Monthly Archives: January 2023

January 30, 2023 – Marshall Makes a Big Decision, Hangry Pregnant Woman On Deck, Why They’re Idiots & New Month Coming


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Marshall is concerned about Trina going to Britt’s memorial while the killer is still out there. The doorbell rings, and Curtis opens the door to Stella.

At the hospital, Portia is firming up some wedding details on the phone when Terry comes by. Terry says, Portia is in the homestretch, and her wedding day will be here before she knows it. Portia says, if she can get everything done in time, when Jordan comes out of the elevator.

Valentin wonders why Anna has been peeking outside since 2 am, but she says, they didn’t get here by lowering their guard. Felicia asks if they’d like a kick for their coffee, offering them some bourbon, and Anna says, it’s 5 pm in Paris. Valentin says, being a fugitive messes with your sense of time, but Felicia says, they won’t be fugitives for long. They’re going to nail Victor Cassadine eventually.

Willow says, by this afternoon, she and Michael will be able to see their new daughter, and he says, their daughter is going to be beautiful just like her mother. He just knows the stem cell transplant is going to work and couldn’t be more grateful. He couldn’t face life without her. She says she’s not going anywhere now that she’s evening the playing field at their house; two males, two females. His phone dings, and he says, Melanie is here to pick up Wiley. He leaves, and Willow tells the baby, it won’t be long now. She has to stay strong. There’s a knock at the door, and Sonny comes in.

Drew asks if Willow had a setback, but Carly says, just the opposite. She thinks Willow is going to be okay. She and Drew hug, and Nina sees them, ducking back out of sight. Drew says, they probably shouldn’t have done that, and Carly agrees it was risky. I don’t think the hug is as risky as them looking all guilty about it.

Stella says she cut her trip short so she could help with the wedding prep. She loves London and her cousin Wanda, but Wanda understood how important it is. She asks how Trina is doing, and says she’s sorry about Trina’s friend Rory. She wonders what the world is coming to, and asks, what about that awful Esme Prince? She heard Esme showed up. Curtis says, she’s been remanded to Spring Ridge until her trial, and Stella hopes Esme stays there permanently. Justice will be served, and Trina can move on. Until then, they have a wedding to lift their spirits, and she has a surprise for the bride-to-be.

Portia asks if Jordan is here for Britt’s memorial, and Jordan says, TJ is attending, and she wanted to be there for him. The boutique texts Portia, confirming her appointment for her dress, and Terry says she’s going to be beautiful. Terry gets called to a meeting, and says she’ll see Jordan at the memorial.

Maxie takes Sasha for a manicure, saying, on days like today, she’s found that feeling she looks her best gives her a strange sort of strength to get through it. Although she totally falls apart afterwards when she’s alone, but then she has to figure out dinner or read a bedtime story. Sasha says, it’s different with kids. She’ll never forget Britt’s kindness when she and Brando lost Liam, and she’s sorry for Maxie’s loss. Maxie says she’s sorry for Sasha’s loss too. She can’t believe she’s saying goodbye to Britt today. Sasha says she feels like all she does is say goodbye to people.

Anna asks Felicia if there are any signs of life from Monsieur Martin, and Felicia says she left coffee and muffins outside their room. She imagines they’re pretty tired. Valentin says, or they died with smiles on their faces. Anna says, they’re all still going to have to lay low. Despite everything they’ve been through, they still don’t have enough concrete evidence to nail Victor. They need irrefutable proof, and she’s feeling like she lost her patience. Felicia says, they need to refocus and regroup. Getting justice for Luke is the most important thing. Anna says, of course (🍷), but thinks not being home for the holidays affected her more than she realized. She hasn’t seen Robin, Emma, and Noah in ages, but Valentin says, she got messages to them. Felicia says, Valentin and Charlotte had just been reunited, and now he’s on the run again. It must be really hard on him. He says, not as hard as her thinking he’s dead.

Michael asks what Sonny is doing here, because he can’t help but be a turd, and Willow says she asked Sonny to come. She was about to tell him that Dr. Randolph says there might be another way to treat her leukemia. She’s about to have a C-section; their baby is being born today. She’ll be premature, but she’s developed enough to withstand it. Michael says, once the baby is born, the doctors will take the stem cells from the umbilical cord and the placenta, and treat Willow’s leukemia. Willow says, after more rounds of chemo, and Sonny says he’ll pray for all three of them. He can’t wait to see his granddaughter, and he’s sure Nina will be overwhelmed… Unless they’re not welcome to see their grandchild.

Drew says he can’t wait to go public, and Carly says, it’ll be over soon. Right now, they have to practice restraint. He says, easier said than done, and they start walking. Nina comes out, and says, my, aren’t you two cozy. She just arrived to see her daughter because she lost so much time with her. Drew says he just got here; they must have just missed each other. Nina says she imagines he was in a rush to see Carly, and he tells her, and Michael and Willow. The whole family needs support right now. Nina says she’s surprised how quickly Drew forgave Carly after she lied to him, but she should expect it. Because no matter how much damage Carly does, people still flock to her side. Carly asks if Nina really wants to compare damage, or the people who forgive you no matter what.

Anna tells Valentin that Charlotte won’t grieve him. Laura will explain everything, and Charlotte will understand. Charlotte is a smart cookie. He says, she’s remarkable, and will read between the lines. She knew he was planning her escape from boarding school without him telling her. If he has to stay away from her to keep her safe, he’ll manage. Felicia says she has to run to the pharmacy; her allergies are acting up. She leaves, and Valentin says he doesn’t believe her. Does Anna? Anna says, she doesn’t have allergies, and he wonders if Felicia is giving them some alone time. If she was, thank you, Felicia. He kisses Anna.

Maxie tells Sasha, days like this bring to mind Nathan for her, and probably Brando and Liam for Sasha. Sasha says she thinks about them every day. Now they’ve lost Lucy and Britt. Maxie says, they don’t know Lucy is gone yet. She’s keeping hope alive. Sasha says, Lucy still hasn’t turned up, but Maxie says, she hasn’t turned up dead either. Maxie asks, what if they had a defeatist attitude when the Deception stock was tanking? They turned things around by remaining positive. Sasha says, true, and Maxie says, they kept the faith because their company is resilient. They are resilient. And dammit, Lucy Coe is resilient too.

Stella says she wants to take Portia and Trina out to lunch, but Trina says, Portia is picking up her dress from the boutique. Stella says, even better, they can have lunch, and all go to the boutique together. Trina says she’s sorry, but she can’t go because of Britt’s memorial, and Stella says, she didn’t know; such a tragedy. Trina says, sorry to mess up Stella’s plans, but Stella tells her not to worry about it. Trina says she hadn’t planned on going, but a friend needs her. Stella suggests she drive Trina to GH and pick up Portia while she’s there, and Trina runs to get her phone. Stella tells Curtis that she’s so looking forward to this wedding. She’s got her officiant’s license and speech all prepared. She asks Marshall how the music is coming for the reception, and crickets chirp. She asks, what’s going on? and Curtis says, it’s a work in progress. She asks, what’s the problem? and Curtis says, these things take time. He asks if TJ knows Stella is in town, and Stella says, she just talked to him last week. Curtis and Marshall exchange glances.

Jordan asks how Trina is doing, and Portia says, she’s doing as well as she can be. Jordan says, the wedding must be a welcome distraction, and Portia says, it was nice catching up, and tries to jet, but Jordan says she needs to speak with Portia on a sensitive subject. She had an intense conversation with Taggert earlier about Portia, Curtis, and Trina.

Drew wonders if Nina knows what’s going on between them, and Carly looks worried.

Sasha says, Deception stock is thriving now, and Maxie says, because they were able to think on their feet. Sasha says, surprisingly, they have Gladys to thank as well. If she hadn’t signed off on the plan, the stock would still be tanking. Maxie asks if it’s weird for Sasha that Gladys makes all the financial decision, and Sasha says she thinks Gladys’s heart is in the right place, but it’s taken some getting used to. She can be persistent about what she wants. Maxie says, like what? and Sasha says, Gladys wants to sell Brando’s garage. They already turned down one offer, but Gladys got another one recently, and is hounding her about it. She wants Sasha’s blessing to sell it, but Sasha got the distinct impression Gladys is going through with it if she likes it or not.

Jordan says, Taggert was concerned about the security at Portia’s wedding. He’s worried the killer will see it as an opportune time to strike, and Trina will be there, as well as everyone closest to her. Portia says she and Taggert have already discussed this, so she doesn’t know why he’s going behind her back, second-guessing her about their daughter. She looks at Jordan and says, there’s the judgement, but Jordan says she’s not judging Portia. Portia says she’s made it perfectly clear that her life and decisions are her business, and Jordan says, Portia seems stressed out by these decisions. It might do her some good to unburden herself. Portia says, so Jordan can have Curtis all to herself?

Trina says, it’s nice for Stella to arrange this surprise for her mom, and Stella says, her mom is part of the family, and so is Trina. Trina says she knows family is the most important thing to Stella in the world. Stella flies out to Europe multiple times a year to see a cousin she just met. Stella says, she and Wanda are two peas in a pod, and Trina says, they found each other on genealogy site, right? Stella says, that’s right, and Trina says, it makes her wish she’d followed up on her match. She took a test in high school and found out she had a relative in Port Charles, but then she freaked out and decided she didn’t want to meet random people, and deleted her account. Stella says, maybe one day she’ll feel ready. Everybody’s doing it. Even Jordan was contemplating finding more family members. She wonders if Jordan used her site, and Trina says, Jordan asked her about it at her celebration party when her charges got dropped. Stella asks when Trina took the test, Trina says, senior year, and they leave.

Nina says, that her daughter could be saved by her grandchild is a miracle, and hugs Sonny. He says, Willow’s putting on a brave face, but she seems anxious, and Nina says, a C-section is routine, but it’s still risky. She imagines more so if you have leukemia. He says he thinks Willow is nervous, but acting like she’s not for Michael, and Nina says, there may be something she can do for her daughter after all.

Anna and Valentin make out on the couch, when there’s a knock at the door. She says, that’s Felicia’s knock, and Felicia says, open up; it’s cold out here. Anna opens the door, and asks if Felicia got everything she needed, but felicia says, Anna knows she doesn’t have allergies. She does have a surprise. Charlotte runs to Valentin, and hugs him.

Drew says, Nina could have heard them, since she was right there, but Carly says, if Nina had seen or heard anything, she would have made a huge deal out of it. If Nina knows anything, there’s no way she could stop herself from making a comment. He says, what about Sonny? If he knew about them, would he tell Nina? She says, no way. Sonny knows the stakes. He says, if Ned reports them to the SEC, knowing they’re in a relationship gives him a good case. Carly says, as long as they stop themselves from any more spontaneous displays of affection, they’re okay.

Michael hands Willow a candy bar, saying, their loving and giving son decided he wanted his baby sister to have this when she comes out. Nina comes in, and Michael says, it’s not a good time, but Nina says she was hoping she could talk to Willow alone, just for a few minutes. Willow says, it’s okay, and Michael leaves. Willow says she assumes Sonny told Nina about the C-section, and Nina says, he did, but she’s here for Willow. She knows Willow has plenty of support from people she needs to put on a brave face for, when really, she’s terrified. Willow says she wouldn’t say terrified, and Nina says, Willow doesn’t have to worry about her feelings. Willow can tell Nina her concerns, her worries, and her frustrations. Just let it rip. Be totally honest with her.

Michael sits in the hallway when Sonny comes along. He asks what Sonny wants, and Sonny says he just wants to be here for his son.

Marshall peeks out, and asks if the coast is clear. Curtis says, Trina and Aunt Stella left, and Marshall says he loves Aunt Stella, but… Curtis says, Marshall doesn’t have to explain. Aunt Stella can be a bit much. Marshall says, Stella knows Curtis wanted him to get those genetic tests done, but Curtis says, he and Portia didn’t tell her anything else. She doesn’t know they asked him to perform at the ceremony or asked him to get genetic counseling; they respect his privacy. Marshall says, she’s going to know soon enough. He went ahead and got those tests done.

Jordan says she’s not interested in Curtis, but Portia says, Jordan has been using Trina as a wedge between them since she got back. She’s questioning Portia, and before that, Jordan interrogated her daughter without even giving her a call. Then Jordan arrests her. Jordan flashes back to telling Curtis about Trina’s interrogation without telling him, and making herself a scapegoat for Stella. She says, Portia doesn’t know the things she’s done to protect her, Curtis, Trina, and the family they’re building. She has no designs on Curtis. Portia says, yet she keeps bringing things up, and Jordan says, if she was going after him, she’d have said something to Curtis months ago. Stella comes up behind them with Trina, and says, said what to Curtis?

Curtis says, Marshall got the genetic counseling? and Marshall says, he did it all, but doesn’t have the results back yet. Curtis says he’s glad Marshall pushed through and did it, and Marshall says he was tired of the uncertainty. Curtis says he’s proud of Marshall, and Marshall says, Curtis and Portia pushed him. He considered not saying anything, but realized that was falling back into his old ways. For 40 years he’s been afraid, and it became second nature to go it alone. He’s tired of running and being afraid. He’s got a wonderful son, and a family he wants to share everything with, the good and the bad. He’s got loved ones, and he’s ready to let them in. Curtis says, in the words of Aunt Stella, amen to that, and Marshall says, Portia pushed him to get the testing, but Curtis was the reason he did it. Curtis says, this is great news, and Marshall says, but what if it isn’t?

Portia says she thought Stella wasn’t due for a couple of days, and Stella says she heard Portia had a million things to do and wanted to help. Now what is it Curtis needs to know? Jordan asks if Stella remembers how she misplaced the divorce papers, and Stella says, don’t tell her they’re still married, but Jordan says, no; they’re officially divorced. There are no obstacles from her that would prevent Portia and Curtis from marrying. She leaves to make a call, and Stella says, that seemed a bit tense. Portia says, it’s just her, and Stella says, that’s why she’s here. Trina says, Aunt Stella came to take Portia to lunch and pick up her dress, and Portia asks if they can wait while she has a consult with Terry. Stella glances over at Jordan, and says she can entertain herself.

Charlotte tells Valentin about confronting Victor, and Anna tells Felicia, that was a kind thing to do. Felicia says, it didn’t seem fair for Charlotte to grieve her father after what she’s been through. Plus, Valentin is helping them take down Victor. Anna thinks there’s more to it, and Felicia says she missed so much of her daughters’ lives, off on one adventure or another. Seeing how vulnerable Valentin was missing his daughter triggered something in her… but don’t tell him she said that. She needs him to live in fear of her in case he hurts Anna. Anna says, Felicia’s secret is safe with her.

Valentin says, Charlotte confronted her grandfather? and she says she couldn’t help herself. He says she’s so strong and outspoken, and he’s so grateful she wants to take care of him, but he needs her to promise him that she’ll never do that again. Just know he’ll always come back for her. He promises. It will take more than Victor Cassadine to keep them apart. She says, he went away because Anna needed help? and he says he did. She says, Anna must be special to him, and he says, she is, but not as special as Charlotte.

Maxie tells Sasha that she understands selling the garage could be upsetting; it probably feels like another goodbye. And with Gladys calling the shots, she would hate how powerless that would make her feel. Sasha apologizes for making this about her when they’re mourning Maxie’s sister-in-law, but Maxie says, there’s no monopoly on grief; no right or wrong time for it. She lost it when she found Nathan’s favorite can of soup. Sasha is allowed her moments. Sasha asks how Maxie does it. After suffering so much loss, she’s not just surviving; she’s thriving. How did she learn to keep going and not give up on life?

Willow asks if Nina has a point. The last thing she wants is to bring Michael’s spirits down. Nina says, Willow doesn’t have to keep up a brave front for her. Willow can tell her whatever she wants. Willow says, but she can’t. This is all so new, and with their relationship being what it is, she needs her boundaries. If she gives in, the lines get blurry, and she can’t take that right now. She appreciates Nina’s effort, but she can’t. Terry comes to the door, and says, it’s time to prep Willow for her C-section. She tells Nina that she has to go, Nina tells Willow, good luck, and leaves.

Sonny asks how Michael is doing, but Michael tells Sonny not to worry about him. Sonny says, Michael is still his son, and if he needs anything, Sonny is here for him. Nina tells Michael that Terry just went into Willow’s room, and Michael leaves. Sonny asks how it went with Willow, and Nina says, Willow doesn’t want anything to do with her. He hugs her, and over his shoulder, she sees Drew with Carly. Sonny asks if Nina isn’t supposed to be at Britt’s memorial, but Nina says she can be late. She wants to wait until Willow goes into surgery, and they’re prepping her now. It looks like Drew has already forgiven Carly for lying to him for months about Willow being her daughter. He says, Drew’s that kind of guy. She can’t let Carly get in her head; they have to focus on Willow. She says, Willow doesn’t want anything to do with her because Carly lied. If Carly had told the truth, she wouldn’t have fought with Willow all those months. He says, she doesn’t want to go down that road. Fighting doesn’t help anyone. She says, sometimes wars are unavoidable, but she’s agreeing with him. They need to focus on Willow.

Willow is wheeled out, and Drew and Carly run over. Terry says, Willow is in good hands; she’ll be monitoring everything. She’ll see Willow in recovery after her baby’s born. She leaves, and Carly tells Willow, everything is going to be fine. She can’t wait to meet Willow’s little girl. As Willow is wheeled into the elevator, Sonny and Nina walk over. The elevator doors are framed by the couples on either side, and the doors close. Sonny hugs Nina.

Valentin thanks Felicia for bringing Charlotte to him, telling her, it means more than she’ll ever know. She tells him that he’s welcome. Sitting on the couch, Anna says she’s sorry Charlotte’s father hasn’t been with her these past few months, but Charlotte says, Anna doesn’t owe her an apology. Actually, she owes Anna. Anna took care of her papa and brought him home to her, and she thanks Anna. She and Anna hug.

Maxie says, over time, Sasha will learn that she doesn’t need to hold on to the things or personal mementos that remind her of her loved ones. She’ll accept she doesn’t need them to hold on to her memories. They’re just things, and her love can never be sold or torn down. Sasha’s memories of her loved ones are going to stay with her forever.

Curtis says, if it’s bad news, they’ll get through it together, and Marshall says he’s not sure he’ll get the results back in time for the wedding. He doesn’t think he can perform, but Curtis tells him not to worry about that. Marshall says he couldn’t bear it if his illness overshadowed Curtis’s big day, and Curtis says, it’s not a thing. He’s not mad that Marshall can’t play at the ceremony, and he doesn’t want Marshall to be either. What’s important is, he has his father at his wedding. That is the greatest gift of all.

Stella tells Jordan that she’s not going to beat around the bush. They’ve been through too much together, and know they can trust and rely on each other, right? Jordan agrees, and asks what’s on Stella’s mind. Stella says, Trina told her about a genealogy test she took in school about the same time Stella took hers, but something seems off about it. Trina also said Jordan spoke to her about it, and she wonders if it’s because Jordan thinks there’s something suspicious too.

Tomorrow, Stella says she thought Jordan knew her well enough not to play her for a fool; Trina says, Josslyn must have felt like there was no other option; and Esme asks someone if they can help her regain her memory.

Below Deck

On the beach, pregnant guest Louisa says she’s going to kill someone because she needs food. It was made clear beforehand that she needed to snack frequently, so Fraser couldn’t have brought some cheese cubes with him or something? Rachel radios Alissa, who doesn’t answer, and in Rachel’s interview, she says, the clock is ticking, and sh*t is about to be sticking. She’s tired, frustrated, and lunch is a clusterf***. The guests play bocci ball, and Rachel arrives. In her interview, Rachel says, the pregnant lady is hangry, but she’s brought bean salad, which was on her preference sheet. Then she says, beans, beans, the musical fruit… You know the rest. The guests are served, and a cork or something pops Alissa in the head, which is pretty amusing. Norma texts Captain Sandy that a new deck-stew will be coming this evening, and Ben texts Camille that he misses her. Rachel does a  forward seal flop into the tender, and the guests applaud. Louisa says, Fraser is her favorite human on the planet.

The guests go back to the boat, and Captain Sandy asks how it was. They tell her, amazing, and are served welcome back mango shots. Katie wants Ross to move into her room when the new stew comes, but in his interview, he says, their relationship isn’t stable, and there’s the potential for problems. He doesn’t want to roll the dice on that. Alissa whines to Hayley that people are making her feel like it’s her fault Camille got fired, mostly Ben. Hayley says, they were thing, and in Alissa’s interview, she says her emotions are jumbled. Camille left because of her own actions, but it sucks. Captain Sandy calls Fraser and Ross to the bridge, and tells them the new deck-stew is coming. His name is Tyler, and he has a lot of experience, and he’s strong in service. In Fraser’s interview, he says, thank God. He knows some of the boats Tyler has worked on, and he has more experience than both girls combined. He’s feeling hopeful. The captain tells Fraser not to just stick Tyler in laundry and forget him. Alissa is all weird and nervous about why two department heads were called to the bridge because everything is about her, and Captain Sandy radios the crew about Tyler. In Hayley’s interview, she says, please let them not be Satan.

Tyler arrives, and Ross walks him around the boat. He finds out that Tyler is from South Africa, and tells Tyler that he’s walked into the middle of chaos. In Tyler’s interview, he says, he enjoys, in a very sick way, the weird parts of yachting that other people don’t find enjoyable. Everything has order; there’s only one way to fold a towel. However, his OCD has not been diagnosed. Fraser tells him to get settled, and Captain Sandy radios the crew to get into their blacks. Fraser tells Rachel that he wants to improve communication. He tends to get in his head. In Rachel’s interview, she says she can tell when service is bad. Everyone starts running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Talking to Fraser can be like talking to Beaker from the Muppets. We see their Fraser and Beaker’s pictures next to one another, and I laugh because they do kind of look alike.

The guests are seated for dinner at a beautiful table, and Fraser says, it’s in honor of the baby on the way. They toast to the last night, and Fraser introduces Tyler. In Hayley’s interview, she says, Tyler is amazing housekeeping; it’s very different. We flash back to Camille drinking on the job, and Hayley says, Tyler is good at things she’s horrific at doing. It’s going to work out well. Tyler tells Hayley that he’d just started a relationship, and had a crying fit when he had to leave. In his interview, he says his sexuality is fluid. He’s never had a long term girlfriend or boyfriend. He grew up in a small religious town, and moving in yachting he’s been able to explore himself. Fraser tells Rachel that she blew it out of the park. That’s how to finish a charter. The guests head for bed by 11:30. In Katie’s interview, she says, she and Camille jived well, since neither one of them cared about housekeeping. Tyler isn’t  like that at all.

Final day of charter. Captain Sandy asks Rachel how dinner went, and Rachel says, awesome. She thanks the captain for the swift kick in the ass – in a good way. The captain says they’ll talk later, but they’re heading to the dock soon, and she radios the deckhands to haul anchor. They head to Rodney Bay, and breakfast is served. Hayley says she can’t wait to shave her vagina. It’s the little things in life. TMI, but that is funny. Goodbyes are said, and primary Adam says, the trip was awesome, and every one of them had a great time. There were a few little hiccups along the way, like when they were looking for drinks or help and had to find someone. We flash back to that, and he says, Louisa also needed more snacks. We flash back to Louisa wanting to kill someone, and Rachel tells Fraser, no more tasting menus. He says, no more sitting around, and Adam thanks the crew for taking care of them and keeping them safe. He gives Captain Sandy the tip envelope, and the guests leave. Fraser says, it was a sh*t review, and he only has himself to blame, but Tony says, it’s no one’s fault. It’s a team thing. The captain radios the crew to meet in the Sky Lounge.

Captain Sandy welcomes Tyler, who says he feels welcome already. She tells them that feedback isn’t saying you’re a bad person or not doing a great job. How do they know something should be changed if no one tells them; it’s constructive. In her interview, she says, feedback makes you better. The tip is $22K or $1,833 each. Because they worked hard, she’s arranged for a boat to take them to the Pitons. She tells them to turn the boat around, so they can have the day off tomorrow, and asks if Rachel wants to go for coffee. Ben calls Camille, and in his interview, he says, Camille had 30 minutes to pack her stuff. That’s not the way he wanted it to end. Camille says she doesn’t feel like talking to the crew. Fraser asks the stews to meet him in the Sky Lounge, and Rachel and Captain Sandy go to the Swiss Bakery for coffee. The captain tells Rachel that she’s a joy to have on the boat, but Rachel says she’s not accomplishing things to the standard she’s used to, and needs to get faster. Fraser tells Alissa that she need to continue getting her head around preparing for beach picnics, and she starts crying. She gets up, and says she feels bad. She knows she can do better. She’s done. She’s so tired. Good Lord. What is this twit’s problem? She wanted Camille gone, she’s gone, and still can’t please her. In Alissa’s interview, she says, they’re a stew down, and she still has anxiety over the Camille situation. She’s f***ing done. Rachel tells the captain that there was inconsistence with the interior. She has support from Fraser, but sees him spreading himself thin. Captain Sandy says, Rachel is a beacon of light for them, and has to communicate what she needs to Fraser. In the captain’s interview, she says she wants the department heads to work it out before she steps in. She wants Rachel to talk to Fraser. She thinks Rachel can handle it; she has that spirit. In Tyler’s interview, he says he knows what needs to be done. He doesn’t need anyone to tell him what to do, just when to stop doing it. Fraser and Ross agree to remain bunkmates, and everyone gets ready to go out. At the restaurant, they give a welcome toast to Tyler. Ben gets a text, steps away, and comes back with Camille. In Alisson’s interview, she says, what the f***? and I die laughting.

Ross is amused, and in Fraser’s interview, he says, it’s nice to see Camille. He hopes she’s not furious with him. There’s no bad blood; she was just a bad stew. Alissa gets on her high horse, and refusing to ride away on it, says she wouldn’t think of coming back. Rachel says, Camille seems relaxed, and Camille says, Ben seemed upset on the phone. She knows their time was cut too short. Alissa can’t shut up, and goes for cigarette with Hayley. She says, if she’d been fired, she’d be embarrassed. It just shows she’s not regretful, and it’s awkward. Hayley asks if Alissa feels like speaking to Camille, but Alissa says, no; she’s done. Camille must feel like it’s her fault she was fired. Camille and Fraser go for a smoke, and Camille tells him that she has no resentment. He says he really likes her, and in his interview, he says he’s pleased she came with an open heart. It’s not easy to tell someone you like them when you’re firing them, and he’s pleased to redo their goodbye. She says she’s going to miss Fraser, and this is what she needed to walk away with her head held high. They all walk back to the boat, and Ben says he’s going to miss Camille. She kisses him, and in his interview, he says, it’s like nothing he’s experienced. He’s head over heels. As she gets into a taxi, he tells her to behave herself,  but she says he knows she doesn’t do that. In his interview, he says he feels his heart sinking. Back at the boat, Ross says he knows Katie’s is disappointed, but he and Fraser can talk HOD to HOD. She tells him, it’s fine, and he says he’s designated a guest cabin for them. They go to it and get busy in the shower. Katie goes back to her room, and in Ross’s interview, he says, there was built up tension between him and Katie that needed to be released. If he could, he’d do it six times day every day, since he’s obviously a sex addict. Ugh a million times.

At some point the next morning, a boat picks the crew up, and there’s a massive bottle of rosé, along with other liquor, and loads of food waiting. Hayley says, this is what life should be like, and everyone checks out Rachel’s tattoo on her back. In her interview, she says, it was nine and a half hours. She likes fish, bright colors, and Asian, so she told them to slap it on, but make it bigger than a tramp stamp; more like a target. Ross says he’s over excelled in the drinking department, and his organs will fail before he’s old. We can only hope. Fraser tells Alissa that she’s second stew, and therefore in charge when he’s not around. At the Pitons, they jump off the boat and swim around, then get in a mini bus. They go to Sulphur Springs Park, where there are mud baths near a potentially active volcano. I pray for one of them to fall in. The director tells them that the mud is an exfoliant, but it’s also 100* F in the baths. In Hayley’s interview, she says she’s got mud in her hair and holes she didn’t know existed. They say it makes you look ten years younger, but she thinks it makes you look like you’re covered in sh*t. Ross starts being inappropriate with Alissa, and in Katie’s interview, she says, he’s blatantly doing it right in front of her. They just had a magical night, and now he’s disrespecting her. In the bus, someone tells Ross not to hump Fraser, and Rachel suggests he not hump anything.

They get back to the boat, and Ross acts like an idiot, hanging upside down from a mast. Katie tried to get him to sit down, but instead, he goes over to the food table, picks up one of the serving spoons, dips it in some rice dish, and eats from it; food falling all over the place from his mouth. It’s beyond disgusting, and my stomach turns. They go to a restaurant, and Ross can barely walk. Why they bring him is beyond me. Katie says he’s beyond drunk, and he orders a rum and Coke. Everyone puts in their drink orders, and he calls the waiter back, ordering a rum and Coke again, which the waiter informs him that he did already. In Tony’s interview, he says, my brother crossed the line with liquor. Ross gets up to have a smoke, and Alissa buttons the bottom of his shirt. In Rachel’s interview, she says, Ross is f***ing hammered, and acting the fool, but she can’t throw stones. We flash back to Rachel’s spontaneous karaoke number when there was no karaoke, and she says, maybe Ross should stop failing humanity and himself. His parents should be proud. Alissa puts a flower in Ross’s hair, and I’m hoping he throws up on her. She says she believes she’s hotter than Katie, and in her interview, she says, Ross is a scumbag, but it’s fun to see everybody squirm. You can’t ruin a relationship that’s not there, and as much as Katie wants to be his wifey, he’s not in the market. I actually think all Katie wants is a boatmance without interference. Ross can barely keep his eyes open when they go back to the table. Katie tells Fraser that Alissa was all over Ross, and it’s embarrassing. He’s being stupid, and she’s an idiot. Ross keeps drinking, and Tony is like, let’s go. In his interview, he says he doesn’t like to see Katie sad, and it’s getting to the point it’s rude. Hayley tells Fraser that she can see why Katie is angry, and Alissa holds Ross’s hand. In Hayley’s interview, she says, Alissa is breaking all the girl codes. If that was her boyfriend, she’d probably chuck them overboard because she’s mental. Alissa says, Ross flirts with her all the time when no one’s around, and in Tyler’s interview, he says he’s only 23, but hopes he has a better moral compass at 38. This is unacceptable. Alissa tells Fraser that Ross has no self-respect, and tells Ross, f*** off.

Next time, Katie says, she’s heard it loud and clear that Ross is a f***boy, and her wall is 100% up; Alissa calls Hayley a gross, dirty bitch; the next primary spent her honeymoon in St. Lucia, and now that she’s divorced, is having a do-over; Captain Sandy thanks Ross for turning Tony around, and gets on Fraser’s case.

⚖️ Why I can’t stand this crew. Ross – well, look at him. He’s a disgusting human being as well as a bad drunk. Katie – I’d actually like her if she wasn’t so stupid. Why on earth would you subject yourself to this kind of treatment? And how embarrassing in front of your crewmates. Hayley – I’d like her if I didn’t have to constantly hear about her self-love proclivities, her hair situation, and whatever other personal crap comes in her head. Fraser seems like a great guy, but his timidity about being a leader is causing his department to fail. I like Rachel, but she’s a chef, and therefore, crazy moody. Too early to tell anything about Tyler, although so far, he seems like a decent human. Tony seems to be too. Alissa – how do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways. Does this chick need meds or what? She acts like she’s on some moral high ground, then deliberately screws with someone else’s deal. She doesn’t have many good things to say about anyone, and thinks she’s the sh*t. But then she makes a U-turn and cries whenever anyone points out that she might not be perfect. Pick a damn lane. Captain Sandy also seems to be a quality person and captain, but I wish she’d dispense with phrases like, team work makes the dream work and knocking it out of the park. Please, retire that stuff. I also wasn’t thrilled that she couldn’t be bothered to give Captain Lee (who, like LVP, can do no wrong) a call before she fired Camille. As for Camille, lazy AF, but it no longer matters. I don’t know if it’s because Kate is gone or what, but this crew leaves a lot to be desired.

🏡 Bringin’ It On Home…

Join me tomorrow for soap and tea. Until then, stay safe, stay not being like anyone on Deck, and stay accepting that you don’t need to hold on to things or personal mementos to remind you of your loved ones. You don’t need them to hold on to your memories.

January 27, 2023 – Terry Gives Willow Another Option, She’s Fine, Paris Meeting, Messy On Deck, Last Return, Early Roll Call, AniPug, Quotes Of Ten & Borderline


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly wakes up and asks why Drew is smiling. He  tells her that when she sleeps her nose wrinkles.

On the phone at the MetroCourt, Victor says, give him the latest. Have  they determined the cause of the flooding? A man with a French accent says, the water main under the building burst, and Victor says he’s aware the pipes are old, but it’s inconceivable that they should happen to burst on the very night Valentin and Anna come to retrieve his guest. Have they found  his son? The man says, not yet. Or Miss Devane or Miss Coe. Victor says that’s not the answer he was looking for, and asks, what’s the hold-up? The man says, the adjoining catacombs collapsed; it’s too unstable. Victor says he doesn’t care how dangerous it is. He wants a team down there right now looking for his son.

Martin goes into the elevator, and flashes back to the first time he met Lucy when he was dressed as Santa, and their subsequent romantic encounter. He looks at a photo of her on his phone, and says, my dear sweet Lucy, where are you? The elevator stops, and the door opens. He sees someone there, and says, they’ve been ignoring his calls, which he doesn’t appreciate. Now what the hell… He’s grabbed by the lapels and pulled out.

Victor says he’ll pay triple the rate. His son might be trapped in those catacombs; he could be injured. He sees Alexis sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant. He says, just find him, when Alexis comes over. He asks if she’s having breakfast with her daughters; he’d love to see them. She says, he never gives up, and he says, family is worth every effort. She says she’s sorry to disappoint him, but she’s here to see the mayor, not her children. Victor says, that’s a pity, and excuses himself, going over to the bar. Alexis follows him, and asks how everything is going with Nikolas. He says he assumes she’s referring to his utter and total disappointment in his nephew. Fathering Esme’s child is just… She says, so unseemly. She guesses things are a little tense at Windymere, and he says, they would be. He’s taken a suite here at the MetroCourt. Not that it has anything to do with the conflict with his nephew. She asks, then why? and he says he thought Nikolas would have told her. He’s handed Spoon Island over to Ava as part of the divorce settlement.

Ava is looking at the settlement papers, when Nina comes out. Ava says, Britt’s memorial is today, isn’t it? At General Hospital? Nina says, they’re honoring her work as Co-Chief of Staff. She thinks Britt would really like it. Practicing medicine was important to her. Ava asks how Nina is holding up, and Nina says she’s fine. Her job right now is to be strong for Aunt Liesl, and that’s what she’s going to do. Ava says she was referring to the Willow situation. They haven’t had a chance to talk about that yet. Ava can’t believe it. Willow is Nina’s daughter? Nina says, a fact she wouldn’t know if that bitch Carly had her way.

Michael tells Willow, good morning, and she says, is it morning? It’s always so hard to tell in here. Did he get any sleep? He says, a few hours, and takes her hand. She asks him to promise he won’t let go, and he says he promises.

Ava says, what Carly did was unconscionable, and Nina says, first with Nelle; now it’s Willow. Ava says, to be fair, Carly didn’t know Nelle was Nina’s daughter until after Nelle died. Nina says, and that makes it okay? but Ava says, of course (🍷) not. She’s not defending Carly. Nina says she hopes not, since there is no defense. Of Course (🍷) St. Carly will be forgiven, because she was protecting Willow from evil Nina, who no one would ever want as a mother. And now that she’s not a bone marrow match, there’s no foul, no harm. She knows that’s what Carly is going to say, and people will buy it. She doesn’t care if the whole world forgives Carly; she’s not – ever. She’s not going to rest until that woman pays for what she did to her.

Drew says, it’s so incredible being alone with Carly. Does she have any idea how hard it is pretending to be just friends? She says, really? She thought it was easy. She’d see him across the room, and think, there’s Drew. Whatever. She’s kidding. When she would see him across the room, like at the Quartermaines’ on Christmas, he has no idea how bad she wanted to come across the room and kiss him. He says, if she’s feeling the urge… and kisses her. Wake me when this is over. She thanks him for sticking with her. He had every reason to bail. She’s really glad he didn’t. He says he is too, and she says, any regrets? He says, except for the fact they can’t go public? and she says, it’s so frustrating because the Aurora/ELQ merger didn’t even happen. She doesn’t know why there’s this issue with insider trading. He says he guesses it helps on some level, but someone could still report it to the SEC, and she asks if they can talk about something else. He says, please, and she tells him to start. He says he loves waking up with her, and she says she loves waking up with him. Is there anything else he likes doing with her? He says he can think of a few things, and she says, tell her more. He says he’d rather show her, and they get busy. Zzzzz….

Terry comes into Willow’s room, and asks how she’s doing. Michael says, she’s in some pain, and suggests upping her medication, but Willow says she doesn’t want that. If she gets more medication, she’ll just sleep, and she refuses to waste… She asks if Terry is here to discuss treatment since Nina isn’t a viable bone marrow match, and Terry says, the donor registry could still come through. Michael says, they can’t count on that though, and Terry says she woudn’t advise it. Michael says, so what now? and Terry says, there is another option. As they know, when bone marrow is taken from a donor, stem cells are harvested, and Willow’s body can use those healthy stem cells to fight leukemia. But bone marrow isn’t the only source. They can also find stem cells in cord blood from the umbilical cord and placenta. Willow says, if Terry is talking about taking something away from the baby to help her, the answer is no, and I wonder how she passed nursing school. Michael says, if there’s an option that can save both Willow and their daughter, they need to hear the doctor out.

Alexis finds it hard to believe Nikolas would give up Windymere, and Victor says, perhaps he felt he owed it to Ava for sleeping with his son’s ex-girlfriend. She says, when he puts it that way… It still seems out of character for her nephew. Laura joins them, and says she hopes Victor is happy. Victor says he doesn’t know; is he? She says he’s gone too far this time, and he asks what on earth she’s talking about. She says she was just contacted by the Paris authorities. Valentin is dead. Alexis says, Valentin is dead? and Laura says she’s sorry. A portion of the Paris catacombs collapsed last night. Alexis says, how? Why? Laura says, it flooded when the water main broke. Rescue efforts are ongoing, but they’ve already recovered three bodies. One of them has been identified as Valentin. Alexis says, what about Anna? Wasn’t she traveling with him? Laura says, Martin told her that he saw them leave Ireland together, so yes, and Alexis asks, what about the other body? Laura says, a woman, but she hasn’t been identified yet. Alexis says she can’t believe Valentin is gone, and Laura says, it’s just horrible. All she can think about is Charlotte. She’s going to be completely devastated. Alexis says, and Robin, but Laura says, they don’t know about that yet. As bleak as it may look, there’s always the possibility that Anna survived somehow.

Martin walks through the woods, blindfolded, and asks if it’s necessary. Clearly, he’s cooperating. Robert and Felicia are with him, and Felicia says, it’s best for all of them, him included, if he doesn’t know where they are. Martin says, mission accomplished, and Felicia knocks on the door of a small house. Anna opens the door, and tells them to get inside. She and Felicia hug, and Felicia says, it’s good to see her safe. Anna says, and breathing, and Felicia says, well, there’s that. Robert says, good to see her, and Martin asks if he can please take this thing off. Robert says, so sorry, and undoes the blindfold. Lucy runs out, saying, Marty, Marty, Marty, and throws herself into his arms. He tells her that she’s a sight for weary eyes, and she says, take it all in, and then kiss her this instant. He says, if she insists, and he does. He says, the nightmare is over, but Valentin comes out, and says, not quite. There’s the small matter of his death.

Basking in the afterglow with Drew, Carly says she wants to stay right here forever. Is that too much to ask? He says he’s got to admit, hiding out sounds pretty damn perfect right now, and she says she doesn’t want to go back to the real world. It’s where Willow has cancer, Wiley might lose his mom, and Michael… She sits up, and grabs her phone, saying, she promised Michael that she would take Wiley to visit Willow. Drew says, Michael asking her to bring Wiley is promising that things are going to be okay between them, and she says she’s lucky Michael has a big heart. Her phone rings, and she says, it’s Sonny. It’s probably news about Nina. She says, hello?… No… Are they sure?… Okay. Thanks for calling. Drew says, Nina’s not a match? and she says, no. He says he’s so sorry, and she says, Willow is so sick. What if they don’t find a donor in time? She leans back in his arms.

Nina tells Ava that she could strangle Carly for trying to keep her daughter away from her. Who does she think she is? Ava tells her, stop it, and Nina asks if Ava is saying she doesn’t have the right to hate Carly. Ava says, of course (🍷) she does, but Carly isn’t what’s important right now, and Nina says she’s not going to let it go. She can’t let it go. Ava says she knows. Because it’s easier to be angry with Carly that facing the pain and fear of losing another child. Willow is Nina’s daughter, and she’s very sick. Nina says, she can’t save her. She can’t.

Willow says she won’t do anything to jeopardize the baby’s health, and Terry says she understands, but the baby won’t be affected in any way, other than being delivered by C-section a few weeks early. Willow says she knows she agreed to have the baby early to prepare for the marrow transplant, but she was never comfortable; she’s still not. Their daughter will be born when she’s ready. Terry says she’s consulted with Dr. Navarro, and she’s confirmed that this late in the pregnancy, the risks to the baby are minimal. 99% of babies born at this stage not only survive, but thrive, and after the birth, the umbilical cord and placenta are no longer serving a purpose. It’s possible to harvest stem cells from the blood. Michael asks, what’s the success rate of this type of transplant? and Terry says, nothing’s 100%, but it’s the best chance they have. Because the stem cells are coming from Willow’s baby, they only need about half the HLA markers to match, which is less than bone marrow stem cells. Michael says, that’s incredible, and we finally agree on something. It is pretty amazing. Terry says, in her medical opinion, this is by far Willow’s best option. Will she give it a shot?

Robert asks if there’s any reason they needed to bring Martin here, and Valentin says, it was vital. Anna says, otherwise, Lucy would have driven them crazy. Felicia says, when Anna called this morning, saying they brought Lucy back, she doesn’t remember the last time she was so relieved. And Anna’s life as a fugitive is over. Robert asks if they’re forgetting the fact that the PCPD has a videotape of someone looking a lot like Anna putting a bullet in Lucy point blank, and Felicia says, Lucy will just say the shooter wasn’t Anna. Charges dropped, right? Anna says she doesn’t know as she’s ready to reveal herself just yet; not since they’ve gone to the trouble of convincing Victor that Valentin is dead. Robert says, any plan that puts Valentin six feet under is fine with him, and Felicia says, they really need to think about this. There are people other than Victor who will be very upset. Are they willing to have that on their conscience?

Victor asks, who contacted Laura, and why did they call her and not him? Laura says, because Charlotte is Valentin’s next of kin, and Alexis says, poor Charlotte. Victor asks how they know the body is Valentin’s, and Laura tells him not to pretend he cares. He says, of course (🍷) he cares; Valentin is his son. Laura says, who he tried to control by threatening Valentin’s little girl, and Victor says, Charlotte was never in any danger, but Laura says, face it. Victor only values family when it works to his advantage. He says he needs to make some calls, and leaves.

Nina tells Ava that she’s filled with regret; what they missed out on and what could have been. Ava says, stop talking in the past tense. Willow is not gone. There’s still hope. Nina says she was Willow’s hope. She was supposed to be the game changer. Her bone marrow was supposed to save Willow’s life, and then Willow would forgive her and love her, but Willow doesn’t want to be her daughter. She doesn’t want anything to do with Nina. Ava says she’s been there, and knows how much it hurts, and Nina says she can’t breathe. She just feels the pain going through her body with every heartbeat. Now she has to go to the hospital, and say goodbye to her cousin when she knows her daughter is there fighting for her life, and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it. She won’t survive losing Willow. Ava hugs her.

Michael asks what Willow thinks, when Carly peeks in, and asks if it’s a good time. Michael says, of course (🍷). Bring him in. Terry says she’ll give them some time to consider their options, and leaves as Wiley runs in. Michael lifts Wiley onto the bed, telling him to be careful, but Willow says she wants the biggest, strongest hug she can get. She hugs him, and says she’s missed him so much, and he says he’s missed her too.

On the phone, Victor says he wants to know exactly what the Paris police know, down to the last detail. This is unacceptable. His son was never supposed to be harmed. He wants answers and he wants them immediately.

Alexis and Laura sit at a table, and Alexis says, Victor seemed really shaken up. Laura says, did he ever, and Alexis says, well done, Madame Mayor; she was very convincing. Laura says, you this better work.

Anna says, Laura and Alexis know the truth. They brought them in on it. Felicia says, what about Charlotte? Valentin can’t be okay with letting her believe he’s dead. Valentin says, there’s a plan in place. Laura knows exactly what to say to Charlotte. Anna says, and if everything has gone according to plan, Laura should have broken the news to Victor right about now. Robert is sure their illustrious mayor is right on schedule. He laughs, and says, sometimes he just can’t believe that little Laura, on the run from Frank Smith, holding the Cassadines at bay with a machine gun. Now here they are, the epitome of law and order. Felicia says, look who’s talking, Mr. District Attorney, and he says, my, how the mighty have fallen.

In the bedroom, Martin asks Lucy to swear to him she’s all right, and she says she’s fine. He says, they didn’t hurt her or touch her in any way? and she slips off his jacket, asking if she doesn’t feel all right. He says she feels incredible, and kisses her. He says, still, it had to be awful being Victor’s prisoner, and she says she did spend every minute of every hour of every day praying to get out of there, and did manage to concoct a few escape plans. He says, that’s his girl, and she says, surprisingly, physically they treated her okay… except for the part where she was chained in the basement. Literally. She thinks it was all part of the plan to get Anna and Valentin… He says he could just kill that smug son of a bitch, and she says, the worst part, she actually had to swim through the catacombs, and it was disgusting and icky. Okay. Deep breath. She breathes, and says, that is all in the past, and she’s back and home safe with him. He kisses her, and says, yes, she is. He  thanks God for that, but watching her get shot, that drone footage… She says she knows, and rubber bullets are really not rubbery, but they hurt. He says, it’s not funny. It was one of the worst moments of his life. She says, her poor baby. She’s so sorry he had to go through all of this. He asks if it’s just him, or does this not feel real? She says, it’s real, and she knows just how to convince him. They get busy.

Ava says, Nina has to hold on to hope, and Nina asks if there is any. Ava says, of course (🍷) there is. As long as Willow is alive, there’s always a chance to reconcile, but Nina says, if she beats this cancer, the possibilities of that are remote. Ava says, look at it this way. Nina’s feelings changed the second she learned Willow was her daughter. She immediately saw Willow in a different light. Nina says, but that wasn’t the case for Willow. She’s made that abundantly clear. Ava says, still early days, and Nina says, she tried to remember the first time she saw Willow – it may have been the park or the classroom – when she was only Miss Tate, and giving Charlotte a hard time. She couldn’t stand Willow. Ava says, because Nina thought Willow was picking on her kid, and Nina says, turns out Willow was her kid too. It makes sense that they didn’t get along; Willow is a lot like her, never running from a fight. Willow’s always been really strong. Ava says, now it’s Nina’s turn. Don’t let Willow push her away. Nina asks what Ava wants her to do. Should she force herself into Willow’s hospital room? Ava says, that might be going a little too far, and Nina says, Ava is a really good friend. Ava says, don’t give up, and Nina says, no giving up. Ava says, that’s more like it, and they shake pinkies.

Willow talks bagels with Wiley, and he asks when she’s coming home. She says she’s not exactly sure, but the second the doctors say she can, she’s running straight to the gatehouse. He says, in a hospital gown? and she says, if she has too. Carly says she’d like to see that, and Michael says, him too. Carly takes a handmade card out of her purse, and tells Wiley to give mommy the card he made her. Willow opens it, and it says Get Well Mommy on the inside. She says, he didn’t make this, but he says he did. She says, these pictures are amazing. They must have been drawn by a professional artist. He says he’s the artist, and she says she loves it. Michael and Carly slip out of the room, and Willow says she’s putting the card next to her pillow, so it’s the first thing she sees when she wakes up. In the hallway, Michael thanks Carly for bringing Wiley, and she says, seeing Willow’s face light up when she saw him was everything. He says, it means the world to Willow, and she says, it meant the world to her that he asked. She hopes this means they’re okay. He says, they are… At least they will be eventually. She asks what Terry had to say, and he tells her, it was actually good news. There may be a way to save Willow.

Alexis says she was relieved to get Laura’s call this morning; she was starting to lose hope. Laura says she was too, but it’s true. Anna, Valentin, and Lucy are safe, and back in the U.S. Alexis says, good, and asks if she thinks Valentin’s supposed death will hold up under Victor’s scrutiny. Laura says, she thinks so; at least in the short term. She thanks Alexis for her help, and Alexis says, The Invader will print an official story that the French authorities say Valentin was caught in an underground flood in Paris. He’s been declared dead. Laura says, excellent. She has to get going. Britt Westbourne’s memorial is going to start very soon. Alexis says she’s so sorry. What happened to Britt is tragic. Laura says, she did die a hero, and Alexis says, if only all of them could say the same thing. Laura says, they’re good? and Alexis says she’s got it from here. Laura thanks her, and leaves.

Lucy comes up for air, and says she has to tell Martin something.  You know how they say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before your eyes? He says, it must have taken a while, and she smacks his arm. He says, that’s not what he meant; she’s the definition of ageless beauty. He was thinking his Lucy is a woman who’s lived one heck of a life. Lucy says she sure has, and he says he loves that about her. She lives each day to the fullest and then some. She says, her last conscious thought before she hit the water was that she didn’t want it to be over, and he has a lot to do with that. There’s so much she still wants to do, and there’s so much life left to live. She’d kind of like it if he’d do it with her, and be by her side. He kisses her, and thanks her for coming back to him. She says, any time, and he says he means it. He doesn’t know what he would have done if she hadn’t. She says, he knows she would never, ever let Victor Cassadine get the best of her. Never. He kisses her.

Anna asks if Robert has heard from Holly, and he says, no, but he doesn’t expect to. At least not until she finds Ethan. She asks, what about those pieces of the Ice Princess that Victor was looking for? and he says, Victor thinks that was destroyed in the explosion. She says, they’re getting closer and closer to Victor paying for what he’s done to Luke.

Felicia says, it’s good to have the gang back together, isn’t it? and Valentin asks if he’s part of the gang. She says, he did okay in Paris. He managed not to slow Anna down. He says, that’s high praise, and she says, how about this? As long as Anna trusts him, she’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. But the second he steps out of line… He says, message received.

Carly tells Michael, this is incredible. It’s the answer they’ve been looking for. He tells her not to get too excited; Willow hasn’t agreed to it yet. Carly asks, why woudn’t she? and he says, Carly has seen how protective Willow is over the baby; she’s going to say no. Carly says, that’s insane. They have to convince her to do this. He says he’ll do his best, but ultimately, it’s Willow’s decision. They go back into Willow’s room, and Wiley is saying, okay, baby, it’s time to come out. We’re ready for you. Willow says, Wiley’s right; it’s time. They’d better call Dr. Navarro. They’re having a baby. He kisses her, and says he loves her. She says she loves him too, and he asks if Wiley is excited.

Victor looks at his phone, and Alexis says she’s sorry to intrude. Has he been able to find out anything? He says, not yet, and she sits down. She says, it’s absolutely unfathomable that Valentin is gone. They got off to a rocky start, but they ended up in a good place. She so sorry for his loss. He says, don’t be. Screw these reports. He refuses to believe his son is dead.

On the phone, Valentin thanks Laura, and says he’ll pass along that update. He tells the others, Victor bought it, and Anna says, that’s great. Felicia says, they finally have him off-balance, and Robert asks, what’s the next part of the plan? Anna says, they exploit Victor’s guilt. Maybe he’ll admit to something in his grief stricken state. Robert says, ramp up the pressure, and Valentin says, big time. Anna says, ideas? and Felicia says, don’t worry. She’s got plenty.

Carly cries in the hallway, and Drew sees her. He asks if Willow had a setback, but she says, just the opposite. She thinks Willow’s going to be okay. He says, that’s incredible, and they hug. Nina walks out, sees them, and moonwalks back out of sight.

On the phone, Ava tells Demetrius that she wants Nikolas out of Windymere by tomorrow… No, this is not a negotiation. The house is hers; she wants him out… Good… No. She doesn’t plan on moving in right away. She’s staying here for the time being.

A nurse tells Michael that she’ll have Terry paged right away, and Wiley asks if she has any apple juice, confusing the nurse with a waitress. Michael says, sorry about that, but the nurse says, no problem, and tells Wiley that she thinks they can scrounge up some juice. He asks what scrounge means, and she says, let’s find out. They leave, and Michael says, Willow means it? She’s going through with the cord blood transplant? She says, yes. She’s going to trust the doctors that their daughter won’t be hurt. He says, she won’t. She’s strong just like her mother. Willow says she can’t wait to meet her, and he says, neither can he, and someday they can tell her how she saved her mother’s life.

On Monday, Curtis says, this is great news, and Marshall says, but what if it isn’t; Stella has a surprise for the bride-to-be; and Nina says, aren’t you two cozy.

🗽 Sure She Is…

The more she keeps saying how happy she is, the less I think that’s the case.

💎 Allez les Filles…

Maybe they were celebrating LisaR making her exit.

⚓️ Out Like a Lamb…

I’m with Captain Lee on this one. All she had to do was give him a quick call, which she apparently had time to do after the fact.

Passive aggressive much?

While we’re at it, none of these people are a prize.

🤯 Already…

They didn’t waste any time. I’m not surprised. It’s very engaging, and the creatures are pretty cool.

🥀 Dropping Like Flies…

Already the roll call is forming.

🐶 Double the Doug…

If anyone deserves it, Doug does.

🎬 Quotes of the Week

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once. – Albert Einstein

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. – Indian Proverb

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde

Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. – John Kenneth Galbraith

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. – Henry Ford

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. – Vince Lombardi

Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity… successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results. – DuPree Jordan, Jr. (Getting out my tiara…)

Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do to maintain the life you’ve created.Judge Lynn Toler, explaining to a man why he has to work to feed his children (sigh)

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.Erich Fromm

It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not. – Andre Gide

☁️ In the Cloud…

If you’re still hanging in with me, hang out on Monday really Tuesday for soap and what’s happening on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay resilient, and stay not sleeping with your son’s ex-girlfriend. It’s unseemly.

January 26, 2023 – Nina Gets the Lab Results, a Thought, Heartfelt Tribute, Looking Ahead, How She Wants, About That Black Eye, Golden Pets (!) & Looks Like


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny tells Nina that she has to eat, and she slices some cheese from the platter in front of her. She says, it’s no use. She can’t sit here waiting for the results of her bloodwork. Not when her daughter’s life depends on her. She picks up her phone, but he tells her, it’s all going to work out. She says she appreciates him trying to distract her, but she needs to get to the hospital right now. Nina goes into bedroom, when there’s a knock at the door. Sonny lets Sasha in, and tells her that Nina will be out shortly. Nina comes out, and asks what Sasha’s doing here, and Sasha says, someone told her that Nina could use a friend. Nina looks at Sonny, and he smiles.

Willow puts down the Crimson magazine she’s reading, and tells Michael, the good news is, pashminas are still in style for 2023. All is right with the world. He says, talk to him, and she says, this waiting is torture. She’s scared. He says he’s scared too.

Brook yells for someone to hold the elevator, and Ned puts his hand on the door. She asks him what he’s doing at the hospital.

At The Savoy, Selina tells N’neka to add Cody’s drink to her tab. He says, generous, and she says, he was very effective in the game tonight. He says, that’s what she pays him for, and she says, money well spent. She wasn’t sure he would show given recent events; her condolences. He asks why the murder of his almost girlfriend would keep him from fulfilling his obligations, when Felicia and Mac walk in. Felicia asks if they should grab a table. He sees Cody with Selina, and says, he warned Cody about that woman. She asks why he cares what happens to Cody.

Nikolas approaches Ava at the MetroCourt bar, and she tells him, please don’t ruin the moment. She’s unwinding from the day. What does he want? He says he’s here because of what she wants. He puts a manila envelope on the bar, and says, the divorce settlement agreement. Congratulations. She’s getting everything she asked for, and he’s losing the one thing he treasures.

Trina says, Spencer’s father might not be the best option to raise the baby, but he’s the only option. Spencer says, not necessarily. What about him? She says she’s sure he’ll be a good father someday in the far off future, and he says, what if the future wasn’t so distant? She asks if he’s saying his father may not be able to raise the baby, and he says he’s planning on making sure of it. He’s going for custody.

Carly says she just came to check on Wiley, but Drew says, she just missed him. He went up to the main house with Olivia for a sleepover. She says, perfect distraction for him, and Drew says he just stuck around to lock up. Carly says she’ll leave him to it, but he tells her, don’t go.

Nina asks if Sonny told Sasha, and Sasha says, Sonny was kind enough to invite her over, but it was Willow who told her. Nina asks what Willow said about her. It’s okay; Sasha doesn’t have to spare her feelings. Sasha says, Willow is reeling, same as Nina. Sasha thinks they’re both struggling to reconcile their history with the news their mother and daughter. Sonny tells them to talk; he has to make a phone call. He goes in the bedroom, and Sasha asks if she’s keeping Nina from leaving. It looked like she was going somewhere. Nina says she was going to GH. She had a test to determine if she was a bone marrow match for Willow, and there’s a chance the lab will have the results tonight. Sasha says, the odds are really good Nina is a match, right? and Nina says, a sibling is the best match, but Nelle is gone. Sasha says, let’s hope you’re a match, and Nina says she doesn’t want to think about what will happen if she’s not.

Brook asks Ned to promise her one thing; be nice. He says he’s always nice, and she says, be nicer.

Ava says, Nikolas gave her everything she asked for; Spoon Island and everything on it. He says, Windymere and all the contents in it. She left him with nothing. Not even his pride. She says, welcome to her world. the whole city knows he knocked up a girl who can’t even legally drink this martini. He says, it wasn’t his plan, and she says, it’s never his fault, is it? He lost his son, his wife, his house. He says he’s owning his mistakes, starting with the document in front of her. He gave her everything without a fight. She says, it’s easier to own your mistakes when your hand’s being forced, isn’t it? He’s so weak. She can’t believe there was time she didn’t see it. He says, she saw him and loved him regardless, just like he saw her. They beat the odds again and again. After everything they survived, can she really say the love is gone?

Trina says, Spencer is going to try to get full custody of his baby brother or sister? What about his father? What about Esme? He says, Esme doesn’t know how to parent a child. She doesn’t even know who she is. Trina says, she might remember, and Spencer says, that’s even worse. Neither of this baby’s parents are moral, upstanding citizens; far from it. She says, neither is he, and he says, his father has a proven history of selfishness, amorality, and neglect. Diane Miller thinks he may have a chance. She says, it sounds like he has his mind made up, and he says he wants to do whatever it takes to protect this baby.

Mac stares at Selina and Cody, and Felicia says, he’s looking at them again. She knows him. He cares about Cody. He says, he’s Dominique’s son. She’d want him to look after Cody, whether Cody was his or not. She says, he can’t kid a kidder. He’s such a good man, and there’s always room in his heart for more. She’s not just talking about Robin and the girls, but all those rookies who he took under his wing on the force; giving them guidance and counsel. She knows how much Dante appreciates him; Cody might too. He says, Cody’s made it clear that he’s not interested in that. He just wants to make sure Cody doesn’t get mixed up with the wrong people, and Selina Wu is definitely the wrong people.

Cody says he knows Selina wasn’t a fan of Britt, but she says, she and Dr. Westbourne came to an understanding. Her nephew’s quite devastated by Britt’s loss, as she’s sure Cody is. She has sympathy for those grieving. He says he’s sure she’s all choked up, and she says, people express emotions in different ways. She excuses herself, and walks over to where Gladys is sitting. She says, if it isn’t her old friend Gladys.

Carly wonders if Wiley asked about his mom, and Drew says, there were questions. It was kind of tricky. He didn’t want to say more than Michael and Willow wanted him to share, but Wiley’s a smart kid. He did the best he could. She says she’s sure he did great. It’s a fine line. It’s tough to know what to tell him at this age. He says, it’s a delicate balance for sure. Ultimately, honesty is the way to go. She says she really thought she was protecting Willow. She knows Sonny and Nina want to believe she was hellbent on revenge against Nina. Drew came to her defense earlier with Sonny, but other than that, he’s been really quiet on the subject. What does he think?

Trina tells Spencer, if anyone knows what an incredible lawyer Diane is, it’s her, but his dad has plenty of resources. He’s not going to give up custody of his child without a fight. Spencer says he knows, but he has a secret weapon. Ava agrees with him; she’s going to help. Trina says, he’s telling her that Ava supports this? and he says, yes. For the first time they’re in agreement; neither his father nor Esme are fit to parent this child. Trina says, that’s really something, and he asks if Trina’s surprised that he and Ava agree, or does she not agree? She says, it’s not really her place to weigh in, but he says he’s asking because he’s curious what her thoughts are, and her opinion matters to him. She says, since he asked, she doesn’t think he’s ready to be a father.

Mac and Felicia approach Cody, and Mac asks how it’s going. Cody says, date night? but Felicia says, just unwinding. Mac says, sorry to hear about Britt. How’s he doing? Cody says he’s hanging in, and thanks Mac. He says, it’s strange to have people ask how he’s doing. He and Britt didn’t really know each other that long. Felicia says, that doesn’t mean Cody didn’t care about her, and Cody says he did. He thanks Mac for sending Felicia to tell him, and Mac says he thought it might soften the blow. Cody says, Mac thought right, and he appreciates it. Mac says, hearing you lost someone is hard. Living with it is even harder.

Gladys says she knows she should have come to Selina immediately after the game, but she had to run to the restroom and collect herself. Selina says, tough night, huh? and Gladys says, win some, lose some. Selina says, seems like Gladys is losing more and more, and it’s time to cover her debts.

Nina tells Sasha that she feels like the rug keeps getting pulled out from underneath her. First she had to let go of the idea Sasha was her daughter, but thank God they’re friends now. Then she found out Nelle was her daughter after she died, and Willow is her child, but she might be too late to have a relationship with her. Sasha tells her not to say, it’s too late, but Nina says, Willow hates her. Sasha says, Willow is alive, and so is Nina. It’s not too late. Show up for Willow the way she showed up for her. Show her the Nina that Sasha grew to love. And no matter how long or short the time together, it’s precious, and it’s so worth it. Nina says she wants that with all her heart, but Willow’s made it very, very clear she doesn’t. Sonny comes in, and Nina says, Willow and Michael seem hellbent on punishing her… and Sonny.

Brook gives Willow some flowers, and says she hopes Willow likes them. Ned says, they won’t stay long. He’s sure she’s had lots of visitors. Willow says, everyone has been incredibly kind. Chase and Sasha stopped by earlier. She tells Brook, sorry, and Brook says, for what? Ned asks if anyone wants anything from the cafeteria, Michael says he’ll join Ned, and they leave without waiting for an answer. Brook sits next to the bed, and says, they can sure clear out a room. Willow says she didn’t mean to bring up a sore subject, but Brook says, it’s fine. Willow asks how Brook is coping with the break-up, and Brook says, great… mostly.

Michael thanks Ned for coming, and Ned says, they love Willow, but he didn’t come here just for her.

Drew says, Carly doesn’t have to explain. She was trying to protect Willow. She didn’t think Willow would want to know Nina was her mother. Carly says, but it wasn’t her secret to keep. She told Willow and Michael how sorry she is. He says, it’s good to make almonds amends, and she says, but there’s another apology she owes, and that’s to him. She should have said it sooner. She’s so sorry she went behind his back and lied to him, because the last thing she wants is for him not to trust her. He thanks her, and she says, if the circumstances were different, and Willow’s life wasn’t on the line, she doesn’t know if she’d regret keeping the truth from Nina. She’s still processing all the pain Nina caused her family, especially Michael and Willow. He says he never thought she was obligated to tell Nina; that was always Willow’s call to make. She says she sees that now, and she’s so grateful Willow has forgiven her. She’s just wondering, hoping, can he?

Sonny says, Willow may change her mind and Michael may still want to take him down, but Willow did ask him if he’d reconcile with Michael, and Nina says, he didn’t tell her that. He says, a lot was going on, but he thinks the situation has motivated Willow to make almonds amends. Sasha says, if Willow thinks Michael and Sonny can reconnect, there’s hope Willow can do the same with Nina. Maybe things are falling into perspective for her. Nina says, especially if she can give Willow the bone marrow she needs. She wants to show Willow that she’ll do anything for her, and Sasha says, of course (🍷) she will. Nina’s phone rings, and Nina says, it’s the lab. She answers, thanking them for getting back to her.

Brook says she and Chase are in a better place these days, and Willow says, that’s good to know, even if it’s not what she asked. How does Brook feel? Brook says, only Willow would be in a hospital bed asking how someone else is doing, and Willow says, Chase is a hard man to forget. Brook says, impossible. What does she do? Should she hold out hope, or just move on? Willow says, so much of her life these days is about holding out hope, keeping the faith, believing the impossible is possible. Brook says, her situation is different. Her and Chase’s relationship isn’t life or death. Willow says, feels that way though, huh? She puts her hand on Brook’s, and says, if Brook can’t picture her life without Chase, don’t give up. Miracles happen every day.

Ned says he knows things are tense between him and Michael, but he doesn’t like them being at odds. Michael says, none of that matters now, and Ned says, agreed. What’s important is seeing Michael and Willow through this, which is why he’s here. Because no matter what happens in business, they’re first, foremost, and forever family.

Felicia suggests Cody join her and Mac, but Cody says he should be hitting the hay; it was a long night. Mac asks what Cody’s been doing these days, and Cody says, this and that. Anything to keep his mind off of… they know. Felicia asks if they’ll see him at Britt’s memorial tomorrow.

Gladys says she knows her assets aren’t very liquid at the moment, but if Selina will stake her again, she’ll break this losing streak. Selina says, Gladys has exhausted her line of credit. She owes the house $175,000. Gladys says, a hundred and seventy-five grand? Is Selina sure? Selina says, very sure; she’s got an MBA in finance. When can she expect payment?

Ava tells Nikolas that she holds their love in the same esteem he held her dignity. She looks through the papers, and he asks if everything is in order. She says, seems so. What’s the catch? He says, there’s no catch. He just wants to do right by her. She says, no counter? Nothing he wants from her? He says, just one thing, and she says, of course (🍷). He’s forgetting she owes him nothing; he owes her. He says he grants her that, but since she seems to prefer going to his Uncle Victor these days, this might be the one last time he gets to speak to her directly. She says, unless he can tell her that he really didn’t sleep with Esme and Elizabeth, there isn’t much to talk about, and he says, things aren’t exactly as they seem.

Trina says she doesn’t think Spencer is really equipped for this. Financially, maybe, but emotionally? Raising a child takes an insane amount of responsibility, more than they can imagine. He says, his Uncle Sonny said something similar, but how is he supposed to become a more responsible person without taking on more responsibility? She says, he’d be learning at the expense of the baby, and he says, that is literally how all first time parents learn. She asks if he’s thought about what this will do with his social life. He’s still young. Being an insta-father will affect his friendships and put a definite crimp in his future relationships. He asks if she’s saying people won’t want to be his friend or be his girlfriend if he’s raising a baby, and she tells him, she’s not saying it’s one way or the other; some might. He says, what about her? Would she want to be with a man who’s raising a baby? She says she woudn’t know the answer to that. She’d have to be in the situation. He says, what about the situation she’s in with him? Is him going after custody of this child going to impact whatever it is that’s going on between them? She asks what he means, and he says, he means what they’ve been doing. They’re trying to catch the killer by pretending to be friends, potentially more. She says, it worked, didn’t it? Esme showed up, and now she’s locked away. She may not be the killer… He asks what she’s feeling though. Are they playing the game, or is the game playing them? Be real. They’re hanging out, there’s no cameras around. They text each other constantly, but they don’t publicize it. It’s a lot of behind-the-scenes effort for pretense, doesn’t she think? She says, it may not just be play acting for her.

Cody says he hasn’t decided about the memorial, and Felicia says, it may be helpful for closure. He says he’s not sure he really believes in closure, and Mac says, Felicia means, facing what you’re feeling sometimes sets you free. Cody says, sometimes it just reminds you of all the ways you screwed up. He tells them to have a nice evening, and goes to the bar.

Gladys says she doesn’t have that kind of cash on hand, and Selina says, then they have a problem. Gladys says, what about instead of cash, Selina takes her son’s garage, and Selina asks if she’s the owner of the property. Cody listens from the bar, and Gladys says, depends on what she means by owner.

Drew says, everybody makes mistakes, but Carly says, not him; he’s damn near perfect. He says he makes mistakes all the time. He used to blow through town with a chip on his shoulder. All anybody can hope for is forgiveness and the chance to make things right. She says, that’s all she wants. She just wants to make this right somehow. He says, she did the right thing by telling Nina and urging her to get tested. Maybe it will make the difference. Carly says she prays it does, but what about them? Where do they stand? He says he can’t do this again. He knows he seems like an easygoing guy, but he’s got limits. She says she understands, and she’s really sorry. She heads for the door, and he says, in the future, they can’t lie to each other anymore. She says, you said future, and he says he wants one with her. He can’t promise it’s going to be easy. She says she’s willing to try, and he says he’s ready and willing and able, and they kiss. She asks him to come home with her. Ugh. Why does Carly never have any consequences for her actions?

Gladys says, technically, the garage belongs to her daughter-in-law, but they’re in the process of selling it, so she’ll just cut out the middleman and sign it over to Selina. Sonny says, it’s worth a pretty penny. Selina says, her daughter-in-law will consent to this? and Gladys says she has the power to make these decisions for her. Cody flashes back to Sasha telling him about the guardianship, and recognizing the name Gladys. Gladys says, her daughter-in-law will be fine with this, especially when she wins it back. Do they have a deal? She holds out her hand, and Selina shakes it as Cody watches.

Going into Willow’s room, Nina says, sorry. She didn’t mean to disrupt Willow’s visit with Brook, but she thought Willow would want to know tonight. The lab called her. The results of her bloodwork are in. Willow says, and? and Nina says she’s not a match. Despite their familial DNA, she doesn’t have the right markers to be Willow’s donor. She’s so sorry. She thought she’d be able to end this nightmare for Willow. Willow says she’s not sure anyone can, and turns on her side, away from Nina. Nina almost touches Willow to comfort her, but thinks better of it.

Michael says, after all that, Nina isn’t even a match? but Sasha says, they can’t give up hope. Sonny says he’s sorry, but it’s going to be fine.

Nikolas says he knows he hurt Ava. He betrayed their trust and destroyed their marriage. He’s going to have to live with that. One day she’s going to realize their marriage was undermined by outside sources. She says, sources whose names both begin with the letter E? but he says, she’s got it wrong. Once the truth is known, he’s confident she’ll feel differently. She asks what he means, and he tells her, all he can say is, there’s more to this story. He knows he hasn’t given her any reason to believe him, but he loved her, and he still does, with all his heart. So take everything he has, and one day, all those possessions he’s granted her will be theirs again. They’re going to be married and living in Windymere, and they’ll be in love, in lust, and happy. She asks how he can be sure, and he says, because their story isn’t over. One day she’s going to realize all the sacrifices he made, and when that day comes, he’ll be waiting for her.

Trina says, for the last few weeks, she’s started to see Spencer in a certain light, and he says, same here. Why didn’t she say anything? She says, because he burned her, and she’s a little sensitive. He says, fair enough. He hopes she knows he’s never going to hurt her again, and she says she does, which is why she told her mom how she really feels about him. He asks how she took it, and Trina says, her mother was concerned, but she told her that Spencer has grown up; he’s changed. He says, it’s very nice of her to have noticed, and she says she told her mom she can make her own choices when it comes to him; that he’s her friend, and her mother doesn’t have a decision in the matter. So they don’t have to pretend anymore or hide their friendship. He says, friends, and she tells him that she knows she said they weren’t friends, but she was just really hurt. So much has changed, and he’s really been there for her. He says, trusty and steadfast, like a Golden Retriever. She says, not quite; dogs are obedient. She really hopes he feels the same way, and he says, she has no idea.

Carly and Drew walk into her bedroom, and she says she’s wanted this for months. He says, him too, and she says, part of her wanted to guard her heart; play it safe, so she didn’t risk the pain of losing him. But a part of her knew she couldn’t waste this chance. He says he knows her. She’s not afraid to take a chance, and neither is he. They start to get busy.

Spencer says he hopes a baby doesn’t change things between them. By that, he means Joss and Cam, him, and Trina. She says, her too, and he asks her to do him a favor and keep everything he told her confidential. He thinks Diane wants him to keep things quiet for now. She says, of course (🍷). So he’s determined to do this. He says, with or without anyone’s approval, but it would mean the world to him to have her support. She says she does have her reservations about him taking on this level of responsibility, but she’s proud of him for stepping up. He thanks her, and says, she hasn’t seen anything yet, but she will. He’s not like his father. When he makes a committeemen to someone, he sticks to it. And he’s ready to do just that.

Carly and Drew continue to get busy, and there’s a musical interlude.

Brook and Sasha sit on a bench, and Brook says, Willow was in such good spirits. They were teasing each other like always, now this. Sasha says, it’s more than one person should have to bear, and Brook wonders why devastating things are happening to all the good people in her life. They both cry, and Sasha says, Willow has so much to live for. She has so many people who love and support her. Brook says, Chase has to be updated, and Sasha says, it’s going to kill him. They both say, I should call him.

Cody says, the woman Selina was talking to just now, the one he took to the cleaners tonight, what’s her last name? Selina wonders why he asks, and he says he thinks he and Gladys might have a mutual acquaintance. If so, he’d like to keep his distance. Selina says, Corbin, Gladys Corbin. She’s also involved with Deception. She walks away, and Cody says, so it would seem.

Ava says, for a minute there, Nikolas almost had her; she almost believed him. She gets off the barstool, and says she nearly fell for his lies again. But believe her when she tells him, she’ll never let that happen again. She takes her wedding set off, puts it on the bar, and leaves.

Michael goes into Willow’s room, and she says, he heard? He says he did, and she says, that’s it. They’re out of options. He gets in the bed next to her, putting his arm around her, and says, she’s wrong. They can do this. They can find her a donor. She asks, how?

Nina runs out of the hospital, as Sonny follows. She drops something from her purse, then throws the purse down, yelling, damn it! He holds her, and says, tell him what she needs. She says she won’t survive losing another child.

Tomorrow, Felicia asks if Robert is willing to have that on his conscience; Victor says he wants answers, and wants them immediately; and Nina tells Ava that she’s not going to rest until that woman pays for what she did.

💡 Hmm… I wonder if it’s Sonny who’s going to be the match?

🥀 Forever Her Fan…

A lovely farewell from Tony Geary.

🎱 Magic Eightball Says…

Looking toward the year to come.

🤰🏼 Doing It Her Way…

She’ll have that kid fetching her drinks in no time.

🧂 She Knows Nothing…

It’s funny how there are never cameras around when you really need them.

🦔 Winning Companions…

I don’t know as I’d give a chimpanzee whiskey. Especially after seeing Nope.

🎣 Gone Ice Fishing…

Pop in tomorrow for soap, tea, quotable quotes, and a better musical interlude than GH came up with. Until then, stay safe, stay being as decent a human being as you can, and stay facing what you’re feeling. It sometimes sets you free. Or reminds you of all the ways you screwed up. Take a chance.

January 25, 2023 – Renee Reveals Her True Intentions, Behind the Cataphile, Why She Left, Crystal Reads the Room, New Pump, WeHo Friends, TikTok Emu & Snow


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer and Trina see Laura coming out of Kelly’s, and Laura says, it’s nice to see them. She thinks Cameron needs friends tonight, and Spencer says, they’ll look after him and make sure he’s okay. Laura leaves, and Trina asks if he knows what going on with Cam. He says, Joss stabbed him in the back.

In her dorm room, Josslyn flashes back to Cameron saying he’ll keep her secret, but not to thank him for being a better person than she is. Unlike her, he doesn’t betray the people he cares about. There’s a knock at the door, and Josslyn opens it to Carly, who says she got Josslyn’s message. What’s wrong? Josslyn says she screwed up, and grabs Carly in a hug.

Drew is arm wrestling with Wiley, and asks if Wiley’s been lifting weights. Wiley says, no, and Drew lets him win, saying, then he’s definitely been eating spinach. Look what just happened. Wiley says he’s strong, and Drew says he demands a do-over. Wiley wants to tell grandma, and Drew flashes back to being on the beach with Carly and kissing her.

On the phone in a private area of the MetroCourt, Victor says he’s perfectly aware the accommodations aren’t as luxurious as their guests would wish, but they’ll have to do for the time being. Keep him apprised of any developments. She might just be his best hope of bringing his son back to him.

Anna asks if Lucy can hear them, and says, it’s her and Valentin. Valentin tells her, nod her head yes or no; is she hurt? Lucy yells a bunch of stuff, but she’s not understandable through the gag. We see she’s handcuffed to a pipe, and Anna says, they’re going to get her.

Drew says, Wiley can tell grandma about his epic win later. Right now, it’s time for bed. There’s a knock at the gatehouse door, and Drew opens it to Olivia, who has a foil covered platter in her hands. Wiley says, hi, Mama Q, and Olivia says she told him, it’s Auntie Olivia. He tells her, Cody said, it’s Mama Q, and asks if Annabelle is with her. Olivia says, Annabelle is sleeping because she’s tired out from playing with him, and Drew tells Wiley, it’s PJ time; time for bed. Olivia says, that’s why she’s here. Wiley is officially invited to a slumber party up at the main house. Drew asks how that sounds, and Wiley says, yay! Olivia tells him to pick out his favorite PJs and two toys, and Wiley runs upstairs. Olivia says, cutest kid ever… other than Leo of course (🍷). Drew says, of course (🍷), and it’s sweet of her to invite him up to the main house. She says she figured they could use a break. He’s doing a good job of hiding his feelings, but she can tell Drew is worried about Willow. He says, aren’t they all? He’s definitely gotten closer to Willow and Michael over this past year. She’s such an incredible woman, it kills him that she’s going through this right now. She says, at least now there’s hope for a donor. She assumes he knows that Nina is Willow’s mother, and he says he guesses news travels fast. She says, whatever her feelings are for Nina, she just hopes Nina is a good match, and Willow’s going to be okay. Drew says, Willow could be okay already. She could already have her bone marrow transplant, and on her way to recovery if… Olivia says, if what? What isn’t he telling her, and why does she get the distinct impression it has something to do with Carly?

Carly asks, what happened? and Josslyn asks, how’s Willow? Carly says, she’s the same, waiting to see if Nina’s a bone marrow match, and Josslyn says she should have stayed. Carly asks, what’s going on? Josslyn didn’t leave a lot of detail in her message. Josslyn says she hurt Cam all over again. She lost him as a friend. They’ve known each other forever, and she blew it. Carly asks why she says that, and Josslyn says, Cam came over here tonight, and she wasn’t alone.

Walking into Kelly’s, Trina says, Spencer has to explain it to her. What does he mean by Joss stabbed Cam in the back? Cameron looks up from the counter, and Spencer says he can’t believe Trina’s best friend didn’t tell her. Trina says, tell her what? What’s going on? Cameron says, she really doesn’t know? and Spencer says he kept his mouth shut for once. Trina says, about what? If something’s gone wrong with Cameron and Joss, she needs to know. Spencer asks if Cameron wants to tell her, or should he.

Laura brings Charlotte into the MetroCourt restaurant, and they walk over to Martin at the bar. He wonders how he could be so lucky that the two most attractive ladies in the room are paying attention to him, and Laura says, Doc is working late. She and Charlotte decided to have a girls night out. Charlotte asks if he’d like to join them, and Martin says, it’s official. She’s as well-mannered as she is beautiful, but he’d never intrude on a girls night out. Laura suggests Charlotte wash up before dinner, and Charlotte asks Martin to think about having dinner with them. He looks like he could use a friend. She leaves, and he says, out of the mouths of babes. Laura says, she’s very observant, and she’s right. He should have dinner with them. If nothing else, they’ll provide a distraction.

Still on the phone, Victor says, he wants frequent updates and a speedy resolution, when he turns to see Charlotte on her way to the bathroom. He says, hold it right there, granddaughter.

Martin tells Laura to enjoy her girls night out. He has no reason to subject his brand new niece to a serious case of low spirits. She says, he’s got to have faith. She believes Anna and Valentin are going to find Lucy, and bring her home. He says, amen to that. Truth be told, he was sitting here stewing about how he could tip things in their favor. Speaking of, has she ever pondered what was said at Pentenville when they had that little tête-à-tête with their dear incarcerated brother? She asks if he means when Cyrus suggested they work together to bring Victor down. He’s not actually considering that, is he?

In the catacombs, Renee says, she knows the way, follow her, but Anna says, wait. There’s a door right there. Is that the only entrance? Renee says, oui, and Anna says, it’s going to be guarded obviously. Is Renee sure there’s no other point of entry? Valentin says he thinks they’re looking at one. These joints are so rusted, he thinks they can yank this grate right off. He and Anna pull at the grate.

Drew says, Carly has known Nina was Willow’s mother since Harmony died, and didn’t say anything. Olivia says, she what? and he says, she thought she was protecting Willow. As soon as she found out Willow was sick, she did tell the truth. Olivia says, but in the meantime, she kept that information from everyone, including Drew, and he says, but that wasn’t the only lie. Carly was so determined that the truth didn’t come out, she actively sabotaged his search for Willow’s birth family. Olivia asks how he found out about all of this, and he says, Carly confessed once he told her that Willow had leukemia. She says, he’s dealing with some really heavy stuff here, and he says, Willow collapsing and being rushed to the hospital is heavy stuff. They have to show up for her, and that’s all that matters right now. She says, of course (🍷) that’s what matters most, but his relationship with Carly matters too. Does he think their friendship can survive this?

Josslyn tells Carly that she talked to Michael a little bit, but he was totally focused on Willow of course (🍷). She was just sitting around the hospital, and didn’t want to run into Sonny or Nina. Dex showed up, and they  rode in the elevator together. She brought him back here, and it really helped to talk with him and be with him. They decided to order food, and Dex was only in his pants. She wasn’t in much more, and when they went to answer the door, it was Cam. She cries, and says, the look on his face… Carly sits next to her on the bed, kisses her forehead, and says she’s so sorry. Josslyn says, so is she. She’s not sorry she was with Dex, but she’s so sorry she hurt Cam like that.

Trina says, Joss broke up with Cameron on New Year’s, and she’s just hearing about this now? Why didn’t Josslyn tell her? Cameron says he doesn’t know; maybe she was embarrassed. Spencer says he’d be embarrassed to break up with Cam, and I laugh, while Cameron looks like he wants to. Trina asks why Josslyn broke up with him in the first place, and Cameron tells her, she said they grew apart. Spencer says, allegedly, and Trina says, he doesn’t believe her? He says he already told Cam that he thinks there’s more going on than Josslyn’s lame reason, and judging by the look on Cam’s face, he’s guessing he’s right.

Laura says, Martin knows as well as she does that Cyrus’s good intentions also come with an agenda. He says he guesses she’s right, but don’t worry. He’s not seriously considering working with Cyrus, but he did bump into Victor earlier when he was at the hospital. It was a harsh in-your-face reminder why he’s not sitting here having dinner with Lucy tonight. She says she believes Anna and Valentin are going to bring Lucy home; she promises him. He asks how she’s in a position to promise him that, and she says, Valentin sent her a message on Christmas. He asks why she didn’t tell him sooner. Did he say anything about Lucy? She says, he didn’t, but he did say things were going well, and they’re making headway. He asks what the hell that means. They both know, the longer it takes to find Lucy, the less her chances for survival. He’s sick and tired of sitting around, putting all of his eggs in alternate baskets. He’s going to find another way to get to Mr. Victor Cassadine. She says, by representing Esme Prince?

Victor says, Charlotte, how lovely. He’s been meaning to visit her for ages now, but her grandmother has other ideas. He and Laura have their differences, but he was hoping they could put them aside where their shared family is concerned. Oh well. So how is she doing? Charlotte says she’d be a lot better if she knew where her father was.

Valentin and Anna get the grate off, and Anna runs inside. She removes Lucy’s gag, and asks if she’s all right. Lucy says, Anna saved her… after Anna tried to kill her. She doesn’t understand. What the hell is going on? Anna says, it was a set-up; she was framed. They don’t have time to explain. She works on Lucy’s handcuffs, when Renee takes out a gun and says she’s sorry, but Lucy’s not leaving, and neither are they.

Josslyn tells Carly that she asked Dex to leave. He didn’t want to, but he did, and the second she and Cam were alone, he asked her straight out if she’d slept with Dex before they broke up. She didn’t even need to say anything; he could see the truth on her face. Carly asks, what is the truth? and Josslyn says, she and Dex have been sleeping together since New Year’s. So now Cam thinks she’s a liar and a cheater, and she broke up with him for Dex, but she didn’t. Carly says, two things can be true. Her feelings for Cam could have changed at the same time she was starting to connect with Dex. Josslyn says she should have broken up with Cameron weeks ago, but she kept putting it off. Part of that is legit, because they had a lot going on. But another part of her didn’t want to hurt him, and she ended up hurting him even worse. It’s not even that he just walked in here. She had to ask him not to say anything about her and Dex. Sonny told Dex to stay away from her. If he finds out Dex disobeyed him, he could kill him. Carly says, she’s right. Dex is risking his life by being with her, but he’s also risking his life by working for Sonny. That doesn’t seem to bother Dex; does it bother her? Josslyn says she doesn’t know what Carly is asking, and Carly says she was about Josslyn’s age when she met Jason. He also didn’t have a problem with risking his life. In fact, she thinks he liked it, and she liked that he liked it; that he was dangerous, but made her feel safe. Jason would take these crazy chances, but she always knew he’d be there for her. Is that how Dex makes Josslyn feel? Josslyn says, yes, and Carly says, then she’s going down a really difficult road, and needs to be sure this is what she really wants.

Drew tells Olivia, Carly lied to him when she told him that Nina wasn’t Willow’s mother, but he had no reason to doubt her. He certainly didn’t think she’d go to such lengths to cover up the truth. Olivia says, he’s angry, and he says, she’s damn right he’s angry. On Willow’s behalf, knowing what she’s going through, and his; he trusted Carly. Olivia says she and Drew have a lot in common. They’re both straightforward people. They don’t like lies and secrets. They want everything out on the table so they can deal with it. It’s been a real challenge for her dealing with the Quartermaines, and it’s going to be a challenge for Drew dealing with Carly. She can understand why Drew is upset with her. He says, on some level, he gets why Carly lied to him. She found out about Willow’s DNA results during Wiley’s visitation hearing, and he remembers how hard it was on Willow, how furious she was at Nina. He stood up for Carly when her family was laying into her a little bit for telling the truth. Olivia says, clearly, he still cares a little bit about Carly, and he says, of course (🍷) he cares about her, but that doesn’t change the fact she lied to him.

Cameron says, Trina would have to ask Joss. He only knows what she told him. Trina says, they’re going through a rough patch (another phrase I’ve never heard anyone say IRL) right now, but they always seemed meant to be. She thinks they can work through it. Cameron tells her, drop it. He and Joss are done. He gets up, and Spencer says, go easy. Cameron asks what Spencer and Trina are even doing together right now. Esme’s been found; they can stop pretending. Isn’t there enough BS to go around already? He goes in the back, and Spencer says, wow. Sorry about that. Trina says, it’s fine. Cam’s just hurting, so maybe they should give him a break. It was nice of Spencer to stick up for her though. He says, anytime, and she asks if anyone is in his corner tomorrow for Dr. Westbourne’s memorial service. He says he can’t believe she’s gone. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to say goodbye. She asks if it would help if she tagged along, and he says, it would. She says, then it’s a lock, and he says, cool, and thanks her. He says, Cam’s right though, and she says, about what? He says, there’s no reason for them to keep pretending they’re closer than they really are.

Laura asks how Martin could take Esme’s case, and he says, number one, he didn’t have much of a choice. Number two, don’t you dare. If he had to wait around for her approval of all of his clients, he’d never work again. He seems to remember her having a really dim view of him representing Peter August, and look how that turned out. She says, Esme is no Peter August, but she did horrible things to Laura’s family – his family too. He says, which her son made abundantly clear to him when Nikolas had him assigned to this case pro bono. And just so she knows, he tried to remove himself, but Nikolas promised him triple his rate to remain her attorney. He’s been up all night. Even if Nikolas is hiding something up his sleeve, two can play at that game. Her boy and his beloved uncle have been thick as thieves lately. She says, please tell her that he’s not going to use a pregnant girl, who has traumatic memory loss as leverage, and he says, a little. He’s not a monster. They both know the information is power, and if something lands in his lap that will free Lucy, he’s damn well going to take advantage of it. She says she supposes she understands that, but consider this a warning. If he tries to out maneuver Victor, he’s only going to end up in trouble.

Victor asks Esme to join him for a bit. Can he get her a soda? She says, no, and he asks why she’d think he’d do anything to her father. She says she’s not naïve. Victor sent her to boarding school in Switzerland to keep her away from him. He says he thought she was enjoying her new school, but she says she didn’t enjoy not being able to leave or not seeing her papa. Now Victor has done something to get him out of Port Charles. Victor says, her father makes his own choices. He’s very sorry if those choices keep him away for too long, but he fully intends to bring them all back together again soon. Laura appears, and says, they’ll be skipping that reunion. She tells Charlotte, let’s go.

Renee tells Anna, step away from Lucy, and Anna backs away, holding up her hands. Renee says, Anna Devane, always looking escape plan, but there’s no escaping this. In French, she yells for Jean-Claude and Gavin to come here, and they come in. Gavin tells Valentin and Anna to kneel and put their hands behind their heads, and Valentin asks who paid Renee to sell him out. She says she needed the money; she had no choice. Valentin says, she had a choice. She just made the wrong one. Renee says, that depends on where you’re standing, or kneeling, as the case may be. Lucy says, you’re not going to kill us, are you?

Victor says, sorry for interrupting. He was just… Laura says, Charlotte, and steers Charlotte out. Victor’s phone rings, and he says, what? Gavin says, everything’s set. Would he like to speak to everyone? Victor says, put him on speaker, and asks Valentin and Anna how the reunion is going. He’s sorry it’ll be short lived.

Trina tells Spencer, the cops don’t think Esme’s the killer, which means the real Hook is out there, still attacking people who are connected to her. Which means keeping up this charade is their best bet for luring her out from whatever rock she’s hiding under. He says, so they’re agreed; they keep pretending to be a couple. She says, yes, even though her mom called her out for letting him back into her life. He says he can’t say he’s surprised. She had a strong reaction to them. Trina’s mother hates him, and he probably deserves it. She says, it doesn’t matter. She stood up to her mother; told her who she hangs out with is her business. He says, sorry to cause problems between her and her family, but she says she keeps telling them that they need to learn boundaries; that she can make her own choices. He says, her family just cares about her. A lot of people do.

Carly says she can’t tell Josslyn how to live her life. Josslyn is just like her. No one can tell her anything; she has to figure it out for herself. But Carly’s life can be divided by what happened before she met Jason, and everything that happened after. It’s going to be the same for Josslyn if she stays with Dex. That person who puts you in danger, and gets you out of it. That person who makes you want to take crazy chances. The person you want to lie for, even when he doesn’t want you to. As Josslyn’s mother, Carly doesn’t want that for her. Does Josslyn want that? Because it isn’t just some other guy. This will change her life. Josslyn says she can’t un-meet him, and she can’t un-care about him. What’s going to happen between her and Dex has already started, and she doesn’t want it to stop.

Olivia tells Drew, she understands that no one likes to be lied to, but Carly kept the truth from Willow because she was trying to protect her. Her motives could not have been further from selfish. He says, understanding Carly’s motives and trusting her are two different things, and Olivia says she’s willing to bet he was drawn to Carly for all of these traits he’s grappling with right now. Her open heart, and her determination to protect her family at all costs, even when she sometimes hurts the people closest to her. His eyes are open. There’s no pretense about who Carly is, about the things she’s done, and he chose her anyway.

Valentin asks if Victor is going to kill them while he’s half a world away. He never pegged Victor as a coward. Victor asks if Valentin thinks he could dispose of him that easily. He can’t make Charlotte an orphan. Besides, he still has hope for their relationship… Although it probably never stood a chance with her influence. Valentin asks, whose influence? and Victor says, just know that he’ll always be Victor’s son. He’ll never give up on Valentin. Gavin knows where to take Miss Coe and his son. Get rid of Miss Devane. Valentin jumps up, and says, he’ll kill Victor himself.

Drew says, Olivia is right. He wanted to be with Carly for everything she is. Olivia says she knows better than anybody that Carly sometimes goes about things in a backwards way, especially when she’s trying to protect her family. She and Carly have had some epic arguments about their sons, but Carly has also come through for her many times. He says he cares about Carly a lot, but he just doesn’t see kind of future they can have moving forward. Olivia asks if he thinks it was easy for Carly to lie about this. She and Carly have been friends a long time. Carly feels things very deeply, and she’s willing to bet Carly was at war with herself about this. Wanting to be honest with him, wanting to protect her family, not wanting to lay another secret on him. He says, she was so adamant she did right thing, and Olivia says, who knows? Maybe she did based on what she knew and didn’t know. Carly will protect the people she loves at all costs, and damn if that’s not the person she wants to have in her corner. He says, bottom line, they can’t be in relationship where lying is okay, and she says she gets that. Only Drew can decide what’s okay and not okay in his relationship. He’s got to make that decision for himself. She’s going to wrangle Wiley. She heads upstairs, asking him to lock up before he leaves.

Carly tells Josslyn that she said Dex is going to be the person Josslyn lies for, but don’t lie to her. She won’t always approve of what Josslyn’s doing or agree with everything, but she’ll always have Josslyn’s back, and needs to know Josslyn will always come to her when there’s something wrong. Josslyn says, Carly has her own problems and her own life, but Carly says, nothing is more important than being Josslyn’s mother. Josslyn says, okay, she’ll come to Carly, and Carly says, she better. Josslyn asks if Carly misses Jason, and Carly says, every day. Josslyn says, but Drew helps, and Carly says, he did. Josslyn asks if they broke up, and Carly says, not yet. Josslyn asks, what happened? and Carly says she found out Nina was Willow’s mother and didn’t say anything, and he feels betrayed. She kept things from him; she lied to him. Josslyn says, she’s just going to give up? and Carly says she’s holding onto hope they can work through this, but she does understand how he feels. Josslyn says she knows why Carly kept Nina and Willow’s relationship a secret. The same reason she kept her feelings for Dex a secret from Cam. Why inflict unnecessary hurt? Carly says, but Willow and Cam got hurt despite their best intentions, and Josslyn says, because they can’t control how other people feel. They can’t control other people’s reactions to their decisions. That’s why it’s better to tell the truth. It’s less painful than defending a lie. Carly wonders how Josslyn got so wise, but Josslyn says she’s not sure, and they hug.

Trina asks if Spencer has spoken to his father since… Spencer says, since his father got his ex-girlfriend pregnant? No. He’s tried to avoid his father as much as he possibly can, and plans to keep doing so. His father has hurt him again and again. He hates his father for it, and wants nothing to do with him. She says she gets the impulse, but it may not be feasible. Spencer’s about to have a new sibling. Is he really going to let his feelings for his father prevent him from having a relationship with his new baby sister or brother?

At a table with Martin and Laura, Charlotte asks if Laura knows where her papa is. Laura says, they know he’s safe because he sent them a message on Christmas, but Charlotte says, that’s not the same as knowing where he is, and what he’s doing. What if Grandfather Victor has done something to make him disappear, and they never see him again?  

Lucy is released, and Gavin says, let’s go. Renee wonders, what’s this? It was in Anna’s bag. She holds what looks like a tube of some kind, as Anna presses a button she’s had hidden in her sleeve. They hear an explosion, and Anna says, that would be the something-or-other she attached to the watermain. In about one minute, this whole chamber is going to be flooded. Valentin says, Anna was onto Renee from the very beginning, and Anna says, Renee changed her appearance when she left their hotel room, so she had to figure maybe Renee was more than just a cataphile. Valentin says, and he does everything Anna says. Anna and Valentin jump up, and Valentin takes care of Gavin and Jean-Claude. Anna punches Renee, knocking her out, and says she hopes Renee can swim or breathe under water.

Carly knocks at the gatehouse door, and Drew opens it.

Spencer tells Trina, of course (🍷) he’s not going to turn his back on his sibling, but his father is toxic, and he needs to make sure he doesn’t get the chance to hurt his sibling and treat them the way he treated Spencer. The best thing to do would be ensure his father doesn’t get to raise the child. She says, obviously that would be best, but Esme’s not much of an improvement. Besides, Esme’s facing criminal charges, and may be sent to prison. So his father may not be the best option, but he’s the only option. Spencer says, not necessarily. What about him?

Laura says, one thing she knows about Charlotte’s father is he would move heaven and earth to get back to her. Martin says, and the rest of them will be here for her until he does. Charlotte thanks them, and Laura says, it’s her turn to wash her hands. She’ll be right back.

Laura walks over to Victor, and says, leave Charlotte alone. He says, she can try to turn his family against him, but she won’t succeed. Charlotte will come around, if she ever wants to see her father again.

Valentin, Anna, and Lucy run out of the catacombs, coughing and gasping for air. Valentin says he doesn’t think Anna has ever been more beautiful than when she punched Renee in the mouth, and Anna says, he’s so romantic. She asks if Lucy is all right, but Lucy says she doesn’t know. Thank God for Anna, or she would have ended up like Renee and those guards. She’s not going to miss them, but seeing their dead bodies is not a sight she can get out of her mind. Anna says, it’s tragic, but it was Lucy or them. Valentin says, they’ve got to move, but Lucy says she doesn’t want to go yet. Do they have a phone that’s still working? She needs to call Marty. Anna says, she can’t, and Lucy asks, why not? Valentin says, because as far as the rest of the world knows, they’re all dead, and Anna says, and we have to stay that way.

Tomorrow, Sasha tells Nina to show up for Willow the way she showed up for her; Selina tells Gladys, it’s time to cover her debts; and Carly asks Drew where they stand.

🔦 C’est Une Cataphielle…

Two and a Half Men is my guilty (very guilty) pleasure, and although I don’t remember her, I assume she’s one of the girls Charlie dated.

🏥 Real Reason…

This must have been hard for him to hear.

💎 Casual Observer…

Crystal gets the Voice of Reason award for last season.

🗣 Not the Real Reason…

Again, are we watching the same show?

🍸 Pump Your Tinis…

What’s Garcelle doing there? Starts February 8th.

👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 About Those Friends…

If you missed the premiere, you can watch it on YouTube.

The drama before the drama.

📲 New Emu In Town…

Looks like LiMu has some competition.

🤺 Moving Like Jagger…

Come join me tomorrow for soap and a cornucopia of tea. Until then, stay safe, stay not sitting on the fence, and stay telling the truth. It’s less painful than defending a lie.

January 24, 2023 – Josslyn Begs Cameron To Stay Silent About Dex, Kristina’s Pal, Opening Up, Anniversary Watch Party, No Snooki, Academy Picks & the City


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Dex goes in to see Sonny, and says, sorry for interrupting. Sonny says, as long as Dex knows, it’s always family first, and Dex says he does. Sonny asks what Dex has to tell him, and Dex says, Sonny told him to stay away from Josslyn, but he couldn’t.

Josslyn asks Cameron not to tell anybody about her and Dex, and he says, excuse me? Josslyn dumps him for Dex, and expects him to keep his mouth shut? She says, please, it has to stay a secret, and he asks, why? Because she’s ashamed of what she did? She says, no, because she’s afraid of what Sonny could do if he finds out.

Sam meets Maxie at The Savoy, and apologizes for being late. Maxie says she’s just glad Sam is there. It’s important for them to make time for each other when they can. Sam says, Maxie’s thinking of Britt, and Maxie says, yeah, and all the times she wanted to text Britt to just hang out or go shopping. But Britt was really busy, so there were a lot of texts never sent. When Sam’s name came up in her phone, she thought she’d really like to see her friend. Sam says, it’s good to see Maxie too.

Laura says, tell her what’s going on, and Elizabeth says, her mother is in town. Laura asks, why? Does Elizabeth think she wants to make almonds amends? Elizabeth says, apparently, that’s just a bonus. She’s here to consult on a patient. Laura says, and Elizabeth doesn’t believe her, but Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. After everything her mom and her dad have done, can she risk trusting her? Laura asks if her mom deliberately tried to get in touch with her, and Elizabeth says she thinks Carolyn just ran into her by accident. When they talked, she seemed sincere about wanting to make up for all the harm she caused, the lost time… It’s just that… Laura says, it’s just that with their history, it’s hard for Elizabeth to trust her, and Elizabeth says, exactly. Laura says she’s sorry. Unfortunately, she’s starting to feel that way about Nikolas.

Carolyn says she came all the way from Monterey because Nikolas said her daughter was in trouble and needs her help. Nikolas says, it’s true. He trusts she hasn’t told anybody about her trip, especially Elizabeth, and she says she hadn’t, but she ran into her daughter at Kelly’s. He asks what Elizabeth said, and Carolyn says she did as he asked and didn’t tell Lizzie about his phone call; just that she was here to consult on a case. He says he knew he could count on her discretion, and asks if she’d like a drink. She tells him, no thank you, but he could answer her question. What’s going on with Lizzie? What kind of trouble is her daughter in?

Paris, France. Valentin and Anna go into a monastery, and a monk asks if he can help them. Anna apologizes for it being late, and says, they’ve been reading about this ancient monastery, and the history is fascinating. Anna tells the monk that they’re going to pray, and she and Valentin kneel down by the altar. The monk leaves, and Anna says, if Valentin’s friend Renee doesn’t show, they’ll have to pray for a miracle. They’re running out of time to find Lucy before it’s too late.

Elizabeth asks what Nikolas did this time, and Laura says, he wants her to side with him when he sues Esme for full custody of her baby. She asks if it’s hard for Elizabeth to hear this stuff when she was recently involved with him, but Elizabeth says, no. What happened was… It ended as quickly as it began. They’re back to being friends. Laura says she’s glad to hear that. Nikolas needs all the friends he can get right now. Elizabeth says she knows the feeling, and Laura says she’s glad Elizabeth reached out to her. Would Elizabeth like her to talk to Carolyn; find out why she showed up suddenly after all these years, especially after Elizabeth told her that she didn’t want anything to do with her or Jeff? Elizabeth thanks her, but says, her mom is an expert at mind games. She played them on Elizabeth as a teenager, and she’s still dealing with the consequences. Laura says, Elizabeth knows she’s a part of her family too, right? and Elizabeth says, Laura is the mom she always wished she had. Laura takes her hand, and Elizabeth says, her birth mom wants back into her life, and she keeps asking herself, should she give Carolyn another chance?

Nikolas tells Carolyn, Elizabeth’s troubles started long before she came to Port Charles. Or does he have to remind Carolyn how young her daughter was when she and Jeff cut her loose to save their marriage? She asks if that’s what Elizabeth told him, and he says, yes. He and Elizabeth have been good friends; they tell each other everything. Elizabeth told him all about her dad’s unfortunate affair when he was supposed to be serving humanity out there in the Pacific. She says, Jeff’s not perfect, and neither is she, and Nikolas says, Elizabeth also told him about the unintended consequences that led to the death of Hamilton Finn’s wife Reiko. And how Carolyn used her skills as a psychiatrist to suppress Elizabeth’s memory of the incident. If she really wants to help her daughter, she’ll stop asking him questions, and do exactly as he says.

Maxie tells Sam, everything is set for Britt’s memorial. She’s sure if it were up to Britt, it would be another bash like her birthday. Sam says she heard it was legendary, and Maxie says, beyond. The drag emcee and shirtless waiters were just the beginning. She realizes now that Britt meant for it to be a goodbye party. Britt was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. She knew she was terminal… She should have had more time, years more. Sam hopes it’s some consolation that Britt died saving someone’s life, but Maxie says, the only consolation will be when the police identify The Hook, and send them to jail for the rest of time. Which got her thinking, has Dante shared any details from the police investigation with Sam? Sam asks if Mac has shared any details of the investigation with Maxie, and Maxie says, Mac never shares any details of police investigations with her… but she’s sure he shares them with her mom, because they’re a couple and he trusts her. And with a high stress job like that, you need someone to confide in. Sam and Dante are a couple, which gets her thinking… Sam says, most of the time, Maxie would be wrong, and Maxie says, and this time? Sam says, Maxie’s right. She and Dante are working together.

Anna tells Valentin, they can’t wait any longer. If the entrance to the catacombs is somewhere here, they have to find it themselves. He says, they have to wait for Renee. She’s not that late; she’ll be here. She’s a cataphile. She knows the catacombs better than anyone he’s ever met. Anna asks, what is it about her? Is it her knowledge of the catacombs that fascinates him, or is it the history they share? He says he was another man; that was another life. He took huge risks, and made large amounts of money illegally for a lot of people, including Renee. He can’t say he regrets that time in his life because it was a lot better than the one he had previously. She says, and now he’s revisiting it, when Renee says, there they are. Have they brought everything they need? Anna says, everything they need is in that backpack, and in French, Renee asks Valentin if he has everything he needs. The monk comes back, and Renee says, they won’t be long; she promises. She takes Valentin’s arm, and says, they may have to find their way in the dark.

Sonny asks Dex to explain why he couldn’t stay away from Josslyn, and Dex says, on New Year’s Eve, he was crossing Pier 55, and heard the signs of a struggle. He went to check it out, and found Josslyn on the ground, and a woman who turned out to be Britt Westbourne struggling with The Hook. Sonny says, go on, and Dex says he took a shot. It was a bad angle, and he didn’t want to risk hitting Dr. Westbourne, but the attacker dropped her weapon and took off. He went to check on Josslyn; she was shaken up, but not injured. Dr. Westbourne said she was okay. She must not have realized she’d been hit. Sonny says, so this happened New Year’s Eve. Why is he just hearing about it now?

Josslyn tells Cameron that Sonny told Dex to keep his distance from her. If Sonny finds out they’ve been seeing each other… Sonny prides himself on having his own code. If you break that code, you pay with your life. Cameron asks if what she’s saying is, she wants him to keep his mouth shut to save the neck of her new boyfriend, but she says she’s asking him to save a life. It’s Dex’s life, and she understands, but she knows Cameron. He would never deliberately hurt somebody else just for the sake of payback. He says, maybe she doesn’t know him as well as she thinks.

Carolyn says she won’t allow Nikolas to question her motives. She came all the way across the country to help her daughter; nothing more, nothing less. She knew there was a chance that Lizzie wouldn’t even talk to her, but that’s between her daughter and her. He says, first of all, no one in Elizabeth’s life calls her Lizzie; no one. And second, Elizabeth’s fate and his are intertwined. They’ve played a pivotal role in each other’s lives for decades. Can Carolyn say that? She says she has the feeling if he and Elizabeth are having a problem, he’s the one to blame, not her daughter. He says he’s not going to deny that, because she’s right, but he and Elizabeth are well past the place of pointing fingers. They’re both in trouble. End of story. Unless Carolyn chooses to act, and she acts now. Or was she just lying when she said she wanted to help? She asks what he wants her to do, and he says, years ago, she went to great lengths to protect Elizabeth, or so she said. Use those same skills to save her daughter before it’s too late.

Elizabeth tells Laura that Carolyn seems to genuinely regret the choices she made. It’s not like Elizabeth has never crossed a line or done something she’s regretted. Laura says, welcome to the club. It’s called being human. The important thing is, you just can’t let your past mistakes determine your future. Elizabeth asks if that same standard shouldn’t apply to her mom, and Laura says, yeah. Let’s start by assuming her mother is sincere and just wants a fresh start with her. Does Elizabeth think she could meet her halfway, and begin the healing process? Elizabeth says she’s always dreamed of her boys knowing their grandparents, and Laura asks, what stops her? Elizabeth says, at what point can she let go of the past, and actually forgive her parents?

Josslyn tells Cameron that she understands. She didn’t handle this situation the right way. She’s given him every reason to hate her, but she can’t believe he’d stand around and let Sonny blame it all on Dex. He says, she is so selfish. She totally broke his heart, but he thought, at least she’s being honest with him. It turns out, she was lying. It wasn’t because they grew apart. She dumped him because she found a new guy, and she wants him to help Dex? The answer is no. He’s not doing a favor for her and her new boyfriend. She says, don’t call him that, and he says, he is, isn’t he? But what goes around, comes around. She got with Dex by cheating on him, and he’s looking forward to the day Dex cheats on her, because that’s what she deserves. She got Dex, but at a cost, which is their friendship, now dead and buried. Let him be perfectly clear, it was her who ended it, not him. She says, absolutely. She gets it. She waited to long to tell him how she felt, so blame her, don’t blame Dex. He says, she made her choices. He has his too, and he’ll be damned if he keeps Dex’s secret for him.

Dex says, right after New Year’s, Miss Reeves found out her daughter has leukemia, and Sonny’s been focused on that. That’s why he came here today. He’d already left it too long, and knew Sonny needed to know. Sonny says, so he took a shot at The Hook, The Hook ran off, then what? Dex says, Dr. Westbourne wanted to call the police, but he knew if he was there, they would confiscate the gun, and trace it. Since he didn’t know where Sonny got it, he didn’t want to risk the scrutiny, but he didn’t want to leave Josslyn alone; she was pretty shaken up. Sonny says, so Dex took Josslyn with him, and Dex says, he explained to her why he couldn’t stick around for the cops, and gave her a choice. She chose to come with him. Sonny says, he just left Britt there, and Dex says, she agreed to cover for them. None of them saw The Hook’s face; she was wearing some kind of mask. None of them had any other information to offer. There was nothing to be gained by him or Josslyn talking to the cops; it would have only caused complications. Sonny says, so Dex and Josslyn left the pier. Where did they go? Dex says, back to his apartment, and Sonny says, Dex took Josslyn back to his place. Dex says, she didn’t want to go to her mom’s, and didn’t feel safe at her place. She was still shaken up, and he didn’t feel she should be alone. Sonny asks how long Josslyn stayed with him, and Dex flashes back to them getting busy. He says, a couple hours. Then she asked to go to Kelly’s, and he took her back to her mom’s. Sonny says, Carly knows? and Dex says, yes, sir. Sonny says, but Dex waited until now to tell him? and Dex says, only because of Miss Reeves. She needed Sonny, and Sonny was focused on her. He figured that was more important. Sonny says he appreciates the gesture, but it doesn’t let Dex off the hook, no pun intended.

Josslyn says, Cameron is right. He doesn’t owe Dex anything, but she’s not asking for his sake. She’s asking for the sake of what they’ve meant to each other. He says, what is that exactly? It’s clear to him that she didn’t give a crap about him. She says, that’s not true. She does care about him. She’s talking about before they broke up. He says, before she slept with Dex, and she says she hates seeing him this hurt; that’s on her, she knows.  She knew what her feelings were, and didn’t say anything. She was trying to shield him, and made everything worse. She’s sorry. He’s a good guy. They’ve been friends forever, so she’s asking for the sake of those two friends who shared everything, the good and the bad. He asks if Dex means that much and him so little that she’s willing to compromise herself, and expect him to do the same.

Sam says, the reason she was late is that she just got back from Spring Ridge, and Maxie asks who she was visiting. Sam says, Esme Prince, and Maxie says, ugh. Because? Sam says, there’s a connection between Esme and the victims of The Hook attacks, and Maxie says she read all about it in The Invader. Sam’s mom’s coverage is must read journalism. Sam says, her mom is actually the reason she went to Spring Ridge. She wants Sam to track down Esme’s nanny. Maxie says, that’s not random or anything, and Sam says, it’s kind of a convoluted story, and the details are part of the investigation and privileged, so she can’t share them. But she can share that the nanny raised Esme after Esme’s adoptive parents died. The nanny Maggie Fitzgerald could potentially have information about a suspect in The Hook attacks. Maxie says, that’s a lot of mights and potentials, and Sam says she knows it’s a long shot. Maxie asks where Dante fits in, and Sam says, the police are on a parallel track. She and Dante are going to London to track down the last known address…  Maxie asks when Sam was going to tell her about this, and Sam says she was just telling her. Maxie says she knows. They’re going to track down the nanny who might have information, blah-blah-blah, but Sam and the man she loves are going to England. It’s exciting. Sam says, yes, actually. It’s really exciting.

Laura says she’s not suggesting Elizabeth give her mother a free pass, but she thinks Elizabeth might regret it if she doesn’t at least try to work things out with her mom. Ultimately, it’s Elizabeth’s decision, and she’s here for Elizabeth, no matter what she decides. Elizabeth says, Laura doesn’t play fair, all this appealing to her better angels. She’ll do her best. Laura says, it’s all any of them can do.

Nikolas says, there’s a young woman currently being held in a minimum security prison known as Spring Ridge, and Carolyn says, it’s where Ryan Chamberlain is being held, correct? He says, yes. He’s the most infamous inmate, but the young girl he mentioned is fascinating in her own way. Carolyn asks, how so? and he says, before she was sent to Spring Ridge, she showed up at GH very pregnant, with no clue how she got that way. She asks if he’s saying the girl has memory loss, and he says, so it seems; she’s a total blank slate. But more important, she has to stay that way. She says, important to who? Him? He says, and Elizabeth, and she asks, what exactly doesn’t he want this poor young woman to remember? He says, it’s better if she doesn’t know, and it’s better for her daughter if this poor young woman never gets her memory back.

The monk closes the doors, and Valentin says, the coast is clear. Where’s the entrance to the catacombs? Renee asks if he can feel it too, and he says, feel what? She says, the thrill, the rush, just like it used to be it. It can be that way again, and he says, she knows him; first, they finish the job. She says, and then? Anna joins them with the backpack, and asks what they’re waiting for. They go inside the catacombs.  

Carolyn says, Nikolas is asking her to medically manipulate an already damaged young woman to serve his needs? He says he’s asking her to use her expertise for the greater good, while serving Elizabeth’s needs. She says, if her daughter agreed to that, Elizabeth would have asked herself, and he says, Elizabeth has a good heart; that’s partly why she’s in this mess. She needs her mom to help her out, using her skills and training to suppress Esme’s painful memories like she once did for Elizabeth. She says, when did that procedure on Lizzie, she was thinking about her emotional well-being, but Nikolas says he doesn’t think Elizabeth thought it was in her best interest. They both know how much she’s suffered since then. Isn’t that what lured Carolyn back here, the opportunity to make it right? Carolyn says, and Nikolas calls himself a friend, and he says he’s a better friend than she is a parent, but she has the chance to atone for that. He’s offering her one last chance.

Josslyn says, their friendship is something she cherished, and Cameron says, stop pretending she has any respect for him. All this crap about how they couldn’t make it as a couple didn’t mean anything because she didn’t want to make it work; she found someone else. And now she wants him to keep her dirty little secret. She says, Dex works for Sonny; that complicates things. What she did hurt Cameron, and she hates that. If their friendship has to take a time out because of that, that’s fine; she understands. But she wants their friendship to have a future, somehow somewhere down the road. She wants him to want that too. He says, what if he doesn’t want that? What if he can’t ever find it in himself to forgive her? What then? She says, then she has to tell Dex before this gets back to Sonny.

Dex tells Sonny that he picked up the casing, so there’s nothing to tie the gun to what happened on New Year’s. He puts the casing and gun on the table, and says he understands if Sonny doesn’t trust him with it anymore. Sonny says, keep it, but he wants Dex to spend more time at the shooting range, because he doesn’t want Dex to miss next time. As long as Dex can look him in the eyes and swear he’s telling him everything.

Valentin says, the smell brings back memories, and Renee says, the smell in the catacombs is very memorable. He says, and not in a good way. They’ve been walking for a while now; how far have they gone? She says, they’ve gone at least one mile underground, and he asks if they’re getting closer to the compound where Victor is holding Lucy. She says, it can’t be far now, and he calls to Anna. He says, Anna was right behind them, and Renee says, it’s easy for people to get lost, especially when it’s their first time. He says, they have to go back and look for her, and Renee says, or they could celebrate that it’s just the two of them now.

Dex says he’s told Sonny everything. He can ask Josslyn. Sonny says he plans to, but he does appreciate Dex showing him respect, especially with what’s going on with Michael and Willow; they’re going through a tough time. Dex says, if Sonny doesn’t mind him asking, how are they doing? and Sonny says, they’re waiting to see if Nina’s a match so she can be a marrow donor for Willow. Dex says he hopes everything works out, and Sonny thanks him for looking out for Josslyn that night. He’s not officially her stepfather anymore. She wants nothing to do with him and he has no say, but she’s still important to him. Dex says, it goes with the job, right? Protecting everyone who’s important to Sonny. Sonny says, that’s the same thing he used to say when he was young, and had to prove himself. Dex is doing good. The sky’s the limit for him.

Cameron tells Josslyn, all this talk about cherishing their friendship is just BS. She just wants to  butter him up so he’ll stay quiet about her wannabe mobster boy toy. She says she hurt Cameron, and now he wants to hurt her; maybe she deserves that. But that doesn’t change the fact that if Sonny finds out she slept with Dex, he could turn on Dex. He might even have Dex killed. Does Cameron get that? He tells her, don’t dare try to make this his fault. She screwed him over, and he doesn’t owe her a damn thing. He walks to the door, and she asks where he’s going. He says, to Kelly’s, to go to his normal, boring, non-mafia job, and she asks what he’s going to do. He says, what does she think? Does she really believe he’s going to go on the internet and tell everyone his girlfriend left him for some stupid criminal? Her secret is safe with him. She thanks him, but he says, don’t dare thank him for being a better person than she is. Unlike her, he doesn’t betray the people he cares about. He leaves.

Laura says, it’s pretty clear there’s something else weighing on Elizabeth. Does she want to talk about it? Elizabeth says she doesn’t want to involve Laura in any more of her troubles. As much as she’d love to blame her parents, she’s not that 15 year old girl they shipped off. She’s a grown woman with three kids of her own. At some point, she needs to take responsibility for her own decisions. Laura says, that’s something they all need to do, but if what Elizabeth is struggling with involves Nikolas, she’s already involved. He’s her son, and she loves him. She always will, but she knows how persuasive he can be. Nikolas can make a bad idea seem reasonable. Elizabeth says she knows, and Laura asks if he’s imposed on their friendship. Elizabeth says, he talks a good game, but the choices she’s made are the choices she’s made, and she has to live with them. Laura says, she can always change her mind. Whatever it is, Elizabeth can tell her.

Maxie says she’s happy Sam found love again. To have been hurt so badly and grieve, then risk her heart again? She really admires Sam. Sam says, falling in love with Dante wasn’t some courageous act. It was actually the easiest most natural thing she’s ever done. They were friends, and she liked him; then she was like, wow, I love him. He told her that he loved her, and it just felt right. Don’t get her wrong. There have been plenty of bumps in the road along the way. Maybe she could have taken the pressure off with the whole moving in situation. Maxie says, because it was so important, she might screw it up? Like moving in together might be the beginning of the end? Sam says, pretty much, but moving in together wound up being wonderful. They fit really well together as a family. Maxie says, that’s awesome… and dangerous.

Nikolas says, what does Carolyn say? Does she want to put her psychiatric skills to use to help her daughter? She says, go to hell. All those years ago, when she used her skills so Elizabeth could forget that traumatic experience, she told herself that she was doing what was best for her daughter, but that wasn’t true. She was taking the easy way out for her and her husband, and she’s spent a lifetime wishing she could undo that mistake. The one and only reason she came to Port Charles was to make it right with Elizabeth. She’s not going to compound her mistake at the expense of another poor, young, innocent woman. Nikolas says, the woman in question is hardly innocent, and Carolyn says, the trouble is, she doesn’t trust him. And she absolutely will not use her knowledge of the human mind to play God with someone else’s life. She made that mistake decades ago, and it’s a mistake she’ll always regret. She picks up her stuff, and walks to the door. Nikolas says, maybe this time, Elizabeth will regret it, and Carolyn stops, turning around.

Valentin says, Renee is right. It is just her and him, and that’s a problem for him. They have to turn around and find Anna. Renee asks, what’s the rush? If Anna is as resourceful as he’s been telling her, doesn’t he think she’ll catch up… eventually, that is. She knows he can feel the heat between them. Those old feelings don’t just evaporate. She can still remember those wild times they had. She doesn’t think it’s possible to forget them. It can be like that again – she moves closer, about to kiss him – only better, if you play your cards right. A flashlight shines toward them, and Anna says, there they are. She took a wrong turn and thought she lost them… Did something happen while she was gone?

Carolyn says she can’t believe Nikolas calls himself her daughter’s friend, and he says, when Elizabeth graduated high school, he was there. Where was she? When Elizabeth graduated nursing school, he was there. Where was she? When the three boys were born, when Franco died, for all those times, he was there to hold Elizabeth’s hand, to wipe her tears away, to celebrate her victories. He was there for all of it. She was there for none of it, so don’t take that sanctimonious tone with him, because that flag won’t fly. She says, what she and Jeff did to Elizabeth all those years ago, broke their hearts, but at least they were able to tell themselves that Elizabeth had her grandmother to look out for her when they couldn’t. And her friends. Or so they thought. Now she sees how wrong they were. He says, they can agree on one thing, Audrey was a saint. She took great care of Elizabeth, and so did her friends, including him. If Elizabeth needs anything, day or night, all she has to do is call, and he’ll be there. Carolyn says, please. He’s just out to save himself. He says, she’s partially right. He does want to save himself, but he wants to save Elizabeth  too. Can Carolyn say that? She walks out.

Elizabeth tells Laura, it started off simply. She just wanted to repay a friend. Nikolas was there when her life went sideways when Franco got killed, and the more she got involved in his plan… Cameron walks in, and says, it’s great to see Laura. He hugs Laura, and says he didn’t think Elizabeth would still be here. She wasn’t waiting for him, was she? Elizabeth says, no. Laura came to meet her and they got to talking. She asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s fine; never better. In fact, he’s so fine, he wants to treat them to a special dessert. Elizabeth says, he doesn’t have to, but he says he wants to. It’s on him; on the house. He goes in the back, and Elizabeth asks if he’s trying too hard. Laura says, in a word, yes.

Maxie says, Sam and Dante really are the picture of domestic bliss. Two jobs, four kids; all they need is a dog. But all that domesticity can get in the way of romance. Tell her if this sounds familiar. Between Sam’s job and Dante’s job, making dinner, helping kids with their homework, by the time they’re alone together, they’re already in bed. It’s inevitable one of them is asleep before they turn out the light. Sam says, occasionally that happens, and Maxie says, but in London, Sam and Dante will be alone together, away from their daily lives. Yes, they’ll be investigating, but maybe they’ll have time to take a stroll through Kensington Gardens, or have a candlelit dinner, or room service in bed. Sam says she hopes they get the chance, but even if they don’t, Maxie’s right. She and Dante are going to be alone together, and this is going to be their first trip as a couple. She’s really excited about it. Maxie says she bets Dante is too. Cheers to Sam and Dante in London. Sam says, cheerio, and they clink glasses.

Sonny says he’s glad they had this talk, and Dex says, goodnight, boss. In the hallway, Dex’s phone rings, and he says, what’s up? Sitting on her dorm room floor, Josslyn says she just had a horrible conversation with Cam. He said some pretty harsh things about her. Dex says, she doesn’t sound good, and she says, she just lost her oldest friend. He asks if they’re in trouble, but she says she doesn’t think so. Cam said he wouldn’t say anything. Dex says he just told Sonny about the night Dr. Westbourne was killed, and he took Josslyn back to his place. She asks how much he told Sonny, and he says, he believes nothing happened between them. They’re all good.

On the phone, Sonny says he needs someone (probably Brick) to check on Dex Heller.

Valentin says, thank God Anna’s okay. He was afraid she’d gotten lost. They were about to circle back for her. Weren’t they? In French, Renee says, Valentin was beside himself with worry, and Anna answers in French, I understand. So what do they have here? It looks like a dead end. Valentin says he’s not so sure, and they walk over to some iron bars. He says, hang on, and they look inside with flashlights. He says, oh my God, and we see Lucy, bound and gagged.  

Tomorrow, Laura says, Martin isn’t actually considering that, is he; Olivia asks Drew why she gets the impression it has something to do with Carly; Carly says, Josslyn needs to be sure this is what she really wants; and Lucy’s rescue mission proceeds.

👯‍♂️ That’s What Friends Are For…

Not sure where I’d be without mine. Dogs help too.

🔥 Blazing Her Trail…

But what happens when he goes back to being a cop?

🔦 Look Into the Light…

If you’re a Guiding Light fan, this is Wednesday, January 25th, like five minutes from now.

👎🏽 No, Just No…

Ugh. I can’t believe these people are middle aged and still drinking until they get tossed out of a restaurant. The Jersey Housewives don’t need any help being idiots.

🏆 The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For…

The Oscar noms.

🛒 Getting In the Express Lane…

Stop in tomorrow for soap and whatever I can dig up. FYI, the RHOSLC Reunion starts tomorrow. Until then, stay safe, stay optimistic, but practical, and stay not letting your past mistakes determine your future.

January 23, 2023 – Cameron Confronts Josslyn About Dex, One Less Stew On Deck & Miss


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer comes into the penthouse on the phone, saying, he needs three bedrooms. Actually, make if four; three’s sounding cramped… Two car garage?… A wine cellar is preferable, but not essential… Tomorrow… No, this can’t wait… Thank you in advance. Sonny asks what that was about, and Spencer says, it was a realtor. He needs to find a house. Asap. Sonny says he told Spencer that he could stay with him, and Spencer says he appreciates that, but doesn’t think it will look very good in court. Sonny asks what he did now, and Spencer says he didn’t do anything. It’s what he’s going to do.

Nikolas is looking at his divorce settlement, when Laura comes in. He asks, what brings her by? and she says, he invited her. He says he did, and she hugs him, saying, he’s really distracted. Did something just happen?

Esme reaches for a puzzle piece, and an inmate says, girl, you’re sitting in my seat. She puts her hands on Esme’s shoulders, and Esme says she’s sorry. She didn’t know the seat was hers. The woman says she can’t stand people like Esme. People like her think they’re entitled. Esme tells her, she said she was sorry. She had no way of knowing the seat was hers. She looks at the guard, and the woman says, she doesn’t want to do that.

Elizabeth asks what her mom is doing at Kelly’s, and Carolyn says she came in for some coffee. Elizabeth says, in Port Charles? She made it clear to dad that she didn’t want to see either one of them. Carolyn says she’s in town to consult on a psychiatric patient, and Elizabeth says, she’s here for work? Carolyn says, yes and no. She’s hoping to reunite with her daughter.

Dante comes home, and asks, where are the kids? Sam says, they’re on a sleepover with Leo, and Dante kisses her, asking if that means they have time to themselves… Dammit. He has to work tonight. He has to see Heather Webber at Spring Ridge. Sam says, the timing is perfect, and he asks how that can be. She says, because she’s coming with him.

Austin asks what Mason has done, and Mason says, take it easy. He told Austin, he just offered little Georgie a treat. She turned him down though. Either she doesn’t like lollipops, or she’s been warned against strangers. The thing is, he’s not going to be a stranger when he sees her again. Little kids can be so trusting. Austin says, he wouldn’t dare, and Mason says, then don’t make him. Austin grabs Mason by the lapels, when Ava walks in. Austin releases Mason, and Ava asks if she’s interrupting. Austin says, not at all. Can he help her with something? She says, the he told her to come by, and he says, the referral. He’s so sorry. He goes to his desk, and Ava asks if she knows Mason. He looks so familiar. Mason says he’s Austin’s cousin. He comes to visit every now and then. She says she’s having the strongest sense of déjà vu right now… She remembers. Mason was there when she was attacked.

Josslyn asks what Cameron is doing here, and Cameron says, looks like he’s interrupting. So is that it? Josslyn is with Dex now? Is he the reason they broke up? He’s out of here. Josslyn follows him, and asks if they can not do this in the hall. Please. Cameron goes in her room, and Dex says he’s sorry, but Cameron says, Dex is loving this. Dex says, trust him, he’s not, and Cameron says, they were probably laughing their asses off about how clueless they think he is. Josslyn asks if he really thinks she’d do that, but he says he doesn’t know. He didn’t think she’d dump him, and he sure as hell didn’t expect opening the door to another man tonight, so he guesses he doesn’t know what she’s capable of. What is he even doing here? Screw them both. He tells Dex to get out of his way, and heads for the door. Josslyn follows him, and stands in front of the door, saying, please.

Carolyn asks if they can sit. Please. Elizabeth sits back down, and Carolyn asks how she’s doing. Elizabeth asks if Carolyn means, now that she knows the truth, and Carolyn says she knows it’s a lot to process. Elizabeth says, finding out she’s indirectly responsible for someone’s death? Yeah, it is. Carolyn says, Elizabeth has had to process a lot of trauma. Maybe talking can help her contextualize… Elizabeth says, Carolyn is talking like a shrink, and she’s not Elizabeth’s doctor. She doesn’t get to help Elizabeth pick up the pieces, not when she’s the one who messed with Elizabeth’s head. Carolyn says she knows Elizabeth is angry. She’s here, whatever it is Elizabeth needs to say to her. Elizabeth asks why she stayed with dad.

Dante says, Sam wants to see Heather? but Sam says, God no. If she never sees that psycho again, it will be too soon. She wants to talk to Esme Prince. Dante asks, why? and she says, because of Esme’s old nanny, Maggie Fitzgerald. Spencer said Maggie was the only one Esme could count on, so she was hoping hearing Maggie’s name might jog her memory. He says he’s guessing she wants to find out something more specific, and she says, Spencer told her that Maggie had information on Esme’s biological parents. According to Spencer, Maggie wrote something in a letter implying Esme’s birth father was somewhere in New York state, possibly in Port Charles. Which means… He says, she might have made contact with her father? and Sam says, maybe he’s the overprotective sort. What if he’s behind The Hook attacks? Dante says, given The Hook is a woman, her theory is, maybe he hired this woman to get revenge on Esme’s enemies? She says, it’s a theory, and since he can’t talk to Esme without a lawyer present… He says, look at her. She’s pretty good. She says she thinks it’s a gift. So what does he say? They work together on this thing? He says, let’s do it, and kisses her.

Mason says he’s sorry Ava was attacked, but he wasn’t there, and Austin says, perhaps she’d like to elaborate. She says, gladly. She was stabbed, or more precisely, hooked the night of the Quartermaine charity picnic, and Mason was most definitely there. Austin flashes back to the picnic, and Mason telling him, blood or no blood, when he calls, Austin answers, and it will be, yes, sir, and thank you, sir, when he gives Austin instructions. Got it? Watching them, Ava says she got it from here. Mason says he was at the picnic, but that’s all, and Austin asks if Ava is suggesting his cousin Mason was the one who attacked her. Ava says she’s not suggesting that… not yet.

Sonny tells Spencer to sit down and tell him what he’s going to do before he does something stupid. Is this about Nikolas? Spencer says, it involves his father, and Sonny says he knows Spencer is angry, but he’s too young to get revenge and ruin his life. He promised that he’d take care of Spencer, and Spencer has to trust him to do that. Spencer says, this is something he has to do on his own. He has to make sure his father doesn’t ruin anyone else’s life.

Nikolas says he just received his settlement agreement for his divorce, and Laura says she’s so sorry. Even when you’re expecting it, when it comes time to finally sign those papers, it’s hard. Nikolas says he can hardly believe it’s happening. What makes it even more difficult is, he’ll be leaving Windymere. She asks where he’s going. He’s not leaving town again, is he? He says he’s not, but he and Ava agreed she gets Spoon Island in the divorce, and she says, but Windymere has been his home ever since he came to Port Charles. Who gives that up in a divorce? And why does Ava want it anyway; just so she can tear it down? He says, spite, and she says she guesses that make sense, but why is he agreeing to it? He says, because she’s entitled to her rage. He was unfaithful. He’s having a baby with someone else. They both need a new start, and there’s no better start than a new baby, right? Laura says, Esme was arraigned today. She’s been remanded to Spring Ridge, awaiting trial. He says he’s glad the court is taking her pregnancy into consideration, and not sending her to Pentenville. She’s going to be safer in Spring Ridge.

Esme says, please don’t hurt her baby, and the woman says, she thinks she’s special just because she’s having a kid. Heather comes up behind the woman, sticking her makeshift multi-tool in the woman’s back. She asks, how you doing, Ramona? She’s right about one thing – she drives the end in harder – Esme is special, and so’s her kid. Understood? Ramona says, sorry. She didn’t realize Esme was Heather’s friend. Heather says, spread the word, and Ramona leaves. Heather sits down, and Esme thanks her for intervening. She doesn’t know what Ramona would have done. Heather says, no need to worry about that now, or ever again. Esme apologizes for being short with Heather before, and Heather laughs, saying she can be a little extra sometimes. So, friends? She holds out the friendship bracelet to Esme.

Elizabeth says, there were others besides Reiko, and Carolyn says she remembers them all. She could have divorced Elizabeth’s dad, but she chose to focus on the life they were building together. Elizabeth asks how Carolyn could let Jeff treat her like that. Does she have no self-respect? Carolyn says, they had a good marriage. They have a good marriage. Elizabeth says, as long as Carolyn looks the other way. How could she forgive him again and again? Carolyn says she loves him, and Elizabeth says, more than Carolyn loves her?

Mason says, the papers already said The Hook killer was a woman, so it’s definitely not him, but Ava says, the media gets stuff wrong all the time. The cops wanted to interview everybody she interacted with that night, and she forgot to mention… Austin says, Mason Gatlin; G-A-L-T-I-N. Ava says, of course (🍷), the same as Austin’s, but Austin says, only half. Mason says he lives in Pautuck. He doesn’t even live in Port Charles. Ava asks, so what’s he doing here? and Mason says, visiting his cousin. Ava asks how often he visits, and Mason says, only when necessary. Austin says, which is really never. Sadly, Mason has to get going now. Isn’t it time for him to be back on the road? Mason leaves, and Austin closes the door. He asks how much of that Ava heard, and she says, enough to know Austin doesn’t like his cousin very much. Austin thanks her for the assist, and she says, her pleasure. He says, don’t do it again.

Esme takes the bracelet and thanks Heather. Heather tells her, don’t worry. Ramona will make sure all the inmates know Esme is under her protection now. Esme says she doesn’t know what she did to deserve Heather’s kindness, but she appreciates it, and Heather says, the moment she saw Esme, she knew deep down they were the same. Didn’t Esme feel it? Esme says, all she feels is overwhelmed. People keep telling her that she’s a criminal, but honestly, all she is, is scared. What if she did all those horrible things she’s accused of? What if she really killed all of those people? Heather says, then she’s sure Esme had a good reason, but Esme says, what reason could she possibly have? Heather says, to protect her child. A good mother will do anything to make sure their child is safe and happy. Esme says she’s sure Heather is a great mom, and Heather says, she thinks so? She does her best.

Spencer tells Sonny that he can’t think of worse parents than his father and Esme, and Sonny asks what he’s going to do. Spencer says he’s going to hire Diane and sue for custody, and Sonny asks if she’s going to take the case. Spencer says, she’s considering it, and Sonny asks if Spencer thinks he’s ready to raise a child. Spencer says, of course (🍷) not. Not while he’s still living here. That’s what the house is for. The kid will have his own room, and he’ll hire a live-in nanny. He has his own money now. Granted, this house will have to be on a much smaller scale than what he could afford if he had full access to his trust fund. He gets up, and says he’s going to call Ava, but Sonny tells him, sit down. He needs to slow down. Spencer says he wants Sonny to know he can take care of a little brother or sister; he really can. Sonny tells him, what he’s saying proves he can’t.

Dex tells Josslyn to call him after, so he knows she’s okay, and leaves. She goes back in the room, where Cameron is looking at the rumpled bed. She asks why he’s here, and he says, right now, he does not know. She says, he could barely look at her at Kelly’s, and he says he found out about Willow’s cancer. He kept thinking about how she’d said they were friends forever, and he wanted to be here in case she needed him, but she didn’t. She says she’s sorry that happened, but he says, she’s sorry she got caught. She says, he didn’t catch her. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. They broke up. He says, like ten minutes ago, and she says, over is over. She’s sorry she hurt him, but as far as who she chooses to spend her time with… He asks if that’s what they’re calling it now, and she says she doesn’t owe him anything. He says, tell him this. Did she at least wait until after they broke up before she slept with Dex?

Austin says, it’s not Ava’s fight, and she says, fair enough. He says, the good news is, it’s not blackmail. She says, and the bad news? He says, it’s old family business, and she says, Mason seems to think it’s current. He says he doesn’t care what Mason thinks. He lives his life the way he wants to, and that’s far away from the Gatlins.

Cameron says, Josslyn slept with Dex while they were still together, and she says she didn’t want it to happen that way. He says, but she couldn’t help herself, and she says, it was New Year’s. She went to Kelly’s to break up with him. He says he knows; he was there. She says, this was before. He was out on a catering job. So she went home to change for Britt’s party, and went to Pier 55, and she got attacked by The Hook.

Spencer asks, what did he get wrong? and Sonny says, pretty much all of it. Spencer says, this child is his sibling, so of course (🍷) he’ll pay attention and love it, and Sonny says, love is a starting point. You have to support the child, emotionally and physically. You have to let them know you’ll be there, and he’s talking from experience. It took him a long time to learn to be a father. He came to the conclusion to be a good father you have to show up. You’ve got to rock the child; you’ve got to make the child laugh. Make sure they feel safe if they fall down. You pick them up, so they can try again. You raise a child and it stops being about you; it’s all about them. So you’ve got to ask yourself, do you think you’re ready to raise a child?

Carolyn says she’s sorry she made Elizabeth feel that she chose Elizabeth’s father over her. At the time, she truly believed it was best Elizabeth forget about Reiko. She wanted to save Elizabeth from the crushing guilt she was feeling. Elizabeth asks, but still, why stay with dad when he caused so much of that hurt? and Carolyn says she was furious with Jeff of course (🍷), but the damage had been done. She did what she thought was best in an impossible situation. They’ve given each other a lot to think about. She should go. Elizabeth says, wait.

Nikolas says he’s glad Laura brought up Esme. She and the baby are why he wanted her to come by. He plans to sue for full custody, and hopes he has her support. She says she can certainly understand why he’d want to raise the child, and he says, Esme certainly can’t, especially if she’s in prison. She says she doesn’t think Esme will be charged for The Hook murders. She does think Esme will be charged for making and distributing revenge porn, and if she’s guilty, she’ll receive a relatively light sentence. He says he doesn’t care what happens to Esme, as long as he can keep her away from his child, and Laura asks if he’s saying he doesn’t even want her to have visitation rights? He says, even without her memory, Esme’s not fit to be a mother. She says, not allowing that child to see his or her mother is a mistake; one that he will regret.

Esme jumps up, saying, oh! and Heather asks, what is it? What happened? Esme says, nothing. The baby just kicked. Heather reaches out to touch her, and Esme backs away, saying, please don’t. Heather says she’s sorry. Seeing Esme like that reminds her of when she was pregnant with her daughter. It was such a miracle, feeling her kick for the first time. Esme says, sorry for overreacting, and Heather says, it’s the hormones, right? It happens to the best of us. May I? Esme says, maybe when she gets to know Heather better, and Heather says, sounds like a plan. They fist bump, Esme hesitating for a moment, and Heather says, she understands Esme is scared about being a mother, but she’ll be a natural. Esme asks if Heather really thinks so, and Heather says she does. She thinks that baby is very lucky. Esme says, luck isn’t a word she’d use when you have a mom in prison, but Heather says she’s not going to prison. Esme asks why she’s so sure, and Heather says, trust her. Soon the cops are going to realize there’s no way Esme is The Hook killer. Esme asks if there’s another suspect, and Heather says, the PCPD is good at following breadcrumbs. They’ll get there. Sam and Dante come in, and Sam wonders what they’re talking about. Dante asks if she wants to find out, and they go over to Esme and Heather. Dante asks if Heather wants to have a little chat, and Heather says she’s kind of busy right now, but he says, don’t make him fire up the bus to D’Archam. Heather tells Esme that she’ll be right back, and steps aside with Dante. Sam goes over to Esme, and Esme says, if she’s a cop, her lawyer told her not to talk to the police, but Sam says she’s not a cop. She’s a private investigator; her name is Sam McCall. She’s been looking into Esme’s background. Esme asks, why? and Sam says she doesn’t think Esme is The Hook. Esme says, and those other things? but Sam says, yeah, she did those. Esme says, great, and Sam says, she deserves to know who she is and what’s going on, and Esme thanks her. But she’s afraid she can’t help Sam. She doesn’t remember anything about her past. Sam says she thinks maybe there’s someone who does, and Esme says, from what she’s been told, she’s all alone in the world, but Sam says, actually, that’s not true.

Laura tells Nikolas, she thinks Esme deserves a chance to be a mother. If she fails at it, that’s a different story. Nikolas says, she’s a sociopath, and Laura says she visited Esme in the hospital, and all she saw was a scared young woman. He says, she spoke to Esme? and Laura says she was curious about the memory loss thing. She wanted to see for herself. He says, and? and Laura says, she’s pretty convincing. She only said one thing that stood out to Laura. She seems to think Spencer is the father of her child.

Sonny says he thinks Spencer’s heart is in the right place; it’s just that Spencer is figuring out what to do with his own life. Spencer says, Sonny is right. There’s so much he doesn’t have figured out, but one thing he does know is that he want to save this baby from being betrayed by his father; from being abandoned when it becomes inconvenient. Sonny says he’s sorry Spencer ever had to feel that way, when there’s a knock at the door. Dex comes in, and says, sorry for interrupting, but he needs to get something straight with Sonny.

Cameron says, The Hook attacked Josslyn? and she says, it was so scary. She kept coming for Josslyn, and she almost got away, but she fell. If Britt hadn’t shown up, she would have been dead. He says, she’s not hurt? but she says she’s fine. Britt saved her life. He says he’s so sorry she had to go through that, but what does it have to do with this? She says, Britt fought The Hook, but it wasn’t until Dex showed up that The Hook ran away. Cameron says, right. And she was so grateful to him that she had to have sex with him.

Elizabeth says she can understand how Carolyn made bad choices, and Carolyn thanks Elizabeth for hearing her. Elizabeth says she’s not forgiving anything, but she knows how someone can do something unforgiveable in extreme circumstances. Carolyn asks if Elizabeth has done something she thinks is unforgiveable, and Elizabeth says, if she did, she woudn’t talk to Carolyn about it. Carolyn says, of course (🍷). Sorry. Now she really does have to run. On the off chance Elizabeth wants to talk more, she’s staying at the MetroCourt. Elizabeth asks how long she’ll be in town, and Carolyn says, until she finishes her consultation. A few days maybe; it’s impossible to say. Elizabeth says she hopes it works out, and Carolyn says, in her experience, very few things are truly unforgiveable. Often it’s just a matter of time.

Josslyn says she didn’t sleep with Dex out of gratitude, and Cameron says he doesn’t want to know the reasons. Just admit she lied to him. She says she didn’t lie, but he says, she did. In her whole BS speech, it’s not you, it’s me, she never once mentioned Dex. She says, it wasn’t about Dex, and he says, right. They just grew apart. She says, they did. They saw each other less and less, and when they did, she was saying all the right things, but she didn’t feel the way she did before. He says, because of what Esme did? but she says, no. Because she changed. He says, because she started sleeping with Dex, but she says, no, and he says, and she broke up with him so she could continue sleeping with Dex and not feel guilty about it. She says she told him, she’d already decided it was over long before that night. She just hadn’t found the time to tell him. (Ugh. Saying she didn’t have time is so wrong.) He says, sorry he got in the way of her hook-up, and leaves.

Austin says, this is Ava’s referral. Dr. Partha is the best plastics guy on the east coast. He should be able to deal with the scar The Hook left; maybe even remove it altogether. She thanks him, and says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she knows a thing or two about family disagreements. She is the daughter of a crime boss. He says, yikes. Did she ever just want out? She says, at first, she wanted in; she wanted it all. She didn’t know she was a Jerome until she was an adult. What about him? He says he had a great childhood; it was amazing. Then things started to get a little weird when he lost his dad Jimmy Lee; he was a great guy. And he would have wanted Austin to stand his ground. So that’s what he’s going to do.

Dante asks what Heather wants with Esme, and she asks, what kind of question is that? He says he knows she likes collecting babies, and she says, so her maternal instincts got her carried away once or twice. She wants nothing from Esme except the best for her. Dante says, good. Remember the only reason she’s at Spring Ridge is because she promised Robert Scorpio intel on Ryan Chamberlain’s connection to Esme. So what’s she got? She says, she’s got something, all right. Ryan asks about Esme every single day. He says, that’s it? This free ride’s got to end. She tells him not to be hasty. There’s an advantage to her being here, especially since Esme’s here. She can make sure Esme and Ryan bump into each other, and when they do, she’ll be their translator. All the while, she’ll act like she couldn’t care less about the content of their conversation. He’s bound to tell her something, and she thought they wanted information on whether or not Esme had a partner in crime.

Sam asks if the name Maggie Fitzgerald means anything to Esme, and Esme asks who she is. Sam says, she was Esme’s nanny. She basically raised Esme after her adoptive parents died. Esme says, that’s an interesting bit of trivia, but she doesn’t think she’s needed a nanny for a while. Sam says she has reason to believe they stayed in touch via letters, and Esme asks if she can see them, but Sam says she doesn’t have. She thinks Esme may have taken them with her when she left Windymere. Esme says, maybe. She could have done literally anything. Sam asks if she remembers riding on a boat, but Esme says, not really; sorry. Sam says, don’t worry. Just take her time. Esme says she’s starting to think it’s better if she never remembers who she is. Does she want to remember a life where the only person who cared about her was paid to do it? Sam says, Maggie mentioned in one of her letters that Esme’s biological father could be somewhere in New York state. Esme says, if that’s the case, why hasn’t he tried to contact her? and Sam says, maybe he doesn’t know she’s in trouble. Does Esme want her to try and find him?

Sonny asks if it’s an emergency, and Dex says, no, but it is important. Spencer says, he and his uncle are having a family discussion. So, errand boy, go polish a fender. Pick up somebody’s dry cleaning. Sonny says he’s got it, and asks Dex to wait outside. As Dex leaves, Spencer says he really doesn’t like that guy, but Sonny says he doesn’t have to worry about Dex. Trust him. He just wants Spencer to know he’s proud that Spencer wants to protect his baby brother or sister. There’s a lot of his mother in him, and she would have been proud of him. Spencer asks if Sonny thinks fighting for this baby is a mistake, and Sonny says, it doesn’t matter what he thinks. He just wants Spencer to know, if he takes this on, he’ll be in a fight with his father.

Nikolas wonders how Esme thinks Spencer is the father of her baby, and Laura says she doesn’t know. Esme talked to Spencer, and he probably told her who they used to be to each other, but Nikolas says, it seems like more of an Esme trick. Even without her memory, she’s still a schemer. Laura says her gut instinct is that Esme really can’t remember who she used to be, and he says, let’s  hope it stays that way. She asks, why? If she remembers, it will make his case against her stronger. Why would he… Her phone rings, and she goes into the foyer to take it. She listens, and says she’s on her way.

Cameron says, how he felt at Kelly’s is nothing compared to how he feels right now, and Josslyn says she’s sorry, but she’s got to ask him. He can’t tell anybody about her and Dex.

Spencer says he needs some fresh air, but he promises to think about what Sonny said. Sonny says he knows Spencer will, and if Spencer needs him, he’s here to talk, no matter what time. Do what he’s got to do. Spencer leaves, telling Dex that he’s up. Dex goes in, and says he’s sorry for interrupting. Sonny says, that’s okay, but it’s always family first. So what does Dex have to tell him?

Austin says he hopes things go Ava’s way, and she thanks him. She says, good luck to him too, and leaves. In the hallway, Mason suddenly shows up again.

Dante says, Heather has one week to get something solid out of Ryan, or it’s back to D’Archam. She says, not that it will be that easy, but she and Ryan do have a very special connection.

Esme says, it’s kind of Sam to offer, but she has no money to hire find her father or this nanny. Sam says, there would be no charge, and Esme asks, what’s in it for Sam? Sam says, the truth would affect a lot of people she knows. If it doesn’t pan out, neither of them is worse, but if it does, they both get answers. Esme says, let’s do it, and Sam says she’ll get right on it. Esme hopes Sam finds this nanny. She knows it may not be the happiest story, but she needs to find out anything about her father. Heather and Dante join them, and Heather says, what’s this about a nanny? Esme says, it turns out her old nanny Maggie… Sam says, Fitzgerald, and Esme says, might know where her father is.

Laura meets Elizabeth at Kelly’s and says, tell her what’s going on. Elizabeth says, her mother is in town, and Laura asks, why? Does she want to make almonds amends? Elizabeth says, apparently, that’s just a  bonus. She’s here to consult on a patient. Laura says, and Elizabeth doesn’t believe her? and Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. After everything Carolyn and her father have done, can she really risk trusting her?

Nikolas opens the door, and says, thank you so much for coming. We see it’s Carolyn.

Tomorrow, Anna tells Valentin they have no time before it’s too late; Nikolas tells Carolyn to do exactly as he says; Maxie asks when Sam was going to tell her; and Josslyn tells Cameron that she’s afraid of what Sonny might do if he finds out about her and Dex.

Below Deck

Rodney Bay Marina, St. Lucia’ 3.5 hours to charter. Captain Sandy tells Camille, this isn’t easy, and knowing what’s coming, Camille says, oh my God, no. The captain says she’s letting Camille go this morning. As a captain, she listens to her department heads and trusts them. Even though it’s the last thing she wants to do, she feels she has to let Camille go. She wishes her job was to give people chance after chance, but in reality, she has a charter to run. In the captain’s interview, she says, they need unison and harmony. One person is affecting them, and she gave them a chance to reset. We flash back to five or six times Captain Sandy had to deal with Camille, and she says, she’s had probably ten conversations with her, and Camille blew it. Today is her last day. Camille says, it was nice knowing the captain, and appreciates the talk, but this right here is debauchery. I’m stunned that Camille knows a big word, even if it’s overkill. In Camille’s interview, she says she’s pissed off. She’s done whatever she can do to please them, and doesn’t deserve to be fired. Camille sees Rachel in the crew mess, and says she’s been let go. Apparently her work wasn’t satisfactory, and not to Rachel’s liking. Rachel is like, huh? and Camille says she was told the department heads have an issue with her. Rachel says, they do; it’s about following through with tasks. And Camille’s drinking wasn’t an issue, but her attitude while drinking was, since she was combative. She tells Camille to move on to the next department head, and Camille tells Fraser that she was fired, like he doesn’t know. He hugs her, and asks if they can have a chat. She says she guesses, and they sit in the main salon. As she irons, Alissa sings, with everything that’s going on, I want to sh*t myself. Really. She’s singing this. Maybe there’s just something wrong with all of these people. Fraser tells Camille that he didn’t want her fired, but doesn’t feel her heart is in it. She asks where that’s coming from; she does her work. He says, her attitude’s not working for the crew. He’s sorry. She says she hopes a superstar stew replaces her. She appreciates the conversation, but she has goodbyes to make with people who actually like her. She tells the deck crew that it’s her last day. She’s been fired. Inside, Hayley asks, what happened? and Rachel says, something that needed to happen a long time ago. Ross says he doesn’t have the time, and he’s not getting involved. Katie hugs Camille, while inside, Hayley hugs Fraser, and says she knows it’s hard, but it’s for the best. Fraser says he liked Camille, and in his interview, he says he never wants to be the reason anyone’s spirit breaks, but he has to do what’s best for the bigger picture and the crew. Camille tells Ben that she’s going back to Mississippi. She’s going to miss him. He says he wanted to go on a date, and she says, he’s so sweet. Ross radios Ben, telling him that they have an hour and a half. Camille thanks Ben for his help, and says, it means the world to her. In the crew mess, Alissa says her stomach is killing her. Captain Sandy sees a mess of Camille’s stuff in the hallway, and asks who her roommate is. She radios Katie to help Camille get packed. Ross says, the deck crew has an hour to get the covers on, and chamois the boat. Fraser says he imagines there’s tension in the deck crew, but Alissa says, they weren’t Camille’s direct team. In Alissa’s interview, she says, from the first day, Camille was rude and had attitude. She didn’t do her job, and got herself fired. She was toxic – bye. In Tony’s interview, he says he feels bad for Ben, but now he’ll be able to sleep and not hear boom-boom-boom. We flash back to Camille and Ben getting busy in the top bunk while Tony tries to sleep below. In Camille’s exit interview, she says, she tried to give a f***, but she’s done giving a f***. She knows the work she did, and she’s proud of what she did. She’s walking off the boat like, try me motherf***er. Camille is out. Drop the f***ing mic.

90 minutes to charter. Fraser tells the stews that Camille is gone, but they can be stronger by working harder. And there’s no toxicity. It’s time to show what they can do. He thinks it will be an easy trip for them to start with, since the primary doesn’t drink, and his wife is pregnant. In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says she’s running Captain Lee’s boat, but it’s his crew, and she wants to keep him apprised. She FaceTimes Captain Lee, and says he looks a lot better. He says he feels a lot better boat, and she says, his crew is a bit of a tornado. She let Camille go. He says, it was a tough spot for Camille to be in, but Captain Sandy says, she put Camille in one department, and she had a schedule. It was a personality conflict. She has a mouth on her. Captain Lee says, that’s unfortunate, and she asks when he’s coming back. He says he’s working toward it, and can’t thank her enough. He asks her to say hi to the crew for him. On deck, Tony asks Ben if he’s okay, and gives Ben a hug. In Ben’s interview, he says, Camille was the first person he’s opened up to in two years. Now that she’s been taken away, his mind is scattered, and it sucks; he’s sad. Tony says he’s here for Ben.

Provisions come in, and Ross says he know it’s tough, but they need to get the job done. In Ben’s interview, he says, Alissa had something to do with it. She got rid of Camille, what’s next? Sandy? The captain calls Norma, and says she needs a deck stew. Hayley tells Fraser that her ankle is swollen, and in her interview, she says she feels like her foot is going to spontaneously combust. Her ankle is the same width as her calf. Captain Sandy hugs Ben, and says, he and Camile will stay in touch. If he needs to talk any time, she’s here for him. She radios for everybody to get in uniform, and meet in the main salon for a pre-charter meeting. The captain says, it was a tough morning for everyone. They’re down a crew member, and she’s doing her best to get one. In the meantime, she knows it’s hard to bring the energy for this charter, but they can turn this around. In her interview, she says, it’s never a great thing to fire someone, but they have to suck it up, figure it out, and pull it off. She tells the crew, the last charter was stressful, but she thinks this one will be easier.

The guests arrive, and Ben texts Camille that he misses her. In Ross’s interview, he says, Ben just got out of a long-term relationship, and he’s been in this one a couple of weeks. He’s slightly emotional and moping, and he needs to pull it together. Captain Sandy tells the guests that Fraser will show them around, then they’ll go to their first anchorage. Fraser give the tour, and it starts to thunder. The captain says, just our luck, and the guests marvel at the scenery. Fraser tells Alissa to prioritize laundry, and primary Adam asks the captain to join them for dinner. Alissa calls her mom, and tells her, the girl who was a big bitch got fired, and her mom says, it doesn’t pay to be difficult. Alissa says, Camille’s little boyfriend is pissed at her, but you can’t get anyone fired if the actions aren’t there. Anchor is dropped at Soufriere Bay, and in Fraser’s interview, he says he feels like it’s going well; it feels normal. They’re better off without Camille. He tells Rachel that Camille was not a good apple, and Alissa says her stomach has been non-stop bubbling. She thinks it’s stress. Camille literally made her feel insecure, and she started thinking everyone was talking about her. In her interview, she says she’s conflicted. Camille latched on to her, she gave Camille reaction, and everybody saw. She’s feeling stressed and insecure. Normally, she has control over her emotions, and it sucks. She dabs at her eyes, and I roll mine. Was it last week she said she just wanted Camille gone?

The guests play on the toys, while Captain Sandy checks out Hayley’s ankle. Hayley says, it’s gone down; yesterday it was a proper cankle. In Hayley’s interview, she says, on land, she’s an esthetician, and lives the life of a Kardashian. She thinks she’s allergic to the Caribbean and work. She’d rather stick needles in people’s faces. Rachel tells Fraser that the guests want a lot. It doesn’t matter if she’s doing eight courses or ramen, she hates cutting corners. In her interview, she says she hates doing an around-the-world dinner. People who request it think it shows they have money and wealth, and that they’re well-traveled. But there’s such thing as no in the industry, so she needs to stay focused. Alissa says, her mental state is sh*tty, and there’s nothing wrong with her. Fraser suggests she has the mid-season blues. Captain Sandy gets a fax with the replacement stew’s info. Fraser and Alissa decorate the dining area with flags of the world. Tony gets something out of the mini fridge in the galley, and says he keeps expecting a head to be in there, but Rachel says, no, it would be in the freezer. Hayley ices her ankle. Captain Sandy tells the guests that she’s 32 years sober, and in her interview, she says, she was the kid who was always in trouble. For her, alcohol was trouble with a big T. Life was better beyond her wildest dreams after she quit drinking. Rachel tells Fraser, all chefs are the same way; fueled by caffeine and hatred. The starter is a Japanese inspired soup. The soup comes in little porcelain containers that the guests pour themselves, and one of them spills it. Primary Adam says, it should have been done for them, and Captain Sandy agrees. In the pantry, Alissa tells Hayley, girl poured miso soup all over the table. The captain said next time it will be poured by the server, so now it’s her fault. Next is Caribbean ceviche, which most of the guests find too spicey. The captain marches to the galley to tell Rachel that it’s too spicey, and the guests can’t eat it.

Rachel says she’s retiring after this, and Fraser says, the guests were complaining. Rachel says she hates her life, and in her interview, she says, the last charter, her food wasn’t hot enough. We flash back to primary Kamna telling her the food was bland, and she says, some people have different palates. It’s how they perceive it. The next course is Turkish stuffed dates, and then Mexican empanadas. Captain Sandy asks if guest Louisa is having a boy or a girl, and Louisa says, a girl. Ross makes a Cup O’ Noodles in the galley, which seems ironic. In Rachel’s interview, she says, everyone thinks a course tasting menu is a great idea until they’re sitting through one. It’s long, and she thinks she’ll make a disclaimer next charter. Almost two hours in, the captain gets up, and heads for the galley, mumbling, service is terrible. She asks, what’s taking so long? and in her interview, she says she thinks Rachel is awesome. She’s a great chef, but she can be her own worst enemy. It needs to be quicker. It’s embarrassing for a superyacht. Some Italian dish is served, and guest Imogen dances by herself on deck. Rachel says she’s so over this, and tiramisu rounds out the meal. Everyone goes to bed, and Ben is on anchor watch. He gets a VHF call from the nearest yacht starboard. The captain says, if the wind picks up, he’s concerned they’re  going stretch anchor and end up too close to the St. David. He suggests they move, and in Ben’s interview, the last thing he wants to do is wake up the captain, but he needs help. He has no power here, but that’s why the captain has four stripes. He tells Captain Sandy about the call, and says, the other boat is concerned they’ll swing and be on top of them. Captain Sandy gets on the radio, and says she understands the other captain has concerns. The other captain says, the wind kicked up to 25 knots last night, and if it happens tonight, they could come within 10 to 20 meters of the St. David. He suggests they move, but Captain Sandy says, they’ll have to keep watch, and if it happens, they’ll handle it. He tells her that it’s an interesting, but disappointing response; he’s surprised. In his interview, Ben says, the rule is, the second one at anchorage should move, but the captain doesn’t see a problem, and she’s 100% right. Captain Sandy tells the other captain that if he’s nervous, he could move, but he says, they have guests on board who are enjoying their time. He’d appreciate it if they moved. It would be the fair and thoughtful thing. She says she understands, but they have guests as well, and they’re staying here. Let’s hope we don’t speak again tonight.

In Captain Sandy’s interview, she says, being a female in the industry, she’s had challenges from men, but she also had support. This is a clear case of mansplaining. They’re fine. She tells Ben to stay on the bridge, and the wind ends up not getting above 3 knots. Ha-ha! She was right! The captain points out that the other captain was a Nervous Nelly. Ross and Fraser talk relationships, and Fraser says he wants non-complicated intimacy, but Ross doesn’t want a relationship at the moment. In Rachel’s interview, she says she doesn’t know if it’s because she’s old that she’s getting frustrated. The season sucked, but she doesn’t know if it’s her. We flash back to the culinary disasters so far, and she says she thinks she’s going to have PTSD after this season. The breakfast special is shakshuka, a North African and Middle Eastern egg dish that sounds wonderful. At the breakfast table, Louisa announces that she hasn’t pooped in three days. Nice. A medic comes and looks at Hayley’s ankle. He suggests icing, elevation, and Ibuprofen. She asks about her big toe going numb, but he says, it’s normal, and in Hayley’s interview, she says, there’s nothing wrong. She’s a massive dramatized bitch. Captain Sandy radios Rachel to meet her on the bridge. On deck, Adam says he’s stressed because Fraser works so much; he’s constantly on it. The captain says, there’s no question Rachel is incredible, but she has to work on timing. Rachel says, it was eight courses, and Captain Sandy suggests not doing those. In her interview, the captain says, Rachel is a great chef, but she’s putting too much on her shoulders. She takes on too much, and delivers less. She asks how communication is, and tells Rachel when she hears the table is being cleared, she should be plating. The guests weren’t happy.

In Rachel’s interview, she says, no one wants to hear criticism, but the captain’s feedback is valid. She needs to do better. Waiting for some water, Adam wonders if they’re a stew short, and should he help? Fraser brings the water, and Adam asks if they normally only have three stews; he seems to be working a lot. Fraser says, they lost someone yesterday, and in his interview, he says he’s totally mortified, and needs to step up. The guests are sent off for a beach lunch, and Alissa says she feels like a big fat loser. Fraser radios that the guests are hungry, and Rachel says, the food is on the way. Louisa says she’s borderline going to kill someone, and I can relate. Captain Sandy says, it looks like chaos, and needs to change. This isn’t working, and it’s unacceptable. Rachel says she hates her life.

Later this season: beauty queens and punks; what happens on the boat stays on the boat; a trip to the Pitons for the crew; Ross is waiting for a formal apology; Sandy tells Fraser, when you create cancer on the boat, the fish stinks at the head, and Fraser’s the head; Camille meets up with Ben, and he brings her to a crew dinner; Captain Lee comes back, and says, it’s like riding a bike, but it’s a big bike.

🧞‍♀️ Post-Holiday Bluing…

Join me tomorrow for soap and tea. Until then, stay safe, stay doing the right thing because it is the right thing, and stay remembering, very few things are truly unforgiveable. Often it’s just a matter of time.

January 20, 2023 – Austin Has a Visitor, Back Again, Casting For Wives, Miami Trailer, Girl Fight, New Game, Romero Ranked, Theory, NYC Ball, Puppies (!), Exactly 10 Quotes & You


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone, Nikolas says, their expertise will make all the difference, when Victor walks in. Nikolas says he has to go, but he’ll see them soon, and Victor says, that sounds important. Nikolas says, business, and Victor says, they have some pressing business to discuss. Nikolas says, such as? and Victor says, finalizing Nikolas’s divorce.

Austin tells Ava that her wound is healing nicely, and she says, uh-huh. He says, all that’s left is the ankleplasty. This cutting edge surgery replaces her with an ankle. She says, what? and he says he’s just goofing around, but is she okay? She seems a little distracted. She says she guesses she is because she loves too much. She doesn’t suppose there’s a procedure where her heart could be removed altogether.

As they approach Josslyn’s dorm room, Josslyn apologizes for being so quiet on the way over, but Dex says, she has a lot on her mind. When she’s ready to talk, he’s here. He starts to leave, but she asks if they can talk now. If he has time. He says, for her, always, and they go in her room.

Violet runs into Kelly’s, yelling that she missed Cameron. He hugs her, and says he missed her too. Finn comes in behind her, and says, Violet insisted on two things today; a brownie, and a visit with her cousin. Cameron says, in that order, he assumes, and Violet asks, if he missed her so much, where has he been?

Portia says she knows Marshall doesn’t want to hear it, but she still thinks there’s a possibility he was misdiagnosed, and he doesn’t have schizophrenia. He says he knows she means well… and she says, there’s an easy way to find out, and maybe he can show up for Curtis after all. Why doesn’t he want to take the steps to find out for sure? He says, because it’s too late. She says, it’s never too late to advocate for yourself, and he says he appreciates her interest… She says, this has gone beyond interest, and he says, but she has to understand, he’s already made peace with his diagnosis. She says she respects that, but is this really acceptance, or has it morphed into complacency at this point. If not for himself, then do it for Curtis. Marshall shouts, enough! Why can’t she just mind her own business?

At the hospital, Carly comes out of the elevator, and asks Michael, how’s Willow? He wonders why she asks, since it’s obvious she doesn’t give a damn about Willow, but she says, of course (🍷) she gives a damn. Willow’s well-being is the most important… He says, Willow’s physical well-being maybe, but Carly concealed this secret from them. She knew how important it was for Willow to find her mother. She confessed to save Willow’s life, but she couldn’t care less about Willow’s actual feelings. She says, he couldn’t be more wrong.

Austin says he doesn’t mean to disappoint Ava, but from a medical standpoint, he doesn’t think there’s a medical procedure to remove a human heart. At least not without putting in another heart. Not yet anyway. She says, darn. Keep her posted. He says he’ll let her know. He’ll be the first test patient. She says, bad break-up, huh? and he says, yeah. Her? She says, pretty bad. He may have seen some of the gory details… He says he never reads the newspaper, and she asks if he’s seen Nina around here today. He says he has seen her, and Ava wonders if Nina got the results from her bloodwork. She knows about Willow and the hopes for a bone marrow match. Nina called her while she was waiting. He says he can’t speak to the bloodwork obviously, but from what he could tell, Nina seemed to be suffering from the same affliction as Ava – heartache.

Nikolas says he hasn’t had a chance to meet with Ava about the divorce yet, but Victor says, no need. All the details have been handled. Nikolas says, by whom? and Victor says, by Ava and himself. Nikolas says, Victor and Ava discussed the end of his marriage without him? and Victor says, Nikolas has been a little preoccupied lately, hasn’t he? Not that it’s surprising, now that his pregnant mistress has escaped her captivity. Nikolas says, Ava hates him so much, she couldn’t even sit with him to talk this through, and Victor says, talk what through exactly? His marriage is over. Don’t tell him that Nikolas is still holding out hope after cheating with Esme and Elizabeth. Nikolas says, he and Ava share something special; it’s indescribable. Victor says, shared, past tense. Nikolas says he still can’t believe she didn’t come home, but Victor says, no. Ava’s coming home. It’s just that Nikolas won’t be here.

Cameron says he’s been working a lot, and Violet asks, where’s Jake and Aiden? He says, they’re in school, just like her, and she says, Aunt Elizabeth hasn’t been over in forever. Does she not like Violet anymore? Cameron asks if she’s crazy. Of course (🍷) she likes Violet. They’ve all just been really busy with the holidays, but never doubt for a second Elizabeth likes her. She loves Violet; they all do. Violet says, that’s good, because she loves them too. She asks Finn if it’s him, and Finn asks what she means. She asks if he doesn’t like Aunt Elizabeth anymore, when Elizabeth walks in.

Josslyn says, her mother kept a secret from their family, and Dex says he’s guessing a big one. She says, huge, and he says, she doesn’t have to tell him. She says, that’s okay. He’ll find out eventually. It sounds so weird to say. Nina Reeves is Willow’s biological mother. He says, damn, and Josslyn’s mom knew? She says, her mother has known for months apparently, but she didn’t want to say anything until… He says, until she realized Willow was sick, and she says, and as he can imagine, it’s made the messy things within her family even messier. He says, that explains why her mom stormed out of the chapel. He went to find Sonny, and that Sonny was pissed is an understatement. She says, Sonny’s not the only one who’s pissed. Michael is furious. He asks how she feels, and she says she feels terrible. She feels awful for Michael and Willow. What they’re going through is the worst thing that anyone could possibly face. But she still feels really bad for her mom.

Michael asks if Carly ever stopped for a second to see what impact this secret would have on Willow, and she says, Willow’s feelings were all she was thinking of. Willow told her that she did not want to know who her birth mother was, and it was clear how Willow felt about Nina. He says. how Carly feels about Nina, and she says, how they all feel. That woman tried her best to destroy their family. Can he imagine the damage she would have done if she’d known Willow was her daughter? So yes, however it much it cost her, however much she loses, she will not apologize for trying to stop her.

Marshall apologizes for raising his voice, and Portia says she shouldn’t have pushed him. Curtis comes in, and asks if everything’s okay. Why did he hear yelling? Marshall says, that would be him, but Portia says, it’s her fault. Marshall says, no. He should have never spoken to her that way. Please accept his apology. She says, only if he accepts hers. Curtis asks what they’re apologizing for. If the two of them are at odds, why don’t they squash it now? Marshall says, they’re having a difference of opinion, and Curtis says, about what? Marshall says, Portia thinks he should get a second opinion about his diagnosis. She has this crazy notion that he may not have schizophrenia at all. Portia says, aside from the episode that precipitated Marshall’s arrest all those decades ago, he hasn’t suffered any other signs of acute mental illness. No signs of psychosis associated with schizophrenia; hallucinations, delusions, paranoia. Curtis says, okay, but his dad’s been on medication all those years. Aren’t they designed to repress those symptoms? She says, yes, absolutely, but how do you explain that Marshall hasn’t had an episode in nearly 40 years? Marshall says, couldn’t that just be because the illness is being managed properly? and Portia says, or it could mean he never had the illness at all. And then factor in Curtis’s genetic testing results, completely devoid of any of the markers for schizophrenia. Curtis says, that’s not that unheard of; it’s not always inherited. Portia says, the simple fact is, Marshall’s answers to her many, many inquiries has led her to believe in general, that his life and behavior don’t fit any clinical diagnosis. Has he ever suffered from any cognitive challenges? Marshall says, no, and she says, depression that’s escalated to suicidal ideation? He says, that would also be a no, but with all due respect, she’s not a psychiatrist. Curtis thinks maybe it’s time Marshall saw one.

Josslyn tells Dex, Michael is losing his mind right now, because the woman he loves might die. She remembers that feeling. He says, with Oscar, and she says, you’re going crazy because you feel there’s nothing you can do, and you’re getting angry, and picking a fight. She gets it. Michael just wants to feel like he’s making an impact. Dex says, and who’s a safer place to unload on than her mom, and she says, exactly. There’s nothing Michael could do to ever make their mom stop loving him. So eventually, he has to understand that their mom was just trying to protect Willow. She wasn’t trying to hurt her. He says, Josslyn’s good at that. Seeing all the different sides, and where everybody is coming from. (Really???) She says she’s had practice, and he says, this isn’t the first time people in her family have been at odds? She says, shocking, she knows. She just hates that her mom is taking all the heat, when the people who are really to blame are Sonny and Nina. Oops. A side she forgot to see it from.

Elizabeth tells Violet to stop growing; she’s getting out of control. They hug, and Finn says, tell him about. He asks Violet to grab them a table, and Violet asks if Elizabeth wants to have a brownie with them. Finn says, if she has the time, she’s welcome to join them, and Cameron gets the brownies, while Violet gets the table. Elizabeth says, clearly, she walked in on something, and Finn says, Violet had some questions about them. She asks what he told Violet, and he says, not much. He wasn’t sure what to say, but he’ll figure something out. She says, how about we’ll figure something out – together.

Michael says, so Carly isn’t sorry, and she says, for trying to protect Willow, him, and his family? No, but she’s very sorry for how she went about it. Michael says, and how did she go about it? He already knows she lied by omission. She conducted a DNA test without consent, but something tells him that’s not the whole story. She says, it’s going to do no good to keep going over this, but he says, just tell him the truth. Now. They sit down, and Carly asks what he wants to know. He asks if she enlisted that firefighter to talk to Drew about who Willow’s mother was? She says, yes, and he says, and when she offered to assist Drew with his investigation? She says, her goal was to obstruct it.

Finn asks Violet if she remembers asking if they were going to live with Aunt Elizabeth in the house together, and she says, will they? He says, no. She says, oh, obviously disappointed, and he says he’ll try this another way. Does she know how he and Anna almost got married, but they didn’t? She says, he and Aunt Elizabeth are going to get married? and he says, no. He’s really bad at this. She agrees that he is.

At the counter, Elizabeth asks how Cameron is, and he says he’s doing good. He’s done better, but he’s not falling apart over the break-up. She says she knows he’s not, but it’s still hard. Especially since he’s always been such a big source of support for Josslyn. It must feel weird not being there for her when her family’s going through this nightmare. He asks, what nightmare?

Josslyn tells Dex, her family is so fractured right now. They’re in no position to handle this type of crisis. She’s sorry, but that’s on Sonny. Sonny dropkicking all of them to run away with Nina didn’t exactly leave them on stable ground. He says, she doesn’t want him back with her mom? and she says, never. She wishes she never had to hear his name or see his face ever again. She wants to choke every time he says they’ll always be a family. She can’t stand Donna and Avery growing up idolizing that man when she knows he’s going to fail them, like he failed all of them. She just wishes… It doesn’t matter. He says, tell him anyway, and she says she wishes he would quit. She wishes he would hand Sonny back his gun, and tell him that he’s not taking orders anymore, and walk out. He says he’s going to, and she says, when? He says, within six months, hopefully a lot less, he will no longer be working for Sonny. She asks why he doesn’t quit now, and he says, there’s something he has to finish first. He says he’ll tell her once it’s done, but until then, she’s going to have to trust him.

Austin says, if Ava wants, he can give her a referral for a plastic surgeon to look after the scar she got from The Hook, and she thanks him. She says she doesn’t know him very well – she doesn’t know him at all – but from what she can tell, she thinks it would be a real shame to remove that heart of his. He thanks her, and leaves.

Curtis says, what about a mental health evaluation? and Portia says she can get Marshall a referral. Marshall asks if Curtis is jumping on this bandwagon too, and Curtis says, Portia made some good points. Marshall says, you young people think you know everything, but Curtis says, that’s not it. Marshall says, the treatment he got back then worked. Why mess with it now? Curtis says, because Marshall had an episode, and it could be tied to his meds. Who knows what the long term effects could be, or even if he needs to take them at all. Marshall says, the pills help, and Curtis says, or maybe he just thinks they do. Marshall says, he was able to perform without anxiety as long as he wasn’t trying to solo, and Portia says, that could be psychosomatic. He said himself the illness doesn’t effect his music, just his ambition. It could be that what’s held him back all these years isn’t schizophrenia, but the mistaken belief that he has it. Marshall says, that’s quite a leap, and Curtis says, maybe it isn’t. All they’re asking is for him to find out.

Michael says, so Carly actively tried to prevent Willow from discovering she had a family, and Carly says, yes. He says, she delayed Willow’s cancer treatment, and Carly says, unknowingly; she didn’t know Willow was sick. He says, it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t she get it? She made decisions for Willow without even considering the consequences. She played God with Willow’s life. She says, he can’t possibly think she’d want to hurt Willow, and he says he doesn’t think she did it out of malice, but she thought Nina was the enemy, right? So Willow wouldn’t have wanted her as a mother in the first place. Carly says, Willow told her… and Michael says, what Carly has done – the lying, the manipulation, the double dealing – sounds an awful lot like Nina. If Nina is the enemy, what does this make Carly? Carly says she believed Willow needed protecting from Nina; she still does. He says, she’s not in the wrong about Nina. Willow told him that Nina is already lobbying for a relationship. Carly says, with Willow? and he says, and the kids. She says, that woman can’t help herself, and Michael says, they need her. She’s their best chance. Just so they’re clear, the last 24 hours hasn’t changed his opinion about Nina. She’s self-centered, greedy, and unstable, and she’s the last person he would have chosen to be Willow’s mother. He’s not going to pretend he doesn’t understand why Carly did what she did. If he’d been the one Harmony confessed to, he would have considered hiding it himself.

Josslyn says, so in six months, when Dex isn’t working for Sonny anymore, he’ll give her the details. He says, when it’s over, he’ll tell her everything, and she says she’ll trust him. She thanks him for telling her, and he says, it’s a relief. She agrees, and says, he won’t be around Nina and Sonny. It might even help her to bite her tongue when everyone is pointing fingers at her mom, saying she’s out for revenge; that’s not the reason she kept the secret. He says, for what it’s worth (🍷), he thinks she’s handling it well, and she says, really well. Her family is in the middle of a crisis, and instead of being with them, she’s cooped up here with him, hiding. He says, she’s not hiding. There’s a reason soldiers are rotated home for R&R; why they all sleep at night. You need a break from the physical, the mental, the emotional. You’re allowed to take a breather. She says, so she’s not being selfish? Good. Being right here with him is the only place she wants to be. They kiss.

Cameron says he had no idea Willow was sick, and Elizabeth says, no one did. He says, Josslyn was just here, and he was so cold to her. He takes off his apron, and she asks where he’s going. He says he’s going to find Joss, and make sure she’s okay. He asks her to deliver the brownies for him, and she says, of course (🍷). He runs out the door, and Elizabeth gives Violet and Finn the brownies. Finn asks if Cam is okay; he rushed out of here pretty quickly. Elizabeth says, Josslyn, and he says, got it. Violet says she’s going to draw a picture of Cam and his girlfriend, and Elizabeth says, actually, Cameron and Josslyn aren’t dating anymore. Finn asks if Violet knows what that means when people break up, but she shakes her head.

Austin goes into his office to find Mason at his desk, enjoying a lollipop. He asks what the hell Mason is doing, and Mason says he could ask Austin the same thing. He turned away a patient he was ordered to treat. Austin says he doesn’t turn away patients. If he can’t treat them, he refers them to another physician. Mason says, semantics, but Austin says, it’s his job. Mason says, Austin isn’t doing his job. He defied a direct order from the boss. Austin says he’s not playing this game anymore. Tell the boss that he’s done taking orders.

Nikolas says, Victor promised to give Ava Spoon Island? and Victor says, including Windymere, and most of its contents. He excluded some of the more important Cassadine family mementos naturally. Nikolas says, naturally, and Victor says he’s sensing a little sarcasm. Nikolas says, he’s also sensing complete and utter shock. How could he? Victor says, quite easily actually. When Ava let it be known she was in possession of information and materials that could seriously damage the Cassadine family name. Windymere is a small price to pay for the family name. Nikolas says, not only does he disagree, he strenuously objects, but Victor says, it’s too late now. How long does Nikolas think it will take to pack all this up and move out? Nikolas says, not long, considering he’s not going anywhere. Victor can’t take away his home.

Curtis asks how long Marshall and Portia have been talking about this genetic thing, and Marshall says, a few months. Curtis asks if Marshall trusts that Portia has his best interest at heart, and Marshall says, of course (🍷). Curtis asks if Marshall trusts her expertise, and Marshall says, implicitly. Curtis says, that’s where Marshall loses him. Why the resistance? Marshall says, his reasons are his alone, but Curtis says he wants to understand, and Portia says, so does she. She promises to never bring it up again if that’s what he wants. Marshall says, this damn disease ruined his life. It forced him to abandon his family. He missed out on precious years with his sons. If he was misdiagnosed, that means all those sacrifices were for nothing.

Basking in the afterglow, Josslyn thanks Dex for telling her it’s okay to take a break. Life is so strange. You can feel so many things at once. He asks what she’s feeling, and she says, safe and happy, and worried and guilty. He says, why guilty? and she says, for feeling safe and happy when her brother is in hell. Michael has a pretty rough romantic history. To think he found love – the real thing – to possibly have it ripped away… He says, they’re not there yet, but she says, the thought that they could be, she can’t stand it. He tells her, think about something else. R&R, remember? She says she’s not a soldier, and he says, she’s way tougher than those guys. She says, you know what else she is? Starving. He says, him too, and she says, sushi or pizza? He asks if that’s even a question. Sushi.

Elizabet tells Violet that she and Finn just needed a little time apart, and Violet asks, why? Finn says, because sometimes people realize they’re not meant to be together. Violet says, like him and Anna? and Finn says, yes. Violet says, and now him and Aunt Elizabeth, and Elizabeth says, that doesn’t mean they don’t like each other. Finn says, quite the opposite, and Violet asks if that means maybe they’ll get back together, but he says, not this time. Elizabeth says, they can still be friends, and he says, Elizabeth will always be family. Elizabeth is Violet’s aunt and her sons are Violet’s cousins, and that will never change. Elizabeth says, they all love Violet so much, and Violet asks if they can go camping. Elizabeth says she’d like that, and Finn says, as soon as it warms up. They can ask grandpa and Uncle Chase too. Elizabeth asks, how’s that brownie? and Violet says, delicious. She should get one. Finn tells Elizabeth that she can share his.

Marshall chokes up, and says, he walked away from his life and his sons, breaking all of their hearts in the process. To protect them, not just from the violent instincts, but the stigma. He stayed away for it all. TJ’s birth… Tommy’s death. He cries, and says, Curtis’s struggles with addiction. All because of one diagnosis, he avoided being close to anyone for over half his life. So when she tells him that he may not have schizophrenia, that he may not be sick… Curtis says, it forces him to face painful questions, and Marshall asks if he’s wasted his entire life… or worse. Was it stolen from him? Curtis says, genetic testing is the first step, and no matter the result, it’s not Marshall’s fault. Portia says she knows this is terrifying; the prospect he’s been operating on misinformation this entire time. But think about the other side of it. Think about how freeing it could be to be out from under this diagnosis. She knows Curtis wouldn’t tell Marshall this, but he’s already shared his fears with her that this disease could steal Marshall away from him again. Curtis says, wouldn’t it be nice to know this is something they didn’t have to worry about? and Portia says, please, for his family, but Marshall says he doesn’t think he can.  

Michael says, Carly knew what blood ties with Nina could do to their family, and she says she was so afraid to let Nina in. He says she was right to be, and he would have felt the same way, but unlike her and what she did, he would have let Willow decide. Why not give her all this information, and let her decide where to take it from there? Carly says, now she sees that’s what she should have done. She was trying so hard to protect their family because Nina has hurt them all so much. She had tunnel vision, and it seemed like the only option. She’s so sorry. He asks where things stand with Drew, and she says, he’s disappointed and has every right to be. She’s really great at ruining things. He says, Drew is a very forgiving guy. Don’t give up hope. She says, what about him? Can she hold out hope for him, or is he as done with her as he is with his father?

Nikolas says he may have lost his wife and son, but he won’t lose his home, and Victor says he has a storage locker full of evidence that he held Esme against her will. Nikolas says, that junk may be damning, but it’s not definitive, and Victor says, as is his written confession to pushing Esme off a parapet, not to mention the recorded version in Ava’s possession. Nikolas says, not to mention a very alive Esme, and if she can’t remember, she can’t testify. Victor says, Hayden Barnes. His patience with Nikolas is nearing an end. After all he’s done for Nikolas. Nikolas says, what about after all he’s done for Victor? He sheltered Victor on Cassadine Island. Victor says, that’s the only reason he hasn’t washed his hands of Nikolas altogether, and Nikolas says, here he thought it was because Victor is such a family man. Victor says he does have big plans for this family, but Nikolas keeps throwing a monkey wrench into them. Nikolas says, plans, you have to follow through on. He calls Victor’s bluff. Victor tells Nikolas that he’ll say it once more. The next time Nikolas defies him will be his last.

Mason says, the boss doesn’t like a quitter, and Austin says, that’s too bad because he quits. Why can’t she just find another doctor who’s amenable to the cause? Mason says he knows Austin doesn’t take well to being strong-armed – Austin says, nobody does – so how about this? The next time they send him a patient, take care of them. Austin says, or what? What’s going to happen? Basically, the answer’s no. He recently lost a good friend, and got dumped by his girlfriend. He’s starting to feel like he has nothing left to lose. Mason says he guesses he’s been told. So why doesn’t he leave Austin to his legal doctoring? Austin says, hallelujah, and Mason offers him a lollipop, but Austin says, no thank you. Mason says he’s starting to take it personally. Maxie’s daughter wouldn’t take one either.

Carly says, she made a mistake. It would kill her if Michael cut her out of his life. Michael says, dad made more than one mistake. He chose Nina over his family again and again. What Carly did was wrong, but she did it for their family. She says, the second she heard Willow was sick… and he says he knows. She asks if he can forgive her, and he says, Willow already has. She asks if he ever wonders if they deserve her, and he says, every day. He has a long way to go to be as forgiving as Willow. He does know he needs Carly in his life, and his children need her, and Willow needs all of them. She says she needs him too, more than he knows. She hugs him and cries.

Curtis says he has to believe Marshall is strong enough to face a future that’s different from what he’s used to, and Portia says, one that includes Curtis, TJ, Stella, Trina, Epiphany, and her. Curtis says, and anyone else who comes along, and Marshall asks if he can have all that without unraveling the past? Curtis says, he can try, but he has the feeling the past will always come back to haunt Marshall. Portia says, he can’t go back; no one can. Curtis says, but if he gets these answers, the next chapter could be a whole helluva lot better than the one before it.

Austin asks when Mason saw Georgie, and Mason says, this morning, with her brother and little sister at the playground. They were with a very attractive older couple; Maxie’s parents he bets. Austin asks what Mason has done, but Mason says, take it easy. He already told Austin. He just offered Maxie’s daughter a treat, but she turned him down. Either she doesn’t like lollipops or she’s been warned against strangers. The thing is, he’s not going to be a stranger when he visits her. Kids can be so trusting. Austin says, he wouldn’t dare, and Mason says, don’t make him. Austin grabs Mason by the lapels, when Ava walks in. Austin releases Mason, and she asks if she’s interrupting.

Nikolas says he’ll take what Victor told him under advisement. Now if Victor is finished he has a meeting. Victor says, of course (🍷). He’ll make himself scarce. He takes out some paperwork, and says, before he forgets, Nikolas’s divorce settlement papers. In addition to the standard provisions, there’s a paragraph ceding the deed to Spoon Island over to Ava. He tosses it on the table, and says, please have it signed before he returns.

Violet says she’s going to draw a new family picture, and put Cameron in it. Cameron, Jake, and Aiden will be on a log. Grandpa and Uncle Chase will be in the lake. She asks if Elizabeth and Finn can sit next to each other in her drawing, and Finn says, as long as they’re not in the fire, he’s good. She says, they’ll be by the fire, roasting marshmallows, and Elizabeth asks Violet not to make her too short next to Finn. Violet says, she’ll be wearing heels, and Elizabeth says, heels camping? Violet says, fashion first. Maxie taught her that. Elizabeth says, of course (🍷) she did, and Finn says, it’s getting late. He suggests Violet finish her drawing at home, and they leave. Elizabeth sits looking at her phone when Carolyn comes in and says, hi, Lizzie.

Dex and Josslyn kiss when there’s a knock at the door. She says, that would be the food, and he says, the delivery person has horrible timing. She asks if he’ll get it so she can put something on. He asks if she has to, and she says, yes. He puts his pants on, and opens the door. No surprise, it’s Cameron.

On Monday, Sonny tells Spencer, what he’s saying proves he can’t; Cameron asks Josslyn if Dex is the reason they broke up; and Ava says, Mason was most definitely there.  

🏥 Beaming Back In…

Looks like she left Jeff at home this time.

🧂 Salt Shaker…

Well, it wasn’t like we thought Jen would be back.

🏝  The Latest In Miami…

Looks like there will be sufficient drama.

🥊 It’s a Knockout…

I’d pay to see this fight.

⚔️ Changing Games…

I can’t wait to check this out this weekend.

🎥 Ranking George…

I’d say they’re spot-on. While I actually liked the remake of Dawn of the Dead, it didn’t have the same satiric wit of the original.

🐯 Ongoing Tiger Tale…

The sequel wasn’t nearly as good as the first series. The first collective diversion during the pandemic lockdown.

🎸 If You’re In the Neighborhood…

The Governor’s Ball line-up and deets.

🐕 More Bowl Please…

What you need to know about the upcoming Puppy Bowl XIX

First flag.

🦩 Quotes of the Week

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.Corrie ten Boom

The expert in anything was once a beginner. – Helen Hayes

I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. – Thomas Jefferson

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. – Arthur C. Clarke

It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. – Henry Ford

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot

Being funny is a very serious business. – Soupy Sales

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.Franklin D. Roosevelt

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. – Stephen Hawking

🍨 Chillaxing and HBO Maxing…

Whatever the next two days hold for you – be it streaming service or rowing merrily down a stream – enjoy. Hope to see you back after that for soap and a less than full Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay curious, but not intrusive, and stay knowing, it’s never too late to advocate for yourself.

January 19, 2023 – Sonny Questions Carly’s Motives, a Memoir, Holy Cannoli, Overrated Kyle, It’s a No For Andy, Spike Gets the Record & Bizarre


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Portia says, they’ve officially finished the seating chart for their wedding and Curtis says, it only took three hours, twelve minutes, and sixteen seconds. But who’s counting? She tells him, tease all he wants to, but checking things off their to-do list makes her feel like their wedding is coming up faster than she thought. He says, and the honeymoon, and she says, Florence, Verona… She can’t wait to walk those ancient streets hand-in-hand with her husband. He says, and he can’t wait to celebrate beautiful her as his wife all day. He kisses her hand, and they both say, and all night. They kiss.

Sonny starts to walk into the chapel, and sees Carly. He says he didn’t know anybody was here, and starts to leave, but she tells him, stay. They’re both here for the same thing; praying that Willow is going to be okay. He says, which she will be if Nina’s a match. Which they would have known a long time ago if Carly hadn’t let her hatred for Nina blind her.

Nina waits in the exam room, and flashes back on Carly telling her that she’s Willow’s mother, and that she’s known since Harmony died – last year. Austin comes in, and says he’s so sorry. He thought this room was empty. He asks if she’s okay. Is she waiting for someone? She says she’s just waiting for her blood test results. She’s surprised he hasn’t heard already. She’s a potential bone marrow match for Willow Tate. He says, that’s a very generous gesture for somebody who, until recently, she was fighting in court. She says she didn’t have a choice. Willow’s her daughter.

Cameron runs into Kelly’s, where Spencer is getting some coffee. Spencer says, late night, and Cameron says he forgot he picked up this extra shift, and just left class. Spencer says, Cameron’s been doing that a lot lately, picking up extra shifts. His psyche professor would say he has an avoiding detachment disorder. Cameron says, and what would his psyche professor say he’s avoiding? and Spencer says, what about a break-up? Cameron says he’s so mad at Joss for ending things with him, but he misses her so much. He just wishes he could go one day without thinking about her. Josslyn walks in.

Dex comes out of the hospital elevator, as Michael goes to the reception desk. The nurse asks if she can help Michael, and he asks for another blanket and some water for Willow. The nurse says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Michael goes over to Dex, and asks what Dex is doing here.

Curtis asks how many more items they have to check off the list, and Portia says, just a few. Maybe they can do it later. They start to kiss, when Marshall walks in, and says, don’t mind him. He’s going up to his room, and trying to stay out of the almost newlyweds hair. Curtis asks if he has a minute. They’d like his help with the ceremony.

Michael and Dex go out to the stairwell, and Michael asks what Dex is doing at GH. Dex says, looking for Sonny. He texted that something was going on with his family, and to meet him at GH. Michael asks what Sonny wanted, but Dex says he doesn’t know. He couldn’t find Sonny, so he thought he’d check the third floor. He heard about Willow’s diagnosis. Michael asks if Sonny told him, but Dex says, no. He overheard Sonny tell Josslyn. Is Willow okay? Michael says, not really, and Dex says he’s sorry. Dex asks if there’s anything he can do to help, and Michael tells him, just stay on top of the plan to bring his father down. Dex says, on it, and Michael says, as long as Dex is here, Dex had called him and said there was a problem. What is it? Dex flashes back to Josslyn getting dressed, and saying she’s going to Sonny’s office to tell him she can see who she wants to, and it’s none of his damn business. Dex tells Michael, it’s nothing to worry about, and Michael asks if Dex is sure it isn’t something he needs to know.

Josslyn says she’s sorry about Britt, and Spencer says, thanks. She says, it’s nice to see Cameron, and Cameron says, is it? She says, of course (🍷), and Spencer asks what she’s doing here. She says she came to get Willow her favorite slice of pie. She didn’t know Cam would be working today. Spencer says, he’s always working, but Cameron says, that’s not true. He has a life. Josslyn says, if this is awkward for Cameron… but Cameron says, whatever. He just has to clock in. He goes in the back, and Spencer asks, what’s Josslyn’s problem? She says, her problem? and he says, the guy is heartbroken. It might be a good idea to steer clear of this place and Cameron for a while.

Austin asks when Nina found out Willow was her daughter, and Nina says, yesterday. He asks why she’s hiding out in here. Shouldn’t she be with Willow? She says she wishes she could be, and he says he would think they’d have a lot to talk about, but she says she thinks she and Willow have said everything they need to say to each other. The only thing she can do now is try to save Willow’s life. She won’t accept anything else from Nina. She’s sorry, but it’s been a very long day… He asks if there’s anything he can do to help, but she doesn’t say anything. He tells her to feel free to give a shout if she needs anything, and leaves. In the hallway, he makes a call, and says, Nina needs you.

Carly asks if Sonny thinks she kept the truth from Willow because she hates Nina more than she loves Willow, and he asks if she didn’t. She says she’s not even going to dignify that with an answer, and he says, she’s been aching to get revenge on Nina ever since she found out Nina knew he was in Nixon Falls. Not to mention everything else. Carly says, Nina deserves to pay for everything she’s done, but she’s washed her hands of that, and Sonny asks why she didn’t tell Nina that Willow was her daughter. She says she doesn’t owe him an explanation, but he says, she owes Nina, and she says, the hell she does. Nina’s own choices have led directly to this. The only ones she owes anything to are Michael and Willow. He says, what about the baby and Wiley? She doesn’t think she owes them an explanation if their mother dies because of the secret she kept?

Obrecht asks Austin where Nina is, and he tells her. She thanks him for calling her, and he says, no problem. It’s part of his Hippocratic Oath. She says he helped more than he knows. First her Britta, now Nina. He asks if she’s doing okay, and she tells him, one day at a time. Isn’t that what you Americans say? She heads for the exam room.

Obrecht comes in, and asks how Nina is doing, hugging her. Nina asks what she’s doing here, and Obrecht says, Austin called and said Nina needed her. Is she sick? Hurt? Nina says, physically, she’s fine, and Obrecht asks why she’s here. Nina says, there was a miracle. She found out she has another daughter. Obrecht asks how this is possible, and Nina says she’s sorry. This is probably the last thing Obrecht wants to be talking about. Obrecht says she’d never begrudge Nina discovering she has a child. Why is she upset? This is good news. Nina says, it is, but there’s complications, and Obrecht says, like what? Nina says, Carly.

Carly says, that was a low blow, and Sonny asks if he said anything untrue. She says she didn’t know Willow had leukemia, and he says, if Carly hadn’t withheld the information, Willow wouldn’t be up there now, fighting for her life. She says, he can’t possibly think she’d keep this secret if she knew Willow was sick. Michael and Willow didn’t tell anyone. She had to make a decision based on the information she had. He says, that wasn’t her decision to make. On Willow’s behalf and Nina’s behalf. Nina deserved to know she had a daughter. It meant so much to her. Can Carly imagine? Thinking your daughter was stolen and you could never raise her? That does a lot of damage. But Carly still decided to punish her. Carly says, this was never about Nina. She did this for Willow because she knew the pain it would cause if she knew the truth. Nina pushed Willow so far, Willow didn’t even want to find her biological family. She did this for Willow. He says, a lot of good that did, didn’t it? and she says, he has a lot of nerve going around with all this concern for Willow now, because he sure as hell didn’t have any when Nina was harassing and torturing Willow in court.

Dex tells Michael not to worry about the call. He has enough to deal with. Besides, it’s been handled. Michael says, tell him anyway, and Dex says he hasn’t heard anything more about the Pikeman deal. Sonny took him to the meeting, so he assumed he’d have access, but if Sonny is still negotiating or they set a date for the first shipment, he doesn’t know about it. And unless Sonny tells Dex himself, he has no way to find out. He’s never in the room when Sonny and Brick have a call. Pikeman isn’t going to pull out of the deal, and Sonny’s already taken their cash, so he can’t either. When the shipments start, that’s when Sonny will need him, and that’s when he’ll know. He just got a little jumpy. The sooner this is over, the better for him. Michael says, him too, and Dex says, sorry about the false alarm. He won’t keep Michael from Willow. Just give him a minute before he comes out. Michael says, with everything going on with his family, it’s nice to know he can trust Dex.

Josslyn asks if Spencer doesn’t think it’s a good idea to mind his own business, and he asks if she really wants to run into Cameron just to get coffee and pie. Josslyn says, her grandma owns Kelly’s. She’s not going to avoid the place just to avoid Cam, and she didn’t know he was working here today. They don’t talk much since they broke up. Spencer asks why they did break up. He got Cameron’s explanation, but never got hers. She says she doesn’t have the bandwidth to deal with him today. Her life is crazy enough, and like she said, it’s none of his business. He says, Cam is his friend, so it is a little bit his business, and she says, Spencer’s supposed to be her friend too. She’s known him since they were five years old. She’s seen him make more mistakes than she can count, but she’s still here talking to him. He says, and he’s still her talking to her. What’s her point? She says she’d never make him choose sides, but clearly he has. So he’s saying that she’s completely lost his friendship. He tells her that he never said that, but that doesn’t mean he gets it. Cam is the sweetest kid on the planet. She says she knows. That’s what makes this so hard. She’s known Cam her whole life. Does Spencer think just because they broke up she doesn’t care about his feelings anymore? Cameron comes back, and she says she’ll go somewhere else, but Cameron says, wait. She leaves, and Cameron tells Spencer, what the hell, dude? He thought he told Spencer to stop fighting his battles for him.

Curtis tells Marshall that he and Portia feel very strongly that their wedding isn’t just about them. It’s about this whole blended family they’ve created with their wonderful relationship. Portia says, Marshall, Stella, and TJ have been so welcoming to her, and she’s proud to call them her in-laws. Marshall says he likes the sound of that, calling her future daughter-in-law. Curtis says he got to thinking the last time he got married, Marshall wasn’t a part of his life. Marshall says he is now, and he hopes Curtis realizes how happy he is to witness Curtis and his lovely lady saying their vows. Curtis says, it would mean a lot to them if Marshall was involved in the ceremony, and Marshall says he’s too old to be a groomsman. Portia thanks him for helping with the music; the songs and the arrangement he chose. But they were just wondering if he could take it a step further. Curtis asks if Marshall would play a clarinet solo at the ceremony. Would he do them that honor? Marshall says he’s honored that they asked, but he doesn’t think he can. Curtis asks, why? Did he get a better offer somewhere else? Marshall says he wouldn’t know what to play, and Portia says she and Curtis have a request; a favorite song they share. Marshall says, the wedding is in a few weeks. He won’t have enough time to prepare new music. Curtis says he hears Marshall in his room playing every night. He’s constantly working on his craft. He hears Marshall riffing; it’s definitely in his wheelhouse. Marshall says, that’s him just keeping his skills up. Learning new music is a while ‘nother ball of wax entirely. Portia says, it doesn’t have to be perfect. He can have the sheet music with him if he likes. Curtis asks Marshall to lay it on him straight. Does he not want to perform at their wedding?

Spencer says he’s sorry. He didn’t mean to  overstep. He just hates seeing Cameron like this. Cameron says, like what? and Spencer says, all sad. Cameron says he overheard Josslyn saying it was hard on her too, and Spencer asks if Cameron really believes that. Cameron asks why he wouldn’t, and Spencer tells him, Josslyn was just saying that to save face, but Cameron says, Spencer’s known Josslyn as long as he has. BS is not really her style. Spencer says, maybe not, but something is off  with this break up. Cameron says, last time he checked, she broke up with him, not Spencer, and Spencer says, the excuse Josslyn gave him, that they grew apart. It’s like Break-up Excuse 101; what does that even mean? See? It makes as little sense to Cameron as it does to him. Plus, he’s been though more breakups than Cameron. Cameron says, no he hasn’t. Esme was his first girlfriend. Spencer says, okay, but he’s had more relationships fall apart, like with his father. And with him and Esme, they didn’t grow apart. Cameron says, Spencer found out she was the worst human being in existence next to Jax Taylor, and Spencer says, like with his father. They did things that helped him realize they weren’t who he thought. Cameron asks if Spencer is saying Josslyn isn’t who he thought she was, but Spencer says, no, but he doesn’t think she’s being straight with him.

Josslyn comes out of the hospital elevator, and sees Dex, but before she can walk over to him, Michael says, hey. She says she’s sorry she didn’t get here sooner. She talked to mom this morning, and she said Willow’s condition was stable. She thought Willow might want some pie if she’s up for eating. He didn’t respond to her text, but it doesn’t matter. She brought two forks and two iced teas. He says, Willow is sleeping now, but he’s sure she’ll appreciate it when she wakes up. Josslyn asks how she is, and he says, she’s weak. She’s going to be staying here for a while. Josslyn asks if there’s any update on a bone marrow donor, and he says, actually, they might have found one. She says, that’s great. When did he find out; mom didn’t say anything. Okay, what’s going on? Every time she mentions mom, he acts weird. Is something happening between them?

Nina tells Obrecht, as awful as Harmony was, at least she told Carly the truth on her deathbed. And Carly took it on herself to do a DNA test without her or Willow’s consent. Carly found out Willow was her daughter and didn’t say anything for months. If Willow wasn’t sick, she probably wouldn’t have. Obrecht says, how could that horrible woman keep Nina from yet another child? and Nina says she doesn’t know. She just keeps going through it until she’s dizzy. It’s the cruelty of all of it. Obrecht says, and Carly had the nerve to tell Nina that she was in the wrong for keeping Sonny from her family, and Nina says, she knew Carly had it in for her, but to sit back and watch her relationship with Willow fall apart, knowing Willow was her daughter? It’s cruel. And now when Willow needs a mother the most, of course (🍷) Willow doesn’t want anything to do with her. All she can do is wander around here, helpless, hoping her bone marrow will save Willow’s life. Obrecht says, Nina’s not helpless. She’s doing everything possible to help her daughter; what a good mother should. Nina says, all she can do is wait for the results, and the more she waits, the angrier she gets. She feels like time is slipping by. If she knew Willow was her daughter, she wouldn’t have spent all that time arguing with Michael and Willow for denying access to Wiley, because she thought Wiley was her only connection to a family that was stolen from her, but that’s not the truth. Carly knew better. Nina could kill her.

Sonny asks if Carly is seriously comparing this to what happened in Wiley’s court case, and Carly says, his feelings for Nina might have blinded him, but she saw the pain Nina caused Willow then, and many times since. Willow looked at her and said, if her mom was anything like Nina, she wouldn’t want to find her. So she wasn’t going to let Nina make Willow suffer more. He says, so she’s doing this in Willow’s best interest, and Carly says, not just hers, but Michael’s, Wiley’s, and the new baby. She made a decision for the greater good of her family. Don’t dare tell her that he doesn’t know what that’s like. He says, she can dress this up however she likes. This PR job she’s doing is great in her head, but it’s going to hurt Willow and her family. She can lie to herself, but she’s not going to lie to him. They both know, she’s not protecting anyone. Nina suffered, and she likes it.

Marshall says, it’s not that he doesn’t want to play at Curtis’s wedding, and Curtis says he understands it’s scary, but Marshall knows it’s important to him. Marshall says he’s sorry, but he doesn’t trust himself.  

Obrecht says she understands Nina’s desire to murder Carly, but doesn’t think Nina has it in her, and Nina says, not literally, but she can still make Carly pay. Carly was there from the beginning, encouraging animosity between her and Willow. She understands she’s made mistakes, and takes full ownership of them. She’s going to have to make it up to Willow, but even before Nixon Falls, before she found Sonny, Carly was trying to take Wiley away from her. Carly would undermine her to Michael and Willow, and even if Nina made the smallest mistake, Carly would plant the seed of doubt. Carly was always there trying to reinforce her angry feelings against Nina. Nina cries, and says she’s had enough of it. She’s going to make Carly suffer for this. Obrecht says she knows exactly how Nina feels, but she can’t strike back against Carly.

Carly says, Sonny has no idea how she’s feeling, but he says he knows how she thinks; he knows her better than anyone. She hates Nina because she kept him from the family; understandable. So Carly wanted to hit Nina where it hurt the most, and that’s by taking her child from her. She stole Nina’s chance at being a mother, and she knew that’s what Nina wanted the most. So congratulations. Nina’s in pain, and Willow doesn’t want to have anything to do with her. Carly hurt her, like Nina hurt Carly. Now can they end this madness? Carly says she just wants to make sure to get this straight. Sonny is blaming her for Nina and Willow’s lack of relationship. Nina has her own damn self to blame for her pain. After everything Nina put Willow through, she has every right hate Nina. And guess what? The feeling’s mutual. Nina and Willow hated each other long before she found out they were mother and daughter. Sonny tells her to stop justifying her lies.

Michael says, the potential donor for Willow is Nina, and Josslyn says she’s glad they found a donor, but why does it have to be her? He says, because Nina is Willow’s birth mother, and Josslyn says, what? He says, Nina gave birth to twins; Nelle went to the Bensons, and Willow was given to Harmony. She asks if he’s sure. Has anyone run a DNA test? There’s no way Willow could possibly be related to Nelle or Nina. He says, mom ran a DNA test, and she says, mom? He says, Harmony told her before she died, and mom ran a paternity test on Nina and Willow. She knew for months Nina was Willow’s mother; not that she said anything. She claims she was protecting Willow; that Willow was better off not knowing. If Willow hadn’t been sick, who knows if she would have said anything. They sit down, and Josslyn says, but Willow is sick, so… mom told the truth when it counted. He says, it was almost too late. Willow could have died waiting for a bone marrow donor. Josslyn says she understands why he’s upset, obviously, but he and Willow didn’t tell anybody that Willow was sick, so how was mom supposed to know? He says, the point is, mom was making choices for Willow that she had no right to make. Choices that jeopardized Willow’s life. He doesn’t think he can ever forgive her for that.

Curtis asks Marshall what that even means, and Portia asks if this is about his schizophrenia. Marshall says he can’t play solo since his diagnosis, but Curtis says he’s seen Marshall perform solo at GH. Marshall says, it’s one thing to perform for a few patients who are just looking for something to brighten their day. This is a whole ‘nother ball of wax to play at Curtis’s big occasion, his wedding. Marshall’s anxiety will act up. Portia says, this isn’t a group of anonymous strangers; this is his family and friends. He says, it doesn’t matter. After his diagnosis, he could feel himself going to this scary place every time he performed solo. He’s afraid it could trigger an episode. That’s why he only performs with a band now. He stays in the background, and just does his thing from there. She says, didn’t he tell her that he never had an episode? and he says he’s been fortunate. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen. He’s not going to risk it on their big day. Having him play is only inviting trouble. As much as he’d like to, as much as he wants to, he can’t. He needs Curtis to understand.

Josslyn says, Michael’s not going to forgive mom ever? and he says he’s so angry he can’t even think straight. She says, Willow is pregnant and has leukemia. Of course (🍷) he’s overwhelmed. Michael says, mom knew Willow was looking for her biological family, and she just kept withholding this information. Josslyn tells him, she’s not saying that she thinks mom made the right decision. Of course (🍷) she understands why he’s upset. All she’s saying is, there are extenuating circumstances here. Willow’s long lost mom is a woman she can’t stand; a woman who took him and Willow to court. He says, that doesn’t change the fact that it was Willow’s decision to make. Mom should have come to Willow the moment she found out Nina was Willow’s mother. Josslyn says she hears him. All she’s saying is, she sees mom’s side of it. There are some things people are better off not knowing. He says, but it’s not up to mom to decide what will or won’t hurt Willow. Look what happened; she’s hurt anyway. And it could have had deadly results. It still might. He says he has to get back to Willow, and thanks Josslyn for letting him vent. She tells him, feel whatever he needs to feel, but maybe don’t talk to mom right now. Maybe cool off a little first. He says he’ll try.

Cameron says, Joss breaking up with him came out of nowhere, so he understands why Spencer would think something’s up, but he doesn’t. Spencer asks, why not? and Cameron says, they loved each other; that was real. Spencer says, exactly. Those feelings don’t just disappear overnight. People who love each other don’t split up for no reason. Cameron says, sometimes people split up for a lot of reasons. He was so hurt and angry, he shut himself off to the possibility Joss might be in pain too. Seeing her just now, he believes her when she says this isn’t easy for her. Joss has always been honest with him, so if she says they grew apart, why would he think that’s a lie?

Carly says, the Sonny she used to know would have seen Nina has done nothing but torture Willow right up to the moment she found out Willow was her daughter. He was the one who taught her that sometimes you have to do questionable things to protect the people you care about. And he would understand why she did what she did. But that Sonny’s gone. He says she’s right. He’s changed. They all have. Does she know what that means? It means they don’t have to keep doing the same things they always have. She says, right, and leaves, passing Dex outside the door. Dex comes in, and says he’s sorry it took him so long to find Sonny. Sonny didn’t answer his text. Sonny says he’s been busy, and Dex asks what he can do for Sonny. Sonny says he’s got to see Nina, and leaves, Dex following.

Nina asks who this is, and what have they done to her Aunt Liesl? and Obrecht, says, normally, she would be the first one to tell Nina not to turn the other cheek. When someone wrongs you, strike back. Send a message that there are consequences for hurting you. Every fiber of her being aches to destroy the monster who murdered her Britta. But Britta’s not here, Willow is. Not only does Nina have a new daughter, she also has a new grandchild. That’s where her focus should be. Nina says she told Obrecht, Willow wants nothing to do with her, but Obrecht says, Willow needs Nina to save her life, and she can’t do that when she’s consumed with revenge on Carly. Willow must be her priority now, not Carly. Do not squander her second chance to be a mother. She’s grateful every day for a second chance with her Britta. Cherish this gift you’ve been given, Liebchen.

Dex sees Josslyn, and he asks if she’s okay. She says, not really, and he suggests they get out of here.

Spencer says he guesses Cameron has to trust his instincts. Although his weren’t so great when it came to Esme. Cameron says, maybe he wanted to see things were okay. Maybe Joss experienced their relationship differently. Spencer says, maybe, and Cameron says he has no reason not to trust her. She’s been a part of his life for forever. He would hate for that trust to go away because they didn’t work out as a couple. Maybe they’ll find their way back to being friends. We see Josslyn getting in the elevator with Dex, and Cameron says, Joss was honest with him about her feelings. It’s not like she set out to hurt him. The elevator door closes.  

Nina thanks Obrecht for talking sense into her. She needs to focus on Willow, and she’ll deal with Carly later. Sonny says, sorry to interrupt, and Obrecht says she thinks her work here is done. She and Nina hug, and Obrecht says, Nina is doing the right thing. She leaves, and Sonny asks what she was doing here. Nina says, reminding her that she shouldn’t give up on her daughter, and she won’t. He hugs her.

Obrecht asks Austin if Esme is still at the hospital, and he says, no; she was released. She asks, when? Why? Has she recovered from her injuries? Where did she go? He says he heard they took her away for an arraignment, but he can’t tell Obrecht if she was remanded to prison or out on bail. Obrecht says, Esme could be free, roaming the streets after murdering her daughter. Austin’s phone beeps, and he asks if Obrecht is going to be okay. She says she will be, and he leaves. She says, as soon as she tracks down Miss Prince.

Curtis says, it would mean a whole lot if Marshall performed at their wedding, but he understands if Marshall doesn’t want to. It’s Marshall’s choice and he respects that, but he wants Marshall to know that they believe  in him. He excuses himself, saying, he has to call The Savoy. Portia says, can’t Marshall see how badly his son wants him to be a part of his wedding? but Marshall says he doesn’t think he can. She says she knows he doesn’t want to hear this, but she still thinks there’s a possibility he was misdiagnosed and doesn’t even have schizophrenia. There’s an easy way to find out, and they can see. Then maybe he can show up for Curtis after all. Why doesn’t he want to take the steps to find out for sure? He says, because it’s too late.

Michael comes out of Willow’s room as Carly is coming out of the elevator. She asks, how’s Willow, and he wonders why she’s asking. It’s obvious Carly doesn’t give a damn about her.

Tomorrow, Austin says he’s done taking orders; Victor says, the next time Nikolas defies him will be his last; Dex tells Josslyn that he’s no longer going to be working for Sonny; and Michael tells Carly, if Nina is the enemy, what does that make her?

✍🏾 Shooting Straight…

He’s also making the talk show rounds. I was like, hey, that’s Brick!

⚓️ What She Didn’t Know…

All the captains say the same thing. They didn’t know until they watched the show.

💎 But It’s True…

I saw the show Reza was on, and I agree with him. She’s certainly overreacting.

🧂 No Salt…

What does this even mean? The reality star said she wanted to avoid “misrepresentations” to be made about her “story, relating to any and all topics, prior and during the course of my participation” on “RHOSLC.”

🐶 Gino Unseated…

There’s a new old dog in town.

🌃 Drawing the Curtains…

Join me tomorrow for soap and tea, with a side of wise words, and a little music. Until then, stay safe, stay open to new experiences, and stay never squandering a second chance.

January 18, 2023 – Carly Begins Her Apology Tour, Delusional, She’s Still Here, Après Prison, Bravoverse Toxicity, Victor Moonlights, Exotic Pets (!) & Outside


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Paris, France. Valentin and Anna are making out on the couch when there’s a knock at the door. She says, it must be his contact, draws her gun, and opens the door. A beautiful blonde woman breezes past her, saying, Valentin, mon amour, and kisses him.

At Spring Ridge, Esme says, there must be a mistake. She tried to explain to the judge… The guard says, someone will be here shortly to escort her to her room, and Esme sits down, putting her head in her hands. Heather smooths Esme’s hair, and says, it’ll be all right, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be all right now.

A phone with an alert from The Invader says: NEWS: Judge Holloway ordered Esme Prince to be remanded to Spring Ridge Minimum Security Prison until her trial is concluded. Ms. Prince faces… Spencer looks up from his table at Kelly’s, and thanks Ava for coming. He says he wouldn’t have blamed her if she’d blown off his request to meet. She says she considered it, and he asks why she came. She says, he knows what killed the cat, doesn’t he? She saw the news about Esme going to Spring Ridge. Does he want to throw a party? He says he wants something else, and she asks, what’s that? He says, someone he can trust.

Nina checks in at the hospital reception desk, telling the nurse that she’s here for a follow-up test to see if she’s a suitable match for bone marrow. How long does it take for her to find out she’s a match for Willow Tate, and where do they want her? The nurse says she’ll be right with her, and steps away. Sonny says he knows Nina is amped up, and she has every right to be, but she needs to slow it down, because she’s still processing the fact she’s Willow’s mother. Nina says, a fact Carly kept from her, and he says, but there is a possibility Nina will give Willow what she wants, and save her life. Nina just has a lot going on right now. She says she can handle it, and she can handle a lot more. She still can’t wrap her head around it. Yesterday, Willow was not her friend, and now she’s the daughter Nina didn’t know… She just can’t lose her.

Willow tells TJ that she let Dr. Navarro know she’s ready to have the baby. Whether that means inducing labor or having a C-section, she’s ready to move forward. TJ says, that’s such a relief, but Willow says she’s still worried about potential risks to the baby by having her prematurely. He asks, what changed her mind? and she says she doesn’t want to just give birth to this baby; she wants to raise her. She looks at Michael, and says, giving birth so she can get a bone marrow transplant increases the chance she’ll survive, so that’s what she wants to do. TJ says he’s not questioning her decision, but he doesn’t want them to get ahead of themselves. Willow says she knows. They still need to get confirmation that the woman who’s her biological… that Nina is a match, and they can go ahead with the transplant. TJ’s phone beeps, and he says, Nina just arrived for her follow-up test. Keep the faith. He’ll do everything else. Willow thanks him, and he leaves. She tells Michael that she still can’t believe it. After all the friction with Nina in her life, their whole family may depend on her. He says he can’t help thinking if they’d known sooner, this whole thing would have been over. Carly looks into the room window.

Valentin says he thinks some introductions are in order, and introduces Anna to Renee Levesque. Anna says, Valentin didn’t do her justice. She was expecting a little sewer rat. In French, Renee says, Valentin called her a rat? and he says, certainly not. He said she was a cataphile. He tells Anna that there’s a way Renee can help them find Lucy.

Heather says, she’s Esme’s m… mate, as in friend. Consider her an ally; Esme’s one woman support group. They’re all in this together at Spring Ridge. All of them are alike… misunderstood, lonely, lost… locked up. Esme says, unfortunately, that’s her, lost and locked up. She thought maybe Heather knew who she was, and why she’s locked up in this place, and Heather says she wishes she could tell Esme. She really has no memory at all of her past? Esme says, not one, and Heather says, that would explain it. Esme says, explain what? and Heather suggests they begin with introductions. She’s Heather. She shakes Esme’s hand, and Esme says she’s been told her name is Esme. Heather says, that’s a pretty name, from the French. It means beloved, loved. Esme says, Heather knows more than she does, and Heather says, she knows whoever gave Esme that special name must have loved her very much. Esme says, if they loved her so much, where are they now when she really needs them? and Heather says, who knows? Maybe they’re closer than she thinks. Esme says, they certainly weren’t there in the courthouse when the judge called her a menace to society, and sent her to come here. Heather says she sees Esme’s pregnant. Does she know how far along she is? Heather would guess her third trimester. She knows this isn’t a great prison, but it sure beats being sent to Pentenville, or the D’Archam nuthouse. Esme tells her, if you say so, and Heather invites her to sit down. Get to know each other better. They have all the time in the world.

Ava says she assumes Spencer wanted to meet to discuss the future of his family estate, and he says, Windymere. What about it? She says she thought his father or Uncle Victor would have told him. She plans to make Windymere the grand prize when she divorces Nikolas. He says, really? and she says, that wasn’t the reaction she anticipated. He says he admits there was a time when the family estate mattered a great deal to him, but now it’s more of a reminder of… She says, a reminder of what? Esme? He says, it isn’t Esme that he cares about; it’s the baby she’s carrying. Ava knows the baby is his father’s, and he knows the baby is his father’s, but Esme does not. She says, his father knows, and Spencer says, which is exactly why they have to make sure he never has the opportunity to ruin another life the way he ruined theirs.

Sonny says he refuses to believe Nina discovered she has a daughter, and she’s going to lose her. And he’s going to move heaven and earth to make sure Willow and that baby make it through this. She says she knows he can do anything he puts his mind to, but this is all on her, and whether or not she matches with Willow. TJ comes out, and asks if Nina is ready to have her blood drawn. She says she is, and asks if he’s doing it, but he says, the nurse will do the honors, but he wants to be there as Willow’s friend to supervise. Does she have a problem with that? Nina says, no, she doesn’t… Does he have a problem with it? She just wants to say again that she’s sorry… He says, someone’s life is at stake; his friend’s life. That’s all that matters. Nina agrees, and he asks her to follow him.

Michael asks what Carly is doing here, and she says she got all the way home, and realized she was taking the coward’s way out, so she came back. He says, not now. Nina is waiting for a test to confirm if she’s a bone marrow transplant match. She says, thank God, and he says, the point is, he doesn’t want anything upsetting Willow right now. Carly says, and the last thing Willow needs is her. She understands. Willow says, wait. She tells Carly, they’ve learned the hard way that keeping silent does the most harm, and Carly says, that’s why she’s back; to tell Willow that she’s really, really sorry. If she could go back to the night she found out Nina was Willow’s birth mother. If she knew then what she knows now… Michael says, so it’s Willow’s fault for keeping her condition a secret? but Carly says, no. She’s not second guessing or blaming. If she was in Willow’s shoes, she would have done the same thing. She would have done whatever it took to save her baby. Willow says, it’s the hardest decision she ever had to make, and Carly says she’s in awe of Willow’s courage, but if she’d known what Willow was facing, Willow has to believe she never would have kept secret who Willow’s birth mother was. Willow says, even if it was Nina? The woman who took everything from Carly?

In an exam room, Nina asks TJ why they have to do another test? Didn’t the cheek swab confirm she was a match? He says, the cheek swab was only an indicator she might be a match. Once they take her blood sample, they can compare it with Willow’s, and that will definitively tell them if she’s a match. Nina says, and then Willow will get a bone marrow transplant, and she’ll start to heal, and she’ll be able to have the baby. Sonny says he knows she’s excited, but they have to let TJ and the nurse do their job first. He asks TJ to give them a second, and TJ leaves with the nurse. Sonny tells Nina that Donna always gets a lollipop before she gets a shot. Is there anything he can do for her to take care of her? She says she doesn’t need a lollipop, but she does need him to do something. He says, name it, and she says, be happy for her.

Ava says, there was a time she had faith in Spencer’s father, and Spencer says, look where that faith has gotten her. He cheated on her with Spencer’s ex-girlfriend. She says, not that she believes in their marriage now, but there was a time she did. If that makes her a fool for love, so be it. At least she was happy for a time. Some people never even get that. He says, when he came back to town, he thought she was the root of all evil, and she says she knows; he was quite vocal on the subject. He says he knows now it was wrong. He thought, if only he could break up Ava and his father’s marriage, everything with him and his father would fall into place. Now he realizes the problem was never Ava; it was his father. She says, there’s no question Nikolas wronged them both, but he didn’t do all that damage on his own. He had a little help, from Esme.

Heather takes some yarn from a basket, and tells Esme, this is what we call occupational therapy. We make friendship bracelets. She pushes the basket toward Esme, saying, try it, but Esme pushes the basket away. Esme says, according to the cops and the staff at General Hospital, she has no friends. Heather says, that’s okay. Esme can have the one she’s making when she’s done with it. A gift from one new friend to another. Esme says, ever since she woke up in that hospital bed, she’s been treated like a criminal, or like this baby inside of her is some ticking time bomb, but Heather says, not anymore. She’s not going to let that happen. Esme says she doesn’t understand. They just met. Why does Heather care what happens to her?

Anna says, cataphile, that’s impressive. Did Renee go to school for that; the history and layout of prison catacombs? Renee says, but of course (🍷). She went to the school of hard knocks. She and Valentin learned together – she takes his arm – combing the catacombs at night. They’d pop up and have their pick of the finest jewelry shops in Paris. Anna asks what they did during the day, and Renee says, what the Parisians do better than anyone, and laughs. Valentin extracts himself, and says, as nice as it is to see Renee again, a woman’s life is at stake, and every second counts. He hands her a folder, and Renee says, they’ll keep it about business. Anna says, they need access to the compound. They need to gain entry, so they can get in and extract their prisoner, and then they need to get out. They’ll need to make a getaway. Valentin asks if Renee thinks it can be done, but she says, sadly, no…  except by the greatest cataphile of them all – moi. Anna asks if that means she’s willing to help them, and Renee says, for Valentin, she’ll do anything. She knows exactly which branch of the mines will afford them access to the compound. Anna says, Renee called them mines? and Renee says, it’s a common mistake to call them catacombs. The truth is, it’s a network of 15th century subterranean mines connected by large galleries. For their purposes, all that matters is she gets them where they want to go without detection. Valentin asks where she’s going, and she says, to make arrangements. Don’t worry. She’ll be back. She kisses him on both cheeks, leaving red lipstick prints. She leaves, and Anna says she’ll just clean him up a little bit, and wipes the lipstick off.

Heather says, Esme is right not to trust just anyone. Shows she has good breeding. She must come from good people. Esme tells her, if you say so. Then again, why should she trust Heather? Heather says, that’s my girl, and Esme asks what that means. Heather says she just meant, If they stick together, they can help each other. Most Ridgeans are harmless enough, but every place gets their share of riff-raff. Esme says, like who? and Heather says, like Ryan Chamberlain. She needs to avoid him at all costs. Esme tells her, Dr. Collins said he had a twin named Ryan, and he couldn’t hurt a fly, and Heather says, Ryan appears to be suffering from a physical condition that’s left him a bit declawed. But trust her. Stay away from him. He’s as sick as they come. Esme says, what about Heather? What did she do to end up in here? Heather says she loved too much. First, it was about her sons. One of them is in the slammer, and the other is six feet under. Esme says she’s sorry to hear that. Is there anyone else? Heather says, yes, a daughter; her one and only.

Spencer tells Ava, Esme is anything but an innocent victim. And even if it’s proven she’s not a killer, she’s no more fit to raise a child than his father is. That’s why he’s hoping to hire Diane Miller to sue for custody. She says, he wants custody, even though the child isn’t his? and he says, yes. It may not be his child, but it will be his half-sibling; his flesh and blood. That baby will be the only innocent person in this family, and if there’s any hope of salvaging something good out of all the pain and lies his father has inflicted on them, it lies with that baby. She asks, what was Diane’s reaction? and he says, Diane told him it’s a long shot, but she would consider going to war for him. Ava says, Diane’s no fool. If she thinks there’s a chance… She asks if he’s told his father his intentions, but Spencer says, he’ll know when the time is right. She asks what Trina thinks of his plan, but he doesn’t answer. She says, he hasn’t told Trina either, has he?

Carly tells Willow that Nina didn’t take anything from her. Sonny made his choices, and the MetroCourt is just real estate. She has her family, and Willow and her baby are a part of that family. She’d never knowingly put Willow at risk. Michael says, but she did by keeping the truth from Willow, and Carly says she was just trying to protect Willow. She was so worried about the harm Nina would cause, and she knew if Nina wormed her way into Willow’s life, she wouldn’t stop there. Michael says, just call it what it is. It was revenge. Carly says, it was not, and Willow says she needs to talk to Carly alone. Michael says, anything for her, and leaves. Carly sits down, and says, it’s just them. Say what she needs to say; don’t hold back. Willow says, don’t worry. She won’t.

Sonny says he’s happy for Nina. He just starts thinking about Carly and how she kept that secret from Nina and Willow, when it could have been life and death. Nina says, let her make this clear. She has no intentions of forgiving and forgetting what Carly did to her, but right now it’s about saving her daughter. Her whole life, she wanted a child. She thought she had a chance with Sasha, but that was just a cruel lie. Then she found out Nelle was her daughter after she was dead. It’s like this incredible gift was given to her; she gets to be a mother. And no matter how Willow feels about her, no matter their history, Willow needs her. Sonny says, Willow is lucky to have her, but Nina says she’s lucky to have Willow even more. She needs Willow just as much. TJ and the nurse come back, and TJ asks if they’re good to go. Sonny says, they’re good, and leaves. Nina says, let’s do this, and hops onto the examining table.  

Willow says, for not one minute does she believe Carly would deliberately hurt her, but it wasn’t Carly’s decision to make. Once Carly found out who her mother was, Carly owed it to Willow to tell her; to trust her to be able to handle it. She’s not made of glass. She lost a child and thought she’d die with him, but she didn’t. She found the strength to go on. And if it’s not too late, she prays she has the strength to live for Michael, Wiley, and their new baby. Carly says, Willow is right. She did the very thing she’d hate if it were done to her. She didn’t trust Willow to stand up for herself. She asks if Willow can find it in her heart to forgive her, and Willow says she’s forgiven Carly already. (Pfft!) Carly thanks her, and says she’s so sorry. She’s so grateful for Willow, and loves Willow as if she was her own daughter. She’s going to let Willow get some rest. If there’s anything she needs… Willow asks if Carly will stop by the house, and give Wiley a hug. Carly says she can do that. She truly prays that Nina comes through for Willow and the baby. Willow says, so does she.

Valentin gives Anna a glass of wine, and tells her, before she says anything, there’s nothing going on between him and Renee. Anna says she knows. Not now, but in the past. He says, remember the smash and grab robberies he told her about that he engineered in Prague, Berlin, Milan, Paris of course (🍷)? Renee was a key part of the operation because of her understanding about the catacombs. He thinks it was for the thrill; she enjoyed being a rule breaker. She says, and him? and he says, it was an opportunity to make a large sum of money by separating some very rich people from their baubles. He’s never claimed to be a choir boy. However, he’s made some very generous donations to charity, and the high end jewelry stores were heavily insured. She says, so it’s a victimless crime, but he tells her, he wouldn’t say that. But there are far uglier ways to make money. She says, and Renee? and he tells her, like he said, she was in it for the thrill, but there was never a real connection; not like he has with her. She says she just wonders if they can trust her. It’s not jealousy, but he’s climbed out of the catacombs into the light, and she wonders if Renee is in it for an easy score or to break some more rules. He says, Lucy’s life is at stake. There’s no time to find anyone else, at least not with Renee’s skills. So how does she want to play this?

Outside, somewhere in Paris, Gavin says, they took their sweet time getting there. It’s freezing. We see he’s meeting Renee, and she hands him some cash. She asks if this will keep him warm. There’s more where this came from. Does he still work for Victor Cassadine? He says, who? and she says, askMonsieur Cassadine what it’s worth to him to have his son and Anna served up en brochette.

Heather tells Esme that her little girl was taken from her when she was just a baby. Esme says she wishes someone would take hers, but Heather tells her, don’t ever say that. Getting her little girl back, and keeping her safe and happy is all she lives for. She grabs Esme’s hand, and says, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do… Esme says, Heather is hurting her, and Heather says she’s sorry. Esme asks the guard if her room is ready, but Heather says, don’t leave yet. They’ve just begun to get acquainted.

There’s a knock at Willow’s door, and Sonny says he got her message that she wanted to see him. She says she can’t believe she’s saying this, but how’s Nina?

Michael goes to the chapel, and kneels down, then gets hit by a lightning bolt. He says he’s not asking for him. He’s asking for Wiley and the baby and Willow. He knows there’s going to be a lot of baggage dealing with Nina as Willow’s mother in the future, but that’s next week’s problem. For today, please let them be a match. Just… give Willow a chance. That’s all he’s asking. He hears the door open, and Carly is there.

In French, Renee tells Valentin, it’s all been arranged. She’ll lead them tomorrow through the underground network. Through the twists and turns until they reach the compound. From there, they can find the prisoner and set her free. He says he knew he could count on her. What did he tell Anna? She’s one of a kind. Anna tells him, she’s everything he said she’d be, and more so. Renee says, just like old times. N’c’est pas, mon amour? She touches his face, and asks Anna if they’re in this together.

Spencer tells Ava, looping Trina in would only complicate her life, which is something he’s done plenty of already. She says, he can’t have it both ways. He can’t try to renew his friendship with Trina, and keep her in the dark about such a big move. Or hasn’t he learned anything from the last time, when he came back to town with Esme? He asks if Ava really thinks he should tell Trina, and she says she does. Tell her, and let her make the choice if she wants to be involved. He says, she’s right, but he didn’t ask her here to get advice. She says, then what? She knows Diane is expensive, but he certainly doesn’t need her money or approval. He says, if he’s going to go up against his father, he can’t do it alone.

Heather follows Esme to the other side of the room, and says she’s sorry if she came on too strong. Seeing Esme in the family way pushed her buttons. Does she know if it’s a boy or a girl? Has she picked any names? Esme says she just met Heather, and what she decides to do with this baby is strictly her business. Does Heather understand? Heather says she understands completely. That baby isn’t just an inconvenience to Esme, no matter how she tries to pretend. Esme cares about her child. Almost as much as Heather cares about hers.

Carly says she’ll keep her distance, but Michael says, Willow needs all of their prayers. She tells him that he keeps saying what Willow needs; what about him? Does he have room in his heart for her?

Valentin tells Anna, they have to move quickly before Victor learns of their plan and moves Lucy to another location. It’s now or never. Anna looks at Renee, and says, then it’s now.

Michael says he knows what Carly wants to hear, but he can’t deal with her right now. All that matters is Willow, and he needs to be with her. He walks out.

Willow says she doesn’t know if there will be a happy ending for her, but Sonny tells her, don’t say that. She’s going have beautiful baby, and get much better. Trust him. She says, even he can’t guarantee that. So if it turns out she’s not here for her family, she needs him and Michael to stop being enemies; become father and son again. She’s not saying it will be easy. Sonny will have to earn it, but please do whatever he can to win Michael’s forgiveness. Because she knows Michael needs him, and Sonny needs Michael. He takes her hand, and says he’s going to do what he can. Take care of his grandchild, understand him? She nods, and Sonny leaves.  

Ava says, Diane already warned Spencer that he’s in for a fight. She knows Nikolas, and he won’t hesitate to play dirty when it comes to the custody of his child. Spencer says he’s ready. After all, his father taught him all those same dirty tricks. She says she admires his initiative, but he’s right. He’s going to need all the help he can get. He’s going to have to count on somebody who’s willing to get down and dirty too. Spencer asks if she has anyone in mind, and she points to herself.

The guard says, Esme’s room is ready, and Esme jets. Heather says she knows it’s just Esme’s hormones talking. She understands what Esme is going through. The guard escorts Esme down the hall, and Heather yells that she’ll be here when Esme needs her. She goes back to the table, and yells, wait. Esme forgot her bracelet. She clutches the bracelet to her chest.

TJ comes back to the exam room, and says he thought Nina would be long gone by now. He personally made sure the lab has her bloodwork, so there’s nothing more she can do until they get the results. She says she just wanted to know what’s next. She knows she’s going to be a match. Does he know how soon Willow can get her transplant? He says, nothing can happen until Willow gives birth. After that, she’ll go through another round of chemotherapy to kill the diseased cells. After that, they take stem cells from Nina, and inject them in Willow’s bloodstream. Nina says, okay, and then? and he says, if all goes well, Willow will produce healthy new blood cells. Nina says, all has to go well.

Michael goes back to Willow’s room, and asks if there’s any news. Is Nina a match? She says, nothing yet, and he tells her that he said a prayer for her and the baby. She says she needs all the prayers she can get, and he says, that’s what he told his mom. Willow might be able to forgive her, but he’s not sure he can. They hug.

Carly is in the chapel when Sonny walks in.

Tomorrow, Curtis says they’d like Marshall’s help with the ceremony; Josslyn says she’d never make Spencer choose sides, but clearly he already has; Dex says, the sooner this is over for him, the better; and Sonny says, Carly might be able to lie to herself, but not to him.

😵 Wow…

There are no words. It’s scary that some people can’t separate reality from fiction.

💋 Overstaying Her Welcome Now…

Andy hopes she comes back. I don’t.

Yet one more weighs in.

🧂 Kind Of Late…

If they’re worried about her mental health, it’s probably not a good idea to wait six and a half years.

☠️ Most Toxic…

Another matter of opinion. While Jax is definitely the worst human being on earth, why weren’t Teresa and Melissa on this list? Or Teresa and Joe #2? Or Teresa and that Solo cup?

👰🏾 Look Who’s Officiating Now…

And doing the Electric Slide.

🦔 Besides the Usual…

A capybara and a fennec fox please.

🍩 Time To Make the Donuts…

Come for a visit tomorrow, where there will be soap and a selection of fine tea. Until then, stay safe, stay disagreeing respectfully, and stay not doing the very thing you’d hate if it were done to you.

January 17, 2023 – Nina Finds Out If She’s a Match, Talking Turkey, Returning, New Direction, Final Bow, Anniversary For One, About Those Critics & Warm


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Paris, France. As they walk into a hotel suite, Anna tells Valentin, it’s so frustrating. Four days, and nothing. He says, it’s not nothing. They now know the building in question is Victor’s stronghold. She says, but they have no way in, and they don’t know if that’s exactly where Lucy is being held. The whole thing is just a damn waste of time. He tells her to look on the bright side. They’re in Paris, and they’re together. He kisses her.

Michael kisses Willow’s forehead, and says, that’s from Wiley. And also – he kisses her bump – that’s for his little sister. She asks how their little smoocher is doing, and he says, fine. He’s just worried about his mama. She says she hates that she collapsed in front of him. He must be so scared. Michael says, Wiley will feel better once he meets his little sister, and she asks if he told Wiley that the baby is coming early. He says, not yet, but he does think they should fill Wiley in. Make him part of bringing the baby home so he doesn’t feel left out. She says she agrees. They’ll do all of that once the baby comes. He says, which has to happen before she can receive the bone marrow transplant. So if Nina does turn out to be a match, she can be induced as soon as tomorrow. She says she could, except she’s not willing to do that, and he asks what she’s saying. She tells him that she doesn’t want to deliver early. She wants the baby to come when she’s ready. He says, even if it costs her life?

Heather slips into Ryan’s room, saying, good morning, Ritchie. She waves her hand in front of his face, and says, don’t worry. It’s just her. She promises they won’t be disturbed. She locks the door, and he comes up behind her, startling her. He says, alone at last.

Esme comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed, and sees the guard with handcuffs. She asks if she has to. She’s been handcuffed so long, her wrists are sore. He says, sorry, his instructions, and she asks if he can’t wait until her lawyer gets here. He can put them on her when the two of them escort her to her hearing. There’s a knock at the door, and the guard opens it to Victor. Victor tells Esme that she looks lovely, and it’s so nice to see her up and about. She asks if she knows him, and he says, right. She can call him Uncle Victor.

Chase says he can’t believe Willow’s been battling leukemia all this time, and didn’t tell anyone, but Sasha says she gets it. Illness is a deeply private thing. He says he gets it, but now they know, so they can be here for Willow and Michael, and she says, right.

Sonny comes into the penthouse, and sees Nina pacing on the phone. She says she needs to confirm she’s a bone marrow donor match with Willow Tate… She has no idea why it’s taking so long. It was a cheek swab for a preliminary screening… Can they put her on a priority list? She’s trying to save… If they could just call her when they get the results, she’d appreciate it. She thanks them, and Sonny hugs her. He asks what time she got to bed, and she says, 4:30-ish; she’s not sure. Her mind is just racing. She has a daughter… Willow is her daughter; Nelle had a twin. She has another chance at being a mother. He says, it’s great. He’s happy for her. She says, and her bone marrow is going to save Willow.

Valentin hands Anna a glass of wine, and says, he thinks this will help. She thanks him, and he asks what she’s hoping to learn by looking at the map again. She says she’s just looking for something they might have missed, and he suggests they go over it one more time. She says, the building is under constant surveillance, and he says, naturally. She says, and the shifts are staggered, which means no two posts change guards at the same time. He says, there’s always someone at watch, and she says, which means they can’t attach themselves to an arriving group and just slip inside. He pats his leg, and she puts her feet in his lap. He says, they haven’t exhausted all their options. There’s always a variable; a fatal flaw. So they’ll find the weaknesses in Victor’s defenses, and exploit them. She says, then they’ll look for Lucy, and he says, she’ll most likely be unharmed. Anna sits up, and says, that’s supposed to make her feel better, but it doesn’t, because she got Lucy involved in this. And if anything happens to her…

The guard tells Victor that he can’t be here, but Victor assures him that he has no ill intent. The guard says he’s going to have to ask Victor to leave, and Esme says she knows it’s against procedure or whatever, but as he knows, she has no memory of who she is or what she’s done, and this man may have some answers that could help her. So if he could just give them a few minutes, please. The guard says, two minutes, and the door stays open. She thanks him, and he goes out to the hallway. Victor says, well played, but Esme says she wasn’t playing him. She just told him what she wanted. He’s her uncle? No one told her that she had family. He says he guesses his introduction was a bit misleading. His name is Victor Cassadine, and she’s carrying the next Cassadine heir. She says, so he’s here for the baby, not her, and he says, right now, the two of them are more than a bit inseparable. She guesses she shouldn’t be surprised. Apparently, she’s not a very good person. He says, apparently. So her memory is still a blank.

Nina looks at her phone, and Sonny says, that’s not going to make it ring any faster. She says she can’t help it. She feels like this amazing gift has been dropped in her lap, and it can all go away just as quickly. She has a daughter. One she didn’t know about. She’s in the hospital, fighting for her life, a life she doesn’t want Nina to be a part of, but Nina’s bone marrow is going to save her. He says, Willow’s as stunned by the news as Nina is. Everyone is just trying to wrap their head around her being Willow’s mother. She says, except for Carly. She knew for months; almost a year. She didn’t tell them. She just sat and watched Nina and Willow tear into each other about Wiley, and didn’t say a word. She’ll never forget that.

Michael says, Dr. Randolph has been very clear that Willow has to deliver the baby before she receives the transplant, and she has to receive the transplant to live. Willow agrees that Terry has been clear, and he says, she’s eight months along. Having the baby now will pose minimal risk. She says, premature babies can have health problems that affect their entire lives. She’s stable right now. If they wait another week or two, it could make all the difference in the quality of their daughter’s life. He says, the longer she waits, the more the leukemia will progress, and the less likely the transplant will work. He doesn’t want to risk her life more than they already have. She says, more than she already has, but he says, it’s always we. He doesn’t want their children to grow up without a mother. He doesn’t even want to imagine life without her.

Heather says, someone’s feeling frisky this morning, and Ryan says, their daughter is still in police custody. She says she told him that she’d take care of that. What is he so nervous about? As soon as someone else gets hooked, while Esme’s still in custody, the cops will have to let her go. He says, yet no one has died since she’s been arrested. What’s the hold up? She says she may have had a little snag; just a teeny weeny bump in the road. Her favorite security guard Dietrich got fired for stealing. He says, she has to be kidding, and she says she knows. Good help is hard to find these days. The point is, she no longer has easy access in and out of Spring Ridge right now. Bummer. He says, yeah.

Esme tells Victor, the only reason she knows her own name is because someone told it to her, and now she can go to prison for something she doesn’t know if she did or not. He asks what her attorney has to say about her potential incarceration, and she tells him, Mr. Grey says if she can find out where she’s been the past few months, he might be able to prove she’s not the killer. But given everything everyone says she did, she’s starting to think it might be better if she never remembers who she used to be. Revenge porn? He says he’s not one to judge, but she says, that seems pretty judge-worthy. He says, as soon as she stops caring what other people think, the freer she and her conscience will be, and she says, right. She thinks their two minutes are up, so if there’s anything specific he wants to ask her… He says he’s only here because he’s worried about her, and she says, he means the baby. He says, her, the baby, the future. What are her plans after she leaves the hospital? She says, her immediate plans are going to court, and then, who knows? She’s just hoping she won’t end up in prison. Martin walks in, and says, Victor is here. He’ll have a talk with his sister, the mayor, about that. He asks if Victor is bothering Esme, but she says, not at all. Are they headed to the courthouse now? Martin says, not yet. They need to strategize before her arraignment. Victor wonders how much strategy is required to get a pregnant woman with amnesia off on bail, and Esme says, the police think she killed three people. Victor says, indeed they do, but they have no physical evidence tying her to those crimes. Martin asks to have a word in the hall alone with Victor, and tells Esme that he’ll be right back. Victor says he’ll be in touch, and they leave.

In the hallway, Martin asks what Victor wants, but Victor says he’s merely looking out for his family. Esme is the mother of his great niece or nephew, and he wants to do anything he can to help her. Martin says, if that’s the case, why doesn’t he stay away? The last thing his client needs right now is to be seen in the company of an unrepentant sociopath. Victor says, Martin is forgetting himself, and Martin says, Victor will have to forgive him. He might remember his manners better if he wasn’t worried sick about his poor Lucy. He’s concerned he might not be doing the best for his clients because he hasn’t been able to think straight since Lucy disappeared. Victor says, he means, since Anna Devane shot Lucy, but Martin says, that’s the thing. They never did find Lucy’s body. Just like Victor’s nephew – twice. Imagine that. And while hope remains alive, the uncertainty that he might never see Lucy again doesn’t do anyone any good, least of all his client. Victor suggests Martin speak plainly. How dos he think the fate of that unfortunate girl has anything to do with Esme Prince? Martin says he’s afraid if he can’t focus on the case, she’s going to end up having her baby behind bars… in Pentenville.  

Nina tells Sonny that she knew Carly hated her, but even at her worst, she didn’t think Carly was capable of doing this to her again. That Carly could keep her from – not once, but twice – her children. First Nelle, then Willow. He says he’s mad as hell at Carly right now. He doesn’t care how Carly felt about Nina. She had no right to hide the fact that Nina is Willow’s mother. Nina says she’s beyond mad. She didn’t think anything would hurt as much as finding out Nelle was her daughter until after she was dead, but this… Knowingly keeping her from her living daughter. Nina cries, and says, Carly sat by and watched her and Willow turn their relationship into this toxic thing, and didn’t say anything. Then Nina heard Willow say, this doesn’t change anything between them. It just rips her heart out of her body. He tells her, sit down, and Nina tells him that Willow said she thinks so little of Nina, she wanted to know what Nina wanted in return for her bone marrow. She’d give Willow her life. Sonny says, Willow now has to figure out what going on, and Nina says, but things would been different if they’d known they were mother and daughter. If Carly had told her, she would have never acted that way. She wouldn’t have pushed so hard to get Wiley. What if by her trying so desperately to hold on to her grandson… What if that’s what makes her lose Wiley… and Willow… and the baby. He says, she’s going get through this, and holds her as she sobs.

The reception nurse asks how she can help Michael, and he asks if he can talk to Terry. The nurse says, she’s in a consultation right now, but she’ll tell Terry when she’s available. Chase and Sasha come in, and Chase asks how Michael is doing. Is he hanging in there? Michael says he’s trying, and Sasha asks if something happened to Willow. She’s worse? Michael says, no, she’s stable. The biggest danger Willow is facing right now is herself. He knows he shouldn’t be arguing with Willow right now. She needs to save her strength to fight this thing, but she’s not listening to reason. Chase suggests they take a walk and get some fresh air, and Sasha says she’ll sit with Willow, but Michael says he doesn’t want to leave. Chase says, then maybe just a lap around the floor, and Michael says he can do that. He asks Sasha to call him if anything happens, and she promises she will.

Willow tells the baby that her dad is worried about both of them, but she promises she’s going to protect the baby as long as she possibly can. And she’ll always put the baby first.

Martin tells Victor, sooner or later, everybody’s luck runs out. When he finds Lucy, he’ll know what happened. Victor says he’s sure Martin will… if he finds her. Martin says, here’s hoping, and asks Victor to excuse him. He must be getting to court. One thing he and Victor can agree on, it behooves them all to do what they can to see justice served.

Anna says she’s sorry Valentin wasn’t with Charlotte for Christmas, and he says, that hurt. They were able to get a message to Laura on Christmas Day, so Charlotte knows he’s all right. He’s grateful for that. Anna says she thinks Laura is changing her opinion about him, but he says he wouldn’t say that. He thinks she’s tolerating him for Charlotte’s sake. He considers that a victory, but Anna says she thinks it’s more than that. Laura’s giving him credit for good intentions. He says, let’s not go crazy, when there’s a knock at the door. She asks if he’s expecting someone, but he says he doesn’t know, and asks, who’s there? in French. A child’s voice, also in French, says, it’s me, Antoine, and Valentin opens the door, inviting a little boy in. He asks if Antoine was followed, but he says, no, sir. He was careful like Valentin told him to be. Valentin asks what intel Antoine has for him, and Antoine says, when his father came home today, he was complaining again about an American woman who never stops talking. When he’s finally able to get away from her, she always says, ciao and ta. Today he says, she tried brain him with a serving tray. Valentin and Anna look at each other, and say, Lucy.

Sasha asks if she can come in, and Willow says, yes. Sasha hugs her, and she asks if Sasha has seen Michael. Sasha says, he’s with Chase, and Willow says she’s glad he has someone to talk to. She assumes Sasha knows, and Sasha says she knows about the leukemia, and that Willow delayed treatment because of her pregnancy. She thinks it was a brave choice. She would have done anything to save Liam. Willow says she knew Sasha would understand, and Sasha says, but Michael doesn’t?

Michael says, Chase knows how Willow is always putting everyone else’s needs before her own. Now they have a potential donor. Chase says, that’s great, and Michael says, if it doesn’t fall through like the last one, and if Willow doesn’t delay treatment for too long.

Willow tells Sasha, you know how relatives are supposed to make the best donors? She’s been searching for her birth mother… Sasha says, oh my God. Willow found her? Willow says, they did. Here in Port Charles. Sasha asks how that’s not good news, and Willow says, according to a DNA test, her birth mother is Nina.

Sonny says he just wants Nina to know, it’s not as bad as it seems, and she says, optimism looks good on him. He says, the lab is going to call her and tell her that she’s a viable donor for Willow. The transplant’s going to save her life, and when she’s healthy, she’ll realize she deserves Nina for a mother. She says, he can’t promise that, but he says he can. She says, how? and he says he talked to Michael last night, and he opened up a little bit. Not like it used to be, but more than they’ve talked in a year. She says, that’s wonderful, and he says he saw the son he thought he’d lost forever. There’s something he realized. As long as there’s life, there’s always hope.

Willow tells Sasha, the most selfish, vindictive person she knows, the one she fought to keep from Wiley, that’s her mom. Sasha says she knows Willow and Nina don’t get along… and Willow says, that woman hated her from the moment they met. In fact, Nina hated her before she walked into Willow’s classroom. She was Charlotte’s teacher, and Nina was convinced she had it in for Charlotte because she woudn’t accept that Charlotte was acting out. Sasha says, Nina is very protective of the people she loves, but Willow says, Nina is toxic. It’s literally horrifying to think they’re related. She was better off with Harmony. Sasha asks if Willow is thinking of refusing the transplant if Nina is the donor.

Ryan says, Esme going to prison wasn’t part of his plan, and Heather says, good. That would be a terrible plan. He says he needs her free. His daughter – Heather says, their daughter – their daughter can’t move without surveillance? Then how is she supposed to help him reunite with Ava? Heather says, Ava? She doesn’t give a damn about Ava. She’s not doing this for Ava. She’s doing this for herself and her baby girl. Steven Lars was ripped out of her arms when he was a child. Franco had to grow up without her. Esme is her last chance. He says, then don’t blow it. Stab someone. Anyone. As long as Esme’s alibi is unshakable. And don’t forget to include details only the police would know. They don’t want the police to think it’s a copycat. She says, don’t tell her how to do her job. She’s waited her whole life to have a relationship with her daughter; with her Esme. He says, no she hasn’t, and she says, now she’s within touching distance of her, does he think she’s going to let the cops lock her away somewhere she won’t get a chance to see her. And what about her baby? Prison is no place for a child. That’s their grandchild. He says, it’s better to leave the baby on the doorstep of some convent, and she says she did the best she could. It’s not fair. He’s already gotten a chance to see her, and spend time with her. She’s never even had a chance to speak with her. Esme probably doesn’t even know her name. He says, she doesn’t, but Heather says, she will, and she will be a part of Esme’s life. He says, dream big or go home, and she says she’s lived this long without her daughter, wondering where she is, just waiting for a glimpse of her baby girl. He says, now they’re back in fantasyland, and she says, mark her words. She’s going to set her daughter free if it’s the last thing she does. He says, great. How? She says, the only way she can. By busting out of here.

Nina looks at a photo of Madeline, and tells Sonny that she hated her mother. She was convinced her mother was cruel and self-absorbed. He says, two for two, and she says she was just an extension of Madeline, and she has to ask herself, what if Willow describes her that way; cruel and self-absorbed. He says, she’d be wrong, and Nina says, maybe not. He says he didn’t know Nina’s mother, but obviously, she didn’t understand love and family. Nina says, she had a firm grasp of inheritance law, and he says, when her mother took her children away from her, it broke her, just like Deke broke him. They have a hole inside of them. Their souls were ripped out by people they thought they could trust. Nina’s hurt people, and he’s hurt people. That’s because they feel too much. They love too much, and fight too hard because they react quickly. They drive away the people they love. They’re too much. She says, he’s not too much for her, and he says, she’s not too much for him either.

Valentin thanks Antoine, and says he’s been a great help. He gives Antoine some cash, and Antoine says, his pleasure, especially for this much money. Valentin asks him to promise not to tell anyone he was asking questions, and Antoine says he’s never seen Valentin before in his life. Valentin thanks Antoine, and Antoine leaves. Valentin tells Anna that was the son of one of Victor’s bodyguards, and she says, could espionage be more adorable? Now they know Lucy is in the building. He says, she’s still fighting, and Anna says, as long as there’s breath in Lucy’s body, there’s two things she’ll never do; shut up or give up. He says, they’re certainly not giving up on Lucy. What do they do? She says, they can’t go in the front way because there’s too much foot traffic, and he says, and they can’t go in the back way because there are too many cameras and motions sensors. She says, so they… and he says, they parkour across the rooftops and rappel from above? She says, no, and he says, maybe they perform a reverse Shawshank, and pop up from the sewers. She says, not the sewers; the catacombs.

Willow says, Nina claims there are no strings attached, and Sasha says, Willow doesn’t believe her? Willow asks how she can. Let’s say it all works out, and Nina’s bone marrow saves her life. Sasha doesn’t think she’d try to leverage that into time with Wiley or her daughter? Sasha says, so even after all this, the kids will still be off limits to Nina? and Willow says, Nina’s still the same person she was when she dragged her and Michael into court for visitation with Wiley. The same person who badgered and manipulated, and tried to convince Michael that she was having an affair with TJ. Sasha says, she could also be Willow’s best chance at survival, and Willow says she won’t refuse the transplant because it’s Nina. She just wants to wait as long as possible to give her daughter the best chance at a healthy life. Sasha says she would expect nothing less.

Ryan says, Heather’s guard-slash-doorman got himself canned for stealing. How does she expect to get out without his help? She says, getting out is easy. It’s getting back in that’s the tricky part. He asks if she means she can leave here any time she wants, and she says, absolutely. He asks, how? and she says, this, showing him a file-like tool. He says, nice craftmanship, and she tells him, sometimes he says the sweetest things. She’s going to take a hostage and break out, and she’s going to hook that smug little Josslyn Jax once and for all, and Esme’s exonerated. And she, Esme and the baby can go on the run together. He says, what about him? and she says, he can come if he wants, but she’s leaving now. He says, today? and she says, why not? He says, they need a real plan, not just stab and run, and she says, unclench, will he? Loosen up. Improvise. Live in the moment. He says he doesn’t think she’s thought this through, and she says, fine. She’ll do the hard work; she’s used to it. Don’t worry. They’ll send him a postcard. She runs out.

Chase says, Nina is Willow’s mom? and Michael says, yeah. Chase says he sees how that could be a lot to deal with, and Michael says, Nina’s been a wrecking ball for Willow from the get-go. Chase says, but now that Nina’s lost her case about Wiley, things have calmed down, right? Michael says, Nina accused Willow of cheating on him with TJ, because in her eyes, comforting a friend who has cancer and cheating are too impossible to tell apart. Chase tells Michael that he doesn’t know what to say to that, and Michael says, Willow is the most generous, open-hearted person in the world, and she despises Nina. How bad do you have to be for Willow to hate you? Nina wants things, but she doesn’t want to earn them, so she has no idea what’s best for Wiley. Chase asks if Michael thinks Willow is willing to risk her own life for her daughter’s sake to prove she’s not like Nina, but Michael says he doesn’t think that’s it. Willow always puts everyone’s needs before her own. She was wiling to go to jail to protect Wiley from Shiloh. Her loyalty is one of the reasons he loves her, and that’s why her family needs her.

Anna tells Valentin, there’s another brilliant idea shot to hell. Because Victor’s stronghold isn’t accessible by the catacombs. He says, hold on. That might be the official data, but there are plenty of catacombs that are unmapped. There might be one or two that lead directly to where they want to go. She asks what they’re supposed to do. Find an underground passage that may or may not be structurally sound, and explore it blindly, hoping it ends up under Victor’s fancy Parisian fortress? He says, no. They don’t have to do it themselves. There are plenty of people that have already done so. She says, illegally, and he says, unofficially. As it happens, he just might know somebody. She asks why she’s not surprised, and he says, but she is impressed. Otherwise, why is he doing this? She says she is impressed; he’s amazing. She kisses him, and says, now let’s go get Lucy out of there.

At the hospital on the phone, Victor asks Gavin, how’s their guest? Any sign of trouble?… Good. Stay alert, and double security. He hasn’t been able to locate Anna or Valentin, and they just might be headed Gavin’s way.

Heather sneaks around Spring Ridge, and hears footsteps. She ducks around the corner, and a guard brings Esme past her.  

Sasha says, when she came to town, she was pretending to be Nina’s daughter, which makes her Willow’s fake sister. They laugh, and Willow says, finally, good news. Michael comes in, and asks what they’re up to, and Sasha says she’ll let Willow fill him in. She tells Willow, any time Willow wants to talk, and Willow says, back at her. Sasha says, that goes for Michael too, and leaves. Willow asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s sorry for arguing with her, and she says she’s sorry too, for letting him think she’d abandon her family. She promises, she doesn’t want to die. He says he knows, but it’s ultimately up to her to decide to delay the birth. She thanks him for saying that, and says she thought about it, and if Dr. Randolph thinks it’s too risky to delay the transplant, they can bring their daughter into the world a little early. He says, thank God. He  loves her. She says she loves him too. Of course (🍷) none of this matters if Nina’s not a match.

Nina says she’s a potential donor match, and Sonny says he told her that there was still hope. She throws her arms around him, and says, he couldn’t resist saying, I told you so. He says he likes to be right, and she tells him that she has to go to GH and get a blood test. She’s one step closer to saving her daughter’s life. Sonny asks if she wants him to go with her, and she says she wouldn’t have it any other way. She kisses him, and asks what she’d do without him. He says, she’s not going to have to find out, and kisses her.

Tomorrow, Spencer tells Ava that he can’t go up against his father alone; Michael says, call it what it is, it was revenge; and Nina says she has no intention of forgetting.

🦃 About Mr. Wattle…

It’s all fun and games until you have to clean up turkey poop.

👦🏻 Bonjour, Antoine…

He was actually quite good.

✈️ Expanding…

Sounds like a plan.

🥀 Another Finale…

This sounds awful to say, but at least he was 90. He did a lot of impressive stage work.

🏵 Celebrating Life…

I loved this show. I got to visit the set once, and both cast and crew were incredibly gracious. Bo winked at me.

🏆 Critically Choosing…

The Critics Choice winners.

The best moments, probably debatable.

The buzziest moments.

And of course, the fashion.

You can’t have the best without the worst.

🤸 Dancing On the Ceiling…

Take a return trip tomorrow for the usual soap and tea until there’s something better on. Until then, stay safe, stay engaged in a conversation and not staring at your phone, and stay dreaming big or going home.