Tag Archives: Jackie Goldschneider

September 29, 2023 – Nina Spills To Sonny, NuMolly, Hope, Revealing, Backtrack, Levi Rock, RHOP 8, Early Drama, Fakes, Her Stance, VanderWhiner, A Huid Ye, Last One, Newsworthy Pets, Tenner Of Quotes & When


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

New York City. Trina and Spencer are seated outside at an upscale restaurant, and Trina says, that was amazing. The set, the costumes, the music. She felt like she was actually at the Moulin Rouge, Didn’t he love it? He says he did, although he did have a little bit of trouble paying attention, because there was a pretty girl next to him who he kept stealing glances at. She says she’s definitely not as exciting as the Can-Can, but he says he disagrees. She says she’s not sure Toulouse-Lautrec would agree, and he says, it made him happy to see her so happy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She says, how could she be anything but happy? She’s in the city with the most incredible guy. He says, who’s incredibly hungry, and she says she’s starving.

Nina lies in bed sleeping, surrounded by papers, when Sonny comes in. She says, hello, handsome, and he says he didn’t mean to wake her. She says, no apologies necessary. She loves waking up to him.

Drew dreams about the attack and wakes up with a start. Willow is sitting next to his bed, and she says, bad dream? He says, this kind of dream is his reality.

There’s a knock at the gatehouse door, and Michael opens it to Carly. He asks what she’s doing here at this hour, and she says she needs his help. She saw Willow at GH; she’s with Drew. He says he stayed behind with the kids. How is Drew doing? She says, he made it through surgery. He’s lucky to be alive. They almost beat him to death. Michael says, he shouldn’t even be in Pentenville. He doesn’t know what that judge was thinking. She says she does. Judge Kim used Drew to advance his career, and she needs Michael to help her prove it.

Finn asks where Elizabeth has been all night. It’s the first time he’s seeing her. She says, it’s been so busy. She’s been assisting in surgery for the past three hours. Why is he here so late? He says he couldn’t leave without saying hi to her.

Ava comes into Windymere, and butler Giles takes her umbrella. She asks, why is it only raining on this godforsaken island? Not a single drop anywhere else. Giles says, Spoon Island is in microclimate, and she thanks him for the science lesson. (Personally, I’d like to hear more on that, since I think I live in one too.) She says she’s obviously not meant to be dry today, so in keeping with the wet theme, she’s going to take a long, hot bath. He says, no, she won’t, calling her madam, and she tells him, stop it with the madam and tell her why she can’t take a bath. He says he’s sorry, but the hot water heater isn’t working due to intermittent power outages on the island from the storm. She says, like the microclimate, and he says, precisely. She says, please tell her the vodka and olive situation hasn’t been affected by the storm, and he says, not to his knowledge. She says, hot dog. Then fix her a martini. She’s going to get out of these wet clothes. He asks how she’d like her martini, and she says, dry, very dry.

Geneva, Switzerland. Laura and Doc walk into an office, and a man says, welcome, Miss Spencer. She shakes his hand and says, actually, it’s Collins now, and introduces Doc. The man says, Hans Mueller. Pleased to meet you. He and Doc shake hands, and he tells them to have a seat. Hans says he’s known Doc’s lovely wife for years, and Laura wonders how long they’ve been doing business, then says, don’t answer that. She doesn’t think she wants to hear that number, but Hans has been a friend of the family for a long time. Hans asks what he can do for her, and she says, he can help her find her son.

Elizabeth says she’s not buying it. There has to be another reason Finn is still here. His shift ended hours ago. He says he’s insulted. Okay, maybe he’s waiting around for some lab results, but seeing her is incentive for sticking around. She says, he won’t be seeing her around here at night anymore. The kids are done with camp and she’s switching back to days. He says he likes seeing her any way he can, but he has to admit these nights have been kind of special. She says she wouldn’t exactly call a 12-hour shift special, and he says, seeing her has been kind of nice, and their talks on the roof. She says, when he stole her spot, and he says he thought they cleared this up. She’s the interloper. She says she doesn’t think she’s ever been described that way, and he says, if the shoe fits. She says, whoever gets there first, okay? and he says, it sounds like a challenge. She laughs and says she should go. Goodnight, Dr. Finn. He says, goodnight, Nurse Baldwin.

Sonny asks how things went with Charlotte. He’s sure she was excited spending the night at Nina’s place. Nina says, she was, but things are difficult for her right now. She’s been acting out. He says, she’s what? Fourteen? Nina says, it’s hard for her to believe this, but she’s fifteen, and he says, acting out comes with the territory at that age. You’ve got to have patience. She says she is, but when she and Valentin were together, she was Charlotte’s stepmother for a while, and even though they’re not together now, she still thinks of Charlotte as family. He says, family is very important. It’s the most important thing. She says, since they’re on the subject of family, they need to talk about his.

Drew says, not that he doesn’t appreciate the company, but what is Willow doing here? She says, she and Michael heard about the attack. They were so worried about him, she had to come and see him, so Michael stayed home with the kids. He says, that’s very sweet, but she didn’t have to come, and she says, it’s the least she could do. He literally saved her life. If he hadn’t rescued Liesl, she wouldn’t have gotten the bone marrow transplant, and she wouldn’t be here. A visit from her certainly can’t compare, but she wanted him to know she’s thinking about him. He thanks her, and she asks if there’s anything he wants or needs to talk about? He says, no… Well, there is one thing he needs to know and it’s pretty important. She says, anything, and he says he needs to know how Wiley’s T-ball team is doing.

Laura tells Hans that her son has been missing for months now, and she’s afraid something’s happened. Hans says, he hasn’t contacted her at all? and she says, no. And he left behind two sons. One of them is just a baby, and she doesn’t believe he’d just abandon them. So she’s afraid maybe he’s being held against his will. She and Doc have been searching for him for weeks now, but they haven’t come up with any leads. Doc says, they’ve been to the Cassadine properties in Russia and Greece, but there’s no sign of him, and Hans says he’s happy to help in any way he can, but what makes them think Nikolas is in Geneva? Laura says, because his money is here.

Ava thanks Giles for making the fire. She knows it’s a bit early, but it was so damp. She feels better already, and she’ll feel even better when she gets that martini. She turns around to take the martini from Giles as there’s a clap of thunder, startling her. The martini sloshes onto her, and Giles says he’s so sorry. Let him get her a napkin. She says, no, no. It’s quite all right. She told him she wasn’t meant to be dry tonight. He hands her a manila envelope, saying, this came from the real estate agency. She thanks him, and he says he’s off this evening, but there’s plenty of food in the kitchen. She says she’ll be having a liquid dinner. Thanks so much, and get home safely. He leaves, and she sits on the sofa. She opens the envelope and takes out pictures of a house interior. She says she can’t wait to get off this island.

Trina says, what a beautiful night, and thanks Spencer. He says, no need to thank him. All he did was place a few phone calls; to the hotel, to the restaurant, and then the concierge. It’s not a big deal. She says, everything has been wonderful, but she wasn’t talking about the reservations. She knows how hard it is for him to get away. He has to deal with Esme and be there for Ace, and she wants him to know how grateful she is that he made time for them. He says, I love us, and she says, me too. And she loves him, so very much. I’m not sure why. He’s really good looking, but he talks too fast and too loud, and he’s still an entitled snob.

Carly tells Michael that she can’t believe it. This is all her fault. He says, it isn’t, but she says, it is too. She’s the one who insisted on investing in Aurora. She’s the one who took a chance and put all her money into that stock. That’s what led to the insider trading charge. Michael says, she had no idea that was going to happen. Someone is to blame, but it’s not her. Whoever called the SEC, they’re to blame. She asks if he still thinks it was Ned, but he says, there’s no way to know. Now Ned thinks he’s Eddie Maine and they may never know, but he’s working on it. She asks what he means, and he says he may have a lead on the whistleblower, but it’s not going to get Drew out of prison any sooner. He’ll tell her about that later, but right now they have to focus on getting Drew home. She says she spoke to Diane, and she thinks their best strategy is to put pressure on the judge; either get him to reduce or commute Drew’s sentence. He asks how they do that, and she says she has some information on the judge and she’s going to use it.

Willow shows Drew her phone, and says, these days, all the kids get a trophy. Wiley didn’t understand it at first, since they lost every game. He said he thought only winners get trophies, so she told him, everyone is a winner at T-ball. Drew says, has he maybe tried soccer? but she says, young Mr. Corinthos wouldn’t even consider it. She’s afraid Wiley takes after his dad. He is so stubborn. He’ll argue about it no matter how many times he strikes out. Nina came by last week, and she can’t believe how committed their slugger is. He says, wow. That must mean she and Nina are getting along. She says, it’s going better than she ever imagined. Nina’s respecting boundaries. She always calls to see if it’s okay to come over. She’s great with the kids. Wiley loves his grandmother. He lights up when he sees her. He says he’s so happy that things are going better. That’s great. How is Michael doing with all this? Has his opinion of Nina changed? She tells him, like she said, Michael’s stubborn.

Sonny asks if something happened between Nina and Michael, but she says, no. It’s not Michael, it’s… Gladys. He says, what’d she do now? and Nina says, she’s in serious debt. She owes a lot of money to Selina Wu. He says, that’s somebody you don’t want to mess with. How did Nina find out? She says, Gladys came to her. Gladys asked her for money. She wanted Nina to bail her out because she was too afraid to approach Sonny. Sonny says, let him guess how she got into this hole – gambling. Nina says, she lost a lot of money. Apparently, she’s been playing for months. He says, dammit, getting out of bed. What the hell is wrong with Gladys? Didn’t she see what gambling did to Mike? It pretty much destroyed his life. What was she thinking? Nina says, that’s the point; she wasn’t thinking. And she hates to tell him this, but it gets worse. Before Gladys came to her, she found another way to get the money. He says, how? and she says, Gladys was stealing money from Sasha.

Thunder rumbles as Ava raises her glass and says, here’s to the end of the Windymere era. Good riddance to this place and everything that happened here. She sips her martini, and flashes back to the argument she and Nikolas had that ended with her cracking him over the head and thinking he was dead.

Doc tells Hans, we have a saying in the US; follow the money. That’s what led them here. Laura asks if there’s anything Hans can tell them, and he says, Nikolas indeed has a substantial amount of money with them, but it’s separate from the Cassadine estate. Nikolas has several separate accounts. A large amount was sent to him by his Uncle Victor. His condolence on Victor’s death. Both Doc and Laura are like, no, and Doc asks if there’s been any recent activity in Nikolas’s accounts. Hans says, as a matter of fact, there’s been quite a bit. There have been several withdrawals. Laura asks if Hans has seen him, and Hans says, no, but he’ll print out the records for them. Laura thanks him, and Hans leaves. Doc says, this could mean Nikolas is alive, and Laura says she hopes so.

Spencer says he can’t believe it, and she says, that she’s in love with him? He’d better believe it. He says, no. That it took her so long to say it. He was just professing his love to her back in the hotel room and she didn’t say anything back, so he just assumed… She says, that she didn’t feel the same way? and he says he didn’t know. Why didn’t she say anything then? She says she learned a thing or two from Aunt Stella. She said, good things come to those who wait. He says he would have waited an eternity for her to say those words and he’s so glad she did. He doesn’t know if she’s noticed, but he’s not the most patient person in the world. She says, him? What is he thinking about? He says, that he’s the luckiest guy in the world, and takes her hand. He says he’s loved her for so very long. Since the day he met her. She says, that was a long time ago, wasn’t it? They’ve certainly been through a lot since then. We go down Spencer and Trina Memory Lane, but not too far, since it was another actress then, and there’s a song part. He says, the best is yet to come, and kisses her hand.

Sonny says, so Nina is telling him that Gladys is stealing from her daughter-in-law? and Nina says, yeah. Gladys has been syphoning money from Sasha’s bank account for months, until she drained it. And she was desperate because she still owed Selina Wu a lot of money. Then when Sasha came to Gladys and said she wanted to end the conservatorship, she panicked. Gladys doesn’t want anyone to know what she’s doing. He says, Sasha came to him months ago and said she felt stronger and didn’t need a guardian. Gladys told him that she was against ending the guardianship. Is Nina telling him that Gladys tried to make sure this didn’t happen? She takes his hand and says, Gladys did a lot more than just that.

Drew tells Willow that he gets where Michael is coming from. Everyone knows how Carly feels about Nina. But he keeps getting reminded, not only is life short, but it’s so fragile. They shouldn’t waste their time arguing with people and holding grudges. It just takes too much energy. Willow says she knows. After losing her mother, she realized how important family is. Harmony was never really her family, but the Quartermaines are. She feels so blessed to be a part of them. They’re so generous and loving… He says, and crazy, and stubborn, and combative. She says she knows, but she wouldn’t trade their money them for anything. He says, neither would he.

Elizabeth scrubs at her scrubs in the locker room, and sees Finn’s ID hanging from a locker. She looks over to see him in the shower. Since the doors are wide open. She leaves her ID on the table, and walks into the shower stall with him.

It continues to storm on Spoon Island. Ava turns around, and jumps, dropping her martini.

Hans comes back, and says, here are the current records for Mr. Cassadine’s accounts, handing them to Laura. She says, thank you so much. She looks through a folder and says, wow. There are quite a few withdrawals, aren’t there? Doc says, and these dates line up. They started just a few months ago. She says, right after Nikolas went missing, and Hans says, his colleagues tell him the withdrawals were made in person by Mr. Cassadine. As she can see, there’s a recent transfer for a substantial amount. He’ll leave her with these records. He has to attend to another matter. She says, he’s been so helpful. She can’t thank him enough. He says, always a pleasure, and says, nice meeting Doc. Doc says, they really appreciate this, and they shake hands. Hans says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Laura says, he’s alive. Her son is alive. Thank God. She and Doc hug, and he says, this might lead them to him.

The waiter asks if Trina and Spencer would like to see the dessert menu, and Spencer looks to Trina, but she says, no thank you. They have to get going. He says he’ll take the check, and the waiter leaves. As much as I’m not keen on Spencer, I’m glad Trina is looking forward to her first time with him. Usually, there’s all this angst surrounding that, so it’s nice to see the flip side.

Elizabeth goes to Finn, and they kiss. She asks what he’s thinking, and he says he doesn’t want to think anymore. I’m thinking, why is she still wearing her scrubs? They start getting busy.

Nina tells Sonny, Sasha needed to get out of Ferncliff now. She needed to get away from this so-called doctor that was taking care of her. And the only way to do that was to pay this guy off. Sonny says, son of a bitch, and Nina says, a lot of stuff happened, but the bottom line is, Cody Bell broke Sasha out of Ferncliff. He says, Dante’s friend? and she says, yeah. Somehow, he got into Ferncliff, and he took her with him. Gladys said that Cody kidnapped her, but she doesn’t believe that. He says he’s sorry that Gladys put her in this position, but she says, no. She’s sorry she didn’t tell him earlier; she was trying to fix it herself. Anyway, he doesn’t need to apologize. He says, Gladys is family, but he’s put up with this way too long. That’s on him. Gladys will be dealt with. He probably doesn’t know who to go after first, Selina, Gladys, or the so-called doctor.

Drew thanks Willow for coming to see him, and she leaves. In the hallway, a woman turns around and Willow sees it’s Harmony.

Carly tells Michael, Diane said this judge is hoping to get a seat on the Circuit Court, and it’s really important because it’s a steppingstone to the Supreme Court. (The stuff I learn from this show.) He asks what that has to do with Drew’s sentence, and she says, he was hoping to look good. He could have given Drew a harsher sentence because he wanted to look good to the Justice Department. She doesn’t know. It’s all speculation, and it’s going to be really tough to prove actual misconduct. He says, what if they don’t have to prove it? What if the appearance of misconduct is enough? She asks what he means, and she says, let’s say we get the story out to the press. Maybe Drew’s case would gain some traction. She says, they could get Alexis to run a piece in The Invader, and that will put pressure on the judge, but he says, they have to tread lightly though, because Alexis is a former attorney and she’s scrupulous. Alexis won’t run a hit piece on Judge Kim just because Carly asks her to. Carly says, Alexis won’t do it for her, but there’s someone else she’d do it for.

Ava asks what the hell Mason is doing here. Did Giles let him in? He says, the guy in the penguin suit? He’s long gone. She asks what he wants, and he says, it depends. What is she offering? She says, nothing. She said her piece yesterday, so get out of here. He walks closer, and she says she told him, get out of here. She’ll call the cops. He says, go for it. We’ll be long gone before the cops can get here. She says, we? and he says, yeah.

Spencer opens the hotel room door, and Trina sees red rose petals on the bed. She says, Spencer… and goes to him, kissing him. They get busy, and there’s a song part. Another minority I’m in is, no rose petals on the bed please. Wouldn’t they stick to you?

Nina says, Sonny can’t do anything tonight. He can deal with this tomorrow. The only thing that matters is planning their wedding. He says, no. Actually, the only thing that matters is getting married.

Willow asks what Harmony is doing here, and Harmony says she came looking for Willow. Willow asks, why? and Harmony says she came to warn Willow. Willow says, about what? and Harmony’s lips move, but we can’t hear the words. Willow wakes up on one of the couches in the waiting area at the hospital.

Trina and Spencer bask in the afterglow, and he says he has no words for her. She says, wow, and they kiss.

Doc asks if Laura sees anything, and she says she’s looking for a pattern; a clue as to where Nikolas might be now. But it’s this one very large withdrawal. Does Doc think he opened another account so he could maybe hide what he’s doing or where he is? He says, maybe, but they’re not going to figure anything out right now. He suggests they take these back to the hotel for champagne. This is information worth celebrating. She says, it is, and hugs him. She says her son is alive and they’re celebrating. And their search was not in vain. Again, if Nikolas wanted to let her know he was alive, he could have just picked up the phone instead of making her trot halfway around the globe.

Ava says she’s not going anywhere with Mason, and reaches for a fireplace poker. He says he wouldn’t do that if he were her, and she tells him, stay away from her. He says, she ratted them out. She wasn’t smart.

Elizabeth approaches the reception desk and asks if Amy has checked on the patient in 1002. Amy says she did and he’s fine. Elizabeth looks tired. Does she want Amy to get her a coffee? Nothing like a little caffeine to get you through the night shift. Elizabeth says she’ll never sleep tonight if she has one of those. Finn comes out, and Amy says, here are the labs he’s been waiting for, and asks why they both have wet hair.

Spencer tells Trina, you know when I’m happiest? When I’m with you. He means it. They kiss some more.

Someone walks into Hans’s office, and he says he assumes they’re here for more money. Nikolas closes the door and says, yes. He needs to make another withdrawal. Hans says, he just missed his mother, and Nikolas says, did he? Hans says, she was just here with her husband. They’re looking for him. His mother is a very gracious woman. She loves him and his disappearance has given her a large amount of pain. Be a good son and do the right thing. Nikolas says he plans to.

We see the living room at Windymere is empty.

Carly asks why Drew isn’t sleeping. He should be resting. He says he got some sleep. Then Willow came to visit and he’s sure he’s going to nod off again, so he’s good. She should go home. She should be with the girls. She says, Josslyn’s with them; they’re fine. She’s not going to stay long. She just needed to be with him, even if it’s just to watch him sleep. She loves him. She’s so sorry this happened to him. He tells her not to worry. Everything’s going to be okay. She says, he’s damn right, because she’s going to make sure.

Michael asks if Drew’s okay, and Willow says she thinks so. It looks like Drew will recover. The surgery went well. They had a good visit. She’s really glad she saw him. He asks her, what’s wrong? but she says, it’s nothing. He says, if she’s not feeling well, she has to tell him. She says, it’s not that. After she left Drew’s room, she sat in the lounge for a bit and nodded off. He says, she’s pushing herself too hard. She should have waited before going back to work. She says she guesses she was a bit more tired than she realized, but that’s not what’s bothering her. She had the strangest dream about her mother. He says, Nina? but she says, no, Harmony. But it was only a dream.

Nina tells Sonny that she doesn’t care about the dress and the flowers and the – she flips through some of the papers on the bed – cake. It doesn’t matter. He says, it seems like it matters to her because she’s doing a lot of planning, and she says she has, but it’s also insignificant right now. With everything that’s happened these last few months; with Sasha being committed, and Curtis getting shot. She feels really guilty about planning a big wedding because a lot of people that they love are suffering. He says he’s got an idea, and she says, what? He says, why don’t they elope? He’s serious. All they care about is to say their vows and become husband and wife. She even said she didn’t want to deal with this right now. She says, but Sonny… and he says, the planning’s going to be out of control. Olivia is going to keep coming to her with more options, and do they really care what icing is on the cake? (Well… yeah.) She says she doesn’t know, and he says, we will fly to the island tomorrow. We will get married. What does she say? She tells him that she says yes! throwing all the papers in the air.

On Monday, Sonny says, that’s exactly what he wanted him to do; Laura says she’s not giving up her search; Valentin tells Martin that Charlotte’s future depends on their conversation today; and Sasha says she plans to do just that.

👩🏻‍⚖️ Newest Of the New Mollys…

I didn’t even know how old they were supposed to be, and who cares anyway?

🚑 It’s a Match…

Weird how it’s sort of art imitating life.

💎 Fancy Pants POV…

Like we didn’t think she’d come back.

🧂 A Little Salt…

Zero sympathy about the ring, and she acted like a child because she’s an adult? What does that even mean?

🗽 New York Casual…

I love their Reunion pic. They’ve dressed like themselves; not like they’re having a quinceañera. One article said fans were angry about the jeans. What’s wrong with people?

🪙 Trailing the Potomac…

What’s to come for the Grande Dame and company.


👠 What Happens In Jersey…

Jackie gives a tease.

When will Andy learn? When the lawsuit finally comes knocking?

🎪 Faux Housewives Of Bravo…

Kind of ironic, considering she looks nothing like she did when she was first on the show.

🍹 Dance Card Officially Filled…

She could use a break, but she should really let that Austen thing go.

🗑 Filed Under Who Cares…

What a big egotistical baby this guy is.

🎭 Farewell Old Friend…

I was sad to hear about his death. Although I’m glad they remembered he was in VR5. Blink and you missed it, but it was a great show and it started Michael Easton’s career. I knew he was going places.





📀 End Of an Era…

I’d keep that last one and sell it later on eBay.


🐾 Paws In the Forefront…

If not at a Paw Patrol screening, then where else would they break records?


Adorable to the nth degree, especially in that tiny hat.


🦆 Quotes Of the Week

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. – Sir Isaac Newton

The greatest deception [humans] suffer is from their own opinions. – Leonardo da Vinci

If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. – Seth Godin

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. – Babe Ruth

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi

We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better. – C Joybell C

Action is the foundational key to all success. – Pablo Picasso

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. –Mark Twain

They’re not on the same page. They’re not even in the same book. – Jamal Menzies, Pillow Talk: 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Crying and throwing a tantrum isn’t going to be a solution to the problem. – Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, My 600-LB Life

🛶 Building an Ark…

Stop in again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and what’s going on in the Med. Until then, stay safe, stay making requests instead of demands, and stay not wasting your time arguing with people and holding grudges. It takes too much energy, and life is short.

March 29, 2022 – Everyone Agrees It’s Esme, Dolores Hosts Charity Softball, Where It Was, Going Public & Suddenly


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer comes downstairs, and Laura asks how he slept. He says he didn’t, and she says he’s been under lock and key for a month. Maybe it takes time to get used to the comforts of home. He says, that’s not it, and she says, then what is it? He flashes back to finding Esme’s pregnancy test, and Esme telling him that she’s late. Laura says, he knows he can tell her anything, right?

At Charlie’s, Esme smiles looking at the Invader headline about the sex tape. Nikolas walks in, and asks if that’s a smile he sees, and Esme says, good morning. He says, it looks that way. The first night in her new place must have agreed with her.

Trina is brought to the interrogation room, and Jordan tells her, have a seat. She just wants to walk Trina through what’s next. In a few hours she’ll be escorted to her arraignment. If she pleads not guilty… Trina says, if? She’s pleading not guilty because she didn’t do it.

Harmony sets out some breakfast on the coffee table, and Alexis flashes back to Harmony knowing where the carpet cleaner was. Harmony says she made some breakfast to celebrate her new digs. She hopes Alexis likes scrambled. She asks Alexis, what’s wrong? when the doorbell rings. Harmony says she’ll get it, and opens the door to Sam, who asks what she’s doing here.

Carly and Ava go over Avery’s schedule, which is busier than mine. Carly says she talked to Avery’s dance teacher about the little sprain, and she said, no problem. Ava says, Avery loves her time with Carly, and Carly says, not as much as she loves spending time with Avery. She can’t believe how fast they go from playdate to college. It’s crazy. Ava says she heard about that awful video with Josslyn and Cameron. If she ever finds out who’s responsible, she wouldn’t blame Carly if… Sonny comes over, and says, hello. Carly says, she and Ava are going over Avery’s schedule, trying to coordinate some dates. He says he thought they were talking about Trina, and Ava asks why they would be. Sonny says, she just got arrested for making the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Ava says, that’s crazy, and Carly says, Trina would never do anything like that, especially not to Cameron and Josslyn. Ava says she works side-by-side with Trina at the gallery. She couldn’t trust Trina more if she were her own daughter. Carly says, she was clearly set up, and she and Ava both say, Esme. Sonny says he doesn’t think Jordan would have arrested her if there weren’t some kind of evidence, and Ava says, evidence can be fabricated, as they know. She picks up her bag, and says, always a pleasure. Carly asks where she’s going, and Ava says she’s going to make sure somebody pays for this. Sonny asks how Josslyn is, and Carly says, hurt, humiliated, but standing up for herself. He says, Joss has been his stepdaughter for years, and if he hadn’t found out about this tape from Dante, he would have had to find out from the Invader article.

Alexis says she tried calling Sam, but couldn’t reach her, and Sam asks, what’s going on? Alexis says, Harmony is just staying here for a little bit. She thought Molly or Kristina might have called Sam. Sam says she guesses it slipped their minds, and Harmony says she totally forgot the sugar, and heads for the kitchen. Sam says, so Shawn takes off, and Harmony moves in?

Laura pours Spencer some more coffee, and he says, it’s a perfect first morning of freedom. He holds up a breakfast cookie, and says, he would dream about these when he was on the inside. She laughs, and says, he was on the inside for a month, and he says, even worse, he had them so recently and the bakery was so close. She says she’s glad whatever spoiled his sleep didn’t ruin his appetite. Quit stalling, and just tell her what’s wrong. He asks what makes her think he’s stalling, and she says, maybe because she’s known him since he was a little boy, and when he stalls, it looks exactly like this. He knows he can trust her with anything. He asks if she’s ever done something she shouldn’t have, but didn’t realize until it was too late. She asks how much time he has. She could fill an encyclopedia with the mistakes she’s made. She’s tried to learn from them, and hopefully, maybe she can impart some of those hard won lessons to him. He says, it’s about Esme, and she says she thought so. She’s so sorry they broke up. If there’s anything she can do… There’s a knock at the door, and she says she bets that’s her right now, and if it is, she can go upstairs. But it’s Victor, who says, good morning. She says, it was so close to being one, and he says he just stopped by to see if Spencer… Why, slaughter the fatted calf – he goes to Spencer and hugs him – the prodigal has returned.

Nikolas says he knows Esme’s room above Kelly’s isn’t what she’s accustomed to, but she says, it’s fine. It might not be the lap of luxury, but it’s clean and comfortable, and beggars can’t be choosers. He says, she considers herself a beggar? and she says, close enough. She can’t access her trust fund until she’s twenty-five. In the meantime, her allowance is metered out in pieces. He says, oh, the horror, and she says, poor little rich girl. She’s not making a very good case for herself. He says he was joking. He knows how it is being dependent on the largesse of family; sometimes strangers can be more generous. She says, no one has been as generous to her as he has, despite what she’s done to him and Ava. She didn’t deserve his kindness. He says, kindness has nothing to do with it.

Jordan tells Trina, it doesn’t matter what she believes. Her job is to gather evidence, not judge who’s guilty or not guilty. That’s up to a court of law. Trina says Jordan knows her; she knows Trina’s parents. Does she really think Trina would do this to Joss and Cam? Jordan asks if Trina can explain how the phone that posted the video was found in her possession. She can tell there’s something Trina wants to say. What is it? Ava comes in, and tells Jordan, she’ll say it for her. Jordan’s got the wrong person.

Alexis tells Sam, relax. Harmony isn’t taking up residence here. She just needs a place to stay. Alexis is just helping her out until she can afford to get a place of her own. Sam says, clearly Alexis has made up her mind, and there’s nothing she can do to change it. Alexis says, not that it’s going to stop Sam, and Sam asks if she’s ever thought Harmony’s redemption act is too good to be true. Take it from someone who knows, a grifter’s instinct never leaves you. All you can do is own it and fight it. Is Harmony doing that, or is she working Alexis?

Victor takes a bite of on of the cookies, and says, not bad. Laura asks what he’s doing here, and he says he was just checking up on his great-nephew. Now he’s a free man. Spencer says, freedom’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and Victor says, trouble in paradise? Laura says she’s sure Spencer will tell them what’s going on in his own good time. Right now, she thinks they should give him some space. Victor says, what others call lies of omission, he likes to call truths to be told at the right time. She says, a time that benefits him, and he says, she’s a politician. She knows the value of strategy. You can’t succeed without maneuverability and a sense of gamesmanship. She says, funny he should mention that. Rumor has it, he enjoys a good game of cards. He laughs and says, doesn’t everyone? Spencer tries to slip away, but Victor says, there’s something they need to discuss. All three of them.

Esme says she should have known Nikolas wouldn’t find her a place to stay without wanting something in return. She gets up, and says, if this is about her putting in a good word with Spencer, he won’t listen. Not now. He gets up, and says he’s not asking her to go to bat for him with Spencer. Not because his son stopped caring for her, but because he doesn’t have reason to trust her. She says, at least he’s honest about it, and he asks if she can blame him. She came close to driving the woman he loves out of his life. She says she has nothing against him or Ava. She only knew Ava from what Spence told her. She never questioned his perspective because he was in so much pain. When he asked her for help, she couldn’t say no, even though she knew it was wrong. Of course (🍷) that was just the first of many mistakes. He says, yes, it was, and she says she doesn’t understand. If he hasn’t forgiven her for the things she’s done to him, why is he helping her? Why make sure she has a roof over her head, when he could just as easily send her packing? Of course (🍷). He did it so he could keep an eye on her.

Ava asks how Trina is, and she says she’s fine. Jordan says she has to follow up on something; she’ll leave them to talk. Ava asks if she’s not forgetting something, nodding to the officer, but Jordan says, he stays. They have ten minutes. Ava sits, and says she’s so sorry this is happening to Trina, and Trina says, so is she. Ava says she promises she’ll do everything in her power to get Trina out of here and clear her name. This is a terrible miscarriage of justice. Jordan looks in on them, and picks up her phone.

Victor says he regrets they had to cancel Spencer’s welcome home dinner, and suggests the reschedule it. If not as a welcome home dinner, than some other kind of celebration. They do have a lot to celebrate. Laura says, they do? and he says, more than she can imagine. Her phone rings, and she says, Jordan? Jordan asks if Laura can stop by the precinct as soon as she can, and Laura asks if there’s trouble. Jordan guesses Laura hasn’t seen The Invader today, and Laura says she hasn’t. Jordan says, just as well. She’ll brief Laura when she gets there. Laura says she’s on her way, and Victor says, a mayor’s work is never done. She says, something’s come up; she’s sorry. Victor says, never fear. Her grandson is in good hands. She tells Spencer that she’s a phone call away, and leaves. Victor says, alone at last. Suppose Spencer tells him exactly what’s going on between him and Esme? Spencer says he and Esme are over. Whatever they had was over when he realized he couldn’t trust her. Victor says, trust is an illusion. Loyalty, on the other hand, is priceless. Has Esme been disloyal? Spencer says he doesn’t know, and Victor asks if she’s harmed Spencer in any way. Spencer says, directly, no, but she went out of her way to hurt his friends. She tried to pin the blame for something she did on someone else, someone he cares about. When he confronted her, she denied it, they argued, and the day he got out of Spring Ridge, her bags were packed and she left. Victor says he gets a sense the separation is harder than Spencer imagined it would be, and Spencer says, he doesn’t know the half of it. Victor asks if Esme has gotten her claws into Spencer. Has she played the love card? Or more insidious yet, the sex card? Spencer says he’s changed his mind. He doesn’t want to talk about this. Victor says, nonsense. They’re both men of the world. What’s more, they’re of the same flesh and blood. He can’t help unless Spencer tells him what kind of hold Esme has over him. Spencer says, Esme might be pregnant.

Carly says, her priority in all of this has been Josslyn, so if she didn’t tell Sonny about the tape, she didn’t feel it was her place. He asks if she’s okay with Josslyn doing an interview for the newspaper, and she says, that was Josslyn’s choice. She and Cam were being trashed on social media, so they decided to get in front of it; take charge of the narrative and speak up for themselves. She’s damn proud of her daughter. He says, so is he. She’s always going to be a daughter to him, but someone is using that video as a weapon against her, and in his world, when somebody pulls out a knife… She says, you pull out a gun.

Alexis says, Harmony needs her help. What is she supposed to do?  Sam says, okay. As long as Harmony is the friend Alexis needs her to be, and as long as Kristina is okay with it. Alexis says, she is, and thanks Sam for understanding. Sam says she’s here if Alexis needs her, and they hug. Harmony comes back, and asks Sam if she wants some coffee, but Sam says, no. She starts to leave, but stops and says she hopes this all works out for Harmony. She leaves, and Harmony says, by that, she thinks Sam means, save up as fast as she can so she gets out of Alexis’s hair as soon as possible. Alexis says, Sam is very vocal about her concerns. Sam also doesn’t make her decisions for her. Harmony asks if Alexis has made any decisions she needs to know about, but Alexis says, not yet. She can’t help but notice how well Harmony knows her way around the house. It almost seems like Harmony has been here before without her knowledge. Harmony says, because she has.  

Victor says, pregnant? Is that all? Spencer says, isn’t that enough? and Victor says, if he’s the father. Spencer says, of course (🍷) he is, and Victor asks if he’s sure. Spencer says, yes, but Victor says, no, he’s not. The man never can be. Spencer says, Esme moved to Port Charles for him. She even broke a few laws because she thought it was going to help. Victor says, and Spencer feels responsible, and Spencer says, isn’t he? Victor says, listen to him. Spencer is a young man with his whole life ahead of him. He has a family with almost unlimited resources, a family that loves him very much, even though sometimes they have a hard time knowing how to express it. If Esme is indeed pregnant, and Spencer is indeed the father, they have a whole array of options at their disposal. They can pay her off. They can resettle her somewhere. They can arrange to have the child brought up by more appropriate parents. They do that all the time in this family, in case Spencer hasn’t noticed. Spencer says he’s sorry, it’s a lot, and Victor says, let him simplify. He can arrange to have mother and child cared for without tying Spencer down. Spencer thanks him, and Victor says he was a little relieved. He was worried at first that Spencer was obsessed with that young lady who works at Ava’s gallery. Spencer says, Trina? What about her? Victor says, hasn’t he heard? Apparently, she betrayed her other friends and got herself arrested.

Nikolas says, of course (🍷) he’s keeping an eye on Esme; she helped Spencer terrorize his wife. She says, everything she did, she did for Spencer, and he asks if he’s supposed to believe she doesn’t have a mind of her own. She couldn’t see Spencer’s plot spiraling out of control? She says she doesn’t know how many times she can say this. She was wrong and she’s sorry. He says he provided her with a place because there’s a good chance this break-up is temporary. If that’s true, he needs to know she’s good for his son. She says, in other words, he gives her shelter and a chance to prove she’s not some gold-digger? and he says he needs to know she’ll inspire Spencer to be the man he can be. She says, according to whose standards? Society’s or his family’s, because it’s becoming clearer by the day that those are two totally different things. He says, whatever path Spencer chooses, will she be there? Does she really care for him? She asks if she hasn’t proven that by now. Of course (🍷) she cares for Spencer. She loves Spencer more than she’s ever loved anyone. He says, now she has a chance to remind him, but she says he doesn’t understand. It’s too late. She goes back to the table and sits down.

Ava asks Trina to tell her everything that happened. On second thought,  just tell her what the police already know. Trina says she tried to show the Commissioner her phone to prove she didn’t have the sex video on it. She pulled out what she thought was her phone. It was identical; same case, same model. Then she heard a chime from a text on her actual phone, and realized her phone was still in her bag. Someone planted the other one. Ava says, and they may not know how they did it, but they know who. It was Esme, wasn’t it?

Jordan thanks Laura for coming, and Laura says she saw The Invader on her way over. Trina Robinson can’t possibly have anything to do with that sex tape, can she? Jordan says, they’re exploring all angles. That’s why she called Laura. There’s another piece of the puzzle she needs to make Laura aware of, personally. Laura says, because the tape involves Cameron? and Jordan says, actually, it involves her other grandson, Spencer.  

Carly tells Sonny, the first step is to prove Esme did this to Josslyn and Cameron. Then Carly will make her pay. He says, so he has no say? Does she agree with Michael that Josslyn doesn’t concern him anymore? She says, Michael agrees with Josslyn, and she’s made it clear she doesn’t want Sonny involved. He says, he understands how they feel about him, but he’d do anything for his children. She says, then do what Josslyn has asked and stay out of it. Has he even read the interview with Joss and Cam? He says, not all of it, and she says, he should. It’s pretty impressive. Josslyn showed a lot of courage. He says he doesn’t need an interview to tell him how brave Josslyn is; he sees it. Just like he sees Trina is taking the fall for this, and someone else is getting away with a vicious attack on Josslyn’s name and privacy. She says, someone is Esme, and he says he’s not going to stand by and let that happen. He’s going to take care of it. He strides to the elevator, telling Sam hi as he passes her. Sam tells Carly, she knows that look. Someone’s going to suffer.

Trina tells Ava, of course (🍷) Esme did it, but she wasn’t in the cabin when the video was recorded. She was in the car with Spencer on her way back to town. Ava says, she didn’t have to be there physically to make the recording; it’s not that hard. The officer says, sorry, time’s up, and Ava says she promises to move heaven earth to get Trina out of this. Trina asks, do people really think… Ava says, who cares what people think? Her family and friends, her good true friends, they know her. And so does Spencer, whether she cares what he thinks or not.  

Laura asks Jordan how Spencer is involved, when Ava comes out. Laura asks, how’s Trina? and Ava says, innocent.

Spencer looks at the Invader article and says, this doesn’t make sense. How could they arrest Trina? Victor says he imagines the police found evidence of a crime that pointed to her guilt. Spencer says he’s sorry; he needs to take a minute. Victor says he can take a hint. He’ll see himself out. He leaves, and Spencer flashes back to Esme telling him that Trina’s asleep and they can send for their bags. Let’s go. He moves to remembering them being in the car, and Esme saying, what is she up to? It’s not enough he believes she orchestrated the weekend to blow up his friends. He says, which she denied, and she asks if he believes her. He says he wants to. That’s why he’s asking what the hell she hoped to achieve asking the questions she did during the drinking game. Esme asks how she was supposed to know she’d hit a nerve. Then he flashes back to asking Esme to tell him that she had nothing to do with the video, and her evading the question, saying, you don’t always get what you want.   

Esme tells Nikolas, not only has Spencer kicked her to the curb, there’s a target on her back because of what certain people think she’s done. He says, what people? and she says, Josslyn’s mom for one. He saw the bruise Carly left on her arm. She thanks him again for taking her to the hospital, and putting Carly on notice. That leaves Mr. Corinthos. He says, Sonny? What about him? She says, he’s had it in for her ever since she stretched the truth about Nikolas and Ava leaving town with Ava. Her misguided attempt to bring everyone together seriously backfired. He says, let him worry about Sonny. Just work being the person Spencer trusted; the person he cared for and still cares for. Can she do that? She says, that’s just it. Lately, Spencer’s put his trust in the last person he should, the person who actually did this terrible thing to Joss and Cam. She shows him the article, and he says, Trina? and she says, Spence thought she did it. If he won’t believe her, maybe he’ll believe his own eyes. Maybe he’ll finally see it was wrong to trust her. Nikolas asks if Trina being out of Spencer’s life brings him and Esme back together, and she says, it might have, before she found out… He says, found out what?

Sam looks at the article, and tells Carly, first of all, that anyone would even do this at all is horrific, but to Josslyn, knowing Sonny Corinthos is her stepfather? Carly says, she knows. Sam should have heard the way Esme spoke to her. She was doing it just to get a rise out of her in front of Nikolas. Sam asks if it worked, and Carly says, he rushed to her side to defend her. She doesn’t know how Josslyn has managed not to slap Esme into next week. When she was Josslyn’s age, back in her day, she would have ripped Esme’s hair out of her head, and that’s before she tried to frame Trina. Sam says, that explains the smoke coming out of Sonny’s ears, and Carly says, Michael and Josslyn want him to stay out of it. Sam says, like anything is going to be able to stop him.

On the phone, Sonny says he needs Brick to coordinate with Spinelli; try to find a trail. Whoever did this… He knows what people are thinking, but he needs to have a clean slate, so proof is absolute. Does Brick know what he’s saying?… Right. There’s a knock at the door, and Ava comes in. She says she needs a drink. Gin if he has it; scotch otherwise. He says, she’ll have to go to the bar. He’s not doing that stuff. She says, kudos to Nina, and he laughs. He asks what she’s doing here, and she says she just saw Trina. He says, and? Ava says, she didn’t do it. As he already knows, it was Esme.

Harmony says, Kristina was living at Alexis’s house when she was interested in Dawn of Day. One day she waited until Alexis left, and knocked on the door. Kristina opened it. Alexis says, Harmony wanted to talk to Kristina when she wasn’t there, and Harmony says, Shiloh wanted her to check Kristina out. They were having coffee in the kitchen, and there was some mishap with the coffeemaker. She can’t remember exactly what happened, but it spilled everywhere. They had to clean it up, then she put the mop and cleaning supplies back. That’s how she knew where they were. Alexis says, right. Just to be clear, she’s going to speak to Kristina about this. Harmony says she wants Alexis to do that. She knows she should have told Alexis, and she’s sorry. She was so ashamed of the reason why. She tells Alexis, please say something.

Nikolas asks Esme if there’s something he should know about this video. Something that involves Spencer. She says, no. Spencer had nothing to do with it. He says, good, then what is it? He can’t help her if he doesn’t know. She says she knows he wants to help, but it’s just… He says, go on, but she says she’s sorry. She needs to get some air. She grabs her stuff, and dashes out. Outside, she smiles, and rolls her eyes.

Spencer comes into the station and sees Laura. He asks why she didn’t tell him Trina was there, and she says she didn’t know until she got there. He asks where she is, and Jordan says, Trina’s in the interrogation room. He can go right in. The officer lets Spencer in, and Laura asks why Jordan let Spencer in to see Trina. Does she believe her grandson is involved in this? Trina tells Spencer, it’s funny how things work out, but he says, there’s nothing funny about this. She says, yeah, there is. They last time she saw him, he was the one in custody. Now it’s her turn.

Carly tells Sam that she wishes Jason was here. She wishes that thousand times every day, but especially now. He could figure out how Esme framed Trina, and he could stop Carly from losing her mind. Sam says, probably, and Carly asks if she’s heard from Monica. Sam says, about Jason? and Carly says, she wants to have him declared legally dead. She heard it from Britt, then Monica reached out. She thinks it will help Jason’s kids move on. What does Sam think? Sam says she thinks it seems impossible, saying goodbye to Jason, and Carly says, she’ll never be able to. Sam says, they have to try to move on, and Carly says she’s moving on with so many things right now… and so is Sam. How are things with Sam and Dante? Sam says, great. She had to try really hard to find the strength to move on from Jason. So maybe it’s possible. If Carly finds her strength, she’ll be able to move on from Sonny.

Sonny asks what Ava wants, and she says, the same thing he does – justice. She knows Trina. She’s good, a helluva lot better than either of them. He says, faint praise, low bar, and she says, good point. He says, so? and she says, so they both know Trina would never do this to Josslyn and Cameron. Sonny says, Carly’s convinced it’s Esme, and she says, Carly is right. And if she and Carly agree on something, it’s got to be true. Now what is he going to do about it? He says, he’s on it.

On the bench outside Charlie’s, Esme reads from the article. We refuse to be victims, says Josslyn Jax. Cameron Webber echoes that sentiment. Whoever thought they could shame us into hiding, has made a serious mistake. Esme laughs, and says, the mistake was all yours, Trina. Someone approaches, startling her.

Alexis says she has to go to work, and Harmony asks if Alexis wants her to leave. Alexis says, they’ll talk about it later, and leaves.

August 2020. Harmony uses a key to let herself into Alexis’s house. She looks around with a flashlight, and goes upstairs. She shines the light on Neil’s driver’s license, and we see Alexis and Neil sleeping. Harmony takes out a syringe, and injects Neil. In the present, she looks panicked.

Carly tells Sam, she divorced Sonny. That counts as moving on, right? Sam says, not really, but she’s giving Carly a pass on this one, since she’s got a lot to deal with. She needs to stay focused on Josslyn. Carly says, Josslyn is going to get through this. Going public with Cam was a good first step. Now they have to make sure her best friend doesn’t pay for a crime she didn’t commit.

Spencer says he rushed over as soon as he heard, and Trina asks, why? So he can tell Esme it worked? He says he didn’t believe Esme when she accused Trina, and she says, which time? He says, to be honest, he thought Esme did it, but now, if the Commissioner has evidence… She says, planted evidence. He knows better than anyone she’d never deliberately try to hurt Joss and Cam. He says, then why did she do it?

Jordan tells Laura, other than being in the cabin the night the video was taken, she’s not sure Spencer was involved at all. Laura says, he seemed upset about something this morning, and Jordan says, maybe Spencer’s adjusting leaving the system and returning to a normal life. Laura says, she’d like to believe that, but then there’s his Great-uncle Victor who’s always ready with a helping hand.

Victor goes into Charlie’s, and says he’s glad he found Nikolas. They need to talk about Spencer. Nikolas says, later. Did he see Esme outside, and Victor says, as a matter-of-fact he did. As he was pulling in, another car was pulling out. He saw Esme in the back seat. Nikolas asks, who was driving? Which way did they go?

Esme is plopped into a chair in Sonny’s office. Sonny swivels around in his desk chair to face her, and signals his guy to leave. He says, Esme. Nice of you to join me, and smiles. I laaaugh.

Tomorrow, Dante asks Chase, where’s this coming from; Brook tells someone, the answer is no; Spencer says he wants to believe Trina; and Sonny says, all Esme’s got to do is confess.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

When we last left, Teresa was losing her sh*t at Traci’s Treetop event. In Melissa’s interview, she said, she and Jennifer had just made up, and everyone was getting along. She didn’t understand why Teresa was trying to start something. Teresa then insisted the headlines about Luis were like the rumor about Evan, and tried to blame Marge for that. Jackie told Marge not to worry, she wasn’t buying it, and somehow we got back to the analogy thing. A word I’d hoped never to hear again from this bunch. Teresa whined that Jackie hadn’t said it was an analogy to begin with, and Marge tried to explain that wasn’t the way it worked. You didn’t go, by the way, I’ll be using an analogy now. In Jackie’s interview, she said, there never would have been an analogy in the first place if Teresa hadn’t been spreading a rumor about someone she loves. Dolores wondered why Teresa was getting worked up over old stuff, and Marge said it was a deflection.

A beautiful table was set for lunch, which is always a total waste on Housewives. Teresa said she was all about love. It upset her that Traci was telling her husband to ask questions about her boyfriend, but Traci said she never asked him to do anything, and Luis had no problem with it. Teresa said she had a problem with it, and Marge wondered why, since it was already out there. Not surprisingly,  Teresa confused Traci with someone else, accusing her of being a husband stealing nanny. Tracy was like, I wasn’t a nanny, but Teresa had already moved on. Marge said it was Luis’s exes who had put it out there, and Teresa suggested Marge had been talking to them, and encouraging it. She was in an amazing love bubble, she was protecting it, and no one was popping it. She decided to leave, but not before reminding the women that her workout line was in gift bags with their names on them. She told Melissa to make sure no one was talking about her, and Melissa said, if they were even arguing in the woods, they were doomed.  Everyone agreed that Teresa had come in hot over nothing, and they didn’t get what they came for. Melissa gave herself a gold star for making up with Jennifer, and Dolores said they had a softball game coming up. It was for charity, and they were all on the same team. Traci said she didn’t want to be near Teresa when she was doing practice swings.

Mel excited about Antonia’s Sweet 16 party, and told Joe #2 that this would be the 16th time she was planning a party for her. She only had one girl. Joe said his sister got everything when they were growing up, and Melissa said Teresa showed up to the Treetop event in the worst mood; she came in screaming and yelling at Marge and Traci. She thought she was in the Twilight Zone.

Teresa told Antonia and Gia that they were moving in a week and had to go through everything. We flashed back to when the girls were little, and Gia said it was going to be sad. Teresa said it was the house they grew up in, and in Gia’s interview, she said it was the last physical thing she had of her dad in the United States. We flashed back to Juicy Joe with the kids, and she told Teresa, it was the last piece of him. It wouldn’t be theirs anymore. Teresa said she was ready for a new beginning with Luis. It was pissing her off to no end that Marge and Traci were bringing to light the false accusations against him. How dare anyone question him? Gia asked if anyone had Teresa’s back, and Teresa said, Dolores.

Frank and Dolores brushed up on their softball, and Dolores asked if Frank was going to run in such a weird way. He said, this time last year, he couldn’t even walk, and we flashed back to his accident. Dolores said she’d had enough of his balls hitting her, and they went inside. She told Frank that she wanted to raise money for the breast cancer center; they’d been good to her. In her interview, she said she’d been raising money for the last few years, but last year, she’d had a breast cancer scare. She told Frank that they’d saved so many people. They’d already raised $75K in ticket donations and they were all clear to play at Maimonides Park. It was going to be her friends against the doctors. She was concerned that Teresa was going to show up with both barrels loaded.

Teresa told Gia that she didn’t stay for lunch, and in Teresa’s interview, she said the only reason she even went was because she wanted to give the women her workout line. It was the only time she’d see them before the game. She was going to sell her line there, and donate some of the proceeds to charity. Melissa told Joe #2 that Teresa went screaming through the forest, but as she was leaving, she was like, here’s my workout line. She wants them to wear it at the game. Dolores wondered how the women were going to be civil at a charity event after fighting in the woods. Frank told her, good luck.

Jackie went to see her therapist, and said she’d been in a panic, It was her last chance to count calories before the therapist was going to make her stop. The therapist said she couldn’t make Jackie do anything; she could just make suggestions. She asked what Jackie was afraid of, and Jackie said, losing control. She’d been holding on to her eating habits for twenty years, and always had to calculate everything. It took so much work. She’d have to examine the calendar, and see which days she was going to have to eat. It was all day, every day. Her body hurt, but she did it anyway. The therapist said what usually caused eating disorders was low self-esteem. That amount of anxiety had to be seeping into everything all the time. Jackie had full-blown anorexia. Somewhere something had gone wrong. Jackie said it had been traumatic being heavy as a child. She was putting on lipstick in the hallway, and a boy walking by said, it won’t help. He said she was gross, and they made her feel bad about herself. In college, she’d been cutting her calories in half and losing weight, when she met her husband. Since she knew he liked how she looked, she wanted to keep it going. In Jackie’s interview, she said she knew he loved her regardless, but she had an irrational fear that if she put on weight, he wouldn’t see her as the same person. She worried that he wouldn’t embrace the new here. The therapist asked if anyone had ever said anything, and Jackie told her that she always said, leave her alone, she was fine. But she was alone with this in her head. She didn’t know anyone could help. She made it seem like she’d recovered, but clearly she hadn’t. She was scared since her kids were getting older, they noticed more. The therapist asked if Jackie thought the kids knew she was suffering, and Jackie said she hadn’t known they noticed things, but her husband told her that they do. She was horrified. She took the kids for ice cream, but never ate it herself. The therapist asked when she last had it, and she said, twenty years ago. The therapist wondered if that wasn’t a good goal, and Jackie said she didn’t know how to do that. It was so stupid. The therapist told her to shoot for not counting calories and not compensating, and Jackie said she might even get a topping.

Jackie talked to Evan about her session, and suggested they go out to dinner. He understood the nuances of her disease, and there were so many. In Evan’s interview, he said, since they’d met, they’d had no more than four consecutive vacation nights because of the meals. The only way Jackie ate vegetables was steamed, and they had to call restaurants in advance to make sure they could steam spinach. He wanted to travel, and it clouded the relationship. He told her that it was unhealthy and could lead to something bad. He worried. She said it was hard to hear, and he asked how he could help. She said she knew she jumped on him when he tried to help; she’d always done everything herself so she could trick herself. The therapist said she had full-blown anorexia, and she’d never said the words out loud. She’d never gotten to the point where she was ready for help. She wanted to be present, and Evan said it helped them have a deeper connection. Jackie asked, if she gained weight, was he okay with that, and he said he loved her no matter what size she was. He was proud she’d taken the first steps. She said, when she was good, she’d throw out her measuring spoons, and he said she must have a hundred of them.

Jennifer and Bill went out to eat. It was the first weekend in a long time that Bill wasn’t on call. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she was still mad at Bill, but it was moments like these that made her grateful she’d stayed. She told him about making up with Melissa, and said maybe he could find a way to make things good with the guys. He said he had certain feelings about what took place, and we flashed back to the guys night debacle, and Bill said they needed to know when to back off. Jennifer said what they were going through superseded the girls . They had an anniversary coming up; it had been twenty years since they met. Jennifer asked if Bill thought they’d make another nineteen. She didn’t want to look back on an unhappy. She wanted to make it work, but didn’t want to turn into her mother, and be resentful of the world. She told Bill, the whole car ride back from the airport, her mother never mentioned Bill’s affair. We flashed back to Jennifer telling her brother that she didn’t want her mother to hear it from somewhere else. Jennifer said she thought her mother would have an opinion, but she didn’t. She was mad at Marge. Bill said, it happened many years ago, but Jennifer said she didn’t give a sh*t. She had been at home tending three small children and she was pregnant. He’d given her no consideration. She told herself that she’d be a tough girl, but she didn’t want to give him a pass. She didn’t want to go through a divorce, and felt, as long as both parties were willing to keep working, they were golden. When one partner checked out, it was going downhill. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, it felt good that she didn’t hold back. The ball was in Bill’s court. Now they’d see if he did anything about it.

Lexi worked on invites for Marge Sr.’s 75th birthday. Marge reminded Lexi about the charity softball game, and Lexi asked if Marge read Teresa’s group text. She wanted them to wear her shorts to the game. She knew she could raise more money for charity if they’d be her stunning models. Lexi was surprised at Teresa’s audacity. Clearly she doesn’t know Teresa. Marge said Teresa couldn’t stand her, but needed a favor. Lexi said Traci was on the text too, and Marge called her. She told Traci that she wasn’t wearing Teresa’s shorts. It would be like she was saying it was okay to treat her like sh*t, and would do whatever she could just to be friends.

Before the game, Dolores said they’d gotten $125K in donations from a bank, and there were 2000 people in advance ticket sales. Everyone gathered in the locker room, where everyone got a jersey with their name on it. Frank hoped, since it was a fundraiser, the women would cut the sh*t for once. Marge couldn’t believe Teresa wanted them to wear her stuff, and Dolores played Switzerland. Teresa breezed in last with Gia and Luis, and said she’d brought her workout line. Marge said, we’re good, which pissed Teresa off. Gia said they supported everyone with everything, and Marge said she did support them, but not today. In Marge’s interview, she said she loved Gia, but wished Teresa would tell Gia not to fight her battles. In Gia’s interview, she said, even though they were arguing, Marge and Teresa were still friends, so she thought Marge should be supportive. In Teresa’s interview, she said, someone finally someone had her back, even if it was her daughter. In Dolores’s interview, she said, everyone had their own relationship with Teresa, and made their own choices. In Melissa’s interview, she said she got where Mage was coming from, but she wasn’t having a war over leggings. In Jackie’s interview, she said, Teresa let Jennifer take the fall for digging up dirt on Evan, yet Jennifer is still wearing Teresa’s clothes.  Teresa’s got her hand up the puppet’s ass. In Jennifer’s interview, she said, Bill didn’t want to come. She was hoping he’d change his mind. He kind of owed her one.

Dolores got a friend of hers, who’d played baseball in college, to be the pitcher, since they weren’t an athletic bunch. Jennifer was worried about her nose, so she wore a catcher’s mask. Bill was a no show, and Frank thought he was running from the situation. In Frank’s interview, he said he’d texted Bill a few times, and gotten short responses. It wasn’t like him. But the last thing he wanted at a charity event was to see Bill going head-to-head with Evan or Joe #2. A dude introduced Dolores, who talked about the charity. In Marge’s interview, she said she knew nothing about baseball. She only knew a homerun. <wink-wink> Teresa asked if they’d scored a touchdown, and Joe #2 said he’d played football in high school. Why didn’t she know the difference?  Good thing Jennifer was wearing that mask, because she took a spill while she was running between bases.

In Jennifer’s interview, she said, the Louis Vuitton’s were a mistake. They have no grip… freaking read bottoms. In Joe #2’s interview, he said, physical performance is enhanced by alcohol, and the guys did shots. Teresa said if Marge was wearing her leggings, her ass wouldn’t jiggle as much, and she’d hit the ball. In Tracy’s interview, she said, Teresa was a typical bully. In Marge’s interview, she said, nothing was too low for Teresa. When Tiki arrived, Teresa was all kissy-kissy with him, baffling everyone. Traci put it best when she said, it makes zero f***ing sense. (Maybe she thought Tiki would wear her leggings.) Seeing Frank Jr. dropping the ball was pretty funny, and Tiki won the game for them by catching a ball. I believe the final score was 9 to 6, but don’t quote me. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she liked the feeling of them wanting her here and that she belonged. She hoped Bill heard about it, and felt more comfortable with being part of the group. In Dolores’s interview, she said it was one of the greatest nights of her life. They’d raised over $200k, and for the most part, everyone was on their best behavior. It was a Jersey miracle. We all watched fireworks over the stadium.

Next time, Bills shows up for Marge Sr.’s birthday, Melissa has a talk with Antonia, Teresa moves, the guts talk to Bill, and Bill says, f*** you.

📠 The Deets…

The when and where of the softball game. I might have gone. If it wasn’t so far. Like if it was across the street.

👏🏽 Brave Lady…

After hiding for so long, it must be tough to announce your business to the world.


👟 Runnin’ Down a Dream…

Come away with me tomorrow to the opera of soap and the County of Orange. Until then, stay safe, stay caring about at least one cause, and stay not calling lies of omission, truths to be told at another time.

February 11, 2022 – Valentine’s Day Part 1, New Gig, Through Laura’s Eyes, News Jersey, a Book, an Update, Wouldn’t Listen, Dead Tales, Puppies (!), OctoQuoteapus & Basement 


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital


Terry says she has something to tell Elizabeth, and Elizabeth says she’s listening. Terry says she has her first date with the guy she’s been messaging from the dating app, and Elizabeth says, on Valentine’s Day? Terry says, she knows; aggressive. Elizabeth says, or extremely romantic. She wants to know everything about him, and Terry says, later. Elizabeth says, Terry is going to leave her hanging, and Terry says she has a patient. Elizabeth says she’s excited for Terry, and Terry says she is too. Terry leaves, and Elizabeth puts her head in her hands. Finn comes in, and tells her that she has no business being tired. He’s the one who slept on the bench… he means, couch. That is a couch, isn’t it? Elizabeth says, not up to his standards? and he tells her, he’s just saying she might want to think about an upgrade. Just a suggestion. She says, lucky for him, there’s no need for another sleepover. They checked all the ships leaving Port Charles last night, and no sign of Peter. Looks like he found his way out of town. He says, with that guy, anything is possible, and she says, careful. It almost sounds like he wants to crash on her couch again. He asks if that would be so bad.

Taggert meets Portia at the MetroCourt, and she thanks him for coming. He says, anything for Trina, and they hug. She says, maybe it’s nothing, and she’s overreacting. She’s been acting fine… He says, but Portia’s mom radar is going off? and she says, it is, big time. Trina went on this trip with all of her friends, and ever since she’s been back, Trina hasn’t said a word to her. That’s not normal for her, right? He says, dinner tonight was a good idea. They’ll figure out what’s going on with Trina, and get their girl back on track.

Sonny walks into Charlie’s with a bouquet of flowers, and sets them on the bar. Phyllis says, for her? and he says he just wanted to see how she was her first Valentine’s without Lenny, but – he looks around, seeing the decorations and crowd for the Anti-Valentine’s Day party – it looks like she’s doing pretty good. She says, Lenny hated Valentine’s Day. Every year, she got chocolate, flowers, and a rant about how he didn’t need some greeting card company telling him how and when to express his love. He says, sounds like Lenny, and she says, doesn’t it? She thought this could be her way of honoring him; not to mention, it makes good business sense. So many people feel left out on this holiday. Lonely hearts need a place to go too.

Nina visits Ava at Windymere, and says, Ava looks incredible. Hot date? Ava says, with her hot husband, and Nina asks why Ava didn’t say she had plans. Ava says she sounded kind of upset when she called. Besides, she figured Nina would know she had plans for tonight. Nina asks, what’s tonight? and Ava makes a heart with her hands, and says, it’s February 14th. Nina says, it’s Valentine’s Day, and Ava says, oh boy. Nina doesn’t even know what day it is. Something big must have gone down, huh?

Carly tells her assistant JoAnn, sorry for keeping her so late, and JoAnn says, Valentine’s Day is always busy here. Carly flashes back to telling Sonny that they’re over and it’s on him. JoAnn says, if Carly needs her, she’ll be in the office, but Carly asks her to wait. One more thing.

Nina tells Ava, she’s so sorry. She forgot there are some people who still celebrate Valentine’s Day. She’ll just go. Ava says, she’ll do no such thing, and invites her in. She says she did hear about Maxie. Nina must be so worried. Unless there’s something else going on. Nina says, no. Maxie and Peter’s trail has gone cold, and she’s losing her mind wondering where they could be. The only consolation, thank God, is that Maxie’s daughter was found safe. Ava asks if Peter had her this entire time, and Nina says, Ava remembers. Peter showed up in Nixon Falls, and tried to blackmail her into helping him find Louise. Ava says, right, and he threatened to tell the truth about Sonny, and Nina says, there’s more to that story – a lot more.

Finn says he’ll get Elizabeth a cup of coffee, and she says she doesn’t know what’s wrong with her; she can’t snap out of it today. He says, that’s understandable. She’s worried about Maxie; they all are. It’s Valentine’s Day, and also her anniversary with Franco. She thanks him for remembering; it means a lot. He tells her to go easy on herself, and she says she’ll try. Amy and brother Chet walk in (wow. we haven’t seen Chet in years), and Finn says, it’s been a while. How’s everything going? Amy says, things are terrible.

Trina joins Portia and Taggert, and Portia thanks her for making time for her parents. Trina asks if Portia shouldn’t be on a date right now, and Portia says, she will, a little bit later. She had to spend some time with her original Valentine. Taggert asks why Trina isn’t asking if he has any plans, and she says, does he? He says, no, and she says, that’s why she wasn’t asking. Portia says, sit, and Trina says, they’re acting weird, but she’s hungry, so… They sit down, and Taggert says he’d like to propose a toast. To Trina. She’s strong, intelligent, and kind. Portia says, beautiful, not that it matters, and Taggert says, it’s true. She’s kicking ass at PCU, and she just organized her very first gallery exhibition. Portia says, which was a huge success, and Taggert says, if this Spencer Cassadine can’t see her for the star that she is, it’s his loss. Portia tells him, that’s real smooth, and he says, what? Trina asks if that’s what tonight is about, Spencer, and Portia says, it’s really not. Not completely. It just seems like Trina is having kind of a rough time dealing with this young man. Trina says she can’t believe this. Her own parents think she’s pathetic.

Carly picks up a paper heart from the bar, and rips it in pieces. Sam comes in, and says she sees Carly’s not a fan of Valentine’s Day. She sits at the bar, and Carly asks if she’s meeting Dante here. Sam says she wishes. He’s searching for Maxie and Peter. Carly says she heard he took Maxie hostage; that’s awful. Sam says, that sums Peter up in a nutshell. Carly hopes they find that guy, and Sam says, her too, then says, so? and Carly says, what? Sam says she didn’t think she’d have to ask, but how did things go with Sonny? Carly says she walked in on him in bed with Nina.

Phyllis says, the flowers are beautiful, and thanks Sonny. He says, if he’d known about the chocolates, he would have brought them too, and she says, don’t think she didn’t buy some for herself. She swears she could feel Lenny’s spirit when she paid for them. Sonny says he misses Lenny, and she says, she misses him too. So how’s he doing? Still on his meds? He says, yes, ma’am, and she laughs. She asks how things are going with Carly. Last night seemed so hopeful. He drains his glass and puts it on the bar, saying, yep. She says she’s guessing things didn’t go as planned, and he says, he and Carly are as far apart as they’ve ever been.

Ava tells Nina, good for Maxie. That plan took smarts and guts. And good for Nina, playing along with Peter to keep him away from Port Charles. To be able to tell people she had motivation, other than hiding the truth about Sonny, is a vindication of sorts. Nina says, she’d hardly call herself vindicated, and they sit down with martinis. Ava says, any updates on that front? Her and Sonny? Nina asks what she’s heard, and Ava says, nothing, but obviously there’s something. Nina’s acting like she doesn’t want to talk about it, but Ava thinks she does want to talk about it, or she wouldn’t have come all the way out here. Nina says, they’re friends and she wanted company. Is that so hard to believe? Ava says it is, and Nina says, she and Sonny slept together, and Carly walked in on them. Ava asks, how was it? and Nina says, which part? Ava says she’s sorry; never mind. Carly walked in on Nina and her husband in bed together. That is… Nina says, horrible; 100% fully and completely horrible. Ava says she’s sure it was excruciating at the time, and Nina says, it’s still pretty excruciating, but Ava suggests Nina look to the future. Doesn’t this mean she and Sonny can be together? 

Chet says, as Finn and Elizabeth can imagine, they’re pretty worried about Maxie, and Amy says, it’s all she can think about; where she is, how she is, when is she coming home? Elizabeth says she knows. It makes her grateful for work; she needs the distraction. Amy says, her too, and Chet says, he came in with Amy so she could help with the clothing drive. They just loaded up the donations. He can’t believe how many there are. Elizabeth asks if Finn’s seen the bins all over the hospital, to benefit veterans in need, and he says, of course (🍷). He didn’t know it was Chet’s doing. Chet says, after the explosion at The Floating Rib, he was down to one job, and Amy says, the best manager Beradino’s ever had. Chet says, with all that free time, he thought he’d volunteer for a non-profit that helps veterans with physical and mental injuries; make sure they have clothing, food, shelter, and medicine. Finn says, sounds like an amazing charity, and Chet says he credits Amy for getting the hospital involved. Amy says, the clothing drive has been a big hit, and Elizabeth says, that reminds her. She has a box of stuff she left home this morning, but her son is bringing it by any minute. Chet says, getting the whole family involved; he likes it. Elizabeth says she has a patient she needs to see, and leaves, and Amy asks Finn how it’s going with him and Elizabeth.

Carly tells Sam, Sonny gave excuse after excuse as to why they fell in bed together, and Sam says, as if there’s any plausible way that would be okay. Carly says, Sonny’s still in love with Nina, and is clearly compelled to act on those feelings, and Sam says she’s so sorry. Carly says, she’s not. Seeing them together gave her the clarity she needed. She’s been wrestling for months about moving forward, and if it was even possible. Now she has her answer. It’s no. Sam says she figured, and Carly says she’s not going to sit around while Sonny prioritizes the woman who destroyed their family. She’s moving forward. Her assistant is calling a divorce attorney as they speak. Sam says, divorce? That’s… Carly says, necessary, and Sam tells her, she was going to say, more like fast. Is Carly sure she’s making the right move?

Sonny says he doesn’t want to burden Phyllis with this, so he’s going to sit down. She follows him to the table, and says, it’s no burden unless he doesn’t want to talk about it. He says he wants his wife, and that’s not going to happen. She says, why not? and he says, because Carly made it clear they’re done. She says, maybe it seems that way now… and he says, that’s the way it is. Nothing’s going to change it. He sits, and she says, something must have happened; what was it? He says, he’ll tell her what happened. He made his grand gesture because he need a signal that Carly was willing to fight for their marriage. Phyllis says, she didn’t show up? and he says, she did, but it was very late, and he’d done some thinking. Carly would say he’s defending Nina because he had feelings for her, and he guesses it’s true, but he can’t shut it down. She says, and as long as they’re there, Carly refuses to be with him, and he says, no matter what. He told her he loved her, that he didn’t want to lose her, but it doesn’t matter. He guesses he should just accept that his marriage is over. She says, bull. He hasn’t done everything he can for his marriage and he knows it. She loves him and she loves Nina, but she’s afraid she hasn’t been a very good friend to either one of them. He asks what she’s talking about, and she says she hasn’t been very forthright. He says, she’s not responsible for his actions any more than she is for Nina’s, and she says she knows that, but part of being a friend, is saying the hard truths. He tells her, say it, and she says, he claims he’s tried everything to fix his marriage. Does that include telling Carly that he went off his meds, and Nina was there to get him help? He says, no, and she says, so he’s still not being honest with his wife. He rationalizes, just like he rationalized not telling Carly that he and Nina fell in love in Nixon Falls. Relationships need trust. If he keeps repeating the same mistakes, how is he going to rebuild the trust he lost? He says, how can he rebuild anything if Carly refuses to hear him?

Carly tells Sam, the sooner she puts this mess behind her, the better. She really needs to get on with her life. Sam says, that is a natural reaction, healthy even. When something hurts, you want to get as far away from it as possible. Carly says, hurts? The image of Sonny and Nina in bed is torture. Sam says, either way, the place Carly is in is not the place she should be making decisions from. Take a second, a minute, days even, to process what this means for her and her family before she puts something in motion she can’t take back. JoAnn returns, and Sam says she’ll give Carly some privacy. She leaves, and JoAnn says, the attorney does have one appointment open tomorrow, but it’s in the morning, right after Carly’s visit with Donna and Avery. Carly says, that doesn’t give her much time, and JoAnn asks what she wants to do.

Finn asks how they knew about him and Elizabeth, and Amy says, they work in a hospital. Everyone knows. He says, everyone? and she says, everyone. So is he going to give her the scoop or not? He says he’s thinking not actually, and Chet says, excuse his sister. She’s got a Valentine’s bug. Amy says, if she can’t have her own romance, she might as well help other people with theirs. Finn says, he’s good, and she says, he sounds just like Chet, refusing to let her set him up. Chet says he doesn’t need to be set up, and she says, tells that to his gaming console. Ever since he and his last girlfriend broke up, he’s been in a total rut. Chet says, thanks for that. By the way, he gets out plenty. She says, casual dates, sure, but she could find his soulmate. Finn tells Chet, good luck with all that. He’ll see Chet around. He leaves, and Amy says, Chet knows she only meddles because she loves him, right?

Portia tells Trina, after everything she and Trina’s father just said, how does she come away with them thinking she’s pathetic? Trina says, they thought she’d be spending tonight pining over some guy, and Portia says, no. It’s just that she’s been so quiet lately, ever since she came back from the trip. Taggert says, her mom is worried something happened on that trip, and Trina says, so they didn’t just ask? Portia says, they don’t want to pry, and Trina says, this is better. Portia says, she’s right. A manufactured sneak attack was not the way to go. They just want her to know they’re here for her and love her. Taggert says, if Trina has anything to get off her chest, they’re listening, and Trina says, it all started with Spencer’s girlfriend. Taggert says, that punk has a girlfriend? and Portia pokes him. He says, please go on, and Trina says, Esme pulled a mean girl stunt at the cabin, and she got upset, but she’s fine now. Portia says, of course (🍷) she’s fine now, but it’s no fun to deal with Esme’s nonsense all the time, and Taggert says, what’s this girl’s name now? Portia says, Esme, and he says, again? She says, Esme, and Trina says, it’s French. Portia says, that girl is jealous of Trina and threatened by her, and Trina says, Portia thinks so? Portia says she knows so.

Nina tells Ava, she doesn’t know where she and Sonny stand. She doesn’t know where Sonny and Carly stand for that matter. Ava says,  surely they’re over now, but Nina says she doesn’t know. She doesn’t even know if she’s rooting for that. The only reason she and Sonny slept together is, they both believed his marriage was over. He was, and is, in so much pain, she doesn’t want to see him hurt like that again. Ava asks why Sonny thought his marriage was over, and Nina says, Carly was supposed to meet him as some sort of sign she was willing to work things out, and Sonny got the impression she wasn’t coming, then Nina showed up, and things just… progressed. Ava says, they sure did, and asks if Nina thinks it was revenge sex. Nina says, no. Say what you want, but she and Sonny have real feelings for each other. It was more like they were repressing these feelings and couldn’t deny it anymore. Ava says, Nina’s wanted this; she got it. Now what is she going to do with it?

Elizabeth brings a box into the locker room, and sees Terry fixing her makeup at the sink. She asks if Terry is heading out, and Terry says she sure is. Elizabeth says, wow. She looks gorgeous. (She does.) Terry asks if Elizabeth is sure it’s not too much, but Elizabeth says, definitely not. Her date is going to be blown away. Terry says, whoever he is, and Elizabeth says, about that. If the dating app doesn’t allow them to exchange photos, how is she going to know who he is? Terry tells her, he said he’d be waiting at the bar, wearing a teal shirt, and Elizabeth says, mysterious. Terry says she’s trying not to get her hopes up. Blind dates are statistically disastrous. I’ve contributed to that statistic. The one I went on was definitely disastrous. That’s why I never did it again. Elizabeth says, but it’s no pressure, right? Just drinks? Terry says, at Charlie’s Anti-Valentine’s party. They’ve been messaging for weeks. She knows everything about him, and he knows everything about her. They just don’t know what each other looks like. Elizabeth says she has the feeling it’s going to go really well, and Terry says, from her lips. Terry says, for the clothing drive? and starts looking through the box, and Elizabeth asks if she’s a veteran. Terry says she’s making sure there’s nothing in there that she gave Elizabeth, and pulls out a garment bag. She says, nice job, donating the fancy stuff, and takes out a dress that has rips in it. She says, or not. Yikes. What happened to this? Elizabeth says, that’s the dress she wore when she got married to Franco.

Nina says, she wants to go to Sonny, but she can’t, and Ava says, why not? Nina says, his marriage just exploded, and Ava says, so? Nina says she doesn’t want to be one of those women who says, what about me? That’s kind of tacky, isn’t it? Ava says, she slept with a married man, and Nina says, she told Ava; she slept with him because she thought his marriage was over… Okay, point taken. Ava says, forget morality and go for it, but Nina says, she’s not doing that. She’s going to stop and think about what’s best for Sonny. Ava says, if it were anybody else, she’d tell Nina to give him space, but Sonny and Carly have survived a lot, and with enough time, they could survive this. So do not give them time.

Carly asks JoAnn to set the meeting, and thanks her. Sam comes back, and Carly says, meeting set. Sam says, okay, and Carly says, that’s it; okay? Sam says Carly might as well hear all her options. That doesn’t mean she has to act right away. She is known for her impulsiveness. Carly says, that’s always worked out like a charm for her, hasn’t it? and Sam says she hopes Carly doesn’t think she’s trying to tell her what to do. Carly says she doesn’t. She thinks Sam’s trying to be a friend. Sam says, good. And as a friend, she thinks she should warn Carly that if Sonny finds out she’s taking the divorce route so quickly, he’s going to be hurt. So hurt, it might be the end for the two of them. Is she prepared for that?

Sonny tells Phyllis, he wanted Carly to meet him halfway, so he’d know she was willing to fight for the marriage. Phyllis says she doesn’t know Carly well, but it’s clear she loves him. Is he sure there’s no way to salvage things? He says, he’s pretty sure, and she says, if he’s waiting for her permission to give up on his marriage, he’s wasting his time. He says, not everyone is as perfect as her and Lenny, and she says, she and Lenny didn’t have some magical romance. Some days were easy, some days were hard, but they worked on it. When you’re committed to someone, that’s what you do. You don’t just throw in the towel when things get difficult. He says he’s glad she decided to stay in Port Charles. He doesn’t know what he could have done without this tough love. His phone dings, he looks at it, and tosses it on the table. Phyllis asks, what’s wrong? and he says, Carly is meeting with a divorce lawyer tomorrow.

Nina tells Ava, she never meant for any of this to happen. If she would have just stopped for a second and considered the ramifications. Ava says, it’s a little late for that now, and Nina says, ya think? She’s in love with a man she’s caused nothing but trouble for, but she doesn’t want to do that anymore. Ava says, she doesn’t have to. If she knows Sonny, he’s off somewhere, nursing his wounds, and spiraling out. Nina could be the one to steady him. Nina says, she’s not going to take advantage of his pain, and Ava says she’s not suggesting Nina seduce the man; just be there for him. Nina loves Sonny, she wants a future with him. Be somebody he can count on. Nina says, she’s caused too much damage by being impulsive. If she cares about Sonny, and she really does, she’s got to stop that destructive behavior. Ava takes it that’s a no; Nina’s not going to go to him then. Nina says, it’s no. For once, she’s going to do the right thing. She’s not going to seek out Sonny. However things land, she’s going to accept it. Ava says, suit herself, but she thinks Nina is making a big mistake.

Terry hands Elizabeth the dress, and asks if it looked like this when she put it in the box. Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. It’s been in the garment bag for months. She hasn’t looked at it. Terry says, donating this is a big step, and Elizabeth says, in the moment, it felt important in helping her move on. Terry says, when she last saw it, months ago, it was still intact? and Elizabeth says she doesn’t know how this could have happened. Terry wonders if razer toothed moths are a thing, but Elizabeth says, there are no holes in the garment bag. Somebody shredded this, but who would have done something like that? Terry says, maybe it fell apart when she had it dry-cleaned, and Elizabeth says she thinks she’s looked at it since then. She guesses it’s a possibility… Terry tells her, say it, and Elizabeth says, today is Franco and her anniversary, and having the dress torn up like this seems like some kind of an omen. She doesn’t even know what she’s saying. Terry takes the dress, and says, let’s get a drink. She’ll reschedule her date. Elizabeth says, absolutely not, but Terry says, it’s no big deal. Elizabeth says, my God, and Terry says, what? Elizabeth says she remembers. She did look at the dress when it came back from the cleaners. There was a tear, but she just didn’t realize the extent. She’s sorry. She’s really tired and her brain is like mush. Mystery solved. Go on her date; have fun. She can’t wait to hear the details. Terry says she loves Elizabeth, and Elizabeth says she loves her too. Terry leaves, and Elizabeth looks at the dress again.

Trina says, she’ll be right back, and leaves the table. Portia sees Taggert staring at her, and asks, what is that look? He says he’s taking it all in, and she says, taking what in? He says she used to be on this singular track, focused on balancing motherhood and her career. She says, and now? and he says, now she’s just different. She hopes in a good way, and he says, in a great way. He’s not saying she wasn’t happy before, but she seems lighter. She says she thinks it has to do with her seeing Curtis. Is that terribly awkward? He says, no. She deserves joy after everything he put her through. She says she did her share of hurting him too, and he says, look at them now. Coming together when it counts for their little girl. She says, not so little anymore. Taggert needs to get out there. He says, he is out, and she says, with his ex-wife and daughter. Come on. He should start dating. He says, here we go. She’s all happy and coupled up, so she wants to see everybody else couple up. She says, maybe. Life does seem full of possibilities right now; brighter and more vibrant… She sounds like a complete idiot. He says, no. She sounds like a woman in love. Her phone dings, and she says, there go her Valentine’s plans. He says, patient emergency? and she says, yeah. Tell Trina that she had to go to the hospital, and give her this. She hands Taggert a card, and says, along with a big hug. He says, of course (🍷). Good luck with her patient. By the elevator, she calls Curtis, and says, she’s so sorry… Yeah. It’s a patient emergency, and she’s going to be at the hospital all night. She promises to make it up to him.

Sam tells Carly, she’s not defending Sonny, nor does she care if the two of them stay together, but as Carly’s friend, she’s just asking if Carly is sure. Carly says, Sonny isn’t going to know she met with a lawyer. Sam says, if Carly decides to pull the trigger, and he finds out, Carly needs to know there’s no going back. Carly says, this needs to be over. She’s done with this situation, and feels this is the only way to do it. She needs to reclaim her life. Sam says, okay, but promise her one thing. Carly says, maybe, and Sam says, go in with an open mind. Listen to what the lawyer has to say, and decide if now is the time to talk divorce. Carly says, what if it is?

Sonny tells Phyllis, it hasn’t even been 24 hours, and she’s already calling a divorce attorney. And not just any attorney. He knows this woman; she’s ruthless. Phyllis says, slow down. He doesn’t know what’s going on in Carly’s head. Don’t jump to conclusions. He says, what other conclusion can there be? Carly didn’t tell him anything. He just got a notification. He looks at his phone, and says, it’s on the calendar with Donna and Avery. Carly probably made a mistake. Talk about honesty. She says she’s not excusing Carly, however, she was deeply hurt be the revelation that he and Nina lied. And whatever happened last night must have compounded that. So don’t write them off yet. He says, Carly is writing them off, and Phyllis says, she may reconsider once she’s had a chance to cool off. He says, listen to him. Carly is calling the shots, and he ain’t having it.

Taggert tells Trina, her mom feels badly about the change in plans, and Trina says, the good news is, it brought the parental pep talk to an early close. He says, Trina does know they mean well, right? and she says she does, and she loves them for it, but they don’t have to go overboard. The waitress puts a dessert in front of Trina, and she says, like bringing her chocolate to cheer her up. He says, it’s the Valentine’s Day special.  Can he help it if he wants to celebrate how proud he is of her? She takes everything life throws at her with courage and grace, and he wants her to know, if she ever needs it, he has her back, always. He has a lot of friends in the police department. She says, got it, and takes a bite. He says, good? and she says, so good. She thanks him, and he says, anytime, and they share the dessert.

Elizabeth is looking at the dress, when Finn comes in. He says, Amy’s not in here, is she? She says, no; why? He says, no reason. What’s she got there? She says, it’s just for the clothing drive, and he says he just wanted to say goodbye. He’ll call her tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day. He starts to leave, and she says, wait. She knows they didn’t make plans for tonight; this day isn’t easy for her. He says, he knows it’s not, and she says, she thinks a nice mellow family dinner with him, Violet, and the boys is exactly what she needs. They can just order a pizza, and watch a movie. He says, that sounds perfect. He’ll see her later. He leaves, and she looks at the dress again, and we see how very slashed it is.

Terry is sitting at Charlie’s bar, when Chet comes in. He asks if she minds if he sits here, and she says, not at all. He takes off his coat, and she says, teal shirt. He sits, and they smile at each other.

Carly tells Sam, it’s on her, and thanks Sam for her advice. Sam says, sound advice or crappy advice? Carly says, Sam’s right. It’s best to hear what the lawyer has to say before taking action. Sam says, options are a good thing, and Carly says she’s keeping hers open.

Phyllis says, Sonny knows as well as she does, marriage is complicated. He’ll see there’s more than one way to resolve things. Or as Lenny would put it, it ain’t over until it’s over. (I think Yogi Berra said that, but okay.) She goes back to the bar, and Sonny looks at the entry on the family calendar that says Carly added an appointment with a divorce lawyer. Nina walks in, and they lock eyes.

To Be Continued….

On Monday, TJ tells Molly that someone may be coming home sooner than planned, Terry says she’s not disappointed at all, Brad tells Britt that it will be worth it, and Nina tells Sonny that they both know she has a vested interest.

☎️ A Wanted Woman…

She may no longer be running the PCPD, but Vinessa Antoine isn’t lacking for work.

🏥 Laura Colored Memories…

Great interview with Genie Francis.

👠 What Happens In Jersey…

Bill’s affair.

What Jackie says the guys think about Bill’s affair.

Teresa and Marge’s brewing feud.


📖 Not Telling All…

Jackie’s writing a book, but it’s not about what you think.

💎 Thanks For Sharing…

Seriously. Who could stay away from Mr. Puppers for very long?

🤦🏽‍♀️ No Reason Is Good Enough…

She doesn’t seem like an idiot. Maybe he knows where the bodies are buried.

⚰️ Spinning Dead…

I guess they’re not counting Origins as a spinoff. Or as I call it, a cheap way to extend the franchise.

🐶 Kicking Off…

Your guide to the best Bowl of all.


🎧 Quotes of the Week

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Think before you speak. Read before you think. – Fran Lebowitz

If you retain nothing else, always remember the most important rule of beauty, which is: who cares?Tina Fey

Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you. – T. A. Barron (So don’t step on any butterflies.)

Love is something sent from heaven to worry the hell out of you. – Dolly Parton

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible. – Maya Angelou

I guess Walmart had other plans. – a woman, who ordered ice cream on Instacart, but got sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast rolls as a substitute

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary. – Oscar Wilde

🏈 Out Of Bounds…

Whether you watch a Bowl, go bowling, or just consider a bowl something to eat ice cream out of, enjoy the weekend; or the next two sunrises for those off the work grid. See you on the Valentine’s flipside. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your heart and mind open, and stay knowing, it ain’t over until it’s over. No matter who said it.

March 31, 2021 – A Plan Is Set In Motion, a Kinda Sorta Apology, Being Real, Once Again, Melissa Tells All, Reasons & Traveling


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Going on three days now, I missed the beginning – why break a streak? – but here are the highlights. Molly and TJ showed up at court, and Alexis pleaded guilty. Jordan explained to Curtis why Taggert was staying with her, and told Taggert that he had Curtis to thank for Trina forgiving him. Jordan left to take a call, leaving Taggert and Curtis probably feeling awkward. Carly left Anna’s to get the plan in motion, and Robert came by. Anna told him that Jason was innocent, and Peter had killed Franco. Peter saw Valentin at the MetroCourt, and said, nyah-nyah, Maxie was giving him another chance. Valentin said he was sick of hearing Peter play the victim. Britt went over to Maxie’s place, and checked Maxie’s blood pressure. It was elevated, and Maxie said she was worried about Peter coming back. Britt said her father never took no for an answer, and Peter was more like Faison every day. It was obsession, not love. Maxie said the baby would have to disappear. Finally, I sat down…

Judge Carson asks if Alexis understands the ramifications of pleading guilty, and Alexis says she does. The judge asks if the prosecution has any objections, and the prosecutor says, none. She says Alexis’s request is granted, and asks if the victim is present. Dante says he is, and she says she’s reviewed his statement regarding January 28th, but written statements can sometimes be misleading. She’d like to hear his testimony before she pronounces sentencing.

Taggert says he wants to let Curtis know, there’s absolutely nothing going on, but Curtis says Taggert doesn’t need to tell him that. Taggert says he knows he made things hard when he came back, making Jordan keep his survival a secret. He saw the toll it put on Curtis and his marriage, and he’s sorry. He didn’t mean come between Curtis and Jordan. Curtis says, he didn’t. The problem is strictly between him and Jordan. Taggert says he still regrets putting pressure on Jordan. A partner, even a former partner, should help, and not complicate the other partner’s life. Curtis says, it’s just a hazard of the job. It doesn’t stop when you go home and take the badge off. Taggert says, it seeps into everything you do, and Curtis says, and those you care about. Taggert says he never met a more dedicated cop than Jordan, and Curtis says, Jordan is all about justice. It’s what she was born to do.

Robert says, Peter killed Franco, and framed Jason, and Anna says, Jason is a professional. If he’d wanted to kill Franco, he would have done it years ago, and without a trace. Jason isn’t going to dump the weapon down a garbage shoot in the same building as the murder. Peter did, and wiped it clean, thinking that’s all he needs to do. He’s been extraordinarily lucky. That’s what’s going to trip him up. He’s going to confuse luck with being good. Robert says she’s convinced him.

Valentin says the life Peter is proud of isn’t real; it was built on lies. Hurting people won’t change that. He did the right thing, and told Maxie the truth. Peter says, now Valentin cares so much about doing the right thing? and Valentin says, better late than never. When Peter’s cell door closes, will he still be looking around for Maxie? Peter says, the WSB has no proof; he won’t be arrested, and that’s the truth. Valentin says he claims to love Maxie, but he won’t confess. He needs to take responsibility. Peter says, by going to prison? and Valentin says, that may be the only way. Be the father his child deserves. Peter tells Valentin to stay out of his life and his way, or he’ll live to regret it. Carly watches.

Carly goes over to Gladys’s table, and asks what the hell she thinks she’s doing. Gladys says she has a right to be there. She’s even ordering Carly’s overpriced coffee. Carly says she’s not talking about that. Why did Gladys lie about Jason? Gladys says she didn’t, and Carly says, save it. Gladys is a spiteful bottom feeder, and will be doing eight to ten for obstruction of justice when Carly is done.  

Britt says, the baby is going to disappear? and Maxie says, the baby can’t be anywhere Peter can find her. He has to think she’s gone. Britt asks what that will entail. Is Maxie going to hide out? Maxie says she’ll send word to Peter that the baby died in childbirth, but Britt says he won’t believe her. She can try to run, but he’ll find her. If she tries to keep the baby from him, he’ll come at her harder. She’ll never be free. Obsession runs in the family. Be careful. Maxie says, that’s why she’s turned this over and over in her mind. She knows what she needs to do. Peter has to believe the baby is stillborn.

Dante tells the judge, he was on the first floor of GH when he witnessed an altercation between Franco and Sam. Elizabeth was also there. There were raised voices and Franco seemed to reach out to grab Sam. Judge Carson asks if Franco was  threatening herm but Dante says he doesn’t know; it was chaotic. But Alexis is Sam’s mother, and she came out of an examining room with a syringe. She was headed for Franco, and he got in between them, intercepting Alexis. That’s when she got him in the chest. The judge asks if Dante believes Alexis intended to assault him, and he says, no. Alexis wasn’t in her right mind. She was drinking and her judgment was impaired. You could say she chose to drink, but Alexis is an alcoholic and has a disease. Dante believes people struggling with substance abuse and mental illness should he helped, not punished, and hopes the court agrees, and shows leniency. He forgives Alexis and she’s definitely not a threat to society. Judge Carson thanks him, and says, you may step down. She asks if Alexis has an elocution, and Alexis gets up. She says she does.  

Gladys asks what Carly’s problem is. Does she want to cause a scene? Carly says she doesn’t care if everyone hears her. Gladys is a liar who will do anything for money. It makes her an unreliable witness, and Carly is going to find out why Gladys falsely accused Jason. Gladys says she did her civic duty, and reported suspicious activity to the cops. Carly says, no wonder Brando went to work for Cyrus. He has no use for her either. She’s a fraud and a cheat. Valentin comes over, and says, that’s enough. Peter watches.

Alexis thanks Dante for his incredibly thoughtful and generous support of her. His forgiveness means more than he’ll ever know. She’d like to says she’s sorry, deeply sorry, for what she’s done, and wants to make amends. She may have lost the ability to practice law, but she hasn’t lost her respect for it. She committed a crime, and she’s willing to accept punishment. Most important, she loves her family, and doesn’t want to hurt them anymore. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore. She thanks Judge Carson for giving her a chance to speak, and the judge says, the court is ready to proceed with sentencing. She’ll take a short break, and return with the sentence. The bailiff says, all rise, and the judge leaves. Alexis says she didn’t mean to undercut Diane; she knows how Diane hates that. Diane says Alexis did great. She’s still a helluva lawyer. Alexis says she meant every word. It’s in the judge’s hands now.

Robert tells Anna, Peter thought Franco knew something connecting him to Drew’s kidnapping, which gives him a motive. Anna says, someone saw Jason ditch the gun, but they’re lying. He asks if she can prove it, and she says, she, Carly, and Valentin have a plan. As they speak, Carly is publicly accusing Gladys about lying about seeing Jason dump the gun. He says, that’s her plan? To shame Gladys? It won’t work. Anna says, it will. Valentin will step in and defend Gladys. He’ll intervene, and Gladys will be smitten with her knight in tarnished armor. That’s the first step. He says he’s confused. How many steps are there? Jason’s arraignment is tomorrow. She asks if he can get it postponed, and he says, he’s the DA. Tell him what he can do. Right now, the tide is against Jason. She has to come with hard evidence against Peter before it’s too late. She says, too late for what? and he says there isn’t just one plan to handle Peter. Maxie is working on one of her own. Anna says, bloody hell.

Britt asks if Maxie isn’t being too reminiscent of Nelle. Does she really want to emulate a psychopath? Maxie says she’s not doing it to punish Peter, like Nelle did to Michael. She’s doing it to protect herself, the baby, and James. Britt asks how it’s going to work. Nelle delivered Wiley in the woods, and she’s lucky he survived the trauma. Maxie isn’t thinking holing up in a cabin, is she? Maxie says, no way. She delivered James by the side of the road, and isn’t risking that again. She’s giving birth in a hospital. Britt says, good. How does she plan to convince Peter the baby didn’t make it? Maxie says, that’s where Britt comes in.

Valentin asks if Carly has a problem with this nice lady, but Carly says Gladys is no lady; she’s a liar. She’s angry that Sonny favored Jason over Brando. Valentin asks if she thinks Gladys accused her out of spite to get back at her expired husband, and Gladys says she was only doing her civic duty. Valentin agrees, saying since Jason slithered back into town, he’s put all their lives in danger. Carly tells them to get out of her restaurant. They head for the elevator, and Carly tells Peter, he’s next.

Gladys says she takes it that Valentin isn’t a fan of the widow Corinthos, and he says, she’s a dreadful woman. He introduces himself, and Gladys does the same. He says, it’s great to meet her, and hopes she’s all right. Carly was completely out of line. The whole thing was upsetting. Whenever he deals with Carly, he needs a good stiff drink, but not at the MetroCourt. He knows the perfect place. Would she like to join him? She says, you bet, and he says, wonderful.

Robert tells Anna that Peter was standing his ground and refusing to leave, and she asks how he got Peter to go. He says Maxie appealed to the child’s welfare, and talked about how caring Peter was. He left under his own power. She says, good move, and Robert says, Maxie is playing a dangerous game, keeping Peter at arm’s length while pretending to be friends. She can’t get a restraining order for fear of inciting him. Anna says, unfortunately, Maxie is right. How many abusive husbands ignore the orders, and it leads to tragic results? At least Maxie is thinking clearly, but she’d like to know Maxie’s plan. Robert says, him too. He wishes she’d tell him.  

Britt tells Maxie, she moved heaven and earth to get her license back. She can’t risk it. Not only is the plan distasteful; it’s impractical. Maxie asks if Britt isn’t sympathetic to her child’s dilemma; they’re talking about her niece. Britt says, of course (🍷) she wants to keep the baby safe, but Peter doesn’t trust her. If she comes out with tears in her eyes, saying the baby didn’t make it, he won’t buy it. Paranoia doesn’t begin to describe his mindset. There’s no scenario where he won’t be suspicious. Maxie says both she and Britt have done worse. She has every confidence they can handle this.

Curtis says, they’re still going after Cyrus? and Taggert says, until he’s behind bars or in the ground. He’s seen Curtis in action, and he’s good. It could be what they need to stop Cyrus, especially with Sonny out of the picture. What does Curtis say? Curtis says, no. He’s not about that life anymore.

Sam says she’s so proud of Alexis, and Molly says, Alexis was honest and brave. Alexis says, don’t give her the credit, and Sam says she doesn’t need prison to get sober, but Alexis says, it’s a constant struggle. Molly says Alexis is strong enough to handle it, and Alexis thanks Dante for his kind words. Sam thanks him too, and he says he was just being honest. Diane says she’s sure it helped, and the judge will consider it. Molly says she hopes it’s enough to get Alexis a suspended sentence, and Diane says, that’s the dream scenario. Molly asks if Diane thinks the judge will be harsh, but Diane says she doesn’t know. The judge is all over the map with sentencing. Sometimes she throws the book, sometimes she’s lenient. Alexis says, she likes people who take responsibility, and she did in all sincerity. Whatever sentence is rendered, she’ll be okay. The bailiff says, all rise.

Taggert says he heard Curtis bought a nightclub, and Curtis says he did. Taggert says, for real? No more P.I. work? Curtis says, no, and Taggert says, wow. Okay, good luck. Taggert’s phone dings, and he says, the food is in the lobby. He’ll go get it. He leaves, and Jordan says she’s sorry there are so many interruptions. Curtis says, no worries, and she says she’s glad he came by.  

Judge Carson says Alexis has been before her as a lawyer, and giving her impromptu summation showed integrity. She knows about alcoholism, and knows it’s an illness. She commends Alexis for not hiding behind her disease. She’s before the judge on two charges, but the intended victim wasn’t injured. She’s dismissing the attempted murder charge, but there’s still the matter of the assault on Dante.  

Carly says Peter’s smear campaign to convict Jason before he goes to court isn’t journalism; it’s tabloid trash. He says his readers are fascinated with the enforcer of the late mob kingpin. His metrics are up, and his subscriptions have increased. Carly says she’d like to see how his ad revenues will fare. The MetroCourt has relationships with the businesses that advertise in his paper, as well as Corinthos Coffee. She’ll convince them that they’re better off not associating with his disreputable rag. Does he think he’ll be able to afford his office at the MetroCourt? His lease is up for renewal. He asks if she’s sure she wants to pick a fight with him, and she says, back off Jason, or he’ll find out.

At a fancy restaurant we’ve never seen, Valentin asks Gladys if she’d like another, and she says, why not? It’s such a nice place. He tells the waiter, another wine for the lovely Miss Corbin, and thanks her for joining him. Don’t think about Carly for one more minute. She’s tedious and overbearing. He resides at the MetroCourt or he’d avoid her altogether. Gladys says she knows all about Carly. She doesn’t buy the gracious lady act; Carly is anything but. Gladys is actually family, or she was. Carly is a gold-digging social climber who married her cousin. She and Sonny were cousins – may he rest. He was connected, if Valentin knows what she means. He says he does, as does half of Port Charles. She laughs, and says Brando got shot his first day in Port Charles. He saved Carly’s life, and Sonny still wouldn’t let him into the business.  He says, it must have been disappointing for her son, and she says, it was, but Brando got a better job with Cyrus. Valentin says he’s met Cyrus; the impressive chairman of General Hospital. Cyrus is no stranger to bad press. Gladys says she can’t believe everyone thinks Carly is so high and mighty, while Cyrus is a great guy who’s painted as a criminal. Valentin says, there are two sides to every story, and they clink glasses. She says she’s glad everything worked out, and he says he takes it Brando enjoys working for Cyrus. She says, why wouldn’t he? Brando knows a good thing when he sees it. So does Cyrus. She and Brando are going to go far.

Robert says, Maxie has a plan – God help us – and Anna has a plan, while Peter is going around covering his tracks. Anna says Jason believes Gladys saw Peter. That’s how she knew where the gun was. She was paid by Cyrus to incriminate Jason. He asks if she thinks Cyrus and Peter have a connection, and she says, wouldn’t that be great? Robert could bring them up on conspiracy charges. He tells her, come up with more evidence, and she says she’s working on it. He says she has a lot of faith in Valentin, and she says Valentin is as motivated as she is. He’s going to cozy up to Gladys, gain her trust, and find evidence linking her, Cyrus, and Peter. She wishes she could tell Maxie, but it’s too much pressure. She’s scared that Maxie will say something and give it away. He says, it’s a risk, but if Maxie isn’t told, she’s more likely to do something drastic.

Britt says if Maxie fakes a stillbirth, she’ll have to lie to everyone. There’s no telling her mom or Mac that their grandchild is alive. Her friends and family will mourn the loss, and be heartbroken. Maxie says she knows. She hates it, but they’ll understand in the end. Britt says, if Maxie manages to convince Peter the child is gone, where will the baby be? Given up for adoption? Maxie says she’s not giving up her baby. After the baby is born, she’ll be whisked out of Port Charles by someone Maxie trusts. Don’t ask her who. She hasn’t gotten that far yet. Then, after a few weeks, she’ll say she can’t stay in Port Charles; the grief is too much to bear. She’s moving, and starting a new life. Britt asks if she thinks Peter will fall for it, and Maxie says she’ll wait until Peter is in prison. Then she’ll come back and explain, and everyone will be so happy that she was able save baby. She tells Britt, please help save your niece.

Judge Carson says, for aggravated assault, she’s sentencing Alexis to three years in Pentenville. She’ll be given seven days to get her affairs in order before she needs to report to the prison. Court is adjourned. I’m thinking, it seems kind of harsh, and Diane says, it’s better than she thought it would be. Three years is light; Alexis will have the opportunity for parole. Molly says she was so scared, but Sam says, Alexis is still going to prison. Alexis says she’s fine, and it won’t be three years; it will two and a half. Molly says she knows it was an easy sentence, but what will they do without her? Alexis says she’s not gone yet. They have a week, and she’s not wasting one minute. She hugs Sam and Molly.

Curtis says, it’s nice to see Jordan too, but he’ll let her get to her work. She says, great, but why did he come over? He says, it’s not important, but she says he wouldn’t have gone out of his way to come there if it wasn’t. She knows he wasn’t expecting Taggert, but they can go somewhere private. He says she has enough on her plate with her unexpected guest. She’s a good friend. She says it’s the least she can do, since Taggert was punished for what the team did to Cyrus. Curtis says Taggert doesn’t seem to be holding it against her, besides, she’s paid in other ways. Taggert comes back with a load of bags, and says he ordered half the menu. There’s enough for everybody. Does Curtis want to join them? Curtis says, thanks; he’s good. He should probably get going. He leaves, and Taggert asks Jordan if she’s okay.

Valentin asks how long Gladys is in town, but Gladys tells him, she couldn’t say. Now she’s a material witness in a murder trial. He says, a lot of people would be nervous going up against someone as dangerous and powerful as Jason. She says she has protection. Her son Brando is very protective; that boy loves his mother. Valentin says, he has good reason. He’s sure she must be eager to see Jason convicted so she’ll have nothing to worry about, and she says, she’s just doing her part. She knows what she saw, and Jason is getting what he deserves. She says she should get going, and he says he’s sorry; he’s kept her too long. Will she let him drive her home? She says she will. It’s so nice to meet a real gentlemen. Valentin is a class act. (Agreed.)

Anna tells Robert, she doesn’t have a good relationship with Maxie right now. Maxie won’t listen to her, but if anyone can get through to Maxie, it’s Robert. He says, Maxie isn’t famous for keeping a cool head, and she says he has to talk to Maxie. Reassure her, do whatever it takes. He says he’s concerned that Maxie’s plan will get in the way of Anna’s plan, or worse, provoke Peter.  

Britt says, Maxie is right about one thing. She can’t pull this off on her own. Maxie asks if Britt is going to help her, and Britt says they have to plan a scenario for every potential situation. Maxie can’t leave town a few weeks afterward. Unless Peter is under arrest, he’s going to follow her, and expect them to console each other. Maxie says she keeps praying Peter is removed from their lives, and Britt says, her too, but they don’t know when and if that will happen. The baby will be safe, but not Maxie. Peter is fixated on her as his great love, and only salvation. He’s not going to give up. He’s going to want to be the loving, grieving partner. Maxie needs to ask herself, how far is she willing to go?

Peter tells Carly, be careful. With Sonny dead, and Jason in prison, there’s no one left to protect her. She asks what he just said to her, and he says, only the truth. Despite her grandstanding, she’s alone in a sea of predators. She says, no one is getting the better of her. Least of all, him. He asks if she’s sure about that.   

Tomorrow, Nina suggests Sonny find out who he is, Josslyn tells Cameron what he did was cruel, and Jason yells that he didn’t kill Franco.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

There was a rewind to the Teresa/Jackie altercation from last week, that ended with Teresa storming into the house, after telling everyone to f*** themselves. Or maybe she meant just Joe #2. That wasn’t really clear. Melissa said it was bullsh*t, and Marge said Jackie had been cordial when Teresa told her to stick a sex toy up her ass. Melissa suggested letting Joe #2 talk to Teresa, but in Joe’s interview, he said Teresa hadn’t stuck up for him when Juicy Joe (aka Joe #1) put out a nasty article about him. Yet if Jackie says something, Teresa wants him to have her back. She wanted it both ways, and he was over it. Marge apologized to Jackie, who asked why Joe #3 gave life to the Evan rumor. Since Joe #3 can never speak for himself, Marge said that all the men were talking about it, and started screeching at Jackie. Jackie wondered why everyone was yelling at her, since she’d done nothing wrong. Melissa tried calming Marge down, and in Frank’s interview, he said Joe #3 did say he heard the rumor – and we flashed back to that – but all any of them said was that they didn’t believe it, So who TF cares? Jackie wanted to know why she was being a punching bag, and Joe #3 told her that at guy’s night, they all gave Evan a 100% vote of confidence. This made it all good, and they hugged. In Melissa’s interview, she said there was only one person to blame for the meltdown, and that was Teresa. Teresa came back outside, Melissa got in her face, and ended up throwing a cheese plate. Teresa whined that Melissa should stick up for her, and Melissa asked if Teresa was a weak bitch. She’d already defended Teresa too many times. Joe #2 said he was always fighting for Teresa, and screamed that Joe #1 had put his parents in their graves. That POS had put Teresa in jail, and his mother in her grave. He pounded the table, causing everything to fly everywhere, and Teresa looked like a fish out of water, with her mouth gaping open, because she can dish it out, but not take it.   

Delores said the Gorga’s would have wanted Joe #2 and Teresa to get together, and it sucked. In Joe #2’s interview, he said there wasn’t a man on earth who took away more than Joe #1 took away from him. Joe #1 took his time with his mother and sister, and he couldn’t stand the thought of Joe #1 coming between him and his family again. Joe #2 and Teresa hugged, and it was all I love you. In his interview, Joe #2 said when he and Teresa fight, it brings him back to the dark place where they were before. He told Teresa to squash it, and she said she didn’t function that way, but he told her it had to end. Jackie didn’t know what she should do about the rest of the trip, and she, Melissa, and Marge went back to Melissa’s house with Joes #2 and #3. Jackie said it had been a sh*tshow. Delores said she knew Teresa fought hard, but didn’t really want to hurt anyone. I wasn’t so sure about that. Back at Melissa’s house, Jackie said Teresa was an effing animal, and called Evan. She asked him to agree that if Teresa started something, they’d leave. Delores told Teresa that she and Jackie spoke different language. Jackie thought Teresa was a bad person, and Delores wanted Teresa to prove her wrong. Joe #2 ended up having to put his hand in a bucket of ice from pounding the table, and Jackie asked the other household to help shut it down if Teresa started something when Evan came.    

Delores told Frank that she wasn’t confident Evan was coming in peace, and he agreed. No one got much sleep at Melissa’s house, but Marge had the best quote of the night, telling Joe #2, no salt on The Marge’s food. She also said, it was a clusterf*ck of a night. Jackie said she didn’t want Teresa to be an animal around her husband, and Joe #2 let Teresa know that he didn’t want any issues at their father’s memorial. He wanted Teresa to talk to Evan, and in Delores’s interview, she said if that’s what it took to end it, talk to the effing guy. Bill arrived, and Delores said yesterday had been an emotional day for Teresa, since her divorce had been finalized and her house went on the market. Bill said he probably shouldn’t have told Jennifer what Joe #3 had said. Ya think? Marge didn’t want Teresa to suck the life out of everyone.

In her interview, Melissa said the worst thing was, you didn’t know which Teresa you would get, so she didn’t know if the worst was over. Teresa (wo)manned up, and told Jackie that she wasn’t trying to hurt her or her family, and asked if they could drop everything. Jackie said she’d like that, but don’t bring up her husband again. Teresa said it was dropped, and Jackie said Teresa needed to apologize to Evan too. Teresa said she thought that would be weird, and couldn’t Jackie do it for her, and Jackie told her that they should at least both be there. In Jackie’s interview, she said Teresa didn’t feel weird talking about him; now talk to him. In Teresa’s interview, she said her brother asked her to make it right, so she did, but felt uncomfortable speaking to Evan. She was old school, and where she came from, the wife made it good with the husband.

In the Memory Lane department, Melissa said in her interview that she was born and raised at the Jersey shore. When she’d been pregnant with Antonia, she and Joe #2 got their first shore house. It was tiny, but now they had 7 bedrooms. Melissa gave Delores and Jennifer a tour. Teresa told Evan that she didn’t like the way things went down, and hadn’t meant to hurt anyone. Jackie said they were going to let everything go, and Evan said, let’s have fun. In Marge’s interview, she said it was the weakest apology she’d ever seen, but since it came from Teresa, it was a freaking miracle. Joe #2 said he was proud of Teresa, and in Teresa’s interview, she said it was her dad’s memorial, and she hoped he was looking down to see her and her brother at peace.

Jackie asked if Evan was okay, and he said he was cool. She said she just wanted it to be over. Marge and Joe #3, and Jennifer and Bill went out on waverunners, while the rest tooled around in Joe #2’s boat. In Jennifer’s interview, she said it reminded her of summers she spent as a kid in Turkey. In Jackie’s interview, she said Teresa was like Jekyl and Hyde; freaking evil one minute, then nice and fun, but she was ready to put it behind them and have fun. At lunch, Delores said she was proud of Teresa, and somehow this led to Marge saying it was Jennifer’s fault for bringing it up. She also didn’t think it was right that Jennifer had an opinion on how she talked to Joe #3. Jennifer said Marge was shooting the messenger, and in Joe #2’s interview, he said they just put the drama to bed, and now it was starting again. Jennifer said Marge treated her husband badly, and Marge suggested Jennifer not come between her and Joe #3. She pointed out that Jennifer had embarrassed her entire family by being a sloppy drunk, and Jennifer said Marge was so sloppy, she’d slept with her boss. Oh no she didn’t. In Marge’s interview, she said her boss was an older man in a position of power, taking advantage of a young girl, and I felt the Twitterverse rumble. The guys were hanging out at the bar, and Joe #2 said he could hear Marge’s mouth, and Joe #3 said she had good lungs. Marge suggested Jennifer never argued with her husband because he was her meal ticket. Frank said meals brought out the worst in the women, and Evan suggested they just throw the women a protein bar and keep doing activities. Actually, that’s not a bad idea.

Delores asked if Jennifer hadn’t learned a lesson last night, and in her interview, she said Jennifer was like a little kid who said things you didn’t want them to. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she was a social drinker, not an alcoholic. She didn’t want Marg projecting her mother onto her. In the car, Jennifer said Marge slept with her boss to get ahead, and I felt more rumblings. Delores thought dinner wasn’t going to be quiet.

This season, Joe #2 twerks, a Halloween party, a memorial for Joe and Teresa’s father, Teresa has a new boyfriend, and Melissa tells Joe #2 that he’s holding her back.

📺 Tonight, Bravo also aired last night’s E! episode of For Real: The Story of Reality TV, which was good, since I missed it. Andy Cohen gave us a little reality history, beginning with 1973’s An American Family. I was glad to see that show finally get credit. I saw most of it one New Year’s Day in the 90s when PBS reran it, and I’ve always wanted to watch it again in its entirety. Andy told us that Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous came ten years later, and Laguna Beach in 2004 (which I never saw) paved the way for the others.

Andy interviewed Teresa Giudice, Kyle Richards, and Caroline Manzo, who’s response to being hired was, these (indicating her breasts) are real and I love my husband. Kyle said she’d never wanted to do a reality show or a soap opera, and Andy said she wound up on a reality show that was a soap opera. Showrunners gave inside info as well, and we were told the formula was go big or go home, and to show and wear your wealth. The Real Housewives of Atlanta was discussed quite a bit, it having had the Oprah Effect, where both Black and Caucasian audiences both tuned in. Since I’d never seen Basketball Wives, I was surprised to find out Tami Roman from Real World Los Angeles had been on it. In her interview, she said she’d brought her Real World self into the show, and wanted it to be about sisterhood, but it wasn’t what she got. She was blindsided in finding out another cast member had slept with her ex-husband – while they were married. We also saw a blossoming Cardi B on Love & Hip Hop, the showrunner telling us that it was about the affluence/hardship of being a woman in a misogynistic world. She also said Cardi B understood it was about getting what you needed from the show, but giving back to the audience as well. Gizelle Bryant said the cast was ratchet, but tremendously entertaining. LVP thought people loved to watch reality TV for the opulent lives, but also to see that everyone has the same problems, and go through the same sh*t with their friends. It made people feel better about themselves. Caroline explained that she’d left the show not only because it had seeped into her family life, but she knew she’d given her best to the show, and could give no more. When she saw Teresa’s audition video, she said Teresa had an innocence and lightness that wasn’t there anymore. Andy tried pumping her on what happened between Caroline and sister Dina, who she hasn’t spoken to in years, but Caroling wasn’t talking. Teresa said that what happens in life happens on RHONJ, although I’ve never once seen anyone flip a table IRL.

We moved on to the Recession, where the scrappy ingenuity of working class white people was brought to reality TV with the likes of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Toddlers and Tiaras, and Teen Mom. The Jersey Shore (bleh) came along next, and showed that money didn’t matter. It was about being loyal, friendships, and GTL. Funny. I thought it was about being a drunk a-hole and giving a bad name to the Shore. Vanderpump Rules and Below Deck were examined, and Tom from VPR said he thought the cast was relatable on several levels. They were making ends meet, but also striving to get to the next level. Captain Lee said Below Deck was a combination of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and Downton Abbey, but on the water. Kate Chastain leaving a blanket folded like a rocketship d*ck for guest Dean was revisited, and she said she couldn’t even tell us how many d*ck gifts she gets on a daily basis. I’m not so sure I’d want to know anyway. She also said guests would ask her to sign the book she’d written. Scwartz (VPR) said he was sure he was going to wake up on Tom’s couch, super hungover, and find out it was all a crazy fever dream. Andy’s final thought was that reality TV reassured us of our shared humanity, and reminded us that we’re not so different after all… for the most part.

👩🏼‍🏫 One More Time…

All about the analogy and its aftermath.


🍵 Melissa Spills It…

Wow. She’s pretty chatty.


👠 Why She’s Still Here…

I was wondering how on earth this screeching harridan is still on TV,  so I googled it. This is what I got.


👍🏽 Hitchin’ a Ride…

Someday, I will have all my ducks in a row. Although by then, more ducks will no doubt have been added. No matter how many ducks you have, stay safe, stay doing nicely unto others, and stay not pounding on the table. All you’ll do is hurt yourself and end up with your hand in a bucket of ice.

February 25, 2021 – Florence Has a Visitor, Same House, Here It Comes Again, Mary’s Marriage, Sober Sisters, Historic Reality, No Seconds, New To Come, Today’s Fact, a Quote & Freedom


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Finn looks through the scans of Franco’s brain. Elizabeth asks what he thinks, and he says he thinks cancer isn’t his specialty. She says she knows, but she just got the images back, Terry hasn’t gotten back to her yet, and she trusts him to be honest with her. She’s not asking for a prognosis, just his take. Is the radiation working? Is Franco’s tumor shrinking?

Franco tosses and turns on the couch, repeatedly hearing, please be Drew Cain; you know his brother.

Curtis brings Sam to the club, and she says, it’s really nice. She wonders why she never heard of it. He says, probably because she has kids, and she says, back in the day, this place would have caused her a lot of trouble. He says he’d have been right there with her. Sam says she noticed a bunch of beautiful women, ogling Curtis. Does she need to call Jordan to save him? He says, Jordan’s got enough to do saving herself.

Portia goes to Jordan’s office, and Jordan asks how she can help. Portia says she doesn’t need help, but Taggert does. Whatever Cyrus wants to tank the government’s case against Taggert, she wants Jordan to give to him.

Standing in the woods on the phone, Jason says he sees it. He tells them, no, don’t do anything yet. Let’s see how it plays out.

In the car next to Jackie, Martin cleans up a basket of fried chicken, licking his fingers. He says he’d offer her some, but she’s already expressed her displeasure of fried chicken several times. She said he just worked his way around a gooey cinnamon roll, and he says he never eats like this unless he’s nervous. He just realized, no one ever made fried chicken like his mama. Jackie says she’s not surprised. His mother sounds perfect. He says, close enough. If she’s wrong about this… She says she’s not. She looks through a pair of binoculars, and says, Bobbie Spencer is holed up in that house. And the patient she’s caring for is his mother.

Bobbie sits on Florence’s bed, reading out loud to her. Florence looks happy.

At the hospital, Nikolas pays off a guard, saying he wants 30 uninterrupted minutes. The guard leaves, and Laura comes out of the elevator. She says, friend of his? and he says he’s been meaning to call her, steering her down the hall. He tells her that wanted to run some wedding ideas by her. When they’re out of sight, Ava comes out, and sneaks into a room. Ryan sits in a chair, and she says, please don’t get up.

Laura asks if Nikolas and Ava have set a date, and he says, they’re hoping for late spring, early summer. She says, good. It gives him time to make peace with his son.

Ava wonders what malady brought Ryan back to GH from his minimum security prison. She flips through a folder, and says, oh, bed sores. That’s what happens when you let your stabbing and severing muscles fall out of use. She can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for him, but she doesn’t have to imagine it. She leans on the back of his chair, and says, they both know he’s not as helpless as he appears.

Martin asks why Jackie is so convinced Jason has his mother stashed away in there. There’s been no sign of her, or anyone else who might be involved in her abduction; just lights behind curtain windows. She tells him, look in the back seat, and he picks up a big plastic bag, wondering what she has in there. It stinks to high hell. She says, the thing about garbage is that it has an unpleasant odor, and he takes out two prescription bottles. She asks if they look familiar, and he says his mother takes this medication. She says, and the prescriber? He says, Bobbie Jean Spencer, Nurse Practitioner, and she says, aka Bobbie Spencer. He asks how she knew they were here, and she says she did a story on private nurses; their dedication and long hours. One of the nurses from her story is a contact, and she has a friend who relieves Bobbie when Bobbie needs a break. He asks when she had time to go through the trash there, and she says, while he was in line for fried chicken, she took a trip there. If he keeps looking, he’ll find someone has a yen for Corinthos coffee. He says he’ll take her word for it; color him impressed. But if she knew his mother was there, why didn’t she call the police? She says, and risk his mother being in the middle of shootout between the police and Jason’s men? He says, so what are they going to do? They can’t just sit there while his mother languishes. She tells him, don’t worry. Does he know what the biggest newspaper in the nation named her? Jackie Templeton, woman of action.

Jordan tells Portia, fine. Let’s talk. Portia says they don’t need to talk. What her family needs is action – from Jordan. Cyrus agreed to stonewall the Feds’ case against Taggert, and without Cyrus’s testimony, Taggert could go free. Jordan asks if Cyrus told Portia what he’s expecting to get back for his cooperation, and Portia says, he didn’t volunteer any information. She asks what he expects for keeping quiet, and Jordan says, Cyrus and Jason are in a stand-off. Cyrus wants Jason to give up his leverage, which will leave Port Charles open for a mob war. Cyrus will run his drugs through their town, and they’ll see an epidemic of overdoses and deaths. Jason and his men will try to fight back, leaving the PCPD and GH to pick up the pieces. So Cyrus isn’t offering his silence in good faith. It isn’t an offer; it’s a manipulation. Portia says, it’s no surprise Cyrus would want to use the situation to his advantage, but she doesn’t care what he wants not to testify, as long as he refuses. It will break Trina’s heart if her father goes to prison. If anyone knows what it’s like to protect their child’s happiness, she knows it’s Jordan.

Curtis tells Sam, he thought his and Jordan’s relationship could handle just about anything. Pretty naïve, huh? She says, no. Sometimes we think we can handle it all, then something comes along we don’t anticipate, and it puts a new perspective on it. He says he doesn’t know how much is a new perspective, as much as it’s just a series of events that led him to realize Jordan isn’t the woman he thought she was. If he could be so wrong about his marriage, what else could he be wrong about?

Finn tells Elizabeth, Terry is a top oncologist, and will let her know if Franco’s tumor is changing. She says, but he can read the scans. Please. She’s desperate. He says it will just be his opinion, and she says she’s not going to sue him if she doesn’t like it. He says, okay. In his opinion, after Franco’s initial rounds of radiation therapy, the size and shape of his tumor remains unchanged.

Franco is still sleeping restlessly, and starts to repeat, Jason. He gets louder, and Cameron says, Franco, trying to wake him up. Franco suddenly sits up, pushing Cameron back. He’s about to punch Cameron, when Cameron raises his hands and says, Franco, it’s me. It’s Cameron.

Laura asks if Nikolas has reached out to Spencer since he and Ava decided to renew their vows. Does Spencer know they’re marrying for love this time? He says he spoke to Spencer and explained, but Spencer’s response was less than enthusiastic. She says she knows how much Spencer loves him; he’ll come around. Keep reaching out. He says, for how long? Spencer is stubborn. Spencer is quick to anger, and slow to forgive. She says, and he’s sensitive and bighearted, like someone else she knows. He asks if he should apologize for wanting to marry Ava again, and she says, of course not (🍷), but don’t expect a change of attitude overnight. She thinks once Spencer sees how much Ava loves Nikolas, and how happy Ava makes him, he’ll come around.

Ava tells Ryan, she’s so impressed at how he was able to communicate to one of his minders that he wanted to send her this lovely gift, made just for her. She shows him the roach, no longer under glass. She says, soon, he won’t be able to give her any more tokens of affection. She and Nikolas are going to identify his helper, and put an end to this. The note was such a nice touch; secrets and cockroaches, the only two things that always survive. Except for us. She laughs, and says she nearly busted a gut. She’s so sorry. Did he think she’d be frightened? She puts her face close to his, and says, no, Ryan; not anymore. She moves even closer, and says, if anyone ought to be scared, it’s him… scared of her.

Franco wonders if he hurt Cameron, and says he didn’t mean to. Franco didn’t know it was him. Cameron says, it’s okay; it’s no big deal. Franco was dreaming. It was probably a nightmare. Franco says, Cameron woke him up, and startled him. He’s sorry. Cameron says, it’s his fault; no biggie. He’ll get Franco some water.

Elizabeth says, so it’s too soon to expect any progress, and Finn says, yeah. She says, dammit. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. She bangs the wall with her fist, then puts her head against it. Finn comes up behind her, and says, hey.

Bobbie reads to Florence from a romance novel, and Florence says her Marty used to read to her all the time, but nothing as steamy as this. Bobbie has a soothing voice; it lulls her right to sleep. Bobbie says Florence misses him doesn’t she? and Florence says she does. Her Marty is a good boy. He always looks out for her. Bobbie promises she’ll see him very soon, and leaves to get Florence’s medication.

Martin asks Jackie, what’s the plan? She’s the woman of action; how does she intend to sneak them in to locate his mother undetected? Jackie says, the house was renovated last year. She got the plans from the county clerk’s office, and memorized the layout. It’s easy to navigate. He asks if that’s the plan. They just go room to room, looking for his mother, hoping they remain undetected, and Jackie says she understands Florence is bedridden. There’s a parlor on the first floor. She guesses that’s where Florence is. She’d be easier to move if needed. He says, what if one of Jason’s henchman discovered them snooping? and she says, they didn’t. The guards have 12-hour shifts, and their best opportunity is during the changeover. Which is now. She opens the car door and says, coming? He says he has one last question. What’s the plan if they get caught? She says, there isn’t one. Don’t get caught. He says, oh Lord. He’s going to live to regret this.

Finn asks how Elizabeth’s hand is, and she says, it’s fine; she’s used to it. He asks if it happens often, and she says, only since Britt became Chief of Staff. He takes it Britt hasn’t mellowed, but Elizabeth says she’s glad Brook is there. She needs someone to take out her anger on. It’s hard to take it out on the tumor, and she’s mad at herself for being mad at Franco.

Cameron brings the water, and tells Franco, sorry. It’s his fault; he shouldn’t have startled Franco. Franco tells him not to blame himself – ever. He shouldn’t have reacted. Cameron says it’s not Franco’s fault. He’s sick, and had a nightmare. Does he remember any of it? Franco says, no, and Cameron says Franco was talking, saying the same thing over and over. Franco asks what he said, and Cameron says, it sounded like Jason.

Sam is sure Curtis’s problems with Jordan caused him to question himself. He entered the relationship thinking they were on the same page. He says, along came some test that blew up his assumptions, and she says, he realized along the way that he’s one who changed. He’s not the kind of person that believes in relationships anymore. He says, yeah. He’s been rethinking about a lot of things lately, including his profession. He’s made a career out of digging up other people’s dirty little secrets, and he never cared, because they weren’t his secrets. Then he discovered his life was full of them too. He can’t stomach another case of infidelity, or tell another client that they’re being lied to by the person they trusted most. He’s done digging. She gets it, and asks what he wants to do. He looks around, and says she’s looking at it.

Portia tells Jordan, it was wrong of her to bring up TJ; it was uncalled for. Jordan says Portia had every right to bring it up, but Portia says Jordan doesn’t need Trina adding on to her problems. Just get her in to see Taggert, and she’ll take it from there. Jordan says Portia doesn’t need her permission, and Portia says, no, but she needs Taggert’s. He refused a visit. Jordan says she thought Trina didn’t want to see him, and Portia says, Trina was hurt and angry. She was confused, and completely overwhelmed, but that changed when Cyrus dangled Taggert’s freedom in front of her. Naturally she’s interested in her father coming home, but now he refuses to see his daughter. Jordan says she’ll speak with him, but he’s not going to change his mind, and he’d be right not to.

Jackie and Martin sneak around the house where Florence is, and he asks how long they have. She puts her finger to her lips, and peeks into a room. They go in, and Martin says, it’s him, Marty, come to take her home. The bed is empty, and Jason is sitting in a chair. He says, wrong room. Ha-ha! Jason’s way of being low-key funny.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she’s angry at Franco for getting sick. They’re not perfect, but they had a good life. They were happy. Finn says, before the tumor, and she says, Franco didn’t tell her, and hid his diagnosis, making a plan without her. He says, the desire to hide a diagnosis from a loved one is pretty common. In part, it’s to protect the loved one, but part is also denial. He’s seen it before; he did it himself. She thinks Franco’s denial lasted longer than normal. When he finally told her, he ignored Terry’s advice to start radiation, and took off to Switzerland for an unproven treatment. She can’t help thinking about the time they lost, and how much bigger the tumor might have gotten because they did nothing. She wonders how much sicker he got, and if he’s too sick now to get better.   

Franco wonders why everything is always about Jason, and tells Cameron, there are more interesting people in this world. Cameron says, it makes sense Franco’s nightmare would be about Jason. Jason hates him. Jason can’t forgive the things Franco did when he had his first tumor, but it’s not Franco’s fault. Franco hates that Cameron has to think about any of it, and Cameron says, that’s why Jason keeps his distance. Franco says, there’s nothing anyone can do about Jason, but Cameron says, the hell there isn’t.

Jason says he wondered how long it was going to take Jackie and Martin to get out of the car and pay Florence a visit. Martin says Jason knew they were there? and Jason says, yeah. Martin asks where Jason is holding his mother. He wants to see her now. Jackie says, if they could track Bobbie, so can Cyrus. Jason says if they want to talk to Bobbie, feel free. Martin says he doesn’t give a damn; he’s not there to play games. His mother is old and vulnerable. Please. He needs to see her. Jackie says, when Martin spoke to his mother on the phone, she said she was doing well, but he wants to see it with his own eyes that she’s whole and healthy. Jason says, okay.

Nikolas tells Laura, he adores Spencer, and will never stop trying to win him over, but he doubts he can do it in time to get Spencer’s blessing for the ceremony. He’ll keep trying to get Spencer to participate, for her. She says, no, for him and his son; the whole family really. He says he wants family togetherness as much as she does. Speaking of family, what’s going on with Cyrus? She says, his mother is missing, and he blames Jason for abducting her. He says that doesn’t sound like Jason, and she guesses what started the debacle was Carly. She leaps before she looks. Now Cyrus blames Jason, and her too, in a way. He says she has nothing to do with it, but she says, Cyrus believes she has the means to return his mother. He tells her, stay out of it. Let Cyrus play games with Jason, not her. She says she’d like nothing better, but Cyrus is irrational, and has an obsession with his mother. If she’s not returned, she’s afraid he’s going to lash out. She doesn’t want anyone in the family in his sites when he does.

Ava asks Ryan if she’s crystal clear. If he continues reaching out, she wouldn’t want him to claim she didn’t warn him. The only pest is him, and this is what she does to pests. She stomps on the roach, and grinds it into the floor. Ryan continues to stare straight ahead.

Finn asks if Elizabeth really wants his unvarnished assessment about Franco’s chances, and she says he knows she does. He says, Franco is too annoying to die. He doesn’t think death wants anything to do with Franco. He looks at her and the boys, and sees the love they have for Franco, and he doesn’t want anything bad to happen. She says, Franco is fighting cancer, not only the radiation, but the side effects. Finn asks if he has fatigue or nausea, and Elizabeth says, they went out on Valentine’s Day. Franco wasn’t feeling well… then his hair… She starts to cry, and says they went home, and Cameron saw what was going on. She could see how Franco was trying hard to cover up his embarrassment, and Cameron ran upstairs and shaved his own head. Finn says, impressive. Violet won’t be happy. She loves Cameron’s hair, but it will grow back. So will Franco’s. He says, it looks like Elizabeth has Franco covered. She says she does, and he asks, who’s covering her?

Franco tells Cameron, no one has hurt him, and Cameron says, really? Sam’s mom tried to stab him with a syringe, and almost killed Dante. People are refusing to treat him. Franco asks how Cameron knows about that, and Cameron says he heard Franco and his mom talking about the tech that didn’t want to be in the same room as Franco. Franco says, that’s one person, but Cameron says, it’s not. He’s seen it all over social media that Franco deserves to die. People think the tumor has made him dangerous, and it gives them the right to go after him. And don’t tell him that he’s stupid to worry and want to protect him. He cares whether Franco lives or dies. Franco says Cameron is super smart, and a good kid, but he doesn’t want to pick a fight with crazies to defend him. Cameron says, if he doesn’t fight to defend his family, who else would he do it for?   

Portia says, Jordan and Taggert believe his best chance is to stay in the PCPD jail, essentially in protective custody, but for how long? What if the Feds decide to go ahead with the case? And even if by some miracle, Taggert is exonerated, Cyrus will come after him. Jordan says, by then, she should have Cyrus, and Portia asks, how’s that working for her this time? Jordan doesn’t say anything, and Portia says, that’s what she thought. In the meantime, she’ll shut out her daughter, causing no end to the pain and heartache. She doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do, and Jordan says, tell Trina, it’s not on Taggert, but on her.

Sam asks if she heard Curtis right. He wants to buy the nightclub? She’s sure he knows a healthy amount of patrons will want to unload their problems, and he’ll have to hear about their troubles. As a server – which he will be sometimes – he’ll be forced to stay in the bar and listen to their troubles. He says, the difference is, at the end of the night, he’ll close up shop and go home. He won’t have to think about them again. She says, and that appeals to him? He says, not having to produce pictures of infidelity to a brokenhearted spouse, or watch a man gamble away his child support money appeals to him. She says, then go for it, and he says he already is. He sits down and says, this is where she comes in.

Finn tells Elizabeth, it’s times like this when she needs a support system. Who has she reached out to? She says, Laura, Bobbie, Scotty; she has her career at the hospital. He says, good, but for what it’s worth (🍷), she can lean on him. She thanks him for talking her off the ledge, and gets up. She says, tell Violet that Cameron’s hair grows pretty fast. He says, good to know, and she leaves.

Franco says he can’t criticize Cameron for wanting to protect his family, and Cameron says Franco is already dealing with cancer treatments; he doesn’t need to deal with vigilantes. Someone needs to make them back off. Franco wonders what happens if Cameron gets into trouble defending him? Where does that leave Jake and Aiden? The boys look up to him. Cameron says, that’s crazy, but Franco says, it isn’t; it’s wonderful. They’re good kids, and want be like him. He’s a good kid. So he needs to continue being an honorable young man. At least until he goes to college in California. Cameron says he’s not going; he’s staying there. Franco asks when he decided that, and Cameron says, the other night. Franco says, Valentine’s Day. Why didn’t he say anything? Cameron says Franco and Elizabeth would have just argued with him, and tried to talk him out of it. He feels like so much has changed. Maybe he won’t go to college at all. Franco says, because of him and his tumor? and Cameron says, Franco didn’t leave him when he was in trouble. Why would he leave Franco?   

Curtis asks if Sam is done with the P.I. game, and she says, actually, no. She’s ready to take on some work. Unlike him, she misses it. She’s not talking about anything dangerous. She has kids, and knows she has to be safe, but she just misses it so much. She wants to help people know the truth, even if it hurts them. He says he sees a way they can both get what they want, and she says she’s listening. He says, buy his half of the P.I. firm. He’ll give her full ownership of operations, his contacts, files, and lists, and he’ll give her fair market value. She asks what he’s going to do with the money, and he says, close the deal on this place. What does she say? Does she want to buy him out? she says, let the bidding begin.

Portia says she doesn’t want to lie to her daughter, but Jordan says, it’s not a lie. Effective immediately, she’s barring Taggert from having visitors. Portia asks if she can do that, since it’s Federal and out of her jurisdiction, but Jordan thinks they’ll accept her request. If Portia has a problem with Trina, send Trina to her. Portia says, if she’s willing to take on the full brunt of her daughter’s fury, and Jordan says she deserves it. It’s the best she can do, at least for now. Portia says she’ll take it, but only for now. Jordan says, good. Now if Portia doesn’t mind… Portia picks up her coat, and says she’s sorry to her about Jordan and Curtis. Cyrus really ruined a lot of lives. She leaves, and Jordan looks sad.

Bobbie tells Florence, someone is eager to see her. Martin walks in, and Florence holds out her arms. They hug, and Martin says he heard she was expecting him. He must say, her radiance is a sight for sore eyes. In the hallway, Bobbie asks Jason, now that Martin knows his mother is here, is there any chance this might be over? He says, sorry. It’s too soon to know how this will effect Cyrus’s reach. Florence tells Martin that he’s lost weight, but he says, don’t worry. He just ate the better part of a bucket of fried chicken. It wasn’t as good as hers though. She says, of course (🍷) it wasn’t. He eats badly when he’s stressed. Has he been worried? He says, about her? Of course (🍷). He hasn’t seen her for weeks. She says she missed him, but Bobbie and Mr. Blue Eyes are taking wonderful care of her.

Ava cleans her shoe, and says, it’s been fun, hasn’t it? What does he thinks of her new scent? It’s a Valentine’s gift from Nikolas; lovely, isn’t it? Would he like a whiff. She takes a bottle out of her bag, and sprays it all around him, then says, oh, sorry. She forgot he’s allergic to perfume, isn’t he? She guesses he’ll have to sweat it out, like an itch he can’t scratch. She leaves, and he still doesn’t react, except to blink.  

Florence says, everyone is so sweet, and Jackie says, Martin isn’t the only one worried about her. Her other son is anxious to see her. Florence says, that guy can wait, and Jackie says it sounds like she doesn’t have a lot of patience for Cyrus. Florence says, sadly, her older son is a lost soul. He’s willful, selfish, and lacks conscience. She doesn’t know where she and his father went wrong, but she washed her hands of that scoundrel years ago. Jackie takes out a recorder, and says, tell her about it.   

Nikolas asks Ava how the conversation went, and she says, one-sided. He says, the best kind, and thanks Laura for her advice; he’ll take it to heart. She says, any time, and Nikolas and Ava leave. Laura peeks in on Ryan through the door window, and walks away. A guard comes into Ryan’s room, and says he’s got mail. He puts a stack of envelopes down, and says he’s got one there from Ryan’s biggest fan, Heather W. He reads, dear Ryan. Love your work. I’m your biggest fan. We see some outgoing mail, with a letter addressed to S. Cassadine on top.  

Tomorrow, Lesley says Cyrus is wrong for GH (like we didn’t know), Elizabeth asks if Franco is talking about moving out, Maxie uninvites Nina, and Cyrus wants to know where his mother is.

🏖 I’m here to report that Summer House is still just as awful, and the cast is still a bunch of horrible, horrible people, to borrow a phrase from Sophie on 2 Broke Girls. Ciara should run for her life, and take Hannah with her. Luke is still stringing Hannah along, using words like connection and chemistry and I love you. For a moment, I thought Ciara might actually be the voice of reason, when she told Hannah that she wanted nothing to do with a guy who could yell at a friend the way Luke yelled at Hannah. But the next thing I knew, she was sitting next to him, being a bobblehead while he talked a bunch of bullsh*t. Kyle, who’d seemed to have matured, and had just done a quarter million in sales with his online business, reverted back to his true baby nature, whining about people not doing their chores. I’m not sure what all happened there, but both Amanda and Hannah ended up in tears. Sadly, at the end of the episode, Carl found out his brother had died, and on Amanda’s birthday. Still, if you decide to watch this show, just remember, it’s an hour of your life you won’t get back.

🎁 Another Gift That Keeps On Giving…

Joining LuAnn’s drunken fall into the bushes, Ramona’s crazy-eyed runway walk, NeNe telling Kim, close your legs to married men, and so many other memorable moments, comes the analogy.

I find it hard to believe that Gia’s character is being questioned, unless kids her age don’t understand what an analogy is either. In which case, we have a bigger problem than this mess.


Marge looks like the poor man’s Jayne Mansfield in the group shot.



👴🏾 He’s Nobody’s Grandaddy…

More on the not as unusual as it seems Cosby union.


🍵 Teetotaling Together…

God help us if they ever fall of the wagon together.


⛲️ Doing the Charleston…

Not new news, but a great article on the town. I always thought it would be a fun place to live if it wasn’t 110 degrees in the shade. And not so expensive.


🔮 But I Want More…

I was never all that interested in the Marvel Universe, but then came WandaVision.

📺 Coming Up…

What’s coming to Paramount+.


Reboots and randoms.


📌 That’s a Fact…

Marsha “Pay it No Mind” Johnson (1945-1992) was a Black trans woman who was a force behind the Stonewall Riots and surrounding activism that sparked a new phase of the LGBTQ+ movement in 1969. – from glsen.org

You can read more about her here: https://www.glsen.org/activity/glsen-lgbtq-history-cards-marsha-p-johnson

❗️ That’s a Quote…

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.Martin Luther King, Jr

🎐 Sweet Dreams To You Dear…

We made it to the end of another week, or seven sunsets block of time, depending on how you’re calculating your days. But whether you’re keeping track or not, stay safe, stay industrious, and stay not getting caught if you don’t have a plan for that.