Monthly Archives: April 2021

April 29, 2021 – Carly Puts the Plan In Motion, Unnecessary Reunion, Shockingly Real, LVP Prepares a Roast, Caught & She Will


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Josslyn comes into the hospital, Trina and Cameron on either side, helping her. She says they didn’t need to bring her there, but Trina says she can’t walk. Cameron says they shouldn’t have let her convince them that playing was a good idea. Josslyn says, it was just a warm up. She needs to prove to her coach that she’s good enough. She limps away, and runs into Portia.

Ava tells Nikolas that she knows he returned Cyrus’s mother back to him, so Cyrus would offer Alexis protection in Pentenville. He asks if she’s upset, but she says, upset is not the word. He asks, what is? and she says she’s terrified.

Alexis scrubs a floor. Hey, I have that same bucket, but mine doesn’t say Pentenville on it. A man suddenly stands over her.

At the MetroCourt, Obrecht suggests she and Scotty get a secluded table, on the off-chance Britt wasn’t exaggerating about a threat. He asks if she thinks the threat is real, and she says, of course (🍷). He says he thought it was a ploy to spend more time with him, and she asks if he thinks she needs a ploy. He asks if she had a good time, and she says, it’s true. She quite enjoys his company. Laura walks in, startled to see them together.

Brick asks Carly about the security accounts, but she says she’ll have Spinelli deal with that. He asks if she’s sure he’s up to it, and she says she is. She’d be nervous if Spinelli was holding a gun, or driving a getaway car, but as far as getting into the mainframe at GH, he’s almost Britt’s equal. Almost. If Sonny was there, he’d be going to the meeting with the Five Families Italian ices, but Jason is going to do that. Jason has to go. She needs him there, and not in prison. Brick says he’s glad she asked for his help.

Sam tells Danny that Jason will only be at the hospital temporarily, and he’ll have to go back to prison. Danny says he knows. Until the trial. She says she wants him to be prepared. There’s a guard outside Jason’s room, who will only let in family, and just so he knows, Jason will be handcuffed to the bed. He says he can handle that. He just wants to see his dad.

Britt tells Jason that she checked Cyrus’s schedule, and he’s in Rochester, so they have some breathing room. He says, good, and she asks how he’s feeling. He says, fully recovered, and she says, good timing. Carly called her earlier, and she’s putting the plan in motion. They’ll be able to break him out tonight.

In an examining room, Josslyn says she can’t believe Trina told her mom, but Trina says her mom works there. She saw them. Portia comes in, and says she hopes Josslyn didn’t get the injury playing volleyball; she was instructed not to play. Josslyn says, no. She was walking by herself in the park, when she accidentally stepped in a hole and rolled her ankle. She was sitting there, trying to loosen it, and Trina and Cameron found her. Portia asks how long Josslyn was there, and Cameron says, that’s why they brought her in. It could be serious. Josslyn says, it’s no big deal, but Portia says they won’t know without some tests. She’s sending Josslyn for an MRI.

Nikolas says he thought Ava was fearless. Why is she terrified? She says, as much as she doesn’t want to think about it, Cyrus bombed The Floating Rib, and used her brother to do it. She’s worried that, before they have a chance to renew their vows, Nikolas will be six feet under, and Cyrus will be responsible. He says, the circumstances are entirely different. Julian was desperate, and had nothing to offer Cyrus. Cyrus sought Nikolas out, and Nikolas gave him something that he tried and failed to get himself. If anything, Cyrus owes him. She says, he’s proven himself useful. She doesn’t think Cyrus will let him go. She happens to love him, and she’s so scared for him. He says, don’t be. He has too much to live for now, and won’t let Cyrus hurt either one of them.

Scotty takes Laura aside, and says he and Obrecht are friends. She asks if he thinks that’s wise, given what Obrecht is responsible for, and he says, what can he tell her? It just happened. She says she can see why they’re drawn to each other. They’re both grieving Franco, and have that connection. He says, she’s right, and she says, she’s not there to judge, but please, be careful. She tells Obrecht, good morning, and apologizes for not greeting her earlier. She was… surprised. Obrecht says she was equally surprised, and tells Laura to call her Liesl. Laura says, okay, Liesl. She’ll see her around. She leaves, and Obrecht says she admires the mayor for many reasons. She knows Laura dislikes her, but she’s withholding judgement. Laura is a woman of discernment and character. Scotty says, Laura is a wonderful girl. She would probably like Obrecht if she got to know her. Obrecht says, perhaps they’ll have a chance after the danger has passed, and she’s in the clear. He asks where the danger is coming from, and she says she doesn’t know, but she intends to find out.

Britt tells Jason that her mother agreed to lie low, although a part of her wants to see Cyrus go after Obrecht. As big and bad as he thinks he is, he’s no match for her. Jason asks if she’s proud of Obrecht, and she says, in a lot of ways. While she disagrees completely with some of Obrecht’s choices, she’d be the first to acknowledge Obrecht has lived life on her own terms; no excuses, no apologies. It didn’t make for a warm and fuzzy childhood, but it made her resilient. She wonders how she got off on this tangent, and Jason says she was talking about warning her mother. Is there anyone else Cyrus could target to get to her? She says she’s drowning in friends and family. There’s Maxie, but since Peter and Cyrus are now a twisted version of the frat boys from hell, she thinks Maxie is okay. Hopefully, Cyrus has no idea Brad is her friend, but other than that, there’s no one she has to worry about. he says, except herself, and she says she told him that she’s doing this. He’s not talking her out of it for her own good. His selfless nobility is already getting on her last nerve; it’s annoying enough. Sam brings Danny in, and he hugs Jason.

Carly tells Brick that they have someone at the hospital to keep Cyrus diverted. He asks if it’s Epiphany, but she says, Britt Westbourne; she’s the Chief of Staff. He says she doesn’t mess around, and she says, Britt isn’t her favorite person, but Jason trusts her. He says, that will be a big help, but they have another obstacle – Cyrus. They have to make sure Cyrus doesn’t get away. She says she thinks she has that covered, and he says, does she? Is it foolproof?

Nikolas tells Ava that he doesn’t expect Cyrus to be on the guest list for their wedding, but she says, Cyrus wants to be a fine, upstanding citizen; he’s going to want an invite. If he doesn’t get one, she’s sure he’ll find a way to wrangle himself in. Nikolas says there’s someone he can guarantee won’t be attending – Spencer. She asks if they spoke, and he says Spencer still isn’t taking his calls. He got a terse email saying not to expect him to come home anytime soon. She says she’s sorry. She knows she’s a factor in their estrangement. He says, a small factor. He’s the one who let his son believe he was dead for years. He didn’t tell Spencer that he survived the shooting. He was too busy with getting revenge against Valentin, and reclaiming his inheritance. His mother thinks his deal with Cyrus is proof of him backsliding, but she’s wrong. He saw the fallout, and learned his lesson about what it cost the people he loves. He wouldn’t act that way again. She says, she thinks Laura is just concerned. Cyrus gets people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. He says, as long as she’s by his side, he wouldn’t.

Alexis asks if she’s doing something wrong, and the man (the warden?) says, no. He has news for her. She’s been reassigned work duty. She says, so soon? What’s her new job? He motions her to follow.

Danny tells Jason, Scout wanted to come, but mom said she was too young to understand. He says, good call. Tell Scout he thinks about her all the time. Is Danny watching out for his sister? Danny says, of course (🍷); he promised he would. Britt and Sam go out to the hallway, and Danny says, it’s not fair that Jason is locked to the bed, but Jason says, it’s just protocol. Danny says, it’s a big mistake. Jason didn’t do what the police said he did. He’d never hurt Jake’s stepdad. Jason says he didn’t kill Franco, and Danny says he wishes everyone believed that. Jake is having a rough time with Cameron. Jason says, Cameron is dealing with losing Franco, who was like a father to him. Just be there for them if they need him. Danny says, sure thing. What happens next?

Britt says she wants Sam to know that Jason is fine, and Sam says, it was bad enough for Jason to be sent to GH. Britt says the Pentenville infirmary wasn’t equipped to handle Jason’s injury, and Sam says Jason recovered quickly. Britt says, she’s kept him as long as she can. She expects he’ll be discharged tonight. Sam says Britt is Chief of Staff. Is she acting as Jason’s primary doctor? Britt says, yes. Does Sam have a problem with that?

Josslyn is wheeled into Portia’s office, and Trina asks if it’s that bad. Cameron asks how she’s feeling, but Portia requests they wait outside so she can speak to Josslyn privately. Trina says they’ll be out in the hall, and they leave. Portia says, the good news is, Josslyn’s ankle isn’t broken. Josslyn says, that means she’s cleared to play, right? but Portia says the MRI showed that Josslyn was millimeters away from tearing her ATF ligament. She’s sorry, but Josslyn’s volleyball season is over.

Ava opens the door, and Cyrus is there. He says, Ms Jerome… or should I say, Mrs. Cassadine? He hopes she can make some time for him.

Josslyn asks Portia if she really can’t play. She’s already packed for the tournament. Portia says she knows it’s a disappointment, but Josslyn can’t play for at least four weeks. That means no running, or athletics of any kind. She’s going to fit Josslyn for an ankle boot. She can walk with it, and it will lessen the pain and take the stress off her ligament. She’s sorry. She tells Josslyn to stay in the chair until she gets back. She opens the door, and Cameron and Trina are right there. Portia tells them that Josslyn could use the company, and Cameron asks why there are security guards all over the place. What’s going on? Portia says she thought Josslyn would have told them. Jason was injured in Pentenville, and he’s upstairs. They go in, and Cameron asks if Josslyn knew Jason was a patient, and Josslyn says, yeah. He asks why she didn’t tell them, and she asks if he thinks that would have been a good idea. They called a truce. Why start an argument by bringing up Jason? Cameron says, she’s probably right. His shift is gong to start soon. He hopes Josslyn feels better. The next time he sees her, he expects her to be holding a trophy. He leaves, and Trina asks if Josslyn wants to tell her about the weirdness going on with Cameron. Josslyn says, Cameron is the least of her problems. Trina’s mom just told her that her volleyball season is over. She can’t play in the tournament. She can’t prove herself, and lost the only shot she has for playing with the best V-1 team in the country.

Sam asks if Britt is sure she wants to be Jason’s doctor, and Britt says she wouldn’t have it any other way. Britt’s phone rings, and she steps away.

Jason tells Danny that he’s not sure how it’s going to shake out, but he doesn’t want Danny to worry; he’ll be fine. Sam comes in, and asks how it’s going. Jason says, good. Danny says he was asking when Jason will get out of prison; when he’ll be found innocent. Jason says he told Danny that he’s sorry, but he doesn’t have a timeline. It’s one of those times he has to be patient. He promises he’ll find a way out. Danny says, but he doesn’t know when, even though he’s innocent. Jason says, that’s the most important thing. No matter what happens, he didn’t kill Franco, and he’s going to prove it.

Brick tells Carly, Cyrus wants to eliminate Jason; he’s not playing. It could happen at any given moment, even tonight. Carly says she was hoping Cyrus would be too busy tonight to go after Jason (like Cyrus does his own dirty work). The doorbell rings, and Carly opens the door to Laura, thanking her for coming. There’s somebody she wants Laura to meet. She introduces Laura to Brick, who says, it’s an honor and a privilege. Laura wonders about his last name, but he says, it’s just Brick. Like Prince or Elvis, but he prefers Prince. Carly says, Brick is a close family friend, and Laura says, the family could use a friend right now. Brick says, Sonny was crazy about Laura, and Laura says she was fond of Sonny too. Carly says, Brick helped when Sonny was looking for Dante in Turkey, and Brick says he’s glad Dante found his way back. Laura says, he had a few good moments with Sonny, but not enough. Brick says, it’s never enough. He’s got to go; he has work to do. He tells Carly that he’ll be in touch, and thanks Laura, telling her to keep up the great work she’s doing in Port Charles. He leaves, and Laura says, Brick is quite charming, but she knows Carly didn’t invite her over for a meet and greet. What’s this about?

Cyrus says, of course (🍷) he’s delighted to see Ava, but he was hoping for a word with her husband. She says Cyrus just missed Nikolas, and he says he wanted to thank Nikolas personally for his invaluable help in returning his mother to him. He can’t tell her how much it means to have his mother nearby, and knowing she’s safe. Ava says she’s glad Florence didn’t suffer when she was away. Now if they’re through… He says they’re not through, and she says she doesn’t understand. Nikolas said Alexis would get protection in Pentenville in exchange for finding Cyrus’s mother, which he’s done. End of story. Cyrus says, it’s never that simple with him.

Alexis goes to the visitor room, and sees Nikolas. He says he’s happy to see her; she looks good. How is she doing? She says, good. She’s working the program, and he’ll be happy to know she hasn’t been tempted to drink the toilet wine. He tells her, steer clear, even if it’s a good vintage. What else? She says she got a new work assignment in the library. It’s a cushy gig. He says, good, and she says she knows what he did. He traded favors with Cyrus, and she wants to know how much of his soul he traded to keep her safe.

Carly says, the second Nikolas turned over Cyrus’s mother to him, they lost their leverage. Laura says she knows. For what it’s worth (🍷), she fought with Nikolas about it. Obviously, she wasn’t able to change his mind. Cyrus got his mother back. Carly says, it’s over. They’ll have to find another way to soften Cyrus. Laura says she’d like to hear how they do that, and Carly tells her, she said herself that she’s Cyrus’s weakness. Cyrus wants a relationship with her; maybe some of her integrity and respectability will rub off on him. Laura says, he’s delusional, and Carly says, but maybe they can use it to their advantage. Laura asks, how? and Carly asks if there’s any way Laura can appear to soften toward Cyrus. Give him the attention he so desperately craves. For the greater good.

Nikolas tells Alexis, don’t be dramatic. His soul had little to do with the quid pro quo. She asks him to tell her what did, and he says he knew Cyrus had connections in Pentenville; an entire network of staff and prisoners who could make Alexis’s life difficult. He’s guessing that happened early on. She asks what Nikolas had to do on his end to accommodate Cyrus, and he says, return Cyrus’s mother. She asks what he means. Where is she? He says, Carly and Jason took her from the assisted living home she was in, and were holding her as leverage. Cyrus just got her back.  

Ava says, Nikolas saw to it that Cyrus’s mother was safely returned. What more could Cyrus possibly want? He says, what he wants isn’t tangible, like goods or money. He wants a relationship, a family. Laura is his sister, which makes Nikolas his nephew. Ava is his niece-in-law, so to speak. She says, technically, she supposes that’s true, and he says, Laura has never been truly open to bonding as a family, but since the deal with Nikolas was mutually beneficial, he’s hoping she’ll be more receptive to a connection in the future. Family. It’s the most important thing, isn’t it?  

Danny leaves, and Sam says Britt told her Jason should be released later. He asks what she heard, and she says, if someone is trying to kill him in Pentenville, he’ll probably get hurt or worse. Please tell her what’s going on. Is the hospital stay part of a bigger set-up?

Scotty walks into the hospital with Obrecht, and she says no need to accompany her. He says, Britt told her that she was in danger, so he’ll be there to protect her. She says, most of the time, it’s other people who need protection from her, and he says he’s going to shadow her, so she knows he has her back. She says, if he insists. Nevertheless, he’ll just be a distraction.

Britt finds a custodian coming out of her office, and he says, all done. She says she told him to take his time, and winks. He leaves, and she goes into her office, followed closely by Obrecht, who startles her. Obrecht asks, what’s going on? Why is she in danger? Does it concern Peter? Britt says, in part, and Obrecht asks what that schwein has done now. Britt says, all Obrecht needs to know is that she’s doing a favor for Jason. Obrecht suggests they leave the country.

Trina wonders what about Josslyn’s academics? but Josslyn says, Southern Coastal has the best volleyball program in the country. They don’t need to take her. Her only shot was to stand out at the tournament, and she just blew it. Trina says she knows Josslyn is disappointed, but wait and see. They’ll tear up PCU. Josslyn can look through the catalog at the tournament. She’s sure Josslyn will find something that interests her. Josslyn says she’s not going to the tournament, but Trina says, they’re her teammates. Doesn’t she want to cheer them on? Josslyn says, they need her, and she can’t play. She’s letting them down. Trina thinks they need a break from Port Charles, and Josslyn says, she’s right. They should definitely go somewhere else. Trina says, like where? and Josslyn says she has an idea.

On the phone, Josslyn says she’ll let Jax know what they decide. She tells Trina, her dad is still in Pennsylvania, a place called Nixon Falls. He hurt himself, and can’t fly. Trina asks how badly he’s hurt, but Josslyn tells her, he didn’t say, and she didn’t ask. He’ll need a ride back, so they can pick him up. Trina doesn’t think her mom will be up for that, and Josslyn tells her, get permission to go to the volleyball game, and they’ll go to Pennsylvania instead. Trina asks if she’s supposed to lie to her mom, but Josslyn says, it’s different from lying. She’s just not telling her mom. It’s not like they’re getting fake IDs and going to bars. They’re just taking a quick road trip to pick up her dad. She needs the distraction. Trina asks if it will get Josslyn out of her bad mood, and Josslyn says, it will help. Portia brings in a boot for Josslyn to try on, and Trina says she and Josslyn have decided to go to the tournament to support Josslyn’s teammates. Is that okay?

Obrecht tells Britt that she must get as far away from Jason as possible. He attracts violence and trouble. He’s a magnet for danger. Britt says, calm down. It’s the people who are after Jason who pose a danger. Obrecht says, Jason is equal to a bobsled run. Where should they go? Perhaps Australia; the Great Barrier Reef. Britt says, she has responsibilities, and Obrecht says, more than her own well-being? Britt says, she has patients, and she can’t leave Maxie. Obrecht agrees that Maxie needs Britt, and Britt says she can look out for herself. Where is Obrecht hiding out? There’s a knock at the door, and Britt points out that someone actually knocked. It’s Scotty, and she asks what he wants. He says he wants to help. He’s there to insure her mother’s protection, and Obrecht smiles.  

Sam says she knows Jason has something planned, and Jason says, the best thing he can give her is deniability. If something happens, and there’s an investigation, she has nothing to hide. Sam says, says he’s right. She has to put Danny and Scout first. It’s the choice she made.

Laura asks if Carly has any idea what she’s asking. Cyrus showed up, pressuring her to get his mother back. When she told him that she couldn’t help, he accused her of taking sides in a turf war. He said if blood ran in the streets of Port Charles, it was on her hands. Carly says she doesn’t want a war; she wants the opposite, to contain Cyrus. Laura is the only one who engages him. Laura says she may be able to engage him, but she has no ability to influence him for the better. He likes the idea of having her for a sister, but has no interest in what she says. She’s like a trophy; the one thing he can’t have. Carly says, that’s what makes her irresistible, and it’s exactly what they need for a few hours; Cyrus occupied and his attention on Laura. Laura asks where his attention would be otherwise, and Carly asks Laura to trust her in this situation. What she doesn’t know, can’t hurt her.

Alexis says, Carly and Jason were holding a fragile, elderly woman hostage? but Nikolas says, she was never at risk. She was in a private home, and Bobbie Spencer was her caregiver. She says, they were using her as leverage to keep Cyrus in check. Now that Nikolas has unleashed him, he’s put Sonny’s family, which means Kristina, vulnerable to retaliation. He says he did it for her, but she says she didn’t ask him to. Now he’s in debt to Cyrus. Does he know what that means? He says, it’s nothing he can’t handle, and she says, he’s influential and rich, and now he’s under Cyrus’s thumb. This might be the first step, but it’s not the last. He says he won’t leave Alexis alone. He’s not so naïve to think Cyrus got what he wanted, and is going to go away. She asks what he can do to stop Cyrus, and he says Cyrus has no idea what he’s capable of. If Cyrus crosses him, he won’t win. The benefits of protecting Alexis outweigh the risks. He wants her to find some peace in knowing he made it safer for her in there.   

Ava tells Cyrus that she’s sure her husband has an opinion on furthering a relationship with his new uncle. She trusts Nikolas will see the advantage in everything Cyrus did to help protect his aunt in Pentenville. Cyrus says, that’s the thing about cooperation and open mindedness. It makes the world safer; not just for them, but for those they hold dear. She says she’ll tell Nikolas that he came by, and he picks up a photo, saying, a little angel. He assumes it’s Avery. She’s adorable, and bears a striking resemblance to her late father. He hands Ava the picture, and leaves. She looks at Avery’s photo.   

Britt asks, are you two for real? and Obrecht says, Scotty is quite chivalrous. Scotty says, danke, and Britt says she thought when Obrecht stayed with Scotty, she just didn’t want anyone to know she was in town. Obrecht says, they were capable roommates, but things change. Britt looks shocked, and Obrecht tells her not to be so scandalized. She’s a healthy woman with desires. Why not have fun? Britt should try it sometime. She works too much. Britt says she’s fine, and clearly, so is Obrecht. Scotty says, she is fine, and Obrecht says, danke. As for Britt, be careful. She couldn’t bear if anything happened to Britt. Britt promises to be careful, and Obrecht tells Scotty, let’s go. They happily dance out the door. They are really cute.

Alexis tells Nikolas, she doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t like what he did, but she’s appreciative and grateful. The minute she got there, she was in trouble. One mention of Cyrus’s name, and she was safe. He says, that’s a good thing. It made him more motivated to rescue Cyrus’s mother. She thanks him, and he says he can’t let anything happen to her. He needs her in his life, and so does the rest of the family.

Sam tells Jason, just because the kids’ safety is her priority, doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. Whatever he’s planning, please be careful. Don’t put himself in a situation that makes anything worse. The kids miss him enough as it is.

Portia tells Josslyn, don’t even think of playing, but Josslyn says, of course (🍷) not. She learned her lesson. She thanks Portia, who says, of course (🍷). Portia leaves, and Trina says she thinks they’re overdue for a road trip. She asks if Josslyn needs to call her mom, but Josslyn says she told her mom goodbye when she left the house, before she destroyed her dream. Trina says, as soon as you embrace failure, it leads to greatness, and Josslyn says, no more moping. Nixon Falls, here we come.

Cameron goes into Jason’s room.

The custodian calls Cyrus, and says, Britt was right where Cyrus said she would be – Jason’s room. 

Laura tells Carly, in her position… She’ll do what she can to make up for Nikolas returning Florence, and so what she can to distract the bad guy they need to stop. Carly says she really needs Laura to spend time with Cyrus tonight. The doorbell rings, and it’s Ava. Carly says, not right now, but Ava says, it can’t wait. It’s about Avery. She’s in trouble.

Tomorrow, Maggie tells Alexis that special treatment can put a target on her back, Jax has to decline, and Ava says she’s not there to ask for help, but offer it.

🏖 The piece of trash that was the Oh God Make It Stop Summer House: Reunion Part One, was even worse than the actual show. Hannah was immediately slut shamed for liking Luke at the same time she was talking to other guys (gasp!), and we were off to a great start. Lindsay said she felt bad a little bit after watching her atrocious treatment of Stephen on her birthday. Andy said it seemed like Kyle and Amanda had changed, and Carl said Amanda held Kyle accountable. Then everyone made a bunch of excuses for Kyle’s drinking. Kyle wouldn’t let Hannah finish a sentence, caused her to cry, and then asked if she went to acting school. Good luck with that POS, Amanda. Lindsay proved once again how much she needs therapy, by acting like a less-than-basic bitch. Because Hannah continually pointed out that we live in a toxic, misogynistic society, Kyle said Hannah used buzzwords to make the men in her life look bad. I guess it never occurred to him that they look bad all on their own, and she just notices. Danielle said Hannah had created the things that happened to her, and she wasn’t a good friend. Baby Kyle got up, saying he needed a minute, and pointed his finger at Hannah the whole time he was walking away. I’m guessing he went to pee in the bushes, since he’s always looking for a new spot to mark his territory. Literally.

Next time, the Luke and Lindsay question, Carl talks about going down a dark path, Luke has something to say, and Hannah leaves in tears.  

📺 Tonight on For Real: The Story of Reality TV, it was the topic of Shock and Awe. I came in a little late, but early enough to catch the disgusting things people had to eat on Fear Factor, like a whole rat being smoothied. I mentally renamed the show The Dumbest Sh*t Ever. I never once saw Lovelines with Dr. Drew Pinsky, but apparently, it was shocking at the time. Before Sex in the City covered every sex topic that ever existed. They showed clips from surgery shows, like Botched and Dr. Pimple Popper, as well as I Am Cait and I Am Jazz, which followed the stories of transgender women Caitlyn Jenner and Jazz Jennings. The saddest thing were the insults Jazz had to endure at such a young age, but I did think if I heard the word journey one more time, I might scream. RuPaul’s Drag Race, which I love, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, which I’ve blessedly never seen, rounded out the episode. Mama June also made a virtual appearance, and told the audience that she’d spent $600K on cocaine. Good to hear she knows the value of a dollar. As Melissa Rivers said, one thing about reality television is, you’re life could be a lot worse. You could be Mama June. Next time, the biggest stars who have been launched from reality TV.    

🍸 On Overserved, LVP’s guests were Mario Lopez and his wife Courtney, and Sheryl Underwood. The theme was a Traditional English Roast, with dishes LVP said she served at Christmas. They started off by playing Rosé Pong, which didn’t quite seem to have a point. Mario poured rosé into a champagne glass tower, and while the object was to get a ball into one of the glasses, the game seemed to have no rules or consequences for losing. Speaking of glasses, the wine glasses at the dinner table were ginormous, and LVP proved one of them could hold two bottles of wine. The standard I only had one drink joke was made. They played Get Pumped, and had spotted dick for dessert. You can take your pick of jokes about that. We also found out that Mario and Courtney’s daughter walked in on them having sex in a guest bedroom when they thought she was zooming school. Oops. I just love this show. LVP is the consummate hostess, even doing her own cooking, the guests are intelligent and fun, and of course there are the dogs, ponies, and swans. And Giggy! back with us again. The only downside is, you can’t physically get to the food, which always looks insanely good. Next time is the episode with James Kennedy and Jim Jeffries, which I talked about yesterday. I guess that was a sneak peek on Bravo. This show is always well-worth watching, but Jim Jeffries is too funny, so take a look.   

🐕 Couldn’t Happen To a Nicer Group Of People…

Lady Gaga’s dognappers have been caught. Including the woman who found the dogs. Unreal. I hope they rot.

✍🏽 Signing Off…

Join me tomorrow for soap, tea, quotes from the best of them, and whatever else I can dig up to entertain you. But for now, stay safe, stay bringing the shock and awe in a good way, and stay embracing failure. It will lead to greatness.

April 28, 2021 – Maxie’s Best Option, Love Is In the NJ Air, VanderMix, Baby On Board, Joe’s Big Mouth, an Accusation, Reality Prisoner & April 1992


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly wants to talk to Jason about her plan to get him out of there, but he says, if he wanted out, he’d get out. She asks why he doesn’t want to run, and he says he doesn’t want to make a bad situation worse.   

Britt goes to the computer, but the files say, access denied. Cyrus asks if she’s having computer trouble again.

Elizabeth sees Jason’s name on the patient log, and flashes back to Jason telling Jake, the best thing he can do for Jason is to live his life, take care of his brothers, and do his art. Hold on to the fact that Jason didn’t kill Franco. He’d never do anything to hurt anyone if it meant hurting Jake. Laura asks Elizabeth if everything is all right.

Nina tells Jax, don’t toy with her emotions, but he’s says he’s not. He’s been laying the groundwork with Michael. He’s confident that if Nina comes home, there will be a path for her to not only see Wiley, but have a real relationship with him.  

Valentin says Peter seems lighter, and more hopeful, and Peter says he got Anna to give Maxie the push she needed to be more hospitable to him. His plan is working. Valentin took his best shot and failed, but face it, Peter is smarter than him. And now, he’s getting everything he wants.

Willow is frustrated because she can’t get chips out of the vending machine, but Michael comes along, and says he has something much better. He shows her a take-out bag, and says he thought they’d like something other than hospital food. She says, he’s so thoughtful, and he asks how Chase is. She says, Chase woke up for a second, but he’s still weak, and immediately lost consciousness. She’s scared, but most of all, she feels guilty. Chase is so  invested in the idea of them getting back together, but she can’t tell him they’re not, and it feels wrong to lie to him.

Finn goes into Chase’s room, and says Willow stepped away, but he’s sure she’ll be right back. He knows it all seems pretty scary – hell, he’s scared too – but he’s not going to lose Chase. Peter already ruined so much of his life, he’s not letting Peter take one more thing, especially not him. Chase opens his eyes, and says, Finn? Finn says he’s there, and Chase asks, what did he just say?

Maxie says, clearly, Brook wants something from her. Spill. Brook says, Maxie’s got it all wrong. It’s not about what Maxie can do for her. It’s about what they can do for each other. Maxie says she loves riddles, and Brook lifts her shirt, saying, this is as real as it gets.

Scotty meets Obrecht coming out of the elevator, and says, it’s been a while. She says, has it? and he says he’s been calling her, and all he’s been getting are crickets. She says she’s been busy, and he says, too busy to hook up while he was babysitting? She says she decided against it. Despite their shared love for Franco, she didn’t think Elizabeth would appreciate it. He says, it was probably for the best, but he’s started thinking she’s avoiding him.

Maxie says Brook just hopped from Crypticville to Crazytown. What is this? You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine? She gets that Brook has never been pregnant before, but this is weird by any standard. What’s going on? What is that? Brook says, that, is the answer to both their problems.   

Finn tells Chase that he was just talking to himself. Chase gave them all a scare. Chase asks, what happened? and Finn says Chase’s body was close to shutting down, but he administered treatment, and got Chase out of the woods. Chase thanks him, and Finn says, no sweat. Chase asks what that means. Is he cured?

Michael tells Willow, it’s an emergency, so they have to prioritize. Ask herself, is it more important to be honest, or to support Chase by giving him hope? Hope is a powerful incentive. She says, he’s right. When he puts it like that, there’s no question; Chase needs her. She has to be there for him. Just so she’s clear, she’s in love with Michael. Nothing has happened there to change that. Michael says he knows, and he’s not going anywhere. He would say what Willow is doing for Chase makes him love her more, but he doesn’t think that’s possible.

Nina asks if this is real, and Jax says, as real as the bullet he took for her. She tells him not to joke, but he says he’s not. She can be a part of Wiley’s like, if that’s still what she wants. She says, of course (🍷) it is. Everyone was so furious at her over what happened at the Quartermaines; what changed Michael’s heart? He says he convinced Michael how important it would be, not just for her, but Wiley. She says, that’s sweet of him, but she can’t imagine it went over well with Carly.

Britt tells Cyrus, it appears she’s locked out of the records regarding the pharmaceutical he was developing. He asks why she wants to access the files, and she says she found similarities between Tobadryl, and the drug in a patient’s bloodstream. Obviously, they’re different compounds, but she was hoping it would help develop treatment for ODs in the future. He says, the thing is, now that the Board put the kibosh on the program, it’s best to keep the intellectual property under wraps. Wouldn’t she agree? She says, of course (🍷), and he says, a little birdie told him that she’s been spending time in Jason’s room. Don’t forget she’s Chief of Staff. She doesn’t want anyone thinking she cares more about Jason than her other patients.

Carly says Jason isn’t going back to Pentenville. Her plan… He asks if she thinks it’s a lock, and she says, nothing is a lock, but her plan has been carefully set up, and has minimal risk. He says, the more people involved, the bigger the chance something can go wrong.

Elizabeth tells Laura that she hasn’t seen Jason. She doesn’t know what to say. She’s no longer absolutely convinced that he’s guilty. Laura asks if Elizabeth wants her opinion, and Elizabeth says, always. Laura says, from the first moment she heard about it, it didn’t make sense. Does Elizabeth remember when Ryan kidnapped Carly? Elizabeth says, how could she forget? and Laura says she was working with Jason, the thing she remembers most about him was how level-headed he remained during their insane ordeal. He’s not a person who panics. He doesn’t react in the heat moment, so it didn’t sit well with her; it still doesn’t. She can’t imagine Jason being so worked up that he shot Franco in Franco’s own studio. Did he hate Franco? Yes. Is he capable of killing? Absolutely. It’s the way it happened. Elizabeth says, she knows. She keeps going back to the idea that maybe she saw what she expected to see, and not actually what was in front of her. Maybe Jason was helping Franco, and not hurting him, but there’s a witness. Laura says, they could be wrong. What people think they see, sometimes ends up being different in reality. The truth will come out; it always does. Elizabeth says, okay, and thanks Laura. She says she has to get back to her patient, and Laura tells her to take care.

Laura rounds the corner, and runs into Cyrus. He says, hi, sis.

Valentin says, if Maxie can accept Peter, knowing who he is, he’ll have nothing further to do with it. Peter says Maxie will come to realize that their accusations are a misunderstanding.

Maxie tells Brook, this makes no sense. Brook was in the hospital the same night she was. Britt would have noticed. Brook thanks Maxie, and says she may have pocketed Maxie’s sonogram. Maxie gasps, and Brook tells her, she said thank you. Maxie says, please, start at the beginning, and Brook says, it’s a long story, elevator pitch. Since she got back, she’s been trying to find a way to make things up with her family. Maxie says, since she completely screwed them over by giving her shares to Valentin? and Brook says, because, that. Maxie says she thought Brook’s father forgave her, and Brook says, he did, but who knows? With the Quartermaines, everything is about family, and she wanted to get the shares back. She’d slept with Valentin, so why not pretend he knocked her up, and use it to her advantage? Valentin is a lot of things, but he’s not a crappy father. Maxie says, so she thought she’d use their child in exchange for the shares? Brook says, he called her bluff, and won’t give her the shares until after the baby is born. That’s where Maxie comes in.

Cyrus says he’s glad he bumped into Laura, and she says, that makes one of us. He laughs, and says he just wanted to let her know that his mother is settling in nicely in her new facility. She says, wonderful. Congratulations. She starts to walk away, and stops. She says, this begs the question, why not use this as a turning point? He says he’s not sure he’s following her, and she says he’s gotten everything he wanted; his mother, his freedom, the hospital, and Jason is in prison. Now would be the time to go legit. He tells her, she says he has everything, but that’s not true. She asks, what else is there? and he says, her.  

Carly says she knows Jason hates it, but she’s looked at the situation, and can’t do it alone. He says, she’s not alone, but she says, he’s in Pentenville. He tells her, the trial is the end of it, and she says he wants her to be patient. He says, there’s nothing to convict him, but she says, it’s different this time. The business is a runaway bus, and no one is driving. Sonny is gone, which leaves him. They can’t wait for Diane, and he can’t go back to Pentenville. Cyrus’s men will kill him. He says he can handle it, but she says she’s asking him to do something hard; to trust her. Please, do it her way. Since he’s been in prison, she knows more about the situation than he does. Even if she’s wrong, do it for her. Please. He says he’d do anything for her, and Britt comes in. She says, they have a problem.

Jax says, Carly wasn’t thrilled that he saw Michael, and Nina says she translates that to mean Carly was furious. Jax says, she was, but it doesn’t matter; she has no say. Nina tells him, Carly always gets a say, but he says, legally, Wiley isn’t her son. He’s Michael and Willow’s son, and it’s their call. She says, and? What was their call? What exactly did Michael say?  

Michael tells Willow, he knows this isn’t the best time to bring this up, but he wants to be completely transparent. She says, okay, and he says, Jax approached him, and asked him to consider giving Nina another chance at a relationship with Wiley. She asks what he told Jax, and he says he told Jax that he had to talk to her. She says, is she open to it? Is he?  

Finn tells Chase, damage has still been sustained, and Chase asks, what about the treatment Finn gave him? but Finn says, it’s a temporary solution; not a cure. Chase asks if Finn is saying he’s not getting out of there, when Elizabeth comes in. She asks how her favorite patient is, and Chase tells her, she says that to all her patients. Finn says, she does. He’s going to let Elizabeth check Chase’s vitals, and he’ll be back to touch base. Elizabeth tells Chase, she’ll be back in a second, and he says, don’t worry. Apparently, he’s not going anywhere. Elizabeth goes out in the hallway, and calls to Finn. She says they need to talk. She doesn’t want to overstep, but what was in the vial he gave Chase?

Michael tells Willow, nothing would make him happier than Wiley having both grandmas, and she says, even if they’re at each other’s throats. He says he knows if he asks his mom to get along with Nina, she will for Wiley’s sake. He’s not worried about that, but what happened last time, can’t happen again. Nina needs to have her head on straight. Jax went to see her, and he trusts Jax’s judgement. If he says Nina is in a good place, that will go a long way.

Jax tells Nina, Michael said he’d be open to allowing a visit, and she says, open? He says, it’s better than closed, but she says, Michael didn’t actually promise. He says, formally, no, but he’s known Michael since he was a boy, and Michael is very fair. If he works on Michael a little, he guarantees Michael will come around. He knows where Michael’s heart is. She says she appreciates Jax speaking on her behalf, but he’s describing a vague open-ended conversation; definitely not a promise. She can’t set herself up for another crushing blow. She wont be able take it.

Britt tells Jason and Carly that she’s been locked out of the records pertaining to the drug. Carly asks why that’s a problem, because she’s stupid. Britt says, for the same reason Cyrus noticed the amount of attention she’s giving Jason. He assumes they’re working together. Jason says that makes Brook a target, and Brook says, lucky her. He tells her to make sure Cyrus can’t use anyone she cares about against, and she says, assuming there is anyone she cares about. Jason asks what about her mom, and Britt wonders if it sounds perverse that she wants to see a show down between Cyrus and Obrecht. Carly says, yeah, and Britt says she’ll handle it. Carly says, but she’ll still help Jason get out, and Jason says, no; she won’t.

Peter tells Valentin, Maxie will come full circle, and realize being with him is best for her and the baby. Valentin asks if he’s supposed to be happy for Peter, but Peter says, no. But he wants Valentin to stop focusing on his family, and pay attention to his own.

Obrecht tells Scotty to get his head out of his arsch, and he says he doesn’t think that requires a translation. She says if he believes she’s avoiding him because of their one night, he’s sorely mistaken. He says, well, then prove it to him, and have a cocktail with him. Peter comes by, and says he likes this. The two of them have lost so much, it’s wonderful to see they’re such good friends. Scotty slams Peter up against the wall, and says, Peter killed his son, and he’s going to pay for it.

Maxie says she doesn’t understand how this has anything to do with her, and Brook says Maxie is planning on letting Peter believe their baby is dead, and stashing the baby away. Maxie says, oh my God. How could Brook possibly know that? Brook says, apparently, when Maxie was spilling her guts at Nathan’s grave, Olivia was there and overheard. In order for Maxie’s plan succeed, she knows Maxie’s baby has to disappear. For Brook’s plan to work, she needs a baby. Maxie asks why she would care about Brook’s plan. Her baby isn’t a prop; it’s a human being. Why doesn’t Brook go to a talent agency to find a baby? Brook says, she can’t believe how bitchy Maxie is being, when clearly, Brook is her best option. Maxie asks when Brook ever did anything good for her, and Brook suggests Maxie tell her about her problems. 

Elizabeth tells Finn, she was in the room. They were losing Chase, when Anna showed up, and Finn injected whatever she gave him into Chase’s IV, and he stabilized. He says, she must be mixed up; there was a lot going on. Why would Anna give him medicine? She should just be grateful the protocol worked, and they saved Chase’s life. She says if she doesn’t have all the information, she can’t do her job, but he tells her, leave it alone

Finn apologizes to Elizabeth. He says he’s exhausted, but knows that’s not an excuse. It’s been a trying couple of days for everyone. Just give him a moment to exhale, and he’ll bring her up to speed. She says she’ll check Chase’s vitals, and leaves. Finn sees Dr. Zaslow, and asks if he can have a minute.  

Scotty says he should beat the hell out of Peter, but he’ll let the courts deal with it. Get out. He shoves Peter toward the elevator, and Peter says, he doesn’t know who put that idea in Scotty’s head, but it’s just not true. He’ll chalk up to a misunderstanding. The elevator comes, and he says, here’s his ride. Be good now. Scotty punches the elevator doors, and curses Peter with the fire of a thousand blazing suns. He sees Obrecht smiling at him, and says, what? She says, nothing, and he asks if she liked that. She says she’s seen worse.

Laura says if Cyrus wants a relationship with her, he’ll have to be someone she can have a relationship with. He asks if she’s ever considered that she’s putting the cart before the horse. How about instead of lecturing him on how awful he is, they get to know each other? Who knows? Maybe her good influence can change him.

Britt says she loves when people talk for her, and Jason says he’s not letting her risk her career or her life. Carly says, it’s her asking. Cyrus will destroy Port Charles, and she needs Jason’s help. If Jason goes back to Pentenville, Cyrus will kill him. Jason tries to interrupt, but Britt says, this is between her and Carly. It’s not his call. She’s in.

Maxie tells Brook, imagine how lost and betrayed she felt. She loved Peter, and he betrayed her. He was lying the entire time. Now she keeps asking herself how she fell for it. How could she not see it? She could blame Anna, and she did, but it’s not Anna’s fault. When it came to Peter, Maxie dove in head first, and didn’t stop to check the water. Everyone she trusted told her to be careful; to slow down, and remember why Peter came to Port Charles in the first place. She refused to listen. She couldn’t bear to face what that meant. She was really alone, and back to grieving Nathan. She couldn’t face that, and instead clung to Peter like a life raft, but the thing she thought was keeping her afloat was dragging her down. If it was just her, it would be okay; she could handle it. But now, she’s pregnant with a baby she loves with all her heart, and the father is a monster. So no matter how much it hurts or how hard it is for her, there’s no way Peter will get his hands on this baby. Ever.

Valentin comes out of the elevator at the hospital, and sees Willow and Michael talking. Willow says, there are no easy answers when it comes to Nina, but they’re Wiley’s parents, and they’ll decide together. He says, together. That sounds good, and she says she has to get back to Chase. He gives her the food, and she thanks him. After she leaves, Valentin approaches Michael, and says he couldn’t help but overhear. Is Michael reconsidering letting Nina be a part of Wiley’s life?  

Jax says, so Nina won’t come home? and she says, for an empty promise? He says, it’s not empty, and she says, but it’s not full. He says he’s just trying to make things right, and she says she knows, but he can’t. Doesn’t he see that? When Michael seriously decides she can be part of Wiley’s life, tell Michael to call her. Until then, she can’t go back there. He asks if she’s ever coming home.

Finn asks how Chase feels, and Chase says, his whole body is numb, but it’s better than a seizure. Finn says Chase is still cracking jokes, and Chase says, progress; write it down in his tablet. Finn looks pensive, and Chase says, don’t write him off yet, but Finn says he’s not. He’s thinking about all the time he wasted; all the things he let come between them. Chase says, they’re here now, and Finn says, yeah, they are.

Obrecht and Scotty clink martini glasses, and she says, to Peter getting what he deserves. Scotty says, and much, much more. Obrecht’s phone rings, and she says, Britt, what’s wrong? Britt asks how Obrecht knows there’s something wrong, and Obrecht says, Britt doesn’t call otherwise. Britt says she doesn’t have time for this, and Obrecht says, she knew it. Is Britt in trouble? Britt says, it’s hard to say, but Obrecht might be. She wants Obrecht to lay low, and avoid her hotel room. Is there anyone she can stay with? Obrecht looks at Scotty, and says she thinks that could be arranged.  

Nina tells Jax, she thought visiting Phyllis was just a pitstop, but she’s finding out, the longer she stays away from Port Charles, the easier it is to forget all the pain she endured there. He says, out of sight, out of mind, and she says, some things are harder to forget than others. He asks if the wonderful times they had together don’t count, but she says, they count a lot. She doesn’t know any other way to describe this, but she’s happy there. He says, forgive him for not understanding, but what’s so compelling or life-altering about Nixon Falls that makes her want to stay?

Michael tells Valentin, if he’s reconsidering Nina being in Wiley’s life, it’s none of Valentin’s business. Valentin says Michael has every reason to resent him, but he does have a stake in this. Not only is Nina his friend, but he’s part of Wiley’s family. Michael is going to have to face it. They’re all connected thanks to Brook’s baby.

Maxie sits, and tells Brook that she’s doing her best to string Peter along, but her plan is getting staler by the day. Peter is pushing harder all the time. Brook sits with her, and says she got it in the abstract, but now she gets it for real. How Maxie is freaked out and prepared to do anything for her baby. She doesn’t need to look any further. Valentin thinks she’s having a baby, and if she sells it – and she knows she will – he’ll think Maxie’s baby is his. Valentin is the one person equipped to keep Maxie’s baby form Peter. It’s the safest place for her little girl to be. Maxie says, no, and Brook says, that’s it? Maxie says, sorry, but Brook doesn’t really care about her baby. She just wants to save her stupid stock. This is why Lulu didn’t like Brook; she’s all about herself. Brook says, so is Maxie, and Maxie says, she used to be, 100%, but something changes when you’re a parent, and Brook isn’t a parent. If Maxie never trusted Brook before, why would she do it now, when it’s more important than anything? Brook says, because she’s Maxie’s best option, and Maxie is smart enough to know it.    

Laura says she thinks they’re at a stalemate, and Cyrus says, not for long. The tide is turning in Port Charles, and battle lines are being drawn. Pretty soon, there will be no room left on the sidelines. Laura had best a choose side, lest one be chosen for her. He gets in the elevator, and the doors close. Laura looks panicked.

Carly says, Britt is right. Jason needs help, and he hates it, so he’s giving her pushback. But it doesn’t matter; they’re moving ahead. He says he doesn’t know if it’s a good idea, but guesses they’ll find out while they’re doing it. She says, it’s going to work, and he says, it better.   

Obrecht tells Scotty that she hopes she won’t be too much of a burden, but he says she was a nice roommate over the holidays. He admits it’s been rather lonely for him, and she says it’s been lonely for her too. They get in the elevator, and she fluffs her hair. As the doors close, Scotty grabs her, and they passionately kiss.

Britt says she needs Elizabeth on 10, but Elizabeth says she’s taking care of Chase. Britt says, not anymore. Finn requested she be transferred.

Willow says, Chase is awake, and Chase says, he is. Finn says he was just leaving. As he goes out the door, he looks at them and smiles. Willow says she sees how it is. Chase chose the one moment she wasn’t in the room to open his eyes. He tells her, if he has anything to say about it, he’ll have a whole lifetime of waking up next to her.

Jax says it doesn’t matter what Nina is keeping from him, as long as she’s happy. Nina says, she is, and he says, good. It’s all he wanted, even though she might not believe it. She says she does, and he says, if anyone deserves happiness, it’s her. She says he’s making her sound like some kind of saint, but she’s not. Far from it.   

Brook says she’s the answer to Maxie’s prayers. She’s sorry it’s not the package Maxie wants, and Maxie says, Brook isn’t her savior. Brook says she knows Lulu despises her. She was a bitch to Lulu, and Lulu was a bitch to her. But if they presented this plan to Lulu, what does Maxie think Lulu would tell her? Maxie says, Lulu would tell her to get over herself, and make the best choice for her child. Her phone rings, and it’s Peter. He says he’s done some research on live-in nurses, and he’d be happy to send some over today. Maxie says she appreciates that, but she’s already on it. He asks if she’s sure, and she says she thinks she found someone who can help her. She’ll tell him about it later. She hangs up, and tells Brook, okay. If they do this, they play by her rules. She’s trusting Brook with her child, and nothing can go wrong. Understood? Brook says, completely.

Tomorrow, Josslyn tells Trina that they need a break from Port Charles, Alexis says she knows what Nikolas did, Cyrus says it’s never simple with him, and Sam asks if the hospital stay is part of Jason’s sentence.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

The women were still at Jennifer’s mom-included party. Josephine said she was embarrassed about her marriage not working out, but no one cared. Jennifer wanted her to see how happy the women were without their husbands. Evan, Frank, and Joes #2 and #3 played golf, and had lunch afterward. Joe #3 said Marge wouldn’t slow down on the house project, and Joe #2 said all the women were on a mission, like they had something to prove. Evan asked if Joe #2 and Melissa were good, and Joe told them about date night. Frank asked about Teresa’s new guy, but Joe said he didn’t know anything. They knew he was holding out, and it wasn’t long before he spilled the tea on T. He said he loved Teresa’s new boyfriend, and in his interview, he said he was supposed to keep it a secret, but Teresa was telling everyone.

Michelle showed Teresa a house, and Teresa was feeling better about her mom, but said her feelings were like a roller coaster. When she started feeling bad, she knew her parents were watching over her. She wanted her next home to be clean and easy. The house was mammoth with an open floor plan, and an entire apartment (or suite as Teresa called it) in the basement. Teresa showed Gia on the phone, and Gia immediately claimed it. We flashed back to 2009, when they’d bought the previous house. Teresa felt it was a lot to maintain, and she wanted a change. Selling the house was like a final ending. This part of their lives was over. She still wanted to see more houses, and Michelle agreed she shouldn’t jump at the first one. She told Teresa to remember what psychic Gina said, that everything would happen all at once. Michelle said Gina also mentioned a new man, and she was having a cocktail party. New guy David was going to be there, and Michelle thought he was a possibility, but Teresa said she’d met someone. She’d just met him, so the jury was out, but in Teresa’s interview, she said, did she want to meet anyone? Not at all, but she didn’t want to alert Michelle. Michelle told her, the cocktail party was just going to be a casual thing.

Joe and Melissa had lunch with The Marge and Joe #3. Joe #3 talked about Joe #2 losing a bet, and having to kiss Frank’s ass. It was either that, or run across a field naked. In Melissa’s interview, she said Joe #2 was like an everlasting frat boy. Marge said she knew Teresa was in love, and in Melissa’s interview, she said she’d been sworn to secrecy, but Joe #2 liked wearing his heart on his sleeve. Joe #2 concurred that Teresa was in love, even though Melissa tried to stop him from talking. Marge said Teresa was drinking pineapple juice by the gallon, so it was obvious.

Delores was scared while waiting for her biopsy. She was also mad at herself and regretful. In her interview, she said she’d thought no sickness would get the best of her, but cancer didn’t discriminate. Her life was where she wanted it to be; her kids were happy, she was financially independent, and had Frank by her side. Everything was in place, and where she wanted it to be. This put things in perspective, because the result could take all that away.

Everyone got ready for Michelle’s cocktail party, and I guess casual means something different to me. I have to mention that Frank kept Delores company as she did her makeup in her closet, which, to you and me, would be a very large dressing room with a full vanity. He wondered why she had roller-skates, and she said Melissa was going to have a roller-skating party, but it was canceled because of the pandemic. She told him that she realized it would be a good workout, and she’d been rollerblading. On roller skates. Someone please explain to her that those are two different things. In the happiest news ever, she found out her tumor was benign, and she was ready to enjoy the night. I’m always hyper aware of the food at every party on every reality show, and this was no exception. It was a magnificent spread, and I would have gone up a size had I been there. In Teresa’s interview, she said she was angry because Marge told her that Joe #2 said she was in love. During the cocktail chit-chat, Melissa said, after the first time she and Joe #2 had sex, he sent her ten dozen roses. Marge said, Joe #3 took a shower, and said he didn’t want to smell like her because his wife might suspect. They discussed David having bought Delores a Porsche as an early birthday gift, and Marge said Delores was locked and loaded. Melissa she said she thought David was buying time, and everyone agreed. In Melissa’s interview, she said Teresa claimed not to be in love, but she was texting a million miles an hour in the corner. It was very obvious. It was even more obvious when Teresa suddenly left.

In Delores’s interview, she said she didn’t blame Teresa for keeping her boyfriend to herself. It was a judgmental crowd. Joe #2 said Delores was in denial, and Delores said she wasn’t interested in someone getting mad because she walked ahead of them to the car. Joe said, a real man expressed his feelings, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said that Joe wasn’t saying it well, but she got his point. In Jackie’s interview, she said she thought Joe was sending a message to Melissa that she’d be nothing without a man. I didn’t get that at all, and besides, not only do I think Delores has a fabulous set-up, if she decides it’s not working out, she can get any man she wants – if she wants one. I mean, look at her. Joe #2 went on to say Delores was a broken woman, which pretty much stunned everyone. In Marge’s interview, she wondered if it was the 1950s. News flash: women don’t derive all their happiness from men. Melissa admitted many of them thought David was stalling about the ring, and Jennifer asked if Delores was crushed. Good Lord. Leave this woman alone. Delores said that David was part of the family, even if their relationship was moving slower than everyone else expected, and she was good with it. That was all that mattered. She finally told them, f*** you, and left, yelling to Frank that she wanted to GO. Marge thought it was insulting that Delores had gotten a beautiful gift, and they were acting like it wasn’t good enough. Outside, Frank asked why Delores was yelling at him, and she said because she was aggravated. Marge said it wasn’t a party unless someone stormed out.

Next time, we meet Teresa’s new dude, Jennifer has a major fight with her mom, and Joe #2 says he and Melissa are done. I’m betting that’s not what it seems due to Bravo’s editing.

🍸 Bravo had a bit of a mishmash of Overserved and what’s to come on Vanderpump Rules. They aired the Overserved episode, Ladies Who Brunch, already commented on here, then James Kennedy and Australian stand-up comic Jim Jeffries were LVP’s guests. I’m not sure what the theme was supposed to be, and the really weird part is, the episode isn’t listed anywhere. Maybe it was special for Bravo. LVP said the dinner was comprised of all things very Vanderpump, so we’ll go with that. James said he wasn’t as nervous being at Villa Rosa as he usually was; LVP had fired him five times. He stuck to non-alcoholic cocktails (well done, James!), and said he’d be two years sober on July 6th. They played Kiss-the-Pony Poker, where they stuck cards to their foreheads and played a hand, having to guess the mystery card. James was the loser, and had to kiss one of the ponies, but I failed to see how that was a loss. Jim said he’d been planning on it anyway. He’s a very funny guy. James mentioned that Jim had mooned Jax (who wouldn’t?), and Jim said some of the Vanderpump Rules cast had been at The Improv, and he did it to mess with production. He said Jax got all silver-backed gorilla on him, and we saw a clip of an altercation where Jax was clearly the loser. Jason, Pandora, Ken, and Giggy (!) joined them for dinner. Jim suggested LVP had so many dogs in order to fart undetected, and since the entrée was lobster pasta, James said, tonight, it’s about the pasta. This had to be explained to Jim, but the story lost something in the translation. James did some rapping, and called Scheana, so LVP could get in on the video chat.  James confirmed he was going to ask Raquel to marry him, and practiced his proposal. They played Get Pumped, but I’m not even repeating any of the Q&A here. They ended with playing a game where they had to get a piece of chocolate from their foreheads into their mouths without using their hands. Jim thought he was a shoo-in since he was the only one without Botox, but LVP won. But of course.

Tomorrow on E!, LVP hosts Sheryl Underwood and Mario Lopez for a Traditional English Roast.

🥂 There were a couple of quickie scenes from the latest Vanderpump Rules, and here’s what we found out. Because of Scheana’s pregnancy, she could move her face for the first time in ten years because, no Botox. We also learned Katie wasn’t ready for a baby, and Randall is a freeballer. In other words, not much, but here’s a little more.

👶 It’s a Girl…

Love the name. It sounds like what Sailor Moon would name her kid. Providing she wasn’t a cartoon, and could have a kid.

😮 Oh No He Didn’t…

Possibly one of the most uncalled for comments ever.

Dump that tea.

💸 Ponzi This…

Just a little vague.

🚪 Get Me Out…

I can’t say I’ve ever heard of someone being trapped on a reality show before. Someone who didn’t want to be trapped anyway.

🌞 When the Morning Comes…

Tomorrow brings the Reunion of Oh My God There’s More Summer House. Part One. How they could possibly have more to screech about than can be contained in a 43 minute hour? Whether you’re there or square, stay safe, stay true to your convictions, and stay knowing when it is or isn’t about the pasta.

April 27, 2021 – Anna Races To Save Chase, Patrika Talks Soap, Birthday Wishes, Reflection, a Campaign, Throne Prequel & Clear


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nina says Jax was going to tell her why he came there, and he says they’ll get to that in a bit, but he can’t shake the image from his mind. When they put him on the gurney, before he was wheeled away, he opened his eyes for a second and saw Sonny. He was standing there, clear as day. But that’s not possible, is it, because Sonny is dead.

Outside Jax’s room, Phyllis asks Sonny if something is wrong. He says he doesn’t feel like dropping in on Jax; the guy doesn’t even know him. She says, Nina knows him, and it would mean a lot to her if he was there.   

Alexis is brought to the visitor room, and she tells the guard, she thinks there must be a mistake. The only visitor she’s allowing is Diane, and Diane isn’t available. The guard says, maybe she suddenly became available. Alexis goes into the room, and sees Valentin.

At the MetroCourt, Sam says she got Dante’s message. Is he okay? He says, that depends on who you ask, but his mother is worried about Maxie. She wants him to look after her. Sam says she thinks it’s a good idea with Peter hanging around all the time. What’s the problem? He says he thinks the problem is him. What if he makes things worse?   

Brook tells Olivia, she was there when Peter burst into the Lamaze class. He acted like he owned the joint, and Maxie. She could see Maxie was upset, but she didn’t realize Maxie was desperate enough to hide her baby from him. Olivia says, Maxie is beyond desperate. She was talking like Nathan could hear her, and she swore she was going to keep her baby safe from Peter, no matter what. Maxie is going to do what Olivia did with Leo, and pretend the baby is stillborn.

Anna says Peter got what he wanted, to see Maxie. He says she knows that’s best for everyone, including his unborn child. She tells him to give her the antidote while there’s still time.

Elizabeth says Finn is holding something back. What is he not telling Chase about his condition? He says he knows how the toxin got in Chase, but he can’t identify what it is. He can ease Chase’s symptoms, but he can’t neutralize the toxin.   

Chase has a seizure, and Willow yells for help. Finn runs in, and says he has to get Chase’s airway open.

Sonny tells Phyllis, he thinks he’d be more comfortable waiting while Phyllis checks on Jax. He can call Nina later.

Jax wonders why he’d be hallucinating about Sonny. He’s sympathetic with the family, especially Carly, and he’s upset that Josslyn is grieving, but Sonny isn’t his favorite person. Nina imagines that Carly is still talking about Sonny, so he has Sonny on his mind, even if it’s subconscious. Phyllis comes in, and asks how the patient is. Nina says, better, now that he took a bullet for the team. Jax says, taking a bullet was all he had to do to get Nina to like him again, and Phyllis says she likes his attitude. She thinks he and Mike will get along. Jax says, Mike? and Nina says, he’s a local man, but Phyllis says, he’s more than that. While Jax was fighting with the one robber, Mike took down the other. Jax says he’d like to meet Mike; they can trade war stories. Phyllis says she was hoping Jax would say that. Mike is outside.

Alexis tells Valentin, she said no visits from family members, and he says, on a scale of one to ten, how is it in there? She says, one hundred. He says, despite her preparations? and she says, it’s worse and more dangerous than she expected. She didn’t expect it to be a picnic, but everything would have backfired, if not for Nikolas. Valentin asks, what about Nikolas? and she says, she suspects Nikolas made a deal with Cyrus. He says, so she’s beholden to her nephew, and her nephew is beholden to Cyrus. Now it makes sense. She asks if there’s something he’s not telling her, and he flashes back to Anna telling him that they can’t let anyone know. They’ll have to stick to the agreement to back Peter up while he reconciles with Maxie. Valentin says, yeah. Congratulations are in order. He’s going to be a father again.  

Brook asks if Olivia is sure she heard correctly. Maxie was super emotional, and pouring her heart out at Nathan’s grave. Olivia identified because of what she went through with Julian, and maybe she was doing that thing… Olivia says, transference? She didn’t transfer anything. She heard Maxie say she wanted to save the baby from Peter. Brook asks if she’s mad that Maxie stole her idea, and laughs. Olivia tells her, don’t laugh, and Brook says she knows enough about Peter to know he’s dangerous. If Maxie plans to fake the baby’s death and hide it, she doesn’t want to know, or care to know. Olivia says Brook has to promise not to breathe a word, and Brook promises. She says she never thought she’d say, poor Maxie. The only thing she has to worry about is whether she’s getting the ELQ shares back before or after the baby is born. Their situations couldn’t be more different.   

Sam says, Lulu is Maxie’s best friend, and Dante is the perfect person to help her. He says he used to be, before he was diagnosed with PTSD. It’s like his brain was rewired. She asks if he’s saying he doesn’t trust Doc. Doc says he’s in full control. He says, that’s Doc’s best guess. Psychology is not quantifiable. He doesn’t know for sure. What if, when Maxie needs him most, he blows it? She says he doesn’t know that, but he does know someone who’s lost the same thing, and didn’t trust who or what they were. He asks if they’re talking about her.  

Peter says, Anna claims she wants to help Chase, but can’t resist digs at him. She won’t acknowledge that he has a vested interest in Maxie and his child, and that his presence might be beneficial to them. Anna says she doesn’t care. She has no time to stand and argue. He won; is that what he wants to hear? He outmaneuvered her at every turn, and she won’t come after him. He asks, what about Valentin? and she says, Valentin won’t make a move against him. It would jeopardize Chase, and Valentin knows she won’t forgive him. Give her the damn antidote. He asks if she’s nervous. She hates not being in control. That’s how he felt when she lied about being his mother. Maxie asks how everything is out there, and Peter says, it’s fine. Take your time. He holds out the vial, and says Anna had better hurry. She might make it, depending on the traffic. Anna grabs the vial, and runs. Maxie comes out, and asks where Anna was off to in such a hurry. Peter says, she has to visit a friend in the hospital

Finn asks that the room be cleared, and Elizabeth tells Willow to leave. Chase says, Willow, and she says she’ll be right outside. Finn says some doctor stuff, and says Chase isn’t going to die on him. He’s not going to lose Chase.  

Phyllis tells Nina, Mike is out there waiting; he didn’t want to intrude. Jax says, tell Mike that he wants to meet him, but Nina says, if Mike is feeling shy, she’ll go speak to him. Phyllis says, good idea, and Nina leaves. Outside, Sonny asks how Nina’s friend is, and she says, he’s going to make a complete recovery. Why is he there? He says he just wanted to make sure she was okay, and she says, that’s very sweet, but she’s fine. Can they talk later at the Tan-O? He says if he didn’t know better, he’d think she was trying to get rid of him.

Alexis asks who the lucky girl is, and Valentin tells her it was Brook; one night, and a whole lot of fun. She asks when he found out, and he says he knew before she was sentenced, but he thought he’d spare her his personal drama. She says he seems happy about it, and he says he’s over the moon. She’s a Quartermaine, so that means parental rights will be an ongoing and sustained negotiation. She asks how Charlotte is taking it, and he says, she’ll come around. Alexis says he doesn’t seem convinced, and he asks if she has any advice. She says he wants advice from her? Okay. Ask himself, what would Alexis do, and do the opposite.   

Sam tells Dante, before she knew she was suffering from toxic hallucination, she was hallucinating that Sonny wanted to kill her. So she shot him, and left him for dead. She was still hallucinating afterwards, and it was scary. It was driving her mad until Finn saw what was wrong. He says, that was a physical illness. This is weird psychological stuff. She tells him, she’s trying to say, the way to recover is time, treatment, a little more time, and a whole lot of love from family. He says, they’re the ones who keep you going, and she says she had to learn to believe in herself again. She had to learn to trust her own judgment, not just figure out what do next. It was like learning how to walk again. The trick is, you can’t do it alone.

Brook thanks Olivia, who asks what she did. Brook says she realized that she was taking her baby for granted; putting her feelings about the dad, ELQ, and her love of sushi first. Olivia made her realize, she has to do right by her child. Olivia says, the power of prayer, and Brook says, Olivia told her about Maxie, and she thought of all the ways Maxie was sacrificing to do right by her baby. Brook wants to do right by hers. Olivia says they can go shopping for shop healthy food, and baby clothes, but Brook says she has to restock her prenatal vitamins. She’ll keep what Olivia told her about Maxie in the vault, triple locked. She leaves, and Olivia says, that went well. A little too well.

Maxie brings out the teddy bear, and says she found it. It fell under the crib. She’d put it with the other stuff. He says, their baby is sure going to be one spoiled girl, with him at the head of the line. Maxie says, him and her both. She wishes she could stay pregnant, and protect the baby forever, and he says, pregnancy agrees with her. She looks wonderful. He suggests they have a houseful of kids, but Maxie says, one at a time. This one isn’t even born yet. She needs to focus on her doctor’s orders; avoid stress, stay calm, and get rest. He says that’s why he’d like to hire a fulltime nurse. Maxie says, the nurse would live with her? He says, until the baby arrives, or if she wants, afterward, until she’s back on her feet. She says, that’s very sweet, but she likes being on her own. It’s not like it’s her first baby. He says it’s his first baby, and she has her hands full with James, especially when Georgie visits. If the nurse doesn’t live in, perhaps he can move in, and help shoulder the load.

Elizabeth says, Chase’s blood pressure is dropping, and his heart rate is starting to drop. Finn says blah-blah-blah more doctor stuff.

Anna comes out of the elevator and sees Willow. She asks how Chase is, and Willow says, he had a seizure. They’re working on him now. Anna jets to Chase’s room.  

Elizabeth tells Finn, Chase’s blood pressure is dropping again. His body is shutting down. Anna stands in the doorway, and says, Finn?

Jax asks if Phyllis has any idea when he’ll be released, and she says he just had surgery last night. He’s only been awake a few hours. He doesn’t have to prove he’s a hero. He says he’s not trying to prove anything; he’s worried about Nina. She asks, why? and he says, because she’s there hiding from the world. Part of it is his fault. That’s why he came to see her. Phyllis says, she’s happy here. Why can’t he let her be?   

Sonny wonders why Nina is trying to get rid of him, and she says, because she doesn’t want her Port Charles life to intrude on her life there in Nixon Falls. Last night could have ended worse, but the good news is that it’s not serious. Phyllis says Jax is going to make a full recovery. She’s grateful for that. The sooner he goes back, the better.

Dante tells Sam, if he helps with Maxie and the baby, he could use some help. Sam says, lucky for him, She’s his friend. If he’d be willing to help Maxie – she takes his hand – she’s willing to help him. He thanks her, and he says, this helping thing is a two-way street. The next time she has contact with Alexis in Pentenville, ask her if she needs anything. She says, that’s nice of him, but Alexis made it clear that she doesn’t want to see Sam or her sisters. He says, there’s got to be a reason, and she says she thinks Alexis cares too much about what they think. 

Valentin says Alexis is too hard on herself. Sam, Kristina, and Molly are intelligent, sophisticated, charming young women. They didn’t get that way on their own. Alexis says, maybe they did in spite of her, and Valentin says, they love her; that’s all that matters. She says she’s tested that love. That’s why she doesn’t want them to visit. She feels like she failed. This so much worse than she thought. She underestimated it. She doesn’t want them to see her until she adjusts, but he tells her not to be ashamed. She’s on the road to a better version of herself, and the road to redemption isn’t pretty. It’s not her job to protect her daughters; it’s her job to let them love her, and love them back. That’s part of the deal.

Anna sees equipment being wheeled into Chase’s room, and Finn calls for a defibrillator. Anna holds up the vial, and Finn goes over to her. He asks if this is it, and she nods. He takes the vial, and Elizabeth watches as he puts the contents into a syringe. He then shoots it into Chase’s IV bag. Finn stands over Chase, and Elizabeth continues to observe.

Peter says, it will be like old times. Her, him, James, Georgie when she comes to visit; then the delightful addition of their little Lu. She says, if she agrees to the nurse, will they be on call 24/7? He says, of course (🍷). The nurse can monitor her and the baby’s health, keep the place organized, make sure she’s taking her prenatal vitamins. She says, just until the baby is born? and he says, and after if she needs it. He wants someone he can trust in case of unforeseen circumstances. She says, such as? but he says it’s just him being overprotective. What does she think? There’s a knock at the door, and Maxie answers. Brook breezes in, and says she needs to talk to Maxie. She sees Peter, and he says, by all means, don’t stop on his account. She was saying?

Phyllis tells Jax, when Nina arrived, she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. It didn’t take her long to let go of the pain she brought with her. Jax says he doesn’t deny Phyllis and Lenny have been good for Nina, and Phyllis says, not just them. Nina found another good friend in Mike.

Nina tells Sonny, she knows it’s irrational, and promises to explain later. Right now, she has to convince her ex to leave. Sonny says, she doesn’t think he will? and she says, not until he gets what he wants, which is her. He asks if she thinks she’ll give in, and take her ex back, but she says, no. It’s more like she’s afraid if her ex stays longer, he’ll find out some things about her that she doesn’t want him to know. Sonny says she doesn’t seem to scare easy, so he guesses he doesn’t know her as well as he thinks. He suggests he go in with her, but Nina blocks the door. She says, that’s exactly what she doesn’t want.   

Alexis tells Valentin, she knows how much her daughters love her. That’s what gets her through the day. He says, they can help her in person, but she says she doesn’t know if she can hold it together. He says, they can be strong for her. They can handle it. His time is up, but before he goes, what can he do to make her life easier?

Dante tells Sam, when he had PTSD, he shut out the whole family. He told Lulu to divorce him. He didn’t stop loving her, but he was convinced he was a threat to everyone he loved. That meant he missed out on time with his kids and his wife; time he’s not getting back. He thought he was being selfless, but he was being selfish. She says, maybe he didn’t want them to perceive him as weak, and he says, he was trying to spare them, but he was really sparing himself. She says, she thinks that’s what her mother is doing by telling them not to visit, and he says, whatever Alexis is doing, don’t let it stop her from reaching out. Olivia comes in, and says, they looks so serious. Is everything okay? Sam looks at her phone, and tells them, Valentin says her mom wants to see her right now. She says, wish her luck, and jets. Olivia asks if Dante wants to tell her what’s going on with Sam.  

Peter asks if Brook ever thought of calling first, and she says, she doesn’t know. Has he ever thought of asking if Maxie wanted him at Lamaze class? Maxie says she’s happy Brook is there; she and Peter can talk later. Peter says he’d like to set hiring the live-in nurse in motion, and Maxie tells him to line up some candidates for her to interview before she decides. He says he’ll ask the hospital for some recommendations, and she tells him to call her. He leaves, and Brook asks if aliens have taken Maxie over. Maxie asks, why? and Brook says, Maxie was nice to Peter, who she wouldn’t trust as far as she could throw. Maxie says, what makes Brook think she trusts Peter? 

Willow looks in Chase’s room window, and Anna walks down the hall. Willow follows, and says, if anyone can save Chase, it’s Finn. Anna says, sometimes even the best doctors can’t win against… Willow says, what? and Anna says she doesn’t know. Sometimes circumstances are too great. She asks how long Willow has been there, and Willow says, today? A few hours. Anna says she means since Chase was brought in, and Willow says she’s lucky. Michael and the Quartermaines are taking care of Wiley. She’s been able to spend a  lot of time with Chase. He said it helps to have her close. Anna says Willow must love him, and Willow says they’ve been through a lot together. She hopes and prays Chase comes through this, so they can both find happiness. Anna says, that seems to be a good thing to wish for, and Willow asks if Anna doesn’t feel the same way about Finn.

Finn waits, while Elizabeth checks Chase’s vitals. She says, his blood pressure is rising, and Finn says, cancel the code. The equipment is wheeled back out, and Finn says, keep fighting, son. Keep fighting. He strokes Chase’s hair, and kisses the top of his head. Elizabeth watches. She seems to be doing a lot of that today.

Sonny asks why Nina is acting like this. He thought they were friends. She says, they are, and as a friend, she’s asking him to trust her on this. He says, on what? and she says, on that she can handle her ex without help. Phyllis comes out, and says Jax is asking for Nina. Nina says, great. Sonny/Mike can take Phyllis back, and she’ll drop by later. Nina goes back into Jax’s room, and Phyllis asks if Sonny is all right. He says he’s doing good, and hopes he can say the same for Nina.

Nina says Jax needs to get some sleep, but he says, not until he tells her why he came. It changes everything.

Brook says she doesn’t get it. Maxie doesn’t trust Peter? Then why let him near her? If he brings in a live-in nurse, it will bring Peter closer, more in Maxie’s life. They’ll keep tabs on Maxie. Maxie says just because she and Brook shared one Lamaze class, doesn’t mean they bonded. Brook asks, what about when they were in the ER? and Maxie says Brook was rambling about nothing, and working overtime to avoid Britt. Maxie has a crap detector, and wants to know why Brook is really there.

Valentin runs into Peter, and Peter says he was just thinking about Valentin. Valentin says Peter wasn’t thinking about Anna, and how much he enjoys holding Chase’s life over her head? Peter says knowing Valentin can’t play hero for Anna, puts a smile on his face. He ran into Valentin’s baby mama at Maxie’s, and she was her usual pleasant self. Valentin tells him, if he’s forced to choose between Brook and Chase… Peter says, relax. He was there when Brook barged in. Valentin says, Maxie let Peter in willingly? and Peter says they don’t have a monopoly on fatherhood. Finn will do anything for his son. Anna do anything for Chase, and do anything for Finn. Like asking Maxie to see him.

Willow tells Anna, forget she asked; it’s none of her business. Anna says she and Finn loved each other very much, but they’re both involved in different ways of living. They had to admit that, be honest, and walk away before they hurt each other anymore. Elizabeth comes by, and tells them, the crises has passed, but Chase has a long way to go before they can say he’s improving. Willow goes back to Chase’s room, and Anna cries. She says, they almost lost him, and Elizabeth says she knows. Finn comes out, and Elizabeth joins Willow in Chase’s room. Finn tells Anna, Chase’s vitals are stabilizing. He thanks her, but Anna says, don’t. they both know it’s her fault.

Sonny tells Phyllis, he trusts Nina. He knows she’s a big girl, and can take care of herself. Phyllis says, but he wants to stay, and make sure she’s all right. She knows that’s his impulse, but Nina will think he’s hovering. She knows where to look if she needs them. He asks if Phyllis thinks Nina will need them after her ex saved her. She says she has the feeling Jax is Nina’s past. Who knows what, or who, is in her future? He laughs, and says, all right. Come on.

Nina tells Jax, she’s so sorry, but nothing can change the past. That’s why she’s staying there, and he’s going back to Port Charles. He says he’s trying to tell her that he spoke to Michael. If she comes back, there may be a chance for her to be a part of Wiley’s life after all.

Olivia tells Dante, forget him for a moment. She just had this conversation with Brook. He asks, what happened? and she says she doesn’t know. Either Brook had a massive breakthrough about the responsibility of motherhood, or Brook is playing her like a grand piano. Either way, she needs the distraction. What’s going on with him and Sam? He says, Sam wanted him to look after Maxie, and he volunteered to help. She’s in a tough spot with Peter. Olivia says, Peter is bad news, and he says he doesn’t know if Maxie wants to kick Peter to the curb or bring him back. She says, Maxie isn’t the only one confused about her life. He could use a friend too.

Alexis sits in the visiting room, and Sam comes in.

Willow sits at Chase’s bedside, when he opens his eyes. He says she’s still there, and she says she told him she wasn’t going anywhere. He closes his eyes again.

Finn asks, at what cost did Anna get the antidote from Peter? but she says, don’t worry; just take care of your son. He says he will. He had to use the whole vial to save Chase. What if he needs another dose? Anna says, Finn is going to isolate the toxin, and find a cure. If not, she’ll make sure Chase gets what he needs, Whatever it takes. She goes into the elevator, and Elizabeth looks at Finn.

Valentin tells Peter that he and Anna kept their end of the bargain. They haven’t disparaged him. Peter says, not in public anyway. Think what they will, he’s an honorable man. Valentin says, stay away from Brook, and Peter’s phone dings. Peter says, hold that thought. He sees that Chase is out of the woods, and says he guesses it worked after all. Touching. He tells Valentin, fatherhood has changed him. He guesses it’s changed Valentin too. 

Brook tells Maxie, chalk it up to high school. This is why she’s there. They can start over. Maxie’s best friend is in a coma, and a murdering bastard is her baby daddy. Maxie says, this is not starting over, and Brook says she had time to think when she was in Bensonhurst. They’re both becoming mothers, and she thinks for once, they’re on the same side. Maxie says, Brook clearly wants something. Spill. What does Brook want Maxie to do for her? Brook says, Maxie’s got it wrong. It’s what they can do for each other.

Tomorrow, Chase asks Willow when she’s coming home, Britt says they have a problem, and Carly tells Jason to trust her, and do it her way.

🧼 Y&R Talk…

Patrika Darbo, one of my favorites. And she even has a cool name.

🎂 Who You Wishin’ a Happy Birthday…?

Teresa’s tribute to her new main squeeze.

🎶 She Survived…

I don’t think she could ever top Friday.

🤷🏻 Might As Well…

It worked for Arnold, so why not?

🐉 Write Faster, George…

I thought, geez, this is a modern set. Then I realized it was a table read.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Skedaddling…

See you in Jersey tomorrow, when there’s also a preview of Vanderpump Rules. So I guess that’s a go now? No matter how you feel about that, if anything at all, stay safe, stay remembering May 9th is Mother’s Day, and stay not hiding from the world. Someone is bound to find you anyway.

April 26, 2021 – Jax Swears He Saw Sonny, Disco Party On Deck, a Tower, Everything Oscar, I Want One, Long Time Coming & Fight


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase thanks the nurse, and she says she’ll be back to put on his gown, but Willow says she can do that. She says she thinks Chase could use some pampering, and asks how he’s feeling. He says, better. The meds knocked him out, and he slept like a rock. He tells her that she looks rested and beautiful, and she says she got a lot done. A shower and a nap, she managed a ticklefest with Wiley, and she still had time to get him some herbal tea from Perks. He thanks her, and she hands him the cup, but he drops it.

Finn runs tests on what’s left of the vial. Anna asks if she can come in, and he says, sure. He probably said things he shouldn’t have. She was right about the vial that Peter smashed. He doesn’t know if it was the antidote, but it wasn’t water. She asks if he’s had any luck.

Peter calls Maxie, and says, good morning, sunshine. If she’s anything like me, she immediately wants to punch him in the face, but she says good morning to him too. He asks how she’s feeling. Is she up for a quick visit? She says she had a restless night, and so did James. He says he can take James off her hands so she can rest, but she says, no need to. Spinelli and Georgie have James with them today. Hold on. She needs to get the cuff off of her arm. Britt gave her a blood pressure monitor, and her pressure is a little elevated. She should rest; maybe take a nap. He says, at this rate, the next time he sees her, the baby will be born. She says she’s just following doctor’s orders. Have a good day. She hangs up, and he frowns at the phone. He sends a text. 

Finn tells Anna, the compound breaks down as soon as it’s exposed to oxygen. If the vial had been intact, he might have been able to analyze the residue, but even then, whoever designed it, really didn’t want it duplicated. She asks how Chase is, and he says, stable, for the moment, but he’s not being lulled into a false sense of security. Anna gets a text from Peter, saying, time is running out for Chase. He wants to see Maxie now. She tells Finn, she’ll let him get on with it. Good luck. He thanks her, and she leaves. Elizabeth comes in, and asks Finn how it’s going. He says, not good. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen to Chase.

Olivia opens the door to Dante, and he says, before they get into why she wanted him there, he wants to thank her. She says, for what? and he says, for showing up for him and Rocco, buying Rocco clothes, and for being her. She says she’s had a lot of practice with boys. He says, she went to Mike’s grave? and she says she did. She saw Maxie there at Nathan’s grave, but Maxie didn’t see her. She’s worried about Maxie.

On the phone, Brook says, Tracy already knows she’s a great grammy… Why would she think Brook wants something?… Actually, she was calling because she’s in a sticky situation, and needs a big favor from the one family member she can trust.

Sonny pours Lenny a cup of coffee, and Lenny says he appreciates the caffeine. He was awake most of the night worrying after what happened. Sonny wonders why in the hell someone would rob a barn dance? and Lenny says, Nina’s friend was injured. Sonny asks if he’s heard anything, and Lenny says, Phyllis called and said he’ll be fine. Nina is torn up about it. She went from being angry at him to being too afraid to leave his side. He wouldn’t be surprised if Nina ends up going back to him, and Sonny says, maybe. Lenny asks how he feels about that.   

Nina sits at Jax’s bedside. Phyllis comes in, and Nina says, he hasn’t opened his eyes once, but Phyllis says, that’s normal. He’s still sleeping off the sedative. Doctor Madison said he’ll be fine. Nina should go back to the house and rest. Nina says she’s not going anywhere. Jax could have died. Phyllis says, clearly, Nina still has feelings for him. Is she going to take him back? Nina asks, who says Jax wants her back?

Dante tells Olivia, Maxie has it rough with Peter, but at least she didn’t end up marrying the guy. She asks if Dante has seen Maxie lately, but he says, not since after the wake. He’s been meaning to get around to it. Olivia tells him, then get around to it. See if he can help Maxie. She’s at loose ends like him. She overheard Maxie pouring her heart out at Nathan’s grave. She’s a lost soul, and Olivia figured he could relate.

Brook says, granny, listen. She has a plan to make the family the majority stock holders again, and Valentin agreed. But she needs a real baby instead of one strapped to her… Don’t get judgy. Tracy has done worse for less reason. Doesn’t she live in Amsterdam or somewhere? Isn’t there a black market for babies there?… Hello? She says Tracy hung up on her. On to Plan B.  

Anna knocks on Maxie’s door, and says she needs to speak to Maxie; it’s important. Maxie opens the door, and asks, what part of she doesn’t want to talk to Anna, and never will, does Anna not understand? Anna says, sorry to disturb her. How is she? Maxie says she’s okay, but if Anna was concerned, she’d know Maxie needs rest and is supposed to avoid stress, including her. So, bye. Anna says she hates to ask, but she needs a bit of a favor. Maxie laughs, and Anna asks if she’d agree to a visit from Peter. Maxie says, get out.

Willow wipes up the mess, and apologizes that the cup was so hot, but Chase says she has nothing to be sorry for. The heat wasn’t the problem. He expected to take it from her, but keeps forgetting that his hands and feet are useless. She says, they aren’t useless; temporarily impaired. And the clean-up is nothing. Wiley flung a bowl of cereal around this morning. Chase says he wishes he’d been there to see it, and Willow says, it was adorable, until she had to clean up the mess. He thanks her for taking the time to see him, and she says, Michael has Wiley at the Quartermaines’. He says he keeps hoping they give him something for the neuropathy, so he can go home while they figure the rest out. He wants to go back to some sort of normal.   

Finn says he’s trying to pinpoint the cause of Chase’s symptoms, and Elizabeth says Finn was supposed to take a leave from the case. He says he knows, and closes the door. The doctor in charge told him to do whatever he needs to, to save Chase. She says she saw Anna leave; is everything okay? He says, these days, things are always awkward. They try to make them not awkward, but… She says she gets it. It’s not that remote. It’s not the same, but she’s glad she’s not on the tenth floor. Jason was admitted. He was stabbed and sent there for treatment. Jake doesn’t know, and she doesn’t think she’s going to tell him, since Jason should make a full recovery. There’s so much tension in the house already. Cameron is still convinced Jason killed Franco. He asks if she’s still convinced. 

Nina tells Jax that she’s so sorry all of this happened. When he showed up, she realized how much craziness she was keeping in. She knows he saw Sonny, and he’s going to be on the phone with Carly so fast, Nina won’t know what hit her. She’ll face the consequences. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is, she needs him to be okay. She needs him to wake up. Please. He stirs, opens his eyes, and says, Sonny.

Sonny tells Lenny, he likes Nina; they’re good friends. Lenny says they looked smooth on the dance floor, and Sonny says, she’s a great dancer. She knows all the right moves. Lenny says Sonny does too, and not just with dancing. Phyllis told him how Sonny got the jump on the thug. According to Nina, her ex didn’t hesitate either. It’s lucky the two of them were around last night. Sonny says, something strange happened. Nina’s friend was pointing at him like he had something to say to him.

Nina says, Sonny? She certainly wasn’t expecting that to be the first name that Jax said. Jax says he thought he saw Sonny, but that can’t be possible, because… He says Nina is really there, and she says she is. He says, it’s nice to see her, and she says, likewise. How does he feel? He says, now that she mentions it, his shoulder hurts a lot. Where is he? She says, he doesn’t remember? He’s in Nixon Falls, Pennsylvania. He asks, what happened to him? and she says they were at a dance, and there was an attempted robbery. He was trying to protect her and got shot. She’s so sorry he was hurt, but thanks God that he’s going to be okay. He says he’s glad she’s safe, but she says, she’s not the one who just had surgery. The doctor says he’ll be fine, and make a full recovery. He says, it’s kind of ironic. He came there from Port Charles and got shot. It’s a sleepy town, where Port Charles is known for organized crime. He just thinks of all the violence Sonny’s business inflicted on the town before he died.

Dante tells Olivia that he hasn’t missed one of his sessions with Doc, and he’s in good shape. She says she sees he’s getting stronger all the time, and he asks why she’s saying he can help Maxie. She says he knows how hard it is to fight your way back, and he says Maxie has his number. She knows she can call him any time. Olivia says, what if he was the one who reached out? It would mean the world to Maxie if she knew he was thinking about her.

Back on the phone, Brook says, grandpa, cheerio… It’s his granddaughter… Ned’s daughter… Okay, fine. Lord Larry it is then… No thanks. She’s not interested in investing in bitcoin. She’s calling because she needs a favor. She needs his help… Needs his help… She practically shouts, I need help, and Olivia and Dante run in. Olivia asks, what’s wrong? and Dante says they heard her asking for help.

Willow ties Chase’s hospital gown, and he says she does that surprisingly well. She says he’s a breeze; Wiley is squirmier. She says she’s not sure he’ll be discharged today. They might want more mobility. He says he wishes he knew what was going on. It’s so random. He hardly gets sick. She says she has every confidence Finn will figure out a treatment. She takes his hand, and he says he’s starting to get scared.

Elizabeth tells Finn, she’s conflicted and confused. She told the police what she saw, and she’s standing be her story. Franco was shot in the chest, and Jason was kneeling over him. She didn’t see a gun, and Jason could have been helping Franco, but a witness saw Jason ditch the gun. If the witness is wrong, she’s back to the same question. If Jason didn’t kill Franco, who did? Finn flashes back to Anna telling him that Peter did it, and he tells Elizabeth that she has to trust the system works. If Jason is innocent, they’ll find the real killer. She thanks him, and says she’ll hold on to that. She knows he’s got work, but she stopped by to tell him that they got his order to draw blood from Chase again. He says he’d like it as soon ask possible. He thanks her, and she leaves.

Maxie says this is Anna’s day to be unreasonable, isn’t it? Anna showed up there uninvited, refused to leave, and now she’s asking Maxie to see Peter. Anna says, the arrangements she made to deal with Peter didn’t pan out. The only way to keep him from doing more damage is for him to visit Maxie. Maxie says, Anna is selling her out again. First, Anna was going to let Maxie marry Peter, now she’s trying to convince Maxie to see him. Is there more? Does she have to promise to be nice, or agree to other visits? Anna says she’s sure Peter is going to push for more, but Maxie says, there won’t be more because she refuses. Anna says, please. It’s not about her. It’s to save someone who is in a great deal of trouble.

Lenny tells Sonny, people in shock say and do all kinds of things that make no sense. He supposes he should be grateful Jax stepped in to save Nina, and he appreciates Sonny stepping in to save Phyllis. Sonny says he’d do anything for Phyllis and Lenny; they’ve done a lot for him. Lenny says, it’s a comfort to have a hero around the place. Jax is a hero too. He wonders which of them impressed Nina more, and Sonny says, it’s not a competition. If Nina wants Jax, so be it. Lenny asks if Sonny would miss her, and he says, sure. Lenny says he knew it, and Sonny wonders who would rob a firehouse dance. Lenny says, the police are investigating. They’re questioning everyone who was there. He got a call this morning, asking if he saw anything suspicious before he left. Sonny wonders if it’s all related. Maybe it’s the same people who trashed the place. Lenny says, the police will figure it out. It’s almost time to open. 

Nina tells Jax, she’s been so isolated, she had no idea what was happening in Port Charles, or not. He says, there’s been a downtick in crime. He doesn’t know if it will last, but it sure seems like it. She says she didn’t realize Sonny’s organization was such a threat, and he says, Sonny is a magnet for trouble. His competitors are always trying to take him down, but since he’s been gone, there’s less crime. Maybe Josslyn could have some kind of normal life, and concentrate on teen drama, instead of being pulled into mob drama. He asks if she let Carly and Josslyn know what happened to him.

Eli comes by the Tan-O looking for Nina, but Sonny says she went to the clinic. Eli asks how her friend is, and Sonny says he was wondering how all that happened. Who would do that? Eli says, the police are trying to figure out the same thing, and Sonny says, why doesn’t Eli tell him?

Brook tells Olivia and Dante, she was making a call, and the baby’s kung fu kicks startled her. Olivia says she’s worried. Brook doesn’t seem to have given a thought to what it means to be a parent; how your life changes. She seems more interested in using the baby as a bargaining chip for Valentin’s ELQ shares. She thought Brook stepped off that idea. Brook says, actually, she made the deal, and Olivia says she traded access to her child for stock shares? Brook says the way she looks at it, Valentin is the father, and already has rights and access to the baby. The Quartermaines might as well get something good out of it. Olivia says, Mary, Mother of God, and Brook says, the only problem is that he won’t give her the shares until the baby is born. Dante wonders why that’s a problem.

Elizabeth tells Chase that she needs to draw his blood for more tests. Chase says, they’re still running tests? He was hoping they were moving on to treatment. Finn says he was too, but he’s come up with zero in the area of what’s causing Chase’s symptoms. Chase asks what he knows, and Finn says they’re dealing with a toxin of some kind. Chase asks if Finn is saying he’s been poisoned.

Maxie tells Anna, she’ll bite. Who will benefit from her visit with Peter? Anna says she can’t say, and Maxie says, of course (🍷). Anna says, it’s too dangerous, but she wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Maxie says, Anna doesn’t get it, does she? When Maxie was little, she had no idea what a godmother was. She thought Anna was her fairy godmother, but there’s no magic in her, is there? Only lies and a willingness to sacrifice others for her purposes. Anna says, yes, she should have told Maxie about Peter before the wedding, but she didn’t. She can’t change that, but she can do better, and tell Maxie the truth.

Finn says Chase was exposed to a toxic substance, and Chase says, like pesticides? Finn says, yes, but Chase says he hasn’t been around any pesticides. He hasn’t worked any cases in a warehouse or farm, and he lives in an apartment. There are no bug sprays or bugs. (Clearly, he doesn’t live in NYC.) Willow says, there was that one time, and he says he couldn’t bring himself to kill it, but Willow was freaking out; he saw her. He asks what kinds of toxins there are, and Finn says, there are toxins found in nature, bacteria, and manufactured toxins like anthrax. Chase asks where that leaves them, and Finn says he’ll do more tests to isolate the substance affecting Chase.

Maxie looks at the text Peter sent Anna, and says, Peter did this? He tried to poison Finn, and got Chase. Anna says, yeah, and Maxie says, she almost married him. Anna says she’s sorry, and Maxie asks how Chase is doing. Anna says, his condition is deteriorating. Chase’s life is in Peter’s hands. Maxie says, all over a visit to her? and Anna says she hates all of this. Maxie can do this for Chase. To literally save his life, she can agree to a visit from Peter. 

Brook says, not that she owes Olivia or Dante an explanation, she made a deal, hoping to get something positive out of the pregnancy. Olivia says, other than an actual human baby, and Brook says, of course (🍷) she loves and wants the baby, but her point is, why not also get ELQ back? Now it’s not a deal until after she gives birth. Dante asks what difference it makes, and Brook says, Valentin could change the terms. He could want to be a bigger part of the baby’s life than she’s willing to give him. Olivia asks what Brook expects, using the baby as a bargaining chip? What does she think her father would say? Dante says Olivia should give Brook credit. She’s the mother of a child, doing what she believes is best for the baby’s family, like Olivia did with him and Sonny. No one questioned Olivia’s choices.

Eli tells Sonny, enough with the accusations about what he knows. Sonny tells him not to get worked up. Doesn’t he have his ear to the ground? Why is he so defensive? Eli says he’s sick of being Sonny’s target. Take his accusations, and go back to where he came from. Sonny says he would if he could, and Eli says, convenient memory loss. Sonny says, speaking of which, Eli left before the gunman made a move. Eli says, so? and Sonny says, the cops don’t know that, and he left it out of his interview. If Eli comes around again, he won’t forget. Sonny leaves, and Lenny comes back. He asks if Eli heard about the attempted robbery, and Eli says, it was all over the news. Lenny asks, where’s Mike? but Eli says he doesn’t know, doesn’t care, and he’s glad Mike is gone. He’s worried about Lenny and Phyllis. How well do they really know this Mike?   

Nina tells Jax that she thought about calling Carly, but after the doctor said he was stable, she didn’t want to worry them. Jax thanks her, saying he wouldn’t want them to worry. They have enough stress. Josslyn is in the middle of her college admissions. Nina asks how that’s going, and he says, good. She was waitlisted on her first choice, but she got into PCU and another college. He asked her to fly up with him. Nina says, he flew? and he says he took the Cessna, but Josslyn turned him down. Good thing she did. She missed the excitement last night. Nina says, it would have been terrible if Josslyn had been there, and Jax says he doesn’t want Josslyn near anymore gunfire or shooting from now on. Maybe with Sonny being gone, it’s a real possibility.

Jax tells Nina, there’s so much he wants to say. He needs to clear something up about last night after he was shot. He said Sonny’s name when he woke up… A nurse comes in, and says she needs to check on Jax. Nina can stay if it’s okay with him. Jax says, it’s more than okay, and Nina says, then she’s staying.

Outside Jax’s room, Phyllis says it’s nice of Sonny to stop by. He asks how Nina’s friend is, and she says, a nurse is in with him at the moment. They’ll have to wait.

Dante says, Olivia doesn’t mean any harm. She’s just trying to look out for Brook. Peace? Brook says she’s good, and Olivia says, fine. Dante says, good. He’s going to go; play nice. Olivia tells him, don’t forget what she said about Maxie. He leaves, and Brook asks why Olivia is fixated on Maxie. Olivia says she knows Maxie is having a difficult time. She’s desperate to be a good mother to this child, but look who the father is. She knows Valentin is no hero, but he’s lightyears ahead of Peter. Valentin is a good father, so even if Brook isn’t as committed to the idea of motherhood as Maxie is, she’ll have Valentin. She’ll have her family around her, giving her support. Brook asks if Olivia is implying she won’t be a good mother, and Olivia says, it helps to have help. Brook asks if Olivia has forgotten that she left Brook with Leo as a newborn. Not only did she return him in one piece, she was willing to risk her life if Julian came around. She was flattered that Olivia trusted her then. She admired Olivia for doing what she had to do to keep her baby safe. Olivia says, it was the hardest thing she ever had to do, and now Maxie is facing the same nightmare. Brook asks what Maxie has to do with any of this.

Maxie tells Anna, she called Spinelli, and he’s going to keep James for the day. Anna asks if Maxie knows what she’s going to do, and Maxie says, the thing is, she’s already been playing games with Peter, giving him enough contact to keep him pacified while she figures out her next move. Anna tells her, be careful, and Maxie says, that was the plan, but plans change. She’s not going to let Peter kill Chase. Anna says she’s so grateful. She’s really sorry she let things get this far. Maxie says, Anna saw what she wanted to see in Peter, and she can’t blame Anna for that. She did the same thing. There’s a knock at the door, and Maxie says, he’s here. Anna says, Maxie called him? and Maxie says, after Anna told him about Chase, and before she called Spinelli. She’s sorry; she should have told Anna. Anna says, don’t give anything away. If Peter even has an inkling Maxie knows about the toxin, he’ll let Chase die. Maxie says she knows how to handle this, and Anna says she knows. Maxie says, show time? and Anna says, show time. Maxie answers the door, and Peter says, hello, beautiful. Is she feeling better? Maxie says she is. Her fairy godmother came and sprinkled fairy dust on her, so she’s feeling a lot better. Peter comes in and sees Anna, who smiles at him.

Finn says he doesn’t want Chase to worry. He’s working around the clock to see if any known toxins match up with Chase’s symptoms. Elizabeth says, the lab is working non-stop too, and Finn says, they have their hands full. It’s tedious work. Chase wonders why he gets the feeling there’s something Finn isn’t telling him, and Finn says, he’s doing everything he can to help Chase. He has to. He leaves, and Elizabeth tells Chase, hang in there, and follows. Willow sits on the bed, and asks if Chase can try not to worry, and trust Finn. He says he trusts her. He remembers when Michael told him that he and Sasha broke up. He thought if they couldn’t make it work, how could they? But he was wrong. That was a long time ago, and they’re married now. We’re going to make it, baby. Just you and me.

Dante calls someone, and says, Sylvie. He has something on his mind. Maybe she can help him sort it out.

Elizabeth asks a nurse to take Chase’s blood to the lab; she needs to talk to Finn. She asks if Finn wants to get some coffee, and maybe a bagel. She has the feeling he hasn’t eaten. He says, no; he can’t take the time. She says sorry he’s under so much pressure, but he says, you get used to it. She says, Chase is right, isn’t he? There’s something about his condition Finn isn’t telling him. What is it?

Willow asks what Chase is talking about, and he says, their beautiful wedding, and how happy they are. He’s the luckiest man alive. She says he’s confused. They’re not married. Chase has a seizure.

Maxie says she’ll put the flowers Peter gave her in water, and then she’ll show Anna the adorable stuffed animal Peter gave her for the baby. He said it was the only thing he had left over from his adoptive parents, and it gave him comfort as a child. He says, yes. During his darkest hours with his father, it was always there for him. Maxie goes to the kitchen, and Anna says she did what Peter asked. Now will he save Chase’s life?

Brook says, Maxie this, Maxie that. Olivia is making her out like some pathetic mother-to-be, when all she’s doing is what she needs to do for her family. Olivia says, so is Maxie. She’s making the same sacrifices Olivia had to make to save that baby from a dangerous man.

Lenny tells Eli, he was skeptical of Mike at first, but he’s over it. Mike’s a good guy, and he trusts him. Eli says, but look at what’s happened since Mike came to Nixon Falls. They were held up. Lenny says, Mike fought the guy off, and Eli says, they were vandalized. Lenny says, Mike wasn’t even there, and Eli says, the hardware store was hit, and look at what happened at the dance last night. Lenny says, Mike fought off the gunman, and saved his wife. Eli says, maybe it was all an act, to stay in their good graces. Think about it. Everything started happening around the same time Mike turned up, and the guy claims he doesn’t know himself, but he sure knows how to fight and handle a gun. He doesn’t get it. Why are Lenny and Phyllis so willing to give Mike a pass, when trouble seems to follow him wherever he goes?

The nurse finishes, and Nina asks what Jax wanted to tell her when he called. He said it was important. He says, they can get to that in a bit. Right now he can’t shake this image from last night. Right after he was shot, they had him on the gurney, and when he opened his eyes, he swears he saw Sonny. He was standing right there, clear as day.

In the hallway, Phyllis asks the nurse if she can see Jax, and the nurse says, for her, anything. Phyllis tells Sonny, working here does have its perks, and he says, good thing he’s there with her. She says, now let’s go see how Jax is doing.

Tomorrow, Valentin visits Alexis in prison, Olivia tells Brook not to breathe a word of this to anyone, Sonny says if he didn’t know any better he’d swear Nina was trying to get rid of him, and Willow calls for help.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

We backtrack to Sydney being drunkenly rude to Alli after the crew’s night out, and Alli says she feels weird. She’s going to bed. Dani and JL make love sounds behind closed doors. Sydney tells Colin that she was f***ing with Alli, and in his interview, Gary says he can read between the lines. Sydney is jealous, wasted, and picking a fight. It’s the exact reason for the saying, don’t screw the crew. Gary wonders why it has to be so difficult, and Colin calls his girlfriend Martina. Gary says, it’s not going to happen at all, and it sucks. Someone please enlighten me as to why this dude is desirable. Colin tells Martina that he’s going to get some sleep, and Gary wonders what to do. Dani asks if JL is okay, and he says she is. She asks if he’s sure, which has me curious as to what they’re doing where he wouldn’t be okay. It’s a guest cabin, not Kandi’s sex dungeon.

JL comes out of the guest cabin in the morning, while everyone is just waking up. Dani waits a while, then emerges. JL tells Glenn that he got some good sleep, and Glenn says, that’s good. Gary wonders where JL disappeared to, and JL just smiles, and they laugh. Gary says good morning to Dani, and asks how she is. She says, great, and he laughs. Glenn comes to the crew mess, and says he’s so hung over from partying last night… Hang on. That’s them. That sounds like something I would say.

JL predicts rain, as they clean the boat. Dani tells Daisy about spending the night in the cabin, and says she’s the one cleaning up after herself. It’s no big deal to Daisy, unlike the brouhaha with James and Elizabeth. The wind picks up. Alli tells Dani that she has a little attachment to Gary, while Gary tells Colin that he can’t read Alli, but there’s a definite chemistry. Dani says she knows about Sydney, and wonders how you can like someone so quick. Alli says Sydney told her, you can’t help who you fall in love with, and Dani says it’s way early to be throwing around the L-word. It gives her anxiety. Gary says he’s going to take it slow, and Colin says, don’t rush. Glenn calls Gary, Daisy, and Natasha to the crew mess for the preference sheet meeting.

The primaries are Sheka and Frank, and Sheka has an insanely hard-to-please refined palate. Her friends tell her that she could be a food critic. In Natasha’s interview, she says, the only thing worse than food critics, are self-proclaimed food critics. They’re bringing along friend Lizzy and her fiancé Rachel, and friend Matt and his wife Maggie. The guests also want a pizza party, and to keep the party going, a disco rave dance party. Gary reads that they’ve requested a murder mystery, and Daisy reads that they want to have cocktails in a picturesque location off the boat. Natasha says, when they get back to the boat, they want a five-course meal. Glenn says Natasha has her work cut out for her, but he’s sure she’ll do great. Yeah, as long as she doesn’t have to make eggs.

In Colin’s interview, he says, in the marina, the boat is vulnerable in high winds. The anchor starts to drag, and they can hit the dock. Colin says, it’s too close, and in his interview, he says, the wind is 30 knots, and Glenn can’t control what the boat is doing. It’s an effing nightmare. They have to leave the dock, and untie the lines. Gary says he thinks it’s a thunderstorm that’s passing, and Glenn tells JL to keep his eye on the distance. In Gary’s interview, he says, something that’s just stupid could be disastrous. He doesn’t think JL gives a f***. Something has to change.

Alli tells Dani, she found out one thing – it fits – and they laugh. Daisy and Natasha clean up the galley, and make preparations for the guests. Glenn tells the crew that they can have a couple of drinks tonight, but don’t go crazy. Oddly enough, they don’t. Sydney asks Dani, what are they doing there? and Dani says she wonders why she’s doing another season. She’s 32 and wants to have a family and a baby. Why is she there? She read something once that they need to trust the process. Her best friend passed away at 32. He was a doctor, and was shot. She’d dated him fourteen years ago, but she’d always thought they’d end up together; that he’d be the person she’d live with forever. Now he’s gone, and she can’t leave this life without doing the best she can. In her interview, Dani says that as a woman, yachting makes it difficult to find a partner. Him passing away was difficult, and she’s worried she’s going to die alone.

JL asks how Dani slept, and she says, very well, but not as well as the other night. Provisions come in, and Natasha tells Daisy that the primary has a refined palate, so she’s going to become refined for her. She’s hoping these guests aren’t like Barry and his family. We flash back to Barry being demanding, and Natasha says she’s so tired. Finishing touches are put on the boat, and Glenn thinks it looks good. Colin’s girlfriend Martina calls, and he asks if they know what’s causing the seizures. He asks what the options are, and tells her to do whatever can be done, and he’ll pay whatever it costs. Natasha asks how he is, and he says, not good. His dog Marty might have to be put down. In his interview, he says, two years ago, his friends found a puppy abandoned in a cave, and he agreed to rescue Marty. He’s been sailing with Colin around the Caribbean for two years. He’s an amazing dog.

Champagne is popped, and Glenn calls the crew to the dock. Colin is bummed, and so am I, since he’s the only crew member I actually like. The guests arrive, and Glenn introduces himself, and welcomes them to Croatia. The luggage is brought on, and Daisy gives the tour. Glenn tells the crew to drop the lines; let him know when they’re all on board. In Daisy’s interview, she says, Natasha doesn’t respond well to feedback, so she’s going to step back, and let Natasha find her own way. It’s not necessarily how she defines teamwork, but it’s better than WWIII. Gary tells JL that he wants to see an improvement. Nothing was done one night, while JL was in the bridge. He’s tired of repeating himself. In JL’s interview, he says, it’s ridiculous. He’s a hard worker, and a grown man. This short little Frodo doesn’t need to talk to him like that. First of all, JL is lazy AF, and apparently, incredibly immature as well.

The wind picks up, and Gary says it looks like they’re going to sail. Glenn asks JL to steer while the sails are put up. The guests watch the sails, mesmerized, and the boat takes off. Things start sliding, and Natasha gets on the floor so she can slide across the room. Glenn tells JL to pick something he can see, and stay on it. Dani tells a guest that they can’t bring out the shot glasses right now, and Gary tells her, never say can’t, but I can’t tell if he’s kidding. She asks how JL is doing, and Gary says he’s angry with JL. Stuff keeps not getting done. Dani says she can leave the boat, but Daisy is like, no. Daisy tells Gary that Dani thinks he’s blaming her, but Gary says he’s not. He goes back to work, and Daisy asks Dani if she’s okay. Is she going cry? Dani says, maybe, and Daisy asks, what’s wrong? Dani says she’s having a breakdown, and in Dani’s interview, she says, she likes her job, but it’s not a career. She’s hooking up with a 24 year old boy, and having a fight with a crew member. What’s going on with her life? Daisy puts her arm around Dani, and Dani asks, what is she doing with her life?

The guests are impressed with the sailing. Sheka’s dress blows up, and she wonders whose idea this was. In the crew mess, Dani tells the girls that she wonders what she’s doing here. What is going on? She’s 32, and has no proper job. Sydney says, they’re all in the same boat, but we already heard that joke this season. Dani says Natasha is a chef on land, but she’s not a stew on land. She leaves to fix her face, and upstairs, Glenn complains that the sun is always in his eyes when he’s dropping the sails. I understand this, since no matter what side of the car I’m sitting on, the sun is in my face. They drop anchor, and everyone applauds the sailing. Natasha checks out the menu, and the crew gets ready for dinner service. Daisy asks Alli to set the table. Colin asks if Natasha is going to blow their minds, and she says she’s making a Korean-Japanese-Thai fusion.

The guests are seated, and whatever it is, it looks really good; curry something. Frank pronounces it delicious, and Daisy tells Natasha that the guests are happy. In Glenn’s interview, he says, Natasha is stepping up this charter, and thinking outside the box. She’s putting in extra effort, and he’s very impressed. Frank says, the plating is incredible, and another guest says it’s the best meal they’ve ever had. It’s extraordinary. Natasha comes up with the next course, and Sheka says she far exceeded expectations. In her interview, Natasha says, she effing nailed it. Gary volunteers to wash dishes, and in Daisy’s interview, she says she’s not having to beg. Thank you, Alli. She’ll happily take it. Disco wigs are donned, and in Sydney’s interview, she  says she thrived on the dance floor with a gin and tonic in her hand. If you weren’t having as much fun as she was, you sucked.  

The guests get ready for their disco party, and Gary texts Alli, asking if she wants to hang out on the bow. She texts back, maybe they can have a real conversation for once. The guests come back in their disco outfits, and Alli meets Gary, who says, it’s like a secret hideaway there. Alli leans on him, and he puts his arm around her shoulders. He says they should start their own dance party, and she laughs. The guests are having a blast, and Alli says it’s all Gary’s fault, what happened between them. They go back downstairs, and Colin gets a call from Martina. She says, he’s gone, and we see pictures of Colin and Marty. She says she wants to hug him in the worst way. He cries, and I cry with him. Besides Glenn, he seems like the only really decent person, and his pup was only two. It breaks my heart. I think it’s the first time I’ve cared about anything on this program.

Colin asks Martina if Marty died on the table, and she says he did. He had a big, big infection, and his heart was going lower and lower. Colin can’t believe it, and she says she put a video there of Colin playing guitar, and believes Marty heard it before he passed. She thought he was waiting for Colin. He thanks her, and says he’s shocked; it doesn’t seem real. It’s devastating. He says if she can bury him, he’ll visit when he gets back. They exchange I love yous.

The guests dance around, and JL dances while working. If we want to call what he does working. Dani says it’s like when she was a teenager; she loves music. In JL’s interview, he says, at first, he was annoyed that he was on the night shift, but on the other hand, he’s building a relationship with Dani. As long as they’re doing their jobs and being professional. Colin tells Gary that he’s in shock, and Gary says he’s sorry; it sucks. The guests start going off to bed, and Dani tells them, sleep well. In the bridge, JL says he and Dani have a long way to go, and kisses Dani. She says they’ll get in trouble, and he says he’s got to get out of there.

Sydney wonders where her clean laundry is, and Dani says she must have missed the polos. Sydney says she only has the one she’s wearing, and it’s dirty and smelly. In Sydney’s interview, she says she helps them all the time, and they can’t wash the crew clothes? That’s bullsh*t, dude. JL steps in to help, and Dani does a Japanese Zen garden tablescape. Breakfast is served, and Glenn says there’s a little walled city that has a castle. The guests can have drinks at sunset there, but once they come back on board, he wants to get going. He doesn’t want to stay on that dock, since people can walk straight into the boat. Glenn asks about the laundry, saying he’s out of underwear, and he’ll have to go commando. Alli says there’s some in the machine right now.

The guests use the water toys, and Glenn says, they’re getting out of there. He wants to toys packed up. Gary tells him, anchor is in the pocket, and he gets ready to roll. Alli tells Daisy that she wants to talk to Sydney when she’s sober, so Sydney can say what she needs to. We flash back to Sydney being snarky at dinner, and afterwards on deck. Daisy says, Sydney wants to win, and Dani says she wants Sydney to go away. Sydney says it doesn’t bother her, but Alli can read between the lines. Maybe Sydney needs to get it off her chest. Sheka asks if Glenn would join them for dinner, and Glenn says, cool. In Glenn’s interview, he says, where they’re docking is a narrow channel. It’s better to back up, so that starboard is toward town. It’s a challenge. The trick is, to get as close as they can without touching the dock. The guests see the castle, and Sheka says, it feels ancient. Gary tells JL to get six chairs and two tables.

Glenn goes with some of the crew to Trogir Tower. Gary says he can imagine the old days, with soldiers shooting arrows, and falling off the parapet. Daisy says he sounds like a kid imagining the war, and they trudge to the top of the castle. On the boat, the guests change, while everything is set up at the castle. Gary says, it’s awesome. Alli approaches Sydney about the comments she’s been making, and Sydney says she apologizes about her laundry complaint. Alli says, maybe Sydney has things she’s holding in, but Sydney says she doesn’t think so. She thinks it’s a department thing, not a me and you thing. Sydney says, Gary complains that interior never helps out, and Alli seems surprised. Sydney says, the bitching isn’t instigated by her, and Alli says, maybe Gary and Daisy should deal with it.

Natasha announces the crew’s dinner is ready, and the guests go up to the castle. Gary lights tiki torches, and guest Rachel says, it’s like Game of Thrones. A guest jokingly wonders if Daisy can conjure up some wind, and Daisy says, hopefully the sun will go down soon, and they’ll cool off. One of the guests asks for water, and Gary radios JL to bring four bottles of water. JL says, he’s just finishing dinner, and he’ll be heading that way. Gary tells him to leave his dinner; it’s for the guests. JL keeps eating. Guest Nikki says, despite it being hot, she loves it. Daisy asks Gary if JL is bringing the water, but Gary says he doesn’t see JL yet. He could been there already. He runs down the stairs, and in his interview, he says, effing come on. JL doesn’t see the urgency in getting things done. We see it’s been 10 minutes since the guest request, and Gary radios that he’s there. JL says he doesn’t know where the cooler bag is, and the water isn’t cold. Gary arrives, and says, it’s not cold, and there are only three. This is ridiculous.

Later this season – more sailing and more things sliding around; a whole day off for the crew, and Natasha says, the worst case scenario, drama (I dunno. I can think of worse things than that.); Daisy is sick of being the bitch of the group; a fight among the guests; sixteen yachties get together, and Glenn doesn’t want a drunken orgy; Dani says she’s just trying to have some sex; the boat hits the dock; and JL gets chlamydia, which I guess means Dani has it too.

Trogir Tower

🥁 Drumroll Please…

Here’s a run down of Oscar night and the fashions. Mostly the fashions.

👍🏽 The winners.

😴 If this is what they meant by it being different this year, it wasn’t. They’ve been torturing people for as long as I can remember.

💥 The highlights.

🙇🏽‍♂️ The memoriam.

Who they missed. You’d think they had enough time to get it right. It’s not like they had a lot to set up.

👠 The fashions. According to…



Page Six



🍾 The After Party.

🛍 What’s In It…

It’s about that swag.

The 2021 Oscars Swag Bag Is Worth $205,000

A gift that comes with its own PSA.

📼 Rounding It Out…

This has nothing to do with the Oscars, but it’s pretty amusing. And was it worth it? I’d also like to know why the video looks like a bootleg tape.

🚀 Lifting Off…

Now that you’re Oscared out, see you tomorrow for soap with a side of tea. Until we reconvene, stay safe, stay listening to your heart, and stay appreciating the time you have with your pets.

April 25, 2021 – Morgan Calls a Meeting, the Award Goes To & Care


What What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

Daniel says, beachball… elephant… grape. Should he go on? We see him sitting in a cell, and he says, they asked how he felt when the day began. He felt hopeful.

Daniel is playing a Traveling Wilburys record, and everyone is happy and building stuff. You know that won’t last long. Daniel serves soup, and Morgan says, nice lunch. Daniel asks if this is the way Morgan imagined it, and Morgan says, it’s getting there. He guesses he has Daniel to thank for it. Confined Daniel says, if he hadn’t kept everyone in the dark, he wouldn’t have been there. Now they’re all together. Grace walks up, and Daniel says his wife ate this soup all the time she was pregnant with Ofelia, but she says she doesn’t have much of an appetite today. Morgan asks if she’s all right, and she says she’ll be fine. They walk off together, and confined Daniel says he was glad to see everyone together. It felt as if everything he’d done was beginning to pay off.

Charlie says, they’re here, and Daniel says, go tell Morgan. She rides off, and Daniel looks through binoculars, seeing the tank coming. He goes out to meet them. Bald guy whose name I don’t know, and Shari get out of the tank, while Sarah rides up on a horse. Bald guy says, it’s been a while, and Sarah asks if there’s any chance of them sharing fuel. If they do, Wen can join her on the runs. Shari says, if they share with her, they’ll have to share with everybody, and they’re running on fumes as it is. Victor rides up, and says, greetings. Sarah asks how everyone has been, and Victor dumps out some empty spray cans. He says their foes from Tanktown persist. He thinks the meeting is long overdue. Morgan joins them, and Sarah says she’s looking forward to see what Morgan has done. Morgan says, it’s come a long way, and says it’s nice to see Victor. Victor says, it’s nice to see Morgan too. It’s good to know they can lend a hand in these troubled times. Morgan says, there’s a threat to their existence. Something Virginia didn’t think she could handle, and he thought they shouldn’t face down on their own. That’s why he called them. Can they work together and pool their resources, put their differences aside? Can they face the thing that threatens all of them? He only has one rule – the same one he made when they gathered there the last time. Anybody breaking it – anybody – will not be welcome here again. He tells them, come on in. We’ve got work to do. Confined Daniel says, they can see why he was hopeful. Then, everything changed.

Daniel feels Grace’s belly, and says, he is strong. Grace asks if he’s sure they’re not contractions, and confined Daniel says, the last time he felt something like that was when his wife was pregnant with Ofelia. That was the moment he decided they should move to L.A., and decided to change everything. He wanted to give his daughter the life he thought she deserved. He supposes he wanted this place to be the same, for Grace’s baby; for everyone. That’s why they didn’t take chances. Everyone checked their weapons at the door, for all of their safety. The weapons were logged and locked away. Only he and Morgan had the keys.

Victor puts his gun on the table, and Daniel says, and the knife? Victor laughs, and takes off his jacket, unbuckling the sheath, and putting it on the table. Daniel says, anything else? Victor puts a pet carrier on the table, and Daniel says, Skidmark! I laugh, and Daniel asks where Victor found him. Victor says Virginia had him at a station to hunt rats, but all he does is sit around licking his unmentionables. Daniel says the cat hasn’t changed a bit, and thanks Victor for the peace offering. He says, Victor understands why Daniel couldn’t let him in on it, and Victor says, they’ve both played games. The better man won. Kudos. It appears Daniel’s gambit paid off. Confined Daniel asks, why did hearing that mean so much to him? There’s a good reason, but they’re not there yet. They need to understand like he did.

Victor asks where Alicia is, and Morgan says, on a supply run. Victor asks if Alicia knew he was coming, but Charlie runs up, and says they need Morgan. It’s Grace. He leaves, and Daniel locks up the weapons.

Sarah is with Grace, and says, June will take a day to get there. It’s either Braxton Hicks or contractions. Grace asks how they know, and she says, they wait until the baby gets there. Morgan asks how they know the baby is okay, and Sarah tells him that they need a fetal monitor. He says he knows where he can find one. He had one in the place he had set up before this place. Daniel says he’ll get it, but Morgan says, it’s off the beaten path, and not easy to find. Morgan takes Grace’s hand, and says he’ll be there and back in a few hours.

Confined Daniel says, Morgan gave the keys to the rabbi just in case. He asked Daniel to keep the peace until he returned. Get the conversation started. Everyone sits at a big table, and Sarah asks what Dakota is doing there. Daniel says, they’re going to share information, and Morgan says, no one was closer to Virginia than Dakota. Victor says, they’ll have to take whatever she says with a gargantuan grain of salt, and Sarah says Victor was no better, lining them up to be shot. He says, if she recalls, he turned the guns the other way at the first opportune moment, but she says, only when he saw which way the wind was blowing. Daniel tells them, they’re not here to rehash the past; they’re here to protect the future together. Daniel asks Dakota if Virginia ever said anything about these people, and Dakota tells him, the last thing Virginia said about them was that they were laying low. The other stuff was just about the messages. Dwight says, the last time they listened to Dakota, someone ended up dead, but Luci says, one of those people could have become one of them, without them realizing. Charlie says, or one of them could have been turned into one of those people, and everyone starts talking at once, and arguing. Confined Daniel says, he didn’t want to believe one of them was a traitor, but he’d lied to everyone about losing his memory. They’d all lied at some point. Now when they needed each other most, they couldn’t trust each other. Something blows up outside, and everyone ducks. They go out to look.

One of the buildings in progress is gone, and Daniel explains they were using the dynamite to clear the field. A rock must have fallen, causing the explosion; it was an accident. Luci looks at Dakota, who asks why Luci is looking at her. She was sitting at the table with them. Shari says, they’re not the only ones there. She thinks the attack was from the inside, and Daniel suggests they take a break. Confined Daniel says, he wanted to believe it was an accident, but didn’t have time to make up his mind.

Zombies tumble down the hill and head toward the town. Dwight says, the explosion must have drawn them, and Shari says she wants her gun back. Daniel says, not unless it’s absolutely necessary, and Victor says he thinks this qualifies. Daniel says their weapons will only kill a fraction of the dead. Morgan is coming back with the truck and its guns. They’ll wait it out; the walls will hold. Confined Daniel says, he did think the walls would hold, but when it comes to the dead, they had to be prepared in case of a breach. He unlocks the gun shed, and Charlie asks what he’s doing. He says, what he has to do to be prepared, in case the gate doesn’t hold. They go inside, and confined Daniel says, when he saw the guns missing, he knew the explosion was no accident. Someone wanted to trap them inside, draw the dead, and leave them defenseless. The only question was, who?

Zombies keep coming, and Grace wonders what she does now. Daniel asks if she feels well enough to travel, and she laughs, and says, no, but he says she’s not safe there. He’s going to fix that, but until he does, she’s better off somewhere else. There’s a fishing shack nearby. He’s marked it on the map. He’s put the map in a bag, along with food, water, and a first aid kit. He wouldn’t ask her to go if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. She says, okay, and confined Daniel says, the reason Morgan found this place was for Grace’s child. Now it’s not safe for him. He needed to find those weapons. Charlie goes through backpacks in one of the tents, and bald guy looks in. He asks if there’s something he can help her with, and she says, no. Sorry, she… Daniel calls to her, and asks if she found the hammer he asked her to look for. She says, not yet, and tells bald guy that she didn’t realize it was his tent. She thought it was Mike’s. He tells her, anyone touches his sh*t again, they’re going to have a problem. Confined Daniel says, he lost Ofelia. He wasn’t going to lose Charlie too. He sent her away to meet Grace, where she’d be safe. So he could do what he needed to do to find out who stole the weapons.

Zombies clamor at the gate, and a few toddle into the town. Luci says they have a breach, and she and Sarah fight the zombie with metal buckets and chairs, whatever they can grab. One gets Dwight down, and he fends it off by putting a handsaw in its mouth, but another is getting close. We hear shots, and the zombies are dead. Daniel says, it was Victor, and Victor asks what Daniel means. Dwight wonders how the zombies got in, and Daniel says he let them in. Dwight asks, why? and Daniel says he needed to figure out who stole the weapons. Now he knows. He locks Victor in a cell, and asks where the weapons are, but Victor says he didn’t take them. Daniel says Victor is always lying. He doesn’t think Victor can tell the difference anymore. Victor says, this, coming from a man who hid what he’s been doing for months, but Daniel says he did it to free them from Virginia. Victor is doing it to tear them apart. What was Victor offered to betray them? Lawton? The opportunity to be a big shot? Victor says, he wasn’t offered anything. He’s there for the same reason Daniel is, but if he hadn’t kept his weapon, someone would be dead. Daniel says, Victor continues to give him every reason to hurt him.

Confined Daniel says, it’s not what he wanted. Morgan was right, if they do things in there the same way as they did them out there, nothing’s gonna change. Nothing will be different from before. Victor asks if Daniel is hearing him, and Daniel says, before more dead get inside, they need the weapons. He leaves, and Victor calls to him.

The zombies push down the door, which didn’t look all that sturdy to begin with.

The zombies get to the inside gate, and Daniel says, it’s not built to hold that much weight. Victor was with them during the explosion, so he couldn’t have done it on his own. Whichever one of them is working with him, he’s giving them a warning. A betrayal of those closest to them will come with a cost. It will come back to haunt them, and there will be consequences. Where are the weapons? He tells Dwight, they’ll search the tents, and Shari wonders where Grace and Charlie are. Daniel says, they’re not a part of this, but Sarah says Shari has a point; Charlie was on the other team. Luci says, that was a long time ago, and bald guy says he caught Charlie going through his sh*t earlier. Daniel repeats, Charlie is not part of this. They’ll have to take his word. Shari says, maybe the whole thing is a scam, and Morgan wants to keep them there. Dwight says she doesn’t believe that, but Shari says they don’t know, and need to look out for themselves. Sarah says, if they work together, they stand a chance of reinforcing the gate, but Dwight doesn’t think it will hold. Luci is right; they need the need weapons. They try to shore up the gate, and Daniel takes out the one gun he has. Sarah says, that won’t be enough, but Daniel says, yes it will.

Confined Daniel says, Morgan left his ax at the gate. Daniel thought he could be the man he once was outside too, but it wasn’t an option. He tells Victor, no more games. Where are the weapons? Victor doesn’t say anything, and Daniel says he doesn’t need to remind Victor that you can survive a shot to the face. What Victor doesn’t know is what it does to you later. He takes a plate out of his mouth, and shows Victor. He says he winces every time he takes a sip of water. You have to eat soup the rest of your life, and learn to hide the pain. You wheeze when you breathe at night, but most of all, you’ll never forget who did all of that. Where are the weapons? Victor says, forgive him. Daniel has to forgive him. Daniel points the gun at Victor, and asks again, where are the weapons? Victor says, please, he doesn’t know, and Daniel looks crazed. There’s machinegun fire outside, and Daniel goes out.

Zombies lie everywhere, and smoke obscures everything. Daniel sees someone, and says, Morgan? Morgan asks, what the hell happened?

Morgan asks if Daniel found the weapons, but Daniel says, not yet. Daniel asks if Morgan has heard from Grace; they should almost be there. He asks Morgan to let him know if he hears from her, and goes back in to see Victor. Victor says, it’s just a matter of time. He’ll wait for Daniel’s apology. He asks if Daniel meant it, and Daniel says, what? Victor says, what Daniel said about his jaw; the pain it caused him. Daniel laughs, and says, no. Victor asks what Daniel wants, and Daniel says to stop Victor, and whoever he’s working with. Victor asks why Daniel cares so much about this place working. When he found Daniel, he was happily living alone in a warehouse with a cat. He doesn’t know half of these people, and Victor is willing to bet Daniel can’t stand the other half, but he almost shot Victor in the face to protect them. Why? Daniel says, it was a fair question when Victor asked him the first time, and it still is. He couldn’t answer it then, but thinks he can now. He thinks he knows why it means so much. When he was cutting hair in Lawton, and pretending he didn’t remember anything, it’s not different from when he was in the barbershop, pretending the past didn’t exist. Ofelia never knew who her father was. Their relationship was based on a lie, a deception. Morgan’s idea made him believe he could help create the home he wanted for Ofelia. It could be a place where you didn’t have to pretend to be what you weren’t. He hoped by doing that, he could redeem himself from all the lies he told, for Ofelia’s death, but it doesn’t seem to work that way, does it? Morgan radios, saying, he’s at the shack, but Grace isn’t. Daniel says, she should be there, but Morgan says, she’s not. Where is she?

Morgan and Daniel are in the woods with some of the others, and Morgan radios Grace, but there’s no response. Sarah suggests fanning out, and Daniel asks if Morgan is sure Grace isn’t there. Morgan says, it didn’t look like anyone had been near the place in months. He tries the radio again, and Jacob says, they can’t be far. Maybe they had to leave. Maybe they heard the gunfire, and they’ll be back. Morgan tries again, but gets nothing. He says, you don’t think they suspected? but Daniel says he doesn’t know. Grace finally comes over the radio, and Morgan asks, where is she?

Grace and Charlie have joined the group; Grace sitting on a log. Morgan asks if she’s all right, and she says she thinks the contractions are getting closer. Daniel says, he told them, the shack. What happened? She asks what he’s talking about, and he says, the shack in the woods; he marked it on the map he gave her. She says he told her to avoid the shack; it wasn’t safe. Daniel says, no; he told her to go there and wait for him. Morgan asks, what’s going on? and Daniel says, Charlie says she was there. Charlie says he told her to go to the old caverns, and told Grace the same thing. Daniel asks why he’d send them there. They haven’t surveyed it yet. Grace says, he did, and she shows him the map. The caverns are clearly marked, and Grace suddenly cries out. Sarah says they have to get her back, and Morgan says they can figure this out later. Luci radios, and says, they’ve found the weapons. Morgan asks, where? and Luci says he’ll want to see for himself. He says they’re on the way.  

Luci takes the cover off of a small wagon, and reveals the weapons, saying, they found this in Daniel’s shed. Morgan asks how they ended up in Daniel’s shed, but Daniel says he doesn’t know. He locked them up like he said. Morgan asks if this is everything, and Dwight says it matches everything in the log. Daniel says, someone moved them, and Luci says she had to break the lock to the shed where the weapons are kept. Daniel says, then it was Victor and the Rangers, or whoever is working with Victor. Morgan asks, what’s going on? and Daniel says, someone is trying to make him look bad; make them go against each other. Morgan says, first sending Grace and Charlie to the shack, and now this? Is Daniel sure he didn’t make a mistake? Whatever is going on, he needs Daniel’s help to understand. Daniel says he knows what he did, and Morgan says he’s just asking; is Daniel sure? Look at him. Is he okay? Is he feeling all right? Daniel says he’s not sure. It’s confusing. Morgan puts his hand on Daniel’s shoulder, and says, it’s okay, but maybe Daniel should talk to somebody. Daniel tells him, okay.

Daniel says, now he’s talking to them. He moved the weapons, and didn’t remember. Then he sent Grace to a dangerous place. Why? June says, it’s okay. They’re going to get to the bottom of whatever is going on. She promises him that.

Daniel draws a clock, and the numbers are correct. June asks if he can tell her the words he remembers from the beginning of the session. He says, beachball… elephant… grape. He wonders what that has to do with anything, and she says, it’s a test. It’s not neurological. He asks what it is, and she says she thinks it’s psychological. He asks what that means, and she says, symptomatically, he’s experiencing memory loss and disassociated thinking, but there’s no underlying physical cause, which is good. He asks why this is happening now, and she says he’s finally slowed down, and has something to lose. Is he worried about something happening? He says, they all were, and she asks if that’s why he moved the weapons. Did he think they were a danger where they were? He says he’s spent his whole life giving people reason not to trust him, and now he can’t trust himself. He deserves this. She says, this kind of thing is far from her area of expertise. Let her educate herself, and she’ll come back. She leaves, and outside, Morgan says it’s good of her to be there for him. She says, she came as soon as she could. She’s going to check on Grace, and Morgan asks if there’s any chance Daniel is… She says, faking it? She doesn’t think so. They’d get people in the ER from time to time who were just as confused. It’s hard to fake. Morgan asks if Daniel needs anything, but Daniel doesn’t respond.

Victor says he hopes Morgan understands him taking his leave, and bald guy says, just because Daniel was wrong about this, doesn’t mean they don’t have to worry about who’s out there. Morgan says he saw graffiti on the water tower about ten miles south. If they’ve been there, they know about the town, especially after the explosion. Victor says, all the more reason to leave, and Morgan says, if they know about them, they know about Lawton. Victor laughs, and says, then he’d better get back. Shari says she’s making the same call, and Dwight tells her to be safe. She thanks him, and he gives her a lingering kiss on the cheek. Dakota says she thinks she can help. She’s been thinking about everything Virginia said about the people painting the messages. She heard Virginia telling Hill that they went underground. Dakota thought she meant they were laying low, but what if it was for real? Wes asks what she means. Like are they living in a basement, or storm tunnel? She says the last place Virginia scouted was two days south of Tanktown, and Dwight says, that’s Dallas. It’s where they found some graffiti. Morgan says, they can start there, and Luci thinks they should send out scouting parties. Morgan says, then they’ll come back together, and make a decision.

Daniel walks out with a horse, and Charlie asks if he’s leaving. He says he has to go; he can’t stay. It’s not safe for him to be there. He’s not worried so much about himself as about them. He let the dead in, and would have shot Victor if Morgan hadn’t returned. He put Grace and the baby in danger. He thinks for a while, and says, the last time things happened in his mind, he set a place on fire. He can’t risk that happening now. Charlie asks where he’s going to go, and Daniel says, the warehouse, if it’s still there. (BTW, he is taking Skidmark.) Charlie says, if not? and he says he’ll find a place. Victor tells him, come to Lawton, and Daniel asks, why go there? Victor says he’ll have a better chance at survival. He can keep Daniel safe, and everyone around him. He’s not doing this for Daniel. He’s doing it for Ofelia. Daniel can lead an honest life. So…? Shall we? Victor heads for his horse, and Morgan asks if Victor is really going to help Daniel. Victor wonders what Morgan thinks of him, and Morgan says Daniel just put a gun in Victor’s face; he has a right to ask. Victor says he thinks Daniel would be better off with him, than there with Morgan, or wherever else. Morgan says he’s going to hold Victor to this, but Victor says Morgan doesn’t have to hold him to anything. He said what he said. Victor gets on his horse, and Daniel tells Morgan, it’s for the best. Morgan shakes Daniel’s hand, and tells him to take care of himself. Daniel says he’s sorry, and Morgan says, it’s okay. Charlie hugs Daniel, and says, he’ll get better. He says, he promises, and tells her not to worry. He leaves with Victor, and we’re all sad.   

Next time, the end is the beginning, Dakota wants to help, a zombie tree, and John Glover joins the cast. I’m psyched.

🎭 The Envelope Please…

The more important stuff, like the fashions, tomorrow, but for now, here’s the list of winners.

🛶 Rowing This Boat Ashore…

Hope you were able to change it up a little for the past two days, or what we once called the weekend. Are we back to that yet? Until the sails on tomorrow’s yacht unfurl, stay safe, stay uninhibited by convention, and stay leading an honest life.

April 23, 2021 – Brook Gives Her Baby Daddy Her Terms, Real Transformations, a Baby Bottle At Brunch, Marysol Marries, All You Need To Know, Quote Octet & Speak


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly strides into the hospital, and Cyrus says, what a nice surprise. She says she’s not interested, and he says she seems to be in a hurry. He hopes no one in her family is sick, like her mother. She says her mother is fine, and he says, so is his. It’s such a weight off of him to have her back. He hadn’t realized how preoccupied he was, worrying about her. Well, that’s over. Whatever will he do with all his free time?

Michael and Brook go into the Quartermaine mansion, and Brook thanks him for the ride. It’s one less trip she had to make with Yuri, her unwanted bodyguard. He says, no problem, and she says he can talk. He didn’t say a single word on the way home. He says he didn’t feel like talking, and she says she’s glad he’s over that. Now tell her what happened between him and Willow.

An intern hands Britt a folder with the lab results she requested, but she says, too late, the man is dead. She should say, the boy is dead. He was seventeen. The intern says he’s sorry, and leaves. Britt looks in the folder, and says, a chemical compound the same as the drug Cyrus tried to get the board to pass. She sees Jason going by in a wheelchair, and asks what happened to him. He says, nothing, but she’s like, come on, and he says he was stabbed.

The Pentenville warden says he’s surprised the Commissioner is there to investigate an inmate stabbing, and Jordan says, the inmate was sent there to await trial, so of course (🍷) she’s concerned with his stabbing. Was there something that incited it? The warden says, must have gotten off on the wrong foot, and lets her in to see Shawn. Shawn says, Commissioner, it’s been a while.

Laura sees Martin at the MetroCourt, and says hello. He says she’s speaking to him now? and she says she was concerned about Florence, now that she’s back in Cyrus’s care. He says it’s nice of her to inquire since it was her son who had Florence abducted, and handed back over to his brother.

Curtis gets in the elevator, and Valentin dashes in before the doors close. He says he doesn’t suppose Curtis has heard from Nina.

Nina tells Jax that he needs to leave, but he says he’s sure if she listens to what he has to say, they can work through some of this. He doesn’t want her to carry around all this pain. She tells him not to pretend he’s there for her. He just wants to make himself feel better. He says he really wants to work things out, and if that’s not possible, please let him repair some of the damage that he caused by his actions.

Phyllis tells Sonny, enough with this nonsense about Eli. Have some fun. Dance again. He says she hasn’t danced with him yet. He holds out his hand and asks if she’ll do him the honor. She takes his hand, and says, tempting, but it’s her turn to man the raffle table. He walks her over, and she says she’s fine. Go find Nina. As Sonny is about to leave, the man with the bandana, now has it pulled up over his nose (nothing unusual in our world these days), and his gun in his hand. Sonny says, nice costume, but he might be taking the authentic thing too far. Dude draws a gun, and says, this ain’t pretend.

Jordan says, Shawn stabbed Jason? and Shawn says, it was in self-defense. She says she doesn’t see any cuts or bruises. It can’t have been much of a fight. He says he can take care of himself, and she says she doesn’t understand. She thought he and Jason were friends. They used to work together. He says, working with Sonny is what got him there in the first place. Things change. People change. She says, it’s her; cut the act. What’s really going on? He asks if she doesn’t want to figure it out on her own. Isn’t that the way she does things? She asks what he’s saying, and he tells her that he heard Cyrus had TJ kidnapped and tortured, and she didn’t tell him.

At the hospital, TJ says he got Molly’s text, but he only has a twenty minute break. She throws her arms around him, and says, congratulate her. He says, congratulations. What’s up? She says her internship really paid off. DA Scorpio just told her that when she graduates, a position of Junior ADA will be waiting for her. He says, that’s terrific. He’s so proud of her. She says, of course (🍷) the minute she heard the news, the first person she wanted to tell was her mom. He says, she’s going to be thrilled, and Molly says she knows, but she’s had a hard time scheduling a visit. She doesn’t know all the ins and outs of Pentenville. It seems unreal that she has to visit a parent in prison. He says, take it from him, unfortunately, you get used to it.

Michael tells Brook, Willow is supporting Chase while he’s in the hospital, and he’s picking up the slack with Wiley. Why don’t they talk about her and Valentin? She says, that’s pretty subtle, but it’s not a bad idea. She actually invited Valentin to come over tonight. Michael asks if she’s changed her mind, and wants Valentin to be part of the baby’s life, but she says, tonight is more about talking terms.

Laura tells Martin, Nikolas felt he had no choice but to return Florence to Cyrus. He says, for his aunt’s safety, he knows. However, the only reason she’s in Pentenville is because she chose to plead guilty. Still, he’s sure Alexis is safe… at his mother’s expense; at their expense. Nikolas might be sleeping easier, but he’s not. Cyrus claims their mother is well and safe, but since he won’t let Martin see her, he’s just going to have to take Cyrus’s not-so-reliable word for it. She says, Cyrus cut Martin off from his mother? and he says, completely. He’s punishing Martin for inadvertently orchestrating the interview with Jackie. He wishes he hadn’t asked Cyrus for help. It wasn’t until he heard the interview answers that he was aware his mother was unhappy the first time around. Cyrus had her locked away in that house in Oregon. Laura says, Martin didn’t visit her there? and he says, of course (🍷) he did, but she put on a brave face since she didn’t want to worry him. Thanks to Nikolas, they’re back where they started; in the same circumstances. He’s sure Cyrus will meet Florence’s medical needs, while Martin tortures himself about her peace of mind. Since Cyrus holds all the high cards, his only recourse is to stay on Cyrus’s good side, in hopes that one day Cyrus will give him access to his own mother. That’s him. What is Laura going to do? She asks what he means, and he says, Cyrus wants a relationship with his new sister, the mayor. Laura is worried about blood on the streets. Is she willing to placate their brother for the good of Port Charles?  

Curtis says he hasn’t heard from Nina since she left town, and Valentin says, but Curtis wouldn’t tell him if he had. Curtis says, nope, so why ask? and Valentin says Curtis doesn’t know where she is. He’s not the reason Nina left. Jax broke her heart. Curtis says, this time. Valentin will just have to be content with waiting. He doesn’t think Nina is coming back until she’s damn good and ready.   

Jax tells Nina that he’s owned up to his mistake. Don’t let his bad judgement overshadow what they had together. She says, okay, he wants to talk, and suggests they go somewhere else. Where’s his car?

Phyllis says, oh my God, and Sonny advises Dude to put the gun down. Dude says, give him the cash box, but Phyllis says, it’s for a fundraiser. The town can’t afford to lose the money. Dude says, the hell with the town. He’s the one with the gun.

Cyrus tells Carly the Five Families pitted olives are meeting soon. He could use the time to prepare. It’s too bad Jason won’t be able to attend. It’s such a shame. Jason could have been released, and Gladys could have recanted her testimony, but Carly refused his offer. Now his mother is back with him, and Jason is going to be tried for murder. Funny how things work out. She asks if he’s done; she has a prescription to pick up. He says, lovely speaking with her as always. She punches the elevator buttons like a madwoman.

Britt goes to Jason’s room, and tells the guards that they can wait in the hall. They leave, and she says Jason has lost some blood; that’s why he has an IV. He has a few stitches, but otherwise should be okay. It’s unfair that he has to wait for his trial in Pentenville, since he hasn’t been found guilty yet. Not that she’s saying he is guilty, but he knows what she means. He says she seems stressed, and she says, her boss is a psychopath, there’s been another death from an OD tonight – a seventeen-year-old – and Jason shows up stabbed. She knows prison is a dangerous place, but he’s a super skilled fighter. Can’t he protect himself better? He touches her hand, and says, it’s going to be all right. Carly comes in, and says, excuse me.  

Michael says it sounds like Brook is negotiating a merger, not making provision for a baby. She says, can’t it be both? She wasn’t expecting to get pregnant, but here they are, so she’s going to make the most of it and get ELQ back. He says, with all due respect, Brook needs to adjust her priorities, or alter her perception, or something. She says, because…? and he says she’s due any moment, and she’s acting like it’s not real.   

Laura tells Martin that she doesn’t know what Cyrus wants. He’s got his mother back, and it seemed like he was playing mind games; then she thought he wanted to bond. Now she thinks everything is a manipulation. Martin says, just because Cyrus is a manipulator, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want Laura in his life. His mother threw him out of the house at seventeen, and he wants a family. Laura says she knows that. Otherwise, why would he pay for Florence’s medical care after she rejected him for decades? Martin says, it’s the same reason Cyrus punishes him rather than having him killed. Family is his one blind spot, so she can choose to be a positive influence on Cyrus. All she has to do is allow Cyrus in her life. She says, Cyrus is the man who put her daughter in a coma, but Martin tells her, he’s not saying she should love Cyrus, or even accept him, but don’t shut him out. Valentin approaches their table, and says he’s sorry to interrupt, but he and Martin have a meeting to attend. Martin gets up, and says Laura may want to think about it for all their sakes. He leaves with Valentin.

Jordan wonders how Shawn would have felt, knowing TJ was in danger. He would have just been worried sick, like she was, but there was nothing he could have done about it. He says, because he’s there for a crime he didn’t commit. He didn’t shoot Hayden Barnes. She says, no one put the gun in his hand. He pled guilty; he made his own choice. He says, she sent TJ to him because she couldn’t handle a rebellious teenager, and she says she acknowledges that Shawn played a huge role in turning TJ’s life around. He was there when she wasn’t, but she didn’t abandon TJ; she was on an undercover assignment. She tells him that she’s grateful, but he says he doesn’t want her gratitude. He loved TJ like a son long before he knew he was TJ’s biological father. That she chose to keep from him.

Britt asks how Carly got past the guards, but Carly ignores her and asks how Jason is. He says he’s still breathing, and Britt says, it’s a clean wound. There’s no permanent damage; Jason will barely have a scar. It must have looked worse than it was, for them to bring him to GH, instead of treating him at the prison infirmary. Carly says, their tax dollars at work, and Britt wonders, why bring Jason to a hospital that Cyrus runs, when Cyrus wants him dead? Carly asks if it isn’t riskier for Cyrus to go after Jason there. He’d have to tarnish his GH image, when he worked so hard to be respectable. Jason has more allies there than enemies – no thanks to Britt. Britt tells Carly that she and Jason need to discuss something private. Carly can wait in the hall.

Sonny tells Dude that an armed robbery carries a heavy sentence. He’ll be locked up for years, and for what? A hundred dollars? Walk away. No one has seen the gun but them. They’ll let him go, but he can’t have the money. Dude tells Sonny, stop talking or he’ll shut him up.

Jax tells Nina that she won’t regret it. It’s not a car, but it’s an easy walk. Dude #2 approaches them (surprise!), and says they’re not going anywhere. Why he drug them into it, I have no clue.

Brook asks if Michael is mom shaming her, and he says, of course (🍷) not. She says, it’s not the life she planned. If it was, she’d be on the road, headlining a world tour, but things change. Pregnancy is a personal thing, and every woman deals with it differently. He says he just wants her to be sure. The doorbell rings, and she says, it’s her baby daddy, right on time. Michael answers the door, and Valentin is there with Martin. Michael says Valentin brought his lawyer? and Valentin says, apparently. They have some things to iron out. The baby will be there before they know it. Michael invites them in, and tells them to go to the living room.

TJ tells Molly, this calls for a celebration. As soon as he’s not on call, he’ll take her to her favorite restaurant. She says she still has to pass the bar, and he says, is she kidding? She’s going to nail it. A couple of years in the DA’s office, and she’ll learn the ins and outs of the prosecution, which will make her a better defense attorney. She says she hasn’t had the chance to mention it, but she’s given it some thought. She wants to be a DA.

Jordan says she’s not going to defend her life choices, and Shawn agrees. He says, what’s done is done. He has a father/son relationship with TJ, and the monthly visits are the one thing he has to look forward to. Jordan says, that’s the reason she’s there. Why risk time added to his sentence by attacking another inmate? Shawn says, Jason came at him with a chair; he was just defending himself. She guesses Jason will claim the same thing, and he says, yeah.

Carly says what Britt has to say can wait, and Britt asks Jason if Carly has to be there for everything. Carly says she does, so Britt should say what she needs to, or leave. Britt says, it’s her hospital. If anyone is leaving, it’s Carly. Jason says Britt can talk in front of Carly, and Britt says, fine. The bloodwork from the OD was like Sasha’s when she was brought in with a heart attack. He says, from the drug Cyrus tried to manufacture at GH? and Britt says she has to do a more detailed study, but at first glance, yes. Carly suggests Britt get her facts straight, and then come back and give a report, and Britt says, or she could call Pentenville and say Jason has an obnoxious, unauthorized visitor. Jason says, if Britt can prove it’s the same drug, maybe they can use it against Cyrus, and Britt says, okay. She leaves, and Jason asks what the hell Carly was thinking, getting him stabbed? She says, sorry. It was the only way. I wonder how Jason puts up with this tiresome shrew.

At the MetroCourt, Curtis thanks Laura for meeting him. He has good news. The sound engineer he’s been pursuing hard finally returned his call. The current system is okay, but he doesn’t want just loud. He wants top if the line quality. She says she’d expect nothing less from him, and they sit at the bar. She tells him that she’s glad they have a chance to get together and catch up. He says, him too, but unfortunately, it’s not all good news. He wants her to hear it from him first. He and Jordan are getting a divorce. She says she’s so sorry. She knows they both tried hard to make their marriage work. He says, they did, but at a certain point, they had to face the truth and let go. He’s glad it happened before one of them had to leave town.

Jax struggles with Dude #2, and tells Nina to run. She starts to go, and hears a shot. Sonny knocks Dude down, and takes his gun, holding it on him.  

Valentin tells Brook, in the spirit of transparency, he’s been honest about his lengthy contentious battle over Charlotte. He doesn’t want to go through that again, so he wants everything to be above board. She says, like what? and he says he assumes she’ll give birth at GH, but she says, actually, she’d like to be closer to her mother. She’s going to a hospital in Bensonhurst. Valentin says, okay. He’ll make arrangements, and she says, for what? He says, accommodations. If she’s going to be in Brooklyn, he will too. Brook asks if a father can demand that, and Martin says, legally he can’t be in the delivery room without consent, but Valentin says he’s not demanding that. He doesn’t expect to be in the delivery room, holding her hand and feeding her ice chips, but he will be in the hospital, anxiously awaiting the birth. She says, that’s not happening.

Michael asks if they mind if he has a moment alone with his cousin, and Valentin says, it’s Michael’s house; knock himself out. Michael and Brook go into the foyer, and he asks why she’s freaked out about Valentin going to the hospital. She says, they’re not married. They’re not even a couple, and she’d like to cherish the first moments with her baby without Valentin pressing his face against the glass. He says, if she wants control of ELQ back, she’s going to have to give up on this point. Unless she’s changed her mind, she’ll have to be okay with that. She says she hasn’t changed her mind, and they go back into the living room. She tells Valentin, it’s okay for him to be at the hospital, but not the delivery room. He agrees, and she says, if he wants to be a real dad, involved with the child’s health decisions, etc., he’ll have to give back ELQ. He says, all of the shares in exchange for access to his child? Michael says he was willing to give them up for Nina, but Valentin says, not all of them. Brook says, that’s her offer, and he says, if it’s her final one, he’ll see her in court then. Michael says the Quartermaine’s lawyers are the best in the business. They can draw the case out for years. Valentin says he doesn’t need another hostile relationship, certainly not with the mother of his child, but a lengthy court battle doesn’t faze him. Martin says, more billable hours for him, and Valentin says, being the father gives him certain rights, and he’s willing to protect those rights.  

TJ says he know Molly is loving her internship, but what about her dreams of becoming an activist lawyer? She says she still wants to be an activist, but she’ll be acting within the system instead of fighting against it. Seeing the decisions the DA makes about who gets what charges, and who gets offered a plea deal made her realize that she doesn’t want to right wrongs within the system, so much as prevent them from happening in the first place. He tells her, good luck with that. The system is broken. Otherwise, Cyrus wouldn’t be free.

Jason says Carly had no right to call in a favor from Shawn. She put Shawn in a position where he had to stab Jason, and Jason had to let him. She says she was right. She wasn’t going to let him stay in Pentenville. Sooner or later Cyrus’s men were going to kill him. The meeting of the Five Families anchovy paste is going to take place soon, and he has to take Sonny’s place at the table. He asks if this why she set it up, so he could be at the meeting with the Five Families soft breadsticks? She says she set it up because she wasn’t going to let him die because he’s too stubborn to accept her help. He says, this is the opposite of help.

Britt gets on the computer, and looks up the new drug Cyrus invented. Cyrus comes up behind her and asks what she’s doing.

Jordan tells Shawn that he should stay out of Carly and Jason’s battle with Cyrus. He tells her, guys like Renault need to be stopped. Hasn’t she heard? The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. She asks if that’s what he is. A good man who stabbed his former friend? He asks if she’s saying good men don’t end up in prison, and she says she knows plenty of good people who made mistakes, but decisions made in the moment can be regretted later. He asks if she regrets lying to him about TJ, but she says, no.

Jax punches Dude #2, knocking him out, while Sonny tells the first one, stay down. He tells Phyllis, they have to find a way to tie him up. Nina puts her foot on Dude #2, and says she and Jax make a good team, don’t they? Phyllis tells Sonny to give her the gun. She doesn’t like them, but she knows how to use one. Nina asks Jax is he’s all right; he’s bleeding. He says he’s okay, but then drops to the ground.  

Laura tells Curtis, if he needs to talk, she’s only a phone call away. He thanks her, and says he appreciates it. He’s in a strange place now. He’s sad his marriage has ended, but he feels a tremendous amount of satisfaction in The Savoy coming together. She asks if that’s the name of the club, and he asks if she likes it. She says she does, and thinks it will be the place to be. He says he doesn’t need it to be trendy, and it would be nice if it was successful, but he wants to provide good music, good ambience, and a place where people can set their everyday troubles aside, at least for a little while. Laura thinks it sounds perfect.

Jordan tells Shawn, Tommy was a good father. TJ loved him, and she doesn’t regret lying. She does regret how much she hurt Shawn, and he thanks her for saying that. She tells him, he said himself that he already loved TJ like a son before he knew he was TJ’s father. Could Shawn have loved TJ any more if he’d known they were blood? He says he doesn’t think that’s possible, and she says, TJ got two fathers who loved him. How can she regret that?

Molly tells TJ, she was so scared when her mom pled guilty. The maximum could have been a decade in prison, but the judge took into account the mitigating circumstances, and Alexis got three years. To her, it’s a perfect example of the system working. He says, this is one of those times when they’re just not going to see things the same. Her mom’s biggest mitigating circumstance is that she’s white. He’s happy Alexis only got three years, but Shawn pled guilty to the same crime, and could be there ten years before he gets out. So he would say, the system doesn’t work for everyone the same. Does she really want to be a part of that?

Britt tells Cyrus she’s working; she’s pulling another 12-hour shift. She reaches behind her back, changing the page, and tells Cyrus, she wants to change the lag time between lab orders and results. They can’t have a delay when doctors are waiting for important information. He says she’s so thorough; that’s why he hired her. She thanks him, but says she has work to do. She leaves, and he closes laptop. I’m thinking he’s going to look at the history.

Jason says, Carly made it easier for him to escape, but what good is he to her, the business, or anyone as a fugitive on the run? She says he can go to a safe house, and run the business from there. He says, why doesn’t he just go to the island? and she says, absolutely not. He can’t leave her. They’re going to prove Gladys is lying, and that Peter killed Franco. Once Jason’s name is cleared, he can come home. He says he knows that’s what she wants, but it’s not that easy. Britt comes back, and says she checked on the data from the drug trial, and the chemical compound in Cyrus’s drug and the lab results from her patient are a 90% match. Jason says, they stopped Cyrus from distributing the drug through GH, so he took it to the streets. Britt says, Cyrus interrupted her, but she covered, and had to make herself scarce, so she came there. Clueless Carly says they got Britt’s update, she can leave now, and Britt tells Jason to let her know if he needs a sedative. She’s sure he’ll need one after Carly’s visit. She leaves, and Carly says she can’t believe who Jason is working with. He tells her, stop. It’s not too late to go back on this. They can run a bunch of tests, send him back to Pentenville, and Shawn can be his cellmate; they’ll watch each other’s backs. She asks if he’s out of his mind. She called in every favor Sonny was owed. There are no favors left to get him out of Pentenville a second time. Cyrus comes in, and says, Jason Morgan and the widow Corinthos, together again at last. I laugh because I love the way he talks.

Michael says he knows Valentin can afford a lengthy battle, but does he want to miss out on the first months of his child’s life? The Quartermaine lawyers can drag things out for months, or even years. Valentin says he has a counteroffer. He’ll return Brook’s shares to her, which will allow them to retain full control of the company, assuming they can quit bickering and infighting long enough to act as one. Martin says he’s seen it, and it’s a big assumption. Brook says, it’s a deal. Does he have the shares with him? She’ll sign on the dotted line right now. Valentin says he’s not signing anything until the baby is born.

Nina tells Jax to stay with her, and we hear sirens. She tells him, it will be okay, and yells, hurry! There’s a man shot! The paramedics come, and she tells them Jax needs help. One of them asks about the other guy, but she says, he’s just knocked out; Jax has been shot. They tend to Jax, and Nina says, please wake up. Sonny joins her, and asks if she’s all right.  

Brook says she wants the shares now, and Valentin says he’s always wanted to be two inches taller. (He’s apparently been watching Judge Judy.) They can’t have everything they want. He’ll give her the shares when the baby is born. That’s his final offer. Brook says, deal; when the baby is born. They shake hands, and Valentin says he’ll have the papers drawn up. He and Martin leave, and Michael says, on behalf of the whole family, thank you for returning control of ELQ to the Quartermaines. He’s going to call Ned, unless she wants to do the honors. She tells him, go for it, and he leaves. She wonders, where am I going to find a baby? Hmm… who’s really having a baby and needs somewhere for it to go?

Laura tells Curtis, she’s worried that Cyrus will prevent Martin from seeing their mother. Despite his shortcomings, Martin loves his mother very much, and they’ve always been in close contact, even if just by phone. She wonders if she should reach out to Cyrus on Martin’s behalf, and Curtis says it doesn’t surprise him; she’s got a big heart. She asks if he’s saying she’s a pushover, but he says, far from it. She’s anything but naïve, but she knows if she wants something from Cyrus, he’ll want something in return. She says she does know that. Her son returned Florence to Cyrus, and she feels like she should do something to help Martin.

Molly tells TJ, she’s just as angry and frustrated as he is at the systemic unfairness of prison sentences, but she thinks working within the system is the best way to enact positive change. If the system gets the better of her, she can always switch back to working for a non-profit, or as a defense attorney who has a working knowledge of the ins and outs of the prosecuting psyche. He says he’d never bet against her. If anyone can change the system from within, it would be her. He says he’s proud of her, and they hug.

Shawn tells Jordan, TJ is the most important thing; he’s an amazing kid. Wait. TJ is going to be a doctor soon. He’s an amazing young man. She says she can’t believe TJ is all grown up. Her baby is graduating medical school soon. He says, Dr. TJ Ashford. He wishes he could be there to see it. She says she does too, and he says, so Commissioner, are you going to arrest me? She tells him, he said it was self-defense, right? No charges. But before she goes, life is hard enough in there. Steer clear of Cyrus’s people. He says he’ll do what’s necessary to protect his family, and she leaves. He watches her go.

Cyrus says he can’t think of why the guard let Carly into Jason’s room. Clearly, he doesn’t take his job seriously. He’ll reach out to the prison, and have him replaced immediately. He says Jason looks robust for an assault victim. Rest assured, he’ll be well taken care of in Cyrus’s hospital.

Britt goes back to the computer, and tries to bring up the page she’d been on. It says, access denied.   

Sonny asks if Nina is sure she’s all right, and she says she’s just shaken up. He asks if it’s someone she knows, and she says, just a man from her past. It’s the guy she broke up with. A paramedic says they’re ready to take Jax to the clinic, and Nina says she needs to go. Sonny says, he’ll go with her, but she says, no. Jax sees Sonny, but his vision is blurry. He points at Sonny, says, what the hell? and passes out. Nina says she needs to go, and Sonny asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want him to come, but the paramedic says they can only take one extra in the ambulance. Nina says she’ll call Sonny, and leaves with them.

On Monday, Chase says he’s starting to get scared; Anna asks if Maxie will agree to a visit from Peter; Sonny tells Eli, if the cops come around again, he won’t forget to tell them; and Jax says, Sonny.

📺 On this week’s For Real: The Story of Reality TV, transformation shows were the topic. People makeovers, like The Swan, The Biggest Loser, and Celebrity Rehab were examined first, along with interviews with past contestants. The second half of the show covered business/home makeovers, like Tabatha Takes OverTabatha Coffey saying that she opened the door for business shows, but didn’t really know what she was doing, since it was uncharted territory. Kitchen Nightmares, and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition were two of the others included, with Chip and Joanna Gaines getting their own segment. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and interviews with the original cast rounded out the show. Next time, Shock and Awe

🍸 On Overserved, LVP’s guests Lala Kent and Anna Camp were the Ladies Who Brunch. Lala was pregnant at the time, and is sober anyway, so she couldn’t indulge, but she doesn’t need to in order to spill her guts. They did baby bottles (Lala’s not-so-guilty pleasure) and had fabulous breakfast food. My favorite meal. Anna told a story about how she’d been a shoo-in for a part in a school play, but had it stolen from her by a real bitch. Since Anna ended up on the business end of the stage, when a pitcher of water was required, she took it from the toilet, the bitch having to chug it on stage. Later, said bitch told Anna to make sure she washed the pitcher out next time, since there was sh*t floating in it. Little did she know how literal that might have been. I’ve never done anything like that, but if I had, I don’t think you could get me drunk enough to tell that story. They went inside for a game of Pop Star Charades, and pup Schnookie proceeded to hump LVP’s arm the entire time. The best part was how none of them could stop laughing. As parting gifts, Anna was given a bottle of rosé, and Lala got a quart of milk. Next time, Sherry Underwood and Mario Lopez will be visiting Villa Rosa.

🌴 Real Miami Wedding…

In a weird way, I still miss them.

🏆 All You Need To Know…

The best dressed.

The red carpet of the 90s.’90s

All the information on who, what, and how to watch the ceremony.

Where to stream the contenders.

👄 Quotes of the Week

Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face. – Carol Moseley-Braun

Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations. – Mae Jemison

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.Daniel Patrick Moynihan

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. – Alice Walker

Comfort can be dangerous. Comfort provides a floor but also a ceiling. – Trevor Noah

You don’t shoot animals with collars. That’s how Yogi Bear has lasted so long. – Mike Baxter (Tim Allen), Last Man Standing

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. – Pablo Picasso

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. – Richard David Bach (Ain’t it the truth?)

⌚️ Out of Time…

Somehow the day… oh, you know the rest. Until we meet on the Deadside, stay safe, stay changing the scenery once in a while, and stay changing the system any way you can.

April 22, 2021 – Anna Comes Clean With Finn, Moroccan Serve, Finally, Bad Guess, Hung Up, Virtual Meet, Good, New Single, Well Deserved, No More, House of Cobra Kai & World


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

It was only a matter of time. I missed the beginning, but here are the highlights I gathered. At the dance, Sonny/Mike told Nina that Eli wasn’t all he was cracked up to be, but she didn’t want to hear it. Olivia met Dante at the hospital, thinking he could use seeing a friendly face after his session with Doc. He said he was glad she was looking out for him and Rocco. Maxie went to Nathan’s grave, wearing a widow’s disguise – i.e. big, dark glasses and a scarf – and told him what happened at the wedding. She said, now she felt trapped. Brook came to visit Chase, and he asked her to keep him company until Willow got back. Anna told Finn that Chase had been poisoned by Peter. Jordan came to see Carly, who told her that Cyrus had Florence back. Jordan asked Carly to let her do her job. That’s when I sat down to watch.

Phyllis tells Jax, when his call upset Nina, she took the phone, and asked him not to pressure her. He didn’t listen then, and him showing up there isn’t respecting Nina’s request now. If he thinks he’s going to sweet talk her into helping him, think again. They’re not off to a good start. He says he’s glad she and Lenny are looking after Nina, but Phyllis says, Nina doesn’t need looking after. She’s a strong, brilliant, beautiful woman. He says, that’s the reason he loves her, and Lenny says he’s about to get the tone. Phyllis says, he is. For someone who claims to love Nina, he sure broke her heart.

Sonny tells Nina, one more thing about Eli, then he’ll stop. She says, forever? and he says, for tonight. He looked into Eli’s failed business venture in San Francisco. She asks how he did that, and he says he made some calls. She asks, why? Eli was up front about losing his shirt, and Sonny says, it turns out, the real story is, Eli was arrested for embezzlement. His partners tried to press charges… Eli says the operative word is tried. The charges were dropped. Sonny says, Eli agreed to a settlement. He’s not a lawyer, but he thinks when you’re innocent, you do everything to clear your name, and Eli settled. Eli says a settlement costs less than a trial, and Sonny says, unless you’re guilty, and want it over with. Eli says it was over with until Sonny/Mike dug it up. They’re talking about something that happened 3000 miles away. What does he want? He asked questions, and Eli gave him honest answers, but that wasn’t enough. Sonny went poking thought his life to find something to embarrass him in front of Nina and his friends. Nina says Eli doesn’t have to talk about it, but Eli says he’ll bring it out in the open. It’s simple. He hit rock bottom, and made restitution. He came there to start over. Hasn’t Sonny ever derailed his life so bad that he bent over backward to get back on track? Oh, he forgot. Sonny doesn’t know what he’s done.

Brook says if she’s keeping Willow’s seat warm, that must mean Willow and Chase are back on track. Chase says, it seems that way. When he wakes up, she’s there, and she looks at him like you want someone to look at you when you wake up. It’s the only thing making this bearable. She says, points to Willow, and to any woman who can bring a smile to his handsome face.

Michael tells Willow, it’s getting harder for Chase to hide that he’s hurting, and she says she doesn’t understand. How did Chase get so sick so fast? They’re doing test after test, and still, no one knows what to do or where to start. Michael puts his head in his hands, and she asks if he wants to tell her what bothering him, or does she already know? He says he feels terrible. Chase is his friend, and he doesn’t want to hurt him… She says, but he wishes she’d told Chase, and he says he wishes she’d had the chance. It’s terrible, wishing Chase would get well, so they can break his heart. What does that say about him? She tells him, it says he’s an honest man in a terrible spot. She thinks, she hopes, that she’s honest and in the same spot. He says, being together as a couple, and spending time with Wiley in their home, he wants to be back there. She says she does too.  

Finn asks what Anna is talking about. How did Peter poison Chase? Anna says, it was a special formula, and Finn says he’s going to kill Peter. She says, he can’t, but he says he’s a doctor, and knows how to kill someone a thousand different ways. As for the oath, do no harm, killing Peter will prevent a lot of harm. She says, hear her out. The first thing was, Valentin – Finn says, another name he’s sick of hearing – discovered Jason didn’t kill Franco; Peter killed Franco. He says, of course (🍷). Did Franco even do anything, or was Peter just bored? She says Franco was recovering Drew’s memories, and he says, another one of Peter’s victims. She says, she and Valentin were trying to put together Peter’s crimes, and Franco was remembering. Peter needed leverage. Finn asks what that has to do with Chase, and  she says, Peter wanted to stop them from bringing him to justice. He says, why poison Chase? and she says, it was an accident. Peter was trying to poison him.

Finn says, somehow Peter screwed up, and poisoned Chase? Anna says, Peter has an antidote that can keep Chase alive, if not cure him altogether, and Finn asks how he gets it. She says Peter crushed the vial in front of her, but she thinks it was just to get to her, and he must have a supply, but Peter’s plan can backfire. She gives Finn a plastic bag with the remains of the vial in it, and says Finn can analyze it, and create his own antidote. He looks at the bag, and says, the vial could have been full of water, another one of Peter’s lies. She says, maybe. What is he going to do? He says, call the cops, but she says, not if he wants Chase to live.

Brook asks Chase if they know what’s wrong yet, and he says, it’s not food poisoning, and it’s not infectious. They’re still doing tests. She says, he came in last night, and they still don’t know what’s wrong? He says he developed neuropathy; another symptom. Brook says she knows neuropathy is not just another symptom. She came to cheer him up, but his mysterious illness has kneecapped her. He says she’s still making him feel better, making his mysterious illness all about her. She says he’d tell her if anything was wrong more than it is, right? and he says he’s tired and achy, but he’s sure they’ll figure it out soon. She says she needs him to be okay. She’s got something going on. He asks if something is up with the baby, but she says, it’s not the baby; it’s the baby’s father. He was slow to start, but now he’s amped up with controlling the situation. Dante comes to the door, and asks, is this a private party, or can anyone join? Chase says he’s not interrupting anything important, and Brook says, don’t talk like she’s not there. Dante says, believe him, everyone knows when she’s in the room. Her bodyguard is looking for her. She asks if he’s just saying that to get rid of her, and he asks if it matters. She leaves, and Dante asks how Chase is doing. Chase says, not knowing is the worst part. Whatever it is, keeps changing, and not for the better. Dante says he’s sorry, and Chase says, do him a favor and don’t say anything, especially to Brook. He thinks he scared her. Dante says other than, I don’t know, what are they saying? Chase says, they’re running more tests, and trying to make him comfortable, but that’s about it. He’s getting sick of waiting. They need to figure out what’s going on, like now.

Maxie tells Nathan, when she was walking down the aisle, looking at Peter, she really believed she was getting back some of the happiness she lost when he died. She thought her life was perfect again, but it was just a mirage. As it turns out, Peter’s not the wonderful man she thought. Waiting for her was an illusion, a disguise. It turns out, Peter was Henrik all along.

Nina tells Sonny, she’s made her share of mistakes, but she’s also had her share of second chances. Sonny asks if she’s stolen from her company, and she says, no, but she can say she’s taken things that weren’t hers. He asks if she gave them back, and she says, eventually. Eli says, as did he, but Sonny says, stealing from your own company is like stealing from family. It shows a lack of loyalty. Eli says he’s never heard it put that way, and Sonny says, it doesn’t surprise him. Why should Phyllis and Lenny trust Eli? Nina asks who Sonny is to judge after everything he’s done?

Jason says, Sonny told him how Shawn stepped up while he was gone; he appreciates it. Shawn says, Sonny has always done right by him. He was sorry to hear about Sonny’s passing. Jason asks if Shawn has a lot of friends looking out for him, but Shawn says they mostly look out for each other. Jason says, mostly? and Shawn says, Sonny is gone, but Cyrus isn’t. When there’s a shift in power, a man has to consider his own best interests.

Carly asks Jordan what doing her job looks like, and Jordan says she’s sure Carly is familiar with it. She knows an arrest when she sees it. Carly asks when Jordan is going to arrest Cyrus, and don’t tell her that she can’t comment on an ongoing investigation. She doesn’t want details; just a ballpark. When is Cyrus going to be back behind bars? Jordan says she’s getting close, and Carly says, is she? Sonny is dead, Jason is in prison, and Laura is stuck with a half-brother who’s going to start a mob war so epic, no one will be left standing. If Jordan wants Carly to sit on her hands while she solves the problem, Jordan is going to have to give her a lot more.

Eli asks what Sonny/Mike has done, and Nina says she doesn’t know what he’s done; none of them do. That’s the problem. She’s sorry, but until he finds out more about his past, Sonny isn’t in a position to judge. Sonny says he might not know his history, but he knows the kind person he is. What if she doesn’t trust the man in front of her, but trusts the man he was before he lost his memory? She says she doesn’t know. She just needs to clear her head. She’s going to get some fresh air, and find Phyllis and Lenny. Don’t fight. She leaves, and Eli says Sonny is telling Nina and everybody else to see him for who he is, and what he’s done, but maybe he’s not the one Nina needs to see through.

Willow says she’s more committed than ever to building a life with Michael and Wiley, but one of the reasons they got together was because of Chase and Sasha trying to help. They did what they thought was best. Michael says, now it’s their turn to do the best for Chase. She says she can’t end things right now. She can’t start a life with Michael by hurting Chase while he’s down. She knows it’s a lot to ask, but she’s thinking that together they can help each other get through whatever is going to happen. She asks if he’s okay, and he says he agrees Chase is a priority, and this is the best way to help him. It’s frustrating to wait, but that’s okay. He’ll wait as long as it takes.

On the phone, Brook says she doesn’t care what Valentin told him. He can’t roam the hospital searching for her. She’s on the 7th floor; 7 is after 6. Go there, and wait in the waiting area. Michael says she’s on a short leash, and Brook says, it’s a temporary, necessary evil. She thanks Willow, and Willow says, for what? Brook says, Chase isn’t nearly as cool, calm, and collected as he’s pretending to be. Willow staying with him is the only thing keeping him going. Willow says she’s just glad she can help. She should get back. Willow leaves, and Brook asks if there’s anything Michael wants to tell her.

Anna tells Finn, one of Peter’s conditions was that she not tell anyone. Finn says she let him know, and she says, of course (🍷), but he can’t let anyone else know. If he goes to the cops… He says he gets the picture. She tells him to analyze the pieces from the vial. In the best case, he can recreate the antidote, but if that’s not possible, he can narrow the tests down. Finn asks what she’s going to do while he does a reverse analysis to find an antidote for an unknown toxin. She says she’s not going to stand by and let Chase die. 

Phyllis tells Jax, Nina was emotionally bent up when she got here. She was deeply wounded from the lies he and Carly told her. She’s healing, and asked for the time and space to do that. If he loves her, he’ll respect her wishes. He says he just needs to see her, and Phyllis asks, what about what she just said made him think that’s a good idea? Lenny says, Nina can decide for herself if she wants to see him. Too late. Nina sees him, and says, Jax.  

Nina asks what Jax is doing there, and he says, he told her on the phone that he needed to talk to her in person. She says, and she told him, she’s not ready. Phyllis says he shouldn’t have come there. He needs to go. Lenny asks if Nina wants him to get Mike. He and Mike can walk Jax back to his car. Nina says, no, but they should go find Mike. He and Eli… Phyllis says, say no more, and Lenny says they won’t be far. They leave, and Jax says they’re very protective of her. She says, they’re good people, and he says, what about Eli and Mike? She says, they’re friends of Phyllis and Lenny’s, but they don’t get along. It’s nothing for him to be concerned about. She says, he told her that he wanted to talk for a minute. The clock’s ticking. He says, first, it’s good to see her, but she says, it’s not good to see him. He’s going to ruin everything.

Maxie says, Spinelli tried to warn her. So did Jason and Robert, even Dante, from the second he got home. Nathan’s mom tried too, but she thought Obrecht was the one with an agenda. Everything everyone told her that she refused to hear turned out to be true. Maybe Dante was right, and part of the reason she was drawn to Peter was because he’s Nathan’s half-brother. She convinced herself that Peter was like him, but they couldn’t be more different. Nathan was honest, when Peter is the biggest liar on the planet. Actually, the biggest lie in the whole thing was the one she was telling herself, that Peter was a good, decent man. Now she has to pretend she’s thinking about working things out; taking me time. God knows what Peter will do once he’s convinced it’s over. Robert is at home, covering for her, in case Peter makes one of his impromptu visits, and Britt… He’d be so proud of his sister. In a cosmic redemption move, Britt is actually helping her, which leads her to the worst part of the whole thing. The way she sees it, there’s only one way to protect her baby.

Jordan says she understands how frustrated Carly is. Jordan spent so many years trying to put Cyrus away. He pushes them to the brink, until they’re so desperate, they’ll do anything just to be done with him. Carly says she can’t disagree with that, and Jordan says they should disagree less. They’re on the same side as far as Cyrus is concerned. Carly says, the enemy of my enemy and all that? and Jordan says, yeah. Cyrus knows how to skirt the law, and stay outside of it where he’s not touched. Does it remind Carly of anyone else? Carly starts to protest at the comparison, but Jordan says what she wouldn’t give for some of Sonny’s insight. She’s sure Carly feels the same way. She promises she’s going to stop Cyrus this time. Carly says, if she’s finished, she’ll tell Jordan why she asked her there.

Jason tells Shawn, Sonny valued loyalty, and he values those who remain loyal. Cyrus is the problem… Shawn asks what Jason thinks he should do. Sonny is dead, and Jason is in there. If one weren’t true, he’d have a shot. Jason asks what he’s saying, and Shawn says, if he needs to do something about Cyrus, he’ll handle it himself. We see Shawn has a knife.

Jax asks what Nina means, ruin everything? and she says, she means her and this place, and the peace. He says he didn’t come to upset her, and she says of course (🍷) he didn’t, but here they are, and he’s upsetting her trying to make things better. He says he misses her, and he loves her. Pease don’t shut him out.

Phyllis asks if Sonny is by himself, and he says, not anymore. He asks where Lenny is, and she says, he got tired from dancing, so she sent him home to recover. She came over to referee him and Eli. Where is Eli? Sonny says, out of town, if they’re lucky, and she says Eli said Sonny might have a few words about him, and Sonny says he’ll tell her the same thing he told Nina. Back in San Francisco, Eli was arrested for embezzlement. She says she’s known a long time. When he came back, she could tell he was licking his wounds, but she decided to give him the time he needed to own up. Sonny asks if Eli told her that he’d been arrested, and she says, not yet. He guesses Eli is late, and she says she appreciates his instinct to protect her and Lenny, but it’s not his place to tell her about Eli’s past. He says, somebody had to. She’s way too trusting. She says, that’s why Sonny/Mike has a roof over his head. That’s not the only thing bothering him, is it? He tells her, something Nina said got under his skin. She said he had no right to judge Eli when he doesn’t know what he did before he lost his memory. She asks if it scares him, and he says, a little. Does it scare her? She says, no, and he asks, why not? She says, because the man she sees is honorable, kind, works hard, and has both feet on the ground. He’s a good friend, even if he’s over-protective, and best of all, he makes a mean bolognaise. He says she’s right about that last one, and she says, all of it. She doesn’t need to know anything else, but that’s her. He has to decide what he wants to know about himself.

Jax asks if he and Nina can go somewhere talk private. They’ll just tell Phyllis and Lenny where they’re going, so they don’t worry. Nina says she’s sorry. His minutes are up, and she’s not going anywhere with him.

Dante is talking baseball to Chase, when Willow comes back. She asks how it’s going, and Chase says, they were just catching up. Dante says he doesn’t know if it’s his riveting conversation that made Chase sleepy, or he’s boring Chase. He gets up, and says, it’s good to see him, and Chase says, it’s good to see Dante too. He thanks Dante for coming by, and Dante tells him to get well soon. There are parking tickets that need to be written, and pencils that need to be pushed. He leaves, and Willow asks if she can get anything for Chase. He looks tired. Suddenly, Chase is gripped with pain.    

Anna tells Finn, Peter is focused on Maxie right now, and she’s letting him believe she’s caving to his demand for help. Finn asks how much time that will buy them, and she says she’s hoping it will distract Peter up until the baby is born. He says Peter strikes him as a multitasker, but she says, if she’s right, Peter has easy access to the antidote nearby. She can monitor his whereabouts. He says he has a better idea. Stay the hell out of it.

The guard has Shawn in a hold, and asks what the hell he was thinking. We see a bloody knife, and Shawn says, Jason came at him. What was he supposed to do? Jason lies bleeding on the floor. 

Carly tells Jordan, this wasn’t a courtesy call. Jordan knows from TJ what Cyrus is capable of. She wants to warn Jordan that Cyrus has his mother back. She might want to protect her family. Jordan appreciates that, and says, here’s one for Carly. Cyrus is working so hard to cultivate his image as an upstanding citizen, it’s giving them time to build a case. Carly hopes Jordan is right, and hopes Jordan keeps doing what she’s doing, but watch her back. Jordan says she will, and tells Carly to do the same. She leaves.

Maxie says she’s looked at the situation from every possible angle, and it comes down to this. She can’t condemn her daughter to a life with Peter as her father. Maxie starts to cry, and says, so if keeping her daughter safe means having to give her up, and pretend she’s dead, that’s what she’s going to do. Olivia listens in. I’m relieved, since I thought Peter might be listening.

On the phone, Brook says she’s coming. She slips back into an alcove, and adjusts her fake belly. She quickly walks past the reception desk.

Dante tells Michael that Willow is with Chase, and Michael says, Chase needs her right now. Dante asks if Michael is okay, and says, he’s a good dude. Michael says, thanks, but not always. Willow is, and he’s just trying to follow her example.

Willow says maybe Portia can give Chase something for the pain, but he says, don’t go; it’s starting to let up. She sits back down, and he tells her, Portia said it would come in waves. It will pass. She tells him to let her know if she needs to do anything, but he says she’s already doing it. He might not be able to hold her hand, but he can still look at her. Seeing her face makes him feel better.

**Finn tells Anna not to come anywhere near Chase. All the times Anna pushed him away to protect him from her world, he should have listened. He was pulled into the world of her psychotic family, and they poisoned his. She did this, not just Peter. She let Peter in. She asks what he wants her to do, and he says, pray he can find an antidote for what her nephew used to poison his son. He stomps off.

Phyllis suggests she and Sonny make a deal to put this nonsense between him and Eli to rest for the night, and enjoy themselves. He promised Nina another dance. Find her, and dance that dance. What does he say? He says she can be real pushy, and she laughs, saying, that’s how she gets things done. Go find Nina. We see a guy dressed like a cowboy near the refreshments. He’s wearing a bandana that hides half his face, and a gun.

Nina tells Jax, don’t talk. She’s still angry that he hid the identity of her daughter for months to protect his ex-wife. And in doing that, he kept her grandchild from her. He thinks saying it’s because he loves and wants to protect her, makes it okay. It doesn’t make it okay. He doesn’t love her. He asks how she can say that, and she says he didn’t respect her. She said she needed space and time away, yet here he is. If he loved and respected her, he wouldn’t be there. She needs him to go right now, and needs him to stay gone.

On a cell phone, Shawn says, Jason is on his way to the hospital. Carly thanks him, and says she’ll take it from there. She smiles.

Tomorrow, Molly tells TJ to congratulate her, Sonny tries to prevent a robbery at the dance, and Shawn says, it’s been a while.

🍹 I’m catching up on Overserved, and IMO, the only problem with this show is that it’s only a half-hour. LVP had guests Jeanie Mai and Meagan Good to Villa Rosa for A Night in Morocco. Jeanie video chatted with her mom, who was also at a party, and joked that next time she wanted to be paid. She seemed like a lot of fun. They played a dare game, and Jeanie did some twerking she learned from Cardi B, and we found out that Meagan once had a pet monkey who threw poop at the walls. Yeah. That’s the problem with exotic pets. They shouldn’t be pets. And they will wreck your house. Pandora brought out Moroccan tea in glasses, toting them in a lantern frames, which was pretty fancy. They played Get Pumped, and we found out Jeanie likes to do it with the lights on, because she likes to see what she’s working with. Very sensible. LVP had discovered Meagan loved The Bachelor, so she conjured up Nick Viall on her tablet to give Meagan The Bachelor Experience. Nick played along as all the women gave him their opening pick-up lines, and he picked Meagan for the final rose. In the next episode – technically tonight – LVP will host Lala Kent and Anna Camp. I’ll be watching it in the wee hours. 

🏖 It finally came. The finale of The Worst House Ever Summer House. Stephen wanted to make sure he and Lindsay were on the same page, and in Lindsay’s interview, she said she didn’t need flowers every day; she just needed him to show up. He was finally boyfriend she’d been asking for. Hannah told Des she’d snapped after her sit-down with Luke. He told her not to be upset about getting angry, since that group gets angry over a pool noodle. Okay, maybe he didn’t say pool noodle, but it was something just as stupid, and pool noodle sounds funnier. Paige said it was the first time ever in relationship that she knew what she wanted – not to be in a relationship. She thought Perry would be blindsided, since she decided to sit on this information, instead of telling him right away. Amanda and Kyle decided to have a pretend white wedding, and Kyle said it was the first summer that he didn’t want to end. It was epic. They played Dirty Jenga, where things were written on the pieces like, show us your… never mind. They drank and acted like idiots. Amanda said if Lindsay got engaged at her pretend wedding, she’d lose her sh*t. The now sensible Carl left the party early. Lindsay got pissed for no reason, and told Stephen, STFU, and he said he was out. Whee! The roller coaster ride continues. Very mature behavior too. And how old is Lindsay now? 45?

Lindsay whined, why does this happen every time? and I answered, because you get drunk and act stupid. Kyle just wanted to eat Tostido’s, which was possibly the most rational thing he’s done all summer. Danielle told Robert, welcome to the house. Lindsay said Stephen’s defense mechanism was to run away, but I thought it was his mechanism to stop listening to her drunken rants. Lindsay asked Danielle if she was the problem in her relationship with Stephen, and when Danielle said, yes, she was like, what? She admitted she was constantly testing Stephen, but didn’t trust him not to leave her again. She said his running again made her question everything. In Luke’s interview, he said, now that Hannah was occupied, a weight had been lifted from him.

In Ciara’s interview, she acknowledged how crazy it had been for her to stay in a house with her ex and a bunch of strangers. She said she was alive to tell the story, and loved the girls. Lindsay and Stephen apologized to each other, but Lindsay said it had shown her that they weren’t ready to live together. She told him that she had abandonment issues, and if he ran away again, it was over. Everything looked elegant – all white with tealights – for the pretend wedding, but I figured it was only a matter of time before it got messy. Kyle and Amanda walked down the aisle together, after Kyle said they were presenting themselves, but there was no music, which seemed odd. Carl officiated, and was quite funny. Ciara caught the bouquet, but said she shouldn’t have, since she had no potential. Speeches were made, and in Hannah’s interview, she said it had always been the three of them – her, Amanda, and Paige – but because she chose to stand up to Kyle, and Paige kept quiet, being a bridesmaid was Paige’s reward. Then came the dancing. And the drinking. And a fog machine. And Danielle officially becoming Robert’s girlfriend. So is this a thing now? I’m surprised this group doesn’t send out announcements when they become boyfriend/girlfriend. It ended with everyone jumping in the pool, and Paige saying there’s no one that she’d choose to spend summer with, other than these psychos. Everybody loved everybody, until…

Next time, the reunion. Kyle walks. So does Hannah. And oh my God, there’s going to be a Nightmare in the Snow Winter House. Don’t these people have real jobs?

🌩 A False Prophecy…

This was a reach before we knew it was.

🪁 Up In the Air…

It would be a sad day for the ever-dwindling soap world if DOOL was canceled.

💐 As Welcome As the Flowers…

Join the soap stars live at Soap Con on May 1st.  

🎻 My Heart Bleeds For Her…

I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

🎸 I Need Some Too…

Weezer’s latest effort. It’s not bad, and I love a pop culture reference.

🎖 Machete Don’t Mess Around…

He’s the epitome of turning your life around.

🦸🏻 Goodbye, Westview…

It looks like there won’t be another season for WandaVision, but maybe some things are best left in their perfection.

🥋 A Mansion Fit For a Sensei…

I’d hate to have to wax on and off these windows. The shower is bizarre, but it’s awesome.

🎟 Next…

See you tomorrow for soap, tea, a dose of reality, and being Overserved. But while we’re parted, stay safe, stay colorful, and stay respecting a loved one’s request for the time and space to heal.

April 21, 2021 – Jason Gets a Surprise, a Jersey Yacht Party & Flowers


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Phyllis and Lenny walk past the sign for the dance, and it says all proceeds will benefit Firehouse 3. Lenny says, what did he tell Phyllis? and she says she was hoping he was wrong. Sonny says, wrong about what? and she says, what he’s wearing. He says he has a limited wardrobe, but Phyllis says he could still make an effort. She puts a cowboy hat on Sonny’s head, and says, much better. Lenny says he’s a born cowboy. Sonny says, yippee kai-yi-yay.

Scotty arrives at Elizabeth’s house, and she says, sorry it’s short notice. She hopes she didn’t pull Scotty away from anything, and he says, only the television; his film noire channel. She asks if Scotty will watch the kids, since Cameron is already a half hour late, and Scotty says that means Cameron’s got his game back.

Josslyn tells Cameron, they can’t keep having this same conversation, and he suggests they not talk about it, but she says, ignoring it won’t make the problem go away. He asks if she’s saying they can’t be friends anymore, and she tells him, don’t do this. He says, it’s a simple question. Can they still be friends? Yes or no? She says she’s not going to let him pressure her into saying what he wants to hear. He says, that’s right. Her standing by him isn’t nearly as important as her standing by a murderer.   

Jason asks Carly to tell him exactly what happened, and she says, Nikolas hired mercenaries to track down Florence, so he could give her back to Cyrus. (I love how they all talk about Florence like she’s a possession, not just Cyrus.) She says she couldn’t risk a shootout, so she told the guards to give them Florence. He says she made the right call, but she says, without Florence, they can’t stop Cyrus. That’s why they have to move now.

Finn tells Portia that he’s ordered another lab series, but it’s not in Chase’s chart. Portia says, the lab is backed up, but it’s marked as a priority. She’s sure the results will be in soon. Finn says, that’s not good enough. He put them in last night. How is he supposed to treat Chase without the basic data to diagnose him?

Willow sits by Chase’s bed, when he opens his eyes. He says, she’s still there, and she says, where else would she be? Did he sleep okay? Michael looks in through the window.  

Chase says he’s better now that Willow is there, and she says she’s flattered, but the doctors will need more specific feedback. He says the worst part is the constant monitoring. He’s over being poked and prodded while they check his bodily functions. Michael comes in, and says he guesses that’s a negative on the sponge bath he just arranged.   

Finn says, for a lab that’s so good at leaking personal information, they seem to have trouble doing their actual job, and Portia says, she’ll go to the lab personally, and expedite it, but she wants him to do her a favor. He says, name it, and she says, just step back, but he says, not when Chase is exhibiting a laundry list of symptoms that don’t point to any known condition. His job is to diagnose Chase. She says, his job is to be a father.

Peter tells Anna, Finn looks worried. No, frantic even. Heartbreaking, isn’t it? He’d do anything to save Chase from pain. Would she?  

Elizabeth tells Scotty that Cameron is having a hard time with Franco’s death, and he’s channeling his grief into anger. Scotty says, he’s been there more than once, and she says, Cameron blew up at Jake, insisting Jason is guilty. Of course (🍷) Jake defended his father. He says it sounds like she could use some help around there, but he’s sure she can do better than an ambulance chaser like him. What about her sister Sarah? She says, Sarah is busy with her practice on the west coast, and he says, her father. What about him?    

Josslyn says Cameron can force the issue all he wants, but she’s not choosing between him and Jason. He says, really? He’s keeps choosing her every time. Like when she used him to make Oscar jealous, and when Oscar was dying, he stood by her. When she needed a friend to lean on, and he wanted to be… She says, wanted to be what? and he says he just wants his friend back, but not if it means ignoring the fact that Franco, who he loved, is dead, and her wonderful Jason killed him. He walks out past Jax. Jax asks if Josslyn is okay, and she says, no, hugging him.

Carly tells Jason that she and Laura went screaming over to Windymere, but they were too late. Nikolas was already on the phone with his guys. He’s convinced returning Florence to Cyrus will save Alexis, and thinks he’s being a hero, but he doesn’t realize he’s being played. Jason says, maybe it’s for the best. They couldn’t hold Florence forever. She asks if it’s okay with him that Cyrus will have free reign because it’s not with her. He says, it’s not okay, and she asks, what happened to his hand? He says, it’s fine, and she says, did he fall and bang all of his knuckles at once? He was in a fight. Was it Cyrus’s men? He says, it’s fine; it’s being handled, and she asks, how long can he keep fending them off?

Sonny tells Phyllis, nice set up; fundraising is important. She says, so is community building. Lenny tells Sonny, don’t let Phyllis fool him. She’s here to dance. She says that’s why she got Sonny the hat. She didn’t want him begging off because he’s not properly dressed. She’s counting on him and Lenny to spin her around the floor. Lenny says, as long as it’s clear she’s his date, and Phyllis says she’s sure Sonny can find his own date. Eli and Nina arrive, and Lenny says, the whole gang is here. Eli says, it looks like the whole town showed up, and Lenny says, it gives you hope, doesn’t it? That Nixon Falls can pull together and get through this rough patch. Eli says, hope is a beautiful thing, and Phyllis says, it can move mountains, or build a barn dance. She says Nina looks pretty, and Nina says, never mind her. Look at Mike.

Scotty tells Elizabeth that he knows Jeff from way back. He’s a good guy. If she needs his help, he’ll be there. She says she and her father aren’t close, but he says, maybe this would be a good time to get close again. Cameron comes in, and says, sorry he’s late, and Elizabeth says Scotty is there because she didn’t know if he’d get home in time to watch his brothers. He tells her that he said he was sorry, but she says she doesn’t want to hear it. The boys are in their rooms. She leaves, and Cameron says he can’t deal with this. Scotty says Cameron looks like he went a few rounds, and got chewed up and spit out.  

Josslyn tells Jax, Cameron just ended their friendship, and it’s the third time he said they can’t be friends. So it’s official; three faults and they’re eliminated. Jax asks if it’s about Jason, and she says, no. It’s about Cameron pressuring her into joining his one man vendetta, and she refuses. A friend who only likes you when you agree with them, is a friend not worth having. He says, in general, he’d agree with her, and she says, but she should make an exception for Cameron? He says, that’s up to her.  

Carly says, the night Sonny disappeared, Jason said they were in this together, and he says, they are. She says he told her they’d make decisions together, and he says, they do. She says, that means being honest, so let’s be honest. Cyrus is going to get him killed. He says, Cyrus is going to try, and she says, eventually, he’ll succeed. Jason is outnumbered, and he doesn’t know who he can trust. At some point… She can’t let that happen. Jason says, this is where they are, and there’s nothing she can do to change the situation. She says, wrong.

Nina says Sonny’s hat looks amazing. Who would have guessed?. He says, that he could wear a cowboy hat? and she says, that he’d look so good wearing one. He says he has Phyllis to thank; she picked it out. Phyllis says she had the feeling it would suit him, and Lenny says, enough of this chit-chat. Is Phyllis ready for the dance floor? She says, lead the way, and Eli suggests he and Nina get a drink, and check out the silent auction, but Sonny says, Phyllis and Lenny have the right idea. He holds out his hand, and asks Nina to dance with him, and she says, how can she refuse? She tells Eli that the can find her on the dance floor. Eli doesn’t look happy.    

Portia says she knows Finn took the lead when Chase was admitted, but doesn’t he think it’s past time they called in a specialist? He says he’s not turning over the case to someone else; Chase is his son. She says, that’s exactly her point. There are rules governing which doctor treats which patient, and number one is doctors don’t treat their children. He says, these are extraordinary circumstances, but she says he’s lost all objectivity. Every time he goes into Chase’s room, he’s less of a doctor, and more of a father. Finn says he is a specialist, and she says, who’s desperate to save his son, which could lead to errors in judgement. Does he want to be responsible if something happens to Chase because he did something wrong? He says, he’ll be responsible either way.

Anna tells Peter he shouldn’t be there; get out. He says he thought there might be a story for The InvaderPCPD detective struck by mysterious illness. She asks how far he’s going to take this, and he says, how far is she going to make him take it? She asks if he really doesn’t care that Chase is suffering because of him, and he says she might want to keep her voice down. He gave her his terms. No more public accusations by her and Valentin, and they’ll treat him like the upstanding citizen he is. She says he told her that he had an antidote, which he’s yet to produce. He says, about that. He’s reconsidered.

Anna and Peter go to a stairwell, and Peter says they can speak more freely there. She asks if he even has an antidote, or did he poison Chase, and make them hope they’d save him, while he’s stringing them along to get what he wants? He says, Chase is still alive, and she asks if she’s supposed to trust him. If Chase dies, Peter dies. He says she’s a bit late. Valentin already promised to kill him, but he might find it’s not as easy as he thinks. She says she thinks Valentin is pretty capable of killing Peter. Valentin is ten times the man he is; ten times smarter, and ten times more lethal. He just doesn’t have access to the bag of Faison’s leftover dirty tricks. But Valentin won’t be the one to kill him; she will. She’ll put a bullet in him, and not even blink. He says, she hates him that much? but she says she could pity him, if he’d ever tried to change. He tells her to get down off her soapbox. He has the antidote. She asks where it is, and he says, first things first. He needs her help with Maxie.

Chase asks if Willow told Michael about his face plant in his living room, but Michael says, sadly, she left that part out. Chase says he passed out cold; so much for being a tough guy. Willow says she’ll let them catch up, and check in with Portia. She leaves, and Chase says he hopes he didn’t upset her. Michael says, she just needs a minute, and Chase says Willow has barely left his side since she brought him in. She’s gone above and beyond, especially considering what he and Sasha did. They’re so lucky that she and Michael are so forgiving. Michael says, Willow didn’t tell him? and Chase says they’ve had no chance talk. Fill him in.

Finn tells Portia, with all due respect, he doesn’t feel the need to justify himself to her or anyone else. She says she respects him, and sympathizes with what he’s going through, but not enough to ignore best medical practices. He says she’ll just have to report him to the higher ups, and she says she has a duty of care. Anyone on their team, including the Chief of Staff, would agree with her. He says, so that’s it? She’s going to turn him in to Britt? She says, only if he forces her hand. Now she’s going to check on his son’s labs. Elizabeth comes in, and asks if Finn is okay. He asks if he looks okay.

Josslyn says, Jax knows about Jason saving Cameron’s life, and he asks her to remind him of the details. She says, when Cameron and Trina were kidnapped when they were on their way to the midwinter formal, Cyrus wanted to use Trina as bait to trap her father. Cameron got away, and was literally running for his life, when he tripped and fell. One of Cyrus’s men was standing over him with a gun, and was going to shoot him, when Jason shot Cyrus’s man first. Cameron told her the story, and now it’s like it never happened. Jax says, because Jason was accused of killing Franco. She says, Jason didn’t do it, and Jax says, of course (🍷) he didn’t, but Cameron doesn’t know that. All Cameron knows is, the stepfather he loved is dead. There are two witnesses, one of them is his mother, who said Jason did it. Josslyn says, Jason was kneeling near Franco, that’s all. She assumed Jason killed him, but didn’t see it happen. He asks if she told Cameron this, and she says, many times. Not that it mattered; he won’t listen. The other witness is Gladys Corbin, a lying liar who lies, and will do anything for money, but Cameron would rather believe Gladys than Jason, the man who saved his life.

Cameron says he’s glad Scotty is there, but there was no reason for it. Everything he does, his mom totally overreacts, and she’s not the only one. He feels like everyone is mad at him for some reason. Scotty says he made that mistake at Cameron’s age. He still keeps making it, so don’t follow in his footsteps. Cameron doesn’t want to go it alone; that’s no good.

Jason says whatever Carly is doing, she needs to stop. She says, wrong. She tried it his way. Cyrus offered to have Gladys retract her statement, and Jason made her turn him down. Jason says, because it was a set up. Cyrus is not going to have Gladys take back her story; Diane needs to break Gladys on the stand. She says, that won’t happen for months, and by then, he’ll be dead, and she can’t handle that. She can’t lose him. She doesn’t care if he’s mad at her, or thinks she’s wrong. They’re going do it her way, and they’re going to do it now.

Elizabeth tells Finn, it was poor choice of words. Clearly, he’s not okay. Can she help? He asks if she can convince Portia to mind her own business, and she says, about? He says he wants to be the lead on a patient’s team, and Portia thinks it’s inadvisable. She asks who the patient is, and he says, his son.

Michael says, clearly Willow has other priorities, like Chase’s heath. Chase says he appreciates that, but he can use a distraction. What’s going on? Michael says, he and Sasha broke up. They were never really back together, so it’s more accurate to say they mutually agreed to end things. Chase says he’s sorry. He thought they’d work things out. Michael says he thought so too, but they finally admitted to themselves and each other that their hearts weren’t in it anymore. He’s grateful Sasha is in his life, and hopes she feels the same, but they were headed in different directions. Chase says, what a waste. If he and Sasha hadn’t lied… Michael says they did what they did with the best intentions, and this is where they all wound up. Chase says, he knows it sounds selfish, but he can’t help wondering, if Michael and Sasha couldn’t make it, what chance do he and Willow have?

Willow sees Portia, and tells her, Chase is awake. Portia asks if he’s in any discomfort, and Willow says, he’s not complaining, but that doesn’t mean he’s not hurting. He just doesn’t want her to worry. Portia says, so he’s less than forthcoming about his symptoms, and Willow says, at least not with her in the room. She asks if there’s been any progress, and Portia says, not yet. Chase has multiple symptoms, seemingly unrelated. Right now, they have to come up with an accurate diagnosis, so they can start the proper treatment, but stay strong. They’ll figure it out.

Anna asks if Maxie didn’t call Peter from the ER the other night, and he says they are finding their way back to each other, but it’s happening way too slowly. She asks if he’s on some kind of schedule, and he says he wants to be in the room when his daughter is born. He wants her to know him from her first breath. She says, he’ll have to take that up with Maxie if he wants to be in the delivery room, and he says he wants her to lay the groundwork. After all, Anna is Maxie’s godmother, and Maxie respects her opinion. She says, not anymore. Maxie wants nothing to do with her. He says, then try harder. Make it a priority, or else – he takes a vial out of his pocket – Detective Chase will have to do without.

Cameron says Scotty is acting like he’s tried to antagonize everyone in his life, and Scotty says, no, just the people he cares about. Those are easy targets. Cameron says, maybe it’s not his fault. Is it impossible to think someone else is wrong? Scotty says, no. Cameron has a good point, but he has to make the playing field bigger. He can’t just pick on his mother, his brother, and Josslyn. Cameron tells Scotty that he didn’t say anything about Josslyn, and Scotty says, he was going to. Cameron says, the only person he wants to target is Jason, and Scotty says, Jason is in the slammer. If Cameron wants to go after someone who goofed up his life, he should do ten rounds with him.  

Josslyn tells Jax, she never thought Cameron could be this unreasonable, this flat-out hateful. He tried to convince Jake that Jason is guilty. How can he do that to his own brother? Does he think she’d do that to Avery, even though Ava is fully responsible for Morgan’s death? Jax says, of course (🍷) she wouldn’t, and she asks how could Cameron be so selfish. He says maybe she’s asking the wrong question. Maybe the question she should be asking is, is it worth losing Cameron’s friendship over something that’s out of her hands? She asks what he means, and he says they talked about playing the odds. The odds are good that Jason will be exonerated, and they’ll find the real killer. Then, Cameron will know that he’s wrong. And even if that doesn’t happen, how will it help Jason to fight with Cameron? She ponders this, and he says, the real reason he came there was, he wondered if she wanted to join him for a little flight in the Cessna? She says, at night? and he says, it will only be a couple of hours. It might give her a different perspective. She says she’d love that, but she can’t. She has to stay there; her mom needs her. He says, fine, and she hugs him, saying, fly safe. He says he always does, low and slow. He tells her, one more thing. Try to understand, underneath all that anger, Cameron is just scared. Maybe he needs Josslyn’s understanding more than Jason needs her to defend him.

Jason says, what are they doing? and Carly says, what needs to be done. He says he knows she’s scared and wants to fight, but whatever she’s setting up, she needs to think it through. Not just how it will work, but how it will fail. Will she be protected? Will there be blowback? If there is, it’s not worth risk. She says, it is, and he asks if Donna says it is. Does Josslyn say it is? It’s okay with them that their mother risks her life? He can survive in there for as long as he needs to. She says he won’t have to much longer. Be ready. He says, for what? and she says he’ll know it when he sees it. She puts the phone back, and walks out.  

Nina tells Sonny, that was crazy. What’s gotten into him? He says he thinks his partner had something to do with it, and she says she could barely keep up. He says maybe the man he used to be was a dancer. Or maybe he felt lose enough to do what he couldn’t do before. It’s just the mystery in his life that he’s not going to get the answer to. She says, there’s no mystery that he’s got skills on the dance floor, and he says, he’s not that good. He just likes to make a fool of himself. She says, dignity is overrated, and he asks if she just insulted him. She says, never. It’s just that she knows a lot of dignified people who wear their social status like armor. People who would rather look down on life rather than embrace it like him. He says he can’t imagine her with those people, and she says, right now, she can’t either. He says, when they were dancing, he saw the real her, and she says, when she was tripping over her feet? He says she was happy, shining like nothing could touch her. It’s the happiest he’s seen her since they met. She says she thinks her partner had something to do with it. They almost kiss, when Eli approaches, and asks if Nina is ready for their dance.

Eli says he saw her on the dance floor, but he couldn’t reach her, and Sonny says, maybe his timing was off. Eli asks if he can have this dance, and Phyllis and Lenny come out, Lenny leaning on Phyllis. Nina asks if he’s okay, and he says he just needs to rest. Nina says she thinks Lenny must have overdid it, and Eli says, or he wants an excuse to sit this one out. She says she’s going to double-check on Lenny, and she’ll circle back around, but Eli says, Phyllis has this one covered. The dance floor awaits. He takes her hand, but Sonny says she offered him a raincheck. Why doesn’t he take it? Eli says, whatever she wants, and she says she’ll be right back. Nina leaves, and Eli says Sonny needs to learn to stay out of business that doesn’t concern him. Sonny says, that’s the thing, Nina, Lenny, and Phyllis aren’t business; not to him anyway. Eli says he gets the feeling Sonny doesn’t think much of him, and Sonny says, why would he? Eli is lying to Lenny and Phyllis about his past. What else is he lying about?

Finn says he’s sorry for snapping at Elizabeth, and she says, don’t let it happen again. What’s going on with Chase? He says Willow brought him in last night; he passed out at his home. Initially, he was exhibiting flulike symptoms, but his fever dropped, and he developed severe neuropathy. She says, anything in his labs? and Finn says, the first round showed nothing. He ordered a second round, but he’s still waiting for the results. She says, he knows neuropathy can be the result of a condition that doesn’t show up in the initial series, and he asks if she’s telling him not to worry too much. She says, he has every right to worry. Just don’t let it cloud his judgment, or cause him to fight with the people on his side.

Portia asks how Chase is feeling, and he says, he and Michael were just discussing his imminent return to the gym. She asks Michael if they can have a moment, and he tells Chase, feel better. Chase says maybe when he gets out they can go grab a beer. Michael says, sounds like a plan, and leaves. Chase tells Portia to do her worst.

Michael tells Willow that Portia is in with Chase. She says, maybe now is a good time to talk.

Anna asks Peter if that’s an antidote or a mind game, and he says, no game. It’s the real deal. Shoot Chase up with this, and he won’t be good as new, but he’ll be further from death’s door. She tells him to give it to her, and he says, deliver Maxie. She says, that will take time, and he says, Chase doesn’t have time. She says, all right. Can’t they come to a compromise? Like an intermediary step of some sort? He says, now that she mentions it, he’d like her to arrange a visit, hassle free, with Maxie at the house they once shared. She says, done, but he says he’s going to need more than her word. He drops the vial to the floor and crushes it with his heel, telling her, work fast.

Cameron asks what Scotty did to mess up his life, and Scotty says, indirectly he did. If he’d been a better father to Franco, Franco would have turned out different; things might have been a different story. When Scotty was young, he was deemed a bad guy in this town. He did a lot of horrible stuff, and never thought about the consequences. For cryin’ out loud, he has three grown kids he didn’t know about until they were grown. He thinks about that all the time. Could he have been a better guy, a better father? Cameron says, Franco wouldn’t have wanted Scotty to blame himself, and Scotty says, he wouldn’t want Cameron to make the same mistakes he did. The things you do as a kid, that’s what shapes you. If you’re not a stand-up guy now, when you’re older, you won’t be.   

Carly comes back home, and Josslyn says she just missed dad. Carly asks if he was looking for her, and Josslyn says, no. He was taking a short trip in the Cessna, and thought she’d want to ride with him. Carly asks, where? but Josslyn says she forgot to ask. He said he’d only be gone a couple of hours. She asks if Carly is okay, and Carly says she’s getting there.

Jason is put back in his cell. The guard tells him that he just got word from the powers that be. Jason is getting a roommate.

Willow asks Michael how Chase is, and he says, Chase is putting up a good front, but he could tell he’s in pain. Willow says that’s why she couldn’t tell him about them, and he says, of course (🍷). She asks if he doesn’t think she’s a coward, but he says he thinks she’s caring and wonderful. She says, and she has no idea what she’s supposed to do now.

Portia tells Chase to rate his pain from one to ten, and he says, it’s like a three, or five, or six, but down from nine. All he knows is, last night, it was excruciating, and now he’s uncomfortable. She says his most recent lab tests will be back soon, and they can eliminate any conditions he doesn’t have. He says he’s not worried. He has the best taking care of him.   

Finn thanks Elizabeth for talking him down. He’s going to find Portia and apologize. Elizabeth says she’s sure Portia will appreciate it, but thinks right now, Chase needs his attention more than Portia does. He says, good point, and heads for Chase’s room, running into Anna on the way.   

Peter asks if Chase is up for a visitor, and Chase says, not him. Ha-ha! Peter says he’s sorry to hear that. Chase’s mother is his star reporter, and that makes Chase as part of the Invader family (ugh). Chase says Peter violated his mother’s privacy, and splashed her private personal information all over the front page. Is that how Peter treats family? Peter says, it depends on the family, and tells Chase, get well soon.

Finn asks Anna why she’s at the hospital, and she says she knows what’s wrong with Chase.

Josslyn calls Cameron, and he hesitates, but answers. She says she doesn’t like how they left things, and he says he doesn’t either. She says, can they just not give up on each other yet? He says he’s glad she called. The entire way home, he thought about calling her. He deleted about ten texts. I hope not while he was driving. He tells her that he doesn’t know what to say, except he doesn’t want to give up either. He goes upstairs with the phone, and Scotty makes a call. He leaves a message, saying he’s at the Webber house, babysitting. The kids are busy, so if she gets this message, maybe they can have their own Oktoberfest. If not, then gute Night Fräulein.  

Carly gets a call from an unknown number. She asks, is it done?… Okay. Time to move on to the rest of the plan.

Jason’s cellmate is brought in, and Jason looks shocked. We see it’s Shawn, and Jason asks, who set this up? Shawn says, good question.

Lenny looks at Eli and Sonny, and says, look at those two fools. Like a couple of roosters, strutting around the barnyard. Phyllis says she’ll talk to him, but Nina says, they can handle it. Phyllis says, she hopes.  

Eli tells Sonny, so what if he lost his shirt with the startup? and Sonny says, he nearly went to prison in the process. Did he tell Lenny and Phyllis that? Eli says, why would he tell them something that would worry them? and Sonny says, because they’d be less trusting and generous with him? Eli says, like they are with him? He has a sweet deal. Why doesn’t he back the hell off? Sonny asks, why not tell Lenny and Phyllis what happened in California? and Eli says they don’t have to be enemies. Sonny tells him, who said anything about enemies? and Eli says, he did, and walks away. Nina asks Sonny, how about another dance? and he says he’s game if she is. She says, just try to keep up.

Lenny tells Phyllis, it’s been going downhill since Eli offered to buy the Tan-O and Mike gave them the money to keep it. Phyllis says, she thinks it’s got less to do with the Tan-O, and more to do with Nina. Lenny says Phyllis started pushing her toward Mike. Has she changed her mind about Eli? Phyllis says she’s staying neutral. Nina has to make up her own mind. All of a sudden, Jax appears, and says he’s hoping they can help him find someone.  

Tomorrow, Willow knows it’s a lot to ask, Maxie says she’s in trouble, Carly says she needs more than Jordan’s word, Jax asks if Nina is still in Nixon Falls, and Jason wonders who set this up. It’s a lot.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Marge invited the women to a yacht party in Norwalk, Connecticut on ghostwriter Emily’s yacht (the same ghostwriter Teresa used). I’m rethinking my career if the ghostwriter is the one who has the yacht. Marge was going to read some of her book to her friends, so she could get the vibe. Melissa wasn’t feeling well, and passed on the party. Since Marge said Melissa had been throwing up, I wondered if Melissa could be pregnant. Even though she’s said that ship has sailed, four words – change of life baby. Feel free to start a rumor. Delores told Frank Jr. about her abnormal mammogram because she didn’t want to repeat her mistake in not telling David about having a procedure that could potentially affect her family. In her interview, Teresa admitted she was dating someone, but wasn’t ready to talk about it.

Jennifer talked to daughter Gabriella about the fight between her grandparents. Jennifer explained that she’d grown up with that, and had been petrified of her mother. She tried her best, but was never happy. She told Gabriella that her grandmother had married when she was 16 and her grandfather was 26. It had been an arranged marriage, and since Josephine was the only daughter at home, she had to cook and clean for everyone. Jennifer thought she’d agreed to get out of the house, but then he wanted to move to America, ripping her away from her family. Jennifer also thought her mother was embarrassed that her dad was staying with them, and wondered what people would think. She said it was also possible Josephine was a little jealous of Jennifer’s marriage. In Jennifer’s interview, she said her mother didn’t get to choose her life, and they had to understand where she was coming from.

Emily’s boat was called The Frivolous, and a fabulous spread was arranged. Emily introduced Captain Fred and First Mate Parker, and Jackie immediately wanted to fix Parker up with Teresa, saying in her interview that she wanted Teresa to be happy. Maybe if she was happy, she’d stop doing bad things. When everyone arrived, Jackie said she was going to be 44 soon, and they discussed possible plans. A restaurant was brought up, and Teresa said she’d gone there on a date. In Marge’s interview, she said she was glad Teresa was admitting it, and Teresa told them that she’d met him at the Shore after praying that her mother would send her a guy who was everything she’d ever wanted. She told the women that they were taking it slow. Delores said he sounded like a guy who would court her, and in Delores’s interview, she said maybe Teresa wasn’t being honest with herself, or telling herself what she needed to, since she was pregaming with pineapple.

Marge said the first chapters of her book were about Marge Sr. – the first chapter called Raised By Wolves – and she was going to read about how and why she slept with her boss. In Marge’s interview, she said she was nervous. It was bringing her back to a time in her life when she wasn’t strong, and now it would be in print forever. She felt vulnerable. She read that she knew he was taking advantage of his power, but she compartmentalized. In Jennifer’s interview, she said the first time Marge told the story, it was in a different tone. She hadn’t understood Marge felt powerless, and just thought she was living it up. Jen told Marge that wasn’t how she’d processed it, and Marge said Jen didn’t read things correctly. At a time when people were worried about getting a stimulus check, she was on Instagram, complaining she couldn’t find help. She was tone deaf. Jennifer told Marge, if she didn’t like the music, change the channel, and Emily said Jennifer didn’t know how to read the yacht. Jennifer said they had no idea how much she had on her plate. Her kids were homeschooled; her parents were constantly going at each other, so she had to referee; and she had a hard time taking care of such a large house. She didn’t feel she should be judged for the occasional good time – i.e. getting blackout drunk and falling all over the place. She said after hearing Marge read her story, her perception had changed, and she was sorry. She told them about how her mom believed she’d been emotionally abused during her marriage, and she wanted to cheer her up. She thought her mom should do something social, and wanted to have everyone over with their moms. She thought maybe Josephine’s peers could give her advice, since if it came from Jennifer, she thought it was an attack. Marge said life was too short to hold grudges, and suggested they move forward. In her interview, Jennifer said, even though she thought Marge sometimes came for her, she respected and loved Marge, and wanted to find a way to move forward.  

Jennifer visited Melissa, who told Jennifer about her date night with Joe #2. She said she was scared to have in depth conversations with him because she felt like they ended up arguing. She was ready to go, and thought if Joe held her back, she’d end up resenting him. Jackie brought up Teresa’s mention of her boyfriend, and in Melissa’s interview, she said she’d been sworn to secrecy. She had to pretend she hadn’t met him, even though she had. Teresa had always been on the defense, backing up her marriage to Joe #1, and if she had a nice guy who made her feel good about herself, maybe she’d chill. She thought if Teresa was content and in love, she would be a better Teresa. These people expect a lot out of Teresa getting boinked.

Marge Sr. came by Marge’s house, and Marge asked if she’d read the book. Marge Sr. said she had, and she’d known about Marge’s antics in high school, but not the sexual harassment later. Marge said, at the time, women felt shame or like they were responsible. In Marge’s interview, she said women were made to feel that if they looked sexy or attractive, they brought it on themselves. She was afraid to say anything, since she was 22 and had her dream job. Marge Sr. felt badly that Marge had never felt safe growing up, and Marge said, growing up, she wanted Marge Sr. to be the same as the other mothers, but she also loved the glamour. Their bathroom was filled with cosmetics even though their refrigerator looked like it belonged to a bachelor. She said she’d gotten her work ethic from Marge Sr., and Marge Sr. said she felt badly that she hadn’t been around more, and didn’t give Marge the advice she needed. Her personal life had been a mess. Marge said she’d made up for it, and was the best grandmother ever. Marge Sr. said that Marge had become a fantastic woman, and she knew the book would be a success. I can’t wait to read it. For the record, I too, worked in the garment district, and can back up the attitude Marge talks about. However – and this is not judging Marge in any way – I didn’t go down the same path. One day, I was bending over my desk, and the VP came by. He put his hand in my back pocket, and I never even turned around, but told him, if he wanted to keep that hand, he would take it out immediately. He did, and laughed, never doing it again. I guess he could have fired me, but I was pretty good at what I did. True story.

Melissa gave Antonia a private shopping experience at envy, where they picked out some school clothes. Melissa asked if Antonia was still with her boyfriend, and Antonia said she was, but didn’t want to talk about it. Actually, she seems like a typical teenager who doesn’t want to talk about anything personal with their parents. Melissa barreled on anyway, telling Antonia that her mother never told her about anything. She asked if Antonia had had sex yet, and Antonia said no, but wondered why Melissa wanted information about her life. Melissa said Antonia was her daughter and she knew Antonia was no longer a child. She said Antonia needed to know she could get pregnant, or get a number of STDs, at which point Antonia looked like she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her. She told Melissa, please stop, and Melissa said Antonia could laugh, but needed to hear what she was saying. That’s where Antonia had enough, and hid in the bathroom, saying she’d be back after a 15 minute pee. In Melissa’s interview, she said she hoped she got the message across that Antonia could come to her. She yelled to Antonia that she had to be strong enough to say no, and Antonia went, la-la-la.

Jennifer and Josephine got ready for their Turkish tea party, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said her mom was in her glory when she was putting out a big spread. She loved to cook, and started cooking with her own mother when she was five. Jennifer’s grandmother was famous for some of her dishes in the village, and Josephine had even surpassed her. When the party commenced, I almost didn’t recognize Jennifer’s mom without her hair in a bun and wearing an apron over old lady slacks. She looked a lot younger. Melissa told everyone about discussing sex with Antonia, which I’m sure will thrill Antonia when she sees that. We flashed back to various scenes with Teresa and her mom, and Teresa said she had to leave; she missed her mom. In her interview, she said, you never get over the loss of your mom. She felt the need to see her, so she feels like she’s with her (by which, I assume she means go to the cemetery). I could understand this, since my dad died just before I got married, and I tried to spend the next Christmas with my in-laws. I had to leave too. Teresa told the women that she’d had so much anxiety, she could sleep the night before. We were all wiping our eyes.

There was no preview, other than, to be continued…

Like Sands In the Hourglass…

Lots of tea tomorrow, as well as the long-awaited finale for Frat Summer House. It looks like they saved their most disgusting drunken messes for last. For now, stay safe, stay fierce in a good way, and stay never thinking you brought harassment on yourself just because you look good.

April 20, 2021 – Cyrus Gets Some News, New Project, Open To It, Explosive Reunion, Too Many, Award Winning Fashion, Back To Life & Changes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jason is brought to the visiting room, and the guard takes his shackles off. He sits down and waits. 

At Carly’s, Laura is on the phone, leaving Nikolas a message to please call her back. Carly is also on the phone, and says, they need help. They need to get her mother and Florence out now. They both grab their coats, and jet out the door.

On the phone at Jordan’s, Taggert thanks someone for the update. He says, let him know if Cyrus does something sketchy… True. He’s usually doing something sketchy, but if it’s out of the ordinary, call right away. Jordan comes in, and asks who he was talking to. He says, Epiphany agreed to be his eyes and ears at the hospital. He does know Britt was transferred to keep her in the dark, but Cyrus has been keeping a low profile. She says, until that changes, Taggert isn’t on house arrest. The ankle monitor works anywhere. He should go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. He says she’s trying to get rid of him, and she says she’s not, but she does think Cyrus is taking up too much real estate in his head. Cyrus has taken enough already. He asks if she’s okay, and she says, actually, she’s on her way to talk to Curtis about their divorce.

In the prison yard, Alexis tells Elda, crazy weather, huh? and Elda asks who Alexis is calling crazy, and Alexis says she’s not calling Elda crazy. Elda asks if Alexis is calling her a liar, and Alexis says she’s trying to apologize. Elda says, Alexis talks too much, but she wouldn’t if she didn’t have any teeth. Actually, I think that would be her tongue, but, semantics.  

Trina arrives at Carly’s house, and she and Josslyn hug. Josslyn says, it feels like forever since they’ve seen each other, and Trina says Josslyn has barely been around this week. Josslyn says she’s been super busy doing some extra credit work, and volunteering at the soup kitchen, and volleyball is crazy. Trina asks, how’s the ankle? and Josslyn says she has a brace now, so she can play through it. Trina asks what she’s missing. It’s the spring of their senior year, and everyone else is enjoying their last days. Why is Josslyn being so hyper?   

At Perdino’s, Martin tells Cyrus, as thrilling as it is to sit with him while they check their phones, he has to dash. Cyrus says, don’t go, but Martin says he’s had enough coffee, and it’s too early for booze. He’s sure he’s needed at the office for some reason. Cyrus says he’s expecting important news, and wants Martin to celebrate with him. Stick around.

On the phone, the Colonel tells Nikolas that his men are ready to go. Should they proceed? Nikolas says, do it. Go

Josslyn asks how things are with Trina’s dad, and Trina says they’re getting together after she and Josslyn are done. Josslyn is glad they’re patching things up, and Trina says, her too. She’s just sorry she wasted time being mad at him, and Josslyn tells her to just make the best of their time now. They seem to be doing that. Trina says, she thinks it’s weird that Jordan took responsibility for him, and Josslyn says, which the judge probably allowed only because she’s the Commissioner. He probably wasn’t allowed to stay with anyone else. Trina says, that’s part of it, but she was so mean to Jordan when Jordan was secretly helping her dad. Whenever she saw Jordan, she gave her attitude. Josslyn says, as mean as Trina was to Jordan, she was worse to Curtis, and Trina asks, how is that helpful? Josslyn say she’s sure they understand, and Trina says, her point is, Jordan has always been nice to her, and it makes her feel worse. But enough about her. What’s going on with Josslyn? Why is she being an even bigger overachiever at the least appropriate time? Josslyn says she wants to pad her transcripts, but Trina says, anyone who’s going to look at them, has seen them already. Josslyn is the complete scholar/athlete package. Josslyn says, Southern Coastal doesn’t think so. They waitlisted her.

Taggert says he’s sorry Jordan and Curtis couldn’t work things out, and she says she is too. He wonders if that’s why she wants him out of the apartment, but she asks what that would have to do with anything. He says they wouldn’t be breaking up had he not come back, but Jordan says, let her be clear. No one broke up her and Curtis except her and Curtis. He says, not true. All of their problems can be traced back to Cyrus. She says she doesn’t want to think Cyrus has that kind of power over her life, and he says, if he hadn’t been undercover for so long, trying to take Cyrus down, he and Portia might have had a chance. Portia wouldn’t have needed to find someone else. Jordan says Portia told her. She knows Portia was with Curtis. Taggert says, but Curtis wasn’t the problem. Cyrus tanked their marriage, like he’s doing now with hers. That’s why they have to keep looking to find someone to stop him.

Curtis walks into Perdino’s, and Cyrus tells Martin, there’s someone he must say hello to. Martin asks if Cyrus realizes that anyone with the character he proports to have, would steer clear of him, because they don’t believe he is of such character. Does Cyrus intend to prove them right? Cyrus says he’s doing no such thing. He’s going to offer his sympathies. Martin asks if he can do that without sneering, and Cyrus asks if Martin must malign him so. Martin says, yes, and Cyrus says Curtis has moved into the MetroCourt. That means he and Jordan split up. How can he, as a person of character, ignore Curtis’s pain?  

Anna apologizes to Jason for not coming sooner. He says, she’s been busy, and she says she has. Robin and Noah send their love. He says he sends them his, and she asks if he needs anything. He says he’s fine, and she says he’s been fighting. We see his hand is bruised, and he says, it’s not his first time in there. She doesn’t have to worry about him. She says she’ll try not to, but she helped put him in there.

Elda pins Alexis against the wall, and asks if she’s stupid. She said, shut up. Number one, words are no good in there, and she’s going to make sure Alexis remembers. A woman walks in with her crew, and says it looks like Elda has caught a new fish.

The Colonel says they breached the parameter without resistance. The men there retreated before his team went in. Nikolas asks if he means Carly’s people let them in, and Ava says, maybe it’s a trap, but Nikolas doesn’t think so. It’s a farmhouse in Vermont, not an armed encampment. The Colonel says they’re in the house, and Nikolas asks if there’s a problem. They lose contact, and Nikolas wonders, what happened? Carly and Laura walk in, and Carly says, it’s simple. She gave her men a heads up that they were about to be attacked.

Elda addresses the woman as Steph, and asks if she wants in on the action, but Steph says, no. Throw her back. She’s not worth the trouble. Elda says Alexis was mouthing off and disrespecting her, but Steph says, it sounds like Elda is disrespecting her. Elda says, no, she doesn’t do that, and Steph says, then forget about her, and get out of here. Elda leaves, and Alexis thanks Steph, who says, no problem. Alexis introduces herself, and Steph says she knows who Alexis is. She needs to keep her head down. Alexis says she’ll do that, and thanks her again. Steph says, that’s why they pay her for, and Alexis says, what? but Steph is already gone.    

Trina tells Josslyn, that doesn’t mean there’s still no chance for her to get into Southern Coastal, but Josslyn says the number is small. That’s why she’s going all out to prove she’s good enough. Trina says she thinks Josslyn needs to stop, and Josslyn says, quitting sends the right message, but Trina says, in this case, it does. Josslyn has done more than enough, and if they can’t see that, it’s their loss. The doorbell rings, and Trina asks if something is wrong. Josslyn says, it’s weird. The guard should call before he lets someone in. She goes to the door, and opens it to Cameron.

Jordan tells Taggert that she spent the past year trying to put Cyrus away, and all she’s got to show for it is a broken marriage. He says, she got out from under Cyrus’s thumb, but she says he’s using GH as a front, so that he can manufacture a dangerous drug. Taggert asks how that worked out, and Jordan says, Laura and Monica did sway the board. He asks if that’s a small thing, and she says, it’s a small victory compared to putting Cyrus away. They need a breakthrough, now that Cyrus is doing his best to live up to the new respectable image that she gave him; another thing she’ll always regret. Taggert says, that image is paper thin, and when Cyrus messes up – and he will – they’ll be there.

Curtis gets a beer at the bar, and Cyrus walks up behind him. Cyrus asks if Curtis is tired of the MetroCourt restaurant already. Living in a hotel does have its draw backs. Obviously, it’s not a good sign for his marriage, and he was rooting for them. Curtis doesn’t turn around, but says, walk away. Cyrus says he’s far from finished, and Curtis turns to look at him.  

Jason tells Anna, only one person is responsible for him being in there, and it’s not her. She says he warned he about Peter, but she wouldn’t listen. Peter framed Obrecht, and now he framed Jason. Jason says, whatever happened already is done. What is Anna doing about it now? She says she and Carly are working to prove Cyrus paid Gladys, and thanks him for sending Carly to her. It’s been a pleasure. He says he knew they’d be more effective working together, and she says, because of the divergent approach to problem solving? He says, something like that. Have they made any progress? She says their plan was put on hold, and he asks if Peter’s got something on her.

Carly tells Nikolas, points for discovering Florence’s location, but he’s too late. She was ahead of him. He says Laura told Carly? and Laura says he gave her no choice. It’s not the way to deal with Cyrus. Ava tries to interject, but Carly tells her, stay the hell out of it. Nikolas says, don’t talk to his wife like that. He listens on the phone, and says, the target, the guard, and the nurse are locked in the panic room. Carly says, the nurse is her mother, but Nikolas tells the Colonel, extract the target. If they resist try not to cause any injury. Laura says, tell them to stand down before someone is killed.

Jason asks if Peter threatened Carly or Robin, but Anna says it’s someone not in his circle. He asks if it’s Britt, since he walked in when Peter was threatening her once, but Anna says, no. Jason says, Peter threatened someone Anna cares about who’s not Robin, and she says she’s doing what she can to eliminate the situation, but her hands are tied. He asks if she came there to tell him that there’s nothing she can do for him, but she says, no. She came to ask for help.

Cameron says, hi, and Josslyn returns the greeting. Trina says, as much as she’d love to stay, she’s meeting her dad. Josslyn thanks her for stopping by, and she says, her pleasure. Now work things out. Cameron comes in, and Josslyn asks, what brings him by? and he says he missed his best friend.

Cyrus says he also wants to congratulate Curtis on his change in career. He hopes Curtis has more luck as a club owner than a P.I. It must have been frustrating when he had a case where he knew the suspect was guilty, but he wasn’t good enough to find evidence. Curtis asks how Cyrus’s mom is. Does Cyrus know? Cyrus says they’re not talking about his mother, but Curtis says, they are now. Cyrus might be interested to know she’s fine, and Cyrus says, and he knows how? Curtis says he saw her the other day, and man, she was happy as a clam. She was chatting about how proud she was of her son. It was Martin this, and Martin that. Come to think of it, he doesn’t recall her having a good word to say about Cyrus. It doesn’t surprise him, and he’s sure it doesn’t surprise Cyrus. He takes a drink, and Cyrus says Curtis hasn’t seen his mother. Curtis says Cyrus is right. He’s just messing with him. He was going to judge Cyrus for kicking a man when he’s down, but he decided to do the Christian thing, and walk a mile in his shoes. He has to say, it was all good watching Cyrus’s eyes glaze over with such rage. How does he manage it? Cyrus says he admits Curtis surprised him. A virtuous upstanding man, capable of well thought out cruelty. Curtis says don’t tell him they’re more alike than either of them is willing to admit, because they aren’t. Cyrus says, aren’t they? How badly does Curtis want to find out?

Maggie asks if Alexis is okay, and Alexis says she thinks so. Maggie says, Elda didn’t do much damage; she’s lucky. Alexis says Elda was about to smash her face in, when a woman named Steph interrupted. Maggie says, no one messes with Steph. Why did she help Alexis? Alexis says she has no idea.

Carly tells Nikolas to get his men out now, but he says, if Cyrus doesn’t get his mother today, Alexis could be hurt or killed. It’s not a risk he wants to take. Laura says she told him she has a good relationship with the warden, and she’ll talk to him. He can put protection in place. Nikolas says, the authorities won’t help if Cyrus sends his people in. Carly asks if he’s willing to risk Bobbie’s life, and Florence is old and frail. She could have a heart attack and die.  What will Cyrus think then? Nikolas tells Carly, there’s a simple solution. Tell her men to open the room, and hand Florence over. She says, Florence is her only leverage, and he says, that’s not his problem. She says, the hell it isn’t. If Cyrus gets her back, he’ll turn Port Charles into a big drug den. He asks if she isn’t being melodramatic, and Laura says, they saw what the drugs did to Sasha. What does he think they’ll do when Cyrus unleashes them to the kids on the playground? He says, that’s a problem for law enforcement. Alexis is in trouble now, and he’s not risking her life for what ifs. It’s up to Carly. She can surrender Florence, or his men will go in and get her. Carly picks up the phone, but Laura says, wait.

Josslyn says she misses Cameron too, and they hug. She says she really hates when they fight. He says, him too, and asks if they can stop fighting, and put this behind them. She says, definitely, and he says, awesome. He says he’s glad it’s over with, and she says, her too. How has he been? He says, not great actually. Things at home are pretty rough. She asks if it’s because of what he said to Jake about Jason, and he says he apologized multiple times. He doesn’t think Jake hates him, but he doesn’t think Jake has forgiven him. Josslyn says, he will, and Cameron hopes so. The worst part isn’t that Jake is upset with him, but why he’s upset. He really hurt Jake, but it wasn’t his intention at all. She tells him that she’s got to say she’s surprised Jake is still angry. What did Jake say after Cameron told him that he realized Jason didn’t kill Franco?  Cameron asks why he’d say that. He’s not going to lie to his brother. She says, so he still thinks Jason killed Franco? and he says he knows Jason did. 

Trina goes to Jordan’s apartment, and she and Taggert hug. He thanks her for coming, and says he was counting on this all week. She says, her too, and asks if Jordan is there. He says, no, but she doesn’t have to be uncomfortable around Jordan. Trina says she thinks it’s strange that Taggert is living there, when Jordan’s husband moved out, and he says if he hadn’t made this arrangement, Trina would be visiting him in Pentenville. She says, obviously, he and Jordan go back a long way. What she’s asking is… were they ever, you know, a couple?    

Maggie asks Alexis, what’s the story? and Alexis says, Elda terrorized her, and a woman named Steph sent her packing with a withering gaze. Maggie says, Steph is connected, and Alexis asks, how? Like the mob? Maggie says Alexis didn’t hear it from her, but Steph is one of Cyrus’s people.    

Cyrus asks if he’s hearing Curtis right. Is Curtis threating him? Curtis asks if he was unclear, when Jordan joins them. She tells Curtis, don’t play his game, and Cyrus says she’s looking lovely as always. She and Curtis walk away, and Cyrus goes back to his table. Martin starts to get up, and Cyrus asks where he’s going. Martin says, for God’s sake, he’s got clients, and things to do. Frankly, this petty power trip, seeing if Cyrus can get his baby brother to sit, stay, and heal, is getting tired. Cyrus can text him later, and regale him with the glories that he missed. Cyrus says he promises it will be worth Martin’s while. He’s sure it won’t be long.  

Anna says, what she can’t tell Carly is why she can’t make a move, and Jason says, Carly thinks she’s on her own, and Anna is afraid Carly is going make it worse. Anna says she knows Carly is going to make it worse. He’s been there before. She doesn’t blame Carly, but Carly has to stand down. She thought Jason might persuade her. He sighs, and says he can try, but in the end, Carly is going to do what she’s going to do.

Carly gets on the phone, and tells Tony that he needs to listen. She tells him to go to the panic room and open the door. Give the men Florence. Make sure her mother gives the men Florence’s medication. No violence; it’s over. Nikolas says she did the right thing, and she tells him that he’s a naïve idiot and a sucker. He’s an arrogant rich boy with a lot of money and no common sense. He played right into Cyrus’s hands. Now Cyrus knows he has leverage if he needs to use it. She tells Nikolas, enjoy doing Cyrus’s bidding, and keep telling himself he’s a hero. Ava wonders if anyone has loved their aunt more, and Carly says, of course (🍷) Ava is wrapped up in this. She brings out the worst in everyone. Carly leaves, but Laura hangs back. Nikolas says he knows Laura has something to say, and Laura says, damn right she does.

Taggert tells Trina, he and Jordan worked together, that’s it. He never cheated with her. Trina asks, how about after their split? but Taggert says he didn’t see Jordan again until he came back to Port Charles, and by then, she was married to Curtis. Trina says, not for much longer, but Taggert says, they’re friends; that’s it. Trina thanks him, and says it was bugging her. She had to know. He asks what she wants to do. He was thinking they could go to the PCU campus and walk around, check out where she’ll be staying for the next four years. She says, they could do that… He says, it’s a good idea, but… and she asks if he knows when his trial is going to start. He says he doesn’t want her to worry, and she says she won’t. He says, really? and she says, no. How can he ask her not to worry about her father going to prison? He says there’s nothing they can do about it, good or bad, so they should focus on the good stuff, and Trina should enjoy what’s left of her senior year. She’s at the top of the heap, and should ride that wave until graduation. She says, speaking of which, is there any chance of him making this one?   

Jordan tells Curtis not to let Cyrus get to him, but he says, he wasn’t. Cyrus took it upon himself to get in Curtis’s face. She says she knows what Cyrus hates most of all, being ignored. Do that next time. He says, next time, he’s going to punch Cyrus in the face. Then he’ll ignore him. She says, once their divorce is public, Cyrus will stop bothering him. He wonders if that isn’t wishful thinking, and she says, regardless, Cyrus isn’t Curtis’s problem anymore.  

Maggie tells Alexis that Cyrus is pretending to be a respectable citizen, but don’t believe it. Alexis says she doesn’t, but Cyrus doesn’t have a connection there anymore. Maggie says, he’s still running the place. Whatever Alexis does, don’t cross them. Alexis tells her, Steph said something bizarre. She thanked Steph for the intervention, and she said she was just doing what she’s paid to do. Is that an expression or does Maggie think someone is paying Steph? Maggie says, she doesn’t know, but it would explain why Steph helped her. Alexis says, Steph would usually not do that? and Maggie says, she’d usually be taking bets. Chances are, Cyrus is paying her. Alexis says, that must be it, but she doesn’t get it. What has she done for Cyrus to protect her?

Nikolas asks how Laura can judge him for protecting Alexis, and Laura says he should have let her do it. Cyrus threw down the gauntlet, and he couldn’t resist the challenge to show his strength, and show his own power. Carly was harsh, but she wasn’t wrong. He showed Cyrus how to get him to do his bidding. He has no power over Cyrus; he’s in Cyrus’s debt. Nikolas says, as long as Alexis is protected, they’re even, and Laura says, as long as Alexis needs Cyrus’s protection, they’ll never be even. She throws up her hands, and says, why? He was just starting to get his life back together. He fell in love, and he was happy. He was acting like the Nikolas she remembers. Her beautiful son, strong and competent. He says, he is her Nikolas, but she says, no. Her son has made a terrible mistake. She leaves, and Nikolas thanks Ava for having his back. Ava says, of course (🍷), and he says he knows she disagreed with his plan. She may as well let him have it.

Josslyn tells Cameron, she doesn’t understand. If he still thinks Jason killed Franco, why is he there? He says he told her; he missed her. She said she missed him. Can’t they agree not to talk about Jason? Josslyn says, it’s not like they’re disagreeing on songs they like. Jason is a person who’s been part of her life her entire life. He says, that person murdered his stepdad, and she says he needs to leave. He can’t come into her mother’s home, and bash her best friend. He can’t tear down people who are important to her, and then not talk about it. It’s not working. He asks if she’s saying they can’t hang out anymore.

Anna tells Jason, since Carly lost Sonny, she knows how important it is for Carly to protect everyone she loves, but for everyone’s sake Anna needs time. He says, once she reverses the situation, what’s the end game? and she says she’ll deal with Peter. He says he doesn’t know what that means, and she says it means she’ll get as much evidence as she can to put Peter in prison. He says, if she can’t? and she says, then she won’t have choice. She’ll have to end things. He says, it’s one thing to say that, but when it comes down to it…. She says, when the time comes, she’ll do whatever is necessary, even if it means eliminating Peter.

Cameron says he knows Jason is like family, and Josslyn says, Jason is family. He says, if she looks at everything, and puts her feelings aside, she’ll see, but she says, doesn’t he think she’s done that? Even after she’s taken everything into consideration, she can’t ignore what she knows. He says, how Jason hates Franco? and she says, how Jason loves Jake, and how he cares about Cameron’s mom. Cameron asks if they can’t put their feelings aside, and not talk about it, but she says, ignoring it won’t make the problem go away. He asks if she’s saying she doesn’t want to be friends anymore.

Taggert says he’s hoping with all his heart to be at Trina’s graduation. He has faith that a jury of his peers will see that what he did was wrong, but he did it for the right reasons. Lives were saved. Trina is glad he changed his plea, and he says he is too. Right now, all he’s interested in is embarrassing her at her graduation. She’s going to take over the Louvre. She can do anything she wants, and God willing, he’ll be there, cheering her on.

Martin says he’s so bored, he wishes he had a headache. Cyrus’s stern tone and austere look aside, he’s out of here. Cyrus’s phone rings, and he says, the wait is over, regardless. He answers, and says, yes… Excellent. Proceed. He tells Martin, good news. Mother is coming home.

Maggie asks if Alexis ever defended any of Cyrus’s people; she’s not judging. Alexis says she’s no friend of Cyrus’s; the opposite. Maggie says, then she’s got nothing. If she was Alexis, she wouldn’t ask too many questions. Whatever the reason, someone is looking out for her. Alexis flashes back to asking Nikolas if his offer to help involves a jailbreak, and him saying, no, but she’ll be protected in Pentenville. The other inmates will know she’s off limits. She remembers asking him what he did, and him telling her, let it suffice to say he’s taken steps to make sure his favorite aunt stays safe. In the yard, she says, Nikolas, what did you give Cyrus to get him to protect me?    

Ava tells Nikolas, she may not agree with his methods, but she knows what it’s like to make decisions no one understands. She knows he did it to protect his aunt, and she loves him for that. He says, really? She is amazing. She says, of course (🍷) she is. That’s why he married her. And he’s… He says, amazing too? and she says, he has his virtues, but what she was going say is, he’s not alone anymore, because has her. She’s his wife, and she loves him. He says he loves her too. He’s so lucky to have her. She says, damn right, and they hug.

Jason sits in the visiting room, when Carly comes in looking pissed off. She sits, and says, Cyrus got Florence back. He puts the phone down for a moment, gathers himself, and picks it back up. She says they can’t wait any longer. They have to move.

Tomorrow, Scotty tells Elizabeth, it’s a good time to get close; Carly says they’re going to do it her way, and do it now; and the firehouse dance in Nixon Falls happens.

🎞 What a Tease…

I loved him as Carrrlos, but this guy is crazy multi-talented.

🍀 They’d Be Lucky To Have Him…

It would be a really long commute though.

🔥 Coming In Hot…

Apparently, Teresa forgot what an analogy was again.

REPORT: Teresa Giudice Had “Very Explosive” Fight With Jackie Goldschneider at RHONJ Reunion Taping, Find Out If Teresa’s Boyfriend Luis Made an Appearance

🥁 Quarter Year Roll Call…

I’m telling you, it seems like an extraordinary amount, covid or no.

🎩 Best Of the Best…

A look at the most important thing about the Academy Awards.

🎢 Wheee…

Coney Island is back in business. I used to cut work to go there.

😐 Is It Friday Yet…?

We’ve all made it through another day, so, winning. Join me tomorrow, when I’ll check into the Hospital, and go yachting with some Housewives. Whether you come for the soap or a dose of reality, stay safe, stay spiritually prosperous, and stay not asking too many questions if somebody is protecting you in the prison yard.

April 19, 2021 – Hospital Closed For the Day, a Visit, an Award, a Move, a Temp, Too Many Smoke Breaks On Deck, Realization, Returning, Country Fashion & Dance


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

GH was preempted today, and unfortunately, my secret sauce sources were not able to keep the contraband episode posted for very long before it was removed for restricted content. Boo, hiss, ABC. In it’s place, like a changeling, was a repeat from when Carly was interrogated by the PA detective, after Nelle’s body was found on the Pennsylvania side of the river (🍷). As a consolation prize, here’s some news.

👩🏻‍⚕️ Robin Redux…

The scuttlebutt is, Robin will be making an appearance in Port Charles soon.

🥇 Award Winner…

Congrats to Sonny/Mike/Maurice!

🌲 Another Transfer…

It looks like another former resident of Pine Valley will be moving to Port Charles.

🩺 Be Back Soon…

Britt has to take a break.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Stipanska, Croatia.  Complaining about Daisy’s constructive criticism, Natasha tells Dani that she’s not in for this bullsh*t. She’s had enough. In her interview, she says she doesn’t mind feedback. It’s the way Daisy is delivering it. I nearly choke on my coffee. Not only does she mind any feedback that isn’t praise, Daisy couldn’t have been more careful about her words. She tells Dani, the guests loved the food. She doesn’t know what Daisy is telling her. Dani points to the door, indicating Daisy is nearby, but Natasha says she doesn’t care. She can’t take sh*t right now.

In Daisy’s interview, she says she’s sick of hearing what an incredible chef Natasha is, when she won’t take feedback. She’s fueled by insecurities. Any chef would welcome feedback. She tells Alli that Natasha thinks she’s perfect. In Sydney’s interview, she says, regardless of what went down with Gary, she can slip into work mode. They’re both adults, and the situation is hard, but they can do it. The guests get ready for dinner and poker night.

The first two courses are lobster and mushroom risotto with parmesan cheese and truffle oil, and I cry over my leftover Chinese. Primary Frank says he’s already getting full. Gary hangs around the laundry, where Alli is supposed to be working. In Alli’s interview, she says, no boy is worth drama with her cabinmate. Gary tells Alli that it should never have happened with Sydney, and in her interview, Alli says she’s emotionally aware that her actions are affecting Sydney, but she wishes Sydney had said something sooner. If Gary and Sydney hadn’t kissed, she would have pursued something sooner, but now it’s hard. Daisy radios for Alli to do turndowns. Gary tells Alli that she’s a cool chick, blah-blah-blah, and gives her a hug. He wonders if they can stay like this, when Daisy finally comes looking for Alli. She tells Gary that if he’s going to be in there, do something. He’s distracting Alli. She tells Alli to go back to doing turndowns, and says she was giving Gary the benefit of the doubt. She waited a while, but Alli is supposed to be doing service; it’s the busiest time. She asks that Gery be supportive of her.

Gary and JL get ready to set up for Black Jack. The guests are stuffed, and Frank says, it’s a perfect charter. Colin high-fives Natasha, and Dani says they have the best crew and chef. Daisy asks Gary to set up the table, and Glenn asks her, how’s it going? If there’s tension, it will make a bad impression, so they’ll have to set it aside. In Glenn’s interview, he says he’s concerned about conflict between his department heads. They should set an example. He doesn’t know how long the guests will stay happy if tensions boil over. Daisy asks if Colin wants to play poker, and in his interview, he says, a good crew member needs to apply themselves where their needed most. He wants good tips, happy guests, and a happy crew.

JL says Gary looks like a leprechaun in his bowler hat. Daisy tells Alli that Natasha’s level of confidence is obnoxious. She thinks maybe Natasha just doesn’t like her. Gary deals cards, and Dani serves drinks. JL sits on the side with Dani, and in Dani’s interview, she says she likes JL more than she wanted to. He’s a good American boy, and respectable…? A producer tells her, it’s respectful. JL calls his mom, who wonders why he’s awake this late, and he says he’s on the night shift; that’s how it works. He says he thinks he met someone. Colin tells Gary, it’s been a long day. He’s been working for 18 hours straight. No one was meant to be awake this late except JL. JL tells his mom that he’s never had a connection like this, and she says, if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. He sends her a picture. In Colin’s interview, he says, there’s nothing more irritating than a crew member who’s not proactive. Is JL just sitting there?

JL’s mom says she’s proud of him, and Gary asks JL what he’s up to. Is he just sitting there? He needs to wait on the guests. JL goes downstairs, and in his interview, Gary says, the lack of team effort is aggravating. He tells Colin that he’s going to swap out with JL, and heads to bed. Frank is also done for the night, leaving his three boys still playing with wife Jessica. One of them (they all seem interchangeable) gets cranky when he loses, and Jessica says he can’t play with the big boys if he’s going to be acting like that. Everyone goes to bed, angry guy still pouting, and Dani kisses JL on the bridge.   

Last day of charter. Gary feels broken, and Glenn looks like he’s sweeping the deck with a pool noodle. He stops by the galley, and tells Natasha to let him know if she accidentally makes too many pancakes. In Sydney’s interview, she says, how you do your job says a lot about who you are as a person. She wants to prove she’s capable, and can do the job every time she’s on deck. It’s important that she represents women, and she eventually wants to become a captain, since there aren’t that many in the maritime industry. Gary asks her, what’s happening? and she says, nothing was done. Nothing was folded, and the dishes weren’t done. She doesn’t want to tattle, but feels like she just did everything. He thanks her, and says he’ll have a word with JL. Guest Aiden asks if they have time for another game.

Gary asks Daisy if Alli can be on nights; nothing is getting done, and Sydney is better on days. Sh*t gets done, and he doesn’t have to repeat himself. She says she can’t even leave Alli doing breakfast on her own. In Gary’s interview, he whines that Daisy is a taker, not a giver. She never gives. Aiden tells the other guests, they’re all in the same boat. BA-DUM-CHH! Gary boomerangs back to the laundry room, and tells Alli that he asked Daisy about putting her on nights, because Dani and JL are hooking up. Daisy comes by, and jokingly shakes her fist at him, and tells him that she’s going to kill him. He’s spending his life in there. In Daisy’s interview, she says, the irony is palpitating. Don’t you have sh*t to do outside?

In Natasha’s interview, she says she going to create a painting you can eat, and the last thing she wants is criticism from Daisy. She knows how make an effing dessert. Natasha tells Dani that she heard Dani is distracting JL, but Dani says he’s doing his job fine. Gary wonders where JL is, since it’s drop-off day, and they’re supposed to be up by 12. Sydney says, it’s not the first time, and Gary says he’s losing patience. Sydney tells JL that he has to be up, since it’s drop-off day, and he says she could have told him in a more upbeat tone. Wow. A 6’8” baby. Anchor is home, and Daisy tells Dani that everyone knows she and JL are hooking up, but Dani says, not last night. She insists JL is doing his job. Daisy tells Dani that Gary asked her to put Alli on nights, but she can’t do it. She knows Dani is responsible, and wouldn’t be distracting JL if he has to work. In Dani’s interview, she says, if Alli isn’t getting the job done, it’s not her fault. She’s doing her job. Change your own department; don’t mess with her job. Gary tells JL to get ready, and in Gary’s interview, he says, the cycle is, JL doesn’t know what to do, so he tells JL, but he doesn’t listen, and then doesn’t know what to do. When Gary was coming through the ranks, he listened to his superiors. He’s tired of repeating himself. Daisy tells Gary that Dani swears she wasn’t distracting JL. She’s good at her job, and Daisy doesn’t think Dani is lying. She knows he’s frustrated, but at this stage, she thinks he should encourage rather than get annoyed.

Marina Lav. They get to port, and Glenn docks. Natasha works on her creation, and Glenn wonders what she’s doing. She lays down a white paper sheet over the table, swirls chocolate all over it, and tops it with what look like tiny tarts, as well as cups of chocolate something. She tells the guests, they have dark chocolate, caramel, and white chocolate, along with crème brûlée, fresh berries, and chocolate mousse with Bailey’s inside. Glenn says, it’s interesting; like art. Frank says, delicious, and Glenn says Natasha killed it. In Natasha’s interview, she says, Daisy has no idea what she’s capable of.

The deckhands take the luggage to the dock, and Glenn radios the crew to meet there. Frank thanks Glenn for having them back, and says, it was an amazing charter. He says, it’s a great crew, but wants to give Natasha a separate mention. She was phenomenal. He gives Glenn the tip envelope and everyone says their goodbyes. The crew pats Natasha on the back, and Daisy mumbles that she can’t say anything now. The crew begins to clean the boat, and Glenn calls them to the saloon for the tip meeting. He says, the guests left happy, which is the most important thing. They pulled it off, but he also senses tension rising. He asks what the problem was with breakfast, and Daisy explains that a guest wanted eggs over easy and they weren’t; they were sent back. Natasha claims she wasn’t told, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, there’s no humility or humble pie. Communication needs to be better. That’s the difference between a great charter and a sh*t charter. Glenn asks if the guest ended up getting what they wanted, and Daisy says they did. In Glenn’s interview, he says, breakfast seems to be a point of contention with Natasha and Daisy, but clearly there’s a bigger issue. He tells them if they’re not communicating properly, they can’t offer the best charter. But even though there were cracks in communication, they didn’t show that to the guests, because it’s not reflected in the tip. The tip is $23K, or a little over $2500 each. In Natasha’s interview, she says she’ll even make up with Daisy for that kind of tip. Glenn says he’s secured a restaurant that will be open just for them tonight. 

The crew cleans the yacht, and Alli says she can’t wait to get off the boat. They get ready to go out, and JL dances around, wearing headphones, while he gets dressed. Gary walks to the taxi with Alli and Sydney, and says they’re the Three Musketeers. The taxis drop them off at a gorgeous restaurant that looks like a little stone village. They’re led to an outside area where they watch the sunset, and pop some champagne, toasting to their tip. In JL’s interview, he says he’d rather hang out with Dani alone. He hasn’t had a serious relationship ever, and he can tell there’s something there. His mom is his biggest critic, and if she’s giving him the go ahead… I wonder how he got the go ahead from what she said, but whatever. Natasha picks up a cactus plant, and says, this is how life is with Daisy. Their server tells them that dinner will be in three courses, and they’re led through the inside to go to another outside area. JL asks for some whiskey, and Dani suggests he slow it down. In her interview, Dani says JL became a plant last time he got drunk, and we flash back to JL babbling in the hop tub. She says, hooking up with her is something he’ll want to remember. Don’t get too drunk. Daisy and Alli step away for a smoke, and Gary follows them. Sydney thinks it’s rude, and Dani wonders if they’re gossiping. Twenty minutes goes by, when Natasha finally tells them to come back to the table so everyone can eat. Dani says, sorry they’re not a great chat table, and Alli doesn’t understand why they’re angry. Dani excuses herself to go to the bathroom, and in her interview, she says, being disrespectful pushes her buttons.    

Sydney says they wanted it to be like a family meal, and Daisy says, sorry. There are a bunch of apologies, and Gary suggests shots will make everything better. Sure they will. Natasha has trailed Dani to the bathroom, and Dani tells her that they need to stop being so effing rude. Didn’t their moms teach them manners? In Alli’s interview, she says, all they had to do was say, come on; we’re waiting. She wonders how many times she needs to apologize, and Sydney says she doesn’t have to. Natasha and Alli come back, and Natasha suggests they have fun and not be rude. A gigantic lobster is put on the table, along with some whole fish, and Alli changes seats, saying she can’t eat while a face is looking at her. Natasha asks Alli is she’s okay, and Gary toasts to never having a disagreement again ever. Daisy says, they’ll still have them, but toasts to having them and knowing they still love each other. Sydney says, that’s more realistic, and Alli says she’s irritated about the flack over the smoke break with Gary. He says she’s with him now, and apparently Sydney has had enough. She jets to another table, and Daisy goes with her. They sit in a different outside room, and Daisy says she feels like she was berated. It was way too heated. Sydney says she takes it personally, since they’re supposed to be friends. At the table, Natasha says, it was supposed to be a crew dinner, and Gary and Alli wander away again. In Gary’s interview, he says he and Alli have chemistry. Alli is interesting to talk to, and she’s pretty. He reckons that if they were in a relationship, they’d be the types to be saying, no, you put the phone down first. Bleh. This crew has got to be the most middle school of any I’ve seen. JL thinks Gary is trying to work some magic.  

Sydney tells Daisy that she doesn’t know now. There’s so much weird sh*t between her and Gary. In her interview, Sydney says she doesn’t need boys to make her happy. She doesn’t know why she’s the way is with Gary. Daisy tells Sydney that she’s super gorgeous, and amazing at her job. Gary asks Alli for a kiss, but she says, no. He asks if they don’t have a connection, but Alli says she knows how much Sydney likes him. Gary says he’s going to stop trying, and goes back to the table, asking if they mind if he smokes there. Alli sits back down, heaving a huge sigh, and Dani asks if she’s okay. Alli says she’s fine, and Dani asks why she’s worked up. Alli says Gary just got another dig in, and Dani says they joke all the time; why is she worked up? Alli leaves the table again, and Dani tells Gary, go and comfort her. He tells Dani, go f*** yourself. Nice.

Sydney and Daisy clink glasses. Sydney says she knows she’s the better catch. On paper, she’s the better fit… theoretically. In Daisy’s interview, she says, Sydney is obsessed about the fact somebody picked somebody else over her. For Gary? Who’s kind of funny? She doesn’t get it. That’s okay, Daisy. Neither do I. Alli joins them, and says Dani had another dig at her, so she left. She doesn’t want to be on the yacht anymore. At the table, Dani says, clearly everyone is agitated. The dessert comes out, and it’s pretty impressive, a cake designed to look like the yacht. Gary says, don’t eat it. Cheffy can serve it next charter. He dances off, and in Natasha’s interview, she says why can’t they be a crew and eat for an hour? They don’t need to go for 20 breaks. She tips over one of the sails on the cake, and says, if they’re not there, they won’t even get to see what it looked like. She pulls out the sails, scarfs a piece down, and sticks the knife and server in the cake, dubbing it the Titanic. She says, nobody wants to be there. Why can’t they just enjoy the moment? Now, when they come, the cake will be destroyed. In his interview, Colin says, it’s safe to say the dinner has gone piss up. I have no idea what that means, but I assume it’s not good. He tells them, they’re not allowed to drink ever again.

The crew heads back, and in the taxi, Dani calls JL her amazing little Southern man. Daisy says she’s just going to get horny and jealous, so please don’t talk about this. In the other van, Sydney flings herself into the back seat on top of Gary and Alli. Back on the boat, Daisy tells Sydney that she doesn’t think Alli is interested in Gary that much, but just likes the attention. Sydney agrees. JL asks if Dani is all right; she looked upset at dinner. She says she was, but she’s choosing to forget about it. In her interview, she says she’s more drunk than she thought. She bites JL, and asks if he wants to see if they fit in a guest bed.   

Sydney sits with Colin, opposite Gary and Alli. Alli asks if Sydney wants to work out tomorrow, and Sydney says, what if Alli beats her? Alli says, it’s a workout, not a competition, which tells us something about how Sydney’s mind works. Sydney says  they’re always the last men standing. JL and Dani sneak off, and in Dani’s interview, she says, the best ending to this dramatic night would be kisses and cuddles; grown-up cuddling. She’s not sure how the height difference will work, but she can’t wait to find out. Behind closed doors, she tells JL not to break her.

Alli gripes about what she has to deal with working in interior, and Sydney tells her, sorry, but she doesn’t feel sorry. Alli is sleeping half the time. Alli insists she isn’t, but says, the truth comes out. In Alli’s interview, she asks, what the hell just happened? and wonders what got into Sydney. Then she answers her own question – alcohol. She says she feels weird, and she’s going to bed. Sydney says she was just kidding, but Alli leaves along with Gary. In Colin’s interview, he says, drunk Sydney is scary. The situation is not going to end well for anyone. Why is this girl doing this? Sydney tells Colin that she knows when she’s being a bitch and knows when she’s kidding, and she was both. She’s proud of herself. She finally broke someone’s heart. In the guest cabin, we hear JL say, oh my God. I don’t think I want to know.

Next time, Gary tells JL, sh*t is not getting done; Dani feels pressured, and doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life; and the boat hits bad weather.

➕ Natasha was a guest on Watch What Happens Live tonight, and to her credit, she admitted she’d been a bit of an a-hole. She realized it after watching the show, which so many reality stars do, and some others should.

🍹 Returning to Sunset…

A new season of The Shahs of Sunset will premiere on Sunday, May 16th at 8 pm.

👗 What It’s All About…

Fashion from the ACM Awards.

🌇 Tomorrow’s Another Day…

Until we see what Port Charles will bring us, if anything at all, stay safe, stay committed to at least one cause, and stay not obsessing if somebody else is picked over you. It’s not a good look.