Tag Archives: The Real Housewives of New Jersey

April 19, 2024 – Sonny Calls Out Three Traitors, Pre-Med, Back Again, Arrested, One Out One In, Not Leaving, Together At Last, Pups (!) For All, Ten Quotes A-Quoting & Showers


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jason does push-ups in his room so we can see his muscles and tattoos. Carly knocks at the door, and he lets her in. She says she really needs his help. There’s a guy downstairs and… She sees his sleeve and asks when he got that. He says, about a year ago, and she asks, why?

Adhering to protocol this time, Diane tells Madison that she’s here to see Nina. Nina’s expecting her. Madison says, yes, she is, and brings Diane into Nina’s office. Madison leaves, and Diane asks if Nina has news for her. Nina tells Diane, smile. She’s going to give Diane what she wants.

Brook says, it would be good to know what Olivia and Lois have planned for her for her bachelorette-slash-bridal shower, and Olivia says, it’s going to be fantastic. Doesn’t she trust them? Brook says, absolutely not, and Olivia says, wise girl. She knows whatever it is, it’s going to be fabulous, and with Brook’s mother running the show, it’s going to be one for the ages. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy her surprise. Lois comes in and says, speaking of surprises, she’s got one for them.

Sonny slams his hand on the table, and says, Dex is becoming a cop? Is Ava sure? Ava says she was with Trina and Trina told her. So unless she’s mistaken… He says, son of a bitch. If Dex goes to the cops, he’s going to tell them everything he knows, unless he stops Dex cold.

Josslyn thanks Anna for seeing her, and Anna says, of course (🍷). What’s on her mind? Josslyn says, Dex. She knows he applied to the police academy. Anna says, yeah. He took his fitness test today. Josslyn says, she can’t let him into the academy. She has to turn him down. Anna asks, why? and Josslyn says, because if Dex becomes a cop, Sonny will have him killed.

Nina looks through some paperwork while Diane peruses the dresses on a rack in the office. She says she thinks Nina will find everything in order, and as Nina is about to sign, Drew walks in. Nina says, they’re in the middle of something. So why doesn’t he leave word with Madison, and she’ll get back with him. Drew tells Diane that he needs to speak with Nina, and Diane says she has a court date anyway. She’s sure they can pick this up tomorrow. She picks up her bag, but Nina says, no. This is her office, and she can do what she wants when she wants to do it. So she’s sure Drew can wait until they finish their business. Nina signs the papers and says, done and done. Diane says, excellent, and double checks the paperwork. She says, fully executed. A pleasure doing business with her. They shake hands, and Diane leaves. Drew asks, what was that all about? and Nina says her current situation wasn’t working for her, so she made some changes. (Forget having sex with this guy. I’d be poisoning his coffee.)

Carly says she would have bet money Jason never got a tattoo, and he says he guesses she would have lost. She asks if she can see it, and he shows her his arm. (I see the word victory and a lion in the mix.) She asks why he did it, and he says, because he was alone. Obviously, he’s been alone before and he thought he liked it, but this time was different because he knew he couldn’t come home. So he guesses he just wanted something that was his, something that couldn’t be taken from him, or something he couldn’t be forced to leave behind. She asks if it hurt, and he says, it doesn’t really matter. It took a while. He never let himself think about home. He’d just shut it down; he wouldn’t think about it. There was nothing to do that night except sit there while this guy worked on him. He guesses he broke his own rule; he thought about home. He thought about Jake and Danny and how tall they were getting. If Jake still liked art and Danny still liked football. He thought about Elizabeth and hoped that they were happy. He thought about Monica and was just hoping she was okay, and she didn’t grieve for him. By that time, the guy was half done. That’s when he let himself think about her.

Lois says, Sonny is coming to the wedding, and Brook asks how she managed that. Since he didn’t RSVP, she assumed he didn’t want to come, and she didn’t want to push since he’s got all this stuff going on lately. Lois says, that is where she comes in. She pushes for Brook… gently and lovingly of course (🍷). Olivia says, of course (🍷). Good for her. Whatever she did, Olivia is glad she did it. Brook thanks her and says, the wedding just wouldn’t be the same without Uncle Sonny there. They hug, and Olivia says, and the Bensonhurst Brigade will be back together again. Brook asks if they should update the seating chart. Does she think Uncle Sonny will bring a plus one? Lois says she asked, but before he could answer, Ava interrupted. What is up with that one anyway? Sonny better watch out, because she’s putting those roots down fast. Brook says, she doesn’t think Uncle Sonny would bring Ava as his plus one, does she?

Sonny tells Ava that he should have taken care of Dex when he had a chance, but Carly talked him out of it. Why did he have to listen? Then Michael hires Dex to infiltrate him and spy on him. Ava says, Michael was definitely wrong, but children do lash out in anger… He says, how is he supposed to forgive? Carly said Michael redeemed himself, but Michael is his son. He wanted to destroy his father, then he changes his mind. No, I don’t want to destroy my father now. I’m going to hire Dex to protect him. What does he need protection from? She says, Michael and Carly definitely overstepped, and he says, yes. When Carly showed up, he should have had his men take her to the car. Or drag her to the car, whatever was needed. But she insisted that Dex was innocent and to let him go, so that’s what he did. He spared Dex’s life and let him go. And now he’s becoming a cop. She says she doesn’t know what Dex is thinking. She does have a soft spot for Dex – he saved her life – but he’s crazy to think he can get away with this. Sonny says he’s done… with all of them. He’ll get that divorce from Nina and deal with Dex, but what does he do about Michael and Carly, especially Jason?

Anna says she sees Josslyn’s concern, but she needs to calm down. Josslyn says, Dex told Anna about how Sonny ordered him to kill Cyrus. That alone is enough for Sonny to kill him. Anna says, Dex joining the PCPD is the best way for them to keep him safe, because Sonny is hardly going to target a police recruit. Josslyn says she’s sorry, but Anna is wrong. Does she know how Josslyn knows? Because last night, Sonny had an FBI agent beat up.

Jason says he figured Carly would be okay without him, but she says, he’s wrong. He says, come on. She’s tough, adaptive, and resilient. She asks where that came from, and he says, it’s something they say on assessments and fitness reports, that if you’re adaptive and resilient, you have a better chance for survival. And she’s the most resilient person he’s ever met. Nothing knocks her down for long. She says, losing him. When she was happy, she didn’t have him to share things with. When she was sad and miserable, he wasn’t there to fix it. It’s funny that he had a rule, because she had one of her own. When she would think she can’t do this because Jason’s not here, she’d tell herself, no. You do it for Jason. Jason wouldn’t let you quit. So even though he wasn’t with her, in a way, he was with her. She takes his hand, lifts his arm, and looks at the tattoo again. She says she likes it. It looks good on him. He thanks her.

Nina says she just needed to finalize some paperwork, and nosiest dude in the world Drew says, for the divorce from Sonny. She says, no. Why doesn’t he just say what he came to say and get out? He says he wants to hear about her business with Diane. What she does on company property affects him. So if she’s planning some new revenge scheme, she has to keep it away from him. She asks if he’s paranoid. That’s why she doesn’t want to tell him anything. But since he insists, she just sold her half of the MetroCourt to his brother… She thought the same thing. Jason’s just going to turn around and give it to Carly, but she has to hand it to Carly, she didn’t waste any time having Jason do her bidding. He says, a buyer can’t buy without a seller, so he’s sure she made a sweet profit on that. She says her father was in the real estate business. She learned a lot from him. You have to wait until somebody really wants your property, and then you make them pay. He says, so much for her loyalty to the MetroCourt, and she says, Carly can have the hotel. It brings her one step closer to the real prize. He says, which is? and she says, getting Sonny back.

Anna says, accusing Sonny of targeting a federal agent is a serious allegation. Does Josslyn have proof to back it up? Josslyn says she doesn’t need physical evidence to put two and two together. Her mom found Agent Cates on the ground, beaten up, not far from Corinthos Coffee warehouse. And it wasn’t a robbery, because he had his gun, he had his wallet. What does that tell her? Anna says, maybe the assailants were interrupted before they could rob him, and Josslyn says, come on. Anna knows that’s not true. She knows it was Sonny. He’s dangerous. And Dex becoming a cop is not protecting him. It’s making him even more of a target. She has to turn him down. Please. Anna says, all right. She can see how much this means to Josslyn, but assuming Dex gets accepted into the academy, ultimately, it’s his choice whether he decides to move forward or not. And she believes he understands the risks involved. Josslyn says, so she’s not going to do anything? Really? Josslyn walks to the door and says, okay, but when Anna throws him some big funeral after Sonny has him killed, and Anna invites all of his family, she doesn’t think they’re going to be there, but she will, and she’ll be sitting front row. And she’s going to look at Anna and they’ll both know Anna could have saved him and she chose not to. So do not hand her the flag from his coffin. She leaves and Anna picks up the phone. She asks someone to come to her office immediately. It’s important.

Ava says she understands Sonny’s anger. She’s been there. Not knowing who you can trust and who you can’t. Not even sure of the ground beneath your feet. She knows it’s tempting to turn his back on everyone that’s failed him, but please, tread lightly. Betrayal by family is a tricky thing. Sometimes family is all you’ve got. He says, they’re family because of Avery. That counts, right? She says, it does to her, and they’re on each other’s side. As for Michael and Carly and even Jason, up until now, they’ve been very loyal. He says, no. That’s wrong. Everything changed when he was in Nixon Falls. When he came back, the trust was broken. First of all, his wife was married, and he was gone what? Less than six months? Jason supposedly died and he was gone for over two years. He couldn’t pick up a phone and say, hey, I’m alive? He didn’t know what Jason was doing. Then Jason tells him to his face that he’s an informant for the Feds. All he knows is, Jason was on the roof with a guy who shot at him. He has to defend himself.

Jason asks if Carly needs him to help her with something, but she says, that’s okay. She can handle it. He says, Carly… and she says, the gas has been shut off downstairs, and there’s an obnoxious man from the city downstairs telling her that it’s all her fault. She could use some back-up. He says he’ll be right down, and she says, thanks. She can’t wait for him to meet Jason.

Lois brings out the seating chart and says, Sonny is seated unaccompanied. She purposely didn’t invite Ava, even though she was standing right there. Sonny knows not to bring her. Olivia says, she hopes, and Lois says, Sonny can read her like she can read Sonny, and he knows not to bring her. Olivia says, okay. Sounds like she has it all under control. She’s got to get back to work. Does Lois need anything else for the bachelorette party? Lois says, no, go on, and Olivia says she’ll see them tonight. She leaves, and Lois asks if Brook has started packing for the honeymoon. Brook says she’s narrowing down her choices. She can’t bring half her closet. She has to leave some space for shopping. She’s going to Florence. They both squeal, and Brook says she’s dreamed about this her entire life. And now, she doesn’t only get to go, she gets to go with the man she loves. How perfect is that?… Well, it’s not entirely perfect. Chase did have to sell his truck to pay for it. Lois says, which she thinks is very sweet of him and noble, and Brook says she does too. She very nearly ruined it though. Thank God Tracy stopped her. Lois asks if she just said, thank God for Tracy.

Drew says he knows he shouldn’t ask (then don’t), but how does Jason buying back the MetroCourt for Carly get Nina closer to Sonny? Nina says she didn’t know he cared, and he says he doesn’t. So forget he asked. You do you. Nina says she was hoping that Sonny would appreciate that she gave her stake up at the MetroCourt so his best friend could have it, and Drew says, good luck with that. She says, that’s it? What did he come here to talk to her about? He says, never mind. He’ll shoot her an email. It had to do with the wellness article she’s running. He’d like to look at some of the research; maybe talk to a reporter. He’ll let her know. He leaves, and Madison tells Nina, the update and revisions are in her inbox. Does Nina want her to print hard copies? Nina says, not yet. She wants Madison to contact the hotel manager because she wants to know when Olivia gets in. She has something very important to discuss with her.

Gas guy Mr. Tandy tells Carly, notifications about the essential repairs were sent, but she says she didn’t get a notification. Will he please have her gas turned back on? Jason joins them and Tandy says, the repairs will take three days. Her carelessness or disorganization is not the city’s fault. Danny walks by outside, and Carly says she’s not careless or disorganized, and unless he has proof those notifications were delivered, she has grounds to sue. He says, the city followed policy, and she says she guesses they’ll find out when her lawyer… Jason says, they know things get lost and misdelivered all the time, but they can’t run a business without gas for three days. Is there anything he can do to help them out? Tandy says he’ll speak with the gas company. They may be able to expedite repairs and get the gas restored by tomorrow. He’ll get right on that. Jason thanks him and he leaves. Jason asks what Carly needed him for, and she says, he’s been arrested enough times to know how good cop/bad cop works. He asks which cop he was, and she says, the good cop.

Danny goes onto the fire escape and enters Jason’s room through the wide-open window. (Really? In a city that’s crime ridden on and off?)

Ava says she knows it’s difficult for Sonny to trust anyone right now, but isolating himself from everybody who might care about him might put him at a disadvantage. He asks, who might that be. Carly? Michael? The only ones he has left are Kristina and Dante. And he can’t talk to Dante because he’s a cop. Michael, Carly, Jason, Dex, and Nina have all turned on him. She tells him that she’s not saying he doesn’t have the right to feel the way he does. She’s just suggesting that things aren’t always black and white. Carly and Michael, in their own warped way, probably thought they were protecting him. And Dex put his life on the line for Sonny more than once. She was in Puerto Rico. She saw it herself. He says, that was before Dex became a cop. And Michael and Carly can think whatever they want, but they put a spy in his organization. She says, at least he knows Jason didn’t have anything to do with that, and he says, based on what? Does she think Carly and Jason didn’t have any contact? She says, he doesn’t believe that, and he says, here’s what he believes. Carly and Jason are loyal to each other. He’s seen it for years with his own eyes. Carly would lie for him, do anything for him. So does he believe she may have had contact with him? Of course (🍷) he believes that. She may have known Jason was alive and didn’t tell him for months. Maybe even years. That’s unforgivable.

Anna thanks Molly for coming, and Molly says, of course (🍷). What’s going on? She said it was important. Anna says, it is. In this file, there are two statements, one from Cyrus Renault, one from Dex Heller. One details how Sonny Corinthos viciously attacked Cyrus at All Saints Chapel on New Year’s Eve, landing him in hospital. Molly looks at the statements, and Anna says, the other tells how Sonny Corinthos ordered his then employee Dex to kill Cyrus when he was a patient at GH. Molly sits down as she reads, and Anna says, questions? Molly says, yeah, one. She has to ask, what’s changed? May she speak plainly? Anna says, please do, and Molly says she thought Anna and Sonny were friends. Anna says she thinks they had a friendship of sorts, a mutual understanding maybe. Mostly because of his relationship with Robin. And she thinks at times, perhaps, they were on the same side, so to speak, battling a common enemy. That being said, when she was Police Commissioner before, she gave Sonny no passes and she gives him none now. And this case falls in her jurisdiction, and she has to pursue it, even if it implicates someone who has been kind to her in the past. Molly says, and why show it to her? Why not go directly to DA Scorpio? Anna says, Robert loathes Sonny, and she thinks he would enjoy it too much. Molly says, that can’t be the reason, and Anna says, in so many words, if Robert were to prosecute Corinthos, it’s just too personal to him. Molly says, it’s personal to her too.

Ava takes the drink out of Sonny’s hand and says, you know what you need? Some air. It’s beautiful out, so why don’t they go for a walk? They can walk across the park and get something to eat. It’ll do him good. Besides, if he’s seen out and about in public, he’ll let everybody know, as far as he’s concerned, it’s business as usual. They’re not getting to him. He says, yeah. He’s not going to get holed up in this place like he’s trying to hide something. He’s not going to be a victim. Come on. He’s hungry. Let’s go get something to eat. He takes Ava’s hand and they walk out.

Danny checks out Jason’s sunglasses and looks around the room. He picks up Jason’s razor and looks at it, then puts on Jason’s leather jacket.

Carly says, that bureaucrat messed up, but he didn’t want to admit it. That’s why she brought Jason into it. She knew Jason could get him to compromise without losing face. Jason says, or maybe he just didn’t want Carly to sue him, and she says she would have won, by the way. She didn’t want to lose three days of business. Her way was faster. Diane comes in and says, Carly is closed? Why? Carly says, it’s a long story. Is she here to see Jason? Diane says, no. She’s here to see both of them actually. She hands Jason some papers and says, there you go, signed, sealed, and delivered. He’s now half-owner of the MetroCourt. Carly says, he bought the MetroCourt? and Diane says, just Nina Reeves’ half. Now all that’s left to do is both of them sign the transfer of ownership, and Jason’s half is once again Carly’s. Jason thanks her and says he’ll get it back to her. Good job. Diane says she’s very happy for Carly, and leaves. Carly says, Jason can’t give her the MetroCourt, and he asks, why not? She says, because it’s on her to get it back. She’s the one who lost it. She did it all on her own. Drew and Michael told her not to invest, but she did it anyway. She put the MetroCourt up for… He says, okay. If he’d been here, does she think it would have happened that way? She says, no, and he signs the paper. He gives it to her and she hugs him, crying. He says, this deal is done. Enjoy it. He leaves.

Brook tells Lois that Tracy explained, if she bought Chase a brand-new truck, it would just devalue the sacrifice he made in order to pay for the honeymoon. Lois says, and she would be right, which is surprising for her to say. Brook says, it was surprising for her to take Tracy’s advice, which prompted her and Chase to talk about money, including her trust fund. Lois says, how did that go? and Brook says, really good. She’s glad they finally did it. It’s actually kind of a relief, and she thinks they’re in a really good place with it now. Lois says, that’s wonderful. She’s so proud of Brook. Brook says she never wanted to talk to Chase about a prenup or her money, because she never wanted him to think she’d believe he would take advantage of it or her. But the whole what’s mine is his wasn’t working either. It was actually doing quite the opposite. She’s just glad all that stuff is behind them. Lois says, it’s better late than never. Some people don’t even have those open lines of communication to discuss the important things. So it’s a good sign that she and Chase do.

Anna asks what Molly thinks. Can she get a conviction? Molly says, it’s pretty comprehensive. Someone could definitely make a case for assault, conspiracy, and attempted murder. Anna says, not someone. She’s giving it to Molly. Molly says she couldn’t possibly prosecute this case, and Anna asks, why not? Molly says, conflict of interest. Her sister is Sonny Corinthos’s daughter and currently pregnant with her child. Anna should give it to Robert. He’ll be aware of the stakes and do what he needs to do to keep emotion out of it. Or there are other ADAs who can work with him and give him the objectivity he needs. Maybe he’ll even assign the case to one of them. Anna says she’s not ready to move forward with it just yet, and Molly says, then why did Anna need to see her? Anna says, because she wants Molly to do it. So consider this fair warning. When she is ready to pull the trigger on it, she’ll be pushing Robert to give it to Molly to prosecute.

Sonny and Ava walk into the MetroCourt, and Olivia says she heard Sonny had a visit from Lois this morning. He says, she won’t take no for an answer, and Olivia says, does she ever? He says, not really, but he stopped fighting. How’s Dante? She says, good. She talked to him this morning. He’s back at work, grumbling about being behind a desk. Sonny says, at least he’s healing quickly, and Ava says, hear, hear. Carly comes in and says she needs to talk to Olivia. It’s very important. They step aside, and Olivia asks, what’s going on? Carly says, welcome her back, and Olivia asks what she’s talking about. Carly says she got her half of the MetroCourt back. She’s Olivia’s partner again. They screech, hug each other, and jump up and down. Sonny and Ava look at each other.

Molly tells Anna that Sonny is her uncle. He’s her sister’s father. It’s a clear conflict of interest. Anna says, that’s usually the judge’s call to make. Yes, of course (🍷) Molly can go to the court and inform them of their relationship, but ultimately, it will be the judge’s decision whether she stays on the case or not. Molly says, not if she recuses herself first, which she would, and Anna says, oh my God. She’s asking Molly to reconsider. Please. It has taken her a while to recognize the fact that Sonny isn’t the person she thought he was all these years. And she’s gravely concerned and disappointed in some of his recent actions. That is why she wants Molly, because she knows Molly will prosecute him fairly. She won’t seek to make him pay, or showboat; nor will she be too lenient. Molly asks if Anna feels that she’s been too lenient with him all these years, and Anna says, maybe. Sonny Corinthos is a larger-than-life figure in this community; he has been for decades. And he’s a generous benefactor, and in his own way, he’s kept Port Charles safe from others less scrupulous than he is about the drug trade. She imagines most city officials feel he’s the lesser of two evils, that he’s like a power to be tolerated and not eliminated. But that is over because she now has tangible proof of what Sonny has become, and frankly, it’s disturbing. And she’s going after him for something he actually did. And he needs to be stopped. Molly says she agrees. There’s absolutely a case here and it needs to be prosecuted. But not by her. There are four other ADAs in this office who don’t have close ties to Sonny. Anna says, in a perfect world, every case would be black and white. They’d know who was right and who was wrong. Who the good guys are and the bad. But that is not reality. In reality, most cases are layered, they’re complicated, they’re messy, and that is why they have to adhere to the rule of law. They can’t just decide who they’re going to pick and choose to investigate and who they’re going to prosecute. If they start relying on their own personal bias, that’s when the entire system breaks down. They have to do their duty, and it’s hers to investigate, and it may well be Molly’s to prosecute. (Um… but this isn’t some personal bias. She’s literally related to the guy. If she was a doctor, she wouldn’t be the one performing surgery either.)

Sitting at the counter in the nook, Lois says, Brook has never really asked about her dad, and Brook says she guesses she just accepted things didn’t work out between the two of them. Her dad was always present in her life, and they were really good at co-parenting. Lois says, and she’s very proud of that. Ned is a wonderful man, and they loved each other so, so much. They just didn’t agree with each other on things like money… and a bunch of other things, which was why she was so adamant about raising Brook in Bensonhurst. She didn’t want Brook to be around all that Quartermaine money and the drama that accompanied it. It’s a decision she’s never regretted. Brook says, she’ll forever be grateful for her upbringing. Growing up with the Bensonhurst Brigade was a gift. Lois says, oh ho! They’re all going to be there, right? And look – she points at the seating chart – she seated Sonny next to Kristina and her girlfriend Blaze, and then she put Michael on the whole other side of the room because something is still going on between Michael and Sonny. Hmm… She hadn’t even thought about that. Brook says, about what? and Lois says, should they invite Jason?

Jason opens the door to his room and sees Danny in his jacket. He heaves a Jason sigh and says, Danny…

Olivia says, how did this happen? and Carly says, Jason. Nina sold him her half, and he signed it over to her. Sonny looks grim, and Olivia says, this is so fantastic. She’s missed Carly so much. The hotel has missed her so much. Please tell Jason, thank you, a million, million times. Nina looks all happy and pleased with herself, and like a cloud of doom, Sonny walks over to Carly and asks if he can have a moment. Carly says, no. Whatever he has to say, he can just say it. He says, you, Jason, Nina. Three liars. Three traitors. You all deserve each other. Soap looks all around, and Nina catches Ava’s eye.

On Monday, dressed in a boa, Lois says, it’s showtime; Drew says he thought maybe Willow would like to know; Nina asks how long Ava’s been playing her for a fool; Sonny tells Carly, that’s proof someone is working against him; and Sam asks Jason how he can do this to their son.

🔬 Before He Was Finn…

This actually sounds like a pretty good story. My favorite role of his will always be the vampire Caleb on Port Charles though. No surprise there.


🏆 Feels Like We Just Did This…

Everyone is hopeful that the Daytime Emmys will be on time this year.



🍻 Nature Or Nurture…

I don’t remember her well, but I do remember her as being a bit unhinged. Perhaps it’s true about the apple not falling far from the tree.


🔄 The Circle of Minkoffs…

Where one Minkoff ends, another begins. Hey, wait. Has anyone ever seen them in the same room at the same time?

I’m going to miss her… sniff…

🍼 Daddy Don’t Go…

While I have mad admiration for Andy’s business sense, I don’t think he recognizes that the Housewives franchise is getting old, and Bravo should move on. Now it’s old and cranky and come back to bite him in the ass. I wouldn’t bet the farm on it, but I tend to think the lawsuits against him personally don’t have a lot of merit. I believe what he said about Brandi, who’s scrambling to get away from her own lawsuit, and as for Leah, no one complained at the time, and this isn’t the 80s.


🦸🏻 A Bromance For the Ages…

Deadpool is the best and the trailer looks very promising.


The tease.


The cameo… maybe.


For theorists, conspiracy or otherwise.


🐶 Barking Up the Right Tree…

Celebrity dogs. They’re just like ours.


You, too, can be a celebrity in your dog’s eyes.


🦧 Quotes of the Week

Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway. – Mary Kay Ash

Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong. Peter McIntyre

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. – Earl Nightingale

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. – George Bernard Shaw

Get your face out of my… look. – Debbie Johnson, 90 Day Fiancé: Tell All Part 5, after being told by Debbie Aguero, keep my name out of your mouth. (Obviously, comebacks aren’t her strong suit.)

Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly. – Stephen R. Covey

A memory is a beautiful thing, it’s almost a desire that you miss. – Gustave Flaubert

So, Earth is round, Earth is flat, where are you guys at on that these days? – Lucy MacLean (Ella Purnell), Fallout

🪂 Pulling the Cord…

Have a weekend filled with places to go and people to see, or at least catching up on your streaming and sleep. Come back again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and Deck exploits. Until then, stay safe, stay knowing your audience, and stay having open lines of communication to discuss the important things.

January 12, 2024 – Sonny Tests Dex’s Loyalty, Return Reveal, Supporters, A Legend Remembered, Absurd, Competent, No Drama, Next Us, The Ones, After, Bowling Pups, X Quotes & Dry


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Ava walks into the gallery and Nikolas says, good morning. She says, not anymore, it isn’t, and he asks if she’s sent out the invites to her little party yet. She says, nope, and he says, they agreed she’d throw a party and invite Esme. Ava says, Esme’s partying days are over. At least for now. She’s in jail. You’re welcome.

Spencer meets Esme in the interrogation room, and she asks if Ace is okay. Did he miss her? Did he sleep? Spencer says, Ace is okay. Of course (🍷) he missed her, but they were able to keep him preoccupied until he fell asleep. He’s comfortable at Laura’s place. After all, it was his first home. She says she doesn’t want him upset, but he says, it seems like she’s the one who’s upset right now. Did she sleep? She says, of course (🍷) not. She was too keyed up about the hearing today. He says he gets it. Facing prison time is frightening. She says, of course (🍷) he gets it; he’s done this himself. She’s not worried so much about her. She’s just worried about what will happen to her son.

Portia is snoozing with her head on Curtis’s hospital bed, when Curtis wakes up. He asks how he did, and she says, flying colors. One for the record books. Stella comes in with coffee and says, look who’s up… again. Curtis says he was up before? and Stella says, yes, and he promised to buy her a new car. He says he has no recollection of that, and Portia says, nice try. He’s been in and out, but that’s to be expected, and he seems fully conscious now. He says he’s slept enough and he’s ready to take on the day. Stella says, time to spread the good news.

Josslyn asks where Trina is off to, and Trina says, GH to see about Curtis. Is she okay? What’s going on? Josslyn says she’s just second-guessing herself. She told the RA about Adam. He was just so drunk on New Year’s Eve and so upset about his parents possibly pulling him out of PCU. She just wants to help. Trina says, Josslyn doesn’t have to justify it to her. Josslyn says, Dex thinks Adam’s emotional problems are too big for her to handle by herself. She agrees, but she still feels like she ratted him out. Trina’s phone rings, and she asks Stella if everything is okay… Really?… Okay. She’s on her way. Josslyn asks, is everything okay? and Trina says, everything’s great. Curtis is awake.

Diane meets Robert at the PC Grill, and he says he’s so sorry about last night, but she says she completely understands. She’s just curious as to who or what was enticing enough to lure him away from what would have been a wonderful evening. He says, Sonny Corinthos.

Sonny and Dex walk into Sonny’s office at Pozzulo’s, and Sonny says, anything? Frank says, crib’s clean, and runs a device over Dex. Dex asks, what’s wrong? Did they find a bug? Sonny says he’s just being careful, and Frank says, he’s clean. Frank leaves, and Sonny says, he and Dex need to have a conversation. Once they do, it does not leave this office. They sit down, and Dex says, understood. Sonny says he needs Dex to do something important for him. It’s sort of a crucial test, and once Dex does this for him, there’s no looking back.

Josslyn hugs Trina and says she’s so glad Curtis is awake. Trina must be so relieved. Trina says, Josslyn has no idea. Is she going to be okay, or does she need to talk some more? Josslyn says she’s good. Go see Curtis… Trina’s dad she means. Trina laughs and says, that’s okay. She trips up all the time. (Hey, what happened to Taggert anyway?) Trina tells Josslyn not to beat herself up for talking to Kylie. Adam is really lucky to have a friend who cares so much. Josslyn says, thanks, and Trina opens the door. Adam is there, and she says she was just on her way out. She leaves, and Josslyn invites Adam in. He says he was surprised to get her text. He figured after New Year’s, she wouldn’t want to talk to him again. He was wrecked. It turns out frat parties aren’t his vibe. She says she was really worried about him. Has he heard from his parents, or have they said anything more about him leaving school? He says, they really want him back home, but he’d rather be anywhere but there. She says she knows problems with parents can be tough, but they’re not insurmountable. He says he gets that she’s being kind and tactful. He knows he should stand up for himself, but he’s just not strong enough.

Deanna tells Curtis that everything looks good. Just buzz if he needs anything. They all thank her, she says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Portia says, Dr. Martel came by earlier and should be back a little bit later, but he said the surgery went very well. No surprises, no complications, and he says it’s looking very positive. Curtis says, that’s good to hear. Now they just wait for the swelling to go down and maybe he can dunk a ball again. Stella says, big talk. She’s glad she’s here and not TJ. She knows he’d have something to say about that. Does Curtis want them to call his dad and tell him that he’s awake? Portia says, they probably should, right? but Curtis says, not if it means waking him up. Let him rest. Portia should get some rest too. Portia says she’s fine. She’s fresh as a daisy. He says, and twice as beautiful.

Esme asks if Spencer saw Ace this morning. She normally feeds him and gets him ready for daycare. Spencer says he fed Ace, and she says, he’s going to be so confused. His whole schedule is off. Spencer says, he’s fine, but she says, he won’t be if she disappears from his life. Growing up without a mother is awful. Isn’t that what Spencer told her? He says, Ace isn’t growing up without her. He’s not. She’s a good mother. She says, does he really mean that? and he says, yes, but he’s got to ask. Why would she sacrifice his safety and security so she could break into Windymere of all places? Why did she go there on Christmas?

Nikolas says, why insist on pressing charges against Esme? and Ava says, because the opportunity to right a wrong presented itself. Esme should already be serving a very long sentence for what she did to Trina and to Josslyn and to Cameron. In an hour, she’s going down to the courthouse and watch their judicial system in action. He says, so Esme’s hearing is today, and she say she wishes she could bring popcorn. Nikolas suddenly jets, and Nina calls Ava’s name. She comes in the back way and asks if Ava is with a customer. She thought she heard her talking to someone. Ava says she was on the phone. She’s been trying to reach Nina. What happened after New Year’s Eve? How did Sonny find out it was her who went to the SEC? Nina says, Sonny told Ava, but Ava says, he hasn’t said a word, and she thought it best to just stay out of his way. When Sonny feels betrayed, he’s downright dangerous.

Sonny says, Dex is aware of his legal troubles. Cyrus brought cops into a situation that should just have been between them. He seriously miscalculated. Dex says, in what way? and Sonny says, the only thing Dex needs to know is, things are going to change around here. He needs to go back to focusing on the business. He hasn’t been doing that lately. Cyrus was released from prison, and now he’s causing trouble – again. Dex asks if Sonny wants to suspend business until after his trial, but Sonny says, there’s not going to be a trial. That’s where Dex comes in. Dex has to take care of Cyrus for him. Dex says, to keep him from testifying? Does Sonny want him to scare Cyrus? Sonny says, to death.

Josslyn hands Adam something to drink, and he says, thanks, but she didn’t ask him over here to check his hydration, did she? She says, he’s right. She didn’t. And what he said about not being strong enough to talk to his parents? She thinks he can. He needs to tell them what’s going on with him. But when she said that he should talk to someone, she didn’t mean just her. There’s a knock at the door, and she says she went to someone for help. She opens the door to RA Kylie, and Adam says, she’s a snitch.

Nina says she’s guessing Sonny doesn’t know that Ava’s the one who encouraged her to turn in Carly and Drew, and Ava says, what? They’ve been over this. She did not encourage Nina and Nina knows it. She was just calling Nina’s bluff to make her see reason. She wasn’t supposed to actually go through with it, which Nina did without her knowledge and involvement. But Sonny doesn’t know she knew it was Nina. She doesn’t think she’d be staying at his penthouse if he did. She and Sonny have reached a place where they can almost trust each other for Avery’s sake. Nina says, don’t worry. She’s not going to put Ava in the middle of this. She’s afraid Sonny hates her now and she’s just going to have to deal with it on her own. Ava says she doesn’t think Sonny hates Nina. He just goes to a dark place when he’s hurt. And you know what they say; hurt people hurt people. Nina says her earth shattered when Sonny slammed the door in her face, and Ava says she’s sure it was painful, but she’s talking about Cyrus Renault. Nina says, what about him? and Ava says, she doesn’t know? Cyrus is in the hospital. Sonny beat him almost to death.

Trina says she’s so happy to see Curtis and runs to the bed to hug him. He says he’s happy for the same, and she says, how is he? How is he feeling? He’s not in any pain, right? He says, no. Her beautiful mom and his doctor have his pain management under control. Enough about him. How about her? She’s back in school. Did she get the classes she wanted? Portia says, that and then some, and Trina gives her a look. Curtis says, okay, what did he miss? and Trina says she was accepted to study at the Sorbonne for a semester abroad. He says, that’s great. Paris, that’s wonderful, the Louvre, all the artwork. She’s going to be in heaven. Plus, Paris is beautiful in the fall. She says, the thing is, she was accepted to study for the spring semester, and he says, as in this spring? Why hasn’t she said anything? She says she found out over the holidays and thought she wasn’t going to go. Portia says, it’s just such a wonderful opportunity, and Stella says, the chance of a lifetime. Curtis says, it absolutely is. Why wouldn’t she? Trina says she just thought that right now wouldn’t be the right moment to be so far away, and he says, for him? She says, if he’d rather she stay, she totally understands. She wants to. He asks if Portia and Stella mind if he talks to his child, Stella says, absolutely, and she and Portia leave.

Spencer tells Esme, look at that. Coffee, something to eat. He puts it in front of her and says, the coffee’s terrible though. She says she’ll take the terrible coffee. She’s not hungry. She pushes the plate aside, and he says, she should eat something. She has a big day ahead of her. He sits down and asks if she’s going to tell him what she was thinking; why she broke into Windymere. She says she was lonely. They had Ace and she was confused about her life. Windymere was the last place she was before she lost her memory. He says, it sounds to him like she went looking for her old memories, and she says, so she can be the most hated person in Port Charles again? Sure. Why doesn’t she go back to a time when everyone was against her? He says, that’s really interesting because the old Esme had a persecution complex as well. Maybe she’s closer to her than she thinks. She says she doesn’t have to imagine much. Everyone has already told her how terrible the old Esme was. You know what they say about first impressions. Her first impression of her former self has been a lasting one. She really wants to be a good person, but he has no idea how hard it is. He says he gets it. He knows what it’s like to have people judge you for your past actions, but the bottom line is, he doesn’t want her to go to prison. He thinks that Ace is going to be a lot happier if she doesn’t go away. She asks if he’ll bring Ace to the courthouse. She already misses him so much. She needs to see her baby. Please. Will he do that for her?

In the hallway, Portia asks Stella if she just blew it, bringing up that news about Trina. He just woke up from his surgery… Stella says, take a breath. She wanted to give him some good news and this is good news. Portia says, it is good news, but she’s tired. She’s really not thinking straight. She just should have waited, that’s all. Stella says, it’s no wonder. They’ve all gone home to sleep, and she’s been by Curtis’s side since he went into surgery. She has to take care of herself. Curtis still has a long road ahead of him, and he’s going to need her to support him.

Curtis asks if Trina has accepted yet, and she says, not yet, but the deadline is approaching. She knows he’s going to tell her to go, but when she thinks about not being here when he gets back on his feet… He says, there’s no guarantee he will walk again, but she says she has faith. He’s one of the strongest people she knows, and she knows he’s going to do anything to get back on his feet. He says, whether he does or doesn’t, it’s not helping if she passes on this amazing opportunity. She should go. He’ll be here when she gets back. Not right here, but he’ll be here. Who knows? Maybe he’ll be on his feet in time to see her there in Paris. Unless he’d be cramping her style. Because he doesn’t want to interfere with her solo adventure. She says, actually, she won’t be solo. Spencer’s coming with her.

Nina asks if Cyrus went to Sonny, but Ava says she thinks it was a case of wrong place, wrong time. Sonny found out about Nina, he went to the church, and Cyrus showed up and said something that triggered him, and Sonny lost it. Nina says, at the church? It was Cyrus who told Sonny that she was the one who tipped off the SEC. Ava asks, how the hell did Cyrus know? and Nina says, because she was in church. She was confessing her sins to a priest, but it wasn’t a priest. It was Cyrus Renault. He knows everything. Ava says, he knew before Sonny knew. She can see why that might push Sonny over the edge. Nina says, bragging to Sonny when Sonny was at his lowest, he deserved whatever happened to him. At least now Cyrus doesn’t have anything that he’s holding over either one of them. Ava says, Cyrus went to the cops. Sonny is facing assault charges. Nina says, he was arrested? and Ava says, he’s out now, but he’s going to have to go to trial. Nina says, Diane will get him off, right? and Ava says, Diane is a very good lawyer, but Cyrus hates Sonny. He’s not going to let this go. And the PCPD has been trying to put Sonny behind bars for decades. They’re not going to miss this chance.

Diane says, Robert doesn’t want to appear overconfident. That’s going to make it all the more disappointing when her client walks, yet again. Robert says, these charges aren’t business as usual. Whatever it was that set Sonny off, he almost killed a man with his bare hands. He’s simply here to see that Sonny pays for it. She says, he’s unusually and unprofessionally gleeful about this, but she is a professional, so she’ll remind him that her client is innocent until proven guilty. This community loves Sonny Corinthos, an exceptional businessman, a wonderful father. Cyrus Renault on the other hand, is a career criminal with a rap sheet that stretches across Texas. She doesn’t know why he’s bothering to bring this to trial. Who’s the more credible witness here? He says, Cyrus Renault, he’s a criminal. Then again, so is Sonny. Diane says, well… and Robert says, the thing is, they now have DNA that puts Sonny at the scene of the crime, which is actually going to put him away, and there’s not a thing she can do about that.

Sonny says, Dex has always come through for him when he’s asked. Dex has proven his loyalty. Sonny thinks there’s just one final step. Dex does this for him, they’ll always have his back. He won’t have to ask for anything. He’ll always be there for Dex. Cyrus is an old man. Nobody’s going to be surprised when his heart gives out on him. Dex says he guesses that makes sense, and Sonny asks what he means. Does he have something on his mind? Dex says, it’s not his place, and Sonny says, it’s not, but it’s a big ask. So if Dex has something on his mind, go ahead and spit it out. Dex says, killing Cyrus Renault gets rid of the man, but it doesn’t necessarily get rid of the charges against Sonny. The DA might even up the charges from assault to manslaughter, saying that Renault died as a result of his injuries. Sonny says, Robert Scorpio can do whatever he wants, but his case is going to fall apart if Cyrus isn’t there. Nobody saw him at All Saints. There are no witnesses to testify against him. There are no cameras in the church. He wants to send a message – nobody crosses Sonny Corinthos. He wants people to remember that. Dex says he’s sure they will, but he’s concerned about Sonny. There’s DNA. He wasn’t wearing gloves; his knuckles are proof. Sonny says, that’s what he pays Diane for, because she can discredit any DNA evidence if she has to. Dex gets up, and Sonny asks if he’s satisfied, or does he have something else? Dex looks at Sonny and Sonny says, disappointing. He gets up and says, if he can’t ask Dex to do something for him, that means Dex doesn’t trust him, which means he can’t rely on Dex. He told Dex from the beginning that he needs loyal men by his side. Is he loyal or not?

Curtis says, Spencer cares a great deal about Trina. He’s going to give her his two cents. Spend it how she likes. He thinks Paris should be about her. It should be about figuring out who she is, and the woman she wants to become. It’s only a semester, right? And Spencer will be here when she gets back. Won’t he?

Spencer tells Esme, don’t worry. He’ll bring Ace to the courthouse. She thanks him and says she still doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Ava’s intent on throwing the book at her for what she supposedly did to Trina. He says, supposedly? and she says she doesn’t remember any of it. She’s not denying the things people have said the old Esme has done, but to go to jail for something she doesn’t remember doing, when she’s no longer that person? Even Trina didn’t want that. He says, that’s correct. Trina convinced them all that it wasn’t fair and that’s why Esme wasn’t charged. Esme says, and Trina said she did it for Ace, and she appreciates that, but Ava doesn’t see it that way. Why can’t she just let it go? Spencer says, Esme broke into Ava’s home and actions have consequences, and she tells him, says the person who’s skirted consequences his entire life. He says, she remembers, doesn’t she?

Adam says he can’t believe Josslyn would do this to him. How can she get him in trouble like this? She says she was just trying to get him some help, and Kylie says, he’s not in trouble. Josslyn did the right thing coming to her. It’s okay. They want to help him. Adam tells Josslyn that she had no right to say anything, but she says she knows he’s unhappy. All he does is study and push himself. He barely even goes out. He says, that’s because it’s all he’s got, okay? Or that he had. Kylie says, school can be a lot of pressure, and Josslyn’s just being a friend. She’s already spoken to Health Services, and someone can speak to him today. The counselor sent a form to his student portal. He asks why she’d do that. His parents are going to see it.

Nina tells Ava that Sonny could go to prison because of her. It’s all her fault. Does she know where he is? Ava says, in his office maybe? and Nina says she has to help him. She has to do something. Ava says, no. She doesn’t think Sonny wants Nina’s help right now. Nina says, he’s still her husband and she loves him. She has to try. Ava says, okay. Good luck. Call me. Nina leaves, and Nikolas comes back in. He says, so Sonny’s not so untouchable after all. It’s about time that sanctimonious hypocrite was taken down a peg or two. Ava says, he’s still here, huh? and he says, so Esme’s hearing is definitely today? She says, uh-huh, and he says he supposes his mother and Spencer will be there. She says, that’s very likely. Like she said, you’re welcome. He says, what for? and she says, once Esme is behind bars, he won’t have to worry about sweet little Ace. He’ll be safe and sound with Laura. He says, then he guesses this is goodbye.

Diane says, Robert wouldn’t be the first public servant to get giddy at the thought of taking down Sonny Corinthos. So allow her to point out a few things that others have learned at great cost. He says, that sounds like a threat, but she says, don’t be silly. She’s simply observing that if he were to bring this to trial, the defendant is going to be far more appealing than the alleged victim. Does he even think he can impanel twelve jurors who will find Cyrus Renault more credible than Sonny Corinthos? Even if he was able to prove that Sonny attacked Cyrus, no one’s going to shed any tears at the fact that Cyrus finally got a taste of his own medicine. Robert asks if there’s nothing to be said for redemption here, and she laughs. He says, Cyrus Renault is now a man of God, beaten within an inch of his life in a church. What does she think the jury’s going to make of that?

Dex says he is loyal to Sonny. It’s his job to protect Sonny and protect his interests. And that includes speaking up when he sees potential problems. Sonny says he knows. He hears what Dex is saying, but this is something Dex needs to know. He’s going to make this happen and he thought Dex was up to the job. It’s just a shame Dex is going to fall short of his expectations, but it’s better he’s hearing about this now than hearing about it later. So let’s just erase any doubts we have here. Is Dex with him?

Adam says, his parents will go crazy if they think he’s out partying. They’ll think he has a drinking problem. Kylie says, no. His student portal is confidential. He says, she doesn’t get it. His parents forced him to give them his password when they found out he lied about having an internship. Kylie says she’s sure the counselor will be willing to talk to his parents. Don’t worry. Everything will be confidential. There are so many students going through tough times these days. It’s not that uncommon. Josslyn says, please, just listen to Kylie. She thinks talking to the counselor is a good idea, and it could really help him. She’ll even go with him if he wants. Kylie says, they can go over to Health Services right now, and Josslyn says, come on, Adam, please.

Ava says, goodbye? and Nikolas says, it’s time for him to leave Port Charles. He’s a wanted man. He held Esme captive and it’s too soon to make almonds amends with Spencer and his mother. He doesn’t have a place in Port Charles right now. She asks if he’ll be back, and he says he’s not sure as to when. She guesses this is goodbye then, and he turns to leave, but she calls him back. She says she’s really glad she didn’t kill him, and he tells her that she says the sweetest things. He touches her face and tells her to take care of herself. She says, him too, and he leaves.

Sonny says, Dex told him that he wanted to advance. He said he wanted to do something for the organization. The way he sees it, this is how Dex does it. Dex says he agrees that Cyrus is dangerous, and Sonny says he has no doubt that Cyrus is going to come after the people closest to him. His kids, his grandkids, Sasha, Carly – he puts his hand on Dex’s shoulder – Josslyn. They’re all in danger and he doesn’t want them to live like this forever. Dex says, what about Mrs. Corinthos? Is she being protected? Sonny says he will deal with Nina. Dex deals with Cyrus. Dex asks when Sonny wants him to do it, and Sonny says, immediately. Cyrus is weak. He’s exposed. Anything can happen in a hospital. Dex says, okay. How do they make that happen?

Portia and Stella go back into Curtis’s room, and Curtis asks if Trina is going to the hearing. Portia says, Trina told him about Esme breaking into Windymere, and he says, he’s guessing she’s sitting with Ava. Trina says she thought about it, but she wanted to be here with him. He says, don’t worry about him. He’s not going anywhere. Besides, she needs to see this through. This could mean Esme’s finally out of her life. He’s glad Ava pressed charges. Trina says, her too, and he asks what Esme was doing at Windymere anyway. It just seems strange. Trina says, no clue, and Stella says she still doesn’t trust her. Trina says, neither does she, but she does feel bad for Ace. If Esme goes to prison, he’ll have no parents.

Spencer asks if Esme is starting to remember, but she says, no. She’s just going off everything she’s learned of his past from Laura and Doc. An officer tells Esme that her lawyer’s here. He’ll take her back to get dressed for court. She thanks him and says, Spencer is still bringing Ace to court, right? He says he is, and she thanks him for coming. She says, I really need you on my side, Spence, and leaves, and he flashes back to her calling him Spence, and saying, he’s even more pathetic than when she first met him. He says, Spence.

Trina leaves, and Portia asks if she told Curtis everything about Paris. He says, she did, and Portia says, he knows she doesn’t like the idea of Spencer going to Paris with Trina. He says, neither does he, but hopefully, they won’t have to worry about that. Stella says, why is that? and Curtis says, if Esme goes to prison, Spencer’s not going to want his brother to be alone. He’s going to stay right here in Port Charles and raise Ace. Portia says, fingers crossed.

Robert says, Diane hasn’t touched her food. She doesn’t like it? She says, no. She just seems to have lost her appetite. Clearly, Robert doesn’t want to litigate this case on its merits. He’s just someone else who wants to take down Sonny. He says, anything at all to rid this town of Corinthos. Although he will miss Sonny’s coffee. She folds her arms, and he says, come on. Think of all the extra time she’ll have on her hands now that her biggest client is going away for the rest of his life. Whatever will she do? She says, oh golly. She’s sure she can find someone or something to keep her busy. She gets up and says, she’ll tell him this though, she won’t be busy with him. She walks out and he looks perplexed.

In his office, Sonny looks at his bruised knuckles, then puts the picture of Nina on his desk face down. There’s a knock at the door, and he says, come in. Frank brings him the mail and asks if there’s anything else he can get Sonny. Sonny says, no. He thinks he’s got everything under control.

At the hospital, Dex makes a call and says, come on, Joss, pick up.

Josslyn ignores Dex’s call, and Adam says he’s not going to Health Services, and they can’t make him. This is none of their business. Josslyn asks him to just please calm down, but he says she doesn’t want to hear this. Both of them, just leave him alone. And take the damn counselor off his portal. He storms out, and Josslyn asks Kylie, now what?

Leaving a message, Dex says, Josslyn doesn’t have to call him back. he just wanted to hear her voice and tell her how important she is to him. And let her know that no matter what happens with them, he loves her, and he always will. He sees a text from Unknown that says: Room 1002. He says, gotta go, and walks down the hall, noticing Nina at the reception desk.

Nina asks what room Cyrus Renault is in, as Dex listens from around the corner.

Spencer tells the sitter to enjoy the rest of her day. He’ll be taking Ace to see his mother in court. She thanks him and says she hopes everything works out for him. He says he’s sure it will, and she leaves. He says, one way or another, and flashes back to Esme saying, no deal, Spence. He says, she was lying. She remembers everything. There’s a knock at the door and he opens it. Nikolas is there.

On Monday, Ava asks Laura why she would do that; Kristina says, this is exactly where she needs to be right now; Nina says, if Cyrus is truly sorry, prove it; and the judge asks how Esme pleads.

💝 Bringing the Surprise Twist…

I hadn’t realized the woman playing BJ was the child who played BJ. Very clever!

🌷 Bobbie’s Last Save…

I swear they didn’t address Famke by name, but I might have blinked and missed it.

👩‍⚕️ Memorializing a GH Icon…

Taking everything into consideration, it was worth the wait. It must have been tough on the actors though, pretending she was still alive. Obviously, there was going to be no recast.

The Why.

The How.

GENERAL HOSPITAL Spoilers: Remembering Bobbie


🪙 In Random Stupid News…

This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard.


⚖️ You’re All Out Of Order…

Who knows? It probably wouldn’t change the outcome anyway.


💤 For Those Who Still Care…

Teresa and Jennifer are so volatile, the rest of them can finally relax.

🌁 News Of the Last…

What’s happened up until now. (First the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came…)


I don’t think it’s necessary either. It was a great episode, but a spinoff would just be depressing knowing the ending.


⚰️ Next Dead Up…

This looks like another winner. In all these spinoffs, it’s like they finally got the idea that Walking Dead was too stagnant.





🎉 Not Letting Go Yet…

The overtime is probably pretty good.


🐕‍🦺 Love the Players and the Game…

Who’s competing in this year’s Puppy Bowl.


Mr. Bean!


🫦 Quotes of the Week

If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. – Michael Jordan (Or kick it down.)

Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.Spencer Johnson

It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not. – Andre Gide

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness. – Steve Maraboli

In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy. – Albert Clarke

I challenge you to let every day be a Friday. Permit yourself to be happy every day. – Joel Osteen

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. – Henry David Thoreau

You don’t have to be great at something to start but you have to start to be great at something. – Zig Ziglar

I’d say he was lying through his teeth, but he ain’t got none. – Amy Slaton referring to Glenn, 1000-Lb. Sisters

😐 Feeling Mediocre…

Return to this spot on Monday really Tuesday for soap and the final Med charter. Until then, stay safe, stay making time every day to do a small thing that brings you joy, and stay having faith even when there are no guarantees.

March 7, 2023 – Willow Has a Moment With Nina, Spitting Venom At Brunch In New Jersey & Your Mama


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Portia is looking at her wedding photo, when there’s a knock at her office door. Marshall asks if she’s got a minute, and she says, of course (🍷). He says, they’ve barely seen each other at the house, and she says, that’s on her. She’s been so busy with work. He says, of course (🍷). It’s perfectly understandable. He’s getting the results of his genetic screening, and she says, he must have so many questions. He says he does, but the only thing he’s going to ask her about is Curtis.

At the hospital, Alexis says hi to Curtis, but he doesn’t respond, so she calls to him again. He says he’s sorry; he didn’t hear her. She says, it must have been quite a meeting. She apologizes that her wedding present is going to be super late, but he tells her, save her money. Where he and Portia are headed, it’s probably going to get returned.

Nina comes out of the elevator, and sees Willow and Michael. She says she was looking for her Aunt Liesl, and Michael says, Nina just missed her. Nina starts to leave, but Willow says, wait, and asks Michael to give them a moment alone.

Sonny asks why Ava is willing to give her ex-husband a pass. If Nikolas has something over on her, he can help her. Austin approaches and says he’s sorry to interrupt, but he’d like to speak to Ava. Sonny says, they’re in the middle of something, but Ava says, it’s okay; she has things to discuss with Austin. Sonny asks, what about the situation with Nikolas? but she says, there is no situation. Nikolas was just trying to hurt her, and is absolutely no threat to their daughter. Forget she said anything, and chalk it up to a few martinis and a thousand bad decisions. She leaves with Austin, and Olivia asks what that was about, but Sonny says, Ava wouldn’t tell him.

Molly meets TJ at Charlie’s, and he asks if she took it. She says she did. He says, so… are they having a baby?

Drew kisses Carly in what used to be Sonny’s kitchen. She’s removed the moss bowl 🎍 so there are no witnesses, but its absence is keenly felt. She says, they have to wait until her brownies are done, and he says he can’t believe she’s baking. She says, these are for Willow. She hasn’t had much of an appetite lately, but she loves Carly’s brownies. It also looks like Liesl Obrecht is going to be a match for a donor, and they need to celebrate. What’s a celebration without brownies? He says he has something he wants to celebrate – them; openly, as a couple.

Molly tells TJ, no, they’re not having a baby; the test was negative. He says, it’s funny. He was just cruising along, not even thinking about having a baby; at least not yet. Then, all of a sudden, there could be a baby and it’s back to no baby in a couple of minutes. She asks how he feels about all of this, and he says, it’s not like they were planning on starting a family; not until he’s finished his residency. They would need a bigger place. They definitely haven’t saved for a baby, so… She says, so he’s relieved she’s not pregnant, right?

Curtis says, it’s a long story he doesn’t care to repeat, and Alexis says, no worries. He tells her, let’s just say he’ll be attending more meetings than usual, and she says, that’s what they’re there for. It must have been quite a blow. He says he’ll be fine, and she says she’s not one to preach, but for what it’s worth (🍷), that’s where prayer comes in handy sometimes. He says, it does. He doesn’t want to be the reason she misses her meeting, and she asks him to come with her. He hesitates, but she says, don’t be difficult, and he follows her.

Marshall says he’s deeply troubled about the rift between Portia and Curtis. Not only has he witnessed how devoted they were to each other, but he and Curtis wouldn’t have the relationship they do if not for her. She says she couldn’t even tell him why she didn’t tell Curtis that he could be Trina’s father, but he says, she doesn’t have to justify her actions to him.

Austin says, it looked like Ava was just about to tell Sonny that Nikolas is dead and the body is missing. Why would she do something like that? She says she needs help, and Sonny is Avery’s father. He’d do anything to protect Avery, and protecting Avery means protecting her; and if she’s protected, Austin is protected.

Olivia says, if Sonny want to stick his nose all up in Ava’s business, go right ahead, and he says, she’s Avery’s mother. After what she’s been through with Ryan Chamberlain, she has every right to be spooked. She says, Ava and Austin seem cozy at the moment. Why doesn’t Sonny let Austin be her emotional support animal? Sonny’s got enough going on in his life right now.

Michael parks Willow’s wheelchair near a bench, and asks if she’s sure about this. She says, if it becomes too much, she’ll send up a flare. He sees he has a text from Dex that says, GH roof, and tells her that he won’t be far. He leaves, and Willow tells Nina, they just had a meeting with Dr. Randolph and Aunt Liesl. They’re running more tests to make sure it’s safe for her to donate, but Dr. Randolph is hopeful. She wanted to talk to Nina about where things stand. Nina asks how Willow is. How are the kids? Is there anything she can do… Willow says she wanted to talk to Nina about her condition; the kids are off-limits. She’s not going to tell Nina anything about them, and Nina won’t ask. Are they clear? Bitch.

Waiting on the roof, Dex gets a text from Michael that says, On my way.

Portia tells Marshall that she doesn’t know if her actions can even be justified; not anymore anyway. He says, and at the time? and she says, Curtis was out of her life for good, with no expectations of him coming back. She was with Taggert, and he’d just come back from his assignment, and she found out she was pregnant. They were overjoyed, and Trina and Taggert have this bond that’s so sacred. She would do anything to protect it. He says, even at the expense of the bond she shares with his son, and she says, it made perfect sense at the time. She thought Marshall, of all people, would be able to understand this. He says, but he walked away from his family because he thought it was the right thing to do. Everyone wants to protect their loved ones from harm. It’s a natural instinct, and it shouldn’t be ignored, but maybe looking back on it all, that instinct shouldn’t be trusted.

TJ says he wouldn’t say that, but Molly says, he can tell her. He says he thinks they need to have a talk. Sit down and really… She says, he can tell her anything… except right now. Alexis walks in with Curtis, and they all say hi. Alexis says, happy anniversary, and Molly asks them to join her and TJ. Alexis says, they don’t want to interrupt, but TJ tells them to stay; he hasn’t seen Curtis since the wedding. Curtis says he’s going to order from the bar, and asks if he can talk to TJ for a second.

Dex takes the SIM card out of his phone, throws it down, and steps on it. Michael comes out on the roof and says he doesn’t have a lot of time. He wants to get Willow home. Dex says he wants to give Michael a heads up. He thinks Sonny is on to him.

Ava tells Austin that Nikolas is her responsibility. Don’t give anyone a reason to suspect him. Let her protect herself. He says, telling a guy like Sonny Corinthos isn’t going to help them. In fact, it could get them both killed. Mason watches from outside the doorway, and smiles.

Sonny says he has a lot on his plate, which is why he needs Olivia’s help, and she asks, in what way? He says, Nina… and she says, the answer’s no. He asks if she can’t hear him out. Nina’s climbing the walls about this whole Willow situation. Olivia lives at the Quartermaines. Can she just keep him posted on how Willow is?

Carly says, Drew wants to take their relationship public? What happened to the whole they might be accused of insider trading thing? He says, it’s a risk, and she says, call her crazy, but she’s not really excited about going to prison. And if she’s being honest, she finds this being in secret not so bad. He says, she’s enjoying the intrigue; having an elicit affair without actually betraying anyone. She says she finds it sexy and exciting, and he says he gets that, but enough time has passed since the stock purchase and the failed merger. It’s not as obvious to people that they were together when the stock was purchased. She says, he’s such a romantic, but he says he’s just being realistic. The longer they keep this a secret, it increases their chances of getting caught, which will make people question how long they’ve actually been together, which brings them back to insider trading. She says she thinks they’ve done a pretty good job of keeping this quiet. Only her kids and Sonny know they’re together. He says, and Olivia, and she says, none of them are going to say anything. No one is on to them.

Nina says she won’t ask about the kids, and Willow says, if she does, this conversation is over. What I said. Nina sits down, and asks Willow to go on, and Willow says, first, about the bone marrow transplant. While Nina’s aunt is a match, there are questions about her fitness as a bone marrow donor. Nina says, because of her age? and Willow says, bone marrow donors are ideally between the ages of 18 and 35 years of age, and Nina’s aunt is… Nina says, over 35, but she’s as strong as an ox. Willow says, it’s not so much her physical fitness as her medical history they have to consider, and they also have to determine if there are any underlying issues she may not know about. Nina says, Willow’s been talking about her Aunt Liesl. How are you?

Drew says, it’s kind of a miracle the secret has lasted as long as it has, and Carly says, Ned was the one who threatened to go to the FCC. Won’t them going public with their relationship cause him to react? Drew says, the only reason Ned threatened that was to keep him and Michael out of ELQ, and she says, what’s changed? He says, Ned was afraid they’d push him out, so he teamed up with Valentin. Valentin is now dead, and his shares were inherited by his daughter, but Laura is the one handling her affairs, so now is the perfect opportunity to get back Valentin’s shares. She says, but if they isolate Ned, won’t he pull the trigger with the FCC? and Drew says, not if he bows out.

Alexis says she feels like she interrupted something big, and Molly says, it was almost something big. Alexis asks if everything is okay, and Molly says, everything’s fine. It’s just that she and TJ thought she might be pregnant. I’m glad she did say we, because face it, only one of you carries and delivers the baby. Molly says, she’s not, and Alexis says, it’s something to talk about. Molly says, they weren’t planning on having kids yet, with both of them being so busy. If they add a baby to the mix… Alexis says, it’s exhausting, and Molly works. So when she’s at work, she’ll be thinking about the baby, and when she’s with the baby, she’ll be thinking about what she has to do at work. And with TJ’s schedule, she’ll be doing the night shift. Good luck with that. And the truth is, you’ve got to keep your eye on them 24 hours a day. As small as they are, you can’t imagine how they have such a long reach, and they’ll put anything in their mouth. Molly was a cross between an octopus and a Dustbuster. It makes you wonder how you’ll get through a whole day, let alone 18 years. She sees Molly’s face – which is a mix of horrified, panicked, and exhausted already – and says, on the other hand, it’s the best thing that could ever happen to you.

TJ says he knows something went down after he and Molly left the reception. He’s not asking Curtis for details. He just wants to know if there’s anything he can do. Curtis says he appreciates the offer. Right now, he just wants to focus on anything else. Like TJ. How are he and Molly? TJ says, actually, it’s crazy. He and Molly are talking about having a baby. Any thoughts on fatherhood?

Portia says, the reason she’s been burying herself in her work and avoiding Marshall is, she didn’t want to have this conversation. Now she’s thankful they had it. She thought she’d ruined everything. Not just between her and Curtis, but between her and Marshall as well. And now he’s saying he doesn’t hate her for what she’s done. It gives her hope. He says he could never hate her, not after everything she’s done for him. He wouldn’t have questioned his schizophrenia diagnosis if it wasn’t for her. That’s why he wanted to see her before he got his test results from the geneticist; to say thank you.

Nina can’t imagine how Willow must be feeling, and Willow says she doesn’t have a lot of energy, or an appetite. She has difficulty concentrating. Also – this is going to sound really shallow – her nails are really brittle. She always prefers it when they look nice. Nina asks to see, and Willow shows Nina her hand. Nina says, not long ago, Crimson did a feature on nail art, and a nail artist gave her a nail strengthening recommendation. She digs in her bag, and pulls out a bottle, saying, she’s been using it all the time. She hands it to Willow, who thanks her.

Michael says, if Sonny was on to Dex, he’d be dead, but Dex says, something’s changed. When Sonny agreed to the Pikeman deal, he said he wanted Dex involved, and last night he got an update and shut Dex out. He went into his office with one of his guys and shut the door. Michael says, that doesn’t mean he’s pushing Dex out, but Dex says, if Sonny trusted him, he would have been there. And this shipment is still Michael’s best chance of busting Sonny.

Olivia says she hates to break it to Sonny, but there’s absolutely nothing he can do for Michael and Willow right now. He says he knows that, but this distance is killing him, and she says, then go do something about it.

Mason peeks in from behind a door, and Ava tells Austin, if she lets Sonny know what she did and why, he’ll take care of things and make sure Avery doesn’t lose her mother. Austin says he thinks she’s making a huge mistake, and she asks what he wants her to do. Sit around and wait; do nothing. Mason pops out, and says, Austin’s ladyfriend has a point. If she’s begging Sonny Corinthos for help, they both must be in big trouble.

Drew says, if he leaves ELQ, Ned has no reason to turn them in. So if no one else finds out when their relationship actually started, they should be in the clear. She says, what about Michael? He has some serious differences with Ned about ELQ. Drew says, Michael has something more important on his mind than business. The people they care about, the people they love, that’s way more important. That’s become crystal clear to him. She says, that’s sweet, but she can’t let him do this.

Alexis says, Molly and TJ would make wonderful parents. They’re healthy, they’re smart, they’re successful, they have a great support system. Molly asks, what about work? and Alexis says she raised two babies while working as a lawyer and as a single mom. She thinks Molly can manage. Molly says, TJ works insane hours, and Alexis tells her, she didn’t say it was going to be easy. They’ll make it work. She thinks Molly would love being a mom. She did… she does. Are she and TJ on the same page about having a kid? Molly looks over at TJ.

Curtis says, sorry. TJ could ask him about literally anything else. TJ says he’s sorry; he didn’t realize. They thought Molly might be pregnant, but she’s not. He’s never had the feeling before, but having a baby with Molly would be amazing. Curtis says, that’s great news, but TJ says he’s not so sure. Molly’s freaked out. She has a five-year plan, and this isn’t in it. The last thing he wants to do is push her to have a baby if she doesn’t want to, and if she thinks he does, she won’t want to disappoint him. Maybe he should keep his feelings to himself.

Portia asks how Marshall is feeling about all of this, and he says, not only does he not know what to expect, he doesn’t know what to hope for. That he has schizophrenia, and he can congratulate himself for managing it so well for so long, or… Portia says, absolutely. Schizophrenia is a very difficult disease to manage, and he says, on the other hand, what if he’s healthy? Everything he gave up; his wife, his boys, a life with his family. All of his sacrifice; all for nothing. She says, he thought he was a threat to his family, and wanted to protect them. He’s wasted nothing. Now he just has to move forward. He says, but how does he move forward?

Willow tells Nina, aside from the state of her nails and her need to take a lot of naps, she’s better than okay. Michael is taking excellent care of her. Nina says she sees how much Michael loves Willow, and she’s glad they have each other. She’s thankful that Willow chose to tell her all of this, but Willow says, to be honest, she didn’t want to. Nina’s Aunt Liesl asked her to.

Michael asks how Sonny’s attitude been toward Dex overall, and Dex tells him that he would have said good. Michael asks, why? and Dex says he was waiting for Sonny at Pizzulo’s, and didn’t have anything to do. He started poking around the kitchen, and found this recipe for chicken piccata, so he decided to make it. When Sonny got there, he asked if Sonny wanted some, and he did, so they had dinner together. They talked; nothing about business. Sonny told him about who he’d gotten the recipe from; Gloria Cerullo. Michael says, forget about the Pikeman update. If Sonny is talking about his past, Dex has nothing to worry about.

Austin tells Mason, this is not a good time, but Ava says, Mason never shows up without a good reason. She doesn’t know what Mason thinks he’s heard… Mason asks if Austin wants to enlighten the lady, and Austin says, Mason has some concerns, but Mason says he’s not concerned. He’s not even bothered. Like he was telling Austin, Windymere has some very impressive stables. He can see no expense was spared for the horses. Something about being around animals is calming to a person. Particularly when that animal is left behind to rot.

Olivia says, always a pleasure, and Sonny says he’s got one more thing, and yes, it’s about Nina. Olivia sighs loudly, and Sonny says, just be nice to her. This whole thing with Willow is tearing her apart. She’s running Crimson, and trying to prove herself at the MetroCourt. Olivia says, fine. She’ll be nicer to Nina, but her first loyalty is to Carly, and it always will be. He says he wouldn’t expect anything less, and she says, not for nothing, Carly seems pretty happy these days. Sonny says he’s noticed, and she says, noticed what exactly?

Portia says, Marshall’s not alone. She’s going to be there for him. And she knows Curtis wants to be there for him. Curtis is going to Marshall’s appointment with him, isn’t he? Marshall says he thought he’d wait until he got the results. He doesn’t want to bother anyone; not now. She says, she and Curtis aren’t in the best of positions right now, but she knows he’d want to be there for his dad. He says he never thought he’d hear those words, but he’s hearing them in no small part now because of her. She says, Marshall and Curtis definitely started building that bridge themselves. She has to see some patients, but why doesn’t he stay there, make a phone call, and have some privacy? She leaves, and he takes out his phone, putting it on the arm of the chair and looking at it.

Molly tells Alexis that she and TJ have talked about having kids somewhere down the line, but sooner than that, she doesn’t know what he thinks. Alexis says, maybe that’s a conversation they should have, and Molly says, they’re trying to. Alexis says, that’s her cue to leave. She knows how Molly likes to plan things, but from one planner to another, plan to have her mind changed. Molly says, that’s good advice, and Alexis says, when you think you’re the smartest person in the room, you tend not to listen to your partner… or in her case, a friend.

Curtis’s phone rings, and he says, it’s TJ’s granddad. He says, hey pop, what’s up? and Marshall says he knows Curtis is busy, but he’d appreciate it if Curtis was here.

Michael says, he told Dex before that Sonny wants to be a mentor, a father figure. Making that dinner gave him that opportunity. Dex says, that’s not why he did it. He genuinely wanted to try the recipe. Michael says, it was spur of the moment; that’s why it worked. Sonny hasn’t lasted this long by being stupid or naïve. If Dex had forced it, Sonny would have noticed. So just keep doing what he’s doing. He’s closer than he thinks. Dex says, what about Pikeman? and Michael says, don’t push it. That will only make him suspicious. Let Sonny choose to trust him. He has to get back downstairs to Willow. Dex says he hopes she feels better, and Michael says, they’re working on it, and leaves.

Willow says, Aunt Liesl wanted her to give Nina a chance, and Nina says, Aunt Liesl didn’t… and Willow says, threaten to withhold her bone marrow if she didn’t make an effort with Nina? No. Nina breathes a sigh of relief, and Willow says, Liesl just explained how much her heath matters to Nina, and she wanted to respect that. Nina says, it does matter. More than she can say. Michael comes back, and asks if Willow is ready to go home. Willow says, sounds like heaven, and Nina says she has to get back to the hotel. It’s convention season. Michael says, they won’t keep her, like they just did lunch, and Nina presses the elevator button. After an awkward five seconds, Nina thanks Willow, and leaves, presumably choosing to take the stairs.

Mason asks if they’re having fun yet. He’s having fun. He thinks the three of them should socialize more together. How are they going to stay in contact?… He snaps his fingers, and says, they’ll exchange numbers. He asks to see Ava’s phone, and she suggests he just tell her the number and she’ll add him to her contacts, but he says, no. He wouldn’t want her to get the number wrong. He holds out his hand, but she says, Austin can give him her number, and he can text her. He says he’d rather take care of it here and now, and she says, fine, handing him her phone.

Sonny says, he and Olivia both know Carly and Drew have been spending time together. It’s too bad they have to be so discreet. She asks how he’d know about that.

Carly says, it’s too much. She can’t let Drew give up on ELQ because of her. He says his first priority is to protect them from the SEC, but giving Ned control of ELQ is a good strategy. She says, he has to work on that romance thing, and he says, she wants romance? He’ll do anything to prove his devotion. He’ll even do the dishes. He’ll clear the dishes right here. She says, he doesn’t have to, and he swipes all the dishes off the kitchen island. Luckily, they’re all plastic, and the moss bowl 🎍 wasn’t there. He kisses her, picks her up, and puts her on the counter.

Mason says he’s in Ava’s contacts, and he texted himself, so she has his number and he has hers. That way, when he calls, she’ll answer. He tells them to have a good evening, and leaves.

Marshall thanks Portia for letting him use her office, and for everything else. She says, their conversation was helpful to her, and she appreciates him letting her talk things out. She hopes his test results are everything he wants them to be. He tips his hat to her, and walks off, but she calls to him. She asks if he thinks there’s any hope for her and Curtis, and Curtis walks out of the elevator.

On the phone, Alexis leaves a message for Gregory, saying, she doesn’t like how they left things. Can they talk?

TJ tells Molly, having a baby is a big decision – the biggest – so he thinks they should sit down and talk about how they feel. Go over their finances… She says she wants to have a baby, and he says, him too.

In the elevator, Michael asks how it went with Nina, and Willow says, surprisingly well. She told Nina that the kids were off-limits, and she agreed. The questions she did ask were appropriate, and Willow got the sense Nina really heard her answers. He says he’s glad it went well, and she says, it did, but she’s not forgetting who Nina is, or what she’s done to their family.

Magically having teleported to Carly’s bed, Drew and Carly kiss. He says, soon, he’ll be able to spend any night she wants, and she tells him to be careful; she might take him up on that. He says, in the meantime, there is something she could do for him, and she says, anything. He says he’d really love a brownie… with a glass of milk. Oh yeah? Did anybody clean up that mess in the kitchen?

Sonny tells Olivia that he knows why Carly and Drew have to stay quiet. If certain people find out how long they’ve been together or what they’ve discussed, they’ll have to deal with the consequences. She says, only because her husband threatened to sic the SEC on them. Nina walks in, and Olivia says, how’s that for romantic? She pats Sonny on the shoulder and leaves, and Nina stares at the back of Sonny’s head.

Tomorrow, Portia asks if Trina has something to say to her; Victor thinks he feels better already; Elizabeth asks if someone thinks they can ever forgive her; and Esme says she’s done listening to someone’s lies.

Real Housewives of New Jersey

Danielle practiced with Valentina for her birthday party entrance. In her interview, she said, it was going to be a full-on production. When she throws a party, she throws a party. It’s what her babies will remember. Nate said, she wanted their kids to have her personality. Was she happy now? She’d invited Jennifer and Rachel, but they’d gotten into it at Teresa’s housewarming, and she hoped they didn’t get into it at Valentina’s party or she’d go off.

Rachel’s family came over, and in her interview, she talked about being a guidette back in the day. She said that her mother is a typical Jewish mother, and her type A personality and Italian attitude come from her father. Her grandmother doesn’t give a single sh*t, and uses the excuse that she’s old and can say whatever she wants. Rachel’s mom asked about Teresa’s housewarming, and Rachel told her about Jennifer calling her a f***ing idiot.

Melissa gave Antonia a driving lesson, and said, please don’t hit any humans. I guess squirrels, street signs, etc. are okay? When Melissa asked her to pull into a drive-through for coffee, Antonia made Melissa take the wheel. In Melissa’s interview, she said, she and Antonia had turned a corner. Antonia still gave her side-eye when she could, but it seemed more copacetic. Maybe because she wanted a car. Melissa told her, whatever went on between her father and Teresa had nothing to do with Antonia, and in Melissa’s interview, she said, she and Joe #2 had always vowed to never involve the kids. Antonia told her, the kids stay out of their stuff, and Melissa said, if you have no family you have nothing. Family is everything.

5 weeks to the wedding. Teresa, Gia, and Milania went to the city where Teresa tried on wedding dresses and veils. Apparently, these were fake wedding dresses by the same designer, since the real dress was being kept secret. In Teresa’s interview, she said, the theme of her first wedding was Shakespeare in Love, which I shocked the hell out of me, since I can’t imagine Teresa even knows who Shakespeare is. She said she’d been stressed putting everything together, but this time she was using a wedding planner, and it was so much easier. Well, duh. Designer Mark Zunino was there because Teresa wanted her veil to be special. She explained about wanting something about her parents incorporated into it, and got all teary, even though she just gave a slap in the face to her parents’ dear friends by not inviting them to the wedding. In her interview, she said, Milania took it the hardest when Joe #1 left – we flashed back to that – but now Milania was thriving. She asked the girls if Melissa had talked to them, but they said it was no more than hi and bye. In Gia’s interview, she said, they were at Melissa’s and Joe #2’s shore house all the time last year. Milania said, Joe #2 should be walking Teresa down the aisle, and Gia said Teresa was two seconds from asking him, and now it was questionable whether he was coming to the wedding. Milania said, if he didn’t, it was over.

Jennifer met Melissa for lunch, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said she and Melissa were finally good. She was excited to maybe start a friendship. We flashed back to Jennifer throwing things at Melissa. They talked babies, and Jennifer said, it was like Bill was her boss. She took care of the kids, and if something went wrong, it was her fault. She whined that Marge always had an issue with her, and Melissa admitted that Marge didn’t give Jennifer a pass like she did other people. Jennifer said, there was a pattern of Marge losing friends. She asked if Marge hadn’t encouraged Melissa to leave Joe #2, and in Melissa’s interview, she said, it was at a time when she and Joe were going through something, and we flashed back to them arguing. Melissa said, it was just a girlfriend trying flatter her, but Jennifer told her to be careful. Marge can be dangerous. Please.

Jen was having the women over for a comfortable brunch where she was serving southern comfort food. In her interview, she said she wasn’t domestic, but every party with these women seemed to be filled with venom. She hoped to get them to understand that parties were about eating, drinking, and laughing; not women looking for blood. She’d liked Jennifer before Jennifer called and trashed her friend, but since Jennifer hadn’t slept with her husband, Jen was willing to give her another chance. The women started to arrive, and Melissa said, Jennifer had told her to watch her back with Marge. Marge said, Jennifer always twisted the things she said, and in Marge’s interview, she said, Jennifer was pathetic, obsessed, and embarrassing. They ate outside, which was probably wise, just in case things got thrown. Marge said Danielle wasn’t like her Instagram, and Melissa said, Danielle’s Instagram was extra. She thought it was one reason Danielle and her brother didn’t talk. Jackie showed up, and I thought, she might as well be a Housewife this season, since she’s getting as much screen time. Danielle explained that she and her brother hadn’t talked in two years. She’d blocked him on social media after he made fun of her, and he kicked her out of his wedding, Marge said, that was hardcore, but in Rachel’s interview, she said, it seemed sketchy that something so miniscule ripped the family apart. Danielle said, it was painful, but at a certain point, you had to block your heart. Melissa asked what terms Dolores was on with Jennifer, and Dolores said she didn’t know; she just wanted peace. Marge said, nothing was ever put to bed with Jennifer. She was a f***ing a-hole.

Jennifer arrived, and a hush fell over the group. Jen thanked everyone for coming, and they all clinked glasses. The topic of Jennifer’s house came up, and she said she didn’t brag; she just explained. She stated facts. Everyone received those facts differently, depending on if they liked her or not. Marge asked why Jennifer was trying to change people’s opinions of her. She’d told Melissa to watch her back. Why was Jennifer trash talking her? Jennifer said, that was her experience and she could talk about what she wanted. Marge said she thought she and Jennifer had moved forward, but it seemed they couldn’t. Jennifer insisted she was just giving the history, since history and facts are her new buzzwords. They began raising their voices, and in Rachel’s interview, she said she wasn’t understanding how it gets to this point. Grown-ass women were screaming like children over something stupid, Marge told Jennifer that you don’t win friendships by turning one friend against another, and Jennifer said she had a family; Marge would never know what that was like. Marge said she had a good marriage, and Jennifer would never know what that was like. In Melissa’s interview, she said, as many times as she’d seen them fight – we flashed back to several of them – she’s shook at what they’re saying. Jen finally got up, and yelled for them to stop.

It didn’t matter. Jennifer kept going, and Jen said, it’s not Teresa’s house; she has neighbors. They still continued on, now calling each other stupid, and in Danielle’s interview, she said, both of them were throwing dirty laundry in each other’s faces. She wasn’t telling these bitches nothing. There was a lot of no, you stuff, and Marge called Jennifer a disheveled drug addict. In Jen’s interview, she said she’d rather see them punch each other in the face. You know a party’s not fun if even she hasn’t eaten the fried chicken. Jen went inside, and Marge tried to leave, but Jen blocked her, saying, she wasn’t going anywhere. She told Marge to sit her ass down, and asked Jennifer to leave. They weren’t doing this. Teresa said, if Jennifer was going, she was going to leave too, which was no great loss. In front of the house, Jennifer told Teresa that Marge was jealous, and in her interview, she said it bothered Marge that she was living the f***ing dream. She doesn’t run at the first glimpse of unhappiness. Oh yeah, she definitely seems like she’s living the f***ing dream, gathering history and facts, and screaming the sh*t out of people with them. Marge said that Jennifer was a sick f***ing a-hole, and Jen said it was nice having everyone over, but they could leave now.  

Valentina’s birthday was over-the-top as promised. On the scale of a wedding reception, the theme seemed to be Barbiecore, with everything pink, as well as a real live Barbie, although a lot of the kids seemed too little to know what was going on. In Danielle’s interview, she said, there was nothing better than to be able to do for her kids. She thought she nailed it. Rachel told Danielle that the argument at Jen’s lunch was hard to watch, and Danielle said she liked Jennifer and Marge individually. She asked where she stood, and Rachel said she was annoyed when Jennifer screamed in her face that she was a f***ing idiot. They got off to a sh*tty start. Jennifer asked Rachel if she wanted to talk, and Rachel said she didn’t appreciate being called a f***ing idiot. Jennifer spent so much time talking about owning it, I don’t even know if she actually apologized. She told Rachel that when she talked about history, it didn’t mean she was still mad. The facts might be negative, but she wasn’t. In Rachel’s interview, she said, in Jennifer’s mind, Jennifer makes sense, but in Rachel’s mind, nothing makes sense. Jennifer said she was doing what she needed to in order to move forward. Valentina made her entrance, escorted by her brother, and did a cartwheel. Jennifer wailed to Louie that Marge was always coming for her and spitting out venom. Marijuana is not drugs. Um… She complained to Rachel about Marge telling Melissa to leave Joe, and Teresa said, she’d rather keep Marge as a friend than as an enemy. In Teresa’s interview, she said, they’d made up, but their history was no secret. Rachel said she had a mind of her own, and Teresa suggested she do her homework and pay attention.  

This is one of the reasons I think this franchise is over. They’re still rehashing fights from seasons ago. They need some new material. Or maybe, how about less screaming at each other and more fun stuff?

Next time, Teresa tells her therapist that Joe #2’s temper is out of control; Teresa’s therapist says, moving on is Teresa’s only option; Rachel tells Melissa what Jennifer said about Marge; the charity softball game happens; and Frank misses his and Dolores’s friendship.

👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Celebrating Women Of All Nations…

Take a break with me tomorrow for soap and what’s up with the servers, ex-servers, and servers-to-be at SUR. After which, LVP will be on Watch What Happens Live. Until then, stay safe, stay remembering to spring ahead this weekend, and stay not always trusting the instinct to protect your loved ones from harm.

February 28, 2023 – The Police Descend On Spoon Island, Teresa’s Love Bubble Housewarming & Wake


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Curtis apologizes to Trina for showing up unannounced, but he hasn’t seen her since the reception. She asks why he would; there’s nothing to say. He says he doesn’t think so. It’s not every day he finds out he might be a father, and it’s not every day she finds out she might have a father she never knew.

Jordan gives Dante a signed warrant that gives the PCPD the right to search every inch of Spoon Island. Dante says, if Nikolas is there, they’re going to find him, and Jordan says, and with Elizabeth’s testimony, he’ll be going away to prison for a very long time.

Scotty asks why Elizabeth isn’t smiling. They got a really good deal. She asks, what’s going to happen to Nikolas? and Scotty says, he’ll be charged with a boatload of crimes. She says, because she incriminated him, and Scotty asks if she’d rather Nikolas incriminate her. All she did was tell the truth. Nikolas sucked her in to this whole Esme thing; he thought she was the killer. When he found out she wasn’t, they were in over their heads, and he got the DA to make the deal for immunity. She didn’t know Esme was the killer for a long time. She says, tell that to the woman he loves – Britt’s mom.

At the hospital, Obrecht tells Finn that she can’t imagine what’s keeping Scotty. He looks away, and she asks what he knows that she doesn’t.

On the phone, Nina says, her daughter needs a bone marrow transplant, and all people have to do to help is register to be a donor. With Crimson’s demographics, they can reach under 35 year olds, people with more stem cells to offer. They need to launch an appeal. Every second counts.

Willow films herself, and says, by the time Michael sees this, their wedding will be just a memory. She hopes he doesn’t just remember the tears, but the flowers, the music, and the dancing. She hopes the photographer takes lots of pictures, and a video that he can show to Amelia when she’s old enough to understand how very much Willow loved her daddy. Michael comes downstairs, and asks what she’s doing.

Austin and Ava go into Windymere, and Austin says, it’s a little weird. She says, which part? and he says, the part where Heather sticks him with a hook and he falls to the floor, and there was this moment where he thought about all the things he didn’t get to do in his life. She says she’s glad she was able to stop the bleeding, and he says, him too. And he was glad she got to go after Ryan Chamberlain. She says, Mac fired the fatal shot. It’s ironic. If she’d killed Ryan, it would have been self-defense. Meanwhile, she has no defense at all for killing Nikolas. He says, it’s possible at this point, Elizabeth has given the cops a full statement, and she says, the cops are going to be here soon, looking for evidence to corroborate her story. He says, they’re going to be looking for corroborative evidence in the north tower, but she says, they’re going to be looking for Nikolas, which puts the whole island at play. He knows what they have to do.

Trina invites Curtis in, and he says, they have a lot to talk about, but she says, not really. Her mom lied to all of them. He says he’s not here to talk about her mom. He’s here to talk about them, and where they go from here.

Willow says she was just thinking about their wedding, and asks if Michael is getting cold feet, but he says, never. He wants it to be everything she ever dreamed of, and she says, as long as he’s beside her when they say I do, it will be. Wiley comes down, and says he was going to kiss his baby sister, but she spit up on him. Willow says, babies will do that, but she’s counting on him to look out for his baby sister; big brothers are important. Michael says, it’s time for Wiley to go to his playroom, and Wiley says he almost forgot. He found something. The half-heart necklace dangles from his hand.

Nina asks, what’s going on? and Obrecht says, that’s what she’s trying to find out. It seems Dr. Finn is keeping secrets. Nina says, about what? and Finn says, it’s hardly a secret. Scotty’s not here because he’s with a client. Obrecht says, of course (🍷). Scotty said something about helping Elizabeth with a legal matter. Nina wonders if Elizabeth is in trouble, but Obrecht says, it’s probably something mundane, like a parking ticket, while that maniac Heather Webber gets away with murder. Finn says, not exactly; she’s been returned to D’Archam. Obrecht says, to live out her days in a padded cell, when the police wasted precious time looking for Esme, and Heather was the killer all along. Finn says, a lot of people thought Esme was the killer. No one could have known otherwise. Obrecht says, someone must have known the killer wasn’t Esme and looked the other way, and because of them, her Britta is no more.

Elizabeth doesn’t know how she’ll ever face Obrecht again, and Scotty says, she’ll be very upset, but if he can convince the DA’s office, he can reason with Liesl. She wonders how you reason with someone who’s lost a child, and he says, when Peter August killed Franco, that’s a different story. What she and Nikolas did with Esme… that’s different. Elizabeth wonders why she didn’t come forward sooner, and he says, because she truly believed Esme was The Hook killer. It wasn’t until that rookie cop was killed that she knew it was someone else. She asks if he really thinks that will make a difference to Obrecht.

Dante tells Jordan, the search team is assembled, and the Coast Guard is going to take them to Spoon Island. Jordan says she’s going to GH to talk to Austin. She’s curious what he was doing at Windymere when all hell broke loose. He asks if she thinks Austin knows something about Nikolas, and she says, it’s worth a shot. He tells her, good luck with that, she says, back atcha, and leaves. Dante takes his gun out of his desk.

Trina says she has an exam to prep for, and her slide show for the post-Impressionist report on Friday, and Curtis says he gets it. When the whole world blows up, it’s nice to have work to focus on. (Agreed.) The other night, when he and her mother were going through it, he went straight to The Savoy, the one place he knew he was on solid ground and there was an endless supply of liquor. She asks if it helped, but he says, not exactly. All he wanted was a glass and a bottle to drown his woes, but fortunately N’neka knew it was a bad sign, and called his father. Marshall beelined it down to The Savoy, and gave him hell. Marshall reminded him booze is never the answer. Trina asks, what happened then? and he says, they talked about what he wanted to forget. He let Marshall know that Portia lied to them for twenty years, but he’s here to talk about him and Trina, and where they go from here.

At the hospital, Jordan walks out of the elevator and down the hall, and comes face-to-face with Portia.

Wiley asks if he did something wrong, but Willow says, not at all. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Sasha, who says she came to offer her help, and Michael takes Wiley upstairs to check on his sister. Sasha asks what she can do, and Willow says, she can start by getting rid of this necklace.

Nina suggests they go somewhere private, but Obrecht says, all she wants is the key to Heather’s padded cell. That, and five minutes alone with whoever hid Esme all that time. Finn asks what makes her think someone was hiding her, and she says, Esme was pregnant. She doesn’t think Esme is resourceful enough to manage on her own. Someone must have helped her. Nina suggests they go sit down, and leads Obrecht away. Finn calls Scotty, and asks if it’s over. How’s Elizabeth? Scotty and Elizabeth walk in, and Scotty tells him to turn around and see for himself. He did well. Finn is looking at an innocent woman. Elizabeth says, not guilty, but that doesn’t make her innocent.

Austin says, Ava does have options. She’s a wealthy woman. She could go anywhere in the world, and no one would ever find her. She says, if she were to run now, she’d have to run without her child. Ryan Chamberlain has already taken one daughter from her. She’ll die before she loses another. He says, it would probably make him really sad if she was dead, so whatever she’s got going on, count him in. She says, Nikolas is dead because of her. She won’t fault Austin if he goes back to GH, and forgets he was ever here. There’s a knock at the door (because this humongous house doesn’t have a doorbell), and Dante says, it’s the PCPD. Ava looks at Austin.

Curtis says he was a witness to the horrible year Trina had last year. Being accused of a crime she didn’t commit and it’s subsequent trial. Rory’s death, and the fear of knowing The Hook killer was targeting people she’s close to. But through it all, she had her family – her mom and her dad. Right now, it probably feels like her family is up for grabs. She’d only be human to resent his presence in her life. She says she doesn’t resent him. He’s always been wonderful to her. He might have been a little pushy at times, but that’s before they established boundaries. He says, those boundaries have a really big hole in them right now, and it’s only going to get wider until they answer one big question once and for all. She asks if he’s saying they need to see what their DNA says about them.

Portia says, if Jordan is there to see Austin, she just missed him. He checked himself out. Jordan asks if she approved that, but Portia says, absolutely not, but he’s a doctor, and they say we make the worst patients. Jordan says, since she’s here, she’ll pay a visit to Esme and see if giving birth jogged her memory. Portia asks if Esme can wait, and Jordan says, sure. Why? Portia says, Austin’s room is empty and they can talk in there without being disturbed. She thinks they need to have a conversation.

Sasha tells Willow, just to make it clear, she didn’t come here to lobby for Nina. She’s on Willow’s and Michael’s side because she understands two things can be true at the same time. (They love that one, so… 🍷) Nina’s been very good to her, but she’s aware that hasn’t been the case for everyone. Willow thanks her for understanding. So many people think they need to choose sides, and it’s just not necessary. She doesn’t want to waste the time she has thinking about Nina. She and Michael want to make this wedding as joyful and perfect for everyone, and she’s going to need all the help she can get. Sasha says, she’s got it, but she needs Willow to stop talking about the time she has left. Miracles can still happen. Willow says she’s not being a pessimist, just realistic. She’s run out of options. Sasha says, it’s so unfair. Willow has so much to live for, and so many people who need her. Willow tells her, nobody said life was fair; Sasha knows that better than anyone. Sasha says she went to visit Heather Webber at the PCPD, and Willow says, no, but Sasha says, it’s a good thing. She’s glad she did it. She got to put a face to Brando’s murderer, and it gave her a chance to release all the pent-up anger she’s been keeping it check. It also made her realize, when Liam died, she thought there could be nothing worse than death, but she was wrong. She loved Liam and loved Brando, and she loves Willow. She realized if someone goes through life without experiencing love and never having anything to lose, that would be the worst thing that could happen.

Nina says she understands Obrecht’s pain; she misses Britt too. But even if Obrecht could prove someone knew Esme wasn’t the killer, it’s not going to bring Britt back. Obrecht says, no, but it would give her great pleasure to give that person pain. She asks if her honesty upsets Nina, and Nina says, no; she’s used to it. Crimson is going to do a campaign for stem cell donors. She’s not fooling herself. She understands it might be too late, but if they can save other lives… Obrecht says, it might not be too late. She knows a possible donor. Nina says, who?

Finn says, Liesl was asking about Scotty. She’s here. Scotty thanks him for the heads up, and tells Elizabeth, if she needs anything, call him. He leaves to look for Obrecht, and Finn asks if Elizabeth is okay. She asks if he means, can she live with herself after throwing a lifelong friend under the bus, but Finn says he doesn’t know what kind of friend Nikolas is. He ran off and left her holding the ball. She says she may not be guilty of holding Esme hostage, but she fully enabled Nikolas. Finn says, but she took responsibility. What would Nik have done to Esme and the baby if she’d just walked away?

Ava hands the warrant back to Dante, and says, everything seems to be in order. He sends some officers to comb the main house, and others to comb the outlying buildings. Ava asks if this is really necessary. Heather’s in custody, and Ryan’s in the morgue. He says, it has nothing to do with what happened here last night. They got testimony that Esme Prince was being held here against her will after Ava moved out. So they can’t go anywhere until the find some proof, or at least a clue where Nikolas is hiding.

Trina says, she and Curtis will have to agree to disagree. She doesn’t need a DNA test. She already knows all she needs to know about her family; the good and the bad. He says he knows how she feels. When Marshall came back into his life, he shut the door in Marshall’s face. After 40 years, the last thing he needed was some dude coming into his life claiming to be his father. All those years without him, Curtis learned to be strong, almost unbreakable. Then he realized, who was he kidding? A piece of him was missing. He didn’t even realize it until he looked Marshall in the face and saw a part of him looking back. Trina says she’s glad for him and Marshall, but it’s not the same thing for her. He grew up without a dad; she grew up with a dad. A dad who was always there for her. He says he understands all of that. He bets she thinks even asking the question of asking who her biological father is, is betraying Taggert.

Portia tells Jordan, this isn’t easy for her to say, but there’s something Jordan needs to know. Jordan says, before Portia tells her anything, full disclosure. Curtis came to her earlier, and told her what happened at their wedding reception. Portia says, Jordan tried to warn her, and she wants Jordan to know she was right. She kept telling herself that she was trying to protect her daughter – protect her whole family – but in reality, the only one she was protecting was herself. She didn’t want to face the fact that Dr. Portia Robinson, at the top of her profession and respected by her peers, loved by the people who matter the most, is so very far from perfect. In fact, she’s a coward. Jordan says, that’s simply not true.

Michael says, Wiley decided to take a nap, and Willow suggests they take advantage of the quiet. Sasha says, they’re trying to decide between orchids and roses, and he says, why not both? Sasha says, that’s why he’s a CEO, and he says, he’s also a dad. Not that Amelia seems to care. Willow asks if their daughter is giving him a hard time, and he says, it’s that damn mobile above her bed. She’s fascinated with it and can’t stop staring at it. Sasha suggests removing it, but he says, she’ll just start crying, and Willow says, it sounds like she needs a dose of her mommy. She goes upstairs, and Michael tells Sasha not to let Willow limit herself. He wants the wedding to be everything she wants. Sasha says, it’s his wedding too; what does he want? He says he wants what he can’t have – more time.

Obrecht says, if Nina is looking for a donor, look no further, and Nina asks if she’s a match. Obrecht says she doesn’t want them to get ahead of themselves, but she’s been swabbed and had the bloodwork done, and she’s still waiting to hear if she’s a match. That’s why she’s here today. Nina thanks her, and they hug. Nina says, when she found out she wasn’t a match, she was so disappointed. She thought that’s why the universe threw her and Willow together; so she could help save Willow’s life. She felt so helpless. Obrecht says, that’s one of the reasons she volunteered, and Scotty joins them, asking Obrecht to tell Nina the other reason. Obrecht says, if it turns out that she’s a match and can save Willow’s life when Carly’s silence almost killed her, that will be sweet revenge. Scotty says, that’s my girl.

Ava says, that explains why Nikolas vanished into thin air. If he sensed Elizabeth was going to confess, she couldn’t do it without implicating him. He must have felt the walls were closing in and just run. Austin says he’s so sorry. It must be agonizing realizing the man she thought she knew inside and out was keeping that poor pregnant girl prisoner. She tells him, let’s not go overboard; Esme is no saint. But no one deserves to be locked in a tower. Dante asks, who said anything about a tower? and Ava says she just remembered that for the last few months, Nikolas said the north tower was off-limits, even to the staff, so it makes sense. Where else could he have been hiding Esme? Dante says, they checked the tower once already. It had been painted and cleaned, and it looked like Nikolas was trying to cover his tracks. His phone rings, and he tells them, don’t touch anything; he’ll be right there. Ava asks if something was found, but he says he doesn’t know yet, and leaves.

Trina tells Curtis that she’s not trying to be selfish. She’s sure it’s complicated for everyone and her dad has some questions of his own. Is it fair to him, wondering if or when the truth will eventually come out? Or say there’s some random medical emergency? Curtis says, is it fair to Taggert? and Trina says, the only thing that matters to her is, she loves her dad, and knows her dad loves her. He says he doesn’t want that to change. If there’s one thing this family has learned… Trina says she knows the end of the sentence; it’s the not knowing that will cause the real damage. He says he’s not going to lie. He wants to know the real truth, but he’s not going to push. It’s her call. So what does she want to do?

Portia says, Jordan has been warning her to come clean to Curtis for months, and now Jordan is defending her? Jordan tells her, she’s just saying Portia isn’t a coward. She had valid reasons for keeping her secret. She was protecting herself, but also protecting Trina and Taggert, even Curtis in a way. Portia’s a good person who puts her family first. Portia says, even though she chose to ignore Jordan’s warnings, but Jordan says, Portia had reasons to doubt her motives. She might have done the same in Portia’s place, but believe it or not, she was trying to spare Portia the kind of pain she’s dealing with now. Portia says she knows that, but what she doesn’t know is if there’s anything she can do to make the situation better.

Sasha says, if she could give Michael more time with Willow, she would do it in a heartbeat. She knows how he feels. Not a day goes by when she doesn’t wish she could hold Liam in her arms again, or get a glimpse of Brando and that epic smile when he’s changing a tire in his garage. Michael says he’s sorry for not checking in with her more often, but she says, don’t be. They all suffer their burdens, and most days she manages to put one foot in front of the other. It’s almost like she’s dancing with Brando. He says, Willow wants him to dance with her at the wedding, and she says, then that’s what he has to do. He says, even if it’s their last dance? when Willow comes back, saying, mission accomplished. Amelia’s asleep… What did she miss?

Nina wants to check with Terry and see if they can’t put a rush on the results, but Obrecht says, Terry knows she’s here. While they’re waiting, she suggests Scotty distract them with Elizabeth’s legal troubles, but he says, it’s no big deal really. The cops are questioning anybody and everybody about the whereabouts of Nikolas. Obrecht asks what angelic Elizabeth can tell the police about Nikolas’s nefarious dealings, and he says, they’re old friends… at least before. Obrecht says, before what? and Nina says, they have more important things to worry about, like the test results. Obrecht says she’s as anxious as Nina, and asks why Scotty won’t look at her. What legal trouble did he handle for Elizabeth?

Elizabeth tells Finn, of course (🍷) she’s grateful that Scotty cut a deal for her. She’s not going to prison and she’s not going to derail her boys’ lives. He asks what she’s worried about, and she says, the police can’t sit on the story forever, and when it comes out… He says, she’ll deal with it. The one positive that’s come out of this is how she’s handled the whole ordeal. There might have been a time she needed to lean on someone, but he didn’t do her justice.

Ava tells Austin, maybe she should take Avery and run. They practically gave her a medal for her part in taking Ryan down. When they find out what happened to Nikolas, they’ll reinstate the death penalty because Victor will make sure she’s dead. Her phone rings, and it’s Dante. He asks if she and the doctor could join him down here. She says, certainly, and asks where he is. He says, the tack room, and she looks at Austin. A lot of that going around today.

Trina says she loves her dad, and she’s come to love Curtis too; it’s just different. He says, okay. If she decides to take the test down the road, let him know. He opens the door, and she says she just wants to make one thing clear. No matter what the test says… He says, Taggert will always be her father, she nods, and he leaves.

Portia says she’s dreaded having this talk, but now that she and Jordan have had it… you know. Jordan says she feels the same. Don’t lose hope. The lies that cost Jordan her marriage, was her choosing to put her job before her family. Portia chose family over everything, and one day, Curtis and Trina will see that. She leaves.

Sasha says, Michael was just telling her that he didn’t want to step on Willow’s toes at the reception, so she told him to stop making excuses and take some dancing lessons. Willow says, so Sasha went for some tough love, and Sasha says, the best kind. She needs to get started on the arrangements they discussed. Michael thanks her, and she tells him, you take care of Willow, and I’ll take care of everything else. Michael fusses over Willow, and Sasha watches them for a moment. She looks at the necklace in her hand, and leaves.

Scotty says, Nina’s right. They should concern themselves with the test results. Obrecht says, agreed, but why does she sense he’s keeping something from her? What has Elizabeth done? He says, to be clear, it’s not Elizabeth, it’s Nikolas, and Nina says, what about those results? Obrecht asks, what did Nikolas do? and Scotty says, it’s going to come out sooner or later. Nikolas held Esme hostage in the tower at Windymere. He thought she was The Hook killer. She says, Nikolas isn’t his client. How does he know this? He says, Elizabeth helped him, even though they knew Esme was not The Hook killer.

Elizabeth says she’s grateful to Finn for everything he’s done for her, and respecting her choice to come forward. Even though she’s very nervous about the fallout to come, she knows she can face it. It’s a million times better than living in fear, waiting to be exposed. He says he respects the choice she made, and whatever comes, he’s with her all the way. She thanks him, and says she’s excited to get back to work. She starts to walk down the hall, but Obrecht storms up to her, followed by Scotty and Nina, and asks where Elizabeth thinks she’s going.

Ava and Austin arrive at the tack room, and Dante thanks them for coming like he’s hosting a party. He asks Ava if she knows what’s behind the padlocked door, but she says, no; she doesn’t spend a lot of time here. She thinks it’s just for storage. He says, Nikolas’s personal, effects, documents, stuff like that? but she says she thinks if Nikolas kept anything important in there, he would have removed it before she took possession of the house. Austin asks why they’re here. It seems like a waste of time. Dante says, the door has a padlock on it. Does she have a key? She says she’s sure there’s a key, but she doesn’t have it, and Dante asks an officer for the crowbar. Dante takes it, and walks to the door.

Tomorrow, Elizabeth says, if Finn stands by her, he’s going to be caught in the crossfire; TJ has important news; and Obrecht says, you reap what you sow.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

The guys get home from guys night pretty drunk. Louie told Teresa that he’d brought up what Joe #2 had said about them on social media, and it got heated. She said, Louie’s family was so wonderful to her, and hers was causing this circus. Teresa is a circus unto herself.

Melissa stopped by the new house Joe #2 is constructing, and asked about guys night. Joe said, Louie brought up the podcast, and Melissa said, they’d helped out when Teresa was in prison. Juicy Joe needed someone to film with, and they were there. We flash back to that, and in Melissa’s interview, she said, when the family was down, they stepped up. Now twist it, string it out, and throw it the wrong way. Joe #2 said, Teresa kicked out everything on their side.

Teresa told Louie that she was embarrassed that Joe #2 told him to go f*** himself. How dare he? Louie said, Joe was pissed about Melissa’s family not being invited, and Teresa said, if she hadn’t put Melissa in the wedding party, why would she invite them? To his credit, Louie said, Melissa’s parents had a relationship with her parents, but Teresa countered this with the nonsensical question of, then why didn’t Joe invite Louie’s family to Antonia’s 16th birthday party? In Joe #2’s interview, he said, since Teresa met Louie, he didn’t feel welcome in her new life, and it bothered him. Louie said he felt bad that Joe was in pain. He thought Joe missed his sister. Teresa whined that Joe was hurting her, and Louie suggested making peace. She said she’d call and ask if he was coming to their housewarming party. She wants to be in her love bubble. We saw a clip of her telling everyone that she’s having a love bubble housewarming, and she called Joe. Louie wrote something down and showed her, and she said she wanted to make peace. Joe said it was a done deal, and she asked if he wanted to talk about anything. He said he just wanted to move forward, and Teresa said, her therapist told her, it was no good to talk about the past. You don’t get anywhere. I guess it isn’t the kind of therapy where you blame everything on your parents. Louie pointed to the pad again, and she asked if Joe was coming to her party. He said he didn’t know, and afterward, Louie said, baby steps.

Dolores’s mom Valerie came over, and Dolores asked if Valerie was being careful with her diet, since she didn’t want heart surgery again. She asked what Valerie had for breakfast, and Valerie said, cake. In Dolores’s interview, she said, her mom was God fearing and set in her ways. So she’s not arguing anymore. She told Valerie that Paulie had met the guys, but Frank hadn’t been there since he was in the hospital. She said, everyone loved Paulie, and Frankie said, Paulie was protective. Valerie asked what was going on with Paulie and Frank, but Dolores said that Frank took it personally when Paulie said he was taking over as the man in her life. He didn’t want a relationship with her and Frank. They didn’t have to be friends, just get along. In her interview, Dolores said, family was always a priority, and it included Frank. She’d wanted them to be close, but now her family and relationship was with Paulie. Frank would get over it.

Bill and Jennifer went out to dinner. It was raining, and Bill said, summer in Jersey; you get whatever comes. Yep, he’s right, but it’s more like all year round. Whoever first said, if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute, lived here. Jennifer said she was getting Justin a party bus for prom, and Bill said, she created a monster. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, Bill thought she spoiled the kids, but they’d had a rough year because of what he’d done. If they want a bus, they get a bus. Jennifer said it was easy for Bill to use her as a scapegoat, and Bill said he tried to diffuse situations she was in. She asked why he could never see it from her side. She felt like he took her love for granted. She always forgives him, and instead of backing her up, he only says things in rebuttal to what she’s said, not her opponent. Bill asked if she only wanted things on her terms, and in her interview, she said she needed someone to support her and be there, and she didn’t always feel it. It wasn’t okay anymore.

Rachel met with Marge’s (and Housewives) friend Jen, and in Rachel’s interview, she said she felt like she knew Jen from another life; they’d immediately clicked. In Jen’s interview, she said she and Rachel were kindred spirits. Rachel was an old soul, and she was sucked in by Rachel’s sweetness. Rachel told Jen, it was constant drama with the women. RIP the mozzarella that wasn’t consumed. Jen said, she consumed it, and we flashed back to her stuffing her face with cheese. As I would. She said she saw Marge and Jennifer yelling at each other, and heard Jennifer talking about Rachel’s nose. Rachel said she wasn’t offended; she’s an open book. Jen said that Rachel was a better woman than her. She would have told Jennifer, f*** you. Rachel said, Jennifer had called her, and hoped she hadn’t offended her; she’d been unhappy with her own results. Then she segued into talking about Dolores. She didn’t think Jennifer realized they were friendly. She’d known Frank and Britt for ten years. She told Jennifer that she didn’t want any part of this, but Jennifer said she was just giving the history. Jen told Rachel that Jennifer had called her too. She claimed she wanted a marriage therapy referral, and then badmouthed Marge. She said, Marge was jealous. Rachel said, of what? but Jen didn’t know. In Jen’s interview, she said, Jennifer thought she had big balls. Like she was going to switch teams, and dump her bestie. She’d been friends with Marge for three years. In Rachel’s interview, she said she didn’t want to hear about it or participate. It brought her back to high school. Her mom always said, if someone is waving a red flag, a parade is coming, and Jennifer was waving a red flag.

Dolores met Marge to shop for a housewarming gift, and Dolores said, Frank told her what had happened on guys night. Joe #2 was upset because Teresa hadn’t invited Melissa’s parent to the wedding. They called Melissa, who said, her husband lost his sh*t. Teresa has known her mother and sisters forever. He didn’t want to come to the housewarming, but she wanted him to go, listen to what Teresa has to say, accept it for what it is, and move on. Dolores said, you never know, but she wasn’t specific about what we never know.

No surprise, the housewarming party was over-the-top, including a dancer inside a bubble in the pool, and lots of love bubble kitsch. Joe called Melissa, who was getting her makeup done, and said he couldn’t go. He’d already texted Teresa; he wasn’t ready to come. In his interview, he says, Teresa didn’t want him there, and it feels like a game. It was the worst feeling coming from his own family. He’d be uncomfortable and couldn’t fake it. Louie told Teresa that he felt sad, and she said she did too. Joe was missing milestones in their life, like the housewarming and her 50th birthday. In Teresa’s interview, she said, it was no after no, and told the girls about him canceling, adding that he’d brought up Melissa’s family not being invited to the wedding on guys night. Joe said he needed to get over it. He would never have what he thought he would. His sister does what makes her happy, and that means keeping the family away. He told Melissa to go and have a good time, but in her interview, Melissa’s said, it’s just the next thing for Teresa to hold over her head and make Joe the bad guy, but she wanted to keep the peace.

Danielle said she loved the vibe at the party. Evan and Jackie were there, and Marge said, Jennifer had been up Jen’s ass talking sh*t about her. We saw a clip of that, and Marge said, talking about therapy turned into talking about her. In Marge’s interview, she said, Jennifer was a professional victim. She wanted the attention she didn’t get at home. Did she think Jen wasn’t going to tell her? In Jennifer’s interview, she said, Melissa coming to the party without Joe was making a clear statement. He’s a drama queen. Teresa said, the girls hadn’t seen Joe in six months, and in Danielle’s interview, she said, you’d have to be blind, deaf and mute not to see the connection between her situation with her brother. Once too much time passes, that’s it. She hoped they didn’t make the same mistake. Rachel told Dolores that Frank missed her and the old dynamic, but Dolores said she was 52 years old and had taken care of everyone. It was time to worry about herself. Paulie didn’t want Frank to be the man in her life, and if that meant they had to be separate in some things, everyone needed to get over it. Gia said she missed Melissa’s kids, and in her interview, she said, every time Teresa and Joe had drama, the kids were separated. In Melissa’s interview, she said, it was sad. She loved them, and knew they had hate for her and Joe. She wouldn’t wish the situation on anybody. Dude, I would have moved on ages ago. Then again, I wasn’t born into a big Italian family. Although I do have an Italian family by marriage to my aunt.

Louie thanked everybody for coming. Not just friends and family, but those who gave them loving support. Teresa said, their chosen family. Everyone there was special and they loved them, and they wouldn’t want to be celebrating with anyone but them. In Melissa’s interview, she said she didn’t appreciate Teresa’s chosen family remark, especially with Joe not being there. But if she brought it up, Teresa would just say she didn’t mean it that way. Think before you speak. She knows it’s hard. Melissa said Joe wasn’t here, and Teresa was his only family member. She slipped out to have a cry, and in her interview, she said she tried to be strong for Joe, but she had her own breaking point. She didn’t get why the subtle digs, things like chosen family. What about the ones who had been there for years? It meant nothing to Teresa, and she knew Joe would be upset. The sprinklers went on, and the guys said, Louie had one job… Melissa said she wanted to be honest with Jackie – and you know when a Housewife says honest, it’s an excuse to gossip. She’d been talking to Danielle about the mozzarella party, and told Danielle that Jackie had insulted her shorts and said they looked like they’d come out of the hamper. Jackie said she didn’t care. Danielle was a horrible dresser, and she wore those shorts two weeks in a row. I guess Jackie doesn’t have a favorite anything? Geez. She should see what I wear on repeat. Danielle’s antennae went up, and she jetted over. Jackie insisted she never looked Danielle up and down, but we flashed back, and yeah, she did. In Danielle’s interview, she said, maybe Jackie didn’t realize how judgy she was. Her hands were going all over the place as she talked, and Jackie told Danielle to get her hands out of her face. Danielle said, Jackie was from Staten Island, and she would know if Danielle was coming for her. Jackie told Danielle to leave her hands out of her space. If I’m sorry can’t leave your mouth, then f*** off. Marge said she was offended be Jennifer calling Jen and bitching about her. Jennifer insisted she’d just called for a marriage counselor referral, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said, when they were on the call, Jen did not defend Marge. It’s called not engaging, Jennifer. You should try it sometime. Marge said, Jennifer had called her jealous, but Jennifer said she never said that. She’d told Jen that Marge was threatened by her. She’d wanted Jen to know the context of their history. No surprise, Marge called Jen over, and Jen told Jennifer that she hadn’t said Jennifer called specifically for that, but the conversation morphed. Marge wondered how she and Jennifer were supposed to move forward if Jennifer kept holding a grudge. Sounding like a character from Hamilton, Jennifer said she was allowed to state the facts of the matter. Rachel said, Jennifer did the same thing with her, and talked sh*t about Dolores. Jennifer stamped her foot and said she was giving Rachel context, but Rachel said, it wasn’t a history lesson. Jennifer called her a f***ing idiot, and Rachel told her to watch her mouth. Jennifer called Dolores an idiot too, and in Dolores’s interview, she wondered where this was coming from, and if Jennifer was out of her f***ing mind. Jennifer started winding up, and Jackie said, if she wanted to get her point across, she’d better calm down. Jennifer said she was sorry she spoke about Rachel’s nose job, but Dolores had offended her. Dolores said, Jennifer just left the house without talking about what happened, and Teresa said, Dolores was never going to take sides. Rachel said this was not what she wanted to be a part of, and Jennifer said, give her a medal. So much for apologies. In Rachel’s interview, she said she could give two sh*ts about what comes out of Jennifer’s mouth. It’s giving someone power, and Jennifer would never have that over her. Rachel said she was leaving, and Jennifer (even though it wasn’t her party) said, don’t let the door hit her on the way out. Rachel pointed out that there was no door, since they were outside. Jennifer had no f***ing class. Jennifer called Rachel a f***ing idiot again since she’d run out of words.

Next time, Valentina’s party; Teresa tries on her wedding dress; and Marge and Jennifer argue.

🙃 Yes, No, Maybe, I Don’t Know…

Tomorrow is VanderDay, so join me for some soap and Rules. Until then, stay safe, stay not being the first to arrive or the last to leave a party, and stay facing the fallout. It’s a million times better than living in fear, waiting to be exposed.

February 24, 2023 – Heather Has One Condition, New Wife, All By Herself, Sharing, Trial Desire, Two Pairs, Shady Scheana, First World Problems, Edit Err, Pets (!), Teetering On 10 Quotes & Mountain


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Esme holds her baby, who looks suspiciously like Baby Amelia. She says she doesn’t remember much, but she knows she’s his mommy. They have each other and that’s all that matters. Heather comes in, wearing an orange jumpsuit, and says, there’s her baby girl and her new baby. Esme says, Heather shouldn’t be here, but Heather says she’s Esme’s mother; where else would she be? Esme picks up the nurse call button, but Heather stops her, and says, Esme doesn’t want to interrupt family time. She can’t wait to start spoiling her little grandson. In fact, she’s starting right now. She reaches for the baby, and Esme sits up with a start. The guard lets Laura in, and she asks if Esme is okay. Esme asks, where’s Heather? and Laura says, she’s in custody at the police station. Esme says, please don’t let her take my baby away.

Spencer points to a baby through the nursery window, and tells Sonny, that’s his baby brother. He’s handsome, isn’t he? Sonny asks if the little guy has a name, but Spencer says, not yet. Sonny asks if Spencer is still suing for custody, and Spencer says he may not have to now that his father has disappeared.

Dex tells Josslyn that he was hired to find evidence that would put Sonny away once and for all, but he’ll tell his employer that he’s out if that’s what she wants. She says, it’s not her decision to make, but he says, let’s not make this about Sonny; let’s make this about you and me. (Huh? It’s all about Sonny.) She hates that he’s working for Sonny. How does she feel about him working against Sonny? (What I said.)

Elizabeth looks at a photo of the boys, and remembers Scotty chastising her for letting Nikolas talk her into his cockamamie plan. Cameron comes in, and she says she wasn’t expecting him this morning. He asks if she’s as freaked out as he is about Esme.

Ava asks the reception nurse if Austin is allowed to have visitors, and Mac asks why she wants to see Austin. She says, why would she want to see the man who nearly bled to death on her living room floor? Does that really seem so strange? He says, that depends. Felicia said Ava encouraged her to leave Austin behind when Heather said they could go. She says, so they could get him help, and he says, but instead, she went after Ryan with a gun. (Really, Mac? Does any of that sound strange?) She says, Austin didn’t need both of them to get him help, and she needed to confront the man who made her life a living hell. Mac’s the one who ultimately killed Ryan. He says, the world’s a better place now that Ryan Chamberlain’s dead, and she says, they agree on something. Is Mac done? He says he has a few more questions. Why don’t they start with why Austin was on Spoon Island in the first place.

Robert congratulates Jordan on catching Heather. He can assure the public that their safe, that The Hook killer’s been caught, and that she’s going away for good. She says, her people have already made progress, when Dante walks out, and says, Heather is ready to make a statement. Scotty walks in, and says, hey, Mr. D.A., but Robert asks if it can wait. Scotty says he’s about to make Robert’s life a whole lot easier.

Jordan and Robert go into the interrogation room, and Jordan says, Dante told her that Heather wants to make a statement. Heather says she does. She’s done some very bad things that she’s ready to confess. Jordan says, Heather wants to confess to The Hook attacks without a lawyer present, and Heather says she only wants to unburden her soul. Dante sets up the recorder, and tells Heather, it’s her right to have an attorney present, but she says she doesn’t want an attorney. She just wants to tell the truth. Jordan tells her, start talking, but Heather says she does have one condition.

Scotty tells Robert that he has a client with information about The Hook attacks, and they want to make a deal.

Cameron asks how long Elizabeth thinks Esme has known Ryan and Heather are her parents, but she says she has no idea. He says, she realizes, if Heather is Esme’s mom, that makes her Franco’s half-sister. When Esme moved to Port Charles, he really tried to give her a chance because Spencer was so into her. Does Elizabeth think she was working with Ryan when she was interning at Spring Ridge? Elizabeth says, before she lost her memory? and he says, what if she’s been faking this whole time? He wonders if Joss knows about everything that’s happened.

Josslyn tells Dex, Sonny was in her life for a very long time. Not as a father – she had one obviously – but as a stepfather. They were a family. Dex says, he was good to her, and she says, he was, when she was little and didn’t know about his business. He says, Sonny still considers her family. It’s one of the reasons Sonny thinks he’s not good enough for her. She says, like he has the right to judge anyone after what he’s done? He had Dex beaten and tortured, and Sonny’s hurt so many people, she can’t even count. Where does he get off thinking he’s better than anyone else? The hypocrisy of it all. He asks if that means she wants him to see it through, and see that Sonny goes to prison.

Sonny asks what Spencer means, and Spencer says he doesn’t know what to think anymore. How can someone just walk out on their child? He doesn’t even mean himself at this point. How can someone walk out on an innocent baby? Sonny says, Spencer’s not responsible for his father’s actions. Spencer can’t fix his messes. Spencer says, someone has to. His baby brother has an absent father, and a mother who’s in police custody. That little guy must feel all alone in the world. Sonny says, they can fix that.

Laura tells the guard that he can leave them alone, and tells Esme that she had a nightmare. Esme wishes that’s all it was; that she hadn’t been forced to break out of Spring Ridge, and her parents weren’t serial killers. Laura says, unfortunately, that is true, but she told Esme, Heather is in custody, and can’t hurt her. Esme asks, where’s her baby? and Laura says, in the nursery. He got a perfect bill of health despite his impromptu entrance into the world. Esme says, thank God, and thank Laura and Dr. Collins for helping bring her baby into the world. Laura says she feels lucky that she could be there for her grandson’s birth, and Esme says she just realized, she has a son. Laura asks if Esme wants her to arrange for the baby to visit, but Esme says, no; he should stay away. Laura asks, why? and Esme says, it’s not safe. Her parents are killers. For all she knows, she could be a killer too.

Heather says, what she wants is pretty simple, and Dante says, if she cooperates fully, they’ll see about her request. She says, he knows that’s not how it works, but he says, she doesn’t know how anything works, and grabs the recorder. Jordan gets up, and says, waste of time, but Heather says, fine. What do they want to know? Dante puts the recorder back, and asks if she attacked Ava in August, and she says, yes. He asks if she attacked… She says, it’s going to take all day. She’s The Hook, okay? Anyone stabbed with a hook, it was her. Jordan says, they need details, and Heather says, Ava Jerome, with a hook, at the Quartermaines. Brando Corbin, behind Charlie’s with a hook, except that was a mistake; she was really after Josslyn Jax for making her daughter’s life so miserable. Diane Miller, in the garage. The bartender, Oz Haggerty, at the docks. Nikolas Cassadine, with a hook… Dante says, wait a second, and Jordan says, she attacked Nikolas Cassadine?

Ava tells Mac, that’s one of the reasons she’s here. She wants to ask Austin how he’s doing, and why he came to Windymere last night. Mac says he didn’t know they were friends, and she says, friendly perhaps. Austin treated her after Heather attacked her at the Quartermaine picnic, but she wouldn’t say they bonded over it. He thanks her for her time, and she says she just can’t wrap her head around the fact that Spencer’s girlfriend from boarding school is Ryan and Heather’s daughter. He says, quite a coincidence, but she says, it isn’t at all. Ryan told her that he sent Esme to that boarding school specifically to ensnare Spencer. Ryan was intent on splitting her and Nikolas up, and he succeeded. Mac says, maybe now that the truth has come out, she and Nikolas can find their way back to each other.

Dante asks when Heather attacked Nikolas, but she says she doesn’t know. In the fall? It was breezy. Jordan asks where it happened, and Heather says, at Windymere. It wasn’t her finest hour; he escaped without a scratch. He’s still breathing, unlike that doctor on New Year’s Eve. Dante asks if Britt was a target, but Heather says, no. She appeared out of nowhere, and decided to play hero, and again, Josslyn Jax escaped. Everyone stood between her and protecting her little girl. Jordan says, about Officer Cabrera. A keepsake from one of Ryan’s victims was found on Rory’s person. How did it get there?

Mac asks if Ava has heard from Ryan, but she says, no, and she doesn’t expect to. Things between them had gone too far, and she’s accepted that she’s lost Nikolas for good. Ryan’s destroyed her life, again. Mac says, at least it’s for the last time, and she says she has him to thank for that. She’s just sorry she didn’t kill the bastard herself. He says, after everything Ryan has put her through, killing him would be self-defense under any circumstances, and she says, he has no idea what Ryan has taken from her.

Obviously not having read The Invader, Scotty tells Robert that his client has information on the PCPD’s number one suspect, the one and only Esme Prince. Robert says, keep going, and Scotty says, his client knows Esme’s whereabouts before she showed up at the Haunted Star, soaking wet, with child and no memories. Robert says, so this client will only divulge said information if Scotty makes deal? and Scotty says, that’s why he’s here. Robert says, if this client knows what they know because they’re an accomplice to the crime, he should be telling them to turn themselves in, and he walks away.

Elizabeth asks if Cameron has spoken to Josslyn recently, but he says, no, and he doesn’t plan to. She says she knows the break-up really hurt him, but they’ve been friends their entire lives. He says he feels like that makes it worse, and she asks if he’s hoping they can be friends again someday, but he says, with what Josslyn did… She’s not the person he thought. Maybe she never was.

Josslyn says, it would be easier to figure out how she feels about this, if Dex would tell her who he’s working for, but he says he can’t. She asks, why not? and he tells her, all he can say is, he trusts his employer. She says, and this mystery person wants to take Sonny down, and he says, it’s the whole reason he’s here. She asks how close he is, and he says he doesn’t have any solid evidence yet, but Sonny’s about to get involved with some people in arms trafficking. The plan is for him to get some evidence and turn it over to his real boss, who will turn it over to the Feds. She says her first instinct is to tell him, do it. No one’s forcing Sonny to break the law, and he’d just be reporting what he saw. But if this goes wrong, and he gets caught, that’s on him, not his mystery boss. What happens if he calls the whole thing off? Does he have to work for Sonny for real? Sonny’s not going to let him just walk away.

Esme tells Laura that Heather and Ryan want her baby for themselves. They were talking about all of these plans… Laura says, Heather is locked up, but Esme says, Heather has a revolving door in and out of Spring Ridge, and Ryan… Laura says, Ryan is dead. She’s sorry. He died last night on Spoon Island. Esme says, good. He was a monster, and she’s glad he’s dead. She was terrified of that man. Laura says, what about Heather? and Esme says, Heather kept saying she wanted to protect her, but she’s so crazy. She’s the offspring of two monsters, so she must be a terrible person. Oh my God. She did all of those things she’s accused of; the revenge porn and trying to kill that man. Laura asks if she remembers doing those things.

In the nursery with the baby, Sonny tells Spencer that his family has every right to meet this baby. Spencer says, all he wants to do now is protect him from the world, and Sonny says, it’s the most amazing thing. Spencer asks if Sonny thinks his father felt like this when he was a baby, and Sonny says he guarantees it. Spencer says, that’s good. That means he has to come back now that his new son is here. How could he stay away knowing what he’s missing? Sonny asks if Spencer is changing his mind, and Ava peeks in the window.

Laura asks if Esme remembers her past, but Esme says, no, sorry. Her memory of before she showed up on the boat is still a blank. Laura asks why she said she was guilty, and Esme says, with parents like Heather and Ryan, how could she not be? Laura says, you’re not destined to be bad no matter who your parents are. Does she think her baby is bad? Esme says, no, he’s completely innocent. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him. If she’s found guilty, she’s going straight back to prison. Laura says she hasn’t stood trial yet; let’s not jump to conclusions. Esme asks, where’s Nikolas? Why isn’t her baby’s father here?

Heather says, when she discovered she was pregnant with Esme, she left Ryan. She took this chain of trophies he had as insurance, in case he ever decided to come after her. Dante says, that was twenty years ago. How does Cabrera end up with it? She says she wore the chain during The Hook attacks because she was getting justice for their daughter. She just thought it was fitting. Dante tells Jordan, that’s the sound Josslyn heard when Brando was attacked in the alley, and Jordan says, Brando heard it too. Heather says, Cabrera surprised her. They tussled a bit, and in the struggle, he managed to grab one of the trophies off the chain, but she didn’t realize it until she got back to Spring Ridge. Jordan says, so she’s confessing to murdering six people, and attacking four others? but Heather says, it was five, not six. Brando, Oz Haggerty, the venom guy, Rory Cabrera, and that doctor, whatever they said her name was. Dante says, what about Corrections Officer Williams, who was stabbed to death when she and Ryan escaped? but Heather says, she didn’t kill him; that was Ryan. He stabbed Williams. He planned the escape. He forced her and Esme to go with him. They can’t pin this on her.

Dex says he can’t just tell Sonny that he’s not cut out for this, not without him getting suspicious, and Josslyn says, if Sonny had any idea Dex was working against him… He says, Sonny would kill him, and she says, he’s right; Sonny can never know. He says, so either he keeps working for Sonny, or he has to leave Port Charles. She asks if Dex’s mystery boss would be okay with him quitting, and he says, not okay. He’s gone to a lot of trouble to set this up (what trouble; the occasional phone call to Dex?), and he’s close to getting what he wants. But if Dex tells him that he wants out, he’ll let Dex go. She says, but that doesn’t solve anything. He wouldn’t have to spy on Sonny anymore, but he’d still have to work for Sonny; smuggle arms and commit crimes, hustle coffee or whatever it is. And if he gets caught… Dex says, he goes to prison, and she says, as long as he stays in Port Charles, he’s trapped. I guess Dex can’t possibly get another job? Like a normal one?

Cameron tells Elizabeth that he couldn’t have predicted in a million years that Josslyn would hurt him the way she did. It makes him feel like he never knew her at all. She says, it always hurts when someone you love lets you down, but it doesn’t negate what the two of you had. People make mistakes all the time – big ones – but all you can do is come clean, and deal with the consequences. He asks if they’re still talking about him and Joss.

Scotty tells Robert, his client got involved in a crime that was already in progress, and they would like to make things right, and testify against the real perpetrator. Robert tells him, say more, but Scotty says he needs to hear the deal. Robert says he needs more information, and Scotty says, his client is a good person, not a criminal. They got mixed up in some bad business. So Robert can go after a person who made a mistake, or go after the real felon.

Spencer comes out, and says, Ava’s not here to see… He doesn’t mind if she is; he’s just surprised. She laughs, and says, actually, she’s here to see him. She saw him with the baby though. Cute. He’s a natural. He thanks her, and asks what she wanted to see him about. She takes it he knows Ryan was Esme’s father, and he says, yes, and Heather Webber was her mother. Odd how something can come as a perfect shock, yet make perfect sense. She says she thinks they all felt that way, and he says, is that it? but she says, not quite. Esme and Ryan knew who they were to each other. He says, since Esme came to Port Charles? and she says, since before he met her. Ryan sent Esme to that school in France to get close to him. He asks if she’s saying Ryan sent Esme to France to seduce him in some long game to break up her and Nikolas. That’s good. She says, think about it. Whose idea was it to come to Port Charles and stalk her? Was it his, or was it Esme’s?

On the phone, Mac tells Jordan that he spoke with Ava, and he’s about to question Esme Prince. Jordan says, check Esme’s answers against what Heather told them, and he says he thinks once he talks to Esme, they’ll have a clearer picture about what happened on Spoon Island.

Laura says she doesn’t know where her son is, and Esme says, he came to see her at Spring Ridge to try and get her to sign her rights to the baby over. Why isn’t he here now? Laura says she wishes she knew, when Mac walks in, and Esme says she remembers him from the roadside outside the prison. He stopped to help them, then Ryan hit him over the head. Is he okay? He says he’s fine, thanks. He’s Chief of Detectives Mac Scorpio, and he has some questions. Esme says, Heather and Ryan kidnapped her. They forced her to escape. Ryan even killed a guard right in front of her. He asks if Heather helped him, but she says, no. The guard was questioning her and Heather, and Ryan snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back; it was horrible. Then Heather told her that she had to do what Ryan said, or he’d hurt her. He asks if Heather seemed scared of Ryan, and she says, not really. He asks, what happened next? and she says, Heather let them out of the prison. Laura asks, whose idea was it to escape? and Esme says she’s not sure. She thinks Heather and Ryan were planning it together, but Heather was the one who knew her way out of Spring Ridge.

Dante says, they know Heather and Ryan were working together. They were planning this escape for months. Heather says, no, no, no, no. She didn’t even know Ryan could walk and talk until Esme showed up at Spring Ridge. He never even told her that he could. They’ve got to believe her. He showed her that he’d been faking his condition when Esme showed up just because he wanted her help with getting Esme out. Dante says, which she was more than happy to provide, but she says, Ryan terrified her. She had to do what he said. Jordan tells her, he isn’t saying anything; he’s dead.

Spencer says, Esme was always going on and on about how Ava pushed him out of his father’s life, and said he should push back. She encouraged him to get revenge. Ava wonders if he ever asked himself why Esme cared so much. She was no one to Esme, and they had the kind of life teenagers dream of. They had Europe at their fingertips. Wouldn’t living his best life have been the best revenge? He says, apparently not. Esme was determined to get him back here. Ava says, because Ryan ordered her to do all of that, and look what happened. She and Nikolas are divorced, and he and his father are more estranged than ever. It was Ryan. Ryan played them all. (Way to get Esme and Spencer off the hook. No pun intended.)

Heather says, thank God, and Dante tells her, give it a rest. She wanted Ryan gone so he can’t contradict her narrative. They know she gave Ava a gun, and sent Ava after Ryan. Heather says, Ava killed Ryan? and Jordan says, no, but she shot him in self-defense. Heather says, of course (🍷) it was self-defense. After everything he’d done to her; running her life, killing her daughter. Ryan was a cold-blooded murderer. Dante says, unlike her, and she says she was just a mother protecting her child. Jordan says, a child she abandoned, and Heather says, because she wanted to give her a better life. But she never stopped missing her. When Esme arrived in Port Charles, she was overjoyed. Then she saw what Esme’s life had become. She saw Trina Robinson’s attempts to humiliate and destroy her. What else could she do? She had to defend her family. Dante says he feels for her, and she says she’s told them everything she knows; she’s confessed to The Hook murders. Can’t they just grant the one little thing she asked them? Otherwise, she can always recant. Who’s going to trust the word of a crazy person anyway?

Laura asks what Sonny is doing at the hospital, and he says, looking after her grandsons, both of them. Congratulations, by the way. She thanks him, and he asks if she was with Esme. She says she was, but now Mac’s questioning her, and he asks if there’s anything he should know. She says she doesn’t think so; not yet. Is Spencer at the nursery? He says, yeah. Spencer’s been here all morning doing the big brother thing; he’s good at it. She says she doesn’t know if he heard, but Ryan died last night, and he says he heard the good news. He also heard Heather Webber killed his cousin Brando. She says, it would appear that way, and he says, that’s a mistake going after his family, but she says, let the justice system do what it does. He says, she knows him. He just protects the people he loves.

Dex tells Josslyn, option one. Say he disappears from Port Charles. Sonny might come looking for him, but he can cover his tracks. She says, if Sonny can’t find him, neither can she, and he says, not for a while anyway. She says she’s not liking option one, and he says, him neither. He says, option two. He tells his real boss that he’s out. He keeps working for Sonny, legitimately following his orders, but Sonny told him that he can’t go near Josslyn. They would have to hide that they’re together indefinitely. She says, marginally better than option one, but not by much. He says, option three. He sticks with the original plan, and gets evidence on Sonny. He turns it over to his real boss, who turns it over to the Feds, Sonny goes to prison, and he’s in the clear. She doubts it will be that easy, and he says, probably not, but it’s the only option that gives him what he really wants; a chance to stay here, a chance to be with her, free of Sonny. She says, option three it is, and he says, option three, kissing her. He says, no matter what happens, he can’t walk away from her, and she says she doesn’t want him to. Um… For all Josslyn’s talk on how she cares so much about her sisters, how come Donna and Avery, and the effect this might have on them, hasn’t been mentioned once?

Elizabeth’s phone rings, and she asks what he said… Yeah, she’s sure. She’ll be right there. She tells Cameron that she has to go, and he asks if everything is okay. She says she loves him, and jets.

Spencer admits he didn’t think Ava knew him so well, but she’s right. He didn’t want any of this to happen until he met Esme, and she used his resentment toward Ava to talk him into stalking her. He owns up to what he did, his part of it, but the escalation – putting the bear on Avery’s bed, setting Ava’s car on fire, putting Kiki’s hospital ID badge next to the wreckage – that was all Esme. He didn’t even know it was done until it happened. Ava says she believes him. All that misery because Ryan couldn’t stand her being with someone else. He says he can’t believe he was so blind, and she says, they all were. They were all blind, and used, and manipulated… He says, manipulated or not, he did Ryan’s dirty work for him. Spencer suddenly looks terrified, and says, he drove his father away, but Ava says, no, it wasn’t him. Nikolas would still be here if not for Ryan Chamberlain.

Mac asks, when was the last time Esme saw Ryan? and she says, he was in the woods with Ava Jerome; she had a gun on him. He was focused on Ava, so she made a break for it. Is she okay? He says, Ava’s fine, and she asks Mac to tell Ava thank you for helping her get away from Ryan. he says he’ll pass along that message. He thanks her for the information, and says, if he has anything more to ask… She lifts up her arm, showing she’s cuffed to the bed, and says, he knows where to find her. He congratulates her on the birth of her son, and she says, before he goes, maybe he could tell her what’s going to happen to her and Ace. He says, Ace? and she says, her baby. He says, she named her baby Ace? and she says, it just came out. Sounds right to her for some reason. Ace? Where did that come from?

Jordan asks if Dante believes Heather, and he says he does. Robert joins them, and says he may have additional answers on this hook business. Baldwin has a client who says she knows what Esme was doing at the time she went missing. Jordan asks, who? when Scotty walks in with Elizabeth, and says he thinks they all know his client.

Laura tells Sonny, she’s glad Spencer is spending time with his baby brother, because he really needs something positive to focus on right now. Sonny says he feels Spencer needs the baby as much as the baby needs him, and Laura’s phone dings. He asks if everything is okay, but she says, no. She’s got to go. She jets, and he follows her.

Josslyn tells Dex that she’s got to go back to her family, and needs to talk to Trina. It’s been a crazy couple of days. (Boy, does she have some news to catch up on.) He says, people need her, and she says, she needs him. So do whatever he has to do, but watch his back. Option three only works if he’s alive at the end of it. He promises to be careful, they kiss, and she leaves.

Laura and Sonny go to the nursery, and Laura asks Spencer, what’s wrong? He says he messed up, and she says, take a deep breath, and tell her what’s going on. He says, because of him, he and his baby brother no longer have a father. It seems even in death, Ryan Chamberlain wins. Laura says, they’ll find his father, and when they do, they’ll explain to him what took place here, and she’ll talk some sense into him. Until then, take a look around him. He’s not alone. Sonny’s here, she’s here… Sonny says, always, and she says, he and his brother are going to have more support than they know what to do with. Ava slips away.

Mac goes into Esme’s room, and asks if she’s sure about this. She nods, and the guard brings Heather in. Heather sort of smiles, but Esme just looks at her blankly.

On Monday, Dante tells Molly that they need to start that search immediately; Laura tells Spencer to think before he acts; and Curtis asks how long Jordan has known Trina might be his daughter.

👠 For Now…

She’s the only one I like at this point on RHONJ, but give it time.


👰🏻 All About the Love, But Alone…

Are you kidding me? She had the option of her brother walking her down the aisle, and decided to be the turd that she is. My father passed away before I got married too, and my sister walked me down the aisle. Teresa just wanted to give Joe #2 another slap in the face and get more attention for herself.

🧉 The Unending Grope…

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Anyone who could slap LVP in the face could do anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drank the blood of virgins to help her face fillers last. Although I would be surprised if she could find one in L.A.

💎 What Victims…?

You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, but I’ll bet she has bags that cost more than my house. And being an entertainer with a 12th grade education doesn’t mean you don’t know how many zeros are on the check.

🏖  Summer Lovin’…

Paige might be close to one of the normal ones if she wasn’t attached to ticking time bomb Craig.

Great. The only genuinely normal one. Let’s hope Austen isn’t her rebound. Or anyone else who enters the house for that matter.

🍸 Passing the Shade…

She is clueless when it comes to Girl Code. And did she watch this week’s episode? She pushed.

🎰 Showing Her Cards…

Gambling has never been my jam. I went to Atlantic City once to see a show, and played the slots for a few hours first – back when they were actual slot machines and somewhat exciting. I’d gotten a certain amount of rolled coins from the bank, and decided that would be the only amount I’d play with. I came home a quarter shy. Yeah, it was cool on the spins when a bunch of money came out, but I didn’t feel the need to play any more when I had to get going. Or ever.

Geez. I take better pictures for eBay.

🛣  In Last Week’s Last…

I have to admit, I didn’t even notice.


My favorite reply.

🐈 Prosperous Pets…

I’ll bet they all still poop on the floor.

🎯 Quotes of the Week

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. – Chief Seattle (Once again, don’t step on any butterflies.)

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. – Oscar Wilde

What I did or said should never be more important than why I did it or said it.Andrea Kelly

There is only one way to avoid criticism: say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. – Elbert Hubbard

Just knowing you don’t have the answers is a recipe for humility, openness, acceptance, forgiveness, and an eagerness to learn – and those are all good things. – Dick Van Dyke

Each day we are given the opportunity to choose between that which is easy and fast and that which is more difficult and slow. The fast and easy track is attractive, but doesn’t bear fruit. The slow and hard track is intimidating, but has the most potential. – Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion and empathy. – Dean Koontz

Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t “should’ve” done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!Steve Maraboli

There is no room for mediocrity in karaoke. – some obviously Drunk Kid I met there

🚶🏽‍♀️ Walking It Off…

Come back fresh on Monday really Tuesday for soap and the return of Captain Lee, which might offset the middle aged adolescents in that House. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your head in the clouds, but your feet on the ground, and stay letting living your best life be your best revenge.

February 21, 2023 – Ava Confronts Ryan, Teresa Doesn’t Invite More People To the Wedding & Gifted


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer and Trina kiss. She tells him, don’t stop.

Curtis strides through an empty Savoy, and goes behind the bar. N’neka says, it’s his wedding night. Why isn’t he…? He says he’ll explain another time, and tells her to head home; he’ll close up. He sits down at a table with a fifth of whiskey, and starts drinking shots. N’neka slips out, and makes a call in the back hallway. She says she doesn’t know what’s happening, but they need to get down here, like, now.

Laura tells Alexis that Jordan’s on her way to Windymere, and Alexis asks, what’s at Windymere? (Johnny in Airplane: Well, there’s an island with a big house, and…) Laura says, off the record, a hostage situation, and Alexis asks if it has anything to do with the escapees from Spring Ridge. Doc wonders why she’s asking, and Alexis says, all the victims are linked to Trina Robinson and Esme Prince. That list was compiled to avenge Esme Prince. Laura says, they suspected something like that, but didn’t have any concrete proof, and Doc asks if Alexis knows why The Hook would avenge Esme. Alexis says she doesn’t know why, but she knows who. She knows who The Hook is. It’s Heather Webber.

Ava tells Felicia, it’s best if they leave the island, and send help back for Austin, and Heather says, now that she thinks about it, Ava might want to hang back. Ava asks why she’d want to do that, and Heather says, to finally end this unholy obsession between her and Ryan once and for all. Ava says, that obsession is one-sided, thank you very much. She’ll let the authorities deal with Ryan – again. Heather asks if Ava isn’t the least bit curious to hear what Ryan did to try and get her back, but Ava says, not particularly. Heather says, how he’s responsible for destroying Ava’s life in the process? When she does, she’s going to want to take care of Ryan herself. Felicia says, let’s go, but Ava says she’s listening. How exactly did a man in prison destroy her life? Heather says, isn’t it obvious? Ryan had help.

Ryan runs through the forest looking for Esme, and finds her on the ground, leaning up against a large rock. He tells her, daddy’s here. She can’t be on the ground. It can’t be good for her or the baby. She says, and he is? and he says, right now he’s the best chance for both of them, so let him help. She says her water broke; the baby’s coming. He says, they have to get her back to the house, but he can’t carry her; she’ll have to lean on him. She cries, and tells him to get away from her. The baby’s coming.

Curtis continues to drink, and flashes back to Trina saying, they’re making progress. Marshall says, put that glass down, son.

Spencer asks if Trina knows how long he’s wanted this, and she says she wanted it too, even though everyone told her to stay away. He says, when everything exploded, and she said they couldn’t be friends anymore, he tried to stay away. He stops kissing her, and says he won’t. She means too much to him. She asks, why not?

Laura asks how Heather can be The Hook killer when she was locked up, and Alexis says, she just broke out. What makes Laura think she hasn’t broken out on a regular basis? Laura admits Heather has broken out of other facilities before, and Alexis reminds them about the letter the killer wrote. Doc says he remembers it saying she was avenging someone she cares about, and Alexis says, it was written on an old school typewriter with a very specific keystroke. She called D’Archam, and guess who had access to the exact same machine? Laura says, that explains why they all broke out together, and Doc says, it was a family affair. Alexis says, they clearly know something she doesn’t, so what is she missing?

Ryan puts his coat over Esme, and says, they broke out of prison. It’s the stress that sent her into labor. The good news is, the contractions are just beginning. There’s plenty of time before the baby comes. She asks why she should believe him, and he says, because he’s a doctor, and he’s also her dad. Which is why he couldn’t let her stay in jail. They’re a team, and a damn good one. Just ask Nikolas. She groans in pain, and he tells her, no need to panic. Everything is proceeding normally. She shakes his hand off, and says, this isn’t normal. She tries to get up, but he tells her, right now, he’s the only person who can help her and that precious cargo she’s carrying. Trust him. Daddy knows best.

Felicia thinks they don’t want to stand around while Heather plays mind games with Ava, and Austin struggles to get up. Ava helps him, and Heather says she’s glad he’s awake. Sorry about the hook, but he shouldn’t have used his phone. Ava asks her what she means that Ryan had help, and Heather says, she and Ryan were in Spring Ridge together, and he confided in her. Felicia says, Heather knew he was faking, and didn’t say anything, and Heather says, if only Ava knew how badly he played her. How he insinuated himself into her family, her marriage. She has to admit it was brilliant, but it was sick. Ava gets up, and says, what did Ryan do, and who did he do it with?

Curtis says, Marshall just happened to be in the neighborhood, and Marshall says, don’t blame N’neka. She’s just looking out for her boss, especially when that boss is supposed to be on his honeymoon. Curtis says, Marshall may as well sit down and have a drink with him, and Marshall says he’s not having a drink, but he’d like Curtis to put the cap back on that bottle, so they can deal with whatever happened at the reception. Curtis says he’s sorry Marshall came all the way down here, but the very last thing he wants to do is talk about it. Marshall says, he told Drew that he was done being a no-show when his family needs him. So tough luck – he pulls up a chair – he’s not leaving until they talk this out.

Alexis says, so Ryan is Esme’s father, and Doc says, according to Dante and Sam, who spoke to Esme’s old nanny. Alexis says, so if Ryan is Esme’s father… Doc says, her mother could see herself as an avenging angel, believing she’s protecting her daughter, even if she has to kill for her. Alexis says, Heather Webber is Esme’s mother and Ryan is her father? What a coincidence they all escaped Spring Ridge together. Laura says, now they’re all on the island together. They all look out over the water.

Ryan says, they have to get Esme back to the house, where it’s warm and dry, and she can give birth to his grandchild safely. Esme says she’s not going anywhere with him, but he says, that’s just the pain talking. He wishes she could remember how close they were before she lost her memory. She practically worshipped the ground he walked on. She went to great lengths to get an internship at Spring Ridge. They used to spend hours, planning and dreaming for when he’d be free, and all of them would be together; her, him, and Ava. She says, he’s crazy and delusional. She saw for herself that Ava despises him. He asks when she’s going to learn hate is just the other side of love.

Heather says, it’s not her story to tell; Ryan started it, but Ava has a chance to end it. She hands Ava the gun, and Felicia says, shoot her, but Heather says, shooting her won’t solve Ava’s problem. But Ryan? That’s a totally different story. Felicia says, no one understands being tormented by Ryan better than she does, but don’t make a bad situation worse. Forget Ryan; forget Heather. Let’s just get the hell out of here, and call 9-1-1 for Austin. Ava says, Heather may be psychotic, but she’s right about one thing. Ryan Chamberlain started this, and she’s going to finish it. She stalks out.

Curtis asks how much Marshall knows, and he says, not much, but he’s guessing whatever kept Stella from the wedding wasn’t contagious. Curtis says, that is correct. Portia has been lying to Trina, she’s been lying to Taggert, and she’s been lying to him. She’s been lying since Trina was born, and when he asked her, she lied to his face. She’s been lying since they said I do. Marshall says, the lie being? and Curtis says, Trina may be his daughter.

Spencer asks if Trina is sure this is what she wants, and she says, it is; doesn’t he? He says, of course (🍷) he does, but not like this, and she says, if it’s because it would be her first time… but he says, she just means too much to him to make this anything other than perfect. Just not in an empty art gallery. And she’s hurting right now, and might think if they sleep together the pain will subside, and maybe it would, but it would come back. Then he’d just be the guy who took advantage of her, and for once, he needs her to see him; he needs her to see the good in him, not the bad. She laughs, and says, she’s just not sure she likes him when he’s trying to be noble. He says he’s not sure he does either, but that’s the path he’s choosing. So let him take her home. She says she can’t go back there, and he says, that’s fine, but where should he take her?

Alexis asks if Doc thinks Esme was faking her memory loss this whole time, but he says he doesn’t think so. She may have no idea Heather and Ryan are her parents. Laura says, they got to know Esme when she and Spencer moved in with them. She didn’t like Esme’s sense of entitlement, and she had the elitism of a young woman who studied at a boarding school in France, but she thinks underneath that, was a very wounded little girl. Doc says, it would be just like his brother to use her for his own purposes. Now that Esme’s lost her memory, there’s no telling what he might have told her. She could be an innocent accessory in all this. She is nine months pregnant, after all. Alexis says, unwilling she can buy, but Esme Prince innocent? That’s hard to swallow.

Mac walks into Windymere, and Heather says, it’s good to see him again. She’s glad he’s okay. He hugs Felicia, saying, he’s glad she’s okay, and she says, the same to him. Jordan and Detective Bennett come in, and Felicia says, Ryan is somewhere on the island. Esme ran out, and he went after Esme, and Ava went after him. Mac says, Ava’s asking to be taken hostage, but Felicia says, Ava is armed; Heather gave her a gun. Mac says, what the hell? and an officer calls him over, showing him the hook. Mac tells him, take photos and bag it. Bennett tells Heather that she’s being arrested, and reads her rights. She says she’s heard all this before, but he delivers the Miranda with great panache. He asks if she understands her rights. They wouldn’t want anything she said to be thrown out on a technicality.

Jordan asks Austin what happened to him, and he says she got stabbed… with a hook, so hooked would be more accurate. She asks, who did this? and he says, the nice lady in the handcuffs over there. Heather smiles.

Mac calls for paramedics, and says, there’s been another Hook attack. The victim appears stable, but will need immediate transport. Heather says, if it’s any help, there’s no rush. The hook she used on the good doctor didn’t have any venom in it. Jordan tells Bennett to have the men search the island. Ryan is to be considered very dangerous, and Esme Prince, while technically a fugitive, is nine months pregnant. He says, there’s also a civilian in the mix. Miss Jerome is armed, and she’s been severely traumatized. They don’t want her firing on one of their own. He hands Heather to an officer, and leaves. Mac asks, what happened? and Felicia says, after Heather stabbed Austin, Esme freaked out and ran off, and Ryan ran after her. She wonders what Ryan would want with Esme, and Heather says, didn’t she mention? He’s her daddy.

Ryan tells Esme, be practical. It’s night; it’s February. She can’t give birth out here. She screams for someone to help her, but he says he’s the only help she needs. He’s right here. Ava shows up, and says, get away from her. Now. Or she’ll blow his head off.

Curtis tells Marshall that Stella found out, and that’s why she stayed away from the wedding. She knew. Jordan knew. In fact, the only people who didn’t know this little secret were the people most affected by it. Trina, Taggert… Marshall says, and you, and Curtis says, and me. And if Trina wouldn’t have went and found Stella, he never would have known. That young lady knew something was off. Aunt Stella was just being Aunt Stella. Marshall says he doesn’t believe for a minute that Aunt Stella would deliberately break Curtis’s heart or betray a confidence. Curtis says, nope, but she did hint that there was a problem and it wasn’t her story to tell. And Trina should hear that story from her mama. Marshall asks if that’s why Trina and Portia disappeared from the reception, and Curtis says, damn! How do you keep a secret that’s that important for twenty years? Marshall says he did it too. He did it for forty years. You put the secret in a box, you shove it to the back of the closet, and you forget about it; or at least you try to. Curtis asks if that’s what Marshall did with them. Out of sight out of mind? Marshall says, no, of course (🍷) not. It’s always there. Always. Then sooner or later, that closet door opens, and it all spills out.

Trina says, what about where Spencer’s staying? but he says, no; don’t tempt him. What about her dorm room? but she says, that’s the first place her mom will come looking for her. Besides, Joss is going through her own stuff. He says, what if he gets her a room at the MetroCourt? but she says, her mom and Curtis could still be in their room. He says, they’re kind of running out of options, and she says she just needs a place where she can slam doors, and scream at the top of her lungs without neighbors calling the cops, and then be alone with her thoughts. He says, of course (🍷). He can’t believe he didn’t think of it before. He takes her hand, says he knows just the place where she’ll be safe, and pulls her out the door.

Laura tells Alexis, Jordan and Mac have secured the house, and they have Heather in custody. Alexis says, anyone hurt? and Laura says, there was one final Hook stabbing; Austin Gatlin-Holt. Doc asks, how bad? and Laura says, according to Mac, there was no poison on the hook, so the injuries are not life-threatening. He says, what about Ryan? and she says, still a fugitive. Alexis asks, what about Esme? and Laura promises to get back to her with an update, but right now, she has to get to Spoon Island. Doc says, you mean, we are, and they go to the launch. Alexis makes a call, and says, they have breaking news, and there’s a lot of it. Put on the recorder. The Hook killer has been apprehended. The killer, who after months and months of terrorizing Port Charles, is in police custody. And that’s just the beginning of the story.

Heather says, Ryan Chamberlain is Esme Prince’s biological father, and Felicia asks how she knows. Heather says she must have one of those faces. People trust her with their deepest secrets. Mac asks the paramedics if they can take Felicia to the mainland, but Felicia says she’s going to stay with him. He says he needs to know she’s safe. Ryan is still on the loose. She’s been his obsession for so many years. She says, what if he comes after you? and Mac says, it will save him hunting Ryan down. Tonight, he either goes to Pentenville or maybe hell for that matter. Austin asks if Felicia could come with him. He could use the company. Felicia nods, and hugs Mac, saying, she doesn’t want to make him worry more than he has to. On their way out the door, Austin tells Jordan, please find Ava, and she says, they’ll find her before Ryan does. Heather says, it’s Ryan who should be worried.

Ryan asks how Ava got the gun away from Heather, and she says she has her ways. He says, the first thing she did was look for him. She missed him that much. She says, he’s irresistible, and Esme says, please help her. Her water broke. Ava says, she’s in labor, and Ryan says, they have to get her back to the house where she can have his grandchild safely. Ava says, Esme is his daughter? and he says, yes. This has all worked out even better than he planned. She says, it was him all along, and he says, of course (🍷) it was. How does she think Esme met Spencer? He got her into that snooty French school, where Spencer was walking around with a nice big target on his back. How does she think Esme learned to manipulate Spencer… and his father? He taught her everything she knows. He created her. And this is his crowning moment. Doesn’t she see? Esme has brought them all together. He walks over to Ava, and she says, one more step, and she’ll kill him.

Curtis says, forty years ago, Marshall made a decision, however misguided, to protect the people he loves. That same love inspired him to reunite with his family. What Portia did was only to protect herself. Marshall says he’s not going to let Curtis make him out to be a hero, and Portia to be a villain. He was scared of what he might become without the medication, and truly believes Portia was scared too. What if the truth cost her Trina’s love and respect? What if Curtis refuses to understand? Isn’t the way Curtis walked out on his wedding night proof that Portia had a right to be afraid? Curtis says he can’t excuse this. Some things are really unforgiveable. Curtis drinks another shot.

On the pier, Felicia says she knows Alexis is just trying to get the whole story, but Austin has to get to General Hospital. If she wants to meet them there, do it, but not until after the doctors treat him. Alexis says she understands, and asks if anything is happening at Windymere. Felicia tells her, all she can say is Mac and Jordan have everything under control, and Alexis says, in other words, Ryan Chamberlain is still on the loose. The paramedics start moving the stretcher, and Felicia says she’s sorry, she’s riding with Austin, and they leave.

Alexis sees Spencer and Trina, and tells the officer that they’re with her. Spencer tells her that he was taking Trina over to Windymere, so she could spend the night with Ava. What the hell is happening? Trina asks, what’s with all the police? and Alexis says she assumes they heard about the breakout at Spring Ridge. Spencer says, three prisoners escaped, including Esme. Is Alexis saying Esme is on Spoon Island right now? Alexis says, sadly, she is, and she’s not alone.

On the radio, Mac says, keep him updated. And remember, Ryan Chamberlain is considered very dangerous. He is searching for Esme Prince, who is nine months pregnant. A civilian, Ava Jerome, is unaccounted for. She’s armed. So identify yourself as police, and proceed with extreme caution. Laura says, if Jordan needs any resources, she’ll get them, and Doc says if they need any intel into his brother’s mind or whatever, just ask. Jordan thanks them, and says, this is a very messy situation. She hopes they can end it quickly with as little bloodshed as possible. Doc says he’d think Heather would be keen to help, and Laura asks how he figures that. He says he doesn’t think Heather would want to see any harm come to her daughter or grandchild, and Laura says, Esme is Heather’s daughter, isn’t she? Hers and Ryan’s. Heather says, how could you miss it? She’s got my smile.

Ryan says, once Ava calms down and gets a little perspective, she’ll see that every step he took was worth it. She says, worth it for who? How? He says, so they could be together. Be the family they were always meant to be. Behind him, Esme struggles to get up, and Ava says, he sent his own daughter to seduce Spencer; to convince him to stalk and torture her, and drive her away from Nikolas. Esme limps away into the woods, and Ava says, all the while, making him feel like it was his idea. He says, she convinced herself that she was in love with Nikolas. It required strong measures. She says, so after he got Spencer to destroy her marriage, he sent Esme to seduce her husband, and he says, husbands come and go. The two of them are forever. She says, of course (🍷) he took Kiki. He took her daughter, and then he took Nikolas, and he’ll keep taking until somebody stops him. He says he knows things are complicated, but they have plenty of time to work that out. Right now, Esme’s water broke, and they need to get… He sees Esme is gone, and calls out to her. He runs to the rock, and picks up his coat. Ava asks if he lost something. He says, yes, his daughter, and she asks him to tell her how it feels. How does it feel to lose the one thing you truly love?

Ryan says he’s going to find Esme, and starts walking, but Ava shoots him in his handless arm, and he drops to the ground. He gets to his knees, and says, she shot him. She asks if it hurts. Is he in pain? She can tell him something about real pain, the kind of pain that comes from losing a child, her daughter, her first born. Now his daughter’s gone; she ran from him. Ave starts to cry, and says, she needed Kiki. She needed Nikolas. And they’re both gone because of him. He gets to his feet, clutching his arm, and says, maybe killing Kiki was a mistake, but he didn’t hurt a hair on Nikolas’s stupid thick head. She says she did that. Because of him and Esme. They destroyed her marriage; they poisoned it. There was nothing else she could do. He says, then it was all worth it. She killed him. Now they can be together. There’s nothing that stands between them.

Curtis pushes the bottle away, and Marshall says he knows Curtis is hurting. He has every right, but Marshall hurt him too, and Curtis found it in his heart to forgive him. And because Curtis did, he found the family he’d thought he’d lost forever. In the eyes of God and the State of New York, Curtis has a wife, and he also might have a daughter. Don’t shut himself off from the woman he loves because she committed the unpardonable sin of being human. He puts his hand on Curtis’s shoulder, and tells him, go on and let it hurt, but then he has to let it heal. He’s going to figure this out, and Marshall will be right here for him. He loves Curtis, and he’ll always support him. Tears in his eyes, Curtis thanks Marshall, and they hug.

Trina asks if Spencer is okay. She knows he’s thinking about Esme’s baby. He says he’ll feel a lot better once he knows his little brother or sister isn’t in danger. When Alexis said Esme wasn’t alone, she meant Esme is on the island with crazy Heather Webber and psychopath Ryan Chamberlain, right? Is she a hostage? Alexis says, actually, she’s there with her biological parents.

Laura says, still nothing? but Jordan assures her that they’re doing everything they can, and Mac says, they have the island surrounded. Ryan won’t get away. Doc says, if Esme is Ryan’s daughter, he sees her as a possession; something that belongs to him. It’s like an extension of himself, and they know he’s obsessed with Ava. He’ll do anything to hold her. Laura says she can’t just sit here while Ryan does his worst. They’ve got to do something. Esme stumbles through the door, and collapses in Laura’s arms, sobbing.

Ryan says, with Nikolas out of the way, he and Ava are bound together forever. His life is in her hands, and hers in his. She tells him that he’s crazy, and he says he knows the wounds have to heal – the physical and emotional – but he promises they’ll find Esme, and they’ll take her and  the baby, and vanish to someplace no one will ever find them. And he promises her, she’ll thank him. She says, he’s right about one thing. His life is in her hands. He says, til death do us part, and she repeats, til death do us part, taking steady aim. He reaches out, and she slowly… pulls… the trigger.

Tomorrow, Scotty tells Elizabeth that they have unfinished business; Taggert tells Portia that he is Trina’s dad; Esme has her baby; and Ryan says, Ava isn’t done with him yet.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Carrying over the somewhat civilized argument Teresa and Melissa were having at the mozzarella party last week, Teresa asked Melissa if she wanted to be a bridesmaid, but Melissa said, not at this point. It would be like going back to an ex-boyfriend.

There was more rehash about the Dolores dynamic having changed for Frank, since Paulie’s got her now. Melissa met with Marge and Jackie for lunch, and said Danielle had complained about Jackie looking her up and down at the mozzarella party. Jackie admitted she had, and said, Danielle looked like a trainwreck, and she couldn’t look away. Her shorts looked like she’d just taken them out of the hamper. She added that Danielle could have been an adult about it, and come to her if she had a gripe, rather than telling Melissa. Pot apparently doesn’t recognize kettle, as it’s not too adult to 1) look someone up and down, and 2) comment to someone else about said trainwreck’s appearance – at their own party, no less. Melissa asked if she wanted to talk to Danielle, but she said, Danielle’s wardrobe was punishment enough. Marge said Jennifer was in a downward spiral, and she was like a festering wound that doesn’t heal. Geez. This bunch is slowly encroaching on Most Awful People territory. However, no one will ever top Jax Taylor for top spot.

It was Rachel’s daughter’s 2nd birthday, and there was a photo session. In Rachel’s interview, she said, everyone thinks they have the cutest kid, but she actually does have the cutest kid. She asked husband John if he wanted another baby, but he wanted to wait a year. In her interview, she said, after they got married, she’d gotten pregnant right away, and had a miscarriage, and never got pregnant again. I guess she did eventually, since they have several kids. She said, it was emotionally and physically draining, and wouldn’t wish it on anybody. It was the most challenging thing in her life. They have five embryos in the freezer, and the time is now. She’s the one who will have to do all the work.

For Teresa, it was all wedding, wedding, wedding, but it wasn’t long before she talked smack about Melissa, bringing Gia and Gabriella (who claims to want nothing to do with the drama, but that’s doubtful) into the conversation. On her podcast, Melissa had claimed she’d been there for the girls when Teresa was in prison, but Gia said, the only time they saw Melissa and Joe #2 was when the cameras were rolling. Louie said Melissa didn’t put one left foot in front of the other, and I wondered if Teresa’s mangling of the English language was catching. Or was Louie born with it and the stars aligned? Louie got all involved in the discussion because he wants more camera time.

In Danielle’s interview, she talked about her kids clothing line, Bougie Kidz, and said, Melissa was living the dream. She met Melissa for I’m not sure what, but it seemed like Melissa was teaching her how to be a stylist. Then, since no one can keep anything to themselves for more than five seconds, Melissa told Danielle about what Jackie had said. In her interview, Danielle said Jackie was a judgy bitch. Danielle said she was concerned about the Teresa/Joe #2 situation because she and her brother had been close, and hadn’t spoken in two years When covid hit, Danielle began filming herself for Instagram, and reviewing products. Her brother constantly made fun of her, so she blocked him, saying, he didn’t have to look. He then cut her out of his wedding, and in her interview, she said she’d thought it was a joke. Obviously not. Melissa felt like she was missing part of the story, and Danielle said some things had happened prior to the wedding. She’d tried not to put in her two cents about the wedding preparations, but she didn’t have a sister, and it was so exciting. She wanted to do things for her future SIL, and was told it wasn’t all about her. She sent a text to her brother, saying, see who she’s dealing with? and he kicked all of them out of the wedding. She thinks it’s the wife behind it, but Melissa said, Danielle’s brother was the one making fun of her. Playing devil’s advocate, she’s tried getting Joe #2 and Teresa together, but unless Joe wants to, she can’t force him. In Melissa’s interview, she said, it’s not always the sister-in-law’s fault. Joe is a grown man, and she can only try so many times.

At Jennifer’s house, there was discussion about teaching the kids more chores, and paying them to do them. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, she and Bill had different approaches to parenting. She told Bill that Marge had said she was sometimes disingenuous, and not self-reflective. She insisted she was the most self-reflective person ever, and Bill rolled his eyes. She asked if he didn’t think so, and he started giving a flowery speech about how people have different personalities. In her interview, Jennifer said she didn’t want to hear it. STFU. Bill said she had to acknowledge her part in things, and in her interview, she said she didn’t need him to validate the other person’s point-of-view. We flashed back to the times Bill was less than supportive.

Danielle said daughter Valentina had been robbed of her school art show because of covid, so she invited her parents over, and there was a private showing. In Danielle’s interview, she said her parents had separated when she was eight, and couldn’t tolerate being in the same room, but they came together when her son Dominic was born. Dominic introduced Valentina, who came out in a rainbow tutu. I’m not sure how old she is, maybe five? As her pieces were brought out, she told her audience what artist inspired them. I took college art courses in high school, and this kid knows more than I do. In her interview, Danielle said, it would kill her if her kids were separated like she and her brother. If her son marries a megabitch, she’ll poison her. Her mother also didn’t talk to her brother, and Danielle mentioned that it was the first time her brother wasn’t there for something with the kids. Her dad started crying, and in her interview, she said, all her dad wants it for the family to be together. This destroyed her whole family. We saw a clip from a home movie when they were kids, and Danielle’s father said, this too shall pass.

Melissa and Joe #2 went to what they call their shore house, but I beg to differ since it’s in Tom’s River. Melissa’s mother and sister came over, and Joe asked if they’d been invited to Teresa’s wedding. They said, no, and in Joe’s interview, he said Juicy Joe’s family had been at his wedding. Melissa’s family had been in their lives for 20 years. Teresa was making a statement that they mean nothing to her. Melissa’s family sat with their parents for 18 years – we see clips of that – and his dad’s last words were, love each other. After New York, he’d called Louie, and said he wanted things to be better. Teresa just had to admit she was wrong. Louie said, she was never going to do that. Louie has done nothing to help the situation, and only made it worse. Joe said, they were going to be having guys night soon, and Melissa’s sister said she could see his Gorga-ness coming out.

The guys met at a bar, and Frank started busting Joe #2’s balls immediately, saying the tables were too high for him. New (Danielle’s) husband Nate was joining the fold, and Frank said, Paulie had to work, then whined about the Dolores dynamic changing. He missed his relationship with Dolores. Joe said, they’d taken Louie in with open arms, and Melissa had treated him like royalty, yet Melissa’s family wasn’t invited to the wedding. Louie walked in just as Joe was saying, he’s garbage.

There was a toast to Louie – for what reason, I don’t know – and Joe #2 asked Louie, how many wedding guests? Louie said, 200, and Joe said he’d met Melissa’s family. Were they were good people? Louie said, they were great people, and Joe asked why they weren’t invited to the wedding. Everyone on his side was f***ed up. Frank asked if there was a reason, and Louie said, past bullsh*t. Joe said, Melissa’s family should be respected because they were close to his and Teresa’s parents. It was like a f*** you. There was some discussion about the hierarchy in Italian families, and Louie said, Joe’s wife was on social media saying Teresa’s kids wouldn’t have eaten if it wasn’t for them. Joe claimed that’s not what she said, and Louie said he was there. Joe said, Louie didn’t know sh*t, and should be embarrassed. Louie said, Joe was on the podcast talking about his sister, and Joe told him, f*** you, saying he wasn’t a man; he was a p*ssy. Louie said, Joe’s talk didn’t affect him, and to stop the theatrics. Joe said he was tired of the bullsh*t, and Louie always backpedals. Louie said, Teresa was his fiancé, and she was 50 years old. What did Joe think he could do? Joe suggested he tell Teresa that she’s out of line, and Louie said he did, but she stood her ground. Joe said he was hurt, and didn’t want to be hurt anymore, and Louie said, Teresa didn’t deserve to be hurt either. She and Joe should talk, and Joe should be vulnerable. What he’s feeling is justified, but they should hear what each other feels. In Joe’s interview, he says, Teresa will just bring up that he didn’t defend Louie. She doesn’t move forward. Louie said that Teresa loved Joe so much, but in his interview, Joe said in his heart, he knows how she feels, and he doesn’t want to waste his time. He told Louie that he’d think about it.

Next time, Bill’s feelings are hurt; Frank Jr. asks Dolores, what’s up with Paulie and his dad; Teresa calls Joe wanting to make peace, but he says he doesn’t know; and Jennifer says she can do what she f***ing wants.

🌊 Slouching Towards the Jersey Shore…

Have your late-night snack here tomorrow, along with some soap and VanderDoings. Until then, stay safe, stay going the extra mile in all you do, and stay not cutting yourself off from loved ones because they committed the unpardonable sin of being human.

February 14, 2023 – A Valentine’s Wedding, Mozzarella Memories in New Jersey, That Awful House Full of Awful People Is Back & Endless


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Laura asks that question that’s only asked in movie and TV weddings; if anyone can show just cause why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace. Everyone laughs, and Portia flashes back to Jordan telling her to let Curtis know Trina might be his daughter before the wedding.

Stella reads from the Bible, speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one with another. She flashes back to telling Jordan that Curtis and Portia’s affair would line up with how old Trina is. There’s a knock on the door, and she opens it to Jordan.

Heather slips into Ryan’s room, and says, evening, grandpa. She tells him, it’s only the most romantic day of the year, and gives him a heart she made out of construction paper that says Happy Valentine’s Day on it. She says, from mee-maw. It’s not his only gift. He asks if it’s chocolate covered strawberries, but she says, something much sweeter; a way out for all four of us.

Outside the pub, Dante teases Sam about driving on the wrong side of the road. They peek inside the pub, and Sam says, what if Maggie isn’t a drinker? Dante says, hopefully, someone who knows her is, and they go inside. A woman asks if she can help them, and Dante says, they’re counting on it.

Laura says, as per tradition, she’ll pose the same question of Curtis and Portia. Do either of them know any reason why they should not be joined in holy matrimony? Portia looks at Trina, but doesn’t say anything, and Laura says, let’s get these two hitched. She reads the wedding vows, and they both say, I will. She asks the guests if they’ll do their best to support Portia and Curtis in their new union, and they say they will. Another part of a wedding I’ve never seen or heard of. Laura says, surrounded by love and support. They’re truly blessed.

Stella warns Jordan that what she has might be contagious, and Jordan says, diagnosis? Stella says, second guessing herself, and Jordan says she’ll take the risk. She sees someone’s been drawing comfort from the Good Book, and Stella says, trying to anyway. Not much success. She wonders if she’s doing the right thing, staying away from the wedding, or is hiding out just plain cowardly? Jordan says, Stella Henry is no coward. She loves her nephew and wants him to be happy.

Heather tells Ryan that she made the heart in arts and crafts. They wouldn’t let her use scissors, so she had to improvise. She pulls out a homemade knife, and he says, she’s all heart. I love these two. She says he’s going to owe her huge when they blow this joint, and he asks, who’s the fourth? She says, Esme’s baby – duh. He has to work on his grandfathering skills when they hit the road. He says, it sounds like she has it all figured out, and she says, down to the last detail. He asks if their daughter is on board, but Heather avoids the question, and he grabs her arm, saying, Esme doesn’t know, does she?

Dante says, two of your finest ales, and the woman says, that’s a matter of opinion, isn’t it? He says, hers, and she says, two of her favorite ales coming right up. She asks what brings them to her village. It’s not one of those fancy tourist sites. Sam says, they’re drawn to faraway places, and she says, then they’ve come to the right spot. She serves them, and they take a sip, declaring it delicious. She asks if there’s anything else she can help them with, and Dante says, they’re looking for a friend of a friend. She asks if the friend has a name, and Sam says, Maggie Fitzgerald.

Laura says, Portia and Curtis want to say a few words to each other, and suggests Curtis start. He takes Portia’s hands, and says, my love, it’s been a long and winding road with us. First, we were together, then they were apart. Thankfully, now we’re back together, and I don’t doubt that journey took a toll on us, and others, but some of those others have blessed us, and for that, I’m eternally grateful. What I’ve learned about love ain’t always pretty, and certainly not easy, but nothing worth having ever is. But this – he looks around – this is everything. He vows to love her with all his heart, to give her all he has, and all he is, to make their lives and the lives of the people they treasure better. This is his vow to her. Laura says, Portia’s up.

Portia says, you mentioned a long and winding road. I know it well. I thought I’d be traveling that road with my daughter, and she and my work was all that I would ever need, and I was fine with that, but then you came back into my life and literally saved my life, and Trina’s, and all of a sudden, I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. Your courage, your kindness, your conviction – all of it – literally leaves me breathless. No one can make me laugh like you do, or cry like you do – in a good way, in the best possible way. You make me want to do and be better, and you have no idea how thankful I am for that. You’re part of me, and I can’t imagine a world without you in it. That’s… that’s why I… She looks around, and stammers. Curtis asks, what is it?

Stella tells Jordan, they’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. She’s terrified that, no matter how this plays out, Curtis’s heart is going to be broken. Jordan says, maybe temporarily, but she’s forgetting Curtis loves Trina. He might be shocked if it turns out she’s his daughter, but once that settles, he’ll be thrilled. Stella says, that blessing comes with a price. He’ll realize Portia’s been lying to him for decades. Jordan says, Portia was looking out for Taggert. The man adores Trina, and has been an amazing father to her. Stella says she understands that. Telling the truth has the potential to upend a lot of lives. Jordan says, once Portia and Curtis got back together, Trina was going through so much, and Stella says, maybe it wasn’t the time then, but once they decided to join their lives together and be a family? She keeps praying about this, but she doesn’t know if prayer is enough.

Heather says Ryan is a handy one-handed man, and puts the knife to his throat. He laughs, and she says, they’ll be told when the time is right. Can they please leave the family’s paths for the road trip? He says, every law enforcement agency from here to Alaska will be looking for them, and she says, but they’ll be looking for three escaped fugitives. Not a happy family cruising in their RV, listening to the radio. Can he picture this? He says, no, and she asks why he’s being so negative. He says, Esme has kind of outgrown a baby seat, but Heather says, they’ll be needing one of those for the RV. He says, she’s an adult, pregnant woman who’s lost her memory. Does she really think Esme will let herself be thrown into the back of an RV? Heather says, he’s the one who said she’s got it all figured out, and he says, then tell him the plan. They can’t be too careful, especially with that detective and his girlfriend trying to track down Esme’s nanny. She says she doubts Ryan is going to be doing the driving, so why doesn’t he sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride?

Sam says, they’re not there to make trouble for Maggie, and Dante says, just the opposite. Maggie was this person’s nanny. Sam says, there was this family she used to work for, and they said she moved to this village. The woman says she recalls a woman who used to work as a nanny, but her name was Marjorie. She only came for trivia nights on Thursdays. She was fantastic at that, but she stopped showing up, so they figured she’d moved on. Sam says, maybe she left a clue as to where she was going. It’s really important they find her. A woman she once cared for, Esme, is in trouble. Dante says, Esme Prince. Did Marjorie ever mention her?

Portia looks at Trina, who says, it’s okay, then she looks around. She tells Curtis that she’s sorry. It’s just hitting her all over again that she’s not just marrying him; she’s marrying him and his beautiful family. He says, they’ll be her family too, and she says, and hers will be his. That road doesn’t stop here. All of them travel together. He says, together, and puts the ring on her finger, pledging to love her today, tomorrow, and always. Finn looks at Elizabeth, and smiles, and Portia says, with this ring, she pledges all her love. And like this ring has no end, neither does her love for him. She puts the ring on him, and Trina smiles at Spencer. Laura says, with vows and rings, they’ve pledged their love to each other. Therefore, by the power vested in her by the State of New York, and the blessing of all their family and friends, she pronounces them husband and wife. They know what to do. Everyone laughs, and Curtis says he certainly does. They kiss, and everyone applauds.

Heather says she almost forgot. His Valentine’s present. She hands him the knife, and he asks, what’s the catch? She says, is he always this suspicious? and he says, yes. She says, it’s her Valentine’s gift to him, but he has to keep it hidden before the big escape. He says, she does recall he’s supposed to be in a fugue state, unable to speak or move, let alone wield a weapon, but she says, once they’re outside these walls, he can be his old self again. He says, but if something goes wrong, and he’s caught holding a knife, and she’s caught holding Esme’s hand and claiming he hijacked them… Everyone needs a back-up plan, right?

The woman says, Marjorie never talked about her charges. Why are they so invested in this Esme person? Dante says, she’s in quite a bit of trouble back in the states, the kind that Maggie could be the key to get her out of. Sam says, she gets that the woman has no reason to trust them, but if Maggie knew what Esme was going through, she’d want to help. Dante asks if she’s sure there’s nothing she can tell them.

At the reception, Drew asks everyone to join him in welcoming the newlyweds, Portia and Curtis. Everyone applauds as they walk in, and the band begins to play. Portia and Curtis dance, and there’s a song part as they gaze into each other’s eyes. Curtis asks if he’s told her that he loves her, and she says, he has. He asks if he’s told her how excited he is to start their lives together, and Portia says, he has. He asks if he should stop, but she says, never. Trina says she’s never seen her mom so happy, and Josslyn says, maybe true love does exist. Spencer says, maybe it does, and looks at Trina.

Sonny tells Nina that everything looks gorgeous, especially the co-owner of the venue. How is she holding up? She says she’s okay. She’s thinking about Willow, and imagining dancing at her wedding. He says, there still may be a chance of that, so they can’t lose hope.

Marshall says he’s lived long enough to see his son get married, and TJ says, Curtis looks like he’s on Cloud 9. I wonder if there’s a Cloud 10, and Zeke says, his sister looks stunned. Molly says, it’s like she can’t believe the wedding actually happened, and Marshall says, those two are destined for a lifetime of bliss. Elizabeth tells Finn, watching them, it seems so simple, and he says, maybe it is. Maybe people tend to overcomplicate things. To life getting simpler one day. She says she can cheers to that, and they clink glasses. The dance finishes, and everyone applauds. Curtis brings Portia over to Sterling, and says he believes there’s another tradition to uphold. Sterling says he believes there is. He’d love to dance with his little girl. Portia says she’d love that too, and they go out to the dance floor to more applause.

Taggert tells Trina, it looks like they’re doing the daddy/daughter thing. Should they show them what they’ve got? She says, lead the way, and they go out too. Drew says, it looks like they’ve got a father/daughter duo, and asks for another round of applause. Portia looks over at Trina.

Stella takes a pill, and Jordan says, Stella is actually making herself sick over this. Stella says, it’s just something she takes for her blood pressure. Don’t worry. Her cardiologist assured her that she’ll outlive them all. Jordan says, she’d better; she’s indispensable. Stella says, the cemetery is full of indispensable people, and suggests they talk about something else. Has Jordan forgotten what day it is? Enough about Curtis’s love life. What about hers?

Heather tells Ryan, just stay in that chair, look as vacant as the Bates Motel, and she’ll have him and their daughter out of here and on their way to their new life before the guards have a chance to realize they’re gone. She gets misty-eyed just thinking about it. After all this time, together again; a real all-American family. He says, it sounds promising, but she says, it’s more than promising. It’s a sure thing. He says she’s not accounting for one potential glitch, but she says, this plan is glitch-free. He says, what if Esme refuses to come with them?

The woman says, as Dante and Sam pointed out, she’s never laid eyes on them before tonight. How does she know they’re not the reason that poor girl’s in trouble? Dante says, she just has to trust them. Sam says, Maggie Fitzgerald was the closest thing Esme had to a friend. Maybe she can tell them something about Esme’s family; a mother or a father… Dante says, basically someone who would do anything for her, and Sam says, and they mean anything. The woman says she wishes she could help them. Marjorie could name all of the Spice Girls faster than lightning – Mel B, Mel C, Victoria, Emma, and Geri – but she never heard her mention an Esme Prince.

Curtis asks Taggert if he can cut in, and Taggert says, now that he’s official the stepfather, it’s only fair. He thanks Trina for the dance, kisses her cheek, and tells Curtis, precious cargo. Curtis says, doesn’t he know it, and tells Trina that she looks lovely. They dance, and Trina asks how he feels. He says, mostly elated, and grateful. Of course (🍷) for her beautiful mother, and everyone here, but a large piece of that is reserved for her. Sterling asks Portia, what’s wrong? and she says, nothing. She’s just getting emotional. He says, the happiest day of your life can do that.

Sonny says he and Nina used to be good at that. Remember when he used to spin her around at the Tan-O? Let’s give it a shot. He knows it’s hard to have fun with what’s going on with Willow and Michael and everything, but they’ve got to live life, or what’s the point? He takes her hand, and they go onto the dance floor.

Elizabeth tells Terry to go dance and have fun, and Terry says, Elizabeth might consider taking her own advice. The dance floor is calling. Finn says he’s only an innocent bystander, not a dancer, and Elizabeth tells Terry, what he said. Terry says, suit yourself, and she and Yuri go to dance. Josslyn asks Spencer what he’s waiting for. She still doesn’t think he’s good enough for Trina, but that’s not for her to decide. Just like it’s not for Spencer to decide who she spends her time with. Got it? He says, got it.

Spencer asks if Trina has one more dance in her, and she says, with him? They start to dance, and she says she thought they weren’t pretending to be friends in public anymore. He says he wasn’t pretending.

Jordan asks Stella, please tell her that she’s not playing matchmaker, and Stella says, not after the mess she made of Curtis’s love life. Jordan says, Stella’s not to blame for the break-up of their marriage, but Stella says she didn’t help. Then there was Curtis’s relationship with Portia. Jordan says, Portia’s good people. If only she’d been upfront from the start, they’d know if Curtis was Trina’s father or not. Stella says, it’s too late for it to come out with minimal damage. She sees what Jordan is doing. They were talking about Jordan’s love life. Jordan says, Stella was talking about it, and Stella says, message received. She won’t be meddling in Curtis’s love life or Jordan’s. Jordan picks up the Bible, and tells Stella, like the Good Book says, take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Stella says, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew, 6:34. Jordan says, that Matthew, he really knew what was up. She kisses Stella on the cheek, and leaves. Stella says, he most certainly did.

Trina tells Spencer that Curtis is hiding it well, but it’s killing him that Stella isn’t here. He asks what she’s thinking, and she says she’s thinking it’s wrong that Stella’s sitting in her hotel room. She thinks Stella needs to be at this wedding.

Heather sticks her Valentine to the wall, and tells Ryan that she’s been earning Esme’s trust since Esme was brought here. She has no one else she can count on, especially that supposed baby daddy of hers. All he ever did was dump a bunch of papers in her lap, and tell her to sign away her rights. Ryan looks at the knife, and says, give him five minutes with that prince, and he swears he’ll eviscerate him. Heather says, spoken like a true and loving father. (She’s not wrong.) She tells him, for now, just be patient. Let mama take care of everything, and once they’re outside these walls, no one will ever hurt their baby girl again.

Dante puts some money on the bar, and tells the woman that they’ll get out of her hair, thanking her for the beer. She thanks him for the generous tip, and Sam says, they’ll be staying at the B&B, so if she thinks of anything that could help them, that would be fantastic. The woman says she’ll be sure to reach out. In the meantime, they’re welcome here anytime. They leave, and outside, Dante asks what Sam thought. She says, same as him; she’s lying through her teeth. I wonder where else you would lie from, and Sam tells him, that woman knows more than she’s saying. He tells Sam, say she’s lying… Sam says, she was, and he says, what’s the next obvious question? Why? Inside, the woman takes out a box of letters, and says, Esme, I warned you not to go look for your father. What have you gotten yourself into now? I think we all already guessed she’s Maggie.

Heather asks if Ryan is on board, and he says, he has a choice? She says, not so much. Once the stars are aligned, and Esme’s with them, they’ll make their escape. It’ll happen so fast, Esme won’t have time to object. He says, still, no plan is foolproof. What if they encounter an unforeseen complication? She touches the knife, and says, then he’ll be the solution. Happy Valentine’s Day. He says, let him throw one little wrinkle into the itinerary. He just needs to make one stop before they take off. I’m guessing to see Ava.

Making his toast, Drew says, the quality that stands out the most when he thinks of Curtis is loyalty. This man would lay down his life for those he cares about, and he considers himself lucky to be among them. He’s so happy for them, and can’t wait to see the life they build together. They’re beautiful inside and out. All of them love Curtis and Portia. Everyone is in agreement with that, and Drew says, to the best of the best. Congratulations, Curtis and Portia. Everyone raises their glasses and says, to the best. Portia and Curtis thank and hug Drew, and he says he meant every word. He tells the guests, it’s the maid-of-honor’s turn now, and asks Trina to show herself. She’s nowhere to be seen, and Marshall suggests she’s fixing her makeup. Portia wonders, where’s Trina? She was excited to give the toast. Where could she be?

Stella looks through the Bible, when there’s a knock at the door. She opens it, and Trina and Spencer are there.

Tomorrow, Trina asks, what would keep Stella from the wedding; Heather tells Esme, everything’s going to be taken care of; Nina tells Ava that she’s sure the reasons are less than legitimate; and Ryan says, you what?

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

When we last left, Bill was dragging Jennifer out of the party as she called Dolores the c-word. Dolores was pissed, since she’d been backing Jennifer for ages. In the car, Jennifer whined that Dolores didn’t care about her, but Bill said Jennifer’s expectations were too high for her friends. I think he really wanted to tell her that she was being an a-hole, but he has to sleep with her. Dolores said she was quitting Jennifer.

Wedding planning was in full force, and Teresa conferred about invitations with Louie’s assistant Jess. In her interview, Teresa said she wanted an epic wedding with Circe de Soleil dancers and fireworks. Melissa and Joe #2 thought the wedding was going to be awkward, and Melissa hated that Louie had called her insecure. Joe was shocked that Teresa put them out in the cold at the engagement party, and said she didn’t want him to walk her down the aisle.

Danielle visited Jennifer along with her kids, and was afraid once her kids saw Jennifer’s house, they’d want one. Danielle asked if it was going to be awkward with Jennifer and Dolores at her house, and Jennifer rehashed all that. They called Teresa to ask how her meeting with Marge went, and Teresa said it was a fresh of breath air [sic] because they’d communicated. Jennifer and Teresa had also met with Laura, an ex-friend of Marge’s, who said she had stuff they’d want to hear. In Jennifer’s interview she said, since Marge would do it, she decided to do it. Teresa indicated there was something serious Laura knew about, but Jennifer said she didn’t want to know… unless she needed ammunition.

Rachel has two under two, and a fifteen year old stepson, and actually seems like a decent person. My advice, stay far away from most of these people. Marge was having Dolores, Melissa, new friend Jen (who Marge knows through Siggy), Lexi, and Jackie over. Melissa brought sprinkle cookies, and we had a flashback of that Christmas long ago when Teresa threw them in the trash. Lexi said one of her worst faux pas was eating from the wrong bowl of edamame; she ate the pods people had sucked the beans out of. I can’t even imagine how TF you could make this mistake. She must be a real dimbulb. They played a sex question game, the first question being, what sex act did they feel guilty about? Jackie said, since she was Jewish, it was all of them. They never got past the first question because Melissa started talking about how sad it was for Joe #2, as he’d decided to call it quits with his sister. Jackie thought Jennifer was more dangerous than Teresa, and Dolores said, after being accused of not being a good friend, she and Jennifer were done. Marge said she’d genuinely made up with Jennifer, then found out she and Teresa were digging for info about her from a childhood friend. She felt played. In Marge’s interview, she said she found out because there was a mole in Jennifer’s camp.

Regarding her relationship with Paul, Dolores said, for the first time, she was dropping her guard 100%. Paul told her that he’d thought the other night was fun, and we flashed back to Jennifer going berserk. He’s clearly not paying attention. In Dolores’s interview, she said, beforehand, Paul had told her to be the bigger person. Had he not, it could have gone differently. Frank wasn’t used to her having a guy in her life that did everything for her, and Paul said he had her now. I’m liking Paul, so maybe there’s hope for Dolores. Teresa’s invites went out, imprinted on an acrylic pane that rested on top of fresh flowers. Fancy! Joe #2 said it was going to be awkward like in L.A. They’d been at this amazing event, and Teresa woudn’t even take a red carpet picture with him. In his interview, he said, their parents were looking down, and thinking it was a disgrace. Instead of being zen, Louie added fuel to the fire, and Teresa went apesh*t again.

Danielle got ready to have the women over for a mozzarella making party, and said Jennifer’s house could eat hers for breakfast. If anyone said her house was cute, they’d have a problem. Dolores arrived first, and when Danielle asked if there was going to be a problem with Jennifer, she said she always started off with a clean slate. Apparently, she’s never watched herself on this show. Melissa and Marge rode over together, and Marge said she didn’t care if Laura had said she was f***ing goats in her backyard, but Jennifer had undermined their friendship. Teresa said she had to send out new invites, thanks to Ramona. (Yes. RHONY Ramona of the googly eye fame.) Ramona had put Teresa’s invitation up on social media, and we saw the clip of her filming the invite. Teresa wasn’t able to get new acrylics in less than a few weeks’ time, so now the guests were going to be emailed new passwords. In Teresa’s interview, she said she’d wanted to keep the wedding private, and Ramona ruined it. I have to admit, I’m on her side with this one. WTF, Ramona? Dolores said she hadn’t spoken to Jennifer since Jennifer’s (latest) meltdown, and Teresa said she wasn’t taking sides. She wanted them to talk it out, but Dolores didn’t want hear what Jennifer had to say anymore.

Before Melissa got there, Teresa told everyone what a great time they’d had in L.A., but said, Joe was still hurt even though she’d apologized. She said she was seeing a therapist, and they talked about how Italians felt there was a stigma with therapy. When everyone got there, Danielle introduced the two chef instructors, and they all put on Making Mozz Memories aprons. It actually didn’t look too hard to make. Marge asked to chat with Jennifer, which was a mistake, since Jennifer only justified what she’d done. Marge asked if her apology hadn’t seemed genuine, but Jennifer said it had. Laura had approached her, and she was just curious. Marge suggested Jennifer be more self-reflective, which wasn’t a popular idea. She asked if Jennifer didn’t want to be friends, and Jennifer said, friends were on a spectrum. While I agree with that, I don’t go around digging up dirt about the ones on the low end of mine. Later, Marge told Teresa that Jennifer could benefit from therapy, and when Jennifer got annoyed about that, Marge pointed out that she also had issues with Dolores. Jennifer said she and Dolores were good, and Dolores got up and took off her earrings.

Dolores said if Jennifer had a problem with her, Jennifer should come to her, and then there was a bunch of no, you stuff. Teresa wondered what happened to the clean slate. Jen tried to intervene, and told them that this wasn’t going to get anywhere. When they ignored her suggestion, Jen stuffed her face from the buffet. Dolores suddenly decided they were good, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said she was done with people who didn’t care. I have to add, this was all shouted about in front of the chefs, who must have wondered WTF they’d gotten themselves into. Teresa said, all these people were going to be at her wedding, and no seating chart was probably a good idea. Marge said, Teresa had issues with it last time at the engagement party, and in Dolores’s interview, she said, in Italian families, it’s big deal where you sit. Teresa insisted that Melissa and Joe #2 were supposed to be at her table, and Jennifer backed her up, saying, Teresa was unaware of the issue. Melissa said Teresa was horrible to them in New York, which brought us back to Teresa feeling that Melissa hadn’t stuck up for Louie with Marge. Melissa said she’d told Marge to knock it off a million times, and Marge agreed. Melissa told Teresa to stop saying how family was everything.

Next time, Paul confronts Frank; Marge thinks Jennifer is on a downward spiral; Danielle admits she’s also estranged from her brother; and Joe #2 has a fight with Louie.

🏖  The Summer House premiere was just the warm up to what will surely be a summer of awful people drinking liquor and fighting.

Carl and Lindsay have moved in together, and Lindsay said she was living a rom-com movie in real life. I give this five minutes. On July 1st, the housemates headed for the Hamptons, and Kyle said he intended to have a massive summer, since he’s about to turn 40 and he’s married now. I’m not sure what he means by massive, but I’m sure it involves a lot of drinking and acting like an a-hole. When they got to the house, they found out the number of bedrooms had been cut back, due to zoning laws. In other words, the landlord advertised that he was renting out too many rooms on national TV, and got caught.

Paige picked her up new girl Gabby, who is all about astrology, and on the way, explained the logistics of the house. She said, Mya, who was dating Oliver, would also be joining them, and Gabby realized she was the only one not part of a couple. Kyle said he took the vibe of the house very seriously, and I decided the word vibe is overused. Mya said she was friends with Carl, but Lindsay thought she wanted Carl in a sexual way. Lindsay didn’t want Mya near him, even though she and Carl were in a permanent friendzone. Mya said after they’d played Family Feud (like really, on TV, not in the living room), she told Lindsay that she’d texted Carl to see if he wanted to smoke a jay. She’d smoked with Carl before, but Lindsay said it wasn’t respectful, and got all bent out of shape. I see Lindsay overreacting in the future. Another new girl, Sam, showed up, as well as a new guy named Chris. Carl was now working with Kyle at Loverboy, but described it as rocky, and said he didn’t know if Loverboy was for him. The first night they decided to have pool party, and Lindsay told the girls that she’d been sober for nine months, but then she wanted a glass of wine with her Aunt Rhonda at Easter, so she was drinking again. But now she didn’t black out. Oh okay. There’s that. Add drunken to overreacting.

Gabby whined to Carl about Lindsay, but kudos to Carl – who’s been the one actual adult in the bunch for a few seasons – for saying, nope. Lindsay was his priority. There will still be overreacting though. Lindsay explained to the others that she got pissed because she’d been supporting Carl’s sobriety, and felt Gabby was sabotaging it by suggesting he smoke weed with her. New guy Jaerez joined the group, and one of the girls (I think Sam) mixed up Leonardo da Vinci with Leonardo DiCaprio, which is pretty amusing, and shows how stupid these people are. How did I miss out on making millions and being on TV?

This season, stupidity; alcohol; alcohol and stupidity; Kory comes to the house; Craig puts pressure on Paige; fights; and a possible engagement.

🐰 Don’t Change a Hare For Me…

Stop in tomorrow, where there will be soap, a glimpse into everything Vanderpumpish, and perhaps some Bowl talk. Until then, stay safe, stay knowing friends are God’s apology for relatives, and stay living life. Or what’s the point?

February 9, 2023 – Willow Gets Bad News, Doing Time, Baby Amelia, Joining GH, Loss Trend, Text Leak, Missing Nothing, Party Time, Celebrate Pets (!) & Happy


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Willow tries to get Austin to tell her what’s going on, but he says, Dr. Randolph will be her shortly to update her. Michael asks if Austin knows what Terry is going to tell them about the harvested stem cells, and Austin says he does. Willow says, whatever it is, she can take it; they all can.

In the waiting area, Sonny brings Nina an empty cup of coffee, and she says she’s going to have to learn about Willow’s transplant from someone else in the family. He says he’s sorry Willow is keeping her at arm’s length. He knows she’s worried. She says, hopefully, that worry will soon be in the past. The transplant will work, Willow will go into remission, and Nina can focus on what the future holds; with her, her daughter, and their new granddaughter.

Gregory asks if Alexis can just create a job for him, and she says she can do anything she wants; she’s the boss. Someone from the editorial board is retiring, and she thought of him. He’s been very helpful to her, whether she likes it or not. He says, mostly not, but she asks if she’d be offering him a job if that were true. He’d be an asset and could start immediately. She tells him this is the part where he says he’d love the job.

Finn asks how he would know why Elizabeth is meeting with Scotty, and Obrecht says, he must have a guess. He flashes back to Elizabeth telling him that she’d never been pregnant, and how she helped Nikolas hold Esme captive. Obrecht says, he does know something. Tell her. He asks why he would do that, and she says, so she can help.

Scotty asks what Elizabeth did; run over her neighbor’s mailbox and not tell them? She says, it’s worse. She wants to come forward, but before she does, she wants to know the potential consequences. If she needs a lawyer… He says he’ll represent her, and she asks if everything she says will be protected by… He says, yes, of course (🍷). He’s been a lawyer his entire life, and he’ll get her out of whatever mess she’s in. Now what did she do? She says, a few months ago, she entered into a crime in progress, and she’s been a part of it ever since. He asks if it’s still ongoing, but she says, no. He asks how bad it is, and she says, bad. He asks if there’s a chance this could come to light, and does anybody know about it? She says, a few people, and he says, who knows about it, and who’s involved? The doorbell rings, but he tells her to ignore it. She goes to the door anyway, and finds Ava on the porch. Ava says, they need to talk, and asks if Scotty is here to spend time with the boys, but Elizabeth says he’s here for her. Scotty says, they have some family legal matters to discuss, and Ava says, normally, she woudn’t dream of interrupting, but this is important. She asks if Scotty will give them some privacy. She wants to talk about Nikolas. Scotty asks what he’s done now, and Ava says, this is a conversation for those who know him best, and Elizabeth has experience with Nikolas and his secrets. Elizabeth suggests she and Scotty finish their conversation later, and Scotty says, see ya, Ava. She says, not if she sees him first, and Scotty tells Elizabeth not to discuss this with anyone else. He leaves, and Elizabeth asks what Nikolas told Ava. Ava says, everything.

Finn wonders what Elizabeth is to Obrecht, and Obrecht says she cares for Elizabeth. He asks, since when? and she says, since she fell in love with Scotty. Elizabeth is his son’s widow, and her sons are the closest thing he has to grandchildren. His daughter is obsessed with the preservation of the sea, an admirable pursuit, but he rarely sees her, so Elizabeth and her sons are his family. When she took him into her life, she also took in those he cares about. She and Finn both know she can be a valuable ally. If Elizabeth is over her head, Obrecht has the skills to get her out of it, with no harm coming to her and her boys. But she can only do that if Finn tells her what’s going on.

Gregory says, it means a lot that Alexis thought of him. He knows how important The Invader is to her. She says, he’s stalling, and he says, sadly, he’s going to have to turn down her offer. She says, why?

Nina says, it feels like she and Sonny have been on a roller coaster these past few weeks. Finding out Willow is sick, and then that Willow is her daughter, fighting for her life, the birth of her child… He says, Nina’s had a lot to process, and she says, the stem cell transplant is going to work. Willow will go into remission, and she and Michael will return to raising their two beautiful children. Maybe Willow will return to nursing. He says, then the two of them can repair what’s broken, and she says she hopes that’s possible. He says, Willow has a big heart. As soon as this is over, she’ll come around and accept Nina as her mother. Nina says she’ll pray for that, but in the meantime, she’ll keep trying to show that Willow can depend on her, and how much Willow means to her. She’ll do it or die trying. He says he knows the feeling, and she says, maybe the same thing can happen with him and Michael. When all of this is over, they’ll find their way back to each other. He says he’s not holding his breath, and she says, in the meantime, they have a lot to be grateful for. He has a bunch of kids who adore him, and now they have a beautiful new granddaughter. She suggests they go; they have to get ready for Curtis and Portia’s wedding. He wonders how much time they have, and she asks what he’s thinking. He says, she’ll see.

Austin thinks they should wait for Terry, and Michael says he knows there are protocols, but it’s more important they find out what they’re facing. Willow agrees, and Austin says, every procedure is going to have its complications. Terry walks in, and asks how Willow’s feeling. Willow says, weak and sore. Dr. Navarro says that’s normal after a C-section. (Well, duh.) But they’re anxious to know what the next steps are. Dr. Gatlin-Holt said there might be complications. Terry  looks at Austin, and he says, the good news is, Willow is healing nicely. They want to keep her in the OR for observation, but so far, everything is encouraging. Michael says, but Austin told them there were complications, and Terry says, they were unable to harvest enough functional stem cells for Willow to undergo the procedure. She’s sorry. This stem cell transplant is no longer an option for Willow.

Ava tells Elizabeth that Nikolas came to see her last night. He told her all about the tower bedroom, and what really went on there; that it wasn’t some tawdry affair. They made that up to conceal what was really going on, and she has to say she’s impressed. She almost admires Elizabeth. Elizabeth says, Esme should have been turned over to the police. It would have saved them all a lot of heartache. She’s sorry she got in the way of Ava and Nikolas reconciling, but Ava says, Nikolas broke us long before you entered his scheme. Elizabeth says she still regrets her involvement, and has to fix things. That’s why she called Scotty. She’s decided to turn herself in. Ava asks why she’d sacrifice herself. What good would that do? Elizabeth says she knows the police will investigate Spoon Island, and she apologizes for the headache it’s going to cause Ava. Ava flashes back to talking to Austin about covering up Nikolas’s death, and how she doesn’t want the cops investigating Spoon Island. Ava says, it will be so much worse for Elizabeth. Has she thought about the consequences? Elizabeth says, it’s all she’s thought about, but she can’t live with herself like this. Ava asks if Elizabeth’s children can live without her.

Sonny brings Donna to the waiting area where Nina is, and says he’s going to make her pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, but first, he has someone for her to meet. He lifts her up to the window, and tells her, that is Baby Amelia, her brother’s new baby. Donna says hi to Amelia, and Sonny says, Willow’s her mother, he’s her granddad, and Nina is her grandma. Donna says, we’re a family.

Carly asks, what went wrong? and Terry says, in order to give the patient the best chance for survival, there needs to be a certain amount of stem cells in the placenta and the umbilical cord; ideally, 21 million per kilograms of body weight. Willow says, TNC, total nuclear cell count; she studied it in nursing school. Terry says, if there are too few stem cells, the patient doesn’t have time to grow healthy blood cells, and they’re at risk for infections without the immune system to fight them. When they analyzed the stem cells from Willow, they found that the TNC was too low. It contained too few stem cells for a successful procedure. Willow asks if her hemorrhaging had anything to do with it, and Austin says, they don’t know for sure, but there’s no reason for her to think like that. Sometimes there are too few stem cells, even if there are no complications with the delivery. Terry says some other medical stuff about there not being a match, and how it’s influenced by a number of factors, including Willow’s disease status. Willow says, leukemia Stage IV. She studied this in oncology class, and knew it would be a possibility. She just didn’t want to believe it. Michael says, moving forward, what’s next?

Ava says, when Nikolas told her about Esme, he was already concerned that Elizabeth was having a crisis of conscience. He told her that he tried to reason with Elizabeth, and then he did what Nikolas always does; he tried to save his own skin. She hasn’t told Laura because Laura’s upset already, but she thinks Nikolas left town. If Elizabeth insists on turning herself in to the police, she alone will pay for his crimes.

Finn tells Obrecht that he doesn’t know why Elizabeth called Scotty, when Scotty walks into the hospital. Finn suggests she ask him, and she asks if Scotty is already finished with Elizabeth. Scotty says, Ava interrupted them, and she says, another one of his favorite clients. What did Elizabeth want? He suggests they talk somewhere else, and Finn says, Obrecht was just telling him how concerned she was about Elizabeth. Scotty says, Finn dumped her, but Finn says, it’s more complicated than that, and he still cares about her. Is it something with the boys? Scotty says, the boys are fine, and Finn asks if it’s something with Elizabeth. He’d like to help if he can. Scotty says, Elizabeth has enough problems right now, and Finn asks if she’s in trouble. Scotty says, that’s between a lawyer and his client, and Finn says, of course (🍷). He tells them, it’s been a pleasure, and jets.

Alexis says, Gregory has told her that he wanted to be where the action is. He said he wanted to make a change. He tells her, actually, she suggested he explore having a second act, and he said he’d think about it. She says, obviously, he’s decided against it, and he says he considered trying something new, but he made a commitment to the university. He can’t just leave in the middle of a semester. She says, he’s been volunteering here, teaching, and giving advice for weeks. The only difference is, he’d be being paid. He says, working on the editorial board will demand a greater commitment, and she says, they’ll be flexible until his semester is over, and then he can work full time. He says, it’s not that simple, but she says, from where she’s standing it is… unless he’s scared.

Nina looks through the window at Amelia, and says, it’s Grandma Nina again. She just wanted to remind Amelia that she loves her, and will do everything in her power to make sure Amelia is safe. Amelia’s mommy and daddy don’t want her anywhere near Amelia right now, but she’ll always be here for her, and Amelia will always be in her heart. Always.

Terry says, now that the stem cell transplant isn’t an option, Willow’s best chance for survival is a bone marrow transplant. She’s still on the registry. Michael says, she’s been on the registry for months, and hasn’t found a viable match. Willow says, what about more chemo? She’s willing to do whatever’s necessary. Terry says, she’s afraid at this advanced stage, chemo could do more harm than good. The best thing they can do right now is manage her illness until a donor is found. Carly says, a match will turn up; there’s still time. Isn’t there? Willow asks Terry, exactly how much time does she have? Terry says, sometimes, patients live far longer than what’s expected, and Willow asks, what’s expected of her? Terry says, it’s likely a matter of weeks, and Austin says, they don’t know any of this for sure. This is just their best guess based on the advanced state of Willow’s leukemia, but every patient is different. Willow says she gets it. She could live longer than that… or not. She thinks she needs some time alone. Austin says, there are some things they should discuss, but Terry says, there’s time for that later, and they leave.

In the hallway, Austin says, they need to talk to them about palliative care, or at least start thinking about it, but Terrys says, it’s too much for them right now. They’re processing the most horrible news anyone can be given. They need to give them space for that before they talk about what’s next.

Carly tells Willow, this is not the end. She will find a donor. She tells them that she loves them both, and leaves.

Sonny puts a chair up to the window for Donna to kneel on so she can see Amelia. He asks what she thinks of her niece, and Donna asks, what’s a niece? He says, it means Baby Amelia is her brother’s daughter. Donna says, she’s really little, and he says, she was little once. Now she’s a big girl, and Amelia is going to be a big girl. She’s going to look up to Donna, the way Donna looks up to Josslyn and Avery. She’s going to want Donna to look out for her and be there for her. Does Donna think she can do that? Because that’s what families do. Donna says, okay, daddy.

Elizabeth says, Nikolas left Port Charles? and Ava says, the way he stormed out of Windymere last night, she doubts they’ll ever see him again. Between his and his Uncle Victor’s resources, Nikolas has the means to disappear forever. In the meantime, Elizabeth will be held responsible for his crimes while he gets off scot-free. Is that fair? Elizabeth says, of course (🍷) not, but it doesn’t absolve her or erase what she did. Ava says, don’t ruin her life because of Nikolas’s bad decisions, and Elizabeth asks why Ava cares what she does. What’s it to Ava if she turns herself in?

Carly leaves a message for Drew, saying, he’s probably getting ready for Curtis’s wedding, and he’s going to make the perfect best man. She’s still at the hospital. They got some information, and she’d really like to hear his voice right now. When he gets some time, can he call her? Sonny brings Donna over, and she hugs Carly. Sonny says he took her to see Baby Amelia, and Carly says she was on her way there. Donna says, they’re all a family, and Carly says, they are. Donna asks, what’s wrong? and Carly says, she just got some news. She tells Sonny, it didn’t work. She doesn’t have much time. Nina joins them.

Ava says, Elizabeth is right. It’s her life. Blow it up if she wants to. But she knows what it’s like to be betrayed by Nikolas. She really loved him, and doesn’t want to see anyone else suffer because of Nikolas Cassadine. Elizabeth says she’s not doing this for Nikolas; she’s doing it for herself. She needs to own what she did wrong. Ava says, why? Nikolas is gone, Demetrius is gone, Esme has no memory. There isn’t anybody left who knows anything about Elizabeth’s involvement. Elizabeth says, except Ava, and Ava says she’s not going to say anything. If Elizabeth gets sent to jail, it won’t just be her life that’s destroyed. It will affect her children, and all the people who care about her and need her. Just let Nikolas go, and let his crimes go with him. There’s a knock at the door, and it’s Finn. He says he wanted to see if Elizabeth was all right, and Ava says she was just talking to Elizabeth about all the people who care about her.

Gregory admits he finds the prospect of trying something new daunting, but he’s not holding back because he’s scared, and Alexis asks, then what is it? He says he likes teaching. He doesn’t want to give it up, and doesn’t want to walk away from his retirement. She says, so do both, and he asks if she won’t need more from him. She says she might, but he’ll be on the frontline of breaking news. Think how interesting that would be for his students. She’s sure PCU would lighten his load a little, and she’d work it out so he could do both. He’s not sure the university would be so accommodating, and she says, then they’d be stupid. He says, with hundreds of adjuncts breathing down his neck for his position, willing to work for less than he makes, he’s lucky he has a job. She says, now he’s being modest? It doesn’t become him, and if he really didn’t want this job, that would be one thing, but she knows this interests him, and she’ll work it out so he can teach and do this. She’s offering him this job. Why doesn’t he take it?

Nina says, it looks like they all had the same idea, and Sonny says, they were going to take Donna for some hot chocolate. Donna asks if mommy can come, and Carly suggests they get hot chocolate on their own and have some mommy/daughter time. Sonny asks for a big hug first, and Donna hugs him, then Nina. Carly leaves with Donna, and Nina asks if Carly told Sonny anything new about Willow’s procedure. Come on, tell her. He says, there’s not going to be a stem cell transplant. The doctors can’t harvest the stem cells. She asks what that means for Willow, and he says he’s sorry. Willow doesn’t have much time. Nina says, she just found Willow… that’s not right, and Sonny holds her.

Michael asks what Willow is thinking, and she says, that she loves him so much, but she really needs to be alone right now. He kisses her forehead, says he loves her too, and leaves. She flashes back to being with Michael and Wiley in the park, and Wiley saying he loves her, and remembers holding Baby Amelia for the first time. She flashes back to her and Michael exchanging I love yous for the first time, and saying she’ll marry him. She fingers the ring he gave her, and cries.

Alexis says, all Gregory has to do is have a quick chat with his department head, and figure out what he can take on and still be able to teach. Just give it a try. That’s all she asks. He tells her, how can he say no?

Sonny tells Nina that Carly couldn’t say a lot because Donna was there. They don’t have the complete picture, but he’s sure the doctors are figuring out what they can do for Willow. She says, it’s hard for her to have hope. Anything between her and her daughters is always the worst case scenario. She was in a coma for most of their lives, and Nelle was dead when she found out Nelle was hers. Now Willow, everything she’s been through. She just had a baby, she has a child at home. Willow doesn’t deserve this; she’s a good person. You know who deserves it? She does. She’s done horrible things in her life. Maybe she brought this on her girls. Maybe it’s some cosmic payback. He says he doesn’t believe that. Everybody messes up. Everybody makes mistakes. He’s done plenty he’s not proud of, but look where his life is at. He has a good life, a good family, and a woman who loves him. Willow and everybody who loves her is being dealt a bad hand, but they’re not going to give up. She takes his hand, and says, they’re not, but she just wants to be with Willow. She just wants to be able to comfort her. He says he’s sure Willow and Michael have a lot to talk about, when Scotty and Obrecht come out of the elevator. Obrecht asks Nina, what’s happened? Is it Willow?

Elizabeth thanks Ava for stopping by, and Ava thanks Elizabeth for hearing her out. Ava leaves, and Finn asks, what was that all about?

Outside, Ava calls Austin, and says she needs to meet with him right away. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, they have a huge problem.

Elizabeth tells Finn, Ava stopped by to tell her that Nikolas left town.

Donna asks if Carly is still sad, and Carly says she is, but being with Donna makes her feel better. Donna asks if this will help too, and hugs her. Carly says, it helps a lot.

Obrecht says she can’t bear to see her Nina suffer like this, and Scotty asks what she’s going to do. Obrecht sees Terry at the reception desk, and says she was powerless to help her Britta, but there is something she can do for Willow. She says she needs to speak with Terry, but Terry says, this isn’t a good time. Can Obrecht call her assistant and make an appointment? Obrecht says, this is a matter of life or death. She understands her niece’s daughter needs a bone marrow donor. Take her to get tested.

Michael goes back to Willow’s room, and takes her hand. She says, all she wants is for them to have a long overdue conversation, and he says, about? She says, his life without her.

Tomorrow, Willow needs Michael to face the truth; Finn tells Elizabeth, that changes everything; TJ tells Jordan, they both know there’s more going on; and Curtis says he’s never been more sure of anything in his life.

Workin’ On the Chain Gang…

Musings on Spencer’s taste of thug life.

👶 Extra Large…

At least they admit she looks way past eight months in the oven. And I admit she’s a cutie; round and rosy, with squishable cheeks. Very animated, too, like the original Wiley.

🩺 New Doctor In the House…

I see a moving van headed to Port Charles…

💉 One More Magic Solution Down the Drain…

Her anti-aging doctor? Does she mean plastic surgeon or anesthetist? Why does everyone think there’s some quick fix to weight loss? Stop eating crap and exercise. Calories in/calories out. There you go.


👠 She’s All About the Love…

Nona and Noni must be shaking their heads.

💎 Don’t Go Away Mad…

They got along without you before they met you; they’ll get along without you now.

🗽 Fashion Fêtes…

A peek into New York Fashion Week.

🐈 February Is For Pets…

For the feline lovers.


And of course the 🐕 Bowl.


🏈 Running Interference…

Join me tomorrow for free-for-all Friday, with the usual soap, a mix of tea, wise words (or not), and music to soothe the savage breast. And yes, that’s correct; it’s not beast. Until then, stay safe, stay remembering to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and stay never holding back because you’re scared.

February 7, 2023 – Felicia Plans a Vigorous Haunting, Same Old Jersey, Calendar Boys, Leaving Port Charles, Everything Grammy & Handsome


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Laura thanks Eileen for meeting her at Kelly’s. She needed the comfort and coziness of the diner tonight. She asks Eileen to step in for her tomorrow at the sanitation worker’s negotiation meeting. When she attended Britt Westbourne’s memorial, she found out a dear friend of hers died.

Anna says, Valentin and Charlotte had a nice visit, but he says it was too brief. Holding her in his arms made him realize what he was missing. His girl is growing up. Anna says, they have a tendency to do that, and he says, she and Charlotte seem to be getting along. She says, Charlotte is on to them, and she thinks Charlotte approves. Felicia comes in, and Anna asks how it went. Felicia says, as planned. Charlotte is home with Doc at Laura’s. She asks if there’s a problem, and Anna says, other than Victor, no.

Spencer finds Victor in the chapel, and Victor says he was hoping to give Obrecht his condolences, but he’s too late. Spencer says, Britt would have approved of the memorial, and Victor thinks Obrecht will be struck by the irony of the situation. They’re living in the same hell; the hell of losing one’s only child.

At The Savoy, Portia hugs Curtis, thanking him for making everything look so beautiful. Molly asks if TJ is ready for the big day tomorrow, and he says, absolutely. Portia and Curtis should be celebrated. She says, but she can’t help wondering how his mom feels.

Taggert and Jordan have dinner at Kelly’s, and she tells him that he was probably her most successful relationship. He says, he gets her, and tomorrow their exes are going to become partners for life.

Curtis says he knows Portia was disappointed that her mom’s condition prevents her from traveling, and she says, of course (🍷) she’d like to have her family here, but as long as she has him, she’ll be all right. He says he can’t have his beautiful bride disappointed, and turns her around. She sees her father and brother, and hugs them both, squealing with happiness. Marshall asks Trina if that’s her grandfather, and she says, and her Uncle Ezekiel. He asks if her uncle is a doctor too, but she says, Uncle Zeke went his own way.

Elizabeth stands at the doorway of The Savoy, and almost leaves, but Drew says, not so fast. Didn’t she just get here? He’s sorry for blocking her escape, but he’s also sorry for everything she’s going through. She looks at him blankly, and he says, her break-up with Finn. She says, it’s been a rough couple of weeks; for the boys as well. Cameron had a first love break-up, and it’s a unique type of pain. Drew says, he’ll get through it, and he’s sure Cameron knows she’s there for him. She says, but what if she can’t be?

Ava says she can’t let Nikolas take Avery, and he says, don’t worry. He’ll tell Avery that she said goodbye. He turns to leave, and she grabs a statue of a griffon, and whacks him in the back of the head. He drops to the floor, and she goes to him, asking him if he’s all right, and telling him to please answer her. She couldn’t let him take Avery. She just wanted to stop him, so she could reason with him. Please wake up.

Eileen says, Anna Devane is dead? and Laura says, along with her granddaughter’s father, Valentin Cassadine. Valentin tracked Anna to a Paris catacomb, and it collapsed. There were multiple fatalities. Whoever was behind this is responsible for a tremendous loss of life.

Jordan asks if Taggert invited her out to have a pity party, but he says, pity is not their style. Everyone is at The Savoy, celebrating the happy couple and toasting them, so he thought they could share a meal. She says, because she might feel lonely? Jealous? He says, left out, like him, and she says, they were invited. He says, but they declined because it wouldn’t be right, and she says, because he’s not over Portia. He says he’s been over Portia. Jordan isn’t over Curtis. She says she’s not over wanting to protect him, and Taggert asks what that means.

Curtis introduces him self to Portia’s father Sterling, and says he’s glad Sterling and Ezekiel could make it. Ezekiel tells him, it’s Zeke. No one calls him Ezekiel except his mom when she’s mad at him. Portia asks Zeke to tell her everything, and Zeke says, not only did Curtis arrange for their flights at the last minute, he hired a caretaker to look after their mom. Portia says, he’s a keeper.

TJ tells Molly that his mom thought it best to sit this one out, although he’s sure she wishes them well. Molly says, it must be hard to watch Curtis move on, and he says, if they ever split up and Molly committed to someone else he doesn’t know how he’d take it. She says, if they ever split up, she’s joining a nunnery, but he says, that, he can’t imagine. No relationship is infallible. She wonders why they’re talking about this at the rehearsal dinner, and says she’s sorry she mentioned it, but he says, they’re good. He just wants them to stay that way. She asks why they wouldn’t, and he says, because they have something in common with his mom and Taggert.

Trina asks Marshall where Epiphany is, and he says, she’s out of town. Now that she passed her MCATs, she’s checking out a few med schools. She asks if Epiphany is moving, and he says, hopefully not. Why is Trina hanging around him? Doesn’t she have a date tonight, or is he late? She says, Marshall is fun to hang around, and she knew better than to invite Spencer to a family event. He says, good call.

Spencer asks if something happened to Valentin, and Victor says, he died. He drowned in Paris. Spencer asks if Valentin was there on business, and Victor says, his son died putting others ahead of his family. Let that be a lesson to Spencer. Friends may have their appeal, women may have their uses, but in the final analysis, cleave only to his true family. Only a Cassadine can truly understand a Cassadine. Heed these words, lest Spencer suffer the same fate as his son.

Ava tells Nikolas, please wake up. She didn’t mean it. She just wanted to stop him from taking Avery. She wonders if he’s breathing, and listens for a heartbeat, when there’s a knock at the door. Ava hears, open up. It’s Austin.

Laura says, now Eileen knows why she asked her to step in. It’s so upsetting, the loss of innocent life. She believes Anna was innocent and thinks she was framed. Of course (🍷) now she’ll never have the chance to prove that. And Laura’s little granddaughter is just bereft over the loss of her father. She suggests they go over the sanitation workers’ contracts, but Eileen says she’s not feeling very well. Could they tackle this in the morning? She gets up, gathering her things, and Laura says, of course (🍷). Does Eileen think she’ll be up to it? Eileen says she’ll be fine. She’s sorry about Laura’s friends. She leaves, and Laura takes out her phone. She sends a text, and says, mission accomplished.

Taggert asks why Jordan still feels the need to protect Curtis, and she says, just because they divorced their exes doesn’t mean they don’t still care. He says he still cares about Portia, but protecting her is Curtis’s responsibility now. Trina’s a different story. He’s always going to care about his baby girl, no matter what. She says, protecting the people she cares about is second nature; that includes him. He says he doesn’t need protecting any more than Curtis does. Unless there’s something she’s not saying. She says, she and Taggert have always trusted each other, with their lives and with their secrets… Laura comes by, and says she was on her way to the rehearsal dinner,  and she guesses they’re not going. Jordan says she’s not really feeling the moment. Laura’s meeting with Eileen looked intense. Anything she should know about? Laura says, they were just going over contracts for tomorrow’s meeting, then Eileen felt sick, and left kind of suddenly. Jordan hopes she feels better soon, but Laura says she thinks things are likely to get worse for Eileen before they get better. She hopes Stella feels better soon. She heard Stella was too sick to officiate at the wedding.

Zeke says, their mom wanted to be here more than anything, and Portia says, she knows, and asks how she’s doing. Is she having any side affects from the new medication? He says, she’s doing okay. She made him promise not to talk about her health with Portia. Portia says, of course (🍷) she did, and Zeke says, she wants Portia to focus on her wedding. He takes out a jewelry box, and says, she wanted Portia to have this. She opens it to a beautiful rhinestone flower brooch, and says, it’s their great grandmother’s brooch. She can’t accept it; it’s far too valuable. He says, their mom knew Portia would say that, and also said nothing is more priceless than the happiness of her only daughter. And he’s not wearing it, so she’d better. He leaves, and Curtis comes along. Portia hugs him, and says, how can she thank him? It’s going to be perfect tomorrow… What’s wrong? He says, there’s been a slight hedge, but they have guests and can talk about it later. She says, if there’s going to be a problem, she wants to know.

Drew says, Elizabeth can tell him, and she says she’s just hyper-aware that time’s fleeting and tomorrow’s not promised.

Trina tells Marshall that she sees Spencer. He’s sensitive and kind. People just need to keep an open mind and give him a chance. Marshall says, it sounds like her friendship has been good for Spencer. Just make sure the reverse is true.

TJ tells Molly that Curtis and his mom started leading separate lives when they let their careers take their focus. He doesn’t want them to make the same mistake. She says she misses him, but still feels close to him, and he says he feels the same. He asks her to promise they’ll always be vigilant about this, and she promises. In fact, she can’t wait to get closer tonight. They kiss, and Trina says, sorry, but she needs to know, how close is the DA to nailing Esme Prince?

Victor asks Spencer to promise he’s committed to this family, and the future Victor is trying to build for the generations of Cassadines to come. Spencer says he is. He believes there is a better future for the Cassadine line. Victor says he knew he could count on Spencer to do what’s necessary, and Spencer says, he can. Starting with taking full custody of his little brother or sister.

Ava closes the sitting room doors, and opens the front door. She tells Austin that it isn’t a good time, but he says, it will only take a minute. She says, maybe tomorrow? She really wasn’t expecting company this evening. He says, it’s really important. Will she let him in? It’s really cold out here. She tells him to go to the sitting room, upstairs to the right. The staff has the night off, so he’ll have to find it on his own. He heads upstairs, and she goes back to Nikolas. She says, think, Ava. Think.

Jordan says she hadn’t heard about Stella being sick, but she was worried this might happen. Stella has a history of health issues, and was a little off when Jordan saw her earlier. Laura says, at least it’s nothing serious. She should get going. She hopes they have a wonderful evening. She leaves, and Curtis says, whatever it is, it must have really laid Stella out. He can’t imagine her missing her nephew’s big day. Jordan says, maybe she’ll check in on Stella, and he says, it’s good she’s kept up a relationship with Curtis’s family. She says, when there’s a divorce, it doesn’t just affect the two people in the marriage, and he says, he and Portia need to have a relationship for Trina’s sake. Now that Curtis is part of the equation… He’s a good guy. She says, he is, and so is Taggert. Portia is a good woman, but sometimes good people get caught up… He says, hold up. He knows why she feels she has to protect Curtis. It’s because of Portia’s lie.

Portia asks why Curtis didn’t tell her about Stella earlier, and he says, auntie didn’t want to ruin tonight. She feels awful about tomorrow. She says she knows how badly he wanted Stella to officiate, but he says, as long as he gets to marry her tomorrow, nothing else matters.

Marshall asks if Drew has his speech locked down, but Drew says he’s on the fence between funny and sentimental. Marshall says, as long as it’s from the heart, and Drew says he’ll do his best. The gift Curtis is most grateful for is Marshall being at the wedding. Marshall says he just wishes he could give Curtis the one thing he asked for.

Trina guesses she came in kind of hot, but Molly says, it’s totally understandable, given what Esme has put Trina through. But she’s afraid the defense might try to plead it out, argue for lesser penalties or even a dismissal of charges. Trina says, which means Esme will be free to live her life and raise her baby.

Spencer tells Victor that Diane agreed to be his counsel, and even Ava offered to help. He also has the support of his friends. Victor says, Spencer is making this move now, after what he just said about putting others ahead of family? Spencer says, his sibling is a Cassadine too, arguably the only one worth saving. This baby represents the future Victor is so passionate about. Shouldn’t they give the newest Cassadine heir the best chance in life? Can Victor honestly say that would be with his father or Esme? Victor says, Nikolas is desperate to raise this child, but Spencer says he doesn’t care what his father wants. Victor says, neither does he. He knew he was right to put his trust in Spencer. Well played. This custody move is a stroke of genius.

N’neka says, Curtis has an uninvited guest. She told him it was a private event, but he says he needs to have a word. Curtis says he’ll handle it, and goes outside to find Brad. Brad apologizes for intruding, but he told his aunt that he’d stop by. He holds out an envelope, and says, on the occasion of Curtis’s wedding, his aunt sends her warmest compliments.

Ava drags Nikolas to a closet in the stables, and says she’s so sorry. She really did love him. She padlocks the closet door on her way out, and sees Austin watching her.

Valentin says, the authorities confirmed their deaths, but how do they know Victor buys it? and Felicia says, after Victor was contacted by Laura, he verified it with his people. Valentin says, it’s neat, it’s clean; what’s next? Felicia says, as far as Victor knows, he and Anna are deceased. They’re ghosts. And what do ghosts do best? He says, they get three sheets to the wind. It’s not a dad joke; he got it from Charlotte. Felicia says, ghosts do love their boos. They also like to exorcise. Anna says, stop it please, and Felicia asks how ghosts exorcise. With a vigorous haunting.

Curtis asks Brad to tell his auntie that he appreciates the well wishes. He’s welcome to stay for a drink. Brad says, thanks, but he’s not in a celebrating mood, and Curtis says, sorry about his friend. Brad says, congratulations, and leaves. Laura arrives, and hugs Curtis. She asks if he can believe his big day is here already, and asks how he feels. He says, overwhelmed, but happy, when Portia joins them. She and Laura hug, and Curtis says, they have a big favor to ask Laura. Laura says she’d love to officiate their wedding, and he asks if she’s psychic, but she says, no. Stella called her. He says, that’s his auntie; always taking care of business. Portia thanks Laura for taking the weight off their shoulders, and Laura says, her pleasure. Stella wanted them to know how sorry she is. She didn’t sound that bad, but Jordan seemed to think it was coming on all day. Portia says, Jordan said Stella was sick? and Laura asks if something is wrong. Portia says, Stella seemed fine when she saw her last, but Laura says, those bugs can come on suddenly. Curtis suggests they get a drink, but Portia says she wants to take a second with her mother’s gift, and Curtis and Laura go inside.

Spencer says he’s surprised Victor approves of him seeking custody, but he’s glad Victor does. Victor says, he doesn’t just approve; he’s impressed. This is a masterful move, and could be the key to getting Spencer’s father to fall in line. Spencer says, this isn’t about getting his father to fall in line. It’s about getting him out of their lives. Isn’t Victor finished with Nikolas? Victor says, no one’s ever finished with family. This move is seamless. It builds on everything already in motion. It’ll take Nikolas losing everything, including his baby, to force him back into the fold.

Austin asks if Ava is going to explain what’s going on, and she asks if he’s going to the cops. He asks if there’s any reason he wouldn’t, and she says she and Nikolas were arguing, and he threatened to take her daughter. He would use his Uncle Victor’s resources, and she’d never see Avery again. She panicked, grabbing the first thing she could, and she hit him. She just wanted to stop him, but he fell and he wasn’t breathing. Austin says, so she put him in a closet? Can they talk about that? (Ha-ha! Roger Howarth’s delivery.) She says, people will think she killed her husband out of revenge, and he says, did she? She says, no. She just wanted to stop him and talk to him. He threatened to take her daughter. Austin says, she thinks that sounds like a defense, but it sounds like motive, and she says, despite everything, she loved him. Austin says, so Nikolas shows up here late at night, unannounced, uninvited, and threatened to take her daughter. He doesn’t know her track record with the truth, but it rings true. She says, he doesn’t understand. She loved Nikolas and she killed him. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t mean to or what any court may rule. She’ll be condemned and sentenced by Victor Cassadine.

Taggert says, Portia really hurt him, but he’s forgiven her, and Jordan says, but Trina… and he says, of course (🍷) it’s never easy learning your parents aren’t perfect. She was hurt, but understands his behavior was part of it. Jordan asks how any of this was his fault, and he says he was never home. When they were off doing undercover work, his wife was lonely; she felt neglected. He gets why Jordan feels she has to protect Curtis. She feels if Portia was unfaithful before, she could do it again. Jordan says, actually, she’s sure Portia loves Curtis, and would do absolutely anything not to lose him.

Portia leaves a voicemail for Stella, saying, she wanted to check in and see if Stella was okay. If she needs anything, let her know. They miss her. Zeke asks, what’s wrong? and she says, nothing, hopefully. Curtis’s aunt suddenly fell ill. He says, and she’s worried, but she says, not for the reason he might think.

Marshall tells Drew that Curtis asked him to perform at the ceremony, but he doesn’t want to screw up on Curtis’s big day. Drew says, that’s highly unlikely. As a wise man once told him, all that matters is that it comes from the heart.

Trina introduces her grandfather to TJ and Molly, and Sterling says, thank goodness for Molly. They’re a little doctor heavy in this family. Curtis tells Trina, they’re playing our jam, and takes her to the dance floor. TJ tells Molly that he’d like to continue their conversation about getting closer.

At the bar, Laura asks if Elizabeth is okay, and Elizabeth says she just has a lot on her mind. Laura asks if one of those things would be Nikolas. What was going on at the hospital earlier? What were they arguing about?

Felicia says, years ago, her, Sean, and Mac devised a plan to outwit outlast outplay Ryan Chamberlain. She was already dead, so Ryan thought, and she haunted him to get his confession on tape, and it worked. Valentin says, so she thinks since it worked on Ryan, it will be worth trying on Victor? and she says, they have way better technology now, but in a nutshell, the strategy is torment, guilt, compel. Anna asks if it isn’t worth a try. She already recorded a message from the Great Beyond earlier. He says, she knew of this plan? and she says she did. Just hear them out. He says, there’s one minor flaw. Felicia’s plan will never work on his father.

Spencer tells Victor, there’s enough manipulation in this family. This is a baby; this is not leverage. Victor says, everything’s leverage, if used in the right way, but Spencer says, him gaining custody serves a higher purpose; to save his little brother or sister from his father. Victor says, keep telling himself that, but from where he’s standing, he’s seeing a man tapping into his natural born instincts. Before he saw Spencer, he was really quite bereft. Now he has hope again.

Ava asks if there’s anything she can do to get Austin to walk away right now. He can have money. He can have this house. He can have the gallery. She knows they don’t know each other very well, but she thinks they understand some things, and hopes, despite her history, he knows this is not who she is. Not anymore. Just give her some time to leave with her daughter. He says he’s going to stop her right now. There’s nothing she can do to change his mind.

Sterling says, Portia looks way too serious for a blushing bride. It’s not too late to back out. She says, if there’s one thing she’s sure about, it’s Curtis, and Sterling says he likes Curtis. He’s not sure if Curtis deserves her, but he’ll do. She’s done nothing but make him proud. She’s every father’s dream; her and that little granddaughter of his. Everyone goes back to dancing, and Spencer watches Trina from the top of the steps.

Eileen meets Victor in the chapel, and says, since he wouldn’t take her call. Anna and Valentin are dead. He says, news travels fast. Yes, his son was killed. She says, Anna and his son were looking for Lucy Coe. Is she dead as well? He assured her nobody would die. She didn’t sign up for this. Obviously, she did no research before that sign-up. He says, she acts like she has some choice in the matter; she doesn’t. She works for him. She knew there were risks. She says she’s out. She’s no longer at his disposal. He says, that’s not her decision to make. If she crosses him, getting caught will be the least of her worries.

Valentin says, if they hope to get a confession from his father by playing on Victor’s guilt, they’re going to be disappointed. Anna supposes you can’t shame the shameless, and Felicia says, which is why she had to adjust the plan this time. He says, which part? The torment part, the guilt part, or the compel part? She says, that all stays the same. She’s talking target. It’s not Victor.

Eileen gets her really, really nice car, and the radio comes on. There’s nothing but static, and she tries to adjust the dial. She hears Anna’s voice saying, you’re next. You’re next, Eileen. You’re next. You’re next. YOU’RE NEXT!

Austin says he doesn’t believe Ava wanted Nikolas dead, and she asks if he’s saying he’ll wait to report this. He says he has no intention of reporting this at all, and she asks, why not? He says he’s not really clear on that, but it feels right, and she helped him out when she didn’t have to. They’ve talked about this; families are complicated. If Victor is going to kill her if he finds out, then the only solution is for him not to find out. She wonders how to keep it from Laura and Spencer, and he says he’ll help her.

Tomorrow, Elizabeth says she’s not as perfect as Laura thinks she is; Alexis supposes Gregory is over it; and Carly thinks the nightmare will finally be over

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Getting down to business, there are a couple of new wives, Rachel and Danielle (no, not that Danielle), as well as another Jennifer who’s a friend. We’ll call her Jen to avoid confusion. These Jennifers are getting like the Joes. Throw a rock, hit a Joe or Jennifer. Dolores has new man Paulie in her life, and it looks like Frank isn’t hanging around so much anymore. Although you’d think he wouldn’t want to, since he’s dating Brittany, and Dolores said she had dogs who were older than Brittany. I think she’s exaggerating, but if not, I want to know what she’s feeding them.

Teresa had a destination 50th birthday celebration, where Jennifer #1 broke her toe. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she had the evil eye on her, and her mother did something called a kurşun, which was supposed to remove it. Jennifer didn’t feel it worked, and thought the evil was coming from Dolores. Joe #2 was pissed about Melissa being frozen out of Teresa’s wedding, but Melissa texted Teresa that it was all good. She didn’t hear back, and two months later, Teresa invited Melissa to her birthday. As you can imagine, Melissa RSVP’d a big fat no. Teresa also celebrated her birthday at home with Louie’s family, and said, it was a dream, since apparently, she’d traded her own family for them. Louie’s mom is a therapist, so she must be having a field day. Teresa said it hurt that Joe and Melissa hadn’t come to her party, and thought it was coming from Melissa, and Joe was just following blindly. Louie said Joe was weak and immature, and Melissa was insecure. Teresa’s birthday wish was that the family not fight and love each other. I don’t see how that could fail, considering her fine example. And talk about a follower. Louie is like her bobblehead. Whatever she says, he just agrees.

To kick off Memorial Day weekend, Melissa had an 80s roller skating party, because the 80s was her jam. Everyone except Louie dressed up, and those who’d gone through the 80s (Rachel was born in 1991) had 80s flashbacks. Marge ended up breaking her wrist when she landed on her ass. Not that I’m judging. I’m terrible on skates. In Teresa’s interview, she said she’d been going to therapy, and was learning that she didn’t have to be so reactive, yelling and throwing things. I wonder how much that therapist is charging. I’ll tell her that for half of it. We also found out that her father had been volatile when angry, which makes complete sense. In Danielle’s interview, she said she was a combination of Staten Island and New Jersey. She got her cojones from Staten Island, but her sass from Jersey. Jennifer avoided Dolores like the plague, and Dolores wondered if they were in the schoolyard.

Dolores said, since the charity softball game for breast cancer research was such a success, they were doing a calendar of the husbands. Teresa invited Marge and Joe #3 to have lunch with her and Louie at their house. Marge said she was a little anxious, since last time they met, Teresa had dumped a whole table on her, and we flashed back to that. Teresa wanted to talk it out, and once they got going, Louie told her to stop interrupting Marge. That’s another thing he does, the gentle correction when they’re in public. I think it’s all for show. Teresa blamed Marge for her issues with Melissa, because Melissa didn’t stand up for Louie. Yeah. She’s a real logic queen, a regular Mr. Spock. Teresa said she’d also texted Melissa to tell them not to talk about Louie, and Melissa read the text to the group. Teresa said she was being raw as a cucumber, apologized to Marge, and invited her to the wedding. While I’d like to see Teresa shown the door, I would miss her little bon mots.

The guys gathered with the Wives at Dolores’s house for the calendar shoot. One new husband – I’m not sure which was which – was photographed watering plants (shirtless of course), and the other was a lumberjack. Joe #2 was a chef at the grill, and Joe #3 was on a motorcycle. Evan was a basketball player, and Bill, a sexy doctor. Louie did yoga poses, and Marge said, Teresa could be the fluffer. In Teresa’s interview, a producer asked if she knew what that was, and she thought it was a long stick with a feather at the end. If you don’t know, google it. In Melissa’s interview, she said, Joe #2 was going all Zoolander. Marge told Joe #2 and Melissa about Teresa’s apology, and that she’d said Melissa didn’t back Louie up. Paulie, who’d just gotten over covid, showed up last, and his character was a bartender. He’s not jacked like Frank is, but he seems sweet.

Jennifer babbled about Marge, but Rachel wasn’t having it. She talked to Dolores, who said she didn’t know what she’d done to Jennifer. She said Jennifer was telling everyone else how she felt, but not her. In Dolores’s interview, she said, now she was f***ing mad, and she hunted Jennifer down for a talk. She said Jennifer had been talking about her during the whole party. She’d tried talking to Jennifer at the roller rink, and she’d walked away. Jennifer whined that Dolores had told her, f*** you, the last time they’d talk, and said she didn’t have the decency to say what Marge did wrong. She said she and Jennifer didn’t agree on what a friend is, and Jennifer said she was nice, but Dolores wasn’t. She started yelling that Dolores was never her friend, and was two-faced. Bill steered her out, and she yelled that Dolores looks like an old f***ing handbag.

I don’t think there was a preview, but I imagine it will be more of the same yelling, screaming, and acting ignorant in general.

📅 About That Calendar…

Well, it is for charity, and face it, the husbands are the best part of the show.


🚢 Aντιο σας, Nikolas…

They probably just wanted someone new to own Windymere. Faison owned it when he first came to Port Charles. It’s about time it changed hands again.

🏆 For the Gram…my…

The basics. Who won, who didn’t.


The performances.



The fashion.




And a bunch of odd stuff. Like the untouched food.


Madonna’s new face. I’m more concerned about what she’s wearing, the Pilgrim Wednesday Addams look.

I don’t think they were saying she looked old. Just weird.


Controversy! Although I’m sure he was referring to his social status or upbringing or something.


I’m not even sure what to make of this.

🤓 Hello, I Must Be Going…

Drop by tomorrow for soap and what’s pumping in VanderLand. Until then, stay safe, stay celebrating your progress, no matter how small, and stay hyper-aware that time’s fleeting and tomorrow’s not promised.

February 3, 2023 – Elizabeth Tells Finn the Truth, Back Peddle, Guilty, Blackout Blessed, Blame Game, Rumors, Gifting, Blackeye, Godfather On Deck, Farewell Sal, Pup (!) Guide, 3 X 3 Quotes & Cold Night


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Finn asks why Elizabeth lied about being pregnant with Nikolas’s baby.

Josslyn goes to Dex’s apartment, apologizing for just showing up. She throws herself into his arms.

After a performance at The Savoy, Brook compliments Chase and Blaze, and tells them that they’re single keeps climbing the charts. Blaze goes inside the club, and Brook tells Chase that he’s a natural.

Ava holds the door for Austin, and they run into Kelly’s. She calls him the hero of the hour. She heard he helped save Willow’s life, and Willow is important to a dear friend of hers. He says, she should thank Dr. Navarro; he was just part of a team. She wants to buy him supper, and won’t take no for an answer. She’s feeling generous, since her divorce has really paid off.

Nikolas says he appreciates Spencer wanting to be involved in his new sibling’s life, and Laura says, they know Britt’s memorial was hard on him. They’re both very sorry. Nikolas says, he wouldn’t have missed it if something important hadn’t come up, and Spencer says, there’s always something more important than him. Why does he keep coming in second? How many times will Nikolas fail before he ruins the baby’s life? That’s why he’s seeking full custody of Nikolas’s child. Laura says, he’s just angry right now, but Spencer says, it’s not a rash decision made in the heat of the moment. Nikolas says, Spencer has no idea what it take to raise a child, but Spencer says, neither does Nikolas. Laura tells them to stop. She knows they love each other. Spencer says, a long time ago, Nikolas meant the world to him, and Nikolas says Spencer is his world. Maybe the problem is, he spoiled Spencer and didn’t prepare him for life. Spencer says, Nikolas taught him life’s hardest lessons, like, heroes aren’t always who they seem to be, that the people you love can hurt you in unimaginable ways, and the people you trust to protect you can sacrifice you for their selfish interests. Nikolas broke his heart a thousand times, and he refuses to let Nikolas do the same to his sibling. He’s dead serious.

Chase asks if Brook has heard from Michael, because he’s not answering calls or texts, but she says she hasn’t. He says, Sasha texted, and said she saw the baby, but Willow is still in the ICU. She takes his hand, and says, Willow is tough. She’s going to pull through. Have faith. He tells her, they can’t do this anymore.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she was never pregnant. She didn’t have an affair with Nikolas or anyone. She never cheated on him. He wonders why she said she did, and she says, he saw her with those prenatal vitamins. He says he thinks she needs to start from the beginning, and she says, when she came back from California, she felt guilty and couldn’t face him. She wasn’t thinking, and went to Nikolas to get support from her oldest friend. She discovered Nikolas had gotten himself into a bad situation and needed her help. He asks, with what? and she says, Esme.

Josslyn tells Dex that she’s been on overload; so much joy, sadness, and fear at the same time. She’s happy he was home. He asks, what’s going on? and she says, her niece was born, and she’s healthy and perfect. Josslyn, her mom, and grandma visited her in the NICU, introducing her to the matriarchy. Dex says, if Josslyn’s niece is anything like her, she’s going to be amazing, and stubborn. He means that as a compliment. She says, Willow still hasn’t held her baby; she hemorrhaged after the C-section. She’s stable, but not conscious, and Michael is with her in the ICU. She’s so weak from the leukemia. What if she doesn’t wake up? Dex holds her.

Chase says he still wants to keep his promise to take Linc down, and get Brook’s songs back, but the CCRB spring meeting is coming up. If the Review Board votes in his favor, that’s it. He goes back to being a cop full-time, and can’t go after Linc anymore. And face it, they’re no closer to their goal. Brook says, these things take time, and he says, Blaze isn’t interested in turning Linc in for sexual harassment, and he’s not going to pressure her, which leaves them with tempting Linc to buy out the contract; signing Brook’s songs back over to her just in time for him to quit. She says, it’s still a solid plan, and he says, they have to move on it. He has to be done with this by the time the CCRB meets. She asks if he doesn’t mean done with her.

Josslyn tells Dex, the reason her niece was delivered early was so they could use the stem cells from the cord for Willow’s transplant. What no one is saying is, maybe Willow’s too weak, and maybe it’s too late. She feels guilty even saying that. He says she can say anything to him. Sometimes saying something out loud can take away it’s power. Willow has the best medical care money can buy, and she wants to live. Attitude can make a crucial difference. Josslyn says she hopes so. She just feels so powerless. And Britt’s memorial was today. She couldn’t go because of her niece of course (🍷), but she still feels like she should have been there to pay her respects. Britt saved Josslyn’s life, and it killed her.

Elizabeth tells Finn, the night she was on the docks, Nikolas was there too. Esme told her that Nikolas knew she’d been in town for weeks; she’d shown up pregnant with his child. Nikolas thought she was behind The Hook killings, and couldn’t let her hurt anyone else. At the same time, he had to protect his unborn baby. Finn asks what he did, and Elizabeth says, he kept Esme locked in a tower at Windymere. He says, that’s pretty disgusting, even for Nikolas, and she says she wanted to go to the police, but Nikolas convinced her not to. Finn asks, how? and she says, he told her that he wanted to make sure his child was safe from harm, and the people of Port Charles were safe from Esme, so she agreed to help him. That’s when Finn saw the bottle of prenatal vitamins at Windymere; she was providing Esme with medical care. When Finn saw her with the same vitamins at the hospital and asked her about it, she panicked. She said she was pregnant with Nikolas’s baby to keep their secret. She asks Finn to say something.

Austin says, so in the divorce, Ava got the house, and it’s a big house, called Windymere. It suits her. She seems like the lady of the manor. Congratulations. She says, it’s the least she was owed, and he says, when he first came to Port Charles, she was divorcing Nikolas, but they worked it out. She doesn’t want to do that now? She says, different circumstances. At that time, she left Nikolas to protect her daughter. Now she’s leaving to protect herself.

Laura says, Spencer has reason to be angry, but every parent makes mistakes. It doesn’t erase the bond between parent and child. Nikolas says, it’s okay. He owns everything he’s done to Spencer, but is taking his child away what’s best for the baby, or is Spencer getting even with him? Spencer says, this isn’t about revenge. It’s about how unfit Nikolas is to be a father. Not only because of what Nikolas has done to him, but what he’s done to other people as well. Unlike Nikolas, he’s going to do what’s best for the baby. Laura tells Spencer to think about what he’s saying, and he says he’s discussed this with his friends, and discussed his case with Diane Miller. He’ll do everything in his power to make sure Nikolas doesn’t destroy another innocent life. Laura says, he’s still a kid himself. He can’t raise the baby all alone. Nikolas says, she’s right. He loves this child, and he’ll make damn sure he doesn’t repeat… Spencer says, Nikolas is incapable of keeping that promise, and Nikolas says, if Spencer goes down this path, he’ll be forced to fight him, and he’ll use every weapon in his arsenal to make sure he gets custody. Don’t make him do this. Spencer says, it won’t go that far. Nikolas is going to hand him custody of his own free will.

Finn says, Elizabeth is now an accomplice to a kidnapping, but Elizabeth says she thought she was doing the right thing. She was protecting an innocent baby, and Esme couldn’t kill anyone as long as she was locked up. He says, Esme was the number one suspect in The Hook attacks. How long was Elizabeth going to let the police keep thinking that, when she knew Esme wasn’t the murderer? She says, it wasn’t until Officer Cabrera was killed that she knew she’d made a huge mistake. He has no idea how badly she wanted to say something, but at that point, she’d already given up everything to help Nikolas. She put herself in legal jeopardy, which would affect her kids, and threw away her relationship with him. She’s beaten herself up every single day for this, but she couldn’t see a way out. Then Esme escaped. When she was found, everything Elizabeth did, and everything she gave up, was all for nothing.

Josslyn says, Dex warned her about survivor’s guilt, and he was right. She wakes up in the middle of the night with her head spinning, wondering if she’d done something different, would Britt still be alive? He says he’s the one who got her to leave before the police showed up, and she says, his argument made sense. She knows it woudn’t have made a difference if they’d stayed, but she still feels guilty. It’s the same thing with Cam. She knew the right thing was to break up with him, and feels guilty about that too. Dex says he really messed up her life.

Chase says, that’s not what he meant, but Brook says, that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. He says he doesn’t want to be a pop star; it’s not his passion. He wants his badge back. She says, they might not even reinstate him, and he says, then he’ll have to figure out what’s next, but music isn’t his future. She says, translation, he doesn’t want to be around her, and he asks her to stop putting words in his mouth. It’s time to finish what they started. She says she gets that she screwed up by not writing the letter when Dante asked her to, and ruined any chance of them having a relationship, even a professional one. Is she wrong?

Nikolas says, like hell he’s going to grant Spencer custody, but Spencer says, Nikolas doesn’t have a choice. One way or another, Nikolas is going to be out of his child’s life. Laura tells them, stop it right now. They’re father and son, and should be able to work out their differences. Spencer says, Nikolas had every opportunity to work out their difference, but he couldn’t… or wouldn’t. Nikolas asks if Spencer thinks guilting him over his shortcomings is going to motivate him to sign his child over, and Spencer says, motivate. What a good word. The motive; revenge, justice, guilt. Take your pick. Laura says, but Spencer told them this wasn’t about revenge, and Nikolas flashes back to Ava recording his confession, and him saying, the motive; revenge, justice, guilt. Take your pick. Again using Nikolas’s words, Spencer says, any chance of reconciling with him is ruined, and Nikolas says, this isn’t a game. Spencer says, honestly, his only regret is not doing it sooner, and Nikolas flashes back to using those words Spencer says, this, I solemnly swear, and Laura asks, what’s happening right now? What aren’t they telling her? Nikolas says, this is Ava’s doing. She’s thrown in with Spencer, hasn’t she? Spencer says, it sure would be a shame for other people to find out what he knows, like Commissioner Ashford. Nikolas says, he wouldn’t, and Spencer says, not if Nikolas relinquishes his parental rights. Laura says, stop right here. Nothing that’s been said or done up to this point can’t be taken back. Nikolas says, there’s no coming back from this. His son is truly gone.

Finn says he knows Elizabeth and Nikolas are friends, but going along with something like this doesn’t seem like her at all. Elizabeth says, at times she didn’t recognize herself. He saw her when she came back from California, after finding out she’d killed his wife. He says, it wasn’t like that at all, but she says she was responsible and will feel guilty about that for the rest of her life. Everything was compounded by the way she hurt him. She’ll never forget the look on his face, and how he walked out of here. She was rapidly losing her grip, and there was nothing left to hold on to. He says he never should have walked out like that, but she says, his reaction was normal. Hers on the other hand… there’s no excuse. She should have remembered what really matters, and hung on for dear life to her boys and him. Instead, she shut out everything good in her life. He says, Nikolas bears responsibility here too, but she says she’s not letting him off the hook, especially now that he’s gone too far. Finn asks how that’s even possible.

Chase says he and Brook were friends first, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss that, but she put her wants and needs ahead of his. He can’t forget that. So they’re going to take Linc down, get her songs back, and have that squared away before the CCRB meeting. She says, understood. There won’t be anything left between them by them. She excuses herself, and goes into the club. Blaze comes out, and asks where Brook is off to. Chase says, beats him, and she says, it looks like she came back just in time. She hands him a beer, and says she proposes a toast to the gig they just knocked out of the park, their adoring audience, and their new single, which drops next week, and she guarantees will be a smash. Or how about the unlikely partnership between the ex-cop and would-be folk singer? May it be long and profitable. She lifts her glass, but he doesn’t, and she asks, what’s wrong? He says he told Brook that he wants out, and she says, he can’t quit.

Austin says, if Ava is standing up for herself, good for her. It seems to be something she’s good at, since he saw it first hand with his cousin. She asks if Mason has given him any more trouble, but he says, it’s been quiet on that front. She asks if he’d tell her if it wasn’t, and he says, 100% no, because it’s not her problem, and he’s a grown person who can look after his own life. She says, there was a time Ava Jerome would have gone in for the kill – metaphorically speaking – anytime anyone crossed her. He asks, what changed? and she says she became Ava Cassadine, who made excuses in the name of true love, but she’s gone. He says, in his experience, when people are in relationships like the one she’s had with Nikolas, it doesn’t just end with a signature. She says, maybe not, but she did something today that should make it clear to Nikolas where they stand. And what could come of crossing her.

Nikolas asks if Ava isn’t Spencer’s sworn enemy. Does Spencer hate him this much? Spencer says, if he hated Nikolas, he wouldn’t be giving Nikolas this chance. For redemption. They both know what would happen if he went to the police with this information. Laura, who looks like her head is about to explode, says, what information? Spencer says he could have gone directly to Commissioner Ashford, who was standing right here at Britt’s memorial, but he didn’t. He came to Nikolas because he wanted to give Nikolas the choice. He can sign away his parental rights, and go on living his life, or face what happened when Spencer goes to the police. Nikolas grabs him by the shirt, and asks if this is what Spencer means by being his own man. He’s every bit a Cassadine. Nikolas walks out, Laura looks at Spencer, and follows.

Nikolas beelines for the exit, and Laura says, if he goes out that door, he’s making a big mistake.

Elizabeth tells Finn that Nikolas promised to keep her out of it if he got caught, although she’s not sure she really believed it. Then Esme was found, and it became clear that there was nothing Nikolas could do to protect her if Esme regains her memory. He did find a way to keep his promise, which ironically made her realize she could never trust him again. Finn asks what Nikolas did now, and she says, he brought her mother to town. He wanted her to do to Esme what she did to Elizabeth; make sure she never remembers, so she can never implicate either one of them, no matter the damage it did to Esme like it did to her. That’s all of it. He has no idea how many times she wanted to tell him the truth, but she didn’t for a lot of reasons. She didn’t want to make Finn an accessory. She wanted to protect Nikolas and herself. It went too far, and she lost everything, but couldn’t stay silent anymore.

Josslyn says, Dex didn’t mess up her life. He saved her life. As grateful as she is to Britt, The Hook had Britt cornered when he showed up. He says, a lot of awful things have happened to Josslyn, as a direct or indirect result of knowing him. She’s been an accessory after the fact, left the scene of a crime, and even broke up with her boyfriend. She says, obviously he’s influenced her choices, but they’re still her choices. That includes breaking up with Cameron. If things had been perfect between them, she woudn’t have looked twice at Dex. He asks if she’s sure about that, because he was definitely looking at her, and she says, when the video of her and Cam came out, things were never the same, and she could feel them growing apart. More and more, Cameron felt like someone she used to be close with; someone she cared about, but didn’t connect with. She didn’t say any of that because she didn’t want to hurt him, but in the end, she ended up hurting him even worse. The break-up was bad, but when he found her and Dex together… He asks if she regrets it, and she says, of course (🍷) she regrets Cam walking in on them. He asks if she regrets being with him.

Blaze says, Chase is hugely talented, and it would be a waste for him to walk away, and he says, the music industry and performing isn’t him, but he had a nice time collaborating with her. She says, her too, and he says, let’s face it, he’s just holding her back. She says, even if that were true, she woudn’t care. Working with him has reminded her of her love of singing and performing, and why she got into the business in the first place. Before he came along, she was thinking of quitting. He asks, why? and she says she signed a contract with Linc, and working with Linc has made her question why she’s doing this. She thought her love of music could get her through anything, but singing with Chase is the only thing making this bearable. Linc comes out, and says, there’s his hot new star. He puts his arm around Blaze, apologizing for being late, and asks if she couldn’t have worn another outfit. Chase says, show’s over. There’s no need for Linc to be here. Linc says, cool it, Mr. No Longer a Detective. He’s actually looking for Brook. Chase says he’ll let Brook know Linc is in the building, but Linc says, there’s no need. He’ll tell her himself. He goes back inside, and Chase asks if Blaze is okay.

Linc finds Brook at the bar, and asks, how’s his favorite ex-nightingale? She says she’s so not in the mood to deal with him tonight, but he says, tonight’s her lucky night. She’s finally getting rid of him for good. She says she’s heard that before, and he says, this time, it’s true. Don’t tell him that she’s forgotten their deal.

Laura tells Nikolas that she doesn’t know what just happened, but he can’t leave things like that. He asks if she shouldn’t be lecturing her grandson on the evils of blackmail, but she says, Nikolas is the adult. He has to go face his son. He says he doesn’t know who that person is anymore, and she says, it’s still Spencer, the same little boy he loved and cared for. They’ve both done horrible things to each other, and she doesn’t know what that was about, but she knows the worst thing Nikolas can do is play into what Spencer has done. He says, Spencer threw in with his ex-wife, intending to destroy him. It wasn’t enough for Ava to divorce him and take his home (um… did he divorce her?), she had to take his son too? Laura says she’s so sorry. She’s as blindsided as he is, but take a moment to calm down. He needs to go back into that chapel and face his son, because Spencer is now at the precipice. He’s about to make a decision he’ll regret for the rest of his life. Don’t turn his back on Spencer now. Spencer needs him.

Austin says, so that moment with Mason wasn’t just a fluke, and Ava says, it was nothing. She just likes to know where someone’s weak spots are. He says, that’s her thing. How’s that working for her? She says she supposes she hasn’t met her match yet. She thought she had. He says he’s really sorry, but she says, it’s no matter. She’s used to taking care of herself, and intends to keep doing that. She puts on her coat, and says she’s off to her new castle. Enjoy his evening. He says, her too, and she leaves. By the looks of it, Port Charles is having the same cold weather we’re having. Mason walks out of the darkness, and into Kelly’s courtyard.

Nikolas hugs Laura, saying, she’s the best mother he could ever have. He’ll always love her. He leaves the hospital, and she starts to cry.

Linc says, Brook signs a non-disclosure agreement, while burnishing his reputation with the media. In exchange, he returns all the rights to her songs, except for the ones that were already sold of course (🍷). She says she remembers, but it’s been so long, she thought he forgot. He says he never forgets the terms of a deal, and his lawyers are meticulous. She says she’s aware, and he says he must admit, his financial advisors balked at this deal; her catalog is a goldmine. She says, he must be scared to walk away from all that money, and he says, this is what she always wanted, isn’t it, to get all her songs back, and him out of her hair? She says, among other things, and he says, perfect. He takes a document and pen out of his coat pocket, and says, all she has to do is sign on the dotted line.

Chase says, Blaze doesn’t have to put up with Linc. Walk away, and find  a manager who respects her. She says, the problem is, her contract is ironclad; her career would be over after she’s worked so hard for it. She’s trapped. It’s not like she has a support system. Excuse the pity party, but when Chase leaves the business, she’ll be all alone. She looks at Linc sitting inside, and says, well, not alone. Chase sees Linc put his hand on Brook’s knee. Is it déjà vu all over again?

Josslyn tells Dex that she should have let Cam know her feelings had changed. Everyone says it’s better to be honest, and now that she’s lived it, she knows it’s true. She should have told Cam how she felt. She won’t make that mistake with Dex. He asks how she feels, and she says, scared, but the good kind of scared. A small part of her wants to hide, but most of her wants to run right into it. He says he likes how she runs toward what scares her. If it’s any help, she scares him too. He kisses her.

Elizabeth says she knows what she has to do now. She just wanted to tell Finn first. She didn’t want there to be any more lies between them before she… He asks what she’s going to do, and she says, turn herself in.

Ava walks into Windymere, dropping her coat and bag on the settee. A fire roars in the fireplace, and she strolls around the living room or sitting room or whatever it is.

On the phone, Mason says it was Ava Jerome who gave him such a hard time the other day… He’ll report back. He turns around and sees Austin in Kelly’s doorway, looking like he could kill.

Spencer comes out, and asks Laura where his father went. She says she doesn’t know. What has Spencer done?

There’s a knock at the door at Windymere, and Ava opens it to find Nikolas there.

On Monday, Linc asks if Brook is in or out; Chase asks, what if he doesn’t want out just yet; Austin tells Mason to give it his best shot; and Laura asks what Spencer is holding over his father’s head.

🛥 Black Sheep Drama…

Sure they plied her with alcohol. Producers: Want a drink? Camille: Give me a double!

💎 No Surprises Here…

Like we thought it would be otherwise. So where did those earrings end up anyway?


🗽 I’m Happy If She’s Happy…

So should we congratulate her, or…?

👠 Claws Out…

Let the finger pointing begin.

☎️ What a Spread…

I only watch this peripherally, but I do like The Marge.

🛍 What’s Inside…

I’m fascinated with these. Instead of, it’s an honor to just be nominated, I’d say, it’s an honor just to get the gift bag.

🧂 Who Dun It…

True story. I once gave myself a black eye. And no, I wasn’t in a blackout, but I had taken allergy medication. I had my legs wrapped around the chair I was sitting in at the kitchen table. The phone rang, and I got up to answer it, but forgot to unwrap my legs first. I went headlong into another chair. My husband had been out with the dogs, and when he came back in, he found me sitting on the floor with tweety birds flying around my head. He said, I can’t leave you alone for five minutes, can I?

👶🏼 Baby Goddaddy…

No. If anyone on Deck should be the godfather of Kate’s baby, it’s Josiah. Who could forget the shame cocoon?

👄 Goodbye, Dear Pioneer…

While this happened in January, I’d be remiss not to include it. We weren’t close, but I knew Sal back in the day, and he included me in his first Creatures of the Night book. RIRHPS.


🐕 Almost Pup Time…

The definitive Puppy Bowl guide.


🌩 Quotes of the Week

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. – Henry Ford

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. – Milton Berle (Or kick one through a wall.)

A good education is not so much one which prepares a man to succeed in the world, as one which enables him to sustain a failure. – Bernard Iddings Bell

Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.Spencer Johnson

A mother should be someone who inspires you, not someone you have to survive. – Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), General Hospital

You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. – Jim Stovall

That’s not funny *** No, it’s not, but I’m going to keep drinking until it is. – Ma’Dere (Loretta Devine) and Kelly (Sharon Leal) respectively, This Christmas

I suppose there are two views about everything, said Mark. Eh? Two views? There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there’s never more than one.C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, compiled in Words to Live By

Maintain composure in times of heightened emotion, reacting only when thoughts are calm and clear. Being sensible will open doors for solutions and creativity. – Jaren L. Davis

📻 Finding the Frequency For Kenneth…

See you on Monday really Tuesday for soap and a sure to be appalling Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay being open to compromise, and stay saying what you need to out loud. Sometimes that can take away it’s power.