Monthly Archives: December 2020

December 30, 2020 – Cyrus Has a Really Bad Day, Elizabeth Tells All, Salt Lake Snowmobiling, Soap Skinny, Celeb-rations, New Love, Leaving, Fan Of a Fan, an Update, a Look Back, Confetti, Happy New Year & Just Another One


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Why not? It’s the last post of the year. I missed the before credits action, but this is what happened. Jackie showed up at Anna’s, and asked how Finn was after his injury. Anna said he was with Gregory in Rice Plaza, watching the Polar Bear Dive. Finn came close to spilling everything to Gregory, but a drunk Alexis came by, wishing them a happy new year. Finn noticed she was bleeding, but she brushed it off, saying she’d broken a glass. Laura told Carly that she thought she was Cyrus’s weakness. Ned, Olivia, and Tracy had lunch in the MetroCourt, and Tracy said Ned was a lucky man to have Olivia. Olivia wondered, since when was Tracy her biggest fan? Jason met Cyrus at the pier, and then…

Jackie tells Anna, she still can’t believe Chase went swimming in the freezing cold. Anna says Jackie must not be a polar bear, and Jackie says, no. She says Anna has a lovely home, and Anna thanks her. Jackie says, it must be fun having a little girl running around, and Anna says, Violet brings the place to life. Jackie asks if Violet is home, but Anna says, she’s napping. She got up at the crack of dawn to play with the dollhouse Finn got for her. Can Jackie believe Finn is a father? Jackie says, yes and no.

Alexis tells Finn, she broke a glass and nicked herself. It’s not like she’s bleeding out. He says, it’s not big, but it’s deep; she’ll need stitches. Why don’t they go to GH, and he’ll stitch her up himself. She tells Gregory, his son is a wonderful friend. He’s just generally a wonderful person in general. Gregory says she gets no argument from him. She says they slept together, and Finn didn’t die. Imagine that? Finn says they should probably get going. Did she drive? She says, no. A, she wouldn’t, and B, her license was taken away because of Tracy. Didn’t he feel a shift in the cosmos? The bitch is back. He says she can tell him about it on the way. She says he can’t make her go, and he asks if she’s going to walk around to spite him. She says, maybe, and laughs, telling him, lead the way. She leans on him, and says, such a gentleman. He really is. They leave, and Gregory follows them.

Laura tells Carly, she and Cyrus have the same father, and Carly says, Rick Webber? Laura says, no. Rick is her adoptive father. Her biological father was Gordon Grey. Cyrus is her half-brother, along with Martin Grey. Carly asks how she found out, and Laura says she was doing the same thing Carly was, trying to find a way to stop Cyrus. She did some digging, and found that Cyrus was paying all the medical bills for a woman named Florence Grey. Obviously, she meant a lot to Cyrus, but Laura couldn’t figure out the connection. She started to wonder if Florence was the same one who was married to her father, so with a lot of help, she found the long-term care facility where Florence was, and managed to get in. Carly says, of course (🍷) she did, and Laura says she was only in Florence’s room a minute, when Martin came in, with Cyrus not far behind. It all just came out. Florence is their mother, and they share Gordon as a father. Carly says, wow, and Laura says, that’s the word. Carly says Cyrus went from being an island to having an entire family, and Laura says, an entire family she’s a part of. 

Cyrus says Jason strikes him as less inclined than Sonny to be influenced by pride and family concerns. He deals in facts, not emotions. That’s why Cyrus doesn’t hold it against him that Jason blew his warehouse to smithereens, and cost him a substantial amount of money. He was acting on Sonny’s orders, but now he has the opportunity to think for himself and make his own decisions. Imagine how much better his life would be, and the people in his circle. Instead of this tedious and costly stand-off, they can finally cooperate. Jason asks, how?

Finn tells Alexis, he’s giving her an antibiotic just in case. She says, thanks, buddy, and he says, got it, pal. She asks if she chased his dad away, but he says Gregory is getting coffee. He heard about Julian, and he’s sorry. She grabs him in a hug, and starts crying, saying, she wants to go home. He asks who he can call. Sam? Molly? She says she’ll take a taxi, and he says he’ll drive her. She insists on taking a taxi, and says, go, be with his dad. He says it will take him ten minutes, but she says she wants to go alone. He says he’s not letting her. Come up with somebody, or he’s her ride. It’s up to her. She tells him to call Ned.

Tracy says Olivia is right. She wasn’t always Tracy’s favorite, but she has to understand Tracy is extremely protective of her family. The Quartermaines have dealt with their fair share of gold-diggers in the past. Monica and Lucy come to mind. Olivia says, Monica is not a gold-digger, and Tracy says, not now. She grew into the role of a Quartermaine, but not in the beginning. Why does Olivia think Alan gave Monica the house? He wanted to buy her love. Olivia says she can’t speak for their history, but Monica loved Alan. Tracy says, when she wasn’t cheating on him, and Ned says Tracy is one to talk. Tracy says she was worried Ned would follow suit, and he did at first. That’s why all of his marriages failed. Olivia is different, and she’s finally opened her eyes to that. Instead of seeing Olivia’s Brooklyn accent, she sees a matriarch in the making, and she’s good for Ned and the Quartermaine family. Olivia fights for her own, like her. She lets Ned be who he needs to be, for himself and the family. Olivia completes him, the same way Luke completes her. Ned asks if Tracy is comparing her relationship with his an Olivia’s, and she says, laugh all he wants. Luke turned out to be the person she’s been looking for her whole life, and Olivia is that person for him. She was glad Ned found Olivia. Olivia says, her too.

Jackie says, Anna doesn’t like her, does she? and Anna asks if she’s giving that impression. Jackie says, just the opposite, but she thought because she’d been spending time with Robert… Anna says she wasn’t aware of it, and Jackie says Robert has been attentive since she’s been there. Anna says they have a history, and Jackie says, as does Anna with Robert. Anna says she loves Robert as a friend, but that’s all they are. Jackie says the times she spent with Robert were the most fun she ever had, and Anna laughs, saying, he is a lot of fun. Jackie says, meeting Anna explains a lot. Holly was great, and Robert loved her, but there was something else going on that he never said; a missing piece. It was Anna. Anna says, having a child bonds you like nothing else, and Jackie says, there they have it. She’s ready to get it out in the open. Anna isn’t sure what Jackie is referring to, and Jackie says Anna knows about her and Finn.

Laura tells Carly, it was eye-opening how desperate Cyrus is for his mother’s acceptance and forgiveness. She saw  a different side of him, and thinks he’s transferring his feelings onto her; the sister who finally accepts him when his mother rejected him. He’s been estranged from the family since he was a teenager, but she doesn’t think it bothers him as much as the rift with his mother. Clearly, he loves and misses her. Carly asks if she’s been in Port Charles all this time, but Laura says, no. She’s in Mountain Landing Long-Term Care in Vermont. Carly says, that’s random. Did they let Laura in as a visitor? Laura says, not exactly. She admitted herself as a patient.

Cyrus tells Jason, he’d like to do what he originally proposed to Sonny; it will be beneficial to both sides. Jason opens the pier so he can bring his product through, but Jason will have nothing to do with it. No distribution. No dirty hands. Although he’d appreciate security being provided to keep the competition out. He’ll give Jason 30% of he profit; gross not net. There will be no risk to him, while he’ll get a sizable return. As an added benefit, they won’t be at each other’s throats, so Jason could either maintain the import business, or focus on the legitimate coffee empire, while he collects the profits Cyrus will shower him with. Come on. Be smarter than Sonny.  

Carly says she can’t believe Laura had herself admitted, and Laura says, it was dicey for a minute, but Curtis was looking out for her. She needed answers. Carly asks if she thinks she got them, and Laura says, she thinks it’s a good start. Carly says, so she’s Cyrus’s soft spot, and Laura says, she’s not kidding herself. She’s not going to tell Cyrus to play nice, and he will, but she thinks it’s an opening. She can capitalize on his vulnerability, and point him in a better direction. If she does it right, she can neutralize Cyrus. Carly thanks her, and they hug. Carly thanks Laura for coming by, and says she appreciates Laura’s words; they mean everything. Laura says she’ll keep Sonny in her prayers, and leaves. Carly gets on the phone, and says, listen to her every word. This is so important.   

Anna tells Jackie, Finn confided a number of things, and Jackie says she appreciates Anna being discreet, but she knows Jackie slept with Finn. Anna says Jackie assured Finn that he wasn’t Chase’s father, and Jackie says she did. It was the best outcome for all concerned, but things were left conflicted. She takes full responsibility for what she chose to do, but what Finn chose afterward is on him. Anna says, no judgement on her part, and Jackie says, it was fine when Harry was a baby, but as he got older, he asked more questions about why his brother wasn’t in their lives. Now they’ve bonded, and those questions are more pressing than ever. Out of curiosity, what camp is Anna in? Should Chase be told or not? Anna says, it’s not her place. She can understand both sides. Resurrecting the issue might cause pain for Chase and Gregory, but doing nothing is causing Finn pain. He’s responsible for the predicament he’s in, but the secret has poisoned his relationship with his father, and now Violet. They deserve to have Gregory in their lives. What is Jackie going to do about it?

Olivia wonders if they should hug it out, and Tracy says, let’s not go overboard. Finn calls Ned, and says he’s with Alexis at the hospital, and she’s asking for him. Ned asks, what happened? and Finn says, she cut her arm on some broken glass, and he put in a few stitches. But they both know that’s not the problem. Ned asks if she’s been drinking, and Finn says, yeah. He doesn’t want to let her take a cab. Ned says he’s on his way. He tells Tracy and Olivia, Alexis hurt herself and needs a ride home. Tracy asks what that’s got to do with him, and he says she asked for him. Tracy tells him not to enable her, and he says he’s not showing up with a martini, just a ride. Tracy says, she’ll go, but Olivia says Alexis isn’t going to want to see Tracy. She’ll go with Ned. Ned says, no. They’re having a lovely time at lunch, which is rare in this family. So sit and enjoy this rare opportunity to have his mother’s approval. He leaves, and Olivia says, poor Alexis. She’s having a hard time. Tracy says, when someone self-destructs, there’s always collateral damage

Jason says Cyrus is making assumptions, but Cyrus says, Sonny’s not coming back. His sources at the Secaucus PD told him the bridge collapsed. Jason was there. No body was found and Sonny hasn’t been in touch. Clear indications that the man is dead. He admires Jason holding out hope, but the time has come for him to shift his perspective. Now all this is for his taking. Jason says, no deal. Cyrus isn’t moving his product through Port Charles ever. It’s Sonny’s territory – Cyrus says, was – and he’s going to run it the way Sonny will want to find it when he comes home. Cyrus says Jason disappoints him. Not just his foolishness in turning down the deal, but more so for convincing himself of something he knows isn’t true. So be it. If he can’t persuade Jason, he can’t. He thanks Jason for taking the time to meet him. Jason says if waiting he’s waiting for Walker to take him out from his sniper nest, he’s not there. Cyrus says he guesses he’ll have to do it himself, and draws his gun.

Cyrus shoots, and Jason ducks behind some crates. He tells Cyrus, drop the gun, or he’ll put one between his eyes. Brando comes in behind Jason, and says, drop it. Jason drops it, but two other guys come on the scene with Carly, who says, drop it or they’ll both be dead. Brando puts his gun down, and Jason tells him to get on the ground. Jason fires a shot missing Cyrus, and says he has one chance. He’s going to put the next one in Cyrus’s head. Cyrus puts his gun down, and gets on the ground. Jason tells the men to get Carly back to the car. She tries to argue, but he says, right now. He tells Cyrus, there will be no escalation. Come after him again, and he’s dead. Jason walks away, and Cyrus pounds the ground. Not his day.

Alexis is snoozing when Ned comes in. He asks, what happened? Does she even remember? She says she’s sorry she asked Finn to call, but he wouldn’t let up. He says she can always call him. Is she all right? She says, it was a small cut, but he says, big enough to require stitches. It’s only a matter of time before she truly hurts herself or someone else. She drove her car off the road, and now this. She says she broke a glass, and what Tracy said happened, didn’t happen. The coffee. He asks what she means, and she tells him, Tracy said she was searching for coffee. It’s right there on the counter, front and center. He says Tracy isn’t familiar with Alexis’s kitchen; she must have missed it. Alexis says, impossible, unless you’re blind. Tracy drove them off the road.

Anna tells Jackie, she has no plans to alter the status quo. What happens next is between Jackie and Finn. Jackie thanks her, and Anna says, but she’ll support Finn in whatever decision he makes to tell Chase the truth or not. Jackie feels the truth would be more harmful than good. They’ve stayed silent this long. Anna says, but it hinged on keeping their distance. That’s not the case anymore. Finn and Gregory walk in.

Ned says Alexis isn’t making sense. His mother drove them off the road? She says she knows it seems strange, and he says, it seems like she’s confused. Tracy drove Alexis home, and Alexis took the car off the road. She says she doesn’t think that’s what happened. He says Tracy and Chase found her, and she admitted she didn’t remember getting in the car. She says, it feels wrong. She doesn’t know how else to say it.

Olivia wonders what happened with Alexis, and tells Tracy, she should have gone with Ned. Tracy says, no, and Olivia asks, why? Tracy says, too many cooks in the kitchen. Alexis might feel overwhelmed or ganged up on. Olivia says, maybe if she was upset with Alexis, but they’re friends. She just wants to help Alexis get through this. Tracy says, trust her. It’s better this way.

Gregory tells Jackie that she looks well, and she says, so does he. Finn says he’s sorry they’re late; Alexis needed help. Anna asks if everything is all right, and Finn says he hopes so. Gregory says Finn’s bedside manner has improved. Anna has been good for him. Anna asks if Gregory wants tea, and Finn says he’ll help her.  

Gregory says Finn invited him to stay for dinner, and Jackie says Finn and Anna make a good couple. He says, they do, and asks if she’s met Violet yet. She says, no; Violet was napping. He says, she’s the most wonderful little girl; full of joy and curiosity, and excited about the wedding. He says, sorry, and she says, don’t be. He shouldn’t be. She might be there. Robert invited her as his date.

Cyrus tells Brando, Jason didn’t hit him because he didn’t want to. As for Brando, he doesn’t know whether he’s an ally or a hidden enemy. Brando says, Cyrus’s meeting was supposed to be done at 3:10, so he came to check. He saved Cyrus’s life. Cyrus asks why Brando didn’t shoot, and Brando says he didn’t know what was going on. Cyrus says, if he’d died, the first thing his lawyer would do is send what he knows about Dev’s identity being falsified straight to the Feds. He wanted to use it to nail Sonny, but there’s more than enough to incriminate all of them. It will be ironic if Jason has walked away from how many murders, including Walker’s, and ends up back in prison for forging Dev’s ID, and Brando will be in the cell next to him. He’ll think about that the next time he wonders where Brando’s loyalty lies. He didn’t shoot when he had the opportunity.

Jason tells someone on the phone, he wants no evidence of what happened, and zero evidence Carly was there. Make sure the guards are with who they’re assigned to. Carly says good thing she was there; she knew it was an ambush. He says, of course (🍷) it was an ambush. He took the guy out. He knew what he was doing. Carly says, apparently not. Brando had a gun on him. He says, next time, send the guards. Don’t get in the line of fire and leave her kids without a mother. She says she had protection, and he says, so what? If bullets start flying, there’s no guarantee. She says he was walking into a trap. What if he’d been hit? He says, then he would have survived like he has every other time. What he can’t survive is losing her. I think, why don’t they just do it already?

Gregory says, Robert Scorpio, Anna’s ex? and Jackie says, that’s the one. He says he’ll finally get to meet Robert. She’d told him about their adventures back in the day. She says, back in the day, before she settled down, and her dreams came true. He’s surprised Anna invited Robert to the wedding, and Jackie says he and Anna are friends., and Finn tolerates him for her sake. Finn and Anna have come back in, and Finn says, it’s a secret, but he likes Robert. Why are they talking about Robert? Jackie says she’s his plus one, but she’ll only say yes if it’s all right with Gregory. Gregory says, Chase would love to have his mom there, but it’s Finn’s day. Finn says, it’s okay with him. It’s going to be a real family affair. Anna pours the tea.  

Cyrus and Brando go to the MetroCourt, and Cyrus says he needs a drink. He tells Brando, wait over there, clearly still pissed. He orders scotch on the rocks, and sits. Laura comes in, and asks if he’s all right; he doesn’t look well. He says, it’s a business complication, and she hopes nobody died. He says it was touch and go, and she says she’s glad she ran into him. She’d like to talk to him about Sonny. He can’t see how that’s relevant, and she says, with Sonny’s disappearance, peace could be destroyed. She’d like to work with him to keep the streets safe and the violence down. He asks what that would entail, and she says, meeting regularly to discuss health and safety issues. She doesn’t believe biology alone bonds people, but as mayor, it’s her duty to keep the people safe. So meet her halfway. He says he appreciates her reaching out, and he’d be happy to work with her on this matter. She says, good. She looks forward to their first meeting. She’ll be in touch. She starts to go, and tells him, she’s really happy no one was hurt at his meeting, and smiles at him.  

Tracy stomps back to table, and finds Olivia gone. She says, dammit. Leave you alone for five minutes, and look what happens.

Ned tells Alexis that she needs to pull herself together. She asks if he’s afraid she’ll drag him down with her, and he says, that’s not what he meant. She says she’s sure he’s thinking it, and he asks if she blames him. She’s doing things she doesn’t remember, it’s not a stretch to think she might say things. She says she has no intention of hurting anyone else, and he says, just herself. Go back to AA. She promises to avoid Olivia at all costs, and Olivia comes out of the elevator. Ned tells her, he said he had this, and Olivia says she knows. she just thought Alexis could use a female friend. She tells Alexis that they love her and want help her through this. Alexis says, that’s sweet, but no help is needed. Olivia says she can’t mean that after what just happened. Alexis says, she’s fine. The only reason she called was because Finn wouldn’t get off her back. She tells them to have a lovely afternoon, and she’s going to do the same. She walks away.  

Carly says, she can’t die, but Jason can? He says he brought her in. She would have had nothing to do with business if not for him. She helped Sonny for his sake, and now she’s in power and doesn’t know how to handle it. She shouldn’t know. If she dies because of it, he couldn’t stand it. She says she’s not sorry, and she’d do it again; alone if she had to. He says they don’t know if Sonny is alive – she says, he is – and he doesn’t want to lose her too. She says she’ll always catch him. Always. He says she blew his shot. He would have killed Cyrus if she hadn’t shown up. She asks why he didn’t take it, and he says, because she was there. If there was a witness, or things went sideways, or she was an accessory… He can’t have it. He had to let Cyrus live, and now things are going to escalate. Cyrus isn’t stupid. Cyrus knows he didn’t kill him because of her, and it makes them more vulnerable. Her phone dings, and she looks at it. She says she thinks things aren’t going to escalate, and he asks, why? She says, things have been solved.  

On the phone at the bar, Cyrus says, what?… How?… When? He yells, son of a bitch! wiping all the glasses onto the floor. Brando runs over, and asks, what is it? He says, they have his mother.   

Next week, Portia needs to speak to Taggert, Jax wants to take Josslyn away, Laura needs leverage from Martin, and Carly says, now they have leverage. Tomorrow, ABC will air a rerun from September 17th, 2020, and on Friday, college football.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

When Braunwyn and Elizbeth took a walk, Elizabeth ended up having a panic attack. Braunwyn asked her to name five things she could see, two she could smell, and one she could feel, and I’ll be damned if she didn’t calm down after those activities. In her interview, Elizabeth said, from 0 to 13 she was raised in a religious environment. Her grandma was the head of the church, and her father one of the main preachers. They couldn’t wear or eat what they wanted, or leave the compound. They knew how to control everyone. Elizabeth told Braunwyn that she didn’t know how to move on, but Braunwyn said she was doing it right now. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she needed to hide the sadness, and found laughter attracted people to her. It was easier to live in a fantasy of happiness than her reality of depression. She was worried if she started talking about it, everything she’d built would disappear. She said she’d carried the burden of feeling she’d done something wrong, but Braunwyn said she was free now. Elizabeth asked if Braunwyn thought less of her, but Braunwyn said it was the opposite. Now she had context. In Braunwyn’s interview, she admitted she hadn’t been a good friend, and regretted the petty stuff, and would have to make amends. The group went catch and release fishing, and Gina’s first catch of the day was herself.  

John told Shannon that he thought he should stay at the house, because it was inevitable he’d have covid. In Shannon’s interview, she said she’d tested negative when the girls were positive, and had quarantined with John. She had strict rules, but they weren’t necessarily followed.

Shane was still in the hospital, and FaceTimed with Emily and the kids. In Emily’s interview, she said the kids knew he was sick, but didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. It was hard, since she couldn’t imagine a time she and Shane hadn’t been together during something difficult.

Shannon said, on the positive side, she was coming home to take care of the kids. Two seconds in the door, she started bitching about all the laundry, dog sh*t, and dishes in the sink. She said the girls were healthy enough to lay in lounge chairs getting sun, so they were healthy enough to wash a dish. Her WOTD was un-flippin’-believable.

Gina said it was hard to get to know Elizabeth. She didn’t understand her. Elizabeth said she was embarrassed about who she is. She’d told a neighbor what was happening, and the FBI shut down the church. She was vague, but it sounded like there had been sexual abuse going on. She told Gina and Kelly while they were at the lake, and Gina said it was horrifying. Elizabeth told them that when the FBI came, her dad said she’d lost a father. This is why she wants to live for herself now. Gina wondered why they were all so f***ed up.

Elizabeth said had been a trip for cleansing, but she didn’t know it was going to happen for real. In her interview, she said, opening up opened her mind to having real friends, and it was a wonderful feeling. Gina asked if it bothered Braunwyn for them to drink around her, but Braunwyn said it didn’t. Kelly made enchiladas, and in her interview, called her father for a breakdown of their Mexican heritage, then spaced out while he was talking. Shannon called to say she was positive, and John was still negative, so they had to separate. It added another layer to the whole thing, since they were always together. She wondered if it would go to her lungs, and Kelly told her, just get it over with. Gina said this is why she took it seriously, and people who were compromised should be careful. Both Braunwyn and Kelly were concerned, since they’d seen Shannon recently. Braunwyn had been in the house, and called Sean to let him know. He told her it had been seven days since they’d been there, and she said she was feeling dizzy. He told her that wasn’t a symptom. She had him google the symptoms, and go through them, but she didn’t have any. Kelly thought it was crazy that she hadn’t gotten it, since she’d been asking for it by going out. She told the women, a group of Marines told her that type O blood was bulletproof, but in Gina’s interview, she said she didn’t think that’s how it worked. I wondered where Kelly ran into a group of Marines that she discussed her blood type with. Kelly was glad Shannon hadn’t come. Gina said Shane had tested negative, and woke up with a 105 fever. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said she thought she’d take a break, and escape from reality, and now she was scared for her kids and herself. She didn’t want to be in the woods if she got it.

Kelly said there were a lot of roadblocks to her getting married on 10-10-2020, but she wasn’t letting anything get in the way. By hook or by crook, she was going to make it happen. She called Rick, who said they had planning to do, and they talked about a trip to Napa. Elizabeth said she’d slept like a rock, which was no surprise. Gina told Braunwyn, they had to take the virus more seriously; she knew Braunwyn had been going out. Braunwyn talked about her friend Shari, who she calls her wife since they quarantined together. In Gina’s interview, she said when she and Braunwyn first met, Braunwyn told her that she preferred women sexually. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said she and Shari kept each other sane. They traded off. The women called Shannon before they left, and she told them that Sophie came home sick. Kelly remembered John meeting her at the door maskless, and in her interview, she said it was killing her vibe. Maybe she shouldn’t go to Napa.

Kelly spoke with Lisa, the covid test nurse, who told her she might been in contact with someone who had the virus. In Kelly’s interview, she said she had been laisse faire about the virus, but it was hitting close to home, and making her think this was a real thing now. She was getting worried. The nurse suggested Kelly isolate for 14 days in her home away from others. Kelly said, no Napa now.

Emily’s kids made cards and a welcome home sign for Shane. Emily said it had been a long eight days. In her interview, she said she’d actually thought what she would do if he didn’t come home. As a mom, she had to allow her mind to go there. She never wanted to be in that situation again, thinking about taking care of the kids on her own. She appreciated Shane more than she ever had before. She picked Shane up from the hospital, and he said he just wanted to shower and lie down. In Emily’s interview, she said she was looking forward to a normal family life with him back home. It sounded simple, but when you go through the depths of despair, you don’t wish for more than that. It’s all you need.

Gina called Emily, who said Shane had been back a week, and seemed normal now. To verify, she asked Shane how he was feeling, and he said she was annoying him. She told Gina, she had to get in a headspace to enjoy his commentary. Braunwyn called Elizabeth, and said what she’d done was awesome. Braunwyn was happy Elizabeth was taking her power back. She did nothing wrong. Kelly told Shannon that Braunwyn claimed Shannon had brought the information about Elizabeth to her on a silver platter. We flashed back to Braunwyn saying that, but Shannon denied it. In Shannon’s interview, she said Braunwyn could be nice, but she was also a big effing liar. Just tell the truth, people.

In Kelly’s interview, she said dealing with a teen was the hardest. She had zero patience as is. Jolie, who is a young woman now, went over the courses she had to take remotely with Kelly and Rick. In her interview, she said she and Rick got along well; they were really similar. She didn’t like or know Kelly’s past boyfriends, but Rick was a normal person, and if her mom was happy, she was happy. In Kelly’s interview, she said, living in the ‘burbs was the right decision. She’d seen a change in Jolie. It was a great family atmosphere, but as soon as Jolie was out of high school, she was going straight back to the beach.

Elizabeth told jimmy that Arrowhead was crazy. Braunwyn got her open up, and was cool about it. In her interview, she said she took the time to talk to Jimmy about what she’d gone through. He understood her more now, and didn’t shun her. He just loved her. It was the first time she’d been accepted for her weakness. She told him that she was having a hard time. She’d spent her life hiding from the shame, and creating a façade. Jimmy wondered if she was healed now enough to move forward, and put the pieces together. It was important that she show people it’s not the end of the road. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she’d never had this kind of support.

Emily visited Braunwyn, who told her that she looked good, and Emily said she had that covid glow. She told Braunwyn that she’d lost her sense of taste and smell, but once she got it back, she’d gotten someone else’s. In her interview, she said she still loved tacos, but healthy tacos. She told Braunwyn that she was lucky her symptoms had been manageable, so she could take care of the kids. Shane was at about 80% and looked healthy. She gave Shannon credit, telling Braunwyn that Shannon reached out every day. It gave her the opportunity to get to know Shannon better. Braunwyn said it had been a heavy trip. She thought she’d be getting a break from everything that was going on, but she felt lucky that she was staying at a hotel. She wasn’t there yet. Emily suggested a sober companion, and Braunwyn said Shari was living with her and Sean now. Emily asked how Sean felt about that, and Braunwyn said he got jealous because she spent more time with Shari, and went to her about the hard stuff. Emily suggested if Sean didn’t like it, maybe she shouldn’t do it. She didn’t want Braunwyn to put herself in a situation where she had more than she could handle. Braunwyn said when she and Sean had gone away, it looked like a romantic getaway on her Instagram, but they were deciding whether they should stay married or not. Her not drinking changed the dynamics. Emily said she had questioned what it was Braunwyn was trying to suppress and push down, so it didn’t come up. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said she’d created this perfect life, but she wasn’t feeling it. When she had a fantasy, Sean didn’t have a starring role.  

Next time, Elizabeth’s divorce is finalized, Shannon wants no toxicity in her household, Elizabeth talks to her brother about their childhood, and Kelly tells Shannon that Gina is concerned about her.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Mary spoke with Robert Jr., and called him out for buying his girlfriend a Prada purse with her credit card. She said the purse would outlast the relationship, and not to buy something expensive like that again unless he’s going to marry her.

Heather met with contractor Travis, who was working on expanding Beauty Lab & Laser. In Heather’s interview, she said her personal life wasn’t so great, but she was killing it at Beauty Lab. She’d had side gigs when she was married, but her husband said it wasn’t worth it because they had limitless money. She said it wasn’t about that. It was about her skills and fulfillment. It was like the full circle of redemption. It reminded her of who she was, and how she felt about herself before she was married. She wasn’t all the way there, but it was a huge step forward.

Meredith was on the phone with Brooks when Seth came back. Brooks thanked Seth for missing his show. The runway walk of one athletic ensemble. In Meredith’s interview, she said she felt guilty and responsible, since she was the one who asked for space. Seth said he was sorry he missed, and couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t happen again, but he’d try. He told Meredith he thought it was a good idea for him to come back and try to repair the damage, and Meredith said Brooks was disappointed he wasn’t there, but she knew why. Seth told her, not knowing what direction their relationship was going in would have overshadowed Brooks’s big day. Their relationship shouldn’t impact the one with their kids. He’d realized he was so focused on his career, he hadn’t grown emotionally as a husband. He asked her to give him another chance. The last weeks were brutal, and if she would put in the work, he’d put in 10 times the amount, He couldn’t stand being without her. Meredith said it had probably been positive for them not to communicate, but she missed him. She wished they could have shared Brooks’s show, and she got a taste of what life would be like without him. She was willing to put the work in. In her interview, she said it was an incredible relief that they’d come to the same realization. They needed to be together. It wasn’t going to be smooth sailing, but they were on a positive path. She told him that she wanted to make it work.

Lisa met John for dinner, and in her interview, she said one of the perks of owning a liquor brand was that she knew every restaurant, bar, and club owner in the state. It was easy for her to get a reservation anywhere. They continued their discussion about working too much, and Lisa said she wasn’t giving up anything, and if a killer opportunity that fit in their portfolio came along, she didn’t want to pass it up. He thought they needed to work at not working. If an email came in at 11 pm, it could wait until the morning. In Lisa’s interview, she said she could get things done while still engaging. While she was messing with her phone, a producer asked if she had a nice dinner with John, and she was like, what did you say? totally disproving her statement. John wondered what it was all for. It was work first, then the kids, then them, with enjoying themselves at the bottom. Lisa suggested they include the kids more in what they were building. In her interview, she said she heard him, and there wasn’t one night where she didn’t go to bed wondering if the kids felt loved. There was guilt.

Whitney and Justin headed to the sober living facility, where they were going to mediation with Steve. Justin said Whitney’s dad thought he’d been there long enough, but they had a different opinion. In Whitney’s interview, she said she’d received an SOS text from Steve, saying he was going to be receiving a roommate, and he was freaking out. She needed to get there before he packed and ran away. She wondered what the real issue was, and said Steve wanted her to make it better, so he wasn’t being 100% accountable and responsible. She understood that he was older and didn’t want a roommate, but thought it was just an easy excuse to leave the program. He thought he was on vacation at the Four Seasons, but he was in sober living. He was there to work at getting better, not acting entitled. Justin told Whitney she had this.

They met with Steve and counselor Elsie. Steve said he felt anxious, and had been clear about not wanting anyone else in the same room. He said he wanted to get back in the game and be productive; pick up his career. Whitney asked if he’d looked for job. Where was he going to get money? The plan she was hearing required someone helping him. In Whitney’s interview, she said the first time her father went to rehab, he wanted her to pay for it. He’d made a list of everything he’d paid for in her life. Since he chose to have her as a child, now she owed him $30K for rehab. She was like, f*** you, but she still paid. She told him that they didn’t want him thinking they didn’t want to help, but he couldn’t expect her to take care of him, whether it was giving him money, a place to live, or a car. She wanted to get away from that pressure and burden; it made her resent him and close herself off to him. She wanted to help him because she wanted to, not because he felt entitled since she’s his daughter. Steve claimed nobody wanted to be as self-reliant as he did, and Whitney said being there was helping him. Their goal was for him to do it on his own, not because it was given to him. She said he should figure out a way get money while he was in there, so he had something to start with. Steve said they’d saved his life, and admitted they had been a security blanket, but he wanted to do it for himself and on his own. Elsie told everyone, good work.

The entire group met for snowmobiling, and in Jen’s interview, she said she didn’t know what was going on. Seth missed the fashion show, but showed up for snowmobiling. Lisa wanted to portray a perfect family, but no one was perfect. The guide said they’d be going 21 miles up a mountain, and having lunch at the top. In Heather’s interview, she said she didn’t mind being a single rider. It was like sex; more fulfilling if you do it on your own. This looked like fun, but I like the snow and cold. I don’t think I could live in the mountains though. It looks pretty, but makes me feel claustrophobic or something. In Whitney’s interview, she said she was confused. Meredith and Seth were being lovey-dovey, but Jen said Meredith was possibly seeing someone else. It didn’t add up.

During lunch, everyone chit-chatted, and in Jen’s interview, she said she was happy when Sharrieff could be there, especially when they were with their friends. She wished she had what the others did. Their significant others were with them all the time. Sharrieff told a story about Jen’s whole family going on their first date with them. In Lisa’s interview, she said Jen and Sharrieff were like yin and yang. Sharrieff talked about how sweet Jen was, and in Whitney’s interview, she said, do you know your wife? and we flashed back to the many tirades Jen’s had within a few episodes.  

Whitney told Heather that Jen claimed she’d heard something about Meredith and Seth, but if Whitney wanted to know anything, she’d have to ask Meredith. Heather said Jen had mentioned it to her, but she wasn’t interested. In Heather’s interview, she said, Jen clearly didn’t keep her word. She’d shown Heather a picture of Meredith with another man, not Seth. It looked like they were in a relationship, and Jen acted like it was a secret they’d never speak of again. Realizing she was getting nowhere, Whitney said if Meredith and Seth had some kind of arrangement, she supposed it wasn’t for them to judge. Heather didn’t take the bait, and said it wasn’t for them to say, judge, or even ask. If it didn’t come from Meredith, she wasn’t interested.

After snowmobiling, Meredith, Seth, Lisa, and John went to Jen and Sharrieff’s place. The guys compared the Mormon and Muslim religions, which are both pretty strict. Sharrieff said they were allowed multiple wives, but Jen said, oh no he wasn’t, and in her interview, she said one Jen Shah equaled 45 wives. In Lisa’s interview, she said she and John weren’t cultural Mormons. People focus on the cultural side, and forget what’s important – a relationship with God. She didn’t think God cared if she owned a tequila company. TBH, me neither. In Jen’s interview, she said what Lisa was following wasn’t the Mormon church. It’s the church of Lisa Barlow.

Jen, Lisa, and Meredith got in the hot tub, while the guys played foosball. Jen said she was lonely when Sharrieff wasn’t there, and was concerned about Omar going to college. Inside, John said he thought he could set goals personally just fine, but doing it together was a different story. The guys discussed their various marriages, and Sharrieff said Jen was super reactionary, which was an understatement.

Jen kept prodding at Meredith to spill something, but in her interview, Meredith said she was feeling confident and positive about her marriage, but she didn’t need to tell anyone. What if it went wrong? She’d let them know when the time was right. She told Jen and Lisa that she and Seth were committed to their marriage, and they were headed in a positive direction. In Jen’s interview, she said Meredith was acting like her life was perfect.

Next time, penguins! Mary isn’t invited to Jen’s party, and Jen pitches a fit at the party.

📺 Is This Thing On…?

A holiday schedule for the soaps.

🎄 Just Like Us…

The soap stars celebrate the holidays too.

And so do other celebrities.

👫🏻 The Second Time Around…

Teresa gets a new man for Christmas.

Not to be outdone, Juicy Joe’s new main squeeze.

👠 Gone Girl…

Monique is no longer having it. Scroll down for Robyn calling Michael a creep.

Karen has hope for Candiace though.

🏵 Kudos For Karen…

I have to admit, this is pretty interesting.

💎 I Can’t Keep Track…

Looks like Tom might have really cheated.

Looks like Erika is done. With the jewelry anyway.

🗽 Memories…

A stroll through Times Square Memory Lane.

🎊 Something For Next Year…

Did you know the confetti used in Times Square on New Year’s Eve is made up of wishes? Me neither. You, too, can be a part of the celebration. It’s too late for this year, but why not get a head start for 2022?  No one will be there this year anyway.

Happy New Year!

Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. – Alan Cohen

🍾🥂🥡  See You Next Year…

It’s finally time to say goodbye to the year that looked so promising. To the year we thought would be ours. To the number we thought looked so cute. While the light is getting brighter at the end of the tunnel, don’t be disappointed if you wake up on 1/1/2021 and it’s not just a bad dream. It’s going to take a while, but you’re still here. We made it this far, and one day it will seem like it was just a bad dream. Enjoy the New Year weekend however you can, but remember to stay safe, stay smart, especially with your alcohol intake, and stay knowing that there will be an end to this madness before long.

December 29, 2020 – Laura Decides To Take Action, David Romances Hanna & Brand New


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I don’t know how it happened. I had extra time. I missed the pre-credit scenes, but here they are. Anna and Finn were headed to the Polar Bear Charity Drive, but Violet wanted to stay home and play with her new dollhouse. Finn told Anna that Jackie had insisted he wasn’t Chase’s father. Jason and Brando met at Rice Plaza, and told him the search was still on for Sonny. He wondered if Cyrus had said anything about Sonny, since he wanted to meet. The participants gathered at the pier for the Polar Bear Charity Drive, and stripped down to their bathing suits. Chase and Willow were among them. Cyrus saw Laura at the MetroCourt, and asked if she’d gotten the poinsettia he’d sent to her. She said she’d been visiting Lulu in Manhattan, and it would have to be redelivered. He felt hurt at her tone with him, and said they were family. Carly went downstairs, and Sonny was home. She ran to him and hugged him. And then…

Laura tells Cyrus, don’t presume. They’re related by blood, but they’re not family. She’ll never forgive him for what he did to her daughter. He says he never meant for any harm to come to Lulu, and she says he’s responsible for the bombing that left Lulu in long-term care. He tells her, Julian planted the bomb, and she says, Julian is guilty, but so is he. She knows who he is. He says he’s her brother. Jackie arrives to meet Laura, and Cyrus says, Jackie Templeton, the prize winning journalist. What an honor. Jackie says, thanks, and tells Laura that they have a lot of catching up to do, steering Laura away.

Anna tells Finn that she feels for Chase. He’s worked hard trying to bring the family together. She says, Chase thinks the world of Finn, and Finn asks, what’s wrong with him? Anna laughs, and says, Jackie and Gregory too, but Chase must wonder why Finn and his father are estranged. Finn says, telling Chase would devastate him, and Gregory. Some truths are better left unsaid. Anna says, people tend to equate the truth with good, but it’s not always. Sometimes the loving choice is to remain silent. If that’s considered a secret, or a lie of omission, so be it. Finn and Chase are really becoming brothers, and she knows that means the world to Chase. He says, speaking of which, they’d better get going, or they’ll miss the festivities.

Chase tells Willow that he’s there representing the PCPD. They get ready to line up, and Chase puts his coat around her. She says, much better. She was starting to feel like a popsicle. He asks if Michael is coming, but she says, no. Wiley has the sniffles, so Michael is home with him. Plus, there’s the situation with his dad. She was going to stay home, but Michael insisted she come. That’s why she was late. He says, sounds like Michael, and Willow asks if he’s heard anything about Sonny. He says, not since he crashed their Christmas celebration. He feels terrible about it, and he’s sure they hate him even more. She says, nobody hates him, and he says, not even for being a monumental jerk and breaking her heart? He hated it; he was so in love with her. She says she felt the same way. Gregory shows up, and says, they’re still dry; he didn’t miss the spectacle. Chase hopes it will be mercifully brief, and Gregory says, Willow is going to brave the frigid water too? Chase introduces them, and Gregory says he’s been hoping to meet Chase’s girlfriend for some time now.   

Brando says, he didn’t know Cyrus asked to meet with Jason, and Jason says, he called this morning. He wanted to meet at pier 55, out in the open, and meet alone. Brando says that explains why Cyrus didn’t tell him. Jason asks if Walker has been around, and Brando says, he and Cyrus met last night. Jason asks if Brando knows what they talked about, but Brando says he has no idea. He’s never in the room when they talk. He tells Jason, he’ll ask about Walker, but Jason says, don’t. Whatever happens, Brando needs to be surprised. Brando asks what Jason thinks is going to happen, and Jason says, not what Cyrus is expecting. Brando says he should get going, and leaves. Dante approaches Jason, and says he was just talking to Michael, and heard Sonny was missing. Jason says Sonny was on the footbridge when it collapsed. He saw Sonny go into the river, and jumped in after him, but couldn’t find him. The authorities are searching, and so is their crew, but there’s been no sign. Dante says, when Carly was talking about Sonny not being home on Christmas Eve, she said it didn’t feel right. Now he knows why.  

Carly tells Sonny, Jason said he’d fallen into the Hackensack River, but she knew he’d come back. Does Jason know? Sonny shakes his head, and she says they have to tell him. He’ll be so relieved. She tells Sonny that he missed so much. On Christmas, there was so much love. The only thing that would have made it perfect is him. Now he’s there. She picks up the phone, but when she turns around, he’s gone. She sits up, and sees the empty spot next to her in bed. She lies back down, and says, it was just a dream. Yeah, they didn’t fool me this time.

Dante goes back with Jason to see Carly. He says he hopes she doesn’t mind. He ran into Jason at Rice Plaza, and Jason told him about Sonny. She says, it’s been a tough couple of days, and asks if he wants coffee. Dante says, sure, and she pours him a cup. He asks how she’s holding up, and she says, as best she can. She asks Jason if there’s any news, but he says, nothing yet. Dante says, okay, so they wait, and keep looking. Carly insists Sonny is out there, and trying to get home, and Dante says, it’s all they can do; hope. That’s how it is with Lulu. It doesn’t matter what the doctors say, he’s convinced she’s coming back. He tells them, the news media has gotten ahold of the story about Julian’s death, and the Hackensack River bridge collapse. Do they want to tell him how Sonny ties in?  

Jackie tells Laura that she and Lulu hit it off instantly. She could see Laura in Lulu – before she was a responsible mayor. Robert filled her in on the tragedy at The Floating Rib, and who they suspect is behind it. She’s so sorry Lulu was injured. Laura says, it’s been tough, and Jackie asks how Luke is dealing with it. Laura says, grieving from afar, and Jackie says, sounds like Luke, but Lulu has Laura close. It’s amazing the strength they can conjure up as mothers for their children. Laura asks if Jackie has kids, and Jackie says, this intrepid reporter managed to have a family and a husband. She was still chasing stories, and was away more than she should have been. Laura says, that’s always debatable, but it sounds like Jackie had a supportive husband. Jackie says, he was, and even with her erratic schedule, her son turned out to be a good and generous man. She just wishes he’d chosen a safer occupation. He’s a detective there in Port Charles: Chase Harrison. Laura laughs.   

Chase tells Gregory, he and Willow aren’t back together, and Gregory says, his apologies. He assumed when he saw them that they’d patched things up. He guesses it’s true what they say about assuming. Willow says, it’s okay, and Gregory says, it’s a shame. After all Chase’s mother and he heard about Willow – all glowing, of course (🍷) – they were looking forward to meeting her. They broke up out of nowhere, so he was sure it was temporary. Anna and Finn join them, and Chase says he’s surprised they came. Finn says he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to see Chase jump in the freezing water, freezing his… An announcement says it’s time to take their places, and Anna takes their coats. Finn tells Anna, it’s the kind of thing he would have done at Chase’s age. The announcer says, on your mark… get set… go! Chase takes Willow’s hand, and they jump in. Everyone applauds.

Brando sits next to Cyrus at the MetroCourt bar, and Cyrus says he’s impressed. Brando hasn’t skipped a beat. He’s as efficient as always. Brando says, he grieves in his own way, and Cyrus tells him, so he said. What about his other loss? Brando says, what loss? and Cyrus says, his cousin Sonny.

Chase and Willow come back out, and Willow says, it’s freezing. She’s not sure she would have jumped in if he hadn’t taken her hand. She tells him that she left her towel in the car, and Chase says he has two. He wraps one around her, and Anna brings their coats to them. Finn suggests they dry off, put their clothes on, and have some food and something to drink. Willow says she should be getting home, and Gregory tells her not to let his faux pas keep her. Join them. Anna says she’ll move Willow’s car, and Willow gives her the keys. Gregory walks with her, and she tells him that it’s nice to see him getting closer to Finn. He says, thanks to the most adorable granddaughter ever, and she says, she’s got one of those too. He says, getting to reconnect with Finn, and getting to know Violet is the best thing that’s happened to him in a long time. In spite of him and Jackie splitting up, he’s still a fan of love and marriage. That’s why he tried to push Chase and Willow back together. He heard the way Chase talks about Willow, and he’s clearly in love. What happened with those two? Anna says, it’s a long story, and not hers to tell. Like most heartbreaking stories, it began with a lie. He doubts Chase would lie. He raised both of his sons to be truthful. She says, there are times when the truth hurts more than a lie.

Laura says, Chase is Jackie’s son? She knows him well. He’s one of the PCPD’s finest. Chase and her son-in-law were partners; her former son-in-law, Dante. Jackie says, Lulu told her that he was sent on special assignment. What happened? Laura says, it was a very confusing time. She thinks Lulu dealt with the guilt by pouring herself into bringing down Cyrus. Lulu reclaimed herself, and built a life with Dustin, when Dante came back. Jackie says, isn’t that the way it is? and Laura says, when things got worse there, she thinks Lulu threw herself into her work as a much needed distraction, and doubled down on the Cyrus story, so she didn’t have to choose between them. Jackie says she’s used work as a distraction from tough personal problems, and Laura says, haven’t they all? Laura wonders, since Jackie is in Port Charles, what she needs distraction from. Jackie says she’s focused on finishing what Lulu started, and Laura says, in that case, she should probably know that the man she’s trying to expose is Lulu’s uncle. Jackie says, whoa. How did she miss that? Cyrus is Luke’s brother? Laura says, not Luke’s. Hers. 

Brando asks what Cyrus is saying. What happened to Sonny? Cyrus says, he got word from his people in Jersey that Julian wasn’t alone when he went in the water. The authorities have been searching without success. Brando’s family hasn’t told him? It happened before Christmas. Brando says he’s not surprised. They all turned their backs on him when he started working for Cyrus. Cyrus says, too bad for them. They could use Brando as an ally now that Sonny is missing. Brando asks what makes Cyrus think they could use his help. Is Cyrus planning a move on them?

Carly says, it sounds like an interrogation, but Dante says he’s not there as a cop. He’s Sonny’s son. Jason says they wanted to bring Julian back. They needed him to tie Cyrus to the bombing at The Floating Rib. Dante says, Cyrus is responsible for the bomb that put Lulu into a coma? He gets up, and says he’s going to kill Cyrus, but Jason says, he can’t. Dante asks what he’s talking about. Cyrus’s men shot Julian. What happens if they have Sonny? Jason says, they couldn’t, unless they pulled him out of the river. Cyrus’s guys were nowhere around when the bridge collapsed. Dante says, that means Sonny is legit missing. Is his business vulnerable? What’s being done to protect his family?

Jackie says, Cyrus is Laura’s brother? and Laura says she just found out a little while ago. She’s not thrilled. Now, every time she turns around, she bumps into him, like he’s desperate to get her attention. Jackie says, maybe he wants the family connection, and Laura says, that’s probably true. He has a complicated relationship with his mother. Jackie wonders if there could be something they could use to expose him – Sister Mayor, Brother Gangster. Laura says, absolutely not, and Jackie asks, why not? Cyrus is constantly putting himself in Laura’s orbit; that’s control. He wants her off-base, and aware of where he is all the time. She should turn the tables. Take control, and publicize the relationship before he does, so she can control the narrative. Laura isn’t sure, and Jackie asks, what would Lulu want? She’d want Laura to use whatever she had to take Cyrus down. He’s her brother in name only. Laura says they share a father she had no relationship with, and Jackie says, back to Cyrus’s mother. Is she his Achille’s heel? Laura says, he’s very vulnerable around her, and Jackie says, maybe she can use something there. Laura says she thinks Jackie gave her an idea, and Jackie says, care to share? Laura says, she’s still working on it. She’ll let Jackie know when it crystallizes. Jackie says she needs to go, and Laura says, care to share? Jackie says, personal business. They’ve got this. Whatever Laura does and whatever Jackie writes, Laura will be the hero of the story. Lulu will wake up and be proud of her mother.

Finn, Anna, Chase, and Willow walk through Rice Plaza. Finn says he’s glad Willow decided to join them. He and Anna had been discussing the merits of telling the truth. if she wants to hear more though, she’ll have to wait until he gets some coffee. He and Anna go to the cart, and Willow asks what Finn meant. Chase says Finn probably wants to fess up to his role in what he did, and Willow says, Finn knew? Chase says, it’s not Finn’s fault, and she says, just tell her. They walk to a more private spot, and Chase says, after he set her up, he was in bad shape. It wasn’t easy giving her up; he could barely function. Finn squeezed out the truth, and was all over him to tell her. Anna tells Finn that she had a private conversation with Gregory, and he told her how he’d raised his sons to always tell the truth. He says, that’s who his dad is, and it’s why he stayed away so long. He couldn’t bear to see the look on his father’s face. Gregory joins them, and asks if they’re talking about him. What are they saying? Willow goes up to Finn and thanks him. He says she’s welcome. For what? She says, trying to get his brother to do the right thing. 

Jason says he’ll do what it takes to protect Sonny’s family; Dante knows that. Dante says he does, but maybe they could use his help. Carly thanks him, but says, there’s no need. They have a lock on it. Dante asks if there’s a plan, and Jason says, everything is being handled. Dante says, fine. They’ll do it his way. They know how to get ahold of him if they need to. He leaves, and Carly asks Jason, when he said everything was handled, did that include Cyrus?  

Cyrus asks if Brando expect him to spell out his plans to him. It’s not going to happen. Brando’s commitment to him is questionable in this moment. Brando says, based on what? and Cyrus says, it seems Brando has always been a trusted member of the extended Corinthos family. Sonny trusted him with Dev’s secret. Brando asks where Cyrus is going with this, and Cyrus says he knows all about Brando’s so-called son.

Gregory asks what Willow means. Did Chase do something wrong? Chase says, yeah, and Gregory says he didn’t mean to pry, but Chase says Gregory should hear it from him. He taught them right from wrong, and to take responsibility. The fact is, he lied to Willow. Willow says, for all the right reasons, but Chase says, it was still wrong. Finn tried his best to get Chase to see that and fix it. Finn urged him over and over to tell the truth, but he held back. By the time he did, too much had happened. Finn tells Willow, when he told her that he had something to say, he wanted to tell her that Chase agonized over the lie, but he stuck to it because it was what was best for Wiley. He was hoping Chase would see his noble, but completely idiotic, gesture in a new light. Willow says, that’s’ an accurate description, and Gregory says, now that it’s out in the open, he hopes the two of them… Chase thinks the rest of the conversation should be between him and Willow. Willow thanks them for the lukewarm hot chocolate, and Gregory tells her to come visit him… them. Willow says she should go, and tells Gregory that it was great meeting him. She leaves with Chase, and Gregory says, good job. They make a nice couple, as do Anna and Finn. Anna says she’s chilly. She thinks it’s time to go back to Violet and the dollhouse. Finn thinks his work there is done, but Gregory says, actually, it isn’t. He asks if Finn would mind sticking around. There’s something he needs to tell him. Anna says she can get a car, but Finn gives her his keys.  

Chase tells Willow, he’s sorry his family put her on the spot, but she says she kind of asked for it, thanking Finn in front of his dad. He says he has no right to ask, but they just jumped into Antarctica and survived. Maybe they can survive what he did. Is there any way he can take her to dinner? He wants to say again how sorry he is, but he also wants to just talk.

Carly asks Jason if meeting Cyrus is a good idea, and he says, it’s the best way to keep the peace. She says, with Sonny gone, he’s in charge. He should send a representative. He can’t risk a double-cross. He says he needs to go, and she gets louder, saying, he can’t. Cyrus already tried to kill him twice. She knows Jason thinks he’s one step ahead, but Cyrus is smart. Cyrus may be one step ahead. Jason says he has to go, and she says, promise he’ll come home. He promises.   

Laura tells Dante, she wants him to know that she’s monitoring Sonny’s disappearance. He’s a very dear friend, and she’s praying for his safe return. She needs him to make her a promise. She knows right now, Sonny’s family is open to provocation, and he needs to steer clear. Tread lightly. Right now, focus on Rocco; Rocco needs him. He says, Carly and Jason said the same thing. She says she’s going to take an action of her own regarding Cyrus. They will get justice. He’ll see.

Brando tells Cyrus, he knew that. Sonny asked him to step up, and he did. Cyrus says, for Sonny, but Brando says, for the kid. Dev’s life was in danger, and Sonny sweetened the pot with the garage. How did Cyrus find out about it? Cyrus says Brando’s mother is unhappy about how the family treats her, and Brando says, she’s not the only one, but it’s done. Dev is dead. He liked the kid, but didn’t like how he died. Cyrus says that’s not his problem. He admires what Brando did, but Dev wasn’t a legal citizen, so he doubts Homeland Security would feel the same way. He wants to shield Brando from the consequences of harboring an illegal immigrant. It’s a Federal crime, and he’d be looking at five years, along with the attendant charges, like fraud and creating a false ID. There’s no way Sonny kept it a secret from those closest to him. Jason and Carly know, and probably Carly’s daughters. Brando says he made his choice, and knows where his loyalties lie. Cyrus says, good. If he gets so much as a whiff of betrayal, not just Brando will go down, but the entire Corinthos clan. Brando asks why he hasn’t used it already, and Cyrus says, who says he hasn’t? Right now, it’s his insurance policy. If he gets hit by a bus, or mysteriously drops dead, his lawyer will notify the Feds immediately of all the violations around Dev. Did he make himself understood?

Willow tells Chase, she’s not sure. So much has happened. When she thinks back to last year at this time, it seems like ages ago. He says he didn’t mean to put her on the spot or pressure her, but he misses her so much. Jumping into the ice cold water with her is the most fun he’s had in months. Drinking lukewarm chocolate and talking feels so good, he wants that. He wants to keep talking to her. She says, just talk? and he says, yeah, just talk. She says, okay. When? He says the sooner, the better. He’ll text her. She says, okay, and wishes him a happy New Year. She leaves, and he smiles.

Gregory thanks Finn for being there for his brother. If Finn ever had any doubts about being a good father to Violet, let them go. He’s as paternal with Chase as Gregory was. Telling truth was always a lesson he tried to instill in both of them. It’s a pleasure to see he succeeded.

Anna opens the door to Jackie.

Carly asks if Laura is there about Sonny, and she says she is. She doesn’t have any news. She came by to check on them, and tell Carly how sorry she is. She and Sonny have a really special connection. Carly says she knows, and it goes both ways. She invites Laura in, and asks if she wants anything. Laura declines, and says she just wanted to say she knows where Carly is. She knows how hard it is to wait. Carly says, Sonny is coming home; he’ll find a way. Laura says she believes that. She knows Sonny would want them to keep the faith, and while they’re waiting, fight back.

Dante waits for the elevator, and gets in. Someone watches him.  

Laura tells Carly, now that Sonny is gone, they need protection, but Carly says, Jason is on it. Laura says she doesn’t have any details, but she’s come up something of her own. Something Cyrus won’t see coming. Carly asks what she means, and she says, Cyrus has a weakness. Something that makes him vulnerable. Something they can use against him.

Cyrus waits at the pier. Jason arrives, and Cyrus says he was afraid Jason wasn’t going to make it. Jason says, he’s there, and Cyrus says, direct and to the point, per his reputation. Very well. Let’s get down to business.

Tomorrow, Jackie tells Anna that it’s time to get it out in the open, Olivia wonders since when is Tracy her biggest fan, Cyrus says it’s time for Jason to change his perspective, and Jason says, come after him again and he’s dead.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Tanner beats the crap out of Justin, who yells, stop it. Tanner finally sits down, and tells Justin to get his ass over there. Now. Justin sits with him, and he says Justin lied. Tell him the truth. Justin says he is, but Tanner says Justin is lying through his teeth. Take a good look. He slams the folder Veronica gave him down on the table, and asks, is it true? Justin says, it’s not. Tanner says Justin knows how much he hates him. Justin said it was all Jeffrey. Justin says, it was, and Tanner asks, then what is this in the files? Justin says, it’s not a real report, and Tanner says he gets it. Justin likes wasting his time. Justin is going let him ask these guys, when he knows the truth. Justin says, they’re all addicts and liars, who are going to tell Tanner it’s true, and Tanner says, so that’s what he’s counting on; no one believing them. But then Justin ran into the Harrington kid. Justin says, that’s not how it went. Who gave Tanner the file? Jeffrey’s mother? She’s a liar. He can’t trust her. Tanner gets up, and Justin asks where he’s going. Tanner says, is Justin sure he wants him to ask these guys? and Justin says, they’re going to lie. Tanner says, everyone at the station is going to lie? and Justin says, yeah. Tanner walks out, and Justin says he’s telling the truth.

At the hotel bar, Mitch asks why Landon is nervous. Landon insists he’s not, and they clink glasses. Landon says, it’s a rule they have to make eye contact, so they do it again. Mitch says, there’s nothing like good whiskey, and Landon says, so… What is this about? Mitch says Landon asked him for a drink. It’s just them talking. Landon is the one who said he was hot. Landon says he doesn’t want to be gay bashed, but Mitch says, he’s not that kind of dude. Landon says, it doesn’t feel right, and Mitch says Landon asked him, and they’re in a nice hotel bar. What’s the problem? Landon says, tell him what it is, and Mitch says he wants to know… about him and her. Landon says, okay. He can’t tell Mitch. He’d love to, but he can’t. Mitch asks, does she love him? Just tell him that. Landon says, they love each other, and Mitch says, Landon wants them to be together? Landon says, yes, and Mitch asks, why? Landon says he loves the thought of them, and Mitch says, okay. Landon says, okay what? Is he missing something? Mitch says, yeah, about 57 bucks. Landon is picking up the tab. Mitch gets up, thanking Landon for the drink. Landon says, that’s it? and Mitch says, that’s it, my friend. Landon thanks Mitch for the company, and asks if he’s sure he doesn’t want to stay. Mitch says, no, and Landon says, a guy can try. Mitch says, he can try with another guy. He says, Landon is a good guy, and he likes Landon; they’re going to be friends. They shake hands, and Landon says, Mitch has such big, thick, beautiful, masculine hands. Mitch says, thanks. Now let it go. Landon releases Mitch’s hand, and says, see him around. Landon says Mitch doesn’t have his number, but Mitch says he can get it. Mitch leaves, and Landon says he was this close to screwing a Malone. From outside, Mitch says, no, he wasn’t. This was really a cute scene, but the other people at the bar looked really strange. The barely dealt with their drinks, and just stared straight ahead.

The guard lets Celine into Wyatt’s room to clean up, and he asks what hell she’s doing there. She says, working, and he says, damn. She went from bad to worse. She tells him, shut up, and he says, you shut up, like he’s ten, and I laugh. She tells him that he should be ashamed of himself, and he says she should be cleaning up his piss. She says he shot his father, and he tells her that she should be happy. She asks why would she be happy about that? and he says, for starters, she wouldn’t have to worry about Jim. Is she still screwing his father? She tells him again to shut up, and he says, that can’t be. His father has moved on to prettier, younger women, with better asses. She says she’ll slap the hell out of him, and he asks if she wants to lose this job too. She says he’s just like his father, but Wyatt says he’s nothing like Jim. Celine says he’s selfish, and never grateful for anything. His brother is a better man than he’ll ever be. He says he doesn’t have a brother, and she says he has two. He says, oh, the half breeds, and she says they’re twice as good as he is. He asks if she’s going to clean his piss now. It needs to be emptied. She says, it’s so sad. He’s had everything handed to him, and he did this. He says, and she does this, indicating her cleaning supplies. Now that they’re even, get the hell out. She says, gladly, and he says, hopefully, they’ll send someone else to clean up after him. She says she’ll make sure of that, and leaves.

The guard stares at Wyatt, who asks what the hell he’s looking at. The guard says Wyatt seems to be feeling better. Wyatt asks if he’s a doctor. How the hell does he know? The guard says, Wyatt is feeling better. That means, he’s going back to jail. Wyatt says he’s going to rehab, and the guard asks, who told him that? Wyatt says he knows it, and the guard says, okay. He laughs, and Wyatt asks what he’s laughing at. The guard says Wyatt is going back to jail any day now, and leaves, closing the door behind him.

In his office at the Iron Bone, Vinnie calls someone. He says he’s worried about this. He didn’t think he’d do that… Okay. He’ll get Sandy to look into it. It will give that kid something to do. He’ll call them back. Moose comes in, and says, the Cryer kid, he made it. He’s in the hospital. Vinnie says, he’s one lucky son of a bitch, and Moose says, tell him about it. The cop Vinnie shot made it too. Vinnie says, argh. Is he talking? Can he talk? Moose says, not that he knows of, and Vinnie says, all right. He’ll take both of them. Moose says he doesn’t know about that, and Vinnie says, why not? Moose says Vinnie is boss now. Mama Rose never got her hands dirty. Vinnie says, first of all, he’s not Mama Rose, and second, she did when she was his age. Moose says he’s right. Is everything good? Vinnie says he’s got to look into some things first, and tells Moose to give him a few minutes, then send Sandy in.

Hanna’s phone rings, and it’s a collect call from an inmate at county. Hanna says she’s glad Kathryn called, and Kathryn says it’s good to hear her voice. Hanna says, hers too, and Kathryn asks, what’s going on? Hanna says Jim was there last night, in her room. She’s going to have to move. Kathryn says, take the money, but Hanna says she’s not going to. Kathryn says she’ll talk to him, and Hanna says she told Jim, do it again, and she’ll blow his brains out. Kathryn says, good for her, and Hanna says Kathryn’s accountant was there. He wanted her to sign over $500K to Jim. Kathryn says, did she? and Hanna says, hell no. She wouldn’t have done unless Kathryn said to. Kathryn tells Hanna, she’s not saying it, and Hanna says, good. She should have seen Jim’s face when he found out she was executor of the will. Kathryn says she would have paid the same money, and Hanna says, it was priceless. Kathryn tells Hanna not to let Jim intimidate her. If he comes back to the house, just put him out. Hanna says she can’t do that; it’s his house. Kathryn says, it’s her house, so do it. She’ll get an attorney on it. Hanna says Kathryn will make things worse. Jim’s already mad as hell. Let her try the peaceful way. If that doesn’t work, she’ll let Kathryn know. Hanna has another thing, and Kathryn asks, what is it? Hanna says, Veronica, and Kathryn says, that witch. Hanna says, her account is in default, and Kathryn asks if Hanna is talking about the rehab mortgage. Hanna says she is, and Kathryn says, Veronica needs to have it brought up to date. Hanna asks what Kathryn wants her to do, and says, please let her handle it. This is gonna be fun. Kathryn asks if she’s sure, and Hanna says, yeah. She’s got it. Wait. Kathryn called her. Kathryn says she wants to know how Wyatt is doing, what’s going on with her case, and how long she has to be in there. She met a girl who reminds her so much of Amanda, it’s frightening. Her heart goes out to this girl. Hanna says she’s sorry, and the recording says, one minute. Kathryn says she needs to get off. She’d appreciate it if Hanna could take care of all that. She’ll call Hanna tomorrow. Hanna hangs up, and says, Miss Veronica.

Jeffrey and Colby have dinner at the apartment. Jeffrey’s phone is ringing, and Colby says Justin has called Jeffrey 67 times – and left messages. Jeffrey needs to let Colby meet him. Jeffrey asks if Colby has some sort of hero thing. Does he feel like he always needs to be the hero? Colby says if he met Justin, he could get him to leave Jeffrey alone, but Jeffrey says he wouldn’t count on it. Colby asks if Jeffrey’s got a golden stick, and Jeffrey says, it’s not that. Justin has never called this much. Colby asks if Jeffrey is sure he doesn’t want to call Justin back, but Jeffrey says, no, he doesn’t. His phone rings, and Colby says, damn. He’s calling again. Jeffrey says, it’s getting worse. Colby asks if it’s always been this bad, and Jeffrey says it has, but something is wrong. Colby says, answer it, and Jeffrey asks what Justin said when he called. Colby tells him, something about his mother, and Jeffrey says, damn. What is she up to now? Colby says, there’s only one way to find out, but Jeffrey says he’s not answering. Colby says, then turn the phone off, and Jeffrey says he can’t. It could be his dad, or Madison might call. Colby says, his boo, and Jeffrey says, stop it. He takes a sip of coffee, and asks how Colby can burn coffee. Colby says he likes it strong, but Jeffrey says, this is burnt. Colby says, it’s the way he likes it, and Jeffrey asks if it’s Cuban coffee. Colby says, it’s called wake-a-bitch-up-now. Jeffrey didn’t even cook up in there, and he’s complaining. That could get a bitch cut. Jeffrey says, as in butter knife? and Colby says Jeffrey’s skin like butter. Jeffrey shakes his head.

Celine’s supervisor approaches her at the hospital. He says, we need to see you, and she asks, who’s we? He says, him and his boss, and she says, for what? He tells her, don’t make it hard; just come with him. She asks where they’re going, and he says he told her. She asks if she’s getting fired. She needs to know. He says they’d like to talk to her, but she says she’s not talking until her lawyer gets there. The supervisor says, she has lawyer? and she says she does; Veronica Harrington. And she’d like to speak to her before they meet. He says, okay; do that. He’ll tell the director now. He leaves, and she calls Veronica.

Celine tells Veronica that she’s at work, and her boss wants to talk to her. Veronica says, talk to him, and Celine says she thinks he’s going to fire her. Veronica says, stop being dramatic, but Celine says Veronica has to help her. Veronica says, okay, and Celine asks what to do. Veronica says, calm the hell down. She’ll come down there. This is where she says thank you. Celine tells her, thank you, and Veronica says, give her 45 minutes. Don’t talk to anyone until she gets there. And thank you again. Celine says, thank you, and Veronica says, and again… and again. She says, so much damn drama and tacos, and Celine says she assumes she wasn’t supposed to hear that, but Veronica says, yes, she was. Celine hangs up.

Jim is sitting in his living room, when David comes by. He asks how it went with the Malones, and David says those people won’t tell him a thing. He tried. Jim thanks him, and says he saw Hanna. David says she opened the door for him? but Jim says, no. He has a key. David says he went to Hanna’s house, uninvited, alone, and let himself in, without permission. Jim says, it’s not Hanna’s house. To clarify, it’s his house. David says, fine, and Jim says, he so wants to go to that woman’s funeral. David says he can’t do anything now, and Jim says he knows; the Malones are watching. David says, if he does, they’ll come after Jim for everything he has. Jim says he gets it. Why doesn’t David talk to her for him? David laughs, and Jim says she likes him. David says she hates him as much as she hates Jim, but Jim says she likes him. He can see it in her eyes. She wants David to flirt. David asks if Jim is that naïve, and Jim tells him to bat his pretty brown eyes, and ask a few questions. David says he’s not doing that, and Jim asks, why? David doesn’t want Hanna to be his whore? David says he doesn’t want Jim to play his pimp. David asks how Jim’s shoulder is, and Jim says he has no idea; he’s taking every last painkiller. How’s David’s back? David his ex is the biggest pain in his life. Jim says he’ll handle Veronica for David. The least David can do is sleep with Hanna. David says Jim went from batting his eyes to sleeping with her, and Jim says, it’s the natural progression. David says he must think Hanna is stupid, and Jim says, if he wasn’t straight, he’d sleep with David himself. He needs David to do this one simple thing. David leaves, and Jim takes out his phone.

Jeffrey’s phone rings, and Colby says, he’s calling again. Is he crazy or something? Jeffrey says, he’s never called this much, and Colby says, maybe something is wrong. Jeffrey says, something is always wrong, but Colby suggests Jeffrey answer it. Jeffrey says, no, and Colby asks if Jeffrey wants him to answer it. Jeffrey says, no, and answers the phone. Justin tells Jeffrey not to be mean, and Jeffrey asks what he wants. Justin says he wants to see Jeffrey, but Jeffrey says, that’s not happening. Justin says he really needs a friend, and Jeffrey says Justin doesn’t know how to be a friend. He says Jeffrey can teach him, but Jeffrey says he can’t. He has to go. Justin says, he’s trying to kill me, and Jeffrey asks what his mom did now. Justin says, it’s not his mom this time, but she did this. Jeffrey asks what Justin is saying, and Justin tells Jeffrey that he just wanted to say goodbye. He doesn’t think he’s going to make it. He thinks he’s going to end his life. Jeffrey says Justin needs some help, and Justin says Jeffrey can help him. Jeffrey says he’s not coming over there. Why would he do that after what Justin did to him? Justin says he loves Jeffrey so much, and Colby says, let him talk. Jeffrey says he has to go, and Justin asks, who was it? Colby says, let him talk to that bitch, and Justin says, fine. Jeffrey has moved on. He’s going to do it, and just wanted to let Jeffrey know he’s going to kill himself. Jeffrey will see. Jeffrey tells him, goodbye. Colby says, that sh*t was stressful, and Jeffrey says, Justin told him that he was going to kill himself. Colby says he heard that much, and Jeffrey tells him, Justin says that all the time. Colby says, that is sad. Can he have a turn. Jeffrey says, what? and Colby says he wants to see what all the fuss is about. Maddy is a whore, and Jeffrey’s got him going crazy. Or at least he was a whore, and now he’s wanting to commit. This guy on the phone is going crazy. He wants to see what Jeffrey is working with. Jeffrey tells him, stop it, and Colby says, Maddy wouldn’t mind them hooking up. Jeffrey says, first of all, it’s not happening. Second, Madison would mind. Colby says he’s just kidding. Maddy really cares about Jeffrey. He should take Maddy to his favorite restaurant and show him how much he cares. Jeffrey says he will, and Colby’s phone rings. Colby says, duty calls, and Jeffrey says, what kind of duty? Colby says he’s in demand. Tell Maddy not to wait up for him.  

Back at the Iron Bone, Vinnie looks like he has a headache. Sandy comes to the office, and asks, what’s going on? Vinnie asks if Mitch is out there, but Sandy says, no. Does Vinnie want him to call?  Vinnie says, no, and Sandy asks, what’s happening? Vinnie asks what he knows about Mitch and the Black kid. Why is Mitch so loyal? Sandy asks what Vinnie is thinking, but Vinnie says he’s not sure. He has a few things he’s got to figure out before he decides what to do next. Sandy asks again, what’s happening? and Vinnie says, remember he’s the boss. Sandy doesn’t need to know everything. Did he handle his business with that girl? Sandy says he’s got it under control, and Vinnie says, yeah, yeah. Sandy makes fun of him, and Vinnie asks if he needs to remind Sandy that he’s running things now. He needs to watch his tone. Sandy says, sorry, and asks if there’s anything he can do. Maybe he could ask around about Mitch. He and Benny are really close. Vinnie asks if he’s trying to say something. Mitch isn’t like that. Sandy knows. Mitch and Benny have known each other since they were kids. Maybe he can get someone to tell him what’s going on; help Vinnie out. Vinnie says he needs to find out if Mitch is putting the family name out there, but Sandy says, Mitch wouldn’t do that. Vinnie says, he knows, but he needs to ask around, and don’t tell Mitch that he’s asking. Sandy gets up, and Vinnie says, it’s Sandy’s way back in. He’s giving Sandy something he can actually do. Please don’t screw it up. Sandy says he’s got it. When he’s gone, Vinnie says, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch.

David knocks on Hanna’s door, and Hanna asks what he wants. She doesn’t have anything to say to him. She decides to let him in, and says, what is it? He says he’s never been in there before; it’s very nice. She asks what he wants, and he says, it’s about Jim’s financial situation. She says she’s listening, and he says Jim really does need some money. She says, that’s not her problem. He reminds her of a painting in the house that’s worth over $6 million dollars, and says, $500K is nothing with the kind of money Kathryn has put under her control. She says if he thinks she’s going to help Jim, he’s wasting her time. He says he knows, and she says, then why is he there? He says he told Jim that he’d try. She says, he did. Now the door.

He tells her, there’s something more he’d like to say. She’d asked him if he thought his mother would be proud of him. To be honest, it his mother knew all he’s done, she wouldn’t be. She tells him that she’s glad he said that, and he says she reminds him of his mother, in all the good ways. He admires her strength of character. She’s been given control of a lot of money, and he doesn’t believe she’d do anything dishonest. Just between them, he thinks Kathryn was right in asking her to be executor rather than Jim. But Jim does really need money to get through this, and make peace. Hanna asks why she’d do that for him. The man calls him, and David runs. David says, Jim saved his life more than once. He supposes he’s trying to be the kind of friend he’d like to have. Hanna says David does Jim’s dirty work, and David says, some. He always believed it was for the greater good. She tells him, get the hell out. She thanks him for his honesty. Now the door. He tells her that she’s a beautiful woman with a good soul. She asks who he is. Which David is he? He asks what she means, and she says, there are many Davids. Is it the David who hides Jim’s secrets, or the David who lied to her face about her son? Or is it the David who’s Jim’s lap dog, or the David… He says, it’s the David she’s attracted to. He knows he’s attracted to her. He’s been attracted to her for some time. She’s really a beautiful woman. Hanna says, he thinks so? and he says he knows so. She says, okay, and he asks if he read it wrong. She says he’s an attractive man, and has a great body. He says, from the time he first saw her, he wanted to get to know her more intimately. He knows it might be inappropriate… She tells him, it’s okay, and he asks, does she mind if he gets more comfortable, and tell her all he’s been thinking about her? She says, please, have a seat, and they sit on the couch. He asks where he begins, and she tells him to begin wherever he’d like. I have the feeling Hanna is playing him like a fiddle.

Vinnie walks into Wyatt’s room, and Wyatt says, get the hell out. Vinnie tells him, relax. He just wants to talk. Wyatt asks, where’s the  guard? and Vinnie says the guards all work for them. Wyatt says, wait, and Vinnie says, he doesn’t wait.

Next time, Jim says Hanna cast a spell on David , Veronica asks if this is the game Kathryn wants to play, Vinnie says the problem is, Jim doesn’t know him; and Jim offers Hanna $25 million if she gives him power of attorney.

🐑 Soon To Be Counting Sheep…

Crossing one long day off my pandemical calendar, and trying to look at it as a step closer to whatever will pass for normalcy in the new year. Tomorrow, it’s double the Wives, and some spilled tea, but for now, stay safe, stay confident for the future, and stay a step ahead of Cyrus.

December 28, 2020 – Franco Makes It Home For Christmas, French Night In Antigua, Brave New Deck & My Year


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

In the park, Curtis asks if Jordan doesn’t have Christmas Eve guests, but she says, it’s not Christmas without him; without the two of them. He asks how she found him, and she says she remembered last year, and took a chance on him being there. He says, the sad part is, it feels like so long ago. She says she knows, but it’s Christmas again, and he needs to come home. 

Molly says, what she has to tell TJ is going to hurt him. There’s no way around it, but it doesn’t change the fact that she loves him more than anything in the world. He says, whatever it is, it’s still from her. It can’t be that bad. She says she made a horrible mistake. She slept with someone else.

Michael tells Willow that Wiley is so excited about Santa and getting presents in the morning. Is she sure she doesn’t mind staying? He was hoping his dad would be back in time to celebrate. She says she likes being around his family, and it’s good that Wiley has Avery and Donna to play with. It was truly wonderful for Michael to invite Lucas to spend time with Wiley. He says Lucas couldn’t spend the next 20 years hiding from Wiley at family functions, and she says he knows what she’s talking about. It’s fantastic that he’s keeping Lucas as part of Wiley’s life. He says Lucas will always be part of the family, like her, no matter what happens with them.   

Terry visits Elizabeth, apologizing for getting there late; mass ran long. Elizabeth says she’ll pour Terry some mulled wine, but Terry says, a small pour. Her flight to Denver leaves early. Her parents always ask about Elizabeth’s parents. She knows Elizabeth hasn’t been close with her parents, but maybe it will be different this year. Elizabeth says, probably not. She’s sorry Terry missed Jake and Aiden; they’re in bed already. Terry says Cameron is still there, and Elizabeth says, that’s debatable. He’s had his head buried in a handheld game, like a zombie.

Franco sneaks around the hospital. He motions to Scotty, and Obrecht in a blond wig and lab coat. All three of them sneak into an office. Outside the office, Maxie and Peter come around the corner. Peter tells Maxie reading stories to the elderly and the kids at the hospital is a great tradition. He asks her if everything is okay, and she says she really is excited, but feels guilty about the wedding and the baby. Looking forward to huge life events when so many people are suffering isn’t fair.

Obrecht says she wants to find Franco’s scan before she examines him, and Scotty says, she just got out of prison. Does she think accessing medical records is a good idea? Franco says he’s pretty sure it’s a felony, but explain why she’s on the downlow?

Britt asks if Jason is okay, and says he looks like hell. They’re friends now, so tell her the truth. He looks like he hasn’t slept in 48 hours. He says he has a lot on his mind, and she says, that makes two of them. She heard Sam and Lucas had to identify their father’s body. He needs to be straight with her. Should Julian’s death be on her conscience?

Carly opens the door to Chase and a uniformed officer. She says she knows he wouldn’t be interrupting on Christmas Eve if it wasn’t important. How can she help him? Chase says he’s sorry to bother her on a holiday, but he needs to speak to her husband.  

Cameron say, it’s nice to see Terry before she leaves for her holiday travels, and she says it’s nice to see him too. He makes a beeline for the kitchen table, and puts earplugs in, sitting down to play his game. Elizabeth tells Terry, it’s the most social he’s been in the past few days. Terry says, she gets it. His friend died. That’s hard anytime, let alone close to the holidays. Elizabeth says, Cameron saw Trina for a few minutes, but that was it. He hasn’t picked up his guitar in over a month, and Franco being sick isn’t helping. Terry says it’s the first time they’ve been alone and could talk. She hopes Elizabeth knows how much she hated lying, but Elizabeth says, walk back. She didn’t lie. She’s ethically bound not to tell, and Elizabeth doesn’t blame her. Terry is glad Franco finally let her in, and let her weigh in on the diagnosis, but she’s concerned that he left the country before he started radiation. She can’t imagine what would be more important.

Obrecht says, it’s imperative that she keep a low profile, but Franco says, the charges were dropped. She says, it won’t matter to Anna and her petty vendetta. She sure Anna will make an attempt to slap another charge on her. She needs to stay focused on treating him. He says it’s a huge relief that she wasn’t behind the attack on his life at GH. He doesn’t have a lot of friends, so it’s nice to know he didn’t lose one, but that does make him question who did want him dead.

Peter says he knows how much Maxie misses Lulu, and she says, it doesn’t seem right to have a wedding and a baby and not have her be part of it. He says she doesn’t need to feel guilty. Accepting their gifts isn’t insulting to those who have less; it’s honoring them. She says he’s absolutely right. And he gave her the best idea.

Willow tells Michael, she was hoping to put off talking until after Christmas, but they said the same thing at Thanksgiving, and they’re no closer to figuring out their situation. Michael says, there are unresolved feelings with Chase, Sasha, and the two of them. Willow says, part of her is afraid if they don’t sort that out first, before they figure out what’s going on between them, they’ll end up hurting each other.

TJ tells Molly, it’s not funny, and she says, she’s not joking. He says they’ve been together every night; it’s not even possible. She says, it happened months ago, and he asks, when? She says, it was after they had the enormous fight, when he proposed then disappeared. Of course (🍷) she learned later that he’d been kidnapped, but at the time, all she had were vague texts that he needed time to think. She tried to get his mom to talk to him, but Jordan said she wouldn’t, and even read her the riot act. Jordan said her actions had hurt TJ, and she had to accept the fact it was over. She thought he wanted nothing to do with her. She thought they were done. He says, what exactly did his mother say?

Curtis says he’d like nothing more than to go home, and Jordan says she hopes TJ and Molly are still there. He says they still have things they need to sort out, and she asks if they can’t sort them out under the same roof. He says it might be a new song to her, but to him, it’s the same replay. If they go home, and he forgives her like always, nothing will ever change. She says they love each other and they’re faithful. Nothing else matters. He says, really? How about honesty?

Carly suggests Chase contact Diane if he wants to speak to Sonny. The point is moot anyway, since he’s not home. He asks if she’s expecting him home, and she says, it’s Christmas. Of course (🍷) she’s expecting him. She asks if there’s a reason for his visit, and he says, there was a bridge collapse in Secaucus. A body was recovered that had two bullet holes in it, and was ID’d as Julian Jerome.  

Britt tells Jason, Julian was found shot, and it’s interesting timing, since she just told him about Julian’s involvement with Brad and the baby switch, and that it might be the reason Cyrus tried to kill Brad. If what she told him caused Julian to get killed… He says she didn’t cause Julian’s death. He and Sonny wanted to bring Julian to the cops; he was more valuable to them alive, but Cyrus wanted the opposite. She says she feels like she’s being pulled into the middle of Sonny and Cyrus, and she’d rather watch from a safe distance. If she throws in with them, she needs to know if she’s choosing the right side.  

Franco says, he loves breaking and entering as much as the next guy, but he’d like to wrap it up so he can get home to Elizabeth. Scotty says, it’s not a three man job. Go home, and he’ll swing by later. Franco should be with Elizabeth and the boys. Franco says, thanks, and wishes them, merry Christmas. He slips out, sneaking some more, even though he doesn’t really have to. Obrecht asks why she gets the feeling Scotty wanted Franco to leave, and Scotty says he wanted to see how she’s doing. Franco doesn’t know their secret. She says it’s not her first rodeo. She’s kept low to the ground many times. He says he’s not talking about that. Dr. Kirk tried to kill her. She says, and now Kirk is dead. There’s only thing that matters to either of them.

Maxie tells Peter, she’s never going to give up hope that Lulu will recover and come back. She wants their daughter to carry a piece of her best friend always. What does he think of Louise? Peter says, they can call her Lu, and Maxie says, that’s what she was thinking. He says, it’s a splendid Idea.

Jason says, if Britt wants to watch from a safe distance, resign as Chief of Staff, and go back to Boston. She asks if she told him that she had been living there, and he says he had someone check. She says, Spinelli. What else did he dig up on her? He says, nothing useful, and she says, what a relief. If he wants her to keep helping him, he has to stop running checks on her. He asks if she just admitted she’s helping him, and she says, the alternative is helping Cyrus. He says, and that doesn’t appeal to her? Since when? She asks why she should trust him, and he says he thinks they both want the same thing. They want the hospital and the city free of Cyrus. She nods, and says, okay. She doesn’t want to help Cyrus. He’s developing a new pharmacology drug in the lab there. It will legitimately help people, but he’s going to exploit it for his own profit and benefit. Jason thanks her, and says she made the right choice. He leaves, and she says she sure hopes so.

Jordan says she and Curtis are honest with each other about the things that matter, but he says, sorry. Their relationship has always been one-sided. He tells her the truth, but she can’t lower the walls enough. Trina tore into him again, since she assumed he was in on the lie about Taggert. A teen has a better idea of what marriage means than she does. She says, it was a judgement call; it wasn’t meant to hurt him. He says she’s always been independent, and comfortable making decisions by herself for herself, and she says, he’s the same way. He says, that was before they got together. After they were married, he changed. He grew, and learned to be a team player, but she didn’t. It got worse after Cyrus came to town. Even when she claimed it was the truth, she always left something out. She make calls on how much he’s allowed to know. It’s not the kind of marriage he wants.

Molly tells TJ, his mother was giving her vague texts from someone pretending to be him. She thought he was gone; that she’d broken his heart. His mother said so, but she’s the one who lost faith. What happened is on her. He says, it happened months ago. Why didn’t she tell him? She says she should have. She wanted to. At first, she thought she should be honest, but he was so badly hurt at the hospital, and she knew he had a long recovery ahead, physically and emotionally. It felt selfish to pile on more bad news. She told herself that she would tell him eventually when he got stronger. Eventually got pushed further and further away. He asks, why come clean now? and she says, he saw their mothers tonight, and the pain keeping secrets causes. She didn’t want go through with the commitment ceremony keeping a secret, even if it means losing him. He asks, who was it? and she says, that’s not important. It was a one-time thing. As soon as he was back, and she realized they hadn’t broken up – it was a misunderstanding – she told him it never should have happened, and that she was completely devoted to TJ. TJ says, so she saw him afterward. It wasn’t someone random, but someone she knows. She says, it doesn’t matter. He’s not responsible. He didn’t know TJ when it happened. TJ says, but he does now. Tell him who it is. She says, Brando.

Brando tells Michael, there are squad cars in the driveway. Does he know why the cops are there?

Carly says Sam told her about Julian’s death, but what does it have to do with Sonny? Chase asks when they last spoke, and Carly says, yesterday afternoon. He asks if Sonny said where he was going, and she says, he went on a business trip; he doesn’t discuss them with her. What’s going on? Chase says, there was an anonymous tip that Julian wasn’t alone on the bridge. The security footage showed Sonny pursuing him, so they assume he was the other person on the bridge. Carly says, so they think the bridge collapsed with Sonny on it? What are they doing to find him?

Chase tells Carly, the local PD are doing a search and rescue in the surrounding area. They sent him to confirm if Sonny is missing, and it appears he is. Michael and Brando walk in, and Michael asks, what’s going on? Chase says he’s so sorry, but Michael’s father may have been in a serous accident. They’re not sure if he survived.

TJ tells Molly, it makes sense. He was so stupid. No wonder she was so standoffish with Brando. She says he’s not stupid, but it wasn’t Brando’s fault. He didn’t know. It was her mistake. She was hurt and angry, and lost faith in what they had. She’s so sorry about what happened, and especially sorry for not telling him months ago. None of it changes the fact that she loves him, and wants to spend her life with him. He says he needs time by himself (which I find somewhat ironic, since that’s what started this), and Molly says she understands. She tells him that she loves him, and leaves. He looks steamed, and sits down.

Jordan tells Curtis, don’t say that. They have a good marriage. She admits that she didn’t handle the Taggert situation well, but she promises there will be no more secrets. He has to believe her. Curtis says, the thing is, he wants to believe her, but he doesn’t think he can anymore. She should see TJ. It’s a holiday; she should be with family. She says, he’s her family. If he changes his mind, she’ll save a seat at the table for him.

Elizabeth tells Terry, Franco thought it would be a good idea to see a specialist; a neuropsychologist. Terry says, it makes sense, and Elizabeth thanks her for not saying everything will be fine. She’s been getting a lot of that lately. Terry says she can’t promise certainty, but she can promise faith and not giving up on Franco. Franco walks in, laden with gifts, and Elizabeth she throws herself at him and hugs him.

Cameron comes out, and says his mom told him Franco wasn’t going to be back until after the new year. Franco says he changed his plans. He wanted to spend Christmas with his family. Cameron says, merry Christmas, and Franco says, that’s his welcome? He got Cameron a righteous gift in the duty-free shop. Cameron says he’s super excited and happy to see Franco. He was worried that Franco was spending his last… Jake and Aiden are super psyched for tomorrow morning, and he’s sure Franco and his mom have a lot to catch up on. He jets back to the kitchen, and Terry goes with him. Franco asks how Cameron is doing, and Elizabeth says, better, but it’s been a rough couple of weeks. Dev’s death hit Cameron hard, and he won’t talk about it. She knows he’s happy to have Franco back, like she is. Tell her everything. Did he get the answers to what was up with the voice in his head? He says the specialist he was supposed to see was indisposed, but he’s confident someone is there who can help him out.

Britt’s hand begins to shake, and she hides it. Peter and Maxie come to the desk, and Peter asks if she’s okay.

Jordan gets home, and asks TJ, where’s Molly? He says, she slept with another man, and Jordan says, Molly did what? When? He says, when he was abducted, and he thought she’d turned down his proposal. Jordan says she’s so sorry. She can’t imagine how he’s feeling. He says he thinks she can. The night it happened, Jordan told Molly that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. He’s been thinking about the last few months. His adduction and recovery, struggling to make sense of the trauma. She showed Molly alleged texts. How could she believe they were from him? How could she not check? He wondered what else she lied about, then it hit him. She knew the whole time that he was abducted, didn’t she?

Brando says, Sonny might be dead? and Michael says, Chase said there was an accident. What kind? Chase says, a bridge collapsed, and they think Sonny was on the bridge at the time. Michael asks what makes him think that, and Chase says, Julian’s body was recovered there. The security footage shows him heading there with Sonny pursuing him. Jason walks in, and asks if everything is okay, which is a really stupid question since two cops are there, obviously in official capacity. Chase says he’s glad Jason is there. He needs to asks him a few questions. Jason says, about? and Chase says, Julian Jerome.   

Terry asks if Cameron minds if she gives it a shot. She used to be a kick ass gamer. He asks if she’s an ancient side-scroller, and she tells him, don’t say he wasn’t warned. She starts to play, and he says she’s pretty decent. She says she told him. How many people have asked if he’s okay? He says, too many, and she says she figured. It sucks losing a friend. He watches her work the game, and says, awesome play, and she thanks him. She says, between them and the game, he doesn’t have to tell everyone what they want to hear. He’s allowed not be okay. He tells her, if she says so, and she says she knows so. She’s been there. When she was first ready to transition, she moved. She made new friends from different backgrounds. Some of them had the means and support systems to back them up. They were fortunate. She was too, but others, not so much. She had one friend, Abby. Abby was targeted by horrible, horrible people… and died. Terry was angry and sad, and stayed in her apartment for weeks because she was scared. He asks, what changed? and she says, not a whole lot. She’s still angry a lot, sad even more, but she realized Abby wouldn’t want her give up living because she lost her. Abby wouldn’t want her staying home, and living vicariously through a video game that was safer than the real world. She doubts Dev would want that for him either. She shows him the game that she’s been playing while talking, and says, she told him.  

Britt tells Peter, it’s Christmas Eve and she’s still working. She asks how Maxie is feeling. Is everything okay with her niece or nephew? Maxie says they’ve gotten clarity on that issue, and asks if Peter would like to do the honors. Peter says, they’re having a baby girl. She’s healthy and they’ve found the perfect name. Maxie says they’re not ready for that announcement, and Britt says, congratulations, especially on the healthy. He asks if she has plans, and if there’s any chance she could join them at Mac and Felicia’s. She says, there’s no rest for the Chief of Staff, but Maxie says she should come. Britt says, she’s not Mac and Felicia’s favorite person, but Maxie says, it’s the perfect opportunity. A chance for everyone to put the past behind them. They’re about to be a family again.   

Scotty arrives at Elizabeth’s and says he was afraid he’d miss Santa. Elizabeth says she’s glad he’s there. Franco said he was going to get answers from someone local. Has he found a neuropsychologist in Port Charles? Scotty says he has some leads, and Franco tells her, what he said. Scotty asks, where’s the mulled wine? There it is! He goes to the kitchen, and Elizabeth asks Franco if his dad seems jumpier than usual. Franco says, nothing is usual for that guy. She says she knows it’s hard. He didn’t get a definitive answer to the voices in his head, but she hopes that hasn’t changed his commitment to fighting the tumor, and fighting for their family.

Chase knows Jason was involved in another incident in the area, and asks if he has any insight. Jason tells Chase, Diane already handled it and he was released on his own recognizance. If he has any questions, Chase can speak to his attorney. Carly says Chase has over stayed his welcome, and can contact Diane if he wants to speak with Sonny. He says he intends to, and for what it’s worth (🍷), he’s truly sorry. He leaves, and Michael asks, what the hell happened to his dad?   

TJ says, Cyrus was behind his kidnapping, wasn’t he? and Jordan says, she suspected he had something to do with it. That’s why she needed Molly to stop asking questions. The more noise she made, the more danger TJ cold be in. There was shootout, and Taggert was murdered. TJ says, Taggert’s death wasn’t real, but she says she was keeping Molly safe. She didn’t know Molly would sleep with someone else, and he can’t blame her for Molly keeping it a secret. He says, supposing that’s true, can she look him in the eye, and promise she’s telling him everything he needs to know about his abduction? Jordan says she wishes she could, but she can’t. She takes his hand, but he shakes her off. He says, merry Christmas, mom, and walks out. She cries alone.

Scotty officially wishes Elizabeth and Franco a merry Christmas, and Franco asks, who wants more mulled wine? Terry says, unfortunately, not her. She has to take off before she turns into a pumpkin. Elizabeth asks if she remembers how they would stay up late and sing carols, and Terry says she loves Elizabeth, but no one wants to hear her belt out Mariah Carey. Elizabeth says she won’t subject them to a sing-along, but Cameron says, it sounds kind of nice, and picks up his guitar.

Britt says if they’re sure it’s not an imposition, but Maxie says, she’s family. She’ll call and have Mac and Felicia set an extra place. She leaves, and Britt says Peter is really getting into the family thing. He says she is his sister, and she says, it’s nice to know, now that Nathan is gone, her mom is in the Hague, and her best friend is going back to prison, she has someone to celebrate with. Obrecht peeks out, and says, even Britt is close to Peter. it’s unacceptable. Enjoy a merry Christmas, Peter, because the new year will bring your downfall.

TJ sees Molly in the park, and she asks how he found her. He reminds her that they downloaded a tracker app after… She says she doesn’t know what else to say except to tell him again, she’s so, so sorry. He says he knows. Just like he knows she’d never cheat under normal circumstances. She thanks him for knowing that, and knowing her. She just wishes she’d trusted him to tell him a lot sooner. He says she wishes that too, but the important thing is, she did. She respected him enough to be honest. It means more than she knows. She asks what it means for them. Where do they go from here? TJ says he honestly doesn’t know. They have so much to sort out. It feels like everything is different. She asks if that means they’re done, but he says he doesn’t want to be done. Does she? She says, absolutely not. She loves him and always will. He says he loves her too, and suggests they take it day by day, and see where they go next.

Jordan looks at the tree, and shakes her head.

Jason says, Sonny was on the bridge when it collapsed. He jumped in after Sonny, and searched, but couldn’t find him. They have a crew searching, and so are the cops. Michael says he’ll call the New Jersey authorities, and coordinate. He’ll throw the family name around, and make sure it’s done right. Willow goes upstairs to check on the kids, and Jason looks stressed. Carly says, when the guard told her the police were there, she thought they were going to tell her that they found Sonny’s… She cries and Jason holds her. He says he’s sorry he doesn’t have more answers, but she says the only answer she wants is that Sonny is alive and coming home.

Tomorrow, a midnight swim in the cold, Laura says Jackie gave her an idea, Cyrus wonders why someone’s family didn’t tell them something, and Carly says she knew Sonny would come back.

Below Deck

Nonsuch Bay, Antigua. Francesca wants to get rid of Elizabeth, but Captain Lee says, sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don’t. She tells the captain that she can’t have Elizabeth as second stew, and he tells her to do what she has to. In Francesca’s interview, she says Elizabeth isn’t doing a good job, but she doesn’t know anyone available that would be up to the standard she needs. There’s pressure on her to make the right decision.

Rachel curses out the food processor. On the beach, Izzy tells Elizabeth about Francesca and Ashling going swimming. She suggests they have a tiki torch swim when they’re alone. As soon as the guests leave, they get into their underwear, and into the water. Elizabeth says, this makes it worth it. In Izzy’s interview, she compares Elizabeth to a prisoner, and says Francesca is the evil sheriff. She tells Elizabeth that she understands.

The guests return for French night, and Eddie asks Rob to help pick up the stuff from the beach. The captain says, viva la France, as he walks by. The guests do a jigsaw puzzle, and Izzy and Eddie curse the slide while they bring it back in, as everyone does. In Rob’s interview, he says, when he was around 17, he went through a period where he was very involved with Dungeons and Dragons, and didn’t have a huge friend circle, but it gave way to other creative things. He shows us his Pegasus tattoo, saying, he’s a big nerd. In Rachel’s interview, she says she has to nail this charter. She’s done well in the past with overcoming sh*tty situations. Pulling off Mardi Gras was a feat in itself, and homemade marshmallows. A ten-course tasting menu – bring it. The stews put on berets.

The guests dress in various supposed French outfits; berets paired with striped shirts, and one dressed like Napoleon. One of the guests says another one looks like the Hamburglar, and I agree. In Eddie’s interview, he says he’s let it go for the most part, but he hasn’t forgotten Rachel left them high and dry before a charter. If he was Captain Lee, he would fire Rachel as soon as he could. Ashling helps Rachel plate, and in the captain’s interview, he says he wants to fire Rachel. He doesn’t know if she’ll get a wild hair up her ass, and take off on them again, but the guests requested a 10-course tasting menu, which means 60 effing plates. He’ll see how she does. She has no room for error.

James asks if the Rob if the guests are still eating dinner, and Rob says, they’re on course 483. In Izzy’s interview, she says, if she was cooking, the courses would be very basic. She can’t even fry an egg. If someone wants a housewife, don’t pick her. Primary Bryan says, the egg course is the perfect consistency. Francesca tells Ashling to do cabins. In Rachel’s interview, she says, it’s an arduous process, the timing and execution of the food. The Chilean sea bass is deemed buttery and delightful, and the guests wonder what planet Rachel is from. James and Rob discuss Keanu Reeves movies, and in James’s interview, he says Rob is everything he wants in a dinner partner. Rachel gets applause, and in her interview, she says, at the risk of sounding like a narcissistic f***, she thinks she nailed it.

Bryan gets in the hot tub with another guest. Something I will never be able to unsee. Everyone heads to bed, and Francesca discusses new deckhand Rob with Rachel. She says she’s finding him more attractive as time goes on. In the crew mess, Elizabeth tells James that she keeps getting thrown in the doghouse, so she’s just rolling with it. James says she’s worked on boats for a while, and asks if she’s ever had a boatmance. She says she has, and it can be cool when people who wouldn’t meet otherwise, find out they really have a connection. In her interview, she says, James is an escape. When you’re working in this type of environment, it’s nice to have someone to connect with. He asks what she wants to do with her day off, and she says, drink

It’s morning, and Francesca serves coffee and croissants outside. Captain Lee heads out to Falmouth Harbour. He tells Eddie, the docking is going to be a procedure; two anchors out, and the stern in. In his interview, the captain says the dock is extremely challenging. During the high season, every spot is spoken for, and there are very expensive boats docked there. Make a mistake, and you can spend a hundred thousand dollars without batting an eye. The guests get omelets, and Bryan says, as demanding as he is, his standards have now grown more. Eddie draws a picture on the whiteboard to show the deckhands how the docking is going to happen. He says, it’s the Super Bowl of docking maneuvers. They’ll be backing in with no lines to help guide them, and he’s nervous.

The crew waves to Laura on another boat, and in Francesca’s interview, she says, the crews end up being like family, but this crew doesn’t see her as a person. They see her as a bitchy, mean chief stew. She cries a little, and while I feel badly, I can’t help thinking, if you’re the common denominator, maybe you should look in the mirror. The captain says he hates this. There’s are so many ways to get in trouble. He tells the crew that he wants radio silence. If you’re not part of the docking team, be quiet. The guests watch, and Bryan says, amazing. Seeing the crowd on shore, James wonders why people want to watch, and Rob says, they hope someone f***s up. Alarms go off, but it ends well, and Bryan goes to the galley to tell Rachel that her food was amazing. She says reading a preference sheet is different from meeting the person, and his enthusiasm and appreciation helped her want to step it up.

It’s time to say goodbye, and Bryan says, it was an absolute pleasure. He tells the captain that he has an amazing crew, and he was overjoyed with Rachel’s talent. She’s one of the best chefs he’s encountered. He’s emotional beyond words. He gives Captain Lee the tip envelope, and Eddie tells the deckhands to cover up. Francesca tells Rachel, well done. No other chef has nailed it like that. The captain tells the crew to come to the crew mess immediately. Eddie says, it’s the only time when the crew actually shows up immediately.

Captain Lee tells the crew, they did a really god job, and he’s proud of all of them. The tip is $25K or $2,250 each. In Rob’s interview, he says, that’s a big number for three days of not working too hard. The captain says, the charter was successful, but they didn’t know if they’d have a chef. In his interview, he says, once you’ve touched something hot and get burned, you approach it cautiously the second time. He tells them that he doesn’t have the luxury of holding their hands, and Rachel says, sorry; she had a moment. He says, everybody has a moment, and she says, she’ll never let it happen again. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says Rachel is possibly the talented chef he’s come across in his 35 years of yachting. He tells the crew that they can visit a donkey sanctuary after this, and he might tag along. It’s not mandatory, but a reward for an outstanding job. They can stay if they want, and scrub their asses off. I just have to mention, for all the wailing about how demanding these guests were going to be, they were more appreciative than anything else. They weren’t obnoxious in the least, and polite to the crew.

Rachel wants to relax, but most of the crew opts to see the donkeys. Eddie says he’d rather take a nap. In the captain’s interview, he says, there are a lot of donkeys in Antigua, and someone has to take care of the donkeys who can’t take care of themselves. He thinks it will be a good experience for the crew. He’s taking his jackasses to see their jackasses, and they’ll see who has top jackass. They take a limo bus to the sanctuary, where the director explains that they have over 150 donkeys that they protect. All of their names have to do with their stories. She introduces them to Stevie, who was hit and became blind, so he was named after Stevie Wonder. In Izzy’s interview, she says she’s in heaven. She loves the smell of horse manure. It reminds her of her youth, before she was old and jaded like she is now. They brush the donkeys, and hold baby goats.   

Back at the boat, party pooper Eddie scrubs, while Francesca meditates. In her interview, she says she doesn’t know what to do about Elizabeth. She doesn’t want to be mean and fire her, but she needs to do something to light a fire under Elizabeth’s ass so there’s an improvement, or she’ll explode. The rest of the crew returns, and the captain says, donkey time’s over; back to work. Francesca radios Elizabeth to meet her in the Sky Lounge. Izzy asks Rob how his first charter was, and he says, the easiest $2,000 he ever made. Francesca says she feels Elizabeth’s priorities are in the wrong spot. James walks past the window, distracting Elizabeth, and proving Francesca’s point. Francesca says Elizabeth takes one step forward, then two steps back. She still has to check on her. Elizabeth asks if she wasn’t happy with this charter, and Francesca says, a little bit, but not enough. Elizabeth says, sometimes she feels Francesca is hard to please. Francesca says she doesn’t have to explain it any further. The bottom line is that she’ll keep Elizabeth on board, but not as third stew. She’s dropping Elizabeth down. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says she can’t believe this is happening. She tries her hardest every day, and believes the demotion is personal, not business. Clearly there’s no pleasing her. She’s in shock.

The deckhands clink beer bottles, and Eddie says he loves pre-drink drinks. Elizabeth tells Izzy and Ashling about her demotion. In Ashling’s interview, she says, Elizabeth will have to suck it up, and pull her weight. She leaves, and Izzy tells Elizabeth that the captain probably wanted to keep her, since he can manage a team better. Francesca hears them, and asks if they don’t want to involve her if they’re going to be talking about her. I’d say that’s probably a hard no.

Francesca asks, what’s going on; why is Izzy there? Izzy says, it’s not her department, but she was talking to a friend. Francesca moves on, and Elizabeth tells Izzy she hasn’t said anything offensive. The crew gets ready to go out, and Francesca tells Rachel about hearing Izzy and Elizabeth talking about her. Izzy tells James, in her opinion, the demotion was an ego trip. James asks Elizabeth if she gets paid any less, but Elizabeth says, no. She doesn’t care; maybe it will take some pressure off. He tells her, forget work. Drink and enjoy herself. Izzy tells Eddie and Rob that she had a breakdown last year, after she was sexually assaulted. She was drinking with work friends, and felt she was too drunk to go home, and passed out on the sofa. She wasn’t raped, but woke up with a guy’s hand down her pants. When she realized what was happening, she froze. She didn’t want to make a scene, but thinks she should have fought. Rob says, nobody deserves that sh*t, and in Izzy’s interview, she says she thought something like that would be a fight or flight situation, but she froze. She’s the type that can fend for herself, but felt she had the choice and control taken away from her. Eddie says she bounced back well, and she says she has a coping mechanism and can pull herself out of anything. He says, you got fight in you, kid. Eddie sounds like an old man sometimes.  

The crew goes to a restaurant, and do shots before the mean. Eddie says, let’s finish strong. In Rachel’s interview, she says, in retrospect, they did a good job, and she’s super stoked. Tonight, she wants to celebrate and get wasted. She sticks her tongue out at James, who asks, what’s wrong with her? She starts talking with the people at another table, and this pisses Eddie off. She comes back, and tells him, relax, but he says she’s bothering him a little. In his interview, he says, she’s wasted drunk, being rude, and embarrassing the crew. He has no respect for people like that. Funny. Since I recall a few huge blunders of Eddie’s in earlier seasons. He whines to Francesca that Rachel is acting like nothing happened, and it effing bothers him. Francesca doesn’t seem to care a whole lot, and in his interview, Eddie wonders if he’s the only one still pissed that Rachel abandoned them. Funny too, since it probably has the least to do with him, but a lot more with the interior.  

They head over to a club, and Francesca tells Ashling that she likes Rob. She likes Canadian. In her interview, she says she kind of likes him, but she doesn’t know, and laughs. The crew hits the dancefloor, and in Rob’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what to do with himself in social situations. He’s always been quite… aloof. He thinks Francesca is neat, but he feels awkward. Sometimes it takes a minute for him to expose himself. He realizes his word choice, and says, what am I saying? They go back to the boat, and Elizabeth wants to go in the hot tub. Rob talks to Eddie regarding his social skills, and Eddie tell him, it’s important to be open. Rob says he’s used to being in the woods, and looking at rocks.

Elizabeth and James get in the hot tub, and she asks if they’re the only ones up again. He says, at least they get alone time, and Elizabeth says she keeps getting into trouble. Then they make out. Rachel finds a half bagel in the toaster and eats it, saying it’s the best bagel she’s ever had. Elizabeth tells James she’s been waiting so long, and he says she’s so tasty. I really don’t want to know.

Later this season, turtles; Eddie talks to James about separating work and pleasure; a guest talks about her daughter passing away, causing Captain Lee to need a moment; Elizabeth doesn’t think it’s fair; Rachel gets on stage with a random band; the captain tells some charter guests that their charter is over; Elizabeth says, this is war; Francesca doesn’t want to work with Elizabeth; and Captain Lee tells the crew that they have a situation.

⛴ More Deck…

In keeping with my favorite reality theme, cast members watching episodes of their own shows and making comments, comes Below Deck Galley Talk. The deets:

The same thing, said differently:

A little extra from the captain:

🥕 Crunch Time…

Running to finish an article for All the shows are on at their regular times until Thursday, but I’ll have some tea to pour too. Until we meet again for Temptation Tuesday, stay safe, stay keeping it simple, and stay living la vida loca. While socially distanced of course.

December 23, 2020 – Christmas Eve Without Sonny, Shannon Tests Positive, Jen Alludes To Some Hanky Panky & Merry Christmas


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

No surprise, I missed the beginning, even though I had extra time. I’m not sure why it always works that way, but what I missed was, Brando was waiting for Sasha when she came out of the hospital, and she said she wasn’t his problem anymore. He said she kind of was, but she told him to get lost. She ran into him again at the park. Sam identified Julian’s body, and told Lucas she felt sadness, relief, and regret that Julian could never get out of his own way. Lucas said Julian hadn’t deserved to be in their family, and Sam said Julian never got what he wanted, but he got what he deserved. Jason and Carly got back home, and Jason promised he’d keep searching. Josslyn saw them, and pulled them into the living room. Molly brought Alexis to Jordan’s for Christmas dinner, and told Alexis not to make her regret it. TJ thanked Jordan for including Alexis, and Jordan said she was family. Trina and Portia ran into Curtis coming out of Kelly’s, and Trina jumped on him for not telling her Taggert was alive. And then…

Josslyn says she and Willow are making cranberry garland for the bannister, and Michael says Willow is a natural. Josslyn says she wanted to surprise Wiley, and Willow says, but Wiley heard the commotion. Michael says his son has discovered the joy of wrapping paper. Carly says seeing him was the best thing for her, and Michael asks if she was surprised. Josslyn says, was she ever, and Carly says, it’s been a long day. Coming home to family, so much love, and more cranberry garland than they need is what she needed; it’s perfect. Michael says, it’s not perfect until dad’s traditional Christmas Eve dinner. When is he coming home?   

Portia tells Trina, Curtis didn’t know what was going on. Curtis says, all that time he watched them mourn, and he was beating himself up, wondering if he could have done more to save Taggert, and keep Trina’s father with her. Then he finds out Taggert is alive. Trina says, his wife is the Police Commissioner, and she knew. She can understand how Jordan could keep it from them, but how could she keep it from Curtis? Trina blamed him; how could she? Curtis says, excellent question, and Portia sends Trina inside to get the pies. She tells Curtis, she’s so sorry, and he asks, why? She didn’t lie for months, and she suffered more than he did. Be angry, be furious, but not sorry.

Alexis sniffs the steam from what Jordan is cooking, and says, chestnut and rosemary? Jordan says, very good, and Alexis says she’s not a good cook, but she’s got a good nose for sniffing out secret ingredients. Molly goes over, and asks to speak to Alexis for a second. She tells Alexis, she gave her word she’d behave. Alexis says she is, and Molly asks, what’s that about sniffing out secrets? Alexis says, secret ingredients; she was talking about food. What did Molly think… Oh, Molly thought she was going to mention… Molly says, the thought crossed her mind. Alexis isn’t at her best. Alexis says her decades of being an attorney made her good at keeping a confidence, but Molly still doesn’t trust her. Molly says she doesn’t. How is she supposed to trust Alexis with her life, when Alexis is willing to destroy her own? TJ tells Molly it’s her turn, and Molly goes back to their backgammon game. Alexis sneaks vodka into her coffee cup, from what looks like a generic brand.   

Trina sits inside Kelly’s, and Portia tells Curtis, she’s thankful Taggert is alive, but she could kill him herself with her bare hands for toying with Trina’s emotions. Curtis says, let him help, or at least watch, and Portia says, she doesn’t like what Taggert and Jordan did, nor does she approve. But she does recognize, as misguided as they were, they thought they were doing the right thing. They needed to stage Taggert’s death to protect them from Cyrus. He says, maybe. He gets that, but that’s not what pisses him off. Jordan was keeping the secret, knowing what it was doing to Portia and Trina. Early on, he gets it, but after the target was off their backs, he doesn’t understand. Portia says, Taggert and Jordan have a private code, and only they understand the lines they can can’t cross. He says, but it should have stopped at his doorstep. Jordan’s work life is Taggert, but she’s married to him, and that has to come first. Honesty is part of their unbreakable code, and the lies are ruining their marriage.

At the hospital, Laura thanks Doc for stepping up. The Christmas celebration in pediatrics is a tradition. He says it’s his pleasure, and thanks her for being his elf. She says she just had to put a hat on and hand out gifts, but he says she secured the future. The kids recognized her as mayor, and she just nailed the under ten constituency. She says, in eight to twelve years they can vote for her, and he says, it doesn’t hurt. She sighs, and says, sorry. She can’t help thinking of Lulu at that age. Lulu loved this time year. She would read the Christmas classics to Lulu, even after Lulu had memorized them. Santa never had a bigger fan. Doc says, she’ll get through this. They’ll see her tomorrow. Laura says she knows it’s wishful thinking, but it would be a great Christmas miracle if they were there and Lulu woke up. He says, it would be. He wishes he could make it happen. They sit together, and she leans on him.

Sasha asks Brando why he’s stalking her, but he says he’s not. They’re just going in the same direction. She says, he’s a man following her without her consent. She could scream for the cops and tell them the man Brando works for gave her drugs that almost killed her. He says she’d be signing her own death warrant. He’s making sure she doesn’t do anything that leads to that happening. She says he’s handling her for his boss. Thanks to him, she can’t stop Cyrus. He says, she wins; he believes her. She thanks him, and says, now leave her alone. He asks if he can make it up to her, and give her a ride, and she says, now he’s getting her permission to stalk her? No thanks. She can get back to the MetroCourt on her own. He asks if she really wants to go back there, and she says she lives there. He says, nobody should be by themselves on Christmas Eve in a hotel room, but she says, it’s a nice hotel room. He says, it’s not going anywhere. In the meantime, does she want to get some hot chocolate?

Michael asks if something is going on with his dad. Jason hasn’t said a word. Jax says, that’s not unusual, and Jason says, it’s just been a long day, like Carly said. Carly says their dad is caught up with business, and won’t be home, and Josslyn says, but it’s Christmas Eve. Jax says, people need their coffee, and Michael suggests they order pizza. Willow says, they’re not open, but they could get Chinese food, and Michael says, the Noodle House it is. He tells Wiley, they’ll make the tree perfect for grandpa, and Jax suggests they put the garland on. Carly tells Jason, it’s so empty. It’s Michael’s first Christmas as a father, and he wanted it to be special. She wants that for him. From the look on Jason’s face, he’s thinking he’s going to have to go looking for Sonny on Christmas Eve.

Jason tells Carly not to do this to herself. It’s not about her; it’s about them. He wonders how she’s going to tell them that Sonny… and she says she’s not going to do it until they comb the entire riverbed, and check every hospital to the Atlantic Ocean. Jason says he knows what it’s costing, keeping it to herself, but she says she’s not keeping it to herself. She’s keeping it from them. He asks what she needs him to do, and she says she needs him to phone Sam. She’s at the hospital to ID Julian’s body. He has to go to her. He says Carly knows they’re splitting up, right? and she says he has to go. He says, what about her? and she says she’s okay. If she needs him, she’ll call. They hug, and he says he loves her. She says that’s what’s getting her through, and goes inside. Josslyn wonders why Carly still has her coat on, and Carly says she doesn’t know, and takes it off. Josslyn says, Jason had to leave? and Carly says, Jason has tons of family, and many people to visit. She asks, who’s baking? and Josslyn says, wait until she goes in the kitchen; they’re on serious cookie overload. Carly asks if there are any gingersnaps, and Josslyn says, and then some.

Alexis slips more vodka into her cup. On the phone, Jordan says, she and Curtis need to talk. It’s Christmas Eve, and they should be together as a family. He needs to talk to her. She’ll be waiting. She tells TJ and Molly that the job Curtis was on was bigger than he expected. Why don’t they have dinner, and she’ll make Curtis a plate to heat up later. TJ says, he’s working Christmas Eve? and she says it was a last minute thing; he thought he’d be home sooner. Alexis says, it’s a mystery where Taggert was hiding all this time, and TJ asks if he isn’t Jordan’s old partner. Molly says, he’s dead, isn’t he? and Alexis says she was visiting (ha-ha) the PCPD, and she heard Taggert waltzed in from the dead. She asks Jordan if it was big surprise, but Jordan says, not really. She knew he was alive.

Portia says it’s not for her to speak on Curtis’s marriage, but if he doesn’t mind her speaking from experience in her own marriage… He says, go ahead, and she says, marriage can start one way, and life bends it another. What counts is the love he and Jordan have for one another. He says she and Taggert loved each other, but she says it wasn’t enough to sustain their relationship. They also aren’t him and Jordan. He says, meaning… and she says, Jordan won’t always live up to her promises to him, and he might not live up to the ones he made to her. He admits he has flaws, and she says, despite the flaws, is he willing to listen to Jordan’s reasons for keeping it a secret, or has he already passed judgements on her reasons, and it doesn’t matter? Curtis says he knows the right answer, but he’s not there yet. She says only he knows if the love they share has room for forgiveness. Trina comes back out with the pies, and tells Curtis that she wants to say… Portia says she thinks Curtis has had enough for tonight. Save it for next time. She tells Curtis, he’s not going find what he’s looking for out there. Go home.

Michael answers the door, and thanks Lucas for coming. Lucas says Michael told him it was important. He thinks they should talk outside or Wiley will see, and Michael says, that’s what he needed to talk about. Doesn’t Lucas think stayed away long enough?

Jordan says, Taggert survived, and she was aware of it, but if people knew he was alive, there would be a target on his family’s back. Alexis says, so Jordan arranged for Taggert to be dead to protect his loved ones. It makes sense. Molly says, it would if they hadn’t mourned him. Alexis says, it wasn’t ideal, but if Trina had known he wasn’t dead, she wouldn’t have mourned. Trust her. She knows from experience that in extreme situations, the fewer people who know, the better. She looks at Jordan, and says, back her up, and Jordan says she was thinking. Now that she’s hearing it out loud… TJ says, how she could lie to Portia’s face and not tell her Taggert was alive?  

Michael tells Lucas, Nelle is gone, and no longer a threat, and Lucas says he’s not too broken up. Michael says Willow is going to adopt Wiley, and they’re staying married. Well, that’s to be determined, but they both decided to stay Wiley’s parents. He knows how much Willow and Wiley love each other, and how much Lucas loves Wiley. Lucas says, from the moment Wiley was placed in his arms, and Michael says, when the truth came out, Lucas gave Wiley back, and stayed away. He can’t imagine how difficult that was. Lucas says, it’s what was best for Wiley, and Michael says, Wiley is a happy boy due to the love and sacrifices on Lucas’s part. If it’s asking too much, Michael understands, but he and Willow feel Lucas and Wiley deserve to be back in each other’s lives. Lucas asks what Michael is saying, and Michael says, be their Christmas gift, and Wiley’s, and be Wiley’s uncle again.   

Martin walks into the hospital, his arms full of little wrapped gifts. He struggles, and ends up dropping them, saying the gravity in this hospital chooses to torture him. Doc and Laura come by, and Martin addresses her as Madam Mayor. She tells him to call her Laura, but Doc says he’s still Dr. Collins. He’s kidding. His newfound brother-in-law can call him Kevin. It’s nice to meet him. Martin says he overestimated the capacity his arms could credibly bear, and Doc thanks him for spiriting his wife back from Vermont. Martin says it was his great pleasure. He’s not accustomed to the sudden appearance of a new sibling, and he had time to get to know his new sister. She says it was nice for her as well. She asks where he was going, and he says he brought a few holiday tokens, and was on his way to see the patients in the geriatric ward. She says that’s nice of him, and he says his mom always appreciated a well-wrapped trinket. Laura is surprised that he’s visiting on Christmas Eve, and he says he’s saddened how the elderly are overlooked. He’d like to think he makes a little difference. Laura says she could help him distribute the gifts, and maybe he could join them for an early dinner. He says he wouldn’t foist himself onto them, but Laura says she has big plans to go to the city tonight so she can see her daughter tomorrow morning. It would be nice to tell her about her newfound uncle. Martin says, indeed. If she’s sure he’s not intruding. She says, not at all; the holidays are for family. She wasn’t expecting to get a brother, but now that she has one, she’d like to get to know him.

Brando tells Sasha the hot chocolate reminds him of his childhood, and she says, watery and instant? He says, sort of. They had the same crappy hot chocolate every year. He thinks it was from the same container the whole time. That would explain why it tasted worse every year. She says sorry, and he says, there’s more to the story. If she thinks that was bad, she should hear about the pajamas. She asks if they were like the bunny pajamas in that movie (a nod to A Christmas Story, for those unenlightened), and he says, worse. They were reindeer, and came with antlers. His mother would buy pajamas every year, but she’d get them after the Christmas before, and guess at how much he would grow. Some years, his arms and legs were sticking out, and other years, he was drowning. She says, he wouldn’t happen to have a picture, and he says he burned them. She says, too bad. She would have liked to see him in the pajamas. He says, trust him. She wouldn’t.   

Jason approaches Sam at the hospital, and she thanks him for meeting her. He asks how she’s doing, and she says she has something to ask him that she couldn’t ask in front of the kids. He says he didn’t kill Julian, and she says, he was there? He says, yeah. He saw Julian on the bridge when it collapsed. He’d been shot, but not by him. Sam says she hates this. She hates the pit she gets in her stomach every time something dangerous happens. He says, it won’t be happening as much anymore, but she says, it’s going to happen whether they’re together or not. It was always easy loving him. If it wasn’t, letting him go wouldn’t hurt so much.

Jason says he’s sorry, and Sam says, don’t be. It’s nobody’s fault. That doesn’t make it easier, even though they’re trying to do the right thing. She gets up, and says Scout and Danny were upset that he wasn’t there when they were hanging their stockings. He says he’d like to stop by and see them, if it’s okay. She says, of course (🍷). It’s more than okay. He should be there. Scout made cookies for Santa, and a card for the reindeer. Kristina bought Scout a Christmas gown, and Danny wants to put his sleeping bag by the tree. She thinks they’d be crushed if he missed it. He gets up, and asks if she wants him to spend the night. She says she does. He can sleep on the couch next to Danny; it would be nice. He says he can do that, and after they open presents… he’ll leave.

TJ asks Jordan if that’s why Curtis isn’t there, and Jordan says, she decided to keep Curtis in the dark. He was so angry, he didn’t come home. She can’t wait. She has to find him. She grabs her coat, and jets. Alexis says, wow. See what she means about secrets between partners? One way or another, they’ll come out and bite you. It’s better to be up front, and take your lumps. Molly says, enough. Alexis is drinking, and she wants her to leave. Alexis says, sorry, and Molly says, it’s Christmas, and she tried to do the right thing. She didn’t think Alexis wanted to celebrate Christmas in the drunk tank. Alexis says she didn’t, but Molly says, all Alexis has done is punish her for it. She wants Alexis to go. Alexis says, don’t be like this, and Molly says, should she be strong, like Alexis used to be, or a mess, like she’s become? She has to go. It doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s away from her. Alexis says she’s sorry, but if it’s what Molly wants… Molly says, what she wants is a sober mother. If Alexis can’t swing that, she doesn’t want to see her. TJ says he’ll take Alexis home, but Alexis says, that’s okay, and leaves.

Michael brings Wiley to Lucas, and says he told Wiley, someone special was coming to visit. Here’s his Uncle Lucas. Lucas says, hey, little man. It’s so good to see him. Wiley says, Uncle Lucas. Seriously, he does. Lucas says he heard Wiley was busy learning new things and talking up a storm. Willow tells Carly that she always wondered what is was like to have a big family, and Carly says she’s sure Willow got more than she bargained for with them and the Quartermaines. Willow says, there are big differences between the two families, but the common denominator is love. They all love each other so much. Carly says, it’s something, and Willow says, it really is. She and Sonny must be very proud. Carly says, they are, and excuses herself. Jax follows her, and she stands on the porch, crying. He comes out, and asks, what’s going on? She says, it’s Sonny. She doesn’t know where he is. She doesn’t even know if he’s alive.

TJ sees Molly with a glass of wine, and says he needs one himself. She says, have this one. She changed her mind. He says, it was a lot, and she says, sure was. He asks if she’s sure she’s okay, and she says she just can’t help thinking about the lies their mothers have been telling, and the damage they caused. She never wants anything like that to happen between them. He says, it never will, and she tells him, don’t say that yet. She has something she needs to tell him, but before she does, she  needs him to know, whatever happens next, she loves him.

Brando says, oh no, mistletoe, and Sasha says, it’s poisonous. He says, don’t eat it, and she says she was thinking of making a jam with it, and giving it to his boss, but he’d rat her out again. She’s kidding. He says, good. He thought they had a breakthrough with the hot chocolate. She says, it wasn’t a breakthrough; it was a bribe. He asks if it worked, and she says, no. She kisses him on the cheek, and says, merry Christmas. She walks away, and he smiles.

While Christmas music plays, Jordan sees Curtis sitting in the park. Alexis walks in the park alone, and takes out her phone, and sees The Invader headline about Julian’s death. Marty, Laura, and Doc laugh over dinner at Kelly’s, and clink coffee cups. Josslyn continues to decorate the tree, and Michael looks at Willow. Jason gives Sam her jacket, and their hands touch. She walks away, and we see a tear in his eye.

Willow tells Wiley that daddy is going to read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Michael tells Lucas, he’s welcome to sit in, but Lucas says he’s due at the hospital. He tells them, merry Christmas, and they go upstairs. Lucas tells Carly, if he didn’t mention it before, she has an amazing son. She says she has a pretty great brother too. They hug, and he says he’s going to grab a gingersnap on the way out. He tells her, Michael mentioned that Sonny was away on business. He thought Sonny would make it home for Christmas. She says, her too.

Lucas leaves, and Carly says, Come home, Sonny. Please come home. The phone rings, and she says, yes?… Now?… They’re here? She goes to the door, and sees flashing lights. And I don’t think they’re Christmas decorations.

Tomorrow, there will be a repeat from September 16th, 2020. It’s the week everyone said goodbye to Mike, so not exactly Christmas cheerful. On Friday, football for you. But next time on GH, Curtis tells Jordan that he doesn’t think he can anymore, Molly tells TJ that she made a horrible mistake, and Chase says he needs to talk to Carly about her husband.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

The women were still at Lake Arrowhead. Elizabeth couldn’t figure out her effing car, and set off the alarm at the crack of dawn. Braunwyn called her friend Shari, and told her alcohol was everywhere. Gina thought Braunwyn seemed nervous and aggressive, and the women kind of made fun of Braunwyn behind her back, which didn’t thrill me. Braunwyn wondered what she was doing, and why she was there. She wasn’t the same person she was the last time she vacationed with the women. Shari said they weren’t being supportive. In her interview, Braunwyn said Shari was her BFF.  

At home, Emily dealt with the kids, while Shane was in the hospital. She talked to him on FaceTime, and he was feeling a little better. They had him on a bunch of meds, and he had to take an oxygen tank with him everywhere. Emily told him that the last text he sent, he told her that he wasn’t going to make it, and then he didn’t answer his phone. In her interview, Emily said Shane annoyed the hell out of her, but he was still her husband, and a good dad. They had a beautiful family.

Kelly seemed to be the only one doing the cooking. Elizabeth let fly that her father was a preacher, and they got away from the church after realizing it was dysfunctional, and moved to Washington. It was one of those bombshells she tends to throw into a conversation, then laugh like a hyena. This is not only incredibly annoying, it makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with her that she finds it amusing. I’m sure it’s a defense mechanism, but it’s getting on my nerves now. In her interview, she said her family wanted her to preach, and her grandmother brought her up to the front of the church, telling her to speak in tongues. She faked it, and they bought it. It was the exact day she realized adults were full of sh*t, and she could lie to get her way. After breakfast, Braunwyn suggested she and Elizabeth have a real conversation. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she was irked that Braunwyn was digging up dirt on her. She’d been opening up to Braunwyn, who was claiming to be the real deal, and we flashed back to Braunwyn saying just that. Elizabeth said now she found out Braunwyn was trying to discredit her, and it was hurtful. Braunwyn called Shannon, who said she was still feeling achy, and was getting her test results tomorrow. She told Braunwyn that she’d tested negative three times, and she was bummed. She’d had a suitcase of fun packed. In Shannon’s interview, a producer asked if she had FOMO, and then had to explain what it was. Shannon whined that Kelly couldn’t be bothered to come to the phone, and felt sorry for herself in general.    

Gina spoke with her lawyer Michael, who was going to court on Friday, but said Gina didn’t need to be there. Matt was facing two felony counts, with a maximum time of 4½ years. Michael said it was ultimately up to the judge, but Gina’s feelings would be taken into consideration. She said it was a difficult time, but she was thankful for Michael, and he said she had a lot of people protecting her. In her interview, she said she couldn’t help that it happened. It wasn’t her fault, but she felt guilty. She told Michael that she was hard-wired to feel she had to protect Matt. Then she did that waving thing that people think makes tears go away. I guess they think they can fan them back into their tear ducts or something.

Elizabeth told the women that they were taking a van to SkyPark. Gina called Travis to give him the low down on Matt, and said she didn’t know the right thing to do. He said she was just emotional because it was becoming real. In Gina’s interview, she said she wanted them to be family, and didn’t want the children to pay for her past. She wanted them to think that they went through sh*t, and it wasn’t easy, but they figured it out. Travis told her that it would get better. Braunwyn told Elizabeth that what she’d said felt like a bad game of telephone, and Elizabeth called Braunwyn out on hiring a P.I. She said she thought Braunwyn was into building people up, so why target her? Braunwyn said she’d googled Elizabeth’s name, and found out Elizabeth had defaulted on a loan, and rented out her house. Elizabeth said it was all public knowledge, and told Braunwyn to quit talking to her like a child. Braunwyn said Elizabeth’s stories weren’t adding up, and Elizabeth said, who cared if her house was a rental or not? She didn’t lie; they just didn’t know. Braunwyn could have asked, rather than talking smack behind her back. Her life was complicated and sophisticated, and Braunwyn didn’t understand it. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said Elizabeth married an old guy with money. It was the oldest story in the book. Kelly suddenly got involved in the conversation, and said Braunwyn was just trying to figure out who Elizabeth was. She kept getting half-answers. Elizabeth said there was crap going on with her divorce, and gag orders. It was horrific, and when she met them, she was going to trial. She masked her anger and hurt, and didn’t know how to deal. She didn’t want to tell a bunch of women about it. Braunwyn asked if Elizabeth didn’t trust women, and went into a monologue about how it had been hard for her to open up. In her interview, Kelly said Braunwyn was making it about herself, and about her feelings, and Elizabeth didn’t owe Braunwyn an explanation. Elizabeth had no kids, and no husband, and Braunwyn should clean up her own house before digging around Elizabeth’s. Elizabeth cried, and said she was scared of women, since they’d betrayed her. Braunwyn swore she wouldn’t. She said if Elizabeth would have told her, she would have understood, and thanked her for sharing, apparently confusing the conversation with an AA meeting.

Kelly told Gina that she should show Matt mercy, so he could get a job for the kids’ sake. Even though Gina had moved on, she shouldn’t want to ruin his livelihood. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she thought Kelly meant well, but she should shut up. Braunwyn told Elizabeth that she’d been a bitch to bring up Elizabeth’s business in the first place, and Elizabeth was impressed with Braunwyn owning it. Braunwyn said she’d been newly sober and in quarantine, and looking for something to do. Gina said she’d called it, and Braunwyn said she wished she could take it back. In five months, Elizabeth would be on her list of almonds amends. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said the list was longer than Santa’s naughty list. She admitted Shannon had gotten in her head, and in her interview, Gina said Shannon liked to plant things in someone’s head, then her hands were clean. We flashed back to Shannon sowing seeds, and Elizabeth asked why Shannon would do that. Braunwyn reminded Elizabeth of how she’d told them Shannon went off on Jimmy, and said Shannon told them a different story. We flashed back to Shannon saying that didn’t happen, and Jimmy left because he had to get up for work early. Kelly said Shannon gets in people’s ears, and in her interview, Kelly said that Shannon had gotten everyone to call her an adulteress. We flashed back to the 70s party where Kelly and Shannon echoed, who? you! at each other. Elizabeth said in her process of self-discovery, she’d answer any questions as best she could.   

Shannon’s fourth test was positive, and she wept during her home video, saying she had so many emotions. She was worried because of her lungs, and pissed at the kids for their carelessness. They’d been hanging out with groups of twenty and thirty kids, knowing she was at risk, and she wondered if she’d infected John. Shannon called her mother Pat, and told her about the positive test. She said she was scared, and Pat asked if she had a fever. Shannon said she didn’t, but she was so mad at the kids. So far, John had tested negative. In Shannon’s interview, she said she and John had their ups and downs, and she wondered if he was going to be mad. John said he thought it was inevitable that he’d test positive. Shannon said she was so sorry, and felt so bad.

Kelly said SkyPark was her childhood fantasy come to life. Park manager Michelle explained there was hatchet throwing, archery, and mountain biking. Kelly and Gina went biking, while Braunwyn and Elizabeth went for archery. Braunwyn made a call to Shari, who she called her wife. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she never heard someone do that. She wondered if Braunwyn was putting it out in the universe, hoping it would happen. She and Braunwyn shot at targets, reminding me of the one A that I got in high school phys ed, since I’d practiced archery practically since I could walk. They moved on to the ax challenge, where Elizabeth claimed she was aggressive, and her ax promptly bounced back at her after she threw it. After doing this several times, she got up close and personal with the target, whacking away at it with the ax. Braunwyn told the instructor that Elizabeth hadn’t had sex in, like, forever.

Shannon called her daughters with the news that she was positive, wailing that she had lung damage, and was supposed to be on a trip. They told her they’d been super careful, but Shannon insisted they hadn’t. She didn’t bring it into the house. She said she thought she’d see more emotion, and they told her they felt horrible. In her interview, Shannon said she was scared that they weren’t all going to get through it.

Emily said Shane was still staying at the hospital. He was getting a five-day dosage of medication, and sounded better. He was also breathing better, but in her interview, Elizabeth said, just because he sounded and felt better, there could still be long-term effects or he could take a turn for the worse. She was fearful for their children, but it was difficult to make a seven-year-old and two five-year-olds stay 6 feet away from their mother. She was paranoid, and doing whatever it took to protect her children.

Elizabeth thought she screwed up friendships by being psycho, and Braunwyn told her just be herself. Gina and Kelly move on to recumbent bikes designed to look like a combination of sports car and tractor. In Gina’s interview, she said she was getting her license back in 20 days, and nothing was effing it up. It looked like fun, but it was a pretty bumpy ride on a dirt road, and Gina ended up walking the bike. Elizabeth told Braunwyn that she avoided conflict, and wasn’t used to handling it. She grew up poor, and saw her husband as a meal ticket. Then she was surrounded by so much wealth for so long, it’s who she became. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said it’s not who she is, and she was desperate to find out who she is; the little girl who met and married that man, and turned into this monster. Braunwyn said everyone had a story, and a lot of them were crazier than Elizabeth’s. Elizabeth said there was something she’d never told anyone. She was raised in very religious situation, and taught not to open her mouth and tell the truth about what was happening. She learned to be good with compartmentalization, and not let people know her. She didn’t want to live that way, and Braunwyn said she didn’t have to any more. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said she had no idea what Elizabeth was talking about, but if she could get Elizabeth to open up, Elizabeth could unburden herself. Braunwyn told her there was no shame in needing help. In her interview, Elizabeth said she grew up in fear, anxiety, and anguish. She’d lived in fear for her life, and had been beaten so bad, she thought she would die. She babbled at Braunwyn, throwing that she’d grown up in a cult, and doing that laughing thing. Then she started crying, and said she’d never talked about it, and didn’t want to. She wasn’t ready. Braunwyn promised not to leave her, and Elizabeth started to hyperventilate. Braunwyn got her to sit down, and told her that she was having an anxiety attack.

To be continued…

Next time, Shane comes home, Elizabeth talks to Gina, Kelly and Gina come in contact with someone who’s positive, and Elizabeth’s perfectness is being shattered.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Meredith said a huge part of Sundance was networking, and she needed to be there to build her brand. She also really didn’t want to live in Ohio. Nothing against Ohio, she just didn’t want to live there. I’m originally from there, and my sentiments exactly. In Mary’s interview, she said she was glad they were having Fashion Week. It felt good to put on something fierce. She sat next to Jen, who wasn’t too happy about that. I’ve noticed in Jen’s interviews, she often looks like a bobblehead. I don’t know if it’s the way she’s sitting, or what she’s wearing, but it’s distracting. Whitney walked the runway, and said in her interview, if she gave up cheeseburgers, and added six inches to her legs, she’d have a career. Meredith also walked, and son Brooks showed his Brooks Marks collection of one track suit. Afterwards, he FaceTimed with his dad, who was somewhat unapologetic about not being able to make it. In Brooks’s interview, he said Seth should have been there. If it was his kid who had a fashion show, he would have dropped his business meetings and gone. He told Seth that he’d asked him to be a father, and he wouldn’t, so Brooks was hurt. Seth said he was getting anxious from the conversation. In Meredith’s interview, she said she felt partly responsible, since she’d asked for space. Meredith wondered what was next for Brooks, and said he had to go back to school at some point.

At Beauty Lab and Laser, Heather’s schedule was cheeks, lips and a lot of Botox. Whitney had a facial done, and asked Heather how she’d started. Heather said she’d been doing marketing for Botox on Instagram, and was living off of her divorce settlement. She didn’t lack for anything, but wanted her own career. In Whitney’s interview, she said, skeptical as she was, she thought this time her dad would change. She told Heather about her dad being committed to sober living. In Heather’s interview, she said being divorced was a different experience for a man in the Mormon church. It was easier. She was looked at as not being able to keep a man or a family, and waiting for someone to accept her, so she could get into heaven. Whitney said they’d never be good enough because of what they were born into, and being women. In her interview, Heather said you were defined by what you did, and she’d straddled the fence, when either you were in it or you weren’t. Whitney asked if Heather had talked to her children, but Heather didn’t want to deal with it. Whitney said, what if not dealing with it damaged them more?  

In her interview, Jen explained that, after her dad passed, she had to take medication for anxiety and depression. Taking medication was considered a sign of weakness, and Sharieff told her to pray and get her mind right, so that’s what they did, but it didn’t work. Sh*t wasn’t working. It almost cost her marriage, and it was her rock bottom when Sharieff said he was leaving. The family had an intervention, and her son said it was okay take the medication; they wouldn’t think less of her. She was ashamed because she wanted to be Wonder Woman and Supermom at the same time. She wanted to take care of her family, not have her family take care of her.   

Lisa, John, and sons Henry and Jack had a family fun night where they set goals. In Lisa’s interview, she said she wasn’t a board game kind of mom; let’s talk about real money. One of Henry’s goals was to have triplets, and John said he was thinking long-term. In John’s interview, he admitted that 90% of his and Lisa’s relationship had to do with work. He told Lisa that business shouldn’t be their biggest priority. They needed to be together, not on the phone. He asked if she’d ever say no to anything, and she said not if it was a real goal. She wouldn’t be guilted into saying no either. She wanted a billion dollar brand, and asked if John thought it was a problem. He said, a little, and she found that irritating. She said she was good right now.

Meredith met Jen and Heather for dinner, and Meredith asked Heather what was going on with Curtis, the cameraman she’d met at Sundance. Heather said it was a short-lived love affair, since he lives in Atlanta and L.A. She said everybody had a whore phase. Meredith said she and Seth had to resolve some individual issues before getting back together. In her interview, a producer said she was private about the details of her separation, and she said if she was, there wouldn’t be much for people to talk about. Jen wondered what the issues were. Hers was that she was lonely. Meredith thought their biggest issues was learning to communicate. In Meredith’s interview, she said Seth not being at Brooks’s show was a pivotal point for her. She told Jen and Heather that they genuinely loved each other, and that counted for a lot, but they needed to figure out a way to move forward in a positive direction. In Jen’s interview, she said she personally heard more, and Meredith wasn’t telling everything. Meredith said she and Seth were re-finding each other.

Whitney said her dad had become more connected to her and the kids. Her kids had missed out on the fun she’s had with him as a kid, and it meant a lot. He was more positive, fun, playful, healthy, and happy. She’d been scared for a while, and thought her kids would never see the dad she grew up with. They went to one of those trampoline places with the kids, and Whitney’s dad told her that his therapist said he was ready for the next step; an apartment, a job, and building his life back up again. In Whitney’s interview, she said her dad had done 21 days of a program designed to be 90 days. It was a huge red flag, and a vicious cycle he hadn’t broken yet. She was concerned he wasn’t ready, and reminded him that he’d said it was hard on the other side. She was worried that, if he left, he wouldn’t recover.

In Heather’s interview, she said she was happy her daughter was in a good relationship, and wondered what it would have been like. Being divorced labeled her as being a failure, and she didn’t want her moral failings to cause her kids’ lives to crumble. In leading a double-life, she realized she might be leading them down a path they didn’t want to be on. She didn’t want to take them away from the faith and Mormonism. She had never spoken to them about it, and was basically coming out, and saying she wanted to leave the church. She told her daughters she had so much shame and fear, but they said it hurt them to see what she was going through, and they supported her. They had a strong foundation, and they’d be fine. In her interview, Heather said it made her feel like she didn’t deserve her kids. She’d been wrestling with it for so long; she should have come out in the beginning. It was like a huge weight off of her, and she needed to have an honest relationship with them, and be the mom she wanted to be. not the one the church wanted her to be.

Jen visited Whitney, who tried to teach her stripper pole moves. In Whitney’s interview, she said, where she went, the stripper pole went, but she’d never been a stripper. Jen gave it a try, and said she needed Dramamine. Jen asked Whitney what she thought about Meredith and Seth, and Whitney said she thought Meredith was trying to save face for the kids. Jen said if you weren’t getting it from home, you were going to go somewhere else. In her interview, Whiney said Jen was alluding to Meredith having a man on the side. It was a loaded statement, and she’d better be able to back it up. Whitney asked how Meredith would hide it, and Jen said, some people might know. In her interview, Jen said there was always a reason why people got separated, but it wasn’t her place to say anything to Whitney. A producer said Jen was alluding that she knew more. What wasn’t she telling?

Jen said, a few months ago, Meredith was in New York for a trunk show. There was a guy who said Meredith was the love of his life and he was going to marry her. He’d said he’d make sure Meredith got upstairs, and there was clearly something going on. She told Whitney, there was a reason why Meredith and Seth separated. 

Next time, Lisa doesn’t want to give up anything, Whitney tells Heather about what Jen said, and Seth says he can’t stand being without Meredith.

🎅 Not Quite a Long Winter’s Nap…

But a short hibernation until Monday, since it’s all holiday fare from here on in. While it might not be the holiday you imagined this year, remember the reason for the season and celebrate anyway. If you’re not well, take the time to pamper yourself and rest; if you’re alone, that’s okay, embrace it, and do something you’ve been wanting to; and if you’re just peachy, there are plenty of ways to help those who aren’t. While it might sound corny, helping others takes your mind off your own crap, and you’ll feel better for it. And while you’re at it, stay safe, stay making merry, and like Scrooge ended up doing, stay honoring Christmas in your heart, and keeping it through the year.

🌟 If your goal is to enjoy some genuine joie de vivre this holiday season, keep in mind that the simplest acts of generosity, connection, and self-care can offer the biggest rewards. – 11 Ways to Experience Holiday Joy

Merry Christmas!

December 22, 2020 – The Search For Sonny Is On, Julian’s Finish, Veronica Tells Tanner the Truth & Drummer Duo


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Alexis looks like she has a headache as she sits in the interrogation room. She hears the door open, and asks if she could have some water. Diane plops a bottle of water in front of her, and looks grim. Sam comes into the station, and tells Chase that she heard her mother was picked up on a DWI. He says, Diane is with her now, and she asks if anyone was hurt. He says, not this time. She says, there won’t be a next time. This has to stop.

Olivia tells Ned, Alexis was already defensive, but when she cut Alexis off, it got worse. Talk about a mean drunk. She even called their marriage into question, saying Olivia should be worried about that instead of her. He says, people throw up all kinds of smokescreens when hiding an addiction. She probably felt cornered, so she went on the attack. Tracy walks in, and asks what they’re talking about. Olivia says, Alexis, and asks if Tracy got her home okay. Tracy says she did, but she doesn’t know if it was enough.

Dante tries to call Dr. Kirk, but gets no answer.

Obrecht ignores Dante’s call, and Scotty tells her to come into the hotel room. He says, Franco’s in the shower, and they need to make it quick. He asks what she did with Kirk’s body after he left, and she wonders if he’s asking how she cleaned up the mess he made after he killed Kirk. He says, it was an accident (a lot of that going around Port Charles these days). Kirk was attacking her, then turned the knife on him, and he gave him a left hook. Obrecht says, her hero, and Franco comes in. He suggests they have a farewell breakfast before he and Scotty leave. She says, he’s leaving? and he says, now that Kirk is gone, he doesn’t see any point in running up a hotel bill. Besides, he wants to see his family.

Jackie sits on a hotel room bed, and opens her laptop, wondering what she missed. She calls Robert, who asks where the hell she’s been, and she says, on assignment in a remote location. She noticed she had a lot of phone messages from him, and asks if it’s Finn. He wonders why she’d go straight to Finn.

Finn tells Anna, he doesn’t want to keep this inside any longer. He doesn’t want there to be any secrets between them. He wants to tell her the real reason he didn’t go to his father’s wedding, and why he’s been estranged from his family for all these years. He’s never told anyone, and swore he’d take it to his grave. She says, only if he wants to tell her, and he says he doesn’t hate his father. He hates what he did to his father.

Carly messes with Christmas decorations, and hears someone come in. She says, Sonny? but turns around to see Jason. She asks, what happened? Where’s Sonny? He says, there was a bridge collapse, and Sonny disappeared.

Finn tells Anna, he doesn’t know if he’s mentioned it, but he’s the one who introduced his father to Jackie. Anna says she didn’t know there was any connection between him and Jackie other than Gregory. He says he met Jackie when she was working on a story, shadowing first-year residents. She says, one of them was him? and he says, there was a connection. They started having dinner together, and became friends. She says, just friends?

Jackie says, last she heard, Finn was in ICU, and when she got cell service back, she had a ton of messages from Robert. He says, Finn is fine, Chase is fine, and for the record, he’s fine. He missed her. He thought she was avoiding him. She says she doesn’t have time for this; she has to start her day. He says he noticed she traipsed halfway around the world to avoid her hubby, who just came to town. She says, they’re both busy professionals, who are sometimes two ships passing in the night. He says, trouble in paradise, eh? and she says, yes.

Chase tells Sam that she can go in. Diane tells Alexis, this is her night for disturbing phone calls. No sooner than she gets Jason released on his own recognizance, she gets a call… Sam tells Chase, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. All she and her mother do is fight these days. He’s sorry her family is going through this. Addiction is hard on everyone, especially when the addict refuses help, or won’t even admit there’s a problem. She says, Alexis knows it, she just doesn’t care.

Diane says no sooner than she gets Jason released, she gets a phone call from Alexis. She’s lucky she didn’t get a speeding ticket driving there. Alexis asks her to sit down. Diane is making her dizzy, and it’s so loud. Does she have spikes on her heels? Diane says, absolutely, and stamps her foot. Let’s talk about her footwear. Nothing else to see here. Alexis falls asleep at the wheel and gets a DWI, but let’s talk shoes. Alexis insists she didn’t drive drunk, and Diane says she’s lucky. Alexis says, is she? She’s under arrest, she has a splitting headache, and Diane is yelling at her. Explain how she’s lucky. Diane says Alexis is lucky she didn’t kill someone, or herself. Next time she’s Alexis’s one phone call, give her a heads up whether she’s responding as her attorney or her friend. Her attorney might decide to bail her out of jail, but not her friend. Her friend is very scared and pissed off. Alexis says she didn’t know who to call. She didn’t want to face her kids right now. Sam walks in.

Olivia says, Alexis drove her car off the road? and Ned asks if she’s okay. How did it happen? Tracy flashes back to Alexis saying Olivia deserves to know about Ned cheating, and then putting Alexis behind the wheel after drugging her. Tracy says, she went to make coffee. When she came back from the kitchen, the door was open, and she saw headlights going down the road. Luckily Alexis barely made it to the road, and no one was hurt. Olivia blesses herself, and says, thank God. Her phone rings, and she goes in the other room to take the call. Ned asks if Tracy is sure Alexis is okay, and Tracy says, physically, she’s fine, but she got arrested. He says he needs to go down to the PCPD, and she asks why he’d do that. Isn’t one ill-advised encounter with Alexis enough? He asks why she would say that, when Dante walks in, wondering what he missed.

Obrecht asks why Scotty didn’t tell her they were leaving, and he says Franco sprung it on him when she was getting rid of Kirk’s body. Franco comes back out, and Obrecht says she assumes he’s going to start treatment for the tumor when he gets back. He says he’ll see, and Scotty says, the voices had nothing to do with the tumor, so there’s no reason for him not to. Franco says he wants to keep living – living is awesome – but he’s not doing it at the cost of someone else. His phone rings, and he tells Elizabeth, he was just thinking about her. He goes into the other room, and Scotty tells Obrecht, this is great. Franco is questioning treatment, the doctor who was going to cure him is dead, and he could go to jail for killing him. She tells him, calm down. The security camera was off in Kirk’s office, and she’s dealt with the body. He asks, how? and she says, it’s dealt with; they’re in the clear. Unless he panics. He says he doesn’t panic, and someone bangs on the door. Scotty answers, and two WSB agents are there. They tell him they’re looking for Franco. They have some questions about Dr. Kirk.

Carly asks Jason, what bridge? and Jason says, in Secaucus; it was a footbridge. Carly wonders what Sonny was doing on a bridge in New Jersey, and Jason says, what matters, is the police are searching and they are too. She asks how fast he can get her there, and they jet.

Dante says, it’s obvious he walked in on something, when Olivia comes back in looking distraught. Dante asks, what happened? and she says, Julian’s dead.

Finn tells Anna that he and Jackie developed feelings for each other, but he was part of the story she was writing, so they couldn’t get emotionally involved. There was no reason she couldn’t get involved with his father though. Imagine his surprise when after a matter of weeks, they were getting married. Anna asks if he thinks Jackie loved his father, or she was trying to make him jealous? and Finn says, they fell in love. He had a hard time accepting that, so the night before the wedding, he went to see her.

Jackie tells Robert, she and Gregory are separated. She doesn’t talk about it because she doesn’t want to make a big deal of it. Before he asks, there wasn’t any big explosion or betrayal. They simply grew apart. It happens. She just never though it would happen to them. He’s sorry to hear it, but says, running away never solved any problems. She says she’s still a reporter, and has to go where the action is. He asks if being there wasn’t enough for her, and she asks what he’s talking about. He says she risked quite a bit to be there. Sit back, and let him fill her in.

Alexis is surprised to see Sam. The last she heard, she was on her own. Sam says she has a hard time turning her back on her mother, and last she heard, Alexis was arrested. Alexis tells Diane, thanks for that, and Diane says she’s welcome. She’ll let them talk. Sam asks Alexis to be honest with her. Was she trying to kill herself? Alexis says, no, and Sam asks why she got behind the wheel blackout drunk. Alexis says she doesn’t know how it happened, and Sam says, that’s the definition of blackout drunk. Alexis says Tracy drove her home, and Sam says Chase told her all about it. Tracy drove her home, and was making coffee when Alexis got back in her car. Where did she think she was going? Alexis says, none of that happened. She was at the MetroCourt with Tracy, and had some drinks, but she didn’t drive home. Sam asks how she ended up behind the wheel of a car, and Alexis says she didn’t drive drunk. Sam has to believe her. Sam says she’s sorry, but she doesn’t.

Franco asks why the agents are there, and the agent who is going to do all the talking says, they’re trying to ascertain how it happened. Franco says Kirk offered to treat him, then bailed. Don’t they keep an eye on each other? The agent says they know exactly where Kirk is – the morgue. Dr. Kirk is dead.

Olivia cries, and says, poor Leo. He’s going to be heartbroken. Ned says he had issues with Julian, but respected his role as Leo’s father He promises to be Leo’s dad in every way possible. Olivia says they’re lucky to have him, and Tracy says, it goes both ways. Ned understands the importance of family. Don’t worry. Olivia’s husband isn’t going anywhere.

The agent tells Franco, Kirk’s body was found in an alley early this morning. He’d been stabbed, and his pockets were empty. The police are treating it as a mugging. Franco says, but they’re not. That’s why they’re there asking questions. The agent says, the agency is conducting an autopsy and will reserve judgements until then. Helga said Franco was in with Dr. Kirk after she left. Does he recall when he left the office? Franco says, Helga poked her head in to say goodnight, he stayed a little while, and left, but Dr. Kirk didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave. The agent asks if Kirk seemed strange, but Franco says he just met the guy. He seemed nice, and confident he could treat Franco. Then Obrecht said he got called off on some last minute assignment.

In the car, Carly asks Jason to tell her everything. He says, they tracked Julian to an apartment in the city, but they were ambushed by a gunman. She asks if they were shooting at Julian or Sonny, and he says they’re pretty sure Julian was the target. They lost Julian, but Brick tracked him to a bus station in Jersey, where they got ambushed by another gunman. She says, Cyrus sure is desperate to shut Julian up, and Jason says, Julian ran off, Sonny went after him, and he killed the gunman. He knew the cops would be there, so he stayed and let them arrest him. She asks why he isn’t still in custody, and he says, because Diane was in the city. She was there in five minutes, got him released, and he went looking for sonny. There was a trail behind the bus station that led to a footbridge. There were signs all over saying the bridge was unsafe, and he could see Sonny and Julian on it. Julian wasn’t moving; he was probably already dead. He stepped onto the bridge, and where Sonny and Julian were collapsed. She asks if Sonny surfaced, and he says not that he knows of.

Finn tells Anna, he went to Jackie’s apartment the night before the wedding, and all these feelings came up. It just happened. They slept together. He knew what he did was unforgiveable. She understands how things can get the better of you, especially under life-changing situations. He says, Jackie told him that if he loved her, she’d call off the wedding, but he couldn’t say the words. He left and didn’t go to the wedding. He was ashamed of what he’d done to his father, and it was painful to see Jackie, so he just avoided it. He cut them out of his life and didn’t speak to them for a year. She says, it must have been so difficult, and he says, he missed his father, but hated himself more. The whole time, he struggled with his conscience. Eventually his conscience won out. He wanted to go to his father and ask his forgiveness, but decided to talk to Jackie first. He went to their house, and she answered the door holding a baby boy. Anna asks if there’s a chance Chase is his son.

Dante tells Olivia, Leo is fine, and she says, when he wakes up, his whole world is going to be upside down. In the hallway, Tracy tells Ned to tend to his wife’s needs, and he asks what she’s talking about. And what was that crack about Alexis? She was completely out of line. She says he was. He slept with Alexis. Alexis told her. Ned says, she what? and Tracy says he’s getting more like his father every day. He says, what happened with Alexis was a mistake, and she says, ya think? Alexis is a loose cannon. She’s out of control. He says, then stop sniping and cover for him while he goes the police station and talks to her. She says, no way in hell.

Chase says he’ll back them if that’s what they decide to do, and Diane and Sam go back into the interrogation room. Alexis tells Diane and Sam, they can continue their verbal flogging of her at home. Can’t Diane pull some strings and get her out on bail? Diane says, that depends, and Alexis says, on what? She got one DWI, her first, and she has bail money. What’s the problem? Sam says Alexis has to come with her, and Alexis asks if Sam is going to let her spend Christmas with Scout and Danny. Sam says, no. She wants Alexis to come with her, and go to rehab.

Obrecht tells the agent that she was just repeating what Kirk said. They talked on the phone at around 10:30. He says, no phone was found with the body. Did he say if he was meeting anyone, or anything about the assignment? She says, of course (🍷) not, and she knew better than to ask. Kirk kept close boundaries around his private life. He thanks her for her time, and the agents leave. Franco says, this is insane. After he meets Kirk, the doctor gets killed? She says, it’s a horrible coincidence, and he asks if she really thinks so. She asks if he thinks the doctor was killed because of him, but Franco says he wouldn’t go that far. She says, good. Kirk had a whole life they knew nothing about, and now it’s the WSB’s concern. She asks if they don’t have a plane to catch, and Franco says, it’s been a colossal waste of time and money. She says, not exactly. He found her, and she’s decided to return to Port Charles.

Finn tells Anna, Jackie said something about the dates not lining up. He asked her about it, and she swore Gregory was Chase’s father. Anna asks if he didn’t push for a DNA test, but Finn says he saw them together, and they were the perfect little family. He wasn’t ruining that, so he believed Jackie. The only remedy that made sense was for him to stay away.

Carly tells Jason, Sonny is a strong swimmer. Jason jumped in and made it out. Don’t try to tell her he’s gone. He says she’s right; Sonny is a strong swimmer. He admits there’s a chance, and she says, there’s more than a chance. He agrees again, and says he has Spinelli monitoring police communication, and their crew is searching the riverbank. The current is strong, so Sonny could have been pulled a mile down river. She says, he’s cold and he needs help, but he’s alive.

On the riverbank, Jason tells Carly, the cops are further up river, and their crew is on the opposite bank. They can start there. Carly says she can’t see, and he says, nobody can search the whole river. They’ll start with an area, check it off, and move on. The only way this works is if they take it one step at a time. They begin to look.

Franco asks if Obrecht is bonkers. No one knows she’s out of prison. She says, there won’t be a problem as long as they don’t tell. The circumstances give her no choice. Franco says, what circumstances? and she says she can’t watch him die. She’ll keep a low profile, but her place is in Port Charles; now more than ever.

Jackie tells Robert, she takes pride in her ability to retain information, but she can barely process everything she missed. It’s unbelievable. He says, believe it. She says she has to finish and file what she’s working on before jet lag takes hold. Tell her quickly; is Finn okay? Robert says, he fully recovered, and has no complications. He’s holding up just fine. He’s up and about, and getting ready for his wedding next month. She says she didn’t realize it was so soon, and he asks if she’s going to be back in town for it.

Anna says, so all this time, Gregory never knew about Finn’s relationship with Jackie. Finn says, whenever Gregory tried to make contact, he pushed him away. He was heartbroken over his mom’s passing, so Gregory assumed Finn’s coldness came from him moving on with his life too fast. It’s true, he loved his mom, and hated Gregory for doing that, so he let Gregory believe it was the cause of the rift. When Chase came to town, and Finn got to know him, he didn’t want to tell him the truth.

Tracy asks Ned, why go to the police station and talk to Alexis? and he says, to help her. She asks if he’s sure he doesn’t want to make sure Alexis doesn’t run off the rails and take him with her. Maybe it’s a wake-up call. Alexis can go to rehab, and problem solved. Stay out of it. She has her family to look after her, and he has his family to look after. Olivia asks, what’s going on? and Ned says, nothing. Did she and Dante get lost? She says, actually, they were eulogizing, and Ned says, he was just trying to protect her, but he knows she prefers the truth.

Alexis says she’s not going to rehab. She doesn’t need rehab. Sam tells her, stop lying to herself. She’s completely out control, and they’re afraid she’s going to hurt herself or someone else. Alexis insists she didn’t drive drunk. She wouldn’t do that no matter how drunk she got, because she’d never want to hurt anybody else. Diane says, just herself? That’s okay? Go to rehab. Dry out and forget the world for a while; concentrate on herself. Alexis says, no, and Diane says, those are her terms. She loves Alexis very much; too much to continue condoning this behavior, either as her attorney or her friend. Alexis says, Diane is quitting on her? and Diane picks up her stuff. She tells Sam she’ll wait outside. Good luck. Alexis says she won’t be bullied into going somewhere she doesn’t want to go, and Sam tells her, stop. Nobody is bullying her. It’s her choice to do what she wants. Alexis can come with her and go to rehab, or figure it out for herself. Alexis says, it’s not a hard decision to make. Either she spends the night in the drunk tank, or be forced to go to a rehab she doesn’t want to go to. It’s a hard no. Alexis sits, and turns her back to Sam. Sam says, merry Christmas, and leaves.

Finn tells Anna, what is the truth? He doesn’t believe he’s Chase’s father. Gregory and Jackie were the ones there for Chase, and raised him, making him the good man he is today. Why take that away? He’s seen Anna wrestle with similar questions, and he understands why she’s reluctant to tell Peter that Alex is his mother. Anna says, in her heart, it doesn’t matter. There are so many reasons Peter needs to believe she’s his mother. He says, Chase is his brother, and he’s going to be his best man at the wedding. He’s happy Chase will be there. She thanks him for telling her, for trusting her. He says he’d trust her with his life, but she probably knows she’s marrying into a Greek tragedy. She says, it’s okay, and takes his hands. She says, nothing he’s told her changes the way she feels about him. He’s still the man she loves. She hugs him, and he says she let him off too easy. She says he’s punished himself enough. There’s no reason he can’t have a proper relationship with his father, despite anything that happened in the past.

Jackie tells Robert, she’ll get back to Port Charles sooner if she can get off this call, and Robert says he won’t keep her long. She’s coming back? She says she is, and he says, splendid. She can be his plus one at the wedding. 

A cop leads Alexis to the cell area, and she looks at Sam before she goes in. Sam looks away. Chase gets done talking on the phone, and tells Sam he just got off the phone with the police in Secaucus. Have they contacted her? She says, no, and he says he’s afraid he has bad news. A body was pulled out of the Hackensack River, and they believe it’s her father.  

Obrecht says she’ll see Scotty back in Port Charles, and tells Franco, she promises she’ll do all she can to get the answers he needs. Franco says he’ll get them checked in, but Scotty hangs back. He asks why Obrecht gave him that look when she said she’d be in touch, and she says, because they’re in this together now. He says, no, they’re not, but she says, hasn’t he heard? It’s better to be her ally than her enemy. Think about it. He walks after Franco.

Dante says he’s going to check on Leo, and goes upstairs. Tracy says, it’s awfully late. She thinks Olivia should call it a night after the devastating news she just got. Olivia says she’s okay. If Ned needs to tell her something, tell her. They agreed, no secrets. Ned says, physically, Alexis is fine, but she got arrested for driving while intoxicated. Olivia says, maybe it’s for the best, and Alexis will get some help. This thing with Julian is going to hit her hard. Ned says Neil’s death was the start of Alexis’s spiral, and Olivia says if Ned needs to be with Alexis, she’ll be fine. Dante is there. Ned says he’s where he belongs, and they hug.

Dante calls Kirk, and Obrecht ignores the call. She says, don’t worry, Dante. Your new handler is on her way, and laughs.

Carly and Jason keep looking, and Carly asks, how cold is the water? Jason says, it’s survivable, and she says, for how long? He says he doesn’t know, and she tells him, guess. He says, a half hour to an hour at least for Sonny, but she says, what if he’s hurt? What if Julian shot him? Jason says he saw them on the bridge. Sonny fell; he didn’t seem injured. As long as he was able to swim away from the wreckage, he’s alive. She asks if he believes that, and he says, he wouldn’t say it if he didn’t. Carly says, let’s find him, and they keep moving.

There was no preview. Just really long credits with Deck the Halls playing. I’m not sure what that means, but I think there’s a new show Wednesday, a repeat Thursday, and football on Friday.

😣 Bitter End…

Apparently, Julian has beef with the way things ended.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Hanna asks what the hell Jim is doing there, and he says, hello, Hannah. She says she guesses that ass whoopin’ Benny gave him didn’t teach him nothing, and he says he happens to know Benny’s not there. She asks if she’s supposed to be scared, and he says he doesn’t care if she is or not, but she should be. She tells him, get the hell out, but he says, not until they talk. She snorts, and says, okay. He says, she’s not calling the police? and she says, nope. She takes off her slippers and gets in bed, and he says she’s not calling her son? She says, nope, and he sits next to her. He asks, why is that? and she says, sometimes you get sick of other people’s sh*t, and she’s at that point. He says he can understand that. She does realize that if anything happens to her, if she dies, the power of attorney is worthless? She says, yes. Her kids can have it all. It’s already in her will that they can have whatever she has left. He says she doesn’t have anything, but she says she has a lot. He says, Kathryn has a lot; there’s a difference. Hanna says, and she controls all of it. He asks if she’s really that naïve, and laughs. She says he has a choice. If he tries to do anything to her, he’ll have to deal with her children, and that’s the sh*t she’s talking about. Or he can get his ass up, and go now. He moves closer, and says, okay, and she says, wait. If he shows up and does this sh*t again, she’s going to blow his brains out. He says, is that a fact? and she says, mm-hmm. And unlike his son, she won’t miss, with real bullets. He says his son is an idiot, and she says, do her a favor, and bring his ass back one more time. She’ll blow it up. He heads for the door, and asks her to say blow again. She laughs, and he tells her, sleep nice. He might leave something under her pillow. He gets to the door, and says, open or closed? but she just laughs. He leaves, closing the door behind him, and she says, ass.    

Outside, Jim makes a call to Don, who asks what he can do for Jim. Jim says he’s not doing all that well. He happens to be outside his brownstone, where Hanna is living. The bitch won’t sign it over. It didn’t go over too well. Usually, he’d have a body bag by now. He wants it verified that Hanna is protected by the Malones. He asks if Don remembers Louis Miles, and Don says he does. Jim asks if Don remembers what he did to Louis’s estate. Don says he does, and Jim says, does he remember how deep the crime he… Don says, we, and Jim says they have a bad connection. How deep the crime he committed was. Don says, we, and Jim says, him. The words fraud and embezzlement come to mind. Get Hanna to give him $500K tonight. He means it. He’ll take Don down. Do it now. Don hangs up, and Jim gets in his car.

Kathryn asks the girl in the cell next to her if she’s calming down, and she says she is. She just wants to see her kids. Guard Kendrick comes over, and Kathryn says she needs to know how her son is doing. Kendrick tells her, the hospital said he’s doing well, and she says, that’s good news. He says he wanted her to know, and she thanks him. He asks if there’s anything else he can do, and she asks if she can have another phone call. He says it will have to be in the morning, and she says she understands and thanks him. A lawyer goes to the girl’s cell, and she asks how long she has to stay. He says bond is being worked out, but there’s a restraining order against her, and she can’t see her kids. Kathryn says, excuse her, but what’s his name? He says he’s the public defender, and she says, okay, Mr. Public Defender, she’s Kathryn Cryer, and he’s being replaced by a private attorney. He asks if she’s firing him, and she says she just did; move along, He says, okay, and does. The girl says she can’t afford that, but Kathryn says, don’t worry. She’s got her. The girl asks if Kathryn can help, and Kathryn says, if she can’t, she knows a crazy bitch who can. The girl thanks Kathryn, and asks why Kathryn is being so nice to her. Kathryn guesses the girl reminds her of her daughter. The girl says she’s sorry, and Kathryn says, she was very troubled. The girl asks, how? but Kathryn says she’d rather not talk about it. She figures if she helps save the girl’s children, somewhere she’ll get mercy for hers. The girl asks how many Kathryn has, and Kathryn says, one now, Wyatt. He’s as wild as the wild west. The girl asks where he is, and Kathryn says, in the hospital. The girl asks if he’s okay, but Kathryn says, again, something she’d rather not talk about. She asks about the girl’s daughters, and the girl says, Candy and Cindy. They’re so beautiful, pure, and innocent. Kathryn says, that’s why she’s got to fight, and the girl says she’s trying. Kathryn says now she’s got someone to help her, and the girl says she doesn’t know how to thank Kathryn. Kathryn thanks the girl for giving her a cause to fight for, and tells her that she needs to get rest while it’s quiet. It’s going to get loud in a few hours. The girl hopes everything works out for Kathryn and her boy, and Kathryn hopes the same for her and her girls.

Landon calls Oliver, and Oliver ignores it, but finally picks up. He says, yes? and Landon asks where Charles is. Oliver says he doesn’t want to be disturbed; he’s getting a massage. Landon says, tell Charles he’s on the phone, but Oliver says, he’s not going in. Landon says Charles wants to talk to him. Where is he? Dammit, weasel put him on the phone. Charles pops in, and asks if it’s Landon, and Oliver says, yes, sir. He gives Charles the phone, and Charles asks what Candace said. Landon says, not much, and Charles says, he figured. Landon says he’d like permission to stay one more day and work on her. Charles says, it’s not a question of how long Landon is there, but how long he has to be with this kid (meaning Oliver). Why can’t he fire him again? Landon says, his parents; they’re super PAC. He knows the feeling every day. Charles tells Landon to keep him posted, and hands the phone back to Oliver. He asks why the phone is so sticky, and Oliver says, candy. Charles tells him, clean it up, and if Landon calls again, he wants to know. Oliver says, Gretchen called, and Charles asks, why? Oliver says, she wants to come over, and Charles asks if Oliver told Gretchen he was there. Oliver says he did, and Charles asks, why? Oliver says he knows how much Charles likes her, and Charles tells him, mind your business. Oliver says, yes, sir, and Charles gives him the rest of the evening off.

Charles goes back to the massage table, strips down to his briefs, and gets back on. The masseuse covers him, and says he has a lovely home. He thanks her, and she says, and his kids. He laughs, and thanks her again. She says, that woman, and he says, which woman? She says, Candace Young. She is beautiful. He says, thank you, and she asks if she’s talking too much. He says he just wants the massage, and she says, this is why she can’t keep clients; she talks too much. He says, it’s fine, and she says she didn’t think she’d clear the Secret Service. She tells him not to worry. She doesn’t talk to other people; just the people on the table, if they want to talk, which he doesn’t. She’s sorry. She asks him if she can do something, and presses on his inner thigh. She says, this muscle goes to the groin. He has a lot of tension there. He needs some sex, and she’d be honored to do it for him. She starts doing it, then he asks why she stopped. She says he’s thinking about her. He should be with her. Charles asks if she’s psychic, but she says she’s just so in tune with bodies. He tells her, keep doing what she’s doing. Make him forget about her. So she does.  

There’s a knock at Hanna’s door, and she says it better not be Jim. She opens the door, and Don walks in. He asks if he can come in, and she says he’s already in. Why is he there? What’s he doing there, and how did he know where she lived? He says, it’s in the portfolio, and she asks again why he’s there. He says, two things. First, Jim needs half a million dollars. He brought over a form for her to authorize it. She asks what that has to do with her, and he says, Jim is married to Kathryn. Hanna says she’ll have to talk to Kathryn, and Don says he has to tell Jim something. Hanna says she knows how Don looks at her. She knows he’s thinking she’s just a maid, and he thinks she’s stupid. He says he doesn’t, but she says, he does. She knows the judgment of men like him. She can smell it. She’s not who he thinks she is. She’s not signing a damn thing. He can go. He says he’s got to tell Jim, and he won’t be happy. She says she doesn’t care. He can go now. Wait. He said two things (which was what I was just thinking). Don says, the other was Veronica Harrington. She’s about to go into default on a large loan that Kathryn authorized. She has to make sure it’s paid. it’s a $54 million mortgage on Veronica’s rehab facilities. What should he do? Someone should call her, and make sure it gets paid. He can do that if she wants, and Hanna says, that would be great. He thanks her, and asks if there’s any way he can convince her to help Jim, but she says, not until after she talks to Kathryn. He asks if she knows when that will be, and she says when she talks to her. And the next time he knocks on her door and she opens it, he waits until she invites him in. He says, yes ma’am. He leaves, and she says he’s lost his damn mind. 500 damn thousand dollars. And Veronica can go to hell.

Benny, Candace, and Mitch sit in the hotel restaurant, and Benny asks what Landon wanted. Candace says he wanted to talk to her about the President Elect. Benny says, dammit. That dude sent him. Candace says she doesn’t want to talk about it, and Mitch says, let’s just eat dinner. Candace gets up to use the restroom, and Mitch tells Benny, damn. He needs to be more sensitive to his sister. She’s going through a hard time. Benny says he knows his sister, but Mitch says he knows her too. Benny says, not the way he does, and Mitch says he knows her differently. Benny asks what that means, and Mitch says he loves Candace. Benny says, so Mitch is crushing on his sister? Mitch asks if it would be so bad if he was, and Benny asks if he’s serious, but Mitch says, nah, because we’re 16. He tells Benny that he’s just saying Candace is going through a hard time. Take it easy on her. Benny says he knows his sister. Shut up and order food.  

Gretchen waits outside, and Oliver tells the guards to go check on something, He tells her, sorry, but Charles really doesn’t want to see her. He’s sorry he called her. She says she told him that Charles is in love with that girl. He asks if she wants to grab a drink, and she says, why? He says they can discuss this, but she says, discuss what? Charles doesn’t want to see her. Oliver insists this can change, and suggests the talk about it over a drink. She says, where? Is he trying to get her back to his place? He says, maybe, and she says, fine. She’s horny. He’ll do. She heads back to her car, and he asks if he’s chopped liver. He follows her, and I’m left with a huge question mark hanging over my head.   

Candace comes back to the table, and Mitch says he ordered for her. She asks what he ordered, and Benny says the dummy ordered chicken. She says, sounds good, and Benny asks what they have going on. How does this dude know so much about her? She says, they’re friends, and Benny asks if she’s sure that’s all it is. Benny says if he finds out they’re messing around… and Candace says, stop it. Candace says Benny wasn’t the brightest bulb in high school; it takes him time to put things together. Benny asks if she’s saying she and Mitch are seeing each other, but she says, no. The three of them tease each other about how many people they’ve slept with, and laugh and joke like the old friends they are.

There’s a knock at Veronica’s door. It’s Tanner, and she invites him in. He says, nice place, and she asks if she can get him something. He says, no, and she tells him, have a seat, but he says he’ll stand. What does she want? She says, his help, and he says, how? She shows him Colby’s picture, and says, him. He asks if she knows Colby, and she says she does. She wants him to come there, and wants Tanner to do whatever he wants to do him. Tanner says, he’s not gay, and she asks why he assumed she’d suggest something as disgusting as that? She wants him to beat Colby until he realizes he messed with the wrong bitch. Tanner says he’s not a bitch, and she says she was talking about herself. He asks what Colby did to her, and she says, what did Colby do to him? He says he asked first, and she says he came into her house with her son, and jumped in her pool. She had to clean, drain, and refill it. He says she cleaned the pool because he jumped in? and she says, he taunted her. What did he do to Tanner? Tanner tells her, let’s just say he saw Colby in the apartment with his brother. She says that would have made her sick, but he says, they weren’t doing anything. Justin wasn’t this way until her son came around. She says, is that what Justin told him? He says, it’s the truth, but she says, no. She picks up a folder, and says, here’s a file on all the men his brother assaulted in the back of his police car. He looks through it, and says, it’s not true. She says, he knows two of them. He’s a police officer, and they’re his informants. Why not ask them? He says he will, and she says, when he finds out she’s telling the truth, don’t ever say that sh*t again to her. He asks if she’d bet her life on it, and she asks if he’s threatening her. He says he is, and she tells him, don’t threaten the doll. She wants this bitch beaten down. Is he up for it? He says, oh yeah, and she says, then get him there. Make it happen. Call him. Tanner says, Colby knows his voice, and his face. Veronica asks if those are the only two things Colby knows, and he says she’s a lunatic. She’s out of her mind. He’ll have some people take care of it. It’s going to get bloody. She says she’s had her pool refilled. Maybe he could be drowned in it. Tanner says, good idea, and she says, call her. He says he will.


Landon waits for Candace in the lobby, and says he just wants to talk. Mitch says Candace doesn’t want to talk, and Candace says Landon thinks Mitch is hot. Landon says he just want to talk to her, but she walks off. Benny asks if Mitch has got this, and Mitch says he does. He puts his hand on Landon’s shoulder, and asks, what’s up? Landon says he knows Mitch is straight. Mitch says, he is, and Landon says, so stop pretending to flirt. Mitch says he’s not pretending, and he’s not flirting either. Landon asks why Mitch has his hand on him, and Mitch says he wants Landon to see how easy it would be for Mitch to throw him out a window. He asks why Landon keeps harassing Candace, and Landon says he’s not, calling Mitch Mr. Malone. Mitch asks how Landon knows his name, and Landon says they’ve met before. Mitch says, here’s the deal. Leave Candace alone. Landon says he knows about Mitch’s family, and Mitch says, then Landon knows he’s serious. Landon asks how well he knows Candace, and Mitch says he knows her well. Tell Mr. President Elect, she’s not interested. Landon says he knows Mitch’s family, so he knows Mitch can keep a secret. Charles loves her. Mitch says, and? and Landon says he thinks they’d be great together. He wants them to have a chance. Mitch says, she gave him a chance, and he blew it. Landon says, Charles loves her; it means a lot. Mitch says he loves her, and Landon says, he knows they’re friends. Mitch says, she’s more than a friend, and Landon says, so the two of them…? Mitch says, now he’s picking up. If his buddy wants to talk to Candace, he’ll have to step up to him first. Landon says, he’s the President Elect, and Mitch says he doesn’t give a sh*t; he’s 5’2”. Landon says, he doesn’t step to anybody, and Mitch tells Landon, he’s just saying, she wants him to leave her alone. He loves her and looks out for her. Landon says, but they’re not dating? Mitch says, that’s for him to know, and pats Landon’s shoulder. Landon says Mitch has a strong grip, and Mitch says their business is done. See him later. Landon tells Mitch, please don’t get offended, and Mitch says it takes a lot. He hears all kinds of sh*t. Landon says he thinks Mitch is one tall sexy man. Mitch thanks him, and says, it’s a nice compliment. Landon says he didn’t offend Mitch? but Mitch says being told he’s good looking isn’t offensive. He’ll be 60 and wrinkly one day. Landon asks if he’s like to get a drink, and Mitch says, yeah. He’s always down for a drink. Landon says Mitch is so open-minded, and Mitch says, Landon is human, right? What’s he afraid of? Landon says, it feels like a set-up. He’ll pass. Mitch says Landon got him thirsty, and asked him to go for a drink. Let’s go. They get into the elevator.   

Benny looks at a house on his phone, and shows Candace. She says, it’s really nice, but Benny says, it’s too much. Candace says, it’s $400K, and Benny says, it’s too much. So is this damn hotel. He’s getting out of there. She tells him that he’s said that a million times. He thinks maybe he will see about that place. He’ll call Rihanna tomorrow. Candace says, she’s thinking about her commission, and Benny smiles. She says, don’t tell her that he wants to smash… He says, that too. She’s like a little bird. Candace says, what? and he says, never mind. She tells him, he said it, and he says, leave him alone. He goes into the bathroom, and Candace makes fun of him, saying, maybe he’s got his eye on a sparrow. He tells her, shut up, and she says she can’t believe he said that.

Justin gets Jeffrey’s voicemail, and immediately calls again. He says, come on; pick up. He’s going to kill me. He doesn’t know why this sh*t keeps happening to him. Tanner comes back, grabs Justin, and proceeds to beat the sh*t out of him.  

Next time, Landon and Mitch have that drink, Kathryn tells Hanna to evict Jim, Jim  tells David to sleep with Hanna, Celine approaches Wyatt about his half-siblings, and David tells Hanna that he wants to know her intimately.

🛌🏽 It’s Sleepin’ Time Again…

So I’ll be sending New Year’s cards. Don’t judge me. There comes that point where you have to just mindlessly eat crackers, and watch The Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion. No matter what point you’re at, stay safe, stay grounded, and stay off unsafe bridges in Secaucus.

December 23, 2020 – Cyrus Pleads His Case With Florence, Rachel Comes Crawling Back, Andy’s Doorbells & On His Way


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone, Carly leaves a message for Sonny, saying, Jordan called. She said Taggert has been put into police custody for his own protection. She wants him to call her. And come home soon.

Martin asks Florence how she’s feeling, and she asks if she wasn’t sleeping. He says, out like a light, and she wonders what day it is. He tells her it’s still her birthday. He brought her hummingbird cake, her favorite. He says everything’s all right, and kisses her forehead, adding, he’s there. Cyrus says he’s there too. Happy birthday, momma. He tells her to say something. Anything. Don’t pretend she doesn’t know him.

Finn answers the door, holding a stuffed pig. Chase comes in with Gregory, and asks if it’s past Finn’s bedtime. When did he start sleeping with a stuffed animal? Finn says he never stopped. The pig lost its tail, and he promised Violet that he’d stitch it back on. Gregory says, she’s lucky to have a doctor for a daddy, and asks if it’s too late to say goodnight. Finn says, she’s down for the count, and he’s headed that way too. Gregory says they should leave, but Chase says they’re not going to miss a family tradition. He walks into the living room, and Finn asks, what family tradition? Chase says, poker night, opening a case of chips and cards. Name your stakes.

Maxie looks at a sealed envelope when Peter comes in. He asks how her check-up went, and she says the baby is healthy and waiting to join the family. Hopefully not when she’s walking down the aisle. She asks if he’d want to know the gender of the baby before it was born, and he reminds her they decided to keep it a secret, but… She says he’s having second thoughts, and he says he is. She says, her too. He wonders if they should call for an appointment, and she says, funny he should mention that. She shows him the envelope.

Valentin joins Anna at the MetroCourt, and thanks her for meeting him. He says he was wondering if she’d met with Dante, and if he’s safe to leave with Charlotte. He asks if she has any further insight into Dante’s state of mind, and she says she does, but she doesn’t think he’s going to like what she has to say.

Carly decorates the Christmas tree, when the doorbell rings. She says, Sonny? but it’s Dante dropping off gifts. He asks if something is the matter.

Jason calls to Sonny, but there’s no answer. He jumps down from the bridge.

Chase shuffles the cards, and says he’s glad Finn is putting the table to good use. Finn says, it’s bad enough Gregory taught him to play; he had to teach Chase too. Gregory says he taught Chase how to fleece his buddies at poker, but Finn had a gift. Chase says Finn held his own against the old guys, and never a dropped hand, until… He hesitates, and Gregory says, until he went on to bigger and better things. Once Finn became an infectious disease specialist, he didn’t have a lot of time for fun and games. Chase says, or family celebrations, and Gregory says, Finn would have been at the wedding if he could have. Finn says he knows that’s the story Gregory told Violet when she asked, but that’s not the real reason he didn’t come.

Peter asks Maxie if the envelope contains what he thinks it does, and she says, with all the planning for the double wedding, they can eliminate one question mark. He says he could narrow down his name list, and she says she had Dr. Navarro put the information in a sealed envelope. She’s been carrying it with her all this time, tempted to steam it open. If he doesn’t want to know, he should  take it from her now. He tells her, who says he wouldn’t rip it open?   

Alarmed, Florence asks where she is; what is this place? Martin says, she likes it there, remember? The staff is taking care of her. Cyrus says he’s paid for the best. Nothing is too good for her. Florence asks who Laura is, and if she works there, and Cyrus says she’s their daddy’s daughter, and their half-sister. Florence says, no, they’re mistaken, and cries out, where is my Gordon? Martin says, daddy is gone; he has been for years, and Florence says their father is dead because Cyrus killed him; her Gordon.

Anna tells Valentin, she had coffee with Dante, and they talked about Lulu’s condition. Obviously, he’s grieving, but he kept deflecting her sympathy. He’s filled with remorse for leaving. The Dante she knew had irrepressible charm; there was nothing the world could throw at him that was too much to handle. Valentin says, and now? and she says, when she reached out, the walls came up immediately. He didn’t want to share anything personal, and said he wanted to focus on protecting his family. Valentin says, one would assume that’s why Dante checked in; to keep his family from harm. She says, it seemed to work, and he says, until Dante tried to kill Peter.

Carly tells Dante, with everything going on, he didn’t have to bring gifts, but she thanks him for it. The girls will be thrilled. Dante hopes so. He asks Carly, what’s wrong? and she says, Sonny is out of town on business, and she hasn’t been able to reach him. Dante says, obviously, she’s tried Jason, and she says, he’s with Sonny. She knows he’ll call when he has a second, but she wants him to come home; be done with business so they can focus on the holiday. Dante has the feeling Sonny will be back soon, and asks her to let Sonny know he stopped by. She says he can stay, and fill her in on him and Rocco, and how they’re doing with everything. He says, they’re managing. Rocco is moving back to the house. She asks if Olivia knows, and he says she does. She’s been great helping plan it. Rocco will still stay at the Quartermaine’s a few nights a week, but the goal is for him to be comfortable to come back home and get back to knowing his father again. Carly says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she thinks he’s doing the right thing. He thanks her, and says the reason he was there to see Sonny was because of the house. They wouldn’t have gotten it in the first place if not for Sonny. She knows about that, right?   

Jason walks down the shoreline, huffing and puffing, and calling for Sonny. A helicopter flies above, shining a light down, and he ducks behind some shore grass.

Carly asks what makes Dante think Sonny had anything to do with buying their house? He says he has proof in the numbers; they don’t add up. They paid too little. She says, maybe the owners had to sell quickly, and their offer was first, but Dante says that’s not it. He and Lulu fell for the house faster than they fell for each other. There was another offer, and the owners took it. He and Lulu were crushed, but then the offer disappeared, and the owner came back to them and agreed to theirs. Someone paid the difference between their offer and the final sale. And by somebody, he means Sonny.

Anna tells Valentin, Dante never mentioned Peter. He was having a PTSD episode, and Peter walked into the line of fire. It was over a year ago, and Dante has improved a lot since then. He asks if she’s trying to convince him or herself, and she says, it was so extremely uncomfortable when she touched his hand, and said she was willing to listen if he felt like talking. The treatment he received had be successful. Why else would they have let him return? Valentin says he doesn’t know. Dante had a clean bill of health, or he asked nicely. Neither one of them is naïve about the WSB’s motives. She says she wants to believe they acted in Dante’s best interest, and he says, wanting something and it actually happening are two very different things. His primary concern is his daughter’s well-being, and he doesn’t have a lot of confidence in Dante’s emotional state. Anna says, Dante wouldn’t communicate at all for over a year, and even when Robert brought Olivia there, he wouldn’t open the door to his own mother. Now, he suddenly comes back and claims he’s better. None of it makes sense to her. Valentin says, tell him the truth. Is his daughter safe around Dante?

😠 I’ll have you know, there was an interruption so we could see Joe Biden get a vaccine shot. Then listen to several people talk about him getting the shot. Really? <sigh> By using the magic of the internet though, I was able to fill in what was so rudely interrupted.

Gregory says he knows he didn’t give it enough time after the death of Finn’s mother before he got married again, and admits he did a lousy job preparing Finn for it. Finn says, it was a big change in his life, but he was wrong to act out the way he did. Gregory says, it was a complicated time. It still is. It’s hard for him to believe, even though he and Jackie love each other, sometimes even a loving marriage isn’t built to last. If he did anything right, it was having sons like them. Chase says he was a great dad. He and Finn owe him so much. Gregory says he owes the both of them. He’s proud of them. He’s proud of Chase for being such a fine young man, and Finn for giving him a second chance, and letting him into his family. Finn asks if they’re going to play cards or talk about it.

Cyrus tells Florence, what happened to his father was an accident, and Florence says, he was so angry that day. Wild and headstrong. He stormed out of the house and jumped into the car. His poor father was just trying to stop him. Martin tells Cyrus, get out. You’re upsetting her. Cyrus says she turned her back on him, but he never turned his back on her. When Marty called him and said she needed help, he was right there for her. He’s given her everything she needs. He starts to get choked up, and she asks if he expects her to thank him. He says he doesn’t expect anything,. His hope is that she’ll talk to him like she’s his mother and not like a stranger. She says, he is a stranger. She doesn’t know him anymore. Maybe she never did. Laura goes to Cyrus, and says, come with her. She takes him into the hallway, and tells him not to ask his mother for something she can’t give.

Cops comb the shoreline. The cop from The Village People tells someone on the radio that he’s on the south side of the river. There’s a body. He’ll wait until they get there.

Chase says, read ‘em and weep. Finn asks if that’s what Gregory taught Chase, to cheat, and Gregory says he did not. They both play an honest game. Although in retrospect, he was harder on Finn than on his brother. He asks if Chase remembers the Little League game he lost, and Chase says Gregory took him out for ice cream. He told Chase that he’d done his best and that’s all that mattered. Finn says he doesn’t remember any ice cream, win or lose, and Gregory says he pushed Finn too hard. He didn’t want to make the same mistakes with Chase. Finn says Gregory has nothing to feel guilty about. Whatever he did or didn’t do, it was never Gregory’s fault.

Cyrus tells Laura, whatever his mother believes, his father’s death was an accident. Laura says she can believe it. He was a teenage boy, volatile and emotional. The last thing he should have done was get behind the heel of a car. That doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it. The trouble she has, is the man that boy grew into. He has trouble with being honest about anything. He has a hidden agenda all the time. He says, not this time, and she laughs, saying, he’s got to be kidding. He had Jordan pull a file, and revisited a case she was involved in when she was a teenager. Then he left a trail of clues from Oregon to Mexico to Vermont, all so he could lure her in and introduce her to his mother. He could have just told her they were related. He laughs, and asks if she would have believed him. She doesn’t say anything, and he says he’ll take that as a no. She had to come there on her own, for her own reasons. She says, what about his reasons? Why does he keep caring for his mother when she continues to reject him? He says, all families have secrets, and he they need to know one another better before he shares one of his. She says she’d prefer he keep his secrets, and leave Port Charles, and he says she can deny it all she wants, but she must be noticing how alike they are.

Maxie tells Peter, this is silly. Why wait to find out if it’s a boy or a girl? Peter says, as always, she’s absolutely right. The envelope, please. She hands it to him, and he opens it.

Anna tells Valentin, she wants to trust Dante, but she doesn’t trust the process that sent him home. He wonders why the Bureau would send Dante home if he wasn’t ready, and she says, either Dante made a remarkable recovery, or… He says, or the Bureau needed something from him.

Dante tells Carly, he used to be a cop. He knows how to get answers from people. She says, okay. Sonny made up the price of the house. He thanks her, and says he knew it. They knew back then that Sonny was their financial angel. In the spirit of Christmas, he finally wanted to thank Sonny, but she says, Sonny would never admit to being an angel. Dante says, it would ruin his street cred; what would his rivals think? He has a heart of gold. She says, it’s no secret that Sonny is generous. He founded a whole AIDS wing at the hospital in Stone’s honor. Dante says, there are a lot of smaller things Sonny doesn’t get credit for, and she says, that’s true. He reads to Avery and Donna every night, and for the past three weeks, he’s been reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas. His Grinch voice is terrible. She just wants him home for Christmas. Dante says, he will be.

The cops bring out a body bag. Jason watches from behind the trees. The Village People cop says he’s checking now; he’ll be right back. He opens a body bag, and it’s Julian. He says he doesn’t think this guy drowned.

Laura says she’s nothing like Cyrus, and he asks if she really thinks it was a coincidence that they ran into each other at the firing range, taking aim at enemies imagined or real. She says she only takes aim at imaginary enemies (which is just plain not true), and he says, David Hamilton being the exception. She says, it was an accident, and he says, like it was their father’s death. She says, they both made terrible mistakes when they were young. The difference is how they’ve lived their lives since then. She’s tried to make the world a better place in any tiny way she can. He made killing a way of life. He says she has no proof. He was framed for the crimes he was imprisoned for. She says, deniability is not innocence. At some point he made a deliberate decision to abandon his conscience. He only pretends to feel compassion and empathy, but for a brief moment in Florence’s room, she saw who he used to be; a boy who craved his mother’s love. If he wasn’t such a dangerous man, she’d almost feel sorry for him. Almost.  

Gregory says, if Finn wasn’t upset because he married Jackie so soon after Finn’s mom died, what’s been eating at him all this time? Chase says, all the times Finn told him to be honest in his relationships, maybe it’s time he took his own advice. And while he ponders those wise words, Chase is going to get more root beer. He goes to the kitchen, and Gregory says, well? Finn hesitates, and Gregory says Finn never did like to show his cards. Finn says he’s not holding a winning hand, but Gregory says he doesn’t have to bluff. He knows why Finn was so opposed to the marriage. Jackie told him all about it.

Anna asks if Valentin thinks the Bureau sent Dante home deliberately before he was ready, but Valentin says, no. He thinks the Bureau believed Dante was ready. She says, ready for what exactly? Maxie and Peter come in, and Maxie says they’re going to be the first to know aside from her and Peter. Anna says, Maxie has decided against a double wedding? but Maxie says, no way. It’s going to be fantastic. They have a bonus reason to celebrate. She asks Peter if he wants to tell Anna, or should she, and he says, let her read for herself. Maxie hands Anna the envelope, and Valentin asks, what is it? Anna looks at the paper, and laughs. She says, Peter and Maxie are having a baby girl.

Carly says, since Dante has been back, she’s noticed how much he’s like Sonny in many ways. He loves his family very much, and would do anything to protect them. Speaking of family, he hasn’t met his little sister yet. Dante apologizes for not being there when Donna was born, or coming to meet her since he’s been home, but Carly says he’s had a lot of things on his mind. Does he want meet her now? He says he does, and they go upstairs.

Jason watches, and the Village People cop looks at Julian’s license. He says, it’s Julian Jerome, from Port Charles New York. He talks into his radio, saying, he’s got an ID on the victim, and gives them the information. He says Julian is probably one of the individuals who fled when the bullets started flying. They’re gong to find the second individual, and need a team to be sent to the bridge. The cops move on down the shoreline, continuing to look.    

Finn says, Jackie told Gregory what exactly? and Gregory says, they didn’t always have different schedules. They used to be close and confided in each other early in their marriage. After the wedding, he was angry that Finn didn’t come, and Jackie confessed it was as much her fault as Finn’s. Finn asks why she would say that, and Gregory says, she admitted she was career driven and self-absorbed, and never stopped to think how the marriage might impact Finn. He might have been hurt that they didn’t wait the appropriate amount of time to get married. Finn tells Gregory that he can’t believe Jackie said that, and Gregory says, despite what Finn thinks, his step-mother was always fond of him. Even if they go their separate ways, she’ll still be family, and he hopes Finn accepts that. If not for his sake, for his brother’s.

Anna says, Violet is going to be over the moon, and Valentin says he thinks James and Georgie will be thrilled to have a baby sister. Peter says he didn’t want to jinx things, but he was hoping for a girl. Anna can’t wait to tell Violet, and Valentin thanks her again for meeting him. She says she’ll keep what he said in mind. Maxie says they haven’t even talked about the wedding flowers yet. How does Anna feel about peonies? She drags Anna away, and Peter sits with Valentin. Valentin says, speaking as a girl dad himself, Peter is a lucky man. Excuse him for noticing, but Peter’s excitement at having a daughter seems a lot like relief.

Dante and Carly come back downstairs, and Dante says he’s officially a goner. She says he’d still be up there if she hadn’t dragged him out, and he says he’s kicking himself for not visiting sooner. She says when they found out Donna had spina bifida, it was terrifying, but she’s healthy, and she’s been a gift to the family from the moment she was born. You never stop worrying about them. Dante says, never. She thanks him for stopping by. Him coming back was the only Christmas present Sonny needed. He says he had a lot reasons to come back. He leaves, and Carly ponders.   

Cyrus says he doesn’t need anyone’s pity; least of all Laura’s. She says, because he’s the great and powerful Cyrus Renault? She knows who he is, and she knows what he’s done. Her daughter, his niece, is lying in a long-term care facility because of things he set in motion. He tells her, don’t push him. His patience only goes so far, and she doesn’t want him as an enemy. Martin comes out, and tells him, back off. Don’t talk to their sister that way. Cyrus says he was only pointing out she has no right to judge him. Martin says, the way he and momma have? They’ve got their reasons, and Laura has hers. Laura asks if Cyrus thinks caring for his mother’s every need, bringing her there, and paying her bills could buy her love, and he says he bought the city she loves so much. She says, not all of it and not yet, and he says, one piece at a time, sister dear.

Finn tells Chase, he doesn’t have to go home, but he can’t stay there. Anna comes back, and asks if they’re leaving already. Chase says he’s on the night shift and has to get back to work, and Gregory says his sons cleaned his clock at poker, so he’s packing his tent and going. He tells Finn, goodnight, and when they’re gone, Anna asks Finn if everything is okay. He says, this thing he has hanging over him that she said would eventually come out. He has to give an honest answer sooner or later; he can’t keep it inside. He wants her to know the real reason he’s been estranged from his family all these years.  

Peter tells Valentin, his daughter is going to be beautiful like Maxie, and with Maxie’s warm, loving heart, maybe she’ll take after her mother. Valentin flashes back to Anna finding out that she’s not Peter’s mother; Alex is. Peter says Valentin is going to tell him that it’s magical thinking, but Valentin says he’s not saying that. Peter says his silence speaks volumes. Valentin says, if it was a boy, Peter would wonder when and if he was taking after Faison, but he won’t look at his daughter that way? Peter says he sees a beautiful girl filled with light.

Maxie comes out of the bathroom, and sees Dante at the Toys For Tots bin, and they make a plug for that. He says he’s glad he didn’t miss the tradition, and she asks him to hang out and celebrate. She and Peter are having a girl. He tells her, congratulations. He knows Lulu would be happy. She says, come on, and she goes back to the table, but he hangs behind.

Cyrus approaches his mother’s bed, and says, Martin isn’t the only one who remembered her birthday. He can buy her so much more than flowers. He can fly her anywhere in the world. He can load her down with jewelry, and buy her the Cartier watch like Mrs. Phillips wore that she always admired. He could buy her anything to make her smile at him, but she’s not going to do that. He laughs, and says she can’t see him as anything but a bad seed, a delinquent who ran down her husband, but she’s mistaken. When she threw him out, he made something of himself. He opens his wallet, and says there are the hundred dollar bills he carries like singles. This is the black card he carries; it has no limit and is accepted everywhere. He takes out his ID, and says they gave him this after he became Chairman of the Board at General Hospital. He puts it on the bed, and says he’s a man of importance; respected, admired, even feared. He comes as close to crying as we’ll probably ever see, and says, one day, she’ll see him as the world sees him, and everything he’s done will have been worth it. Everything.  

In the hallway, Martin says he’s going to do Laura a favor, and get her out before the staff finds her loitering. And they will get suspicious. She says, he’s right. She came there to find something to use against Cyrus, and she’s leaving with more questions than answers.  

Julian is zipped up, and the cops pick up the bag. The Village People cop continues to look, and the helicopter shines spotlights all around.

Carly hears the door open, and says, Sonny? Jason comes in, and she asks, what happened? Where’s Sonny?

Tomorrow, Robert wants to fill someone in, Tracy says no way in hell, Franco asks if it’s a coincidence, and Jason tells Carly, the only way this will work is if they take it one step at a time.

Below Deck

Jolly Harbour, Antigua. Izzy wonders if they have a chef, and James wonders if they have a deckhand as well. Eddie asks if anyone knows who the chef is, or if they’ve gotten a new deckhand yet. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, it’s high season, and any chef worth a damn is already working. They have demanding guests coming, and need someone who’s capable of everything on the preference sheets. They’re screwed. He can’t get through on the phone for a second time, and throws the phone down. Ashling is ironing, and the ironing board falls flat. I literally LOL. In her interview, Francesca says it’s the pickiest charter in the world, and they have no chef. She can’t believe this is happening. Izzy asks Eddie if they have a deckhand, but he’s more concerned about having a chef.   

3 hours before charter. The captain says he’d be surprised if everybody didn’t walk off. New deckhand Rob shows up, and in his interview, he says he’s mostly worked on sailing boats. Francesca tells him, they have a charter at 12, and also need a chef. Izzy introduces herself, and Eddie asks her to show Rob his new quarters. She tells Rob that he’ll be sharing with his boss. Rob meets Ashling on the way to his cabin, where he deposits his stuff before Eddie introduces him to Captain Lee. In Eddie’s interview, he says he’s happy Rob is on the team. He has experience, which will be a change of pace. Anything is better than Shane. We flash back to confirmation that he’s right. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says they’ve got two and a half hours to pick-up, and he’s sitting there choking his chicken. Rachel mysteriously appears, and introduces herself to Rob. In her interview, she says, last night, her head was all over the place; not knowing the severity of the virus and missing her boyfriend. Now she has to crawl back to the captain who doesn’t give two sh*ts about ego. She tells Captain Lee that she was totally unprofessional, and she’s very sorry. She respects him, and likes working under him. If possible, she’d like to do the charter, and do it successfully. In the captain’s interview, he says, normally, he’d tell someone who leaves, that they don’t get to come back. He’s pissed, but, like it or not, chefs are prone to do sh*t like that. We flash back to Leon (ugh) who ended up fired, and Ben punching things and slamming doors. The captain tells Rachel, he’s on board with that, and in his interview, he says, part of him wanted to say, f*** it, cancel the charter, and leave them swinging in the wind, but guests expect to be fed, and it’s the only plan he’s got. In Francesca’s interview, she says, part of her is stoked. Rachel is a great chef, which makes her job easier, but Rachel disrespected her, and isn’t someone she can trust. Her trust went out the window. We flash back to Rachel telling Elizabeth to talk to the captain about her issue with Francesca. Francesca says, moving forward, she’s going to be strictly professional with Rachel and Elizabeth.

In Rob’s interview, he says he’s an exploration geologist, which is being like a nerdy Indiana Jones. He looks for gold, but if there’s a market crash, he loses his job. He likes the fallback of yachting. His father and grandfather were in the Navy, and he comes from a long line of pirates and hookers. It’s what he’s meant to be. It’s unclear whether he means a pirate or a hooker. Eddie quickly explains that their chef had a mental breakdown, and asks for help getting her luggage back on board. In his interview, Eddie says he doesn’t think Rachel deserves her job back, but they need her – for now. He’s going to act like nothing happened, but something did, and he’s not going to forget. Rachel take notes from the preference sheets, and Captain Lee tells her, for sh*ts and giggles, he looked up how to make marshmallows. (It’s actually pretty easy.) In his interview, he says they’re not prepared for the charter at this point, but it’s completely Rachels’ fault. Izzy tells James that it’s a story they can tell their grandkids, about the charter where they all got f***ed. Francesca reads the preference sheets to the stews, and in Ashling’s interview, she says, holy sh*t. They’re going to die. Ashling gets to work, and Francesca tells Elizabeth, the pantry wasn’t clean, and the beach clean-up is still a mess. She needs to step it up. Elizabeth apologizes for lacking in some areas, and says she plans on 100% improving. In her interview, Elizabeth says she’s going to be tested on every little thing, and she’s going to be watched. We flash back to Captain Lee telling her that how she performs on the next charter will mean her future. She says she’s up for the challenge. She’s not going anywhere.

Provisions come on board, the captain says, arrival in twenty, and I say, oh God, out loud. Rob says, it’s like the first day of school; he’s excited. James says he’s good at his job, meaning himself, and the crew gets into their whites. Champagne is poured, and here they come. In Izzy’s interview, she says, the guests are so high maintenance and crazy, they’re going to get whipped. Let the games begin.

Primary Bryan yaps about his pedicure as he takes his shoes off, and the crew agrees he looks like Elton John. In Izzy’s interview, she says, they’re so effing cute. Like gay teddy bears. Okay. I’m glad she said it, because this group is over-the-top. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but there’s no politically/socially correct way to say it. Eddie tells the deckhands to get into their blues, and the captain moves the boat out. The guests toast to everybody there. Looking out at the other boats, Bryan says he loves how bigger they are than everyone else [sic]. Elizabeth tells Ashling that she loves her job, and doesn’t want to lose it, and James pulls in the fenders. Elizabeth tells Rachel that she’s nerve-wracked, but Rachel says she really has to concentrate on what she’s doing. In Rachel’s interview, she says, she loves Elizabeth, but has to set that aside. She’s in the middle, and doesn’t want it to affect her department. She wants to just focus on her job, and do some serious captain’s ass kissing right now. They’ll get there.   

Bryan says he loves the service, and he’s blown away. I’m not so sure demanding is necessarily a negative in their case. They might want a lot, but so far, they seem fun. In Francesca’s interview, she says, Elizabeth thinks she’s a diner waitress. She’s holding the wine bottle by the neck. We see Elizabeth pouring it that way. I’ve never poured it that way, and don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else pour it that way. Francesca says she’ll take what she can get right now. Rob tells Eddie about people being masked in some places now because of the virus. Eddie does an impression of Trump saying, there’s nothing to worry about. Everything is great. They put unicorn floaties in the water. The captain tells Rachel that her successful lunch was a start. In his interview, he says, the only way Rachel knows how to mea culpa is with her culinary skills. Once you lose trust, it’s hard to get back. She’d better do her utmost to nock it out of the park (I see we’re back to that metaphor again). He says he’s going to keep close tabs on her.

Jet skis are put in the water, and the guests name one of the unicorn floaties Deborah. Rachel dictates the menu to Francesca, who puts it on her laptop. A Mardi Gras tablescape is created in black, purple, and gold, and it looks really good. Elizabeth tells James that she just came out of a relationship recently, and in her interview, she says relationships have jaded her, and she gets possessive. There’s a special place in hell for girls who try to interfere with your man. She says she’s a hopeless romantic, and she won’t lie; she’s attracted to James. Bryan drapes himself in beads and fake gold chains, and says they’re doing it Mardi Gras style. They all wear cool, festive hats, including a few of those tiny hats on a headband that I love. I’ve loved a tiny hat every since those guys wore them on In Living Color. Bryan says, the tablescape is amazing, and in Rachel’s interview, she says she’s been to Mardi Gras, and she’s not a fan, but tonight she has to prove to Captain Lee that he didn’t make a bad decision. I’m highly amused by the guests, and might even go so far as to say they’re effing funny. In Rob’s interview, he says, the key difference between sailing and a superyacht is that one is gritty with a sense of adventure, and the other is cushy with beautiful people. It’s a motivation to shower every day. Bryan calls the tiny hat a fascinator, but I’m not so sure that’s the same thing. He says, Rachel is an absolute genius, and in Izzy’s interview, she says, Rachel can effing cook. It sounds like Rachel is racking up points. The captain asks Eddie how Rob is doing, and Eddie says, good. Rob has never worked on big yachts, but has intuition. Francesca brings up the cake, Bryan says, Rachel did an amazing job, and Francesca passes along to Rachel that the guests love it. Ashling asks Elizabeth if today was better, and Elizabeth says that she was taken aback by how Francesca’s been speaking to her. Francesca walks in, and says, awkward. Elizabeth says Ashling was just asking how she was doing. Elizabeth tells Izzy that Francesca thinks she’s talking smack about her, and Izzy says there’s not much she can do about it if Francesca assumes every conversation is about her. I see what Elizabeth’s problem is. She’s talking too much about this to too many people. In Francesca’s interview, she says she doesn’t feel like she’s making friends, but she can’t trust anyone. She knows they’re talking about her. Well, you’re not paranoid if everyone really does hate you.

Elizabeth tells Francesca that it was like cleaning up a war zone the night before, and in her interview, Elizabeth says, things with Francesca aren’t good, but all she can do is work and hope it’s noticed. James kicks one of the unicorn floaties, and says, f*** you, Deborah. Rachel asks if the captain wants French toast, and he says, absolutely. Finding out Elizabeth went to bed late, Francesca suggests she work quicker. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says now she’s in trouble because she went to bed too late. Francesca tells her the primary wants the sheets changed in the master. In her interview, Elizabeth says, there’s nothing she can say against Francesca, and she just has to take it, but it’s hard. The guests get excited about the slide coming down the side of the boat. In Rachel’s interview, she says, the guests are digging the food, but there’s another person she needs to win over, and delivers the toast. In Eddie’s interview, he says he never wants to put the slide up. It’s a pain in his ass, and he hates it. The captain says, this might be the best French toast he’s ever had. The way to a captain’s heart is apparently through his stomach. He looks out, and says, the slide isn’t right. Eddie tells Izzy, part of it is backwards, and yells to James, just inflate the goddam thing. James says he senses tension. The captain radios Eddie, and asks how the slide is going. Eddie says he’s had better days, and Captain Lee says, everything is wrong. It’s the epitome of a sh*t sandwich. He goes out, and tells Eddie what he should do. Bryan and the guests watch from above. Eddie tries climbing down to fix the slide, which is twisted in the middle, and nearly falls into the water. The captain says, this is how to f*** things up, and climbs over the railing. He says he needs to get the line, and Eddie tells him to let someone else do that. 

The captain says he’s got this, and in his interview, he says, ribs are something that doesn’t heal quickly. He tells Eddie to get him a boat hook. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. In Izzy’s interview, she says, the captain was hard-handing it over the railing. It’s a little crazy, but also badass. Captain Lee single-handedly pulls the slide up part way, and tells James to inflate the bottom. When this is finally done, the guests use the water toys. Eddie says, bleepity-bleep-bleep-bleep, and Rob says he has Britney Spears in his head. In James’s interview, he says he likes Rob. He doesn’t take his job too seriously. He thinks it will be fun. Francesca and Elizabeth discuss the beach picnic, and in Rob’s interview, he says, Francesca is giving off hot vibes. She puts newspaper on the table, and asks if he’s ever done a low country boil. He says, never, and she says her neither. In his interview, Rob says, when it comes to flirting, he’s hopeless. Fracnesca says she thinks it’s like a messy seafood feast, and in her interview, she says, a low country boil; she loves this stuff. Rachel makes Maine lobster, clams, and sausage, and Elizabeth says she’s never seen lobster look so picturesque. Eddie tells the deckhands they have to get ready to go to the beach at 4:30.

Elizabeth calls her dad, and tells him that the chief stew wanted her to step it up, so she’s stepping up. In her interview, Elizabeth says her father is a lawyer, and busts his ass at his job. He scares people because he looks like Tony Soprano, but he makes her laugh. We see his picture, and I think he looks more like Jesse Ventura. Rachel makes marshmallows, and offers one to the captain. He says it tastes like pure sugar, but I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. Eddie takes the crew over to the beach, where they set up. Elizabeth and Izzy gather firewood. The guests arrive and toast marshmallows. Elizabeth realizes there’s only one bottle of champagne, and in Izzy’s interview, she admits Francesca isn’t the best boss, but Elizabeth isn’t the sharpest took in the shed either. She radios for three bottles, and on the boat, Francesca is like, WTF? In the meantime, Elizabeth tries to push water, but you can guess how much they want that. Eddie beings the champagne, and she says he’s the best. Bryan says, it’s always a party when champagne is a-poppin’.

Ashling tells Francesca that all the sheets have been changed, and Francesca says it was only the master that was requested. In Ashling’s interview, she says, Elizabeth doesn’t listen. It goes in one ear, and out the other; it’s frustrating. Francesca and Ashling look at the sunset, and Francesca wishes they could get in the water. She radios the captain, and asks if it would be okay, and he says, absolutely. Everyone is off the boat; enjoy themselves. Francesca goes down the slide, and James hopes he can see through her uniform. Ashling follows her, and on the beach, Izzy talks to James on the radio, and tells Elizabeth about the others going swimming. In Elizabeth’s interview, she says she feels like Francesca thinks Ashling is the perfect angel, and she’s the demon. Rachel brings the captain a dinner of lobster, clams, and corn on the cob, his favorite. He asks Francesca how it’s going, and she says, apart from forgetting the champagne… Eddie tells Elizabeth that the captain said he hopes she makes it to the end of the season; he likes her. Francesca tells Captain Lee that for every step Elizabeth takes forward, she takes two steps back. She didn’t finish taking down the decorations from the night before, and forgot to bring the champagne to the beach. Elizabeth asks Eddie, what if Francesca keeps giving her a hard time? The captain tells Francesca that he could replace Elizabeth, but it’s late in the season. Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. Yep.

Next time, a Parisian party, Rachel has to make sixty plates of food to make with no room for error, a bus trip to see a donkey, James and Elizabeth get some alone time, and Francesca says Elizabeth’s priorities are in the wrong place.  

🔔 Tonight, Watch What Happens Live transformed into The 12 Doorbells of Christmas. This year, the virtual doorbell was rung by Leah (RHONY), a very pregnant Lala (Vanderpump Rules), Shannon (RHOC), Reza and MJ (Shahs of Sunset), Karen (RHOP), Tabitha Coffey (Tabitha Takes Over), Pirate Tomas (RHONY back in the day), Marge and Marge Sr. (RHONJ), Heather (RHOSLC), and Alex (Below Deck). Lala is loving being pregnant, and told us James is still sober. Reza and MJ are still working on their friendship, and have high hopes for the future, for which I’m irrationally happy, considering I don’t really know them. Marge looks totally different, and quite the bombshell. She claimed her first facelift didn’t take well, so she had it tweaked. Frankly, I think she got a whole new face. Marge Sr. was the real shocker. Maybe the halo light helped, but she looked luminous, and absolutely ravishing. You go, Marge Sr.! Andy is taking one of his many breaks, and WWHL will be back January 3rd. He’ll also be doing New Year’s Eve with Anderson Cooper from Times Square on CNN.

Check out some Doorbells from years past…

🎄 Ready Or Not…

At this point, Christmas will be what it’ll be. I concede. Whether you’ve thrown in the holiday towel or not, stay safe, stay not pressuring yourself, and stay keeping it professional and not pissing off the captain.

December 18, 2020 – Cyrus Reveals His Past, New Viv, No Shock, Erika Update, Monique Reads, Mary Talks, Pump News, New Blood, Throne Cast, Judy’s Silver Year, Heartbroken, Last One, Celeb Celebrations, Almost 20 Quotes & the Time Is Near


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Here are the highlights from what I missed at the beginning, because it’s been that kind of week. Jordan told Curtis that Taggert was safe in the witness protection program. He asked how long she’d known Taggert was alive, and she said since Taggert faked his death. Cyrus told Laura that he knew she’d find her way to their mother’s room because he’d left a trail of breadcrumbs. To make it even better, it was their mother’s birthday. He told her, welcome to the family, sis. Josslyn thanked Carly for being understanding about the Taggert craziness, and Carly told her, it wasn’t crazy, Taggert really was alive. And when I got there…

On the bridge, Sonny tells Julian, it ends right now, and Julian asks why Sonny doesn’t just pull the trigger. They all know he’s been wanting to for years. Sonny says he’s tempted, but tells Julian, congratulations. It’s his big chance to live.

Laura says Cyrus and Martin are brothers? and Cyrus says, correct. Florence is their mother, and Gordon was their father, may he rest in peace. Martin says, as if Cyrus cares if he rests at all. Cyrus tells him, don’t do this; not where their mother can hear. Martin says he’s not the one who did anything, and Cyrus says, that would make Laura their half-sister. She says he’s lying. That can’t be true. He’s playing mind games with her, right? Martin says, as much as it pains him to say it, for once Cyrus is telling the truth. She says, they’re brothers, and Gordon is their father? Martin says, yes to both, and Cyrus says, they’re all Gordon’s children, and there’s no denying they’re all siblings.

Jordan tells Curtis, when she decided to put Taggert in the witness protection program, it was a decision made in the moment. Taggert was dying, and his child had been kidnapped. She contacted the most high-up person she knew, and called in every favor. They faked Taggert’s death, and got him out. There was no one left for Cyrus to roll over, except for her. Curtis says, it makes sense. He understands, and would have done the same thing. That’s why he doesn’t get why she didn’t tell him.

Josslyn asks if Carly is serious. Taggert is alive? Oh my God. Trina is going to freak out; she’ll be so happy. Does she know? Carly says she imagines Trina does. She’s with her mother, figuring things out. Josslyn asks how it happened. Where has Taggert been? Carly says she doesn’t know the details, but Taggert needed everyone, especially Cyrus, to think he was dead. Josslyn asks how long Carly has known, and Carly says she found out just now. Josslyn says, how did Cyrus find out? but Carly doesn’t know. She assumes Cyrus told Trina, so she could do his dirty work, and lead him to her father. Taggert is fine; he’s in police custody, so he’s safe from Cyrus. She asks if Josslyn is okay, and Josslyn says she is. Carly takes her hand, and says she’s sorry. She hopes Josslyn understands why she couldn’t say anything. Josslyn says she does, and Carly asks, what is it? Josslyn asks if it ever hits Carly how strange their life is sometimes.  

Jason makes a call, and says he’s at the 17th Street bus station in Secaucus. There was a shootout; one guy, sent by Cyrus. How soon can they get there? A cop tells Jason to freeze, and Jason says, okay. He tells the cop that he has a gun, and he’s putting on the ground. Jason assumes the position on his knees, and the cop cuffs him. He asks Jason to tell him what happened, and Jason says he’s got nothing to say without his attorney. But you already knew he was going to say that.

Sonny tells Julian that he’s going to go to the cops, and tell them Julian planted the bomb on Cyrus’s orders. Julian says Sonny wants him to help take down Cyrus? and Sonny says Julian gets an A for listening. Julian asks why he would do that. They both know as soon as he opens his mouth, he’s a dead man.

The cop says if Jason won’t talk, he can come to the station. Judging from the guy’s gunshot would, Jason is in serious trouble, and could be looking at second-degree murder. Diane arrives, and says she’s going to need a moment alone with her client. The cop says, she’s his lawyer? and she says she assumes Jason told him that he’s not speaking to anyone without her. See? She knows too. The cop says, he’s got that bit down, and Diane introduces herself. She says from now on, she’ll speak on his behalf, but she needs a word with him. The cop says, they can chat as much as they want at the station, and Diane says, it’s an option they can leave open, but it’s a procedural violation, and will throw out any case he hopes to make. A word with her client will bring them to a swift resolution of the issue at hand. He asks if it’s necessary, considering they just wheeled a dead body out, and she says, yeah; it’s necessary. The cop tells his partner to keep an eye on Jason, and leaves. Diane says, please tell her he was acting in self-defense.   

Julian tells Sonny, the chances of him actually making a statement and giving up Cyrus, then living long enough to cut a deal are slim to none. Sonny has seen how Cyrus operates. He has people everywhere; the alley, the bus station. He’s going to die anyway, so what the hell’s the point? Sonny says he thought Julian wanted a shot at redemption.

Martin says he understands Laura has had more than her fair share of unfortunate news recently, and Cyrus asks why this is unfortunate. Martin says, Cyrus isn’t the best brother material, and Cyrus says Martin didn’t care when he needed money. Martin says, their mother needed money, and he appreciated Cyrus answering the call. Cyrus says it’s an honor to provide the best care for their mother, and Martin says just because Cyrus pays her expenses doesn’t qualify him for sainthood. He’s committed atrocities that, in Martin’s mind, are beyond redemption. Laura wonders if she can ask a question, and Cyrus says, of course (🍷). She’s family. She can ask anything. She says Cyrus knew all along, didn’t he? From the first moment they met, probably before, he knew they were related.

Jordan tells Curtis, it all tied back to the cover-up, but he says he’s not hearing why she didn’t clue him in. She says, if anything went wrong, he could be charged. She didn’t want him near this. He asks who else was involved, and she says, the people who were in the room when Taggert died. He says, who else? and she says, Sonny and Jason, but she didn’t tell them. They found out on their own. He asks, how? and she says, Taggert wouldn’t shut up and let himself be protected. He started making moves on his own. Curtis says, so Taggert was a wild card, and in danger of blowing the operation. So why didn’t she let him in? She says, it would have put him in jeopardy. It had nothing to do with them; it was about work. He says she’s wrong. It had everything to do with them.

Cyrus tells Laura, he found out they were related shortly after they met, when she egregiously used her power as mayor to put him in solitary confinement. Martin says, well done, and Cyrus says he had nothing else to do, so he researched her. He read about her mother’s rogue ex-husband and their tempestuous relationship, and as the internet is wont to do, it led him back to his father, a medical professor with fidelity issues. Imagine his delight to find out they shared the same DNA. She tells him not to expect the same delight from her. She still holds him responsible for the bomb that hurt her daughter. Cyrus says he’d never intentionally hurt Lulu, and she says of course (🍷) not. He never intentionally means to hurt anyone, yet it keeps happening over and over. Martin says she has no idea. Cyrus killed their father.

Cyrus says he did no such thing, and Martin says, because he never admitted it? and Cyrus says, because it’s untrue. Laura suggests they take the conversation outside, and Cyrus says, it was an accident. As much as he and his dad fought… Martin tells Laura, don’t dare believe what Cyrus tells her. Their father was a kind and gentle man. Cyrus says, except when he was philandering. He lied to their mother, and told her that Laura was stillborn, depriving their mother of the chance to raise her. He was unspeakably cruel, and had no problem cutting people out of his life, including his son. Martin says, their father and Cyrus didn’t get along. On the day their father died, he and Cyrus had a horrible fight. Cyrus says, he didn’t kill him, and Laura asks, what happened? How did Gordon die? Martin says, Cyrus ran him over with his car.   

Curtis says Jordan saw how much his part in Taggert’s murder ate him up inside, and how the guilt kicked in whenever Trina accused him of not doing enough. Trina had him second guessing himself. He thought maybe she was right; he should have done more, or done something different. Jordan says it killed her, watching him beat himself up, but she couldn’t tell him. He says she just didn’t want to. She was determined to keep that part of her life separate. Because of remorse, or guilt, or pride, he doesn’t know, but she won’t communicate with him. She says, she couldn’t, and he tells her to stop saying that. They both know it’s not the truth. It’s not about outside forces; it’s about her. She shakes her head.

Carly says, does she ever question their strange life? and Josslyn says she didn’t mean it like that. She likes her life. She gets it, but sometimes it’s strange living surrounded by guards, and having to make a daily choice not to look too close or ask too many questions, and ignoring the accusations. She doesn’t want to know the bad stuff, and would prefer just to know the good stuff, and Carly says, don’t they all. Josslyn says, then something will smack her in the face that what they’re doing is so… weird. Don’t get her wrong. She loves Sonny and Jason. Carly says she knows, and Josslyn says she never wants anything bad to happen to them. Like she said, she really does love her life. Carly says, it’s just different from everybody else. Josslyn says she feels… not dishonest, that’s not the right word, but it’s like a compromise. Does that make sense? Carly says, more than she knows.

Diane tells Jason, she’s assuming there are security cameras there. Can the cops look at the footage or not? He says the gunman fired first, and he shot back in self-defense. She says it was fortunate that she was just across the river. Walk her through it. He says they caught up with Julian, but when they tried to grab him, the shooter came out. She says, sent by Cyrus? and he says, had to be. Julian took advantage of the situation and ran, and Sonny followed him. Sonny is going to need back-up; he has to get out of there. She says before she works her magic on the cop, is there a long-term plan for Julian? He has a gunshot wound. Julian says they don’t want him dead. They want to hand him over to the cops so he can nail Cyrus. The cop tells Diane, time’s up, but she says, no.    

Sonny says Julian has done horrible things. He held a knife to Alexis’s throat, helped Brad steal Wiley, helped Nelle steal Wiley, and for his final act, he planted a bomb in The Floating Rib, right? Julian says he didn’t know, and Sonny says, what? That it was a bomb? Julian says, Jason was supposed to be alone; the restaurant was supposed to be empty. Sonny says, it was a restaurant. People were in the restaurant, including Julian’s grandson. Julian says he would have killed himself if he’d killed Danny, and Sonny says, no more excuses. Julian can get redeemed and save himself to stop the bigger threat. Take down Cyrus to make Port Charles safer for the kids he claims he loves. For once in his miserable life, don’t think about himself. That’s how he gets redeemed. Julian says, okay. He’ll help Sonny on one condition. He wants Sonny to give him his word that he won’t kill him when it’s done. Julian slumps down, looking lifeless.

Curtis says it’s not the first time Jordan has done this, but it’s the worst, and part of a pattern. Ever since Cyrus came to town, and she admitted to being part of the original frame, and she’s been under his thumb. Now Taggert is alive. She lets him help in taking Cyrus down, but doesn’t let him in on the real mechanics of what’s going on. Jordan says, it was on them. She, Taggert, Mark, and Bob decided framing Cyrus was worth the risk. They took it on themselves, and she wasn’t willing to let any of it land on him.

Cyrus says, it was terrible and traumatic, but not his fault. Martin says, so the instant after they left Port Charles, they moved to Shreveport, Louisiana. Cyrus had a hard time adjusting. Cyrus says, he was just a kid. It was a different world. They moved all the time, and their family was happy in Port Charles. Martin asks if Cyrus thinks their mother was happy, being reminded of daddy’s affairs. Cyrus says, their mom was strong, and tolerated it. Their dad couldn’t take the heat. Martin says, Cyrus didn’t even try to adjust. He fell in with the wrong crowd; truants, petty thieves, and drug dealers. Cyrus says, they accepted him, and Martin says, their dad had enough. He took Cyrus’s car keys, and Cyrus lost his mind. Cyrus says, he was a teenager, and Martin says, Cyrus jumped in the front seat, turned the ignition, and stepped on the gas when their dad was in front of the car. Cyrus shouts that he didn’t do it on purpose. It happened so fast. Their mom was yelling, their dad was screaming, and he just wanted out. Martin says, like he’s always done, no matter who gets in the way. Who the hell does Cyrus think he’s talking to? Cyrus hated their dad. Cyrus says he was furious, but he never wanted their dad dead. It was an accident. Martin says their momma never believed him, and he sure as hell doesn’t either.

Diane tells the cop, Jason fired in self-defense, and the cop says, that’s what Jason said, but the shot was carefully placed, leading him to believe it was premeditated. She says her client is an excellent shot, and fired in self-defense. They’ll see when they review the security footage. They are planning on looking at it, right? The cop says it’s part of the case, but they’re not required to do it tonight. She says, so he was planning on throwing her client in jail, when they  have the means to ascertain his innocence readily at hand? He’ll probably lose his badge. The cop says, really, and she says, really. She cites Peabody vs Harlan, and says if they have the means to collect evidence that could exonerate a suspect, but choose to ignore or put it off, it opens up a host of civil rights violations, and charges of false imprisonment. She assumes he’d like to keep his career after this.  

Carly says, what Sonny and Jason do is their business, and they go out of their way to try not to involve the rest of the family, but Josslyn is right. They feel it when something is up. They can hear about Sonny’s day, but they don’t get to know everything. Josslyn says, most of the time, she doesn’t think about it; she just accepts that area of their lives is walled off. Maybe the stories are true, maybe not, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t directly affect her. Carly says, until it does. Sonny and Jason will always try to make sure their business doesn’t touch her, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It’s compromise. What we’re willing to accept to hold onto something or someone that matters to us. She gets it. She understands this life and this house just aren’t working for Josslyn anymore.

Sonny tells Julian, get up. Julian coughs, and says Sonny wants him to roll over and give him Cyrus to save his life. He closes his eyes, and Sonny says, Julian? He gets no response, and kicks Julian. He says, dammit, and he’s about to check Julian’s pulse, when Julian jumps up, and pushes him across the bridge. I laugh, since neither Sonny nor I expected that one.   

Martin tells Laura, their mother was devastated, and Cyrus says, they all were. Martin says she put Cyrus’s stuff on the lawn, and changed the locks. Laura says, she kicked him out? and Cyrus says, she refused to believe it was a terrible mistake, even after he was cleared of all charges. Martin says, Cyrus blamed her, and Cyrus says, he was on his own, without even a high school diploma. But he made due. He lived in his car, worked odd jobs, and worked toward his GED. He moved out west, and liked it there. Martin says, that’s where his career took off, and Cyrus says, Martin’s words. Laura asks if Martin means being a drug lord, and Cyrus says he was unfairly implicated for crimes he didn’t commit. He’s trying to make up for past missteps, and taking care of their mother is part of that. Martin says, as is saving GH? Cyrus can pass himself off as legitimate, but it’s not going to work. Their mom will see right through him. Face it. She’ll never be proud of him. Cyrus says Martin doesn’t know that, and Laura says their mom is awake. Martin sits on her bed, and says, hey, mom.

Josslyn tells Carly, she has no plans to go anywhere or change anything, and Carly says she doesn’t? Josslyn says, no. No one is perfect, including her dad, but don’t tell him she said that. He’s not par with Sonny and Jason, but she doesn’t look too closely at what he does either. He’s just her dad, and the other stuff is his business. Carly asks when Josslyn got so strong and smart, and Josslyn says, duh. Look who her mom is.

The cop tells Diane, it’s clear from the security footage, Jason acted in self-defense. He’s within his jurisdiction to bring Jason to the station anyway, but he’s letting Jason go on his own recognizance. However, he needs to come to the station tomorrow morning, and give a formal statement. Diane says, absolutely, and the cop tells her that she cited a pretty good precedent. It doesn’t apply, but he would have let Jason go anyway. He doesn’t agree with vigilantism, but what Jason did helped a lot of people. He’ll give Jason back his gun when he gives his statement. Out of curiosity, what happened to the other two guys in the video? Diane says, how on earth would her client know where the terrified bystanders fled? Back to logistics. She recorded the conversation, and he’ll receive a copy of the transcript. She also expects a copy of the security footage, lest they use it against her client later. He says he’ll get that to her, and she thanks him.  

Julian and Sonny struggle on the bridge. Sonny tells Julian, get back, and there’s a shot.

Curtis tells Jordan, she doesn’t get to make his decisions, or take his choices away from him. She never gave him the option of getting involved. She says, of course (🍷) she knew he’d want to help, because he loves her, but she didn’t want the stain on him for trying to protect her. Curtis says, what she calls protecting him, he calls lying. He can’t pretend he’s okay with it. He leaves, and she cries.

Martin asks Florence how she’s feeling. She says, was she sleeping? and he says, out like a light. She asks, what time is it? and he says, there’s still time; it’s still her birthday. He made it. He brought her favorite, hummingbird cake. It’s all right. He kisses her forehead, and says he’s right there. Cyrus says he’s there too. Happy birthday, mama. In some weird way, this is breaking my heart.

Josslyn thanks Carly for being there, and Carly says, for her, always. Josslyn says, and for being a great role model, and Carly says she doesn’t know about that. Josslyn says she does. She doesn’t always like it when Carly pries into her life, but she’s happy Carly is there for her, and she can come to Carly whenever she needs to. Carly says, any time. She wants Josslyn to hear that. She doesn’t care if they’re in the middle of a knockdown, drag-out fight, Josslyn can come to her. She’ll always be there if Josslyn needs her. Josslyn asks if Carly knows what she loves about her. She’s been a teenager too. She knows technically everyone has, but Carly gets it in a way others don’t. She can come with to Carly with a problem or a mistake, or when she’s just generally confused about life, and Carly understands it because she lived it. And she survived it. That’s how Josslyn knows she can too . She realizes she doesn’t get to trade things she loves for the things she doesn’t have. She could have had a mom who baked cookies. Carly says Josslyn doesn’t want her baking, and Josslyn agrees she doesn’t, and says, but that wouldn’t be Carly. Carly chose this life because the people she loves are in it. Josslyn chooses it for the exact same reason. Carly hugs Josslyn, and tells her that she loves her.

Julian stumbles back, and discovers a fresh bullet wound. Sonny says, don’t make him shoot, and Julian backs away and falls. Sonny carefully checks Julian’s neck pulse, and says, just like him. Dying and running away. Jason arrives, and suddenly, part of the bridge gives way, and Julian and Sonny fall into the water. Jason runs over, and calls to Sonny.   

On Monday, Laura tells Cyrus not to ask their mother for something she can’t give, Finn tells Gregory the real reason he didn’t come to the wedding, and Carly tells Dante that she thinks he’s doing the right thing.

👑 Viva la Vivian…

Linda Dano is a legend. I think she’s going to rock in this roll role.

🥱 No Surprise…

It’s things like this that make me feel guilty for liking Two and a Half Men. Which I actually shouldn’t like for other reasons.

💸 She Said He Said…

You’d think it would be the other way around, but it’s not unlikely.

Funny how they’re always suddenly broke before a lawsuit or divorce, and this is both.

📠 Receipts Coming Up…

IMO, Gizelle always looks amazing.

👰🏾 Get Off Mary’s Jock…

It sounds like there’s about a twenty year difference, and he was a young grandpa. They also seem happy, so enough already.

🍸 Pumping Along…

No surprise that Bravo would tell them what to say, but who cares? Go already.

That was fast. It seems a little vague though.

Are they VanderCanceled for real? And no mention of what’s in store for LVP. She really needs her own dog and pony show. Literally.

🧛🏻‍♂️ Bloody Return…

I’m not sure how I feel about this.

🐲 Write Faster, George…

I need those books. In the meantime, it looks like the prequel is moving along.

👩🏻‍⚖️ Crankier Than Ever…

I’m sure she’s got a lot to reflect back on.

💔 It Doesn’t Get Sadder…

He was my TV dog crush, and the best New Year’s Eve date ever. R.I.P. Giggy.

📼 End Of an Era…

This sounds like a great documentary.

🎄 Bring It On…

The holidays are officially in full swing, although some people started on Labor Day.

Not one of these looks like the erratic mess eclectic group of ornaments I have on my tree.

Holiday greetings from the stage.

🦜 Quotes of the Week

You never fail until you stop trying. – Albert Einstein

I may not be where I want to be but I’m thankful for not being where I used to be. – Habeeb Akande

To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor. – Stacey T. Hunt

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Nelson Mandela

You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it. – Oprah Winfrey (I already do a job with no pay. Does that mean I’m twice as successful?)

Most times, a ghost is a wish. – Steven Crain (Michiel Hulsman), The Haunting of Hill House

When we talk about understanding, surely it takes place only when the mind listens completely — the mind being your heart, your nerves, your ears- when you give your whole attention to it.Jiddu Krishnamurti (So when you say, I understand, make sure this is what you’re doing.)

Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. – Tyron Edwards (Too bad I can’t get past the thought part…)

My mom cannot be mistaken, because she’s my mom. – Natalie Mordovtseva, 90 Day Fiancé

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. – Zig Ziglar

Happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. – Frederick Koenig

Maintain composure in times of heightened emotion, reacting only when thoughts are calm and clear. Being sensible will open doors for solutions and creativity. – Jaren L. Davis

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. – Robert Brault

If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. – Vincent Van Gogh

Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance correctly. – Jerry, The Zoo Story, Edward Albee

💃🏽 Dancing Off Into the Night Like…

It’s that time again, that weekend before Christmas where many of us looked like deer in the headlights at the mall, buying out of sheer fear of someone else missing out. Now we’re doing that from the comfort of our homes on Amazon. AMC is still working through their catalog of holiday films, so no Dead yet, but I’ll see you on Deck on Monday, when Captain Lee’s head finally explodes. Until then, stay safe, stay making the most of what you’ve got, and stay choosing your life because the people you love are in it.

December 17, 2020 – Laura Gets a Double Whammy, Patricia Does It Down Home Low Country & Please


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I almost made it on time, but here’s what you need to know. Chase ran into Michael in the gym locker room, and Michael accused him of playing God. Trina told Portia that Cyrus claimed her father was still alive, and she wondered if it was true. Laura was in Florence’s room, when the door handle started to move. She hid in the bathroom, and Martin came in. Jordan called Curtis, wondering when he’d be back, and said she couldn’t talk to him on the phone. He told her what he and Laura had done, and said he was concerned there might be trouble. Meanwhile, Sonny and Jason were on their way to Secaucus. And here we are.

A guy sees Julian, slumped on the bench at the bus station, and startles him. Julian grabs his arm, and asks what time it is. The guy says let go of him, and Julian apologizes, saying he’s trying catch the bus to Montreal at 11:03. The guy says, it’s ten after. He thinks Julian missed his bus.

Portia doesn’t know what makes her more furious; Cyrus speaking to Trina in the first place, or giving her false hope. They saw her dad’s injuries. They were there when he died. Trina says her dad asked her to get him some candy, and she was only gone a few minutes. She wasn’t in the room when he – quote – died. Portia says she got to say goodbye, but Trina says she knows there are drugs that can simulate death. Portia asks her to stop and listen to herself. Someone had to administer those drugs, and plan to transport him somewhere. She knows the staff; they’re good people. She doesn’t believe they’d join a conspiracy to inflict as much pain as possible, especially on Trina. Trina says, they might, if they thought they were doing the right thing, and Portia asks if Trina really thinks her dad would do this; cause her to suffer like this? Trina asks why Portia can’t believe he’s possibly alive, and Portia says, because there are so many reasons not to believe it. Think about it. Why lie? What good would it do him? Trina says just because she doesn’t know the reason, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Portia says she does know Cyrus, and he’s not a man to be trusted. Since he set foot in this town, he’s been one thing – a liar – and he’s about to get what’s coming to him.   

Back at the station, Mac says Taggert needs to tell him who helped him fake his death. Taggert says he did it by himself, and Mac says, that’s BS, and Taggert knows it. He wants answers. Taggert says he has one word – lawyer.

Jordan tells Curtis, if he needs assistance, she can make a call, but he says, give Laura time to work her magic. She says, what if Laura can’t handle it? and he says he gave Laura a burner phone. One text or call, and he’ll be there. Does Jordan need something? She says she always needs him, but it can wait. He gets a text from Laura saying she’s trapped in Florence’s bathroom.

Martin says, hello, mama. It’s been far too long since his last visit. He’s sorry, but once a week is all he can manage to travel to Vermont, especially in winter. That doesn’t make him much of a son. Lord knows, after what she’s been through, she deserves better. He brushes her hair back from her face, and says he brought her something to celebrate her birthday. He hopes she appreciates how hard it was dealing with Yankee bakers who looked cross-eyed at him when he asked for hummingbird cake. They kept trying to sell him something gluten free. He wishes he had an Old Fashioned to go with it, but tap water will have to do. Laura comes out of the bathroom, and says she hopes there’s enough for three.

In the car, Jason says Julian is at the bus station, unless he’s on the bus. His ticket would be in the system. Sonny wonders if he was desperate enough to buy one with a credit card. There are surveillance cameras at the station, and if they can track Julian, Cyrus can do the same thing. Jason says Brick gave them a good head start, and Sonny hopes so. Cyrus isn’t going to let this go. He knows Julian ties him to the bomb at The Floating Rib.   

Julian insists the guy’s watch is fast. He only closed his eyes for a minute. The guy says, the Montreal bus is gone, but Julian can catch one in the morning at 10. Julian says he can’t wait. He needs to get out of town tonight. When does the next bus leave? The guy says the only one left is the one he’s on, but it’s usually sold out. We see a dude with a gun watching Julian from behind a column. Julian says he’ll buy the guy’s ticket. How much does he want? $200? $300? The guy says, the ticket costs $84, and it’s going to Roanoke. Julian doesn’t care. How much does he want? The guy says Julian doesn’t look good. Has he seen a doctor recently? Julian says he’s got to put distance between him and New York.

Chase asks if this is how it’s going to be. It’s not a civil conversation. Michael says it sounds like Chase wants to get off the hook, and be forgiven, but Chase says he just wants to talk it through. Michael says, when Sasha came up with this idiotic plan, Chase had plenty of opportunity to include them, but didn’t say anything. When Nelle was no longer a threat, he still said nothing. Chase says he couldn’t tell Michael at the beginning. The plan only worked if they didn’t know the truth. Michael and Willow got married because they put Wiley first, and that’s what the judge saw. Nelle’s had a phony marriage to Julian, and everybody knew they were faking, but Michael and Willow weren’t. They both love Wiley, and it came through. Michael says that didn’t give Chase a free pass, and Chase says it wasn’t a normal custody case; they weren’t fighting over which daycare to put Wiley in. Did he honestly think Wiley would still be safe if he hadn’t married Willow? Michael says he doesn’t know, but neither does Chase.  Chase says, whether Michael wants to admit it or not, there would have been nothing worse than watching Nelle walk away with his son. Michael asks if Chase wants him to say thanks for managing his life, and Chase says, no. He just wants a shot at getting his friend back.

Martin asks Laura what on earth she’s doing in his mother’s bathroom, and she says they’ll get to that. What’s in a hummingbird cake? He says, banana and pineapple, with cream cheese frosting. Why is he answering her when she’s an uninvited guest? She says she heard him say he was going to get water from the bathroom, and thought it was less likely to give him a heart attack if she just came out. He thanks her for thinking of his health. As an attorney, he also appreciates an artful dodge. What exactly is she doing there? Did she just wander in by mistake? Is she a patient, and if so, are her constituents aware of what brought her there? Curtis walks in, and says Martin is going to need to forget he saw Laura. Only a few people know she’s there, and that’s how it’s going to stay.   

Jason asks how Sonny wants to do this, and Sonny says, in a perfect world, they’d go up to Julian, escort him to the car, and take him back to Port Charles. Jason says they know there are security cameras, so maybe he should go in alone, in case Julian does something stupid. Sonny says, that’s why he pays Diane a fortune for retainer. If something goes wrong, she sorts it out. Jason asks, what if Julian runs again? and Sonny says, they’ll stop him.

On the phone, Jordan leaves a message for Carly, saying Carly did her a favor, and she’s returning it. Something happened that forced Taggert’s hand, and he’s in police custody. Carly needs to pass the information along to whoever helped him. Mac may have no choice but to follow-up, and they might want to seek legal representation just in case. Mac comes out, and tells Jordan, Taggert isn’t talking and he’s lawyering up. Portia comes in with Trina, and tells Jordan, Cyrus accosted her daughter after she told him multiple times to stay away. Mac asks if she was hurt, and Trian says, no, but Portia says they both know Cyrus had Trina’s father killed. Now Trina is convinced he’s still alive and they didn’t bury him, that they mourned and grieved for months for nothing. Jordan says she’ll speak to Cyrus, but Portia says she needs to do more than speak. One way or another, he’s been harassing her and her daughter for month. He needs to regret even thinking about her family. Jordan wholeheartedly agrees, but says, now is not the right time. Portia says, when? Taggert comes out, and says, after the reunion. Trina says, dad?

Trina asks if it’s really him, and Taggert says, hey, kiddo. Look at her. Does she ever stop growing? Trina flies into his arms, crying. Portia looks at Jordan.

Curtis says, this day gets stranger and stranger. He’s sorry he didn’t get back sooner, but there’s trouble back in Port Charles, and he had to dodge the night nurses. Laura says, it’s okay, and Martin says she hasn’t explained why she’s there. She tells him, it’s imperative that she speak to his mother, and he says, it couldn’t wait until regular visiting hours? As she can see, his mother is indisposed. She says, maybe he could answer some questions, and he says he could try, as long as she answers some of his. She says, sounds fair, and tells Curtis to go back to Port Charles. Jordan needs her husband, and she’s sure she’ll be just fine. Curtis asks how she can be sure, and Laura says, because of the way Martin talks to his mother.

Michael tells Chase, he wants his friend back too. Assuming Chase ever actually was a friend. If he’s being honest, he hasn’t had many close friendships, but he thought honesty was key. Chase says he’s sorry he hurt them, and it got rough for Sasha, but he’s not sorry that Michael got full custody. Everything worked out fine. Michael says, according to Chase. Sasha survived her OD, he got full custody of Wiley, and Chase got to play martyr, sacrificing his relationship with Willow. But a sacrifice doesn’t count if you’re planning on taking back the thing you gave up. Chase asks if the real reason Michael is angry is Willow.

Trina says she knew it. She told Josslyn and Cameron that she felt in her heart he was alive. Taggert says, and here he is. She says she missed him so much, and he says he missed her too. They hug again.

The guy asks if Julian is sick, but Julian says, no; he won’t catch anything. He has three kids, and if he doesn’t leave, he may never see them again. The guy says if Julian is in trouble, he can call 9-1-1, but Julian says the cops can’t help him, but he can. He can wait for next bus, right? Julian definitely can’t. How about it? $100 cash. The gunman comes out, and walks to a spot behind them, and the guy says, deal. Julian thanks him, and he says he hopes Julian gets the help he needs. The guy leaves, and Julian gets up. He limps away, and comes face to face with Jason. He turns around, and Sonny is there.

Julian says Sonny isn’t going to start shooting in a bus terminal, and Sonny says they know he planted the bomb. Don’t think he’s making a run for it. The gunman texts Cyrus that Jason and Sonny are there, and the reply is: ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ $$$. Sonny tells Julian not to do anything stupid, and the gunman shoots. 

Mac tells Jordan that Taggert’s family seemed startled, but they were in the interrogation room sorting things out. He thinks maybe the two of them need to discuss some things too. She says she needed a breath of fresh air, and ran into Trina sitting on the bench dedicated to the fallen heroes, thinking about her dad. Mac says, and by coincidence, Taggert was there too, but Jordan says, it was no coincidence. He was keeping an eye on Trina. Mac says, he can’t say he blames Taggert. If he knew Trina was a target, but it was a bad idea. He wonders why Jordan doesn’t seem as phased as he is that a dead man has risen from the grave.

Trina says she can’t believe Taggert is there. She has to pinch herself to make sure she’s not dreaming. He says, it’s as real as it gets, and she says she can’t wait to tell Josslyn and Cameron that she was right, but how did Cyrus know he was alive? Why… He says, stop. He doesn’t want that man’s name coming out of her mouth. She asks how it happened. How is he here? They were told he died; they saw him. He says people tried to hurt him by hurting her. He was putting her safety in jeopardy, and her mom’s. Portia says, so he decided not to be around, and chose to fake his death? He says the only thing that matters is keeping her safe. Does Trina understand? She says she understands, but doesn’t understand why he couldn’t tell her.  

Laura asks if Martin’s mother is always… benumbed. He says, more often than not. She’s been in a declining state for a long time. Laura asks if his presence isn’t disturbing her, and he says, no more so than Laura prowling around. The staff gives her something at night to help her sleep more peacefully. He was hoping to get there tonight before it was administered, but he was delayed. He can see it’s Laura’s first visit. She says she came looking for his mother, but didn’t know she’d declined. He says, don’t get him wrong. His mama is a tough old bird; tenacious, and also weary and lonely. Laura says, maybe he should visit more often, but he says his mother is pining for his father, who passed away years ago. She says, Gordon Grey, and he says, let’s see… The particulars of hummingbird cake and private family matters. He thinks he’s indulged her inquiries long enough. Why is she skulking around his mother? She says, it’s not his mother she has a relationship with, but his father. Or should she say their father? Martin asks if she’s inferring they’re related in some way, and she says she’s his half-sister.   

Michael tells Chase, it’s about all of them. Chase and Sasha made decisions about their lives. Chase says, it was always for Wiley, and Michael says, that may be right. They all know how vindictive Nelle was, and desperate times call for desperate measures, but there’s also a cost. Sasha turned to drugs to numb the pain, and nearly died. He and Willow didn’t just pretend to be married; they shared those vows and their lives for months, and their feelings deepened. Their marriage became more real than they’d intended, and how Chase is saying call it off? Just kidding. Chase has been devoted the entire time. Call a reset and go back the way they were. Is that what Chase wants to say? Chase says he gets it; he screwed up. But he’s admitted it and apologized. What does Michael want him to do? Say he’ll never see Willow again? Michael says, talk is an empty gesture. He has no intention of taking away Chase’s choices like Chase did to them. Chase says, if there’s nothing he can do to repair the friendship, say the word. Michael tells him, stop. Take a breath. Chase does, and Michael puts his hand on Chase’s shoulder, then kicks him in the nuts. Chase doubles over, and Michael says, it would have been worse if he hadn’t taken a breath.

Martin says Laura is his half-sister? and she says it’s a readjustment for her too. She thinks she’ll be adjusting for a long time to come. She takes it from his reaction that Gordon never mentioned her existence. He says his parents were never ones to dwell on the past. She says she doesn’t think Gordon dwelled on her at all, but he doesn’t seem all that surprised. He says he’s staggered that the mayor is his half-sister, but in a general sense, it’s not entirely unexpected. His father was never overly concerned about obeying his wedding vows. He had a wandering eye, and it did horrible things to his mother’s self-esteem. She says, they never got a divorce? and he says, ‘til death do us part. His mother took it seriously. Laura guesses she’s a production of his dad’s wandering eye. She’d heard many years ago that Gordon died, and assumed his mom dead. He says she spread rumors of her own demise. She had a flair for the dramatic. Apparently, Laura is no stranger to that either. He caught her lurking in his mother’s room. What exactly is her plan? Why the sudden, random track down of her father and his wife? What could she possibly want with his mother?

Julian ducks behind some lockers, while Sonny and Jason have a shootout with Cyrus’s dude. Julian tries to jet, and Sonny tells Jason that he’s going after him. Jason continues to shoot.   

Mac says, the way he sees it, word is going to spread in the justice department. Taggert is safer in a jail cell. Jordan says Mac will have to charge him, and Mac says, with what? Pretending to be dead to save lives?

Trina asks if that’s why Taggert sent her to get candy. So he had time to fake his own death and convince people to help him, and go into hiding? He says he knows she suffered, but it had to be a secret from everyone. She says, even her? and he says, if he let her in on it, she would have had to pretend her whole life. Pretend to be sad and in mourning around her mom and friends at school; everywhere. Cyrus had people watching her, so her grief had to be real for her own safety. She tells him, so what saying is he didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth? He says, of course (🍷) he trusts her, but some things are too big to ask. Trina says she, her Aunt Gia, and her mom stood around the casket in Texas, and watched it go into the ground. She learned to live without a father, and felt guilty about going to the vending machine, and not being there when he supposedly died. She felt awful that she’d abandoned him in his last moments. Now he’s telling her it was all part of his plan. He says, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. He hated it. Trina starts to leave, and Taggert follows, but Portia stops him. She tells him, leave Trina alone or she’ll make him wish he’d stayed dead.

Chase says, at first, he thought Michael was going to kiss him godfather style. Michael says, only when he’s betrayed in business. Is Chase going to live? Chase says, yeah, but he probably won’t be singing the guy’s part at the Nurses Ball next year. Michael says, it was a bush league thing, and Chase says, what Michael did, or what he did? Michael says, what Chase did, and a little bit him. Chase says, but it doesn’t make them even, does it? and Michael says, no, it doesn’t. There are too many unanswered questions and mixed feelings, but it’s a start. He throws Chase a bag of ice, and says, it will help.  

Taggert tells Portia she needs to look after their daughter, and keep her safe. She says he doesn’t need to tell her about her job. She’s been taking care of Trina all of Trina’s life, while he was playing hero. She’ll continue when he takes on his new role as prisoner. He asks Trina if she’s all right, and she says, not really. Portia suggests they go home and talk it through. Taggert tells Trina, wait. He loves her. Trina and Portia leave, and Jordan tells Taggert that she and Mac agree, the safest place for Taggert is in a cell in Port Charles. He says, fine, and goes with Mac. Curtis walks in, and says, Taggert? Mac says he’ll let Curtis’s wife fill him in, and Jordan and Curtis look at each other.

Jason and Cyrus’s dude continue shooting at each other. Jason moves closer and closer, ducking behind things, until he’s behind the guy. Dude turns around, and Jason shoots him. He falls, and Jason checks his pulse, then looks around.

Julian opens a gate, leading to a footbridge. He leans on the railing, and Sonny comes up behind him. Sonny says, no more running, Julian. It ends right now.

Martin asks why Laura sought out their mother now? She says she was curious about Florence’s connection to Cyrus, the Chairman of GH, and drug trafficker. Martin says, alleged, and she says, up until a month ago, Florence was in a private home that was heavily guarded. Now she’s there, where it’s heavily guarded. She guesses both were paid for by Cyrus, which kind of leads her to wonder whether his mother is Cyrus’s prisoner. Martin asks if it strikes her as a prison, and she says, trust her. Prisons come in all shapes and sizes. Martin says he can promise she isn’t being held against her will. Laura wishes she could say she was relieved, but then, what’s the connection? Why was Cyrus paying for her care?

Cyrus walks in with a bouquet of flowers, and says, because she’s his mother too.  

Tomorrow, Laura says Cyrus knew all along, Curtis asks if Jordan knew about Taggert being alive, and Sonny tells Julian that it’s his big chance to live.

🎥 Nice handheld camera work during the shootout.

Southern Charm

Craig paid a visit to Austen, and Austen told Craig about going to the store to buy his own beer. He thought it was cool, and we saw a clip of him bragging to the cashier, who seemed less than impressed. In his interview, he said he’s been working on canning his beer since covid started. It was a long process, and he didn’t know why Madison refused to see the strides he’d made. He was disappointed she’d given up. Craig told Austen that Taylor wasn’t happy with Shep, and told him not to talk to her. We flashed back to her telling Craig that she wasn’t a happy camper.  

Shep called Taylor, saying he heard she was covid free. He asked if she was upset with him, and she told him that she’d had to take a step back; she wasn’t in the right headspace. Why is this hippy-dippy word so popular suddenly? Whenever I hear it, I feel like I should put on a fringed vest and love beads. She said Shep had been insensitive. It was kind of scary, and she’d felt he palmed her off on Craig. Shep said in her last text to him, she called him trash, and told him to f*** off, but he thought maybe he was handling things wrong. In his interview, he said he’d been single a long-ass time, and was selfish. It was an adjustment. He told Taylor that he thought it would be better when they saw each other in person. 

Austen told Craig he was happy that he was in quarantine because of the drama, and Madison had gone to sh*t. Madison went to Patricia’s mansion house, where they socially distanced on the porch while Michael served wonderful drinks and snacks. Madison wondered if her embellished headband was too much, but Patricia told her you can never be over-educated or overdressed according to Oscar Wilde. It was her mantra. Madison guessed she was the only person Patricia had seen outside of her own household, and Patricia said that was only because Michael couldn’t do a blowout. Leva called, and said she was in the process of opening the restaurants again, and Patricia asked her to come over. She and Madison were having cocktails and sitting ten feet away from one another. Leva said she was on her way. Madison told Patricia that she’d put her foot down, and ended it for good with Austen. Patricia wondered why it was different this time, and Madison said she’d expected Austen to be an adult and a provider, but she didn’t see him wanting to do that in any capacity. In her interview, she said she wasn’t going to look like this forever. She was in her prime, and thought Austen should waste someone else’s time. Patricia said it was like As the World Turns Charleston.

Austen told Craig the beer thing had taken a while, but Madison gave him no credit. Craig said that was because she didn’t like Austen anymore, but still had control over him. Austen was doing things for her, not himself. Austen said it was always confusing. When he’d start to think it over, she’d send him a text. Craig said he was Madison’s fallback, and if he didn’t do a hard stop, it would be impossible to move on, but Austen said he couldn’t quit Madison.

Leva joined Patricia and Madison, and said between virus breakouts and protests, she’d opened and closed the restaurants so many times. Every time someone tested positive, the staff had to be tested again, quarantined, and everything sanitized. In her interview, she said when they’d opened he restaurants, the last thing she was thinking was global pandemic. The past few months had been a sh*t show. Michael brought out extra crispy (no doubt homemade) potato chips and caviar. Patricia said it was déclassé to have caviar on blinis; it was eaten on chips now. Leva talked about the monkey emoji, and said Kathryn had been reaching out to her; she wanted to get together. She believed Kathryn was probably thinking she’d be the most offended, which she found offensive. She was tired of Kathryn’s baby voice saying she didn’t know any better, and said Kathryn wasn’t a kitten stuck in a tree.

Kathryn joined Craig and Austen, and Craig asked if Kathryn had talked to any of the group. She told him that she’d had a FaceTime call with Leva, and thought it went well. She felt like it was difficult not to tell her side, but they knew she wasn’t that way. In Kathryn’s interview, she said in her thought process, monkeys had nothing to do with Black people, but apparently, it didn’t sit well, and that was the main thing. She told Craig and Austen that Leva had said she needed to reach out to her girlfriends or she’d end up alone, but she had reached out. Her last message to Danni was asking if Danni was ever going to respond. She’d gone to Danni’s house, and Danni had flipped on her. We flashed back to that visit, and Kathryn said they’d never had an issue. She had no idea there was a problem. Craig wondered if Kathryn had been distancing herself, and Kathryn said, when people didn’t need you anymore, they quickly flipped.

Leva said she didn’t support cancel culture, but Kathryn needed to read a book, and focus on herself – educationally, not in a narcissistic capacity. Madison said she wasn’t closing the door, but Patricia said they’d protected Kathryn for the last few years, and walked on eggshells because of her sobriety. Then came the lies about Cameron – we flashed back to Kathryn saying she heard Jason was having an affair – and the emoji business. That was it for her. In Patricia’s interview, she said she didn’t want to talk about Kathryn or with her. She wanted nothing to do with it. She’d had her fill. She said Kathryn should be put in Siberia, but she was still protected by the guys, and Leva said Kathryn had apologized and said she wanted to do better. They’d see how it goes. It could be a bomb, or Kathryn could be a rising phoenix, but it was on her.

Whitney thought Patricia’s house was getting to be Grey Gardens, with the dogs making poopy on the carpet. I’ll say it again, dog poop is the great equalizer. They will poop on your carpet no matter how much money you have. Patricia said Whitney was semi-housetrained. He told her that Craig and Austen had tested negative, and it was a positive thing, then laughed at his own joke. Patricia said, initially, she was going to have a fancy gourmet dinner for the guys, and had talked to a French chef. Now, with the pandemic, she didn’t want people in the house. Both she and Michael were 200 years old, and they were being careful. Instead of the dinner, she’d decided to keep it casual, and have a low country crab feast by the pool.

In John’s interview, he said his ex was coming for a visit, and he told the boys to act like they had rules. In their agreement, Heidi had the first six weeks of summer, and could visit for 5 days when it was his six weeks, and she stayed with them. He told the boys that their mom was going to be rolling up any minute, and they were acting like crackheads. When Heidi got there, the first thing she did was ask John if he let them scream like that, and in his interview, a producer asked John who was the more strict parent. He said, their mom, 1000%. They tell him when bedtime is. Since they have a limited time, he’s lenient to a fault. Heidi asks the boys if they have any rules, and they tell her, no. In John’s interview, he says they’ve been co-parenting for four years, and it’s been quite a journey. Heidi is one of his best friends, which was weird for him to say. He wished they had a normal upbringing with two parents. Heidi told him not to be too hard on himself. He was doing fine.

Taylor went to Shep’s house, and he apologized. He said he’d talked to his therapist, and she was on Taylor’s side. She said his points might be valid, but he couldn’t state them that way. In Shep’s interview, he said he’d been callous about them being apart, and had trivialized Taylor’s needs and wants. He has to understand, not everyone responds to the same stimuli, and her emotions are valid, He cared for her a lot, and had to change his tune and try to be sensitive, as well as reasonable. Taylor told him, welcome to adulthood. In his interview, he said he knew he’d be a dumbass if he screwed it up. He loves her. They cuddled, and she told him she was going to want three days’ worth.

Michael and Patricia covered the outside table with newspapers, and Patricia said it was down home and low country. Michael said he thought the boys would appreciate low country, and she hopes they were totally safe. Still, she wanted them as far away from her as possible.

Austen called Craig, and asked if they were getting hammered today. Austen said he hadn’t seen John since he’d been inappropriate regarding Madison, and we flashed back to John talking about how hot Madison is in front of Austen. Shep told John that Austen had heard the chatter about him hitting baseballs with Madison and her son. She was calling it a break-up, and John should bang her and drive the final nail in the coffin. John said he only talked a good game.   

Shep and John showed up to Patricia’s wearing masks, and when they saw masked bartender Maddie, Shep said it was life in the time of covid. John and Whitney elbow bumped, and Whitney said he thought Shep would have a muffin top, but he was looking svelte. Craig picked Austen up in a golf cart, and told Austen that Patricia wasn’t for him being with Madison. Craig said he loved Patricia, but she was nasty. Austen said she was old, with not much to do, and she was bored AF. They walked in bearing Austen’s beer, and everyone seemed happy to see each other. In Austen’s interview, he said he and John were a work in progress, but he’d  thought they were good. F*** him. Shep said he’d had Michael withdrawal. Patricia came out, and told them to keep away. She said it was a nice place to quarantine, and went to the bar. She asked for whatever beer wasn’t Austen’s and poured it into a glass so no one knew what she was drinking. She told they guys they could drink and jump in the pool, but she didn’t want anyone in the house, since it was sterile. They could pee in the bushes or pee in the pool. She didn’t care; go crazy. Craig said Patricia hadn’t had any entertainment in a while, and now they were the entertainment. She said they were the only people she knew who caught the virus. Austen brought up the playdate with Madison and son, and told John it was guy code. If he wanted to continue a friendship with Austen, Madison was off-limits romantically speaking. John admitted he’d been out of line with what he’d said, and was glad Austen had checked him, They bro hugged, but in John’s interview, he said he thought guy code was stupid. We’re not going to date again, but she’s mine. Shep asked where Austen and Madison stood, and Austen said they’d amicably parted ways. Patricia said she talked to Madison all the time, and she wanted to be friends. What was his issue? Craig said Madison was able to be just friends, but Austen was still in love with her, and not capable of that. John said it sounded like bitches night, and suggested they get in the pool. 

John told Shep that he’d been talking to Madison, and Craig said it was time for her to let Austen go. Austen told Patricia that he and Madison had broken up, and Patricia admitted she never thought they were a match. He wasn’t ready to be a stepdad and settle down, and she didn’t see it changing. Austen said he understood her perception, but Madison had chosen to follow her heart. You couldn’t tell someone not do that. Patricia said she did it. She didn’t think love trumped all, and you had to take other things into consideration. He said he wished he was ten years older, and had the means to provide for Madison, and Patricia said she’d found timing was everything in life. In Austen’s interview, he said he knew he was good enough for Madison, but he felt badly. He wondered if Patricia had ever been in love, or had it always been about the money. She told him that she was practical, and when she saw something didn’t work, she said something.

Madison met Craig at a lake, and they sat by the water. She told Craig that Austen was her best friend, but Craig said whenever she texted Austen, it reignited the flame. She wasn’t in love anymore, but Austen still was. He asked if she was in love with Austen, and she said that was a hard one. Craig said it wasn’t, and if she couldn’t say it, she definitely wasn’t in love. She said she wanted it to be Austen, but it wasn’t him. Craig said, if she cared about Austen, the nicest thing she could do, was walk away. Cut him out of her life. It was the only way it was going to work. Unfortunately, she had to walk away.

Next time, Kathryn is discussed among the women, Madison has a formal dinner on the beach, Kathryn asks if Danni still wants to be friends, and Madison and Austen have a shouting match.

✈️ Time To Jet…

Due to many interruptions today, I’m running very late, or way early, whichever side of the clock you look at it on. Tea time tomorrow, but for now, stay safe, stay literate, and stay not sleeping through your bus departure.

December 16, 2020 – Julian Is Haunted, the OC At Arrowhead, Sundance Commences Along With Fashion Week & Reindeer Run


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brick meets Sonny and Jason at the Brooklyn bar. He says he heard about Dev’s passing, and gives Sonny his condolences. He remembers setting up a new identity for Dev when he came there from Turkey. He was a smart kid with a lot of potential. Did Sonny find out who was responsible? Sonny says he did, and he’s glad Brick happens to be in Brooklyn. They need his help tracking down Julian.

In Secaucus, New Jersey, Julian sits in a bus station with gunshot wound. He looks at a ticket to Montreal.

Nikolas watches Ryan in his hospital bed, when Britt comes by. She asks if she can help him?

Ava comes into the hospital, and hears Portia on the phone telling Trina to call back the second she gets the message. Ava asks if something is wrong, and Portia says, as a matter-of-fact there is, and she holds Ava personally responsible.

In the park, Trina says, dad? Jordan says, Trina? and Trina says she shouldn’t sneak up on people like that. They might have a heart condition. Jordan says she didn’t mean to scare Trina. She was thinking about Trina’s dad, and came to a place where she could remember him. Trina says she’ll leave Jordan to it, but Jordan says she’s welcome to stay. It would be nice to spend time with someone else who remembers Taggert. Taggert listens from behind the bushes.

Carly says, Cyrus told Trina her dad was alive? How was Trina anywhere near him? Josslyn says, some guy told Trina to hang around the bistro because someone had information about her dad. She did, and Cyrus showed up. Cyrus is obviously messing with Trina’s head… right? Cyrus walks into the MetroCourt.  

The nurse tells Curtis, there’s no need to worry about his patient’s transition there, but he says he’s not worried. He knows they’ll take good care of her. She says, the doctor sedates all the patients on their first night to make them more comfortable.  

Brandishing a pretty large needle, the doctor tells Laura, this won’t hurt one bit. Before she knows it, she’ll be fast asleep. Curtis bursts in, and says, stop!

Britt tells Nikolas, unless he’s next kin, he has no business in Ryan’s room. Nikolas says he wasn’t in the room; he was in the doorway. Britt says, if she hadn’t come along, he would have been at Ryan’s bedside. What’s the plan? And don’t patronize her with a lie. He says he heard Ryan could be coming out of his coma, and Britt says, and…? He says he’d thought he’d keep tabs on Ryan, and Britt asks if he was really keeping tabs, or was he going to take Ryan out himself?

Portia tells Ava, she called the school, and apparently, Trina has skipped the last two days. Trina said she was taking yesterday off, but then said she changed her mind and she was going. Ava says, but she didn’t? and Portia says, no, and Trina’s not returning her calls. Ava asks if she thinks Trina is at the gallery, and Portia says she would understand if Trina wanted to take a few days to cope with Dev’s death, but she needs to answer her calls. Ava tells her, Trina isn’t hiding out at the gallery. She hasn’t seen Trina since Dev was killed. Portia wonders, then where is she?

Jordan gets that Trina is still angry about her exposing Taggert, and Trina says, thanks to Jordan, Cyrus was released, and everyone thinks her dad is a lousy cop who broke the law. How can she call him a friend? Jordan says if there’s any way she could have protected Taggert’s reputation, she would have, and Trina says, she didn’t try. At least she’s doing something about it. She’s trying to prove his innocence. At least she was until… Jordan says, what? and Trina says, it doesn’t matter. She won’t let anyone think her dad is a bad cop. Jordan understands she wants to clear Taggert’s name, but Trina is setting herself up for disappointment. He did fabricate evidence against Cyrus.

Carly says she’s texting someone to pick Josslyn up, and it’s not up for discussion. On the phone, Cyrus tells someone to take care of it, and Carly approaches him. She tells him, stay the hell away from her daughter and her friends. He says he’s had no contact with Josslyn. Is there another friend Carly is talking about? Carly says, stay away from all of them. Stop poisoning their minds with lies. He asks what makes her think he has? and she  tells him, stay away, or he’s not going to like what happens next. He asks why she’s so worked up about something that hasn’t happened?

Brick says, setting a bomb doesn’t seem like Julian’s style, and Sonny says, he owed Cyrus a favor. Brick asks if they have proof, and Jason says Julian is their proof. That’s why they need to find him. Brick asks if he’s in Brooklyn, and Sonny says they tracked him to an old girlfriend’s apartment, but Cyrus’s men beat them there, and tried to kill Julian. He won’t be going back anytime soon, and it made it more difficult to find him. Brick says, there is one way.

Julian hears an announcement that his bus is delayed an hour. He talks to himself, saying he should have taken a plane. Who is he kidding? Airport security would have been all over him. Come on. One more hour. He changes benches, and a man puts his luggage down, and sits next to him, the man’s newspaper in front of his face. Julian tells him, there are other benches; take it somewhere else. The man lowers the paper, and it’s Duke. He says, no Julian. He’s exactly where he needs to be.

The doctor asks Curtis if something is wrong, and he says, the nurse told him about the injection the doctor gives to help the patients sleep through the night. His patient has a severe allergy to the medication. The doctor says, there was no mention about it in her file, and Curtis says, it was an oversight on Dr. Collins’s part. No doubt his grief over his wife’s slip back into psychosis distracted him. He’d like a moment with his patient. He can help her to relax, and get her to sleep through the night. The doctor and nurse leave, and Laura hugs Curtis, and thanks him.  

Nikolas asks what Britt is implying, and she says Ryan will probably never regain consciousness, but he’d like to make that permanent, right? He says, if Ryan dies, he won’t shed tears, but helping Ryan to his final destination in hell isn’t on his to-do list. Although it’s not a bad thing to wish for; one less serial killer in the world. Doesn’t she think so? She says she took an oath to do no harm. The minute she starts placing value judgements on her patients, she’s turning in her stethoscope. He asks how it feels, being on the high road, and she says, it feels really good. How does it feel being on the low road, so he can hold on to his fortune in a loveless marriage to Ava? He says, it feels right. Their relationship has changed.

Ava tells Portia, Trina is a smart, responsible young woman. It could be that she needed to take the time to grieve her friend. Portia says, but it’s Trina’s senior year. Her grades have been spectacular, and her extracurricular is solid. She doesn’t want Trina to ditch class, and blow her chances at a good college. Ava says, perhaps Trina is avoiding a lecture. While it might be justified, maybe Trina’s not picking up for Portia right now.

Carly tells Cyrus, her daughter and her friends are off limits. He and Sonny might have a truce, but Cyrus doesn’t want a war with her. He says he imagines not, and she walks away. He makes a call, and says, there appears to be truth in what Julian told him. Find Trina, and she’ll lead them to Taggert.

Trina says she knows her dad better than Jordan, but Jordan says, falsifying evidence doesn’t make him a bad man. Trina says, really? Tell the judge who released Cyrus from prison. Jordan says, according to the judge, and her, Trina’s dad broke the law. She thinks Trina needs to understand where her dad was coming from. For two years, they watched tons of people die from overdoses, and there was nothing they could do to stop it, even though they knew Cyrus was responsible. Trina says, if Cyrus was guilty, why did they have to make up evidence? Jordan says they couldn’t find concrete proof, so he couldn’t be convicted. Imagine how frustrating it was. Cyrus was free to sell drugs, and bore no responsibility to the rise in deaths. Trina says, they couldn’t find anything that would stand up in court? and Jordan says, exactly. Her dad, Mark, and Bob made a choice, Cyrus went to prison, and the bodies stopped piling up. Trina asks if she’s saying her dad believed the ends justified the means, and Jordan says, even if he knew it could come crashing down on him. He believed falsifying evidence meant saving lives, and he wouldn’t and couldn’t change a thing. Taggert continues to listen.

Brick asks if they’re familiar with facial recognition software, and Sonny says he’s used it in his business. Jason asks if the cops don’t use it, and Sonny tells Brick to enlighten them. Brick says it can be used to cross-reference photos from social media posts and online activity with active security footage. Sonny asks if it’s legal, and Brick says, it’s a grey area. Civil liberties concerns. They know how it goes. Sonny tells Brick to do what he’s got to do to find Julian.

Julian says, Lavery. No, it’s not possible. Duke says, after all this time, the least Julian can do is call him Duke. Julian says he’s not real. He’s dead. Duke asks if he’s a figment of Julian’s imagination, or is he delirious from blood loss? Call it what he likes, Duke is delighted to be there. Julian asks why he’s there, and Duke says, he’s got a front row seat to Julian’s bad deeds catching up with him. Julian has nowhere else to run. No more rocks to crawl under. No more reinventing himself. They all reach the end of road eventually, some sooner than others, and Julian’s time is finally… Julian drops to his knees.

Curtis says Laura was willing to get doped up to keep the operation going? She says she could use a good night’s sleep. Did he find out if Florence is a patient? He says, she is; room two, this floor. Laura says, perfect. She’ll wait until things quiet down, and slip out. She’ll pay Florence a visit, and find out what connection she has to Cyrus. Curtis has a better idea. He’ll sign her out, and they’ll find some other way in tomorrow morning. Laura says, absolutely not. Their plan worked. Curtis had her admitted, and got them to believe she has a mental illness, helped by Doc’s trumped up referral. She’s not leaving until they get what they need out of Florence.

Brick asks if Sonny has no idea who the shooter was outside the apartment, and Sonny says, Cyrus made sure there was no way to connect the shooter to him. Carly calls Sonny, and he asks if everything is okay. She says, Cyrus apparently told Trina that Taggert is alive. Sonny asks how Cyrus found out, and she tells him, Josslyn didn’t say, but she agreed to help Trina find out if it’s true. Sonny says she has to stop it, and she says she has Josslyn convinced that Taggert is dead, but it’s not good. Sonny says, the most important news is that Cyrus knows Taggert is alive, and he’s going to go after Taggert again.   

Jordan tells Trina, her father is dead, and according to law enforcement, he broke the law. He didn’t do it lightly, and knew it might come back to haunt him. Trina says, he knew it was wrong, but needed to make things right, and Jordan says, he was willing to accept whatever punishment he got. She knows it’s a lot to process, and appreciates Trina sticking around to hear her out. Trina says, it doesn’t cost anything to listen, and Jordan asks Trina to tell her what’s on her mind about her dad. Trina’s phone rings, and it’s Ava. Ava says she’s at the hospital with Trina’s mom. Her mom is concerned about Trina avoiding her calls. She’s worried about Trina, and Trina needs to drop what she’s doing and get to GH and see her right now. Trina says, about that… Okay. She’ll be right there. She tells Jordan, she’s got to go. Her mom is worried. Jordan asks if she can call a ride for Trina, and Trina says, like a cop car? Is she crazy? Trina thinks she’ll call a Ride Share. She thanks Jordan for what she said, and Jordan tells her, be safe. Trina leaves, and Jordan sighs. Taggert comes out, and Jordan asks if he’s happy now. He got to see Trina one last time. He thanks her, and she tells him to take her advice. Get out before Cyrus finds him, and tries to kill him again.

Britt says she should have bet on Nikolas falling in love with Ava. She could have bought a yacht. He says she loves being right, and she agrees. She asks if things have changed, and he says he and Ava are figuring it out. She wonders if he could be more vague, and what it means for the post-nup. Is it in the shredder, or is he being cautious, keeping it around just in case? He says, the road to true love isn’t smooth. Ava comes out of the elevator, and says she hopes she’s not interrupting. Britt says, it’s perfect timing. Nikolas told her there’s been an interesting development in their relationship. An alarm goes off in Ryan’s room, and Britt tells them, stay there. She goes in, and Ava looks at Nikolas.  

Julian tells Duke, he may have a one-way ticket to hell when his life is done, but sorry, he’s not dead yet. Duke says, denial won’t work this time. Right now, Julian is a scared little rat, scuttling away to find a hole to hide in. He doesn’t fight; he flees. Julian says, look who’s talking. Duke’s life wasn’t a bed of roses either. Duke was a gangster like him. Duke can blame Julian all he wants for his death, but Julian isn’t the one who killed him. Duke says Julian had someone else do his dirty work. Now he’s afraid. Duke looks at a woman who’s joined them, and asks if she wouldn’t agree.  

Laura tells Curtis, she can slip out, find Florence, and maybe question her, if she’s in a condition to talk. She knows Curtis doesn’t like this, but it’s the plan that makes the most sense. Pick her up tomorrow. She hopes Florence has the information they need to bring Cyrus down.

Taggert thanks Jordan for what she said to Trina, and Jordan says, dragging his reputation through the mud? He says, explaining why they created evidence to put Cyrus in prison, and helping Trina understand, in the kindest way, that he’s not perfect. Jordan says she meant every word. She also explained her own actions. He says he still thinks they did the right thing, and she says, despite the consequences? He says, breaking the law to protect their families, then worrying about the consequences later. She asks if she they had a choice, and wonders what’s so amusing. He says, they’re partners again. Working together to protect Trina. Jordan has his back like she did when they worked for the DEA. She says, and he has hers. They hug, and she tells him to take care of himself. She hears something, and tells him, get down. A gunman pops out, and Jordan draws her gun.

Josslyn says she saw Carly confront Cyrus; that’s what Trina was worried about. She didn’t want Josslyn to tell Carly, and make it worse between the families. Carly says, she also didn’t want an adult to discover what they were doing. Josslyn says, it doesn’t make sense. Why would Trina’s father fake his death? Carly says, Trina is vulnerable. It was a tragedy that Dev was killed, and it makes sense that Trina would want to believe something positive. Josslyn says she guesses. Trina is convinced her dad faked his death to protect her, but what kind of parent would do that, leave their kid to grieve? Carly says, when Josslyn is a parent, she’ll understand. You’ll do anything to protect your child.

Brick tells Sonny, Cyrus could be tracking Julian like he is, but Sonny says, he doesn’t have a Brick. Brick wonders what if the cops take Julian down themselves? and Sonny says he told Diane to reach out to the PCPD. Jason says there’s probably someone waiting to ambush Julian, and Sonny says, make sure they fail. Brick asks if they’re in the business of keeping Julian alive now, and Sonny says, only until he gives up Cyrus.  

Julian says, Connie Falconari? Is this a joke? He’s not responsible for her death. She says, yet here she is. What little conscience he does have, disagrees. He says Ava shot her. Ava is responsible for her death, not him. She says, Ava killed her to protect him. No one knew he was really the boss of the Jerome crime family. He says, it was Ava’s choice, but Duke says, Julian manipulated her. He made her think she had to act to save him. He convinced Ava that without him, she’d have no one. He doesn’t love Ava; she’s just a pawn. Julian says, that’s not true. He loves Ava, and he won’t be made to feel guilty about her choices. Alexis appears, and says, what about his choices? Has he ever owned up to the fact he took a knife to his wife’s throat? She hands him a knife.

Ava tells Nikolas she can’t help thinking what she’s thinking, and he says, either Ryan dies or goes back into a coma. Even if he makes a full recovery, it’s not the end of the world. She says he can’t threaten her with Julian any longer to get her to do his bidding, and Nikolas tells her, think positive, but she says that’s not really in her DNA. Mac shows up, and Nikolas asks what he’s doing there. Mac says he could ask the same thing, and Ava says they were there about another matter, when the alarm went off in Ryan’s room, so they came to check. Britt comes out, and Mac thanks her for notifying the PCPD about the change in Ryan’s condition. How is he? She says, he regained consciousness.

The gunman lies on the ground, and Jordan says he just took a shot at the Commissioner. He says he wasn’t after her. He was after the girl, hoping to draw Taggert out of hiding.  

Trina shows up at the hospital, and Portia says, thank God she’s okay. Trina says, of course (🍷) she is. Portia didn’t have to worry. Portia says, mothers always worry, and Trina says, sorry. Portia says she would have understood if Trina wanted to take a few days off to cope with dealing with Dev’s death. Why did she lie, and say she was going to classes? Trina says, it’s complicated, but Portia doesn’t have to worry. Portia says, rule number five in the Mother’s Handbook, when a child says, don’t worry, you worry more, but Trina says, if she’s wrong, it would only hurt Portia.

Taggert looks at the gunman, and tells Jordan, he’s gone. Jordan says, Cyrus knows Taggert is alive, and he asks, how? and she says, it doesn’t matter. His family isn’t safe if Cyrus knows he can get to Taggert through Trina. She’s going to take him to the one place she knows Cyrus can’t get to. He says, which is? and she says, trust her.

Ava tells Nikolas, of course (🍷) Ryan wouldn’t do them a favor and die. Britt says their presence isn’t necessary. She still needs to consult with the surgeon, but Ryan’s brain was deprived of oxygen for too long. Ava asks if he’s a vegetable, and Britt says she ran an initial test, and he might be in a vegetative state. Ava tells her, like she said. She’d like to see for herself. She heads for Ryan’s room, and Nikolas stops Britt from following her. Britt asks if she should let Ava go, so she can smother Ryan with a pillow. Nikolas says, the last thing Ava wants is to go to prison. Ryan tortured her for too many years for her to be denied the right to see his condition for herself. Ava looks at Ryan.  

The doctor leaves Laura’s room. She looks around, and slips out of bed. She tiptoes to the dresser, and pulls out some clothing. Geez, you’d think she’d wait a millisecond.

Julian tells Alexis, he didn’t mean to hurt her. He told her, his sister was threatening his family. Connie says, here we go again. It’s never his fault. It’s easier and more convenient to blame someone else. Duke says, Ava is the perfect scapegoat. She’s vengeful, but she doesn’t have mind control. How could she coerce him into trying to kill Alexis? Alexis says he wasn’t trying to kill her; he was trying to save her. Duke says, by dragging her to the pier with a dagger at her throat, while his sister was planting a bomb? Anything to make it more convincing. Alexis says she’s asked herself the same thing many times. Does he have an answer? Julian says she’s got to believe him. He was trying to save her. He loved her then, and still loves her. Duke says he’s not hearing violins, and Connie says, they’d only play the same old song. Julian loves his family. Julian would do anything for his family. Blah-blah-blah. Julian says if he could take it back the harm he caused, he would, but he can’t change the past. What else is there to do? Alexis says, he could balance the scale of justice, and die. She holds the knife to his throat.  

Laura slips out, and walks down the hallway to Florence’s room.

Ava tells Ryan, hello? Anybody home? She gets in his face, and sharply says, wake up! but gets no reaction. She says she wanted him dead. She should have pointed the gun directly at his heart and fired until she ran out of bullets for what he did to her; what he did to Kiki. But sometimes you don’t know the perfect gift until you receive it. He’s been given a fate worse than death. Hell for him is this purgatory of nothingness, and she hopes he suffers for a very long time. She puts her face close to his, and says, take one last look, you son of a bitch. It’s the last time he’s ever going see her. Nikolas asks if she’s ready, and she says she is. She’s released Ryan’s hold on her. They leave, and Ryan is motionless. Then just a hint of a smile happens. It’s so slight, we can’t be sure…

On the phone, Brick says he owes them one. He tells Sonny they checked Julian’s photo, and got a hit in the metro area. It shows Julian waiting for a bus to Canada. Jason asks where he is, and Brick says, Secaucus. Jason says, it’s right across the river. They can be there in no time. Sonny says, Julian isn’t getting away this time.   

Alexis tells Julian, he knows the only way to balance the scales is to just pay the debt he owes them. Connie says, release them from the pain, and Duke tells him, accept his fate. This is the end. Alexis says, just let go, and Julian slumps. It’s announced that his bus is leaving, and Julian’s ticket falls to the floor.   

Portia tells Trina, she doesn’t know what to think, and Trina says, please, no more rules from the handbook. Don’t tell her rule number 6 is, be strong enough to handle anything your kid throws at you. Portia says Trina read the handbook. And she’s going to read Trina the riot act if she doesn’t return to class. It’s not Trina’s job to protect her, and even when Portia is 106 in a nursing home, she’s going to be protecting Trina. Trina says she saw Cyrus at the bistro. That’s why she didn’t go to school. Portia says, she did what? What did he say to her? Trina says he told her that her dad is alive.

Mac finds Jordan in the park, and says, she’s barely out of the hospital. Now she’s taking out a perp? She says, it was self-defense. She killed him to protect someone else. Taggert comes out, and says, long time, Mac. Good to see him. No surprise, Mac is shocked.  

Josslyn asks if Carly thinks there’s any truth in what Cyrus told Trina. Could Taggert be alive? Carly says, just speaking from parental experience, a parent’s instinct is to protect their child, even at the risk of their own life… Carly’s phone rings, and she says Josslyn will be downstairs in the lobby. She tells Josslyn that her ride is there, and to call her the second she gets home. Josslyn says she will, but she thinks Cyrus left while ago. She doesn’t think Cyrus is going to approach her. Carly says, he’d better not, and Josslyn wonders where Carly thinks he went.   

Laura goes into Florence’s room, and I wonder if Cyrus is going to catch her. She approaches the bed, and looks at Florence. She’s about to touch Florence’s hand, when she hears someone coming. The door handle moves.

Tomorrow, Portia tells Trina that Cyrus is about to get what’s coming to him, Curtis tells Laura there’s trouble back in Port Charles, Michael says he’s not going to take away Chase’s choices like Chase did to him, and Jason asks Sonny how he wants to do this.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

On her home video, Emily said she couldn’t go to Lake Arrowhead because she tested positive. She had a headache and was tired, but nothing else. She felt like she did what she was supposed to do, and didn’t know where she got it. The kids were fine, but Shane didn’t feel well, and had a cough. In her interview, Emily said it was a lot mentally, and she was scared everyone in her household had it.  

In Braunwyn’s interview, she said she was nervous to be going on a trip with the women. They drink a lot, and her sobriety was new and fragile. She decided to take her own car, and stay nearby. She thought it would be weird, since Shannon and Emily couldn’t go, and told Sean to leave his phone on. If she called, it meant she was having a nervous breakdown.

Kelly arrived first at the Arrowhead villa. She said it was spectacular, and I agreed. In her interview, she said the view was beautiful, but it felt like Camp Crystal Lake. It had a Friday the 13th vibe.

Shannon was quarantined at John’s house, and said she was still achy. All three kids had tested positive, and she was concerned, even though her last test had been negative. Braunwyn stopped by, staying outside while they video chatted. In Shannon’s interview, she says she was worried about the girls being alone, but she couldn’t be in the same house with them. Braunwyn said she had a device that checked your oxygen intake, and asked if Shannon wanted to borrow it. Shannon said she did, and told Braunwyn that the kids didn’t understand how many people were getting this, and how it trickled down. She was getting fearful, thinking, what if she had it?    

Kelly made a video call to Rick, and showed him around the villa. It was his first day at his new job, and he said it was good so far. He knew a lot of people there. In Kelly’s interview, she said Rick’s had moved to Orange County, since his job moved to L.A. permanently. She thought she couldn’t find a better man or better match. He was her best friend and lover; everything she’d hoped and dreamed of. Elizabeth joined her, and said the view was amazing, and I agreed there too. Kelly brought out a whole reusable shopping bag full of supplements, and Elizabeth asked if she was turning into an old lady. Kelly told Elizabeth about Braunwyn pulling up Elizabeth’s financial information on the internet, and we flashed back to that. Gina arrived, and they sat down to chat. Kelly told them that Vegas was open, and she’d been on airplanes. They talked about Shannon, and in Gina’s interview, she said Shannon was over-dramatic, but if there was ever a time to be that way, it was now. Braunwyn pulled in while she was on the phone with Sean, and said she’d just entered bizzarro world. Kelly wanted to have a drink before Braunwyn got there, and said Braunwyn had been the one telling her not to go out, then Braunwyn went out. Elizabeth said a friend called and said she thought they were supposed to be in quarantine because of the trip. Elizabeth said  they were, and her freind sent her a video of Sean and Braunwyn at a pool party. Elizabeth showed them the video, and in Kelly’s interview, she said Braunwyn was a hypocrite. Pot, kettle. Kettle, black. Everyone is drinking by the time Braunwyn comes in.   

In her interview, Braunwyn said she’d been living in a safe bubble with her family, in an alcohol free home. Here, there were bottles everywhere, and triggers. She’d been there one second, and thinks she shouldn’t have come. Kelly told Braunwyn about the video Elizabeth got, and Braunwyn said it was before she knew she was supposed to quarantine. Kelly said Elizabeth got the video after Braunwyn had called and told her about quarantining. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said, Kelly took the truth, and skewed it. Gina said Shannon had called her up, hysterical, but she’d been allowing John and the kids to come in and out. Now the kids have it. Braunwyn got up, said she didn’t want to talk behind Shannon’s back, and went out on the deck. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said Braunwyn was hypocritical, since Braunwyn had talked behind her back.

In Shannon’s interview, she said she and John were taking supplements to keep their immunity high. She was creating a virus immunity wall. At Shannon’s house, Sophie was having a quarantine countdown, and they were having a great time. She said they missed mom, and smiled a smile that said, not really.

Outside, Gina asked Braunwyn what was going on, and Braunwyn said she didn’t feel okay about discussing someone who wasn’t there. Kelly said Braunwyn didn’t tell anyone to shut up when they were talking about her, and we flashed back to Vicki and the whole train thing. Kelly told her, stop being fake. Braunwyn told Gina, she didn’t know why Kelly was mad, and Gina said Elizabeth was mad at Braunwyn for digging up stuff on the internet. She shouldn’t have done that. Braunwyn said that wasn’t true, and Elizabeth told Kelly that she wanted to know real Braunwyn. Kelly said Braunwyn had a professional photographer there when she was in a protest march, and everything was about her image. Braunwyn was full of sh*t. In her interview, Kelly said, a professional photog defeated the purpose of the protest. Kelly gave Elizabeth a clown mask, and put on a pig mask. We flashed back to Vicki and the ongoing pig insult. Vicki: gone, but not forgotten. Elizabeth said she was Braunwyn, reverting to a middle schooler.

Shannon checked in with the kids, and John said they looked good for an infected scourge. Shannon ran through a list of what they should be taking, and asked how they thought they got it. John asked if they’d been kissing anyone. Shannon asked about their symptoms, but the kids were terrified to tell her. Shannon asked Sophie why she was smiling. What was so funny? In Sophie’s interview, she said, does her mom tend to overreact? Is she breathing oxygen? Yeah. Just a little.

Gina said Braunwyn seemed more hesitant, and asked if Braunwyn would be wondering what they were saying about her if she wasn’t there. It must be more challenging for her. Braunwyn said she was staying at a resort, since she’d have a hard time at 4 am, when everyone was up and partying. In her interview, Braunwyn described the arc of partying. So fun, this is great, I love you so much, waaah! She said she wanted to leave at a high point. Gina asked how Braunwyn’s marriage was doing, and Braunwyn said covid was bad for her marriage. They had no sex for a long time, and were passive/aggressive. It wasn’t pleasant. They went in not knowing if it would work, and came out deciding to put in whatever work they could. In Gina’s interview, she said she wasn’t surprised. The vow renewal seemed sterile. Gina said Sean had been there for Braunwyn, and Braunwyn said Sean almost took the kids and left, but he was afraid she would die.  

Emily did her mid-day checking in on Shane. In her interview, she said the irony was that she tested positive, but Shane’s test was negative, yet he felt sick. To his credit, he was keeping his sense of humor. She was taking care of the kids, her husband had covid and she was taking care of him, and she had covid and no energy. It was more than one person should have to deal with.   

The women went to the lake, and Gina said she’d rather camp with bears than find out what was at the bottom of the effing lake. Elizabeth said she found Braunwyn funnier when she was sober, and Kelly said Braunwyn was better when she was hammered. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said, anyone who would say that to someone in sobriety was messed up; Kelly was an a-hole. Elizabeth and Kelly did some paddle-boarding. Elizabeth called Kelly’s name, causing her to turn and fall off her board, and Elizabeth said she deserved it. Gina wanted to be brave and conquer this. Kelly called Shannon from the beach, and complained about Braunwyn, although she said she didn’t think Braunwyn had any ill will. Braunwyn walked past while Kelly was talking, and Kelly said she’d call Shannon later. Elizabeth tried to help Gina with paddle-boarding, but Gina ended up in the water. In her interview, Gina said it didn’t matter if it was a river, a lake, the ocean, or a pool, she thought the kraken was coming. This kind of thinking is foreign to me, since I live by the ocean and think there’s nothing better than swimming in it. I can be skittish about waves, but I’ve never once thought anything was going to rise from the deep, and devour me as a human sacrifice. A lake is even better. No waves.

Emily was crying and scared. Shane wasn’t getting better, and couldn’t breathe. In her interview, she said she was trying to do the best she could, but she didn’t know if she was making the best choices.  

Elizabeth said she was glad Kelly knew how to cook, and in her interview, Kelly wondered how three women could go through life not knowing how to cook. They wore face shields while cooking, and tried to sanitize while they went along, but they shouldn’t have bothered, since what they were doing didn’t seem very affective. Kelly wanted a drink. In her interview, Braunwyn said two months earlier, she’d had to clean out some wine she’d remembered was in the refrigerator. She thought it wouldn’t be bad to keep, but ended up getting rid of it. Social situations were different now. Alcohol was everywhere, and she was out of her comfort zone. It had seemed like a good idea, but it was too much. Braunwyn went on the deck to call Sean, and was pissed when one of the kids had to get him. She said it was the one thing she’d asked, and she shouldn’t have to track him down. She told him that she could feel drama and toxicity coming. She was the weird alcoholic in the room, and a buzzkill. She hadn’t realized how much drinking was a connector.

Emily took Shane to the hospital, but couldn’t go in with him. He’d texted that his oxygen levels were low, and they had him on an IV and medication, as well as oxygen. In Emily’s interview, she said what she heard was, Shane was going to die in the hospital alone. She called Shannon, and said Shane had been coughing up blood and throwing up. He had a gall bladder attack on top of the virus. He’d tested negative the first time, but they’d still been waiting on the second test results. In Shannon’s interview, she said she should be Shane, since she had lung issues, and it scared her. In Emily’s interview, she said Shannon had been a good friend. They were two women and mothers, comforting each other on their way through this. Shannon said there was so much uncertainty. Who it would touch, and who it would effect badly. None of it made sense, which was what made it frightening. She hit the nail on the head there.

Gina said it wasn’t the same without the others, and Kelly talked about Rick’s new show. The subject of taking down historical statues came up, since Rick is a newscaster, and Braunwyn said some of them were offensive to some people. Kelly said they couldn’t rewrite history. Were they going to tear down the Colosseum? In Braunwyn’s interview, she said marginalized people needed to be respected. She told Kelly, statues didn’t educate, and Elizabeth said they should be put in a museum. Kelly thought it should be put to a vote, but Braunwyn said, being nice hasn’t worked. In her interview, Braunwyn said Orange County was conservative, but she was done keeping her mouth shut. Kelly didn’t think Braunwyn was qualified to discuss minority issues, and Gina said, when she was arrested, she was scared of the consequences, but never scared of the cops. In Gina’s interview, she said the system worked for her, but would it have gone that way if she’d been a Black girl, or guy? Maybe or maybe not, but maybe not wasn’t even okay. In Elizabeth’s interview, she said she didn’t get all of it, but thought awareness was what they were striving for, so the cause was working. In Braunwyn’s interview, she said it was an uncomfortable conversation to have, but the only way to change was by having it until it wasn’t uncomfortable.

Elizabeth thought they should do something active and fun the next day, and suggested archery and go-cart driving. Kelly remarked that the alcohol she was drinking was 40%. On the side, Gina asked Braunwyn if they were talking about things. Braunwyn wondered, what things? and Gina said Elizabeth knew she’d been digging up stuff on the internet, and she agreed Braunwyn shouldn’t be doing it. In Gina’s interview, she said Braunwyn had to find a way to channel what she was going through in a more positive way. Kelly asked Elizabeth about confronting Braunwyn, but Elizabeth said she decided to do it tomorrow. Kelly said Braunwyn had two sides. She had a sweet, good side, and another side where she wanted to further her agenda. Gina joined them, and Elizabeth wondered how Sean was dealing with Braunwyn’s newfound sobriety. Gina said they were working through it. Braunwyn was about to call Sean, when she heard Gina freaking out. In Gina’s interview, she said she didn’t realize when she took the master suite, she’d need a full-on beekeeper suit. We saw one corner of the room covered in tons of… some kind of flying creature, but I don’t think it was bees. Elizabeth said there was a big-ass spider in there too.

In Emily’s interview, she said she just got an update from the hospital. Shane wasn’t responding to her texts, and she started to panic. The only information they would give her was that Shane was back in his room and sleeping. He had to give his permission for anything else. That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard, since she’s obviously a pretty close family member. She said she was worn out and worried, and didn’t know how long he was going to be there.

Emily finally got a text from Shane that said she couldn’t imagine what it felt like. It was worse than prison, and every hour was like a fight. Emily told him, please don’t say that, and to let her know he was okay. She loved him.

Next time, ax throwing, biking, Shannon is worried and pissed at her kids, Elizabeth confronts Braunwyn, and Braunwyn helps Elizabeth through a panic attack.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

It was Park City Fashion Week, and Brooks was going to be the youngest designer there. Jen roller skated from her office to her partner Stuart’s office, and told him, it was Fashion Week, so they were getting in party mode. He fanned her with a giant feather fan, while she hula hooped. I’m not making that up. In her interview, she said her cousin Tony Vainuku was a filmmaker, and debuting his documentary. She was going to be hosting the VIPs. She reminded Stuart about when he got drunk at one of the Sundance parties and thought he was a rapper by the name of Stu Chainz, which is actually pretty funny.

Lisa said her company Lux Marketing was at its most busy during Sundance. It was 10 days of non-stop events. Some people said she was the Queen of Sundance, but she thought she was just good at what she does. In her interview, she said she’d learned if she wanted more, she had to work harder. The LDS church promoted being in constant pursuit of being their best selves, and she loved setting standards for herself. In his interview, John said he and Lisa owned everything jointly, but Lisa was the boss. He didn’t mind, since they worked well together. The producer asked if Lisa had pressed him to do the interview, and he said he couldn’t confirm or deny.

Whitney told Justin about Mary’s luncheon, and Jen came over with Stuart. Jen and Whitney had a hot tub party, and discussed Justin’s birthday. In Whitney’s interview, she said his birthday always falls around the start of Sundance, so she goes all out. He’d sacrificed his standing in the church, and his relationship with his family to be with her, and she wants to show him how grateful she is. He deserved it. She said it wasn’t about choosing teams for her, and she liked Mary. Mary was crazy, but also her friend. Jen told Whitney that Mary had attacked her and called her a hoodlum. In Jen’s interview, she said that had been the last straw. Whitney said she wasn’t letting any drama go down at the party; it was about Justin.

Meredith asked Whitney to walk in the show, and said she was a part of history in the making. Jen said she wanted to be drama free at Justin’s party, and wanted no eye rolling from Mary. In Mary’s interview, she explained that housekeeper Charlinda was her grandma’s brother’s daughter. They weren’t close, but at the end of the day she was family. Heather was worried about Jen and Mary being at the same party, but in Mary’s interview, she said, in life, you weren’t going to like some people, but had to get along. Justin began his birthday by taking a body shot off of his wife, and then they got on a party bus. I’d be the party pooper on a party bus, since I’m a huge fan of seatbelts. In Heather’s interview, she said she loves Jason’s birthday parties. It was one of the reasons he married Whitney. She could turn it up. She was decades younger and sexier, and not afraid to show it. In Whitney’s interview, she said, after the bus, the party moves to her friend Kathryn’s house where they get the VIP treatment. In her interview, Heather said Kathryn was well-connected in Park City. She was the Queen of Sundance, but don’t tell Lisa. Whitney made a toast to Justin, saying he was the sexiest MF’er there. Jen wondered where Mary was, since she’s obviously obsessed. Mary said if she had to be around someone, she didn’t want to fight. She wanted to make sure they were good, and approached Jen.

Jen told Mary that she’d tried to explain where she was coming from, and obviously triggered something. Mary told Jen that her grandfather comment was out of line, but Jen claimed she never said that. Mary said Jen had been screaming things at her, and in her interview, Mary said, Jen was straight-up lying, had a twin, or was not in reality.  In Jen’s interview, she said she’d been drinking and didn’t remember what she’d said. She knows she didn’t say that to Mary’s face, but it was possible she’d said it to someone else. Mary suggested they move on, and said she was willing to do that, but in her interview, she said she was done with Jen.

In Meredith’s interview, she said Park City was the cultural hub of Utah. They had Sundance, but this year was the first ever Park City Fashion Week. She was walking, and would be wearing her own jewelry with McKell Maddox’s clothing. She said Brooks had always loved fashion, and had never let her pick out his clothes. She was proud of his ambition. He was debuting some of his track suits, but he was disappointed  that his dad wasn’t there to support him. Meredith said it made her sad that he couldn’t, and in her interview, said they weren’t getting along, and Seth was taking over a new company in Ohio; the combination made it impossible for him to be there for Brooks. Lisa said she was hosting the most amazing event she’d ever put together at Sundance. It was going to be open to the public, and they were giving away prizes. The walls were all peel-away game pieces. The Sundance Queen never disappoints. Sitter Dezi was with the boys, and suggested they call Lisa, but Lisa ignored the call. In her interview, Lisa said, working mothers have to compartmentalize. During Sundance, mommy is MIA. She doesn’t answer the phone unless it’s work related.

Whitney and Heather went to a bar, and Heather said her drink tasted like water. In her interview, she said Mormons aren’t supposed to drink alcohol. The legislature was made up mostly of Mormons, so they made rules to keep their patrons in line, like limiting alcohol access. The drinks are watered down, and you’re not allowed more than two drinks on a table. It made it hard for closet Mormons like her to get a buzz. Heather told Whitney that she wished she had a fairytale relationship like Whitney did. In Heather’s interview, she said she chose faith, religion, and lifestyle over love, and had deep regret over her choices. She didn’t regret her children, but had wanted the whole package. She told Whitney that she wanted to be seen for who she was, and still be loved. Whitney said she had to put herself out there, but Heather said when she showed who she was, she got her hand slapped. In Heather’s interview, she said she was a virgin when she got married, and felt deprived. She was never single, never dated, and never explored who she was and who she found attractive. Whitney said Heather wasn’t going to find it until she made steps toward it, and thought Heather was making excuses. Heather insisted, in their community she couldn’t find someone. In her interview, she said she needed to find someone who didn’t come from a Mormon perspective of what her role should be. She was divorced, drank, and had three kids. No one wanted to take her home to meet their parents for Sunday dinner. Whitney wanted Heather to have the fairytale, and knew Heather could get it.

Jen worked with event planner Mara on the VIP party, and Sharieff actually showed up. Jen was proud of her cousin, and how he was representing Polynesians and Tongans. Heather thought Sundance was a brush with the big life, fun, and fantasy. You could meet men from other areas and cultures. It was the gift of Sundance; no strings attached. In her interview, she says she was always looking for sex, but not for love. Then she said, that sounded horribly vulgar. Could they delete? Nope. Katie and Lala from Vanderpump Rules made an appearance. Crossover! Whitney said she knew Lala through a mutual friend, and had insisted Jen invite them. Tony showed the guests the documentary, which was about a local Utah rap group. In Jen’s interview, she said she the minorities in Utah were the underdogs, and it was important to see their successes. Katie explained she was from Park City, and Jen steered a cute guy in Heather’s direction. She was a bit aggressive IMO, but very funny. In her interview, she said she felt the vibe with Curtis, and wasn’t letting him find another cougar. She left with him, and in Whitney’s interview, she said she wanted to yell, remember who you are and return with honor. Something their Mormon parents had told them growing up.  

Brooks was running late for the show, since he had to do his facial mask. In Meredith’s interview, she said as a parent, it was hard to juggle making kids responsible with their stress level. Suddenly, the smoke alarm went off, and it was so loud, my husband asked me what was going on, and he was in another room. Meredith found a toilet had overflowed, which apparently had something to do with the alarm. To add to the fun, their dog barked incessantly the entire time. Meredith made a call to maintenance while Brooks freaked out, and discovered some dog poopy.

Fashion show coordinator greeted Whitney, who was walking in the show. Brooks ended up being 45 minutes late, and in his interview, he said when he was growing up, his mom made a big deal of Sundance. Now he was part of something he grew up idolizing. Meredith felt badly that Seth wasn’t there, but he’d left a video poem for Brooks. Meredith thought it was sweet, but Brooks said it wasn’t the same as having him there. In Meredith’s interview, she said she’d asked for space, and they needed it, but she wished they’d been more sensitive to what Brooks had going on. She’d tried hard to be a great mom. She teared up, and said it was hard on the kids to see their parents going through hard times. Her parents divorced had hurt her, and she didn’t protect them. She’d screwed up.

I’ve decided I like this show for the most part, but Jen, not so much. I didn’t love how she acted like her drinking was an excuse for supremely insulting Mary.

Next time, the runway shows, Brooks talks to Seth, Whitney’s dad is ready for the next step, and Jen gossips about Meredith.

🥃 Closing Time…

All I have to say is, thank God for Amazon. Without them, I might not have gotten any Christmas gifts. You’d think I’d have been more on top of things this year, but nooo (said in John Belushi voice). All I want for Christmas is a vaccine. Okay, and the annual Holiday Barbie. So whether you’re doing it online or venturing out, stay safe, stay within your budget, and stay out of denial, lest you be haunted later.

December 15, 2020 – Dr. Ashford Finds a Huge Lead, David Talks To Vinny & Wrap This


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Yep, I missed the beginning. What you need to know is… Finn wanted Anna to talk to Maxie before they got stuck with a double-wedding, but Violet was excited, thinking she’d be able to carry two bouquets. Valentin called Anna from the MetroCourt, and asked if she had any information about Dante that could affect Charlotte. She said they’d have to talk another time, and Martin came over to Valentin’s table, saying, he agreed family was important. He thought of his clients as family, including Valentin. Jordan asked Carly where he was, and Carly said Sonny was unreachable. Jordan said she was talking about Taggert. At the bistro, Trina, Josslyn, and Cameron looked over Taggert’s medical records, but nothing indicated he was alive. Trina thought he must have had help, and suspected Epiphany was in on it. Curtis and Laura sat outside the Mountain Landing Long-Term Care Facility, and Curtis said there was so much security, they’d have to be creative to get inside. He saw some carolers, said he had an idea, and got out of the car. And then…

Anna says she knows Violet wants a fairytale wedding, but she and Violet’s dad have been talking about something different. Violet says, a double wedding. That’s what daddy said. Anna says, a double wedding doesn’t necessarily mean twice the cake and flowers, or twice the fun. Finn suggests, it’s twice the headache, and Violet asks if fun gives him a headache. Anna says, sometimes. Maxie and Peter want to share their big day with them. Violet asks if that means she doesn’t get to be a flower girl, but Anna says she definitely does. They’re just working out the details. The actual ceremony is complicated. Violet asks why it’s so complicated, when the doorbell rings. Anna distracts Violet with bridal magazines, and Finn answers the door. Chase and Gregory come in, and Gregory says he thought he’d surprise his granddaughter, and bring her a present. Violet runs out, and says, grandpa, guess what? Daddy and Anna are going to marry Maxie and Peter. It’s going to be so much fun, daddy is going to get a big headache.

Carly tells Jordan, Taggert is dead. She heard he was buried in Texas with full honors, including bagpipes and a flag. Jordan tells her not to waste her time. She knows Taggert survived, and was taken from the hospital. Carly asks what makes Jordan think she knows anything, and Jordan says, he’s hiding somewhere. He had to have the help of someone else who wanted to take Cyrus out as much as she does. Like Carly’s husband. Carly says, interesting theory, and Jordan says, Trina is looking to prove he’s alive, and Carly says she knows how hard it is to let go, but Trina will make peace with it one day. Jordan says, she’s not working alone. She’s getting help from Cameron and Josslyn.

Cameron says he gets where Trina is coming from, but Josslyn wonders why she’s taking Cyrus’s word for it. He lies like breathing. Trina says she knows who and what Cyrus is, and Josslyn asks why she’s willing to take his word. He had no proof; no pictures or videos. What if he’s jerking her around because he enjoys watching her suffer? Trina says she’s nothing to Cyrus, and Cameron says Cyrus kidnapped her because she’s Taggert’s kid. Josslyn says Cyrus blames her father for framing him and sending him to prison. Trina says, he didn’t do that, and Josslyn says she’s not accusing Trina’s father. She’s talking about what she believes Cyrus’s motive would be to lie. Maybe it wasn’t enough revenge to have killed Taggert. Maybe he wanted to torture Trina by giving her hope that he’s secretly alive. Trina tells them, everything they’re saying makes sense, but she’s not just going on Cyrus’s word. She’s going on her instinct. In her heart, she feels like her dad is alive.

Valentin says maybe Martin doesn’t remember so well. Martin doesn’t work for him anymore. He was fired. Martin says, in the heat of the moment. He didn’t take it personally. Valentin says he should have. Martin offended him. He’s remarkably tone deaf. Martin says, if Valentin expects him to beg for forgiveness, he is. Mea culpa. Maximum culpa. Valentin says Lulu is the mother of his child, and he’d never actively wish for anything that would harm his little girl. Martin says he understands that now. Lulu’s misfortune put Nina square in Charlotte’s orbit by extension. It’s just a coincidence. He sees there’s nothing that can convince Valentin to give him a second chance, so he won’t waste Valentin’s time. He starts to leave, but Valentin calls him back.

Curtis comes back to the car, where Laura is waiting. He says he’s three degrees from hypothermia, and she says, it is December in Vermont. Where did he go? He says he blended in with the carolers to get a better look at the facility. It’s a private hospital, and has more security cameras than the house on Wilson. Laura says, interesting. What about them? How do they get in? He says, the only way to get beyond the gate is if you’re staff or family… or a patient. Laura asks if it’s time to go to Plan B.

Violet thanks Gregory, and Gregory says, so a double wedding? Chase says he’s sure the four of them will be very happily married to each other. Finn says, Violet is a little mixed up. It was Maxie’s idea. Anna says she thinks it’s a good way to bring the whole family together. Chase thinks it’s super cool. Maybe he’ll bring a plus one. Violet asks what that is, and Anna says, it’s when a guest brings another guest. Violet asks if her grandpa is going to bring a plus one, and Finn says he thinks grandpa’s wife can’t be there. She has a big job, and she has work to do. He knows they’ll meet someday, and Violet says she hopes so. She asks if he has any pictures.

Carly tells Jordan that Trina, Cameron, and Josslyn are best friends. They’re together all the time. That doesn’t mean they’re trying to prove Taggert is alive. Jordan says Epiphany tipped her off. She saw them, and Taggert’s medical records were hacked into at GH. She knows they’re friends, but they could upset the wrong people. Carly says, they’re reacting to a situation someone else put in motion. Jordan says she wants to arrange a meeting, but Carly says, Sonny is unreachable. Jordan says she needs a face-to-face before someone gets killed. Carly makes a call, and says, don’t say a word. Just listen.

Trina says she knows it sounds crazy, but when Cyrus told her, something clicked. It was like he was confirming something she already felt in her heart. Josslyn says she can understand, but wants Trina to ask herself if the feeling that her father is still alive is instinct or a wish. She wishes Morgan was still alive, and still plays mind games to convince herself he survived, but she realizes if he was alive, he’d come home. Doesn’t Trina think her dad would? Trina says, not if he’s in hiding. Cameron asks, who from? and Trina says, Cyrus. He asks why she would trust a word out of that dirtbag’s mouth, and Josslyn says, they’re friends, and they’ll back her as far as she wants to go, but when Cyrus told her, what if it’s what she wanted to hear? Josslyn’s phone dings, and it’s a message from Carly. MetroCourt. Now. She says her mom wants to meet at the MetroCourt. Now. Trina asks if she said why, and Josslyn says, no, but when she adds now, it’s never a good thing.

Valentin tells Martin, sit down. Martin may lack sensitivity and social polish, but he makes up for it with his legal expertise, and willingness to push the legal envelope. Martin asks if he’s forgiven, and Valentin tells him, he didn’t say that, but he’s rehired. Martin appreciates the second chance. It just so happens, he has Valentin’s paperwork with him; it just needs a signature. Valentin says, if Martin ever again insinuates he wants to profit from the misfortune of his child, he’ll tear up the papers up. Martin says before they resume a professional relationship, Valentin should know something about his private life that won’t stay private much longer.

Curtis stands reception desk, but the nurse doesn’t even look up from the computer. She says if it’s about Mr. Somebody, he had his meds. Curtis says, if this is how they admit an important patient, maybe he should go elsewhere. He introduces himself as Dr. Ashford, and says his patient requires immediate attention. Laura sits in a wheelchair, looking catatonic.

Finn tells Violet that he doesn’t have any pictures of his dad’s wedding to Jackie, and she asks if he didn’t have a camera. Gregory says Finn doesn’t have a photo because he wasn’t there. Violet asks, why not? and Gregory tells her, because he’s a doctor, and always on call, but he has a photo on his phone. He shows her, and says, memories fade, but it’s important to keep a reminder of when things were new and hopeful. Chase asks if Jackie isn’t beautiful, and Violet says, almost as beautiful as Anna. Chase says he remembers that picture. When he would look at it, he thought that’s not his mom’s normal smile. Finn suggests Violet offer Chase and Gregory some of the cookies she baked with Anna earlier. Maybe her grandfather will trade her a story for a cookie. Gregory says, that’s a deal he can’t pass up. He’s sure he has some stories Chase has never heard. They head for the kitchen, and Anna tells them, don’t forget about the milk. When they’re gone, Finn asks if that was as awkward as it seemed. Anna says, maybe, but it did make sense to her. She thinks she knows why the photo upset him.

Curtis calls Laura Mayor Collins, and says he’ll stay by her side until he’s sure she’s in the right place. He asks for the Chief of Staff, saying, he only talks to the top people. A doctor comes out, and asks how he can help Curtis, and Curtis says he brought a patient who needs care, but apparently, they weren’t expected. The nurse says she’s received no paperwork on a new patient, and the doctor says he knows nothing about a Dr. Ashford. Curtis says, this is simply unacceptable. His patient is the mayor of Port Charles, New York. She was traumatized by a recent tragedy involving her daughter. She’s relapsed with a condition they thought would no longer haunt her. The doctor says he can’t admit her without a referral, and asks if he needs to call security.   

Valentin tells Martin, he’s been around the block a few times; it takes a lot to shock him. Does Martin have multiple sister wives? Did he pay someone to pass the bar for him? Is he into leather? Martin says, it’s nothing to jest about. It involves his family. Valentin says he knows nothing about Martin’s background, and Martin says he seldom mentions it. He’s worked hard to build his own life and reputation. Another member of his clan has put roots down in Port Charles. Valentin asks if he knows this man, and Martin tells him, as he said, he realizes he’s lucky Valentin gave him a second chance, and he’s well aware he won’t get a third. He doesn’t want Valentin to hear it from anyone else, and the truth is going to come out one way or another. His brother is Cyrus Renault.

Cameron tells Trina that Josslyn made it to the MetroCourt. He hopes she’s not in too much trouble. Trina says, right now, they have to focus on finding her dad. It seemed obvious that as weird as Epiphany was, she knew something. Cameron asks, if her dad is alive, why hasn’t he sent a message to her, instead of leaving her suffer? She says she doesn’t know, but it’s probably a good reason. She thought Cameron said he wanted to help, and he says he did and he does, but Trina says it seems like he and Josslyn just want to forget the whole thing.

Josslyn tells Carly, she got there as fast as she could. Is she in trouble? Carly says, have a seat. Josslyn is going to talk to her, and tell her everything; not give vague answers or lie by omission. She needs the truth. Josslyn asks if she gets to know what the conversation is about, but Carly says, it’s not negotiable. Why were she, Cameron, and Trina snooping around at GH, and asking questions about Trina’s father? Epiphany saw them. Why were they looking up Taggert’s medical records? What were they hoping to find? Josslyn says, okay, fine. They were looking for proof that Trina’s dad is still alive.

Jordan looks around with a flashlight at the park. Taggert comes out, and says he understands she wanted to see him.

Curtis says, security? Is the doctor actually threatening him? He’s going to be answering questions from the governor of New York. He’s a friend and personally interested in the mayor’s case. Laura moans, and Curtis says, she’s clearly upset. He tells them to look for a referral from Dr. Kevin Collins from General Hospital in Port Charles.  He’s also the patient’s husband, and more than a little concerned that she gets the proper care. The nurse checks the computer, and says, there it is, and Curtis says his patient needs priority care. If she doesn’t get comprehensive treatment, her condition will worsen, and could become irreversible. The doctor says they’ll admit her immediately.  

Finn tells Anna that he needs to get a cookie, and she says, when the subject comes up, he shuts down. It’s obvious that at the least, the photo brought up painful memories. She thought he’d be over this already, and believes there’s more to it. He asks what she’s suggesting, and she says, Gregory is staying there, and the more time he spends in Port Charles, Violet is going to notice the tension between him and his father. Violet is smart, and the more Finn shuts down, the more Violet is going to get curious. Anna says he doesn’t have to tell her, but maybe he could talk to Chase, or a therapist. Whatever it is, he can’t pretend it’s not there, and bottle it up.

Valentin says, Cyrus is Martin’s brother? Apparently, he’s not the only one with disreputable relatives. Martin says Valentin could try not to enjoy it so much, and Valentin asks if they’re close. Martin says they share the same DNA, but not much else. He wasn’t surprised that, allegedly, Cyrus went to a life of crime. He single-handedly convinced Martin to go into law. Valentin says Martin is a regular Atticus Finch, and Martin says he’s aware of the alleged drug trafficking, Cyrus being exonerated, and it coming out that he was framed. Cyrus has been working hard to rebuild his reputation as a philanthropist at GH. As far as the public is concerned, Cyrus is above reproach, but that shouldn’t matter. Cyrus isn’t Valentin’s attorney. He is. Valentin says Martin isn’t his attorney yet.   

Josslyn tells Carly that Trina said she’d look with or without her, and it’s better Trina’s not alone. That’s when Cameron came on board. Carly asks if she realizes they illegally hacked into hospital records, and Josslyn says, Cameron was using his mom’s work laptop. Carly says, that doesn’t make it less illegal. Josslyn says she couldn’t turn her back on Trina, and Carly asks, what made Trina think Taggert is still alive? Lives could be at risk, including Josslyn and her friends. Josslyn needs to tell her. Josslyn says she can’t.

Cameron says he knows Trina is hurting, and knows she wants to believe her dad is alive. He completely understands; he wishes Franco was fine and healthy. Trina says she knows he’s hurting too, but she talked to Ava, and she said not to worry; Franco is a survivor. He thanks her, and says he hopes her dad is alive and out there somewhere, making his way back to her. He asks if she wants to go over the medical file again, but she says she thinks they’ve done enough for tonight. There’s somewhere else she has to go. He asks if she wants him to come, and she says, thanks, but no. It’s somewhere she has to go alone.

Jordan says it’s good see Taggert… she thinks. It’s hard to get in touch with him. He says he ditched the burner phone she gave him, and knows he promised to stay away, and she says, but here he is. Cyrus is a threat to the people they love, and a lot of people are in danger, including Trina. He says he’s been careful that no one saw him since he got back, but she says Trina and her friends are getting suspicious. Why after all these months, unless someone tipped them off? He says, it’s not possible… unless… She asks, who is it who saw him?

Laura lies in a hospital bed, and Curtis says she gave a scarily convincing performance. She says he’s not so bad himself. He’s very believable as a doctor. He says his award will be finding something they can use against Cyrus. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she’s not sure. She was thinking about the time she was really in a wheelchair, and used it to make her condition seem real more. She remembered more, and when she put it into her performance, the more real it got, and she got scared. He says, it’s not real; keep telling herself that. She says she does regret involving Doc, but he says he’s sure Doc understands how much is riding on getting the goods on Cyrus. He gives Laura a phone, and says his numbers are already programmed into it. She says, if anyone by the name of Florence Grey is in there, inform her, no matter what it takes.

Finn tells Anna, he resented his father moving on from his mother’s death so quickly. He was young, angry, and said things he shouldn’t have. As the wedding day came closer, he didn’t want it to happen. He felt it was an enormous betrayal of his mother, but should he blame his father for wanting to move on with his life? She asks if he should blame Jackie, and he says, it’s been so long, he doesn’t know. Without Jackie, there would be no Chase, and having his brother in his life is a good thing. He doesn’t know how to bridge the distance he created between him and his dad. She says he can’t change the past, and his father and Jackie are separated, after decades of being married. She imagines he could use someone to talk to. Finn says Gregory is better with kids, and Jackie is Chase’s mother. He doubts he can talk to him about his parents’ marriage falling apart. She says, whatever baggage Finn is carrying from the past, can’t he put it down for Violet’s sake? Violet, Gregory, and Chase come back, and Violet says grandpa told her another story. Tell it again. Gregory says, it’s getting late, and he thinks he overstayed his welcome. He should call it a night. Violet hugs him, and Finn asks him to wait. There’s something he needs to say.

Valentin says, before he signs, he needs to ask Martin one thing. Is he also his brother’s attorney? Martin says, Cyrus went one way, and he went the other. He literally spent years having as little to do with his brother as humanly possible. Thankfully, Cyrus returned the favor, and kept quiet. Valentin asks, what changed? and Martin says, the more Cyrus emerges, the more people talk, and the more questions are asked. Valentin says, and the more enemies Cyrus makes. Martin says, he’s walking a dangerous tightrope. CEO, alleged drug lord; when and if he slips, Martin doesn’t want to be near the fallout. It wouldn’t be in the best interest of his clients. Is that a good enough answer to get Valentin to sign?  

Carly says, Josslyn can’t tell her? and Josslyn says she gave her word. Carly says, Taggert was shot to death. The police think it was Cyrus, and so does Sonny. Cyrus is a very dangerous man. If Josslyn wants to help Trina, she has to tell Carly, what makes Trina think her father is still alive?

Trina sits on a bench in the park that bears the inscriptions: In memory of those who gave their lives in the line of duty. She remembers watching kites with her father, who says he’s not much good with kites, but with planes… He shows her a paper airplane, and asks where she wants to go. She suggests Morocco. They could ride a camel. He says he hears camels are temperamental. How about a tropical island like Bora Bora? She says, it doesn’t matter, as long as she’s with him. They hug, and he says, all right. Bora Bora, here we come, and he launches the paper airplane. Trina sits on the bench and cries.  

Taggert tells Jordan, somebody did see him. She asks, when? and he says, Halloween night. The guy on the pier the night of the Nurses Ball; the one who shot him. She asks if Taggert knows him, and he says, he’s the guy who ran the bar. Sonny said his name is Julian Jerome. She says, Julian knows he’s alive? and he takes it that Julian isn’t a friend of hers. She’s not sure Sonny can keep Julian quiet, and says Taggert’s daughter is under the impression he’s alive. She wonders how the information got to Trina. He’s caused enough trouble. He needs to leave, and stay away. It’s her job to get answers, and keep Train safe. He needs to trust her.

Curtis tells Laura, he’ll do his best to prove Florence is a patient there. In the meantime, it’s up to her. She says, don’t worry; she’s got this. The doctor walks in, and Curtis asks if Laura will be okay if he goes, but she just stares. Curtis tells the doctor to take good care of her, and leaves. The doctor says he has something to make Laura’s transition easier, and takes out a syringe. Seriously though. They didn’t think she’d be given any medication? That was my first thought.

Finn tells Gregory, if he can put up with a double wedding, the least Gregory can do is be there to see it. Gregory says he already promised Violet, and Finn says he figured. He just wanted Gregory to know he’d like him there too. Gregory asks Violet for one more air kiss, and she blows it to him. She wishes her mommy could be at the wedding. If she’s not, it will be sad.    

Josslyn asks Carly not to tell Sonny. It will just make it worse for Trina. Why can’t Carly trust her? Carly says, for the same reason Josslyn thinks she’ll be safe, Carly thinks the opposite. She’s putting them at risk. She can help, but Josslyn has to tell her who told Trina that Taggert is still alive. Now. Josslyn says, okay, fine. It was Cyrus. Carly looks astounded.  

Trina gets up, and starts to leave, but then stops. She says, dad?

Martin tells Valentin, as a former and future client, he can assure Valentin won’t regret it. Valentin says he’d better not.  

Curtis checks the facility computer, and sees Florence Grey (apparently the correct spelling) is listed. He steps away, before the nurse comes back. He tells her that he’s sorry he was so demanding. He just wants the best for his patients, but he has everything he needs now.

Laura looks at the needle.

Tomorrow, the doctor tells Laura it won’t hurt one bit, Jordan tells Trina that she’s setting herself up for disappointment, and Portia holds Ava responsible.

The Haves and The Have Nots

When we last left, Jim and David found Hanna upstairs with the Cryers’ financial documents. Hanna refused to hand them over, but didn’t say why. David called the police, and when an officer showed up, Hanna revealed the documents that said she’d been given power of attorney.

Jim says, is she kidding? but David says, the paperwork looks right. Jim asks, what lawyer drew up the papers? and David says, Marty. Jim asks if it was filed in court, and David says, Judge Ross signed off on it. The officer says, if it’s a civil matter, they need to work it out another way. David says Hanna assaulted him, and Hanna says she was defending herself. The officer asks if David wants to press charges, but he says, no. She asks if Hanna does, and David says, she hit him, but the officer says, Hanna said he touched her. She tells them she’s leaving, and Jim says. thanks so much for her assistance. Hanna says she’s leaving with the paperwork. After they’re gone, Jim says everyone has gone mad. His wife made the maid the executor. Kathryn gave her power of attorney. Dammit! Why the hell did she do that? David has no idea, and Jim says, the women have lost their damn minds. David says they’ve all lost their minds, and tells Jim to go upstairs and lie down, but Jim says he needs to talk to his wife. David says, tomorrow, and Jim says, no, now. David says he’ll drive, but Jim says he’s fine, and drains his drink. He tells David to go talk to the Malones. Find out what’s going on in that part of his damn life.

A guard calls for Kathryn, and she says, let her guess. She has another visitor. He takes her out and brings her to where Jim is waiting in the visitor room, nursing his shoulder. Kathryn comes in, and sits across from him. He asks, what’s wrong with her? and she asks if he came to tell her that she’s getting out. He says he came to ask what the hell is wrong with her? She gave Hanna power of attorney. Kathryn says she did, and Jim says she gave Hanna power over everything, her money and her people. That woman is going to screw her over. Kathryn says, she won’t, and Jim says she’s insane. Kathryn agrees that she is, since she married him, and I laugh. Kathryn asks why he’s so upset. Did he think she was going to give him power of attorney? He says he’s her husband, and she says, with an iron-clad prenup. He tells her, it’s the stupidest, most ridiculous thing she’s ever done, and she says they’re being sued. She had to protect everything. He says, by giving the maid… She tells him not to call Hanna that, but Jim says, that’s what she is. Kathryn says, Hanna is her friend, and he says, whose son still owes him $8 million that he stole. Give him power of attorney. Marty is on his way to draw up the papers. She refuses, and he says she’ll see. Hanna will screw her over. She says what’s bothering him is the fact that he has to ask Hanna for money. He says, so does she, and she says, so what? He tells her again that Marty is on his way. He’s going to get that power of attorney. Understand? She says, get hell out, and calls for the guard. She says she needs to go back to her cell. Jim tells her to keep her ass in the chair. If she doesn’t do it, he’ll make Hanna give it to him. She knows him. She tells him, take his best shot, and he says he will. She says, be careful. The last time Hanna whooped his ass. On her way out, she hits his shoulder. When she’s gone, he yells, this is not a game. Everything she has, and everything she’s going to have will be gone, because she trusts a maid.

Jim arrives home, where Don and John are waiting. He asks how long Don has known him, and Don says, a long time. Jim asks John the same thing, and John says, 23 years. Jim asks if they’ve ever seen him angry, and no  surprise, they say, yes, but he says, not like today. Don asks if it’s about the power of attorney, and Jim says, no. It’s about the tooth fairy. Don says they have nothing to do with it; it was his wife. Jim says, they couldn’t warn him? John says, he was in the hospital. They were as blindsided as he was. Jim says he knows this bitch will screw him over, and Don suggests they go to Marty, but Jim says, Marty signed the paperwork that got him there. Maybe he can get a loan. Don says, Hanna would have to co-sign, and Jim asks how he’s supposed to live with no money. John says his wife is paying the bills, but Jim says he needs his own money. Help him in getting a loan. Don asks, with what? Everything is in his wife’s name, and the maid… Jim says, Hanna has to co-sign. He asks, what about Lloyd? but Don says that’s not possible either. Jim tells them, get the f*** out of his house. They leave, and he says, go to Hanna for a co-sign? He’s not going to her for any damn thing.

Madison is sleeping when Colby comes in and gets in the bed, fully dressed. Madison asks what he’s doing, and Colby says his head hurts; he’s lying down. Madison says, get out of his bed, and Colby asks, where did he go? meaning Jeffrey. Madison says, he’s seeing a friend, and Colby asks if he’s sure it’s just a friend. Madison says he is, and Colby tells him, when he said that, Madison never believed him. Madison says, that’s because Colby is a lying whore, and Colby says, ouch. Catch a guy once, and Madison never lets him forget it. Madison says it was more like twelve or thirteen times, if he remembers right. Colby says, touché, and Madison says Colby knows he loves him. He asks Colby, what’s up? and Colby says, one of his johns got rough with him. Madison asks when he’s going to be done with this stuff, but Colby says he’s having fun. He calls Madison Judge Madison, but Madison says, that’s not him. Colby says, then lay off. Madison says he’s worried about Colby, but Colby says, don’t. It’s like Madison painting. Nobody wants to buy someone’s paintings unless they’re dead. He does what makes him happy. His john just didn’t realize he’s a bad bitch. He asks if they can stop now. He hears Madison. Madison says, good, and Colby asks when Jeffrey and Madison are going to talk about the sh*t they’ve swept under the rug; it’s a lot of sh*t. Jeffrey comes in, and Colby asks if he wants to join them. Jeffrey says he’s good, and Colby says they’re not doing anything. He tells Madison that Jeffrey is jealous, and Madison says, get out of his bed. Colby leaves the bedroom, and Jeffrey lies down. Colby asks if they want dinner. He makes a mean steak. Jeffrey starts to say, yes, but Madison shakes his head, and Jeffrey says, they’re good. Colby wonders what that bitch told him, and Madison says that he can’t cook. Jeffrey thinks he should go home, but Madison asks him to stay. He knows Colby is a lot, but Jeffrey says he likes Colby. Madison asks, what is it? and Jeffrey says his mom. Anyone he gets close to… Madison asks if Jeffrey is going to spend his life not getting close to people because of his mom. Jeffrey says, it sounds terrible, and Madison says, stay; hang out. Jeffrey says, all right, and Madison says, don’t have sex. Jeffrey asks what kind of guy does Madison think he is? and Madison says, he’s new. Jeffrey says he’s happy, and tells Madison, it’s good. Really good.

Sitting in a bar, Gretchen makes a call to Oliver. He says he finally got Landon out of the way. He’s out of town. She asks, for what? and he says he doesn’t know. He’s just glad Landon is gone. Can she come over? She says she’s having a drink, and he says, Charles is there alone. He needs get Charles into her. She says he’s got to drop this, and he says he knows she can do this. She says she’s not his whore, but he says she knows what needs to happen. He needs to get them together, then they can make power plays. Think of what they could do. She asks why Oliver doesn’t sleep with him, and he says he’s not Landon. Does he need to have his dad call her dad? She asks if he’s really stooping this low, and I wonder, how old are we? Fourteen? He says he wants them to be in power, but she says she doesn’t want to see Charles because he doesn’t want to see her. Oliver asks if Gretchen didn’t sleep with him, and she says, he spoke about Candace the entire time. Oliver wonders what Candace has that Gretchen doesn’t, and she says she doesn’t know, but she doesn’t have it. He says, just come over, and she says, okay.  

David goes to the Iron Bone, and tells Sandy that he’s there to see Vinny. Sandy says, Vinny ain’t seeing nobody, but David says, tell Vinny who he is. Sandy repeats, Vinny ain’t seeing nobody, but Vinny says, let him through. David follows Vinny to the back office, and tells Vinny that he’s Judge Harrington. Vinny says he knows who he is, and Vinny asks how David knew he was there. David says Vinny is a hard man to find, and Vinny asks, what’s going on? David says he needs to talk with Vinny. May he sit? Vinny gestures to the chair, and asks, what brings him there? Is he okay? David says, he’s fine, and Vinny? Vinny says, since the accident, he gets by day by day. A lot of people want him dead. David says he’s sure that’s not the case, and Vinny asks how Jim is doing. He heard Jim got shot. David says, he’s okay, and Vinny asks, what’s going on? David says he’d like to discuss a matter, and Vinny says, obviously. David asks how Vinny’s nephew is, and Vinny ask, which one? David says, Mitch, and Vinny says, he’s good; why is David asking? David says he met Mitch before, when he was working with Benny. Vinny asks, what’s his point? and David says, Mitch helped Candace as well. Vinny says, Candace helped him, and David says, so Vinny is protecting her? Vinny says he owes her a favor or two. Why? David says he’s just trying to understand… and Vinny says he doesn’t like this beating around the bush thing. David says, Candace took something that belongs to Jim, and he wants it back. She told him that she or her brother can’t be touched. Vinny asks, who said that? and David says, apparently, she was told by Vinny’s nephew. Vinny says, okay, and David asks if it’s true. Vinny wonders if David is questioning the word of his family, but David says, not at all. He’s just trying to advise Jim. Vinny says he’ll talk to David later, and David thanks him and leaves. Vinny picks up the phone, and tells Andy to get Mitch down there right now

A young girl is brought into the jail by the guards, and she’s nearly hysterical. They put her in the cell next to Kathryn. She sits on a bench, and cries. Kathryn asks, what happened? and she says her kids dad had them taken away, saying she’s unfit. He has friends in the police department. Kathryn asks if she’s unfit, but she says, not at all. She took them away, and left. Kathryn asks why she’s there, and she says, because he has custody. Kathryn wonders why a judge would grant custody if she’s fit, and tells the girl that she can trust her. She’s not like the other… people in there. She’s Kathryn Cryer. The girl says her name is Gina, and Kathryn says Gina looks like her daughter. Gina hopes Kathryn’s daughter protects her children better than she has, and Kathryn says, she’s dead. Gina says she’s sorry, and Kathryn asks why she can’t protect her kids. She says she found out the kids were being abused by a developer. (She was crying so much, it was unclear where he fit in – if he was her a husband, or a friend of the husband, or what.) She says she and the children saw him, and ran. He went to the court, and paid a judge. Kathryn asks what the developer’s name is, and Gina says, Patrick McWallis. Kathryn says he built her hotel, and Gina asks if she knows him. Kathryn says she does, but they’re not friendly. Gina asks how people with money do this, and Kathryn says, there’s a lot of things money can do. Gina says, except protect a child from a predator, and Kathryn says she can help Gina. Gina asks, how? and Kathryn says she may be wearing orange, but she still has a few favors she can call in. If she can get to a phone, she thinks she can help Gina get her kids back. She asks how long Gina is in for, and Gina says her mom is trying to post bail. Kathryn says, let her see what she can do. It’ll be all right. She calls for the guard.

Justin tells Tanner that he’s telling the truth, and Tanner says, the guy came to him? Justin says, yeah; he’s not lying. Tanner asks why he called, and Justin says, because he needs help. Tanner says he’s a man. He doesn’t need help; he is the help. Justin says he’s sorry, and Tanner says he’ll get Justin straight. There’s a knock at the door, and Justin wonders who it is. Veronica’s French thug comes in, and says he has a business proposition for Tanner. He’s there for his client. Tanner tells him, get the hell out, but he says his client just wants to talk to him. Justin asks, why? and Tanner tells him, shut up. The guy says it will be worth Tanner’s while. It’s a good thing. Tanner wonders why she’d want to talk to him, Justin says, she’s crazy. She’s going to lie. Tanner says, and tell him something Justin doesn’t want him to hear? Justin says, she’s the one who did this to him, and the guy asks, will Tanner talk to Veronica or not? Tanner says, okay, and gives the guy his phone number. Justin says, it’s a bad mistake, and the guy leaves. Tanner says if he finds out Justin is lying about what he’s doing, he’ll kill Justin him himself.

Oliver does paperwork, and Charles walks in. Oliver starts to hand Charles the phone, and says, Gretchen… but Charles says, no. Oliver says, Charles didn’t know what he was going to say, and Charles says he’s having a massage, and doesn’t want to be disturbed. He goes into another room, and Oliver call Gretchen, who says she’s almost there. Oliver says Charles definitely won’t see her, but she says she’s coming anyway. She’s driven all this way. He says, okay. He’ll let the Secret Service know, but she’ll have to wait out front.

Veronica’s doorbell rings, and it’s the French guy. He says he spoke to him, and gives her the number. Veronica pours a drink, taking her sweet time before she takes it form him.  

Tanner answers the phone, and Veronica introduces herself. He asks what she wants, and she says she wants him to come to her house. He asks, why? and she tells him, she’d rather not say on the phone. He says, fine. He has a few things he wants to talk to her about too. She asks if he has the address, and he he does. Veronica says, that’s it then. She hangs up, and asks where Tanner was. The guy says, his brother’s place. She says he’s good, and the guy says he knows. She says, and arrogant. He says he knows that too. She asks if Jim’s spy is still after her, and he nods. He says they’re not very smart, and she asks if it’s safe for her to go out. He says, as long as waiting for his money, no one will hurt her. She asks if he wants a drink, but he says, no. She wonders what his body looks like under his clothes, and he says, human. He leaves, and she laughs. She says, Jim thinks Veronica is stupid, but Veronica is not stupid, Jim. Veronica is the smartest person in town. She says she’s got to stop talking to herself, or they’re going to put her in one of her facilities.

Justin says he doesn’t know why Veronica would want to see Tanner, and Tanner says, don’t worry about it. Justin says, please. He’s telling Tanner the truth. Tanner leaves, and Justin calls Jeffrey. He gets voicemail, and says, please pick up. It’s an emergency. He calls again, and says, come on. Please answer the phone. He calls a third time, and asks if Jeffrey is sending him to voicemail. What’s going on? He hears a long beep.   

Colby gossips to Jeffrey, saying Harry and Trevor are the most boring guys he’s ever met. Jeffrey says, Harry and Trevor boring? and Colby says, did Jeffrey see them the other night?  He wonders who’s calling Jeffrey so much, and looks at Jeffrey’s phone. He says, who’s Justin? Is that the crazy officer? Jeffrey says, yes, and Colby answers the phone. Justin says, he’s going to talk to Jeffrey’s mother, and Colby says, who’s going to talk to his mother?  Justin asks who this is, and where is Jeffrey? and Jeffrey says, hang up. Colby tells Justin, sorry. They’re too busy having sex. They’ll call back after they’re done. He hangs up, and Jeffrey says he shouldn’t have done that. Colby asks if that’s all Jeffrey can say. Jeffrey says he deals with crazy people, and Colby says he’s one of them. Jeffrey says he’s seeing that more and more. Colby asks if Jeffrey wants steak, and Jeffrey tells him, Madison said something about him and steaks. He likes his teeth. Colby says, fine; more meat for him. He asks if Justin is calling again, and says, that bitch is thirsty.

Mitch tells Candace that he likes her shoes. She says, thanks, but this has got to stop. He says, she can’t take a complement? and she says, what’s wrong with him? He asks if he can’t tell a lady she looks nice. She’s just glowing. She thanks him, and Benny comes out. Mitch says, is that it? Benny is dressed? Benny says, go to hell, and Mitch says, that’s what  they’ve been waiting for? He tells Benny that he’s just messing with him, and Benny says he owes Mitch. They fist bump, and Candance says, look at the bromance. Can a girl eat? She tells Mitch that he’s buying, and Mitch asks, why? Benny says, one, Mitch lied to him, and two, his sister bought Mitch a truck. Mitch says, in that case, he’ll buy. There’s a knock at the door, and Benny answers. It’s Landon, and Benny asks where he came from. Landon says he came up from downstairs, and Benny asks what he wants. Landon says he’s looking for Candace, but Benny says, she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Candace says, let him in, and Benny says he thought she was hungry. She says, she is, but let him in. She tells Benny and Mitch to wait downstairs; she won’t be long. Benny says he’ll be at the elevator, and Landon says, good to see him again. He closes the door, and says Benny is so hot. Candace asks what he wants, and he says he wanted to see how she was. She says she’s okay, and he says, is she? She’s being nice. She says she hasn’t been feeling well; don’t push his luck. He asks if it has anything to do with the pregnancy test, and she asks how he knows. He asks if she’s taken it, and she tells him, get out. He says she just let him in, and she says, now she’s telling him get out. He asks if she took the test, and she says, she didn’t and won’t. Did Charles send him? Landon says, yes, and she says, to talk her out of not having the baby? He asks if she’s pregnant, and she says she didn’t take the test. He says, is she? and she says, no. He asks if she’s sure, and she says, what the hell? He says he just wants to be sure, and she says, why? So he can talk? There’s nothing to talk about. Landon says he knows she bought a test because of the reporters, and she says she’s glad they’re following her. Landon asks if her mother called her, and Candace asks, why? He says, they talked to her, and she says, for what? He says, they just want a story, and she says the only reason she’s talking to him, is because he knows she has the money. Does Charles? Landon says, no, and she says, if anything happens like last time, she’s going to the press. She tells him to leave, or she’ll call her brother back. Landon says, screw her brother, and she calls, Benny! Landon says, he means he would screw her brother. And the tall guy. He leaves.

Hanna gets ready for bed. When she goes into the bedroom, she says, what the hell? Jim is sitting there.  

Next time, Jim says if Hanna dies, the power of attorney is worthless; Benny says Mitch is crushing on his sister; Landon thinks Mitch is sexy, and asks him out for a drink; and Veronica says she and Tanner can work together.

🚶🏽‍♀️ Shuffling Off…

It’s late, I’m beat, so stay safe, stay anticipating a solution, and stay dead if you’re playing dead.