Monthly Archives: January 2022

January 28, 2022 – Peter Sees His Daughter, Subbing, Connections, Parry’s Start, New Venture, Rinnafish, Salty Talk, Unfollowed, Calendar, Puppies (!), a Countdown’s Worth Of Quotes & 28th


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook backs into an examining room with Bailey in her stroller. Chase is there in his briefs, and she says, sorry to interrupt. TJ said he’d be in here, and it’s really important. She turns around, and says, oh, hi.

Esme asks if Spencer heard what Josslyn just called her. Trina’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and somehow that makes her a manipulative bitch? Josslyn asks if she wasn’t clear. Esme’s always been a bitch from the moment she got into town. Playing that stupid drinking game is just her stupid way of proving it. Cameron thinks it’s settled; the bar is closed for tonight. No more alcohol for any of them. Josslyn says she’s not going to let Esme blame alcohol for what happened tonight. She’s jealous of Spencer’s friendship with Trina, so Esme deliberately set out to humiliate her by dredging up the past. Trina ran out of here in tears, but she’s guessing that’s exactly what Esme wanted. Esme says, really? Josslyn thinks it was her goal to hurt Trina? Josslyn says, hurt her, embarrass her, one or the other. Josslyn looks at Spencer, and says, and what about him? Can he finally see Esme for who she really is?

Stella meets Curtis at Charlie’s, and he says she looks fantastic. She thanks him, and sits down. He says, her time at the wellness center agreed with her, and she says she can’t thank him enough for arranging that. She feels better than ever. Catch her up on everything. She doesn’t need to hear about him and Portia; she can tell by the look on his face. He says, that obvious, huh? and she says she’s happy for both of them. TJ’s been texting her about the latest doings at GH, but there’s at least one empty space in her family album. How are things going with him and Marshall? He says, improving. Kind of. But at least he’s not in the dark anymore. Marshall told him everything. She says, he did what?

Marshall (temporary Marshall – see below) walks into Kelly’s, and puts a little plant on the table Epiphany is sitting at. He says, he was told he could find her here, and sits down. She asks, what’s up with the plant? and he says it’s to thank her for looking out for him after he spoiled their date. She says, he didn’t spoil anything. He had a health crisis. She’s just glad it wasn’t anything serious. He says, it was his serious chance to get to know her better. He just hopes he gets another crack at it.

Martin sees Laura at the Bistro, and she says thanks for meeting her. He sits down, and says he’s just sorry he missed Luke’s memorial. He never met the man, but he wanted to be there to support her. You know what they say about the life of an attorney; it’s either feast or famine. She says, right now, as she understands it, he’s feasting on Peter August’s retainer, and he asks, who told her? She says she’s the mayor, remember? The DA is a good friend of hers. Does he have any idea what he’s in for?

Peter pulls at his handcuffs, and flashes back to talking to Victor saying, Brook and Maxie conspired to pass off Louise as Brook and Valentin’s child, so Peter would be convinced his child had been kidnapped and disappeared into thin air. Dante comes in, and Peter asks if it’s an official visit, or is Dante just dropping by as a concerned friend? Dante laughs, and says, he’s there to tell Peter that he’s now being transferred to Pentenville tomorrow. They want to do some more tests; make sure they dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s. Peter says, they already cleared him to go, and Dante asks, what’s a few more hours? Does he have someplace to be? Peter laughs.

Valentin shows the reception nurse his driver’s license, and says, she can check Bailey’s file and see he’s her father. The nurse leaves, and Victor says he couldn’t help but overhear. What does Valentin want with Bailey’s medical records? She’s not his daughter. Valentin says, legally, she still is. For whatever reason, Brook hasn’t updated Bailey’s birth certificate or medical records. Victor says, makes you wonder, doesn’t it? and Valentin says, wonder what? Victor says, whether Brook is hiding something.

Chase puts on his pants, and asks if Brook ever knocks. She says she’s sorry. When the nurse said he was in this room, she didn’t mention he’d be doing a strip routine. He says, that tends to happen when you’re having a physical, and she asks if he’s all right. Did he have a setback? He says, no. His blood pressure’s stabilized, and he passed with flying colors. She says, good, and he says, which is ironic. If he wasn’t suspended, he’d be cleared from desk duty and back out in the field. But the upside of being suspended is, he gets more time with Bailey. He tells Bailey that she’s the best little workout buddy. He’s never run so many miles so fast. Brook says it’s too bad Chase is her father in name only. Bailey could get used to having him around.

Esme tells Spencer to say something, and he asks, how’s Trina? Is she okay? Josslyn says, no, she’s not okay. He saw her; she ran out of the room in tears. She won’t even come out of the room. Josslyn had to talk to her through the door. Cameron says, the alcohol hit her hard, but Josslyn says, the problem was not what was in the mug. Cameron says he’s never seen Trina drink before, and he thought that might have been it. Josslyn says, the problem was Esme implying Trina had feelings for Cameron, but Cameron says, it doesn’t make sense. It’s ancient history. Why would it bother her now? Esme says, maybe it never stopped bothering Trina, or she didn’t want to bother them with it. Or maybe Trina’s just a drama queen. They had plenty of those at boarding school. Spencer says he doesn’t think Trina’s a drama queen. He thinks she’s legitimately upset. Esme says, Josslyn and Cameron must be thrilled. Now they’ve even got Spence doubting her. All roads lead to Trina. Trina has Spencer wrapped around her little finger, and he doesn’t even see it. She stomps off, and Josslyn asks if Spencer heard her; how she’s trying to make this Trina’s fault. What is wrong with him? Trina is his friend. She’s given him chance after chance. Why can’t he call Esme out for the snake she is?

Stella asks Curtis, when he said Marshall told him everything, what exactly did he mean? Curtis tells her, he said he got mixed up with some shady characters, and he was afraid they were going to use his family as a bargaining chip to keep him in line. So Marshall decided, in order to keep his wife and kids safe, he would disappear and make everyone think he was dead. She sighs, and he asks if she’s okay. He knows it comes as a shock. She says, he has no idea, and he tells her, Marshall didn’t say it in so many words, but his father was in the Witness Protection Program. She says, he believes that? and he asks if she’s saying he shouldn’t.

Epiphany says, Marshall needs to keep taking those new pills the doctor prescribed, and focus on lowering his blood pressure, and she needs to get back to work and finish her shift. He says, the medication is working already; he can feel it. But why does she sound like the one with a problem? She says, no problem. The doctor that wrote him the prescription reminded her of something. That there are some dreams, no matter how sweet, that deserve to die.

Peter tells Dante, the only place he’s going is the courtroom, and the sooner, the better. His attorney is going to get all these charges dismissed, and he can move on with his life. Dante says, the only life Peter is going to have is inside a prison. The question is, is it going to be in Pentenville or Steinmaur? Peter tells Dante, he’s going to beat these charges. Then he’s going to do what everyone, including the PCPD, failed to do. Find his daughter. Dante asks, what makes him think he’s going to find Louise when no one else has? Peter says he has some resources that have yet to be tapped into, and Dante says, like what? Peter says, he could tell Dante, but then he’d have to kill him, and Dante asks if he’s threatening a police officer. Peter asks if Dante is trying to entrap an innocent man. Come on. Don’t they have some tests to run to initiate his transfer? Or is Dante going to risk getting charged with police brutality by compromising Peter’s mortality?

Valentin asks, what makes Victor think Brook is hiding something? and Victor says he’s not the one looking into Bailey’s medical records. Think about it. He starts to leave, but Valentin says, hang on. If he tells Victor something, can he trust him?

Spencer asks what Josslyn wants him to say. Esme’s his girlfriend. Back in boarding school, when he thought his father was dead, she stood by him. When they came to Port Charles, she repeatedly had his back. She thought she was going to be living at Windymere, and when he told her that he’d decided they were living at his grandmother’s house, she didn’t complain at all. Josslyn and Trina made it well-known that they don’t like Esme. She hasn’t felt accepted by any of his friends. Josslyn says she knows that Esme has some kind of hold over Spencer, but he’s got to wake up and see all the hurt she’s done. When she’s not burning down a car, she’s burning down his friendship with Trina. He asks what Cameron thinks. Cameron has always tried to mediate, and see Esme’s perspective. Cameron says he can’t believe Spencer has to ask him that. Cameron saw how Esme treated Trina. The question is, did Spencer?

Esme goes into the master bedroom, and says, perfect.

Stella tells Curtis that she’s not saying he should doubt Marshall’s story. It just really surprises her. He says he’s sorry if it upsets her, but at least now they know why Marshall felt the need to disappear. But when he tries to find out more, like who those guys were and if they’re still a threat, Marshall tells him to back off. It’s funny to him, since he was the one who wanted no part of Marshall. Now Marshall is telling him to lay off. She tells him, maybe he should do as Marshall says, and set aside his interrogation for a while. He says, wait a minute. She’s his Bible scripture quoting auntie, who’s always reminding him that the truth shall set you free. So where is it written that Marshall gets a pass?

Marshall tells Epiphany, dreams don’t die, unless you give up on them. He doesn’t know her well, but she doesn’t strike him as a quitter. She says, that’s the thing. She thought she knew what kind of treatment he needed, but that wasn’t her place. He says, her place was to speak her mind, and he’s grateful she did. She thanks him, but says, it’s the last time she’s going to tell a doctor what to do. He says, even if the doctor is wrong? but she says, that’s the thing; Dr. Rose wasn’t wrong. Marshall just needed to adjust his blood pressure medication, right?

Martin tells Laura, every defendant is entitled to legal counsel. It’s right there in the Constitution, and Peter August is no exception. She asks if he’s saying he took the case in the spirit of justice under the law, and he asks, why shouldn’t he? His little sister isn’t the only person who cares about the public good. She says, how noble of him. And does doing the public good come along with a big, fat check made out to Martin Grey, Esquire?

Victor says he’s Valentin’s father. Of course (🍷) Valentin can trust him. Valentin says, but he’s a one-time ally to Peter August, and Peter says, it was strictly a business arrangement that terminated on the Island of Crete, when Peter crossed the line. Doesn’t he remember? It was the first time he and Valentin teamed up together. And when he got back to the states, he provided information to help track Peter down. What does he have to prove? Whatever’s troubling Valentin, he shouldn’t carry this burden alone. It’s too bad lovely Anna isn’t here by his side. And why this interest in medical records of a child that’s not even his, and what has it got to do with Peter?

Chase says, he could get used being around… Bailey, and Brook says, he missed a button. She fixes it for him, and says she hopes he gets to be a real father someday. He’s got the touch. He says, so does she. She didn’t tell him why she was looking for him. Did she hear from Maxie? She says, no. She’s been sitting on pins and needles. What if being in Pawtuck somehow jars Austin’s memory, and he remembers Maxie handing Louise off to her? He says, Maxie knows what’s at stake; keeping her precious little girl away from Peter. Come on; let’s go home. They leave, as Peter is being wheeled around the corner. Peter looks at Bailey, and I wonder, did Peter get a perm???  Peter says, what a beautiful baby, and Brook says, they think so. Chase says he’s one proud dad, and Peter says he’s sure Chase is. Chase asks Dante what Peter is doing here, and Dante says, a final bit of clearance before Pentenville. Peter says, he never saw the resemblance before, but now he gets it. Bailey looks just like her mother. Chase says, get him out of here, and Dante says, sure thing, and they wheel Peter into the elevator. He stares at Bailey until the last possible second, and then gives a creepy smile.

Martin tells Laura, they were in hiding for months. He couldn’t work. It’s not like he doesn’t have expenses; his mother’s around the clock care for one thing. Then there’s the herd of ex-wives, none of whom will ever get married, because they’re having way too much fun playing the alimony mambo. Of course (🍷) there’s his private wine collection. It should be a tax deduction, since he only has it to impress his clients, but try telling that to the IRS. She asks if he’s going to tell them about the expenses of courting Lucy, and he says, no, and neither is she, especially when Valentin is around. He’s got this thing about conflict of interest. She says, as the mayor, and defender of their Constitution, she wholeheartedly believes in Peter’s right to competent legal counsel, but as his sister, does it have to be him? Peter has hurt so many people; Maxie and her baby. He says, about that. She doesn’t think Peter will ever get his hands on that little baby girl, does she? Nobody’s known about her whereabouts for months. She says, that’s her point. The only way Peter will get his hands on that little girl is if someone as smart as Martin finds a way to exonerate him. Martin says, fine. Laura is going to make a play for the cheap seats.

Valentin tells Victor that Brook used Bailey to help the Quartermaine family regain control of ELQ. He would say, turnabout is fair play, wouldn’t Victor? Victor says, so Valentin is hoping to find something in the medical records he can use to his advantage. Like what for instance? Valentin doesn’t know; he’s fishing. He’s throwing a line in the water and seeing if anything bites. Victor tells him, happy fishing. He hopes Valentin catches something. The nurse comes back with Bailey’s folder, and asks if there’s something in particular Valentin is looking for in Bailey’s records.

Marshall tells Epiphany, changing medications isn’t going to heal the family he abandoned. She says, but he came back. He’s here now, and the longer he lives, the better chance he stands of making his family whole again. He says he’d rather talk about her dream of becoming a doctor, and she says, while she appreciates his interest, she thinks he should save some of his concern for that family of his.

Stella says she’s not giving Marshall a pass. She’s just asking why Curtis can’t accept his father’s version of events, and move on. Or is he using this as an excuse to keep from letting his father into his life? He says, Marshall’s already got one foot in the door. This is about his family’s safety; him, her, and TJ. What if the trouble that caused him to leave all those decades ago is still out there? If he opens that door just a little more, and trouble follows Marshall in, doesn’t she think he deserves to know what to expect? Or is none of this news to her? Does she know something he doesn’t?

Esme comes out with her coat, and says she’s leaving, but Spencer suggests taking a minute to cool off. She says she’s not spending another minute with small-minded people who have never, and will never, accept her for who she is. Josslyn says, the problem is, they know who she is. That’s why they don’t accept her. Esme asks if Spencer is coming or not, and he says, they all had those hot toddies, and with icy conditions, he doesn’t think it’s safe for either of them to drive right now. She says she ordered a car, but it seems he’s made his choice. He’s choosing them over her. Spencer says he’ll go with her, but first, he’s going to check on Trina. Then he’ll get their bags, and he’ll meet her outside. Esme says, Trina’s asleep, and they can send for their things; let’s go. Spencer says, sorry, guys, and follows her out. Cameron says, so much for their weekend getaway. He’s so sorry this all blew up. Josslyn says she’s not. She can’t stand Esme, and she’s thrilled that she doesn’t have to pretend otherwise. She feels horrible for Trina, but remember when they got drunk on the Haunted Star? The only cure is to sleep it off, so she guesses for now, it’s just the two of them.

Outside, Cameron tells Josslyn, the stars are very beautiful tonight; very close. Josslyn says, the more she thinks about it, this whole getaway was Esme’s idea. He says, so? and she asks if he thinks this was Esme’s plan all along; to embarrass them, and humiliate Trina? He says he hopes not. The funny thing is, he always thought Esme was so sure of herself, but after tonight, he realizes how insecure and terrified she is of losing Spencer. She says, here’s hoping by the time they’re down from the mountain, Spencer realizes Esme was trying to hurt his friends, and he dumps her. Cameron says he’s tired talking of talking about Esme, and Spencer. He thinks they should stop talking altogether. They kiss, and she nods, and they go inside. 

Stella tells Curtis, honestly, until this moment, she never suspected Marshall was mixed up in dirty business. He says he’s not trying to upset her, but now that she knows, does it ring any bells? Can she think back 40 years ago, and remember any names or faces that might have been mixed up with Marshall? She says she wasn’t even there, and Irene is no longer with them. All the more reason to consider what Marshall is saying, and leave things alone.

Marshall says, things are good with TJ, and getting better with Curtis, but Epiphany says, that’s not what he said when they went out to dinner. He says, while Curtis owns a nightclub, he still thinks like a P.I.; he questions everything. But he’s sure in time, Curtis will come around. She says, remember what she told him about her son? and he says, yeah, that they don’t always have as much time as they think they do. But doesn’t that apply to her as well, with her dream of becoming a doctor?

Brook asks if Chase saw the way Peter was smiling at Bailey. It’s almost as if he knows the truth. He tells her, Peter said she looks just like her mother; he meant her. She says, did he? What If he suspects the truth? What if he was saying Bailey looks like Maxie? Chase says, she has to remember, that’s just who Peter is. He wants to get under your skin, if not with poison, than with words. But Peter can’t possibly know. Laura approaches them, and says, Peter can’t possibly know what?

Peter says he can’t wait to get back to Pentenville, and Dante says, really? The place where he was poisoned, and it almost killed him? Peter says he’ll take the risk of lax security if it means getting to trial faster. (Ha Security doesn’t get any less lax than at GH.) Martin walks in, and Peter says, speaking of which, here’s his attorney. Martin asks if Dante will do him a favor, and give him five minutes with alone with Peter. Dante says he’ll be right outside, and leaves. Peter asks, what brings Martin here? Good news he hopes. Martin says, that depends on which side of those handcuffs you’re on. He’s sorry, but he finds it necessary to recuse himself from Peter’s defense. Peter says he sees. If Martin no longer wishes to represent him, they’ll go their separate ways; no hard feelings. Martin asks, what’s the catch?

Valentin asks if he and Victor can meet later, and Victor says, of course (🍷). He’ll make a reservation at the PC Grill. Valentin thanks him, and he leaves. Valentin thanks the nurse for getting his daughter’s file, and she tells him that the file can’t leave this floor. He says, understood. He’s looking for a sonogram from the third trimester. He’s a bit of a sentimental, and wants a copy. He’ll treasure it for always. He flips through the file, and says, there’s no sonogram in the file. How’s that possible? He was there when it was taken. Did somebody deliberately remove it? She says, no, it was never in here, and he says, of course (🍷). It would be in her mother’s file. He doesn’t suppose she could let him have a look at Brook’s information without permission, and she says, no. He says, so he can be prepared in case of an emergency, his daughter’s blood type is O negative, right? She says, no, his daughter is O positive, and he thanks her.

Brook tells Laura, they were just talking about what an awful human being Peter is. How much harm he’s caused to Maxie, and Elizabeth; to her family, especially to Monica. Between Jason dying, and Drew being locked away in that prison for all that time, Peter deserves to be locked up until the end of time. Chase says, they’re hoping when Peter goes to trial, he’ll be convicted, and sentenced to life. Laura says she has the same hope. It’s really easy for young adults, new parents, to lose their sense of faith with all the responsibility, but they can’t let that happen, for Bailey’s sake. Because she will grow up in a better, safer, kinder world, where Peter can’t come back to haunt any of them. Brook says, amen to that, and Chase tells Brook, anything to protect Bailey

Peter tells Martin, there’s no catch. If Martin can’t give his defense the time and attention it deserves, he’ll find someone who will. Martin thanks him for being so understanding, and Peter says, naturally, Martin will be returning his retainer. Martin says, ordinarily, he’d deduct the time he’s already spent working on Peter’s case, but what the hell? It’s a small price to pay for his conscience. Peter says he didn’t know Martin had one, when Dante comes back. He asks if everything is okay here, and Martin tells him, he’d say so. Peter no longer requires his services. He wishes them both a good night, and leaves. Dante says, Peter fired Martin? but Peter says, no. Martin walked away from him. Dante says, smart man. He’ll leave Peter with Officer Bridges in case he gets scared. Peter tells him, sleep tight, and Dante says he’s sure he will, and leaves.

Epiphany tell Marshall that she doesn’t have time for dreams, and her break is almost over. He says he was about to go too, but not before she hears him out. Whatever Dr. Rose told her, he had his reasons, but he wants her to know that he trusts her with his life any day. He knew he was in good hands that night because she was there. He puts some money on the table, and tips his hat. He leaves, and Epiphany smiles.

In the car, Spencer asks Esme, was Joss right? Did she get everyone to the cabin to humiliate them, and blow up his friendships? She looks at him coldly.  

Cameron and Josslyn go into the bedroom, and there’s a song part. They kiss, and he asks, is she sure? She says, she’s so sure, and they get busy. I used to work at a women’s clinic, and a brochure popped into my mind that had a cartoon condom saying, wait! Stop! Put me on!

Esme asks Spencer, what difference does it make what she says? He’s so ready to believe the worst of her. He says, that’s not an answer. He needs to know if what Joss accused her of is actually true. Esme remembers going into the master bedroom, and looking in the mirror. She wipes some tears away, and takes out her phone. She sets up the phone behind some plants on a dresser, pointing the camera toward the bed, and putting it on to film. In the present, she tells Spencer, all she wanted to do was get to know his friends better, and for him to make great memories before he goes to prison. Does he think she planned this weekend to be something diabolical? It just makes her sad.

Basking in their first afterglow, Cameron tells Josslyn, wow. Don’t get him wrong. He’s glad they waited, but…  She says she’s glad they waited too, but she’s also really glad they had this moment. To think how close they came to letting Esme ruin this for them… He says he doesn’t want to think about Esme right now. He wants to focus on her. They start getting busy again, and we see the phone camera filming. I have to say, I don’t see the purpose. They’re exclusive and in college, for Pete’s sake. Even if Esme was going to doctor it in some way, both Cameron and Josslyn are sober, and who would everyone believe?

Stella says, Curtis clearly has a choice to make. Does he want answers that might tell him things he doesn’t want to know, or does he want his father back in ? Marshall walks in, and says, small world. Do they mind if he joins them?

On the phone, gliding through the hall, Martin says, la Lucy, his sexy, sexy thing. His schedule just opened up. What say they catch a flight to the Big Easy and get themselves a nice heaping helping of Mardi Gras?

Laura goes into Peter’s room, and he says, madame mayor. To what does he owe this honor? She says she just saw Martin, and he was smiling ear to ear, because he no longer represents Peter. He told her that Peter didn’t argue or put up any fight to try and keep him. She had to wonder, why so magnanimous? Peter flashes back to seeing Bailey, and saying she looks just like her mother. He says he has faith in the system. Somehow, he just knows things are going to work out for the best.

Valentin walks through the hospital parking lot, leaving a voicemail for Anna. He tells her to call him. He’s got a lead on Louise. A thug runs up behind him, chloroforming him, and knocking him out. Someone picks up Valentin’s car remote, and we see it’s Victor. He says, be careful; that’s his son. He opens a hatchback, and a fancy – and very clean and spacious – trunk opens up. He tells the thug, oh, and cancel his dinner reservations. The thug puts Valentin in the truck, and it’s closed up.  

On Monday, Phyllis asks if she knows Stella, Esme says she doesn’t want to go home with Spencer, Carly says that happiness seems further away, and Ned tells Sonny that he should reconsider whatever he’s planning.

👨🏽‍🔧 Filling In…

For how long, no one knows.

👥 Shared Experience…

I love how Maurice Benard has mastered his illness, and used it, and his position, for good.

🎬 First Time Out…

Before he was Brad, he danced. Sort of.

🧼 Nuevo Suds…

This looks pretty good, and it’s got some great people in it.

💋 Checking Motive…

I tend to agree that it’s probably a bad spray tan job.

🧂 Bringing the Salt…

What went on in Salt Lake City last week.

I have the feeling she’s not coming back.

The cast keeps getting smaller.

🚫 Next Comes Blocking…

I can’t believe people keep track of this stuff.

🏆 All the Awards…

This year’s calendar of events.

🐕 Pup Alternative…

I can’t think of better hosts.

A sneak peek.

🐘 Quotes of the Week

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. – Indian Proverb

It’s like a summer camp for drunk third graders. – Kate Chastain, referring to some guests on Below Deck

Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost. – Robert H. Schuller

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. – Bruce Lee

There are no regrets in life. Just lessons. – Jennifer Aniston  

Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension. – Joshua L. Liebman

Speak out on behalf of those who have no voice, and defend all those who have been passed over. – Proverbs 31:8 (TVT)

Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance. – Jean Antoine Petit-Senn

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen. – Leonardo da Vinci

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. – Anatole France

🚙 Am I There Yet…?

I’ll be stepping out until another month is ripped off the calendar, if you’re still using one of those. Three sunsets for the rest of you. See you then for some soap and the Deck. Until we meet again, stay safe, stay bending, but not breaking, and stay remembering, dreams don’t die, unless you give up on them.

January 27, 2022 – Victor Tells Peter That Bailey Is Louise, Future Of Fashion On the Runway & Shoveling


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly says, it’s inevitable that she and Nina are going to run into each other, but they have no more business between them. So if she passes Nina on the street, be glad Carly treats her like she doesn’t exist. Nina says, it’s not going to be that easy, and Carly says, goodbye, but Nina says, wait. She came for class. She didn’t deliberately seek Carly out, but since they’re both here, Carly needs to hear her out. Carly says she doesn’t need to do anything for Nina, but Nina says, this isn’t about her. It’s about Sonny.

Deanna takes the blood pressure cuff off Sonny, and he asks if he’s going to live. She tells him, Dr. Sullivan is on his way, and will see Sonny as soon as he gets here. Sonny says she didn’t answer his question, but she says, it’s above her pay grade, and leaves. Sonny obviously has too much energy, and paces, rolling up his sleeves and unrolling them again. He finally grabs his coat and leaves. He punches the elevator button a bunch of times, when Monica sees him. She asks if he’s okay.

Esme says she made hot toddies for everyone, and Spencer offers to help her, but she says she’s got it. Keep talking amongst themselves. Cameron says he was thinking of trying some snowboarding tomorrow, and asks what Josslyn thinks. Josslyn says, she’s down. She and Trina have gone snowboarding a couple of times, and it’s actually safer than skiing. Spencer says maybe he’ll give it a try, and Trina asks if he’s crossing over to the dark side. Esme puts the drugs into one of the toddies, and Cameron says he’s starting to think Spencer flunked Skiing 101 at his fancy boarding school. Josslyn asks if Spencer really broke his legs, or it was just an excuse for his terrible skiing? Spencer calls for Esme to help defend him, and Esme brings the tray of toddies over, saying, maybe these will mellow everyone out. She warns them, she did not skimp on the whiskey. She hands one to each of them.

Martin says, so Brook lied about her child’s paternity a second time, and Valentin says, why not? She’s a proven liar. Detective Chase has a reputation for being a stand-up guy. Why would he go along with it? Martin says, that would be a relevant question, considering initially, she kept him in the dark about being her daughter’s father. One would expect him to be more protective of his legal rights. Valentin says, that’s not what he means. Chase and Brook are close. Brook is a liar, Chase has a reputation of being a stand-up guy. Why would he go along with her lie? Martin says, because he’s her friend, and defines friendship differently than Valentin does. Valentin says, speaking of friends, Maxie is another upstanding citizen who’s awfully supportive of Brook. Martin says, now Valentin is spinning. First Chase, now Maxie? It’s one thing to have friends; it’s another for a whole herd of people to be aiding and abetting a friend’s lie. Valentin says, Maxie and Chase. Something does not fit.

Maxie says, Austin has it mixed up. She knows he wants to help, but he’s remembering things that didn’t happen. She wasn’t talking to anyone that night. She was too weak after giving birth and being overpowered by that nurse that Peter hired to kidnap her. He says he heard her voice. Please stop lying to him.

Peter asks, how is it Victor intends to hold up his end of the bargain? and Victor says, if he finds Louise for Peter, Peter will give him the information he needs on Drew Cain? Peter says, and Maxie will come back to him, and Peter, Maxie, and Louise will be the family they were meant to be. Is Victor saying he found Peter’s daughter? Victor says, she’s been here in plain sight the entire time, living with the Quartermaines under the name of Bailey.

Sonny tells Monica that he’s fine; the elevator is just slow. She says she knows things haven’t been easy since they lost Jason, and he says he’s so, so sorry that he didn’t reach out to her, but she says, no, don’t be. They’ve both been grieving. She thinks it’s just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other, and he says he’s trying. She tells him, please don’t take this the wrong way, but when someone is grieving, they often self-medicate. He says, that’s not what’s going on, but he appreciates her concern. She says, okay, and tells him to take it easy. She moves on, and Brando comes out of the elevator. Sonny asks him, what’s going on? and Brando says he needs help.

Carly tells Nina, she thinks they said everything they had to the last time they spoke. Remember? When Nina told Carly that Sonny would have slept with her if she hadn’t said no? Then, if he came back to her she wouldn’t send him away? Nina says, Carly… but Carly says she doesn’t need to hear anything else from Nina, and walks away. Nina flashes back to when she wanted to call Carly, but Sonny told her not to, saying he’d  caused Carly too much trouble already. Nina follows Carly, and says, look, she’s not going to apologize for being honest, but she shouldn’t have been so blunt. All she wants is what’s best for Sonny. Carly is his wife; she’s what’s best for him. Carly says, now Nina thinks she’s what’s best for him. She’s so done arguing with Nina, and rehashing the past. Wherever she and Sonny go from here, it will not involve Nina. Sasha comes in, and she and Carly hug.

Spencer toasts, to friends, and an unforgettable weekend. Everyone says, cheers, and lifts their cups. Esme suggests they play a drinking game. They used to do it all the time in boarding school. Spencer says, Never Have I Ever, and Esme says, it’s a good way for them to get to know each other better. Josslyn says she loves it. She can’t wait for all of them to get to know Esme better. Spencer asks Esme to give them the rules, and Esme says, you say an experience you haven’t done before, and anyone who’s had that experience takes a drink. For example, she could say, never have I ever worked in an art gallery, and Trina has to drink. Trina takes a sip, and they laugh.

Martin asks why Valentin even cares if Brook is scheming again. He’s no longer her baby’s father. Shouldn’t he just be grateful that Brook’s affairs are none of his concern? Valentin says, Charlotte fell in love with Bailey; she thought Bailey was her sister. He was the one who had to tell her that wasn’t the case, and had to pick up the pieces. Brook broke his daughter’s heart, and that’s a debt that will be paid. Martin says, if Valentin is thinking of doing harm to a Quartermaine, let him warn Valentin, attorney/client privilege only goes so far. Valentin says, relax. He’s not talking about hurting Brook. But knowledge is power. Martin says, and if Valentin learns something, it gives him leverage over Brook. Valentin says, so much the better, but first he needs to exactly what she’s up to.

Peter says, Victor really expects him to believe Valentin’s daughter is his Louise? and Victor says, Peter’s been out of the loop for too long. Bailey isn’t Valentin’s daughter; Brook lied to get her shares of ELQ back from him. Peter says, so some other poor sucker is Brook’s baby daddy, and Victor says, Maxie and Brook have been thick as thieves for a while, despite previously being sworn enemies. Peter says, that doesn’t prove anything, and Victor says, then try this on for size. Valentin gave him Bailey’s sonogram for safekeeping. The patient ID number on the back belongs to Maxie Jones. Peter says, perhaps there was a mix-up at the hospital, and Brook was given the wrong sonogram. Victor says he wondered the same thing, so he checked every hospital within twenty miles of Port Charles. There’s no record of Brook receiving prenatal care in any of those hospitals. In fact, the only hospital she visited was General Hospital in Port Charles. She had a sonogram in the cubicle right next to where Maxie was having a sonogram of her baby. Peter asks if Victor is telling him that Brook stole Maxie’s sonogram, and Victor says, or Maxie gave it to her. Peter says, because Brook was never pregnant, and Victor says, because Maxie conspired with Brook to pass Louise off as her and Valentin’s child, so Peter would be convinced his child was kidnapped, and disappeared into thin air.

Maxie asks if Austin is calling her a liar, and calls him Mr. Fuzzy Memory. Forgive her if she doesn’t believe he actually heard her voice. He tells her that she said, this was your idea. Why? Does it have something to do with her plan with Britt? She says, what plan with Britt? and he says, Britt told him that she’d planned to deliver Louise, and then put her up for adoption so Peter would think she was dead. Maxie says, what was Britt thinking? No one was supposed to know that. Austin tells her, don’t be mad at Britt. She didn’t mean any harm, and obviously, the plan never materialized. She can tell him if that’s what she was talking about. She says, okay. She’ll tell him what really happened.

Spencer says, never have I ever thrown up in the middle of a dance floor, and Esme pokes him, saying, it was only one time. He says, one is one more than zero, so drink up, baby. Josslyn says, this sounds like a very fun story. Please share the details. Spencer says, there was this guy at school; great parties, really strong drinks. Cameron says, sounds like somebody wasn’t smart enough to avoid that, and Esme says, it was only once. Sam’s parties were where she and Spence really connected. Spencer says, she was the most beautiful girl in the room, and Cameron asks if that was before or after she threw up on the dance floor. Esme asks if that’s not how it was for Cameron and Josslyn, and Cameron says, he and Josslyn were friends long before they got together. Josslyn says, which makes their relationship so much better than if they hadn’t known each other before. Esme says, they’re so cute, but now she knows what she’s using for her next turn; never have I ever dated my best friend. Cameron and Josslyn drink, and so does Trina. Josslyn asks what friend Trina dated, and how she missed it. Trina says, right. We drink if we did it, and they didn’t date. Esme asks who Trina is thinking of; Cameron?

Valentin tells Martin, Brook and Maxie have become suspiciously close, which is interesting, considering historically, Maxie’s never had any use for Brook. Martin says, historically, Maxie wasn’t an angel either. Maybe her history of bad acts incites sympathy for Brook. Valentin says, if some bad act has brought them together, then what is it, and why now? Martin asks if Valentin believes someone like Maxie would go along with the hypothetical lie that Chase is Bailey’s father, and Valentin says, it’s clearly possible. They’re close, they work together, Maxie’s always at the mansion. He can’t tell Martin how many times Maxie has visited the house with some excuse to see Bailey. Martin says, being party to something that could damage so many lives, doesn’t jive with who Maxie is now. All he can say is, if he had a friend who was involved in that kind of dirty dealing, he’d steer clear of them, unless he was invested in some kind of outcome. Valentin says, Martin, you beautiful bastard. That’s it.

Maxie says she wants to tell Austin the truth, and he says, great. She says, when fake Chloe got the better of her, she passed out. It was probably her subconscious trying to protect Louise somehow. He says, she was hallucinating? She was having an imaginary conversation with Britt? She says, all she cared about was keeping her baby safe from Peter. It’s all she thought about for months, especially after she found out Peter was a monster. It’s not just that Peter lied to her every minute of their relationship; it’s that she insisted on defending him. People she loves and respects warned her over and over about him, but she refused to listen. And when she was finally forced to face the truth, she was already pregnant. He has no idea what it’s like to feel terrified for the safety of your unborn child. She carried that burden alone for a very long time. He says he’s sorry. He wishes he’d known her then. He would have tried to protect her. She thanks him, and says, eventually, she confided in Britt. He says, just Britt? Did she talk to Brook? He knows they’re close… She says, Brook had nothing to do with this, and he says, it’s just a simple question. He doesn’t know why it has her so upset.

Peter says, Louise was in Port Charles this entire time, and Victor says, Louise is alive and well, and living a very nice life with the Quartermaines. Peter says, all those months he traveled the globe, searching for her, haunted by the fear she was alone, scared, hungry, or hurt. He thanks Victor for finding his Louise, and Victor says he’s happy to oblige. But as they discussed, his skills and contacts come at a price. Peter says, his daughter’s alive, and now she’s going to be his.

Valentin asks Martin, what does Brook stand to gain? She’s told the lie twice, and how does Maxie benefit from that lie? Martin says, she doesn’t. Initially, Brook was using Bailey to regain control of her ELQ shares. He assumes if she’s willing to do it again, it’s to benefit the family’s company. Valentin says, Maxie doesn’t have a stake in it, and Martin says, what about Deception? Maxie cares about her own company. It’s going to go public, and she wouldn’t want to screw that up. It’s going to be a huge financial for her. Valentin asks how Bailey’s identity affects Deception, and Martin says he doesn’t know. How can Valentin be sure, Bailey’s real father – whoever he may be – knows the truth? Valentin says, exactly. All they know is, Brook told the same lie twice. Why would Maxie go along with it? Martin says, there’s no reason for Maxie to be invested in the lie. Why would she even care about Brook’s baby? Valentin says, because Brook isn’t Bailey’s mother.  

Victor tells Peter, you really have to admire the elegance of her plan. Brook fakes her pregnancy. Maxie has her baby in secret, and passes it off to Brook, sending the whole world, Peter included, on a wild goose chase for a missing child who isn’t missing at all. Peter says, Maxie betrayed him in the worst way possible. Is Victor certain she planned and orchestrated this entire lie? Victor says, it’s his conjecture that Maxie didn’t count on Peter evading law enforcement for as long as he did. She probably thought it would only be a matter of weeks before he was shipped off to super max or ended up dead. Peter asks if that hick doctor is in on it too; Austin Gatlin-Holt? Victor says he doesn’t think so. It seems Maxie and Brook contained their secret pretty well. Peter says, seems. Maxie was quite diligent in planning the disappearance of their daughter. She played him for a fool. Even that nurse he hired didn’t stop her. He didn’t know Maxie was capable of such deviousness, such cruelty. He thought she loved him. Victor says, the people we love often hurt us the most, and Peter says, he thought if he found their daughter and brought her to Maxie, she’d remember the man she fell in love with. Maxie is lost to him. She made him suffer, and made him believe a terrible fate had befallen their child. Now Maxie must pay for her betrayal. I have to admit, I thought Peter was going to say, now that he knew what she was capable of, he loved Maxie even more. Faison would have.

Josslyn asks why Esme would say Trina was thinking of Cameron, and Esme says, Cameron told her that he and Trina got close before he and Josslyn got together. They were getting closer, and considered dating. Trina says, Cameron had feelings for both her and Josslyn. It was confusing to her, so she backed off. Cameron says, it was a mutual decision that they were better off as friends, and Josslyn says, and that was a while ago. Trina says, like last year, and Esme says, it doesn’t seem like a while ago to her, but Josslyn says, they told Esme, they moved on. Esme asks why she’s so defensive. It’s not like Cameron did anything wrong. Josslyn asks, what’s that supposed to mean? and Spencer suggests they get back to the game. Josslyn says, Esme clearly has something to say; say it. Esme says, never have I ever moved in on my best friend’s crush. Drink up, Joss.

Brando and Sonny sit on a bench, and Brando says, he ran into TJ the other day. They had a good talk about Liam, and TJ thought it might help if Brando talked to someone. Sonny says, let him guess. Brando’s anxious and not sleeping; is he right? Brando says he is. The brain fog is the worst. A customer came in for an oil change, and he replaced their battery instead. Sonny says, there’s nothing worse for a parent then losing a child. They’re supposed to outlive us, not the other way around. Brando says he shouldn’t be dumping on Sonny. He heard about Carly. Sonny says, don’t worry about him. What he and Carly are going through doesn’t compare to what Brando and Sasha went through. Brando says, the truth is, he doesn’t know what he’s going to get out of talking to a shrink, and Sonny asks if he’s never talked to a therapist about his PTSD. Brando says, he has, but this feels different. What is he supposed to say about a child he never got to know? Sonny pats his heart, and says, this is where he goes. His hopes and dreams, the way he imagined life was going to be. Brando says, none of that ever happened. He needs to move forward, like Sasha. What’s wrong with him that he can’t do that?

Carly asks how Sasha is. She knows Sasha is probably still having a rough time. Sasha says, she’s great. Deception is going public, so work is so busy. Carly says, how is she? and Sasha says she’s fine, really. Nina says she’s so glad Deception is going great, but is Sasha taking time for herself? She and Carly both know what it’s like to grieve for a child. Carly asks if she can have a minute with Sasha, and Nina goes in the back. Sasha says she knows what Carly is going to say, and don’t. Liam is always in her heart. She’s accepted his passing, and she’s ready to live her life. Carly says, grief is a treacherous emotion. Sometimes denial disguises itself as acceptance. You think you’re doing good and moved past the hard part, and you’re ready to move on. Then grief just overwhelms you. And if you don’t take time to deal with it, grief can destroy you.

Maxie says, Austin’s question about Brook didn’t upset her. Being here is really overwhelming. She keeps having memories about that night, and the months leading up to it when she was terrified things would go wrong. And things went even more wrong than she could have expected. That’s because Peter did even worse things than she thought he would do. He says, right, but he heard her voice. Then he heard a second voice. She said the nurse had run off, so whose voice was it? She says, no way he heard another voice. Being here is mixing things up for him, and they’re not any closer to finding Louise, so what’s the point? He says he’s sorry. He doesn’t want her to feel the way she’s feeling, but he is glad they came here because he thinks they’re really on to something. She grabs his face, and kisses him. She says, sorry, but he says, don’t be. That was really nice. He hopes she thinks that it was nice. Felicia says they’re still out here. She was getting worried. She went to the cabin, and Maxie wasn’t there. Maxie says she and Austin were just talking, and Felicia says, seems like it was something important. Want to fill her in?

Josslyn says, she and Trina had a pact that no guy would ever come between them, and they stuck to it. She reminded Trina of that pact when she and Cameron started to go out. Trina said she was happy for them. Trina asks, what was she supposed to say? and Josslyn asks if Trina was upset when they started dating. Trina says, no, she wasn’t upset. She doesn’t think so. She doesn’t know. It’s just always Josslyn and Cam, and she’s just… there. When they got together, it was like, where does that leave her? She just missed what they had. Esme asks if Trina means what she and Cam had, but Cameron says, he and Trina never had anything. Trina says, she just missed the three of them. She tells them that she doesn’t feel so good, and runs out of the room.

Sasha thanks Carly for looking out for her, but honestly, she doesn’t have to worry. Everyone grieves differently. Brando, for instance, wants to talk about it in excruciating detail, but that’s just not her. Carly asks why Sasha doesn’t listen to Brando, and see where it leads, and Sasha says, she respects Carly, and appreciates she’s trying to help, but she feels like Carly is judging her, and she doesn’t need that. She knows herself. Reliving everything that happened after Liam was born will not help her. Carly asks how she knows if she doesn’t try.

Sonny tells Brando, living the emotions makes you stronger. It’s easy bury things, but when you face things that hurt you, it gives you strength. He knows Sasha is probably not moving forward. Has he talked to her? Brando says, no. Sasha’s not doing much talking these days. She’s been concentrating on work, and throwing herself into Deception’s IPO. Sonny says, Brando and Sasha are Liam’s parents, and know what they’re going through; they’re the only ones,. Brando says he guesses he’s just embarrassed that he’s not able to bounce back like Sasha has, but Sonny says he’s proud of Brando; that he realized he needs help, and had the courage to do something about it. Brando asks how Sonny stays in control no matter what’s going on, and Sonny says, family, friends. Sometimes that’s not enough, so he has to get professional help. Why don’t they do this? Brando nods, and says, all he knows is that he misses his boy.

Valentin tells Martin, the night Bailey was born, Brook ditched Yuri. She claimed she was headed to Bensonhurst to visit a friend. She went into labor, pulled into the nearest hotel, and gave birth alone. There were no witnesses, except for some mystery doula who has never been identified. Martin says, suspicious, but still circumstantial, and Valentin says, Bailey was born the same night Maxie gave birth to her daughter. Maxie claimed her daughter was kidnapped. Maybe Maxie is invested in Brook’s lies because Bailey is Louise. Maxie is the mother. That means Peter August is the baby’s biological father. Martin says, and any mother would do whatever she could to protect her baby from Peter August, including giving her to Brook to claim as her own. Valentin says, Peter has no idea he’s been searching in all the wrong places. Is Martin going to go to his other client with this information? Martin says, he sees. Just because he’s an attorney, he doesn’t care about the safety of an innocent child. Thank you very much. Besides, without a DNA test, Valentin has no proof Bailey belongs to Maxie. Valentin says he’s trusting Martin; don’t cross him. Martin is still on the payroll, and this is confidential. Valentin messes with his phone, and Martin asks what he’s doing. He says, he’s texting Yuri to see if Yuri can give him any proof. He doesn’t work for Brook anymore, but he still keeps tabs on her. Maybe Yuri can give him some information that will lead to the truth. Martin says, if he does, what exactly is Valentin going to do with it?

Trina sits on the bedroom floor, leaning against the door, and Josslyn knocks, asking if she’s okay. Trina says she’s fine; go back to the party. Josslyn says, talk to her, but Trina says she doesn’t want to talk. She doesn’t feel so hot. Josslyn says Trina’s her best friend. If she did anything to hurt Trina, she’s so sorry. Please, just let her help. Trina says, please leave her alone, and Josslyn says, Esme did this on purpose, and she’s not letting Esme get away with it.

Austin tells Felicia, he thought he heard a second voice that night that wasn’t Maxie’s, but he’s not really sure he’s remembering it right. they were both attacked that night, and he thinks being there is bringing up some really bad memories. Felicia says, they’re both so brave to come back here and face what happened. She knew Maxie was strong enough, and it looks like she found a match in Austin. She gets the feeling something else is going on here. What happened before she came back?

Valentin strides into the hospital, and sees Monica with Yuri. He thanks her for meeting with him, but she says, she’s doing this as a personal favor for Yuri. Yuri says something to her in Russian, and Valentin asks for an update on Bailey. How’s she doing since he left the mansion? He hopes she understands, he’d really rather not face Brook, Monica says she hasn’t seen much of Bailey since Brook moved to Jax’s beach house, and Yuri has seen even less, since he’s no longer her bodyguard. Yuri says, when he worked for Brook, she took Bailey to work. Maxie helped with Bailey at work, and sometimes they’d meet with Chase. Valentin asks Monica, how is it having Maxie around? He knew she didn’t appreciate Maxie’s frequent visits when Bailey was first born. Monica says, it wasn’t the frequency she minded, it was the interaction with Bailey, and Valentin asks, how so? Monica says, she was very maternal. She knows Maxie is suffering the loss of losing a child, but Monica was worried she’d have a break with reality. He says, as if she saw Bailey as her own? and she says, at times, yes, but it could be Bailey. It’s hard not to fall in love with that girl. Speaking of that, she hopes he’s found some peace of mind where she’s concerned. He says he’s  still searching for what he needs, but he’s pretty confident he’s going to find it.

Victor says, no doubt betrayal is causing Peter considerable pain, but before he runs off to plan his revenge, there is one thing they need to discuss. He gave Peter what he wanted; now it’s Peter’s turn to return the favor. Peter says he doesn’t think so, but Victor says, they had a deal. Peter says, that deal included Maxie. Obviously, that’s not happening now, so they have to revise the plan. He needs Victor to do one more thing. Victor says he found Peter’s daughter when no one else could, and Peter says, what good will the information do him when he’s cuffed to this bed? He needs Victor to get him out of here. Victor says Peter is under 24 hour watch, and Peter says, a man with Victor’s skillset should come up with a quick workaround. Victor says, planning Peter’s escape from this place will take a while. In the meantime, he’ll be shipped back to Pentenville. Peter says, then Victor had better act quickly. If Victor discovered Maxie gave Louise to Brook, it’s only a matter of time before others make the same discovery; others who won’t hesitate to keep Louise from him, as far away as possible. Victor says, not his problem, and Peter asks how badly he wants the information on Drew Cain. It will stay locked up with him until he’s reunited with his daughter.

Esme asks how Trina is, and Josslyn tells her, drop it. Esme has been playing all of them, Spencer included, ever since she got to town. The only reason Josslyn held back is because Spencer thinks he loves her. Esme says, all she wanted was to be Josslyn’s friend, and Josslyn hated her for no reason, but Josslyn says she has plenty of reasons; starting with Esme’s threat. Minding my own business is free, but minding yours will cost me. Remember? She’s threatened Esme from the beginning because she can see right through Esme. All the simpering sweetness, and how she leads Spencer by his pants. Josslyn knows Esme for what she is, a manipulative little bitch.

Maxie tells Felicia, today was a lot. She’d just like to go home, and hug James and Georgie. Felicia says, let’s go, and they leave, Austin following.

Sasha tells Carly that it was good to see her, and leaves. Nina flashes back to Sonny telling her that he felt badly about her wrist, and thanking her for caring. She tells Carly, please wait. She says, Sonny loves Carly, and what he feels for her isn’t real. He wants to be with Carly; he needs her. Carly says she’s not going to argue with Nina on the subject of her marriage. She has nothing left to say, and she leaves.

Brando says, grown men aren’t supposed to cry, but Sonny says he cried like a baby when his dad died. He guesses he’s not much of a grown man. Brando says, Sonny is the best man he knows, and thanks Sonny for listening to him. Sonny says, anytime, and Brando says, he hopes Sonny knows, it goes both ways. He hopes Sonny is okay. Sonny says, yeah. Let’s get checked in.

Monica goes into Peter’s room, and he says, his complaints must have finally reached her. She tells him to save it for someone who cares. He has a clean bill of health, and she can’t wait until he’s out of the hospital. He asks why she’s here, and she says she wanted to look him in the eye during his last free moments, and know he’ll finally face justice for what he did to Drew and Jason. The only thing that gives her comfort is knowing he’s going to spend the rest of his life in Pentenville. Peter smiles.   

Victor sees Valentin going to the reception desk, and gets big ears. Valentin says, he’s here for Bailey Quartermaine’s medical records. He’s her father, and wants to be sure exactly what’s going on with her.

Tomorrow, Josslyn asks if Spencer finally sees Esme for who she really is, Laura asks Martin if he has any idea what he’s in for, Valentin tells Victor that turnabout is fair play, and Dante wonders what makes Peter think he can find Louise when no one else has.

Project Runway

Kristina told her mom about being close to getting the boot. She said she’d had a tough day. She’d decided to get creative, and got shot down. We flashed back to the critique on Kristina’s oversized pantsuit from last week, and she said she couldn’t deliver clearly her design message and point-of-view. On the winning side, in Shantall’s interview, she said she was having a unique moment, and it had been hard getting here. An invite from Christian was delivered, asking the designers to meet him at the Rockefeller Center rooftop garden. You won’t believe it. Christian told them that you could really feel the city from up there, and Shantall thought it was magical. He said they’d been through 12 challenges, and outlasted their competitors, as well as winning 10 of the challenges. Nina said it was the first time ever that Project Runway had an all-female finale. Their work had exploded with creativity since day one. She said, the city was always changing, just like fashion; with the culture and the times. Christian said, they had a sky high perspective, and the challenge was to show the judges how their brand was relevant and part of the conversation in fashion. Nina told them to give them something to make the judges want to send them to Fashion Week. They’d made it this far for a reason. They were the future of fashion. Christian told them that it was one day, plus time on runway day, but they’d each have a seamstress to help. The designers did some sketching on the rooftop, using the city as inspiration.

For their last trip to Mood, the designers were given 30 minutes and $750. Kristina had been inspired by the American flag waving in the wind, and went for some red, white, and blue gingham. Christian tried to talk Chasity out of black, but she said it gave a message of strength. Shantall wanted to do something gender fluid in white, and Christian was frustrated that no one was using color. When the 30 minutes were up, he said he was exhausted, and hadn’t even done anything.

In the workroom, Sara Kozlowski from the CDFA and publicist Tenique Bernard (Brandon is one of her clients) stopped by to talk about their brands. Sara said, how to tell a story, and having a voice was critical. Tenique said consistency was important. It helped people identify connect with them as designers, and solidify their brand identity. It also helped drive sales. Sara and Tenique were also going to meet them individually on the runway.

Coral was first, and was also met by her entire collection of designs from this season. In Coral’s interview, she said she felt lucky. It had been more than a competition. Her mom had discouraged her going to fashion school, but bragged about her to other people. Tenique said Coral’s point-of-view was strong, and translated best with color. Sara said, from a business perspective, color sells. Kristina was next, and Sara said she had an unconventional drape and shape to her clothing. Tenique said she liked that Kristina gave the unexpected using different materials. In Kristina’s interview, she said, seeing all her pieces together, she could see how innovative she was. It was Chasity’s turn, and in her interview, she said she was proud of how she’d grown. Sara said Chasity had a great eye for movement, and told her to think of building community relationship. In Chasity’s interview, she said she was here to grow her business, and that was what was pushing her forward. Shantall was last, and Sara said, the market was looking for authenticity and a unique point-of-view. She suggested Shantall narrow down her ideas, and pick the strongest ones. 

Christian said, it was his last walk through, and it made him sad. In Coral’s interview, she said she’d never won a challenge, and she knew how difficult it was going to be. She wanted to show her son that if you work for something, if you’re persistent, you’re going to get it. Christian told her to make the most gorgeous dress she’s ever made. In Chasity’s interview, she said, in making it to the final four, she’d had a lot of help from Christian, and she was grateful. She was going to miss stressing him out. We flashed back to that, and Christian encouraged her to roll with what she was doing. It felt different from what they’d seen from her before. He warned her to be careful in finishing the hems and such though; it got cliché when it was too done. Kristina was doing a pair of blue jeans as part of her outfit, being inspired by the blue sky to make sky blue jeans. Christian told her that her fabric was very Americana, and reminded her that the judges wanted something new and different; what was next. In Kristina’s interview, she said it was the last important challenge, and she had to be smart. Christian shook his head at Shantall having chosen something technically difficult, but in her interview, she said, part of the challenge was showing the future of fashion. She wanted them to see what she was capable of. The designers worked with their models and the seamstresses. Christian said it was the night before runway pressure and anxiety. They’d have 2½ more hours to work on runway day. Shantall said she had nothing, and was nervous.

In the morning, Coral said she was excited, but sad. She was so close, yet so far at the same time. Christian reminded them of the stakes; a quarter million dollars, and some other stuff. I always stop listening after the quarter million. Christian said he was emotional, and the models arrived. In Shantall’s interview, she thought she might have tried to tackle too ambitious of a project. Christian told them to work with their Maybelline (plug-plug-plug) makeup artists, because makeup could make or break a moment. He bugged Chasity about whether or not her model could walk in the gown, but Chasity said she couldn’t do this right now.

Karlie Kloss was the guest judge, and Nina said the stakes couldn’t be higher. They’d asked a lot, and had no doubt the designers had delivered. Coral’s design was a lot of macramé on top, including a neckpiece, and a sheer skirt, both nude in color. She said she’d wanted it to represent the ethnic part of her. Kristina had a three-piece Americana pantsuit, with a palazzo pant, bandeau top, and a versatile jacket, all in picnic-y gingham. To accessorize, she made a paper bag style clutch. Shantall’s white pantsuit had cutouts in the fitted jacket, and slits in the not-so-fitted pants. Chasity’s black gown had a flowing skirt, with mesh cutouts and sequins on top. Karlie was impressed with the runway show.  

Nina said, three would be moving on to the finale, and one would be out. Kristina was up first, and said she’d been inspired by the American flags flying everywhere. In no other culture did they fly their flags like that. It was also important for her to make smart clothes that could be versatile; streetwear turning into eveningwear. (Like Fashion Transformers.) She said, the world was changing fast, and they needed to answer to that as designers. She explained that the bandeau and bag were reversable, and Karlie said Kristina’s intention translated. Her outfit was conceptual, yet practical. Nina said it was refreshing to see a day look from Kristina, Versatility was the crux of what she did, and it was the superpower for today’s busy woman. Elaine loved the pant, but said it wasn’t for everybody because it was too complicated. It was also reminiscent of what Kristina had done before. Brandon said modular dressing was her signature, and very identifiable.

Coral said she’d been inspired by the old architecture beside new buildings. Her macramé displayed her ethnicity, and was monochromatic on one side, and more artistic on the other. Karlie said Coral’s design was strong, yet beautiful, and the future of fashion. Elaine said Coral had clearly translated her story. Her design was both delicate and edgy, soft yest hard. It was artisanal, and Coral had quietly and smartly given her craft as her signature. It was the mark of a great designer.

Chasity said she felt black represented power and strength, and she’d used St. Patrick’s Cathedral as inspiration for the design; she’d envisioned a strong woman storming out of the pandemic. Elaine said Chasity’s gown was an elegant staple of a classic gown, but she’d given it an update with the cutouts. Karlie said she immediately thought it had couture quality, and Elaine asked if Chasity thought she’d be in the finals. Chasity said, no, and started crying, but tried to keep her composure. Brandon said she’d held so much in, it was the end; have at it. Chasity said she’d been very depressed in 2020. Her business was bridal and prom dresses, and she had no money coming in. Her children were looking to her for answers, and she didn’t have any. She had to search herself to find the light. Nina said Chasity’s light was her work, and Brandon said, the reality was, it had been awful in the world. Chasity came there, she wanted it, and put everything into it.

Shantall said she’d wanted to do a gender fluid piece, and Brandon said it was ambitious to do a patterned garment in 13 hours. He was excited for what she’d do if she had more time. He did think modernity was lacking with the peplum, but Karlie loved it. Elaine said that Shantall had centered the non-binary body, and Nina said she showed maturity and confidence in her design.

The judges talked right there in front of the designers, Brandon walking down the line, and whispering to all of them. The consensus was, they were all going to Fashion Week, and there were lots of hugs and squeals. Elaine said they saw something special in each of them that was so unique, they couldn’t send any of them home. Their task was to make a ten-piece collection for Fashion Week. They had a budget of $10,000 and five months, and Nina told them to expect a visit from Christian. He was going to check in on them while they were working. Karlie told them, be whoever the hell you are.

Backstage, Christian brought champagne, and said, we did it. He was exhausted. Kristina said she was thankful, grateful, and honored. She wanted to surprise everyone. Christian toasted to their really hard work, and said they were four strong women. Now the real work would begin. He’d see them in two months. In Coral’s interview, she said it was even better than her dream. Maybe her mom would tell her that she’s proud to her face. Chasity said she’d be bringing the heat to Fashion Week.

Next time, Fashion Week – the winner needs to have everything it takes to be a household name.

🎍 Not Gathering Moss…

Join me tomorrow for that variety show of days, where there’s always soap, a variety of tea, words to heed, and a flip-of-the-coin tune. Until then, stay safe, stay bringing out the best in others, and stay not playing Never Have I Ever. It never ever seems to go well.

January 26, 2022 – Sonny Has a Manic Episode, VanderReunion Round Two, Gift Or Not, Prescription Plot, Old Is New & Sometimes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nina wakes up on Sonny’s couch, but Sonny’s not around. She calls for him.

Sitting on a yoga mat, Carly tries to be zen in an empty classroom. Ava comes in, and says, namaste.

Valentin and Martin walk into Kelly’s, and see Chase there with Bailey in her stroller.

Austen leads Anna, Felicia, and Maxie to a clearing, and says, this is where he found Maxie in labor. But there wasn’t snow on the ground, and it wasn’t bitterly cold. Felicia says she’s sorry Maxie has to endure all this. How is she holding up? Maxie says, it was quite a shock seeing that cabin again. She has memories of running for her life, trying to get away from that fake nurse. Anna says, always a survivor, then and now. She knows this is going to be hard, but she promises if Maxie will stick with it a bit longer, they’ll get to the point where they know what happened to Louise the night she was taken.

Britt walks into Peter’s room, and he says, what have we here? A morning visit from the Co-Chief of Staff? She thanks him for finally dropping the dear sister routine. It’s been stale since forever. He says she’s obviously lost her edge. She’s given in to propriety rather than embracing their father’s propensity for taking what he wanted. She says, following in his footsteps has really worked out well for Peter. He’s facing a myriad of charges in various jurisdictions, and now he’s going back to the place where he was poisoned. He’s king of the world.

Josslyn lets Cameron, Esme, Spencer, and Trina into the cabin, and says, here it is. Spencer says, wow, and Trina says, the mountain is so close, and runs to the window. Cameron says he can’t wait to hit the slopes. They got some nice dry powder last night. Josslyn says they can head out as soon as they unload the car.

Sonny says, hey, surprised Nina is there, and she says she was just going to the guardhouse to tell them he was missing. He says he shoveled the way to the treehouse. That way Donna and Avery can have a picnic. She says, it’s a little cold for a picnic, but he says, no, it’s fun. They can drink hot chocolate. He was thinking of running an electrical cord all the way to the treehouse. They could have heat and electricity, and maybe insulation all year round. Can she imagine? Has she ever seen those tiny houses? He goes to his laptop, and she says, he hasn’t slept, has he? He says, no. He doesn’t need to because he feels great.

Trina and Josslyn lug their suitcases into the cabin, and Trina calls to Esme for a hand. Esme says she couldn’t wait to see the rest of the cabin. It’s fantastic. Josslyn and Cam must take the master bedroom; it has the biggest bed. Josslyn says that’s so thoughtful of her, but shouldn’t Esme be getting her two bags out of the car? Esme says, Spence will take care of that, and asks if anyone can build a fire; it’s chilly in here. Spencer comes in with Esme’s bags, and Cameron says he thinks it’s best they don’t leave a fire going while they’re out skiing. Esme says, Spence doesn’t ski since his accident. They can stay in the cabin. She’s sure they’ll manage to find something to do. Spencer says, actually, he was planning on skiing too, and Esme says, since when? He says, since he and Trina talked about it, and he realized how much he missed it. She says, they didn’t bring their skis, but he says, they can rent. Josslyn says, good for him, getting back out there, and he says, Trina’s enthusiasm was contagious. Esme mumbles, like the plague, and Trina says, what was that? Esme says she thinks it’s great. Shall they get changed?

At the hospital, the reception nurse asks if she can help Victor, and he says he hopes so. He found this sonogram on the ground, and he’s sure the parents must be missing it. Unfortunately, the name’s been torn off. She says she can use the patient ID on the back and see who it belongs to, and he says, how fortunate. She says she’ll take care of it right away, and he thinks her.

Peter asks why Britt is here, and she says, to personally inform him that she signed off on his discharge. He’s being released from GH tomorrow, and once again becomes Pentenville’s problem. So… bye-bye. She starts to leave, and he says he can’t be released. He still needs treatment here. She asks if he means for his fabricated back pain. She’s sure his remaining tests will prove that he’s faking. He asks if Maxie knows he’s being transferred, and Britt says, why would she? Maxie’s been very clear that she wants nothing to do with him; that he means nothing to her. He says, he’s Louise’s father. As long as he and Maxie share a child, they’re bound together. Forever. Britt smiles, and leaves.

Anna asks how Maxie is holding up. Has it sparked anything for her? Maxie flashes back to telling Austin, thank God he’s not Peter, and Austin saying, thank God she’s not a bear. Maxie tells Anna, no, nothing. She asks Austin if he’s sure they’re in the right place. The woods look very different in the winter. Austin says, this is the spot. He grew up in these woods. He knows them in every season. He passed that boulder before he ever laid eyes on her. Felicia says, good. Let’s recreate it. Where was Maxie? He points, and says, right there. Anna spreads a blanket, and tells Maxie, have a seat. Try to recreate it as best she can. Maxie kneels on the blanket, and Anna asks how she’s feeling. Maxie says, hurt, scared, helpless… very vulnerable. She was in pain, and she tried to keep running, but she couldn’t because of the contractions. Felicia says she’s sorry to make Maxie relive it, but keep going. Maxie says, there was this light. She thought it was Peter; she thought he’d found her somehow. Austin says, but it wasn’t Peter; it was him. He gets in the position he was in that night, and says, he introduced himself. Remember? He holds out his hand, and Maxie flashes back to them introducing themselves. She says she does. She was so happy to see him. She thought she was going to have to give birth all alone. Felicia says she thanks God Austin was there for Maxie, and Austin says, so does he.

Valentin says, may I? and Chase says, of course (🍷). Valentin peeks in at Bailey, and says she’s grown since he last saw her. Chase says he imagines so, and Valentin asks if she’s on solid food. Chase says, she just started. She loves bananas. Valentin says, Charlotte did too. Excuse him. He goes back to his table, and Chase tells Bailey, that went well, considering.

Sonny says, he told Nina last night she could stay or she could go, and she can go now if she needs to. She says he needs to sleep, but he says he’s not tired. She asks when was the last time he ate something, and he says he doesn’t know. When was the last time she ate something? She suggests she make them something to eat, but he says he has to get these tiny houses. What about a contractor? What does she think? She says he can do that after they eat something, but he says he’s not hungry. Stop telling him what to do. He put up with her last night because she stayed out of his way. Just go. He doesn’t even want to look at this now. He sets the laptop aside, and leaves the room.

Ava asks if Carly took the morning off, and Carly says, yes. Ava says, her too, and Carly tells Ava that her mom said this was a great class. She’s just trying to clear her mind. Ava says, mind if I join you? and sits down. She asks, how are things? She knows Carly’s been staying at the MetroCourt, and Carly tells Ava that she doesn’t have to say it in a hushed voice; it’s not a secret. She’s okay. She’s just trying to practice some self-care. Ava says, that’s good. She imagines it’s Sonny, of course (🍷), but she’s ready, willing, and able to take Avery at any time. Carly says, Ava can discuss that with Sonny, but she doesn’t want Ava to worry. She’s there every morning and every night. She doesn’t want the girls to notice an interruption in their routine. Ava thanks her, and says maybe Carly won’t have to do this much longer. How was Avery this morning? Carly says, great, so happy after her sleepover with Carly’s mom. Ava says, Avery was with Bobbie? when Brook comes in. Brook says, look at us. All three of us here, early, together. Yoga can feel so peaceful. Ava says, if Avery needs a change, Avery can stay with her. Or doesn’t that even occur to Carly? Brook says, or not.

On the phone, Britt asks, what’s going on? and Nina says, she spent the night at Sonny’s. Britt says, okay… Good for you? Nina says, it’s not like that. Sonny has been acting really strange, and she didn’t want him to be alone last night. She called Phyllis, but Phyllis hasn’t called back. She thinks Sonny is off his bipolar meds. Britt asks if he’s having a manic episode, and Nina says, he won’t eat, he doesn’t want to sleep, and he almost gave himself frostbite shoveling his backyard without gloves. She needs Britt’s help. She needs medical advice. What should she do? She’s out of her depth here, but she knows this is bad. Britt says, Nina needs to convince Sonny to go see his doctor and get back on his meds, and Nina says, okay, but he’s not going to be open to that. Britt says she has to at least try, and it’s very important not to argue with him. Nina says, it’s a little too late for that. They argued about him eating, and he stormed out. Britt says, okay, but moving forward, Nina needs to try and keep Sonny as calm as possible, and do not engage in any grandiose ideas or proclamations. Nina says, it’s like Britt is checking all the boxes, and it’s exactly where they’re at. If she tries her best to keep him calm, what does she do if that doesn’t work? Britt says, in all honesty, it might not. People experiencing mania feel good. They feel energized like they could take on the world. Sonny probably doesn’t feel like there is anything wrong. That’s why the first step is getting him to acknowledge he’s having an episode. Nina says she’ll try to do that, and Britt says, what about family? She’s sure they know how to deal with him in this state. Nina says, he doesn’t want his kids to see him like this, and he flat out forbade her to call Carly last night. Britt says, Nina does not want to handle Sonny alone. She has to be careful. People in the grips of mania can lash out and become violent. She needs to call one of Sonny’s minions, and get the hell out of there.

Carly asks if Ava is going to start a fight with her because Avery had a sleepover with her grandmother, and Ava says, Bobbie is not Avery’s grandmother because Carly isn’t Avery’s mother. Carly asks what the hell is wrong with Ava? Ava brought Avery to her when she thought she was leaving Port Charles. Does Ava remember that? Sonny was gone, and Ava trusted her. She’s not trying to take Ava’s place, but she does love Avery as her own, and her mother loves Avery like a grandchild, so what is wrong with Avery having as much love as possible? Brook suggests they all take some cleansing deep breaths, and Ava says, if Sonny is so distracted by Carly moving out that he can’t take care of their daughter, then Avery should be with her, and not pawned off on Bobbie. Carly says, the sleepover had nothing to do with Sonny. Her mom wanted the girls over because she wanted a distraction after Luke’s memorial. Maybe that would have dawned on Ava if she could think of someone else besides herself. Ava says, oh. Well, she probably overreacted. Brook says, ya think? and Ava says she just admitted she was wrong. She just doesn’t want Avery mixed up in Sonny and Carly’s drama. Carly says, Ava is going to talk about drama with her on again, off again relationship with Nikolas? Ava holds up the hand wearing her wedding ring, and says her relationship with Nikolas is solid. From what she hears, Carly is the one on thin ice, so she might want to tread carefully. Because if things don’t work out for her this time, Sonny has somebody else to turn to.

Josslyn asks if Cameron is all set, and he says, this place is awesome. She says, it is, although she kind of wishes they were here alone, or at least without Esme. He says, a weekend alone with her would be nice, and she says, next time. They kiss, and he says, he has everything for tonight. If they decide that they’re ready. She asks if they didn’t decide that already, but he says, if she changes her mind, it’s all good; whatever feels right. She says, whatever feels right for us. And she trusts him. She wants her first time to be with him, and he says he feels the same way. She says, then tonight’s the night, and they kiss some more.

A man comes out, and asks the reception nurse for a blanket for his aunt. She’s been asking for one for some time, and he thinks the request got lost in the shift change. She says, she’s sorry; she’ll get him one. She tells Victor that she’ll be right back, and leaves. Because GH has the worst security in the world, Victor goes behind the desk to look at the computer screen. Britt asks what he thinks he’s doing.

Martin tells Valentin that he’s sorry. It must be difficult seeing Chase with Bailey. Valentin says, it is, but he seems to love her, so that’s good. Martin says, that reminds him. There’s something he’s been meaning to bring up regarding Bailey, but Valentin says, don’t. Brook’s ELQ shares are signed over to him, and Bailey’s with her rightful parents. There’s nothing further to discuss on the matter. Martin says, except for the fact, Valentin is still legally her father.

Anna says, when Austin was on his hike, did he see or hear any cars or vehicles? He says, no, and she says, as he delivered Louise, did he get the feeling there was someone else nearby? Or did he hear any footsteps? He says, no. Maxie was very upset because the baby didn’t make any noise, but then Louise was okay. Maxie says, right. She was relieved when she heard Louise cry, just like when James was born on the side of the road. Then she thought, this is crazy. Why can’t she just do this in a hospital? Austin says, from what he remembers, Maxie didn’t want to go to the hospital. He flashes back to Maxie saying he can’t do that; Peter will find them. He asks if he shouldn’t call the police, but she says, no. She just has to get to Beecher’s Corners. In the present, Maxie says, she was concerned Peter was going to find her and Louise after he hired that nurse to kidnap them. Anna asks, how and when did she show up? and Maxie flashes back to Austin saying she can do whatever she wants after they swing by the hospital. He’s going to call an ambulance. She tells Anna, Austin was right next to her when fake Chloe came up behind him and attacked him. Austin says he doesn’t remember being attacked, and Felicia says, it’s common with head injuries. Austin says, it is, but it’s frustrating. It’s like he can almost remember, then he hits a wall. Anna asks what the nurse did next, and Maxie says, it all happened so fast. She got up, and fake Chloe grabbed Louise. We see Maxie running through the woods, and she tells Anna, she tried to hold on; she tried to fight her. But she was weak, and fake Chloe took Louise from her. We see her stopping to look behind her, and Maxie says, she tried to run after her, but passed out. When she came to, fake Chloe was gone with Louise. They must have met her in the woods, and she handed Louise off. Anna asks if Maxie heard anybody nearby. Did she hear anyone in the woods? Did this woman talk about meeting someone? Maxie says, no. She just said she wanted to keep Louise for herself. She flashes back to telling Louise that she’s going with her Auntie Brook now, and handing Louise to Brook. She tells Anna, she just remembers she grabbed Austin’s cell phone and called 9-1-1. That’s when Austin woke up. Anna asks if Austin remembers anything, and he says, someone else was here. Someone else was here with them.

Victor says, Britt caught him. He was just looking for information on Peter August. She says, he knows they can’t give out patient information, and he says the nurse told him. He must say, she runs a tight ship. How are you feeling, Britt? She says, she’s fine, and it’s Dr. Westbourne to him. He says he does apologize. Liesl spoke so highly of her, he feels like he knows her. She says, stay away from her mother. He should be in prison for her kidnapping. The WSB should have never given him the deal he finagled. He says, it’s a slight misunderstanding that’s been cleared up since. He’s so glad she’s not experiencing symptoms yet. She says she has no idea what he means, and he says, Huntington’s. It’s such a horrible disease.

Trina asks Josslyn, where is everyone? and Josslyn says, Cam is grabbing snacks before they head out, and Esme and Spencer are probably coordinating their ski wear. Trina wonders how they get anywhere when it takes them so long to get ready, and Spencer comes out, saying, it takes time to look this good. Josslyn says, wow. Maybe focus more on the incline, and less on his fashion statement. Esme says, Joss is right. He needs to take it slow. He says, the bright side, if he does break both his legs again, maybe he can postpone going to Spring Ridge a while longer. The three girls say, that’s not funny, and Cameron comes out. He says, all right; let’s go outside. Josslyn tells them to lock the door, and Spencer tells Esme that he’s really glad they get a chance to ski together, and not just sit by the fire. She says she’s so happy Trina convinced him to ski again. She’ll have to pay Trina back.

Valentin says, Brook hasn’t amended Bailey’s birth certificate? and Martin says, nope. He hasn’t received notification that Valentin’s name’s been removed, so as far as the court is concerned, legally, Valentin is still responsible for Bailey as her father. Valentin says, excuse him, goes to Chase’s table, and sits down. He asks why Chase and Brook haven’t changed Bailey’s birth certificate.   

Maxie says, Austin must be remembering fake Chloe, but he says he doesn’t think so. He doesn’t know why he feels that way, but he doesn’t think so. Anna suggests closing his eyes, and trying to remember, but Maxie says, he was knocked unconscious. He’s not going to remember anything. Felicia says, this could be a breakthrough, and Austin remembers hearing Maxie say, just take her. If she says goodbye to her, she won’t be able to let her go. Austin says, there were two voices, and Maxie says, her and fake Chloe. She was yelling at her to leave Louise alone. Austin says he doesn’t think so. The tone was more conversational. Felicia says, the person who took Louise was in this clearing.

Brook says, that’s enough. Ava crossed the line. Ava says, it doesn’t concern Brook, but Brook says perhaps Ava is unfamiliar with the traditions and social mores of Bensonhurst. Family sticks up for family. She’s not going to sit around while Ava insults her Uncle Sonny and his wife. Carly thanks her, but says she’s been dealing with Ava’s BS for years. The custody agreement is between Ava and Sonny, just like it always was. If Ava has a problem with the current agreement, have her lawyer call Diane. Meanwhile, she can assure Ava that she and Sonny aren’t going to let their issues affect the girls, a concept that’s seemingly foreign to Ava. Ava says, this is what she gets for expressing concern for Carly, and Brook asks if Ava means sticking her nose in other people’s business. Ava says she thinks she’ll take the next class, and leaves. Brook asks Carly if everything is okay, and Carly says, she’s used to Ava’s shenanigans. They don’t get to her. Brook says she means the big picture. Are things really that bad with Carly and Sonny?  

Nina finds Sonny in the foyer, and asks where he’s going, and he says he found some plans for the treehouse; the tiny house is too big. So he’s just going to get a heater and some electricity, so the girls can have fun. Nina says, how nice. Can he just wait a minute? She’d love to talk to him. He says, about what? and she says she’d love to know more about bipolar disorder. He tells her, stop it with this bipolar. What does she want? She says, she doesn’t want anything. If she’s making mistakes here, she’s so sorry, but she woudn’t make them if she understood a little more. He says he has to go, but she says, it will just take a minute. He says, she wants him to tell her what it’s like? and she says, yeah. He says, okay. It’s like, you have thoughts just zipping around in your head. Like you’re in a nightmare and can’t wake up. You see people are there, but they’re not there. Then you’re exhausted, but you can’t go to sleep. But that’s not happening now. She asks if he’s sure, and tries to stop him, but he grabs her wrists, and says, don’t push him. She says, he’s hurting her, and he lets go, saying, he’s sorry.

Brook says, Carly moved out? and Carly says, she moved to the MetroCourt, but it’s convenient, since she owns the place. Brook asks if  things are that bad, and Carly says she just needed a little time and space; don’t worry about it. Brook says she is worried. Carly and Sonny have always been so good together. They’ve always each other’s backs. Carly says, they did, and Brook says, but not anymore?

Sonny says he didn’t mean to grab Nina that hard. He doesn’t hurt women. She says, of course (🍷) he doesn’t, which proves he’s not himself right now. He asks if she’s okay, and says he can get her some ice. She says she’s fine, and he says he didn’t mean to hurt her. He just wanted her to leave him alone. She says she can’t do that when he needs help, and he says she’s not afraid of him, is she? She says she’s afraid for him. He says, you know what? Maybe she’s right, because he’s feeling – he wipes some tears away – a little tired, but… She says, his meds help him with that, right? Where is it? He says he’s out, and sits down. She sits next to him and says, okay, then why don’t they go to GH? He can talk to his doctor, and get him to refill the prescription. He says, Dr. Sullivan? and she says, yes, Dr. Sullivan. She asks him to please call his doctor, and he nods, still crying. He puts his head on her shoulder.

Britt asks why Victor mentioned Huntington’s, and he says he quite understands why she wants to keep the diagnosis quiet. It could undermine her position if it got out she had a degenerative disease. She says she has no such thing, and he says, playing it cool. He likes that. Just like her mother. If it weren’t the case, why would Liesl rush off to a conference on that very subject? She says, the conference wasn’t even real. It was bait to get her on a plane, so Victor could kidnap her. He says, Liesl thought it was legitimate. Perhaps she went not so much as a doctor, but more as a concerned mother. Britt says she doesn’t have time for his fantasies, so she repeats; stay away from her mother. And while he’s at it, stay away from her.

Chase says Valentin’s got him at a loss, He didn’t realize Brook hadn’t changed the birth certificate yet. He’ll be sure to mention it to her. Valentin says, Chase’s cavalier attitude is disconcerting. Legally, he’s still Bailey’s father, with all the privileges and responsibilities attached. Chase says he’s sure Brook started the process, but it just hasn’t gone through yet. He thanks Valentin for bringing it to his attention, and Valentin goes back to his table. Martin says, no bloodshed. Kudos to him. Valentin asks if it’s a complicated process to change the father’s name on a baby’s birth certificate. Martin says, all Brook has to do is notarized and file the proper form, along  with proof of paternity, and Valentin says, unless of course (🍷), there is no proof Chase is Bailey’s father.

Britt opens an examining room for Sonny, and Nina brings him in. Britt says, Dr. Sullivan won’t be long, and Sonny says, that’s what the doctor told him. He takes off his jacket, and says he wishes Nina hadn’t involved Britt in this, but Nina says, Britt is a brilliant doctor, and will protect his privacy. Britt says, everything that happens here is confidential, and Sonny asks if Nina wants to go, but she says she’s happy to stay until Dr. Sullivan gets here. He says he doesn’t need a babysitter, and Britt says she’ll give them a minute. She leaves, and Nina says she understands, but just wants to make sure Sonny is okay. He says, he’s fine, and she says, okay. She starts to leave, but he calls her back. He asks how her wrist is, and she says, it’s fine; he didn’t injure her. He says he grabbed it hard, and felt bad. He thanks her for caring, she nods, and leaves.

On the phone, Ava says she heard Aver had a sleepover last night. Was it fun?… Good… Yum. She knows how much Avery loves waffles… Yes, tomorrow is the day. Nothing is going to stop her from seeing Avery… She wants Avery to know that she can call whenever, any time she feels like it… Okay. She loves Avery very much.  

The kids come back from skiing, and Cameron says he’s bummed that the ice cut their time. He would have loved one more run. Josslyn says, it was getting pretty slick, and Spencer says, Trina had no problem; she shredded that slope. Trina says, it’s just that she was going so fast, and he was going, sooo slooow. Spencer says, it was his first time on skis in years, and Esme says she’s proud of him, and kisses him. He says, and might he remind them, it was icy out there, and that’s why Trina was going fast. He had controlled velocity. Trina says, emphasis on controlled, and Esme says, that’s one reasons it’s good for them to stay overnight – she looks at Spencer – one of them anyway. Josslyn says she wants to get out of her wet clothes, and Esme says, her too. Cameron says, he’ll start a fire. Don’t worry; he knows how. Esme asks if Spencer is coming, and he says, in a minute. The girls leave, and Spencer tells Cameron, tonight’s the night, but Cameron says, he’s not doing this; change the subject. Spencer says, that’s cool. The only reason he’s inquiring is that he wants to make sure Cameron is prepared. He has extra condoms if Cameron needs them. Cameron says he doesn’t, but thanks Spencer. Spencer says, nobody wants any last minute surprises.

Victor walks down a hospital corridor on the phone. He says, yes?… He stops walking. It’s confirmed?… None of them… Good. Well done.  

Austin says he knows there’s something. It’s right there, but then he can’t remember it. Anna tells him to take a deep breath. Were the voices male, female, both? He says, they were both female, and Maxie wonders if it’s a true memory. He never mentioned another person. Felicia says, that’s precisely why they came back here, to see if it would spark anything. Anna says she has no service, and Austin says, it’s spotty here, and tells her to keep climbing. Anna walks off, and Maxie says she’s freezing; can they just go? Felicia wants to touch base with Anna first, and suggests Maxie go back to the cabin and get warm. Maxie says, good idea, and Austin remembers hearing Maxie say, it was your idea to begin with. Maxie asks if he’s coming, and he says, it was her. Maxie says, she’s cold, and he says he remembers. She was one of the women he heard talking, not yelling, talking. Who was she talking to?

Victor walks into Peter’s room, and Peter asks, where’s the guard? Victor says, taking a well-timed coffee break. Peter says, Victor should know, he’s being transferred back to Pentenville tomorrow. Victor says, then it’s fortunate he stopped by, and Peter says, what Victor should be doing is trying to find Peter’s daughter. He’d better act fast if he wants Peter to tell him what he wants to know. Victor says, no need. He just received a very interesting phone call. He’s here to hold up his end of the bargain.

Chase tells Bailey, it looks like he and mommy need to have a little conversation, but don’t worry. They’ll get it figured out. He promises to look out for her, no matter what. He jets, and Valentin tells Martin, they certainly left in a hurry. Martin asks what Valentin meant earlier. Why would there be no proof Chase is Bailey’s father? Valentin says, for the same reason there was no proof he was. He took Brook at her word. Chase said he took a DNA test, and he took Chase at his word. Shame on him. Martin says, after everything that’s happened, he doesn’t believe Chase is Bailey’s father? Valentin says, some men might not care that another man is the legal father on their child’s birth certificate, but by the book, upstanding Detective Harrison Chase would care. Unless it’s a fabrication, and Chase knows about it. Martin says, so Brook lied about her child’s paternity a second time. Why? Valentin says, why not? She’s a proven liar. The real question is, why would Chase go along with the lie?

Spencer sits next to Trina on the couch, and asks, when did a skateboard without wheels become a legitimate winter sport? Snowboarding has eleven Winter Olympic events; Skiing only has five. That is outrageous. Trina says, snowboarding requires balance, whereas in skiing, you use two poles to hold you upright. Esme comes in, and says she made hot toddies for everyone. Spencer says he’ll help her, but she says she’s got it; keep talking amongst themselves. Cameron says he was thinking of trying some snowboarding tomorrow. What does Josslyn think? She says, cool. She and Trina snowboarded a couple of times. It’s actually safer than skiing. Esme stands around the hot toddies, a plastic baggie in her hand. Spencer says, maybe he’ll give it a try, and Trina asks if he’s crossing over into the dark side. No one notices Esme lurking around the cups. Or her looking over her shoulder to see if they’re looking.

Britt says she’s glad Sonny decided to refill his meds, and he says, make sure to keep her mouth quiet. She laughs, and says, don’t worry. He doesn’t want his family to know he went off his meds, they won’t hear it from her.

Nina walks into yoga class, and says she had no idea Carly would be here. Carly asks if this is the part where she says she doesn’t want any trouble, and turns around and runs the other way? Nina says she’s not doing that anymore, but since they’re both here, she has something to say. Carly gets up, and says, great. So does she.

Tomorrow, Maxie says she’ll tell what really happened, Valentin tells Martin that the debt will be paid, Nina says Carly needs to hear her out, and Brando tells Sonny that he needs help.

Vanderpump Rules – The Reunion – Part Two

Andy asked Sandoval, what about Katie’s involvement in the new bar upset him, and Sandoval said they’d were trying to open a business, and were so stressed. Katie started talking, but Schwartz tried to stop her. She said she had a vested interest in Schwartz’s business venture. God forbid something should happen to Schwartz; she’d inherit his debt. She said she genuinely cared, and was excited for them, and Raquel apologized for what she’d said about Katie on Watch What Happens Live. We saw the clip, and Raquel had said Katie should butt out. She thought Katie was bored with her life, and that’s why she was interested in the new bar. Raquel said her mom called to explain that when you married someone, you were in a business relationship. Whatever business your partner was in technically, it was a 50/50 partnership, and Katie was entitled to her say in Schwartz’s 50%. Lisa said, that’s why you were entitled to half in a divorce, and Ariana thought it was bullsh*t. Lala said, Ariana wasn’t married, and Scheana said Ariana and Tom saw it as a piece of paper, and were just as married. Andy asked what the status of Katie’s involvement was now, because he apparently wasn’t paying attention this season. Schwartz said Katie and Sandoval never had good work energy, but he’d seen Katie was fired up about the new place. He got caught off-guard, and in the end, it didn’t work. Andy said, moving on to Raquel’s nose.

We flashed back to Raquel’s nose job woes, and Raquel said she’d felt the tip was bulbous and too big for her petite face. She wanted her features to match her face. Andy asked if she was happy with it now, and she said it wasn’t the way she’d imagined, but she’d come to terms with it. Andy asked James about his comment that, if something went wrong, he’d be the one who had to look at it. James claimed he was only trying to say, don’t make a beautiful thing less beautiful, and Andy told him, saying she was beautiful as is might have been a better way to say it, like James didn’t know that, and James said, if he could, he’d take it back. Andy asked Charli what gave her the idea for Toes for Nose, to raise money for Raquel’s nose job, and Charli said she always loves a fundraiser. Andy asked why Lisa bought the feet pics, and Lisa said she didn’t want to see them fail. Andy doubled back, and brought up James saying that Raquel would leave him if he lost his looks, and there was a big unnecessary discussion about that.

During the break, Charli told Raquel that she was strong, and doing a good job. Andy came back with the topic of Scheana’s love life. He said she and Brock had met at a music festival, and she was wooed by his accent and his dirty dancing move. (Just one?) He asked if Brock had seen the show before he met Scheana, but Brock said he hadn’t; he just thought she was hot. Andy said Scheana had admitted a green card would be a bonus if Brock married her, and asked how much time he had left on his visa. Brock said he had two years on his business visa, and Lisa said she’d had to invest $700K for hers. He said he’d put up his gym as collateral, and a green card meant freedom. Andy said Brock claimed he’d come to the states so he could support his family, but then didn’t pay support. Brock said, when he left, he and his ex had an agreement about him sending her money, but not a required child support . When they began to argue about his access to the children, communication stopped, and she got government support. As soon as he was contacted, he began to make payments; he’d been paying since 2018. Charli suggested he take a bartending job at SUR, and Andy asked about him not seeing the children. He said he had to prove he was a changed man, and he hadn’t done it to his ex’s satisfaction yet. Scheana said he hadn’t totally caught up, and until he was, he woudn’t have access. We saw Lala pretending to snooze, and Andy asked about the restraining order. Brock said, he and his ex had an argument, he slapped her, and six months later, she dropped the order on him. Lala said he misrepresented himself, and Brock said he’d been vulnerable with Lala, telling her about it, and she’d used it against him. She said him minimizing domestic violence was triggering for her. Andy asked Raquel about being adopted, and Raquel said her biological mom was her adoptive mom’s sister. They weren’t that close, but she’d never thought of her adoptive mom as anything other than her real mom. Her dad was coming tonight to help her pack, and she’d be staying with her sister Kate until she found her own place. James said he never felt that Raquel’s family accepted, loved, or wanted him to marry Raquel. We saw a clip of Raquel’s dad talking to Lisa, saying, he didn’t want his daughter to marry an alcoholic, and he had a shallow grave he could put James in. Andy asked Raquel what her family was concerned about, and we flashed back to the insane side of James. Raquel said the way he reacted and his temper. James said, even last Thanksgiving, Raquel’s dad sat next to him, drank a bottle wine, then had a go at him. He was offended James hadn’t worn the hiking boots he’d gotten for James. After all the work James had put in, he was upset about the boots. James said he tried his best to make it work. Lisa asked, what about Grandma Buttons? and Raquel said, Grandma Buttons loves James. And it was obvious everyone loved Grandma Buttons. Seriously though, how could you not love someone called Grandma Buttons?

During the break, Scheana told Brock that she just needed him to be supportive, not ask if she was upset. Andy said Lala hadn’t thought Scheana paid attention to red flags about Brock, but Lala said, clearly, she was no expert, and Andy presented a montage of what was not playing so great in Lala’s rearview mirror, mostly Lala saying what a stand-up guy Randall is and how he’d never play her. Lala said she cared for Scheana; Scheana had the most amazing heart, and she felt terrible. Brock had been nothing but a kind and loving partner to Scheana, and she should have focused on her own thing, Brock said it was hard to be angry considering where they are now. In the moment, it did damage and it hurt. Scheana said that Lala hadn’t seemed concerned when she was first dating Brock, and it came up a year and a half and a child later. Lala said she hadn’t known Brock couldn’t see his kids, and Scheana said everyone else did. Brock said Lala was too busy flying around in private jets and hanging out with Machine Gun Kelly. This struck Charli as hysterically funny. Andy said Sandoval had brought up possible rumors about Randall, and we flashed back to that. Lala asked why he wouldn’t come to her, but Sandoval said it didn’t seem like something she wanted to know, and she didn’t want them talking about her personal life. Andy asked what the rumor was, and Sandoval answered vaguely. It sounded like Randall had hit on someone who worked with the boyfriend of a sibling of someone Sandoval knows. Andy asked James about any rumors, no doubt hoping he’d answer more simply, and James said, hotel room stuff; meeting girls. He saw Randall buying drinks for the hottest girls in SUR, and that was after the baby was born. Lala said, not one time did anyone say, this is what your dude is doing. Randall creeping around on her wasn’t brought to her attention. We flashed back to James trying to tell her early on, and Lisa said, everyone had been loyal to Lala by not discussing it on camera behind her back. Agreed. Andy said it was now public that they’d officially split, and asked when Lala noticed signs of trouble. She said, he was never home, telling her it was work related, and on his phone non-f***ing-stop. Katie called her on October 15th about some pictures that had come out of Randall and two girls. That’s when she knew he wasn’t who she thought he was. They kept cutting to Charli smiling, and I wanted to smack her. Lala started to cry, and said he knew what he was out doing, yet Randall had made her feel safe enough to bring a child into the world, and she felt disgusted. Andy asked what lengths Randall went to, to get Lala to stay, but Lala said there wasn’t much for him to do. She closed off for a week, and stayed in her bedroom with the door locked. Then he decided he needed to go to Miami. We flashed back to Miami Girl, and Ariana said, never let your man go to Miami. Lala said she packed five years of things, and got TF out. Scheana said, on Sandoval’s birthday, Lala had confided to her that she didn’t have a partner like Scheana had in Brock. It was the first time Scheana realized there were any issues. Lala and Randall always put on a front that everything was great. She was queen of that club, so she got it, but her heart broke for Lala. She couldn’t imagine having a child with someone who wasn’t a 50/50 partner. Andy said Lala had called Raquel dumb, and asked how Raquel felt now. Like Raquel is going to be mean. Raquel said she’d never heard any rumors, but wasn’t surprised about the break-up. She knew when Lala started seeing Randall, it was as a mistress (another thing Charli found incredibly amusing) and it seemed like history was repeating itself. Lisa said, sometimes the way you get them is the way you lose them.

Lala said when she and Randall met, he told her that he was separated. They were on the road two months straight. They didn’t come back once, and she wondered what wife would allow her husband to leave for two months, and not come back one time. Brock said, her, and we flashed back to five minutes ago when Lala said Randall was never home. Lala said she didn’t know people rolled that way, and Lisa wondered how she could not know Randall was still living with his wife. Lala said she never even heard him call home, and they were always traveling. Brock said she had a Range Rover and an amazing lifestyle, and was on the outside looking in. Lala got annoyed about his interruption, and asked if she could keep going, She said she believed Randall had led a double life for a long time, and would stop at nothing to make sure his life wasn’t exposed. Brock said when she was in the moment though, it was fun. Lala said when she found out Randall wasn’t what he seemed – and she was still finding out – in her mind, life wasn’t cookie cutter. They were soulmates, and had fallen in love. She didn’t think he’d do that to her. Lisa said a leopard didn’t change its spots, and Lala said, 100%. Her years with Randall were now a lie. Andy said, life changes could be triggering for someone in recovery, and asked how she was doing. Lala told him, she was proud to say she’d never been stronger in her sobriety, and everyone applauded. Andy asked James what he was thinking, and James said he was disgusted with Randall. Randall was f***ing 50, and too old to learn. He had the money, clothes, cars, and house, and Lala at home with the baby. James had put on a smile, but he’d never liked Randall. Ariana asked if this meant they didn’t have to play pickleball, and Schwartz told her not to bring pickleball into it. James said Randall had reached out to him, asking for relationship tips. Lisa said, from him? and James said, from him, equally surprised. Andy thanked Lala for her openness, and said he was sorry for what she was going through.

Andy asked about the sandwich shop, and how Katie felt when Schwartz had partnered with Sandoval. She said they’d talked about it as a future venture, and Schwarz said he’d thought of it as a golden years thing. Ariana said they were looking at other investors, and had some visuals and a logo that should be done today. Lisa said she was tempted to get involved, and Ariana said the door was open. The Randall investment wasn’t going to be happening. Lisa said she didn’t think anyone was taking his phone calls, let alone his money. That would be pretty funny if Randall turned out to be a pariah because of this. Lala said people thought Randall was offering to put in $150K, but he’d approached a friend of Katie’s for half, and was going to split the difference with a partner, so he was really only investing $25K. Ariana said he was borrowing from other people, and Andy said he was selling the investment. Not that it makes him any less of a sleazeball, but I got that Randall wasn’t personally investing all that cash. He did say he had to talk to his partners, so I don’t think this was anything shady.

Andy asked about Brock and Scheana’s impending nuptials, and said most people didn’t get a prenup before they got engaged. Scheana said they knew they were getting married, and already had a baby. They were just getting their ducks in a row. If a surprise wedding happened, they’d be ready. Andy asked Lala about Brock asking for her and Randall’s help with the proposal, and then disappearing when it was time to pay. Lala said she’d loved the idea, but when her assistant asked about the budget, Brock went ghost on them. Brock said, at that point, he’d found out they wanted $20K to rent the movie theater, so he pulled the plug. Lala was stirring the pot with how she was making it come across. Lisa suggested maybe he pay his child support arrears first, and Brock said, 100%, but he wasn’t paying the government in a hurry. Lisa pointed out that it would open the door to his relationship with the kids, and should have been a priority. They  talked some more about how Brock spent his money, but at that point, I no longer cared.

Andy asked why Sandoval initially agreed to marry Brock and Scheana during James and Raquel’s engagement weekend. Figuring it was the last time he could use the joke, Sandoval said he was between a Brock and a hard place. He felt the pain of having things postponed and cancelled, and Ariana said she saw how defeated they were. Andy said if Scheana didn’t want to take away from the party, why did she announce her engagement there. Scheana got all emo, and wondered why she didn’t get to be happy about what happened in her life. She hadn’t wanted to take away from the party, but she did want to tell the people closest to her about something big that happened in her life. Andy asked Katie’s impression of what happened, and she said she was a little toasted. We flashed back to that, and Katie said, after there’d been so much planning and money spent, it was upsetting to have someone hijack the weekend. Scheana said she’d had to tell Lisa, but Lisa disagreed, saying, it wasn’t Scheana’s moment. Scheana whined, didn’t she get to have a happy moment? and Lisa said, it was Raquel and James’s party. Scheana said, but all of them were together, but Lisa wasn’t having it. She said she saw what Scheana did, and Scheana would have been horrified if it had been done to her. Andy thought maybe they should hear from the one person whose opinion mattered – Raquel. No surprise, she was gracious, and said she understood, and heard where Scheana was coming from; she was just surprised. Ariana said Scheana deserved her moment, and Katie said Ariana didn’t understand because engagements and weddings weren’t important to her. Ariana said just because she made a decision in her own life, didn’t mean what her friends went through wasn’t important to her. James said it was a tacky move, and he’d never do that to a friend. He wasn’t that tacky or cheap. Scheana said, nothing happened; they didn’t go thought with it. Lala told James to calm down, and Andy asked where James and Brock’s relationship was. James said he wasn’t holding a grudge, but he stuck by saying how cheap and tacky it was. He was just trying to get through today.  

Andy said, it was the end of the Reunion, and another season. They were going to toast to strong performances with strong cocktails, and a mocktail for James. Sandoval said the cocktail was named for Summer, and was called The Summer’s Eve. Andy asked what was next for Lisa, and she said TomTom was finally in the black, they were opening Paris in Las Vegas, and she was a bloody grandma. Andy said James was at a crossroads. Tomorrow, Raquel was moving out. James said he loved Raquel so much, and was sorry things didn’t work out. He wanted the best for her forever. It was the end of a chapter, but the beginning of the best rest of her life. Andy said it had been Raquel’s lifelong dream to help kids with disabilities. They’d already known Raquel was a wonderful person with a huge heart, and that said everything they needed to know about her. He wished her good luck on her journey. Andy asked about Schwartz and Katie’s plans, and Katie said, open the sandwich shop, be super successful, and have a baby. Andy said, Lala needed to regroup, and asked what was getting her through. No surprise, she said, her baby. She felt grateful, and Andy said she had a lot of support. Andy congratulated Scheana and Brock on their engagement, and asked if they’d set a date. Scheana said, next November. They were hoping the Australian borders would be open by then, and wanted to have the wedding in Bali. Brock said he was stoked. Andy said Ariana and Sandoval had eggs in the freezer, and Ariana said maybe they’d have embryos. Andy asked who got custody of Raquel and James’s dog, and Raquel said it was heartbreaking, but her parents had gotten Graham as a graduation gift for her, and she was taking him. (See below – you decide.)

Once again, Andy said it was the end of a season and Reunion. Cheers. They clinked glasses. Everyone dispersed pretty quickly, Andy stopping James for a hug. James and Raquel talked for a moment, and it sounded like he was going home to say goodbye to the dog before she came with her dad to get her stuff. He told her that if she needed anything, call him. They gave each other a side-hug, and we saw James leave alone. Scheana saw Raquel outside, and told her, whatever she needed from them; they were friends always and forever. Raquel met dad Carey, and told him that she thought it went well. He told her it would all be behind her, and they drove away. It was kind of sad.  

👩🏼‍🎓 Grad Gift Or…

In this article, it says she and James adopted Graham together. It’s possible the parents paid the adoption fee, but I’m wondering why she said the dog was a gift from them. Not that I don’t think she’s the best choice. I’m not so sure James could be responsible enough to take care of a dog.

☕️ Slipping Them an Esme…

So it’s tramadol? They give that to dogs for pain after surgery, albeit in smaller doses. I really thought it would be something more formidable.

💎 For the Youngers and Forgetful Oldsters…

All about the Ice Princess.

🚉 Last Train Home…

Come take a break tomorrow for some soap and brands on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay calling out injustice, and stay keeping mind, sometimes the way you get them is the way you lose them.

January 25, 2022 – Nina Rescues Sonny, VanderReunion Begins & Hymn


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Victor literally runs into Maxie as he’s about to leave Charlie’s, and she drops all her stuff. He tells her to let him get it; it was his fault entirely. He picks up her sonogram, and says, what have we here?

Esme sees Cameron sweeping up outside Kelly’s, and asks if he’s getting his blood pumped before they go to the great snowy north. He says he’d be more pumped if his majesty was pulling his weight, but alas, he feels he’s not experienced enough for exterior work. She says, now, now. Where’s her hard-working worker? Cameron says, he’s inside, warm and cozy with Trina.

Trina sits at the counter, and Spencer says he’s not super keen about the forecast. He sees frigid temperatures and a snowy drive in their future. She wonders why that’s a problem. She thought he was a ski bunny. He says he kind of lost his taste for it when he broke both his legs off-piece. In skiing parlance, that means… She says, that he’s pompous? She knows what off-piece means. She’s a snowboarder, not an idiot. She says she’d better get going. She’ll see him après ski. In skiing parlance, that means while she shreds the slopes, he’ll be making the cocoa.

Carly and Josslyn walk into the MetroCourt, and Josslyn says she wants to get the French onion soup. It’s her favorite on the winter menu. Carly says she’s not really hungry, but Josslyn says, they came to the restaurant because she says the cheese is never melty enough when she gets room service. Carly says she’ll have to tell the staff about that, and Josslyn says, and she hates the thought of Carly being alone in her hotel suite. Why is she the one who had to leave when Sonny messed up?

Curtis and Marshall clink glasses, and say, to The Savoy. Sonny approaches their table, and Curtis asks, what’s up? Sonny says, he wants Curtis’s club, and Curtis says he’s sorry. Maybe they can talk about this tomorrow; he’s in the middle of something. Sonny says, it’s important, and Marshall says, is that right? He knows how to occupy himself if Curtis needs a moment. Curtis says, no, it’s fine, and introduces Marshall to Sonny. Sonny asks if they can just go to Curtis’s office; he wants to sort this out. Curtis says he’s busy at the moment. He’s afraid Sonny’s business is going to have to wait. Sonny says he just wants The Savoy, and he’s not leaving until he gets it.

Victor says, a sonogram photo. What a miracle of modern technology these things are. He surreptitiously looks at the patient ID on the back, and asks if congratulations are in order again. She says she’s not pregnant, and he says he meant nothing by it. He just thought… She says, it’s her daughter, Louise. It’s all Maxie has left of her. He says he’s so sorry. Still no word on her whereabouts after all this time? She wonders why he doesn’t ask his friend Peter, and he says he can assure her, Peter is no friend of his. She says, really? Prove it. He asks, how? and she says, kill him. He laughs, and says, let him offer an alternative suggestion. How about if he offers all his resources to bring Louise home again? She says she would sooner wear socks with sandals, and he asks if he’s so objectionable that she would turn her nose up at his offer of help. She says, his help comes at a cost, and she’s already paid enough. She’ll get her daughter back herself. She heads for the ladies room, and Victor leaves.

Austin tells Britt, sorry to interrupt their conversation; it was the hospital. She says she was starting to think he slipped out the back, and he asks if she thinks he’d pull an Irish goodbye with his boss. She laughs, and says she knows what a ditch looks like. He says he finds it impossible to imagine anyone would ditch her, but she says, please. She’s the ditcher, not the ditchee. She could write a how-to about the best ditch techniques for any situation. He says, she’s an escape artist, and she says, he’s clearly not. So what happened? Why does one measly question about his private life have him all silent sad sack emo?

Sam comes into Charlie’s, where Kristina is bartending. Kristina says Sam is out late, and Sam says she’s waiting for mom; Sam can’t seem to drag her away from her desk. Kristina says, good luck. She hasn’t been able to get ahold of mom since she took on that sex discrimination case against the cigar cartel. Sam says, a week ago, Alexis’s life started to spiral and she had no direction, and now she has a job and a future. Kristina says, things seem to be looking up for her, and Sam says, now that she put Harmony on notice, nothing is going to hold her back.

Alexis is typing, when Harmony knocks at her office door, and says, stop the presses. Alexis says, unfortunately, this issue has already gone to the press. She was working late on a memo for the sports section. Harmony says, The Invader has a sports section? and Alexis says, yeah; they cover the Woodchucks. Harmony says, the minor league ball team. That’s it? Alexis asks if Harmony knew there was a minor league basketball team, and Harmony says, The Pride. Alexis says, that’s news to her, but it won’t be news to Port Charles unless she makes sure they have equal coverage. Harmony says, look at her. She’s glad Alexis is putting her stamp on the paper. The Invader and Port Charles will be better for it. Alexis thanks her for the vote of confidence, and says she’s very supported there. Harmony says Alexis has a big fan in Shawn, but Alexis says, it’s not just Shawn; Harmony too.

Carly says, isn’t Josslyn on the road a little early tomorrow? and Josslyn says, so? Carly asks if she doesn’t have to pack, and Josslyn says, it’s taken care of. Carly says, that’s a first, and Josslyn says, consider it an early return on Carly’s investment in her higher education. Time management is just one skill she’s picking up at PCU. Carly says, tell her another, so she feels like she’s getting her money’s worth, and Josslyn says, close listening. Carly says, as opposed to distant? She doesn’t get it. Josslyn tells her, it means actively listening to the information provided by the speaker, including what they don’t say, and the questions they don’t answer. Carly says, okay. She’s here at the hotel because Avery and Donna spent nine months without Sonny. They need to be with him. Josslyn says, it’s still not fair.

Sonny says, let’s make this happen, and walks over to the bar, taking out his wallet, but Curtis tells him to put his money away. Marshall says, Mr. Corinthos… but Sonny says he’s not talking to Marshall. Curtis suggests Marshall have Nika set him up, and it’ll give him and Sonny a few minutes. Sonny says, it’s not going to take more than a few seconds. What does he have to do to make this happen? Curtis says, the club is not for sale, but Sonny says he doesn’t want to buy the club. He wants to rent the club for a night to show Carly a good time. He wants to get a band and the whole thing. He’ll pay for the staff. Curtis says he’d lose money emptying out his club for two guests, and Sonny asks what Curtis made last Saturday; he’ll double it. Drew approaches, and says he was hoping Curtis would be there tonight, and tells Sonny, it’s good to see him. Sonny says, this has got to happen this Saturday, but Curtis says, that doesn’t work for him. He has an act booked, and tables paid for. Sonny says, he’ll refund the band, whatever he has to do; just tell him. Just take the money. He tries to hand Curtis a bunch of bills, but Curtis says, it doesn’t work for him, okay? Nina comes in and stands at the other end of the bar, and Curtis asks Sonny if he can suggest another nightclub. Sonny yells, nobody tells him what to do, but Curtis says, in his nightclub, he does.

Spencer tells Trina that he supposes he might be convinced to strap on some skis again, but she says, don’t do anything on her account, on or off-piece. He says he might as well get used to taking orders from her. He’s going to be at her beck and call at the gallery soon enough; making restitution and all. She says he’s right to worry. Cam takes things easy on him. She, on the other hand, intends to make him work for it. He says he’s up for the challenge, and she asks if he’d care to make things interesting, moving closer to him. He says, he thinks they passed interesting a long time ago, and she says, she plans to be tough on him, but fair. He says he wouldn’t have it any other way. Wow. He thinks that was five minutes. She says, five minutes of what? and he says, that he wasn’t thinking about going to prison. Esme watches them through the window.

Cameron says he doesn’t want to get involved in all the drama, but Esme says, there’s no drama. Trina and Spencer are friends. He says he knows, but sometimes it seems like she has a problem with that. She says, the more friends Spence has, the better. Besides, she knows for a fact Spence isn’t the one Trina wants.

Carly says she doesn’t want Josslyn caught in the crossfire. Sonny loves Josslyn, and Carly knows Josslyn loves him. Josslyn says, loving him doesn’t mean she agrees with the way he’s treating Carly, and Carly says, she gets that, but no matter what happens between her and Sonny, she doesn’t want Josslyn losing someone she’s close with. Josslyn says she didn’t need to go to college to learn that sometimes you can’t protect yourself from being hurt, but we can be there for each other when we feel it.

Sonny apologizes to Curtis, saying, he didn’t mean to yell like that, and Drew says, if Curtis can’t accommodate Sonny, they can put their heads together. They’ll find a place Carly’s going to like just as much. Why don’t they sit down… He puts his hand on Sonny’s arm, and Sonny yells, don’t touch me! Drew says, he’s just trying… and Sonny says, he understands that, but stay out of his business. Who the hell does Drew think he is? Drew says he’s Sonny’s friend, and Sonny says, Jason was his friend. Drew is just a knockoff, a poor shadow of his brother, not Jason. Sonny’s voice quivers with tears, and he says, now Jason is under a rock, halfway around the world, when he should have let Drew rot in hell. Curtis says, Sonny… and Sonny says, Drew’s not his friend. Understand him? Actually, Drew is his friend. When he was Jason, Drew was his friend. He was a much better man then. You know what he is now? NOTHING! Get out of his face. He walks past Drew, and puts his arm around Curtis, saying, hey buddy, you’ve got to give me this club. Marshall says Curtis gave him an answer, but Sonny says he’s not talking to Marshall. Curtis tells them, chill, and Drew comes over. Nina jets to Sonny, and says, let’s go. He says he’s not going anywhere with her, and she says, does he want to get picked up by the police? He says, the police? and looks around, then tells Nina, all right; let’s go. Nina tells Curtis and Drew that she’s sorry about this, and follows Sonny out. Marshall says, what the hell was that? and Curtis says, damned if I know.

Maxie comes back out, and sees Felicia at a table. She asks, how was the memorial? and Felicia says, it was a typical Luke Spencer affair, complete with an appearance from Helena Cassadine. Maxie says, please tell her that Helena’s not back from the dead too, but Felicia says, no, it was pre-taped. Ding-dong, the witch is still dead. Maxie tells her, if only we could say the same about Victor.

Kristina tells Sam, back up. What was this about Harmony? Sam says, don’t worry. She nipped it in the bud. Kristian asks, how? and Sam says, she simply sent Harmony a message. She said, we appreciate you helping mom out in prison, but she’s not in prison anymore, so you need to steer clear. Kristina says, who’s we? Sam never asked her about this. Did she ask Molly? Sam says, no, but she assumed Kristina, of all people, wouldn’t want to sit next to Harmony at brunch at mom’s house. Kristina asks if Sam did this for her or mom, and Sam says, both. Is that okay with her? Kristina says, Sam butting in on mom’s life on her so-called behalf without her permission? No. She’s not okay with that.

Harmony says she knows Alexis had to work late because she was attending a memorial service. Was it anyone she was close to? Alexis says, actually, yeah; Luke Spencer. They had a very unique bond. What brings Harmony by? Harmony says, like Alexis didn’t see this, and hands her a giftwrapped package and card. Alexis says she did notice; what’s in it? (Why do people ask that? That’s why it’s wrapped; so you don’t know until you open it.) Harmony says, it’s just a little something to mark the auspicious new beginning, and she’s hoping it will inspire Alexis. Alexis says, there’s only one way to find out, but Harmony says, please don’t open it now. She doesn’t want Alexis to pretend she likes it if she doesn’t. Alexis says she’ll love it, and thanks her. Harmony asks if Alexis wants to grab a coffee, but Alexis says she’s still working. Harmony says, maybe another time, but Alexis says she doesn’t think they can continue this friendship.

Austin says, there are parts of his life he’d like to keep to himself, and Britt says, she gets that. She’s not super proud of her family either. He says, he didn’t say he wasn’t proud of his family, and she says, or whatever. They laugh, and she says, it’s not her favorite topic of conversation. Her father’s been on every top 10 wanted list in the world, from before she was born until the day he died. And her mother likes to dress up as Krampus and terrify small children at the Christmas market. He says, good for them. They’ve achieved notoriety. She says she thinks he means infamy, but go ahead. He says, his family is the complete opposite. They’re intensely private people. And the one time he did invoke his father’s name, it got dragged through the mud, so he’s a little protective of them. She says she gets being protective, but from her? What is she going to do? Call a press conference? Alert the town crier? He says, probably not, but even so… She says, if he doesn’t trust her, he wouldn’t be the only one. Hell, sometimes even she doesn’t trust herself. He says, okay. The reason he has a personal connection to Leo’s case is, his brother is on the spectrum.

Drew says, Sonny just came in here, and demanded use of The Savoy? and Curtis says, pretty much. He’s never seen Sonny like that. Drew says he has, and it’s not pretty. Curtis says he heard what Sonny said to Drew, and Marshall says, if anyone had spoken to him like that, he’d have to pop them one, mob boss or not. Drew asks if they’ve met, and Curtis says, his bad, and introduces them. Drew says, his pleasure, and Marshall says, same here. Curtis asks if Marshall is okay, and Marshall says he is. Drew leaves to get a drink, and Curtis sits back down with Marshall, asking a waitress for some water. Marshall asks how Curtis came to cross the infamous Sonny Corinthos, and Curtis asks what Marshall knows about Sonny. Marshall says, enough not to cross him, and Curtis says, until now, he and Sonny have been cool. In fact, he was thinking of Sonny to take care of Marshall’s… problem. Marshall says, he’ll do no such thing. He won’t have his son beholden to Sonny Corinthos. We see Drew pondering at the bar.

Frank asks if there’s anything he can do, and Sonny tells him, yeah, take off. Nina says, Sonny… and Sonny says she should have stayed at the club. Go. He takes out the scotch decanter, and Frank leaves. He asks Nina what she’s doing. She didn’t hear him? Nina says she did. She just doesn’t feel it’s prudent to go. He laughs, and says, prudent? No one’s going to come to her for wisdom. She says, he’s right, because she makes terrible choices, but they can both say he nearly bought himself a world of trouble at The Savoy. He asks, what’s it to her? and she says he knows the answer to that. He says, it doesn’t matter, but she says, it does matter. He matters to her, and he’s not acting like himself. Sonny says she doesn’t know him well enough to ask him that, and she says, he’s right; she doesn’t know him. He’s made that abundantly clear, but she thinks she knows a manic episode when she sees one.

Felicia hands Maxie’s sonogram back to her, and says, Victor needs to keep his distance. She’s going to call Anna. Maxie asks, why? So Anna can tell him not to speak to her so politely? Felicia says she can’t believe Maxie asked him to kill Peter, and Maxie says she wasn’t serious. Okay, so she was, but she knew he wouldn’t go for it. And where were they? Felicia says, at Charlie’s, and Maxie says, where everything is fine. Felicia says Maxie doesn’t sound fine, and Maxie says, maybe she’s on edge because Felicia is on high alert to fix things. She can’t fix everything in Maxie’s life. Felicia says she has a point, and Maxie says, or maybe it’s just the prospect of going back to Pawtuck. Felicia says she’ll try not to be over-protective, and as far as their trip to Pawtuck goes, she thinks they can prepare for that, right here, right now. Maxie says, like coordinating footwear that’s insulated and comfortable, yet also fashionable? but Felicia says, no. She means like setting ground rules, so Maxie doesn’t feel the pressure. They can go slow, or stop altogether if it gets to be too much. Maxie says, okay, let her think, and Felicia says, rule number one. Maxie says, lay off talking about her and Austin, and Felicia says, why? Maxie says, she knows why, and Felicia says, about them having a soft spot for each other?

Cameron tells Esme that he and Trina flirted a little in high school, but they were clearly meant to be friends. Esme says, because it wasn’t what Trina wanted? and he says, because it didn’t work out. Why is she so interested? She says, she’s still getting to know everyone, and doesn’t want to step on any toes… any more than she already has. He says, here’s an idea. Don’t. She says she’s only asking because, as an outsider, it seems obvious to her the way Trina behaves around him and Josslyn. There’s this kind of tension or something. He says, there isn’t, and she says, forget she said anything. She just wants everyone to get along, with the five of them being cooped up in a cabin together for two days. She guesses she’s too sensitive for her own good. Cameron goes back to sweeping, and looks in the window at Trina and Spencer.

Spencer says, he must sound like a broken record, boo-hooing about going to prison, but Trina says he doesn’t talk about it that much, at least not to her. He says, he didn’t think she’d want to hear it. Or maybe he couldn’t bring himself to tell her about it. She says, why not? and he says, she probably thinks he had it coming, for one, and it’s embarrassing. She says, going to prison? but he says, to admit how scared he is; that he feels like a coward. She says, prison is scary, and she doesn’t think it’s cowardly to own up to your mistakes. In fact, it’s brave. He thanks her, and says, he hopes one day he can feel like that. Right now, he wishes he could go back to being the guy he was when they met; simple, uncomplicated Victor. She says, simple, uncomplicated Victor had a habit of asking her to lie to her friends, and vandalized an art gallery. He says he guesses Victor wasn’t so hot, and she says, not so much, but Spencer is starting to grow on her.

Carly tells Josslyn, she’s had enough Sonny talk for one night. About the cabin. She was in touch with the management company, and had the whole place stocked for their arrival. Josslyn says she didn’t have to do that; she’s got it taken care of. Carly says she’s sure Josslyn does, but she’s Josslyn’s mom. And as amazing as it is Josslyn supports her, it’s her job to take care of Josslyn.

Sonny asks, since when did Nina become an expert in mental illness? and she says, she never claimed to be an expert, but she remembers a time when Phyllis and Lenny told her about an incident with him in Nixon Falls, when Phyllis found out he was bipolar. They got him back on his meds, and he got better. And what she’s seeing right now seems like what they described. Is she wrong? He says, no; she’s right. She shouldn’t be here right now. She asks if he’s off his meds, and he says he’s fixing things. He’s trying to fix his life. The life she stole from him, remember? She says she has no intention of interfering with him and Carly ever again, and he tells her, then get out of here now. She says, it’s not just his house and his life. There are two little girls who share this house with him that might be afraid of how their father is behaving. Sonny tears up, and asks if she’s saying he’s going to hurt his child. She can’t trust him with his little girls? She says she trusts him with her life. It’s the bipolar disorder. She doesn’t trust that. He says he has things under control, but she says she doesn’t believe he does. He tells her, it’s none of her business, and he’s not going to tell her again. She says he doesn’t have to, and takes out her phone. She asks why he doesn’t tell Carly. She’ll call Carly right now. If she doesn’t know how to deal with him when he’s like this, she’s sure Carly will. He has to make a choice. It’s either her or Carly.

Carly says the house is fully stocked, but Josslyn’s gear is up to her. Does she have all her hats and gloves? Josslyn says she does, and Carly says, phone charger, snow tires on the car? and Josslyn says, check and check. Carly says, contraception?

Sam asks if Kristina is okay with mom hanging out with Harmony, the woman who drugged Kristina? Kristina says she knows what Harmony did. She also knows Harmony testified against Shiloh. She’s trying to rebuild her life like Kristina is. The last thing Kristina wants to do is be the reason their mother can’t be friends with someone who’s been good for her. Sam says, so Kristina is telling her that she’s okay with mom being friends with Harmony? and Kristina says she doesn’t know, but if it’s a problem, she’ll deal with it. Sam doesn’t need to take it upon herself to deal with it for her. Or mom. Let she who is without mess sweep the first broom. Sam asks if Kristina is saying she’s messy.

Alexis says she knows Sam said she would be okay with it, but she’s not sure Kristina will be, and Harmony says, it’s okay. She always understood and accepted that they couldn’t have friendship if it made things difficult with Alexis’s daughters. Alexis says she’ll still talk to Kristina; maybe she’ll be okay with it. Harmony says, she thinks they all know how Kristina feels about her. Honestly, she wouldn’t want to put Kristina in a position where she had to swallow her feelings for Alexis’s sake. Alexis asks if Harmony has met her middle child. She doesn’t swallow her feelings for her mother’s sake. Harmony says, that was before Alexis went to prison. Kristina is probably so grateful Alexis is back, she’ll just put up with anything, which isn’t fair to Kristina. Alexis says, it’s not fair to anybody, and Harmony says, no, but Alexis is a mom. Alexis says she is a mom, and her kids come first, so she’ll look out for what’s best for Kristina. Harmony says she’s sorry it didn’t work out, but she’s not sorry she got to know Alexis. Alexis says, back atcha. Absolutely. Harmony says, it’s funny. All she wanted to do was make amends for her mistakes. She didn’t think she’d get a friendship out of it, even for a short while. It’s all gravy. She tells Alexis, take care, and leaves.

Britt says, so Austin’s brother is on the spectrum. Is that a big deal? He says, it depends on the company; not everybody gets it. He can try to teach and enlighten, but his brother is a real person, not a visual aid, and has a right to privacy, a right to live his life; and his story isn’t Austin’s story to tell. She asks if he couldn’t do the teaching, and leave his brother’s name out of it. Neurodiversity and neurodivergence awareness is incredibly important work. He says, agreed. He walks the walk when he has to. She says, like with Leo, and he says, Leo is technically family. She says, and Leo, Ned, and Olivia could really benefit from Austin’s experiences. They don’t need to know how he come by  them. He says, maybe, but it’s private. She says, there’s private and there’s secret. What’s secret is misunderstood, stigmatized. Forgive her for saying this – she doesn’t think it’s how he feels – but a secret is often indicative of shame. He says, agreed. She’s not wrong, but he doesn’t feel shame about his brother; not at all. He’s not embarrassed. That’s his brother; he just sees him. If there was a complicated medical situation presented in Britt’s family, would she be open about it?  She doesn’t say anything, and he says he believes it’s her turn to open up. Victor comes in, and asks if he might have a word with Austin. Austin says, what about? and Victor says, a simple medical question about the ins and outs of a sonogram.

Sam asks, what part of her life is so messy? and Kristina tells her, she didn’t say that, but Sam says she implied it. Kristina says, fine. Did it ever occur to Sam that dating Dante might be a bit eyebrow raising? Sam says, because he’s a cop? and Kristina says, because Sam’s her sister and Dante is her brother. Sam asks if Kristina has a problem with it, and Kristina says, what if she did? Sam says, then she’d like Kristina to say something. Does she? Kristina says she doesn’t, and Sam says, okay then. Why are they having this conversation? Kristina says, because if she did have a problem with it, she would have hoped she kept it to herself. Her point is, it’s Sam’s life, not hers, and she doesn’t get a say. Capisce? Sam says, capisce, and Kristina says, for the record, she thinks Sam and Dante make a cute couple.

Alexis reads Harmony’s card, which says, Alexis, Congratulations on taking the reins of your own life again, and thank you for taking me along for the ride. Your friend, Harmony. Alexis opens the box, and inside, there’s a fancy pen. Above it is written, Truth never damages a cause that is just – Gandhi. She closes the box.

Cameron goes back inside Kelly’s and asks if Spencer filled the ketchup bottles like he asked. Spencer says he’s sure their customers can make do with half-filled ketchup bottles, and Cameron asks what Spencer was up to while he was working outside. Spencer and Trina look at each other, and Cameron says, okay, cool. So Spencer’s little hang out sesh with Trina will count as his break. Now, the ketchup bottles. Spencer gets to work, and Cameron says, can you believe that guy? Trina picks up her coat, and he asks if she’s okay. She says, yeah. She was just thinking about the trip; she better get going. He asks if she still wants to go, and she says, of course (🍷). He asks if she’s sure she’s okay being there with Spencer and Esme, and him and Josslyn, and she says she’ll be fine. He says, okay. He was just checking.

Esme digs in a bag outside, and takes out a Smartphone 5 box and a prescription bottle. She looks at them a moment, and puts them back. Trina comes out, and Esme says, see her tomorrow; she can’t wait. Trina says she’s hitting the drugstore for a last minute run before they meet up, and asks if Esme needs anything. Esme says she has everything she needs, and Trina leaves.  

Carly tells Josslyn, open lines of communication, remember? and Josslyn says, there’s open, and whatever this is. Carly says, they’ve always been able to tell each other everything. So? Josslyn says, so she’s being careful and responsible. Carly says, good. She loves Josslyn. Josslyn says she loves Carly too.

Nina tells Sonny, she can’t leave unless she knows someone who cares about him is close by or there. Can she call Michael? Or Dante, because she’s not sure Michael will return her call. Or anyone else? Just give her a name, and she’ll get out of his hair. He just looks at her, and she says, fine; Carly. He tells her, stop. He’s caused too much trouble for Carly already. She says, then who? and he says, she can stay or go; it doesn’t make any difference to him. Stay out of his way. He takes the decanter, and goes into another room, and Nina sits on the couch.

Curtis says, he’s assuming Marshall means well, and Marshall says, of course (🍷) he does. Curtis says, but he’ll decide who he associates with. He doesn’t take kindly to being told what to do in his own nightclub. Marshall says, Curtis is going do what he’s going to do, but don’t do it on his account. He gets in bed with Sonny Corinthos, Marshall’s got to walk. He leaves, and Drew sits down. He says, Curtis’s dad seems like a decent guy, and Drew tells him, if he says so. He wants to talk about Sonny and Drew, but Drew asks, what’s left to say?   

Victor tells Austin that he just stopped in for a little nightcap. How fortuitous to run into him here. Austin says, not really. He and Britt are both a little tied up. Britt says she’s got an early day tomorrow. She has an early day every day. She gets up, and says, enjoy their nightcap. As she walks away, Victor says, regards to her mother, and without turning around, she tells him, go to hell. Victor says, it’s a pity Dr. Westbourne had to leave, but this won’t take any time. He sits down, and says he’d like to draw on Austin’s considerable medical expertise. He takes out Valentin’s sonogram copy, and says, he found this sonogram in the street. He’s afraid it’s missing, and it’s torn; all the identifying information is gone. Austin flips it around, and says, see that right there? It’s the patient ID number.

Maxie tells Felicia, she’d much rather talk about anything else. If Felicia feels the need to sing Austin’s praises… Felicia says she’ll zip it, and Maxie thanks her, but Felicia says, can she just tell Maxie how much she likes him? Maxie says, they’re not going to Pawtuck for a day of antiquing, or to check out the scenery. They’re revisiting a crime scene. Felicia promises to stay on task, and says, she talked to Lucy. She says she has a very good feeling about tomorrow. She said it would be pivotal, and when Lucy has a good feeling about something, she’s usually spot-on. Maxie says Felicia is right. What did she say? Felicia tells Maxie, Lucy said, one way or another, Louise starts her journey back to Port Charles tomorrow.

Victor says, by using this number, he can return the sonogram to the right patient? and Austin says, that number is there in case the patient information goes missing or gets messed up. He can take it to GH, match it up, and make sure it gets to the right person. Victor flashes back to looking at Maxie’s patient ID, and says, that’s okay. He found this, and he’d like to see it through. Austin says, he really thinks it’s more appropriate if he does it. He holds out his hand, and says, he’ll make sure it goes where it needs to go, but Victor gets up, and says, no need to worry. He’ll do right by all concerned. Just imagine, mixing up one baby with another.

Tomorrow, Britt asks Victor what he thinks he’s doing, Felicia thinks this could be a breakthrough, Carly tells Ava to maybe think of someone other than herself, and Sonny says, stop telling him what to do.

Vanderpump Rules

I hate reunions. Everyone yells at once about things they supposedly let go of a year ago, and you can’t even hear what’s going on. Andy told us, the last time they were all on stage together was March 2019, and Lala, Katie, and Schwartz would be joining in later, remotely. Lisa talked about new grandson Theodore, and said he would call her Nanny Pinky. Andy remarked on Sandoval’s 1930s-ish suit and tie, and Sandoval pointed out he also had a manicure, calling his look, future retro. We relived Ariana literally falling down drunk at her birthday party, and Andy mentioned that Brock was the only one of Scheana’s beaus to make it to the Reunion. Charli showed Instagram posts of her at 45 pounds heavier during quarantine. She said she’d been binge drinking and eating – yes, she ate the pasta – but with a lot of work, dedication, and discipline, she was back down to where she was.

Right off the bat, Raquel said she and James were breaking off the engagement. Everyone was absolutely floored. Everyone. Raquel said she’d been having nightmares about the wedding, and thought that was a telltale sign something was wrong. James said, as heartbreaking as it was, Raquel wasn’t wrong. They’d worked on the relationship, and he thought not drinking would fix it, but it didn’t. They realized they weren’t soulmates, and the last thing he wanted was to be divorced with a child down the road. Sandoval couldn’t believe how mature and rational they were being. Ditto. James cried, saying, Raquel had been his best friend for five years, and we flashed back to their relationship over the years. James said, nothing was wrong, but they both knew it wasn’t right. Lisa asked, what changed? and James said, quarantine. Raquel said they hadn’t been having sex, and James asked if she wanted to get detailed. Raquel said, there were also those rage texts, but everyone was like, that was two years ago, and we flashed back to that. Since Raquel didn’t respond to that, I wondered if there had been more recent rages. James said it became official because of the Reunion. They didn’t want to fake their way through it. It was embarrassing, and he felt vulnerable; it brought all the emotions. Sandoval laughed about how big Rachella was, and Andy said he was thinking about all the money Sandoval spent. Sandoval said it was still worth it.

Andy asked if anyone was in touch with Jax and Brittany, and Scheana said they’d just gotten together with the kids. Sandoval said they were in different places, and Ariana said Jax hadn’t come to Katie’s Christmas party because Sandoval was there. It was agreed that Brittany was sweet and baby was adorable, and I once again wondered how much of a fan of irony Brittany is, that she married the most horrible human on earth. Andy moved on to James’s sobriety, and asked him to define California sober. James said you could smoke weed, and he was high right now. Lisa said that was probably why they weren’t having sex, but Ariana said weed made it better. We saw the worst of James in flashbacks, and Andy asked if James’s rage issues were part of him and Raquel growing apart. Raquel said she’d been living the L.A. life, and putting off being a pediatric occupational therapist, because she couldn’t do it when she was feeling drained. She then gave James his ring back, and said she’d envisioned a life with him, and it was like closing a book, and redirecting her energy. Brock suggested James learn from this and get help, but James was like, no, you. He said Brock had never been a good friend, and he was a loser. Then he walked off the stage.

Scheana said Raquel was a catch, and deserved better. Sandoval went to find James, and gave him a hug. James said they were making him look like the bad guy, but the truth was, he and Raquel loved each other, but were no longer in love. On stage, Charli said James didn’t want to admit it wasn’t his choice. James told Sandoval that it had never been easy. Raquel’s parents hated him. He gave up his lifestyle, but that wasn’t enough. While waiting on James to get it together, Andy said Charli had gotten a lot of positivity on social media from being open and honest about her food struggles. James and Sandoval came back, but Andy told Charli to continue, and she said the worst thing was people pressuring her to eat. It brought back the little girl who didn’t have a choice, and when a wrong decision led to bad things. Andy asked about Brock’s friend hitting on Charli, and we flashed back to that. Charli said he’d gotten handsy, and she would have liked her friend to step in, rather than being known as the one who was a bitch to Brock’s friend. Scheana said she wished she’d reacted the way Charli needed her too, but she hadn’t known what was going on. Andy said, Charli and Scheana had gotten close during quarantine, but Charli said being friends with Scheana came with expectations. The Danica thing didn’t sit well with her. Raquel said Scheana didn’t want her to be friends with Danica, but Scheana claimed she’d said, if Raquel continued to hang out with Danica, she’d be uncomfortable. Then Scheana told a detailed sad story about her miscarriage, that ended with her not wanting Danica in her inner circle, and Raquel was like, oh, I get it then.

After calling him Rob by accident, Andy applauded Brock for beating Rob’s TV hanging record by coming in at 5:35. I’m not sure it counts though, since one night, hearing a crash, Charli thought someone had broken in, but it was just the TV falling off the wall, taking the plaster with it. Scheana gave some excuse about the wrong tools, or parts, or something, and Charli said Scheana had sent out some mean tweets after she’d posted about it. Scheana had called her thirsty, but she didn’t need to do things for attention. She wasn’t Scheana, and people just liked to watch her. Charli said, things were never Scheana’s fault, and Scheana needed take accountability for the first time in her life. She said this last part while she clapped her hands in time to the words, which was incredibly annoying. Like something your fourth grade teacher would do. I liked Charli at first, but as time went on, I found her off-putting. I think she is a bit thirsty, and I’ve noticed how very often she talks over people. I hate that.

Schwartz, Katie, and Lala joined at this point, and Andy asked James to fill them in. James told them about the engagement being called off, and that he and Raquel came to the conclusion they weren’t soulmates. They were as stunned as the rest of the group, and Raquel said her heart was no longer in it. Schwartz said, some people never had that conversation, and twenty years later, it was, I hate you. He thought it was brave of them. Lala said it was sad, but she admired them doing it the right way. Raquel said they’d both grown since meeting, and had been in each other’s lives for a reason. Andy moved on to the topic of losing baby weight, and Scheana said she’d gained 55 pounds. She realized she’d been producing a whole other human, but it was a struggle afterwards. Andy asked Lala if her bounce back had been diet, exercise, or a pact with Satan. After saying, all three, Lala attributed it to genetics, but said, things were still sitting differently, and she had insecurities. They talked about Schwartz having his sperm tested, and he said they didn’t understand how hard it was to execute a sample with a full crew in the house. We also found out Ariana froze her eggs, and if she dies, they go to Sandoval. Scheana said if she had another baby, it would be via a frozen egg and a surrogate, since she’d had some dangerous heath issues with her pregnancy and delivery. Brock said the doctors were poor at explaining things during the delivery, and Scheana said, Summer didn’t make a sound for the first 45 seconds, and she’d thought Summer was stillborn.

Andy asked why Katie shared her abortion story, and Katie said, it could feel isolating and off limits. Schwartz said their relationship was a disaster at the time, and Katie said, a pregnancy wouldn’t fix a relationship. Sandoval said he had no idea, and Schwartz said they hadn’t told anyone. It wasn’t easy or a snap decision, but it was their decision. Andy steered the conversation to Schwartz and Sandy’s, and Lisa said she’d just wanted them to take this seriously. Andy asked Schwartz to sum up the vibe in ten seconds, and Schwartz said, a funky, vibrant, cozy, dive lounge, in his favorite part of Hollywood, Franklin Hills. He kept going, but the clock ran out. Andy asked how Lisa found out they were creating their own place, and she said Jax had told her. Sandoval said he thought they’d be open in spring 2022, and were currently below budget. We saw a video tour, and it was a vast improvement, but nowhere near done.

Andy said from the start, Katie had been critical of Sandoval’s ideas, but Katie said the criticism was really from Schwartz, who’d been airing his grievances to her. Andy asked why Katie being involved upset Sandoval, and Sandoval said they’d decided on no significant others involved, since the risk and business venture were stressful enough. Schwartz said he hadn’t anticipated Katie being so passionate about being involved, and Sandoval said he thought it was overwhelming. We flashed back to Sandoval telling Katie that he’d brought money into their house, and Sandoval said, while it might seem like he was pushing Schwartz, he was just trying to get them to the next level. Schwartz said he knew Sandoval was his advocate, but seeing the conversation with Katie, it was the most cocksure he’d ever seen Sandoval. Ariana said Sandoval wasn’t boasting, and at this point, Lala looked like she might go get a sandwich, or change the channel. Schwartz said, it looked condescending and patronizing, and Sandoval said he’d had propaganda spread about him. Lala laughed, and James said, Sandoval drove the motorcycle, and Schwartz was in the sidecar. Lisa thought what Sandoval had said wasn’t okay as a friend, and Katie said Schwartz was doing all the work right now, while Sandoval was sleeping.

Next time, the conclusion, who heard what about Randall, Scheana’s engagement party, James says he’d never do that to a friend, and Lala tells her break-up story.  

🚗 You Drive, I’ll Nap…

In a twist by Bravo, there will be no RHOC tomorrow, but the Reunion continues. It looks like it might get a wee bit nasty. Until then, stay safe, stay not being afraid to ask for help, and stay knowing, truth never damages a cause that is just. Gandhi says so.

January 24, 2022 – Luke’s Past Comes Back To Haunt Laura, No Cooked Fish On Deck, Summer Highlights, Kwame’s 4-1-1, Memorial Guest, Million Dollar Goodbye & Thaw


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At The Savoy, Portia says, there he is. She stopped by to say hi, and no Curtis. Curtis gives her a kiss, and says he was at Luke’s memorial. It gave him some food for thought. She says, care to share? and he says he was thinking about Marshall’s cardiac incident, and what it would have meant if he had died. If Curtis had thrown away the only chance he got to know him.

Ned and Olivia are at the MetroCourt with Leo, and Ned says, now? She says, no time like the present, and Ned tells Leo, now that they’re done eating, he and Leo’s mother would like to talk to him about something. Leo asks if he’s in trouble, but Ned says, no, and Olivia asks why he would think that. He says, they’re wearing nice clothes, which means it’s an important day, and Ned says he’s right about that. They just wanted to tell him that they’re having a wedding ceremony at the house in a few days. Leo asks, why? and Olivia says, she and Ned are already married, but they want to have another wedding for their family and friends. Ned says, to show their commitment to their family, and there’s another very important reason. Olivia says, Ned would like to officially adopt Leo, so Ned can be his father. Leo says, but Ned’s not his real father.

At the bar, Austin leaves a voicemail for Maxie. He knows he’s said it before, but he’s saying it again; he’d do just about anything to get Louise back to her. To that end, could she give him a call, so they can coordinate their trip to Pawtuck tomorrow? That’d be great; thanks. Britt walks in, and sits next to Austin. She says she didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but oops, she guesses she did. She asks if he’d like to join her for a drink, and tell her about him and Maxie.

Brook tells Chase, Bailey finally went down. Fingers crossed that she sleeps the night. He says, if she does wake up, he’ll be happy to rock her back to sleep. Brook’s always telling him that Bailey like his singing. Brook says, she does. It’s really… She flashes back on Chase saying he could never be with her, and he asks if she was going to say it’s really a good idea. She says, no, she was going to say it’s unnecessary. She can handle Bailey fine on her own. The doorbell rings, and Brook opens the door to Maxie, who says she’s there for her daughter.

Valentin sees Victor at Charlie’s bar, and says he’s glad Victor has the time to meet with him. He sits down, and Victor says he was going to settle his tab, but he’s more than happy to stick around and spend some time with his son. What is Valentin drinking? Valentin tells the bartender, vodka on the rocks, and Victor orders the same, saying, Valentin does their Russian heritage proud, but Valentin says, he enjoyed vodka when he didn’t know he had a drop of Cassadine blood in him. Victor gives a toast in Russian, and they clink glasses. Valentin says he got an interesting phone call from Dr. Gatlin-Holt today. He said Victor stopped by his office. Victor says he went there to see Valentin. He’s glad to hear Valentin and the good doctor are working together to retaliate against Brook. Of course (🍷) that does make his offer of assistance a little redundant. Valentin says, he likes to keep his options open, and he does value Victor’s expertise. Victor laughs, and tells him, feel free to drop the act. He knows exactly why Valentin is spending time with him.

On the Haunted Star, Laura looks at Luke’s portrait, and says, goodbye, my love. She blows the portrait a kiss, when a woman, dressed entirely in black, including a veil, walks in. She stands in front of Laura, and removes her veil. Laura says, Jennifer Smith, and Jennifer says, fate has been so cruel to take Luke away from them, and even crueler in delaying her to say goodbye. She can’t even tell Laura how much she hated missing the memorial service of their dear ex-husband. Spencer asks if Jennifer was once married to Luke, and Laura says, for five minutes. What is she doing here? What does she want?

On deck, Carly looks up at the sky, and says, Luke, are you out there? Sonny puts his hand on hers, and says he knows they’re feeling a lot tonight. There’s a lot they need to say to each other, but he just wants her to know, the only thing that’s important… Come home.

Oliva says, Ned loves Leo very much, and Ned says, remember, they discussed this last year, that there are many different ways to parent. Some kids have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads, some have stepparents, and sometimes, only one parent. Julian will always be Leo’s biological father. Does he know what that means? Leo nods, and Ned says, he’d like very much to be the father who raises Leo, who makes Leo a part of his family too.

Maxie says, if anyone asks, she had to give Brook some very important Deception research. Chase wonders why anyone would ask, and Maxie says, because Peter followed her to Texas, and then to Nixon Falls. She doesn’t care if he’s in jail awaiting trial; he could have a henchman following her. Brook says, if someone is following her, the last thing she wants is for them to see her leaving the house with Bailey, and Maxie says, she didn’t mean she was going to take Bailey; she just wants to see her. Is she upstairs? Brook says, Maxie doesn’t want to wake her. She’s been having trouble at bedtime, adjusting to a new place. Maxie says, don’t tell her what her daughter needs.

Jennifer says, and who is this handsome young man? and Spencer says, Spencer Cassadine. She says, ooh, a Cassadine, and he asks why she’s there bothering his grandmother. Jennifer says, that’s so lovely; he’s protecting Laura. She must be so proud. Laura says, she is, and Jennifer says, but clearly, she neglected to tell young Spencer about a very substantial part of her history. Laura says, here we go with the histrionics, and Spencer asks how Jennifer is part of Laura’s history. Laura says, Jennifer is Frank Smith’s daughter, and Jennifer says, before his death, her father – may he rest – was a major figure in organized crime. Major. Laura says, Luke worked for Frank Smith, and Frank ordered Luke to marry Jennifer, and on their wedding day, she and Luke ran off together. Jennifer says, please, let’s choose to remember the good times. Now why did no one tell her about the memorial service for her incredible Luke? Laura says, because she wasn’t invited. Now please, return to whatever rock she crawled out from under.

Carly says she and Sonny both know it’s not as simple as just coming home. He says he lost too much time with her already. He doesn’t want to waste another second, but she says, so much hasn’t been addressed. He admitted that he fell in love with Nina. She accepts that it was through no fault of his own. She gets it, but she’s so angry and hurt that he didn’t think she was strong enough to handle the truth after Jason died. He should have told her before. He says, but there was always a crisis, and he wanted things to settle. She says, the anger, the hurt, the betrayal, that’s all stuff she could get past and get over, but the difficult part, the part they’re not saying out loud, is that deep down, she knows he can’t just fall out of love with Nina. His head knows Nina lied to him and hurt his family, but his heart doesn’t. She doesn’t expect him to be able to turn off his feelings at the drop of a hat, but if he needs time to get over Nina, she can’t be around him. She can’t watch him nurse a broken heart for someone else. She was furious not getting the full story, but anger isn’t new to them. What’s impossible is her trying to share a bed with him while he’s trying to get over another woman. He says, it’s the same as her trying to get over falling in love with Jason, and she says, it’s not the same thing. She told him everything after a couple of days. It wasn’t weeks and it wasn’t months. Let’s talk about how she found out about him and Nina. At least when she didn’t tell Sonny, she was trying to protect him. Sonny says, he was trying to protect her, and she says, and Nina. He was trying to protect them both, and that’s heartbreaking because she’s his wife. She thinks they were so happy that he’d come home, they eased back in their old life, and maybe they shouldn’t have. He says he still loves her. Nothing has changed, unless it has for her.

Jennifer makes a drink behind the bar, and Laura says she’s sure Jennifer has heard about her half-brother Cyrus Renault, and his lucrative business in the northwest. It’s actually her territory, isn’t it? Jennifer says, the business was always her father’s domain, and Laura takes the drink from Jennifer, saying, excuse you. The last time they met, Jennifer kidnapped her son, so forgive her if she doesn’t take Jennifer at her word. She takes a sip of the drink, and Jennifer says, fine. She did not come all this way just to pay her respects to Luke. Laura is right. She did have an ulterior motive for coming to Port Charles.

Victor says, Valentin’s sudden enthusiasm for destroying Brook and spending time with him rather came out of the blue. Valentin asks if he’s been enthusiastic, and Victor says, Anna has been looking at him rather crossly lately; curious as to his future plans, no doubt. Since Valentin will do anything for her, Victor is sure Valentin would ingratiate himself to Victor on her behalf. Valentin says, Victor assumes everyone is as calculating as he is, but Victor says, not everyone. In fact, he finds most people reckless, random, and sloppy. All the more reason to appreciate Valentin’s considerable skills at strategy. Besides, Valentin needs to understand that Victor isn’t the least bit bothered by Valentin’s ulterior motives. He’s just happy to spend time with his son any way he can.

Maxie bends over the crib, and says, okay, Louise; mommy’s here. Louise/Bailey starts to cry, and Maxie tells her, don’t cry; it’s okay. Don’t be upset. She cries louder, and Brook comes in. Maxie tells Louise not to cry, and Brook tells Louise, it’s okay. Bailey’s here in her crib, her mobile is here, and her nightlight is here, and I’m here; she’s okay. Bailey/Louise quiets down, and Brook tells her that she’s okay to drift off to dreamland. That’s her girl. Maxie leaves the room.

Britt and Austin sit at a table, and he says, please, whatever ideas she has about him and Maxie, could she just let them go? His focus right now is helping Maxie get her baby back. Britt says, the baby he delivered. If she hadn’t been on the run with Jason, she would have been there to help Maxie. He says, she would have delivered Louise? and she says, Maxie was so worried about what would happen to Louise if Peter got his hands on her, she was prepared to give her baby up for adoption, and let Peter believe she was dead. But she wasn’t there to deliver the baby, and the rest is terrible history. Her brother and his crazy nurse had their own plans for the baby.

Marshall comes into The Savoy, and Portia asks if he shouldn’t be home resting. He says he’s glad he ran into her. He wanted to thank her for helping with his episode last night. She supposes he’s really there to see Curtis, and says, she knows it’s not her place to get involved, but it seems to her, the way Marshall goes about things could be perceived as forward. Curtis asked him for space. Curtis joins them, and tells her, it’s okay. He asked Marshall to stop by.

Olivia says, when Ned adopts Leo, Brook will officially be his sister, and Tracy will really be his grandmother. Leo says, and his name will be Quartermaine, like Olivia. She says, if that’s what he’d like, and Ned says, if Leo still wants him to be his father. Leo nods, and Ned tells Olivia that he’s going to give the lawyers a call, and make sure everything is all set. She says she loves him, and he says he loves her too. He kisses the tops of both their heads, and leaves.

Victor says he could only protect Valentin from a distance when Helena was alive, and Mikkos. Now, finally, he can be a father to Valentin face-to-face. Valentin asks if this means Victor will be at his Little League games and parent/teacher conferences, and Victor says he won’t rest until their family is intact again. They’re going to need each other for what’s coming next. Valentin says, the details of which Victor doesn’t want to share with him, and Victor says, all in due time. Valentin says then he guesses they don’t have anything else to say to one another, but he will get the tab. He takes out his money, and there’s a piece of paper with it. Valentin looks at it, and Victor asks what it is.

Maxie says she feels like such an idiot, but Chase says she’s not, handing her a box of tissues. Maxie says her daughter is old enough to recognize her name, but her name is not Bailey; it’s Louise. And it’s not Maxie’s voice that’s comforting her or helping her fall asleep; it’s Brook’s. That’s how long she’s been away from her mother. Chase says, this is all going to be over soon. Peter will be found guilty of the crimes he’s committed, and be locked away for the rest of his life. Then Maxie’s baby can return home to her. Maxie asks, how soon is soon? A trial could take months. In the meantime, she’s missing every major milestone of Louise’s life. She doesn’t even know who Maxie is. He says, but she will know who Maxie is. Until then, Maxie’s just got to carry a piece of Louise in her heart. She says he has no idea how true that is.

Valentin tells Victor, he knows Bailey isn’t his daughter, but he can’t seem to let go of this. He unfolds the paper, and it’s Bailey/Louise’s sonogram.

Maxie says, ever since she had to give up her daughter, she’s carried Louise’s sonogram in her purse. She puts it on the table, and we see it next to Valentin’s copy.

Carly says, has her love for Sonny changed? How can he ask her that? The only thing she asked for is space and time, and he owes her that. He says, there’s no need. They’ve got to be together. They’ve got to go on an adventure. They’ve got to recommit. Whatever she wants, just say it. He’s going to tell her everyday that he loves her, and everything is going to be fine; it’s going to go back the way it was. She asks if he’s okay, and he says, he’s not okay. He just got back, and his wife isn’t home. He’s going to show her how much he loves her. He leaves, and she says, she only asked for time.

Jennifer tells Laura that she has something to say to her, and Laura says she’s listening. Jennifer says she’s sorry. She’s sorry for all the terrible things she did, and the pain she caused Laura and her family over the years. Laura asks where this is coming from, and Jennifer says she’s had a lot of time to look at herself over the last few years, and her obsession about Luke wasn’t even about Luke at all; it was about herself and her thinking she deserved everything she wanted. She treated Laura horribly because of her sense of entitlement. Sonny walks in, and Jennifer says, look what the cat dragged in. Hello, Sonny.

Valentin tells Victor, he carried this with him the whole time Brook was expecting, after Bailey was born, and he’s still carrying it. Victor says, may I? and looks at it, noting the patient ID on the back. Valentin says he probably should throw it away, but he can’t shake the feeling that one day, he and Bailey are going to have a relationship of some kind. When that day comes, he wants to have that, but if he doesn’t let it go, he doesn’t know how he’s supposed to heal. Victor suggests he hold onto it for Valentin.  

Brook says, Bailey is out like a light, and Maxie says she has to get going. She has to meet her mom. Her mom and Anna are insisting on getting a lead on Louise. They kept pushing her, so she finally agreed to go to Pawtuck with Austin to remember anything that happened when Louise – air quote – went missing – end air quote. She says she can cancel, but Chase says he doesn’t think that’s a good idea. It’ll raise more questions if she bails on her mom and Anna. Brook says, plus, if Austin goes alone, there’s the X factor. Maxie has to go and control the questions and spin the narrative. Maxie asks, what choice does she have, other than telling Austin the truth?

Austin asks if Maxie told Britt who she wanted to adopt Louise, but Ned approaches their table, and says, sorry to interrupt. He just wanted to give them an update on Leo. He’s seeing the specialist Austin recommended. Austin says, great; Olivia mentioned something about that. How does Leo feel about the sessions? Ned says, so far, so good, and Austin says, he thinks, in the long run Leo will be grateful for what they’re doing. Ned says he’s the one who’s grateful, and he wanted to thank Austin. Austin put Ned’s son first, knowing what it could cost him, and he knows his family didn’t do right by Austin. He’s hoping to rectify that.

Marshall says, by the look on Portia’s face, she’s as surprised as he is that Curtis asked him to come. Surprised and grateful. Curtis says he has to admit, he thought it would take a couple of days, given Marshall might need some time to recover. Either way, he’s glad Marshall is there. He’s been doing some thinking since Marshall was in the hospital, and confided to a friend what Marshall told him about being in hiding. Marshall says, he warned Curtis… but Curtis says he trusts them.  They got to talking, and his friend made him realize he was demanding answers from Marshall could put their family in jeopardy. Marshall says he can see why Curtis would think that, and Curtis says he doesn’t like it, but he’s willing not to push it, for now.

Jennifer says, she was hoping she and Sonny would reconnect when she was in town, and he says, they met once or twice, when he was working for her dad. That was a long time ago. She says, and look how far he’s come. The Five Families zabaglione are down to two. Laura asks Spencer to do her a favor; go out on the deck, and give Doc a call. Tell him they’ve been delayed, but they’ll be home soon. He starts to protest, but she says, from the deck. Now. He leaves, and Jennifer says, the Corinthos as Wu families now run the entire east coast. Her father would be so proud. Sonny says, her father’s dead, and she says, still, his empire could grow if that’s Sonny wanted. He says, what he wants is to take care of his family, not have this conversation, and she says she was just trying to be nice. She has an early flight in the morning, and it’s not like they’ll be able to catch up over breakfast. He says she can go back on his private jet because there’s no use for her here. He doesn’t need any distractions when he’s concentrating on Carly and his family. Laura suggests Jennifer get that drink she wanted, and Jennifer goes back to the bar. Sonny fiddles with his phone, and says, come on, and Laura asks if he’s okay. Sonny turns to look at her, and looks like Jack Nicolson in The Shining.

Carly finds Josslyn in her room, and they hug. Carly says, she’s so happy to see Josslyn, and Josslyn says, she dropped Donna and Avery off at Grandma Bobbie’s, and thought she’d come say hi. Carly says she’s glad, and Josslyn asks how Carly is doing. Grandma Bobbie told her that Sonny was at Luke’s memorial. Carly says, he was, and Josslyn asks if she wants to talk about it, but Carly says she doesn’t, because it’s not appropriate. Josslyn says, who cares? Talk to her about it anyway. Not talking isn’t going to make her any less upset about Sonny, and actually saying how she feels about Sonny out loud may be helpful. Carly says she’s sad, and she’s confused, and she keeps waiting for the Sonny she knows to show up. The one who would be furious that Nina kept Sonny from his family for months. The one who would want her to suffer the way they suffered. But this Sonny is just making excuses, saying he wants to protect Carly, when really, it’s Nina he’s protecting.

Marshall thanks Curtis for his understanding, and they shake hands. He’s going to leave them alone now. He doesn’t want to get in the way of their date night. Portia says, he wasn’t; she was actually just leaving. Curtis says, she was? and she suggests Curtis have a great night with his father. She tells them both, goodnight, gives Curtis a kiss, and leaves. Marshall looks at a bottle on the bar, and Curtis says, a tequila man, is he? Marshall says, yes, sir. He was just noticing the brand; top of the line. Curtis has good taste. Curtis gestures to a table, and Marshall sits down. Curtis brings the bottle over, and sits with him. He says he can’t tell Marshall how many times he was warned organized crime would try to muscle him out of his nightclub, and Marshall asks what he’s trying to say. Curtis tells him, he’s saying he knows there are a lot of grey areas about Marshall’s past. If Marshall got mixed up with some not-so-good people, Curtis knows it might not have been willingly. He’s not saying he gets it, but he’s trying to. Does that make sense? Marshall says, it does.

Laura says, Sonny seems out of sorts; is he okay? He says he’s fine, but starts breathing hard, and leaves. Jennifer says, Laura looks like she needs this more than she does, and hands her the drink. What has Sonny Corinthos so hot and bothered? Laura puts the drink down, and says she doesn’t know, but he’s right about one thing. Jennifer being there isn’t helping anyone; Jennifer least of all. Jennifer says, Luke was cruel to both of them. Laura at least got out from all of that. She needs to know how Laura did it. How did she get the catharsis she needed to reclaim her life? Laura says, don’t look for a catharsis. Life doesn’t always wrap itself up cleanly and neatly and completely; it just doesn’t.  The only way any of us gets any closure, is by closing a chapter and opening the next one. Jennifer thanks Laura, and says she’ll take it to heart. Take care. She leaves, and Laura takes a sip of the drink.

Josslyn says, Carly just wants Sonny to admit he messed up, not tell her all the reasons he kept quiet about his feelings for Nina. Carly says, but in Sonny’s mind, those reasons make sense. He didn’t want to inflict more pain after Jason died, or after Brando and Sasha had to take their baby off life support. Josslyn says, his intentions were good, so Carly’s not allowed to be mad? but Carly says, she’s mad, and she feels justified in her anger. Josslyn says, her too, and Carly says, but justifiable anger’s not going to fix things. Josslyn asks if Carly thinks there is any way to fix things.

Olivia tells Leo that she’s going to say something that may not make sense to him for a while. She had blinders on for a long time. She let her own fears and anxieties get in the way. She wasn’t seeing him for who he really is, every last beautiful side of him. But she sees him now; she really does, every bit. She wants him to know, she’ll never let her fears come first ever again. She loves her little man so much. They hug.

Ned tells Austin that he and Olivia are having a family gathering in a few days at the house, to renew their wedding vows. He’d like Austin to be there, but Austin says he has other plans. Ned says, okay. There will be other family occasions, and he’s hoping maybe Austin changes his mind, and joins them. He leaves, and Austin and Britt look at each other.

Chase and Brook both say, bad idea, and Maxie says, think about it first. Austin already thinks Brook is hiding something from him, even more than lying to Valentin about being Bailey’s father. And this way, they could keep him from asking any more inconvenient questions. Brook says, Maxie… and Maxie says, fine. Brook is right as usual. She’s got to get going. Her mom wants to go over details of their Pawtuck outing. Brook says she’s sorry about what happened before with Bailey; she was just cranky. Maxie says, it’s fine. It’s good for her to see her daughter is in good hands. Brook and Chase make a great team. She leaves, and Chase says he agrees with Maxie. He and Brook make a good team. She says, really? She gets the sense she’s just a burden to him.

Carly and Josslyn get in the bed with their coffee, and Carly says she does hope to put the pieces back together. Josslyn tells her not to stay with Sonny if it means she’s unhappy, and Carly says, in the end, that depends on Sonny. He needs to understand that she needs space, or they’ll never be able to make things right.  

Curtis and Marshall clink glasses, and Curtis says, to Marshall’s health. Marshall says, and Curtis’s, and the continued health of The Savoy. They drink, and Marshall says, that’s good. Curtis says, another? and pours Marshall another shot. Marshall says, Curtis is right on the money. Shady characters always try to muscle their way into venues like this. Speaking of the devil, Sonny walks over to the table, and Curtis asks, what’s up? Sonny says, he wants Curtis’s club.

In her car on the phone, Jennifer says, the memorial just ended… No. She did not get the closure she needed, but she did get them what they wanted. Sonny is in no rush to expand to the west coast, which gives them plenty of time to grow strong before they make their move one day… So are they finished here?

Spencer tells Laura that he left the message on Doc’s voicemail, and she thanks him. He asks why she wanted him to leave. It’s not like he doesn’t know his Uncle Sonny is a kingpin. She says, all the more reason for Spencer not to listen in on Sonny’s conversations, especially the ones with Jennifer Smith. He says, she was a lot, and Laura says, that’s one way of putting it. He asks if Laura is worried about Jennifer showing up, and Laura says, it’s a concern, but she has other things to focus on. He says, like running the city, but she says, no. Actually, she was thinking about her family. She knows she’s been hard on him recently, but hopes he knows that she’ll always love him. He says he loves her too, and they hug.

Victor suggests he hold on to the sonogram for Valentin. He can return it when Bailey’s absence from Valentin’s heart is a little less painful. Valentin thanks him, and tells him to take it. Someone has to pull the plug on his attachment to that kid. Like he said, he’s got the tab. Victor says, don’t you dare. Please allow him. It’s the least he can do for the chance of getting to know Valentin better. Valentin says, and him getting to know Victor, and finishes his drink. Valentin says something in French, and leaves, and Victor says, au bien teau, mon fils (good luck, my son).

Austin tells Britt, let’s celebrate. He’s on the A-list of Quartermaine invitees. It makes him want to dance with joy. She says, at least things worked out with Leo. Austin was willing to risk his career when he suspected Leo was on the autism spectrum. He says, that’s just him, Saint Austin, but she says she thinks it’s more than him just being a good doctor. Is there a reason why Leo’s case was so personal to him?

Chase says, Brook is a burden to him? Where’s this coming from? She tells him, forget she said anything; she’s tired. He says, it came from somewhere. Don’t shut him out. She says, she’s not; she swears. She’s going to check on Bailey one more time, and go to bed. She’ll see him in the morning.

Victor finishes his drink, and is about to leave, when he literally runs into Maxie. She drops her stuff, and he sees the sonogram with her patient ID on it.

Tomorrow, Trina asks if Spencer would care to make it interesting, Josslyn asks why Carly was the one to leave when Sonny messed up, Nina says it’s either her or Carly, and Sonny tells Curtis that he’s not leaving until he gets it.

Below Deck

Christophe Harbour, St. Kitts. Everyone is a bit hung over. In Eddie’s interview, he says, the season has been difficult. It kills him that Rayna didn’t think of him as a friend or supporter. He felt like he’d let someone down. He tells Rayna that the thing with Heather isn’t sitting well with him; both that it upset Rayna and that she didn’t feel he’d backed her up. That was the last thing he wanted, and wants to do what he can to support her. He asks if she wants him to grab Heather, so they can kill this, but Rayna says she’s tired of talking to Heather about it. He tells her that she doesn’t express it when she’s upset, and she agrees. He tells her to talk to him next time.

It’s time for the preference sheet meeting, and Captain Lee says the primaries are Jennifer, a real estate entrepreneur from Utah, and husband Darin, who want the charter of a lifetime with their friends. Jennifer has requested no cooked fish, and they want a white party with a curated meal, featuring their dishes from their favorite cuisines. They also want a jungle safari beach party, and a formal dinner party. The captain says, they’re leaving at 11. Until then, he’s leaving them to their own devices. As he walks away, he says, that’s a frightening thought in itself. In Eddie’s interview, he says, they’re all exhausted. One more push. Macho man Eddie is coming out. He tells the deckhands, let’s get her done. Captain Lee asks Eddie to take them out of the dock, and Eddie says he’d like Jake to be on watch. Provisions come in.

Captain Lee tells the crew, 30 minutes. It’s the last one, and he wants to hit it out of the park, because we can’t get through the season without a baseball reference. The guests come on board, and are given champagne. The captain says, Heather will give them the tour; then they’ll get this party started. Rachel says she’s in let’s kill it mode, and makes a charcuterie plate, while Heather shows the guests around. The marina manager yells at them to stop. Wes sees something in the water, and Eddie runs down. The captain says, that’s a big effing no-no. Leaving the engines running, and walking off from the wheelhouse is never acceptable.

Wes fishes garbage, and whatever else that fell, out of the water. Captain Lee tells Eddie, the number one rule; never leave the bridge unattended when everything is fired up. Eddie asks what the captain would have done (WWCLD?), and the captain says, shut everything down. You have no idea what could happen with the electronic controls. He learned the hard way. We flash back to 7 seasons ago, when the boat ripped a pilon off. Eddie gets the boat out into the water, and Captain Lee says, good job. Rayna drops anchor.

Island of Nevis. Kaylee says she’s banging the laundry out, and lunch is served. The guests inform Heather that Nevis is Alexander Hamilton’s birthplace, and express interest in visiting his old house. The slide is put up without incident, and Heather tells Kaylee, tonight is white chic, and puts her on balloon blowing. She gives Kaylee some pearls for the white party, and the guests want champagne for watching the sunset. The captain hears them wondering where someone is to serve the champagne. One suggests asking the captain, but Darin says he is not asking the captain for effing champagne. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, the guests are paying how much money? They’re not even close to the finish line. The crew needs to get their heads out of their asses, or he’ll eat their asses. He goes to the crew mess, where everyone seems to be, and says, at no time is he ever to see everybody sitting at this table at the same time. The guests are wandering around, looking for drinks. Heather jets, and the captain says, if he sees this again, there will be hell to pay.

Heather says, group champagne flute coming up, and I get a mental picture of a champagne bong. In Fraser’s interview, he says he doesn’t think they’re providing the highest quality of hospitality, but it’s not his job… yet. He puts white feathers on his epaulets. Rayna helps in the galley, and in her interview, she says Rachel is a dragon lady. Rachel’s like Shrek, and Rayna is the donkey. The guests rave about the décor, and the table does look beautiful; pearls and white doilies with tiny white trees on them. Heather serves the salsa and guacamole, but fails to take the bowl of chips. In Rachel’s interview, she says, it’s the last leg of the race. Everyone is tired, but they need to keep communication open. Fraser tells Kaylee to do the cabins, and Heather tells Rachel that the guests are loving the soup, but Rachel says, she’s too tired, and doesn’t give a f***. I’m wondering why on earth the guests would opt for Mexican food at a white party. That’s like asking for a laundry disaster. Lobster ravioli is served, and primary Jennifer says she put it a million times in bold letters on her preference sheet; no cooked fish. From what she’s mumbling, it sounds like she doesn’t like the texture. In Heather’s interview, she says, Rachel had completely forgotten. Clearly, they were all exhausted. She tells Rachel about the mistake, and Rachel says, bloody effing hell.

We flash back to the prior charters where Rachel neglected one guest’s aversion to cheese, and didn’t quite meet the needs of the guest whose jaw was wired shut. In her interview, Rachel says, she’s so tired, it becomes a compilation. She comes upstairs with the next course, and apologizes to Jennifer for the lobster, saying, she’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. Fraser and Jake chat as Fraser pops the balloons, and in Fraser’s interview, he says, he and Jake are different, but complete each other in weird, wonderful ways. They love each other. Jake calls pseudo-fiancé Paris, and says he’s taking an 8 day holiday after the season. She tells him that if there’s a strew position on the boat he’ll be on, she’ll come along, but the phone dies.

The next morning, Jennifer and Darin have coffee on the top deck. Heather says Rachel looks like she’s going to cry or kill someone. No surprise, Rachel opts for the latter. Fraser calls friend Kamille, and in his interview, he says, his aspiration is to be a chief stew. He tells Kamille that he’s too comfortable where he is, and couldn’t live a comfortable life. The guests are seated for breakfast, and I wonder why everyone isn’t clutching coffee cups. Mine doesn’t leave my hand in the morning until noon. Heather tells Fraser that she’s grumpy and over people being grumpy and over it. She’s effing exhausted. In her interview, she says, the boat sucks, and the best way to fix it is with imagination. They need a serious bounce back, and to take it to the next level. She tells Eddie that the guests love Hamilton. Maybe he could think of a cool way to incorporate it. Eddie says he thinks Heather already has an idea, and asks, what’s on her mind? She says, this is how we get $30K…

Heather tells Eddie that she’ll put him in a Hamilton outfit, and he can pull up in a boat. He suggests he ask directions to NYC, so he can better his education, and then leave. Heather produces a grey wig from who-knows-where, along with a bunch of costume pieces. In Eddie’s interview, he says he was into musical theater when he was younger. The first part he played was in The Wizard of Oz. He played Toto, and stole the show. He’s playing it cool, but can’t wait to get his Hamilton on. Heather tells Fraser that she’s going to set up on the beach, and she wants him to stay for the final packing. Rayna and Jake are already there, setting up the tents, and in Rayna’s interview, she says, she sees the light at the end of the tunnel, but she’s going to miss Jake. They love each other, but the boat is too small for their big personalities. Regardless, she loves him.

Captain Lee tells Heather, the wheelhouse looks like a costume shop. It’s got to go. Heather thinks the captain is tired and cranky too, and Rachel says, or just pissed because he wants to wear the wig. In Rachel’s interview, she says she’s glad the captain didn’t talk to her like that. She would have cried. Heather tells Kaylee that she’s getting it from all angles. It started with Rachel in the morning; then Rayna was giving her attitude. Now it was Captain Lee. In Kaylee’s interview, she said she and Heather were like sisters. They love each other, but they can also want to rip each other’s heads off. She feels it’s her responsibility to pick Heather back up, because that’s what sisters do. Kaylee fixes Heather’s hair in the crew mess, and the captain asks if Heather is chewing gum. Heather promises she’ll spit it out before she waits on the guests, and in her interview, she says, more knives, but she’s still standing. Fraser comes in, and asks Heather something about the dish he’s holding. She tells him to drop it off in the galley, then tend to the guests, but he keeps talking. Afterwards, she tells him that Captain Lee didn’t want to see all three stews in the galley, and when she told him to go, he did the opposite. He made it seem like her word didn’t stand. In Fraser’s interview, he says he’s sorry Heather’s not feeling great, but right now, it’s not cute. Chill the f*** out.

Rachel asks Wes to help put aluminum foil on the food trays going to the beach. In Rachel’s interview, she says, screwing up is not an option. She’s made it a la carte, so there’s an option for everyone. Heather and Kaylee go over to the beach, and in Heather’s interview, she says, the picnic has to be seamless. She needs to have her head in the game, and stop worrying about how everyone feels. The guests are brought over, and Kaylee and Wes go back to the boat. Cornhole is played, as it is at every jungle safari beach picnic. Heather takes a group photo of the guests, and Rachel grills. Heather calls Eddie to come with the ice cream, and Eddie gets into his costume.

Looking like an aging minuteman, Eddie tells us, I’m Alexander Hamilton, bitch. He approaches the beach, and upon landing, says he’s on his way to King’s College, but brought them ice cream. In his interview, he says, Lin Manuel, I’m available. Rachel tells Heather that Eddie wasn’t supposed to come until the very end of the meal, and in her interview, Rachel asks why this is happening. If it melts, she’ll look like a dumbass. She tells Heather that she wanted it when the guests were done eating. In Heather’s interview, she asks if she’s in the Twilight Zone. Don’t hate her. She was doing what Rachel wanted. She suggests putting it in the cooler, but Rachel says she doesn’t care anymore.

Next time, the finale, a duel on deck, Rachel tells Heather to STFU, and Heather begs for Rayna’s forgiveness on her knees. It’s a no.

🏖 On the God awful Summer House, the takeaway points were as follows. We found out newcomer Mya had once been engaged to Kwame from Top Chef. Danielle’s boyfriend was also a chef, and getting more successful, so he wasn’t around much, but she seemed okay with that. Ciara said, Austen wasn’t ready to date or be in a relationship, and Carl looked like an entrée. Really? Et tu, Ciara? Some woman cursed Andrea out and called him an a-hole for pushing her in the pool at a pool party. Paige asked the woman and her friend to leave the pool party, but they were like, you can’t fire me, I quit, and said they were on their way out anyway. Andrea got all dramatic about it, and took to his bed. Amanda did weird things with a floatie, and I have no idea why. No surprise, Andrea wanted what he could no longer have, which was Paige, and that confused her, but we know she’s with Craig now, so it really doesn’t matter. I finally looked it up. This cast is mostly between 30 and 40. I have no words.

👨🏾‍🍳 Crossing Over…

If things had worked out, would Kwame have been a Summer Chef?

👠 Blast From the Past…

All about Jennifer Smith’s return.

💰 It Was a Good Run…

He should have stayed in New York. I’ll bet we see him in a reality show down the road.

🌬 Dreaming On…

Please feel free to join me tomorrow for soap and a VanderReunion where I’m sure sparks will be flying. Until then, stay safe, stay seeking answers, and stay not going to memorials you’re not invited to. No good can come of it.

January 21, 2022 – Memorial To an Anti-Hero, a Return, Reunion Woes, Baby #2, Summer Tea, Moving, Loss Of a Legend, Dead Talk, Close To 10 Quotes & Objects


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Laura looks at a portrait of Luke behind the bar on the Haunted Star. Curtis comes in, and says, hello, friend. Laura says she didn’t know he was going to be here, and he says, Doc called and said he had a patient emergency. Laura says they talked about it, and she’s fine with it, and Curtis says he knows memorials can be hard. He wanted her to know he’ll be here for her, assuming she doesn’t object. She says, not at all. She’s prepared to do this solo, but she’d rather do it with a friend by her side.

Dante finds Sonny in Charlie’s, and Sonny says he and Phyllis are going to have a shot in memory of Luke. Does Dante want to join them? Dante declines, and Sonny asks if Dante is keeping tabs on him, but Dante says, no. He saw Frank outside, and figured Sonny was in here. Dante says, he knows how important Luke was to Sonny, and Sonny throws back a shot. Dante says, Luke was important to him too, as Lulu’s dad. Sonny says he knows Dante can’t be with Lulu because she’s in a coma, but he can be with Carly, and thinks they should be together when they say goodbye to her Uncle Luke.

Bobbie meets Carly at Kelly’s, and says she couldn’t bring herself to wear black. Luke would hate that. She thanks Carly for meeting her, and says she doesn’t think she could get through this memorial without Carly by her side. Carly says she was just thinking about Uncle Luke and how he always called her Caroline. He insisted on it, and not because he was trying to make fun of her. It was a reminder that he knew exactly who she was, and to never forget where she came from. She asks how Bobbie is; Luke was her big brother. Bobbie says she’s a little wobbly, but just like when Aunt Ruby died, they’ll get through this together. Carly hates that Lucas has to work; he should be here. Bobbie named him after Luke. Bobbie says she thinks Carly’s brother hasn’t quite gotten over losing Wiley, and she thinks working is easier for him than facing his family. Carly says, yeah, but they need him too. Bobbie says she needs Carly by her side, but something tells her that her bright, beautiful, incredibly brave daughter might need her even more. Carly says, more than she knows, and Bobbie takes her hand.

Felicia and Anna arrive at the memorial, and Anna says, it’s very Luke. Laura says Anna should really be saying that to Tracy. It’s her event. Laura is just here to pay her respects and see her friends. Anna says she keeps half-expecting Luke to show up (as we all do), and Felicia says, the man is a legend. Anna says, in so many ways, and Laura thanks them for coming. She tells them to help themselves to a drink. She doesn’t know where Tracy is right now. Anna and Felicia go to the bar, and Nikolas comes in with Ava. He asks how Laura is, and she says, better now that he’s here. Ava says she’s so sorry to hear about Luke, and Laura thanks her. Nikolas asks if she’s heard from Lucky and Ethan; are they going to make it? Laura says, unfortunately, they’re not. There was an outbreak of cholera in the village where Lucky is volunteering, so for him to come home, he would have to quarantine in Africa for two weeks, but Tracy is having another memorial in Amsterdam in a few weeks, so hopefully Lucky and Ethan will both be at that. Nikolas says, it’s nice for Lucky and Ethan to have each other, like he’s here for Laura now. Ava and Nikolas go to the bar, and Spencer says, hello. grandmother. Laura says she’s happy to see him, and he tells her, Esme sends her regrets. She’s interning at Spring Ridge, but he’s here for her. He hugs Laura, and Victor tells him, well said. Tonight they are indeed all one family, despite their differences. Oh Luke. In life, he always cast a large shadow. To die in such a random accident just doesn’t have the sense of poetic beauty one would have expected of him. Laura tells Victor, get out of here, and – she gestures toward his bodyguard – take his burly Doberman with him. Victor says, Yohan isn’t just there for him; he’s there for all of them. Luke may be dead, but he has a long list of enemies, and they’re all still very much alive.

Tracy stands on deck, holding a beautiful covered urn. Alexis approaches her, and asks if that’s what she thinks it is. Tracy says, yep. Luke.

Dante says he knows Sonny wants to be with Carly, and he knows it’s hard, but she’s asked for space and he has to respect that. Sonny says, Carly moved out. How much time does she need? Luke is her uncle, and his longtime friend, and they should be together. They lost almost a year of their lives. They can’t get that time back. What does Dante think Luke would do to get just a couple seconds of that time back? He’s not wasting any more time.

Alexis asks if Tracy is okay. Would she like Alexis to call Ned? Tracy asks if Alexis doesn’t think she’s capable of calling her son herself. And why wouldn’t she be okay? She’s holding Luke in a jar. Everything is peachy keen in her life. Alexis says she’ll see Tracy inside, and Tracy says, wait. She’s sorry. She didn’t mean to snap at Alexis. Alexis says, Tracy is having a hard time; she understands. Tracy says, does she? Because she wouldn’t after what she did to Alexis.

Anna says Victor knows he doesn’t belong here, and Luke would be the first to tell him that, so get out. Victor says, unless Luke is silent, and likely to remain so, and Felicia says, Mac will be happy to send a patrol car to get Victor off the boat. Victor asks if calling the Police Commissioner isn’t a bit of an overreach, and Felicia says, not when he’s her husband. Curtis tells Victor to ask himself if he really wants this to escalate. The time to tap out is before things get broken. Spencer says, a gentleman shouldn’t stay when he’s been asked to leave, and Victor says, he’s so right. He tells Yohan that they’re leaving. Do give Luke his best. Laura says, hopefully, Victor can tell Luke himself, in person, the sooner the better. Victor laughs and leaves.

Bobbie tells Carly, so much of her history with Luke is so dark. Carly knows their story. Their dad was an alcoholic and beat their mother. When mama died, she and Luke just took off; they went to Florida. They moved in with dad’s sister Aunt Ruby. They loved that woman. She did the best she could, but honestly, she and Luke raised themselves as much as Ruby did. Then when Bobbie came back to Port Charles, Luke followed her. It was like a second chance for them to make something of themselves. Carly says, and Bobbie did it. A nursing degree, a career, a family; she should be so proud of herself. Carly is extremely proud of her. Bobbie thanks her, and says, if she managed to survive, even thrive here, it was always because she knew her big brother had her back. She was the one who recruited Luke to come back to Port Charles. Granted, her plan was to have him break up Scotty and Laura, so she could have Scotty all to herself; that wasn’t exactly noble. Carly laughs, and Bobbie says, but she called Luke to help her, and he came running, just like he always did. Now she doesn’t know what she’s going to do next time she needs Luke’s help. Carly tells Bobbie, look at her. Bobbie is going to call her, or Lucas, or Josslyn, or Michael, and they’ll come running. Bobbie says, okay. That’s a two-way street. Carly says she knows, and Bobbie says she has the rest of her life to grieve her big brother. Meanwhile, her daughter is living in a hotel, trying to figure out how to save her marriage. Talk to her. Carly says, that’s the thing. She doesn’t know whether there’s a marriage left to save.

Dante says, Sonny may have lost time in Nixon Falls, but he wasn’t alone. Sonny says, Nina is not the problem, but Dante says, she is to Carly. Sonny’s got to see that. Carly’s got to know that it’s over between Sonny and Nina. When Sonny got on the witness stand and said he wasn’t a victim, that didn’t help things. Sonny says, it is over between him and Nina. What does he have to do to prove that to Carly, so she’ll give him a chance?

Robert and Scotty walk into Charlie’s, and Robert asks what they’re doing there. When they left the courthouse, the idea was to go to the Haunted Star for Luke’s memorial. Scotty says, Robert got an invitation. He’s going to have to crash that thing, so he needs a couple of cocktails to do it, and if anybody’s boo-hooing over Luke, he won’t care. Robert says, if Scotty ever loved Laura, he strongly advises against it. Dante and Sonny watch them, and Robert says, he knows Scotty hated the guy, and he probably had his reasons. Let’s just go. Scotty tells Dante and Sonny, if life was a horserace, it would probably be neck-and-neck as to who he hates more; Luke Spencer or Sonny Corinthos. Guess what? Sonny wins, by a photo finish. Sonny says he doesn’t know if Scotty knows or not, but he owns this bar, and nobody comes in there and insults Luke. Dante says he has an idea. Why doesn’t Robert take Scotty to the memorial? and Robert says, sounds like a great idea; let’s go. Scotty says he’s not going anywhere until he’s had a couple of drinks. So why doesn’t Dante take daddy here and vamoose? Sonny laughs, and tells Dante to go ahead without him. Dante asks if he’s sure about that, and Sonny says Dante should be with Laura. Dante says he wants to be with Laura, but remember, it’s a about Luke. Sonny says, yeah, and Dante leaves. Sonny tells Phyllis to give these two gentlemen whatever they want to drink on his tab, but Scotty says he doesn’t think so; they buy their own drinks. Sonny walks up to Scotty, and says, Scotty thinks he scored a touchdown at the hearing for Nina. Robert suggests he and Scotty go to the MetroCourt; he’ll buy the drinks. Scotty says he kind of feels bad for Carly, but it made his day that Sonny got caught stepping out on his wife. He pokes Sonny in the lapel, and Sonny tells Scotty not to put his hands on him. Scotty asks what he’s going to do. Come on.

Bobbie asks if Carly is going to return home, but Carly doesn’t know. The man who disappeared over a year ago is not the man who came back to her. Bobbie says, losing his memory, and living as another man changed Sonny. Carly says she gets that, but in the past, she and Sonny would have a knock down drag out fight. She never doubted that Sonny loved her. Bobbie says, now she does? and Carly says, Sonny refuses to acknowledge that what Nina did to them was awful. He refuses to acknowledge the damage, and the hell Nina put Carly and her family through for her own selfish reasons. Sonny claims Carly comes first in his life, and she told him the way he could prove it was to kick Nina to the curb, and he won’t do it. Maybe he can’t do it. And that’s a dealbreaker for her. If Sonny can’t put her and her family first, then all his promises mean nothing.

Nikolas says, with Victor mercifully gone, they can focus on the celebration of Luke’s life, and Laura agrees. Spencer says, Nikolas really is shameless. He’ll use anything, even Luke’s death, to make himself out to be the good guy. Laura asks if they can drop this for one night, and Ava says she’s going to do Laura a favor. She’s going to take these two guys out of here. Spencer protests, but Ava says, too bad, and steers them away. Curtis asks if Laura is okay, and she says, honestly, she could use some fresh air. He says, luckily, they’re on a boat; a boat with several decks. Let’s go.

Anna tells Felicia, she feels like Luke would have loved this, and Felicia says, 100%. The only thing Luke would have loved more is if someone would have punched Victor Cassadine in his smug face. Anna says she was so close.

Robert says, emotions are running rather high at the moment. Let’s all go to our respective corners. Phyllis says, he’s right. Aren’t they all honoring someone’s memory tonight? Sonny says she’s absolutely right. In memory of Luke, he’s going to teach Scotty a lesson. Scotty says, all right, then shut up and fight, and Frank asks Scotty if there’s a problem. Scotty says, there it is. Same old story. A stooge does all the fighting for you, chicken. Sonny tells Frank, back off, and takes off his jacket, saying, it’s about time he teaches this guy… Robert says, now listen, he is the DA. They don’t want to be doing this in front of him. Scotty takes off his jacket too, and says, then get lost. Phyllis tells Sonny, she’s asking, as her friend, please stop this now, when Victor comes in with Yohan. Victor says, look what we’ve just walked into, and Robert says, a Cassadine, just what they need. Victor says, the mob boss and the ambulance chaser. Too bad Luke Spencer isn’t here. He was just crass enough to enjoy this sort of thing. Sonny says, who’s he calling crass? and Scotty says, who’s he calling an ambulance chaser? Sonny tells Scotty, what do you say? and Scotty says he thinks he hates Victor more than he hates Sonny. He’s in. Victor takes his jacket off, and says, it’s time they were taught a lesson. Sonny shoves a table aside, and Phyllis yells, stop it now. They start slugging each other, and Phyllis runs out from behind the bar, yelling for them to stop.

On deck, Curtis says, better? and Laura says, definitely. He says, life sure has a lot of twists and turns, doesn’t it? and she says, tell her about it. She and Luke were quite a team. He was a part of her, and she was a part of him. Curtis says, must have been hard to let him go, but Laura says, he’s been gone for a long time. Not all at once; it was in stages. First they got separated, then divorced. Luke fell in love with Tracy, then she met Doc, thank God. She mostly feels sad about the grandkids. The only way they’ll know Luke is from pictures and stories, and some of those stories will be true.

Ava takes Spencer and Nikolas to a state room, and says, get in there, both of you. Spencer says he resents being treated like a wayward adolescent, and she says, then don’t act like one. He says she doesn’t get to tell him what to do, and she says, enough. Can the two of them please just set aside their differences for one night, and think about somebody else? Nikolas says, she’s right. He should be focused on his mother, not himself. Spencer says, with all due respect to grandmother’s loss, Luke Spencer was a grifter; he was a con man. Ava says, Luke Spencer came from nothing, and he made something of himself. People loved him, respected him, admired him. Spencer came from everything. He had everything handed to him on a silver platter, and he throws it all away.

Dante comes in to the memorial, and asks where everyone is. Did he miss it? Felicia says, they’re just walking around the boat; the memorial will start soon. Anna says, since they’re here to remember Luke, she thinks he should expect the unexpected. They hear a crash, and Felicia says, what was that? Anna says she doesn’t know, and they all go to investigate.

Tracy says she knows if Alexis had chosen to testify against her, she’d be headed to trial and quite possibly to a stay at Pentenville. And because she didn’t, Tracy gets to be a free woman and come here and say farewell. Alexis says she did what she did for Luke, because she knows he was better off with Tracy than without her. She also did it for herself, and she did it for Tracy, because everyone deserves a second chance. Tracy thanks her, and Alexis says she’s welcome. Now how about if they go in there, and get the party started? Tracy asks how she sums up a life as complicated as Luke’s, and Alexis says she can’t, but if Tracy doesn’t do it, someone else will. She understands Lucy might be making an appearance, and she has a 42 page speech prepared. Tracy asks what they’re waiting for, and they go inside.

Sonny asks what Victor is waiting for, and Phyllis pulls him away. She asks if he’s happy now, and he says, yeah. He definitely feels better. Scotty says, so does he, and Robert dabs at his mouth, saying, that’s what he gets for trying to mediate. Scotty tells Sonny that he has a helluva right cross, and Sonny says Scotty did pretty well himself. Phyllis asks which one of them is going to pay for the damages, and Sonny says he owns the bar; he’ll make up the cost. Victor says he’s got this. He insists on paying for everything, but Scotty says he’ll pay. Victor says he’s heard Scotty is as tight as a bad oyster with his money, and Robert asks if they’ve all forgotten there’s a memorial to attend. Sonny tells Frank, let’s go, and they all walk out, leaving Victor and Yohan behind. Victor tells Yohan, nice work. It looks like all those hours at the gym are paying off. He’s got a nice fat bonus coming to him. Outside, Sonny looks through the window, and says, they’re laughing. He’s going to smack Victor right now. He starts to head back in, but Robert says, enough. Carly is waiting. Sonny says, that’s right, Carly. Whatever.

Tracy puts the urn on the bar, and Ava comes back in with Nikolas and Spencer. She wonders if they missed something, when Laura and Curtis come back in. Laura hopes she didn’t keep everybody waiting, and everyone gathers. Everyone is wearing black, and even Bobbie has dark purple on. They look so solemn, and I’m thinking, Luke wouldn’t have wanted them to wear black. Tracy says they should get started, but Anna asks if she can wait a minute. Tracy asks, why? and Dante wonders if someone is trying to send them a message. Who brought in the giant TV? Tracy says she didn’t order it, and Anna says, they heard a crash. When they went to investigate, they found an envelope with a DVD and a note. Felicia takes the note out, and tells them, all it said was, play me. Nikolas says, maybe Lucky sent a message from Africa, but Laura says, he didn’t mention anything on the phone, besides, he’s in a very rural area. She doesn’t think so. Alexis says, her money’s on Luke. He always did want to have the last word. Anna says she wonders if he had an inkling this day was going to come sooner rather than later, and Dante asks what Tracy wants to do; this is her event. Tracy says, if it’s from Luke, she wants to hear it, and Dante puts the disk in the TV. Helena appears, and says, hi. We meet again. Alexis says, oh my God, and Laura says, Helena.

At the dock, Scotty asks Robert if he looks presentable, and Robert asks, why start today? He suggests they board the Haunted Star, but Sonny says he’s going to wait for Carly. Robert asks if Scotty is in, but Scotty says he doesn’t think so. He was at the Luke and Laura wedding. Robert says he remembers, and Scotty says, he caught the bouquet; he got a black eye then too. Robert says he’ll see Sonny over there, and he and Scotty go in separate directions. Carly arrives at the dock with Bobbie.

Helena asks if she surprised them, and laughs. Nikolas says, leave it to his grandmother to upstage a man at his own memorial. Helena says, if they’re seeing her now, it’s because she went first, and Luke Spencer has finally done the world a favor by following her into the Great Beyond. Tracy says, she hates that woman, and Helena says she hopes they’ll pardon her if she gloats, but she always told Luke that she would have the last word. And now, she’s going to have it. Nikolas says, here she goes, and Helena says she always considered Luke a parvenu, and since none of them is familiar with that word, let her explain. A parvenu is somebody who’s suddenly reached the level of unaccustomed power and wealth, but has not yet gained the prestige and dignity associated with it. Luke was a cheap, tawdry rhinestone, even though he fancied himself a diamond in the rough. The truth is, Luke Spencer was always destined to lose in the end. Laura pulls the plug on the TV, and says she doesn’t know about the rest of them, but she’s heard enough out of that woman to last her a lifetime. Dante says, here, here, and Anna says, thank you.

Bobbie tells Carly, they’re going to be late, but Carly tells her to go; she’ll meet Bobbie there. Bobbie goes past Sonny, giving him a look, and gets on the boat. Sonny tells Carly, he knows he’s not her mother’s favorite person at the moment, but he’s here, and she’s here, and that’s all that matters. Why don’t they go say goodbye to her uncle? He tells Frank to go get in the car, and asks Carly if she’s ready. He holds out his arm, and she asks, what happened to his hand? He says, Luke happened, and she says, he has to go to GH after Luke’s memorial and make sure he didn’t break any bones in his hand. He says, it’s fine. The night wasn’t a total loss. Does she know why? She asks, why? and he says, believe it or not, he and Scotty teamed up, and ripped Victor a new one. Forget about that; they’re here for Luke. He holds out his arm again, but she walks past him onto the boat, and he follows.

Tracy thanks everyone for coming to honor a man they all loved. Well, she guesses some of them loved him. Some of them probably hated him, but she bets most of them did both. It doesn’t matter what they thought of him. The truth is, they’re never going to forget him. Luke made her promise if this day ever came, that nobody would call him a hero, or even a good guy for that matter – no danger of that. So he was just Luke, a walking, talking contradiction. He could be cruel, then turn around and dazzle you with his kindness. He was cunning, yet caring. He was generous at the same time as impossibly selfish. He brought out the worst and the best in all of them. And she thinks ultimately, he changed them. Every one of them. Forever.

Scotty sits on a bench at the dock, and says he hopes Luke’s enjoying himself on his beloved Haunted Star… All the people singing his praises, including Scotty’s wife Luke stole from him 40 years ago. Luke is dead and gone, and Scotty’s still standing. So you lose, you son of a bitch.

Standing on the deck with the urn, Tracy tells Luke that she did it. She got through the speech. She thinks they appreciated it. Now it’s just them… She has no words. She opens the jar and dumps out the ashes. The wind carries them away.

On the docks, Scotty says, so long, Luke Spencer, and gets a face full of ashes. He says, what the…?

Sonny tells Laura that he knows it’s not the right time, but he got confirmation on the warning Cyrus gave her. She says they’ll talk later. Bobbie asks Carly is she’s sure she doesn’t want to join them, but Carly says, Avery and Donna were looking forward to their sleepover with Bobbie. She doesn’t want to crash the party. Bobbie says, it will be lovely to be surrounded with all that youth. Maybe she won’t miss her big brother so much. Bobbie leaves, and Sonny watches as Carly follows.

Laura thanks Curtis for coming, and he says he can hang out a little longer if she wants, but she says, he’s got a club to run, and she has a life to get on with. He says he just wants her to know he’s there if she needs him, and she thanks him, and says, she knows he is.

Ava tells Nikolas, this was a fitting sendoff for Luke; the roving rascal. She does have a soft spot for rascals. He says he can’t stop thinking about the way Victor left. He was so angry, even hurt, and you know what they say, a wounded tiger is twice as dangerous.

Felica says, Sonny and Scotty fought on the same side? Who would have ever thought? Robert says he guesses they hated Victor Cassadine more than they hated each other, and Anna says, good point.  

Victor helps Phyllis right a table, and says if she won’t let him pay for the damage, at least let him offer her a more conventional transaction. Give him a bottle of her top-shelf Napoleon brandy please, and a couple of glasses. She says, that will be $55. He puts a hundred dollar bill on the bar, and says, keep the change. She puts the bottle and glasses on the bar, and he says, and his apology. He pours two brandies, and puts one at the empty seat next to him. He says, here’s to you, Luke Spencer, champion of Port Charles. He should just tell Luke, the good people of his fair city are in for a big surprise. He clinks the other glass with his, and says, cheers.

Bobbie sees Scotty, and asks, what happened to him? He says, he caught the bouquet.

Alexis says, she can’t believe she’s saying this, but does Tracy need a ride home? She can be the designated driver. Tracy laughs, and says she deserved that. She has one thing to do first. She goes over to Laura with what looks like a jewelry box. Laura says, it was a very moving speech, and Tracy says, she has something that was a keepsake of Luke’s that she thinks really belongs to Laura. Laura says, if it’s the Ice Princess, she wants no part of it, and Spencer asks if it’s the actual Cassadine diamond.  Laura says, that thing has never done anyone any good, and tells Tracy to throw it into the sea when she scatters Luke’s ashes. Tracy says she can’t do that, and walks away. Laura asks Spencer if he’s disappointed, and he says he wouldn’t mind seeing it, or maybe holding it just once. She says, trust her, that thing never did anybody any good, and he says he won’t argue with her; not tonight of all nights. She thanks him for being there, and says she knows he’d rather be with his friends, but he says, of course (🍷) he wanted to be there with her. He knew tonight was going to be difficult for her, and wanted to be there. Once the bad stuff is over with, he hopes he can make her proud of him. She says she’s proud of him now, and they hug, and she says, let’s go home. They start to leave, and she looks back, and blows a kiss to Luke’s portrait. She says, goodbye, my love. A woman in a black veil comes in, and stands in front of Laura. She removes the veil, and Laura says, Jennifer Smith?

Carly stands on the deck, and says, Luke. Are you out there? Sonny comes out, and puts his hand on hers.  

On Monday, Maxie tells Brook that she’s there for her daughter, Curtis asks Marshall to stop by, Victor says he and Valentin are going to need each other for what’s coming next, and Sonny says he’s going to show Carly how much he loves her.

🕶 Old Villains Never Die…

Told you she’d be back. I don’t think Luke is dead either.

🧂 Salty Reunion…

I hear if you ditch the Reunion, you won’t be asked back. Except for LVP, who can do whatever she wants because she’s Queen of the World and can do no wrong.

Maybe she didn’t have a dress horrible enough to wear. Although I don’t think the outfits are all that bad. Except for what Meredith is wearing. What is that?

👶🏽 Friend Of Shahs Baby…

I didn’t even know about baby number one.

🏖 Summer Choices…

Paige spills the tea about Lindsay and Carl.

And about herself.

🎶 It’s Off, It’s On, It’s Moved…

The newest news about the Grammys.

🎤 Goodbye To a True Artist…

I had the pleasure of seeing Meat Loaf in concert a few times, meeting him a couple of times, and being in the audience of a special he did for VH1. (Hint: If you wear black because you think it’s slimming, you will just blend into the crowd. Go bold.) He and Jim Steinman will be forever missed.

⚰️ Look At the Flowers…

Watch your back when Carol goes domestic.

BTW, Walking Dead is sort of returning this Sunday, with something called Origins. I’ll be watching, but not recapping this one. First up is Daryl’s Story.

📋 Quotes of the Week

If you’re trying to achieve, there will be road blocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.Michael Jordan (Or kick it down.)

Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do to maintain the life you’ve created.Judge Lynn Toler in explaining to man why he has to work to feed his children (sigh).

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. – Corrie  ten Boom

And that, my dear, is how you run an asylum. – Matron Grady (Judith Light), Escaping the Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker

Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. – Earl of Derby (I don’t have time for illness either.)

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. – Amelia Earhart

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. – Nelson Mandela

The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy. – Martin Luther King, Jr

🚂 Midnight Train To Dr. Phil Reruns…

It’s that time of week where either two days off work is appropriate, or you’re living the life of the resigned. I’ll be changing writing hats, and taking down those pesky decorations before I have to dust them. (I was busy last weekend, okay?) Join me on Monday for soap and what’s on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay inquisitive, and stay knowing that, even if you’re dead, you can still have the last word.

January 20, 2022 – Finn Tells Chase a Secret, Photos On the Runway, Have a Ball, Farewell To a Fashion Legend & You Better Work


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Elizabeth comes downstairs in her robe to answer the door. It’s Dante, who says, he’s sorry to bother her so early. Something terrible happened last night, and he thought she should know about it. She invites him in, and asks, what happened? He says, there was a fire in Franco’s art studio; it’s gone. She says, oh my God, the building burned down? but he says, not the building; just the studio. She asks if anyone was hurt, and he says, no. She says, thank God. How did the fire start? He says, it was arson.

At Kelly’s, Valentin tells Anna that she really is beautiful. He was thinking about New Year’s Eve. She flashes back to them kissing, and says she thinks about it too. Quite a bit actually. Things went a little crazy, and they haven’t been able to revisit… He says, no rush. He’s not going anywhere.

Austin gets something from the vending machine, when Felicia calls to him. She says, Amy told her that she could find him there, because it’s the only vending machine that has trail mix. He says, she’s Maxie’s mom. It’s so nice to meet her. Why is she looking for him? It’s not a medical issue, is it? She says, it’s purely about Maxie.

Brook tells Maxie that she thought she was being brave confronting a burglar, but it turned out to be Cameron. He and Josslyn had no idea about the arrangement she and Jax have, and came there looking for a little sexy time. Maxie says, oh. Oh. Brook didn’t see them… Brook says, no, thank God, but she did clock Cameron over the head with a vase, and practically gave the poor kid a concussion. Chase joins them, and says, Cam called his mom. She and Finn came by, and no concussion. He tells Brook, Bailey’s still sleeping, and Brook says, thank goodness. She’s been having a hard time at bedtime, adjusting to the new place. She’ll give Cam a call later and see how he’s doing. Chase says, that’s nice of her, and Maxie says she’s glad that worked out, but they still haven’t told her why they’re here. Why did Brook leave the Quartermaines? Brook says, as she feared, Granny Tracy figured out that Bailey is really Maxie’s daughter.

Felicia asks if Austin wants to move someplace more private, and he says, sure. She turns to see Finn walking down the hall, and Peter being pushed in a wheelchair behind him. Peter calls to Finn, and Finn asks the guard if they’re finally transferring Peter to Pentenville. The guard says, not yet; he’s complaining of back pain. Felicia walks over and says, good; he should be suffering. Peter says he just had an MRI, and lying still like that has him in agony. In fact, he wanted to consult with Finn. Finn tells him to waste someone else’s time. Pain isn’t his specialty. Peter says he thinks Finn might have some insight into this particular pain. It feels like someone threw him down an entire flight of stairs.

Elizabeth asks if Dante is saying someone intentionally set fire to Franco’s studio, and he says, the investigation’s ongoing, but all the signs are there. Cameron comes downstairs, and asks why Dante is here. Elizabeth says, there was a fire in Franco’s studio, and Cameron says, what? How did this happen? Dante says, according to the arson team they found traces of accelerant that was used. They had to force down the door, and they don’t know if somebody broke in initially. Who has keys to the studio? Elizabeth says, her and the building superintendent, and he asks if she’ll check and see if they’re missing. She goes to look, and he asks, when was the last time she was in the studio? She says, it’s been months. She left everything of Franco’s pretty much untouched. She pulls out some keys and says, they’re right where they should be. Dante asks Cameron, what about him? When was the last time he was in Franco’s studio?

Finn closes Peter’s room door, and says, Peter’s got his attention. Why did Peter want to see him? Peter says he thinks all this talk of transferring him is a bit premature. He’s still recovering from being poisoned, and now has back pain he’s dealing with. He thinks he needs a doctor to say he’s not medically ready to be transferred to Pentenville. Finn says, take it up with his primary, or better yet, his sister; she’s Co-Chief. Peter says he doesn’t care that Finn’s not his doctor. Just get it done, or he’ll start talking about how Finn pushed him down a flight of stairs, dragged his unconscious body to a freezer, stuffed it in there, and left him for dead. Remember that? Finn says, it’s funny. That’s not how he remembers it. There’s no evidence he was there that night, and it’s really Peter’s word against his, and killers don’t make the most reliable witnesses. Peter says, it might not be enough for criminal charges, but can GH really afford to keep a doctor on staff with such accusations hanging over them?

Maxie says she’s starting to feel like things are unraveling. First Chase figures it out; now Tracy? How long before it’s Peter? He cannot find out Bailey is really Louise. Brook says, he won’t. Her granny only figured it out because she knew Brook was faking her pregnancy, and Brook called her when she was initially looking for a baby. It wasn’t a huge leap when she saw Maxie pining over Bailey. Chase only put it together because he’s a super smart detective. Chase says, wow, thanks, and Brook says, they just have to hold it together for a little while longer. Once Peter is locked away for Franco’s murder, Bailey can finally come home to Maxie. Maxie asks, how long before he’s locked away for good? Peter has money and connections, and until he’s behind bars, he will try to get out of this.

Anna says she has a favor to ask Valentin, and he says, anything. Name it. She asks if he doesn’t want to know what it is first, and he says, all right. She says, because it concerns Victor, and he says, she wants him to get close to Victor to exploit their relationship for information to learn the real reason he’s in Port Charles? She says she does, and he says, great minds think alike. Anna and Laura. He and Laura had coffee the other day. They discussed Charlotte, among other things, and she asked if he wouldn’t mind connecting with Victor. Her concern is that he might be a bad influence on Spencer, and probably Charlotte, and he doesn’t disagree with that. Victor has expressed interest in getting the Cassadines together for some mysterious reason, and he’s already demonstrated a willingness to work with Peter August. So Valentin thinks it’s probably best they deal with him sooner rather than later. She says, so he’ll do it? and he says, he’s already started.

Austin and Felicia sit on a bench, and he asks if she’s all right. She says, every time she sees Peter, it makes her blood boil. Because of him, her daughter is suffering. He asks if there’s any news about Louise, but she says, that’s the problem. Louise has been missing for months. Her husband has been working night and day with law enforcement around the country, and has come up with no leads, only dead ends. It’s as though Louise just disappeared into thin air. It’s tearing them up inside, and she can only imagine what it’s doing to Maxie. He says, she’s a very strong woman, and Felicia says, yes, she’s strong, but this is her baby, her child. She knows Maxie can put on a brave front, but she’s suffering. He says he feels like there might be something he could do to help, and she says, she and Anna are looking into Louise’s case personally. He was there the night Louise was born. He says he was, and if she’d like him to go over it in minute detail, he will. She asks if he’d go back to Pawtuck, and he says, absolutely. She says, that would be great, and he has to convince Maxie to come with them, but he says that’s not something he wants to do.

Maxie says she hasn’t even talked to Robert or Mac about Peter’s case, because she’s been avoiding them. She’s worried she’s going to spill the beans. Now on top of that, she’s worried with Peter’s money and his father’s connections, he’s somehow going to wriggle his way out of this, when everybody knows he’s guilty. He was seen with the murder weapon. Brook says she’s right; everyone knows Peter murdered Franco. Chase says, unfortunately, Gladys Corbin was the one who ID’d him. After she initially lied, and accused Jason Morgan, she retracted her statement and accused Peter. It’s going to raise some doubts about her credibility. Maxie says, of course (🍷) it will, and Brook says she’s sure the prosecution will come up with some other proof. The doorbell rings, and Chase opens it to Ned, who says, Brook’s been ignoring his calls. Brook says she was going to call him, but her phone died, and she couldn’t find her charger… Maxie says she’ll talk to Brook about this later, and Brook tells her to wait, but she says, it’s fine, and jets. Ned tells Chase that he’d like to speak to his daughter in private, and Chase asks if Brook wants him to stay, but she says she’ll be fine. Chase says he’ll be back soon, and leaves. Brook tells Ned that he could be a little nicer to Chase, and Ned asks why Brook’s grandmother thinks she’s in trouble.

Finn assumes it works most of the time; the veiled threats, the cryptic tone. Peter’s dad used to do that too, if Finn recalls. It must have been some fun dinnertime conversation they had. Peter says Finn is pushing his luck, and Finn says, Peter just came up empty. There’s no way he’s fabricating a medical excuse to keep him here. Peter is going to be transferred as planned. Good luck in prison. He starts to leave, and Peter says Finn is taking a dangerous turn. Finn says he appreciates the concern, but don’t worry about him. After all, he’s the one who can walk out of here; Peter, not so much. He walks out.

Cameron says he hasn’t been anywhere near Franco’s studio since after he died. Dante doesn’t think he’d start a fire… Elizabeth says, Cameron was home; he ended up with a head injury. Chase was there. Dante can ask him. She also woke Cameron up several times last night, to make sure he didn’t have a concussion. Dante says he’s not accusing either one of them of anything. He’s just trying to determine the last time anyone was in Franco’s studio. Elizabeth says she hasn’t been able to face that space since the night Franco was killed. She knows she needs to give up the lease, but that would involve moving Franco’s things out. Dante says he’s sorry. He knows Elizabeth is going through a lot and doesn’t want to add to it. Cameron asks if Dante has questioned Peter, and Elizabeth says, what? Cameron says, his trial for killing Franco is coming up. Franco’s studio was the scene of the crime. Maybe Peter set the fire to destroy any evidence.

Felicia says she thought Austin wanted to help, and Austin says he does, but the fact that she’s looking to him to convince Maxie to do something, makes him think Felicia already knows Maxie is opposed. And if Maxie is sensitive to going back to Pawtuck, she experienced real trauma there, so he thinks it’s valid. Felicia says, okay, but they just agreed Maxie is strong. She thinks Maxie would be willing to face her fears if she knew it would bring her daughter home. He says he still agrees. He thinks Maxie is super gutsy. She’s amazing, but it’s got to be her decision whether or not she’s strong enough to go back there. He’s happy to go if Felicia wants, but he’s not going to convince Maxie to do anything she doesn’t want to do. Felicia says, you know what? She likes him.

Valentin tells Anna, Victor conveniently ran into him at the MetroCourt. His first impulse was to shut Victor out, but he thought better of it. Ever since, they’ve been getting along famously. She says, and Valentin doesn’t think he suspects anything? He says, there’s definitely a game being played. He’s not certain if it’s chess or poker, but they’re maneuvering around one another, looking for flaws in each other’s strategy. He’s giving Victor enough of an opening to keep him interested, but not so much that he suspects a trap. She says, it’s always so much harder to investigate someone you know, especially a family member, and he says, she doesn’t suppose it’s just a father’s love for his son, does she? She says she doesn’t doubt Victor wants to get to know Valentin better, and he says, other than their mutual love of vodka, there’s really only one connection. She asks, what’s that? and he says, their mutual desire to make Brook sorry she crossed a Cassadine. She says, he and Victor are plotting against Brook? and he says, it was Victor’s idea, but teaching Brook a lesson is not without its appeal. She says she understands he’s hurt, but is revenge really necessary? He says, Brook lied to him. She did hurt him, and worse, she hurt his daughter. He’s not going to forget that.

Brook asks Ned what granny said, and he says, she did more insinuating than actual explaining. The gist was that something is going on with his granddaughter, but when he cornered her, he wasn’t exactly satisfied with her explanation. Is Bailey all right? Brook says, she can honestly tell him that Bailey’s all right. He says, then why did she move out of the house so suddenly? and she says, so Chase can have 24 hour access to Bailey. She didn’t want him to have to move back into Monica’s house, and honestly, she wanted a little privacy. Live-in help is nice, but tripping over family all the time is stressful. She’s used to it, but Chase isn’t. He says, maybe her grandmother is right about one thing after all, and she says, what now? He asks if she’s falling for Chase.

Chase knocks at Finn’s office door, and asks, what’s going on? He closes the door behind him, and says, it looks like Finn’s thinking deep thoughts. Finn says, that’s what they pay him for, thinking deep doctor thoughts. Are they all moved in? Chase says, astonishingly, all of Brook’s clothes and accessories found a home. How did Finn’s date wind up with Elizabeth? Finn says, despite getting cut short, he had a good time, and they’re going to do it again… minus the hospital visit and the emergency call. Chase says he’s glad to hear it. What else is going on? Finn says, nothing, and Chase says, really? He got the sense Finn was pondering more than medical mysteries. Talk to him. Finn says he doesn’t want to get Chase involved, and Chase tells him, that was the wrong thing to say. Now he’s not going anywhere until Finn tells him everything.

Elizabeth says she doesn’t want Cameron to worry about Peter. He’s handcuffed to a bed at GH, under guard. Cameron says, he probably didn’t do it himself, but he could have hired someone to do it for him. Dante says, they’re investigating all possibilities, but Cameron says, he killed Franco. Who else could possibly have had that motive? Elizabeth says, Cameron told Dante his story. Now they just have to let the police do their jobs. Cameron says, what if this fire hurts the case against Peter August? and Dante says, if somehow, Peter August isn’t convicted for murdering Franco, he’s got so many charges hanging over him, he will never be walking a free man again.

Finn says he doesn’t have time for this, but Chase says, he does. He has all day. He’s suspended, remember? But his cop instincts aren’t. What is Finn not telling him? Finn says, in the spirit of getting Chase off his back, he saw Peter earlier. Peter was running his mouth, and it got under his skin. Chase says, that’s because that’s what he does. It’s part of the reason he hasn’t seen Peter yet. He can’t help but relish the fact Peter was poisoned, after Peter poisoned him for weeks and weeks. Not to mention essentially blowing up his life. Finn says, they were so close to losing Chase. He still has nightmares about it. He flashes back to being on the roof with Peter, and tells Chase, he was out of his mind. Chase says, he understands. He can’t imagine what Finn went through. He would have lost it. Finn flashes back to Peter throwing the vial off the roof, and says, he did. When Peter threw the antidote off the roof – he flashes back to throwing Peter down the stairs – he just… Chase asks him what the hell he’s talking about.

Peter asks where Martin has been, and Martin says, Peter’s not his only client. And even if he were, he’s an attorney, not a nurse. It’s not his job to sit by Peter’s bedside. Peter says, they’re trying to transfer him back to Pentenville. Martin has to stop them. Martin asks how Peter suggests he do that. Peter has been charged with a capital crime. They have no grounds to oppose this transfer. Unless of course (🍷), Peter has some pressing medical reason. Peter says, he tried that already. He complained of excruciating back pain, but they took an MRI and it didn’t show anything. He tried to get a doctor to vouch for him, but he refused to help. Which reminds him. He wants Finn arrested, and charged with attempted murder

Austin tells Felicia that he’s happy he made such a good first impression, but he won’t be pressuring Maxie to anywhere, especially Pawtuck. She says she likes that he respects Maxie’s wishes. She’s just worried Maxie doesn’t know what she wants. Initially, when Anna brought up going back to Pawtuck, Maxie agreed, but when Felicia brought it up later, Maxie didn’t want to do it. He says, People are entitled to change their minds; it happens all the time. She says, sometimes Maxie underestimates herself and needs a little encouragement, but he says, he’s not so sure he’s the one who should be encouraging her; they’re just getting to know each other. She says she can tell Maxie trusts him. They seem to have a real connection. She can tell her daughter is comfortable with him. Maxie says, she is. What she’s not comfortable with is the two of them talking about her behind her back.

Brook tells Ned, she’s not falling for Chase, and even if she was, why is that a problem? Ned says, it’s a problem if Chase doesn’t feel the same way. She says, wow. He doesn’t think Chase could have feelings for her? She’s not good enough? He says he’s not saying that, and she asks, what is he saying? Chase is a great guy; he has no idea. He says, a great guy, who until recently, was married and in love with Willow, and who could very well be on the rebound. And let’s not forget, Brook kept his daughter away from him. Some men don’t get over that. She says, they all know what happened and how it played out. The reality is, they’re here now, they’re good, they’re co-parenting Bailey, and they’re good. He tells her that she said that already, and she says, because it’s true. She and Chase already got past all the lying stuff, and they’re friends. He’s not the kind of guy to hold a grudge, and they’re getting to know each other better. Ned asks, how much better? and Brook says, they’re both committed to giving Bailey the best life possible. Nothing more.

Finn says he has work to do, and Chase says, he thought Finn was speaking generally about Peter withholding the antidote until he mentioned a roof. What exactly did he mean? Finn says Chase doesn’t have to worry about it, but Chase says he thinks he does. Clearly this is affecting Finn in a big way. Let him in. Maybe he can help. If Peter used Finn… Finn says, it’s not like that… It wasn’t like that. He never wanted to pull Chase into this, but it’s bound to come out sooner or later. It’s better Chase hear it from him. Chase says, hear what? and Finn sits down. He says, the night Peter disappeared from GH, he found Peter on the roof. He begged Peter to give him the medicine Chase needed; the antidote. He refused, and when he threw it off the roof, Finn lost it. Peter started to leave, and he rushed at Peter and pushed him down the stairs. He flashes back to Elizabeth finding him with Peter, and says he thought he killed Peter. Even then, he only cared because he thought Peter’s death meant he killed Chase too.

Peter tells Martin, that’s exactly how it happened. Finn tried to kill him, and walked away leaving him in the freezer in the basement. Martin says, that’s an interesting story. Does he have any proof, like security camera footage? Peter says, no. The cameras were disabled. Martin says, so it’s the word of a suspected murderer, wanted for capital offenses in multiple time zones, against the word of a respected physician. Peter says, the accusations should be enough to tarnish the reputation of the good doctor. Let him hash it out in court, with his own time and money. He might exonerate himself, but will this hospital or any other want to keep an accused killer on staff? He can’t wait to tell the world what Finn did to him. Martin says, Peter’s definitely not going to do that.

Cameron says he doesn’t care about the other charges. He wants Peter to pay for killing Franco. Elizabeth says, even when Peter’s in prison, it’s not going to bring Franco back. Cameron says, it will make him feel a hell of a lot better. He walks off, and Elizabeth asks Dante if she can go in the studio and see if any of Franco’s work is salvageable, but Dante says, he’s sorry. Not until the investigation is concluded, and even then, between the fire, the water, and the chemicals used to put out the fire, he doubts much survived. They’re going to find out who did this. It’s his promise to her. She thanks him, and he leaves. Elizabeth takes her ring out of her pocket, but hears Cameron, and puts it back. Cameron asks if she can believe this, and she says, she’s kicking herself for not bringing some of Franco’s paintings home. He says, when he was missing Franco, he’d imagine Franco was across town in his studio, painting. She says, her too. There was so much of him in that studio. Cameron says, now it’s all gone. He feels like he’s losing Franco all over again, and they hug. 

Valentin tells Anna that he found Charlotte’s copy of The Wind in the Willows in the trash. Anna says, she thought Charlotte loved that book, and he says, she does. He asked, and she said she was reading it Bailey, and she’s not interested in reading it without her. Anna says she’s sorry Charlotte’s going through that; him too. There’s nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. But how does revenge on Brook help Charlotte? He says, it sends a message. You go against me and mine, you pay a price. He’s not to be trifled with. She asks if it’s so important that the world fear him, and he says, yes. She says, that’s not who they are anymore, but he says, that’s exactly who he is. He thought she knew that.

Cameron brings Elizabeth some coffee, and says, if Peter August didn’t set the fire, it’s weird, isn’t it? She asks what he means, and he says, the timing. First, she found her ring in her locker at work, and now the fire. She says, those are two different things, but he says, they both have to do with Franco. It strikes him as unusual, weird. She says, or it’s an indication he’s been listening to too many paranormal podcasts, and he says, maybe. He tells her that he forgot the sugar, and goes to the kitchen. She takes the ring out and looks at it.

Chase says, Finn got to the basement, and… Finn says, he left Peter in the freezer; he thought he’d killed Peter. A few months later, the police searched the basement, and found the freezer empty. He’s not the hero Chase thought he was. Chase says he’s so sorry Finn went through all that on his own, and Finn says, he should have kept it that way, but now he got Chase involved. Chase says he’s glad he knows. Finn can’t keep carrying this on his own. Going back to his encounter with Peter, did he threaten to go to the authorities? Finn says, he was vague, but nothing’s off the table. Chase says, we’ll deal with that later, and Finn says, we? No. We’re not dealing with anything. Chase says, Peter used his condition to control Finn. He’s the reason this happened. Finn says, the only reason Chase got poisoned was because of him. He was the target; Chase drank the wrong drink. Chase says, they’re lucky it happened that way, but Finn says, there’s nothing lucky about it. Chase says, what would have happened if Finn had been poisoned? He couldn’t have come up with a cure like Finn did. Finn cured him because that’s what he does. He saves lives, and Chase is very grateful Finn saved his.

Valentin tells Anna, maybe his veneer of respectability is thinner than she’s comfortable with, but make no mistake, he is what he is, and he’s fine with that. It worked for her when they were hunting for Peter. She says she’s well-aware the world isn’t just black and white, and he says, his is grey, as is hers. She’s never frowned on bending the rules as she goes. She says, that’s true, but she’s at this point in her life where she’s making a sincere effort to respect the rules. He says, why? For propriety? It’s overrated. You do what you have to do. Anna says, if necessary. Brook is no threat to him or Victor. Is it really necessary to go after her? He says, if he tells her yes, do they still get to be friends? Dante comes in, and asks for a word with Anna, and Valentin says he has a phone call to make. Valentin leaves, and Dante sits down. He asks if he interrupted something.

Peter says, Hamilton Finn tried to kill him, and Martin says, after Peter poisoned his brother, a law enforcement officer. Is the world supposed to forget that? On top of that, Peter withheld the medication necessary to save Detective Chase, which is in itself, attempted murder. The last thing Peter needs is more charges against him. Peter protests, and Martin says, no. No ifs, no ands, or buts. Peter is thisclose. His only defense is the PCPD unfairly targeted him. If he doesn’t blow everything up by intentionally muddying the waters he might just beat this murder charge.

Maxie asks what Felicia is doing, and Felicia says, talking behind Maxie’s back. Austin says, that’s not actually what they were doing, but Felicia says he doesn’t have to cover for her. She asked Austin to convince Maxie to go back to Pawtuck. She figured if the two of them were together, it would give Maxie the strength to relive the night Louise was born. Maxie says, this is not about strength. She does nothing but relive it. She’s been through that night with the police over and over again. There are nights she doesn’t sleep because she’s replaying it in her head, wondering if there’s anything she could have done differently to prevent this from happening. There’s nothing else to remember. Austin tells Felicia, she seems pretty clear about that, and Maxie says she is. Felicia says, never mind, and Maxie thanks her. Austin says Maxie doesn’t need to worry. He can go to Pawtuck without her. She says, without her? and he says he doesn’t mind. He’s a little fuzzy about what happened that night, but maybe he’ll remember something that will help them find Louise.

Anna tells Dante, everything’s fine; what about him? He says, Franco’s art studio was torched last night. No one was hurt, but he’s thinking maybe Peter was involved; that’s where he killed Franco. She says, it sounds like something Peter would do. How can she help? He asks if she can put a list together; associates, contacts, people Peter might hire to do the job. She says she’ll have it for him by the end of the day, and asks if he checked the hospital. See if Peter had any unauthorized contact with the outside. He says he’s going to do all that. He knows she can take care of herself… She laughs and says, she doesn’t really like sentences that start like that, and he says, neither does he. He heard about her and Valentin at The Savoy on New Year’s Eve. She says, which is, of course (🍷), none of his business, and he says, 100%, but as her friend, he doesn’t want to see her get hurt. So if she’s getting involved with Valentin, just be careful. Valentin comes back, and Dante leaves. Valentin says, Dante has concerns? and Anna says, everyone’s entitled to their opinion. She makes up her own mind in the end. He takes her hand, and says, if Victor’s plan goes too far, he’ll stop it. She says, define too far, and he says she’ll have to trust him to make that call. Does she trust him? She says she’s not sure.

Finn says he let Peter get the best of him, and it could have cost Chase his life. Chase says, here’s the good news – good news is a relative term – Peter’s still alive. He can’t prove Finn pushed him. So legally, Finn’s hands are clean. Forget about the roof. Don’t let Peter mess with his head; don’t give the bastard the satisfaction. Focus on his triumph instead. Finn says, what triumph? and Chase says, Finn did the impossible. Finn cured him. One moment of anger doesn’t change that. And he doesn’t care what Finn says. Finn is still a hero in his book

Ned tells Brook, he’s sorry for rushing over and overreacting. Her grandmother’s concern for her is real, and after what happened with Leo, he wanted to make sure everything was okay with her and Bailey. She promises him that they’re fine. Now he has to promise to stop glaring at Chase. He says, he’ll try, especially now that Chase is his quasi son-in-law. She says, she told him, there’s nothing going on. Can he imagine that? The two of them, like that could ever happen. He says, it could happen, and she says, ya think? He can see them as a couple? He says, of course (🍷). They share a child. They’ll always have that bond.

Austin asks Felicia when they head to Pawtuck, and Maxie says, so he’s determined to do this? He says, yeah, and she says, fine; she’ll go with him. He asks if she’s sure, and she says she is. Felicia says, excellent. She knows this will be difficult, but she’ll be right there with Maxie. Austin says, hopefully one of them will remember something that will bring Louise back home to them. She says, if he remembers something, she definitely wants to be there.

Martin says, he’s read all the evidence the state has against Peter, and the case is dead. There’s no proof tying Peter to the scene of the crime, and one very unreliable witness. Which means, with a little bit of luck, he might be able to convince the jury that Peter is the victim of his estranged aunt. The Anna Devane vendetta, a woman who was also the Chief of Police, as well as the ex-wife of District Attorney Robert Scorpio. All Peter has to do is sit in that courtroom, and look penitent. So do himself a favor and cooperate, and leave the rest to him. Peter says, fine. Whatever it takes to get him free. Peter says, he does have another ace up his sleeve, just in case things don’t go as smoothly as they could. Martin says, God help him; what ace is that? Peter says, an accomplice, and Martin says, Peter never mentioned Finn had an accomplice. Peter says, not Finn’s – his. Would he gain any good will by naming the person who helped him to escape GH last June?

Tomorrow, Scotty says he’s crashing Robert’s invite, Ava asks Nikolas and Spencer to set aside their differences, Sonny says he’s not wasting any more time, and Carly says it’s a deal breaker for her.

Project Runway

In Chasity’s interview, she said there was a lot of emotional sh*t going on. They couldn’t be happy because someone was going home, then it was time for the next challenge. They were about to sip some wine, when producer Dunia producer came in, and said, Christian asked that they come join him in the warehouse across the street. When they got there, they saw supermodel and entrepreneur Coco Rocha being photographed by William Richards. Christian introduced Coco, saying she was one of the best editorial models, even when she was pregnant in a couture gown in his pool. (We saw a photo of that.) Fashion wasn’t just about the runway. They needed to showcase their fashion and creativity in a single image. The challenge was an editorial look for a photo shoot with Coco. Coco told them to think high fashion, something made to inspire, and to think outside the box. It didn’t have to be practical or functional, and she loved a prop. It helped tell the story, and bring the vision to life. Christian told the designers that they could pick one prop. There would be no runway show this week. In Bones’s interview, he said, everyone using the same model would even the playing field.

Kristina wanted to bring a memory from each challenge to her piece, and Chasity wanted to do something striking and daring. She wanted to  turn Coco into her own villain. At Mood, Christian told them that fabric was huge to an editorial look, bringing volume and movement. They had a budget of $800, and the usual 30 minutes to shop. In her interview, Chasity said, they were going to see the beast unleashed. She was planning on winning.

Christian said, since Chasity was last week’s winner, she would get first choice of props, then pick the next person to choose. The prop should enhance the garment. Chasity chose a wooden pallet; Bones’s choice was poi balls (see below); Kristina’s pick was a blue container (like a small dumpster); and Coral picked a giant electric fan. Last to choose was Shantall, who opted for a ladder. In her interview, she said she was doing well; she didn’t need an advantage. Bones wanted to create a tornado effect with a brocade fur dress that narrowed at the bottom. He also had thoughts of a denim jacket to go with it.

When Christian paid a visit to the workroom, everyone just started laughing, since Christian always brought the doubts, and it was nerve-wracking enough. He told Coral that she was getting in her own head again, and in her interview, she said she was at the bottom last week, and it had made her doubt herself. She’d made a dress using a fabric of yellow cut-out flowers, and Christian suggested she not make it so feminine and romantic; it wasn’t what she did. Bones told Christian that he wanted to create a fashion tornado, but I thought it looked more like a snake. When he told Christian about the jacket idea, Christian said Bones had good at ideas, but sometimes his ideas didn’t come together at the end. He suggested Bones make it clean and perfect. Shantall was making a red gown, and told Christian that her concept was passion, but he was concerned with the amount of work she was going to have to complete. He told them that he was exhausted and there were only five of them. Bones thought he’d bring the jacket to a place where it could be fitted, and then decide later. Shantall called home, and son Franco, who had a speech delay, called her mama for the first time. She said she wanted to teach him to live his life with passion every day.

The designers seemed laser focused, and it was time for the Coco fitting. Coco knew everything about photos, and had terrific suggestions, including suggesting Bones lose the jacket. Since he couldn’t help himself, he said he’d make a matching do-rag instead. In Shantall’s interview, she said, the stakes were high, and this was her only chance to perfect her garment. Coco wanted more understanding of Chasity’s dress, although she was into the villain idea. In Chasity’s interview, she said Coco’s advice was different from other model’s advice. Being further along would have helped, but she needed every minute to fully execute her vision. Christian said the designers had to be ready to go and finished by the end of the day, and explained that they would be going one at a time for their shoots, and wouldn’t be watching each other. Chasity told herself not to look up until she was done; she was a nervous wreck. Coral finished early, and helped Chasity, and in Shantall’s interview, she said, no one asked if she needed help. It had opened her eyes. She came into the competition alone, and hopefully, would be leaving alone as the winner. She didn’t feel like part of the group, but couldn’t let the situation affect her, even though she cared. In Chasity’s interview, she said, doing still photos was good and bad. They got to pick the perfect photo, but the judges couldn’t see it in motion. Coco conferred with makeup and hair, knowing the look had to be for everybody.

After struggling with the zipper, Shantall’s red gown was the first to be photographed. In her interview, she said it was an amazing photographer and an amazing model, who she didn’t know. She was trying to use the same approach that she did with her husband; using humor and making herself clear about what she wanted. She wanted passion, like an angel on fire.

Coral asked Coco to sign her model card, which was kind of sweet, even if a little inappropriate. In Coral’s interview, she said she couldn’t believe she’d created this dress, and that Coco was wearing it. It was a dream come true. She took Christian’s advice to heart, and had designed a flamenco style dress with a high/low ruffled hem. She wanted the photos to show Coco in positions of power. The judges were on the sidelines, and Nina said Coral had covered all the bases.

Chasity said she was drawing from the dark vibe villains give off for her princess/villain dress. She wanted to make sure she was clear in her vision, and then let the professionals do their thing. She was living in this moment. Everyone got a laugh when she shushed Christian during the shoot, and rightfully so.

Bones admitted his tornado gown was limiting, but it was conceptual, and he wanted it to stand out. Coco had written the book of 1001 poses (I wasn’t sure if he meant that figuratively or literally), but in his experience as a photo assistant, it was his job to give tips on how to nail the photo. His head was in the game, and he was taking the critiques he’d been given, and narrowing down his ideas.

Kristina wanted her green and blue oversized pantsuit to reflect the experiences she’d had in the competition, but she didn’t want it to be serious. She wanted it to bring joy. In experimenting with the garment, she decided she liked the shoot more than the runway. She felt she was being innovative and progressive, and bringing something new, and hoped the judges would see that.

The judges scored the designs, but were also taking the photo into consideration. They all met at the runway, and each photo chosen by the designers was shown. Shantall said she wanted to show passion and fire, through a texture that was beautiful and rough. Coco said Shantall had a good balance, and she liked how they helped each other, but still stayed in their lanes. Elaine said the ladder was elongating, and a good choice. Brandon asked how she decided on the photo, and she said, the passion. He told her that made sense, and Nina said, a great editorial photo was also art, and had the power to move you.

Elaine pointed out that Coral was the quietest person, and had chosen the loudest color; it filled the space like sunshine. Nina thought some of Coral’s stillness was cultural, and said, as Latinas, they learned to be polite, but there was nothing quiet about Coral’s work. It was sexy, bold, and daring.

Chasity, whose red gown was very structured with sharp angles, explained that she believed Disney villains had been princesses who were misunderstood. Brandon said he was certain his mom had this dress, which was good and bad. It was like an 80s costume, but the photo looked great. Nina said she got more of a rebel/rock and roll vibe than evil, and Elaine thought Chasity was leaning too heavy on theatrical inspiration.

Bones told the judges about his certification to use poi balls that were lit on fire. I’d actually like to see that. Coco said Bones was literally giving every note, and it was frustrating to the team. He should let them know what he wanted, then made sure to give others the space to perform their best. In other words, he micromanaged. Nina said, it was the most streamlined, sophisticated, and conservative look they’d seen from him, but it was hard to photograph. In terms of photography, he’d missed the point. Bones said his communication wasn’t received the right way, which sure sounded like an excuse, especially when Coco said he communicated too much.

Nina said Kristina’s creation was like a compilation of her greatest hits. It was the most modern thing she’d done, and she was the only one who’d designed pants and used contrasting colors. She wasn’t as successful choosing the bin for a prop; it seemed bizarre. Coco said they’d thought it would either be cool or weird, and Nina said she’d thought there were better frames. Kristina said she’d wanted it to be joyful, and Brandon said her fabric choice was intelligent. Elaine said, the fabric saved the shot. On the runway, it wouldn’t be her favorite, but in the photo, she loved it. Brandon said, no matter what happened, everyone did a great job.

The judges discussed amongst themselves, and it was pretty quiet where the designers waited. Shantall and Coral were the favorites, Brandon saying that Shantall had a steady hand and clarity of vision. Nina said her design translated well in the photo, and Coco said she understood Shantall’s vibe. Elaine thought her construction was flawless, and Shantall raised the bar. Brandon said they’d seen another layer with Coral, and Nina said Coral had been bold, both in the details, and her choice of color. Coco said it hadn’t been her favorite look, but in the photo, it was. Elaine said it confirmed Coral was a true artist. Brandon said it came down to ketchup and mustard, which was his attempt at a joke, since the dresses were red and yellow. They moved on to the least favorites, and Coco said Chasity was her favorite designer to work with. Elaine said she didn’t think the design lived up to the challenge, and Nina said Chasity was inconsistent with her work. Brandon wondered what was happening with Bones’s look, and Elaine said his vision wasn’t refined. Coco said there was too much going on, which has been an ongoing criticism about him. She said she was left wondering if he got it. Brandon said Kristina chose an odd prop, but Nina said, hers was the only look that wasn’t a gown. Kristina had the most potential, but did the least amount.

The designers were brought back, and Nina said the winner had fully realized their story, had clarity of vision with the editorial design and photo. Shantall was the big winner, and Nina said that made four; Shantall was on a roll. Shantall said it was a very special piece, and Nina said it was special to them as well. She and Coral had made the top four. Shantall and Coral jumped around backstage, and in Shantall’s interview, she said she couldn’t believe it was the fourth time. It had been her most important piece, like the making of a portrait of all the effort and passion from this year. Everything in one dress. Nina said, Bones, Kristina, and Chasity had missed the mark in different ways. The judges had conflicting views, but were in agreement on who was going home. Bones was out. Chasity teared up, but Bones said, none of that. Brandon said Bones’s dress had been constricting, and that affected the final editorial image. Nina thanked Bones, and said, it was wonderful to have him. Bones said it was a lonely runway when it was just you, but he appreciated the moment. Brandon told him to lean in to who he is, because who he is, is pretty great. Nina told him not to lose thinking out of the box, and Elaine said they were going to miss him. In Bones’s interview, he said he wished he could have achieved what he wanted in the photos. He was disappointed, but it was his time, and he accepted it. Chasity asked him to be an honorary bridesmaid at her wedding, and Christian came in, and told Bones, it had been a wild ride. Bones said he had the perfect do-rag for Christian, and Christian said he’d put it on for Bones. Bones came back with a shiny, rainbow do-rag, and tied it on Christian’s head. Christian didn’t think it was his look, but I thought it wasn’t awful. He told Bones, good luck. He was creative and talented, and made Christian proud. In his interview, Bones said, every garment reflected his capability of what he could do as an artist and as a person. He didn’t know what was next, but he was just getting started.

Next time, the designers are challenged to prove how their brands can be relevant, and part of the conversation; and the guest judge is Karlie Kloss.

🤹🏾 Oh Poi…

All about those balls.

👘 Fashion’s Loss…

A lot of his life was sad, but he was a pioneer, and certainly left a lot of people mourning him.

🤸🏽‍♀️ Going My Own Way…

Join me tomorrow for soap, whatever tea I can brew, and words wiser than mine. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your promises, and stay never pressuring someone to do what they don’t want to do.

January 19, 2022 – Brook Foils a Romantic Intrusion, the OC Private Jets It To Cabo & Valley


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the gym, Chase tells Dante that he’s glad he came. It feels good sweating off the stress from the move. Dante says he noticed Chase was pumping iron pretty good. Does it have anything to do with Brook?

Brook flashes back to overhearing Chase tell Dante that she’s not his type, and even if she were, how could he trust her? She tells herself to get it together. Who cares about one guy’s opinion?

At the hospital, Curtis says, that was a struggle, and Portia asks if TJ didn’t want to go back to work. Curtis says, he told TJ that he’d let him know if there were any updates on Marshall. Did the doctor come by when he was gone? Epiphany says, no, but thanks to Finn the cardiac care team was here when they arrived. Elizabeth says, his father is in good hands, and Finn says, it’s scary, but his father is going to be okay. Curtis thanks them for getting Marshall there as quickly as they did. Portia asks how he’s holding up, but Curtis says, honestly, he doesn’t know. Mostly, he’s confused.

Carly tosses a magazine aside, and picks up her phone. She looks at an old voicemail from Jason. There’s a knock at the door, and she opens it to Sam, who holds up a six-pack, and says, thirsty?

Brook asks herself what she needs Chase for anyway. There are thousands of guys who will think she’s awesome. Obviously. That’s what dating apps are for. She picks up her phone, and sees the battery is low. She wonders what she did with her charger, and digs around in a box. She hears a door open, and says, Chase?

Chase asks why it would have anything to do with Brook, and Dante says, Chase was pretty harsh with her back at the house. Is it underlying resentment about the baby or… something else? Chase says, it’s a confusing situation, and Dante says he bets it is. Chase says, one minute they’re fine, and the next… They’ll figure it out. Does Dante want to grab a beer after this? Dante says, sure. Why not? Is Chase buying? Chase says, done. Consider it a thank you for helping him move. Sonny walks in, and says he and Chase need to have a talk.

Curtis says, right before Portia called, he was deciding whether or not to give Marshall a chance. Then he had a conversation with Drew, and Drew reminded him that he had time to make a decision, but that might not be the case now. He knows he has legit reasons to be cautious… She says, he has very legitimate reasons, and he says, he can’t help wondering if he wasted time interrogating Marshall, instead of getting to know him. Portia suggests they take one step at a time. First, they need to hear what the doctor has to say. Then we’ll take it from there. He thanks her for throwing we in there, and she says she’s right there for him. No matter what, she’s got him. They hug, and the doctor comes out. Portia introduces Dr. Rose to Curtis, and says, Curtis is Marshall’s son. Curtis asks if his father is going to be okay.

At the PC Grill, Shawn toasts to his an Alexis’s partnership. They clink glasses, when Alexis sees Harmony on her way out. She asks if Harmony wants to join them.

Carly says, Sam does know she has a minibar, right? and Sam says, where the beer costs an arm and a leg. No offense. Carly says, none taken, and asks how Sam knew she was here. Sam says, Spinelli. He had a feeling she wasn’t going home, and had Sam check on her. So she came here. Carly says, that’s sweet, but Sam can see she’s fine. Sam says she’s not. She knows Carly, and knows she would normally talk to Jason at a time like this, but she can’t. Sam knows she can’t replace him. She could put on a black T-shirt if it makes Carly happy. Carly laughs, and Sam says, the kids are at Monica’s for the night, so she’s all Carly’s. Does she want to start over? Carly says, okay, and Sam hands her a beer. She asks how Carly is feeling, and Carly says, not so great.

Sonny says he hears Chase is Bailey’s father, not Valentin. Chase says, that’s right, and Sonny says, good; Valentin doesn’t deserve that little girl. Did Chase hit him? Chase says, it wasn’t his finest moment, and Sonny says, he probably had it coming. He asks what’s going on with Chase and Brook, and Chase says they’re not together. Sonny asks if Brook isn’t good enough for Chase, and Dante says, whoa. Sonny tells Chase, he’s just saying that any man is lucky to have someone like Brook, and Dante says, but if Chase isn’t interested in her, Chase isn’t interested in her. Sonny tells him, if he says so, that’s fine, and Chase says he’s going to hit the showers before they grab a beer. He tells Sonny it was good to see him, and leaves. Dante asks Sonny, what was that? Sonny lit into Chase; what for? Sonny says, Brook is his goddaughter, and Dante says, she’s also an adult. No offense, but with everything that’s going on with Sonny right now, doesn’t he think he should be more focused on his own life?

Brook pokes around in a box until she comes up with a vase. She says she’s got this, and sneaks downstairs. She looks around, and sees pillows and a blanket by the fireplace. She checks some other rooms, and sees someone going into the living room. She smashes them over the head with the vase.

Dr. Rose says, it wasn’t a heart attack, and Portia says, that’s very good news. Curtis asks, so what happened? and the doctor says his father’s blood pressure was elevated. They’ve switched his medication to one that will hopefully take care of that. Curtis asks if he’s all right, and Dr. Rose says, he’s perfectly fine. He can be discharged as soon as he gets his new prescription. Feel free to go in and see him. Curtis thanks the doctor, and thanks everyone for their help, and for waiting with him until Curtis got there. Elizabeth says, of course (🍷), and Portia’s phone beeps. She says it’s a patient, and asks if she can check in with Curtis in a little bit. He says, that’s fine. He should call TJ and let him know what’s going on. Elizabeth asks if Epiphany is okay, and Epiphany says, something’s just not tracking. Excuse her. She leaves, and Finn says, he knows she doesn’t like to elaborate, and Elizabeth says, not so much. He says, now that they know Marshall is in the clear, they have a big decision to make. Elizabeth says, they do? and he says, correct him if he’s wrong, but they were having a pretty okay time before all the excitement. His babysitter is still on the clock for another couple of hours. Elizabeth says, same here, and he asks how she feels about continuing their date. She says she feels pretty okay about that, and he says, let’s go. They start to leave, and Elizabeth’s phone rings. She says, Cameron, hi; then says, wait. What?

Sonny tells Dante, he’s just looking out for his family like he always does. Why is everyone giving him so much grief? Dante asks, who’s everyone? Carly? Sonny says, yeah. It’s like they’re mad at him for something that happened in Nixon Falls. He didn’t know who he was; he didn’t have control over it. All he’s done since he came back is try to make things okay. Dante says, okay. How can he help Sonny? Sonny says he’s just trying to clear his head. He’s going to work out. He tells Dante to go with his friend, and starts punching the heavy bag. Chase comes back, and says, ready? but Dante thinks he should stay with his dad. Sonny tells him, no, go, and Dante says, don’t worry about it. Chase says, no problem, when his phone rings. He answers, and says, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang tight. He’ll be right there. He runs out.

Harmony tells Shawn that it’s good to see him, and Alexis says they were just going over some of their plans for The Invader. Harmony says Alexis seems excited, and Alexis says she is. She asks Shawn if they’re done with business and asks Harmony to join them. Harmony says she’s just there for take-out. Enjoy their evening. She goes over to the bar, and Alexis says she’ll be right back.

Alexis asks if everything is all right, and Harmony says, yes; why? Alexis says, she seems uncomfortable, and Harmony says she gets the sense that Shawn’s not her biggest fan. Alexis says, he, too, will come around, and Harmony says, like Sam did the other day. Alexis asks what that means.

Carly says she’s furious, and Sam says, of course (🍷) she is. Carly says, about all of it. Nina gets top billing because she’s a hateful liar, but Sonny too, for not telling her all this time that he fell in love with Nina. And the worst part is, she can’t get angry about it, because if she does, they switch places in this story. Sam says, her and Nina? and Carly says, yeah. Nina becomes the victim and she becomes the villain, which is laughable, after Nina kept Sonny from his family out of spite, and stole months from his life in the process. Sam saw; she watched. They were barely hanging on over here, while Sonny and Nina attended barn dances and barbecues. And God forbid she wants Nina to deal with some kind of consequences; that makes Carly the bad guy. Sam says she hardly thinks that makes Carly… but Carly says, oh yes it does. She doesn’t have the words for how messed up this is. Sam says she actually thinks Carly is doing a great job.

Epiphany approaches Dr. Rose, and asks if she can have a word about Marshall. He says she knows he can’t discuss Marshall’s case with her, and she says she knows, but she couldn’t help noticing he quickly determined it was a simple medication issue. He says he’s confident in his diagnosis, and she says, with all due respect, in her experience, it’s best to perform ambulatory monitoring to rule out any underlying causes of hypertension. He says he understands she’s a very experienced nurse, but as Mr. Ashford’s doctor, he knows what he’s doing.

Curtis goes into the examining room, and asks how Marshall is feeling. Marshall says he’s embarrassed by all the attention, and Curtis asks if this has happened before. Marshall tells him, the doctor says there’s better medication that should help, and Curtis asks how long he’s had blood pressure issues. Marshall says, this isn’t an issue; he has it under control. Curtis says, really? Look where he is. Marshall says, it’s nothing for Curtis to concern himself about, and Curtis says, what if it’s hereditary? and Marshall says, leave it alone.

Alexis says, Sam told Harmony that she’s watching her? and Harmony says, it was more a warning than a statement. Alexis says she wishes Sam hadn’t told her that, and Harmony says she didn’t tell Alexis to cause friction between Alexis and Sam; in fact, the total opposite. She and Alexis talked about how difficult their friendship might be for Alexis’s daughters. Alexis says, they did, and she understands where Sam is coming from, but she’s also a grown woman, and is allowed to have the friends she chooses. Harmony says, under normal circumstances, sure. The bartender puts her to-go bag on the bar, and Harmony says, Alexis knows she cherishes their friendship, but now they’re seeing the reality of it. She didn’t want to keep Alexis in the dark about how Sam was feeling. If she needs to distance herself while her daughters come to terms – if her daughters come to terms with it – she completely understands. She takes the bag, and leaves, and Alexis goes back to the table. Shawn asks, what’s wrong? and Alexis says, she’s trying to do what’s right for her and what’s right for her daughters, and she’s starting to think that might not be possible.

Brook lets Elizabeth, Finn, and Chase in, and says she’s really sorry. Elizabeth asks, what happened? and Chase says he’d like to know the answer to that too. Brook says she was upstairs giving herself a manicure; moving is hard on the nails. She heard a noise, multiple noises actually. She grabbed a vase and came downstairs. We see Cameron and Josslyn on the couch, Elizabeth examining Cameron’s head, and Finn checking his eyes. Brook says she thought Cameron was an intruder, so she whacked him over the head with the vase. Cameron says, she’s very strong, and Brook thanks him. Josslyn says this is all her fault. She thought the house was empty. She had no idea her dad loaned it to Brook. Elizabeth says, the good news is, he doesn’t need stitches, and Finn says, he’s going to be okay. Brook says, thank God, and Elizabeth thanks Brook for calling her. Brook says, of course (🍷), and Cameron says, yeah, thanks a bunch. Brook is just glad his head is still intact, and Josslyn says, her too. She’s really sorry for the… Brook says, intrusion. It’s okay. Josslyn promises it won’t happen again, and Elizabeth suggests they get home. They leave with Finn, and Chase asks if Brook is okay. She says she feels awful that she hurt the poor kid, and he says, he gets why she called Elizabeth, but why did she call him?

Sonny and Dante sit down, and Sonny says, Dante should have gotten a beer while he had the chance. He asks if Dante wants to get in the ring, and Dante says, in a minute. He wants Sonny to tell him what’s going on first. Sonny says, he did, but Dante says, there’s clearly more than that going on. Sonny says, Carly came by to say goodnight to Donna and Avery. That’s what she’s doing now to make them think everything is normal. Dante says, but everything’s not normal? and Sonny says, it isn’t because they keep asking, when is mom coming? Is she staying? It’s not going to work out. Dante says, Sonny did tell Michael that he’d give Carly space, and Sonny says, he tried, but it’s obvious to him that Carly refuses to see what’s in front of her.

Sam asks if Carly has been holding this in the whole time, and Carly says she lost her mind on Nina at first, but yes, since the hearing. I guess she’s leaving out the part about going to Nina’s office and slapping her. Sam says she can’t imagine how hard this must be on Carly, and Carly says, anger is the easy emotion. She’d rather feel rage than everything else. Sam asks, what’s everything else? and Carly says she feels embarrassed. She feels stupid. She should have known something was going on. All the times Sonny insisted they shouldn’t go after Nina and all he wanted was to focus on their life together. Tell her one time Sonny hasn’t demanded retaliation, especially when someone hurts his family. God knows they were. Sam says she knows they were, and Carly says, she remembers how confused she was, and how devastated everyone was. Nina did that to them, and Sonny stood by her. He swore on the stand that he wasn’t Nina’s victim. What the hell was that? They’re all Nina’s victims; every single one of them. Do they not matter? How is she supposed to believe Sonny loves her when he still has a place in his heart for a woman who hurt her like that?

Brook tells Chase, she accidentally assaulted a hormonal teenager. She’s sorry if she didn’t know what to do. He says she really needs to break this pattern of hitting people in the head, accidental or not, and she says she was alone in a strange house that they moved into to protect a tiny baby from a giant psychopath. She’s sorry. She was terrified and he was working out. He says, she told him to go, but she says, not because she wanted him to.

Curtis says, for someone who says they want a relationship – Marshall says he does – why is everything off limits? Marshall says, not everything, just some things. If he thought it was important to Curtis in any way… Curtis says Marshall’s medical history is important. He just suffered a cardiac episode. Marshall says he’s fine, and asks if the doctor didn’t talk to Curtis. Curtis says he’s talking to Marshall. He needs information from Marshall. Does anything warrant a conversation, or is he only allowed to know that Marshall plays the clarinet? Marshall says he’s sorry the events in his life have made him guarded. He’s also sorry the events in Curtis’s life have made him more inquisitive. Curtis says, these are regular run-of-the-mill questions. The only thing that irregular is, Marshall refuses to answer them. Marshall puts his hand on Curtis’s shoulder, and says he hopes and prays they’ll somehow find a way to reconcile their differences. Curtis says, they’re some big differences, but Marshall says, they’re not insurmountable. He’s willing to try. Is Curtis?

Carly tells Sam, she gets it. If she ignores all the horrible things Nina has done, she can see why it would be hard for Sonny to turn off his feelings for her. She couldn’t do it with Jason. Sam shifts her position, and Carly says she’s sorry, but Sam says, don’t be. They passed that a long time ago. Carly says she knows it hurt Sonny when he came home and found out she and Jason had developed feelings for each other. That was really difficult for him. Never mind that it never would have happened if it weren’t for Nina and her lies. But the point is, the second Sonny came home, she and Jason shut that door permanently, and she’s done everything she can to do right by her husband. But Sonny is still acting on his feelings for Nina. Sam asks if Sonny is saying he loves Nina, and Carly tells her, he’s saying he still has feelings for her, but what they had is in the past. How does she believe that when he keeps defending her? Sam says, Nina’s in the wrong, clearly, but if Sonny keeps sticking up for her, Sonny is making Carly feel like it’s her attacking Nina. Carly says, yeah, and what does it say about him if he feels that way? More important, what does it say about their marriage?

Sonny tells Dante, he and Carly had this moment, that undeniable pull, then Carly’s walls go up. Dante says he’s sorry, and Sonny says he just thinks if they were living together, Carly would see what they have and who they are, and nothing’s changed. Whatever residual feelings he has for Nina doesn’t compare to his love for Carly. Dante says, maybe deep down she does, but she hasn’t processed it yet. Sonny knows he hurt her, right? Sonny says, but if anybody gets it, it’s Carly. She fell in love with Jason, then she insisted on being with him. What’s the difference between that and what happened with Nina? Dante says, but there is a difference. Say what he will about Carly and Jason. He’s not going to touch that one, but they thought Sonny was dead, so in their eyes, there was no betrayal. In Carly’s eyes, she feels Sonny betrayed her, because he protected Nina after he knew Nina lied about him being alive. Sonny admits he didn’t say anything when he first came back, because he thought he could get over these feelings. Then Jason died and a lot went down. Dante says, the bottom line is, Carly asked for space and time. Is she Sonny’s person? Sonny says, she is, and Dante says, then he’s got give them to her. Sonny says, that’s worst thing he could do.

Back home, Elizabeth tells Finn that she’s going to check on Jake and Aiden, and goes upstairs. Josslyn’s phone dings, and she says, oh no. Devon just texted. He’ll be here soon to pick her up. Cameron says, goodbye already? and she says she knows. Finn says, he’ll just be… not here, and goes in the kitchen. Josslyn says she had a lot of fun tonight. Up until… Cameron says he knows. They can try again at the cabin. She says, that should be no problem. They just have to avoid Esme, and Spencer, and Trina. He says, see? Easy. She says, honestly, alone or not, she likes spending time with him, and he says, as does he, and they kiss.

Brook tells Chase that she’s sorry. She’s just overwhelmed with the situation. They keep trying to set boundaries, and Bailey’s still in danger, and she doesn’t know what the right thing to do is. He says, it’s an adjustment for sure, but they’ll figure it out together.

Elizabeth meets Finn in the kitchen, and he says, some first date, huh? She says, not the most romantic in history, and they laugh. He says, it might sound crazy given all the interruptions, but he had a good time with her. If she lets him, he’d love to take her out again. She says she’d like that very much, although she’s hoping for less eventful. He says he’ll see what he can do, and they kiss.

Shawn tells Alexis, he’s all for second chances. God knows he’s been given a few, but Harmony’s not just a former criminal; the crimes she committed were against Alexis’s daughters. She says she’s very well aware of that, and doesn’t excuse any of that. However, it’s important to realize that Harmony was also one of Shiloh’s victims. He asks if she thinks Sam and Kristina will see it that way, and she says she doesn’t know about Sam, but truthfully, Kristina’s opinion matters more. He asks if Kristina knew how beneficial Alexis’s relationship with Harmony was, what does she think that opinion would be?   

Epiphany goes in to see Marshall, and he says, she’s still here. She says, hypertension can be a sign of something more serious. She knows Dr. Rose is convinced it’s just a matter of Marshall’s medication, but if he wants a second opinion… but he says, no; it won’t be necessary. It’s happened before, and everything’s been fine. She asks if he calls this fine, and he says he and the doctor have an understanding. He thanks her for looking out for him, and says, her patients are lucky to have her. She tells him, don’t think he has an out. She’s still paying her half of the bill. They laugh, and he says, deal.

Portia asks Curtis how Marshall is, and he says, the same; closed off and stubborn. He feels like he’s getting whiplashed. One minute he never wants to see Marshall again, and the next minute, he’s reminded of why they’re at an impasse in the first place. She says, relationships are tricky, and he says, that’s an understatement. She says, they’ll make progress; they’ll have setbacks. It’s to be expected. He says, how can they expect to make progress if Marshall is controlling how much he can and can’t know? She tells him, he said it himself. He wanted time, and now thankfully he has it. It’s up to him how he wants to spend that time. He says he does want a relationship with his father. He just doesn’t know if it’s possible.

Sonny says he took Dante’s advice. He talked to Carly, but it didn’t help much. Dante says, or Sonny could say he made his point, and she made hers. He thinks it would be a huge mistake if Sonny doesn’t listen to what she wants. Sonny says, she wants space. They had it for nine months. They should be making up for that. Being apart, they gain nothing. Dante says, obviously, Carly doesn’t see it that way.

Sam tells Carly, she knows how hard it is when you and your husband aren’t on the same page. She’s so sorry. Carly says, for the first time in a long time, she has no idea what to do. She doesn’t know what comes next. That’s not true. She knows that she goes to bed, and she’ll get up in the morning because she promised the girls she’d be there early to make them pancakes. Sam says she’s going to go. Does Carly want her to call Josslyn? She doesn’t want Carly to be alone. Carly says, Josslyn and Michael have already came down pretty hard on Sonny. She doesn’t want them more involved than they already are, or feel they have to pick sides. Sam starts to leave, then stops and asks Carly, what’s the hardest part? Carly asks what Sam means, and Sam says, Carly told her that she was angry, then she said she was embarrassed. What else? Carly says, underneath it all is this deep aching sadness. Nina devastated her family, and she’s not so sure they can recover.

Curtis says he guesses Marshall is free to go, and Marshall says, he guesses so. He’s sorry things got tense earlier. He didn’t know what to expect when he came back, but he knew he had to try. It seems he’s not doing too good of a job. It means a lot that Curtis showed up. He should call for a car. Do they have taxis out front? Curtis says, they do, but he’ll give Marshall a ride. Ready? Marshall says, lead the way.

Chase hands Brook a glass of wine, and she thanks him. He says, long day. huh? She asks if he was working out when she called, and he says, he and Dante were just finishing up. He was a little confused when he didn’t recognize the number. She says, her phone died; she called from Cameron’s phone. He says, Cameron has his cell info? and she says, no. He asks how she called him then, and she says she knows his number by heart. He says, for real? and she tells him, don’t sound so pleased. After the Maxie/fake Chloe horror show, she thought it was a good idea to memorize some important numbers in case of an emergency. He says, important? and she says, he is Bailey’s father. She flashes back to overhearing Chase say letting himself fall for someone like Brook would be a major disaster; she lied, schemed, and hurt people. Brook says she’s so tired. It turns out amorous teenagers breaking into your house takes a lot more out of you than she thought. Sorry she ruined his night. He says she didn’t, and she says, it’s not always going to be like this. Most of the time, he won’t even know she’s here. She tells him, goodnight, and goes upstairs.

Alexis says, Shawn is right, but he says he’s not looking to be right. She says, the friendship she formed with Harmony in prison will end up being hurtful to Kristina. Shawn says, even if Kristina knew how Alexis feels about Harmony now? and she says, even if, and she doesn’t want to make things difficult for Kristina. He says he thinks she has her answer, and she says, apparently, she’s not going to be able to continue her friendship with Harmony.

Dante says, if Sonny keeps pushing Carly, he’s going to sabotage the whole thing, but Sonny says, no. The only way he’s going to do that is by letting this go on. He needs to up the stakes; he needs to show Carly how much she means to him. One thing he does know is, he can’t fix this if they’re not together. If she wants time, then they’ll do it together. Dante says he doesn’t think that’s what Carly meant, and Sonny says he doesn’t care what she meant. It’s Carly who he wants, and he’s going to let her know that. End of story. Sonny leaves, and Dante looks worried.

Carly thanks Sam for letting her get all that off her chest, and Sam says she practically forced Carly into it. Carly says, either way, it felt good. Sam says, she’s glad. In case no one told Carly, she’s not the bad guy here. Nina hurt her, a lot, and if she’s being honest, Sonny did too. Carly is entitled to feel all of these emotions. Just know that. Carly thanks her, and Sam leaves.

Elizabeth asks how Cameron’s head is; does he need some ice? He says he’s fine. He’s so sorry her date got messed up because of him, but she says, she’s just glad he still needs her. Is everything good with him and Josslyn? He says, everything is great, and she says she likes seeing his smile. He says he likes seeing hers too. He bets Franco’s really glad to see them doing so well. She says she hopes so, and he says he knows so. She says, he and Josslyn are being safe, right? and he says, goodnight. She says she can’t wait to finish this conversation in the morning, and he says, great, as he goes upstairs.

The clock says quarter to three, when there’s a knock at the door. Elizabeth comes down in her robe, and opens the door to Dante. He says he’s sorry. He knows it’s early, but something terrible happened last night, and he thought she should know about it.

Tomorrow, Chase asks Finn what the hell he’s talking about, Maxie says there’s nothing else to remember, Cameron asks why Dante is here, and Peter can’t wait to tell the world what someone did to him.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Emily shopped for bathing suits with Jen and Nicole. She said she didn’t remember having all those tequila shots at Max’s party. In Emily’s interview, she said Jen and Nicole were not normal sized people. Nicole said it was going to be awkward with Noella now, and we flashed back to Nicole telling Noella that she couldn’t be the friend Noella needed. Nicole said Noella had talked sh*t about her and Heather, and she was over it. In Emily’s interview, she said, she didn’t know what was going on, but clearly Nicole’s intent was to get her to think badly about Noella. Nicole said if Noella went to Cabo, she wasn’t going. Emily suggested they share a room – a padded room.

While Shannon packed for the trip, she called John. She said she hadn’t seen any of the women for two weeks, since she’d been in Nashville. Before that, she’d felt like they were going after each other. In Shannon’s interview, she said Gina and Emily had blindsided her with their untrust ambush. They’d never discussed it further, and it posed a potential problem. She was glad she and Heather were in a decent place. We flashed back to Heather saying Shannon would lose more than her friendship if Shannon ever came after her family again. In her interview, Shannon told John that she was having fun reconnecting with Heather, and he said, it was time for fun and healing.

Gina visited Heather in her giant house that apparently has more than one doorbell, since Gina got one of the staff by mistake. Heather joked (I think) that there was a vetting process. They hung out in the hallowed closet, and in Gina’s interview, she said her sex dreams were the closet. She told Heather that she was excited to be flying private, and Heather said she’d rented a house in Cabo. Gina asked if Heather would do her a favor. She knew Heather and Noella weren’t thick as thieves, but as excited as she was, she felt badly for Noella. They’d been texting, and Noella said she was going to be lonely when they were in Maxico. In Gina’s interview, she said she understood what Noella was going through. She’d rather Noella be with her, or she was going to worry about her. Noella was going through a hard time, and Gina wanted her to have fun. Heather said she didn’t dislike Noella, but every time she tries, something goes sideways. She extended an invitation to Max’s party, and when Max came home, she found out Noella had given her a questionable gift. It was a Pride themed card game, which was fine, but Max was 17 and the questions weren’t appropriate. She read some of them, but so much was bleeped, the only audible word was licking. In her interview, Gina said, it was so awkward. Being in this room was like when you make the mistake of watching a movie with your parents, and there’s an explicit sex scene. You’d do anything to get TF out of the room, but you’re trapped. Boy, do I know about that. When I was in school in NYC, I’d gone home for winter break, and my sister and I wanted to watch American Werewolf in London. My dad was with us, and we’d forgotten there was a nakey shower scene. It wasn’t all that explicit, but nothing we wanted to watch in front of him. When it got to that scene, it was so quiet, you could hear the proverbial pin drop. After what seemed like hours of silence, my sister suddenly said, I don’t know why they have to put this kind of scene in every movie. Yep. I wanted to get TF out, but I was trapped. Heather reads another card that says something about telling Heather Dubrow to f*** off. She told Gina that it was basically porn, and Gina said, it wasn’t appropriate. Heather said she didn’t want anyone to feel left out or bad, especially at her expense, but give her a reason why it was a good idea to invite Noella. Gina told Heather that she wasn’t saying this was her best decision, and couldn’t give Heather a reason why things wouldn’t go awry, but she was asking Heather to do her a solid. Heather said she’d extend an invite, but it was on Gina.

Heather conferred with her driver Pete about the trip, and he said, it should be fun. She asked if he was being serious or facetious, and he said, they had champagne, right? In Heather’s interview, she said they went to Cabo ten times a year, maybe more. She loved Cabo, and she was excited to hang out with the women there. She and Shannon historically, had a great time on trips. We flashed back to some of that, and Heather said, she and Gina have connected. She loved Jen, and she was excited to get to know Emily. Heather told the group that Nicole said she couldn’t come, and Noella would be coming late. In her interview, she said she wasn’t sorry Noella would be late. We saw them in the private airport area via Heather Cam, and on the private plane via Gina Cam. In Gina’s interview, she said, some people would think Heather was controlling, but she thought, this bitch is handling everything. All she has to do is show up. Yes I’ll fly on your private jet. In Heather’s interview, she said she had a legal pad where she wrote everything down. It was important to have a framework or there was no plan. The plane looked like a good time. I would love to fly on a PJ. I’d even settle for flying first class.

The women arrived at San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, and had more champagne in the limo going to the villa. Emily told Shannon that if she said fun Emily one more time, she’d snatch the tequila out of Shannon’s ass. Which made no sense whatsoever, but was still funny. The group was met by the staff, including a Spanish tutor, and some tequila. Heather toasted to a successful, fabulous trip. She said the villa was amazing, with a big main house, and little casitas. They had privacy and pools. They danced around by the pool to a mariachi band and Spanish dancer. The rooms were… Oh never mind, you know how fabulous they were. They took a tour of the place, deciding where they were going to bunk, and in Gina’s interview, she said she and Emily were vacation wives. If there was one bed, no problem. If Travis wasn’t there, she could slot Emily right in. The found the perfect casita, with two beds.

Jen called, and in her interview, she said she never took trips without her family. If she had time away from the office, she spent it with her kids and husband. She said, there was no balance in home life, work, and friendships. If you worked on one, the others suffered. Heather showed Emily and Gina some house plans for a place in Cabo, and in her interview, she said she and Terry had been talking about vacation homes for two years. She wanted it to be a beautiful, cool, sexy hideaway. She told the two of them that Terry thought it was a lot of money to park in a place they don’t live at, but she wanted to have a place they could give the kids; a place that could be theirs. She and Terry had them when they were older, and they wouldn’t be around forever. In Heather’s interview, she said she had a dream, seeing her kids in the future. They were looking at something, but she didn’t know what, and one of them said, mom would have loved this. She wanted to make sure they had places to go together. She told Emily and Gina that she was hoping to find something already built, and would be looking at land and houses tomorrow. They could do everything or nothing; their choice. Gina wanted to go horseback riding, and in her interview, she said she was a legit survivor of a shark attack, and we flashed back to when she was on a jet ski and there was a shark in the vicinity that was not Jaws. She said, riding a horse was still better than swimming with sharks.

In Noella’s interview, she said, obviously, she was the last person invited, but she could get over it for her feet in the sand and a Skinnygirl margarita. I have to give a shout out to Noella’s chihuahua Rihanna, who is just an adorable angel. Emily, Gina, and Shannon went horseback riding, and in Shannon’s interview, she said, she grew up around horses; they had 18 acres. In Emily’s interview, she said she grew up riding horses in Ohio, and in Gina’s interview, she said she didn’t know how to ride a horse. Shannon thought her horse was a little feisty, and they all trotted down the beach. In her interview, Gina said Emily looked good on a horse; hair flowing and sexy. She expected Emily would get off the horse, and there was going to be a porno. That’s how good she looked.

Heather told Jen that she never ate carbs so she could eat them on vacation, and Jen said she had a narrow diet because of how her schedule was. Heather asked if she did family dinners, and Jen said she strived for them, but usually didn’t get home until 8 or 9 pm. Heather said, earlier in his career, Terry had never around, and we flashed back to Terry saying, Max was sending him photos of the empty dad chair. Heather said he’d gotten to the point where changes had to be made, and he did. In Jen’s interview, she said Ryne didn’t recognize what she did for the family because he wasn’t living it. In turn, she didn’t recognize what he did, but she wanted the family dynamic; they were disconnected. She told Heather that she was going to work out, and in her interview, she said, in her 20s, she’d had a long, painful journey with a tumor in her femur. They’d replaced the marrow with cement, and she was always in pain, but managed it with physical therapy, and working out. Heather thought it should be a chill-by-the-pool day.

After riding, Emily, Gina, and Shannon sat on the beach. Gina popped some champagne, and Shannon almost got creamed by the cork. Shannon was worried about Noella coming, and the reception she’d get from Heather. Gina said she was the reason Noella was on the trip. She’d asked Heather for a personal favor. In Shannon’s interview, she said she was surprised. She thought Noella should come, but if there were feelings of animosity, she was worried about that. Gina thought if they got Noella and Heather under the same roof, they’d bond, to which Emily gave a quick and hard, no, she didn’t think so. In Gina’s interview, she said she was hoping they’d hit it off. She wanted Noella to come with an open mind, and hoped it worked out. Shannon suggested Gina act as peacemaker, and Gina said she just wanted to take one step in the right direction. Here’s where the camera panned out, and we saw the poor guide waiting with the horses.

They came back and got in the pool at Gina and Emily’s room. This place was absolutely amazing, but everyone kept saying, it’s so hot, and I’m not fond of the heat. In Shannon’s interview, she said, tequila Emily and Gina were more fun than the everyday Emily and Gina. In Emily’s interview, she said, fun Shannon was great. There was no bad behavior; just having a good time. Everyone got dressed for dinner, and Heather mentioned that Terry was having dinner with John and Travis. On the way to the restaurant, Shannon said Noella had texted to say they wouldn’t take her passport, but Heather rolled her eyes and said, Noella forgot her passport. In Heather’s interview, she said she had mixed emotions about Noella coming. She wanted to believe it was going to be great, but the truth was, historically, when Noella showed up, things went to sh*t.

By the time Noella got there, the others were already at the restaurant, and in Noella’s interview, she said, everything was lovely, and she wasn’t being shady, but – she fanned herself – she was the guest. She was grateful for the invite, but she would have made an effort to be there when the guest arrived. At the restaurant, the women were shown to the jungle room, which was magnificent. Shannon said Noella had texted, and was on her way there. In Gina’s interview, she said, it was a big job. Noella was a bit of a wild card, and she didn’t know if she could tame a wild child. She had the feeling that Noella was going to light this sh*t on fire.

Noella was brought to the table, and Heather said, the traveling sounded long. Noella said, it was pure hellishness, but it’s all good; it was so gorgeous there. Heather thanked Noella for joining them, told everyone, happy dinner, and they ordered starters. Noella explained that she usually traveled by private plane, and brought a passport card, but the airport would only accept an actual passport. In Noella’s interview, she said she knew she was spoiled AF, but this was her first trip since she’d lost the private plane. They got tequila shots, and Noella whined that there was no ice. She said, yay to warm tequila, and in Heather’s interview, she said, she understood getting picky about vintage champagne, or the clarity and color of a diamond, but it was a tequila shot. Throw it back and shut up.

Noella raved about how much she loved Shannon’s phone calls, and how Shannon was always checking in with her. Shannon said she’d been through it, and in Jen’s interview, she said Noella was in The Noella Show. Emily asked Noella why she’d been talking smack about her and Gina. She’d said all Emily did was take the kids out for yogurt, and go to Costco. Noella admitted she’d said that, although I don’t quite understand how anyone could come up with an insult like that. I’m not sure if it’s even an insult. Gina told Noella that she’d said Travis was a loser, but Noella insisted she never said anything about Travis. In her interview, Noella said she did say something about Gina’s house before she’d even met Gina, but she’d heard it from Braunwyn. Ugh. I wanted to like this woman, especially since she has a cute dog, but no. She said, obviously Nicole had gotten marching orders to discredit her, and when a producer asked, from who? she said, Heather, duh.

Emily pointed out that Noella wasn’t eating the meal she’d ordered, and Noella made a big production about taking a bite of potatoes. In Gina’s interview, she said, if Noella didn’t want to eat, be low key. Gina was just trying to manage the dynamic, and the dynamic was already becoming unmanageable. Gina, Emily, and Noella went to the bathroom, which was code for, they were going to talk on the side. Emily told Noella that she thought Heather was annoyed that she was picking up the tab for a meal Noella ordered, but didn’t eat after Heather had thrown out $3 million in sushi the previous week. In Noella’s interview, she said, she didn’t need anyone to tell her how to behave. Emily and Gina must have drunk the Kool-Aid. Something was going on. These weren’t the same girls she’d hung out with before. She told Emily that she didn’t care if Heather thought she should eat or not, and at the table, Heather said this was the exact situation she didn’t want. She was worried. She hadn’t wanted to do this, and still didn’t.  

To be continued…

This season, a trip to Aspen; Shane gets his diploma (or whatever you call it) for passing the bar; Ryne leaves Jen; Noella has a breakdown, and says she smells bullsh*t, but I’m not sure if the two are related; John tells Shannon, f*** Gina; Shannon says she owns her sh*t; Heather says, Noella is a liar and a thirsty girl; and Noella is shocked Heather knows what thirsty means. Is that an admission of thirst guilt?

🏂 Sliding Under the Covers Like…

It’s been real, so come back again tomorrow, for soap and a Supermodel on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay looking for hidden opportunities, and stay knowing that even if difficulties are big, that doesn’t mean they’re insurmountable.

January 18, 2022 – Two First Dates At the PC Grill, Alpaca Farm Bomb Drop, Coming Reunion & Chill


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Two guys are doing a drug deal in the hallway at The Savoy, and Curtis tells them, he owns this place, and it’s not that kind of club. When he says leave, they leave. Curtis escorts them out of the club, and flashes back to Marshall saying, he left before his trouble became his family’s trouble.

Marshall pulls Epiphany’s chair out for her at the PC Grill, and she says she sees chivalry is still alive and well. He says, his mom and daddy raised him right, and she says she supposes he’ll insist on picking up the bill. He says, of course (🍷); he asked her out after all. She says they’re going to split the check, and she doesn’t want to hear any arguments about it. He says, just one, then he’ll write it off. As long as they can say, this is taking his band’s new singer out to dinner, so they can discuss future gigs. She says she never agreed to be his new singer, and she doesn’t want to spoil their evening getting into it. Let’s talk about something else. He says, fair enough. Why doesn’t she tell him that long story about why she decided not to become a doctor?

Brando comes into the gym, and TJ is there. TJ says he has to head to the hospital in a few, but if Brando needs a sparring partner, he has some time. Brando asks if TJ is looking for another chance to deck him in the face, and TJ says, come on. Brando says he never thanked TJ for his concern when Liam passed, but he hopes TJ doesn’t think he has to forget about everything and be his friend because he lost his son.

Sasha tries to get zen in yoga class, when Gladys comes in. She says she didn’t know Sasha practiced yoga. They can be yoga buddies. (Is that a thing?) Maxie and Felicia come in, and Felicia says, it’s Sasha and Gladys. Maxie says, no. If they acknowledge Gladys, they’ll never get rid of her. Felicia says, they’ll go to the other side of the room then. They bring in their stuff, and go to get ready. Felicia says she hasn’t done yoga in she doesn’t know how long. She doesn’t know if she can even do a downward facing dog. Maxie says, the good thing about yoga is, you only do what you’re able to. You can spend most of the class in child’s pose and you feel great afterward. And your mind feels very peaceful. Felicia says, goodness knows, she could use some peace of mind, and Maxie asks, what happened? Felicia says, she saw Peter.

Brook walks into the new place, which is Jax’s old place, with Bailey, followed by Chase carrying boxes. He says, nice place Jax has here, and Brook says, he knows how to live. Chase says, Jax really isn’t charging them rent? and she says, Jax and her mother go way back. She’s actually the whole reason he came to Port Charles in the first place, and he refuses to charge them anything. She asks if Chase went out on the terrace; it goes right down to the beach. He says he has to admit, there are worse places to co-parent that sweet little girl. Finn and Dante come in with more boxes. Breathing hard, Finn says, that’s the last of it. He’ll return the moving van, and bring Chase’s car back. Dante says, a whole box full of shoes, huh? and Chase asks how he missed the other four boxes. Finn asks what they’re going to do with all this stuff, and Brook says, her room is done, so they can put those in Chase’s room. Chase asks, what about his stuff? and she says, he means two shirts and a pair of jeans? He says, nothing has changed, has it? He remembers her taking over his apartment the last time she moved in, and she says, and he whined just as loud last time. He’s the one who suggested moving in together again. Finn tells Dante, one day of living together and they’re already talking like an old married couple.

Portia tells Terry that she can work weekends now, since the holiday break is over and Trina’s back in school. Terry says, great, and Elizabeth walks up to them. She’s wearing a dress, and Terry says, someone looks pretty amazing. Portia asks, who’s the lucky guy? and Terry says, that’s rhetorical; they know it’s Finn. Elizabeth says, it’s not a big deal, and if they’re short-handed, she can work. She’s sure Finn won’t mind. Terry says, not on your life, sister, and Portia asks why Elizabeth is looking for an excuse to cancel. Terry says, she thought Elizabeth and Finn agreed to stop dancing around their feelings, and Elizabeth says, they did. She just can’t shake this feeling that if they did actually go out on a date, something bad is going to happen.

Dante says he can’t wait until Brook and Chase start arguing over who does the dishes, and Finn says, who takes out the trash. Dante says, and trims the trees, and Brook says, Chase, Chase, and Chase. Chase says, hey, and she says, the point is, this move is out of expediency for Bailey’s sake. Chase says, he wants to spend more time with Bailey without making things awkward for Michael and Willow. Finn says, whatever, bro. Just remember, helping someone move is like driving someone to the airport. Never forget who was there for you. Chase asks how he can, when Finn keeps reminding him, and Finn says, but it’s so fun. Chase asks if he doesn’t have a date with Elizabeth tonight.

Portia asks how Elizabeth’s wedding ring showed up in her locker, and Elizabeth says, it’s crazy. She put it away at home. Terry asks, what happened when she asked Jake and Aiden about it? and Elizabeth says, they both denied having anything to do with it. Portia asks if it’s possible that Elizabeth put it in her locker, and it wasn’t at home like she thought; she just misremembered it. Terry says, Elizabeth has been working a lot of extra shifts. That can mess with your memory. Elizabeth says she’s been wracking her brain, but she doesn’t remember seeing the ring after she put it in the kitchen drawer on New Year’s Eve. She has been working a lot. Maybe she’s just distracted. Portia says she doesn’t think anything is going to happen on Elizabeth’s date with Finn, and Terry says, and if she doesn’t want to go on an actual date, that’s okay too, but she thinks Elizabeth knows that she wants to. Elizabeth asks if Terry is saying it’s just nerves, and Terry nods. Portia says she thinks what Terry is saying is, get out of here; go have fun. Elizabeth says, fine, and tells them to wish her luck. They do, and Elizabeth leaves.

Drew comes into The Savoy, and gives Curtis a fist bump. He says he’s kicking himself for not being around to invest when Curtis first opened, and Curtis says, he has no complaints. Except for one. Drew says, Curtis’s father suddenly showing up in Port Charles. He’s sorry he wasn’t there to help dig up information about where Marshall was all these years. Curtis says, he actually knows where Marshall has been all these years, but unfortunately, it just raises more questions.

The waiter serves Epiphany and Marshall, and Marshall raises his glass, saying, to a beautiful and talented lady. She says, and to a dangerously charming man, and they clink glasses. They savor the wine, and she says she knows he wanted to discuss her career choices, but the truth is, she really loves being a nurse. He says, but she originally dreamed of becoming a doctor, and she says, she loves the sciences. And she never had a problem cutting open a frog in biology class. But when she told her guidance counselor that she wanted to become a doctor… Marshall says, let him guess. He was a mean old man. She laughs, and he says, with dandruff, who thought women should be wives and mothers and raise a passel of kids. She says, when she told Mr. Workman that she wanted to go to med school, he said, Epiphany, you’re a smart young lady. I could see you becoming a nun or a nurse, but since I’ve seen you with that boyfriend of yours, I know you’re not going to be a nun. They laugh, and she says, it was a different time, but he says, it wasn’t quite the Middle Ages. There were quite a few female doctors while she was in school; women of color too. She says she knows, but it seemed out of reach for her, and Mr. Workman really cemented that perception. He asks if she ever wonders what would have happened if she hadn’t let that old fogey inside her head.

Maxie says, please tell her that she just imagined Felicia said that, and Felicia says, she just wanted to look Peter in the eye, and see for herself if he knew where Louise was. Maxie asks how many times she has to tell Felicia that Peter doesn’t know where Louise is, and Felicia says she believes Maxie now, and she’s sorry. Peter was bluffing. It’s really obvious he’s desperate to reunite with his daughter. Maxie says, that’s what she’s afraid of, and sits down. Felicia joins Maxie, and tells her, Peter said some extremely nasty, vile things about me. Maxie says, Peter’s really good at finding your weak spot, and pushing really hard until you scream, and Felicia tells her, some of the things he said were true. She let Maxie down as a mother, and knows how much it hurt Maxie, but Maxie says, no. That was a long time ago. They’re different now. Peter is the one who taught her the true meaning of betrayal. Felicia can’t let him get to her. Felicia says, easier said than done. She doesn’t know how Maxie does it. Peter said some nasty things to her, and she’s a nervous wreck. Maxie has been dealing with Louise’s disappearance for over half a year now, and she’s still strong. She’s Felicia’s hero.

Finn says, as much fun as this has been, he needs to get changed to meet Elizabeth at the Grill. Chase says, hallelujah, at long last, and Brook tells him to quit giving Finn such a hard time. She and Elizabeth have had their differences over the years, but she helped save Chase’s life, and clearly makes Finn happy. So she thinks it’s time they burned some old bridges, and rebuilt new ones. Dante says, that’s Bensonhurst for, I’m happy for you, and Finn says, thanks. He leaves, and Brook says, she needs to change and feed Bailey, and asks where Chase put her bag. He says, it’s in the kitchen by the formula, and tells Brook that he already put together Bailey’s mobile. She asks, how cute is it? How many videos did they take? He says, too many, and they laugh. She says she’ll be back in a few, and leaves. Dante sits down, and says, so what’s really going on with him and Brook?

Marshall says, nice place, and thanks Epiphany for recommending it. She says, her pleasure, when Elizabeth comes in. She motions Elizabeth over, and says Elizabeth looks gorgeous. She introduces Marshall, and Elizabeth asks if they’ve met, but he says, if they had, he’d remember. Epiphany tells Elizabeth, ignore him a little bit. He’s a musician, and you know how they are. She asks if Elizabeth is alone, and suggests Elizabeth join them, but Elizabeth says she’s meeting someone. Epiphany says, Dr. Finn? and Elizabeth nods. Epiphany says, so proud, and Elizabeth says she’s going to go wait for her table. She leaves, and Marshall says he knows that look. Elizabeth and all the nurses who work under her aren’t just colleagues, are they? They’re family. She says, and he knows this because… He says, it’s the same look he gets about his own family.

TJ holds the heavy bag, while Brando punches, and Brando says, he’s sorry. He’s wasting TJ’s time. TJ says, no worries. Brando is using the bag to distract himself, but can’t stop thinking about his son. Brando says, he and Sasha watched as he was taken off the ventilator. It’s not something either one of them is going to forget anytime soon, if ever. TJ asks if he’s considered therapy, and Brando says, he would if Sasha wanted to, but she’s distancing herself from him. She doesn’t want to talk about Liam; she goes back to work, and acts like everything is normal. TJ says, nothing is normal for them. People grieve in different ways. Maybe Sasha needs to grieve privately. Brando says, the thing is, he’s worried Sasha’s not grieving at all.

Gladys comes into the yoga class, and sits next to Sasha. She says she can’t believe how busy they’ve been at the office. So much preparation for this IPO launch. It’s exciting. Is Sasha going to be the one to ring the bell when Deception goes public? Sasha is still trying to be zen, and suggests Gladys save her questions for after class; they’re here to practice mindfulness. Gladys says, Sasha really needs a lot of inner peace right now because of Liam, but Sasha says, no. Gladys says, please don’t shut her out. Talking about loss really helps. Sasha’s got to open up to someone. Sasha asks, what makes Gladys think she’s not? and Gladys says, Brando told her that Sasha has been keeping him at arm’s length since the baby’s funeral.

Maxie tells Felicia not to put her on pedestal. She’s not as strong as Felicia thinks she is. Felicia says, this is why Maxie needs to return to Pawtuck with Anna and Austin, retrace her steps, and see if they can figure out who took Louise. Maxie says she doesn’t see how retracing her steps the night she was running from that crazy nurse, will help her remember who stole her daughter, and Felicia wonders how Maxie can’t see how important this is. She won’t be in labor, or fearing for her safety, or her baby’s safety. She’ll be able to take time to concentrate, and focus on all the events and the details… Maxie says, stop, please. She’s not going back to that cabin ever.

Finn walks into the Grill, and goes over to Elizabeth. He says she looks beautiful, and she says he doesn’t look too bad himself.

Curtis tells Drew that he guesses he could just move on, and not let it bother him, especially when things with him and Portia are so good. Drew says, so things are getting serious? and Curtis says, yeah. Drew says, but? and Curtis says, there’s no buts when it comes to Portia. It’s Marshall. He implied he was in Witness Protection; something about organized crime. But when Curtis asked for details, the man shut down. He said it was safer for Aunt Stella and TJ if Curtis didn’t know. Drew asks if the man could be any more cryptic, and Curtis says, tell him about it, and he’s supposed to get to know this man and open up. It’s like a one-way street. Drew says, and Curtis wants to know what kind of mess Marshall got himself into. Curtis says, yeah, but how can he trust the man if Marshall doesn’t care enough about him to tell the truth about himself? Drew says, that’s one way to look at it, and Curtis says, he means there’s more than one way? Drew says, maybe Marshall isn’t telling Curtis everything because he cares about Curtis.

Terry asks Portia how things are going with her and Curtis, and Portia says, good. They admitted to each other that they’re falling in love with one another. Terry asks why Portia didn’t tell her earlier, and Portia says, she wanted to focus on supporting Elizabeth. Terry says, Elizabeth would have happy for Portia, and Portia says, she knows, but what about Terry? Is she getting any action on the dating apps? Terry says, plenty of guys want to meet… right now, and Portia says, and Terry is more of a let’s take-things-slow kind of gal. Terry says, apparently, exchanging messages to get to know someone is so ten years ago, but ten years ago, she was so busy with her residency, she didn’t have time to look at anyone not in a hospital bed. Now she’s not sure there will ever be another Camelot. Portia says, maybe Camelot is a lot closer than Terry thinks.

Brando tells TJ, forget what he said. Of course (🍷) Sasha’s dealing with grieving in her own way. TJ says, it sounds like she’s suppressing her grief, and Brando says, she lost a child she carried for nine months; it was all she could think about. She was so excited to welcome the little guy into the world, when everything went wrong, she… TJ says, she’s distracting herself not to think about how much she’s hurting, and Brando says, if she can get through the day by diving into something at Deception, who is he to argue? But she has to have some outlet for her grief somewhere, right? This repression isn’t healthy. TJ tells him, who’s to say she doesn’t have an outlet, even if it isn’t him? Does Brando think this is less about Sasha not talking to him about Liam, and more about Brando projecting what he needs from her?

Sasha says she appreciates Gladys’s concern, but she’s fine. Gladys says, sorry; she’s not buying what Sasha is selling. Keeping your emotions bottled up doesn’t do a body good. Bottles crack, shatter even. Cleaning up the glass ain’t pretty. Sasha says, just because Gladys doesn’t like how she’s grieving, doesn’t mean she’s not grieving. Everyone grieves differently, and she’s sorry if she’s not crying on Gladys’s shoulder or Brando’s. Gladys says, Brando is too. He’s mourning that little baby just as much as Sasha is. Sasha says, maybe doing yoga with Gladys right now isn’t such a good idea after all. She gets up, and goes in the back.

Felicia tells Maxie that she’s sorry. She should be more sensitive to what happened to Maxie in that cabin. After that horrible nurse abducted her, and Peter… Maxie says she’s going to get some water, and asks if Felicia wants some. Felicia says, no thanks, and Maxie leaves.

Chase tells Dante, nothing is going on between him and Brook. They spent one night together, and now Bailey unites them. They came up with the solution to move in together so they could co-parent Bailey in private. Dante says, Brook kept Bailey a secret from Chase, and said Valentin was her father so she could get his ELQ shares. Chase should be really angry with her at this point, no? Chase flashes back to him and Brook making the decision to move in together, and Brook hugging him, and Dante says, however, he’s known Brook his entire life. Their families go way back, and despite the questionable things she’s done from time to time, he knows she has a good heart, and deep down, she’s a good person. He can totally see why Chase would have feelings for her. Chase says, no. Nothing can happen between them. There’s too much at stake.

Finn says, he can’t partake, but Elizabeth should feel free to order an adult beverage. There’s a napa cab, and a pretty decent pinot. Does she  have a preference? She says, all she really knows about wine is red, white, and rosé, and don’t think about recommending a cocktail; he’ll end up carrying her home. He says, so sparkling water? and she says, sounds good. He says, it’s been a while for him. Is this the part of the first date where they ask awkward questions and get to know each other better? She says, like, how many brothers and sisters do you have? and he says, what was your favorite subject in school? She says, did you have a pet growing up? and he says, do you get along you’re your mom and dad… Ignore that one. He didn’t mean… He doesn’t know what he meant. The waiter asks if they’d like to order wine, and Elizabeth says, yes.  

Portia wants to see Terry’s phone, and tells her, hand it over. She grabs it from Terry, who says, excuse me, but Portia says, she’s just downloading something. Terry asks, what? and Portia says, when Trina was home on her break, Trina told her about an app some of her friends from school are using. Terry says she has zero interest in lip syncing, but Portia says, this is a dating app. It’s anonymous; no photos. The app will verify her identity, and only share her information with people she agrees to meet with. It’s like anonymous texting, and she’s setting up a profile for Terry. Terry says she’s not sure about this, but Portia says, live a little please. She hands back the phone, saying, there you go, and Terry says, Portia’s shameless. Portia agrees she is, and says, that’s what friends are for. She’s going to check on her patients. Terry says, this is the last app she’s signing up for.

Curtis says, Drew thinks his father won’t tell him about his past because his father cares about him? Brother, please explain. Drew says, people in Witness Protection usually don’t advertise it. The program is for… Curtis says, informants, and Drew says, exactly, or in mob-speak, rats. When it comes to rats, the grudges and slights are never forgotten. Was Marshall able to disappear without anyone tracking him down? Curtis says, seems that way, and Drew says, if Curtis continues to dig into Marshall’s past, that could signal somebody that he’s resurfaced. Curtis says, that’s why Marshall told him if he continues talking, it could put Aunt Stella and TJ in danger. Drew says, not to mention himself. Yet, Curtis’s father implying that he’s in Witness Protection sounds like the ultimate sign of trust to him. Any chance Curtis wants to trust him back? I can’t believe Curtis is that ignorant about this stuff, especially since he was a P.I.

The waiter clears the table, and Marshall asks if Epiphany would care for dessert. He sees her look at Elizabeth and smile, and says, maybe they don’t need that ice cream sundae. She looks like someone who’s already gotten her cherry on top. She tells him, don’t get a swelled head, but maybe he was right earlier. Her nurses are her family. That’s why she’d never turn back the clock and go to med school instead of nursing school. He says he loves that she’s so proud of being a nurse, but no one said you can’t be proud and curious, and try something new. She says, that might work for him, being a musician and going from gig to gig with nothing and no one to hold him back. That’s not her. He says, if he could turn back the clock, he’d be there more, and maybe patching things up with Curtis wouldn’t be so slow going. She says, she had a son too; he’s gone now… Unfortunately, that’s the thing about time. You always think you have more of it than you do.

Dante says, nothing can ever happen between Chase and Brook because there’s too much at stake? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Chase says, if he lets himself fall for someone like Brook, it would be a major disaster. He knows she and Dante’s family used to be close, but he’s heard about some of the highly inappropriate stuff she did back in the day. She lied, schemed, hurt people. Brook listens at the door, and Chase says, him moving in with her is what’s best for Bailey. Dante suggests Chase tell him how he really feels, and Chase says he doesn’t think Brook is his type anyway. And even if she was, how would he be able to trust her when she wouldn’t know the truth if it was looking her in the face?

Finn tells Elizabeth that he’s sorry about before. He honestly wasn’t trying to get her to talk about her parents. She says, she always got along with her mom and dad, except for the usual adolescent outburst, and he asks, what happened? She says, after one particularly difficult summer, when she was with her parents and Doctors Without Borders, they shipped her off to Port Charles to live with her grandmother, and they haven’t given her much time since. He says he’s sorry, and she says, there are better people with worse stories. Franco used to try and fix things for her until he realized it was a lost cause. It was the only thing they fought about, but what made her feel safe was the little things; like cooking dinner, or painting an amazing abstract portrait of her in the studio. He says, that’s nice, and she says she’s sorry. Bringing up Franco isn’t the best topic for a first date. She’s trying not live in the past, and focus on the future. He says he hopes her future has him in it.

Dante says he thinks Chase needs some food in his belly, and to hit the hay early; he thinks this move has done Chase in. Brook comes back, and says, Bailey fell right asleep, after she changed and fed her. She guesses she has the magic touch. Does Dante want to stay for dinner? Dante says he’d love to, but he and Chase were supposed to go to the gym, right? Chase says he forgot to cancel. He hates bailing on Dante, but Dante says, it’s cool; Chase has lots to do. He’ll leave them to it. He asks Brook to give her sweet daughter a hug, and she says she will. He tells Chase, good luck, and leaves. Chase asks if Brook wants to start unpacking, but she says, no. She thinks he should go.

Maxie sees Sasha trying to sneak out, and says, wait. She’s leaving? Sasha says, Gladys, and Maxie says she saw Sasha sitting next to her. They could swap, and Sasha can sit next to Maxie’s mom. Sasha says, she thought Maxie liked her mom, and Maxie says she does, but she won’t stop bringing up Louise. And if Maxie wakes up thinking about the worst thing that’s ever happened to her, she’ll never get out of bed. Sasha says, she knows. Brando and Gladys keep pushing her to talk about her feelings, and talking about Liam is not going to make things better right now. Maxie says, Sasha will be mourning Liam for the rest of her life. She just has to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Sasha says, or she won’t be able to survive, and Liam might be forgotten.

TJ says, Brando is laser focused on Sasha’s grief, and that’s okay, but it’s a distraction from his own. Brando says, maybe if Sasha opened up about her pain and loss, he could open up to her. TJ says, she’s the only person who knows what Brando went through and is going through, and Brando says, if TJ ever becomes a psychiatrist, he’ll be TJ’s first patient. TJ says, in the meantime, Doc is no slouch; give him a call. If Brando still wants to talk right now, TJ can have someone take over his shift. Brando says, no, but he appreciates TJ taking the time for him. TJ says, his pleasure, they bro hug, and TJ leaves.

Epiphany says, Marshall never told her about what put the strain on his and Curtis’s relationship. Marshall suddenly gets up, clutching his chest.

Elizabeth says she’d like Finn to be in her life too. They hear Epiphany yelling, Marshall! and run over to him.   

Terry looks at her phone, and it says, 1 match has sent you a message. She says, already; that was fast, and she looks at the message.

Brando punches the bag again, then sits down, taking off his gloves. He looks at his phone, and sends a text.  

Maxie tells Sasha, do what she needs to do to get through the day, but if Sasha needs a shoulder to cry on, she’s here. Sasha thanks her, and Maxie says, and some unsolicited advice. Don’t push Brando away, or even Gladys. They really care about her, and one day, Sasha is going to need them. Maxie goes back in, and goes over to Felicia.

Sasha’s phone rings, and a text from Brando says, are your free tonight? I’d love to have you over for dinner. Class starts, and Sasha goes back in, and stands next to Gladys.

Chase asks why Brook wants him to go, and she tells him to go work out with Dante. He says he can do it another time. All of Bailey’s toys and clothes need to be unpacked. She says she can handle it, and he says, and the changing table? She says she’ll figure it out; she can read instructions. He says he’s not leaving her to put it together herself, but she says she’s not asking for his help. If this living situation is going to work, they have to set some boundaries. He says, like he does the dishes, and she builds the furniture? She says, let’s be honest here. He’s not really Bailey’s father, and they’re not really co-parents. He’s already done a lot putting up with this charade. They’re just here to protect Maxie’s daughter from Peter, nothing more. So go; live his life. He says, this is his life, but she says, end of discussion. Just go work out, or whatever he does to keep so nauseatingly fit. He says, he’ll be back in a few hours, and she says, fine. She probably won’t wait up. He watches her for a moment, then leaves.

At the hospital, TJ tells Portia that he starts his rotation with her tomorrow. What should he expect? She says, he can expect to work like every other newly minted doctor; no special treatment, but he’ll be just fine. Finn and Elizabeth come in, on either side of Marshall, followed by Epiphany. Finn yells for help, and puts Marshall in a wheelchair. Portia tells them to take him to room one, and they wheel Marshall away, Elizabeth running past Epiphany.  

Curtis says he hates to admit it, but Drew makes a good point. Still, even if his father’s reasons for keeping him in the dark were noble, he’s not okay with Marshall only revealing so much about his past, then shutting it down. Drew says he has to warn Curtis that his father may never be willing to open that door, and Curtis says, then maybe he should let Marshall go. Drew’s phone dings, and he says, Ned is hounding him about getting his ELQ shares back from Valentin. He needs to talk Ned off the ledge. Curtis says, good luck with that, and they fist bump. Drew says, regarding Curtis’s father, he doesn’t have to make that decision now. He has a lot of time to figure out a relationship with him for the future. He leaves, and Curtis’s phone rings. It’s Portia, and he says, hey beautiful, and tells her that her ears should be burning; he was talking about her earlier. She says he needs to come to the hospital now. It’s about his father.

Tomorrow, Curtis asks if his father is going to be okay, Finn asks how Elizabeth feels about continuing their date, Alexis thinks that might not be possible, and Sonny says it’s the worst thing he could do.

Vanderpump Rules

In a dual interview, Raquel said the engagement weekend was becoming more elaborate and expensive, and James said he figured the wedding would cost as much as this, times five. The group met at the dock where they boarded a boat. James gave a toast to boat life, and in Raquel’s interview, she said, I’m on a boat bitch. I wasn’t sure what the big deal was, since these people practically live like royalty all the time, and it wasn’t like a mega-yacht. Schwartz and Sandoval talked about retirement, and Schwartz said Katie had told him Lisa expressed disappointment at their speed (or lack thereof) in getting the new bar opened. We flashed back to that, and Sandoval said he thought they were getting microaggressions from Lisa <rolling my eyes> about being so far behind. He told Schwartz that they’d pull it off. In their dual interview, Schwartz said when he retired, he wanted to play in the world series of poker, and wanted a ranch with pigs, goats, lizards, and maybe a mini cow. Sandoval said he wanted to have a cover band and travel the world. He wanted to retire early, and Schwartz said, not too early though.

In Raquel’s interview, she said she thought a lap dance for James would be cute and sexy, but it was harder to do on a moving boat. Tom fluffed on some mineral powder sunscreen, and Ariana said he was using so much, it looked like he’d been dipped in cocaine. James poked a hole in a can of Red Bull and guzzled it. Sandoval thought James handled himself well in apologizing to Brock, and Ariana said James could be charismatic, so even if he was just putting on the charm, they had more patience with him because the group loved each other. If they were fighting, it was because they wanted to resolve a conflict, and be better friends. Sandoval told Brock that he’d do the secret wedding if he could, and Ariana said, they’d be ready to pull the plug if something wasn’t right. In Scheana’s interview, she said she was having second thoughts. She wanted to marry Brock, but not this way. She told Brock that she wanted to put it on hold. She respected her friends, but was also a people pleaser, and had been going along with the plan, even though it wasn’t what she wanted. She did wish she could wear her ring though. In her interview, she said, she respected James and Raquel, but she’d just had something huge happen, and wanted to tell everyone. Sandoval said James and Raquel had family coming in, and Ariana said they weren’t going to do something d*ckish. If there were any weird vibes, the wedding was off.

They group took a bus to an alpaca farm, and Ariana screeched at the alpacas before they even got off the bus. In her interview, she said she would 100% adopt a baby alpaca. She didn’t need Sandoval. Brock announced that the alpaca was the smallest member of the camel family, which I admit, I did not know. He was a font of information, thanks to Google, and in Scheana’s interview, she said he was like a zoologist out of Jumanji. Brock said it was the confident delivery. Ariana wondered if Brock was trying to get a job there, and Lala compared the alpaca mating sounds to the sound Randall made when he wanted to mate. Scheana told Ariana that they weren’t doing the wedding. She didn’t want it to seem like she and Brock were stealing James and Raquel’s thunder.

In the meantime, James and Raquel met Lisa to go horseback riding. James wasn’t too familiar with horses, and Lisa said she couldn’t believe it, since he was so used to acting like a horse’s ass. They came to a clearing where Lisa had a picnic set up. A Vanderpump style picnic, no frills spared. In Lisa’s interview, she said, James was a wild card, but she was rooting for him and his marriage. She hoped he realized how lucky he was to have a woman like Raquel in his life. James said he should have known they weren’t going to be sitting on the ground on a blanket with a basket. Lisa said she was really being selfish, since she’d wanted to have them to herself for a moment, and knew they were spread thin. Other than their parents, no one wanted the best for them more than she did. In her interview, she said, it was a wonderful match, and the best chance James could be given. She didn’t want him to screw it up. James said he knew he looked like a fool, and said foolish things, but he woudn’t be where he was without Raquel. Lisa said he’d come far, but still had far to go. In her interview, Lisa said she’d been the first person to tell James to stop drinking, and we flashed back to her saying it at least once every year he’s been on the show. She told them that she was in their corner.

The alpaca group had champagne, and Brock got up, saying he wanted to make a toast. He and Scheana had something to tell them. Scheana said they’d gotten engaged a few days ago, and in Charli’s interview, she said, WTF is going on? Scheana said her ring was stunning and massive, but she wasn’t wearing it because they didn’t want to make this weekend about them. In Lala’s interview, she said, what was Scheana talking about? In real time, they were watching them make it about them. There were congratulations, and a smattering of applause, but since they wasn’t good enough, Brock said they’d had a side hustle planned. They’d been thinking about sneaking away to get married. The only people who knew were Sandoval and Ariana, who both looked like they wanted the earth to swallow them at that moment. In Sandoval’s interview, he said, WTF? Scheana said it wasn’t sitting right with her, so she stopped it. In Katie’s interview, she said, it was wrong, but she was living for it. They toasted to Brock, Scheana, and the alpacas.

Everyone prepared for the big party, steaming clothing, and glamming up. Raquel gave dad Carey a tour of the party area, and in her interview, she said, even though it cost a lot of pennies, it was worth every one. She said James had wanted her dad’s blessing, and Carey told her, he hadn’t said no, but he hadn’t said yes either. James invited him on a hike, but he realized James wasn’t wearing hiking boots, and got him a pair. He knew it wasn’t about hiking, but something else, and he’d talked to James about being a good husband. In Raquel’s interview, she said, her dad was protective and had a strange sense of humor. She thought his goal was to scare James straight, so he knew his baby girl was going to be taken care of. Carey said he’d welcomed James to the family, and it was the best he could do. James’s mom Jacqueline arrived, and she said dad Andros wouldn’t be coming because of covid restrictions, but he’d be at the wedding. Raquel’s mom Nora came in, along with the famous Grandma Buttons. Buttons checked out Raquel’s ring, and when Raquel asked if it met her expectations, Buttons said, for a starter ring. In James’s interview, he said he wouldn’t have expected two years ago that his and Raquel’s mom would be getting along. It was an engagement party miracle. Raquel’s sister Kate arrived with husband Greg, and in his interview, James said, they were the people he and Raquel loved, his friends, and his family. Grandma Buttons was even there. Why not get married today?

Raquel told James that she was nervous to give a speech, but seeing how happy everyone was to be there, she was overwhelmed with love. We saw a clip of her session with a speech coach, where he told her to take a moment to feel the love and appreciation. Raquel said she had to remind herself that these people wanted to hear what she had to say, and James said he did. Right answer. Nora introduced Lisa to Buttons as the Queen of Beverly Hills, and Lisa acted all humble, but we know she’s really Queen of the World. Raquel came out on the balcony, and thanked everyone for coming. She said she felt blessed, and it was nice to have both families there. James gave her cues from inside, and she talked about meeting him, saying, when she heard his accent, it was game over. Scheana realized James was telling Raquel what to say, and in her interview, she said, we see… Raquel talked about the proposal, and how they were dedicated to each other for the rest of their lives. This time, the applause was enthusiastic, and in Raquel’s interview, she said she was so embarrassed. The perfect speech looked beautiful in her mind, but she didn’t feel she’d ever reach it. James had brought out  a better, stronger version of herself, and she was grateful for that.

Lisa came upon Katie and Ariana being all weepy, and Ariana said they were emotional for a reason other than Raquel’s speech. They’d talked to Randall, and he and his partners wanted to invest $150K in their sandwich shop. We saw a clip of Randall giving them the news, and in Lisa’s interview, she said she was hopeful. The girls had come a long way. They had vision, and now needed execution. Sandoval said he was proud. The only time he’d ever say anything would be… He struggled, and Schwartz said, if they didn’t like the name. Lisa said, if you wanted to get the job done, give it to a woman. Everyone mingled, and Scheana dug her ring out of her bag to show it to Lisa. Lisa said Scheana couldn’t, but Scheana said it didn’t happen there; it had been at home. Katie asked what Lala thought about the alpaca farm bomb drop, and Lala said she was so shook. First, Brock expected them to foot the bill, then he wanted to hijack James and Raquel’s weekend. Lisa told Scheana not to even mention it, while Lala told Katie that while James and Raquel were on a romantic ride, Scheana and Brock made it about them. Scheana told Lisa that she wasn’t wearing her ring, since she didn’t want to make it about her, and Lisa said she couldn’t get married at someone else’s party, but Scheana said, it would have happened yesterday. She said she was going to tell James and Raquel about it tomorrow, but Lisa said they didn’t need to know at all. Let them have their moment. In Lisa’s interview, she said, they needed to sit on it until the weekend was over. Lala asked Katie if she should give James and Raquel a heads up, but Katie said no. Like that’s ever stopped Lala from doing what she wants.

The sun started to go down, blue lights came on, and it looked even more beautiful. Dinner was served, then James said he was going to switch on some tunes, and there would be a party by the dance floor. Sandoval talked with Lisa, and said he’d raised money for the bar, and Lisa said she just wanted him to get started. He said they were waiting on permits before they could break ground, and she said she thought the front was kind of low key; she’d rather see some curb appeal. In Sandoval’s interview, he said, can you back TF off? He told Lisa that he felt stressed when he talked to her about it. She seemed more supportive of the girls, and more critical of him and Schwartz. She said she wanted to feel they were moving forward, and in his interview, Sandoval said, he thought Lisa was hard on them. He wanted to prove that they weren’t idiots, and busted their asses because they took this seriously. He wished he could get her to see they weren’t who they used to be 8 years ago, and recognize who they’d become today. In Lisa’s interview, she said she wanted to see them soar and be successful. She told Sandoval that she thought of them like her children, and talked to them like her children. It was out of love. They hugged it out, and Raquel asked Scheana to be a bridesmaid. Not being able to stand all the happiness, in Lala’s interview, she said, this wasn’t sitting right with her. Scheana and Brock announced their engagement, and said they’d been planning on getting married this weekend. Before James and Scheana, and Katie and Lala, there was James and Lala. She had to have his back. I fail to see how telling someone about something that’s not going to happen, and ruining their day with it, is having their back, but that’s Lala logic for you.

Lala called James over, and told him that Brock and Scheana announced their engagement at the alpaca farm. They’d also been planning on getting married during the weekend. James told Lala, stay there, and called Brock over. He said Lala told him that Brock was thinking of getting married there, and in Brock’s interview, he said, here we f***ing go. Lala is f***ing it up for everybody. Brock told James that Scheana shut him down, but James said, it was so disrespectful. Brock needed to work on knowing his place. James had spent thousands on the weekend. Brock said, summer wasn’t just about them, and Lala said, the weekend was. Brock said Scheana hadn’t worn her ring, and James said, good. They started to get loud, and in Brock’s interview, he said, it was David versus Goliath, and he’s f***ing David, so he wins… no, he’s Goliath… dumb analogy. All I had to say was, wow. James said Brock was yelling at him during his party, and his family was there. Brock was rude and obnoxious, and he was embarrassed for Brock. Raquel finally joined them, and asked what was going on. James badgered Sandoval about saying it was disrespectful, but Sandoval either wasn’t sure about that, or was too drunk to commit. Lala asked if Sandoval was defending Brock, and in Sandoval’s interview, he said, it was typical Lala; shoot first, ask questions later, and put her spin on it. Then Raquel became involved, and said, Scheana and Brock were engaged, and announced it without her and James being there? Scheana started wagging her finger in Lala’s face, and when Lala told her to knock it off, Sandoval said it was a conversation Lala decided to get herself into. In his interview, he said, Lala spent all summer saying she was just looking out for Scheana’s best interests, but he thought she didn’t want to see Scheana happy. Lala told Scheana, it was tacky AF to announce her engagement.

Lala let Randall in on what was going on, and said, James was her boy, and Brock and Scheana used his engagement weekend as their platform. Ariana said, James was her boy too, and Lala was putting her own spin on it. In Ariana’s interview, she said, there was no need to tell James in the middle of the party. Lala wasn’t doing it for her boy. She ruined his party. Scheana said she was planning to tell Raquel after the party, but Raquel said, she and James should have been the ones Brock and Scheana confided in. Charli tried to insert herself into the conversation – I’m starting to think they need a flyswatter for that one – and said, this was not the time or place. It was pretty loud at this point, and some of the guests were either craning their necks or shaking their heads, but no one who had ever seen this show should have been surprised. Brock said James could have handled it better, and Scheana started crying. She wailed that she hadn’t even worn her ring, since she didn’t want to take anything away from Raquel, and told Raquel that she woudn’t have gotten married without her. In Raquel’s interview, she said, that Scheana and Brock would consider getting married during her and James’s engagement trip was disrespectful as it was. But then to tell everyone, and not include them, who does that? Raquel said they were the last to know, and Scheana said, they saved the best for last? (her question mark) but Raquel wasn’t having it. James said he’d spent thousands, and had their families flown out. Grandma Buttons is here.

Jacqueline suggested they leave this bullsh*t for another day, and James said he didn’t want Brock there anymore. Brock agreed, and left, James saying, he’d ruined their day. Scheana saw Brock on his way out, and asked what James said. Brock said, James told him to get TF out of his party, and she asked if she was kicked out too. He told her that he wanted her to stay; put her ring on and stay, since the cat was out of the bag. She was hesitant, but he unearthed her ring from her bag, and put it on her finger. He told her that he loved her, and left. In Brock’s interview, he said he knew that now he’d have to do more for their approval. F*** their approval. James told Raquel that what Scheana and Brock did was cheap and nasty. Lisa asked if James was okay, and Raquel said it wasn’t going as expected. Lisa said they were getting married because they loved each other. James had held it together and was reasonable, and if he did that in their relationship, things would work well. In Lisa’s interview, she said, this was the only time she was supportive of James being pissed off and reactionary. She probably would have done the same. James said they wouldn’t be sitting down and making up by the fire later, and in his interview, he said, in the past, snakes in the grass had ruined his nights. They’d always gotten the best of him, but not tonight. He would not let it ruin his night. He was going to flip the script, and keep it positive. The show must go on.

James went back and took the stage, doing his DJ thing. In Scheana’s interview, she said, she felt like she knew better than anyone what it took to be part of the group. Some of them were meant to be friends forever, and some were not. In Lala’s interview, she said they were dysfunctional AF, and if you got in with them, you got in where you fit in.

No preview, since this was the finale, but the Reunion is sure to be a mess. Hot or not remains to be seen, but it looks like that’s where Raquel gave James his ring back.

🍸 In a Shocking Twist…

You can check out the Reunion trailer here. It looks like it’s going to be a doozie.

🛌🏽 Laying Me Down To Sleep…

Look me up tomorrow for some soap and the latest in the OC. Until then, stay safe, stay persevering, and stay not keeping your emotions bottled up. It doesn’t do a body good.

January 17, 2022 – Brick Warns Sonny About a New Player, Vow Renewal On Deck, It’s Back, Salty Talk, Betty’s Birthday, Fit For a King & Dream


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the gym, Drew tells Michael that his shares were in a trust for Scout, and Sam signed the proxy over to Valentin. So assuming he can figure all that out… Michael says he’d have to remove the proverbial gloves, and get in a bare-knuckle brawl with the family. Drew says, been there, done that? and Michael says, he’d hoped for a knockout in the hearing, but Nina walked away without a scratch. The way she keeps coming between his mom and dad, this fight isn’t going to end any time soon.

In her office, Nina flashes back to saying Carly is going to drive Sonny away for good, and if Sonny comes to her, she’s definitely not going to send him away. Britt knocks at the door, and asks if it’s a bad time.

Carly tells Donna and Avery that she knows she’s been working a lot, but she’s going to be there every morning to take them to school, and every night to put them to bed. Sonny says, there’s no school today, so Laura is going to take them sledding. Avery asks if Carly can come, and Carly says she wishes she could, but she has so much work to do. She’s working all day, and all night. Sonny says he knows they’re disappointed, but they’ve just got to make the best of things. So why don’t they find Pilar? Carly tells them not to forget their mittens, and they go upstairs. Sonny says, Pilar always makes sure they have their mittens, and Carly says she’s just looking out for their girls. He says, they’d be a lot happier if she stayed home. So would he.

At the Savoy, Laura says she’s sorry she missed Curtis on New Year’s. She wanted to ring in the New Year with him, and pray for a better year. He says he’s sorry he missed her, but 2022 is off to a great start. She says she thinks she knows that look. Did he ring in the New Year with Portia? He says, and then some, and she laughs. He says, enough about him; what about her? She says she got tired of hiding, and he asks if that means Cyrus is no longer a threat. She says, it means she went to pay a visit to him in person before she came home, and he asks what Cyrus had to say. She tells him to brace himself. He claims he found religion. He says, Cyrus Renault is holy. So he found religion? She says, or seen the light; whatever version Curtis prefers. He says, pardon him if he finds it hard to believe, when he can still feel the scar where the man shot him, and she says she’s pretty skeptical too. Like everything Cyrus does, it’s sort of bigger than life and kind of flashy. He asks what she thinks Cyrus’s angle is. Is he trying to gain sympathy, or is he trying to gain the ear of some powerful person who will fall for it? She says she’s not sure; time will tell. He says, if recent events have taught him anything, it’s that time doesn’t change people like that. It only brings out the worst in them. She says, they’re not talking about Cyrus anymore, are they?

In an examining room, Marshall tells Epiphany that he doesn’t need an x-ray, but she says, he came to the hospital. It’s her job to be thorough. He’s going to sit tight and she’s going to schedule things with radiology. She drops his chart, and he picks it up and hands it to her. She asks if that’s not his injured wrist, and he says, maybe it’s the other one. She says, Mr. Ashford… and he asks her to call him Marshall. She says, Mr. Ashford. Her break’s almost over, and she has legitimate patients to see who have real issues, so if he doesn’t mind… He says, okay, he’s busted. His wrists are fine. He was just trying to get her attention. He hasn’t seen her since he asked her to join his band, after they teamed up and serenaded the GH patients for Christmas. She says she remembers, but he says she didn’t give him an answer one way or the other, which is better than a cold, hard pass, but he’s texted her since and no response. So it begs the question, is she not interested in his music, or him?

Michael says he wants to talk about his parents rocky marriage about as much as Drew wants to talk about ELQ. Drew says, fair enough, and Michael asks how it’s going with Drew’s little girl; they’re reunited again. Drew says, it’s the best thing in the whole world. It blew him away how much she’s grown. She was a little shy at first, but every time they get together, it gets better and better. It’s like they’re building a vocabulary of their common experience; it’s so in the moment. Michael asks if Drew is building a vocabulary with Sam, since he’s clearly out of the loop, and Drew says, she’s moved on. He doesn’t blame her; Michael’s brother Dante is a great guy. Michael says, he’s one of the best, but so is Drew. Drew says, you know what they say about nice guys, but Michael says, that’s not necessarily true. They don’t always finish last. Maybe he could help Drew prove it.

Nina says she doubts Britt is just there to check up on her, but Britt says, they made a pact at Nathan’s grave to always support each other. She takes that very seriously, and she heard what happened at Nina’s hearing; quite the bombshell. Nina says, as Britt can see, she walked away without a scratch, but Britt says, take it from a doctor; some scratches only show up on the inside. Nina takes it Britt and her mother have been talking about this. Let her guess. Obrecht thinks she’s busy licking her wounds, but she can assure Britt… Britt says, Nina is a big girl. She knows Nina can handle it. Nina thanks Britt for not seeing her as a victim, and Britt says, no way. It sounds to her like Nina left the hearing with her head held high, and Carly’s head was left spinning. What about Sonny? Nina says, what about him? and Britt says, from what she hears, the two of them are in an interesting place. Nina says, let’s cut to the chase. What does Britt want? Britt says she has a friend who’s in a bit of a sticky situation, and he has an aunt who’s even more lethal than her mother. She called in a favor that her friend delivered, and now he’s afraid she’s going to hold it over his head. Nina says, no offense, but Britt isn’t known to have a ton of friends. Are they talking about Brad Cooper? Britt says, yes, and he needs help; the kind of help Sonny Corinthos can deliver. Nina says, and Britt wants her to get him to deliver it.

Sonny says he’s not going to lie to Carly. It’s only been one night, and he misses her. She says she misses him too, and he asks why they’re wasting every precious moment staying apart. She called his bluff, and went to the MetroCourt, and proved her point. So let’s figure out what we need to move forward. She says she’s not trying to prove a point, and she’s not trying to call his bluff. She meant what she said. She needs some time to herself. She needs to wrap her head around what came out at that hearing. And not just Willow’s testimony. He admitted he had feelings for Nina. He says, they can’t get through that if they’re sleeping in separate beds or avoiding each other instead of working this out. She says she was tagged in an email from the pharmacy. Did he refill his prescription? He sighs, and says, for a second there, he thought she didn’t care, and she says, did he? He flashes back to throwing the pill bottle across the kitchen, and he says he’s on it; don’t try to change the subject. He’s going to give her the time she wants, but he’s not giving up on their marriage. Is she?

Curtis says, while Laura was away at the safe house, being protected from Cyrus, his life has been a lot less eventful. Which is why he traded his P.I. license for a liquor license, which she framed and hand delivered. Now he’s just a hard-working club owner, chasing down a million minute details. She asks why she feels like he left out a story or two in his very uneventful life. She’s kept in touch with Jordan. She’s recuperating, and told her that things are going very well with him and Portia. And Doc has given her glowing reviews about how TJ is excelling at the hospital. So did somebody else get under his skin? He says she does know him, and she says she can tell he’s trying to tough something out, and she knows he can handle anything, but maybe she can help if he lets her.

Epiphany says she and Marshall did make some beautiful music on Christmas, but when she made the mistake of thinking he had some personal interest in her, he told her that he wasn’t in the market for a social life. He says, so it’s not the music; it’s him. She says, he might be on wiz on that clarinet, but he’s just like every other man she’s met in her life. He thinks it’s all about him. There was somebody else who thought it was all about him too, and he took her job from her. Compared to him, Marshall’s a saint, but she got her job back, and that’s all that matters. He says, understood, but he began to think she was mad at him because he mistakenly called her doctor.

Michael tells Drew, he feels like a placeholder at Aurora. He took the job because Sam asked him to, and it gave him a place to land when he was out as CEO at ELQ. Drew says, Sam told him that Michael is doing an incredible job. The profits are up at Aurora, and Michael is making it respected throughout the industry. Michael says, thanks, but Drew set the standard. He’s just doing his best to maintain it. Aurora is Drew’s vision – always has been, always will be. He’s more than willing to step aside and let Drew take his rightful place behind the desk, and start calling the shots again. If that’s what Drew wants.

Britt tells Nina, Brad’s done some terrible things, but he’s paid for them. Not only by doing his time in Pentenville; he lost his husband and his son. His aunt came to him with a chance for parole and he took it. Nina asks what exactly she asked him to do, and Britt says, did she ask Nina for a play-by-play of her time in Nixon Falls with Sonny? Nina says she guesses Britt thinks she knows enough to ask her for a favor. What does she want Sonny to do? Britt says, Sonny can be very persuasive. If he were to intercede on Brad’s behalf… Nina says, hold on. Sonny hates Brad. Brad kept Michael away from his son for a year. Sonny’s never going to forget that. Britt says, not even for Nina? and Nina walks into the reception area. Following her, Britt says, according to the testimony at Nina’s hearing, she has pull with Sonny. Nina says, it doesn’t matter what was said at the hearing. All that matters is, Sonny loves Carly. Nothing else matters. Britt says, not even how Sonny feels about Nina, or Nina feels about him?

Carly tells Sonny not to force her to make decisions about their marriage on her timetable, but he says, he’s not forcing her to do anything. As if he ever could. But she’s not going to stop him from telling her about how he feels and what he wants, and what he wants is their marriage, her, their family. That’s what happened when he wasn’t himself. It wasn’t the medication; it was the memories that brought him back to her, and brought him back to their kids. If she doesn’t trust how he feels about her – if she can’t cross that bridge – trust how she feels about him. That’s going to tell her all she needs to know. Carly says she knows how she feels about him. Everything would be so much easier if she didn’t. He says, it’s never been easy with them; that’s just the way it is. It’s not who they are, but in the end, it’s always good. The door opens, and Brick comes in. He says he loves those guards. They wave him in like he’s one of the family… On the other hand, maybe they shouldn’t have called him up. He feels like he walked into the middle of something.

Laura says, so this guy shows up, claims to be Curtis’s father who died decades ago? Wow. She can see why he’s skeptical. Just because the guy has a few details and photos doesn’t necessarily mean he’s who he claims to be. Curtis says he’s a trained P.I.; he’s trained to be skeptical. Pictures can be doctored, stories can be invented. He was sure this mystery man was up to no good. Then Aunt Stella confirmed it. Marshall Ashford is the man who abandoned them all those years ago, and let them believe he was dead. Now this man comes back to Port Charles, and wants to reconnect, and wants to start fresh. TJ, God bless him, he’s all for it. He was ready to accept Marshall as his grandpa from the jump. She says, he’s never been hurt by this man. What about Curtis? Is he ready accept his father back in his life?

Epiphany asks if Marshall is saying there’s something wrong with being a nurse, but he says, not at all. He thinks it’s a noble profession. He’s sorry if he touched a nerve by assuming she wanted an MD after her name. She says, if she overreacted, it’s because there was a time she did have dreams about being a doctor. When she was in high school, she used to haunt the library, pouring over the Gray’s Anatomythe book, not the TV series. She even took an after school job with a vet, so she could assist her when the vet was setting a broken bone for a cat, or stitching up a dog. He says, that takes real dedication. So what happened? Why didn’t she follow her dream?

Drew tells Michael, he started Aurora Media with Sam. It was more than a company for them. It was so they could break free from a life of uncertainty and danger, for the family they wanted to create. Michael says, and a life working closely with his dad, and Drew says he realizes when he stepped away, he probably dampened his friendship with Sonny. Sometimes he wonders if it was the right thing. Michael tells him not to second guess himself. He was right to distance himself from Michael’s father.

Nina tells Britt that she cares about Sonny way too much to get in between him and Carly. Britt says, that didn’t stop her in Nixon Falls, and Nina says, Nixon Falls was a fantasy. Now she’s back here in reality, and Sonny’s reality is at home with his wife and his children, both the older ones and the two little girls at his home. She doesn’t want to be the cliché, the heartless homewrecker. Britt says she understands, but is Nina sure there’s still a home left to wreck?

Carly hugs Brick, and says, he is family. He’s always welcome and never an interruption. He says, what that really means is, he stepped in it, didn’t he? but Sonny says, when Carly gives you a pass, you take it. Brick says, Sonny talked him into it, and hugs Carly again. She says, it’s good to see him, but she has a feeling they need to talk business, and she needs to get to the hotel. Tell the girls that she’ll be home later tonight to see them. Sonny says he’ll see her then, and she leaves. Brick says, she’s gone now; it’s just the two of them. What’s going on with him and Carly?

Curtis tells Laura, when Marshall first came here, he wanted to forget the past and start over. Curtis made it abundantly clear that was not okay. When they started talking, Marshall said he got mixed up in some bad business; got on the wrong side of some seriously dangerous people. Not long after that, he went off the radar. She says she can relate to that, and he says he thought she might. She says, if his situation was anything like with her, he had no choice. Stay with the family, put the family at risk; stay underground and the family is safe. He says, that’s exactly what Marshall told him, and she says, so if Marshall’s story is true, Curtis has to face something she’s not sure he’s willing to accept. No matter how much his father hurt him, he did it out of love.

Epiphany tells Marshall, why didn’t she become a doctor? It’s a long story, and her break’s almost over. He says, she’s still got a few minutes. She can skip the lollypop or whatever she rewards her patients with, and just tell him, what happened that she didn’t become Epiphany Johnson, MD? She says, life happened, and he says, meaning? She says, you dream big, work hard, and you learn sometimes things don’t go the way you planned them to. He says, been there for sure, but it’s not too late for him. She tells him, says him, and he says, he wouldn’t have moved to Port Charles if he didn’t believe that. And if it’s not too late for him, it’s not too late for her.

Drew says he thought Michael was devoted to his father. He knows Michael didn’t go into the business, and took the corporate route, but he didn’t think Michael was ashamed to be a Corinthos. Michael says, it’s not that; he’s not ashamed of his last name. It’s just that he and his dad have had their differences in the past… and in the present. Drew asks, how so? and Michael says, his dad defended Nina in court, despite all the harm she did to him and their entire family, especially his mother. Drew says he saw Carly last night at the MetroCourt; she seemed pretty upset, but Michael knows his mom. If she’s not okay now, she’ll find a way to be okay very soon.

At the MetroCourt, Carly says, sorry to keep Diane waiting, but Diane says, that’s okay; she’s on her third mimosa. Carly says, really? but Diane says, just coffee. Carly sits with her, and Diane asks if someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Carly says, wrong side, wrong bed, and Diane asks whose bed they’re talking about. Carly says, her bed, but not at her house; she’s staying in the hotel. Diane tells her, before she says another word, did Carly ask to speak to her as her friend or attorney? Carly says, friend. She’s sure Diane heard all the dirty laundry that came out at Nina’s hearing, and Diane says she got the general gist; she’s so sorry. Carly says, it’s not like she stopped loving Sonny, and she adores the girls, but is staying in a broken marriage good for Donna and Avery? Is love enough? Diane says, in her vast experience, she’s found it takes more than two people to break up a marriage. Carly says, so Diane knows what she’s up against, and Diane says, Sonny and Nina had a relationship in Nixon Falls, and Sonny is continuing to protect Nina in Port Charles. Carly says, that’s why she’s staying at the hotel. She needs some space to clear her head, figure out what her options are, what’s best for the girls, and if things start going south… Diane says she’s going to stop Carly there.

Sonny tells Brick, this is about marriage; something Brick knows little about. Brick says, fair enough, but he does know something about trouble, and he knows Sonny’s got it. And he’s not talking about Sonny’s marriage. One of his suppliers on the left coast is out of business, permanently. His going out of business sale was brought on by a brand new player, a complete unknown. Sonny says, players come and go, and Brick asks if Sonny is listening to him. This dude just took out one of Sonny’s players. That’s like waving a red flag in front of el toro, even from 2000 miles away. Sonny asks if this player has a name, and Brick says, everybody’s got a name; he’s working on it. Sonny says, Cyrus made noise about someone filling the power vacuum he left in the west, and Brick says, it could be part of the same party. Sonny says, he’ll ask around. He makes an aggressive move, then rubs his forehead, saying, he’s got a lot on his mind. Brick says, pardon him for asking, but such as? Sonny shakes his head, and Brick says, okay. He was just being a friend. He’s going to say it for Sonny, whether he wants to hear it or not. One man, two women; it’s one too many.

Nina tells Britt, of course (🍷) there’s still a home to wreck; two little girls are living in it. Britt asks how Nina can be so sure, and Nina says, Carly was standing at the same spot Britt is two days ago. Britt says, Carly came here looking for Nina? She hopes Nina had on body armor. What happened? Nina says, before Carly slapped her across the face? and Britt says, ouch. Nina says, Britt can guess what Carly had to say. She blames Nina for what Willow said on the witness stand, and blames her for what Sonny confirmed on the witness stand, even though she and Sonny never… Britt says, they might have. And they still might, if Carly keeps driving him into Nina’s arms. Is that what earned Nina the slap? Nina says, she told Carly that if Sonny showed up on her doorstep again, she woudn’t say no. Britt says, from what she’s been hearing, Sonny didn’t come back to a marriage. Sounds more like a prison with two unhappy people locked inside. Doesn’t Nina think she might be doing Sonny, and Carly, a favor if she gave him the key?

Curtis asks Laura, if Marshall was really trying to protect his family by dropping out of sight, why risk it now? She says, that’s an excellent question, and she’s sure Curtis asked it. What did he say? Curtis says, it was more about what he didn’t say. He said the danger is less, but he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, give proof to back it up. He warned Curtis against digging into his past. He said the only way to keep Aunt Stella and TJ safe was to let things be. She says, and he might be right about that, but Curtis says, or he might be blowing smoke. He doesn’t know what to believe, or if this man is even telling the truth.

Marshall says Epiphany can be anything she sets her mind to, and she says, like becoming a doctor? He tells her, he didn’t say it would be easy. She can start small; baby steps. She says, by joining his band? and they laugh. He says, warmer, but he was thinking about something a little easier, like dinner for two. She says, she thought he said he wasn’t into having a social life, and he says, he misspoke. He’s new in town, and he’s still putting one toe in the water, and the water is brutal in western New York this time of year. What does she say? Can they start over?

Drew says, it’s the second time he ran into Michael’s mom; the first time was on the footbridge. He had the distinct feeing he was not who she wanted to see. Not that she blames him for Jason’s death, it’s just, he’s still alive. Michael says, and Jason’s not, and Drew says, last night seemed different. She really needed someone to talk to, and he just happened to be there. If she could confide in him, of all people, it made him that maybe she’s… Michael says, desperate? and Drew laughs, saying, thanks. That’s good for his ego. Michael says, he meant he’s glad Drew was there for his mom. Drew says, him too.

Carly says she doesn’t understand. She thought she could tell Diane anything. Diane says, of course (🍷) she can, and trust her, she’s heard everything. As Carly’s friend, she’d never judge her or Sonny, but if they’re talking about a potential separation and possible divorce, just as Carly has her on retainer, Sonny has her on retainer. She can’t represent one of them without recusing herself of the other. Carly says she’s sorry. She didn’t mean to put Diane in an awkward position. Diane says, welcome to the wonderful world of domestic law. Whatever decision Carly makes, it will be one she doesn’t make lightly. Carly has to be honest with herself. Is this a step she wants to take?

Brick says he knows his way out, but Sonny says he guesses it’s public knowledge, everything that came out during the hearing. Brick says, people talk; it’s his business to listen. Unless of course (🍷), Sonny only values his electronics expertise, and not his friendship. Sonny says, Brick knows that’s not true. He appreciates everything Brick does, and appreciates Brick coming to him with this threat on the west coast. He has to keep his eyes open, right? Brick says he does, and Sonny says, as far as what Brick walked in on… Brick says he knows Sonny misses Jason a lot. He misses Jason too. Not that anyone could replace Jason in Sonny’s business or his life, he’s just saying, if there’s anything he can do, or any way he can help, he’s there for Sonny. Sonny says he appreciates that. This nameless threat is child’s play compared to what he and Carly are going through. It’s like they’re going through a maze and they’re lost. Brick suggests he drop some breadcrumbs and leave a trail, but Sonny says, they have to work this one out for themselves.

Nina tells Britt, she’s not going to take advantage of what may or may not be happening in Sonny’s home, and Britt says, it’s so obvious what Nina wants. Why doesn’t she just go for it? Nina asks why she’s getting the feeling there’s something more to this than Britt encouraging her to follow her heart? What’s in it for Britt? Britt says, fine. She thought Nina wanted an objective opinion; God forbid a friend, but from now on, Nina can make her own mistakes. She gets up, and Nina says, wait. She’s a little tired of being the other woman without the benefits. Britt says, yes; now they’re talking. The question is, what does Nina want to do about it?

Curtis says he’s sorry to lay all his troubles on Laura, but she says she didn’t just come home to snip ribbons in the strip mall. She wanted to see the people she loves, and hopes he knows he’s one of them. He thanks her, and says, balancing the budget of Port Charles has got to be simpler than unraveling the mystery that is Marshall Ashford. She says she thinks she can solve one mystery for him, and he asks, what’s that? She says, despite Curtis’s doubts and questions, she thinks he does want to have a relationship with his father. Maybe even more than his father wants one with him. He thanks her for her insights, and hugs her. She tells him to take care of himself and let her know how it goes, and she leaves.  

Epiphany tells Marshall that her break’s over; she has work to do. He says, understood, and starts to leave. She says she has an idea, and he says, he’s listening. She asks how he feels about prime rib, grilled to perfection, and he says, medium rare? She says, mm-hm, and he says, with blue cheese? She says, mm-hm, If he’s serious about dinner, her shift ends at six. The PC Grill has some of the best food around, and a fantastic wine list. He says, that sounds great, and maybe she can finish that long story of hers. She says, we’ll see, and he says, okay then. He’s looking forward. She says, her too, and he leaves.

Drew tells Michael, for what it’s worth(🍷), when he left Carly last night, he’s pretty sure he saw that spark back in her eye. Michael’s mom might be down, but she’s not out. Michael says he’s glad to hear it. Honestly, it’s getting harder for his mom and dad to put the pieces back together again. Drew says, all Michael can do is trust their love for each other is stronger than anything, or anyone, that comes between them. Michael says, he never used to doubt that, but now… Drew says, Michael knows he can’t fix this for them; that’s their job. All he can do is be there if they need him. The two of them leave the gym.

Carly tells Diane that she doesn’t know what she’s prepared to do, and Diane asks if that doesn’t speak volumes. If Carly was ready to pull the plug on her marriage to Sonny, they’d be sitting there as attorney and client, not two girlfriends. Carly says, maybe, and Diane says, perhaps Carly wants to fight for her marriage more than she realizes. Call her if she needs to talk – Diane gets up – as client or as a friend. She squeezes Carly’s shoulder, and leaves.

Nina tells Britt, there’s nothing for her to do, as long as Sonny, Carly, and their children are living under the same roof. She’s just an outsider, looking in, and she’s not going to break up their family. As far as Brad is concerned, she’s in no position to ask Sonny for any favors. Britt says, she won’t take no for an answer. So if Nina can’t or won’t reach out to Sonny on Brad’s behalf, she’ll do it herself. I don’t know why she doesn’t, since Sonny expressed a fondness for her after Jason died. And I use the term died loosely.

Sonny tells Brick, if he hears any more chatter about Mr. Nobody, let him know. Brick says he’s got it. In the meantime, he’s in town for the next few days. How about if they go out to dinner, all three of them; him, Sonny, and Carly. Sonny says he’d love to, but he thinks Carly is probably busy at the MetroCourt. Sonny’s phone rings, and Brick asks if he needs to take that. It stops ringing, and Sonny says, I guess not.

Nina tells Britt, hang up the phone, but Britt says, he picked up. Hey, Sonny. Avery says her daddy isn’t here, and Mama Carly isn’t here either. Britt says, okay, never mind, and thanks Avery. Nina asks what Avery said, and Britt tells her that she’s not entirely sure, but it sure sounded like Carly moved out of the house.

Wow. Even though she’s correct, that’s a big leap from Avery saying Carly’s not there to her having moved out.

Tomorrow, Portia tells Terry, maybe Camelot is closer than she thinks; Epiphany tells Marshall that she doesn’t want to hear any arguments; and Maxie says, she’s not going back to that cabin.

Below Deck

When we last left, Fraser was comforting Rayna who misconstrued Eddie and the captain’s attempt to make her feel better about things.

In Rayna’s interview, she said, she felt alone, and couldn’t act happy when her feelings were played with like a puppet. Eddie tried to get Rayna to tell him what the problem was, but she said she just needed a minute. In Heather’s interview, she said they weren’t even halfway through the charter, and still had a beach picnic and vow renewal. She was relieved Kaylee was coming to save the day. Guest Melissa got water in her ear, and stayed in her room, so Heather delivered breakfast to her. Fraser asked Wes what was up with Rayna, and Fraser said, Rayna wasn’t fine, but she would be. Fraser relayed that to Heather, adding that he thought it was code for, nothing’s okay on deck. Eddie questioned Rayna again about what had happened, and she brought up Heather having used the n-word. She told Eddie that Heather had apologized, but it didn’t feel right. She said, the first time she’d told him, Eddie said it shouldn’t bother her, which confused Eddie, since that wasn’t what he said. He asked what had happened this morning, but Rayna was like, later. Rachel told primary Tony that she was making Japanese for dinner, and he said it was one of his favorite places in the world. Captain Lee told Eddie that Rayna had sounded like someone in distress, and asked if he found out what the problem was. Eddie told him about Heather using the n-word, and said Heather hadn’t directed it at Rayna, but apologized. In his interview, the captain said he personally found the word offensive, and couldn’t think of any context where it would be okay. Eddie told Captain Lee it had been about something else this morning, but Rayna didn’t want to talk about it. The captain said they had to get to the bottom of it.

Eddie took Wes, Fraser, and Rayna to set up for the picnic. Still not feeling well, Melissa decided to stay behind with husband Pete. Fraser told Rayna that he was hoping the new stew would do the things he hated, like laundry. From the beach, they saw the small boat bringing Kaylee to the yacht, and in Fraser’s interview, he said he felt betrayed. He’d earned his place with Heather, and they worked well together. He was still the best bitch on the boat.

Shitten You Not Bay. In Kaylee’s interview, she said she was coming in mid-charter, and had no idea what she was coming into. She and Heather had been roommates on the last boat, and were good friends. Heather had the spotlight, and Kaylee was in the background, where she still got light, and she was okay with that. The guests played cornhole on the beach, while Captain Lee went over the vows they’d be saying. In his interview, he said he didn’t know why anyone needed a vow renewal, but he’d been volunteered. He guessed he was good with it – said no one ever. Jake chatted with Kaylee in the crew mess, and when the guests came back, they gave her a big woohoo. Kaylee introduced herself as she handed out warm towels. Tony and wife Porcha went off on the jet skis, and Fraser was given a break. In his interview, he said he was happy to hear the word break, and when he came back, Kaylee could do laundry while he tended bar.  

Eddie tried to pin down Rayna again, and told her, what Heather said was uncalled for, and he had her back. Rayna said, it bothered her more that he’d shrugged it off, but he said if he’d heard that happen, he would have shut it down; it was not okay in any way, shape, or form. He wondered if it could be worked out with Heather, but got a hard no. Rayna said she could work with Heather without being friends, and Eddie said if there was anything he could do to make Rayna more comfortable, let him know.

Heather introduced Kaylee around, and in Rachel’s interview, she was excited about the Japanese dinner. In Japan, they didn’t reinvent the wheel; they just perfected it. She told us, every finite detail had to come to the table perfectly, and she may or may not be a control freak. Captain Lee joined the guests for dinner, wearing his dress uniform, and Tony asked for permission to be seated. Jake flirted with Kaylee, but in her interview, she said she was okay with being single. Tony told the captain that the trip was exceeding expectation. He said guest Darion was the new cornhole king, and sometimes you had to let people win. Tony pronounced the first course of seaweed salad amazing, and it looked amazing. The next course was a delicious-looking miso soup, but Melissa said her ear was painful when she chewed. Poached egg with caviar was next, followed by a rice cake, but not the kind of dry desperation snack you get in the grocery store; a real cake made of rice. The captain said he’d never had the same meal twice from Rachel, and I thought, unlike Chef Leon, who made beef cheeks every chance he got. Melissa ended up leaving the table, and in Heather’s interview, she said it was a huge bummer. It was a situation she couldn’t control, but it could still be a reason they lost tip money. There was an ice cream concoction for dessert, and in Rachel’s interview, she said, dear God. Thirty thousand tip, here we come. I think this is my favorite meal since I’ve been vicariously cruising with them.

It was time for the vow renewal, and Heather made up a reason to get the wives off the deck for a moment, so it was a surprise when everything was in place. Captain Lee told the couples, in these tumultuous, sometimes frightening times, they had each other. They were there to celebrate their bonds with each other, and the vows they’d taken. The captain then gave a renewal spin to the traditional vows, ending with, as I continue life with you, to which the couples said, I do. The crew applauded, and in Rayna’s interview, she said the way the men looked at their wives was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. She loved Black love, and it was something people her age needed to see. Agreed. Afterward, Captain Lee asked Eddie about Rayna, and Eddie said he felt deflated after they talked. It seemed her main issue was with him. She was accusing him of brushing off her concerns. We flashed back to Rayna waking Eddie up to tell him about Heather, and him talking to her for a while. He did tell her to try and separate personal stuff from work, but it wasn’t like he brushed it off. The captain told Eddie that he wanted Rayna to be comfortable, but as long as she was doing her job, that was all he cared about. I don’t think he meant it as bad as it sounded. It was more like, they’d tried several t times to ask her what was wrong, and there was nothing more they could do.

Rachel’s departure day breakfast special was a seafood omelet with caviar, or chicken and waffles. Yes please! In Fraser’s interview, he said so far, so good with Kaylee, but his first impressions were mostly incorrect. So he was hoping for the best. The captain radioed for the crew to go to the main deck in their whites. The guests said goodbye, and guest Bonnie gave Rachel a Navy service pin as a thank you. In Rachel’s interview, she said they weren’t given out often, and it meant a great deal to her. Tony said he searched for superlatives, but couldn’t come up with anything – they were that good. They loved the crew. He asked for permission to go ashore. I loved the whole respect thing Tony gave the captain. When the guests were gone, the crew changed, and started turning over the boat.

Fraser told Heather and Kaylee about getting sprayed in the face with a bidet, and in his interview, he said, no one uses them, ever. It was time for the tip meeting, and Captain Lee said they’d gotten a good dose of military personnel, and rose to the occasion, taking pride in their work. The tip was $25K, or $2270 each. Since Kaylee got to partake of that share – the captain saying she was appreciated – I’m sure that steamed the rest of the crew, although no one made a peep. The captain told them to work hard until 5, and they’d be leaving the dock at 11 am. Another one bites the dust. Heather said, one more, and Kaylee did laundry. The crew got ready to go out.

On the way to the restaurant, Rayna told Fraser that she liked Kaylee, but wasn’t happy to be out money. Still, not an awful complaint. Fraser said Kaylee genuinely helped, and she was great. At the table, he raised his glass, welcomed Kaylee, and toasted to a successful trip. Rachel thanked Rayna for her help in the galley, and everyone else who helped. Rayna said cooking excited her, and she felt it was time she needed to figure things out. Rachel suggested she go to the country to study. In Rayna’s interview, she said it was something she’d like to take seriously in the future. Eddie said Rayna was a kickass deckhand, but she shined in the galley. It’s where she was laser focused. Rayna noticed Jake wearing a colorful thong under his pants, and he danced around with his pants lowered. Rayna said she wished she had that much confidence. Fraser went to sit with Heather and Kaylee, and said, when he heard Kaylee was coming, he thought his efforts were void. She took the initiative and respected him, and he appreciated it. In his interview, he said he had a different perspective now. He was being an immature, insecure brat. He said he appreciated Kaylee, and Heather said that meant the world to her. On their way back, Jake took off his shirt, and jumped into the pool in the restaurant courtyard, which I don’t think was for swimming. Fraser said he wasn’t sharing a back seat with Jake.  

Back at the boat, Wes ate chips, lying on a crew mess bench, and dropping them into his mouth. Eddie tried to fix a bidet, and Jake and Fraser had another drink on deck. Jake said Fraser would be the one he stayed friends with after the season, and in his interview, he said, as different as they were, he and Jake were friends for life.

Next time, primary Jennifer is a real estate entrepreneur who wants the trip of a lifetime; the guests are Hamilton fans; Heather is grumpy and over people being grumpy and over it; a guest whines for champagne; Captain Lee says, the crew better either get their heads out of their asses, or he’ll eat their asses; and something else falls off the boat.

🏖 Summer House is back again. Didn’t we just leave these awful people? They’re worse than a bad penny. Or a toxic boomerang. The main takeaway points were as follows. Carl was getting his act together, doing things like going to AA meetings. He said he needed to be more serene, but I failed to see how being on this show, or dating Lindsay, of all people, was going to help with that. Kyle’s motto this season was, go big or go home, but it looked like the only big thing will be his out-of-control drinking. Paige had dated Andrea after Vermont’s Winter House, but he asked her to stop seeing other people, and she didn’t want to give up being single. At the time of filming, she’d been with Craig (Southern Charm) for two months, but they weren’t exclusive, and free to do what they wanted. We also found out that Lindsay had been pregnant by Carl, but lost the baby. It didn’t take long for Kyle to make a drunken ass of himself, and Amanda to be pissed off. Word on the street had it, if the wedding was called off, he’d have to pay back her parents. My only question is, why are 50 45 40 35 year olds acting like they’re twenty, and have never been out of the house? Otherwise known as the cast of The Real World.

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🧂 Salting the Wound…

All you need to know about the latest RHOSL.

🎂 Happy Birthday To You…

In honor of Betty White’s 100th birthday, one of her last pictures is shared, and donations are made. In honor of Betty – or even if not – please donate to your local animal shelter.

🙏🏾 He Had a Dream…

Things to learn.

Things to stream.

Things to ponder.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.Martin Luther King Jr.

💡 Flipping the Switch To Off…

Come back again tomorrow for soap and the Rules of James and Raquel’s engagement. Until then, stay safe, stay fearless in your faith, and stay knowing that even though things didn’t go as planned, it’s never too late for your dream.