ava tells Julian absconding with a child is worse than aiding and abetting, but he says no one saw him. She asks if he came in through the nursery window, and left the same way, with a toddler on his back, but he says, Monica was in the living room. He chloroformed her; he had to get upstairs to take Wiley to the pier where Nelle was waiting to meet them. She says, please don’t tell her that he handed Wiley over to that sociopathic mother. Julian says he changed his mind. He decided to end his life with Nelle by ending Nelle. She says, a moment of sanity. She likes it, but he says, somebody got the jump on him before he pulled the trigger. They struggled and the guy went down, but he didn’t stick around. He threw the gun in the harbor and took off. Nelle and Wiley were long gone. She asks if the guy was working for Nelle, but he says it was impossible to tell. All he knows is, Wiley is gone because of him. She says, at least he tried to do the right thing, and he says, in the end, he wants to do more than try. He wants to do something about it. She asks if Nelle said anything that might be useful in getting Wiley back, and he says he might know something that could help Wiley.

Ned tells Cyrus, it’s not a good time, and Cyrus says, of course (🍷) not. He just wants Ned to know his resources are at Ned’s disposal. Olivia says Ned’s family practically built the hospital, and Ned says every patient who comes there gets the finest care, with or without the Chairman’s approval. Portia comes back, and tells Ned that he can see Brook now, but keep in mind she’s sedated. She probably won’t wake up for some time, but she can hear him. Ned and Olivia go to find Brook’s room, and Cyrus asks if he can have a word with Portia. He heard about the attack, and wonders how Miss Quartermaine is doing. She says since he’s new to the medical profession, she’ll inform him about the HIPPA laws that ensure a patient’s legal rights to medical privacy. He says he’s familiar with them, and she says then he knows why she can’t give him the information. He says he’s not enjoying her tone at all. Remember, he’s her boss. She says, as if she could forget. He asks if they’re good, or is he going to have a problem? and she asks if the Chairman objects to her using her skills as a doctor to help patients. He says, not at all, and she says, then they don’t have a problem, and walks away.

Sonny tells Carly that Tony the harbor master said all vessels are accounted for. Nothing has left in the last two hours. Carly says, this late, there are no trains or flights, so Nelle has to be on road. Michael runs in, and Carly asks where Willow is. He says she decided to stay home, and Sonny’s phone rings. He steps away to take the call, and it’s Olivia. He asks if everything is okay, and she says, no. She doesn’t know how to say this, but Brook was attacked backstage at the Nurses Ball. He asks how bad it is, and she says, she’s hurt bad. She was stabbed; her throat was slashed. She was rushed into emergency surgery, and she’s in ICU, listed in critical, but stable condition. Sonny thanks her for letting him know.

Chase tells an officer to find Julian, and bring him in. Chase tells Carly and Michael that the hotline has gotten hundreds of calls, but it will take a long time to sift through them. They can eliminate the car sightings, and they’re compiling a list of license plates. Sonny tells them, Brook was attacked at the Nurses Ball, and Carly asks if she’s okay. Sonny , she’s in surgery right now, and Michael asks, why? Sonny says, her throat was slashed, and she’s in critical condition. Michael says Brook called him, but when he called back, she didn’t answer. Chase looks at Michael’s phone, and says, it was around the same time as the attack, and Carly says, it was Nelle. She was supposed to perform at the Nurses Ball, but she never did. Chase says the attack was in one of the dressing rooms, and Michael says, Brook must have overheard what Nelle was up to, and got in her way.

On the phone with Spencer, Nicolas says Ava figures out they were working together. He hasn’t forgot; it’s a minor setback. He has a contingency plan to get Ava out of their lives for good. It’s going to work like a charm.

Elizabeth tells Franco that Nikolas wouldn’t risk it, but he says he doesn’t think she knows what’s at stake. Nikolas will never give up telling Elizabeth that she’s better off without him.

Julian tells Ava that Nelle tracked Wiley through one of his stuffed toys. She asks what he plans to do with that information, and he says if he gives it to the cops, they can track Wiley. Ava says if he tells the cops, in a matter of minutes, Sonny will find out, and when they find Nelle… Julian says Nelle will tell Sonny what she knows about him; that he knew Wiley was Michael’s son. Ava says, and kidnapped him. The only thing the tracker will do is sign his death warrant. He says, the best thing, is if Nelle disappears.

Nelle tells Wiley, Michael never cared about him. Michael only cared about Willow and Carly, and look where it got him. Left alone with Monica watching him. All she needed was to threaten Julian a little bit, and here they are, free and clear.

Chase says there’s no record of Nelle buying or renting another vehicle. Carly says she has cash, or could have borrowed or stolen a car. Julian is brought in, and Michael asks where the hell his son is.

Willow give Nina some tea, and Nina says, this is not okay. Willow isn’t supposed to be waiting on her. Willow says she’s glad for something to do, and Nina says, good; then her visit isn’t in vain. Willow says, don’t get her wrong. It was kind of Nina to come, but… Nina says, why did she? Willow says, well, yeah. She’ll forever be grateful for Nina’s testimony, but on a personal level the best they’ve been able to manage is cordial. Nina says, the answer is surprisingly simple. Because Willow loves Wiley, and she’s a good person. All the love she has is making the uncertainty that much worse. Nina was in a similar situation once, and thought while Willow waits and worries, she was hoping to come there and be supportive. If it means a tea party or listening, she’s there. Willow says, the truth is, she’s beyond afraid; she’s terrified. It physically hurts. Her heart is literally aching at the thought of Wiley being with Nelle. He must be so confused and afraid. She’d give anything to know he’s safe, but how can he be with Nelle? Nina says, for what it’s worth, she spent time with Nelle, and while she saw Wiley as a possession and a weapon, she still thinks of him as her child. They have to believe she’s not going to hurt him. Willow prays she’s right.

Outside of the car, Nelle holds her phone up. She asks, what good is a burner phone with no navigation? She looks at a map, when a woman comes by. She asks if Nelle is lost, and where is she headed?

Elizabeth says Franco has a point; Nikolas isn’t his biggest fan. He wonders why Nikolas is being so friendly. Nikolas keeps telling him how much Ava appreciates his support. Elizabeth wonders if it’s not a good manners reflex, or maybe Nikolas wants a break from his horrible life. The more time Franco spends with Ava, the less she’s with Nikolas. Franco says so when it’s Nikolas pushing him closer to Ava, it’s polite, but when Ava is pushing Nikolas closer to her, it’s a great big plot. She says, to Ava, they’re just collateral damage. She doesn’t trust Ava, and neither should he. He says he doesn’t trust Nikolas, so where does that leave them?

Ned goes into Brook’s room, where a machine is beeping way too loud. He says, it’s her dad. He’s here. He takes her hand.

Ava sees Franco, and asks if something is wrong. He says he and Elizabeth are having a disagreement. She says, what about? and he says, her and Nikolas.

Elizabeth asks if Nikolas has a minute, and he asks, what’s up? She says she and Franco are having a disagreement. He asks if she’s okay, and she says, not really. It might sound silly, but ever since Franco said he’d paint Ava’s portrait, they’ve gotten closer. Ava’s not just dredging up Franco’s past; it’s the way Ava says she knows and understands him that bothers her. He says, she doesn’t think… and she says, no. God no. The problem is, Franco doesn’t see Ava for who she is. It doesn’t matter what she says, but the more time he spends with Ava, the more tense it is at home. After the unveiling, when she thought this portrait business was over, the portrait was vandalized. It’s not as simple as wiping it off; Franco wants to restore it, which means Ava sitting for him some more. She could use Nikolas’s perspective. He lives with Ava. He says, don’t remind him, and she says, even though their marriage was staged, does he think there’s reason to be concerned about Ava and Franco? I’m not sure if she’s serious or she’s setting Nikolas up.

Michael says Nelle couldn’t have done it alone; Julian helped her. Julian says he has no idea where Nelle took Wiley. Carly asks why they should believe him. Nelle had leverage big enough to get him to marry her, so it’s big enough for him to help her take Wiley. Julian says their marriage was built on mistrust; Nelle never confided in him. Chase tells an officer to put Julian in isolation, and tells Michael to let him handle it. Michael’s phone rings. It’s Willow, and he says there’s been nothing new about Wiley. Chase brought Julian in, and they think he knows more than he’s saying, but he’s not incriminating himself. There is something else. It’s not about Wiley, but it’s pretty bad. Brook was attacked backstage at the Nurses Ball. Her throat was slit, and they’re afraid it might be Nelle.

Ned tells Brook that he spoke to her mother in Australia. She’s taking the next flight there from Sydney. When she was little, he sat next to her bed, just to watch her. He strokes her hair, and says, sweet Brook. He never had enough time. He’s so sorry he wasted so much time now. He loves her, and prays she knows that. He should never have thrown her out of the house. It was a pure Edward Quartermaine move, and he’s sorry. He regrets it, and should have stopped himself from making the biggest mistake of his life. It doesn’t change how brilliant, beautiful, and irreplaceable she is. He kisses her forehead, and says, come back to me. Her dad’s waiting for her.

The woman tells Nelle that she hasn’t seen a map in a while. Nelle says she’s having trouble with her reception, and the woman says, it’s sketchy there. There’s only one carrier that gets reception; otherwise, you’re out of luck. Nelle wishes she’d known that, and the woman says, lucky she came along. The road is great for training, and usually deserted. She shows Nelle where she is, and asks where she’s headed.

Sonny goes to the hospital, and finds Olivia. He hugs her and asks how Brook is doing. She says they had to stop the surgery halfway through because Brook was losing too much blood. He asks if there’s anything he can do, and she says, pray, hope, talk to Brook. Brook loves him. He says he loves her too. He hates to ask, but do they have any idea who did it? She says, it was totally senseless. Does he? He says they’re thinking it was Nelle, and she says, what the hell? He says Brook called Michael before she was attacked. Nelle and Wiley are missing, and they’re thinking Brook tried to stop Nelle from taking Wiley. Someone broke in the house, and knocked Monica out with chloroform. When Willow and Michael came home, Wiley was missing.

Nikolas tells Elizabeth that he’s been suspicious for a while, but didn’t want to say anything. He’s walked in on Franco and Ava a few times, and things seemed fraught. Elizabeth says, her marriage and the life they’ve created with the boys means everything to her, and he says, sorry. He knows it’s not what she wants to hear. She says she wants the truth, and he says, here it is. In his opinion, she’s better off without Franco. She says, even if losing him breaks her heart? and he says, she’s a strong, beautiful woman. He knows eventually she’ll find someone worth it who truly makes her happy.

Franco tells Ava, her dark prince husband has weaseled into Elizabeth’s good graces. He’s totally transparent, and Franco hates it. Ava says she’s sure Elizabeth isn’t thrilled that they’ve rekindled their friendship. Franco says, they have, and she says he’s her best friend. She’s glad they’ve gotten closer.

Chase asks Julian if Nelle said or did anything that would give them insight, any detail. Julian says not that he recalls. Chase doesn’t buy it, but Julian says, like he told everyone, Nelle doesn’t confide in him. Chase says, no, but she brags. She thinks she’s the smartest in the whole room, and flaunts it. She drops hints; enough to pique interest, but vague enough that you don’t know what she’s doing. Julian says he can’t think of anything, and Chase tells him, get comfortable. He’s not going anywhere until he gives Chase something.

Chase comes out, and says Julian still says he doesn’t know anything. Michael says he was thinking about sources that don’t involve a car, and when Nelle tried kidnapping Wiley before. Chase remembers the first time, she took a fake passport, and Carly says, it was missing from evidence; that’s why she’s out there. Chase looks up the name that was on it, and says, Barbara and William Langley.

The woman tells Nelle to stay on the road for a mile and a half, and turn right on Occidental. She’ll see a gas station; she can’t miss it. There’s a motel there too. It’s clean and safe. She might want to rest, and start fresh in the morning. Nelle says she’ll be okay. She’s not too far from her destination. The woman notices Wiley, and says, hey. She’s got her little one with her.

Nikolas sees Ava at the bar, and says he thought she went home. She said she was avoiding it, thinking he was there. She was going to have a drink in peace, but fate is playing a prank on her. He asks why she’s avoiding him. Does he make her nervous? She says, sometimes she just needs a break from being his lawful wedded wife. He says he could use a respite from… She says, what? and he says, all of this. She says, for a prince, he’s no prize. He says, they’re stuck with each other; a pity. She says, it’s the worst

Portia tells Olivia, Brook’s blood pressure is stabilizing, and Sonny asks if she has any idea when Brook will wake up. They need to find out who did this. Portia hopes in the next few hours, but to be honest, the throat injury is so severe, she may not be able to talk. I think, she can write.

Chase says he’s caught a break. Barbara Langley purchased a car a week ago. He’s sending out the description, and registration. They’re back on Nelle’s trail.

Willow tells Nina that she’s trying to convince herself that Nell’s not a threat. Brook is an adult, overheard Nelle, and was an obstacle Nelle felt justified in removing. Wiley is Nelle’s child, and most valuable possession, but it’s not hard to think Nelle will also hold on to Wiley more tightly and be more motivated to disappear. There’s no chance she can lie her way out. She slashed Brook’s throat. She’s going to prison forever if she’s caught. She’ll vanish without a trace. Nina says they can only hope, and Willow says, what if Nelle’s plan works, and she’s never caught? Wiley will be out in the world somewhere, and they’ll never know where. Nina gets it. She has a child out there somewhere in the world, and doesn’t know where they are, or if they’re alive. They have to hold on to wishful thinking; the alternative is unbearable. With all of this uncertainty in the world, they have hope. They need to hold on to that, the hope they’ll see their child again, and that wherever they are, they’re living a good life.

Ned says he knows Brook will come back to him. He knows she won’t let him have the last word. Please wake up. She opens her eyes, and he asks if she can hear him. It’s him, her dad. He’s right there.

The woman tells Nelle that her little boy is a cutie. What’s his name? Nelle says, Will, because she’s less than creative. She tells the woman that he’s a light sleeper, and she’s got to get going. It’s the only thing keeping him asleep. The woman tells her to keep to 30 miles and hour; there are blind turns. If she goes more than two miles, she’s passed the turn. She’ll have to turn around or drive for hours. Nelle says, got it, and pulls out. The woman says, miss that turn, and you’ll be driving all night. Her wrist thing beeps, and she says, another alert. Poor lost… Oh my God.   

Tomorrow, Sonny asks Brook if it was Nelle who attacked her, Chase meets with the woman who saw Nelle, Epiphany wonders what the hell is going on, and Nelle whines about the sacrifices she makes for Wiley.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Kathryn screams for the guard as Wyatt lies bleeding after cutting his wrists. The guard comes, and calls for help. Another guard runs up, and he says they have to get an ambulance. Kathryn cries, do something; tell her something. The guard says they have to get him to the infirmary, and Kathryn says, that is her son. They carry Wyatt out she says, don’t hurt him please. Tell her something. She alternately cries and screams Wyatt’s name, and wails for them to let her out of there.

Benny looks at Derrick’s picture online, and says, this is that dude. Candace tells him, listen. She doesn’t think… She says, that’s not him. Benny says, bullsh*t. Why is she lying? She says she’s not, and asks what he’s doing. He says, checking the dates. Let this be that dude. She says, relax, and he insists that’s him. He tells her, keep lying in his face. Look at the lion on his chest. She says he’s getting upset for nothing, and he says Hanna was so upset. He thinks she knows. Hanna was hot and bothered for this dude, and now she won’t see him. Candace says, maybe she’s not attracted to him anymore, but he says she didn’t see Hanna. She was in love with him. She says he’s getting too worked up. Doesn’t he see how ridiculous it is for Hanna to date the guy who raped her? He says, the dates; Derrick is her father. She  tells him, let it go. There’s no way it could be the same guy. He says, the dates add up. Do not be telling him he’s crazy. She says he never liked Derrick, and never will. Let it go. He says he can’t do that. He wants to get some answers from their mom. Candace says she’s not going to tell him anything. She’ll be mad as hell. Benny says, if their mom won’t tell him, Derrick will. He’ll make Derrick tell. He heads for Hanna’s bedroom, and Candace follows him. He says, she’s not there, and Candace says she needs to finish packing. He says she’s not going anywhere until he finds out what’s going on .

Oliver walks into Landon’s office, and says he’s about to head home, and Landon asks if he needs to announce it. Get his snotty-nose ass out of there. Oliver says he may have some information that might be helpful to Landon, and Landon asks why he’d want to be helpful? Olivas asks if he doesn’t want to know… and Landon tells him, stop acting like he’s seven. Oliver starts to leave, and Landon says, come back and tell him. Oliver says, so now Landon wants to know, and Landon says he’ll have Oliver run over with the biggest, pinkest car he can find. So much of the conversation between these two is nonsense, and/or naughty nonsense, but some of it is funny. Landon says kids with rich parents think they can get a job anywhere, and Oliver says, it’s about Candace. She booked a flight; she’s leaving Savannah. She has a plane ticket booked for tonight. Oliver thinks Candace needs to move on, and Landon says Oliver has no idea of the favors owed to Landon in this town. Oliver says, unless Landon knows how to make the pilot disappear… Landon says, get the hell out. Oliver tells Landon that he should get some sleep; he looks exhausted. Landon calls Oliver an a-hole. When Oliver is gone, Landon makes a call. He says he needs a huge favor. He needs someone put on the no fly list, just short time; it’s legit. Candace Young. Please do it for him. The little bitch thinks she’s playing with them.

At the Iron Bone (my favorite bar name), Sandy asks Mitch how the Black got the money. Mitch calls Sandy an a-hole, and says he told him Benny’s name. Call him by his right name, or Mitch isn’t talking. Sandy asks where Mitch got the new truck, and Vinny says Mitch knows he’ll find out. Where did the money come from? Mitch says Benny got the money to get Vinny off his back. Don’t worry about it. Vinny asks where Mitch got the money for the truck. He’d better not be working for another family. Mitch says, with all due respect, don’t ever come at him with that again. Sandy’s girlfriend comes in, and he walks over to her. Mitch tells Vinny, Sandy talks about African Americans, and he’s dating one. Vinny says, look at her. Sandy asks the girl – is that Melissa? – what the hell is going on? He’s been calling her. She says she’s been taking care of things at her mother’s; she’s still living there. He says her car hasn’t moved, and she says she doesn’t go anywhere. He’s watching her?  He says she knows he loves her. She says she knows that, but… they’re not together anymore. He asks if she’s seeing another guy, and she says she came there to give him this, She hands him some papers, and says, it’s a restraining order. She brought it to him in person to show she’s not afraid of him. He says she put his name in court on this? No cop would come in there and serve a Malone. He says she has no protection from him. Be at his place when he gets off. She says he doesn’t get it, and he says she better get it quick. She says, he’s been served, and walks away. He says he’s going to serve her big time. He goes back to the table, and Vinny says Sandy still can’t get women, even by making threats. He asks Mitch, what’s wrong with this kid? Vinny’s phone rings, and he answers. He says, you’ve got to be kidding, James; you’re pulling my leg. They’re on their way. Mitch asks, what happened? and Vinny says, Mama Rose was arrested on a DUI. Mitch asks, who would do that to her? and Vinny tells Mitch, stay and watch the bar. Mitch says she’s his grandma too, but Sandy says he’s not a part of this.

Madison and Jeff get back to David’s house a little drunk. David gets up from the couch, and Jeffrey asks if it’s okay if Madison stays tonight. David says, yes; he was just going out. Jeffrey says, this late? and David says, Jim needs to see him. Jeffrey says, he’s in his PJs, and David says, it’s an urgent matter. Madison can barely contain his laughter, and Jeffrey asks if David is sure. David says he’ll be back later. David walks out, and Madison dies laughing, and says Jeffrey knows David had nowhere to go. Outside, David says, dammit, and the guard asks if there’s something he can help with. David says, his keys. The guard asks if David wants him to get them, and David says, could he? He starts to tell the guard where his keys are, but then asks where the guard’s car is. Can he borrow it? The guard says he can, and David promises to take good care of it. In the house, Madison tells Jeffrey that he’s just got to be comfortable. Jeffrey says he doesn’t want his dad wandering the streets. He says Madison is just drunk, and not listening, but Madison says he is listening. Jeffrey says Madison isn’t caring then, and Madison says, ding-ding-ding! Jeffrey says Madison is so mean, but Madison says he’s just horny. Jeffrey suggests going to the bedroom, but Madison takes his shirt off, and tells Jeffrey to strip. It’s his first lesson in getting comfortable. Jeffrey plays along, but says he has a better idea. Why not do it at his mom’s house? Madison says, now Jeffrey is drunk, but Jeffrey says, after how she treated him and his dad… Madison says, please go upstairs, and Jeffrey says, for the first round. The second round they go to his mom’s house. Madison says she’ll shoot them, but Jeffrey says, she won’t get her hands dirty; she’ll pay someone. They go upstairs.

On the phone, Oliver says, talk to him. A dude named Marco says, she left Savannah. She’s been hanging around Mitch; he’s bad news. Oliver asks if Jim knows Marco is working for his father, but Marco says, no. Oliver asks what Jim has him doing, and Marco says, watching a woman; Veronica Harrington. Oliver says, keep an eye on Candace, and give him everything he can. And he needs to see Marco in Detroit, if Marco knows what he means, Marco says he can’t get there, but Oliver says, make it happen, or he knows where he’ll be. Oliver thanks him, as Landon walks into his office. He says his father thanks him too. Landon asks who he was talking to, and Oliver says, his girlfriend. Landon says he knows Oliver doesn’t have one, but Oliver says Landon doesn’t know him. Landon says he’s learning more and more every day. Marco says he’s doing the same with Landon. Landon hopes Oliver is finding out as much about him as he’s finding out about Oliver. Oliver asks what Landon means, and Landon tells him to enjoy his evening. Oliver’s phone dings, and he looks at it, saying, he doesn’t know anything.

Mitch is talking to a girl at the bar when Hanna comes in. He asks what she’s doing there, and she says looking for his family. He says she shouldn’t be there, and she says she won’t be long. She want to know how his family is  going keep Jim from killing her son. Isn’t this where they hang out? Mitch says it’s not the kind of place for a lady like her, but she says he doesn’t know her. He says, no, but he knows the place. She should leave. She asks where his family is, and he says, not there. She asks when they’re coming back, and he says, tomorrow. She says he’s lying, but he insists he’s not. She says she thinks she’ll have a drink, and stick around a little longer. She’ll have a beer. Hanna sits at the bar, while Mitch orders her a beer. Mitch steps away and calls Benny.

Candace wants Benny to get off her computer. She has to confirm her flight. He tells her to do it on her phone, or buy another computer. Mitch calls, and tells Benny that his mother is there, trying to talk to his folks. Get down there. Hurry up. Benny says he’s on his way. Candance asks, what’s up? and he says, mama is at the Malone bar. Candace asks, why? and he says he doesn’t know. If she talks to them… Let’s go. They leave.

Financial finagler Don is on the phone in a restaurant. He says they’re starting a new company with a 23% annual return. He should get in on the ground floor. He and John have been doing this their whole lives at the accounting firm with their father. They’ve taken care of all the wealthy families; he can call for references. Kathryn Cryer lets them use her name… No, he didn’t know. They’ll talk soon. John sits down, and asks if he got the money, but Don says, he didn’t sound enthused. John says, they have to get his money. Don knows what happens if they don’t. Don says John doesn’t need to remind him. John says he’s stressing out, but Don says it’s okay; they have time. John asks if the new company is set up, and Don says the licenses are in place; they just need the money. They’re out of options, but John says he thinks he has one. Don says he’s not going to believe this. She got arrested – Kathryn Cryer. John says, for what? and Don says, the murder of Jennifer Sallison. John says he’s got to be kidding. They have to call Marty and find out what he knows, Don says, no; it could be exactly what they need. John says her husband will handle the account, but Don says, she hates him; she doesn’t trust him at all. They’ll be in charge of everything, get her to invest, and take it public. They can move $5 million away, and she won’t even notice. John asks what if she wants an audit? but Don says she trusts them more than Jim. John says, what about her son? and Don says, he has a major drug problem. So they move the money. John agrees, and says they’ve got to call Marty first, but Don says they don’t want to seem too desperate. John asks what they do in the meantime, and Don says, order the biggest steak, and champagne. They’ve got to toast to this. Jim will be in jail soon too. John says, Kathryn went to jail to get away from him. Marty calls John, who says they were just about to sit down for dinner… Copy that. They’ll be there shortly. He tells John that Marty wants to see them in the office, and asks the waitress to hold their table. They’ll be right back.

Justin’s brother knocks on the door, saying if Justin doesn’t open it, he’ll break it down. Justin is looking pretty beat up, and his brother says their mom is worried about him. Justin opens the door, and says he’s fine, but his brother says he doesn’t look fine. Their mom is convinced something seriously off. Justin asks if he came there to nag. He’s fine. He’s just going through a tough time. His brother asks what’s going on with him and his wife? and Justin suggests he go back to his nice life. His brother, who obviously has no name, says he’s not going anywhere until Justin tells him what the hell is going on. He sees pictures of Jeffrey all over the wall, and asks, who is this? Justin says, nobody, and his brother says their mom says he was doing something; messing with guys. He’ll beat Justin bloody, like he did when Justin was a kid. It stopped; he made sure of that. Justin’s brother takes one of the photos, and says if he finds out Justin is doing something he was told to never do again, he’ll get Justin’s other (presumably nameless) brothers and beat Justin’s ass worse than last time. He takes the photo with him.

Veronica walks through her house to the kitchen. This may be the first time we’ve seen the kitchen. She tops off her drink, and looks at the pool. She says, that’s where he did it. What the hell…? She sees someone in the pool, and goes outside. She asks what Rondell is doing there, and he says, hello to you too. She tells him, get out of the pool, and he says, no, but she can get in the water. She says she’ll never get in with him. Leave her house. He says he’s almost naked, and she says, and…? He says that means she should get in. She wonders what would happen if she threw a plugged in hair dryer in the pool. He says they both know she won’t do that, and she heads back toward the house. He says, okay, and gets out. He says she used to be fun, and takes a sip of her drink. He tells her that he saw her son in restaurant with some guy. She asks what Jeffrey was doing, and he says, having dinner. She tells him, get out, and he tells her, shut up and get on her knees. She says she’s not one his bitches, and he asks if she’s sure about that. She likes when he manhandles her. She says he likes it, and asks where the cute one is who she told to stay. Rondell says he can be there too. He asks why she’s cold, and she says they confuse her; none mommas taught them to bathe. He says she’s wrong, and tells him to get on his knees. He has 30 seconds to prove he should be there. I guess he does because she tells him to bring his ass upstairs.

Benny and Candace arrive at the Iron Bone, and Mitch says, get Hanna out of there. They approach Hanna, who says, don’t talk to her. Benny wonders what she’s doing there, and she says they have their money, and Benny’s gangster protection. She wants to know what $8 million in protection looks like. What’s he worried about? Mitch’s family will protect him. Candace says they don’t let Black people in there, and Hanna says she’ll sit anywhere she damn well wants to. Benny tells Mitch, close the bar, but Mitch says he can’t do that; it will cause delivery problems. Go talk to her again. Benny goes back to the bar. Candace asks Mitch, how long before his family gets back? She needs to bring in Milo. Mitch wants to get Hanna out of there, and doesn’t want her talking to the family. Candace says, what choice do they have? Mitch says, fine, and Benny says, Hanna’s not leaving. Candace tells Benny to leave; it’s going to get ugly. He has five minutes to get Hanna out, then she’ll do it her way. Benny goes the bar, and Candace makes a call. She says she needs Milo at the Iron Bone. She knows. They have Malone permission. They can come.

A young man walks into Jim’s room at the hospital, and he says, it’s about damn time. The trash smells; take it out. the man says Jim thinks he’s there for the trash? and Jim says, why else would he be there? The man says Jim thinks he’s picking up trash in a suit? Jim says he didn’t notice, and he man says all Jim sees is Latino. Jim says, cut the sh*t. If he’s not there for the trash, what is he there for? He’s tired, and it’s late. The man says maybe he is there for the trash, but not the one in the can; the one in the bed. Jim is his father. Jim says, a-hole. Not this sh*t again. The man says he’s one of Celine’s sons; Jim’s son. Jim says he’s established that fact. What does he want? Jim’s son asks if he has any compassion in his body, but Jim says Celine sucked it out of him. It’s a joke. His son says, of course. A sexual joke. Jim says, get out, and his son says, his mother cries. Jim says, all mothers cry, and his son says Jim is a sick individual. Jim’s glad he noticed; he’s in the hospital. He must have gone to school, and Jim guesses he paid for it. His son says, so they don’t matter to him, and Jim says, no they don’t. his son says, okay, and takes out a gun.

Next Chapter…

Jim says, listen son, and the guy says, now he’s Jim’s son. Jim says, put the gun down, but the guy says he won’t. Tell him how it feels to have two of his sons wanting him dead. The guy says his name is Jimmy; say his name. Jim does, and Jimmy tells Jim to say Jimmy is his son. Jim says Jimmy is his son, and Jimmy asks again how it feels having both his kids wanting him dead. Jim says, not great, and Jimmy asks why he’s this way, but Jim says he doesn’t know. Jimmy asks if Jim loved his mother at all, and Jim says, yes. Jimmy says he’s lying, but Jim says, no. Jimmy says he heard the way Jim talks to her. He called her a piece of ass. Jim tells Jimmy to take his finger off the trigger; he’s shaking. Jimmy says he will when Jim tells him everything. How did they meet? Jim says Celine worked for him as his maid. Jimmy says Jim was married, and Jim says regretfully. Jimmy says Jim slept with his mother, and Jim says, yes he did. Jimmy asks if she was an easy lay, and Jim says no; she was a beautiful woman. Jimmy says, was? and Jim says, is. He didn’t mean that. Jimmy says, well, he means this, and points the gun at Jim.

Jim says, son of a bitch; put the gun down. Jimmy tells him to beg for his life. Tell him how sorry he is that he caused her pain. Jim says he’s sorry he caused Jimmy’s mother pain. All he cares about is himself. He’s a despicable human being. He doesn’t care how Jimmy or Celine feel, and he can’t help it. He’s sorry. Jimmy says he has a pretty good iea why Jim is that way, and Jim says, then enlighten him. Jimmy says, Jim is a sociopath, incapable of feeling or caring. He’s an evil man, but thinks he’s a genius. He deserves to die several deaths. Jimmy points the gun, and Jim says, please don’t. Jimmy tosses the gun onto the bed, and Jim picks it up. He says, what the hell is this? and Jimmy says, it’s a toy. Fake, like Jim is. Jim says, get the hell out, and Jimmy says maybe he’ll come back with a real one. He’ll bring Wyatt’s gun. Jim tells him, bring an army, but take the trash out. Jimmy leaves, and Jim says he’ll be a son of a bitch. The kid’s got balls. Jimmy just might be his. He laughs. I love to hate Jim.

Kathryn calls to Officer Miller, and a woman tells her, shut up. Kathryn says, go to hell, bitch, and the woman says Kathryn needs to shut up. Another woman says, leave her alone. She saw Kathryn’s son. The first woman says she wants to kick her ass. Mama Rose (played by a different actress this season) has a cell to herself, and sits in an easy chair. Rose says, forgive her, and Kathryn says, guard, please. Rose says, he ain’t coming, hon. She can scream all she wants. Kathryn says, what the hell? What kind of place is this? Rose says, it’s called jail, hon, and Kathryn asks how she can find out about her son. Rose says she can help, but Kathryn says she doesn’t want any help from her. Rose says, okay; fine. Kathryn says she needs information, and Rose asks if Kathryn wants smoke, brandishing a silver cigarette case. Kathryn says, she doesn’t smoke, and Rose says she better start. Kathryn asks why Rose is talking to her, and Rose asks if she hasn’t been in jail. Kathryn asks if she looks like a person who’s spent time in jail, and Rose says she’s wearing the same orange as the rest of them. Rose is wearing street clothes with a leather jacket, and Kathryn asks why she’s not in orange. Rose says she told them orange was not her color. Kathryn really has a mouth on her. Kathryn tells Rose to stop talking to her, and Rose says she’s only trying to help. Kathryn says she doesn’t want or need Rose’s help. Rose says, okay, have it her way, and calls for the guard. Kathryn says she doesn’t need Rose’s help; she’s Kathryn Cryer. An inmate says, girl, everyone needs help in here. Rose calls for Officer Miller, and a guard hustles in. Kathryn says she needs to know about her son, but he walks past without looking at her, and tells her to shut up. Kathryn wonders why he comes running when this bitch calls him, and he asks if Kathryn doesn’t know who Rose is. She says she doesn’t know or care. Officer Miller says, sorry, Mama Rose, and Rose asks if her family is out there yet, and he says, not yet. She says, what about the kid who arrested her? He was adamant she stay in there, no matter who she was, so she’ll stay. He says, the kid is still out there, and she says, be sure her kids meet him. He asks if he can get her anything, and she says, a light. He gives her a lighter, and she tells him to call her boys again, and he says, yes, ma’am. Kathryn asks the guard, please tell her about her son, and he says, shut up. She tells Mama Rose, hey, and Rose says, so now it’s hey. She says she’s Kathryn, and Rose says she knows, and Kathryn says she believes Rose knows her husband. Rose says she does, and Kathryn says she’s sorry; she meant no disrespect. She didn’t know who Rose was. Rose says, it shouldn’t matter, should it? She’s right. What can Rose do for her? Kathryn wonders if Rose can ask how her son is doing. Rose says the officer will be back in a minute. She’s Rose Malone. Is Kathryn’s son Wyatt? He stabbed her Vinny. Kathryn says she thought that was cleared up, and Rose says, if she says so. Kathryn says, can she please ask them how her son is doing? and Rose shrugs. She says, not yet. She wants some quiet for a while. An inmate says, girl, better let her rest. Rose says, it’s too bright in here, and the lights dim. Rose laughs. Me too. She’s fun.

In the infirmary, the nurse says, it’s all superficial, and Wyatt says he needs pain meds. She tells him, stop ringing the bell, and he says, at least loosen the straps. She says, no; he’s a prisoner. He says, a little? and she says, bye. She tells the guard outside, Wyatt is a mess. She’s getting coffee. The guard asks her to bring him some, but she says Wyatt isn’t going anywhere. He says, ain’t it the truth? and they leave. Jimmy slips in to see Wyatt, who asks who the hell he is. Jimmy says, Wyatt? and Wyatt says, that’s his name. Is he a cop? Jimmy says, no. Doesn’t Wyatt recognize him? Wyatt says he’s not in the mood for guessing games. Jimmy says they’ve met, and Wyatt asks if he owes Jimmy money; he’s not getting any. Jimmy says he’s Wyatt’s brother, and Wyatt says, the half-breed. Jimmy says, damn; just like his father. Wyatt asks if he doesn’t mean their father; he’s nothing like him. Jimmy tells him, if he says so (the phrase of the night). Wyatt says he does. He shot Jim. He wishes he’d killed that bastard. Jimmy asks if he means that, and Wyatt says Jimmy is judging him? He doesn’t give a damn. Jimmy says Wyatt was given everything, and Wyatt says, money? What does money mean? Jimmy asks if he pissed it all away, and Wyatt says Jim took his inheritance. Jimmy says he heard it was $12 million. Wyatt bitches, when he had everything handed to him, and he managed to screw it up. Wyatt says, it’s called privilege. Something Jimmy knows nothing about. Jimmy says he has something Wyatt will never have, a mother who loves him. He’s glad he’s not in Wyatt’s life. He’d gotten ready to like him. Wyatt says, get the hell out, and Jimmy says, sure, brother. Wyatt says, half-brother.

Jeffrey stands on the bed and dances, then does a handstand. He and Madison laugh. Jeffrey suggests they go do it in his mother’s pool. Madison says he loves the wild side of Jeffrey, but doesn’t think they should poke the bear. Jeffrey says Madison is a small-minded person, but Madison says he doesn’t want make Veronica come after Jeffrey. They need to give his dad more time. Jeffrey says Madison needs to stop making so much noise, and Madison asks if Jeffrey has heard himself. His dad heard him in the hospital. Jeffrey says, it’s worth it. Madison starts to get dressed, and Jeffrey says, don’t leave, and Madison asks if Jeffrey is ready to go again. Jeffrey says, it’s the third time, and Madison says he’s created a monster. Jeffrey says he’s thankful, and Madison says Jeffrey can show he’s really thankful by letting him go home and get some rest. He can’t take any more tonight. He gets up, but Jeffrey pulls him back into the bed.

Laura shows her husband Samuel (according to internet scuttlebutt), the clothes Veronica gave her. She wants to wear all of it. He wonders why Veronica gave them to her, and she says they’ll see what Derrick says. She loves all of it, and he says, that sh*t is expensive. He can’t wait to see the house. She tells him to come by tomorrow, and he asks if that’s not too soon. There’s a knock at the door, and Derrick asks, what’s going on? Lauea says Veronica gave her all these clothes, and he says, they’re in? How did they do it? Laura says Veronica was looking for a new maid; he was right. She almost blew it, but they’re in. She goes into the other room, and Derrick says, we in this bitch; incredible. His past is behind him, and it’s what he’s got to do to keep her from threatening him. She doesn’t know Samuel. Pace himself; she’s slick. Get done what needs to get done. She likes them young; he knew this sh*t would work. Samuel says he hates dragging Derrick back in, but don’t forget their cut; 50/50. She gave Laura her clothes. Derrick shakes his head, and Samuel asks what he’s thinking. Derrick says, watch her; she got an agenda. Samuel wonders if she’d be like that with Laura, and Derrick says, don’t trust her. Don’t worry; it’s all good. He’ll let them know when he’s worked it out. Samuel says he appreciates Derrick being back in with them. They’re going to get her.

Celine Dion’s It’s All Coming Back to Me Now plays in my head.

Don and John go to Marty’s office. Marty says he didn’t want to do this in writing, and gives them some paperwork. Don asks if this is right, and Marty says, yes. Kathryn gave power of attorney to her maid. John says he’s got to be kidding, and Don asks if she’s gone insane from too much pressure. Marty says, she’s fine, and Don asks how they’re supposed to abide by this. No way. Sorry. Marty says, those are Kathryn’s wishes. She gave Hanna power of attorney over everything. Marty tells them, be careful, and Don says, what does the maid know about it? Marty says he doesn’t know. Kathryn trusts her, and it’s good enough for him; she worked for Kathryn. John says he doesn’t like this, and Marty tells them to set up a meeting. John says, set up a meeting with the maid, and ask her whatever they like? Marty says they heard him, and Don says it reminds him of the Sims account where the mother was incompetent, and signed everything over to her dog. I don’t find this unreasonable, and I’m even thinking of voting for one of mine in the next election. John says, they took her name off, and she lost all power, but John tells them, don’t do it with Kathryn. Let him know after they set up the meeting with the maid. They’re done here.

Rondell is on top of Veronica, but she looks bored. She says, no, and shoves him off. She tells him, get out of her house, and he says, bitch, you crazy. She asks what that little thing is that’s tickling her. Get out, and take his little thing with him. If she wanted to use a pin, she’d use a pin. He’s making every Black man look bad. She knows women with bigger penises. He says someone should kill her ass, and she says at least she knows what it’s like to screw a corpse. If that’s his representation of a gun, she’ll live. Please exit. Bye-bye now.

Back at the restaurant, Don says they have a problem. He’s already moved the money; what if she knows? John says, she’s the maid. What was Kathryn thinking? Don says, she wasn’t, and John says, she’s out of her mind. Don thinks they need to speak to a judge, but John says Marty thought that was a wrong move. Don doesn’t care, but John says a judge will delve into everything. Don says he’s right, and John says, maybe it’s not the worst thing. Don says, a maid doesn’t know about accounting. She’ll see how helpful they can be. If anything is screwed up, they can blame it on her. John says, it’s their cover-our-ass policy. Don wonders if they should speak to Jim. He’s a snake, but he won’t catch on. John suggests they just let this play out. They just have to get it done. Don says, if it goes up in flames, so be it. He wonders if Jim knows about the power of attorney, but John doesn’t think so. They’d have heard about it. They laugh, and Don says by the time Jim knows what’s up, they’ll be in control. John says the world will be better off. At least they know where to find Kathryn.

Back at the Iron Bone, Mitch says Candace has to get Hanna out. Hanna says she’s not leaving. What do they think they’re doing, taking that man’s money? Benny says, mama, please, and Hanna asks what else they’re going to do. Mitch says, she’ll be fine, and Candace says, Benny needs to go. No one will hurt her. Mitch agrees he’s got to leave, and Benny goes. Candace walks over to Hanna, and tells her that she has 43 seconds to get up and walk out, or she’s gonna… Hanna says, gonna what? Candace says, sorry, and makes a call. She tells Milo to come in. A guy who looks like Hagrid from Harry Potter comes in with a bunch of guys. Hanna says, the hell? and Candace says she’s sorry. Take her home. The guys grab Hanna, lift her up, and take her out. The patrons must be used to this, because they barely look. Candace says, don’t fight them, and tells Mitch that she needs a drink. He says, him too, and orders two double whiskeys.

David brings the car keys back to the guard. He sees a woman standing in the driveway, and asks who she is. The guard says she wanted to talk to him, and David says, it’s after midnight. The guard says he doesn’t know her? David says, no, but he’ll talk to her. He asks if he can help her, and she says she’s Alissa. He asks if he knows her, and she says, no, but she feels like she knows him. He says, how so? and she says she’s a friend of Erica’s. He says she should go, and she says Erica loved him. She has something for him. He says he doesn’t want it, but she says she was supposed to give it to him if something happened. Erica was in love with him. He says, she was hustling, and asks if Alissa is a whore too. Alissa says, yeah, and he asks if she works for Candace. She says she did at one point. He asks if his ex-wife sent her, and she says, no. She wanted to see the man Erica talked about. He asks how he knows she’s not lying, and she says Erica made a video. Play it. She hands him her phone, and Erica says, Hi, David. She hopes he never sees this video. If he does, that means something happened to her. She told her girl to play it for him at 12:18. He knows why. So many times she tried telling him that she was lying to him. She promises she fell in love with him. She was trying so hard to get out. She just wanted them to run. He was so special and kind, and treated her like a real person. She’s so sorry. He hands it back, and Alissa says, there’s more. He says he doesn’t care, and she says she’s sorry. He says, bye, and she asks, what happened at 12:18? He tells her, leave it, and she says, if he lets her come inside, she’ll make him feel better. He says he thought she was Erica’s friend, and she says, that’s the problem when you tell friends about a man who’s good. They all want him. He says he’s not into whores, and she says she’ll quit. She’ll do anything; she’ll get on her knees and beg. He walks away, and she says she’ll do anything for him.

Marco gets into Oliver’s car, and Oliver says, see? Marco made it. Marco says, there’s nothing like daddy’s plane, and Oliver says, pretty nice. Marco asks, what’s going on, and Oliver says, he just wanted some drugs. Did Marco bring what he needed. Marco gives him a bag, of what, I don’t know. Oliver says, this stuff is incredible. Marco always gets the best stuff. Marco says Oliver brought him all the way out there for this? and Oliver says he brought Marco all the way out there to tell him what else his team has on Candace. Marco says, nothing more than he told Oliver on the phone, but Oliver says, it’s not enough. Marco says, still, daddy sent a plane. Oliver says, daddy doesn’t give a damn, as long as Oliver is happy, and he gets to humiliate the a-hole President Elect. His daddy is going to run for President, and win. Marco says, he’s not even a politician, but Oliver says, who gives a sh*t? Anybody can run for President. This country is his, and if Marco wants to stay in it, he’ll get Oliver more information. Marco says he’s told Oliver everything, and Oliver asks if Jim has anything on Candace. Marco says, no, and warns Oliver to be careful with the drugs; they’re pure. Oliver says he knows what he’s doing, and Marco gets out of the car.

Alissa writhes around in the fountain in front of David’s house, wearing nothing but fancy underwear. The guard says, she’s embarrassing herself. Please get out of the fountain, and put her clothes back on. David watches from the window, and Madison comes downstairs. He says, hello. Did David go to the hospital? David says he did, and Madison says, in his PJs? and David says, yes, still staring at Alissa. Madison says David knows he can look at him, right? David turns around, and Madison says, hi. David says he knows he can, and says hi back. Madison says he was just leaving, and walks outside, telling David, have a great night. He sees Alissa, comes back, and says, Mr. Harrington, there’s a woman in your fountain. Should security be called? David says he’ll take care of it. The guard tells Alissa, please get out of the fountain. As Madison goes to his car, he says, work it, bitch; yes! He tells her, good luck, and gets in his car. The guard asks Alissa again to please get out of the fountain, but she poses all over the place.

Benny looks at his phone, and says, no way. He calls Veronica, and she asks what he’s doing calling her. He says he needs to talk to her, and she tells him, come talk over this bed; she’s horny. He says he needs to talk to her, and she repeats that she’s horny. He says he’s waiting for his mother to get back, and asks if she knows Derrick. She says, who? and he says she represented him. She says if she represented him, she knows him. Benny asks for his address, and she gives him one, but he says that’s her address. She says, come over and get it. Bring the small ones he uses. He asks for the address again, and she says she’ll see him later, hanging up. She sinks into her pillows, and says, beautiful boys, can’t get enough of mama. They have to do better, like David.

Vinny and his boys go to the station. He says he wants to see his mother, and the desk officer asks who his mother is. He says, Rose Malone, and Sandy asks why she’s there. The officer tries to answer, and Sandy asks if he’s stuttering. Vinny asks how it happened. Who the hell was the officer who arrested his mother? The officer says he doesn’t know who they think they are, and Vinny says, they’re the Malones. Who’s he? The officer says he arrested Vinny’s mother. Vinny asks if he’s new, and he says, no. Vinny says he must be, but the officer says she was DUI, so now she’s in jail. They can pick her up tomorrow morning when the court is open. Sandy asks, who the hell is this guy? and Vinny says, he doesn’t know. The officer asks them to leave, and Sandy says, calm down. He doesn’t think the officer understands, but the officer repeats, please leave. Vinny tells him that he said get his mother out of there, and the officer says, get out of here right now. If they don’t leave, he’ll have them all arrested. Vinny says, is that so? Okay. He starts to walk away, but turns around. One of his guys covers the camera with his hand, and Vinny asks the officer’s name. He says, Officer Morris, and Vinny shoots him point blank in the chest.

Next time, Mama Rose says Kathryn is pissing her off; Kathryn says tells Mama Rose to bring it; Alissa wants to sleep with David; Hanna tells Candace that they’re going to find her, and kill her; and David interrupts Veronica and Benny.

💋 Temptation Tuesday is back at a new time – 8 pm. Why? Who knows.

🪁 Finally Someone Gives a Flying…

I have been watching this show for years now, with precious little being online about it. At last, Oprah paid attention to her OWN network.

🎍 On Backyard Envy, the landscapers were going for a Mad Men meets The Jetsons vibe. I wasn’t paying all that much attention, but thought that was an interesting concept.

🥱 Zzzzzz…

What? I’m done with this post? Because HAHN had this insane two-hour block, I had to DVR Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, which will have to wait until the next post, where it will pair nicely with The Real A-holes Housewives of Beverly Hills. I’m sure you can’t wait to hear about houses you will never, ever be able to afford. Because if you could, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be roller skating around your mansion. Stay safe, stay discerning, and stay out of Veronica’s pool.

August 24, 2020 – Someone Surprises Julian, Tom & Malia Deserve Each Other, New Old Stew, Tardy Road Trip, Freebie Treks & Impromptu Wind


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Brando says he owes Sonny one. Sonny told him not to miss the Nurses Ball. Sonny bets Brando didn’t think he’d be answering phones, but Brando said he enjoyed it, especially the sense of community. Sonny gets a call from Turning Woods, and Brando says he hopes Mike is okay.

Sam visits Jason at the hospital, and he asks, how was the telethon? She says, musically, it was a major success, but the best part of the night is seeing him there. She was sure the second she turned her back on him, he’d make a great escape. He says he promised to stay unless there was a big emergency. Sam says, no emergency.

Jax and Nina go to the MetroCourt, and Jax says they deserve a drink after their dance. She says it was fun dancing with him, and he says she was incredible. She says that’s because she had a dynamite partner. In between basking in the spotlight, she realized that finally her life is on track. She has a job she loves, peace in her heart, and a refreshingly healthy relationship with a good man. He says he’s not saying, I told you so. Carly approaches their table, and asks if they’re recuperating or savoring their onstage triumph. Jax says, both, and Carly says she’ll have a server come over to take their orders. They deserve a drink.

At the hospital, Ned wonders why they’re not being told anything, and Olivia says they’re focused on saving Brook’s life. He says he’s going to call Monica, and ask her to pull rank. Olivia says she understands it’s painful, but it’s not about him. It’s about the doctors and nurses doing their work. Let them. Chase comes in, and tells them that he just came back from the crime scene. They’re questioning everyone who was backstage, and gathering security footage. He asks if Brook had any enemies. Was anyone angry with her? Ned says, other than him?

Nelle asks Julian what the hell he’s doing, and he says he’s not letting her take Wiley. He’s done with this. Nelle says if he wants to help Wiley, leave with her tonight. She has money… He says, it’s over. He should have put an end to it a long, long time ago.

Willow says, Wiley’s not in his room, and Michael asks if Monica brough him downstairs at any point. Monica says she heard Wiley on the monitor, but no; she didn’t go upstairs. Willow says Wiley is just big enough to have gotten out on his own, and Michael suggests they start searching the rooms, but sees a cloth on the ground. He sniffs it and says, it’s soaked in some kind of chemical. Monica smells it, and says, it’s chloroform. Michael and Willow look at each other.

Carly tells Jax and Nina, everything is on the house tonight, and Jax says they appreciate it. Carly tells Nina, she’s already said that Nina’s testimony was crucial in Michael and Willow getting custody of Wiley, and Nina asks how Wiley is doing. Carly says, it’s like the three of them have been together all along. It’s so much lighter. They hadn’t realize Nelle was like a heavy weight hanging over everything. She’s manipulative and broken, and would have inflicted that on Wiley, doing indefinite damage. All’s well that ends well. Nina says, as long as Wiley is happy, and Carly tells them to enjoy. Nina asks Jax not to hate her for what she’s about to say, and Jax says he might not agree with her, but he’d never hate her. She says, when Carly said, all’s well that ends well, she couldn’t help thinking that she doubts Nelle feels that way.

Sam tells Jason that Josslyn was the highlight, and there was a beautiful closing number. She asks how he’s doing, and he says he went for a walk. She says, scouting escape routes? but he says he was told to start moving around, and he fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed. She says, good. She wants him healed. She has some major plans for when he’s fully recovered. Jason’s phone rings, and he answers it. He frowns, and says, correct. All right. He appreciates the call. She asks who that was, and he says, the PCPD. They got the preliminary report about his accident. It turns out it was the stabilizer after all. Sam says, the part Brando installed.

On the phone, Sonny says he understands, and Brando tells Carly, it’s Turning Woods. She asks, what’s going on? and Sonny says Mike’s caregiver showed him a video from the 2018 Nurses Ball when they sang Summer Wind. His dad was smiling all the way through. Brando says, Sonny sang with Mike? and Carly says, it was an impromptu number. He should have seen it. Sonny says, it’s on the Nurses Ball website, and Brando says he definitely wants to see that, and Sonny laughs.

Chase asks why Ned was at odds with his daughter, and Ned says there was tension because she’d sold her ELQ shares. Who is he kidding? He called her a traitor, and kicked her out. Chase asks if that’s when he saw Brook last, and Olivia says they understand he’s just doing his job, but… Ned says he didn’t attack his own daughter. Everyone can testify they were at the Ball the whole time. Chase says he’s just trying to establish a timeline; Brook’s movements and state of mind. Any detail will help. Olivia says Brook had recently been with her ex-manager, Linc Brown; he operates out of NYC, and he’s a total sleazebag. He wouldn’t let Brook out of her contract, and sexually harassed her. When she resisted, he killed her career. She was trying to get away from him, which is why she sold her shares. Chase says, it’s a good lead, and Olivia asks if he thinks someone was plotting to do something to Brook at the Nurses Ball. Chase doesn’t think so, and she says she thinks it’s more likely that Brook walked in on something she shouldn’t have. Chase says, she’s strong and resilient, and she’ll pull through. They’re going to investigate every lead. He leaves, and Olivia tells Ned, he’s right; Brook is strong. She’s got the Quartermaine fight, and that spirit is going to pull her through.

Officer Sanchez asks Chase if they’re starting with Brook’s manager. He says, it’s their best lead, but Olivia might be on to something. This came out of nowhere. It wasn’t calculated, and there were too many people. It was too risky. It seems like a crime of passion or desperation.

Nelle says Julian doesn’t have to do this, but he says she went too far. He drugged Monica, and kidnapped Wiley. What was he thinking? He’s not handing Wiley over to her. She says she has the document that Martin will open in the event of her death. It details everything. How he helped Brad and rigged Brad’s car. He says he’s not going to roll over, and she says, Sonny will kill him.

Willow tells Monica, she needs to rest, and Michael asks if she doesn’t remember anything; a face or a voice? She says she heard an alert on her phone. She’d left it in the foyer, and went to get it. When she came in, she heard Wiley on the monitor, but she didn’t go upstairs. Michael calls the police, and says his child was kidnapped. A toddler, blond with blue eyes; his name is Wiley, and he was abducted from 66 Harbor View Road. He needs the police there, and a missing child alert issued immediately.

Officer Sanchez tells Ned and Olivia, so far, there are no eyewitnesses, but they’re going over the security footage. Chase says he has to go; another case requires his immediate attention. Officer Sanchez will stay there, and he’ll check in later. Portia comes out and says she has an update on Brook.

Sam says Jason didn’t ask Brando to put in the part; he volunteered. Jason says it could have been a faulty part from the manufacturer, but Sam says, that’s not a mistake a mechanic would make. He says, it depends on the defect, but she insists Brando sabotaged the bike. He says Brando has been open with him and Sonny, and admitted Cyrus came into the garage. She says, maybe he knew they’d figure it out eventually, but Jason asks, how? Cyrus wasn’t going to call him. Sonny gave Brando a pass for right now. Sam says she questioned him too; more like confronted him. He denied it of course (🍷), and was sweet to Molly and TJ, so she was all right with it, but it’s not over. He says they don’t need to decide tonight. Brando knows better than to disappear. Sonny would hunt him down if he had to. Sam says, not if she got to him first.

Brando watches Sonny and Mike’s performance, and tells Sonny, that was good. They were both loving it. Sonny says there was a problem with an act, and the stage was empty. Before he knew it, his dad was on stage singing, and then forgot the words. Carly says Sonny jumped on stage, and it was natural, like it was choreographed. Brando thanks Sonny for showing him. Carly’s phone rings, and she says, it’s Michael. Michael tells her about Wiley being kidnapped. She asks if he’s sure, and he says he found Monica unconscious, and a rag soaked in chloroform. The police are on their way. She says, you know it was Nelle, and he says he knows.

Julian tells Nelle that Wiley is in his car, where he’s fast asleep. It’s locked, so she can’t get to him. She says, put down  the gun, and hand her the keys, but he says, try to keep up. He’s done taking orders from her. He doesn’t care if Sonny kills him or not. She won’t be able to destroy Wiley’s life, and that’s the important part. She says this will scar Wiley for life, knowing his mother was murdered, but he says that’s what he’s trying to prevent; her scarring Wiley for life. Somebody has to stop her. Taggert comes out of nowhere, and knocks the gun out of Julian’s hand. I just shake my head.

Portia tells Ned and Olivia, to be honest, Brook has a long way to go before she’s out of the woods. She’s going through an extremely difficult procedure, and is in critical condition. Ned asks what she’s saying. His daughter’s not going to die, is she?

Sam says Jason could have died, and he says he knows, but he didn’t. He’s going to make a full recovery. If Brando had anything to do with the crash, he and Sonny will handle it; stay out of it. She asks if he thinks she’s wrong or blames her for Michael losing his job at ELQ. He says he wishes she’d made a different decision, but she did what she thought was right, and Sam says they’ll have to agree to disagree about Valentin, but Brando is another story. He says he understands her concern, and trusts her instincts, and she says she’s not buying Brando’s nice thing. He says he’ll keep that in mind, and she says, it’s getting late. The kids will want know about the Nurses Ball, and how daddy is doing. He says, tell them he loves them, and will be home as soon as he can. She says she can’t wait.

Monica says she had no idea anyone was in the house, and Michael says, it’s not her fault. Chase is there, and asks if Nelle had the keys. Michael says, not to the main house, but she could have stolen one. He should have changed the locks, but so much was happening. Chase says officers are checking the last place she was staying, and they have her car description and license plate number issued in a bulletin. Michael says, Nelle will anticipate that, and Chase says he’s reached out to the FBI, and they’ve expanded the search. She was supposed to perform at the Nurses Ball. Epiphany was upset that Nelle would be up there, pretending to care about the hospital she was suing. He asks if she ever went on, but Michael says, no. It was probably a diversion. While everyone was focused on the Ball, no one knew what she was doing. Chase asks Monica if she knows how long she was out, and she says she was watching telethon, but it wasn’t over. Chase says Nelle had at least an hour head start. Wiley could be anywhere.

Julian throws Taggert off of him, grabs the gun. Taggert is on the ground, knocked out, and Julian looks around, but Nelle is gone. He throws the gun in the river. Why? He says, sorry, guy, and leaves.

Carly tells Sonny, when Michael and Willow got home, they found Monica unconscious, and no sign of Wiley. Michael found a rag with chloroform on the ground. Sonny says, son of a bitch, and Carly says, it had to be Nelle. She’s had enough time to put distance between her and Wiley, and Port Charles. Brando says, they don’t think she’d hurt her own son? and Sonny says, she’s psycho but won’t hurt her only leverage. Carly decides to go to the Quartermaines, and tells Sonny, do what he can. Sonny asks her to tell Michael that his heart is with him. They’ll get Wiley back. Carly says, do whatever takes, and Sonny agrees. Brando says Jason is usually Sonny’s backup, so if Sonny needs him, he’s in. Carly tells Jax and Nina that Wiley was kidnapped, and Nina asks if it was Nelle. Carly says, it couldn’t be anyone else. She tells Jax, Josslyn is with Trina, and there’s nothing she can do right now, but tomorrow, if they still don’t know anything, she might need his help. She leaves, and Nina says, oh my God. She’s so sorry. Jax says, it’s Nelle’s fault, and the authorities for letting her out on parole. Nina says she should have realized what Nelle is capable of, and warned someone. She knows how Nelle thinks.

Ned asks Portia if he can see Brook after her surgery. He has to speak to her, and she needs to hear his voice. Portia says Brook was barely alive when she was brought to them. They had to do a lot of work to get her blood pressure back, so she could withstand the surgery. She has her best surgeons working on Brook, but unfortunately, that’s all they know for now. She goes back in, and Ned cries. He says, my little girl, and Olivia holds him.

Julian goes to Charlie’s, and his phone dings. He sees a missing child alert for Wiley, and says, dammit. Sonny comes in, and says he has a problem, adding, Julian does too. His wife kidnapped Sonny’s grandson. Julian says, she’s not here, and Sonny says he’s not surprised. He came looking for Julian. Julian says he had nothing to do with it. They both know Nelle is crazy. Sonny says Julian didn’t seem shocked; why? They’re not meeting up later, are they? Instead of saying he just saw the alert, like a normal guilty person would, Julian says, nope. He’s not surprised Nelle took Wiley because she’s desperate. Michael said she lost it in court. Sonny says, quit stalling, and tell him now where Nelle is with his grandson. Julian says he doesn’t know; he swears. Brando comes out from the back, and says, no sign of Nelle or Wiley, but he found this. He shows Sonny a packed duffel bag, and says, someone is planning on taking a trip. Sonny says, going someplace, Jules? No one ever called Julian Jules before, and suddenly it’s a thing?

Carly asks how Michael is holding up, and he says he keeps telling himself that he won’t do Wiley any good if he loses it. Chase comes in, and says they found nothing at Nelle’s apartment. Carly says, she has money from the sale of her ELQ shares; so she can get pretty far. Chase says they know that and are staking out the airports, including private jets, and the busses and train stations. Nelle is smart, but her resources are limited; theirs aren’t. Willow comes downstairs, and says she can’t find Wiley’s kangaroo. Michael explains, it’s his comfort toy, and Carly asks if Nelle knew that. Willow says they talked about it the last time Nelle was there. Michael says Wiley was having his nap, and Nelle took off without seeing him, which was suspicious. She’s more likely to hang around and make everyone uncomfortable. Willow wonders if Nelle was planning on taking Wiley even then, and Carly says, absolutely. That’s even more proof that it was Nelle, if she took his favorite toy.

In the car, Nelle tells Wiley, it was crazy back there. She thought Julian was going to kill her. One more person who betrayed her, but she got him. The man at the dock was a stroke of luck. He saved mommy’s life. At the expense of his own, but no good deed goes unpunished.

Taggert lies unconscious on the pier.

Olivia asks if Ned wants to spend time in the chapel, but he says, later. He wants to be there if Brook wakes up. He wonders how long it’s been, but Olivia says, not long. Dr. Robinson said it’s a delicate operation; give it time. She thinks right now they have to accept that no news is good news. Ned says she’s being great. When she should be saying, I told you so. She asked him to speak to Brook and forgive her, but he wouldn’t listen. In typical Quartermaine fashion, he put the company ahead of his daughter, and shut down. He threw her out of the house; out of the family. He let her believe he didn’t care or love her anymore. If she dies, the last memory she’ll have of him is when he slammed door in her face.

Carly calls Jason, and tells him that Wiley has been kidnapped. He says, tell him everything, but she says, there’s not much to tell. Monica was downstairs, and Wiley was upstairs in the nursery. Michael and Willow came home to find Monica unconscious, and no sign of Wiley. He asks if Monica is okay, and she says, Monica was knocked out by chloroform. Michael called after he found the rag. He asks if the cops are there, and she says, yeah; they’re following procedure, but Nelle is crazy and motivated. She knows there will be alerts at the border crossings, so maybe she’s going to NYC or Philadelphia, where she can blend in. She’ll be driving, so they’re looking for her car, but someone may be helping her. He asks where Sonny is, and she says, following another lead. She doesn’t know what, but he said he’d call if he finds anything. Jason says, anything else? and Carly says Wiley’s stuffed kangaroo is missing; Nelle knew enough to take it. He says, that’s the kind of detail that could make a difference. He tells her to stay there with Michael, and he’ll call when he knows something. She asks if he’s sure he’s okay enough to help, and he says she wouldn’t have called if she didn’t think he was, and she knows it. He hangs up, and calls Spinelli.

Sonny says, just when he started to believe Julian, they find a packed duffel bag. Not good. Julian says it’s stuff he was donating to the Waterfront clothing drive. Sonny asks where he was tonight, and Julian says they were in the same place, the Nurses Ball. Sonny says he didn’t see Julian much; did he leave early with Wiley? Monica was knocked out with chloroform. Does he know anything about it? Julian says he doesn’t know what Nelle did. Sonny should call the cops. Sonny says he doesn’t need the cops. If his grandson isn’t found, he’s going to be Julian’s judge, jury, and executioner. Understand? Sonny tells Brando that they’ll go check on Michael. Julian tells him, hold up.  

Nina tells Jax, she should have known how far Nelle would go.  She’s a schemer, manipulator, and a liar, and would do anything to get Wiley. She’s sorry she thought otherwise. Jax says they’ll find him, and give him back to Michael and Willow, and Nelle says, they must be going crazy with worry. She feels horrible about Willow. She said horrible things to and about her, but respects her, and how she’s trying to protect Wiley. Jax says he doesn’t know much about Willow, but what he saw in court impressed him. Nina says, Willow is more of a mother to Wiley than Nelle will ever be.

Chase says the officers who went to Nelle’s apartment said it was cleared out; her clothes and car are gone. Monica says she thought of something – Wiley’s heart condition. What if it flares up, and Nelle refuses to get him treatment like before? Carly asks if he was showing any symptoms, but Willow says, he was his normal, smiling self. Carly says, let’s take care of one crisis at a time. Monica was drugged, and should go to the hospital. Michael says he’ll take her, but Monica tells him to stay, and keep her posted. He and Carly walk her out, and Chase tells Willow, he promises they’ll find Nelle before anything happens to Wiley.

Nelle hears sirens, and sees flashing lights. She tells Wiley, they’re going to try and take him away, and give him to Carly.

Sonny asks what Julian remembers. Where did Nelle hide his grandson? Julian says if he knew, he would tell Sonny. He just wants Sonny to know he’s sorry for all of this. He’s sorry he got involved with Nelle; that’s the God’s honest truth. Sonny says if Julian is going to bring God into it, pray when Nelle gets caught, she doesn’t have a different story to tell. He’ll do Julian a favor and take the duffel bag to the collection box, and save him a trip.

On the phone at the pier, Jason asks Spinelli if he’s sure the last place the phone pinged was at Pier 55. Maybe she ditched the phone; he’ll look around. He hears Taggert groan, and says, talk to him. Who did this? He realizes it’s Taggert, who says, hey.

Olivia tells Ned, Brook loves screwing things up, and they’ll get in more fights, but her spirit will bring her through. She won’t let go easily. She does nothing easily, and she’s going to come back to them. When she does, he’ll get to say what he needs to say. Ned says he’s sitting there, trying find the words to use, the right things to tell her, and all he can come up with is, I love you. Isn’t it strange? All the words they have, and different ways of saying things; the lyrics to songs. But when it comes down to it, what else is there to say? He loves her, and if she can’t hear him say that again, he will never, ever forgive himself.

Portia comes back out, and says she spoke to Brook’s surgical team. Ned says, please. Did she make it?

Jax tells Nina, he’s lucky he never stopped listening to Lady Jane. Nina wishes she’d met Lady Jane, and he says she would have loved Nina. She appreciated strong, intelligent women. She says, that explains why Jax is who he is; a steady, good man, unafraid of strong women. He says, and intelligent, beautiful, sexy… and she says she likes it better the longer it’s getting. He says he’s sorry for what happened in her life, and Nina says she over-compensated with Charlotte, but he says he thinks she’s a great mother. He saw her with Charlotte. She thanks him, saying, that’s high praise. She did discover something, and is sure Willow did too. You don’t have to be a biological mother to have undying love for a child.

Carly tells Michael and Willow that Jason will call when he knows something. Michael asks if Jason isn’t in the hospital, but she says he’s out there looking. Michael says, it’s selfish, but he feel better knowing Jason is out there. Willow asks how much Jason can do, just being out of the hospital, but Michael says, he’s resourceful. Carly says they have to follow Jason’s example. Stay calm, but with their eyes open. Nelle is all about mind games, and making them jump through hoops. She won’t be able to resist leaving a clue. Chase comes back, and says they found Nelle’s car.

Nelle looks in the rearview mirror, as the cop cars pass. She says she swears she thought they found them, but how could they? Not in this car. She knew it would be the perfect car for their special trip.

Chase says she parked at the far end of a lot, but the car was abandoned. There were no signs of her or Wiley, but they’re searching the surrounding area. Michael says, they have no way to track the car, and Carly says, of course (🍷) not. Nelle thought of everything.

Nelle tells Wiley, smart mommy. Sonny can’t even link this car to them. They’re going far, far away, where Carly and the rest can never find them. The family will miss him terribly, and never know what happened to him, but they’ll have wonderful adventures, and Wiley will love the only mommy he’ll ever know. He’ll never have a grandmother, which is exactly what Carly deserves.

Tomorrow, Elizabeth asks why Franco won’t believe her, Nikolas tells Spencer that he has a plan to get Ava out of their lives, Sonny says there’s nowhere Nelle can hide where he can’t find her, and Cyrus asks someone if they’re going to have a problem.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Tom tells Bugs he’ll sort it out, but then bitches about a potato. The guests discuss the merits, or not, of raw lobster. Tom and Malia go into the walk-in refrigerator, and Tom says he’s good at what he does. She asks him to tell her how to help, and he says he has way too much self-respect to do this effing bullsh*t. She says, it hurts her for him to be like this, and he says, sorry; he didn’t expect this, and he has a cake to make. They come out, and Malia says, effing ridiculous, but I’m not sure if she’s referring to the situation or Tom. He continues to complain, while Jess and Alex have a pillow fight in one of the guest rooms. Tom sends out new lobster for the guests, and says he’s cooking the steak on the grill. Jess tucks the gigantic dildo under the covers on the bed, its other kind of head on the pillow. Guest Jared or Jacob, or whatever the hell his name is, tells Tom, the raw lobster was good, and Tom says, it was cooked for at least an hour. Bugs serves the steak and primary Isaac says, it’s on point. Tom makes his last minute cake, and decorates it. He tells Malia that he’ll go up, but he’s not carrying anything. He hates this sh*t. Everyone sings Happy Birthday, and Jacob blows out the candles, but I think he’s older than three. At least chronologically.

Jess asks Rob for help with the laundry, and he says he’s thinking about the future. She says, how so? and he says, like Bali; things like that. She asks if that means he’s loving her more, and he says, something like that. He’s so articulate, I can’t stand it. In her interview, she says, if he doesn’t go, she’ll be sad, and Bali is a dream of hers. He’s messing with her head. The guests relax in the outside lounge. Alex tells Pete that he’s kind of glad Hannah is gone; there’s a different vibe. Tom thanks Malia for her help, and says he’s disappointed. She says they just turned the boat yesterday, and he got thrown in. In his interview, he says, when you’re on a super yacht, everything you’ve worked for is at risk. Reputation is everything, and it has to be perfect.

Bugs begs for coffee and sympathy from Alex. In her interview, she says she’s had a lot put on her plate. They have a new chef, and suddenly, she’s a chief stew with an interior team of one. It’s a lot to handle in a day. She calls for a status update on the belly dancer, and is told to call back when the boat is closer. She reminds the guests that their beach picnic is noon, and serves breakfast; my favorite, eggs benedict. Tom goes over the menu for the picnic, and the deckhands discuss logistics. Bugs tell Jess to do the beds, and says she’ll catch up when she comes back. It’s a bit of a juggling act. She gets the deckhands to clear the table, and she and Alex head for the beach. There’s a bunch of back and forth with the deckhands about loading the boat and the line on the tender, and in Rob’s interview, he says he can contribute, but they don’t listen, It’s a clusterf*** with everyone in the same place at the same time, doing the same thing. He’s tired of this sh*t. The other deckhands wonder what’s up with him.

Captain Sandy asks if Jacob/Jarod slept well, and he says he did, but his Russian snow pony is blitzed. These kids are too much for him. In Bugs’s interview, she says, it’s her first time on a boat this big, with just two stews. She doesn’t want the crew to see her flustered. She likes to be in control. It’s madness. At the beach, Bugs tells Alex, great job setting up, and goes back to the boat. Jess leans against the wall and takes a quick nap. Rob complains that people are delegating who aren’t his boss. In the snake Malia’s interview, she says, a lot of the problems are HR, and it’s annoying. It’s Tom’s first charter, and they’re down a stew. They have to not sweat the little things, and focus on the bigger picture. Bugs sends Jess on a break, and Tom plates the food for the picnic. Bugs says, it’s delicious-looking, and they hand it off to Malia. Two shrimp cocktails promptly fall over, spilling everything out. She says, the bottoms of the glasses are round, and yells for Tom. He fixes the food, and she suggests he not send unbalanced glass jars on a beach picnic. Malia packs them tightly in a cooler, and I wonder why it wasn’t done that way in the first place. Bugs returns to the beach with the food. The guests are taken to the beach in two shifts, and Bugs greets them with champagne. Bugs prepares and serves the food, then radios Tom, saying, the food is going down well. Alex tells Malia that Rob is upset. He loves Rob, but he gets sensitive about the little things. Malia says, people are irritated and tired. Snow pony wants Jared/Jacob to take bare ass photos of her bending over, and tells him use the portrait mode for better quality.

Alex asks Bugs when they’re having their first official date, so they can see if they really hate or love each other. In her interview, she doesn’t know if he’s joking with her. She doesn’t want to put herself in a vulnerable position by accepting, and then find out it a joke. Rob is pulling in the slide, and Malia suggests a different way, and works with him. Apparently, he’s as tired of the slide as everyone else who’s ever dealt with it. Malia tells him to put the cover on. The belly dancer arrives, and Pete asks if Rob wants to reroll it, and they start rerolling. Malia says they can do that, but she just asked him to put the cover on it. Rob says, they’re stubborn, and in Malia’s interview, she says she’s tired of them ignoring her; it’s disrespectful. She tells them that she’s had it.

In her interview, Malia says, dinner service is starting, she’s supposed to help Bugs, and they aren’t even in their blacks. These two (meaning Rob and Pete) don’t see there are so many other moving parts. The belly dancer arrives, and Jared shows off his elephant thong to the other guests. The elephant’s trunk is where… never mind. Everyone dresses up for the Arabian Nights theme. In Jess’s interview, she says she’s doing two people’s jobs, and thinks she’s deserving of the second stew position. Rob sees Malia and the captain eating in the galley, and says Malia seems angry. She says she doesn’t appreciate being blatantly ignored. He says they thought it would be quick, but she says, it wasn’t quick. It’s 9 pm, and they’re just getting into their blacks. There are more moving parts other than him and Pete that she needs to worry about. Isn’t she allowed to get upset? He says he’s speaking to her as a professional. Captain Sandy says she doesn’t know what happened, but if someone tells you how to do something a certain way, making a suggestion is one thing, but being blatantly insubordinate is disrespectful and not cool. She leaves them, but Rob says he has nothing else to say. The guests toast to family, and Bugs welcomes them to their Arabian Night. Baeya does her thing, and Jacob asks where her monkey is at, and dances with her. Ugh.

Malia tells Tom that she’s tired of dealing with the same stuff. In Tom’s interview, he says, last night at dinner was frustrating. He figures the guests don’t have refined taste buds, but it’s still frustrating because it’s part of his identity. Rob meets with Jess, and says Malia was mad about some silly thing over the slide. He’d never disrespect her. In Jess’s interview, she says, every second they have together has been interrupted. She thinks if they go to Bali, they can get to know each other, but she’s trying not to get excited in case he doesn’t go. Jacob says, the chicken is pink as a mofo. Bugs takes it back, and tells Tom to just pan fry it; the guest wants it more brown. In Tom’s interview, he says he doesn’t think they understand what poached means, because they’re complete idiots, but whatever. Bugs tells Alex to take his shirt off, and he says, the things he does. Apparently, he’ll be the monkey, and he tells Baeya that he’ll just follow her lead. She says he has the soul of a belly dancer, no? and he says, no; he’s never danced in his life. Jacob gets new, more browned chicken, and Alex is introduced as Jingles. He comes out covered in glitter, and dances with Baeya. In his interview, he says he literally hates himself. Everyone laughs, and says it’s wonderful. Jacob tells Bugs that his Russian pony changed her name to Carmen because she loves cars and men. His name is BJ Golf. Bugs says, on that note, and runs for her life.

Bugs asks Jess to put a load of laundry in before she goes to bed. Rob asks if Malia thinks he doesn’t respect her, but she says, it’s more Pete. He says he’s not going to overthink it, and fixes up the table. He tells Malia, it’s scary. He’s worried about making the wrong choice if he follows his heart rather than his head. Malia says, always follow your heart, I choke on my coffee, and he repeats, it’s scary. One of the guests asks if they’re a person down in the interior, and Rob says they are. The guest says they noticed. It wasn’t that they lacked service, but Bugs is always there; she’s doing a phenomenal job. Malia tells Tom about getting pissed off, and says, the deck crew is strung out. In Malia’s interview she says, it’s refreshing to have a person to confide in, and the person she wants most to have around. Tom says he was frustrated as hell, but he knows it will get easier. Bugs does laundry, and Rob washes dishes.

Jess vacuums up glitter. Having taken care of kids, I’ve grown to hate glitter. The captain sees laundry piled up, and asks Jess why it’s not going 24/7. She needs to stay on top of the laundry. In Jess’s interview, she says they’re down a stew – again. She’s trying her best, but keeps getting shat on with the damn laundry. Captain Sandy tells Bugs, it’s ridiculous. There should never be piles. In her interview, the captain says, there’s no excuse, and we flash back over Jess’s laundry issues. Captain Sandy says Jess has a laxy daisy attitude. I don’t know if she’s making a joke, or doesn’t know how to pronouce lackadaisical. Bugs asks why Jess isn’t happy; it’s the last day of charter. In Bugs’s interview, she says, it’s not the charter for cracking the whip. It’s not the time and place to get up to speed, but she’ll have to. Jess mutters, she will not make me a bitch. She’s nice, calm, and effing happy. In her interview, she says she’s trying to suppress Jessica. She claws at the air, saying, let me out to handle this sh*t. Bugs has never heard of huevos ranchero, and calls it guevos, cuevos, and eventually queros. She asks Jess to do laundry, and Jess says, yeah, which I’ve never heard less enthusiastically. The guests pack, the boat is docked, and the captain says, good job; well done.

Isaac tells the crew, it was a blast. The service was phenomenal. They kept the booze flowing, and it was appreciated. He gives Captain Sandy the tip envelope, and she tells everyone to get in their reds and meet in the main salon. Rob tells Jess, in two weeks, they’re leaving, and she says, hopefully together. She feels like she wants it more than he does. Bugs pours champagne, and the crew gathers together. The captain says she thinks they killed it, considering what went down. They got a new chef, and were without a chief stew, but Bugs took over with ease and grace. Her goal never changed. It was always about the guests and that’s what the captain has wanted. They’re getting a second stew for the next charter, and picking her up in Ibiza. Their departure is at 6 am, so tonight they have to stay on board and rest. The tip is $20,500, or $1680 each. Despite Tom’s kvetching, I thought the guests were relatively low maintenance. Jess tells the captain that she got a message from the doctor, and he wants to check her finger. Rob changes his flight to the same open Jess is on for Bali. He tells Malia and Alex, and wonders how to tell Jess. Alex suggests putting whipped cream on his nipples, but Malia thinks he should print out a fake ticket and give it to Jess with some champagne.

It’s time for the preference sheet meeting, and Captain Sandy says they have return guests; Michelle and Johnny Damon. Johnny was an all-star baseball player, and they want a good time and good food. The last charter he complained about the food. We flash back to when stew Anastasia filled in for fired chef Mila, and see Michelle complaining that it wasn’t five star. The captain says, it needs to be steaming hot. The guests also want to go to a beach club, and have the captain join them for dinner one night. Captain Sandy says, they’re a lot of fun, but we flash back, and they look like a-holes. I think this is the group who started sh*t with the yacht docked next door. Jess goes to see the doctor, and Malia tells the rest of the crew that Rob wants to make a romantic gesture. Jess doesn’t know it, but Rob is going to Bali. Bugs suggests writing clues for her to find him waiting for her with the news, and he says he’ll make up a fake ticket. In Rob’s interview, he says he wants something creative, and out of his comfort zone. He wants to come up with something to show his intention. Jess returns, and says she got her finger back.

Bugs sets up candles on the top deck, and gets champagne ready. She goes to Jessica’s cabin, hands her the first clue, telling her, take this, and runs away, saying, gotta go. Rob waits, and in his interview, he says he wants it to be special, and he’s nervous. The first clue says, go to the bridge – you’re in trouble – make it quick – on the double. In her interview, Jess wonders if she’s getting fired and Bugs is running away. On the bridge, Malia holds the next clue. He wears an apron and cooks your food – be ten minutes late to set the mood. She goes to the galley, and Tom gives her the next clue, which leads her to the dining room where Bugs waits with a glass of champagne and her next clue. Follow the glitter to the main deck – your next clue check. Alex gives her the last one. He is tall and handsome – a face from GQ – upstairs with a surprise for you. Rob kisses her, and says she’s been asking about Bali, and he booked the same flight; it’s all done. Malia and the others sneak in, and they all toast to Bali. Jess tells Rob that he’s a good liar, and hugs him. The crew has a group hug, and Alex says, they’re all going to Bali. Rob thanks them for all being a part of it, and everyone goes to bed.

In their cabin, Jess tells Rob that she knew it was related to him, since he wasn’t there. Don’t ever be that good a liar again. He says, it wasn’t a lie. He wanted it to be a surprise.

In the morning, Jess asks if Bugs is excited to be getting a new stew, and Bugs says, it will be good to have another body back in interior. Everyone gets ready for the next charter, and Captain Sandy says, she’s here. It’s Aesha! She was on the last season as second stew, and she’s a lot of fun, really laid back. The captain says she’s so happy Aesha could come.

Next time, the yacht goes to Ibiza, which Aesha describes as the party capital of the Mediterranean, and a real life acid trip; Captain Sandy has to get into a very tight parking spot, and has a big audience; a guest falls and ends up bleeding; Bugs wears a tutu; and the guests fight.

👋🏻 Meet Aesha…

And while you’re there, be sure to scroll down, and read all about how BDM’s producer swears Tom wasn’t a plant. Uh-huh. Sure.

🚐 Don’t Be…You Know…

Don’t Be Tardy will be returning on October 6th, when Kim Zolciak and family take a road trip. I’ve found this show to be surprisingly pleasant, and a refreshing change from the usual reality conflict.

🛸 Trek For Free…

CBS All Access is making all six episodes of its Emmy-nominated shorts series Star Trek Short Treks available to watch for free on CBS platforms and YouTube. But hurry, since they will only  be available until August 31st.

✂️ Cutting It Close Again…

As usual, I’m still editing for my deadline tomorrow at Plus, tomorrow is the return of Tyler Perry’s The Haves and The Have Nots, with a two-hour premiere starting at 8 pm. Somewhere in there, I’ll have to include that pesky sleep, so I might have to condense, but rest assured, I’ll include all the good juicy stuff. Until then, stay safe, stay punctual, and stay out of walk-in refrigerators.

August 21, 2020 – Julian Pushes Back, 3rd Time’s the Charm, Volunteer Carpet, Sam Returns, Parker’s Lifetime, Snake Talk, Bryan’s Next Move, Peeking At Charlie, Teddi’s Mansion, Virally Filmed, 29th Dance, Lilly’s Latest, Dead News, Three For the Show, 12+1 Quotes & Roll


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

😳 Oops. My bad. After the insane week I’ve had, I had a hard time reading my own shorthand yesterday and attributed Nelle and Brook’s final words backward. Sorry about that. I did question myself at the time, and should have known Brook would never back down to Nelle. The correct version is in today’s post. Moving forward…

Lucy welcomes us back, and says, once again, the 2020 General Hospital Nurses Ball telethon, a spectacular event to raise money for frontline workers’ special safety equipment. It’s a great honor to introduce everyone’s favorite nurse at GH, Epiphany Johnson. Epiphany comes out, and explains that hospitals are a collaboration. They aren’t made up of just doctors and nurses, but orderlies, lab technicians, cleaners and other workers. Together they provide essential services. These are incredibly stressful jobs, and take their toll on service providers and their families. The viewer donations let them know that the community they support, supports them back. Lucy says the telethon is a way to say thank you to all the medical personnel and first responders, who are heroes, along with their families, and who do so much for them. While the viewers are making donations, they’ll be entertained with amazing acts still to come.

In the bathroom, Ava tells Nina, the Cassadine men do have a way of getting under their skin. Nina says, which brings her back to Nikolas. Is he trying to make Ava jealous by making a fuss over Elizabeth? Even if they’re married in name only, flirting, especially with a married woman, is just tacky. Ava says, and also profitable. If Nikolas sleeps with another woman, he’ll break the infidelity clause, and she’ll wind up with 90% of the Cassadine estate. Nikolas can shower tributes on Elizabeth to his heart’s content, and if he woos her into bed, Ava gets the payoff she deserves. Inside one of the stalls, Elizabeth listens.

Carly tells Jax that Josslyn called. He wonders if there’s something wrong, but she says she thinks Josslyn was just checking in. She might be looking for a congratulatory present. Jax asks if Carly knows Josslyn has been angling for a car, and Carly says she does. She’ll let him handle that. Before he leaves, Jax tells Nikolas, the scholarship for the nursing students in Elizabeth’s name was generous, but maybe he should have thought about it a little more. Franco says, Jax has a point. Next time a wave of generosity washes over him, he may want to shower it onto his wife.

Michael explains the Quartermaine relationships to Willow, telling her, Tracy married Luke. Michael thought it was a fraudulent marriage, but he can’t keep track. They definitely turned out to be life partners though. She asks if unconventional marriages are a thing for the Quartermaines, and he says they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Monica sits back down on the couch, and says, still sleeping; disaster averted. Julian comes up behind her, and chloroforms her, knocking her out. Wiley sleeps peacefully with Mr. Hopsicle.

Brook tells Nelle that she can’t wait until Nelle is hauled off in handcuffs in front of everyone there, and all the people viewing at home. Nelle says the police won’t believe Brook; they’ll say she’s harassing Nelle. Brook says, she’ll call Michael, and he can call the police, but Nelle smacks the phone out of Brook’s hand. Brook says, no worries. Mac is there; he can arrest her himself. Brook heads for the door, and Nelle says she’s sorry. She picks up the shears, and asks Brook to pretend that she didn’t see or hear anything. Brook turns around, and stupidly walks back to Nelle, and says she messed with her last Quartermaine. Nelle slashes at Brook, and we see blood on the shears. Why? Why do they always do that? Like Tuco said in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, if you’re going to shoot, shoot; don’t talk.

Michael sees that Brook called, but didn’t leave a message. Willow says maybe Brook wanted to make peace with him, but he say she doesn’t need to. He didn’t like the idea that she sold her shares, but so did other members of his family. At least she didn’t know she sold them to Valentin. She says he’s less worried than Ned seems to be, and he says he hates the idea of Valentin being in charge, and intends to force him out eventually, but in the short term, Valentin is a smart businessman. He doesn’t think ELQ will suffer. Willow says he doesn’t think of it as a betrayal, so maybe he should tell Brook. He tries calling.

Nelle stands over an unconscious Brook, and says she should have been nicer, more sympathetic. Her mistake. Now Nelle’s plan to have Wiley vanish has gone south. She needs to go. Brook lies on the floor in a pool of blood, next to her ringing phone. Nelle slips out.

Monica is knocked out, and Julian says, sorry. He turns off the TV, and his phone dings. He sees a text from Nelle that says, the timetable has been moved up. We need to move now. Is it done? He closes the doors to the living room, and trots up the stairs.

Michael gives Willow a bottle of water, and raises his own, saying, to Wiley, and his amazing new life. He’s safe from Nelle because of her. Willow says, because of us, and Diane. He says, to Wiley and Diane. Carly watches, and smiles. Michael smiles at Willow, and little hearts start to pop out of his eyes.

Lucy asks Amy if she’s found Jordan. Maybe she’s warming up, since she’s the next act. Amy says she couldn’t find Jordan, so she asked Curtis, who said she was called away on a case. Lucy says, no; that doesn’t work. Jordan is the Police Commissioner. She doesn’t have to solve every case. She can delegate to other police people. Lucy can’t delegate an act. Amy says she called the PCPD and the hospital, but no one has seen her. Lucy will have to cut her number. Lucy says it can’t just be her out there; she needs acts. Acts and asking for money. They need alternate activities. It’s like the NFL draft, but she doesn’t have an act to draft. Amy tells Lucy not to panic; she can panic later. She asks if Lucy wants to shut the Ball down, and Lucy asks if Amy is losing her mind. She tells Amy to find Epiphany and Deanna, and warm up. She’ll stall. She’ll do a tap dance. She doesn’t know how to tap dance. She hates tap dancing. She’ll just stall.

Anna tells Valentin that his song was beautiful, and he says, at least someone appreciates it. She says false modesty doesn’t look good on him. It was wonderful, and he knows it, as was his pledge. He asks if she’s going to chastise him for burnishing his public image. She says, isn’t he? and he says, that’s part of it. He hears congratulations are in order. She must be thrilled for Peter and Maxie. Being a parent changes everything. It makes you better. It did with him and Charlotte, and her and Robin. Maybe it will with Peter. She says, of course (🍷) it will. He hopes so, and says, some mistakes are impossible to fix.

Nina tells Ava, Franco is her friend. She hopes Ava isn’t playing with his marriage. Ava says she’s doing no such thing. She’s heard rumors that under that angelic façade, Elizabeth is chronically unfaithful. If she chooses to break her vows to her husband, Franco should know the truth. Nina sees one flaw in Ava’s big plan. The way she and Nikolas were looking at each other, either she’s getting good at pretending to love him, or something changed in the last few days. Ava says Nina is projecting her issues with Valentin onto her. They leave, and Elizabeth comes out.

Michael tells Willow, they’re supposed to take a tally, and give Lucy the paperwork. What if after that, they sneak out? She says, abandon their post? He says they’ve done more than enough. They can go home, and check on Wiley. She says he’s making her an offer she can’t refuse. She glances at Sonny, and says, did she really just say that? They leave to finish up.

Lucy says hello to all their gorgeous, generous, amazing donors. They’re doing a great job, and she hopes they realize how important it is to the frontline workers who help them every day. When they work together, they do something more than raising money. They’re building a community, and showing the medical personnel and first responders that they support them. Any amount is great. Keep pitching in, and they’ll keep entertaining. They’re in for a special treat.

Nelle dashes through the corridors in the MetroCourt, and around runs outside. Julian sends a text that says, it’s done.

As Monica sleeps, Julian comes downstairs with Wiley, and leaves with him.

Michael and Willow arrive home, and Michael says, sorry the evening crashed and burned. She says, it didn’t. She had a good time. He says, until Chase and Sasha. She says, they were fantastic (I guess we don’t get to see that), and he says, someday it won’t hurt so much. Until then, they can make some popcorn, and watch the funniest movie ever made. She says he doesn’t have to cheer her up, and he says he’s cheering himself up. They sit on the stairs.

Sonny says, Michael and Willow aren’t coming back? and Carly says, they probably went to check on Wiley; they’re such good parents. Sonny says he’s glad it wasn’t her idea; Chase and Sasha pretending to be involved so Michael and Willow would get married. Face it. It’s exactly the kind of plan that’s up her alley. She says, back in the day, 100%. She’d be seeing all of their hearts breaking and feel guilty. Instead, she’s grateful Michael and Willow got custody of Wiley, and Wiley got the best stepmother on the planet. Sonny says he knows there’s too much going on, and Carly asks if he wants to check in with Turning Woods, but he says, no. They’ll call if there’s any change. The best thing he can do for his dad is to stay and support the people who have given him such amazing care.

Olivia tells Ned, she’s trying to call Brook, but there’s no answer. He says, his problem daughter? No surprise. He tells Olivia to save the lecture for now, but she says she’s just expressing her opinion. He says, on this topic, they’re one and the same, and she says he’s scaring the hell of her. She’s heard stories about his grandfather, and his intentions were good, but his methods were toxic. She says this with love, but he’s turning more into Edward every day. He says, that’s not true, and she says, prove it. Find his daughter, and talk to her.

We see Brook lying on the floor, unconscious.

Ned asks if Dustin and Lulu have seen Brook, but Dusting says, not for a while. She might be warming up. They’ll go check. Ned thanks them.

Robert asks Olivia if she’s got a minute, and she asks if he’s okay. He says he has good news. The commissioner at the Bureau said he can get her in to see Dante. Olivia gets super excited, and asks, when? Where is he? Robert says, he’s at a facility in Geneva. No civilians are allowed, so he’ll go with her. The supervisor is waiting for his boss to return, and there’s a narrow window. They have to hurry. He’d like to leave now if they could. She throws her arms around him, and thanks him. Ned watches.

Willow says, popcorn and the funniest movie ever? and Michael says, if only to cheer him up. Feel free not be cheered, since it’s only about him. He asks what she’d like to see, and she asks him, promise not to laugh, but he says, that’s the point. She says it’s a kid movie, with silly humor, and he tells her, cue it up, and he’ll check on Wiley. They go into the living room, and see Monica asleep. Michael tries to wake her, but she stays out.

Julian waits at the pier, and says, sorry, Wiley; you deserve better than this. Unfortunately, your crazy birth mother has other plans. Why is he going along with it? He’s the world’s biggest coward. He should have told Sonny that he knew all along, but Sonny can kill someone. He’s run out of options. He flashes back to telling Ava, go ahead. Tell him what an idiot he is for getting mixed up with Nelle. Ava asks what on earth was he thinking, and why hasn’t he killed her yet? He says he wouldn’t be there if she didn’t have him over a barrel. Ava says if he thinks Nelle will release him when it’s over, he’s a damn fool. On the pier, Julian says, maybe not.

Lulu says, if she’s not backstage, Brook probably bailed, but Dustin says, she might have stage fright, but she wouldn’t run away. They go into the makeshift dressing room, and see Brook on the floor. Dustin runs to check her pulse, and Lulu says, oh my God. Dustin tells her, call 911, and tells Brook to wake up.

Lucy tells the viewers that the Nurses Ball is still so passionately committed to HIV and AIDS. Sonny and Nikolas’s generous donations will be going to those charities. She wants to introduce a woman committed to both causes, and welcomes Anna. Anna thanks the viewers for their donations. She’s been answering the phones, and got to speak to some of them; they’ve been lovely. She’s grateful for their generosity. The Nurses Ball has a special place in her heart, and not just because she received a lovely marriage proposal on this very stage a year ago from Dr. Hamilton Finn (I always forget he has a first name). She says, it’s special because so many lives have been touched by HIV and AIDS. She’s the mother of an HIV survivor. She was diagnosed at a time when the prognosis wasn’t as optimistic; a time when prejudice and fear were more rampant. Her daughter Robin, and countless others, are alive today because of medical research. Perhaps that’s why Robin became a doctor herself. This leads her to tell them how important the telethon is. She served as Police Commissioner, and saw how closely first responders and medical staff work together. Their work is vitally important. The police, doctors, the ambulance crew, the hospital cleaners; no one does their job alone. They need each other, and we desperately need them. So give what you can. Any donation, whatever size. I have a friend who was diagnosed with HIV many years ago, like Robin, and he’s doing fine today.

Elizabeth tells Franco, Nikolas isn’t the problem, Ava is. She’s playing emotional chess with Nikolas, and they’re the pawns.

Robert tells Olivia he has to go back inside. Anna is going to have a fit because he wasn’t there during her speech. Olivia says, tell her the truth. He found a way for her to see her son; Anna will understand. He says he’ll be waiting, and she says she doesn’t know how  to thank him. He leaves, and Ned comes out. He says, amazing. They have a fight and she runs to Robert because he says the right things. Olivia says it has nothing to do with their marriage. Robert found a way for her to see Dante. Ned says, that’s great news, and Olivia says, he’s at a facility in Geneva. Robert knows the guy in charge. Ned says he’ll change his schedule, and they’ll go, but Olivia says Robert has to sneak her in as it is. Only one person can go. Ned says, okay, and Lulu comes running in. She says, Brook has been attacked.  

Michael begs Monica to please wake up. Monica opens her eyes, and asks if everything is all right. He says she scared him half to death. Is she okay? She says she must have dozed off, and Michael says she was sleeping pretty heavily. Where’s Wiley? She says she doesn’t remember. The phone rang, and she’d left it in the foyer. She came back in, and heard Wiley. Michael asks if Wiley was downstairs or did she hear him on the monitor? Willow says she’ll check the nursery.

Nelle goes to meet Julian, and asks where Wiley is. He says Wiley is safe in his car, and she asks if he’s saying he’s giving her a set of wheels. That’s totally nice, but unnecessary. Just put Wiley in her car, and they can get going.

Elizabeth tells Franco, Ava is encouraging Nikolas to cheat, so she can get the Cassadine fortune. Franco says she has it backward. Nikolas is the one who’s playing them.

Lucy thanks everyone, saying the Nurses Ball was a resounding success; just amazing. She’d like to thank the volunteers who jumped in at the last minute, and gave generously of their time, and  the amazing performers backstage who pitched in and made this happen. She thanks her rack of gowns on stage with her, and goes behind the rack, coming out in a volunteer T-shirt and jeans. She says the most deserving of all is their amazing audience. It’s her great pleasure to introduce the intrepid nurses of GH. Epiphany, Amy, Deanna, and an unidentified flying nurse sing. I’ve had zero luck with finding the titles of songs I don’t recognize, but if I can find a list, I’ll post them. They sing in front of a grid with candles everywhere on it, and I think, that’s impressive for something done on the fly.

Backstage, Lucy smiles at her success.

Brook is taken out on a stretcher, while Mac gathers evidence. He asks if Dustin and Lulu saw anybody. Did anyone look like they were fleeing the scene? Lulu says, they didn’t see anyone. Ned tells Brook to hang in there. He won’t leave her side. He’ll be right there. They leave, and Finn goes with them. Mac tells Lulu and Dustin, if they remember any detail, no matter how small, call him.

Michael asks what Monica was doing before she fell sleep. Was Wiley downstairs, or in the nursery? She says she doesn’t remember, and Willow runs down the stairs. She tells them, Wiley’s not in his room, and Monica says, what?

Nelle says, all right, hubby; it’s been fun, but it’s time go. Julian says, sorry, but she’s not going anywhere. She asks what he’s talking about, and he says she pushed him too far. Now he’s pushing back. He takes out a gun.

To be continued…

On Monday, Portia has an update on Brook, Nina tells Jax not to hate her for what she’s going to say, Julian tells Nelle that someone has to stop her, and Sonny says someone is going to tell him right now.

🚔 Even He Was Surprised…

The skinny on Taggert’s return from the dead.

👕 Hey, You’re Wearing My Shirt…

Not too much diversity in Nurses Ball fashion this year.

👢 Back and Badass As Ever…

That was quick. I barely noticed she was gone.

📺 Gig Of a Lifetime…

GH’s Parker returns to the small screen.

🛥 The Deck You Say…

Hannah has the final word. And a prescription.

🦍 Breaking Ivan…

Bryan Cranston does it all.

🧛🏻 Chrismasland Be Damned…

A sneak peek at what’s next for Charlie Manx.

🛕 Stepping Out From Daddy’s Shadow…

Apparently cushy jobs accountability coaching pays off.

🖥 Pandemically Filming…

Andy talks about the new Housewife normal.

💃🏾 Dancing Into Season 29…

All you need to know about DWTS.

💋 Remember Her…?

I tried to forget.

⚰️ Beyond Dead…

Sunday August 30th, starting at 6 pm, AMC will also be showing the first episode of each season of The Walking Dead. I still think the very first episode was the best one. Rick’s WTF? face can’t be topped.

🏩 Throupling…

I’ll bet she talked through the whole thing.

📯 Quotes of the Week

I didn’t know you could scream that loud after smoking cigarettes. – Cynthia Decker, Pillow Talk: 90 Day Fiancé, referring to Angela screaming at Michael

Tough times never last. Tough people do. – Robert Schuller

Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun.Kent Nerburn

How to sell books in 2020: Put them near the toilet paper. – NY Times

An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break. May you be open to each thread that comes into your life – the golden ones and the coarse ones – and may you weave them into a brilliant and beautiful life.Unknown

We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day. – Brad Meltzer

Do one thing every day that scares you. – Eleanor Roosevelt

The noisiest thing in the world is someone trying to be quiet. – me

People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action. – Steve Maraboli

Luckily for me, I have all my best ideas drunk. – Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Birds of Prey

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.Confucius

Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’Erich Fromm

Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying. – Roy T. Bennett

🏍 Moving Forward…

Next week has to be better, right? Right? Enjoy your weekend, or pretend it’s the weekend, depending. Until Monday, stay safe, stay supportive of the front line, and stay away from psychopaths with fabric shears.

August 20, 2020 – Nelle Hatches a Plan, Ramona Sends a Group Text, Sonja of the Century, Mob Line, Housewife Rules, Surprise Guests & Dance


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Lucy welcomes us back to the Nurses Ball Telethon, and says, this year, the Ball became a telethon, but as always, they’ll be donating to AIDS/HIV related charities. The donations will be matched by a generous donation from Sonny Corinthos. This year, it’s a special event to benefit frontline workers and their families, giving back to the people who’ve given so much to them. It wasn’t how the volunteers were planning on spending their evening, but they jumped in to help. She’s hoping the viewers open their hearts and wallets, and while they’re doing that, the Ball will entertain them with an amazing act. Stay tuned, and keep the donations coming.

Elizabeth asks Nikolas what he thinks about the telethon, and he says he’s nervous; working phones isn’t exactly in his skill set. She says he’s charming and good with people. Now he can put those talents to work. Ava comes out, and says she’s getting water for Franco. He’s answered so many calls, he’s parched.

Finn is late, and looks in on Willow and Michael answering phones.

Nelle fixes her makeup, when there’s a knock at the door. She opens it, and Julian says, she summoned him. She says it took him long enough. He asks, what’s the rush? Everyone despises her, so whatever she’s planning, it’s not going to work. She says, tonight, she’s going to give her greatest performance yet. Call it a disappearing act, if you will.

Monica hopes she didn’t miss too much of the Ball, and turns on the TV. Upstairs, Wiley sleeps blissfully alongside Mr. Hopsicle.

Julian asks if Nelle is going somewhere, and she tells him, don’t worry about the details. He asks, what’s happening? and she says, let’s just say, nothing and no one is going to get in her way tonight. He says she’s more delusional than he feared, and she says if he’s not more supportive, she’ll have a chat with Sonny. She’ll tell him that Julian knew his grandson was alive, and kept the secret. He says, it sounds like a threat, and she says, only if he disappoints her. She promises she and her son will be together. He says if she thinks her song and dance is going to convince the judge to believe she’s a changed woman, face it; she lost custody. She didn’t even get supervised visitation. She says, the judge was in Michael’s pocket even before the hearing. The verdict just confirmed what she already knew. She picks up the fabric shears (I would never go against Maxie’s correction, and call them scissors), and says she’s not getting Wiley back by playing by the rules; the rules were rigged against her. She’s doing it her way, and Julian is going to help her.

Martin is looking for the phone bank, and Valentin is surprised he volunteered. Martin says, he admires he frontline workers. Most people aspire to be selfless and courageous, but they really are. Valentin says, a lawyer with scruples, and Martin says he’s not the only one. Valentin is matching the donations. He knows Lucy doesn’t have that kind of money, but Valentin does, now that he has controlling interest in ELQ. Valentin says he’s going to make a profitable company more profitable, and Martin says it looks like Valentin is getting everything he wanted. Valentin says, not everything, no.

Jax notices Nina is wearing the half-heart necklace. She says, maybe it’s superstitious, but it’s the only thing attracting her child, so she’s keeping it close.

Lulu asks Dustin if everything is okay, and he says, sorry about what happened with Brook. Lulu says, it wasn’t his fault. Brook lives to push boundaries, especially when… He asks what she was going to say, and she says, he said it first. When Brook is causing trouble, it usually means she’s hurting.

Brook looks in the mirror, and says, you got this. Get up on stage, and show everyone you’re a winner. Dad, Dusty, and high and mighty Lulu are all a bunch of haters. Let them hate. You’re a star. Get out there and bring in donations.

Backstage, Olivia tells Ned, they’re next, and he asks if she’s still mad. She wonders if he really wants to talk about this right now, and he says, whatever it is, tell him. She says it’s about the way he treated Brook. He threw her out, called her a traitor, and turned his back on his own child. He says, she sabotaged ELQ, and Olivia says, she made a mistake. She was desperate to save her singing career, and was impulsive. It wasn’t corporate espionage. He says, she betrayed ELQ, and betrayed the family, but Olivia says, it’s not the same thing. Ned says, there’s no difference, and she tells him, it might be time for him to choose one over the other.

Lucy says, now is the perfect time to make a donation. They’re raising funds for safety equipment – Finn answers phones, and Martin sits down to put his headset on – for the doctors, nurses, fireman, police, technical workers, orderlies, and support staff. They’re out there on the frontlines, risking everything to do the necessary, essential work. It’s just a small way of saying thank you. She asks everyone, please call and donate, and while the viewers are doing that, they’ll do their best to entertain. Now it’s her great pleasure to introduce a dynamic duo that never fails to enthrall – Ned and Olivia Quartermaine. Ned plays guitar and Olivia sings with him. I’m batting 1000 on song titles this year, and have no clue. Something about finding the trail that leads back to you. They come closer together as they sing, at the end, touch their heads together.

Finn answers phones, and in between calls, tells Anna that he’s so sorry he was late. She says it’s okay, but he missed Maxie’s announcement that she’s pregnant. Maxie and Peter are both over the moon, obviously. Finn says, what about her? and she says she thinks it’s the best possible news. Peter can stop regretting his past, and look to the future.

Martin says now that Valentin has controlling interest in ELQ, he assumes Valentin will be making changes. He asks if he’ll be corporate counsel. Valentin tells him, don’t think what he’s done has gone unnoticed. He thinks of Martin as a friend. Martin says, that’s touching, but doesn’t get him out of paying his bill. Michael and Willow come by, and Valentin says they were just discussing ELQ, and he’s impressed with Michael’s endeavors with green technology. He wants to employ a more traditional structure, but would like Michael to be VP of their green initiative. Michael says he thought the point was to take the company away from him, but Valentin says, the point was to take a profitable company and make it more profitable. Although he admits the slight bit of payback wasn’t entirely unsatisfying. Willow says imagine if Valentin had been an ally instead of staging a takeover, and he says he respects her as a teacher, but wonders if she understands the concept of staying in your lane. Michael tells him, the war is never-ending for ELQ, and Valentin says, it’s a new day. Michael would be wise to join him in creating the success of ELQ.

Jax tells Nina, he hates watching Valentin ride off with control of ELQ. He has affection for the Quartermaines, and Michael is his stepson and Josslyn’s brother. Nina says he didn’t ask for her advice, but she’s giving it. Stay out of it. He says, easier said than done, and she says she’s not talking about his corporate skills or helping Michael. She knows Valentin better than anyone, and if Jax gets involved, Valentin will feel more pressure to prove himself

Julian takes the shears from Nelle, and says her plan is literally the definition of insane. She’s on parole, and if she gets caught… She says she’s not going to get caught. If he thinks she’s just going to hand over her son to Michael and Willow, it’s practically like giving him to Carly. It’s not happening. He’ll do his part, and she’ll do her part. He says, that’s where she’s wrong. This wasn’t part of the deal. She says, the deal changed. It’s his choice; play ball, or face the wrath of Sonny. She says she’s not a mind reader, and will need a verbal response. He says he’s in, and she says she had a feeling he’d see it her way.

Lucy says she’s grateful and excited to announce the next performance. Their next performer has generously arranged for Deception to match every dollar. Please call and donate, and please welcome Valentin Cassadine. Valentin says his song is dedicated to anyone who can’t be with the person they love. Jax looks at Nina, as Valentin sits at the piano, and sings. No luck with this song title either, but it’s bluesy, pretty, and about feelings. Everyone behind-the-scenes smiles or ponders. A band appears out of nowhere, and there’s a nice sax accompaniment. Nina tears up.

Lulu asks if Dustin minds extending their break. She just managed to avoid Valentin’s number, and she’d like to do the same with Brook. He asks if she doesn’t even want to see it, and she says, God no. Especially if she’s fantastic. She’ll have to paste a smile on her face and be supportive, when she hates Brook’s guts. He asks if she didn’t say something supportive just before, and she says she has a right to be pissed. Between Brook’s digs about Dante, and her non-stop hitting on Dustin, she deserves what she gets. Dustin says, okay, but Brook was stuck in her contract and felt alone. She even reached out to her dad. Lulu says, Ned thought it was time Brook dealt with the situation she’d created on her own. It’s not a bad parenting idea in theory, but she understands why Brook felt abandoned. He says she almost sounds sympathetic, and she says, almost.

On the phone, Nelle says, all clear on her end. Is he in position? Julian says, he’s at the Quartermaines now, and she says there are several access points; just pick one, let himself in, and find Wiley. Brook listens outside the door.  Nelle says, Wiley is in his room already, so the only person Julian will have to deal with is Monica. I can see inside Brook’s head, and she’s like, dammit. My number is coming up and now I have to deal with this.

On the phone, Nelle tells Julian, don’t get cold feet; remember the consequences. Julian says, if this goes wrong, Nelle will lose Wiley forever. Why doesn’t she do it right, and follow the rules? She tells him, bring the kangaroo with him. It has the GPS in it, and the second he leaves, she’s going to track him on the app. Get going.

Martin tells Valentin, bravo, and Valentin asks how the fundraising is going. Martin says, donations have been pouring in. He’s not surprised Valentin’s performance got quite a response, given the emotions on display. Valentin says, I beg your pardon? and Martin says, normally Valentin is guarded, but it definitely looked like he was wearing his heart on his sleeve. He hopes Nina appreciates his effort. Valentin says, Nina is with Jax now – until she realizes he’s just a shiny object. Martin says, in the meantime, Valentin sits alone, but Valentin says he has plenty of interests to take up his time.

Nikolas gets some water, and Ava says he’s fortunate to have a built-in excuse to take a break. She couldn’t take Elizabeth sulking one more moment. He says Elizabeth is busy answering phones, and Ava says, and shooting her death stares. He says she’s exaggerating, but she says she knows insecurity when she sees it. Elizabeth has the wrong idea about Franco; they’re just friends. He tells her, if she says so, and she says she does. Franco isn’t doing much to set the record straight, but she wishes Elizabeth knew what it felt like to have the shoe on the other foot.

Lucy tells us that Nikolas Cassadine miraculously returned to Port Charles this year. Backstage, Ava tells him, break a leg, and she means that sincerely. She hopes he does. Nikolas comes out, and thanks Lucy. He says it’s been a few years since he attended the Nurses Ball, but he’s thrilled to be back, especially when there’s a telethon for frontline workers and their families, but they have to continue their original mission, to support HIV and AIDS charities. That’s why he and his wife are going to donate a million dollars to further research, and another million to the telethon. In the wings, Ava nearly chokes on the can of soda she’s drinking. He asks Ava to join him; it’s her moment too. Ava comes out, and says he’s very generous, and he says he’s not done. Where would they be without the frontline workers and their courage, selflessness, and compassion? One of the finest people he knows is a nurse. She’s his oldest friend; they met in high school – Elizabeth Webber. He’s seen first-hand how she embodies the virtue of a healer, and tonight, he’s announcing that he’s endowing a scholarship for future nursing students in her name – the Elizabeth Webber School. Elizabeth smiles, and Franco looks like he has a headache.

Nina sees Valentin, and he approaches her. They look at each other, and she says, it was a beautiful song. He thanks her, and says he’s glad she enjoyed it. She says she should get going, but he slides in front of her, and asks if that’s the necklace from her mother. She says, yes; it’s supposed to mend a broken heart. He says, everything he did, the lies he told, it was because he wanted her to be happy. She says she’s always known that, but he needs to understand the end doesn’t justify the means. He says he’s sorry, and she says she knows that, and knows he means it, but some mistakes and heartbreaks can’t be undone with an apology. She walks away, and he looks like he might cry. I actually say, aww, out loud.

Brook walks into the room where Nelle is, and asks where she’s going. Nelle picks up her bag, and says she has to  be backstage, but Brook says she’s not going backstage or anywhere else. Not until the cops get there. Nelle asks what she’s talking about, and Brook says, Nelle is conspiring to abduct Wiley. She’s talking about Nelle finally going back to prison where she belongs.

Monica says she doesn’t need to hear Lucy’s pitch again, and mutes the TV. Julian peeks in from outside, and puts a ski mask on, because he’s subtle that way. Monica’s phone rings, and she says she must have left it in the foyer. She goes to find it, and comes in the patio door all stealthy, and moves to the hallway.

Elizabeth tells Nikolas, she doesn’t know what to say; she’s so honored. He says the honor is his, and takes her hands. Franco jumps up, and asks what the hell is going on. Elizabeth says, stop, but he says, first of all, hands off his wife. Secondly, her name is Elizabeth Baldwin. Nikolas says he’s being absurd. He dedicated the scholarship to an old friend. He thought Franco would appreciate it. Elizabeth says she does. It will benefit deserving nursing students, and she’s touched that it’s in her name. She’s sorry Franco isn’t more gracious. She leaves, Franco glares at Nikolas, Nikolas acts like, what? and Ava watches.

Sonny’s phone dings, and Carly asks if it’s a text from Turning Woods. Sonny says there’s been no change in his dad’s condition; at least not tonight. She asks if he wants to go, but he says, cut out early? Wasn’t it her idea? She says he’s done enough matching the donations, and he asks if she wants to leave. She says she wants to do what feels right for him, and he thinks they should stay. He’s thinking about the medical personal who have helped his dad. The doctors and orderlies who have treated Mike with dignity and respect. It’s a way for them to say thank you. Isn’t that why Carly came up with the idea? She says, that’s exactly why.

Elizabeth goes into the bathroom, then into a stall, which is humongous. She leans against the wall.

Jax tells Nikolas, it was quite a generous donation, and Nikolas says, the Cassadines have always supported the Nurses Ball; the telethon makes it even more important. Ava joins them, and Jax says it looked like Ava was caught off guard. He wonders if she knew about it. Nina comes by, and says she needs to go to the powder room. She asks if Ava wants to join her, and Ava says she’d be happy to. When they’re gone, Jax says, a power couple, but Nikolas says, Ava’s words, not his. Franco comes out, and Nikolas says sorry Franco objected to the donation. Elizabeth certainly didn’t. Franco calls Nikolas a spoiled entitled boy, and tells him, it’s time to grow up. He gets whatever he wants, and Elizabeth seems blind to his faults. Jax tells them to put their differences aside and play nice.

Nina asks Ava, what happened? Nikolas seemed intense. Ava says, Jax didn’t, but Nina didn’t drag her in there to talk about Nikolas. Nina says she needs a reality check after hearing Valentin’s song. Ava says she didn’t fall for him, did she? Nina says he has many flaws. He always has a strategy and plan, and hates being vulnerable, but he sang with such honesty, it got to her; she couldn’t help it. Ava understands, and says the Cassadine men seem to have a way of getting under their skin. Nina says, speaking of which, what’s going on with Nikolas? Is she jealous about him fussing over Elizabeth? Ava says, even if they’re married in name only, just flirting, especially with a married woman, is tacky. But it may also be profitable. If Nikolas sleeps with another woman, it triggers the infidelity clause, and she gets 90% of the estate. Still in the stall, Elizabeth hears everything.

Julian skulks around, and Monica goes back to the television. She hears Wiley on the monitor, and hopes he’s not waking up. Even though she was told not to, if he’s crying, she’s going to get him.

Nelle says Brook didn’t hear what she thinks she did. She was practicing her number from Chicago. Brook says she knows Nelle is a pathological liar, and sent someone to snatch Wiley. Nelle says Brook sounds crazy, and Brook says, Nelle is crazy, thinking she can steal Wiley from his family. Nelle says she’s Wiley’s mother; she is his family. Brook says, what she is, is a kidnapper caught in the act.

The monitor is quiet, and Monica says, still sleeping; disaster averted. Julian puts chloroform on a cloth, and I hope he didn’t chloroform the baby. He sneaks up behind Monica, and puts the cloth over her nose and mouth. We see Wiley still sleeping peacefully.

Brook says she can’t wait for Nelle to be hauled off in front of the volunteers and the viewers. Nelle says they’ll say she was being harassed, and Brook says she’ll call Michael first, and he can call the police. Dammit. I thought she’d already called someone. Why do they always do that? Nelle knocks the phone out of her hand, and Brook says, no worries. Mac is there. He can arrest her himself. Nelle picks up the shears, and Brook says, sorry. She’ll pretend she didn’t see or hear anything. Nelle says, save it, bitch, and slashes at Brook.

To be continued…

Tomorrow, Olivia tells Jax that he scared the hell out of her, Willow says it’s offer that can’t be refused, Julian tells Monica he’s sorry, but had no choice, and Nelle tells Brook that she should have been nicer.

The Real Housewives of New York City

Ramona tells Sonja that she googled what causes anger. Dorinda got mad at her the first night, then went off on LuAnn. Sonja asks why she sent it in a group text to everyone, and Ramona says they never know when she’s going to blow up. LuAnn comes in, and says she can’t believe Ramona sent a group text. Did she do it on purpose? Ramona says she had to do something, and LuAnn says she can’t believe Ramona did it on purpose. Ramona says she wants Dorinda to see that she’s serious. Articles painting Ramona in a bad light start coming in on the women’s phones. In LuAnn’s interview, she says, Ramona just lit the fuse, and this firecracker is a big one. Ramona asks how she should have handled it, and LuAnn says, talk to Dorinda nicely at dinner. Now she’s on a rampage. She’s going to be fuming. Ramona says, she’s already fuming. She thought Dorinda would be introspective, and LuAnn says, not on a group text. She doesn’t think Ramona understands, and Ramona says she doesn’t. Dorinda needs to work on her issues instead of attacking them. It’s obvious Dorinda has an anger problem; she’s not making it up. LuAnn wishes she’d done it personally. Now Dorinda is defending herself with the group. Ramona asks why LuAnn didn’t help, and LuAnn says she was packing; she has to leave early. Ramona says she’ll think about it, and LuAnn says she will too. Ramona says she’ll follow LuAnn’s lead, and in her interview, LuAnn says, Ramona’s job is done, and she’s free and clear. No dustpan is big enough for this mess. She sees Dorinda on the stairs, and tells her goodbye.

Dorinda goes to Ramona and Sonja’s room, and says, great article. Keep it going. Dorinda double-dares her. In her interview, Dorinda says, rats come out at night. If you want to say something, say it. Don’t send it in a group text. Ramona says Dorinda needs to deal with her anger, and Sonja says, here we go. Ramona says Dorinda attacked LuAnn, and made her cry; she was traumatized. Dorinda says Ramona uses the word traumatized too freely, and Ramona says Dorinda is worse than her father. Dorinda says Ramona should have been an actress. Don’t be jealous of her life. LuAnn listens, but then decides to keep going on her way. Dorinda leaves, and Ramona tells Sonja, Dorinda has lost her mind. In Sonja’s interview, she wonders what Ramona expected. Dorinda is defensive now. Sonja says she could have stopped it from happening, but wanted to see the reaction. Ramona says maybe Dorinda is jealous of her life. She goes on dates, and has guy and girl friends. Sonja asks why Ramona is going down this avenue, and Ramona says she’s just trying to help. She also says she pooped he robe, which is a whole other issue.

The women are meeting for drinks in a patio area, and LuAnn and Dorinda show up first. LuAnn tells Dorinda that she wants to have a conversation, but Dorinda says they had it the other day. We flash back to LuAnn saying Dorinda attacked her. LuAnn tells Dorinda that she wants her to listen because she loves her, and she wants it to be cool with the girls. Dorinda says she doesn’t care about being cool with the girls. All she does is give, and they want to focus on one thing. She thinks it’s wrong. In Dorinda’s interview, she says she’s not comfortable with the conversation. It’s only about her, with no history of LuAnn. LuAnn just landed from Mars in a beautiful cabaret Jovani gown. It doesn’t work like that. She watches CNN. LuAnn says, don’t do this, but Dorinda thinks it’s ridiculous after everything she’s done for LuAnn. LuAnn says Dorinda won’t listen. She’s forgiven Dorinda because she loves her, but it’s about people’s feelings. Hers have been hurt, but they got through it because they love each other. Dorinda says they can’t live in the past, and LuAnn says she doesn’t like it when Dorinda is angry. Dorinda thanks her, and says she wants to be LuAnn’s friend, but it’s okay if she doesn’t want to. LuAnn says she does. Leah joins them, and says the place is amazing, and Dorinda says, wait see what they have coming. LuAnn say she wants to talk about one thing – for her. Leah was there when Ramona said something about Dorinda. Dorinda says, they’re going backward again, but get it out. LuAnn says she didn’t talk about Dorinda’s drinking; Ramona did. Dorinda  thanks her, and LuAnn asks why she’s not listening. Leah says, she thinks that night Ramona said something very rude, and it spilled over. LuAnn says Dorinda made it like she was the one who said something, and it hurt her. Dorinda says she’s sorry – again. In Leah’s interview, she agrees Dorinda came for LuAnn, but LuAnn is dragging it out. Even if Dorinda’s apology isn’t truthful, just move on. Dorinda says she could go on, and bring back stuff, and LuAnn says what’s important to her is Dorinda. In LuAnn’s interview, she says she can’t help Dorinda; she has to help herself first. So it’s frustrating. She wants to fix Dorinda, and make it right. Everyone sits down to dinner.

Chef Daniela describes the Mexican fiesta she made for them, and all kinds of food is brought out. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, Ramona is all talk behind closed doors, but shine the light on her, and she’s on a thank you tour just to avoid it. Sonja says a busy week is coming up, with her launch and the party. Dorinda asks Leah about her fashion line, while Ramona gripes to the server that the wine is old. She does know it’s supposed to be, right? That it gets better with age? Leah tells Dorinda that she doesn’t have a fashion background, but decided to start her own brand. Ramona tastes the wine and says, it’s bad. In Sonja’s interview, she says she’ll have the 1969 Petrus, and Ramona can have the 2020 pinot. Ramona grumbles that she likes her wine at room temperature. LuAnn says, there’s so much bullsh*t going around the table, she can’t see. Leah says, Ramona does like to complain, and Dorinda says Leah wasn’t on the group text. Ramona asks if Leah wants to know, and Leah says, hell yeah. What did Ramona do? LuAnn says, let’s just get through it because it’s bullsh*t. Dorinda tells Ramona, you don’t leave people out; it’s mean to do that, and she does it to Leah a lot. Leah asks if she can see the text already, and Sonja hands Leah her phone. Leah starts laughing, and says if she’d known she wasn’t in a group text, she would have thought it was about her. In Leah’s interview, she says, leaving her out says I don’t give a sh*t about you, and don’t care if you’re offended. Dorinda says, just google Ramona, and Leah asks if Ramona thinks Dorinda has anger issues. Ramona says Dorinda helped her through her darkest moments, and she loves her. Dorinda laughs, and says, here we go. Ramona says Dorinda gets so angry, she doesn’t know what to do. In Ramona’s interview, she says they all feel the same, but the others don’t have the balls to help. Why her? Because she has the guts. LuAnn says this is freaking her out. They rip each other a new one, and come to dinner like nothing happened. In LuAnn’s interview, she says she can’t deal. Ramona just dropped a bomb, the fire is still smoldering, and they’re sitting there like they don’t see it. Ramona asks what LuAnn wants her to do, and LuAnn says, be real. Ramona says she is real. In her interview, Dorinda asks how many times Ramona needs to say she’s angry. Does she have to pile it on? Did she do that to Ramona? Good job. In Ramona’s interview, she says she loves Dorinda, but doesn’t love it when she’s angry. Right now, she hates who Dorinda is, but Dorinda doesn’t want to get it. She gives up. Dorinda tells Ramona, she says she’s okay, but is she really okay? She never wants Ramona to feel abandoned. I’m not positive if she’s genuinely concerned or being sarcastic. Sonja says, Dorinda puts on a brave face, and of course she’s going to have a short fuse. She has to let them know how she’s feeling too. In Sonja’s interview, she says she’s been on  the receiving end of Dorinda’s wrath, and we flash back to that. She says she’s always understood that Dorinda is going through pain, and rather than feel it herself, she’s projecting. If you don’t get that, you’re an imbecile. Sonja tells Dorinda, don’t be so brave. It makes her frustrated. Dorinda says they’ve all been there for each other. LuAnn toasts to the good, the bad, and… Dorinda finishes, the article.

Everyone packs. I’ll miss Mexico. Ramona tells Sonja that LuAnn left. She’s glad she brought up Dorinda’s anger, and they discussed it in a diplomatic way. Ramona admits she gets hysterical and her delivery sucks. Sonja says she thought LuAnn could pull it off, but Ramona says LuAnn wants the clothes and perks Dorinda can give her.

Leah meets with her Married to the Mob team. They talk about the new pieces coming in, and how Jerzees wants to collaborate with them. In Leah’s interview, she says she may not have an MBA, but she’s a smart effing cookie. We flash back to Leah telling LuAnn that she started a business with the money she won in a lawsuit. Leah tells us that she thought she’d have a private jet, and be doing a billion dollars in business, but she had to adjust her expectations. She tells her team that it needs to be perfect. It’s the 15 year collection, and indicative of where she is in life. It’s going to be sold online only. They’re beginning a new chapter. In her interview, Leah says, people don’t understand how hard it is to keep a company in business and relevant. It’s about expanding. The sky’s the limit for the Mob.

In her interview, Ramona says, after they came back, she felt unsettled, so she went back to therapy. Something wasn’t sitting right in her heart and soul. We flash back to Ramona wailing about not finding a man. She tells the therapist, good news; she’s come full circle. The last time she was there, she wasn’t in her right mojo. He’d told her if she couldn’t connect, maybe she didn’t want to, and was sabotaging her relationships since she was hurt by her ex. She took time to reflect, and even took notes. She wondered why she would cancel dates, and a girlfriend pointed out that when Ramona is with a guy, she even sits different; coquettish and flirty. We flash back to several times she’s flirted, and the therapist asks if it’s a different version of herself, or is it genuine? She says she thinks it’s genuine. She’s sensual, but there’s more to her. She’s self-made, a giver, and has a warm heart, but it’s not coming through. She wants to be liked for herself, not her game. She’s finding she’s more successful on dates, and had a blind date. He’s never been married, has no kids, and they had a great time. He asks what made her go, and she says a woman who knows her suggested him. We see a clip of her and date Enrique at dinner. She tells the therapist that she acted differently with her girlfriends, than with men, where she was trying to be liked. She has a different attitude now, and wants to continue working on her friendships. She doesn’t need a man, but wants a man who really loves her for herself. The therapist tells her, keep doing what she’s doing. It seems like she’s in a good spot.

LuAnn meets with her cabaret team for a rehearsal workshop, but can’t find Sonja. In her interview, she says she loves traveling with the girls, but it’s great to be back in New York, and her show. It’s grounding and feeds her soul. She goes over the show structure with production manager Andy. She finally calls Sonja, who answers wearing a bathrobe. LuAnn tells her to get her ass over there, but Sonja says it’s her launch tonight. LuAnn didn’t say they were meeting the day of her party. LuAnn says they have a rehearsal, but Sonja insists she was never told. In Sonja’s interview, she says she doesn’t know what she missed except for the memo. She has her Century 21 launch tonight. It’s the biggest event of her career. She tells LuAnn that she doesn’t need a rehearsal, and LuAnn said she was distracting when she comes there. LuAnn says, it’s not an impromptu visit, and in her interview, she says, Sonja wants to be paid more, but doesn’t want to come to rehearsal for free. Sonja says cabaret director Ben should come to her launch, but he has his Fire Island house winter reunion. Sonja tells him to light her fire.

Bunny comes by Leah’s apartment, and in her interview, Leah says her mom teaches religion class to Kiki, and sleeps over on Tuesday nights. She thinks Kiki fulfills what she didn’t for Bunny. Bunny brings food, and they spread everything out. In Leah’s interview, she says she and Kiki have a relationship where she knows she’ll like her daughter. We flash back to Sarah telling Leah that their mother doesn’t like them. Leah says she’s still pissed off. They talk about Leah’s fashion line, Married to the Mob, and Leah tells Bunny about going to the bathhouse with Sarah. She’d told Sarah that she thought her relationship with Bunny had improved, but Sarah was discouraging. Sarah told her that Bunny didn’t like her. Bunny says she might have said that, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love Leah. One thing she doesn’t like is Leah’s drinking. If Leah wants her to change her thoughts about that, it’s not happening. Leah say she still carries guilt for what happened when she was a teenager. She starts to cry, and says she can’t let it go, but doesn’t feel that’s who she is. Bunny says Leah got sober, had a baby, and has a business. She did fine. Bunny thinks when Leah believes she’s judging her, it’s just that she doesn’t want to see Leah lose what she worked hard for. It doesn’t enhance her life. Leah says, it’s not effecting anything, and in her interview, she says her mom is an Irish Catholic therapist, and she’s her mom’s worst nightmare. She hasn’t had a drink in 40 years, and feels like she has authority. Leah says she just needs to hear Bunny say… Bunny says Leah is wonderful, and she loves her. Leah asks if Bunny is proud of her, and Bunny says she always has been, but Leah wants her to say it every minute. Leah say she needs that, and Bunny says Leah needs to hear it more than she thinks to say it. In her interview, she says her daughter told her, perfect doesn’t exist. Her relationship with Bunny is challenging, but things won’t be the way she wants them, and she has to accept that.

Leah arrives at the Century 21 launch wearing a Sonja by Sonja dress. In her interview, she says she’s wanted to rep Sonja properly, but was sent pajamas and a pimp hat the first time. Now she’s doing it properly in a dress that’s more her. Ramona shows up in the lace number we’ve seen before. Sonja comes in with intern Matthew, and in her interview, she says, if anyone doubted her before, when she was talking perfume, jewelry, fashion, and a toaster oven – we flash back to Sonja saying it’s a lifestyle brand, and Bethenny explaining that Tipsy Girl would be considered a cheater brand – she doesn’t have to be right. She’d never say I told you so, but it feels good. She’s delivering what she promised. Dorinda says she’s wearing Sonja too, and Sonja says they look amazing. LuAnn arrives, and poses for a picture with Sonja and marketing director Heather. In LuAnn’s interview, she says, two wrongs don’t make a right. She’s wasn’t not going to show up. That’s not the kind of girl she is. Dorinda say she heard Sonja didn’t show up for rehearsal, and in her interview, LuAnn says it makes her wondering if Sonja will show up for the real show. If she doesn’t, it will be an issue. Dorinda says Sonja claimed she didn’t know, and LuAnn says, maybe Sonja didn’t remember, but she knew. It worked out well though; they got a lot done. Ramona breaks out her own straw for her wine. LuAnn says she’s going to be sending out invites for the new show, but Dorinda says she can’t make it since she’s having wrist surgery. LuAnn says, it’s not a big deal.

The Century 21 guy, whose name I can’t remember, says they’re proud to do a collaboration with Sonja. They love her styling and fashion, and love Sonja. Sonja takes the mic, and say she never thought she’d say it, but she actually feels humble. Ramona’s phone rings, and Ramona doesn’t seem to know how to turn it off. Sonja says Ramona doesn’t know how to work her own phone. She knows Ramona has a hot date. She tells everyone that it’s been a long haul, but they believed in her. She gives a shout out to her Wives crew, and says if she could poop out the toaster oven, she would. In Leah’s interview, she says, Sonja is glowing. There’s something different in Sonja that she’s never seen before; a twinkle in her eye. Leah is happy for her. Sonja introduces Leah as her new girlfriend, and Dorinda says they’ve come a long way since the fashion shoot. In her interview, Leah says she hopes Sonja’s line gets bigger and better, and she hopes now Sonja focuses on bringing it to fruition. That means money, and a paycheck. The women toast to Sonja’s success.

Next time, LuAnn sings Happy Birthday, John comes to Dorinda’s party, and Ramona says Elyse isn’t a good person.

🥯 From Toaster Oven To Fashion Maven…

I’ve looked at her website, and Sonja does have some beautiful, and affordable, clothes.

👕 Mob Talk…

Leah discusses her fashion line.

👠 Playing By the Rules…

It says everything in their lives has to be fair game, but I don’t believe that for a second. There have been plenty of times when kids and husbands were off limits. On the other hand, alcohol being always available and free makes perfect sense.

🛸 All Guests To the Bridge…

It’s seems like nearly everyone has shown up where no man has gone before.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Still Catching Up…

A day of a computer mess equals a week of catching up. Teatime tomorrow, but for today, stay safe, stay finding joy in the little things, and stay hopeful that one day we’ll be less than six feet from one another.

August 19, 2020 – Maxie Makes an Announcement, Buca di Shower, Text Wars, Brandi Is a Huge Selfish Baby, Stew Overboard & Machines


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Lucy welcomes us back to the Nurses Ball Telethon. She’s proud to be the mistress of ceremonies, and says the audience may have noticed that things are different. They wanted to make sure frontline workers get what they need. When those who usually attend the Ball were asked to pitch in, they didn’t hesitate, because it’s a way to thank the essential workers and their families. She tells us not to think too much has changed. It’s still all about entertainment, and the most talented Port Charles residents are waiting to entertain us. Don’t go away.

Brook tells herself, she can do this, and then says, she can’t do this. Dustin comes in, and asks if she has stage fright.

Franco thanks Elizabeth for coming, and she says since they’re raising money for the frontline workers, she’d feel selfish staying away. He asks if she’s mad at him, and she says, should she be? Ava joins them, and says she didn’t realize Elizabeth was coming. Elizabeth says, clearly not, and Ava says she’s glad Elizabeth decided to pitch in, but the phones aren’t going to answer themselves. She tells them to get back to it, and Elizabeth shoots Franco a look.

Lucy finds Maxie backstage talking to Lulu, and says, there she is. She needs to put on her mic. Lulu says she’ll help, and Lucy says, the plan is for Maxie to make a short speech. Hit the stage, be warm and winsome, and pitch her heart out. Be adorable, and introduce Brook. Lucy adds, throw in some humor. Make them laugh, and they’ll throw money at her. Brook’s song will be over-the-top. When Lucy is gone, Maxie says, no pressure or anything.

Anna asks if Peter is okay, and he says he’s proud of Maxie, and wants the night to go right. Anna is sure Maxie will be her spectacular, charming, effervescent self. Anna knows Peter truly cares for Maxie, and when she looks out, he’ll be there cheering her on.

Spinelli tells Robert, tonight, Peter’s castle of lies will crash around him. Robert says, Nelle’s baseless information is interesting, but there’s no proof, and Spinelli shouldn’t be talking about it. Spinelli says, it’s imperative that Maxie know the truth tonight.

Curtis asks Portia what she thinks about the Ball, and Portia wonders why Jordan held a press conference, singing the praises of the man responsible for her husband’s death.

A man approaches Jordan on the pier, and she says he’s looking pretty good for a dead man. She thought they’d agreed he’d stay far away from Port Charles. We see it’s Taggert, and he says it turns out he has unfinished business.

Trina, Josslyn, and Cameron run backstage, and Trina says sorry she wasn’t on time. Cameron says, they’re not late. They have plenty of time. Portia says they’re cutting it close, and Curtis tells them, break a leg. He tells Trina that she’ll make her father proud, but she says she doesn’t need him to tell her that. She tells her friends, come on guys; the show must go on.

Jordan says Taggert is taking a risk. If Cyrus or his men see him, he’ll really be dead, and if her men see him, he’ll be arrested for fabricating his death. He says, there’s no warrant out for his arrest. He’s a dead man.

Lucy introduces Epiphany, Felix, and Amy, and Felix says, it’s because of people like the viewers that they’ve raised funds for HIV/AIDS over the years. Now they’re extending that to the frontline workers. Amy says they can’t do their jobs alone, and Epiphany says, there are also firefighters, police, EMTs, and ambulance crews. They all take risks on the frontline, and are there when they’re needed. The telethon is a chance to do something in return. Lucy asks everyone to please call or donate online. It’s up to the viewers to thank them.

Brook asks Dustin why this always happens; she loves performing. He says she’ll be fine once she gets in front of the lights, but she says, what if nothing comes out? He reminds her of a performance at the bar, where he had to block the door to keep her from running away, and asks, what happened next? She says she blew the roof off, and did seven encores. He says, the same thing will happen tonight.

Sam tells TJ and Molly, Jason is going to make a full recovery, but the bad news is, he could bolt the hospital at any time. Molly says she doesn’t believe he’d do that. TJ sees Brando, and calls him over. TJ says he guesses when Brando heard about the Nurses Ball, he was never told he’d be picking up phones. Brando says if he has a choice between the phones or sitting around in a tux, he’ll go with the phones.

Jax comes into the phone bank, and tells Nina, sorry he’s late. She asks if he knows what to say, and he says, Nurses Ball Telethon; thank you for calling.

Sasha’s picture is on a big screen on stage, and Lucy says if everyone is wondering who the absolutely gorgeous woman is behind her, it’s Sasha Gilmore, the face of Deception Cosmetics. She’s proud of the image, but prouder that Deception will match every single donation given to this wonderful cause. They can do that because of the generosity of one of their partners, Valentin Cassadine. Full disclosure, she’s also a partner, but tonight isn’t about one person or a company. It’s about coming together to honor others. Lulu puts the microphone on Maxie backstage, and Lucy continues. She says she wants to welcome Deception’s own Maxie Jones. Maxie tells Lulu, that’s her cue. Lucy is going to kill her. Lulu continues hooking Maxie’s microphone up, and Maxie says, at least she’s not in a ball gown. She won’t be wearing one of those anytime soon. Lulu asks if she’s had a chance to talk to Peter, and doesn’t realize the mic is on. Everyone can hear what Maxie is saying. She says, it’s delicate and she has to find the right moment to tell Peter that she’s pregnant. Since everyone in the place hears, including Peter, I say, not anymore

Maxie says, it’s not like they planned it. On stage, Lucy says, no, no, no. Technical difficulties. Excusez-moi. Maxie says she doesn’t know how Peter feels. They’ve never even tiptoed around the subject. Lucy flies backstage, and says, Maxie… and Maxie says she knows; she missed her cue. Maxie runs out, and says she’s sorry she’s a little late. Hi, Port Charles. She tells everyone that she’s the VP and creative director of Deception, and it’s a privilege to be there. Lucy comes back out, and tells her that her mic pack is on. Maxie says, yes, it is. So everyone can hear her. Lucy says, they can, they did, and they have heard every word. Maxie says, oh no, and Lucy says, oh yeah. Her whole conversation with Lulu was broadcast through the MetroCourt and all the viewers in town. Maxie walks quickly off the stage.

Anna looks at Peter, and he dashes out. Lulu asks if Maxie is okay, and Maxie says she can handle it, but keeps walking.

Dustin says Brook is a great singer, a potential legend. If he didn’t know the first night he heard her, he definitely knew in the bar. She says whenever she got knocked down or discouraged, he was the first to pick her up, and he’s doing it again, like no time has passed. As corny as it sounds, he’s a knight in shining armor. She’s an idiot for letting him get away. She kisses him, as Lulu walks in.

Lulu says, excuse me. Would anybody care to explain? Brook says, this is awkward, and Lulu says that’s not the word she’d use. Brook suggests she not be there next time, and Dustin says, there’s not going to be a next time. He’s sorry if he gave Brook the wrong idea, but she can’t avoid her problems by using him as a crutch. It was a long time ago, and she ended it. He’s glad they’re writing together again, but he’s moved on. She says, got it; no problem, and she leaves.

Lucy says, in keeping with tradition, there are always surprises. Maxie’s was a doozy. She stole the spotlight, but they’ll hear more about Deception soon. Felix comes out, and tells Lucy, Cyrus would like to say a few words. She says, absolutely not. Tonight is about heroes, and he’s not a hero. Felix says, he’s waiting in the wings, and Lucy says, first, a bit of an announcement. She’s sure everyone is aware of the upheaval at GH lately. They’re fine, and stronger than ever, thanks to the new Chairman of the Board. She introduces Cyrus, and he thanks her. He thanks Port Charles for the warm welcome, and says he’s not much for speeches, so he’ll be brief. He came to the city with a bad rap, and a worse reputation. The community understands the importance of overcoming adversity, and has given him the opportunity to show who he really is. He’s deeply moved and grateful, and hopes it’s just the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership with the city of Port Charles.

Epiphany tells Felix and Amy, this is the start of a dire time at the hospital. Mark my words.

Alone in one of the offices, Maxie asks, why did this have to happen at the Nurses Ball? Peter finds her, and says, is it true? She says this isn’t how she wanted him to find out. On a list of all the ways, it’s all the way at the bottom. He asks if she’s really pregnant, and she nods. He asks why she didn’t tell him, and she says she’s not sure what to make of all of this. Having a baby with him is a dream she always wanted to happen… someday. But Deception is a dream she’s making happen now, and the thing about dreams is, you have to sacrifice. She’s scared she can’t sacrifice enough to do right by both dreams. He asks, who said she’s the only one who has to sacrifice? Say the word, and he’ll sell the paper tomorrow. She doesn’t have to sacrifice any dream. He’ll be there 24/7. They’re in this together 1000%. If that’s what she wants. She says, it’s their baby; of course (🍷) it’s what she wants. He says he loves her, and they hug.

Portia tells Curtis, Jordan must be working, since she’s not performing with Chase. Cyrus approaches, and says, the Commissioner performing is something he’d pay good money to see. He congratulates Portia on her new position as Chief of Internal Medicine, and says, funny how things turn out in a way that works for him. She says, lucky her, and he says, the luck is all his, and the hospital’s. He’ll see her around. She leaves, and he smiles at Curtis, who follows her.

Jordan tells Taggert that she called in every favor to get him a new ID, and had to convince Epiphany to go along with it. Evidently, they slowed his heart rate so much, even his daughter thought he died. He says he hates that Trina is grieving, and Jordan says, it was the only way to keep her safe. If Cyrus finds out he’s alive, Trina will be a target again. Is that what he wants? He says, of course (🍷) not, and she tells him, explain why he’s showing his face in Port Charles.

Lucy says, tonight, we’re seeing the best and brightest in Port Charles. What they lack in years, they make up for in talent. The kids get ready to go on, and Trina looks at a picture of Taggert on her phone. She says, this one is for you, dad. Lucy introduces Josslyn, Trina, and Cameron. Cameron plays guitar, and they sing. I have no idea what the name of the song was, but it was good, about being able to go anywhere if they just believed it.

Taggert says Jordan is acting high and mighty, after dragging his name through the mud. She says, with his blessing, and he says, that’s a strong word, She says, the only way to bring TJ home and eventually expose Cyrus, was to sacrifice Taggert’s reputation. He says she was supposed to be gathering evidence to put Cyrus away for real, and she says, that’s still the plan. He says, the last time he heard her, she was praising Cyrus in a press conference, and she says she had to convince Cyrus that she’s under his thumb. Taggert says, from where he’s sitting, Cyrus isn’t the only one convinced. She asks if he has a better plan, and he says he does. The reason he’s there is so he can kill Cyrus himself.

Jax tells the kids, they were fantastic – all of them – and they thank him.

Brook swipes everything off a desk, and says, screw you, Dustin. She doesn’t need him. She doesn’t need anyone. She looks in the mirror, and says she’s BLQ.

Portia tells Curtis, Cyrus makes her skin crawl, and Curtis says, Taggert is the reason Cyrus spent time in prison. Taggert is gone, so he’s taunting her instead. She says, son of a bitch, and he says she’s putting it kindly, She says, more than that, he made her miss Trina’s performance. He says she can catch it online; Trina will never know. Portia says, she’ll know. Trina can smell a lie just like her father. She wishes Taggert could be there to see Trina on stage. He deserved better than what she did to him.

Jax finds Nina, and says he was put to work so fast, he barely had a chance to say hello. How is she feeling about Maxie’s big moment? She says she’s happy for Maxie. Peter too. She guesses she can’t help wondering about her own child. Is she a doctor? A paramedic? In prison, or dead? Jax says his jeweler thought she had a lead, and he’ll follow up. Valentin joins them, and asks how Nina is holding up. Jax says Nina is no longer Valentin’s business, and Valentin asks if that’s how Nina feels. Nina says she has to get ready, and she and Jax leave.

Anna and Mac find Maxie with Peter. Anna says she was just checking, and Maxie says she can come in. Anna says she doesn’t mean to pry, and Maxie says, she’s a spy; all she does is pry. Mac asks if it’s true, and Maxie says it is. Anna asks if it’s good news, and she says, the best. Mac says, just when he thought he was through with dirty diapers… but he loves grandkids and dirty diapers. He leaves to call Maxie’s mom, and Anna tells Peter that she’s happy. He says, thanks, grandma. She leaves to catch up with Mac, and flashes back to Robert asking if it’s ever occurred to her that Peter is Alex’s son, not hers.

TJ asks if Brando boxes, and Brando says he started in the service. It’s a great way to stay in shape. TJ suggests they get in the ring sometime, but Molly says TJ is a doctor. He shouldn’t even be hitting the heavy bag. Sam says, working out is one thing, but sparring is a bit much. And Brando had that baseball injury. TJ says, he plays baseball? and Brando says, yes. Sam says they’re going to be late; they’d better get back. She steers Brando away, and he asks, what’s the problem? He was just making conversation. TJ is a friendly dude. She says, act unfriendly, and he says he’s not trying to bring trouble. How many times does he have to say it? She tells him that he can say it as many times as he wants to. She still won’t believe it.

Portia tells Curtis that she goes back and forth. Loving Taggert for saving Trina, and cursing him for making her a target. But she misses him. It’s been years, but she misses him every day. Curtis says he’s learned that you don’t stop caring just because you grow apart. She says the marriage didn’t end because they grew apart. Something came between them. Curtis asks, what? and she says, him. He says he thought she’d said she never told Taggert. She says she didn’t, but she might as well have. After Taggert came back, there was a distance between them; something unspoken. She thought she couldn’t get past the months Taggert had been gone while he was undercover, but what she couldn’t get over was Curtis.

Jordan says Taggert must be joking. She’s not going to let him commit murder. He says, it’s not murder, it’s justice. He’ll get away with it, since no one will suspect a dead man.

Portia tells Curtis, it was years ago; ancient history at this point. She should probably get back. She walks away, and he ponders.

Jordan tells Taggert, not cold-blooded murder. That’s not the man she knows. He says, the man she knew didn’t have someone trying to kill his daughter. She says, his daughter wasn’t in danger until he came back, and backed Cyrus into a corner. She has a plan. She’s going to let Cyrus get complacent, and do a legitimate bust. He says that’s not a plan; it’s an idea. She says, if he takes Cyrus’s life now, that’s it. He’ll lose all hope of coming home. When Cyrus begins to trust her, she’ll bring Curtis on board. He laughs, and says she hasn’t told Curtis he’s alive, has she?

Lucy says, the next couple has wowed the Nurses Ball crowd before, but with other people. She introduces a dashing corporate raider, and the stylish editor-in-chief of Crimson. If there was ever a couple totally in sync, it’s these two, a duo with scintillating and soulful moves, Jax and Nina. Nina dances to She by herself for a few measures, then Jax joins her.

Valentin broods. Peter comes by, and Valentin says he gathers congratulations are in order. Peter thanks him, and Valentin says he was a bad mentor. He failed Peter in a lot of ways, and hopes Peter allows him opportunity to make it up with his hard won advice. Whatever Peter is keeping from Maxie, tell her now. A child changes everything, so if there’s something he’s keeping to himself, tell her. Before he knows what happened, it will be too late.

Jordan tells Taggert not to make it worse. Go back to where he was relocated before someone sees him. He says he’ll stay gone for now, but don’t think he’s going to stop checking up on her. She says she wouldn’t have it any other way. He tells her, be safe, and take care of his daughter. She promises to finish this soon, and leaves.

Dustin congratulates Peter, and Peter says, they intended on staying, but this has tired them out. Lulu says, goodbye, but Maxie is hesitant, saying she doesn’t know if Lucy will appreciate it. Lulu says she’ll handle Lucy. Go home and put her feet up.

Robert tells Spinelli, he’s still going to keep his trap shut, and Spinelli says, it’s not the night Maxie will learn the inconvenient truth. Robert says, they agree on something, but Spinelli can’t tell anyone until there’s proof. Spinelli says, then find it they must, before Maxie and Peter start raising a baby. He goes over to Maxie and Peter, and says, congratulations to them both. Whatever their endeavors, he’ll embrace them without hesitation. Maxie says that means the world to her, and to Peter. They leave, and Spinelli tells Robert, they must act in haste. The child will tie Maxie to Peter more than ever.

To be continued…

Tomorrow, Anna tells Finn it’s the best possible news, Nina tells Jax to stay out of it, and Nelle tells Julian tonight will be her greatest performance yet.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

After the day I’ve had, I so wish I could slap one of these self-righteous nitwits into next week.

Back in Beverly Hills, Denise visits Garcelle, whose house is all done up for Christmas. In Denise’s interview, she says, the day she got back from Rome, she was literally in the airport the next day, going to Montana  for Thanksgiving. After Rome, she needed to decompress, and she could bring as many pairs of sweatpants as she wanted. They have some tequila, and Denise tells Garcelle that she couldn’t have done it without her. Just being her friend says everything. In her interview, Denise says she loves Garcelle. At least she felt like she had a friend there who had her back. Garcelle asks if Denise told Aaron, and Denise says, yeah. Garcelle asks what he said, and Denise tells her that he couldn’t believe how the women are – and he’s seen it. He feels bad about some of the things that were said. In her interview, Denise says she and Aaron don’t have secrets. If she told him that she slept with Brandi, he’d ask how come he wasn’t invited. Garcelle asks if Aaron is going to address it with the women, and Denise says, when he sees them, he probably will. She admits to not liking Teddi. In her interview, Garcelle says she’s known LisaR for 20 years, but in the last few months, she’s seemed harsher and relentless. Garcelle doesn’t know who this person is. Denise says something is different between her and LisaR. She feels like it will take a lot for them to get back to the way they were. In Garcelle’s interview, she says LisaR is aggressive, and wants everyone to own it. She doesn’t want to own it all the time. It’s exhausting to own it all the time. Garcelle tells Denise, girl, you were fierce that last night. She came out and had sh*t to say. She stood up for herself. Denise says she can handle that.

Dorit goes over the shower logistics at Buca di Beppo with Kyle. In her interview, Dorit says she loves baby showers, pregnant women, and babies. It’s the perfect opportunity for her to have control over the room and throw a nice party. In Kyle’s interview, she says she was planning the shower, but when they were in Italy, Dorit said she wanted to join in. We flash back to Dorit saying the restaurant room is ready, and she’s thinking about having a shower there. Dorit tells Kyle that Teddi thinks she’s coming for the room reveal. Kyle asks if Teddi knows it’s a party, so she doesn’t show up in sweats, and Dorit says she told Teddi that she’s hosting a nice dinner, and showing them what she designed. In Dorit’s interview, she says it’s the first time she’s designed a room in a restaurant; it’s a big deal. She says it like all rich people do this. We see clips from two weeks earlier, where Dorit shows the room to PK and the kids, and says, it’s a work in progress. We see before and after pictures, and Kyle says it has beauty and allure. The colors make her feel like she’s stepping into a restaurant in Capri. I’d describe it as, there’s lots of yellow and lemons everywhere. Kyle says she feels like she’s been transported, and they go over seating. Dorit puts Denise next to herself and Garcelle. In her interview, Kyle says, they tried to patch things up and have fun the last night in Rome, but she hasn’t spoken to Denise since. She asks if Dorit thinks Denise will come, and Dorit says, Denise didn’t say she’s not coming. In Dorit’s interview, she says she’s found Denise to be a stand-up girl. She’s a tough cookie, and there’s no way she wouldn’t show up to avoid a conversation. Kyle says, Kim and Brandi are coming, and Dorit asks if she thinks that’s a good idea. Kyle says she’d been planning something already, and they were invited. We flash back to Kim asking Teddi if she’s invited, and Teddi inviting her and Brandi. Dorit says she thinks everyone is an adult. Apparently, she’s on a different show than the one we’re watching. In Kyle’s interview, she says, Denise doesn’t care; she knows Denise isn’t coming. Dorit asks what she’s supposed to do. She doesn’t want to get involved.

LisaR rifles through daughter Amelia’s night table drawer. In her interview, she says Amelia is moving in a week. She’ll be in L.A., but not under LisaR’s roof. We see a clip of LisaR telling Amelia that she’ll help her out a little bit. In LisaR’s interview, she says her work is to not be a helicopter parent, and let it go. She asks Amelia about her therapist, and Amelia says she’s on anti-depressants, and feels that her mood is more balanced. LisaR says she’s noticed. In her interview, LisaR says, a lot has happened in the last few months, and we flash back to Amelia telling LisaR about her anxiety, and saying she was in a bad place, but she’s been serious about getting her mental health on the right track. Amelia says it’s the one year anniversary of her being recovered 100%, and LisaR says Garcelle was wondering if her posting on Instagram had anything to do with Amelia’s eating disorder. We flash back to Garcelle asking if LisaR thinks there’s any correlation. Amelia tells LisaR that she’d tell Garcelle as nicely as possibly to f*** off. Um… I don’t think there’s a nice way to say that, and I can’t imagine it doesn’t affect the kids in some way. It also wasn’t like Garcelle was being mean. She was genuinely concerned. Amelia says she talked to her therapist, and it seems like women get shamed no matter what size they are. At one point she did blame LisaR because she was thin, but that wasn’t fair. She did everything on her own; sitting there crying, and looking up diets. She did it herself, and LisaR isn’t a part of her stuff. LisaR says, it’s easier to lay blame. In her interview, LisaR says she pushed a button in Garcelle. She says Amelia is smarter than anyone she knows. No comment, since she knows some really stupid people.

Guests start coming, and Dorit introduces herself to Teddi’s friends. LisaR brings a gift basket, and Kim asks if Teddi gets a bunny. LisaR says, of course, and in her interview, she says, not in a million years did she think she and Kim would be laughing and talking about a bunny. We flash back to Kim bringing the stuffed bunny LisaR gave to her to the reunion, and giving it back, saying that she didn’t give it to her grandson since it had bad energy. Then the single tear rolling down LisaR’s cheek. Breaking out my violin. LisaR says Kim spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, and she didn’t. In her interview, LisaR explains that Amelia is dating a guy whose brother is married to Kim’s daughter. Maybe they’ll be related by marriage. It could happen. She tells us to picture her and Kim in the kitchen basting a turkey together. LisaR asks if everyone is coming, and in her interview, she says she vowed to be a better friend to Denise before they left Rome. She’s looking to keep the good will moving forward.

Garcelle arrives with a massive stuffed pink flamingo. Denise calls Dorit, and Garcelle asks if she’s calling to say she can’t make it. Denise says she’s been sick all night and all day. She’s sure Teddi and Erika wouldn’t appreciate it if she showed up sick. In her interview, Denise says she’s not sad about it. She didn’t want to show up anyway, so it was a blessing in disguise. In Garcelle’s interview, she says she’s not sure if Denise is really sick, or sick of these women. Actually, she does seem sick, but I’m sure she’s also sick of this group. I know I am. Dorit tells everyone to scream, surprise! when Teddi walks in. Again, I don’t know how wise it is to scare a pregnant woman. Kyle and Teddi arrive, everyone yells, surprise! and Dorit tells Teddi, welcome to her baby shower. It’s from her and Kyle. Teddi thanks them, and Dorit leads them to the Capri room. In Dorit’s interview, she says she and Teddi have come a long way. Before, they couldn’t go ten minutes without an argument. Sutton says, the room is beautiful; lemons everywhere. In her interview, she says, so far, the shower has been about Dorit. Dorit says, Denise called, and she’s not feeling well, so she’s not coming. In Kyle’s interview, she says, Denise isn’t sick, because she’s a doctor who saw Denise that afternoon. She wishes Denise would be honest and says she doesn’t feel like coming around now. That’s what creates distrust. I wonder who the blip cares. Even if she wasn’t sick, it’s called being polite. Oh that’s right, this group doesn’t know how to be that.

Erika shows up with pink hair, and says she’s wearing the baby gender on her head. Kyle says she can’t wait for the Buca di baby. She thinks Teddi is an amazing mom, and loves her. I gag, and Teddi thanks them for coming. LisaR says she and Kyle always have a good time at baby showers, and we see photos of them at Andy’s baby shower. LisaR says, the next time they see Erika will be on stage, and Erika says it’s the last time she’ll see them before she sees them in New York. They toast to that, and LisaR says she’s so excited that Erika is doing something she loved so much. In her interview, Garcelle says, let Erika have the spotlight. She tells LisaR that she’s been supportive, but at the same time, whenever Erika’s debut was brought up, she chimed in that she’d done it 18 years ago.

Dorit acts all shocked, and LisaR says if that’s what she believed Garcelle thought about her, she’d be sad. Garcelle says that’s not how she meant it, and LisaR knows her better than that. LisaR swears she hasn’t tried to take Erika’s thunder. In her interview, she wonders why Garcelle needs to be sh*tting on her. It’s almost like a backhand. I know I’d like give LisaR a backhand. LisaR says it’s not about her, and that’s on Garcelle, implying Garcelle needs to own it. Garcelle and Sutton decide it’s time for them to go, and Garcelle says she’s always been there for LisaR. LisaR says she appreciates it. Kim says Brandi just texted that she’s in the neighborhood, and wonders if she can come by, and Teddi says she was invited anyway. Erika wonders where Denise is, and Dorit tells her that Denise said she was sick. Teddi says she’d have more respect if Denise just said it was awkward being around her right now. She’s also a doctor who diagnosis people by telepathy. It looks like they’re going to gang up on Denise without Denise being there, which isn’t too much of a surprise. Kyle says, it’s not honest, and Dorit asks how she knows Denise isn’t sick. Teddi says Kim was sitting there when Brandi spilled her guts. Kyle says she’s never known Brandi to be a liar, and in Dorit’s interview, she says Kyle is quick to believe Brandi, but she’s had an issue with Denise. If it was someone else, would she believe it so quickly? Dorit doesn’t think so.

Bitch Brandi arrives, wearing a dress way too youthful for her, and a face so squinty and tight, you could bounce a quarter off her forehead. Brandi says she almost wasn’t coming, and Dorit says, if Brandi plays her cards right, she can come more often. Brandi says she used to bring her boys there to eat in the kitchen because she was screwing the chef, and Kyle says Brandi is an amazing mom. Brandi says their dad said they could come for desert on Thanksgiving. Dorit asks if honesty is important to Brandi, and Brandi says, 100%. Dorit asks if she prides herself on honesty, and Brandi says, 1000%. Dorit asks if Brandi is always honest, and Brandi says, 99% of the time. What’s happening? Kyla says they had a conversation regarding what Brandi said about her friendship with Denise. We flash back to that, and Teddi says she had major anxiety about it, but when she asked Denise about what she’d said, she couldn’t make eye contact. LisaR says she’s uncomfortable because Denise isn’t there, and they’re talking about it. She had a breakdown in Rome, because Denise said she didn’t have her back. She also points out there are strangers at the table, and if it’s true, it’s a side of Denise she doesn’t know. Brandi says she doesn’t know 95% of the people at the table, and Dorit thinks it’s not fair. Teddi says maybe it’s time for her friends to go, so they can talk smack about Denise, since the conversation is about to be not baby shower friendly. Her friends wisely leave while they still have their sanity.

Teddi says the first night at dinner, they confronted Denise about the things she said about her and Erika. She immediately distanced herself from Brandi and said they were never that close. Dorit tells Brandi, Denise said none of it is true. LisaR says she told them Brandi was a liar, and never to be believed. Erika says she asked point blank if Brandi was a liar, and Denise said she was. Brandi says she’s not trying to hurt Denise in any way, she just wants back on the show. In April, Denise did her podcast, and invited her to a movie set. Keep in mind, Denise said Brandi really wanted her on the podcast, and asked to come out there. Teddi asks if Aaron was there, and Brandi says Denise told her they had an open thing, but just with girls. Brandi says, they were making out, then Brandi bit Denise, leaving marks. There’s a lot of chatter at the table about this biting thing, and Brandi says, the next day Brandi told her Aaron could never know; he’d kill her. She was going to tell him it was from the corset she’d been wearing on set. Brandi thought, now she’ll have to keep a secret. In Brandi’s interview, she says she hates cheaters, and would never be one. Dorit says, it’s confusing. Teddi says that Denise claimed she and Brandi didn’t have a relationship, and Erika says, even then Denise was distancing herself from Brandi. Teddi says, until Brandi came back in the group, then she fed Brandi information to make it seem like they were close, so Brandi wouldn’t out her. Erika asks if Denise said things about them, and Brandi says she only mentioned two things. In her interview, she says, Denise went to Rome knowing she’d said things about them, and hoped Brandi would back her up. Dorit says, sorry, she believes Denise. In her interview, Dorit says her exchanges with Brandi haven’t been pleasant. Brandi behaves a certain way, and isn’t easy to believe. Brandi hands over her phone, and Erika scrolls through the texts supposedly from Denise. In her interview, she says, it’s pages. Brandi says she’s not an effing liar, and in Teddi’s interview, she says it clearly shows there was a relationship. Dorit is still skeptical, saying she doesn’t know Brandi, but knows Denise. Teddi says if Denise wasn’t distancing herself, she wouldn’t have said there was no relationship. Another thing, when Denise and Brandi met that time on camera for drinks, it sounded like they hadn’t seen each other too many times before that. Dorit says she’s not saying that, and Brandi says she had her bleepity-bleep-bleep in Denise’s bleepity-bleep. She’s not an effing liar. Everyone looks shocked at Brandi’s sailor mouth, except for Erika, who never changes her expression anyway. In Kyle’s interview, she says she hates when Brandi talks like that. LisaR reads a text from a year ago that says, even if they went a year without speaking, they could pick up where they left off. Loyalty doesn’t change, and Denise loves her. I also have to mention, besides the fact that Brandi has definitely been known to be a liar (although maybe with all the drinking and drugs she does, she believes her own stories), the texts don’t sound like how Denise talks. In LisaR’s interview, she says, you don’t say that you love someone; this is an intimate friendship. Again, is she kidding me? While I don’t think these are really texts from Denise, I always end conversations with friends by telling them I love them, and I don’t bleepity-bleep with any of them. It can always be the last time you talk to someone, and I don’t want that regret. LisaR says, it’s personal; a relationship. Brandi says she thought Denise was her friend, until she wasn’t. She thinks Denise is a people pleasure, and more of a master manipulator (I hate that phrase) than LVP. In her interview, LisaR says, why lie about a friendship – unless you’re hiding something. She tells Brandi, she thinks the two of them need to get together and figure this out. Why, when they have this whole group to figure it out for them? LisaR says, now they’re all involved, whether they want to be or not. Omg, I can’t. But I will. They involved their effing selves, so they wanted to be.

Erika and her assistant Laia load up the car with luggage. Tom tells Laia to take care of his buddy. In her interview, Erika says she’s excited and nervous, but you only get this opportunity once in a lifetime, and dammit, she’s taking it. She left once before to go to New York, 30 years ago, and was go-go dancing. She watched private jets go by, but never envisioned herself on one. Now she’s the girl on the private jet, starring in a Broadway musical. She’s using one of those halo lights in her interview, and it makes her look really odd. I know people like them, but it doesn’t always look attractive.

LisaR visits Kyle, and says her Christmas decorations are cute. She asks how Kyle is, but Kyle doesn’t know. It was a lot last night. She says Teddi’s friends probably think they’re crazy. LisaR says, it was a fun baby shower, until wasn’t. In Kyle’s interview, she says, at her baby shower, no one talked about anyone sucking anyone’s anything. LisaR says she really believed Denise when she said Brandi was a liar. Brandi was convincing, and her heart sunk. In her interview, she says there’s sadness in Denise not telling the truth. What else has she lied about over the years? She tells Kyle, she wants to stick up for her friend, but she can’t do that. In Kyle’s interview, she says she’s been in that position, when you want to believe so badly, but the information makes it impossible. We flash back to LVP telling her to show herself out. If Denise and Brandi did sleep together, it’s none of their business, but Brandi told them, so regardless, Denise has to deal with it now. She feels bad that LisaR is upset, and LisaR says she had a breakdown in Rome about not being a good friend. She’s said this like five times now. We flash back to Denise saying she was hurt, and LisaR displaying some crocodile tears, since apparently she doesn’t know what the word breakdown means. She wonders if it was part of Denise’s plan, and says she sounds like a conspiracy theorist. In her interview, she says she feels like Denise weaponized their friendship. (Huh?) She used everything to make LisaR feel bad. What if she’s being manipulated too? She doesn’t know, and feels duped. Maybe she’s a big, fat fool, and doesn’t like the feeling. Well, she’s not fat.

Next time, the Finale (thank God), the women go to NYC, Denise talks to Camille and blocks Garcelle, Brandi shows up in NYC, Denise tells LisaR that she didn’t go because she thought Brandi would create a Jerry Springer moment, and LisaR says it was a lie that there was a family emergency.

I am so over this bunch.

📱 She Says They’re Fake…

It’s possible, since it can be done. And considering Brandi’s face, among other body parts, is fake, why not?

🎭 I’d Laugh If It Wasn’t Tragic…

I was trying to find out what the deal is with Brandi’s ex in regard to the kids, and found this gem. Brandi got pissed because it wasn’t her week to have them when the pandemic hit, and this poor big baby was all alone. Maybe there’s a reason for that. She also whined that her ex and his wife wouldn’t let her stay in their guest house. Really?

🛥 Goodbye Med…

Hannah has the feels about leaving the Deck. I still say it was handled badly.

🚪 Closing Remarks…

Ugh, ugh, and more ugh. Windows decided it was time for an update, and it wreaked havoc with my computer. It took all day to deal with, and I still didn’t get back to a semblance of normalcy until HP (never again) had to update because of the update. As usual, it was no improvement. Until next time, stay safe, stay proficient in what you do, and stay not fixing what ain’t broke.

August 18, 2020 – Changing Up the Ball, Selling a Castle, Josh’s Loss, Quoting Ali, Winning & Highway


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

On the Nurses Ball red carpet, Carly tells us that they have a spectacular show, and they’ve planned on doing something different this year. Nina says, in addition to the usual donation for HIV/AIDS research, the money they usually use for food, drink, and promotional materials is going to the protection and safety of our frontline workers. Carly says, this year, viewers can call in or go online, and give to those who selflessly and heroically give to us. The usual attendees will be manning the phones. Lucy arrives, and Carly introduces her as queen of the Nurses Ball, the incomparable, unstoppable, Lucy Coe. Carly asks Lucy to explain how the Ball is different tonight, and Lucy says they’re changing things up. The Nurses Ball will still be the spectacular, fabulous, amazing, and wonderful event, but this year, it’s also a telethon.

At the hospital, Sam twirls around, showing Jason her volunteer shirt. He says he thinks she looks beautiful, and she tells him that he always says that. He says, because it’s true. It’s not her usual look for the Ball, but she’s still beautiful. She says she’s glad to be helping out, but wanted to check in, and make sure he’s still there. He wonders where else he’d be, and she says he might make a great escape, and the Nurses Ball is a good distraction for him to do it. She asks him to promise he won’t.

Michael is cleaning up Wiley’s toys, when Willow comes downstairs. She says she was going to do that, and he says, it’s the least he could do. Willow says, by the time Wiley closes his eyes, she’s more worn out than he is. He asks if she thinks she can rally for the Nurses Ball, and she says she lost track of time. Give her five minutes. He says she can go, or she can stay there.

On the pier, Nelle looks at the tracking device on her phone. She says, this will be a night Michael and his family will never forget.  

Nina says, as mistress of the Nurses Ball, Lucy is tireless in working to organize it. She asks Lucy, why a telethon this year? Lucy says, the Nurses Ball has always been about celebrating the hard-working and amazing nurses, but this year, they wanted to help out the essential frontline workers by raising money for equipment to keep them safe. Carly came to them with the idea, and they loved it, got behind it, and here they are. Nina asks if Carly has anything to add, and Carly says, it’s a small way to say thank you to the frontline workers and their families for their courage and compassion, and being there during the hardest times. Tonight is about giving something back.

Nina says they’re going to meet some of the generous people who have donated their time and talent to support the frontline workers. Valentin comes in first (everyone is wearing the same T-shirt that said Volunteer), and Nina says he’s the newly appointed CEO of ELQ. He tells Nina and Carly, they both look spectacular, and Carly says, him too. Nina says, the T-shirt is a must have wardrobe piece for tonight. Carly asks him to talk about Deception. Word on the street is that he’s sponsoring the relaunch of the company. He says Deception is going to match donations, and Nina says, it’s generous of him to rise to the occasion. He says, everyone wants to do their part.

Michael tells Willow, it was his mom’s idea to turn the Ball into a telethon. He definitely has to be there. He knows Willow was there last year, and Chase pulled her on stage. It’s understandable if she wants to skip this year. There will be plenty of volunteers. She asks if he’s kidding, and says, it’s doubly important. She’s excited to make her debut as Mrs. Michael Corinthos, and thinks it will be pretty fun. He asks if she’s just saying that, and she asks if she strikes him as a person who just says things. He says, not really, and she says she’ll get changed. He says Wiley is lucky to have her as a mom. He hit the jackpot.

Nina introduces Sonny, mob boss CEO of Corinthos Coffee, and Carly’s handsome husband. Carly says, welcome, Mr. Corinthos, and he says, thanks, Mrs. Corinthos. Nina says they know the charity is near and dear to his heart, and he says it’s in memory of his Stone Cates, and his friend Robin. They’ve made progress in the area of HIV and Aids, but there’s more work to be done. Nina says, because of him, they have a chance to do it, and tells him, have a wonderful time.

Sam tells Jason not to look at her like she’s crazy. It would be like him to make a break for it. He promises he won’t go anywhere… unless it’s a big emergency. She asks what a big emergency is, and he says, if the people he loves are in trouble. Jason and Sam’s theme music plays, and he tells her, good luck. He’s sorry he’s missing it. She hugs him.

Nina introduces Franco, saying, he just had a major unveiling. He says, it didn’t go exactly as planned, and she says, what Franco painting is without controversy? Carly says she has a point, and Nina says there’s been a resurgence in his old work. He says he hopes his new work sells as well, but they’re not there to talk about his work. She says, what’s the telethon without one of GH’s star nurses? and asks where his wife is. He flashes back to telling Elizabeth that he gets to be the guy married to her, and that’s all that matters; and Elizabeth saying, tonight is about everything except the man she loves. Nikolas comes in with Ava, and asks, where’s Elizabeth?

Nina thanks Nikolas for coming, and he says, it supports two worthy causes. Carly asks Ava how being Franco’s patron is working out. Was the portrait worth what she paid? She says, absolutely. Being Franco’s subject was an honor, and it came out beautifully, if she says so herself. Nina asks what Nikolas thinks, and he says, if his wife is happy, he’s happy. Nikolas goes on ahead, and Franco says, it was an honor to have Ava sit for him. She knows more about the art world than anyone. She’s beautiful, witty, and charming, and there’s no stopping her. He dares anyone to try. Nina says, this night is getting more and more interesting.

Maxie sits backstage, and Lucy runs in, saying, hand me the scissors. Maxie says, they’re called fabric shears, but okay, and gives them to Lucy. Lucy says she thinks she should show more leg, and is about to attack her dress, when Maxie says she’s not letting Lucy destroy couture. Not on her watch. Hand them over. Lucy gives the shears back, and Maxie says if she wants to show more leg, check out her other twenty dresses. Lucy asks what Maxie is doing in there, and Maxie says, getting ready for the Deception launch. Lucy says she should be out there, making an entrance, and getting people excited with anticipation. Maxie says, what if she’s not in the mood? She’s not feeling bright and bubbly. Lucy says she still has to make an entrance. They’re thanking those who go above and beyond by going above and beyond. Think bubbles. She pushes Maxie out the door, and goes through her dresses, saying, leg… leg… leg… She grabs one, but says, too leggy.

Brook enters, and Nina asks her to tell the audience about her performance. Brook says she’s debuting a song for the Deception promo campaign tonight, and to support the telethon. Carly asks how she likes being back in Port Charles, and Brook says, the city hasn’t always been home, but has a special place in her heart. Nina tells her, break a leg, and Brook blows a kiss to the camera.

Curtis tells Jordan, let’s go, and she comes out in a robe, her hair still wrapped in a towel. He says, the show is starting soon, and she’s not dressed. She says she will be. Her phone rings, and he says, unknown caller. She tells him not to answer; it’s probably a telemarketer. He answers anyway, but there’s no response. She asks who it was, and he says he has no clue. They hung up.

Michael asks Monica if she’s sure she doesn’t want to come; the nanny will be there. She says she gave the nanny the night off. She’s responsible for Nelle’s malpractice suit, and the best way for her to serve the hospital’s interests is to keep her distance. Michael says, it’s not fair, but she says she has no regrets. She’d do it again in a heartbeat. Willow comes down, and says she’s ready. She asks Monica to look in on Wiley, and Monica says she will. Michael says, a perk of staying home, and she tells them to go and have fun. It’s not often parents get a night out.

Olivia tells Ned, when he sees Brook, remember she’s his daughter and he loves her very much. He says, of course (🍷) he’ll be nice, and he does love her. The Quartermaines don’t air their dirty laundry in public. She says, that’s not the answer she was looking for. Carly says she was wondering where the rest of the Quartermaines were, and Ned says they have to be fashionably late. Carly welcomes the former first couple, and Ned says it’s an honor and a privilege to be there. Carly thanks Olivia, saying, as co-owner of the MetroCourt, Olivia was he first to get behind the idea of the telethon, and worked like crazy to make it happen. Olivia says she knew it was a spectacular (WOTD) idea, and what’s more important than supporting the frontline workers? Robert joins them, and says he couldn’t agree more. Carly introduces Robert, and Ned says he looks radiant. Robert says, Ned too, and Nina says, no date? Robert says he’s keeping his options open. Carly says, hear that, ladies? He’ll be answering the phones tonight. She asks what the Ball means to him, and he says, the medical community went a long way in helping his daughter lead a productive life. So much so, she’s become a part of the community. Nina says, she’s a doctor; he must be proud. He says, they spoke not ten minutes ago, and Robin thinks it’s a great idea to help the first responders and their families. After everything they’ve done, it’s time to give back to them.

Sam and Spinelli come in, and Carly welcomes them to the Nurses Ball. She says Spinelli has given them invaluable technical support for their phone bank. Nina says, it’s nice to have him back in the Port Charles area. He says it’s wonderful to be there, and she asks if he misses Oregon. He says the landscape is beautiful, but nothing compares to being around friends and family. She asks if he’s solved any mysteries lately, and he says he’s hot on the trail of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In fact… Sam stomps on his foot, and says, sorry. Did she get him? He says, just a tad, obviously in pain, and she says, she’s nervous. She can’t wait to get inside. Nina tells him, good luck with his wolf, and they go in.

Franco calls Elizabeth, saying he was just checking in. He misses her. She says, according to some people who saw him on the red carpet, he has plenty of admirers to keep him company. He says, oh come on, and she says she’s on duty. She has to go. Elizabeth is working my last nerve.

Nina introduces Lulu as a journalist, and says Dustin is a teacher. She says, Dustin must be excited, and Lulu says Dustin co-wrote the song for Deception. Nina says Brook was just talking about it, and Lulu says, I’ll bet.

Elizabeth babbles to Jason about Franco and Ava, and says, Franco can’t be reminded of his genius, and not be reminded of his past. Jason asks if she’s saying Franco is going back to who he was.

Carly welcomes Michael and his lovely bride. Willow says they wouldn’t miss it, and Nina asks what it’s like to be married into the Corinthos/Quartermaine clan. Carly tells her, be kind, and Willow says, everyone has been kind and welcoming; she’s lucky. Michael says, they’re the lucky ones.

Nina says they’re in for a treat. It’s her favorite Port Charles couple, the Police Commissioner and her P.I. husband. Nina thanks them for volunteering, and Jordan says she loves the opportunity to support the frontline workers who do so much. Carly asks if it’s also a nice night out, and Curtis says he’s with a beautiful woman. You know it is. Backstage, Sam tells Sonny that she’s been thinking about Sasha, and asks how Michael is doing. She didn’t think Chase was the cheater type, and Sonny says he thinks they’re faking it. He doesn’t know the details, but doesn’t think they should take it at face value.

Willow tells Michael that she made a crucial mistake. She started with Goodnight Moon. Michael says, that’s just the warm up, and she says, tonight felt like the War and Peace of children’s books.

Backstage, Nelle looks at the tracking device, and Spinelli asks if he’s interrupting. She says, yes. She was texting her husband with instructions to go over for tonight. He asks, for what? and she says, her number. She’s performing. He says, what a treat, and she asks what he’s doing back there. He says, setting up something, and she asks if that’s code for sniffing out Maxie. It must make his skin crawl that she’s with Peter. She doesn’t blame him. He says, why, pray tell? and she says Shiloh told her some sketchy stuff about that guy.

Maxie makes an entrance with Peter, and Nina introduces Maxie as a newly-minted partner in Deception, and Peter as the owner of The Invader. She thanks them for volunteering, and Peter says he’s working the phones, while Maxie will be on stage introducing the songs. Maxie says, they need to keep the frontline workers safe, and need to donate, giving back to those who gave to them. Nina says she’s amazing. Who could resist her?

Jason tells Elizabeth, that’s a lot coming from her. Elizabeth says she wants Franco to feel good about who he is now. No, he’s not regressing, but he’s nostalgic for the fame he had when he was, and Ava is using it. She has to go, and Jason asks if she’s going to the telethon. She says she wasn’t going, but she needs to for Franco, and in solidarity with the frontline workers, to support their families.

Michael tells Sonny, he and Willow made their big deal debut as Mr. and Mrs. Sonny asks how Willow feels, and she says, good, actually. He asks how Wiley is and Willow says, asleep. Michael says they can thank their expert story reader. Willow says she doesn’t want to brag, but she’s got it down.

Lulu tells Nikolas they have to talk about this game he’s playing with Spencer. Nikolas says, it’s over, and she says, thank God he came to his senses. He says he didn’t. Ava overheard them talking about his plan, and busted him.

Jordan asks if Curtis is ready to turn on the charm and work the phones to get generous donations. He says he’s a fan of frontline workers; he’s married to the Commissioner. Jordan’s phone dings, and she says she’s got to go; work emergency. He says he’ll drive her, but she tells him, stay and work the phones; get donations. They’ll meet up tonight.

Franco and Ava go into the phone room, and he wonders where everyone is. Ava is sure they’ll be there soon. She sees Julian in the hallway, and says she didn’t know he was coming. He says he’d give anything not to be there, but Nelle gave him no choice. She asks, where is his poisonous bride? and he says, lurking around planning something. God knows what.

Nelle tells Spinelli that she was married to Shiloh, and he says, who could forget her true love? She says, Peter orchestrated Drew’s kidnapping, and Shiloh used it as leverage. Spinelli says, to break him out of prison? and she says, no, summer camp. He would have given up anyone to get out. Spinelli asks why he should believe her, and she says she doesn’t care; there’s nothing in it for her. Shiloh was overseas with Peter, and she learned an awful lot about Peter during that time. Spinelli runs upstairs.

Sam sees Brando come into the phone room, and asks if she can help him with something. He says she’s pissed because of something that happened with him and her sister, but it’s their business not hers. He can’t make her like him, but he can try to stay out of her way. Sam says, that would be great. She closes her laptop, and walks out. Franco says he appreciates Ava’s support. He doesn’t know what’s going on with her and Nikolas, but after watching Nikolas go after her using Kiki’s memory, she should give him hell. Ava flashes back to telling Nikolas that she considered letting it go, but he doesn’t deserve the money; not a single penny. Even though she hates him, she’s not going anywhere. Nikolas asks how long she’s going to torture him. Ava tells Franco, she intends to, and Elizabeth overhears.

Michael asks Willow if she’s okay, and she says she’s great. He asks if she’s sure, and she says, they’re here together, and at the end of the night, they’ll go home to Wiley. What could be better?

Monica sees Mr. Hopsicle on the floor, and says he shouldn’t be down there. What if Wiley wakes up and misses him? She takes the stuffed kangaroo upstairs. At the Nurses Ball, Nelle looks at the tracking device.

Julian asks Nelle why she made him come back there. Why the hell are they there? Nelle says he’s there to support her. Robert tells Olivia that Robin gave her seal of approval, when Spinelli runs up to him, and says, excuse the interruption, but he needs to talk to Robert, post haste. Robert says he’s in mid-conversation, and Spinelli apologizes, but says it can’t wait. Robert excuses himself, and asks if the phone lines are working. Spinelli says they’re in perfect working order, and Robert asks, what’s going on? Spinelli says they’ve got him – Peter. Nelle spilled the tea and connected Shiloh to Peter. Robert says, with what? and Spinelli tells him, according to Nelle, Peter was behind Drew’s original abduction. Peter helped Shiloh escape. That’s why he was on the docks with the money. They can finally take him down.

Maxie tells Lulu, it’s embarrassing for a fashionista, but she’s loving the casual look. Lulu says, Maxie is glowing. Has she told Peter? Maxie says, told him what? That she’s pregnant and having his child, when they haven’t even discussed having children? Lulu says she might want to figure that out. Dustin walks up with Peter, and asks why he has the feeling he’s always walking in on something with the two of them. What’s the big secret?

Carly says they’re wrapping up the red carpet. They hope the audience has had as much fun as they’ve had. Don’t go anywhere. The General Hospital Nurses Ball is about to begin.   

At the pier, Jordan says, she knows she’s not supposed to call, but she wouldn’t if it wasn’t important. Of course (🍷) she’s on the burner phone. She needs to do something. She’s not sure if she can go through with it. A man approaches, and she says he’s looking pretty good for a dead man. (Drew, perhaps?)

The director says, quiet on the set; they’re live. Nina introduces Curtis to Brook, and everyone sits down to man the phones. Valentin walks in, and puts his headset on, and everyone gets ready. Spinelli sits across from Robert, and gives a sidelong glance to Peter. Peter and Maxie smile at each other. (I thought Maxie was introducing songs.) Franco smiles at Elizabeth, but she gives no smile back. Carly and Sonny join the group.

The director says, in 5… 4… 3… 2… Lucy says, good evening, and welcome to the 2020 General Hospital Nurses Ball telethon. Some of them may have heard they’re changing things up just a little bit. In addition to donations given to HIV/AIDS, they’re raising money for new tools for frontline workers. They’ll take any amount. They’re thanking those workers and their much appreciated families, who sacrifice so much – all of them – each and every day. While volunteers will be taking donations, it’s their job to entertain. There will be a lot of surprises, so stay where you are, and get ready to donate. They’re just getting started. The phones start ringing.

To be continued…

Tomorrow, Trina and Cameron join the volunteers, Jordan tells someone to trust her to take care of it, Dustin says there’s not going to be a next time, and Maxie tells Peter that she’s not sure what to make of all of this.

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

Josh Altman was glad the Altman Brothers office was finally finished. He and brother Matt drove to Beverly Ridge, a gated community that has the most coveted properties in Beverly Hills. There are only eleven mansions within it, and Josh said it had the feel of luxury. They met with the sellers, another pair of brothers, David and Rich Gebbia. David had been married to Carlton, who had spent a season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, where she freaked Kyle out because she’s Wiccan, and we flashed back to her showing off her burlesque room. She called it, mommy and daddy’s playroom, and said it was still a work in progress. In her interview, she’d said, when she was little, she imagined she would live in a castle, and brought it to life. Purchased at $1.8 million, David had put $8 million of construction into it. My mouth literally fell open during the tour. The five bedroom, six bathroom house castle was 15,200 square feet, with 36 foot cathedral ceilings in some rooms, and gilded ceilings in others. Along with gothic mosaic work, there were a lot of custom wood carved extras, like a bar, and a 200 year old fireplace that had cost $10,000. The master bedroom was so big, they’d had two king beds put together in it, plus it had his and hers bathrooms. Josh said it was gothic/medieval cool, but still technologically advanced. David also showed him the bonus room, which had been Carlton’s burlesque room. Sitting on a 74,523 square foot lot, the property also had a cross pool with a Baja shelf. In his interview, Josh said he knew it would be a tough sell, but thought when clients saw the acreage, it would put itself in escrow. It had already been on the market, the last price being $19.995 million. David didn’t want to give it away, but wanted it to sell. Matt thought it should be staged, but the Gebbia brothers weren’t keen on that. Josh also said he thought there should be a significant price drop to $16.5 million, and believed it would move within two months.

James and David were still trying to find a buyer for Sunset View, which was developer Zach’s personal home. Priced at $15.495 million, their showings had gone well, but there was still no offer. They discussed Fredrik showing up, and David James said he’d had an effing attitude. In James’s interview, he said Fredrik had done his share of selling on the east coast, which gave them more pressure to get Sunset View sold, since Zach would offer it to Fredrik if they didn’t get an offer soon. Broker Justin had a buyer who offered $13.5 million. David and James balked, but Justin said the buyer had a business manager who was an influence. He told them that he’d try to do his magic and make it happen.

Josh Flagg was working to sell the Thrush house for Lana, who had known his grandmother Edith. The drawback was the 1990 décor, and to make things worse, there had been a power outage before the broker’s open house. James had tipped him off that Fredrik had a buyer on the east coast interested in an L. A. property. Josh thought Fredrik could bring fresh, new eyes to the situation. Fredrik met him at the property, and said he was getting emotionally and spiritually acclimated to Los Angeles, even speaking and walking slower. He saw the price of the house had been reduced to $3.995 million, and Josh explained the seller had another property already, and wanted to downsize. He still thought it was a lot of bang for the buck. He told Fredrik, the nearby construction would raise the comps over time. In Josh’s interview, he said Fredrik was like the love child of a Labrador Retriever and a peacock. He was excitable, and had a lot of flair. Fredrik was downplaying the house, which was counter to his personality, and Josh said he saw through it. It might be good sign.

JoshA cut the ribbon, and the brothers had their grand opening celebration. While they’d already been open for a few weeks, they were rolling out the red carpet to let the neighborhood know they were here to stay. Tracy showed up; I’d been wondering what happened to her. Josh told the guests about the huge brokers open he was having in Beverly Ridge. Tracy said he never stopped working, and he said even though it was a party, he was going to pitch his latest and greatest property. In his interview, Josh said, since the house had a medieval vibe, it lent itself to them dressing medieval. He couldn’t throw a middle-of-the-road brokers open with a charcuterie board. A giant cake with sparklers on it was brought out for the celebration, and there was much applause.

David and James met with Justin about Sunset View, even though he’d given them what they deemed a sh*t offer, $13.9 million, including furniture. In his interview, James said, $14.5 million was Zach’s bottom line. If they couldn’t get that price, Zach was going to put Fredrik on it. Justin said the business manager had done the comps in depth, but James and David gave a counter of $15.2, James saying the business manager had no emotional investment or understanding. In James’s interview, he said, while Zach wasn’t willing to give it away, at least he came down to show he was serious. James pointed out that it was the only house in that location with a view. He told Justin $14.9, and said they were willing to risk the buyer pulling the plug. In His interview, he said if they couldn’t get the deal done, the bottom line was that they would not only lose this deal, but ran the risk of future business with Zach. It was a fight they couldn’t lose. They had a deal at $14.750 million, and I got excited along with them. I’m not sure why, since I won’t be seeing a dime of their $361,250 commission. In his interview, James said, it was effing fantastic. Sorry, Fredrik. They were still the kings of L.A.

Since the Gebbias didn’t want to stage the Beverly Ridge property, JoshA said he was embracing the vibe, and having a medieval castle themed brokers open, fit for a king and queen. In his interview, he says he went all out, and hired professionally trained sword fighters (I love sword fighting!), went to a Hollywood prop shop for decorations, and got an awesome costume Heather said he’d better never wear again, unless it was his birthday. The spread was amazing, and included a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth, which is kind of disgusting, yet appropriate. He was bringing the medieval castle into this century, blasting the event everywhere. Heather dressed up as well, and he introduced them as Sir Josh and Lady Heather. In his interview, he said the goal was getting buyers to see potential. If he got a buyer, it would be like getting his Holy Grail.

JoshF met Fredrik at a coffee shop/juice bar to talk about the Thrush house. In his interview, he said Fredrik was loud, boisterous, and emotional, the kiss of death in negotiations. He wanted to get into Fredrik’s head, since Fredrik didn’t understand Josh’s subdued approach. It went against everything in his body. Fredrik brought Josh an offer of $3.3 million, due to the house being tired and the surrounding construction, but Josh wasn’t having it, repeating that the construction would only increase the value of the comps. In his interview, Josh said the more negative Fredrik was, the better he realized how much Fredrik’s buyer wanted the house. He countered at $3.8 million, even though Lana’s best and final offer was at $3.5 million. Fredrik countered at $3.6 million, and Josh asked Fredrik to meet him in the middle at $3.7 million. In Josh’s interview, he said he knew Lana was willing to take less, but Fredrik didn’t need to know. They had a deal at $3.65 million.

JoshA met with agent Sam, whose client saw the castle on social media. He loved dragons, and was a legit buyer. Sam started at $13.1 million, and Josh countered with $14.5 million. In Josh’s interview, he said he was training Sam the Altman way, which meant he’d become one of the best agents in the city. Sam went to $13.5 million, emphasizing that not many people were looking for a castle. He asked if Josh could get it under $14 million, and see if the seller would take $13.8 million. In his interview, Josh said he’d explain that the only other offer the Gebbias might get would be less, and come from a developer who would bulldoze the property, when it was a piece art that could be preserved. After discussing it with the sellers, Josh told Sam they’d go down to $14.1 million. When Sam came back with $13.9 million, Josh told him that if he could get it up to $14 million, he’d close on the biggest deal of his career. They had a deal, and although Josh’s commission came out to $347,500, he told Sam to pay for the coffee.

Next time, a glass elevator that goes to the rooftop, wildfires hit California, and James and David’s client’s home burns down.

👵🏻 His Other Grandmother…

While Edith died in 2014, sadly, Josh Flagg’s other grandmother passed away recently of the coronavirus.

💓 I Saw Him Once…

My first job in NYC was on the office floor of the Statler Hilton. Mohammad Ali was staying there, and I saw him getting in the elevator. Our eyes locked, and he smiled at me. A small moment in time, but I’ll never forget it.

Muhammad Ali: I’m defeating America’s so-called threats and enemies. And the flag is going dun-dun-dun-dun. I’m standing so proud. And I’d have whooped the world for America. I took my gold medal, thought I’d invented something. I said, “Man, I know I’m going to get my people freedom. I’m the champion of the whole world. Olympic champion. I know I can eat downtown now.” And I went downtown that day, had my big gold medal on, and went in a restaurant. And at that time, things weren’t integrated. Black folks couldn’t eat downtown. And I went downtown, I sat down, and I said, “A cup of coffee, a hotdog.” The lady said, “We don’t serve Negroes.” I was so mad, I said, “I don’t eat them either, just give me a cup of coffee and a hamburger.”

🏆 How To Win An Emmy…

Everything you wanted to know.

🕷 Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite…

Although you’re probably safely tucked in by now, don’t forget to stay safe, stay charitable, and stay focused on getting the best price on the castle you were born to live in.

August 17, 2020 – Ava Is Defaced, Hannah Is Confronted, Malia Is Still the Worst & Runnin’


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Brook asks Carly for a black Russian, but Carly suggests sparkling water instead. After Brook and Lulu trashed the place, she has a vested interest in not overserving Brook. Brook thinks there might be another reason, and Carly says, why? Brook says Michael is out as CEO of ELQ, and it might possibly, conceivably be her fault.

Anna tells Finn, someday, he has to put aside his differences with his father and stepmother. Finn says he would like Violet to have a relationship with her grandfather – someday. She asks if the wedding couldn’t be that day. His father could have been at Violet’s birthday. Finn sees Chase coming toward their table, and says, Violet also had her Uncle Chase there. What’s better than that? He tells Chase, sit; he’ll buy Chase a beer. Chase says, he just had  two. He left his credit card, and came back to pick it up. Finn says he’ll get Chase a Shirley Temple then. They’ve got a wedding going on. Chase says, okay, assuming he’s on the list. Finn says he’s the first alternate if someone cancels, but Anna says he’s in. She’s got him down for a plus one. Would that be Sasha?

Ava says she was going to make a speech, but what she’d planned on saying doesn’t seem important anymore. So she’ll just say she was so happy when Franco agreed to paint her portrait, and she’s proud to share it with them tonight. Without further ado… Franco lifts the covering, and everyone look shocked. Ava backs away, and Elizabeth shakes her head. Ava has a gorilla face, and there’s a graffiti tag on the painting. Franco says he didn’t paint this, and Ava says she knows he didn’t. Elizabeth says she knows Franco isn’t responsible, but guess who is. She looks at Ava.

Carly asks what Brook is talking about. Michael just got full custody of Wiley. Brook says, awesome; congratulations. Carly asks if Michael was voted out while he was in court, and Brook says, unfortunately, yes. Carly says, Brook voted against Michael, but Brook says, no; never. Carly asks how it can be her fault, and Brook says she sold her ELQ shares to Linc to get out of her contract, but he was just a front. Valentin now has controlling interest, with 50% of the shares. Because he backed Deception, Lucy voted with him as the tie-breaker. Carly says, Valentin pushed Michael out? and Valentin approaches, saying, no hard feelings. Michael didn’t do a bad job, but he’ll do better. Carly says she should throw Valentin out, but she’d rather take his money until Michael takes back his company, and he will. She says, Valentin and Brook can take a table far away. Brook tells Valentin that he can apologize any time. He destroyed her relationship with her family, especially her father. Deception is an unknown quantity, and could possibly fail, plus he handed GH over to a drug lord. He owes her a major apology.

Anna asks Chase how the custody hearing went, and he says Michael and Willow officially have sole custody of Wiley. Everything worked out the way it should, but he stopped to talk about the wedding. He supposes all of the guests are hers, since his brother is anti-social and only knows three people. Anna asks who the third is, and Chase asks if Finn is inviting their dad.

Elizabeth tells Ava to admit she did this, but Ava says she commissioned Franco to paint it; why would she destroy it? Elizabeth says it would make headlines, and Ava asks if Elizabeth thinks she wants this vandalism publicized. Elizabeth says Ava keeps saying, there’s no such thing as bad press, and here’s her crowning achievement. She wanted to show the world Franco is back and bad as ever. Ava says it’s a baseless accusation, and Franco says that’s not who Ava is. Elizabeth says, it’s exactly who she is. Look how she treated Kiki. She’s manipulated every person in town, and now she’s manipulating him. He says Ava chose him as a favor; to show the world he’s still making art. Not to mention she paid a pretty penny for it. Elizabeth says, she’d rather be broke than play along with this joke. Nikolas approaches, and starts to say something about Elizabeth, but Franco says he doesn’t get to be the guy who tells him anything about his wife. Ava says she’d like it if everyone would leave, and Maxie says, oh man. Just when it was getting good. Franco asks if Ava is okay, and she says, no; she’s not.

Peter and Maxie go to the MetroCourt, and Carly asks if they shouldn’t be at the unveiling. Maxie says, it didn’t exactly go as planned, and Peter says, there was a little bit of drama. When Franco removed the drape, the painting had been vandalized. Ava threw them all out, so they came in for a drink. Carly goes over to Jax and Nina’s table, and Nina asks if Michael has heard from the court yet. Carly says they got the best possible news ever. Michael and Willow got full custody, and Nelle didn’t even get visitation.

Franco tells Ava, the paint is still wet. Three hours ago it was perfect. She asks if he thinks it can be salvaged, and he says he can get rid of the spray paint, but… She says he’s not optimistic? but he says, it’s not that. No matter how hard he tries, his past has left a mark he can’t shake. Dustin asks Lulu if she has any idea who might have done it, and she says, Elizabeth might be right. Ava has a propensity for drama, but then again, so does Nikolas. Ava tells Franco, not in a million years would she do this, and he says he knows. She says she gave a platform to whoever did. She gave this party to show that she and Nikolas were a power couple, and look how it turned out. The best thing for her to do would be to cut her losses, and go home.

Nikolas finds Elizabeth on the parapet, and Elizabeth says if he expects an apology, he’s going to be disappointed. He says she has nothing to be sorry for, and she says, but he doesn’t think Ava did it, does he? He says he would never sing Ava’s praises. She’s selfish and vindictive, but she’s not dangerous, and he can’t imagine she’d paint a monkey over her own portrait. Elizabeth says, if he doesn’t think Ava is dangerous, he’s wrong. If he’s not careful, Ava will destroy what good is left in him.

Anna tells Chase, it’s so funny. They were just having that discussion. She thinks it’s time Violet met her grandfather, but his brother disagrees. She says, look at the time. She hopes Chase has better luck persuading Finn, and jets. Finn says, let’s hear it, and Chase says he’s only going to say what he always says. His dad and stepmom have been married for a decade; it’s time to let the hurt go. If not for Finn’s own sake, for Violet. Finn asks if there was a group meeting; Chase sounds like Anna. He’s not opposed to working things out, but he thinks doing it at a wedding would be poor form. Chase says, now he’s thinking maybe Finn shouldn’t invite their dad.

Peter tells Maxie, now they have an early night, so she can get some rest before Deception’s big launch at the Nurses Ball. It’s going to have major impact, so he’s glad they can celebrate before she’ll be too busy to see him. She doesn’t say anything, and he tells her, it’s her big moment. Why doesn’t she feel more excited?

Valentin says, Brook could have warned her father when she knew he bought the shares, but Brook says he offered to jumpstart her career, and she needed that. She did her research, and knows he worked a miracle at Cassadine Industries, bringing them back from the brink. ELQ is in good shape, but he can make it better, which is a gift to her family, whether they recognize it or not. He says that’s why he’s not bailing out the hospital, but she says he left the door open to a drug lord. He says, Cyrus was exonerated, and she says, so was he. Does that make him any less guilty? He says, touché, but if Cyrus is as bad as she says, Sonny will take care of the situation. She asks what he knows about Sonny, and he says he knows if Cyrus is a threat, he’ll be removed. Either by a tragic accident or he’ll go missing. He knows in time, GH will be grateful.

Carly brings Nina and Jax her best champagne, with her compliments. Nina says Carly should be celebrating with Willow and Michael, but Carly says, it was Nina’s testimony that showed Nelle for who she was. It’s an understatement to say it was important to the case. Jax asks if Nelle was denied visitation permanently, or can it be amended later?

Valentin tells Brook, he’s sorry she’s being held responsible for his presence in ELQ, but she says, controlling interest is more than a presence. He says, by the time she realized, it would have been too late, but she kept quiet, which shows good faith. He’s going to show good faith too. The Nurses Ball is a good start, and she deserves it.

Maxie tells Peter, at the risk of jinxing it, she thinks tomorrow will go well, but it’s still nerve wracking. If something goes wrong, it’s on her. Peter says, the bigger the production, the bigger the chance someone screwing up, and she says, exactly. They’re in a good place now. Georgie is living nearby, and Peter is bonding with her and James. Big changes are coming, and she doesn’t want anything coming between them. They’ve worked hard to get where they are. Peter says nothing is going to stop them, and she says she has something to tell him. Anna asks if she can join them.

Finn asks Chase where that came from. History has shown he’s always on their dad’s side. Chase says he’s a coward. He hasn’t told their dad that he and Willow broke up. He’d told their dad that Willow was probably the one. How is going to tell him that he broke her heart?

Lulu tells Dustin that her mother was hoping Nikolas was taking a turn for the better. How is she going to tell Laura about the plot Nikolas was working on? Nikolas just told her that he and Spencer teamed up to protect their inheritance. They want to make Ava feel guilty about Spencer rejecting his father, so she agrees to divorce Nikolas without taking the money. What if it works? Nikolas gets everything he wants, and his son inherits a fortune through manipulation. What lesson will that teach Spencer? Dustin says, do whatever it takes to win, and she says, exactly (WOTD). Which brings her to the spray painted graffiti. What if Nikolas is responsible? She doesn’t want to believe it, but she can’t put anything past her. She wanted to talk to him, but maybe they should just go. They leave.

Ava comes out, and says, damn you, Nikolas Cassadine. I go into shock because she doesn’t have a martini in her hand. Yet.

Nikolas wonders if he can ask Elizabeth a question, and she says, only if it’s multiple choice. He asks why she didn’t arrive with Franco, and she says she wasn’t coming at all. She believes in his talent, but hates anything that harkens back to hid bad boy days. He’s not that man anymore, and they’ve worked hard to create a solid, healthy family life. He asks if the boys are okay with Franco, and she says, there were issues with Cameron at the beginning, but the boys adore him, and Franco is devoted to them. Ironically, Franco took Ava’s commission so he could set aside money for Cameron’s tuition. Nikolas asks if she wishes now that Franco had never taken the commission, and she says, it’s bad enough Ava was generating publicity with his past, but to watch Franco go along with it… It was painful to watch him embrace this version of himself, after the years he spent convincing the world he’s changed.

Ava yells for Nikolas, asking where he is. Franco asks if she’s seen Elizabeth, and she asks if he’s sure she didn’t leave. Elizabeth wasn’t happy with anything that happened tonight. He says he’s sorry. He knows she had high hopes for tonight, and it didn’t turn out the way she wanted it to. He does have some good news. He’s pretty sure he can restore the painting. She says she can’t think of think of anything but her lying traitor of a husband. He asks what she’s going to do now, and she says, it doesn’t matter. She plans to remedy the situation permanently.

Peter tells Anna that he was just about to grab some drinks. Maxie says, nothing for her; she has an early start tomorrow. Anna says she does too, and Maxie tells him, go ahead. It will give them time for girl talk. He leaves, and Anna asks if Maxie is okay. She’s been quiet.

Finn says Chase should tell their dad that he was trying to do the right thing. He made a sacrifice so Michael and Willow could get custody of Wiley. Chase says he can’t tell their dad; the fewer people who know, the better. If the truth gets back to the judge, it could jeopardize everything. Finn says, Chase hasn’t told Willow that he never had an affair?

Dustin asks if Lulu thinks Peter will have her do a write-up, and she says she does remember too well what Franco was like before. Dustin says, it was tragic, but he was still a genius; a brilliant, revolutionary artist. She says, that’s right. He doesn’t know. She was one of Franco’s targets. He says, sorry. He had no idea. Brook comes up to them, and says she thought Dustin had her back and they were collaborating. He says, they are, and she says she called, but he didn’t answer. Lulu says, he’s not a border collie who will run to her when she calls. He says he’s there now; tell him what happened. She says her father kicked her out.

Carly tells Jax, the judge said he might reconsider if Nelle becomes a super productive citizen, but they know that’s not going to happen. Jax says, a weight has been lifted. Nelle has no power over any of them now. Carly tells him, they say it takes a village to care for a child, but it takes a village to protect a child. Wiley is home safe. She toasts to everyone who made it possible, and they clink glasses.

Dustin asks why Ned kicked Brook out, and Lulu asks, how? It’s Monica’s house. Unless Monica agreed. Brook says, it seems like no one can make mistakes anymore, and Lulu asks, what mistake Brook made.

Elizabeth tells Nikolas, Franco isn’t the first artist to be susceptible to fame and want their work admired, or the first to compromise. But he can realize it, and turn this thing around. Hopefully Nikolas can too. Nikolas says, excuse me? and she says, Ava blackmailed him into marriage, but he doesn’t have to stay. Ava will burn him in the end. He tells her, trust him; he has a plan. She says his last plan kept him away for years. She asks him to come home for real, to the people who really know him. They all miss him. He asks, what about her? Does she miss him? She says he knows she does. He’s been a huge part of her life. Nikolas starts to lean in, presumably for a kiss, and she says she needs to find Franco. Think about what she said, and get away from Ava before it’s too late. She goes back inside, and he sighs. He’s not as good at it as Jason though.

Ava tells Franco that he doesn’t know what her deceptive husband and his son cooked up. They’ve been working together. She overheard him talking to Lulu, and he and Spencer are working to make her feel so guilty, she agrees to divorce him, and waive her rights to his fortune. Nikolas has been plotting against her since they said I do. He sabotaged her redecorating, put a snake in her handbag, and now he’s vandalized her portrait. He literally defaced her. He embarrassed her in front of her guests, and is using his son to manipulate her. Franco says, this is toxic. She needs to get out. She and Nikolas hate each other. She needs to stop punishing herself, and walk away. She says, if she leaves, she’ll lose everything. He asks what she’ll lose. Money? This creepy island doesn’t suit her. Doesn’t she miss the penthouse and her life? What does it matter if what she’s keeping is killing her? She asks, who’s waiting for her? Nobody. He says she’s got her brother, and Avery. She says Avery doesn’t live with her, and her brother is involved in his own life. Face it, without Kiki, she’s completely alone, except for Nikolas. She might hate him, but even that’s better than the emptiness. Franco says he doesn’t know much, but he knows she’ll never be alone. She’ll always have him. Ava asks how she’ll always have Franco? He has Elizabeth. He says he does, and he should find her. Take his advice, and go also. Ava says, another dream bites the dust, and walks away. Franco looks at the portrait.

Lulu says Brook sold her ELQ shares without discussing it with the family? She thought that was the number one rule with the Quartermaines. Brook says Lulu is acting like she sold them to buy tickets to Coachella (not this year). She had an iron clad contract with a sexual harasser. She’d think she would be respected for her creative solution to the problem. Dustin says all Brook had were bad options. Lulu doesn’t begrudge Brook the extreme measures she used to get away from that creep Linc, but she could have given the family a heads up, so they weren’t blindsided. Brook says, like Lulu did when she published the article that cost the Quartermaines a fortune? Lulu gets the gold medal for being a hypocrite every time.

Jax steps away to take a call, and Carly tells Nina that she never believed in silver linings, but if Michael, Willow, and Wiley stay together and they’re happy, it will be worth the pain Nelle caused.

On the phone, Jax says he hopes it’s good news. Is there any information on the necklace?

Finn says he gets Chase not wanting to jeopardize the case, but he’s not going to hold a press conference. Come clean to Willow. Chase says he’d like nothing more, but Nelle will never give up. If Michael reunites with Sasha, Nelle will go straight to the judge. Finn asks if this is going to keep going indefinitely.

Maxie tells Anna that she’s fine; just a teensy bit overwhelmed. She’s the boss, and the one in charge. Georgie is living near Port Charles now, and she can’t stop thinking about having to juggle responsibilities. Deception and her kids are both going to want all her time. Plus Peter. She’s scared she’s going to let someone down. Anna says, don’t worry. Of course (🍷) she’ll let someone down.

Elizabeth looks at the portrait, and Franco says he thought she went home, but she says she just needed fresh air, and some time to think. He says he’s really sorry he made things tense. He shouldn’t have let anything come between them. She says they both need to communicate better. He says, maybe, but when she said she couldn’t be there, it hurt. He makes jokes, but feeling that she’s by his side shows the world he’s okay. She says she wants to support him and his art, but she’s not comfortable with exploiting his past. It troubles her that he went along with it.

Ava finds Nikolas getting ready to change, and he asks if everyone is gone. She says she doesn’t know and doesn’t care. She overheard him talking to his sister about his plan with Spencer. They’re teaming up against her. Too bad, because it was working. She was actually considering letting him go, and forgetting her right to the settlement. But that’s changed. He doesn’t deserve a dime, and she’ll see to it that he doesn’t get a single penny. She might hate him, but she’s not going anywhere. Nikolas says he hates her, and Spencer hates her. He hates this sick, demented carnival ride. How long does she plan to torture him? It’s going to be a long, lonely wait. After what he’s gone through, he’s not giving up. She wonders how long before he has the nearest girl in his bed? and he wonders how  long before she has a stable hand in her bed? She says she doesn’t need anyone, but he says, she’s chronically needy. She tells him, he’s outmatched. By this time, they’ve moved pretty close to each other, and they kiss.

Maxie asks if Anna thinks she’ll disappoint everyone she loves, but Anna says she’s not saying that because she think Maxie wants to or is a bad person. It will happen because she’s human. The whole idea of having it all is a demented ploy by advertisers that’s taken on a life of its own. Something is bound to fall through the cracks. She needs to find balance. She can’t have the right answer to everything all the time. Anna says she speaks from experience. She had to choose between her daughter and her career. Maxie doesn’t think Anna’s super spy work is the same as setting up a photo shoot, but Anna says she’s not talking about the type of work. She means the compromises all women make; weighing what’s right for them and what’s right for their kids. Whatever works for Maxie is hers, and no one else should judge. If anyone tries, they’ll have to go through Anna first.

Finn tells Chase he knows less about women than anyone on the planet, but if Chase is going to do something, do it soon. The closer Michael becomes to investing in Willow as Wiley’s mom, the harder it will be to get her back. Chase says, it’s not about him or what he wants, but what’s best for Wiley. And what’s best for Wiley is not breaking up the family. Finn hopes Chase knows what he’s doing. The longer he keeps the secret, the more likely it is to destroy his relationship for good. Chase says he appreciates Finn’s honesty, but he has to go.

Peter says, Maxie had something she wanted to tell him? but Maxie says, no. She changed her mind.

Anna asks Finn how it went with his brother. Finn says, Chase is an idiot. Sweet, and honorable to a fault, but still an idiot.

Lulu says, it’s unfortunately Ned threw Brook out, but if she’d been honest, she might have saved ELQ, and certainly would have saved the hospital in the process. She walks away, and Brook tells Dustin, there’s more to it. She was between a rock and a hard place. Dustin says, it was a bad choice, but that doesn’t make her a bad person.

Carly asks if Valentin is ready to settle his tab, and he asks if he can buy her drink. She says she doesn’t think so, and he says, Michael will be fine. He’s remarkably capable for a rich kid. She asks if that’s supposed to be a complement, but he says, it’s insight. People with money often underestimate their own strengths. She says, Michael might have been raised with money, but he’s seen his share of adversity. He knows life rarely goes as planned, and adapts and adjusts. He did with the custody case, and he’ll do the same to get rid of Valentin. Valentin asks if that’s what she’s celebrating with Jax and Nina, and she says Jax and Nina are definitely a couple. He says, for now.

Nina asks Jax if everything is okay, and he says they have a second occasion to toast. His jewelry contact thinks she can trace the necklace. Nina might have a lead on her missing child.

Elizabeth says Franco is a new person, and she thinks his art should reflect that. Franco says, okay, but art doesn’t live in a vacuum. She says, she’d think he’d fight for the piece to stand on its own merit, and he says, ten years ago, he would have loved it; spray paint as opposed to oil, and graffiti over a portrait. He would have done a whole series like it. She asks if he’s thinking that way because the bad boy is back in the limelight. He says he’s not answering that right now. Any answer he gives her is an excuse to have an argument, and he doesn’t want to. Elizabeth suggests they call a truce, and he says, right now, he’s going to fix it. She says he’s going to work after what they said? He says, now’s the time to get it clean. She tells him, good luck with that. Clean away, but he can’t change the past.

Ava asks how dare Nikolas. He says she kissed him. She tells him that she can manage without sex, or anything else. She walks out, closing the door behind her, and leans on the wall in the hallway. Nikolas is like, hmm… and I think he liked it.

Tomorrow, the 2020 Nurses Ball begins, Robert is keeping his options open, Valentin is rising to the occasion, and all of them are wearing Nurses Ball T-shirts instead of glam.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Time to get irritated, followed by RHOBH and more irritation tomorrow. While I get what happened, I still have some thoughts that I’ll post at the end.

Captain Sandy gets first mate David. She wants him in her office to follow protocol. She asks Hannah to come sit down. She says it’s been brought to her attention has drugs on board. Hannah says, her valium? and the captain says, It was laid out with her pot pen in her cabin. Hannah says, that was in her bag from L.A. The captain says she has to do a disciplinary action, and go through it by the book. The violations are posted in the laundry room. If Hannah has a prescription, she needs to bring it. They can’t go to sea otherwise. She tells Hannah to get her valium and pot pen, and bring it in. Hannah says she hasn’t taken anything since she’s been on board. We flash back to Hannah going into the bathroom, this time, clearly seeing she has the valium in her hand.  The captain says she has to do this by the book, and can’t ignore this. I’ve never heard of a pot pen before. It’s not a vaping device, so wth?

Everyone goes about their business. Hannah goes to get her valium. David says the marijuana pen on the boat is a no-no, and if Hannah can’t come up with a prescription for the valium, it’s grounds for dismissal. Captain Sandy says she needs to make sure noting is being destroyed, and jets to Hannah’s cabin. She opens the bathroom door, where Hannah has her pants half down. Hannah asks if she can’t go to the bathroom, and the captain says, please give her all the drugs. Hannah hands them over, and the captain says, this is all she has? Nothing else? Hannah says that’s it, and the captain asks if she has a prescription, but Hannah says she doesn’t. She tells Captain Sandy that she needs to pee, and the captain says she wants to get through this quickly. They have a charter starting. In Tom’s interview, he obliviously says he’s preparing for a great first day. He’s excited. Hannah goes back into the captain’s office, and asks what she should she do. Captain Sandy says, at this point with everything going on, with her hyperventilating at 4 am on the floor with Malia, right now she can’t go sea with Hannah. She has clients she’s responsible for. Hannah gets up, and the captain says, let her finish. She has the utmost compassion, but she’s going to finish the season with the crew. It’s not worth it. She’s a captain, and worked hard for her license. She doesn’t want to risk it. There’s too much going on. Hannah asks if she can have her valium, and the captain hands it back. Hannah says she’ll pack now. Hannah leaves, barely batting an eye, and Captain Sandy ponders.

Tom asks Hannah how it’s going. She breezes past, saying she’s not talking; sorry. Hannah asks Rob to grab her suitcase. Jess sees Hannah go to the dock. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says it’s hard when she has to let someone go, but maritime law is no tolerance. They have to be drug free. If a plane has an emergency landing, the attendants are responsible for the guests. If they have a catastrophe on board, the chief stew has to gather the guests and keep them calm. If she didn’t address this, and something happened, she’d go to jail, the boat would be incarcerated, and she’d lose her license. What Hannah did was illegal. On shore, Hannah calls Josh. Rob tells Jess that he thinks Hannah quit. Jess says, it could get bad. Hannah tells Josh that the captain heard she had an anxiety attack, and it’s too risky to go out to sea with her. She tries to shake the cameras, and tells Josh, now she’s a drug addict and the worst person in the world. She’s over it; it’s utter bullsh*t. She’ll call him back. Captain Sandy finds Hannah, and says that her hands are tied legally, but personally she doesn’t want to drive out to sea with how Hannah has been lately. Hannah says she had an anxiety attack, and the captain says she has drugs on the boat. If they go to sea, she’s responsible. Hannah says, it’s utter bullsh*t, and the captain says, if that’s how she wants to see it. On the boat, Rob tells Jess that he thinks Hannah quit. Bugs looks for Hannah.

Captain Sandy tells Hannah that she cares about her, and Hannah says, okay, in that way it’s not okay. The captain asks if Hannah doesn’t think so, and Hannah says she doesn’t. The captain says, if she’d wanted Hannah off the boat, she didn’t have to use this. She could have fired Hannah last year, or the year before. If Hannah wants to make it about this, and say she doesn’t care, it’s fine with her; she won’t care. She officially doesn’t effing care. Hannah can pack and go now. Captain Sandy calls Malia to the bridge, and says she’s releasing Hannah from her contract due to the findings. She’s not comfortable going out to sea; it’s a threat to the season. Bugs asks Hannah if she should unpack the alcohol, and Hannah says she doesn’t care. In her interview, the captain says, she feels for Hannah, but it’s her job. If a guest gets wasted, and breaks a leg, and Hannah fails a test, there could be a lawsuit. She tells Malia, obviously, people are noticing. If they come to her, tell them the captain is going to have a meeting. Bugsy will be chief stew. Jess says, God help us all. Bugsy wonders what happened. Jess finds Hannah, who says she has valium, and the captain doesn’t feel safe. Jess asks how the captain knew, and Hannah says, Malia probably took a photo. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in this industry. In Hannah’s interview, she says, Malia is like a snake. They have a checkered past. We flash back to that, and Hannah says they’ve been getting along well this season, but Malia just went down to the gutter. She tells Jess, Bugs will be chief stew, and Jess says, she’s so neurotic. The next charter is going to be psycho. Hannah says, she’s all yours.

Two hours before charter. Bugs asks Hannah, what happened? and Hannah says she doesn’t know. She has a prescription for valium. Hannah smiles at Malia, and says, apparently you can get fired for having anxiety attacks. She has a legal CBD pen, and a prescription for valium, but the captain thinks it’s too much of a risk because she’s unstable. Malia asks if Hannah registered her prescription with the boat, but Hannah says she doesn’t remember. Maliah makes a noise like she’s not buying that. Hannah says goodbye to Alex, and tells Tom, it was nice to meet him. Good luck with the charter. Jess follows Hannah out. In Tom’s interview, he says, it’s a great first day. Hannah has a cigarette on the dock. In her interview, she says, so this is how it ends. Malia tells the deckhands that Captain Sandy is having a meeting. In Hannah’s interview, she says, she’s aware of maritime law; she’s been in yachting for years. It was a mistake on her part not to declare what she has, but she thinks she’s been ready to make a hasty exit for a few years now. She doesn’t like leaving like this. She hates leaving on a dark, horrible note, but doesn’t regret her time in yachting. It’s part of who she is as a human being and always will be. She had the highest of highs – we flash back to the fun times – and the lowest of lows – we flash back to some miserable times. She says she’s done with the heart attack, but would have preferred to end on a high – not literally. She thinks the next chapter is going to be so much better, even though yachting was fantastic.

Rob wants to make a pact that no one else leaves. Jess says she’ll need to get fired; she’s not quitting. Malia says, that’s the spirit. Captain Sandy asks to see Bugs. Alex wonders, who’s next? The captain tells Bugs, obviously, Hannah is no longer on board, and asks if Bugs is okay with being chief stew. She’ll get someone for her next charter, and the deck will help. She just wants to make sure Bugs is up to the task. She doesn’t want the chatter about Hannah to effect Bugs. Bugs says Malia explained some things, but it’s not for her to know. She’ll just have to carry on. Right. Like she won’t be pumping her friend for info later. In Bugs’s interview, she says, someone has to step in and take charge, but it’s unfortunate the way it played out. Provisions come in, and the captain radios the crew to meet in one hour in the mail salon, wearing their whites. In Tom’s interview, he says he’s had classical training. He likes to be organized and prepared, but to be dropped into the season like this, is mad. Captain Sandy says she’s had better days. Malia tells the deckhands, they have to stay strong, leave the personal stuff, have each other’s backs, and finish strong. She thanks them for being awesome. Tom says he’s never seen anyone walk out the day of charter. In her interview, Bugs says Hannah had the knowledge of how to run things. You need a system, and she has no time to do it. That’s her biggest concern at this point. Alex says he’s not stressing, and Tom says Alex is leaving the stress to him.

Malia asks Captain Sandy if another person is coming, and the captain says, next charter. She thinks they’ll see a change in Jess. Malia thinks there will be a change when they understand why Hannah had to be let go, and what the severity of the situation is. They need to understand that, even if they have a prescription, you can’t take anything while on duty. She had an allergic reaction once, and had to log the Benadryl. A nurse had to be called on shore to give an okay for her to take it. Hannah didn’t register valium and weed. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says, under maritime law, pot is illegal on a vessel in international waters. She knows of a ship in the Bahamas that was seized for one joint. She tells Malia that she wasn’t going into all that when she had an emotional being in front of her. Whatever it is, it has to be registered. Malia says, there’s a reason for the laws, and in her interview, says, this is probably the roughest situation Tom could be thrown into. She feels nervous and protective of him. Everyone gets into their whites, and in Jess’s interview, she says she thinks the crew is shocked and confused. WTF just happened? She knows where Bugs gets her name; she bugs the sh*t out of everybody. Jess tells Rob that she loves him.

The crew meets in the main salon for a pre-charter meeting. Captain Sandy says, the reality is, Hannah was let go. It’s ultimately the captain’s responsibility to uphold maritime law. When they go to sea, the chief stew is responsible for every life on board, and can’t be drowsy or incapacitated in any way. This is why they can’t drink or take any medication, not even Benadryl. She needs to make it crystal clear that they need to be relied on in case of an emergency. It’s no joke. She says Bugs will be chief stew because of her past knowledge. They’re hitting reset and starting new. Bugs says, blah-blah-blah to Jess, and in her interview, Jess says, oh my God. Here we go. Bugs says she sees that enthusiasm, and Jess says she can’t wait.

The guests arrive. Bugs runs out just in time, and Malia calls Tom to get out on the dock. The crew greets the guests, and Captain Sandy says they’re happy to have them. Bugs will show them around the boat, then they’ll take off for their first anchorage. In Bugs’s interview, she says she’s comfortable with the title, but she never expected having to do it with only one other stew. She gives the tour, and shows them the cigar lounge, which I’ve never seen; it’s very cool. Malia tries to lift one of the guest’s bags, and says, holy hell. In her interview, she says, the guests look high maintenance. The chief stew and the chef are shockingly new, and now isn’t the time for a challenge. Bugs takes the guests downstairs to show them the cabins. Malia tells the captain, ready to launch, and Bugs shows them the hot tub. Malia says, stern lines are clear, and Bugs pours champagne, saying they can call her Chief. She asks if lunch is good at 2 pm, and if family style is okay. She relays the information to Tom, and in his interview, he says, food is very much the pride of a professional chef. His mom never let them sleep in, and they had a massive amount of chores, She once sprayed him with a hose while he was still in bed, telling him that he needed to get something done, and wasn’t going to achieve anything in bed.

Jess tells Bugs that one of the guests wants an espresso martini, and Bugs asks if Jess wants to learn how to make it. In Bugs’s interview, she says the downfall interiors is usually because the chief stew doesn’t show the stews how to do anything, and expects them to be miracle workers. As busy as it is, giving people your time is important. She shows Jess how to make the martini. Pete asks Malia if Hannah was let go for drugs, and Malia says, yeah. It doesn’t matter if you have a prescription. You can’t have them in the cabin or be taking them on duty. Bugs asks if there are any spare hands to do dishes, and Malia says she’s on her way. Until it’s time to drop anchor, the deck crew is all hers. Tom says he’ll make a chef out of Malia, and she says, sous chef. Bugs asks how Alex is doing; it’s a beautiful  day. Alex says, and they have a beautiful new chief stew. Isaac tells the other guests, it’s good to know me, and they clink glasses.

Cala Fornells. The boat is anchored, and the water toys are put out. In his interview, Tom says, first impressions are huge. You need to get it right, and ride the wave. He starts plating, and Malia calls the deck crew to help serve. Tom has Malia do the garnishes. In her interview, she says she thinks Tom is doing fine, but he’s not used to not having a sous chef. She’s a nervous wreck because he’s her boyfriend. She doesn’t want any repercussions. A guest asks the chef’s name, and Bugs tells him, saying they just got him. Captain Sandy comes by, and asks how lunch is, and the guest (I think it’s the father, but I’m not sure since they’re not indicating a name) says, if the chef isn’t five-star, he’s not for them. He asks if the captain has eaten the chef’s food yet, and she says no, and he says, he’s not a fan of veal. Another guest says, it’s delicious; Tom is a great chef. In her interview, the captain says, whew! Thank God. Tom wonders where he’d be without Malia, and she says, not here. The guests go in the water, and one asks Bugs if she’s married. She says, to her job, and he rudely asks how old she is. She tells him, twenty-nine; she still has some time. Rob radios Malia that the jet skis have disappeared behind a rock, and she asks him to go to the bridge, and see if he can keep eyes on them. In her interview, she says, the guests are doing everything all at once, it’s hard to keep track of them. The wave runner overturns, with one of the guests underneath it. He’s fine, and Malia explains weight distribution. A guest asks if Rob has a girlfriend, and he says he’s seeing Jess. The guest says he has good taste, and Rob says, she does too. Why guests always quiz the crew on their status is beyond me. I don’t ask my waiter those questions. In Rob’s interview, he says, the relationship has gotten deeper, stronger, and more powerful quickly. Flying to the other end of the world after knowing someone a couple of weeks could be seen as crazy, but he’s considering flying to Bali.

Malia asks Tom how it’s going, and he says, it’s his first day; his first everything. Jess and Rob kiss in their cabin. A fat, old dude guest – I think it’s the father, so we’ll just call him Jerod from now on – says he wants whiskey twice his age, and a woman half his age. Alex calls Bugs Hannah, which is bound to happen. The guests throw a dildo around (mind you, none of them are kids), and one says it’s hers; don’t play with it. Bugs tells guest Ashley that they’re doing the celebration for their achievement tonight, and Ashley says they also want to do the birthday party. Bugs asks, what kind of cake? and Ashley says, chocolate. Jerod tells Bugs, there’s a sea cucumber that he’d like her to take back, indicating the dildo. She says, some sea cucumber, but bravely picks it up. In her interview, she says she doesn’t want to know, and she puts it on the bed. Bugs makes a light-up sign that says, Yay for 100K. She tells Tom about the birthday cake, and he says, cool, but it’s not really. Jess checks to see who wants drinks, and in Tom’s interview, he says, last minute requests reflect on the chef. He can make something last minute, but it doesn’t necessarily reflect what he’s capable of. Bugs just threw it at him. Like it’s her fault. In Jess’s interview, she says Bugs is intense and detailed. She says she must be second stew now, since there’s only two of them. Captain Sandy calls for a second stew, and says, yes, again. Bugs takes photos of the guests. Tom grumbles, effing birthday cake at the last minute, and bitches about it. He tells Malia, even if he could cook whatever he wanted, the job is hard enough, and she says she has to deal with it too. He gripes that he’s cooking for the crew too. Whatever. It’s bullsh*t. I stop listening to him whine.

Jerod takes topless pics of his whatever-she-is. He says he’s going to the room to play with that thing. Bugs tells Jess to get the cutlery out, and writes down what she needs. Tom bitches some more, because he didn’t see oysters on the list, and wonders how he’s getting them open. In his interview, he says he didn’t think of it, and never got an oyster knife. It’s not a good start. Malia asks if they have a knife, but they don’t. Bugs asks for help with service and turndown. In Bugs’s interview, she says she loves working with Tom. He’s an easy person to work with, but she keeps waiting for him to throw a dish at her. Jerod wanders around. Malia tells Alex to help Jess with the cabins, and says she’ll help serve. Tom says, piece of sh*t, blah-blah-blah. In his interview, he says he’s feeling flustered. There’s been a lot of stress and drama already. It’s not necessary; today has been a lot. Jerod pops his head in the galley, and asks if Tom is going to make them a good meal. Tom says he hopes so, and Jerod asks where he’s from. Tom says, the UK, and Jerod wants to tell him a joke. A guy from the UK comes home to find his wife in bed with another man. What does he say? Tom doesn’t know, and Jerod tells him, ‘allo, ‘allo, ‘allo. Tom is like, huh? and Jerod says, it’s an American joke making fun of an Englishman. Awkward.

Bugs asks how Captain Sandy’s day is going, and the captain says she wanted to go home. It was a rough morning, and she could be at a Broncos/Jaguars game right now. Jerod wanders around nakey with the dildo, and tosses it into one of the rooms. WTF??? Jess looks at her flight layover, and Rob says, he’s used to that sh*t. Bugs creates another stellar tablescape in blue and metallics. In Malia’s interview, she says she didn’t realize how she’d feel differently when Tom came on board. Now she’s carrying the responsibility of a partner. It scary, but good.

The guests get ready for dinner. Alex tells Jess that he’s helping her with cabins; let him know what to do. One of the guests cuts a piece of meat off of what’s on the grill with a pocketknife. How classy. Jerod says when he threw the dildo in her room, Tatiana yelled at him. Tatiana confirms that she did. I won’t tell you what I’d do. The guests complain about shells in their oysters, and one says they didn’t appreciate it. All I want to do at this point is eat cookies and my feelings. Bugs asks if they want another round, and primary Isaac suggests they say one nice thing about each other. He likes everyone’s boobs, and loves Tatiana’s hair, because apparently, she’s chosen not to have fake boobs. Bugs tells Tom about the shells, and he says he can make more, but it will take time. He notes that they ate them anyway.

Alex helps Jess, and in her interview, she tells us, they worked together on a boat in Florida. He’s her little, degenerate brother. She wants to slap and hug him at the same time. She asks Alex to gather the trash. He says he’s the second stew and she’s the third. Bugs tells the guests that the chef is more than happy to make more oysters, but lobster is coming, and they say they’re good. Tom asks Malia to help plate the lobster. Alex sees the guests suitcases open, but says he’s not putting their effing clothes away. He sees the dildo, and laughs like crazy. He says, that’s a good d*ckin’; it’s like a kickstand. Bugs asks Alex to wait outside the galley to help with the food. The guests complain about the lobster being raw. Jess tells Alex to pull it off gently, meaning the bedsheet. He says, the d*ck or… and they laugh. Bugs tells Tom about the lobster, and says she’s sorry. He says, it’s nonsense. Effing hell. He’s cooked for two hours. He bitches for a while, but says he’ll sort it out. He continues to complain, wondering how he’s going to cook the potatoes now. In his interview, Tom says, it’s not what he thought he was signing up for. He’s a laughing stock. What’s the point of being on the boat if the guests don’t like it? It’s suicide. He’s good at what he does, and doesn’t need to prove it. He has too much self-respect to do this effing bullsh*t.

This season: Captain Sandy says, yachting is emotional and tiring; she wants them to be champions, and not at each other’s throats, and she can’t do insubordination. A new stew arrives, Alex gets covered in glitter and belly dances, a repeat guest, a jelly fish sting, Ibiza, Bugs takes a spill, Tom says he’s done, a tight parking spot, the captain tells Malia to stay out of the galley, Rob feels trapped, and Tom throws a fit.

🐍 Okay, I get the maritime law thing, and why Captain Sandy feels the way she does. HOWEVER, Malia is the worst for the way she handled it. A panic attack should not be interpreted as freaking out, and she made that sound worse than it was when talking to the captain. I believe she lulled Hannah into a false sense of friendship security, and I don’t believe for a second had Hannah not been averse to the cabin switch, that Malia wouldn’t have let it go. Regardless, she shouldn’t have been all stealthy, taking a picture, when she knew earlier. Why didn’t she alert the captain then? She had added incentive, knowing her buddy would be promoted to chief stew. The whole thing stinks. As for Captain Sandy, once she had that information, she had no choice to confront Hannah, but David told her it was grounds for dismissal, not absolute. I believe she didn’t just fire Hannah for the drugs, but for a series of problems she perceived having with her. What I really didn’t like is, when Hannah said she didn’t think the captain cared, it was because she was blindsided and hurt – admittedly, it was stupid of her to leave that stuff lying around – and the captain should have recognized that, and not taken it personally.

🎱 Deadline Looming…

My deadline for is at high noon on Tuesday, so I’ll be saving the tea for another day, since I still have work to do. Until we join forces again, stay safe, stay using your brain, and stay leaving your drugs at home if your vessel is traveling international waters.