Monthly Archives: March 2022

March 30, 2022 – Sonny Tries To Get Esme To Confess, Orange County In Aspen & Salvation


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase comes into the station wearing his softball jersey and hat, and Dante says, there he is. Good to have him back. Chase says, it’s good to be back in the squad room. Dante says, he’s not going to cry, is he? and Chase says, nah. He goes over to his desk, and Dante asks if Chase wants to have some time to get reacquainted with it. Is his suspension over or what? He’s not in the loop. Chase says, he still has 54 days, 11 hours, and – he looks at his watch – 33 minutes, but who’s counting? He’s only here because he volunteered to organize this year’s community softball league. He’ll be fully reinstated when it’s time to play. Dante says, that’s nice of him. They’ll be looking forward to having Chase back on the team and the force. If it was up to him, he would have been reinstated just for what he did to help Maxie’s baby. Chase says he just helped a little at the end. Brook’s the real hero.

Lucy, Maxie, and Brook pass a binder to a woman who looks through it.  She says, everything seems to be in order. The only thing that’s left is to take it to the stock exchange. She’ll be in touch. Lucy thanks her for her time, and says they appreciate it, and of course (🍷) they’ll be waiting. The woman leaves, and they all squeal. Lucy says, it’s happening. They did it, and she’s so proud of all of them; all their hard work that they did together. They’re such a team, and she can’t wait to celebrate all their accomplishments at the IPO launch party. Maxie says, that’s coming up April 5th, and Lucy says, let’s just finalize everything. Guest list, refreshments, the food and drink, and the entertainment, and then let the fun begin.

Brando and Sasha go into the MetroCourt, and Sasha says she’s starving. She could eat the air. He asks if that means the PB&J sandwich on stale bread didn’t do it for her. He guesses that’s the downside of having an extended honeymoon – no groceries. She says she can live with that and he says, him too. He really loved their time away, but it’s nice to be back as husband and wife. She says she’s not ready to give up their honeymoon vibe yet. She loves it when it’s just the two of them. They kiss.

Pacing in her office, Portia says, he’s late, and Curtis says, give him in a minute. She says she just doesn’t know about this. What if he’s not the right fit for Trina? They have no idea. Curtis says, they won’t know until they talk to him. Laura hooked them up, and she said he would know what to do, and Curtis trusts her. Let’s just give him a chance. He trusts everything will work out, and Trina is in good hands. Scotty appears, and says, sorry he’s late; the elevator was chock full of people. He shakes Portia’s hand, and says, Scott Baldwin, at your service.

Trina says, did Spencer just ask her why she did it? He knows she didn’t. Spencer says he was ready to believe it was Esme… and she says they both know she’s not capable of doing anything like this. He says he thought so, but there is evidence, and it points to her.

Victor comes into Charlie’s, and says he’s glad he found Nikolas. They need to talk about Spencer. Nikolas says, later. Did he see Esme outside? Victor says, as a matter-of-fact, he did. Another car was pulling out as he was pulling in, and he saw Esme in the back seat. Nikolas asks, who was driving? Which way did they go? Victor says, he couldn’t tell; he didn’t think it was unusual. Although it did seem like an expensive Ride Share for someone with such limited means. Why is Nikolas worried? Nikolas says, he was asking about the video and Spencer, and she got really upset. She was keeping something from him. She told him that she needed air, and she’d be right back. Victor says, perhaps she felt better and left, but Nikolas says, why would she just take off without a word? She was obviously holding something back. Victor says, that, she most certainly is. Esme could be carrying the next Cassadine heir.

Sonny thanks Esme for coming, and she says she didn’t have much of a choice. He says he’s sorry about his associate; he’s a little rough around the edges. He doesn’t come from the school of social graces. He’s kind of a man of action. Sonny hopes he didn’t frighten her. She says, actually, he did, and Sonny says, that wasn’t his intention. He just wanted Esme to come here so they could chat. She says she doesn’t know why he’d want to chat with her, but he says he thinks she does. She says, Spence? and he says, this is about what she did to his stepdaughter Josslyn.

The new credits are great, but why does Felicia look like she stepped out of Breck ad from the 1970s?

Maxie says, they need to finalize music selections and book the artists, and Lucy says she happens to have some inspired live performance ideas. Maxie wonders where they’re going to get talent on such short notice, and Lucy says, hello? Lucy Coe, mistress of ceremonies of the Nurses Ball. Brook says she thought this was for Deception’s IPO, and Lucy says, she happens to be senior equity partner of Deception. She’s just going to ask all the people who she asked to sing for the Nurses Ball to sing for their company, starting with Amy and Chase. Brook says, about that… and Lucy says, Amy will love it; she’s a sucker for the spotlight. So did Brook get a chance to ask Chase to sing? Brook says, the thing is… and Lucy says, Brook’s not hearing her. They need him to sing, so why didn’t Brook nail him down when he came by here the other day? Gladys comes in and asks if she’s interrupting anything. Are they still talking about the IPO? Lucy says, yes on both questions, and Brook asks what she wants. Gladys says, stock options, especially now that Sasha’s her daughter-in-law. She’d like to revisit having a personal stake in the company. Lucy says, really? They don’t have shares based on nepotism, but if Gladys wants to prove her worth to the company, she can get them all lunch. She’d love a Caesar salad with lots and lots of little croutons. Brook says, she’ll take a chicken pasta salad, and Maxie says, make that two. Lucy repeats the order, and pushes Gladys out the door, thanking her. She says, enough of the distractions. They really have a million things to do. And the first thing is, Brook has to get Chase to sing. Brook says she’s sorry, but the answer is no.

Dante tells Chase, he has to hand it to Brook. He knew she could scheme with the best of them, but this is next level stuff. She didn’t even get anything out of this. Chase says, that’s what he means. Brook went into it for the wrong reasons, but she wound up doing everything right. Dante says, who’d have thought faking a pregnancy would turn out to be a noble gesture? and Chase says, she thought she was looking out for her family. Dante says, that’s Brook right there; she’s a walking contradiction. He told Chase, they grew up together. As kids, she even had this heart underneath all the selfish pranks she liked to pull. Chase says, people grow up, and Dante says, hopefully, she did. Hopefully, that’s what this is, and not just a one-off, and the real Brook, the old school selfish Brook comes back again. Chase says, Brook today is kind and caring, and he doesn’t like Dante talking about her like this. Dante asks where this is coming from. Chase is the one who said he couldn’t trust her.

Brando says, they’re getting their food to go, and Sasha says, okay, husband. He says he loves it when she calls him that, and she says, she loves it when he calls her wife. So they’re doing this? He says, yes, definitely, and since no one knows they’re in town yet, they can just try to ease their way back into reality. But there are a few things they need to talk about immediately now that they’re married.

Scotty sits down, and says, he’s sorry this happened to Trina. He’s reviewed the case, and it’s a doozie. Portia says, her daughter didn’t do the things she was charged with. She knows people probably say that to him all the time, but she didn’t. Trina could never; it’s not her. Scotty says, if she wants him to say he believes her, he does, he really does. He’s got a guy in the DA’s office, so he knows what the evidence is, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution, and this case is loaded with opportunities to cast reasonable doubt.

Spencer says, the whole time Trina was trying to convince him the tape was Esme’s fault, she had that phone with that video. She says she’s never seen that phone before. Someone set her up. He asks if she means Esme, and she says, that’s the only thing that makes sense. He asks how she did it, but Trina says she doesn’t know. How does she do half the stuff she does; she figures it out somehow. He says, they weren’t at the cabin when the video was taken, but he was there long enough to know that Trina was really drunk, and mad at both Joss and Esme. She says she doesn’t remember being mad at Joss, and he says, that’s exactly right. She doesn’t remember what she did or didn’t do, but Esme was next to him nearly all the time, so when would she have had time to do that to Trina? She asks if he’s really trying to accuse her of this, and he says he’s not judging her; he’s in no position to do that. He’s just trying to understand. She says, understand this. She didn’t do it. He says he wants to believe her, and she asks, then why can’t he?   

Nikolas says, Esme might be pregnant? and Victor tells him, Spencer said they don’t know for certain. Nikolas says, that would explain why she’s been so emotional; she’s dealing with a lot right now. Victor says he heard about the break-up, and Nikolas says, obviously Spencer knows. How’s he doing? Victor says, he’s pretty shaken up. That’s why he came to find Nikolas. If Esme is indeed pregnant, that baby will be a Cassadine. Spencer and Esme are going to need their support. Nikolas says, maybe they should talk somewhere more private. He’s just going to call Esme and make sure she got back to Kelly’s all right. He calls, and a phone outside near the bench rings. Nikolas picks it up, and says, this is Esme’s phone.

Esme says she hasn’t done anything to Joss, but Sonny says, she knows what she did, and she’s going to make it right. She says, wait. Is this about that unfortunate video of Joss and Cam? He snaps his fingers, and says, got it, and she says, the PCPD arrested someone for that; it wasn’t her. He says he has very good instincts, and they’re telling him that Trina Robinson wouldn’t do that. She says, he’s never been wrong? and he says, never. And Esme’s name’s being tossed around a lot. She says, it’s no secret that she and Joss don’t get along, but she would never do that to her. Please, he has to believe her. He says, don’t do that. There’s no need for that. He called her here because he wants to know the truth. She says she is telling the truth. What has she done to him that would make him think the worst of her? He says she doesn’t remember the hospital, when she lied to him?

Esme says, if Sonny means the time she mistakenly told him that Nikolas and Ava were taking Avery out of the country – he says, yeah, that’s it – that was a misunderstanding, one she regretted. He says, why? Because it led to the truth about what she did to Ava and Nikolas? She says she didn’t mean for anything bad to happen to his daughter, and he says, now she’s lying to his face. She and Spencer meant every horrible thing that was done to Ava. Then to reach her goals, she involved his daughter twice; once with the teddy bear, and the other time she lied that Nikolas and Ava left with his daughter. She says she regrets the things she and Spence did, but she apologized. Didn’t he forgive her? He says he did, and she says, but he didn’t forget. He says he has a long memory, especially when someone hurts his family. And now she’s hurt Josslyn. He squats down and leans on her chair, and whispers, let’s save everybody a lot of time. Just admit you were behind the sex tape.

Spencer says he believed Trina when it was just her word against Esme’s. What she says means a lot to him, but now there’s evidence. She says, which was planted, because like she keeps telling him, Esme set her up. He says, he and Esme have been through a lot, and Trina says, then he should know what she’s capable of. He says he’s seen the worst in Esme, but he was the instigator when she did those things. She thought she was helping him because she loved him. Trina says, the difference between her and Esme is that she would never… she could never intentionally hurt another person. He says, she’s done things for him she wouldn’t normally do, like lie. If he stoked those impulses in Esme, maybe he did the same to her. Wow. He’s even more full of himself than he was before.

Chase tells Dante, Brook has done some shady things, but people do change, and it’s hard when everyone keeps dredging up who they used to be. But he was there during some of the toughest times. Brook was taking heat from all sides, and he saw how it affected her, and she kept on protecting Bailey. Dante says, he was right; Chase does have feelings for her. Chase says, they went through something significant together, and he knows Brook is more than Dante is saying. Dante says he didn’t mean anything by it, but that’s the beauty of a real friend. They see who you are and like you anyway. Chase tells Dante, all he’s saying is to give Brook a little more credit.

Brook says she can’t ask Chase to do the duet. She feels like she’d be taking advantage of their friendship. Lucy says, this is the same guy who pretended to be a father, even though he wasn’t a father, to help Brook protect Maxie’s baby. This is just a teeny tiny favor in comparison. Maxie says she sees Brook’s point. They owe Chase for everything he’s done already, so let’s explore other options. Lucy says, what good are friends if you can’t guilt them into singing for your company? She’s guilted tons of people over her… Never mind. She gives up for a moment. She needs Maxie to talk sense into herself, then talk sense in to Brook. She needs gummis, and she’s going to get them. She stomps out, and Brook says, thank you. Maxie says, not a problem. Now that it’s just the two of them, what’s Brook’s deal? Does she not want Chase around? Brook says, that’s not it. It’s the opposite.

Sasha asks Brando, what needs their attention? Should she be worried?  He says he hopes not. He just wanted to point out, they’re married and don’t live together. She says, they should figure that out, but let’s just enjoy being married for now, and he says, it’s not like they do things in the right order. She says she knows their relationship has been a little unorthodox, but she’s happy where they are now. He says, him too, and she says, let’s just enjoy the feeling a little longer. Gladys screeches that Brando’s back, and hugs him. She says she missed him so much. She tells Sasha, hello, and says, Sasha is looking well. If she’d known they were coming back, she would have asked for the day off. Sasha says, it’s probably best she didn’t. She’s sure Deception is busy with the IPO. Gladys says, it’s all anyone is talking about, and since what’s Sasha’s is Brando’s now, he’s going to be living on Easy Street; he can retire early. He says he’s keeping the garage, and Gladys says, have it his way. He’ll need somewhere to work on all the cars he’ll be collecting. She has to put in a lunch order, but don’t go anywhere. She wants to hear all about the honeymoon. She flounces off, and Brando says, it’s too late to make a run for it, and Sasha says, so much for easing back into reality.

Victor asks if Nikolas is sure that’s Esme’s phone, and Nikolas says he saw it earlier. Victor says, perhaps she dropped it, but Nikolas says, she’d need it for updates on the Ride Share. He’s sure she would have noticed if she didn’t have it, and would have come back for it by now. Victor suggests she caught a ride with a friend, but Nikolas says she told him she has no friends; everyone blames her for the sex tape. Victor says he heard about that. Carly Corinthos’s daughter, right? Nikolas flashes back to Esme saying Sonny’s had it in for her ever since she stretched the truth about Nikolas and Ava leaving town with Avery. He tells Victor, they have to go, and Victor says, go where? Nikolas says, Sonny Corinthos has her.

Maxie asks Brook to explain. She wants Chase there, but doesn’t want him to sing because of Amy? Brook says, because of her and her feelings, and Maxie says, now they’re getting somewhere. She knew something was going on, because Brook was acting weird around him the other day. This is why she hustled him out of here, and didn’t want to talk to him about singing the duet. Brook says, Chase has made it clear he just wants to be friends. So she has to keep her distance until she can get a handle on her feelings, and get back to the friendzone. She doesn’t want to ask Chase for any favors right now, and to be honest, she doesn’t even want to see him at the launch party. Outside the door, Lucy says, Chase, just the man she wanted to see. Isn’t it funny how the cosmos is working… Maxie pushes Brook out the door, and Lucy says, you put the energy out there, and there you are.

Gladys, Brando, and Sasha sit at a table, and Gladys says, at least they had a nice honeymoon, considering they got married out of the blue. The rings aren’t bad, although she might have gone for something a little flashier. Brando says he picked them out, and he was lucky to find a jewelry store nearby. Gladys says, like finding the garage they got married in, and Brando says, mom… Gladys says she gave them her blessing, and she meant it. She wants the best for them both. Brando’s phone rings, and he steps away to take the call. Gladys says, now that it’s just them, let her tell Sasha how she really feels about this elopement.

Scotty says, he’ll have witnesses testifying to Trina’s stellar character and lack of motive. He’ll get Cameron and Josslyn; they should have significant sway. Curtis says, okay, but first they have to get through the arraignment. What’s that look like? Scotty says, it can go two ways. The best is that they waive bail because there’s no priors. The worst is, they take it up a notch to high profile because of Josslyn’s stepfather. But it still comes down to Trina’s character, which is really great. She’s at PCU, 4.0, she’s got a job, teachers love her, a lot of friends, and Portia’s reputation as Chief of Internal Medicine. Portia says she sees Scotty’s done his homework, and Scotty says he sees Cameron as his grandson. He would never represent anybody who would do this to Cameron. Curtis says, they should get to the arraignment; they don’t want to be late. Scotty says, he’s right. Judges don’t like it if you’re late. He’ll see them there. He leaves, and Curtis asks if Portia feels better about it. She says they’d better get going, but he says, hold up. Is she okay? She says she will be, and starts to cry. She says, she will be after all this is over. She just needs to stay strong for Trina right now. He takes her hands, and says, he knows everything is going to be okay. Whatever happens, he’s got her.

Trina says she knew Spencer was self-centered, but this is next level. She may have gone against her instincts and principles covering for him, but that doesn’t compare to making a sex tape of Joss and Cameron, her best friends, and posting it. She would never do that to anyone for any reason. He says, she was drunk and admitted to buried feelings about Joss and Cameron being together. She asks how he can even consider that she did this. She had faith in him when everyone told her that he didn’t deserve it. All she had was a gut feeling he was a good guy deep down. Where’s that guy now? Was she wrong all along? He says, it’s not that simple for him, and she says, he knows the truth in his heart, but he just doesn’t want to see it. He’s still blind to Esme after everything she’s done. He says, everything she’s done has been for him and his family.

Maxie says, it’s so good to see Chase. What brings him by? She gently pushes him into the office, and he says he was following up with HR about the softball league to get the charity donations set up. Maxie says, oh man, they’re out today; recruitment event. On his way in, did he happen to see Gladys Corbin? He says, no, and she says, typical Gladys. She suggests she and Lucy go to the restaurant to look for her. If she’s not there, they can have a working lunch. She not-so gently pushes Lucy out, saying, they’ll get her gummis. Chase asks what that was about, and Brook says, he knows Lucy. She probably wants to change the color of the softball jerseys or something. He asks if she’s going to play, but she says she hasn’t thought about it. He says she should; it would be nice seeing her around the diamond. She says, actually, Lucy wants to get some singers to perform at the launch party. Remember that duet she wrote? She’d love for him to sing it… with Amy. Plus, it would be fun to see him there. What does he say?   

Trina asks what Spencer means by his family. His father? He says he means the Cassadines, his family. Esme is included in that. She asks, how? By pushing her way into it? He says, she’s part of it now because she… He lowers his voice, and says, she might be carrying my child. Trina says, Esme might be pregnant with his baby? That explains why he has to see the best in Esme, and the worst in her. He say,s she has to understand… and she says, here’s what she understands. From the moment she met him, her life has gotten worse. There were so many times she looked in the other direction when she shouldn’t have, to protect him. Now she’s arrested because of his girlfriend’s lies, and he wants her to understand? She understands that he should know her better than that. So if he can’t look her in her eyes, and tell her that he knows she had nothing to do with it, then she’s done; she’s through. They have nothing left to say to each other. He should go check on Esme. You two deserve each other. He says, Trina… but she stands up and says, leave. The officer tells him, it’s time to go. Come with him. Trina turns her back, and the officer leads Spencer out.

Sonny tells Esme, neither of them is going anywhere until she tells him the truth. She says she has told him; she didn’t do it. He says, okay, and asks if she wants something to eat. She says he can’t keep her there forever, and he says he’s had his share of regrets, choices he can’t take back, but it doesn’t define you. She can step up right now and take responsibility for her actions, and make almonds amends to the people she’s hurt and move forward. She says, some things you can’t make up for, and he says, true. The people you’ve hurt are not obligated to forgive you, and sometimes you can’t make it right by them, but you keep working on it. You know why? To better yourself for you and the people that are going to come into your life. Esme has played games with Avery, Ava, and Nikolas, and now she’s hurt Josslyn and Cam… There’s a young woman sitting behind bars right now. Esme can make it right. All she’s got to do is confess.

Nikolas walks into Pozzulo’s with Victor, and Sonny’s guy asks where he’s going. Nikolas says he’s going to see Sonny, but the guy says, Sonny’s busy. Nikolas says, I’ll bet, and tries to walk through, but the guy stops him. Victor says, take his hands off his nephew, and Nikolas says, where is she? Esme hears them and screams, help me!

Sasha says, she doesn’t expect Gladys to understand why they eloped. It’s what felt right in the moment. Gladys says, that’s her concern; in the moment. Marriage is a big step. They went on that trip to deal with some pretty weighty issues in their relationship, and came back married. It seems like they didn’t think it through.

Dante tells Portia and Curtis that Trina is in the interrogation room. Portia sees Spencer, and walks over to him. She says, he has some nerve showing up here, after what that vile girlfriend of his did to her daughter.

Chase tells Brook, that’s why Lucy was fawning over him. The last time, he’d just come out of the shower in the men’s locker room. Brook says, what? and he says, the first time Lucy recruited him for the Nurses Ball. She basically ambushed him. He had to say yes. It was the only way he could get dressed. She says, they all know how great a singer he is because of what a great success he’s been at the Nurses Ball, and he says, he’s flattered, but he’s not a performer. The only reason he sings at the Nurses Ball is because it’s for charity. She says, making people feel beautiful might not fit into the definition of charity, but it’s still worthwhile. He even said what they do at Deception is interesting. He says, his suspension is up in a few months. He kind of has to keep up appearances. Singing for charity is one thing, but he doesn’t know about singing for a cosmetic’s company. She says she gets it. He has an image to maintain, and he doesn’t fit in her world.

Sasha tells Gladys, her and Brando’s decision to get married was spur of the moment, but they talked it through, and know it was the right decision. She loves Brando, more than she thought was possible. Gladys raised a good son, and Sasha promises she’s going to make him happy. Gladys says she can already see being married to Sasha makes Brando happy. She just doesn’t want him getting hurt. She can’t deny they’ve had issues, but he means everything to her. Brando comes back with Lucy and Maxie, and says, look who he found. Lucy says, there’s the married lady. Congratulations. Maxie says she should be mad at Sasha for not letting her plan the wedding,  but she’s too happy for her. Sasha thanks them, and says, they’re pretty happy themselves. Lucy says, I’ll bet, and tells Sasha that the launch party is on track, but after they celebrate the IPO, and Deception’s fabulous future, they’re going to throw another fabulous, huge party for both of them. Maxie says, a Happy Marriage party. They’ll go all out; everyone will be there. Gladys says, now we’re talking, and Brando thanks them. He says, it’s very generous, and Sasha says, and totally not necessary, but Maxie says, nonsense. Getting married is a big deal. It deserves to be celebrated properly. Sasha says, but they’re already married, and Lucy says, who cares? Brando says, he’ll take any excuse to celebrate his beautiful new wife, and Sasha says, when they put it like that, how can she say no?

An officer brings Trina a soda, and smiles at her sympathetically. Dante asks Spencer if they’re going to have a problem, but Spencer says, no, sir. Dante asks if Portia wants to see Trina now, but she continues to stare at Spencer. Curtis says, Portia? and she says she’s fine. She tells Spencer, she doesn’t have time to deal with him today because her daughter needs her. Curtis says, let’s go, and steers Portia to the interrogation room. Curtis says, he’ll give her a minute, and Dante tells Spencer, there’s really nothing for him to do here. In fact, he thinks Spencer is making things worse. So why doesn’t he help Trina and her mom, and get out of here. Spencer leaves, and Portia goes in to see Trina. They hug, and Portia says she’s sorry Trina is going through this. But she wants Trina to remember, she’s going to be home in a little while. Scott Baldwin is her lawyer. He believes in her; he believes in her case. And when Trina walks into the courtroom, she wants Trina to walk with her chin up – she lifts Trina’s chin – and her head held high. Trina says, she didn’t do it, and Portia says she knows Trina didn’t do it. The truth is going to come out.

Nikolas yells, let her go, and Esme runs to him, throwing her arms around him, fake weeping. Nikolas says, what the hell? and Sonny says, they were just talking. Nikolas leads Esme to the door, and Sonny says, she knows where to find him. Nikolas says, that’s enough, and they leave. Sonny tells Victor, okay, we’re done, but Victor says he doesn’t think so. He and Sonny are just getting started.

Lucy says, once it’s official and they go public, they’re going to focus all their time and attention on a big, wonderful wedding party. She just realized, people are going to flip out when they find the Face of Deception is married. Maxie asks if Sasha is okay, and Sasha says she’s just had a long day of traveling; she’s fine. She’s fantastic. She has the perfect husband, super thoughtful friends. Why don’t they catch her up on the IPO? She’s missed so much. Lucy shows her the binder, and Sasha opens it to a picture of herself when she was pregnant, that says, the Face of Conception. She excuses herself, and Brando closes it. Gladys says, she sure bolted out of here, and Brando says, they were just surprised. She’s probably overwhelmed with everything, but don’t worry. Sasha can take care of herself. In the hallway, Sasha makes a call to Sienna. She says she needs something to get her through. How soon can they meet?

Chase says he didn’t mean to imply anything negative about Brook or her job, but Brook says, she understands where he’s coming from. He’s a cop, not a singer. He wants to focus on getting off suspension and back on the job; she gets it. He says, so they’re good? and she says they are. She needs to get back to work. She promised Maxie some numbers. Shut the door on his way out. He says, okay, and leaves. She almost opens it again, but doesn’t, and they stand on opposite sides of the door.

Scotty asks if they’re all set, and Dante says, it’s time to go. Curtis asks how Trina is holding up, and she says, she’s okay. Thanks. He says, she’s better than okay. She’s a champ. Let’s go.

Nikolas and Esme go back to Charlie’s. He asks if she’s sure she’s okay, and she says, only because of him. He saved her. She can’t thank him enough. She throws her arms around him, and Spencer walks in.  

Victor says, he’s putting Sonny on notice. Stay away from his family. Sonny says, Spencer is his family too, and what happens to him, or if anybody influences him in any way, that concerns Sonny, especially if they’re coming after his family. Victor says, he’s been warned, and Sonny says, really? Victor says, the Cassadines always come out on top one way or another. Keep harassing his family, and Sonny will learn the hard way. Sonny laughs, and says, he’s faced down men a lot more intimidating  than Victor, and he’s still standing. So if Victor wants to take the first shot, believe him, he’ll finish the fight.

Tomorrow, Nina tells Maxie that she might have found someone who can change that; Scotty asks Trina what she wants to do; Diane has a plan; and Carly is staying right here.  

All the Wrong People Have the Money The Real Housewives of Orange County

Everyone packs for Aspen. Shannon tells John that she and Gina haven’t talked since their blow-up, but she’s sure everything will be fine. As if. John tells her to just be cordial, and she says she’s always fine when she’s on vacation. I almost choke on my coffee. In Emily’s interview, she says she’s excited because she’s never been to Aspen, but she’s also excited to be in a different climate. Cabo was hot and people got irritated. Maybe they’ll cool off in cooler weather. After the fastest plane ride ever, they’re at an elevation of 8000 feet. On the way to the hotel, they get all excited to see a deer on a hill. I guess it doesn’t take much. They arrive at the 7 bedroom, 7 bath house, and in Noella’s interview, she says, now this is a house. Concierges Trisha and Michael welcome them, and Trisha gives them the tour. Yeah, yeah, another amazing place in a galaxy outside of my price range. In Emily’s interview, she says, there are huge windows, and you can see the foilage [sic] of Aspen. She asks a producer if that’s right, and corrects it to foliage, saying, she didn’t learn that in law school. There’s a bowling alley downstairs and Gina gets a strike. In her interview, she says, now she feels like the trip will be a success. Noella tries to play the dead dad card to get a better room, and in Heather’s interview, she wonders if they’re going to compare tragedies to see who gets the best room – like any of these rooms are bad. Noella wants every room, and Heather says she’ll take the dungeon (i.e. the downstairs bedroom). In her interview, she says, Noella likes dungeons, and we flash back to the one in her house. Heather says, they’ll throw in handcuffs, and Noella will be right at home. They get oxygen and IVs with vitamins and such. Jen asks if Ryne should be her emergency contact, and in her interview, Emily says, who else is going to pick Jen up if something happens? Mr. Puppers? I say, absolutely.

They get ready for dinner, and Noella and Emily get all freaked over what they call a huge spider that’s not that big. By the time the others join them, it’s become a tarantula, but we flash back to a second ago, seeing the spider, and the text says, not a tarantula. Noella says, the altitude is real, and they go to Bosq (a restaurant) where several of them get green drinks. I hate drinks or food that’s a weird color. It makes my stomach flip. Emily suggests everyone tell something the group doesn’t know about them, and Jen says she’s been engaged seven times. In Noella’s interview, she says, no judgement. She’s grateful no one knows how many times she’s been engaged. Heather says, when she first met Shannon, she thought Shannon was cool with great style, and she loved Shannon’s home. We flash back to that, and Heather says, what she appreciates about the group is, at the end of the day, they’re all mothers, and that means something to her. She wants everyone to do well. Shannon says, there’s room for everybody, and changing topics, Heather says she doesn’t like mean people, liars, and sh*t stirrers. Shannon says, sometimes Emily can stir the sh*t. She told everyone that Shannon wanted to have more fun at her dinner party than Gina and Heather in NYC. She meant it in a silly way. Emily says, it was a competition, but Shannon says she knew what was going on in her own mind. Emily tells her, just own it. Good luck with getting Shannon to own anything. Has Emily met her?

Emily says, it was a little competitive, but Shannon says that wasn’t her intent. Gina says, Shannon called to say she was having more fun, and Shannon says, there are certain things between her and Gina, but she doesn’t want to have that conversation at the table. In Gina’s interview, she says, the altitude is enough. At this point, she’s fully willing to put a pin in it. Heather says, she thought Shannon had been calling about her podcast, and Shannon says, she didn’t know Heather’s itinerary. I swear they had this conversation already, and Shannon says she was just calling to say hi. She’s an a-hole. Sorry. Noella says, Shannon is taking way too many bullets on this, and in Noella’s interview, she says, they think Shannon is an easy target, and like bullies in the schoolyard, if you don’t hit them back, they keep coming for your lunch money. Noella wonders why Shannon would be jealous; they’ve known each other for a decade. Heather says, Noella doesn’t know them, and Noella talks over her. Heather puts her teacher hat on, and tells Noella, there’s an art to conversation; one speaks and one listens. Noella wonders how she got through life communicating without Heather. Heather says she was excited, and thought Shannon was going to ask how it went. Shannon says she was in the middle of a party she’d been preparing since before 8 am, and everyone was helping with. Um… But isn’t she the one who made the call? Why is she making it sound like Heather interrupted her? Shannon says she called to see how Heather and Gina were, and in Shannon’s interview, she says, Heather likes to single her out. The hoedown is a perfect example. She walked in late – with Vicki. We flash back to Heather telling Shannon to let her know next time, since they were waiting on them. (They weren’t.) Shannon says, clearly Heather is never satisfied with her. She tells Heather that she’s sorry, and gets weepy. She says she’s a single mom running a company, and dabs at her eyes with her napkin, adding, she gets no more than five hours sleep a night. No comment. She says she’s doing the best she can, and Heather says she thinks Shannon is doing a great job, which she’s told her. It’s okay; Shannon wins. In her interview, Heather says, she doesn’t care what happened, and in Shannon’s interview, she says, it’s not like they haven’t seen the Heather Dubrow eyeroll before. Emily says Shannon voiced derogatory things about her friend, i.e. Gina, and Noella says, put a pin in it. Gina says, Noella shouldn’t get involved, but Noella says she’s just being a supportive friend. Gina asks why Noella isn’t supporting her, and Noella says she relates to Shannon. Shannon has a big heart. Gina says, and she doesn’t? Noella tells Gina that she says hurtful things, and Heather says, Noella doesn’t? She claimed Heather slams people against the wall. Noella asks if she’s going there.

Noella says, she saw Heather shove a camera. In Noella’s interview, she says, she saw Heather push a camera. Then Heather stood on her stairs and went off on everybody. We flash back, and it’s more like Heather put her hand over the camera, and talked to everyone sternly. I think she was kind of off her rocker, but in a spoiled way, not in a violent way. Noella says, if Justin Bieber had done that, the police would have been called. Another highly unlikely scenario. Apparently, Noella just makes it up as she goes along. In Heather’s interview, she says, Noella is perpetuating false bullsh*t, and it’s dangerous. Speaking with the royal we, Heather says, did we get heated? 100%, but do we slam a person against the wall? No. Jen asks if Noella saw Heather put her hands on someone, and Noella says, just because she didn’t see it with her own eyes… In her interview, Noella says, Heather went upstairs, and she asked someone what happened. They said Heather was with Terry, and shoved someone against a wall. Noella says, Heather came after her in her podcast room, but Heather says, it was the other way around. We flash back to Noella in Heather’s podcast room, saying she was nervous, since Heather was slamming people up against walls. In Noella’s interview, she says she’s holding Heather accountable because no one else is holding her accountable. Maybe because there’s nothing to hold her accountable for. She’s an annoying spoiled snob for sure, but she definitely wouldn’t slam someone up against a wall. That’s just stupid. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it’s a huge accusation. She doesn’t think Noella is making it up. Someone told her that story. Noella says karma is going to get Heather, and Heather says her karma is just fine, but Noella’s is already hunting her down. Noella whines, so Heather thinks her POS husband causing her problems is a good thing. I love when someone starts sh*t, then cries when you clap back. Heather says she’s out; she’s done. Noella says, Emily heard it too. They compared notes. Emily says, that’s not true. Now Noella is a f***ing liar. In Emily’s interview, she says she’s never made an allegation of assault. She wasn’t there and doesn’t talk about things she doesn’t see with her own eyes. Emily gets up, and goes outside, joining Heather. Noella asks the rest of them if they think she’s pulling this sh*t out of thin air. I vote yes. Heather tells Emily that she’s done of the highest order (is that a thing?). Either Noella leaves the house, or she’s going to a hotel and home. At the table, Noella says, that’s what a guilty person does, and Jen suggests she let it go. Outside, Emily says, if Heather leaves, it will feel like Shannon won. Heather says she doesn’t care, but Emily says she should stand her ground; Noella is the one who’s lying.

On the way back, Jen tells Heather, Noella isn’t credible. How can you argue with that? Shannon talks Heather smack to Noella, and the others get to the limo first. They’re pretty chatty until Shannon and Noella get in. Then it gets real quiet. For whatever reason, Noella tells Jen that she’s sorry, and Jen suggests she say that to Heather. Heather says she has a family and children, and Noella saw nothing. What’s wrong with her? No one is agreeing with her. Just apologize. In the back, Emily tells Gina that Noella claimed to be repeating hearsay, and Shannon says Emily repeated things about John. We flashed back to Emily telling Gina a million years ago that Shannon had been upset about John being drunk at a golf tournament, and Shannon telling Emily at the Reunion that John hates golf. Emily says she repeated something Braunwyn told her, and they all knew that Braunwyn was a POS. Shannon asks if Emily ever said she was sorry, when Noella wails, she hates that it’s day one. Emily tells her to stop acting innocent. She causes problems, then says she’s sorry. Shannon says, Emily causes problems too, and the next day says she didn’t mean it. Emily says, she apologizes; she doesn’t lie. Heather finally tells Noella, shut up. In Jen’s interview, she says, it’s either the altitude or their extreme personalities. Next time, she’s sitting up front with the driver.

Noella tells Shannon that she can’t believe the gang mentality, which is apparently what she calls the majority’s opinion differing from her own made up narrative. Gina and Emily stay behind in the limo, and Gina says she wants to have a normal conversation about normal things. Noella and Shannon are already sitting down inside when the others join them. Shannon says, they don’t have to be best friends, but they’re in the same friend group. They need to figure out how to get along. Heather asks to speak to Shannon in private, which of course ends up including some other people. Heather says, no one is standing up for her, and Shannon says, everyone is standing up for her. In Shannon’s interview, she says, Heather wants them to defend her, but she feels what Noella is going through. It feels like Heather has an expectation they should defend her, but she’s capable of defending herself. A champagne cork pops, and Noella says, love that sound.

Heather tells Shannon, Noella says sh*t about her, and she should apologize, but she’s not hearing it from anyone else, and doesn’t feel supported. Shannon says, her role is to engage Noella in rational conversation, and Heather says, what if someone went around saying Shannon was a thief? She would defend Shannon. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it seems she and Heather have one thing in common. When someone says something they know isn’t true, they get upset and want to defend themselves. We flash back to Heather saying Shannon yelled at her, and Shannon saying she didn’t. Shannon says, it’s hurtful that people can sometimes believe it. That’s why it’s important for her to be a peacemaker. Heather says, if Noella would admit what she did and apologize, she’d forget it like that, and snaps her fingers.

Gina and Emily have wine and snacks. Emily says she thinks she instigated everything, and Gina says, only emotionally. In Emily’s interview, she says, if there wasn’t so much sh*t, she wouldn’t have to stir it. It’s like, which came first, the chicken or the egg? The sh*t was there before she stirred it. Heather tells Gina, there are consequences for lying. Shannon suggests that if Noella wants to make things better, say she blew up a story she’d heard, and she was sorry she did it. Noella says, that she can do. Shannon adds that she not be defensive, and Noella asks if Heather would be receptive to a conversation, but Heather says, not now. Noella says, let her know when the timing is right. She thinks they should discuss things, but was shocked Heather brought it up the first night at dinner. She’d love a one-on-one. Heather says, okay. Let’s have it now, and walks into another room. Noella says, this isn’t awkward, and follows.

They sit on a fabulous couch, Heather looking like the Grinch, with a death grip on her wine glass.

Next time, an archery lesson, which I’m not sure is a good idea; a hike and a mine tour; and Noella has a meltdown.

📌 Putting a Pin In It…

Leaving an empty seat for you tomorrow, when we’ll go over some soap and probably some awards talk. Until then, stay safe, stay as chill as possible, and stay working on making things right, to better yourself, for you and the people that are going to come into your life.

March 29, 2022 – Everyone Agrees It’s Esme, Dolores Hosts Charity Softball, Where It Was, Going Public & Suddenly


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer comes downstairs, and Laura asks how he slept. He says he didn’t, and she says he’s been under lock and key for a month. Maybe it takes time to get used to the comforts of home. He says, that’s not it, and she says, then what is it? He flashes back to finding Esme’s pregnancy test, and Esme telling him that she’s late. Laura says, he knows he can tell her anything, right?

At Charlie’s, Esme smiles looking at the Invader headline about the sex tape. Nikolas walks in, and asks if that’s a smile he sees, and Esme says, good morning. He says, it looks that way. The first night in her new place must have agreed with her.

Trina is brought to the interrogation room, and Jordan tells her, have a seat. She just wants to walk Trina through what’s next. In a few hours she’ll be escorted to her arraignment. If she pleads not guilty… Trina says, if? She’s pleading not guilty because she didn’t do it.

Harmony sets out some breakfast on the coffee table, and Alexis flashes back to Harmony knowing where the carpet cleaner was. Harmony says she made some breakfast to celebrate her new digs. She hopes Alexis likes scrambled. She asks Alexis, what’s wrong? when the doorbell rings. Harmony says she’ll get it, and opens the door to Sam, who asks what she’s doing here.

Carly and Ava go over Avery’s schedule, which is busier than mine. Carly says she talked to Avery’s dance teacher about the little sprain, and she said, no problem. Ava says, Avery loves her time with Carly, and Carly says, not as much as she loves spending time with Avery. She can’t believe how fast they go from playdate to college. It’s crazy. Ava says she heard about that awful video with Josslyn and Cameron. If she ever finds out who’s responsible, she wouldn’t blame Carly if… Sonny comes over, and says, hello. Carly says, she and Ava are going over Avery’s schedule, trying to coordinate some dates. He says he thought they were talking about Trina, and Ava asks why they would be. Sonny says, she just got arrested for making the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Ava says, that’s crazy, and Carly says, Trina would never do anything like that, especially not to Cameron and Josslyn. Ava says she works side-by-side with Trina at the gallery. She couldn’t trust Trina more if she were her own daughter. Carly says, she was clearly set up, and she and Ava both say, Esme. Sonny says he doesn’t think Jordan would have arrested her if there weren’t some kind of evidence, and Ava says, evidence can be fabricated, as they know. She picks up her bag, and says, always a pleasure. Carly asks where she’s going, and Ava says she’s going to make sure somebody pays for this. Sonny asks how Josslyn is, and Carly says, hurt, humiliated, but standing up for herself. He says, Joss has been his stepdaughter for years, and if he hadn’t found out about this tape from Dante, he would have had to find out from the Invader article.

Alexis says she tried calling Sam, but couldn’t reach her, and Sam asks, what’s going on? Alexis says, Harmony is just staying here for a little bit. She thought Molly or Kristina might have called Sam. Sam says she guesses it slipped their minds, and Harmony says she totally forgot the sugar, and heads for the kitchen. Sam says, so Shawn takes off, and Harmony moves in?

Laura pours Spencer some more coffee, and he says, it’s a perfect first morning of freedom. He holds up a breakfast cookie, and says, he would dream about these when he was on the inside. She laughs, and says, he was on the inside for a month, and he says, even worse, he had them so recently and the bakery was so close. She says she’s glad whatever spoiled his sleep didn’t ruin his appetite. Quit stalling, and just tell her what’s wrong. He asks what makes her think he’s stalling, and she says, maybe because she’s known him since he was a little boy, and when he stalls, it looks exactly like this. He knows he can trust her with anything. He asks if she’s ever done something she shouldn’t have, but didn’t realize until it was too late. She asks how much time he has. She could fill an encyclopedia with the mistakes she’s made. She’s tried to learn from them, and hopefully, maybe she can impart some of those hard won lessons to him. He says, it’s about Esme, and she says she thought so. She’s so sorry they broke up. If there’s anything she can do… There’s a knock at the door, and she says she bets that’s her right now, and if it is, she can go upstairs. But it’s Victor, who says, good morning. She says, it was so close to being one, and he says he just stopped by to see if Spencer… Why, slaughter the fatted calf – he goes to Spencer and hugs him – the prodigal has returned.

Nikolas says he knows Esme’s room above Kelly’s isn’t what she’s accustomed to, but she says, it’s fine. It might not be the lap of luxury, but it’s clean and comfortable, and beggars can’t be choosers. He says, she considers herself a beggar? and she says, close enough. She can’t access her trust fund until she’s twenty-five. In the meantime, her allowance is metered out in pieces. He says, oh, the horror, and she says, poor little rich girl. She’s not making a very good case for herself. He says he was joking. He knows how it is being dependent on the largesse of family; sometimes strangers can be more generous. She says, no one has been as generous to her as he has, despite what she’s done to him and Ava. She didn’t deserve his kindness. He says, kindness has nothing to do with it.

Jordan tells Trina, it doesn’t matter what she believes. Her job is to gather evidence, not judge who’s guilty or not guilty. That’s up to a court of law. Trina says Jordan knows her; she knows Trina’s parents. Does she really think Trina would do this to Joss and Cam? Jordan asks if Trina can explain how the phone that posted the video was found in her possession. She can tell there’s something Trina wants to say. What is it? Ava comes in, and tells Jordan, she’ll say it for her. Jordan’s got the wrong person.

Alexis tells Sam, relax. Harmony isn’t taking up residence here. She just needs a place to stay. Alexis is just helping her out until she can afford to get a place of her own. Sam says, clearly Alexis has made up her mind, and there’s nothing she can do to change it. Alexis says, not that it’s going to stop Sam, and Sam asks if she’s ever thought Harmony’s redemption act is too good to be true. Take it from someone who knows, a grifter’s instinct never leaves you. All you can do is own it and fight it. Is Harmony doing that, or is she working Alexis?

Victor takes a bite of on of the cookies, and says, not bad. Laura asks what he’s doing here, and he says he was just checking up on his great-nephew. Now he’s a free man. Spencer says, freedom’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and Victor says, trouble in paradise? Laura says she’s sure Spencer will tell them what’s going on in his own good time. Right now, she thinks they should give him some space. Victor says, what others call lies of omission, he likes to call truths to be told at the right time. She says, a time that benefits him, and he says, she’s a politician. She knows the value of strategy. You can’t succeed without maneuverability and a sense of gamesmanship. She says, funny he should mention that. Rumor has it, he enjoys a good game of cards. He laughs and says, doesn’t everyone? Spencer tries to slip away, but Victor says, there’s something they need to discuss. All three of them.

Esme says she should have known Nikolas wouldn’t find her a place to stay without wanting something in return. She gets up, and says, if this is about her putting in a good word with Spencer, he won’t listen. Not now. He gets up, and says he’s not asking her to go to bat for him with Spencer. Not because his son stopped caring for her, but because he doesn’t have reason to trust her. She says, at least he’s honest about it, and he asks if she can blame him. She came close to driving the woman he loves out of his life. She says she has nothing against him or Ava. She only knew Ava from what Spence told her. She never questioned his perspective because he was in so much pain. When he asked her for help, she couldn’t say no, even though she knew it was wrong. Of course (🍷) that was just the first of many mistakes. He says, yes, it was, and she says she doesn’t understand. If he hasn’t forgiven her for the things she’s done to him, why is he helping her? Why make sure she has a roof over her head, when he could just as easily send her packing? Of course (🍷). He did it so he could keep an eye on her.

Ava asks how Trina is, and she says she’s fine. Jordan says she has to follow up on something; she’ll leave them to talk. Ava asks if she’s not forgetting something, nodding to the officer, but Jordan says, he stays. They have ten minutes. Ava sits, and says she’s so sorry this is happening to Trina, and Trina says, so is she. Ava says she promises she’ll do everything in her power to get Trina out of here and clear her name. This is a terrible miscarriage of justice. Jordan looks in on them, and picks up her phone.

Victor says he regrets they had to cancel Spencer’s welcome home dinner, and suggests the reschedule it. If not as a welcome home dinner, than some other kind of celebration. They do have a lot to celebrate. Laura says, they do? and he says, more than she can imagine. Her phone rings, and she says, Jordan? Jordan asks if Laura can stop by the precinct as soon as she can, and Laura asks if there’s trouble. Jordan guesses Laura hasn’t seen The Invader today, and Laura says she hasn’t. Jordan says, just as well. She’ll brief Laura when she gets there. Laura says she’s on her way, and Victor says, a mayor’s work is never done. She says, something’s come up; she’s sorry. Victor says, never fear. Her grandson is in good hands. She tells Spencer that she’s a phone call away, and leaves. Victor says, alone at last. Suppose Spencer tells him exactly what’s going on between him and Esme? Spencer says he and Esme are over. Whatever they had was over when he realized he couldn’t trust her. Victor says, trust is an illusion. Loyalty, on the other hand, is priceless. Has Esme been disloyal? Spencer says he doesn’t know, and Victor asks if she’s harmed Spencer in any way. Spencer says, directly, no, but she went out of her way to hurt his friends. She tried to pin the blame for something she did on someone else, someone he cares about. When he confronted her, she denied it, they argued, and the day he got out of Spring Ridge, her bags were packed and she left. Victor says he gets a sense the separation is harder than Spencer imagined it would be, and Spencer says, he doesn’t know the half of it. Victor asks if Esme has gotten her claws into Spencer. Has she played the love card? Or more insidious yet, the sex card? Spencer says he’s changed his mind. He doesn’t want to talk about this. Victor says, nonsense. They’re both men of the world. What’s more, they’re of the same flesh and blood. He can’t help unless Spencer tells him what kind of hold Esme has over him. Spencer says, Esme might be pregnant.

Carly says, her priority in all of this has been Josslyn, so if she didn’t tell Sonny about the tape, she didn’t feel it was her place. He asks if she’s okay with Josslyn doing an interview for the newspaper, and she says, that was Josslyn’s choice. She and Cam were being trashed on social media, so they decided to get in front of it; take charge of the narrative and speak up for themselves. She’s damn proud of her daughter. He says, so is he. She’s always going to be a daughter to him, but someone is using that video as a weapon against her, and in his world, when somebody pulls out a knife… She says, you pull out a gun.

Alexis says, Harmony needs her help. What is she supposed to do?  Sam says, okay. As long as Harmony is the friend Alexis needs her to be, and as long as Kristina is okay with it. Alexis says, she is, and thanks Sam for understanding. Sam says she’s here if Alexis needs her, and they hug. Harmony comes back, and asks Sam if she wants some coffee, but Sam says, no. She starts to leave, but stops and says she hopes this all works out for Harmony. She leaves, and Harmony says, by that, she thinks Sam means, save up as fast as she can so she gets out of Alexis’s hair as soon as possible. Alexis says, Sam is very vocal about her concerns. Sam also doesn’t make her decisions for her. Harmony asks if Alexis has made any decisions she needs to know about, but Alexis says, not yet. She can’t help but notice how well Harmony knows her way around the house. It almost seems like Harmony has been here before without her knowledge. Harmony says, because she has.  

Victor says, pregnant? Is that all? Spencer says, isn’t that enough? and Victor says, if he’s the father. Spencer says, of course (🍷) he is, and Victor asks if he’s sure. Spencer says, yes, but Victor says, no, he’s not. The man never can be. Spencer says, Esme moved to Port Charles for him. She even broke a few laws because she thought it was going to help. Victor says, and Spencer feels responsible, and Spencer says, isn’t he? Victor says, listen to him. Spencer is a young man with his whole life ahead of him. He has a family with almost unlimited resources, a family that loves him very much, even though sometimes they have a hard time knowing how to express it. If Esme is indeed pregnant, and Spencer is indeed the father, they have a whole array of options at their disposal. They can pay her off. They can resettle her somewhere. They can arrange to have the child brought up by more appropriate parents. They do that all the time in this family, in case Spencer hasn’t noticed. Spencer says he’s sorry, it’s a lot, and Victor says, let him simplify. He can arrange to have mother and child cared for without tying Spencer down. Spencer thanks him, and Victor says he was a little relieved. He was worried at first that Spencer was obsessed with that young lady who works at Ava’s gallery. Spencer says, Trina? What about her? Victor says, hasn’t he heard? Apparently, she betrayed her other friends and got herself arrested.

Nikolas says, of course (🍷) he’s keeping an eye on Esme; she helped Spencer terrorize his wife. She says, everything she did, she did for Spencer, and he asks if he’s supposed to believe she doesn’t have a mind of her own. She couldn’t see Spencer’s plot spiraling out of control? She says she doesn’t know how many times she can say this. She was wrong and she’s sorry. He says he provided her with a place because there’s a good chance this break-up is temporary. If that’s true, he needs to know she’s good for his son. She says, in other words, he gives her shelter and a chance to prove she’s not some gold-digger? and he says he needs to know she’ll inspire Spencer to be the man he can be. She says, according to whose standards? Society’s or his family’s, because it’s becoming clearer by the day that those are two totally different things. He says, whatever path Spencer chooses, will she be there? Does she really care for him? She asks if she hasn’t proven that by now. Of course (🍷) she cares for Spencer. She loves Spencer more than she’s ever loved anyone. He says, now she has a chance to remind him, but she says he doesn’t understand. It’s too late. She goes back to the table and sits down.

Ava asks Trina to tell her everything that happened. On second thought,  just tell her what the police already know. Trina says she tried to show the Commissioner her phone to prove she didn’t have the sex video on it. She pulled out what she thought was her phone. It was identical; same case, same model. Then she heard a chime from a text on her actual phone, and realized her phone was still in her bag. Someone planted the other one. Ava says, and they may not know how they did it, but they know who. It was Esme, wasn’t it?

Jordan thanks Laura for coming, and Laura says she saw The Invader on her way over. Trina Robinson can’t possibly have anything to do with that sex tape, can she? Jordan says, they’re exploring all angles. That’s why she called Laura. There’s another piece of the puzzle she needs to make Laura aware of, personally. Laura says, because the tape involves Cameron? and Jordan says, actually, it involves her other grandson, Spencer.  

Carly tells Sonny, the first step is to prove Esme did this to Josslyn and Cameron. Then Carly will make her pay. He says, so he has no say? Does she agree with Michael that Josslyn doesn’t concern him anymore? She says, Michael agrees with Josslyn, and she’s made it clear she doesn’t want Sonny involved. He says, he understands how they feel about him, but he’d do anything for his children. She says, then do what Josslyn has asked and stay out of it. Has he even read the interview with Joss and Cam? He says, not all of it, and she says, he should. It’s pretty impressive. Josslyn showed a lot of courage. He says he doesn’t need an interview to tell him how brave Josslyn is; he sees it. Just like he sees Trina is taking the fall for this, and someone else is getting away with a vicious attack on Josslyn’s name and privacy. She says, someone is Esme, and he says he’s not going to stand by and let that happen. He’s going to take care of it. He strides to the elevator, telling Sam hi as he passes her. Sam tells Carly, she knows that look. Someone’s going to suffer.

Trina tells Ava, of course (🍷) Esme did it, but she wasn’t in the cabin when the video was recorded. She was in the car with Spencer on her way back to town. Ava says, she didn’t have to be there physically to make the recording; it’s not that hard. The officer says, sorry, time’s up, and Ava says she promises to move heaven earth to get Trina out of this. Trina asks, do people really think… Ava says, who cares what people think? Her family and friends, her good true friends, they know her. And so does Spencer, whether she cares what he thinks or not.  

Laura asks Jordan how Spencer is involved, when Ava comes out. Laura asks, how’s Trina? and Ava says, innocent.

Spencer looks at the Invader article and says, this doesn’t make sense. How could they arrest Trina? Victor says he imagines the police found evidence of a crime that pointed to her guilt. Spencer says he’s sorry; he needs to take a minute. Victor says he can take a hint. He’ll see himself out. He leaves, and Spencer flashes back to Esme telling him that Trina’s asleep and they can send for their bags. Let’s go. He moves to remembering them being in the car, and Esme saying, what is she up to? It’s not enough he believes she orchestrated the weekend to blow up his friends. He says, which she denied, and she asks if he believes her. He says he wants to. That’s why he’s asking what the hell she hoped to achieve asking the questions she did during the drinking game. Esme asks how she was supposed to know she’d hit a nerve. Then he flashes back to asking Esme to tell him that she had nothing to do with the video, and her evading the question, saying, you don’t always get what you want.   

Esme tells Nikolas, not only has Spencer kicked her to the curb, there’s a target on her back because of what certain people think she’s done. He says, what people? and she says, Josslyn’s mom for one. He saw the bruise Carly left on her arm. She thanks him again for taking her to the hospital, and putting Carly on notice. That leaves Mr. Corinthos. He says, Sonny? What about him? She says, he’s had it in for her ever since she stretched the truth about Nikolas and Ava leaving town with Ava. Her misguided attempt to bring everyone together seriously backfired. He says, let him worry about Sonny. Just work being the person Spencer trusted; the person he cared for and still cares for. Can she do that? She says, that’s just it. Lately, Spencer’s put his trust in the last person he should, the person who actually did this terrible thing to Joss and Cam. She shows him the article, and he says, Trina? and she says, Spence thought she did it. If he won’t believe her, maybe he’ll believe his own eyes. Maybe he’ll finally see it was wrong to trust her. Nikolas asks if Trina being out of Spencer’s life brings him and Esme back together, and she says, it might have, before she found out… He says, found out what?

Sam looks at the article, and tells Carly, first of all, that anyone would even do this at all is horrific, but to Josslyn, knowing Sonny Corinthos is her stepfather? Carly says, she knows. Sam should have heard the way Esme spoke to her. She was doing it just to get a rise out of her in front of Nikolas. Sam asks if it worked, and Carly says, he rushed to her side to defend her. She doesn’t know how Josslyn has managed not to slap Esme into next week. When she was Josslyn’s age, back in her day, she would have ripped Esme’s hair out of her head, and that’s before she tried to frame Trina. Sam says, that explains the smoke coming out of Sonny’s ears, and Carly says, Michael and Josslyn want him to stay out of it. Sam says, like anything is going to be able to stop him.

On the phone, Sonny says he needs Brick to coordinate with Spinelli; try to find a trail. Whoever did this… He knows what people are thinking, but he needs to have a clean slate, so proof is absolute. Does Brick know what he’s saying?… Right. There’s a knock at the door, and Ava comes in. She says she needs a drink. Gin if he has it; scotch otherwise. He says, she’ll have to go to the bar. He’s not doing that stuff. She says, kudos to Nina, and he laughs. He asks what she’s doing here, and she says she just saw Trina. He says, and? Ava says, she didn’t do it. As he already knows, it was Esme.

Harmony says, Kristina was living at Alexis’s house when she was interested in Dawn of Day. One day she waited until Alexis left, and knocked on the door. Kristina opened it. Alexis says, Harmony wanted to talk to Kristina when she wasn’t there, and Harmony says, Shiloh wanted her to check Kristina out. They were having coffee in the kitchen, and there was some mishap with the coffeemaker. She can’t remember exactly what happened, but it spilled everywhere. They had to clean it up, then she put the mop and cleaning supplies back. That’s how she knew where they were. Alexis says, right. Just to be clear, she’s going to speak to Kristina about this. Harmony says she wants Alexis to do that. She knows she should have told Alexis, and she’s sorry. She was so ashamed of the reason why. She tells Alexis, please say something.

Nikolas asks Esme if there’s something he should know about this video. Something that involves Spencer. She says, no. Spencer had nothing to do with it. He says, good, then what is it? He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. She says she knows he wants to help, but it’s just… He says, go on, but she says she’s sorry. She needs to get some air. She grabs her stuff, and dashes out. Outside, she smiles, and rolls her eyes.

Spencer comes into the station and sees Laura. He asks why she didn’t tell him Trina was there, and she says she didn’t know until she got there. He asks where she is, and Jordan says, Trina’s in the interrogation room. He can go right in. The officer lets Spencer in, and Laura asks why Jordan let Spencer in to see Trina. Does she believe her grandson is involved in this? Trina tells Spencer, it’s funny how things work out, but he says, there’s nothing funny about this. She says, yeah, there is. They last time she saw him, he was the one in custody. Now it’s her turn.

Carly tells Sam that she wishes Jason was here. She wishes that thousand times every day, but especially now. He could figure out how Esme framed Trina, and he could stop Carly from losing her mind. Sam says, probably, and Carly asks if she’s heard from Monica. Sam says, about Jason? and Carly says, she wants to have him declared legally dead. She heard it from Britt, then Monica reached out. She thinks it will help Jason’s kids move on. What does Sam think? Sam says she thinks it seems impossible, saying goodbye to Jason, and Carly says, she’ll never be able to. Sam says, they have to try to move on, and Carly says she’s moving on with so many things right now… and so is Sam. How are things with Sam and Dante? Sam says, great. She had to try really hard to find the strength to move on from Jason. So maybe it’s possible. If Carly finds her strength, she’ll be able to move on from Sonny.

Sonny asks what Ava wants, and she says, the same thing he does – justice. She knows Trina. She’s good, a helluva lot better than either of them. He says, faint praise, low bar, and she says, good point. He says, so? and she says, so they both know Trina would never do this to Josslyn and Cameron. Sonny says, Carly’s convinced it’s Esme, and she says, Carly is right. And if she and Carly agree on something, it’s got to be true. Now what is he going to do about it? He says, he’s on it.

On the bench outside Charlie’s, Esme reads from the article. We refuse to be victims, says Josslyn Jax. Cameron Webber echoes that sentiment. Whoever thought they could shame us into hiding, has made a serious mistake. Esme laughs, and says, the mistake was all yours, Trina. Someone approaches, startling her.

Alexis says she has to go to work, and Harmony asks if Alexis wants her to leave. Alexis says, they’ll talk about it later, and leaves.

August 2020. Harmony uses a key to let herself into Alexis’s house. She looks around with a flashlight, and goes upstairs. She shines the light on Neil’s driver’s license, and we see Alexis and Neil sleeping. Harmony takes out a syringe, and injects Neil. In the present, she looks panicked.

Carly tells Sam, she divorced Sonny. That counts as moving on, right? Sam says, not really, but she’s giving Carly a pass on this one, since she’s got a lot to deal with. She needs to stay focused on Josslyn. Carly says, Josslyn is going to get through this. Going public with Cam was a good first step. Now they have to make sure her best friend doesn’t pay for a crime she didn’t commit.

Spencer says he rushed over as soon as he heard, and Trina asks, why? So he can tell Esme it worked? He says he didn’t believe Esme when she accused Trina, and she says, which time? He says, to be honest, he thought Esme did it, but now, if the Commissioner has evidence… She says, planted evidence. He knows better than anyone she’d never deliberately try to hurt Joss and Cam. He says, then why did she do it?

Jordan tells Laura, other than being in the cabin the night the video was taken, she’s not sure Spencer was involved at all. Laura says, he seemed upset about something this morning, and Jordan says, maybe Spencer’s adjusting leaving the system and returning to a normal life. Laura says, she’d like to believe that, but then there’s his Great-uncle Victor who’s always ready with a helping hand.

Victor goes into Charlie’s, and says he’s glad he found Nikolas. They need to talk about Spencer. Nikolas says, later. Did he see Esme outside, and Victor says, as a matter-of-fact he did. As he was pulling in, another car was pulling out. He saw Esme in the back seat. Nikolas asks, who was driving? Which way did they go?

Esme is plopped into a chair in Sonny’s office. Sonny swivels around in his desk chair to face her, and signals his guy to leave. He says, Esme. Nice of you to join me, and smiles. I laaaugh.

Tomorrow, Dante asks Chase, where’s this coming from; Brook tells someone, the answer is no; Spencer says he wants to believe Trina; and Sonny says, all Esme’s got to do is confess.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

When we last left, Teresa was losing her sh*t at Traci’s Treetop event. In Melissa’s interview, she said, she and Jennifer had just made up, and everyone was getting along. She didn’t understand why Teresa was trying to start something. Teresa then insisted the headlines about Luis were like the rumor about Evan, and tried to blame Marge for that. Jackie told Marge not to worry, she wasn’t buying it, and somehow we got back to the analogy thing. A word I’d hoped never to hear again from this bunch. Teresa whined that Jackie hadn’t said it was an analogy to begin with, and Marge tried to explain that wasn’t the way it worked. You didn’t go, by the way, I’ll be using an analogy now. In Jackie’s interview, she said, there never would have been an analogy in the first place if Teresa hadn’t been spreading a rumor about someone she loves. Dolores wondered why Teresa was getting worked up over old stuff, and Marge said it was a deflection.

A beautiful table was set for lunch, which is always a total waste on Housewives. Teresa said she was all about love. It upset her that Traci was telling her husband to ask questions about her boyfriend, but Traci said she never asked him to do anything, and Luis had no problem with it. Teresa said she had a problem with it, and Marge wondered why, since it was already out there. Not surprisingly,  Teresa confused Traci with someone else, accusing her of being a husband stealing nanny. Tracy was like, I wasn’t a nanny, but Teresa had already moved on. Marge said it was Luis’s exes who had put it out there, and Teresa suggested Marge had been talking to them, and encouraging it. She was in an amazing love bubble, she was protecting it, and no one was popping it. She decided to leave, but not before reminding the women that her workout line was in gift bags with their names on them. She told Melissa to make sure no one was talking about her, and Melissa said, if they were even arguing in the woods, they were doomed.  Everyone agreed that Teresa had come in hot over nothing, and they didn’t get what they came for. Melissa gave herself a gold star for making up with Jennifer, and Dolores said they had a softball game coming up. It was for charity, and they were all on the same team. Traci said she didn’t want to be near Teresa when she was doing practice swings.

Mel excited about Antonia’s Sweet 16 party, and told Joe #2 that this would be the 16th time she was planning a party for her. She only had one girl. Joe said his sister got everything when they were growing up, and Melissa said Teresa showed up to the Treetop event in the worst mood; she came in screaming and yelling at Marge and Traci. She thought she was in the Twilight Zone.

Teresa told Antonia and Gia that they were moving in a week and had to go through everything. We flashed back to when the girls were little, and Gia said it was going to be sad. Teresa said it was the house they grew up in, and in Gia’s interview, she said it was the last physical thing she had of her dad in the United States. We flashed back to Juicy Joe with the kids, and she told Teresa, it was the last piece of him. It wouldn’t be theirs anymore. Teresa said she was ready for a new beginning with Luis. It was pissing her off to no end that Marge and Traci were bringing to light the false accusations against him. How dare anyone question him? Gia asked if anyone had Teresa’s back, and Teresa said, Dolores.

Frank and Dolores brushed up on their softball, and Dolores asked if Frank was going to run in such a weird way. He said, this time last year, he couldn’t even walk, and we flashed back to his accident. Dolores said she’d had enough of his balls hitting her, and they went inside. She told Frank that she wanted to raise money for the breast cancer center; they’d been good to her. In her interview, she said she’d been raising money for the last few years, but last year, she’d had a breast cancer scare. She told Frank that they’d saved so many people. They’d already raised $75K in ticket donations and they were all clear to play at Maimonides Park. It was going to be her friends against the doctors. She was concerned that Teresa was going to show up with both barrels loaded.

Teresa told Gia that she didn’t stay for lunch, and in Teresa’s interview, she said the only reason she even went was because she wanted to give the women her workout line. It was the only time she’d see them before the game. She was going to sell her line there, and donate some of the proceeds to charity. Melissa told Joe #2 that Teresa went screaming through the forest, but as she was leaving, she was like, here’s my workout line. She wants them to wear it at the game. Dolores wondered how the women were going to be civil at a charity event after fighting in the woods. Frank told her, good luck.

Jackie went to see her therapist, and said she’d been in a panic, It was her last chance to count calories before the therapist was going to make her stop. The therapist said she couldn’t make Jackie do anything; she could just make suggestions. She asked what Jackie was afraid of, and Jackie said, losing control. She’d been holding on to her eating habits for twenty years, and always had to calculate everything. It took so much work. She’d have to examine the calendar, and see which days she was going to have to eat. It was all day, every day. Her body hurt, but she did it anyway. The therapist said what usually caused eating disorders was low self-esteem. That amount of anxiety had to be seeping into everything all the time. Jackie had full-blown anorexia. Somewhere something had gone wrong. Jackie said it had been traumatic being heavy as a child. She was putting on lipstick in the hallway, and a boy walking by said, it won’t help. He said she was gross, and they made her feel bad about herself. In college, she’d been cutting her calories in half and losing weight, when she met her husband. Since she knew he liked how she looked, she wanted to keep it going. In Jackie’s interview, she said she knew he loved her regardless, but she had an irrational fear that if she put on weight, he wouldn’t see her as the same person. She worried that he wouldn’t embrace the new here. The therapist asked if anyone had ever said anything, and Jackie told her that she always said, leave her alone, she was fine. But she was alone with this in her head. She didn’t know anyone could help. She made it seem like she’d recovered, but clearly she hadn’t. She was scared since her kids were getting older, they noticed more. The therapist asked if Jackie thought the kids knew she was suffering, and Jackie said she hadn’t known they noticed things, but her husband told her that they do. She was horrified. She took the kids for ice cream, but never ate it herself. The therapist asked when she last had it, and she said, twenty years ago. The therapist wondered if that wasn’t a good goal, and Jackie said she didn’t know how to do that. It was so stupid. The therapist told her to shoot for not counting calories and not compensating, and Jackie said she might even get a topping.

Jackie talked to Evan about her session, and suggested they go out to dinner. He understood the nuances of her disease, and there were so many. In Evan’s interview, he said, since they’d met, they’d had no more than four consecutive vacation nights because of the meals. The only way Jackie ate vegetables was steamed, and they had to call restaurants in advance to make sure they could steam spinach. He wanted to travel, and it clouded the relationship. He told her that it was unhealthy and could lead to something bad. He worried. She said it was hard to hear, and he asked how he could help. She said she knew she jumped on him when he tried to help; she’d always done everything herself so she could trick herself. The therapist said she had full-blown anorexia, and she’d never said the words out loud. She’d never gotten to the point where she was ready for help. She wanted to be present, and Evan said it helped them have a deeper connection. Jackie asked, if she gained weight, was he okay with that, and he said he loved her no matter what size she was. He was proud she’d taken the first steps. She said, when she was good, she’d throw out her measuring spoons, and he said she must have a hundred of them.

Jennifer and Bill went out to eat. It was the first weekend in a long time that Bill wasn’t on call. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she was still mad at Bill, but it was moments like these that made her grateful she’d stayed. She told him about making up with Melissa, and said maybe he could find a way to make things good with the guys. He said he had certain feelings about what took place, and we flashed back to the guys night debacle, and Bill said they needed to know when to back off. Jennifer said what they were going through superseded the girls . They had an anniversary coming up; it had been twenty years since they met. Jennifer asked if Bill thought they’d make another nineteen. She didn’t want to look back on an unhappy. She wanted to make it work, but didn’t want to turn into her mother, and be resentful of the world. She told Bill, the whole car ride back from the airport, her mother never mentioned Bill’s affair. We flashed back to Jennifer telling her brother that she didn’t want her mother to hear it from somewhere else. Jennifer said she thought her mother would have an opinion, but she didn’t. She was mad at Marge. Bill said, it happened many years ago, but Jennifer said she didn’t give a sh*t. She had been at home tending three small children and she was pregnant. He’d given her no consideration. She told herself that she’d be a tough girl, but she didn’t want to give him a pass. She didn’t want to go through a divorce, and felt, as long as both parties were willing to keep working, they were golden. When one partner checked out, it was going downhill. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, it felt good that she didn’t hold back. The ball was in Bill’s court. Now they’d see if he did anything about it.

Lexi worked on invites for Marge Sr.’s 75th birthday. Marge reminded Lexi about the charity softball game, and Lexi asked if Marge read Teresa’s group text. She wanted them to wear her shorts to the game. She knew she could raise more money for charity if they’d be her stunning models. Lexi was surprised at Teresa’s audacity. Clearly she doesn’t know Teresa. Marge said Teresa couldn’t stand her, but needed a favor. Lexi said Traci was on the text too, and Marge called her. She told Traci that she wasn’t wearing Teresa’s shorts. It would be like she was saying it was okay to treat her like sh*t, and would do whatever she could just to be friends.

Before the game, Dolores said they’d gotten $125K in donations from a bank, and there were 2000 people in advance ticket sales. Everyone gathered in the locker room, where everyone got a jersey with their name on it. Frank hoped, since it was a fundraiser, the women would cut the sh*t for once. Marge couldn’t believe Teresa wanted them to wear her stuff, and Dolores played Switzerland. Teresa breezed in last with Gia and Luis, and said she’d brought her workout line. Marge said, we’re good, which pissed Teresa off. Gia said they supported everyone with everything, and Marge said she did support them, but not today. In Marge’s interview, she said she loved Gia, but wished Teresa would tell Gia not to fight her battles. In Gia’s interview, she said, even though they were arguing, Marge and Teresa were still friends, so she thought Marge should be supportive. In Teresa’s interview, she said, someone finally someone had her back, even if it was her daughter. In Dolores’s interview, she said, everyone had their own relationship with Teresa, and made their own choices. In Melissa’s interview, she said she got where Mage was coming from, but she wasn’t having a war over leggings. In Jackie’s interview, she said, Teresa let Jennifer take the fall for digging up dirt on Evan, yet Jennifer is still wearing Teresa’s clothes.  Teresa’s got her hand up the puppet’s ass. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, Bill didn’t want to come. She was hoping he’d change his mind. He kind of owed her one.

Dolores got a friend of hers, who’d played baseball in college, to be the pitcher, since they weren’t an athletic bunch. Jennifer was worried about her nose, so she wore a catcher’s mask. Bill was a no show, and Frank thought he was running from the situation. In Frank’s interview, he said he’d texted Bill a few times, and gotten short responses. It wasn’t like him. But the last thing he wanted at a charity event was to see Bill going head-to-head with Evan or Joe #2. A dude introduced Dolores, who talked about the charity. In Marge’s interview, she said she knew nothing about baseball. She only knew a homerun. <wink-wink> Teresa asked if they’d scored a touchdown, and Joe #2 said he’d played football in high school. Why didn’t she know the difference?  Good thing Jennifer was wearing that mask, because she took a spill while she was running between bases.

In Jennifer’s interview, she said, the Louis Vuitton’s were a mistake. They have no grip… freaking read bottoms. In Joe #2’s interview, he said, physical performance is enhanced by alcohol, and the guys did shots. Teresa said if Marge was wearing her leggings, her ass wouldn’t jiggle as much, and she’d hit the ball. In Tracy’s interview, she said, Teresa was a typical bully. In Marge’s interview, she said, nothing was too low for Teresa. When Tiki arrived, Teresa was all kissy-kissy with him, baffling everyone. Traci put it best when she said, it makes zero f***ing sense. (Maybe she thought Tiki would wear her leggings.) Seeing Frank Jr. dropping the ball was pretty funny, and Tiki won the game for them by catching a ball. I believe the final score was 9 to 6, but don’t quote me. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she liked the feeling of them wanting her here and that she belonged. She hoped Bill heard about it, and felt more comfortable with being part of the group. In Dolores’s interview, she said it was one of the greatest nights of her life. They’d raised over $200k, and for the most part, everyone was on their best behavior. It was a Jersey miracle. We all watched fireworks over the stadium.

Next time, Bills shows up for Marge Sr.’s birthday, Melissa has a talk with Antonia, Teresa moves, the guts talk to Bill, and Bill says, f*** you.

📠 The Deets…

The when and where of the softball game. I might have gone. If it wasn’t so far. Like if it was across the street.

👏🏽 Brave Lady…

After hiding for so long, it must be tough to announce your business to the world.

👟 Runnin’ Down a Dream…

Come away with me tomorrow to the opera of soap and the County of Orange. Until then, stay safe, stay caring about at least one cause, and stay not calling lies of omission, truths to be told at another time.

March 28, 2022 – Jordan Arrests a Suspect, Huge Mistake On Deck, Hamster Wheel House & Bad


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Alexis comes in, and says, it smells incredible. She points to TJ, and says, you cooked, but he says, he and Molly cooked, as a thank you for her being so amazing in letting them stay here so long. Alexis says, she didn’t cook, but she stopped at Eckerd’s, and they cooked an amazing dessert for them. She’s going to miss them. Molly says, it’s a good thing Alexis has that compelling new job to throw herself into; she won’t miss them as much.

Harmony walks into Charlie’s and Phyllis says, Lorraine… sorry, Harmony. Harmony says, Lorraine is in the past for a reason. If Phyllis called to reminisce, working in New York was a long time ago; it’s a little fuzzy. Phyllis says, it’s about something in the here and now, and Harmony asks, what’s on her mind? Phyllis says, they need to talk about Harmony and Nina.

Nina sees Scotty at the MetroCourt bar, and asks, where’s her aunt? He says, she’s running a little behind, and Nina says she guesses she’ll get a table and sit down. Scotty says he kept her out of prison. Can’t she at least sit with him while she waits for Obrecht? He pats the seat next to him, and she says, fine. He says, let bygones be bygones, huh?

Marshall asks why Curtis was talking to Sonny, and Curtis says, they were talking about a run-in Sonny and Marshall had. Care to explain? Marshall asks what exactly Sonny said, and Curtis tells him that Sonny said Marshall was hostile. And it’s not the first time. Why is that? Marshall says he told Curtis before; he doesn’t trust Sonny’s type. Curtis says he’s noticed any time Sonny’s name is mentioned, Marshall has a strong reaction. It almost feels personal. He knows Marshall can duck and dodge with the best of them. He’s been doing that since he arrived in Port Charles. If bringing Marshall into his life means bringing trouble to the doorstep he and Portia share, he needs to know.

Esme says she has nowhere to go. Is there any way she can stay with Nikolas? Portia looks over at Esme, and tells Taggert that she bets anything that girl is behind the video of Joss and Cam. Ugh. She’s so relieved that Trina’s out of Esme’s orbit. Taggert says, she’s a piece of work, that one. It takes every bit of him not to give Esme and lover boy Spencer a piece of his mind. She says, if she has to bite her tongue, so does he. Besides, Trina would be mortified. He says, that’s the only thing stopping him, and she asks if she’s told him recently what a good father he is. He says, having a great daughter like Trina makes it easy. He got lucky.

Dante asks what Josslyn is doing at the station. Is she looking for Detective Lopez? Josslyn says she’s waiting for Trina. Commissioner Ashford said she had a couple questions for her; shouldn’t take long. He says, she might want to head home because it might take longer than she thinks.

Jordan brings Trina to her office, and tells her, have a seat. This is just an informal chat, but it might disrupt her plans for the evening. Is there anyone she needs to call? Trina says she’s missing a lecture, but can get the notes from her study partner. This is more important. Jordan says, as Trina has figured out, she called her in because they’re investigating what happened to Josslyn and Cameron. Is she comfortable answering a few questions? Trina says, ask her anything. She wants to find the person who hurt her friends, and she hopes Jordan makes them pay for it.

Nikolas says, Esme wants to stay at Windymere? and she says she knows it would be an imposition, but it won’t be forever, just until she gets on her feet. He says she has to understand. She and Spencer have broken up. Her staying in Spencer’s family home puts him in an awkward position, especially considering the fragile state of his and Spencer’s relationship. She says she understands, and he says he’s glad. She says, he’s turned his back on her too.

Josslyn tells Dante that she doesn’t mind waiting. Trina’s had a lot to deal with since that night at the cabin. He says he thinks Josslyn’s had the most to deal with since that night at the cabin. Trina’s her friend and wants to help her. She says, Trina’s her best friend, and the person he should be talking to is Spencer’s psycho girlfriend Esme Prince. Has he brought her in yet?

Esme says, Nikolas believes the horrible things people are saying about her, and he says he’s no stranger to false accusations. He doesn’t believe everything he hears. She says, Spence doesn’t share his discernment. He’s taking Trina’s word over hers. He says, it is hard to believe Trina would betray Joss and Cam in that way, and she says, Trina’s got everybody fooled. Believe her, Trina is no saint. He says he doesn’t believe people are saints or sinners; everyone is capable of both. But he does trust his wife’s instincts, and Ava thinks very highly of Trina. She says, right. And much more highly than Ava thinks of her. Well, she did set Ava’s car on fire.

Jordan says, Trina doesn’t recall anyone entering Josslyn and Cameron’s room at the cabin besides them? and Trina says, no, but there were plenty of chances for her to do it, and Jordan says, her? Trina says, Esme Prince; she’s behind this. Jordan says, both Cameron and Josslyn’s statements indicate Spencer and Esme left earlier that evening. Did Trina see or hear anything that leads her to believe Esme set up the camera? Trina says, nothing concrete, but who else would have done it? There were big blocks of time when they were all in the cabin, and Esme was unaccounted for. Esme had means, motive, and opportunity. Jordan asks where Trina was when Spencer and Esme left, and Trina says she was in her room; she didn’t actually see them leave. Jordan asks how long Trina was in her room, and Trina says, a few hours. She was feeling a bit off. Jordan says she knows about the drinking game. Although she doesn’t condone underage drinking, that’s not what she’s interested in right now. Trina says she’s clearly a lightweight when it comes to drinking. She had one hot toddy, and it put her out. Jordan says, she blacked out? and Trina says, pretty much. Jordan reminds her that even though it’s an informal conversation, she can call a parent or legal advocate, but Trina says she doesn’t want to bother them. Besides, she has nothing to hide.

Marshall says he doubts any of this will come knocking at Curtis’s new home, but his club is a different story. He’s worked enough clubs as a musician to have seen these mob types get their hooks into club owners, and the clubs become their personal playground. Curtis says, there have been offers, but he’s refused them, and Marshall says, those offers can quickly become demands. Curtis says, that’s not the case with Sonny, and Marshall asks where Curtis got the notion that Sonny is some sort of benevolent don. TJ wants to believe this too. Curtis says, years ago, TJ witnessed a shooting. He and Jordan were limited as to what they could do, and Sonny was there to protect him. Marshall says he never knew that, and Curtis says he wouldn’t call Sonny benevolent, but he is most certainly conscientious. He was there for TJ when it mattered most. Marshall says, his issue with Sonny isn’t personal. He’s just concerned the man might suddenly want to call in his debts. Curtis asks if Marshall is sure that’s all it is.

Phyllis says, she couldn’t violate Nina’s privacy back in the day, but now she can tell Harmony that Nina was her patient. She was in a coma, and Nina gave birth, and Nina’s mother tricked Phyllis into giving her child away. Harmony says, that’s so tragic. Why is Phyllis telling her this? Phillis says, to make her understand. Nina’s had so much loss in her life, yet she still has the capacity to love. That love extends to the grandson they both share, so talk to her daughter. Convince Willow and Michael that Nina’s no threat to Wiley. Harmony has a winning way about her. She remembers how well she got along with Nina’s mother Madeline.  

Nina says, Scotty and Obrecht conspired without her knowing, and put Willow on the stand. He says, to save her from jail. He’s not going to apologize for that. She says, she’s not going to apologize resenting him for ignoring her wishes. Scotty says, the reason why he did that, is because he knew she wouldn’t approve of his strategy. He can see why she’d feel blindsided in court, and she says, that almost sounded like an apology. He says, that’s about the best she’s going to get from him because he’s not sorry for keeping her out of jail. So let’s put this behind them. She’s Liesl’s niece and he’s Liesl’s boyfriend. Nina asks what’s taking Obrecht so long, and he says, rush hour. She says she supposes she only has two options here; reschedule or order a cocktail and enjoy the company. Scotty calls bartender Trish over, and says, two martinis, on him.

Alexis tells TJ and Molly not to worry about her being alone. Harmony is going to stay here for a little bit. There’s a look, and Alexis says, quelle surprise; they have an opinion about it. Molly says, Harmony staying here is a big deal, and Alexis says, Harmony is having a hard time, so she’s just staying until she can afford a place of her own. Molly asks where she’s been staying; her car? What happened? Alexis says, it’s none of their business. Again with the eyes. Why don’t they use their words and get it off their chest, so she doesn’t have to be questioned like a little girl?

Jordan says, the reason she called Trina in there is, they received a call on the tip line from someone implicating her in what happened to Josslyn and Cameron. The caller claims to have seen Trina, watching the video on her phone, weeks ago, long before it was released online. Trina says, that’s impossible. She never had that video on her phone, except when someone sent it to her, and even then, she deleted it right away. She can prove it; check her phone. She starts to dig in her bag, and Jordan says, Trina isn’t required to hand over her phone, but Trina says, it’s fine. She’s volunteering. She wants Jordan to know that this tipster – who she’s going to bet is Esme – is lying. She digs around some more in her bag, saying, there’s a thousand things in here, which I totally understand, and Jordan asks her to describe her phone. Trina says, it has a purple case, and Jordan says she only has one? Trina asks why she’d need two, and gives Jordan a phone. There’s a phone ding from her purse, and Trina digs around some more, and pulls out another phone. Jordan says, she thought Trina only had one, and Trina says she does. It’s her study partner wondering why she missed the lecture. This is her phone. Jordan says, then who does this belong to? but Trina says she has no clue. Please believe her. She has no idea how it got in her bag.

Scotty asks Nina, how’s the colonel, the Kentucky fried brother of Cyrus? Nina says, that’s just great; Ava’s been talking. Did she also tell him that she’s consider suing for visitation of Wiley? Scotty says, she means petitioning for visitation, because it’s still got to go to court, and it’s kind of a tough sell. She says, that’s not how Martin described it, and he says, he may have oversold it… billable hours. She asks if he’s saying New York state law won’t guarantee her access to her grandson, and he says she has a standing for a petition, and she says, that’s just great. Martin’s not in Port Charles, he’s looking after his mother, and she put a pin in her legal action. He says, he’s available… family rate, and she says she doesn’t think that’s a good idea for him to represent her again. Plus, she has a plan in the works that doesn’t involve the inside of a courtroom. He asks why she doesn’t want to go down the legal road. Is it the same reason she didn’t want him to put Willow on the stand?

Phyllis says, Harmony’s friendship with Madeline Reeves was a surprise. She was an ice queen; so cold to anyone she considered the help. Harmony asks if Phyllis is sure she’s remembering correctly. She doesn’t remember a Madeline Reeves, but Phyllis says, sure she does. The attractive blond with the penthouse apartment? They used to walk dogs together. Harmony says, oh yeah, with the toy poodles. She didn’t know her as Nina’s mother; she was just Madeline. And they weren’t friends. They were cordial at best. Phyllis says, that’s not how it looked to her. They were laughing and talking together. She was shocked Madeline could be that friendly to anyone. Harmony says she knows what’s going on. Phyllis didn’t call of her own accord. She can pass this message on to Nina. Point taken. It’s under consideration. Good day. She leaves, and Phyllis looks astonished.

Curtis suggests he and Marshall put this to rest right now. Marshall’s issue with Sonny has nothing to do with Marshall going into hiding for all those years. His phone rings, and he says, excuse him; he’s got to take it. He goes outside, and says, he’s glad she decided to call him; he could definitely use her help. Jordan says she hasn’t changed her mind about Marshall’s sealed records. This is about something else entirely. He asks, what is it? and she says, since they recently discussed ethics, she needs his advice. You know how a member of law enforcement should not contact a family member of a suspect being questioned? What about contacting a family friend? He says, that depends on the suspect in question, and she says, suppose the person was the daughter of a long-time friend and former partner of said law enforcement officer. Maybe there’s some ethical space to contact a family friend? Someone who’s close to the mother of the suspect? He says, she’s talking about Trina. What’s going on? She says, this is hypothetical. She’s just wondering if she should contact a family friend and let them know a young lady is being questioned at the station right now, and refusing legal counsel. He says, hypothetically, that friend of the family would be grateful. He thanks her, and goes back inside. He tells Marshall, something’s come up with Trina. They’ll continue this conversation later. Marshall says, of course (🍷). Is everything all right? Curtis sighs, and leaves, and Marshall says, take care of your family, son. He’s definitely going to take care of his.  

Portia tells Taggert, this is really nice. They’ve always been wonderful co-parents. She’s just glad they’re still friends, and she appreciates him wishing her and Curtis well. Is he really okay with them moving in together? He says, they’re moving on. He, Trina, and Portia are a family. Why wouldn’t he be okay with his family being happy? Her phone rings, and she asks if Curtis’s ears were burning… Trina is where?

Nikolas says, he and Ava are grateful Esme encouraged Spencer to reconcile with them. Esme says, but her gratitude stops short of letting Esme sleep under her roof. Ava will forgive Spence because he’s Nikolas’s son, but not her. He says, that’s unfair, and she says, Ava doesn’t know what it’s like to be abandoned, not the way she and Spence do, and Nikolas. Spence told her how he grew up. First in Greece, then on Spoon Island, isolated, not even knowing his mother until he was 16. He says, those were lonely days, and she says she thought her lonely days were over when she met Spence. She was an orphan. After her parents died, it was just her and her nanny. Then her nanny took another position, and Esme was sent away to school. Spence understood because he felt that pain himself. He became her family, and now he has his family back, and she no longer has him. She has no one. He says he’s sorry this has been so hard on her, but he can’t appear to take sides. She says she guesses she’ll have to leave Port Charles. She’s out of places to stay, and people who care about her. Everyone hates her here. His phone rings, and he tells her, sit tight. They’ll figure something out. He answers as he’s walking away, and says, he’s at the restaurant. Esme dries fake tears, as Portia and Taggert dash to the elevator. She wonders where they’re rushing off to. To Trina the saint.

Alexis says, any more issues, just tell her. Do it now. Harmony’s going to be here any minute. Molly says, Harmony’s coming for dinner? and Alexis says, is that a problem? TJ says, they don’t know Harmony well enough to have any issues with her, but Shawn was concerned and asked them to keep an eye on her. Alexis says, really? and Molly says, Shawn cares about Alexis, and doesn’t trust Harmony. He’s concerned she still has some secrets. Alexis says, who doesn’t? And whatever secrets Harmony has doesn’t concern them or Shawn. Harmony clears her throat, and says, she guesses her keys work. Hi.

Nina says Obrecht hasn’t responded to her texts, but Scotty says, he’s sure she’ll be along. She says, he doesn’t seem concerned, or the least bit worried… Wait a second. Did Obrecht set her up, and make Nina sit with him while she was waiting for her? He says he can’t confirm or deny that it, and she says she’s out of here. He’s manipulated her again. He tells her, wait a minute. He thought they were over this Willow thing. She says he thought wrong; they’re not. He says he’s going to give it to her straight. The reason she didn’t want him to put Willow on the stand is the same reason she doesn’t want to drag Michael into court over Wiley. Because she has it bad for Sonny. She says, that’s none of his business, and Scotty says, what is it about Sonny? Is it the slicked back hair? What is his real appeal? I vote for the dimples. She says, there’s more to Sonny than he knows. Sonny’s not immune to pain and loss. Scotty says, Sonny has a very chaotic life and a lot of losses, but she’s not answering his question. Can she deny that she’s not in love with Sonny? She doesn’t say anything, and he says he thought so. He has a little piece of advice for her. He suggests she get off this ride, go through the gift shop, and never ever look back.

Josslyn looks into the interrogation room, and asks Dante, what’s going on? Why is Trina in the interrogation room? He says they have to talk to everyone who was at the cabin that night, and Josslyn says, but the interview started in the Commissioner’s office, so why is it moving to the interrogation room? She thought this was just routine. Jordan calls to Dante, and he tells Josslyn that he’s got to get back to work. Is she sure she’s okay here? Josslyn says, yeah. She told Trina that she’d wait, so she’s going to wait. Dante goes over to Jordan, who hands him the phone in a plastic evidence bag. He says, purple case, like the tipster described. Jordan says, Trina claims this isn’t her phone; she’s got another one. He says, so this is theirs to examine? and she says, there’s no password. He says, that’s a little too convenient, and she says, indeed. He says he’ll get it to forensics, and leaves. Taggert runs in, followed by Portia, and he asks, where’s his daughter? He looks at Jordan, and says he thought they were friends.

Harmony says she thinks she’s caused enough problems. She thanks TJ and Molly for dinner, and says she’s going to go and let them have a last night together. Molly says, no, absolutely not. She and TJ will go; her mother’s upset with them. Alexis says she’s not upset with them. She’s upset with Shawn, who overstepped, and put them in an awkward position… which they fully embraced. Harmony says she’s going to go, but Alexis says, stay right there, and Molly says, her mother and Shawn go way back, and he’s very protective of her, as are they. TJ says he can understand Alexis’s outrage, and he wishes Shawn hadn’t asked them to play watchdog. Any concerns he had, Shawn should have shared with her. Alexis says, he did. She just doesn’t get that, if he trusts her with his business, why doesn’t he trust her with her own life? Harmony says she’s happy Shawn asked them to spy on her. She wouldn’t want anyone to hurt Alexis either, and since Shawn put her on notice directly, she’s not surprised he asked Molly and TJ to look out for her. Alexis should be appreciative that she has friends who care and love her. TJ says, that’s a gracious way of looking at it, and Harmony says, or it’s a ploy to get some pie from Eckerd’s. Molly says, they’re on it, and she and TJ go to the kitchen. Alexis asks, what else happened today, besides her ex getting Molly and TJ to spy on her? Harmony says, try Nina Reeves enlisting a former colleague of hers to help Nina secure visitation with Wiley.

Nina tells Scotty, she knows Sonny is no angel, but neither is Obrecht. There are a lot of people who think she’s a menace; she’s done horrible things. Scotty says, she’s not a menace anymore, and Nina says, her point is that he’s defied all the naysayers by finding happiness in the most unlikely partner. Why can’t she?

Nikolas comes back to the table, and tells Esme, his mother can’t make dinner, and since it appears the guest of honor can’t be bothered to show, he thinks the celebration is officially a bust. She says she thought he and Spence were getting closer; she was optimistic. He says, so was he. He doesn’t get it. She says, that’s Spence. That’s why she has to stay on things, especially Spencer mending his relationship with Nikolas. She’s sorry she won’t be around to keep doing that. He says he’s noticed she’s put in the effort, and appreciates it. He also appreciates how she’s been there for Spencer when he wasn’t. She says she still believes he and Spencer will work things out. It will just take time, that’s all. In the meantime, she needs to figure out her next step. Starting with a place to stay. He says he’s been in her shoes; nowhere to call home, surrounded by people without good intentions. She says she’s strong, she’ll get through it, but he says she doesn’t have to. He can’t let her worry about where she’s going to lay her head at night. She says, does this mean what she thinks it does?

Trina says, Portia and Taggert have to believe her. She doesn’t know where that second phone came from. Portia says they know it’s not hers, and Taggert asks why she would turn anything over without a warrant. Why would she talk to the cops without an attorney? If he told her once, he told her a thousand times… Portia says, that’s enough. What’s done is done. Trina says she didn’t think it was a big deal because she didn’t do anything wrong. She was with Jordan… Commissioner Ashford. Taggert says, they understand. But remember moving forward, there’s no such thing as a casual talk with a cop. Anything she says can be used against her. She says she wanted to help Joss and Cam, and Portia says, they understand and that’s admirable, but now it’s time for her to help herself. Trina asks what she should do, and Portia says, she talks to no one else until their lawyer gets there. And Portia and her father are going to get to the bottom of this. Taggert says, starting right now, and storms out. Portis says they’re going to figure this out. Everything’s going to be all right. Is she holding on okay? Trina starts to cry, and says she hates that she made them so upset. She’s so sorry about all of this. Portia says, they’re only upset because they know it’s unfair to her. She doesn’t need to be sorry, but Portia promises, whoever did do this to her, they will be.

Scotty says, Nina can’t save Sonny, but she says, Sonny doesn’t need to be saved. He just needs a partner who understands him. Someone who accepts him; someone who will support him. He asks if she doesn’t think Carly did that. They went through many storms together, but in the end, he ended up letting her down. What makes Nina think he won’t do the same thing to her? She says she doesn’t know; he might. But she wants to try. He says, there it is, and she says she’s calling it a night. He says, let him say this real quick then. She can’t have Wiley and Sonny. She has to make a choice. Who does she want? The kid or the gangster? Who’s more important to her?

Alexis can understand Harmony not wanting to pressure Willow with everything that’s going on. And she really appreciates Harmony overlooking all the secrets stuff with her kids and all of that. She hopes Harmony knows that whatever she says to Alexis is held in confidence. Harmony says she does. She feels safe with Alexis. Now if Alexis will excuse her she’s going to see if… She misses the coffee table with her cup, and it falls on the floor. She apologizes, and runs to get a rag, passing Molly and TJ. Molly asks, what’s going on? and Alexis says, just a little spill.

Marshall pays his tab, and tells Phyllis, thank you, gracious lady. She says she doesn’t want to pry, but she gets the feeling he’s lived a lot of life. She just wants him to know, any time he needs a friendly ear… He says, she’s an insightful lady. She’s right. His life has had twists and turns, mostly without his family; without his people. Life is tough without connections. She says, he doesn’t have to go through life alone. Sometimes you choose your family too. You never know. You might come across someone for a reason. It happened with her friends Sonny and Nina; they became family. They’ve been there for her like nobody else. They’re actually why she’s in Port Charles. He says, she’s talking about Sonny Corinthos? and she says she is. This is his place. He bought it, and gave her this job after she lost Lenny and the Tan-O. She can never repay his support and generosity. Nina’s too. She vowed to always be there for them. He says he feels the same way about protecting his family. He wasn’t here for them, but he’s here now. And he’ll fight for them. No matter the cost.

In her office, Jordan says, the tip just said the evidence was on a phone inside of Trina’s bag, and Curtis says, that’s a little too neat. She says she doesn’t disagree, but it’s enough detail to create reasonable suspicion of a crime. Trina shouldn’t have handed that phone over. Taggert blows in, and says, how could she? They were partners. Curtis tells him, easy. Jordan was just doing her job. Taggert ignores him, and asks where the hell Jordan gets off questioning Trina with no attorney? Jordan says, she asked, and Trina declined; it wasn’t official. He says, but it is now, right? and she says she had no choice. She has to investigate. There’s a knock at the door, and Dante asks for a word. Jordan steps out in the hallway with him, and Taggert says, what the hell? Curtis says, he has every right to be upset, but go easy on Jordan. Taggert says, his kid is in a police interrogation room. His daughter is being framed. They know she wouldn’t do this. Curtis says, it’s weighing on Jordan, and that’s probably why she reached out to him to loop him and Portia in. No one wants to see Trina get railroaded. Jordan comes back in, and Taggert says he has the feeling he’s not going to like what she has to say. She says, he won’t, and trust her, she doesn’t like having to say it either.

Jordan goes into the interrogation room, and Portia asks her to tell Trina not to worry. Jordan asks Trina to come with her, and Portia asks, where exactly? Jordan says, booking

Nina says, Scotty’s out of time, and she’s out of patience. So thanks for the drink, and no thank you on the unsolicited advice. He says he hopes she listened to what he said. If Wiley is what she wants, he’ll do everything in his power to get that kid for her, but if it’s Sonny, she’s on her own, and God help her. As she’s walking away, Nina’s phone rings, and she says, Phyllis, how’d it go? Phyllis says she did what Nina asked; she spoke with Harmony. It didn’t go as well as she’d hoped.

Alexis says, it’s not coming out. She should probably use seltzer. Harmony says, no need; she’s got everything right here. Alexis says, she found the carpet cleaner. How did she know it was in the basement? Harmony says, just years of being a caregiver gives you a sense of where people put things. She hopes Alexis doesn’t mind, and Alexis says, no. It’s her home too, for now.

Nikolas says, they’re not five-star accommodations, but he’s renting her a place above Kelly’s to stay short term. She says, Kelly’s. She didn’t know they had lodging there (me neither), and he says, there is. She thanks him, and says she’ll be all alone, but at least not on the streets. He says, she won’t be alone. He’ll stop and check in on her. Whatever the state of her relationship with Spencer, she won’t be forgotten. She thanks him, throwing her arms around him. She says, he saved her life, and rolls her eyes.

Portia asks what Jordan is trying to book her daughter for, and Jordan says, the phone Trina handed over directly links her to the illegal possession and distribution of unlawfully taped, sexually explicit images. Josslyn says, that’s impossible. She has the wrong person. Trina says, Esme set her up, but Taggert says, not another word until they get an attorney here. Josslyn says, Trina’s right. It was Esme Prince. She set this whole thing up. She asks Dante why he’s not investigating Esme. She told Detective Lopez in her statement that it was her. Dante says, it’s not the time or place. She’s got to calm down or leave. Portia tells Trina that she’ll be okay. Don’t worry. Jordan says, detective… and Portia says, don’t do this. Jordan knows Trina. Dante gives Trina her rights, and gently leads her away. Curtis holds Portia, who cries.

Tomorrow, Jordan says, there’s another piece of the puzzle Laura needs to be aware of; Harmony asks if Alexis has made any decisions she needs to know about; Ava tells Trina, it’s a terrible miscarriage of justice; and Sonny says, when somebody pulls out a knife… and Carly says, you pull out a gun.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

It’s almost 6 am, and the wind jacks up to 31 knots. Colin jumps up, and says, WTF? Tom says he thinks they’re dragging anchor; the boat is tilting. Sh*t. Everything is blowing around, and Tom gets wrapped up in the jacuzzi cover. He extracts himself, and by now, everyone is running around. Gary tells someone to get Colin up, but he’s already there, and says he’s got to get the engine started. Glenn gets up, and Ashley tells him, the boat is dragging. Tom says he thinks they might run aground, and Gary says, they’re already aground. Glenn is concerned about being in shallow water, and by now, the guests are getting up. Ashley asks if they want coffee. In Colin’s interview, he says, it’s a hundred times worse than any docking. Glenn tells Colin that he’s going to try and run ahead. In Ashley’s interview, she says she wants to keep the guests calm, and primary James Jr. wonders if the anchor is dragging. In her interview, Ashley says, he can tell things aren’t fine, but she tells the guests, things are great. Tom goes out in the tender, and Glenn finds out the water is 4.4 meters deep. He tells Tom to try and spread a wake. In Glenn’s interview, he says, if the keel pushed through the sand and they don’t move, they’ll get in deeper, and can get to a point where they won’t be able to get out. The tender isn’t big enough to create a wake, so on top of that, he’s using the thrusters to help wiggle their way out, then pick up the anchor. Ashley tells Daisy that she thinks they’re stuck. Glenn feels like they’re making progress, and tells Colin to check the anchor chain, and keep pulling it. He tells Tom to continue to make a wake with the tender, and Colin gets the anchor off the bottom. Glenn says, it’s off the bottom for now, and in his interview, he says they were very lucky they could fix it themselves. The guests go, yay! and one thinks this calls for a bloody Mary. In his interview, Glenn says, the guests are safe, the boat is safe, everyone is safe. He just needs to wrap his head around it, and process what happened. He tells Tom, if he even thinks there might be an issue, get someone. Tom says, everything was fine, and Glenn tells him to take a few minutes, and calm down. Tom says, everything started going fast, and Glenn says, when he’s doing night watch, it anything doesn’t seem right, get him immediately.

Ashley confers with the guests about breakfast, and Tom is all pissed off. Daisy tells him that he needs to control his temper. No one said it was his fault. In his interview, Tom says, he’s capable of anchor watch, but everything happened so fast. James Jr. says, there was no wind and no sailing, then they just almost got blown to Madrid, and now it’s calm. Gabriela wonders, what the flying… She’d thought they were sailing. Colin says he heard the alarm; he’s a light sleeper. Glenn says he felt them keeling, but they weren’t aground at that point. Gary says, it was 5:45 when Ashley said the boat was dragging, and Glenn says, that was ten minutes before he got up. Gary says, they woke up themselves; Tom didn’t get anyone. Ashley says she heard Tom say the boat was dragging, and Glenn says, the whole thing took 30 minutes. Gary says he’s worried. They could have hit rocks, but Tom could have gotten him up. In Glenn’s interview, he says, there’s a boat in Indonesia that’s been on the beach for a year. It could have been worse; it’s a scary thought. He suggests they check the hull. As long as the hull is good, they’re good. Gabriela tells Marcos, it’s been a harrowing day, and it’s only 9:30. Another amazing breakfast is served, and in the laundry room, Daisy and Ashley talk about Tom. Daisy tells Ashley, they all get defensive, but if you handle it better, you get more respect. Colin goes underwater to check the hull, and in his interview, he says, whenever you run aground, you have to go under to see if there’s damage. The keel was up on the beach, and if it’s structurally damaged, the boat can’t sail.

We go under the water with Colin, and he checks everything out. In his interview, he says, it’s super important to check for cracks in anything that holds the boat together. He sees where the beach has scratched the sh*t out of the bottom of the keel. He comes back up, and Glenn asks, what the verdict? Colin says, it’s scratched up, but the rudder is untouched; there are no cracks. Glenn says, that’s what he’s looking for, good news. In a couple of minutes, they’ll get going. They got a break. Tom says, f*** me, and rolls out of his bunk.

The guests pack, and James Jr. says, the party’s over. It would have been good to sail… They dock, which seems like nothing after what they just went through. Tom messes something up with the lines, and in Gary’s interview, he says, that was miniscule, but it was still another f*** up. The guests say goodbye, and tell the crew, everything was awesome. James Jr. says, the captain was the best. They don’t usually get to spend this kind of family time. Almost being a yacht on the rocks made it unique. Glenn says, it’s the only reason they did it, and James says, they had a great time, and it was nice meeting them. Glenn blows the horn as they leave, which they appreciate more than the last people did(n’t). James Jr. says, it’s not they first time they heard that today. Tom whines that he did his job right, but everyone is bitching it’s his fault. Ashley tells him, they’re not, and he says he will not take responsibility for his actions. Glenn calls the crew to meet in the saloon for a tip meeting.

Glenn says, it was not a good thing this morning. It could and should have been avoided. They could have been dragged seven boat lengths before he woke up. It’s a big issue. The boat is their home, their job, and their livelihood, and what happened could have ended that. They got lucky. If anyone thinks they’re dragging, wake him and the deck crew up. He tells them, don’t think any more about it. The guests enjoyed themselves, and the tip reflects that. It’s $16K or $1778 each. Well done. Everyone applauds. In Gabriela’s interview, she says, it’s a huge tip considering they almost killed the guests. Glenn tells them, have fun and be safe, and Daisy  tells the stews, they’ll finish at four, and start at ten tomorrow. The crew turns over the boat, and Colin gets some sleep. Gary tells Glenn that Ashley heard Tom say the boat was dragging, and we flash back to five minutes ago. Glenn says he doesn’t want it to happen again, but Gary doesn’t feel confident. He’s going to spend the rest of the season worrying. Glenn says he feels the same way, and in his interview, he says, he knows it wasn’t on purpose, but Tom dropped the ball big time. He should been checking the wind gage before it went from 15 to 36 knots. Tom tells Kelsie that it hadn’t been tough, and then so much in one week. It’s mental. Gary tells the deckhands to wrap up; they’ll finish tomorrow. The crew gets ready to go out.

Daisy asks Ashley how it’s going with Gabriela, and Ashley says, she doesn’t know if she’ll get a severe or nice response from her. They move on to talking about Tom again, and Ashley says, he’s fun and funny, and she loves him, but he keeps saying it’s not his fault. She hates that sh*t. Daisy says, it’s a lesson they all need to learn, and Ashley tells Gabriela, this is why she doesn’t like going out with guys her age. She intends to get f***ed up tonight, so she won’t remember. Gabriela says, it wasn’t a bad decision, just premature, and Ashley says she wants to hook up with Gary. In Gabriela’s interview, she says, everything is a game to this bitch. Sometimes being too confident is a mistake. She’s going to learn the hard way.

In the taxi, Daisy asks Gary how the deck team is doing, and Gary says, Tom is in denial, and he can’t be. He’s been on boats where people were fired for less. He tries kiss Gabriela, but it’s a hard no. She says they’re building a friendship. At the restaurant, they sit outside, and the waiter asks if he can bring tequila shots. I wonder how he knew. They toast to a great charter. Gary asks if Gabriela wants to share some oxtail stew. Ashley tries to start some inappropriate dinner conversation, and says she wants to black out and not remember the bad things she does. On the side, Daisy asks Gabriela how it’s going with Ashley, and Gabriela says, it’s a day to day thing. She tries to give Ashley direction, but she goes to Daisy, and it’s disrespectful. Daisy says she’s upset about being third stew, but she told Ashley that she has to respect Gabriela. In Daisy’s interview, she says she understands where they’re both coming from (really? I think Ashley is coming from a place of a-hole), but they don’t behave like that in front of her. They don’t like each other, so there’s not much that can be done to move forward. She tells Gabriela that she’s doing an incredible job.

They go back to the boat around 10:30, and Gary suggests an orgy, excluding Colin because he has a girlfriend. Daisy, Ashley, and Gabriela gather at the inside bar, and Daisy says, there’s been tension, but this is when the fun feelings come out, when they’re drunk. Ashley says she likes Gabriela, but she’s scared to ask Gabriela things. She doesn’t know if she’ll get attitude. Gabriela says, then don’t go to the chief stew, but Ashley says Gabriela had attitude on the beach. In Gabriela’s interview, she says, Ashely has the manipulation as a victim sh*t down to a science. Gabriela says, there was only one time she’d was short with Ashley, and we flash back to her asking Ashley if the list wasn’t important. She says she apologized, and it’s not the time to talk about it; they can talk when she’s sober. She doesn’t like being called the bad guy when she’s just being honest. Ashley tells Gary that she doesn’t want to deal, but he tells her, relax. Glenn, always the smartest one of this bunch, wisely gets some sleep. The crew changes, and gets into the hot tub with as much alcohol as they can carry. Tom pouts, and Ashley drinks a shot from Gary’s bellybutton, seriously grossing me out. In Tom’s interview, he says he’s embarrassed. Ashely wanted Gary from the get-go, and turned to him when she wasn’t getting any from Gary. It makes him feel like sh*t. Ashley follows Gary around, while Tom scarfs Reese’s peanut butter cups in the crew mess. Ashley gives Gary a back massage in his bunk, and Tom mumbles that Ashley is a POS. In his interview, he says, it’s the biggest f*** you to his sh*tty day. He tells Ashley that she’s embarrassed herself. Gary tells Ashley that she made her bed; he just wanted a massage, and Ashley says she didn’t do anything wrong. Tom says she’s a sket, and I’m thinking, he’s drunk, and he’s messing up another word. He says it a few times, so I look it up later, and it’s a slang term meaning slut. All I can say is, if I had to look it up, I doubt Ashley has any idea what it means. She barely speaks English. And it’s her native tongue. Anyway, he says she’s sket, she has no loyalty. She’s full of sh*t. She doesn’t deserve anything good. She gets back in the hot tub, and Tom dumps a bottle of (probably) tequila on her head, and stomps off. In Ashley’s interview, she says she’s never had a drink thrown on her, let alone an entire bottle poured over her head. It’s immature. She gets out, and he follows her, saying, she’s a mess. It’s not his fault she can’t keep it in her pants. She tells him, get out of her face, and walks into her cabin. Daisy is already there, and when Ashley tries to close the door, Tom opens it. Daisy says, no, this is not happening, and pushes him back to the hallway. Gary comes out, and tells Tom to come with him. Daisy tells Ashley, Tom was in the wrong, and that was inappropriate. In Daisy’s interview, she says, she feels sorry for Ashley, but what she did wasn’t nice. You don’t f*** someone, then two days later be all over someone else. Gary tells Tom that he’s going too far, and Tom goes to bed. He says, this is the worst experience of his life.

Gabriela and Ashley go to the crew mess, and drunkenly eat. Everyone goes to bed, and Ashley says she knew that was going to happen. Gabriela gets in Gary’s bunk, which pisses Ashley off. Gary and Gabriela make out. It’s hard to keep track this season. Seriously, WTF? 

In the morning, Daisy says she was hammered, but she’s not okay with what happened. Ashley asks how Gabriela slept, and Gabriela says she and Gary didn’t knock boots. Ashley says, they need to get it over with. Tom calls his mom Carol, and says he’s humiliated. Something is going on, and he’s becoming a monster. Carol says, that’s the alcohol, and he says he thought he could see past the thing with his friend, but he can’t. In his interview, he says he’s hit his wall. Daisy tells the stews, just do cabins, and they’ll do the main tomorrow. Gabriela tells Gary that she had to do the walk of shame, but he says, the walk of pride is more like it. Gabriela says, Tom acted like a hooligan, and Daisy says, Ashley slept with him, then she was all over Gary. She thinks Tom was embarrassed to admit he was jealous. Gabriela says, she touched Gary’s weenie, and Daisy says she doesn’t want to know. The less she knows, the better. Me too. Tom complains to Kelsie about Ashley flirting with Gary in front of his face, and Kelsie – who seems to wisely stay out of the drinks and drama – says, when the drinks are flowing, emotions and problems sometimes come with it. Glenn tells Gary, running aground should never have happened. They know what went wrong, and have to prevent it from happening again going forward. Ashley tells Tom that they need to talk on the dock, and Tom follows her. He asks if she wants to sit, but she says, nope; it’s going to be quick. She’s going to talk, and he’s going to listen.

Ashley tells him that she doesn’t know what’s going through his mind, but she’s never in her life been disrespected like that. She did nothing to deserve it. He says he didn’t mean any of it, and apologizes, but she says she doesn’t have to accept it. She was mortified. He says it was not okay. It wasn’t him, but he’s not going to blame it on the booze. She calls him a jealous loser, and he says he’s sorry. In Tom’s interview, he says he’s not proud of himself, but it took something to pull the trigger. She owes him something. Wow. That’s pretty creepy. It’s time for the preference sheet meeting time.

Glenn says, the primary is Jim from Boulder, Colorado, and he’s being joined by his long-time girlfriend Veronica. They want to have a dinner party featuring traditional dishes, and a seafood palooza (Chef Rachel would like that), followed by a talent show. Gary says he has no talent, and Daisy suggests he be a clown. In Glenn’s interview, he says he sees something more than meets the eye between Gary and Daisy. As long as they keep doing their jobs, a boat romance is good. He tells them that they’ll come up with something. It looks like a good group, a fun one. They’re on a roll, except for yesterday morning. They have to do better.

Tom sprays something too close to the control panel, and Glenn tells him, those are delicate controls; they can’t get wet. In Glenn’s interview, he says, Tom should know better. He’s had plenty of experience, and needs to get his head on straight. This is some basic sh*t. Daisy says, good job, and tells the stews that they’re done for the day. Daisy tells Colin about Gabriela being in Gary’s bed, and he wonders, what’s wrong with these people? She says she and Gary kissed, but at least they know each other. Gary flirts with everyone. Colin said he could hook up with Gary if he wanted to. Gary tells Glenn, with Tom, it feels like a lot of little f*** ups. Tom calls his mom again, and she says, baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day. In Tom’s interview, he says, he’s overthinking everything, and beating himself up. He tells Carol, he made a mistake, and feels like everything is crashing down. She tells him, stop.

Tom tells himself to keep his cool. The provisions come in, Glenn asks Colin and Gary to meet with him. He’s scrambling to find a solution to the Tom problem. He likes Tom, but it hasn’t sunk in how serious this is. Kelsie tells Tom that he needs to get his emotions under control; he’s been all over the place. He says, it had been the best time of his life, and he needs to get that back. Glenn says he’s happy with Tom shammying, but doesn’t want to give him any responsibility. In his interview, Glenn says, if he puts Tom back on anchor watch and it happens again, he’s f***ed. He tells Gary and Colin not to tell the crew until he’s figured out a solution. He doesn’t want to jeopardize the season.

Gabriela asks Ashley what they can do going forward. Ashley has to trust her. Ashley says she likes Gabriela, but sometimes she’s scared to talk to her. She doesn’t know what she’ll get back. Gabriela says she can understand if Ashley is thrown off by her moods, if she has them, but she doesn’t when she asks Ashley to do something, and then Ashley asks Daisy. Ashley says, it’s hard for her, and in Ashley’s interview, she says she’s happy to pretend everything is great, but she doesn’t trust Gabriela. Gabriela thinks they’d work well together, but it won’t work if Ashley doesn’t trust her.

Tom wants to prove to Glenn that he should stay, but Glenn says, they’ll talk more later. There’s other stuff going on, but he’ll figure it out. In Tom’s interview, he says, it’s never good when someone says they want to chat later. Glenn says he’s not putting Tom on anchor watch; he needs to trust that person. In his interview, Tom says he’s ready to smash it, but when you’re telling your boss what you think they want to hear, and they don’t look happy, you know what they’re thinking. He might be sacked.

Next time, the talent show, Marcos wonders, WTF? and Glenn asks, what’s the point in keeping someone who’s just taking up space?

🏖 On the nightmare I can’t turn away from that is Summer House, it looked like new girlfriend McKenzie seemed to be good for Carl, the only sane person in the house. Carl told Luke and Kyle that his priority was himself, but McKenzie had been supportive. In Carl’s interview, he said everyone was telling him to stay sober for a year before having a relationship, but he thought there was a possibility for a future. Adrian had a new girlfriend, sort of, but seemed to be holding onto feelings about Paige. He had a mini emotional breakdown, saying, the loneliness he’d experienced was heartbreaking. I broke out my violin. He was making everyone a big Italian dinner, and Paige told Ciara to let her inner Italian out, and let this bitch (i.e. Lindsay) know what she thinks of her (i.e. in regard to her pawing Austin and holding him hostage). At dinner, Daniele said, thank you for this wonderful dinner,in Italian, and you’d have thought she discovered the cure for cancer. Ciara lit into Lindsay, who didn’t seem to care a whole lot, but then I got distracted, went to get ice cream, and by the time I came back, Watch What Happens Live was on, so I don’t even know what happens next week. I suppose everyone growing up and acting their age is too big of an ask.

💃🏽 Dance Like Everyone’s Watching…

Sashay by tomorrow for some soap and what’s going on in New Jersey. Until then, stay safe, stay marching to whatever drummer you like, and stay not saying a word until the lawyer gets there.

March 27, 2022 – Time To Gut Up, Return Within a Return, Rick Theory, Best Zombies, Two Kinds Of Academy Wins & No Time


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

The people Carlson kicked off the roof are beginning to reanimate. Carlson radios Lance, who asks the status. Carlson says, the location is secured, and Lance breathes a sigh of relief. The shipment? Carlson says they’re searching floor by floor; the residents have been cooperative. Lance is surprised, saying, the people have regressed so far is like getting mad at a rat who can’t tell right from wrong. Carlson tells him that a small taste of law and order made them remember. A trooper tells Carlson, we have two down be the east exit, and Carlson runs inside.

Maggie hears screaming, and sneaks down the hall, followed by Aaron, Lydia and Elijah. They hear gunfire, and slip quietly toward it.

Daryl meets Carol on his way to work, and says he’d been looking for her. She tells him that she’s been doing more of her side thing, and he asks if she’s heard anything about home. She says, not exactly… and trooper boss lady asks if Daryl is going to be joining them. He asks if Carol wants to have lunch, and she says, noon at the diner? He says, it’s a date, and goes in. Inside, the troopers are given their assignments, and Rosita and Daryl are paired for Sector D. They leaves with troopers Alves and Castle, and pass where Sabastian is hanging out with his friends. Sebastian brags that people have problems when they panic, but when he’s around the rotters, his heartrate goes down. He says, Daryl has seen how he handles himself, and Daryl says, good stuff, applauding, but Sebastian isn’t really sure how to respond. They go outside, and Alves says, a swarm was spotted by the north perimeter. Daryl wonders why the plans changed, and Alves suggests they’re being tested on what they can do outside the walls. He tells them that their sectors are covered, and says, let’s go. Daryl and Rosita go with him.

Maggie and the others go into an apartment. They hear shooting and yelling, and Maggie suddenly has a gun to her head. Annie tells her, one more step, and you die. Drop your weapons. Elijah then comes up behind Annie, and holds a gun to her head, and Lydia says, you first. Maggie says, they’re here to help, and Negan joins them. He pats Elijah on the shoulder, and says, let’s everybody put our sh*t back in our pants and zip up. He tells Lydia, hey kiddo, and she asks what he’s doing here. He stands next to Annie, and says, we live here. Aaron says, they have Gabriel, but Negan says, they don’t. He tells them, come on, and they follow him. He goes to a closet, and moves the clothes aside. There’s an opening, and he goes through, explaining that Ian walled up the doors in some of the apartments. Gabriel is there with some others from the building, and he hugs Maggie. Maggie asks if the people there hijacked the convoy, but Annie says, no. Aaron asks if she’s sure, and she says she’s sick of people asking. Negan says, him too, why doesn’t Aaron just come out and call her a liar? Aaron says, their boss has a wall of skulls, and he’s calling bullsh*t. If they didn’t do it, who did? Maggie says, it doesn’t matter. They have to get these people out of here. They hear a trooper saying they’ll sweep each floor and see who’s left. Annie says, they’re not leaving their people; they leave together. They pair up, and Negan tells Annie to go with Maggie.

Rosita and Daryl walk through the woods with the troopers, and Rosita asks, how much longer? Alves says, not long, and they get to a hill overlooking a valley where there are houses. He says, there it is, and Daryl asks, where’s everybody else? Alves says, there is no one else, and Rosita says, they expect only four of them to take all the zombies out? Sebastian appears, and says, no, she and Daryl are going to go through them. He and Cooper grew up together. Cooper lived down in the valley, and his dad was a bank president. He was also a prepper, and his office had a panic room where he kept drugs and cash – lots of it. Sebastian needs them to get it for him. Rosita says, this is a joke, right? but Sebastian says, no. His bitch mother cut off his line of credit, so he has to think of creative ways to support his lifestyle. The troopers can’t shoot their guns without the ammo being tracked. Cooper gave him the code… Daryl says, they’re not doing it, but Sebastian says, they’ll slime themselves up with guts, walk through the swarm, and get his cash. Daryl says, or what? and he and Rosita start to walk away. Sebastian asks how their kids are doing, and Daryl grabs him, putting a knife to his throat. Alves tells Daryl, drop it, or they’re both dead, but Rosita has drawn her gun, and says, not before she blows junior’s head off. Daryl says, if Sebastian threatens their kids again, he’ll gut him. Sebastian acts like it was the furthest thing from his mind, and tells Daryl that he was just saying he could make their lives easier. Alves says, or more difficult, and Rosita says, they do this and that’s it? Sebastian says, totally, and Daryl lets him go, taking the code from his hand.

Daryl and Rosita walk through the zombies, who come up to their faces, snarling. We see it from their perspective through their helmets, and it’s pretty creepy.

They go inside, Daryl shining a flashlight around. They see the keypad, and Rosita says they’ll need power for the lock. Two zombies toddle out, and she stabs both of them in the head. She says, it can’t be more than a few days since they turned. They hear a live human banging on the other side of a door, and a woman says, hey. She tells them that she was with another group, and Rosita says, they’re with the Commonwealth army. She says, she’s sorry. The money is in here, but she’s the only one left. Daryl says, Sebastian has done this before, and the woman begs them not to leave her. Rosita asks what she did, and she says she was in debt, and one day man showed up, saying he could get her out of it. She had two kids… She has two kids. Rosita asks how many people were sent in her group, and she says, twelve. Only three made it inside. They got the generator on, but then the two guys turned on each other. She ran in, and the door locked. She’s been trapped in there since. Rosita asks her name, and she says, April. Rosita introduces herself.

Negan says, they’ll make this work, okay? Lydia says, he left without saying a word, and he says, he left because he gave a sh*t. He left because it’s what everyone needed. Aaron asks how he met these people, and… What is Anna to him? He shows Aaron a wedding ring, and says, crazy, right? Aaron says, Negan being here fits, and Gabriel insists the Commonwealth is different, but Lydia says, she’d hoped it was, but it isn’t. They just want to swallow up communities. They’re like the Whisperers; they just wear different masks. Annie radios, and tells Negan that the troopers are on the fifth floor, but they’re going to spread out. He asks if Maggie is still with her, and she tells him to stop worrying. She’ll see him soon. Negan looks outside, and says, sh*t.

A trooper tells Herschel to sit and stay. He gets on the radio and tells the sarge that he found a kid hiding in a truck. Negan clocks him before he can say anymore; then kills him.   

Annie eats some ginger, and tells Maggie, she’s twelve weeks, give or take, and yeah it’s his. Not that he’d want her telling Maggie. Negan radios Annie, and says they found Maggie’s son. Maggie grabs the radio, and says, what? Negan says, they had a stowaway they didn’t know about. Maggie says she’s coming, but he tells her, stay with Annie. Her son is safe; stay focused. Maggie says, if anything happens to him… and Negan says, it will have to happen to me first. They hear more gunfire, and Annie tells Maggie, he’s in good hands. Maggie says, he’s in the hands of the man who killed his father. They hear a trooper say, he’s outside five; it’s clear. Annie says she knows who he is and he what did. He told her. Maggie says, and she’s still with him? and Annie says, none of them have clean hands. She’s seen what people do to survive. Sometimes it’s been done to her, and sometimes she did it to them. She’s not proud of it; she can just try to be better. Like him. Maggie says, he doesn’t get to forget, and Annie says, he hasn’t. What matters to her is who he is now, someone who will do what he can to protect her boy.

Herschel says, his mom told him to stay away from Negan, and Negan says, his mom’s a smart lady. Herschel asks why his mom doesn’t like Negan, and Negan says, because of something that happened a long time ago. Herschel says, something bad? and Negan says, yeah. Herschel asks if he’s a bad man, and Negan says, he was. I want to cry, this scene is so touching. Negan says, look, kid, and Heschel picks up a gun. He says his mom told him that a bad man killed his dad. It was him, wasn’t it? Negan says, yeah, and crouches down so he’s on Herschel’s level. He says, what he took away from Herschel and his mom, there’s nothing he can say or do to make that better. He knows Herschel wants to pull the trigger, and he doesn’t blame Herschel, but if he does – everyone gathers, watching from the other room – the bad people will know where they’re hiding. Maybe he deserves to die for what he did to Herschel’s family, but these people here don’t. Herschel looks at them, and lowers the gun. Lydia approaches, and takes it from him, and he runs to them.

Daryl tries to get the generator going, and flips switches like he knows what he’s doing. He does something with pliers, and sparks shoot out. The lights blink on and off, and zombies come at Daryl. They keep coming, and he keeps fighting them. Finally, he dispatches the last one, and goes back to work. The lights come on.

Rosita asks if April is still with them, and puts in the code. The door opens, and April hugs Rosita, thanking her. Daryl joins them, and April shows him the safe. He uses a crowbar to open it, and an alarm goes off. Rosita pushes buttons, but it only gets louder. April starts to freak out, saying, the zombies are going to be drawn to the house. Rosita pulls the alarm off the wall, but it’s still attached by a wire, and April yells for her to hurry. Rosita finally smashes it, and it stops. Daryl pulls out the safe, and he and Rosita stuff money into a bag. April tells them, they’re coming; hurry. They block door with a dresser, and wait.

Daryl says, they’ll go out how they came in; no sudden moves. They put zombie guts on April, and there’s banging and growling outside for a while. When it settles down, they move the dresser back, and open the door. Mercer is there, and asks if he was going to let them in. Daryl asks how he knew they were there, and Carly walks in. She says, when Daryl didn’t show for lunch, she found out where he was. Mercer asks if Daryl is looting houses now, and Rosita says, Sebastian threatened their kids. April tells Mercer that she was promised a cut of the money, but she’s the only one left. The lights blink, and Mercer asks Carol how many rounds she has. She says, maybe ten, and he says, there are more walkers than that. Daryl says, gut up.

They go out among the dead, moving slowly. April’s eyes are like saucers, and I know that one is going to freak for sure. Mercer keeps his gun drawn, and sure enough, one gets hooked on the uniform April is wearing. She panics, and stabs it. Apparently this is a dead (no pun intended) giveaway, and the zombies grab at her. There’s slicing and dicing and shooting, and Mercer is a master with the butt of his gun. All is quiet, but Rosita sees it’s too late for April, and stabs her in the forehead. Mercer opens the door to the outside.

Maggie and Annie hear gunfire at the end of the hall, and a man saying, no, please. The man is shot, and Carlson says, these people… He tells his soldiers, if they refuse to give you something useful, pop them in the in head and move on. They find the guns in the next hour or they burn the place to the ground. Maggie and Annie come out of an apartment, and Maggie radios Gabriel and Aaron. She asks if Elijah is with them, and Aaron says he is. She says she has a plan.

Troopers kick in the door to the apartment with the secret exit, and throw stuff around. A trooper goes to the closet, but the clothes have been pushed back together again. Carlson says, anything? and he says, nothing. They leave, but Carlson lingers. Negan and the others wait behind the opening. Carlson picks up a whiskey bottle, and examines it. He sees something on the floor, and whistles for his men. Negan is a couple of feet away, gun drawn, and Carlson is about to slide the clothing over, when he hears something. He says, it’s that goddam priest again, and he and his soldiers go to the roof. They find Aaron and Gabriel, and Aaron throws his gun down. Carlson slams the roof door shut, and says he’s had enough of this sh*t. What were they thinking, turning on him and the Commonwealth? For what? A tenement warlord and his followers? He thought they were smarter than that. The others come out to the roof, and Carlson calls for back-up, but his soldiers have their hands full with Elijah and his ninja moves. Carlson laughs, and says, the wisdom to know the difference, right? Things got out of hand, and they need to take a breath. Maggie and Annie join them, and Carlson says, they need to talk things… Daryl shoots him off of the roof edge, and he falls down the to the people he’s pushed off, who are now zombies. Aaron and Gabriel look down and watch, as the zombies crawl over Carlson, and have a feast. I love a fitting end.

Mercer, Carol, and Daryl go back up the hill, where Alves and Castle are waiting. Mercer says, they could have used some help, but Alves says they don’t answer to Mercer. Did they get the money? Mercer gives it to him, and Carol asks, how many others were sent to get it? Alves says, thirty or forty, he’s not sure, and in a surprise move, Mercer shoots Alves and Castle. Daryl looks at him like, respect, and I laaaugh. Mercer says, they’ll have to pay Sebastian. If they don’t, Sebastian will come after them, and it’s a fight they’re not going to win. He picks up the bags, and says he’ll carry them through the gate. They won’t search him.

Daryl, Rosita, and Mercer sit at a table, and Sebastian comes in. He says, there they are. So? Daryl points to the bag, and Sebastian practically skips over to the table. He looks inside, and he dances in a circle, and says, well done. Where are…? Mercer says, Alves and Castle didn’t make it. Sebastian takes out a packet of bills, and puts it on the table, telling Daryl, your cut. Congratulations. They did it. He’s glad they’re friends again. He smiles and leaves. Daryl looks at Mercer.  

Lance radios Open Range (i.e. Carlson), but gets nothing but static. He sits at his desk, looking like he has a headache. There’s a knock at the door, and Carol comes in. He says, it’s late, and asks where she’s been. She says, helping friends out of a jam. They were on a mission for the governor’s son. He’s been finding desperate people, and sending them through swarms to get to a stash of cash. Most didn’t make it out. Lance says, he sent her friends? and she says, yeah. He asks if they made it back, and she says, barely. He says, good. Did they get the money? She says they did, and he says, finally, and sighs. Carol asks why the other people were sent; what did they do? He says, they put themselves in bad situations, either because of stupid choices or their unwillingness to play by the rules. He tried to throw them a lifeline. This place works because everyone plays their part. If they can’t or won’t, it hurts everyone. That’s when the system breaks down, and we can’t let that happen. He asks if Carol knows what he’s saying, and she says, if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. He says he knew she’d get it, and she says she’ll let him get back to work. He says, it’s nice to be able to talk to someone who sees the big picture; not many can. She smiles, and leaves, looking like Jamie Lee Curtis, Lance picks up the radio again.

Negan looks at Herschel, and walks over to him. He says, he and Herschel have unfinished business, don’t they? Tell you what. Herschel goes back with his mom, and helps rebuild their home. When he’s grown up a bit, come find him, and Negan promises they’ll settle it. Another great scene between these two. Negan walks off, and Maggie asks Herschel what Negan said to him, but Herschel stays silent. Maggie asks what Aaron and Gabriel are going do. They can’t go back to the Commonwealth. Aaron says, Lance is going to want to know what happened, and Gabriel says, the more immediate need is the people here. It’s only a matter of time. He wonders, if Ian didn’t steal the weapons, who did?

Two weeks ago. We see the dead troopers next to the arms shipment. One is still alive, crawling down the road, leaving a trail of blood. She yells, please, no, but a woman reaches from behind, pulling the trooper’s head up, and slitting her throat. Blood gushes out. We see the murderer is Leah.

Next time, Lance wonders if the warlords weren’t strangers to Aaron and Gabriel; Max says they can change this place; and Daryl asks Maggie to trust him. Eugene wants max to steal files

🛠 What the Dickens…

More on the returning FWD and Madison.

🤯 Everybody Has One…

I actually forget all about Rick until I read one of these articles.

⚰️ Only the Best…

Checking my temperature… Yep, still bitter about Z Nation being canceled, even after several years.

🏆 You Know You Want It…

The winners. Oh, wait, the award receivers.

And the more important fashion.

Stars Fading, But I Linger On…

Save room for some soap and what’s on Deck tomorrow. Until then, stay safe, stay pragmatic, and stay having the wisdom to know the difference.

March 25, 2022 – Jordan Follows Up On a Tip, Their Song, Hold Up, New Start, a Fight, a Spin-Off, a Crossover, Two Firsts, Teresa Tales, Nasty, Apology, On the Range, Legacy, New Award, The 12 Of Quotes & Spice


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny asks what kind of favor Curtis is talking about, and Curtis says he knows Sonny has access to certain kinds of information. Sonny asks if he can be more specific, and Curtis says he has to get his hands on a certain police file.

Nikolas says, perhaps it’s time Victor told them exactly what he’s been planning since before he got back in town, and Victor says, maybe Nikolas is right. Nikolas says, he’s got their attention; what’s the big plan? Victor says he’s afraid the information is for family only, and Nikolas says, they are family. Victor says, some more so than others, and looks at Ava.

At the MetroCourt, Taggert tells Portia, stop worrying; Trina is only ten minutes late. And frankly, it’s giving him some time to wrap his head around this Joss and Cam sex tape. Whaat? Portia says she doesn’t think you can actually call it a sex tape when the people involved don’t know they’re being taped, and he says, that would be considered revenge porn, and that is against the law in the state of New York. She says she just thinks it’s disgusting that anyone would target Trina’s friends in that way. To her, too much of their kids’ lives are already on the internet for everyone to see, but to exploit someone’s private moments like that, that’s disgusting. He asks, what about Spencer Cassadine’s girlfriend? Really? Accusing Trina of posting this video? Portia just hopes this makes Trina realize that Esme and Spencer are bad news all around for her. He says, look who it is, and nuTrina walks over. They hug her, and Taggert says he’s so glad she could make it. He’ll tell the hostess they’re ready. Trina says she can’t stay; she has class in thirty minutes. Unless they want her to blow off class. Portia says, perish the thought, and Taggert says he’s amazed at Trina’s schedule; full time student at PCU, along with her new job at the gallery. Trina says she knows what they’re doing, and Portia says, trying to spend time with their precious girl? but Trina says, they’re trying to see if she’s surviving all this craziness. Taggert says, since she brought it up, how is she handling this Joss and Cam thing? Trina says, it’s horrible, but it’s made her realize she needs to be more careful about who she spends her time with.

Stating the obvious, Spencer says, this is a pregnancy test, and Esme snatches it out of his hand. She says, what it is, is none of his business. He wants her out of here? Fine. She’ll go. He says, wait, and she asks what else he can say, because he’s already broken her heart.

At the station, Dante asks if he can talk to Jordan, and she asks, what’s up? He says he was talking to ADA Rodriguez about possible charges against whoever put that video of Joss and Cameron out on the internet… and she says she’s stopping him there.

Cameron and Josslyn walk into an empty classroom, and Cameron asks if they’re really that late. Josslyn says, that’s weird. She thought Professor Kahn would still be there, so at least they could explain the situation. He asks if she thinks they’re the first to use still talking to the police as an excuse for missing class, but she says she thinks Professor Kahn has heard every excuse in the book. He says, Josslyn was quiet on the ride over, and she says she was thinking about her interview with Detective Lopez, going over her statement in her head, making sure she covered everything. Why don’t they check and see if the professor is in her office? He says, they don’t have to leave just yet; they can spend a few more minutes here. She asks, why? What’s wrong? He says he just thinks things are a little chaotic out there. They can spend a sec in here, while everyone is getting situated in their classes. She says, so there’s fewer people watching them walk down the hall? and he says she’s got him. She asks if he really cares what random people think, and he says he doesn’t want to care, but it’s their first day back since the video came out. It’s obvious people are talking about us. She says, about us? It’s mostly about her.

Sonny says he knows Curtis had a big part in taking down Cyrus Renault when he was living in Nixon Falls, and he kind behaved badly at The Savoy a couple months ago… Curtis says, don’t even worry about it. He knows Sonny was going through a lot. He was trying to save his marriage. Curtis’s marriage with Jordan blew up over a year ago, and he knows exactly how difficult that is. Sonny says he appreciates that. So Curtis wants him to get a sealed arrest record? Before he goes any further, who’s it for? Curtis says, it’s for his presumed dead, but very much alive, father.

Portia says, tell her more about who Trina is going to allow in her life, and most important, who she’s not. Trina says she visited Spencer at Spring Ridge, and made it very clear she can’t be friends with him as long as he’s involved with Esme. And Spencer stayed with Esme, which definitely clarifies things, and frees her from any impulse to worry about him. Portia says she’s proud of Trina, and Taggert says, good for her for standing up for herself. Trina says, but it’s hard, because she still thinks he’s a good person deep down. Taggert says he doesn’t know about that. He remembers way back when, when Nikolas was a few years older than Spencer. He was dating Taggert’s sister Gia, and he doesn’t think the Cassadines strike him as particularly deep. Portia asks what class Trina is off to, and Trina says, Social History Through Art. Portia asks if Joss and Cam are in that class too, and Trina says, no, but even if Joss was, she wouldn’t be there. She hasn’t been in any of her classes since… Taggert says he knows about the video. Her mother told him all about it. So how is Joss handling all this? Trina says she’s not sure. She’s been staying at her mom’s rather than the dorm. It’s like Joss needs to hide out for a while, which she totally understands, so she’s trying to give Joss her space. Portia says, if she were in Josslyn’s position she wouldn’t want space; she’d want her best friend. Trina says, Joss hasn’t texted her in a while. She figures if Joss wants to hear from her, Joss will let her know.

Cameron says, us, you, it’s doesn’t matter; we’re in this together. Josslyn says, they’re both in the video together, and both had a private moment stolen from them, but the fallout is different. It shouldn’t be, but it is, because she’s being slut-shamed all over the place. People are making fun of her, they’re critiquing her body, they’re judging her for even having sex at all, and Cameron tapped that. She’s just some tramp who gave it away. He says he’s sorry, and she says, it’s nothing that he did. It’s just the way things are. She knows the only way out is through, and she just has to face it down, and keep moving forward. Trust her, that’s what she’s going to do, but she hates that she has to deal with something that’s so ugly, sexist, and blatantly unfair. He says he’s sorry, and he knows it’s unfair. He saw the way she reacted when they thought people were whispering, and she says she thought she handled it pretty well. He says, no one else would have noticed, but he knows her. He knows when she’s confident, and when she’s only pretending to be. She says she loves how he knows her, and kisses him, but then pulls away, saying, she hates how this bothers her so much because it shouldn’t. They didn’t do anything wrong. He says, this is why he didn’t want to do the Invader article, but she says, they needed to go on record. They needed to state they didn’t record that or post it themselves. And it’s also important for people to know how invasive this entire experience was, and they can help other victims of revenge porn. He says he agrees with everything she’s saying. He just can’t bear to see her get hurt. She says, he doesn’t have to protect her; it’s not his job. She didn’t ask for any of this, but here they are, and she’s not going to hide. He tells her, he didn’t say they have to hide, but they don’t have to be in the spotlight either. She asks why he didn’t say this before, and he says he did. She asks him, then what is he saying? This is her fault now?

Nikolas says, as far as he’s concerned, Ava is more his family than Victor. Anything Victor has to say, he can say to both of them. Victor says he’s sorry, but no, and Ava says, that’s okay, and gets up. It’s sort of a compliment really. Nikolas can tell her later; she’ll be at the bar.

Spencer says, Esme knows he’d never intentionally hurt her, and she says, like he knows she’s not the one responsible for that disgusting video. He says, they’re not talking about the video. Why does she have a pregnancy test? She asks why he thinks? They made love that night before he went to Spring Ridge. He says, she’s pregnant?

Dante says, revenge porn is a crime in the state of New York; what’s the problem? Jordan says she’s aware of that. An investigation into the video of Josslyn and Cameron has been opened. He can provide back-up support as needed, but that’s it. Josslyn is his stepsister. She can’t risk the defense casting doubt on any information he receives. He says, who his father married shouldn’t disqualify him as an investigator, and she says, he needs to take a step back from this one. And any evidence he does uncover, he needs to take to Detective Lopez immediately. He says, by the book; got it. She says she understands his frustration, but take it from her, nothing good comes from breaking the rules. Been there, done that, and it didn’t end well.

Curtis tells Sonny, his dad who he thought was dead, suddenly shows up in Port Charles a few months ago. You would think he’d be ready to answer some questions, but instead, he’s been extra cagey about where and when he’s been. He says he wants to start over. Curtis had Drew do a deep dive into his background, which prompted Marshall to admit to Curtis that he has a criminal record, and it’s been sealed. Sonny says, with all due respect, why is it Curtis’s business? and Curtis says, normally, it isn’t. They all have a past they’re not proud of, including him. Sonny says, but Curtis wants him to get sealed information on his father, and Curtis says he has reason. Marshall’s been lying to him.

Victor says, he’s spent too many years preparing for this to have it all fall apart now, and Nikolas says he still has no idea what Victor is talking about. Victor says, Time was, the Cassadines were among the most powerful families on this planet, and Nikolas asks if that’s not a little exaggerated, but Victor disagrees. Heads of state would routinely line up to do business with them. They were true power players on the international stage, and it’s high time they reclaimed that influence.

Ava goes over to Portia and Taggert’s table, and says, good evening. She asks if Trina will be joining them, but Portia says, she’s already come and gone; she had to get to class. Taggert says, they were lucky to get ten minutes with her. It amazes him how that girl races through life. Ava says, ah, the energy of youth, when Taggert’s phone rings. He steps away to take the call, and Portia invites Ava to join her. Ava says, just for a minute. She’s actually here for a family celebration. She sits down, and Portia asks, what’s the celebration? Ava says, Spencer’s release from Spring Ridge, and Portia says, forgive her if she doesn’t find that a reason to celebrate. Ava says she agrees with Portia, but for Nikolas’s sake, she’s playing nice. Portia says, better Ava than her, and Ava says, make no mistake though, it’s going to be difficult, especially when Spencer starts work at the gallery for restitution. It helps that he won’t be answering to her directly; Trina will be supervising him. Portia says, that’s not going to happen.

Spencer says, Esme is pregnant? Why didn’t she say anything? She asks when she was supposed to tell him, before or after he called her a monster? For the record, she hasn’t taken the test yet, but she is late. She kept waiting to get her period, but after ten days, she finally chalked up the nerve to get the test. He says, she thought she might be pregnant for over a week, and didn’t say anything? and she says, it was his last week in prison. She thought he had enough to worry about without the possibility of being a father. He says, well, let’s find out. She needs to take that test – right now.

Cameron says he doesn’t want to fight, and Josslyn says, neither does she. He says they have to remember they’re in this together, and she says, yes, they are, and there’s no reason to hide in here, so let’s go. Trina walks in, and says, hi. It’s been a few days since they’ve seen each other. Cameron says, which is pretty weird, right? and Trina says, right. How are they doing? Josslyn says, hanging in there, and Cameron says, class is over. Why is Trina here? Trina says she was looking for Professor Kahn, but Cameron says, she already left. Trina says she’s got to get to her next class, but Josslyn says, wait. This is crazy. Trina says, it is. She missed them so much. Josslyn says, they missed her too, and they have a three-way hug.

Sonny asks how Curtis knows his father was lying, and Curtis says he had Drew go along with the background check. He found some information that made Curtis question Marshall’s account of where he’s been all these years. He’s all for a person’s right to privacy, but when they start lying to him, he needs to know why. Sonny flashes back to picking Marshall’s prescription bottle off the floor and giving it back to him, and says he can’t help Curtis.

Portia says she thinks Spencer’s a bad influence on Trina, and she knows Ava cares about Trina, which is why she’s asking Ava to reconsider making Trina Spencer’s supervisor. Can’t someone else do it? Ava says, when she spoke to Trina about it, she seemed fine working with Spencer, but Portia says, things change. She suggests Ava check in with Trina, and see how she’s currently feeling about Spencer.

Jordan tells Dante, don’t get her wrong. She’s done questionable things in the past when her family was involved. She learned her lesson the hard way, and it’s because of that experience that she refuses to bend the rules again. It’s a very slippery slope. He says he knows, and he doesn’t want to compromise the case, but he’s concerned about Joss and Cameron and what they’re going through, and wants to help. She says she feels the same, but Josslyn and Cameron are doing okey. Detective Lopez said their statements were clear and very helpful. He says he doesn’t want it slipping through the cracks, and she says, it won’t. Josslyn and Cameron are victims of a crime, and the perpetrator’s not getting away with it.

Trina says, it was good of Cameron to leave them alone, and Josslyn says, Trina knows Cam. He’s super considerate, and she’s in desperate need of some girl time. Trina says, her too. Did Josslyn get her text? Josslyn says, no. When did she send it? Trina says, when the video came out. She wanted Josslyn to know she was thinking about her. Josslyn says, she got so many pervy messages that day, she started deleting them without looking. She must have accidently deleted Trina’s too. Did Trina get her text? Trina says, she did, but all it said was that Josslyn was staying at her mom’s house, and then she didn’t hear anything else. Josslyn says she didn’t hear anything else from Trina either. Why didn’t she text again? Trina says, when Josslyn didn’t respond to her first text, she figured Josslyn needed space. Josslyn says, space from the world, absolutely, but space from Trina, never. Trina should know that. Trina says, how? Josslyn didn’t come to the dorms; she didn’t respond back to Trina’s text. Josslyn says, she explained that, and Trina says she gets that now, but then, she thought Josslyn didn’t want to hear from her. Josslyn asks why she wouldn’t want to hear from Trina, and Trina says, Josslyn knows how her brain works. When she doesn’t get information, her brain makes up crazy scenarios, and the longer the silence was, the crazier they got. Josslyn says, like what? and Trina says she thought Esme got to Josslyn, and she believed Trina was behind the video.

Esme says she’s not taking this test now, and Spencer asks, why not? She says, because she needs to get out of here. She can’t stand to look at him one more minute. If Laura hadn’t kept her here, she would have been long gone. He says, without telling him that she might be pregnant, and she tells him, stop making this about him. It’s her body. He agrees it is, but if she’s pregnant, it’s his baby too. She asks if he’s going to grow out of his clothes. Is he going to have morning sickness? Is he going to grow a person inside of him for nine months? He says, they’re getting way ahead of themselves. They don’t even know if she’s pregnant. They used protection. She says, which isn’t 100% effective; no one likes to talk about that, but it’s the truth. What is she going to do with a baby? She can’t even take care of a dog. He says, they don’t know there is a baby, which is why she needs to take the test. There’s a knock at the door, and he tells her to ignore it, but she opens it. Cameron says, he’s sorry. Is this a bad time? Esme says, no. She was just leaving. Spencer says, no, they need to talk, but she says, her body, her choice, and leaves. Cameron asks, did just say… and Spencer says, there’s a chance Esme could be pregnant. Outside, Esme leans on the door a moment. It’s hard to tell what she’s feeling, since she makes a bunch of faces, then she leaves.

Curtis asks if Sonny can’t help him or won’t, and Sonny says, Curtis should know the truth, and he could help, but he chooses not to. To him, it’s a family matter between Curtis and his father. He doesn’t want to get involved. Curtis says he needs to know the truth, and Sonny agrees. Curtis should know the truth, but he should get it through Marshall himself. Hear him out. Marshall’s not a fan of his, and if he gets involved, it’s going to make it worse.

Nikolas says, that’s it? All of these mentions of a momentous plan, and Victor has just been referring to a business merger? Victor says, this is no simple business merger. He can assure Nikolas, the resources they’ll gain from Bronze Hills Holdings (I think – sounds like) will be a significant step in this family regaining its former power. Nikolas tells Victor, he’s not saying it won’t be a financial benefit, because he knows it will be. He just expected more. Victor says, like what? and Nikolas says, Victor made it sound like something… Victor says, sinister? Like world domination? He’s not quite as out there as Nikolas’s grandfather Mikkos was. Nikolas tells him, he was going to say criminal. They’ve both crossed that line in the past. Victor says, true. He’s not one to arcane laws and petty bureaucracy get in his way. However, right now he’s focused on building a power base. The question is, does he have Nikolas’s support?

Cameron tells Spencer, hold on. Can they back up? Esme had her bags packed and they were obviously fighting. Does he want to know what it was about? Spencer says he accused Esme of recording Cam and Josslyn and posting it. Cameron asks what she said, and Spencer says, she denied it of course (🍷). Then she tried to blame Trina, which is absurd. Cameron says, completely, and Spencer says, he defended Trina, which made Esme furious, and they broke up. They just had the same argument at Spring Ridge, and she stormed out, but he didn’t know it was over. Esme decided they were, and she was almost out the door before he saw she had a home pregnancy test. Can Cameron believe she wasn’t even going to tell him? Cameron says, that’s a lot, and Spencer says, if Esme is pregnant, he’s going to be a father. Cameron asks what Spencer is going to do, but Spencer says he honestly has no idea, and goes upstairs with his bag.

Josslyn says, she and Trina both know it was Esme who posted that video, after she found a way to record her and Cam without their knowledge. It was her. It was all her from the jump. How could Trina think Josslyn could blame her for this? Trina says, it’s just that things got so weird that night at the cabin. The hot toddy hit her so hard, she still can’t remember everything that happened, and since that was the night the video was made… Josslyn says, please. It was Esme. Esme has hated Josslyn from the second Esme laid eyes on her. Why? Because Josslyn could tell she was psycho. It was Nelle 2.0 waiting to happen. And that’s why Josslyn got so frustrated when Esme presented Trina that phony apology at Kelly’s, and Trina went along with it. Trina takes Josslyn’s hands, and says she owes Josslyn a major apology. Esme was all upset because Spencer gave her that art book, and Trina didn’t want Esme to feel like she was taking her boyfriend. Not because of Esme, but Trina didn’t want to feel like that kind of person. She also didn’t know how she felt about Spencer. But Josslyn’s right about all of it. Esme is a whack job, and Spencer’s just… blind. She should be thanking Josslyn for calling Esme out, instead of being offended. Josslyn says, it’s okay, but Trina says, don’t tell her it’s okay. Josslyn is going through hell, and Esme is trying to blame Trina for it. She’s hateful and horrible, and Trina should have never tried to compromise with her. Josslyn says, they came to it from two very different experiences. Trina believes in compromise, and most of the time, compromise is a good thing, but not when it comes to Esme. She sees that, and takes it as a sign of weakness, and that gives her an opportunity, an opening. That’s why Josslyn shouldn’t have even gone on the ski trip in the first place, because Esme pushed so hard for it. She should have realized Esme had an agenda. Trina asks if Josslyn thinks Esme always meant to tape her and Cam, and Josslyn says she thinks Esme always meant to hurt them. Not her and Cam, but her and Trina.

Officer Perez hands Jordan an envelope, saying, this file was just delivered. Detective Lopez sent it over. It’s information on that PCU sex video from the anonymous tip line. She thanks him, and since Dante has nothing better to do than lurk around, he appears at Jordan’s shoulder and asks, what kind of information? She looks at it, and says, the damning kind. An eyewitness account, naming the perp.

Sonny says Curtis’s father has some kind of problem with him because he saw Sonny at the hospital with TJ, and he didn’t like it one bit. Curtis says, so his long lost dad doesn’t like Sonny; that’s why Sonny is protecting him? Sonny tell Curtis, he’s not saying no for Marshall’s sake. He’s saying no for Curtis. He knows what it’s like to be in a difficult relationship with a father. He didn’t speak to his dad for years. Everybody tried to intervene; everybody tried to fix it. But there was only going to be two people who could salvage the relationship – him and his dad. So if Curtis wants to know what’s in that sealed criminal record, he has to go to Marshall. Marshall walks in, sees them, and does not look happy.

Taggert says he’s so glad he and Portia decided to stay for dinner. It’s nice. What is this Trina is telling him about her and Curtis shacking up? She says, shacking up? Really? They’re buying a home together. It’s out by Queen’s Point, it’s right on the water; it’s so beautiful. He asks if they’ve moved yet, and she says, they’re in the process. He says he’s happy things are so going so well with her and Curtis, and she thanks him, adding, it means a lot, considering their history. He says, the past is long gone. The only thing is to move forward. She says, and now that Spencer’s in the rearview, things are looking up everywhere. He says, Trina and Josslyn still need to get beyond that speedbump in their relationship, and she says she thinks they will. They’ve been friends forever. It’s almost like they’re sisters. He says, he and his sister had some vicious fights back in the day, and she says, but at the end of the day, he and Gia always loved each other. The same goes for Trina and Joss.

Josslyn says, Cam’s a guy. He tried to accept Esme for Spencer’s sake, but Esme always saw both of them as a threat for different reasons. She was always going to try and take them down. Trina says, it’s so good to hear her say this. To see through that hateful… Josslyn says, bitch? Trina says she loves the way Josslyn hates, and Josslyn says, it’s a true talent. Trina says she just wishes she’d known what Josslyn was thinking, but Josslyn says she should have reached out. Trina asks why she didn’t, and Josslyn says, this whole situation was completely overwhelming. It’s total public humiliation. Everyone on social media has an opinion on it. She can’t tell Trina how many people she doesn’t even know called her some variation of a slut or a whore. But it gets even grosser. She’ll also see messages and posts calling her hot, and asking if she and Cam are exclusive. Trina says, that’s so inappropriate, and Josslyn says, yeah, but they’re of legal age now. Does Trina remember how excited and happy they were when they were turning 18 and got to vote? Trina says, yeah, it felt so grown up, and Josslyn wonders, is this the other side of adulthood? What happened to common decency? It feels like it’s been open season on her. Trina says, it’s beyond awful, and Josslyn says, it’s horrible, and when she didn’t hear from Trina, she thought Trina was embarrassed to be her friend. Trina hugs her, and says, never in a million years.

Spencer says, the more he thinks of it, Cameron had the right idea. Cameron asks what he means, and Spencer says, staying a virgin for life. Cameron says, Spencer and the whole world know he’s not a virgin, but Spencer says he seriously doubts that Cameron’s little video has been seen by the whole world. Cameron says Spencer is a poor excuse for a friend, and Spencer says, possible father here. That’s way bigger than a temporary embarrassment. Cameron says, maybe for him, but for Joss, it’s so much worse. They’re being absolutely savage to her online. He’s getting virtual high-fives, while they’re calling her a slut. It’s not fair. Spencer says, it’s awful. He’s really sorry Josslyn is going through that. Cameron says, now Spencer believes Esme is behind the video? but Spencer says he doesn’t want to believe it. Esme’s been so good to him. Cameron says, that works out nice for Spencer, but what about the rest of the planet? Spencer says he knows, just because Esme is good to him doesn’t mean she’s necessarily good to everyone else. Cameron says, Spencer has to face it. She’s sneaky and vindictive. Spencer says, and possibly the mother of his child.

On the phone, Ava asks Avery how her arm is. It hurts? She’s on her way; she’s coming right home. She tells Nikolas and Victor, sorry fellas. She hopes they had a nice chat. Avery needs her, so she’s going home. Victor says, seeing as Spencer is a no show, he’ll leave with her. Nikolas says he’s going to wait for his mother, and Ava says she’ll see him at home. Victor says, no hard feelings, and Ava says, of course (🍷) not. Nikolas sits back down, and Esme sees him from the doorway. She watches Ava and Victor get in the elevator, and goes over to the table. She asks if Nikolas will help her.

Dante says, she wouldn’t do something like that, let alone to Cam and Joss, and Jordan says, that’s what she thought too, but every possible tip needs to be checked out. He says he’ll take care of it, but she says she’ll handle this one personally, and leaves the station.

Sonny tells Curtis that he’s got to go. Think about what he said. Good luck. He leaves, and Marshall asks why Curtis was talking to Sonny Corinthos. Curtis says, Sonny was telling him about a run-in he and Marshall had. Care to explain? I’m honestly surprised Curtis didn’t ask Marshall where he got off telling him who to talk to. Especially since he’s been so cranky lately.

Cameron says, he and Josslyn gave separate statements to a detective, and Spencer says he’s glad the cops are taking this seriously. Cameron says, so is he. Detective Lopez says, whoever did this is looking at up to a year in prison. Spencer asks if Cameron knows what that means. That means his baby could be born in prison. Cameron says, way to keep it real, and Spencer says, it could happen. Cameron says, maybe Spencer should find out if Esme is actually pregnant before he starts shopping for jail baby clothes. Spencer says, Cameron is right, but he doesn’t even know where Esme went. He really hopes Esme’s not pregnant, because if she is, and she wants to have the baby, he’ll be tied to her for life.

Esme sits down, and tells Nikolas, she was going to stay at the MetroCourt for the night, so she had a place to get her thoughts together. She thought she had enough money to cover it, but her credit card was declined. He asks if she’s sure she and Spencer can’t work things out, but she says, Spencer said horrible things to her. If that’s really what he thinks of her, she can never be with him again. But what is she going to do? He’s the only guy she’s ever loved, and what if it turns out she’s… Nikolas says he remembers being her age. Every argument felt like the end of the world, but he’s sure with a good night’s sleep, things will be clear in the morning. She says she has nowhere else to go. Is there any way she can stay with him? I have an idea. Pay for her hotel room, but for Pete’s sake, don’t take her home.

Taggert asks Portia if that’s the notorious Esme Prince who Trina keeps talking about, and she glances behind her. She says, oh, he’s never seen Esme before, and he says, no, first time. She seems pretty upset. He wonders what the drama is this time, and Portia says, just be glad they’re not involved. They both look over at Esme, and Portia says she’ll bet him anything Esme is the one behind the video of Joss and Cam. She’s so relieved Trina is finally out of Esme’s orbit.

Josslyn says, it feels so good for things to be back to normal, and Trina agrees. She says she knows Josslyn wants distance from the video, but don’t tune her out. Josslyn can talk to her about anything. Josslyn says she knows and she will. It’s so nice to hear that. They’re a team, and always will be. Trina says, count on it, when Jordan walks in. Josslyn asks if there’s a lead in her case, but Jordan says she’s actually here to see Trina. Trina says she’s sorry, but she’s already late for her next class, but Jordan says, this can’t wait. She needs Trina to come down to the station, and answer some questions.

On Monday, Harmony says, it’s under consideration; Jordan asks if Trina minds answering some questions; Josslyn says, the person Dante should be talking to is Spencer’s psycho girlfriend; and Scotty asks why Nina doesn’t want to go down the legal road.

📻 Not An Oldie…

All about the song that Sonny and Nina danced to yesterday. Normally, I try to look that stuff up, but was pressed for time. Apparently, inquiring minds wanted to know.

👗 Reunion Runway Fail…

Apparently, Shannon had to get something off-the-rack. Oh, horrors. I do wonder what the blip was up with Bones though.

You decide what held things up.

🍊 Freshly Squeezed Start…

The only question for me would be, is there enough room for Mr. Puppers to live his best life?

🥊 In This Corner…

Another showdown between the east and west coast. Maybe they can have a rap battle.

🗽 NYC Spin…

Twice the Housewives fun.

🍹 Conover Crossover Continues…

So will Paige be showing up on Southern Charm? Speaking of which, will Southern Charm be showing up?

🎂 Never Too Early…

Oh why not?

🍍 In Teresa News…

The latest on Luis.

I wonder what procedure she had. Then I think it’s pretty sad that I’m wondering about that.

👇 Bar Set Even Lower…

I think Kelly might have outdone herself this time. Not only does she sh*t all over people who can’t afford as much as she can, she thinks material goods reflect good parenting. What they reflect is a future on a shrink’s couch.

🙏 New Apologizer…

Pretty soon, Ramona is going to have some competition. And she was thisclose to saying the old, I’m a work in progress. Ugh.

🐎 Josh On the Outs…

This looks good, and I love me some Josh Brolin. I think he’s one of our most underrated actors.

📽 Hurts So Good…

No Kiss of the Spiderwoman? No Eyewitness?? No Altered States??? I thought those were pretty memorable.

He will be missed.

🏆 The People’s Oscar…

Looks like the Academy Awards are sliding into the MTV Movie Awards territory. Fine with me. That’s the only interesting awards show.

🌬 Quotes of the Week

We don’t have a choice in the matter. We must go where history takes us. – Bertha Russell (Carrie Coon), The Gilded Age

A person’s life purpose is nothing more than to rediscover, through the detours of art or love or passionate work, those one or two images in the presence of which [their] heart first opened. – Albert Camus

I’d bet on rabbits if you could get them organized. – Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen), Two and a Half Men

To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons. – Confucius

The history of the past is but one long struggle upward to equality. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

You can’t cry on a first date. – Veronica Rodriguez, Pillow Talk: The Single Life

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know. – The Wiseman (Scott Glenn), Sucker Punch

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. – Wayne Dyer

Everything in moderation, including moderation. – Oscar Wilde

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. – Desmond Tutu

The great Western disease is, ‘I’ll be happy when… When I get the money. When I get a BMW. When I get this job.’ Well, the reality is, you never get to when. The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It’s in here. And happiness is not next week. It’s now.Marshall Goldsmith, American author (And adding my personal favorite, when I lose weight…)

What a day. What a goddam day. – Warlord Ian (Michael Biehn), The Walking Dead

🙂 Don’t Worry, Be Happy…

It’s time again for us to part company until the Dead Walk. In the meantime, stay safe, stay fighting against double standards, and stay knowing the only way out is through. You have to face it down and keep moving forward.

March 24, 2022 – It’s Like Old Times At Charlie’s, Return Tease, They Do, Old Rumors, Return Before Reboot, VanderDone, New Role & Glass


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jordan tells the desk sergeant that Michael was just released on bail and they’re waiting for the paperwork. Michael sits, and she tells him, do everyone a favor. If that reporter gets in his face again, walk the other way. She sees Curtis, and asks if everything is okay. He says, that’s just what he’s trying to find out. He really needs her help. Willow comes in and hugs Michael.

Harmony shows up at Alexis’s office, and Alexis says, this is a surprise. Harmony says she just got off work, and wondered if she could pick Alexis’s brain about something. Only if she has a minute, and it isn’t an interruption. Alexis says she just put the last edition to bed. What’s this about? Is it about Willow? Harmony says, kind of. It’s more about Nina Reeves.

Nina walks into an empty Charlie’s and Sonny says, hey. She says she doesn’t know why she’s always surprised to see him here. He owns the bar after all. He says, that’s true. Phyllis had to see a distributor. Instead of closing down during the dead zone, which is between twelve and happy hour, he said he’d cover. She says, that’s sweet of him. Nostalgic for running a bar? He says, it’s better than sitting in his office all by himself; too many ghosts, especially with Jason gone. She says she hears him, and he asks if she’s there to see Phyllis. Does she want a drink? She says, actually, she was following up on something important. He asks if it’s anything he can help her with.

Laura hugs Spencer, and he says, it almost seems like she missed him. She says she did. A month in Spring Ridge didn’t hurt him at all. He says, except label him a convicted felon. He guesses he’ll be serving soft drinks and sandwiches at Kelly’s for the rest of his life, but Nikolas suggests Spencer worry about his future later, and they take a moment to celebrate his homecoming. Nikolas has dinner reservations at the MetroCourt, and hopes Laura and Doc can join them. Laura says she doesn’t know about Doc, but she’ll certainly try to make it. She asks Spencer if everything is okay, and Esme says she’s sure he’s wondering why she’s still here. Don’t worry. She was just leaving.

At the MetroCourt, Victor tells Yohan, if they want people to believe they’ve done nothing wrong, they must act as if they’ve done nothing wrong, and they haven’t. He showed Drew a tarot card, for heaven’s sake. If a crime was committed, it’s when Drew attacked Yohan. Yohan says, on Victor’s orders, and Victor says, which was a test… which he passed until the Corinthos woman showed up, and Drew was forced to reveal he was just playing along and the whole thing was a set-up from the start. That warning Victor was given about Laura being on to him seems like it must have some merit.

Sam opens the door to Anna, and says, welcome back. Drew says, long trip, and Anna says she got a cab from the airport. Felicia is filling Maxie in. Sam says, they were worried when they didn’t hear from her in Austria, but Anna says she didn’t want to call from an unsecure line. Drew asks if they found something out, and Anna says, yeah, proof that Luke’s death wasn’t an accident. He was murdered.

Esme says she won’t be joining them for dinner. Spence has made it clear he no longer wants her to be a part of his life. She’s leaving. Laura asks if she and Spencer would like a little time to talk this through. They don’t have to rush on their account. Nikolas apologizes for making dinner plans without checking with Spencer first, but he’s sure Spencer wouldn’t mind if Esme joined them. They all shared in Spencer’s ordeal at Spring Ridge, her especially. Esme says she’s not sure, but Laura says, please, come along. Nikolas says, the whole family will be there; Ava and Victor. Laura says, Victor, and Nikolas asks if that’s a problem.

Yohan says, the plan Victor put together relies on taking everyone by surprise, but Victor says he’s not overly concerned. The only possibly damning thing Drew mentioned is Operation Demeter, and if Drew has no memory of that op, he and Laura are going to hit a dead end. Yohan says, but Victor is concerned about something, and Victor says, Anna and Felicia’s investigation into the cable car accident that killed Luke. Yohan says, Victor had to kill Luke Spencer; he was getting too close to the truth about what Victor is planning. Victor says, nothing can be traced back to him, which is why he needs to find someone else to take the fall for Luke’s death. Yohan says he’ll do a lot for the cause, but he hopes Victor’s not expecting him to be his fall guy, and Victor says, don’t worry. He has someone else in mind. Ava approaches, and asks if she’s late for the big family dinner, or is Victor early? Is his friend going to be joining them?

Anna says, this employee at the Transportation Bureau did admit to sabotaging Luke’s cable car. There’s no indication as to whether he was acting alone, but her gut says he wasn’t. Unfortunately, before they could get anymore information out of him, the man took his own life in front of them. Sam says, okay, so technically they have one man’s confession, but no evidence to back it up, and Anna says, and so far all of their efforts to keep this quiet have failed. Now the Bureau is officially involved. Drew asks if the Bureau won’t have a better chance of finding a connection between Victor and Luke’s death, and Anna says, just because the WSB is investigating, doesn’t mean she’ll be privy to their intel. She’s been deemed to close to the situation because of her involvement with Luke. Sam says, basically, she’s iced out, and Anna says, yeah, but they do have to keep in mind the fact that Victor was director of the WSB for a time. That is something they don’t want to revisit; they don’t want his name to come up. They don’t want to draw any scrutiny, so she thinks it’s possible they’ll steer this investigation down a path that isn’t embarrassing to them. What she’s saying is, if they want to expose Victor, Drew is their best chance. Drew says, about that. They hit a little bit of a snag.

Curtis asks what TJ has told Jordan about their situation with Marshall, and she says, not much. She thinks TJ has been avoiding the subject, given her history with Tommy. Curtis says, okay. What did Tommy tell her about their father?

Willow says, one night in jail isn’t terrible, and Michael says he had a cell to himself, so no complaints. She says he doesn’t have to be a hero for her, and he says he always wants to be a hero for her, and it was worth it. That reporter got what he deserved for trash talking his sister. She says, at least Michael didn’t break his jaw, and Michael says he can’t be sorry he hit the guy, but he’s sorry Nina is probably going to use this against him when she petitions the court for visitation with Wiley. She says, let’s not worry about that right now. She’s sorry she wasn’t there when he was booked. He says he appreciates that, but there’s nothing she could have done. Diane handled everything, and Willow is here now. He heard from his mom that she was held up at work. She says that’s what she told Carly when she texted, but she wasn’t being honest with Carly, or with him.

Harmony tells Alexis that Nina is trying to enlist her help with Wiley without going to court. Alexis asks, how? and Harmony says, Nina wants her to influence Willow; she says Wiley’s grandfather is on her side. Alexis says, but Harmony doesn’t want to get involved, and Harmony says she thinks it will cause so much tension between her and her daughter. Alexis says she doesn’t want to get involved either because Wiley is Kristina’s nephew, so she wants to stay out of any potential conflict between Nina and Willow. She suggests Harmony do the same thing, and Harmony says she wishes it was that simple.

Nina says she’ll have a club soda, and Sonny laughs, putting some in a glass. She says, perfect, and he says, now that that’s taken care of, how about the help? She says, it’s not that she doesn’t want his help, but she doesn’t think he should offer it. He asks if it’s about Wiley. Is she going to file a petition? She says she hasn’t talked to the lawyer yet. Has he tried to talk to Michael again? Sonny flashes back to Michael saying he’s prioritizing Nina, and that a family man wouldn’t sabotage his family by putting the woman who blew their lives apart ahead of them. Sonny tells Nina that he couldn’t get anywhere with Michael because he’s very stubborn, and she says she wishes she could walk away for his sake. He says, she’s allowed to see her grandson. He’d do the same if he was in her shoes. She says she’ll try not to get him involved, but he says he’s already involved. The choices she makes and her pain matters to him, but she has to know, if she goes to court on this, lines are going to be drawn and sides are going to be taken. If he doesn’t take a side, that means he’s taking her side. She says she’d never ask him to choose her over his son, so if he has to go against her in court and support Michael’s attempt to block her petition, she’ll understand. He asks if they can just hope it doesn’t get to that, and she says, they can hope, but he needs to know that she’ll do whatever’s necessary to ensure she has a role in her grandson’s life.

Anna says, let her get this straight. In trying to save Drew… Sam says, Carly blew the scam wide open. Drew says, but they did get one piece of intel before Carly arrived, and Sam says, Victor mentioned Operation Demeter. Anna says she doesn’t know what that is. What is Demeter? The goddess of harvest? She presides over the cycles of life and death? Sam asks if it’s not familiar to Anna, and Anna says, no, but she can access the WSB file. Drew says, all the ops he did as a SEAL are classified, and Anna asks if he reached out to Kim, but he says she doesn’t remember him ever mentioning it. Anna looks at her phone, and says she doesn’t see an Operation Demeter here; there’s nothing. Sam says, so the operation probably initiated with U.S. Intelligence, and Anna says, or the operation is above her clearance, which is entirely possible. Or the operation went so horribly wrong, they’ve deleted all records.

Victor tells Ava that he and Yohan were catching up on some business while he was waiting for the rest of the family. He tells Yohan, that about covers it, thanks him, and says he’ll be in touch. Yohan pulls out Ava’s chair for her, and leaves. Ava says, Victor must have had some super pressing business to have a meeting at the MetroCourt before their family dinner. He says, pressing, yes, but before family, never. She completely agrees, and says she can’t recall what he said he was doing for work these days. He says, perhaps that’s because he never told her. Why does he get the feeling she’s playing him because she wants something? She says, because she always wants something, and usually she gets it.

Laura says she thinks Spencer and Nikolas both know Victor’s not her favorite person, and Nikolas says he hopes she’ll still join them. It wouldn’t be a family celebration without her. Laura’s phone dings, and she says she completely forgot. It’s the chairperson from the Traffic Commission. They have a meeting in ten minutes. It’s been rescheduled so many times, she doesn’t feel she can cancel. She’ll meet them over at the MetroCourt. She tells Spencer, welcome back, hugs him, and leaves. Nikolas asks if they should head out, but Spencer says, he and Esme have some things they need to say to each other first. Nikolas says, of course (🍷), and Spencer says, in private. Nikolas says, Spencer will still join them for dinner? and Spencer shrugs. Nikolas says he’ll hope for the best, and leaves. Esme says she was hoping to be gone before Spencer returned, but his grandmother convinced her they could talk things out. He says, really, and she says he saw her earlier. Apparently, Laura is warming up to her. Spencer asks when that happened, and she says, Laura thinks she might actually be a good influence on him. Unlike what his friends think.

Jordan says, Tommy is just a couple of years older than Curtis. His memories of their father were vague; he rarely mentioned them. Curtis says, maybe Tommy remembered something he didn’t think was important at the time, and she says, if he did, he never shared it with her. Besides, Tommy was way too young for Marshall to confide in him about entering Witness Protection. He says, if that’s what really happened, and she asks what he’s saying. He tells her, Marshall didn’t outright say he was in the Witness Protection Program. (Thank you.) Curtis inferred, and Marshall didn’t deny it. She asks if he learned something that contradicts that, and he says, possibly. That’s why he needs her help to shed some light on it. She asks, how? and he says, Marshall applied for a job, and confided in him that he had an arrest record; a sealed arrest record, which might explain why he disappeared and let them think he was dead. Jordan has access to that record. She can unseal it, and let him know anything important Marshall might be keeping from him. She says she’s sorry, but there is no way.

Nina tells Sonny, how about this? They stop talking about Wiley, they stop talking about competitions, they stop talking about family feuds. He says he seconds that motion, and they clink glasses, saying, cheers. He asks if she wants more club soda, but she says, no, she’s got to drive later. She asks if he refilled the decanters at his penthouse, but he says, no. She says, he’s not tempted by the display of all the bottles here? He says, baby steps, and she says, his baby steps are pretty big. She’s proud of him. He says, it’s not going to be easy, but the plan was to let Phyllis have the bar. She says, right, but life gets complicated. Does he still want to follow through on that plan? He says he has to convince Phyllis that it’s her bar, but Nina says she doesn’t think it’s going to take a lot of persuasion. Think about it. Phyllis owning the local watering hole? It’ll feel like old times… well, almost. He asks if she means when they were back in Nixon Falls; that was their home. She says, that life seemed real, but it wasn’t, because didn’t know the truth about himself. Now everyone knows the truth, and it’s up to them to decide what’s real.

Willow tells Michael, it was nothing serious, but she fainted in an empty patient room. He asks why she fainted; is she sick? Why didn’t she tell him sooner? She says she told him, it wasn’t serious. She hadn’t eaten all day and she was dehydrated. Between parenting Wiley and studying for nursing exams, she was running herself thin, but Epiphany took good care of her. He says he’ll have to thank her, but he wishes Willow had told him sooner. She says, he was spending the night in a cell. She didn’t want him worrying about her. It’s not like he could do anything about it. She didn’t go to Carly because she was dealing with Josslyn, and didn’t need to worry about her too. He says he hates that she was alone. Epiphany’s great, but she was on duty and couldn’t stay with Willow. Willow says she wasn’t alone. Her mom showed up for her.

Alexis asks, what’s so complicated about Harmony staying out of Willow and Michael’s business? and Harmony says, things are always complicated when it comes to her grandson. She thanks Alexis for the advice about Nina, and says she’s going to get out of Alexis’s hair.  Alexis asks if there’s anything else Harmony would like to talk about, but Harmony says, no, and asks if Shawn is around. She’s like to avoid him. Alexis says, she doesn’t think that’s going to be a problem because Shawn went to San Francisco, and she doesn’t know when he’s going to be back. Harmony asks if Alexis okay about that, and Alexis says, things got a little tense before he left.

Curtis says Jordan isn’t going to help him? and she says, hunting down sealed records and unsealing them without a court order is illegal. He was in law enforcement and knows that as well as she does. He says, the man is lying to him and TJ. He has questions and needs answers, and she has the ability to get them. She says, unethically, and he asks when that’s ever stopped her. She didn’t think twice about getting Laura’s sealed arrest record for Cyrus Renault. She says, that’s not the same. She was being blackmailed; TJ’s life was at stake. She had no choice. He says, because TJ is family, and they’re not that to each other anymore. Is that how it is? Curtis is pissing me off. He wanted the divorce, and so, no, they’re not family anymore. Way to pressure her when she just got back from a long stay at a hospital.

Nina looks down the bar, and asks if those are 45s. What are they doing here? She goes over to look at the stack of records, and he says, Phyllis wanted to add a vintage jukebox to the place, but then she figured out it would block the customer’s path to the tables and bar. Nina says, that’s too bad. She loved it when they played music at the Tan-O. He laughs, and she picks up one of the 45s, saying, she remembers when they danced to this song. She picks up another one, and says. she can’t believe Phyllis has a copy of this; this is a great song. She forgot about it. She says she knows how it goes, and starts to sing,  I woke up in the morning… Sonny says, she’s doing good, but that’s not quite it. He brings out his phone, and puts on the song. She says she loves this one, and he goes around the bar. He holds out his hand, and they dance.

Jordan says, he’s not being fair, and Curtis whines, what’s not fair is that she’s doing this to him after all she put him through. She says she knows he’s going through a lot right now, and knows they have a lot of unresolved issues from their marriage, but do not equate the two. And do not, under any circumstances, come in here and tell her how to do her job, or what code she can or cannot live by. She thought they were in a good place, but he’s come too close to destroying all that good will they built up. She’s not the bad guy here. He says, so she really won’t get the records for him, and she asks if he’s heard a single word she said. She can’t, but she’s willing to help him in any way she can. He tells her, don’t bother, and slams out like the big baby he’s being.

Laura sits down with Sam, Anna, and Drew. She says she’s due to have dinner with Victor and the family. Is it too much to hope they found something to put Victor behind bars? Anna says, she and Felicia were able to access the files at the Transportation Bureau in Innsbruck, and a certain Kurt Markovich, and employee there, became suspicious of them. But eventually, he did admit to sabotaging Luke’s cable car. Laura says, it was not an accident; he was murdered. Sam says she’s so sorry Laura found out this way. She wishes it could have been different. Anna says she’s sorry. The crash was deliberate, but this Kurt didn’t admit to targeting Luke, and unfortunately, they couldn’t get anything else out of him because he took his own life there. Laura says, but they know it was Luke, don’t they? and Anna says, unless the Bureau finds evidence to the contrary, they’ll proceed as if Luke was just another victim that day. Laura says, collateral damage? and Anna says, yes, to Kurt’s fanatical cause. Drew says, whatever that was, and Anna says, unfortunately, they weren’t able to connect this crash and Luke to Victor. Laura says, maybe not yet, but knowledge is power, and they’re off to a good start.

Ava says, she suspects when Victor finally reveals his big plan for the family, it’ll behoove her to remain in his good graces. He says, so her friendliness toward him has a more selfish motivation, and she says, he knows better than anybody they all have selfish motivations. She’s just up front about hers. Besides she and Nikolas are married; she and Victor are family now. They’ll be in each other’s lives from now on. Shouldn’t that make them allies, able to enjoy each other’s company? He lifts his glass, when Nikolas arrives. He says he hopes they didn’t order without him, and she says, of course (🍷) not. She was beginning to think he’d stood them up. Where’s Spencer? Nikolas says, things were a little tense between him and Esme. Spencer wanted some time to talk to her. Victor hopes they’re coming; this celebration is for Spencer. Nikolas says, Spencer woudn’t make any promises, and Ava says she’s sorry. She knows how anxious Nikolas has been to make almonds amends to him. Nikolas says, the reality is, he and Spencer have a long way to go before any healing takes place, but Victor says, no. That is absolutely unacceptable.

Spencer says he’s glad Esme didn’t leave before he returned home. They left a lot unsaid. In fairness, it’s not like he could have chased after her with twelve hours left on his sentence. She says she didn’t like how they ended things either. She tossed and turned all night, wondering if he meant all the horrible things he said to her; that he actually believed she was the one responsible for filming Joss and Cameron doing the dirty. Thank you for realizing that wasn’t true. She moves closer to him, but he backs up and tells her, he never said that. She says she’s a little confused. If he doesn’t believe her, then what’s been left unsaid? He says he wants to believe her. He wants to believe in her, but right now she’s blaming Trina for something he knows she couldn’t possibly… Esme says, but she could, and he says he doesn’t know. What he does know is, she was at the cabin, and she has a side to her that is capable of going to extremes. She says, he means like what she did to Ava: setting her car on fire, planting her dead daughter’s hospital ID badge beneath the car. She’d never even heard of Ava Jerome until Spencer decided to frighten her away from his father. How does she know he’s not the one capable of filming his friends without their consent? He was at the cabin too, but he doesn’t see her going around accusing him. How do they know it isn’t all his doing?

Nikolas says he knows Victor is invested in healing the rift between him and Spencer, but it’s going to take time. Victor says, Nikolas doesn’t understand. He gave Nikolas room to take this process as slowly as he needed to bring the family together, but he trusted the wrong people, and now they’re running out of time. Valentin and Alexis will most likely never want to have anything to do with him again, but the rest of the family might come together while they still can. Nikolas says, while they still can? What’s that supposed to mean?

Harmony tells Alexis not to pressure herself. She’ll know when it’s time to move on. Alexis says, what she wants to move on from is this office. And since she’s the boss, she can declare the work day over. So she declares the work day’s over. Molly and TJ are making her a feast tonight to thank her for letting them stay with her. Harmony says, are they moving out? and Alexis says, they are. They found another place. She’s sad and she’ll miss them, but it’s good they have their own space. Harmony says, it must be nice to have a home cooked meal. Her motel room doesn’t have a kitchen. Alexis asks if she said motel room. She’s staying in a motel? Since she left prison? That’s a year ago. Harmony says, yeah. It’s tough to save up for a deposit on what she makes at Spring Ridge. Alexis says she’s sorry. Would it help if someone co-signed a lease for her? Harmony says, someone like Alexis?

The desk sergeant tells Michael that they need Commissioner Ashford to sign off on the paperwork before he leaves, and goes in the back. Michael says, while they wait, Willow can tell him about Harmony. Willow says, her condition wasn’t serious, but when Harmony heard she was in the hospital, she couldn’t get there fast enough. Michael says, that’s what parents do; they move heaven and earth for their kids. She says, easy for him to say. He knows her history. Her mom is a seeker, and her love for Willow always came second place to enlightenment. Michael says, and last night was different, and Willow says, yeah. It was like the mom she’d always hoped for showed up. She was so loving and concerned. He says, it must have been nice for her, and she says, it was the first time her mom put her needs ahead of her own, or some spiritual leader’s. She’s grateful, even if she doesn’t know what inspired this new Harmony.

Sonny and Nina slow dance, and flash back to slow dancing at the Tan-O. He spins her, and they get closer. He says, she has to admit, he’s pretty good, and she says she gives him an A for effort. He says, what about execution? and she says he’s a little rusty, but she can whip him back into shape. They have all the time in the world… except… that’s the one they thing don’t have. I can tell you this, what they do have is Sonny’s dimples.

Alexis says she’s not necessarily saying it should be her, and Harmony says she has the feeling they’d be crossing a line. Alexis says, what if she helps Harmony with a security deposit; a loan. Harmony says she wouldn’t want to jeopardize their friendship by owing Alexis money, and Alexis says she has an empty house, and Harmony needs a home. So why doesn’t Harmony take the next few weeks, save some money, and stay with her?

Jordon tells Michael, he’s good to go. Make sure he makes his court date. He says, understood. Jordan’s phone rings, and she steps away. Michael asks if Willow is ready, and she says, let’s go. He takes her hand, and says he owes her a second apology. In addition to decking that reporter, he delayed their vacation. She says, turnabout’s fair play. She delayed it first with the search for her birth certificate. Now he’s out on bail, and has to stay in town. He asks if she’ll settle for a candlelit dinner, and she says, with coq au vin, mousse au chocolat, and a lovely Bordeaux? See? She already speaks the language. He tells her, you know what they say, we’ll always have Paris, and they kiss.

On the phone with Robert, Jordan says, the judge set a date for the trial. Diane Miller is gearing up for a fight. There’s been no additional pressure from the Quartermaines or Sonny Corinthos. No special requests… Right. She’ll keep him posted.

Sonny says he’s got to go, and Nina says, her too. Curtis walks in, and says, Sonny’s office said he could find Sonny here. He asks if he came at a bad time, but Nina says, no. She came to see Phyllis, but she’s not here, so she was just leaving. She grabs her bag, and Curtis asks if she’s sure. She says, she and Curtis will catch up soon, and she leaves. Sonny asks what he can do for Curtis, and Curtis says he needs to ask Sonny a favor.

Spencer tells Esme, knock it off. She knows he was in Spring Ridge and couldn’t have posted the video. She says, he told her that he was able to sneak in and out of Spring Ridge thanks to Uncle Victor, and she knows he and Cam were enemies when they were kids. Maybe that sex tape was payback. He says, that is not at all… and she says, calm down. She doesn’t actually believe he did it; she was just making a point. He had motive and opportunity, but he doesn’t see her accusing him, because she has faith in her partner’s character. She has faith in them, or at least she used to. But he can’t seem to extend that same grace to her, can he? He doesn’t answer, and she says she guesses there’s nothing more they can say to one another. She drops her purse going out the door, and quickly moves to retrieve it, but not before Spencer picks up a pregnancy test that’s fallen out.  

Anna says, Tracy and Bobbie will be informed that the crash was deliberate, but Sam wonders if they should tell them the truth. Laura says, she’d rather not. Bobbie already suspects Luke was targeted, but she doesn’t know Victor might be a part of it. Tracy’s in the Netherlands. Drew says, the less they know the safer they’ll be, and Laura says, exactly. Drew says, especially after that scam on the bridge. Victor now knows Drew is coming for him. Anna says, he’ll realize the walls are closing in on him, and Laura says, anyone he suspects is working to expose him will be in grave danger now.

Victor apologizes to Ava and Nikolas for his outburst. He says he supposes he was just airing his frustration with Valentin. Nikolas says, because Valentin doesn’t want Victor in his life? and Victor says not to let an old fool project his problems on Nikolas’s relationship with his son. Nikolas says, it’s not the first time Victor has alluded that something is eating him up, and Ava says, obviously something important, even dangerous, is happening. Nikolas says, Victor made it clear that he couldn’t or wouldn’t discuss it with them, but they are family. Ava says, they can’t help ease his burden, they can’t help him if he doesn’t share it with them. Nikolas says, perhaps it’s time Victor told them exactly what he’s been planning since before he was back in town. Victor rubs his signet ring, and says, maybe they’re right.

Tomorrow, Josslyn asks if Cameron is saying it’s her fault; Esme says Spencer has broken her heart; Victor asks if he has Nikolas and Ava’s support; and Sonny says, with all due respect, how is it Curtis’s business?

🥏 Spinning Back…

It’s not like Spinelli ever really leaves.

🤵🏻 Just Married…

I don’t remember him from AMC, but I love Halloween Wars

🍍 Clueless In Jersey…

Wrong answer. True friends do ask questions.

🗽 Reboot In 3… 2… 1…

How could she not be back? Someone needs to make it nice.

🍸 Pumping the Breaks…

The latest on the impending divorce.

VanderSplits over the years.

🧛🏻‍♀️ Playing Normal…

Not Elvira this time.

🍜 Hasta Lasagna…

See you tomorrow for the wild card that is Friday, where you’ll find soap, tea, sage statements, and something to tickle your musical bone. Until then, stay safe, stay not changing lanes without signaling, and stay remembering knowledge is power.

March 23, 2022 – Ryan Talks To Spencer, Gina Has a Launch Party, Goodbye Grandma Wrinkles & Girl


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Drew finds Curtis at the MetroCourt bar and says he sees Curtis started without him. Curtis puts keys on the bar, and Drew says, too far gone to drive already? but Curtis says, they’re house keys. He and Portia just closed on a new place. Drew says, that’s awesome… and deserving of a toast. He tells the bartender to hook him up, and asks Curtis, what’s next? Curtis says, it’s hard to focus on the future when Marshall’s past won’t leave him alone.

At the hospital, Marshall tells Deanna that he’s having issues with his medication and can’t seem to reach his doctor. He was treated there by Dr. Rose some month back. She says she’ll track him down, and Marshall thanks her, saying, he really needs to get the dosage right. He sees Ava and Avery talking with TJ, and Sonny joins them. Sonny asks, what happened? and Ava says, Avery had a fall at the playground. She says her arm hurts. TJ says, it’s nothing they can’t fix, and Sonny tells Avery, he’s known this guy since he was about this big, holding his hand three inches from the floor. TJ says he thinks he was a little taller than that, and Sonny says he watched TJ become a great doctor and he trusts TJ with his life. Ava says, then she guesses they can trust him with Avery’s arm, and TJ says, let’s do it.

Carly tells Josslyn, this is just a conversation, leading her to Alexis’s office. Alexis is going to explain to Josslyn how The Invader is going to tell her story… if that’s the avenue she wants to take. Carly knows Josslyn and Cameron are supposed to meet with the detective afterward, but if that’s not something she wants to do, or if it’s too much… Josslyn says she gets it. She’s been thinking about this all night, so she’s ready. Carly hugs Josslyn and knocks on the door, and Alexis tells them to come in. Cameron and Elizabeth are already there, and Alexis thanks them all for coming. Unless they have any questions, they can jump right in. There are no questions, so she asks them to sit down, and says, let’s get started.

Nikolas goes to Laura’s place, and she asks what brings him by. He says he wondered if she needed any help with Spencer’s homecoming, and she says, there’s not much to do. His room is ready, and she did stop and pick up his favorite madelines from Eckerd’s. He asks if she’s sure that’s it, and she says, he’s only been gone a month. And if she’s being honest, he shouldn’t be coming back here at all. His home is with Nikolas at Windymere.

At Spring Ridge, Spencer puts his cards down, and tells Samuel, gin. It looks like he wins supreme, unless Samuel is letting him win. Samuel says, not his style, when Harmony comes by and asks Spencer if there’s any chance he could spare some time for a fellow inmate. He turns around to see Ryan parked at another table, and she says if he doesn’t want anything to do with Ryan, she completely understands. She’d steer clear of him too if it wasn’t her job. Spencer asks what he wants, and she says, to play a game – Spencer notices a chess board in front of Ryan – and to talk. Spencer says, he can’t talk. That’s what being locked-in means, doesn’t it? She says they’ve developed a work around, and Ryan communicated with her last night. She’s prepared for different directions that the conversation might take. Spencer says, that must have been a lot of blinking, and she says, yeah, but honestly, if he’s not comfortable with it or has reservations… He says, let’s do it. He’s only going to be there for a couple more hours, and quite frankly, he’s gin rummied out. No offense. Samuel says, none taken, and Spencer goes with Harmony over to Ryan’s table. Spencer says, white or black? and Harmony says, Ryan takes black; Spencer makes the first move. Spencer moves a piece, and asks what Ryan wanted to talk about. Harmony tells him, Ryan says, you’re welcome.

Nikolas says he highly doubts Spencer would be on board with living at Windymere, but Laura says, they’ve made some inroads, haven’t they? He says, they’ve made some ground, but pushing Spencer to come home is the surest way to lose it. She says, just bring up the conversation, and they’ll go from there. They need to close ranks. Nikolas doesn’t want to leave Spencer vulnerable to Victor, does he? Nikolas says, no, and she says, that’s where Spencer is going to land if he doesn’t come to Nikolas. And if she’s being completely honest, Spencer’s living situation here can’t go on indefinitely. Esme comes out with her suitcase, and says she agrees, which is why she’s moving out.

Carly says, it has to be made clear that Josslyn and Cameron did not make the video, and they did not release it themselves. Elizabeth says, absolutely, and Alexis says, got it. That goes without saying, but the number one priority is for them to be protected. If they do this, it’s an opportunity to take control and frame the narrative. Having said that, it’s a very big decision, and if they decide they don’t want to do it, fine; it’s up to them. She assumes they must have questions about the process, and Carly says she has many. Elizabeth says, so does she, and Alexis says she’s going to answer all of them, but right now she’s going to ask Elizabeth and Carly to step outside for a bit, because she thinks this conversation might be more productive with fewer participants. Carly tells Josslyn to text if she needs her, and she and Elizabeth leave. Alexis says, okay, let’s hear it.

TJ says, right this way, and Ava says, aren’t they lucky that Dr. Ashford is here today, and that Avery’s father knows him so well? Deanna tells Marshall that Dr. Rose isn’t in today, but she can help him make an appointment for when he is. Marshall watches TJ usher Sonny and company into the exam room.

Curtis asks, how bad is it? and Drew asks if he’s sure he wants to know. Curtis says, is it that bad? and Drew says, not necessarily, but he’s looking at Curtis right now, and it seems like maybe he doesn’t want to know this information. He gets it. Curtis has his father back in his life, something he never thought was going to happen. If Alan Quartermaine walked off the elevator right now, maybe that would be enough for Drew. Maybe he wouldn’t need to know Alan’s faults and failings, and why he made the choices he made. Maybe he’d be happy to know his father in the here now, and just take it from there. Curtis wonders if Drew is saying he should ignore what’s in the envelope, but Drew tells him, he’s saying it’s completely Curtis’s call. He’s just pointing out there’s no shame in considering his father’s presence in his life a gift, and taking that gift, no questions asked.

TJ says, they’ll take some x-rays to make sure, but it looks like a wrist sprain at most, and Avery asks what an x-ray is. TJ says, it’s when they take really cool pictures of what’s inside her, and Ava says, a sprain would be good news; not the end of the world. Avery asks if she’ll still get a lollypop, but TJ says he’s all out of them today. Sonny says he’ll go to the gift shop and get her one, and Avery says, yay. Sonny comes out, and Marshall approaches him. Marshall says he’s finally figured Sonny out. He’s the type who only learns his lesson the second time around. Sonny asks if there’s a problem, and Marshall says he thought he made himself clear at The Savoy. Don’t come at his family. Sonny says he thinks Marshall was wrong about what was happening then, and he’s making a mistake about what’s happening now, but Marshall says, it’s no mistake. He saw Sonny talking to TJ. He’s Marshall’s grandson. Sonny says, TJ also happens to be a doctor, and his daughter was injured on the playground; he’s treating her. Marshall says, this hospital is full of doctors. Find another one please. He don’t want his grandson associating with the likes of Sonny. Sonny says he’d be interested to find out how Marshall is going to enforce that. Excuse him. He leaves, and TJ watches Marshall from the doorway.

At the MetroCourt, Carly asks if Elizabeth knows what she wants, and Elizabeth says, that depends. Is she serving head on a platter? Carly says she will be, when they prove Esme did this. How is Cameron? Elizabeth says, he’s mortified, furious, completely and utterly shaken. Carly says, that sounds about right, and Elizabeth asks how Josslyn is doing. She seems to be holding up really well. Carly says, she’s checking all the boxes; head held high, determined to stand up for herself, but she has to be putting up a front. Elizabeth says, how could it not be? and Carly says she doesn’t care how tough you are, when you’re called a tramp and a slut, it takes its toll. She didn’t want this for Josslyn. She wanted Josslyn to be who she is, confident and strong, come out swinging if need be. Why did this happen? Elizabeth says she doesn’t know, but she can tell Carly this; Josslyn’s going to be okay. Carly asks how she can be so sure, and Elizabeth says, Josslyn’s got Carly.   

Josslyn says, once it’s established that this tape was made and posted without their consent… Alexis says, which is illegal. She can’t stress that enough. Revenge porn and filming someone without their consent is a misdemeanor and felony respectively. Josslyn asks if there will be any mention of Esme, but Alexis says, they can only make general references to a person who’s unnamed, thought to be responsible. Without any evidence from the PCU or the police, any allegations made to a specific wrongdoer if libelous. Josslyn asks, what about mentions of her and Cam? and Alexis says, typically pseudonyms are used in cases like this. Cameron says, that won’t stop other papers from using their names, and Alexis says, given how young they are, respected news organizations will most likely follow their lead and not identify them. Cameron says, what about the non-respected ones? They’re going to be all over this because Joss is Sonny’s stepdaughter. Josslyn says, if their real names are out there, why even use the pseudonyms? Maybe they just start with their real names. Cameron says, or maybe they don’t do this at all.

Esme says, she vacuumed, made the bed, and scoured the bathroom. It will be like she was never here. Nikolas says, Spencer will be heartbroken to come home and find her gone, and he’s guessing she’ll feel the same way. Esme says she just doesn’t know, and Nikolas suggests she stay until Spencer gets here, and they can decide on the next step together. Laura asks him to go pick up Spencer. Then she and Esme can have chance to talk, just the two of them. He tells her, work her magic, and leaves. Laura says, it’s just the two of them now, and asks Esme to tell her what’s really going on.  

Spencer asks what he’s supposed to be grateful for, and speaking for Ryan, Harmony says, Spencer and his girlfriend exploited his name and reputation, using it to further their own; ends that saw Ava hurt. He didn’t stop them. Spencer asks why he should have. Ryan’s name entered the public domain ten murders ago. Harmony moves a chess piece, and says, and it was all for nothing. Ava and Nikolas are still together, and Spencer is out in the cold, abandoned even my his own girlfriend. Spencer moves a piece, and says he should have spent the last hour doing pottery, and Harmony says, it doesn’t have to be this way. Spencer still has one friend. Spencer asks who? and Harmony as Ryan says, me.

TJ says, it’s a mild sprain. Avery will need an elastic bandage and some ice. Sonny comes in, and says, and this, giving Avery a lollypop. TJ says he’ll get Nurse Deanna to wrap it up for her; she’s the best in this business. Sonny says, don’t tell Epiphany, and TJ says, the best in the business after Epiphany. Ava says, smart guy, and Sonny thanks him for checking Avery out. TJ says, anytime, and asks if he can talk to Sonny for a quick second. As they leave, Ava says, Avery got watermelon. Avery’s dad knows it’s her favorite. She’s a lucky girl. In the hallway, TJ says he saw Sonny with his grandfather. Is everything okay? Sonny says, he has no problem with Marshall, and TJ tells Avery to take care of that arm, and leaves. Ava says she has an idea. After Avery is patched up, why don’t they head to Kelly’s for some ice cream? Avery asks, can Mama Carly come too?

Marshall tells Deanna that he doesn’t like to mess around with this stuff. Is there someone else he can see besides Dr. Rose? TJ says, someone like him?

Curtis says Drew is right. He does want his father in his life. If it was just him, he could probably go on not asking another question. Drew says, but he’s also asking for Portia and Trina, and Curtis says, and for TJ and Aunt Stella. How can he, in good conscience, open the door to his life, and let Marshall in without knowing what’s going to follow him inside? Drew says, sounds like Curtis made up his mind, and Curtis says he can’t look the other way. He has to know everything about that man before he lets Marshall come any closer. Drew slides the envelope over, and Curtis opens it.

Spencer tells Ryan, he thinks he’s all set on friends, but thank you. Harmony sighs, and says, we’re on the same team. Neither of us wants your father with Ava, but only one of us still has the power to act. Will you use it? She moves another piece, says, checkmate, and Nikolas walks in.

Laura says Esme was right; everything was absolutely spotless. Esme says Laura almost sounds disappointed, and Laura says she likes an easy call. She thought she had Esme all figured out. She actually thought Esme was bad for Spencer, and it was only a matter of time before he figured it out. Esme says, and bye-bye Esme, and Laura says, yes, but that’s not what happened. Esme and Spencer became even closer, and she saw Esme encourage Spencer to reconcile with his father. As it turns out, Esme is by no means an easy call. Esme asks if Laura is saying she was wrong about her.

Josslyn says, so Cameron doesn’t want to do the article? and Cameron says he just wants them to consider all their options before going public. She says, they’re already public; that’s kind of the whole point. He says, if they keep talking about it, everyone is going to keep talking about it. If they stay quiet, maybe it will blow over. She says, that’s easy for him to say. He’s big man on campus. Meanwhile, she’s being tagged as a slut on social media. He says, that’s not what he meant. He knows this is harder on her, he really does. Alexis says she’s not doing this feature to make money. She’s doing it because she thinks it can do some real good, but they both have to be on board. If they decide that the downside is too great, she fully understands. This is a really hard thing to do. She’ll follow their lead, and in the meantime, give them some time to talk about it.

Elizabeth says. she used to consider herself lucky that she only had boys, and Carly says, she never dreamed of a little girl? Elizabeth says, the thought terrified her. She convinced herself that if she had a little girl, she’d have to build walls around her and put her in bubble wrap. Carly says, don’t think she hasn’t tried, and Elizabeth says, anything to protect her so she wouldn’t get hurt. Carly says, like Elizabeth did? and Elizabeth says, that night changed everything for her, but now that she has Violet in her life, she realizes she had it all wrong. She hopes Violet is raised the same way Carly raised Josslyn, to be a strong, fierce, proactive young woman. Yes, she just paid Carly a compliment. Carly says she thought her ears were playing tricks on her, and Elizabeth says, they’ve had their differences, but Carly did a helluva job raising her daughter.

Laura says, how about if they say Esme’s shown so much growth, she’s reconsidered her initial evaluation? but Esme says, unfortunately, it’s a little too late. Laura asks if things are really that bad with Esme and Spencer. She finds it so hard to believe. Esme asks, why? and Laura says she can see Esme’s opinion holds weight with him. He listens to her and takes her words to heart. She knows Spencer adores Esme; she’s seen the way he looks at her. Esme asks if Laura has seen the way he looks at Trina, and Laura says, okay. Now she understands. Esme says, it’s been that way since the moment she met Trina. She was looking for Spencer at Windymere, and she found him alone with Trina. It was obvious she was interrupting something. At first, she chalked it up to her own insecurity, but now it’s too obvious to ignore. The person she crossed an ocean for, the only guy she’s ever loved, has fallen for someone else. Now she’s leaving Spence behind before he and his friends leave her with nothing.

Harmony says, Ryan would like to know if Spencer would like to play another game, but Nikolas walks over, and says, today’s the big day. Is Spencer ready? Spencer says he’s never been readier, if that’s a word. They step away from the table, and Nikolas asks where his grandmother is. Nikolas says, she’s waiting for him at her place. He gestures toward Ryan, and says, what is that? Spencer says, with Ryan? He’s just killing some time, but Nikolas says, nothing is ever that simple with Chamberlain. Spencer says, Ryan is just trying to get inside his head, and Nikolas asks if he’s all right. Spencer says, he’s fine. Grandmother’s at home; what about Ava?

Ava says, Avery hasn’t seen a lot of Carly lately, has she? She doesn’t know if Carly is available, but she can call and ask. Sony says, if Carly isn’t free, they can schedule a playdate. He knows there have been a lot of changes, but one thing that will always stay the same is, her parents – all three of them – and her brothers and sisters will always love her… to the end of the galaxy. Avery says, promise? and he kisses the top of her head, saying, he promises.

Marshall thanks TJ for the offer, but he’s okay. TJ asks if he’s sure; he sounded a little put out. Deanna says, Dr. Ashford knows his stuff, and TJ says he appreciates that. He asks if Deanna can wrap Avery’s wrist; she has a mild sprain. She goes to the exam room, and TJ says, she’s right. He does know his stuff. Marshall says he sounded put out, but it’s his fault. He should have called before he came. TJ says, or maybe Marshall’s not upset because he couldn’t see his doctor. Maybe he’s upset because Sonny got under his skin.

Elizabeth says she has to admit, in the beginning she was rooting for Cameron and Trina to get together, and Carly says, as opposed to Cameron and Josslyn? Elizabeth says she was just worried Josslyn might be… Carly says, too much like her? and Elizabeth says, now she realizes Josslyn is exactly who she wants Cameron to be with. She’s smart, independent, fiercely loyal to the people she cares about. Carly says, and Cameron isn’t afraid of Josslyn’s fierceness, and Elizabeth says, the opposite; he’s drawn toward it. More than that, he respects it. Carly says, if they’re throwing around compliments, she has some. Cameron is a great kid, and he respects women because Elizabeth taught him to. Elizabeth says, it’s ironic. Respect hasn’t always been her thing. Carly knows that better than anyone else. We flash back to when they were practically teens, and Elizabeth calling Carly the town whore, and Carly slapping her, saying hypocritical slut Elizabeth got pregnant on purpose.  Elizabeth says, Carly was right. She was a hypocrite, judging Carly when she was no saint herself. Carly says she could have taken the high road a few times, but she didn’t, and it’s highly unlikely she will in the future.

Cameron says, everything has been moving so fast, he’s had no time to think about it, and Josslyn says, really? She feels like that’s all she does. And guess what? They don’t have the power to slow it down. They’ve already gotten email requests for comments from the PCU paper. Does he think it will stop there? He says, it could. Maybe if they both keep their heads down, something will come along to take the attention away from them. She says, then what? He heard Alexis. What happened to them was a crime, and sitting in the dark hiding just makes her feel like more of a victim, and she doesn’t want that. And she doesn’t want people to think she’s ashamed because she’s not. They didn’t do anything wrong. They had sex because they love each other. She loves him. He says he loves her too, and she says she’s not going to let Esme and some internet creepers turn it into something ugly. He says, he doesn’t want her to get hurt, but she says she’ll hurt more if she doesn’t stand up for herself. So will he stand up with her? Alexis knocks, and says there’s someone she wants them to meet. She introduces Alicia Giago, one of their best reporters. She doesn’t mean to pressure them, but they’re reaching a deadline for tomorrow’s issue. If they want to stay ahead of the story, the story has to be in said issue. Have they reached a decision?

Esme says, to Spence’s friends, she’s toxic, and they’ve finally convinced him to agree, and Laura says, so she’s leaving? Esme says she refuses to stick around for scapegoat duty, and Laura says, even if it means giving up Spencer? Esme asks what Laura would do in her position. Fight to hold to a guy who’s into someone else? Laura says she’d have to think twice, and Esme says she bets Laura never had to. She bets Laura has always been first in the eyes of the ones she’s loved. Esme is lucky if anyone sees her at all. Spence did, but not anymore. Laura says she doesn’t know that, but Esme says she does. Laura asks if she’s 100% certain, and Esme doesn’t say anything. Laura says, no? Okay. Esme asked what she’d do in her position. She thinks she’d want to know if it was really over before she walked away. Esme says she doesn’t even know why they’re discussing this. Why would it make a difference to Laura whether she’s with Spence or she isn’t? Laura says, actually, it makes more difference than Esme knows.

Nikolas tells Spencer that Avery had a playground accident, and Ava decided to take her to the hospital. Spencer asks how bad Avery is hurt, and Nikolas says, Ava doesn’t think it’s serious, but she wants to make sure. Spencer says, it’s good Ava is focused on Avery, so she won’t be focused on torturing him. Nikolas says, Spencer… and Spencer says, they can’t forget Ava is in charge of his restitution. Nikolas says, let’s not start out this way, and Spencer says, what way? but Nikolas says, Spencer knows what he means. They haven’t even left this place, and already they’re at odds over Ava. Spencer asks, when are they not? and Nikolas says, walking out those doors doesn’t erase everything. Spencer has a lot of work ahead to make up for the pain he caused. He needs all the allies he can get. Spencer says, so he has to toe the line, or Nikolas and Ava will cut him loose? He’s been there; he’s done that. Nikolas says he wishes Spencer could see his release the way he does. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start, for all of them. Spencer glances at Ryan, who blinks once, and he tells Nikolas, let’s just focus on us. They can worry about the subject of Ava later. Nikolas says he’ll take what he can get. They’ll get him processed and out of here. He leaves, and Spencer follows, stopping to look at Ryan.

Elizabeth says, the name calling they did seems worse now, doesn’t it? and Carly says, in light of what the kids are going through, it seems like the universe is dishing out some serious karma. They said some nasty things to each other, and she feels like Joss and Cam are paying the price. Elizabeth says she just feels like they’re being tested, and where she and Carly failed as young adults, they’ll succeed. Carly says Elizabeth sounds confident, and Elizabeth says she is. Because she and Carly raised some fundamentally decent humans. It’s not going to protect them from getting hurt… Carly says, no, but it will give them the tools to handle it, and Elizabeth says, exactly. They’re going to take what’s thrown at them and keep on going. Carly says, just like they did. Hopefully, with less drama. Elizabeth says, way less.

Ava says she takes it there was a little hiccup with Sonny and Curtis’s father, and Sonny says she doesn’t miss a beat. She says she’s tuned to his moods, and he says, it wasn’t a hiccup, just a communication problem. Ava says, not on his part though. She says this because she heard he was communicating quite a bit on Nina’s behalf. He says, on Wiley’s behalf, and she says, whichever. It’s a side she’s not often privy to; optimistic and sociable. She likes it. It’s becoming, and she hopes she sees more of it. He smiles.

Marshall says, he’s crossed paths with men like Sonny before, and TJ says, then he should know, Sonny’s no one to mess with. Marshall says, TJ seems pretty chummy with him, and TJ says, they go way back. Sonny was there for him when he really needed him. Marshall says he bets Sonny loves to remind TJ of it too, but TJ says, it’s not like that. Marshall says, not yet, but the Sonnys of the world never forget a favor given, and Lord knows, they always collect on a favor owed. Don’t mistake his generosity for genuine friendship.

Curtis looks at some papers, and Drew says, it’s a lease dated September of 1986 for a one-bedroom apartment in Buenos Aires. They were never digitized, so a conventional background check wouldn’t have caught it because it’s a foreign document. Curtis says he never thought his father lived outside the U.S., and Drew says, the only reason his people caught it is because Aurora’s big enough that it vets international. Curtis says, so his father lived outside the country, and Drew says, but it’s who he lived as that surprised him. Check out the name on the agreement. Curtis says, Marshall Ashford. If he was in Witness Protection, wouldn’t he have an alias? Drew says, maybe he got sloppy? and Curtis says, or maybe he was never in Witness Protection. I have to mention, not once did Marshall ever say he was in Witness Protection. Curtis just assumed it.

Josslyn and Cameron go to the MetroCourt. Josslyn tells Elizabeth and Carly, they heard what Alexis had to say, and they agree with it. Elizabeth says, so they’re doing the story? and Cameron says, they did the story. Josslyn says, they already spoke to the reporter. They’re not hiding; they’re going to stand up for themselves. Carly says, good for both of them, when a woman approaches the table. She introduces herself as Detective Lopez from the PCPD, and asks if Josslyn and Cameron ready to give their statements. Cameron nods, and Josslyn says, they’re ready. They follow the detective out.  

Alexis says, this is actually coming together, and Alicia says, at the speed of light. Alexis says she’s really proud of Josslyn and Cameron. This was a tough decision. So it’s their job to make sure they don’t regret it.

Curtis says, so if his father wasn’t in Witness Protection, but was on the run, his claims of having a dangerous past don’t count for much. Drew says, maybe Witness Protection services doesn’t extend abroad, but Curtis says, he’d still have an alias though. Providing he ever had one in the first place. Drew says, so Curtis got this information, now what is he going to do with it?

Marshall tells TJ to stay away from Sonny. If he keeps sniffing around, let him know. TJ says, if he ever has any problems with Sonny, he will. He leaves, and Marshall looks at his prescription bottle. He turns, and Avery slams into him, causing him to drop it. It rolls toward Sonny, who stops it with his foot.

Harmony says, next time Ryan wants to play mind games with someone, find himself another lackey. She has enough trouble in her own life. He blinks a bunch of times, and she says, what is it? He blinks some more.

Marshall asks if Avery is all right, and Ava apologizes. Sonny picks up the bottle, and Marshall holds out his hand, saying, he’ll have that back now. Sonny hands it to him, says, see him soon, and leaves with Ava and Avery.

Harmony reads, don’t worry. One day I’ll free you from your service the only way I know how. Yikes.

Laura says, under normal circumstances she’d step back and let Spencer and Esme work out their problems, but these are not normal times. It’s very clear Victor is up to no good, which will most certainly blow back on her son and grandson. Whatever issues they’re having, she knows Esme really cares about Spencer, and right now, he needs everybody he can get in his corner, and especially the ones who have sway with him. Esme says, so if she can help keep Spence away from Victor, Laura will overlook her issues? What happens if she’s not willing to overlook Spence’s? Nikolas and Spencer come in.

Tomorrow, Willow tells Michael that she wasn’t being honest with him; Ava tells Victor that when she wants something, she usually gets it; and Nina tells Sonny that she was following up on something important.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

When we last left, Gina and Shannon were having a private discussion at Jen’s party. Shannon said she was still reeling from Gina asking if she even had friends. She’d invited Gina so many different places; where had Gina invited her? Gina said she was going to invite Shannon to her launch party, but now she didn’t know if she wanted to. Shannon said now Gina was holding her invitation hostage, but Gina said she hadn’t invited anyone anywhere because her life had been trashed. In her interview, Shannon said, when one person had to do all the work, the friendship was one-sided, but that was just her opinion. Gina said she was bothered by Shannon bringing her up to different people in different situations, telling them that she’d gotten Gina a lawyer. Shannon said, but she had, and Gina told Shannon that she was thankful, but it had been three years ago. In Shannon’s interview, she said, if someone had helped her when she’d been arrested for a DUI, she’d thank them all the time, but she didn’t need thanks. That feeling you had at about 9:04 pm was me rolling my eyes so hard it vibrated the world. Heather told Emily, the day she met Gina, Shannon brought up Gina’s DUI and her divorce. We flashed back to Shannon telling Heather all about it in a limo, and Gina thanking Shannon for saving her. Gina told Shannon, it wasn’t cool to keep telling people Gina was egotistical. It was starting to feel mean. Shannon said she’d been nothing but kind to Gina, and Gina said Shannon wasn’t doing it to be kind, but to self-promote. Shannon wanted to write her own hero story about herself. Shannon told Gina that she really did need to put a pin in it. This could possibly replace clip in the Bravoverse catch-phrase dictionary. Emily told Heather that Shannon said Gina had an over-inflated sense of self and was arrogant, and Heather said Shannon didn’t understand the phrase put a pin in it. It meant it should be discussed later. Gina said she was sorry she felt good about herself. Does Shannon want her to hate herself? Shannon said the funniest part was that she was so busy, in good ways, with the kids, her personal relationship, and her business, and Gina was saying she was jealous. There was no arrogance in that? Gina said she felt bad for Shannon, and had nothing but pity for Shannon’s life. She wasn’t doing this anymore. She got up, and Shannon said she hoped Gina got to her level one day. Gina said maybe one day she’d make it after all over. She was done. Gina walked away, but Shannon followed, telling her to put a pin in her ego, and calling her an a-hole. Gina asked if Shannon was f***ing kidding her, but wisely kept walking. In Gina’s interview, she said, in general, Shannon was naturally selfish. She had to work at being excited for Gina.

Gina told Heather that Shannon hoped Gina got to her level one day, and in Heather’s interview, she wondered, if Shannon was so happy, why did she have to keep expressing she was so happy? Are you happy? Heather asked Shannon what was going on, and Shannon said, Gina claimed she was jealous of Gina’s friendship with Heather. Heather said, Gina felt Shannon wasn’t supportive. Heather had been excited about the New York trip, and when Shannon called, she thought Shannon was going to ask how the show went, but it was none of that. She was calling about having more fun than Heather and Gina. In Shannon’s interview, she said, Heather was going to come at her for not bringing up her podcast? She didn’t know Heather’s schedule, and was never going to. Noella said, there was a vibe at dinner, and Heather walked away, since she couldn’t finish her sentence. In her interview, she said, every time Noella was around, Noella couldn’t stop talking. She had to interject her opinion, even if it didn’t involve her. Jen kept giving people suggestions for procedures using a laser pointer, and in her interview, she suggested someone take it away from her before the party cleared out. Shannon told John that Gina said she had nothing but pity for Shannon’s life, and he said, f*** Gina. It was the most ridiculous comment he’d ever heard. They were done with Gina. Who TF did she think she was? Jen asked Ryne if what she said had been understandable, and he told her, it should be a TED talk.

Heather asked to speak with Shannon in private, and said, Shannon understood how hurtful labels could be if they were inaccurate. Shannon whined that Gina had done that multiple times, and Heather pointed out that Shannon had done that to her. Shannon had said Heather was pretentious, among other things. This put Shannon into can-you-top-this? mode, and she said Heather talked about her too. Like when Heather said Shannon was angry walking out of a restaurant. We flashed back to said anger, and Heather saying Shannon scared her. Shannon said, Heather had also claimed she was yelling when she wasn’t, but Heather wanted to get back to the topic at hand. Shannon didn’t and said, she got it; labels were bad. She felt blindsided and wanted to go home. Heather said she was trying to have an honest conversation, and Shannon said she’d been nothing but a supportive friend. In Heather’s interview, she said, when you had to tell people how they felt, there was a problem. I’m the best friend you ever had. Can’t you tell? At the end of the day, you show people who you are. You don’t tell them.

Noella had a session with Kate, a teacher of conscious relationships. In Noella’s interview, she said Kate was her soul’s translator. Noella was a manifester, and there was a block. She made a list of all the alternative whatevers she’d been involved with – which was a lot – and said she’d done all of it. Kate asked where things were standing, and Noella said, anger was the feeling du jour. Kate explained that it was the ending of some dreams, the ending of a chapter of life Noella thought she would live. It went along with the trauma of abandonment, and if we couldn’t find where the cycle began, we’d repeat it. Noella said her father bailed on her early. She saw him twice year, and felt if she got straight A’s, or if she was perfect and beautiful, if she didn’t mess up, he would love her. In Noella’s interview, she said she saw her father for events when he needed to look like a family man. Kate asked if Noella had wondered if he was coming back, and Noella said, 100%. In her interview, Noella said she was programmed to make a man look perfect. She told Kate that her dad had sickle cell issues. She told him that he’d been a great father, and they’d rekindled their relationship. Kate said Noella needed to find peace in acceptance; open up to what was new and she’d manifest. Noella said, it was all on her. She was the one who put men on a pedestal. Kate said Noella had been seeking validation and attention in love because she hadn’t received it from her dad. She asked where Noella thought she could seek what she couldn’t find in someone else, and Noella said she had to give it to herself. Kate said, it was cliché, but there were clichés for a reason. This actually didn’t seem much different than regular talk therapy except for words like manifest.

Emily went to Gina’s house, and Gina said something had been literally haunting her since the sweat lodge. We flashed back to that, and Gina said she felt she needed an element of God. Emily asked if an exorcist was coming, but Gina said it was called an extraction. Emily put her hood up, afraid something might attack her, and Shauna arrived to do Gina’s healing. Gina told Shauna that they’d gone to a sweat lodge, and went through an indigenous ritual, but they never finished it. We flashed back to Noella passing out, and Shauna said Gina didn’t get closure, but there was an opening for her to bring something home. In Gina’s interview, she said just the thought of that was gross. Shauna said she’d have to pull it out of Gina’s mouth, and had Gina sit in a chair. In her interview, Gina said she hated this, and hadn’t declared it in customs. Shauna had her breathe in and out, and threw some invisible things out the window. This was officially the dumbest sh*t I’ve ever seen. In Emily’s interview, she said she should have worn a hazmat suit. She and Shauna examined Gina’s eyes, which Shauna pronounced more clear. Emily said they seemed to be lighter in color, and in her interview, Emily hoped whatever it was wasn’t in her car, since she’d parked across the street. Gina told Emily that she have cleared before she had the sit-down with Shannon.

Heather stopped by Jen’s office to get some cream for an allergic reaction, and to tell Jen that her event was lovely. Jen said she felt like it served its purpose, but she should have done the speech earlier. Heather said Terry was in love with Mr. Puppers (me too!), and we saw a clip of him giving the Puppers kissies. Heather said Terry wanted one, but he wasn’t getting it, and Jen said she wanted a pack of them (me too!).  

Emily looked at an Airbnb on her laptop, and called Shannon to show her the house. In Emily’s interview, she said they needed a change of scenery, and we saw a clip of her telling Gina that Cabo was too hot. Gina said, no more beaches. Emily told us that maybe the mountains and country would inspire them to get along. In Heather’s interview, she said she was excited about going to Aspen, but was concerned about some of the other women. Emily asked if Shannon had talked to Gina, and Shannon said she’d reached out, and they were going to get together tomorrow. Emily said she saw Gina a couple of days ago, leaving out the whole extraction thing, and she felt Gina was more reasonable, and admitted she’d said some mean things to Shannon. Emily thought they should celebrate Gina’s success, and in Shannon’s interview, she said she thought Emily was enjoying their growing friendship, and didn’t want any animosity between her and Gina. But if that’s what she wanted, she had to stop stirring the drama and stop misconstruing things about her from Gina.

Emily was having a dinner party for Shane’s family, and Chef Dusty did the cooking. Emily said she couldn’t even make chicken nuggets in the oven, and we saw a clip of her with chicken nuggets so burnt they could have been charcoal nuggets. She said she liked the microwave, and I totally understood. In Emily’s interview, she said, as an adult, we created the family we always wanted. It was difficult growing up with no father, and raised by a single mom with no money. We flashed back to Emily saying that everything she’d done, she’d done because she needed to prove herself worthy. She told us, as a mom, you want more for your children than you had; a safe, healthy, secure home, a mom and dad that care about each other. She told their guests that they always did a theme for their family photos, and this year they were doing a wedding photo. In her interview, she said they’d gotten married in Vegas, and Shane’s youngest was two. She’d had a tantrum, and there were no photos. She thought vow renewals were cursed, and we flashed back to Vicki, Shannon, and Braunwyn’s ceremonies. Shane pointed out that his sister Shireen did it and they were still married. In her interview, Emily said she’d wanted to do a vow renewal, but she and Shane weren’t good at the ten year mark. We flashed back to that, and she said they’d been through the trenches. She told everyone that she was starting a new trend, wedding photo redo. They toasted to family, and a long, happy life.

Noella and mom Nancy talked while Noella was doing her makeup. In Noella’s interview, she said they’d gotten the sad news that her father had passed away. He was in the home he loved in Hawaii, and was alone. They’d received a letter from his executor saying he’d passed. She told Nancy that he’d have preferred it that way to being in a hospital hooked up on machines. Nancy said he’d never gotten to meet his grandkids, and in her interview, Noella said she wished her son had gotten to meet her father. She didn’t have many regrets, but she regretted that. She could have made it happen, but she was protective, She was scared her father would hurt her kids the same way he’d hurt her. She cried, and said, in hindsight, she wished she could have worked through that.

It was time for Gina’s launch party for CaraGala, and she and friend Tatiana got their makeup done. In Gina’s interview, she said Tatiana was happy to see her success. We saw a clip of Tatiana telling Gina that she was proud of her, and it was special that it was happening at her house. Gina thanked Tatiana for extending her home, and Tatiana said everything in Gina’s life was good. Gina said there was only one thing she was nervous about – Shannon. Shannon wrote out a card for Gina, saying she wished Gina nothing but complete success. Gina told Tatiana, if Shannon could table it and show up for her, it would make her a bigger person. Tatiana wondered if Shannon could make it through the whole night, and Gina said it depended on much time she spent at the bar. There was an amazing spread, champagne, and tchotchkes, In her interview, Gina said looking around at all the people who love and want to support her put things in perspective. Her parents came in from out of town, and Travis was there. Matt and Britt would have come, but they had all the kids. Heather gifted Gina with the cutest Chanel makeup bag that was a memory of their trip, and Gina said Heather’s friendship meant a lot. Emily told Noella that she was so sorry, and explained to Heather than Noella’s father had died. Ryne did not bring Mr. Puppers, which was disappointing. There was a portrait of Gina on display, and Gina said if Shannon wanted to put a pin in it, it was a large bullseye.  We saw a clip of Gina on the phone to Shannon, saying she’d like Shannon there if she could be supportive. If she felt that was something she wanted to do and could do, she’d love to have her. She told Emily and Tatiana, it wasn’t like she enjoyed hurting people’s feelings; she recognized she’d said some mean things. They agreed it wasn’t Gina’s style, and Emily said they all had their bad moments. Noella thanked Emily for her text, and we saw Emily had said if Noella wanted to go to the funeral, she’d go with her. There were lots of congratulations.

Shannon arrived bearing a gift, which I might be tempted to check for a boobytrap. Gina said she wasn’t sure if Shannon would come, but Shannon said she was a loyal friend. Gina opened the gift, and it was a glass butterfly, which Shannon said was lucky; it was symbolic. Heather told Noella that she was sorry to hear about her father, and Noella said he meant so much to so many people. His family was from Carmel, so she wanted to do something there. Heather gave a toast to him, and Noella thanked Jen for the flowers, adding that Jen still had her blocked on Instagram. In Jen’s interview, she said she wouldn’t let history get in the way of her sympathizing with Noella about her father dying, but she didn’t need tagging on Instagram. Gina’s mom thanked Shannon for getting Gina that lawyer three years ago, and in her interview, Shannon said she’d done something nice; she wasn’t crazy. Like the two were exclusive. Heather told the women that she and Terry were taking a trip to Cabo, where they were going to just eat, drink, and have hotel sex. Jen says she and Ryne had hotel sex last night, and all the women high-fived Ryne, even though he didn’t know why.

It was time for Gina’s speech, and she said, it was special to have everybody around her. The last few years had been very hard, and pouring self into CaraGala gave her a sense of purpose. She appreciated Travis supporting and loving her through everything. In her interview, she said she didn’t think she’d feel this whole if Travis hadn’t been a supportive, loving partner. Part of the reason she had confidence was because he helped put her back together. And he was from Orange County; she never would have thought it. A cake with giant sparklers came out, and Emily said she wanted Gina to look in the mirror every day, and say she was a badass boss bitch, because she was. Gina said she was glad they were all here, and Jen said she’d nailed it.

Five days later. Shannon said she didn’t know if Gina really wanted to get along with her, and Gina said she was making an effort. In Heather’s interview, she said, never in her wildest dreams did she think she was about to go to Crazytown.

Next time, the trip to Aspen, Heather tells Noella to shut up, Noella accuses Heather of putting her hands on a crew member, Emily asks why Shannon says negative things about Gina, Shannon questions Emily’s friendship, and Noella is fighting for her sanity.

🐱 Sadly, Andy Cohen told us on Watch What Happens Live tonight, that Dina Manzo’s cat Grandma Wrinkles had passed away. He talked about one of his favorite moments, on the sole WWHL New Year’s Eve show, when Grandma Wrinkles got married to Giggy. He showed a clip, and perhaps even more sadly, I remembered watching that as being one of my favorite New Year’s Eves. I even took pictures.

Giggy & Grandma Wrinkles

🦁 Easing On Down the Road…

Come on by tomorrow for soap and whatever tea I can brew up. Until then, stay safe, stay setting your own bar high, and stay remembering, at the end of the day, you don’t tell people who you are, you show them.

March 22, 2022 – The Pause Is Over, Traci’s Treescape Event, Why, Not Beamed Up Yet & Late


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

In Britt’s office, Brad looks at a laptop and says, next question. I don’t care about the rules; I do what I want. Strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree. Britt says, strongly agree. How many more? This is taking forever. He tells her, have patience. When it comes to making plans, I am willing to compromise. Strongly agree… She says, somewhat agree, and he says, strongly disagree. She says, pardon? and he says, nothing. Almost there. Only 40 more questions. She says, what? and he says he’s kidding. It takes all the answers to find her perfect man.

Elizabeth sees Dante and the station, and asks if there’s been any progress on the break-in at her house. How could someone sneak a giant portrait into her house without somebody’s doorbell cam picking it up? He says, you’d think so, but they have nothing so far. She says, obviously, she’s disappointed – not surprised – but there’s been a development on her end.

Chase goes to Finn’s office, and Finn says, back again? He thought this was going to stop. Chase says, good morning to him too. Thanks for the warm welcome. Finn says he’s sorry. He thought he’d be seeing a lot less of Chase now that Brook is back in town.

Maxie finds Brook sitting outside her office, and asks if they have a meeting. She needs coffee. She was going to stop by Perks on her way there, but realized she didn’t have a free hand, and she keeps forgetting Bailey’s stroller has a cup holder. Brook says she can’t believe Maxie didn’t have coffee. It’s the first thing she does in the morning, after Miss Bailey’s bottle of course (🍷). Maxie says she brews her first cup right after she gets up. Perks is her first latte. She suggests Brook see Bailey at daycare. She’s sure Bailey misses Brook. Brook says, thanks, she will. She misses Bailey. Maxie asks how she is. She hasn’t seen Brook since she got back. Brook says she’s good.

At the MetroCourt, Portia signs a paper, and Lucy says, and that is the last one. She did it. Portia says she’s going to get carpal tunnel from signing all these documents, and Curtis thanks Lucy, saying, this was a better venue than some stuffy room in a bank. Lucy says she does aim to please, and tells them that she forgot a very important something. Stay there one minute. She leaves, and Curtis says, they’re homeowners. Portia says, they’ve got a beach house, and they kiss. Marshall walks in with Epiphany.

At the penthouse, Selena thanks Sonny for seeing her on such short notice. She didn’t want to bother him at home. There was a time she would have gone through Jason, but since he still has no second, she had no choice but to approach him directly. He says, Jason’s hard to replace. What’s on her mind? Do they have a problem?

Maxie says, Brook doesn’t have to do that, and Brook says, do what? Maxie says, pretend she’s okay. She can tell Brook’s hurting. Brook says she’s correct. Life isn’t exactly great at the moment, but how can she complain after everything Maxie went through for all those months and months? Maxie says, Brook didn’t exactly have it easy. People have been judging her and giving her grief. Brook says she’d do it all again to protect that baby girl. She’s just so grateful that Bailey is safe and Peter is finally gone. Maxie says, she’s safe because of how Brook loved and protected her; she’s not going to forget that. Brook says, don’t give her all the credit; Chase helped too. Maxie asks if Brook has seen Chase since she got back, and Brook says, he stopped by the house. Maxie asks, what was so important that he had to rush right over?

Chase tells Finn that he has a legit reason for being there, totally unrelated to Brook. He’s looking at the organizer of this year’s community softball league. Finn says, congratulations, and Chase says he volunteered. Can he put Finn down for a team? Finn says, if he must, and Chase says, and furthermore, could he get Finn to spread the word around here, and get people to sign up? Finn says, Chase might want to pick someone who’s more of a people person. He’s not the best choice to be rallying the troops. Chase says he’d talk to Elizabeth, but he figured she’d be busy with Jake, and Finn says, news on that front. Jake’s innocent; he has an alibi. Chase says, wow, what a relief. Where was he? Finn says, the library, and Chase wonders why he wouldn’t just say that in the first place. Finn says, he didn’t want his mother to know he was videoconferencing with his grandparents. Chase asks why that’s a problem, but Finn doesn’t know. All he can say is, Elizabeth is determined to keep her parents out of her life.

Epiphany looks at Curtis and Portia, and says, they look happy, and Marshall says, they do. She asks if he wants to say hello, but he says, no. He doesn’t want to be pushy. She says, he’s been pushy about getting her into his band, but he says, that suggests common sense. They could have a lot of fun playing music together. Lucy walks by with some mimosas, and Marshall wonders what they’re celebrating.

Lucy gives Portia and Curtis a mimosa, and says, here’s to their new home. Cheers. They clink glasses, and Lucy says she has to go. She really wants to get their papers filed. She hands them their keys, and says she simply has to get back to Deception or she’ll have to fire herself. Ta. Enjoy. She leaves, and Portia says she can’t wait to move in. She’s got some plans for the new house… with his agreement of course (🍷). He says he has some big plans of his own, and kisses her.

Dante says he’ll send someone over to the library, get them to check the computer logs. He’s sure they can confirm Jake’s story, but he’s relieved to hear it. Elizabeth says, her too, but now that they’ve ruled out Jake and Betsy, they’re back to square one, and she doesn’t like it that someone’s been in and out of her house, doing all these creepy things. He says, she did have that key outside that allowed access to her house, and she says she’s removed the key and changed the locks. A security system is being put in today. He says he’ll make sure a patrol car goes by the house every day too, and she thanks him. She says she’s also here on another matter. It concerns Cameron. Apparently, there’s a video going around. He says he’s aware of the video of Cam and Joss. Actually, Michael was just arrested for assaulting a tabloid reporter who asked him about it.

Selena says she and Sonny have no problem. She’s found their collaboration beneficial so far. She hopes he feels the same. He says he was surprised, since everything’s going smoothly and she asked to meet with him. What’s so urgent? She says, they used to be the Five Families calamari; now they’re two, Corinthos and Wu. Since their territories are now consolidated, it’s only natural that their business interests would overlap more than previously. He tells her, cut to the chase. What does she want? She says, use of the Port Charles harbor. Of course (🍷) he’ll get a cut of any business she does in his territory. He laughs, and says, he’ll consider that, but she’s got to play by his rules.

Brook says, Chase stopped by to drop off a few things she left at the beach house. Okay, more than a few. Maxie says, poor Chase. He seemed so lost while she was gone. Brook says she’s sure he’s missing Bailey. His suspension’s also weighing on him. Maxie says, all that is true, but she’s sure Bailey’s not the only person he’s missing. Brook says, Chase made it clear he just wants to be friends, and that’s how she wants it. She asks, where’s Lucy? Deception’s about to go public, and they haven’t even planned the party. Maxie says, she’s wrapping up some real estate business or whatever, and asks, what’s in there? indicating Brook’s notebook. Brook says, it’s just her songbook. Chase found it at the beach house. Maxie asks if she’s writing songs again, but Brook says, not exactly. She hasn’t looked at it since Nelle attacked her. She just couldn’t face it. She thought she shouldn’t write anymore since she can’t sing anymore. Maxie asks if she changed her mind, and Brook says, Chase thinks other people might want to sing them. He thinks they’re pretty good. Maxie says, oh does he? That’s very friendly of him.

Chase asks if this means the pause is over, and Finn and Elizabeth can get back together. Finn says, they haven’t talked about it yet, and Chase asks, what’s stopping them? Finn says, Elizabeth got a little spooked with all the craziness going on, and the speed with which things happened with them. It’s only been a year since she lost her husband; they’re still a family in mourning. Chase says he gets it. All those Francocentric events and sensitivities may have brought up doubts with Elizabeth. Has anything happened since the portrait? Finn says, nothing, and Chase says, maybe it’s over. Finn says, whether it is or it isn’t, he’s not giving up on his relationship with Elizabeth without a fight.

Elizabeth asks, what happens now? and Dante says, Michael will be arraigned this morning. He’ll probably make bail and have his day in court, but he’s only telling her this because she and the boys have to be careful. Smalt is a real piece of garbage, and he’s not going to let this story go. She says, this is an invasion of a very private moment; this isn’t news. It’s smut, and it was intrusive and hurtful. He agrees, but says, it’s news to them because of Josslyn’s connection to Sonny. The Corinthos name is clickbait. She has to remember, Cam and Josslyn are consenting adults now, so technically he’s allowed to go after them. She asks if the kids haven’t suffered enough. What about the person responsible? Is he going after them? He says, of course (🍷), and the PCU is also conducting their own investigation. She wonders how long that will take, and asks what else they can to do. Dante says, stay cool, don’t punch any reporters in the face. If they ask any questions, just keep walking and say no comment. Hopefully, they’ll get bored, and move on to something else soon. She says, easier said than done. Like he told her, the Corinthos name is clickbait. This becomes a story about a kingpin’s stepdaughter. He says he’s going to talk to Sonny, and tell him that he’s got to stay out of it. She says, good luck with that. No one tells Sonny what to do.

Selena asks Sonny to define his rules, and he says, no drugs, period. She says, that’s been his policy for decades. It’s not a problem for her. He says he’s going to need advance notice of all her traffic, and he’s going to need to choose the point person to facilitate the process. She asks if it won’t create more work for him, and he says, those are his terms. She says she agrees, and he says he also needs to hear 48 hours before each shipment. She says, of course (🍷). She’ll make sure there are no disruptions on her end. He says he’s counting on it. Anything else? She says, one more matter. She heard his son Michael was arrested; so vexing. Sonny says, Michael is his problem. She takes care of her family, and he’ll take care of his. She says she does, she promises. She keeps a very close eye on her family.

Brad needs a list of qualities Britt wants in a man, and she groans. She says, smart, resourceful, resilient, not too self-absorbed. Someone who’s aware that there’s a world out there bigger than him and his workout routine or his career path. He needs to be sexy, maybe a little dangerous, but someone she can rely on. Brad says, with a leather jacket and a motorcycle? and Britt says, that’s a low blow. He says, sorry. He’s sure Jason Morgan will be a hard act to follow, but he wasn’t perfect. She says, he was perfect for her, and Brad says, why don’t they try for sexy and resourceful, with a little fashion sense, and maybe loves to dance… and knows good wine… She asks if they’re still looking for her, and he says, trust him. He doesn’t want a man right now, especially with Aunt Selena circling. What he really wants is a job. So how goes it, bestie? Anything at GH?

Epiphany says, Marshall got her thinking, and she’s going to take the MCAT. He says, oh my… wonderful! He’s going to order them a round of mimosas. Curtis and Portia aren’t the only ones with something to celebrate.

Portia says she took Curtis’s advice, and stopped pushing Trina to stay away from Spencer. He says, good. He doesn’t think she has to worry about anything. Trina’s got a good head on her shoulders. He thinks she can trust Trina’s decisions. She says she does. She’s glad Trina’s learning to live life on he own. She wants that for Trina, but it’s times like these she wishes she could just knock on Trina’s bedroom door, poke her head in, ask how Trina’s day has been, and Trina would just confide in her. They’d just talk. No matter the age, parenting is hard.

Marshall asks the waitress for two mimosas with their best champagne. Curtis looks over, and smiles.

Chase says he’s rooting for Finn and Elizabeth. They make a cute couple. Finn asks if he just said cute, and Chase says he’s also impressed to see Finn go after what he wants. Way to be proactive. Finn says, now that they’re on the subject, has Chase spoken to Brook? Chase says, he and Brook are friends who went through an intense time together, and now it’s over. He’ll see her when he sees her. Finn says, it’s good they can still be friends, and Chase asks, why wouldn’t they? He’s sure they’ll be hanging out again… eventually. They’re still movie buddies, although she’s a little possessive about the popcorn. Finn says, and Chase is fine with the buddy part? and Chase says, totally. Why wouldn’t he be? It’s time he got back to living his own life.

Brook tells Maxie that friends was Chase’s word. If he wants something more, he can darn well say it. Maxie says, yeah, but does Brook want more? and Brook flashes back to Chase kissing her. She says, no. She’s not hurling herself into some awkward I’m-sorry-it’s-not-you-it’s-me situation. She’s fine with the friendzone. They really need to jump on this party. She thinks they should start without Lucy, and Sasha’s obviously not coming. Maxie says she got a text from Sasha; she’s extending her time away. Brook says, that’s surprising, when Lucy walks in, and says, they haven’t heard. Sasha and Brando got married.

Britt hands Brad some papers, and says, a list of his job options. He flips through it, and says, none of these are lab positions. She says, they’ve been over this. Terry is Co-Chief of Staff; they make hiring decisions together. There’s no way Terry would let Britt hire Brad to work in a lab, where he could tamper with test results. Given his history, the liability would be too high. She’s sorry, but that’s reality. He says, there’s reality, and then there’s – he looks at the papers – food service coordinator. She takes it and looks herself, and says, it should be food service aide. He doesn’t have the qualifications to be a coordinator. But he could be promoted.

As Selena is leaving, Dante comes to Sonny’s door. She says, Detective Falconari, and thanks Sonny for his hospitality. She leaves, and Dante laughs, saying, hospitality, huh? Selena Wu alleged head of an alleged crime family of the same name. Sonny asks if there’s a question there, and Dante says, no, there isn’t. He came to tell Sonny about Michael; he’s being arraigned today. Sonny asks if Dante can tell him what happened. Michael said he was protecting his sister, and this reporter was harassing him? Because of him and Carly, or what? Dante says, not directly, no, and Sonny asks what Dante means. Dante says, the reporter wanted a headline with the name Corinthos in it, and the reporter went after Michael because there’s a video with Joss and Cameron in it.

Epiphany tells Marshall that she just hopes she’s not fooling herself, thinking she can juggle med school with her job. Becoming a doctor is a major endeavor, and she’ll have to work while she’s in school… if she gets in. Marshall says she’ll be accepted. He bets she knows half that stuff already. How many young doctors has she trained? She says, quite a few, and laughs. He says, there you are. She’s got this. She says he should get a job as a hype man, but he says, no hype needed. He believes in her.

Portia asks how things are going with Curtis and his father these days, and he says, cautiously optimistic. Things sure are looking cozy with him and Epiphany. She says, maybe Epiphany would be good for Marshall, and he says, but would Marshall be good for Epiphany?

Epiphany tells Marshall, part of her expects people to laugh, and tell her that she’s crazy for putting herself through this rigor after all this time. He says he understands too well about not having faith in yourself. But she’s strong; strong enough to face these things. They clink glasses, and Curtis comes by. He says he hopes they’re enjoying their morning, and Marshall says, more so, now that Curtis is here. He sees Curtis and Portia are celebrating. Curtis says, they just closed on a house, and Marshall jumps up, saying, that is good news. He hugs Curtis, and says, well done. Epiphany says she’s going to offer Portia her congratulations, and tells Curtis to have a seat. Curtis says he didn’t mean to interrupt, but Epiphany says, it’s okay. She goes over to Portia, and Marshall says, Curtis didn’t interrupt. Epiphany will be back; he’s not worried about that. Curtis says, a little cocky, and Marshall says, it’s called swagger, son. Curtis says, fair enough, and Marshall says, actually, he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.

Epiphany tells Portia that Curtis told them about closing on the house. Congratulations. She must be excited. Portia thanks her, and says she is. She admits it’s a huge step, but it feels right, and sometimes you just have to go for it. Epiphany says she knows the feeling, and Portia asks if she’s saying she and Marshall are getting serious, but Epiphany says, no, no, no. They just enjoy spending time together. She doesn’t think either one of them is interested in anything serious.

Curtis says he’s not buying Marshall’s lack of confidence routine. Marshall is a musician. He’s quite sure Marshall has plenty of game. Marshall says he’s been a player, but he doesn’t want that for Epiphany. He likes her; he respects her. Maybe he just wants to romance her. Maybe that’s why he feels so much out of his depth. He admires what Curtis has with Portia, and wishes he could build a meaningful relationship like that too.

Maxie says, Sasha didn’t even tell them. She doesn’t know how she feels about that. Brook says she didn’t know Sasha and Brando were talking marriage. Sasha never even mentioned it. Lucy says she doesn’t know that they were, and Maxie asks why Gladys was so hellbent on stopping them. She thought Gladys and Sasha were on better terms. Gladys really stepped up when they lost little Liam. Lucy says she doesn’t think it was about Gladys not liking Sasha. It’s just that Gladys thought things were happening really fast. Maxie says, Sasha and Brando have been together for a year, and Brook says she can’t believe she’s saying this, but Gladys has a point. Sasha and Brando just lost their baby; they’re still reeling. Maxie says, right, but sometimes an intense emotional experience can really bring two people together. She trusts Brando and Sasha’s bond, and thinks their relationship will only deepen from here.

Elizabeth goes to Finn’s office, and he asks, how’s Jake? She says, somewhere between righteously indignant and mortified. She was able to convince him that she’s not angry that he wanted to communicate with his grandparents, but she’s furious with her mom and dad for encouraging him to keep secrets. What really bothers her is how upset Jake was because she thought he was behind these strange happenings. Not that she blames him. Finn tells her not to be so hard on herself, and she says she really appreciates all his help with the boys. Now there’s this thing going on with Cameron… They don’t have to talk about it right now. Finn says he wants to. Whatever they are, whatever they’ve become, he wants to be there for her. He thinks they’re stronger together. He knows he is, so he wants to be by her side whatever comes next. He needs her to know she’s not alone anymore. There’s probably times she’s going to be on her own, but it’s not the same… She says, kiss me, and he says, okay, and does.

Curtis tells Marshall, it’s like any other relationship. If he wants it to work, they have to be real with each other. Marshall asks if this is about Curtis or Epiphany, and Curtis says, both. He’s talking about Marshall and Epiphany. Let her see who he really is. Marshall says, no one wants to see that, and Curtis asks if he’s a werewolf or something. He’s serious. Instead of being who she wants him to be, show her who he really is. Marshall says he could have used that advice on one of his first dates with Curtis’s mother. He took her to a skating rink. Curtis says, mom loved to skate, and Marshall says, she did, and she was very good at it. Much better than him, but he couldn’t let her know about that. There he was, trying to be smooth, rapping to her, talking more smack than actual skating. Then her favorite song came on, and out to the rink they went. He tried to bust a move, and the next thing he knew, he was doing a James Brown split on the ice, and that split went right up the back of his pants; he busted wide open. They laugh, and Curtis says, he never knew. She never mentioned any of this. Marshall says he loved Curtis’s mother. He really did.

Britt says, what about clinical patient advocate? and Brad says he assumed that was a joke. Who would want him at a patient’s bedside? She asks if he even read the job description; it’s technical. It’s not warm and fuzzy. He’d explain lab test results. He’d guide the patient through essential versus non-essential tests and procedures. He says, wait a minute. It said that? She says, yeah, and he says, he could do that? For real? She says, he’s hired… pending Terry’s approval. He says, she’s the best, and hugs her. He says, what would he do without her? when Selena walks in, and says, interesting question.

Sonny asks, what’s this reporter’s name, and where does he find him? but Dante says, he doesn’t find anybody; he stands down. The reporter wants Sonny involved. That’s why he went after Michael in the first place. Sonny asks if Dante just wants him to sit back and do nothing when someone put a camera in his cabin, and released a video to embarrass Cameron and Josslyn? Dante better figure this out real quick, because he’s putting an end to it. Dante says, no he’s not. He’s not going to do anything. Dante’s got this. Spinelli’s already taken the video off all public sites, and searched Sonny’s cabin; there is no camera there. Sonny has to let this drop. Sonny asks, how’s Josslyn? but Dante says he hasn’t talked to Josslyn. Carly says she’s devastated, obviously. He can’t believe Michael didn’t tell Sonny. Sonny says, Michael told him that Josslyn’s not his family anymore, and Dante says, wow. So things have gotten worse, not better, between them? Sonny says he hasn’t seen Michael this angry since he went after custody of Avery. He says Sonny is choosing Nina over his family. Dante says, is he?

Elizabeth says she came in to tell Finn the exact same thing. She thinks they’re better together. He says, really? and she says, really. He says, here he thought it was his speech that changed the tide. He had more; really good stuff. She says she’d like to hear more, but he says he likes her approach better, and kisses her again.

Lucy says she thinks they should throw Brando and Sasha a Happy Wedding party as soon as they get back. Maxie says he’s all for it, but she agrees with Brook, who’s been saying all morning that they need to focus on their own party. The IPO is coming up fast, and it can’t be some cookie cutter launch party. It has to get people about Deception. She wants to make a splash. Brook votes for live music; they have a venue that can handle it. Lucy says, a string quartet is classy, but stuffy. She doesn’t want a wedding band that just plays horrible covers. Maxie says, what about an original song? and Lucy says, that would be great, but it’s awfully tight. She doesn’t think they have time to hire a composer to come up with an arrangement for them. Maxie says, what if they don’t have to do that? and Brook says she has some songs that might work. Lucy says, Brook is a songwriter? and Maxie says, she’s phenomenal. Lucy says, then who would they have to sing? She knows Brook can’t. They could get Amy, but she’s not going to have lip-syncing. Maxie says, Lucy… and Brook says she knows what she did. She was desperate after her injury, but she’s come to terms with not being able to sing anymore, because now she knows she doesn’t have to give up music altogether. She’s a songwriter.

Epiphany says she’s going to trust Portia with something she’s not ready to let out yet. She’s decided to take the MCAT. Portia says, with all her nursing experience? and Epiphany says she knows. It just doesn’t… Portia says she had no idea. Epiphany is going to be an amazing doctor. Epiphany says, she really thinks so? and Portia says, she knows so. In fact, she’d like to mentor Epiphany. She can help Epiphany study for the MCAT. Epiphany says, yes, please.

Curtis says, Marshall turned down a chance to play with Dexter Gordon to take mom to see Aunt Stella in California? Marshall says he knew how much Irene was missing her sister, and he wanted to make that happen. She said that’s what sealed the deal. She knew he really loved her, and he did. It’s been a long time since he felt anything close to that for anyone else. Curtis says, except now, with Epiphany? and Marshall says, not yet, but he feels potential. She’s strong, she’s kind, she’s resourceful. She’s straight forward, and fun. She doesn’t judge anyone. She just takes people the way they come. Curtis says, all the more reason why Marshall should be real with her. Curtis hears him. He feels the same way about Portia. He’s so excited to be taking this next step. Marshall says he’s excited for Curtis too. He’s excited to see Curtis so – he makes jazz hands – happy.

Brad says, Aunt Selena, you’re back. How did she find him? She says she was looking for Dr. Westbourne, and Britt asks what she can do for Selena. Selena says, since Brad insists on keeping her in his life, she decided to get to know Britt better. Britt says, she can start by noting Britt prefers to say, come in, before people come into her office. Selena says, noted. Is Britt free for lunch? Britt says she can’t today, and Selena says, perhaps Britt should consult her calendar, but Britt says she doesn’t have to; she knows her schedule. Brad nervously says, it might be hard to sync up. Selena is so busy, and Britt’s working all sorts of hours. He’s going to be busy soon too. Britt just offered him a job at GH. Selena says, that’s kind of Britt, but unnecessary. Her nephew’s working for her.  

Sonny says, is Dante really asking him that? and Dante says he is. What the hell is going on? He knows Michael is upset with Sonny because he cheated on Carly with Nina, but is something else happening? Sonny says he’s just trying to talk some sense into Michael about Nina seeing Wiley. He thinks everybody would be a lot happier if Nina and Michael weren’t at each other’s throats. Nina wants to go to court for visitation rights; she’s Wiley’s grandmother. That’s not going to change. He’s just trying to make sure this all goes away, so he can have his family back. Dante says, Sonny of all people should know it’s not going be that easy. Sonny asks what that’s supposed to mean, and Dante says, Sonny’s not exactly known for his ability to forgive. Where does he think Michael got it from? Sonny says he doesn’t like being at odds with Michael, and Dante says he doesn’t think Michael likes being at odds with Sonny either. He loves Sonny, but he’s angry. Dante is sure Michael would love to forgive Sonny, but it’s going to take time. It’s not going to happen overnight; Sonny has to put in the work. Sonny says he picked the wrong time to stop drinking, and I laugh, thinking of Airplane! Dante asks why Sonny stopped drinking. Is something going on? Sonny says, after Carly asked for a divorce, he started drinking more, and he was going down the wrong path. Nina wanted to help, and told him to stop drinking. Dante says, that’s good. Is Sonny saying there might be an actual future for him and Nina?

Elizabeth says she’s glad that’s settled, and Finn says, him too. The boys will be okay with them, with him. She says, how could they not be? They’ll see what a good man he is, and how happy he makes her. He says, that’s the plan. Whatever happens from here, they face it together.

Lucy taps on Brook’s notebook, and says, this one is perfect. Maxie says she loves it too, but Brook says, it’s a duet. Who would sing the male part? Chase comes to the door, and asks if he could have a moment of their time. Maxie says, look who it is. Detective Chase.

Brad says, he’s working for Selena? He thinks there’s a misunderstanding. He’s working at GH. Selena says, he should have checked with her first, and Britt asks why he would do that. Selena says she thought she and Brad had an understanding. She provides him with a job, along with his rent free apartment. He says he’d be happy to pay rent, and Selena says, he doesn’t have to. Her assistant will contact Britt about a lunch date. She leaves, and Britt asks if she should be worried Selena is going to poison her. He says, no… probably not. Just don’t let Selena take her to a second location.

Sonny says, right now he’s not planning anything with Nina, and Dante asks, then why is he pushing so hard for Nina to see Wiley? He wants his family back together. Is he including Nina in that family? Sonny says, Nina is Wiley’s grandmother, and Dante says, maybe Sonny realizes he can’t be with Nina if she can’t see Wiley. Sonny says, it’s not a choice between Nina and his family, no matter what Michael thinks. Dante says he sympathizes with Sonny, but maybe Sonny has to accept that right now, the way things stand, he can’t have both Nina and Michael in his life.

Portia dangles her set of keys, and tells Curtis, she can’t wait to start decorating. He says they’ll do a walk through later. He’s really glad things are coming together. She asks if that includes his relationship with Marshall. It looked like they were having a good talk. He says, Marshall finally opened up. He really thinks he’s getting to know his father. His phone rings, and he says, hey Drew… Okay… really… tell him when… all right. Portia says, what? and Curtis says, Drew just found some inconsistences in Marshall’s past.

Tomorrow, Drew asks if Curtis is sure he wants to know; Laura tells Nikolas, they need to close ranks; and Carly asks how Elizabeth can be so sure.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Jennifer wanted to meet with Marge. She didn’t want to fight; she’d been stressed and sad. She wanted Marge to acknowledge what she’d done, and own her part. Marge told Joe #3 that she wanted to work it out. She didn’t want to hurt Jennifer, but wanted Jennifer to take responsibility for her part. They met at a coffee shop/bakery, but of course neither one of them got any pastry, just coffee. Jennifer said, Marge had exposed her secrets. All she’d wanted to do was protect her children. She’d never faced it because it was easier to avoid it. Marge had hurt her, and she was devastated. She started crying, and Marge said she felt bad. She didn’t want to kick Jennifer when she was down. Jennifer said that’s how it felt, but Marge said she didn’t want to hurt Jennifer. She couldn’t imagine going through something like that by herself. Jennifer said she didn’t tell anyone. It was buried and they never spoke about it. Marge said she thought Jennifer would blow it off, but Jennifer said it was new for her. She hadn’t dealt with it before, and Bill was embarrassed and uncomfortable. Marge said she felt bad, but Jennifer had been sitting on it for ten years. Maybe she should talk to someone. Jennifer said, what if they went to therapy, and came to the conclusion they don’t want to be together? She was afraid of that, but Marge said they’d stayed together this long; they’d work through it. Jennifer said she wondered why he’d cheated in the first place, She was always trying for him, but he wasn’t stepping up to the plate. When she was fighting with everyone, he walked away. That bothered her more than the infidelity. The first year they were married was the toughest. They were getting to know each other. He would criticize her, and she thought she needed to do better. He needed to fight for her, say he was lucky she didn’t walk out, and that he loves her. She was angry. Marge said she understood, but Bill was still a great father and person. He was human and f***ed up. In Marge’s interview, she said, infidelity was not what breaks up a marriage. She didn’t leave Jan for Joe #3. Her marriage was already broken. She told Jennifer that Bill had to fight for the marriage too, and in her interview, she said she felt bad. Jennifer was heartbroken and she felt responsible to help her feel better. Marge said Jennifer didn’t deserve what happened, and it wasn’t her intention to hurt her, but Jennifer said Marge brought it out, but Marge didn’t do this. Jennifer was taking responsibility for her part, and realized she’d hit below the belt. We flashed back to Jennifer insulting Marge several times, and Jennifer admitted she was shady. She promised to be more conscious of her comebacks, and not do anything that really hurt someone. She didn’t want to fight, but wanted to try and make peace. Melissa appreciated her effort, but Jackie was mad at her for a rumor she didn’t start. Jackie needed to be mad at Teresa. How did she know Teresa wasn’t the one who had been digging around?

In Marge’s interview, she says, Teresa was fine with Jennifer digging around, but acted like an a-hole when questioned about her boyfriend. Marge told Jennifer that Teresa was in a love bubble, and Jennifer said Teresa was so happy. Marge asked, what about the abuse allegations? Tiki had questioned Luis about it after Bill went home. Jennifer said if she’d seen any red flags, she would have said something. Like if he lost his temper with Teresa. Marge said, what about when he told Teresa that if she didn’t stop talking, he’d leave? We flashed back to that, and Marge said she wanted everything to be good for everyone. Before they parted company, Jennifer started to cry again, and Marge said she didn’t want Jennifer to cry; she felt sick about it. The hugged it out, and Marge promised to help Jennifer through it.

Dolores and Frank went to a boutique, so Dolores could get her mother something comfortable while she was in the hospital. Frank asked how her mom was, and Dolores said she had to stay another week, but that was normal. In Dolores’s interview, she said her mom did well in surgery, but now came the bigger change to her lifestyle with diet and exercise. The first thing she’d eaten after surgery was carrot cake. She told Frank that David had been with her mom every day; he was a good man. Frank said he’d stopped by David’s office, and Dolores asked if David talked about her. Frank said, all the time, and in his interview, Frank said that David said Dolores was beautiful and fun. He liked hanging out with her, since it was like hanging out with one of the guys. He told Dolores that David ignoring her was a defense mechanism, but Dolores said she didn’t have closure. Frank said, now she had to find a boyfriend someplace else, but she said she didn’t want a boyfriend right now. He said he didn’t want her sleeping around, and she said, since when had she done that? In Frank’s interview, he said Dolores was a serial monogamist, but she needed to take her time, and not rush into the next relationship. He told her, to find the right guy, she had to think like him. She said he’d had five midlife crises, but he said he got over them quick. She said, yeah, by banging hookers.

Traci had set up a team building activity, that Tiki had used to help people work together. Jackie told Evan that it was at Treescape Adventure Park. Evan said they’d have to climb up high on ropes, close your eyes, and trust people. Jackie said she was not trusting these bitches. Teresa told Gia that they had to climb trees or something, and it didn’t sound safe. Jackie told Evan about going to the clinic, and how she’d gotten bloodwork done, and two EKGs. The clinic had recommended in-patient treatment, and Evan asked, for how long? She said she didn’t know, but she knew what she needed. In-patient treatment wasn’t necessary. In Evan’s interview, he said it sounded like she was denying reality, and Jackie said their next recommendation was three hours, three nights a week, but that wasn’t doable either. In his interview, Evan said if Jackie didn’t trust what they were telling her, and half-assed it, she wouldn’t be fully cured. Jackie said, it was nine hours a week, and Evan said she should do what they were telling her, but she said she could do therapy on her own schedule. She had four kids, and couldn’t take all that time. Evan said he thought in the long term it was worth it, and a good trade-off. Melissa and Joe #2 had salad on the patio, and Melissa said Antonia was stressing her out. She didn’t want to cheer anymore. We flashed back to Antonia telling Melissa, despite what the doctor said, she couldn’t do it. Joe said she’d told him the same thing, and Melissa said Antonia was in a rut. They needed to push her so she’d get out of her own way. In Melissa’s interview, she said, when her father passed away, she was depressed, but her mother was just as depressed. Melissa got three different jobs, and signed up for college. She had to be a self-motivator, and wanted to pull Antonia out of it. She told Joe about the team building exercise, and said it was the first time the women were getting together since the fight. She’d been pissed, but Dolores said Jennifer was going through a lot, and it was screwing with her judgement. Joe said he called it karma.

Jennifer told Bill that she’d talked to an agency, and they had a potential candidate for a live-in housekeeper. She said she’d had coffee with Marge, and it felt like Marge was remorseful. For the first time, they listened to each other. Bill asked if Jennifer felt like they’d made headway, and she said nothing was going to be mended overnight, but she didn’t want to fight. It was something she’d kept secret, and never really dealt with; she’d kept it moving. At the time, it was the best way she could cope. Now she was dealing with it, and found herself breaking down. She was disappointed that Bill hadn’t defended her, but he redeemed himself on boys night when he stuck up for her. He asked if she doubted he was there for her, and she said, sometimes he sat there, so passive. If it came around again, he should say he loves his wife, and he’s lucky she stayed with him. Bill said he didn’t want to hang with the other guys anymore, and in Jennifer’s interview, she said, Bill does what he wants, and it’s like she’s here to appease him. She gave him a pass, now she has to deal with it, because even though it was something he did, he doesn’t want to deal with it. It wasn’t fair. It’s moments like that when I’m on Jennifer’s side, but then I think of how vicious she’s been, and I’m like, um…

Marge visited Jackie, and they sat by the pool and had (low-cal) snacks. Jackie told Marge about the clinic calling, and telling her the next steps the recommended, but she couldn’t commit to in-patient care. In Marge’s interview, she said she was concerned, but didn’t want to push too hard. It hadn’t gone well in the past. Jackie said she knew what she needed, and they could up an out-patient therapist. She had to do it at her own pace or she’d drop it. She told Marge that she’d texted Dolores, but hadn’t heard back. She felt awful about what was going on with Dolores’s mom. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Teresa went to Dolores’s place. Dolores said her mom was in the ICU, since she’d retained a lot of fluid. Teresa said she preferred them being in the ICU, because they were watched constantly. Dolores said everyone was fighting over who was taking care of her mom after she got out. Her sister wanted her, but David also wanted her. In Dolores’s interview, she said, it was a nice gesture, and there were no better hands her mother could be in, but her mom wanted to stay with family or in her own house. She told the women that she saw her mother in the hospital, and it was rough afterward. David came over to her, just looked at her, and then went to the rest of her family to fill them in. She thought about getting something to calm her nerves, but wanted to feel what she was going through. It would get better. Marge told Jackie that she’d thought Jennifer was just going to brush it off, but Jennifer told her that she’d never dealt with it. She seemed wounded, sad, and apologetic. It was a secret she’d buried, and didn’t know if they could work it out. Jennifer told Dolores and Teresa that she was disappointed when Bill didn’t defend her, but he had at boys night; he’d walked out when Evan said she was a terrible person. Diplomatic Dolores said, to be fair, Jennifer had been digging for dirt. Marge told Jackie that Jennifer needed friends, and she wanted to help. In Jackie’s interview, she said she wanted to give Jennifer the benefit of the doubt, but Evan was upset by her digging, and she should apologize. Marge said Jackie had inferred that Teresa told her to do the digging, yet Teresa told Marge to be careful asking questions about Luis. Jennifer told Teresa that Tiki had been asking Luis questions, and Teresa asked if he was offended. Jennifer said, no, and Teresa wondered why Tiki was asking questions. He should just be happy for her. Jennifer said she told Marge that if she thought Teresa was in any danger, she’d say something, and Teresa said, she’d better stop asking questions. Luis doesn’t have to prove himself to no one [sic]. He was her boyfriend, and she was going to stick up for him.

At Traci’s Treescape event, instructor Jon went through the drill with her. He said, one person was up there – there were bridges made out of single logs connected vertically, from tree to tree – and one person was on the ground. That person would tell the other where to go and what to do. He gave Traci a pair of the goggles the person on the bridges would wear, and she said she couldn’t see sh*t. The others began arriving, and Traci said it was about team building and participation. Marge said she was not wilderness athletic. Should she be afraid? Traci said they’d find out. Marge told Traci and Melissa about meeting with Jennifer, and that Jennifer didn’t know if her marriage was going to last. She does all the talking, and he says nothing. In Melissa’s interview, she said she didn’t care to be friends with Jennifer, but this was serious, and she felt bad. Jennifer needed their support. Melissa said things didn’t go away if you didn’t deal with them. Marge wondered how Jackie could forgive Teresa about digging for dirt on Evan, since she’s the one who told Jennifer to do it. In Jackie’s interview, she said it was clear now that Teresa’s hand was up the puppet’s ass. And if Dolores was really Jennifer’s friend, why hadn’t she defended Jennifer? Jackie said Teresa had no problem talking about Evan, but she didn’t want them talking about Luis. Dolores told them that Teresa was coming in hot today. She was coming for Traci because Tiki had been asking questions about Luis. In Traci’s interview, she said she wasn’t her husband’s keeper, and what was wrong with asking questions if there was nothing to hide? Melissa asked to speak to Jennifer privately, and said she felt horrible about what Jennifer was going through. She didn’t wish it on anyone; it wasn’t her style. She’d only been reacting to what Jennifer had said about her family. Jennifer said she was sorry. She shouldn’t have done that, and didn’t want to fight. Melissa said she was sorry too, and if Jennifer needed to talk, she was there. Marge told Dolores that Jennifer hadn’t dealt with Bill’s affair emotionally, and Dolores said, sometimes people didn’t say anything because they didn’t want the person they were with to be resented. Teresa arrived last, bearing gift bags with her workout line in them. She said she was not in a good mood, and this was not going to be good. When the premise was explained to her, she said she could talk some people off the ledge.

Melissa said, Teresa was already threatening to throw people down, and Teresa said she wasn’t a woods person. Marge suggested bug spray, since Teresa’s lip gloss might attract them, and Teresa got offended. Job went through a safety briefing, and Teresa couldn’t stop bitching. Traci had already paired them up; Dolores with Jackie, Jennifer with Marge, and Melissa with Teresa, who would also guide Traci. Teresa suggested she guide Traci off the ledge, and in her interview, Melissa said, Teresa was like a walking misery, who wanted to come in and rain on their parade. In Teresa’s interview, she said, it was the dumbest thing ever. It wasn’t safe to be blindfolded.

Dolores said she wanted to be daring, and in Jackie’s interview, she said she and Dolores had a love/hate relationship, but hoped they could move past all of this. She didn’t want to hold a grudge or guide Dolores off a treetop like some people… Traci said Teresa had a one-track mind. She told Marge that she didn’t understand the no questions rule, and Marge said it was on Teresa’s terms. With Teresa, it wasn’t a friendship, but a dictatorship. Teresa had obviously made Jennifer call around, and should have come to Jennifer’s defense. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, maybe Teresa didn’t go to bat for her, but she enjoyed Teresa’s company. They shared old school values, and being with Teresa brought a certain comfort. Jackie guided Dolores successfully, and I have to add, Jon also walked behind the person on the bridge, so there was little chance of a tragedy. Teresa refused to guide Traci, and Jackie told Dolores that Teresa had a loud bark, but Marge was the one whose good side she wanted to be on. Teresa asked what they were talking about, and Jackie said Jennifer and Marge had made up. Teresa said the problem was, no one knew about Bill’s affair, but Jackie said, everyone knew. Teresa said Marge let the cat out of the bag, and Jackie said no one could put it back in. In Jackie’s interview, she said, after what Teresa did to her husband, she could smell the hypocrisy. Marge said, she’d owned her part, and was better for it. Teresa said Marge looked like sh*t, and Marge said, no, you, prompting Teresa to stomp over to her.

To be continued…  

🛥 I have only one thing to say about Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip, and it’s nothing I haven’t said before. All the wrong people have all the money.

🛸 Happy. Birthday. Captain…

He’s literally gone where most men haven’t gone before.

🌿 Bobbin’ Like a Robin…

Meet me tomorrow for soap and what’s going on in the OC. Until then, stay safe, stay with your feet on the ground, and stay showing people who you really are, instead of who they want you to be.

March 21, 2022 – GH Interruptus But I Got You, What It Is, 007 Birthday On Deck, Why Do I Watch This Trash, VanderOfficial & Affair


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly answers a call from Willow on the footbridge, but Willow doesn’t answer. She’s about to call Willow back, when Diane calls. Diane says she’s at the PCPD. Michael was arrested for punching a reporter in from of Commissioner Ashford. Carly asks, why? and Diane tells her, said reporter was asking not so polite questions about Josslyn’s leaked video. Carly says she’s on her way.

Sonny sees Shawn at the MetroCourt, and they hug. Sonny says, Olivia sent him some dinner, and he wanted to thank her, and Shawn says he’s waiting for TJ, Molly, and Jordan. He asks Sonny to sit down, and says, they’re out saving the world, so he’s the first one here. Sonny tells him, don’t sell himself short. He turned The Invader from a scandal rag into a legitimate publication. Kristina said he hired Alexis, and Shawn says he did. Sonny asks if they make a good team, and Shawn says, he thought so.

In her office, Alexis looks at the welcome aboard note Shawn gave her, when Smalt walks in. He says, good, she’s still here, and she tells him, it’s customary to ask if this is a good time. By the way, the answer would be, no. So why doesn’t he come back tomorrow? Better yet, email her. He says, this is too good. He has a story perfect for The Invader. Trust him. She isn’t going to want to miss out.

Diane tells Michael that she spoke to Carly, and she’ll be here soon. He says she should be focusing on Josslyn, not him, and Diane says she’s doing what she can to get justice for his sister, but this doesn’t help. Unfortunately, because of the time, he’ll probably be arraigned tomorrow. So unless Smalt decides to drop the charges, he’s in for the night. He says, it wouldn’t be the first time, and she says he sounds exactly like Jason. He asks how many times she’s been through this drill with Jason, and she says she’d have to check her records, but they were in the triple digits. He says, she always found a way to make him walk in the end, and she says, but to the best of her recollection, Jason never punched a reporter in the face in front of the Police Commissioner. Jordan comes in, and tells Michael that he’ll be transferred to holding soon. He wonders if he can ask her a question, and she says, sure. He asks what she’s doing to catch the bastard who ruined his sister’s life.

Harmony tells Phyllis, it’s good to see her again. She had no idea Phyllis was in Port Charles. Phyllis says, it’s a relatively new development, and Nina says, she forgot Harmony used to go by the name Lorraine. Harmony says, it was another lifetime, and Nina asks Phyllis to join them. She asks how they know each other, and Phyllis says, they worked together in New York City. Technically, not with each other, but Harmony cared for another patient in the same building where Phyllis cared for Nina. Harmony says, Nina was Phyllis’s patient? Phyllis is such a stickler for privacy, she never knew. Phyllis asks how Nina knows Harmony, and Nina says, Harmony is Willow’s mother. Phyllis knows Willow, right? Phyllis says, of course (🍷); she adopted Wiley. What a small world.

Willow lies on the floor, and TJ walks by. He doubles back, and runs in. He shakes her, and asks if she can hear him. He says, she’s still with them; wake up. She opens her eyes, and he asks if she can talk; it’s Dr. Robinson. She says, TJ, and he asks if she can remember anything, but she says, no; it’s all fuzzy. He asks if she can follow the light with her eyes, showing her a penlight, and she does. He says, she looks all right, and asks if there’s someone he can call for her. She says, her mom.

Nina asks how Phyllis’s visit with Lenny’s friend was, and Phyllis says, it was nice. It’s good to hear old stories. Harmony’s phone rings, and she steps away from the table, and says, hi, honey. TJ says, it’s Dr. Ashford at General Hospital, and tells her that Willow fainted there. Harmony says, oh my God, and thanks him, adding she’ll be right there. She tells Nina and Phyllis that she’s sorry, but she has to go, and Nina asks if everything is okay. Harmony says she’ll think about Nina’s proposal and let her know, and jets.

Diane asks Michael to please let her handle it, looks at Jordan, and says, well? Jordan says, Diane knows how it works. She can’t disclose the details of an ongoing investigation. Diane says, so there is an investigation. Michael says, she’s his sister, and Jordan says she only recently learned about this. As soon as they get something more concrete, she’ll let Josslyn know. An officer lets Carly in, and she asks if Michael is okay. He says he’s fine, and asks, how’s Josslyn? Carly says, she’s hanging in there. She got a weird phone call from Willow. Does she know Michael is there? Michael says, she was there when it happened, and asks why Carly didn’t tell him about Josslyn. She says, she was going to, but didn’t have a chance, and he says, the reporter is going to make things worse for her. She asks, who is this guy? and Jordan says, freelance; he’s written several articles for The Invader. Carly says, pre or post Shawn? and Jordan says, pre. Carly says, good. Maybe Alexis will be able to shut it down. She asks Diane to take care of things there, and Diane says, of course (🍷). She hugs Michael, tells him that she loves him, and leaves.

Willow and TJ come out of the elevator, and TJ tells Epiphany that Willow passed out. Willow says she’s fine, but Epiphany says, they’ll let a doctor be the judge of that. TJ says he texted Dr. Nelson that he was going to admit her, and Epiphany says, she’ll put Willow in an exam room and check her vitals while they wait. Willow wonders how Michael is doing, and TJ gives her phone to her. She says, he’s being held at the PCPD overnight, and Epiphany says, there’s nothing she can do for Michael if she’s not well. Willow says, this is serious, and Epiphany says, so’s this. What would Willow tell one of her patients? Willow says, she would ask them to take care of themselves first, and Epiphany says, good answer. Now let’s do just that. Willow thanks TJ, who says, of course (🍷), and asks her to keep him updated.

Alexis says, like she told Smalt, this is not a tabloid, so if this is another one of his gossipy pieces, he can save them both the trouble. He says he took her notes from their last meeting, and this story checks all the boxes for the paper’s new mission. He even got this for his trouble – he points to his eye – that’s how much he believes in it. She tells him, go ahead, and he says, first off, it’s got a hot button social justice angle; non-consentual pornography, aka revenge porn. A video was sent out to the entire student body at PCU. It even played on a projector in a classroom. She says, hopefully, by accident, and he says, we’ve also got cyber bullying, technology run amok. Then there’s the whole criminal aspect. She says, revenge porn has been illegal in New York state, since 2019, and he says correctamundo. And the cherry on top, it involves a very influential mob family. She says, there it is. He’s going into salacious territory. Does he have anything to back up his claims this time? He says, Michael Corinthos clocked him in the face when he tried to interview him, and she says, oh that’s the influential mob family. He says, one of the victims in this story is his sister, Josslyn Jax.

Sonny asks if there’s a problem with Alexis, but Shawn says, she’s made The Invader a huge success. He just meant she doesn’t need him to run it anymore. He acquired a west coast newspaper to expand The Invader’s reach, and he leaves tomorrow for San Francisco to get things started. Sonny says, look at him. Shawn is now a bonafide media mogul, but Shawn says, he’s just a man who wanted a fresh start. Sonny says, he got it. It doesn’t happen for everyone. Shawn says he heard about the divorce; he’s sorry. Sonny says, so is he, and Shawn asks how the rest of the family is, but Molly and TJ arrive. Sonny says, look who it is – the power couple. Molly hugs Sonny, and TJ shakes his hand, asking if his dad told Sonny about his expanding media empire. Shawn says he’s the one who’s supposed to be bragging about TJ, and Molly says, just another day. TJ says, bragging rights go both ways, and Molly asks if Sonny wants to join them for dinner, but Sonny says he’s just there to pick up whatever. It doesn’t matter. He tells Shawn, have great time in San Francisco, and enjoy his family. Shawn thanks him, and Sonny goes toward the bar, but his phone rings. He asks Officer Bradley what he can do for him… Wait. What about Michael?  

Alexis asks if Smalt is sure it was Josslyn, and he says, with her boyfriend Cameron Webber. Alexis says, they must be horrified, and he asks what about the story? She says she admits it’s better than the other stories he pitched her, but if it’s in line with the new direction The Invader is taking, why did Michael clock him? He says he may have raised the possibility that Josslyn and Cameron might have leaked the video themselves, and she says, he provoked the victim’s family about sensationalizing the story? Does he see why she doubts his ability to report? He says, cards on the table. He wants the distinction of an Invader byline; the paper is considered in high regard now. In return, she gets a piece on a hot button issue featuring a hot button family. The Corinthos name sells. Do they have a deal? Carly walks in, and says she’d think twice about that.

Epiphany tells Willow that her BP is low, and her respiration is shallow and rapid. Willow says she’s stressed about Michael and Josslyn. That’s understandable, isn’t it? Epiphany asks if she’s eaten today, and Willow shakes her head. Epiphany says, you don’t have to be a nurse to know that stress and lack of nutrition is a bad combination. She needs to take better care of herself. Their patients don’t need their nurses collapsing on them. Willow says she knows; she’s so embarrassed. Epiphany says, they’ve all been there. She remembers when she was a student nurse. She once drank so much coffee trying to stay awake during clinicals, that she spent half her shift doubled over in pain in the breakroom. Worst stomach ache of her life. Willow says she can’t even imagine that; Epiphany is an amazing nurse. Epiphany says, sucking up to her isn’t going to get a doctor in there any faster, and Willow laughs. Epiphany says she’s good at her job; she loves what she does. Willow says she really loves it too, which surprised her. When she was teaching, she thought she’d never do anything else. Did Epiphany always want to be a nurse? Epiphany says, no actually, but nursing’s been good to her. She loves caring for patients. It brings her joy.

🤬 BTW, two seconds into that scene, the news broke in, and I said, son of a @#$%^&***+@! While there are times we all need to know something immediately, 999 times out of 1000, it can wait a whole hour.

Sonny walks into the interrogation room, and Michael asks what he’s doing there. Sonny says he heard Michael was arrested. Is he all right? Michael says he’s fine, and Sonny asks if Diane can get Michael out of here. She says, that’s the plan, but he’ll be spending the night here unless she can work some magic with the DA, so wish her luck. She leaves, and Sonny asks, what happened? Michael says, nothing that concerns him, and Sonny says he knows Michael’s upset, but he can help. Michael says he doesn’t want Sonny’s help, and doesn’t need anything from him. Is that clear enough? Sonny sits down, and says he knows they’ve had their differences, but Michael is his son and he loves him. Is Jordan giving him a hard time? Michael says, she’s just doing her job. He punched a reporter in the face right in front of her. She had no choice but to bring him in. Sonny asks if it was self-defense, but Michael says, the reporter was getting in his face about Josslyn. Sonny asks, what’s going on with Josslyn? but Michael says he told Sonny, it doesn’t concern him. Sonny says, if it concerns Josslyn, it concerns him, and Michael says, really? He didn’t think Sonny was concerned about anything except Nina. Sonny says, leave his personal life out of it. His family comes first; Michael knows that. Michael says, no, Nina comes first for Sonny, and just for the record, Josslyn isn’t his family anymore.

Nina tells Phyllis, Willow made it perfectly clear that she and Michael would not allow her to see Wiley. She figured it was time for her to get pro-active, so she threatened to sue for visitation rights. Phyllis pours coffee for them, and says she doesn’t blame Nina, but she wishes a court battle could be avoided. Nina says, you and me both. She doesn’t want to put Wiley through that. Besides, Michael has proven he’s not above dirty tricks. Who’s to say he’s not going to pull something again, and get the judge to rule against her? Phyllis asks, what’s next? and Nina says, she thought she’d talk to Harmony, which she did, and convince her to at least talk to Willow. Then Willow could talk to Michael, and convince him to let her be part of Wiley’s life. Phyllis says, without getting the courts involved? Does Nina think she’d do that? Nina says she doesn’t know. Originally, she thought Harmony was on board, but Phyllis just saw her; she seemed pretty non-committal. Phyllis says she’s sure Harmony just needs some time to think. When she does, she’ll realize Wiley needs all of his grandmothers in his life. Nina says, if only Michael and Willow would realize that too.

Harmony goes into the exam room, and asks Willow, what happened? Willow says, Michael was arrested, and Harmony asks, why? Willow says she’ll explain later, but she was too busy to eat today, so between that and the stress, she guesses she passed out. Harmony says she was so terrified she’d lose Willow after they worked so hard to find their way back, and Willow says, Harmony’s not going to lose her. Harmony says, good, because she loves Willow. She’s so grateful Willow is in her life. Willow says she loves Harmony too, and Harmony asks what the doctor said. Willow says she hasn’t seen one yet, and Harmony says, then she’s going to track one down.

Harmony goes to the reception desk, and asks why her daughter hasn’t been seen. Epiphany says, and her daughter is…? and Harmony says, Willow Tate. This is unacceptable. Epiphany says, they have a lot of patients tonight, and the doctors need to prioritize who they think needs urgent care first. Harmony says, Willow fainted. How is that not urgent? Is there someone who could move her up on the list? Epiphany says, not above her; she’s the head nurse. Harmony says, that’s perfect. Epiphany must have some decision making power around here. Epiphany says, Harmony is a mother worried about her child, and for that reason, and that reason only, she’s willing to make allowances, but she’s about to reach her limit. Harmony says, please. Her daughter has run herself ragged with the nursing program. There must be something Epiphany can do.

Molly can’t decide between two dishes, and TJ suggests they each get one and share. She asks if she’s told him today that he’s brilliant, and he says, not today. She says, well, he’s brilliant, and Jordan joins them. Shawn hugs her, and says it’s so good to have her home. How is she feeling? She says, never better. She’s trying not to take it personally that he’s leaving for San Francisco just when she gets back. TJ asks, what’s up with that? and Shawn says, it’s just a business trip. TJ says, a long business trip, and Shawn says he has to make sure everything is running smoothly. TJ and Molly hug Jordan, and Jordan says she hears Molly is doing great things at the DA’s office. She’s excited they get to work together. Molly says, her too. Don’t get her wrong, Mac is great, but everyone’s excited to have Jordan back. Jordan says, it’s like she never left… Except for this one – she looks at Shawn – skipping town on her.

Carly says, let her guess. This is the so-called journalist trying to profit off her daughter’s pain? Smalt says, Mrs. Corinthos. He had the pleasure of meeting her son earlier, or more specifically, his fist. How’s he doing in lock-up? She says, he’s doing great, which is more than she can say for him when her attorney sues him for every dime he’s every made. Alexis says, all right, that’s enough of an introduction for now. Get out Smalt. Now. He tells them, have a good evening, and Alexis says, out, closing the door behind him. She tells Carly that she’s sorry for what Josslyn is going through, and Carly says, if she means that, she won’t publish this story, but Alexis says she thinks that would be a mistake. Carly says, Alexis is the defender of all wronged people everywhere, yet when Carly’s daughter is violated, she just wants to exploit it? What if it was one of her girls? Alexis says she’d be livid, but it’s because of her daughters that she thinks The Invader should run the story. What Joss and Cameron are going through is terrible, but let’s be real. In situations like this, it’s usually the woman that bears the brunt. Carly says, Josslyn’s life is falling apart, and Alexis says, it’s a big story, and it’s only a matter of time before someone else picks it up, but if The Invader runs it first, she can frame the narrative. She can make sure it’s handled respectfully, be sensitive to what the kids are going through, focus on the fact this is misogyny in the modern world, and delve into the issues of consent and privacy in the digital age. Carly says, so if Alexis runs the article, she gets to shape the perspective, and Alexis says, let her put it this way; if someone else runs the article, it will be trashy in comparison. She doesn’t have to mention Josslyn or Cameron’s names if they don’t want her to, but it does provide them with the opportunity to speak about their experience, both shared and personal. It would be entirely up to them.

Jordan and Molly leave for the ladies room, and TJ asks why women always go to the bathroom together. Shawn says, one of the world’s greatest mysteries, and asks if TJ is still on board for keeping an eye on Alexis while he’s gone. TJ asks if there have been any new developments with Harmony, and Shawn says, nothing since they last talked about it. TJ asks if he talked to Alexis, and Shawn says he did, and Alexis doesn’t share his concerns. He knows Alexis is a strong woman, and capable of making her own choices, but he also knows how big her heart is. He’d hate to see someone use it against her; he doesn’t like someone taking advantage of his friends. TJ says, that’s all? Just friends? Shawn says, you can’t keep living in the past. It’s time to move on.

Nina tells Phyllis, when she found out Nelle was her daughter, she had already passed. She was devastated. Phyllis says she remembers, and Nina says, the only thing worse was waking up from her coma, and finding out her baby had died. Phyllis says she can’t begin to express her regret for the part she played in separating Nina from her little girl, but Nina says, it’s not Phyllis’s fault. It was all her mother’s fault. Besides, if it hadn’t been for Phyllis, she wouldn’t have known about the necklace. Phyllis wonders if that wouldn’t have been best, and Nina says she has closure, even though it hurts. Phyllis says she’ll never get over the guilt, and Nina says, Phyllis was honest with her, unlike Carly. It doesn’t excuse all the mistakes Nina made, and she’s made plenty of them. Like when she told Wiley that Willow wasn’t his real mom; she shouldn’t have done that, but she was desperately trying to have some connection with Nelle. She was panicked, thinking Nelle was just going to be erased. Phyllis says, Wiley was her only tie to her daughter, and Nina says, and when Michael was trying to sever that tie, they know how that turned out. Phyllis says, not well, and Nina, because of that, she may have lost her grandson forever.

Harmony asks if Willow is still feeling lightheaded; any dizziness? Epiphany sets up an IV, and Willow says, actually she’s starving, and asks if Harmony would mind picking up a turkey sandwich from the cafeteria. Harmony leaves, and Epiphany says, thank you. Willow says, she means well, when Dr. Nelson comes in and asks Epiphany, what’s going on?

Sonny says, Josslyn will always be his daughter, whether he’s with Carly or not, and Michael says, Sonny wants Josslyn to rely on him. Sonny says, of course (🍷) and Michael says, why would she when he prioritizes Nina? He claims to be a family man, but a family man wouldn’t sabotage his wife and kids for the woman who blew their lives apart. Sonny asks if Michael is done. What does Michael want from him?

Carly tells Alexis, she hates that Josslyn even has to weigh this decision. It’s beyond humiliating; she’s being harassed online. Alexis says she’s sorry, and Carly says, the effects are devastating. She keeps telling Josslyn it’s going to pass, and she knows that… Alexis says, but it will take some time. She’s on Josslyn’s side, and Carly’s. If Carly doesn’t want her to do the story, she won’t, but somebody will. Wouldn’t it be better if Josslyn has some say in how the story is presented? Carly says, Josslyn and Cameron are just starting to live their lives as adults, and to be dealt this hand… Alexis says, you never know. Josslyn might find talking about this experience empowering. Carly says, and if Josslyn doesn’t want it published? and Alexis says she won’t. Carly says, it’s Josslyn’s call. She’s going to talk to Josslyn, and she’ll let Alexis know. Alexis says, just be warned, there’s not a lot of time, and Carly leaves.

Molly and Jordan return to the table, and Molly asks TJ if they should do this. He says, definitely, and they go toward the bar. Shawn wonders what that was about, and Jordan says, maybe they’re so hopelessly in love, they couldn’t wait another minute to be alone together. He says, knowing those two, he wouldn’t rule it out, and she says, amazing, isn’t it? Even after ten years together? He says, they’re a perfect fit, and she says, maybe not getting married is the answer. Maybe next time, she’ll try domestic partnership. He says, with all the mistakes they’ve made, with all the regrets they’ll always have, there’s one consolation; they have a son, and he is thriving. She says, thriving’s not even an adequate word, is it? Molly and TJ come back bearing champagne, and TJ says, tonight is a celebration of family. His mom is back and healthier than ever, and he’ll miss his dad while he’s gone, but he’s so proud of all the good Shawn is doing. He raises his glass, and says, to his parents, and Shawn says, to family. They all say, to family, and clink glasses.

Dr. Nelson asks if he can speak privately to Epiphany, and she says, of course (🍷). In the hallway, Epiphany says, she and Dr. Ashford have been in touch with him about this patient, who happens to be one of their nursing students, and he asks if she should get special treatment. Epiphany says, she’s been waiting a while, and he says, they’re busy; patients are seen based on the severity of their condition. She says she’s aware, and he says, then she’s also aware Willow is stable, putting her further down the list. She says, all she needed was an IV of saline and electrolytes. He would have written it up, signed off on it, and she would have gotten it ready. So she skipped a step. It’s not like she hasn’t done this before. He says, that’s not the point. She stepped outside the chain of command, and took it upon herself to treat a patient. Protocols are in place for a reason. She says she understands, and he says they’ll finish this discussion later. The doctor goes in to see Willow, and asks how she’s feeling. Willow says, much better, and Epiphany tells Dr. Nelson that Dr. Ashford examined Willow, and filled her in. Everything is in her chart. Nelson says, since they’ve already begun treatment, he’ll let Epiphany finish. He leaves, and Willow says she’s so sorry. She didn’t mean to… Epiphany says, it’s okay. You’d think that after twenty years, he’d have more trust in her judgement. She’s been working as a nurse for over twenty years, longer than some of these… no, most of these doctors, yet she still has to defer to their judgment. Willow says, it must be so frustrating, and Epiphany says she wishes she had a more active role in patient care decisions, and Willow asks why she doesn’t get a job where she will. Epiphany says, it’s been so long, she honestly doesn’t think she could do anything else. Willow says she felt that way about teaching, and realized she was ready for a change. Maybe Epiphany is too.

Phyllis says she knows it seems bleak, and Nina says, the bleakest. Phyllis says, but people are capable of forgiveness. Nina says, Willow is very forgiving. They had their issues when they first met, but got past them, and they’ve had some touching moments since then. She just doesn’t understand why Willow can’t see Wiley is her only link to her daughter. Phyllis says, it’s a difficult situation. Maybe Harmony has the answer; the bridge between all of you. Nina says, her gut tells her that Harmony is going to choose to stay in her daughter’s good graces over helping her, but Phyllis says, you never know. If Harmony loves Wiley, maybe she’ll see the wisdom in having Nina be a part of his life. Nina says, from her lips to… Harmony’s ears. Phyllis knew her back in her old New York days. Phyllis could talk to her, convince her to put in a good word for Nina. Phyllis says, they were acquaintances over twenty years ago. She holds no sway with that woman. Nina says, Phyllis has more sway than she does. Everybody listens to Phyllis. Please. Phyllis says, this is a family custody matter. She doesn’t feel comfortable taking sides. Nina says, please, and Phyllis says, however, she’d be willing to talk to Harmony, and tell her about the Nina she knows and loves. She can then come to an informed decision on her own. Nina says, yes! and hugs Phyllis.

Sonny tells Michael that he’s not having Nina used against him anymore. Understand? Michael says he’ll never understand, and Sonny asks how many times they have to go through this. He was trying to keep the peace. What did Michael want him to do? Attack Nina? Does he think that would have helped? Michael says, this coming from Sonny, the gold standard in payback. Now he wants to let bygones be bygones. Does Sonny understand why he doesn’t want Nina in Wiley’s life? It’s because she’s unbalanced. She does horrible, hateful things, then claims she doesn’t mean them. Who does that sound like to Sonny?… Right, Nelle. Sonny says, so Nina is now poisoning people? and Michael says, close enough. So he doesn’t want Sonny’s help, and neither does Josslyn. Sonny says he’s going to find out what happened to Josslyn, so why doesn’t Michael just tell him? Michael says, because she wouldn’t want him to. Honestly? He’d venture to say she’d rather have the whole situation on a billboard in Times Square than accept anything from him. Sonny made his choice, and his family wasn’t it. Sonny says he’s sorry he caused Michael any pain. Maybe one day  he’ll understand.

Nina thanks Phyllis, who goes in the back. There’s a song part, something about together we will rise, and Nina leaves. She sits outside, and looks at pictures of Wiley on her phone. She holds her phone to her chest, looks at the pictures again, and smiles.

Willow looks at her own phone, and frowns. Harmony comes in and gives Willow a paper bag, presumably the turkey sandwich, and hugs her.

Epiphany looks at the computer, looking at registration for MCAT. (See below.)

In her office, Alexis looks at her tablet, then turns to the desktop and starts to type. We see the placard with, Truth never damages a cause that is just: Gandhi. Outside in the hallway, Carly texts I love you to Josslyn.

The song still playing, Molly tells Jordan that she’s making progress. Her opening statement only took thirty drafts… She babbles away, and TJ comes over to her side of the table, and they kiss. Shawn smiles at Jordan.

Sonny comes out of the interrogation room, and looks at Michael through the window. He walks out to the hallway by the stairwell, leans on the steps and ponders a moment, and walks out.

Tomorrow, Maxie asks Brook, what was so important Brook had to rush right over; Curtis tells Portia, he has some plans of his own; Elizabeth tells Dante, there’s been a development on her end; and Sonny tells Selena to cut to the chase. What does she want?

👩🏽‍⚕️ About That Test…

What Epiphany was looking into taking.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Port Mahón, Majorca. We hear sex sounds coming from the guest cabin. I put my fingers in my ears, and go la-la-la. Gary and Daisy are furiously making out in the hot tub. Colin comes by, and in his interview, he says, what the hell is going on here? What universe is he in? It’s probably going to ruin their relationship, and the rest of the charter season will be going to sh*t. Daisy tells Gary that she’s going to bed, and literally jumps out of the tub, leaving the cheese standing Gary alone. In Gary’s interview, he says, carpe diem, motherf***er. In Ashley’s interview, she says she’d written Tom off, but he wasn’t so bad. He didn’t act like a 23 year old in bed. Gary tells Colin, tomorrow is going to be awkward, since he’d also kissed Ashley. News for you, pal. She’s already forgotten about it.

In the crew mess the next morning, Colin asks if Daisy remembers playing tonsil hockey with Gary, and she says he’s lying. He’s stirring the sh*t. Tom says, Daisy and Gary had a little smooch, and Daisy insists it didn’t happen. In her interview, she says, oh my God, was it long? She covers her ears, and says she doesn’t want to hear it. She’s never drinking like that again. Kelsie wonders how she misses all the fun times. Not that she wants to join in, but… Glenn radios Daisy, Colin, and Gary for a preference sheet meeting. Kelsie wonders if she kissed anyone.

The new primary is James Jr., a luxury real estate broker, dealing with properties in Manhattan. He’s eaten in the finest restaurants, and is excited to see what a yacht chef and crew can do. James’s sister Kimber, and her BFF Bunny, brother Tyler, and James Sr. will also be guests. They want a 007 birthday dinner for James Sr., and have requested the captain join them. They also want a beach picnic, and an authentic Spanish dinner. In Marcos’s interview, he says, Spanish food is amazing, the seafood and spices. It requires a lot of prep, and so many hours of cooking. He’ll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Daisy calls for black and silver decorations, and red décor. Gabriela fights with the sheet corners on a bed. In her interview, she says, they should be uniform. It’s common sense if you have experience. In Tom’s interview, he tells us that his best friend’s dad collapsed and is in the hospital. It’s not good.

Ashley asks if Tom is okay, and in his interview, he says, before he came to the boat, he’d dropped his car off at their house, and they’d wished him luck, and… He can’t finish. Ashley says she’s sorry, and sits with him. Everyone crashes early, and Daisy tells Kelsie that she’s mortified. Kelsie says, maybe it didn’t happen, but Daisy says she thinks it did. Tom tells Captain Glenn that his best friend’s dad has a blood clot in his brain. Glenn asks how old he is, and Tom says, in his early 50s. Glenn asks if Tom needs to go, but Tom says he doesn’t, and Glenn says, keep him posted. Daisy goes over the dreaded list with the stews. As the crew gets the boat ready, as usual, Ashley avoids work at all costs, and Gabriela asks if she saw the other side of the list. Ashley says she didn’t, then says, f*** me, dude, the second she’s out of earshot. She finds Daisy in the laundry, and whines that she has to do everything. She hates lists. She has no problem respecting Daisy; she leads Ashley the way she wants to be led. Daisy says, they all have to follow things they don’t want to sometimes, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, the second stew is entitled to delegate to the third stew. Ashley reminds her of a kid who wants to act like a grown-up at 12 years old. She tells Ashley, when she’s second or chief, she can make the decisions. The provisions come in, and Glenn announces, a half hour until the guests arrive.

The guests are welcomed, and Glenn says, they have a lot of fun stuff planned. Daisy gives the tour, and they set off for Punta Prima, Menorca. James asks what Colin’s favorite animal is, and if he likes cougars. Apparently, guest Bunny has a reputation for being one. They anchor, and Daisy tells Marcos that she thought she’d made it obvious to the girls that they had to get along. We flash back to the tip meeting, where Daisy said they had to work as a team and respect each other. She says, they’re at it again, and Marcos says, egos. In his interview, he says, Daisy needs to control it. He has his own problems. She says she’ll talk to them after the charter. I have to interject that Gabriela is doing zero wrong here. It’s Ashley who has an issue with authority and basically working at all.

In Marcos’s interview, he says he’s started the lobster bisque early. He has to let the flavors meld. He tells us that he makes it look easy, but it isn’t. In Gary’s interview, he says he thinks Daisy has a crush on him. Ashley checks on Tom, who says he feels bad for the family, but he’s fine. In Ashley’s interview, she says she needs to be supportive. Something like that stays in the back of your mind, and makes your job harder than it already is. Daisy suggests the guys serve tonight’s dessert topless, and Colin wonders if she shouldn’t take a look at what she’s asking for first, since they’re out of shape. The table is gorgeous; black and gold, with masks scattered around. Glenn joins the guests, and they all tell James Sr., happy birthday. Gary continues teasing Daisy, and guest Tyler literally falls asleep at the table. Someone suggests propping him up, and in Glenn’s interview, he asks, is this Weekend at Parseval’s? Marcos brings up the cake, and everyone sings Happy Birthday. I start wondering if Tyler is actually dead, when Daisy says they have a small surprise for Bunny. Colin, Gary, and Tom come upstairs, shirtless, bearing slices of cake. Bunny takes a picture with them, and in Colin’s interview, he says, if she wants dad bods to go with her cake, who are they to turn her down?

In his interview, Colin says, separately, Daisy and Gary say they hate each other, but there’s a connection when they’re together that they can’t resist. Tyler is still sleeping when the guests leave the table – seriously, is this guy okay? – and Gabriela says, she’ll have the boys help him downstairs. The crew devours cake in the crew mess. Tom joins Colin to help deal with Tyler, and Colin says he checked Tyler’s pulse. They need to get him back to his cabin. In his interview, Colin says, Tyler is f***ing wasted. They can’t get Tyler to move, and Glenn is brought in. Glenn smacks Tyler’s face (gently), and they finally pick him up. They also end up escorting James Sr. back to his cabin. In Colin’s interview, he says, what a wanker.

The next morning, James Jr. says, they’ll just let James Sr. and Tyler sleep until they wake up. The wind isn’t conducive to sailing, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, when they can’t sail, the interior has to go above and beyond to make the guests happy. They have to make sure everything goes perfectly. Daisy says, Ashley will take stuff over to the beach, and Gabriela will stay there for lunch, but she’s not going. Gary tells Glenn about making out with Daisy, like Glenn wants to know, and Colin says he thinks Gabriela is the only girl with spunk. Spunk? Who is she? Mary Tyler Moore? In Marcos’s interview, he says he’s making a light lunch; sandwiches and salads. This way he can dedicate more time to the feast tonight. He has to always stay one step ahead. Kelsie and Ashley set up on the beach, and Gary goes back for the guests. In the galley, Marcos wraps the sandwiches, and Daisy says one of the reasons she hates beach picnics. The food never looks as good as it does on the boat. Ashley and Kelsie have trouble setting up the gazebo, and are still struggling when the guests arrive with Gabriela. In Gabriela’s interview, she says she’s so embarrassed. Why didn’t they put out a tablecloth, set up the bar, or the chairs? A badminton game is set up for the guests to distract them from the gazebo mess.  

Everyone works on the gazebo, and in her interview, Gabriela says she’s mortified, but she’s good at distraction. That’s what makes her good at her job. Kelsie goes back to the boat, and Daisy asks how it’s going on the beach. Kelsie says, not well, and suggests they get an EZ-Up. Daisy wonders why no one radioed for help, and in her interview, she says, she can’t be everywhere; she doesn’t get paid enough to be everywhere. The food comes, and Gabriela goes back to the boat. Daisy says, she heard it was a sh*tshow, and Gabriela says, the guests watched them struggle with setting up the tent, but it turned out all good. In his interview, Marcos says, the main event is going to be seafood paella. It will be a flamenco inside their mouth.

The guests come back, and Glenn says, they’re going sailing. In Glenn’s interview, he says, guests come on a sailboat to sail, so he’s got to try everything. If you don’t try, you’re just a motorboat. Like every guest before them – except Charles, who was an unimpressed d-bag – the guests remark on how big the sails are. Glenn turns the motor off, but nothing happens. Glenn says, bleepity-bleep, and as a consolation prize, lets James Jr. steer while he puts the sails down.

Gabriela makes napkin roses, and Tom visits Ashley in the laundry. The paella looks magnificent, like a painting. The crew gets in their blacks. Marcos comes up with each course, and Kelsie says, the paella is prettier than her. Once again, Tyler sits alone at the table, drowsing, after all the others have gotten up. James Jr. finally calls him, and he manages to make it downstairs. Everyone has an early night.

At almost 3 am, Tom does nighttime stuff, and the wind is at 8 knots. At nearly 6 am, it bumps up to 12 knots… 15… 19… 23… 25… 28. Tom is in the crew mess, when things start blowing around. The wind is at 31 knots, and Colin jumps up, saying, WTF? Kelsie says she thinks they’re dragging anchor, and Ashley says, the boat’s tilting. Tom gets knocked over, and wrapped up in the hot tub cover. The crew is up and running around, and Tom wonders if they’re running aground.

To be continued…

🏖 A few highlights from that trainwreck I can’t turn from – Summer House. Amanda wore periwinkle eyeliner and mascara, and I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think so. There was more birthday for Lindsay, who had changed from her princess costume to casualwear and a Free Britany cap. Poor Andrea had to sleep by himself, since Paige was now into Craig. On the surface, Andrea seems like a catch, but he’s a baby-man, as are all of the males on this show, with the exception of nuCarl. Lindsay brought new friend Luciano home, and I assumed by new friend, they meant some guy she’d picked up at the bar. Then we were treated to what amounted to soft core. Bleh. But the real kicker was that someone finally said something sensible. Paige said, I’m getting too old for this. I’ve been telling all of them that from the first episode.

Next time, Ciara goes on a blind date, and gets into it with Danielle. Like throwing things getting into it.

🤷🏽‍♀️ Is It Me…?

I swear James’s new squeeze looks like Katie in the picture.

🚗 On the Road Again…

Touch base here tomorrow for some soap and some Jersey. Until then, stay safe, stay hoping for the best, while preparing for the worst, and stay open to a change you might not even realize you need.

March 20, 2022 – Meeting With a Warlord, Dead Guesting, Returning, Lance’s Hint, Dead Synopsis, Dead End, Spinning Under Water & Window


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

In the woods, some zombies toddle around and snarl. Elijah and Marco are on the wall at Hilltop, and Elijah shoots one with an arrow. He asks where they’re at, and Marco says, eight to nine; he’s still winning. Lydia comes by, and Elijah says, her too? She says she talked to Maggie, and he asks what she said. Lydia tells him, not much. Maggie just gave her directions to the closest Commonwealth checkpoint. Elijah says, a lot of people changed their minds, but she’ll be back, right? She says she thinks so, and goes out the gate. He asks if she needs an escort. It’s a long walk, and she might get bored. They hear a horse coming, and Elijah looks through the binoculars and sees Jesse from the Commonwealth. He calls out, rider coming. Nobody we know. Marco says, hold or we’ll shoot, but Jesse is bleeding, and falls off his horse. He lies on the ground, coughing, and Lydia runs to him. She says, he’s been shot. Get help. Jesse says, don’t… They’re slaughtering them… Liars. He hands her a map, says, you’ve got to go, and dies.

Maggie tells Lydia, she’s not going. Someone sent him, or it’s a trap. Lydia says she doesn’t think it’s a trick, but Maggie says, even if it wasn’t, they can’t go up against another group without people to fight. Elijah says, being outnumbered never stopped them before, but Maggie says, it should have; they’re barely holding on. Lydia says, that sounds like the group Jesse was talking about too. It’s the kind of group her mother would have targeted, and she helped. She’s not letting that happen to someone else. Maggie asks if Lydia’s not leaving, and Lydia says she is, but she has to help these people first. Lydia, Elijah, and Marco load the car, and Maggie comes out. She holds her hand out for the keys, and says, Lydia can take over at the halfway mark. Herschel runs out, and asks Maggie, how long this time? and she asks what she always says. He tells her, as long as it takes, and she tells him to hold down the fort.  

Maggie drives, and Lydia asks why she doesn’t want help from the Commonwealth. Maggie says, they can get by without it, but Lydia asks why they should just get by. Maggie says, it’s just temporary. Before the Fall, she lived on a farm with her family. Corporate developers tried to buy them out, but her dad kept saying no. Then there was a bad drought, and the developers offered them three times what the farm was worth. The developers knew they were desperate, but also knew the drought would end. All they had to do was outlast them. They dropped off food to help out the livestock, but her dad let it rot. He said they were being tested. The drought ended, and they got back on their feet, and the developers never bothered them again. Lydia asks why Maggie’s father let it rot, and Maggie tells her, he said if they were seen taking it, the developers would know they needed it. Elijah says, the cattle were hungry, but Maggie says, they didn’t lose any. They made it through. Lydia says, they got by. She was forced to get by her whole life. She was told it makes you stronger and wiser, but it doesn’t; it hurts. Maggie asks what Lydia would have done, and Lydia says, asked everyone what they wanted instead of deciding for them. Maggie says, the people of the Commonwealth haven’t been tested in ten years. Does she want to be there when they are? Lydia says she just wants things to be the same every day, and Maggie asks if Elijah agrees. Elijah says, with most of it, yeah. They suddenly skid to a stop, three troopers blocking the road.  

The get out, and realize they’re facing zombie troopers, and put them down. Maggie takes a closer look, and says, the knife slashed through the neck guard. She finds another has been shot between the armor. A man yells to them in the distance, and as he gets closer, Maggie says, it’s Aaron.  

One week ago. Aaron goes into the church where Gabriel is preaching about the prodigal son. He says, the son squandered his riches, and found his soul empty. He was in need, and begged forgiveness from his father. His father embraced him, saying, his son was dead, and is now alive. He was lost, now he was found. He says, there were a lot of stunned faces when he asked them to sit by a stranger this morning. A lot of awkwardness, stiff backs, and clenched butt cheeks. They laugh, and he says, those who were out in the wasteland knew it didn’t matter if they were strangers; they were forced to see the humanity in each other, and strangers became more than friends. Strangers became family. Why was it that way out there, but not in here? Romans 3:23 tells us, we’ve all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It’s the thread that binds them together. If they strip away the superficial labels, they’ll see the person by their side as they see themselves in the mirror; the way they were before the world fell. It can’t be like it is now. They must remember the thread. It’s what makes them try. It’s what makes them forgive. It’s what makes them return from peril. It’s what makes us, us.

After the service, Aaron sits with Gabriel in the pews. He tells Gabriel that it was great, but he was expecting more fire and brimstone. Gabriel looks happy. Gabriel says he thinks he might be. In the beginning, he was going through the motions, but then it was like a switch flipped, and he wasn’t. He could hear Him again. Aaron says, that hell they went through feels like it wasn’t real; like it was a nightmare or something. Gabriel asks, what about Alexandria? and Aaron says, the Commonwealth is giving them more manpower and resources to rebuild, and while they’re finishing, they asked if he would help with their immigration initiative. Gabriel says they didn’t seem keen on immigrants when they came, and Aaron says, they weren’t, but when the found out he’d worked for an NGO, and was good at reaching out to people who need help, they asked him to work on their policies. Gabriel says, the Lord’s work, and Aaron says, yeah, that’s why he’s here. There’s a group of about 40 living in an apartment complex near Westborough, Virginia. He offered to help, and they thought it would be good if Gabriel tagged along. Gabriel asks, why? and Aaron says, it’s a religious group so… There are hostiles in the territory, but his boss Carlson will be with them. He’s a little… His heart’s in the right place. Jesse comes in, and tells Aaron that Carlson is ready when he is, and Aaron asks what Gabriel says. Gabriel asks what Aaron knows about these people, and Aaron says, according to the scouts, they’re a friendly group of settlers.

Carlson and his group stand in a clearing, looking at the apartment building. Carlton asks if they feel that rush of dopamine and adrenaline. It’s just the anticipation that they’re going to change lives. They’re going to make the world better than it was yesterday. Aaron says, Carlton told him they were just friendly settlers, but it doesn’t look friendly. Carlton says, what if they aren’t? If they’re angry, it just means they’re afraid, but when they meet Aaron, the won’t be. He can’t wait to watch Aaron and Gabriel do their thing. Gabriel asks Aaron if Carlton is going in, and Aaron says, he usually does, but doesn’t do the talking. There will be backup nearby. Gabriel looks at some troopers putting up a tent, and asks if they’re setting up camp. Carlson joins them, and Aaron says, the troopers aren’t coming with them, are they? but Carlson says, they don’t want to spook the natives. He tests the radio, and the trooper a few feet behind him copies. He tells Aaron, it’s all good. Gabriel looks at the building and says he’s not doing this. Places like that usually have an old man with a shotgun is looking for an excuse to shoot someone who stepped on his lawn. It practically screams, do not disturb. Aaron says, it might be better to leave them alone, and Carlson wonders if Aaron has pre-game jitters. Gabriel says Carlson’s plan is sh*t; he doesn’t want to die. Carlson says they’ve done this before, and will do it again, and Gabriel asks what the largest group was. Carlson says, four, and Gabriel says, there’s 40 in there. With that many people, all it takes is one nervous guy with an itchy trigger finger. Aaron says Gabriel is right, but Carlson says, it’s not up for discussion. They need to trust that he knows what he’s doing. Gabriel says, fine, and takes his collar off. Carlson says he needs to wear it; it’s part of his costume, but Gabriel says, this is how this is going to go…

They walk to the building, and Aaron loudly introduces himself. He says he comes from a community called the Commonwealth, and they’d like to extend friendship. They’re the people who left these where they would find them. He holds up a bag of rations, and says, since they were gone, he assumes they did. They have more back at camp. He asks if there’s anyone he could speak face-to-face with. There’s banging on the door from the inside, and a guy opens it. A woman comes out, dressed kind of barbarian, and says, weapons. They remove their weapons, and she walks around taking them, and looking everyone over. She looks at Aaron’s arm, and he says, it’s kind of a bitch to take off. She nods, and asks if it’s just the four of them. Aaron says, there’s a group of peacekeepers nearby waiting for them to check in, and she says, sounds scary. They follow her inside, and the door closes. One of the men locks the ton of humongous locks on it, and it’s kind of dark. They’re frisked and the woman says, can’t be too safe. Last door to the right. Aaron asks, what’s down there? and she smiles. She keeps walking, and they follow another guy, seeing various people hanging out along the way. The guy takes Aaron’s bag, leaving it in the hallway, and knocks on an apartment. They go inside, and a man sits at a desk, his back to them, and says, seats. They sit, and the door closes. The man turns around, and it’s Michael Biehn… er, warlord Ian. Aaron tells him, like he said outside, they come from the Commonwealth. It’s a bit like the old world. Their population is 50,000, they have a functioning government, protective walls, housing, restaurants, and two movie theaters. Ian says, and soldiers, and a church. Why did Gabriel lose his collar? Gabriel says he wanted Ian to see who he was before learning what he was, and Ian says, they tell him their place is like the old world. If they have a church, then they have hookers too; gambling and a sh*t side of town. Gabriel says he hasn’t seen that, and Aaron asks if he can have his bag back. He’d like to show Ian something. Ian nods, and someone gets the bag. Aaron takes out his cellphone, and gives it to Ian, who looks at pictures of the Commonwealth. Aaron says, that’s where they live. When people see it, they want to live there. Ian says, they’ll just be let in; it’s that easy. Aaron says, it’s not easy. There’s a screening process… Ian says, an audition. Let him get his tap dancing shoes. He asks where they’re located, but Carlson says they can’t tell him. Ian asks, why? Because Carlson says so? Carlson says, that’s right, and Ian says, then why is he talking to Aaron? Do him a favor, and look in the back corner. One of Ian’s men puts on a light, and we see skulls in a glass cabinet. Ian says, raiders, murderers, rapists, a few cannibals; all of them sat in the same seats they’re sitting in. Most were wolves dressed as sheep, and all meant his people harm. He tells Carlson, so Mr. Head Wolf, Carlson knows where Ian lives, but he doesn’t know where Carlson lives. How dumb would he be to let them go? He asks  Carlson’s name, and he says, Toby Carlson. Ian shoots in the air, and tells Carlson to get on his knees, and everyone else, their asses stay in in their chairs. He aims his gun at Carlson, now on his knees, and says, answer his question. How dumb would he be to let them go when they know where his home is? Carlson is all shaky, and says, it would be dumb. Ian says, yes it would. Carlson reminds him of Ol’ Billy Johnson. He came to them a few years ago, promising them wealth and prosperity, but he wasn’t bringing them to the Promised Land. He just wanted to get them out in the open, so his raiders could kill them. He ended up on the shelf because he thought Ian was stupid. Does Carlson think he’s stupid? Carlson says, no, and Ian says, because he has plenty of room on the shelf next to Billy. Carlson says he doesn’t want to be on the shelf, and doesn’t think Ian is stupid. Ian says, show him where their raiding party is or bodies will hit the floor starting with Jesse. Aaron asks if they look like raiders, and Ian says, wolves dressed as sheep. They have no idea of his responsibilities to this place and its people. They’ve entrusted him with their very souls. Why did they come, and what do they want? Gabriel says, exactly. Why would they want anything from them? This place is a sh*thole. Why would they want it? Ian says, meat, and Aaron asks if he thinks they’re cannibals. Cannibals with prepackaged MRE’s? All they’ve done is given them food and water. They’re not starving because of the Commonwealth. Is that real or a lie? Gabriel says, those are also real soldiers in the pictures. If they don’t come back, the soldiers will come and kill them. Aaron says, or nobody has to die. Let them go, and they won’t bother them again; he promises. Ian says, what a day. What a goddam day. They’ll leave and will never come back… Carlson jumps up, grabs Ian’s gun, and shoots Ian, wounding him, and kills his men. Gabriel asks what he did, and Carlson says, his job. Aaron says, he was going to let them go, but Carlson says, shut up. Lock the door, and he’ll be back.

One week and one hour ago. Carlson goes to Lance’s office, and says, he got his call; what’s up? Lance offers Carlson a drink, but Carlson says, he’s four years sober. What’s wrong? Lance says, he got Milton to agree to being communal with some of the hick towns, and he used some of the resources to send convoy, but scouts hijacked the troopers who were guarding it. They’re all dead, and all evidence leads to an apartment complex, where the leader dresses like a general. They’re also religious, and have mass on Sundays and Tuesdays. Carlson asks what he’s missing. He’s some warlord. Just snuff him out, and if Lance assumes the worst, send in a squad to cut them down, then send in a company to raze the building. Lance says, if he asks for troops, there’s no way Milton won’t notice. He needs a surgical solution. Carlson says he doesn’t do that anymore, but Lance says he needs the former CIA guy; he needs an assassin. Carlson says he likes being retired. He gets up, he meditates, he gets to go out and find people who need help, and gives them a second chance. It’s Zen. Lance says, it can be taken from him, and Carlson moves closer to Lance. He asks if Lance is tired of living, and stirs Lance’s drink with his finger, and puts the finger in his mouth. Lance says, most of the dead troopers were kids in their 20s. This is on him, and he needs to make it right. Carlson says, okay. What is Lance thinking? Lance asks how Aaron is, and Carlson says, great. Aaron easily connects with people, which makes his job easier. Lance says, and what about his buddy? Carlson says, Gabriel? and Lance tells him, go in and make contact with the priest. Go to the apartment complex, and get them to let their guard down. When they do, and let them in to see the big chief, he wants Carlson to do what he does. He doesn’t have to tell the others about the plan. They’ll fall in line. Everyone does.

Back to now, troopers take bodies out, and Carlson tells them, sweep the rear. Ian sits on the floor, leaning up against a column, and Carlson asks him where the guns and cargo are that they hijacked and massacred their soldiers for? Ian says he has no idea what Carlson is talking about, and Carlson hits Ian with his gun. He says, there were three sets of tracks that all led here. Try again. Ian says, the caravan was like that when they found it, but Carlson says, Ian just lied to him, and hits him again. Ian punches him back, and troopers run over. Aaron yells, stop! and moves forward, and Carlson tells the troopers, cuff him.  They take Aaron away, and Ian says, hey, d*ckless, those found weapons… Carlson shoots him, fatally this time. Carlson says, ready for shelf, warlord? Top shelf, center, right above Billy. How does that sound? All that talk, and he died so quick. Carlson kicks the dead Ian, and does some crazy loud yelling. Aaron is stunned, and Carlson says, don’t look at him like that. He was a damn animal. Aaron says, they’re supposed to be helping people, and Carlson says, they are. This is the other side; snuffing out threats. That’s how they make the world safe. They hear a horse whinny and gallop away, and run outside to see Jesse getting the hell out of there. A trooper shoots him, but he keeps on going, and Aaron pops the trooper in the face. Carlson draws his gun, and is about to shoot Aaron, but his gun only clicks. Carlson says, interesting. Let’s go. Aaron isn’t about to budge, when there are gunshots. Carlson becomes distracted, and Aaron jets. Several troopers run up to Carlson, and one tells him, a trooper is dead inside. Carlson goes in, and says, he turns his back one minute… He takes the dead trooper’s gun, and tells another to get him the trooper’s armor.

Back at Aaron meeting Maggie, she asks if he thinks the people at the complex are lying about the stolen shipment. He says he doesn’t know, and she shows him the map, telling him, this is the best way in. He asks where she got the map, and she says, he gave it to the guy who rode to Hilltop. Aaron says, no, he didn’t, and she says, then who did?

12 hours before. Jesse finds some horses, and starts to unleash one, but Negan appears, and says, don’t move. How many are there? Jesse says, twelve, and Negan asks what they’re armed with. Jesse says, machine guns. He didn’t know… Annie joins Negan, and he asks what the people look like. She says, there’s a priest, and a guy with a spiked arm, and Negan says, Gabriel and Aaron. Jesse asks if he knows them. They came from the Commonwealth, and this is not what he signed up for. Negan tells him, shut up, and takes out a map. He tells Jesse to go to Hilltop, and ask for Maggie. Talk to her and no one else. Tell her that Aaron and Gabriel are in trouble.

Carlson tells Aaron, this is other side; snuffing out threats. This is how they make world safe. Jesse takes the horse, and Carlson and Aaron run outside. Inside, the trooper guarding Gabriel goes down, and Gabriel says, Negan? Negan unties him, and Annie says, they’ve got to go. They hear gunshots, and slip away. The troopers come in and see their dead comrade. Carlson comes in, and says, he turns his back for a minute…

In trooper armor, Carlson tastes some whiskey with his finger, and grabs a bullhorn. He says, residents of complex, you have been deemed enemies of the Commonwealth. One of them has stolen from them. That cannot stand. Their warlord is dead, but the good news is, they can make things right. Give them what’s theirs and they’ll leave. Inside, Gabriel asks where the weapons are, but Annie doesn’t know. Negan says, if she says they don’t have them, he believes her, but Gabriel says he’s praying they stole them. Without the weapons, they’re dead. Carlson isn’t going to let them leave alive. Two guys stand on the edge of the roof, hands on their heads, and look down. It’s a pretty long way, and Carlson asks where the weapons are, but the first guy says he doesn’t know. Carlson says he believes him, and kicks him over the edge. He asks the other guy, and says, how about him? The guy shakes his head, and Carlson pats him on the back, then pushes him off. Inside, they hear screaming and a thud, then more screaming, yelling, and thuds. Carlson gets back on the bullhorn, and says, your people have let you down. He tells the troopers to hit each room, and kill anyone who won’t talk. The troopers go inside, and Annie tells the their group that they need to stick together. Forget about giving up or begging for forgiveness. Ian is dead, but he’s not the first leader they had. He wasn’t what kept them together. They did, and they did it by working together as a family. Their family is scattered all over the building, but they know this place better than those a-holes do, and they’re coming out on top. On the side, Negan tells her, that was pretty good, but the Commonwealth they took out their best. Annie says, but they needed to hear it.

Carlson gets on the radio, and asks Hodges to come in. Standing over a dead Hodges, Maggie takes the radio, and shuts it off, putting it on her belt. She and Elijah sneak up the stairs, and Aaron closes the door behind them.

Next time, Lance says, this place works because everyone plays their part, and If they can’t or won’t is when the system breaks down, and we can’t let that happen; Carlson says, find the guns or they’ll burn this place to the ground; and Mercer says, that’s a fight they’re not going to win.

⚔️ The Warlord Speaks…

I love Michael Biehn, so it was a real treat to see him on TWD, albeit briefly. Grindhouse is one of my all-time favorite films. On Talking Dead, he said his favorite line was the one about the tap shoes. Mine too. I literally lol’d. The delivery was perfection.

🏍 He’ll Be Riding Back…

He’s a hardy one, our Daryl.

💰 Glimpsing Gold…

Lance is a man of many secrets to be sure.

⚰️ Finale Of the Finale…

What’s to come in the Walking Deadverse.

🚣🏾‍♂️ No Treading For Him…

When things get stagnant, it’s time to split.

🌏 Keep On Spinning…

At first I thought, is it April 1st already?

Apparently not.

🦢 Feather Ball Time…

Stop by tomorrow for soap and Deck doings. Until then, stay safe, stay controlled, and stay helping people and giving second chances, but leave the snuffing out of threats to the professionals.