Tag Archives: Theme from Panther

February 25, 2021 – Florence Has a Visitor, Same House, Here It Comes Again, Mary’s Marriage, Sober Sisters, Historic Reality, No Seconds, New To Come, Today’s Fact, a Quote & Freedom


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Finn looks through the scans of Franco’s brain. Elizabeth asks what he thinks, and he says he thinks cancer isn’t his specialty. She says she knows, but she just got the images back, Terry hasn’t gotten back to her yet, and she trusts him to be honest with her. She’s not asking for a prognosis, just his take. Is the radiation working? Is Franco’s tumor shrinking?

Franco tosses and turns on the couch, repeatedly hearing, please be Drew Cain; you know his brother.

Curtis brings Sam to the club, and she says, it’s really nice. She wonders why she never heard of it. He says, probably because she has kids, and she says, back in the day, this place would have caused her a lot of trouble. He says he’d have been right there with her. Sam says she noticed a bunch of beautiful women, ogling Curtis. Does she need to call Jordan to save him? He says, Jordan’s got enough to do saving herself.

Portia goes to Jordan’s office, and Jordan asks how she can help. Portia says she doesn’t need help, but Taggert does. Whatever Cyrus wants to tank the government’s case against Taggert, she wants Jordan to give to him.

Standing in the woods on the phone, Jason says he sees it. He tells them, no, don’t do anything yet. Let’s see how it plays out.

In the car next to Jackie, Martin cleans up a basket of fried chicken, licking his fingers. He says he’d offer her some, but she’s already expressed her displeasure of fried chicken several times. She said he just worked his way around a gooey cinnamon roll, and he says he never eats like this unless he’s nervous. He just realized, no one ever made fried chicken like his mama. Jackie says she’s not surprised. His mother sounds perfect. He says, close enough. If she’s wrong about this… She says she’s not. She looks through a pair of binoculars, and says, Bobbie Spencer is holed up in that house. And the patient she’s caring for is his mother.

Bobbie sits on Florence’s bed, reading out loud to her. Florence looks happy.

At the hospital, Nikolas pays off a guard, saying he wants 30 uninterrupted minutes. The guard leaves, and Laura comes out of the elevator. She says, friend of his? and he says he’s been meaning to call her, steering her down the hall. He tells her that wanted to run some wedding ideas by her. When they’re out of sight, Ava comes out, and sneaks into a room. Ryan sits in a chair, and she says, please don’t get up.

Laura asks if Nikolas and Ava have set a date, and he says, they’re hoping for late spring, early summer. She says, good. It gives him time to make peace with his son.

Ava wonders what malady brought Ryan back to GH from his minimum security prison. She flips through a folder, and says, oh, bed sores. That’s what happens when you let your stabbing and severing muscles fall out of use. She can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for him, but she doesn’t have to imagine it. She leans on the back of his chair, and says, they both know he’s not as helpless as he appears.

Martin asks why Jackie is so convinced Jason has his mother stashed away in there. There’s been no sign of her, or anyone else who might be involved in her abduction; just lights behind curtain windows. She tells him, look in the back seat, and he picks up a big plastic bag, wondering what she has in there. It stinks to high hell. She says, the thing about garbage is that it has an unpleasant odor, and he takes out two prescription bottles. She asks if they look familiar, and he says his mother takes this medication. She says, and the prescriber? He says, Bobbie Jean Spencer, Nurse Practitioner, and she says, aka Bobbie Spencer. He asks how she knew they were here, and she says she did a story on private nurses; their dedication and long hours. One of the nurses from her story is a contact, and she has a friend who relieves Bobbie when Bobbie needs a break. He asks when she had time to go through the trash there, and she says, while he was in line for fried chicken, she took a trip there. If he keeps looking, he’ll find someone has a yen for Corinthos coffee. He says he’ll take her word for it; color him impressed. But if she knew his mother was there, why didn’t she call the police? She says, and risk his mother being in the middle of shootout between the police and Jason’s men? He says, so what are they going to do? They can’t just sit there while his mother languishes. She tells him, don’t worry. Does he know what the biggest newspaper in the nation named her? Jackie Templeton, woman of action.

Jordan tells Portia, fine. Let’s talk. Portia says they don’t need to talk. What her family needs is action – from Jordan. Cyrus agreed to stonewall the Feds’ case against Taggert, and without Cyrus’s testimony, Taggert could go free. Jordan asks if Cyrus told Portia what he’s expecting to get back for his cooperation, and Portia says, he didn’t volunteer any information. She asks what he expects for keeping quiet, and Jordan says, Cyrus and Jason are in a stand-off. Cyrus wants Jason to give up his leverage, which will leave Port Charles open for a mob war. Cyrus will run his drugs through their town, and they’ll see an epidemic of overdoses and deaths. Jason and his men will try to fight back, leaving the PCPD and GH to pick up the pieces. So Cyrus isn’t offering his silence in good faith. It isn’t an offer; it’s a manipulation. Portia says, it’s no surprise Cyrus would want to use the situation to his advantage, but she doesn’t care what he wants not to testify, as long as he refuses. It will break Trina’s heart if her father goes to prison. If anyone knows what it’s like to protect their child’s happiness, she knows it’s Jordan.

Curtis tells Sam, he thought his and Jordan’s relationship could handle just about anything. Pretty naïve, huh? She says, no. Sometimes we think we can handle it all, then something comes along we don’t anticipate, and it puts a new perspective on it. He says he doesn’t know how much is a new perspective, as much as it’s just a series of events that led him to realize Jordan isn’t the woman he thought she was. If he could be so wrong about his marriage, what else could he be wrong about?

Finn tells Elizabeth, Terry is a top oncologist, and will let her know if Franco’s tumor is changing. She says, but he can read the scans. Please. She’s desperate. He says it will just be his opinion, and she says she’s not going to sue him if she doesn’t like it. He says, okay. In his opinion, after Franco’s initial rounds of radiation therapy, the size and shape of his tumor remains unchanged.

Franco is still sleeping restlessly, and starts to repeat, Jason. He gets louder, and Cameron says, Franco, trying to wake him up. Franco suddenly sits up, pushing Cameron back. He’s about to punch Cameron, when Cameron raises his hands and says, Franco, it’s me. It’s Cameron.

Laura asks if Nikolas has reached out to Spencer since he and Ava decided to renew their vows. Does Spencer know they’re marrying for love this time? He says he spoke to Spencer and explained, but Spencer’s response was less than enthusiastic. She says she knows how much Spencer loves him; he’ll come around. Keep reaching out. He says, for how long? Spencer is stubborn. Spencer is quick to anger, and slow to forgive. She says, and he’s sensitive and bighearted, like someone else she knows. He asks if he should apologize for wanting to marry Ava again, and she says, of course not (🍷), but don’t expect a change of attitude overnight. She thinks once Spencer sees how much Ava loves Nikolas, and how happy Ava makes him, he’ll come around.

Ava tells Ryan, she’s so impressed at how he was able to communicate to one of his minders that he wanted to send her this lovely gift, made just for her. She shows him the roach, no longer under glass. She says, soon, he won’t be able to give her any more tokens of affection. She and Nikolas are going to identify his helper, and put an end to this. The note was such a nice touch; secrets and cockroaches, the only two things that always survive. Except for us. She laughs, and says she nearly busted a gut. She’s so sorry. Did he think she’d be frightened? She puts her face close to his, and says, no, Ryan; not anymore. She moves even closer, and says, if anyone ought to be scared, it’s him… scared of her.

Franco wonders if he hurt Cameron, and says he didn’t mean to. Franco didn’t know it was him. Cameron says, it’s okay; it’s no big deal. Franco was dreaming. It was probably a nightmare. Franco says, Cameron woke him up, and startled him. He’s sorry. Cameron says, it’s his fault; no biggie. He’ll get Franco some water.

Elizabeth says, so it’s too soon to expect any progress, and Finn says, yeah. She says, dammit. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. She bangs the wall with her fist, then puts her head against it. Finn comes up behind her, and says, hey.

Bobbie reads to Florence from a romance novel, and Florence says her Marty used to read to her all the time, but nothing as steamy as this. Bobbie has a soothing voice; it lulls her right to sleep. Bobbie says Florence misses him doesn’t she? and Florence says she does. Her Marty is a good boy. He always looks out for her. Bobbie promises she’ll see him very soon, and leaves to get Florence’s medication.

Martin asks Jackie, what’s the plan? She’s the woman of action; how does she intend to sneak them in to locate his mother undetected? Jackie says, the house was renovated last year. She got the plans from the county clerk’s office, and memorized the layout. It’s easy to navigate. He asks if that’s the plan. They just go room to room, looking for his mother, hoping they remain undetected, and Jackie says she understands Florence is bedridden. There’s a parlor on the first floor. She guesses that’s where Florence is. She’d be easier to move if needed. He says, what if one of Jason’s henchman discovered them snooping? and she says, they didn’t. The guards have 12-hour shifts, and their best opportunity is during the changeover. Which is now. She opens the car door and says, coming? He says he has one last question. What’s the plan if they get caught? She says, there isn’t one. Don’t get caught. He says, oh Lord. He’s going to live to regret this.

Finn asks how Elizabeth’s hand is, and she says, it’s fine; she’s used to it. He asks if it happens often, and she says, only since Britt became Chief of Staff. He takes it Britt hasn’t mellowed, but Elizabeth says she’s glad Brook is there. She needs someone to take out her anger on. It’s hard to take it out on the tumor, and she’s mad at herself for being mad at Franco.

Cameron brings the water, and tells Franco, sorry. It’s his fault; he shouldn’t have startled Franco. Franco tells him not to blame himself – ever. He shouldn’t have reacted. Cameron says it’s not Franco’s fault. He’s sick, and had a nightmare. Does he remember any of it? Franco says, no, and Cameron says Franco was talking, saying the same thing over and over. Franco asks what he said, and Cameron says, it sounded like Jason.

Sam is sure Curtis’s problems with Jordan caused him to question himself. He entered the relationship thinking they were on the same page. He says, along came some test that blew up his assumptions, and she says, he realized along the way that he’s one who changed. He’s not the kind of person that believes in relationships anymore. He says, yeah. He’s been rethinking about a lot of things lately, including his profession. He’s made a career out of digging up other people’s dirty little secrets, and he never cared, because they weren’t his secrets. Then he discovered his life was full of them too. He can’t stomach another case of infidelity, or tell another client that they’re being lied to by the person they trusted most. He’s done digging. She gets it, and asks what he wants to do. He looks around, and says she’s looking at it.

Portia tells Jordan, it was wrong of her to bring up TJ; it was uncalled for. Jordan says Portia had every right to bring it up, but Portia says Jordan doesn’t need Trina adding on to her problems. Just get her in to see Taggert, and she’ll take it from there. Jordan says Portia doesn’t need her permission, and Portia says, no, but she needs Taggert’s. He refused a visit. Jordan says she thought Trina didn’t want to see him, and Portia says, Trina was hurt and angry. She was confused, and completely overwhelmed, but that changed when Cyrus dangled Taggert’s freedom in front of her. Naturally she’s interested in her father coming home, but now he refuses to see his daughter. Jordan says she’ll speak with him, but he’s not going to change his mind, and he’d be right not to.

Jackie and Martin sneak around the house where Florence is, and he asks how long they have. She puts her finger to her lips, and peeks into a room. They go in, and Martin says, it’s him, Marty, come to take her home. The bed is empty, and Jason is sitting in a chair. He says, wrong room. Ha-ha! Jason’s way of being low-key funny.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she’s angry at Franco for getting sick. They’re not perfect, but they had a good life. They were happy. Finn says, before the tumor, and she says, Franco didn’t tell her, and hid his diagnosis, making a plan without her. He says, the desire to hide a diagnosis from a loved one is pretty common. In part, it’s to protect the loved one, but part is also denial. He’s seen it before; he did it himself. She thinks Franco’s denial lasted longer than normal. When he finally told her, he ignored Terry’s advice to start radiation, and took off to Switzerland for an unproven treatment. She can’t help thinking about the time they lost, and how much bigger the tumor might have gotten because they did nothing. She wonders how much sicker he got, and if he’s too sick now to get better.   

Franco wonders why everything is always about Jason, and tells Cameron, there are more interesting people in this world. Cameron says, it makes sense Franco’s nightmare would be about Jason. Jason hates him. Jason can’t forgive the things Franco did when he had his first tumor, but it’s not Franco’s fault. Franco hates that Cameron has to think about any of it, and Cameron says, that’s why Jason keeps his distance. Franco says, there’s nothing anyone can do about Jason, but Cameron says, the hell there isn’t.

Jason says he wondered how long it was going to take Jackie and Martin to get out of the car and pay Florence a visit. Martin says Jason knew they were there? and Jason says, yeah. Martin asks where Jason is holding his mother. He wants to see her now. Jackie says, if they could track Bobbie, so can Cyrus. Jason says if they want to talk to Bobbie, feel free. Martin says he doesn’t give a damn; he’s not there to play games. His mother is old and vulnerable. Please. He needs to see her. Jackie says, when Martin spoke to his mother on the phone, she said she was doing well, but he wants to see it with his own eyes that she’s whole and healthy. Jason says, okay.

Nikolas tells Laura, he adores Spencer, and will never stop trying to win him over, but he doubts he can do it in time to get Spencer’s blessing for the ceremony. He’ll keep trying to get Spencer to participate, for her. She says, no, for him and his son; the whole family really. He says he wants family togetherness as much as she does. Speaking of family, what’s going on with Cyrus? She says, his mother is missing, and he blames Jason for abducting her. He says that doesn’t sound like Jason, and she guesses what started the debacle was Carly. She leaps before she looks. Now Cyrus blames Jason, and her too, in a way. He says she has nothing to do with it, but she says, Cyrus believes she has the means to return his mother. He tells her, stay out of it. Let Cyrus play games with Jason, not her. She says she’d like nothing better, but Cyrus is irrational, and has an obsession with his mother. If she’s not returned, she’s afraid he’s going to lash out. She doesn’t want anyone in the family in his sites when he does.

Ava asks Ryan if she’s crystal clear. If he continues reaching out, she wouldn’t want him to claim she didn’t warn him. The only pest is him, and this is what she does to pests. She stomps on the roach, and grinds it into the floor. Ryan continues to stare straight ahead.

Finn asks if Elizabeth really wants his unvarnished assessment about Franco’s chances, and she says he knows she does. He says, Franco is too annoying to die. He doesn’t think death wants anything to do with Franco. He looks at her and the boys, and sees the love they have for Franco, and he doesn’t want anything bad to happen. She says, Franco is fighting cancer, not only the radiation, but the side effects. Finn asks if he has fatigue or nausea, and Elizabeth says, they went out on Valentine’s Day. Franco wasn’t feeling well… then his hair… She starts to cry, and says they went home, and Cameron saw what was going on. She could see how Franco was trying hard to cover up his embarrassment, and Cameron ran upstairs and shaved his own head. Finn says, impressive. Violet won’t be happy. She loves Cameron’s hair, but it will grow back. So will Franco’s. He says, it looks like Elizabeth has Franco covered. She says she does, and he asks, who’s covering her?

Franco tells Cameron, no one has hurt him, and Cameron says, really? Sam’s mom tried to stab him with a syringe, and almost killed Dante. People are refusing to treat him. Franco asks how Cameron knows about that, and Cameron says he heard Franco and his mom talking about the tech that didn’t want to be in the same room as Franco. Franco says, that’s one person, but Cameron says, it’s not. He’s seen it all over social media that Franco deserves to die. People think the tumor has made him dangerous, and it gives them the right to go after him. And don’t tell him that he’s stupid to worry and want to protect him. He cares whether Franco lives or dies. Franco says Cameron is super smart, and a good kid, but he doesn’t want to pick a fight with crazies to defend him. Cameron says, if he doesn’t fight to defend his family, who else would he do it for?   

Portia says, Jordan and Taggert believe his best chance is to stay in the PCPD jail, essentially in protective custody, but for how long? What if the Feds decide to go ahead with the case? And even if by some miracle, Taggert is exonerated, Cyrus will come after him. Jordan says, by then, she should have Cyrus, and Portia asks, how’s that working for her this time? Jordan doesn’t say anything, and Portia says, that’s what she thought. In the meantime, she’ll shut out her daughter, causing no end to the pain and heartache. She doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do, and Jordan says, tell Trina, it’s not on Taggert, but on her.

Sam asks if she heard Curtis right. He wants to buy the nightclub? She’s sure he knows a healthy amount of patrons will want to unload their problems, and he’ll have to hear about their troubles. As a server – which he will be sometimes – he’ll be forced to stay in the bar and listen to their troubles. He says, the difference is, at the end of the night, he’ll close up shop and go home. He won’t have to think about them again. She says, and that appeals to him? He says, not having to produce pictures of infidelity to a brokenhearted spouse, or watch a man gamble away his child support money appeals to him. She says, then go for it, and he says he already is. He sits down and says, this is where she comes in.

Finn tells Elizabeth, it’s times like this when she needs a support system. Who has she reached out to? She says, Laura, Bobbie, Scotty; she has her career at the hospital. He says, good, but for what it’s worth (🍷), she can lean on him. She thanks him for talking her off the ledge, and gets up. She says, tell Violet that Cameron’s hair grows pretty fast. He says, good to know, and she leaves.

Franco says he can’t criticize Cameron for wanting to protect his family, and Cameron says Franco is already dealing with cancer treatments; he doesn’t need to deal with vigilantes. Someone needs to make them back off. Franco wonders what happens if Cameron gets into trouble defending him? Where does that leave Jake and Aiden? The boys look up to him. Cameron says, that’s crazy, but Franco says, it isn’t; it’s wonderful. They’re good kids, and want be like him. He’s a good kid. So he needs to continue being an honorable young man. At least until he goes to college in California. Cameron says he’s not going; he’s staying there. Franco asks when he decided that, and Cameron says, the other night. Franco says, Valentine’s Day. Why didn’t he say anything? Cameron says Franco and Elizabeth would have just argued with him, and tried to talk him out of it. He feels like so much has changed. Maybe he won’t go to college at all. Franco says, because of him and his tumor? and Cameron says, Franco didn’t leave him when he was in trouble. Why would he leave Franco?   

Curtis asks if Sam is done with the P.I. game, and she says, actually, no. She’s ready to take on some work. Unlike him, she misses it. She’s not talking about anything dangerous. She has kids, and knows she has to be safe, but she just misses it so much. She wants to help people know the truth, even if it hurts them. He says he sees a way they can both get what they want, and she says she’s listening. He says, buy his half of the P.I. firm. He’ll give her full ownership of operations, his contacts, files, and lists, and he’ll give her fair market value. She asks what he’s going to do with the money, and he says, close the deal on this place. What does she say? Does she want to buy him out? she says, let the bidding begin.

Portia says she doesn’t want to lie to her daughter, but Jordan says, it’s not a lie. Effective immediately, she’s barring Taggert from having visitors. Portia asks if she can do that, since it’s Federal and out of her jurisdiction, but Jordan thinks they’ll accept her request. If Portia has a problem with Trina, send Trina to her. Portia says, if she’s willing to take on the full brunt of her daughter’s fury, and Jordan says she deserves it. It’s the best she can do, at least for now. Portia says she’ll take it, but only for now. Jordan says, good. Now if Portia doesn’t mind… Portia picks up her coat, and says she’s sorry to her about Jordan and Curtis. Cyrus really ruined a lot of lives. She leaves, and Jordan looks sad.

Bobbie tells Florence, someone is eager to see her. Martin walks in, and Florence holds out her arms. They hug, and Martin says he heard she was expecting him. He must say, her radiance is a sight for sore eyes. In the hallway, Bobbie asks Jason, now that Martin knows his mother is here, is there any chance this might be over? He says, sorry. It’s too soon to know how this will effect Cyrus’s reach. Florence tells Martin that he’s lost weight, but he says, don’t worry. He just ate the better part of a bucket of fried chicken. It wasn’t as good as hers though. She says, of course (🍷) it wasn’t. He eats badly when he’s stressed. Has he been worried? He says, about her? Of course (🍷). He hasn’t seen her for weeks. She says she missed him, but Bobbie and Mr. Blue Eyes are taking wonderful care of her.

Ava cleans her shoe, and says, it’s been fun, hasn’t it? What does he thinks of her new scent? It’s a Valentine’s gift from Nikolas; lovely, isn’t it? Would he like a whiff. She takes a bottle out of her bag, and sprays it all around him, then says, oh, sorry. She forgot he’s allergic to perfume, isn’t he? She guesses he’ll have to sweat it out, like an itch he can’t scratch. She leaves, and he still doesn’t react, except to blink.  

Florence says, everyone is so sweet, and Jackie says, Martin isn’t the only one worried about her. Her other son is anxious to see her. Florence says, that guy can wait, and Jackie says it sounds like she doesn’t have a lot of patience for Cyrus. Florence says, sadly, her older son is a lost soul. He’s willful, selfish, and lacks conscience. She doesn’t know where she and his father went wrong, but she washed her hands of that scoundrel years ago. Jackie takes out a recorder, and says, tell her about it.   

Nikolas asks Ava how the conversation went, and she says, one-sided. He says, the best kind, and thanks Laura for her advice; he’ll take it to heart. She says, any time, and Nikolas and Ava leave. Laura peeks in on Ryan through the door window, and walks away. A guard comes into Ryan’s room, and says he’s got mail. He puts a stack of envelopes down, and says he’s got one there from Ryan’s biggest fan, Heather W. He reads, dear Ryan. Love your work. I’m your biggest fan. We see some outgoing mail, with a letter addressed to S. Cassadine on top.  

Tomorrow, Lesley says Cyrus is wrong for GH (like we didn’t know), Elizabeth asks if Franco is talking about moving out, Maxie uninvites Nina, and Cyrus wants to know where his mother is.

🏖 I’m here to report that Summer House is still just as awful, and the cast is still a bunch of horrible, horrible people, to borrow a phrase from Sophie on 2 Broke Girls. Ciara should run for her life, and take Hannah with her. Luke is still stringing Hannah along, using words like connection and chemistry and I love you. For a moment, I thought Ciara might actually be the voice of reason, when she told Hannah that she wanted nothing to do with a guy who could yell at a friend the way Luke yelled at Hannah. But the next thing I knew, she was sitting next to him, being a bobblehead while he talked a bunch of bullsh*t. Kyle, who’d seemed to have matured, and had just done a quarter million in sales with his online business, reverted back to his true baby nature, whining about people not doing their chores. I’m not sure what all happened there, but both Amanda and Hannah ended up in tears. Sadly, at the end of the episode, Carl found out his brother had died, and on Amanda’s birthday. Still, if you decide to watch this show, just remember, it’s an hour of your life you won’t get back.

🎁 Another Gift That Keeps On Giving…

Joining LuAnn’s drunken fall into the bushes, Ramona’s crazy-eyed runway walk, NeNe telling Kim, close your legs to married men, and so many other memorable moments, comes the analogy.

I find it hard to believe that Gia’s character is being questioned, unless kids her age don’t understand what an analogy is either. In which case, we have a bigger problem than this mess.


Marge looks like the poor man’s Jayne Mansfield in the group shot.



👴🏾 He’s Nobody’s Grandaddy…

More on the not as unusual as it seems Cosby union.


🍵 Teetotaling Together…

God help us if they ever fall of the wagon together.


⛲️ Doing the Charleston…

Not new news, but a great article on the town. I always thought it would be a fun place to live if it wasn’t 110 degrees in the shade. And not so expensive.


🔮 But I Want More…

I was never all that interested in the Marvel Universe, but then came WandaVision.

📺 Coming Up…

What’s coming to Paramount+.


Reboots and randoms.


📌 That’s a Fact…

Marsha “Pay it No Mind” Johnson (1945-1992) was a Black trans woman who was a force behind the Stonewall Riots and surrounding activism that sparked a new phase of the LGBTQ+ movement in 1969. – from glsen.org

You can read more about her here: https://www.glsen.org/activity/glsen-lgbtq-history-cards-marsha-p-johnson

❗️ That’s a Quote…

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.Martin Luther King, Jr

🎐 Sweet Dreams To You Dear…

We made it to the end of another week, or seven sunsets block of time, depending on how you’re calculating your days. But whether you’re keeping track or not, stay safe, stay industrious, and stay not getting caught if you don’t have a plan for that.