Monthly Archives: July 2023

July 28, 2023 – Sonny Turns the Tables, Reject Dress, The Loud Woman, VanderStatus, Roadblock, Not Barbie, About Those Dead, Kitty Cooper, Funny Pets (!), Quotes of Eight & Rain


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chechnya, Russia. Valentin and Laura walk into a mansion that’s obviously unoccupied. He says, there’s no car in the driveway and no lights on, and she says, it’s deserted. He says, none of the Cassadines have been here in years, when a man runs down the stairs, holding a gun and yelling in Russian.

Dante brings Charlotte to see Lulu in a hospital that looks suspiciously like GH. Charlotte says she wants to see her mom, but she’s worried about her grandmother too. Is it safe for her to be in Russia? Papa knows his way around, but she’s nervous about grandma. Dante says, she’s going to be okay. Charlotte’s dad is with her and Doc is with her; she’s in good hands. Is she ready? Charlotte nods, and they go inside Lulu’s room.

Spencer thinks about calling Trina, and Esme asks if he’s heard from his grandmother. He says, nothing, and Esme says she hasn’t heard anything either. Not that she’s family, but she’s worried. Does he think it’s a bad sign he hasn’t heard from her? He says he doesn’t know, and she asks if he thinks she’s in trouble. He says he doesn’t know, but even if she was, there isn’t a damn thing he can do about it. Just leave it alone.

Kristina lets herself in to Molly’s apartment and says, it’s her favorite sister. Molly says she’s not surprised to see Kristina since she texted, but she’s surprised because that wasn’t very Kristina-like. Kristina says she’s working on being much more sisterlike. How is she doing? Molly says, A for effort. How does Kristina think she’s doing? Kristina says, there’s a definite learning curve, but whenever she’s in doubt, she asks herself, what would her younger, wiser, more beautiful sister do?

In his office, Michael discusses the budget with someone on the phone, when there’s a knock at the door. Carly comes in, and Michael says he’s got to go. Send him the accurate numbers by the end of the day. She says she’s sorry she just barged in. His assistant said she could come. She’s so happy to see him back in the office. He says, it’s not exactly by choice, and she says, he hasn’t left Willow’s side for months, but this must mean she’s continuing to get better. He says he’s very grateful her strength is coming back. When she tells him to stop hovering, he guesses it’s a good thing, but it means he has to give her some space. So he decided to come back to the office. Now that Drew is… She says, in prison. He can say it. She didn’t come here to talk about Drew, but she does have something she needs to talk to him about. He says, what about? and she says, his father.

Sonny does some work in his office, when his phone rings. It’s Nina, and he asks where she is. She says she’s at the MetroCourt. She’s trying to get some work done, but can’t keep her mind off the situation with Willow. He says he thought she told him things were better, but she says, Willow’s not the problem. It’s Michael. Ava walks into Sonny’s office, and says, they need to talk. Sonny tells Nina that he has to go. He has to take care of something. He asks Ava, what’s the problem? and she says, the problem is him. He told her that he was going to take care of that woman. This is how he takes care of it? He sends Avery off with that psychopath? She shows him a picture of Betty and Avery on her phone.

Avery swims in the pool, and Betty tells her, it’s time to go, but she says, just one more. Please. She swims off and Josslyn walks in. Avery calls to her, and Josslyn asks what she’s doing. Avery says she had swim class today and learned this. She floats on her back, and Josslyn says, amazing. Avery is better than she is. She could go to the Olympics with that. Dex stands near the entrance, and Trina sees him. She tells him, if he’s looking for Joss, she’s right over there. He says he’s not. He’s actually working. Avery tells Josslyn that she has a new nanny. Her name is Betty. Betty and Josslyn smile at each other.

Ava says she stopped by Sonny’s apartment to see Avery, and the guard said she’s out with that Mary Poppins from hell. Sonny says, relax. Betty took Avery to the MetroCourt pool for her swimming lessons. Ava says, don’t tell her to relax. The woman is violent. Betty smacked her face. What if she hurts Avery? What if she kidnaps Avery? What was he thinking? He says, Betty is their best bet to lead them to whoever blackmailed Ava, but she says she already told him. It’s that creep Mason. He says, Mason is taking orders from somebody else. They have to find out who it is and Betty’s going to steer them right to his boss.

Josslyn says she didn’t realize Avery had a new nanny. What happened to Pilar? Betty says she has no idea. She interviewed with Ava Jerome, Avery’s mother. Josslyn says she knows Ava, and Betty says, Mr. Corinthos joined them and asked her to start today. Josslyn says, she must have really impressed him, and Betty says, who is Josslyn again? Josslyn tells her that she’s Josslyn Jax, Avery’s older sister, but Betty says she’s confused. Miss Jerome told her that Avery has a half-sister, but she’s younger than Avery. Either Josslyn is big for her age, or she’s not really Avery’s sister.

Michael asks if something is up with Sonny, and Carly says she was hoping he could tell her. Has he heard anything from Dex? Michael says, so far, he’s sticking to the agreement. He’s keeping tabs on Sonny and letting Michael know if there are any big deals in the works. Carly says, so what’s the latest? and Michael says, last night, Dex found a dead body. Carly asks if he knows who it was, and Michael says, apparently, it’s a guy with a connection to Dr. Gatlin-Holt. Carly asks if Austin isn’t seeing Ava. She saw them together at the Nurses Ball. He says he doesn’t know, but Dex called Sonny and told him that he found a dead body near a dumpster, and surprisingly, Sonny told him to call the police. She says, that doesn’t make any sense. Why would Sonny have Dex call the police? I’m not sure why everyone is so shocked. Sonny didn’t know Gordon and has nothing to do with him, so why wouldn’t he be a good citizen?

Kristina says she’s not here for Molly’s sage advice; she’s here to serve her sister. What can she get Kristina? She sees Kristina has water and snacks. She knows – a smoothie. Molly says, Sam beat her to it, and Kristina says, Sam the good sister. She knows one thing she doesn’t think Sam got for Kristina, and takes a stuffed horse out of her bag. Kristina says, Valiant, and takes the horse. This is exactly what she needed.

Esme asks if her concern for Spencer’s grandmother is bothering him. For all they know, she could be locked up in some Russian prison, but clearly he’s not worried, so she’ll keep it to herself from now on. He says he’s sorry he snapped at her. He’s very worried and concerned about his grandmother, but right now, he’s far more worried about Trina. Her father was shot and he could also be paralyzed, and he has no idea how to help her. Esme says, getting upset with her isn’t going to fix anything, but why doesn’t he call Trina and tell her that he’s thinking about her?

The man asks in Russian what Valentin and Laura are doing here, and Valentin answers in Russian, they mean no harm. They’re looking for someone. He tells them, get out, and in Russian, Laura says, we come in peace. The man says he speaks English. They’re trespassing. Now get out. Laura says, they don’t want to hurt anyone. All they want is information. They’re looking for someone. He asks who they’re looking for, and Valentin says, Nikolas Cassadine. The man says, Cassadines are evil, and spits. They’re all gone. What is that American expression? Good riddance. They’re very dangerous people. Stay away from that family. Laura says, he doesn’t understand. Nikolas Cassadine is her son, and they’ve got to find him. The man asks why they’re looking in Chechnya. Has he been kidnapped? Or is he running from authorities? Valentin says, they don’t know. That’s what they’re trying to find out. Laura says, he disappeared from his home in the United States five months ago and they have no idea what happened to him. The man says, if he’s a Cassadine, nothing good.

Charlotte tells Lulu (who we never really see) about winning a ribbon in her equestrian show. Dante says, she was amazing. Rocco’s doing amazing as well. He doesn’t know how, but Rocco’s got straight As. He’s always talking about every girl in his class; he’s got a crush every week. Charlotte says, Lulu is missing so much. She’s starting high school in the fall. She spent so many years at boarding school, but she’s happier staying in Port Charles and being close to her family. But Lulu isn’t there. She has to wake up and come back to them. Dante says he’ll give Charlotte time with her mom, and gets up. He says, they’ll see Lulu soon. They miss her. He leaves, and Charlotte says, Dante’s right. They really, really miss her, but she misses Lulu more.

Ava says, Sonny can follow any lead he wants, just please don’t involve their daughter. He says, does she really think he’d put his daughter at risk? Ava says, that’s what he’s doing right now, but he says, she’s not at risk. He’s going to take care of this like he said he was. She’s going to have to trust him.

Avery gets out of the pool, and Josslyn puts a towel around her. She asks Avery to do her a favor and tell her new nanny who she is, and Avery says, Josslyn’s her big sister. Josslyn says, the branches of their family are very complicated. She’d be happy to draw Betty a diagram. Betty says, that won’t be necessary, but thanks for the offer. They’re both smiling, but I don’t think they’re smiling in their heads. Josslyn says, Betty’s probably right. She’ll be gone before she can memorize any names. Betty tells Avery, time to go, and Josslyn says, nice meeting you. Betty says nothing, and leaves with Avery. Dex watches, then follows. Trina asks Josslyn what that was all about, and Josslyn says she has no idea, but she needs to find out. She has to call Sonny. What the hell is he thinking letting that girl look after Avery? Trina says, don’t call Sonny, and Josslyn asks, why? Trina says she has the feeling something else is going on. When she got here, Josslyn’s boyfriend was over there, but it didn’t look like he was soaking up rays. He was keeping a low profile watching Avery and the nanny. He never took his eyes off them. That’s got to mean something, right? Josslyn says, but what?

Michael tells Carly that he’s not sure how all this fits together, but Dex will get more information soon. He really needs to thank her. Carly says, for what? and he says, she’s the one who encouraged this arrangement with Dex. It’s nice to know they have somebody they can trust in Sonny’s organization. It works out for both of them, since Sonny thinks he has a trustworthy lieutenant, and they don’t get blindsided by his illegal dealings. She says she thinks this is about more than getting information from Dex. She thinks a part of him wants Dex to protect his father. He says he’s not saying he can forgive or even wants to forgive Sonny, but a part of him still cares about Sonny. Carly says she’ll take that as a plan and hugs him.

Kristina kisses the stuffed horse, and says she’s missed him. Where has he been hiding all these years? She thought she lost him. Kristina says, he was in some mislabeled box. She was in mom’s attic looking for pieces to sell at the community fundraiser, and she saw this box labeled law books. She opened it up, and there was Valiant, right there on top of the New York Penal Code. Molly says she’s so grateful Kristina found him. She knows it must sound silly, but this little guy meant so much to her. Kristina says, Molly was the only four-year-old on this planet who would name their stuffed animal Valiant and actually knew what it was. Kristina had stuffed animals named like the rest of them; Fluffy, Stuffy, Coco. Molly says, one time when she was six or seven, she had friends over and showed them Valiant, and they all made fun of his name. Kristina came storming in the room, saying they were all stupid, and if they didn’t stop making fun of Molly, she was going to pour maple syrup in their hair. Kristina says she remembers that. Then they ran out the door so fast. She thinks it’s the last time they came over to their house. She thinks she made life a lot harder for Kristina than it needed to be. Sorry. Kristina says she’s not. She was proud of her big sister then, and she still is.

Laura says, this is about her son, and asks the man if he has any children. He says, da. Two daughters. She says, then he must understand what she’s going through now. Is there anything he can tell her? He says he’s sorry he was harsh with her. He would help her if he could, but he has no idea where this Nikolas Cassadine is. Valentin asks if this is his house, and the man says he bought it for his family. But it was all done through lawyers. He never saw the previous owner. Valentin says, lucky him.

Spencer says he wants to be there for Trina, but it’s complicated, and Esme asks, why? He says, Trina’s mother isn’t a fan of any Cassadine, particularly him, and he does understand why she doesn’t like him. His father has done a lot of damage, but even he pales in comparison to his Uncle Victor. To make matters worse, she’s holding the other side of his family accountable for her husband’s shooting. Esme says, what? and he says he told her it was complicated. Curtis Ashford was shot, and Dr. Robinson thinks the bullet was meant for his Uncle Sonny. She says, so Trina’s mom pretty much hates everyone related to him? and he says, yeah, with the exception of his grandmother and Ace, and one of them is a baby and the other isn’t even in this country.

Josslyn tells Trina that she’s happy Dex is looking out for Avery, but she gets bad vibes from that girl. Trina is absorbed with her phone, and Josslyn asks if she’s there. Trina says she’s sorry. She was hoping there would be a message from Spencer. Josslyn asks why she doesn’t text him, and Trina says she would, but it wouldn’t be right. Josslyn asks what that means, and Trina says her mom is dealing with so much since Curtis was shot, and she never liked Spencer, so she’s trying to keep her distance from him. She doesn’t want to add more stress. Josslyn says, but she misses him, and Trina says, yeah. Josslyn says she understands Trina’s mom needs support, but Trina needs support too. She bets the only reason Spencer isn’t reaching out is because he doesn’t want to put pressure on Trina. But if Trina needs him, let him know. She won’t regret it.

Molly says she appreciates Kristina looking out for her, and Kristina says, it’s usually the other way around. She was always jumping from one thing to the next, getting herself in these difficult situations, and leaving an absolute mess in her wake. But there she was, her Molly, cleaning up her messes. Molly says she just never wanted Kristina to get in trouble, and Kristina asks if Molly remembers doing her homework for her. Molly was like three grades below her and would do her homework. She covered for Kristina when she was in trouble with mom, and comforted her when she cried or was upset. Molly always took care of her. Molly says, not always. She didn’t take care of Kristina when her abusive boyfriend Kiefer Bauer was beating her up.

Betty comes into Pozzulo’s with Avery, who runs to Ava, hugging her. Avery tells Ava that she can float on her back, and Ava says she’s so proud of Avery. Betty says, Avery had a terrific lesson. She could barely get Avery out of the water when it was time to go. Sonny says he wants to hear all about it, but right now he wants Avery to stay with Frank. He and Betty need to have a conversation. Maybe Frank can give Avery some biscotti. Frank says, sounds good, and Sonny, Ava, and Betty go into Sonny’s office. Sonny says he knows it’s Betty’s first day and Avery seems to like her a lot. That’s important to him. Betty says, he has a wonderful daughter, and he says, anybody who can make his daughter that happy, is okay by him. Betty asks if he’d like her to take Avery to his place, but he says, no. She can pick Avery up there tomorrow morning. They’re not going to need her for the rest of the day. He gives her some cash, she thanks him, and she leaves. Avery and Frank are playing cards while they have biscotti, and Betty tells Avery, see you tomorrow. Ava comes out, and Sonny says he has a phone call to make, closing his office door.

The man says, Laura seems like a nice woman, but it’s obvious her son has left her. It must be painful. She says she doesn’t believe her son would just leave her. He has kids and she doesn’t believe he’d abandon them. Maybe he was forced to leave. The man says he’s sorry. He wishes he could help her, but there’s nothing he can do. Please show themselves out. He leaves, and Valentin says, where do they go from here?

Charlotte tells Lulu that the other girls talk about doing things with their mothers; shopping, getting manicures, going away for the weekend. She just smiles and pretends it’s okay. Sam and Grandmother take her out, but it’s just not the same. She never actually told her friends what really happened to Lulu. If she doesn’t tell them where Lulu is, she can believe it isn’t real; that she’s just away for a little while, and she’ll be back soon. So she has to wake up. Charlotte puts her head down on the bed and cries.

Esme says, it’s such a beautiful day. As soon as Ace wakes up, why don’t she and Spencer take him to the park? He says he has a better idea. Why don’t they take him to the MetroCourt pool, and they can dip his feet in the water. He’ll love it. She says, yes, absolutely. She just got him a bathing suit and he has a matching hat. He’ll look adorable. She goes into the other room, and Spencer opens the front door. Trina is there, and he says he’s surprised to see her… in the best way. She says she’s sorry for just showing up without calling, but he says, don’t apologize. Come in. She’s always welcome here. She says she’s glad to hear him say that. These last few days have just been really hard, and she’s missed him. He hugs her, and Esme watches.

Carly goes into Sonny’s office, and Ava asks, what brings her here? Carly says she came to pick up Avery. Avery is coming with her for a sleepover with Donna and Josslyn. Sonny says he appreciates her doing this on short notice, and Ava says, how short? When did Sonny set this up? Carly says, he called her just a few minutes ago. What’s going on here?

Kristina asks why Molly would bring up Kiefer. She hasn’t thought about him in years. Molly says, really? and Kristina says, no. That’s not true. She just doesn’t like to admit how often she does think about that time in her life, but she does. Especially now, working with troubled teens. So many of them are in abusive relationships, and it just brings her back to Kiefer. She tries to help them, but she can’t even help herself. Molly says she should have helped Kristina. She knew something was wrong and she should have said something. She could hear Kristina crying in her room every night, and she knew something was wrong. Every time she asked Kristina, Kristina got upset and said to leave her alone. So she did. She’s so sorry. She should have pushed harder to get Kristina to open up. Kristina takes Molly’s hand, and says, she has nothing to be sorry for. It’s on her. She couldn’t find a way to get herself out of that hole. Sometimes she wonders if that’s when everything started. Molly says, when what started? and Kristina says, her life just derailed when she was with Kiefer. Ever since then, she tries, but she’s never been able to get it back on track.

Michael opens his office door to Nina, who thanks him for seeing her. She knows she’s not his favorite person right now. He asks what he can do for her, and she asks if they can make peace for Willow’s sake.

Sonny says he just thought Avery would like to spend some time with her sisters, and Carly says, whatever. The girls will be thrilled to have Avery. They walk out, and Carly tells Avery, let’s get this sleepover started. Avery heads for the door, and Carly looks at Sonny and Ava. She says, whatever, and follows.

Nina says she and Willow had a wonderful visit the other day, but Michael says he doesn’t quite remember it that way. She says, if he remembers correctly, she was at the hospital checking on Sasha, he stepped outside, and she and Willow made significant progress. He asks, what exactly does that mean? and she says, it means she and Willow communicate better when he’s not in the room. He says he’s pretty busy, so can she get to the point? and she says her point is, at best, he just tolerates her and wishes she wasn’t in Willow’s life, but she’s Willow’s mother. Michael says she’s mentioned that once or twice, and she says she now knows Willow is open to the idea of them having a relationship. And she’s wondering, is he open to that too?

Molly says, Kristina has gotten her life back on track. Look what she’s doing with the youth center. She’s going to make a difference in these kids’ lives. She thought that made Kristina happy. Kristina says, it does, but she doesn’t know if she’s enough for them. These kids are so desperate for help, and she doesn’t know if she has the skills or the tools to adequately help them. Soon her center is going to be up and running, and her name is going to be on that building, but it’s not going to be hers. She thinks she’s been fooling herself this whole time, thinking she can make a difference and help these kids, but she doesn’t know if she can. Molly tells her, don’t say that. She knows Kristina can. Kristina says, stop. Molly is here with an injured leg and she’s doing it again; she’s comforting Kristina. Molly says, because that’s what she does when she loves someone. And before Kristina talks herself out of being useful to these kids, take the time to educate herself. No one knows how to take on a project like that without experience. So take some classes. Study management. Talk to people who’ve done this before. She can do this. Kristina asks why she’s so sure, and Molly says, because she believes in Kristina. She’s just got to believe in herself.

Esme says, Spencer told her about Trina’s dad. She’s so sorry. It must be so scary thinking he could be paralyzed. Trina says, it’s been awful, and Esme says she’s going to check on Ace. He’s about to get up from his nap and she’s going to take him to the park. She leaves, and Spencer says he’s so sorry for what Trina’s going through. How is she holding up? She says she’s so worried for Curtis. She’s trying to stay strong for her mom, but she doesn’t know what to do to make her feel better. He says he does. Stay away from him.

Laura asks if Valentin think the owner would mind if they had a look around the house, and he says, she could ask him, but he doesn’t think they’re going to find any clues around here. She says she guesses he’s probably right, but she did get the feeling he was telling them the truth. He says, they need to regroup; think of somewhere else Nikolas could be hiding. She says, what if he’s not hiding? What if he’s being held against his will? Victor could have turned on him just like he turned on Valentin and Spencer. Valentin says, Victor’s dead. Nikolas could be anywhere. Doc is probably back at the hotel by now. Let’s get the hell out of here.

Dante says it’s tough for Charlotte to see her mom like that, but the doctors say maybe she can hear them, so it’s important they’re here as much as they can be. Charlotte says she knows. She just wants her mom to come home – their home. She went by there the other day and looked in the window. It made her sad. Everything was covered in sheets and so quiet. Not like it used to be. He says, they had some really good memories there, didn’t they? and she says she just doesn’t like seeing it so empty. She bets mom would want someone to live there.

Trina says, the last thing she wants is to stay away from Spencer. She needs him more than ever. He’s the thing that gives her strength to hang on right now. He says he thinks she’s the first person who’s ever said that to him, and she says she doesn’t care what people say. They don’t know him like she does. She needs him. He says he’s always here for her, but he thinks it’s going to add a lot of stress to her mom’s life right now if she knows he’s spending time with her. She says she hates to admit it, but she thinks he might be right. She doesn’t want to stay away from him, but it would probably be best to keep their relationship low key for now. He says, yeah, he gets it. He’s the last person her mom wants to see, so he’ll steer clear of her, and if Trina needs him, he’ll be here whenever. She says, now would be a good time, and they kiss.

In the bedroom, Esme tells Ace, sorry, buddy. She wanted to take him to the pool today, but his big brother has other plans. She guesses that means Trina is more important than they are. It’s just her and him; they’ve only got each other. Unless she takes steps to change that situation.

Michael says he’ll support any decision his wife makes. If she wants to have a relationship with Nina, he has no problem with that. She tells him that his attitude says otherwise, and he asks what she’s trying to say. She says, while he’s polite to her somewhat in front of Willow, it’s clear he wants nothing to do with her and just wants her to go away. Willow knows that, and it’s just a matter of time before Wiley and Amelia feel it as well. She knows she’s made mistakes. She just wants to rectify them and make peace. Kristina barges in and asks if she’s interrupting something, but Michael says, no. Nina was just leaving. Nina says she guesses she was just leaving, and asks Michael to please give her a second chance. That’s all she’s asking. Whether he likes it or not, they’re family and she’s not giving up. She gives Kristina a quick kiss as she goes by, and when she’s gone, Kristina asks why Michael is being such a bastard to Nina.

Dex goes over to Josslyn, who’s lying on a chaise lounge, and she says she wanted to ask him something. Trina said she saw him earlier, and it looked like he was doing surveillance on Avery and her nanny. Does he want to tell her what that’s about? He says, Sonny asked him to keep an eye on Avery and the new nanny, so he was tailing her. Josslyn says, Avery’s her sister, so she kind of has a right to know, and he says he’d tell her if he knew, but Sonny hasn’t shared the details. But he thinks it has something to do with Ava Jerome.

Ava says, please tell her that he’s not bringing Carly into this. Sonny has to promise her that he’s not going to tell Carly what she did to Nikolas. He says, that she killed him? and she says, it was an accident. She didn’t mean to do it. He says he won’t tell Carly about Nikolas unless he has to, and she asks what that means. He says, the good thing is, Betty bought his act. She thinks she’s spying on him, but it’s the other way around. She’s going to lead them to whoever’s behind this. And when he finds them, they’re not going to know what hit them.

On Monday, Sonny asks if Anna is still planning to use herself as bait; Kristina says she thought someone would never ask; Tracy says, Gregory is surprisingly charming; Martin says, it must be his lucky night; and Drew tells someone, get the hell away from him.

👧🏼 New Kid On the Block…

The latest in Georgies.

👗 The Right Choice…

Jen dishes on the wedding of the century and her rejected Reunion dress.

🍊 Don’t Say It…

It really doesn’t sound like all that big a deal, but oh yeah, it’s Shannon.

Was she kicked out or just looking for her Uber? I want to know what the argument was about.

🍸 Good Luck With This…

Who will and won’t film with the undesirable Tom.

🥪 Something About Them…

I thought it was open already, they’ve had so many soft launches.

👶 Comes With Accessory Baby…

This is actually a pretty funny idea.

⚰️ Let’s Talk About Dead…

FWD, coming to your TV in October.

Obviously not a real New Yorker.

I’m hoping it goes on forever.

The name isn’t what you thought it was.

We are from France.

🐱 He Is Not a Cat…

Although he does kind of look like one.

🐕 Comedic Companions…

These are great! How come I never catch my pets doing this stuff? By the time I get the camera, they get bored and walk away or they’ve moved on to something else. I have a lot of pictures of tails.

🪶 Quotes of the Week

Moderation is the feebleness and sloth of the soul, whereas ambition is the warmth and activity of it. – François de La Rochefoucauld

It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little; do something.Sydney Smith

You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. – Richard Bach (I’m not too sure about that past thing… maybe a different viewpoint of the past.)

Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. – Theodore Vail

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. – Carl Jung

Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. – Jim Rohn

I don’t do anything in order to cause trouble. It just so happens that what I do naturally causes trouble. I’m proud to be a troublemaker. – Sinead O’Connor

So let me get this hetero-straight. So you’s a vampire, that can come out in the daytime? … Oh there goes the damn neighborhood. – Lafayette Reynolds (Nelsan Ellis), True Blood

🔮 I Ain’t Got No Crystal Ball…

Come back for more soap and tea on Monday really Tuesday. FYI, Below Deck Down Under is airing a new season on Mondays, but I’m Decked out. Until then, stay safe, stay always being polite to waitstaff, and stay talking to people who’ve done it before when you take on a big project without experience.

July 27, 2023 – Sasha Gets Gaslighted At Ferncliff, Fan Fête, Arguable, New Em, Rude Rinna, Slamming Sofia, OC Review, Denim On the Runway, Celeb Pets (!) & Cool


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone at Kelly’s, Carly says, everything is under control. The regulars from the waterfront are still coming in. It’s great. She has to have the guy come and look at the freezer because it’s still leaking, and the bread was delivered two hours late, but she was able to work around that… She knows, and promises to figure it all out, but she’s got to go because they’re busy. She puts some to-go orders on the counter, when Nina walks in.

Finn finds Portia crying in the employee lounge and asks if she’s all right… He says, of course (🍷) she’s not. Is there anything he can do? She says, no. It’s just this whole thing with Curtis. It’s really catching up with her and she doesn’t know what to do. He glances at his phone as she pulls tissues out of the box on the table.

Elizabeth tells Curtis, good morning, and he asks if she’s here as a nurse or his friend. She says she hopes he always sees her as his friend, but she is working. She just needs to check his vitals and update his chart. He says he doesn’t want to interfere with her job, and as she’s here in an official capacity, he has a favor to ask. He doesn’t want any visitors in his room, especially Trina and Portia. Her phone dings, and she sees a text from Finn: SOS DOCTOR’S BREAK ROOM.

On the phone, Maxie tries to find out what time visiting hours are, but James comes tearing out, chased by Georgie, who yells, give it back! They struggle over a tablet, and Maxie says, that’s it. Georgie says, he started it, and Maxie tells them, sit on the couch, separate ends, and don’t even think about looking at each other.

Cody apologizes for just showing up in the middle of the night, and Dante asks if he means passing out on the doorstep. Cody says he was pretty bad, wasn’t he? and Dante and Sam both say, yes. Cody says, thanks to them, he’s feeling much better, and Sam says, he looks much better. She’s glad they insisted he stay here instead of going to the Quartermaine’s last night. Dante says he thinks Cody left out some details though, and Cody says he’s really worried. Sam says, about Sasha? and he says, she doesn’t realize how much danger she’s in.

Sasha wakes up and realizes she’s tied to a hospital bed. She yells, asking if anyone can hear her, and struggles against the leather straps.

Sam asks why Cody was more worried about Sasha last night than his stab wound, and he says he’s not the one who got hauled off to a place called Ferncliff for the criminally insane. Dante says, that’s because Sasha stabbed him, and Cody says, she didn’t mean to. Dante says, she was disoriented. It doesn’t change what she did. It doesn’t excuse what she did. Cody says, but she’s not insane. She didn’t even know she was attacking him. She thought he was someone else. She kept calling him Cyrus. Dante says, that’s why she’s in Ferncliff; she’s not well. Cody says, no. He’s not buying it. Something else is going on here.

Sasha shouts, hello? Is anyone there? A woman walks in and says, hello. She’s Andie. She’s a nurse practitioner here to help Sasha. Sasha says, there’s been a terrible mistake. She shouldn’t be here. Andie says, she’s here to get some help, and Sasha asks where she is. Andie says, she’s in Ferncliff Hospital. Does she remember being admitted? Sasha says, no. Why would she be admitted to a hospital for the criminally insane? This doesn’t make any sense at all. She doesn’t belong here. Can Andie please contact her family? Can she call Sasha’s mother-in-law, Gladys Corbin?

Maxie says, Grandpa Mac is on his way here right now to take them to the pool, but if they don’t start behaving, she’ll have to call and tell him to forget about it. Then they’ll spend the entire day in their room – cleaning… with no screen time. James says, Georgie should clean the room. She hogs it with all her books and clothes. Georgie says, that’s not true. She keeps herself on her side of the room. She gets no privacy with him. He’s the one always making a mess. There’s a knock at the door, and Maxie opens it to Mac, who asks if the kids are ready for their day at the pool. They both scowl, and Maxie says, thank God he’s here. Bailey Lou is with the sitter. James and Georgie can have one treat – one – at the pool. But no one’s going anywhere until they clean up this apartment, so… She leaves, and Mac says, bye. He’s got it handled. Are they ready for some fun? The kids just look at him.

Nina says she’s glad she ran into Carly. There’s something she wants to say to her. Carly asks what she wants, and Nina asks if she works here. Carly says she owns the place, and Nina says, really? Good for her. Willow is back to her old self. She looks amazing. That bone marrow transplant was a huge success. Carly says she knows. How does Nina know that? Nina says she was at the gatehouse yesterday visiting Willow.

Finn gives Portia some coffee, and she says she’s sorry for breaking down like this, but he says, there’s no need to apologize. They all have breaking points, even doctors. It makes them human. Elizabeth comes in, and Portia asks if she got a chance to see Curtis today. Elizabeth says she just came from his room, and Portia asks how he is this morning. Elizabeth says, emotionally speaking, he’s not the Curtis she knows. He wants to be alone, and asked her to limit his visitors. Portia says she bets that includes her and Trina, and Elizabeth says, their names were mentioned, yes. Portia says, her husband has been shot and he’s recovering from spinal surgery. He may never regain the use of his legs, and she’s not allowed to be in the room with him. She starts to cry again, and Finn says he’ll leave the two of them alone. He leaves, and Portia says she feels so sorry for Finn; she’s such a mess. Elizabeth asks, what happened between her and Curtis? and Portia says, Elizabeth heard what Curtis said. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with her.

Molly works on her laptop, her foot elevated and in a boot. Sam comes in and says she’s sorry she’s late. She had an unexpected visitor last night. She got Molly’s favorite, a mocha latte (mine too!), and Molly says she’s glad Sam’s here, but she doesn’t need to wait on her and bring her coffee. Sam says, Molly’s her little sister, she had an accident, and it’s her job to take care of Molly. And she loves Molly.

Cody folds the linens he used, placing them on the sofa, and Dante says, Sam’s gone. Maybe Cody can level with him now. Cody says he did, but Dante says, not completely, right? Why is he so concerned about Sasha? Why does he think there’s more to her breakdown? Cody says, because there is, and Dante says, like what? He knows Sasha’s had a breakdown before, and a lot of losses that have left her in a very fragile state. Cody says, there’s a big difference between fragile and broken. Sasha was shaky, no question about it, but she didn’t try to hide it or cover it up. She was on an upward trajectory. She was getting stronger every time he saw her. Then all of a sudden, she just craters out of nowhere? Come on detective. Doesn’t that sound suspicious to you?

Portia tells Elizabeth that she’s seen other patients who have been given a similar diagnosis that behave the same way Curtis is behaving; isolating themselves from loved ones, thinking he can do this all on his own. Elizabeth says, plus, Curtis is Portia’s husband, and she’s still dealing with the shock of almost losing him. What she’s feeling right now is valid. Portia says, Elizabeth is right about that, but she thinks she has to face the fact that their marriage is kind of part of the problem. Elizabeth says, Curtis is behaving like most patients facing the possibility of never walking again, and Portia says, yes, but she and Curtis were at odds when he was shot. So now he’s convinced himself that she’s acting out of pity or some sort of obligation, and not out of love for him. It just couldn’t be further from the truth. She flashes back to Curtis saying that she’s thinking, this poor sucker needs me now, but he has news for her; he doesn’t. She tells Elizabeth that she’s loved that man for over twenty years. She loved him when she thought she was never going to see him again. She took their wedding vows very seriously; for better or for worse. But Curtis seems so determined to push her away.

Curtis is looking at his phone when Finn walks in and asks, what’s he reading? Curtis says he’s researching spinal cord injuries, seeing if there’s hope, and Finn says, there’s always hope. Curtis asks, so what brings Finn? He knows it’s not a professional visit. Finn says he’s here as Curtis’s friend. They are friends, remember? Curtis got him through some pretty tough times. He just wants to return the favor, and let Curtis know he’s here for him, whatever he needs. Curtis says he appreciates the gesture. If Finn really wants to be a friend, just give him some space. Finn pulls up a seat and says, if anyone appreciates needing space, it’s him. As a fellow addict in recovery, he knows exactly what Curtis is going through.

Carly says, Nina just can’t help herself, can she? What doesn’t she understand about giving Willow some time and space, and letting her reach out to Nina when she’s ready? Nina says, that’s the thing. Willow called her. Willow is including her in her bubble of friends and family. Carly says, really? and Nina says she was as surprised as Carly is. They had an amazing visit, and she has Carly to thank for that.

Mac tries to clean up as Georgie and James struggle over the tablet again. He asks why they don’t work together to put the toys away. Mom said they can’t go to the pool until this place is straightened up. Georgie says, not until James gives her back her tablet, but Mac says, she won’t need it at the pool. James snatches the tablet, and says he’s going to delete all of Georgie’s Harry Styles songs. She chases him into the other room, and Mac wonders, who’s Harry Styles?

Sam says, Molly told her how she fell, but never said how it happened, and Molly says she was in these new crazy heels, missed a step, and fell in front of the courthouse. She was so embarrassed, until she realized she’d really hurt herself. She’s walked the steps a million times, and still doesn’t know how it happened. She was obviously distracted. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have missed the step, fallen, and hurt her leg. Sam asks, what made her so distracted? and Molly says, the only thing she can think about lately is if and how she and TJ should have a child.

Dante says, six months ago, Cody didn’t even know Sasha. Now he can judge her mental state? Cody says he’s a quick study, but Dante says he doesn’t think that’s enough time to tell if someone is actually improving or on an upward trajectory. Cody says he first got to know Sasha a little while ago at the Qs. They shared biscotti and they talked. Sasha was tentative at first. Kind of like a rider who’s been knocked off of a horse, but still has the courage to get back on. The more he talked to her, the more confident she became, and the better idea he got of how warm and open a person she is. Dante says, he hung out with her a lot after that? and Cody says, enough to keep forming the same impression of her. And she kept getting stronger every time. She was strong enough to maintain her composure when the producers of Home & Heart were sabotaging her. He was there. He saw what they did to her. That’s why he’s convinced, whatever the problem is here, it’s not Sasha. It’s the people around her.

Andie leaves Sasha’s room, and Gladys comes in. Sasha says, thank God she’s here. Gladys has to help her. She doesn’t belong here. Gladys says, she doesn’t remember, does she? and Sasha says, remember what? Gladys says, what she did. What happened at the MetroCourt. Sasha says she doesn’t remember anything. She has no idea what’s going on. Dr. Montague comes in and says he stopped in to check on Sasha. Sasha asks, why? and Gladys says, Sasha doesn’t remember, but she tried to kill Cody Bell.

Carly says, as Nina can see, she’s busy. Could she please get to the point of why she’s thanking Carly for Willow calling her? Nina says, it’s because of Carly why she had such a wonderful visit with Willow, and Carly says, how is that exactly? Nina says she assumes Carly dropped the vendetta against her, and Carly asks, who said she did that?

Portia tells Elizabeth that she knows it’s partially her fault that Curtis is pushing her away. She kept the secret from him for twenty years that Trina might be his daughter. Trina’s whole childhood was robbed from him because of her. He didn’t get a chance to see Trina grow up; she did. Elizabeth says she thought he made peace with that revelation, and Portia says she thought he did too. Elizabeth says, he’s building a relationship with Trina. He moved back into Portia’s house. She assumes that meant he’s forgiven Portia. Portia says she thought so too, but then she found out that he kissed Jordan. Elizabeth says, wait. What? When did this happen? Portia says, when they were living apart. All of a sudden, things were all turned around, and she was starting to feel doubt about him. She was so angry, hurt, and frustrated. She gave this man time and space, and this is what he does? That’s why she spent the night at the hospital instead of going home. She didn’t want to see him. She didn’t want to see that man’s face. Elizabeth says, she had every right to be angry that he kissed his ex-wife. But being shot, as awful as that is, doesn’t absolve him from all the inconsiderate, pigheaded things he’s ever done. It doesn’t make him a saint. Portia says, but he’s still the man she loves. She loves him with all her heart and wants to have a life with him, whether he’s in or out of a wheelchair.

Curtis says he’s not using, and Finn says, good. He just wanted to make sure that hasn’t changed due to Curtis’s current condition. Curtis says, the doctors have him on pain medication. He told them about his history of abuse, so they’re monitoring the doses. Finn says he’s glad Curtis is handling it for now, and Curtis asks, what’s that supposed to mean? Finn says he’s been there. Curtis is isolating himself from all the people who really care about him. Curtis says he’s just trying to figure this out and if it involves Portia or not, and Finn tells him, say he does want to go down this path on his own. Be honest with himself. How long before he starts looking for a little relief from all the pain and all the anger? How long before Curtis just wants to be alone with his drug of choice? Curtis says, this is not about addiction. It’s about his pride as a big baby man. He doesn’t want Portia and Trina to have to take care of him. He doesn’t want to tie them down at all. He never used to be that kind of man. Finn asks, what kind of man would that be? and Curtis says, helpless. Finn says, asking for help doesn’t make you helpless: it makes you smart. (He might also point out that Curtis just insulted everyone in wheelchairs everywhere.) He’s speaking from his own experience. He learned it the hard way. Curtis can’t shut out everybody. Once he accepts and swallows his pride, he accepts he can’t do this all on his own and lets in the people who really care about him, who really love him, that’s when progress happens. Not just physically, but spiritually as well. Curtis says, look at Dr. Finn getting all woo-woo, and Finn says, don’t tell anybody, but he’s going full-on new age now. He’s thinking about getting some crystals and dreamcatchers, and setting them up all around the room. Curtis says he’d pay money to see that, and Finn says him too. But in the meantime, don’t push away the people who care about him the most, not when he needs them the most. He says he’ll see Curtis around, and leaves.

Nina says she just assumed Carly buried the hatchet; that they’re putting this feud behind them. Carly says she doesn’t know what kind of game Nina is playing, but she’s busy and doesn’t have time for this. Nina says she’s not playing a game. She really means it. She wants them to get along… for Willow’s sake. They’re family. Carly says, they’re not family. Family gives. All Nina’s done is take. Nina asks what she’s taken from Carly this time, and Carly says, Nina took her life. Nina says, now Carly is blaming her for owning Kelly’s? and Carly says, they all know Willow’s heart knows no bounds, and she’s allowed Nina access, but the rest of Carly’s family is not so forgiving. She may be having a setback right now, but make no mistake. She’ll get back every single thing she lost; all of it. Carly goes in the behind the counter.

Dante says he assumes Cody’s means Gladys when he talks about the people around Sasha being the problem. Cody says he knew that woman couldn’t be trusted the second he met her, and Dante says, Gladys is the one who wanted Mac to arrest him about the bracelet. Cody says he didn’t take that bracelet. Gladys framed him. Dante says, but he’s been vague on the details of why Gladys would do that to him, and Cody says he knows he has and he’s sorry about that. Gladys didn’t want Sasha to trust him. She wanted him out of Sasha’s life. Dante asks, why? and Cody says, because he was trying to warn Sasha that Gladys couldn’t be trusted. Dante asks, why couldn’t Gladys be trusted?

Sasha asks why she’d try to kill Cody. Or kill anyone for that matter. She’s not a violent person. Montague says, she had a psychotic break. She became delusional. Sasha says, no. She doesn’t understand. This doesn’t make any sense. She was doing better. She was feeling strong and more in control. Gladys says, she wasn’t getting better, and Sasha says, she went back to work at Deception. Brook, Lucy, Maxie, they all said that she was doing better; she was doing great. Gladys says she’s so sorry, but they never said that, and Montague says, those are just more of her delusions. Gladys says, they were very concerned about her, but Sasha must have made all that up to convince herself that she was getting better. Sasha says, no. She didn’t imagine it. Montague suggests Gladys step outside, but Sasha tells Gladys, no. Please don’t. She needs Gladys to stay here with her. Gladys says, they should listen to the doctor, but Sasha says, please don’t. Gladys says she’ll be right outside the door. She’s not going anywhere. She leaves, and Maxie comes up to her in the hallway, asking if that’s Sasha’s room. Was Gladys visiting her? That’s why she’s here; she wants to see Sasha.

Elizabeth says she has to wonder, would Portia still be fighting for this relationship if the shooting had never happened? Portia says she thinks they would have taken some time to work through some of the things they were going through, and rebuild the trust they had before, but yeah, she would. Elizabeth asks if she’s certain, and Portia says she is. She’s hurt that he kissed Jordan, but she kept a secret from him for far too long. Elizabeth says, they both made mistakes, and Portia says, and they both hurt each other. Just thinking about how she almost lost him makes her realize how much she truly cares about him, and she’s loved him most of her life. Elizabeth says, now that she’s had that realization, what is she going to do about it?

Georgie backs James up, and he says, one more step, and he deletes her My Face account. She says, don’t do it, and he says, say goodbye to all her pictures. Mac says, give him the tablet, but James says he can’t. Once he gives Georgie back her tablet, she’s going to destroy his Millenium Falcon Lego set. Georgie says, he hasn’t even started building it yet, and he has no idea where she hid the cockpit so – she lunges for the tablet – let it go. They struggle again, and Mac tells them, stop fighting over the tablet. Give him the tablet. Now the three of them struggle over it, when Felicia walks in. She says, what on earth is going on in here?

Molly tells Sam that she never wanted to be one of those baby obsessed women. The ones who only think about being pregnant, and when they don’t, they’re mired in the fertility clinics and ovulation cycles. Sam says she doesn’t see Molly like that, but Molly asks if that’s not who she’s been lately. Now that she’s facing the reality she can’t carry a child or even use her eggs to create one, she can’t help but wonder if it’s the universe’s way of sending her a message that she was never meant to be a mother and should find other ways of fulfilling her life. Sam says, there’s nothing wrong with not having children, and Molly says she knows that. Sam says, does she? Then she needs to be honest with herself. How would she feel if she never had kids? Molly says, the rational part of herself says, that would be fine, and Sam asks what her heart says. Molly says, in her heart, she knows that she would always feel like there was something missing.

Dante says he believes what Cody is saying about Gladys, but all Cody’s told him is that she can’t be trusted. Why can’t she be trusted? Why did she want him out of Sasha’s life? Cody says, she’s also done things behind Sasha’s back when it comes to managing her estate. Dante says, like what? and Cody says, she sold Brando’s garage without Sasha knowing. When he told Sasha, Dante should have seen her face. She couldn’t believe it. Dante asks how Cody knew about Brando’s garage before Sasha, and Cody says he overheard Gladys and Selina Wu talking at The Savoy. Dante asks what he, Gladys, and Selina Wu were all doing at The Savoy at the same time.

Gladys says she’s sure Sasha would love to see Maxie, but Dr. Montague isn’t letting anybody visit her today. Maxie says she can convince him to make an exception for her friend, and Gladys steps in front of her, saying, she’s Sasha’s mother-in-law and guardian. She barely had time to say hello to Sasha before Dr. Montague asked her to leave. Maxie asks why the doctor isn’t allowing Sasha to have visitors, and Gladys says, poor Sasha is delusional. She’s completely out of it. She’s not making any sense. She doesn’t remember stabbing Cody Bell. It’s breaking her heart to see Sasha like this. Maxie says, she can’t really blame Sasha for freaking out in a place like this. She thinks anyone would. That’s why she needs her friends and family. Gladys says, the doctor is with her now. Hopefully, he can help. Maxie says, maybe it’ll help if Sasha sees her. Just for a minute. Come on. She really needs her friends.

Sasha tells Montague that she was getting better. She knows she was. She could tell. She asked her friend Sonny Corinthos what he thought of her recovery. He said he believed in her, and that he thought she could be in charge of her own life. Montague says, many of the things she thinks she’s remembering may just be a fignewtonment of her imagination. She doesn’t want to remember she almost killed someone, so she replaces those memories with made up ones, ones that make her feel better. She says, no, dammit. She did not imagine that conversation with Sonny. It was real. He says, it seemed real, but she adamantly says, no! She went to see him at his penthouse. He was supportive and said he trusted her judgement. And she was getting better. She was not imagining that. In fact, everything was going great until she started to see him and take that prescription he gave her. Just a thought, but wouldn’t her bag have been taken to the station as evidence? Wouldn’t they have gone through it and found that prescription?

Portia walks in to Curtis’s room, where he’s still on his phone, and he says he thought he said… She asks if he’s still following those horror stories on his phone. Why doesn’t he read these? She slaps some pamphlets on the bed, and says, these are going to help him understand rehabilitation and physical therapy regimens he’s going to be facing. That they’re going to be facing when he gets home. Because he is coming home. And as his wife, she’s going to be there. She’s going to be there with him every single step of the way. He can try all he wants to push her away, but it’s not going to happen. They’re husband and wife and they’re in this together, no matter what the odds are, no matter what life throws their way. She walks out, and he picks up a pamphlet. I get it. He was being a big baby, so she had to put her mom hat on and read him the riot act.

Finn finds Elizabeth in the lounge and asks if they’re alone. She says, the coast is clear, and he thanks her for the save earlier. She asks if he was in over his head, and he says he just wasn’t exactly sure how to help. Which is why he texted her. She says, he wasn’t doing too bad, but Portia needed a girlfriend shoulder to cry on. He says, she’s lucky to have Elizabeth, and she says, she and Curtis are going through hell right now. They were barely holding on to their marriage before he got shot. Now they’ve got to deal with his paralysis. It’s going to be difficult, but she hopes they find their way because she knows they love each other. Where did he disappear to? He says he was just helping a friend too.

Mac slumps in a chair, looking dazed and holding a butterfly net. Felicia tells Georgie that she’s doing a good job, and Georgie thanks her. Georgie and James are straightening up, and being ultra polite to each other. Felicia says, all toys need to be put away neatly on their own sides of the room. Clothes picked up and put away, and beds made. And they have to pass the Grandma Felicia inspection. Go on. The sooner they finish, the sooner they can leave for the pool. They hurry to their room, and Mac says, she’s a miracle worker. How did she do that? She winks at him and says she’s magic.

Sam asks if Molly has talked to TJ about this yet, and Molly says she has, but it’s not the same way she can talk to her sister. It’s so easy to talk to Sam. Sam says, that’s what big sisters are for, but how does TJ feel? Molly says, he wants to have kids; they both do. The question is, do they want to have a child right away? Sam says, it’s a lot to consider, especially since they’re both so early on in their careers, and Molly says, it’s a big decision all around. Maybe they wait, maybe they look to adopt, maybe the go the surrogate route. Although that’s become a landmine with Kristina. She knows there are a lot of options and a lot of decisions to make. Sam says, there are, but the silver lining is, Molly has a lot of time to go through all her options, and she and TJ can make the decision together. And when the two of them do, just remember she’ll be here to listen to Molly, and maybe someday even babysit.

Dante asks again, what were Cody, Gladys, and Selina Wu all doing at the Savoy at the same time? Either Cody cares enough about Sasha to tell him what he knows and how he knows it, or he doesn’t. Cody says, son of a bitch. Okay, fine. Selina Wu runs a high stakes, invitation only poker game in the back room at The Savoy. Gladys is one of her regulars. And she loses big, a lot. She’s lost more than she can ever pay back Selina. That’s why Gladys sold Brando’s garage to Selina, and he’s pretty sure Gladys is raiding Sasha’s bank accounts to pay her gambling debts. Dante asks how he knows all this, and Cody says he plays for Selina. Selina bankrolls him, and his job is to make sure her customers win, but not too big. Selina has threatened to kill him if he tells anyone, so now his life is in Dante’s hands.

Gladys says she thought what Maxie is thinking now. That if she was here, and Sasha saw that she loves her and is here for her, it would help, and it didn’t. Maxie says, okay. She doesn’t believe doing nothing is what’s best for Sasha. Gladys says, right now she and Maxie have to accept they can’t do anything for her. The best thing they can do is let the professionals help her. Maxie says, but she was doing so well. She was getting stronger and stronger, getting her life back on track, and this just happened out of nowhere. It makes no sense. Gladys says she knows. It is heartbreaking seeing her struggle with her mental health, but she’s in good hands. She suggests they get a cup of coffee, and she and Maxie leave.

Montague says, Sasha needs to calm down. She’s becoming agitated. Sasha says she isn’t, and Montague says he’s going to give her something to help her relax. He takes out a syringe, and she says, what is that? She doesn’t want that. Get Gladys back here please. Stop! She doesn’t belong here. He puts the syringe in her IV, and she yells, stop it now! struggling against the straps. She screams for help, and then goes limp.

Nina follows Carly and asks if that’s a threat. Carly says, maybe. Or maybe it’s just her mantra. Do with it what she wants, but get the hell out of her kitchen and take a seat. The waitress will be right with her. Nina says she’s lost her appetite, and leaves. Carly says, oh my God.

Tomorrow, Kristina says she’s been fooling herself this whole time; Esme asks Spencer if it’s a bad sign that he hasn’t heard from her; and Ava asks if this is how Sonny takes care of it.

🚑 GH Is In the Building…

It’s not until October, but if you want to go, better get tickets now.

🍽 The Family Institution…

I figured they were easing us into Bobbie’s death, but apparently, it was happening anyway.

🍸 Up For Debate…

While these are just matters of opinion, she who can do no wrong, aka LVP, is tied to both lists.

👠 New, More Compact Version…

All about Emily’s transformation. I don’t begrudge her happiness, but she looks like a different person.

👄 But She Owns It…

I dunno about the Andy thing, but I love Janice. She just says whatever pops in her head, but she’s lived a rough life, so more power to her.

📸 Maybe She’s Afraid Of Flying Solo Cups…

I don’t think it’s because Teresa’s on a reality show.

🍊 Rehashing the OC…

It looks like everyone has a whole lot to say, yet they say nothing.

👖 Project Blue Jeans…

Loved the challenge of head-to-toe denim, and I had a lot of ideas. Oddly enough, not one designer made the denim headband I made in my head. Guest judges were designer Willy Chavarria and actress Julia Fox, and something I never saw coming happened at the end.

🐕 Great Equalizer…

Everybody loves their pets, and they don’t care who you are. They’ll poop on your floor regardless.

👾 Not Today, AI…

Boomerang back tomorrow for soap, an assortment of tea, words to ponder, and a timely tune. Until then, stay safe, stay treating everyone equally, regardless of their position in life, and stay remembering that asking for help doesn’t make you helpless; it makes you smart.

July 26, 2023 – Curtis Acts Like a Big Baby, Happy Anniversary, Paying It Forward, The Tres Amigas Reunite, Detailing, Twisty Tease, Lake Chat, Sushi Pup (!), It’s a Girl & All


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny says, Nikolas is dead, and Ava killed him? She says, yeah. She killed him.

Willow folds laundry, when Michael says, busted. She says, it was worth it, and he asks if she isn’t supposed to be sleeping. She says she tried, but she couldn’t. She’s too happy to sleep.

On the phone, Sam says she’s glad Molly is getting the rest she needs, when Dante walks in. Sam says, tell Molly that she’ll see her when she gets home tomorrow. And that she loves her. She loves Kristina too. Dante asks, how’s Molly? and Sam says, she’s doing okay. She’s a little banged up, but luckily that’s it. It could have been a lot worse. She was going to check on Molly, but Kristina insists she has everything under control. She’s glad they made up before the accident. (Did I miss something?) He says, she’s a good sister, and she says, what about him? He was supposed to be home two hours ago. He looks wiped. He kisses her and says, after a shower, she’ll recognize him again. She says she’ll grab them a beer and when he comes downstairs, he can remind her of who he is.

Josslyn goes to Dex’s place, and says she knows he told her not to come, but she’s here. Did he really think… She looks around at all the candles burning, and says, if he told her not to come, who exactly was he expecting?

Portia asks what Curtis said, and he says, let me go. Literally, let him go. She says she thinks he’s talking crazy, and she’s not going to let him go. He says, it’s not her decision, it’s his, but she tells him that he doesn’t know what he’s saying right now. He tells her that he knows exactly what he’s saying. He doesn’t want to see her again.

Sonny asks what she did with the body, and she says, they thought he disappeared. Sonny looks over the parapet, but she says, no. He didn’t go into the water. Mason has the dead body. He has the evidence and he’s blackmailing her. If she doesn’t do anything he wants, he’ll expose her. Sonny says, that’s not going to happen.

Ava says she was so mad at Nikolas when he told her that he got Esme pregnant, and Sonny says he punched Nikolas in the face when Nikolas told him. That was his son’s girlfriend. Ava says, Spencer was mad too. When he got the idea to file for custody of Ace, she agreed to help him. Sonny says, by killing his father? but she says, no. Nikolas foolishly recorded a confession, taking responsibility for Esme’s death. Esme went over the turret and obviously survived, but she still had the recording and she gave it to Spencer. Sonny says, so he could blackmail his father, and she says, exactly. When Nikolas found out about it, he went crazy. He came after her and told her that he was going to take Avery away from her. Sonny says, bastard, and she says, it broke her. She lost Kiki, and she won’t lose Avery. She’ll do anything she has to, to protect her. Avery is her life.

Dante comes downstairs and says he loves that Sam is a night owl. She hands him a beer, and he says he loves when she’s lying in bed when he gets home too, but he likes that she’s here waiting for him. Sam says, he flatters himself too much. She wasn’t just worried about Molly. She’s also working on a case. Why is he home so late? He says, her first, and she says, Sasha and Cody of course (🍷). He says he’s been thinking about that too. Cody said Sasha called him Cyrus before she stabbed him, but that doesn’t make any sense. Sam says, now she’s under lock and key at Ferncliff, and he says he has the feeling she has a suspicion as to why that all happened. She says, Gladys. Remember when they ran into them at the hospital? Sasha said she was ready to end her guardianship with Gladys. Sam could tell Gladys wasn’t totally on board with that, and of course (🍷) she denied it, but why was Gladys so hell-bent on getting Cody arrested and sent to prison? And does he think it’s just a coincidence that Gladys sold Brando’s garage to a holding company controlled by Selina Wu?

Dex says, Josslyn caught him. He’ll be here soon. He kisses her, and she says, he? He says, the super. In case she didn’t notice, the power is out in the building. She says, the lights are on in the hall, but he says, auxiliary batteries. First scorching day of the year, and everybody turns their AC on full blast, and the wiring in this old building can’t take it. She asks, how long until the super fixes it? and he says, it usually takes a few hours. She says she kind of likes the candles, and he says, how about the heat? She says she’s sure they can find some way to deal with it, but first, she needs to know what’s going on. He says, the only reason he didn’t want her to come was because of the heat, and she says she hasn’t heard from him in 32 hours 46 minutes and 37 seconds, and he asks if she’s counting the hours. She says, he left her alone at the MetroCourt pool yesterday because Sonny called him. Sonny had a job for him – on his day off – and he said it would be a very safe, simple task. She didn’t hear from him until an hour ago. What’s going on? He says, it was just a surveillance job. It took longer than he expected. She says she knows there’s more. Please tell her. He says he found a dead body tonight.

Michael wonders if this is the kind of excitement Willow had in mind when she married him, but she says, it’s better. What about him? He says, being here together, folding their kids’ laundry, who’d have thought something like this could be so perfect? She says, it was one of the things she thought about when she was waiting for the bone marrow transplant, and Michael and I both say, folding laundry? She says she knows it’s silly, but it was the little things that she may never get to do that kept her up at night. She took comfort in thinking about being with him and their kids, doing the little things. Somehow, it gave her hope. She didn’t want to close her eyes because she thought she may never open them again. But she couldn’t sleep tonight because she knows now that she’s going to live, and she never wants to miss a single moment like this. He takes her hand.

Portia tells Curtis that she thinks this is too much too soon. It’s only his second day of recovery after his surgery, so… He says, this is not about the surgery. This is not about recovery. She says, but he’s asking her to leave him. It just doesn’t make any sense. He says he’s not asking, and she says she’s not leaving. She’s his wife. He says, on paper maybe, but they never consummated the marriage, so an annulment should be no problem. She says she’s not giving him an annulment. She knows he’s hurting right now, but she loves him. Big baby Curtis asks if she loved him when she found out he kissed Jordan, and she tells him, don’t do that please, but he says, no. Did she love him when she couldn’t stand to look at him for weeks on end? When was the last time they even spoke to each other before he became Curtis the victim. And when they did speak, what did they say? She says, they had an issue, yes. She wanted to make sure he didn’t still have feelings for his ex-wife, but when she saw him laying by the pool (that would be lying, but I’ll let it pass), and she thought she might lose him… He says, she thought what? Oh, this poor sucker needs me now? He has news for her – he doesn’t. He doesn’t need her pity.

Sam asks if she’s seeing something that’s not here, and Dante says, it’s not like Gladys is some criminal mastermind. Brando’s garage was sitting there, waiting to be sold. Maybe Selina Wu offered the most money for it. She says, what about when Cody and Spinelli tried to bluff Gladys into changing her witness statement? Spinelli said, Gladys wasn’t budging until Selina Wu stepped in and patched things up. Selina takes Gladys’s side, then she changes her witness statement and drops the charges against Cody? Coincidence? He says, there might be a connection, but does that mean Gladys has anything to do with Sasha stabbing Cody? Unless she’s got some proof. Sam says she doesn’t like Gladys, and he laughs. She says, Gladys just rubs her the wrong way. And before he says it, she knows as a P.I., she should never let her personal feelings get in the way of a case, but she doesn’t like Gladys. She gets the feeling Sonny doesn’t either. Maybe he only tolerates her because of Mike and Brando. He says, now Sasha, and she says, yes. He says, she knows how Sonny is with family, and she says, Dante wasn’t there when Mike went through his worst with Alzheimer’s. It killed Sonny seeing his father suffer that way. So maybe that made him more tolerant of Gladys. Dante says, it’s possible, and she says, on one hand, out of nowhere, Sasha stabs Cody. Then on the other hand, Gladys hates Cody, and tries to get him arrested and sent to prison for stealing a bracelet. Then she forms this relationship with Selina. Sam is desperate to form a connection. He says, she’s not the only one.

Portia says, Curtis told her last night in the ICU that he came to the MetroCourt pool because of something Sam said; that you never get enough time to spend with the ones you love. He told her that he loved her. Curtis says he was on heavy medication. He didn’t think… Never mind. She says, he didn’t think there was a possibility he may never walk again? but he tells her, that’s not what he was going to say. She sits on the bed, and says, he got a devastating prognosis last night. And she had to deliver it to him. She’s had to do that before with other patients, and they all react differently, but some of them react the same way he did; going on the internet, looking at all these worst-case scenarios. It just left them feeling like… He says, why doesn’t she stop telling him how he’s supposed to feel? and she says she’s trying to explain something to him. That he’s not the only spinal surgery patient to react this way, but he couldn’t be more wrong about why she’s here. She doesn’t pity him – he lets out a sigh, which he’s been doing periodically – she’s here because she loves him. He says, just stop, but she says, no, because he feels alone right now, but he’s not alone. She’s right here. Her, him, and Trina, they’re going to face this together. Big baby Curtis says, there is no way in hell that’s happening. Man, he is annoying the crap out of me.

Dex tells Josslyn that he saw this guy at the hospital. He matched the description of a guy who Sonny saw harassing Austin the night before. That might have been who Austin was talking to when Elizabeth caught him outside his office. Dex called Sonny, decided to follow him, and when he got outside, he found the guy’s body in the alley. Josslyn says (in case we didn’t get it the first time), so Sonny had Dex following Austin, then Austin had a meeting with some guy in his office, and a few minutes later, the guy was dead? Dex says, yeah. Isn’t she going to ask him? She says, ask him what? and he says, if I killed him.

Ava tells Sonny, Nikolas was enraged. He was so full of hatred. He said, by giving Spencer that recording, she had taken his baby away from him. She tried to reason with him, but he said he was going to take Avery away from her. He said he was a Cassadine, and there were place he could go where she’d never find Avery. And the last thing he said was, I’m going to tell Avery that you said goodbye. He started to leave, and she had to stop him. Sonny asks how she stopped him, and she says, there was a little statue on the table. Not thinking, she grabbed it, and she hit him. And he fell… and he was… Sonny says, dead. She nods, and he asks if she’s going to tell him how this Mason guy fits in here.

Portia says, Curtis told her that he wanted to know more about Trina. He said he wanted to get to know her better. He said… Curtis says, will she stop telling him about what he said before and listen? Listen to what he’s saying now. He will not be a burden to Trina. In fact, he thinks it’s best if he doesn’t see her again. Oh come on. It’s not like she has to tote him around, and they certainly have enough money to do whatever. Portia gets up and says, their daughter was sitting outside that ICU room for 24 hours straight. She was desperate to hear any word about how her father was doing. Trina broke down when she told Portia that the first words he said after waking up were, where’s my daughter? He has no idea how much that meant to her. She wants to be here. She wants to help him. She wants to support him. He says, parents are supposed to support their children, not the other way around. Just because he’s Trina’s father doesn’t mean she should be stuck nursing a pathetic man in a wheelchair. Portia asks if he knows how many people have suffered the same injury he has. And much worse. Some of them are in a wheelchair, yes. Some of them aren’t so lucky, but their lives are far from pathetic. They know their lives might not be what they’d once been, but they didn’t quit. They didn’t give up on their families. Is that what he’s going to do? If he can’t be the father he wants to be for Trina, then he’s not going to be a father at all?

Ava tells Sonny that she checked to see if Nikolas had a pulse, and just as she realized he didn’t, Austin started banging on the door. Sonny says, she let him in? and she says she tried to get rid of him; he wouldn’t leave. She told him that she had a business call and sent him up here to wait. She went down and got a wheelbarrow and brought Nikolas down to the tack room. She put him in a storage closet there and locked the door. She turned around, and Austin was standing there. He’d seen everything. Sonny asks if that’s when he blackmailed her, but she says, no. He helped her.

Josslyn says, Dex didn’t kill him, and he says he didn’t think she thought so, but… She says, he never would have told her anything if he had, because he wouldn’t want to lie to her. She knows he’s always going to do everything in his power to protect her. He says, everything? and she asks if the body’s still there. He says, no. He called Sonny, and Sonny told him to call the cops. She says, what? and he says he was surprised too. He figured Sonny would tell him to walk away, but Sonny told him to call the cops and tell them what happened. She asks, why? and he says he’s not sure. Maybe because it was right outside GH, and Sonny thought the surveillance cameras caught him. Maybe he wanted the body found for some reason? Either way, Dex is sure Sonny didn’t think the cop that would show up would be his son. She asks if Dante hassled him, and he says, Dante questioned him, and he told him exactly what Sonny wanted him to say. She asks if Dante thought Dex killed this guy. He’s the one who called it in. Dex says, he was just doing his job. But Dante knows he works for Sonny, and if any of Sonny’s guys had called it in, Dante would have been suspicious. He’s also very protective of Josslyn. She says she gets that, but she doesn’t need his protection. He says, Dante loves his father, but he knows a lot of what Sonny does, what he does, isn’t exactly legal. Dante’s just worried he’ll drag her into it somehow. Josslyn says, nothing and nobody is ever going to come between them, and they kiss.

Willow says, Michael helped her so much. His love was so important. Doctors talk about patients having the will to live. That’s what he and the kids gave her. He says, she fought so hard, and she says, because of him, and Wiley and Amelia. And because she was so determined to have moments like this. Deep down, she knew she might not win that battle, but she also knew that if she didn’t, Wiley and Amelia would be okay, because they had him; a father who would love them, put them first, and protect them. He says, when she wanted to talk about a future without her, he had to make himself say the things she wanted to hear. She says she remembers it was hard for him, and he says, they had to talk it through. She was weak and he had to reassure her, but never in his heart did he accept losing her. Maybe it was denial or clinging to hope, but he couldn’t imagine life without her. Now he doesn’t have to. She says, so he’s basically saying he was right all along, and he says he usually is, kissing her.

Sam asks why Dante was home late, and he says, someone reported a dead body in the alley outside GH. She says, any witnesses? and he says, one. He was sort of cooperative; he had a pretty convincing story. She says, story? Sounds like he’s not convinced. Does he know the guy? He says, Dex Heller. One of Sonny’s guys finds a dead body in the alleyway, who does she think his first call is to? She says, Sonny, and he says, right. And what does Sonny probably tell him? To walk away, right? But instead, Sonny told him to call the cops. Why would he do that? She asks if there was an ID on the body, and he says, yeah, but that’s on a need-to-know basis. She says, okay. So this on top of Cody getting stabbed. She thinks maybe they need a little distraction. I need a little distraction from the squeaky sounds their couch is making as they move around on it, and start getting busy. There’s a knock at the door, and Sam says, go away, but it’s persistent. Dante gets up, and opens the door to Cody, who says, what’s going on? Then falls inside.

Wiley is concerned that if Willow goes to his baseball game, it’s dirty and some of the kids will have germs. He doesn’t want her to get sick again. Michael says he’s amazing to be so concerned about his mom, but she’s getting stronger by the day. Willow says, the doctor told her that her immune system is getting stronger too. That’s what fights off the nasty germs. So she might not be able to come to his game next week or the week after, but she’ll definitely be there before the season’s over. Wiley says, then he’ll have his dad and his mom there, and Michael says, he sure will, but right now it’s very getting late. So finish his cookie, and then he has to go back to bed. Wiley says, it isn’t fair. Why does he have to sleep when everyone else is awake? Michael says, Amelia is asleep. Amelia starts to cry, Wiley says, uh-oh, and Willow laughs.

Curtis says, Portia is Trina’s mom. She shouldn’t want Trina tied down with him either. She’s a young woman in college. Portia should be encouraging her to get out there and live her life. She says, he can still be a part of Trina’s life. He’s still here. He says he can’t move his legs. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to walk again. He’s not the man she fell in love with, and he’s damn sure not the man who saved Trina from Victor Cassadine. And he can’t be anything less. She says, it’s just going to be different, that’s all, and he says, how? Pity? Consolation? Support? He doesn’t want any of that, least of all from his daughter. She says, they just want to be here for him, and he says he’s the one who’s living this. If she really wants to help, she’ll walk out the door and not come back.

Just a thought, but he would always be less than the man who saved Trina from Victor Cassadine. It’s not like it was going to happen again. Well, on a soap, it might, but you know what I mean. Curtis is just being a big baby, and it’s driving me nuts.

Sonny asks why Austin would want to help Ava, and she says, he tried to get her to call the cops. She convinced him that they’d never believe her; everybody knew how angry she was at Nikolas. He says, that’s for sure, and she says, after a while, Austin agreed to keep quiet, and they decided to leave Nikolas in the storage closet and decide what to do later. Then so much happened. Laura showed up here looking for Nikolas, and Ava realized she had to find a way to convince everybody he’d left town. Then she had to go to go to Portia’s wedding. She couldn’t afford to raise suspicions at all. He says, and all the while, Nikolas’s body is in the storage closet, and she says, yeah. She and Austin agreed to meet after the wedding. They decided they’d bury Nikolas in the Pine Barrens. It’s the safest place. That was the night Ryan and Heather showed up, and all hell broke loose. Austin was hooked and she shot Ryan, and Esme gave birth to Nikolas’s baby, and Heather… He says he gets it. It was a complicated night. She says, it certainly was, and then the cops came, swarming the island, looking for clues as to exactly what happened. it wasn’t long before they started to search the tack room. He says, and they found a locked storage closet, and she says she and Austin were there; they were jumping out of their skins. She tried to stall them. She told them she didn’t have a key. That wasn’t a problem for Dante though; he pried the door open with a crowbar. He says, and no Nikolas, and she says, at first she thought she didn’t kill him after all. Then a few minutes later, Mason started toying with them. He said he’d followed them out to the island that night, and he’d seen everything. Sonny says, and he took Nikolas’s body, and she says, with her DNA all over it. He’s been blackmailing her ever since. Sonny says, to spy on him.

Dante helps Cody to the sofa, and Sam asks what he’s doing out of the hospital. Cody says he checked himself out, and Dante says, they’re going to check him back in. Sam says she’s calling GH, but Cody says, no doctors, no hospital. Dante says, Cody is in rough shape, but Cody says he’s okay. He just overdid it a little. Sam says, they’re taking him back to GH, and he says he was in the hospital after Sasha stabbed him. If he goes back, it will just be worse for her, and she didn’t mean to hurt him. Sam said it herself; none of this makes any sense. Sam leaves to get the first aid kit, and Dante asks if Cody is sure he knows what he’s doing.

Amelia on her knee, Willow says she loves Wiley’s daddy so much, that’s how she knew she had to come home. She’s not going anywhere, so he has no reason to be afraid now. He asks if he can stay up all night, and Michael says, he can stay up as long as Amelia does. He tells Amelia, stay awake.

Cody’s wound is rebandaged, and he says he’s not going back to the hospital. Dante says, he has to understand something. Sasha’s already in Ferncliff for what she did to him. Him dying will make it worse for her, so maybe leaving the hospital wasn’t the greatest move. Cody says he knows. He just thought… He doesn’t know what he thought. None of this makes any sense. Sam says she doesn’t disagree with Cody, but Sasha stabbed him in front of a lot of witnesses. Her being at Ferncliff is what’s best for her and everyone else. Cody says, she doesn’t belong there, and Dante says, if that’s the case, they’ll figure that out. Oh yeah, sure they will. The same place that mistook Doc for Ryan for years. Cody says, Sasha was doing so well. She was getting stronger, then all of a sudden, out of nowhere… Sam says, Sasha is fragile, but Cody says, she isn’t fragile. She was doing so well, and it happened out of nowhere. He would bet everything he has that this has something to do with Gladys. Dante says, nothing is going to get solved tonight, and Cody needs to rest up. Cody says, he’s right. He’s sorry for crashing in on them. He’ll call a car to take him back to the Q’s. Dante and Sam make some faces at each other, and Sam rolls her eyes and goes upstairs.

Dex and Josslyn feed each other fruit (?), and she says, he still looks pretty hot. She rubs an ice cube on his chest and says, this better? He says, getting better and better. She looks hot too. He slides an ice cube up her arm to her neck and kisses her. They get busy. I’m finding this more awkwardly forced than romantic. Is this from the non-union writers?

Sonny gives Ava a martini, and she thanks him. He says he thinks she earned it. She’s been through hell. She says, it’s still there. She told him, Mason wants all the information he can get on Sonny and this Pikeman company. She told Mason that she couldn’t come up with anything, and that’s when he came up with the idea to replace Avery’s nanny with Betty. Betty said if Ava didn’t cooperate, they’d hurt her mother. She thinks they already have her. He says, nothing’s going to happen to Delia, but she says she doesn’t know if it’s going to be that easy. She knows Sonny is powerful, but Mason is genuinely afraid of these people that he works for, so they’ve got to be pretty powerful too. He says, don’t worry about it, and she says, okay, but remember the part where Mason has Nikolas’s body. She doesn’t want anything to happen to her mother, but she doesn’t want to go to prison. He says, she’s not going to prison. Her mother’s going to be safe. He’s going to take care of everything. He promises. I want a Sonny.

Curtis asks if Portia knows what he’s been thinking about the last 24 hours he’s been stuck in this bed. She says, please don’t do it, but he says he’s been thinking about what his life would have been like today if it weren’t for her lies. Even if he were stuck in a wheelchair, he would have known his daughter for twenty years now. Twenty years she took from him. She says she’s sorry. She explained to him… He says, sorry doesn’t matter now. Those years are gone because of her. He can never have them back. (I’m thinking, well, you’ve got plenty of time to catch up now…) Right now, he doesn’t give a good damn whether she wants to stay with him out of guilt, pity, or because she wants the insurance money – it ain’t happening. He doesn’t trust her. He doesn’t know her. And he doesn’t want her. Get out. He yells that he said get out, and she leaves.

Willow and Wiley are asleep on the sofa, and Michael asks if Amelia finds this memo as fascinating as he does. It’s the last one and he promises they’ll go off to Dreamland just like those two. Her mother and brother are pretty amazing. So is she. Her dad just happens to be the luckiest guy in the world.

Cody sleeps on the sofa, and Sam and Dante turn out the lights. In the hallway, Dante says he’s sorry he has a friend who thinks he can show up at any time. She tells him, stop it. Cody’s lucky to have a friend like him. Dante says, he has bad timing, and Sam says she thinks he’s going to sleep well tonight. They kiss, and she says, there’s no reason why they can’t pick up where they left off. He says, that’s the second best idea yet, picks her up, and carries her upstairs.

Dex and Josslyn get busy in bed as the candles burn down. Hey, where’s that super?

Ava leans against the parapet and remembers Sonny saying he’s going to take care of everything. He promises. She says she hopes he means that.

In his car on the phone, Sonny says he needs them to find somebody for him… Dead? Sure. Alive would be better.

Tomorrow, Curtis asks someone for a favor; Sam asks how Molly would feel if she never had kids; Felicia asks, what on earth is going on in here; Carly tells Nina that she’s going to get back every single thing she’s lost; and at Ferncliff, Sasha calls out, asking if anyone can hear her.

👨‍❤️‍👨 Still Going Strong…

I liked his Nikolas better than the other Nikolases. Nikoli? The part really suited him.

💌 Passing It On…

It’s amazing how he’s used his illness to help others, both on the show and off.

The Real Nightmare Housewives of Orange County

I saw Emily on Watch What Happens Live just before I watched this, and I dunno. She’s super thin, and claims she just used Ozempic to give her a jump start, then worked her ass off in the gym and changed her diet. She looks good, but doesn’t look like herself. The weird part is, I’d just been thinking how pretty she looks and how much like a Disney princess with those hairbands. Not anymore. She’s too slinky to be a Disney princess.

Shane gets his nose hairs waxed, and I can’t watch. Emily’s hoping everyone has a great time and relaxes at her pool party, and asks, how you can be fighting when there’s an adult Slip N Slide? Where there’s a Tamra, there’s a way. Jenn brings son Greyson to meet Taylor and her daughters Kennedy and Alexis for some boardwalk fun. In Jenn’s interview, she says, Taylor feels like they’re long lost sisters from Oklahoma. They take a ferry to the boardwalk action, and have corndogs. I think about the corndog I’m planning on eating at this year’s county fair. Taylor passes on the corndog because of her cotton candy reputation. She can just imagine. Shannon joins them.

Tamra meets Fancy Pants Heather for coffee, and wears camo pants I could live without. Fancy Pants says she felt like she was on an apology tour when they were at dinner, and Tamra says, the Jenn thing is fuzzy. Jenn assumes the stories Tamra is getting about Ryan are from a non-Fancy Pants Heather, who claims she and Ryan were just friends prior to Jenn hooking up with him. Tamra has some stupid idea about getting them together and the three of them being friends like they used to be. Jenn says, Tamra’s airing of her past dirty laundry is causing problems in her relationship, and Shannon identifies with the others discussing a relationship they’re not a part of. We flash back to various discussions about John.

Gina and Travis meet Matt and his new girlfriend, along with the kids, and in her interview, Gina says she loves having a big, blended family. The whole thing is pretty boring, as she goes blah-blah-blah about how she helped Matt since it was best for the family. She says, it wasn’t about making it go away, but learning to live with it.

Emily and Tamra meet for drinks, and I still don’t understand why Emily didn’t make a break for it while she could, since she’s now been replaced by a thinner, more swanky clone. Emily asks if Tamra’s relationship with Shannon is the same as it used to be, and Tamra says, it’s getting there. Emily tells Tamra that Fancy Pants was talking about Shannon’s relationship, and Tamra says, it makes her feel like Fancy Pants isn’t a good friend, and Shannon needs to know. Emily asks Tamra not to throw her under the bus, which is probably like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

Ryan seems supportive… The pool party commences, and Taylor suggests Jenn might like to be in a relationship without everyone else’s input. In Fancy Pants’ interview, she says she loves that Emily is assertive, but it’s off-putting when she shifts to being aggressive. Since Emily doesn’t mean it, she can get past it – usually. Like Fancy Pants has never been for real aggressive. Cue the video of her kicking everyone out of her house and pushing people aside before the entrée was even served. Jenn, dressed like she’s going to a funeral complete with hat and veil, is skeptical about being at a party with Tamra, but in Emily’s interview, she says, Tamra was drunk, and they’ve all been there. We flash back to each of them drunk to the point of more stupidity than usual. Emily not quite admits that she and Shane made sex tapes, and in Fancy Pants’ interview she said she doesn’t even like seeing herself on sitcoms.

Other Heather and Jenn have a sit down. Heather says, Jenn threatened her and was assuming she was the source of the Ryan gossip. We flash back to Tamra relaying everything to Jenn, saying, Heather told her, and Heather says, Jenn plays dumb. No surprise, the others discuss them as they watch from a distance, and Fancy Pants gives a report. In Tamra’s interview, she says, the whole reason she brought non-Fancy Pants Heather is because she wanted the three of them to talk it out. I’m not sure who she thinks she’s kidding. Nobody ever talks anything out on this show. They pretend to sometimes, but then it’s back on the merry-go-round. Heather tells Jenn that if she found out her man did what Ryan did, her heart would be broken, and in Jenn’s interview, she says, it’s not like it’s a Nancy Drew mystery, where she’s getting new information. Heather asks where her feelings are, when Shannon inserts herself, saying maybe Jenn wants to keep things between her and Ryan. (The nerve!) Emily comes by to check in, presumably as hostess, but come on. Other Heather says, Jenn isn’t standing up for herself and she loves Jenn. At this point, everyone is squeezed in there, and on the side, Taylor says she feels like she’s married to Ryan and she’s sick of him. Tamra tells Jenn that she overdrank, and apologizes. She says she just wants Jenn to be honest and strong. Jenn says she and Ryan didn’t know where things were going to end up, and they were taking some time. However, her idea of taking time wasn’t taking time with other people. What she didn’t need though, was everyone bringing it up again. In her interview, she says, the cycle is repeating itself. A Slip N Slide came out, along with a champagne gun.

This was so stupid I can’t even. The water got disgusting pretty quickly, and in Emily’s interview, she says, everyone in Orange County has a spray tan, and every pool party has brown water. Blech. Jenn makes an early exit, and in her interview, she says she’s exhausted. She can’t fake it as well as some of these people. Fancy Pants puts on a wetsuit to use the slide so her body doesn’t touch the ick. In her interview, Emily says, she’d envisioned a pool party with hot friends in bikinis. What she got was Shannon in Spanx, and Fancy Pants looking like a whale trainer at SeaWorld. It’s not Girls Gone Wild. It’s not even Cougars Gone Wild. It’s not even Grannies Gone Wild. It’s Nobody’s Gone Wild.

Jenn and Ryan go to a healer/therapist where the healer makes weird ohm-ish sounds. Their eyes are closed, but Ryan looks like he’s going to laugh, and I can’t blame him. Gina confesses in her interview that she buys jarred sauce, and tells Travis that she got approved to take the real estate exam. She’s going to shadow some agents in the meantime. In Gina’s interview, she says, passing her first exam was a confidence boost. Travis asks if she’s happy that her life took a turn, and she tells him that quitting drinking played a huge part in her processing the trauma she’d gone through. It scares her to think of being stuck in her former life because she’s so happy. Travis says, it’s a real fresh start.

Tamra and Shannon meet with Vicki for drinks and food (mostly drinks), and Vicki, who’s dating new man Michael, actually looks pretty good. Tamra was also on WWHL tonight, and she and Emily agreed that they thought Vicki would be back on the show. I don’t know if they had some inside knowledge or they were just throwing it out there, but Andy didn’t disagree. Shannon says, the tres amigas are back, and in Shannon’s interview, she says, it’s elevated to crazy fun when she gets together with Tamra and Vicki. They tequila up, and we flash back to all the shots they’ve ever had together. At least it felt that way. Shannon says she had a rocky year with Fancy Pants, but now it was better, and Tamra wonders if Fancy Pants can be trusted. Shannon says she believes Heather has a vault, but Tamra thinks otherwise. It gets confusing here, because out of the blue, Shannon tells Tamra, don’t bring it up. She and Tamra leave the table, and Shannon tells Tamra that her relationship is over if whatever-it-is is aired. Okay, they got my attention, but then…  

To be continued…

🍊 Going Deeper…

Although, how deep can it really get? This clarifies the end a little more, but not really.

🍸 VanderStrange…

Lala dishes on the upcoming season.

🚣‍♀️ With Help Like That…

This is actually a pretty fun show. They keep calling Sonja and LuAnn celebrities, so I guess they don’t get out much.

🐩 I Wouldn’t Normally…

While I’m not a fan of all those K’s, this pup definitely gets a heart-eyes emoji from me.

🐵 Congratulations, Sully…

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes… well, this happens.

🏰 Best and Final…

Make a return trip tomorrow for soap and teatime. Until then, stay safe, stay not occupying more space than you need on public transport, and stay not going on the internet and looking at worst case scenarios if you’ve gotten a devastating prognosis. Or probably any prognosis.

July 25, 2023 – Brook Makes a Bet With Chase, Final Molly, NJ Share, VanderClose, Shady But Smart, Odd Pets (!) & Night


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase brings Brook out to the pool, and she asks what they’re doing here. He says, there’s nowhere to dance in the restaurant, and he wants to dance with her. He spins her around, sings to her, and they dance. He dips her, and looking up, says, they can’t be here. They’ve got to go.

Portia goes into Curtis’s room, and says, hello, you handsome man. She could have sworn she told him to stay off the cellphone. He says he found a new website; this one from Harvard. He thinks he might be on to something. She tells him, please stop, and takes the phone out of his hand. He asks what she’s doing, and she says, saving him from himself.

Finn’s table is ready, and he and Elizabeth are seated. He tells her that she looks stunning, and she thanks him. She says, it seems busy here tonight. It’s a beautiful night; everyone wants to be outside. He says he can ask if they can have a table outside, but she says, no. She didn’t mean… She’s good. They’re fine in here. She doesn’t know why she’s nervous. It’s not like they haven’t had dinner before. He says, if it makes her feel any better, he’s nervous too. Don’t tell him that they’re finally on the same page. She says, it’s a really nice way to start over again; to be on the same page.

Dex tries to rouse Gordon, and says, hey! He kicks Gordon’s leg, but there’s no response. He takes out his phone.

Ava says, Sonny’s not interrupting. She’d like him to meet Betty. She’s the potential nanny for Avery. Betty shakes his hand, and says, what a pleasure to meet him. He says, it’s good to meet her. There’s nothing more important than his daughter. She says, of course (🍷), and his phone rings. He sees it’s Dex, and asks them to excuse him for a second. He leaves, and Betty tells Ava, remember their deal. She either sells Betty to Avery’s dad that she’s the perfect nanny, or someone she loves dearly will pay the price.

In the foyer, Sonny says he’s in the middle of something. This better be important. Dex says, unfortunately it is, and Sonny asks, what’s going on? Dex says, they have a problem.

Betty says, as a reminder, she’s going to need full access to Sonny’s penthouse. She’s done her part and provided Ava with a flawless résumé. She even has references to vouch for Betty’s her work as a nanny. Ava just needs to convince Sonny that she’s the ideal candidate to take care of Avery. Because if Ava doesn’t sell her, that phone call to Delia will be the last time Ava ever hears her mom’s voice again.

Sonny says he hopes Dex is clear on how he’s going to handle this… Great. Call him with an update. Sonny goes back into the living room, and says, sorry about that. Now where were they? Betty says, he doesn’t have to apologize. She’s so appreciative of the opportunity to be interviewed by him. From everything Ava tells her, becoming Avery’s nanny sounds like the perfect fit for her. Don’t worry. She’s worked with non-married parents before. She’s used to making sure both mom and dad are always happy with her work. Sonny says he’d love to hear what they’ve already discussed about Avery and her needs, and Ava says, anything. It’s really one of the most memorable interviews she’s conducted. Sonny smiles.

The waiter asks if he can start Finn and Elizabeth off with cocktails. Perhaps a bottle of wine? Elizabeth says, a bottle won’t be necessary, but she’d love a glass of cabernet, and Finn says he’ll have the sparkling water. The waiter leaves, and Finn thanks Elizabeth for ordering what she wanted. Sometimes it’s awkward for a non-addict to be out with a recovering addict. They feel like they have to abstain. Like somehow ordering a glass of wine will be a temptation for him. He appreciates her not treating him that way, and also doesn’t want to spend the evening talking about him not drinking, which is exactly what he’s doing, isn’t it? She says, how about if tonight is just about them spending time together? She thinks that’s the point of what they’re trying to do. She’s missed spending time with him. He says he’s missed her.

Portia says, all the websites Curtis is trying to get information on, he doesn’t know if the information is true or not, and he says he didn’t want to just sit here helpless, wondering what comes next. She says, medical website after medical website. She thought he’d at least be checking the baseball game scores or something. It’s not healthy. He says, baseball scores don’t seem all that important at this point, and she says, he’s been glued to this phone almost 24 hours straight, and she knows it’s probably making him a little bit crazy. He says, what’s making him crazy is taking test after test for the last 24 hours, and not getting any news on the results, good or bad. Not a damn thing. He can’t move his legs, and yes, he’s finding the internet a little more helpful than his doctors. She says, his doctors don’t want to give him a premature diagnosis, and he says, some information is better than none. She says, but the information he’s getting online… Isn’t it better to talk a doctor with an actual medical degree? He says he feels like he’s being handled. Does she think that’s helping him? She says she understands what he’s saying. She doesn’t know how he feels, but she can imagine he’s feeling like his life is out of control. She knows him, and knows that has to be hard for him, but going on the internet and looking at these websites… Can’t he see that he’s torturing himself? He says, it’s his phone. It’s his injury. It’s his choice. He wants his phone back. She says she’ll give him his phone back under one condition.

Chase and Brook look at the Pool Area Closed sign, and Brook wonders why they closed the pool on such a beautiful night. He says he doesn’t know. He guesses he could go inside and see if there are any tables available. She says, or they could stay out here and pretend they didn’t see the sign, but he says he’s a police officer. She says, who’s off-duty, but he says he’s still a cop. It’s literally his job to enforce the rules. She says, yes, but she’s a Quartermaine, and they break the rules. Besides, her Uncle Sonny’s fiancé owns half the MetroCourt, and the other half is owned by her dad’s wife… even though her dad doesn’t currently know who he is or won’t admit it. He asks, how is the Eddie Maine situation? and she says, whether her dad knows who he is or not is not going to be solved tonight. Tonight is just about them. So in light of her special standing with the MetroCourt owners, will he please just break the rules with her just this once?

Ava tells Sonny that Betty has a degree in Early Childhood Development, and her references are excellent. And like Betty said, she has experience in working with kids who split their time within parents, so she understands the rules might be a little bit different in each home. He says, sounds good, and Ava says, Betty’s warm and friendly, and she’s confident Betty would be a very good fit for Avery. Sonny asks if Ava talked to her about Avery’s hobbies, and Ava says, of course (🍷). They talked about how Avery loves crafts, and Betty is a bit of a budding artist herself. And they talked about outings at children’s museums. Sonny says he knows Avery is going to miss Pilar, but this confidence Ava has in Betty goes a long way in persuading him.

Dante shows up in the alley, and says, so Dex is the one who called in a dead body. Dex says he’s not totally sure he’s dead. He didn’t want to touch the body, but he seems dead. Bennet joins them, and asks, where is it? Dex says, follow him, and takes them to Gordon. Dante puts on gloves and checks Gordon’s pulse, and says, yep, he’s a dead guy. He turns Gordon over, and there’s blood on the front of his shirt. Dante says, they’re going to need forensics down here, and Bennet says he’s on it. He leaves, and Dante asks what Dex thinks. Does Dex recognize him? Does Dex think he could be a known associate of Sonny’s?

Portia gives Curtis back his phone, giggles, and leaves.

Finn gets a text from the babysitter, and says he’ll ignore it, but Elizabeth insists he check his phone. He tells her the text said Violet went to bed on time, no problem. This is the time when she negotiates for staying up later or extra stories. Just like that, and not ask for anything? There’s something going on. She says, there are no problems with the boys either, and asks if he told Violet they were going out to dinner. He says he did. Did she tell the boys? She says, no, but she has the feeling Violet may have told them.

Chase and Brook come back to the pool with drinks, and Chase says he’s never had an old fashioned. Brook says, it’s one of her favorite summertime drinks, and he takes a sip, saying, it is good. They sit on chaise lounges, and she says, it’s nice having the pool all to themselves. He says, as long as they don’t get busted, and Brook says she’s going to ask Chase’s dad if he was always such a rule follower. Chase says, then he’s going to ask Ned if she was always such a rule breaker, and she says she bets he’d say she was. Now that she thinks about it, both of her parents encouraged her to break the rules, in their own ways. He says he actually went through a rebellious phase, and she says she’ll need to know more details. He says he can prove it. He had a motorcycle. He used to go skinny-dipping in the lake, and he’d spend all night at the casino. She says, him on a motorcycle, very hot. The gambling, she could take it or leave it, but the skinny-dipping? She doesn’t believe it. He says, Scout’s honor, and she says, prove it.

Betty leaves, and Sonny asks Ava, what’s going on? but she says, nothing is going on. He knows she hasn’t been happy with Pilar, and she’s trying to find a nanny they can agree on. He says, stop right there. Who’s that Betty woman, and what does she have on you?

Curtis reads, unfortunately, there’s no way to reverse damage to the spinal cord. Treatment can improve this person’s quality of life, but this condition can’t be cured. Portia comes back with a takeout shopping bag, and says she has their dinner. She knows it’s piping hot because she waited at the front door for the delivery guy to drop it off. She starts setting up the food, and says she’s sure they thought she was waiting for an ambulance with a patient in it. Curtis opens his container and takes a bite of spaghetti. He says, it’s good, and puts the container back down. He says, good call. Much better than hospital food. He feels better already.

Finn says, so Elizabeth thinks Violet told Jake and Aiden that they were on a date tonight? She says, look at this text from Jake, and he reads, enjoy dinner, mom. She says she didn’t tell him that she was having dinner. She just said she’d be home later. He says, so Violet texted Jake and Aiden, and said they were out to dinner. So be on their best behavior, so there wouldn’t be any reason to end the date early. She says, those boys would do anything for her, but to give them fair credit, ever since Cameron went away to college, they’ve gotten really good at taking care of themselves. He asks how much she misses Cam, and she says she tries not to focus on him being gone. It’s not like he was home much anyway; between soccer, and working at Kelly’s, and dating Josslyn. The good news is, he’s thriving at school, and every text she gets, he sounds incredibly happy. She thinks it’s fair to say he’s living his best life. He says he’s glad Cam’s having a good time, but she glossed over his question. She says she misses him so much, it physically hurts.

Forensics does their thing, and Dante asks Dex if the guy works for Sonny or not. Dex says, Dante will have to ask his dad himself. Bennet asks how Dex wound up in this alley, and Dex says he was leaving General Hospital and walking home. Bennet says, through an alley? but Dex says he wasn’t cutting through the alley. He went to throw his cup away in the dumpster and saw the guy’s feet sticking out. Bennet asks if that’s when he called the police, but Dex says, no. He decided he needed a few more details, so he moved closer to the man’s body and saw that he wasn’t moving. That’s when he called it in. Dante says, so tell him, what was he doing at General Hospital?

Sonny says, Ava is scared; he can tell. And it takes a lot to frighten her. She says she really thought she was covering it better than that, and he says, for most people, but not for him. He was just playing along, saying how perfect this nanny was. She says she’s glad he did, and he says, who are they threatening? She says her biological mother, Delia. She lives in Manhattan, and they said they would target her if Ava didn’t get this Betty in position with access to Sonny’s penthouse. He says, son of a bitch, and she says she’s sorry. She didn’t really have a choice. He says he needs more answers from her. Why are they making these threats against her? What do they have to do with him? And more important, if it involves his daughter, why is he hearing about this now?

Chase says, what does Brook mean, prove it? and she says, if he’s telling the truth and he’s so comfortable skinny-dipping, then he should have no problem getting in the pool and doing it right here. He says, what? and she laughs. She says she’s the only one here and she’s already seen it all. So go for it, bad boy. He says, okay. He’ll do it if she’ll join him. She says, this is his thing, and he says, chicken. She says she’s not chicken; she’s just being a lady. He says he has a better idea. How about a little friendly competition? Loser has to jump in the pool – buck naked. She says, he knows she loves a good challenge. What’s the bet?

Elizabeth tells Finn that she knows being in California is good for Cameron. Having his first love break his heart was so painful. He needs to start over. And now he’s on the soccer team. Finn says, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss him, and she says she’s already thinking it’s not that far away that Jake’s going to be in college. She can’t even imagine Aiden leaving her. They’re growing up. They’re becoming more independent by the day. He says, she did an amazing job raising him, and she thanks him. She says she’s really proud of them. It does make her sad that Cameron’s childhood is basically over, and soon Jake and Aiden’s will be too. She’s really grateful the Head Nurse position came around when it did. It’s going to keep her busy. He says, now she has less free time than anyone he knows, and she laughs. He says, can he ask her a question? Tell him all the things she’d do if she had all the time in the world.

Portia and Curtis finish dinner, and she says, it was good, wasn’t it? It makes her regret letting her cooking skills slide over the years. He says he didn’t realize how much she enjoyed cooking, and she says, especially when Trina was younger. She would arrange her work schedule so she’d be home in time to cook dinner. Then when Trina got home, she’d sit at the dining room table and do her homework while she cooked. It was kind of their time to connect and tell each other about their day. She says she’s sorry. She’s just realizing, he may not want to hear about Trina’s childhood, because he wasn’t there… He says he’s not feeling that way at all. He’s eager to learn about how Trina was growing up. It makes him happy to know they have such a special connection, and he wants to know all there is to know about his daughter. She says, good. She’ll be glad to let him know all there is to know about Trina’s past. Because Trina and Curtis are going to work out their future together. He says he knows that too.

Ava says, there’s a man, Mason Gatlin, and Sonny says, Gatlin as in Austin Gatlin-Holt? She says, apparently, he’s Austin’s cousin from Pautuck. He’s been pressuring – and by pressuring she means threatening – her to get information about Sonny and this company Pikeman. He says, there’s got to be more to the story than that, but she says she doesn’t know anything more. Mason is really just following orders of whoever’s pulling the strings. Mason told her to search Sonny’s penthouse. The only time she was left there alone, she tried, but of course (🍷) he keeps his home office locked. Then Pilar showed up so that put an end to any potential snooping. She told Mason that she couldn’t give him what he wanted, and he came up with the idea to replace Avery’s nanny with a nanny he could control. Sonny says, so this Mason is making threats against Ava to get information on him. Can she fill him in on one more thing? Where does her boyfriend Austin fit in to all this?

Chase tells Brook, they’re using this bowl of nuts as their competition. Whoever can throw and catch the most peanuts in their mouth, wins. The loser has to get in the pool, nekkid. She asks if he just said nekkid. He’s so immature. He says, they’re two grown adults making a bet about who’s going skinny-dipping in the pool of one of the nicest hotels. He thinks all of this is a little immature. She says, not to mention breaking the rules, and he says he already told her that he can break the rules. She’s says, okay, and he tells her to go first. She’s pretty good at this, and he asks if she practices at night. She finally misses one, and says, eight. He takes the bowl, and he’s not bad either. He tells her that he got nine in a row and it beats eight. She’s going in.

Bennet tells Dante that the dead guy’s license says his name is Gordon Stevens. They’re doing a record check to see if he has any prior arrests, and they’re still waiting on the official autopsy report. Dante tells Bennet to let him know when it comes back, and goes over to Dex, who asks if he’s free to go. Dante says, he’s not. He still hasn’t answered Dante’s question. What was he doing at GH? Dex says he was there checking on Curtis Ashford.

Ava tells Sonny, trust her. Masons been threatening and blackmailing Austin just like he’s been doing to her. Austin doesn’t want to have anything to do with his cousin, but so far, he hasn’t found a way to get out from under him. In fact, Austin’s been scrambling to help her. Sonny says, it was Austin who conveniently found Avery who was lost at the park, and Ava wasn’t just a concerned mother. She immediately insisted Avery was kidnapped. She says, Austin orchestrated the whole thing as a way for Sonny to lose faith in Pilar. She was no part of the plan; he did it on his own. She had no knowledge of it whatsoever. He says, so the goal was to get Pilar fired so she’d be replaced with a plant from Mason, is that right? Ava says, believe her. She was furious about it too, but please keep in mind Avery was never in any actual real danger. She wasn’t even frightened. She just ran off after a balloon. Sonny says, that’s why it makes sense that Pilar got that call from her grandma. Whatever differences he and Ava have had in the past, he knows she would never endanger their child. She says, of course (🍷) not, and he says, why did she not tell him about this the minute she heard they were planning on planting a nanny to take care of their daughter?

Portia tells Curtis that she doesn’t know if her pomodoro is as good as the restaurant’s, but hers was still good, if she does say so herself. Cooking for her loved ones always made her so happy. He says he can see that, and she says she thinks when Trina went off to college is when she stopped cooking. Her work schedule got so busy, and she relied more and more on take-out, and the food delivery apps are too convenient. But now that she’ll be cutting back on her hours at work, she’s going to make it a priority to be home in time to cook dinner. He asks, why exactly is she cutting back on work hours?

Brook says she thinks they should make it best two out of three, and Chase asks, why? He already won. Why would he mess with that? She asks if he’s saying he’s convinced he won’t beat her again, and he says, no. He’s saying he already won. Why would he gamble on a sure thing? Unless she’s saying she’s not willing to pay up on what they agreed on. She tells him, of course (🍷) she’s not saying that. A bet is a bet, and she never backs out of a bet. She starts to unbutton her dress, and says, what about the security cameras here? He says, she wasn’t concerned about security cameras when she thought he was the one who was going to be doing the striptease, and she says, he expects a strip show? He says, she’s damn right, and she says, in that case, she’ll need some inspiration. She kisses him, and he gets up and starts taking off his clothes. She asks what he’s doing; he won. He tells her, let’s just say, he’s willing to pay for her bet. Because that kiss was more than worth it. He gets nakey, and jumps in the pool.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she doesn’t think about it very often because there’s just not enough time, but every now and then she thinks about going back to painting. He says, she likes to paint? and she says she did it for years, then got back into it when she fell in love with Franco… Oh, that was weird. Was that weird? Sorry. He says, don’t apologize. That’s not weird at all. He knows it’s hard to believe, but he’s had past relationships too. She says she knows, and he says, sometimes it’s hard to shake those histories. She loved Franco; he loved her. Finn can see why. The host says, sorry to interrupt, but the kitchen is closing soon. Would they like to order dessert? Elizabeth says, oh my goodness. They’re the last people here. Finn says he’s sorry they kept the staff late, but the host says, not a problem. They can have the table as long as they want. Finn says, it’s up to her. Does she want dessert? She says she’d love that, and the host leaves. So does he guess?

Brook holds up a towel, and Chase gets out. He says he told her that he could prove it, and thanks her for the towel as he puts it around him. She thanks him for what he did, and the view was impressive. She wants to keep it to herself and doesn’t want the MetroCourt guests getting an eyeful. Not to mention, if he’d gotten caught skinny-dipping in the pool, the hotel would have called the cops – also known as his colleagues – and it would have been really embarrassing. He says, it’s just a misdemeanor, but now she knows that he’s willing to break the rules for her. They kiss.

Elizabeth and Finn share what looks like chocolate lava cake, and Elizabeth says, this is so decadent. Not like her at all. He asks if she’s talking about the dessert, and she says, the dessert, being the last people in the restaurant, keeping the waiter late… She asks if he doesn’t want anymore, and he says he wants more, and kisses her.

Portia says she’s cutting back on her hours at work so she can spend more time with Curtis at the hospital. She knows how eager he is to get home, but they both have to face the fact that his recovery is going to be a process. His prognosis hasn’t been determined yet, and they just don’t know so many things. They don’t know if he’s lost the use of his legs short-term or maybe longer, but either way, they’ll adapt. He says, she sounds like she has some very specific thoughts in mind, and she says, as much as she loves their beach house, there’s a lot of stairs in that house. Maybe it would better suit them to rent someplace that’s all one-level, so he doesn’t have to deal with any stairs at all. He says he doesn’t want them to give up their home, but she says she’s just trying to plan for their future. They can hire a contractor. A contractor can modify the house and make it more livable for Curtis. Curtis says, no. That’s not what they’re going to do. If he’s never going to walk again… She says, they don’t know that’s the case, and he says, but it’s a likely possibility. And if that is the case, she’s not going to remodel their home. What she’s going to do is let him go. Ugh. I hate when they play martyr.

Dex tells Dante that he and Josslyn were in the park with Trina the night Curtis got shot. They took Trina to the hospital. She’s been so worried about her father, and she’s Joss’s best friend. So that’s what they were doing. Dante says, wow. That’s nice of him. He was convinced Dex was doing something for Sonny at the hospital. Bennet tells Dante to come look at the records check on the victim, and Dante tells Dex, wait here. Dante comes back in a hot second, and tells Dex that he’s free to go. If they have any more questions, they’ll find him. Actually, this guy is from Pautuck and did time in Pentenville. Any of that ring a bell with him?

Sonny says, if this Mason character has been threatening Ava for months, especially if she knew it involved their daughter, why didn’t she come to him? She says she thought she could handle it herself… and Sonny yells, this Mason guy has something on her. He has leverage. What is it? What does Mason know that he doesn’t? What? She says, he knows that she killed Nikolas.

Tomorrow, Josslyn asks who Dex was expecting; Ava says she’ll do what she can to protect her; Sonny says he’s going to take care of everything; and Curtis says, there’s no way in hell that is happening.

🚪 Closing the Door…

Thank God they finally picked a lane.

👠 Not Who You Think…

How do you finesse going to prison into not hurting each other?

🗽 Six Degrees Of LVP…

I have to admit I’m surprised. She wasn’t too impressive on RHONY, and came off as an immature, spoiled brat.

🍸 Must Be In the Water…

More surprises. Why is she giving out the awful advice that Rachel/ Raquel/Rachel should milk the Scandoval cow?

On the other hand, can’t blame her here. Suckerfish Hoppy was quite the nightmare.

🦥 You Too Can Have Weird…

They’re still cute.

🚬 Dave’s Not Here…

Join me tomorrow for soap and kicking a few oranges around the OC. Until then, stay safe, stay exercising self-control, and stay not going for best two out of three if you’ve already won.

July 24, 2023 – Carly Has a Back-Up Plan, Not Out, Wives In the City, VanderSnakes, Post Deck, Dogs (!) & Wasting


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Elizabeth gives a nurse some instructions, and the nurse says, thanks, boss. Finn says, boss has kind of a nice ring to it, and she says, if you’re a Springsteen fan. He says, that’s him; born to run. Is she clocking out for the night? She says she is, and he says, good. Remember when they were talking about being more direct with one another? In the spirit of being more direct… He’s going to stop talking and just ask this. Would she like to have dinner with him tonight?

At Windymere, Ava’s phone rings, but she says she can’t talk right now. She’s about to meet the nanny Mason has forced on her. Austin says, everything is going to be just fine. Have a martini. She says, done, looking at her nearly empty glass. This nanny is just here to spy on Sonny. Avery won’t be in any danger, right? He says, no. The only way Avery’s in danger is if they don’t do what Mason says. If they play along, everything will be okay. He should go though. Call him later with the details. His phone buzzes, and he sees a text from Mason: We’ve got trouble. Your office. Now! Dex watches him from down the hall, then follows.

Outside the gatehouse, Michael and Wiley have a play sword fight with… I don’t know what that is, but it lights up and looks like a thin, wobbly pool noodle. Willow comes to the door, and Wiley asks if they can stay out longer. Michael says, sure, but he needs to talk to Wiley’s mom for a second. He asks if Willow has heard from Nina, but she says, not a word. This isn’t like her. Wouldn’t Nina reach out and let her know if she couldn’t come? She hopes nothing’s wrong. Michael says he wasn’t looking forward to Nina seeing the kids, but went along with it for support. They kept Wiley out of camp for two days, so it would be safe for her to visit in the bubble. They went out of their way, and she doesn’t even show up. Willow is sure there must be a reasonable explanation; something came up at the last minute. He asks, what’s more important than Nina seeing her child and grandchild?

At the hospital, Sonny tells Nina not to worry about it. He has a lot of contacts at Ferncliff, and he’ll have someone look out for Sasha while they sort this out. She says she’s so worried about Sasha, but thanks him so much for helping. He’s always there for her and the people she cares about, and she appreciates that. She hugs him, and says, she’s supposed to be at the gatehouse. She’s supposed to visit with Willow and the kids, and Willow is going to think she doesn’t care. He tells her that she needs to relax. They’ll understand when she tells them what’s going on with Sasha. She says, all right. Willow will understand and not hold it against her, but she knows someone else who might. He says, like who? and I wonder if he has short term memory loss.

Carly goes inside Kelly’s, talks to a woman, then flips the sign to Closed.

Cyrus is putting books away in the prison library, when Drew walks in. He says, they got interrupted at the visiting center, but he wasn’t done with Cyrus, and Cyrus says, clearly Drew has anger toward him for some reason. The Good Book has taught him peace and patience, so it’s better not to let things escalate. Drew says, they wouldn’t escalate if Cyrus would answer the question. Is he responsible for Curtis getting shot or not?

Elizabeth wonders if Finn is asking her out on a date, and he says, yes, he is. She says, well, this is awkward, and he asks if it’s awkward because she’s turning him down, or is it awkward because she can’t say no. She says, it’s awkward because she was planning on asking him out tonight, and he beat her to it. In fact, she already made reservations… and they both say, at the Port Charles Grill. He says he did too. One of them is going to have to change their reservation. She says she’ll cancel. She doesn’t think his reputation can take the hit as well as hers. He says, she’s right; he’s a mess. A mess that’s looking forward to seeing her tonight.

Yuri comes out of the elevator, and Terry hugs him, saying, what a great surprise. For me too. It’s been so long, I forgot they’d gone out. She says she thought he was still helping Mayor Collins and Valentin in Russia, and he says, he had a very difficult journey to make sure they had safe passage north. He had local people he knows to help them travel as far as they can, but it’s still a dangerous trip. She says, he’s incredible to risk his safety for them. It’s just another reason she’s crazy about him. He says, crazy? and she says, it means she really likes him and she’s glad he’s back. She can’t stop thinking about him. He says he thinks about her all the time, which is why he’s here. There’s something important he needs to discuss with her.

Cyrus shows Drew a book, and says, Thoreau wrote this work in a place like this. Unlike Drew, he made good use of his incarceration. He didn’t antagonize others. Drew says, answer the question, and Cyrus asks, what is this incident he’s referring to? Drew says, there was a shooting at the MetroCourt pool. His friend Curtis Ashford was hit. Cyrus remembers him, right? Cyrus says, Curtis was of little interest to him until Jordan and Taggert dragged him into their affairs. So why would he care what happens to him? Drew says, maybe he doesn’t, but Curtis wasn’t the only one there; Sonny Corinthos was also there. They both know Cyrus would love nothing more than to take him out.

Carly walks around an empty Kelly’s, when Josslyn knocks at the door. Carly asks what she’s doing here, and Josslyn says she wanted to talk to Carly. She came in late last night, left early this morning, and Josslyn had to track her down on the family app. Carly asks if everything is okay, and Josslyn says she got a call from a classmate’s mother. She asked Josslyn to put in a good word for her, and let Carly know she was interested. Carly says, interested in what? and Josslyn says, their house. Apparently, Carly is selling it.

Sonny says, if Nina thinks Carly and Michael will hold it against her, she’s got that wrong. They would understand she’s late visiting Willow because of the Sasha situation. They’re not going to blame her. She says, he’s right. She’s so sorry. She thinks because she’s worried about Sasha, her frustration is misplaced. If she blames Carly and Michael, it takes away a little bit of that fear, and she’s sorry. He says, they’re all thinking about Sasha, especially her, since Nina thought Sasha was her daughter. She needs to go to Willow, tell her about Sasha. He has to meet with Ava tonight, so he’ll give her an update. She kisses him, and says, he always knows what to say to her to make her feel better. Wish her luck – she crosses her fingers – and she’ll check in later. She leaves, and he takes out his phone.

Austin says, this better be good, and goes into his office. Mason is there with Gordon.

Butler Giles tells Ava that her appointment, Miss Rutherford, has arrived, and a woman walks in. Ava says she’s so happy to meet her, and Betty says she’s so happy Ava chose her resume. She’s never met anyone who has their own butler. Ava says she tried managing things on her own, but things were falling through the cracks. Betty says she bets; this place is huge. Ava takes out Betty’s resume, and thanks Giles, telling him, that will be all. He leaves, and Ava says she sees Betty majored in Early Child Development. Betty says, let’s stop, shall we? That relic Ava calls a butler is gone, so drop the formality. Her resume could say she studied under Mother Teresa, and it still wouldn’t matter. They both know this job is hers, and there’s nothing Ava can do about it.

Terry asks if everything is okay, and Yuri says, da, but while he was away, he realized it’s been one year since they started seeing each other. She says she can’t believe it’s been a year since the Quartermaine picnic, and he says, and the Sicilian Thunderbolt🌩. She says she’s never been happier than this past year, and it’s because of him. He says he feels much the same, which is why he feels the time is right to give her something. He reaches into his jacket pocket, and hands her a small box. She takes out a key on a lightning bolt keychain, and he says, it’s the key to his apartment. He’d like her to come and go as she pleases, even if she has a late hospital shift. She sees Finn and Elizabeth, and Yuri says he knows it’s a big step… She says she hates to cut him off, but there’s something important she has to take care of first. Please don’t go. She runs off.

Elizabeth says, there are a few things she has to take care of first, then she has to change. Keep in mind, she’s getting ready in the locker room, and he says he’s sure she’ll look amazing. See her at 8? She says, okay, and by the way, she’s buying; no argument. He says, that’s ridiculous, but she’s gone. Terry says she takes it that’s a good sign for both of them, but Finn says his lips are sealed. She says, fair enough, but if he has a moment, she’d like to speak with him. It’s been weeks, and he hasn’t followed up. He says, about…? and she says, her offer? About becoming Co-Chief.

Yuri’s phone rings, and sees it’s a call from Valentin.

Cyrus says he has no idea what Drew is talking about. His only interest now is in knowing God and doing His work. Drew says, Cyrus doesn’t expect him to believe that, does he? and Cyrus says, Drew shouldn’t, given his reputation and past misdeeds. Drew has to take his word for it, but that would require Drew having faith in him. He and Curtis risked their lives bringing his nephew home after he fell into Victor’s clutches. So he would never bring harm upon Drew or Mr. Ashford. Quite the contrary; he’s forever in Drew’s debt. Book (remember him?) and a cohort walk in.

Josslyn asks why Carly wouldn’t tell her that she put the house on the market, and Carly says, she told Josslyn they had to downsize. She assumed Josslyn knew that meant selling the house. Josslyn says she didn’t know that. Carly never made that official. Carly says she just wanted to have an open house to see what kind of offers she’d get. Selling the house is the last thing she wants to do. She watched her kids grow up there. It’s special to her. Josslyn says, please let her help. She doesn’t care about dipping into her trust fund. Carly says she can’t accept any financial help from Drew, Sonny, or Michael because of legal implications. There’s no way in hell she’s dragging Josslyn into it. And besides, she has a back-up plan. Josslyn says, and what would that be? and Carly says, she’s looking at it.

There’s a knock at the gatehouse door, and Michael opens it, telling Nina that she’s late. Amelia is asleep and Wiley is about to go to bed. Willow says, it’s late, and Nina says she’s so sorry. She sees Wiley, who hugs her, and says he hasn’t seen her in a long time. Nina says she knows. She heard he was a very brave boy when mommy was sick. He nods, and Michael asks if he can talk to Grandma Nina for a second. They go over to the sofa, and Michael says, they don’t need Nina bringing up the fact that Wiley’s mommy was sick. He has to live with every single day. Also, she’s supposed to be here to visit Willow. She can’t have the decency to show up on time? Nina says she understands they’re upset, but can she explain why she was late? She was at the hospital. Willow asks if everything is okay, but Nina says, no. It’s Sasha, and she’s far from okay.

Sonny asks what Dex found out, and Dex says, he did exactly as Sonny told him. He kept eyes on Dr. Gatlin-Holt since yesterday at the Grill. Nothing really to report. Then he seemed a little agitated after he got a text message, and he bolted and went to his office. Sonny says he wants Dex to stay with him; see what he can find out. Dex leaves.

Ava tosses the resume on the table, and says, it didn’t take Betty long to drop the Fräulein Maria act. She wasn’t sure how this was going to play out. Was she an unwitting accomplice or an eager associate to Mason? Betty says she’ll spell it out for Ava. When her kid’s father arrives, Ava is going to gush over how impressed she is by Betty, and she’s perfect for the job. Ava asks, what makes her think Sonny Corinthos is going to be fooled by her? He’s come across a lot of con artists in his day. Betty says, in case she wasn’t clear, selling her to Corinthos is Ava’s job, not hers. And Ava’s pitch better be convincing, because there will be consequences if she fails. Ava says, Mason’s made it very clear he has her life in his hands. She’s very well aware of the consequences. Betty says, but it’s not just Ava’s life. How long has it been since she called her mother?

Ava says, this isn’t the first time her mother’s been mentioned, and Betty suggests she give Delia a ring, and ask for herself. She hands Ava her phone, and says she bets the sunsets are gorgeous from up here. Betty goes out on the terrace, and Ava makes the call.

Dex skulks around Austin’s office, and Elizabeth asks if there’s something she can help him with.

Mason says, it seems Gordon here wants to extract some additional funds from them, and Austin says, that’s what he hears. Mason tells Gordon, that was never part of the plan, and he knows it, and Gordon says, plans change. They never told him that he’d be in Sonny Corinthos’s crosshairs. That wasn’t part of the deal. He guesses Austin’s cousin didn’t tell him. Corinthos seems awfully protective of Austin here. Makes him think he’s going to need some more coin to stay quiet. A hundred grand should do it. Show him the money before he tells Corinthos what they’ve been doing behind his back.

Ava asks what took Delia so long to pick up… She’s sorry. She knows it’s been a long time since she’s called. Things have been pretty hectic, but she misses Delia, and just wanted to say hi and make sure she’s okay… She has a date, does she?… Wait. What does she mean, he’s the dangerous type?

Michael says he doesn’t believe this. He thought Sasha was doing so much better. Nina says she did too. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. Michael says he’ll make some calls and see what he can find out. he leaves, and Nina says she feels like all she’s been doing since she walked in is apologizing. She didn’t mean to upset Willow, but thought she deserved to know what’s going on. Willow says she appreciates it, and it’s better to hear it from Nina than see it on the news. Nina looks at Wiley, and says, he seems so happy and carefree. Nice reminder to them as adults to look at the positive things when things are really challenging. Willow says she knows. She was so afraid her illness was going to affect Wiley’s spirit, and she looks at that sweet smile on his face… Kids are so resilient. Nina says, if anyone asked her, she’d say he gets it from Willow. If she ever comes on too strong, Willow will let her know, right? And she’ll do better. Willow says, she’s already been better. Willow’s noticed Nina’s been trying harder, especially when it comes to Carly, and she appreciates that.

Carly tells Josslyn to sit down, and they do. She says, Josslyn knows grandma went to Amsterdam to get Luke’s affairs in order, right? and Josslyn says, that’s why the hours in Kelly’s were cut back this summer. She’s not following. Carly says she was debating on whether to sell the house or not, when Diane found a loophole that could help her get back on her feet financially. The State of New York and the federal government recognizes that a parent can give their child a property or a business. Josslyn asks if she’s saying she owns Kelly’s now, and Carly says she sure does. She’s been entrusted with their family institution.

Book asks, who’s the librarian? He was telling his friend about Pet Sematary. Why doesn’t Cyrus go fetch that book for them? Cyrus starts to go, but Drew says, he doesn’t have to do that. They may not realize, but these shelves are cataloged. They could probably find it themselves. Book says he guesses Drew is right. It must have taken a long time to organize these shelves. He starts pulling books off the shelves and onto the floor, but when he reaches for the cart, Drew grabs him. Book asks if they have a problem here, and Drew says, yeah. They do.

Book says he knows who Drew is. He’s that pencil pushing CEO. How did he get tossed in with them? Drew says he’s also an ex-Navy SEAL. Is Book sure he wants to test him? Cyrus says he thinks this is the book they were looking for, and Drew lets Book go. Book takes the book 9ha-ha!), and says, they’re done here. He tells Cyrus, thanks, old times, and leaves with his buddy.

Yuri says he can barely hear Valentin. Did they make it to the north safely?… He can’t understand; bad connection. Are he and Mayor Collins safe?… The connection is lost.

Finn says, Terry was serious about that? and she says, absolutely. The Board’s been hounding her for weeks to name a deputy, and she can’t think of anyone she trusts more to be her number two than him. He asks if Portia didn’t turn her down, and she says, okay, so he’s her second choice, but she still thinks he’d be a great fit for the position. He says he doesn’t think he’s the right guy for the job. He just hates all that administrative stuff. She says, but he’s a department head, which already involves all that administrative stuff, but he says, it’s not the same thing. She says she gets it. Oncology was always her passion. She didn’t think she’d like giving up the day to day contact with patients, but she knew she could do more good as Chief of Staff, and she knows he can too. He says he doesn’t know, but she says, look at it as the ultimate in holistic treatment. He wouldn’t just be diagnosing patients; he’d be diagnosing the entire hospital. And helping match the right healer with the right patient. There’s no denying his hands won’t get as dirty, but he’ll play a role in saving every single life under this roof. He doesn’t have to answer now. Just promise her that he’ll think about it. He says he promises, she thanks him and leaves.

Michael calls Sonny, and says, Nina’s here. She told them about Sasha. How bad is it? Sonny says he wishes he had some good news, but he doesn’t. Sasha assaulted somebody at the MetroCourt pool. They arrested her, and they took her to Ferncliff. Michael says, for the criminally insane? That was the only option? They couldn’t have held her at GH? There’s got to be something they can do. Sonny says he’s on it. He talked to her doctors, and he’s a big donor at Ferncliff and Shadybrook, so she’s going to be looked after. Michael says, thanks, dad, and Sonny says he’ll get back to him.

Mason says, Sonny’s suspicious of their operation, and Austin didn’t think it was wise to tell him that? Austin says, calm down. Gordon is exaggerating about what happened at the restaurant, and Sonny is only interested in him because of his relationship with Ava. They share a child together. So now that he and Ava are somewhat involved, Sonny is just paying extra attention to him. Gordon says he doesn’t care about some scene out of Fraternity Row. He just wants his money now. Is he going to get it or not? Mason says his associate will meet Gordon at the main entrance. Don’t worry. He’ll get everything he’s owed. But let him be clear. After this, Gordon doesn’t set foot in this state again. Is he clear?

Dex tells Elizabeth that he’s here to see a sick friend and must have gotten turned around. She says, you need an appointment to access the physicians offices, but he didn’t really seem like he just got turned around. It kind of seemed like he was – Gordon leaves and the sliding doors are so loud, I have no idea what she says, but I think it was, Dex seemed like he was listening. She introduces herself as Nurse Baldwin, but says he probably knows her better as Cameron Webber’s mother. She knows exactly what happened between him, Josslyn, and her son. She also knows he works for Sonny, and Sonny has taken him under his wing. Nothing good will come of that. So whatever he’s up to, there’s no place for it on her watch. Understood, or does she need to call security? He says, no, all good here, and leaves.

Ava says, Delia just met this man, and he’s taking her away to a cabin in Pautuk?… She barely knows him. Is she sure that’s a good idea?… Please don’t rush off the phone… Delia has hung up, and Ava goes out to the terrace. She sees Betty leaning against the wall, looking out over the parapet.

As Ava approaches, Betty says she could get used to living in a place like this. It’s a thousand times bigger than her place. She looks at Ava, and says, that’s close enough. She hopes Ava wasn’t getting any ideas. She’d hate for Ava’s mother to have to pay for the results of Ava’s hot temper. She goes inside, and Ava screams.

On the phone, Dex tells Sonny that he couldn’t get into Austin’s office, but there’s another player he’s meeting with. He matched the description of the guy Sonny said was harassing Austin at the restaurant. He’s going to tail him and see where it leads. He goes out the door.

Willow tells Nina that she doesn’t want to get ahead of themselves, but Nina has made a real effort to respect her boundaries. Nina’s clearly done as she asked and let go of her vendetta against Carly before anyone got hurt. Nina flashes back to telling Martin that she wants him to expose Drew and Carly for engaging in insider trading. She tells Willow, believe her. She wishes she would have handled things differently. Willow says she gets it, and she knows how important it is for Nina to be a part of her family, and she sees how Nina dropped everything to be there for Sasha when Sasha needed her. They sit, and Willow says, it’s been a while since she saw that side of Nina. She’s not saying they can start with a clean slate, but maybe there’s a way just to see if they can fit into each other’s lives now, rather than just accepting they don’t.

Carly says, Ruby, Luke, Josslyn’s’ grandmother, and now her. Bobbie sold her this place for one dollar. She’s going to pay Bobbie back the real price eventually, and she knows business has been slow, but she’s going to fix the rooms upstairs… Josslyn says, she’s not going to live upstairs, is she? but Carly says, God no. She’s not there yet. She does want to rent it to PCU students or interns at GH. This place used to be the heart of Port Charles. She’s going to restore it to its original glory. No. She’s going to make it bigger and better. She knows it’s not going to be the MetroCourt… Josslyn says, listen. That all sounds amazing, but she could get the MetroCourt back. Carly just has to let her or dad help her. Carly says she’s benefitted by the financial safety net provided by Josslyn’s father and Sonny for a very long time. But she’s always been able to stand on her own two feet, and she’s not going to stop now. She knows this isn’t as big as the MetroCourt, but having raised Josslyn, she knows firsthand, small things can turn into something big.

Cyrus thanks Drew, but Drew says, this doesn’t make them friends. He doesn’t like bullies, and that’s the only reason he stood up for Cyrus. Cyrus says, before he found God, one word that would have described him was a bully, and Drew says he still thinks Cyrus is, which is the reason he wonders why Cyrus gave in to that guy. He thought Cyrus was tougher than that. Cyrus says, the Good Book tells us to turn the other cheek, but Drew says he thinks it’s more than that. Because Cyrus was scared. If these guys are targeting him, he has to tell the warden. Cyrus says he can handle himself, and Drew says, if Cyrus is worried about them retaliating for reporting them, he’s already got a target on his back and nothing to lose. He can just tell the warden himself. Cyrus says, the warden is the last person who would help him. Especially if it means crossing them. Drew asks, what’s that supposed to mean?

Finn goes into the Grill, and tells the host that he has a reservation for two at 8 under the name Finn. The host says he has Finn right here. Just give him a moment. He steps away, and Elizabeth walks in, wearing a slinky black dress with a slit up the side. They smile at each other.

Terry says she’s glad Yuri hasn’t left yet, and Yuri says he knows she wanted him to wait, but she doesn’t like his gift. She ran off. He’s sorry it upset her. It was meant to make her happy. She says she is happy. She was just surprised, that’s all. She’s been flying solo for so long, it threw her for a second. She takes his hands, and says, giving her his key means so much. She actually has something to give to him. She takes a key attached to a paper clip out of her pocket, and says, it’s the spare key she keeps in her desk. It’s in better hands with him. Obviously, she didn’t have time to get a meaningful keychain, but it’ll do. He takes it and thanks her. She kisses him, and asks if he’s okay. He seems distracted. She didn’t mean to worry him when she ran off earlier. He says, it’s not her. He got a phone call from Valentin. He could barely hear Valentin, then the line went dead. When he tried to call back, he couldn’t get through. She says, it was an international call; it was probably just a bad connection. He says he hopes so, but he has the feeling that Valentin and Mayor Collins are in trouble.

Cyrus says he may have spoken out of turn. Drew needs to keep his head down and don’t ask questions about Book and his associates. Drew asks, why? Are they going to come after him? Cyrus says, it’s not just them. There are other factors at play here, and he would hate to see Drew become a victim. Drew says, listening to him talk, he would almost believe Cyrus is a changed man, but he knows better. Cyrus laughs and says, faith can change people. If Drew comes to their service, he’ll see. Drew says he’ll pass, and Cyrus says, then may he offer Drew a word of advice? Drew needs some kind of family to survive behind these walls. If Drew won’t join his flock, then he strongly suggests Drew find another.

Josslyn says, Carly inspires her. She’s very proud of how Carly is handling all this. Josslyn just worries about her. Carly says she gets how this can be a little scary, and it’ll be tough if they have to sell the house, but it’s just a bump in the road. She already told Josslyn; she’s going to get everything back that she lost. And not just for herself, but for Josslyn, for Donna, and for Avery. This is just the first step of an amazing journey.

Nina says, Willow has no idea how long she’s waited to hear her say that, and Willow says, no promises, just baby steps? Nina says, yeah, baby steps, when Wiley comes downstairs, and tells Nina, look what he brought. Nina takes a toy soldier from him, and says, hey, I’m soldier guy… Michael comes in, and eager to rain on this parade, he says, it’s time for this little cowboy to get to bed. Nina says she guesses this is her cue, and thanks Willow for this. This is very special. She tells Wiley, think fast, and tosses the toy to him. She says, nice catch, and gets her bag. Wiley asks if she’ll come visit again soon, and Nina looks at Willow, who says, we’ll see. Ugh. The eternal parental euphemism for either no or I don’t know. Nina tells Wiley, until then, goodnight, like we’re in a Shakespeare play, and leaves. Outside, she takes a breath and sort of smiles.

Betty asks if Ava feels better now that she got that out of her system, and Ava says she wants to know who this man is who’s trying to seduce her mother. Betty says, relax, lady. He’s just a friend who’s keeping an eye on Delia for them. That’s all. Ava takes the drink out of Betty’s hand and says, call him off. She’s not going to play ball with her or Mason as long as her mother’s involved. Is Betty listening to her at all? Betty smacks Ava across the face, and says she thinks Ava is forgetting who calls the shots here. Sonny walks in and says he’s sorry. Is he interrupting? Yeah. Betty’s kind of stupid, since anyone could walk in.

Austin thanks Mason for handling this. Sonny’s got eyes on him now, so the last thing they need is Gordon bringing extra attention to them. Hopefully the guy will just take the money and run. Mason says, if Austin has learned anything from him, he makes his own luck. He sticks a lollipop in his mouth.

Dex walks outside near a dumpster and sees something. He says, hey, are you okay? He takes out his gun, and walks to the other side of the dumpster, where he sees Gordon, either unconscious or dead. I’m guessing the latter.

Tomorrow, Curtis tells Portia that he thinks he might be on to something; Brook asks Chase to break the rules with her, just this once; Betty says, the one Ava loves dearly will pay the price; and Sonny yells, why is he just hearing about this now?

⌨️ Work Arounds…

How the soaps are getting through the strike. While I’m totally on board with the writers, people still have to eat, and God knows we can’t lose another soap.

🗽 Give Us Your Rich and Backstabbing…

RHONY recap.

What other people think.

IMO opinion, the most, and maybe only, likeable cast member. So far.

🍸 VanderSprinkles…

Never liked him. And I’d never want to live with a dude who spent more time looking in the mirror than me.

Another snake slithers back to the nest.

⛵️ After the Sailing’s Over…

More Reunion chatter.

Leaky boat.

⚰️ Final Week In the City…

Dead City recap. This was also the finale. I feel cheated.

🐕 If You Love Puppie Like I Love Puppies…

As always, it’s up for debate, but they’re all cute.

🌮 Not Taco Tuesday…

Slide into my blog tomorrow for soap and throwing some tea in the air to see what sticks. Until then, stay safe, stay not commenting  on other people’s physical characteristics unless you’re being complimentary, and stay looking at the positive things when things are really challenging.

July 21, 2023 – Sonny Sizes Up Austin, New Nanny, Will He, Transformed, Dueling Deckhands, New Chef, Dead Stuff, She’s Here, Robfusal, Sea Dog, Just Five Quotes & Her World


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny says, to protecting our own, and clinks glasses with Nina and Ava. He asks Austin, what’s wrong? Does he have a problem with the toast?

As the doctor pokes at Curtis’s legs, TJ asks what he feels, but Curtis says he doesn’t feel a thing. He can’t feel anything. None of them seem surprised that he can’t feel his legs. Will somebody tell him what the hell is going on? He shouts, what’s going on?!

Diane walks into the hospital on the phone, and says she’s literally walking in the door… Don’t worry. She’ll find Sasha and take care of everything. Leaning on the counter, Robert says, everything? That’s a tall order, even for Killer Miller.

Sasha is wheeled out of the elevator, and Gladys says, she’s going to get better. She knows it doesn’t look like it, but she promises to do everything she can to get Sasha all the help she needs. Dr. Montague comes out and says he knows how upsetting this must be for Gladys, but he’s here now. He asks if Sasha remembers him. He’s Dr. Montague, and he’s here to help her. She says, help her? and he says, she’s not herself right now, but he promises she will be soon. He’ll make sure of that. He asks the officer to take Sasha to the exam room, and the officer leaves with Sasha. Gladys says, he never told her that Sasha would get this bad, but Montague says, her daughter-in-law is much worse off than she led him to believe. Gladys asks what he gave her. She hurt somebody. It’s lucky she didn’t kill him. And she’s in so much pain now. She never meant for Sasha to suffer… He says, shut up. They both know what she meant to happen. She did her part; now he’ll do his. He goes into the exam room, and closes the door. Gladys looks at Sasha through the window, and Montague closes the blinds.

Carly visits Drew in Pentenville, and says she knows she promised she wouldn’t visit so soon, but he says he’s glad she did. She says she knows he wanted to feel more settled, but she had to see him. She misses him so much. He says he misses her, and she says, here she is. He says, she looks so beautiful, even in a place like this, and she says, she talked to Sam. Scout’s determined to visit him ASAP. He says, she knows how Scout is when she sets her mind to something; you can’t change it. The last time he was locked in a cell, he etched her name in the wall, and that’s what kept him alive, but now he has so much more to live for. She says, this place is better than Crete, right? and he flashes back to Cyrus giving him a Bible with a screwdriver in it. Carly asks, what’s wrong?

At the pool, Dex tells Josslyn, other people were at the pool when the shooting happened. Anna Devane for one, and the police are even certain Curtis wasn’t the target. She says she’s certain. Curtis was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bullet was meant for Sonny. It could have been Dex. He says, no, but she says, he already got shot working for Sonny. What’s to say it won’t happen again? He says, because now he has more to live for. He’s never loved anyone as much as he loves her. He’s not going to give that up. They kiss.

TJ says, Curtis has every right to be concerned, and Portia says, TJ is right, but he doesn’t want to put too much stress on himself right now. That’s going to make it… Curtis says, stop. He can’t feel his legs. He needs them to stop talking to him like family. They’re doctors and he’s a patient. Why can’t he feel his legs? Dr. Barnsdall says he understands why Curtis is so concerned, but he’s just come through very extensive spinal surgery. Curtis is lucky to be alive. The bullet fragments he removed were lodged very close to Curtis’s spine. He was under very heavy sedation during the procedure. Every patient’s body reacts differently when that wears off. Curtis says, so the anesthesia is why he can’t feel his legs? and the doctor says, that’s one of the possibilities. Curtis says, cut it to him straight. What are the other possibilities? Dr. Barnsdall says he still needs to look at some of the other tests and scans they took after the surgery, and then he’ll better be able to answer some of Curtis’s questions. He’ll leave Curtis with his family now. The doctor leaves with the nurse, and TJ asks if Curtis heard what Dr. Barnsdall said. Very few people would have even survived that surgery. Portia says, if Aunt Stella were here, she thinks Stella would call it a miracle, and Curtis says, a miracle.

Diane tells Robert that she’s here to see her client Sasha Gilmore. Yes, she knows Sasha was recently represented by Martin Grey, but he asked her to take over when he was called away. He asks if Martin is going to be back, and she says, he is, but Maxie felt Sasha needed… He says, a killer shark, but she says, compassion and complete dedication. She will take care of everything. She knows why he’s here, and no, he won’t interrogate her client in her current state.

Gladys tells the guard that her daughter-in-law is not a criminal. He saw how gentle she was. She just needs a little psychological help, that’s all. He looks straight ahead like a guard at Buckingham Palace, and she says, oh God, and walks away.

Sasha says she knows he’s Dr. Montague, and he says, very good. Does she know why she’s here? She says, for more of those pills he gave her? but he says, no. Those pills would have helped her, but he warned her not to take too many. She says she only took three pills a day like he told her, and as he prepares a syringe, she notices blood on her clothes. He says, soon, all of her questions will be answered, and she sees the syringe. She asks, what’s that? No. He gives her the shot.

Austin says he really respects Sonny. Sonny is a powerful man and puts such a high value on family. Sonny says, nothing more important than family, and Austin says, absolutely. Let him try to put Sonny’s mind at ease. He hasn’t spent a lot of time with Avery, but the little time he’s spent with her, she’s lovely. He thinks she looks at him and sees him as not just her mom’s friend, but maybe her friend as well. Sonny says, Avery sees the good in everybody, and Austin says, that’s wonderful. He wonders if she got that from Ava, or is it a trait she inherited from Sonny? Sonny says he always gives people another chance, and Austin says, just the one? What happens when people disappoint him? Sonny asks, what happens when Austin loses a patient? and Austin says he thinks he can speak for every doctor in the world when he says, it’s hard to lose a patient. Sonny says, you’ve just got to move forward. It’s sad, but some people are beyond helping. You’ve just got to move on.

Portia says, please talk to them, and Curtis says he understands what the doctor was saying. He’s lucky to be alive, and he’s grateful for everything everyone at the hospital has done for him. But he wants to walk out of the hospital on his own, and that’s not going to happen. TJ tells him, that’s not what Dr. Barnsdall said, and Curtis says, yet. Portia says, no one can walk right after spinal surgery, and TJ says, Portia’s right. People going through the same kind of surgery, it can take weeks before they can walk. Curtis asks, how long before they can feel their legs again? when TJ gets paged, and Curtis tells him to go. He knows TJ has a job to do. TJ says he’ll be back as soon as he can, and leaves. Portia takes Curtis’s hand, and says, it’s going to be okay, and he says, yes, it will. As soon as he gets his life back. All of it.

Robert says he takes no pleasure in Sasha’s current predicament, but Cody Bell’s the real victim here, and Diane says, come on. They both know there was no intent. Sasha never meant to hurt the guy. He says, she stabbed him with a paring knife, and Diane says, it’s well-documented that Sasha hasn’t been herself since losing her baby and her husband. And might she point out, Heather Webber killed Sasha’s husband and came perilously close to killing yours truly, so she would think he’d have more… He says he’s not there to persecute her client, and she says, good. Why is he here? He says, after Maxie spoke to her, she called her Uncle Robert. She says, so Maxie asked him to look out for Sasha to make sure she was treated fairly, and he says, who’d have thunk it? Her and him on the same team. They get into the elevator together, and bump shoulders.

Sasha scrubs at the blood, and says she can’t get this off, but Montague says, don’t worry about that. He sets up a recorder, and says, they’ll take care of that later. Now tell him what she remembers. She says, there was a pool, and he says, what happened at the pool? She says, Gladys was there… and he grabbed her by the wrist. She flashes back to seeing Cyrus grab Gladys, and tells Montague, she saw him. He tried to ruin her life. He gave her drugs. Montague asks who she thinks she saw at the pool, and she says she knows she saw him. He grabbed Gladys and she knew she had to stop him. She had to stop Cyrus Renault.

Carly says she doesn’t understand. Cyrus is a murderer. She assumed Drew would be separated from people like him. Where did Drew run into him? Drew says, Cyrus found him. Cyrus wants to make him a fisher of men. She says, Cyrus Renault? and he says, what good is a messiah complex without disciples he’s recruiting? She asks if he told Cyrus to go to hell. Better yet, he has to tell the guards. They don’t know what kind of sick game Cyrus is playing, but Drew has to stay away from him. Drew doesn’t want to get on his bad side. He says she doesn’t have to worry about him, but she says, he just told her some maniac has him in their sights, and he doesn’t want her worrying about him? He says he’s got this; he can take care of himself. Cyrus knows not to make a move on him. She says she knows all the training he’s had, but he doesn’t know how many men Cyrus has under his control. He can’t fight everyone. He says, it’s okay, but she says, it’s not okay. He says, it’s taken care of, and she says, how, and by whom? He says, her ex-husband.

Ava says, Sonny is incorrigible, and tells Austin that his bark is far worse than his bite. Sonny says, the doctor knows he was joking, right? and they all laugh. Austin’s phone rings, and he asks them to excuse him. Sonny asks if there’s a problem, but Austin says, occupational hazard. He’ll be right back. He leaves, and Ava says, all right. Nina says, don’t get her wrong. Austin is awkward, but very nice and there’s some kind of chemistry there, but as a couple, she doesn’t really see it. I’m glad she said it, since I’ve been thinking it.

Outside on the phone, Austin tells someone, you could say that. It was super awkward. A lunatic walks into a restaurant and he’s with Sonny Corinthos. Not great. He guesses the question is, what’s Mason going to do about it?

TJ asks if Dr. Barnsdall reviewed all of Curtis’s latest test results, and the doctor says he did, and the final scans they took after Curtis’s surgery. TJ says, will his uncle ever be able to walk again?

Carly says, Sonny has people watching Drew’s back, and Drew says, she doesn’t sound completely surprised. She says, vintage Sonny, and Drew says, to protect him? She says, Sonny knows he’s a good guy, and deep down he knows Drew is good for her. She and Sonny will always be family, and at the end of the day, nothing’s more important to Sonny than family. He asks if this is Sonny’s way of welcoming him into the family, and she laughs, saying, she wouldn’t go that far. She just wants him to come home. Nothing’s more important. He says he’s working on it. So what else is going on? She says, Willow came home, and he says, that’s great. She says, the only reason Willow is okay is because he rescued Liesl. The only reason Willow’s okay is because of him. He says he’s just happy she’s home where she belongs. Are they planning a big party at the house for her already?… What’s going on? Carly says, nothing, but he says he knows her. He loves her. Tell him what it is.

Portia says, what Curtis needs right now is rest, and she’ll be right back. He doesn’t let go of her hand, and says, what he needs is her here. He also needs to tell her something before the doctor gets back. She says, they’ll have plenty of time to talk later, but he says, she’s wrong. Time is the one thing we’re never sure we have. When he came to find her at the pool, he’d just had a conversation with Sam, and she said something he didn’t think was important at the time. And now, he can’t forget it. Portia asks what she said, and he tells her, she said, you never have enough time with the people you love, and she’s right. He realized how much time he was wasting and came to find her. He’s not sorry he went to the pool looking for her, but he’s sorry he didn’t get to say what he wanted to say.

Robert and Diane come out of the elevator, and Gladys says, her daughter-in-law is in no condition to be hounded by lawyers right now. Diane says, Gladys might be Sasha’s guardian, but she’s not Sasha’s gatekeeper. She’s assuming Sasha is in the exam room. Gladys says, she’s getting the treatment she needs from her shrink, and Robert says, he’ll handle this. He goes over to the guard, and Gladys says she’s sure Diane means well, but Sasha is in pretty bad shape. If Diane makes her more upset, she swears she’ll… Diane asks, what will she do? Word to the wise; never, ever threaten her. Robert tells Diane, ten minutes max, and Diane asks Gladys to excuse her.

Sasha says, he was going to hurt Gladys like he hurt her, and she couldn’t let that happen. So she saw the knife, and… Diane walks in, and says, Sasha, stop right there. Not one more word. And you – she looks at Montague – turn off that recording device right now. He grabs it and shuts it off.

Ava says, she and Austin have only had a few dates. Of course (🍷) Nina doesn’t see them as a couple. Nina says, on the plus side, he’s nothing like Nikolas, and Ava says, that’s for sure. He is very… Nina says, alive, and Ava says, what? Nina says, don’t get her wrong. Ava and Nikolas had some connection and chemistry, but Nikolas always seemed like he was brooding. He was always serious all the time to her. At least Austin is mysteriously… expressive. Ava says, he’s definitely more alive, and Sonny says, he’s very attentive to his patients, because earlier, that guy Gordon was hostile. Austin could have blown him off, but he took the time to deal with the problem. Nina asks, what happened when Sonny went out after him? and Sonny says he’s pretty sure that Austin’s patient understands the situation. Austin comes back, and Ava says, Sonny was just complementing his bedside manner. Sonny’s phone rings, and he tells Gladys that he’s in the middle of something. Gladys says, it’s Sasha. She’s been arrested. Sonny asks, what the hell for? and Gladys says, she’s getting a psyche evaluation at GH right now. Sonny says he’ll be right there, and Nina asks, what’s going on? He says, Sasha’s in trouble. He has to go to GH. Nina says she’s going with him, and tells Ava and Austin that she’s so sorry. Ava says, no, go, and Sonny and Nina leave. Ava says, disaster averted, for now, and eats her martini olives off the stirrer.

Josslyn puts suntan lotion (I think… I hope) on Dex, when his phone rings. She says, don’t answer it, but he says, she knows he has to. Sonny says he knows it’s Dex’s day off. Something came up. Dex asks what he needs and Sonny says, surveillance. Port Charles Grill. Austin Gatlin-Holt.

Portia says she loves the sentiment, she really does, but is Curtis saying if he hadn’t spoken to Sam, he wouldn’t… He says, it’s done. They’re here. And what he wants her to know right now is, whatever happens, his feelings for her won’t change. And once he’s back on his feet… She says, and he will be, but she needs him to listen to his doctors… and his wife. She just wants him to relax and let his body heal as long as possible. He says he’s feeling stronger by the minute, and she says, good. That’s what she likes to hear. She has to check on a patient really quickly, but she promises she’ll be right back. She leaves, and cries in the hallway. Curtis pinches his leg, and sighs.

Dr. Barnsdall shows TJ his tablet, and says, they were successful in removing the bullet and every fragment. TJ says, Dr. Barnsdall always does good work, but was it enough?

Carly says, there’s nothing for Drew to worry about, but he says, something is going on. Is it the financial penalty from the SEC? She says she can handle it. She doesn’t want him to even think about it. He says he doesn’t want her thinking about it. That was a huge fine. He doesn’t want this weighing her down along with everything else. It’s really simple. He can sell Aurora. She says, no, he can’t. Diane made it crystal clear that she can’t accept anything from him, Michael, or Sonny. She could be hit with an even bigger fine, or worse. He says, Diane knows what she’s talking about. Did she come up with a Plan B? Carly says, she did, and Diane told her it’s going to take a while, but it doesn’t matter because she has resources. He says, tell him she’s not selling the house, and she says, the house is too big for them. He says, it’s not just the house, it’s the moss bowl’s🎍 her home, and she says, the home she had with Sonny. She has a lot of great memories of the kids growing up there, but those memories aren’t going away because she sells the house. She wants to focus on the future, and getting him out of here and sharing that future with him. No piece of real estate is going to change that. Life is too fragile to wait around. You think you have everything under control, and think the people you love are safe, then just like that… He says, what happened?

Dex puts his shirt on, and Josslyn asks if he really has to go. It’s his day off. What could be so important? He says, it’s no big deal. Nothing dangerous. Just a little surveillance. He kisses her, and she says, if it’s not important, why can’t they go back to his place right now? and he says, it’s not that he doesn’t want that. He made a choice when he decided to work for Sonny. She says she thought she was the choice he made, and he says, the best ever; the most important ever. But now he needs to go to work, and she – he takes a book out of their beach bag – needs to finish that mystery. The minute this job is done, he promises… She kisses him, and he says he promises. I gotta say it. I think she’s too immature for him.

Austin says he can’t tell. Did Sonny think he was okay, or does Sonny hate him? Ava shrugs and says she doesn’t know, but when he decides, believe her, Austin will know. He asks how she thinks it went, but she says she doesn’t know. Sonny plays things so close to the vest, but when it comes to Avery, he’s not going to take any chances. Austin says, Sonny has nothing to worry about with him and Avery. He loves kids. Ava says, that’s good, because Sonny said something he really meant; family is everything. He lives by that. Austin asks if he’s like that with all her lovers.

Gladys thanks Sonny for coming, and Sonny asks Robert, where’s Sasha? Robert says, she’s in there, indicating the exam room. Diane’s with her.

Montague says, how dare Diane barge in here and interrupt while he’s evaluating a patient. Get out! Diane says she’s not going anywhere. She’s Diane Miller, and she’s Sasha’s attorney. And that trumps his title any day of the week, and don’t turn that recorder on again. She gently asks if Sasha remembers her, and Sasha says, Diane. Diane says she’s Sasha’s attorney. She helped Sasha once before, and she’s going to help her again. Sasha tells her, Dr. Montague said… but Diane says, no. She doesn’t need to pay any attention to Dr. Montague. Just look right at her and she doesn’t say one more word. Montague says, unfortunately, Diane is a little too late. Sasha already told him more than enough.

Nina tells Gladys, this doesn’t make any sense. Why would Sasha stab Cody Bell? Gladys says, it was obvious she wasn’t herself. She would never hurt anyone. Something made her do it. Sonny says, like what? What made her do it?

Alone in the office, TJ yells, dammit! and pounds the desk with his fist. Portia walks in and says, no. He walks over to her, and she tells him, please don’t say it. She cries as he hugs her.

Gladys says she’s not a shrink. How would she know what’s wrong with Sasha? First there was the shoplifting, now she stabs Cody? Nina’s own journalist was there; she saw the whole thing. Nina says she talked to Alyse. She said it came out of nowhere. It doesn’t make any sense. When she was on Home & Heart, and someone did that horrible mind game on her, she handled it. Sonny says he saw her a few weeks ago and told her that she was ready to be on her own; to end Gladys’s guardianship. What changed?

Montague and Diane step away from Sasha, and he says, the police brought Miss Gilmore in for a psyche evaluation. As her lawyer, he’s sure Diane knows what that entails, what his responsibilities are. He’s sorry, but at this point, his hands are tied.

Robert tells Gladys, Sonny, and Nina that he just got off a call from Judge Palmer… Diane joins them and says, please, let her tell them. Sasha needs help. She’s being sent to Ferncliff Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Oh yeah, Ferncliff. We haven’t seen that place for a while.

Ava says she needs to make something very clear, she and Austin aren’t a couple, and they’re definitely not lovers. He says, what happened at Windymere… She says, means nothing. They’re nothing. She had a little moment of weakness. She’s regretted it ever since. He says he’s only regretted they haven’t done it again, and she says, he has an inflated opinion – he rubs her leg under the table – of his sexual prowess. And she assumes as a doctor – she picks up her knife – he has a need for that hand creeping up her thigh. He says, she wouldn’t, and she just looks at him. He removes his hand, and says, she didn’t answer his question. Sonny is a jealous guy? She says, Sonny doesn’t care who she sleeps with, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact Avery. He says, good to know. He assumes she sang his praises when he was away from the table, and she says, what praises might those be? His gymnastics in bed. He says, thank you, and she says, his willingness to help bury dead husbands? She told Sonny as little as possible about him; only what she thought he’d actually believe. He says, then how come he didn’t buy it?

Drew asks, what happened? and Carly says, Curtis was shot. Drew says, is he… She says, no. He’s in the hospital. He asks, how bad was it? and she says, it was touch and go. She heard this morning he’s out of surgery, he’s in recovery, but she doesn’t know his condition. Drew says, who shot him? and she says, they don’t know. It was at the MetroCourt pool. He asks if anyone else was hurt, and she says, no, luckily. He says he doesn’t get it. Who would want to kill Curtis? She says, the PCPD isn’t sure he was the target.

Curtis unsuccessfully tries to move his legs. In the hallway, Portia wipes the tears from her cheeks and puts on a smile. She goes into his room, and says, told him that she wouldn’t be long. He says he’s glad she’s back. Could she make sure they schedule a therapy session for him as soon as possible? She says, it’s way too soon for something like that, but he says, it’s never too soon. He’s not going to sit here in this bed and wait for another miracle. He knows it’s going to take hard work, but he’s here for it. Because no matter what it takes, he’s going to walk and stand up on his own two legs. Who knows? Someday, he might take her in his arms and they can dance the night away again. What does she think about that? She says she absolutely loves it. There’s something she wants to tell him. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, Dr. Barnsdall got the latest tests and scans back and he consulted with three other surgeons, and none of them think he’ll be able to walk again.

Carly says she’s sorry. As soon as she gets any information about Curtis, she’ll get it to Drew. He thanks her, and says, she told him Portia was with Curtis. Does she know who else was out there? She says, his attorney Zeke, Jordan Ashford… Dante, Anna, and Sonny. He says, Curtis is such a good man. They’d better find out who did this. A guard says, time’s up, and Carly says she’ll come back as soon as she can. Seeing him makes everything better. He says he loves her, and she says she loves him, and leaves after taking a last look.

Portia says, doctors have been wrong before, and this isn’t a death sentence. They almost lost him for good, and Dr. Barnsdall said there’s no reason he can’t live an absolutely… Curtis says, stop. Just stop. She says, but they all love him. No matter what. He says he needs some time, and she says, of course (🍷). Of course (🍷) he does. He says, alone, and she says she understands. She leaves, and stands in the hallway crying, when TJ sees her. In his room, Curtis looks lonely.

Josslyn reads her book, when her phone rings. She says, hello?… This is Josslyn Jax. Who’s this?… Excuse me?… What are you talking about?

Ava says, Sonny rarely makes snap judgements, but when he does, look out, and Austin says, so she doesn’t think Sonny’s judged him yet. She says, probably not, but she thinks she managed to convince him that he has nothing to worry about with Austin spending time around Avery. Austin says, he’s not the only one who can read people. And he gets the distinct feeling Sonny is on to them. Dex listens from the bar.

Cyrus sits on a couch reading, and looks up to see Drew.

Sasha is wheeled out, and Nina says, it’s horrible. Diane promises Nina that she’ll fight this tooth and nail. Gladys says, she’s going to a good place, right? and Montague says, that’s exactly where her daughter-in-law should be. She’ll get all the help she needs. Isn’t that what they all want? He gets in the elevator, and Sonny asks the guard for a moment. He asks if Sasha can hear him. He knows she’s in there. Listen to him. She’s not alone. Does she understand? She’s not alone. She thanks him, and the guard wheels her into the elevator.

On Monday, Carly tells Josslyn that she’s been entrusted with their family institution; Austin tells someone that everything will be okay; and Sonny tells Dex, stay with him. See what he can find out.

🧸 Bye Pilar…

The nanny Mason wants.

⚖️ Come On Back, Jack…

I feel ripped off. I was hoping he was going to be a regular.

👩🏻‍⚕️ Spreading Her Wings…

Now if they’d just give her a love life. Chad was great, but it’s been a minute… or two… or three…

⚓️ Two Stooges On Deck…

He needs to mansplain.

He’s got work to do, he’s just not sure what.

🥗 She’s the Top…

No one can replace Padma, but the show must go on.

⚰️ Let’s Talk About Dead…

Wow. Daryl hasn’t even had his first season yet.

And coming up behind Daryl.

City recap.

🩰 Time To Shine…

Barbie in review.

I love this song!

When and where you can see it.

📸 Meanie Meanie Jellybeanie…

I included this only because I thought it was odd and kind of funny.

🐶 The Old Man and The Sea, and The Dog…

I’ll bet he was glad for the company, and it’s a good pet parent who recognizes their dog would be happier in another home.

💫 Quotes of the Week

Today is a new day. Hiding from your history only shackles you to it. We can’t undo a single thing we have ever done, but we can make decisions today that propel us to the life we want and towards the healing we need. – Steve Maraboli

It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. – Dale Carnegie

To be nobody but yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. – e.e. cummings

You are not called to be a canary in a cage. You are called to be an eagle, and to fly sun to sun, over continents. – Henry Ward Beecher

I’m fast, cheap, but average. – Director Higurashi (Takayuki Hamatsu), One Cut of the Dead

🩱 Life In Plastic…

Meet me here on Monday really Tuesday for soap, and who knows what, since I can’t watch one more Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay making your own kind of music, and stay keeping in mind, time is the one thing we’re never sure we have.

July 20, 2023 – Esme Visits Her Mother, Getting Around, Happy Birthday, Uniting, Bringing Drama, Under the Runway, About Barbie & More Barbie  


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Gladys struggles with Cody and tells him to let her go. He says he asked her not to touch him, when Sasha stabs him in the side with a knife from the bar. He touches the wound and sees blood on his hand, while Sasha holds the bloody knife. He says, Sasha… why? and drops to his knees. She sees Cyrus asking her, why, Sasha? and Maxie runs over along with a pool guy. Maxie says, everything is okay, and tells Sasha to drop the knife, but Sasha says, stay away. Cody/Cyrus says, please, Sasha, but she says, no. Stay away.

At Bernadino’s, Ava taps her plate with a knife, and Austin takes it out of her hand. He says, if she’s worried about anything that’s going to happen, just know he’s here with her. She says, everyone in this place knows he’s here with her after that ridiculous display he put on yesterday. He says, anyone with eyes would know he wants her. Just so she knows, their attraction to one another might save their lives. Nina approaches the table with Sonny and asks if they’re sure they want a double date.

Esme is in the visitor room at Pentenville when Cyrus approaches her. She says she thinks he may have the wrong visitor, but he says, on the contrary. She’s exactly who he wanted to see. He sits down.

Molly says she was just leaving, but Kristina tells her not to. She’ll go. Sam says, no one is going anywhere – she closes the door – until the two of them talk.

Trina asks why they were made to leave Curtis’s room, and Portia says, it’s just protocol. She needs the room to be able to do her job. Marshall says, TJ is on his way, and Trina says, Curtis seemed so out of it just now. Is that normal? Is he going to be able to talk when they remove the tube from his mouth? Please tell her that he’s going to be okay.

Maxie tells everyone to get back, and tells Sasha, just drop the knife, but Sasha says she can’t let him hurt anyone else. Cody looks at his blood-covered hand, and Cyrus says, you’re going to have to do better than that. She lunges at him with the knife.

Nina and Sonny sit down, and Nina says she was just trying to find out some information on Curtis’s condition. Ava asks how he is, but Sonny says, they haven’t heard yet. Ava says she just feels so badly for Trina. She’s just now getting to know him as her father. Austin says, it’s probably really difficult for Portia and TJ, and Sonny says, it sounds like Austin is pretty close to his colleagues. Austin says, at GH? They were very welcoming to him. Sonny says, was Britt? He remembers seeing Austin at the memorial. Austin says he and Britt were friends, and Sonny says, from what he heard, Britt trusted him. Austin says, she did. He’s starting to think maybe Sonny doesn’t.

Sam says, it’s clear Kristina and Molly have very different points of view here, but neither of them are actually listening to each other, so it’s not going to help. She suggests Molly tell Kristina a little bit of what they were talking about today, and Kristina will listen. Then Kristina will tell Molly exactly what she was thinking when she suggested she’d be a good surrogate for Molly and TJ’s baby. Kristina says, that’s lovely, but she tried, and Sam says, try again.

The nurse tells Portia that Curtis is off the ventilator and his vitals are stable. She’s paged Dr. Barnsdall. Portia thanks her, and Trina asks if they can see him. The nurse says, yes, but only two at a time. She leaves, and Portia suggests Marshall and Trina go first. Trina and Marshall go into Curtis’s room, and Spencer says, that’s great news, but Portia says, he’s not out of the woods just yet. He says, what the nurse told them about his vitals is a good thing, right? Curtis has family here with him, and he’s heard having people around who love you can make a big difference. He promises he’s not going to let his family connections harm Trina or her family ever again. TJ comes around the corner, and Portia asks if Spencer thinks that’s really a promise he can keep.

Marshall tells Curtis, welcome back. Is he okay? Does he need anything? Trina lingers by the door, and Curtis says he needs… Marshall asks, what? and Curtis says, his daughter.

Esme asks if she knows Cyrus, and he says, no, but he knows who she is. Sorry. Who she was. He read everything there is to know about her early time in Port Charles. She had quite the journey. Clearly, she’s no longer the young lady who first came to town. She says she wishes other people would see it that way, Mr. … He says, Renault. Please call him Cyrus. Maybe he can see her for who she is now because he’s a fellow pilgrim on the same journey, trying to change hearts and minds. She says, if he’s in some kind of religious thing, she doesn’t… He says he’s not trying to convert her, but he thinks they face the same dilemma. They were on the wrong path before, and now that they’ve changed, people are skeptical of their sincerity. Esme says, exactly. People tell her that she’s done all these terrible things and look at her like she’s as horrible as her mother and father. He says he completely understands. His family suffered because of their connection to him and his sordid past. He wants it to end. That’s why he sought her out. She says she doesn’t understand, and he says, her blessed child is a part of his family.

Maxie crouches down by Cody, and tells Sasha to stop, but Sasha says, Maxie doesn’t understand. She can’t let him hurt anyone else. Maxie says, Cody hasn’t hurt anybody, and Sasha says, Cody. Suddenly, Cyrus turns back into Cody, and Sasha says, no, it was Cyrus. She saw Cyrus. She sees the knife in her hand and drops it, hyperventilating as she backs away. Gladys runs to her, and Maxie says, call 9-1-1, as Cody keels over. Sasha says, oh my God, over and over.

Alyse films with her phone as the paramedics put Cody on a stretcher, and Sasha says, how could she do that to Cody? Gladys says, it’s going to be okay, and Maxie says she knows Sasha didn’t mean to hurt him. Sasha says she would never, and Gladys says, none of this is her fault. Maxie says, Gladys is going to stay with her. She needs to handle something. She leaves, and Sasha asks, what’s wrong with her? Why did she do that? Gladys tells her, don’t worry. It’s going to be okay. They’ll fix everything. Sasha wonders what Brando would say, and Detective Bennet (remember him?) says, Sasha Corbin? She asks, how is Cody? and he says, in bad shape. From what he was told, she’s responsible. The paramedics take Cody away.

Sam takes Kristina and Molly’s hands and says, no matter how mad they get, how much they fight, they love each other. They’re sisters. That’s never going to change. Now talk. Please. She walks away, but Kristina says, Sam… Sam says, please, and Kristina says, okay. She’ll admit she’s not always the most self-aware person, but when she thought of offering to be a surrogate, it’s only because she wanted to help Molly, and TJ. Molly says she might have overreacted at the hospital, but she’s still trying to deal with the fact they can’t have a baby. Then Curtis got shot and almost died, and it was all too much. Kristina says she gets that, and she was trying to be sympathetic and sensitive, but Molly lashed out at her with so much anger and hatred. Sam’s phone rings, and she says she has to get this. You two talk. She leaves, and Kristina says, Molly told her that she always tries to make herself the center of attention. Is that really how Molly sees her? Molly says she was hurt and upset, and wanted to hurt Kristina, and Kristina asks, why?

Sam says, Dante’s not here, and asks Maxie, what’s up? Maxie says she’s at the MetroCourt pool. Cody has been stabbed. Sam says, what?

Curtis asks, what happened? and Trina says, he doesn’t remember? Curtis shakes his head, and Marshall says, he was shot. Curtis says, who? and Marshall says, the PCPD is trying to figure that out. Trina says, they think the bullet wasn’t meant for Curtis, and Curtis says, any leads? Marshall says, he’s a patient, not a cop. Trina says, mom will tie him to this bed herself if he tries to help with the investigation, and he asks, where’s Portia?

TJ asks, how’s Uncle Curtis? and Portia says, his vitals are stable. Trina and Marshall are in with him right now. Only two people at a time. TJ asks if Dr. Barnsdall knows Curtis regained consciousness, and she says, he’s been paged. TJ was in the operating room with Curtis and knows there were complications. What if there are residual effects?

Sonny says, who Ava spends time with is her business. Who Avery spends time with is his business. Nina tells Austin that she thinks what Sonny is trying to say is, they’d like the opportunity to get to know him better. Austin says, absolutely. It’s not a problem. Ava has been very clear about how much Sonny loves Avery, so it’s only natural he’d want to get to know any man who’s potentially in her mother’s life. Sonny says he appreciates that. Does Austin have anything to do with Ava wanting to look for a new nanny for Avery? Ava says, no, absolutely not. Pilar has been negligent lately. Avery’s well-being is her only concern. He asks if she’s started looking, when a man approaches the table, and says, Dr. Gatlin-Holt. Austin says, he is? and the man says, Gordon Stevens. He was a patient of Austin’s. Austin says, nice to see him again, and Gordon says, maybe not so nice when Austin hears what he has to say.

Esme says she should have realized; he’s a Cassadine. Cyrus says, no. Thankfully, he’s not. Any transgression he’s committed pales in comparison to that family. He’s the only fallen angel in his lineage. His siblings are absolutely above reproach. She has firsthand knowledge of his sister’s fine character. She says, his sister? and he says, her son’s grandmother, Mayor Laura Collins? She’s his beloved sister, which makes little Ace his family. Heather is suddenly there, and tells him, never say that name again. She’s the only family her daughter and grandson need.

Molly says, Kristina knew how important it was for her to have TJ’s baby. Her own body betrayed her. Does Kristina know what that feels like? What it’s like to know she’s letting TJ down? How it feels when no degree of focus and hard work can accomplish a dream she’s longed for? Sam comes out and says she has to go. Kristina asks if everything is okay, and Sam says she hopes so. There’s ice cream in the freezer; take their pick. She runs out.

Trina asks if Curtis wants her to send Portia in, and he tells her, go eat. Get some rest. She says, someone told her that he’d want her to take care of herself, and he says, someone smart. She says she’s so glad he’s back, and leaves. Marshall asks if Curtis is feeling okay, and Curtis says he feels strange. Like something happened. Marshall says, the doctors almost lost him in the operating room, and Curtis says, that explains it. Marshall says, explains what? and Curtis says, why he was with mom and Tommy.

Cyrus says, they were just making conversation, and Heather says, make it somewhere else. Her daughter’s here to see her. He says, she might want to be more punctual, and Heather laughs. He says he hopes he and Esme get to do this again sometime, and leaves. Heather takes his seat, and tells Esme that she should never talk to other inmates, especially Cyrus. He’s dangerous. Esme says, not like her? and Heather says she was so thrilled when they told her that Esme wanted to see her. She looks beautiful. Motherhood becomes her. Ace must be so big now. Does she have any pictures? Esme says, no. She can’t believe she’s actually here. She swore to herself that she’d never let Heather see her again, or meet Ace. Heather says she understands. She made a couple of mistakes. But Esme’s given her a second chance. Esme says, that’s not why she’s here. She still thinks Heather is the same vile, reprehensible person, but Heather is the only one who can give her the information she needs. Heather says she’d do anything for Esme, and Esme asks why Heather abandoned her.

Ava says, perhaps Gordon didn’t notice they’re having lunch here. Maybe he could find a more appropriate time to discuss whatever health concerns he has. Gordon says, apologies, but what he needs is immediate attention right now. Getting up, Austin says, it’s not a problem. Why don’t they find a place where they can chat? Please excuse them. The price of doing business as a doctor; always on call. He leaves with Gordon, and Ava says, the nerve of that guy, interrupting us like that. Nina says she guesses they’re both involved with men who are in high demand, and Sonny says, Nina always comes first with him because they have no secrets. What about Ava and Austin? Any secrets?

An officer gives Bennet the knife in an evidence bag, and Bennet tells Sasha that she’s being charged with assault with a deadly weapon. She’d better hope he makes it. She says she would never hurt Cody, and Maxie tells Gordon that Sasha doesn’t belong in jail. He can see she’s not well. He says he knows Maxie was married to a good cop. So she can see how convenient this act is. Maxie says, it’s not an act, and goes over to Sasha’s bag. She takes a prescription bottle out, and hands it to Bennet, saying, he can see she’s on antidepressants, and he knows what effect they can have on people. Alyse joins them, and says, it’s true. Sasha Gilmore has a very well-documented history of mental breaks following the death of her infant son. He says, and she knows this because? Alyse says she was just interviewing Sasha for Crimson about her recovery. Gladys guides Sasha over, and Bennet says, she lost her baby? Sasha says, Liam… He left us… Then Brando. He asks, who’s Brando? (Oh come on. He doesn’t read the paper?) Gladys says her son and Sasha’s husband; her dead husband.

Austin and Gordon walk out to the back alley, and Austin says, what was that? He can’t just do that. He can’t just confront Austin in a restaurant. Gordon says, take it up with his cousin. Mason gave him no choice. Austin asks, what’s Mason done now? and Gordon says, it’s what he hasn’t done. He hasn’t paid for Gordon’s services.

Ava says, so Sonny and Nina have no secrets. That’s got to be a first for Sonny. She and Austin like a little mystery. Sonny asks if that means she doesn’t know much about the guy, and Nina says, that’s not what Ava said. Sonny says he just wants to know Austin can handle himself. That Gordon guy seemed a bit hostile… Ava says, Austin knows what he’s doing, and Nina asks if he didn’t face down the Quartermaines. Ava says, yes. Austin demanded his birthright, the Quartermaines strongarmed him, and he decided it just wasn’t worth the fight to be part of that particular clan. Nina says, their sense of entitlement knows no limits. Michael isn’t that way though. Sonny says he’ll be right back, and leaves. Ava says, this is going great.

Marshall says, what was she like? and Curtis says, loving. It felt like home. Marshall says he bets she was still beautiful. He said he was there with Tommy too? Curtis says he didn’t see him, but he could feel him. He’s still trying to process. It felt realer than a dream. Marshall says, there are more things in heaven and earth than they’ve dreamt of, and Curtis says he misses her too. Marshall says, Curtis was happy there, wasn’t he? But he came back. He came back for them. Why? He says he came back for the same reason Marshall did. He came back for his child.

Trina thanks Spencer for coming, and says, it made such a difference having him here. He says he’ll always be here for her, and she says, even if it means he has to hang out with her mom in the waiting room? He says, the only exceptions are in fine print, and she asks what he and her mom were talking about when she walked in earlier. He flashes back to Portia suggesting he let Trina go, and he says, they were talking about putting family first. It’s definitely something her mom does. Trina says, she’s a fighter. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to protect the people she loves.

Heather says, from the very first moment Esme was born, she loved her so much. She’d already made some mistakes in her life that would have complicated things for Esme, and she wanted Esme to have the best life possible. That’s what a mother wants for her baby, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice to make that happen. Esme says, Heather really believes that, doesn’t she? and Heather says, it’s true. It was all worth it to protect her. Esme says, no, no, no. Going around town murdering people with a hook does not qualify as an act of love. Heather says she might have been a little overzealous, but she saw those people as a threat to her daughter. She had to protect Esme; the way Esme would protect Ace. Esme says, oh no. She’s raising Ace. Heather abandoned her. Heather says she made a sacrifice for Esme, and now Esme is doing what she has to do for her baby. Esme says she’s nothing like Heather, but Heather says, that’s why she’s here, isn’t it? Esme finally realized how much they have in common.

Kristina says she never meant for Molly to overhear her about being their surrogate, and it’s possible she may have been a bit too impulsive that night. Molly says, that night? and Kristina says, all right, most nights. But Molly knows that about her, so she should also know that Kristina would never think just because she can have a baby naturally and Molly… can’t, that it makes her some kind of hero. She just thought if she could give her little sister what she desperately wants, that she wants to do that. Molly says, but Kristina didn’t even ask her if that’s what she wanted. She knows Kristina meant to help her, but she wasn’t the first person Kristina talked to about it. She knows Kristina has a big heart, but… Kristina says, but she also has a big mouth, and sometimes when she gets excited about something, she has a tendency to… Molly says, word vomit, and Kristina says, yeah. Molly says, the kids at the shelter are so lucky to have her, but she’s Kristina’s sister. She’s not some stranger Kristina is trying to get off the street.

At the hospital, the nurse tells Cody that there’s someone to see him, and Sam comes in. She says, ouch. He set a new record for stitches. He says, the procedure has become all too familiar, and she says, from what she was told, the amount of blood at the pool, she thought he might be lucky to just make it here alive. He says, her and him both. How did she know he was here? She says, that’s not how this is going to work. He’s not asking the questions; she is. How much trouble is he in this time? He says, for once, he’s not in any trouble. Sasha is.

Bennet says, they need to do a psyche evaluation. He’ll call on ahead and they’ll be waiting for Sasha at GH. He tells the officer to cuff her, and Maxie asks if that’s really necessary. He holds up the bag with the knife, and says, yeah. Maxie tells Sasha, everything’s going to be okay, and Gladys says she’ll come with Sasha, but Bennet says, she can’t ride in the car. The officer takes Sasha away, and Bennet says, Gladys should probably clean up and get to the hospital. Gladys looks at the blood on her hands. Ooh. Symbolism.

Sam says, Sasha stabbed Cody? That doesn’t make any sense. She never hurt anyone. He says he thought exactly the same thing… until she stuck a bar knife in his side at the pool and called him Cyrus. Sam says, Cyrus Renault terrorized her a couple years ago. He asks if he looks like the guy, but she says, not remotely. Besides, he’s been in Pentenville for a while now. He says he could see in her eyes that something was off, and right before that, she got accused of shoplifting. Sam says she guesses Sasha’s recovery had a setback.

Spencer says he’s sorry Trina has had so much to deal with lately. He knows Greenland wasn’t exactly a picnic, and since she’s gotten back… She says she’s fine, and he says he hates feeling like he’s letting her down. Just let him know. Is he making her life better, or just harder?

Portia goes in to see Curtis, and says she thought she was going to lose him. He says he thought he was going to lose her, and she says, nothing matters now except him getting better. Curtis says, Dr. Nephew, and TJ tells Dr. Barnsdall that Curtis even has his sense of humor back. Dr. Barnsdall says, Curtis looks and sounds good, but he’d still like to do some tests. Curtis asks, what kind of tests?

Kristina says, Molly is her little sister, but Molly has always had her life so much more out together than Kristina. She just had this ability to work hard, figure things out, and accomplish it. Molly never needed her. Molly says, that’s not true, but Kristina says, it is true, and that’s okay. Molly has comforted and counseled her more times than she can count. And she just thought finally she’d be able to help Molly. That Molly actually needed her this time, and she could help Molly in a meaningful way. Molly says, all she ever needs is for Kristina to be her big sister.

Esme says, maybe the old Esme who came to Port Charles was a bit like Heather, but she’s not that person anymore. She would never hurt anyone and she would never abandon her child the way Heather abandoned her. Heather says she knew if she and Ryan raised Esme, there was no way she could flourish. Esme says she didn’t exactly flourish with the Prince family, and Heather says, they were stable, they had money, they gave her the traditional upbringing she deserved. Esme says, then why did she tell everyone they were cold and withheld any emotion they might have had for her? and Heather says, that’s what she remembers? Esme says, no, but… Heather says, that’s what Spencer Cassadine’s been telling her, isn’t it? but Esme says, Spencer’s been good to her. He loves Ace. Heather says, Ace is his half-brother, and he’s half Cassadine. That’s all Spencer cares about. He’s willing to ignore the rest of Ace’s bloodline. Esme says, bloodline does not determine who we are meant to be unless you’re a werewolf, and Heather says she knows she and Ryan had their faults, but maybe what they gave her, what the Princes gave her, helped her to become the wonderful woman she is today. Esme says, Ace is never going to know anything about her parents, real or adoptive. She and Spencer have decided to co-parent him and raise Ace to be his own person. Heather tells Esme, her and Ace and that pampered punk is very unhealthy, but Esme says, any family is better than hers. Heather says, how does that fairytale end when Spencer finds out exactly what happened to Esme’s adoptive parents?

Austin tells Gordon that he’s the last guy on earth who would defend his cousin. He knows exactly who that guy is, but he pays his debts. Gordon says, Mason did pay him for the work he did at General Hospital, but he did some extra… Austin starts to blow Gordon off, and Gordon says, bottom line is, Mason is ducking him and he wants his money now. Austin says, talk to his cousin, because it has nothing to do with him, but Gordon says, it has everything to do with Austin. Because Austin is in on it with him. They both know that. Austin says, they’re done here. Don’t ever contact him again. He starts to leave, but Gordon grabs his arm and asks, how difficult is it for a doctor to operate with a broken arm? Sonny comes out and says, you break him, I break you.

Sonny asks if Gordon knows who he is, and Gordon says he does. Sonny says, then Gordon knows he’s a nice guy until you do something he doesn’t like, and he doesn’t like what Gordon is doing right now. So apologize to his friend Austin… Austin says, he doesn’t have to, but Sonny says, hey, and tells Gordon, now. Gordon says, I’m very sorry, Dr. Gatlin-Holt, and Sonny says, he can go now. Gordon thanks him, and leaves. Austin shrugs, and says, so patients don’t always understand doctors are human beings. They can’t help everybody about everything, so sometimes they get angry… Sonny says he didn’t know the medical profession was so hazardous, and Austin says he made it this far, so he guesses he’ll just keep doing what he’s doing. Sonny asks if Austin wants to go back to the ladies, and Austin says, yeah, and jets.

Esme says her adoptive parents died in an accident, and Heather says, well accidents – air quotes – happen – end air quotes. The way that bartender Oz Haggerty’s overdose happened. Esme asks if Heather is saying she had something to do with her parents’ deaths, but Heather says, never mind. That’s all in the past. She shouldn’t have brought it up. Esme says, Heather was just trying to get in her head. It was obviously a mistake to come here. She gets up, but Heather says wait, and follows her. She says, Esme’s mistake is caring what people think about her. She doesn’t need Spencer… Esme says she does. If she wants any chance of living down the things people say she’s done. Heather says she promises Esme, the people in Port Charles don’t forget. And they don’t forgive. Does she know why Heather named her Esme? It means to love, and Heather loves her and accepts her for exactly who she is. She just may be the only person in the whole world who will ever feel that way.

Kristina tells Molly, from now on, no matter how good she thinks her intentions are, she’s not going to assume anything. she’ll wait for people to tell her what they need. Molly says, and she promises to lean on her big sister a little more often, putting her head on Kristina’s shoulder. Kristina says, now that she’s not assuming what Molly wants or needs, she does have an important question for her.  Molly says, already? and Kristina says, mint chocolate chip or mocha? Molly says, both, and as Kristina gets up, she says, and that offer she never officially made still stands. She and Molly touch hands, and Kristina goes to the kitchen.

Cody tries to sit up, and Sam asks what he’s doing. He says he needs to check on Sasha, and Sam says, that’s not a scratch he has right there. He asks if she’s ever been thrown from an unbroken colt. This is nothing. He has to at least see if he can help Sasha. She says she doesn’t think there’s much he can do right now, and they look through the door to see Sasha handcuffed to a wheelchair and looking pretty worried. She’s wheeled into the elevator.

Nina says she’s so glad they’re doing this. Isn’t Sonny? Sonny doesn’t look glad, and flashes back to seeing Austin and Gordon in the alley. Sonny says, yeah. He feels like he knows a lot more about Austin. He smiles.

Trina says, if Spencer is asking if she regrets being with him… His phone rings, and he sees it’s Esme. Trina says, answer it, but he says he’s with her right now. Anything else can wait. She says, it could be about his baby brother, and he steps away. He says he’s in the middle of something right now, but Esme says she just needs to talk to him about something. He asks if Ace is okay, and she says, he’s fine. She’s just been digging into some things in her past and has some questions about her adoptive parents. Does he remember… He says he’s not doing this right now. He’ll see her back at the apartment. He hangs up, and Trina asks if everything is okay, but he says he only cares if he and Trina are okay. Are they? She says, if he’s asking if it’s been easy, it hasn’t been, and he says he knows things have been complicated with him and his family, and he hasn’t been there for her, but he thinks he’s doing better and he promises… She says, it’s not just him and he knows that. Life hasn’t been easy for either one of them. He says, and he feels like they deserve a break. He knows they got one with Curtis waking up, and he’s thankful and grateful that Curtis did. She says, maybe things will be easier for them for a while, and he puts his arms around her. He says, no matter what comes, they’ll face it together.

Dr. Barnsdall tells Curtis to close his eyes and just respond when he feels something. The doctor pokes him in different places on his body, and Curtis is like, yeah… yeah… mm-hm. TJ and Portia look hopeful, but when the doctor gets to his legs there’s no response. TJ asks what Curtis feels, and Curtis says he didn’t feel anything. (Way to panic a patient.) He opens his eyes and says, he can’t feel anything. TJ and Portia don’t look hopeful anymore.

Tomorrow, Curtis says, none of them seem surprised that he can’t feel his legs; Austin asks someone, what happens if people disappoint them; Carly visits Drew; and Josslyn tells Dex that they both know who that bullet was meant for.

🤹🏻 Busier Than You…

Who knew Leo wore so many hats?

👶 Double the Ace…

You can tell these two were destined for show biz. I’m also glad I’m not the only one who thought, that’s a pretty big newborn.

🪧 Joining the Cause…

It was bound to happen. Give those people their money already.

🗽 Up For Debate…

It’s only been one episode, so I don’t have the names down, but there are a couple of pot stirrers in the mix.

🩲 Underside Out…

This week’s Runway was all about using underwear as outerwear, but in a chic way. IMO, there were a couple of gorgeous pieces, but there were also a few klunkers, one of which was in the top three, so what do I know? I was thrilled that Paulina Porizkova was a guest judge, since I loved her book. Designer Sergio Hudson was also in attendance.

🩰 Dream Car Pulling Up…

The set. What I wouldn’t give to play in it.

The looks. It’s all about the close… and those tiny shoes.

The cast. I love Weird Barbie, although I never did that to any of mine.

🤖 Not Written By AI…

Join me for Friday’s free-for-all of soap, tea, citations, and music. Until then, stay safe, stay not being a lousy tipper, and stay remembering, bloodline does not determine who we are meant to be. Unless you’re a werewolf.

July 19, 2023 – Portia Confronts Spencer, Tamra Continues To Be a Screeching Moron, Another New One, NYC Talk & Lollipops


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

As Gladys, Maxie, and Sasha got to a table in the pool area, Maxie says she spoke to the Crimson journalist who’s going to be interviewing Sasha about the tone of the piece. She happens to be a good friend of Maxie’s, and is very sympathetic to Sasha’s situation. Not to mention, she loves a sob story about someone coming back after being down and out. Not that Sasha is a sob story. Sasha says, nope, she’s just a thief, but Maxie says, she’s not that either. She’s just had a rough couple of years. And in the interest of transparency, she wants to tell her side of the story about what happened at Logan’s. Sasha says, right. She’s coming forward of her own volition to take responsibility for her actions and speak about her recent mental health issues. Maxie says, maybe say journey… Unless she thinks it’s too woo-woo. Gladys says she likes it, and Maxie says, then maybe not. She’s going to say this one last time; Sasha does not have to do the interview. The story that broke was a blind piece about a model shoplifting. Nobody knows it was her. Gladys says, not yet anyway, and tells Sasha that she trusts her impulse to get ahead of the story. Sasha thanks Gladys for faith in her, and she just prays everything goes smoothly. Maxie says she’ll be right by Sasha’s side to make sure it does, and Gladys says, oh great, as Cody walks in. She says, Cody Bell is the last thing they need right now, and he lies down on a chaise lounge.

In Alexis’s office, Esme looks through some boxes of papers on the floor. She hears something, and quickly puts everything back in the boxes, but Alexis walks in before she’s done and asks, what is she doing?

Sonny lets Kristina into the penthouse, and she says she’s glad he texted. She was already gearing up for the rest of the day. Sonny says, she knows he’s always here for her. What’s going on? She says she applied for the wrong building permit. She thought she filed it correctly, but it turns out, she didn’t. No one bothered to let her know, so now she’s in violation of Title VII.III of some thousand-page indecipherable law. He says, she has to take a breath, and she says she’s trying, but just like everything else in her life, it feels like her foundation is just being ripped out from under her.

There’s a knock at the door, and we hear, the role of Molly is being played by Brook Ann Smith (see below). Great. It was hard enough keeping nuMolly and nuKristina straight, but at least the old nuMolly was a head taller than everyone else. Not so this one. Molly thanks Sam for letting her stop by, and Sam says, she’s always welcome here. Molly says she’s been spending so much time at GH waiting for updates on Curtis, and on top of that, Kristina just had to make everything so much harder than it has to be. But really, does that surprise anyone? Sam asks, what happened? and Molly says, mom didn’t clue Sam in? Sam says, mom stopped by last night, but she doesn’t know if what Alexis told her is what Molly is talking about. Molly says, Kristina has decided she’s going to be the surrogate for her and TJ’s baby. Then she discusses it with Sam and Alexis without even bothering to tell her and TJ. So now, as usual, she and TJ were the last to know.

Taggert looks at a photo of him and Trina on his phone, when Trina comes in. They hug, and Trina thanks him for asking her to meet him for breakfast, but she can’t stay long. She has to go back to the hospital. He says he understands she has to be there, but she has to eat, and she says, she knows. But she feels guilty when she’s away from the hospital. She feels like she should support mom and d… Curtis, because it feels like he may never wake up.

Portia says, come on, Curtis. It’s time to wake up. They’ve all been here waiting for him. Trina’s here, his dad, his Aunt Stella. Even his girl Nina was here. They all love and miss him so much. Spencer walks in, and Portia turns to see him. He says he didn’t mean to intrude, and she says, Trina’s not here. She went to have breakfast with her dad. If it’s important, Spencer can give her a call. Spencer thanks her and says he’ll get out of her hair (another phrase they say a lot that no one else does). He leaves, and Marshall comes in. He asks if there’s any change, but Portia says, nothing. All they can do is wait. Meanwhile, Spencer, of all people, decides to stop by. Marshall says he’s sure Spencer was just looking for Trina, and she says, he was, but she told him that Trina was having breakfast with her dad, so thankfully, he left. Marshall says, not exactly. He’s sitting right out there in the waiting area, and doesn’t look like he’s leaving any time soon. She glances out the window and sees Spencer.

Taggert says he promises Trina is going to get through this crisis. It’s a hard lesson learned, and he hates that she’s learning it at such a young age, but she needs to understand she has a whole family that loves and supports her. He takes her hand and says, she doesn’t have to go through this on her own. She says, but she can’t help but feel like being here with him, she’s giving up on Curtis.

Portia comes out, and Spencer says he hopes Trina is enjoying breakfast with her… dad. He was just going to wait for her here, unless Portia would rather he leave, because he can. She says, no. She wants him to stay because there’s something she needs to say, and she needs him to hear what she has to say.

Molly wonders when Alexis came by Sam’s last night. Was it before or after Molly saw her at GH? Sam says, after, but she promises mom wasn’t trying to keep anything from Molly. They didn’t know Molly overheard Kristina saying she wanted to be a surrogate for her and TJ. They were trying to stop her from saying anything insensitive or hurtful. Molly says she just wishes that idea had worked, because TJ was furious, and Sam says, Kristina was really just trying to help them out. Molly says, by swooping in with this great plan? Would Sam ever have done that? Sam says, no, and Molly says, of course (🍷) she wouldn’t. Because she understands their fertility issue is a private topic. It’s their problem to figure out, not Kristina’s. Sam says, Molly has every right to be angry… and Molly says, angry hardly describes it. She doesn’t know if their relationship as sisters will ever be the same.

Sonny says, in his experience, dealing with these big shot types, you’ve got to be patient. It’s not easy. You got to have everything exact. She says she’s so mad at herself for making such a stupid mistake, and he asks if she’s done this before. She says, no, and he asks why she thinks she has to be perfect right out of the gate. She’s learning on the job. She asks if he has any bright ideas on how she can fix it, and he says he’ll make a few calls and take care of this, but she says, no. It’s her mess and she’s going to fix it herself. He says, then she has to own her mistake and make it clear what it is she needs to fix it. Then do it in person. She says, of course (🍷), and thanks him, and he says, anytime. Her mom mentioned she might need some support. She says, so mom’s been talking to him about her behind her back.

Esme says, she had them put some boxes in Alexis’s office, and when she picked up one of them, the lid fell off… Alexis says she wasn’t asking Esme for an excuse. She was asking for an explanation. Esme says, it wasn’t an excuse. She was just trying to be more proactive like Alexis asked. Alexis says, and by proactive, Esme interpreted that to mean she could comb through Alexis’s documents? Esme says she never would have done it, but they’re all about her. Is Alexis researching her? Is that why Alexis hired her in the first place, so she could do some story?

Gladys says she’s going to talk to Cody, but Sasha says, he has every right to be here. Gladys says, he does, but he’s clearly a distraction. Does Sasha really need that right now? This interview has to go perfectly. Maxie says, smoothly. Stay here. She’ll talk to Cody. Sasha thanks her, and Maxie leaves. Gladys says, Sasha is going to do great, but is she keeping up with her meds? Sasha takes a pill out of her purse and swallows it. No water because she’s a pro at this.

Maxie taps Cody on the head, startling him, and he says he swears he didn’t know they were here. It’s his day off. She asks if he can at least do them a favor and stay away from Sasha. She needs some space. He promises he won’t bust into their brunch by the pool, but Maxie says, it’s a little more than a brunch. Sasha’s telling her side of the story about what happened at Logan’s. He says he didn’t know the story came out, and she says, there was a blind piece in The Sun. He says, if it didn’t mention Sasha by name, why is she coming forward? Won’t that just make things worse?

Gladys tells Sasha, maybe Maxie was right. Maybe this is a bad idea. Sasha says, Gladys told her that she should do it, and Gladys says, what does she know about publicity? Sasha says, maybe there’s still time to cancel, and takes out her phone, when a woman calls her name. She holds out her hand and says, Alyse Taylor. Ready to tell her side of the story? Sasha asks if she isn’t a bit early. Maxie is supposed to be here for this. Gladys says, don’t mind Sasha; she’s a little out of practice. Alyse says, they can push back the interview if she needs more time to prepare, but Sasha says, let’s do it. Besides, she’s an open book. No need to prepare if you’ve got nothing to hide.

Maxie tells Cody, look. Sasha felt she owed the public an explanation, and she respects that. He asks, who’s that with Sasha now? and Maxie says, dammit. She wanted to do the introductions. Whatever he does, do not come over to their table. And would it kill him to put a shirt on or something? He says, at the pool? and she says, whatever. Just don’t come over to their table. He says he’s not going to. Just take care of Sasha.

Molly tells Sam, time after time, she’s made allowances for Kristina’s feelings, thinking somehow, she overshadowed Kristina. All of her achievements made Kristina feel less than. So what did she do? She apologized for not being sensitive enough or that she was too uptight and stood in Kristina’s path. But now she’s wrestling with something difficult and painful, and maybe even life changing. Except what is their family doing again? They’re all tiptoeing around Kristina’s feelings. Sam says, she and mom never thought of it that way, and Molly says, none of them do because Kristina has to make everything about her. Except this time, she’s the one with the health condition, not Kristina. Yet what are they all talking about? They’re all talking about Kristina wanting to be the surrogate for her and TJ. Sam says she knows Molly is upset and she really wants to be there for her, but maybe it’s not Kristina who Molly has the probably with. Molly says, in what world is Kristina not her problem? and Sam says, she’s talking about a family dynamic that’s obviously been bothering her for a really long time. So maybe her issue isn’t with Kristina. Maybe it’s more with her and mom, because they take Molly for granted, and spend more time focused on Kristina. Any chance that’s what’s making her so upset?

Sonny tells Kristina that Alexis hinted there was something wrong, but it was Kristina’s story to tell, and she doesn’t want to betray Kristina’s confidence. Kristina says, did she or did she not ask Sonny to come and talk to her? and he says, Alexis suggested that they have a conversation. There’s no harm in that. She says, of course (🍷). It’s just so obvious that no one trusts her to make decisions about her own life.

Trina says, it’s been so crazy, and she just doesn’t think she’s been making enough time for Taggert, but he says, it’s a little hard to make time for her dad when she’s being held hostage in Greenland by some maniac. She says, but ever since she got home, she feels like all her energy has been focused on figuring out her relationship with Curtis. She just feels like they haven’t been connecting the same way… not since they got those DNA results back. He says, it’s a fair statement, and she says, but they promised each other before they got those results, nothing was going to change between them. She thinks they just need to be honest. They’re struggling with this, aren’t they?

Spencer tells Portia that he knows Trina’s been here since Curtis was shot, and he knows he should have been here to support her. He really does wish he could have visited more. Portia says she hasn’t seen much of him, and he says he wanted to respect Trina’s boundaries. She says, not to mention his extremely complicated home life. It was one thing for him to be living with Esme while Laura and Doc were supervising, but now that they’re gone looking for Nikolas… He says, it’s not just him and Esme. And the only reason he’s living there is so he can help take care of his little brother Ace. She says, it’s got to be a lot of responsibility, and he says, more than he could have imagined. But he’s very lucky, because Trina has been incredibly patient and supportive of him. She says, that sounds like her daughter. She’s always been one to see the best in anyone. He says, even people who don’t deserve it, like him. But he can promise Portia that whatever happens with his little brother, he could never hurt Trina, because she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him. She says, really? and he says, without a doubt. She says, then can he answer her this? Is he the best thing that’s happened to Trina?

Sonny says he hopes Kristina knows he’s supportive of her, and she says, he might be the only one. He says, she has to help him out, because if this isn’t about the foundation, and it’s some personal issue, he’s flying blind here. She has to give him some details and tell him what’s going on. She tells him, let’s just say she had an idea to make an offer to help Molly, and he asks what she means. She says she can’t say exactly, but it would have been a really big deal for both of them. She told mom and Sam about it the other night, but they completely shot her down. They said, Molly wouldn’t want her to interfere, and she didn’t think this through, and she had no idea what she was getting herself into. He asks if she did know what she was getting herself into, and she says, no, but she would have figured it out. But that’s not even the problem. The problem is, Molly figured out what she wanted to do, and it turns out mom and Sam were right. For whatever reason, her offering to help Molly was the worst thing she’s ever done in her entire life.

Molly says, this isn’t about Sam and mom. It’s about Kristina. From Kristina’s perspective, all she has to do is offer to be her surrogate, and all Molly’s problems are solved. It’s like she’s saying, let her have a baby for them, and everyone will congratulate her for being the savior for this poor barren couple. Then once again, Kristina is the center of attention. Sam says, Molly needs to take a step back, because that is not at all how Kristina presented being a surrogate for her and TJ. She was just really focused on wanting the two of them to be parents. Was it an impulsive idea? 100% yeah. But Sam doesn’t doubt for a second that she had good intentions. Molly says, Sam’s taking her side? but Sam says she isn’t. They’re her sisters, and she’s just trying to understand. No way would Kristina ever want to hurt Molly. Molly says, Kristina may not have wanted to hurt her, but she really did, and Sam says, Molly wasn’t there for the entire conversation. At the end of that conversation, Kristina agreed to wait until she and TJ decided for surrogacy or not. If they didn’t want to do that, Kristina would have been totally fine with that. Molly asks if Sam doesn’t think it would have become something about her rejecting Kristina or not trusting her, and Sam says she can’t predict the future, but she’s really surprised by Molly’s attitude right now. Molly says, Sam is surprised that she’s angry, but Sam says, she’s not surprised Molly’s angry, but it doesn’t make sense that she’s directing all her anger at Kristina. Molly says, because having a kid isn’t a big deal to her. She doesn’t want a kid, but Molly does. And she can’t have one, but Kristina can. In what world is that fair? Sam hugs Molly.

Alexis says she doesn’t have to explain anything to Esme, let alone why she chooses to choose any document from the archives. And as much as Esme’s curiosity is piqued, that doesn’t give Esme the right to rummage through her office. Move. Esme steps out of the way, and Alexis moves the boxes. She says she can’t believe she’s having this conversation, and Esme says she’s sorry. She hasn’t exactly had a job before. Alexis says she wouldn’t have guessed, and Esme asks, what happens now? Is Alexis going to fire her? Alexis says, not that Esme deserves an explanation, but these documents aren’t about her. She has a reporter who wants to do a retrospective on Heather Webber and Ryan Chamberlain’s reign of terror in Port Charles. Esme says, her biological mother and father, and Alexis says she requested the material as a matter of due diligence. She hasn’t decided yet whether she’s going to approve the retrospective or not. Esme says she’s begging Alexis, do not publish that story, but Alexis says, that’s not how she runs a newspaper. Esme says she thought Alexis, of all people, would understand how she feels.

Maxie greets Alyse, and says, as she’s sure Sasha was just explaining, there were a few misunderstandings that happened at Logan’s that they all want to clear up. They recently adjusted the deals in the loaning contract between Logan’s and Deception, and Sasha’s been out for a while, so she’s not quite caught up. So actually this whole thing is just some big non-story. Gladys says, Sasha’s just a little confused, that’s all, and Maxie says, Sasha just wasn’t clear on the terms of the agreement. Alyse says, makes sense to her, but she was really hoping Sasha would speak for herself. Not just about what happened at Logan’s, but how she’s coping with her return to the spotlight. She’s been through so much – the loss of her husband, the loss of her child – and she had a very public breakdown on the Home & Heart shopping channel. All that pain… Their readers really want to know, how does she keep going?

Taggert tells Trina that he wouldn’t say they were struggling… Okay. He’s been holding back a bit. He doesn’t want to be a burden. She says, but he’s not a burden. When she was angry at mom for lying to her, and trying to sort out her feelings for Curtis, she assumed he’d always be there for her. He says, because it’s true. There’s nothing she could say or do that would change how he feels about her. Besides, she’s going through that time in her life where spending less time with her parents is natural. She’s growing up. She’s finding her way in the world. She has no time for a parent, even though they know it will happen eventually. She says she thought it was different with them. She’s trying to understand where she came from and who she is. He says, the person to help her do that is Curtis.

Spencer tells Portia, honestly, he doesn’t know if he’s the best thing that’s happened to Trina. She’d have to ask Trina, but he certainly knows he’s not the worst thing. Portia says, really? Because from what she recalls, some of the worst moments that were in her daughter’s life all have one common denominator. They all happened because of him. Her daughter was arrested for creating revenge porn of her best friends Josslyn and Cam. And who’s the real guilty party? It was Esme. Who brought Esme to Port Charles? It was him. Trina was almost kicked out of PCU; she was put on trial. And if she was convicted, that would have haunted her for the rest of her life. He says he’s not disagreeing with anything she’s saying, but he and Trina have made a real effort to work past those things. Portia asks if they’ve worked past those things, or has Trina simply overlooked them? What about the fact of Trina following him on that boat and being trapped with his insane great uncle. The only reason Trina is alive is because Curtis saved her, not Spencer. He says, Trina should probably run as far away from him as she possibly can, but what is so amazing is that she hasn’t. She’s chosen not to. Despite everything that’s happened, Portia’s daughter has chosen to stand beside him, and he thinks they’re good for each other. And he thinks he makes her happy. Portia asks how he can say that with a straight face. After everything he’s put her daughter through, he still chose to move in with Esme, the person who caused her daughter all that pain. So no. Absolutely not. She doesn’t think he makes Trina happy at all.

Taggert tells Trina, Curtis is tough. He’s going to pull through. She says she hopes he’s right. She doesn’t know what she’d do if she lost the chance to get to know him. She looks at her phone and says she has to get back to the hospital. She hugs Taggert, and tells him that she loves him. He says, him too, and she says, it’s nice to know she can count on him. He says, always, and she leaves.

Sam says, Molly not being able to carry a child isn’t fair at all, and Molly says, Kristina just throwing it out there like that, that she could carry a child for Molly. She’s clueless about how sad Molly is. TJ’s equally as sad. They both thought she’d be pregnant one day, and that there would be sonograms, getting tiny clothes, and TJ would put his hand on her belly and feel it kick. None of that’s going to happen now. Sam wipes a tear from Molly’s cheek, and says, Kristina knows Molly is having a hard time, but maybe she doesn’t understand all the reasons why. Has she talked to Kristina about it? Molly says, before they blew up, hardly. Kristina makes her uncomfortable; she goes on and on about her foundation. Sam says, Molly has to talk to her and be direct, but Molly says, no. She’s not doing that. She’s so tired of always being the bigger person. Kristina needs to figure this one out on her own.

Sonny says, Kristina knows he loves her, right? and she says, of course (🍷) she does. That’s not the issue. He says he doesn’t seem to know what the issue is exactly, but she needs to have a conversation with Molly. She says she wishes she could. She wishes it were that simple. They could just say, weapons down, and have a sister heart-to-heart, but that’s not going to happen. She knows the way they see her. To Molly and TJ, it’s like, doctor and lawyer versus the college dropout. That’s just the way it is. They think she’s irresponsible and that she’s self-serving, and that she just fundamentally can’t be trusted. Maybe they’re right. He says, she’s beating herself up, and he doesn’t want to pile on… She says, he’s not piling it on. She just doesn’t know what to do. He says, she told him it was an impulsive decision to help Molly. Kristina needs to figure out why she’s so willing to help her. Kristina says, because she wanted to help, and he says, there’s no other reason? What about the foundation? She said she wanted to make a difference in Port Charles, but then she wanted to be in charge of something. She said she wanted some flexibility, and then she wanted something creative. Does she see what he’s saying? It wasn’t totally self-sacrificing. She needs to figure out why it was so important to do that and have a conversation. He doesn’t want anything to come between the two of them.

Sasha tells Alyse that her family is supportive, and gives her the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Gladys and Maxie move to the side, and Gladys wonders what Cody is still doing here. She thought Maxie was going to get rid of him. Maxie says, it’s a public place; he’s fine. We see Cody looking through a magazine, with his shirt on, and Gladys tells Maxie, says you. She’s going to go talk to him. Maxie says, whatever, and Gladys goes over to Cody.

Alyse says, poor thing, and wasn’t Sasha involved with Cyrus Renault for a time? Maxie jets over to the table, and says, that was the past. They’re focusing on the present. Alyse says she thought Maxie told her, no holds barred, and Maxie says, within reason.

Gladys kicks Cody’s chaise, and says, beat it. He sits up and says, excuse me? and she says, Sasha doesn’t need him distracting her. Not when she’s trying to concentrate on an important interview.

Sasha says, that was a long time ago, and Maxie says, she doesn’t have to talk about Cyrus. No one wants to talk about him. She says she thought she and Alyse had an understanding. Sasha watches as Gladys argues with Cody, and he turns into Cyrus.

Spencer tells Portia that Esme is his brother’s mom. He doesn’t like living with her either, but he’s kind of stuck with her right now. She says, he is, but does Trina need to be? That girl tormented her daughter and he’s living with her. Spencer says, she’s right. It’s a complicated situation. She says, maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t, and he says he’s not going to turn his back on his little brother. She says she gets that, but if he really cares for Trina the way he says he does, and he’s stuck with Esme, wouldn’t he want to spare Trina from continually having to see her? Wouldn’t the selfless, mature thing to do be to let Trina go? Trina shows up, and says, he’s here, hugging Spencer.

Curtis moves his hand, and Marshall asks if Curtis can hear him. He calls Curtis’s name.

Trina says she just had breakfast with her dad at Kelly’s. She didn’t know Spencer was coming by. Portia says, it gave them a chance to chat, when Marshall comes out and tells Portia, come quick. He thinks Curtis is waking up. Portia and Trina run into Curtis’s room.

Esme says, all she’s asking is for Alexis to have a little heart. She’s a Cassadine, right? So she knows what it’s like to be judged by her relatives even though she’s done nothing wrong. She’s just trying to explain… Alexis says she’s going to stop Esme right there. That comparison is not only inappropriate and false, it’s really irritating. She is a Cassadine, and her family is very complicated, which is why she did the work to confront her past. She worked really hard to establish herself as her own person apart from her family. So a Cassadine doesn’t define her, nor she them, but Esme on the other hand, claims she doesn’t remember her past – Esme says she doesn’t – which doesn’t mean she doesn’t have one. She does, and she’s done nothing to earn that clean slate. Which is why she’s sure the stories about Esme’s biological mother and father frighten her. She’s worked really hard to try to be civil to Esme, but she doesn’t trust Esme, nor does anyone else. Now if she wants to change that, Alexis suggests she take a really good, long, hard look at herself and her past, and face what she did. Because other than that, these boxes are the least of her problems.

Sasha sees Cyrus arguing with Gladys instead of Cody, blinks, then sees Cody. Maxie asks if she’s okay, and Sasha says she just thought she saw someone she knows. Maxie tells Alyse that they’re going to reschedule the interview. She thinks Sasha’s had a little too much sun. Sasha says, no. She wants to tell her story.

Gladys says she wants to know why Cody wants to bother a troubled young woman, and he asks, what happened? Sasha was doing great as far as he could tell. She says, far being the operative word. He wasn’t there, so how would he know?

Sasha says, yes, she’s been through a lot… like many people. Probably like a lot of Alyse’s readers. Mental illness isn’t uncommon, and the stigma of mental health issues is still… She sees Cyrus with Gladys again, and he looks at her.

Sonny says, Kristina knows he’s always here for her, right? and she says he does, and thanks him. Sometimes she feels so alone in this family, it’s nice to know someone has her back. He says, she’s not alone, and she says, we’ll see. He tells her to think about what he said, and she promises she will. They exchange I love yous, and she leaves.

Alexis says, Esme may not remember her past, but she can’t pretend it didn’t happen because it will find her. Alexis’s phone rings, and she says she needs to take this. She says hello to Sonny, and Esme quickly takes a paper from one of the boxes. Alexis says, she came to his house? Good. Esme slips the paper into her blouse, and Alexis tells Sonny, hold on for a second. She asks why Esme is still here, and Esme bolts to the door. She walks out, and Alexis says, shut the door, so she does. In the hallway, she takes the paper out, and looks at it. It’s a copy of an Invader article with the headline: Heather Webber, Hook Killer, Moved To Pentenville.

Sam says, if Kristina doesn’t say the right thing to Molly, what does that mean for the two of them? but Molly doesn’t know. She says, maybe they need some time apart. There’s a knock at the door, and Sam opens it. Kristina says, thank God she’s home. She’s not going to believe… Molly.

Taggert looks at the photo of him and Trina again, and takes a flask out of his pocket. He pours something into his coffee. I’m guessing whiskey.

Portia asks if Curtis can hear her, and Marshall says he swears he saw Curtis’s fingers move. Portia says, it could have just been a muscle twitch. It doesn’t mean he’s waking up. But wait. It does. Curtis opens his eyes, and Portia says, welcome back. Spencer looks in from the hallway.

Sasha sees Cyrus laughing at her, and jumps up. Maxie asks, what’s wrong?

Gladys asks if Cody hears her. She doesn’t want him anywhere near Sasha. He gets up and says, they both know that Gladys isn’t in any position to give him orders. She says, he doesn’t intimidate her, poking him in the chest, and he says he’d really prefer if she didn’t touch him. She says, oh yeah? Is he going to stop her? She pushes him, and he grabs her wrist.

Sasha sees Gladys struggling with Cyrus, and Maxie asks if she’s all right. Sasha goes to the bar and grabs a knife. Gladys tells Cody to let her go, when Sasha comes up behind him and stabs him. He turns around, feeling his back, and sees blood on his hand. Sasha holds a bloody knife, and Cody says, why? sinking to his knees.

Tomorrow, (the real) Cyrus says he wants it to end; Kristina asks if that’s really how someone sees her; and Esme tells someone that they’re the only one who can get her the information she needs.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

This episode was everything I don’t like about the show. Mostly Tamra. Seriously, this woman needs medication, and if she’s on it already, she needs a changeup.

Aww, Archie was still alive. Nothing sweeter than an old Golden Retriever. Shannon was also still with John. It’s weird when you know things have changed since filming. They’d been discussing living together, but not in any detail. She wasn’t in any rush. In her interview, she said, some people rush into things, but she prefers to take her time. There were red flags with David she refused to see. John said he got stressed out just hearing about the things in Shannon’s world, and she said she also had three kids going to college soon. He wished she could turn her mind off; it was spinning all the time.

Tamra and Emily went for a pedicure, and Tamra told Emily about Heather shoveling sh*t and how she’d said she appreciated those who did manual labor now. In Emily’s interview, she said, it was mind-boggling that Heather had an ah-ha moment about appreciating manual labor in her 50s. Heather joined them, and Emily asked how Taylor was on the trip. Heather said Taylor claimed she was condescending, and Emily said, Heather could be hurtful. Heather said Emily was assuming she was in the wrong, but Emily said, Heather came across like she was better than everyone else and her life was more important. Maybe she didn’t mean it, but it’s how it was being received. In Heather’s interview she said, let’s talk about Emily’s behavior – ugh. I hate those what about you? people – and in Emily’s interview, she said, maybe no one ever told Heather before. I’m guessing, Heather never let them get a word in. Heather told them she’d planned a Duffy (a golf cart on the water!) cruise before dinner, and Tamra said she couldn’t make it because she had an audition for Taylor’s new movie, which was actually pretty funny.

Jenn did her namaste thing at her yoga studio. She said she needed the studio because she wanted to feel like she didn’t need to rely on anyone to provide for her and the kids. Gina came to visit, and said Jenn was the only person she’d do yoga for. She felt badly about what happened in Montana, and said she’d been forced to process feelings she hadn’t processed yet. She’d been where Jenn was. Jenn said she felt bad for a long time, but realized the people who love you might not approve of your behavior, but they would still love you. Stuff was said by Tamra that she had no idea, and she’d told Tamra to talk to her, not the group. In Gina’s interview, she said, Jenn had big expectations for someone who was never going to show up for her. Tamra had already shown up and dragged Jenn’s ass all over town.

Emily’s dog Togo was wearing the cone of shame, and Shane suggested everyone wear one so he didn’t feel alone. Ha-ha! I don’t care what anyone says; I like Shane. Emily had gotten childhood pictures from her mom, and in Emily’s interview, she said her mother was depressed when they were little and slept a lot. She and her sister had to fend for themselves. She told Shane that her mom hadn’t been there since 2019, and he suggested Emily have her visit. She called her mom and said the pictures made her realize how quickly the kids were growing, and she thought her mom should visit. In her interview, Emily said she wanted get past anger and hurt, and let it go. She didn’t need an apology. She just wanted to go forward. Run, Emily. You’re much to sane for this Housewives nonsense.

Shannon took the twins shopping after their trip to Paris with their father. I only mention this because ugh, David. In Shannon’s interview, she said she was passionate about things that weren’t toxic, and wanted the girls to get clothes from a consignment shop, but it was a hard no on most of it. There was a huge discussion about the twins going to college, but all I came away with was that it was about $75K a year, and Shannon didn’t think they’d be inundated with scholarships. Shannon said she’d foot the bill for a college counselor, since apparently David can afford a trip to Paris, but not help for his kids to go to school.

Before the Duffy ride, Gina told Emily that she was still pissed at Heather, and Emily told Gina not to mess up the pool party she was going to have. Taylor arrived first, and Heather told her, the movie thing had gotten out of control. She was sorry for hurting Taylor’s feelings, and Taylor said, same. In Heather’s interview, she wasn’t quite as sorry. She was hoping they just made it to the entrée, and we flashed back to Heather kicking everyone out of her house last season. Poor acting coach Lauren also got roped into this trip, although maybe she’s taking notes for Marat/Sade. Tamra immediately started to irritate me, since she has no inside voice, and the only volume she has is high pitched and loud. Emily invited everyone to her pool party at her mother-in-law’s house, and I’m sure she’ll be sorry. Shannon pointed out the bridge John lived under, and Emily and I wondered if he was a troll. He really just lives in a houseboat, but that was exactly what it sounded like.

After the Duffy ride, they went to a restaurant. Heather made everyone sign a card for Max, who was having a hard time in Boston. She also had a personalized chopsticks at every place setting, as well as a candle. It said in Japanese, too fabulous to shovel sh*t, and in her interview, Emily said she didn’t know anyone who was so unaware of being unaware. I wonder why it’s always a candle, but I’m not a candle person. Tamra zeroed in on Jenn right away, and said Gina had been triggered by Jenn in Montana. Jenn said she and Gina had a real talk, and decided they were going forward. Emily asked if Jenn felt she was overlooking red flags, and Jenn said she’d get concerned if Ryan f***ed up (i.e. actually cheated). Tamra wasn’t having it because of Ryan cheating when they were on a break. She didn’t think Ryan was going to be loyal, and that’s what hurt. Jenn said, what hurt was Tamra airing her dirty laundry. Tamra’s pitch got higher as she babbled about Ryan wanting to do her, and how rumor had it he went after married women. Jenn intimated that Tamra had eyeballed Ryan before she and Ryan got together, and Tamra threw a napkin in Jenn’s face, and stormed out, saying, you need to leave your f***ing boyfriend, you f***ing bitch. In Jenn’s interview, she said, Tamra claimed she wanted to show up in the friendship, but this wasn’t showing up. She didn’t have one other friend who acted like this. News flash. I have no friends who act like this.

Shannon chased after Tamra, and in her interview, Heather said, Tamra could be mean (like this was a revelation) and she just didn’t want it directed toward her. Tamra told Shannon that Jenn was dating a d-bag, while at the table, Emily asked if Jenn was saying Tamra had the hots for Ryan. Jenn said there had been a lot of joking about how hot he was, and in Jenn’s interview, she said, Tamra had joked about it at the time, but now it made her uncomfortable. It wasn’t fair. In Shannon’s interview, she said, Jenn may be an idiot, but let her figure it out on her own. It troubles me when Shannon is the voice of reason. Tamra said she needed a shot of tequila which was probably the last thing she needed. Jenn said she didn’t believe the comment about Ryan wanting to do Tamra, but ever the bearer of hearsay tidings, Heather said, Tamra had heard it from several people. In Emily’s interview, she wondered how many napkins had to smack Jenn in the face before she says something negative about Tamra. Clearly more than one. At the bar inside, Tamra yelled that she needed a shot and a Xanax, then made a rude comment to a married guy at the bar. In her interview, Emily said she thought Heather was afraid of Tamra, since she could be nasty. As soon as Tamra came around again, Heather wasn’t interested in anyone else. We saw a clip where Emily told Gina that Heather needed a change of address card that said Tamra’s ass. Gina said she was pissed about to Heather throwing her under the bus in Montana, and looking back, she wondered if Heather was her friend or not.

Tamra wasn’t sure if she wanted to go back to the table, but she did. Gina wondered if Heather was trying to manage the relationship between Shannon and Tamra, and she was getting left. Shannon wondered what they’d walked in on, and Heather told Gina that she had personal issues going on. Lauren filled Shannon in on the drama, and Tamra told Jenn that she was sorry about the napkin, but she was livid. In Jenn’s interview, she said, Tamra could take her napkin back and clean up her own mess. Gina said, Heather had hurt her feelings a couple of times, and Heather said it hadn’t been her intention and admitted she’d crossed the line with the Travis thing. In Gina’s interview, she said she was happy that Heather seemed to have heard her. All the personalized chopsticks and candles in world didn’t do anything if she wasn’t sure about the friendship. Heather got all dramatic over Terry texting her about David getting divorced, but Shannon already knew. Tamra pulled her chair over to hear the gossip better, and Shannon said, he filed on their anniversary. In Shannon’s interview, she said she’d heard rumblings that things weren’t going well, but her main concern was her own kids. In Taylor’s interview, she wondered when they’d have a girls dinner where there was actually food. The waiters were probably afraid to come to the table. The food did come, and Gina said she was glad they made it to dinner. One of the waiters flambéed wagyu steak at the table, but sadly, Tamra did not catch on fire.

Next time, a Slip N Slide; Vicki is back; Taylor tells Jenn that Tamra got the Ryan stories from Heather; and Shannon says her relationship is over if this is on the air.

🎢 Adding To the Confusion…

I guess they couldn’t hold her spot forever, but can we close the revolving door now? And what about Kristina? Are we done there?

🗽 Because I like to torture myself, I watched the new RHONY again. I guess what I’d expected that wasn’t delivered was more sophistication. What I got was juvenile. Too much behind the back petty talk and I’m better than you bullsh*t. I think Ramona’s antics were getting old, but the old RHONY cast had a certain level of NYC sophistication. They could have shown the Ramonacoaster the door and brought a few more Leahs in so we could go downtown more. And I don’t mean that as a euphemism. I mean like the Village and Soho. The old cast might have been drunker, but they were part of the fun of the city.

🪟 Closing the Drapes…

Stop in tomorrow for soap and freshly brewed tea. Until then, stay safe, stay using your utensils from the outside in, and stay actually working past things and not just overlooking them.

July 18, 2023 – Leo Explains Why Squids Are Cool, Reunion’s End On Deck, Rebooting New York & Mandela


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Oliva sees Ned, and says, hello… you. Welcome. Brook seconds that welcome, and says it’s good to see him. Ned says, Chase persuaded him that it would be a good idea to pay a visit, and Brook says, Chase made this happen? She thanks him, and Chase says he was just trying to help out. Cody steps up with his hand out, and says, they haven’t met yet. He’s Cody. He works with the horses in the stables. Ned says, it’s nice to meet him. Of course (🍷) this estate would have horse stables. Olivia says, this is his home, but Ned says, no. Living in a mansion like this is definitely not his style. Brook asks if this is just a drive-by and he’s not staying, and Ned says, no, he’s not. Olivia says, if that’s the case, then just turn around and leave right now.

Tracy asks what Gregory wants, and he says he’d like to have a few words with her about how she meddled in Chase’s life. She says she has less than zero interest in a lecture from him, and he says, then it’s a damn good thing he’s no longer teaching. She asks if he retired, and he says, something like that. He’s now on the editorial board of The Invader. She says she sees. Now he can tell even more people what to think. Save his breath. She’s not apologizing for helping her granddaughter. He asks her to please stop talking for five seconds, so he can say thank you.

Sam opens the door to Alexis, who asks if Kristina is here. Sam says, hello to her too. No, Kristina’s not here. Why? Does she want to find Kristina? Alexis says she wants to find her all right. She’s just not sure what she’d do if she did. That’s why she came here. She needs Sam to help her resist temptation. Help.

Dante asks Anna, what’s their next move? He wants her to be as safe as possible while they lure out whoever’s trying to kill her. Anna says she’s arranged for townhouse security to make a significant upgrade. Not that she thinks it’s likely someone’s going to attack her in her home, because it’s so specific to her. Whereas if someone is trying to assassinate her at a public pool, that leaves a lot of questions like, was she the target? Was it Sonny? Was it someone else? If they try to kill her in her own home, she was obviously 100% the target. He says, right, but he likes the idea of heightened security here, because you can never be too careful. She says she completely disagrees. The point is for them to make the enemy believe they can get to her, so that’s what she intends to do. The doorbell rings, and she answers. It’s Mac, who asks if she’s heard from Felicia.

Felicia looks in the file, and says, jackpot. A security guard says, freeze. Put her hands where he can see them. She turns around to see the guard with his gun on her, along with Jack and Lucy, who’s wearing handcuffs. She waves to Felicia. Jack says he’ll take his file back, and removes it from Felicia’s hands. Lucy says she’s so very sorry, but there’s no need for handcuffs. She thinks they can work this out together. Jack looks at the file and says, the Maquillage. Felicia says, Lucy couldn’t find a way to keep him occupied for five whole minutes? and Lucy says, they drank a whole bottle of wine. She was stalling. What was Felicia doing? Lying down and taking a nap? Jack wants to know what they’re both doing here in his office trying to steal his confidential client file, and Felicia says she wasn’t trying to steal it; she was just trying to read it. Jack asks if the guard has another pair of handcuffs. He wants Felicia arrested for breaking and entering, and Lucy committed straight up fraud.

Sam tells Alexis, Kristina wanted to be a surrogate for Molly and TJ’s baby. Talk about bad timing. Alexis says, unfortunately, Molly didn’t stick around long enough for Kristina to tell her that she thought it was bad timing. Sam asks if she explained that to Molly, but Alexis says, it wasn’t a good time. Molly and TJ had been up all night because Curtis was in surgery. Sam says, at least they know he’s out of surgery safely, and Alexis says, right, so she’s just going to sit here next to Sam and let Molly and Kristina work this out on their own. Sam looks at her phone and says, she has no text messages from either of them. Molly’s text messages have been silenced. Alexis says, because she doesn’t want to hear from anybody. This isn’t exactly staying out of it. Sam says, Alexis is staying out of it. She’s low-key offering support here. She texts Kristina: R u ok? She says, Kristina is replying.

Walking into the living room, Ned says he didn’t want to come here in the first place. Chase talked him into it. So if he’s not welcome here, he doesn’t see any reason why he should stay. Brook says, they do want him here, but Olivia says, not if he’s just going to turn around and walk out again. He can’t keep dropping in and out of Leo’s life; it’s too confusing. Chase says, Brook texted him, and said Leo got hurt riding Comet. That’s why he and Eddie are here. Ned says, that’s right. How’s the kid doing? Olivia says, his leg will heal just fine, but he’s confused, and Eddie just showing up like this is going to make things worse. Ned says, then they agree, he should leave. He only came because Chase convinced him that he might be able to help this kid understand the situation better. Olivia says she doesn’t see how that’s possible when she doesn’t even understand it herself, and Cody asks if he can have a word with her for a minute. They step outside, and Brook asks Ned to stay and talk to her; just for a few minutes, she swears. He says, sure, he can do that, and she says she’s really glad Chase convinced him to stop by. She knows Olivia is really glad too. She just needs a few minutes to figure that out. She pours a drink, and Ned says he’s not so sure about that, but she seems charming enough, so he won’t go just yet. She hands him the drink and thanks him, and he says, unless that woman, Tracy, who says she’s his mother, comes around. Then forget it. She is really, really intense, so if she comes around, he’s out of here. Brook asks where she is, and Ned says, she’s probably harassing some other person in Rice Plaza.

Tracy says, Gregory wants to thank her for meddling in his son’s life? and he says, yes. He’s grateful for what she did, regardless of her motives. Chase would never be happy if he didn’t get his badge back. Being a detective is Chase’s calling, so he’s glad she did whatever she did to convince the CCRB to give him a second hearing. He’s confident Chase got his badge back on his own merits, but without Tracy’s help, he may not have had that chance. She says, but Chase is upset that she interfered, and he says, because Chase believes in following the rules; he’s always been like that. She says, if he’s such a rule follower, what is he doing with Brook? Their family motto is basically, we’re Quartermaines and rules don’t apply. He says, that may be the case, but he thinks Chase has finally found the woman he’s willing to bend the rules for.

Mac asks what Dante is doing at Anna’s, and Dante says he just stopped by to ask Anna a few more questions about the shooting at the pool. Anna says she hasn’t seen Felicia. Is something wrong? Mac says, she’s on a case, and Anna says she didn’t know Felicia was a P.I. again. Mac says, it caught him by surprise too. She didn’t tell him who her client was, but it has something to do with Martin Grey. Anna says, and Lucy’s out of town too. She guesses that means something. Dante says he’s guessing, nothing good.

Felicia says she thinks if they just stop and take a deep breath, they can find a way to deal with this, and Lucy says she barely knows this woman. Jack says, she told him that Felicia was her sister, and Lucy tells him, what can she say? They’re just not that close. Jack says, Lucy wanted to drag dinner out so blondie here could crack his safe. And when he got suspicious and wanted to leave, she assaulted him. She says she did no such thing, and he says, she tried to push him down a flight of stairs. She says she wouldn’t do that; you, sir, you tripped. He tells the guard, then she stole his car keys from the valet, and she says, because he had a lot more to drink than she did. She was trying to save him from a DUI. He says, they both had wine to drink. Who’s she kidding? She says, he had a lot more than she did, and if the guard doesn’t believe her, give him one of those things… Jack says, breathalyzer. Why is he attracted to these fiery women? He tells the guard, if you please, and the guard puts handcuffs on Felicia.

In the hallway, Jack suggests the guard call for back-up. These two are either going to divide and conquer, or… In the office, Felicia asks how Jack got on to Lucy, and Lucy says, that is not important right at this moment. What’s important is for them to get out of here. She tells the guard, hey, Mr. Policeman Guy. This is the wife of the Police Commissioner of Port Charles. Felicia says, no, but Lucy says, yes, so he can kind of take it easy on them as perhaps a professional courtesy. Felicia tells her not to drag Mac into this, and Jack tells Lucy not to be mad at Ray. He’s just doing his job. Lucy asks if they don’t get one phone call each, and Ray says, they do. Lucy tells Felicia that she knows exactly who they’re going to call.

Alexis asks, what’s TL mean? and Sam says, it’s code for talk later. Alexis says she misses actual words, and Sam says, her too. Does she really think Molly’s that upset that Kristina offered to be their surrogate? Alexis says she thinks Molly is just plain upset. She doesn’t know how much of it is about Kristina, and how much of it is about the fact she has fertility issues. Sam says she was afraid Kristina’s offer would cause friction, and Alexis says, at least everything is out in the open now. She’s going to do everything she can to make sure they work this out. Dante comes in, and says, sorry if he’s interrupting anything. Alexis says, not at all. It’s a nice night. She’s going for a walk. Sam thanks her for coming by, and Alexis says, TL, and leaves. Dante asks how Sam’s day was, and she says, very busy. He says, interesting case? and she says, about that. She thinks it’s time she filled him in on what she’s been doing.

Anna gives Mac a drink and asks where Felicia went. He says he doesn’t know. All he knows is, she took a short flight. She asks, when was the last time he heard from her, and he says, she texted to say she arrived safely early this morning, but nothing since then. Anna says, that’s not long, but he says he can’t shake the feeling she’s in trouble if she’s with Lucy. Anna says she knows, when her phone rings. She shows Mac, and he says, thank God. Anna tells Felicia that she’s here with Mac. They were just talking about her. Felicia says, she’s with Mac? and Anna says she’s going to put Felicia on speaker. Mac says he was starting to worry about her, and Felicia says, surprise. He asks if something’s wrong, but she says, there’s nothing wrong. She just remembered she’s supposed to have drinks with Anna tonight. Lucy says, tell her, and Anna says she’s sorry. She doesn’t remember them having plans. Felicia says she must have gotten her days mixed up. Sorry to bother her. Lucy grabs the phone and says, it’s her. Could Anna please call her friend Jackson Montgomery and tell him not to arrest them? Anna says, who’s going to arrest them? and Mac says he knew it.

Cody says he thought Olivia wanted Ned here, and she says, yes. She wanted Ned here, not Eddie. Leo cannot deal with his father not even knowing who he is. Cody says, nobody wants to see Leo getting more upset, but maybe instead of kicking Eddie out, take this opportunity to talk to him. Make plans to see each other outside of the main Q house. Clearly Eddie showed up today because he cares about Leo’s injury. He may not know he’s Leo’s dad, but it’s still a good sign, right? She says, maybe. She doesn’t know. She wanted Ned here because she thought that maybe being around things that were familiar, it would jog a memory or something. She still thinks it’s a good plan, but she has to put Leo first. Brook is a grown woman, and it still hurts her that her father doesn’t seem to know who she is. Leo is just a little kid. If they can’t handle this, how the hell can he? Cody says, maybe Eddie can take his room above the stables. That way, he’s still on the grounds, but it will be easier to keep him and Leo separate. She asks if Cody would take a guest room in the house, and Eddie would stay in his room, and Cody says, sure. Or he’ll just bunk with Dante and Sam. They’ll figure something out. She tells him that he’s a good man, and hugs him.

Brook says, that’s kind of funny. Ned was challenged by another busker? Ned says he would have won too. People want to hear classic rock. They don’t want to hear grunge. But Tracy stormed in before they could have a sing-off. Leo runs in, and says, dad’s home.

Dante wonders why he gets the feeling Sam’s going to tell him something he’s not going to like, and she says, because he’s probably not. She knows Cody was his camp buddy, and they had a really strong bond. She was pretty worried about him after he got arrested for supposedly stealing Gladys’s bracelet at the Nurses Ball. Dante says he was worried about him too, but the charges were dropped, so he’s in the clear. She says she’s not so sure about that. Before the charges were dropped, she and Spinelli tried to prove Gladys wasn’t a victim. According to Cody, she tried to set him up for another crime. He asks if she and Spinelli were the ones who found the waiter who got Cody exonerated, but she says, no, but she’s pretty sure she knows who did it, and it’s shady times a thousand. He says, who? and she flips over a photo of Cody and Selina talking, and says, Selina Wu.

Anna says, Jackson Montgomery. She never thought she’d hear his voice again. He says, him neither, but it’s a very pleasant surprise. He did tell Lucy that he knew her, but in no way suggested they had a personal or professional relationship. Anna says, there you have it. Lucy doesn’t really pay attention to the finer details. She’s more of a big picture girl. He says, so he found out, but what’s going on with her? He knows she runs a successful cosmetics company, so what is she doing running a scam on him? And is Felicia Scorpio really the wife of the Police Commissioner? Anna says, that last part is true, and she does work as a P.I. He says, that explains that; what’s Lucy’s excuse? Anna asks if he minds telling her the middle part again, and he says, Lucy came in, claiming she was recently widowed, and Felicia was her sister. Talking to Lucy, Mac says, she said they were sisters? and Lucy says, yeah. Felicia said they were sisters, and even said their last name was Martin. Then hummingbird cake got mentioned, and it sort of blew her cover. The restaurant they went to happened to serve hummingbird cake – which is really odd, because most restaurants don’t – and Jack said he didn’t like hummingbird cake, which made her really mad – Mac’s face looks blank as he tries to follow – because it’s Martin’s favorite food. She said he would like hummingbird cake if he ever had the proper recipe, but apparently, he’d had hummingbird cake because he knew Martin’s family’s recipe.

Jack tells Anna, believe it or not, one of his most contentious divorce cases involved a recipe for hummingbird cake. The wife was his client. She was threatening to divulge the recipe to Little Debbie’s for mass production. Anna says she bets the husband in that case was Martin Grey, and he didn’t like that idea. Jack says, he’ll put it to her this way, the husband hated it so much, he knew he could get his client sole custody of the couple’s beach house in Miami if he could just get the wife to sign an NDA, and never divulge the recipe.

Lucy tells Mac, Martin’s mother guards that hummingbird cake recipe like it was gold in Fort Knox, and he says, let him guess. Once Jack connected Lucy to Martin, it was all over. Lucy and Felicia nod like Mac can see them.

Gregory says he’s sorry Tracy couldn’t get through to her son earlier, and she says, wow. He does always eavesdrop on private conversations. He says he couldn’t help but hear it. they were both speaking very loudly. She says, not loud enough to get through to her son, and he says, she certainly did all she could. She says, and she should do what? Just give up? Gee, her son doesn’t remember his family. Maybe he will someday. What’s for dinner? He says, she really makes conversations hard because that’s not at all what he meant. She says, Quartermaines don’t give up. He might stand there idly by and watch his son face plant again and again like he’s some Larry, Curly, or Moe, but she’s not like him. If he wants to abandon his son, go right ahead. She’s not going to abandon hers. Gregory says, and as usual, she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.

Ned asks how Leo’s leg is, and Leo says, it hurts, but only when he runs. Olivia tells him that she never thought she’d say this, but then stop running. Why doesn’t he go up to his bedroom? Leo asks Ned, which is cooler, an octopus or a squid? and Ned tells Leo that he guesses he’d say an octopus, but Leo says, that’s not right. His dad would know the answer. He’s really not Leo’s dad, is he? Ned says, no, he’s not, and Leo says, then who is he?

Dante wonders why Cody is with Selina, and Sam says she doesn’t know, but does he know the PCPD has been running surveillance at The Savoy? He says he knows; how does she know? She says she ran into Mac earlier, and Mac knows about Selina’s illegal high stakes poker game in the back room. He says, that explains it then. If there’s a poker game, Cody’s going to sniff it out. That’s what happened to him last June when he got beat up. He was going to take the bus out of town, and missed his bus because of a poker game. She asks if he thinks it was Selina’s, and he says, Cody didn’t tell him whose it was, but could very well have been Selina’s game. She says she told him this was shady. She thinks it’s highly likely it was Selina’s guys who beat up Cody when he first came to town. So it’s troubling to think Cody is more connected to her now. Dante wonders what Cody is up to now.

Anna says she apologizes for her friends, and she’s sorry Jack got caught up in the middle of this. But at the end of the day, was there any real harm done? He asks if she didn’t hear him say that Felicia was going through his confidential client files, and Anna says, let her throw that name out there again – Martin Grey. She wasn’t going through any other files, was she? He says, not that he can tell, but who the hell knows what she saw? and Anna says she can vouch for her friend. If she was there with Lucy, she was only looking at Martin’s files. He says he’s going to need a little bit more. What’s the interest in Martin Grey? She says, Lucy’s dating him. Anna looks on this as a lover’s quarrel. He can see for himself that they’re not criminal masterminds. Could he see his way to dropping the charges? She would be forever in his debt, without a doubt. He looks in at Lucy and Felicia.

Lucy tells Mac, Jack knows the officer who’s arresting them, and convinced him to check with his office before taking them to be booked. Mac says, okay, but why did she take his car keys? and she says she didn’t mean to. It was sort of a panic moment. Is that what he wants to hear? She panicked. She didn’t mean to steal the car. She was doing it as – she raises her voiced – a public service thing. He tells Felicia to take him off speaker and she does. Felicia says she’s sorry. She really didn’t want to involve him in this. He says, and that’s why she called Anna instead of him, and she says she didn’t want him to worry. How angry is he? He says he just wants her home safe, when Jack comes back, and she says she guesses that depends on how well Anna negotiated on their behalf. She just hopes Anna’s convincing.

Olivia tells Leo, it’s past his bedtime, and Leo says, Ned looks like his dad, but he doesn’t know about squids so who is he? Ned says he’s Eddie Maine. He’s a musician. Leo asks Chase, is that true? and Chase says, yes, at least for the time being. Ned says he’s sorry that’s confusing for Leo, and Leo says, people always confuse him, but his dad knows squids are the coolest. Eddie got it wrong. Ned laughs and says, Leo’s right. He doesn’t know the first thing about squids or octopuses. Leo says, octopi, and Ned says, right, octopi. He does know that octopi have eight legs. How many legs do squids have? Leo says, they don’t have legs. They have ten limbs, eight arms, and two tentacles. Brook and Chase leave, and Leo says, the biggest squid is 60 feet, and the biggest octopus is only about 30 feet. Ned says, wow. He always thought octopi were bigger, and Cody tells Olivia, Leo’s got this.

Outside, Brook says she was so happy when Chase walked through that door. Does that mean he’s still talking to her? He says, does she mean after he figured out that Tracy was pulling strings with the CCRB? and she says, yeah. He says, his kiss goodbye didn’t convince her? and she says she was so happy when he kissed her, but she was worried that after he left and thought about it, he would be. He says, nope. He’s not doing that anymore. She says, doing what? and he takes her hands and says he knows he’s a by-the-book guy. That sounds good on paper, but in real life, he needs to be more accepting that life is complicated and it’s messy, and that is okay. She says, he knows her. He’s by-the-book and she’s a leap before you look person. Look what she did with Valentin. She pretended to be pregnant with his baby; that was crazy. He says, no. What she did was gutsy, and it was brave, and it was pretty magnificent. A plan that complicated and messy wouldn’t have occurred to him in a million years. That’s why he thinks their differences make them such a good team. That’s what he’s trying to say. He doesn’t want her to feel like he’s constantly judging her. Because he loves her… exactly the way that she is. She says she loves him too, calling him Mr. By-the-Book, and they kiss.

Gregory says, Tracy has no right to judge him. She doesn’t even know him. She says, isn’t it infuriating when someone just inserts themselves into your private conversations and just starts doling out advice? He says he wasn’t doling out advice; he was offering understanding. He saw how her son’s rejection hurt her. She says, he saw no such thing. Do not project his disappointment about his sons on her. And who is he to give her parenting advice? She knows full well that Finn didn’t speak to him for decades. He says he doesn’t know why he bothered. He’s going to leave her to the one person who can tolerate her poisonous tongue – her. He drops his car keys, then gropes for them on the ground, and she says, so much for his self-righteous exit. Not as effective when you have to fumble around for your keys. Suddenly, Alexis is there, and says, she’s got them, scooping them up and putting them in his hand.

Chase says he’s been wanting to do that all night, and Brook says she’s so glad. At the risk of ruining the mood, she’s ready to tell him everything that she’s been up to with her grandmother. She doesn’t want to keep anything from him. He says he’s going to stop her right there. He thinks it’s better if she doesn’t tell him everything. He’s going to trust that she’ll tell him everything he needs to know, just like he’ll trust she’ll come to him if she’s in trouble. She says, deal, and thanks him for bringing her dad home. He says he was worried if it was the right thing to do. Does Leo seem okay? She says, yeah. So how about his grandmother? Chase says, she took the bulldozer approach, and Brook says, she always does.

Alexis goes over to Tracy, who asks, what’s going on? Alexis says she’s just helping out a friend. No one should have to face Tracy alone in this state. Tracy says, what state? and Alexis asks if Gregory is ready to get out of here. He says, definitely, and Alexis takes his arm. They stroll out of the plaza, and Tracy says, what nerve.

Dante says he’s kind of surprised Mac is sharing police business with a civilian, and Sam says she thinks he did it because he’s worried about Cody. Does he know how long they’ve been running surveillance at The Savoy? He says, it’s got to be three, four months, and she asks if he doesn’t think that’s a long time. He says he does. Normally, you’ve got to have results in three, four weeks to keep something like that going. She says she thinks Mac doesn’t want Cody to get arrested before he takes down Selina’s illegal poker game, and he says, so Mac’s trying to protect Cody? She says, as much as he can. Mac says he loved Dominique and Cody is Dominique’s son, but she thinks there’s more to it. She thinks Mac was disappointed when the paternity test came back, and it revealed Mac wasn’t Cody’s dad.

Sitting next to Ned on the sofa and thumbing through his book, Leo asks if he knows that the brown-nosed three-toed sloth naps up to 16 hours a day. And it’s arms are twice as long as its legs. Ned says he did not know that. Leo sure knows a lot. Leo says he knows a lot about animals, and he loves them all (me too!), even though Cody likes horses best. Cody says, hey, he likes his horses, but he likes other animals too. Leo says, just not beetles, and Cody says, no beetles. Never. I wonder why, and Leo says his mom likes feeding him. Olivia laughs and says, that is true. Leo asks what Ned/Eddie likes, and Ned says he likes music. He picks up a guitar leaning against the wall, and Leo says, that’s his dad’s guitar. Ned asks if it would bother Leo if he plays it. He’ll give it right back. Leo says he’s still learning how to play it. Is Eddie any good? Ned plays a little, and Leo says, that’s really good. So he can play it, until his dad gets back. At least he thinks his dad is coming back.

Jack tells Ray to uncuff them. He won’t be pressing charges. He’s sorry for wasting Ray’s time. Ray uncuffs Lucy and Felicia, and Felicia thanks Jack. Lucy says, triple thank you from her, and he says he’s been around the block a couple of times. Love can make you do crazy things. He hands Felicia the stethoscope and says, I believe this is yours, doc. Felicia thanks him, and he says, it looks like he’ll have to get a better safe. Goodnight, ladies. He hustles them out the door, and closes it. In the hallway, Lucy hopes this wasn’t all for nothing. Did Felicia get something useful? Tell her. Felicia says she doesn’t know if this will help, but she did find out the shell corporation who’s responsible for depositing $50,000 every month in Martin’s account. Lucy asks, who is it?

Gregory suggests he and Alexis sit for a while, and they stop at a bench. He sits down, and she asks if he’s okay. He says he is, and thanks her. He just couldn’t get his fingers to work. She asks if he’s all right to drive home, and he says, it should ease up soon. He’ll just sit here until it’s gone. He’s fine. Really. She says, it’s a lovely night. Does he mind if she joins him? He says he’d like that, and she sits next to him and takes his hand. He smiles at her.

Ned finishes playing, and Olivia tells Leo, it’s time for bed. Leo asks if Ned is staying, but Ned says, no. He’s staying at Sonny’s house. Leo says he knows Uncle Sonny. He’s cool. Ned says, he is pretty cool, and Leo holds out his hand. He and Ned shake hands, and Leo says, goodnight, Eddie. Ned tells him, goodnight, and thanks Leo for teaching him all about animals. Olivia steers Leo to the stairs, and tells him to put on his PJs. She’ll be up in a minute. Olivia tells Ned that she doesn’t mean to push, but there’s an apartment over the horse stables if he wants to stay there; if he’s not comfortable in the main house. He says, that’s very nice of her, but he’s okay at Sonny’s house. She says, fair enough, and thanks him for being so kind to Leo. Ned says, of course (🍷). He’s a sweet kid. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He just wants to live his life. She says she just wants her husband back, and Chase jumps up, saying, Eddie. Why doesn’t he take him back to Sonny’s? Ned says, yeah, and leaves with Chase. Olivia cries, and Brook and Cody surround her with a hug.

Lucy asks, why would Martin’s horrible ex-wife number three be depositing 50K in his account every month? and Felicia says, why would any ex send monthly payments? Lucy says, ew. Martin’s getting alimony. Felicia nods.

On the phone, Jack says he just thinks they should know that Lucy Coe and her private investigator were here today asking questions about Martin, and Maquillage.

Sam tells Dante that she thinks Mac wants to give Cody a heads up. But since he can’t interfere in his own investigation, he tipped her off to his surveillance of Selina. Dante says, so he wants Sam to try and get Cody to stop playing in Selina’s poker games, and she says, so should she do what Mac can’t? Does she warn Cody before he gets arrested?

Tracy shuffles into the living room, and says, oh God. What happened now? Brook says, Eddie Maine paid them a visit. Chase is driving him back to Sonny’s now. Tracy says, Ned was here and they let him go? Cody says, that’s his cue to go, and tells Brook and Olivia, good luck. He jets, and Tracy says, they can’t just let him go, but Olivia says, he’s not a prisoner here. Tracy says, that’s because they have no imagination, and Olivia says she’s had enough for one night. She leaves with her glass of wine, and Brook tells Tracy that she’s going to make this really clear. She will no longer spy for Tracy. Tracy says, good. Then she’s going to tell Chase that Brook committed corporate espionage. Brook says, Tracy can’t do that without admitting her own guilt. If Tracy takes her down, she’ll take Tracy down with her. Face it. She has to find another way to get info on Deception. Brook leaves, and Tracy says, good thing she has one.

Tomorrow, Spencer tells Portia that Trina should run away from him as fast as she can; Sasha tells Gladys, no need to prepare when you have nothing to hide; Esme tells Alexis, do not publish that story; and Kristina tells Sonny that her foundation is being ripped out from under her.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht – The Reunion – Part 2

A viewer asks why Daisy thinks Gary couldn’t take the hint about Mads just having fun, and Daisy says, Mads was very direct. She thinks they all need to be aware of what they are saying and doing to other people. Andy asks why Alex didn’t make a move on Mads before Gary did, and Alex says, they have to live together. He wasn’t jumping on the first person who came along. By the time they realized they were into each other, it was late in the season. Andy asks, what was Gary’s reaction to Mads saying she regretted hooking up with him on Watch What Happens Live? and Gary says, it’s not the first time someone’s said that. I’ll bet not. Andy says, if Mads regretted it, why did she keep going back for more? and Mads tells him that she didn’t say she regretted it. She said if she could go back, she’d choose differently. Hindsight is 20/20. She suddenly loses her train of thought, and says, she’s sorry; she has ADHD. Andy asks again why she kept going back, and Mads says, at the time, she didn’t regret it, but she would rather not be in messy drama. She didn’t know that’s how it was going to be at the time. Gary goes the bathroom, and we wait. Daisy tells Andy, welcome to our world. When Gary gets back, Andy says, a viewer asked if Daisy was surprised at how needy Gary was of Mads’ attention after hooking up, and Daisy tells him, she literally said, what the hell? Another viewer asks how Mads could forgive Gary calling her pathetic and Mads says she can take it on the chin, but she didn’t like it. Gary explains that he was calling himself pathetic, and I actually buy it. Andy says, just about as cringy as anything he’s seen on Below Deck, Gary confronted Mads about letting him go down on her when she allegedly had her period. Yeah, I’m cringing again right now – hey, I just relay it. We flash back to that so we can all cringe. Chase slides out of the screen, and Alex says he needs a bathroom break. Gary apologizes and says, it was uncalled for. No one deserves that, and he’s sorry. It was probably one of his lowest points of the season. Mads accepts his apology, and Andy asks if she was over Gary at that point. She says she was. She was exhausted, done, and so ready to leave. It was the cherry on top. Andy asks for Daisy’s reaction, and she says she was horrified. She feels protective over the girls, and nobody should speak about another in that manner. Mads says, the only reason she did so well was because Lucy was there and automatically killed the tension. Andy asks why Alex felt the need to repeat Mads’ joke, and Alex says, it was just the first thing that came out when Gary said he’d gone down there. It wasn’t meant maliciously.

A viewer asks if Gary saw any similarities between Ashley’s actions toward him during whatever season, and his actions with Mads. Gary says, they were both 100% cringe. They were needy and it wasn’t nice to see himself in that light. Andy asks if Gary’s attitude hadn’t been one of just having fun and not looking for anything serious. Did he think he’d gotten a taste of his own medicine? Gary – who’s possibly never had an original thought – says he’s only human, makes mistakes and learns from them. Andy asks, after making out with Chase, did Mads think they could have a boatmance? but Mads says, even though she loves Chase, he’s too sweet and genuine. She’s not a good person sometimes, and it wouldn’t be a good match. She wouldn’t do that to him. Andy asks Daisy’s reaction, and Daisy says she thought Gary was going to try not to jump into bed with the stews this season. Mads told her about it, but Gary didn’t, which was weird. Gary says he didn’t want to tell her straight away because there had been something between him and Daisy in the past. A viewer asks if Daisy agrees she c*ck blocked Gary, or was it that he was a distraction to the stews? Daisy says she lets them do their own thing, but when you’re wearing a uniform, that’s a no. However, she’s earned a kiss in the engine room after her years in the industry. She did think Gary was distracting for her stews, and Gary says she should lead by example. Glenn says he can see both sides. Daisy’s role is to manage her department and she can police herself, but he can also see leading by example. Andy ask if Mads and Alex saw each other after filming, and she says, there have been instances. Alex says, they explored it to see if it was worth continuing, but they’re both busy. They’re geographically close, and they’ve stayed close as friends. They’ve been on trips together, and talk weekly. He’s happy about how it stands. Mads says, their friendship outshines everything, and Andy asks if it’s with benefits. Alex says he technically doesn’t have a girlfriend right now, but he’s hopeful about someone (not Mads).

Andy asks who would want to eat sushi off a naked Gary? I’m out, and only Alex and Mads raise their hands, Mads adding, if she was really drunk. Andy says, they learned that throuples don’t work. It was the first time Glenn had to step in and almost kick an unruly guest off the boat. We flash back to that, and Andy asks how Glenn knew he had to intervene. Glenn says he’s seen that kind of thing before, and wanted to make it clear what was at stake. Andy says, newly single Colin made a move on Daisy. But after learning the truth about her history with Gary, and being mistakenly called Gary in bed (oof!), did Colin regret stumbling into a love triangle? We flash back to all that, and Andy says, we have lots to unpack. A viewer says, on Watch What Happens Live, Daisy said Colin had the most to answer to. What happened? Daisy suggests Colin narrate the story, and Colin says, the first time he saw Daisy again after the season was at a boat show in the UK. They hung out, and also spent some time together in Mexico. He even flew to New York to see her, but it turned toxic, and he ended things. Andy asks why it was toxic, and Colin says, they triggered each other. Daisy says, he’s missing the point of why it turned badly. She found out that after Colin broke up with his girlfriend, he’d been sleeping with someone he was working with. So she retreated, put up walls, and became defensive. Colin made her feel guilty about the Gary thing, and he claimed there was nothing between them; there was no future. Then she found out from some crew members that after she and Colin broke up, he was in a serious relationship with the same woman. It was shocking and hurtful. Colin says, before filming season four, he and Daisy hooked up, and Daisy suggests they go back to season two. Alex makes raising the roof hands, and everyone looks shocked. Colin says, you can’t reason with this woman, and I want to smack him. He says, they hooked up before the season, and he rang Gary and told him. He asked how Gary felt about it, and Gary said he was stoked. Glenn said he was happy about it too. Daisy looks pissed off, and Andy takes out his pitchfork and asks if Daisy told Colin that she’d hooked up with Gary at that point. Colin says he found out halfway through the season, and Daisy again says, go back to season two. Colin was in a serious relationship and pulled her aside, saying, if he was single, she was definitely the person he’d hook up with. At the end of season three he pulled her aside and said he wanted to kiss her, but she walked away. Colin says he’s always had a crush on Daisy.

Andy asks why Daisy made out with Alex, and Daisy says she wasn’t trying to start a relationship. Colin having been in another relationship also made her take a step back, but she can kiss multiple people and not be ashamed. She and Colin had only kissed, and not slept together. When he told her that he’d been sleeping with someone else, she thought they were figuring stuff out. She kissed Alex in a Truth or Dare drunk moment; they weren’t exclusive. Colin says, it was deeper than that. He’d told girlfriend Brit about Daisy, and vice versa. Daisy says, he didn’t tell her until they were off the boat, and Colin says, she blocked him. Daisy says, that’s not what happened, and Colin says, let him finish. She has zero remorse, and turns it around. Andy asks if Daisy is gaslighting Colin, and she gets up and leaves the screen. Colin says he was just laying it all out there, and now it’s his fault. It makes no sense. Lucy says he needs to take Daisy’s feelings into account. She clearly liked him a lot. It’s not a nice situation, and it’s hard to lose a friendship as well. Daisy comes back, and Andy asks why she left, like he doesn’t know she cried in the bathroom. She says she’s f***ed either way. She’s never going to win. It will never matter what she says or does. If she sleeps with someone, she’s a slut. If she’s silent, she’s weak, but if she speaks up, she’s toxic. Chase says, they’re quite empathetic. He thinks Daisy’s been slighted by both Colin and Gary, but nobody thinks it’s malicious; just an unfortunate situation. Andy asks if Colin had real feelings for Daisy, and Colin says, 1000%. There was a genuine connection, and he did his best to try and be with her. He tried to make it work. He’s not badmouthing Daisy, but she was pushing him away, trying to figure out if it was real, and by the time she figured it out, they were arguing. Daisy says, Colin made her feel guilty about Gary. She even stopped talking to Gary and being friends with him. Colin says he thinks his insecurities were justified, and Daisy asks, why not do a show about Colin and his girlfriend? Colin says, watching the show, there were things he saw that were shocking and news to him, and Daisy says, like him flirting with Ileisha.  

Ileisha says, that’s the first time she’s heard that. She and Colin got on well, and got each other as friends. She had a boyfriend, and had no idea what was going on with Daisy and Colin. Daisy asks if anyone will back her up, but there are no takers, and Colin says, he and Ileisha definitely had chemistry and got on well, but he’s curious as to the point here. He wonders if it’s to detract from how Daisy treated him. Andy asks Ileisha if they were flirtatious, and Ileisha says, there was chemistry there, but she didn’t pursue it since she had a boyfriend. Daisy says she’s not allowed to have chemistry with anyone, and Andy asks who called her a slut. She says, everyone online, and Andy says, people online are a-holes and a bunch of trolls. Daisy says she doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do. She’s damned if she does, and damned if she doesn’t. She starts to cry, and Andy asks if Colin thinks Gary expressing interest in Daisy was genuine or ego driven. Colin says he thinks it was ego driven. It was shocking see Daisy and Gary making out. At that point, he thought he and Daisy were a true boat couple. Daisy says, Colin was 100% flirting with Ileisha, and Colin says, Daisy kept saying that she had no feelings for Gary, but watching it back, he didn’t feel that was the case. Andy asks Gary to put himself in Colin’s shoes, and asks if he can understand how rankled or questioning Colin might be. Daisy asks if Gary feels remorse or shame at how he behaved, and Gary says he has a huge defense mechanism because he’s scared of getting hurt. (Oh boo-freakin’-hoo.) Andy asks how it landed with Mads, and Mads says, it was shocking. Everyone was messy. Andy suggests Gary broke bro code. He was sending mixed messages, saying he didn’t have feelings for Daisy and he was fine with her and Colin being together. Lucy says, Gary supposedly liked Mads, and Mads says, there was lots of hypocrisy and they all played a part. Andy asks why Gary told Colin had that he had no interest in Daisy, but told Daisy that he had feelings for her. Who was he lying to? Gary says, probably himself in the end, and I wonder what movie he got that from. He says he has a jealous side that was coming out. Deep down, he felt something for Daisy, but he was still happy for Colin. He’s seeing now that it’s for the best it didn’t work out. Andy asks Daisy if she thought Gary had genuine feelings or was he like a child who wants a toy someone else is playing with? Daisy says she felt like a piece meat or a prize in an ego competition. She doesn’t think Gary has genuine feelings for her, but thinks they have a genuine connection. Being on the show creates a bond, and they’ve been through so much together. They make each other laugh and feel good, and she thinks Gary confused that. She did too. Ileisha says, that’s what happens when you live on top of each other in a yacht. Colin says, he gave it 100%, and they had incredible times and have great memories. He thinks they triggered each other and it turned toxic. Unfortunately for Daisy, he realized first, and was able to move on. He feels bad about it, since it’s never nice to feel rejected. Daisy tells him, calm down, and Colin says, she blocked him, then went on WWHL.

Andy asks if Daisy was in love with Colin, and Days says, she definitely had strong feelings, and was possibly falling in love, but she felt more betrayed that he didn’t tell her that he was with a girl. She thought they were friends, and broke up in friendship. Knowing that others knew for months before her was humiliating. Glenn raises his hand and confesses it was Chase. Andy asks what Glenn’s rection was, and Glenn says, very sad. He thinks Gary could have been less flirty with Daisy, but if he was in Colin’s shoes, he would have expected Daisy to push back harder. He thinks it’s their nature. He’s not condemning them. When he did see her push back, he was like, go Daisy, but it should have been more. He sees why Colin was upset, but he loves them all. Andy wonders where Daisy and Gary will go from here, and Daisy says, if they work together, they work together. They don’t have much of a relationship, but she’s always going to be his friend. He needs her. Andy asks where Gary and Colin are at, and Gary says, they chat now and then. Andy says, they don’t seem great, and Colin says, they’re friends. He doesn’t say anything about Gary that he hasn’t said to his face.

Andy suggests they close this out,. and Colin says, it’s fresh, and there’s a lot of emotion, but he thinks him and Gary will be okay. It’s open with Daisy, but he was taken aback when she was on WWHL. Gary says, Colin hit the nail on the head. He doesn’t see Colin traveling a rocky relationship. Daisy says, they didn’t think they’d be how they were, and Andy says he wants to give Daisy the last word. She apologizes for being emotional, and says she loves them both. This season taught her a lot about herself. She has regrets, but knows she has a good heart and her intentions are good. Onward and upward.

Andy says, Alex is on the new season of Winter House, and Alex says, imagine the Below Deck Sailing crew night out for three straight weeks. It’s pandemonium, just a different version. My emotions are mixed. While I’m happy he hit the descriptive nail on the head, I think, why? He seemed like a decent human. Andy says he’s trying to hook Chase up with Countess LuAnn, but he’s still waiting. I think The Countess will eat Chase alive. Andy asks Glenn for his rose and thorn, and Glenn says, his thorn was the engine being full of salt water. His rose was making it through the season. It was an amazing season and crew, and he’s glad they got to the end and survived. Andy thanks Glenn and the crew for a great season.

🗽 If They Can Make It Here…

I watched some of the new RHONY, and I want to believe it will be better, hipper, and more down to earth, but it’s doubtful. This being the first episode, a lot of it was just set-up, but the pettiness is shining through already. I have difficulty with names, and think everyone should wear a nametag, so an entirely new cast is a pita, but other than being younger, I’m not sure how much they’ll end up differing from the old cast. No doubt, social media will be one factor. Already it starts. One of the women blows off dinner with another, only to go to dinner elsewhere and post about it on Instagram. Pas de classe whatsoever.

🪁 Breaking the Dreamhouse Ceiling…

Stop in tomorrow for soap and badmouthing the OC. Until then, stay safe, stay voicing your appreciation for public service workers, and stay never divulging your hummingbird cake recipe.

July 17, 2023 – Felicia Breaks Into Jack’s Office, Part One Of the Reunion Sets Sail & Sun


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Felicia meets Lucy, who’s wearing a skintight dress, at Le Brasserie, and says, nice dress. When did she have time to go shopping? Lucy says she packed it, and Felicia asks if she always packs dresses like that for a business trip. She says, her name is Lucy Coe, and she believes in always being prepared. Felicia wonders what Lucy is prepared for wearing that, and Lucy says, Felicia is the one who told her to bring grieving widow type garb, but Felicia says, the widow is done grieving, and maybe out for revenge on Martin.

Brook comes downstairs with Tracy, and they hear a noise in the living room. Brook wonders if someone is in there, and Tracy says, ghosts aren’t usually that loud, so yes. Brook tells her, wait, and grabs a cane from the umbrella stand. They open the doors, and Olivia is there, tossing things around. She says, damn you, Ned.

Gregory meets Chase at Rice Plaza, and says he thought they were having dinner. Why are they meeting here? Chase says, change of plans. How would Gregory like to go to a concert instead? Gregory says, here? He doesn’t think the Plaza is set up for that sort of thing. Ned begins to play his guitar.

Lucy says, revenge? Moi? Felicia says she thinks Lucy wants revenge against Martin for keeping secrets from her, and for not asking her to marry him. Lucy admits if one Jackson Montgomery – this tall, handsome, debonair fellow – wants to lavish attention on her, then yeah. It might make her feel a teeny, tiny bit triumphant. Felicia says she knew it, but Lucy says, more than that, she wants Felicia to prove that her Marty isn’t pulling some kind of scam on her. Then maybe she could actually, once and for all, live happily ever after, even if she doesn’t get to walk down the aisle. So thusly, this dress is her tool to give Felicia time to search his office. She thinks this dress could keep him occupied. Felicia says, if it doesn’t, it’s not for lack of trying, when Jack walks in. Lucy tells Felicia, show time.

Nina meets Ava at Beradino’s and apologizes for being late. Ava wouldn’t believe the day she’s had. She almost canceled. Ava pushes a martini across toward Nina, and says, she definitely needs that. Nina takes a sip, and Ava says she heard about Curtis getting shot. If Nina feels she needs to be at the hospital, Ava doesn’t mind. Nina says, Curtis is out of surgery, but he’s still unconscious. There’s nothing any of them can do but wait, and on top of all that, a major advertiser pulled out of this ad campaign and now Sasha’s in this weird legal trouble, so please tell her that Ava wanted a drink because she has good news to share. Ava says, no can do, and Nina asks, what happened? Ava says she had sex with Austin.

Anna tells Dante and Sonny, offering herself up as bait is the best way for them to find out who shot Curtis, and Dante says, except for the part where she puts herself in danger. She says, it’s not exactly new territory for her, but Sonny says, except whoever shot Curtis used a rifle stolen from the WSB arsenal. Anna says, something’s off about that. It doesn’t make sense that the Bureau would want her dead. Sonny asks if it’s possible someone within the organization went rogue, and she says, maybe. They’re going to have to set a good trap for them. Dante asks if she’s really going to do this, and she says she’s not going to live under a constant threat. He says he gets that, but there are other ways of handling this. This is a little dangerous, a little reckless. Sonny says he likes it.

Nina says, Ava had sex with Austin, and Ava says, surprise. Nina says, now she’s definitely glad she came tonight. She knows Ava went to the Nurses Ball with him, but she hasn’t talked about him since. Nina just figured nothing came of it. Ava says, quite the opposite actually; things have definitely escalated. Nina says, obviously. How long has this been going on? Ava says, they only just slept together for the first time, and Nina says she’s a little confused here. Ava is acting like sleeping with a hot doctor is a problem. Isn’t it a good thing? Austin comes over to the table, and says, there she is. He’s been looking all over for Ava. He kisses her cheek, says hi to Nina, and sits down. He says he missed Ava.

Gregory says, isn’t that Brook’s dad who hit his head and thinks he’s a rock star? and Chase says, he goes by Eddie Maine now. Brook’s Uncle Sonny has been keeping a close eye on him, but she’s on edge because of Curtis getting shot at the MetroCourt last night. He said he’d help watch him, and report anything alarming back to the doctors. Gregory asks if the PCPD is okay with this, but Chase says, strictly off-duty hours. Gregory says, giving up his free time is a big commitment, but Chase says he doesn’t mind. It’s for Brook. Gregory says, she means a lot to Chase, and Chase says, she means everything to him. So he hopes Gregory doesn’t mind hanging out here, instead of going to dinner. (Geez, did he at least pack Gregory a sandwich?) Gregory says, not at all. He’s proud of Chase for helping Brook out. He’s sure it’s a big relief to her; she seemed so tense last night. Chase says, that was all her grandmother Tracy’s doing, and Gregory asks, what’s that harpy done now?

Tracy says, Olivia, as Olivia tosses a box aside. Olivia says, they scared her, and Tracy asks what she’s doing throwing things around. Brook says, and yelling about dad, and Olivia says she’s looking for the supplies they need to set up the games for the General Hospital Fund Raiser Picnic, and she can’t find them, and Ned isn’t here to ask, and – she starts to cry – she can’t do this by herself. Brook says, it’s okay. They’ll help with the picnic. Olivia says, it’s not about the picnic. It’s a whole damn thing. It’s a whole life. Their entire life just stopped. Ned is supposed to be here beside her. She needs her husband. She misses him. Brook says she misses him too, when Cody comes in carrying Leo, and says, Mama Q, we have a situation here. They see Leo’s knee is bleeding.

Jack says Lucy looks absolutely ravishing in that dress, and Lucy thanks him, adding she didn’t even remember she had this old thing. Felicia says, hello, and Jack says, nice to see her again. She says, nice to see him too, calling him Mr. Montgomery, but he tells her that his friends call him Jack. Would she like to join them? Lucy says, no. Felicia was just keeping her company while she was waiting. Now she has all the company she needs. Felicia says she does have other plans, and Jack tells her to enjoy. She leaves, and Jack and Lucy sit down.

Dante says, Sonny’s not helping, but Anna says, they have to get out ahead of this. She doesn’t need anyone’s approval or permission to handle it how she sees fit. Dante tells her that he’s not saying she does, but does she want to make herself vulnerable to a rogue WSB agent? Sonny says, Dante’s right to be concerned. It is dangerous and reckless, but he thinks it’s the only way to nail this bastard. Dante says, it’s a crazy plan; it’s dangerous. Sonny says, Anna was a WSB agent for years. He trusts she knows what she’s doing. Dante says he’s not doubting her abilities… and Anna says she gets his concern, but this is her choice. Dante says, it’s just that when someone is trying to assassinate you, you don’t run to the bullets, you run away from the bullets. She says she’s done that. She was in a safe house, but it didn’t end up being very safe. She was shot there, and she’s done running. Sonny says, this plan gives Anna the advantage. She lets the enemy come to her on her terms, whenever she’s ready. Anna says, instead of just laying there waiting for someone to strike, you smoke them out. She’s run ops like this before. Dante says he’s sure she’s run many successful operations, but that was when she was with the WSB, when she had the resources. That’s not the case anymore. It’s all different now.

Chase asks if that’s not a little harsh, and Gregory says, after what that woman has done, he thinks harpy is very generous. Chase says, Gregory wasn’t this hostile toward her at dinner, and Gregory says, maybe because she attempted to be pleasant last night, as opposed to some of their recent interactions. She was almost civil. Does Chase think she was just pretending? Chase says he’s not sure. The only thing he knows is that Tracy Quartermaine does very few things that don’t serve her own agenda. Gregory says he agrees, but why is Chase saying that? Has she done something to him? Chase says, actually, she did something for him. Brook asked for her help after the CCRB first met and took away his badge, and Tracy used her connections to get him a second meeting. Gregory asks if Chase thinks she had an ulterior motive, when a street musician approaches and says, Chase is that singing detective, right? Chase says he is, and the guy says, arrest that man, pointing at Ned.

Olivia says, my God, what happened? as Cody puts Leo on the sofa. Cody says, he noticed that Comet wasn’t in the stable, so he went looking for him, and found Leo riding. He was going pretty fast, took a sharp turn, and he lost his balance. Olivia asks if Leo is all right, and Leo says he is, but it does hurt. Cody says he checked Leo out. There are obvious cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious. Olivia says, he could have been killed, and Tracy says, that horse is dangerous. Somebody ought to give a call to the good people at Elmer’s. Leo says, it’s not Comet’s fault, and Tracy says, he’s right, but he knows he’s not supposed to do that. Leo says, she can’t tell him what to do. She’s not his dad.

Jack asks if they should get all the standard boring questions out of the way, and Lucy says she has the feeling he’s never boring, but yes. Let’s go. He orders some wine, and she says, that’s a rare bottle, but he says he thinks she’s probably a rarer one. He handled the owner’s divorce a few years ago, and he felt so grateful, he kept some of the special stuff in stock just for him. She says she thought he was just a probate lawyer, but he says he actually considers himself a generalist, specializing in many things. She says, do tell. Sorry. Where were they? He says, they were at the point where he was asking as much as he could to find out about her. So where is she from? What does she do? She says, home is Port Charles, and she runs a very, very successful cosmetics company. He says she would still be beautiful without a stitch of makeup on. He’s spent some time in Port Charles, and still has a few friends there. She doesn’t happen to know Anna Devane, does she? Lucy says, she knows of her. She’s a big supporter of the Nurses Ball there. He says, Lucy’s maiden name wouldn’t happen to be Coe, would it? and she says, such a very specific guess, but he says, it’s a very educated guess. He knows exactly who she is and what she’s doing here.

Lucy says she doesn’t know what he means or what he’s even saying, but now she’s at a disadvantage. She doesn’t even know what his hobbies may be. How does he unwind? He says he likes to keep up to date on the business world. For instance, she says she’s from Port Charles and runs a very successful cosmetics business. That must be Deception, right? And that would make her the infamous Lucy Coe. She says, he’s quite the detective, but he says he just happens to know a little bit about that world. Her company has been doing very well lately. She says, thank you. That’s very true. She takes it he’s not one of those men who get easily intimidated by a very successful woman, right? He says, not so intimidated anymore, but he will give her a warning. He doesn’t like being used. She asks what that means, and he says he knows exactly why she’s here. His ex-wife Erica Kane ran Enchantment Cosmetics. She says, he was married to Erica Kane? and he tells her, don’t do that. That would explain why she’s here and not grieving her late husband. She should know, he and Erica were divorced years ago, and she divested herself from Enchantment a long, long time ago. She takes his hand and says, he couldn’t be more wrong about why she’s here. The reason she’s here has absolutely nothing to do with the cosmetic business.

Felicia sneaks into Jack’s office.

Chase asks why the guy wants Ned arrested, and the guy asks Ned, what’s up, Pete Townshend? Ned says his name’s Eddie Maine. Who the hell is he? The guy says he’s the musician who’s going to have Ned thrown in jail, and Chase says, everybody calm down. What’s going on? The guy says, his name’s Seth… Kruger? He’s here every day. Everyone in the busker’s circle knows this is his spot. You can’t just steal it, so go ahead; arrest him. Chase says, actually, he’s off-duty, and Seth asks if he loses his ability to protect the public when he’s off the clock. Chase says, no, but this is a public place. It’s not illegal for him to be standing in this space… unless Seth has a permit. Seth says, permits aren’t very rock and roll, and Ned says, preach! He’s sorry if he stole Ned’s territory. He’s new here, and just doing his thing. He wants to be heard and this is a great spot. Maybe they could share it. Play a couple of tunes together. Seth says, no way. He plays grunge. He doesn’t need his sounds ruined by Ned’s old man sound. Ned laughs and says, that’s good. Wait a minute. Isn’t grunge like, thirty years old? Seth says, 90s nostalgia is huge right now. Ned says he guesses there’s only one way to settle this; they’ll have to play for it.

Olivia thanks Cody for helping Leo, and Brook asks if Olivia wants her to take Leo to the doctor, but Olivia says, no. Nothing’s broken. All he needs is a little TLC from his mom. She tells Leo that she’ll get him all fixed up and feeling better, and leads him out. Brook thanks Cody for helping Leo. Who knows how much worse it could have been if he was by himself? Tracy says, that’s what they pay him for. Why didn’t Cody stop him? Brook says, it’s not Cody’s job to stick around Leo all the time. Besides, they both know what’s going on here. Leo is acting out because he misses dad. Tracy says, obviously. Her son is a fool, out God knows where, calling himself Eddie Maine, pretending to be a rock star while his whole family suffers. Brook says, actually, they do know where. Chase found him busking in Rice Plaza. Tracy says, busking? We’re Quartermaines; we don’t busk. Brook says, Eddie Maine does, and Cody says he’s sorry they’re going through this. Is there anything he can do to help? Tracy says, no, because as usual, there’s only one person who can put things to right – me. She walks out.

Austin asks what Ava and Nina are talking about, and Nina says, they were talking about him. Ava’s been holding out on her. He says, you know our girl. She knows when to keep her mouth shut. Ava says, yes, of course (🍷). She was waiting to tell Nina because she wanted to be sure this thing between them was real. He says, feels real to him. He thinks he and Ava have the potential for something really special. She flashes back to getting busy with Austin, and Nina says she’s going to the ladies room, but when she gets back, she wants to hear how all of this happened.

Anna tells Dante that she’s been an agent for most of her life. Her skills didn’t just evaporate because she was told she had to resign from the Bureau. He tells her that he didn’t say they did, and she says she may not have access to their assets anymore, but she doesn’t need them. Don’t forget, she worked outside of the WSB. She feels capable of bringing in whoever it is who’s after her without them. Dante says, so there’s no talking her out of this? and she says, no. Sonny says, so that’s the plan. He has to meet Nina, but his offer still stands. If she needs anything, let him know. She says she’ll keep him posted, and he says, for whatever it’s worth (🍷), his money is on Anna. He leaves, and Dante says, just so she knows, his money’s on her too. She asks why he’s fighting her so hard, and he says, because he cares about her and doesn’t want to see her hurt. She says, someone almost killed Curtis, and she feels responsible for that. And this is her life and she’s going to handle it her way. He says, okay. So if she insists on doing this, they’ll do it together.

Anna says, no one tells her how to run her operations, and Dante says, but she’s not with the WSB anymore, and she’s not a cop. But he is, and he’s done special ops too. He knows what she’s proposing isn’t a single-person operation. She needs two. Let him be her back-up. She says, the PCPD would never agree to that, and he says, the PCPD doesn’t know about it. She says she’s not going to put his job in jeopardy, but he says, it’s his life, his choice. He’s known her a long time. He’s been by her side with the WSB and the PCPD. Trust him to do it again.

Seth says he’s giving Ned one last chance to back off before he humiliates himself. Ned says, bold words from someone his age. He’s been playing rock and roll since Seth was in diapers. Seth says, he really wants to do this? Here’s how it’s going to go. They trade off songs. Then, the audience decides who gets to stay. Gregory asks Chase, what audience? and Ned says he’ll let Seth go first, since this will be the last time he actually plays on this spot. Seth starts to play, and Tracy strides across the plaza, saying, Edward Lawrence Quartermaine. Ned says his name is… She says she knows what his name is. She gave it to him after 24 hours of labor. Seth says, excuse me, lady, we’re in the middle of something… and Tracy says, please. Go embarrass his parents someplace else. She tells Ned, this has gone on long enough. She’s putting a stop to it right now.

Felicia looks at the safe and says, Lucy isn’t the only one who come prepared. She listens with a stethoscope, holding the flashlight in her mouth, and messes with the combination lock.

Jack pours the wine, and Lucy says she does love a man with a good… pour, and he says he has a fine, steady hand. Does she like a man who likes to pair his Margaux with oysters on the half shell? She says, oysters. Now he’s talking. His phone dings and he looks at it. He says, you’ve got to be kidding, and tells Lucy that he’s sorry, but he has to cut their evening short. He’s got a kind of issue he has to handle at the office. He’s so sorry to end their evening like this. She plays footsie with him, and says, it really would be such a shame to end this evening. This wine is absolutely delicious. It would be a shame to waste a beautiful night. She thinks his client will understand, and feels like something a little sweet would definitely be worth his while.

Ava asks what Austin is doing here. Please tell her that he’s not following her. He says he went to Windymere to look for her, and her very friendly housekeeper told him where he could find her. Ava says, she’s definitely fired, and he says, in her defense, she thought it was an emergency because he told her it was an emergency. So he heard from Mason. She says she’s not interested in anything that weasel has to say, and he says, Mason is very pleased at how they set up Avery’s nanny. She says, how Austin set her up, and Austin says, he’s not concerned with the details. He just wants somebody to work as a mole inside Sonny’s house. He wants this woman. He sends Ava something, her phone signals, and she looks at it. She asks if he knows this Betty Rutherford, and he says, no, but she’s the woman that Mason wants to spy on Sonny. Ava says she can’t do it. She told him, going against Sonny is risky enough. She draws a hard line at letting a stranger she knows nothing about into her daughter’s life. She can’t. Austin says, Mason thought she might respond this way, so Mason told him what to say if she did respond this way. He said to tell her that Ryan’s Bar is a wonderful place. He doesn’t know what that means, but Mason said she would. She says she does. He’s threatening her mother.

Ava tells Austin, Ryan’s Bar is where her mother Delia works. She has no idea how Mason could have found her. She gave Ava up for adoption. There aren’t even any public records tying them together. He says he’s sorry. It’s a real low blow. Mason and everyone he deals with play dirty. That’s why they don’t have a choice. They have to do what they say. She says she can’t stand this, and he says, it’s no picnic for him either. But they play along, and hopefully, it will be over soon. He’ll call as soon as she gives him the word. Sonny walks in, and Ava asks what he’s doing here. Sonny says, Nina asked him to meet her here, and Austin gets up, asking if Sonny wants to join them. Sonny doesn’t say anything, and Austin says, okay, sitting back down. Ava says she’s glad Sonny’s here because they really should talk about Pilar. He says, Pilar’s been with his family for years, and he had her take some time off. That way, when she comes back from vacation, she’ll be more focused. Ava says she thinks it’s going to take a lot more than a vacation to restore her faith in Pilar. Pilar obviously needs help. Especially now since she’s going back and forth between his place and Carly’s place. That’s why she’s decided she’s going to be hiring her own nanny to take care of Avery. He says, that’s not going to work for him.

Cody asks Olivia how Leo is doing, and she says, she bandaged his leg and got him set up with his books and cookies… Then he asked her when his dad was coming home. She didn’t know what to tell him. She can patch up his little body, but how is she supposed to fix his broken heart? Cody says, she’s helping more than she knows. She’s a good mom. She says she just wants this whole nightmare to be over. She wants her husband back home where he belongs.

Ned tells Tracy that he’s going to say this for the last time. He’s not her son and she’s not his mother. She tells him, Eddie Maine is not real. He doesn’t exist. It’s a fake name to go with a fake life. He is Ned Quartermaine, former mayor of Port Charles, CEO, loving son, husband, father. That’s real. He says he’s sorry if he’s hurting so many people, but even if what she’s saying is true, he doesn’t remember any of it. She says, then fake it. He says, what? and she says, he’s living a pretend life. She knows he can do it. So why doesn’t he just act like he cares about the people who care about him, and are heartbroken that he deserted them? He says, she’s asking him to be someone he’s not? and she says, he’s her son. Her annoying, stubborn, smart, beautiful boy. And if he doesn’t remember that, she can get him the help that he needs. Until then, allow her to fill in the gaps. He has a wife who loves him. He has a daughter who needs him. And he has a little boy who got hurt today because he was acting out because he misses Ned so much. He has a wonderful life… Look at her. He has a wonderful life. Just come back to it. Please come back to it. He says he’s sorry. He can’t. He picks up his guitar and walks off. Chase follows him.

Felicia gets the safe open, and finds some folders inside. She takes out the one that says Maquillage, and looks inside.

Jack says he thinks he can stay a little longer, and Lucy says she thinks that’s a good idea. And she really does feel like something very sweet. How about a souffle? He says, she knows how long those take to make, and she tells him, you don’t say. He says, she’s bad, and she looks at the menu and frowns. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, nothing. She just finds it so fascinating. They have hummingbird cake on the menu, which is actually extremely rare. He says he never noticed it. He’s not very fond of it. She says, he doesn’t like hummingbird cake? Is he kidding? It’s so sweet, and it’s reliable and dependable… most of the time. He says he didn’t know she was so passionate about it. He’s sorry. She says she’s not. It’s just that her Aunt Charlene loves hummingbird cake. In fact, she has her favorite secret recipe that she loves. He says he’s sure he’d love her Aunt Charlene’s cake, and she says, it’s amazing. It has toasted almonds, and she takes nutmeg, which kind of enhances the cinnamon, and this Tahitian vanilla. She doesn’t know what it does, but it brings out the tropical flavors. Then the best part – her favorite part – is when she puts in… He says, bourbon, and she asks how he knew.

Anna says she appreciates Dante’s offer of help, and he tells her, then say yes, but she says, no. He keeps pointing out how dangerous this is. He says, so the best chance she has of staying safe is for them to work together, but she says, he has a family. This isn’t just about physical safety. She saw how hard it was for him to overcome PTSD. He struggled with that for a long time, and she’d never forgive herself if she felt responsible for him going through anything like that again. He says he appreciates that, but he’s a grown man and takes responsibility for all his choices. He went through hell and back with everything and the PTSD. There were some days when he didn’t think he was going to make it, but he did. And everything he went through then and since then, showed him how strong he is and what he’s capable of. He’d be betraying the man he’s become if he let her put herself in harm’s way and he didn’t help her.

Sonny says, Ava doesn’t trust Pilar at the moment. He’s not thrilled with her right now for losing Avery. He can’t stop Ava from hiring who she wants to hire to look after Avery, but whoever she hires, he needs to approve who’s in his daughter’s life. Nina comes back and asks if everything is okay, and Sonny says, that’s up to Ava. Ava says, of course (🍷) everything is okay. She’ll contact Sonny before she interviews candidates. He says he’ll be expecting her call, and tells Nina, let’s go. Nina makes a call me sign and leaves with Sonny.

Outside, Sonny asks what Nina knows about Austin, and she says she knows he’s a doctor. She also knows he helped save Maxie and Bailey Lou, and wasn’t he the one who found Avery? Sonny says, yeah, he did, and Nina says, now he and Ava are dating. She always thought he was a good guy. Sonny asks when this relationship started, and she says, we went to the Nurses Ball together… Why? He says, if Austin is going to be around his daughter, he’s going to have to get to know him a little bit.

Anna says, it would be great having someone with Dante’s experience having her back, but she has too many reservations about him risking his life for her. He says, she can have as many reservations as she wants, just accept. He wants to do this, but either she goes along with them working together, or he goes to Robert and Mac, and tells them what she’s up to. She asks if he’s blackmailing her, and he says he totally is. But he’s also protecting her. They wouldn’t want her to do this on her own either. She says, that’s a nice move, and he says he likes his chess. So what does she say? Partners? She says, partners.

Olivia says she’s done with the pity party, and invites Cody to stay for dinner. He suggests he just order some pizza to give Olivia a break, and Brook says, but it’s not Thanksgiving. Olivia says, cooking soothes her, and walks into the foyer where Chase is coming in with Ned.

Seth starts to play, Tracy glares at him, and he moves on. Gregory clears his throat, and she says, show’s over; nothing to see here. And if he gloats about Ned… He says he wouldn’t dream of it. He knows all too well how easy it is for children to push their buttons. It doesn’t matter. They’d still do anything for them. She asks what he wants, and he says, a few words with her about how she meddled in Chase’s life.

Felicia reads the file, and hears something. A security guard says, freeze. Put her hands where he can see them. He holds a gun on Felicia, as Lucy and Jack stand behind him.

Tomorrow, Olivia says, if that’s the case, Ned can turn around and leave right now; Sam says it’s time to fill Dante in on what she’s been doing; Lucy knows exactly who they’re going to call; and Chase says he’s not doing that anymore.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht – The Reunion – Part 1

We find out the Parsifal is still up and running after a lot of work was done. Daisy is in Spain, as is Gary. Colin is in French Polynesia, and Mads is in Florida. She’s nervous, but wants to get through it. Lucy is in Wales and Alex is also in Florida, but not the same city as Mads. Chase is with dachshund Charlie in Miami. He says, Charlie is ready for the tea. Ileisha is in Australia where it’s nearly 3:30 am. We flash back to the crew having too much fun, including Lucy’s spectacular fall from her bunk. A viewer asks if Chase had the worst game of all time, and Mads says, Southern girls probably love him. Andy asks what Daisy’s sister’s take on the group was, but we never hear the answer, and he asks Alex which sister is the better kisser, but Alex isn’t going there. We see Chrissy Teigen’s posts, and Andy asks about celebrities sliding into the crew’s DMs. Daisy says, Christina Applegate is a huge fan. We flash back to Glenn picking on Daisy, and Daisy going out of her mind with busyness, and going to the bathroom to cry. Daisy says she needs either reinforcement or no comment. Negative feedback wasn’t productive. Andy asks how she recommends feedback being given, and Daisy says, starting with something positive, but she felt the feedback was personal and irrelevant. If they don’t want her to sleep, it’s fine.

Andy reminds us he’s the king of late-night fun. He asks if Glenn thinks he set unrealistic expectations for Daisy, and Glenn says his point was he didn’t want her working harder, but thought there was a way to make sure someone was always there. It didn’t mean he wasn’t happy overall, and he loves working with her. Andy asks how she didn’t hear Gary radioing her about the guest’s injury., and Daisy says, she thinks she turned down her radio during docking. Glenn says, communications are always difficult, but the guests should have been checked on periodically. Someone should have gone to Daisy if she didn’t hear the radio. Daisy says, Glenn is aware of what she does, but not what Gary doesn’t do. Glenn says, watching it back, there was a miscommunication, and he thinks they were both right. Daisy needs the stews on board, but the guests also need full service on the beach. Daisy wonders if there’s a rule book, and Gary says at the end of the day, it’s her department. Glenn thinks they’re going in the wrong direction. Andy says, Daisy was rankled when Colin sided with Glenn, and wonders if it played back as harshly as it felt at the time. She says, it was obvious she was affected, and she didn’t understand what it had to do with Colin. Andy asks if she overreacted, and Colin says he thought she took it too personally. Daisy says, to everyone else it might have just been a comment, but she was tired, exhausted, and feeling a lot of pressure at the time. Andy asks if Lucy is glad she stayed, and she said she never really wanted to quit, but everyone has bad days. A viewer asks why it was okay for Gary to go for a smoke when Daisy had asked for help during service, and Gary admits it was selfish. Andy asks if there’s anything Gary would change about his professional behavior, but Gary says he thought it was a good season. Daisy says she’s learned to accept it’s never going to change. Maybe she’s asking too much of the deck crew. Gary says, finally, she’s taking accountability.

Gary says he never watches the seasons back, and Andy wonders if he might change for the better or grow by watching his behavior and seeing how other people view him. Daisy says they have a unique opportunity to see themselves, reflect and grow, but Gary doesn’t take it. Gary says he’s just there for the drama, and Alex says, everything is perspective. The show is about nine people working together and seeing things in different ways. Perspective is the best way to grow; the most effective. Andy says, the Most Trouble award goes to Parsifal III’s engine, and we flash back to that. Andy says, a lot of fans were tweeting their admiration and awe about Colin saving the day. Colin says he thought it was game over after the first time. They couldn’t get parts, and the engine was full of salt water. It was a struggle, but they got there in the end. A viewer asks if the boat gets routine checks, and Glenn says, the boat recently crossed the Atlantic, and had just been serviced and tested. Colin says, luckily he’d been checking on it, so they had advance notice of a problem. Andy asks if Colin freaked out when the engine started smoking again, and Colin says, that time was a freak accident, and it took a long time to troubleshoot, but they had huge strokes of luck. It could have been season ending. Andy asks why Colin was annoyed when Gary barged into the engine room, and Colin says, that’s his department. He was monitoring the issue, and Gary came down in a panic, pushing a cameraman out of the way. He was being too frantic in Colin’s space. He doesn’t need anyone panicking. Gary insists he wasn’t panicking, even though we just flashed back to him panicking, and asks if Colin was just going to watch the boat burn. Colin says, there wasn’t a fire.

Andy says, Ileisha started with self-doubt and criticism from Glenn early on, but proved herself small but mighty. We flash back to some Ileisha moments, and Andy says, she’s the most even keeled yacht chef of all time, or at least in Below Deck history. Ileisha says she wasn’t okay on the inside, and doesn’t know how she seemed so relaxed. Maybe it was like how you can stay calm when you’re in emergency mode. Andy asks what her biggest challenge was, and she says, burning her thumb. Everything was tough after that. Andy says, Ileisha had timing issues in the beginning, and asks if she takes responsibility, or if she thinks it lies lay with the stews. Ileisha says, they were different situations. She wasn’t quick enough, not understanding how it worked when cameras were involved. Andy asks how much Chase was freaking out when he was eating the cake and then the guests wanted more, and did Daisy regret sharing it. Daisy says, it had been while since the guests were done, but it was her fault. Ileisha says, it was a joint f*** up. Andy asks if Ileisha is still with her boyfriend, but she says she’s single and ready to mingle. Andy asks if there’s hope for her and Chase, and we find out they got together after filming. She’d ended things with her boyfriend, and she and Chase were there for each other. He came to Australia, and she’s been to America, specifically Charleston. Alex looks like his mind is officially blown, and Chase says, they live on opposite sides of the world. Andy says, Gary arrived late, and the deck team never seemed to click, and we flash back to that. Andy says, it seemed like Gary came on board guns blazing. He asks what about Chase rubbed Gary the wrong way, but Gary says he doesn’t know.

Gary says he hasn’t met a deckhand before with such a strong personality. Chase is blunt, but good at his job. He thinks it was just a personality conflict, but that was in the beginning, and they ended on a high. It’s not how you start, but how you end, and he thinks it ended well. Chase says, some of his best friends hated him when they met. He’s an acquired taste, and so is Gary. Andy asks what Chase did that specifically made him cringe, and Chase says he cringed all the way through. Andy says he seemed hypnotized by large breasts, like that can’t be said for all the deckhands, and asks if Colin thinks Gary has a problem with management skills. I interpret this as Andy’s way of throwing Colin under the bus, and Colin says, Gary was bitching to him about Chase instead of telling Chase. Andy asks for Glenn’s overall take on the deck team, and Glenn says he was impressed. They weren’t perfect, but no team is. He thought it was a great season and he’s proud of them. Andy asks Gary what the biggest difference was between Chase and Alex’s work ethic, and Gary says, Chase gave 150% every minute he was awake. Alex was just happy to be there, and coming with the ride. Chase picked up the slack. Alex says, Chase has an incredible work ethic, but it was a lot of work for a two-man deck team. They have different styles. Chase is in your face, and he probably learned more from Chase than anybody. Alex says he works best when he has clear direction and constructive criticism, and he had neither. He was left to pick up the pieces, hoping it was what was expected. At every team meeting, Gary said it went well. He does an imitation of Gary that’s spot-on and they laugh. Andy asks why Gary lied to Alex about Chase being upset with the cleanliness of the boat, and Gary says he apologizes for that. Chase says, Gary does care that the season is a success, but it wasn’t collaborative. They should have talked as a group instead of playing one-on-one telephone.

Andy asks if Mads thinks Gary romantic entanglements affect his professionalism, and Mads says, you’re giving energy to something besides work. Don’t screw the crew. Andy asks Glenn what he loves about Gary as a chief officer, and Glenn says, his attitude and knowledge. He knows boats and sailing, and he’s a good leader with good qualities. He thinks it would benefit Gary to watch the season. He thinks Gary is the kind of guy who would learn from his mistakes and come back stronger. Andy says, Gary has had his fair share of love triangles, but may have met his match. Mads drove him mad, especially when she cozied up to Alex. We flash back to all that, and a viewer asks how Gary could say Mads led him on when she was clear about just having fun. Gary says, every night she tried to have sex with him, and that’s what puzzled him. He was definitely into her. Andy says, it’s interesting how confused he was about her intentions when the producers played the montage. It felt like Mads was the female Gary. Lucy says, Mads is very direct. She said from the start she was just having fun.

Next time – Part Two – who’s hooking up with who; Daisy, Gary, and Colin square off; and all the drama after the season.

🦹🏽‍♀️ Winding Up the Masquerade…

Join me tomorrow for soap and more Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay not crying over spilled milk (unless it’s chocolate), and stay always being prepared.