Monthly Archives: November 2021

November 29, 2021 – Thanksgiving In Port Charles, 80s Neon On Deck, How They Celebrated, Dead News, Final Bow & Remember


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sam says, Drew? and he says he’s sorry to just show up like this, but in all fairness, she never returned his call. She says, oh my God, and they hug.

Chase stands at the Quartermaine door. Brook tells Ned, it’s Thanksgiving, and Ned says, the day we remember the Pilgrims for taking advantage of people they should have respected. She says she thought he wasn’t going to blame Chase, and he says, he’s not, but he’s allowed to be disappointed, at Chase, and at Brook. Chase says, maybe this was a bad idea, but Monica comes out, and asks where are Ned and Brook’s manners. Invite the man in; he’s a guest. Olivia comes in, and seeing the door open, asks if they live in a barn. Brook tells Monica, actually, Chase is more than a guest. Monica says, a friend, but Brook says, he’s more than a friend too. As a matter-of-fact, he’s family.

Portia leaves a voicemail for Curtis, saying, she knows he’s going through a lot right now, but maybe that’s all the more reason for him to come to her house for Thanksgiving. There’s going to be tons of food, good wine… At least she hopes it’s good wine; that’s what the guy told her. But most important, being around friends and family. So just think about it, and she hopes she sees him soon. Elizabeth says, first Portia comes in to check on a patient, and now she’s racing home to prepare dinner for all of them. What is she? Superwoman? Portia says, hardly. Does Elizabeth want to know her secret? Elizabeth says, please, and Portia says, she hired a caterer. Trust her; it’s worth it. Elizabeth says she can’t wait to celebrate with everyone and count their blessings. Elizabeth gets in the elevator, and Portia says, her too.

TJ says, it sounds like Marshall has already spoken to his uncle, and Marshall says he gathers Curtis didn’t tell TJ about their conversation. He certainly made it clear he wants nothing to do with Marshall. TJ asks if he should call Curtis to explain what’s going on, but Marshall says, don’t call Curtis. Maybe his not reaching out is a good thing. Maybe he’s thinking things over, and hasn’t completely rejected Marshall yet. TJ says, his uncle is one of the smartest men he knows. If he rejected Marshall, he has his reasons. He’s tried to keep an open mind, but it seems Marshall is running some kind of hustle. If that’s the case, Curtis spotted it a mile off. Marshall says, he’s not hustling TJ, Curtis, or anybody, and TJ says, Marshall could have fooled him. He came there with a fake pain in his side. Marshall says, sorry about that. He truly regrets the way he’s gone about this. He regrets it all. He really should have done everything differently.

At the hospital, Carly gives some guys to-go bags from the MetroCourt, and says, when they’re done, come back; she has more. Elizabeth says, it smells great. It’s thoughtful of Carly and Olivia to do this. Carly says, no one works harder than the GH staff, and if they’re working on Thanksgiving and away from their families, they should at least have sweet potatoes and turkey. Elizabeth says, and MetroCourt turkey, and Carly says, a step up from the cafeteria? Elizabeth says, just a little. How about their kids, volunteering to pass out dinners? Carly says there may have been a little prodding on her part, and Elizabeth says she’s pretty sure Cameron just wants to be with Josslyn, but they’re doing it. They have a lot to be grateful for. Carly says, they do, and Elizabeth says she’ll let Carly get back to work. She leaves, and Britt comes down the hall, doing an about-face when she sees Carly. Carly notices her, and follows. She calls to Britt, and asks when she got back. Did they find her mom? Britt says, they did, and Carly says, it must have been quite an adventure. She can’t wait for Jason to tell her all about it.   

Sonny is cooking, when Anna comes to the kitchen, where we no longer have the moss bowl 🎍 to be thankful for. He says, long time, no see. What brings her by?  

Olivia says, run that by them again, and Monica says, it would seem Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father, and Chase is. Brook says, correct, and Olivia says, but Brook didn’t tell Chase, and made him sleuth it out for himself. Ned says, also correct, and Brook says, she knows this comes as a shock to everyone, but Monica says, not to her. Nothing about this family shocks her anymore, especially on the last Thursday in November. Chase wants them to know that he’s not going anywhere, and plans on being the best father he can be. Ned says, he’d better, and Chase says, he brought a pie. It’s a cake and a pie; it’s a hybrid. Olivia says, it’s a start, and takes the box from him. She says, maybe change will be the theme this year, and they’ll all actually eat some turkey. Valentin comes in, and says, that didn’t take long. Out with the old, and in with the new, right?

TJ asks what Marshall’s name is again, and he says, TJ can call him Marshall for now. TJ says, they seem to be at an impasse. Clearly, he’s distressed about something, but can’t tell TJ what it is. Marshall says, he wants to, but he’s second guessing himself in real time; everything is coming out wrong. He tends to do that. Jump in headfirst, and suffer the consequences later. He doesn’t blame TJ for being suspicious. TJ says, subterfuge is not Marshall’s game. It bothered him so much when Marshall took off, TJ mentioned it to his uncle and another doctor. Marshall says, Dr. Robinson? and TJ asks how he knew. Marshall says, he guessed. He wishes he had gone about this differently, but what’s done is done. He just doesn’t want TJ to react like his uncle did. TJ says Marshall is still talking in circles, and he’s getting frustrated. What does Marshall want? Marshall says, to be part of the Ashford family, and TJ says, he gets it. Thanksgiving can be rough. People rushing around, going to nice warm gatherings with family and friends. If Marshall is feeling lonely, the holidays can exacerbate that, but Marshall says, the holidays and loneliness have nothing to do with this. He’s finally able to reach out to Curtis, after being unable to for a long, long time. Maybe too long, and he’s going about it all wrong. He’s not sure what to do about it, but it’s not TJ’s problem, and it’s not fair to enlist his help. This is something Marshall has to do on his own. TJ asks what Marshall is talking about; just tell him who Curtis is to him? Marshall says, Curtis is his son.

Elizabeth asks Portia if she should bring anything for dinner, but Portia says, just her crew. Finn comes in with Violet, and Portia says, unless Miss Violet is allergic to pumpkin pie. Violet says, no, but her daddy says she’s allergic to bedtime. Portia says she’ll see them later, and leaves. Finn asks if Elizabeth is ready to head out, and Violet says, there’s no rush. This day is already great. They’re together.

Phyllis sees Nina at the hospital, and Nina asks what she’s doing there. Phyllis says she volunteered to in there today, and just finished. It doesn’t hurt that staying busy keeps your mind off… everything. She asks if Nina has Thanksgiving plans, and Nina says she got an invitation to join her friend Curtis, but she doesn’t know. She’s having a tough time. Phyllis takes her hand, and says, you and me both.

Sam says she can’t believe Drew is standing there, and invites him in. He says, it’s surreal for him too, and she asks if he’s okay. He says he’s in one piece, so there’s that. She says, that’s a plus, and he says, he owes her a huge thank you. He heard she dropped everything and came looking for him with Dante. She says, but they didn’t find him. How did he get back? He says he had a lot of help.

Anna says, it smells incredible, and Sonny says she can come there any   time she wants. She thanks him, and says he doesn’t think she came there to score an invitation. What’s going on?

Carly guesses the trip was a whirlwind, and asks Britt, how’s Liesl? Britt says, good. She’s actually here, getting her injuries looked at. Carly asks, what about Peter? and Britt says, he’s captured and in custody. Carly says, thank God that guy’s reign of terror is finally over. It’s long overdue, but it’s finally finished and everyone is safe… Everyone’s safe, right?

Brook thought Valentin moved out, and he says, don’t worry about it. He and Charlotte have vacated the premises. He’s there to pick up some things the movers overlooked. He pours himself a drink, and Monica says, she knows this has to be painful and shocking for him. Olivia says, all things aside, they know how much he loves Bailey. Valentin thanks her, and says, he’ll survive; he always does. He says, no Michael? and Ned says, he and Willow took Wiley to New York City for the holidays. Olivia says, they thought Wiley would get a kick out of the parade, and Valentin says, maybe they’ll be kind enough to fill Michael in. Ned says, on this, and Valentin says, yeah, be sure to detail the depths to which his daughter has sunk, but this is an ELQ matter. He’s filed a motion nullifying their agreement. Brook says, he can’t do that, but he says, he can and he did. She admitted Bailey wasn’t his daughter; that voided their contract. That makes her ELQ shares once again his ELQ shares. That gives him an insurmountable majority, and cements his position as CEO of ELQ. Happy Thanksgiving.

TJ asks if Marshall is really his uncle’s father, and his father’s father. Marshall says he is, and TJ says, that makes him… Marshall says, his grandfather. TJ asks if he’s telling the truth, but Marshall says, he wouldn’t lie about this, and TJ says, he supposedly died a long time ago. Marshall says, it’s a long story, and not a pretty one, but he’s not an imposter. He’s not playing TJ or Curtis. He’s TJ’s grandfather. It feels good to say that, and see this fine young man standing in front him. He hopes TJ accepts what he’s telling him; accepts him. He holds out his hand, and TJ takes it. Marshall laughs, and Curtis comes in, asking what the hell Marshall thinks he’s doing. Marshall says, Curtis needs to watch his language in the chapel, and Curtis says he was trying to get there first to prepare TJ, but TJ says, it’s all good. Now they can finally put a name to the face of the stranger they wondered about; he’s family. Curtis says TJ needs to do him a favor, and leave.

Sam says, Drew and Jason teaming up to take down Peter, that’s something she would love to have seen. Does Monica know he’s home yet? He says, not yet, but he’s heading over there, and Sam says, this is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever for her. Dante comes downstairs with Scout, and stops short seeing Drew. Drew says, Scout. Look at her. She’s all grown up. Sam says, she’s not all grown up, and Drew says he’s so happy to see her, but Scout clings to Dante.

Anna tells Sonny, she and Robert went to Greece. They got information that Peter was holed up on Cassadine Island. He says, Jason’s in Greece; he and Britt went looking for her mother. Anna says she knows, and asks if they can sit down.

Carly asks what Britt isn’t telling her, and Britt flashes back to the tunnel collapsing. She says she just wants Carly to know, if it wasn’t for Jason, she and her mom wouldn’t have made it home alive. Carly says, that’s great, but she’s more concerned about Jason. Where the hell is he? Britt starts to cry.

Ned says Valentin doesn’t honestly think this will work, and Valentin says he does actually. Detective Chase came forth and clamed Bailey as his own, which was very honorable of him. He tells Chase, a word to the wise; honor is in short supply in this house. He tells Olivia, brining the turkey was an inspired choice; very succulent. She says, he tasted it? and he says he got his before the dog descended on it. Annabelle II barks, and Valentin says, rave reviews all around. Brook says, really? and they all run out, except for Monica.

TJ says, obviously, he’s missing something, and Curtis says, Mr. Ashford and he need to talk alone. TJ says he’s sensing that’s not the best idea, but Marshall says, it’s okay. TJ’s uncle is right. They have some unfinished business. TJ starts to leave, and Marshall says, looking at TJ, who and what he’s become, his father would be proud. TJ leaves, and Marshall says, okay, it’s just us, son. Curtis says, stop calling him son. It’s a privilege that’s earned. Marshall got his chance and blew it. There’s no going back.

Phyllis says she wishes she had come magic words to explain why bad things happen to good people, and Nina says, they happen to bad people too. Phyllis says, Nina’s not bad. She’s had a wound inside her since her baby was taken from her; maybe before. Nina says, it doesn’t excuse what she did, and Phyllis says, no, but taking responsibility is the first step to redemption. Nina asks if that’s a quote, and Phyllis says it is. Nina asks who said it? and Phyllis tells her that she did. They laugh, and Nina says she’s putting her foot down. Phyllis isn’t spending Thanksgiving alone or at Charlie’s. She sees Portia, and asks if Portis thinks she has room for one more tonight. Portia says, absolutely. The more the merrier. Nina and Phyllis hug.

Elizabeth says she just needs to change out of her scrubs, but Violet says she looks pretty, and asks Finn, doesn’t she? Finn says she does, and Elizabeth says she won’t be long. Finn says, and then it’s turkey time, and Violet asks if she can have the wishbone. Finn thinks that can be arranged. Elizabeth asks if she has a special wish in mind, and Violet says it’s about Elizabeth and daddy. Finn says she has to keep it a secret, or it won’t come true.

Sam tells Scout, don’t worry; there’s nothing to be afraid of. Dante says, it’s her dad. Can she believe it? Sam says, he’s been gone for a while, but he’s back now, and Dante says, it’s amazing news. Drew says he knows she’s surprised; he is too. They don’t have to rush. They can take it slow, and get to know each other again. Scout nods, and he says, the good news is, they’ve got nothing but time.

Sonny says he heard talk that Drew survived the plane crash, and Anna says, there was no plane crash; it was staged. Drew was being held prisoner by Peter with Victor’s assistance. Peter is in custody, and Victor cut a deal. Sonny says, Drew’s coming home; two out of three ain’t bad. Anna says, while they were there, they learned Peter had Britt and Jason, and Sonny asks if they got them out. She says, actually, they got themselves out. They had Jason to help. Britt and Obrecht got home… He says, Jason didn’t? and she shakes her head.

Carly tells Britt to say it, but Britt says, she doesn’t want to. Carly tells her, say it, and I want to slap her. Britt says, Jason’s gone.

Monica says, Valentin is enjoying this, isn’t he? and he asks if she’d call him childish if said yes. She says, revenge can be sweet for the moment, but it’s not going to make Bailey his. Ned comes in, brandishing a turkey leg, and says he hopes Valentin is happy. This is all that’s left of a 25 pound turkey. Valentin says, what a shame, but there’s always next year, and Brook says, he waltzes in there, taking back ELQ, and ruins her family’s Thanksgiving, and he talks about her depths? He says she took his child, and she says, Bailey isn’t his; get over it and move on. He says he thought he respected her, but he really just found her moderately attractive.  Now he doesn’t have to stick around and watch looks go to ruin. Chase tells him, watch it, but he says he’s just getting started. Without her singing voice, she’s just the runt of Quartermaine litter. She has less class than the family dog. Chase says, that’s enough, and punches him.

TJ wants to talk to Portia about a patient; the one he treated a couple weeks ago who took off. He just saw him again, and she’ll never believe this. She tells him, he said he was TJ’s grandfather, and he asks how she knew. She says, Curtis told her. He was on his way to fill TJ in, but she guesses Marshall beat him to it. He says, they’re together in the chapel right now, and she asks if he thinks Curtis needs backup. He says, since he was ordered out of there, he’d say, leave them be. She asks how Curtis seemed, and TJ says, not good. He’s worried about Curtis. She says, so is she.

Marshall says, TJ is willing to give him a chance. Why won’t Curtis? Curtis says, Marshall doesn’t get to make him the bad guy, not after Marshall went behind his back to tell his nephew. Marshall says he thought Curtis already told him. If he overstepped his bounds… Curtis says, Marshall thought he’d already told TJ? Told him what? That they have the same DNA? That Marshall waited three years before he disappeared, and his family believed Marshall was dead? He grew up without a father, and grew up with a mother who was chronically ill because when Marshall left, it devastated her. Now Marshall marches boldly back into Curtis’s life, without a semblance of an explanation. Does that about sum it up? Marshall says, he told TJ the simple truth. He came back to reconnect with his family. Curtis says, they are not and never will be Marshall’s family, and Marshall says he doesn’t expect to be invited to dinner anytime soon. He knows he has a lot of work to do before he can earn Curtis’s trust, but TJ’s a grown, and unless Curtis is claiming to speak for him… Curtis says, TJ speaks for himself, and Marshall says, then they’ll keep the resentment there, between the two of them, where it belongs. You do you, and I’ll do everything in my power to prove myself, or die trying. He tells Curtis, happy Thanksgiving. He says, he doesn’t know about Curtis, but he’s feeling grateful, and leaves.

Drew says he bets Scout thought he forgot, and unwraps a glass unicorn. He hopes she still collects them, and Sam says, she does. Scout asks if she can take it, and Sam says, of course (🍷). Scout thanks Drew, and goes to show the boys upstairs. Sam tells Drew, she knows it doesn’t feel like it, but she thinks it went really well. Dante offers to leave, but Drew asks him to stay. There’s something the both of them need to know. It’s about Jason.

Sonny asks if Peter sabotaged the tunnel, but Anna says, no. He was trying to escape, using Britt and Obrecht as hostages. Jason and Drew were a formidable team, as she understands it, but there was a gun fight, and the tunnels were already unstable. He asks if they took Jason out, and she says, she had a rescue team within the hour. She promises him that they did everything they could.

Britt tells Carly, they did everything they could. If Jason had survived, they would have saved him. Carly says, no body was found? and Britt says, sometimes you don’t find a body. 50 tons of earth came down on him, and there was no sign of life detected. Carly says, no, not Jason. Jason has beaten the odds over and over again, and he’s going to beat the odds this time. She’s going to Greece. Britt says, listen to her. Jason is gone. Even saying the words makes her want to curl into a ball, but it’s true. Jason is gone and not coming back. Carly says, because of Britt, and now I want to slap and kick her.

Valentin tells the Quartermaines to enjoy what’s left of their dinner, and walks out. Monica says, this is why she has Luigi’s on speed dial.

TJ goes to the chapel, and asks if Curtis is okay. Curtis says he didn’t want TJ to find out from Marshall, but TJ says, it doesn’t matter. Curtis says, it does to him, and TJ says, at least they know who he is now, and why he’s been asking questions. God knows he has a ton of his own. Curtis says he understands why TJ wants to ask questions and find out more. Marshall is his grandfather; why wouldn’t he? TJ says, but Curtis doesn’t trust him? Curtis says he doesn’t, and doesn’t think TJ should either. Proceed with caution. TJ wonders if they can get out of there. Everyone is going to Dr. Robinson’s. Curtis says he doesn’t think he’d be good company, and asks TJ to send his regards. He’s heading to the club; he’s got some work he can do. TJ says Curtis can send his own regards. He’s coming. Curtis tells TJ to go hang with his colleagues and friends, but TJ says, not without Curtis. Curtis says TJ is as stubborn as a mule, and TJ tells him, they say it runs in the family.

Elizabeth meets Finn and Violet, and Violet says, that took forever. Finn says, it was worth the wait, and Elizabeth says, an upgrade from the scrubs? but he says she looks pretty amazing in those too. Portia comes by, saying, she’s glad she caught them. There’s been a change in plans. Nina and Phyllis join them, and Nina asks if dinner is off. Portia says, no. Same people, same food; just a different venue.

Sam says, so Drew is telling them that there’s no chance? and Drew says, not even Jason could have survived that cave-in. Sam looks at a photo of Jason and Danny, and says, it’s so unreal. Scout gets her father back, and Danny loses his. Drew says he’s sorry. If it eases the pain even a little bit, he owes his life to Jason. If Jason hadn’t shown up, he would be dead or still controlled by Peter. Jason is a hero. Dante says, that sounds about right, and Sam says, it means a lot, and thanks him. Drew says he’s got to go. He doesn’t want Monica hearing the news from someone else. He’ll leave his number, and if Sam needs anything, he’s only a phone call away. She doesn’t have to search for him this time. She says she’s glad he’s home, and he says, him too. He leaves, and she looks at the picture again. Dante says he’s so sorry, and she says, her too.

Anna tells Sonny, it’s so unfair. Jason worked hard to get back to his life, only to have it taken away again. Sonny says, this time for good. Carly… She says she thought they’d both be there, and she could tell them together, but he says he’s going to have to tell her. Did Anna tell Robin? Anna says she’s dreading this conversation, and he says he appreciates her coming by to tell him. He knows it’s hard for her too. She wipes some tears away, and says, she and Jason were often on different sides of the law, but she had respect for him as a person and a parent. Sonny says, it was mutual, and Anna asks if they can maybe just lean on each other about this. He hugs her, and she says he’s got this. She leaves and Sonny knocks some stuff around. At least the moss bowl 🎍 is out of harm’s way.

Carly says she gets that Peter set this whole thing in motion, and he’s going to pay, but Britt? Jason had feelings for her. Look what it cost him. Even when they ended things, Jason had this responsibility or guilt or whatever the hell she wants to call it. So much so, he went looking for her mom in Greece. So when Carly rewinds the tape, she wishes Jason never met Britt. The nasty bitch walks away, and Britt says she wishes that too. I gave she-devil Carly the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but she leaves herself out of every equation that she’s a part of. If not for Carly, Jason would be alive.

Anna calls Valentin, and says, guess who’s home? He says he looks forward to hearing all about Greece tomorrow, and she asks, what’s wrong with now? He says he’s in the middle of something, and she wonders if he’s all right. He says he’d rather tell her tomorrow, but welcome home, darling. He looks at a photo of Bailey on his phone, and his finger hovers over the delete button, but he doesn’t touch it. He takes a drink instead.  

Britt goes to the reception desk, and flashes back on Jason saying there’s no way to predict anything. That’s not how life works. The future is an idea; it’s not a guarantee.

Sam asks if Dante is disappointed they bailed on Thanksgiving, but he says, no. He can have pizza anytime he wants. She says, what about the kids? but he says, the kids are fine. They spend plenty of time at the Quartermaines as it is. They’re right where they’re supposed to be. She says she knows Jason lived a crazy life. She had a feeling this was going to happen. She just didn’t think it would happen so soon. Dante holds her.

Carly comes back and sees Sonny through the window. She sits at the patio table, and cries. Sonny looks out the window, and watches her.

As they arrive at the club, Curtis tells TJ that he talks a good game, but he really didn’t want to spend Thanksgiving alone. TJ says, that’s a relief, and Curtis asks, why? They go inside, and turn on the light. Everyone is there, and they yell, surprise! Curtis asks, what’s going on? and Portia says, since he wasn’t up to joining the celebration, they brought the celebration to him. She tells everyone, dig in, but Curtis says, hang on. If his Aunt Stella were there, she’d say they’re forgetting the most important part. Violet says, thank you for the food. Thank you for my family. Curtis says, amen, and everyone starts to eat. Curtis kisses Portia.

Monica looks out the front window, and sees pizza boxes. She says, look at that. She didn’t even have to order this year. They just brought the pizza. She opens the door, and Drew is holding the boxes. He says he rolled the dice, and brought some with him.

Tomorrow, Scotty tells his schnitzel, welcome back; Monica tells Drew, don’t ever say anything like that again; Britt tells someone, if they tell anyone what they saw, she’ll have them fired; and Carly tells Sonny, Jason could still be alive.

Below Deck

Eddie tells the deckhands that the wind is too strong, and tells Jake not to give the go ahead until everything is secured. He never wants to see something blowing off the boat again. In Eddie’s interview, he says he needs the deck team to step up, so he can focus on his job as first officer, and his education in the wheelhouse. He tells the deckhands, he doesn’t want one more effing thing falling off the boat. Jake says he hates the effing cushions. Heather calls the provider for neon décor and balloons, specifically a seven and a five. The guests lounge around, and Rachel demonstrates 80s dance, the vacuum cleaner, in the galley. She brings Captain Lee breakfast, and Heather tells him that they’re having an 80s party for Primary Ronnie’s 75th. The captain says he already did the 80s once. In his interview, he says he met his wife Maryann in the 80s. It changed his life. So in the 80s, he was changing his life. He was also trying to look cool, but that didn’t work out. We see a picture of him back in the day, but IMO, he looked pretty good.

Heather tells Captain Lee about Jessica’s grandmother having a procedure. I love this vague word, which could mean pretty much anything from an ingrown toenail to cancer. In Heather’s interview, she says she notices the difference in Jessica from day one to now, and we flash back to when Jessica was peppy in the beginning. Heather says she understands what’s going on with Jessica, but at some point, she needs to leave it in the cabin, and show up to do her job. The guests do water sports. In Rachel’s interview, she says she’s making Mexican food for lunch, and Mexican is up her alley. It’s great going in, and interesting coming out. Fraser asks if Heather missies her partner, and she says, definitely, but it’s something they’re used to, since the priority was always yachting. Fraser says he’s craving male attention, and in his interview, he says his first relationship lasted two and a half years. His partner was ten years older, and they were in different stages of life, so it had to end, and he was shattered. It feels like he’d better get back into it. Lunch served, and primary Ronnie says, if Rachel wanted to start a restaurant, she definitely could. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s looking forward to the 80s party. She was in the womb in the 80s, and doesn’t know much about it, but she can channel it. Rachel is told by the guests that it was the best meal ever.

Jake thinks Wes and Jessica should hook up. In his interview, he says, Wes has no game whatsoever, but he’s going to try and help him. He tells Heather that they need a push. Jake tells a TMI story about twerking, and thinking pushing out a fart would be funny, and ending up pushing out something else. Sh*t happens… literally. The trampoline goes flying, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, WTF? Wes goes out to get it on a jet ski, and in his interview, he says, Baywatch in action. He’s a skinnier version of The Rock. Call him Pebble. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, in 35 years, he’s never seen wind blow with such intensity for so long. It’s Mother Nature giving you a wakeup call. Jessica irons, and Heather passes out 80s stuff to the crew. Rachel says she loves the effing 80s, and the captain tells everyone to be in their blacks by six. Jake comes out in a neon yellow… I honestly don’t know what it is. A bodysuit with cut-outs? Fraser thinks Jake looks like a figure skater or exotic dancer; he’s effortlessly chic. I wonder if we’re looking at the same guy.

Heather tells Rachel that Rayna has a sh*t attitude, and the guests get dressed for dinner. The five balloon flies away, and the wind also takes a glass off a table, and it shatters on the deck. The guests are seated for dinner, and a lot of lobster goes out. Captain Lee joins the guests, but leaves any neon behind. Rayna is helping serve, and Heather explains that the food can’t go out without tongs to serve it. Rayna mumbles about Heather needing to do her own damn job. She’s helping; she works outside. All Fraser can come up with are ice tongs, and in her interview, Heather says she shouldn’t have to explain they need tongs. She hates the way it’s going, and how no one has the initiative to come up with a solution. Rayna tells Rachel that she’s killing it, and Ronnie picks up a gigantic steak bone, eating off of it like a caveman. Heather tells the crew to get in their 80s attire to sing Happy Birthday.

Jake tries to deal with his wedgie. Heather tells at least three crew members to let Rachel know she’s clearing the table, but ends up having to tell Rachel herself. The crew dances around in their neon, spandex whatevers, and wigs. In Eddie’s interview, he says he guesses this is what being first officer is about – leggings and a tank top that belongs to an eleven-year-old girl. Guest Stacie raves about the cake, and Captain Lee thanks them for dinner, making his getaway. Although these are relatively lowkey guests, and not like that horrifying last group. Everyone heads to bed (what I said – I’m kind of disappointed in this party), and Rayna tells Jessica that Heather is hard-headed and rude. Fraser tells Heather that he doesn’t want to put up with Jessica anymore, and in Heather’s interview, she says, it’s not a test. Either she wants to be here or she doesn’t.

Friend Issa calls Rayna, and in Rayna’s interview, she says, yachting and relationships are like oil and water. She likes the feeling of knowing someone genuinely wants to talk to you. She’s not trying to rush into anything, but reaches out for attention. Breakfast is served – lobster benedict and French toast. I don’t even like French toast that much, and I think it looks amazing. And big. Like Texas toast times four. Guest Todd sticks to scrambled egg whites, and in her interview, Rachel says scrambled egg whites are the bane of her existence, and gives two middle fingers. Eddie tells Jake that they’re dropping anchor, and to secure everything. In Eddie’s interview, he says, the last time was a complete failure, and he’s too old for this sh*t. He needs someone to take over the deck. Anchor is pulled.

Ronnie says, it’s the best three days of food he’s ever had. Rayna asks Wes to think about when dinosaurs swam in the water, and Wes bets they still are. Okay… In Fraser’s interview, he says, on a scale of one to ten, Jessica is an 8.2 in clueless. She’s neither working harder nor smarter. In Eddie’s interview, he says he’s had enough of getting yelled at for the deck team’s mistakes. This time, they didn’t even break a sweat.

The captain calls the crew to the aft deck to say goodbye. Primary Jeremy says it was awesome, and the food was spectacular. Child guest Alexander is relieved of his locked box, and Jeremy hands it to Captain Lee. When the guests are gone, the captain says, they know the drill. Fraser reveals that he has two closets; one just for uniforms. Heather is at a loss for words. It’s time for the tip meeting, and the captain says, it was a great charter. It was nice to see Jessica come out of her shell for the 80s. Jessica says, it was the purple hair, and in Fraser’s interview, he says, go Jess, less than enthusiastically. Captain Lee says, it’s almost like they all knew what they were doing. He opens the case, and says, 25 large ($25K). The crew responds with applause. He doesn’t say how much per crew member, and I try to count them fast, but they’re already gone. The captain tells them, well done. Have a good time; they earned it. Rachel makes it rain, while Heather twerks. Fraser asks Heather to put him on laundry. He’ll do nothing and not smile, and get a mention from Captain Lee. Heather tells him, who said you have to sleep your way to the top? The crew gets ready to go out, and head to a restaurant. Rachel tells Heather, curry with white pants; it’s a choice. Jake flirts with Heather, and in Heather’s interview, she says, Jake is coming on strong. If she didn’t have a boyfriend, he might stand a chance, but the ‘stache looks prettier every day. Fraser and Jake take a smoke break, and in Wes’s interview, he says, Jessica gives him butterflies. She reminds him of a big crush who broke his heart. He stopped taking chances after that. In Fraser’s interview, he says he finds Jake attractive, and might have a crush on him, but Jake is straight and he’s gay, not stupid. Jake takes off his pants at the bar, and then his underwear. It looks like they have the place to themselves, but still. There is a waitstaff. Rayna tells the bartender, the naked one is her boss.

Jake dances around, then jumps in the pool. Fraser follows, but thankfully, keeps his underwear on. They head back to the yacht, and Fraser says he’s getting naked in the hot tub. Rachel says she was okay until saw Jake’s flaccid penis flopping about. In the taxi, Jake and Fraser kiss, while Heather films on her phone. Jake says he’s not bisexual; he’s just sexually comfortable. Rachel says, nothing phases Jake, and she thinks everyone will get a ride on the mustache. Back on the boat, Eddie decides to use a blowtorch to light a cigar, and ends up setting his hair on fire. It’s put out quickly, but stinks up the place. Jake and Fraser get in hot tub. Eddie says he’s stressed because he has to work tomorrow, and asks Heather what happened with Jessica. Heather says she’s trying to keep her team intact. Captain Lee’s comment affected Fraser, and he said maybe he’d get praise if he stopped working so hard. Jake says, hummus and muffins… Everyone is so boring… A bagel for the boys… I guess he’s pretty drunk.

In the morning, Jake is still drunk, and says he’s effing trollied. The captain pumps iron, and Eddie asks if Jake remembers making out with Fraser. He doesn’t. Heather shows Fraser the video, and in his interview, Fraser says he’s mortified. Now Jake possibly thinks he’s into him, and he’s put his relationship with his best friend on the boat at risk. He’s crumbling. He says, stupid, a dozen times.

Next time, Jessica gets put on service; Heather tells Jessica, training day is over; and Eddie says he’s going to rip someone’s head off, but Captain Lee says that’s his job.

🦃 Talking Turkey…

How the soap celebs celebrated Thanksgiving.

And how their small screen counterparts gathered together.

⚰️ Dead Talk…

A deadly anniversary.

The twist in Fear.

A little bit of Mo in your life.

A preview of the end of Beyond.

After Dead.

🎭 Exiting the Stage…

My favorite musical writer/composer. Being able to write musicals as diverse from one another as Follies and Sweeney Todd, there was no one like him. May all the other stage greats who’ve gone before you, sing you to your rest.

🚴‍♀️ Getting Out While the Getting’s Good…

Even though Black Friday has come and gone, you’d think there had never been a sale before. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how much email I had this morning. Whatever the status of your inbox, stay safe, stay unpressured by the holidays, and stay knowing there’s always next year, if the dog descends on your turkey.

November 28, 2021 – Stalkers Attack Victor’s Tower, Not Exactly As Planned & Evacuate


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

Victor is having his portrait painted. In a voiceover, he tells us that Oscar Wilde said every portrait painted with feeling, is a portrait of what the artist sees, not the sitter. He wants a portrait of him, not what the artist sees; who he is, what he’s built. He wants what he sees painted. Artist Juliana, says, yes, sir, but he says, it’s Victor. Howard comes in, and says, it’s early for scotch, but Victor says, a thousand years from now, no one will question what time he drank. Howard tells him, if this place is going to see a thousand years from now, they have to populate the tower.

Howard brings in the callbox phone, and Victor picks it up, asking, how did you find this place? A man says his name is Arnold, and he’s a carpenter, but Victor says he just admitted someone with Arnold’s skillset, and hangs up. He picks up the phone again, and asks how they’ve survived. A woman says she was training with some medics, and helped a few folks along the way, and Victor hangs up. He asks Juliana how long it’s going to take, and she says, a few more sittings. Victor answers the phone, and asks where they were before this, and how they’ve survived. He barely listens, and hangs up. He tells the next one, they’re not what he’s looking for, and another, he just admitted someone with their skillset. He’ll have to turn them away. He tells Howard, don’t say it, but Howard says, he’s rejected everyone. He should at least meet them face-to-face. Victor says, they can’t give entry to every Tom, Dick, and Arnold. Howard says, some of them had skills they could use, and Victor says, he took that into consideration, but he can look at a person, and tell who they are; see what others don’t. Listening to his instincts got him this far. They didn’t need them.

Howard comes in, and Victor tells him, tell whoever it is to come back another day, but Howard says he’ll want to see this one for himself. Up on the roof, Victor looks through the binoculars, and sees Morgan holding Mo. Howard says, told him, and Victor gets on the phone, asking, to what does he owe the pleasure? Morgan tells him, he knows what Victor said before and what he said, but he needs Victor’s help. Something is wrong with Mo, and she needs to see June. Victor asks why he would let Morgan do that, and Morgan says, they’re not asking to stay, and this little girl has nothing to do with what went on between them, so please… Victor hands Howard the phone, and says, tell him to take a hike. Howard says, Morgan heard him.

Victor asks Juliana if it’s finished, and she says, she’ll put glaze on it when it’s dry, but for now. He says, let him see it, and she turns the painting around, asking if he likes it. He looks at himself for a long time.

On the roof with the painting, Juliana says she’ll fix whatever it is, but Victor flings the painting off the roof. She asks what he’s doing, and he says she should be glad it’s not her. Howard asks, what’s going on? and Victor says, she doesn’t see him; no one does. Howard says he doesn’t understand, and Victor says, no one does; that’s the problem. Howard says, why? and Victor says, Howard heard him The zombies walk all over Victor’s portrait.

Morgan looks at the Wall of the Dead, and Victor says, none of them are theirs. Morgan says, it was Victor’s idea? and Victor says, people have a right to know who’s out there. Morgan says, Charlie, Luciana, Jacob, Wes, and Daniel – they found them. Victor tells him, Wendall is there, June and Mr. Dorie. Things are not so bad, all things considered. Morgan says, Alicia? but Victor says he doesn’t know. Morgan asks why Victor let him in, but Victor says he’s the one asking questions. Why did Morgan come back? Morgan says, he had no choice. That’s his baby. Howard tells Victor, June is ready.

June is talking to Mo, when Morgan comes in. She hugs him, and says, he’s all right. He says he heard her message, and tried to get to the bunker, but Victor says, she would have died by the time Morgan got there. June says, he doesn’t know that, and Morgan asks if Mr. Dorie (aka JD) is okay. She says, he’s managing, and Victor says, he thinks Morgan is trying to ascertain whether or not June likes it there. She says, it’s certainly better than out there. She has medicine and supplies, and she’s able to help people. Howard asks for a word with Victor, and tells him that JD detected movement near the tower. Victor and Howard leave, and Morgan says June is still limited with what she can do. How different is Victor’s offer from the one Virginia gave her? She asks if he has something better, and he says, maybe. She asks, what? and he says he’s working on it. She says, so is she. John died because he ran. Virginia wasn’t playing games, and she’s not making the same mistake. Victor comes back, and asks if they have a diagnosis, and June says, Mo has a double ear infection. If it had been left untreated, it could have resulted in hearing loss. They should keep her for observation until they know the antibiotics are working. Victor asks, how long? and she says, 36-48 hours. Victor says, it looks like Morgan’s baby earned him a holiday. Can he offer Morgan a drink?

Victor pours drinks for Morgan and himself, and Morgan says, he’s not going to lie; it’s impressive. Victor says, it’s more than that. It’s a miracle, an oasis in the middle of the blast. They have clean air and clean water, everything to keep the nasty stuff from outside away. Morgan suggests they cut the sh*t. Victor didn’t bring him in there to rub his achievements in Morgan’s face. Victor says, he was already doing that while Morgan was out there. There’s something he needs Morgan to do for him; something he can’t do. Morgan says, what? and Victor says he’s not sure he can trust Morgan yet. Morgan says, Victor can’t expect him to make a deal he doesn’t know the terms of, but Victor says, it’s not a negotiation. He sits down, gun in hand, and says, doing what he asks, is the only way Morgan will see his little girl again. He smiles, and asks, shall we drink to our new deal? He raises his glass, and Morgan says, all right. They clink glasses, and suddenly, a zombie slams against the window, then slides down, leaving a trail of blood. They look out, and zombies are being catapulted toward the tower. One comes crashing through, and Victor shoves him back out. There are explosions below, and smoke is everywhere. Morgan asks if Victor is okay, and Victor asks if Morgan is. Morgan says, yeah, and Howard comes in. He tells Victor, the Stalkers are here, and Victor says, he knows. Howard says, he wants to talk to Victor, and Victor asks, who’s he? They go to the roof, and Victor looks through the binoculars. He sees a guy pick up the phone, and Howard says, he claims they met before. Victor picks up the phone, saying, he’s listening, and the guy says he sees he got Victor’s attention. Victor says, a call would have sufficed, but the guy says, he tried, and it didn’t work. Victor doesn’t recognize his voice? It’s Arnold. Victor says, he knew it. His instincts were right. He’s not changing his mind. Arnold says he doesn’t know about that. At the very least, they can destroy the tower. Victor asks what he wants, and Arnold says, the same thing as before. he and his people want a place to call home. Victor says, not going to happen, not here, not now, but Arnold says, this might change his mind. They found a warhead that was a dud, but it killed anyone who touched it, including those who put pieces of it on the dead. Victor sees a truck full zombies, and asks if those were contaminated walkers who were launched. Arnold says, no, but the next ones will be. It will make the place uninhabitable, and Morgan says he’s seen them out there. Victor says he didn’t ask anyone’s opinion. If they want this place, they won’t destroy it. Arnold says, he has one hour, and Victor tells them, get John Dorie ASAP. Morgan asks for the radio, saying, he has people in range, and they’ll be there. Victor asks how he knows Morgan isn’t working for these masked a-holes, but Morgan says, Victor has Mo. Does he think Morgan would launch explosives? Trust him. Victor says, he can’t. He needs an update from JD. Victor suddenly clutches his throat, and Morgan asks if he’s okay. Victor can’t breathe, and tells Howard to get June.  

Victor wakes up inside, and June is there. He asks how long he was out, and June says, ten minutes. Howard says, they haven’t fired any more dead, and Victor asks, how much damage? Howard says, mostly the lower stories, but there are no casualties that they know of. They haven’t cleared the tunnels, so they can’t leave. Victor doesn’t think it’s a coincidence; they poisoned him. He knows it. June says she’ll get an IV, and Victor asks if JD is on the roof. Howard gets JD on the radio, and JD says, he’s got them in his sites. If he fires, he’ll blow up the whole lot, Unless they want the tower to be extra crispy, he suggests they hold off, and Victor asks how long they have. Howard says, 47 minutes, and Victor says, tell them to hold off. Tell JD, if they launch anything, drop whoever he can before it hits the building. Howard tells JD, stand by and stay locked. Morgan says he can take care of it if Victor lets him radio Grace, and Victor asks what Morgan is doing here. Morgan tells him not to let what’s gone on between them stop Victor from taking help. There are lives at stake; his daughter’s life. Let him help. Victor says, get him out of here, but Morgan says he just wants to help. Howard says, there are no radios; everything there is hard wired. Morgan asks if that’s why they stripped the submarine, and Victor says, unlike Morgan, they don’t broadcast things. Morgan says, they must have walkies, and Howard says, in the armory. Morgan asks where it is, and Victor says, Morgan doesn’t get to ask questions as if he’s in charge. Morgan says he’s just asking if he can relay a message, and Victor begins to breathe heavy.

Howard radios Ollie, and realizes the line has been severed. Victor says, they have to find another way to stop these a-holes. Zombies are launched at the third and fourth floors, and Victor says he was told an hour. Fires break out, things blow up, and the lights go out. JD says, they’re early, and Howard answers the phone. He tells Victor that Wen says Arnold is on the callbox, and Victor says, patch him through. He yells for them to get the artifacts away from the windows. He gets on the callbox phone, and tells Arnold, he said no more surprises for an hour. Arnold says, their scope was glinting. It was just a warning to make sure Victor doesn’t try anything funny. Victor asks, were the dead clean? and Arnold says, the next won’t be. He suggests they leave the roof. June says, there are probably injured on the lower floors, but Victor says, no one leaves until they know what they’re dealing with. Morgan says he knows how to deal with it, and Victor hobbles to a basin and throws up. June says, Victor was right. He was given methylene blue. Victor says, someone put it in his food. What will it do to him? She says, it depends on how much he ingested and when, and Victor asks if it will kill him, but she says she doesn’t know.

JD says he can figure out a deal. He’s had a lot of experience talking people down from doing crazy things. Howard asks how that worked with Teddy. Only Victor represents the tower. Victor says, question everyone, and JD says he’s not sure this is the time, but Victor says, do it. He needs to get to the armory, and radio Grace for assistance. Morgan is surprised, and Victor says he’s doing what’s best for the tower. He’s not the selfish a-hole they make him out to be. He’ll do it himself. Howard says they don’t know if the stairwells are intact, and JD says, there could be fires, dead, but Victor says he’s doing it himself, drawing his sword to make his point. He says, someone in the tower poisoned him, and Howard says, he’s been there since the beginning, but Victor says, that doesn’t mean anything. He can’t trust anyone until he’s figured it out. JD says, those people tried kill him, and June too, but Victor says he doesn’t know that. June has access to the medicine; JD won’t interrogate anyone; and Wen is angry because Victor turned his sister away. Wen says, she was here? and Morgan says, she didn’t want him to know. Wen asks why Victor would do that, and Victor says, for the same reason he turns anyone away. He was trusting himself; what he’s doing now. June says he’s not going to make it, and Victor says, she’s right. That’s why Morgan is coming with him. Howard reminds him that he said he didn’t trust Morgan, and Victor says, he does, as long as he has Mo. Hand her over. Morgan says, not a chance, but one of Victor’s people holds a gun on him. Mo cries, and Morgan says, okay, giving Mo to Victor. He says, if Victor hurts her… and Victor says, he knows, so don’t give him a reason to. Howard says, they have 35 minutes. They leave, and we hear the clock ticking.

Victor and Morgan come to a large shaft that goes down several floors. There are random zombies sticking their hands out from the walls. Morgan says, they were trying to take shelter from the first blast. He asks if Mo is still asleep; June said the medicine might knock her out. He thinks Victor doesn’t know what he’s doing; being sick has made him see ghosts where there ain’t any. Victor says, if Morgan did that to him, he’ll do everything he can to take him out, but Morgan says, he’s not Victor. He tells Victor, he’s not lowering the three of them down, and Victor says, then they all die. 29 minutes. Let him go. Morgan tells him, stay with her. He’s not going anywhere without her. He asks where the opening is, and Victor says, it’s in the basement service corridor. Morgan tells him, take care of her. If anything happens to her, he’ll do worse to Victor than they will out there. Victor says, agreed.

Morgan swings on a rope past the dead’s outstretched, grasping arms, lowering himself down. Victor tells Mo, he’s not her papa; he’s Victor Strand, her temporary guardian. Morgan swings past more dead and into a window. Victor tells Mo about the tower, and how he and Morgan both tried to save the things they loved. Morgan says he’s down, and it looks intact. Mo cries, and Morgan calls to Victor. Victor says, he’s up here, and Morgan asks if he’s okay. Victor says, he’s fine and dandy, but Morgan says, lower her down. If something happens, and he turns… He’s not moving until Mo is in his arms. Victor says, don’t move, and they all die. He doesn’t think Morgan will let that happen. Morgan says, pass her down, and Victor tells Mo that everyone is interested in her. His father barely looked at him. She should enjoy it now. Morgan asks if Victor wants to save this place or not, and Victor says he’s doing it. Morgan tells Victor, keep talking to him, and Victor asks, what is Morgan? His therapist? He tells Mo that she’s going for a little ride. Her papa is down there. Morgan asks why Victor let him in, but Victor says, it doesn’t matter. Morgan says, don’t tell him that, and Victor carefully lowers Mo down, making me a nervous wreck. Morgan says, maybe Victor can find a way to trust him, but Victor says, that’s how you lose. He only trusts people if has a reason. Morgan grabs the baby, and we all breathe a sigh of relief. Victor says, Morgan’s not coming back, is he? and Morgan tells Mo that it’s going be over soon. Sweating bullets, Victor says, Alicia, and Morgan says Victor told him that he didn’t know where she was. Victor says, he doesn’t know, but if she’s alive, he wants Morgan to find her. Morgan asks why Victor doesn’t look, and Victor says he doesn’t think Alicia would like it if he found her, but she’d go with Morgan. Morgan promises to be back, and Victor puts his head in his hands.

June gives Victor a shot, and tells him to relax; he’s very dehydrated. Victor asks if they’re gone, and Morgan says, all he did was get the walkie. Grace and Sarah did the rest, and Victor has them to thank. June says she can’t stay; she has to help injured. She thinks most of it is out of Victor’s system. Morgan says, he’ll bring Victor up when he’s strong enough to walk, and Victor thanks June. She tells him, don’t ever use her medical skills again to help him get what he wants, and leaves. He asks Morgan, how the child is, and Morgan says, fine. She’s with JD. Victor says, Morgan brought him to June, when he could have kicked him over the edge. Morgan says, it crossed his mind, and Victor asks, why didn’t he? Morgan tells him, what he said about Alicia. If he’d done that, she wouldn’t want either one of them to find her. Victor says, he did what needed to get done, but it still wasn’t enough, and Morgan says, they’ll find her, but Victor will have to make it the kind of place she’ll want to live in. Victor asks what he means, and Morgan says, a lot of people need a place like this; people Victor knows. Victor says, what if Morgan doesn’t find her? and Morgan asks what Victor’s gut tells him, and Victor says, he thinks Morgan will; they will. Morgan holds out his hand to help Victor up, and Victor sees blue under Morgan’s thumb nail. He flashes on Morgan putting the drug in his drink, and says, it was him. Was his baby even sick? He tries to fight with Morgan, but Morgan gets him down, Morgan says, he’d never put everyone’s life in danger, but Victor says, Morgan was working with them. Morgan says he stopped them, and Victor says, Morgan tried to kill him. Morgan says, Victor gave him no choice. Howard comes up behind Morgan, and tells him, stand up and back away. Victor says, take him to the roof.

Victor says he should never let Morgan in, as he pushes Morgan halfway off the roof, and over the zombie crowd. The callbox phone rings, and Victor tells Howard to answer it. It’s Grace, and Victor says, she shouldn’t watch this, but she says, he needs her help. He says he already got it, but she says, some walkers got loose who were exposed to the warhead. She thinks they joined the others around the building. Victor says he knows what she’s doing, and it’s not going to work, but she says, if they go off, he knows what happens. Even if they don’t, they’ll be leaking what’s inside for months. He asks what her play is, and she says, she’ll find them, and help remove them. He says, for what? and she says, Morgan’s life, and her daughter’s. Victor asks Howard if he thinks she’s telling the truth, and Howard looks at the smoking mess left behind. He says he thinks so, and Victor says, if she’ll help him, he’ll let her come in, but she has to live by the same rules, and doesn’t get to leave. Morgan says, don’t do it, and Victor says, shut up. He asks if they have a deal, and Grace says, yes. Victor says, it’s a deal, and Morgan says, let him talk to her. Victor says, the deal is struck; do as you please. He hands Morgan the phone, and Morgan says, she didn’t have to do that. She says she knows, but she wanted to; for him, for her, for their family. He says he’ll find his way back to her, and Victor hangs up the phone, saying, no, he won’t, but he’s got nothing to worry about. He’ll give her everything Morgan couldn’t; food, shelter, and security. Show Mr. Jones the exit. He tells Howard, get some lunch, and retrieve his painting.

Howard tells Victor, Grace says she can find the irradiated dead if she has access to the equipment. Victor asks if they have what she requires, and Howard says, some of it. He asks if everything is okay, and Victor says, he was wrong. He didn’t see what Morgan was up to. Howard says, from everything Victor told him, he doesn’t see how he could have. Does Victor want him to have Juliana come and clean the portrait up? Victor says, no. He likes it like this. This is the way people need to see him. Howard asks if Victor is sure everything all aright, and Victor says, he was wrong about Morgan. Who else has he been wrong about? Howard tell him not to let Morgan make him second guess himself, and Victor tells Howard to bring him the baby. He wants to spend time with her. Howard says he didn’t know Victor liked children, and Victor says she’s got to get used to her new father some time. Howard leaves, and we see the painting, now all ripped and messed up, with blood on it. Victor admires it.

Morgan walks in the dark, looking like a nomad, in a hood and holding his embellished pokey stick. He stops, and says he knows someone is there. Show yourself. He’s not in the mood for this. A few masked people come out of the darkness, and Dwight and Sherry ride up. Morgan says, they’re alive, and Sherry says, so is he. Morgan asks if they’re traveling with the Stalkers. If they are, there are things they ought to know. Dwight says Morgan doesn’t know the half of it.

They go to a camp, and Dwight says, the wind is in the right direction. They can take their masks off. Morgan asks how long Dwight and Sherry have been running with them, and Sherry says, a couple weeks. It’s getting rough out there. Morgan says he knows; what are they doing here? Sherry says their leader wants to talk to him, and Morgan says, show him where he is. Sherry says, he means where she is. I say, I think it’s Alicia.

A woman in Stalker garb comes out of a tent, and Morgan says, he just told her people, he doesn’t want any trouble. The woman says she didn’t bring him there to cause trouble, and takes off her mask. I was right, and Alicia and Morgan hug. She tells him that he looks like sh*t, and he says, to be honest, he feels like sh*t. They thought they lost her. She says she was safely underground while the rest of the world burned, and he says he doesn’t get this. They’re the ones who attacked the tower? She says, those aren’t her people. Not anymore. He asks what’s going on? What is this about? She says, these people are tired, hungry, and getting desperate, and Morgan says, so are they. He doesn’t know how much he can give her. She says, there is. That’s why she asked Dwight and Sherry to find him. Someone yells, all hands! and we see zombies headed for the camp. Alicia says, it looks like Morgan picked up a few strays.

Morgan takes a better look, and says, don’t shoot! but it’s too late. They shoot at the zombies, who explode. Morgan looks up, and says, everybody run now!

Next time – the mid-season (I think that’s what we’re calling it) finale – Alicia tells Morgan why she needs him, the P.A.D.R.E. file is found, and Dwight tells Morgan it’s time to go to work.

The Walking Dead World Beyond

When we last left, Jadis told the soldiers to eliminate some to traumatize the many.

Leo and the others who were hiding, detonated some bombs around the CRM compound, each of them blowing one off. I guess it’s so they would all be accountable, like in Murder on the Orient Express. Felix said there was no going back now, like there had been any going back before. Jadis tried find out what going on, and wondered where they’d gotten explosives. Leo radioed Jadis, who scolded him, saying, the soldiers might mean nothing to him, but they’d dedicated their lives to the future. He’d put everyone in jeopardy. Leo said that one was just for show, and they were willing to escalate. She told him that he’d crossed a line. Leo said they were done with the CRM, and they were leaving today, all of them. Jadis said he wasn’t in a position to bargain, and he told her they had Mason. Hope begged, and mason reluctantly got on the radio, and told Jadis to please get him out of there. Jadis asked what Leo wanted, and he said, two transport trucks with full tanks of gas, and no tricks. Jadis asked if he was willing to throw away an entire species. Leo said they were murderers, but he and the others would eventually save everyone, even them. She said he wouldn’t find safety and security out there. There would be no progress, only death and the dead. He said they had thirty minutes, and she congratulated him on roping a bunch of smart people into a suicide mission. Jadis then scolded Huck, saying, Huck’s mission had been to make sure Hope understood. Huck said it wasn’t her fault the CRM killed people and Hope found out.

Silas tended to Dennis, saying, Dennis didn’t deserve a bullet wound for helping him out. Dennis said, sometimes helping hurts like hell. Silas asked if Dennis wanted him to radio Huck, but Dennis didn’t want to risk blowing her cover. He was sorry for what Huck had done to Silas, but Silas said she’d been saving the world. Elton came back, and said he couldn’t find antibiotics, but found some vodka. Dennis poured the vodka on his wound, and told Silas to hold him down while Elton took out the bullet. Elton took a swig from the bottle, and Dennis told him to get a good grip before he pulled it out. It was painful to watch, but Elton was successful. Dennis told him, nice work, and told Silas, stick to the plan, and find his friends.

Felix checked the trucks out, and the lieutenant whose name I still don’t know (and pretty soon, it won’t matter) said, if it was up to him, he’d put a bullet in Felix’s head, but not while they had Mason. Felix told him to have the trucks backed up, and when he saw the lieutenant again, he’d kill him. Felix went back to Leo, who said the CRM thought they were all leaving, but as long as they had Mason, the CRM wouldn’t try anything. Felix, Percy, Iris, and Hope were staying behind to find the gas the CRM was going to use on Portland. Iris said, if it worked, they’d be right behind Leo. Mason asked Iris and Hope where they were going that was better than there, and Iris told him that he didn’t know sh*t about the place.

Silas and Elton set off firecrackers on the road as they drove. Silas asked if Elton still had the map to the research place. Elton said he did, and Silas said, they’d be making a stop first. The dead began to block the road behind them. Iris asked if Percy ever thought about what comes next, and he said, as long as he could remember, it had been him and his uncle; finding their own way, making their own luck, and making a sh*tty world a little less sh*tty. Just him and Iris would be nice when it was over. She asked where he wanted to go, and he said he’d always wanted to go to the Getty museum. It wasn’t the Louvre, but they had a good collection. She said they could grow their own crops on the lawn, and I wondered what kind of crops she wanted to grow, since that was just weird.

Felix and Hope snuck around downstairs, and came across some still frozen zombies, which made head stabbing more difficult. Hope had to tangle with zombie Lyla, and ended up slamming her head in a door until there was nothing left. Hope said, f*** this place, and I was like, we can say that on this station now?

Not happy when she saw the trucks, Jadis was even less happy when a soldier said there were 1000 incoming dead. They were minutes away from a full breach. Jadis told her to have a team distract them with charges, and send the others to the western gates. Felix told Hope, Iris, and Percy that the CRM knew they were still there; they were scrapping the plan. Hope asked if they were giving up on Portland, and Felix said, the gas had been moved and they didn’t have time. He radioed the others about the change in plans, and Iris asked Mason – who they had left behind, tied up where he was – where the gas was. He said he didn’t have anything to do with that, and if they’d done what she was saying, it was for a reason. Percy said he thought Mason was telling the truth. Felix said they were leaving now. Huck volunteered to help with the dead breach, but Jadis told her to stay there. Huck has a perpetually worried look, so it’s hard to tell if she really is.

Silas and Elton got to the CRM, and Silas thanked Elton for helping, since he could have gone with the others. Elton said, so much had worked out; this would too. Silas headed for the medical supplies, but was caught by a soldier, who said the friends Silas had been looking for where the ones causing all this grief. He had orders to shoot on sight. Silas said he was there for Dennis, who’d gotten hurt, but the soldier said, sorry; he had orders. Elton came up behind him, cracking him in the head, and told Silas, he’d said it would work out. They snuck into the medical supply room and grabbed antibiotics. There was banging on the door, but they heard the soldier being overpowered by zombies, and blood seeped under the door. Silas didn’t think they’d make it back to the jeep, but Elton looked outside and thought he knew a way.

They got inside the globe sculpture Indira had designed, and rolled over the zombies like that big cheese wheel in Z Nation. Then they conveniently came to a stop right at the edge of the road, and ran. Felix and his group went to the truck, and Jadis radioed her troops, saying, they had them where they wanted them. She told the rest of the soldiers to back off, and Felix said, once they were out, they’d let Mason go, but Jadis said, they’d shown nothing to make her trust them. It was Felix’s group, them, and a giant column of the dead coming. They’d see who blinked first.

Jadis said they were in a no win situation, and Felix said if they tried anything, he’d kill Mason. Then they’d be out of luck. Jadis said, so would they. Without Mason, there was nothing to stop them. They blamed the CRM for the outcome of their own actions. She asked if they were pleased with the result, and Iris said, they’d had no choice. The CRM covered up a genocide. Jadis said, it was the only world Iris knew, and she was too young to appreciate what had been lost. Iris said, they’d murdered a hundred thousand people, but Jadis said, they were going to die anyway. The CRM had made hard choices, so the civilians didn’t have to. The Campus Colony, Omaha, and Portland had become a drain on the CRM’s resources. They were too reliant, and would have never become self-sustaining. It was only a matter of time before famine struck. At best, they would have died slowly from starvation, and at worst, disease and conflict would spread to the Civic Republic, the light of the world setting forever. They ended it quickly, so a chance for humanity survived. It was mercy. The greatest minds were sent there to contribute to scientific progress. Their legacy would be stopping the dead from walking. Hope asked why they had a right to decide who lived or died, and Jadis said their work made her existence possible. Huck could see a sniper getting into place, and Jadis went on and on and on. She said they’d be cute if they weren’t so pathetic. A couple of zombies toddled up behind Felix and company, and while they were distracted, Mason head-butted Felix and ran. Everyone went in different directions, and Huck shot some CRM soldier, then told Jadis to drop her weapon.

Percy got shot in the melee, and Iris ran to him. Hope went after Mason, whose hands were still tied. He fell and she said, he did this. She said her and her goddam family did this. Everything would have been okay, and it’s what they deserved. Hope said her sister was right. He was the same as the rest of them, and never gave a sh*t. She got ready to shoot him, but Iris told her not to. Poor Felix was the only one busy shooting at zombies, and Iris told Hope that if she did this to Mason, she’d be doing something to herself all over again. Hope flashed back to shooting Elton’s mother, and dropped the gun. Felix pulled up, and Huck told them to go. Steam was coming out of Jadis’s ears, and she said she guessed Huck’s mother was right. If Huck spared her life, she’d give Huck a five minute head start. She might stand a Mason yelled for help, as the zombies advanced, and I had to laugh. Jadis took off, and Huck shot zombies until she was out of bullets. She grabbed a jeep, and got the hell out of there.  

On the phone with the colonel, Jadis said they were compromised. In a CYA move, she said she wished she’d been brought in sooner to prevent this, but she’d fix it. She thanked them for placing their trust in her. Felix, Iris, and Hope went to the rendezvous point, and radioed Leo, who’d gotten a flat tire about two miles away. He’d sent the others ahead, and could patch the tire, but figured whoever left the spikes wasn’t far behind. Felix said the Hummer would be easy to spot, and went to find Leo on foot, leaving Iris and Hope to wait.

Huck ditched her uniform, and went to find Dennis, who was barely conscious. She asked what happened, and he said he got too friendly with a bullet. Elton and Silas saw Hope and Iris, and there was hugging and tears. Silas asked where Percy was, and Iris started crying. Hope said the gas was probably on its way to Portland, and the CRM had won. They were going to destroy another city, and there wasn’t sh*t they could do about it. They had a group hug, which isn’t too smart in a forest where there are zombies loose.

Huck did her own crying, and looked at her wedding ring, making us assume Dennis had died. She radioed Hope, and said she thought she’d found something. Hope asked where she was, and we saw her in a lot containing tons of storage units with the gas in them.  

Next time – the show finale – Fighting! Zombies! Hope says, it’s not about them; it’s about the future.

🍗 The Food Party’s Over…

News of the Dead on the morrow, along with the usual. Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving if you celebrated, or the day if you didn’t. Whether you’re starting a new week, ending an old one, or refuse to bow to labeling days, stay safe, stay serene, and stay making a sh*tty world a little less sh*tty.

November 24, 2021 – Sam Gets a Thanksgiving Surprise, Grateful For a Finale, Afterward, Trying To Get Back, Thanksgiving TV, Ten Little Quotes Of Gratitude & Alice


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase’s phone rings while he’s in the shower. He grabs it, and asks Brook, what’s up? She asks where he is, and he says, in the shower; he did the turkey trot this morning. She asks if cops aren’t supposed to be peace keepers. She needs him there to keep the peace. He asks, what’s going on? and she says, nothing yet, but her father’s head is going to explode when he finds out it’s Chase, not Valentin, who’s Bailey’s father. He asks her to let him get the soap out of his eyes, and dry off, and she says, don’t forget, this was his idea. Now they have to sell it. He says he has to talk to Finn first, and she says she needs him now. He asks if she remembers who saved her bacon from Valentin, and she says, actually he saved Bailey’s bacon from Peter. He tells her, they’re in this together. Stop ordering him around, and he’ll be there soon. She says, just wear a tie, and he says, sure. It will give her father something handy to string him up with.

Austin tells TJ that he did a great job. What’s next? Is he going to choose ER again as his next elective rotation? Finn walks up, and says, infectious diseases. Austin’s loss, his gain. Austin asks, what’s the fun in that? There’s no adrenaline rush in internal medicine. Finn says he’d be surprised, and TJ asks what Austin’s plans are today. Austin says, go home, eat a turkey burger, and watch football. Marshall watches from the landing above.

Curtis is looking at the photo Marshall gave him, when Portia comes into the club. He asks what she’s doing there. He thought he locked the door. She says, no, it was open. Is he okay? He says he just didn’t hear her come in, and she says he looked like he was a million miles away. She didn’t hear back, which isn’t like him, so she decided to come check. He says he got her text, but he has so much going on. He’s sorry. What’s up? She says, dinner, for one. Is he still coming? He says, when? and she says, today. Thanksgiving? She asks if he’s okay.

Dante and Sam watch the parade with the kids from Sam’s balcony, and Rocco says, this is sweet. He wonders why they haven’t done it before, and Sam tells him, play his cards right, and he’ll get invited again. Jake says he’s glad they came; it can get boring. Dante comes up behind Sam, putting his arms around her. He wants to lock down another invite, and she thinks it can be swung. They go inside, and Jake says, that was awesome. Sam tells them to take their coats off, and asks, who’s ready for some treats? Rocco asks where the treats are, and Dante says he and Sam will get that sorted out. They have a movie ready to go upstairs, Kristina Comes Home for Christmas. The boys roll their eyes, and Sam tells Danny that he’s being rude. Rocco says, that movie’s ancient, and Dante says, that’s the point. Good old-fashioned Christmas magic. Scout says she wants to see it, and Sam says, that’s her girl. Go upstairs, and they’ll get some snacks ready. They head upstairs, and Dante says Sam saved his butt. They didn’t want to watch the movie, but she had snacks and treats. She says she has some tricks up her sleeve. She has cookies, muffins, donuts, and cupcakes from Kelly’s. He says, what about coffee? and she says, and nachos. She asks if he thinks the kids are getting along, and he says, yeah. He knows Rocco misses Charlotte. The holidays are always tough without his mom, but he seems happy with Scout and Danny. She says, Danny and Scout miss Jason, and Drew, and he says, at least they get to see their families at the Quartermaines. There’s a holiday movie for her. He thinks it would be a horror film. She says, there’s a sequel at the Davis’s. Is he sure he’s up for it? He says, of course (🍷) he is. He and her mom are good; they made peace. As long as she’s up for what that means, if they show up at their families’ houses at the holidays with their kids together. She says, it’s a big deal, and he says, it makes them official.

Brook tells Ned to go easy on the coffee. He might want to switch to decaf, the way family Thanksgivings go around here. He says, not this year. Things are finally looking up. He and Olivia are finally on the same page. After Leo’s disappearance last night at Ava’s gallery, she came to realize, Leo does need to see a specialist; that he was only acting in Leo’s best interest. Which doesn’t let Brook off the hook for letting Leo out of her eyesight, or using Austin’s genuine concern for Leo against him. She says, she did it for the family. If he’s going to be mad at her for losing Leo and sticking it to Austin, he can kiss the Normal Rockwell Thanksgiving he envisions goodbye. It’s never been the Q’s reality, and it’s not going to start now.

Chase looks in the mirror, and says he can do this. He practices telling Finn about Bailey, and says, he so doesn’t have this.

TJ tells Austin that Portia is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner. They’re all going to be there. Him and Molly… Finn says, Elizabeth and her kids, him and his daughter Violet, his brother Chase. It’s a good group. TJ says Austin will be welcome. No one should be alone on Thanksgiving. He and his Uncle Curtis will have the game on as well. Austin thanks him, but declines, and Finn asks if he’s holding out for a better offer. Olivia asks if she can talk to Austin a second, but he says, no. He’s done talking to her or anyone else in her family ever again. He walks away, and she runs after him. Finn tells TJ that he’s losing his reputation as the quirkiest doctor at GH, and TJ says he wasn’t aware that was Finn’s reputation. Finn says, diplomacy will get him far. Finn looks forward to working with him, and says, see him at dinner.

Curtis says his mind is just trying to figure out what’s real and what isn’t, and Portia asks if he’s talking about the club. Yesterday, he was wondering if the mob was blocking his musical guests, and then arranging for that singer to just magically appear. Did he figure something out? He says, yes, but it wasn’t what he thought. No shadowy organizations. That might have actually been simpler. She says, simpler than what? but he’s not ready to get into this right now. She asks if it’s about the man in the sketch, the one who was asking her and TJ questions about Curtis and the club. What’s going on? He says he wishes he knew, and she says, okay. She sees that he doesn’t want to talk about it right now, so she won’t pry, but if he changes his mind, she’s there to listen. And if he doesn’t feel like coming to dinner, she completely understands. She’ll miss him, but hopes he works through whatever’s going on. She starts to leave, but he tells her, wait. She’s the only one he can talk to about this. Would she stay? Please?

Dante and Sam get the snacks ready, and Dante asks what she wants to bet the kids will be bouncing off the walls by lunch. She says, as long as they don’t break anything too precious at the Quartermaines, she thinks she’ll be okay, and he says, the advantage of going to the Quartermaines is that everything of value has probably been broken or moved. She says, Monica does like having a full house. She’s glad they didn’t tell her that Drew is alive, because then they’d have to tell her that he’s presumed dead, and that would really hurt her. He says, came close though, and she says, it would have been the ultimate gift to bring Drew home for the holidays, not only for Monica, but for Scout. She just hopes Jason makes it home in time for Christmas for Danny’s sake. Dante says, if not, he and Rocco will come decorate the tree with her, but then they have to come and help them decorate theirs, and do things like ice skating. He can teach her how to do that too. She says she’s totally down for that; it all sounds good. Their little families are blending so well. He tells her, like his mother would say, like buttah.

Oliva asks Austin to listen to what she has to say before she breaks her ankle walking in these shoes. He stops, and she says she was wrong about him; about his motives in insisting her son needs to see a specialist. She was in denial, and the other night, something happened. Leo disappeared, and if he hadn’t given that heads up, and Ned hadn’t taken him seriously, she doesn’t think they would have found him in time. Austin says, he was near water, and she says, he was, and because Ned did his homework, they knew to search for him by the docks. Then everything just fell into place. The whole thing Austin was wondering about, and Ned was wondering about, it all makes sense. And she’s committed to getting her son all the support he needs. Austin says, that’s great news, and she says, it’s all because of him. She’s truly sorry that she accused him of using her son to further his position with ELQ. She hopes he forgives her.

Ned asks why Brook is so defensive. Does it have anything to do with Valentin and Charlotte packing up and moving out last night? She says she has to check on Bailey, but he says, stop right there. Initially, he admits he was relieved to see them go, but after seeing Yuri, he noticed Yuri was particularly upset. So he questioned Yuri, and he kept repeating the same phrase about Bailey and Belarus. Ned entered the phrase into the translator, and it was something about the right seed. He’s impressed at how she and Valentin have co-parented. It’s a sign of maturity on her part. So if she’s hit a bump, that doesn’t mean it’s insurmountable. Look at him and Olivia. Whatever’s going on, he’s there to help if he can. She says, he can’t. Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father.

Chase goes to Finn’s office, and says he was hoping to find Finn there. Finn says he’s catching up on patient files, and asks if Chase is working a case. Chase says he’s off today, and Finn asks if he isn’t overdressed for football with TJ and the boys. By the way, Violet is playing quarterback; she’s got the whole thing worked out. Chase says, about that… and Finn says, he’s still coming to dinner, right? Chase says, something’s come up.

Curtis tells Portia, after he tracked down Linc, he found out Linc was working for someone else. She says, the guy from the sketch? Not organized crime. He says he honestly doesn’t know, but the guy came in and they talked. He was the one responsible for getting the artist here. She says, which is why he was so interested in asking questions about The Savoy, but he was also interested in Curtis too. Curtis says, he was interested in both him and the club, and she says, which is why he did Curtis that huge favor? He says, apparently, but he also wanted a relationship. She asks, why? and Curtis says the guy claimed to be his father. She says she thought his father passed when he was a child, and he says, that’s what he was told, and that’s what he believed. Then this man Marshall – of course (🍷) that’s what he says his name is – comes in and tells him otherwise. She asks if he believes Marshall.

Curtis shows Portia the photo, and says, it was the last photo took before he left. She says, there’s a real resemblance between the man in the photo and the man who approached her and TJ. He says he showed Marshall the sketch, and when he asked why his mom and Aunt Stella let him and Tommy believe Marshall was dead, he couldn’t give a straight answer. He said he left because it wasn’t safe, whatever the hell that means. Curtis has to admit, it brought up feelings he didn’t know he had about not having a father in his life. How that pain and emptiness felt growing up, and he didn’t even realize it. About how a sudden disappearance suddenly made his life unpredictable. He never processed that, much less talked about it, until Marshall said he was his father. She says, he was only a child; he was three years old. He probably buried it. That’s exactly how trauma works. It seems Curtis might actually believe it’s true. He says, it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want a relationship either way, and told Marshall that. At least he had the decency to get the hell out of Curtis’s life again. She asks if that’s the end of it? and he says, it better be, but she says she’s wondering if that’s what he really wants, or is he just trying to protect himself? He’s been a detective and a cop; he must have questions. Maybe there’s more to the story. He says, maybe.

Dante says he hopes Sam is ready to be showered with approval; his mom has been advocating for this a long time. She says she can’t believe she got Olivia’s approval, and he says, she got it big time. She says, that means a lot, and he says, he didn’t tell her, but there was kind of a situation with Leo last night. She asks, what happened? and he says, Leo is okay, but they think he might be on the autism spectrum. She says, she’s so sorry. She knows how trying that can be. He says she told him about her brother, and she says, it wasn’t nearly the same thing, but it was… challenging? He had a genetic disorder that caused behavioral issues. He was a loving boy, so well-rounded, and sweet, and kind. She loved him so much. She tears up, and Dante holds her.

Finn tells Chase, they should be together on Thanksgiving, especially since their mom and dad can’t make it. Just to guilt him some more, Violet will be very disappointed if he doesn’t come. Chase says he hate the thought of letting Violet down. Maybe he can swing by after. Finn says, after what? and Chase says, something’s come up; something he can’t get out of. Finn asks, what’s so urgent? and Chase says, it’s personal. Finn says, like a date? and Chase says, sort of. Finn asks if he can be more vague. What’s the name of the lucky lady who got him to turn his back on his family? Chase says, the mother of his child.

Ned asks what the hell Brook is talking about, and she says, does she really need to spell it out for him? He says, she means she was with more than one man around the same time, and she didn’t know who the father was? She says, it’s a little more complicated that. She knew who the father was, and decided not to be truthful about it for reasons she’s sure he can guess. He says, the ELQ shares? and she says, yes. He says, and she told Valentin last night? and she says, yes. He asks if she’s going to tell him who the father, is or does he not know yet? She says, he knows. He’s wonderful. Not that they have feelings for each other; it’s more casual. They’re friends, which is good, and Ned actually kind of likes him, more than he likes Valentin. He says, that’s not a high bar. So who is it? Who is Bailey’s father? She tells him, it’s Chase.

Finn tells Chase, wait… What?… How?… He knows how. Who’s the mother? Chase asks if Finn remembers when he and Willow broke up. Brook was on the outs with the Qs and she moved in for a while. Finn says, Brook Lynn Quartermaine, Tracy’s granddaughter; she’s the mother, and she didn’t tell him? Chase says, it’s complicated, but he just found out. Brook is a great mom. Finn says, a good mom makes all the difference. So Brook was lying to Valentin and Chase? Chase says, she was, but the lie is over, and they’re sorting through things. Finn says, just like that. Chase isn’t angry? Chase says, at first there were a lot of emotions, but he realized it’s only been a few months, and for part of that time he was living in the same house as Bailey. He held her and sang to her. Finn says, and Brook wants Chase to be part of Bailey’s life? Chase says, absolutely, and Finn says, Chase and Brook, are they…? Chase says, no; they’re just friends. Just that one time. Finn says, sorry. It’s a lot to take in. Congratulations, bro. He fathered a beautiful baby girl. He hugs Chase, saying, he’s happy for him, and Chase says, congratulations to him too. He’s an uncle. Finn says, Violet’s been asking for baby sister; he guesses a baby cousin is the next best thing. Chase asks if Finn can do him a favor and not mention it to Violet or anyone else, especially mom and dad. Brook hasn’t told her family yet, and the situation with Valentin is tricky. Finn says, of course (🍷), and tells Chase to watch his back with them. Not only does Chase have to deal with Valentin and all his nonsense, but the Quartermaines and that brings. Is he sure he’s prepared?

Ned says, Detective Chase is the father? He was here all this time, and they never said a word about it. Brook says, Chase didn’t know, and he says, she never told him? And he never even suspected? She says, she told him that Valentin was the father, and Ned says, but she knew he wasn’t. She kept the truth from Chase because she wanted use her child to get the ELQ shares back. She says, it was her fault they lost control of ELQ; she had to do something. He says, they were just shares. She kept that child from her real father. This is a mess. He has no one to blame but himself. He put too much pressure on Brook; now look where they are. Chase lost time with his daughter, and Valentin lost a child he thought was his. Both of these men’s lives have been completely upended. She says she’s so sorry, but he can’t blame himself. She takes responsibility. She truly did what she thought she had to do. He says, at least he still has his beautiful granddaughter; that won’t change. Just tell him, how did Valentin react to the news? She says, he was devastated, and very angry. Ned says, he’s bound to fight back.

Austin says he’s very happy to hear Olivia has come around, and is there for Leo. That little boy deserves the best chance he can get to have a great life. Olivia agrees, and says she’s committed to getting that for him. She just wishes she hadn’t thought the worst of Austin, and realizes now how lucky they all were that he spotted this and came forward. He says, no parent wants to hear that their child isn’t typical. There’s a pediatric neurologist at GH who’s so great. He’d be happy to give her an introduction. She says she already made an appointment online. She doesn’t want to waste any more time. He says he’s glad to hear that, and she says she’d like to make it up to him. He can join them for Thanksgiving; there’s going to be plenty of food. He shakes his head, and she says he doesn’t forgive her, and he says he can’t forgive her family for denying his father when he was alive, and again denying him after he was dead. He’s never going to forgive Brook for trying to sabotage his medical career, simply for trying to get Leo the help he needs.

Dante says it sounds like Sam didn’t have an easy childhood, but despite everything that happened, she showed love and compassion to Danny anyway. It shows what kind of person she is; a strong, fierce, independent, beautiful woman. She can think on her feet better than anyone he’s ever known. She slashed his tires to make sure he couldn’t follow her. She says he can chalk that one up to street smarts, and he says he’s grateful for her street smarts. She says, know what she’s grateful for? His openness. Even though Sonny is his father, Dante has managed to be able to be loyal Sonny and his job. He still somehow makes it work. When he runs off, she knows he’s not running off to start trouble; he’s running to stop it. That gives her peace. He says, that’s what he calls it too. She asks why her heart is beating so fast, and he says he was going to ask the same thing. They kiss, and Scout comes to the stairs, saying, the boys changed the movie.

Marshall says, Dr. TJ Marshall, and asks if TJ’s got a minute.

Curtis tells Portia, that man, if he’s his father, changed the course of his family’s lives when he disappeared. His mother became an invalid. Aunt Stella gave up the love of her life because they needed her. She taught him and Tommy how to shave. Despite all that love and strength aimed at them, they still felt the loss. They were different from the other kids who mentioned their fathers. There were always those kids with no fathers who were part of a sad club; they were members of that club. She says she’s so sorry, and Curtis says, he allowed that to happen to his family. He stayed away for decades. Now he wants to swoop back in, like some conquering hero. He saved one night at the club. What does Marshall expect from him? To welcome him with open arms – gee, pop, it’s good to see you. Not gonna happen. She says she can see why he sent Marshall away, and she hates that Marshall brought up all of this for him. He says he hates that he was reminded of it, and hates how it still eats at him. Marshall did this to him, and he doesn’t want Marshall in his life. He wishes Marshall hadn’t come back, if Marshall is even his father. She asks if he checked Marshall out, and he says he did a quick internet search. No Marshall Ashford matched his description. She says, they both know you can dive deeper than an internet search, and he says, he could. She says, but he doesn’t want to, and he says he doesn’t know what he wants to do about Marshall. He’s been kind of paralyzed since Marshall dropped his big announcement. His head’s been spinning with memories and realizations, and of course (🍷) questions. She asks if he’s reached out to Stella, but he says, no. She’s still recovering from her stroke, and this is the kind of news that could be too much of a shock to her. He does know Stella would never lie about their father to him and Tommy, ever. So he doesn’t want to risk upsetting her. She says, that’s very wise, but what about TJ? Marshall approached TJ before; he could do it again. He says he was thinking about that, but he hasn’t told TJ because he was sorting out his own thoughts. She’s right. He should give TJ a heads up. He’d hate for this Marshall guy to catch TJ off-guard like he did him.

TJ says he remembers Marshall. Marshall disappeared on him. How does Marshall know his nickname? Marshall asks if that’s not the abbreviation for Thomas Jr., and TJ asks if Marshall looked him up or something. What’s going on? Is he ill? TJ is getting off his rotation, but can make sure the attending sees Marshall. Marshall says, he’s not sick. He didn’t need medical care the last time he came to see TJ. TJ asks, then why did he come? Why is he here now? Marshall tells him, like he said, he came to see TJ.

Chase tells Finn, he knows Valentin is hurt and angry; who wouldn’t be? As for the Q’s, he’ll just have to face the music, and get through it. What else can he do? Finn says, good luck with all that. It’s going to be one hell of a Thanksgiving dinner. At least he can spend the day with his baby girl. He can’t believe he’s saying that. Chase is going to be an amazing father. He sees how Chase is with Violet, who adores him. Chase thanks him for the vote of confidence. Like he said, he’s already lived with Bailey, so he has a head start. Finn says, he must have felt a connection all along; something deep inside. Chase says, now that Finn mentions it, totally. Finn says, when Chase feels the time is right, they’ll get Violet together with her cousin. It’s one more thing to be happy for today. Chase says he has to get going, and Finn tells him, good luck with the Quartermaines, although it’s Brook who did Chase wrong. It’s hard to be angry when he has that baby girl in his life. Chase says, yeah, happy Thanksgiving, and jets. Finn watches him go down the hall, and says, happy Thanksgiving.

Ned says, the whole family will be here today, and Brook says, so? He asks what she’s going to tell them. There’s going to be a million questions. And what about the fact that Chase had a thing for her, and married Willow. And he never suspected that Bailey was his daughter. Brook says, if he remembers, Chase was nearly poisoned to death; he had bigger fish to fry. Ned can’t possibly blame Chase. He says he can and he does. It takes two to make a baby. Maybe Chase didn’t know because he didn’t want to know. He was too busy chasing Willow to step up and be a father. Or too busy snooping around there doing Austin’s biding. He’s not buying it.

Olivia says, Brook honestly thought Austin was using her son. She was just trying to protect the family, that’s all. Austin tells her, like he said, he’s really glad Leo is getting the help he needs; that’s the only thing that’s important. She agrees, but what’s done is done. Can’t he let this thing with Brook go? He says he can try, and she says, great. And the offer still stands if he changes his mind. She leaves, and Finn comes by. He asks Austin, why the long face? and Austin says, sometimes the only way to turn a frown into a smile is the satisfaction of payback. Finn says, okay. He was going to convince Austin to join them, but perhaps alone in front of the TV is a better alternative.

Brook says Ned is projecting his anger at her onto Chase. Go ahead, be mad at her; she’s used to it. He says he’s mad at both of them. It was reckless, thoughtless, and selfish, and now she expects him to sweep up the mess, and act like nothing ever happened. She says she knows it’s Thanksgiving, but don’t go all puritan on her. He’s not exactly a saint himself. He says he’s not pretending to be, unlike her wonderful guy Chase. She says, for the last time, it’s not Chase’s fault. The doorbell rings, and Ned opens the door to Chase, who says, happy Thanksgiving. He brought dessert.  

Portia says, Curtis is going through a lot right now. She just wants him to know that her home is open to him. Whenever he needs her, she’ll be there. And if he changes his mind about Thanksgiving, she’ll be there with food, and a bunch of people who love and appreciate him. He says he can’t believe he tried to push her away. Talking to her was the best decision he could have made. He’s not sure if he’ll make it tonight, but he’s sure he’s grateful for her. He considers her among his blessings. They kiss.

Marshall asks if there’s someplace they can talk private, TJ isn’t sure he wants to do that. He doesn’t know who Marshall is, and he was asking a lot of questions about TJ and his uncle. He doesn’t know what this is, but he’s really not up for it. He’s had a really long night, and has somewhere to be later. Marshall says he doesn’t blame TJ for being suspicious; Curtis was the same way. Just give him a few minutes, and he promises to explain. It would mean the world to him.

Dante tells Scout not to worry. He’ll handle the boys. He promises she’ll get to watch the rest of Kristina Comes Home for Christmas. He takes her hand, and says, come on; we’ll show them. They go upstairs, and Sam breathes in the scent of Dante’s scarf. There’s a knock at the door, and when Sam opens it, a clean-shaven Drew is there.

On Monday, Portia wonders if Curtis needs back up; Valentin says, out with the old and in with the new; Chase wonders if this is a bad idea; and Sonny tells someone, long time no see.

Winter House

When we last left this bunch of miserable people, Ciara had asked if Austen kept in touch with his ex, the even-worse- than-all-of-them-put-together Madison. Austen said they didn’t talk. He didn’t want Ciara to think he was hiding anything, but Madison was literally on the cover of a tabloid, and that sh*t wasn’t easy. He didn’t want it to affect what he thought they had going on. In Ciara’s interview, she said he’d been insanely honest, and it was all she could ask. Apparently, her bar is set low. Craig asked if it bothered Lindsay that Austen was totally into Ciara, and she said, no, then jumped Jason’s bones. Ciara and Austen when to look at her ski outfit in the closet, and never came out. What is wrong with these people, playing 7 Minutes in Heaven at age 45 35 30 or somewhere around there?

There was one day left of vacation, and I was begging for it to end. Okay, I’ve begged for it to end since the first episode. Craig got a text from girlfriend Natalie that she’d gone out to dinner with Madison, and Austen was like, WTF? In Craig’s interview, he said it was insanity. Why would she go out to dinner with the same girl who’s called her a whore. We saw a clip from Watch What Happens Live, where Madison said Austen had slept with Natalie last summer, and she was now dating Craig. I’m not sure why that would determine Natalie to be a whore, but whatever. Craig felt this spoke to something in Natalie’s character that he hadn’t seen and couldn’t deal with. Austen went to Kyle, and said Ciara was a curveball he hadn’t expected, but he wasn’t in a place to be exclusive or give himself completely to someone. In his interview, Austen said that before he left, Madison had come to his house, kissed him on the cheek, and told him not to forget about her. Ugh. I’m not an Austen fan, but no one deserves that horrible woman in their life. He said it was next level manipulation, and he’d tried to cut ties. He wished it was a year from now, and said it showed timing was everything.  

It had gotten warm out, and Austen said skiing in the spring was the bee’s knees, since he walked out of the 1920s. Luke’s igloo had melted, which made him sad, and we flashed back on Luke’s building skills. Everyone dressed all weird in tutus and neon and mullet wigs, looking like they were going to an 80s dance party. Or fitness class. Lindsay asked what Austen had wanted to cry to her about, but he said he was good. Lindsay told Amanda what Austen had said. She didn’t think he was over his ex enough to start something else. Jason and Lindsay agreed they on the same page, but everyone else wasn’t. It was unclear whether they meant the other couples weren’t on the same page as each other, or everyone wasn’t on their page. In Jason’s interview, he said meeting Lindsay had been unexpected, but welcome. She was wild and confrontational, but better too much than not enough. He didn’t think it was a vacation fling, and was to be continued. My guess is, it’s going to get old real fast.  

Since Lindsay’s boobs were two years old, they decided to have a birthday party. In Craig’s interview, he said he was having a great time, and wasn’t excited to go back to Charleston. Finding out Natalie had dinner with Madison was evidence that Natalie wasn’t his person anymore. Luke retrieved his sap-catching bags from the trees, and said being in the city killed his soul. Amanda told Kyle about her conversation with Lindsay, and they speculated on what Austen wanted to tell Lindsay. Kyle said Austen and Ciara were separated by a couple of states, and Amanda said if Austen didn’t see a future, he should make that clear. Amanda said she didn’t want gossip be guessing what it was Austen wasn’t clear on, but they had to protect Ciara’s precious little heart.

Lindsay said she was obsessed with her own boobs, even though internet trolls said they were too far apart. It didn’t hurt that she had the nicest man in the world interested in her. Several of the guys dressed up in tutus and fake boobs, and Kyle laughed about Austen’s pierced ears. They played limbo until Kyle and Craig knocked it down. Amanda talked to Julia in the kitchen, telling her that Austen wasn’t interested in a long distance relationship. In Amanda’s interview, she said she felt like she’d been part of Ciara and Austen’s relationship from the beginning. She’d gone on their first date with them, and seen them blossom. They seemed absolutely perfect together. Which was a long way of saying she was sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. She cornered Austen, and said she didn’t want to go to Ciara without finding out the whole story. Austen told her that he wanted to say it as nicely as he could – it was none of her effing business. Amanda said Ciara was her business, and he said she needed to stay out of it. Amanda started crying, and whined that Austen was a POS. He told her, STFU, and Kyle made excuses that Amanda just cared about them, because he’s a busybody too. Amanda wailed to Ciara and Julia that she’d tried to do the right thing, Ciara was like, it’s cool, and said she’d talk to Austen. Austen said this wasn’t the way he’d wanted it to go, but Ciara said it was out there now, and why was he being defensive? He said he hadn’t come there with a bunch of friends who were all up in his business, and Ciara said Amanda was just concerned about her. She woudn’t be sleeping in his bed if she didn’t like him, and was scared something like this would happen. Austen said he wanted to see her as much as he could, and asked what her master plan was. She said she didn’t have one, and he said he didn’t either. He told her that he was drunk, and  they decided to table it for the night.

In Andrea’s interview, he said he’d come in texting two different girls, but after spending time with Paige, she was growing on him. He wanted her for himself. It was mercifully the last day, and everyone packed. Austen told Ciara that he didn’t think he was ready, and clearly had things he needed to work on with himself. He hoped they could plan on seeing each other. In Ciara’s interview, she said she hadn’t been planning on liking someone to this capacity. (Let me remind you, it’s been two and a half weeks, although it feels like years.) She said she was a hopeless romantic, and reality was hard right now. Andrea made plans with Paige, and in her interview, she said she knew this was going to happen. No one could spend 17 days straight with her, and not love her. In Gabby’s interview, she said she was glad she did it, but it was tough. At the end of the day, growth was better than a hook-up. She’d take what she could get. Ciara told Paige that she appreciated Austen’s honesty, but wondered why she always picked the ones who were emotionally unavailable. They agreed they needed a vacation after the vacation.  

Paige’s parents picked her up, and Andrea helped her move a million boxes of stuff out. For two and a half weeks? She introduced him, and he made it clear they would be seeing each other. Ciara told Austen that she knew he wasn’t ready to date, but they could still be friends that kiss occasionally. In Austen’s interview, he said it had been an amazing couple of weeks. If Ciara was okay with him not being able to fully commit, then he fully welcomed her suggestion. With that, Kyle closed the door. No one will be missed.

At the end, we saw Paige and Andrea kissing in an elevator, and it said, coming soon on Summer House. Omg, it’s like a roach motel.

🏚 No Big Chill Here…

Who zoomed who after Kyle closed the door.

🧲 Like a Bad Penny…

Juicy Joe puts on the gloves.

📺 For Your Viewing Pleasure…

If the parade is your jam:

If you want to move on quickly:

If a binge is more your style:

Happy Thanksgiving

🍇 Quotes of the Week

Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind. – Lionel Hampton

Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience. – Roy T. Bennett

The turkey. The sweet potatoes. The stuffing. The pumpkin pie. Is there anything else we all can agree so vehemently about? I don’t think so. – Nora Ephron

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the eons, it’s that you can’t give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it. – Rick Riordan

Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other. – Randy Pausch

Give thanks for a little, and you will find a lot. – Hausa Proverb

It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.David Steindl-Rast

 Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else’s fairy tale. – Wale Ayeni

We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count. – Neal A. Maxwell

What if today, we were just grateful for everything?Charlie Brown

💋 Thankful For You…

No matter why you come here – to get details to settle an argument; to find out what went on when you couldn’t watch; to drink some tea, or glean some wise words; or even just to see if I misspelled something or got it wrong – I’m thankful you came, and hopeful you return. I hope wherever you’ve landed during these pandemical times, you’re making lemon drops out of lemons. Wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings, whether you spend it with family, friends, or with your cat. (Hey, I’ve done that, and it’s not bad. Unless your cat steals that turkey leg you were thawing out.) Whether you’re talking turkey or not, stay safe, stay grateful & stay not envisioning a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving. I doubt even Norman had one.

November 23, 2021 – The Excavation Team Looks For Jason, Hospital Exit, Remembering OLTL, NYC Woman, Bad Behavior, All About the Parade & Macy’s


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sasha tells Dr. Navarro, their son is in an incubator and can’t be moved, right? Which means they have to go to him. She asks Brando to get her a wheelchair, and he says, she can’t even sit up right now. She says she’ll do whatever it takes to be with her son, but Dr. Navarro says, that’s not the problem. In her post-operative condition, she can’t visit the NICU right now. She needs time to heal first. Sasha says her baby needs his mother, but the doctor says, he needs his mother to be healthy and whole for what’s to come.

Gladys asks Maxie if that’s Sasha’s room, and Maxie says, Brando is with her, and they’re talking to Sasha’s doctor. Gladys stands outside the door, and Dr. Navarro says she knows it’s hard, but she strongly advises Sasha to use this time to rest. Gather her strength, so when she’s cleared to visit her son, she’ll be prepared. Brando says, prepared for what exactly?

Carly runs into the hospital and finds Sonny. She thanks him for calling her, and asks how Sasha and the baby are. He says, Sasha is out of surgery, and recovering in the ICU, and Carly says she doesn’t understand. Last she heard, everything was fine. How did he hear Sasha and the baby were rushed into surgery?

At the reception desk, Epiphany tells Valentin that the doctor wants him to spend one more night for observation, but he says he’s going to take care of himself; effective immediately. She says, that would be an ill-advised decision, but it’s his choice. He’s going to have to sign a form saying he’s leaving against medical advice. He tells her to give him the form, and she says, fine. Wait here. He asks her not to take too long, and she gives him a look. Nina comes along, and gives Valentin a hug. She asks why he’s leaving, and he says he has to move out of the Quartermaine mansion, and find the strength to say goodbye to his daughter one last time.

As they walk in, Chase asks if Brook doesn’t think it’s a little sacrilegious to hatch a plot in a chapel, and she says, a non-denominational chapel. He asks what that means, and she says they need place to talk away from Valentin. He says he’s listening, and she says, enough of his self-assured, nothing bothers you attitude. Does he have any idea what he’s gotten himself into, pretending to be Bailey’s father? If the truth is found out, he’ll have two enemies – Valentin and Peter.

Anna asks if she can call Maxie back; she’s in the middle of something. Maxie says, Peter just called her. He promised he was going to see her soon. Anna says, they have Peter in custody, and Maxie asks if she’s sure he’s in custody. Anna says, he’s in handcuffs, and waiting to be transferred back to Port Charles to stand trial. Maxie asks if Anna is saying it’s really over, but Anna says, it’s not over yet.

Obrecht examines Drew, and Britt says, let her know when she’s done. She wants to make sure Obrecht’s stitches didn’t open up when she fell in the tunnel. Obrecht says, she’s fine, but Britt is going to have to recite the alphabet backward to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion. Britt says, Z, Y, X, W, V. Is that enough? Obrecht says, for now, and asks if Drew has any other injuries he needs to tell her about. He says, just what she saw. The last time she examined him was when Peter wanted to make sure he was in tip-top shape to kidnap Maxie. She says, thankfully, that plan never materialized, and Britt says, Maxie’s safe, but at what cost to Jason?

Maxie asks, what about Liesl and Britt? Has Anna seen them? Anna says she’s with them now; they’re fine. Maxie says, thank God. She knew Jason wouldn’t let anything happen to them. She thanks Anna for bringing Peter to justice, and Anna says she owed it to Maxie; it’s long overdue. Maxie asks her to thank Jason and Britt for her too, and asks when they’re coming home. Anna says, the situation is quite fluid right now. She’ll be able to have a longer conversation when she gets back. All she wanted was to keep Maxie safe. Maxie hangs up, and sees a text from Brook, saying, must talk. 911. Where are you?

Nina tells Valentin that she doesn’t understand. Is he sending Charlotte to boarding school? He says, not Charlotte, and she asks, what’s going on with Bailey? He says, she’s not his, and Nina asks, what makes him say that? He says, Brook lied to him, and she says, he must be devastated. He says, Brook used Bailey as a bargaining chip to get her ELQ shares back. It was nothing more than an elaborate ruse to get back in her father’s good graces. Nina says, Brook actually said that? and he tells her, she said a lot of things, but it was about ELQ, plain and simple.

Brook asks if Chase has any idea what he signed up for, and he says he wasn’t thinking long term; he was thinking on the fly. She says, until they know Peter’s not a threat anymore, he’s going to have to continue with the fly. He’s going to have to tell everyone. Is he ready to tell his parents that they’re going to be grandparents again? He’s going to have to tell Finn, and how about Willow? It’s not the first time he’s had to tell a lie for the greater good. He says, and the lie worked. It kept Nelle from getting custody of Wiley. She asks if he’s ready to tempt fate again, when her phone dings. She says, Maxie is freaking out about something. She wouldn’t blame Chase if he didn’t want to take this charade any further. Maybe they should go back to Valentin, tell him the truth, and beg for his help. Then Chase wouldn’t have to be part of the charade, and get in any deeper.

Nina asks if Valentin is sure it’s about ELQ; maybe there’s another reason. He says, like what? and she suggests giving Brook the benefit of the doubt. Even his biggest detractors have to admit he’s an amazing father to Charlotte. Maybe the biological father isn’t a good guy. Could that be the reason Brook lied to him? He says, no, because Chase is the real father. Chase told him, and Brook confirmed it.

Carly tells Sonny, if there’s a problem with Sasha and the baby, Brando must be losing his mind. Sonny is the only family Brando has in town besides Gladys, so of course (🍷) Brando reached out to him. Maxie walks past, and Sonny asks, what’s the latest? Carly asks if the baby is okay, and Maxie says, which baby? Carly says, Sasha and Brando’s baby, and Maxie says, of course (🍷). She’s sorry; she has a lot going on. Sasha had a baby boy, and needed an emergency C-section. She’s fine, but the baby is in the NICU. Her phone dings, and she says she’s sorry. That’s all she knows. She walks the other way, and Sonny wonders if it’s just him, or was Maxie all over the place? Carly is sure all this reminded Maxie of the trauma surrounding Louise’s birth. He says it reminds him of what they went through with Donna, and she says, she’ll never forget, but like Sasha, she had one advantage Maxie doesn’t. He asks, what’s that? and she says, a loving, supportive partner by her side.

Elizabeth tells Gladys that she can go in; she knows Gladys is family. Gladys thanks her, but says she doesn’t want to intrude. The doctor sounds so serious. That’s never good, right? Elizabeth goes in, and Brando asks if she’s seen their baby. Sasha asks, how is he? and Elizabeth says, he’s currently in an incubated on a ventilator to assist with breathing. He also has an umbilical line to administer steroids and antibiotics. Brando says, that’s standard procedure in the NICU, right? Because babies are born with under developed lungs all the time. Dr. Navarro says, in this case, it’s not a question of lung capacity. During the placental disruption, their son was deprived of oxygen, and in some babies, that can result in <insert medical term here>, a condition that, depending on the severity, causes disabilities, brain damage, and in some cases, death. Elizabeth says, those are worst case scenarios; they don’t have all the answers. Dr. Navarro says, Dr. Fleming and the wonderful team in the NICU have started a very advanced treatment called hypothermic therapy, which calms the baby down, and has been shown to give the brain an opportunity to slow brain cell damage. Sasha cries, and Elizabeth says, they need to think positively. Sasha asks how she can think anything positive when her baby is hurting, and it’s all her fault?

Sasha says she must have missed a sign, or ignored a symptom, but Dr. Navarro says she’s not to blame. There’s nothing Sasha could have done to prevent what happened. Her placenta separated from her uterus, a completely involuntary medical condition. Sasha says she felt a twinge or something. She definitely knew she wasn’t comfortable, and didn’t reach out to the doctor. Brando tells her to listen to Dr. Navarro. She didn’t know this was going to happen. He’s not going to let her blame herself. Elizabeth says, and most discomfort during pregnancy is harmless. The doctor says Elizabeth is correct. It’s possible what Sasha felt had nothing to do with the abruption. They need to focus on the next steps, when the hypothermia treatment concludes. Brando asks how long it takes, and she says, it can take up to 72 hours. Once it’s done, Dr. Fleming will order an EEG to determine brain function. Brando can visit the NICU now, and if Sasha is strong enough in the morning, she can be wheeled down to see her son. She’ll check in on Sasha later. She leaves, and Elizabeth asks Sasha to listen to her. She knows as moms it’s easy for them to blame themselves, but Sasha  did everything right. She went to her doctor’s appointments, she had bloodwork done, she went on bedrest when she was told to. No one has a crystal ball. Sasha says, so all they can do now is wait? and Brando says, wait, and pray.

Anna says, the excavation team has landed, and they’re headed to the tunnels. Drew says he wants to help, and Britt says, her too, but Anna says, it’s too crowded and dangerous for them to go down there. This is a highly trained team, and they’re equipped with the latest technology. The best thing they can do for Jason is stay out of their way. There’s going to be a formal debriefing with the WSB, but before that happens, she needs to know what the hell went on down in those tunnels. Obrecht says, Peter activated Drew, and when Jason and Drew were fighting, Peter dragged her and Britt into those unstable tunnels, and then got lost. Anna says, by activated, she means conditioning? and Drew says, Peter used Faison’s old shortcut. Anna asks what he had Drew do, but Drew has no idea. The first time was in Crete, and he came to in his cell, grazed by a bullet and bleeding. Anna thinks he sustained the injury during the assassination attempt, and he asks how she knows. She says, she was the target.

Maxie walks into the chapel, and says, please tell her Gladys… She stops, and says, Chase. If he doesn’t mind, she’d like to speak to Brook in private. Brook says, if it’s about Bailey, anything Maxie has to share with her, she can say in front of Chase. He knows everything.

Nina says, Brook told Valentin that Chase was Bailey’s biological father? and he says, yes. She says she’s so sorry; she knows how painful it is. He says he knows she does, because she knows what it’s like to love someone like a daughter, and find out she was deceived, because he did that to her. Call it karma or poetic justice, but what he inflicted on her, Brook inflicted on him. She has every right to gloat.

Sonny says he’s happy that Donna has so much strength and is so healthy, and Carly says, they’re so lucky. She prays the same for Brando and Sasha; that whatever comes their way, they can weather it together as a team. Sonny says, they did it, and she says, they did. She knows it’s a weird time, but they didn’t get to finish their conversation earlier about Nina, and there’s something she needs to say.

Sasha says, she knows she and Brando haven’t taken the most conventional route as a couple, and there’s still so much they don’t know about each other, but he never struck her as the praying type. He says he guesses he’s old enough to admit there are things in the universe he doesn’t understand. Is there God? He doesn’t know, but he’s seen a rainbow after a storm. He’s seen some pretty awesome sunrises and sunsets. In Iraq, in the war, he saw some pretty awful things, but he also saw some of the most profound acts of human kindness. All this is a long way to say he doesn’t know what he believes, but he’ll consider anything that gets them a happy ending with their son. She says, her too. Does he think it’s possible? He says, an hour ago, he didn’t know if she and their son were going to make it. He never prayed like that, even in the war. Now she’s out of danger, and their son is alive. She tells him, people always say babies are resilient, and he says, Maxie was just telling him that James was born on the side of the road, and he’s fine now. Babies can have shaky starts and still grow into healthy strong kids. Their kid has their genes. She says, which makes him a fighter, and he says, damn right. She says, faith is not her strong suit. What if it’s not enough? He says, they have each other, and their son has them, not to mention some of the best medical care there is. Whatever the EEG tells them, he’ll be cherished and loved. If he needs a little help, they’ll provide that. There’s not a thing they can’t see him through. She says, what about what he needs right now? Being stuck in this bed, she can’t help feel… She cries, and he says, it’s okay. They’re in the same boat. They’re both first time parents, and their son is in trouble. Talk to him. She says she feels like she’s already a failure as a mother.

Nina says, when she found out Valentin hired Sasha to pretend to be her daughter, she was devastated. She was so angry and hurt, but she woudn’t wish that pain on anyone. She’s certainly not enjoying watching him lose his daughter. He says, because she’s a good person, but she says she’s done some things lately that make her question that. She does know one thing; when you’re driven by love, you’re pretty much capable of anything.

Carly says, she and Sonny have to resolve the issue of Nina. He referred to Nina as his friend, and she can’t tell him how bad it hurt her. He tells her that he didn’t exactly say that, and they sit down. She says she knows he was talking about his days in Nixon Falls when he was Mike. She wants him to know that she understands he had a life there, and it felt like home. He says, when he got his memory back, coming back there, they were his home; her, his kids, and his grandkids. She says she doesn’t want him to feel like he has to defend life he didn’t choose, but he has to understand she has a big problem with Nina, and what she did to him. She doesn’t want that to come across as her not trusting him. She has 100% faith that he’ll always do what’s best for their family. So as hard as it may be, if he feels what’s best for their family moving forward is for her to lay off Nina, she promises to do her best to try and respect that. He says, try? and she says, it’s her. He can’t expect miracles here. He says he knows it’s not easy. This whole thing… he just… He doesn’t want to talk about this anymore or fight about it. Can they not do that? She says she feels same way. She suggests they go find Sasha’s room, and see if there’s anything they can do for Sasha and Brando.

Maxie says, in this situation, Brook is going to need to define what everything is, and Chase says he knows Bailey isn’t Valentin’s daughter, or even Brook’s. She’s Maxie’s, and Maxie and Brook cooked up this plan to hide her in plain sight to protect her from her actual father, Peter August. Maxie says, sounds like everything, and Brook says, don’t look at her; she didn’t tell him anything. He figured it out on his own, and it’s a good thing. After Gladys came to tell Valentin she was deceiving him, she almost confessed everything. Thankfully, Chase walked in, and said he was the father. Chase says, the timing works. Brook was bunking with him around the time she supposedly got pregnant. Maxie says she needs a second to process this, and sits. She asks how Valentin took the news, and Brook says, how does she think he took it? He’s a wreck. He’s really angry at her for lying to him. Poor guy. Maxie says she knows how much love he has for her baby. Do they think he believed Chase is the baby’s father? Chase says, he seemed to. Chase even acted mad at Brook for lying to him. Maxie says, okay, good. Because now that Peter is coming back to Port Charles, they can’t take any chances. She called Anna, and she said Peter had been apprehended in Greece, and they were extraditing him to Port Charles. Chase says, then their problems are solved. With Peter in custody, Maxie can reveal Bailey is really Louise, and take her daughter back. Maxie says, as much as she wants that to happen, they can’t tell the truth about Bailey anytime soon.

Sonny and Carly see Gladys, and Sonny says, congratulations are in order. She’s a grandmother now. She says she hasn’t been able to see baby. She’s sure he’s beautiful; how could he not be? Carly asks if everything is okay. Did something happen to Sasha or the baby? Gladys says, Sasha is recuperating, but her grandson might not recover.

Valentin says, he wanted to protect what he and Nina had so much, that he ended up hurting her very, very badly. He doesn’t think he understood how much it hurt her to lose Sasha until now. And here she is, giving him a sympathetic ear. She’s just amazing. She says she doesn’t know about that. It’s easy to absolve someone when you realize you need absolution yourself. Maybe one day he’ll find it in his heart to forgive Brook’s deception about Bailey, the way her heart has forgiven him.

Maxie says, even though Peter is in custody, he doesn’t sound scared. He promised he’d be seeing her really soon. So she and her daughter are nowhere near safe. Chase says, she told them Peter is in WSB custody. He’s going to face charges in court. Maxie says, Peter has proved over and over again that he always eludes justice, but Brook says, try finding a jury in the state of New York that wouldn’t convict him. Maxie says, there’s one thing she’s learned from this nightmare, and that’s don’t count Peter out. Until he’s exhausted every legal challenge, and is in prison for life, she’s not comfortable revealing the truth about Bailey. Brook says, understood. What does she need from them? Maxie says, right now, she needs them both to be her daughter’s parents.

Britt suggests Obrecht call Scotty. She knows how badly he’d like to hear her voice, and know she’s coming home. Obrecht says, she will, but first, she wants Britt to tell her how she is. Britt says she’s fine, but Obrecht says she doesn’t have to put up a front for her; the stress must be affecting her. Britt lowers her voice, and says, if Obrecht is talking about Huntington’s, there’s no evidence that trauma causes early onset. Obrecht says she not talking about Britt’s physical condition. Not knowing whether Jason is dead or alive must be taking a toll on her emotions. Brit cries, and says, Jason was only there because she asked him for help. If he dies, how does she live with that?

Gladys tells Sonny, the door to Sasha’s room was open enough for her to hear what the doctor told them. She wants to be supportive to them, but they might think she’s overstepping; she knows she tends to do that. Sonny says, at least Gladys is here, and she’s thinking about them. Gladys says he doesn’t need to be so kind, given… everything. He says, hey, family’s family.

Brando says, Sasha didn’t fail their son. She took better care of herself than any mother. She bought books to read to him, put good things into her belly. The nursery she created, it’s so warm and cozy; it’s a child’s wonderland. She was a wonderful mother before their son was even born. She says she feels so helpless. She wants to hold their son so badly. She wants him to know his mother is there for him. She wants to protect him and comfort him. That’s her job. He says, that’s their job, and she asks if he’ll do something for her. He says, anything, and she says, go see their son. He says he wants to see their son, but he doesn’t want to leave her alone. He can text Maxie or Lucy… She says she’ll be fine, but their son needs at least one of his parents to be with him right now. The best thing he can do for her do right now is to do what she can’t. Go tell their son that she loves him.

Valentin thanks Nina for forgiving him. He was so caught up in his own stuff, he hasn’t seen her since she came back. Is she okay? She says, she’s good. She’s fortunate her return to Port Charles wasn’t met with a group of people carrying pitchforks. He says he can’t imagine her doing anything to deserve that. If she ever wants to talk about it… She thanks him, and says she might take him up on that, but tonight is about Sasha. She went into labor, had complications, and needed to have surgery, and that’s all she knows. He says, my God. He made this all about him. Go be with Sasha. He tells her that she set an example, taking the high road, and she says, he can do the same with Brook. At least she hopes he’ll try. She leaves, and Epiphany slams a clipboard on the desk next to Valentin, saying, was that fast enough for him? She keeps walking.

Brook says they have to decide how to break the news to everyone, and Chase says, he should probably act mad at her for a while. She asks if that’s really necessary, and he says, if she kept his baby a secret from him in reality, he’d be furious. She says, so he still has to be a liar in this scenario? and he says, in all fairness, she faked the pregnancy. She says, that’s true. So they’ll go with Valentin’s theory that she always knew Chase was the father, and pretended Valentin was the father to get back the ELQ stock. Maxie says, people will believe that, and Brook says she knows. Maxie says, please know she’s grateful to the both of them. It means everything to her to know she has at least some control over her child’s well-being, especially in light of everything going on with Sasha. Chase asks, what happened with Sasha? and Maxie says, she went into labor, but there were some complications. Chase says, she was so excited the last time he saw her, and asks if she’s okay. Maxie says, Sasha made it through the surgery, but she’s waiting for an update. Brook suggests they keep everything in perspective, and says, the most important thing is to keep Bailey safe from Peter. They can do this. Chase says, they can and they will.

Gladys sees Brando, and runs to him, saying, she was so worried. She hugs him, and Sonny asks how he’s holding up. Brando says, kind of numb actually. Sasha thought it was important that he see their son. He’s downstairs in the NICU. Gladys says she’ll go with him, and Carly asks, when was the last time Brando had something to eat or drink? He says he doesn’t know, and Carly says, then she’ll go to the cafeteria and get him something. She asks Gladys to come with her, since she knows all of Brando’s favorite things, and takes Gladys’s arm. Gladys says, he has to keep up his strength, and Carly tells Brando that she’s sending all of her love to his baby. Gladys lets Carly lead her away, and Sonny asks how Brando is feeling; talk to him. Brando says he’s scared, and Sonny says he wouldn’t be a father if he weren’t. He just has to get past all that. He’s got a brand new son coming into the world, who’s going to need his father and his love. Brando says, what if he doesn’t know what to do? and Sonny says, that’s just fear talking. When he sees that little boy, it will take care of everything. They hug, and Sonny says, got it? Brando says, yeah, and leaves. The elevator opens, and Nina goes to the reception desk. She tells Elizabeth, she’s there about Sasha Gilmore. She knows Sasha gave birth, and needed surgery. Are there any updates? Elizabeth says, Nina knows she can’t give out confidential patient information, but Sasha is recovering in the ICU. Nina says, it’s that bad? How is Sasha? What about the baby? Can Sasha have visitors? Elizabeth says, only family right now, and Nina says, she and Sasha were family once. Please? Elizabeth says she’ll see what she can do.

Brando goes to the NICU, and Epiphany tells him to get dressed so he can meet his son.

Elizabeth asks how Sasha is doing, and if she’s in any pain. Sasha says, nothing physical. She supposes that’s because of the painkillers. Elizabeth says, if Sasha ever wants to talk mom to mom, she’s just one call button away. Sasha thanks her, and says, Elizabeth has been so kind to her. Elizabeth asks if she’s up for a visitor. She’s not family, but wants to see Sasha, and Elizabeth can look the other way. Nina stands in the doorway.

Epiphany tells Brando, she’s there to help. Does he have any questions? He asks if the baby is in any pain, but she says, no; he’s sedated. He asks if it will hurt if he touches the baby, but she says, it won’t hurt; go ahead and touch him. Talk to him. Let the baby know he’s there. If he’s been talking to Sasha’s stomach, the baby is already familiar with his voice. He goes to the incubator, and says, hello, son. I’m your dad. I’m here now.

Outside, Anna tells the excavation guy, run another scan. She goes back in, and Britt asks if the excavation team found Jason. Anna says, they penetrated the tunnel, using radar based technology, to search for a heartbeat. Drew asks what they found, and Anna says, there was no signal. Nothing. Obrecht says, maybe the equipment was faulty, but Anna says, they have both audio and video devices. She’s really sorry, but there’s no sign of life in the tunnel where they last saw Jason. Britt looks out the window.

Maxie says, now that they’ve agreed on the best way to move forward, she’s going to see if she can get an update on Sasha. Chase says, keep them posted, please, and Maxie says, of course (🍷). She leaves, and Brook says, well, baby daddy, she thinks it’s time they told her family. He says, have fun with that, and she says, if he thinks she’s telling the Quartermaine clan herself, he has another thing coming. She can promise him one thing. It will be a helluva Thanksgiving.

Valentin asks if Maxie’s heard the news, and she says, about Peter’s capture? He says he figured Anna would reach out to her first, and she says, actually, Peter beat her to it. He used his one phone call on her, and promised he would see her real soon. He says he hopes she knows Anna would never let that happen, and she says she wishes she could wake up from this nightmare unafraid, but Peter’s pretty relentless. So far, he keeps evading justice. Valentin says, those days are over. Now Peter will pay the price for his actions. Maybe he’ll divulge some information on the fake nurse Chloe that will lead them to Louise. Whatever he can do to help, he’ll do. He knows now there is no greater pain than having a child ripped away from you.

Carly asks if Gladys and Sonny want to see if Sasha’s ready for visitors, but Sonny suggests they sit for a second. Elizabeth said it’s going to be a little more time, and Sasha’s going to get some rest. Why doesn’t Carly give Gladys some pointers on how to be a grandmother? His grandson Wiley adores Carly, just like Gladys’s grandson is going to adore her. He’s going to think she’s irreplaceable.

Sasha tells Nina, she doesn’t know if it’s in her head, but she keeps hearing babies crying. How will she know his cry? Nina holds Sasha while she cries.

Brando tells the baby that he has a message from his mom. He opens the hatch, and touches the baby. He says, she already loves him more than anything. So does he.

Tomorrow, TJ asks why Marshall is there now, Olivia tells Austin that she doesn’t want to waste more time, and Ned asks if Brook is going to tell him who the father is.

⚾️ Another One Out…

Looks like Jason might be staying under that rubble for a while.

🎬 End Of Life…

I recall the end of OLTL too. <SOB!> Even though their characters changed on GH, Kristen Alderson’s final scene with Roger Howarth was made all the more poignant because they really were saying goodbye after a long working relationship.

🗽 Roxy Rocks NYC…

I met her years ago. She was funny and very down-to-earth. This is exactly how I would have pictured her home.


I don’t know if it’s going to be an ongoing thing, but Bravo showed the premiere episode at 8 pm tonight (Tuesday). Since that’s a bad time for me, I didn’t see much of it, but there was drama already. I don’t know why anyone should be surprised that Ramona acted like a brat. She’s been like that since forever.

🦃 That Time Again…

Everything you need to know about this year’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

🌜 Wynken, Blynken, And Nodden Out…

Tomorrow, it’s a dose of soap and the horror show that is Winter House, which looks like it’s drawing to a close. It’s a short TV week for the usual, since GH will be airing a rerun on Thanksgiving – the February 5th episode – why, when they have a wealth of Quartermaine emergency pizzas? – and on Friday, it’s football. But no matter what’s on your viewing schedule, stay safe, stay aware that words hold power, and stay knowing that, although there are some pretty awful things in the world, there are also profound acts of human kindness.

November 22, 2021 – Sonny Meets Nina In Charlie’s, Casino Royale On Deck, News Of the Dead, Winning Music, Award Fashion & Changes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook says, there’s a legitimate reason why she didn’t tell Valentin the truth, when Chase walks in. Valentin says, just in time, and Chase says, for what? Valentin says, the latest bombshell. Brook’s been lying to him; he’s not Bailey’s father. Chase says he’s aware, and Valentin says, Brook told him? Brook says, no, never. She never told anyone. He says he knows Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father because he is. Valentin says he’s not, but Chase says he’s afraid it’s true. Valentin says, Chase was willing to let Brook trick him into thinking Bailey was his child? Chase expects him to believe that?

In the OR, Brando asks, what is it? What’s going on? Elizabeth says, it’s okay, and tells Sasha that her baby is having a hard time breathing. Sasha asks what they’re doing with him. Is he okay? The team performs CPR on the baby, and he’s wheeled out. Sasha asks where they’re taking him, and Elizabeth says he’s having a hard time breathing, so they’re taking him to the NICU. Sasha says she didn’t even get to hold him, and cries.

Sonny walks into Charlie’s, and Nina says she guesses they had the same idea. He says he doesn’t follow, and she says, who do they go to when they need to talk to someone? Phyllis. She has a way of putting everything in perspective. He asks if she’s there, but Nina says, actually, she’s not, and Sonny says then he’s going to go. Nina asks if he’s heard anything. She was waiting for any kind of news. He asks, what news? and she says, Sasha went into labor. She thought he knew. He says he went to see Brando at GH, and everything was fine. What happened? Nina says, Sasha had to have an emergency C-section.

At Rice Plaza, Carly calls to Bobbie, saying, text her when she gets home, and Jax comes along. He asks if that was Bobbie, and she says, they were supposed to go Christmas shopping, but her hard-working mother is dead on her feet, so she ordered a car service for her. What is he doing there? He says he was just out for a walk and got a coffee, and she says, a walk? It’s pretty cold out. He says he doesn’t mind it. He’s probably going to miss it. She says, miss it? and he says, Josslyn didn’t tell her? He’s leaving town.

Everyone in the tunnel on Cassadine Island lies unconscious. Peter pulls himself up. He sees Drew stuck underneath a beam, and picks up a chunk of rock.

On the phone with her mom, Maxie says she was going to talk to James and Georgie… Already? She guesses it’s past their bedtime, and says, thanks. She just wanted to know her children were safe.

Valentin says, Chase is there to help his friend. His chivalry is misguided. Chase says, it’s not chivalry. Brook lied to everyone, including him. He’s not there to help her. Valentin says, so he’s there to confront her, and Chase says he’s had his suspicions for a while now. He knew Brook was hiding something, so he did what any detective would do; he investigated. Brook tells him, stop it. She told him when she got back to Port Charles that Bailey wasn’t his. He says he has a DNA test that says otherwise. Without a doubt, Bailey is his. He thought they were friends. He had her back, and this is how she repaid him? By keeping his daughter from him for months? He will never forgive her for this.

Dr. Navarro tells Sasha, the baby is having trouble breathing and needs care right away. Elizabeth says, they’re taking care of him, and now they’re going to take care of Sasha. The doctor says, Sasha can’t feel it because of the epidural, but she’s in the middle of an operation. Sasha says she only cares about the baby, and Brando says he cares about the both of them. Look at him and breathe. They’ll get through this. She nods, then passes out. He tells her to wake up, and the doctor says, she’s hemorrhaging, and asks someone to take Brando out. Elizabeth pushes him out the door and into the hallway as he yells for Sasha. She tells him that Sasha will be okay, and runs back in.

Nina tells Sonny that Sasha had a placental abruption, and starts to explain, but he says he knows what that is. It’s very dangerous for the baby and the mother. Brando must be going through hell. She says, Maxie promised to text with any new news, and he says he should go to the hospital. She says, Brando is in the OR with Sasha, but Sonny should be there anyway, just in case Brando needs him. Sonny starts to leave, and Nina sits back down, and Sonny watches her looking despondent.

Carly says, Jax is leaving town? and he says, it’s just a business trip. Some things piled up in Sydney that he has to take care of in person. She says, piled up? It’s not like him to put things off. He says he didn’t want to leave while Sonny was gone, given how things escalated during Sonny’s absence, putting their daughter at risk. Carly says, Josslyn was fine; she wasn’t in any danger. He says, she was in danger of losing her mother to a bullet from Cyrus Renault, and she says, now that Sonny’s back, he feels that it’s safe, so he can go? He says, he thinks it’s safer. At least he hopes so. She’s stepped back from the organization, right? She and Jason no longer a thing? He means business partners. He knows Jason will always be front and center in her life. He walks away.

Peter is about to send the rock crashing down on Drew’s head, when Drew grabs his leg, sending him flying. Peter limps out, and Drew tries to move the beam off of himself. He manages to get his legs out from underneath, and calls to Britt. He goes over to her, and asks if she can hear him. Obrecht comes to, and crawls over to them. She says, Britt may have a concussion. She needs Britt to open her eyes. Britt says, Jason.

Valentin says, Chase has proof he’s Bailey’s father? and Chase says he does. And for what it’s worth (🍷), he’s so sorry. Brook tells him, all she can says is she did what she had to. She never meant to hurt Chase. He asks how she could possibly think this wouldn’t hurt him? and she says, when he was with Willow, he said he didn’t want kids. He loved Willow, and doesn’t love her. He doesn’t want to have a baby with her, especially after one night of fun when she was crashing with him. Valentin says, Brook lied to Chase for the same reason she lied to him, because she wanted to prove herself to her father by delivering the ELQ shares back to him. She says she didn’t do it for herself. She never meant to hurt anybody. For once in her stupid life, she was trying to do the right thing.

Maxie sees Brando, and asks if Sasha is out of surgery. She sees his face, and asks, what’s wrong? He says he doesn’t know, and starts to cry, saying, they have a son. Something went wrong. He didn’t cry, and they took him away. Sasha passed out, and he might lose them both. She says, oh my God, and hugs him.

Sonny goes back in, and motions to the bartender for a drink. He goes to the table, and Nina says she thought he left. He gives her a hanky, or maybe it’s a napkin, and says, she told him that Brando was in the OR, and Maxie is going to text her after the surgery is done. Sasha is young and healthy – he sits down – and they just have to hope for the best. She says, it’s everything she can do not to go to the hospital, and hover over Sasha like a mother. Sonny’s drink is brought over, and Nina says, but it’s not her place. He says she still thinks of Sasha as a daughter, doesn’t she? and she says, Valentin hired Sasha to pretend to be her daughter. You’d think she’d want nothing to do with Sasha, and for a while, she didn’t. In her head, she remembers everything Sasha put her through, but her heart sometimes forgets. He says, hearts tend to do that.

Peter limps into the house, and sees a gun on the floor. From the doorway, Robert says, freeze. Go for the gun. He’ll use any excuse he can find to shoot Peter. Peter dives for the gun, but Anna puts her foot on his hand. She says, hello, Peter, holding a gun on him.

Chase tells Brook, stop making excuses. What could possibly justify keeping a child from her father? She says, in the beginning, all she saw was a chance to make things right with her dad. It never even occurred to her that Valentin would be capable of falling in love with Bailey. Valentin says, and when she saw he did? She says, it was too late. She’s so, so sorry. He says, no she’s not. She got caught when Gladys exposed her, and what she’s done, he can never forgive. Chase asks if there’s anything else they need to say to each other in front of him, but Valentin says, they’re done here. Chase asks Brook to come with him. He says he’s sorry for Valentin’s pain, and Valentin nods.

Carly says she thought she made it clear, her life is none of Jax’s business. He says, it becomes his business when she puts their daughter in danger, and she says, they’re Josslyn’s parents. That’s a bond that’s never going to break, but he’s  not her friend anymore. He says he knows that, and he’s happy to stay out of her life. She says, for how long? Is he coming back for Thanksgiving or Christmas? He says he’s not sure. Josslyn can always come visit him in Sydney. She says, it doesn’t sound like he’s going to hurry back, and he says, besides Josslyn and Alexis, he’s kind of on the outs with everyone in Port Charles. She says, that’s what happens when he drops everything for Nina. He really let Nina screw up his life.

Sonny asks if Nina has forgiven Sasha, and she says, a long time ago. He says, how? That kind of lie. She says, Sasha may have claimed be someone she wasn’t, but the relationship that followed, the bond of mother/daughter love was real. Sasha truly came to care about her; she was just caught in a lie. He says, she could have spoken up and told the truth, and Nina says she knows she’s said that; all you have to do is tell the truth. All Valentin and Sasha had to do was say, hey Nina, Sasha’s not your real daughter. All Jax and Carly had to say was, hey, Nina, Nelle is your daughter, and I’m so sorry for your loss. When you’re the one being deceived, it’s easy to point a finger at your deceivers, and think they’re so evil. But when you’re the one lying, especially when you’re lying to someone you love… She almost starts crying, and says, she’s really, really sorry, and he asks why she kept doing it. She asks why anyone lies to anyone about anything. It’s because they have too much to lose by telling the truth. He asks what she had to lose. She knew the truth would come out sooner or later. She says, all she knows is that she was in so much pain, and he showed up out of nowhere… Mike. And he was kinder to her than anyone had ever been in her entire life. She wasn’t strong enough to give that up.

Maxie tells Brando, Sasha is strong and healthy overall. She also has Dr. Navarro, who’s the best. Sasha and their baby are going to be fine. He tells her, they said his little boy couldn’t breathe, and she says, babies are resilient. Look at James. He was born by the side of the road. He says his son can’t breathe, and she says, his son is in the hospital. Tell her about the first time he saw his son, before anything anyone noticed anything was wrong. He says, he was unforgettable. One moment, he was just this guy, this mechanic, and the next, he was a dad. When he saw his little head, it was like this rush came over him, hitting him like a ton of bricks. She says she remembers that feeling well, and he says, one glance, and he loved him more than anything, and would do anything for him. She says, of course (🍷) he will, because now he’s not the most important person in his own life anymore, and never will be again, and that is the best feeling in the world. From now on, it’s all about making sure that child is happy and safe and healthy. You’ll do anything to protect that child, no matter the cost.

Anna asks Peter where Jason and Britt are, and Robert says, Peter came in through the wine cellar. She says, so there’s an escape tunnel down there? and Peter says, not anymore. It’s all rubble now. She wants to know where Britt and Jason are? They’re underneath what’s left of those tunnels.

Drew calls to Jason, and Britt tries to sit up, but Obrecht says she might have a concussion; she needs to stay still. She says, Jason is right there. They have to help him. Obrecht says, how? There are several tons of rock in the way. The rest could come down on them any minute. She has to get Britt out of there. She tells Drew they have to move, but he says he’s not leaving without his brother.

Chase says, Valentin didn’t pull any punches, and Brook says, neither did he. He says he’s sorry for unloading on her, but he didn’t want Valentin to think… She hugs him, and says, thank you, and he says, wow. A hug like that, he’ll be terrible to her more often. She says, no one – and she means no one – can find out who Bailey’s real father is, and he says he understands. Because her real father is Peter August, her mother is Maxie, and Bailey is really Louise.

Maxie brings Brando some coffee, and says, something warm on a cold night. Even though it’s perfectly toasty in there, his body knows what time of year it is. He thanks her, and she asks if he and Sasha are going to move in together. He says they’ve been talking about it, and she says, just talking? Is he not sure about his feelings for Sasha? He says he’s never been more sure about anything. Sasha changed his life, and now they have a son. He chokes up, and Maxie says, he’s going to be all right, and he says, up until now, he’s felt like he’s been on the sidelines, while Sasha was doing the heavy lifting. Now that his son is there, he’s going to start pulling his weight. Maxie says he will. When in doubt, there’s always diaper duty. He laughs, and says, he’ll do it. Any and all of it. He doesn’t want to miss a moment of his son’s life, and can’t imagine it without Sasha.

Robert pushes Peter down into a chair, and Peter says, the tunnel collapsed. He guesses he’s the only one who made it out alive. Robert tells Anna, there you go. They can call off the search. The reliable source has just delivered terrible news. Anna’s phone rings, and Peter says, if that’s Maxie… She says, it’s not. She says she can’t talk right now, but wants to tell him Peter is in custody. Valentin says, that’s great, and she asks if everything is okay. He says, everything is fine; he’s just checking in. He’ll let her go. Hearing pain in his voice, she asks if he’s all right, and he says he will be. She says she’ll be home soon; they can talk then. He says, not soon enough. Do him a favor. Don’t turn her back on Peter. She says she won’t, and tells him, take care. He says, be safe, and Anna tells Robert that she’s going to the wine cellar. She’ll see if the agents located any the survivors Peter says aren’t there.

Jax says, not everything’s Nina’s fault, but Carly says, it is where he’s concerned. He got so caught up in Nina’s drama, that he ignored his own life. He says, Nina went too far and she knows it, and Carly asks if this is where he starts defending Nina. He says he’s not defending her, but he can’t believe she’d do something so unforgivable. Carly says, she did. She was supposed to be the poster girl for turning Jax’s life around, but she didn’t. She showed all of them her true colors, and Carly won’t be taken by her again.

Sonny says, Nina needs to understand, there was no Mike. She says, he’s right, but she cared about him anyway, and he says, if she cared about him, why did she keep him from his family for months? From his grandson, the same grandson Carly kept her away from. She says, that was wrong, and she knew it was wrong back then. She wishes she’d been stronger, but she hasn’t been that close to many people in her life. Growing up, love was more like an obligation. If she acted correctly, Madeline would love her. He says she told him her mom was cold to her. Was that a lie too? She says, everything she told him about herself was true, and he says, just everything about him was lie. She says she knew she should have told him the truth, but if he knew the truth, he would have had no choice but to leave her. He asks if that’s how she treats someone she loves. She controlled him. She says, yes. That’s what she did because that’s what she knows. Madeline was always trying to control her, Valentin was controlling her with Sasha, and Jax was controlling her with the information he and Carly had about Nelle. Every single time, it broke her heart. He says, and every time, she walked away, and she says, she did. Just like he walked away from her.

Obrecht tells Britt to come; they have to get her to safety. Britt says she has to help Jason, but Obrecht says, if he’s alive, he won’t be happy to know she’s dead. The tunnel isn’t going to last much longer. Anna yells to them, and Obrecht asks if she wants the ceiling to collapse. Anna says, good to see her too, and shines the flashlight around. She asks if Britt is all right, and Obrecht says, of course (🍷) not; she has a head injury. Britt says she’s fine; they need to help Drew. Anna sees Drew, and says, the last time she saw him, he was heading off a bridge. He says, not his decision, and Anna says, he was under Peter’s influence; that explains a lot. Obrecht says, perhaps Anna would like to ring for some tea and crumpets, or she could continue this conversation where the ceiling isn’t going to collapse. Drew says he’s not going without his brother. Anna goes over to him, and he tells her, Peter got away, but she says, he didn’t. They have Peter in custody. Obrecht says she’ll kill him herself, and Britt says, they have to help Jason, but Anna says, they’re not going to help him if they’re crushed under there. More of the ceiling comes down near Drew, and he tells them, go, and they leave, Drew staying behind.

Elizabeth comes out, and Brando asks, how’s Sasha? She says, out of danger. Dr. Navarro was able to stop the hemorrhage. She’s weak because she’s lost a lot of blood, but she’s stable. Maxie says she told Brando that Sasha would be okay, and he asks if he can see her. Elizabeth says she’s been transferred to the ICU so they can monitor her, and he asks how his son is. She says, Dr. Fleming is with him now in NICU.

Brook asks how long Chase has known, and he says he just found out. She says, how? No, don’t tell her here. She can’t risk anyone else following the breadcrumbs to Peter. He says he doesn’t think anyone did, and she says, great. She’s actually pretty relieved that he knows. He asks, who else knows? and she says, Maxie and Nina. He says, that’s it? and she says, it better be. Gladys knows Valentin isn’t really Bailey’s father, but that’s all she knows. Brook really wanted to tell him. She came close, but she and Maxie agreed, the few people to know, the safer Bailey is. He asks why she wanted to tell him, and she says, he’s one of the two and a half people in the world she trusts. He asks if he’s the half, and she says, of course (🍷) not. He says he understands why she kept it under wraps, but wishes she’d told him. She says, Peter was poisoning him, and there were a lot of other things going on at the time. He says, like Willow, and she tells him that she didn’t want to say it, but he had other things on his mind. He says he got better, and she says, then things got a helluva lot worse. They didn’t intend for this lie to go on for so long. They thought Peter would be caught months ago, locked away, and then Maxie could claim Bailey as her own. He asks how she thought Valentin would react, and she says she was hoping once he found out Peter was involved, he’d understand why they had to do what they did. He says, Valentin might still think that way, and she says, think? Yes. Feel? Who even knew Valentin Cassadine had feelings? Turns out, there’s a pretty decent and loving father in there. She hates the fact that she hurt him, and Chase says, Valentin lost his daughter today. He can’t imagine what Valentin is going through.

Valentin looks at Bailey’s picture on his phone, and cries.

Nina says she’s not telling Sonny that he was wrong to walk away. What she had with him… He says, listen to him. What they had in Nixon Falls wasn’t love; it was a lie. She says she knows that’s how he feels, and he’s probably right, but it was close enough for her. Can he believe they still don’t know anything? She gets her phone out of her bag, and says, maybe she should just call the hospital. They’re not going to tell her anything, because Sasha’s not her daughter. He says, no, she isn’t, and Nina says, sometimes she thinks about what her life would be like if Sasha was her daughter; if she was telling the truth. Then tonight, her grandchild would be coming into the world. She knows it’s wrong to focus on what might have been, and he says, we do that sometimes. She says, she hates the waiting around. She feels helpless. If anything happens… that sweet baby. He says, hey, listen to him. It’s going to be all right. Understand him? Jax walks in.

Brando asks if Elizabeth will check on his son. He wants to tell Sasha that he’s all right. Elizabeth says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Maxie asks if she can get him anything or call anyone, but he says he just wants to be with Sasha. She says she’s praying for him and his son, and they hug.

Brando goes in, and Sasha is still unconscious. He tells her that he’s there for her and their son. They need her with them. He can’t bear to lose her, and their son needs his mom. She wakes up, and she asks, where’s their baby?

Ann comes back with Drew, Obrecht, Britt, and a few agents. She says, they need to get checked out, and Peter says, they’re still alive. They feared the worst. Drew heads for Peter, who’s restrained in a chair, but Robert intervenes, and says, let the law handle it. Drew says, it’s so much better than he deserves, and Robert says, if it was up to him, it would be a trip to a black site, and that would be the end once and for all. Drew says, they could find one somewhere, but right now they have to focus and concentrate on finding Jason. Anna says she’ll contact search and rescue, and Peter says, whatever they find underneath all that rock, it’s not going to be a pretty sight, is it? Britt asks if anyone has a syringe, and Peter asks what she has in mind. She says, bleach, drain cleaner… and he says, it’s a pity she took an oath, isn’t it? Obrecht says, if it were not for that pesky medical license… Wait. She no longer has one of those. Drain cleaner it is. Robert says, enough, and Britt says, is it? Drew says, Jason could have separated from them, and found his way out of the tunnel, and gone down to the docks. Robert says, they’re looking all over the island. If he’s there, they’ll find him. Peter says, maybe they’ll find a unicorn too while they’re at it, and Drew says, if Jason is dead, Peter is going to join him.

Chase says he doesn’t want to worry Brook, but she says, she’s way past worried. He says he’s got this. He’s going to do or say whatever makes people believe he’s Bailey’s father. She says, it’s very admirable that he’s willing to lie about this, but him of all people… Actually, she thinks this might work. That sweet as pie face, who’s going to believe he could do such a huge deception? They can use this. He says, the only thing that’s important is protecting Bailey from Peter, and she says she has to worry about Valentin now too. Valentin is ruthless and she hurt him in his heart. He will not let that go unpunished.

Valentin sits up, and makes a call. He says, I have a job for you.

The agents walk Peter out with Robert, and Robert says, try anything, and Peter knows he’ll shoot him. Peter says he wouldn’t dream of giving Robert the satisfaction, and Obrecht yells something at him in German. Drew tells Anna, sorry for losing it, and she says she would have joined him. She doesn’t know if it’s any comfort to him, but they have so much evidence against Peter and all of his crimes. she doesn’t think he’ll ever take another free breath if she can help it. Starting with faking Drew’s death and keeping him prisoner for two years. He says he was there the longest, but there were other prisoners. She says she knows; they have Chloe Jennings. He says, there was another woman. They found her, right? She says, no. They swept the entire compound, but there were no other prisoners. He says he only heard her for a couple of days; they must have moved her. She asks if he saw her, and he says, no; neither did Chloe. She says, they’ll do a complete debrief as soon as they get him to the Consulate. Does he need any medical attention? he says he’s fine, and Robert comes back. She asks if there’s any word on the search. 

The agents slam Peter against a wall, telling him to stay there, and he says he doesn’t know if they’ve noticed, but he is injured. An agent tells him, says the murderer, and he says he’s not asking them to take his cuffs off. Just move them around front, so it doesn’t make the injury worse. The agent says, no, and Peter says, he’d hate to see the WSB get accused of mistreating a prisoner. The agent says they’d hate to see Peter use the cuffs to choke one of them out, but Peter says he’s cuffed, he’s injured, and he’s surrounded. Come on. The agent nods, and one holds a gun on Peter, while another unlocks the cuffs. Peter says, thank you, and while they’re at it…  

Brando tells Sasha that the baby is having trouble breathing, and she says she should be with him. They both should. He says he feels the exact same way, but she just got out of surgery. She needs some rest, so she can hold him when he gets better. Dr. Navarro comes in, and Sasha says she wants to see their baby. The doctor says she knows, but unfortunately, that’s not possible right now. Brando asks, why? and Sasha says, their son is in an incubator and can’t be moved, right? Which means they have to go to him. She asks Brando to get a wheelchair, but he says she can’t even sit up right now, but she says she’ll do whatever it takes to be with her son. If he can’t come to her, she’ll go to him. Dr. Navarro says, that’s not the problem.

Maxie’s phone rings, and Peter says, it’s good to hear her voice. We see him on the phone, the guards surrounding him with their guns aimed at him. She says he needs to stay away from her, and he says they both know she doesn’t mean that. She says she loathes him, and prays she never lays eyes on him again. He says he wanted her to hear it from him. He’s coming home, for her. They’ll be together again soon.

Jax goes into Charlie’s, and Sonny tells Nina that he’s going to check on Brando at GH. She thanks him for waiting with her, and Sonny leaves, saying hey to Jax on his way out. Jax tells Nina to be careful; don’t let Sonny pull her back in. She says Sonny doesn’t think about her that way, and he asks what he just walked in on. She says, he saw a man comforting someone in need. She and Sonny don’t have a future.

Carly leaves a voicemail for Jason, saying, he’s obviously busy. She misses him, and hopes he’s staying safe. Come home soon. She needs to talk to him.

Robert says, there’s no sign of Jason anywhere on the island, and Anna says, that means he’s still in the tunnel. Drew says, Jason is not dead. His way out might be blocked or he might be trapped, but he is alive. Anna says, that’s why she has an excavation team flying in, but until they get there, it’s too dangerous for them to go in. Britt says, no! The longer they wait, the less of a shot he has. He could run out of air, or whatever’s left of the tunnel could collapse. Drew promises her, nobody is giving up on Jason. Nobody. They’re going to find him.

We see the part of the tunnel where Jason is blocked in, and pieces of ceiling are still falling.

Next time, Brook asks if Chase is ready to tempt fate again, Anna says she was the target, Sasha tells Brando to do what she can’t, and Britt wonders how she can live with that.

Below Deck

Christophe Harbor, St. Kitts. Everyone is hungover, and Heather says she doesn’t know what got into her. She never drinks like that. Rayna can’t believe Jake is engaged, and Eddie says, it was an epic night. Jessica brings Captain Lee’s breakfast to the bridge, and he asks how her night was. She says she turned in early, and he says, he’s the one who’s old; she’s not. She says she’s feeling it though. Heather has a meeting with interior, and they talk a little about the night before. Heather says she found a bagel in her bathroom. In Fraser’s interview, he says he saw another side to Heather. It was nice watching her have a good time, and he hopes she keeps it up. Heather tells them to make up the beds as best as they can. On deck, Jake says his relationship is non-monogamous, and it’s not a big deal. In Rayna’s interview, she says, it’s something you bring up first. She asks him how this happened; give them a play-by-play. He says his girlfriend Paris needs a British passport, so they haven’t seen a lot of each other. When they’re not together, she’s not his girlfriend. In his interview, he says, he cares for her, but they’re nowhere near marriage. She knows what he’s like, and that he does crazy sh*t. Rayna doesn’t understand.

Jessica does her laundry thing, and Fraser says, there’s romance on the horizon. Everyone is after Jake. Rachel says, not her. Jake is so cute, but she’s just out of a long term, very serious relationship. Her ex blindsided her, telling her that he didn’t think it was working. In Rachel’s interview, she says, she loved, adored, and respected him. She’d planned on a future with him, and had to regroup. She tells Fraser that she didn’t have the ability to process it until she’d finished the charter season. In her interview, she says, she’s happy being by herself. When she was with him, she’d put his needs before hers. When she hears people talking about their relationships, she’s like, f*** that. Eddie says, being hungover is not fun, and on that, we are in agreement. Rayna asks about his girlfriend, and he says she’s very sweet. In his interview, he says he’s bummed his girlfriend is pissed off. It’s frustrating, but forming a new relationship is tough. You have to trust the other person not to burn you or cheat on you. This is how his life is going to be.

The captain has a preference sheet meeting with Eddie, Rachel, and Heather in the crew mess. Jeremy and Ronnie are the primaries, and they’re bringing their families together, including Jeremy’s sons, who are 16 and 6. Captain Lee says, there’s going to be baby sh*t for someone, and in Heather’s interview, she said she loves having kids on board. Sometimes it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s five-star service, and a nanny. The new charter wants a Casino Royale party, and for Ronnie’s 75th birthday, he wants an 80s dance and fitness party. They also want the captain to join them for dinner.  In Fraser’s interview, he says it’s crucial with a small team that everyone carry their weight. Jessica seems miserable and run down. She needs to man up, do her job, and stop complaining. Heather calls provisioner Naydene to order stuff for the casino party. Jake wants to deckhands to get a move on, and in Wes’s interview, he says, Jake brings up petty stuff. And if they’re not on charter, what’s the rush? He wants to flirt with Jessica, but has a fear of rejection, since he was rejected a lot in high school, and some in college. It hurts. He has no game. He’s a big nerd, and gets awkward. I dunno. He’s cute, and seems like a nice guy with a good sense of humor. It’s sad how that stayed with him. Heather says, everyone is awesome. She asks how Eddie thinks Jessica feels about Wes, and Eddie says, he thinks Wes would be good for her. Fraser says, anything to make her smile. Eddie says they’ll have to plant the seed, and Heather says, and hope the flower grows. Fraser tells Heather that Jessica mopes around like she’s in pure misery. He can’t keep pulling her up, only to get shut down. In Heather’s interview, she says she thinks Fraser’s concerns are valid. One bad apple can affect the others. If Jessica takes Fraser out at the knees, then what? She tells Fraser that she hopes for a better charter or they’ll have issues.

Jessica sighs over the dishes, and Jake tells Eddie that he just wants to get the work done. Eddie suggests getting Rayna to be more hands on. Heather asks to talk to Jessica, saying, she just wants to touch base. She feels as if Jessica is under the weather or down, but Jessica says, she’s good. Heather says she doesn’t want whatever it is to affect Jessica’s work. The more she knows about things… Jessica says she found out that her grandmother needed to have a procedure, and in her interview, she says she doesn’t want to cry on the boat. Her grandparents’ health started to decline, and she’d taken the opportunity to come back to land. She likes being there for them. Heather says she wants to know how to better help Jessica, but Jessica says she’s good. She would tell Heather if it was otherwise. Jake talks to Paris on the phone, and Heather organizes her cabin.

Jake and Fraser clink beers, and Jake asks when Fraser came out. Fraser says he came out to his mom when he was 19, and heard a story on the radio about a guy who murdered people and ate them. His mom said she’d love him even if he ate people, so being gay seemed minor in comparison. In Fraser’s interview, he says, it was hard to get up the courage, but all it took was a little push to get it off his chest. Thanks, mom. He tells Wes that he’s happy in life. In Jessica’s interview, she says she’s going be happy or miserable today. She chooses to be happy. She smiles. Heather puts, let’s do this, on the whiteboard. In his interview, Fraser says, effing hell. He had one job, to hold on to his radio, and he can’t even do that. We flash back to the captain saying, if one of the crew is looking for their radio, he probably already has it. Fraser starts to hunt. Provisions come in, and Captain Lee calls Eddie to the bridge. He asks how things are working out, and Eddie says, good. The captain asks how Jake is doing, and Eddie says, he’s a damn hard worker. He tells the captain that the run times are short, and asks if they can drop back a little bit, so the deckhands have time to get ready. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, every charter is like their first rodeo. Eddie needs to get their attention. You can play with the big dogs or keep your puppy ass on the porch. The captain radios the crew that they have 15 minutes until the guests’ arrival. Fraser is still looking for his radio.

Heather tells Fraser to pour the champagne, and the captain wonders for what reason he’s the only one out there. The crew dashes out, and see that one of the guests is a child with a locked box handcuffed to his wrist. Young guest Alexander says he’s a mini primary, which I’m sure the crew is thrilled to hear. In his interview, Captain Lee says, it’s not a group you’d think you’d see together; they’re all different. This is going to get interesting. Alexander shows them there’s cash in the box, and everyone goes, wow. In Rachel’s interview, she says, screw the adults. That kid is her primary. Heather gives the tour, and Captain Lee says, let’s see if we can get out of here without spending any money. In his interview, he says he has a knot in his stomach. The prevailing winds are constantly blowing them to the dock, which is concrete, with shallow water all around. He’s as nervous as whore in the front pew at church. They pull out, and into the water.

Co-primary Jeremy tells Alexander not to wander, and Heather says they’ll have eyes on him like a hawk. In Fraser’s interview, he says he used to be a nanny. To be honest, he doesn’t like kids. The way they eat, the sounds, it’s a bit gross. He discusses LEGOS with Alexander, and Heather goes over lunch with Rachel. The captain says, they’re going to get some weather; it’s annoying as hell. It starts to rain, and Eddie leads everyone in. In Jake’s interview, he says he’ll have Rayna responsible for more, and maybe it will make the job more appealing. He wants to be friends, not the villain. If that doesn’t work, he’ll make her walk the plank. They drop anchor, and the guests sit down for lunch.

Shitten Bay, St. Kitts. I shitten you not. That’s the name. In his interview, Fraser says, growing up, he was terrible in school. Moving around the country every few years made it difficult. He found something he loved, and learned to be good at, and he’s failed at the basic capacity of keeping his radio with him. It’s making him feel like sh*t. It’s not effing rocket science. The guests think lunch is amazing. Fraser tells Heather that he thinks he’s lost it, and in Heather’s interview, she says, it’s vital that Fraser find his radio. Not just for safety, but she needs to communicate with him. They have to find it right now. They look literally everywhere.

The captain says he’s in a silly mood, but doesn’t know why. I wait for him to jump up and do a somersault or something, but that doesn’t happen. Fraser opens a door in the floor of the deck, and says, the panic is over. In his interview, he says, it’s crazy how much this piece of plastic means to him. He radios Heather to tell her. They meet to discuss casino night. In Heather’s interview, she says the first time she gambled, she lost it all, and learned to take just a little tip money, not the whole tip. It’s easy to get caught up in. She and Fraser set up the table. In Eddie’s interview, he says he learned from his mistakes in relationships. His girlfriend is the most loving woman he’s ever met. This was just a speedbump, and doesn’t define the rest of their relationship. He talks to her on the phone, and says, I know it’s hard, but be cool, honey bunny, referencing Pulp Fiction, which I don’t feel Eddie is cool enough to reference. In Rachel’s interview, she says, tonight is casino night. She lived in Italy for 8 months, and it was a wonderful experience, so she’s making a nice Italian feast. Wes asks when Rachel found her passion, and she says she was 18. She was running her mouth to a bartender, and the guys in the kitchen told her to put her money where her mouth was. Alexander plays video games with Rayna, and the guests sit down for dinner with the captain.

Heather finds the cabins are untidy, and in her interview, Heather is concerned about the lack of attention to the cabins. Cheap ass hotels do a better job, and it’s not okay. At the table, the guests ask about pirates, and the captain says they’re still out there. For them, it’s a career. In her interview, Heather says she’s sympathetic to what Jessica is going through, but you have to leave your emotions at the cabin door. She goes over the cabins with Jessica, pointing out where the upkeep was lacking, and in Jessica’s interview, she says, she’s pissed; this sucks. Heather tells Fraser about it, and says, it was all three rooms. She wants to coach with inspiration, but it’s coming to, training day’s over. The guests tell Captain Lee, the chef is amazing, and he says, she’s extremely talented. Jessica pretends to work, and the captain tells the guests that he left Michigan when he was 25. Guest Jodi says, he must be 45 now. The captain says he loves her, and she says she loves him too. She’s not kidding. Guest Ronnie asks if he has family in Fort Lauderdale, and the captain says, a wife and four kids. Jodi is like, damn, and in the captain’s interview, he says, it’s making him uncomfortable. He tells the guests, somewhere, his wife heard that, and she’s laughing. Jake asks Rayna if his new approach is working. He’s trying to be more chill and laid back. He thinks she has so much potential. The next course of a fabulous pasta comes out, and in Rachel’s interview, she says, nothing compares to homemade pasta. She likes to take the time to make it authentic, and hates using boxed. Guest Stacie says she’s never seen Alexander eat chicken tenders that fast. Alexander falls asleep at the table with his headphones on.

Alexander is put to bed, tiramisu is served, and the guests get ready to turn in. Jodi asks where the captain’s cabin is, and Stacie says, don’t tell her. Eddie, Fraser, and Wes have a confab, and Eddie says, everyone is getting along, but someone is going to pop at some point. Jessica calls her grandmother to check-in, but Grandma Marion says, there’s nothing to worry about. In Jessica’s interview, she says her grandparents played a secondary parental role in her life. She gets concerned, since you never know how much longer you have with them.

Salt Plage, St. Kitts. Jodi asks if the captain will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them, and Stacie says he has to come to Ronnie’s birthday dinner. Jodi grumbles that he’s going to be 75, and follows the captain, who tells her that her room is downstairs. In his interview, he says, where are you going? He’s going to his room – alone. He tells Jodi, have a good night, and goes to the bridge. Captain Lee tells Eddie that she was going to follow him, and Eddie dies laughing. The captain says, laugh it up, funny boy. The night crew cleans up.  

The next morning, the wind is relentless. Captain Lee tells Eddie that he wants to get out some time today, and breakfast is served; avocado toast on a hash brown cake with a poached egg. I die. Anchor is home, and cushions go flying. The captain says, bleepity-bleep-bleep-bleep. In his interview, he says don’t tell him he has to go back to get cushions. That’s going to upset him. It’s a common sense thing. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and he can figure out if the wind is blowing, make sure they’re secured. They could screw up a two-car funeral. Eddie tells Captain Lee that the deckhands need time for pulling anchor, but the captain says, they have plenty of time. In Eddie’s interview, he says, it’s the deck crew’s first responsibility to take care of the exterior. Now he’s being reamed out by Captain Lee. It’s serious. No more f*** ups. The tender goes out to get the cushions, and in the captain’s interview, he says, the hammer needs to drop, and it’s up to Eddie to do it. If Eddie doesn’t drop it on them, he knows goddam well the captain will drop it on him. Eddie tells the deckhands, he’s tired of getting yelled at. He doesn’t want one more effing thing falling off the boat.

Next time, a water toy blows off the boat, the 80s birthday party happens; Jake flirts with Heather, Jake kisses Fraser, and Captain Lee says, in 45 years, he’s never seen such intense wind.

⚰️ All the News Too Dead To Print…

Releasing the Walking Dead:

Wrapping up the World Beyond:

Jadis, with a foot in two Dead worlds:

Both a reunion and a farewell on Fear the Walking Dead:

🏆 They’re the Best…

The AMA Winners:

And as always, the most important thing of any awards show. The fashion:

👞 Shuffling Off, But Not To Buffalo…

It’s a flip of the coin what tomorrow might bring, but as always, there will be soap and a song. Until then, stay safe, stay unburdened by things you can’t control, and stay never making love an obligation, or allowing someone to obligate you to it.

November 21, 2021 – Al Crosses Paths With Morgan, Escape Turns To Rebellion & Disturb This


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

On video, Al says she never lets anyone ask her questions like this. Since when are you okay with cameras? What do you want me to say? You know why I found you. Same as last time.

In the tank, Al picks up the hula girl with the Uzi, and tells the tank, I’m coming back for you. Not even a nuke could take you out. Just an empty gas tank. She grabs come of her stuff, and goes outside. As she walks, she messes with the radio, hearing Morgan, but there’s too much interference. She tries to get a better signal, and stabs a zombie in the throat. Morgan is at the tank, looking through Al’s bag. Realizing it belongs to Al, Morgan says he should’ve guessed this was where she’d be. He gets out, taking the camera, and says, Al, is that you? You can’t go far without your gear. Is she okay? He tells her to answer him. He goes back to the tank and films himself, saying, he knows she’s going to watch this, so he’ll say this now, and she can take it or leave it. The others said she might have gotten separated, but he’s starting to think she didn’t come back with them for a reason. If she believed the stories were too hard to pass up, then he’s going to remind her of a story she recorded a while ago. She’d interviewed him, and asked questions he didn’t want to answer, but he did. Mostly because she woudn’t let him not answer. Somehow she and John convinced him to stop running, if only for a little while. He’s asking her to do the same thing now. Stop running. Just for a little while. He hears the radio.

Al hears soldiers on the radio. Looking up to see a helicopter, Al says, no. She runs into a shelter, and it flies overhead, but keeps going. She runs to the tank, and dives under it. The helicopter lands, and a couple of men with guns look around. When they’re gone, she says, those a-holes, and goes back into the tank. She sees her bag has been rifled through, and says, dammit. Someone drops down into the tank, and grabs her from behind. She struggles, then realizes it’s Morgan. She asks what he’s doing there, and he says, looking for her; he had to make sure it was her. She says they can’t stay here; she’s fresh out of bullets. He says, they’ve got to find Grace, and Al asks where she is. He says, looking for her; what the hell? Al says she can explain, but not now. Morgan wonders if the men will be back, and she says she didn’t know. He said the last time he saw her, she was in a helicopter; when she disappeared, and Sarah said she’d sent somebody in a helicopter to lift them out of the blast. She says, if they stay there, they die, and Morgan says, then they move. Tell him what this is. They get out of the tank.

They walk, and Al tells Morgan to be careful. He says he wants to warn Grace, but Al says, Grace already has a target on her back; them too. She asks where the rendezvous is, and he says, a couple miles east, where the radiation strike was. They could walk. She says he’ll get killed, but he says he can handle himself. She says, he doesn’t know these people, and he says, it’s Grace. He asks if this had something to do with why Al didn’t show up at the submarine. She doesn’t get to drag him and Grace through a bunch of sh*t, and not tell them what’s going on. She says she was trying to protect them, but he says, he thought she was trying to protect herself, and she says, from what? but he says he doesn’t know. Why didn’t she make the journey with them? They had enough food for everyone; why didn’t she come? She says she belongs on the road. There are stories out there that need to be recorded, and she was doing that. He says, she wants to put a camera between her and everyone else. Maybe it will help her see what was in front of her face.

On video, Al says, what did you find out there?

Morgan and Al walk, and Al says, they’ll be dead if they stop moving. They walk underneath a bridge, where there a bunch of abandoned cars, and she says, the rendezvous is through there. He says he doesn’t understand. If these people are looking to kill them, how did she get them to rescue everybody? Some men start shooting at them, and they dart around the cars. Crouching down behind one, Al takes off her mask, and Morgan asks if it’s safe. Al says, the radiation won’t matter if they’re dead, and he takes his off. He says, this way, and they jump over a car. Ducking behind another car, Morgan says, who are they, and what do they want? Start talking. Al says, they’re called the Reclamation Team. They have one mission, to destroy any evidence. Morgan asks if she means them, and she says, right now, yeah. He asks if she’s the reason they’re here, but she says, not directly. They’re after the pilot who went AWOL after helping them (aka Isabelle). She’s in hiding. He asks why she helped, and Al says, because she asked her to. He asks if they’re together, and she says, no.  

On video, a helicopter flies overhead. Al says, that’s what the video is for. They might never see each other again.

Al says they’ll kill Isabelle if they find her, and Morgan asks if Al knows where she is. Al says, no. Isabelle didn’t tell her; it’s safer that way. Morgan radios Grace, and says, they’re at the rendezvous; at least they will be soon. He tells Al that Grace will be there. She asks why he’s doing this, and he says he’s found a lot of people. People he wouldn’t have found if she hadn’t forced him to answer those questions. They have to make it to the end of the line of cars. She asks why go where it’s so open, and he says, trust him. Let’s go now. They run, and Al tells him to go; she’ll get them away from him. But he says, Grace will be here. Grace squeals in, and says, get in, opening the passenger door. Al says, what the hell is that? and Morgan asks if she thinks she’s the only one with a set of wheels. She says again, she can draw them away, but he says he’s not leaving without her. Grace says, come on, and they jump in the car. Grace peels out and away.

Out of the radiation haze, and on the road, Grace pulls into the woods. Al suggests they cover the car with brush, and Morgan says, the radiated area is about 100 yards from there. They could walk in after they take a course of Russian Blue. Al says, they have something to combat radiation exposure. These people have something better, and Grace asks who they are. Morgan tells her not to expect much of an answer, and Al says, Sarah told her about the baby; she’s sorry. Grace thanks her, and says, it’s hard some days. Other days it’s… still hard, just different. Morgan says they have Mo, and Al says, Rachel’s daughter? Morgan says, Rachel didn’t make it, so they’ve become the closest thing Rachel’s daughter has to parents. Al says, all the more reason to get out. They’re soldiers who will stay on mission. Morgan says, they’ll just keep coming after them and Al’s friend. They need to stop them. Al says, the only way is to kill them, and Morgan says, then that’s what they’ll do. He says, Grace should go, but Grace says she has to help. Al says, if they kill them, they’ll just send more, and Morgan tells Grace again to go, but Grace insists on staying. Morgan said they would have never met had it not been for Al helping him. She wants to do the same for Al. Al says, there’s ammo in the helicopter. She can lead them away, so Morgan and Grace can get close to the chopper. There’s ammo and diesel fuel. Morgan says, he should lead them away, and Al can get the fuel, but Al says, it has to be her. She knows how they think. Morgan says, it’s not too late to find her friend, and Al says she will. She’ll be on channel four.

On video, Al says she has a place for them. When is she due back?

A zombie approaches Al, and she says she has a special job for him.

Grace tells Morgan, the wind is blowing in the right direction; it’s safe. They take their masks off. They check out the helicopter, and Morgan says, they have fuel, but Grace says, there’s no ammo. Morgan radios Al, and says, there’s fuel, but no ammo. Al says she knows; it’s not an Army helicopter. She’s got it covered. Morgan asks where she is, but Al says she needs to get back to the woman she told him about. Isabelle gave up what she believed in to save Al’s friends, and Al wants to help her. Morgan says, but she won’t let them do the same thing? They’re going to kill her. Al says, maybe, but she can take them down with her. He asks her to tell him where she is, and she turns off the radio.

Al says, Reclamation One, into the radio, and a soldier asks what she’s doing on that channel. She says, the people who are out there didn’t see anything. They don’t know anything about them, but she does. She knows why they’re here, and who they’re looking for. She told Al everything, and gave Al her maps and flight plan.

On video, Al says she knows what means to her; a purpose. It gives her a reason to wake up every day, and she’s right to protect it.

The soldier on the radio says, elaborate, and Al says, she’ll give it all back in exchange for an interview. There’s an old house by the ravine. They’ve flown over it. Rendezvous there in three hours. And bring her camera. The soldier says, they have a recovery camera, and she says, don’t be a smart ass.

On video, in protective gear, Sarah says, the Pennsylvania? It’s not the Four Seasons, but at least they have clean water. Morgan asks why she’s interviewing him, and if she ever stops, and Luci asks if she can’t wait until they get back. Grace is looking at the videos in the tank, and Morgan asks if she found that. She says in his pack. He didn’t tell Al he had it. He says, no, he didn’t. He didn’t want to give her an excuse to leave. She thinks they took it. He asks if she found anything, and she says, interviews with everyone they knew. Morgan says, Al knew she wasn’t coming back, and he guesses she wanted to take something of them to take with her. Grace says, maybe there’s a clue as to where Al is going, and Morgan says he’s going to see if there’s juice in the battery.

Al says, as soon as they give her the camera back, she just wants to ask them some simple questions. Did they really think Ground 17 gave her anything? We see she’s talking to a zombie, whose foot is pegged to the ground with a knife, so it can’t walk. She says she knows they’re pissed that she dragged them there under false pretenses. Don’t say she didn’t warn them. She ducks, and a cannon blows the middle out of the zombie. She tells it’s still moving head, thanks for your help. She agrees. The problem is its breath. She gets up and smashes the head.

On the video, we see a rocket go up, and Al says, what hell is that?

Al loads the cannon again. The radio crackles, and she asks if they need new directions, but the soldier says, negative; no rendezvous. She says, she’s going to start visiting the locations on these maps. Is he going to tell ground control that he’s come back empty handed? He says, they have the party she escaped with. Two soldiers have Morgan and Grace down on the ground, and the one on the radio says they’re going to eliminate them. Morgan says he’s sorry, and Grace says, there’s got to be another way. Al says, they don’t know anything; they’re not a part of this. Grace says, they have a daughter who needs them. They have to understand that. Al says, killing them won’t get her to talk, and Morgan tells her to give them the information. Al says, let them go, but the soldier says, they’re about to kill the male. Grace says, tell them, and the soldier says, one… He fires a shot in the air, and says, two… Another shot in the air. Morgan says, Al… and the soldier says, three. Al says, stop. She knows where she is. She agrees to their proposal. The soldier asks, where is Ground 17? and she says, in a cabin in the Smokies. She was with her copilot. He says he thought she didn’t know; they’ll require confirmation. She says, she told them where the cabin was; she’ll take them there. They can kill her afterward, but let Grace and Morgan go. Morgan says, don’t give her up for them, and Al says, they’ll kill him and Grace. He says, they won’t; they need them. The soldier says, negative, and Morgan grabs his gun. Grace kicks his legs out from under him, and Morgan stands up with gun, saying, they’re not killing anyone. Let her go. He tells the other soldier, drop the gun. One… He shoots in the air. Two… He shoots again. The soldier takes off his gun, and Morgan tells Grace to go. The soldier grabs Morgan, but Grace is already in the tank. She radios Al, asking if she copies, and says she’s got the truck. Al tells her to get Morgan on board, and she’ll do the rest. Grace drives right at Morgan and the soldier struggling in the road, and the soldier lets go. He and Morgan split apart, as Grace drives through, and Morgan jumps in the tank. The soldiers shoot at them, but the bullets bounce off the tank.

We see two sets of feet on the video. Al asks if she’s saying goodbye. The feet get closer for a moment, and one set of feet leaves. Al radios Daniel, asking if he copies. If he can, get to coordinates… She gives him a bunch of numbers.

Al radios Morgan, asking what their ETA is, and he says, they’re about five minutes out. Grace asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s fine. Al says, the less they’re on the radio, the better. Morgan copies, and asks if Grace meant it back there when she called Mo their daughter. She says she did, and he says, they did come back home with her. They hear a helicopter, and Morgan looks out. He says, they’ve got company, and tells Grace to keep driving. He radios Al to tell her that the soldiers are on their tail. She says she knows; stay the course. The helicopter flies ahead, and Grace says, they’re giving up? He says, they’re landing. They’re going to beat them there.

In the dark, Al wonders where the hell Morgan is. She shoots a few zombies, then sees soldiers with flashlights. The tank pulls up, and Morgan asks if she’s okay. She says she’s going to get them here, and keep them here, and when she says, drive, drive. She looks at the cannon, which is now rigged with a rope. A zombie toddles along getting in between, and she says, sh*t. She tells Morgan, she can do this; let her. She gets out, and Morgan follows. A soldier approaches the tank, and the gun thing opens up, shining a light on him. He tells Al, hands up in the air, and Al says, maybe they didn’t hear her. They have one last chance. They shoot at the tank, but the bullets once again bounce off, and Al says, she knows where Ground 17 is; she’s got proof. It’s on video. Al comes around the tank, with her hands on her head. Morgan stays on the other side, holding the rope to the cannon. Al tells the soldier to let the others go, and Morgan waits. The soldier relaxes a little, and Al says, now! Grace drives, and Morgan pulls the cord, the cannon blowing the soldiers away. I say, ew! out loud. Quentin Tarantino would have been proud. Morgan asks if Al is okay, and she says she is.

They drive, and Al says, this doesn’t change anything. She’s still going. Morgan says he saved her life. That means she owes him. She asks what he wants, and he says, an interview… please. She smiles.

On video, Al asks why Morgan is doing this. He says, she’s not used to being on that side camera, is she? It’s something to remember her by. She asks what he wants to know, and he asks if she was telling the truth to the soldiers. Does Al know where she is? The pilot? She says, yeah, she does. He asks why Al isn’t going after her, and Al says, this isn’t going to work. He says he’s not trying to pull anything. She wanted the truth, and it’s about the only thing you can’t run from. He couldn’t. The truth knows the where and why, and leaves on its own. She says, it’s complicated. She wanted Al to come. She gave up everything to save people she’d never met, but when she asked Al to give up everything for her… Morgan asks why Al isn’t with her, and Al flashes back to telling Isabelle that she’s sorry. She can’t do what Isabelle did. Al tells Morgan, she couldn’t do the same. She’d have to give this up. She’s sorry. She broke the only rule she ever had; never let herself become part of the story. Morgan asks who Ground 17 is; at least tell him her name. Al takes the camera out of his hand, and gives him the cartridge. They hug, and she goes over to Grace, and hugs her. I want to cry. Morgan asks if Al knows where she’s going, and she says, she knows what path she’s going to follow. Grace says, whoever Al thinks she’s letting down, she doubts they’d want her to miss out because of them. Al says she’ll see them on the road, and walks away.

Back at the rendezvous point, Al tells a soldier’s head, it’s been a helluva ride. She digs around in their pockets, wondering where they’re from, and Morgan shows up. She says, what the hell? She made up her mind. He says, just like he did. She and John still came after him one more time, so… She says she’s sorry, and picks up the radio, and hears something about Ground 17.

Back at the helicopter, Al hears, Reclamation One you’re being recalled. Do you copy? Morgan says, don’t, and Al says, Reclamation One, copy. A woman says, stand by for new target coordinates, and Al asks, who’s the new target? The woman says, Ground 17 remains the target. Her chopper responder places her at coordinates… The woman reads off numbers, and Al tells Morgan, she’s going to find her, no matter where she goes. She hears, do you copy? Al says, Reclamation One, copy, en route. Morgan says, tell him she’s going after her, and not chasing after whatever bullsh*t story these people are up to. Al says, she’s not sure, but either way, it will be one helluva ride. Morgan says, Al’s rule. It’s not about a choice she made a long time ago. It’s not about giving up the camera. It’s about her being scared, and losing herself. She doesn’t know she is part of the story. She was before, and she is now. If you’re alive, you’re part of the story. You can’t pretend there’s no connection there; that you’re not affected, like a piece of machinery, like a camera. She is the story, and he’s grateful that he got to be part of hers, and he’s glad she got to be part of his. Al says, her too, and Morgan says, you go. He gets out, and closes the door. The smiles, and ducks out. She puts hula girl on the helicopter dashboard.    

Al goes to the rendezvous point, and asks if anybody’s there. She goes inside. A fire is burning in the stove, and she turns on the TV, seeing a video of herself. She hears a gun cock, and turns around. She says, they’ve got to stop meeting like this. Isabelle asks what she’s doing here. She can’t stay. Al says she knows the chopper is down, and they’ll probably  be back. Isabelle says Al came all this way over her? and Al says she wants to come with Isabelle. Isabelle says she made peace with Al’s decision, even if she doesn’t understand it, Al says she hasn’t, and Isabelle says, they’ll never stop looking over their shoulders, and Al says, she’s right, but that’s okay. She can handle it. Isabelle says, the only way this can work is if they stay one step ahead, and Al says, Isabelle gave up everything; so will she. She smashes the camera, and says it was never about the camera. She was scared. She is scared. Isabelle says, she knows, but what’s different now? AL says, not trying and not coming here was scarier. They’ll find something new; something for them both. Then at least they gave it a try. They kiss, and Al asks, where should they go first?

Next time, Victor has his portrait painted, Morgan asks for Victor’s help, and Howard asks how long they have.   

The World Beyond

We flashed back to two years ago, when Indira created a globe sculpture for  the CRM with a globe sculpture for outside the facility, a reminder of who they were, and what was at stake. Indira wanted Elizabeth’s word that she’d keep their non-aggression pact after she was gone, and explained she was sick. Elizabeth said they had doctors and dialysis there, but Indira said she couldn’t put her personal interests first. Elizabeth said she wasn’t asking anything in return, and Indira asked, what Elizabeth would gain? Elizabeth said, peace of mind that she was sparing Indira’s children the ordeal she and Huck went through with Huck’s father. It was just between them, no strings.

In the present day. Will came back to the Perimeter alone, looking downcast. At the CRM, Leo told the other scientists that their purpose had been to heal the planet for their children and their children’s children, but they couldn’t do it there with the people who were responsible. Another scientist said they weren’t going to be allowed to leave; Leo was talking escape. Leo said they were past the point of talking, and the plan had been put in motion. They were going to use the CRM’s security protocol against them. He realized he was asking a lot, but they’d have help from the outside. He didn’t have every answer, but they couldn’t stay there. Lyla didn’t die in a lab accident; she’d been murdered like Dr. Abbot and Leo’s security detail. One of the scientists said, the CRM had committed genocide, and they had proof. They could either be a party to it, or be killed. Leo said they were working to stop the monsters, and save people from turning into monsters, but they needed to save themselves first.

Huck told Dennis that she couldn’t risk another trip, and he agreed to help. He told her, no matter how it turned out, she was the only part he didn’t regret. She told Silas that she’d sent him to Dennis because he was a good guy, and Silas said he got it. She said he had to trust her, even if he hated her. Hope and Iris packed, and Hope said it seemed unreal that lives were being put in their hands. Iris said a lot could go wrong, but they’d make it work. They’d do whatever they had to do to make sure they won. Huck told Leo and Felix that she and Dennis would get them someplace safe, and Felix asked what was going to happen to her. She said they were going to let the government know what the military had done. There was a Resistance who could help her get to whoever she needed to talk to, and maybe in the end, she and Dennis would try together. Because you always think of those romantic notions in the middle of an apocalyptic crisis. She said Dennis and Silas were going to relay the plan.  

Silas said Dennis had told him what to do, but not why, and Dennis said the less he knew, the better. Silas said Dennis’s wife had killed people, and let him think he’d done it. Was she just doing her job? Dennis told him that on the inside, they said everything was for the greater good. You went in not knowing who you were, and lost yourself. Silas said there was right and wrong, but Dennis disagreed, and said, not for a long time. Silas said Dennis tried to get him involved, but Dennis said Silas had been going nowhere, just like him. They killed a couple of zombies, and then hid as a horde ambled past.  

Huck went to see Jadis, who told her, the operational monitor was back online after the outage. She showed Huck the diagnostics, and said she was concerned Leo wasn’t keeping quiet. His psychological profile had determined he’d fall in line to keep his family safe, and she was starting to wonder if it was wrong. Huck said she didn’t think so, but Jadis said she was usually right. She needed to show him what happened if he stepped out of line. She told her lieutenant that her team was ready when his was.

Will told Indira that he was sorry, but her son was dead. Indira said he’d gone out there because of her, but Will said that wasn’t true. She told Brody and the core group that she was dying. Elizabeth had offered her treatment so she could live, and she’d been too selfish and scared to let go of her life. Dev died helping her get her medication so that she could hold onto things she shouldn’t be holding onto. She’d handed the CRM control of her life, and because of her decision, they’d taken the life of her boy, and now they could lose everything. She had to assume the non-aggression pact was nullified. Things were escalating, and they all knew what the CRM was capable of. It wasn’t safe there for any of them, and they had to leave. When they got to safety, she’d tell everyone she was stepping down as leader. Elton told Asha that he was sorry about Dev, and she said Dev was like Elton, questioning everything, She wondered if in the end he ever got his answer. Elton said, for some people it took facing the end to really know.

Huck radioed Iris and Hope, telling them that they needed to start everything now. The CRM was sending armed guards, and they needed to head to the rendezvous point. They couldn’t wait. At the Perimeter, Elton told Will, if the plan was going to happen, it needed to happen now. Soldiers came to get the girls, but they were gone, having run out the back. Iris said they had this, and Hope said she’d get their dad and meet Iris there. Jadis strutted around, and her lieutenant (whose name I don’t know) told her Leo was gone. She said some military stuff to him, and told him it would tell her how deep it had spread. There was a mandatory evacuation drill, and Leo tried to act cool. He met up with Felix, Iris, and Percy, and they all kept walking.

Hope found Mason, and said he needed to come with her. He needed to trust her; it was a matter of life and death. The lieutenant showed told Jadis, not only were the scientists AWOL, the civilian research team was too. She wanted a full facility lockdown, and said now they knew it was just the Bennetts. They were going to check room by room, and find where they were hiding. Leo told Iris that the CRM knew something was wrong, when gates started coming down over the doors. Hope ran in just in time with Mason, and they went into another room where all the others were. Hope told Mason that she wished there was another way, but their plan wouldn’t work without him. Percy and Felix took him away.

The lieutenant told Huck that the group was locked in a biocontainment unit. It was failsafe, and blunt force wouldn’t open the door. They’d have to wait two hours for a reboot. She said she’d tell Jadis. Inside the unit, the group had blocked the door, Leo saying this was nothing but reckless. Felix said they’d had no choice. Leo chose to give him life, and he chose to make it count. They smashed up a bunch of computers and whatnot, and Mason was tied up, and trying to figure out what the hell was going on. He saw a bunch of zombies and freaked out, but Hope told him that it was one-way glass. They could see the zombies, but the zombies couldn’t see them. Mason begged to know what was going on, and Hope said the CRM was not what he thought. They did horrible things. He said, if that was true, his dad would know. It couldn’t be that bad. He asked if that’s why he was taken, and she said there was no other way. They needed to leverage him to get what they wanted. Then they’d let him go. He asked, what if they didn’t get what they wanted. Would they feed him to the zombies? Hope promised no one would hurt him.

Idiot Brody ran to the CRM to tattle on Indira, and Jadis told Huck that her mother had been diverting medical supplies to the head of the Perimeter. They posed a significant threat to security. An intruder had been shot trying to ID Indira’s son. He’d said he was actively working with the Bennetts against them. Huck asked if she wasn’t going to investigate that claim, but Jadis said investigations took time and exposed vulnerabilities. The contact had to be removed immediately. At the Perimeter, everyone got ready to leave. Way too slowly IMO. Will told Indira that he lived for a picture of the future with Felix in his mind. He didn’t think it made him wrong, and he didn’t think what she did for her family was wrong either. Group member Robin came in, and said Brody had been ranting that he was going to make things right with the CRM, just as the CRM soldiers rolled in. The soldiers pushed people around, even though everyone was compliant. Will snuck around. Then took off for somewhere on foot.

While Jadis was busy with something else, Huck told Brody that he’d marked the Perimeter for death. He said Indira made a deal to save her own life. Why not him? Huck had been playing both sides, and he knew it. She asked if he was trying to get her killed, and he said if she promised him a permanent residence there, he’d keep quiet. She said she couldn’t do that, but he said, figure out a way she could. At the Perimeter, the soldiers made everyone get on their knees with their hands up. Indira asked to speak to Elizabeth.

 Brody said, if Huck didn’t do this, she was dead, and she shot him in the head, not even hesitating. Jadis came back, and said, what the hell? Huck said Brody was a rat, and had been playing games. He knew about Omaha and the Campus Colony, and said if they didn’t give him residence, he’d scream it from the rooftops. Jadis asked how he knew, and Huck said she had no clue, but he was a security threat. Maybe he had a personal grudge against Indira. Jadis said Indira was a threat too, and radioed the soldiers at the Perimeter, asking to speak to Indira. Indira told Jadis to call her soldiers off. Take her, but let her people live. Jadis said she was impressed by the globe Indira made. She’d been like Indira once, leading an artist community, but they didn’t stand a chance, like Indira’s didn’t now. Her vision was lovely but didn’t portray what is. She couldn’t see it. Huck told Jadis that the Perimeter provided a valuable service; they were a resource. Jadis told the soldiers to eliminate all of them, and leave no one alive. Elton and Asha hooked pinkies, which I smelled coming. Will started shooting at the soldiers, who fired back. Then Will’s gun got jammed, but Dennis showed up, and started shooting, along with Silas. Dennis got on a radio and faked out the soldiers with orders, and they all ran to another area, giving the residents time to get weapons. Indira shot the head soldier just as he was about to shoot Elton. Dennis, Silas, Elton and Indira gave each other silent signals, and worked as a team. Dennis stole a grenade from a dead soldier, and blew the rest of the soldiers to smithereens.

Will said, well played, and Dennis told Silas to get his friends and supplies to the rendezvous. Be ready. Silas asked, for what? What was the plan? Dennis revealed he’d been shot in the side, and keeled over. At the CRM, Mason was hustled out, even though he said he wasn’t going anywhere. He demanded to know where they were taking him. Hope told Iris that Mason hadn’t done anything, but Iris said, neither had they. There was too much at stake. Meanwhile, the scientists had used explosives to create an opening to tunnels below the unit, also keeping the CRM following them. When they finally got into the room, Jadis said every drop of data had been wiped out. They weren’t just escaping; they’d been planning a rebellion. They stood to lose every scrap of progress and knowledge since the beginning. Huck asked what the plan was, and Jadis said she knew where the exits were. She was going to station a soldier at every tunnel exit. When the group emerged, they’d be waiting.

Jadis said they were going to make an example of all of them. She told the soldiers, shoot to kill. Eliminate some to traumatize the many. They’d been safe for too long, and had forgotten too much. She hoped to make them remember.

Next time, Jadis says, they’ll see who blinks first. And oh yeah, zombies.

🙇🏽‍♀️ Better Late Than Later…

Dead news tomorrow, along with the usual soap, and whatever’s on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay edifying to others, and stay knowing, if you’re alive, you’re part of the story.

November 19, 2021 – Sasha Is Rushed To the OR, Farewell Alice, Brad’s Back, Is It On, Christmas Soap, All Good, Begging, Bad Form, Support, Tripping, a Split, Side Hustle, New Tattoo, OctQuotes & Almost


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sasha yowls in pain, and Brando says, she’s got this. Easy for him to say. He tells her, they’re going to be a family, and she says she likes the sound of that.

Elizabeth sees Dr. Navarro, and says she’s been trying to track the doctor down. It’s Sasha Gilmore. She’s worried something is seriously wrong. She and the doctor take off for Sasha’s room.

Willow is punching the heavy bag, when Michael comes into the gym. She says she was just working out, and he says he could see that, but he’s never seen her hit the heavy bag before. She says, it’s her first time. She didn’t know what she was missing. Punching things can be fun. She hits it again.

Chase has a drink at Charlie’s, and flashes back on his conversation with Brook at Kelly’s; Brook explaining why she gave birth in a hotel. He says, the story doesn’t add up, and wonders what Brook is hiding.

Valentin tells Brook, if it was just him, fine. They could keep things the way they are. But there are two other people they have to think about; Charlotte and Bailey. For them, he needs to know. Bailey isn’t his, is she? Brook says, it’s so much more complicated than he thinks it is, and he says, she just has to look in his eyes and tell him Bailey is his daughter. She cries, and says she’s so sorry. She can’t.

Maxie leaves Brook a voicemail to call her back. She needs to know Gladys hasn’t ruined everything. Nina comes out of the elevator, and Maxie asks what she’s doing there. Nina says, Elizabeth tipped her off that Sasha was in labor. What is it? Is it the baby? Maxie says she doesn’t know anything about Sasha or the baby, and Nina says, then what is it? Maxie says, her, and her plan to protect Louise from Peter. It’s falling apart.

At Rice Plaza, Sonny tells Carly, don’t worry about it. It was an accidental meeting; no one got hurt. She says, not tonight, but he got hurt. So did she. They’re whole family was hurt. Doesn’t he get that? Why is he defending Nina? He says he’s not defending Nina. He knows everyone got hurt. He’s just preventing any more hurt now that it’s over. She says, it’s not over, and it’s never going to be over as long as there are no consequences for what Nina did. He gets that, right? Please help her understand here.

Obrecht asks Peter, at what point is he going to admit they’re hopelessly lost? He asks when she’s going to shut her mouth, and she says, so that’s a never? He says he knows what he’s doing, and Britt asks, what’s going on? Obrecht looks at the ceiling, and says, it’s dangerously unstable.

Jason tells Drew, they have a problem, and Drew says, just one? Jason says he’s seen the island from a satellite view, and knows the tunnels exist… Drew says, but as far as which ones he used… Jason says he has no idea where Peter went. Drew crouches down and looks at something. He points and says, they used this one. Jason asks how he knows, and Drew says, Jason might be an expert hitman, but he’s had a little experience tracking people during his time in the Navy. His contribution to this little adventure. Jason tells him, lead the way.

Obrecht says, one false move, or a particularly loud noise, and they’ll all be buried alive. Peter asks if her dire warnings are intended to discourage him, but she says, they’re intended to save his life. Britt tells him to listen to her mother. Peter might hate Obrecht, but he knows she’s smart. Obrecht thanks her, and Peter says, she’s determined to stop him. She’ll tell any lie to slow them down. Britt says, she’s not lying about the loose dirt. Think about it. This island belongs to the Cassadines. He says, so? and she says, so, they’re not well-known for planning. They want a tunnel, they dig a tunnel. They don’t think about shoring it up, or maintaining it for that matter. Obrecht says, the Cassadines came there during the Russian Revolution; this tunnel could be more than a hundred years old. Britt says she knows Peter is arrogant, but even he can’t argue with geology, and gravity. They have to leave.

On the phone, Chase says he knows he’s still on desk duty, but was hoping they could do him a solid, and look something up for him… Awesome. He needs the E-Z Pass record for Brook Lyn Quartermaine’s vehicle on May 27th of this year… Yeah, he’ll hold.

Brook says she’s so sorry she lied to Valentin, but he says he needs to hear her say the words. She says, Bailey isn’t his daughter. She never meant for this to go on for so long. He says for months and months and months she watched him pour his heart into that little girl. She says she’s sorry. She thought it would be over before Valentin fell in love with Bailey, and he says he was in love with her the moment he knew she existed. His child is everything to him. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone look sadder than he looks right now.

Maxie tells Nina, and now, Gladys is going to open her big mouth and tell Valentin that Bailey isn’t his. Nina says, she could have told Maxie this wouldn’t end well, and Maxie says, too late. Nina says she’s sorry, and Maxie says, maybe there’s no reason to panic yet. Gladys doesn’t know everything. She doesn’t know Bailey is really Louise. Nina says, the crucial information is contained, and Maxie says, this could be a good thing, right? Nina was the one who tried to convince her to let Valentin in on the secret. He could actually be an ally. Nina says, she did, but… and Maxie says, she knows. It’s going to be a huge blow finding out Bailey isn’t his. Nina says, monumental, and Maxie says, after he processes it, and realizes she and Brook only did this to protect Louise from Peter, he’ll want to help her. He’ll understand. Wouldn’t it be great? Nina says it would, but she’s afraid it’s highly unlikely.

Sonny says, Carly has to understand. There’s been so much pain in their family in the last year… She says she knows, but the pain isn’t going to go away because Nina has a relationship with Wiley, and clearly, she’s going to stake her claim as his grandmother. So accidental or not, this just proves Michael was right to have charges pressed against Nina in Pennsylvania. Sonny says, if Michael had asked him, he would have said Michael was just making things more complicated. She says she doesn’t get it; this isn’t him. One thing they’ve always agreed on is, if someone comes at them, they’ll come back twice as hard to make sure nobody comes at them again. She’s not talking about sending a message. She’s talking about justice. Why would he deny himself or his family that kind of justice after what Nina did to him? He says, because if they destroy Nina, he would be denying who he had become.

Sasha squeezes Brando’s hand, and he tells her, just breathe. The doctor comes in with Elizabeth, and says she heard things are progressing in here. Brando says, looks like it, and Sasha says, feels like it too. Dr. Navarro says she’d like to run some tests, and do an ultrasound to see how things are going, and Sasha asks if everything is okay. The doctor says, that’s what she wants to confirm, and Brando says, whatever she thinks is best. Dr. Navarro asks Elizabeth to prep Sasha, and they leave. Brando tells Sasha, it’s going to be okay.

Drew says, it looks like they stood around for a while, and then met someone; there’s extra boot prints. Jason says, they probably picked up a guard, and Drew says they have a problem. This tunnel is in really bad shape. Jason says he noticed, and Drew says, loud noises, like, let’s say, gunfire, up the chances of a total collapse. Every gunshot is going to make this place more unstable.

Michael asks Willow, what brought on the sudden urge to go at the bag like that? He thought she was taking Wiley to the Fall Fair in Rice Plaza. She says she did take him. That’s what brought on the sudden desire for a workout. Nina was there. He asks if Nina approached her, but she says, Wiley made the first move. He saw her, wanted to go to her, and she let him. Go ahead. Tell her how much he hates that. He says he hates the idea of Nina being anywhere near their son, but he wasn’t there, so… She says, thank you. She tried keep it lowkey. She and Wiley had a hot chocolate with Nina, then she sent Wiley off with Cindy, who he knows from daycare at the hospital. When she and Nina were alone, she told Nina that she hates what she did, and didn’t think she should see Wiley for the time being, but she wasn’t going to confuse Wiley by dragging him away, and punishing him for Nina’s bad choices. He asks how Nina took it, and she says, Nina was appropriately remorseful. At the same time, she doesn’t think Nina even begins to grasp how selfish and horrible she was, or how much damage she’s done. When Cindy brought Wiley back, all she wanted to do was take him home, and just as they were saying their goodbyes, Carly showed up and jumped to the wrong conclusion. He asks, how wrong? and she says, Carly was going to call the cops on Nina for stalking Wiley. He says, go, mom, since he’s a big jerk, and Willow says, no. He says he knows it made a bad situation worse, but he can enjoy the fantasy, can’t he? She says, sure; he can enjoy it. He wasn’t the one in the middle of Rice Plaza, trying to stop his mom from having Nina dragged away in handcuffs in front of Wiley. She needs more time on the heavy bag. He says, actually, he has a better idea.

Dr. Navarro does the ultrasound, and says, looks like it’s time to get moving. She tells Elizabeth to have the OR prepped right away, and Brando asks if something is wrong. Sasha asks if there’s something wrong with the baby, and the doctor says they need to prep her for an emergency C-section. Sasha says, no, she’s fine, but then cries out in pain. Dr. Navarro says she knows it wasn’t their plan, and under normal circumstances, they’d do everything they could to avoid surgery, but she’s having pain from a placental disruption, and the baby needs to come out now.

Chase sees Bobbie come into Charlie’s, and says, it’s good to see her. She asks him to excuse her for making a beeline to the coffee, but she’s headed to Rice Plaza. She just came off a double-shift at GH. Where everyone is raving about his wife, by the way. He says he thinks she means ex-wife, and she says, that’s why she needs caffeine; she’s so sorry. He tells her, that’s okay, and she says, clearly, her mind isn’t as sharp after a long day. For the record, she loves that Willow makes Michael happy, but she hates that he got hurt in the process. He’s a good man, and he’s been a particularly good friend to Maxie and Lulu. He says he hopes the coffee works its magic, and she goes to the bar to order a large coffee to go. His phone dings, and he looks at it, and says, Beecher’s Corners? What’s she doing there? Bobbie says, she doesn’t know who he’s referring to, but Beecher’s Corners happens to be a lovely place. He says, she’s been? and she says, right before Memorial Day.

Brook says she knows Valentin is upset; he has every right to be. He tells her, don’t tell him how to feel, and identify. I hate when people do that. She says he has to understand; this was never her intention. He says he doesn’t care about her intentions. This is where they are now. When he thinks about the sleepless nights, and the stories they shared… She says, that was real, and he asks, how was it real? She says, because it happened, and he says she’s not who he thought she was. He doesn’t even know what she is. She watched as he bonded with this child. His twelve-year-old daughter thinks she has a sister, and for what? Some stock? The Brook he thought he knew would have never done that. She says, she didn’t.

Maxie says, Nina was the one who advocated for Maxie to tell the truth. Nina says, she did. If Maxie had told him months ago when she said that, she’s sure Valentin would have been supportive. Not only would he have kept the secret, he would have made sure it was airtight, but they made him fall in love with that baby… Just like she made Sonny fall in love with her. Maxie says, not ideal or advised, but when it comes to the truth, isn’t it better late than never? Nina tells her, that’s what people say, tell the truth, but she learned the hard way, they’re only talking about the immediate truth. Hidden truths become secrets, and those only leave pain and chaos in their wake.

Carly says she wants to understand what Sonny is going through, but he has to walk her through it. How can Nina facing justice for what she did to their family, be denying who he’s become? He closes his eyes for a moment, and says, he was gone for nine months, and at that time, he was living another life; they both were. He can’t just believe it’s going to go back to normal, and nothing’s changed. It’s hard for him. She says, things have gone back to normal. They’re the same people they were; they’re the same couple. He says, for the better part of a year, he was another person, and that time doesn’t just vanish from his mind. In Nixon Falls, he didn’t know about Sonny Corinthos, but here he knows he was Mike, and Mike’s still part of him. For nine months, what kept him alive, centered, and safe was the friendships he had with Lenny, Phyllis, and Nina. He just can’t change the fact that up until a couple weeks ago, Nina was… the one friend he had in the whole world.

Chase asks if Bobbie was in Beecher’s Corners on vacation, and she says she supposes there’s no reason to be keeping it a secret at this point. She was supposed to meet Maxie there. He says, like a final hoorah before he baby was born? but she says, not exactly. Maxie had figured out the truth about Peter, but she knew if she tried to end the relationship, there would be… issues. He says, that’s putting it mildly, and she says, Maxie asked her there in a professional capacity. He says, as a nurse? and she says, yeah. The plan was for her to deliver Maxie’s baby in secret.

Brook said this took her by surprise too, but Valentin tells her not to compare their experiences; they’re nothing alike. She says she’s just trying to explain herself. It started off with, oops, I’m pregnant, and Valentin thinks he’s the father. He says, she led him to believe he was the father, and she says, she did something she’s not proud of. She used the situation to her advantage so she could get ELQ back. She was clueless. She had no idea how he’d be as a father or as a partner. She thought he’d just give her child support and leave. He says, which, if she’d accepted, would have been fraud, but go ahead. She asks if he remembers how opposed she was to him moving in. Why does he think that was? What started off as a stupid means to an end, ended up with him and his daughter moving in with her family; their family. The four of them. She thought, what was she doing? but it was too late. Then Gladys found out the truth and started blackmailing her. She had no choice. She never intended to hurt him.

Obrecht tells Peter, congratulations; this is new. She doesn’t suppose Peter knows where they are. He says, for the millionth time, stop talking, or he will kill one of them. Britt asks Obrecht to stop antagonizing Peter, but Obrecht says she’s not; she’s telling him the truth. This whole place could come crumbling down at any time, and this dummkopf is leading us nowhere. Brittwas right; they must turn back. Peter says, no. They’re getting the hell out of here, going to the harbor, and getting on a boat. Then they’re going to the rendezvous point where Drew will be bringing Maxie to him. Drew says, that’s not going to happen, and Peter sees Drew in front of him. holding a gun aimed at him.   

Dr. Navarro explains that the placenta is separating from the uterus. Sasha says, when? and the doctor guesses it happened when her water broke. Sasha says, the placenta is how the baby eats and gets oxygen, and Dr. Navarro says that’s why they have to do the C-section. Brando asks if their son is okay, and the doctor says they’re doing everything int their power to make sure of that. She tells Sasha that they’ll give her an epidural, but she’ll be conscious, and Sasha says, just take care of the baby. The doctor says, the plan is to take care of both of them, and Sasha is wheeled out. Brando says, the doctor made a point of saying both of them. Is Sasha in trouble too? Level with him. Is Sasha’s life at risk too? She says, it’s too early to say, but a hemorrhage could be a complication, which is why they can’t waste time, She jets, and Brando follows.

Nina says, maybe it would help if she went with Maxie, and Maxie says, as in, he might go easier on her? Nina says, well, he won’t kill her because there’s a witness. It’s possible. They see Sasha being wheeled to the OR, and go over to Brando. Nina asks if Sasha is okay, but he says, no. She could lose the baby and he could lose them both. Nina and Maxie hug him.

Peter asks what the hell Drew is doing here, and Drew says he’s taking Britt and her mother off this island, but if he kills Peter in the process, that’s just a bonus. Peter moves for his own gun, and Drew shoots him in the arm. Jason joins them, and there’s gunfire between them and the guards, Britt and Obrecht ducking down. There’s one guard remaining, and he puts up his hands. Drew asks how Jason wants to handle him, and asks the guard if what Peter is paying him is worth dying for. The guard throws his gun down, and Drew tells him, get out. He wisely does, and Jason asks if they’re okay. Britt says, they are now, and runs to Jason, hugging him. She steps away and says, that’s a perfectly normal response; she’s happy he’s not dead. Drew asks, where’s Peter? but he’s gone.

Michael wears punching mitts, while Willow punches, and she says she hates being stuck in the middle. It would be so much easier if Nina moved far away, like New Zealand, or at least California. He says, prison works, but she says, even if Nina goes to prison, she’ll still have legal rights as Wiley’s grandmother. He says, it will be hard exercise those rights in prison, but she says, Nina has money and lawyers, and if she lands in prison, she’ll have nothing but time. Think about it. Does he really want to take Wiley to visit Nina in some prison visiting room? He says, of course (🍷) not, and she says, the fact is, Nina will always be Wiley’s grandmother, unless she chooses to sever those ties. An all-out visitation war over Wiley can only hurt him. For Wiley’s sake, she just wants to find a way for them to co-exist. Is that so impossible to understand? he says he does understand; he just doesn’t agree. Willow throws some more punches.

Chase says, Maxie didn’t want to have her baby in the hospital? and Bobbie says, it wasn’t so much about the venue . He says, because of Peter, and she says, Peter was watching her like a hawk at the time. Her guess is, Maxie wanted to keep her options open. He says, her guess? and she says, all Maxie told her was that she was determined not to let Peter raise her baby. So if that meant going on the run or putting Louise up for adoption… The best laid plans, right? All that strategizing to try and keep Peter away from her baby, and now Maxie has no idea where she is. She tells Chase, it’s good to see him, but she’s got to go. Bobbie leaves, and the wheels turn in Chase’s head.

Valentin cries, and says he’s devastated. He just doesn’t know how else to put it. He loves Bailey so completely, and if he’s not her father, what does he do with that? He wanted to watch her grow up so bad. Brook says he can still do that, and he says, as what? He’s not her father. He wonders how he’s going to tell Charlotte, and she says, they’ll do it together, but he says, no! He doesn’t want her anywhere near his daughter. She says, please, and he says, let him and Charlotte mourn what she’s stolen from them, and then he’ll mourn her too. This is heartbreaking.

Carly says she knew that Nina was a presence in Nixon Falls, for months, and of course (🍷) Sonny saw her. But this is the first she’s hearing that he considers Nina his friend. He says she’s not his friend; he didn’t say that. When he didn’t know who Nina was, or what she’d done to his family… When he was Mike… He takes her hand, and Bobbie runs into the plaza. She says she’s sorry she’s late. She ran into… She asks if she’s interrupting, but Sonny says, they have plans, right? He tells Carly he’ll see her later, and leaves. Bobbie asks if everything is okay, but Carly says she doesn’t know.    

Still in the ring with Willow, Michael says Nina is counting on her to co-exist, and put her mistakes in the past. That way, when anyone approaches her, and holds her accountable, like him or his mom, they’re unreasonable, vindictive. She flips the script and goes from being a borderline psycho, liar, someone who kept his dad a virtual prisoner for nine months… He doesn’t want to go down this rabbit hole. He doesn’t want to waste this moment with her. She’s beautiful, and sweaty, and throwing punches. He doesn’t want to waste that on anyone, least of all, Nina. Willow says, who? and he says, exactly. He doesn’t want to think about the things he hates, and miss the thing he loves, standing right in front of him.

Brando tells Maxie and Nina that he’s terrified. What if they can’t get to the baby in time? Maxie says, he can’t think like that, and Nina says, Maxie’s right. Sasha is incredibly resilient. Maxie says, and so is he. You know what that means? His baby is a badass too. Nina asks if they’ve found baby names yet, and he shakes his head. She says, Badass Corbin has a nice ring to it. I actually like that one. Brando guesses he should head to the OR, and Maxie asks if she can walk with him. She’s had an emergency C-section, so maybe she can tell him what to expect. He says he’d appreciate that, and Nina says, please keep her updated. And tell Sasha that she loves her. They leave, and Nina leans against the wall, looking sad.

Everyone bustles around, prepping for Sasha’s surgery. Dr. Navarro comes in, and gets gloved up. Sasha looks worried. Yikes! We see them cut into her.

Valentin says he admired Brook. He felt lucky, like they were kindred spirits; like they understood one another. And she was gracious to Charlotte. He thought she would be a good influence to her, but he was wrong. It was all a lie. Smoke and mirrors. That’s all she is. She saw the damage she was doing, and stood by and did nothing. She just let it roll, and go on and on… She says, that’s not what happened. There’s a huge piece of this that he doesn’t understand.

Obrecht says, that schwein Peter must have run away in all the commotion. Jason says, they know he’s not headed to the house, and Obrecht says, he doesn’t know where he’s headed. He was hopelessly lost. Britt asks how Jason and Drew found them, and Jason says, Drew was able to track them. Obrecht says, of course (🍷), and tells Drew, congratulations on overcoming the conditioning. Drew says, the credit goes to Jason, but Jason says, actually, the credit goes to Britt. She found a way to give him the card from Peter. Britt hugs Jason again, and Obrecht says she was just trying to be inclusive. Jason asks if Drew can pick up Peter’s trail; they have to find him. Drew asks if Obrecht and Britt can find their way back, and Obrecht says, one of her minor PhDs was in geology. These tunnels are the brink of collapse. Drew says, that gunfire didn’t help the situation, and Obrecht said, it made it exponentially worse. If they want to get out alive, the need to go now. They start to walk, and Jason looks behind them. He says, get down, and Peter starts shooting at them.

Bobbie says she’s not trying to pry, but Carly says, she needs Bobbie to pry. Bobbie says she’s concerned. Everything’s so tense between Carly and Sonny. Is it awkward because of what happened with Carly and Jason? Carly says, no. They talked about that, and they’re all on the same page. It’s got nothing to do with Jason. Bobbie says, that is a relief. Take it from her, there’s nothing worse than feeling like there’s a third person in your marriage.

Michael says he and Willow are so lucky to have each other, and Wiley. They should just focus on that, be here and now, and not worry about anything else. She says, at least not until the next time Nina comes calling. What if she shows up on Thanksgiving; just drops by to give something to Wiley? He says, what if Wiley’s not home? What if he’s in New York City with them? She says, they’re going to New York City? and he says, they could. Has she ever been to the Thanksgiving Day Parade? She says, not in person, and he says, this could be the year. The three of them could go to the parade, Rockefeller Center, Central Park. She asks if they could go see a show, and he says, any show she wants. Her pick. She says, are they really doing this? and he says, let’s get away from this miserable situation, and have an amazing Thanksgiving weekend. All she has to do is say yes. She says, yes, and hugs him. Believe me, the parade’s not all it’s cracked up to be in person. You have to get there before the crack of dawn, the balloons don’t look so perfect, and are a little scary hanging over you, it’s crowded, and the lip-syncing is even more obvious. And if it’s cold, you’ll feel like you’re never going to be warm again after standing on that cement. However, if you can find a place inside along the route to observe, maybe with mimosas and bagels, take that opportunity.

Nina goes into Charlie’s, and tells bartender Johnny that she’s mixing it up today, and orders a vodka soda with lemon. She flashes back to telling Sasha that she’s going to make a fantastic mother, and Sasha saying it would be due to Nina, who’d shown her what it looked like to be a kind, loving mother. Even after Nina knew what Sasha had done, she still showed Sasha compassion. Nina asks Johnny if Phyllis is out, and he says, she stepped out, but she’ll be back soon. Nina starts to take her drink to a table, when Sonny walks in.

Wearing surgical gear, Brando runs into the OR. He tells Sasha that he’s right here, and asks how she is. She says, numb, and he says, she’s the bravest person he’s ever met. Dr. Navarro says, this is it; it’s time for their baby to be born. She tells Sasha that she might feel pressure, and Brando says, she’s got this. The doctor says, he’s here, and holds the baby up. Sasha says, oh my God, and Brando says, their first son. The baby is hustled to the corner of the room, and everyone gets busy there. Brando asks, what happened? What’s wrong with their baby?

Brook says, is she a screw up? Yes. Is she shortsighted and selfish? 100%, but there’s a legitimate reason she couldn’t tell him the truth. Chase knocks and walks in, and Valentin says, just in time. Chase asks, what for? and Valentin says, the latest bombshell. It turns out Brook’s been lying to him. He’s not Bailey’s father after all. Chase says, he’s aware, and Valentin says, Brook told him? She says, never. She didn’t tell anyone. Chase says he knows Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father, because he is.

Jason shoots back at Peter, and Obrecht tells him to stop shooting. He tells Drew. get them out of here, and Drew tries, but Britt is resistant. Peter and Jason shoot at one another, and the ceiling starts to crumble, falling on Jason. Britt screams for him, and Drew holds her back.

On Monday, Chase says he’ll never forgive Brook for this, Robert wants any excuse to shoot, everyone lies in the rubble on Cassadine Island, and Sasha is hemorrhaging.

🧺 Alice Has Left the Building…

What an untimely shame. She was so funny on GH! Be sure to check out the tribute where there’s a video of Alice kissing Dobson, who was really Alexis. She will be missed.

🔬 Oh Brad…

Apparently, he had some haters, but I’m thrilled he’s coming back.

🦃 Talking Turkey…

Soaps airing or not on Thanksgiving. Why GH is choosing to air a rerun from February is beyond me, when they have their choice of classic pizza-for-Thanksgiving episodes.

🎄 Christmas Days…

DOOL is everywhere these days.

👠 It’s Mediocre To Be Her…

The latest on Erika. I don’t believe for a second, if another rich dude came along, she wouldn’t jump at the chance to get married again. Although she’d probably be a lot smarter.

📩 Ain’t Too Proud…

Even if true, it’s kind of old news. I guess she’s too busy with the new fiancé to pick a new fight.

🎭 Naturally Entitled…

I have never once seen any audience member put a drink on a Broadway stage. It’s a play, not a singles bar. Even worse is walking back from intermission mid-act. Too bad they didn’t make her stand at the back of the theater, which would be their call.

🍑 To NeNe Or Not To NeNe…

Kenya twirls in to give her opinion.

🛥 It Just Doesn’t Matter…

It looks like RHUGT is a thing now.

🍹 Needs New Accessory…

I’m actually sorry this didn’t work out.

👨🏻 Not With That Mustache…

I’m surprised he hasn’t spoken about this on Vanderpump Rules. He plugs everything else about himself.

💪🏼 No One Will Even Notice…

This is kind of funny. Like when someone is drunk, and they’re trying real hard to keep you from knowing. In other words. It’s a fail.

🎯 Quotes of the Week

Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search for self-fulfillment. – Arthur Jersild

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. – Lou Holtz

If you are going through hell, keep going. – Winston S. Churchill

The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it. – Vik Muniz

We can always begin again. – Sharon Salzberg

I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying. – Oscar Wilde

Humor is reason gone mad. – Groucho Marx

Our heads are round so thought can change direction. – Francis Picabia

🎬 Once More Unto the Breach…

Until it’s time for the Dead, your homework is to do something different and do something for yourself. Maybe those things are even one and the same, in which case, double that. Whatever you do, stay safe, stay acting out of love, not fear, and stay not thinking about the things you hate. You might miss the things you love.

November 18, 2021 – Carly Loses Her Mind About Nina, Small Business On the Runway, Million Dollar Highlights, What’s Shaking in OC & Pale


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Cassadine Island, Greece. Jason looks at The Chariot tarot card. He flashes back to Peter showing it to Drew, and saying, stand down. He messes with the shackles he’s in.

Britt and Obrecht are left alone. Britt tells her mother, it’s going to be okay. They’re going to get out of there. Obrecht says, she sounds confident, and Britt says she is. She slipped Jason The Chariot card. He’s going to be able to break through Drew’s conditioning. Obrecht says, the truth is, they can’t count on anyone but themselves. It’s up to them to get rid of Peter.

Sasha holds Brando’s hand as she goes through a contraction. He asks if she’s okay, and she says, never better. He says, strong one, huh? and she asks if they’re getting closer together. He says, not yet. It looks like they have some time before they meet their son. She tells him, say that again, and he says, there’s more time? She says, the other part, and he says, their son. She smiles. Elizabeth comes in, and asks how they’re doing. He says, according to mom, never better, and Elizabeth says that’s what she likes to hear. She’s going to be staying with them until Dr. Navarro is ready. Brando says he’s going to get coffee, and asks if Sasha wants anything. More ice chips? She says she doesn’t need anything, and he says he’ll be right back. He tells the baby to stay put until he gets back, kisses Sasha’s belly, and leaves. She flashes back to Brando saying she and the baby are all he wants, and kissing him.

Sonny sees Brando by the elevator, and asks how Sasha is doing. Brando says, handling labor like a champ, and Sonny asks how he’s doing. Brando says, happy, excited, nervous, terrified… Did he say happy? Sonny says he did. That all sounds exactly right.

Carly goes stomping over to Nina, and Willow wisely grabs Wiley, and gets him the hell out of there. Carly asks, what’s it going to take to keep Nina away from Wiley? A restraining order? She’s calling the cops. Here Nina is, fresh out on bail, and she’s harassing Willow and Wiley? Nina says she’s doing no such thing; not even close. Willow returns, having deposited Wiley with a caregiver.

Valentin’s phone rings, and Gladys says, don’t answer that. He asks, why? and she says, it’s Brook. He looks at the phone, and sees she’s right, and asks, what if something is wrong with the baby? Gladys says, the baby is fine. Brook is going to try and talk him out of listening to her, and that would be a travesty for him and that little girl.

Austin asks Maxie to just level with him. Tell him the truth. Are she and Brook in some kind of trouble? Brook runs past on the phone, leaving Valentin a message to call her back immediately.

Willow tells Carly, no need to call the police. Nina wasn’t harassing her; not at all. Carly asks if Nina followed her here, and Willow says that never occurred to her. This is beyond stupid, since Nina was there in the middle of a phone call when Willow came along. Nina tells Carly, she was there for the Fall Fair; she was picking something up for Phyllis. Willow says she ran into Nina, that’s all. It’s perfectly innocent. Nina even offered to leave. Carly says, Willow let her stay? Willow says, Wiley was excited to see her, and Carly says she just finished talking to Phyllis, and she was defending Nina. Now here Nina is trying to worm her way back into Wiley’s life, as if she has any right to it. Nina says she doesn’t have to report to Carly, but here it goes. She hasn’t seen Wiley since the day she returned to Port Charles. This was an accident. Carly says the next time Nina accidentally runs into Wiley, walk away. Better yet, turn around and run. Willow tells Carly, that isn’t her decision to make. Carly not letting it go, even though everyone is telling her to, makes me think of a credo I go by. If someone calls you an ass once, shrug it off, but if more than one person calls you an ass, start looking in the mirror for the ears and tail.

Brando says, this dad thing’s a little overwhelming, and Sonny says, that’s one word for it. Brando says, they’re not even done with the birthing part yet, and Sonny asks why he thinks they call it labor? It’s going to be one of the hardest and greatest things he ever has to live through. Can he imagine? You’re watching the woman you love struggle to bring a baby into the world, and all you can do is hold her hand and tell her to breathe. But when it’s over, and you got that little baby, it changes everything. For the better. It’s all right. Sonny hugs Brando, and says he’s going to do it. It’s all going to be worth it. Brando says he can’t wait.

Elizabeth tells Sasha, everything looks good. Her blood pressure is a little elevated, but that’s not abnormal. Sasha asks how she does it, and Elizabeth says, do what? Sasha says she’s overwhelmed at bringing one child into this world, and Elizabeth has three. Elizabeth says, the first one is definitely the biggest adjustment, but you do adjust… and learn and grow and love. Sasha says she’s getting that sense. She already loves this little guy so much, and she hasn’t even met him yet. Elizabeth says, just wait. She has no idea.

Brook wonders why Valentin isn’t answering his phone. Maxie goes over to her, and asks, what’s going on? Keep in mind they have an audience. Brook asks if she’s seen Gladys, and Maxie says, no; why? Brook says, all hell broke loose at the art exhibit. Gladys found out Kip isn’t really the baby’s father. Maxie asks, how? and Brook says, does it matter? She said there’s no stopping her this time. She’s going to tell Valentin the truth. Maxie asks what Brook is still doing standing there, and Brook says, excellent point, and jets.

Valentin says Gladys has his attention. Although he’s not sure why, given the fruitless nature of their previous meeting. Gladys says she’s sorry. She should have told him the truth then. She was intimidated by some cater waiter actor buffoon. He says, let him guess, Brook was the mastermind, and she says, bingo, but she couldn’t let fear keep her from doing the right thing. He wonders if she can do it without so many words, and she says, Brook’s been lying to him.

Austin says, that looked intense, and Maxie says, you know Brook. He says, it also looked familiar. That’s the second time in a short while he’s seen Brook scurry away in a tizzy, and the second time Maxie seemed to be involved. Maxie says, just spit it out. What exactly does he think she and Brook are up to?

Britt tells Obrecht, here’s the good news. Peter isn’t going to kill either one of them. He knows he can’t get Maxie back by any rational means; he’s going to have to brainwash her. Something, unfortunately, Obrecht knows how to do. Obrecht says she’s not an expert like Britt’s father was, but she has a firm enough grasp. Britt says, Peter’s counting on that. He’s going to order Drew to kidnap Maxie and bring her back to him, and have Obrecht program her to love him. She can’t believe she’s even saying these words. Obrecht says, Peter can only get her to do it by threatening Britt, and Britt says, exactly. She’s his leverage. Peter needs Obrecht, and to force her to cooperate, he needs Britt. It’s going to keep them both breathing. Obrecht says, for now.

The guard comes in, and tells Jason, time’s up, Morgan.

Sasha says, this is probably a dumb question, but Elizabeth says, there are no dumb questions. Sasha says, there’s no way to predict how long her labor will be, is there? and Elizabeth says she wishes she did. Every labor is tough, especially with the first one. It could be hours, it could be a day… Brando comes in, and says, a whole day? and Sasha asks if he’s sick of her already. He says, never, handing her a cup of ice chips, and asks what he missed. Elizabeth says, just another contraction, and Sasha says, but the baby kept his word and is still in there. He says, good man. He saw Sonny; he sends his best. Sasha says, that’s sweet. What else did he say? Brando says Sonny told him this is going to change everything, but in the most amazing way. She says she already knew that, and he says, him too. She says, but it’s nice to hear it again.

Nina picks up her shopping bag, and says, maybe it’s time to finish up the shopping that she came there to do. Carly says, that’s thoughtful of her, and Nina leaves. Carly asks if Willow bothered to call Michael, to see if he thought this surprise meeting was a good idea, and Willow says she didn’t. It was spontaneous; it happened. Carly says, if it happens again, is Willow going to protect her son? She gets that Willow is trying to keep the peace, but does she need to remind Willow about the first time Nina spent time with Wiley? She told him Nelle was his mommy, not Willow. Is she really going to expose Wiley to that kind of pain and confusion again?

Obrecht says, so far, she’s disappointed in Jason, and Britt says, who risked his life to save her, even though Obrecht has a long history of terrorizing people he cares about? Obrecht says, that was very kind, although she knows he did it for Britt. He’s got a thing for her, and she doesn’t want Britt thinking he feels sorry for her. Britt says she knows he doesn’t. She doesn’t think he sees her differently. He accepts her as she is, before and after her diagnosis. Obrecht says, then why doesn’t he get a move on and kill that schwein Peter, and get them the hell out of here? Britt says, if that doesn’t happen, for whatever reason, they need to talk. Sooner or later, Peter’s going to let his guard down with one or both of them. They need to agree now. When that happens, and they get the opportunity, they kill him. Obrecht says, of course (🍷) they do, and Britt says, no matter the cost. She doesn’t care if there are five guards holding guns on her, kill the bastard. She means it. She’s going to die anyway, and they have to stop him. So if one of them sees a weapon or an opening, they use it. Deal? Obrecht says, deal. Peter pops in, and says, sorry for the delay. They’ll be on their way as soon as his guards confirm Jason is dead.

The guard tells Jason, don’t worry; he’ll make it quick. He takes out his gun, and Jason knocks him to the floor, still cuffed, getting him in a headlock. The guard slips into unconsciousness, and Jason gets the key. He undoes his shackles and handcuffs. He takes the guard’s gun, and leaves.

Austin says, if he knew what Maxie was up to, why would he ask? She says, maybe he’s the type of person who likes to test people, and he says, if he were, would she pass? She asks, what’s the subject? and he says, deception, and he’s not talking about the company. She says, deception about what? and he says, here’s what he knows for certain. Brook has been a real nervous Nelly in the last few weeks. On more than one occasion, he’s seen them put their heads together, and speak in hushed tones, and the other day, he saw Maxie hand a wad of cash to some guy with a gun. She says, that was a prop; he was an actor. He says, okay, cool, but why did she give him money?

Valentin tells Gladys, he already knows Brook is up to something. He just doesn’t know what it is. She says, he really can’t guess? and he says, he doesn’t like guessing games. She says, it’s a tale as old as time, when Brook walks in, saying, thank God she found Gladys. Gladys asks, why so worried? and Brook says she didn’t want Gladys to think she locked her in the back room at the gallery. She swears it wasn’t her. Gladys asks, who was it then? but Brook has no clue. She thinks she and Gladys should talk, because she’s come up with some really unique and generous ways to meet Gladys’s needs. Gladys says she sees. Brook wants to play nice. It’s too late. She gave Brook plenty of chances, and she blew them all. Brook says, just listen to her, but Valentin interrupts, thanking Gladys for stopping by. He asks for a moment alone with Brook, and Gladys tells him, don’t let Brook snow him. He’s too smart for that. She leaves, and Valentin says, it’s obvious she’s blackmailing Brook. Does she want to tell him why?

Brando says, talking to Sonny got him thinking. What does she think about Mike as their baby’s middle name? She says, Mike as in Sonny’s father? and he says, Mike was around a lot when he was a kid, and he always looked up to him. They lost touch for a long time, but he got to know Mike toward the end of his life, and admired him all over again. Sonny’s always been good to him, and he’s also Michael. She says she loves it; it’s perfect. He was such a wonderful man, kind of like someone else she knows. He asks if he should be jealous, and she says, of himself? She’d advise against it. Elizabeth comes in, and hands Brando a roller, saying, if Sasha gets uncomfortable, he gets to massage her back. Sasha says she feels wonderful right now. Maybe a little impatient. Daddy’s here; let’s get this show on the road. Elizabeth says, if she takes a walk, it might help induce labor, and would probably help with the intensity too. If she has a contraction, stop and relax; don’t try to move through it. Sasha says she’s not sure she could, and Brando asks if she wants to take their baby for a spin. She tells him, try to keep up, and he says he’ll do his best. He and Elizabeth help Sasha out of bed.

Willow tells Carly, Nina learned her lesson. She doesn’t expect Nina will do anything like that again. She understands Carly is trying to protect Wiley; she is too. Carly says, by letting him play with Nina, the woman who kept Sonny away from him, away from all of them? Willow says, this situation isn’t easy for her either. Wiley spotted Nina and reached out to her. What would Carly have her do? Let Wiley cry because he isn’t allowed to see someone who makes him happy? Carly says, that woman hurt Wiley’s entire family. Is that not a consideration for her?

Sonny sees Nina.

Obrecht tells Peter, there’s a much easier way to do this. Once Jason is dead, he won’t be a problem anymore. Peter says, that’s usually how it works, and she says, Jason can’t stop him or hinder his plans. Let Britt go, and she’ll come with him voluntarily. It’s not like everyone doesn’t think she’s rotten anyway; it’s not like she’ll be missed. He says, and she’ll just do what he asks in terms of Maxie just because? She says she’ll do what he asks because if she has to choose  between Maxie and Britt, she’ll choose her daughter every day of the week. He has her word. He says, that is a really great offer, if he trusted her to make good on it. He doesn’t. He tells the guard that they can’t wait any longer. Grab them, and let’s get out. Jason appears, and shoots the guard, and says, don’t move. Drew is suddenly there, and puts a gun on Jason, and says, don’t move.

Brook says, Gladys doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and Valentin says, that’s not an answer. Brook says, Gladys thinks she knows something, but she doesn’t. He closes the door, and says, about Bailey? She said Brook is lying to him about his daughter. Brook says, my God. There’s nothing that woman wouldn’t say or do for money; she’s disgusting. He can’t trust a word she says. He asks if he can trust Brook, and she says, of course (🍷). He says, Austin was already there, and said she was up to something. He’s got a bad feeling. She says, please, and he says, he can’t be right. Brook wouldn’t hurt him that bad just to get her hands on some damn stock.

Drew takes Jason’s gun, and Peter says he’s waited a long time to say these words – kill him. Britt says, no, and distracts Drew for a moment, giving Jason a chance to grab Drew’s gun hand. They struggle, and Obrecht picks up Jason’s gun, but Peter grabs Britt. He says, drop it, or she dies. Obrecht says, he wouldn’t, and he asks if she’d like to test that theory. He asks how her grandson is; James is probably missing his oma right about now. Britt says, do it, but Obrecht puts the gun on the table. Drew and Jason continue to fight, and Peter says, they’re leaving. Now. He takes Britt, and Obrecht follows. Drew slams Jason up against the fireplace.

Maxie tells Austin, so this suspicion is happening because he sees her with her friend a lot, and she gave an actor money? He says, that, and what Gladys said. She says, he’s had more conversations with Gladys? and he says, she’s a very chatty woman. She asks what Gladys said, and he tells her, she’s holding something over Brook’s head, and it has to do with Valentin. He doesn’t know for certain what it is, but he could guess. She asks if he told anyone about this, and he says, only Valentin. Because that’s the only right thing to do.

Brook says, how it started is not how it ended, and he asks what they even means. She says, yes, it was a cynical undertaking at first. She wanted to use the baby to take over ELQ, but that was before she knew how much he’d love her. How much Bailey would love him, and how much she’d love them together. She starts to cry, and says, you know how it is when you put something in motion. It takes on a life of its own, and becomes something that you didn’t intend it to be, but this became something so much more important. Isn’t that what matters? Their family, what they have now. Valentin says, not if it isn’t real.

Sasha tells Brando, Elizabeth was right; walking does ease the pressure. He stops, looking at her, and she says, what? He says, she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and she laughs. She says, right now, in her hospital gown, waddling through the corridors? He says, right now, and she doesn’t waddle. She says, that’s good to know. They’ll be decent parents, right? Their son will grow up knowing he’s safe, cared for, and loved. He says, that’s the plan. No? She says, that is the plan. It’s just that word makes her laugh. He says, planning was never their strong suit, and she says, can he believe this is happening? From a one-night stand in his garage to this. He says, just for the record, he can’t be happier, and she says, her neither. Let’s do it. My Lord, she’s so huge, you’d think she was having triplets.

Nina says she’s doing everything in her power to stay away from Sonny and his family. He asks, what happened? and she says she accidentally ran into Willow and Wiley, and she was talking to Wiley. Then Carly shows up, and loses her mind. She’s not sorry about seeing her grandson, but she is sorry if she’s causing him and his family more problems. Carly appears, and says, Nina’s not sorry for any of it, but she will be. Nina asks if Carly is threatening her, and Carly says, damn right she is, under no uncertain terms. Nina says, Michael had her arrested. What more does Carly want? Does she want to draw blood? Carly says, if it comes to that, hell yeah, but Sonny says, Nina knows the rules. There’s no need to fight or draw blood, okay? Carly asks what they’re going to do about Nina’s continued presence in Wiley’s life, and he tells Carly, she said it was an accident. Carly says, he believes her? Willow comes back with Wiley, and Carly runs over, saying, hey. Willow says, since Wiley’s grandparents are arguing, she’s going to take him home. She tells Wiley to say goodnight, and Sonny says, you going home, big boy? Carly tells him, sweet dreams. She loves him. He says he loves her too, and Nina stays where she is, looking sad.

Sasha says, Cornelius, and Brando says, Heathcliff, and no shortening it to Heath. She says, Barnstable, and he says, Aloysius. She says, Boniface, and he says, Hamlet. She says, Elmo, and he says, Elmo? She says, that’s the one he has a problem with? and he says, they can’t name their kid after a puppet. She says, okay, but they can name him Alo… oooh. She doubles over, and says she needs to get back.

Jason and Drew continue to tussle. Jason knocks Drew down, and gets on his back. He  takes out the tarot card, puts it in Drew’s face, and says, stand down. Drew snaps out of it, and Jason says, Drew? Drew says, yeah; it’s him. Jason asks what number he was in high school football, and Drew says, he was 82. Jason gets off of Drew, and Drew sits up, looking around. He says, what the hell?

Maxie says, she’s sorry, but when did Austin become the authority figure on the right thing to do? Was it before or after he took advantage of Chase, to be his spy in the Quartermaine house? He says, that sounds like Brook’s version of the story, and she asks if she got that wrong. He didn’t take advantage of Chase? Because here they have a guy who almost died, and is still stuck in a wheelchair, learning how to walk, and he finds out his wife is involved with Michael. Maybe Austin did think the best way for Chase to get over that pain was to betray the Quartermaines and go through Edward’s private paper. Austin says, he was trying to claim his father’s rightful inheritance, and she says, by using Chase. Austin says, he’s not the one who hurt Chase. Michael did when he slept with his wife. She says, that’s what she finds so interesting about this. Willow and Michael lied to Chase out of love and concern. Austin used him to get his hands on ELQ stock, and he’s the one who did the right thing? He says, in hindsight, he probably could have handled the situation better, and she says, what about Gladys? Can he honestly tell her that he enjoys chatting with her? Because it kind of looks like he’s working her for information; something he can dig up, and take to Valentin. From her point-of-view, he’s using Gladys to get back at Brook, but she’s obviously wrong, because he’s doing the right thing

Brook tells Valentin, this is what’s real. The way Bailey grabs his finger when she falls asleep; the way she lights up like a Christmas tree when he sings to her. And when she tries to sing back in that ridiculously adorable babble of hers. That’s real. Listen to her. Gladys is a horrible woman. She’s angry and nasty grasping. Why listen to anything she has to say? Why let her ruin something that’s really working. Maybe better than anything has ever worked in her entire life. She cries, and says, she’s not talking about the stupid company. She’s talking about her and him and bedtime stories. And Charlotte, and how amazing she is with her little sister. Why let Gladys’s awful insinuations poison something so beautiful. Please don’t do it.

Sonny says goodnight to Wiley, and Nina says she’s sorry to put Willow in such an awkward position. Nina waves goodbye to Wiley, and Willow tells him, it’s time to go. They leave, and Sonny tells Carly, she has to let it go. It was an accidental meeting. Nobody got hurt. She says, not tonight, but he got hurt. She did too. Their whole family was hurt. Doesn’t he care about that? Why is he defending Nina?

Jason picks up his gun, and Drew asks, what happened? How bad did it get? Jason says, Peter took off with Britt and her mother. Drew checks out the guard, and says, he’s alive; he’s just out cold. Jason says, good. No one else deserves to die because of Peter August. Jason says, there’s a small boat with a working motor. It’s on the southeast side of the island. It’s about three miles across open sea to the next island, but Drew is a Navy SEAL. Drew says he can probably make it, but Peter has at least five other guards out there. He’s going to need some back-up. Jason gives him a gun, and Drew asks if he’s sure about this. Jason tells him, like he said, he’s going to need some back-up. Drew takes the gun, and they leave.

Peter brings Obrecht and the others through the wine cellar, and Obrecht asks if they’re picking up some wine for their trip. Peter says, there’s a passage that leads to the water where a boat is waiting. Britt sees the guard on the floor, and asks if they should help him out, but Peter says, there’s no time. Obrecht says, at least tell them where they’re going, and he says they’re going somewhere no one can find them, except for Drew because he’s bringing Maxie. Now move. They go through the passageway.

Brando tells Sasha, she’s got this; she’s doing great. Just breathe. That was a bad one? She nods, and says, it still is. Elizabeth asks if she’s still in contraction, and Sasha says, it isn’t over. Elizabeth asks if she has pain anywhere else, and Sasha says, her back and stomach. Brando asks Elizabeth if Sasha is okay. How’s her blood pressure? Elizabeth says, it’s high, and Brando says, too high? Elizabeth says she’s going to get Dr. Navarro to weigh in on this. She’ll be right back. She leaves, and Sasha says, that’s a little better. He says he hopes nothing is wrong, but she says, don’t worry. Childbirth is notoriously painful, and hard. That’s why they call it labor. He says he doesn’t think labor is strong enough. It needs a new name. She says, that’s it, and he says, what? She says, Laborious Mike Corbin, and he says, it does have a ring to it. She says, she’s a genius, and he says, he’s the one who gave her the inspiration. She says, she’s having his baby, and he says, she is? Why didn’t she say anything?

Maxie starts to walk away, and Austin asks where she’s going. She says, anywhere but here sounds good. He says, Maxie, and she says, don’t Maxie her. She gave him every opportunity, not to mention benefit of the doubt, but he’s on some crusade to take Brook down. He says, that’s not true, and she says, really? He’s essentially interrogated her for the last half hour over something that has nothing to do with him. Then, he told her, with pride, that he went tattling to Valentin. She doesn’t know how else to say it to him. Brook is her friend. He says he’s aware, and she says, and as of now, he’s not. So mind his own business, and stay out of theirs.

Valentin says, he liked Brook. he liked her the moment he met her. And the shared the most amazing one-night stand. She says she’s flattered, and he says, and then she got pregnant. In the last several months, he’s come to see her in a different light, and appreciate her as a mother, partner, and friend. She says she appreciates him too, and he says, they shared some amazing moments. We flash back to Valentin meeting Bailey for the first time, and them agreeing they’ll give Bailey a great life. He says he trusted her. Charlotte and Bailey bonded as sisters. There’s the problem. If it was just him, fine, let things go on the way they are, but there are two other people he’s got to think about; Charlotte and Bailey. And for them, he’s got to know. Bailey’s not his, is she?

Tomorrow, Willow asks Michael if that’s so impossible to understand, Elizabeth says something is seriously wrong, Carly asks Sonny to help her understand, and Drew says if he kills someone, that’s just a bonus.

Project Runway

In Katie’s interview, she said it was her 4th time at the bottom, but her parents had instilled a lot of confidence in her. She felt pumped, and ready to show who she was. Christian told the designers to grab a box. Each one had a different accessory in it from a top NYC accessory designer. The goal was to support small businesses that had taken a downturn in the pandemic, and they would be doing a one-time collab with a designer to create a brand new look and a brand new accessory. Christian said, accessories got him to the next level, and the more customers the better. Shantall started crying, thinking of how getting a business off the ground was similar to her family coming there, and starting from scratch. Christian said the pandemic had been tough, but they were getting through it. The winning designer and accessory designer would split $25K. In addition to the usual trip to Mood, they were also going to a unique store for any special embellishment they liked. The designers opened their boxes to reveal handbags, gloves, jewelry, hats, and shoes. Bones was already familiar with his partner Ashaka Givens, who he said did amazing sculptural hats. He had an idea for a water woman, who characterized the magical moment when the sea and sand touched. Octavio’s designs had walked the red carpet with the headwear designer he was partnered with.

The designers had $400 and 30 minutes to spend in Mood. Christian pointed out that everything Coral made had been black, which is kind of ironic considering her name. Afterward, they went to Hai Trim, where they could spend $250 on notions. When I lived in Manhattan, my apartment was not in a residential area, and there were a lot of trim stores where we often bought beads and such, or things like feathers for Halloween costumes. They’re so much fun to look around in. Aaron decided to take a risk by doing a bathing suit to show off a handbag. The quote of the night was from Bones, who said, if only people knew how long it takes to make a ruffle. Chasity (who I’ve been calling Chastity – sorry) said she thought people underestimated Anna because she was quiet, but it was the quiet ones you had to watch out for. Christian made his tour, and said he didn’t want to force anything on Katie, but suggested making her long dress a mini to give it a more modern look. Bones said it was like two melding worlds. Zayden’s partner called him, saying the rent was due, and in Zayden’s interview, he talked about how he had been homeless when he won a scholarship to fashion school, and all the sacrifices he’d made. I suddenly wanted him to win.

The guest judge was Steven Kolb, CEO of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. Octavio had worked with headwear designer Rodney Patterson who said it was a match made in heaven. His outfit was larger than life, and the model carried one of those round vintage suitcases I love. I also loved Bones’s water woman in layers of blue, white, and grey, topped with Ashaka’s pearly hat. Coral also worked with a hat, from Lynn Paik, and had created a sheer red number, adding touches of her macrame skills. Kristina did a three-piece suit, showcasing shoes by Lauren Brinkers. To pay tribute to an inside joke about a paper bag, she’d also created a handbag that was basically an elevated paper bag. This turned out to be an unintentional bonus, since the judges loved it. Katie had settled on a high/low hem, to complement shoes by Rebecca Heykes. I hated to say it, but it was the same old from Katie, although the print was pretty and the shoes rocked. Shantall had created a red dress using a brooch from Aziza Abdullah Nicole at the beltline. I’m a huge brooch fan, and would love to see more of them worked into wardrobes. Zayden made a caftan style dress to go with a bag by Akilah Stewart, who added matching fabric to the bag. Aaron, who’d gone with the bathing suit, said his companion bag by Lorna Nixon was the Swiss Army knife of handbags, peaking my interest. I wondered if tools popped out of it. Chasity worked with an Andres Quintero Betancourt bag, but I thought her black two-piece pantsuit was boring. One of the most beautiful accessories was a chainmail piece by Sally Reardon that was a necklace, but also went over the shoulders. Anna created a dress that incorporated it, and since she’d needed nothing from Hai Trim, she wore a chainmail headpiece she’d purchased there. When it came down the runway, Steven was visibly into it. Last, but for sure not least, Prajje had made a 40s/50s retro number, with a matching turban. Pretty, but low key, the showpiece being gloves by Katie Sue Niklos. And like Prajje said, they weren’t just gloves; they were gloves. Elbow length, adorned with incredible flowers – like, actual 3-D flowers, not a print – and faux gems. Prajje said he was simply the messenger. Brandon said it was a great show. I always think even the worst of them is great, since sewing isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse. I did okay in home ec, and also made a couple of costumes for myself for shows in high school, but that’s about the extent of it. Oh yeah, I made a halter top once. I probably don’t need to tell you how easy those are to make. I still have it though.

Anna, Aaron, Chasity, and Shantall were safe. The started with Prajje, who was at the top, Elaine welcoming him back to the winner’s circle. He said he’d thought of his grandmother, dressed to the nines for church. Steven said the outfit was sophisticated glamor, as well as timeless. It could be worn by Jackie O. or Lady Gaga. On the low end was Zayden, who’s mistake seemed to have been detracting from the bag with other accessories. Nina said the dress didn’t deserve to be on the bottom, but the styling was too much. Elaine reminded him about Coco Chanel’s advice to always take one thing off before leaving the house. (Yeah, I don’t listen to that one either.) Also at the top was Coral, who was technically meeting the judges for the first time, since she’d been safe, but in the background. Nina said she’d been impressed with the macrame touches Coral always added. Brandon said whoever wore her piece would be on the Best Dressed List, and Steven said he could see the look on the red carpet. Unfortunately, Bones was on the low end, Elaine telling him that the model was swimming in fabric. She couldn’t imagine who would wear it. Ouch. Nina thought he had no focus, and had overshadowed the accessory. Katie was on the bottom yet again, Elaine suggesting Katie might have chosen a fabric of lighter weight or something sheer. Steven said it was too heavy on the top, and Brandon thought the high/low hem made it seem like she wasn’t sure about the dress. Kristina was on top, with an honorable mention for the paper bag. Nina said it was cohesive, head to toe, and runway ready. Steven said it was also versatile, since the top, pant, and jacket could be worn separately. Also at the top was Octavio, Nina saying the challenge was made for him. Steven said Octavio’s outfit was a lesson in geometry, and had natural movement. Brandon called it, larger than life.

The judges deliberated. In choosing the winner, Nina said that Prajje’s creation was borderline costume, but I wasn’t sure how it couldn’t be, when the gloves were so dramatic. On the losing end, she said she didn’t think Katie trusted herself. The bottom line was, they were choosing who they’d be investing in, and who would have more longevity in their career.

Kristina was the winner, along with Lauren Brinkers, and seemed pretty surprised. She said she had no words, and high-fived Bones. In her interview, she said it felt great. When you were trying to say something, and the judges saw that, it was everything. Nina told Zayden, he was safe, but always take off one thing. She said that Katie was continuously listening to voices that weren’t her own, and the look had embodied it. Bones had too many ideas going on. Then Nina did that thing I hate. She said, Bones… you are in. It’s like a throwback to the early American Idol days, when they were allowed to torture people. Katie said she appreciated the opportunity, especially since she hadn’t even gone to fashion school. Elaine said she hoped Katie would get a clear sense of her capabilities, and trust herself to explore her range. In Katie’s interview, she said she regretted letting other voices crowd out her own, and Christian said she found herself a little bit. He knew she had a customer out there, and would find them and have a moment. Katie said she was going to start a clothing brand when she got back, and her advice was, trust your own voice.

Next time, an avant-garde challenge, a car accident, and Billy Porter as guest judge.

💰 Highlights. I caught some of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, since they reran it tonight. It looked like JoshA and Fredrik were on a roller coaster ride, co-listing with seller rep Yuri. First, Yuri wanted Fredrik out, but JoshA told him, they came in together, and they were selling it together. It was both or neither. (More niceness!) He and Fredrik talked about being Thelma and Louise, but they both wanted to be Thelma. JoshF showed a property that once belonged to Doris Day that had a massive 30,000 square foot backyard. He closed the deal during a brunch hosted by Tori Spelling, where he and the buyer were both guests. Yuri ultimately got rid of both JoshA and Fredrik when the property was taken off the market. In his interview, JoshA said it had been three months of work, and he and Fredrik were each out $25K. Remember that the next time you want to be a realtor. Looking on the bright side, Fredrik said, there’s always the next one.

🍊 Paging the OC…

RHOC is back on December 1st, along with Heather Dubrow.

Emily talks trailer.

If you haven’t seen it.


🏋️ Power Napping Through Life…

Come and set a spell tomorrow for a little soap, a little tea, and even some knowledge. Until then stay safe, stay comfortable in yourself, and stay remembering there are no dumb questions. Although you might come along a dumb answer or two.

November 17, 2021 – Nina Crosses Paths With Three People, Austen Gets a Text From an Evil Sorcerer, Salty Wives, Old News, Word On the Ultimate & The 18th


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At Rice Plaza, Willow says Wiley has been such a good boy while they were shopping, why don’t they celebrate with some hot chocolate? She sees Nina on a bench, dealing with work calls.

Phyllis is wiping down the bar at Charlie’s, when Carly comes in. Carly says, Sonny has Phyllis working already, and Phyllis says, Sonny is counting on her to make this place a success. Since there’s no time like the present… Carly says she thinks Sonny is so excited to have Phyllis in Port Charles, if she made Charlie’s a success, that’s just an added bonus. Phyllis asks if she can get Carly something, but Carly doesn’t want to interrupt her while she’s busy. Phyllis says she has time to talk; what’s on Carly’s mind? Carly says Sonny’s told her so much about Phyllis, she thought they could get to know each other one-on-one.

Alexis sees Sonny at the hospital, and says, she was wondering when she’d run into him. He says, he’s glad she’s back, and they hug.

Maxie goes to the reception desk, and Austin says, she gives Bobbie a ride to work and picks her up; she’s a good friend. She says, actually, she came to talk to him, and he asks, what’s up? She says she doesn’t like the way they left things. He’s obviously angry with her, and she’d like to know what she did.

Dante is in the shower, when his phone rings. Still at the gallery, Olivia says, pick up, but gets voicemail. She tells him, Leo is missing. Please come to Ava’s gallery right away. She needs his help. Ned joins her with Brook, and she says, any word? He says, Leo’s gone.

Spencer tells Trina, congratulations on a job well done, and she thanks him. She says, she has to admit, she was a bit nervous, but everything went off without a hitch. Esme says, it really did. So amazing.

Brando asks if Ava has seen Sasha, but she hasn’t. He says, she must still be in the ladies room, and Ava says, for a pregnant woman in her third trimester, that’s a solid guess. Is everything all right? He says, he found out some amazing news about their baby, and can’t wait to talk to Sasha about it.

Gladys says, dammit. This door is jammed tight. This place is a firetrap. Sasha says, oh no, and Gladys says, don’t worry. On the bright side, when they get out of here, they can sue Ava and make a nice little bundle; get some free art in the process… Sasha says, that’s not what she meant, and Gladys asks, what is it? Sasha says, her water just broke.

Austin says he’s not angry with Maxie. This is just what disagreement looks like, and they’ve agreed to disagree when it comes to Brook. She says, and Gladys? and he says, he won’t run down Maxie’s friend in front of her anymore. He promises. She says she appreciates that. She knows what Brook did to him was unforgivable, but… He says, there’s no but in that sense. What she did was unforgivable period. She says, at least Brook was looking out for her family, and he says, of which he’s a part of. She says, Gladys just looks out for Gladys. He flashes back to Gladys telling him, it’s not about what Brook did to her, it’s what she’s doing to a dear, kind extremely handsome friend of hers, and he says, Valentin Cassadine. He tells Maxie, maybe Gladys just needs someone to talk to, and Maxie says, she kind of thinks Gladys talks too much. He doesn’t understand why it bothers her so much, and she says, because of Brook.

Sonny tells Alexis, Kristina called him, and said Alexis had been released from prison. Kristina was so excited, she almost blew his eardrum out. Alexis says, the lengths she’ll go, to have their daughter miss her. She’s sorry for what she did to Dante. Sonny says, she wouldn’t have picked up the syringe if… She says she wasn’t drunk out of her mind, but he says she was worked up about Peter August writing that article that Franco was dangerous. She thanks him for making excuses, but says he doesn’t have to do that. He asks how she’s doing, and she says she just came from a meeting, if that’s any indication. He says, it indicates she’s committed to staying sober, and she says, ten months today. She asks what he’s doing here, and he says he had a doctor’s appointment. She says, good place to come; there’s a lot of doctors here. He says he’s more concerned about her. Rough reentry? She says, yeah, but she’s hoping in time, things get back to normal. He laughs, saying, that’s not going to happen, and she says, thanks for the pep talk. He says, when things change, they change for the good.

Wiley runs to Nina, and she picks him up. Willow just stands there, staring at her, and Nina puts him back down.

Phyllis says, she’s looking forward to getting to know Sonny’s family, and Carly says, they’re looking forward to getting to know her too. She was told Phyllis moved out of the MetroCourt. Did she find an apartment? Phyllis says, not exactly; she’s living here. Carly says, in that dingy old office of Julian’s? Phyllis says, it’s a perfectly good room, but Carly says, it’s not. Please come back to the MetroCourt, and she’ll help Phyllis find an apartment. Phyllis says, thank you, but the back room is fine. She likes to keep things simple. Too much time in a small town, she guesses. Carly says, a very nice small town. Sonny told her things were good in Nixon Falls, and Phyllis says, they were. Carly asks if Phyllis will tell her about it.

Sasha says she can’t be stuck in here. Her water broke. She’s about to give birth. She has to get to the hospital. Gladys asks if she’s having contractions, and Sasha says, she was having discomfort before, so maybe. Gladys says she’s adorable. When she has a real contraction, she’ll know it. The good news is, they have some time. Babies don’t just pop right out. She still has no service, and suggests they try Sasha’s phone, but Sasha says she left it with Brando. Gladys says, not a problem; that’s Plan A. She bangs on the door again, and yells, we’re stuck in here! Sasha yowls, and sits down, and Gladys runs over. She says, contraction, and tells Sasha to just hang on to her. She can do this.

Dante arrives at the gallery, and Olivia hugs him, saying, thank God he’s here. They’ve got to find Leo. He says, walk him through it, and Brook says, she was right over there with Leo, turned around for a second, and he was gone. She checked the back room, the hallways, the bathroom. Her dad is outside checking the parking lot in case Leo left something in the car. Dante says, they’re covering a lot of ground, and Trina asks, what’s going on? Brook says, Leo is missing, and Trina asks what they can do to help. Ned runs in, and says, the valet saw Leo outside, and Olivia says, he just let Leo run off? Ned says, other people were leaving, and he assumed Leo was with them. Olivia starts to cry, saying, somebody could have walked off with him, but Dante says, calm down. She says he’s right, and Ned tells her, the valet said Leo didn’t seem upset; he was calm. Dante wants to talk to the valet, and Ned leaves with him. Ava says she’ll check the outside security footage, and Spencer says, there’s an ice cream truck on the corner. Trina says, kids love ice cream, and they jet, with Esme following. Brook says she’s going to check the gallery again, and Olivia says she’ll go in the opposite direction. If Brook sees anything, scream bloody murder. Brook says, they’ll find Leo, and Olivia says, damn straight they will.

Austin wonders what him being friendly with Gladys has to do with Maxie and Brook, and Maxie says, Gladys hates Brook. He says he can’t imagine why, and she says she’ll tell him. Gladys is Brook’s assistant, and Brook has this crazy notion Gladys should assist, as in do her job. He can’t imagine working for Brook is a picnic, and Maxie says, who knows? Glady’s sure doesn’t. All Gladys does is complain. She’s a terrible employee, and an even worse human being. He says, why not just fire her? and Maxie says, that’s beside the point, but he asks what the point is. She says she needs a cease fire between him and Brook, and he asks why it’s so important to her. She says, if he keeps going after Brook, she might be collateral damage.

Nina says, it’s good to see Wiley; she’s missed him so much. She looks at Willow, and tells Wiley, she’s sorry, but she has to go. Wiley tells her to stay, and she says she wants to, but she has to go. She’s about to cry, and Willow says, they were just going to get some hot chocolate. She should stay. Nina takes Wiley’s hand.

Phyllis tells Carly, then, the bartender quit an hour into his shift. Lenny was so mad. They really had their hands full. Carly asks what they did, and Phyllis says, adapted. Has anything like that ever happened at the MetroCourt? Carly says, they’ve had their share of walk-outs, but they have so much staff, there’s always someone to cover. Phyllis says, must be nice, and Carly says, even with the five-star rating, it’s hard to get good help. Phyllis says, it’s not every day that someone like Mike comes along. She’s sorry. She’s still getting used to calling him Sonny. Carly says, it’s okay. Phyllis didn’t know Mike was really Sonny Corinthos. Nina knew it.

Olivia and Brook come back, and Olivia tells Ned, they checked all around the building. Brook says, even the dumpsters, and Dante says, he put in a missing child alert. Spencer, Trina, and Esme come in, and Spencer says, they checked out the ice cream truck. Trina says, they looked up and down the street, and she’s sorry, but… Esme says, nobody remembers seeing Leo. Ava says she checked the footage, and Leo seemed absolutely fine, walking down the sidewalk, as calm as can be. Dante asks where he was headed, and Ava says, south. Dante says, near the harbor. Was there anyone with him? Ava says, not that she saw, and Olivia wonders where he could be going. Ned asks Brook to go over it one more time. Where were they? She takes him over to the octopus portrait, and says, right over here. Leo wanted to show her the pictures, and they were looking at the pictures when she got distracted by some cater waiter. By the time she turned around, Leo was gone. Ned says he thinks he knows where Leo went.

Gladys yells, help! We’re stuck in here! Woman in labor! She asks why Sasha gave Brando her phone, and Sasha says, they were going to wait to find out the sex of the baby, but a nurse accidentally revealed it in an email. Gladys says, so Sasha knows? and Sasha says she does. Gladys says, don’t hold her in suspense; she’s got baby clothes to buy. Sasha says she’ll tell Gladys, but only after Brando knows. Gladys says, she didn’t tell him yet? and Sasha says, that’s why she gave him her phone. So he could decide for himself whether he wants to know or not. Gladys says, of course (🍷) he wants to know, and bangs on the door some more, yelling, woman having a baby! Gladys asks if they’re having a boy or a girl, when Sasha has another contraction. Gladys yells, in here! and Brando comes down the hall. He says, mom? and she says, the door’s stuck. He realizes something is shoved in the door jamb, and pulls it out. He opens the door, and Gladys says, that was quick, calling him her big strong son. He says, the door was wedged shut, and she asks if he’s saying somebody locked him in. She flashes back to Brook opening the door for a moment, and leaving when Gladys said she was off the clock. She says, that little snake, and Sasha has another contraction. Brando runs over to her, and asks if she’s okay. She says, they have to hurry. The baby’s coming.

Alexis tells Sonny, she knows her time in the pokey changed her. For better or worse remains to be seen. He says, she seems a little lost, but she’s going to find her way, and she asks how he knows that. He says, because she’s Alexis Davis, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She says, right. So word on the street is, since he’s been back, he’s a little nicer. He laughs, and says she can’t believe everything she hears. She says, that’s what she was thinking too. Maybe a little more mellow. He says, all right, and she says, she was thinking, because for the better part of a year, he wasn’t living like a criminal. He says, that’s true, and she says, correct her if she’s wrong, but he lost his memory. He’s a man without a past, so he’s got a clean slate, right? He says, something like that, and she says he has no idea how appealing that sounds to her.

Brando brings Sasha into the hospital, and Maxie asks, what’s going on? Did something happen with the baby? Brando says Sasha is having it, and Maxie says, right now? Austin brings a wheelchair over, and says, have a seat. Sasha sits, and he asks, who’s her OB? She says, Dr. Navarro. They called her on the way over, and she’s waiting on 4. Maxie says she knows this is a really weird thing to say right now, but she loves Sasha’s outfit. Sasha says, they were at the Photo Ark exhibit at the Jerome gallery; one last night out before the baby. Maxie says she made it just under the wire, and Sasha says, oh my God. When she leaves this hospital, she’s going to be a mom. She doesn’t think she’s ready. Maxie tells her, she already is a mom. She’s just getting ready to meet her baby. Austin, Brando, and Sasha go into the elevator.

Carly says, Sonny told her that he and Nina knew each other in Nixon Falls. She knew him, and never said a word to him about his family back home. And the worst part is, Nina came back to Port Charles several times while Sonny was there, and saw her. She saw Sonny’s family. She saw them mourning, and lied to their faces. Phyllis says, what Nina did was terrible, and Carly says she’s sorry. That’s not why she came here. They should stop talking about Nina. Phyllis asks if Carly is sure she wants to. She seems to have a lot to get off her chest. Carly says, because she can’t let it go. Every time she sees Nina, every time she thinks about her, she’s filled with so much anger and rage. Phyllis says, it sounds like a hard burden to carry, and Carly says, it is. Phyllis says she has to ask, is all this anger at Nina worth her energy?

Trina hopes Ned is right about where Leo went, and Spencer says he ran away once or twice when he was little; he was always okay. Granted, he was a little bit older than Leo is. Trina says, Joss and Cam told her that he had a chauffeur named Chandler that was with him most of the time. Spencer says, not when he ran away. He had Chandler drop him off first. Trina says, of course (🍷) he did, and Esme says, she loves the idea of little Spence up to no good, but Spencer says he’s not sure the people who had to live through it would agree with her. Trina asks, what was up with Sasha and Mrs. Corbin being stuck in the back room? How did that even happen? Of course (🍷) poor Sasha goes into labor. It’s a good thing Brando found Sasha, and got her to the hospital. Otherwise, she would have been stuck back there having the baby. Esme says, Trina was in the back room right before they were, right? and Trina says, she had to get the check and the flowers for Mr. Sartore. Spencer says, it’s lucky Trina didn’t get stuck back there with them. That would have been awful. Esme says, I know, right? It’s terrible.

Olivia and Ned go down to the docks, and call for Leo. Olivia asks if he really thinks Leo would come there; it’s so dark and scary. They shine their flashlights around, and see Leo, lying on the ground.

Sonny says, a clean slate’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and she says, she had a lot of time in prison to sit around and catalog her mistakes. She thinks it would be good to forget all that, but he says, he didn’t just forget all his mistakes. He forgot all the good things; his wife, his kids, her. He knows she doesn’t know Lenny and Phyllis, but they were great. They took him in. He was real happy in Nixon Falls, but then he got his memory back, and he couldn’t run fast enough to get home. She says she gets that. She wouldn’t want to forget her daughters. Her love life is an entirely different story. The last two alone; one tried to kill her, and the other one died in her bed. Who’d want to remember that? He says, think of it this way, it’s got to be better next time, right? She laughs, and says, not really. It’s so cute that he thinks there’s going to be a next time. She’s done. He tells her, if she says so, and she says she does. Actually, she should start looking for love, because he knows the saying, when you stop looking for love is when you find it.

Willow says, Wiley remembers Cindy from daycare, right? She’s going to take him to see Tom the Turkey, while she and Grandma Nina have a little chat. Cindy takes Wiley, and Nina thanks Willow. Willow says she did it for Wiley, and Nina says she knows. She just hopes Michael isn’t too angry when he hears. Willow says, just so Nina knows, she agrees with Michael about her not seeing Wiley, at least not right now. But chances are, their paths are going to cross from time to time, and she didn’t see the point in dragging Wiley away when he was so happy to see her. He misses his grandma. Nina says she missed him too, and Willow says, he also missed Sonny when he was gone. Nina says, of course (🍷). She just wants Willow to know that she’s very grateful for whatever time she can spend with Wiley. Willow says she really hates what Nina did, and doesn’t know if she can forgive Nina for it, but she’s also not going to make Wiley pay for Nina’s actions.

Carly isn’t sure she understands the question, and Phyllis says, she certainly doesn’t expect Carly to forgive Nina, but hopes Carly moves on for her own sake. Carly says that’s really hard for her, and Phyllis says she knows, but it seems Carly’s anger at Nina is only hurting her. Carly says, Nina stole more than time with her husband. She’s known Sonny for decades. She knows him better than anyone, and now, thanks to Nina, there’s a nine-month gap where Sonny was someone else; some guy named Mike. And she’s never going to know that guy. There’s a part of Sonny’s life where he’s a stranger to her, and she hates that. Phyllis says, of course (🍷) she does, but even though that gap exists, it doesn’t mean Carly has to get stuck in it. Carly says, it would be a lot easier if Nina left Port Charles; if her offices weren’t in Carly’s hotel. Phyllis says she understands Sonny spoke to Nina, told her to steer clear of him and his family. Carly says, yeah, and Phyllis says, has Nina complied? Carly says, more or less. She’s Nina’s landlord; they’re bound to cross paths. Phyllis says, it seems to her that both Sonny and Nina are trying to move forward. Can Carly try as well?

Gladys comes into the hospital, and Brando tells her that Dr. Navarro is in with Sasha. Gladys wants to see her, but Brando suggests they give her some privacy. She says, sorry; he’s right. She’s just so excited. A baby. Have they thought of any names yet? Please tell her that they’re not naming the kid Feather, or Storm, or some wacky thing with all consonants. He says, she’ll just have to wait and see, and she says, so everyone tells her. How’s Sasha doing? He says, the contractions are coming faster now. He hopes she’s not in labor long. Gladys asks if he has someplace to be, and he says, no, but it’s hard to wait, especially when he can’t do anything. She says, is he kidding? He’s done plenty already. Sasha needs to be alone; he’s leaving her alone. He’ll be right by her side when she needs him close, and when the baby does come, he’ll be right there, holding her hand. Just be careful. Sometimes, women squeeze so hard, they can break your hand. He says, it’ll be worth it, and she says, at least he’s in the hospital. No place better, right? He says, that’s one way to look at it, and she says she can always find the silver lining. She meant to ask him. He said the door of the back room at the gallery was wedged shut? He says, it was, and she says, like someone was locking them in there on purpose. He says, it was definitely put there on purpose. Whoever did it, probably thought there wasn’t anyone inside. She says, maybe, and he asks why anyone would want to lock her and Sasha inside? She says she has some ideas.

Olivia and Ned run to Leo, and help him up. Olivia asks, what happened? Talk to her. Ned examines Leo’s head, and says, no bump, and Leo repeats, no bump. Olivia asks what Leo was thinking, wandering away from the gallery all by himself? Dante and Brook join them, and Brook says, thank God. Dante asks if Leo is okay, and Ned says, he doesn’t appear to be injured. He was just lying on his stomach by the edge of the dock. Brook asks, what happened? and Ned says he doesn’t know. He asks Leo to look at him, and asks what Leo was doing down by the docks. Leo says, looking for an octopus, and Olivia says, in the dark by himself? He doesn’t have a jacket. Isn’t he cold? Leo says he likes it there, and Brook asks if he was trying to find an octopus like the one in the picture. Olivia says, he can’t just wander off by himself like that; it’s dangerous. They were all frantic about him. Can he see how scared she is?

Brando asks Sasha what the doctor said, and she tells him, she’s only two centimeters dilated, so it’s going to be a while. He sits, and says he’s just sorry he wasn’t there to help. Sasha says she’s glad he wasn’t stuck in there with them. They might have never gotten out. He hopes his mother didn’t make things worse, and she says, actually, Gladys was really helpful. He says, Gladys who? and Sasha says, Gladys kept her cool, and kept her calm. He says, will wonders never cease? Gladys comes in with a bunch of magazines, and says she brought them some distractions. They can catch up on celebrity dirt while waiting for the kid to arrive. Sasha thanks her, saying, it’s exactly what she needed. Gladys says, of course (🍷) it is. Now let’s get this show on the road. She’s ready to be the best grandma ever.

Nina says she noticed Willow wasn’t at the courthouse with Michael when she got extradited to Pennsylvania, and Willow says, she didn’t know. Nina asks if Willow would have gone along with him if she’d known, and Willow tells her, all she can say is, she understands Michael’s anger; his need to make Nina answer for what she did. Nina says, Michael has every right to be angry. If she were him, she’d have a hard time forgiving her too. Willow says, the way she sees it, the court will decide Nina’s punishment, and that’ll be that. Nina hopes she’s not causing any problems between Willow and Michael, and Willow says she isn’t. Whatever happens between her and Michael, has nothing to do with Nina. Nina says, of course (🍷). It’s just that she’s truly sorry if she caused them pain. Willow says, Nina kept her son’s grandfather from him, and lied to their faces about it. She’s not ready to hear Nina’s apology. Nina says she never intended to hurt anyone. She just wasn’t thinking about the children. She would never intentionally hurt a child. She just wasn’t thinking. Willow says, and now everyone is paying the price.

Ava says, good news. Leo’s been found, and he’s okay. Trina asks, where was he? and Ava says, down by the harbor. Trina says, he walked all the way there on his own? In the dark? Ava says, terrifying, isn’t it? There’s really nothing worse than thinking your child is in danger. She looks at Spencer.

Austin wonders if he can ask Maxie a question; it might be kind of sensitive. She says, that depends; what’s the question? He says, seeing Sasha come in to deliver a baby, did she think of Louise? More than she usually does? Maxie says, yeah. Seeing Sasha go into labor definitely brought back memories, but at least Sasha gets to have her baby in the hospital. She didn’t have that luxury with Louise. Or James. He says he has every faith Louise will be returned to her, and she says she misses Louise very much, but just wants her to be safe. He says he’s sorry. She has a very soft heart. She says, she didn’t used to. She’s not even sure she does now. What makes him say that? He says, for one thing, she seems to want everybody to get along, and she says, why bring more discord into a world that already has enough? He says, fair enough. He won’t be unkind to Gladys, but he won’t go out of his way to see her. She thinks that’s best for everyone, but he says he’ll have to take her word on that. Can he ask her another question? She says, how sensitive is this one? and he says, kinda sensitive. Before Sasha came in here, Maxie was saying that if he didn’t get along with Brook, somehow she’d be collateral damage. What does she mean by that?

Dante asks how Ned knew to look down at the docks, and Ned says he was doing some reading about children on the autism spectrum. Many of them are really attracted to water. First responders are taught to search the nearest body of water whenever a child with autism goes missing. Dante says, that’s true, and puts his arm around Olivia. He says he’s going to check on his little brother, and goes over to where Brook is sitting with Leo. Ned asks if Olivia is all right, but she says, no. She’s nowhere near all right. He tells her, he’s not saying Leo is definitely on the spectrum… and she says, they wouldn’t have known where to look for him. She starts to cry, and says she’s scared. He holds her, and says, he’s right here.

Gladys says, can you believe it? Two of he most beautiful, highest paid people in the world fighting over who gets more from the sale of their chateau. Brando tells Sasha to breathe, and she says she thinks she’s good. He asks if she’s sure, and she nods. Gladys says, that was a doozy. Distraction. They spotted him with his ex-wife. Brando tells her, Sasha’s tired, and Gladys says, and? He says he thinks Sasha needs some quiet, and the lightbulb comes on. Gladys says she’ll go grab a coffee or something. She’ll let them relax, but don’t worry; she’ll be back. Sasha says she wouldn’t have it any other way, and Brando closes the door, saying, she’s gone. Sasha says, thank God. She feels bad saying it, because Gladys was very helpful today… He says, but she’s his mom, and she says, exactly. He says, now that they’re finally alone, he can tell her. He read the email. She says he couldn’t stand the suspense, huh? He says he would have been thrilled either way, but now – he takes her hands – he can’t wait to meet their son.

Spencer tells Esme, what a great night, even if it was here. He’s so happy for Trina. Esme turns around, staring daggers at Trina, and says, her too. Can they go now? She really wants to be alone with him. She kisses him, and Trina sees.

Maxie tells Austen, she’s just looking out for her friend, and he says, she’s only a recent friend, right? She says, so? He’s only a recent friend, and she looked out for him with Chase. He says she told him once that she and Brook used to be enemies. What does she care if Brook gets some well-deserved payback? She says, please. She needs him to trust her when she asks him to just let this go. For her sake. He asks if she and Brook are in some kind of trouble.

Brook tells Leo, the next time he wants to see some marine life, she’ll just take him to the aquarium. Okay, little bro? They hear a siren, and Leo yells out, and covers his ears. Dante says, it’s just a police car, and Brook says, Leo’s been through a lot tonight. Olivia thanks Ned for being there for her tonight, and he says, always. She says she has to get Leo home. Is he coming? She holds out her hand, and he takes it. She says, they’ve got a lot to talk about.

Brando says, the contractions are getting closer together, and Sasha says, this is really happening. Is he ready? He says he’s ready, and kisses her hand.

Brook calls Gladys, and asks her to listen. Gladys says, Brook made a huge mistake. Her grandkid could have gotten hurt. Brook says she doesn’t know what Gladys talking about, but she needs to listen. She has an offer for Gladys. Gladys says, too little, too late, because Brook went too far. Whatever happens next, is on her. Brook says she doesn’t know what Gladys thinks she did, and Gladys hangs up.

Sonny says it’s really good to see Alexis. She says, it’s good to see him too. As for his respite in Nixon Falls, she hopes he doesn’t miss it too much. She tickles his stomach, and leaves.

Willow tells Wiley, time to go, and Nina thanks her for her compassion. Willow says, she just wants what’s best for Wiley, and Nina tells Wiley that she loves him so much. It was great to spend time with him and talk with him. She asks for a hug, and Wiley hugs her. Carly comes along and sees them.

Tomorrow, Willow says it isn’t someone’s decision to make (my guess: Carly), Sasha advises Brando against something, Maxie asks what Austin thinks she and Brook are up to, Carly asks what it’s going to take to keep Nina away from Wiley, and Jason is told, time’s up.

Winter House

I immediately got a headache with everyone yelling, wazzup? Paige told Andrea that Amanda said he wanted to stay a single guy, and he said he wanted to go home knowing he’d met a cool chick he wanted to see again. He wasn’t pulling out a ring after five days. In Paige’s interview, she said, she didn’t love that he wanted to leave being a single guy, but dating after knowing each other two weeks was crazy. I think she might have that backwards. I can see dating after two weeks, but not being exclusive. Andrea said he was old school, and wanted to get to know someone. He didn’t get why everyone wanted to make a big deal out of it. Kyle was passed out, and the girls threw Jenga blocks on him. Austen and Ciara, and Paige and Andrea all got in the same bed, and fell asleep, Andrea eventually tip-toeing out.

In Lindsay’s interview, she said, Jason was hot AF and could cook. He’d been there the whole time, and she’d been distracted by idiots. Kyle said his parents were joining them on the slopes, and in Amanda’s interview, she said she’d been a pro skier in her mind in middle school, and then forgot about it until she met Kyle. He came from a family skiers, and it was a lot of pressure. His grandmother had been in the 1940 Olympics, and his parents had met on a blind skiing date. Luke tapped a tree, and said he might as well, since he wasn’t going to be tapping anything else. They headed out to ski and snowboard, Jason saying he wanted radical it up. Those lifts scare TF out of me. Why don’t they have seatbelts? In Gabby’s interview, she said she’d been rejected, and we flashed back to her telling Luke that she wanted him inside her, and him sending her immediately to the friendzone. Seriously though, who says something like that ten minutes after meeting someone? She said she was resetting her mind. She was the Lone Ranger.

Kyle’s mom thought Amanda did fantastic; Kyle, not so much, since he fell at every turn. The girls went to have alcohol, while the dudes got more skiing in – real skiing, as they put it. In Paige’s interview, she wanted to be able to go back home saying, at least I didn’t sleep with him, in case things didn’t work out with Andrea. In Ciara’s interview, she claimed she never had feelings for anyone the way she did for Austen. She thought she could fall for him. In Jason’s interview, he said he was scared when he met Lindsay, but it was a treat. He loved a strong women. There was going to be no sleeping on this trip. Julia got flowers, chocolates, and a bear from her boyfriend, who missed her. No offense to him, but how cliché, and he’s 42. Come on. He can do better. In Craig’s interview, he said there were times he wished Natalie was there, but he was enjoying being by himself. He was in a weird headspace. When hasn’t Craig been in a weird headspace? And can we stop using the word headspace? Austen went to Ciara’s room, and covered the camera.

In Kyle’s interview, he said he partied a lot, but worked even more. He worked hard, so when he partied, it was going to be extreme. Ciara said she was a smitten kitten, and Austen brought her coffee in the morning. Andrea did the same for Paige. Viking hats were passed out, some with braids, and in Luke’s interview, he said, he grew up in Minnesota around a lot of Scandinavian people, and did a lot of outdoor winter activities. He wanted to get everyone outdoors in the elements. Kyle said, welcome to the first annual Nordic games. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it would be worth it. Luke led The Great Heathen Army team, and Jason led The Skull Crushers. It was no Squid Games, but actually kind of fun to watch them do things like log throwing and tug-of-war. To keep with the theme of adolescent idiocy, Ciara wore a bikini, and Gabby was also scantily clad. After the games, it was on to the hot tub.

Austen got a text, and was all, WTF? Then went off to his room, saying, leave me alone, to no one. Everyone got ready for what Kyle called a nice Viking dinner. Kyle danced, shirtless, in front of the mirror, singing, let’s work it, reminding me why I hate this show. Amanda wondered if Jason was for real, and told Julia that she wanted to make sure he was being genuine. Julia personally endorsed him, and in her interview, she said, it was hard to be without her boyfriend in a party house. Austen told Craig that someone had reached out to him, telling him that Madison had gone to the hospital. He unblocked her, and she’d texted him that she’d had a seizure while she was cooking, and Hudson called the ambulance. He asked if she was okay, and she said she was. He told Craig, WTF? His life was wonderful, and he’d met a great girl who was all about it. Craig said Madison had made Austen start doubting himself, and she was a bad person. I have to agree with that one. In Craig’s interview, he said, Madison’s biggest pleasure in life is putting Austen though hell, and we flashed back to that. He said, Austen was finally getting over her and moving on, but somehow this evil sorcerer will never let him go. Andrea joined them, and Austen said, Madison had texted, please tell me you haven’t moved on. Ciara knocked at the door, and Craig said, go away.

Ciara reported back, and Paige said she thought the boys were weird right now. Austen not coming in the hot tub gave her a weird feeling. Andrea said Austen had to move on, and Craig asked if Austen wanted to be a pawn. Austen wondered if he should say anything to Ciara, since he didn’t want to scare her off, but Craig said he couldn’t be honest about this. After the guys were done with their confab, Paige tried to pump Andrea for information, but he said he had no gossip. The conversation was all about how much Austen liked Ciara. In Andrea’s interview, he said, it wasn’t his secret to share. He respected the bro code. In Paige’s interview, she said she hated the whole male species, because they lie. The obligatory turkey legs were served, deep fried. They lifted the turkey legs in the air, and Craig said it was the best cooked meat he’d ever had in his life. Julia asked what Andrea’s intentions were with her girl, and Austen told her, shut up. That was the dumbest thing he ever heard in his life. All this did was put the focus on him, and Amanda asked Austen where it was going with Ciara. Austen got crazy pissed off, and Julia asked why he was mad. If Andrea and Paige were okay with it, why was he angry?

Kyle stood up, and said, nothing shouts Viking like a tri-colored carrot. Paige and Ciara talked in the kitchen, and Julia and Craig talked in the bathroom. Kyle told Jason that he crushed it. I’m always obsessed with the food on these reality shows, but the food is pretty much the only good thing on this show. Jason is impressive. I think he can do much better than Lindsay. Ciara said Austen was weirding her out, and he told her that he’d gotten out of something 4/5 months ago; it was haunting him. He was messed up from it, and wanted to be honest with her. She wondered why he was telling her now, and asked if something had set it off. Were he and his ex still in communication?

Next time, the finale 🎉 doing the limbo (never a good combination with drinking), Lindsay wants to kidnap Jason, Austen says he’s not in a place to be exclusive, Austen yells at Amanda while wearing a tutu and a giant earring (not a very effective costume for being taken seriously), and Julia says she’ll just be eating cheese while they all fight. You don’t think they’ll have a Holiday House, do you?

🧂 Pass the Salt…

What happened on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.

🕶 Memory Lane…

Teresa throws shade at her SIL.

🛳 They’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat…

All about The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip.

The villa:

The Countess:

Ridiculous Ramona:

🐑 Sheep In the Distance…

Come on down tomorrow for soap and whatever’s on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay being dependable, and stay wanting everyone to get along. Why bring more discord into a world that already has enough?

November 16, 2021 – Esme Stirs the Pot At the Exhibit, Greg Wants Katie On Board, VanderPups, What’s Growing, Farewell Lois & Tom’s November


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Drew hears something, and tells Jason, heads up. A guard comes in, and undoes Drew’s shackles. Drew asks where he’s going, and the guard says he’ll know soon enough. Drew flashes back to telling Jason that he can’t stop himself; Jason has to stop him. He remembers Jason saying, it won’t come to that, and him telling Jason, if it does, he’d rather die at Jason’s hands, than carry out another one of Peter’s orders. In the present, he says, Jason knows what he wants, and said he would do it. Jason says, it’s not going to come to that, and Drew is hustled out.

Valentin says he hates that Robert struck a deal with the WSB, and Anna asks why Robert didn’t give them a heads up that this deal was imminent. Robert says, it was the Bureau’s call; Victor didn’t give them much choice. He knows all manner of damning information. Besides, his attorney threatened a press conference. Anna asks who his attorney is, and Robert says, Scott Baldwin. Valentin says, Scott Baldwin is an ambulance chaser, and Robert says, the ambulance chaser is smarter than he looks. He didn’t give them any room to negotiate. Anna says, the Bureau would have negotiated if Robert had told them sooner, and Valentin says, he and Anna know where Peter is, and it’s a place he knows like the back of his hand – Cassadine Island.

Peter tells Britt that he still hasn’t heard from Victor. It’s possible he’s alluding the WSB now too. She treats his hand, and he tells her that it’s not safe there anymore. They need to leave. She says, leave the island? And go where? There’s a knock at the door, and Peter says, come in. A guard comes in with Obrecht, and Britt asks if she’s allowed to greet her mother. Peter says, go ahead, and Britt and Obrecht hug. He says, you’re welcome.

Cameron asks Trina how many books she wants on the display table, and she says, as many as they can carry. They’re selling like crazy. He says he’s so sorry for dropping postcards on the floor, but she says, it’s fine. She nearly dropped a pitcher of water on herself before she came in. He says, nerves? and she asks if he can tell. He says she looks calm, cool, and composed, and she says, liar, but she appreciates the support. Cameron says, if Josslyn was here, she’d say the same. They’re both extremely excited for her. She says, thanks for the love, and hugs him. He says, anytime, and Esme lurks in the doorway.

Nikolas tells Joel Sartore, theses photos are amazing, and Joel thanks him, saying, if he likes these, look at the frog over here. Nikolas says he loves frogs, and follows Joel.

Ned tells Ava, he can’t decide which of these photographs he admires more, and she says, there wouldn’t be any photos at all if he hadn’t underwritten the exhibit. She thanks him for making this more than just a dream for Trina, and he thanks her for thinking the photo exhibit was worthy of her gallery. ELQ always welcomes the chance to champion a worthy cause. She says, and if it helps him score points with Olivia, all the better, right? Olivia comes in with Leo.

Sasha says she did a bad thing, and Brando says he knows. When she left his apartment last night, he noticed some butter pecan was missing from his freezer. She says, okay, two bad things. She knows they didn’t want to know the sex of their baby until he or she was born… He says, she found out, and she says, she didn’t ask, but she knows.

Gladys says Kip isn’t fooling her. He’s no more Bailey’s father than Valentin is. He says, he is the father. He’s just posing as a cater waiter and amateur actor to keep an eye on Gladys. If she slips up, there will be consequences. She laughs, and says, like what? He’s going to spill his tray on her? Don’t bother staying in character. That gun he threatened her with was fake, wasn’t it? Brook sees them talking, and says, Pauly. She didn’t expect to see him there tonight. Gladys tells her, next time, don’t pick out somebody who has to pass out canapes to pay his electricity bill, and Brook says, Pauly has two jobs. It’s called a side-hustle. She’s sure Gladys is familiar with the term, considering she’s been hustling her entire life. Gladys says, and the fact that his fellow cater waiters call him Kip? That’s only question number one. She has so many more about Brook’s baby daddy. Kip says, these kabobs aren’t going to serve themselves, and jets. Brook tries to hand Gladys her credit card, but Gladys says, this little charade she tried to pull, just upped the stakes.

Anna says, she’ll establish a team to raid the island, and Valentin says, the place is a fortress. The WSB is going to need help; he’s going with her. Robert tells him, says the man who was shot, and can’t get to the bathroom without help, and Valentin tells him to go file a brief. Anna says, she doesn’t think there’s room enough on the plane for both their egos. She’ll be going to Cassadine Island, and she’s not taking either one of them.

Ned says he’s glad they came, and Olivia says, Leo wanted to see the animals. Ned says he can’t wait to show Leo the photographs; he’s going to love them. Olivia says, hopefully, Leo’s favorite animal is here, and Ned says, what about her? What is she hoping for tonight?

Trina and Cameron come out, and Esme asks what they were up to. Trina says, what does it look like? Cam’s helping her. Esme says, it looks like he was holding a lot more than her books, and Trina asks what she’s talking about. Esme says she just thinks it’s so sweet that Cameron supports her, and Cameron says he’s right here. Trina says, that’s what friends do. Not that Esme would understand.

Nikolas says he’s surprised to see Spencer, and Spencer says he’s there to support Trina. No other reason. Nikolas says, Ava’s fine with that, and Spencer says, and him? Nikolas says he went by Kelly’s the other night, but Spencer wasn’t there. Spencer says, now is not a good time. He’s not going to ruin the night with their family dysfunction. It’s nice to have a night off serving tables. He’d like to enjoy the peace. He leaves, and Ava tells Nikolas, baby steps, my love.

Britt tells Obrecht that she’s okay, and says she wants to check Obrecht’s bandages. Peter says her mother was very well taken care of, and Britt says, there’s no sign of infection. She thanks Peter for giving her and her mother this time together, and Peter says, see? He’s not really the monster people think he is. Now that he’s done this little favor for Britt, she can repay him. He takes a paper out of his pocket, and says, Britt and Jason will be recorded reading this statement, verbatim. She looks at it, and says, please tell her this is a joke. Obrecht asks what it says, and Peter says he doesn’t trust Jason. He was much to docile during his demonstration. Britt remembers that, right? The part where Drew almost killed Jason, but decided to hurt himself instead? Britt says she has to give it to their late and unlamented father, he was the best at mind control. He really messed up Drew, and now Peter gets to reap the benefits. Kind of like finding a sportscar waiting in your garage that you did nothing to earn, and probably don’t know how to drive, but you take it anyway. He says, just make sure Jason says what’s on the paper, or this next time, Drew will kill Jason, and he’ll make her watch. The guard comes in and takes Britt. Obrecht tries to follow, but Peter grabs her arm, and she tells him not to touch her. If he harms her daughter, she will kill him. He tells her, calm down. He’s now secured the lab, so no more throwing any dangerous substances at him. Which now brings him to the part where he tells her, there’s not anything she or anyone else can do to stop him.

Britt is brought in to join Jason, and the guard gives her the paper, saying, stick to the script. She tells Jason that Peter wrote it, and the guard takes out his phone to film. Britt reads, today in Port Charles is Tuesday, November 16th. She’s Britt Westbourne, and she’s being held with Jason Morgan and her mother Liesl Obrecht. 

Obrecht says, Peter craves power and control, just like his father, but Peter says, the only thing he craves is his family. She laughs, and asks if he really thinks Maxie would take him back after everything he’s done. How many people has he killed? How many lives has he destroyed? He says she’s not here for her opinion; he needs her medical expertise. Drew is brought in, and Peter says he needs another check-up. He wants Drew in tip-top shape. Drew asks, why? and Peter says, because Drew has another job to do, where failure is not an option.

Looking at a bird photo, Olivia says, it’s so striking the way he’s captured the gold in the feathers, and Ned tells her, it says dancing is part of their mating ritual. She says, it’s breathtaking. She doesn’t know how Joel Sartore does it. Ned wonders if she’d like to ask him herself, and she asks if he can make that happen. He says, doesn’t she know by now, he’d do anything for her.

Brook asks what Gladys wants. A raise? A spectacular vacation package? Shares in Deception? Gladys says, how about a controlling interest? and Brook says, not only is that outrageous, she doesn’t have the power to do that. Gladys says, then make it within her power, or Valentin learns he’s not the biological father of his beloved Bailey. Olivia approaches with Ned and Leo, and tells Brook that Ned is going to introduce them to Joel. Would she like to join them? Leo says he wants to show Brook his favorite picture, and Olivia asks if he doesn’t want to meet the photographer. Leo shakes his head, and says he wants to look at the picture, and Ned says, sounds like Leo has his priorities straight. Brook tells them to go ahead; she’ll show Leo his picture. Olivia tells Leo to stick with Brook, and leaves with Ned. Brook tells Leo to give her a second, and tells Gladys, they’ll talk terms later. Gladys says she doesn’t think so. She doesn’t like Brook’s attitude, and her friend Valentin deserves the truth. She’s sure he’ll be appropriately grateful. Gladys walks off, and Leo pulls at Brook.

Esme says, Trina is right. She doesn’t always understand friendship, especially since she hasn’t had any close friends in her life. Cameron says, not even at boarding school? and Esme says, it was just Spence and her. She thinks the other girls were jealous. Cameron says he’s going to put the books on the display table, and Trina says she’ll be right behind him. Esme tells Trina, congratulations again on the exhibit, and getting ELQ to underwrite it. Very impressive. Trina thanks her, and Esme says, Spence could bankroll future exhibits, if only he had his trust fund. Trina says, Spence will make his own money by not relying on his dad, and working hard, but Esme says, Spence isn’t going to generate much of revenue stream working at a diner. Trina says, he’s making an honest living. Something Esme knows nothing about.

Brando asks how Sasha knows the sex of their baby, and she says, by accident. She fully intended to stick to their agreement, but a nurse accidentally revealed the baby’s sex when she scheduled an appointment by email. He asks if she’s disappointed it won’t be a surprise, but she says, actually, now that she knows, she’s even more excited. The baby seems more real to her. He puts his hand on her bump, and says, this isn’t real enough? What about the constant trips to the bathroom and butter pecan cravings? She says, true, but now she can really picture their baby. Does he want to wait until the baby is born, or should she tell him what they’re having?

Nikolas tells Trina, congratulations on the exhibit; it’s fantastic. Trina says she couldn’t have done it without Ava’s support, and Ava says, it’s her pleasure. She saw Trina’s mother, and she loves the photos. She’s so proud of Trina, as is Ava. Nikolas asks if Trina is at least going to enjoy her moment in the sun, but Trina says she can’t relax until after the presentation. Does Ava still want her to give it; it’s her gallery. Ava says, it’s Trina’s exhibition; Trina takes the credit. Nikolas’s phone rings, and he excuses himself to take the call. Trina tells Ava, her art professor came by earlier, and said she aced the class, and Ava says, her hard work and dedication have already paid off. Please do herself a favor and enjoy this moment. Trina says she’ll try, but can’t make any promises. How about Ava? This is as much her night as Trina’s. Is it going well? Ava looks over at Nikolas on the phone, and says, it seems her night might be taking a turn for the worse.

Britt reads that she, Jason, and Obrecht haven’t been harmed. They’ve been treated fairly, and have been assured by Peter August that they’ll remain safe as long as his instructions are followed. Peter has no interest in hurting them. He just wants justice for himself. While Peter works to attain that justice, these are his requirements to all of them. She shows Jason the paper. I always think these statements are so useless, since it’s always obvious the hostage is just reciting what they’ve been told.

Olivia tells Joel, the photographs are spectacular… fantastic. She asks Ned to help her out; she’s running out of adjectives. Ned says, he thinks she’s trying to say she loves Joel’s work. Olivia asks if those are his books on display, and Joel says, indeed. That’s Photo Ark Wonders; it’s celebrating diversity in the animal kingdom. She says she’ll have to pick one up for her son Leo; he’s fascinated with animals. Joel says, he might also like the children’s book they do, Photo Ark ABC. It’s never too early to get kids involved in conservation. Ned says he couldn’t agree more, which is why he already purchased both of the books. Joel says, outstanding, and excuses himself to sign some books. Olivia says, just incredible, and Ned says he couldn’t agree more. Mr. Sartore’s mission is truly incredible. She says she was talking about him. She knows he was thinking about her and Leo when he underwrote the exhibit. Then he bought the books. She’s running out of adjectives to describe him too. He says, that counts for something, and she says, that counts for a lot.

Brando tells Sasha, he’s torn. He wants to know the sex of their baby, but was looking forward to the surprise. She says, he doesn’t have to make up his mind right now. They have a little time before her due date. He says, so she’s going to be planning for the baby in secrecy? She says, like buying baby clothes, thinking about names… He says he thought they were coming up with names together, and she says, they will. What about Charlie? Or Parker? He says, those names can be used for boys and girls.

Spencer looks at a tiger photo, and Esme says, isn’t he beautiful? Spencer says, so proud; arrogant even. She says, like the Cassadines, and he says, he thinks they’re both on the verge of extinction. She says, he’s in a mood. Let her cheer him up. Guess who she saw snuggled up in the back room of the gallery? He says, he should care why? and she says, because it was Cam and Trina. Poor Joss. Her best friend and her boyfriend? He says, whatever she thinks she saw, it couldn’t have been that deep. Cameron and Josslyn are happy, and Trina would never betray a friend. She says, Trina’s not as perfect as he thinks, and he says, but she is honest. She doesn’t deal in dirty tricks. Esme says, unlike her.

Ava asks if everything is okay, and Nikolas says, apparently, Scotty convinced the WSB to cut Victor a deal. She says, what kind of deal? and he says, the kind that grants him full immunity. It’s possible Victor gave up Peter or something else of value, but whatever it was, Victor is walking the streets of Port Charles a free man.

Anna asks where Victor is now, and Robert says, the Bureau has him under surveillance. She says, he’s the former director; he created the surveillance protocol. He knows how to evade them. Valentin says, they can’t risk Victor warning Peter, and Anna says she’s leaving now. Her phone beeps, and she looks at it. She says, they have to see this, and they all look at the screen. Jason says, do not attempt to find Peter August and apprehend him. Do not attempt to find Britt Westbourne, Liesl Obrecht, or himself. Peter has the ability to monitor the activities of the WSB, as well as rogue individuals who attempt to find them. Any attempt to catch Peter or free his hostages will result in their deaths.

Britt hugs Jason, and says she hates leaving him. He says he’s got this, and she says she knows he does. She walks out, and the guard follows.

Drew says he refuses to feel like a trained lap dog anymore, and Peter says, refuse all he wants; it won’t make any difference. He’ll still do what Peter says; he literally holds all the cards. Drew says, go to hell, and Peter shoves Obrecht’s medical bag at her, causing her to double over. She says, he’s incapable of earning loyalty. He believes the stick is better than the carrot. How alone he must be, surrounded by minions instead of friends. Drew says he heard Maxie can’t even bear to be around Peter, and Peter says he and Maxie will be reunited. Drew will be the one to make it happen, or he’ll die trying.

Ava says, so much for Nikolas’s assurances that Victor won’t be a problem, but Nikolas doesn’t think Victor threw him under the bus, or he’d be in custody already. She says, what about mercenary being treated at GH? Does he know anything that could implicate Nikolas in any way? Nikolas says he’s fine. He just wishes he knew how Victor managed his immunity deal. What’s that look on her face mean? She says, it’s not the best time right now, and he asks if she’d feel better if he found out what Victor offered for his immunity. It means he’ll have to leave now. Ava tells him, go. She can’t be looking over her shoulder. If it’s not Spencer stalking her, it’s some other Cassadine crawling out of the woodwork ready to wreak havoc in their lives. He promises that’s not going to happen, and kisses her. He tells her, congratulations again on the exhibition, and leaves.

Spencer says, when he said Trina didn’t deal in dirty tricks, he wasn’t implying Esme did. She asks what he did mean, and he says, that Trina isn’t wired the way most people are; she’s not petty. She tells him, he should have heard what Trina said to her about not knowing what it’s like to work a real job. It sounded kind of petty to her. He says, Esme doesn’t know what it’s like to work a real job. He says he has no interest in fighting with her, especially when they have the opportunity for a rare night out. She looks incredible, not to mention there’s free food and the champagne is flowing, and they don’t have to pay for any of it. She says, the exhibit’s not so bad either, and he says, it doesn’t get any better than this. She says, and Trina arranged all of it, and he says, she probably had help from Ava. He can give credit where credit is due. Why can’t she? She says, he’s right. She hopes Trina has a night she never forgets.

Brook asks what Leo likes about the photo of the octopus, and Kip comes out. She goes over to him, and he says he’s really sorry about what happened. She says she told him to lie low. Working as a cater waiter at an exhibition isn’t lying low. He says he knows, but you never know who you’ll meet at these things. Chris Pratt was discovered working at a shrimp restaurant. She says, Chris Pratt has talent. He asks if she smoothed things over with Gladys, and she says, don’t worry about it. It’s not his fault. Who’d have thought Gladys would show up here? Her idea of good art is kitten videos. He says, so she’ll recommend him to her friends? She says, don’t push it, and goes back to the picture, but Leo is gone.

Sasha asks if Gladys is enjoying the exhibit, and Gladys says, you betcha. Sasha wouldn’t believe what she’s learning. She leaves, and Brando wonders why he gets the feeling his mother is up to something. Sasha says, maybe because she always is up to something. They look at the panda photo, and Sasha suggests buying a print for baby Riley or Billie’s nursery. He says, why not? The truth is, he doesn’t need to know who or what their baby will be, to be prepared for the baby’s arrival. All he cares about is that little Reese or Jamie or Blake turns out just as magnificent as their mother.

Trina asks if Ava is okay, and Ava says she’s fine. Isn’t it about time for Trina to make her presentation to Mr. Sartore? Trina says she just needs to grab the flowers and check from ELQ in the back room. Ava tells her, do that while she makes the introductions.

Esme starts to follow Trina, but Cameron intercepts her. She says she can’t talk right now, but he asks if she has a minute. There’s something he needs to clear up.

Joel tells Ned, the Arabian cobra was the 12,000th species in the Photo Ark Project. He didn’t like Joel too much. It was photographed two weeks ago in the Arab Emirates at the Arabian Wildlife Center. Only 8000 more to go. Ned says, Joel’s going to be busy, and Joel says, he is.

Trina gets the flowers, and opens the door to find Gladys. She tells Gladys the ladies room is in the other direction, but Gladys says she was hoping to make a call in private, but Trina says, the back room is off limits to visitors. Gladys says, it’s a matter of life and death, and paternity. She promises not to steal any of the artwork. It’s not her taste anyway. Trina says, all right, but please be quick. Gladys thanks her, and goes inside, but her phone says, no service. She frets that she needs to reach Valentin.

Valentin says, apparently, it’s a rescue mission now, and Robert says they have to make sure they’re not walking into a trap. Anna says, of course (🍷) they are. She wonders how Peter got Obrecht, Britt, and Jason, and Robert says he has to make a call. He leaves, and Valentin says the WSB will have ground plans and schematics, but he knows the island better than they do. Anna says he just got out of surgery, but he says he thought she knew him better than that. She says she does, and knows he’d risk his life for the hostages, but she prefers him alive, if it’s all right with him. He says he hates to say it, but if she’s not going to take him, take Robert. He can make a contribution though. He knows how to get on the island undetected.

Brando asks if Sasha is all right, and she says, it was just a twinge; she gets then once in a while. He says, they can leave, but she says, this is probably one of their last nights out before the baby comes. She’s not ready to cut it short. However, she does need the ladies room. She hands him her phone, and says, the email from the nurse is in her inbox, should he want know what their future looks like.

Cameron thanks Esme for all the planning she’s done for the weekend trip, and she says, they can talk arrangements later, but he says, there’s something he wanted to get clear. He doesn’t want her opinion or advice on whether he and Josslyn should share a room. She says, whatever, and jets.

Ava asks for everyone’s attention. She thanks them for being there. The Jerome Gallery is honored to present the National Geographic Photo Ark, led by National Geographic explorer and photographer Joel Sartore. Everyone applauds, and she says, the National Geographic Photo Ark is an extraordinary multi-year effort to document all species living in zoos, and aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries. And these awe inspiring images around them are just a fraction of the Photo Ark. In fact, Joel announced today that he’s taken portraits of 12,000 species of animals on this planet. There’s more applause.

Gladys keeps trying to get service, but it’s not working. She opens the door, and Sasha is there. Sasha asks what Gladys is doing there, and Gladys says she’s trying to get a phone signal. Her? Sasha says she told Brando that she was going to the ladies room, but she really needed a place to sit quietly for a minute. Does she mind? Gladys says, be her guest, and Sasha sits. Gladys asks if she’s okay, and Sasha says, she just can’t seem to get comfortable anywhere. Gladys says she remembers those days. Brando was a very active baby. She couldn’t wait for him to be born. Brook opens the door, and Gladys says, she’s off the clock. Brook jets, and Gladys says, for the life of her, she doesn’t know how Sasha, Lucy, and Maxie put up with Brook. The three of them actually make a contribution to Deception. BLQ just swans around, giving everyone orders, and wasting everyone’s time. In the hallway, Esme kicks something under the door to keep it from opening, and smiles. Wow, girl. You stupid.

Joel thanks everyone for being there, and says, unfortunately, about a million species are threatened with extinction. He and National Geographic partnered about fifteen years ago to start documenting all 20,000 they think are in the world’s zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and aquariums. They turned a big corner with their 12,000th species recently, the Arabian cobra that they can see around the corner. The goal is to engage the public, and to also fund long-term conservation efforts. He wants to take this opportunity to thank Trina Robinson for reaching out to their staff, which led to all this, and also Ava Jerome of Jerome Galleries, also all of them for being there today and caring. Everyone applauds, and he thanks them. Spencer asks Esme where she was, and she says, long line at the ladies room. Ava is sure everyone is eager to buy a print or two for this worthy cause, but first, she knows Trina has something she’d like to present to Mr. Sartore. As many of them know, Trina was the first to make her aware of the Photo Ark Project, and it’s thanks to her efforts that this exhibit is happening at all. She calls for Trina to come out, and they all applaud again.

Drew asks how he’s going to reunite Peter with Maxie, and Peter says he’s going back to Port Charles, and bringing her to him. Obrecht asks if he’s out of his mind. He’s going to kidnap Maxie and bring her back to this godforsaken island against her will? Then what? He says, then Obrecht will use his father’s methods to influence Maxie on his behalf, but Obrecht says, Faison never told her how he did it. Peter tells her, don’t be modest. He knows she’s up to the task, and when she’s finished, Maxie will know she belongs to him.

Ava calls Trina again, and Trina says, she’s here. She comes out with the flowers, and thanks Joel for allowing the gallery to display his fabulous photos. He thanks her, and also wants to thank ELQ for underwriting this. Trina says, ELQ Industries would like to acknowledge the great work he and National Geographic are doing by making a donation to the Photo Ark. Joel thanks them, and says he’s sure it’s generous. Donations are critical to their work. Trina says, all species deserve to be protected. No matter how big or small, they are all beautiful. Brook pulls Ned and Olivia away, and says, she thought Leo might be with them. Olivia says she thought he was with Brook, and Brook says, he was, until he wasn’t. He was looking at a photo, and she only looked away for one second. Olivia says, one second is all it takes for a little boy to disappear, and Ned says, let’s not panic. He has to be somewhere in the gallery. Brook says, she already looked, top to bottom. Elsewhere, Brando looks at Sasha’s phone, and smiles.  

Gladys asks how Sasha is feeling, and Sasha says, better, thanks. The quiet helped. She’s ready to get back to the exhibit. Is Gladys coming? Gladys says she is; maybe she’ll get better service outside. She tries to open the door, but it’s locked. She says, the door is stuck. Don’t sweat it. She’ll get them out in a jiff. She tries again, with no luck, and bangs on the door, asking, is anyone out there? The door is stuck. Let them out.

Anna tells Robert, all set. The Bureau is sending a rescue team to Cassadine Island under her command. Her flight is arranged, and Valentin is working on the intel for how they breach the island undercover. He says he’s secured time off work, unless she thinks his ego is too big for the mission. She looks at him, and he says, come on. She knows he has certain skills and expertise useful on this adventure. She says, then it’s just as well she saved him a seat next to her on the plane, isn’t it? Let’s end this. Let’s really end this once and for all.

Obrecht says, there’s no way Maxie is coming back to Peter, when the guard comes in with Britt. He asks Peter for a word, and Peter tells them, feel free to search the room for lethal weapons to use for their escape. They won’t find any. He leaves with the guard, and Drew asks Obrecht if Peter is right. Can she condition Maxie? She says, she can, and Peter knows it. He threatened Britt to force her to cooperate. Britt says, he’s not going to get that far. Jason is going to stop Peter.

The guard says, preparations are underway for relocation, and Peter says, excellent. Begin the countdown for leaving Cassadine Island. They won’t be coming back. Is that all? The guard says, they’re not sure about the restraints on Jason, but Peter says, Jason won’t be a problem. He’s not coming with them. Jason puts The Chariot tarot card in his pocket.

Before the preview, Sydney Makala (Trina) and Joel Sartore plug the National Geographic Photo Ark. You can visit it at or And you should.

Tomorrow, Carly thinks she and Phyllis should get to know one another, Ned thinks he knows where Leo is, and Sasha’s water breaks. Like we didn’t figure that was going to happen.

Vanderpump Rules

Lala told Ocean that she was going to meet James today, and James came bearing gifts; a super soft bunny and Ocean’s very first pair of Uggs. I’m sure they were way more than you should ever pay for shoes that will never see the ground, and will be grown out of in three weeks, but they were really cute. Lala asked about the party at Charli’s that was really at Tom and Ariana’s, and he said, Raquel ended up falling asleep on the floor. She was really wasted. Lala asked if that was tough for him, and he said it didn’t affect him, but couldn’t play drinking games. In his interview, he asked if he was that annoying when he drank. How embarrassing. Ariana told Raquel that James’s fuse seemed short, and he was being a bit of a brat. At Lala’s, James said, if Raquel’s nose job didn’t go right, what was going to happen to the relationship? Raquel admitted to Ariana that James often thought about himself before he thought of other people. Ariana asked if Raquel could bring it up to James, and in Raquel’s interview, she said all she wanted was for James to recognize his mistakes. He couldn’t act like that and be impatient when they had kids. James told Lala that he didn’t want a fiancé with a botched nose. Which, if that happened, would be really ironic, since Paul Nassif (Botched) was the surgeon being considered. In James’s interview, he said when he met Raquel, all he knew was that she was a super model from California. Lala said he couldn’t weigh in; it was Raquel’s face. He told her that he’d gotten his face by not doing a single thing, and she said, not all of them were that blessed.

The Toms met with Lisa at Villa Rosa. Puffy! Schwartz said they felt great about the concept for the new bar, but wanted her take on it. They were having trouble selling Greg on it. We flashed back to Greg saying, if they couldn’t tell him what her vision was, how could they move forward? In Schwartz’s interview, he said, Lisa was the only one who could help them nail it. Greg was going to wash his hands, and walk away if they didn’t have something. They showed her a fabric swatch they wanted for the bar stools, and Lisa asked how much it was. Sandoval said, thirty, but was unsure if that was a square foot or yard. In Lisa’s interview, she said, if you’re ordering 100 yards, you can’t afford to be off by 900%. Tom went on a tangent, telling her that it was a funkadelic dive lounge, where you could check your worries at the door. An escape from reality, where they bridge the reality of your best night out with the déjà vu of your future fantasies. He talked about archways on the way to the bathrooms, and conflicting colors with lights that highlighted the hard edges. Then he went on to vines and hanging plants. Lisa said they had to trust her. She knew they had great intention and vision. It wasn’t that she didn’t like what they were telling her, but there was nothing definitive. Greg wasn’t going to put his money and confidence behind something unless he knew it would be a success. When they wanted to deviate, think of her foot firmly up their ass.

Brock explained how to make a baby dress from an old shirt to Scheana’s mom Erika, and in his interview, he said his mom had sewn clothes for him and his siblings. He wanted to teach his family that something old could be turned into something new. Ariana came by, and asked if Scheana wanted to have another baby. Scheana said she’d like Summer to have a sibling, but was concerned about putting her body through pregnancy again because of the issues she’d had. She was thinking of freezing her eggs like Ariana had. In Ariana’s interview, she said, yes, she’d frozen her eggs. She and Scheana were going together, but then Scheana became pregnant. It didn’t mean she was jumping on the baby train, but it was about agency over her own body. And also a f*** you to those who questioned her values or choices. Scheana asked if Ariana was going to use a surrogate, and thought it would be fun if she and Ariana did that at the same time. Ariana was like, no. Katie sent Scheana a  text, saying she was throwing a soiree, and the theme was Man of Mystery and Femme Fatale. Ariana thought it was a ruse to get Scheana and Lala in the same room, and Scheana wished Lala was still the cool chick from five years ago. In her interview, she said, Lala had ruined every friendship, but she continued to come around because she had no other friends. Ariana googled Man of Mystery and got Austin Powers.

Raquel told James it wasn’t cool to call her and Charli dumb at the party, and he said it had been the peak of his tantrum. She told him that he thought about himself before he thought about others. The comment that had most disturbed her was when he said he was the one who had to look at her effing face for the rest of his life. In his interview, James said he saw how the Beverly Hills moms got work done, and didn’t want Raquel to turn into that. James told Raquel that if his nose got botched, she’d leave him, and she said, would he leave her? He said no, and she suggested he not vocalize whatever was in his head. His number one job as her fiancé should be to support her, not add to her stress. He admitted he was wrong, and said it was a learning curve for him. The Toms were meeting with Greg and designer Lucinda at the new bar, and Schwartz brought Katie. In Schwartz’s interview, he said he wanted her to be impressed. In Sandoval’s interview, he said, Katie invited herself. She thinks it’s a seat in the boardroom, but she’s just there for bring your wife to work day. Greg asked if everything was ready, and Sandoval went on a mini tangent, saying it was going to be a vibrant, funky dive lounge; featuring Americana food, and simple, fresh, and playfully unique mixology. Greg said he liked the concept, and they showed Greg some expensive décor choices. Sandoval said it was all about the details, but Greg said, give him the same wow for less. He wanted a mission statement, and Sandoval said it was a funkadelic dive lounge, where you could check your worries at the door. An escape from reality, where they bridge the reality of your best night out with the déjà vu of your future fantasies. They clearly didn’t understand the concept of a mission statement, and Greg said it was a word salad; he got lost. Katie asked what did they want to accomplish, and how were they going to accomplish it. Greg thought Katie should take their place, which pissed Sandoval off royally. In Katie’s interview, she said she knew what she was doing, saying, and talking about. To piss Sandoval off even more, Greg said Katie was going to help them.  

Everyone got ready for Katie’s soiree. James figured his London accent was half the costume, and he didn’t need to wear a shirt. In Katie’s interview, she said they’d all been wearing sweatpants for the last year and a half. She wanted to class this bitch up. Katie mentioned Scheana having been in a show called Femme Fatales, and said it was very racy. There’s a word I haven’t heard in a long time. In her interview, Katie said they’d all come there to get into entertainment. While the rest of them were pulling double shifts at SUR, Scheana was doing what she could to make her dream come true. In Scheana’s interview, she wondered why it had to be brought up. Now everyone would google it, and see her boobs. Which was really her way of saying, google it so you can see her boobs. Everyone looked fabulous, and in Schwartz’s interview, he said it was like being in his own spy fantasy. He wished Lisa was there. Ariana asked about the meeting, and Sandoval said it went well. Katie told them about her part in it, and in James’s interview, he said Katie knew what buttons to push when it came to Sandoval, and it was spectacular to watch. Carry on. Lala asked to borrow Scheana to talk in private. She said she know Scheana had pent up issues that she’d thought they squashed, and Scheana said she needed to know where Lala was coming from. They were good, and she’d moved on, but at Lisa’s, Lala decided to be a mean girl effing bitch. Lala said Scheana was villainizing her and then playing the victim. Scheana had brought around a lot of sh*tty guys, and Lala had been concerned about her and the baby. Scheana said she thought Lala hadn’t been genuine, and in her interview, she said it was hard to trust Lala after being the butt of Lala’s jokes for years. They had a pattern of Lala hurting her, then Scheana forgiving her. She said she needed to know that Lala genuinely cared about her, and it wasn’t an act. Lala said she was trying to make changes. She was realizing how her words affected people. Scheana was willing to move past it, and they hugged it out. In Scheana’s interview, she said she thought Lala was coming from a good place, but her delivery was f***ed up. Lala told Brock that she’d talked to Scheana, and they were good. Since he was Scheana’s SO, she wanted to make sure they were straight. She didn’t mean to come for him, but thought her concerns were valid. Brock said he hadn’t liked how she said she was sorry, but that’s just the way she was. He thought she was condescending. She said she was like a fine wine; some people liked it, and others wanted wine from a box. He said he preferred scotch.

Hanky and Panky! Schwarz visited Villa Rosa – Schnookie! – on a mission to pick up a serving platter. It took him ten minutes to explain what he wanted, and in Lisa’s interview, she said it was going to be hard to be a restaurant owner if he didn’t know what a serving platter was. She took him to the basement to look around, and in his interview, he said he was disappointed there wasn’t a sexy pink dungeon down there. He told Lisa that he was developing guilt about putting work before his family. He wanted to help them financially. In Schwartz’s interview, he said his family was having a rough go. His parents had separated, and his brother hadn’t been working since the pandemic. He’d been sending them a few hundred dollars a month to help keep their heads above water, but he was strapped. Lisa said it wasn’t his responsibility, and should wait until the business was up and running. He said he was also stressed about the loan; it hadn’t come through yet. In his interview, he said he and Sandoval were in different places. Sandoval’s parents were investing in the bar, while he was pinching pennies. It was like a cash register in his head, adding up the accumulating debt.

Brock told Charli about Lala and Scheana making up, and Scheana said Lala had seemed genuine. Brock said he’d put Lala in her place, but was still wary. In his interview, he said he wanted to give Scheana the opportunity to be friends with Lala, if that’s what she wanted. In Charli’s interview, she said she couldn’t imagine talking sh*t about someone, and being friends with them the next day. And if she knew someone who did that, she’d think they were going to do it to her too. Everyone met for drinks, and Schwartz told Katie about his finance anxiety. She said he’d just won $900, and in her interview, she said Schwartz’s gambling had been problematic. He’d gambled away the naming rights of their first born. We saw a clip of Randall saying the baby’s name would be Pickle. Katie said he needed to get it under control immediately. She thought he was putting too much pressure on himself about the family, and had to let her in to his thoughts and feelings. Charli said all the girls had WikiFeet profiles, which is new to me, but apparently it’s a feet rating. Or as Charli put it, a beauty pageant for your feet. I’d score a minus something. I wondered if Jax invented it, and Charli said they should submit Raquel’s nose, which is a terrible idea, considering Raquel’s insecurities. In Lala’s interview, she said that she didn’t want Brock to have to defend himself anymore, and she was sick of defending herself. He was the dude that her friend chose, and she’d have to trust Scheana’s judgement. Brock apologized for not moving past the situation, and Lala said she’d had some bad timing. Charli talked to Sandoval about Brock confronting Lala, and Lala wanted to make sure she and Charli were good. I guess it was some sort of mini apology tour. Charli said her problem was with not knowing what she would get. Tom said all the fights were ones Lala picked. She’d talked sh*t about Ariana, and then Brock. Lala said she’d dealt with it, but Tom said he wanted her to grow, and stop picking fights. She was being immature. In Tom’s interview, he said Lala was the one lighting the fuse, then played the victim. It was getting really effing old. In Lala’s interview, she said, the only thing growing on Tom was the heinous mustache that prepubescent boys got. (See more on that below.) She said she was going insane, and was going to have to shut him down.

Next time, swimming, shots, James goes to therapy, and Lala talks to Schwartz about Sandoval.

🐶 Vanderpump Dogs was back on at 11:30 pm for a marathon. This is the best show in the world. Lisa in her element, and dogs, dogs, and more dogs. The highlight of one episode was a pregnant pup who’d been found in a parking lot, giving birth to 13 (!) babies. The nicest bee farmer ever gave her a forever home. I wanted to go with them.

👨🏻 The Heinous Stache…

The one Lala said prepubescent boys get.

🥀 Last Dance…

While I am not a LisaR fan, I did like her mom, and this is a great tribute.

🧝 What’s Sleep Got To Do With It…?

Stop by tomorrow, for soap, that godawful House I can’t stop watching, and who knows what? Until then, stay safe, stay separating the wheat from the chaff, and stay not being a cater waiter if you’re trying to lie low.