Monthly Archives: July 2019

July 30, 2019 – A Trick Up Shiloh’s Sleeve, the End Of BH As We Know It, the Feels, No Mama & O-U-T


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Sam, Jason, and Danny go to the park. Sam and Jason talk bikes while Danny plays ball. Sam asks Jason not to buy Danny a bike until he’s twenty.

On the phone, Shiloh says he wants the Job finished today, and to call when it’s done. Danny’s ball rolls near him, and he picks it up. He asks if Danny remembers him.

Kim opens one of Drew’s medals. He says the originals must have been confiscated when he went AWOL. Oscar had them replaced. Oscar’s last gift to him was a piece of his past.

Curtis meets Jordan and Stella at the MetroCourt. He says he only has a minute. He has to do a security walk-through at Aurora. Stella says she’s proud of him. Head of security is impressive, and better than chasing shadows and digging up other people’s secrets.

Peter goes to Lulu’s place. He tells her that he must have dropped his wallet in the couch cushions, and digs around. She says Rocco is at the Quartermaine’s and Charlotte’s father just her. He says he noticed she took a personal day. Is she okay? She says, everything is fabulous. She takes a sip of wine, which she’s obviously been drinking for a while. She says she’s taking Maxie’s advice, grabbing life by… whatever you grab life by, and throwing herself back into the mix.

Valentin tells Obrecht, welcome back to Windymere. She tells him, stop hovering, but he says he’d hate to see her take a tumble over the side. She says she knows the house well. She was holding people hostage there long before he showed up. Nina comes out, and Obrecht thanks her for her concern, but she’s safe in her own home. Valentin says she lives by herself. If anything happens, who knows when, or if, she’ll be discovered. Nina says it’s giving her peace of mind. Obrecht says, it’s not necessary, and they already have a full house with Charlotte and Sasha. Sasha joins them, and Nina tells her to let Obrecht know how roomy the house is. Sasha says they’re going to have even more room when she moves out.

Ryan picks up the phone, and tells Ava, hello darling. Has she missed him as much as he missed her? He saw her Crimson cover. It was evocative. And Midnight in the Garden pf Good and Ava, appropriate imagery. She says he never struck her as the type to follow fashion. He says that’s because she only saw him mimic his brother’s banal sense of style, but he threw in some flair. He has his own aesthetic. She says she noticed. She tells him, as he may have guessed, it’s not a social call. He asks, how can that be? He only ever thinks of her. He laughs, and says there has been something else on his mind. Not so much a who, but a what; his kidney, the one stolen from him. Did she happen to have a hand in that? At first she’s confused, but then the lightbulb comes on, and she says, that would make sense. She wondered why he, of all people, donated an organ, to the Commissioner no less. She thought he was offered a deal, but now he’s telling her that they actually stole it. Those self-righteous hypocrites. No wonder… he holds them in contempt. He tells her that she almost said we. She gets him. No matter how much she thinks she hates him, she knows him, like he knows her. He missed that. She says she hasn’t, and he says, of course not (🍷), but obviously she needs something from him. How can he help?

Stella tells Curtis, that came out wrong. A corporate job must be nice change. He says, it has its advantages; regular hours, a salary, generous benefits, especially while Jordan is recovering. Jordan says it will be better when she’s up to full speed, but Curtis tells her to take her time. Stella says they both deserve a rest, although it must be tame after chasing Ryan. Maybe Curtis will find some corporate espionage to spice things up.

Nina says Sasha promised to stay for the wedding. She can’t move back to Chappaqua now. Sasha says she’s not. She’s finding her own apartment. Between the job and some other things, she’s decided to stay. Nina hugs her, and says she’s so thrilled. When she sees Michael Other Things Corinthos, she’ll have to thank him. Sasha tells her not to say anything, and spare her the embarrassment, but Nina says she never got the chance to show Sasha’s prom date her baby pictures. She has to make up for lost time. Nina asks Obrecht if it isn’t wonderful, but Obrecht says she’s calculating the distance to shore, in case she decides to go swimming for exercise. Valentin asks if she can’t stay out of the water, and she says she’ll be better prepared for sharks this time. Nina says they don’t have them there, but Obrecht says, they’re not necessarily in the water. Nina is excited that her daughter chose to live in Port Charles. Obrecht says she’s brave, considering the crime rate and the low number of convictions. Nina sits between Valentin and Obrecht, and puts her arms around them. She says she has everyone she loves close by. Just the way she likes it. Neither Obrecht nor Valentin look thrilled.

Kim asks if Drew had no idea, and he says he was completely blindsided. She says, it’s pretty spectacular. Drew says he wishes they’d got there in time for Oscar to see them, but Kim says Oscar didn’t need medals for him to think Drew was a hero. She thinks he ordered them so Drew could be as sure as Oscar was that he’s a good man.

Shiloh asks Danny if his mom and dad are around. Jason runs up, and tells Danny to go back to his mom. Danny asks if he’s in trouble, but Jason says, not at all. Shiloh tells Danny to say hi to his mom. Danny runs off, and Shiloh tells Jason he has a lovely little boy despite his efforts to close him off. Jason says, do not approach his family again. Shiloh asks what Jason is going to do; it’s a public place, and Danny is a few feet away. How is he going to explain beating a guy for telling the truth? Jason says Shiloh assaulted Danny’s mother, calling him Hank. He asks if Shiloh wants another beating. He can’t speak if his jaw is wired, and he can’t grope anyone with two broken hands. Like the big baby he is, Shiloh says he’ll tell his lawyer that Jason has been making threats. He leaves, and Danny asks Jason if everything is okay. Jason says, it’s all good.

Kim asks Drew if the medals came with any paperwork, and he tells her the citations are there. She says she’d love to know what he did to earn them, and he gives her the envelope.

Lulu tells Peter, Maxie is right. She has so many amazing things in her life. For instance, her children. She has a kickass job with a kickass boss. She has a byline. People know who she is, and her stories make a difference. He says he knows that; he publishes them. She says she helped to catch a serial killer. She’s so much more than Dante’s wife. She’s Leslie Lou Spencer, and what she is, is remarkable. It’s hard to feel amazing and abandoned, but she’s more remarkable than abandoned. Peter is sure Dante is remarkable too, but from where he’s standing, Dante is an idiot.

Jordan asks Stella what’s going on with her. How’s Marcus? Stella says, same as usual. Very much in love with his wife. He’s in a very complicated, heartbreaking situation, all of which she’s accepted. Jordan says it’s wonderful how they’ve become such great friends, and Stella agrees it’s nice they’re in each other’s lives again. Jordan asks what about her genealogy search. Did she follow up? Stella says, nothing. She took the bait, and gave them money to send the relative a letter about meeting, but they never heard back. Jordan tells her, give it time. Stella says, whoever the mystery relative is, they’ve chosen to stay a mystery. Curtis and Jordan exchange looks, and Stella says they’re doing that thing couples do when they want to work your last nerve. Jordan says she took it upon herself to send the genetic markers to a friend in forensics. Stella asks if she’s related to Billy Dee Williams, and Curtis says, that would be awesome. Jordan says, genetically speaking, it’s a much closer relation than they thought.

Drew tells Kim that he got a medal for saving Shiloh, and she says, Shiloh claims that’s the moment he turned his life around, and embraced the light. Drew says he saved a man who turned out to be a con artist, but Kim says he couldn’t know that then. He says, according to Shiloh, they were best buddies. Kim looks at the paperwork, and says according to this, he rescued a civilian contractor, and went back to rescue SEAL Charles Tex Owens. Maybe he can give Drew information, and shed light on his supposed friendship with Shiloh.

Danny asks, what happened? Did he do something wrong? Jason says he did everything he was asked and didn’t argue. Sam says she’s the one who made a mistake. She should never have introduced Danny to Shiloh. He’s a bad man she was investigating, and should have told him. Danny asks why she didn’t, and she says she didn’t want to confuse him. Jason is pretty sure Shiloh knows not to come near Danny, but if he does, Danny should get them or an adult he trusts. He tells Danny not to be afraid; just be aware. Shiloh won’t hurt him, and if he tries, they’ll stop him.

Ava tells Ryan that she’s working with someone to reach Kiki. Kiki’s spirit can’t find peace. Ryan doesn’t see what that has to do with him, but she says, he killed her. He separated her soul from her body. The least he can do is help her put Kiki’s soul to rest

When they’re alone, Valentin says he owes Sasha an apology. He told her to steer clear of Michael, but now that she’s formed an emotional attachment, it might work in both their favors. She says she’s been trying to tell him that. Nina wants her there, and is happy she’s staying, but he’s the man Nina loves. Charlotte is Nina’s stepdaughter, and they’re a family. Valentin says she’s part of the family now. It’s not how he planned it, but sometimes things work out for the better. Sasha is everything he’d hoped for in a daughter for Nina. He’s happy she’s developed a life of her own that will keep her close by. That leaves just one problem; Obrecht. She asks how he suggest they handle that, and he tells her, leave it to him. He has a few ideas. Outside the door, Obrecht listens.

Jordan explains the DNA comparison between Stella and the mystery relative, showing her the percentage of genetic material they have in common. Stella asks if that makes them cousins, and then asks Curtis why he’s looking at her like that. Curtis says she knows nothing in the past or present could affect how they love and respect her. She says she’s starting to wonder, and he says, if something happened when she was younger, maybe before she lived with them, like perhaps having a child she couldn’t keep, she can tell him.

Stella asks if Curtis has lost his mind. She doesn’t have a secret love child roaming around. He says he didn’t think so, and she asks why he said that. He says, just on the off-chance, he wanted her to know she could tell them. She knows his heart is in the right place, but she’s told him time and again that he and his brother are all the children she needed. This has officially become more trouble than it’s worth. The truth can’t possibly be as crazy as the story they cooked up. Jordan says she’s closely related, but Stella says they have no intention of meeting with her, and she has no need to search the world for a stranger.

Lulu asks Peter what he said about her husband. He’s wonderful and amazing, so are their kids. He’s going through something horrible. Peter says he was there when Dante shot him. He doesn’t think Dante even knew what he was doing. But he doesn’t understand how Dante could walk away from them. She says, he has PTSD. Peter says, he abandoned the family he claims to love. She says he does love them. That’s why he’s making this choice; the most difficult choice of his life. He’s protecting them, knowing he might not return, in order to make her feel safer.

Ava tells Ryan, in death, as in life, Kiki refuses to speak to her. The psychic said Kiki thinks Ryan still has a hold on her, and needs to let her go. he asks, how? and she says the psychic seems think if he apologizes, Kiki will finally be able rest. He says, okay, and she says, so he’ll apologize for taking Kiki’s life, and let her go? He says, of course (🍷). Confession is good for the soul, but it’s not specified which soul. It’s not helping to remind Ava of who she is; a force to be reckoned with. Not some patsy being taken in by a con artist. The dead are dead. There are no souls wandering the earth for resolution. Kiki isn’t restless. Her soul doesn’t exist, and never did. He tells Ava, go home and come back after she gets the help she clearly needs. He hangs up the phone.

Drew and Kim approach Curtis’s table. Stella tells them again that she’s sorry for their loss. Drew thanks her, and tells Curtis the offices are emptied. His team can finish securing the area, and when Curtis is ready. Drop Drew a line when he’s done. He’s sure they’ll be safer.

Danny asks if he can go over his soccer moves, and Sam tells him to stay where they can see him. She asks Jason if he thinks Danny is okay, and Jason says, he seems to be. She doesn’t want him to be afraid that Shiloh is lurking somewhere. Jason thinks Danny trusts them to deal with Shiloh. Now, they just need to figure out how do that.

Shiloh waits. He remembers telling Drew that they could run a sting. Root the bastards out, and trick the sellers. They could split the money, and never see each other again. Returning to the present, he says, where the hell are you?

Ryan picks the phone back up.  Ava says he’s right about one thing; he has no soul. It’s a comfort to know, once he’s gone, he’s gone for good. He’s nothing on the outside, and it matches what’s on the inside. He says, that’s more like it. There’s his Ava. She says whoever stole his kidney shouldn’t have stopped. He should be dead. The knife she plunged in his back should have killed him. He says that’s what he missed so much. Her veracity and passion. It was one of the first things he fell in love with. She says, then let her go. He says, whoever said if you love something, set it free was just making excuses. Why would you want it to go anywhere? That’s not how it works. She says, please, and begs him to let her go, so Kiki can rest in peace.

Lulu asks if Peter is trying reverse psychology on her; pissing her off about Dante so she defends him. Peter says he’s being honest because he cares. Lulu says he thinks he understands, but has no idea. They had issues like everyone else, but the bad was so small and insignificant, it was nothing compared to the good. How good it felt to love each other. That’s why Dante is staying away; he loves them. Peter wonders why he can’t find another way that doesn’t rip the family apart. Lulu says Peter reminds her of herself, passing out advice like she has a clue regarding what she’s talking about. It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback other people. If he had loved anyone before Maxie, maybe he’d understand. He says maybe he is love challenged, and is unfamiliar with the ins and outs, but if it hurts this much, maybe Lulu is better off without Dante. He walks out.

Nina says Obrecht’s room is being prepared. She tells Valentin that Obrecht insisted on the room farthest away from them. Obrecht says why should her snoring bother anyone. Valentin says her generosity in thinking of others is uncharacteristic. Sasha says she has to meet Michael. They’re going away, but she’ll send Nina her contact info. Nina looks at her phone, and says she’s been waiting for this. Obrecht asks if another body has been found, but Nina says it’s the new numbers from Crimson. They’ve exceeded expectations, and are annihilating the competition. She wants to get out the best champagne, and hopes Jax and Hayden choke on it at dinner. Obrecht says, Hayden is coming there tonight? Nina knows Hayden and Obrecht hate each other, and Obrecht accused Hayden of trying to kill her, but this is a super important business dinner. Obrecht says she’d rather eat in the barn, and Nina tells her, just don’t set it on fire this time. Everything is coming together. Crimson is on top, her beautiful daughter has decided to stay in town, and has found love. Sasha says they haven’t said the L-word yet, but Nina says it will happen. And her aunt didn’t drown. Obrecht says Nina needs to raise the bar. Nina says she’s marrying Valentin in September, and it’s going to be the happiest day. There’s nothing to worry about, and nothing to stress them. They can just focus on their happiness. She kisses Valentin, and Sasha says she needs to go. Nina leaves to see about dinner, and Obrecht says, so the wedding is going on as planned? and Valentin says, which begs the question, why would he jeopardize Nina’s happiness by harming Obrecht?

Kim understands why Drew doesn’t want the procedure done – he doesn’t want to risk his relationship with Oscar or Scout – but the medals are a great gateway to his past. Drew says, not just his. Shiloh’s redemption story hinges on Drew saving him. Now there’s another witness to prove he’s a liar.

Stella tells Jordan that she has to get to work. Jordan looks at her, and she says, what now? Jordan says her friend from forensics found something. Stella says she told Jordan to drop it, and she means it. Jordan says Stella might reconsider. Her friend used the same lab that the PCPD uses, and the information suggests Stella’s relation lives in the greater Port Charles area.

Ryan tells Ava that if she really believes the truth will set Kiki free, here it is. He doesn’t regret doing anything, if it meant being by Ava’s side and in her bed. Deep down, he thinks she feels the same way, but she says, not true. He says she consented to everything they did, and she says she consented to Doc. Ryan says she wouldn’t look twice at Doc. She consented to being with him. He suggests she look up the word deception. She tells him to consider taking that back if. He laughs, and tells her, ask herself why he would want her be less haunted by her love for him, than he is for her? She says she hates him, and he says, that’s two sides of… she knows the rest. If the psychic is right, they’re bound together for eternity, and he takes small comfort in that.

Obrecht tells Valentin, stop the petty torment and mind games. She knows he’s the one who tried to kill her. He says, cut the crap. If he wanted her dead, she’d be dead. He has a vested interest in Nina’s happiness. If she’s looking for who pushed her, look at someone else. It’s not him. Not this time.

Jason tells Sam that DOD is practically shut down. Shiloh’s followers are leaving, and his offshore assets are frozen. Sam says the Pledges were destroyed, and Shiloh has been stopped from going near Wiley. Jason thinks Shiloh still has another trick up his sleeve. They’ve just got to figure out what it is.

Curtis goes into Drew’s office, and finds the credenza open and ransacked. He makes a call saying he needs some guys there now.

Someone meets Shiloh, but we don’t see who they are. He asks if they got it. He’s handed the flashdrive, and he says, nice work.

Tomorrow, Alexis wonders how her sex life became a hot topic, Valentin says Cassandra has resurfaced, and Drew tells Shiloh that he’s going to find out what happened in Afghanistan.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion – Part Three

Almost done with The Real Housewives of Self-Righteous Hypocrisy.

Backtracking a little, Camille says Denise told her to tell her daughter that she’s an effing liar in regard to Teddi’s snub. Denise says Camille needs to take a second. Because this is not good. Andy asks what was going through Denise’s mind at lunch, when Camille trash talked everyone. Denise starts saying she was uncomfortable, and Camille gets up. She says, it’s a set-up, and leaves, taking off her dress as she goes. Denise asks if she’s on something. She’s so angry. Backstage, Camille calls them nasty bitches, and Denise says, she’s effing nuts. Denise never said that.

Andy goes backstage, and Camille says, that’s it. She’s done. Andy asks, what set-up? and she says Denise did say she cursed at her kids. We view some unseen footage that backs up what Camille is saying. On stage, Denise says she never told Camille to tell her daughter that she’s a liar. Erika says she’s speechless, and she’s rarely speechless. LisaR says Camille didn’t want them at her wedding. We go back to last week, where Camille said it was just for production. Camille tells Andy that they were nasty about her wedding, but Andy says, they thought it was great. Camille points out that Teddi claimed the best part of her wedding was leaving. We see a clip from the Watch What Happens Live aftershow where Teddi says just that.

Kyle says, Camille was so mean, and LisaR says, no one ever said they didn’t want her somewhere. I find that hard to believe. Camille tells Andy that they want her to jump on the LVP hate train. She understands how they feel, but she still misses LVP. Can’t she say something nice about LVP without them jumping on her? She feels ganged up on because she didn’t gang up on LVP. Kyle says Camille isn’t being genuine, and Andy tells Camille that he thinks they feel she says one thing to them, and another behind their backs. Camille says, they all talk about each other. Andy thinks if she was consistent, there would be no issue. Camille doesn’t know what issue Denise has with her, and Andy says Camille just said she didn’t like Denise. LisaR says Camille is much angrier than she realized. Andy asks Camille to come back for more torture.

Andy goes back, and tells the women that Camille feels they want her to talk sh*t about LVP. He told her they wanted her to be consistent, but she’s upset because they trashed her wedding on the aftershow. Kyle says, it’s Camille on season one times ten. Camille returns, and Kyle says, it’s so awkward, but LisaR says they’re glad Camille came back. Andy asks why Camille is crying, because either he’s a total idiot or wants to make her cry harder. She says it’s been hard for her to talk to them. She was very hurt after the wedding. LisaR asks if she’s okay, and if there’s something more going on. Camille says she was really hurt, and LisaR says, it was a great wedding. Camille reminds Teddi that she said the best part was the departure. It broke her heart. She thought they had fun. Teddi says they did enjoy it, and they being shady. They’d heard terrible things that Camille said. She didn’t know Camille was mad during the camping trip. She never said anything. Camille says she was just mad in that moment, but Teddi says she didn’t just talk about it once. Camille says she’s had a lot going on. She doesn’t even remember everything that happened specifically.

On top of the large volume of flashbacks, they also keep overlapping when we come back from a commercial break. Did they seriously not have enough material without LVP? Kyle tells Camille that she said she didn’t want to invite them to her wedding. She’s feeling hurt, and it’s confusing. Camille says she’s confused too. Kyle says she knows Camille is a good person; just be honest. She knows it’s hard sometimes. It was hard for her go to LVP and be honest. Andy says Camille made serious claims about Dorit’s financial status, but said she was protecting her. Camille says she didn’t want to say anything, and Dorit says, but she did. We flash back to that, and Erika says, it was a thinly veiled threat; I know something about you. Camille says, it was irresponsible, hurtful, and mean. She realized after she said it, and felt horrible. Dorit says she’ll always have shadow of doubt, and can’t trust what Camille says is real. Andy tells Camille that she said she doesn’t care for Denise. Was there something specific? Camille says she didn’t like what Denise said about her daughter lying. Denise insists she told Camille to reassure her daughter, and tell her Teddi was just in a hurry. She doesn’t think she would say anything like that, but if she did, she’s sorry.

Andy brings up the controversial conversation about Brett Kavanaugh, and how it took a personal turn. We flash back to that, and he asks if Camille feels misunderstood about what she said. Camille says she feels people need be heard and believed. LisaR says she thinks having the conversation was a good thing. She thinks it’s important that victims be believed; her mom is one. She’s a survivor, and so is Camille. Erika is a survivor. Erika says Camille is a survivor of a lot of things. Andy asks what it was like for Camille, walking through the embers of her house. She says they were lucky to salvage some stuff, like baby pictures. She starts to cry as we flash back. Andy says he can’t imagine, and everyone says they’re sorry. Erika says but Camille does have the ability to rebuild. Thank God she’s safe, and she’s got the kids. Camille says she lost Scott too; her assistant and confidant is gone. Andy says it struck him when she said she lost her house, but losing a friend is more difficult.

Andy says Denise had to run out of the house at a moment’s notice. Her house was okay, but all of their belongings had smoke damage. Denise says every piece of clothing, but it’s stuff. For her it was her kids and her dogs. It was moving so fast, and they had to get out. Andy says it’s nice that the other women brought them clothes. Camille says, it was very kind. Andy stirs the pot by reminding Camille that she said Denise doesn’t understand the heartache. Her rented house didn’t burn down. Denise doesn’t know the reason. She thinks they’ve been empathetic. She and Camille talked several times. Who gives sh*t if she was renting? They’ve been figuring out where to live, and she wondered where this was coming from; what did she do to Camille that Camille thinks she’s not empathetic? Camille doesn’t know; she has no answer. She’s sorry. Denise says, this is where we think before we speak, making me want to smack her, even if I agree. She says Camille said some extremely hurtful things that had no truth to them. She’s talking out of her ass. Denise says she’s been nothing but nice, kind, and supportive. Camille says she’s had a difficult year. She doesn’t have a home; her family has been displaced; and her mom is very sick. She’s overwhelmed. LisaR comes over, and sits next to Camille, putting an arm around her. Camille says she was nervous to come. Denise wonders if she needs to take a minute, but Camille says she’ll be okay. LisaR says she’s been through a lot. Andy asks if she regrets being so open in her opinions. Camille says she’s been wrong, and she’s sorry if she’s been cruel. Andy suggests they take a break, and air the room out.

Andy says the jet setting housewives took their wanderlust to the next level. We flash back to their Bahamas trip, France, and camping. A viewer says Kyle having a Rolex postmated to the dinner table was the diva behavior to which she aspires. Andy asks if she needs Mauricio’s permission to make a purchase. Kyle says, first of all, she had the watch delivered that was because the shop was going to be closed, and for a big purchase, she checks with Mauricio, and he does the same. Erika says she doesn’t buy her own jewelry because Tom likes to do it. Dorit says, anything over $10K. Oh yeah. For me too. Andy asks how much Camille’s wedding cost, and she says, $120K. Her first wedding was closer to a million, but a lot was spent on security. A viewer can’t believe the spent $700 on groceries for one night when they went camping. Andy asks what happened to the leftovers, and Teddi says they donated them to the other campers. Everyone talks about how often they personally grocery shop, which is more than you’d think, but I would too. He asks what LisaR had packed in her bag, and she says, everything. We flash back to Erika asking, what’s in the bag? A dead body? Vanderpump? Erika says LisaR is their resident pharmacy – in a good way. Andy says people were surprised they were without a glam squad in Provence. Erika says they were fine; they’re capable. He asks when Kyle was more hammered, clubbing or the wine tasting, and she says, Provence. We flash back to her helping Teddi up the stairs. Erika doesn’t know how they were still walking upright. Kyle says they also had extreme jet lag. In nine years, it was the most she’d consumed, and the worst it’s gotten. Andy tells her, that’s saying something.

And in the moment we all knew was coming, we flash back to Puppygate and the Radar Online article. Dorit says it was no longer about the dog, but about her friendship with LVP. We see Kyle’s involvement, and her wondering how she was going to say LVP had nothing to do with it, when she’d been accused of it before. We go way back to the reunion where Adrienne said LVP had leaked a story. We see the beginning of LVP’s argument with Kyle, and LVP asking Camille if she’ll have to take a lie detector test. Andy says a practicing attorney told them the test was 70% accurate, and not admissible in court. Erika says, Tom weighed in, and said they were unreliable, but can be good if the right person [administers] them. Dorit is also suddenly a font of information about the tests. Denise wonders how LVP found it. Andy says he’s skeptical about how Kyle found out, and asks if she’s sure production didn’t tell her about it. Kyle says the family of one of her daughter’s friends was burglarized, and they had the construction workers take one. Andy asks why she’d dispute it’s validity, and Kyle says they’ve used it with workers, and someone failed who she knew didn’t do it. I’m wondering how she knows that for sure, but okay. I’m also guessing the test would be more likely to err in this direction if the person was super nervous. Kyle says the friend said the lady with the dog was there. LVP did a practice run, then had production film it. Andy asks why they think LVP had a trial run, and Kyle says, to see if she passed. Erika says, so when the cameras showed up, she gave a great performance. Andy tells them the boss at Radar said LVP wasn’t the source, and has never been an anonymous source. Kyle says someone in that position wouldn’t normally make statements unless they’re a friend. She doesn’t think Radar is losing sleep over whether LVP leaked a story or not. Camille asks if Denise thinks it could be someone from the center. Denise says, maybe. LisaR says LVP isn’t stupid enough to make the call herself. She’d have someone else do it. She says LVP talks through the press. That’s how she announced she was leaving the show.  Andy talks about LVP’s digs at them via social media. Kyle says they’ve been accused of bullying LVP, but haven’t stooped that low. We see a clip of LVP joking about Erika tucking, and the mini backlash that followed it. It’s pointed out by a viewer that Erika talks about her d*ck on the show, so what’s the difference? Erika says LVP was taking a swipe at her and being funny, but hurt a viable community. I love how it’s always someone who isn’t a member of a viable community, uses that for their own agenda. Andy says, considering LVP’s brother had committed suicide, viewers felt it was a pile-on when LVP wasn’t in the best state of mind. We flash back to one of the few times we’ve seen LVP cry. Kyle says they all have empathy, and Dorit says they spoke a lot, almost every day. LisaR doesn’t think they were mean girls or they bullied LVP. Kyle says LVP’s Behavior wasn’t a new thing. Andy tells them LVP said she wasn’t watching the show. Teddi says, when you’re surrounded by people who tell you what you want to hear, you lose the ability for self-reflection.

Andy says LVP and Kyle’s rollercoaster of a relationship came to the end of its run. We flash back to their friendship, and LVP saying they’re partners in crime, and end with that miserable fight, which I’d love to never see again. Kyle cries, and says, it’s sad. It’s sad LVP isn’t there. She paid the ultimate price by being honest. She has thought about how it might have played out if she hadn’t told LVP. Dorit says, it’s a sad end. Andy asks what the prediction is for the future. Kyle says she had thought LVP would show up. Camille cries too. Andy says he hates to see it. Since he’s so choked up, without even missing a beat, he says, Ken’s infamous farewell went viral with the #GoodbyeKyle challenge. We see clips of various people saying, goodbye, Kyle, Harry Hamlin and Kris Jenner among them. Andy asks what the intention was, and Kyle says she was being trolled on Twitter, and people were using the hashtag. Instead of taking it, she decided to make a joke out of it. She says it’s another example of LVP making her look bad. Her sister Kathy was at their house, and even though LVP acted wounded, they were laughing about it. She thinks LVP thought it was funny. She says LVP has amazing qualities, and you take the good with the bad with friends. Andy says he’ll leave it there. He thanks Camille, who says it was heart wrenching. She had a lot of emotions going on, and she’s sorry if she hurt anyone. She adds that she adores Kyle, and they hug. LisaR gives Camille kudos for showing up.

Andy says in the final moments, he wonders what the most surprising revelation was for the newest Housewife. Denise says the friendships between the women. Also the friendships she formed. She knows they’d be there for her, and vice versa. In LA, that’s something wonderful to have. Andy says that in an interview, Erika says she allowed herself form a sisterhood, something she hadn’t had before.  Does she think she’s changed? Erika thinks they’ve all changed. Dorit says her friendships were challenged, and Andy asks if she feels secure. She says she does in this group, throwing one last dig at LVP.  Andy asks if Teddi still feels pressured to be the moral compass for her friends. Teddi says she’s learned a lot, about her friends and herself. It was a good wake-up call. Andy reminds LisaR that last season, she was the nicest effing version of LisaR. What about this season. She asks what he says, and he tells her that he’d say she’s just an a-hole with iconic hair and lips, which I assume is referring to some earlier joke. Or Andy is being totally rude. LisaR says she thinks she was forthcoming. He says for Kyle, the season ended a long friendship with LVP. How else does she want it to be remembered? She says she’s been asked a lot how she can still be doing the show, but she has fun with the women. Even though a door closed, she doesn’t know what the future holds. They’ve all bonded, and opened up. They’ve shared more than they ever have, and she laughed so much. Andy begs to open LVP’s birthday present, and Kyle says okay, but he has to put the bow back on. It’s from Manolo Blahnik. Andy takes out a pink belt with a sparkly buckle. Teddi suggests he wants for the clubhouse, but Kyle says she’s sending it. She thought she was going to give it to LVP today.

Tequila shots appear, and Andy says they’re well-earned. They’ve been troopers. It was a wild season, but he’s glad they got closure. It was a nice way to end it. He asks who’s going to lead them in a toast, and Denise says, Queen Kyle. Kyle says, to friendships, and being honest with each other, and being there for each other, and continuing to grow in their friendships. Dorit says she’s grateful for them, and everyone clinks glasses. Andy thanks them for a great season.

🍸 My Own Wrap-Up…

I’m sad that I’m glad this is over. I remember thinking during the first episode of the entire franchise, The Real Housewives of Orange County, that this was the future of television. There had been reality TV before. While most of us don’t remember the Loud family – stars of An American Family on PBS in the early 70s – although their show has been rerun from time to time. I spent one New Year’s Day hungover and fascinated with it. Probably the most popular up until now is The Real World, which was actually a good show before it became the hot-tub-drunk-sex show. People had lives and jobs and meaningful interactions, both with their housemates and people on the outside. But for some reason, when the Housewives began, the world was ready for a change in programming, and here we are.

I’ve never missed an episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. While I’ve let some Wives fall by the wayside – looking at you, Atlanta and Potomac – and there were others I struggled to find – The Real Housewives of Sydney, anyone? – I’ve stuck with these women through thick and thin. There has been no season, however, that made me want to stop watching until now.

I’ve joked that if LVP would adopt an older child, I’d be on her doorstep in a heartbeat, and said she can do no wrong, but I’m not daft. She doesn’t walk on water, and we all have faults. But the relentless raking her over the coals was insane. They even talked about her throughout most of the reunion, which I might add, must have been lacking in material since a good 40% of it was flashbacks. With another 40% given to talking about LVP, it didn’t leave much. Maybe because there isn’t much to leave.

In a year where her brother committed suicide, her mother died (albeit after filming), several of her dogs went to the Bridge, Giggy was diagnosed with a heart condition, she opened three restaurants, and nearly single-handedly brought attention to the dog meat trade, these women decided to make LVP a target because she may or may not have pointed out the obvious. Dorit did an effing stupid and thoughtless thing, disregarding a dog adoption contract because she wanted to circumvent the rules. Maybe she didn’t want to face LVP, maybe it was just inconvenient, but in giving the dog to what she thought was a new, loving home, it ended up in a shelter. Dorit was wrong. Period. Camille was the only one to point this out, but since she was Enemy Number Two, no one listened.

I don’t believe LVP leaked the story, but that’s not to say it didn’t come from her staff at Vanderpump Dogs, or that she didn’t turn a blind eye. The really stupid thing is, anyone who cares would have ended up knowing anyway, because, the show. So in the long run, the whole thing was immaterial. Dorit wailed over the backlash, to which I say, don’t do something stupid in the first place, and after that, nothing LVP could have done would have been enough to convince them she wasn’t lying. Even a lie detector test was found fault with. Yes, I’m completely aware they’re inadmissible in court, but passing one while still being guilty is pretty difficult. Ain’t nobody got time for that, least of all LVP. When Kyle flat-out said she didn’t believe LVP, the friendship was done, and LVP was done with the show.

The whole thing was depressing, and I don’t think any of them came out looking good. Regardless of how much of a hand LVP did or did not have to do with the Radar story, she didn’t deserve the persistent sniping and continual jabs throughout the season, especially after the year she had. Even Brandi was dragged in for her nasty two cents. It was a huge disappointment to me that she’s good friends with Denise Richards, who I’ve liked up until now. I still like her, but I think she came in knowing nothing, and probably still doesn’t. I, too, believe even a hooker deserves Thanksgiving dinner, but I’m not going out for drinks with her, and listen to her opinions about LVP. (That was a joke. I’m sure the hooker was much more of a lady than Brandi.) I think Denise likes to take in strays, and I’m not just referring to dogs and cats. The worst part was how no one could understand why LVP no longer wanted to be friends with Kyle, when Kyle said she believed LVP was lying. They didn’t seem to get that, from that time forward, LVP would be wondering if Kyle believed anything she said. So what would be the point of a friendship? LisaR also got the nasty consolation prize, for giving Kim the finger and calling her a c-word while dressed as Erika Jayne, and using that as an excuse. And I don’t even particularly like Kim.

I also found it creepy how the group passed LVP’s symbolic crown to Kyle, making her queen of the group. She pretended to be all humble, but I’m pretty sure, deep down, she was pleased. While I’m curious who will have the bullseye on their back next season, I’ll have to read about it in someone else’s recap. If I even do that.

🎼 No. Just No…

LuAnn as Mama Morton? Here’s the scoop on the Countess being in Chicago on Broadway. As I thought, not quite. And I’ll bet she needs more rehearsals and coaching. She’d possibly need someone singing in her ear.

🐶 Working Double Dog Duty…

While my partner in pup care works overtime. So the answer to this question is, me.

July 29, 2019 – Shiloh Crashes a Party, Two Time Winner Aboard, Returning Listings, Birthday Surprise, Sneezy, Lots Of Wives, Honeymoon Over, MJ Update, No Charm & New Month


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Franco and Drew have lunch in Drew’s office. Franco says, it’s a little out there, but a psychic at the reception told him that he may not be feeling himself soon. To make it weirder, Ava is trying to communicate with Kiki somehow, and he saw another psychic at the hospital. She told him, whatever you do don’t take that drive. He asks what Drew thinks.

Ava asks if Chelsea would like to sit. Chelsea says they can talk about the article in Crimson, but Ava says that’s another way Sibley failed her. She could have warned Ava that she was walking into a hatchet job. Chelsea doesn’t think it was a hatchet job. It was honest, and didn’t take a side. Ava told her story in her own words. Some readers approved, some didn’t. Such is pleasing the public. Ava says she wasn’t trying to please anyone. She did it to make amends with Kiki, hoping Kiki would maybe forgive her.

Willow goes to Charlie’s to find Julian. She says Michael mentioned that today is Wiley’s birthday, but he’s at work. Julian says he didn’t think he’d be invited. Willow says she’s the reason, and she’d like to change that.

At the hospital, Shiloh approaches Epiphany at the reception desk. He says he called about getting a copy of his medical records, and she asks if he filled out a request form online. He tells her, no, and she says he needs to fill one out in person then. She can’t release them without a request form. She gives him the paperwork. Bobbie comes by, and tells Epiphany that she got her shift covered. Epiphany tells her to have fun at Wiley’s birthday party. Bobbie says, Lucas already left for the MetroCourt, and she doesn’t want to keep the guest of honor waiting. Shiloh listens.

Carly says she’s glad Sasha could be there, and Sasha thinks her for being included. She asks if she can help, but Carly says, no. Just be patient with the family. She promises they mean well. Alexis arrives, followed by Brad and Lucas with Wiley. Brad says Wiley is ready to party, and so are they. Lucas says Wiley has made them the happiest guys on the planet.

Michael tells Nelle that he didn’t come there to talk about them; he came talk about their son. Nelle says that’s what she means. She called him for a different reason, but now it’s all about their son. She knows something he doesn’t about what really happened to Jonah.

Julian tells Willow that he’s tried to keep his distance. Willow says, at the time, she didn’t know he’d put his past aside. She’s seen how people can change. Her mother changed, and she changed when she left DOD. She’d like to clear the way for him to be part of Wiley’s life. She thinks Wiley needs a grandfather like him.

Epiphany tells Shiloh, his medical records are being prepared now. He asks if there’s any way to expedite that. He has somewhere to be. She says, it’s a hospital, not a fast food counter. Paperwork comes second to patient care. She suggests he take a seat.

Bobbie says it’s Wiley’s birthday and gotcha day; the day he was adopted. Carly tells Sasha that the days were so close, they decided to celebrate them together. Brad asks Lucas if everything is okay, and Lucas tells him that Willow has changed her mind about Julian seeing Wiley. Brad says it’s fine with him, but he supposes it’s up to Lucas. Carly introduces Sasha to Bobbie, who says, oh, Michael’s girlfriend. Sasha says, they’re really just… but Bobbie says, nonsense. She asks if Wiley isn’t incredible, and Sasha says, he’s a charmer. She asks if Sasha wants to hold him, and Carly takes a picture of Sasha holding Wiley.

Nelle tells Michael, the night their son was born, she gave birth alone in the woods. She was in deep despair, literally out of her mind. She asks him to please try and understand. His phone dings, and he sees it’s a message from Carly. Nelle asks if Carly knows he’s there. Does she want him to come home and forget about her? He says, it doesn’t matter, but she tells him to open it. He does, and sees the picture of Sasha and Wiley. The text says, look who’s stealing your godson. Michael explains that Wiley is Lucas and Brad’s son, and his godson. She asks if Sasha is his girlfriend, and he says they’re seeing each other. That’s all he’s saying. What does she know about Jonah that he doesn’t?

Julian says he can’t thank Willow enough. She says she’s happy to do it. He says, ironically, he has Wiley’s birthday gift there. He was going to send it by messenger, but now they can take it together. He goes in the back, and Willow gets a message from Lucas, who hopes she can come to Wiley’s big day.

Franco asks what Drew thinks the psychic meant. Does he think it has something to do with the car Oscar left to Cameron? Drew says he had it checked bumper to bumper; it’s the safest car on the road. Franco says clearly, it’s bothering him. He didn’t want to saddle Elizabeth with it, and since Drew has nothing better to do than listen to him… He tells himself to stop babbling, and Drew asks Franco to do him a favor. Stop worrying. The psychic probably wants him to be curious so he’ll pay for a consultation. Drew tells him to enjoy his new life with Elizabeth. Franco says, that’s what’s bothering him; he’s happy. He’s happier than he’s ever been, and now he has something to lose. They both know how easy it is to lose things in this life. Drew tells him don’t do that to himself. Don’t rob himself of joy worrying about what he can’t see coming. Drew’s assistant brings in a package for him from the Department of the Navy.

As they walk, Ava asks Chelsea why they’re in the park. Does she hope to reach Kiki there? Chelsea says it’s a spot Kiki enjoyed. Ava says, Kiki loved it; she loved running there. She especially liked when the sunflowers were in bloom. They reminded her aliens visiting for a while. She had a quirky sense of humor. She was sweet, but not a pushover. She was so beautiful. Chelsea says, like her mother. It’s remarkable considering the fire she went through. Her surgeon must be in great demand. Ava tells her, the less said about the fire, the better. The only good thing was that Kiki forgave her. Chelsea says, for tampering with Morgan’s medication? and Ava says she’s not paying Chelsea to judge her. Chelsea says she’s not judging; she’s stating facts. Ava entered Morgan’s room under false pretenses, and switched his lithium with a placebo. It’s just like how she shot Connie. Ava says Chelsea is dredging up things best left forgotten. Why doesn’t she contact Ava’s daughter?

Nelle says she sees Michael has moved on from the loss of their son. Michael says he thinks of Jonah every day, and she asks if he dreams about Jonah every night. She does. He says he’s supposed to be at a party, but came there to honor Jonah’s memory. Whatever she has to say, say it now, or he’s leaving. She says she wanted to tell him about a dream she had. It was so real. Jonah was surrounded by angels. They were singing to him, and he was smiling. He was at peace, and so beautiful. She wanted to share it with Michael. Michael says they’re never going to see each other again after this. He calls for the guard, saying he’s done. He leaves, and Nelle cries a little. She says, this is not goodbye. She’s not done with him or their baby.

Sasha tells Lucas that his son is a charmer. Lucas says they like to think so. Bobbie asks Carly if Michael and Sasha are serious, and Carly says, we’ll see. She asks if Bobbie can have champagne, and Bobbie says, a little. It’s a special occasion in more ways than one. It’s the first time Carly has liked, or even approved, of Michael’s girlfriend. Carly says she likes Sasha, and the contrast is like night and day. Michael seems light and happy. She adds, until today. Nelle called, and Michael is on his way to see her.

Alexis tells Brad and Lucas that she has no idea how Shiloh made bail, but it doesn’t change anything regarding Wiley. Shiloh is banned from making any claim in family court until his criminal charges are adjudicated. Brad can’t wait, and Lucas says, today is about Wiley and family. Julian comes in with Willow, and Carly asks what the hell he’s doing there. Lucas says Willow gave him permission, and Brad says he’s been a lifesaver. Willow says she’ll contact Diane and make it official. Bobbie says, anything for her grandson.

Drew asks his assistant if she has any idea what this is about. She says Oscar wanted him to have his military medals. He filled out the paperwork, and she got Drew to sign it. He thought he was signing a contract. He says his son co-opted her into getting his signature without his knowledge? She says it was back in February, and asks if she’s getting fired. Drew says she’s getting a raise and an extra week’s vacation. She asks if that means they’re okay, and he says they’re great. After she leaves, he says, that kid. Franco says, Oscar probably went to a lot of trouble. Drew should take a look.

Drew opens the box, and it’s filled with jewelry-type boxes. He opens one, and says, the Silver Star. Franco says, wow, and asks if he can open the envelope that came with it. Drew tells him, go ahead, and Franco reads that it’s from the Secretary of the Navy for his gallantry in actions against the enemy. Some of it is redacted, but Drew saved lives, and whatever he did was impressive. He should check them out. Drew wonders what made Oscar want to request them. Franco says Oscar was curious about Drew’s past. Maybe he thought these would help explain it. Or maybe he was proud of his old man, and wanted Drew to have them. And he should. He earned them. Drew just wishes Oscar could see them.

Carly asks if they’re ready to toast the birthday boy. Michael runs in, telling Sasha that he’s sorry he’s late. Sasha tells him, don’t apologize. It’s been great, and his godson is darling. Michael says, Wiley definitely has a way of bringing people together. Lucas toasts to their son, Wiley. He’s only been in the world a year, but his impact on the family is immeasurable. Shiloh strolls in (I’m sure we all saw that coming), and says sorry he’s late. He says his invitation must have gotten lost in the mail, and out-smirks himself.

Ava asks Chelsea, please contact Kiki, and ask what she thinks of the article. Chelsea says she can’t do it on demand, but Ava begs her to try. She’s got to reach Kiki one way or another. Chelsea looks into the distance, and says, my goodness. It’s the Coachella of dead people. It’s a crowded field. Connie is there, and someone named AJ. Ava says she doesn’t want to hear from them; she wants to hear from her daughter. Chelsea says, there’s a very elegant women named Helena who has a message. Ava says, she’s Nikolas’s grandmother. Chelsea says, Helena claims Ava knew Nikolas killed her, but didn’t tell anyone. Ava says she didn’t bring Chelsea there to contact Helena. Where’s Kiki? Chelsea says, sorry. She hears an infant crying. Ava says she didn’t kill a baby, and Chelsea says, so she knows nothing about a dead baby boy and his mother?

Carly tells Shiloh, it’s her hotel; get the hell out before she calls security. He says, no one is looking for a physical confrontation, and it would only upset Wiley. Willow tells him, get out, but he says he only wanted to wish love and light to their baby boy. She says he’s nothing to Wiley. Shiloh says he should have known when he saw Wiley’s smile; it’s her smile. Wiley is the miracle they created. Michael tells him, leave now, but Shiloh says not until he gives his son a present, reminding me of Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty.

Franco tells Drew, in 2012 he saved a civilian contractor. He should let them know, so they can send him a fruitcake every Christmas. Drew says, he already knows. He goes by the name of Shiloh.

Shiloh says they can’t object to a gift, but Lucas says they don’t need or want anything from him. Shiloh says it’s important that Wiley has the medical records of his biological parents. Lucas says they already know about the heart condition, and Brad takes the envelope from Shiloh, hustling Lucas away. Alexis tells Shiloh not to make a scene or she’ll have his bail revoked. Brad tells Shiloh, just stop, but Shiloh says Wiley is his son, forever and always, and one day, Wiley will be his. Michael asks Sasha to call for the elevator. Shiloh says they can’t force him to leave. I’d like to know how he figures that, since it’s a private party, but Michael says he wouldn’t dream of it. The elevator doors open, and Michael gives Shiloh the bum’s rush into it. Everyone is like, wow, and Michael suggests they get back to the celebration, and what’s important; Wiley’s birthday. Wiley smiles like he knows what just happened.

Harmony ask Nelle how the visit with her baby’s father was, and Nelle says, disappointing. Harmony says she’s sorry, and Nelle says, her too. She was going to tell him something important that would have changed everything. Instead, she realized he doesn’t deserve to know. Harmony thought Nell had said she still loved him, and his mother was responsible for sabotaging the relationship. Nelle says, she did, but he let her. He didn’t need to, and could have fought for them. He could have committed himself to them, but he let his mother ruin it, and convince him that she was trash. He’s as much blame as Carly is. He doesn’t deserve their son.

Ava tells Chelsea that she had nothing to do with the death of Nelle’s baby; they were in a car accident. Chelsea says it’s something to do with a baby blanket; yellow and green. Ava says she can see that? and Chelsea says there’s no telling what pops up. She senses a hidden secret. Ava is a magnet for restless souls and psychic turbulence. Ava asks where Kiki is. She must be seeking closure. Make her listen. Chelsea says she can’t make Kiki do anything, and Ava asks if she can locate Kiki. Chelsea says, she’s there. Ava wishes she could see her, and asks what she’s doing. Chelsea says she’s refusing to come any closer. Ava says she’s so sorry. She loves Kiki so much, and wants them to have closure. Not just for her, but for Kiki, so she can rest in peace. She asks if Kiki understands, but Chelsea says, no; sorry.

Drew thinks he should send that medal back, but Franco says, who knew Shiloh would come back to the US and start a cult? Drew says, to hear Shiloh tell it, they were best buddies, but it doesn’t sit right with him. How could he be friends with someone he doesn’t trust? All the times Shiloh was fishing around, hoping Drew would remember, or hoping he didn’t. He may or may not remember Shiloh is a total sleazeball, or know something that might have legal ramifications. He’s been trying to get Drew to open up and find out what Drew knows to reassure himself. The gap in his memory is one thing, explaining it to his son was another. Shiloh convinced Oscar that he and Drew were friends. So much so, Oscar left his ELQ shares to Shiloh. Fortunately, he made a second bequest to use them to endow a foundation for deserving children to climb Mr. Kilimanjaro. Franco says, it sounds more like Oscar wanted to neutralize Shiloh’s claim, so he had no leverage. Drew wishes he knew what happened.

Shiloh meets with a lawyer, who tells him that she’s been assigned as his public defender. He’s entitled to a defense. Shiloh says, even if he’s broke? He has no home, and his accounts have been frozen. She says he still has the right to an attorney. The charges are formidable. It’s her job to handle that, and they have a lot of work to do. The evidence is extensive. Multiple women have come forward, saying he drugged and assaulted them at the DOD house here, and in Beecher’s Corners. He says, those poor, deluded women. She says there’s also a prescription for whatever that drug is, under his name. (I keep trying to figure it out. I thought she said carfentanil, but that’s illegal in the US). Harmony also confessed her complicity in drugging the women. She produced concrete evidence of fraud and blackmail with personal, privileged information about his followers that was used as leverage. He asks if it isn’t her job to discredit that, but she tells him to be realistic and assess the situation. He’s not going to beat the charges. He says, so that’s it? She’s not even trying? She tells him, she’s saying he has a choice. He can go to trial, be convicted, and spend the rest of his life in prison, or take a plea. Twenty years, and he’ll be out in fourteen. The only question is how long he wants to stay in prison. Twenty years is a gift. Take the plea, or spend his life behind bars.

Alexis says, at least they have Shiloh’s medical records, but Lucas says they already knew about the heart condition. It probably came from Shiloh. Brad tells Julian that Lucas can’t see the records, but Julian says, he’s a doctor and will eventually. Michael tells Lucas that his trip to Pentonville wasn’t a total waste. Nelle is manipulative as ever, and the next time she calls, he’s refusing the charge. Lucas is glad Willow came, but Brad says he’s sorry she had to witness Shiloh. She says she also witnessed how the family stepped up to protect Wiley. Lucas says she’s at the top of that list. She trusted them to have Wiley in the first place, and then continued to protect him. Being thrown jail was heroic. She says, all that matters is Wiley is safe now. Lucas says they’d love for her to be part of Wiley’s life, and Brad adds, if she’d like to be. Willow says she would, more than anything. Sasha tells Michael that Wiley is one lucky baby with him as a godfather. Michael says he loves Wiley like his own.

Ava asks Chelsea, if Kiki won’t forgive her, even after the article, is there anything else she can do? Chelsea says, Kiki seems to think so. Ava says she’ll do anything. Chelsea says Ava is a truly haunted soul. The afterlife clings to her like cat hair on a black suit. Kiki is angry that Ava fell in love with a serial killer. He won her over by validating her worst impulses. Kiki hates that Ava gave him her soul when he doesn’t have one. She was so desperate for attention and admiration, Ava was blinded to the danger. Ava says she knows that, but how can she fix it now? Chelsea says Ryan has no soul, but he still has a heart, and it belongs to Ava. Ava asks what the hell that means, but Chelsea says she’s just the messenger. Suddenly, Ava says, oh my God. She has to go, and runs out of the park.

Shiloh tells the lawyer that he needs time to consider his options. She says, it’s not difficult. Twenty years or forever. He says not if he’s a ghost, but she tells him, don’t think of trying to run. He says he’s not running. His son lives there, and he has the utmost faith that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. He’ll get back to her. She says he has her number. She leaves, and he says, resources. He flashes back to Drew telling him not to take it personally, and asking Drew if there’s any chance his memory might return. Again, he says, resources.

Wiley unwraps presents wrapped in very LOUD wrapping paper. Lucas tells Brad that their son is opening presents. He doesn’t want to miss any of this day. Everyone gets excited over a toy car.

Nelle tells Harmony it’s too late for her to undo what’s done. She needs to think about what to do. She says Harmony needs to keep Shiloh away. Do anything she can to affect the outcome. Harmony says she’s fully cooperated with the prosecution, and she’s going to testify. Nelle asks if Harmony is sure the prosecution has enough evidence. Harmony thinks so. Shiloh has run out of people to do him favors. Nelle hopes she’s right. Whatever it takes, it’s worth it to keep the baby safe.

Ava waits in the prison visiting area. Ryan sits down on the other side of the glass. I gotta say, the Miami Vice unshaven look suits him.

Franco asks Drew if he didn’t say there was a procedure to help recover his memories, but he decided not to pursue it. Drew says nothing is more important than his memories of Oscar and Scout. He’d never jeopardize that. His memories are on a flashdrive, safe and sound in his office, and that’s where they’re staying. Drew looks at his credenza.

Shiloh wanders around outside, and finds a dollar. He remembers Drew saying that there’s supposedly a procedure that could possibly undo what’s been done. Shiloh makes a call. He says he’s glad they picked up. He was afraid they’d duck his call. It’s been a while. He says he’s got a job for them.

Tomorrow, Jordan tells Stella that the mystery relative is closer than they realized, Sasha asks Valentin how he proposes they handle Obrecht, Jason tells Shiloh not to approach his family again, and Ryan asks Ava how he can help her.

Below Deck Mediterranean

When we last left, new stew June had left the table during the crew’s night out to get sick in the bathroom. Hannah asks if she’s crying, but Anastasia says, no. In June’s interview, she says she doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her personal life, but it’s no one’s business. Colin says he’s been in her shoes, and it can be intimidating. June returns to the table, and asks where they’re going next. They head out to a club. Jack suggests he and Travis not party too hard, since their big double date is tomorrow. João tries to be Colin’s wingman, but Colin isn’t into it. He’d rather talk to June than randoes. Jack wants to kiss Aesha, but he’s too wasted. In Hannah’s interview, she says, Travis is easy on the eyes, but there will be no feelings involved this season. The producer asks what about making out with him, and Hannah says, that’s not a feeling. I think she’s confusing the word feeling with emotion here.

In the taxi going back, Hannah says she thinks Jack and Aesha are cute. Jack licks Aesha’s foot, and asks for a little nibble of her bellybutton. Jack says she looks like she’s been raped. Aesha says she has been, and it’s not funny. Can they not talk about it? In Aesha’s interview, she says there are few things she won’t joke about, and rape isn’t funny at all. Jack asks if she’s okay. He feels badly about it. The crew gets back to the boat. In her interview, Aesha says, you don’t know what people have been through, so you should watch what you say. Amen to that. The crew sleeps.

The producer asks if Aesha is normally this open. Aesha cries, saying she remembers she kept apologizing to her mother, thinking it was her fault. Her mom said they all get wasted, and they have the right to feel safe. She thinks it’s important for women not to blame themselves. You should be able to party and not worry about it. João gives Jack a priority checklist. In Jack’s interview, with tears in his eyes, he tells us that he said something stupid. He jokes about sex all the time, and he’s a d*ckhead. He wants to talk to Aesha. They almost have me crying here. They’re both very sweet, and it’s unfortunate he made that mistake. I don’t think she’s holding it against him though.

Jack finds Aesha, and hugs her. He says how sorry he is. She says she knows Jack isn’t malicious. She’s just making people aware. He feels bad for her. In her interview, Aesha says she doesn’t want to be a gilded survivor. That’s not her. She’s just her, and it happened to her. It’s not who she is. She tells him that he’s the sweetest man.

The crew cleans up. In her interview, Hannah says Travis is adorable, but she’s not emotionally invested. Jack and Aesha will be there, so it will be easier to swallow. Not in a sexual way. June asks Anastasia where some glasses are, and Anastasia says she doesn’t really know. In her interview, June says, Anastasia gets a little crabby. You’d think she would have more sympathy and help her out. It’s confusing. Anastasia says she has other things to worry about, and June says she’ll figure it out. In João’s interview, he’s surprised Hannah is going out with Travis. He feels protective of the people he likes, and he likes her. He thinks she deserves more.

Jack and Travis are technically off the clock, and begin drinking beer. It’s time for the preference sheet meeting, so the captain gets together with Hannah, João, and Anastasia. The primary is Johnny Damon, a two-time World Series winner, once with the Red Sox, and again with the Yankees. He’s coming with his wife Michelle, and a bunch of other people. One of their requests is to visit Monaco. Hannah says they have a long preference sheet. She says they want local food, and anything with truffles. In Anastasia’s interview, she says she’s feeling confident. If she can please the Queen of Versailles, she can please this guy.

An alarm goes off, and black water system flashes on the computer screens. Travis and Jack continue to goof off. Even though he’s being radioed by everyone, engineer Mike doesn’t miss a beat in doing his strength training. João says it means no toilets or water. The captain tells Jack and Travis, stop drinking, and find the engineer. If they can’t fix it, they have to cancel the charter. Captain Sandy mumbles about them being drunk, and says, it’s ridiculous. It’s not cool. Travis looks for the engineer, while Jack has a smoke. Travis says it’s not their job.

In his interview, João says it’s not against the rules drink after work hours, but it is against the rules to ignore alarms. It’s the lowest level of respect being shown to him and the captain. Captain Sandy continues to look for Mike. Water is backed up in one of the work rooms. Hannah doesn’t want to go on a date with someone who’s wasted. Travis says it’s not his job to check the alarms, and Jack finds Mike. Mike goes to deal with the problem, and Captain Sandy asks Jack if he’s been standing there the whole time. She tells him, today’s not the day not to hustle. He’ll be off the boat so fast. When she sees him next time, he’d better be moving. She tells him, get the room cleaned up. Mike says, it’s clogged. Jack mops. The captain says she’s going to strangle Jack. In her interview, Captain Sandy says, the clog was related to the pump. They repaired the pump, and got the toilets working. Jack tells Travis, hide the beer.

Travis and Jack step off the boat. Travis says they have no connection to the problems happening. Jack says they can have a beer after work. Hannah approaches, and asks Jack if they can do the date another day. She doesn’t want to go after he’s been drinking beer all day. He says it was a stupid move on his part, but he’s going with or without her. She tells him, have fun. In his interview, he says he feels bad. He’s not actually drunk. He tells her, just come, but she goes back to the boat. Jack says, she’s playing hard to get. João joins them, and says they’re pissing the captain off. Travis tells João, it’s five o’clock. In João’s interview, he says he realizes he can’t come out guns blazing with these guys. He has to be diplomatic. Travis says, no beer before five.

Hannah finds Captain Sandy in the crew mess. She says she wanted to make sure the captain isn’t stressed, and tells her they’ll be fine. The captain gives her a hug. In Hannah’s interview, she says she’s felt Captain Sandy’s wrath before, and doesn’t want to again. The captain says, it means a lot, and Hannah says the captain doesn’t have anyone above her to tell her that. Anastasia goes over the menu. In her interview, Anastasia says, people who excel have raw passion and raw skill. June does laundry. In Colin’s interview, he says he finds it hard to talk to June. He’s working on his game.

Aesha asks Jack where they’re going on the date. Travis says he and Hannah aren’t coming. Jack feels badly, but just wants to have a good time tonight. Aesha chooses her outfit. Jack gets dressed up. Aesha is excited. She says with other boyfriends, she’d get drunk, and barely remember their first kiss. She wants to remember all the nice things. She deserves it. Jack puts on in his suit. In his interview, João says he can’t control people’s personal lives. He’s happy Jack is going on a date, but if it was him, he’d lay low because of the mistake he made.

Colin listens to music. Travis gets in his suit, and approaches Hannah, who’s sitting on the bow of the ship. In Jack’s interview, he says he likes Hannah, and hopes this isn’t too awkward. He scares hell out of her when he suddenly appears, and she asks what he’s wearing. He says he decided to make himself look pretty to sit with her. In his interview, he says his parents don’t drink, and wouldn’t appreciate his pinhead antics. Hannah asks why today, when he knew they had a date? In his interview, he says with any job that’s physically demanding, you feel like you’re entitled at the end of the day, and it’s the start of bad habits. She hugs him.

Jack asks for little kiss, but Aesha says, later. She wants the right timing this evening.

João says, oh the irony. Last season he had to worry about his job and two girls. This season he’s in a good place if he can just fix the sh*t show of a deck team. Hannah takes a selfie with Travis. He asks if he should get some rosé.

Aesha toasts to their first night. She says Jack isn’t her type. In her interview, she says she likes the alpha male, who can be an a-hole. Jack is a bit softer. She tells him they can be the most disgusting version of themselves with each other. In his interview, Jack says he’s witnessed true love, and wants it. A guitar player serenades them. On the boat, Hannah and Jack make out

Aesha tells Jack, this could be his moment, and they kiss. In Aesha’s interview, she says she thinks a kiss changes the dynamic of a relationship, bringing in an intimate side. She’s exited to have that with Jack. She likes him, and has no idea where it’s going, but just wants to have fun, and take day by day. They make out in the taxi, and she tells Jack he’s getting greedy. Hannah snacks in her bunk. Back on the boat, Aesha jumps in bed with Travis, while Jack takes a pee. Aesha takes a peek, and tells Jack that he has a nice willy.

The next morning, Colin asks Jack how the date went, and if he and Aesha are Facebook official. The boat is readied. Aesha thanks Jack for last night, saying, it was the nicest thing ever. Hannah cuts lemons and limes. In her interview, she says she’s concerned about June. She’s not answering the radio, she’s struggling with cabins, and the beds haven’t been turned down. Hannah isn’t sure what’s happening, but she was clearly a bit of a twat in her last life. It’s like the last three seasons all over again. Captain Sandy announces the guests are arriving at noon. Colin burps. The crew lines up.

The captain welcomes the guests. Colin shakes Johnny’s hand, and in his interview, says he’s not washing his hand again. Captain Sandy tells João that he’s taking them off the dock. Hannah does the tour, while the captain walks João through the steps. In her interview, she says she’s not rewarding him for last night, but he needs to feel responsibility. She wants to show him how he needs to teach his crew. In João’s interview, he’s thrilled that the captain is giving him the opportunity after what’s gone wrong. It proves she has his back, but anything can go wrong at any time. Aesha gives champagne to the guests, one of whom is a GYN, who’s already talking loudly about vaginas. Hannah is like, oh my God. Captain Sandy points out a boat at the bow that Jack missed. In her interview, the captain says, coming up as a woman in the industry wasn’t easy. She had to constantly work harder than her male counterparts. If a crew member has the willingness to learn, she wants to give them the opportunity. She tells João, good job. In his interview, he says there are few moments in his life he’ll talk about forever, and this is one of them.

In June’s interview, she says, Aesha is patient and kind. You don’t meet many people like that, but she’s not used to scowls. They put fresh flowers in the napkin rings. Anastasia thinks simplicity is key with these guests. She wants to make it fancy, but more low key than sea urchin and caviar. Hannah tries to get June on the radio. June finally comes upstairs, and Hannah tells her to keep her earpiece in. Aesha tells June, it’s all good, and let it go over her head. Johnny says he’ll bang everyone. In her interview, Hannah says somehow she doubts it. Me too.

Aesha asks if she can get the guests anything. Johnny says they’re fabulous. Lunch is Caesar salad, and in her interview, Hanna says, it’s like a meal you can get from your local Chili’s. I dunno about that, unless her local Chili’s is a lot more sophisticated than mine. As much as she wants Anastasia to succeed, she wants her back because she’s selfish. Johnny continues bragging about his sexual prowess. In Jack’s interview, he says he’s over doing double duty. The guests play in the water. June tends bar, and has a problem opening the wine. Clouds come, and the guests get nervous, especially when the boat starts rocking. Captain Sandy says the sea is rough there, but when they go around the corner, it will be calm. That sounds like the weather in my area. Colin and João try to get the jet skis back onto the boat. Colin wonders where the rest of the deck crew is. Johnny steps in to help, and pulls the jet ski back on deck with his teeth. Not really, but he’s pretty jacked, and gets the jet ski in. In Colin’s interview, he says it’s embarrassing when two deckhands can’t get the jet ski back because of a swell, and they have a two time World Series champion helping them.

Anastasia calls Travis to the galley. In Hannah’s interview, she says she’s gotten closer to Travis since he’s been in the galley. He has depth to him, but uses alcohol to suppress his emotions, which a lot of people are guilty of. Captain Sandy radios the deck crew, saying the slide is still on the side of the boat. She needs it brought in now. Travis seems annoyed at helping, and she asks, why the attitude? June irons. Aesha tells Hannah that June is doing well. Colin tells João that Travis is helping in the galley, and in his interview, João says he’s going to have to put a stop to that. Pointing to another yacht, João says, that’s fifty meters, right? and Colin says he doesn’t know what a meter is, but sure. I literally lol. Colin is a funny guy.

For some reason, Hannah isn’t thrilled with the food. The guests are talking about circumcision, and ask Hannah’s opinion. She says she’s never had to worry about it. In the galley, Anastasia asks the other crew members to lower the volume while she’s plating. In Aesha’s interview, she says, Anastasia does two charters and all of a sudden, she’s an artist who needs quiet time. The entrée is filet mignon. A few of the guests want it cooked a little more, and Hannah brings their dishes back to the galley. In Anastasia’s interview, she says it’s annoying to her that the steaks aren’t cooked properly. She’s a perfectionist, and thinks it comes from her mother. She thinks you have to be a perfectionist in the industry, and adds she’d rather undercook something than overcook it. Good point. You can’t exactly take it back. The guests proclaim it’s all good. June tells Colin about Anastasia being annoyed with too many people in the galley. He suggests she call Anastasia out on it, but she doesn’t want an issue. She tells him that she doesn’t feel welcome. In her interview, she says she dropped her life because they needed her. She treats people with respect, and expects to be treated the same way. She tells Colin not to say anything.

João calls Jack to the bridge. He goes over some navigational things, and gives Jack some seafaring hints. In João’s interview, he says he wants to motivate the crew, and teach them what he knows. He wants it to work out for all of them. Hannah cleans up dinner, and the guests act stupid in the lounge, wrestling each other. Johnny announces bedtime, and flips his wife over his shoulder.

Hannah tells June not to have her phone with her all the time. Colin tries to get the anchor up, but it’s stuck. He says, it’s getting caught on something. Captain Sandy says, there’s definitely something on the chain. She calls Travis to get on the tender. João says at 17 meters, he can scuba. They need see what’s going on. Colin tells João, the best thing about yachting is that nothing ever goes well. Sandy tells João to go in, and radios Travis to go with him. The captain tells the guests the goal is to get them to Monaco, and they’ll meet them there. Hannah tells Aesha and June that they need to distract the guests. In Jack’s interview, he wonders, for the wages they get, what’s the point of doing the scuba dive? He wouldn’t want to risk his neck. In Travis’s interview, he says if you get pinned down by the chain at 40 meters, you’re dead. Hannah radios June. Sandy watches as João gets in the water. Hannah decides to look for June. In her interview, Hannah says she doesn’t care if you make a mistake, take too long, or even sleep on your break. Just keep your earpiece in when she radios. Sandy continues watching out for Travis and João. In her interview, she says, if they don’t communicate, one slip could be the end of their life. Hannah tells June that she’s been radioing her.

Travis and João start to go down the chain, and the guests leave for Monaco.

Later in the season, partying, putt-putt, a guest is king of the world, Colin gets another injury, Captain Sandy says yachting isn’t Hannah’s passion, Hannah says Anastasia has gotten too big for her britches, Travis is called out for his drinking, a storm comes up, and Ben is back.

🗽 Million Dollar Listing New York is back on Thursday, August 1 at 9 pm.  

😮 A Surprise Surprise…

I was more surprised than Jason Momoa, when I saw two of his guests were Neil and Lucas from General Hospital.

🏰 Farewell To One of Storybrook’s Finest Citizens…

An untimely for a Once Upon A Time cast member.

🍵 A Cup of Wives…

Shannon makes it Instaficial.

Camille takes a walk.

Ken stands up for his lady love. Ken is the best.

Vicki has me confused. Did I miss something?

Yes, I did miss something. Be sure to check out the Southern Charm video after the RHOC trailer.

While I rarely watch RHOA anymore, I think Cynthia deserves all good things. But poor Peter. He’s really going to have to give up now. Or step up his game.

They’re back.

🌴 In Another Part of Beverly Hills…

Already Jax and Brittany have problems. What a shock.

They also have a $2 million dollar home. I wouldn’t call it a mansion though.

👶 Sad News For MJ…

But she does have baby Shams, and a beautiful pregnancy photo.

🔎 The Plot Thickens…

And in a move we didn’t think possible, T-Rav becomes an even sh*ttier person.

🏄 Oh Come On…

How is August almost here? And why aren’t there more songs about it?

July 26, 2019 – Franco Gets a Warning, Twirling Back In, Ramona Gets a Sale, Five Times Two Quotes & Waits On the Weekend


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Nina looks at the new Crimson issue. Valentin comes in, and she says, she did it. She put aside her loathing for Ava. She’s thinking like a pro now. Valentin asks if she wants to celebrate. She says, local or international, and he suggests the Champs Elysees. She says they will, but tonight she needs him to do a favor for her.

Jax reads the new Crimson issue at the MetroCourt. Hayden sits with him, and says, congratulations. He says he doesn’t deserve the credit; it was Nina’s idea. She says the magazine is great too, but she was talking about the invitation to Windymere. She’s impressed. He says that wasn’t his idea either. Nina invited them. She asks if he isn’t suspicious, and he says, of course (🍷), but do they care? It gives them a chance to search for their objective.

Elizabeth gives Obrecht some paperwork. Franco says she must be excited to get out, but she says, not particularly. Her attacker is still out there. In the hospital, she’s protected; witnesses abound. Out there, it’s open season on Liesl Obrecht. Franco tells Elizabeth that Obrecht is talking about herself in the third person. Chase comes in, and she asks if he’s there to tell her that she fell by accident. Chase says the PD is convinced that she was attacked. Franco asks if they enhanced the photo, and Obrecht asks who attacked her? Hayden? Franco says, she has an alibi. Chase says from the photo, it’s clear her attacker was a man. Obrecht says that’s all he’s got? He says they were hoping she could tell them more, and shows her the photo.

Michal accepts the charges from Nelle’s call. Nelle thanks him, and he asks what she wants. She says she needed to hear his voice today. She assumes he remembers. He says he’s been thinking about Jonah since he woke up. She says, her too. It might help to share their grief together. He says they can’t help each other, but she doesn’t believe that. She asks him to come and see her. Regardless of what he thinks of her, she’s the mother of his child. They lost him a year ago, and she thinks they should be together. He says, okay. He tells Carly that he’s going to visit Nelle in Pentonville.

Valentin asks why Nina invited Jax and Hayden to dinner. She tells him that she wants to gain insight on why Jax has a file on Cassandra. Valentin asks why this is necessary, and she says because she made a mess of things. She should have listened to him, and gone to the police. It was self-defense, and it would have been done then and there, but she thought no one would believe her with her criminal history, so she begged Valentin to cover it up. He says he did, and she says that’s why they’re vulnerable. It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. He asks if she remembers what he said that night. She says he told her that he’d always protect her. He says, he always will. Ava storms in with a copy of the magazine, and asks if this is Nina’s idea of journalism. Nina asks if there’s a problem, and Ava says she’d better have a damn good lawyer. Ava is suing her for everything she’s got.

Ava says, it’s defamation in its purist, ugliest form. Going into detail about her and Kiki being involved with the same men. She publicly outed Kiki’s affair with Griff, and tarnished Kiki’s reputation with whatever she could dredge up. Nina says, there wasn’t one quote out of context. Every word came out of Ava’s mouth. Valentin says Ava should be thanking Nina for her generosity. Ava says, it was a smear job. He says, Nina didn’t mention Nikolas. She could have gone there, and talked about how Ava was with a fugitive while he was faking his own death. The public would have eaten it up with a spoon, but she didn’t go there. Ava asks if they’re really going to talk about Nikolas. Otherwise known as the man she watched Valentin murder.

Jax tells Hayden that he’s never lived at Windymere; she has. She says, good thing she’s tagging along. He says Nina has the false impression they’re an item. She says she thought he was putting an end to that rumor, and he says, circumstances call for him to bend the rules. She says she has no problem keeping up appearances; she welcomes it. He wonders if she’s using it to keep Finn at bay, and she asks if that would be so awful. He says she’s a beautiful woman, but his heart lies elsewhere. She says, his ex-wife? and he suggests they keep their personal lives out of it. She copies that, and he says he’ll pick her up at seven. She says, it’s a date.

Obrecht says, for all they know, it’s Hayden in a pair of pants. Franco says, she has an alibi. Chase says they were hoping there was something Obrecht recognized, but she says nothing that would lead to her assailant. Chase says she admitted that she had a lot of enemies. He suggests they go through which ones were at the party. Franco says, that could take a while, and leaves to make a call. In the hallway, a woman named Chelsea approaches him. She says she’s passing on a message. Kiki congratulates him on getting out of his own way, and letting himself be happy. He asks when Kiki gave her the message, and she says, just now. Kiki visits him more than he realizes. He says she’s a psychic. She says she prefers paranormal influencer, but it’s basically the same concept. He says there’s another one floating around, but she says she’s not affiliated with Sibley. He tells her that Sibley said, soon he might not feel himself. Does she have any idea why Sibley meant by that?

Nelle tells Harmony that Michael is coming to see her. The reason is sad though; it’s the anniversary of Jonah’s birth, and death. Harmony says her grandson was born on the same day. She wishes his father didn’t know, or even know about him at all.

Carly hates that Michael is talking to Nelle, not to mention seeing her face to face, but it’s his life. He needs to do what he thinks is right, and she’ll always love and support him. He thanks her for the lecture she didn’t give him. He knows she’s worried. Nelle is a broken, damaged person, but he’s realized he can’t save her, nor does he want to. She says, thank God he said that, but she doesn’t get why he’s going to Pentonville. He says, in the brief moment Jonah was alive, Nelle was with him; she got to hold him. Michael hates that he never got to meet Jonah, and anything he can know, he wants to know. Unfortunately, Nelle is the only person who can tell him. He’s not going there for Nelle’s sake. He’s doing it for himself and Jonah. He wants feel close to his son. If seeing Nelle is the only way to accomplish that, then that’s what he has to do.

Valentin says, now who’s telling tales? Ava says she was there. She saw the whole thing. He says it’s interesting how she changed her story from the sworn affidavit she signed. She says she was coerced into lying. He insists he encouraged her to tell the truth. Right to her face; her restored face. She tells him, go to hell. He says he’ll meet her there, but first, he has to run an errand for his wife. He leaves, and Nina tells Ava, before she threatens to take them to court again, she needs to look at the responses. They might surprise her – both the content and volume. They usually get 450 to 500,000 comments the first day, but this issue got two million. Say what you want about Ava – Ava says, and people do – she certainly drives traffic. Ava looks on Nina’s tablet.

Franco tells Chelsea that he wants to better understand. Aside from the obvious, what did she mean? Is he going to be sick, have an accident, or a run of the mill identity crisis? She says she can’t interpret Sibley’s message for him; only the messages she receives personally. She looks into the distance, and Franco asks if she’s okay. She says, whatever you do, don’t take that drive.

Obrecht signs her release papers, and Elizabeth says she’ll process them right away. Chase says, the night of the party, she was drinking. Obrecht says she partook of the refreshments. He says, sometimes alcohol can fuel emotion. Did she get into an argument and threaten anyone? She says, who? Her?

Jax calls Carly over and asks, what’s wrong? She says, Michael is on his way to Pentonville to see Nelle. She can’t stand it. She knows they’ll always have a connection because of Jonah, and she wouldn’t wish losing a baby on her worst enemy. But Nelle lost it at the end, and she’s using the baby to try and manipulate him. Jax says, try. Michael won’t fall for it. Carly says, he says he doesn’t feel anything for Nelle. He says he only wants information about the last moments of his son. But she knows his heart, and he’s compassionate. She’s afraid he’s still vulnerable, and he’s been hurt enough. Jax says, she didn’t tell Michael this, did she? She asks if he thinks she’s wrong, and he says he thinks they’re both right. Michael probably doesn’t have things as under control as he’s insisting, but he’s not as vulnerable as she fears either. She raised a strong boy. He has no illusions about Nelle, but if Michael wants hear about his child’s life, as a parent, he gets to do that. Carly says she keeps trying to tell herself the same thing, but it helps hearing it from him.

Nelle asks Harmony if her grandson’s father is really that terrible. Harmony says her daughter used all her strength and fortitude to run while she was pregnant. Nelle says, so he never knew? and Harmony says, not until recently. Nelle asks if he was abusive, and Harmony says, in his own way. Shiloh is the leader of an organization called Dawn of Day. The way he treats his followers, at least the special ones, is sickening. Nelle assumes Harmony’s daughter was one of his special ones, and Harmony says, perhaps the most special. Shiloh drugged these woman, and marked them. Nelle says, marked them? and Harmony explains he tattooed their backs as a sign of possession, that they belonged to him. Then he’d sleep with them, making them think it was consensual. Nelle says that’s how Harmony’s grandson was conceived. Harmony says she’d proud of her daughter, breaking free. She changed her name and left town, putting the baby up for adoption, but now Shiloh tacked her down. He figured it out, and since her daughter didn’t get consent, he has the chance to claim his child from the adoptive parents. Nelle says she’s so sorry. Harmony says Wiley is so happy with his two fathers. Nelle asks, did she say Wiley?

Ava reads the comments. You do you, Ava. Let the people who disagree with her kiss… Ava is an inspiration for bad girls everywhere. Nina tells her, don’t too get excited. Not everyone feels that way. Ava says, regardless, she appreciates the outpouring of support. She continues to read. Her daughter is a hero to women everywhere. If she hadn’t been killed by Ryan Chamberlain, seeing her mother glamorize her grief would have done it.

Franco asks Chelsea, drive where? but she says she doesn’t control the insight. They just come to her, and she shares them. She has to go. She’s meeting a new client.

Chase tells Obrecht, if she thinks of anything or anyone, even if it’s unlikely… She says he’ll be her first call. He leaves the photos there, in case they spark anything. Chase heads for the elevator, and literally runs into Hayden, who’s on her way out of it. She says, it’s him.

Jax tells Carly that he feels responsible for bringing Nelle into their lives. Carly says Josslyn was going to die without a kidney. He would have done anything to find one, and he did. Jax says he had no idea Frank was going to take one from his own daughter. Carly says Jax offered him a million dollars, and he says that’s the part he hates. When he has a problem to solve, he reaches for something most people don’t have, a bottomless bank account. Carly says their daughter is alive thanks to him. She says Nelle’s feelings aren’t entirely different from how she felt about Bobbie back in the day. Jax says Carly quickly realized the reality of the situation. Mistakes were made, but Bobbie was her mother and loved her. Nelle can’t get there. Carly says, Nelle was so stuck in her own interpretation, she was incapable of finding a way out. Jax says that’s not Carly’s fault. Carly says, people are like that. Jax says he’s lucky she isn’t. They would never have gotten together and had their beautiful daughter. He means it as a compliment, and she says she’ll try to see it that way.

Nelle says, Wiley is a cute name, and Harmony says, it’s the name his fathers gave to him. One is a doctor, and the other is a lab technician. They make a lovely family. She can’t bear the thought of Shiloh destroying that. Nelle says, he can’t do that, right? but Harmony says, unfortunately her daughter did break the law. She did it because Wiley was at risk. Shiloh is obsessed with the thought of having a child. Nelle says, it’s not possible, after all he’s done, but Harmony says, she’d be surprised. He’s in a lot of trouble, but he has his ways to get out of it. If it looks like he’ll get that far and he’ll get custody, Harmony prays Wiley’s fathers take their baby and run. Anything to keep him from his birth father.

Ava says she was tricked into trusting Nina, so Nina could crucify her. That was her goal. Increased circulation was just a perk. She believed Nina would be fair. Nina says they were. They gave Ava a platform; no lies, no deception, no fabrication. Some people liked her, some didn’t. Such is life. Ava says Nina is just flying high. From crazy pathetic Nina in Shadybrook – no sanity, no baby, no nothing – to sitting on top of the world. She’s found her beautiful, long lost daughter, she has the magazine, a beautiful stepdaughter, handsome husband-to-be, and don’t forget about her dashing boss. Ava has been where she is, or close enough. Does Nina want her advice? Don’t look down. It’s a long way to fall. Ava walks out of Nina’s office.

Valentin visits Obrecht. He says she looks dry, and Obrecht says, no thanks to her assailant. He hopes he’s not interrupting, and she says she was just looking at photos provided to her by the PCPD. He says, that sounds official, and she says it is. He looks at the picture of her and Franco, and says she looks like she’s having a good time. She says, it’s the person lurking in the shadows that’s important. He pushed her off the boat to her near death. Valentin says, he? She says, the police are convinced it’s a man. Valentin says, hopefully, they’ll find him. She says, from his lips. He tells her that he’s been sent with specific instructions from her niece to escort her home.

Hayden asks if Chase is bringing her to the station again. He hopes she knows it wasn’t personal. He was glad they were able to strike her from the suspect list. He asks if they can hit the reset, and start over.

Obrecht says she can take a car, and Valentin says, her choice. But he still has to assist her onto the launch. She asks, what launch? and he says, to Windymere. He’s not escorting her to her home, but to theirs.

Carly gets a bottle of champagne for Jax, and he asks what he did to deserve it. She says he ran an exposé on Ava. It was everything he promised and more. Her vanity, her shallowness, her refusal to take responsibility for anything. Short of being tried and convicted, it’s the next best thing. He says it wouldn’t happen if not for her. Ava did the interview to spite her. Nina was the brainchild, and he played his part, but Carly delivered her. Carly clinks her water glass to his champagne glass. Ava approaches their table.

Nelle says she admires Harmony’s daughter. She thinks it’s every parent’s right – no, obligation – to do what it takes to protect their child. But even if you take every precaution to keep harm from your loved ones, life happens. You think you have it set up perfectly, but one wrinkle, and you have to adjust. So be it. There’s nothing more important than making sure your kids are safe. The guard comes, and tells Nelle that she has a visitor.

Ava asks what Carly and Jax are toasting. Carly says, the Crimson article. Carly picks up the magazine, and says she marked it. Ava is sure she did. Carly says she adored every word, although it was tough seeing Morgan’s name linked to hers. Given the context, it was worth it. Ava says she just came from the Crimson offices. She hears sales are up. He says he’s very pleased. She asks him to tell her something. Is his revenge complete?

Chase says he’s sorry he didn’t get to know Hayden sooner, and Hayden says, her too. She’s glad he exists, for Finn’s sake. He’d never admit it, but he’s always been lonely. It’s nice he has a brother to look out for him. Chase gets in the elevator, and she says, about the reset; she’s game if he is. He smiles, and the door closes. Elizabeth joins Hayden, and asks if all is good. Hayden asks if Elizabeth has a lunch break. She wants to go house hunting. Lucy is showing her some places, and she’s tired of living out of a suitcase. Elizabeth says she and Franco talked, and they want her to stay with them until she finds a place.

Carly visits Nina’s office, and says the article showed Ava for who she is, and the best part is, it wasn’t a hatchet job. They let Ava do it herself. Nina is glad she enjoyed it. Carly says she thought Jax was crazy, but it was an act of genius. Nina says, while she has Carly there, what can Carly tell her about Jax?

Nelle goes into the visiting room, where Michael is waiting.

Ava tells Jax it was a scathing attack. That’s how he really feels about her, but turned on the charm, and got her to do the interview. He didn’t want a good business deal, he wanted her story told so the world would judge her. He got what he wanted. He says he usually does, tells her, have a nice day, and leaves.

Hayden thanks Elizabeth, but hopes it doesn’t come to that. Elizabeth says she’ll try not to take it personally. Hayden says she needs her own space, and Elizabeth says they have the room if she needs it. Hayden asks if Elizabeth can house hunt, but she says she can’t today. Hayden leaves, and Franco shows up. He tells Elizabeth, it’s probably nothing, and she says, it’s something. He tells her he got another psychic message. She asks if he saw Sibley, but he says it’s from a different psychic, Chelsea. She said, whatever you do, don’t take that drive. Elizabeth asks what that means, and he says, exactly. She suggests they figure it out at lunch, and he asks if it’s within walking distance.

Obrecht tells Valentin she’d rather not go back to Windymere. He says, it’s what Nina wants. He loves her, so it’s what she’d going to get. So why don’t they agree to get along, because the alternative would be very unpleasant.

Chelsea approaches Ava’s table, and introduces herself. Ava thanks her for coming. Ava offers her the champagne Jax left, and Chelsea pours herself a glass. She says she’ll have to thank Mr. Jax, if she’s ever lucky enough to meet him. Ava asks how Chelsea knows Jax ordered the champagne. Psychic flash, or did she ask the waitress? Chelsea says she got an image of him when she touched the bottle. She says Ava wants to believe, but she also wants it to be a lie, because if she’s a fraud, so is Sibley. She can write the experience off as a lapse in judgement brought on by grief. Ava says, convince her otherwise, but Chelsea says, she can’t. She relays messages as she receives them, but it’s up to Ava to believe. Ava says, that’s what Sibley told her, and Ava fired her. She said Kiki was angry, and wanted Ava to leave her alone. Chelsea confirms that, and Ava asks if Chelsea has been in contact with her daughter. Chelsea says she stopped by GH, and could sense Kiki’s presence. She gave Franco a message. Kiki is glad he got out of his own way, and let himself be happy. Ava says, that sounds like Kiki. Anything else? Chelsea says, no. Ava was hoping Kiki had seen the article. Chelsea says, in Crimson? Chelsea loved the cover and found the interview informative. Ava says she did it for Kiki. The question is, was it enough? Now that her sins are on display, can she make peace with Kiki?

Carly asks what Nina wants to know, and Nina asks if Jax is too good to be true. He swept in all supportive, wanting to build up the magazine, and the first thing he did was ax the Ava cover. It occurred to her that maybe he was setting her up, and he wants her to fail. Carly says Jax isn’t too good to be true. He’s really that fantastic. He’s a shrewd businessman, maybe a shark, but never a cheat. If you play fair with Jax, he’ll always plays fair with you. Nina asks if he’s the revenge kind of guy, if you try to screw him over. Carly says, he has the rare ability to cut his losses. She can’t think of a better boss. Nina is surprised they’re exes. Carly says they have an unusual relationship, but it works. Jax is about making things work. If Nina trusts in that, she’ll be good to go.

Nelle is glad Michael came, and he says he didn’t come to talk about them. He came to talk about Jonah. She says that’s what she means. She called him for a different reason, but now it’s all about their son.

On Monday, Franco tells Drew what he did was impressive, Willow wants to clear the way for Julian to be part of Wiley’s life, and Nelle tells Michael that she knows something about their son that he doesn’t.

👗 A Fabulous Return…

Gone with the Wind fabulous.

💰 She’s Movin’ On Up…

She’ll also rent you her Southhampton home.

👄 Quotes of the Week

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. – Plato

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.Voltaire (Was he referring to Hollywood?)

Wounds heal quicker than hasty words. – Mexican saying, Texicanas

Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes. I can live without you.Bill Murray

Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward.George Carlin

My weaknesses have always been food and men — in that order. – Dolly Parton

Life is a lively process of becoming.Douglas MacArthur

Man has survived and prospered for more than 150,000years on this planet without the help of use-by dates. – Clarissa Dickson Wright, Two Fat Ladies

You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth. – William W. Purkey

🎸 To Those Who Are About To Weekend…

Tom Waits salutes you.



July 25, 2019 – A Dinner Date Is Set, NYC Concludes Reuniting, Farewell Sweet Wolf, Broadway Maybe, Ramona Cougar, Who?, Reunion Reflection & Someday


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Sonny is sitting outside Kelly’s, and sees Robert. Sonny says, it’s been a while, and suggests they chat. Robert tells him, stop right there. If he wants to chat about Dev, forget it. It’s a touchy subject, especially now that he’s DA.

On the phone, Carly tells someone to move the party. She has no idea how long Jax is going to be in town. Call her back in August. She tells Jason that she doesn’t know whether she’s annoyed or happy that Jax is still at the hotel. He’s in her best suite, and paying full price, but she has to keep moving bookings. Jason asks if she wants Jax to move, and she says not necessarily. He’s still talking about buying Connie’s house. Josslyn would love it. Jason says, Sonny would hate it. Carly says, maybe it’s better if he stays at the hotel. Jason wants to talk to her about her newest employee.

Cameron sees Dev, who tells him that Josslyn went for a run with Trina. Dev is tossing and catching some keys, and tells Cameron that they’re Sonny’s speedboat keys. He took it out this morning. It was sweet, especially when he didn’t run out of gas. The girls join them, and Cameron asks how the run was. Trina says, longer than expected, and Josslyn says she needed extra endorphins after last night. One of her last memories of Oscar disappeared.

Finn tells Chase that he doesn’t want to talk about it, but Chase says he has to bring it up. Imagine his surprise when the woman he was questioning said she was almost his sister-in-law. He didn’t even know Finn had been engaged.  He’s never once mentioned it in the two years Chase has been there. Finn says, the past is the past, and Chase says he thought they were trying to have a real relationship as brothers. He knows nothing about Finn’s life, while Finn knows everything about his.

Willow runs into Michael at the MetroCourt, and explains she needs a job until she can track down a teaching position. Michael is sorry the school reversed its decision, but she says parents don’t want someone teaching their kids who’s spent time in jail. Michael says she was just protecting her child. His mother co-owns the hotel, and he’s sure she’d be happy to find Willow something. She says maybe she’ll take him up on it in a few months if she’s still unemployed. He says his family owes her. She tells him she was glad she could help his sister, but she’s hoping to get her next job on her own merits. He says, that’s admirable, and she says, or stubborn. He asks how she’s holding up, and she says, it’s Wiley’s birthday today. Why not be happy?

At Crimson, Jax says he has to hand it to Nina. The ad rates have been good since they promoted the Ava issue. Nina says wait until he sees the subscription revenue and page views. He’s sure he’ll be thrilled. She asks if he’ll be thrilled enough to concede she’s right about the budget. He says he concedes that she’s right on a lot of things. She asks Curtis if he heard that, and Curtis tells her not to rope him in. She asks Jax what she’s right about. He says her dangerous woman concept. What woman should be up next? She says, Helena, and he says, never. She says, Alex, and he says, a possibility, but who was the other one? She says, Cassandra Pierce, and asks what he knows about her. Curtis listens.

Jax asks if they didn’t have this conversation before. Nina says Ava interrupted them before he told her his connection. He says they’ve never met. He knows nothing about her, He wondered if she had personal dealings with Cassandra, and that’s why she came to mind. Curtis says he thinks Nina should change her passwords, but Nina thinks it can wait. She tells Jax that she met Cassandra a few times, but Cassandra has a more complicated past with her fiancé. But he already knew that, didn’t he?

Finn says Chase is right, and he should make more effort. What would Chase like to know? Chase asks how long Finn was together with Hayden, and Finn says, not long. Eleven months, two weeks, and four days, if you’re counting. It was intense. She was the first person to recognize he was an addict. Chase says, another thing Finn doesn’t talk about. Finn says he does, but prefers telling strangers at a meeting with bad coffee. Chase says, fair enough. Finn says Hayden was there when he pushed everyone else away. She helped him through his addiction. He found out that he wasn’t dead inside. He could feel something again after Reiko died. He loved her, but there were problems in the relationship. He flashes back to Hayden saying maybe they’re jumping the gun, and him saying he wants to be a family with her. He tells Chase that she was pregnant.

Sonny says he doesn’t know what Robert is talking about. Dev’s been a close member of the family for a long time. Robert asks what he wants to talk about, and Sonny says, Dante. Dante shot Peter. Robert says he hated how that went down. Peter should never have been in the facility. Sonny says, neither should Dante. Robert promised to bring him home, but he’s not even going to treatment willingly. Robert says, the Bureau handled it badly. If he hadn’t been put out to pasture, he could have done something, but Dante acted on his own. He knew the risks, and took them.

Willow tells Michael, Wiley has two loving parents. It’s everything she wanted. Michael says that doesn’t mean she can’t miss him. She says she does, and always will, but she knows he’s safe and loved. That’s more important. Michael admires how she’s dealing with it. She asks, what about him? Wiley and Jonah were born on the same day, and he’s facing a loss much deeper than hers.

Josslyn says the padlock is gone, and Cameron asks, what padlock? She says the padlock from Oscar’s locker at school. She knows it’s stupid, but they signed their initials on it in nail polish, and attached it to the footbridge. Cameron flashes back to community service guy telling him to remove them. Josslyn says it was on Oscar’s last good day; the last time he was on his feet. It was the last day he was able to leave his own home. She’d promised it would be there forever, and everyone who walked by would know they loved each other. For a while, it worked. There were more locks; more couples who wanted to leave something permanent. When she went there last night, they were all gone. She doesn’t get it. Why would someone cut them all off?

Jason asks Carly how Dev is working out at the restaurant. She says, everything seems fine. He hasn’t worked many hours. She doesn’t need a dishwasher, but he knows what they say about idle hands. Jason says, especially Dev’s. She asks if Jason thinks Dev staying there is a bad idea. He says, Dev is a decent kid; a little wild, but that’s not surprising. He’s sure she and Sonny are keeping a close eye on him. Carly says they are, but things are going to get crazy soon. A baby is a huge adjustment. It’s a lot. Jason asks if there’s something she’s not telling him about the baby, and she says, there is.

Robert tells Sonny that he’ll have a contact keep an eye on Dante. Sonny says he appreciates that, but has another concern; his daughter Kristina. How long is she supposed to tolerate Shiloh walking around like he’s king of the world. Robert says he argued, but the judge chose to let Shiloh walk on bail. However, he is allowed to do his job. Shiloh’s freedom is only temporary. By the way, he and Sonny have to establish clear boundaries on what they can and cannot discuss. Robert is a member of law enforcement, and Sonny is… Sonny says, an importer. Robert goes into Kelly’s.

Willow asks if Michael wants to talk about it; fair is fair. Michael says the truth is, he’d give anything for Jonah to be there celebrating his first birthday. But if he dwells on it, he’ll miss out on what’s right in front of him. It’s Wiley’s birthday, and Wiley is his godson. He’s going to focus on that; the life that surrounds him. Willow says, it’s a beautiful idea, but doesn’t make it easier. He says, no, it doesn’t.

Chase says, Hayden was pregnant? He’s an uncle? Finn says, no. The baby didn’t make it. Chase is so sorry, and Finn says that’s all the sharing he can do for one day. Robert asks Finn for a word, and Finn says, saved by the bell. Chase says, this time, but he wants to continue the conversation. There might be hugging. Finn says, no threats. Chase leaves, and Robert says, he spoke with Anna, and she understands Valentin has lots of questions about their friend Cassandra.

Jax isn’t clear what Nina is implying. She says he wouldn’t be asking if he wasn’t already aware of Cassandra’s complicated history with Valentin. She asks if he’s making sure she can be objective if they run her profile. He says she caught him. He doesn’t want any conflicts like with Ava. She says the interview with Ava should have taught him that he can trust her instincts. He asks her to let him make it up to her, and take her and Valentin out to dinner.

Jason says he noticed Sonny and Carly have been quiet when the baby is talked about, and Carly says, it hasn’t been easy to process, let alone saying it out loud. Talking to him makes her feel better. The last ultrasound showed the baby has spina bifida. In simple terms, the nerves in the spinal cord are exposed. Jason asks if they know how serious it is, and she says they’ll find out today. He asks how she is, and she says, terrified, but trying not to show it. She already loves the baby with all her heart, but fear keeps whispering in the back of her mind that love isn’t enough. Jason says that’s not like her. She says she’s not a victim, and he says she comes out swinging. She has nowhere to put her energy. She says it would make it easier if she could scream or yell at someone. He tells her, scream at him. She says there is something he can do for her, and he says, anything. Name it. She says, Dev is going to need someone to keep an eye on him so he stays out of trouble. Can Jason do that for them?

Josslyn bets none of the other couples are freaking out. Trina says she doesn’t know that, and even if they don’t care, that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t. Josslyn says, it’s just a symbol, but Dev says, symbols are important. They remind you of things you can’t express in words. Cameron says he’s so sorry. He’s the one who cut the locks. Josslyn asks him, why? and he says he was doing community service. His supervisor told him to cut the locks off. Trina says it’s not hisfault. He says he would have saved it if he’d known. She asks where he put them, and he says he threw them in the trash near the bridge. Dev says, maybe they’re still there, but Cameron says he saw the garbage truck take it. Josslyn says it’s not his fault. It’s not like he knew. No one can do anything. She runs off, and Trina follows her. Cameron asks Dev, what if there’s still a way to make things right?

Chase meets Willow at the MetroCourt. He asks Michael how his side is, and Michael says he’s been hurt worse, but never pitched to worse. He has to take off, and Chase asks if Willow is ready to go. She says she still has to put in a job application. Michael distracted her. Chase says he planned the whole day. They can bike to the new brewery, have dinner, and then they’re showing The Princess Bride in the park. She says she appreciates what he’s trying to do. He says, have a great day? and she says, he’s trying to distract her because it’s Wiley’s birthday. He asks if it’s working.

Josslyn and Trina come back, and Josslyn says, typical. Dev left the boat key. She’ll have to put it back unless Trina wants to go on the water. Trina says they have to figure out what they’re doing tonight. She says The Princess Bride is showing at Rice Plaza. Does Josslyn think Dev has seen it. Josslyn asks if they’re taking him, and Trina says, if Josslyn wants, they can stay in and binge watch Grey’s Anatomy again. Josslyn says Trina is a great friend, and Trina says Josslyn would do the same for her. Josslyn says Trina must be thinking it’s stupid to be this upset over a lock, but Trina says she gets it. It’s like Dev said, symbols say things we can’t say in words. Josslyn says she could go there and remember Oscar. Trina says she doesn’t need a lock to remember him, and Josslyn says, not now, but one of these days Oscar won’t be the first person she thinks of in the morning, and the last thing she thinks of before bed. She’ll move on, and he’ll be gone forever.

Cameron and Dev go to where the recycling is kept. Dev asks if Cameron is sure it’s in there. Cameron says, it’s where they unload the recycling. Dev says, it could be anywhere or nowhere, and Cameron asks if he’s going to help or not. Dev remembers talking to Josslyn on the bridge. She tells him that the lock was supposed to be a symbol of her and Oscar’s love lasting forever. Now, it’s gone. He’s gone. Dev says, okay. Where does Cameron want to look first?

In the examining room, Sonny tells Carly, whatever the results are, they’ll deal with it. The doctor comes in, and says she’s sure they had a lot to think about since last time. Carly says she read about in utero surgery that cold repair the open spinal cord before the baby is born. The doctor says, it’s an option, but it’s mostly used to treat more severe cases, and Carly isn’t a good candidate for it, given her history. They’ll do the ultrasound, see what they’re dealing with, and take it from there. The doctor gets everything ready, and puts the device on Carly stomach. They all look at the screen.

Robert tells Finn that Anna wants to find out why Valentin is curious about Cassandra. Finn asks if Anna shouldn’t be bringing in the WSB, but Robert says, too risky. She wants to keep it on the QT. Is Finn interested in what he dug up or not? Finn says, what? and Robert says Cassandra was spotted once in northern Italy.

Carly and Sonny wait. Sonny says he’s going out of his mind; how’s Carly? Carly says, terrified (WOTD). The doctor comes back, and Sonny asks, what’s the verdict? Carly says, how serious is the baby’s condition?

Josslyn tells Trina, hard as it is, missing Oscar every minute, she hates knowing it will change. She has to live her life, and it will eventually fill the huge hole left behind. If she if allows that to happen, she’ll betray Oscar’s memory. Trina says, Oscar would never think that. He planned his own memorial, and the first rule was, no one was supposed to cry. He wants her to remember, but not make her life smaller. She can be happy, and hold the memoires of Oscar in her heart, even if she doesn’t have the lock.

Dev tells Cameron to give him a boost, but Cameron says he’ll do it. Dev can watch for the guard. Dev says they’re not real police, but Cameron says they can call the real cops, and he’s on probation. Dev helps him into the dumpster, and Cameron says it’s disgusting. Dev says, it’s trash. What did he expect? They hear a guard say, kid! What are you doing? Cameron ducks into the dumpster, and Dev puts something on top to hide him better. He tells the guard that he’s sorry to bother him, but he has a report for summer school on waste management. The guy says he’s just a guard, but Dev says who better than someone who works there? and starts to ask questions about recycling. Cameron rips open a bag, and digs around in it.

At Sonny’s place, Michael is glad he caught Jason. He says Jason and Drew have made good progress on the treehouse. Jason says the plans Michael drew up are easy to follow. Michael thinks the new baby and Avery might want their own treehouse. When Jason is done, maybe they can team up, and build a Corinthos treehouse. Jason asks if Michael knows anything about carpentry. Michael says, not really, and Jason says, why not? Michael asks if Jason wants him to tell Sonny and Carly, but Jason says he just missed them. They’re at the hospital for their OB appointment. Michael says they’re probably listening to the baby’s heartbeat as they speak. He asks if Josslyn is there, and Jason says, she’s on the terrace with a friend. Michael says he won’t bother her. He’s happy she has a friend to talk to. His phone rings. It’s a collect call from Pentonville from Nelle.

The doctor tells Sonny and Carly that there’s less likelihood of nerve damage with the type of spina bifida their baby ha. There might be other possible complications though. Sonny asks what they do, and the doctor says they’re doing a C-section to minimize them. The baby will also have surgery within 48 hours of delivery.

M won’t accept the charges. Jason asks what it was, and Michael says, it was from Pentonville. Nelle is trying to call. It’s the anniversary of Jonah’s death, and she could be using it to manipulate him. According to Willow, she’s been asking questions. Jason asks how he knows that, and Michael says, how’s this for a small world? Harmony is Nelle’s cellmate.

Willow tells Chase that she had a good talk with Michael about Wiley and Jonah, and how dwelling too much on the past can cause you to miss out on the present. Chase says he should apply that to his brother. Finn is many things, but a talker isn’t one of them. He avoids personal conversation like the plague. He had no idea Finn was engaged to Hayden or that she was pregnant, and they lost the baby and broke up. Willow, says, that’s a lot. Even if he’s not a talker, it’s likely there’s a lot going on in his head. He must have had a lot of thoughts about being a parent. She did. Chase says she’s be a parent again, but she says, not yet. The past year was a whirlwind, and she’s just putting her life back together. One day. What about him? He says, sure, but not any time soon. He never thought about it until recently. She asks where this is coming from. He says, it’s the sort of conversation two people have when they love each other, and he loves her.

Nina says, Jax is inviting her and Valentin to dinner? He says they started off on the wrong foot. They can usher in a new era of their working relationship. Nina says she’ll do him one better. Come to their place. She’ll have the staff prepare a five course meal. She tells him to bring his girlfriend. He says Hayden is only his CFO, but on second thought, great. She suggests tonight, and he says, perfect. He wouldn’t miss it for the world. He leaves, and Curtis asks what the hell is she thinking?

Carly says, the baby is going to need surgery hours after the birth? The doctor knows how it sounds, but they won’t know how severe the process needs to be until they know how severe the nerve damage is. Carly says, so they’re still playing the waiting game.

Josslyn tells Trina that she can’t shake the feeling that she and Oscar’s love would have lived on at the footbridge. Dev and Cameron come back. Dev says, told him, and Cameron says, it was his idea to track it down, and dig through the trash. Dev says he had a chat with the guard, and learned more about waste management than he ever wanted to know. Cameron tells Josslyn, it got busted up, and the paint is chipped. He gives her the lock, and she throws her arms around him.

Willow says, Chase loves her? He says she doesn’t have to say it back, but she says she loves him too. They kiss, and Willow says she should fill out the application. She starts to walk away, but he pulls her back, and they kiss again

Finn asks if Robert knows anything else. He says a letter was delivered by a guy they think was on the same mercenary team that forced Finn to work on Cassandra, but he wasn’t close enough to the surveillance cameras for a positive ID. In any case, Finn is out. Finn asks if Anna is telling him, or Robert. Robert says, Cassandra is a dangerous woman. She’s already got a grudge against him. Robert tells him, stay out of it, and leaves;

Curtis tells Nina, they both know Jax has a file on Valentin. Why invite him into her home? She says she’s letting him think he’s winning her over. He’s going to let his guard down, and she’ll wine and dine him until she finds out why he’s so interested in Valentin.

On the phone, Jax says Nina did them one better. They’ve been invited to Windymere. It’s the perfect opportunity to search.

Jason asks if Michael wants to get breakfast, but Michael wants to wait for his parents to get back. Jason leaves, and Michael’s phone rings again. It’s another collect call from Pentonville. The recording asks if he accepts.

Harmony prays Brad and Lucas take the baby and run, Valentin has instructions to escort Obrecht home, and Nina gets bad news.

The Real Housewives of New York City – The Reunion – Part Three

Ramona says she thinks LuAnn is still drinking on the side. You don’t leave rehab after two weeks. LuAnn says, it was three weeks. Ramona says LuAnn has a problem, and LuAnn says Ramona is her problem. Andy asks LuAnn, in leaving early, if she can see how the others would think she’s not serious about her sobriety. She says she totally understands why she was misconstrued. Bethenny says maybe she wasn’t ready to leave, but LuAnn says, that was in May, and it’s July. It was a long time ago. Andy asks how many months of probation LuAnn has left, and LuAnn says, three. She tells Ramona, today, she’s not drinking, and she’s taking it one day at a time. Andy congratulates her on far she’s gotten. We see text that says six days after this was filmed, she went to court for her probation violation, and was given more conditions.

We travel back to the Berkshires next. The naked chef, going to the Morgan house, Sonja drunk at dinner, cabaret in Rhinebeck. We then see clips of Miami, Sonja drunk at dinner again, and the paramedics coming. We see a clip of Sonja’s interview, where she says, the trips can get tense, but in the end, they work it out. LuAnn says Tinsley has a nice butt, referring to one of the clips. Andy says she’d been so shy, then somehow something happened in Miami. He asks if she feels more comfortable now, or was she just drunk. Tinsley says, both. She was having fun. Andy says viewers were surprised Dorinda has a sister. Dorinda says Melinda is a character. Their lives are totally different, but they have the same mannerisms.

Phyllis from Detroit wonders if there was a certain moment that consumed Sonja at the Morgan house. Sonja says if she didn’t have a daughter, and hadn’t served on the Morgan charity board, she doesn’t think she would have been so affected. Dorinda had told her to get out from the burden of the house. Andy asks if Dorinda thought it took a wrong turn. Dorinda says her own house was built by Stanley (of Morgan-Stanley), and they were friends. So she wanted to be friends with Sonja again. it was a fig leaf. I think she means olive branch. Sonja says she thought it was nice, but realized when she got in the thick of it, why she moved out of the townhouse. It gives her agita.

Andy says some people found Sonja’s interaction with Tej amusing, but some thought it was inappropriate. Sonja says, it was too far, and days she was too much for him to handle. Andy sighs, and says, not him; it was her. She agrees, but says it wasn’t her intention. Andy says concerns about Sonja’s drinking have been raised over the years, and there were two instances that were scary. In the Berkshires, when she was freaking out about the letters, and in Miami, when she fell off of her chair. Sonja says the welcome drinks were hard liquor, and she downed five with no food. Bethenny says when the medics came, she discreetly went through Sonja’s purse off-camera, since LuAnn made no small accusation. She found a thousand hormones, and was googling things, making sure Sonja wasn’t mixing the wrong thing. LuAnn says she didn’t claim Sonja was dropping acid. Bethenny says she let Sonja know the next day, but she’d done it privately, and for Sonja’s safety. Sonja is totally cool with it.

We revisit Ramona going to her hometown, and how her dad left her nothing when he died. Ramona says it brought up memories she’d thought were buried. We flash back her and Bethenny, trading childhood horror stories in the bar. Ramona says she had to face it, but she was afraid to go by herself. It was very cleansing. Andy says Dorinda seemed taken aback, and she says it was news to her. She guesses she never absorbed the intensity. She felt sad for them both. LuAnn interrupts by asking Andy what time it is, since she has to do her breathalyzer thing several times a day. Andy thanks the women for sharing, and says, it was intense.

Andy welcomes Barbara. He says she came from the construction site, hoping to build friendships, and we see clips of her throughout the season. Getting put in the fish room, being a mediator, Ramona being a jerk, LuAnn saying the other women have brainwashed her. It ends with a clip of Barbara telling someone that LuAnn can’t sing. D’oh! Andy asks if she’s in the doghouse again, and LuAnn nods. LuAnn says the first thing she thought was Barbara was at it again; like she did with Carole, talking about her wedding. We flash back to Barbara telling Carole that LuAnn would rather get married and end up divorced, then cancel the wedding. I hate to say it, but that was probably true. LuAnn says, someone who can’t sing, she’s been cast in Chicago on Broadway. (Kinda sorta. Links below.) She can take that, and shove it up her ass. Barbara asks if LuAnn is directing that at her, and LuAnn says she is. Barbara says she supported LuAnn through every cycle of her life. She dropped her own life for LuAnn. She’s been to eight shows, and brought a number of people. She thinks LuAnn is a great performer, and loves the show. But LuAnn needs some self-awareness. She thinks everyone would agree, and Devil Andy says, that she can’t sing? Barbara says, she’s not Adele. Andy asks what the other ladies think about LuAnn’s singing, and – I kid you not – there is total silence for a moment, then stammering. I’m dying. LuAnn says she doesn’t pretend to be a great singer, so why is it an issue? She’s going to kill it on Broadway. Dorinda says, they get it. Congratulations. Dorinda tells her that Barbara is trying to say she was ride or die. LuAnn says she’s the same, but Barbara says not the same way she was to LuAnn. Bethenny says LuAnn is really way off. She’s tone deaf about this one. LuAnn says, it was upsetting to see. Barbara apologizes. She didn’t mean for it to come out like that. She loves the show. Dorinda says they all think she’s a great performer. Bethenny thinks Barbara is wearing too much tanner, and walks over to her with tissues. LuAnn says, there’s too much shimmer, and Dorinda says, she looks like the Tin Man. Bethenny shows what’s on the tissues, and we see a clip of Barbara leaving it all over her room in Miami.

A viewer comments, why would LuAnn take herself so seriously? That’s the appeal of the show; the spectacle of it all. She’s not Liza Minelli, who can sing. LuAnn says, there’s always going to be haters and negative people. Bethenny says she’s not a great singer, and LuAnn says it isn’t nice to hear. Barbara feels like LuAnn is ready to ruin a friendship over something like that. Bethenny asks who goes for a hall pass, and everyone does. LuAnn agrees to give Barbara one. A viewer asks why Ramona is anti-Barbara, and if it’s really for shallow reasons, like how she dresses, and being rough around the edges. Ramona is no finely polished gem. Ramona says she helped Barbara pick out outfits when they went to Miami. Andy says she clearly didn’t want Barbara to join them in going out. Ramona say she apologized the next day. She’d wanted a one-on-one with Tinsley. Barbara tells her, they kept saying she wasn’t engaged and involved, but when they were going out, Ramona didn’t want her to come. Ramona agrees it wasn’t welcoming. Andy reminds her about Ramona and Dorinda heckling her outfit by the pool. Barbara says she was the new girl, but Dorinda says Barbara acted like a bitch – after she pissed all over Dorinda’s apartment (she means figuratively, not literally). Barbara says Dorinda asked her to leave, and she felt uncomfortable. Andy asks why Dorinda lost it to such an extreme, and Dorinda says she thought her relationship with LuAnn was rock solid, and Barbara was an interloper. It’s like the kid’s game about which one doesn’t fit in the fruit basket, and there’s a basket of fruit with a big fat turnip in it. LuAnn says Barbara was trying to protect her; being her warrior, but she felt like a turnip. Andy says Barbara revealed her past relationships with women on camera, and she says, not in the big picture. It’s important that people know there are people like her on the spectrum. She went out with a woman for a year. If people want to call her bisexual, and label her, go ahead. Andy says Sonja had called her gender fluid, and explains it’s sexually fluid. Barbara says she believes in love. Andy asks what it was like, being confronted by the whole group about not fitting in, and Barbara says, it was hurtful. It was like being at camp. She doesn’t think anyone got know her. Bethenny says when Barbara called her upset, she said Barbara didn’t reveal herself. The show is about opening up, and taking chances. She gets up to hug Barbara – not too close, because of the tanner – and says that’s why Barbara makes a good friend. It’s a good thing. She doesn’t have to get dirty and banged up, but gets to be on the show. LuAnn gets up, and gives Barbara a full-on hug. Her foot is asleep, and she plops down on the couch. Dorinda asks if it isn’t better than being mad. LuAnn says she’s tanner now, and goes back to her seat. Sonja hugs Barbara next, and says she did interviews, and talked about how wonderful Barbara is. Not wanting to be left out, Ramona hugs Barbara too, telling her, what they said. Bethenny says, Tinsley is wearing a $6000 dress, and she’s not hugging anybody. (A note on what the women are wearing. They dress very high-end, like Beverly Hills, but more sophisticated. IMO, Bethenny wins this reunion in a sparkly – not sequins, metallic thread – color block dress of simple design. It’s just gorgeous.) Andy asks if Barbara was pissed about Sonja and Ramona stuffing lobsters in their purses. Bethenny says, this is Dan Rather with a lobster update. Barbara says she told them to take the food. She’d rather it not go waste. She was actually happy about it. Andy thanks her for joining them, and spreading her tan.

Andy says the women thought, as LuAnn’s cabaret show grew bigger, her head grew with it. Ha-ha-ha! That’s pretty good. The bestowed another title on her – diva. He asks if LuAnn is on her high horse, or is everyone else just jealous? We see clips of LuAnn’s fabulous cabaret life and insensitivity. The fish room debacle, and Bethenny’s tirade. Bethenny says she needs a moment. Andy tells LuAnn that she’s said multiple times she thinks the ladies are jealous. LuAnn says, what is it then? I guess because it can’t possibly be her. She asks why don’t they leave her alone about the cabaret thing. Ramona says she thought after seeing the show, LuAnn would have realization. When the most oblivious, self-absorbed person says that, you know you have a problem. Bethenny asks what LuAnn just watched. What’s the general thesis? LuAnn says, tell her, and Bethenny says LuAnn said they’re jealous. Dorinda says they do support her, and always tell her how proud they are. Andy says, are they jealous? like it’s a legitimate question. Bethenny says LuAnn can’t possibly think that. Ramona says, it’s all about me, me, me. Which is funny, coming from her, her, her. Dorinda asks LuAnn where Sonja’s daughter is going to school. LuAnn doesn’t know, and Bethenny says, Penn. LuAnn says Sonja never told her, and Ramona says they asked. LuAnn says this is the support she gets, and Andy says it’s about her being singularly focused on herself. LuAnn says when she watches the show, she thinks she looks like an a-hole, but she was trying to keep herself together. She didn’t have enough to give, and felt attacked about the cabaret. Bethenny says they just didn’t want go every day. LuAnn makes it sound like she was being abusive, after she’d helped LuAnn. Andy reminds LuAnn that she was told a room was being saved for Bethenny, she said, screw Bethenny, and made a hand gesture. We flash back to that, and LuAnn calling Bethenny the queen bee. LuAnn says it’s not about Bethenny, and Bethenny says it’s her name that LuAnn keeps referring to. She felt stabbed in the back.

LuAnn stammers, and says she didn’t mean to stab Bethenny in the back. Andy asks if LuAnn hasn’t always acted entitled. Why is it more over the top this season? Dorinda says, it was more intense, and Bethenny says it’s like she reveled in having a comeback from the arrest, thinking she was more famous than ever. She took it as a positive. Andy says she also worked hard, and LuAnn says she made lemonade out of lemons. Bethenny says they’re actually happy for her, and they have been supportive. A viewer says LuAnn’s reaction to her Halloween show showed a lack of gratitude, an essential tool in recovery. LuAnn says she’s still working on it. I give her credit. She did not say she was a work in progress. Bethenny says, most people are humble for a while. For LuAnn, it’s jail, recovery, let’s go. LuAnn says when you first get sober, there’s a moment of elation called the pink cloud. Dorinda thinks a lot of it is a defense mechanism. She’s putting up good façade. Bethenny doesn’t think LuAnn is in a position to be nasty to her. It’s the least she can expect. LuAnn says she wasn’t exactly nasty, and says think of what Bethenny has called her in the past. We flash back to Bethenny calling LuAnn a slut, liar, and snake. Andy says the bigger question is how did LuAnn get from the intervention to calling Bethenny a queen bee. LuAnn says she wouldn’t call it name calling. Bethenny says, it’s not humility. Dennis was thinking about getting money for her, and Bethenny got her rehab paid. Ramona says LuAnn should kiss Bethenny’s ass. Bethenny wiggles her ass at LuAnn, who kisses it. Andy says he’s seen a lot at reunions, but…

Andy wants to get to Miami. Bethenny completely lost her sh*t at diner. Bethenny says it wasn’t all LuAnn. She’d hit her limit. She was filming three weeks after Dennis died. She had LuAnn’s intervention, Dennis dying unexpectedly, she was trying to nurture a new relationship, and wanted to spend time with her kids. When she landed at dinner, she felt hurt, LuAnn say she felt bad. She didn’t want create a breakdown. Bethenny is sorry it happened. LuAnn was the catalyst and the vehicle, but she didn’t want do that to the group. LuAnn says she felt like no one got or respected her. Dorinda says, it was like a champagne cork popped. They were all feeling the same way, but Bethenny verbalized it. Andy says they’d all tried to express it previously, but Bethenny says, LuAnn doesn’t take small doses. She needs to be whacked. Andy tells Bethenny that she’d said she wasn’t sure if LuAnn would change. How does she feel now? Bethenny says she’s been on the couch many times, but she always believed in LuAnn. She does the best she can. Andy wonders where everyone else is coming from; do they think LuAnn will change? Dorinda says she wants to help LuAnn get to the finish line, and LuAnn says she needs the help. Ramona says she’s gone through a lot. Andy says she’d felt unsupported, and asks how she feels now. LuAnn says she feels good. Like her girlfriends are back on her side. She felt like she’d lost her team. Looking at herself, she saw she could have done better as a friend. She needed to take care of herself, and it looked like she wasn’t grateful. She’s sorry. Andy says it looks like they’ve moved forward. Bethenny and LuAnn hug.

Virgin mojitos are brought out. Dorinda says it would be delicious with vodka, then tells LuAnn, sorry. LuAnn says, don’t be sorry; she agrees. Andy say they’ve watched the women play Truth or Dare. It’s time for truth. He says tell the one thing they said or did that made them cringe the most. Sonja says, giving Raj advice. She shouldn’t have done it that way. Nearly everyone says, it’s Tej. Andy says, that was advice? She says she was making him googleable. Ramona says her comment about Dennis. Dorinda says, not going to the clambake and breaking the silence. She was too afraid. LuAnn agrees that she would have been receptive. Bethenny says she was ready at gangster lunch. LuAnn and Dorinda raise their glasses to each other. Tinsley says hers was, sobbing at the circus. The big bow, the whole thing. it was a lot. Andy says she also went on national TV with no lashes or lip gloss. We flash back to her crying about Bambi, and she says, that was her baby. Dorinda and Bethenny both say, that was beautiful, at the same time. Bethenny says when they were at the art galleries. Someone mentioned Bethenny didn’t get a present, and she said her daughter was her present. Tinsley didn’t have one. Tinsley says she didn’t take it as an insult, and Bethenny says she didn’t mean it that way, but when she watched it, she didn’t like how it sounded. LuAnn says she had no business making that hand gesture in regard to Bethenny. Bethenny didn’t deserve it, and she didn’t really mean it.

Andy thinks they’ve had good resolution, and asks LuAnn if she feels she’s in a better place with the group. She says she feels like she has her friends back, and can get through the next couple months. Bethenny says, onward and upward. Andy suggests they toast, and LuAnn says she’s got one. She says, God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Andy says they’re toasting with an AA prayer. LuAnn says, it’s a God prayer. Bethenny says, it’s irony. To cabaret. LuAnn says, life is a cabaret, and Bethenny says, it’s a wrap.

🐺 Tired and Remiss…

Yesterday, I forgot to mention the passing of Rutger Hauer. Bladerunner, Ladyhawke, The Hitcher, True Blood, and Channel Zero are just a few of the things in the body of his wonderful work. He will be missed.

🎭 It’s Set In Stone – We’re So Excited…

When LuAnn said she was going to be in Chicago, I wondered in what capacity. They’ve had many guest stars in the main roles, but never one who couldn’t sing. Um… she hasn’t exactly signed on the dotted line

🐆 She’s a Maneater…

I can totally understand why a man would be interested in an older woman, but not this older woman.

❓ Who?

Oh, she’s Lynne Curtin’s daughter, from The Real Housewives of Orange County. So like I said, who?

🗽 New York City Rehash…

No new news, but worth it for the pictures.

💃 Not Your LuAnn’s Chicago…

But when I will finally get to bed at a decent hour.

July 24, 2019 – No Show Shiloh, a Charming Dinner For Some, a Tweet, It’s Back Ya’ll, a Whole Pot of Beverly Hills Tea & How Does It Happen?


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Um… That’s what I said when I was hoping for some Shiloh scenes, and instead saw Robert Mueller on my TV.

Here’s what their FB page said: Due to the ongoing hearings on Capitol Hill, today’s episode of #GH will instead air tomorrow. Believe us when we say that it’s worth the wait. Stay tuned.

Here’s what I said: People’s Court, here I come.

Here’s what Soaps in Depth said:

Southern Charm

It’s morning in Colorado. The group trickles downstairs (or up, in Shep’s case) for breakfast. Austen says Madison is already out skiing. Chelsea wears a hat inside because she’s a wimp cold. Craig is making breakfast, and Shep thinks Craig is in the early lead for the MVP of the trip. Craig tells Cameran it’s strange with Austen and Madison. Austen says they have lessons set up for those who don’t ski or snowboard. Eliza says she just knows how to ride a horse. Kathryn comes in wearing some kind of undereye mask things. Craig asks Austen if he and Madison hooked up. That’s a no, but Kathryn asks if he was thinking about it. In his interview, Austen says it’s clear he can’t help himself around Madison. If the opportunity presents itself, he’s jumping at the chance.

Cameron is concerned she’s not on the rest of the group’s level with skiing, and she’s accident prone. In her interview, she says the trip was planned for her to get her mojo back, but she’s a mother now. She drives at the speed limit and doesn’t partake in dangerous activities. God forbid she won’t be there for her child, and she doesn’t want Jason to remarry. She FaceTimes with Palmer. As much as a baby can FaceTime anyway. Shep has to sit things out because of his injury. Whitney says he broke an ankle skiing once. Just one wrong angle and… Cameran doesn’t want to do it now.

Shep wonders why he’s always the first one ready. Even though Madison is already out there, and Austen is sitting there waiting. Craig joins them, bringing along his own snowboard. Shep asks why Eliza takes so long, and she says this is high maintenance, indicating herself. Either accept her or don’t. Kathryn comes in wearing a red ski outfit, with giant furry red earmuffs. Shep asks what planet she’s from, and she says, not this one. I hear that. The bus arrives, and they head out. When they get to the ski resort, Craig says, Kathryn looks like a Teletubby. Austen say he’s getting excited, and Craig says this is his Hallmark dream.

Everyone gets equipped, and those taking lessons go with the instructor. Cameran says she knows how to ski, but she’s sticking with the students. Whitney and Shep decide to get something to eat. Whitney shows Shep how to get oxygen out of something that looks like an airhorn. He tells Shep it helps you get acclimated, but Shep thinks it might be the biggest scam in the world. Clearly, he knows little about scams. They watch Eliza, Danni, Cameran, and Kathryn take a lesson. Madison meets the others, wondering what they’ve been doing. She’s been out since eight. The instructor tells the girls, the number one rule is don’t fall off, as he puts them on a conveyer belt, where they try to balance themselves.

The others take a lift to the hilltop. Shep takes pictures of the lesson. Cameran says she’s too old for this. Chelsea does great, until she falls. Don starts going too fast, and falls, but says, it was amazing. Cameran says they’re all pros now. Don sees a sign that says Happy Hour, and says that’s his next stop. Cameran suggests getting food. Shep, Austen, Madison, and Craig snowboard. Austen asks Madison for a hug, and asks if she missed him. Craig tells them to stop making out, and Austen says he wishes they were.

Danni and Kathryn take the gondola to meet the others. Kathryn freaks a little because she’s going backward. Danni asks what the plans are for dinner, and Kathryn says there’s a chef preparing a marijuana infused dinner at the house. She’s the white elephant [sic] in the room. In her interview, Kathryn says at her lowest point in life, she smoked weed, and her life turned upside down. We see a clip of her saying it was her drug of choice. She says it was the reason she lost her children for a while. She tells Danni, it’s like a big slap in the face – and rude. She also feels awkward about Whitney, and tells Danni that she still has the message in her phone. He asked her to come over, and she said she was with her mom. We read the text of him telling her not to say where she’s going. She tells Danni he wanted to have a quiet night. Danni reads the whole exchange, and says she feels like she watched them have sex. She tells Kathryn that men confuse her sometimes. I don’t know if I believe it, but see below for something I saw on twitter as to a possible reason for Whitney being a jerk. Besides him just being a jerk in general.

Naomie is in the car when Ashley calls. Ashley wonders if she’d be up for grabbing a drink. In Naomie’s interview, she says she’s never gotten a colonoscopy, but sounds better. A bikini wax, a severed arm, her foot run over by a car. She tells Ashley that she’s heading back to her office in Mt. Pleasant. Ashley knows a bar there, and promises to make it quick. Naomie groans. In her interview, she says, everyone deserves a second chance, even if it’s her 27th chance.

The group meets for lunch. Shep says they have a weed dinner tonight, and have more grams than they effing know what to do with. Whitney says they’re like Cheech and Chong. Kathryn and Danni join them, saying the ride was beautiful. Austen says, it’s pretty, but too freakin’ cold. A bell rings in the bar, and they hear a chant, ring that bell. Austen rings it like a maniac, and Shep finds out, when someone rings it, they have to buy a round for the bar. Shep says, Austen is going bankrupt. The total is $250. Austen goofs around with Madison, and Madison tells him, Shep is getting mad. Austen says Shep wants him to be single. Shep says Austen thinks he’s king of the bar. Austen suggests putting it on Shep’s tab. I really get the feeling that Shep is jealous of those he puts down, but I can’t figure out why, or what exactly he’s jealous of.  He’s insecure in some way.

Naomie goes to the bar, and orders an extra-large glass of rosé. She downs it before Ashely comes in. Ashley arrives, and Naomie asks for another. Ashley says, maybe make it a bottle. Naomie says, so..? Ashley says she appreciates Naomie meeting her. Naomie is straight shooter, like herself, and their convictions are strong. It’s obvious Naomie wishes she’d get to the point, and Ashley admits she made it uncomfortable for everyone when they last met. We flash back to her appearance at Eliza’s brunch. Ashley was hoping to get a second chance. She knows it’s wishful thinking, but she doesn’t want to hold a grudge. Naomie says Ashley’s behavior is erratic, and she doesn’t know what she’s going to get; is Ashley going to be nice or call her a bitch? Ashley says, it was just one time, and Naomie asks if it needs to be more. Ashley says she had a lapse in judgement, and besides, she said it in a nice way. Naomie is a bad bitch. In Naomie’s interview, she wonders why she does this to herself. She feels tired. Yep. There are some people who drain me just by hearing their voice. Ashley says she also wants Naomie’s advice on her relationship with Kathryn. Looking back, she’s had no chance to apologize, and wonders how she goes about that. If she runs into Kathryn, should she approach her? Naomie wisely says, no. She doesn’t think so. She doesn’t think Kathryn would be receptive. Ashley wonders, what if she just says, hello, and Naomie says, no. She called Kathryn an egg donor. Ashley says people put things in her head. She owns her actions, and wishes she could go back and fix it, but it’s too late. She’s actually on Kathryn’s side. Naomie asks for more wine. Ashley says she’s done, but doesn’t want to be enemies.

Shep and Austen split a gummy. Shep admits he’s been stoned all day. In Austen’s interview, he says, weed is legal there, and he thinks hiring a skilled chef is a fun thing to do. Get that man a thesaurus. Chef Roilty arrives.  The chef explains there will be four courses. He uses a small amount, and it builds. Shep asks if it will make anyone wild, but Chef Roilty assures him, he knows how to do this.

Craig tells Madison, it’s nice she and Austen are getting along, and asks what’s going on with them. Madison asks what he means, and he says they were being cutesy. Be honest. She says Craig and Shep seem to have something to say about her and Austen’s relationship. They’re a couple of hypocrites, giving advice on a relationship they know nothing about. Craig doesn’t think they should be together, and Madison says, if Austen isn’t asking his opinion, don’t give it. That’s all she asks.

Chelsea says, it smells delicious. The chef explains that he has infused olive oil and infused butter for the meal. Chelsea asks why Austen’s eyes look jacked up. The chef brings out some CBD wine. Chelsea asks if Austen is stoned, and he says he just took a gummy. She can’t believe he did that just before the dinner. Cameran comes in and says, it smells like ganja. She doesn’t want any weed in her food, but takes a sip of the wine. She tells Austen that his eyes are barely open. Chelsea offers Whitney some of the CBD wine, and he asks what that means. I find it hard to believe he’s never heard of it. I’m sure he goes on the internet.

Next door, Kathryn teases her hair. Madison shows up next, dressed in black. Shep says she looks like a femme fatale, and looks extra special tonight. She asks why he’s being nice to her, and he says he’s nice all the time. She asks for a gummy, and they go into the other room. He tells her not to have a whole one, since she’s probably only half his weight, but she says. let her be the judge, and pops one in her mouth. He says he’s starting to think she’s cool, but she should admit she’s toying with Austen’s emotions. She says Shep called her white trash, and she’s not tolerating that kind of behavior from him. He’s making a comment without even knowing her. Shep says it kept coming up, and he’s going to take his friend’s side. She says she thinks he’s a bad influence, and he says, free will’s a MF-er. She asks why he’s getting involved, and he says Austen doesn’t behave like his normal, fun-loving self, and he thinks she brings out the downer in him. She says it’s probably because Shep is breathing down his neck. He says she doesn’t like them hanging out, but she says she’s not controlling; she doesn’t care. In the living room, Austen wonders what tale Shep is weaving. Madison tells Shep she’s not saying she and Austen are going to live happily ever after, or that they’ll even be together, but they do feel some kind of way. Shep says they’re both attracted, but that seems to be the only thing they have in common. He then admits, maybe he’s wrong. She says, 100%, and he says he was angry, and said things he shouldn’t have. It was rude, and he apologizes. Does she accept? She says she’ll think about it. Madison comes back past the kitchen. She says, it smells weird. She sees the chef, and says, sorry. She’s sure he’s doing a great job.

Madison tells Austen that Shep apologized, but she doesn’t care enough to really focus on it. He tells her not to concern herself with it. Chef Roilty says, dinner is ready. He’s decorated the table with leaves he brought from home. He tells them nothing is infused unless they want it to be. He puts the salad dressing and melted butter for the pasta on the table. Eliza thinks they should say a blessing. Cameran is like, not over weed, and Shep thanks God for this leaf. Eliza says they’ll go to church when they get back. Craig asks about the strength, and the chef says it’s five to ten milligrams per serving. Nothing crazy. Craig asks what it tastes like, and Shep says, it tastes like victory. Cameran sniffs the butter. Shep says, drink it, but she says she’d be toasted, and call 911. He tells her, just go to bed if that happens, and she says, ya’ll are peer pressure. Shep and Austen laugh over nothing. In Cameran’s interview, she says it’s entertaining to watching her friends get high on the wacky weed, but she’s realizing there’s no getting her mojo back. Her mojo is retired.

Kathryn wants to let Austen know that it’s okay for her to be around this. It’s not awkward. He doesn’t get what she’s saying, so she says, it would have been nice if he’d asked if she was cool. He says he just assumed, and she says she’s not worried about wanting to do it, but she went to rehab for it. She couldn’t see the kids because of it. He says he’s sorry, but she says, don’t be sorry. She’s just glad it’s not an awkward situation. In Austen’s interview, he says he should have thought about it. He definitely doesn’t want her to feel isolated. Don wonders who will take care of Austen and Shep later on when they can’t speak English. Kathryn says, not her. Shep swallows a spoonful of the butter, and pretends to be all weird. Kathryn shows Craig and Danni something on her phone, and says Whitney said she was a drug addict sociopath. We see a 2016 clip from Watch What Happens Live with Whitney, Landon, and Cameran as guests. Whitney says Kathryn seems like this poor single mother, but she’s a drug addict, violent sociopath. Kathryn say she was just recalling when she had trouble; reminding herself. She says she has to go to the bathroom. It gets quiet as she leaves. Outside, she says she can’t do this.

Madison says these are Austen’s friends. Austen says they have fun together, and Madison says she sees why he doesn’t go home. Craig goes looking for Kathryn. He finds her in the other house, and asks if she’s all right. She says she just needed a minute. She thought she’d be cooler about it, but it’s bringing up memories of a traumatic time in her life. She says she doesn’t want to make a big deal, but Austen never said anything. In her interview, Kathryn says he planned it ahead of time, but never thought it might bother her in any way. It just shows where their focus is – on themselves. Kathryn just wanted him to ask if she’d be cool with it. Back at the table, Chelsea wonders where Kathryn and Craig are.  Kathryn says they talked so much sh*t about her. Whitney has given her a million eff yous. He looked her in the eye, and said they didn’t have sex, but he’s flattered. She gets that he doesn’t want his personal sh*t out there, but it’s already out there. She tells Craig that she’s just processing so she can get over it. I’m so with her on this. They’ve been flaunting legal weed in her face since they got there. Not on purpose, but they’re being thoughtless. It’s not like she just stop smoking either. That was a big deal.

Danni films Shep eating infused potatoes. He demands more weed butter. Craig comes back, and Austen asks if Kathryn is okay. Craig says, she’s not, because of him and Shep. She’s taking a breather because she got a blast from the past. Shep and Chelsea can’t stop laughing. Craig says Austen didn’t ask Kathryn about the weed dinner before throwing it in front of her. Cameran says, didn’t Austen ask her? and he says, no. Austen thanks Craig for saying something, and he says it’s not as much about him as Whitney. Cameran asks, what’s wrong? and Whitney is oblivious, and says goodnight. Craig asks if Whitney isn’t going to make sure Kathryn is okay. Whitney wonders what’s going on, and Craig says he denied hooking up with her, and made her feel like sh*t. He made her cry. They know he and Kathryn had sex. Shep asks how Craig knows. Did he smell Whitney’s junk? Craig says, the person he claims is his friend is upset, and he could care less. Shep says, couldn’t, and Craig corrects it to, couldn’t care less. He says, years ago, Whitney said she shouldn’t have her kids because of what she’s doing, and now they’re celebrating it. What would it cost him to make sure she’s okay? Whitney says Craig is a busybody, and should focus on himself. Craig says he should talk to her. In Craig’s interview, he says if someone denied having sex with him, it would hurt his feelings. He’d be like, he wasn’t that bad. Kathryn doesn’t fit on Whitney’s level of society, and it’s a dirty little secret for him.

Whitney goes to the other house, and looks for Kathryn. He doesn’t see her anywhere, but finds her outside on the porch swing in the dark. He asks if everything is all right. Someone said she was upset with him. She say she doesn’t want talk about it. Please let her be. He leaves.

Next time, the group goes swimming, Shep says he has nothing to hide, Austen doesn’t want to lsoe Madison, Danni wonders what’s wrong with Shep and Austen, and Shep wants ot know why Austen lets Madison walk on him.

🐦 Patricia Agreed...

Reality TV Bliss tweeted: @RealityTVBliss Replying to @ellenburnham and @Pataltschul  Are you keeping up with the custody hearing? Thomas is trying to have cast members deposed and production.  Some already have to go in. He’s alleging she’s a sex addict so YES he would be next on his hit list of witnesses #SouthernCharm

In other words, Whitney is pretending nothing happened so his ass doesn’t get dragged into court. Apparently, in a desperate move, Thomas is saying Kathryn shouldn’t have the kids because she’s a sex addict. I think at this point, the court will probably laugh at him. He’s done. Regardless, Whitney is still being a wuss.

🐮 The Real Housewives of Dallas returns, Wednesday, September 4th, at 9 pm.

🍸 Meanwhile, In Beverly Hills…

Camille worked hard for the money.

Sadly, it hasn’t been LVP’s year.

She still soldiers on though. Project Angel Food is the best. When we were more broke than we are now, some friends got together and had food sent to us through them. The name fits. It was heavenly.

Like the Reunion itself isn’t enough, there’s the rehash afterward.

It’s like the Energizer bunny.

Reality TV isn’t a job for the faint of heart. It’s too bad. I have to admit, although I wanted to like Billie, she was becoming more and more like just one more drama queen. We already have Scheana for that.

❓ No Explanation…

No matter what time frame I have, I always end up running late. I had extra time today, so why…?















July 23, 2019 – Dustin Makes Another Appearance, Camille Walks, No Ambitions, a Thought, Some Justice for Dina & Awake


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

I miss the first half-minute.

As they go into Kelly’s, Sasha tells Michael that she’s hoping for more sun this weekend. Michael says he has to give her a raincheck. Something important came up.

Outside Kelly’s, Josslyn tells Dev, if he wants to drive one of Sonny’s cars, ask him.  He says there’s no reason for Milo and Max to give her rides, when he has a valid driver’s license. She says, it’s a license Sonny bought. Dev didn’t take classes or pass a test. Dev says, who needs a test? He can steal a car and drive away. That practically makes him an expert.

Hayden goes to the hospital, hoping to run into Elizabeth. Finn says she clocked out. He’s glad Hayden cleared everything up at the police station. She says she didn’t push Obrecht overboard, so they let her go. She tells him, a brother is a big branch of the family tree to keep secret, and he says that’s something coming from her. She’s kept her fair share from him.

Valentin and Curtis meet at The Floating Rib. Curtis says he had to look at Jax’s files again. He gives Valentin a folder, and says these are his copies, but everything is already public knowledge. Valentin says he needs to know why Jax has a file on Cassandra. Curtis says Valentin needs to tell him. Jax has a file on both Valentin and Cassandra, so what do they have in common? He knows there’s bad blood between them, but can Valentin think of any reason they would be on Jax’s radar? Valentin says he couldn’t tell him, and Curtis says he’s not big on explanations. Valentin says he’s paying Curtis to dig around, and extending the retainer. Call if he finds anything important. Valentin flips through the papers, and says, this is interesting.

Hayden tells Finn that they both have secrets, and Finn wonders where it got them. His phone dings, and he says he needs to text Anna back. Hayden says he doesn’t have to explain. He says explaining themselves was never their thing. Hayden sees Lucy, who didn’t know she was back in town. She asks if Hayden is just breezing through, or is she looking for someone else to manipulate? Hayden says she wants to put serious roots down this time. Maybe Lucy can help. She was wondering if that cool house she once had in escrow is still on market? Lucy asks if she means the one she and Finn were planning to purchase. Hayden says, that’s the one.

Michael tells Sasha, the trip isn’t canceled, just postponed. He meant to tell her earlier, but they got distracted. She says, sorry, not sorry. They can go another time. She’s sure her mom will be happy she can work. He says, hopefully not all of the days. He has an important function to go to, and he’d like her to be his plus one. She says, of course (🍷). It gives her an excuse to raid the Crimson closet. He suggests wearing something more casual. It’s his godson’s first birthday, which means cake and a big mess. Sasha thinks she’ll survive, and he asks if it’s not too domestic. She says she wouldn’t miss it for the world, and they kiss.

Josslyn says she doesn’t care how many cars Dev has stolen in – he says, Bridgeport. She says, wherever he’s from, it’s illegal and draws unwanted attention. At least don’t mess things up by breaking the law. Sonny’s already broken a lot of them for him to stay in the country. Don’t mess it up. Cameron and Trina come by, and Cameron asks, mess what up?

Maxie pounds on Lulu’s door, asking if Lulu is still mad at her. She’ll do anything to make it better. I’d tell her to start by stopping that banging. Lulu opens the door to Maxie and Peter, saying, she’s not mad. She just doesn’t want to be around people right now. Maxie asks, why not?  Lulu hands her the papers, and Maxie asks what they are. Lulu says, divorce papers. They walk in, and Lulu says, that’s why she didn’t want them to come in. She can’t deal with the look on their faces. It’s humiliating. She needs to focus. She’s been staring at the papers for hours, and can’t figure out how to tell Rocco. Charlotte is with Valentin and Nina, and she’ll be upset, but Rocco is going to be crushed. Maxie says, no offense, but she’s in no shape at the moment. Rocco takes his cues from her. She points to Lulu’s outfit, and asks what’s with the get-up she’s got going on? Lulu asks if she’s supposed to put on a little black dress and tell Rocco that his father is never coming home. Maxie says Lulu is supposed to put on a little black dress, and go drinking with her.

Hayden says Lucy made her point. Lucy says if Hayden is thinking about making Port Charles he home again, she has a junior three-bedroom that would behoove a single woman such as herself. Hayden says she can find another realtor that will be happy to take her commission without insulting her. Lucy does some hand gestures (not that one), and says, it’s the negativity washing away. She was never one to say no to a sale. She gives Hayden her card, and Hayden reminds her, the customer is always right. Finn asks if Hayden is thinking of buying a place, and Hayden says she’s keeping her options open.

Lulu asks Maxie if she supposed to toss back a few tequila shots, but Maxie says, not in a celebratory way. Lulu says, hard pass. She’s not in the mood. Maxie says it will be good for her to get out of the house. And those clothes she’s wearing… Lulu says she’s wearing leggings and a hoodie, not a burlap sack. Maxie says, talking will help, but Lulu says, no, it won’t. She’ll cry and spiral. Maxie says, they can come up with a plan for her to tell the kids. Maxie tells Peter to back her up, but he says he’s not touching this. Lulu says, she can’t. It’s too late to get a sitter. Maxie looks at Peter, and says he can do it. He doesn’t mind, right? He says, no, but full disclosure, he has no experience with kids. Maxie says he’s great with James, but he says, James is a baby. He has no experience with small, walking, talking real humans. Lulu says, that’s a ringing endorsement, but Maxie says, it will be fine. Rocco is going to bed soon anyway. They’re going out.

Carly says, Lulu must be in shock, and asks Sonny how he’s holding up. He says he doesn’t know what to say. He wants Dante to get help, but he’s worried about Rocco. Carly says Lulu needs their support, and Sonny says she’s going to get it. Carly says it’s horrible to think, but it’s possible Dante’s not getting the help he needs. Sonny says it’s not like when he was looking for Dante in Ankara. If not for Dev, they wouldn’t have escaped. Carly knows he’s grateful. Sonny knows she’s worried Dev won’t fit in, but she says she may have been premature. He seems to be getting along okay.

Josslyn tells Cameron that Dev had been begging Sonny to drive his speedboat for weeks. Dev says it hasn’t been weeks, and he doesn’t beg. She says he’d been asking repeatedly. Sonny gave in, but it ran out of gas and had to be towed back. Rule number one; check the gas tank. Dev says, a valuable lesson, to be sure. He’ll check next time. Josslyn says he’s assuming there will be a next time. They start to bicker again, and Cameron says he’s going in to get coffee. Josslyn decides to go with him, and Trina tells Dev to sit. She wants to get to know him better before they get back. He asks what she wants to know, and she says, everything.

Josslyn sees Michael inside Kelly’s, and asks if he’s all right. He says the softball game got a little intense, but he’s all right. Has she recovered from Oscar’s will reading? She says she’s sorry she bolted, but he says he’s just glad she wasn’t alone, and thanks Cameron for taking care of her. He hopes he sees more of her, and she says he will, hugging him. Michael goes back to Sasha, and Cameron says following Josslyn to the park was nothing, but she says she doesn’t know what she would have done if he hadn’t shown up. He’s the only one who knows what it’s like to miss Oscar. Cameron says he misses Oscar too. She says she doesn’t mean to get emo. She just wants to say how much she appreciates it. He went above and beyond to help Oscar, and now he’s doing the same for her, helping her move on – whatever that means. She hugs him, and says he’s a good friend. You can tell Cameron is thinking, ugh. Friend zone.

Cameron and Josslyn go back outside, and Cameron says, sorry to interrupt. Trina says, don’t even. Dev was just telling her about Bridgeport. He doesn’t miss it. Dev says he likes Sonny’s place better. A guy comes by, and tells Cameron that his break is over. They’ve got to move. Cameron tells them he has to go. Community service calls.

Maxie and Lulu go to The Floating Rib. Maxie says, it’s the perfect atmosphere for a chill night out. Lulu says Maxie doesn’t have to keep telling her. Maxie suggests a pitcher of margaritas, and tells Lulu to take a seat. Maxie goes to the bar, and Lulu starts to leave, but bangs into Dustin, spilling his drink. He says, Leslie Lu, we meet again.

Peter asks if Rocco’s screen time is limited, and Rocco says to stop him in five minutes. Peter says, then what? and Rocco says, read him a story. He’s already brushed his teeth, so after that, he goes to bed. Peter appreciates his honesty, and Rocco says he doesn’t want his mom to worry, so they should do bedtime the way she wants it. Peter says when he’s done, pick out a book. Rocco says he’s done, and he knows what book he wants.

At The Floating Rib, Hayden sees Curtis, and hugs him before sitting down. She says she’s sorry she couldn’t catch up sooner. It got hectic at the office. He says trouble has a way of finding her, but she says, not anymore. In fact, she’s embarking on an apology tour. He’s up next. He asks, why him? They’re good. She says she wants to apologize for being a bad friend.  She’s really sorry she missed his wedding, but things were still raw with Finn, and didn’t want to be a distraction. Curtis says Finn was ready to forgive her taking off. That’s why he hired Curtis to track him down. Other than the note, she’s been a ghost since she left. What’s she been up to all this time?

Valentin asks Finn if he’s got a moment. Finn says he’s fresh out. Valentin says he can’t get ahold of Anna, and needs to talk about a mutual concern. Finn says she’s dealing with a family situation. Valentin wonders if she’s not taking Finn’s calls either. He asks Finn to let Anna know they need to talk about Cassandra Pierce.

Peter reads about a boy who has healing water. If there’s a sick person, and he sees death at their head, give them the water. But if death is at their feet, it’s in vain, and the sick man must die. Peter asks if Rocco is sure he wants this story, but Rocco says he’s not a baby; keep reading. Peter says, from that time forth, the boy could tell if the patient could be saved or not.

Dustin asks if Lulu is on another fake date. She says, not exactly. Maxie comes back. Lulu doesn’t say anything, so she introduces herself. Lulu introduces Dustin, explaining she spilled his drink. Dustin says he’d shake hands, but Maxie’s are full. Maxie says she can get a third glass if he wants to join them.

Peter says, the boy gave the man the water anyway, and it worked. They lived happily ever after. Rocco says, that’s not how it ends. It doesn’t work. and the man dies. Peter wonders why Rocco likes this story, but Rocco says he never said that. He said he wasn’t afraid.

Sasha tells Michael that they’ll have to put his dad’s island on their places-to-go list. He says he’d like to add another destination – her hometown. They should take a road trip. She hates to spoil it, but there’s not much to see. She tells him the woman behind his back is staring at them, and he looks. He says, that’s Lucy, she’s a known Port Charles eccentric. Sasha says, she hosts the Nurses Ball every year. Michael asks if Lucy wants to say hello to his girlfriend. Lucy introduces herself, and apologizes for staring. She says, in another life, Sasha could have been the face of Deception.

Finn tells Valentin that he’s familiar with Cassandra. Valentin would rather discuss it with Anna, and Finn says he can’t discuss it if she won’t take his calls. Valentin says Finn and Anna worked hard to bring Cassandra down, but now she’s free to be a menace to society. Finn asks if she’s a menace to society, or Nina.

Hayden tells Curtis that she moved around for a while, then connected with Jax, and decided to move back to Port Charles. She was worried how Finn might react, and Curtis asks if he’s next on her apology tour. She says she owes him one, but she’s worried he won’t be receptive. Curtis asks, why not? He’s happily engaged to Anna. She says, he’s moved on. So she did the far, far batter thing by leaving. He says, it couldn’t have been easy. It must have been hell losing a child.

Sonny asks if things are better with Josslyn, and Carly says, she’s coming around. She’s a perceptive girl, and can see that under the cocky charm, Dev is just a kid who’s worked hard to get here and have a better life. She doesn’t want to mess that up. Sonny knows how reckless Dev is, but he’s a fast learner. In a couple of months, no one will know ever lived anywhere else. Carly says it just hit her why Sonny is trying so hard to help Dev, and it’s not just because Dev helped him and Dante in Turkey.

Dev tells Josslyn that Sonny has complete faith in him. Josslyn says, okay. Trina sees Josslyn with the compass, and Josslyn says Oscar left it to her in his will. Trina says, it’s good and sad at the same time. Josslyn apologizes, saying she doesn’t mean be gloomy. She likes to keep the compass close. It’s one of the few physical things Oscar left her.

Community service dude takes Cameron to the footbridge. Cameron asks what they’re doing there. The guy says they have to deal with some complaints about the bridge. He’ll deal with the graffiti, and Cameron can take care of the locks on the railing. He gives Cameron a huge cutter, and we see the J+O lock.

Josslyn tells Trina that she’s trying to get to a place where she can think about Oscar and not get upset. She owes it to him to focus on the good times. Trina says they’re there for her; right? Dev says, right. Josslyn asks if Dev would mind getting home on his own. He says, sure, and asks if everything is okay. Josslyn says there’s just a place she wants to stop.

Sasha asks why Lucy said that. Lucy tells her Deception was the first cosmetic company she launched in the 90s. Has Sasha heard of it? Sasha says, no, sorry; and Lucy says, okay, you millennial. She loved it, and if she was still in business, she’d put Sasha’s lovely face under contract. She’s a model, right? Sasha says she’s a junior editor at Crimson, but don’t be impressed. Her mom is the editor and chief. Lucy says tell her mom to put her on the cover. She gives Sasha her card, and says if Sasha decides to pursue a modeling career, she has contacts she can put Sasha in touch with – for a small commission of course (🍷). It was nice to meet her. Ta! Michael says, she’s a character, and Sasha says, that’s one way to describe her. Michael asks if Sasha is going to call.

Maxie says, Dustin is a teacher; he must be smart. He says there’s one equation he’s still working out. His tuition debt plus a teacher’s salary equals extra jobs. Maxie suggests another round on her. He says he doesn’t want to intrude on girls night, but Lulu says he’s not. She’s just tired. He says he can help her wake up. Whitney Houston is his go-to karaoke muse. Lulu blurts out that her husband served her with divorce papers. Maxie says she’s going to close out her tab. She hopes Dustin is her ride share driver one day. Dustin asks if Lulu is okay. She says she’s sorry to be a downer, but he says, don’t apologize. It’s not his place, but he thinks her husband was a fool to let her go. Lulu says, he is. Dustin says he should go. He’ll see her around. He leaves, and Lulu starts to cry.

Peter looks for Rocco, and finds him under the kitchen island. Peter says it’s a comfy hiding spot. Does Rocco mind if Peter joins him? Peter sits, and asks, what’s going on? Rocco says he hates that story, and Peter asks why he wanted to hear it. Rocco says to prove he’s brave. Peter says, everyone gets scared. It’s okay to feel what he feels. He doesn’t have to always prove himself. The man in the book didn’t know how to be a dad. Rocco asks if that’s why his dad left; because he didn’t know how to be a dad. Peter bets he misses his dad a lot. Rocco says he’s mad at him for leaving them so long. Peter says he knows how Rocco feels, but Rocco says he doesn’t. Peter says his mom wasn’t around at all at Rocco’s age, or ever really, but she thought she was doing right by him, like Rocco’s dad. Rocco asks if Peter is mad at his mom, and Peter says he was for a long time. Rocco asks if he’s still mad, and Peter says he realized that parents are people too. They’re doing their best, but can make mistakes. That doesn’t mean it has anything to do with hm.

Trina asks if Dev feels like walking. He says he’s worried about Josslyn. She seemed upset. Trina says she didn’t buy Josslyn’s I’m fine act. Dev asks where she went, and Trina guesses the footbridge. It was her and Oscar’s special place.

Josslyn gets to the footbridge. The railing is bare, and she says, oh my God. It’s gone.

On Lulu’s porch, Maxie says she shouldn’t have dragged Lulu out. Another attempt at fixing things goes down in flames. Lulu says, no one was hurt this time, and Maxie says, progress. Lulu says she’s just not ready. She’ll tell Maxie when she is. They hug, and go inside, finding Peter and Rocco asleep on the couch together.

Hayden tells Curtis that she doesn’t want to talk about the baby or the last two years. He says he’s curious, but respects her boundaries. She says she doesn’t want to live in the past. She wants a fresh start. He clinks his beer bottle to her glass, and says, a fresh start.

Finn tells Valentin he doesn’t know the details, but knows Nina had something to do with putting Cassandra in a coma. Valentin tells him not to threaten Nina, but Finn says he has no intention of causing trouble for Nina. It was clearly self-defense, and he appreciates it. Valentin says he’d appreciate Finn passing along his message to Anna. He leaves, and Finn calls Anna. He says he had a semi-interesting conversation with Valentin. Apparently, something is going on with Cassandra.

Sasha tells Michael, Lucy isn’t even in business anymore, but he says she can refer Sasha to someone who is. I guess Nina can’t? He says she could totally be a model. She can be anything she wants; a lawyer, a veterinarian, a truck driver. She tells him that he’s sweet, and she actually gave the modeling world a spin after high school, but she didn’t end up on the pages of Crimson. He says, not yet. It’s the first thing she’s shared about her past. She says, there’s not much to tell. She’d rather focus on what’s ahead for them.

Carly says Sonny, helping Dev is proactive; something he can do and control the outcome. They can support Josslyn, but she has to work through her own grief. Dante is going to have to find his own way to his healing. The hard part of being a parent is that you can support, but you can’t control it. Dev is different. There are concrete steps Sonny can take; ways to get to the outcome he wants. Sonny says he never thought of it that way. She’s perceptive. She tells him, don’t sound so surprised. He says she constantly surprises him. Almost always in a good way.

Josslyn sits on the footbridge, and cries. Dev joins her, and asks, what’s wrong? She says, it’s gone, and he says, what? She says she and Oscar put their initials on a padlock, and locked it to the bridge. Dev says, there’s a bridge in Istanbul where they do that too. Josslyn says, it’s a symbol of their love lasting forever. Now it’s gone. He’s gone. Dev puts his arm out to her, and she slides over. He holds her.

Tomorrow, Jax wants to take Nina and Valentin out to dinner, Cameron tells Josslyn that he cut the locks, and Jason asks Carly if there’s something he’s not telling her about the baby.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion – Part Two

At first, I wrote Part Three. Probably because I want it over.

We backtrack a little, with Dorit saying she realized it wasn’t that Teddi didn’t want to malign her, but that she didn’t want to be the only one who did. It hurt. Teddi says she and Dorit didn’t really have a relationship prior to this year. We flash back to Teddi accusing Dorit of not being above board. Andy says Teddi never went to LVP directly, and asked about it. Teddi says when she was told by a person who works with and idolizes LVP, that LVP wants to use her name, she just went along. As usual, the accountability coach avoids the real question. She never once went to LVP and asked what’s up with this Dorit thing, and why do you want me involved? Andy says, viewers feel Dorit was the original cause of the mess by not returning the dog in the first place, and admitting her mistake. Thank you, viewers. Dorit says, 100%. She has so many regrets. Camille doesn’t understand why Dorit didn’t return the dog. Dorit says she thought what she was doing was in the dog’s best interest, and believed the dog was going to a loving home. LisaR says she called LVP the next day, and LVP never once said she couldn’t rehome the dog. Andy asks if someone was sent to check out the new home, and Dorit says, there was never a home visit. Didn’t all this stuff happen pretty quickly? They remind me of some people I know who think you exist in a vacuum when you’re not in their orbit. LVP probably trusted Dorit’s judgement – who knows what Dorit told her – and it’s not like everyone at Vanderpump Dogs has nothing else to do. They couldn’t possibly have planned ahead for a random decision Dorit was going to make. Which, I might add, was in violation of the contract. Kyle interjects, the dog never went to a kill shelter. Every shelter has a facility for euthanization. Here’s some news for Kyle too. When no-kill shelters get overbooked, they often send dogs on to another shelter, which can be a kill shelter. Dorit says LVP put a disgusting story out; the dog was never in danger being killed. Andy says Teddi went so far in the other direction in the Bahamas, when she said she never lied. We see that clip, and Teddi says at that point, she’d told Dorit. Okay. Maybe Teddi should be a justification coach. Or an accountability-if-you-get-caught coach. She said she’d called Dorit a narcissist, and said bad things. Dorit seems surprised, saying she didn’t say that. All she said was that she’d had impure thoughts. Is Dorit confusing this with a Catholic confession? That also makes it sound like Teddi wanted to sleep with her. Andy says Teddi was still lying to the others, and Teddi says she’s learned her lesson about never speaking in absolutes again. Andy says she was lying about lying, and Teddi says she’s taken ownership. Kyle tells Andy what Teddi meant was that she wasn’t a liar, and prides herself on being an honest person. Because they have to speak for each other now. Teddi says she toyed with it in her head, and knew she was making a mistake.

Andy asks Camille about season two, when LVP wanted her to talk to Taylor. Camille says LVP was concerned about Taylor, but when they went to discuss it, LVP left her to hang. We flash back to all those years ago, when Camille confronted Taylor about her husband abusing her. Boy, what a mess all that turned out to be. Camille says, LVP threw her under the bus. She was drowning with no life raft. This woman likes a metaphor. Andy wonders if John Blizzard should have been fired, and we again go back to season two, where Adrienne’s chef made snarky comments about LVP. In return, at the reunion LVP said she wouldn’t let someone work for her who trashed her friend. Kyle says John Blizzard was doing what he was told to do. Dorit asks, who wouldn’t get reprimanded or fired? Kyle thinks John has a lot of information, and Erika seconds that

Andy says viewers complained that they spent most of the season talking about LVP and Puppygate, maybe strategically to bury their own stories. Tom defaulting on a loan is mentioned, and Erika says, resolved, and they apologized. Andy says Mary in Texas asked about Mauricio scamming someone out of $36 million. Kyle says that’s what the property sold for. It’s a property dispute, but the way it’s worded is damaging. He says Dorit is involved in a lawsuit by her former partner. Dorit says they want a certain amount of money. Andy says, in the Bahamas, a woman was chasing Dorit around. We see a clip of that, although it’s unclear why the woman is following her. She’s got a phone, but we’re too far away to see if she’s recording, trying to get an interview, or what. Andy asks why no one brought anything up, and Kyle says, why? They don’t need to, and didn’t want it to come out and hurt Dorit and PK. Erika says it’s just an accusation. Dorit says the judge ordered mediation, and it’s in the lawyer’s hands, so she can’t discuss the details. Andy brings up a pending issue with a former LVP employee suing her for wrongful termination. He claims she told him to sign John Sessa’s name on checks. LisaR says, isn’t that forgery? Because the attention hasn’t been on her for a hot minute. He asks if LVP would have been open about it if it had happened during the season. Kyle doubts it, but says they wouldn’t have brought it up. Really? I find that hard to believe.

The next topic is the pressure to have a perfect body. We see clips of Erika saying she eats dessert every day, and makes no excuses; Teddi talking about putting on weight, and being told she needed to lose weight for an audition; Kyle talking about her eating disorder; and LisaR’s daughter being allergic to everything, and saying all she cared about was skinniness. Andy asks LisaR what made Amelia go public. LisaR doesn’t know, and didn’t ask. They didn’t realize for a long time, but when they were confronted with how Amelia looked physically, they couldn’t ignore it. Dorit asks if Teddi’s family knew about her issues, and Teddi says someone made a comment at Thanksgiving. She just wanted them to accept her as she was. Andy asks LisaR when the pivotal moment was, and she says when they had the barbecue, He asks what she thinks Harry should have done differently, and LisaR says the therapist told him, STFU. Amelia is healthy at this moment. Recently, someone told her that she didn’t look anorexic, that she wasn’t thin enough, and it’s a big trigger. Andy says LisaR seems defensive if anyone ask if she has issues, and asks if she thinks Amelia picked up anything from her. She says it’s hard to avoid food issues, being in the business, but she’s been the same weight since she was twenty. She’s gone to therapy, and can’t blame herself, but she does. So much shame is involved. Kyle says it was about her kids. She didn’t tell her daughters. Her mom was very open, and it made her uncomfortable, so she went the opposite way, sheltering her kids. She still hasn’t had a full conversation with them. She’s scared. Andy asks Denise about her relationship with food, and she says she can pretty much eat what she wants. She did lose a job though, when casting went off of a paparazzi picture. She says Eloise wasn’t walking yet, and her arms were very lean. It made her self-conscious about leaving the house. You need to look a certain way for the job.

A viewer asks where Erika gets her positive body attitude. Erika says she’s always been thin. This is probably the heaviest she’s been. She knows how to eat, and knows how to lean down. She doesn’t mention that she must burn a lot of calories dancing. Andy says Camille wasn’t 100% secure after she had cancer. How is she feeling now? Camille say, better, but it’s still hard. LisaR says it’s funny how they all have their own thoughts about their bodies, no matter what they look like. Andy says those aren’t the only issues that plagued the women. They were consumed with finding the fountain of youth. According to LVP, Dorit even had a head transplant. We flash back to LVP joking during the lie detector test. Erika says she hates when people ask what work she’s had done. It’s kind of rude. Andy says since the Wives began, common among every franchise was the women chasing the fountain of youth. Erika say they’re judged for it, and it’s the way people ask. Dorit thinks it’s comical, since she’s only had Botox and fillers. Makeup can also do wonders. She makes it clear that she didn’t have a head transplant, but I’d say she needs one, and not because of her looks.

Andy tells us, when LVP left a vacant lot in Kyle’s heart, Teddi moved in, and became Kyle’s new bestie. We see clips of them together. In an interview, Kyle says they’ve grown closer. They so much in common, and make each other laugh. We see more clips. Dorit says, eventually they’re going to morph into one person. We flash back to Dorit saying that Teddi is Kyle’s henchwoman, and has a tendency to insert herself. Andy asks when they went from casual to best friends, and Teddi says they clicked during her first season. We see clips from that, and I start to wonder if they needed this much old footage since they didn’t have enough reunion to cover three episodes. Andy says a viewer thinks they’re co-dependent. Erika asks if they’re a therapist. Kyle says the viewers see them traveling and doing things together. Erika says, Kyle gets to be a big sister. Another viewer thinks it looks like Teddi is crushing on Kyle. Andy reminds Camille that she said their friendship was creepy. Why did she feel that way? She says Teddi seems to be up Kyle’s ass. Teddi points out that Camille asked Kyle to be a bridesmaid, but they don’t hang out. Camille says she’s known Kyle a long time. News flash for Teddi. Many bridesmaids are old friend who don’t necessarily hang out with the bride in the present. Camille says when LVP made an exit, Teddi was right there. Teddi says she knew Kyle before that. Camille says Teddi always cuts off any conversation with Kyle, when she’d like to speak one-on-one. As she’s talking, Teddi cuts her off, and Camille says Teddi made her point. Andy asks Camille why it’s okay for her to interject, and not Teddi, and Camille says, Teddi can be more opinionated when it’s not needed. He asks Dorit how she feels, and she thinks it’s a nice friendship, but she does find you can’t have a conversation with one, without the other inserting themselves.

Andy wants to talk about what led up to Kyle and Teddi’s insisting Erika must be annoyed about LisaR’s impression; Farrahween and the other Erika Jayne. A viewer thinks LisaR’s impression was bad, and LisaR points out that she wasn’t performing; it was a Halloween costume. It was the most fun in a costume she’s had. She felt uncomfortable being in the photo with Kim. We flash back to her giving Kim the finger. Kyle says she thought the real Erika would never do that. Andy says she and Teddi were on the same page, wanting Erika to be upset. We flash back to the dinner where they practically begged Erika to get angry, and she did, but because of them wanting her to. Andy says Teddi didn’t have a dog in the fight, so why was she so upset? Teddi says she wishes she’d let it go, and probably would have, had she been in the right state of mind. By that, I assume she means sober.  LisaR says she wasn’t even there, but she had so much to say. Teddi thinks she internalized it, and thought about how she would take it, then projected that on Erika. Zzzzz…. We flash back to Kyle doing an impression of Teddi, and Andy asks why that was okay. Teddi says they were joking around, but what LisaR did wasn’t a joke. He asks why they thought Erika didn’t want to be around them, and Kyle says she takes Erika’s moods personally, and thinks she did something. Teddi says, there were two mornings in a row. We flash back to both times Erika wore sunglasses at breakfast. Once when she had a hangover, and another time when she was getting a migraine. Erika says what’s funny is, she had the best time. Andy asks the women about an airport Starbucks incident, and Kyle says, Erika was not in a good mood. The guy was taking their order ahead of hers, and Erika snapped at him. Maybe she combined that with the morning thing, and thought Erika didn’t want be around.

Andy asks what LisaR thinks about Kyle saying, sober Rinna is boring. LisaR say she can’t blame Kyle, and Kyle says look at Andy’s baby shower. We see a clip of LisaR dancing on the bar, and she says she can’t be drunk all the time. Andy says Kyle went on to say, sober Erika was even worse. She doesn’t remember saying that, but Andy shows a clip to remind her. Andy also unearths Teddi saying that Erika is fake, and does what she needs to do to make you feel good. I think it’s just the opposite; Erika doesn’t care if you feel good. Erika says by now, Teddi knows her well enough to know she means it. We flash back to when Teddi coined the phrase pretend amnesia. Teddi says she doesn’t remember that conversation, but she’s being accountable. Andy asks if she still thinks Erika is fake. Teddi says, Erika isn’t fake, but those mornings were rough. She was paranoid, and instead of thinking it was something personal with Erika, she assumed Erika was coming for her.

Andy asks Camille’s opinion about LVP not being there. Camille says, she should be there. He asks why Camille thinks she isn’t, and Camille says she thinks LVP is pissed about the Brandi clip. We see Denise and Brandi meeting for drinks, and Denise telling Brandi about LVP possibly leaking the story about Dorit. Camille says Brandi is LVP’s arch enemy <snort!> and she feels betrayed. She felt Denise had her back. Denise says they didn’t meet to talk about her, even though Denise clearly brought up the subject when it was unnecessary. LisaR asks why she didn’t come there and say so. Denise says she’s new and neutral. Andy asks if Camille is still in contact with LVP, and Camille says they texted last week. Andy knows LVP was furious about what Camille said about her teeth, and we flash back to that. Camille says LVP was very upset, reminding her, once it’s out there, it’s out there. We see a clip from Watch What Happens Live, where LVP says Camille should be more concerned about what comes out of her mouth than what’s in LVP’s. Andy asks if Camille thinks LVP would have still invited her to the Vegas opening if she’d known what Camille said. Camille says, no.

Moving on to what Andy calls, Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Grammer Meyer. He wonders if two faces are better than one. No surprise, we see a bunch of clips. Andy says there were accusations that Camille talks out of both sides of her mouth. He asks if, after seeing the show, there was anything that made Camille understand where they were coming from. Camille says, the way it was put together, yes. Kyle tells Camille that she says one thing to one person, and a different thing to another. She said she was upset about LVP when they were all together, but a different thing to LVP. Camille ask if she can’t feel both ways, and Dorit says, not when they’re contradictory. Camille says she felt terrible about LVP’s brother passing away. Dorit says that has nothing to do with it, and Teddi says Camille can still joke about LVP’s breath. Camille says they all laughed, and Kyle continued with it. Kyle tells her they’ve all said things off-camera, but she’d never out Camille. Camille says they’ve all talked about each other behind each other’s backs. Kyle says, not on camera, and Camille says, hypocrisy at it’s finest. They wanted her to be mad. Kyle says, pick an opinion and stick with it. Don’t go back and forth. Camille says she can have thoughts independent from one another. Kyle says she’s trying to please everyone, and just pissing them off by not standing up. Camille asks what Kyle wants her to stand up for. They want her to jump on the hate train. Dorit says Camille does fine with her own hate train, and Camille calls Dorit fake. Erika thinks Dorit worked hard – Camille interrupts, and says she doesn’t like people who pretend to be something they’re not. She’s been around this town a long time, Dorit just shows up, and there’s something about her. Dorit says Camille is entitled to her opinion. She just asks that Camille be honest about it. Don’t pretend to like her. We see a clip with Camille saying she feels bad about what she’s said, and is glad to be getting to know Dorit. Dorit says there were moments like her wedding, and Camille’s 50th birthday, and Camille says, that was for production. She didn’t really want to invite any of them to the wedding. Andy says she has power over herself, and the others make noises about how she could do what she wanted. Andy says it seemed like Camille went all in about finances and PK. We flash back to Camille talking about PK’s bankruptcy and lawsuit at dinner. Camille says she walked in not knowing the dinner was an ambush. After her assistant had passed away, and they trashed her on the bus. We revisit that, and Camille says don’t come to her wedding, then treat her disrespectfully afterward. She can’t say something nice about LVP without the Witches of Eastwick coming after her.

Kyle says Camille is scared of LVP because of Twitter. She doesn’t want to be bashed. Camille says she can tell Dorit isn’t genuine, and she says what she feels in the moment. Andy suggests the talk about what Camille was saying, and LisaR says she was telling them about how LVP hurt her by not being there. It was bad timing that they saw the magazine article afterward, where Camille said amazing things about her. Camille says the interview was given a week before. Kyle talks over everyone, saying they’re all talking over each other. LisaR says it was a kneejerk reaction to reading the article. Camille says there was nothing in it against them. Kyle says Camille was clear that LVP wasn’t being a friend to her. Camille admits that LVP has been a fair-weather friend. Kyle says LVP never showed, and they left their homes and families to support her, Yeah, it looked like a real hardship. They’d thought she wanted them there. Andy says they showed up; LVP didn’t. Camille says she understands that. Denise asks why she’s so angry; take it down a notch. Camille tells her, shut up, and LisaR says, don’t tell her to shut up. Camille says Denise told her to tell her daughter that she’s an effing liar about Teddi brushing her off. We see a clip where Denise says nothing of the sort, and Teddi says Camille called Denise a bad mother, which didn’t happen either. I wonder if we’re watching the same show. Camille tells Teddi that what she said was she doesn’t curse at her kids. Denise says she does not, but Camille tells her that she said it in the Bahamas when she was drunk. We see another clip (before unseen) where Denise says she screams her head off and doesn’t feel bad afterwards, because it’s the only way the kids listen.

Denise asks what’s wrong with Camille, and tells her that she needs to take a second. This is not good. Andy says Denise went to lunch with Camille, where Camille trash talked everyone. What was going through Denise’s mind? Denise says she was uncomfortable, and Camille says, this is a set-up. She walks off, and her dress is half-off by the time she gets to the dressing room. Denise asks if she’s on something. Camille tells the producer that she did say she cursed at her kids. Denise wonders why Camille is so angry, and Andy says, what set-up? Denise says Camille is effing nuts. Camille says she’s leaving, and calls them nasty bitches.

Next time – Part Three (finally) – Andy talks Camille into coming back, Andy gets a present, Camille says she was hurt by Teddi saying the best part of her wedding was the departure, Denise says Camille is talking out of her ass, Erika tells Denise to stop it, and Dorit says it’s a sad end. It is indeed.

🍛 I’m not even going to start watching Ambitions. Not that it doesn’t look good. It looks fabulous, but my TV plate is so full, I can’t fit another thing. And while I miss my Tyler Perry fix, it’s nice to have a break from the Tuesday programming crunch.

🍕 Someone needs to tell Blue Diamond Almonds that when most people have cravings, it’s not for wasabi and soy sauce. When they make those almonds taste like a box of Godiva chocolates and a pizza, we’ll talk.

🔎 A Crime Almost Solved…

I remember when this happened, and hope they catch the other lowlife.

👀 They Must Be Watching Me…

Because I already am.








July 22, 2019 – Shiloh Remembers Afghanistan, João’s Picnic Nightmare, & a Kinky Tea


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Curtis tells Jordan that he’s getting dinner. Does she want anything else? She says they’re out of cereal, and he promises to get one with marshmallows. She tells him, don’t be long. They have mail to open, clothes to fold, and dusting to do. She kisses him in between listing each chore, and adds, lots and lots of dusting. They start to make out, and in the doorway, Stella clears her throat.

Olivia comes to Sonny’s house. She says they have to talk about their son Dante. Dante shot Lulu’s boss.

Lulu tells Laura that the divorce papers say desertion is Dante’s reason. Laura says, that’s ridiculous. Lulu hasn’t gone anywhere, and did nothing but wait. She says Dante isn’t saying she deserted him. He’s saying he deserted her.

Maxie tells Nina, they did it. Good Morning Port Charles is going to mention the Crimson special. Jax comes in with champagne. Maxie and Nina both say they don’t have time, but Jax says it’s an excellent vintage. Nina says, one glass, if he insists. He tells them The Garden of Good and Ava is going to blow their competition out of the water. While he loathes the subject, he never doubted it would sell. Maxie says, it shows the real Ava. What if she doesn’t like it? Jax says, too bad, and they all clink glasses.

Walking into the Crimson offices, Ava tells Valentin, next time, she’s taking the stairs. Valentin asks if the psychic she saw was the real deal. She asks if he’s looking for a message from the other side. She gives Sibley four out of five chakras. Valentin asks, why not five? and she says Sibley was out of line. She spoke about something Ava wanted to forget. She tells Valentin that he’s had his share of past wrongdoings. She watched him murder Nikolas.

Alexis asks Neil, what if the reason Kristina latched on to Shiloh was because she inherited Alexis’s streak of choosing poisonous partners? Maybe she passed on the gene. Neil says it’s not always about her.

Shiloh drinks alone at The Floating Rib bar. He remembers being in an infirmary tent in Afghanistan. Drew (looking like Jason) pounds on his chest, and tells him to wake up. Shiloh asks where he is, and drew says, A-section. Shiloh asks, what happened? and Drew says his boys were ambushed, and Shiloh’s jeep was hit. He’s lucky to be alive. Shiloh asks if Drew pulled him out, and Drew says, his mistake.

Stella tells Jordan and Curtis, don’t mind her. She noticed they needed some food shopping done. Curtis says he knows how to do that. Seeing the empty cereal box, Stella says, clearly nutrition is not a priority. He says he guesses she doesn’t want any part of the barbecue he’s picking up, and she tells him to get her a double order of cornbread. He leaves, and Stella tells Jordan that she tends to share her opinions freely. It’s best for Jordan to be careful not to overexert. Jordan says if Stella is referring to her sex life, don’t worry. They’re being careful. What about her? Stella says, excuse me? and Jordan says she’s just asking if there are any new developments in her life. Stella says her life is fine, and Jordan says she was curious if Stella had a change of heart about finding her mysterious relative.

Drew shoots pool, and stares daggers at Shiloh. Shiloh continues down Afghanistan Memory Lane. Drew says he pulled him out first, a civilian. By the time he got back to get Tex, it was too late. And if Shiloh thinks he’s in the clear, he couldn’t be more wrong. At the bar, Shiloh sees he only has two bucks in his wallet. Drew says, too bad, but Shiloh says he still has the ELQ shares Oscar left him.

Nina tells Jax, when she pitched the platform to Ava, she said Ava could talk about Kiki, but never promised they wouldn’t explore the rest of her life. Jax says if there are any problems, Ava can see him, but Nina says she can handle it. She’s a big girl, and she’ll be fine.

Laura tells Lulu, maybe Dante thought it would be easier on her if he took the blame. Lulu says it’s as good a guess as any, but they are guessing. They don’t know what Dante is thinking; they’re not there. He won’t even take her calls. Laura says she’ll call Frisco. The WSB owes Lulu. Lulu says, it’s not that simple. Dante shot Peter. He’s not just their patient; he’s their prisoner. Laura is sure Dante loves her, and can’t imagine he’d walk away without even so much as a goodbye. Lulu tells her, he did say goodbye, when he was leaving, but she didn’t really hear him. What is she going to tell the kids? She cries, and Laura holds her.

Olivia tells Sonny, it’s not making sense. They’re good, kind, beautiful boy tried to kill Peter. Sonny agrees, and asks how Peter found him. Olivia says Maxie was with him. Robert told her. She tells Sonny not to look at her like she’s hysterical. Dante stole an agent’s gun, and shot Peter. Sonny says, let’s go, and she asks, where? He says, to find some answers.

Alexis says she heard Neil the first ten times he told her that. She doesn’t think she’s at the root of all of Kristina’s issues, but maybe she could be. The Pledge hinged on the mother of all domineering acts. Neil says, some might say it was an act of love. He says it’s interesting how she turned a question about her social life into a conversation about Kristina’s ordeal. She says she doesn’t have a social life; there’s nothing to discuss. He asks if that isn’t worth discussion, and she says her sad singlehood? He asks if it makes her sad, and she says, it was a joke. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. He says she came in with valid concerns about the men in her life. Are those issues no longer a concern?

Alexis says she’s sorry. She didn’t know there were rules about what they discuss. He says, it’s her session, but he’d be a bad counselor if he didn’t bring up the subject that brought her here. She says her unhealthy leaning toward risky behavior in relationships?  Has she nipped that in the bud? He says if she’s asking the questions, maybe she should pay herself. She asks if he’s done with her, and he tells her, he didn’t say that, but maybe she’s done with him.

Valentin says Ava saw Nikolas attack him. He was defending himself, and she signed an affidavit to that effect. Maxie tells Nina that Valentin and Ava are there, but Jax has one more question. Why did she gloss over so much of Ava’s past?

Drew says he told Shiloh never to say his son’s name. Shiloh says technically, the shares aren’t his yet, He thought if they worked together, it could be fixed. Drew says, no deal, and Shiloh says he doesn’t want to dishonor Oscar. Drew grabs Shiloh, and throws him up against the bar. Curtis comes in, and breaks them up. He tells Drew that Oscar wouldn’t want this, and they sit.

Lulu tells Laura that she’ been walking a tightrope with the kids, assuring them that Dante’s absence is temporary. How can she tell them it might be forever? What will it do to them? Laura says, kids are resilient. The more pressing question isn’t how the kids will deal with it, but how Lulu will. Lulu doesn’t know what her options are. Scream? Fall apart? Bury her head in the sand? Laura says she has two options. Give Dante what he wants, or fight him. She doesn’t have to decide right now. The state gives twenty days to contest a divorce. After that, it goes through automatically. Lulu says, so Dante left her twenty days to decide whether to fight for their marriage or let it die.

Ava asks if the Crimson issue has gone to print, and Maxie says, it’s going to be huge. Ava wants an advance copy. In Nina’s office, Nina tells Jax that he’d said it was an honest portrayal of a difficult woman. She pulled no punches. Jax says she left out Ava’s involvement in various crimes. When Nikolas faked his own death, she was there, and during part of the trip, Nikolas was murdered. Nina says, he wasn’t murdered. Valentin only defended himself. Anyone who sees it otherwise is delusional, including Nikolas’s mother.

Lulu tells Laura that she doesn’t have to hang around, but Laura says she’s a mom. Hanging around is part of the job description. Lulu has to make a decision about the future. Lulu says, she has to make all the decisions. What they have for dinner, what clothes the kids wear, what movies they see, when to say no, and when to give them what they want. Whether they love or hate each other, whether they hang on or move on, they’re supposed to be in this together. Now he says it’s just her. She throws the papers down. Sonny and Olivia knock at the door, and Laura says it’s Lulu’s choice. Outside, Olivia says she has the key. Sonny says Lulu shouldn’t have to do this alone; they’re family. Lulu opens the door. Olivia says Robert told her the craziest thing. Sonny says, it’s true, isn’t it? and Lulu says, more than he knows.

Curtis asks Drew if he’s good, and Drew says he is. Curtis tells him, just think about his son. Drew says that’s all he does, but it’s hard not to come apart when that bastard gets in his face. He should have killed him. Curtis says, maybe he tried. Shiloh steals a tip sitting on the bar, and puts it in his wallet. I didn’t think I could look at him as any more of a lowlife than I already did, but I do. He asks for another beer. In Afghanistan, Drew tells Shiloh that Tex never regained consciousness after the ambush, but this morning, before they set out, he told Drew everything. Shiloh made over a million dollars on the black market. If Tex had lived, he’d be facing a court martial. Shiloh will be tried as a civilian as soon as Drew turns his ass in.

Stella tells Jordan that she doesn’t have time to be frivolous, like tracking down long lost relatives. She asks if they need help with the bills, but Jordan says they’ll be fine. Curtis has picked up some work, and she’s back to working part time. Stella thinks that was fast, but Jordan says it’s just enough that Mac doesn’t feel overwhelmed, and she feels useful. But she has the time and the inclination to help unmask Stella’s mysterious relation.

Alexis accuses Neil of trying to ditch her. He asks if it would make her feel abandoned if they severed ties. She asks if she’s cured, but he says, that word has no business in a therapeutic context. It suggests the client was sick in the first place. She asks if she’s good to go, and he says there are more depths to plumb, but by her own assertion, her question has been answered. He doesn’t want to risk them having an unhealthy therapeutic relationship. She says, spoken like someone who knows from experience.

Olivia asks how Maxie knew Dante meant to shoot, and Lulu says he had his gun in his hand. When he saw Peter, he fired. Olivia says it’s the PTSD. That’s why he needs to be home, or he can’t heal. Laura says, he might not be free to go. Sonny asks why Maxie and Peter were there, and Lulu says, they were just trying to help. It’s not their fault. Olivia says, it’s not Dante’s fault, but Lulu says, that’s why he left. He didn’t trust his own mind. Olivia suggests tearing up the papers. Sonny asks if Lulu is giving Dante a divorce.

Alexis asks if Neil has ever experienced an unhealthy therapeutic relationship. He thought they had an understanding about respecting his private life, but she says, it’s not about his private life, but his professional life. Past conduct is relevant. He says she has nothing to worry about, and she says, interesting that he thinks she’s worried. He says he thinks she has a talent for redirecting the conversation. It serves her well anywhere but there. She came to him because of her personal life. How does she feel about her progress. Does she think she needs more work, or can she handle it? She thinks it’s been productive. Maybe she has gotten all she needs from him. He says there’s a way of putting that to the test.

Stella asks Jordan, what part of not interested doesn’t she grasp. She says she grasps it; she just doesn’t buy it. Stella say she doesn’t need to know everything about her family. She already immersed herself in their history, and she’s made peace with it. If there’s another branch of the family she doesn’t know about, or someone got into something they shouldn’t have, there goes the peace. Jordan says there’s someone tied to her by blood out there in the world. Can she honestly make peace with that?

Curtis tells Drew, Shiloh is a swindler. He doesn’t do anything without a payoff, and he’s dropping Oscar’s name because he’s angling to get a reaction he can use. Don’t give him that. Do it for Oscar. Shiloh thinks again back to Afghanistan. He tells Drew he didn’t do anything. Drew has no proof. Drew says he sold fuel to the enemy. It’s treason, and good for at least twenty years. It’s not enough. Shiloh calls Drew a self-righteous bastard. At The Floating Rib, Shiloh looks at Drew.

Maxie tells Ava that she’ll get a copy as soon as the magazine is back from the printer. Valentin asks if Ava is eager to see herself. It’s brave of her. She says she wants the readers to see her daughter as she did; beautiful and full of life. Maxie says Ava’s interview was compelling, and Kiki was a huge part.

Jax tells Nina that he couldn’t care less about Valentin’s innocence. It’s Ava’s guilt he doesn’t want to protect. Nina says if they’d mentioned everything, it wouldn’t be a feature. It would be a seven volume encyclopedia. The whole idea was for Ava to tell her story in her own words, and put it out there for the world to judge. It shows her for who she is; vain, insecure, and selfish to the core. The internet is a savage place. (She’s got that right.) When the comments start to come through, Ava will get what she deserves and more, trust her. He says, that’s an interesting choice of words; trust her. Why does he get the feeling she’s not telling him something? She says maybe he’s projecting, and has a hidden agenda. He says he was transparent about his plans for Crimson. She says she was thinking about doing a new feature. High fashion’s representation of dangerous women – Helena Cassadine, Alex Marick, Cassandra Pierce. Has he ever heard of her? Valentin listens.

Jax says, Cassandra Pierce? Fugitive from justice, and key figure in an international drug cartel manufacturing synthetic opioids? Ava walks in, and asks why this matters.

Stella admits to Jordan that she already paid the subscription fee to connect to whoever it was, but they didn’t do the same. She can’t get more information. Maybe they don’t want to know her.

In Afghanistan, Drew says Shiloh just wanted to make a buck. Tex hated himself. Shiloh says it was his choice, but Drew says Shiloh talked him into it. He’s worse than the Taliban. Shiloh asks what good it will do to turn him in, and Drew says he can’t explain justice to Shiloh. He’s incapable of understanding. At the bar, Shiloh says he’ll get justice as soon as he gets his money back.

Olivia asks if Lulu has fallen out of love with Dante, but she says, never. Olivia says Dante hasn’t either. He’s just not himself right now. Sonny says Dante isn’t out of their lives. Maybe he believes Lulu and the kids are better off without him. Olivia says, he’s a self-sacrificing idiot. Lulu says, it hurts either way. Her husband is gone, and he dumped all the decisions on her. Olivia knows her boy, and knows he’ll come back. Laura says Lulu is the one who’s married to him. It’s her choice, and their job to support her.

Alexis hears a plan coming on, and Neil says it harkens back to their earlier discussion about her social life. Alexis says, she doesn’t have one, and he asks if that’s by choice or circumstances. She says she’s been busy rescuing her daughter from a cult. He says she’s always busy, and Kristina is free. Maybe it’s time that she discover if her progress has yielded any practical results. Go on a date. She says, because the Port Charles pool of desirable men is so deep? He says if she wants to know if she can avoid the Julians and Jaxes of the world, she has to get out there. Alexis says, getting out there is one way; avoiding men altogether is another. He asks if she’s ready to give up romantic relationships.

Alexis says she never mentioned renouncing romantic relationships altogether. Although it’s crossed her mind that it’s the easier option. He says, some people find fulfilment elsewhere. Does she think she’s one of those? She says, romantic relationships are emotionally exhausting, and always end up in tears. Why put herself through the disappointment? He says it sounds like they still have more to talk about, and she says, so she’s not firing him? He asks her to tell him. Her phone dings. She says she guarantees he’ll definitely see her next week. Shiloh made bail.

Ava tells Nina that Maxie informed her the magazine isn’t back from the printers yet. When can she expect her advance copy? Nina says as soon as its shipped, but right now, she’s in the middle of a meeting. She asks Maxie to walk Ava out. She says it’s been an honor, and she’s pleased to tell Ava’s story, but publishing never stops. She needs to work on the next issue. Maxie says she’ll call Ava as soon as it arrives. She’s sure their readers will be fascinated. Ava says, the only opinion that matters is Kiki’s. She just wants Kiki to get her message.

Jax leaves, and Nina tells Valentin, she’s calling the printer. The sooner the magazine ships, the sooner Ava gets her copy. Valentin says there was tension between Nina and Jax. What was it about? Nina says, him.

Stella tells Jordan that she preferred being prepared, in case a long lost relative showed up, but unless they change their mind, she’ll just have to wonder. Jordan says too bad she doesn’t have a detective in the family with time on their hands. Stella doesn’t know, but Jordan says she can make discreet inquiries, but leave Stella’s name out.

Lulu tells Laura that she doesn’t know how to make this decision. Does she listen to her heart or head> What’s the right thing to do? Laura says, be honest with herself. Ask herself, will her life or her children’s lives be better if she fights Dante on this, or should she accept it? Lulu says, either way, Dante may never come home.

Olivia and Sonny go back to Sonny’s place. Olivia can’t stand not being able to talk to Dante, when he’s obviously hurting. She could make him understand why he’s wrong. Sonny says, maybe; maybe not. She say she has to keep believing in Dante, and tells Sonny not to give up on their son. Sonny says he’s not doing that, but maybe Dante is cutting himself off from them too.

Drew tells Curtis, normally, he can let the stuff Shiloh says roll off his back, but it’s different when you have kids. Curtis says he’s got more than memories to his life. Oscar would want him to live. Shiloh is garbage. Forget his ass, and move on.

In Afghanistan, Shiloh says he’ll lawyer up. He’s not saying a word. Maybe he’ll be convicted, maybe not, but why not take a chance? They can do it together. Root the bastards out, and split the money. He’ll never have to see Shiloh again. Think of the life he can live back home with his girl Kim. Drew grabs Shiloh by the throat, and says, don’t ever say her name again. He can’t comprehend the meaning of justice, but he will. Back in Port Charles, Shiloh says Drew should have taken the deal. He looks at Drew and smiles.

Tomorrow, Curtis asks what Valentin and Cassandra have in common, Lulu meets Dustin again, and Finn says Hayden has kept her fair share of secrets from him.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Eze, France. At the picnic, Aesha asks where the cutlery is. Colin says, it’s not in the van, and she tells him that they’ll have to steal some from a restaurant. In João’s interview, he says, it’s a total clusterf**k, bringing all this stuff uphill. Surely Hannah understands they’re unmanned. He could call Captain Sandy, but it’s too late to send more people. There’s no point. Colin charms someone at a restaurant, and gets what they need, including napkins.

Back at the boat, Anastasia says she loves the water, and has forgotten all her hours in the galley.

June tells Aesha she was holding it, but didn’t pack it. We see a clip of her holding the bag with the cutlery in it. In her interview, Aesha says June can’t even own up to her own mistake in not packing the key thing for the picnic. In June’s interview, she says she feels like she’s been thrown in the fire for this. She remembers putting them in a Ziplock bag, but it’s not her fault; she just got here. The picnic is set up

The rest of the crew plays in the water.

Jackie wants to hold a butterfly. She says it came down and touched her, but thinks she scared it. I’d be afraid of her too. Lunch is served. Jackie says this is something only a billionaire can do, but they are billionaires. Jackie tells Aesha to give the chef two thumbs up. After lunch, Aesha asks if the guests want make their way down. Jackie wants to stop at a store. João radios Hannah, and tells her that they’re packing up.

Jack finds the cutlery on the galley table. On the hill, the supplies are all packed up. They pass the guests on the way down. João says, this is bullsh*t. There’s too little of them to do that much work.

Anastasia plans the dinner, and gives Hannah the menu. In her interview, she says, the guests are requesting some weird-ass sh*t. Sea urchin is something a vegan would never touch. Actually, a normal person wouldn’t touch it. João radios for the tender, and Travis heads out. Colin says, it was a sh*t show. Jackie’s daughter says her husband is trés sexy. Her husband says he’s trés bored.

Joao tells Hannah it was too much work for four people, and ill-planned. It took them an hour and a half to bring everything back down. Hannah sends June on an hour break. In June’s interview, she whines, only an hour? She’s been up since five. Travis says he had a chill day, and offers to help put the stuff away. João says they had extra hands to work. Why weren’t they working? In João’s interview, he says the last thing he needs to hear is that Travis had a chill day, while they were working their asses off. Hannah says, that’s picnics for you. There’s not a lot she can do. In her interview, she says she understands his frustration, but she sent two stews. He has four deckhands. Why didn’t he take them?

João tells Colin that they got the job done. If it had been Jack or Travis, it would have halted rather than been finished. In Colin’s interview, he says he and João have been carrying the deck crew. Having Jack and Travis test out the slide is frustrating. He tells João, sweet. Those a-holes got paid for a day off.

Jackie shows everyone a piece of jewelry she got for only $30K. She hates making a deal. In Aesha’s interview, she says when she was growing up, they couldn’t even afford cheese. Jackie asks for the tender to be there at 6:30. Hannah radios June, who’s sleeping. In Hannah’s interview, she says June just got there. Didn’t she nap on the plane? Hannah goes to June’s bunk at tells her it’s 6:30.

The guests return. Captain Sandy asks how it was, and Aesha says, they loved it. João snores in his bunk. Hannah gives the returning guests towels. Anastasia apologizes to the sea urchins as she carves them, singing, crazy rich people want to eat you. Aesha tells Hannah about June forgetting the cutlery, when she’d told her it was the main thing. She’s going to have to keep an eye on her. Hannah hopes it doesn’t turn into a nightmare.

João tells Jack to put the stuff away. In Jack’s interview, he says he thinks he and João get on well, but João keeps trying to tell him what to do all the time. Um… isn’t that what a boss does? Hannah asks what Jackie’s intentions for the memorial dinner are, and she says she wants tonight to have a spiritual feeling. In Hannah’s interview, she says her mother went through it with her brother. Her other brother moved away when her parents broke up, and it was strange going from five to two people in her family.  She tells Jackie they’ll make it special tonight.

Hannah apologizes to João. He says, it’s not anyone’s fault, but they’re not doing it like again. Hannah asks him how he thinks June is doing. He says, fine, and Hannah says, she has the personality of an effing glass of water. In Hannah’s interview, she says she and João have come so far. It’s best to let the past go. In João’s interview, he says she’s growing on him, but that’s all that’s growing. He promises.

Hannah tells June how dinner is going to work, and instructs her on silverware placement. In June’s interview, she says she’s smart, but…. Hannah tells her to do the middle of the table, and she’ll do the rest.

Jackie shows June a picture of her daughter. June starts to cry, and says her dad passed away ten years ago. He got very sick, out of nowhere. It was unexpected, and changed everything. She misses him every day. I’m not liking June that much, but I identify. Jackie tells her about seeing the butterfly, and says it was her daughter giving her a sign. June thinks it was definitely a sign. Jackie takes off her butterfly ring, and puts it on June. She tells June it’s gold-plated, but it’s unclear if this is part of, or is, the $30K purchase earlier. June asks if Jackie is sure, and Jackie says she’s getting goosebumps. She doesn’t know if it’s her daughter, June’s dad, or both. The guests sit. June did a beautiful job with the table. Purple (the daughter’s favorite color) netting with white star fish, shells, and stones placed on it, and a white candle in the middle.

Some of the guests are going out later, and ask to have the tender available. In her interview, Anastasia says she’s surprising herself with every meal. The starter is sea scallops, with cauliflower puree and caviar, which sounds amazing. In Hannah’s interview, she thinks Anastasia is spot on. The scallops look like boobs, and there are a lot of fake ones on board. Hannah asks June if the cabins are done. In June’s interview, she says it takes a while for her to finish, but she always ends up getting it done. it took her two years to finish bartending school. Hannah and Anastasia exchange looks.

Jackie asks if the chef went to a special chef school. The sea urchin is served. Jackie tells everyone, sea urchin tastes like a nursing baby’s poop. I don’t want to know any more than that. In her interview, June says when Hannah looks at her like she’s dumb – we see a clip of Hannah pointing out a list of duties – it makes her flustered. Hannah tells June that if she says she’s finished, and Hannah finds out she’s not, she’s going to get annoyed because she lied, not because she’s taking too long. June tells Aesha about the ring, and Aesha says, it’s so nice. In Aesha’s interview, she says it takes so long to recover from a death. She cries a little in her room, then comes out and asks Jack for a hug. She asks if someone can clean for her; she feels sick. The memorial reminded her of her brother. Jack pitches in with the cleaning, and Travis takes over on the hug. He tells her, let it out, and she cries. He tells her, it’s all right.

Jack clears the plates, and Jackie tells everyone not to say hi to Jack on a plane. It takes me a beat, and I literally lol, even though it’s stupid. In his interview, Jack says he doesn’t like seeing Aesha upset. If she can get through something so traumatic, what does he have to complain about? Captain Sandy tells Jack to find his shoes, and João asks him to make sure the tender is ready.

Some of the guests are ready to go. Jack is getting his outfit ready for his date with Aesha, when João radios. He changes back, and helps the guests onto the tender. João says he’s coming along, and they get in.

A few guests have stayed behind with Jackie, who says it’s been emotional for her. They write things on the paper lanterns. Aesha and June make lanterns as well, but Hannah passes. Good for her. I can’t stand those lanterns. One landed in my backyard once – still burning. This is no one’s best idea.  The other group gets to shore. On the dock, João comments on Jack’s bare feet, and Jack says he prefers it. João says Jack is like a child, and Jack says his feet can’t be caged. It’s not a big deal. João says, it is. At the boat, the lanterns are prepared for flight. Jack tells João, the world is still turning. João tells Jack, stop treating the job like it’s a joke. Jack tells him, calm down, and João says he can’t if Jack keeps effing up.  In João’s interview, he says, if Jack doesn’t do something, he’s going to see someone he doesn’t want to see.  

On land, the guests take a car to Monaco.

Jackie lets go of her lantern, which promptly falls straight into the water.

Going back in the tender, Jack tells João, if he wants something from him, don’t speak to him like a d*ckhead; he has no respect. Always ask nicely. Jack finds the lantern in the water, and radios the boat. He tells them to hold the lantern for sixty seconds first, until it starts to rise. They do it, and it works. I’m guessing that gives heat inside a chance to build. Jackie hugs June, and says her daughter and June’s dad are there.

Joao asks Colin if speaks disrespectfully to Jack, but Colin thinks he just sounds like a regular boss. He says, that’s Jack’s thing now. Aesha tells Jack, João is on his high horse, and she and Jack mimic riding a horse in the galley. João says, Jack is a little bug who can be squashed. Jackie thinks she’s discovered a new star, but Colin tells her that it’s a planet. Desperate for more signs, she says if they hadn’t done the lanterns, they wouldn’t have seen it. Hannah opens champagne for two of the guests. On deck, Jackie talks to another guest who seems hammered. They get in the hot tub. The guests on shore call for a ride back at almost 4 am. Hannah radios Jack to replace Colin on watch, so Colin can pick up the guests.

After the guests get back and have another drink, they finally go to bed. Jackie is still up, and wandering. She goes into the galley, and nearly scares the life out of Hannah, who’s in there making a list. Hannah is distracted momentarily when two other guests poke their heads in, and Jackie meanders to the laundry room. Hannah hotfoots it behind her. Jackie says she didn’t know this was there, and Hannah suggests they talk about it upstairs so they don’t wake the crew up. In Hannah’s interview, she says she’s been babysitting all night. Why is she there, and why does she do this job? Travis asks if Hannah just got up for a minute, and she says she hasn’t been to bed. He hugs her, and in her interview, she says she’s looking forward to their date. He’s a bit of a menace, but she loves a menace.

Aesha asks one of the guests when they got in, and she says she doesn’t know. It’s the last day of charter, and the anchor is up. The captain tells João they have schedule. Anastasia asks June if she has a boyfriend, and June says, it’s weird. Yeah, no, she isn’t sure. Hannah says June told her she traveled too much. June says, she didn’t, but we flash back to that. In June’s interview, she says they’re on a break. It’s hard to talk about it, since it’s complicated. Jack tells Travis about the shoe discussion. Anastasia asks Hannah where they’re going on the date. Hannah doesn’t know, and just wants to sleep.  Breakfast is served at almost 11 am. Jackie points out that there’s caviar, and says, the chef doesn’t miss a beat.

Everyone gets changed. The guests pack, and the crew lines up. This better be good tip after all that bragging about how rich she is. Jackie says the crew has been the most professional and nicest group she’s ever met, and gives Captain Sandy an envelope. She says she wishes she could take them home, and tells the butterfly story. She’s still talking past 1 pm. Captain Sandy, who’s been nodding like a bobblehead, says they’re glad, happy, and thrilled the guests enjoyed it, and that they were able to provide the experience. Jackie finally says goodbye.

João wants to talk to the captain. He says he’s struggling a bit with the deck team. He’s trying to drive people who don’t want to work there. Captain Sandy says he probably won’t find someone who works at his pace. Exceptional crew members are few and far between. She suggests he engage, and play up the team aspect. It’s part of being a leader. She tells him, good luck. Jack asks June how her first charter was, and she says, it couldn’t go any better. She tells Colin that she just saw West Side Story. In Colin’s interview, he says, if the conversation ends in a musical number, you know you had a good time.

Captain Sandy says they got a great tip. She’s in awe of Anastasia, and says she has talent. She asks how June feels, getting thrown in. June says she’s getting along, and it’s going to be good. The tip is 13,000 euros, or $1175 per person. In Aesha’s interview, she says Jackie gave away expensive jewelry, and they can’t even get a decent tip. I agree. She could have done a lot better. João calls a deck crew meeting, and tells them that things were slightly more disorganized this charter. Jack didn’t appreciate them arguing on the last day, and says it would be better if João talked to him with respect. It creates motivation. João says he’s not there to create motivation, but Jack says, as a team leader, he is. Agreeing with that too. Didn’t the captain just tell him to play up teamwork? João must know Jack is right, because he starts stammering. He tells Jack, just get on with what they need to do, and don’t say he’s not motivated. June struggles to put a sheet on Captain Sandy’s bed.

Aesha hugs Jack. She says she hasn’t been on a date in ages. Jack says his last date was a one night stand. She doesn’t think that’s considered a date, but he says they got food on the way home. João says he’ll be Colin’s wingman, and asks about his pick-up lines. Colin says they’re lame. You must be an atom because we have chemistry. João says he’ll get this right. June is nervous about her first time outside the boat with the crew. Everyone knows each other, and she hopes to make friends.

Jack tells Travis that he’s not trying for a kiss tonight. They all get out of the taxi at a beautiful restaurant. Jack asks if June is a vegetarian, and she says she doesn’t eat octopus. Jack asks if Aesha is twerking tonight, and João promises not to judge. Hannah thinks they make a cute couple. She asks again if June has a boyfriend, and June says she is seeing someone. She’s not looking. In his interview, Colin says, f**k me. June says, they’re not broken up; they’re just not talking. Jack says usually when he’s not talking to a girl, it means they’ve broken up. He adds that now they’re grilling her, but Hannah says she’s just curious. June doesn’t feel well, and tells Anastasia not to say anything. She leaves the table, and Anastasia says, she just needs a minute. Hannah asks if she’s crying, but Anastasia says, no.

June barely makes it into the restroom, and throws up in a garbage can.

Next time, the primary is MLB player Johnny Damon, Captain Sandy says Jack is going to be off the boat, some of the guests harass Anastasia in the galley, João has to scuba dive for the anchor, and June won’t answer the radio.

🍵 The Only Tea I Have Tonight…

July 21, 2019 – Christmas Lights Guide the Way, Michonne Walks, Jorge Works, Joe Waits, Matt the Creeper & It’s Back


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


Fear the Walking Dead

Morgan gets on the radio. He says they’re looking for people. We see each of them take a turn at the mic; Alicia, Victor, John, Sarah, Charlie, Luci, and June. Alicia says they just want to help. Victor says, they want to offer assistance, but it’s not selfless. They need it too. John says, don’t be shy. If they’re hungry, there’s help. Sarah says, they’ve got beer. Charlie asks if anybody’s there. They all wait. Morgan asks again if anybody is there. Alicia says it was a good idea, but maybe they can’t make up for what they did. Maybe they’re the last ones left. Morgan knows they’re not. She tells him, dinner’s ready; take a break. They leave, and someone asks if anyone is there. They could use some help. Morgan runs back in, and says, copy. Everything’s going to be all right. Morgan asks where he is.

We see Logan at the truck stop, and it’s a mess. Everything has been thrown around everywhere, stuffing ripped out of cushions, furniture overturned; all covered with what looks like vacuum cleaner dust. Someone calls for Logan to get his ass down there. He comes out on a landing, and several people stand below him. A woman says they’ve searched every inch, and it ain’t there. Tell them where it is, or the next hole they dig will be for him.

Alicia showers the blood off of herself. Grace tells her the water is almost down, and gives her a towel. SheGrace says they need to make a move pretty soon. We hear a siren, and Grace thanks Alicia for getting the kids. She says she should have gotten them, but Alicia says she didn’t know. Grace says she didn’t look. They crashed a plane, and found the kids right away. Alicia says they’ve been doing this for months; Grace never did. Grace says she’s going to be okay, but Alicia say she doesn’t know that. Grace says she doesn’t know she won’t be. The siren means more radiation is coming than got on Alicia.

Morgan sees the coming zombie horde. Luci tells him to get to the truck stop, but he says he can’t risk it. The zombies are too close as it is. He’s going to keep leading them away. She says they have the plane radio running, and to let them know when he’s coming. She likes their chances. Morgan says, keep working. He’ll catch up as soon as he can.

Grace asks if Alicia is okay, and Alicia says she just had a hot shower, so there’s that. Morgan says they’ve got to keep moving. He listens to the siren, and says he’s starting to hate that sound. Grace says she does too, but if it stops, the real trouble begins. The zombies continue to come.

Dylan asks June if she wants to look for John, and she says, more than anything. But if they don’t fix the plane, it won’t be ready when he gets back. Dylan asks if she thinks he’ll make it. She says she’s seen a lot of bad – he has too – but he needs to know that’s not all there is. There’s got to be good too. Otherwise, it doesn’t add up. They haven’t seen whole lot of good lately, and she thinks they’ve got some coming. Dylan agrees.

Dwight and John go through a used car lot, looking for something to hotwire, but have no luck. Nothing starts. Dwight says they’ve got to keep looking. John tries to radio, but gets dead air. Dwight says they must be out of range. John looks in a car, and says, this one will work. Dwight tells him, try it, but he says he doesn’t have to. He sees wrappers from the butterscotch candies he likes on the dashboard. The car starts immediately, and tells Dwight, they’re going to make this thing work yet. They drive off.

Grace drives with Alicia and Morgan in the car, leading the zombies away. Alicia tells Morgan that she should have left them at the tree houses. She couldn’t kill anymore. She says, sorry, but he says, there’s nothing to feel sorry for. When they get back, he’ll teach her the exercises he does. They’re not just about fighting. They’re about protecting yourself and other people, even your enemies. They help him; maybe they can help her too. They arrive at the car blockade. Grace says, get down, and they all crouch inside the truck, as the zombies go by. Grace tells them, don’t move. Hopefully the zombies will keep following the sound. Morgan says as soon as they get to the first ridge, they’ll double back to the plane. Alicia tells Morgan to look, and they see a cloud from an explosion rise in the distance. Presumably from the plant. Suddenly, an errant zombie pops up at Morgan’s window, and tries to get to him. Grace backs up and out. She hits one of the cars, and gets stuck. They get out, and Morgan grabs his pokey stick, still in plastic. Morgan radios Luci, and says they’re coming, but they’re not going to be alone.

Sarah blocks Logan’s truck as he’s driving out. They both get out, and Logan asks if she’d mind moving he rig, calling her sweetheart. She notes that he has a black eye, and says if he calls her sweetheart again, she’ll give him a shiner in the other eye to match it. He assumes they want the truck stop back, and says he’s moving on. He was looking for something, but it’s not there. She says before he leaves, she wants him to do something for her friends. They nearly got themselves killed saving his ass. They’re fixing a plane, and need to find a way to light up a runway. If he hits the brights on his convoy, it will work. He says she’s asking for help, and that’s not how he operates. She tells him, the rig she’s driving, belonged in part to Clayton. She stole with her brother. Now they’re just trying to help too. That’s how they operate. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t regret what they’ve done. She’s read what Clayton wrote, and it gnaws at you. If you walk away from helping people who need it, you’ll spend what’s left of your miserable life making up for it. He owes it to them – and Clayton. He says, nice speech, but unlike his partner, he’s above ground. He’s not his sticking neck out. it’s kept him breathing, and he kind of likes breathing.

John asks Dwight, how far? and Dwight says, fifteen or twenty miles. The car starts sputtering, and stops. John can’t get it going again. He says they had a full tank of gas, but Dwight says it probably went bad. He’s noticed it before. Dwight points out the cloud in the distance. They get out of the car, and John gets June on the radio. She says they must be getting closer, and he says they are. He asks if they’re both looking at the same thing. He’s not giving up, but he might not make it in time. June asks where they are; she’ll come there. He says, it’s too far. He says he’ll do his best to get back, but asks her to promise they’ll take off whether he’s there or not. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he found a reason to live. He wants her to have a reason, whether he’s there or not. Dwight listens as he uses Shari’s words, find something to live for, and live. He says, promise him, and she promises. He says he loves her, but the sound starts breaking up, and John’s radio dies. Dwight says he’s sorry he can’t make it right, for John or anyone else. John sees a message written on a tree, if you’re reading this, it means you’re still here, and asks Dwight how far he thinks Shari’s car is.

Luci asks if June is okay, and June hands her the radio. Luci tells Morgan the wind has changed direction, and he says they need to get on the plane now. They’re closer than she thinks. She sees them running out of the woods. She says they’re not leaving until they have to, but they need help. The zombie horde emerges from the woods. Man, these zombies look tired.

Sarah tells Wen that Logan and his sick squad tore the place up. It looks like they were digging to China. He wonders what they were looking for, and she says, not flares. If she has to shoot sunshine out of her ass to make runway lights happen, then that’s what she’ll do. A car comes squealing in. Wen says they’ve got company. Daniel gets out with his hands up, and Sarah says, Dan the man? She lets Skidmark go, and he runs to Daniel. Daniel says his cat got fatter. Sarah asks if that’s why he’s there, and he says he heard them on the radio, and brought some things to help. Wen says it’s thoughtful, but unless he has spotlights in his trunk, it won’t be enough. Daniel asks him to help unload.

June tells Charlie to get more ammo. Morgan asks Grace if he can use his pokey stick, and she says it should be fine.

Victor works the controls, and asks Al if she’s ready. Al says they’ve got the engines running, and can’t wait much longer. Morgan says they’ll keep them off as long as they can. Al tells Victor that she’s glad she’s not doing this alone. Alicia makes sure the kids are buckled in. She and Victor are scared, but excited. Victor says, he’s got this. Al says they need to leave now, or they won’t have enough fuel. Victor asks if everybody is ready, and Luci says he can do this. He counts down, three… two… and June says, wait. She made John a promise, but this isn’t it. She tells Morgan to get on the plane, and he tells Alicia and Grace to run. Victor tells Al, when he says go, hit it. Morgan, Alicia, and Grace run to the plane, which opens in the back. They hear a car horn, and John and Dwight zoom up, John shooting zombies as they drive. They run to the plane and get in.

Three speedier zombies get hooked in some kind of netting hanging from the plane. One just gets dragged along, but two cling to the open doorway. Al tells them, lose the dead weight now, and John shoots them. The plane goes up with the doorway open. If this was on a big screen, I’d probably feel queasy. They go over the cloud of smoke, and John says they’re all right. Victor says they’ve got this, and everyone relaxes. Dwight looks at Shari’s ring. Morgan looks at his pokey stick. June tells John that she didn’t want to leave, and John says he knows. He kisses her forehead. Victor says, look at that, seeing the mountain. Al says it’s not the prettiest thing she’s seen since the end of everything.

The plane works surprisingly well. Alicia asks Morgan what they do now, and he says, make it back. She says, then do what? He’d said they should keep looking for people to help, and make sure others are living, but how do they do that? He laughs, and says he doesn’t know. That’s what they have to figure out. The plane shakes grace takes her belt off, and breaks the contaminated end off of Morgan’s stick, tossing it out of the plane. She gives the rest of it back to him, saying she fixed it. It was the only way. Morgan says she’s not the first person, and thanks her. June asks John if Dwight will be all right, and John says he thinks so. He wouldn’t have made it without Dwight. They found the car, but thought they hit a dead end. He saw something that made him understand that there are two ways to look everything. He thought he’d never speak to her again, and there was so much he had to say. He can’t keep going unless it’s said. He takes out a candy, and says he knows it doesn’t make sense, but would she do him the honor of becoming his wife. He shows her a ring he’s made from the gold candy wrapper. June says yes, and he says, before they die, he’s putting it on her. He does, and they kiss.

Sarah and Daniel set up numerous stings of Christmas lights, all connected to each other to line the runway. Sarah asks if he thinks they’ll see, and Daniel says they’ll know soon enough. Victor radios Sarah, and she tells him to keep his eyes peeled. He says that’s music to his ears; they’re uncomfortably low on fuel. He sees the makeshift runway, and tells the others they have to see this.

At the generator, Wen turns his chair around, and sees a zombie. He backs up toward the zombie, impaling it on the swords he can eject out of his chair. He didn’t count on the zombie being stuck on the swords, and grabs his rifle. Another zombie heads for him, and trips over the cord going to the generator, turning out the lights. I make a very loud noise. Al says that’s not good. They’re low on fuel.

All of a sudden, the plane starts to jerk. Sarah tries to get Wen on the radio, but he drops it. He propels himself out of the chair. He grabs the radio, and tells Sarah that he wants to say, if he doesn’t make it, she makes the worst beer he’s ever tasted. He loves her anyway. Sarah starts running toward where Wen is. Victor says they need the lights now. Wen crawls forward. Al says they’re going down, whether they like it or not. Wen manages to get the plug back in, and they land. It’s super rough, but they land, and they could see where they were going. Victor laughs

Morgan says, they’re all still standing. He introduces Sarah to Grace. Sarah says they can thank Dan the man for supplying the lights. Dan says he told Al not to show his interview to anyone. Morgan says they did it, and congratulates everyone. Dylan gives Luci the copy of The Little Prince, telling her it helped him a lot. Sarah asks the kids, who’s hungry? There are busted up vending machines that need raiding. The kids run inside, and Alicia runs to Daniel. He’s sorry about what happened. She is too, and says she’s trying to make it better. She thinks that’s happened. She introduces Dwight to Daniel, who says he needs a haircut. Alicia explains that Daniel used to be a barber, and Dwight says he might take Daniel up on it. Charlie hugs Daniel, saying she thought she’d never see him again. He says, after he left, his daughter Ofelia was gone, but he couldn’t let go. (#WhereIsOfelia) He couldn’t let himself say goodbye. Now he could, so he’s back, and he brought all the good records. He tells Victor that he was wrong. Victor says they all are at times.

Sarah, Luci, and Wen clink beers. Wen says it was crazy down there, and her beer still tastes like sh*t. Sarah tells him, keep drinking. It gets better.

Morgan practices with his now shorter pokey stick. A woman comes in on the radio, asking if he copies. He asks who it is, and they ask if they was his plane. He says, yes; who are you?  She says she’s heard them before, and saw their boxes on the road. He asks why she didn’t say anything, and she says she didn’t think they were real. Now she saw the plane, and knows they are. She could use some help. Morgan gets feedback, and Logan’s voice says, sorry to interrupt, but he needs to chat. A car pulls in, and Logan gets out. Sarah says, too little too late, and the group surrounds him, pointing their guns. He says, okay; that’s fair. Morgan asks what he’s doing there. He says he listened to Morgan plan to help that woman on the radio, and he has a proposition. Alicia says he’s got to be kidding.

Logan tells them, because of the hurricane, and other elements, eventually it will be impossible to cross the mountain without a plane. Clayton knew the problem was coming, and set it up so people could cultivate a resource to rectify the situation – gasoline. Clayton wrote down the location in in one of his journals. Logan thought he could find it, but he was wrong. He thinks they have it. Luci says they do. He says if they give him the journal, he’ll take them there. Luci asks, how they know it’s not a trap? Victor asks, why not bring his convoy? Logan says they’d kill him, and them, if they knew he was there. He has bad sh*t to make up for too. Alicia said trust her if he wanted help. If they want anybody to get help ever again, they have to get to them. Soon, they won’t be able to. If they want to help people, they’ll help him find it.

Next time – in three weeks – more people are found, Victor wonders if the universe is testing them, a message is found on a tree, and landmines need to be navigated. Literally.

👋 Judith Loses Another Mother…

Unless Judith goes with her. I hope not. She’s one of the few bright spots in The Walking Dead.

💍 More Than 90 Days…

Jorge seems to be doing well for himself in prison.

☔ The Juice That Is Joe…

Out of prison, but still not doing as well as Jorge.

😧 A Little Disturbing…

I haven’t seen much of any the Little Women shows lately (speaking of which, whatever happened ot New York?), but Matt just gets creepier and creepier.

⛅ Because It Is…

And wondering how it happened again so fast.

July 19, 2019 – You Can’t Keep a Good Con Man Down, My Theory, More Gina, OctoQuotes Minus One & Hot


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Aiden is having a birthday party at Perks. Franco tells Elizabeth that Aiden has style and talent. He can’t believe how skilled Aiden is. Cameron hopes he’s skilled with the drum set he got. Franco says, and Elizabeth thought Cameron’s car gave them a headache.

Curtis and Jordan walk into the prison visiting area, where they have glass partitions. Curtis tells Jordan he’s glad they’re getting their lives back, but didn’t imagine they’d be going to Pentonville. He was thinking more like walks in the park or binge watching a show. Jordan says she needs peace of mind. He says, don’t count on it. Ryan is brought in, and acts like he’s in pain, clutching his side.

Willow visits Harmony, and says she’s sorry Harmony is back in prison after her statement against Shiloh. It doesn’t seem fair. Harmony tells Willow that she meant what said, and she has to take responsibility for her actions. It’s difficult, but it could be worse. Willow says Harmony’s cellmate Nelle is a comfort. Harmony says Nelle is young, like Willow. Because of her cooperation, Harmony has also been appointed to prison librarian. Willow says it suits her; she loves to read. Harmony says Willow does too. Willow wants to let her know Shiloh was arrested. Harmon says, wonderful. Willow’s son is safe from him. Willow says, yes. He’s finally safe Thanks to Harmony.

Drew and Jason go into The Floating Rib. Jason says, not a bad first day of work. Drew tells him the treehouse will be crawling with kids by August. I’m going to say this right now. There are days when the boom man is sleeping or something, because the sound will be unbalanced. You can hear things like people’s shoes louder than the dialogue. This is one of those days.

Sonny finds Kristina at Charlie’s, and tells her how proud he is that she stood up to Shiloh. She says Shiloh can’t hurt her now. She told him about the Pledge, and she’ll have to work through it, but he’ll be in prison. It serves him right.

At the station, Chase tells Laura, Robert wanted Shiloh held without bail. The judge set it impossibly high instead. She says, apparently not high enough. Shiloh comes out, and Chase tells him not to leave town. Shiloh says he can assure him until he retrieves the results of the DNA test, he’s not going anywhere.

Lulu tells Franco and Elizabeth, at the reception, Jake said Aiden wanted a drum set. They were saying he’d forget, but he didn’t. So her mom and Doc went for it. Don’t hate them. She says she heard what happened at the reception, and she’s so sorry. Franco tells her, blame the guest list, not the boat. There’s no talk of a lawsuit from Obrecht. Elizabeth thinks her sister has something big up her sleeve.

Charlotte asks Nina if she thinks they should have gotten a mixer instead. Nina thinks the mixing bowls are perfect, and is sure he’ll love it. Hayden arrives. In something sleeveless.

Kristina tells Sonny that she hates the thought of running into Shiloh. Sonny says she didn’t show it at the MetroCourt. She was on fire. He thinks Shiloh’s lawyer was more impressed with her than her client. She’s strong and resilient. She says it helps having her dad by her side. He says nothing matters more than his kids being healthy and whole. His phone rings. He steps away, and talks to someone in Spanish.

Willow tells Harmony that she can rest easy, knowing Wiley is safe. DOD is being brought down too. She doesn’t know about Beecher’s Corners, but in Port Charles, almost everyone left the group. Harmony imagines it will be the same in Beecher’s Corners, and wishes she could explain to them. They’re good people; just lost and searching for a connection. Shiloh took advantage of them, and even worse, she helped him. Willow says he took advantage of Harmony too. He’s the one to blame, when she’s behind bars. Harmony says she deserves to be, for many reasons, especially because she’s Willow’s mother. She should have protected Willow, instead of handing her over to Shiloh. Willow had to give up her son because of him. Harmony takes Willow’s hands, and says she’s so sorry. She was so blind. Willow tells her, please, if Shiloh winds up there, and she somehow runs into him, don’t let him manipulate her again.

Chase tells Shiloh, the judge has suspended any action in family court, pending the outcome of his criminal case. He can’t even get court date. Shiloh says, until he’s exonerated, but Chase says, not happening. Shiloh says he’s innocent until proven guilty. The charges are groundless. Chase says the evidence against him is piling up, including having a window of opportunity the night Douglas Miller was murdered. Shiloh says, one way or another, he’ll be a father to his son. Laura says, the evidence is overwhelming. He says, nothing is overwhelming to a man of faith. One day, they’ll work side by side. Their goals aren’t that different. They want to provide the best possible life for their children. He leaves, and Chase says he’d give anything to see Shiloh behind bars permanently.

Shiloh tells Daisy that Zahra can’t do it; he needs a criminal attorney. He says she needs to help. The future of DOD rests on him getting legal representation. She says she wants to help, but she can’t. It took her entire trust fund to pay his bail, and her parents cut her off. She asks what’s going to happen to him, and he says, it’s always darkest before the dawn. Zzzzzzzzz…

At The Floating Rib, Drew tells Jason that he doesn’t think the point of them building the treehouse was for them to become master carpenters, but to build a relationship between brothers. Hammering nails is a start, but maybe they should share a meal, have a beer. He thinks that’s what Oscar wanted. Jason says he’s starved, and they sit. Drew thinks he’ll have the brisket. Jason blows air, and Drew says he knows it’s weird for him, but Jason says, it’s fine. What’s bothering him is Oscar leaving his ELQ shares to Shiloh. Drew says, him too. Shiloh waltzed his way into the will reading like it was a joke. He had to exercise self-restraint. Jason says it conflicts with Oscar’s plan to use the shares for kids who want to make the climb, but can’t afford it. Drew says he’d like to think it was forged. Jason isn’t saying that, but maybe Oscar was confused, and forgot his bequest to Shiloh. Drew says he checked, and it’s legal, but Jason says, so is the Kilimanjaro Foundation. It’s in Oscar’s handwriting. Drew asks where that leaves the shares, and Jason says, tied up in court, probably for years. Drew says it’s a silver lining that Shiloh can’t get his hands on them.

Ryan picks up the prison phone. Jordan asks how he is, and he says the surgery gives him a twinge. It’s life-threatening, living with one kidney. It’s made him vulnerable to hypertension and a stroke. He doesn’t want his premature death on her conscience. Curtis tells Jordan, unfortunately, Ryan isn’t dying anytime soon. He’s seen Ryan’s medical records.

Aiden opens a present, and it’s a remote control truck. Charlotte wants to try it, and he says, sure. The kids go off, and Hayden helps gather up the paper. Elizabeth asks what’s going on with her, and Franco says he’ll leave them to it. Elizabeth asks if Hayden invited Jax, but Hayden says it never occurred to her. Elizabeth says, Jax is fun, easygoing, and children love him, Hayden says she doesn’t think of Jax that way, and asks if Elizabeth thinks Finn will show. Elizabeth asks why Hayden would care if he came or not.

Aiden wonders what’s in one of the boxes. Cameron gives him an envelope, telling him that a pastry chef (I don’t catch the name, but it’s not Christine Tosi, who’s the only pastry chef I know) is taping episodes of their show in the area, so he got right in line and got tickets. Aiden is excited, and Cameron tells him not to lose his cool. Aiden wants to have cake, and Cameron says, whatever he likes.

Hayden approaches Nina, and tells her that her future stepdaughter is lovely and energetic. Nina say she and Valentin are proud of her. Hayden says they didn’t get a chance to talk, and Nina says a finance meeting isn’t the best place to get acquainted. Hayden says she’s heard about Nina, and her work at Crimson. Nina says, that’s strange, since she’s heard next to nothing about Hayden. Nina excuses herself, and walks away.

Lulu is proud of Charlotte, and tells her it means a lot to Aiden that she came. Charlotte asks why Rocco isn’t there, and Lulu says he has a cold. Charlotte says, too bad. They’re hardly ever together as a family, especially since Dante’s been gone. She asks when he’s coming back. She misses him. Lulu says she does too, and hugs Charlotte.

Drew tells Jason, Shiloh is a con man. He can’t help thinking that Oscar got wrapped up with Shiloh because of him. Shiloh came after Oscar, and when Oscar died, Shiloh tried to console Drew for half a minute before he started on the past. He said Oscar was interested in Drew’s life, especially his time as a SEAL. The more he thinks about it, the more he wonders why.

Kristina turns around at the bar, and sees Shiloh. He says he’s there to make peace. She doesn’t know how he got released, but says he made a serious mistake showing up there. He says he made bail, and just wanted to come by. He’s missed her. Daisy says, her too. DOD suffered a huge blow, but with her help they can make DOD stronger and better. Shiloh says they’re not there to not pressure their sister, just to say hello. Even after what Kristina said to malign him, he forgives her. He wishes her nothing but love and happiness, and hopes to see more of her soon. She says he will. She’s going to testify against him. She can’t wait to tell a judge and jury how he pressured her into revealing person information he could blackmail her with. How he drugged her, and coerced other members of the Trust. He’s a sexual predator. Sonny tells her not to waste her waste her breath. He’s a cockroach to be stepped on. Shiloh tells Daisy, come. They have work to do.

Curtis takes the phone, and tells Ryan that the prison doctor said he’s doing good. He’s healing well, with no side effects. Ryan asks how Curtis got access to his medical records, laughs, and says, impressive. Curtis is a remarkable tracker. Curtis says Ryan doesn’t know him, or what he’s capable of doing. Jordan tells Curtis not to let Ryan bait him. Jordan thanks Ryan for saving her life. Ryan says, it wasn’t voluntary; he was forced. A kidney was taken from him, and that means a crime was committed. He asks if the commissioner is going to let that stand, or is the law as flexible as her husband’s morals?

Cameran says Aiden wants him to share the experience, so he’s going with him to see the pastry chef. Laura asks Lulu if she’s okay. Lulu says she looks around, and it’s a family party, but Dante’s not there. She wishes he would come home. Geez, why? So he can commit mass murder? He didn’t sound ready. Charlotte sees Willow, and says she’s glad Willow came. She’s doing Lila’s Kids this summer, and working on jumps with her pony. She asks if Willow got Aiden something to cook with. He likes to bake. Willow says she knew that. Charlotte tells Willow about the monster truck Aiden got. He doesn’t know how to operate it, but she does. She runs off, and Nina says she’s glad Willow is there. She’s afraid she owes Willow an apology.

Harmony goes into the visiting room to find Shiloh. She asks what he’s doing there. She was told he was never going to see the light of day, He wonders from whom; Willow? She’s misinformed. He made bail. Harmony says, the accounts are frozen, but he says his followers are still loyal. He hopes she follows their example. She sits down, and says, not likely. Shiloh knows she’s trying to atone for her perceived failing with her daughter, but what about her grandson? She’s depriving him of a father. He urges her to reflect on what she’s doing, In the name of what they created together. She needs to recant her statement, and he promises to do everything in his power, and use every resource he has to get her freed. And they’ll raise the child together.

Drew tells Jason that Margaux gave him back the flashdrive. It’s in a safe in his office. He should probably destroy it. He can’t risk losing the memories he’s made over the last five years to recover his old ones. Jason asks if he told Shiloh, and Drew says, more than once. Shiloh asks, and the answer is always the same. He can’t tell if Shiloh thinks that’s good or bad news. Jason says, it depends on what happened in Afghanistan. The story Shiloh tells is that Drew saved his life by pulling him from a wrecked convoy, but knowing Drew, he can’t believe they were friends. Drew says he can’t either. It’s more likely the truth is the opposite. Why go out of his way to reconnect with Drew?

Curtis says Ryan’s signature is on the donation form; he gave his consent, and there were multiple witnesses. Ryan says their plan worked. Curtis’s friend drugged him, and Ryan’s brother signed. Curtis says he could never prove it, and Ryan says Curtis is his kind of guy. The question is, has his wife become Bonnie to his Clyde, Curtis asks if Jordan wants to go, and Jordan tells Ryan if he has something to say, say it. Otherwise, they’re leaving. He tells Jordan it’s inescapable. Now he’s now literally in her blood. His kidney will affect her heart and soul, and she’ll never get him out.

Nina tells Willow that she realized she set something in motion. She overheard Willow say she put a baby up for adoption. She was obviously upset, and snapped at Nina, who snapped back, and mentioned the baby. She realized that Shiloh must have overheard. She’s the reason, and she’s so sorry. Willow thanks her, but tells her not to blame herself. It was only a matter of time. Shiloh has ways of finding things out. But it worked out. Wiley is safe, and Shiloh is in jail.

Harmony says Shiloh has always underestimated her. She always helped him to build, but he took all the credit. He wrote a book, got followers, and made himself a legend in his own mind. She finally sees him for the sexual predator that he is. He’s right. She feels guilty, but she can make amends. When she testifies, she’s going to more than sing like a bird. About all of it. He’s going to be found guilty, because he is guilty. He’ll go to prison, and her grandson will be safe, because she sees him now for who he is. Hank. A pathetic little man whose desperation reeks. She tells him, stay away from her daughter and grandson. She yells for the guard, and says she’s through there. The cheese Shiloh sits alone.

Kristina can’t believe they let Shiloh go, but Sonny says, just because he made bail, doesn’t mean he’s free. She says, Daisy must have posted bail; her mom is rich. Sonny is rich. She thinks that’s the real reason why Shiloh thought she was special. He asks why let Shiloh’s poison come to her; don’t do that. She says, he’s right. She’s stronger than Shiloh, and has love and support around her. She’ll be fine. She goes in the back, and Sonny takes out his phone.

Jason says it’s not a random guy Drew saved. They knew each other, Maybe Drew knew something, and it’s on the flashdrive. Jason’s phone rings. Sonny tells him, ready for this? Shiloh is out on bail.

Nina tells Willow that she read the article. She hopes the women he abused come forward to testify. She’s just happy Willow’s son is okay. Maybe they’re not so different after all. Aiden comes by, banging on a snare drum. He asks Willow if she thinks the principal would start a marching band. She thinks it’s a wonderful idea, and suggests he take it to the principal on the first day of school.

Laura tells Lulu, it’s going to take time. She’s in shock. Lulu still can’t believe Dante shot Peter. She heard the words, and tried to process them. When she woke up this morning, she didn’t want it to be true. Dante must be horrified, and feel lost. Laura says he’s getting the help he needs. A delivery guy gives Lulu an envelope.

Chase finds Willow, and she says he just made her day perfect. Shiloh’s been barred from family court, and she saw her mother. It was like rediscovering her again. They had an unbelievable breakthrough. And finally, there he is, her knight shining armor. She kisses him, and he says, it’s not all good news. Shiloh made bail.

On the phone, Jason says, got it. Shiloh comes into the restaurant, and Drew says, son of a bitch.

Kristina comes back, and asks if Sonny called Jason. Sonny says, yeah, he did. Kristina doesn’t want Shiloh to disappear. The only way for him to hurt her is if they got blamed if he disappeared or ran away. Sonny hopes he stays put, and has his day in court. Give Sam, and everybody else, a chance to face him down. Then he can rot in prison, where he belongs. Sonny gives a charming smile.

Shiloh tells Drew that he hates the way things ended between them. Drew says he made bail, and Shiloh says, that’s a good thing. They can put the ELQ stock drama behind them. Drew says Shiloh will be old and grey before he can touch the stock. Doesn’t DOD preach that money doesn’t matter? Shiloh says he’s the victim of a witch hunt, and unfortunately has to pay a lawyer. Drew says, good luck with that. Shiloh says Drew has forgotten that their friendship used to matter

Lulu tells Laura that Dante is divorcing her.

The kids whack at a piñata. No surprise, Charlotte is the one who finally cracks it open.

Jordan tells Curtis, sometimes justice serves, sometimes it doesn’t. He says there’s nothing just about letting her die while that monster lives. He tells her, don’t believe what comes out of his twisted mouth; the lies. She says she doesn’t feel any kind of connection, but she’s not comfortable knowing Ryan was forced to give up his kidney. Curtis says she deserves to live, and she says, it’s still wrong, but she’s not giving it back. She’ll just have to live with it. Curtis says saving her was the best thing he’s done in his miserable life. She says she can’t imagine a future without Curtis, and he says, him neither.

Harmony sees Shiloh’s book on the book cart, and is about to get rid of it. Ryan comes out, accompanied by a guard, and says, never discard something as precious as a book. She says this one is worthless. He takes it, and says perhaps he’ll find something. She says not if he has a brain. He says his brain is intact. It’s the rest of him that’s missing a piece. He’ll let her know what he thinks. Give his regards to her cellmate Nelle.

Chase tells Willow that the case against Shiloh is only getting stronger. She’s afraid he’ll fina a new way around the law, and come back to do more damage. She’s an adult, and can handle it, but what if he finds a way to get to Wiley?

Sonny tells Kristina not to worry. He doesn’t want Shiloh to disappear either. She says she’s out, and it’s up to her to stay out. He says he never believed what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but in her case, he agrees. She seems stronger.

Drew says Shiloh didn’t care about his son. He used Oscar, but Oscar came home to his family. Shiloh says Oscar left him the shares as a sign of his faith. Drew says Oscar had plans for the stock, and he’s going to make sure they become a reality. Shiloh will not tarnish his son’s legacy. Does Shiloh hear him? Shiloh smirks, and walks away. Drew picks up a pool cue. Jason says he’s going to take off, and Drew says he’s going to shoot some pool. He’ll see Jason back on treehouse duty later. Jason says he’ll be there. Jason gives Shiloh a look before he leaves.

At the bar, Shiloh remembers being in an infirmary tent in Afghanistan. A dude pounds on his chest and tells him, how about waking up? Shiloh says, hey, Drew, but sees the old Drew’s (Jason’s) face.

Laura says Lulu can give Dante what he wants or fight him, Jax gets the feeling Nina isn’t telling him something, Jordan asks Stella if she’s at peace with that, and Drew attacks Shiloh.

I’m wondering if Shiloh didn’t do something stupid in Afghanistan to get the convoy attacked. He could possibly been involved in Drew’s disappearance as well.

🎡 Like A Hamster In a Wheel…

It’s been a long week with that losing the internet business. Gina was the best I could come up with.

🌋 Quotes of the Week

No longer being MasterCard’s bitch? Priceless. – Doug (Kevin James), King of Queens

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. – Thomas Jefferson

Unless we remember we cannot understand.E. M. Forster

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. – Confucius

Be stupid, be dumb, be funny, if that’s who you are. Don’t try to be someone that society wants you to be; that’s stupid. So be yourself. – Christina Grimmie

If my answers frighten you, Vincent, then you should cease asking scary questions. – Jules (Samuel L. Jackson), Pulp Fiction

If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.Noel Coward

🚣 Long Week Too…

And since we’re in for one hot weekend, apropos.

July 18, 2019 – Lots Of Getting Busy In Port Charles, Round Two Of the NYC Reunion & TGIF


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Nina tells Obrecht that the article in The Intruder says Shiloh’s rights were denied because Willow didn’t tell him that she was pregnant. Obrecht says, shocking, not wanting to raise a human with someone like that. Nina says what if he learned about the baby from her? Obrecht asks how she could be involved; she barely knows these people. Nina says Obrecht doesn’t understand. She might have done something terrible.

Willow sees Chase, wearing a baseball uniform, in the park, and jumps into his arms. She says she just met with her lawyer. She doesn’t fully understand the legalese, but long story short, Wiley stays with Brad and Lucas. She thanks him for protecting and standing by her during all the insanity with Shiloh. Chase says she doesn’t get it. She’s the hero. He was just back-up. She says, in that case, thanks for the back-up, and kisses him.

Jason sees Sam at the hospital, and she hides something behind her back. She asks how Monica is, and he says, good. What’s that behind her back? She says, nothing. She’s just tying up some loose ends. Michael comes out of the elevator, and says, this is convenient. They can both hear the good news at the same time. He just heard from Diane. Shiloh is barred from taking any action in family court pending his criminal case. Wiley gets to stay where is.

At the MetroCourt, Curtis meets Valentin, and asks, what’s up? Valentin asks if Curtis has any more information on why Jax is back in Port Charles. Curtis says, not yet. Valentin says he’s getting anxious, and Curtis suggests meditation. He asks if Valentin realizes the job he hired Curtis to do, requires him to do the job Jax hired him for. It’s called maintaining his cover. Valentin tells him to do it faster, and Curtis asks if he wants it done faster or done right. He’ll be in touch. He leaves, and Valentin sees Sasha at another table.

At the station, Mac and Jordan go through case files. Mac picks one up, and says, last, but not least, Obrecht’s claim that she was pushed overboard during the reception on The Haunted Star. Jordan knows it’s wrong, but she wishes she’d been there to see it. Mac says, she almost drowned. Jordan says, yeah, and they laugh. She says they’re terrible, but she tried to kill Anna a half dozen times. Mac says, and she shot Elizabeth. Jordan asks if there are any suspects, and he says, take a number. She says Hayden must have an alibi, and he says, rock solid. He’s going through the guest list. He says, now that she’s back… She says she promised Curtis that she’d follow her doctor’s instructions, so she’s only returning part time until she gets the all clear. That means he’s still commissioner.

Franco tells Elizabeth, there’s someone else in the picture. Elizabeth says when he blows it up, it’s fuzzy. He points, but she can’t see it, so he adjusts the photo some more. She says she went over that night in her head, and it’s like Murder on the Orient Express, except wet. He points out a pant leg, and says, there’s a man lurking there. She says, or a woman wearing pants. They’ve been doing that for over a century. He says, not with that shoe. Maybe Obrecht was right, and whoever was watching them did try to kill her.

Willow tells Chase, it’s hard to follow unless you’re a lawyer, but Shiloh has no legal way to prove he’s related to Wiley. He has no legal to prove she even gave birth.

Michael tells Sam and Jason, for Shiloh to prove he’s Wiley’s father, first, he’d have to get the judge to issue a subpoena for the medical records to prove Willow had a child. But the judge won’t take any action until the criminal case is decided. Sam says, it just started, and Jason doubts Shiloh will ever make it back to family court.

Willow tells Chase, even if he beats the criminal charges, Shiloh will have to start from scratch, and prove she had a child. Then he has to prove Wiley was the child, and he’s the father. Chase says, Shiloh isn’t going anywhere but prison.

Sam asks Michael how Lucas and Brad are. He says, somewhere between cautiously optimistic and ecstatic. If it goes the way he thinks it will, they’ll be spoiling their godson for a long time. He says it wouldn’t have happened if Sam hadn’t put herself on the line. She says she had to protect Kristina, and when she knew Shiloh was after Wiley, she had to stop him. She can’t take all the credit though. They got Carol to give a statement. Then Jason got to Harmony. Jason says he just talked to her. She was ready to turn. She couldn’t stand what she did to her own daughter.

Willow says Shiloh hasn’t been convicted yet, but she’s not worrying about it now. She’s with him, it’s a beautiful day, and everything is out in the open. She doesn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing. She just has to get the rest of her life on track. She needs a job. The school can’t take her back because of the contempt of court thing. It’s a policy matter, and out of the principal’s hands. Maybe it’s time for a fresh start with no secrets. He asks how he can help. She says she has interview this afternoon. He can meet her after.

Obrecht tells Nina, it’s human nature. She can’t get through the day without doing one or two tiny, but terrible things. It’s good for her soul, and builds character in others. Nina says she might have put a child in harm’s way. Obrecht says, children are always putting themselves in harm’s way. It’s amazing they get past crawling. It can’t be that bad. Nina says she thought they were alone. She overheard her say she had a child. Obrecht says, who did? Nina says she was trying to be nice, but she picked on Charlotte. She thought they were alone, and she wasn’t even yelling. What if he heard? Obrecht says she has one last chance to clarify who she’s talking about. Nina says, Shiloh. Willow was trying to keep the baby a secret from Shiloh, and Nina mentioned it at the Nurses Ball. Shiloh must have heard.

Sasha goes over to Valentin’s table, and promises she won’t take long. She’s finally moving out. He asks if she’s homesick for Chappaqua, and she says she’s moving out of Windymere, but staying in Port Charles. He says, permanently? She says Nina wore her down, and she realized Nina was right. Her life is there in Port Charles. Valentin says he’s not okay with this. She tells him, look on the bright side. He paid her well, and now the paid assignment is over, but she’ll continue the work pro bono. He says Nina will never be her actual mother, and she says, not her biological mother, but she’ll never know because they’ll never tell her. They already agreed neither one of them wants Nina to get hurt. He says that’s why she has to leave, but she doesn’t think Nina would agree. Nina is happy, and it’s what he wanted. Let Nina be happy, and they might be happy too.

Chase tells Willow that he didn’t know governess was still a thing. She says, it’s old fashioned, but some wealthy families still require a nanny who has a background as a teacher. He thinks she’d be perfect. She says after juggling so many kids, focusing on one will be a nice change of pace. Her interview is in twenty minutes. He says he thought she was staying for the game. She wishes she could, since he’s wearing that cute outfit. He says, softball is not cute, and it’s a uniform, not an outfit. She says she didn’t mean to offend, but she can’t help how cute he is, and she can’t wait see him out of it.

Sam tells Michael, Jason is being modest. He was like a lawyer, talking to Harmony at the PCPD. Michael isn’t surprised, since he’s been listening to Diane for years, and Jason says he’s picked up a thing or two. Michael says his assistant called, and he’s expected somewhere. Jason asks if it’s a big meeting, and Michael says ELQ is playing softball against the PCPD. They’re going to blow them off the field.

Mac and Jordan go through the reception guest list, and Mac asks, who’s missing? Curtis comes in, and says, there she is, in her element. Jordan asks if it’s time yet, and Mac says, for what? Curtis says he hates to break up the party. Franco and Elizabeth walk in, and Elizabeth says they have reason to believe Obrecht is telling the truth. Franco shows them the picture, and Jordan says, that’s definitely a shoe and a leg. Franco says, shortly after that, Obrecht went on deck. It follows that whoever was wearing those pants and shoe did the pushing. She says Mac will take their statements, and leaves with Curtis. Elizabeth tells Mac that she admits she didn’t believe Obrecht at first. Franco says, she does embellish. Mac says they’re taking the attack seriously. They’ve already questioned and released their first suspect – Elizabeth’s sister, Hayden.

Elizabeth tells Franco that Obrecht and Hayden do hate each other. He says, and her sister is kind of a criminal. Mac says they downloaded the photos, and they’re going to start by blowing up the one they marked, and see if there’s any connection to what the person was wearing and the guests. Elizabeth asks if he really thinks it was one of the guests. He says, it’s possible, but not likely. The boat was crowded, and a stranger could have waited for Obrecht to be alone and made their move. Experience tells him, Obrecht knew her attacker. Franco tells Elizabeth that they threw a murder mystery party, and didn’t even mean to. How lucky are they?

Valentin says he brought Sasha there for one reason, to heal Nina’s broken heart from the loss of her actual child. She’s done that, and he’s grateful. She says, then why not keep doing it? She loves Nina too; hard not to do. He says she can do it from a distance, but she says it would hurt Nina, and it’s the last thing she wants. He asks if she’s familiar with the concept of logistics. It’s part of risk assessment, and he’s good at it. Looking at the risk, it’s pretty low if she’s in Chappaqua, but every moment she spends in Nina’s proximity, increases the likelihood of being discovered. She says, everything is a risk; crossing the street, even drinking water. But what are the risks compared to the benefits? He’d said they were telling a good lie. Because of it, Nina has a daughter, he has a wife, and she has a family. They all win. She walks out.

Obrecht asks how Willow’s offspring is relevant to her, and Nina asks if she’s been listening. She, Nina Reeves, crusader for children, said to Willow, no wonder she can’t handle her class. She can’t take care of her own baby. And she said it in front of the man Willow was trying to protect her baby from. Now she overheard Brad and Lucas says a sex cult leader might have found a way to take their son away from them. It all fits. Brad and Lucas adopted Willow’s baby, and the father of the baby is Shiloh. Obrecht says, what if, perhaps, he isn’t?

Sam tells Jason to open his eyes. She says, the surprise is in the bed. He says, it’s not surprise; it’s a distraction. She says he has to look for it, and he jumps on the bed, tickling and kissing her.

Willow tells her interviewer, between being a tutor and her classroom experience, she thinks she’d be a good fit. The woman asks if she speaks French, in French, and Willow answers her in French. She warns Willow that her clients have a full schedule, and she’d be expected to escort their child to outside experiences; cultural events and museum openings. She’ll also have to coordinate with the child’s mother. Madame is the child’s stepmother. Willow asks if she can speak to the child’s temperament, and the woman says she’s a wonderful child; bright, cultured, a little over-spirited on occasion. Willow says, that can be a good thing. The woman says, the family is a pleasure to work for, and has the highest standards. They’re cultured, busy and successful, but never too busy for their child. Plus, the benefits are generous. She would stay if she didn’t have to go back to France. She has one more question. What personal experience has Willow had in child rearing? Does she have children of her own? (You know who the family is, right?)

Nina says it’s great that Obrecht, of all people, is trying to find a silver lining, but it’s not a coincidence. Obrecht says, just as she didn’t take a tumble in a haze. There’s always more to any situation than at first glance. Nina is seeing what she expects, yet people – and life for that matter – are always capable of thwarting expectations. Valentin asks if he’s interrupting, and Obrecht says they were just discussing mankind and its capacity for the unexpected. He says as fascinating as that must be, they have an engagement. Nina asks if Obrecht will be all right, and Obrecht says, unless her attacker makes another attempt on her life, but have fun. Valentin tells her to try not to take a tumble over the side of the bed. Obrecht says, she was pushed, and Valentin says, of course (🍷) she vas. Obrecht says they’ll discus the mysterious kleines kind later. Valentin asks, what kleines kind? and Nina says she’ll fill him in on the way.

Michael hopes Chase’s team graciously accepts defeat. Chase says he’s never lost, but Michael says, that’s not true. Chase says he was just trying to psyche Michael out – or is he? Chase thanks him for being a good friend to Willow, and says she was just there and told him what happened. Sasha arrives, bearing a Team ELQ sign. She asks if Michael is fraternizing with the enemy when she’s there to cheer for his team. He says it’s out of pity; they’re going to lose. Chase says, tough talk, and leaves. Michael says Sasha surprised him. Are they going public? She says she can take it if he can. He says he can handle it, and kisses her. He’ll see after the game.

Jordan dances around, wearing headphones and eating cereal. She turns around and sees Curtis. She says, don’t tell TJ, and he says her secret is safe with him. She asks if he’s okay. He says he was watching her, and suddenly everything he wanted for them was happening, right here, right now. She says his idea of marital bliss is her dancing around like a nut, eating cereal that’s going to dissolve her teeth. He says all he wanted was little moments of peace and joy; the small stuff that builds up into a life. For the past few months, there were times he thought it wasn’t going to happen for them. Jordan says, yet they’re here. He says, they are, and they kiss.

Jason looks at a brochure for laser tattoo removal, and Sam says she can’t wait to get Shiloh’s mark off of her. He turned his monogram, David Henry Archer, into a logo, changing the D to a Roman numeral. It would be clever if it wasn’t so sick. The good news is, her plastic surgeon said when it’s done, there won’t be a trace. Just a little scar that will go away eventually. He asks if she’s okay with that, and she says, it’s worth it to get rid of Shiloh. Jason is the one who has to look at it. He says she always looks perfect to him. They kiss.

Jordan tells Curtis, since they’re enjoying an in between moment, she was thinking they could fold clothes and empty the dishwasher. He says, now she’s trying to turn him on. She says, speaking of which, she spoke to her doctor about resuming their bedroom activities. He says he’s not pressuring her. He knows she has to heal. She tells him, that’s what the doctor said. He also said she’s recovering quickly. If things keep moving at this rate, they can get back to normal sooner rather than later. He says he’s behind anything involving her well-being. She says she’s feeling better every day. Don’t worry; it won’t be long. He says he’s not going anywhere, and they kiss.

Chase helps Michael up a hill, and says he’s sorry. Michael says, that he threw a wild fastball at a soft pitch game? Sasha runs up, and asks if Michael is okay. Michael says, this idiot forgot what he was playing, and broke a rib. Chase says, did he? Michael says he doesn’t know, but it feels like it. Chase says he’s sorry, and Michael says he will be when Michael sues for everything he owns. Chase says he doesn’t own anything. Michael says then they’ll throw a housewarming party, and he’ll take it all. Chase is glad his sense of humor is back, and goes back to the game. Michael asks Sasha why Chase thinks he’s kidding. Sasha says she’s taking him seriously. Can she do anything for him? He says he can think of one thing.

Willow tells her interviewer that she’s not a parent herself. The woman says, don’t be apologetic; it’s best for the position. Her potential employers wouldn’t dream of making her divide her time between her child and theirs. She’s obviously skilled and cares deeply about her pupils. Why is she no longer at her previous position? Willow says she got along well with most of the parents, but did clash with one set. They were defensive about their child, and she got defensive in return. She could have handled it better. They made it to the end of the year, and she learned a lot. The woman says she won’t have that trouble. The couple considers the best interests of their child the highest priority. They’ll be joining them shortly. Willow can’t wait to meet them. The woman says, here they are. No surprise, Nina and Valentin walk in.

Franco and Elizabeth visit Obrecht. Franco tells her that the PCPD is looking over the photographs from the wedding. Elizabeth says contrary to Obrecht’s suspicions, her attacker was probably a man. Obrecht asks if Elizabeth is sure it’s not her sister, but Elizabeth says Hayden was on the security footage. It’s clear. Obrecht asks who the man is who hates her, and Franco says that’s what they came to ask her.

Sam looks at the brochure, and says she’d like to offer her plastic surgeon’s services to Carol, Harmony, and Willow if they want it. She thinks they want to be free of Shiloh, and if it makes them feel completely free… Jason says, then yeah. It’s a start. It won’t erase the memories of what he did to them, and her. Sam says, or him. He couldn’t react how he wanted. Jason says, if he’d done what he wanted, Shiloh would have disappeared the day after he showed up. Sam says it would have been best for everyone. Jason says, maybe; maybe not. It’s pointless to think what might have happened. They did what they had to. Sam says she was afraid Jason would be pushed too far when she was getting in deep with Shiloh. Jason says, never.

Mac asks Chase what he missed. Chase says, just the forces of law and justice taking down the minions of a big corporation.

Franco says Obrecht needs to be honest. He knows that’s not her strong suit. Elizabeth says, just tell them. Obrecht is uncertain what she wants them to reveal, Elizabeth says there were two types of people at their reception. The ones who have every reason to throw her in the harbor, and the people she’s never met. Obrecht says she’ll never understand why Franco married this hybrid of a Cupie doll and a snapping turtle. Elizabeth starts to leave, but Franco stops her. He says clearly, she has something on someone. Maybe it has to do with Brad, Lucas, and Wiley; maybe it doesn’t. Elizabeth says Brad owes her one. Obrecht tried to push him from a parapet. Obrecht says, why bring up the past? He was fine. Franco says a lot of people want to kill her, but there’s probably only a small handful who would actually do it. She must have given someone good reason.

Valentin tells Nina they can go somewhere else, but Nina says she needs to speak with Willow. She approaches Willow, and says she’s afraid she owes Willow an apology. Willow says, no need. Had she known the job involved them, she would have never applied. Charlotte is a bright, engaging girl, and mistakes were made on both sides. They’re not comfortable with each other. Willow tells the interviewer, sorry for wasting her time, and walks out.

Sasha puts ice on Michael’s bruise. He says he’s very manly, so he’s not feeling much pain. She says her work there is done then, but he says he requires immediate assistance. He’s feeling intense pain, but she says she thought he was too manly for that. He says she mocks his sufferings, and she says to tell her where it hurts. He says, come closer, and she kisses him. They get busy.

Curtis says he could hold Jordan forever. She says, fine by her, but that’s a long time, but he doesn’t mind. She asks if he’s sure, because if he gets bored, she can think of plenty of things to do while they wait. They kiss, and get as busy as they’re allowed.

Sam tells Jason, say it again. He says she heard him first time. She asks if he’s incapable of being romantic. Can he say it one more time. He says, never. He’ll never let anything come between them. She asks if that was so hard. She’ll always love him. They kiss, and get busy. Apparently, that’s going around.

Tomorrow, Curtis talks to Ryan, Kristina is going to make someone pay, Willow tells Harmony not to let Shiloh manipulate her, and Shiloh tells Laura that he’s not going anywhere.

The Real Housewives of New York City – The Reunion – Part Two

Andy welcomes us back, like we’re the ones who left. He says, life with Ramona is a bumpy ride, and we see clips of the Ramonacoaster. They’re all bad, but the worst is her saying, how smart can Dennis be, since he died of an overdose? Andy says she has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. He wants to start positive, and says a lot of viewers said how cute she and Mario are. He asks if there’s a chance of a reconciliation, but she says they’ve grown apart. They had a great marriage for a long time, and made up because of their daughter. They’re friends now.  Andy asks what’s with her and Harry? She says they’re great friends, and she’s known him for ten years. Andy asks if they’re friends with benefits, and she says no, but they are like kissing cousins, and she’d had too much to drink. Sonja points out that she claimed it never happened, and we flash back to that. Ramona says she was embarrassed, and Bethenny says, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Next is the table 62 debacle. Ramona says her mind is not so ageless, and the table number didn’t register. Dorinda says Ramona invited her as a guest. When you invite someone, you sit with them. Ramona says there was an empty seat next to her. Dorinda says she confirmed the table, and brought Ramona the list. Ramona told her to stop making a scene. She’d appreciate it if Ramona wouldn’t make excuses. Just say she effed up, and she’s sorry. It was rude, inconsiderate, and not nice. Say you’re sorry and move on. Ramona says, the whole thing was a fiasco, and she’ll never swear on her daughter’s life again. Andy says, the second biggest lie… but Ramona is still babbling about the first one. Bethenny tells Ramona, when she talks loud, she sounds like a moron, but Ramona doesn’t care. Andy says they saw the clip of Pamela asking if she should invite Sonja to Ramona’s party, and Ramona saying no. Sonja says, without hesitation. Ramona says she wanted it to be personal for her, and not on film. You can’t break the third line. Andy says she means fourth wall. Ramona says she invites Sonja everywhere, and Sonja asks why she didn’t want it filmed. Ramona says she wanted something personal for herself, and Sonja says she was hurt. Ramona is trying to break into society with her friends, and she’s known those people longer than Ramona. She made herself look bad. Ramona says she always invite them. Tinsley says Ramona posted all over social media, so it wasn’t that private.

Andy talks brings up Ramona’s comment about Dennis. Ramona says she was horrified, and apologized to everyone. Bethenny says she expects Ramona to have poor behavior, but it was like, dig-smack-dig- punch in the face. Ramona has a problem with her. Ramona insists that’s not the case, and Bethenny says, everybody knows. She doesn’t understand how Ramona can be so mean, and hit her when she’s down. Ramona says she wasn’t thinking. Bethenny says at the barbecue Ramona was worried about her neon heels and lobsters, but didn’t even give her condolences. Ramona says she doesn’t know what she’s going to get. Bethenny is hot and cold with her, and scares her. Bethenny wonders who should be scared of who, and Ramona says Bethenny comes after her, guns blazing, when she’s upset with her. Bethenny suggests Ramona not say things behind her back, Ramona says, it wasn’t meant to be a dig, which is really rich. Bethenny asks if she looked at the show. She keeps expect a kick or punch. Ramona is sorry Bethenny feels that way. Bethenny tells her that she has to work it out for herself. Andy asks if Ramona thinks she’ll ever learn from it. Ramona says sometimes her mouth gets the better of her. Andy says she’s done this eleven times. We flash back to Ramona making excuses at reunions, and apologizing. She say she’s trying the best she can. Andy tells her the viewers said it’s the single, most vile thing she’s done on the show. Ramona says she was wrong, and if she could take it back, she would. She owns it, and was horrified when she saw the show. She called Bethenny, who told her there was nothing she could say. Andy says there were two moments with Bethenny and Ramona that struck him. One was in the bar upstate, where they connected in a profound way, talking about their childhoods. We flash back to that. He says, the other one was during the finale, after Bethenny’s near-death experience. She hugged Ramona in a way like there was something in her of value or they shared a common history. We see that too. Bethenny says she has compassion for Ramona. Ramona wonders what she can do, and Andy suggests, stop mouthing off. Bethenny tells her, be kind.

Andy moves on to Ramona’s charity work. He’s seen a lot of cringe-worthy moments on the franchise, but her speech at the children’s charity was as cringe-worthy as it gets. He asks what set Dorinda off, and Dorinda says, Ramona made it all about herself again. She doesn’t want to share the limelight, and wanted to shove them in the back. Ramona says she was speaking first, and they would have followed. Andy says LuAnn wrote a book on etiquette. What’s her reaction? LuAnn says she was horrified, and Dorinda says, come on. After how LuAnn acted in the Berkshires? She needs to read her own book. Dorinda does an imitation of LuAnn saying how declassee the fish room is. LuAnn says Andy asked her a question. Andy asks how Ramona is feeling about ending the season? and Ramona says she is where she is. Whatever that means. Sonja says she’s a piece of work.

Andy tells us that, Tinsley was feeling enough heat to defrost her eggs. We watch clips of Tinsley from throughout the season, with a lot of focus on Bambi and Scott. Andy asks what Tinsley thought about the women questioning her spending habits, and asking where her money comes from? Tinsley says she comes from a background where you don’t discuss money, and it was super awkward for her to talk about it. She grew up in a privileged home. Dorinda says they get all that, but Tinsley says they didn’t. It was confusing how they were asking if Scott was buying her things, when she was branding stuff before them. Bethenny doesn’t think it accounts for enough. Andy asks if she still lives in the hotel. She says she does, but Dorinda says she sent flowers, and they’d said she moved out. Tinsley says she moved back in last May, and signed a year lease. She asks why they care. It’s like Dorinda was focused on a smear campaign. I agree here. She might be on a reality show, but it doesn’t mean she has to account to them for every penny and every date. Andy asks what kind of arrangement they think Tinsley has, and Sonja says, a damn good one. Andy asks if Tinsley’s lifestyle has changed, and she says it’s been the same her entire life. Sonja says Tinsley spent money in small shops when she lived with her, but when she moved out, she was spending more. Tinsley explains that when she was arrested, her mother got pissed and the money Tinsley got monthly went down. She moved in with Sonja because her mother didn’t want her to live by herself, and she had to prove herself again.  Then things went back up. Sonja tells her, thanks for being a real girlfriend, and Tinsley says she doesn’t have to tell them everything. Andy thinks the other women feel they’ve been forthcoming, and she’s been holding back. Tinsley says if she’d had an arrangement, she wouldn’t have been bawling her eyes out when she and Scott broke up. She’s talked about her family and her life, but it’s not the truth they want to hear. Dorinda says they want to be more involved in her life. Andy wants to settle it once and for all, and asks if she has an arrangement with Scott. Tinsley says, absolutely not, and he asks if they’ve gotten back together since. Has she seen him? She says they went on a trip, but it didn’t work out.

A viewer asks what Bethenny means by saying Tinsley set women back a hundred years. Bethenny says Tinsley isn’t an example of female empowerment. She doesn’t live in the real world. Andy wonders if it’s because she was raised in the South in a wealthy family, and has different values. Bethenny thinks that’s absurd; she went to high school in the South. Andy says, Tinsley was a rich debutante, and Bethenny says, that sets women back. Dorinda says Tinsley should do what makes her happy, but she would like her to be more transparent. Andy says, moving on. He’s sorry about Bambi, but there seemed to be confusion about the dog’s freezing and defrosting. Tinsley says her sister was close to Bambi, but wasn’t there. She talks about calling 911, and Bethenny tells Dorinda if she laughs, she’ll kill herself. Tinsley says he firemen tried resuscitation. Bethenny says she’s trying to control herself. Sonja says she didn’t mean to make fun of Tinsley’s loss. LuAnn says no one ever heard of it, which is why they reacted like that. Tinsley says Bambi was cremated, and is now in Palm Beach, along with her dad and her three chihuahuas. Andy asks if there’s anything else they need Tinsley to clarify. Dorinda says she’s sorry if she ever hurt Tinsley’s feelings. She’d like to dig deeper. Tinsley says she was still upset about Scott, and Dorinda suggested they had an arrangement. Sonja says Tinsley seemed good after they’d broken up, and Tinsley says she put on a strong face. Andy says they’re taking a break, and Ramona runs off to pee. Bethenny suggests she wear a diaper. Twelve hours? I’d never get through it either. And poor Tinsley. She’s literally the poor little rich girl, but I really do think these women are hard on her. It’s bad enough she has to deal with a mother who buys shoes from her ex’s new wife.

Andy tells us, the women have peccadillos, foibles, and eccentricities in spades. We see clips of Ramona dancing around, Sonja farting, Bethenny ordering food, and the word cabaret. Bethenny says she only counted eighteen. Andy asks LuAnn if seeing the show changed the way she sees herself. LuAnn admits to complaining and talking too much, but it was just what was going on in her life at the time. Ramona says she’s switched from pinot being her signature drink to infused seltzer with vodka. She says, it’s a millennium drink. The women look bewildered, and then realize she meant millennial. Andy asks Sonja what she eats that makes her gassy when they’re on trips. Sonja say she wants to eat it all, and warns them that she just ate some chocolate. I had no idea chocolate could give you gas. Andy says Dorinda’s level is at ten when she enters a room or someone else does, and Dorinda says she has a little Oprah in her. He asks how the women feel when Bethenny orders for them in a restaurant. Ramona says, she knows food, and gets no argument from anyone. Andy says Ramona was feeling herself this season, and she says she’s in a good place. She’s been working hard on herself. Andy asks, on what aspect? and she says she’s older than these women, but she thinks they look the same age. Everything is about being young, and she wants to look the best she possibly can without being cut up. Andy says Ramona went in on Tinsley about make-up in a scene that wasn’t aired. We see a clip where Ramona tells Tinsley that she wears too much makeup, and it makes her look old. She dances around saying, she looks young for her age, and Tinsley looks old for her age, and Tinsley calls her a bitch. Yeah, she looks younger all right. She’s acting about five. Back at the reunion, Ramona tells Tinsley that she shouldn’t sleep in makeup. Tinsley says Ramona sleeps with her fake boobs; she’s going to sleep with her lashes. She just feels prettier when she wears makeup. I don’t think Tinsley has anything to worry about. Andy says it was wild, seeing Ramona showing her ass all the time. She was really into her body, and he thinks about the first reunion when she walked out at the mention of nude photos. Ramona says she’s changed, and we see that clip, where she acted maybe ten. Bethenny says, look what the show does to people.

Andy tells us, after an intervention, LuAnn got back on the wagon. She’s doing it one day at a time, and balancing the sober life and her blossoming car in boozy world of cabaret. We see clips on the subject of LuAnn’s addiction, and everyone’s opinion about it. We see her interview, where she says, the hard thing about sobriety is not drinking, LuAnn working in the soup kitchen, meeting with Jill for tennis, and the Miami trip where Bethenny confronted her (and more) during dinner, telling her that she was dining out on her sobriety. LuAnn says that’s the reality she lives in, and they don’t understand it. She doesn’t really talk about it, because she doesn’t want to be a downer. She slipped, and every day is a struggle. She tells Andy, it was on Easter day. She had two mimosas, and failed the breathalyzer. He asks how often she has to do it, and she says, three times a day. He says, and knowing that… and she says, the mind plays funny games. She thought since it was at ten, and she didn’t have to do the test until three, she’d be okay. She can’t say how difficult it is; there’s no margin for error. It’s a stressful way to live, but she doesn’t want to burden the others, or make them feel like they can’t drink. She was trying to keep herself together, and working hard. It’s her last three months, and she’s been paying dearly for those two drinks. Bethenny says they only find out afterward. There are no emotional normal moments with LuAnn, where she says she’s nervous or wants a drink. LuAnn says she didn’t feel supported, and wasn’t supported in Miami. Sonja says, that’s fair, but Bethenny disagrees. LuAnn says everybody was wasted, and didn’t consider her whatsoever. Much like Kathryn with the weed last night on Southern Charm. LuAnn says, Bethenny came into her room with a drink. Bethenny tells her that she’d said it didn’t bother her if they drank. LuAnn says she doesn’t mind, but they were really drunk, and she was getting yelled at. Bethenny says everybody said they’d heard different stories, and LuAnn tells her, be careful what you say; it can be held against her in court. Bethenny says she didn’t think LuAnn was taking her sobriety seriously. Andy asks if the reason she’s going to court is that some reports are not correct. She says she’s been doing what they asked, so it’s probably what’s being translated to Palm Beach, so she has to get it fixed.

Andy says LuAnn is working in an environment that’s not conducive to staying sober, and she slipped in that environment. LuAnn says it was at lunch the next day. She tells him that she’s a self-saboteur. She’s learned a lot about herself, and when she’s doing great is when she has to be extra careful. She can get alcohol anywhere, and when she’s at the cabaret room, she’s busy. Andy asks if she thinks she’s an alcoholic, and she says she doesn’t know. She does know she was definitely self-medicating, and on a highway to hell. Her marriage didn’t work out, and she was lonely with the kids gone. A viewer says LuAnn calling everyone, trying to get millions, and the lengths her friends were going to protect her, made it sound like a manic episode, rather than a relapse.  Has she looked into her mental health? LuAnn says she’s never seen a psychiatrist, and she’s been doing therapy. It helped a lot, especially after what happened with her children. Bethenny says it was like nothing she’d ever seen. Andy asks if LuAnn remembers, and she says she remembers a lot of it. Ramona says she was having a breakdown. Dorinda says she only stayed two weeks, and they didn’t think she’d take it seriously. LuAnn says she was there three weeks, and left to work because being on stage makes her happy. For her, it’s therapy, and she didn’t want to cancel. The rehab supported her decision. Bethenny says, that’s inaccurate. LuAnn was texting her, when she shouldn’t have been on the phone, and she didn’t stay twenty-one days. LuAnn says she did, and she has the paperwork. Bethenny says, she even missed the reunion. It’s disrespectful. Bethenny was living team LuAnn when LuAnn was having a breakdown. LuAnn says Bethenny isn’t a psychologist, and she was ready to go. Ramona says, the first time around didn’t work. LuAnn says give her a break, but Ramona says, no, she won’t. She believes LuAnn is still drinking on the side.

Next time, Part Three – Barbara joins the half-circle, Ramona says LuAnn should kiss Bethenny’s ass, and LuAnn still thinks it’s about jealousy.

👍 TGIF For Sure…

Is it a video? Is it a movie? Is it a song about Friday? Do we care?