November 23, 2021 – The Excavation Team Looks For Jason, Hospital Exit, Remembering OLTL, NYC Woman, Bad Behavior, All About the Parade & Macy’s


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sasha tells Dr. Navarro, their son is in an incubator and can’t be moved, right? Which means they have to go to him. She asks Brando to get her a wheelchair, and he says, she can’t even sit up right now. She says she’ll do whatever it takes to be with her son, but Dr. Navarro says, that’s not the problem. In her post-operative condition, she can’t visit the NICU right now. She needs time to heal first. Sasha says her baby needs his mother, but the doctor says, he needs his mother to be healthy and whole for what’s to come.

Gladys asks Maxie if that’s Sasha’s room, and Maxie says, Brando is with her, and they’re talking to Sasha’s doctor. Gladys stands outside the door, and Dr. Navarro says she knows it’s hard, but she strongly advises Sasha to use this time to rest. Gather her strength, so when she’s cleared to visit her son, she’ll be prepared. Brando says, prepared for what exactly?

Carly runs into the hospital and finds Sonny. She thanks him for calling her, and asks how Sasha and the baby are. He says, Sasha is out of surgery, and recovering in the ICU, and Carly says she doesn’t understand. Last she heard, everything was fine. How did he hear Sasha and the baby were rushed into surgery?

At the reception desk, Epiphany tells Valentin that the doctor wants him to spend one more night for observation, but he says he’s going to take care of himself; effective immediately. She says, that would be an ill-advised decision, but it’s his choice. He’s going to have to sign a form saying he’s leaving against medical advice. He tells her to give him the form, and she says, fine. Wait here. He asks her not to take too long, and she gives him a look. Nina comes along, and gives Valentin a hug. She asks why he’s leaving, and he says he has to move out of the Quartermaine mansion, and find the strength to say goodbye to his daughter one last time.

As they walk in, Chase asks if Brook doesn’t think it’s a little sacrilegious to hatch a plot in a chapel, and she says, a non-denominational chapel. He asks what that means, and she says they need place to talk away from Valentin. He says he’s listening, and she says, enough of his self-assured, nothing bothers you attitude. Does he have any idea what he’s gotten himself into, pretending to be Bailey’s father? If the truth is found out, he’ll have two enemies – Valentin and Peter.

Anna asks if she can call Maxie back; she’s in the middle of something. Maxie says, Peter just called her. He promised he was going to see her soon. Anna says, they have Peter in custody, and Maxie asks if she’s sure he’s in custody. Anna says, he’s in handcuffs, and waiting to be transferred back to Port Charles to stand trial. Maxie asks if Anna is saying it’s really over, but Anna says, it’s not over yet.

Obrecht examines Drew, and Britt says, let her know when she’s done. She wants to make sure Obrecht’s stitches didn’t open up when she fell in the tunnel. Obrecht says, she’s fine, but Britt is going to have to recite the alphabet backward to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion. Britt says, Z, Y, X, W, V. Is that enough? Obrecht says, for now, and asks if Drew has any other injuries he needs to tell her about. He says, just what she saw. The last time she examined him was when Peter wanted to make sure he was in tip-top shape to kidnap Maxie. She says, thankfully, that plan never materialized, and Britt says, Maxie’s safe, but at what cost to Jason?

Maxie asks, what about Liesl and Britt? Has Anna seen them? Anna says she’s with them now; they’re fine. Maxie says, thank God. She knew Jason wouldn’t let anything happen to them. She thanks Anna for bringing Peter to justice, and Anna says she owed it to Maxie; it’s long overdue. Maxie asks her to thank Jason and Britt for her too, and asks when they’re coming home. Anna says, the situation is quite fluid right now. She’ll be able to have a longer conversation when she gets back. All she wanted was to keep Maxie safe. Maxie hangs up, and sees a text from Brook, saying, must talk. 911. Where are you?

Nina tells Valentin that she doesn’t understand. Is he sending Charlotte to boarding school? He says, not Charlotte, and she asks, what’s going on with Bailey? He says, she’s not his, and Nina asks, what makes him say that? He says, Brook lied to him, and she says, he must be devastated. He says, Brook used Bailey as a bargaining chip to get her ELQ shares back. It was nothing more than an elaborate ruse to get back in her father’s good graces. Nina says, Brook actually said that? and he tells her, she said a lot of things, but it was about ELQ, plain and simple.

Brook asks if Chase has any idea what he signed up for, and he says he wasn’t thinking long term; he was thinking on the fly. She says, until they know Peter’s not a threat anymore, he’s going to have to continue with the fly. He’s going to have to tell everyone. Is he ready to tell his parents that they’re going to be grandparents again? He’s going to have to tell Finn, and how about Willow? It’s not the first time he’s had to tell a lie for the greater good. He says, and the lie worked. It kept Nelle from getting custody of Wiley. She asks if he’s ready to tempt fate again, when her phone dings. She says, Maxie is freaking out about something. She wouldn’t blame Chase if he didn’t want to take this charade any further. Maybe they should go back to Valentin, tell him the truth, and beg for his help. Then Chase wouldn’t have to be part of the charade, and get in any deeper.

Nina asks if Valentin is sure it’s about ELQ; maybe there’s another reason. He says, like what? and she suggests giving Brook the benefit of the doubt. Even his biggest detractors have to admit he’s an amazing father to Charlotte. Maybe the biological father isn’t a good guy. Could that be the reason Brook lied to him? He says, no, because Chase is the real father. Chase told him, and Brook confirmed it.

Carly tells Sonny, if there’s a problem with Sasha and the baby, Brando must be losing his mind. Sonny is the only family Brando has in town besides Gladys, so of course (🍷) Brando reached out to him. Maxie walks past, and Sonny asks, what’s the latest? Carly asks if the baby is okay, and Maxie says, which baby? Carly says, Sasha and Brando’s baby, and Maxie says, of course (🍷). She’s sorry; she has a lot going on. Sasha had a baby boy, and needed an emergency C-section. She’s fine, but the baby is in the NICU. Her phone dings, and she says she’s sorry. That’s all she knows. She walks the other way, and Sonny wonders if it’s just him, or was Maxie all over the place? Carly is sure all this reminded Maxie of the trauma surrounding Louise’s birth. He says it reminds him of what they went through with Donna, and she says, she’ll never forget, but like Sasha, she had one advantage Maxie doesn’t. He asks, what’s that? and she says, a loving, supportive partner by her side.

Elizabeth tells Gladys that she can go in; she knows Gladys is family. Gladys thanks her, but says she doesn’t want to intrude. The doctor sounds so serious. That’s never good, right? Elizabeth goes in, and Brando asks if she’s seen their baby. Sasha asks, how is he? and Elizabeth says, he’s currently in an incubated on a ventilator to assist with breathing. He also has an umbilical line to administer steroids and antibiotics. Brando says, that’s standard procedure in the NICU, right? Because babies are born with under developed lungs all the time. Dr. Navarro says, in this case, it’s not a question of lung capacity. During the placental disruption, their son was deprived of oxygen, and in some babies, that can result in <insert medical term here>, a condition that, depending on the severity, causes disabilities, brain damage, and in some cases, death. Elizabeth says, those are worst case scenarios; they don’t have all the answers. Dr. Navarro says, Dr. Fleming and the wonderful team in the NICU have started a very advanced treatment called hypothermic therapy, which calms the baby down, and has been shown to give the brain an opportunity to slow brain cell damage. Sasha cries, and Elizabeth says, they need to think positively. Sasha asks how she can think anything positive when her baby is hurting, and it’s all her fault?

Sasha says she must have missed a sign, or ignored a symptom, but Dr. Navarro says she’s not to blame. There’s nothing Sasha could have done to prevent what happened. Her placenta separated from her uterus, a completely involuntary medical condition. Sasha says she felt a twinge or something. She definitely knew she wasn’t comfortable, and didn’t reach out to the doctor. Brando tells her to listen to Dr. Navarro. She didn’t know this was going to happen. He’s not going to let her blame herself. Elizabeth says, and most discomfort during pregnancy is harmless. The doctor says Elizabeth is correct. It’s possible what Sasha felt had nothing to do with the abruption. They need to focus on the next steps, when the hypothermia treatment concludes. Brando asks how long it takes, and she says, it can take up to 72 hours. Once it’s done, Dr. Fleming will order an EEG to determine brain function. Brando can visit the NICU now, and if Sasha is strong enough in the morning, she can be wheeled down to see her son. She’ll check in on Sasha later. She leaves, and Elizabeth asks Sasha to listen to her. She knows as moms it’s easy for them to blame themselves, but Sasha  did everything right. She went to her doctor’s appointments, she had bloodwork done, she went on bedrest when she was told to. No one has a crystal ball. Sasha says, so all they can do now is wait? and Brando says, wait, and pray.

Anna says, the excavation team has landed, and they’re headed to the tunnels. Drew says he wants to help, and Britt says, her too, but Anna says, it’s too crowded and dangerous for them to go down there. This is a highly trained team, and they’re equipped with the latest technology. The best thing they can do for Jason is stay out of their way. There’s going to be a formal debriefing with the WSB, but before that happens, she needs to know what the hell went on down in those tunnels. Obrecht says, Peter activated Drew, and when Jason and Drew were fighting, Peter dragged her and Britt into those unstable tunnels, and then got lost. Anna says, by activated, she means conditioning? and Drew says, Peter used Faison’s old shortcut. Anna asks what he had Drew do, but Drew has no idea. The first time was in Crete, and he came to in his cell, grazed by a bullet and bleeding. Anna thinks he sustained the injury during the assassination attempt, and he asks how she knows. She says, she was the target.

Maxie walks into the chapel, and says, please tell her Gladys… She stops, and says, Chase. If he doesn’t mind, she’d like to speak to Brook in private. Brook says, if it’s about Bailey, anything Maxie has to share with her, she can say in front of Chase. He knows everything.

Nina says, Brook told Valentin that Chase was Bailey’s biological father? and he says, yes. She says she’s so sorry; she knows how painful it is. He says he knows she does, because she knows what it’s like to love someone like a daughter, and find out she was deceived, because he did that to her. Call it karma or poetic justice, but what he inflicted on her, Brook inflicted on him. She has every right to gloat.

Sonny says he’s happy that Donna has so much strength and is so healthy, and Carly says, they’re so lucky. She prays the same for Brando and Sasha; that whatever comes their way, they can weather it together as a team. Sonny says, they did it, and she says, they did. She knows it’s a weird time, but they didn’t get to finish their conversation earlier about Nina, and there’s something she needs to say.

Sasha says, she knows she and Brando haven’t taken the most conventional route as a couple, and there’s still so much they don’t know about each other, but he never struck her as the praying type. He says he guesses he’s old enough to admit there are things in the universe he doesn’t understand. Is there God? He doesn’t know, but he’s seen a rainbow after a storm. He’s seen some pretty awesome sunrises and sunsets. In Iraq, in the war, he saw some pretty awful things, but he also saw some of the most profound acts of human kindness. All this is a long way to say he doesn’t know what he believes, but he’ll consider anything that gets them a happy ending with their son. She says, her too. Does he think it’s possible? He says, an hour ago, he didn’t know if she and their son were going to make it. He never prayed like that, even in the war. Now she’s out of danger, and their son is alive. She tells him, people always say babies are resilient, and he says, Maxie was just telling him that James was born on the side of the road, and he’s fine now. Babies can have shaky starts and still grow into healthy strong kids. Their kid has their genes. She says, which makes him a fighter, and he says, damn right. She says, faith is not her strong suit. What if it’s not enough? He says, they have each other, and their son has them, not to mention some of the best medical care there is. Whatever the EEG tells them, he’ll be cherished and loved. If he needs a little help, they’ll provide that. There’s not a thing they can’t see him through. She says, what about what he needs right now? Being stuck in this bed, she can’t help feel… She cries, and he says, it’s okay. They’re in the same boat. They’re both first time parents, and their son is in trouble. Talk to him. She says she feels like she’s already a failure as a mother.

Nina says, when she found out Valentin hired Sasha to pretend to be her daughter, she was devastated. She was so angry and hurt, but she woudn’t wish that pain on anyone. She’s certainly not enjoying watching him lose his daughter. He says, because she’s a good person, but she says she’s done some things lately that make her question that. She does know one thing; when you’re driven by love, you’re pretty much capable of anything.

Carly says, she and Sonny have to resolve the issue of Nina. He referred to Nina as his friend, and she can’t tell him how bad it hurt her. He tells her that he didn’t exactly say that, and they sit down. She says she knows he was talking about his days in Nixon Falls when he was Mike. She wants him to know that she understands he had a life there, and it felt like home. He says, when he got his memory back, coming back there, they were his home; her, his kids, and his grandkids. She says she doesn’t want him to feel like he has to defend life he didn’t choose, but he has to understand she has a big problem with Nina, and what she did to him. She doesn’t want that to come across as her not trusting him. She has 100% faith that he’ll always do what’s best for their family. So as hard as it may be, if he feels what’s best for their family moving forward is for her to lay off Nina, she promises to do her best to try and respect that. He says, try? and she says, it’s her. He can’t expect miracles here. He says he knows it’s not easy. This whole thing… he just… He doesn’t want to talk about this anymore or fight about it. Can they not do that? She says she feels same way. She suggests they go find Sasha’s room, and see if there’s anything they can do for Sasha and Brando.

Maxie says, in this situation, Brook is going to need to define what everything is, and Chase says he knows Bailey isn’t Valentin’s daughter, or even Brook’s. She’s Maxie’s, and Maxie and Brook cooked up this plan to hide her in plain sight to protect her from her actual father, Peter August. Maxie says, sounds like everything, and Brook says, don’t look at her; she didn’t tell him anything. He figured it out on his own, and it’s a good thing. After Gladys came to tell Valentin she was deceiving him, she almost confessed everything. Thankfully, Chase walked in, and said he was the father. Chase says, the timing works. Brook was bunking with him around the time she supposedly got pregnant. Maxie says she needs a second to process this, and sits. She asks how Valentin took the news, and Brook says, how does she think he took it? He’s a wreck. He’s really angry at her for lying to him. Poor guy. Maxie says she knows how much love he has for her baby. Do they think he believed Chase is the baby’s father? Chase says, he seemed to. Chase even acted mad at Brook for lying to him. Maxie says, okay, good. Because now that Peter is coming back to Port Charles, they can’t take any chances. She called Anna, and she said Peter had been apprehended in Greece, and they were extraditing him to Port Charles. Chase says, then their problems are solved. With Peter in custody, Maxie can reveal Bailey is really Louise, and take her daughter back. Maxie says, as much as she wants that to happen, they can’t tell the truth about Bailey anytime soon.

Sonny and Carly see Gladys, and Sonny says, congratulations are in order. She’s a grandmother now. She says she hasn’t been able to see baby. She’s sure he’s beautiful; how could he not be? Carly asks if everything is okay. Did something happen to Sasha or the baby? Gladys says, Sasha is recuperating, but her grandson might not recover.

Valentin says, he wanted to protect what he and Nina had so much, that he ended up hurting her very, very badly. He doesn’t think he understood how much it hurt her to lose Sasha until now. And here she is, giving him a sympathetic ear. She’s just amazing. She says she doesn’t know about that. It’s easy to absolve someone when you realize you need absolution yourself. Maybe one day he’ll find it in his heart to forgive Brook’s deception about Bailey, the way her heart has forgiven him.

Maxie says, even though Peter is in custody, he doesn’t sound scared. He promised he’d be seeing her really soon. So she and her daughter are nowhere near safe. Chase says, she told them Peter is in WSB custody. He’s going to face charges in court. Maxie says, Peter has proved over and over again that he always eludes justice, but Brook says, try finding a jury in the state of New York that wouldn’t convict him. Maxie says, there’s one thing she’s learned from this nightmare, and that’s don’t count Peter out. Until he’s exhausted every legal challenge, and is in prison for life, she’s not comfortable revealing the truth about Bailey. Brook says, understood. What does she need from them? Maxie says, right now, she needs them both to be her daughter’s parents.

Britt suggests Obrecht call Scotty. She knows how badly he’d like to hear her voice, and know she’s coming home. Obrecht says, she will, but first, she wants Britt to tell her how she is. Britt says she’s fine, but Obrecht says she doesn’t have to put up a front for her; the stress must be affecting her. Britt lowers her voice, and says, if Obrecht is talking about Huntington’s, there’s no evidence that trauma causes early onset. Obrecht says she not talking about Britt’s physical condition. Not knowing whether Jason is dead or alive must be taking a toll on her emotions. Brit cries, and says, Jason was only there because she asked him for help. If he dies, how does she live with that?

Gladys tells Sonny, the door to Sasha’s room was open enough for her to hear what the doctor told them. She wants to be supportive to them, but they might think she’s overstepping; she knows she tends to do that. Sonny says, at least Gladys is here, and she’s thinking about them. Gladys says he doesn’t need to be so kind, given… everything. He says, hey, family’s family.

Brando says, Sasha didn’t fail their son. She took better care of herself than any mother. She bought books to read to him, put good things into her belly. The nursery she created, it’s so warm and cozy; it’s a child’s wonderland. She was a wonderful mother before their son was even born. She says she feels so helpless. She wants to hold their son so badly. She wants him to know his mother is there for him. She wants to protect him and comfort him. That’s her job. He says, that’s their job, and she asks if he’ll do something for her. He says, anything, and she says, go see their son. He says he wants to see their son, but he doesn’t want to leave her alone. He can text Maxie or Lucy… She says she’ll be fine, but their son needs at least one of his parents to be with him right now. The best thing he can do for her do right now is to do what she can’t. Go tell their son that she loves him.

Valentin thanks Nina for forgiving him. He was so caught up in his own stuff, he hasn’t seen her since she came back. Is she okay? She says, she’s good. She’s fortunate her return to Port Charles wasn’t met with a group of people carrying pitchforks. He says he can’t imagine her doing anything to deserve that. If she ever wants to talk about it… She thanks him, and says she might take him up on that, but tonight is about Sasha. She went into labor, had complications, and needed to have surgery, and that’s all she knows. He says, my God. He made this all about him. Go be with Sasha. He tells her that she set an example, taking the high road, and she says, he can do the same with Brook. At least she hopes he’ll try. She leaves, and Epiphany slams a clipboard on the desk next to Valentin, saying, was that fast enough for him? She keeps walking.

Brook says they have to decide how to break the news to everyone, and Chase says, he should probably act mad at her for a while. She asks if that’s really necessary, and he says, if she kept his baby a secret from him in reality, he’d be furious. She says, so he still has to be a liar in this scenario? and he says, in all fairness, she faked the pregnancy. She says, that’s true. So they’ll go with Valentin’s theory that she always knew Chase was the father, and pretended Valentin was the father to get back the ELQ stock. Maxie says, people will believe that, and Brook says she knows. Maxie says, please know she’s grateful to the both of them. It means everything to her to know she has at least some control over her child’s well-being, especially in light of everything going on with Sasha. Chase asks, what happened with Sasha? and Maxie says, she went into labor, but there were some complications. Chase says, she was so excited the last time he saw her, and asks if she’s okay. Maxie says, Sasha made it through the surgery, but she’s waiting for an update. Brook suggests they keep everything in perspective, and says, the most important thing is to keep Bailey safe from Peter. They can do this. Chase says, they can and they will.

Gladys sees Brando, and runs to him, saying, she was so worried. She hugs him, and Sonny asks how he’s holding up. Brando says, kind of numb actually. Sasha thought it was important that he see their son. He’s downstairs in the NICU. Gladys says she’ll go with him, and Carly asks, when was the last time Brando had something to eat or drink? He says he doesn’t know, and Carly says, then she’ll go to the cafeteria and get him something. She asks Gladys to come with her, since she knows all of Brando’s favorite things, and takes Gladys’s arm. Gladys says, he has to keep up his strength, and Carly tells Brando that she’s sending all of her love to his baby. Gladys lets Carly lead her away, and Sonny asks how Brando is feeling; talk to him. Brando says he’s scared, and Sonny says he wouldn’t be a father if he weren’t. He just has to get past all that. He’s got a brand new son coming into the world, who’s going to need his father and his love. Brando says, what if he doesn’t know what to do? and Sonny says, that’s just fear talking. When he sees that little boy, it will take care of everything. They hug, and Sonny says, got it? Brando says, yeah, and leaves. The elevator opens, and Nina goes to the reception desk. She tells Elizabeth, she’s there about Sasha Gilmore. She knows Sasha gave birth, and needed surgery. Are there any updates? Elizabeth says, Nina knows she can’t give out confidential patient information, but Sasha is recovering in the ICU. Nina says, it’s that bad? How is Sasha? What about the baby? Can Sasha have visitors? Elizabeth says, only family right now, and Nina says, she and Sasha were family once. Please? Elizabeth says she’ll see what she can do.

Brando goes to the NICU, and Epiphany tells him to get dressed so he can meet his son.

Elizabeth asks how Sasha is doing, and if she’s in any pain. Sasha says, nothing physical. She supposes that’s because of the painkillers. Elizabeth says, if Sasha ever wants to talk mom to mom, she’s just one call button away. Sasha thanks her, and says, Elizabeth has been so kind to her. Elizabeth asks if she’s up for a visitor. She’s not family, but wants to see Sasha, and Elizabeth can look the other way. Nina stands in the doorway.

Epiphany tells Brando, she’s there to help. Does he have any questions? He asks if the baby is in any pain, but she says, no; he’s sedated. He asks if it will hurt if he touches the baby, but she says, it won’t hurt; go ahead and touch him. Talk to him. Let the baby know he’s there. If he’s been talking to Sasha’s stomach, the baby is already familiar with his voice. He goes to the incubator, and says, hello, son. I’m your dad. I’m here now.

Outside, Anna tells the excavation guy, run another scan. She goes back in, and Britt asks if the excavation team found Jason. Anna says, they penetrated the tunnel, using radar based technology, to search for a heartbeat. Drew asks what they found, and Anna says, there was no signal. Nothing. Obrecht says, maybe the equipment was faulty, but Anna says, they have both audio and video devices. She’s really sorry, but there’s no sign of life in the tunnel where they last saw Jason. Britt looks out the window.

Maxie says, now that they’ve agreed on the best way to move forward, she’s going to see if she can get an update on Sasha. Chase says, keep them posted, please, and Maxie says, of course (🍷). She leaves, and Brook says, well, baby daddy, she thinks it’s time they told her family. He says, have fun with that, and she says, if he thinks she’s telling the Quartermaine clan herself, he has another thing coming. She can promise him one thing. It will be a helluva Thanksgiving.

Valentin asks if Maxie’s heard the news, and she says, about Peter’s capture? He says he figured Anna would reach out to her first, and she says, actually, Peter beat her to it. He used his one phone call on her, and promised he would see her real soon. He says he hopes she knows Anna would never let that happen, and she says she wishes she could wake up from this nightmare unafraid, but Peter’s pretty relentless. So far, he keeps evading justice. Valentin says, those days are over. Now Peter will pay the price for his actions. Maybe he’ll divulge some information on the fake nurse Chloe that will lead them to Louise. Whatever he can do to help, he’ll do. He knows now there is no greater pain than having a child ripped away from you.

Carly asks if Gladys and Sonny want to see if Sasha’s ready for visitors, but Sonny suggests they sit for a second. Elizabeth said it’s going to be a little more time, and Sasha’s going to get some rest. Why doesn’t Carly give Gladys some pointers on how to be a grandmother? His grandson Wiley adores Carly, just like Gladys’s grandson is going to adore her. He’s going to think she’s irreplaceable.

Sasha tells Nina, she doesn’t know if it’s in her head, but she keeps hearing babies crying. How will she know his cry? Nina holds Sasha while she cries.

Brando tells the baby that he has a message from his mom. He opens the hatch, and touches the baby. He says, she already loves him more than anything. So does he.

Tomorrow, TJ asks why Marshall is there now, Olivia tells Austin that she doesn’t want to waste more time, and Ned asks if Brook is going to tell him who the father is.

⚾️ Another One Out…

Looks like Jason might be staying under that rubble for a while.

🎬 End Of Life…

I recall the end of OLTL too. <SOB!> Even though their characters changed on GH, Kristen Alderson’s final scene with Roger Howarth was made all the more poignant because they really were saying goodbye after a long working relationship.

🗽 Roxy Rocks NYC…

I met her years ago. She was funny and very down-to-earth. This is exactly how I would have pictured her home.


I don’t know if it’s going to be an ongoing thing, but Bravo showed the premiere episode at 8 pm tonight (Tuesday). Since that’s a bad time for me, I didn’t see much of it, but there was drama already. I don’t know why anyone should be surprised that Ramona acted like a brat. She’s been like that since forever.

🦃 That Time Again…

Everything you need to know about this year’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

🌜 Wynken, Blynken, And Nodden Out…

Tomorrow, it’s a dose of soap and the horror show that is Winter House, which looks like it’s drawing to a close. It’s a short TV week for the usual, since GH will be airing a rerun on Thanksgiving – the February 5th episode – why, when they have a wealth of Quartermaine emergency pizzas? – and on Friday, it’s football. But no matter what’s on your viewing schedule, stay safe, stay aware that words hold power, and stay knowing that, although there are some pretty awful things in the world, there are also profound acts of human kindness.

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