Tag Archives: Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

April 26, 2024 – Sasha Gets Two Job Offers, Extra Soap, Melrose Fix, Salty Talk, Charming Cast, JoJo’s Take, Extra Fallout, World News, More Messi, A Joke, V Quotes, A Joke & 2031


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Carly hugs Sasha, saying, she hasn’t seen Sasha in forever. She asks if Sasha is alone or waiting for someone, and Sasha says she’s waiting for Nina, but Nina seems to have gotten hung up. Carly says she knows how busy Crimson can get. She hopes Sasha isn’t waiting too long. Sasha says, no worries. The longer Nina takes, the longer she has to look for a new place. Carly asks if she’s moving, and Sasha says her rent is too high. She really needs to downsize. Carly says she heard Sasha left Deception. She’s sorry she didn’t text Sasha about it. Not such a good friend, huh? Sasha says, it’s fine. She’s doing great. She sits at the bar, and Carly says, really? She knows how much Sasha put into that company. Sasha says, with all the changes that were happening, it was time to go. She’s really glad she did. Carly says, the appearance on Home & Heart? and Sasha says, a one-time thing. She doesn’t miss the job at all. She just still hasn’t figured out what to do next. Carly says, since she’s looking, would she be interested in working here at the MetroCourt?

Tracy walks into the nook where Leo is snacking and asks Leo why he’s putting that processed garbage into his body. He says he likes it and he’s hungry. He didn’t eat lunch. She says, why not? It’s not like him to forget his lunch. It’s not like him to forget anything. He says he gave it away, and she asks, why? He says, it was a peanut butter sandwich, and she says she thought he liked those. He says he did, but it’s all Yuri ever makes. He’s tired of them. Olivia comes in and asks Leo if he’s ready to go. She has to pick up his friend Teddy and take them to the aquarium pronto. He says he’ll get his backpack, and runs off. Olivia grabs a piece of whatever Leo was eating and says she’s so starving. She didn’t get a chance to eat. Tracy says, do tell, and Olivia says she realizes that dinners have been a little hit or miss lately, but if she makes a couple of lasagnas today, it should last for the next couple of dinners. Tracy says, no, and Olivia says, Tracy doesn’t like her lasagna? Tracy says she loves Olivia’s lasagna. Everybody here loves her lasagna, but this situation is madness. Olivia is running herself ragged at the hotel and she’s condemning everyone in this house to life in leftover manor. Clearly, it is time to hire a cook. Olivia says, bite your tongue.

Walking into the apartment, Gregory says he told Finn that he was fine, and Finn tells him that he keeps saying that. Gregory says his doctor agrees. Last night’s little episode… Finn says, a temporary paralysis? And Gregory says, temporary, yes. He’s made a full recovery. Is Violet here? He doesn’t want to argue in front of her. Finn says, no. She’s still at school. They’re not arguing. He’s just looking out for Gregory. Does he want to lie down? Gregory says, the couch is fine, and don’t worry. He’ll take it easy for the rest of the day. Isn’t Finn needed at the hospital? Finn sits next to him and says he thinks they’ve come to a point where Gregory shouldn’t be left alone for long periods of time. Gregory asks, what exactly is he saying? and Finn says he thinks they should get Gregory an in-home caregiver. Just in case anything like last night ever happens again. (I’d like one of those and I’m not even sick.)

Molly goes to Alexis’s office and asks if she’s got a minute. Alexis says, for her, always. Isn’t she supposed to be in court? Molly says, court’s in recess for lunch, and holds up a to-go bag, asking if Alexis is interested. Alexis says she doesn’t know. It depends. What’s she got? Molly says, turkey club with avocado, and Alexis says, yes, taking the bag. Not that Molly needs an ulterior motive to see her mommy… Molly says she needs Alexis’s help. Alexis says she knew it. Legal advice? Molly says, Kristina, and Alexis says, ugh.

On her phone at the gallery, Laura says she’ll be in soon, and tells Ava, sorry about that. City business. Ava says, of course (🍷). She certainly doesn’t want to keep Laura from her mayor duties. Laura says, so she gathered, because Ava never answered her question, and Ava says, which was? Laura asks, how does she like living with Sonny? when Sonny walks in. He asks if he heard his name, and Laura says, yes. Ava asks, what’s up? and he says he needs their help, both of them. Laura says, with what? and Sonny says he wants to commission one of Ava’s artists to create a piece so he can donate it – he asks Laura if she’s ready for this – to the city. Laura says, what makes him think the city would be interested in that?

Olivia says she appreciates Tracy’s perspective. She realizes she’s been a little overbooked lately. Tracy says, a little? and Olivia says she can feed her family. Tracy says, Olivia needs to face facts. She is spreading herself too thin. She’s reduced her son to eating Snackaroos and peanut butter a la Yuri. Olivia says, Carly’s back at the MetroCourt… and Tracy says she’s missing the point. The Quartermaine family has always had a cook. They need one. Olivia says, Tracy is trying to kick her out of her own kitchen, and Tracy says, it’s Monica’s kitchen. Alan gave it to her, and Olivia is not staff. She’s a Quartermaine. She lives here; she doesn’t work here. And while Tracy admires her concerted effort, she can’t be responsible for feeding this family. Tracy is calling an agency and getting referrals. Olivia says, no! She’ll agree to a cook, but only if she hires the cook.

Carly says she’s co-owner of the MetroCourt again, and Sasha asks, how’d that happen? Carly says, Nina sold her half, and Sasha says, congratulations. Carly thanks her, and Sasha says she’s really happy for Carly. She’s just caught off-guard. Nina never said anything about selling. Carly says she thinks it happened pretty quickly. So does that mean Sasha will consider working for her? Sasha says, of course (🍷) she’ll consider it. She really appreciates the offer. Carly says, but it’s not what she’s looking for, is it? and Sasha says she doesn’t know. She’s trying to look around and see what feels right. Carly says she’s been there, and Sasha says, but you know what does feel right? Carly back here at the MetroCourt. Carly laughs and says, yes, and Sasha says, and Nina back at Crimson. Carly says, better there than here, yes. She’s going to take menus to a customer. If Sasha needs anything, let her know. She’s happy to help. Sasha thanks her and says she will. And she will definitely keep this place in mind. Carly leaves and Sasha sends a text to Nina: Where are you?

Molly tells Alexis, Josslyn and Krissy had another blow up. And this time Josslyn had some very specific things to say about Sonny. Alexis says, Kristina has great big feelings about her father. He’s her hero. Nobody knows that better than she does. Molly says she thinks that’s really why Kristina was upset. Because deep down she knows the things Josslyn was saying were true. They talked, and she was calmer by the time she left, but when TJ found out she’d come over so late and how wound up she’d gotten, now he’s worried that all this stress is going to hurt their baby. Alexis asks what Molly said, and Molly tells her that she tried to defend Kristina’s feelings. It is upsetting – she can’t even imagine – but there are other things to consider. The stress can’t be good for Kristina or the baby. It certainly isn’t good for TJ. Alexis says, or Molly, and Molly says, it’s gotten to the point where prosecuting criminals is how she relaxes. Alexis says, been there, and Molly says, so she was hoping Alexis would talk to Kristina.

Finn says, there are caregivers out there who can keep a low profile, but Gregory says, there should be a babysitter when he’s alone with Violet. For Violet, not for him. Finn says, what if Violet hadn’t been here last night? What if she hadn’t getting him his ventilator? Gregory says he knew something was wrong and asked Violet to get the ventilator for him. If he’d been alone, he would have called 911. Finn says, what if paralysis had hit and he was unable to dial? and Gregory says, fortunately, he’s not quite there yet. Finn says, not this time. What about the next time? Because they both know it will happen again. And the time after that, and the time after that. Gregory says, they don’t need to think about the time after that yet. He just needs to be ready for the next time and he will be. He promises. He starts to leave, but Finn says, that’s not good enough.

Laura says she knows they’re in Ava’s gallery, but can she have a moment alone with Sonny? Ava says, by all means, and leaves, but she listens from around the corner. Sonny says, it’s just you and me. What’s on your mind?

Finn says, Gregory can’t see his point of view, but maybe he can see Violet’s. He’s never seen her more scared than what she was last night. Think about that. Put himself in her shoes. Watching her grandfather collapse, running to get his ventilator, watching him lie on the sofa unable to move. What does he think that did to her? Gregory asks if Violet is afraid to be alone with him now, but Finn says, no. She probably never will be. She loves Gregory and wants to spend all the time with him that she possibly can. What if things had been worse? Gregory says, they weren’t, and Finn says, not this time. But what about next time? What happens if he starts to aspirate or collapse or convulse or pass out completely? Knowing Violet, she’d probably try to save him, and if she couldn’t, she’d probably blame herself. Gregory says he would never allow that to happen, and Finn says, at the risk of being devil’s advocate, how would he stop it? They have a responsibility to make Violet feel safe in her own home, right? Gregory says, that’s emotional blackmail, and Finn says he knows. It’s also reality. It’s the reality they have to accept. The bottom line is, Gregory needs help, and when he’s not here, Gregory needs a caregiver. Period. Gregory says, or what? and Finn leaves the apartment.

Sasha reads a text from Nina: Sorry! Be right there. Olivia sees Sasha and asks if she’s got a second. Sasha says she does. What’s up? Olivia says, first of all, she wants to thank Sasha for saving her neck the other night with the shepherd’s pie. It was absolutely delicious. Dante won’t stop talking about it, and frankly, she’s a little bit jealous. Sasha says she’s happy to give Olivia the recipe. It’s one of those dishes that, once you make it a couple of times, you can start to play around with it and add your own touches. Olivia says she does want the recipe. She can’t wait to make it. And that leads her to what she actually wants to talk to Sasha about. Ever since the last cook left at the Quartermaines, she’s been doing all the cooking. And when she gets very busy, which does happen sometimes, the family is left to fend for themselves. So she’s come to accept… It’s been pointed out to her that it’s time for the Quartermaines to hire a new chef. Fend for themselves means different things to different people. For Leo and Monica, it means Yuri makes eggs for breakfast and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.

Nina walks into the restaurant and asks Carly if she can have a moment. Carly says, that depends. What’s it about?

Olivia says she’s got to find someone she can work with. She won’t go back… She cannot go back to the days when the Quartermaines were banned from the kitchen. Before Cook 3 left, she doesn’t think Tracy knew where the kitchen was. Sasha laughs and says, that tracks. Olivia says she loves cooking for her family. She actually finds it very therapeutic almost. Sasha says she feels the same way, and Olivia says, there are people who find joy in life because of the labor intensity of her lasagna. Sasha says, cooking to her has always been peaceful, grounding. Maybe it’s because she cooked with her grandmother. The times she spent in the kitchen with her is definitely what she missed the most about her. Olivia says, Sasha really loved her, and Sasha says she still does. Olivia says, and Sasha loves cooking through her, huh? and Sasha says she guesses she does. Olivia says, and she’s good at it. So what does she say?

Alexis tells Molly, women have earthquake hormones during pregnancy. They live through it. Babies ride through it. Molly says she knows that intellectually, it’s just… Alexis says she knows Molly is worried. She knows Molly is terrified. Molly says, very much, and Alexis says, on the bright side, she knows how thrilled her sister is to do this for her, and Kristina is oddly thrilled about the ups and downs of the pregnancy. Molly says she’s so grateful to Kristina for doing this, and she loves how excited Kristina is about it. Alexis says, but there’s something more, so what is it? Besides Josslyn. Molly says she just wishes TJ could relax a little. Kristina’s emotions go to 11 over Sonny, then TJ’s go to 11 over Kristina. Alexis says she can imagine TJ’s 11 is a lot different than her sister’s, and Molly says, oh yeah. Because he’s always been so even keeled… whatever that means. Alexis says she thinks it has something to do with boats… Never mind. Go on. Molly says, so when he’s this upset, it doesn’t look like a lot, but if you know him… Alexis says, it’s sizeable, and Molly says, and when he’s upset, she gets upset. Then she starts to think maybe this is all her fault, because TJ has spent years and years listening to her side of her disagreements and arguments wit her sister. So maybe because of that TJ doesn’t trust Kristina.

Laura asks, what’s behind this latest burst of philanthropy? and Sonny says, his kids. Port Charles has always been their home. If they visit city hall and they see something beautiful he donated, then they can feel as proud of the city as he does. Laura says, and proud of him? What if one day his little girls find out he nearly beat a man to death with his bare hands? Does he think it’s all going to be okay because he donated art? He wonders why she’d ask him that. They’ve been friends for how many years? Is she going to turn on him?

Molly says she doesn’t think TJ thinks Kristina is a bad person, not that she would ever do anything to intentionally harm the baby, and Alexis says, of course (🍷) not. Molly says, but she is who she is, and he is who he is, and the two of them are emotional opposites. Alexis says, that they are, and Moly says she and TJ are just so excited and nervous to be parents, and they’re treating every bump in the road like it’s this huge mountain to overcome, but there are bound to be bumps. Alexis says, oh, there are and there will be, and Molly says, and Kristina has every right to be worried about her father, but she doesn’t know how Kristina is going to handle it if things get worse for Sonny. Alexis asks what he did now, and Molly makes a zipping motion across her lips. She asks if Alexis will just check in with Kristina, and Alexis asks if she has to. Molly says, please, and Alexis says, okay. Molly thanks her and says she has to get back to work. She tells Alexis that she loves her, Alexis says she loves Molly too, and they hug.

Gregory opens the door to Tracy and says he sees Finn called in reinforcements. She says, not this time. Should he have? Gregory asks if he’s expected to believe Tracy isn’t here to check on him, and Tracy says, that’s a ridiculous question. Of course (🍷) she’s here to check on him. That’s what friends do. Is he trying to pick a fight with her? He says, no. He’s sorry. He saw his doctor today. She asks what he said, and Gregory tells her that the doctor said he’s back to what passes for normal for him these days. She says she’s no expert, but that sounds like good news. He says, it is, but it’s not good enough for his son. Finn is insisting that he hires an in-home caregiver to monitor him. She says, that sounds sensible to her, but he says, it’s not sensible; it’s overreacting. And it’s not going to happen.

Sasha asks if Olivia wants her to help interview potential cooks, but Olivia says, no. She wants Sasha to be the new cook. Sasha says, her? and Olivia says, yes. Sasha says, that’s her second job offer today. Olivia says, what? and Sasha says, never mind. Olivia says, here’s what she needs. She needs someone to do breakfast, lunches, including school lunches for the endless parade of kids going through that house, and dinners on weeknights. She’ll do dinners on weekends and any other time she wants, but she promises to give Sasha a proper heads up. She knows cooking for the Quartermaines isn’t the same as cooking for herself, but she promises everyone will be very patient with Sasha while she gets used to the job. So what does she think? She knows it’s a lot to take in. Sasha says, it is. She never thought she would end up in a kitchen again. Olivia says, again?

Nina says, there’s an electrical problem in her office, and Carly says, really? They can’t have that. What kind of an electrical problem? Nina says, they’ve been experiencing random surges, and Carly says, has she? That’s terrible. Nina says, and it’s been happening more and more frequently, and Carly says, funny. That never used to happen since the emergency maintenance crew was ordered for no apparent reason. (So much for Carly saying she didn’t want to hurt Nina anymore.) Nina says, the reason was flooding, and Carly says, yet nothing was wet. But Nina is having an electrical issue, so she’s going to hire the contractors Nina used since she liked their workmanship so much. Nina says, great. As long as the problem is addressed. And one more thing. Jason may have bought the MetroCourt back for Carly, but the person she should really be thanking is Ava.

Laura says she doesn’t see how trying to tell Sonny the truth means she’s turned against him, and he says, okay, fine. She wants the truth? She tells him that she’s just saying that’s the least he owes his kids, and he asks if she tells her kids the truth about everything. She says, the important things, she really tries, and he tells her, let’s say Donna and Avery come to him one day and they say, dad, why’d you beat that guy up? He’s going to say that he lost his temper. He had his reasons, but he regrets his actions. Is that okay? She says, it’s just that she hasn’t seen any evidence of that regret, and he says, they both know Cyrus is not a victim. Laura says she knows what Cyrus is capable of, and Sonny says, that’s the thing. He doesn’t think she does. Cyrus belongs in prison until he meets his Maker. She asks if he really thinks he’s in a position to judge who deserves to be behind bars and who doesn’t, and he asks, since when does she care about Cyrus? He’s been her brother for what, five minutes? She says, it’s because of what Sonny did to him, and Sonny says he and Laura are family. They’re blood. They’re connected through Spencer and Rocco. She says she knows that’s true, but that has nothing to do with this. He says he doesn’t even know what they’re talking about, and she says, what they’re talking about is a lifetime of crime and violence that she’s looked past time and time again. And she can’t do it anymore. She just can’t. Okay? And she can’t turn a blind eye anymore to his business, the things that he’s done, the crime, the people he’s hurt… the people he’s killed. Ava continues to listen, and Laura says, putting a wing on the hospital and donating art to the city doesn’t just make all of that go away. They still happened. They’re still there. They matter. It doesn’t just disappear because he did his daily good deed. (What’s bothering me about this storyline is, aside from nearly everyone turning on Sonny without even giving him a heads up, he’s not behaving normally. Even his physical movements aren’t the usual. How come no one is noticing?)

Carly asks what Ava has to do with Jason buying the MetroCourt, and Nina says she didn’t accept the offer right away. She talked it over with Ava first. Ava led her to believe Sonny would like it if she sold the MetroCourt to his best friend. Carly says, Ava sandbagged Nina. Ava was standing right there when Sonny called Jason a traitor and threw them both out of the penthouse. Nina says she figured it out. After the deal was done. Too late to change her mind. Carly says, it’s a pattern with Ava. She uses people until they’re no longer useful. That’s what she did with Carly’s son. In the end, all Ava cares about is getting what she wants. Nina says, in Ava’s defense, not everyone has a Jason to get her what she wants (I wish I did <heaving Jason sigh>), like losing a hotel fair and square. So much for Carly earning the MetroCourt back on her own.

Finn stops by Alexis’s office and asks if it’s a bad time. She says she hopes so. If not, she’ll have nothing to report. He says he’s sorry to bother her at work. He was on his way to a meeting and he just… She asks, what’s going on? and he says his father had a seizure last night. She says, no, and he says, it resulted in temporary paralysis. He’s okay. Alexis tells him to sit, and he says, when he walked in and saw him lying there, unable to move, and Violet beside him, terrified, not knowing what was going on… Alexis asks if she’s okay, and he says he thinks seeing her grandfather collapse… and after lying there, she had to run and get his ventilator. He thinks it’s something she’ll never forget, but right now she’s as good as can be expected. She says, how is Gregory? and he says, his ALS is progressing rapidly, but his dad… He gets it. His dad wants to be independent. He wants to make up for all those risks he never got to take in life. Jumping out of airplanes and whatever it is that makes him feel alive, but… He talked to Gregory today, and he told Gregory that he thinks they need to get some sort of in-home help for when he’s not there, and his dad flat-out refused and they had this big argument. Alexis says she’s sorry. She’s not shocked, but she is sorry. He says him too. He gets it and he’s trying to do everything he can to support him, but this time he’s going to have to put his daughter first.

Gregory tells Tracy, the day is coming when he’ll be completely helpless, and he’ll need people taking care of his every need and every bodily function, watching over him all the time, every single moment, but he’s not there yet. She says, he’s not far from it, and he says, thank you. Why is it such a sin for him to hold on to what little autonomy he can for as long as he can? She says, it‘s not, and he says, she’s being very agreeable, and he finds it suspect. She laughs and says, he has every right to hold on to his autonomy for as long as he possibly can. He says, thank you? and she says, just as Finn has every right to have a safe emotional environment for his daughter. He can’t risk Violet finding Gregory if he’s unable to move. Or worse. He says, she’s not telling him anything Finn hasn’t already told him already, and she says, then she assumes Finn’s already asked him the obvious question. He says, what question is that? and she says, what is more important to him, his pride or his granddaughter’s well-being?

Sonny asks Laura what he’s supposed to do. Confess to everything he’s been accused of? She says, that depends. How many of the things he’s accused of are true? He says he’s done far less than Cyrus, and she says, but Cyrus’s crimes don’t absolve his. Sonny says, Cyrus held her at gunpoint and he’s the bad guy? and she says she’s sorry. She thinks there are two bad guys. He says he does everything he can to protect his business, his family, and everybody he cares about, and that includes her. Does she know why? She says, why? and he says, so the bad guys don’t come after her. (He doesn’t even look good. He has giant circles under his eyes.) She says, being a good man when you’re not committing a crime, doesn’t absolve him from the times he does commit a crime. And being really good at covering up his tracks doesn’t make him less guilty. He rubs his forehead, and she says, at some point he has to be held accountable. He says, by who? and she says, think of his children, okay? His little girls, Donna and Avery. What’s going to happen when they’re old enough to figure out what their father does for a living? And they will. He’s not going to be able to keep that from them. What is he going to say? He says he’s going to do what he always does. He’s going to do everything in his power to protect them. She says she knows he will, but who’s going to protect them from him?

Sasha says she worked as a line cook and a part-time chef for a few summers in the Hamptons, and Olivia says, it was meant to be. Sasha says she was never the head chef. She was the substitute sous chef when the real chef was out. Olivia says, she worked in a busy restaurant. Cooking for the Quartermaines is going to be a piece of cake. An overly ornate five-tier pain in the butt piece of cake, but still, it’s a piece of cake. Sasha says, this is really flattering, but is Olivia sure she wants to offer her a job based on one shepherd’s pie? Olivia says, she loves to cook. She’s a great cook. They need a cook. Oliva says, it’s a match made in heaven. Or an opening in the universe, depending on your spiritual beliefs. Not to mention the fact that Cody shows up for dinner several nights a week. She’s sure he wouldn’t mind having Sasha around.

Finn asks Alexis to tell him if he’s wrong. Tell him that he shouldn’t just give into his father and give him everything he wants. She says she can’t tell him that, and he says he wants to give him everything he wants. Go parasailing. Go get shot out of a cannon. Go out in space and see the earth from orbit. Do all the things. He’ll do them with his dad, but he doesn’t think his dad can do those things right now, so shouldn’t he give in and give him this one thing? Alexis says, maybe. It’s certainly worth trying to talk to him again, but she doesn’t know that he’s going to end up with different results. He says, she’s right. He’s going to go back and talk to him. She says she thought he was going to a meeting, but he says he can do that later. She says, when the oxygen mask drops from a plane, what do you do? and he says, you put your mask on first, but this… She says, this is the same thing. This is as challenging as it gets. And in order for him to navigate through this, he’s going to have to take care of himself, which means taking care of his sobriety. He says he knows what she’s saying. He gets it. But in this moment, he just feels so selfish. She says, then be selfish. Can his dad wait for an hour for him to go to a meeting? He says he’s not sure, and she says, what do the doctors think? He says, probably. He doesn’t know. She says she understands that his father needs to hold on to his autonomy for as long as he can, but she also knows there’s nothing more important to him than Violet.

Gregory tells Tracy that he never wants Violet to be afraid the way she was last night. He was scared too. When something like that happens, you never know when it’s going to end, if ever. But when he was trying to stay calm, the worst part was knowing he couldn’t comfort his granddaughter. She asks how he thinks Violet felt, not being able to comfort him, and he says he understands what she’s saying, but she and Finn need to understand what he’s saying. She says, okay. There is another solution. He says, great. He’s all ears. She says, first, he has to decide what’s most important to him. If it is in fact spending the time he has left with Finn and Violet here in their home, then he has to abide by Finn’s wishes. But if his independence is his top priority, then he simply moved in to an assisted living facility – Turning Woods is supposed to be really nice – and he can have Violet visit him there.

Laura says she didn’t intend for them to have this conversation here today, and she mean for it to go like this either. She hopes Sonny will take some of this to heart. Please. Just think about it. Just think about doing the right thing. He doesn’t say anything, and she says, at any rate, the City of Port Charles will not be accepting his donation of art. Not while she’s the mayor. She walks out, and Ava walks in, since she didn’t have far to go. She asks, what happened to Laura?

Alexis tells Finn to take the time and go to his meeting to give his dad some time to think things through. When Finn talks to him again, tell him that he and Chase and Violet are worried about him and want someone to take care of him when Finn can’t be there. And she thinks sooner rather than later, he will see Finn’s wisdom. Finn says, here’s hoping, and she says, and whether he does or not, he can’t take care of his family until he takes care of himself first. He says, that’s good advice, and she says she’s good. in fact, she’s so good, she’s going to follow her own advice. Would he like company at his meeting? He says he’d love it.

Gregory says, she’s good, and Tracy says he’s going to have to narrow that down a little bit. He says, the art of persuasion, and she says, oh, that. He says, obviously if he has to choose between Turning Woods and here, even with a caregiver, of course (🍷) he chooses here. She says, that’s not persuasion, that’s just common sense. And by the way, if she were in his shoes, she’d be handling this much, much worse. She wouldn’t sit for it. She wouldn’t stay. She’d run away to the far corners of the earth where her family couldn’t find her to help her, to care for her. And no matter how miserable and lonely she got, she’d still have her dignity and her freedom, and have no one to share it with. But luckily, you my friend, are so much smarter than I am. He says, she’s the smartest woman he knows.

Sasha tells Olivia that she can’t say it isn’t tempting. She left Deception because she wasn’t satisfied there anymore. She wanted something completely different from what she was doing, and working as a chef at the Quartermaines would definitely be different. Olivia says she doesn’t want to pressure Sasha, and Sasha says, of course (🍷) not. Olivia says, but she would be remiss in not telling Sasha that it’s a live-in position, which means she’d get free room and board in a beautiful mansion with all meals included. Sasha says, so she’d get to eat what she makes, but Olivia says, better. Sasha gets to eat what she makes. And get paid for it. Come on. What does she say? Sasha tells her, she says, that’s exactly what she needs right now.

Carly says, other than fixing the electrical issues Nina brought on herself, is there anything else she can do for Nina? (I’m all about their outfits today. Kudos to wardrobe.) Nina says she might as well just tell Carly. She signed the divorce papers. She and Sonny are no longer married. But Ava is closer to him than ever. From one ex-wife to another, she doesn’t think Ava is good for Sonny. In fact, she thinks Ava could be toxic for him. Carly says she doesn’t agree with Nina on much, but she does agree with her there.

Sonny tells Ava that Laura didn’t want his gift to the city, and she says she was surprised by Laura’s reaction at first, but she thought he could talk her into it. Public art benefits everybody. He says he guesses not when it comes from the wrong person, and she asks, since when is he the wrong person? He’s been unfailingly generous to the City of Port Charles. There are wings in the hospital and playgrounds in the park because of him. He says, it doesn’t matter to Laura. She can’t get past what he did to Cyrus. She asks if Laura knows that Cyrus provoked him. That he orchestrated his own beating? It wasn’t Sonny’s fault. He says, Laura thinks it was. He owned up to it, and now she wants to punish him. He’s been good to Laura for so many years, and he thought she was loyal to him, but he guesses not.

On Monday, Michael asks, what’s with this mystery meeting; Nikolas asks if Ava is in love with Sonny; Valentin says, Anna is not going to be a problem; and Anna tells Jason that he’s putting this entire investigation at risk.

🧴 No Suds Left Behind…

IMO, the best of the Nikolases.


A confirmation of yesterday’s news from a different source. Mostly the same info, but I thought it was weird how he looks like Jim Parsons in the photo.


He’s got the all-clear on his health report card.


I’d rather see him back on GH, but I’ll take it. It’s good to see him back in the game.


🏄 Speaking Of That Place…

Rebooting her rep.

🧂 Needs More Salt…

It is kind of disappointing. On all fronts.

Cringe, but what do they expect from this one?

It’s all good. Until next time.

I actually thought they made a pretty good couple.

🍹 Bless Their Hearts…

This was a little short on info, but where Craig will land is anybody’s guess.

🩰 Dance Like Everyone’s Watching…

The Reunion scuttlebutt as seen through JoJo’s eyes.



🌁 Falling Further…

I’m obsessed with this show. The attention to detail was just amazing.


The soundtrack was impressive as well.


This makes me want to play the game. So far, I’ve been strong.


🐎 You Too Can Dress Like Delores…

Looks like the future of Westworld is up in the air, but you can own a piece of it.


🐕 Milking His 15 Minutes…

This good boy is not giving up his seat that easy.


🦉 Quotes of the Week

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. – Richard David Bach

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. – Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Winners do things losers don’t want to do.Dr. Phil McGraw

Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do to maintain the life you’ve created. – Judge Lynn Toler, explaining to a man why he has to work to feed his children (sigh)

To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

I won’t undertake war until I have tried all the arts and means of peace. – François Rabelais

If you just go with the flow, no matter what weird things happen along the way, you always end up exactly where you belong. – Tom Upton

She is the apple that goes in the pig’s mouth. – Marie Calvet (Julia Ormond), Mad Men

A lifetime isn’t forever, so take the first chance, don’t wait for the second one! Because sometimes, there aren’t second chances! And if it turns out to be a mistake? So what! This is life! A whole bunch of mistakes! But if you never get a second chance at something you didn’t take a first chance at? That’s true failure. – C. JoyBell C.

Golden rule, motherf***er. – Lucy MacLean (Ella Purnell), Fallout

🐼 Leaving Them Laughing

A panda walked into a café and ordered a sandwich. He ate it and then pulled a gun out and shot the waiter. The panda then plunked a badly punctuated wildlife manual onto the table. Look me up, he growled as he walked out the door. The wounded waiter opened the book to the entry for panda. It read, Panda: Large, black and white bear-like mammal native to China. Eats, shoots & leaves.

🌸 Shine On Pink Moon…

In the next two days, do one thing you’ve never done before. Then join me on Monday really Tuesday for soap and a new chef on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay never reaching past someone without saying excuse me, and stay putting on your own oxygen mask first.

March 22, 2024 – Jason Does the Only Thing He Can, Background, Next Wives, Post Reunion, Dead Talk, 2 For 2, Festival Time, A Hug, Pets (!) Online, A Frame’s Worth Of Quotes & Night


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Maxie says, let’s just kind of put this whole Bellpo thing behind. Things got a little tense for them for a second. Sasha says she’s an educated woman having a serious conversation with other intelligent women about how she has to look less wholesome. How nuts is that? Lucy says, her face is really perfect, and Sasha says, except it’s not edgy enough. She’s willing to change her look, but not the way Lucy means it. Lucy says, that’s fine. It’s just that this cover for Bellpo was a huge, huge score, and now they have nothing. Maxie says, there are other magazines in town and they all have covers, but Lucy says, no. She doesn’t get it. Bellpo is the jewel in the industry’s crown. They have to have this exposure if they’re going to pull Deception out of this financial hole. They need those jewels and need Sasha on every single cover they can get. Sasha says she’s been doing this for a while now, and she thinks it’s been long enough, and Maxie says, take some time to think about it. They all should. Sasha says, fine. She’s not hurt. She’s not offended. Not at all. She’s been hearing comments about her appearance since the day she started modeling. It’s the nature of the job. Lucy says, see? She’s a pro and she gets it. And she gets Lucy. Sasha says, after what she’s been through in the past year, especially last summer, she realizes there are more important things in life. More important things in her life than being paid to be looked at. Maxie says she can pretty much guarantee they’re not going to get anything productive done tonight. So she would consider it a personal favor if they could just schedule the time in the future to discuss everyone’s concerns properly. Brook says, sounds good, and Sasha says, good for Maxie. Sure. Lucy says, no. They’re going to settle this right now. Maxie says she really thinks it would be best… Lucy says, they cannot just hug this out this time. She doesn’t think that what just happened to them with Bellpo isn’t going to get out right away. If they stand any chance of salvaging their reputation and recovering all the losses they suffered last summer, they need to do something. And she’s not about to let this tank her company. Brook says, excuse me? Your company?

Cody walks into the stables and says he hopes Comet likes looking at this face, because he’s going to be seeing a lot more of it. He kind of lost it at Deception today. He doesn’t know if he told Comet, but he was the official male Face of Deception. He knows. Didn’t make any sense to him either and he hated it. Anyways, today Lucy told Sasha that her face was too wholesome, and she needed to be edgier. Then Lucy said some more stuff. He doesn’t really know what it was because he kind of tunes her out. He picks up some carrots and says, anyways, what he said to her was, if she’s gonna replace Sasha, she’s gonna replace him too. And then Lucy said he was a bad model anyway… Yeah, he knows, right? So he quit. He gives Comet a carrot and says, you know what? It felt really good to stick it to Lucy. Now he’s wondering if he made the right decision.

Diane meets Robert at the PC Grill and apologizes for being late to lunch. He asks what kept the redhead this time, and she says, interesting question. Nothing but the pursuit of justice.

Chase leads a bunch of children wearing play badges into the squad room and tells them, this is where the action is. Donna asks if this is where they bring bad guys, and he says, yes, and then we question them in there. That is the interrogation room. It’s quieter, a little more private. This is his desk. This is where he works on his cases or helps other detectives work on their cases. He doesn’t just arrest people. Donna points to Dante’s desk, and says, that’s her brother’s desk. He’s a detective too. Chase says, Dante Falconari is one of their best detectives, and Donna says, he got hurt. He’s in the hospital getting better. Chase says, he sure is. So that’s Dante’s desk, this is his desk. They also talk to witnesses here and in the field and collect evidence. Being a police officer can be very dangerous. Officers sacrifice practically everything to keep this community and them safe.

Michael asks how Jason is feeling, and Jason says, better, thanks to him and Willow. Michael says, it looks like he’s moving around better, and Jason says he is. Michael says, that’s good, and Jason asks, what’s wrong? Michael says, Jason has to leave.

Brook says, Lucy’s company is majority owned by her grandmother, and Lucy says, by the thinnest of majorities. Brook says, still, the majority. Any discussion about the Face of Deception – past, present, or future – will involve Tracy. Got it? Lucy says, her grandmother Tracy does not care about the future of Deception, and Brook knows that. Otherwise, she’d still be here, instead of throwing her weight around at some hospital board meeting. Brook says, she didn’t leave the country. She’ll be back. Lucy says, that would be so nice for all of them, and for Deception, if she would just leave the country, but Brook says, it wouldn’t matter. They can’t make a move without Tracy’s involvement or her proxy. Maxie tells them, this is why she said they weren’t going to get anything productive done right now. She’s got to say, a little break is looking better and… Lucy says she founded this company. It was an idea in her head, and she made it a successful reality. Brook says, and somewhere along the way, she left herself vulnerable to a lawsuit, and Lucy says, that’s it. End of discussion. They’re not going to discuss anything now, after a break, ever. Because she doesn’t care what kind of stake Tracy has in the company. It’s more hers than Tracy’s. It’s more hers than anybody else’s, so guess what? If there is a problem, she’ll find a way to handle it, and she’ll fix it. And if Brook doesn’t like it, there’s the door.

As Cody brushes Comet, he says, how dumb is modeling as a job anyways, right? There’s these people standing around, touching your face, your hair, your clothes, putting on makeup. Being around Sasha and Maxie, that was pretty great, but he hadn’t really thought about how this is going to affect them. But they want him to be happy, right? And they’re more than capable of taking care of themselves. He hears Olivia ask if he’s around and he says, in here, Mama Q. Olivia comes in with a casserole dish, and he asks if everything’s okay. She says, Dante’s the same. Sam is with him right now. She came home to get some rest. She tried to take a nap, but it turns out, she can’t relax. So she cooked instead. He thanks her for bringing it down, and she says she guesses she had an ulterior motive. It’s very peaceful here, and she could use a little bit of that right about now.

Michael says, the numbers in the GH pharmacy didn’t match up to what they had in storage, and Jason says, because Willow took meds out to help him. Michael says, the computerized update doesn’t always happen in real time and only a few bottles were taken. They weren’t the kind that had any real value on the streets, so nobody was panicking, but Elizabeth is the head nurse, so… Jason says, so she would have been held responsible for the missing drugs, and Michael says, and Willow would never let her take the fall for this, so he contacted Spinelli. He hacked into the inventory and adjusted the numbers, so Elizabeth and Willow are in the clear. Jason says, that kind of medicine, the amount, it took Spinelli two minutes to figure out who the meds were for. Michael says, he didn’t, but Jason says, too many people are getting pulled into this. Michael says, he’s right, and he feels like crap for saying this, but he can’t keep putting Willow in this position. The FBI are asking questions and it’s not fair to Wiley and Amelia to be taking these kinds of chances. Jason says, Michael is right. He has to leave. Michael says he agrees. And that’s why he found a way for Jason to disappear.

Olivia tells Cody that she’s been talking to Dante non-stop, repeating all those crazy stories from his childhood, the crazy things he did. It’s a miracle she didn’t have fully stark white hair by the time she was 25. It really struck her looking back at how resilient Dante always was. He still is. Cody agrees, and she says, sleep can be very healing, and that’s what her son is doing right now. He is healing. So she talked herself hoarse, and now Sam is talking herself hoarse, and Cody’s got a free meal. He takes the dish from her and says, the day he turns down any of her cooking, she knows he’s been kicked in the head by one of these guys and it’s time to have him committed. She tells him not to get excited; it’s standard issue manicotti. He says, it smells amazing, and she says, it was relaxing to actually do something for someone instead of just sitting around and waiting. He says, no one is good at the kind of waiting she’s doing. If she could spare the time, he’d really love the company. If she doesn’t mind the horse smell of course (🍷). She takes off her coat and says, it’s better than the smell of the hospital. She sits down and says she can see why Leo likes it down here. To be around healthy living things is really nice.

Diane tells Robert that she’s looking into having Alexis’s disbarment vacated. Alexis didn’t even get a hearing. Evidence was just presented that she perjured herself at Neil Byrne’s medical board hearing. Robert says, as he recalls, he was her therapist and she was sleeping with him, but Diane says, oh no. He wasn’t her therapist at the time. They simply didn’t wait the requisite two years before… enjoying each other’s company. Unfortunately, in a regrettable lapse of judgement, Alexis decided to tell the board they were not sleeping together in order to save Neil’s license, but then that lie was discovered and her license was yanked. He says, lawyers who perjure themselves are generally frowned upon, and she says, yes, but they didn’t even give Alexis the chance to challenge the charge. They simply yanked her license and washed their hands of her. He says, she’s a smart woman. She could have appealed. Diane says, she’s a very smart lawyer and she deserved to have a hearing. Everyone deserves to be heard. Robert says, that’s certainly true, and she says she wants to find out who exactly was sitting on the committee at that time, and why the process moved so quickly, and was so under the radar. He says he thinks it was an open and shut case. True? She says she thinks a lot of things are possible. That’s not one of them. She can feel it in her bones. He says he’s intrigued. He loves watching her mind work. He wants to see the sparks fly. She says, don’t go looking for any fire extinguishers, because she’s just getting started.

Lucy says, Sasha knows this crazy business. Has she said anything that isn’t true? No. She had to sacrifice more than anybody else here for this business. She’s given her heart, her mind, her body, her soul, her bank account to make a success of all of this. Sasha says she knows. She cares about this company and its success too. Just not the way she used to. Lucy asks what she’s saying, and Sasha says, hearing Cody speak made her realize what she’s been feeling. She’s so grateful to Lucy for giving her the opportunity to work at Deception. Lucy changed her life. And she loved coming in every day and seeing them. She loves them, but she thinks she’s over all of this. Effective immediately, she’s resigning as the Face of Deception.

Diane tells Robert, at her core, Alexis will always be a lawyer. You can take her bar card away, but she’ll always be driven by the pursuit of justice. It’s one of the things that made them such great friends, this passion that borders on obsession. He says, which plays to the more colorful versions of some of her clients, and she asks what she can say. A life of muted tones is not for her. Alexis has a fondness for colors too. That, and her incredible skill, made Diane offer her a job at her firm. So when her license is reinstated, he’s going to have to go up against both of them in court. He says, and when he wins, he takes them all out to celebrate, and she laughs. She says she knows him – you generous thing – he would anyway, and he says, let’s just hope it happens for Alexis. Diane says she’s contacted everybody she knows, she’s called in almost all her favors, and she will find out why Alexis was barred in such unceremonious fashion. He says, if he can help in any way, he’s at her disposal, and she thanks him and says, that’s very sweet of him. He says, so she’s not going to need him, is she? and she says, no. She has it well in hand. He says he would never bet against her, and she says, only a fool would bet against her and he’s no fool.

Olivia tells Cody that she shouldn’t be here right now. She’s Dante’s mother and should be at his bedside, channeling all her energy to him until he wakes up. She starts to get up, but Cody puts his hand on her arm, and says, an actual mama bear doesn’t have anything on her, but she needs to give herself a break. Otherwise, she’s going to end up in the bed next to Dante. He wouldn’t want that. No one does. She sits back down, and he says, she’s an amazing mom. Dante always says it. She says she knows. You hear those stories sometimes about the moms seeing a kid pinned under a car or something, and they get a big rush of adrenaline, and pick the car up like some kind of superhero. He says he kind of thinks she’s sort of a superhero. She’s been dealing with an incredible amount of stress lately and she’s practically living at the hospital. Any mere mortal would have been crushed by it all. He’d grab her cape and prove it to her, but it’s at the drycleaner. She laughs, and he says he knows if anyone can pull through this, it’s Dante. That same strength is in every fiber of his being. He got it from her.

Maxie asks Sasha, please think about this. Deception needs her. Brook says, she’s right. Deception wouldn’t be where it is without her. Sasha tells them, thank you, and she meant what she said; she loves them. But it’s time. Lucy says, that’s it. It’s time for Sasha to take a vacation. They’ve been expanding the marketing so fast, and all that pressure has been on her. Sasha’s been carrying this all alone. That’s why she thought of maybe a second face, someone who could help her carry the burden, just help her to breathe. Brook tells her, that’s not why she said what she said, and they all know it, and Lucy asks if Brook is living inside her head now. Brook says, God forbid. No wonder Sasha wants out. Lucy says, if Brook is so miserable, she’s not being held hostage. Go. Brook says, should she ever want to leave Deception, she’ll discuss it with the majority shareholder, her grandmother. As for Sasha, she could hire a thousand new Faces of Deception, but it won’t matter. Lucy asks, why is that? and Brook says, because Lucy will run every single one of them off too. She walks out, and Lucy asks, is that true? Is Sasha quitting because of her?

Michael says he can get Jason on the ELQ jet and send him to the Grand Keys. It will only take a couple phone calls to get a doctor to meet him there to oversee his recovery. Jason says, the workers, the flight plans, the money transfers, everything can be traced back to Michael, but Michael says he’ll charter a jet. Jason says, too risky, and Michael says, for Jason, it’s a risk he’s willing to take. Jason says he appreciates that, but Michael knows he can’t let him do it, and Michael says he’s not going to let Jason take off in the middle of the night by himself. What happens to Jason matters to him. Jason says, even if he makes it to the Grand Keys, it would do no good. He told Michael, somebody has leverage over him. If he runs, there’s going to be consequences. Michael asks what he’s going to do, and Jason says, the only thing he can.

As Brook watches, Chase tells the kids that they are now official friends of the Port Charles Police Department. Everybody, raise your right hand. Do they solemnly swear to uphold the law; to be kind, thoughtful, and respectful to other people in their family, school, and community? They nod, and he says, all right. He hereby elevates them to honorary deputy status. Be proud. Cutest child in the world Donna says, this is awesome, and thanks him. Chase says, she’s welcome. The teacher tells them, let’s go get your coats, and leads them out. Brook gives Chase a kiss and says, they’re so cute. He says, it’s definitely one of his more interesting tours, and she says, seeing him be adorable with a bunch of kids is exactly what she needed. He says he thought she was supposed to be at Deception, and she says, she was. She could no longer be kind and helpful and respectful, so she took a break and came here. He asks, what happened? and she says, same thing as always. Lucy Coe. What started off as a simple meeting, turned into a mini disaster because of Lucy. If she strangles Lucy, can she plead temporary insanity? He says she can plead however she wants, but he’d still have to arrest her. Could she maybe hold off on the strangling? At least until after their wedding? Very few people get her the way Lucy does. Brook says, she has a unique… gift, and he says he’s worried about her. Is she sure it was the right thing, going back to Deception? She says, not anymore. She’s starting to think her plan to hand Maxie back Deception is just making everything worse all the way around.

Sasha says, it’s not Lucy’s fault she’s leaving Deception. Lucy is not driving her out. Lucy says, great, and thanks her. She knows they can work something out because she doesn’t want Sasha to leave either. Sasha thanks her for saying that, but she’s not going to change her mind. Lucy knows she never wanted to be a model. Then Michael negotiated an amazing deal for her that included a stake in the company, and she couldn’t say no. Lucy says she remembers. He made that deal with her. Sasha says, she was, and still is, so grateful to Lucy, but she’s not the same person she was when she signed on. The things she’s lived through, the things that she’s lost, they’ve changed her. She isn’t sure what she wants out of life, but she’s sure she doesn’t want to stand in front of cameras getting her picture taken. Or try to fit anyone’s concept of who they want her to be or what she’s supposed to do. Lucy says, okay. She guesses if Sasha feels that’s necessary to live her very best life… She picks up a folder from the desk and says, she would be remiss though, if she didn’t remind Sasha of a couple of the deal points that were in that contract that they all signed together – her Deception shares and her leadership position. If she resigns and she’s not their spokesmodel anymore, then she has to give up both of those. Maxie looks disgruntled.

Diane’s phone rings, and it says, Michael Corinthos. She asks Robert to excuse her. She has to take this. She goes out to the hallway and asks what she can do for Michael. Jason says, it’s not Michael, and she says she’s been expecting this call. What took him so long? He says, the timing wasn’t right, and she says, well, timing is everything. Tell her what he needs.

Talking with his mouth full, Cody tells Olivia that he doesn’t know exactly what time it was, but they were at camp. Dante, being Mr. City Kid, had no idea which end to milk the cow from. (Come on.) Olivia laughs and says, in his defense, we didn’t milk a lot of cows in Bensonhurst. He says, it didn’t matter though, because in three days, Dante was like Bear Grylls. She says, and that’s a good thing? and he says, it’s a great thing. Bear Grylls is like this outdoor British survival guy. He could survive on air and bark if he needed to, and Dante was so smart. He could adapt to changes in altitude, time of day, terrain, better than anyone. He started racking up badges right away. Canoeing, first aid, tracking… She says, whatever happened to making lanyards and tying knots? and he says, oh, they tied knots. He laughs and says he practiced tying knots on Dante. He tied Dante into a canoe and pushed him into the middle of the lake. Olivia says, Cody… but Cody says, don’t worry, Mama Q. He pulled a full Houdini. He got out and brought himself back in like, fifteen minutes. And that only took so long because he actually took a nap in the middle of the lake. She laughs, and he says, the fact that his knots didn’t slow Dante down almost cost him his badge. She says, Dante could fall asleep anywhere, and Cody says he knows when Dante wakes up this time, he’s going to look at him with the same look at me, dummy smile that he had last time. She says she hopes so. She should go. She should get herself back to the hospital. She thanks him for cheering her up, and he says, anytime. Thanks for lunch. She hugs him and asks him to do her one favor. He says, anything, and she says, don’t tell her any more stories about camp. He says, all right, and she leaves.

Maxie asks if Lucy hasn’t done enough, and Lucy says she’s just trying to be honest. She wants Sasha to know the consequences if she just walks out. She wants Sasha to understand, to be perfectly clear about what happens. Maxie says, and she’s already dug a hole for them, so why not make it deeper? and Lucy tells Sasha, there is something else. If she resigns and walks away from Deception, she has to sell back her shares at market price. Sasha says, fine. Just send her a check. Lucy says, no. It’s not fine. They’re not worth what it used to be. The market price has gone way down. So if she could just wait until their market strategies work, then maybe when she leaves, she can end up with a big chunk of change. Because right now, she’s going to walk away with 30% of not much, which equals… not much. Sasha says, Gladys basically cleared her out, so whatever she gets, it will be more than she has now. And you can’t put a price on happiness. She leaves, and Lucy looks at Maxie. Maxie says, what the hell is wrong with you?

Chase says, Maxie is lucky to have Brook as a friend. What she’s doing will change Maxie’s life. Brook says, that was the idea, but now Lucy’s over there having a tantrum that she can’t do whatever she wants whenever she wants. That she has to answer to Tracy, and by extension, Brook, and if she can’t… He says, share her toy? and Brook says, exactly. The way things are going, at this point, there might not even be a company to hand over to Maxie, assuming she can pry it out of her grandmother’s hands, which was a long shot to begin with, and is getting longer every day. He says, she can’t control Lucy’s actions. No one can, including Lucy. But she comes from a long line of accomplished schemers, and she’s emerged as one of the family’s best. She can handle Lucy Coe. She tells him that he says the sweetest things, when Diane walks in. Chase asks if she has someone in lock-up today, and she says, no. She’s accompanying her client, who is – she speaks louder – surrendering voluntarily. She goes over to the door, opens it, and Jason walks in. Jason says, yo. Not really, but it looked like he should.

Lucy tells Maxie that they still have an ace in the hole. Blaze. Remember? Maxie was really excited about having her be the Face of Deception before Tracy shot them down. Maxie says, and she still could, but Lucy says, there are so many more possibilities now for Blaze. She doesn’t think Tracy can say no. Think about it. Blaze is really a big deal now. She brings lots of fans and followers. Think of all those folks she could bring to them. Maxie says, yep. She’s right. Blaze is a bigger deal. So she might not be interested or available. And even if she were interested, who’s her manager again? Oh, that’s right. Brook Lynn. And somehow, by the magic of Lucy being Lucy, she’s managed to get even more on Brook’s bad side. Lucy says, come on. This is Deception they’re talking about. Blaze will be interested, and she’ll make herself available to them. She can fix this. She swears. Maxie puts her head in her hands and tells Lucy that anything she does will be temporary. Because she’s not a partner. She’s a one-woman wrecking ball. Lucy doesn’t consult with her. She just does whatever the hell she wants and to hell with everyone else. Their lives don’t matter. Does Lucy have any idea what it’s cost Maxie to stick with her? She can’t even look at Lucy right now. Lucy says, please… but Maxie says, no! This is still her office. Please leave. Lucy picks up her bag, looks back at Maxie, whose head is in her hands again, and she leaves.

There’s a knock at the stable door, and Sasha comes in. Cody says he always knew the stables were the hip place to be, and she says she likes the regulars who hang out here. He asks how she left things at Deception, and she says she’s done at Deception. She walked too. He says he wasn’t pushing her to do that. She didn’t think that, did she? She says, no. Does he think she’d let him push her into doing anything she didn’t want? Relax. She did it for her. She’s been feeling like she needed a change, but she didn’t quite know what that looked like. It’s kind of dumb. He says, not really. It’s hard to see things clearly when you’re in the middle of them. She says, when he just walked like that, something clicked for her. She thinks it was so much harder leaving Deception in her head than it actually was, and he asks if she’s sure. She has history and friends there. She says, they’ll still be her friends. But she’s so tired of hearing about how she looks all the time. If she wakes up with Troll doll hair, she wants to just go with it. He says he’s not sure how that would happen, but he’d love to see it, and she says he might regret saying that. He says, just tell him if he’s overstepping, but is she going to be okay financially? Gladys didn’t help her there. She says her rent is paid for the rest of the month and after that, she’ll think of something. She always does. And she’s not above enhancing her resumé a little bit. He says if she needs a reference for her time spent as CEO of Comet Incorporated, tell them to give him a call. She says he can count on it. Cody gets more carrots, and she asks if he always knew what he wanted to do with his life professionally. He says he never had any idea. You’d think that a guy who made a living getting tossed off of horses would make some kind of plan for the future, but no. There was never a time where he was like, one more year and it’s back to school and off to his real career as a brain surgeon/astronaut. In hindsight, he probably should have been a little smarter. She says he doesn’t really mean that, and he says, she’s right. He was never cut out for a suit and tie kind of job. She asks if it made him nervous when he didn’t know how he was going to pay the rent the next month, and he says, yeah, sometimes. He was also free to pick up any gig interesting or fun. That kind of freedom comes with a price. He gives Comet a carrot, and Sasha says, anxiety? Sleepless nights? He says, sometimes. That kind of life isn’t for everyone. He’s not even sure if it’s for him anymore. She says, that’s a change, and he says he guesses so. He’s happy living here in Port Charles, working for the Q’s. And because he stayed, he has family and friends… horses. Sasha says, really good friends? and he says, yeah. And because of the money that he made standing around and smiling – horribly, apparently – he can afford to have some new dreams. She says, like Serenity? and he says, that’s one of them. She asks, what’s the other? and he just smiles. She says she’s excited for the possibilities. She knows there’s a truly fulfilling career out there, and she’s going to find it. He says, yeah, she is. Here is to her new career. He hands her a carrot, and they clink carrots. Cody takes a bite of his, then gives it to Comet.

Michael goes into the boathouse and texts Willow: No groceries. Boathouse is empty. He says he hopes Jason is right about this.

Chase gives Jason his rights, and Diane congratulates him on his scrupulous recitation of her client’s Miranda rights. Now if Chase doesn’t mind, she’d like a moment to confer with him. Chase says he does mind. She can talk to him after he’s been booked. Diane says she can cite any number of cases where defendants needed to be released due to technicalities that occurred during the booking process, specifically when the booking process was used as a stall to deny defendant’s counsel. She’s sure that’s not his intention, but the easiest way to ensure the booking process goes smoothly at the proper time, is to let her talk to Jason first. Chase looks at Jason, who stares straight ahead, and says, fine. Right this way. He takes them into the interrogation room and closes the door on his way out. Chase tells Brook, Dante is lying in a bed unconscious and the guy who put him there looks just fine to him. She says, looks can be deceiving though, right? It’s a good thing Jason came in. They need to hear what he’s going to say. Chase says, he’s not going to talk. He has Diane for that. He wishes he could… He raises his fists, but Brook puts her hands on his and says she knows. But he has a bunch of honorary deputies out there and they need him here, doing his job, keeping them safe.

Diane says she sure hopes Jason knows what he’s doing. He’s looking at some very serious charges. Two counts of attempted murder, one against a police officer with armor piercing rounds. That alone carries a special circumstance charge. She’ll try to get an arraignment for tomorrow. He thanks her, and she tells him that if she hasn’t said it already, it’s very, very good to see him again. She just wishes it were under better circumstances. He says, him too, and she says, any chance he’s going to tell her what this is all about? He says he can tell her this. He won’t be in here for long.

On Monday, Elizabeth tells Willow that she just wishes she knew anything about Jason; John asks someone what the hell they’re doing here; Chase tells Brook that he’s going to get answers for Dante’s sake; and Michael says he has some news about Jason.

🧼 Filling In the Blanks…

All about the original Stone.

All about Blair. This was suddenly in the headlines on Soaps In Depth, so I wonder if she’s coming back.

👠 Duck and Cover…

New Housewives coming up. I have to admit to being intrigued by the whole Alexis thing. You can’t tell me Andy/Bravo didn’t know this would set Shannon off like a firecracker.

And what’s wrong with McDonald’s?

💎 After the Reunion Is Over…

Can you blame her?

Can you blame her? And seriously, Dorit felt manipulated? If you don’t like it, ignore it and do what you want.

He’d like to stop it, but he’s too busy raiding the refrigerator after an attack of the munchies.

Even if nobody asked her to.

⚰️ Upcoming Ones…

What’s on the burner for Sunday night.



🐉 Dragon Times Two…

A peek at Season 2.



🎸 It’s On…

All you need to know.


🌊 Gentle Giant…

One of my favorite animals!


🐕 Socialized Pets…

I’m all about Redford. He reminds me of Jim on Mike & Molly.

🦜 Quotes of the Week

Don’t try to be young. Just open your mind. Stay interested in stuff.Betty White

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made. – Groucho Marx

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. – Colin Powell

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know. – Wise Man (Scott Glenn), Sucker Punch

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. Wayne Dyer

It is, of course, quite true that God will not love you any the less, or have less use for you, if you happen to have been born with a very second-rate brain. He has room for people with very little sense, but He wants everyone to use what sense they have. – C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (He sounds like Anthony Hopkins in my head.)

Live your vision and demand your success. – Steve Maraboli

Church is meaningless if you’re a monster once you step outside into the real world. – Allen Clifton

I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. – George Washington

I haven’t seen this much sh*t since my last bowel movement. – Jack Warner (Stanley Tucci), The Feud: Bette and Joan

🚣‍♀️ Rowing the Boat Ashore…

You go, Glen Coco, but then join me on Monday really Tuesday for soap and a murderous Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay not interrupting workers when they’re helping other customers; and stay being kind, thoughtful, and respectful to other people in your family, school, and community.

March 8, 2024 – Old Friends Meet Again, Reunion, Secret Side Gig, Diagnosis, New Soap, Bumping Along, No Shock, Salty Talk, No You, Those Ones, The Last, Uncle Oscar, Social Pets (!), A Handful Of Quotes & Survive


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Kristina comes into the hospital with Alexis and runs over to Sam, asking if she’s okay. She’s been worried about Sam ever since she heard about Dante. Alexis says, Molly’s still at the office. Otherwise, she’d be here. How’s Dante? Sam says she has good news.

On the phone, Anna tells Chase, great, and thanks him. She asks him to let her know when forensics has any information on that hoodie… Good. Call her back. John comes in and tells Anna that he heard about Dante. How’s he doing? She says, he’s out of surgery, and John says, good. There’s been a new development. He shows her the footage of Jason on his phone, and she says, is that… Jason Morgan? He says, that footage was taken tonight from the roof of Selina Wu’s warehouse. Now they know who was shooting at Sonny.

At the gatehouse, Michael paces and says he should be at the hospital, and Willow says she’s sure pacing here will help Dante as much as pacing there would. He says, like he doesn’t already feel useless enough, and she says she meant Michael’s good thoughts are reaching Dante no matter where he is. Also, she would have said anything to get him to stop. He says he’s sorry. He doesn’t mean to make her as crazy as this is making him. She says, he has every right to be worried about his brother. In the meantime, her fellow nurses are sending her regular updates. See? She shows him her phone, and he reads, no change… no change… no change. That’s good, right? That means that he’s stable? She says, and you didn’t even go to medical school. If Dante’s condition changes – for better, or God forbid, for worse – they’ll get someone to watch the kids and head right over to GH. He says he knows she’s right, but he feels so helpless, and she takes his hand.

In the chapel, Sonny and Ava come close to kissing, but hug instead. She says, sorry, but he says, she doesn’t have to apologize. He smiles at her.

Carly comes home and starts to head upstairs, when she hears Jason say, Carly? He steps out of the shadows, and they stare at each other.

Olivia runs into the chapel and says, there he is, and Sonny asks if there’s any news on Dante. She says, yes, and it’s the best. Their son made it through surgery. Sonny hugs her and she happy cries.

Sam says, they’re getting Dante set up in ICU. She’s glad they’re here. Alexis says, anytime, and Molly says, always, hugging Sam.

There’s a knock at the gatehouse door, and Michael says, it’s Dex and Joss. Willow answers and asks them to come in. She asks if they’ve been to the hospital to see Dante, and Josslyn says, yes. They had to give Commissioner Devane a statement and then she took Dex home to change. Dex says, lucky him. No one had cleaned out his apartment yet. Michael says he can’t thank them enough for what they did at the scene, and Willow says, one of the nurses said that Dante might not have made it if they hadn’t intervened. Thank you. Michael asks if they’re here with an update, and Josslyn says, not about Dante. He was still in surgery when they left the hospital. Dex says, but they do know something about the person who shot him.

Anna takes John’s phone and says, it’s impossible… Oh my God. If this is Jason, he would never work for anyone who would hurt Sonny. John says, they know he was on the roof. They know the shots came from the roof. They know Dante Falconari left the roof to pursue two people. Assuming one of them is Morgan, where would he go? She says, to Sonny, obviously, but he’s here. Or Sam. She looks over to see Sam sitting with Kristina and Alexis, and John says, anyone else? She says, yeah. There is one other person he would run to.

Carly says, Jason, and he says, it’s me. She says, it’s really you? and he says, it’s really me. She runs to him and hugs him, crying. She says, you came back. He says he’s sorry it took so long, and she asks where he’s been. What is he wearing?… He’s bleeding. Was he shot? He says, yeah, and she asks, how bad is it? He lifts his shirt and tells her that he’d say, it’s not bad. She tells him that he always says that, and he says, the bullet passed through. He could use a bandage. He’s going to be okay. She says she has a first aid kit, but she doesn’t want to leave him, and he says he’ll be here when he gets back. She says, promise her that he’ll be standing right there when she comes back downstairs, and he says he promises. She leaves, and he walks to the couch, slowly lowering himself onto it and breathing heavily.

Olivia’s phone dings and she says, Sam just texted her Dante’s room number. Sonny says, let’s go, and tells Ava that he’ll see her later. Ava says she’s so happy about Dante, and Olivia thanks her. She and Sonny run into Nina at the door, and Nina says she heard what happened. Is Dante okay? Olivia says, he made it through surgery. They’re just going to see him in ICU. Nina says, thank God. She’s sure he’s going to be fine. Olivia says, they’re going to see him now, and Nina says, of course (🍷). Sonny brushes past her, and she tells Olivia to please give Dante her best. Olivia says she will, and follows Sonny. Nina goes into the chapel and asks Ava, what’s going on? What the hell happened tonight?

Diane goes to the reception desk, and says, maybe the nurse can help her. Alexis tells Kristina and Sam that she’ll meet them upstairs, and hands Sam a bag, saying, change of clothes, toiletries, snacks. Sam thanks her and says, it completely slipped her mind. The elevator comes, and Alexis says, call her the minute they need her. As the doors close, Kristina says, what snacks? and Sam says, they’re not for her, but Kristina says she’s eating for two. Alexis goes over to Diane, who asks if by any chance she’s seen Sonny around. She knows he’s waiting on word. Alexis says she hasn’t seen Sonny, but she did hear that Dante made it through surgery and he’s in the ICU. Diane says, excellent, and Alexis says she guesses Diane is representing Sonny’s associates who are in custody. Diane says, yeah, and she’s got to update him on the situation, so she has to find him. Excuse her. Alexis says, not so fast. Where does she think she’s going?

Dex says, when they found Dante, someone had already given him first aid. They’d elevated his legs and wrapped a sweatshirt around him as a pressure bandage. Josslyn says, there was also a phone lying next to him with a line to 911. Michael says, so the person who shot Dante also tried to help him, and Josslyn says, yes and they were also risking being recognized because Dante could have seen their face. Dex says, it looks that way, and Michael says, none of this makes any sense. Willow says, why would they shoot Dante and then call 911? and Dex says, maybe they didn’t want to go down for killing a cop? Michael says, there’s another possibility here. What if the shooter helped Dante because he knows him?

Outside the ICU, Sam hugs Olivia and Kristina hugs Sonny and asks how he is. He says he’s fine. The only damage was to his coat. She says, he’s lucky. He’s not bulletproof. He asks how she’s doing and she says, frantic at first when mom first called to tell her about Dante. He wonders if it’s too much stress for the baby, but she says, the way she sees it, with this family, the sooner the baby learns to handle stress, the better. He asks how she’s really doing, and she says, it’s interesting how your body reacts to stress when you know it’s bad for the baby. And also, pushing the stress down could make it worse. She’s just doing a lot of breathing. He smiles and says he bets she is. She says, but Dante is doing better and seeing Sonny helps, and he says, right back at her. Take care of herself, okay? She says, of course (🍷), when a nurse comes out. Olivia asks, how’s her son? and the nurse says, Mr. Falconari is in critical condition, but his vitals are stable. Sam asks if they know when he’s going to wake up, but she tells them, it’s too soon to say. She leaves, and Sam says, Sonny and Olivia are his parents; they go in first. They go in and Sam hugs Kristina.

In the ICU, Sonny says, hey, son, and Olivia says, they’re here.

Diane says she’s got to go find Sonny, but Alexis says, not until Diane tells her why she’s been avoiding her. Diane says she hasn’t really been avoiding Alexis, she just had the feeling perhaps Alexis wasn’t too thrilled with her right now. Alexis wonders if there was some sort of a knockdown, drag out fight that she blacked out, because she’s been sober for a while now and thinks she would have known. Diane says, no. She just knows Alexis wanted her to represent Finn in the malpractice case, and not only was she not able to do that, she was the plaintiff’s attorney, and she got the feeling Alexis was a little unhappy with her. Alexis says, it’s her that Diane is talking to. She hasn’t been disbarred for that long. She knows how lawyers work. She knows what they do. Diane was doing her job. It’s not personal. Diane says she’s glad to hear it, and Alexis says, if Diane was worried about this, why didn’t Diane talk to her? Diane says, normally, she wouldn’t have thought twice about that, but this is Finn they’re talking about, and she knows he’s important to Alexis. Alexis says, and Diane is important to her as well. What she was really disappointed in was that she couldn’t represent him, and she does miss mopping the floor with Diane in court. Diane laughs and says, mopping. She doesn’t think that word means what Alexis thinks it means. Anyway, if Alexis did mop the floor with her, it certainly wasn’t as often as she seems to think. Alexis says she knows exactly how often it was, which is why she misses it, and Diane says she misses going toe to toe with Alexis as well, but jurisprudence loss is journalism’s gain. Alexis says, well, journalism is about to experience another devastating loss.

Ava tells Nina, Sonny and Selina were having a perfectly harmless, perfectly legal conversation, when Anna burst in with the FBI, guns blazing like some kind of raid. Nina says, how terrible, and Ava says, tell her about it. Nina says, it must have been frightening, and Ava says she guesses it was a little. Nina asks what Ava was doing there, and Ava says she thought she could be of some use. Nina asks what she was thinking, and Ava says she had to be there. She was tired of sitting on the sidelines, worrying if Avery was going to end up as collateral damage and that Sonny might… that Avery might lose her father. Nina asks what the active role was that Ava was playing, and Ava says, they had to sell the idea that Selina and Sonny were meeting with a mediator to settle their business conflicts, and Nina asks, how is Ava, the mother of one of Sonny’s children, an impartial mediator? Ava says she used to be in that world, so who better? Nina says she guesses, and Ava says, there’s no way to know if it would have worked anyway because the cops showed up, and that was that. Nina says she can sort of see why Ava did it, but what if something had gone wrong, which it kinda did, Ava could have gotten shot too or killed. Ava says she guesses she could have been. Anybody could have been. They all had to duck for cover. Nina says she’s glad Ava wasn’t. She doesn’t know what she’d do if she lost Ava.

Michael says he appreciates Dex coming back. It’s a good thing he did because he might have saved Dante’s life. Dex says, not alone. Joss did just as much as he did. Josslyn says, honestly, she thinks the only reason Dante was still alive when they got there was because of the pressure bandage. And the only reason Dante was even able to get to the hospital was because that person called 911. Willow asks if it isn’t possible that whoever helped Dante had nothing to do with the shooting, and they were a good Samaritan who had their own reason for not wanting anybody to know they were there. Dex says, they left the pier as soon as the paramedics took Dante away, but Chase and the cops were there collecting evidence, so they have the cellphone and the sweatshirt that was used as a bandage. Maybe it’s enough to track this guy down.

Carly comes back and sits on the sofa with Jason. She says she’s sorry, but she’s going to have to clean it. She puts an antiseptic cloth on the wound and Jason stifles a groan. She says she doesn’t want it to get infected. She just wants to get it clean. He says he thinks it’s clean, and presses a pad to it. She asks how he’s here. She wishes she could call her mom and ask how to help him. He says, no. Do not call Bobbie. She says she can’t. She died. He says, Bobbie’s dead? and looks like he wants to cry. Carly says, yes, already crying. There’s a knock at the door, and Anna says, police. Open the door.

Michael asks if they saw Sonny at the hospital, and Josslyn says, they saw him, he saw them, but they didn’t speak. Dex says, he was with Olivia and Sam. They were all waiting outside the trauma room while Dante was in surgery. Willow says, it was good of them to come to the house and tell Sam and Olivia what happened. She’s glad they got to see him. Josslyn says, one last time? She can’t even think about it. She cannot think about Rocco losing his father. She can’t think about Avery and Donna losing their big brother. But they all know that this could happen. Yes, Dante’s the cop and he takes risks, but they have to be honest here. This would not be happening if it wasn’t for Sonny. (Not necessarily, since he’s not the only target.)

Olivia and Sonny watch Dante, one on either side of the bed. Sonny strokes Dante’s hair and Olivia kisses Dante’s forehead.

Diane tells Alexis that she’s obviously appalled. She can’t say she’s surprised. Alexis tells her, thanks. She always knows just what to say. Diane says, yes, she does. And while a publisher does have the right to overrule an editor, but when it comes to hiring an individual journalist, it seems like a breach of trust. (I dunno. It seems kind of petty IMO. Certainly nothing to quit over.) Alexis says, Nina is all about trust, and Diane laughs. She says, an Editor-in-Chief has the right to determine who does and does not work for the paper, and Alexis says, right. If Nina had recommended a columnist, she could decide whether or not to hire said columnist. That would have been one thing. Diane says, but that’s not what happened, and Alexis says, no. She made a unilateral decision. There was no collaboration. Diane says, so what is she going to do? and Alexis says she’s going to not think about this right now. She’s going to concentrate on her daughter and helping her through this crisis. Diane says, of course (🍷). Of course (🍷) her family always takes first priority. But just so Alexis knows, she has a right to bitch about the b… boss.

In Dante’s room with Sam, Kristina says, so, bro, opening day is right around the corner. She knows he’s not going to miss that, especially since it’s the Yankees’ year. She was at the pub the other day and the game was on. This one bartender is a huge Sox fan, and they were joking around back and forth for a while. By the end of the game, she found herself rooting for them, and she thought, man, her brother is going to kill her. Since he’s been in here, it’s like the whole world’s upside down.

Nina tells Ava that she’s so worried about Sonny. Her marriage is not in the best shape right now, but she loves him. She doesn’t want anything to happen to him, and she’s terrified that whoever’s out to kill Sonny might succeed, and she doesn’t want to have to worry about Ava too. Ava says, she doesn’t have to. Rest assured, after this little misadventure, she’s laying off any derring-do in the future. Nina says, good. This is insane, right? She knows Sonny has enemies, but this? Ava says, for what it’s worth (🍷), they’re getting closer to the truth, and Nina says, wait. Does Sonny know who’s behind this? Does Ava? Ava says, no, she swears, and holds up her hand. Nina says, Ava has no idea? Come on. She needs to know who’s trying to kill her husband.

On the porch with John, Anna tells Carly to open the door, and John says, big house, other entrances. Let’s try one. They start to leave, when Carly opens the door and asks, what’s going on? Anna asks if they can come inside, but Carly says, not until they tell her what’s going on. Anna says, she’s aware Dante was shot earlier this evening, and Carly says, yes. Anna says, they’re pursuing a suspect, and Carly says, okay, but what does that have to do with her? Anna says she’ll explain. May they come inside? Carly says, yeah, and leads them into the living room. Anna says she believes Carly has met her colleague Federal Agent Cates, and Carly says, yes, hello Agent Cates. John says, Miss Spencer, and Carly says, okay. What’s this about a suspect? Anna says, she might want to sit down, and Carly says, why? What’s going on? Did something happen to one of her kids? Anna says, no. Not as far as she knows. It has nothing to do with her children. Carly says, then why does Anna want her to down? and Anna says, Jason Morgan is alive. Jason listens from upstairs.

Sam sits by Dante’s bed and kisses his hand.

Nina says, it’s obvious Ava knows more about this than she’s saying, but Ava says, if she had anything concrete to tell Nina, she would. Nina says, but she’s open to hearing theories, and Ava says, theories are just as good as random guesses right now. Just when we think we have a picture, new pieces appear, and the pieces don’t fit. Nina says, we? Sonny and her? Ava says, and Selina Wu, and Nina says she can sort of understand why Sonny isn’t telling her any of this, but she’d think Ava would realize how important this is to her. Ava says, even when things were good between Nina and Sonny, he kept Nina out of his business dealing, didn’t he? Nina says, yes, he did, but Ava isn’t in the business anymore, and Ava says she was. She knows how it works. She knows the players. She knows that it wouldn’t make sense for Sonny to confide in her about anything else, but in this particular circumstance, she’s a resource. She knows this has got to be frustrating. It has to be frustrating being on the outside looking in, but believe her, Nina doesn’t want to be on the inside… Nina says, this isn’t just about her feeling excluded. Does Ava understand, Sonny is her husband? He needs her, whether he wants to admit that or not. She can’t even support him through this. Ava says, she’s right. Sonny needs as many people in his corner as possible. Nina says, then tell her what’s going on and stop playing Switzerland and Ava says, the last thing she is right now is neutral. Nina says, then why won’t Ava help her with her husband?

Diane says, Sonny’s guards are not under arrest, either federal or local, for now. Sonny thanks her for doing that, and she says, he’s still going to have to answer some questions, make a statement. She can’t imagine Agent Cates is going to be giving him a reprieve earlier than tomorrow morning. He says, Agent Cates can wait until hell freezes over. His priority is his son. She asks, how is Dante? and Sonny says, he’s frail and defenseless, but he’s a fighter. It’s just, sometimes it’s not enough. She says, come on. After everything he’s been through, Dante’s not going to give up on this life. He thanks her and she asks, how is he? He says, she knows him. He just wants to find out who did this and take care of the situation.

Michael says he’s not saying they’re wrong… Josslyn says, but he wants her to let go of her anger for the sake of the family and because it’s not doing her any good, right? He tells her, what he was going to say is that Sonny knows he played a part in what happened to Dante. It’s got to be killing him. She says she knows it’s his son, okay? But she has trouble feeling sorry for Sonny when they have to constantly see people they love get hurt. Willow says, something she’s really started to learn since becoming a nurse, for a lot of people it’s more bearable to be angry than it is to be afraid. So while Josslyn has every right to be angry at Sonny, maybe it’s also a way to feel less afraid for Dante. Josslyn considers that and says, yeah. There was a moment on the pier with Dante where his heart stopped beating and they couldn’t get a pulse. Dex was doing chest compressions, and she was doing the rescue breathing. But he was shot in the chest and there was this voice in her head saying, what if you’re doing it wrong? What if we’re the people who kill Dante? She starts to cry, and Michael dashes over to her, hugging her.

Jason continues to listen, and Carly asks if this is some kind of a joke. Jason died in Greece. Anna says, that’s what they thought… but Carly says, stop. She doesn’t get to do that. Anna doesn’t get to show up at her house in the middle of the night and tell her Jason’s alive. She’s been grieving him every day for the past two years. Do they have proof? If they do, she wants to see it. If not, nighty-night. John says, they have proof. Does she want them to show her? He takes out his phone and hands it to her. She looks at the shot of Jason, and John says, that was taken earlier this evening, on the roof of a warehouse at 257 Water Street. They confiscated it from somebody they believe she knows – Jason makes a face – Damien Spinelli. Carly asks if they’re 100% sure Spinelli took this tonight, and Anna says, in the past four hours, yes. Carly says, and it’s real? Jason’s alive? Anna says, yes, and with her permission, they’d like to search the house for him. The look on Jason’s face says, oh, great.

Nina says, she and Ava have been through a lot. They’re friends, right? Ava says, no friend – and there haven’t been many – has been as loyal and generous to her as Nina has. Nina says, then help her with Sonny, and Ava asks if Nina has signed the divorce papers. Nina says she can’t bring herself to even look at them, let alone sign them, and Ava says, good. Then don’t. Nina says, no problem on her end, but sooner or later, Sonny is going to insist, and Ava says, don’t worry about that. They’re going to come up with a plan. Nina says, what plan would that be? and Ava says she’s going to help Nina save her marriage. Nina says, that would be amazing. She just hopes it’s not too late. Ava asks why she would think it’s too late, and Nina says she’s afraid the longer she and Sonny are apart, his feelings for her are going to fade. That he’s going to force himself to forget what they have together. Or worse, he’s going to decide to move on with someone else. Ava flashes back to almost kissing Sonny, and says, well, they just can’t let that happen. They laugh and hug each other.

Sonny finds Sam outside the ICU and says, any changes? She says she wishes. She felt like she needed to stretch her legs a little. She’s feeling pretty useless. He says, it helps Dante to know she’s here, and she says she knows. He says, she looks beat, and she says, thanks. (What every woman wants to hear.) He says he’ll stay here, and she can go home to rest, but she says she’s not leaving Dante. Sonny’s been here all night. Why doesn’t he go home and get some rest? He says he thinks he’s going to stick around for a while, and they hug. Sam goes back into the ICU, and Sonny watches through the window.

Amelia is heard crying on the baby monitor and Willow says she’d better go handle that before Amelia wakes up Wiley. Josslyn asks if she can come with Willow. She could use a hug. Willow says, of course (🍷) she can, and they go upstairs. Michael tells Dex that his sister is crazy about him, and Dex says, the feeling’s mutual. Michael says, but he’s not sure he’s going to stay? and Dex says, it’s not about what he wants; it’s about what’s best. Michael says, for who? and Dex says, for Joss. Michael tried to tell him once to go and he was right. Their lives are just too different. The best thing he can do for Joss is to just leave and stay gone.

Carly gives John his phone back, and says, they want to search her house for Jason? Anna says, they do, and Carly says she just found out he’s alive. She doesn’t know if she believes them. She doesn’t know if Spinelli gave them that footage. She doesn’t even know if it’s real. Anna says, Jason is familiar with this house, right? The layout, the security system. Carly says, yeah, but… and Anna says, could it be, he slipped inside without her knowledge? Carly says, they’re not searching her house. They don’t have her consent. They don’t have her permission. And if they don’t get the hell out of her house, she’s going to call her lawyer. John says, they asked as a courtesy. They don’t need her permission. They have a warrant. Upstairs, Jason grips his side.

On Monday, Anna says, Carly gets out of their way, or she gets arrested; Jake swears it’s not what it looks like; on the phone, Carly says, call her back as soon as possible and find a way to stop them; and Sam asks if Sonny understands what she’s asking him to do.

👟 Like An Old Shoe…

Let the good times roll.

🤫 She’s Got a Secret…

It’s a movie and she’s in it.

💉 Art and Life Combine…

Talk about ironic.

💃🏾 It’s About Time…

This sounds just like what daytime needs, a fresh resurgence. Hopefully, it won’t be opposite GH.

🤰🏼 Giving You Lala…

It’s all about that bump.




⌛️ Comes As a Surprise To No One…

Love bubble bursting as we speak.


🧂 Contains Less Salt…

Isn’t it ironic that for her to feel seen, there had to be less of her? I don’t know how she can possibly help her daughters feel empowered when she’s given her power away.


🤼 Shot For Shot… 

Let the lawsuits commence.

⚰️ News Of the Ones…

A peek at episode 3.


And already asking about Season 2.


🌁 What’s Up With Us…

Details emerge. Some people take this way too seriously.


Mostly old news, but in case you want a refresh.


The parallel world of the game.


🏆 Here Comes the Big One…

The nominations.


About the show. March 10, 2024, at 7:00 PM EDT.


My dream. Forget the award. I want one of these gift bags.


You, too, can have an Oscar party.


🐕 Sharing the Cuteness…

Pets doin’ it for the ‘Gram.


Some might be dated, but it doesn’t make them any less cute.


🦧 Quotes of the Week

Sometimes bad clothes happen to good people. – Carson Kressley, Watch What Happens Live

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.Martin Luther King, Jr.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. – Chief Seattle (Once again, don’t step on any butterflies.)

Life is problems. Living is solving problems. – Raymond E. Feist

We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. – Joseph Joubert

We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. – Cesare Pavese

A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year. – Marty Allen

🥇 A Winner In My Own Mind…

Make your mark on the weekend, then join me on Monday really Tuesday for soap and awful guests and/or crew on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay giving from the heart and receiving graciously, and stay not turning your fear into anger. It doesn’t do you any good.

February 16, 2024 – Sonny Gives Dex a Choice, Her Response, Two Firsts, No Salt, Bad Crew, VanderFave, New Chefs, Reunited Ones, Last News, Vamping, Throne Report, Big Change, Just Over 8 Quotes & If


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Doc says he just got off the phone with Martin, and Laura asks if his office got the paperwork. He says, they did, and he beneficially added to the adoption petition, which means everything is on track for them both to become Ace’s parents. She says, music to her ears, and they kiss. There’s a knock at the door, and Laura opens it to Cyrus, who says, hello, sister.

Anna asks what Dante’s got, and he says, Pentenville confirmed that they were relocating Olivia Jerome. CSI says the transport van was sabotaged and two guards were restrained, but unharmed. This is just an overview until they get the crime scene report. Jordan says, sounds like a prison break gone wrong, but Anna says, with Olivia Jerome, nothing’s ever that simple.

Sam lets Alexis into her apartment and says, she didn’t have to come over, but Alexis says, Sam seemed a little frazzled when she bailed on lunch. Not to mention vague. So she thought, why not meddle? Is she okay? Sam says, yeah. She’s just keeping an extra eye on Danny. Alexis asks, why? and Sam says she’s going to tell Alexis, and then Alexis is going to tell her that she’s worried over nothing, and nothing serious is going on with her kid.

Ava tells Josslyn, Sonny isn’t here, but she’s more than welcome to come in and wait for him. Josslyn asks if Ava can call him because he’s not picking up for her, and Ava says she’s sure he’s just busy. Josslyn says, but she’s Avery’s mom, so he might not be as busy for her, and Ava says, maybe she can help, but Josslyn says, no. It’s really Sonny she needs to speak to and it’s very important. Ava tells her, like she said, Josslyn is more than welcome to wait, and Josslyn asks if she knows when he’ll be back, and Ava says, not precisely, no. Josslyn says, then she’s going to look for him, but Ava says, wait. Don’t do that.

Dex lets Sonny in, and Sonny says, he didn’t run. He didn’t even start packing. Dex says, Sonny has at least one guard stationed nearby, and Sonny says, Dex knows how he operates. That’s why he’s carrying. He also knows his only way out is through him. What’s he going to do? Is he going to take a shot?

Laura asks, what happened to the ground rules? Cyrus is supposed to call her before he comes over. He says he knows, but he was in the neighborhood and just wanted to say hello to his sister and his grandnephew. Doc says, now is not a good time. They just put Ace down for his nap. Cyrus promises this will just be a quick visit. He has another engagement immediately after. Doc says, and yet he found time to stop by, and Cyrus says, one should always find time for family. Doesn’t he think? Laura looks at Doc, who shrugs, and tells Cyrus, come in. They hear Ace coo on the baby monitor, and Cyrus asks if he can just have a glimpse of him, but Doc says he’s afraid even a glimpse is out of the question. Naps are just so important at his age. Doc goes to Ace’s room, and Cyrus says, it seems Ace isn’t the only one in need of a nap. She says, don’t let them keep him from his next appointment, and he says, before he goes, has she been in touch with Nikolas since he left for Pentenville? She says she has, and he says he knows how hard this must be for her, and Ace. She thanks him, and he asks how they’ve taken to being Ace’s temporary guardians. She says she guesses there’s no reason she shouldn’t tell him. She and Doc have decided to legally adopt Ace. He says, that’s wonderful news. Congratulations. She thanks him and says she’s pleased that he’s so pleased, but she’s a little bit surprised. He asks why his happiness at her good fortune should surprise her, and she says she supposes it shouldn’t. He says he can’t think of two better people to shepherd their little angel through this world, and she says she thinks there’s something they need to get clear right now. Ace’s adoption does not guarantee Cyrus a bigger role in Ace’s life. As a matter of fact, or any role.

Josslyn asks why she doesn’t want to look for Sonny. Ava knows where he is, doesn’t she? Ava says, Sonny doesn’t apprise her of his movements, and Josslyn says, but she knows what he’s doing. Ava says, what she knows is, it’s a waste of time scouring the city looking for him when the one place they know he’ll show up is here. And if what Josslyn has to say is so important, then stay. Josslyn asks if Ava can just call her when he gets back, and Ava says, she’s obviously very upset and Josslyn can tell her; has something happened? Josslyn says, it’s personal, and Ava says she sees. So this must be about Dex. Or Michael.

Dex says he doesn’t want to hurt Sonny, but he’s not going down without a fight, and Sonny says, if he wanted Dex dead, he’d be rotting in the ground right now, no matter what Carly said. But he’s right about one thing. Dex says, what’s that? and Sonny says, Dex joined his organization under false pretenses, working for Michael the whole time. Dex says, his job was to protect Sonny, and he did, and Sonny says, Dex knows too much about his business and about him. And all he knows about Dex is that he can’t trust him. So if Dex was in his position, how would he handle this?

Dante says, they’ve got the crime scene report, handing it to Anna, who asks, what do they know? He says, the transport van hit a spike strip that blew out the tires. They pulled the van over and they were ambushed by two masked men. They tied up the guards and took Olivia Jerome. Shortly thereafter, they heard a gunshot. They freed themselves, one of them called for help, the other went into the woods in the direction of the gunshot and found Olivia’s body. Anna says, did they pick up the gunman’s trail yet? but he says, not yet, and she says she needs to see the body.

Alexis says, Danny was drinking? Danny? Sam asks if she’d be less surprised if it were Rocco or Scout, and Alexis says she couldn’t be more surprised. Danny? She never in a million years. Sam says she knows. Here they are. Alexis asks if Sam flipped out. She would have flipped out. She has flipped out. The trouble Kristina used to get into took years off her life. Sam says, actually, no. She was angry, but she didn’t really raise her voice or give him a long lecture or anything. Alexis asks if she gave him a short one, and Sam says, they had a really good conversation about it. Alexis says, good, and Sam says, it was actually quite mature… of her, not him. Alexis asks if she grounded him, and Sam says, hell yes. Alexis says, how long? and Sam says, until he learns responsibility. Alexis says, so she guesses Sam didn’t want to tie herself down to a specific timeline, and Sam says she didn’t think of it that way, but she likes the way Alexis thinks. She thinks somewhere between one month and forever sounds good. Alexis says, sounds reasonable, and Sam says, they got to a good place. Alexis says, okay. Is Sam ready for her to be honest? Sam says she doesn’t know. Is it something she’ll want to hear? Alexis says she thinks so. She thinks what Sam did was very normal parenting. Actually, it sounds like excellent parenting. But it sounds like Sam is still bothered. Sam says, taking the you’re grounded, but if this ever happens again and you find yourself in this position, you can call me or Dante and we’ll come and get you, no questions asked route is a normal course of action, right? Alexis says, last time she checked, and Sam says, but Danny is Jason’s son and he’s getting more and more like him every day. And Jason was drawn to danger. What if Danny is too?

Cyrus says, of course (🍷) he’ll respect Laura’s wishes as Ace’s adoptive mother, and she says, good idea. She moves to open the door, and he says, but he must ask… She says, that was fast, and he says, why would she want to deprive Ace of family after he’s already lost so much? She says, it’s because he’s lost so much that she wants Cyrus to keep his distance. She wants Ace to have some kind of stability in his young life. Cyrus says he would only bring stability. He’d be a constant presence in Ace’s life. As constant as she deems appropriate, no more, but certainly no less. She says she appreciates his good intentions, but he has to just rest assured that Ace has a lot of family who really love him. He says he knows that, and it gives him comfort, but it’s a family he’d dearly love to be part of. It’s one reason he stopped by today, to offer her what comfort he could after losing Spencer and seeing Nikolas go to prison. He cares about her. She says, he keeps telling her that, and he says, and she keeps doubting. How long is she going to distrust him? He thinks he’s proven by now that he’s turned over a new leaf. She says, it wasn’t that long ago, when he expressed his distress over somebody else’s misfortune, when what he was really doing was rubbing their nose in it. He doesn’t deny that, does he? He says he does not. He owns his misdeeds and carries the shame of them. She says, okay, but the rest of them remember it, and he says, okay. She tells him that if he wants the rest of them to believe he’s turned over a new leaf, then it may take more than just his word. He may have to forgive them their trespasses if they need more time to forgive his. He says he understands, which is why he asked her about Nikolas. Not to rub her nose it in, but because he wants her to know that he’s arranged for Nikolas to be protected in Pentenville, so that she can have the peace that comes in knowing he’ll be safe. She says, this is exactly what she’s talking about. How can he expect her to believe that he’s turned over a new leaf when he’s offering to pull strings in prison?

Josslyn says, what makes Ava think this is about Michael? and Ava says, Michael came by, and he confessed to Sonny. She happened to overhear. Josslyn says, shocker, and Ava says, come on. This can’t be the first Josslyn’s hearing of this. Josslyn asks what Michael confessed, but Ava says, he didn’t mention it. And she doesn’t think it occurred to Sonny that Josslyn and Dex are too crazy about each other to keep secrets, especially big secrets. Like the fact that Michael hired Dex, first to spy on Sonny and then to protect him. Josslyn says, fine. Yes, she knew. Ava says, that’s a heavy burden to carry. She empathizes. If Josslyn would like somebody to talk to… Josslyn thanks her, but says she thinks she’d rather talk to her mom, and Ava says, of course (🍷), but it looks like she needs somebody to talk to right now. And since she’s here right now… Josslyn asks why she cares so much.

Dex says he expected Sonny to handle it the way he almost did, and Sonny says, in Dex’s opinion, what should he do now? Dex says, if it were his call? and Sonny says, yeah. Dex says, start over. All the cards are on the table. He’s fresh out of secrets. It feels good. Yes, if it were up to him, he would keep working for Sonny, but he knows that’s not possible. He’s become a liability Sonny can’t afford. Sonny says, perceptive as usual, and Dex says, for what it’s worth (🍷), he didn’t just learn about Sonny’s business. He learned about Sonny and the man he is. When Michael hired him, this was just a job, but then he got to know Sonny and his family and realized Sonny had a code and principles that guide him. He knows Sonny has no reason to believe him, but he wasn’t lying when he said he admired Sonny. Even now. He knows he shouldn’t, but he does.

The morgue attendant slides a body out, and Anna looks under the sheet. She says, yeah, that’s Olivia. Shot point blank in the back of the head. Olivia Jerome was executed. (We don’t see her, so I guess it was too expensive to bring her in just to lie there.)

Cyrus says he’s long since cut ties with the criminal element and those who kept him trapped in the dark far from the Lord’s love, and Laura says, if it’s not his henchman who would be looking after her son in jail, then who is he talking about? He says he found another group of men in prison, lost souls seeking redemption, just like him. Well- intentioned men living with the consequences of their mistakes. His mission is to provide them an example to live by, to offer counsel to guide them through their sentences, so they can turn their life around in prison and out. She says, right, but they’re inmates, criminals. He hasn’t said they’re not dangerous. Cyrus says, of course (🍷) they’re dangerous. They wouldn’t be able to provide protection if they were meek little lambs. She says she guesses she was hoping he bribed a few guards or something, and he says, with what? He has no riches to bribe anyone. She says, maybe with those hidden riches he uses to bribe people secretly? and he laughs. He says, if only he were half as colorful as he is in her imagination, and she says, then he’d be wearing half an orange jumpsuit. He laughs again and says, she’s so funny. All she needs to know is that after his release, he never abandoned his flock. Nor has he abandoned his cause. She asks, what is his cause? and he says, with the Lord’s blessing, his flock is about to get bigger. This afternoon is the inaugural broadcast of his radio show. Soon, very soon in fact, he’ll be spreading God’s word to everyone in Port Charles.

Sam tells Alexis, on Valentine’s Day, she and Dante decided to have a date night here at the house. He cooked for her. They thought all of the kids were in their rooms, and then there was a knock at the door just as they were about to get romantic. And Dante opened the door and there was a cop with Danny. Alexis says, perspective. Danny isn’t the first teenager to sneak out of the house with his friends and go drinking. Sam says, sneaking out is one thing, but sneaking out by a fire escape that’s suspended to the side of a building on a penthouse floor? Alexis says, clearly, Danny doesn’t have any fear of heights? and Sam says, gee, I wonder who he takes after? What if Danny hadn’t gotten caught and he would have tried to sneak in the same way? Up the building? What if he slipped or lost his balance? Alexis says, okay. She’s right to be asking all these questions and she’s right to be extra vigilant. However, one incident is not a pattern necessarily. Sam says, so this is normal teenage stuff? and Alexis says, all she knows is what Kristina did to her. Sam says, Kristina’s an angel right now compared to those things, and Alexis says she never raised a boy, so she has no idea what’s normal for boys. Sam says she gets that all teenagers take chances, but what if Danny’s hardwired to take bigger chances? And if so, how does she keep him safe? Because if he’s anything like his father, the more she tries to control him, the more he’s going to fight to be free.

Anna closes the morgue vault, when Dante comes in. He says he debriefed the detectives on the scene. They found this nearby. He hands Anna a plastic evidence bag, and she takes out a gun. She looks it over and says, oh yeah. Jordan asks if she found something, and Anna says, see that marking right there? The WSB put it on all the guns they seized. That means, whoever tried to kill Sonny is also behind Olivia Jerome’s murder.

Sonny says, Dex had a lot of potential. More than he’s seen in anyone in a long time. Dex proved his abilities to him, but Dex reminded him, being capable and trustworthy don’t really go hand-in-hand. He wishes he could just let Dex go; forget he ever existed. But he’s too big of a liability. Dex says he understands there’s a risk Sonny’s enemies might use him to get to Sonny, but he was willing to take a bullet rather than give up Carly and Michael. Sonny knows he can hold up under pressure. Sonny says he has kids to consider. Dex said himself that he’ll do anything to protect his family. Dex says, so what now? and Sonny says, the only way he sees it, Dex is going to have to disappear.

Ava says she knows she’s not Josslyn’s favorite person, but Josslyn still went out of her way to get Spinelli and Dex to find her when Mason took her. Josslyn says, of course (🍷). She did that for Avery. Ava says, Josslyn still did it. She owes Josslyn her life for that. So if there’s ever anything she can do for Josslyn, no matter what it is, all she has to do is ask. Josslyn asks if she really means that, and Ava says, absolutely. Josslyn says, then please help her find Sonny, but Ava says she told Josslyn, she doesn’t know where he is. Josslyn says, then call him or get the guards to summon him home. Steering Josslyn toward the door, Ava says, she really thinks it’s best… but Josslyn shakes her off and says, Sonny is going to kill Dex. Ava knows that and she knows that. She needs to speak to him before he does something drastic. She might have helped, but Dex is the one who rescued Ava. Twice. Once at the Quartermaines when Heather Webber attacked her and once in Pautuck. Ava owes him her life twice over. Please help her protect him.

Dex asks if Sonny is going to kill him, but Sonny says he expects Dex to leave town. He’ll have Frank take Dex to one of his safe houses and tell Brick to set him up with a new identity, passport, driver’s license, and then once he’s gone, they’re going to cover up his tracks and set him up with money. Dex says, what about Josslyn? and Sonny says, the way this works, he and Brick are the only ones who have to know what’s going on. They bring Josslyn in, she’s going to drive Sonny’s enemies to Dex. Dex says, they know how to be careful, and Sonny says he knows Josslyn loves Dex. She loves her family too. But if they involve Josslyn, it’s all for nothing. Dex says, then shoot me, putting Sonny’s gun to his stomach. It’s not worth it. Joss made his life worth living. Without her, Sonny might as well finish him off here.

Ava says she would absolutely help if she could, and Josslyn says, but she won’t. So everything Ava just said, if she ever needs anything, that’s all crap. Ava says she meant every word, and she is aware of how unsparing Sonny can be with those who cross him, but Josslyn says, Dex didn’t cross him. Literally the opposite. How many times did Dex almost give Sonny his life and that counts for nothing. Ava says she knows it seems unfair, but Josslyn knows as well as she does that Sonny can’t risk fairness when it comes to his family’s safety. Josslyn says, so Ava is telling her that there’s nothing she can do, and Ava says, yes.

Laura says, Cyrus has a radio show? Who would put him on the air? Cyrus says, someone who sees the value in his message? She says, no, something is deeply off here, and he says, it saddens him that she still doubts his intentions. Fortunately, the Lord provides him strength to continue proving he’s changed. He knows he can never erase the terrible things he’s done, but he can at least counteract them by putting some good out in the world. That’s his purpose. She says, but what is his motive? and he says he can only hope one day she believes the change he’s showing the world and accept the man he’s become. He must take his leave. He goes to the door and says his debut is but fifteen minutes away on KZPC radio. He does hope she’ll tune in. He leaves, and Doc comes back. He says, it’s a miracle that Ace is still down. Then again, maybe he was trying to avoid their company. What did Cyrus want? She says, the same thing he always wants. Her trust.

Sam tells Alexis that she tried to shield Scout and Danny from Jason’s life, and when she realized she couldn’t, she broke up with him. Alexis says, Sam seems to give her kids stability despite all that, and Sam says, what if she wasn’t enough? Danny always wanted more time with his father. Jason was in and out of his life, then all of a sudden, it wasn’t enough. Danny took Jason’s death really hard. And what if in a way to get closer to his father, Danny is starting to take the kinds of chances Jason used to take? And if so, how long has this been building up in him and why hasn’t she seen it before? Alexis says, listen to her. She understands how Sam feels. At some point, every parent does in one way or another. But Sam didn’t cause this. Does she understand that? Sam says, yeah, and Alexis asks if Sam believes her. Sam says she wants to, and Alexis says, whatever Danny is going through, Sam will get him through this because she’s a wonderful mother.

Anna re-bags the gun, and Jordan says, Olivia Jerome’s long history with the mob certainly tracks with their gunman’s pattern, targeting organized crime leaders. Anna hands the gun to Dante and says, absolutely. See if they can confirm that the bullet that killed Jerome matches that gun. Dante says he’ll see if they can put a rush on it, and she says, they need to move fast. As soon as the Feds are apprised of this development, Agent Cates is going to want to take over, and they all know how thrilled he was they didn’t back off in the first place. Jordan says, it’s not like he can be any less cooperative, and Anna agrees and says, it’s common knowledge there won’t be any tears shed over Olivia. But those guards could have been injured or worse, and Curtis already got caught in the crossfire. Agent Cates needs to understand that they need to put a stop to this before any more innocent bystanders are hurt.

Sam thanks Alexis for the encouragement, because she doesn’t feel like a good mom, much less a wonderful mom. Alexis says, you know who thinks they’re wonderful moms? Terrible moms, that’s who. Sam says, so it’s good to doubt, and Alexis says, yeah. It’s like if you think you’re going crazy, the fact that you’ve asked that question means you’re way ahead of the game. Sam says, that’s good to know, and Alexis says, in the meantime, just take it one step at a time. This is just one incident. Sam says she knows, but what if it was just the first? and Alexis says, then she will know. If she sees it escalating, she’ll do something about it. She’ll take care of him just like she always has. And she doesn’t have to do it alone. Sam can count on her. Sam can always count on her. And they will figure it out. Is that a deal? Sam says, it’s a deal. Alexis’s phone rings and she says, it’s one of her reporters. She says, what’s up?… Sam asks if everything is okay.

Jordan says, their best lead is the gun dealer Philip O’Neal. His lawyers want a deal, but the FBI isn’t biting. Anna says, he’s still not talking? and Dante says, this doesn’t make any sense. It’s like this guy has a target on his back. He can ID who he sold the guns to. Anna says, it is concerning, but interestingly, whoever it is who’s after the organized crime figures, waited until Olivia was out of prison before they made their move. Dante says, that just makes him think, whoever this is doesn’t have access to anyone on the inside, and Anna says she thinks she’s going to talk to Agent Cates. She’s going to try and persuade him to keep O’Neal in Pentenville, rather than moving him out of their reach. Dante asks if she thinks they can get something out of O’Neal, and Jordan says, just because he’s not talking to law enforcement, doesn’t mean he won’t talk to anyone.

Josslyn says she should have known better and thanks Ava. This conversation was a big help. Josslyn opens the door, and Ava says she didn’t mean to upset her. Josslyn says she just wants someone to help her. She loves Dex. Does Ava understand? She cannot and will not give up on the people she loves. She won’t do it. She leaves, slamming the door behind her, and Ava takes out her phone.

Sonny says, if he pulls this trigger because Dex asked him to, he won’t be breaking Josslyn’s heart; Dex will. Dex pushes the gun away and says he loves her. He thought it had been beaten out of him. He thought it would never happen for him, but it did. Sonny says, Dex knows the best thing for Josslyn is for him to leave town. Sonny’s enemies are going to be tracking Dex down for the rest of his life. Does Dex want to put her in danger? Does he want her to be the target? Dex says he can’t lose her, and Sonny says, here’s the deal. If Dex wants to keep his life, he’s never going to come back here again. He’s not going to have any contact with anyone again. It’s up to him. Sonny’s phone rings, and he tells Dex that he needs an answer – now.

Jordan says, O’Neal might not talk to them, but he might talk to someone in Pentenville, and Anna says, she means, plant an informant? Jordan says, could work, and Dante says, seems like a long shot. Given this guy’s line of work, you’d think he’d have to be pretty tight lipped, no matter who he’s talking to. Jordan says, exactly. Right now, he’s probably more surprised than they are that he’s still alive. There might be something he wants to get off his chest just in case. Anna says, they’d have to find someone who’s good at extracting that kind of information. And also someone Robert would be willing to offer a deal to. Dante says, a lesser sentence in exchange for some information? That would be pretty good incentive. Jordan says, yes, but no one who poses a significant threat to the general public upon release, and Anna says, on top of finding this person and making a deal with the DA’s office, the informant also has to establish some kind of trust with O’Neal in order to make this work. This is all going to take time. Dante says, it’s time they don’t have, and Anna says, until they think of something faster… Jordan’s phone dings and she says, it’s from Laura. Anna asks, what is it? and Jordan goes over to a very convenient radio, turning it on and finding a station. We hear Cyrus say, this is KZPC radio and welcome to Searching with Cyrus. You’re probably asking, what can I have in common with you…

Laura and Doc are also listening, and Cyrus continues. After all, I’m an ex-convict who was serving hard time in Pentenville, but one thing I learned there is, we are all prisoners. But if we give our burden to the Lord, He will set us free. That’s why I’m here, to help you share that burden and give voice to your troubles, so that you may live a life of peace. Ace starts to cry and Doc says he’ll get Ace. He’s heard enough of this guy. Cyrus says, I’m living proof that God never gives up on any of us, and Doc suggests Laura turn it off, but she says she’s going to listen to every word. She needs to understand what Cyrus is really saying. Doc tells her, good luck with that, and leaves. Cyrus says, if I can find my way to a better place, so can you.

Josslyn runs to Dex’s apartment and sees the door isn’t closed all the way. She pushes it open and sees Sonny sitting there. She says, where’s Dex? and Sonny says he’s sorry. Dex is gone.

On the phone, Alexis says she definitely intends to run it in the morning. She just wants to be able to check it first before it goes to press. She glances at the guard outside Sonny’s penthouse, and says, but she’s going to have to call them back, because there’s something she has to do first.

There’s a knock at the door, and Ava opens it to Alexis. She asks if Alexis is looking for Sonny, but Alexis says, actually, she’s here to see Ava. Ava’s phone rings, and Alexis asks if she needs to get that. Ava says, it’s Pentenville. She’s sure it’s Alexis’s darling nephew, calling collect, but Alexis says she doesn’t think that it is. May she come in? Ava says, please. Is this a social call or are they on the record here? Alexis says she heard it from one of her reporters and she thinks Julian would want Ava to hear it from someone she knows. Ava says, conjuring her late brother’s name can’t be good. Julian would want her to hear what? Alexis says, her sister Olivia is dead, and Ava says, is that so? Alexis says she’s sorry for Ava’s loss, and Ava says, is she really? Because after what she did to Alexis, she thinks Alexis is probably wondering what circle of hell she’s roasting in.

Josslyn says she wants to see him, but Sonny says, that’s not possible. She says, where is he? What did Sonny do to him? He says, Dex is alive, but he’s not coming back to Port Charles, and Josslyn says, he’s a liar. Dex would never leave her. Sonny says, Dex did what he had to do, what was best for everyone, and Josslyn cries, saying, not for her. Sonny says, especially for her. He picks up an envelope and says, Dex wanted him to give her this. He holds it out and she snatches it from him. She takes out a note, a dog tag on a chain falling to the floor. She reads the note and says she hates Sonny. He’s a criminal and a liar and she will never forgive him for this. (When you think about it, it’s really Michael’s fault.) Sonny says he knows, and leaves. Josslyn looks at the note again, picks up the dog tag, and sinks to the floor, crying.

On Monday, Lois says, has she got a surprise for Tracy; Marshall tells Stella that he has no idea how to handle it; Nina hopes she’s not late; and Josslyn tells Carly that she and Dex are not going to be kept apart.

👠 How She Really Feels…

Apparently, she died and came back once before. That explains why I kept thinking she was dead before she died. And again, who knows? We didn’t see a body.

Tonja Walker Responds to Olivia Jerome’s Death on GENERAL HOSPITAL

📹 From Soap to Cinema…

They’re branching into new milieus.

🧂 Won’t Back Down…

I actually believe her. They probably laid a trail of breadcrumbs for Heather to find too.

🛟 Walking the Plank…

Not exactly the best way to stand out from the crowd.


And will she be the first to go?


🍸 Breakout Star…

Give that woman a raise immediately.

🔪 They’re the Top…

Here’s hoping Padma’s shoes can be filled.



⚰️ Reuniting the Dead…

Not too long now.


🌁 News Of the Last…

Season 2 of the show.



Chapter 3 of the game.


🧛🏽 On Tap…

Cutting their teeth on Season 2.


🐉 It’s All In the Game…

New spin-off.


Throne serendipity.


🐶 After the Bowl Is Over…

This is the best story.


🐦‍⬛ Quotes of the Week

Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you.T.A. Barron (So don’t step on any butterflies.)

Better to stay quiet than get hit with a rock. – Manuel Vëlez, 90 Day Fiancé

On truth: *I suppose there are two views about everything,* said Mark. *Eh? Two views? There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there’s never more than one.*C .S. Lewis, from That Hideous Strength, compiled in Words to Live By

Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them. – Jim Rohn

Goals are the thing you talk about instead of the thing you do. – Cherry (Rose McGowan), Planet Terror

We must all learn not only to not fear change, but to embrace it enthusiastically and, perhaps even more important, encourage and drive it. – Tony Hsieh

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. – William James

Humor worked with pickles, but pickles are funny. The way beans are funny, we can’t use that. We have to fight it actually. – Raymond Geiger, Heinz rep (John Sloman), Mad Men

It’s not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache. – Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry), The Rocky Horror Picture Show

🍹 Presidential Day Drinking…

Return on Monday really Tuesday for soap and what’s doing on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay enjoying the long weekend if you have one, and stay keeping in mind that one incident is not a pattern necessarily.

January 23, 2024 – Curtis Is Tested After Surgery, New Ones, Last Bow, Salty Talk, No Surprise, Farewell, The Big One, Halftime, Puppy (!) Bowl & Do It


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the ax throwing place, Chase asks how Brook got so good at this, and she says, visualization. He asks what exactly she’s visualizing, and she says, not what, who. Lucy Coe. Brook nearly gets a bullseye.

At the hospital, Finn says, maybe this was a bad idea, but Elizabeth asks, since when is going to a meeting a bad idea? He says, maybe his time would be better spent going over his defense with his attorney, but she says, honestly, until they get more information about what Muldoon was up to before seeing Finn, she doesn’t think he and Martin have a lot to talk about. He says, maybe she’s right, and she says, something told him he needed this meeting today. She thinks he should trust his instincts. He says, who needs instincts when he’s got her?

Jesse pops the cork on a bottle of champagne, and Tracy asks if there’s ever been a more satisfying sound. Scotty says, if there is, he hasn’t heard it. Gregory comes over to the table and asks, what’s the occasion? but Scotty says he doesn’t think they need an occasion. Does Tracy? She says, they definitely don’t.

Lucy tells Martin that there’s nothing going on with her and Scotty. Look at the guy. He is clearly otherwise engaged. He asks, then why does she keep looking over there? What is so captivating about Scott Baldwin?

At the hospital, Portia tells Stella and Trina, so good of them to come, and Stella asks, where else would they be? Trina says, Curtis needs them, and Stella says, whatever happens today, good or bad – Portia says, please let it be goodCurtis will know he still has his family behind him. Portia asks if Trina is okay, and Trina says, she just wants this to work. Portia says, they all do. Trina asks if they should go in, and Stella says, Curtis shouldn’t be alone right now, but Portia says, don’t worry. He’s not alone.

Marshall says, the doctor should have been here by now, but Curtis says, Dr. Martel got pulled into emergency surgery. He’ll be here as soon as he can. Marshall says, isn’t that fitting, and Curtis says, what? Marshall says, Curtis reassuring him, on today of all days, and Curtis says, it beats the alternative. Marshall says, which is? and Curtis says, this endless loop going on in his head. Did the surgery work or didn’t it? Marshall says, a question only the doctor can answer.

Anna goes to the hospital reception desk, and TJ asks how he can help her. She says she was supposed to meet his mother for drinks last night, but she never showed up at the restaurant. He says, it’s not like his mother to be a no-show, and she says she knows. It’s not like her to leave messages unanswered either. So she wondered if TJ knew where she was or if he’s heard from her. He says, no, but he wonders… She says, what? and he comes around the desk. He says, she’s been conducting her own investigation into his uncle’s shooting, and Anna says, of course (🍷) she has. He says he was with her yesterday when she got her first lead, her first solid one anyway. He asked her if she would be safe, and she said she would be. She says, but now he’s concerned. So is she. He asks if Anna thinks his mom is in trouble.

Anna tells TJ that his mom knows better than to go it alone. The nature of the lead suggested back-up was warranted. He says, maybe under normal circumstances, and she says, these are anything but? He says his mom is tracing the gun that shot Uncle Curtis. What if she took a calculated risk and got in over her head? Anna says, it’s possible, and he says he’s calling the PCPD, when Jordan walks in. Anna says, there she is. They were getting worried. TJ asks if she’s okay, and Jordan says, yeah. She’s fine. He says, she’s wearing the same clothes as she did last night. Where has she been all this time? (Speaking of which, whatever happened to Zeke?)

The meeting leader recites the Serenity Prayer and asks if anyone would like to share. Finn raises his hand and says he’s Hamilton. He’s an addict. And he’s also a doctor.

Marshall says, Curtis has to stay positive, and Curtis says, he’s being positive, but he’s also being realistic. He wants with every fiber in him for this procedure to be a success, but if it weren’t… Marshall says, then they’ll deal with that. They’ll deal with that together. Curtis thanks him, and Marshall says, better late than never, right? He spent most of his life running away, and left Irene to raise Curtis and his brother. He was so terrified he’d hurt them. Curtis says, that’s most of his life. He’s here now. Marshall says, that’s because of Curtis. Curtis taught him to overcome that fear. Curtis says he has no fear of a setback. If those doctors walked in right now and said, we’ve done all that we can do. We’ve gone as far as we can and this is as good as it gets, he could handle that. But when he thinks about having to look Portia in the face, and Trina, and Aunt Stella, he sees that disappointment in their eyes. That would gut him. Marshall says, but it won’t break him.

Stella says she thinks she’ll go to the chapel and light a candle, and Portia says, it couldn’t hurt. Trina says, light one for her, and Stella says, she’s got it. She leaves, and Portia says, now Trina can talk to her. Trina says, how can she fly to Paris when they don’t know what’s happening with Curtis? Portia says, she’s going. She and Trina’s father both want her to go. Trina says, even if it’s with Spencer? and Portia says, is he her first choice for a travel companion? No. Trina knows he’s not, but he makes her happy. She can see that. And if Trina ever has children, she’ll realize that all you ever want for them is just to be happy. When she thinks about herself in Paris does it make her feel all warm, kind of good inside? Trina says, yeah, and Portia says, Curtis wouldn’t want to deprive her of that feeling. So she’s going to go, and she’s going to experience life, and it’s going to be amazing. She’s going to live, laugh, love, all the things. And what she’s going to do for sure is send Portia pictures and text her constantly. Trina laughs and says, okay, when her phone rings. Portia asks if that’s Spencer, and Trina says, she’s going to call him later, but Portia says she thinks Trina should take it. They need all the support they can get today, right? Trina leaves to take the call, and Elizabeth sits down. She asks if Portia needs a shoulder and puts her arm around Portia. She says she’s got two of them, but Portia says, one should suffice.

Lucy says, there’s really no reason for Martin to be jealous, and Martin says, except for her seeming inability to take her eyes off the man. Lucy says, did she and Scotty have a moment once upon a time? Yeah, but it was a long, long time ago. She barely remembers it. Why dwell on it? He says, because from what he understands, that moment has a habit of reoccurring. But if her history with Scotty is just that – she says, it is – why does the prospect of discussing it get her all scrunched up? She says she’s not scrunched up, but he says he sees scrunches. She says, then she sees insecurity…ness, and it’s not a good look. She gets up and he asks where she’s going. She says she’s sorry. Does she need his permission to go to the ladies room? He says, no. By all means. She thanks him and stomps off.

Tracy asks if Gregory would care to join them, and he thanks her, but says he’s well-aware three is a crowd. She says, no. The more, the merrier. Right, Scott? Scotty says, huh? and she asks if she’s keeping him.

Lucy slams her purse onto the vanity and looks in the mirror. She says she’s not scrunched. She’s not scrunched up at all. Scotty better not be laying it on too thick with Tracy. She digs in her bag for a nail file, and hears someone come in. She asks if they’d happen to have an emery board. She snagged her nail. Martin says he’s fresh out, and glances under the stalls. He asks if the coast is clear, and she says she’s in here by herself. What is he doing in here? He says, Scott Baldwin. He wants the truth, the whole truth, and he wants it now.

Chase asks when Brook turned on Lucy, and she says she was never a huge fan of hers. She’s a lot. He says, no question. Did he ever tell her about the time Lucy came into the PCPD locker room when he was coming out of the shower? She checked him out, then demanded he sing at the Nurses Ball. She says she remembers hearing something about that. She tried to block it out, but now that he reminded her, it’s just another reason to visualize. She throws the ax, still not quite getting a bullseye, and he says he doesn’t buy it. She’s been co-existing with Lucy for years, at work and outside of it. They’re not personal friends, but they’ve always been cordial with each other. What changed? Brook says, Lucy crossed the line with her grandmother.

Lucy says, this is inappropriate. Martin is in the lady’s room. He says, when another lady shows up, he’ll make himself scarce. Dammit. He thought she was different. She says she is different… and he says, she knows all about his history with women, his exes. One emotional bloodbath after another, and she said she understood, that she loved him for him. She says she did… She does, present tense. He walks to the door, and she says she loves him now, but he walks out. She looks in the mirror and says, that went well.

Scotty tells Tracy that there’s no place he’d rather be and no one he’d rather be with. He sees Martin come out and says, but he does have to use the little boy’s room. He asks if Gregory would mind keeping his lovely companion company while he’s gone, and Tracy says, take his time. They’ll pick up right where they left off when he gets back. He leaves, and Tracy tells Gregory, don’t. He says he didn’t say anything, and she says, he doesn’t have to say a thing. Just believe her when she tells him, it’s not what it appears. He says, she doesn’t owe him an explanation, and rubs his chest. She asks, what’s the matter? and he says, heartburn. You’d think he would have learned by now; citrus is not his friend. She says, they call it antacids for a reason, and he says, touché. He should probably get going. Does she think Scotty will forgive him if he leaves his lovely companion unattended? She says, uh-huh. Backgammon rematch, soon. He says, she’s on, and walks to the elevator.

Portia asks Elizabeth, how’s Finn? And her? She knows that malpractice lawsuit can’t be easy on Elizabeth either. Elizabeth says she came by to support Portia, remember? but Portia says, Elizabeth taking her mind off of all of this is helping. Elizabeth says, between his dad and the lawsuit, it’s a lot. Too much sometimes. Portia says, thank goodness Finn has her to lean on, and Elizabeth says she just hates seeing him struggle like this. He just wants to prove to everyone that GH and his patients are right for putting their trust in him. Portia says, Elizabeth knows she’ll testify to that at his trial, and Elizabeth says she knows. Elizabeth thanks her and says she really appreciates that, and so will he. Portia’s turn. Portia says, that’s all the distraction she gets? and Elizabeth asks, how’s Curtis? Portia says, he’s walking a fine line, no pun intended. They all are. Positive, but still realistic. Hopeful, but not too hopeful. Elizabeth says, sounds impossible, and Portia says, it is, but Curtis is determined to face whatever comes his way. Elizabeth says, and her? and Portia says she’s determined too, but life isn’t fair, and they’re not guaranteed a happy ending. Elizabeth says, but she’d really like one, and Portia says she keeps having this dream. She and Curtis are at the rehearsal dinner and they’re dancing. And she gets the feeling she had that night. Curtis’s arms are around her and they’re moving together so beautifully. And Curtis is so strong. He’s so graceful, it’s like they’re floating. That moment must be imprinted in her heart and on her body. It feels so real. Then she wakes up and Curtis is lying next to her. And she realizes they’re never going to dance again. Not like that. She cries a little and says, but now maybe they can. She just can’t stop herself from hoping. Elizabeth says, her too.

Jordan says, look at TJ, being all observant about his mother’s clothes, and he says, she didn’t answer. She says she’s been going non-stop since she saw him. She hasn’t had a chance to go home and change. He says, so she hasn’t slept, and she says she plans on going to bed very early tonight. He says, it’s about Curtis’s shooting, isn’t it? and Anna says she got concerned when Jordan didn’t turn up for that drink and went radio silent. She just thought she’d ask TJ if he’d heard from her, that’s all. Jordan says she’s sorry. She didn’t mean for anyone to worry. As they can see, she’s fine. TJ says she has to check on Uncle Curtis, and Jordan asks him to tell Curtis that she’s thinking about him. TJ says he will. Stay safe. Please. Jordan says, that’s the plan, and TJ leaves. Jordan asks if Anna thinks he bought that, and Anna says she thinks he’s just happy she’s in one piece. Does Jordan want to tell her what happened when she followed that lead? Jordan says she never got that far. Somebody stopped her.

Jordan tells Anna that she’d just gotten her first break in the case, a possible clue to the origin of the rifle that shot Curtis. Anna says, that’s great, and thanks Jordan for cluing her in and calling for back-up instead of going it alone. Jordan says, like she’s never done the same, and Anna says, that’s fair. So what happened? She was stopped? Jordan says, more like intercepted, by two men. Anna asks if they hurt her, and Jordan says, no, but they were all business. One minute, she’s outside, trying to arrange a meeting; the next, she’s on the wrong side of a two-way mirror, across from these strangers staring at her. Jordan flashes back to what looks like an interrogation room. She sits at a table, opposite two men in suits, standing. She says, they’re FBI? Why all the subterfuge then? If they’re investigating the shooting of Curtis Ashford, they’re on the same side. Anna asks what they wanted, her cooperation? but Jordan says, nope. They wanted her to back off.

Marshall comes out of Curtis’s room, and Stella asks, how’s their boy doing? He says, it’s Curtis. Holding it together for everyone else’s sake. She says, and him? and he says he’s never been one to believe in miracles, but he does believe in his son. She says, shame on him. Miracles happen every day. Just look at how they’ve managed to remain friends. He says, she means in spite of what happened between them on Christmas Eve? and she says, it was just too much eggnog. He says he hates eggnog (me too), and she says, all those memories of Irene. He says, maybe, but he felt something, and he’s got a sneaking suspicion she did too. She says, something that should never, ever be.

Portia asks Curtis how it’s going, and he says, it’s going. She asks if there’s anything she can do or get him, and he asks her to get the rest of the family. Tell them that he wants to see them.

On the phone, Lucy leaves a message for Martin. She asks him to just listen to her. He has it wrong about Scotty. She doesn’t care about Scotty… Of course (🍷) she cares about him, he’s her friend, but it’s not the same way she cares about Martin. Would he just call her please. Call her back, or better yet, come see her. He’s absolutely right. She’s different from his exes. Give her a chance to prove it. Please, please, please. She flashes back to telling Martin that she feels she has so much more life to live and asking him to do it by her side. She remembers him kissing her and thanking her for coming back to him. She says, dammit, Martin. He’s made her mascara run. A hanky suddenly appears in front of her, and she takes it, saying, she knew Martin would come back. But she turns to see that it’s Scotty.

Tracy sees Gregory leaning against a sofa and asks what he’s doing here. She thought he left. He says he can’t move.

Brook tells Chase that she gets to Maxie’s office and there’s Lucy telling her grandmother that Luke may have been the love of her life, but that Laura was the love of his. And then she goes on to say that the reason her grandmother is alone is, she’s unlovable. Have a little compassion, a little sympathy. If that’s too much to ask, a little basic tact? But no, not Lucy. She basically told Brook’s grandmother that she was grieving a man who never loved her, and that’s completely untrue. Chase says, and Tracy knows that. He doubts what Lucy said hit Tracy anywhere near as hard as it hit Brook, but Brook says she disagrees. Her grandmother comes off tough, uncaring, even abrasive, but underneath it all, she’s got a really soft heart. She’s trying to protect it. Does he want to know the worst part? He says, there’s worse? and she says, the whole thing was a con. Lucy deliberately said those hurtful things to shine a spotlight on her grandmother’s loneliness so that Scott Baldwin, of all people, could swoop in and romance her. He says, but to what end? and Brook says, if she had to guess, it was to trick her grandmother into marriage, so she’d have to pay him off with her Deception shares to get rid of him. He says, and Scotty would turn the shares back over to Lucy. Brook says, despicable, right? Not that it would have ever worked. Her grandmother saw through those two right from the start. But no one gets to do that to her without paying a price. He says, except her, but she says, it’s a totally different concept. Lucy does not deserve Deception; Maxie does. Besides, she’s only scheming within the family. The same thing her grandmother would do to her.

Tracy says she’s calling an ambulance, but Gregory says, no. She says, he just told her he couldn’t move, but he says, no ambulance. Please. They’ll just have to admit him, and it will be impossible to get him out of it. She says, he’s not going to die on her watch, and he says he’s not dying. Not today anyway. She asks if he can sit, and he says, yeah. She helps him to the sofa and asks if there’s any medication he can take that would help. They sit, and Tracy asks, what happened? He says he felt a twinge in his chest in the restaurant. He got short of breath and thought a little fresh air might help. She can see how far he got. She says she’s so sorry, and he says he needs to stay strong, at least until the wedding. She says, yes, he does. It’s a can’t miss event. She understands from Brook that he’s been tapped to officiate. He says he tried to decline, but Chase and Brook wouldn’t take no for an answer. She says, good. That’s settled. Now they just have to tank Olivia’s idea of a wedding cake. Wait until she tells him what Lois thinks… He says, Tracy. Don’t do this.

Finn says, besides being a father, being a doctor is what defines him most. Being a healer. And if his ability to practice medicine gets taken away, it becomes really scary because, what is he? They have this saying, recovery is a journey, not a destination. Never has that been more true than it is today. There’s no finish line for them; they’re never done. They just keep on going and try not to mess up too much along the way. It isn’t easy, is it? He thinks he’s doing it, and he’s proud of himself for that.

Curtis says, okay, fam, listen up, and Stella says, somebody means business. Curtis says he does. No more fake smiles and forced positivity. Portia says, they’re just trying to… and he says he knows. He knows what they’re trying to do and he appreciates it, but it’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be terrified that the procedure didn’t work. God knows he is. But whatever happens today, good or otherwise, they just have to agree right now to accept it and move forward, whatever that looks like. Because he knows one thing. No hospital or wheelchair can keep him down. Are they good? Marshall says, they are clear, and Stella says, crystal. Trina says she’s never been prouder of Curtis and hugs him. He says, that’s how he feels when he looks at her, when TJ comes in. He asks if everything is okay, and Portia says, everything is great. TJ says, Dr. Martel wanted him to let them know he’s on his way, and the examination will begin. Curtis says, bring it on.

Anna says, Feds are notorious at guarding their own turf, but Jordan says, this was more than that. She flashes back to saying she’s told them everything she knows. Now it’s time for them to return the favor. Suit #1 says, they can’t risk her compromising the investigation, and she says, listen to her. Her ex-husband, and one of the best men they’ll ever meet, almost died. He’s literally fighting to get back on his feet. She can help them find out who’s responsible if they’re not too proud or territorial to let her. There’s a knock at the door, and Suit #2 answers. Jordan tells Anna that she doesn’t know who was on the other side of that door, but whoever it was, put the fear of God into those agents. Anna asks what she was thinking at this point, and Jordan says, truthfully, she was wondering just how far they were willing to go to keep her quiet.

Anna asks, what was the resolution? How did Jordan get out of there? Jordan says, whoever the agents spoke to, must have been calling the shots, and Anna asks, what makes her say that? Jordan says, because as soon as that door was closed again, everything changed. Suit #2 closes the door and whispers something to Suit #1. Suit #1 tells Jordan, we’re done here, and she says, she can go? Suit #2 says, they apologize for the inconvenience. There’s a car waiting right outside for her. Jordan asks, who was at the door? and Suit #1 says he’s afraid they can’t answer that. She says, what the hell is going on? and Suit #2 says, trust us. It’s better for all involved if you stay out of it. Jordan tells Anna, then that was it. She was walked to a town car and advised to stick to her desk at city hall. Anna says, which of course (🍷) she won’t, and Jordan says, after that, not a chance.

Dr. Martel says he sees the gang’s all here, and Curtis says he couldn’t have done it without them. Portia says, and he’ll never have to, and Marshall says, when he gets out of that chair, they’ll be standing right beside him, cheering him on. Stella tells TJ, don’t even think about kicking them out, and TJ says he wouldn’t dare. Dr. Martel says, that support is going to be a plus, and Trina says, good, because that’s how this family rolls. The doctor says he’s ready when Curtis is, and Curtis says, go ahead. Bring it on.

Finn comes out of the meeting and Elizabeth is waiting for him. He asks if she’s been here the whole time, but she says she hasn’t. As much as she loves him, she still has a job. She just knew the meeting was breaking up, so she wanted to wait for him. If that sounds like pressure, it’ll never happen again. He says he’s really glad she’s here. He’s grateful for her.

Lucy asks what Scotty is doing in here. Tracy can’t see them. Get walking before she sees them together. He says he’d like to know what’s going on with her and Martin, and she says, that’s funny. That’s the same question Martin asked her about him. He says, that’s the million-dollar question, so what’s the answer? and she says she told him that Scotty was old. That he was old news. Specifically, that they were old news. He says, old news, huh? Old hat. Is that how she sees him? She says, down, boy. Those baby blue bedroom eyes are wasted on her. He says he remembers how she used to like these blue eyes… in her boudoir. (I’m dying.) She says, don’t do that, and he says, do what? She says, he has a job to finish, and that’s what he’s going to do. She grabs his arm and steers him to the door, saying, now get out there and finish it. Go. He leaves and she follows him.

Gregory says, whatever’s going on with Tracy and Scott Balwin – she says she told him – is none of his business. But Chase and Brook are his business, and their wedding needs to be perfect. It needs to be a joyous occasion that they can look back on and celebrate long after other things are forgotten. She says, forgetting will be impossible, and he says, so no more petty fighting with Lois and Olivia about the reception. Go argue with Ned about anything. All that matters is those two beautiful souls belong together and they all do everything they can to make that happen. Do they understand each other? She says, they do. How’s the breathing? He says, better actually. So is his energy. Which is why she attempted to rile him up. She says, attempted? She thinks she succeeded.

Brook gets a bullseye, and tells Chase, now that’s what I’m talkin’ about. It pays to visualize. Chase wants to think about their super, and Brook asks what the super ever did to him. Chase says, he still hasn’t fixed the radiator, and Brook says, that’s a little inconvenient… He says, inconvenient? They used to walk around their apartment in next to nothing. Now Brook is constantly wearing sweats. Talk about frustrating. She says, poor baby, handing him the ax. Maybe there’s something she can do to change that. He says, she’s going to ditch the sweats? and she says, no. And risk hypothermia? They can go to bed earlier, spend more time there together, generate body heat. He says, let’s do that, starting now. He kisses her, and throws the ax behind her, getting a bullseye.

Tracy says, Yuri will be waiting for them outside, and Gregory says, Yuri doesn’t have to do that, but Tracy says, yes, he does. She pays him. Well, Monica pays him, and she’s been assured that if he’s not driving for Monica, he’s available to her. Gregory says he can call a Ride Share, and she says, congratulations on mastering the technology necessary to call a complete stranger with unknown driving ability to pick you up in their car and take you to a destination their GPS may or may not be able to find. He’s coming with her. She helps him stand up and asks, how did that feel? He says, surprisingly okay. He’s sorry if he interrupted her time. She says, he interrupted nothing, and he says, really? It sure seemed like she was on a D-A-T-E. She says, just goes to show you, appearances can be deceiving, and they leave.

Scotty and Lucy come out, and seeing the empty table, Lucy says, this is just great. He tells her, just take it easy, will ya? and asks Jesse if Tracy is still here. Jesse says, she told him to tell Scotty that something came up, and he clears the table. Lucy says, wow. This is a record, even for Scotty. The champagne is barely uncorked, and he ran Tracy off already. He says, that’s because he was focused on her, and she says, fortunately, she thinks they can still do some damage control. She takes out her phone and tells him to give her his credit card. He says, I beg your pardon? and through clenched teeth, she says, give me your credit card. He takes it out, and she says she’d like to order a dozen… make that two-dozen beautiful white roses. They’re going to the Quartermaine mansion… You do? Of course (🍷) you know the address. On the card, please say, until next time. X-O-X-O Scott. Thank you… Hold on. She snaps her fingers, then snatches the card from Scotty. She says she’s got it.

Finn thanks Elizabeth for not letting him talk himself out of that meeting. He realized he needed to be with people who are in the same fight he is. He hopes his story gave them a little bit of encouragement because they encourage him every day. She asks if he knows what she loves most about him, and he says, it can’t be just one thing. She says, one of the things she loves most about him – he says, go on – is his generosity. She’s sure he helped all of those people at the meeting just like he helps all his patients. In one way or another, we’re going to prove that. He says, we? and she says, he’s stuck with her. They kiss.

Jordan tells Anna, the agents who nabbed her were clearly just messengers. Someone’s pulling the strings behind the scenes. Anna says, taking on the Feds is no small feat. She’s going to need back-up. Jordan says, there’s no telling where this is going to lead, and Anna says, that’s precisely her point. Jordan has to admit she’s going to need a second pair of eyes. Jordan says, if Anna is offering up hers, she’d be a fool to say no. She thanks Anna, and Anna says, Jordan would do the same for her. Jordan says, in a heartbeat, and they leave together.

Curtis takes Trina and Portia’s hands, and Dr. Martel says, the surgery could not have gone better, but as with any procedure…  Curtis says he knows. The doctor didn’t want to get his hopes up. Dr. Martel says, it doesn’t necessarily mean the spinal cord damage was repaired, and Curtis says he’s ready to find out. Dr. Martel takes a big safety pin from TJ, and pokes Curtis’s left heel. He asks if Curtis feels anything, but Curtis says, no. The doctor pokes him closer to the toes, and says, how about that? Curtis says he feels that, and everyone gets all excited. Dr. Martel says, this is great news. It’s no guarantee he’ll walk again… Curtis says, but it’s a start. It’s a good start. Everyone hugs and laughs.

Tomorrow, Portia asks Stella if it wouldn’t be better for Trina to go to Paris without Spencer; Spinelli says he knows what Cody is doing and it’s not going to work; Molly tells Kristina, if it’s too much, tell her and she’ll back off; and Laura asks how on earth Heather knows this.

📖 Twice the Fun…

The man who plays two characters also has two careers now. TODAY – January 24, 3 pm ET.

🩺 Hospital Changes…

Is this what’s responsible for the awful storyline of Carly taking over Crimson?

🥀 Dimming the Lights…

Another soap star leaves the stage.


🧂 Double Portion Of Salt…

Ugh. This was awful. And I don’t care what Andy says. Either production knew Monica was involved with Reality von Tease or they’re really bad at their jobs, since I assume they vet the Housewives.


Doubtful she’ll be back. If the others won’t film with her, there’s no point.

🗽 Our Girl’s Boy…

This is probably no surprise to anyone. The legend continues.

☄️ Doffing My Cap…

The original Dawn of the Dead is one of my all-time favorites. The remake is actually excellent, but it didn’t have the subtext about consumerism like the first one did.


🏆 Anyone’s Guess…

It looks like some stiff competition, but it stinks that they snubbed Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig. Seriously, WTF?


🏈 During the Break…

The most important part of the Super Bowl.


🐶 Bowling For Pups…

Hear all about it.

Yes, I know I’m obsessed.


🤹‍♀️ 100% Chance Of Absurdity…

Join me tomorrow for soap and Sutton’s small esophagus. Until then, stay safe, stay listening before speaking, and stay being positive, but realistic.

January 16, 2024 – Nina Makes a Deal With Cyrus, Adam’s Dad, A Message, Premature, Icon Of Days, Salty Talk, All About Emmy, Playing Dress-Up & White


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

In Cyrus’s hospital room, Dex prepares a syringe. In the hallway on the phone, Nina talks with a client. She sees Sonny coming out of the elevator, and ducks around the corner. Sonny goes to the reception desk and asks where Cyrus’s room is. Dex is about to put the syringe into Cyrus’s IV, when there’s a knock on the window. Sonny peeks through the blinds that Dex stupidly left open and shakes his head. As Dex steps away, Cyrus grabs his arm. He asks what Dex is trying to do.

Josslyn runs into the hospital and asks Willow if her friend Adam Wright has been brought in. Willow says he has, and he’s with a doctor in exam room one, but she can’t go in there. Josslyn says she just wants to be nearby.

Finn examines Adam and tries to rouse him, while Elizabeth checks his vitals. A nurse shows Finn the pill packets and says, they may have been mixed with vodka. He says, that combo could do it. This kid meant business. He rubs Adam’s chest vigorously, telling him to wake up. Josslyn watches through the window.

Willow calls Carly and asks her to come to the hospital; Joss is here. Carly asks if she’s okay (maybe Willow should have led with that), and Willow says, she is, but she thinks Josslyn needs Carly. Carly says she’ll be right there.

Trina says, Esme must be relieved, and Esme says, yeah. Has Trina seen Spencer? He was supposed to bring Ace here. Trina says she hasn’t seen them, but it looks like Esme didn’t need that adorable baby boy to sway the judge’s opinion. She must be thrilled. Esme says, Trina must be disappointed in her sentence. She can understand why. Trina tells Esme not to presume knowing anything about her, but Esme says, come on. The revenge porn of Cameron and Josslyn, framing Trina for the crime. If the allegations were true and she was in Trina’s position, she wouldn’t be done with her until she was locked up forever.

Spencer tells Nikolas that he’s not leaving Port Charles. His life is here. His grandmother is here. Trina is here. Aunt Alexis is here and he’s not throwing that away. He’s not going to abandon everyone and everything just so he can go on the run with Nikolas. Nikolas says he knows he’s asking for a lot, but Spencer says, he’s not just asking for a lot; he’s asking for everything. Nikolas says, it’s the only option, at least for now, but Spencer says, it’s Nikolas’s only option, not his. Ace isn’t going with him, and neither is he. Nikolas says, it’s the only way for them to be together as a family. Spencer has to trust him on this. Spencer says, the thing is, he doesn’t trust Nikolas, and he’s not running away because he’s not like Nikolas. Nikolas says, doesn’t Spencer realize his brother is in danger if he stays here?

Elizabeth says, Adam’s blood pressure is dropping, and Finn asks if he’s had any history of substance abuse. Elizabeth says, he’s on dextroamphetamine, and Finn says, for ADHD? She says, correct, and he says, anything else? She says, he was brought in for a panic attack previously. Josslyn Jax brought him in, and she checked him in. Finn asks her to find out if he’s taken anything else, and she leaves.

In the hallway, Josslyn asks if Adam is all right, and Elizabeth says, they’re doing everything they can to help him, but she needs more information. Josslyn says she was there when he passed out. She called 911. Elizabeth asks if she’s the one who found the pills, and Josslyn says, yeah. She found them at the park. He was drinking and the pills had fallen out of his pocket. Elizabeth asks if Josslyn knows if he took them, and Josslyn says, no, but he couldn’t have taken them that long before she found him. Maybe an hour ago? Elizabeth says, it’s important they know as much about his medical history as possible. So has Adam used drugs in the past? Josslyn says, he has ADHD, so he’s taking something for that, and Elizabeth says, dextroamphetamine. Josslyn says, that’s it, and Elizabeth says, anything else? Josslyn says, not that she’s aware of, and Elizabeth says, what about the drinking? Josslyn says, Adam got really drunk New Year’s Eve, but other than that, she’s never seen him drunk. Elizabeth says, she’s been very helpful and thanks her for the info. Josslyn says, of course (🍷), and Elizabeth goes back into the exam room. Willow asks how Josslyn is holding up, and Josslyn says, Adam has been struggling for months. How did she not see it coming?

Sonny goes into Cyrus’s room and says he’s sorry. He didn’t mean to interrupt. Can he have a word with Mr. Renault? Dex asks if that’s okay with Cyrus, and Cyrus says, it’s fine with him. Mr. Corinthos’ timing is positively providential. Sonny asks, why is that? and Cyrus says he has some news that will uplift Sonny’s spirits.

Trina says her parents raised her to know right from wrong, and Esme says, her parents didn’t raise her. Not that she could even remember if they did. Trina says her point is, she believes in the justice system, and for it to work, it has to be fair. So does she want Esme to pay for the horrible things she did to Joss, Cam, and her? Of course (🍷) she does. Because Esme broke the law multiple times and deserves to be punished for her crimes. That’s only fair. But she doesn’t deserve to spend time in prison for some petty breaking and entering where no one got hurt. As much as she dislikes Esme, she found herself agreeing with the judge. Esme says she’s surprised Trina can be so rational about this, and Trina says she wants to live her life looking ahead. She’s leaving Port Charles soon, and she doesn’t want her very justified anger toward Esme to hold her back. Esme says, she’s leaving town… Trina says, don’t get too excited. It’s only for one semester, but she was accepted to study at the Sorbonne in Paris. Esme says, congratulations. That seems like an amazing opportunity. Trina says, it is, and Esme says, but she knows Spencer is going to miss Trina like crazy when she’s gone. Trina says, he might, if he wasn’t coming with her.

Finn says some medical stuff to Elizabeth, and the other nurse asks if they shouldn’t get approval from one of the Co-Chiefs of Staff. Finn says he has no time for waiting. Let’s go. Elizabeth tells the nurse that Finn knows what he’s doing, and the nurse jets.

Willow says, it’s not Josslyn’s fault, but Josslyn says, all the signs were there. She knew Adam was in trouble. Willow says, but she’s not a mind reader. She couldn’t have predicted Adam was going to try and take his own life. Did he ever talk about suicide with her? Josslyn says, no. He never used that word. But more than once, he talked about how the pressure was never-ending. She was so worried about him that she told the RA what was going on with him. Willow says, it sounds like she did the right thing. She tried to get Adam help. Josslyn says, but it didn’t work. She thinks that’s what pushed Adam over the edge. Carly comes out of the elevator, and Josslyn hugs her. She says, Adam tried to kill himself. She found him in the park. Carly tells Willow, thank you.

Spencer asks, what makes Nikolas think Ace is in danger? He liked it better when Ace and Esme were both living here with his grandmother, but still. Nikolas says, as long as Ace is in Esme’s care, his brother is in danger, and Spencer says he knows Nikolas hasn’t been around, so he might not know this, but Esme is actually a very good mother to Ace. Nikolas says, she’s playing a part. Showing people what they want to see. But at the core, Esme is still the same viper that caused destruction in both of their lives… Spencer says he actually does believe this version of Esme loves her son, and Nikolas says, whatever love Esme has for Ace is outweighed by her curiosity about her former life. Doesn’t he get it? Esme wants to remember. That’s why she’s searching for her past. That’s why she went to Windymere and broke in. Spencer asks how Nikolas would know about that, and Nikolas says he told Spencer; he’s been watching things. Whatever stories Esme makes up about her reasons for going there, they both know better. Spencer says he’s wondered about Esme at times, and who’s to say whether she’s gotten her memories back, but how can they know that for sure? They don’t have any proof. They don’t have any evidence to back it up. Nikolas says, they both know what her true nature is. Esme’s still the same person who tormented both of them and relished watching their family in pain. She’ll cause more pain than running away with Ace, or worse.

Sonny says, they’re going to be fine in here, aren’t they? and Cyrus says he thinks they will. Dex leaves, and Cyrus says, believe it or not, he’s happy to see Sonny again, calling him Mr. Corinthos. Sonny says, the nurse is gone. He can stop with the Mr. Corinthos nonsense. If he’s got something to say, say it quick.

Nina sees Dex and asks why he’s dressed like that. Was he just in Cyrus Renault’s room? Dex says, she shouldn’t be here, and she asks if Sonny is in with Cyrus right now. She moves toward the room, but he stops her, saying, he’s sorry, but she can’t go in there right now. She says, so he is in there.

Cyrus says, what Sonny needs to know is, he’s a sinner, and Sonny says, that’s not news. Cyrus says he knows he’ll never be able to fully repent for his past. He begs for forgiveness from God every day, but he doesn’t know that the gates of heaven will open for him after the things he’s done. Sonny says, that’s an awful big wind-up. Can he just get to the point? Cyrus says, this is why he now has to live a fully penitent life. He’ll continue to try and atone for his sins and accept his punishment with grace. Sonny says, tick… tock, and Cyrus says, Sonny doesn’t need to send anyone else to do his dirty work. Sonny asks, why is that? and Cyrus says he won’t be pressing charges against Sonny. The case will be closed.

Trina heads for the door, but Esme says, wait. What does Trina mean, she’s going to Paris? She can’t believe Spencer would abandon his brother like that. Trina says, Esme moved out of Laura and Doc’s place. She made the decision that Spencer would see a whole lot less of Ace. Besides, this is a really great opportunity. Esme says, for Trina. What about Spencer? Isn’t this really selfish of her? Trina asks Esme to let her finish. She was going to say, Spencer didn’t want to leave her either. Besides, it’s not like he has a job or anything that ties him down here. Esme says, what about his grandmother? and Trina says, Laura spent a summer in Europe trying to track down Spencer’s dad. She thinks Laura can handle Spencer being away for one semester. Esme says, Laura will probably be okay with this, but what about Ace? What about her? Trina says, what about you, Esme?

Spencer says he knows what the old Esme is capable of, but there’s got to be a better way than taking off with her child, and Nikolas says, if there was a way he could stay in Port Charles and fight for custody, he’d do that. But if he stays, he’ll go to prison. Spencer says, the way he did, but Nikolas says, Spencer’s sentence was fairly brief. In his case, he doesn’t know when he’d be free again, and that does Ace no good. Spencer says, but he does have to face the consequences of his actions at some point, right? He has a family and one of his kids is a baby, so at some point it has to stop being all about him. Nikolas says he’s doing this for Ace. For all his flaws and failings, this isn’t a choice between him and a better man. It’s a choice between him and Esme. Spencer says, what if Esme wasn’t a factor? and Nikolas asks how that would even be possible. Spencer says, his grandmother convinced Esme to turn herself in to the PCPD for breaking into Windymere, and as the current owner of the property, Ava has decided to press charges. In fact, her hearing is being held right now. (I guess Nikolas wasn’t watching that closely.) If Ava gets her way, Esme’s going to be spending some time in prison. That will give Nikolas a window of opportunity to squash any legal problems he might have and file for custody of Ace. Nikolas says, even if Esme does go to prison, she still has rights. She won’t just roll over. Spencer says, but Nikolas is the father. He has just as much a right of claim as she does, right? Spencer’s phone rings and he says, it’s his grandmother. Maybe she has an update. Hey, are you at the courthouse with Esme?… Yes… Okay, thank you for telling me. Nikolas says, well? and Spencer says, she pled guilty. She’s not going to have to serve any time. She got six months probation. So Esme’s basically a free woman.

Josslyn tells Carly that she found Adam in the park. He was just sitting there trying to play his guitar, drinking from a bottle of vodka. Carly takes Josslyn’s hand and says, thank God she went to look for him. He tried to take his life. Josslyn says she can’t believe he took it this far, when Finn and Elizabeth come out. Josslyn asks Finn, how is he? and Finn says he understands Josslyn found Adam and called the ambulance, and they thank her for that. But they can really only speak to family. All he can say is, they pumped his stomach. Elizabeth says, he’s in stable condition – Josslyn says, thank God – thanks to her quick thinking. Finn says, he should make a full recovery, and Josslyn thanks them. Carly says, she did the right thing, and Finn says, they do need to speak to Adam’s parents though. Elizabeth says, they have Adam’s parents’ contact information, but Josslyn says, please do not call his parents. Carly says, they have to, but Josslyn says, she doesn’t understand. His parents are the reason he tried to kill himself.

Sonny tells Cyrus, in the state of New York, the victim doesn’t need to press charges. For assault, the state can pursue the case without him. Cyrus says, while that may be true, he wonders how much effort the DA will want to invest when the key witness says they were the one who provoked the assault. Sonny had gone to a church, trying to commune with God and search for answers. He came upon Sonny, and instead of responding with kindness, he responded with hostility and bitterness, maybe even malice. In other words, Cyrus sinned against him. So if the DA takes the case to trial and he’s called to testify, he’ll repent and beg for forgiveness. Sonny says, that’s the exact opposite of what he told the cops. What was the change of heart? Cyrus says he doesn’t understand, and Sonny asks what Cyrus did. Because if he can reverse his position just like that, there has to be something in it for him. So what does he want in return? That’s what he’s asking. Cyrus says, nothing. He’s aware a man in Sonny’s position might just want to finish the job he started. And since getting out of Pentenville, he’s really come to appreciate his freedom. His life might be really small now, but he cherishes it and he’d like to keep living it. Is that so hard to understand? Sonny says, for an average person, maybe, but for Cyrus, he doesn’t believe a word Cyrus is shoveling at him. Cyrus laughs and asks if Sonny would believe another person helped him see the error of his ways, and Sonny asks, who got to him? Cyrus says, the person asked him not to say, but Sonny says, who? Cyrus says, let him keep his word. It’s the only thing he has left.

Nina tells Dex, ever since Sonny found out what she did, he hasn’t been thinking clearly. She’s worried about him. If anything happens to him… Dex says, if Sonny wants her to know something, he’ll tell her himself. He’s genuinely sorry that it’s come to this. She says, her too. She’s not giving up on Sonny. She’s not going to stop loving him. She’ll do anything for the man that she loves. She walks away.

Josslyn tells Finn, Adam doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents. He would not want them to be involved. And he’s not a minor; he’s over 18. That has to count for something, right? Finn says, he’s currently unconscious and his parents are next of kin. They have to be notified. He’s really sorry, but that’s hospital procedure. Elizabeth says she knows Josslyn and knows her heart is in the right place, but if that was Cameron in there, doesn’t Josslyn think she should be notified? Josslyn says, it’s not the same thing. Adam’s parents are the problem. He’s terrified of them. He got an A-minus on a test, and they considered that a failure. Finn says he understands, but legally, Adam’s parents need to be notified. Carly thanks him and says, do what he needs to do. Finn and Elizabeth leave, and Carly sits down with Josslyn. Josslyn asks if they can’t at least wait until Adam wakes up and ask him if he wants his parents to know, and Carly says, she’s heard a lot about Adam’s parents this semester, hasn’t she? Josslyn says, it’s crazy the amount of pressure they put on him. The way he talks, they don’t even see him. It’s just about him getting the best grades to get into the right med school. Carly says, he seems to be leaning a lot on Josslyn too, and Josslyn says, yes. She thought she was helping. Clearly not. Carly says, she didn’t do anything wrong. Adam is lucky to have a friend like her. Josslyn says, when Adam’s parents find out what he did, Adam is never going to forgive her.

Esme tells Trina that she’s Ace’s mother and she thought Spencer wanted to be a part of his little brother’s life. Trina says, Spencer will always be part of Ace’s life. He’s just giving Esme the space that she said she wanted. Esme tells Trina that she said she wanted space. She didn’t say she wanted Ace’s brother on another continent. Trina says, it’s not like they’re not coming back to Port Charles. They’re going to be in Paris for one semester. (IKR? Again, everyone is acting like this is forever.) Esme says, what if they love living there and that one semester extends into the summer, and they decide to live there for another year? Spencer can party his way through Europe, leaving his brother totally behind. Trina says, Spencer is not going to do that. He’s way to loyal to Ace. Esme says, Trina is in love with Spencer. Of course (🍷) she’s going to say that. Trina says she can’t believe she has to defend Spencer to Esme, of all people. What has he done except help her and Ace? Esme says, Ace loves his brother. He lights up every time Spencer walks into the room, and Ace is too little to understand the difference between a parent and a brother. How is Ace going to understand Spencer hasn’t just completely abandoned him.\?

Spencer tells Nikolas that he doesn’t understand how this could have happened. Esme gets six months probation and no time in jail? Nikolas says, Esme wasn’t on trial for the revenge porn of Josslyn and Cam, or for framing Trina. This case was just about breaking and entering into Windymere. Like he said, Esme wouldn’t have broken into Windymere unless she thought it would help her get her memories back. Spencer flashes back to the interrogation room and realizing that Esme remembers. Nikolas says, if Esme was truly committed to starting a new life with Ace as his devoted mother, wouldn’t she want to avoid Windymere at all costs? Spencer remembers Esme calling him Spence, and Nikolas asks what he’s thinking. Spencer says he doesn’t know anything for sure. It’s really more so just a feeling. Nikolas says, a feeling about what? and Spencer says, Esme may not be telling the whole truth about why she broke into Windymere. She said something. It was a really, really small thing, so it might not mean anything. Nikolas asks what she said, and Spencer says, she called me Spence. That was the name she called him the whole time they were together, and she hasn’t called him that since she lost her memory. But then, earlier today at the PCPD, she called him Spence. It wasn’t just what she said, it was how she said it. It was the same tone, it was the same inflection, everything. It could just be a coincidence. Nikolas says, he knows better. It’s proof that Esme’s lying. She must have gotten her memories back. Spencer asks how they know that for sure, and Nikolas says, they can’t as long as she denies it, but is he really willing to trust her? Does he want to risk his brother’s life for Esme?

Willow says she’s got a call in to PCU requesting Adam’s parents’ contact information, and Finn says, after a psyche consult, he’s sure Adam will be put on a 72-hour hold. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for his parents to start taking better care of their son. Willow says, maybe.

Carly tells Josslyn, the situation with Adam’s parents sounds terrible. She can’t imagine putting that kind of pressure on her kid, but he tried to kill himself. This is really serious. Now his parents will be able to give him the support he needs. Adam’s clearly crying out for help. Josslyn says she just wishes she’d done something sooner.

Dex puts the wrapped syringe in a trashcan and sees Sonny in the hallway. He asks if Sonny changed his mind about Renault, and Sonny says, Cyrus is still poison in Port Charles. They’ve got to deal with him. They’ve just got to figure out another way. Dex says, what about the assault charge against Sonny? and Sonny says, somebody convinced Cyrus not to testify. Dex says, without the victim’s testimony… and Sonny says, Scorpio isn’t going to risk embarrassment losing a weak case. He’s just trying to figure out who convinced Cyrus to drop the charges. Dex says he might know, and Sonny says, who? Dex says, Cyrus wasn’t alone when he got here. There was someone in his room with him. Sonny says, who? and Dex looks down the hall at Nina.

Trina says, with Spencer out of the country, this could be Esme’s chance to prove she can go it alone as Ace’s mom. And yes, Spencer has helped out a lot, but it’s time for him to take a step back. Esme made the same point when she moved out of Laura’s place. Esme asks if she’s supposed to thank Trina now, like Trina is doing her this big favor, and Trina says, Esme can look at it however she wants, but she wants Esme to know that not for one second did they question her abilities as a mom. They were only thinking about Ace. She and Spencer don’t think about Esme at all. She has to go. She tells Esme, congratulations. She got what she wanted. Trina walks out.

Nikolas asks when Esme will be back for Ace, and Spencer says, the hearing is over. She’s a free woman, so any minute now. Nikolas says, they’re running out of time. If Spencer won’t come with him, Spencer has to give him Ace to get him out of Esme’s grasp. This is their only chance. Spencer says, when Ace was born, he was certain Nikolas was going to come back, and when he didn’t, he was furious with Nikolas. He swore he was going to make sure Ace had a stable childhood no matter what. Nikolas says he knows and he’s sorry. He shouldn’t have left. It wasn’t fair for him to leave Spencer to pick up the pieces. He knows it looks like he’s running away again, he swears this time it’s different. He’s not running away to escape punishment. He’s running away to protect his son. Let him be a father to Ace. And to Spencer. Let him do the right thing for their family. Let him save his son.

Elizabeth says, as awful as that was, it was nice seeing Finn back in his element. He thanks her for backing him up with the nurse. He realizes she was just following procedure. She says, yes, but he was making the right call.

Carly says, Josslyn tried to help Adam and he pushed her away. Then when he really needed her help, she was there for him and did the right thing. He’s going to understand. She’s so proud of Josslyn. Willow comes out and says she’s sorry to interrupt, but she thought Josslyn would want to know Adam is stabilized now, in case she wants to see him. Josslyn says she does. She just needs to grab something from her car. Carly stops her and says, or they could give him a night to absorb what happened and see him tomorrow. Josslyn says, no. She needs to see him today. Besides, she has something that belongs to him. She’ll be right back. She leaves, and Willow asks if Josslyn realizes she saved Adam’s life, but Carly says, no. She feels like she should have known what he was going to try.

On the phone, Nina says she needs confirmation first thing tomorrow, when Sonny comes up behind her. He asks what she did. What did she promise Cyrus? She says, nothing she couldn’t afford to part with. His freedom is that important to her. He asks, what made her think it was a good idea to strike a deal with Cyrus? and she says, Cyrus is going to drop all the charges against him, a fight that she caused. Sonny wouldn’t have attacked Cyrus if he wasn’t so upset with her. She’s caused a lot of trouble and made some mistakes. Everything is falling apart, and if she could go back in time, she would. She would change how she handled things, but that’s not a possibility. What is a possibility is her making a deal with Cyrus. All she’s trying to do is clean up the mess she made. He says, next time she gets the urge to help him, don’t. He starts to walk away, but she calls to him and he stops. She says she has to do something, and he says, this is his life. Stay away from his business. As a matter of fact, stay away from him. He stalks off, all dark Sonny like.

Elizabeth says, Adam is really lucky Finn cared more about saving his life than getting someone to sign off on his diagnosis. In life or death, there’s just no time to second guess. He says, they all made a difference in helping that kid. His life depended on making a split-second decision. It reminded him of why he loves being a doctor. It also reminded him of what he stands to lose if he can’t be one.

Carly tells Willow, on one hand, she’s very proud of Josslyn, of how she handled the situation. Willow says, on the other hand? and Carly says she hates how Josslyn feels responsible for him. We just want to protect our kids, right? Willow says, until life gets in the way. Josslyn comes back and says she’s ready to see Adam. If they don’t mind, she’d prefer to go in alone. Carly says, okay. They’ll be right here if she needs them. Josslyn thanks them and goes to the exam room.

Josslyn sees Adam unconscious and hooked up to oxygen. She sets down her stuff and his guitar and goes over to the bed. She says, it’s me, Josslyn, and sits down. She says she brought his guitar from the park. She knows how much he loves it. She takes his hand and says she’s going to stay with him until he wakes up. Because he’s not alone.

Nikolas says, Spencer has to know that taking Ace away with him is the best option for his brother, and Spencer says, the points he’s making about Esme are valid. If she does get her memories back, she has zero incentive to be honest about it. Nikolas says, so Spencer will let him take Ace with him? and Spencer says, yes. Nikolas says, he’s making the right decision, and Spencer says, his blankie is in his room. Nikolas goes to Ace’s room – even though he would have no clue where it is and the apartment has more than one floor – and Spencer says he really hopes he gets to see Ace again so he can keep reminding Ace how much he loves him. He bounces and kisses Ace and says, when he first learned about Ace, he wasn’t sure how to feel. And then he saw Ace and all he had was pure love for him. All he ever wanted for Ace was happiness and safety and love. Nikolas stands in the doorway, and Spencer says he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he thinks he’s making the right decision. He hopes Ace remembers always that he has an older brother who loves him very much. Nikolas comes out, and Spencer says, if he ever hurts Ace, if he ever abandons him… Nikolas says, never, but Spencer says, listen to him. If he ever hurts Ace, he will find Nikolas and he will make him pay. Nikolas says he knows that.

Spencer says, he likes grapes, but they need to be cut into quarters, so he doesn’t choke. And as Nikolas can see, he’s a very good sleeper. (Ace has basically been passed out through this whole scene.) He likes to be read bedtime stories before bed; it helps him calm down. Nikolas says, got it. He asks Spencer to please come with them. The transition would be so much easier on his little brother, and honestly, he’d love it too. Spencer can’t know how much he’s missed him. Spencer says he’s glad he’s been able to play the role he has in Ace’s life. He has a life with Trina now, so he can’t. Nikolas says he understands, but he promises that one day, they’ll both be back. Spencer tells him not to make promises he can’t keep. Not to him, not to Ace. Nikolas says he swears they will, and Spencer says, just make sure that he’s looked after. That’s what’s most important. He hands Ace to Nikolas, and Ace barely opens an eye. And in perhaps the stupidest move Spencer has ever made, he opens the door, and Nikolas leaves with Ace.

Elizabeth tells Finn, good news. The doctor Muldoon saw in Beechers Corners is in Port Charles and she’s willing to meet with them. This could be his best chance to beat the malpractice suit.

Carly says she told Josslyn that Adam’s parents will only want the best for him. She sincerely hopes that’s true. Willow says, parents can have all the good intentions in the world, and they can still let their children down.

Nina says she talked to the station. Cyrus has his time slot as soon as Sonny’s case is officially thrown out. Then he can start spreading the Good Word. He says, praise the Lord, and she tells him, sure. Whatever you say. He smiles.

Sonny is in the elevator with Dex, and says, Dex impressed him today. Dex says he didn’t do anything, but Sonny says, the fact Dex was going to follow his orders lets him know he can count on Dex. Dex thanks him, and Sonny says, any questions? Dex says, just one. What are they going to do about Cyrus? Sonny says he’s going to make that bastard wish he hadn’t stopped Dex from putting him out of his misery.

Trina bursts into the exam room, and Josslyn thanks her for coming, hugging her. Trina says, of course (🍷). She dropped everything as soon as she got Josslyn’s text. How’s Adam? Josslyn says, the good news is, she found him, so the paramedics got him to the hospital in time. But she has no idea what she’s going to say to him when he wakes up.

Spencer leans on the mantel and notices Ace’s pillow (I think) got left behind. He scoops it up and opens the door. Esme is there.

Tomorrow, Esme says she’s taking Ace home, but Spencer says, she can’t; Nina says, if they don’t believe her, ask Michael; and Willow wants nothing more to do with someone. I’m hoping it’s Michael, but I’m guessing it’s Nina.

🏥 Meet the Parent…

He’s probably going to yell at Adam for not doing it right.

Steve Mize Cast as Adam’s Father on GENERAL HOSPITAL

🩺 Good To Be Home…

Looks like he’s hoping to make it a permanent address. I wouldn’t hate that.

🥀 Gone Too Soon…

This is just too sad.

ALL MY CHILDREN’s Alec Musser Dead at 50

💫 Losing a Legend…

The soap world loses another great one.

🧂 Throwing It Over My Shoulder…

They were at the point where everyone was talking over everyone, so A) no one was listening to anyone, and B) we couldn’t hear what anyone was saying clearly. Mary joined the group, and it was established that she’s not a backstabber. She’ll tell you to your face.

Pick your poison.



🏆 Emmy Cornucopia…

The winners.




The red carpet and more.


And most important, fashion and beauty.



I agree with most, but not all of these choices. I thought Niecy Nash-Betts looked very old-world Hollywood glam.


Something random. This sounds like me – watch my purse, Carson.


🐩 Dress ‘Em Up, Show ‘Em Off…

These dogs are too cute.


I don’t know how old this article is, but it doesn’t matter. Cute pets are cute pets.


🦹🏽‍♀️ Winding Up the Masquerade…

Join me tomorrow for soap and the never-ending season of Beverly Hills awfulness. Until then, stay safe, stay doing a periodic social media audit, and stay living your life looking ahead.

January 10, 2024 – Memorial For an Angel On Earth, Two Celebrations In Beverly Hills, Salty Reunion & Don’t


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly looks at a photo of Bobbie from the Nurses Ball, and elsewhere, Felicia does the same. Lucas arrives and Josslyn hugs him. She says, they’re so glad he’s here, and Michael says he’s so sorry. He hugs Lucas, who says, him too.

Maxie says, it was really nice of Cody to ask James to help him in the stables today. Promise her that when he gets home, no fighting with his sister. He promises, and Felicia comes in with Anna. Maxie hugs them both, and Felicia cries.

At the hospital memorial wall, Laura kisses her hand and touches Bobbie’s photo. Spencer comes along and they hug.

Dante and Sam meet Sonny in the apartment building hallway, and they get in the elevator together.

Carly hugs Lucas and asks how they’re going to do this. He says he doesn’t know, but they will. Carly’s phone rings, and she answers it.

Carly goes to Kelly’s where Elizabeth is waiting. Elizabeth says she didn’t want Carly to come. She just wanted her to know what happened. Carly asks, what did happen? and Elizabeth shows her the broken Kelly’s sign. She says, last night’s storm must have knocked it down. (How did they know it was going to storm last night?) Carly says, her mom told her that Aunt Ruby had this made. It was hand painted. This thing’s lasted for decades. Elizabeth says she can handle this. The funeral is soon. Carly should go be with her family. Carly says, today of all days, and Elizabeth says she can paint a new sign. It can be something similar or Carly can pick something new. (This is kind of weird, since the sign isn’t smashed to bits, and could be fixed.) Carly says, Elizabeth doesn’t have to do that, but Elizabeth says she’d be honored. Kelly’s means so much to this community, just like Bobbie did. Just like she always will.

Carly arrives at the church, telling Josslyn, sorry. She had to take care of something. Josslyn asks if everything is all right, and Carly says, it will be. Michael asks how she’s doing, and she says she’s taking it minute by minute. Lucas tells her to take it second by second if she has to. He knows he is. Carly asks if she told him how good it is to see him, and Lucas says, once or twice. Drew says he’s going to check in with the priest and make sure everything’s set. He leaves, and Michael asks if Carly is ready, but she says, no. Josslyn says, they’re here for her, and Carly says she’s here for Josslyn too, for all of them. They go into the church, where Bobbie’s photo is prominently displayed.

We see Bobbie in the credits one last time.

Drew says, everything is set, and Lucas thanks him. Drew says he wishes he could do more… for all of them. Sam, Dante, and Sonny come in, and Sam hugs Carly, saying, she’s so sorry. Carly thanks her and Dante asks how she’s doing. Carly makes a face, and he says, sorry. Pretty dumb question to ask. Her mom was an incredible person. He knows Lulu thought pretty highly of her. Carly says, her mom felt the same about Lulu and thanks them for coming. Sam says, where else would they be? and sits with Dante. Carly takes Sonny’s hand, and he asks how she’s holding up. He knows it’s a dumb question (a lot of that going around). She says, hanging in there, and he says he loved Bobbie. He’s going to miss her. She says, her too.

Felicia, Anna, and Maxie look at some memorial photos, and Felicia says, Bobbie’s with Barbara Jean and Tony now. She knows that should give her comfort. Anna says, but she wishes Bobbie were here, and Felicia says, so much. Maxie tells them, Bobbie always said she felt like BJ and Tony were her guardian angels. She feels that way too, especially with BJ. Sometimes she has what she feels is a memory, but she knows it can’t be. She wasn’t even conscious. Anna asks, what kind of memory? and Maxie says, being in the hospital. Uncle Tony listening to BJ’s heart in her chest. It feels so real. She can even feel the weight of his head on her chest. Felicia says she thinks Maxie does remember, and Maxie says, how? Anna says, doctors and nurses tell them this all the time, don’t they? She’s sure Bobbie would have agreed that even if the patient is out, they’re not unaware of their surroundings. Felicia says, that’s why they encourage us to talk to them. Tony did listen to that beautiful heart of hers. What a blessing that she carries that moment with her. Anna asks if they should go in, and they do. Maxie notices an unknown woman sitting in the back.

Willow walks in and tells Michael, sorry she’s late. Monica wasn’t feeling well, and it took her minute to convince Monica to stay home. He says he’s glad she’s here, and she says, of course (🍷) she’s here. She loved Bobbie very much and she knows he loved her even more.

Laura takes Carly’s hands and says she’s going to miss Carly’s mother so very much. They hug, and Carly thanks her for offering to give the eulogy. It means so much to them. Laura says, Bobbie was like a sister to her. She just hopes she can do Bobbie justice. Doc says, she will, and Carly agrees.

Trina hugs Josslyn and says she’s so sorry about Josslyn’s grandmother. Josslyn thanks her, and Spencer says, they weren’t technically related, but Bobbie was always good to him. Josslyn says, Bobbie was good to everyone, unless you got on her bad side, then watch out. Spencer says, loyal to the core, and Trina says, sounds like somebody else she knows. She and Josslyn hug again.

Tracy says she’s so sorry for Carly’s loss. It’s Port Charles’s loss really. Carly thanks her and says she’s really glad Tracy was helping her mom handle Luke’s affairs. Tracy says she doesn’t think Carly’s mom thought it was helping. She thought it was just getting in the way. Carly says she’s really glad Tracy was there, and Tracy says, then she is too. Her mother was a force to be reckoned with. She was loyal to the people she loved, Luke especially. Her voice breaking, Tracy says she admired Bobbie immensely for that, and walks over to the memorial photos, where Lucy is standing.

Lucy says she’s not getting into it with Tracy. Not here, not today. Tracy says, that’s not why she approached Lucy. Whatever’s going on between them, Bobbie transcends that. Lucy says, yes, she does, and Tracy says, Luke loved his sister. Lucy says, she was his rock, ride or die, and Tracy says, and he was hers. So how about if just for today, they hold a truce for Bobbie. Lucy says, for Bobbie.

Alexis lights a candle, and Sam says she never pegged Alexis as the religious type. Alexis says she’s not. She’s honoring Bobbie’s spirit, which was incandescent. She was an angel on this earth. Kristina says, the way Bobbie helped her with all that Keifer stuff. It was a nightmare, and she wouldn’t have gotten through it without her. Alexis says, that makes both of them, and flashes back to Bobbie saying her father physically abused her. Eventually, she pulled herself out of that pit, and she became a nurse and got married. And it was respectable, except her husband beat her too. Alexis says she’s sorry, and Bobbie says, it became a pattern, and she didn’t recognize it. Alexis says, how could she possibly have not known that? and Bobbie says, we all do the best we can. However, Alexis’s daughter needs that smart, positive, independent woman to look up to. In the present, Alexis says, it’s a good lesson for all of them. Pay it forward.

Laura asks what Scotty is up to, and he says he was trying to jot something down to say. He speaks for a living and he wants to ask Laura something. Why is it that someone he cared so much about, he’s just coming up empty? She takes his hand.

Maxie asks if Anna knows that woman, but Anna says, no. She doesn’t recognize her at all. It’s not really a surprise though, is it, given the amount of patients and people Bobbie helped over the years. Maxie looks at the woman again.

The casket is brought in, and everyone stands. The priest says, God, we are gathered her today as friends and family of our loved one, who departed from this world recently and came into Your presence. Let the love You showered upon Bobbie in her life fill this service. Help us to learn how to love others unconditionally, as Bobbie did when she was with us here on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Laura says, when she first met Bobbie, she was just a candy striper and Bobbie was a nurse at General Hospital. Over the years, they went through an awful lot together. They were not just sisters-in-law, they were friends. Real friends, the kind that would always show up for each other. And getting to know Bobbie, getting to be in her orbit, was truly an honor, because she touched so many lives. Laura can feel the love in the room Bobbie shared with them. She thinks it’s fair to say Bobbie Spencer was someone who led with her heart, and she loved without the obstruction of skepticism. She also believes that Bobbie was the most unfailingly optimistic (Felix is here!) person she ever met in her life. She always had a smile on, right? For everyone, no matter what kind of day she was having. Also, she was not afraid to fight for the things she believed in. She thinks when they were young, Bobbie had more of a tendency to fight with people, but that changed as Bobbie got older, and she began to fight for people. She had the knack of seeing the good in absolutely everyone, even if she had to dig really deep to find it. Do they know how special that is? How rare that is? And they all got to experience it; they all got to experience her. And Bobbie Spencer was an experience. One that she’ll truly miss.

Scotty says he’s at a loss for words, which is rare for him. How do you memorialize someone as complicated as Bobbie? Hell, look at her friends. The Aztec princess over there – we see Felicia – a ragtag lawyer like him, and fitness guru Richard Simmons. Bobbie was the best of everything. She was kind, she was sweet, generous. She was a nurse. He loved her. It’s only today he realized they were meant to be best friends. She did that. He puts his hand on the casket and says he’s going to miss her, with everything he’s got.

Elizabeth says, it’s no secret that Bobbie grew up with a lot of trauma. But instead of letting that break her or hold her back, she harnessed it. She took all of that negative energy and turned it into strength and wisdom and ultimately into something healing, because that’s who Bobbie was. She was a healer. Bobbie helped her through some really difficult times, and she knows for a fact she’s not the only one. They can ask anyone at the hospital. They can ask anyone in this church. If you were new, or lost, or just struggling to find your path, who was the first person to offer their hand to help? Everyone says, Bobbie, and Elizabeth says, right, Bobbie. It’s a legacy she’ll do her very best to continue. And she hopes to make Bobbie proud.

Carly thanks everyone for being here today. Her mom was a wonderful woman. They had a very unique relationship in that they didn’t meet until they were adults. Don’t get her wrong, her mom was a wonderful mother, but she wasn’t the mother who raised her. She wasn’t the mother to check for monsters under the bed. She was the mother who mentored her and understood her. Who made room in her heart for Carly and taught Carly how to make room in hers. When Carly came to Port Charles, she was a mess. She was a schemer and not in a good place. There were two people who changed that in her. Bobbie was one of them. She didn’t realize how powerful true acceptance was. Bobbie gave her forgiveness, but acceptance… Bobbie said Carly was her daughter and that she was a Spencer, and that she was going to love Carly and that she’d believe in Carly no matter what. She said she was never going to take Carly’s crap, but she was always going to be by Carly’s side, and she was. She knows on the surface they were very different, but you didn’t have to scratch too deep to see they were very much alike. And she sees Bobbie every time she sees her kids. The way they stand up for themselves. The way they accept and care about the people around them. How they try so hard not to go after the bad, but they go after the good. I’m still working on that one, but I’m going to keep trying, mom. She looks up, then looks at Bobbie’s picture and says, I love you, Bobbie Jean Spencer. The world’s a very different place without you.

After the service, Maxie asks Felicia if they should head out, but Felicia says she’d like to stay a little bit longer if that’s okay. Maxie tells her to take all the time she needs. She’ll be right back. Maxie follows the unknown woman out to the vestibule, and says, hi. She saw her in the back of the chapel. Was she friends with Bobbie? The woman says, more like they worked together. Angela Brighton. She’s a reporter for the AP. She’s doing a story on Maxie’s friend. Maxie asks, what kind of story?

Lucas lights a candle, as Felix approaches. They hug, and Felix says he’s so sorry. Lucas thanks him, and Felix says, Lucas’s mother was one of the best people he ever met. Lucas says, she was pretty great, and Felix says, she was more than great. He keeps thinking about the Nurses Ball. How much fun he had performing with her every year. Bobbie was tireless. The choreographer would physically leave the building, and she’d be like, we don’t need him. Let’s do it one more time. Lucas says he’s sure they loved that, and Felix says, they did, because she wasn’t annoying or obnoxious about it. She was just her usual upbeat and energetic self. Lucas says, she wanted everybody to be their best, and Felix says, every year, something would inevitably go wrong, convincing them it wasn’t going to work this time. But Bobbie would insist that it would, and of course (🍷) it did. A real team player, Lucas’s mom. He’s really going to miss her. They all are. Lucas says, yeah, and thanks Felix for sharing that with him. Felix says, thank you for sharing her with us, and puts his hand on Lucas’s shoulder.

Felicia says, it was a beautiful service, and Carly thanks her. She thanks Felicia for being such a great friend to her mom. She was really lucky to have Felicia. Felicia says she’s the lucky one, and Maxie says she’s sorry to interrupt. Felicia says, Maxie never interrupts, and Angela tells Carly that she’s sorry for Carly’s loss. Carly asks if Angela was a friend of her mom, and Maxie says, yes, and they have something important to tell her.

At Kelly’s, Carly says she doesn’t mean to offend Angela, but she doesn’t want the press making a mockery of her mother’s death. Angela says she totally understands that, and Maxie says, just hear her out. Trust her. Carly says, okay, and Angela says, first off, Bobbie told her a lot about Carly. Felicia says, back up. How does she know Bobbie? Angela says she was recently stationed at the AP Bureau in Amsterdam. That’s when she started writing the profile on Bobbie and the work she was doing there. Carly says, the work she was doing there? She was helping settle her brother’s affairs. Angela says, she was doing that, but she was also devoting herself to charity work at the organization. Felicia asks, what kind of organization? and Angela says, a rescue one. Carly’s mother was helping young women escape human trafficking.

Carly says, human trafficking? That’s dangerous. How did her mother get involved in this? Angela says, don’t worry. She was volunteering at a non-profit. She wasn’t out on the front lines, but she did use her time and resources to help women all over Europe travel to the states and apply for asylum. Carly says, to get a better life, and Felicia says, just like Bobbie did. Angela says, Carly’s mother did confide in her about her teenage years, and Carly says, when she was a prostitute. Angela says she also knows Bobbie was too young to make that choice. Bobbie herself was trafficked. Of course (🍷) they weren’t calling it that back then, but it’s finally being acknowledged for the abuse it was. Bobbie told her that she had her reckoning with her past, and she played a pivotal role in helping those women escape, which is why Angela wanted to write the article. Carly says, so her mother agreed to speak with Angela? and Angela says, unfortunately, she couldn’t say much without risking exposing the victims and her contact. There was a point person with an organization that aided in the actual journey to the US. However, right before she passed, Bobbie did tell her that she was in the process of arranging asylum for someone. Maxie asks if that’s usually very complicated, and Angela says, normally, no. She would just find a safe place for them to stay while the paperwork was being completed, but in this case, she was really worried for the girl’s safety. People were looking for her, so Bobbie was trying to find a way to get her to the states sooner. Carly asks if Angela knows if the woman got here, and Angela says she wishes she knew. Carly says she’s sorry. She needs some air. She goes outside and Felicia follows her. She asks if Carly is okay, and Carly says she knew something was going on. Why would it take so long for her mom to settle Luke’s affairs? Why? Felicia says, leave it to Bobbie to save the world as her side gig.

Back home, Carly thanks Tracy for coming. She knows it’s been a long day. Tracy says, especially for Carly. It was a lovely tribute to Carly’s mother, and she hopes Carly found some peace in it. Carly says she did. She’s really glad Tracy was there. Tracy says, Luke thought the world of Carly’s mother and she wouldn’t have missed it, and Carly says, at least they’re together now. Tracy laughs and says she’d like to think so. So what’s this about? Carly says she needs Tracy’s help.

Outside Kelly’s, Felicia flashes back to telling Bobbie that there’s no way she can make this easy for her, but she loves Bobbie so much. They hug, and Felicia says, if Maxie makes it through this, she and Frisco have Bobbie and Tony to thank. In the present, Felicia cries, and Maxie comes out of Kelly’s with Angela. Maxie asks what Felicia is doing out in the cold, and Felicia says she was just thinking about Bobbie and how Bobbie was always there for her and never expected anything in return. She hopes Bobbie knows that she would have done anything for her. Angela says she’s sure she did, and Maxie says she knows she did. Felicia says, Angela has really kind eyes. Has anyone ever told her that? Angela says, empathy is part of the job, and Felicia says she’s going to walk home. Handing Felicia her bag, Maxie asks if she’s sure. She can give Felicia a ride. Felicia says she just wants to spend some time by herself, and Maxie says, text her when she gets there. Felicia hugs Maxie and says she loves her. Maxie says she loves Felicia too, and Felicia says, Maxie is her everything good, just like Georgie and James and Baily Lou are Maxie’s. Maxie says she knows, and Felicia says, nice to meet Angela. Angela says, her as well, and Felicia leaves. Angela says, Maxie and her mother have a really special bond, and Maxie says, yeah. She’s the best. Angela says she feels the same way about hers.

Tracy tells Carly, wow. Here she thought she was taking something off Bobbie’s plate by going to Amsterdam. Little did she know, Bobbie had a whole other platter. Human trafficking? Carly says, it makes sense, given her mom’s history and her complicated relationship with Ruby and Luke. Tracy says, Luke loved Carly’s mother, and Carly says she knows. Tracy says, he went above and beyond to always protect her, and Carly says, yes. He protected her in his own way, but come on. He didn’t go to the police. He could have stopped it. Tracy says, back then, the person who would have gotten into trouble is Carly’s mother. They didn’t know better back then. Carly says, they did deep down, and if they didn’t, they sure as hell should have, and Tracy says she can’t argue with Carly there. Carly says she just wants to know the woman her mother was trying to help is safe, and Tracy says she can see this is important to Carly. Carly says, it is, because she didn’t get to say goodbye to her mom. She just wants to finish what Bobbie started. Tracy asks what she can do to help, and Carly says, Tracy was with Bobbie for a month. Did she mention her contact at this organization? Tracy says she told Carly, she knew nothing about this other life Bobbie was leading, and Carly asks if a name kept popping up, something she just passed off as other business. Tracy says, she didn’t confide anything. She did mention some cabin in Ontario that Luke had, but really, Bobbie just couldn’t wait to get rid of her. Now she knows why. Carly asks if she went off on her own a lot, and Tracy says, she did, all the time. Actually, she followed Bobbie, and she was at a café up the street from Luke’s. She thinks Bobbie went there often. Carly asks, what was the name of the café?

Drew says, Carly is going to Amsterdam? and she says, uh-huh. He says, tonight? and she says, yeah. Josslyn says, grandma’s funeral was just a few hours ago. Isn’t she exhausted? Carly says, if she gets on the overnight flight, she can sleep on the plane, and get there early tomorrow. Drew says, sounds like she’s made up her mind about this, and she says she has. He says he’s going with her, but she says, no. He says, it could be dangerous, and she says she’s only going there so she can find her mom’s contact at the organization. (I guess a phone call is out of the question.) She’s also going to need Josslyn to look out for Donna and Avery too. Josslyn says, of course (🍷), but does she really need to do this? Carly says, come on. Her mom’s upbringing was less than ideal. There was a lot of pain, a lot of abuse, and she worked really hard to break the cycle, but clearly, she was looking for peace. If Carly can help her find that, even in death… Josslyn hugs her and says she’s so proud of Carly. Drew says he’s proud of her too, but no one would be prouder than Bobbie.

At Kelly’s, Maxie says, Angela came all this way to finish her article on Bobbie, and Angela says, it was totally worth the trip. After hearing the tributes at the funeral, and listening to Maxie and her mom talk about Bobbie, she has a more complete picture of who she was. Maxie says she can do better than that, and Angela says, how so? Maxie says, there are countless people in Port Charles who Bobbie has helped. She thinks Angela should talk to some of them. Angela says she would love to talk to anyone who would share their memories of Bobbie with her, and Maxie asks how long she’s here for. Angela says, her flight’s supposed to leave tomorrow night, and Maxie says, come back here tomorrow morning, and she promises Angela won’t be disappointed.

Carly walks outside with her suitcase, when Felicia walks up with her suitcase and asks if Carly has room for one more. She was talking to Drew, and he said she had a lead on Bobbie’s contact in Amsterdam. She’d like to come with Carly. Carly says, that won’t be necessary, and Felicia asks, what’s her plan? To camp out at the café and ask every person who enters if they know who Bobbie’s associate is? Carly says she hasn’t gotten that far yet, and Felicia says, let her help. She knows she’s been out of the P.I. game for a minute and she and Carly have never been particularly close. But Bobbie’s life gave her meaning and Bobbie literally gave life to her daughter. She owes Bobbie everything, and she’d really like to give her this one last gift. Carly says, they’d better get going.

Tomorrow, Maxie feels like it’s something she can actually do; Lucy says she’s one very lucky woman; Felicia thinks they might have just found Bobbie’s contact; and Carly says, there was a side to her mother that she didn’t know anything about. I hope we get more flashbacks with Bobbie. It’s not like they haven’t had the time to get them together.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Kyle has arranged for a day in Ojai for Annemarie’s birthday. In Kyle’s interview, she says, whenever Annemarie is around, it’s been chaos. We flash back to that, and Kyle says she thought they could have a day trip, a girls day with no arguing. They all meet at Kyle’s house, and Garcelle and Sutton ride over together. Garcelle says she and Dorit hashed things out, and in Garcelle’s interview, she says she hopes everybody is good and they can put it behind them and enjoy themselves. She tells Sutton that she’s moving past it. Erika is absent due to covid, but they call her. It’s boring. They drink in the limo bus, and in Annemarie’s interview, she says, she and Sutton got off to a rocky start, but she’ll see how the day goes. Sutton tells everyone that she has very exciting news. She went on date. He’s cute, has a job, and likes karaoke. And he asked her out on a second date. We flash back to the first one, and I actually think they look good together. I’m rooting for this coupling. In Sutton’s interview, she says she’s excited. Steve has been texting her and she thinks he likes her. Kyle says, they’re going to a wine tasting, but there will be tequila and vodka there as well, and Sutton says she brought her own vodka. I think she’s joking, but I’d bring my own if I went somewhere with this group.

They do some shopping, and it’s determined that Kyle is the biggest shopper. In Kyle’s interview, she says she buys something every day. How much money do they have??? They go to Casa Locé Farm and Winery, and oh man, the food porn at this place. Sommelier Blane describes the wines as they taste. In her interview, Kyle says she loves L.A., but doesn’t feel as connected to it as she used to. When Portia goes to school, she wants to move to a place more conducive to making her happy. Kyle announces they’re playing a table topics game, and the first card is an instruction to lick someone’s toe. I’m out, but Sutton volunteers and licks Kyle’s toe. In her interview, Sutton says she regrets nothing. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, everyone is having a good time. It’s fun. Can they keep it like this? My guess is, no. The question of what’s appropriate for husbands and other women on social media comes up, and Kyle says, she doesn’t like it at all. In her interview, she says, Mauricio gets a lot of DMs from women, and they’re the aggressor. There are a lot of a-holes out there. A birthday cake is brought out, and Kyle asks if anyone would ever date a woman. In Dorit’s interview, she asks, where the hell did that come from? and in Sutton’s interview, she says, that’s a weird question to ask randomly. My cousin is a lesbian. Garcelle says she’s thought about it, and Kyle says she would. In her interview, Garcelle says, years ago, Kyle was shocked about threesomes. She doesn’t know much, but she thinks a country song is somewhere in there. Kyle demonstrates scissoring with Dorit, and it just looks awkward. Garcelle says she’s not impressed with these moves. In her interview, Sutton says, they get to the point where they’re having so much fun, they remember they like each other. I might point out, Erika is not on this trip. Just sayin’. Kyle reminds everyone about the Celebration of Life event that she’s having for her friend Lorene who recently committed suicide. She feels like it’s the right way to honor her.

Garcelle makes lasagna for Jaid and Jax, and says she’s got a confession to make. They’re 15, but she’s feeling like they’re going to be gone soon and doing their own thing, and it makes her sad. She wonders what she’s going to do with herself. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, her window with the boys is small. They’re about to fly the coop and she doesn’t know how to handle it. Jaid wants Ashlyn to sleep over, and Garcelle starts talking about sex, which causes the twins much embarrassment. In her interview, she says, seeing them giggle and squirm reminds her that they’re still little boys. Jax says, sounds like health class, and Garcelle says, no means no; yes means, everybody agrees; and she doesn’t want to be a grandma anytime soon. Talk over.

Dorit asks PK to be open and focused for therapist Sarah’s house call, and in her interview, she says, she’s happy he’s agreeable. Her biggest issue after the home invasion is that PK hasn’t been there for her, physically or emotionally. We flash back to some instances of that, and Dorit says, her patience is used up. It’s time for PK to show up. She tells Sarah that she feels like he doesn’t understand the severity of her PTSD, largely in part to the surprise element. She tried to explain it to him, but he had a defensive reaction. PK asks if it requires a discussion then and there, and Sarah asks if he’s saying Dorit’s timing is off. PK says, no husband would have taken kindly to what Dorit said after what he did. It felt like a f*** you.

Sarah says, PTSD is born in anxiety and catches you off guard. Your instinct is to be ready for something horrible to happen all the time. She asks if she’s got it right, and Dorit says, perfection. I agree. PK says he considers some things just obnoxious and not PTSD. When does high maintenance blend with PTSD? In Dorit’s interview, she says, when she met PK, he could let go of things easily, but now he’s more harsh with her. He gets mean. In PK’s interview, he says, Dorit used to be a bubbly, enthusiastic girl, and not as high maintenance as she is now. I’m not a huge fan of Dorit’s, but seriously? She’s a mother now, she’s older, she survived a gun to her head. WTF does this guy expect? Dorit says she’s a totally new person and can’t do anything about it. Does he have any idea what that’s like to live with? Sarah asks what she wants PK to do, and Dorit says, if she tells him that she’s not good, understand she’s having an episode and comfort his wife. In her interview, Dorit says, it’s times like this that test the relationship. And when she needs PK, not the other way around, he’s coming up short. In his interview, PK says, the pressure of a career, a job, traveling, and a wife is a challenge. Maybe he’s not balancing it as well as he should or could, but it’s not one sided. They both need to be wrong sometime, and that’s a challenge to Dorit. PK says, of course he wants to understand, but Dorit needs to articulate it in a calmer, less irritating manner. In Dorit’s interview, she says, what she needs is for PK not only to better grasp the situation, but to want to be there for her. If they do that together, they can succeed. If they can’t, she doesn’t know what the future holds. PK tells her that she takes a long time to say something, but she’s sweet when she’s asleep, and they laugh.

Everyone gets ready for Kyle’s Celebration of Life, and Kyle gets there first, bringing Teddi (ugh) and Morgan. In Kyle’s interview, she says she talks to Teddi and Morgan every day, and they discuss everything. She was drawn to Morgan by her music. Her lyrics are raw, open, and honest. She’s putting it all out there, and Kyle admires that, since she’s struggled with that herself. Teddi tells Garcelle, the gnat’s here, and in Garcelle’s interview, she says, not only is Teddi annoying, she refers to herself as a gnat. We flash back to Garcelle saying Teddi is annoying like a gnat. Kyle’s daughters join her, and in her interview, she says, her daughters are her best friends. They give her the best advice, they’re there for her, and listen to her. She doesn’t know what she’d do without them. After raising them, it’s good to lean on them. Mauricio is out of town on business, but two years ago, she would have relied on him to get through the evening. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, Kyle coming alone says a lot about where her relationship is. Maybe she’s not trying to hide it after all. Crystal, Garcelle, and Annemarie talk about Garcelle’s sons for a hot minute before Annemarie brings up Sutton’s small esophagus. She says she feels like she’s beating a dead horse, and Garcelle asks why she cares. In her interview, Garcelle says she doesn’t think esophagus is Beverly Hills talk. They talk about someone’s jewelry, bags, and ex-husbands, but not their esophagus. Plastic surgery is also okay to talk about. Annemarie says she scoured her medical books, and the professionals she’s talked to said, you could present that to a layperson, but if you said that to a medical professional, you’d sound stupid. She says, if you have an eating disorder or acid reflux, it could cause scar tissue, and Crystal tells her to get off the eating disorder platform. Annemarie insists she didn’t say that, even though we all heard it two seconds ago. In Crystal’s interview, she says, Annemarie is the biggest gaslighter, and she doesn’t need to look up gaslighting in a medical book. Annemarie says, it’s not a diagnosis, and Garcelle says she’s getting a drink. She asks if they need anything, and Crystal says, a bottle of tequila. I might point out that Sutton didn’t say it was a diagnosis; she said it was a symptom. Sutton tells Dorit that her family never addressed her father’s suicide, and in her interview, she says her father was 62 and she’s lived with the guilt. She’s tried to figure out why. They had him hospitalized twice. She needs to learn to let that go. Garcelle tells Sutton that Annemarie is coming for her small esophagus, and Sutton says, not tonight. In Dorit’s interview, she says, Garcelle likes to strike a match, throw it on the flames, and walk away. Um… Isn’t the match used to start the flames? Sutton says she’s an ambassador for NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness, also a sponsor of the event), and Annemarie better stay the f*** away from her. Not tonight.

In Dorit’s interview, she says she met Morgan before Kyle did. She came to a dinner for Mauricio’s birthday, and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Dorit didn’t understand the connection between Morgan and Kyle, but why not? Now that she thinks about it, it was the last time they were together as a couple. Kyle and Morgan eat fruit off a stick, and in her interview, Dorit says, this is exactly how rumors start.

Kyle takes the mic and says, they’re here to honor her best friend Lorene Shay on the one-year anniversary of her death. Nobody wants to talk about suicide, and she wants those struggling to know there are resources to help them. In Sutton’s interview, she says, she was supposed to be home when her father shot himself. She misses him and misses him not seeing her children. But he is proud of her because he’s still with them. Kyle talks about her and Lorene meeting at age seven, and not getting along at first. In her interview, Kyle says, neither one of them could ever apologize, so when they had an argument, they came up with the word babalu instead of sorry. She’d talked to Lorene two days before, and Lorene told her that she should always appreciate her marriage. She said she would. We see photos of Lorene and Kyle together, and Kyle says, now she and Mauricio are having a hard time, and she thinks she’s letting Lorene down. In Dorit’s interview, she says she’s overcome with emotion. She knows how devastated Kyle is and it’s important Kyle knows she’s here for her. Morgan plays a ballad about lovers, which doesn’t seem like the best choice for this event. In Kyle’s interview, she says, since Lorene died, she thinks life is too short. She’s trying to be happy and live her life and doesn’t want to waste a day spending time with people she doesn’t want to or who don’t appreciate her. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, when her mom passed, knowing she’d never see, hear, or hug her again was the hardest part. In her interview, Kyle says, as hard as it was, people wanted to celebrate Lorene, hear the stories, and lean on each other. It’s all we can do. Lorene’s mom, Sugar, says, she should be here, and Kyle says, she is.

This was the kind of episode I like to see, but it’s a shame half of it had to surround a death to get these women to behave. That being said, again I point out Erika wasn’t there, and Annemarie just couldn’t help herself by bringing up Sutton’s esophagus at the most inappropriate time ever. Thirsty much?

Next time, Erika begins dance rehearsal; Crystal tells Garcelle that Annemarie claimed to be a doctor when they met; Sutton grills Annemarie; and Crystal calls Annemarie a bitch.

🧂 Rubbing Salt In the Wound…

That salty bunch reunites to scream over each other and bring… Receipts! Proof! Timelines! Screenshots!

🪣 Wringing Out the Old…

Join me tomorrow for soap and what is sure to be a not-so Charming Reunion. Until then, stay safe, stay anticipating major accomplishments in the new year, and stay paying it forward. For Bobbie.

January 5, 2024 – Sonny Packs Nina’s Bags, He’s Back, Two More, AMC Gallery, Salty Talk, Even Saltier, Scammed, She Does, Last One, Globing It, Midnight, Puppy Bowl (!), Quotes For a New Year & Future


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

By the memorial wall at GH, Felicia talks to Maxie on the phone. Felicia thanks Maxie for the offer, but declines, and Maxie says, if she changes her mind, let her know. She knows how much Bobbie meant to her. Felicia says she knows how much Bobbie meant to Maxie. Is she sure she doesn’t want to take the day off? Maxie says she needs to keep busy. She can’t believe Bobbie is gone. Felicia says, neither can she. She’ll call Maxie when they’re finished. Anna comes along, and she and Felicia hug and cry.

Cody comes to Maxie’s office and says, greetings, I was… What’s wrong? Maxie says, everything.

Sam hugs Drew and says, it’s good to see him. She invites him in and asks, how’s Carly? He says, she’s staying strong and missing her mom, and Sam says she didn’t know Bobbie that well, but she did always admire her. He suggests she give Carly a call, and she says, of course () she will. He says, not just about that. About some other news that came out that he doesn’t really want to get into right now. She says she’s sure Carly will catch her up to speed, and he says he came by to pick up Scout to get her new uniform. He’s sorry; he should have called first. She says she wishes he had called. She could have saved him a trip. He asks if Scout is okay, and she says, Scout’s fine. He says, if this morning doesn’t work, it will have to be this afternoon. He doesn’t mean to rush her, but Scout is starting at Westwood Academy on Monday… Sam says, about that. Scout won’t be going to Westwood Academy.

On the phone at Sasha’s, Nina leaves a message for Willow, saying, it’s her again. She knows she’s probably the last person Willow wants to talk to right now, but she’s begging Willow to please let her explain. She knows Willow is probably sick of hearing her say that, but call her please. She sees Sasha and says, she’s not going to call, is she? Sasha says, give her time, and Nina says, why should Willow call her? There’s no explanation, there’s no excuse for her doing what she did. Sasha says, that’s probably how Willow feels, and Nina thanks her for her honesty. She also thanks Sasha for putting her up last night. She really didn’t want to be alone. Sasha says, anytime. And when she does finally speak to Willow, she’ll find the words.

Dante rouses Laura, who’s snoozing in a chair in Cyrus’s hospital room. He asks if she spent the night here, but she says she didn’t. Doc insisted she go home, but then she couldn’t sleep, so she came back first thing. She must have dozed off. He says he takes it Cyrus hasn’t regained consciousness, and she says she doesn’t think so. Not yet anyway. But since her brother isn’t talking, perhaps Dante can fill her in. Does the PCPD know who attacked her brother?

Sonny opens the penthouse door, and Frank says he’s sorry. He told her that Sonny said no visitors. Lois says she told him that Sonny would make an exception, and Sonny nods. Frank tells her to go in, and Sonny says, make it fast. Ava’s at the gallery and the kids are at Carly’s and he just wants to be alone. She says, he will be once she leaves. Has the cleaning crew been here already? He asks, why? and she says, because she knows him, of all people, wouldn’t take his new wife’s betrayal lying down, yet she sees no sign of a rampage and not a shattered glass in sight. He says, people change, but she says, not that much. Ah! She sees luggage. Is he taking this act on the road? He says he’s not going anywhere. Nina is.

Felicia says she’s really glad Anna is here, and Anna says, there’s nowhere else she’d rather be. Bobbie wouldn’t want Felicia to do this alone. Felicia thanks her and cries a little, and Anna asks if she’s ready. Felicia says she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be ready.

Maxie says, Bobbie Spencer died, and Cody says he’s so sorry. He only met her briefly at the Nurses Ball, but he’s really sorry she lost her friend. She says, it was more than that. When she was a kid, Bobbie was married to her Uncle Tony. Her cousin BJ was Bobbie’s stepdaughter first, then she sealed the deal and adopted BJ. Long story short, BJ died when a drunk driver plowed into their school bus, and she was gone. She was seven years old. He says, that’s awful, and Maxie says she was six at the time and she’d been waiting on a heart for her heart transplant that she thought would never come, and the heart that’s in her body right now is from Bobbie’s daughter, because Bobbie and her Uncle Tony gave it to her. He says, Bobbie sounds like an incredibly strong and generous woman, and Maxie says she could go to Bobbie for anything, especially all those years her mom wasn’t around. Now she couldn’t get rid of her mom if she tried, but back then, Bobbie was her go-to. She was everyone’s go-to. She lived to help people. She wasn’t sentimental about it. She did not mince her words. If you did something wrong or made a mistake, she told you, but she did it because she cared about people. And now she can’t imagine Port Charles without Bobbie Spencer.

Sam tells Drew, Scout has been tied up in knots about this. She has nightmares. She’s a nervous wreck. He says, then he’ll go talk to her, but she says, Scout isn’t here. Rocco took her out to breakfast. (How old is Rocco now? He drives? He pays for breakfast?) Drew says he sees, and she says, he sees what? He says, she’s got her appetite back, so he’s assuming Sam told her it’s okay she’s not going to Westwood. She says, he doesn’t understand. She was so anxious. He says, so Sam just made this decision unilaterally. There was no phone call, no texting him, no discussion… She says, actually, she had to make a choice. She could reassure their daughter right away or wait until she spoke to him, and she chose peace. She figured they’d talk about it when he got here. He says, after Sam told her it was okay. Isn’t that a little backwards? She agrees she should have spoken to him, and he thanks her. He says he’s glad they agree on that much, and she says, just like he should have come to her before he pitched the idea to Scout in the first place. (Booya!)

In the hallway, Dante tells Laura that they have their people canvassing the area outside the church and checking all the traffic cameras, but so far, there is no suspect in Cyrus’s attack. Laura says, it’s not like he has any shortage of enemies either. He’s done a lot of damage in this community. He says, and yet, here she is sitting vigil, and she says she guesses whether she likes it or not, he’s still a member of her family. And what she’s learned from her son Nikolas is, although she may not like the way he behaves sometimes, she still has the need to let them try to do better. Dante says he appreciates her sticking to her principles, even though Cyrus has never given her a reason to, and she looks in the room window. She says she thinks he’s waking up, and they go back in.

Laura asks if Cyrus can hear her (FYI, his bruised face makeup is amazing), and he says, an angel with the face of his sister. She says, no angels here. He’s still very much among the living. He says, so he sees, and she says she’s going to try and get his doctor. She leaves, and Dante asks if Cyrus can tell him what happened. Cyrus says, someone seems to have brought him to General Hospital. This is the second time the good people here have snatched his life back from the jaws of death. Dante says, he’s a very lucky man, and Cyrus says, not lucky, blessed. Dante says, right. He’s the victim of a brutal assault. Why doesn’t Cyrus help him lock up whoever did this to him? Cyrus says, like the local constabulary cares, and Dante says, try him. Give him a name and he’ll haul them down to the precinct by the end of the day.

Lois says she’s not surprised Sonny is evicting Nina. The last thing she expected was two neatly packed suitcases. She figured he’d just throw her stuff over the balcony. He asks what she’s doing here, and she says, checking up on a friend. He says, she checked up on him. She can go ahead and go. She tells him that she needed to say she didn’t mean to blow up his life. She just thought he deserved to know the truth. He says he appreciates it. He wishes the other people in his life were as honest as her. She asks where he’s banishing Nina to. Outer Mongolia? An ice floe? Buffalo? He says, she owns the hotel. She can stay there for now. Lois says, for now? Does that mean he’s not done with her for good?

Felicia asks if Anna is ready, and Anna says, whenever Felicia is. Felicia unlocks Bobbie’s office, and they go inside. Felicia picks up Bobbie’s stethoscope and looks at it, and we see all the photos on the credenza. Felicia says, look at all these, and picks one up. This was from Anna’s wedding to Robert. Anna says, she was loved by so many people, and Felicia says, because she loved them. She was always the first to show up for people, the first to extend a hand. She was the anchor for her family, and for this hospital. Felicia cries and Anna puts her arm around Felicia’s shoulders and says, these photos tell the story of a life well-lived.

Drew says, so this isn’t about Scout not going to Westwood Academy. It’s about Sam getting back at him because he didn’t consult her about Scout? Sam says, no, of course (🍷) not. She’s just pointing out the fact that he put her on the spot when he announced Scout was going to Westwood in front of their daughter. He says, she’s right. He did blindside her. She says, exactly. All she’s saying is they can both do better. Of course (🍷) if she could do it over, she would come to him first. He says, then why didn’t she? Scout has been feeling this way for a while. She says she thought Scout might change her mind. At least she hoped Scout would. But the closer it got, the more she seemed to dread it, and her immediate concern was for Scout’s well-being. He says, and his isn’t? but she says, that’s not what she’s saying. He says, really? Because it sure sound like what he says and what he wants doesn’t matter at all. She thinks she gets the final word when it comes to what’s best for their daughter? (Will someone please smack this guy?)

Dante says, the doctor is in with Cyrus now, and Laura says, great. Was he able to identify his attacker? Dante says, probably, but he’s not, and she says, why not? He was the victim. Dante tells her that Cyrus said – and he quotes – as I await my eternal reward, so to shall law enforcement await my cooperation. She says she thinks she liked him better before his conversion, and they laugh. Did he say anything else? Dante says, Cyrus told him that his attacker was not to be blamed, that his so-called frailty was the reason his injuries were so bad. She asks what he can do with that, and he says, nothing really. Without a name and without any evidence, they can investigate, but it’s not going to go anywhere. She says, without an account from the victim or an eyewitness, he can’t bring a case, can he? Dante says, if only there was someone he trusted that he could tell the truth to, like say… his sister?

Nina says she shouldn’t be here. She’s putting Sasha in a really odd, awkward position. She’s friends with Michael and Willow, and on good terms with Carly. And Sonny still thinks of her as family. Sasha says, every one of those people knows she considers Nina family too, and Nina thanks her. Sasha says, Nina’s not a fugitive. It’s not a crime for her to be here, so stop acting like it is. Nina says, okay. Once again, she’s managed to make herself Public Enemy #1. Sasha says, who cares what people think? Nina still has friends.

Sonny asks what Lois wants from him, and she sees his hand and says, whoa. It looks like he did break something after all. What was it this time, a wall? Somebody’s face? He says, a lot of things were broken yesterday, and she says, as she recalls, one of those things was his marriage, but he is still wearing his wedding ring. He says, so what? and she says, when Brenda betrayed him, he thought she was dead to him dead. Yet still wearing that ring indicates he’s not done with Nina yet, suitcases or not. He says he gave up a lot to be with Nina. It felt like the whole world was against them. Lois says she sees. So if he takes off that ring and throws it in the river, he’s proving all the naysayers, right? He says he doesn’t care what people think, and she says, true that. Who cares what they think? What does he think? He says he thought he fell in love with someone who made mistakes, owned up to them, and learned from them. But now, he finds out Nina is a traitor. She went against his family for months and lied to him. He won’t forget that.

Laura goes back in Cyrus’s room, and he tells her, the doctor says he’ll live, thanks to the grace of God. She says, it wasn’t God who put him in this hospital bed though. Why doesn’t he just tell her what happened? He wonders if she’s asking as the mayor or as his family, and she says, both. What kind of relationship are they going to have if he can’t tell her who beat him within an inch of his life? He says, once she knows the answer, she may well be sorry she asked.

Laura says, Sonny Corinthos did this to him? and Cyrus says, why the shock? She says, because she doesn’t think Sonny’s that easily provoked, and he asks if they know the same Sonny Corinthos. She says she knows he has a temper. He yells. He throws things. He breaks things. Cyrus laughs and says, he’s been known to break more than things, and she says, still, it would be highly unusual for Sonny to beat someone up himself, and randomly, to the point of putting them in the hospital. He says, wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous… Proverbs. Sonny is a deeply unhappy man. He took his feelings of hurt and betrayal out on a convenient target – me. She says, why though? What did Cyrus do to betray him? He says, not him. Sonny was sinned against by his spouse. She asks if he’s talking about Nina, and he says he was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time, so Sonny unleashed his frustrations on him.

Sasha says, Nina must have assumed Carly and Drew would end up in prison. Carly’s daughter Donna is what? Five? Six? Drew’s daughter Scout is a few years older. However angry Nina was at the parents, it’s unlike her to do something cruel to those girls. Nina says, it is. She wasn’t thinking. She had tunnel vision and could only think about her pain, nobody else’s, so why would anyone forgive her? Sasha says, after what she did to Nina, Nina should have never spoken to her again, and look at them. Here they are. And if Nina could forgive her, give others a chance to do the same for her. Nina says, that’s what she wants, and Sasha says, then let it happen. Don’t force it like every instinct in her body is screaming to do. Let it be and she might get what she wants. Nina says, what she wants may be very different than what she deserves.

Sonny tells Lois, Nina tried to get Carly locked up, separated from her children. Donna is just a little girl. Lois says, not only that, but Nina profited from Carly’s misfortune, right? Nina ended up with Carly’s half of the MetroCourt. That snake is lining her pockets with his ex’s misery. She’s never had much to say about Carly, but she didn’t deserve this. He says, Nina crossed the line, too many lines, and she says, if Nina could do something so reprehensible to the mother of his children, what else is she capable of? Does he believe he can ever trust her again? Then again, love doesn’t just disappear overnight.

Maxie asks if there are any issues with Cody’s pay, but he says, no. If he knew he could make this much money without rigging poker games, he would have become a spokesmodel a long time ago. She says, what about a poker game? but he says, that’s all part of his checkered past. Doesn’t she want to know how he’s going to spend his honest living? She says, okay, how? and he says, real estate. She says, oh, and he asks if she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. She says she was just surprised. She sees why he’d want to move out of the Quartermaine stable… He says, hell no. Those stables are better than some people’s homes, and he’s a long way from giving up on Mama Q’s cooking. She says she hears that, and he says he’s thinking about an investment property. She asks if he has a place in mind, because Lucy, with all of her many professions, is also a real estate agent. He says, maybe on the next one, but for now he’s going to start with Serenity. She says, that sounds like a commune, but he says, it’s the estate he grew up on. She says she thought he told them that he had a tough childhood, and he says, it was the worst. They treated him like the hired help. She asks why he’d want to buy the property then, and he says, it would bring everything full circle. His mother was the original owner. She says, right, and because Dominique was his mother, he’s the rightful heir to Leopold Taub’s fortune.

Anna and Felicia pack up Bobbie’s things, and Felicia says, a mug? Anna looks at it and says, a vase maybe, or a pen holder? Felicia takes out Bobbie’s first hospital ID and cries. She says, look. She kept it all this time. Anna says, so young, and Felicia picks up a nurse’s cap. She asks if Anna ever saw pictures of Bobbie in her first uniform, and Anna says she did. Those hats, the things the nurses wore back then. Felicia says, she pulled it off, and Anna says she doesn’t know how that hat stayed on with all that mane of red hair. Felicia says, they all had the hair, and they laugh. Felicia says, she just realized, she’ll never get to laugh with Bobbie again. She cries and Anna hugs her.

Anna says, it’s a lot. Looking back over someone else’s life, you realize what people saw in them, what you saw in them. She thinks there’s beauty in that though, and Felicia agrees. She says, doing this with Anna made all the difference, and Anna says, it was an honor to help. Felicia tells her, Bobbie once said, grief is more bearable when you can help someone else. And the way we honor the ones that we’ve lost – she cries – is to embrace the living. Her phone rings, and she says, yes, this is Felicia Scorpio… The results are ready? She’ll be right there. Anna asks what that’s about, and Felicia says, the living.

Laura says, so according to Cyrus, the confrontation was completely personal, not business related at all, and Dante says, it’s not like Sonny to settle old scores like that. She says she knows. Cyrus was apparently privy to some information about Sonny’s marriage, something Sonny didn’t know. Did his father say anything to him? He says, not a word.

Sam tells Drew that she’s not trying to impose anything on Scout, and she’s not trying to get back at him. She’s just saying, they need to be on the same page when they make such a huge change in their daughter’s life. He says, she’s right and he’s sorry. He doesn’t know why he picked a fight with her. She says, then why did he? They don’t fight, especially over how they raise their daughter. Does he want to tell her what’s really going on? He says he guesses he felt hurt that Scout didn’t let on how she felt about Westwood Academy. He thought they formed a really good bond since he’s been back. She says, of course (🍷) they have, and he says, then why did Scout tell her and not him. She doesn’t feel she can come to him? She says she thinks Scout saw how excited he was and didn’t want to disappoint him. Scout loves him. She loves being close to him. She doesn’t want that to change. He asks what kept Sam from coming to him, and she says she knows how much he hated missing out on being Scout’s dad, not being able to be her father all those years Victor had him locked up in Greece. He says, and now, he lost even more time, because of Nina.

Nina tells Sasha, everyone told Sonny, Nina, she’s a liar. Nina, she can’t be trusted. It’s like she went out of her way to prove them right. She’s not equipped or qualified to be someone’s mother, or a grandmother, or a wife. Sasha says, that couldn’t be further from the truth, and Nina says, truth or not, it’s what everyone believes. Sasha says, not everyone. Kristina and Dante supported their relationship. Nina says, Kristina and Dante supported it as long as she was making their father happy, which is definitely not the case anymore. Dante will probably stay out of the fray, but Kristina? Kristina will gladly rain hellfire down on her every chance she gets. Sasha says, what about the kids? They all love her. Nina says, they do love her, and she loves them. But that doesn’t matter anymore; that’s all over. Carly will make sure of that. Sasha says, that’s not entirely Carly’s decision, and Nina says, Michael hates her. Willow and Sonny… Sasha says she wouldn’t completely count out Willow, but Nina says, Sasha didn’t see her face when Willow found out what she did. She recoiled, literally. Who blames her? Her own daughter did that. Sasha say she’s so sorry, but Nina says she has no one to blame but herself. Sasha says, what’s done is done. Nina has accepted it; that’s great. She’s owned up to it; that’s even better. Now she just has to ask herself, what can she do to fix it?

Sam tells Drew that she’s had Nina’s number since she came to Port Charles ten years ago, and she knows firsthand what that woman is capable of when she gets scorned. Wow. No wonder he came in hot today. He thanks her for giving him and out, but to be honest, their issues have nothing to do with Nina. He made decisions about Scout’s life without including Sam, and that’s not fair. She thanks him for saying that, and he says, she’s gone so far out of her way to include him in every aspect of Scout’s life. She says, that’s why she didn’t want to undercut the whole Westwood thing, and he says, even if she didn’t think it was a good idea? She tells him, that’s not what she said. Actually, she thinks Westwood is a fantastic school. Molly and Kristina loved it, and she thinks Scout might love it one day too. Give her some time and maybe just a little space. He says, and not uproot her in the middle of a school year. He sees her point. Finally. She says she thinks this is their first difference of opinion in raising their daughter. She doesn’t know what to do. Where do they go from here?

Lois says, Sonny is right and she’s sorry. He tells her that he didn’t say anything, and she says, he didn’t have to. his face said it all, then his shoulders seconded it. She gets it. It’s none of her business. She doesn’t have a right to say how he should live his life. He says, she doesn’t judge him, does she? and she says, of course (🍷) she doesn’t. That is not what friends do. Now go get her some rubbing alcohol so she can tend to his knuckles. Go. He leaves, and there’s a knock at the door. She says, what? The bodyguard’s on a coffee break? She opens the door, and Dante is there. She tells him, come in, and he asks if his father is here. She says, he is, and she’s so glad Dante is here because Sonny’s had a really rough morning. He’s going to be so happy to see his son is here. Dante says, not today he won’t.

Maxie says, Cody buying the estate to get his childhood revenge seems hollow, and he says, in what way? She says, like Bobbie and her brother Luke. They had a very tough upbringing too, and she asked Bobbie one time how she was able to move past it. She said, nursing gave her a sense of purpose. So what she wants to ask is, what is Cody’s purpose? He says he’s not sure. He doesn’t even know if he has a purpose. Felicia walks in and says, nonsense. They all do.

Cody tells Felicia, hello, and she says, sorry for eavesdropping. Occupational hazard. Maxie says, that’s not still her occupation, and Cody says, actually, he’s glad she overheard them, because she’s done a whole bunch of things, right? She says, and then some, and he says, so maybe she could give him some insight on finding his. She says she sure can. First, you start by being honest with yourself, and then you extend that honesty to others. He says, all right, that sounds easy enough, and she says, for instance, he could start with being honest about having his DNA tested to determine if he’s Mac’s son. Maxie tells her, stop. She asked Felicia to drop this. Felicia says she knows, but she didn’t, and Cody tells her, it’s like he said; the test came up negative. She says, not that test. That was last year’s test. He says, then what is she talking about? and she says she’s talking about the new test she ran on him behind his back.

Drew says he guesses he and Sam are just going to have to figure out a way to navigate this, and she say she’s sure they will. He says, then maybe they can revisit the whole Westwood Academy thing next year… if Scout wants it. She says, a lot can happen in a year, and he says, doesn’t he know it. He hates the fact that Scout was worried about disappointing him. She says, that’s just kids. Most of them anyway. He says, when he sees her, he’s going to make sure she knows that no matter what she does or says, he’ll always be her biggest fan. Sam says, well, she’s his, and he says, still? She says, always, and he says, that’s something. Sam says she knows he’s a had a really, really tough year. Scout’s not the only one who cares about him. So if he ever needs to talk, she’s here. He thanks her and leaves.

Laura says she told Dante, and Cyrus says, that couldn’t have been easy, especially given the high esteem in which she holds Sonny. She says, this is not about her and Sonny. It’s about him, first and last. He says, she flatters him. Fortunately, the sins of pride have long since lost their allure. She says, what about sins of omission, because it’s clear to her that he’s holding back a lot here, and he says, what’s clear is that she’ll always be inclined to defend her friend Corinthos, even after he’s attacked her own brother. She says she’s known Sonny for decades – decades. She’s known him a lot less. He says, as he’s told her on several occasions, Sonny Corinthos is no better than the man he used to be, and she says, he knows what her terms are with him if he wants to be a member of her family. He says, more than anything, and she says, so he needs to prove to her that he’s worthy of her trust. And that doesn’t mean running around quoting the Bible all the time. It means proving it to her through his actions. He says, whatever she requires of him, he shall do.

Sasha says she told Willow that she noticed Willow and Nina had one common virtue, and Nina says, it’s nice to know she has a virtue right now. What is it? Sasha says, they both have a great capacity for forgiving, and Nina says she hopes Sasha is right. She prays her daughter will forgive her, especially since her husband never will.

Lois tells Dante that she’s sorry, but whatever this is, is going to have to wait. He says, she needs her to back off and let him do his job, when Sonny comes out. Lois says, looks who’s here, and Sonny hands her the alcohol and a towel. He says he guesses bad news travels fast, and Dante says he just heard about Nina. He’s sorry. Sonny says he appreciates it, and Dante says he also apologizes in advance for this. He goes to the door, and says, Officer Carter…  Carter comes in, and Lois says, he’s Dante’s own father, but Sonny says, that’s all right. It wouldn’t be the first time for either of them. Lois says, not another word until Sonny’s lawyer is present. What is going on? Dante says he just came from seeing Cyrus Renault at GH. He really wishes he didn’t have to do this, but he does. Carter says, Michael Sonny Corinthos, I’m placing you under arrest for the second-degree assault of Cyrus Renault. He puts the cuffs on Sonny and gives Sonny his rights.

On Monday, Cody tells Felicia, it looks like deception runs in the family; Lucy asks Scotty to swear it will never leave this table; Carly says, this is exactly what she needed; and Sonny asks if this can be off the record.

🧊 Stone Cold Coming In…

If you don’t know, now you know.

I can’t believe I missed the special, although I’m sure it’s not disappearing from HULU any time soon.

This includes Jason’s history. Read it if you want your head to explode. It’s one thing watching on the daily, but seeing it all at once is a lot.

What Happened to Jason on GENERAL HOSPITAL

🏥 Many Happy Returns…

A blast from the past.

And the not-so-distant past. IMO, the most Nikolas of the Nikolases.

🌲 Pine Valley Lookbook…

All My Children through the decades.

🧂 Salt Encrusted Ricochet…

Jen claims Heather is a liar in Gucci and she’s going to sue everyone.


In probably the most truthful moment, Andy says, if they’d gotten that money shot, they would have used it.

👠 Needs More Salt…

I think all scenes from the Housewives franchise should be reenacted by drag queens.

In the final twist, production pleads ignorance. They also admit they would have told the others. Isn’t that cheating?

💸 Don’t Let This Be You…

Seriously though? There are a few red flags here, but a good rule of thumb is, if you didn’t initiate the call, don’t give out the information. If you think it might be legit, call the bank or credit card company yourself and verify.


⚓️ Here Comes the Captain…

Captain Sandy is tying the nautical knot.

🧛🏻‍♂️ Fading Shadows…

I think this show is too funny.


🏆 Going For the Globes…

Sunday, January 7th, 8 pm EST, on CBS or Paramount+.

🎊 After the Ball Is Over…

Relive the moment. Or live it if you missed it.


🐶 It’s Never Too Early…

Get ready for those Bowling puppies.


📌 Quotes of the Week

Whoever you are, whatever your dream, you have to be strong in your head and strong in your heart. Be strong. There’s no quitting in the person who wants it bad enough. – Carly Patterson

The setback will be the set up. – Carrie Bernans

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. – Lao Tzu

Google me, bitch. – Angie Katsanevas, The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The beautiful thing about learning is no one can take it away from you. – BB King

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. – Dr. Phil

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. – Benjamin Franklin

Everyone’s talking about it, especially those who weren’t invited. – Mamie Fish (Ashlie Atkinson), The Gilded Age

Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to. – Bill Vaughan

Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings. – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. – Neil Gaiman

🛹 Sliding Into the New Year Like…

Join me on Monday really Tuesday for soap and getting back on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay being more focused on what’s on the inside than what the outside looks like, and stay honoring the ones you’ve lost by embracing the living.

January 2, 2024 – It Can’t Get Worse, TempSam, His Fave, Soapy New Year, Salty Talk, Worst In Real, Upcoming Vampire, Roll Calls, Star Celebrations, Furry Resolutions & 2525


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

In bed with Drew, Carly says, she thought this was going to be a horrible New Year’s Eve, that she was going to be spending it all by herself, but here he is. She must be dreaming. He says, it’s no dream; it’s real. She says, no way. She must still be asleep. This is too good to be true. He says, let him convince her that he’s really here, and they kiss.

TempSam (see below) and Dante stand on the terrace watching the fireworks. Dante says, and just like that, it is 2024, and Sam says, time goes so fast. She’s sorry their plans got stalled tonight. He says, is she kidding? It wouldn’t be any fun at The Savoy knowing Scout’s at home sick with a sitter. Besides, does she really want to get dressed up and celebrate with a bunch of people? Because he doesn’t. He’d rather celebrate it right here. She says, he really doesn’t mind? and he says he really doesn’t. He’s right where he wants to be. She says she is too, and they kiss. He picks her up and carries her inside.

Brook and Chase go into the Quartermaine mansion, and Brook says, let’s make it quick. Get in and get out. They make a beeline for the living room.

At Pier 54, Michael’s phone rings. He asks Willow if everything’s okay. She’s supposed to be here for the fireworks. She says, everything’s fine, but she got held up, and asks where he is now. He says he’s at the pier. The fireworks are almost over. Does she want to meet at The Savoy? She says, sounds good. She’ll see him there. Ned and Olivia arrive at the pier, and Olivia asks Michael if Sonny’s here, but Michael says he hasn’t seen Sonny. Olivia says, Lois didn’t make it back here either, and Ned says, maybe they’re still at the club. Olivia says, they have to get back there – now.

In her office, Nina fingers her engagement ring, and flashes back to marrying Sonny. She remembers him telling her that he loves her and always will. She says she has to tell Sonny, and gathers up her stuff. She opens the door and Willow is there.

Sonny asks, who’s lying to him? and Lois says she’s sorry she has to be the one to tell him, because they’ve been friends for a really long… He says, she hasn’t told him anything yet, and she says she knows who really ratted out Carly and Drew to the SEC. And his family knows too.

Carrying in a bottle of champagne, Brook tells Chase that they’re going to ring in the new year with the good stuff. He says, all right. Come on. Let’s go. He heads for the door, but she sits down, and he asks what she’s doing. He thought their plan was to get it and get out before anybody else shows up. She pops the cork and says, too late. The cork’s out of the bottle. He knows her motto: It’s better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. He says, or they could not get on Ned’s bad side, and she says, look at him, trying to score points with his future father-in-law. Trust her. Dad will get over it. He says, there was champagne at the club, and she says, it was great to see Blaze perform, but that place was a dive bar. It is a well-respected dive bar where many a future rock star has appeared. It was a solid booking. He says, and Blaze did amazing, and Brook says, she did, but that champagne was swill. He says he wouldn’t know; he stuck to the ginger ale. She says, good for him. She has to cleanse her palate. And tonight is their first New Year’s Eve as an engaged couple. What’s a more special occasion than that? His phone dings, he looks at it, and says, whoa.

Dante and Sam kiss, when Scout walks in. She says she had a bad dream.

Drew and Carly clink champagne glasses and kiss. She says, if this is any indication of what’s going to happen in 2024, this is going to be a damn good year, and he tells her that he couldn’t have said it better himself. She says, he just got off a plan from Australia. Isn’t he jet lagged? He asks if he seems jet lagged. He is a little hungry though. She says she has tons of food in the kitchen. She can make him something. He says, if she doesn’t mind, he’ll take the lead on that. He knows how she is in the kitchen. She tells him that her kids say she makes the best brownies on the planet, and he says, those brownies from the box are really good, and they get out of bed.

Nina invites Willow in, and Willow says she took a chance that Nina would still be here. She remembers Nina mentioning she had to work New Year’s Eve. She’s sorry. Did she catch Nina on her way out? Nina says, she’s just in time, but she thought Willow would be at the New Year’s Eve party at The Savoy with Michael. Willow says, that was the plan, but then it hit a snag… Really. She shows Nina a rip in her dress, and says she got dressed at the hospital. She decided to check on a patient before she left, and her dress got caught on the door. She thought Nina could maybe help her out. Nina says, of course (🍷) she can.

Sonny says he doesn’t know why Lois is making a big deal about this. He knows Ned turned Carly and Drew in to the SEC. So what? She says, it wasn’t Ned. He’s been letting everyone believe it was him because it works to his advantage. He says, why would it work to Ned’s advantage? Why would he take the fall? Maybe she misunderstood what she heard. She says, no. Trust her. She’s the only one with her head on straight. If he doesn’t believe her, ask his son. Michael comes in with Ned and Olivia.

Chase says, it’s his dad, and Brook says, oh no. Did he get hurt? Is he at the hospital? He says, just the opposite. His dad sent photos of him skydiving. She says, what? and he says, how crazy is this? showing her the photos. She says, look at Gregory smiling; he’s so happy. Chase says, he really is. The way he looks in this photo is how his dad is to him. That’s who he was when Chase was growing up. He thought when his dad started using a cane, he’d never see him like this again. He’s really happy that his dad can jump out of an airplane. She asks, what’s wrong? and he says, it’s just that, before the ALS, it would never have occurred to his dad to go skydiving. He’s really making the most of the time he has left.

Dante hands Scout a glass, and says, when he was little and not feeling well, his mom always gave him ginger ale and that did the trick. Sam asks if Scout wants to tell her about the dream, and Scout says she had a dream about going to her new school. The teacher was a monster. She tried to get away, but she couldn’t. It was too fast. Sam holds her and says, it’s okay. She doesn’t have to go to that school if she doesn’t want to. Scout says, daddy will get mad at her, but Sam promises he won’t. Because she and Scout’s father just want what’s best for her. Scout says she thought they told her that school was the best, and Sam says, it’s a good school, but the best school is the one where Scout feels comfortable, and she enjoys learning. Scout says, so she doesn’t have to go? and Sam asks if that’s what she wants. Scout nods and says she wants to stay with her friends. Sam says, then no, she doesn’t have to go, and Scout thanks her.

Drew says, that hit the spot. Carly has to thank Josslyn for the leftovers. Carly asks what he’s talking about. Her name wasn’t on that box. He asks if they were hers, and she says, no. He says, Donna’s? The moss bowl’s🎍? and she says, no. He says he rests his case. If she complains about it, tell her that he owes her a yummy meal. She says, okay, and hands him a glass of champagne. He asks if they’re toasting the New Year, but she says, no. They already did that. They’re toasting his return. They clink glasses and kiss, and Carly asks, what happened? She thought he was extending his stay so he could negotiate more joint ventures. He says he got a little impatient with some of the board members in the company he was dealing with. He wasn’t quite as skillful as he thought he’d be. He figured it would be best to let a colleague finish the deal. She says, Drew Cain lost his patience, and he says, it was more like he kind of got out of there before he lost his patience and blew up the deal altogether. She says, wow. That’s not like him at all.

Michael asks, what’s going on? and Sonny says, that’s what he’d like to know. Lois says she told Sonny that it wasn’t Ned who pointed the SEC at Drew and Carly, and Olivia says, stop it. Lois says, he deserved to know. Michael, Olivia, and Ned (who Lois seems to think is Sonny’s whole family) know who’s really responsible. Olivia looks like she has a migraine, and Ned says, Lois is right. He didn’t go to the SEC. He wouldn’t hurt Carly that way. Sonny says, what about Drew? and Ned says, he and Drew have had their issues, but he’d never expose Drew to Federal scrutiny. Olivia says, Ned is telling the truth. He’s not the one who tipped off the SEC. Sonny says, Michael is very quiet over there. Is what Lois is saying true? Did Michael keep this from him? Michael flashes back to almost telling Sonny, but deciding not to, and Sonny saying, Michael can come to him with anything. Michael says, yeah. He did.

Chase tells Brook that he’s not going to keep bringing their whole night down. He’s not a doctor. His dad could be around for a long time. Brook says, okay, and hands him a glass of champagne. To her incredible fiancé, the best man she knows. They clink glasses and drink, then kiss. She says, okay, it’s his turn to toast something amazing about her. He says he doesn’t know what he’d toast about her, and she says, thank you. He says, there’s just so much. He wouldn’t know where to start. But he’ll start with her beauty, her kind heart, and her generous spirit. She’s wildly talented, and the way she makes him feel like he can do anything. So he’s toasting to all of the above. He loves her. She says she loves him too, and they’re about to kiss when his phone rings. She says, he really has to turn that off, but he answers, Detective Chase… No, they were right to call him. He’ll be right there. He says he’s sorry; he has to go. She asks if everything is all right, and he says, police business. He kisses her and leaves. She drinks down her champagne and picks up his glass, saying, no sense in wasting good champagne.

Sam says she just checked on Scout, and she’s out like a light. Dante says, poor kid. She’s really stressed out about this school. She says, it’s heartbreaking to be so afraid of changing schools and feel like she couldn’t say anything about it. He agrees and asks what she’s going to do, but she says she doesn’t know. She didn’t press the issue with Drew because she thought Scout was warming up to the idea of going to Westwood. Really, she was just saying what she thought he wanted to hear. Dante says, it’s tough. You want to get them out of their comfort zone so they can grow, but at the same time, you’ve got to respect their feelings. She says, yes, and that’s what she’s doing now. When Drew first brought the idea of Scout going to Westwood to her, she was totally worried about Scout going there; transferring her away from her friends at her current school, and right in the middle of the school year. Now that she sees how upset Scout is, she’s not going to make her go. He says he respects her position and her decision, but how does she think Drew’s going to react?

Drew asks if Carly thinks there’s something about the New Year that makes you want to make changes in your life, but she says she’s not good at New Year’s resolutions. If she makes a big, sweeping change, it usually blows up in her face and she backslides by February. The moss bowl🎍considers all the resolutions Carly has broken, and Drew says he just had a lot of time to think about things when he was in Australia. Some things he’s happy with, and some things he’s not. She says, like what? and he says he just kind of fell into a role he’s not comfortable with. He was just so grateful to be home after being held overseas that he fell into this role of peacekeeper with the Quartermaines. He felt it was his duty to get along with everybody, to calm the waters at ELQ, and that’s just not working for him anymore. Where was Ned’s loyalty to him? Ned’s the reason he got sent back to prison. She says she understands what he’s saying about Ned, and she agrees with him, but the rest… She loves how kind and generous and forgiving he is. He tells her that he’s just saying he’s not a choirboy. He’s a grown man and he’s got his limits. And he’s got an extended family that knows how to play dirty. Where has that forgiving nature got him other than months in Pentenville?

Sonny says, Michael knew? and Olivia says she thinks they’ve done enough damage for one night, looking at Lois. Lois says she hopes Sonny knows she only wanted to help, and Ned suggests they give Sonny and Michael some privacy. He leaves with Olivia and Lois, and Michael says he’s sorry, but Sonny says he doesn’t want to hear Michael’s apologies. Why didn’t Michael come to him as soon as he found out who turned Carly and Drew in? Michael says, there’s no clear-cut answer… and Sonny says, it’s very simple. Just tell him the truth. Michael says, it was best for everyone involved if Ned took the fall, and in the end, Ned agreed. Sonny asks why he would do that, and Michael says, because they made a business arrangement that worked out in Ned’s favor. Sonny says, it works out for Ned, yeah. He wheeled and dealed, and Michael kept his mom in the dark? Michael says he thought it best for everyone, including Sonny, and Sonny asks how lying is best for him. Michael says, because sometimes the truth can do more damage than a lie, and Sonny asks how long he’s known. Michael says, since October. He found out right after Sonny and Nina got married.

Willow comes out in a new dress – black, sparkly, sleeveless, and low cut – and Nina says, she looks lovely. Willow says, Nina’s Crimson closet of dresses sure came in handy. What does Nina think? Is this a good look for New Year’s Eve? Nina says, it’s almost perfect. She needs a necklace. Nina takes off the one she’s wearing and says, take hers, putting it on Willow. Yes. Much better. Willow says, this is so generous. Thank you. Nina says, anything for her, and Willow takes Nina’s hand, saying, she knew she could count on Nina. Nina’s eyes fill up with tears, and Willow asks, what’s wrong?

Sam tells Dante that Drew is just going to have to accept the fact Scout isn’t going to Westwood Academy, because this is about what’s best for their daughter, not what he wants. Dante says, he’s a reasonable guy. He’s going to understand Sam’s decision, and if he doesn’t, he’ll come around to it when he hears her side. She says she knows. He’s a terrific dad. She just thinks she’s going about this all wrong. He says, how so? and she says, isn’t she doing what Drew did? Making a unilateral decision without consulting the other parent? He saw how upset Scout was. She doesn’t know what else she’s supposed to do.

Carly says, they haven’t talked much about Drew’s time in Pentenville, and he asks, what is there to talk about? She says, for one thing, he’s different. She noticed a change when he got out. He’s coming down much harder on Ned, whereas before, he would have tried to keep peace in the family. He asks if that’s unreasonable, but she tells him that she didn’t say unreasonable; she said different. There’s the whole situation with Scout’s school. He asks if Sam told her that he got Scout into Westwood Academy, and she says, Sam told her that he announced it to her and Scout, without any discussion. He says, she’s going to have a lot more opportunities at that school than the one she’s at now, and Carly tells him that she’s not saying if it’s good or bad if Scout goes to that school. He asks what she is saying, and she tells him that she’s saying she loves him, and she’s concerned about him. He says, because he wants his daughter to go to an excellent school? and she says, because he went through hell, and it’s changed him. She just wants him to know that whatever he’s going through, he doesn’t have to carry it alone. She’s here.

Nina says, it’s nothing, and Willow says she knows they’re still figuring out their relationship, but she hopes one day they get to the point where they’re able to tell each other anything. Nina says she does too. She needs to tell Willow something… Looking at Willow, she’s reminded how they were robbed of the moments they didn’t get. Brushing Willow’s hair before school, looking at a million pictures from Willow’s prom, and helping her pick out her wedding dress. The list goes on. She was so happy when she found out she was pregnant, and she dreamed about all the things she would do if she had a daughter, and she had a daughter. But they never got to do those things. Willow says, the important thing is that they have each other now – she takes Nina’s hands – and there will be many more moments for them in the future.

I don’t know about you, but I feel sick.

Brook is about to leave, when Ned, Olivia, and Lois come in. Olivia asks what she’s doing here, and Brook says she was picking something up. Ned asks, how was Blaze’s show? and Brook says, it was great. She was phenomenal. Everybody loved her. She’s going to be a star. Lois says she thought Brook was spending tonight with her fiancé, and Brook says, they were. Chase got called into work. How was their night? Olivia says, Brook can direct that question to her mother, and Brook asks Lois if something happened. Lois says she’s sorry, but she and Olivia need to talk, privately. She steers Olivia into the living room and closes the door. Brook says, obviously, something happened, and asks Ned to tell her everything.

Lois says she knows Olivia is upset, and Olivia says, damn right she’s upset. What the hell was Lois thinking? Lois says she was thinking that Sonny is her good friend, and Olivia says, well, congratulations. She just ruined her good friend Sonny’s life.

Sonny says, Michael has known for over two months who tipped off the SEC about Carly and Drew? and Michael says, yeah. Sonny says, so Michael is telling him that he found out after his wedding. Michael knew how important it was for Sonny to have him at the wedding. So the whole reconciliation is a lie? Michael says, he loves Sonny. That’s not it… Sonny says, Michael loves him. So why didn’t Michael tell him the truth? Michael says he tried. He went to Sonny to tell him, and Sonny was just so happy, the happiest he’s seen Sonny in a long time, and Michael didn’t want to take that away from him. He also thought if he told Sonny the truth, something might be broken, maybe between them. Sonny says, Michael knows he loves him. He would never let anything be broken between them. Michael says that he knew if the truth came out, it would hurt Sonny more than anyone else.

Carly takes Drew’s hand and says, if he wants to leave what happened at Pentenville in the past, that’s fine. She just wants him to know that she loves him. She’s here for him, and if he ever needs her, all he has to do is ask. He says he just wants her to know that he hears her and appreciates her. He hugs her and tells her that he appreciates everything she’s saying so much. Just knowing she loves him and is here for him is all he needs. She says, if he changes his mind, ever, that’s okay, and he promises if he ever needs any support, he’ll come to her. Now what does she say he gets in the living room and makes a nice fire? They can finish that bottle of champagne and make some New Year’s resolutions they can actually keep. She says, like what? and he says, like taking long walks together. Like leaving their phones at home. She says she could do that, and he says, like Saturday morning donuts, and she says she could really do that. He says, like spending way less time with business when they could be in bed, and she says, these are some resolutions she can definitely get behind. They kiss, and he says he’s going to get started on that fire. He leaves, and she says, he’s definitely going to be okay. Her phone rings, and since the moss bowl🎍doesn’t answer phones, she picks it up.

Sam tells Dante that this is all relatively new to her. She’s basically been a single parent to both Scout and Danny, and she’s used to making all the big decisions on her own. He tells her that he’d say she’s done an awesome job because she has two awesome kids, and she thanks him. She says, when Drew first came back to Port Charles, they were basically in lockstep on how to parent Scout, until he came back from Pentenville. Dante says, maybe he’s just trying to put it behind him too fast. He knows he did the same thing. Drew probably wants to prove to himself and to Scout that he’s a good dad. What better way to prove that than to get your kid into some elite school? She says, but why not come to her first, so they could talk it over and see if it was appropriate for her? She knows Westwood is just one decision, but it’s a big one, and there are going to be so many more, bigger decisions the older she gets. He says, right. That’s why they have to get on the same page now, so down the line, they can make these decisions together. She says, right, but she just told Scout that she didn’t have to go to the school, without including Drew in the conversation. Did she just make a big mistake?

Lois says, Olivia can’t guilt her. Sonny had a right to know. Olivia says, but she told Lois in confidence, but Lois says, Olivia didn’t tell her anything. She figured it out on her own. Olivia says, whatever. She begged Lois not to say anything because this affects so many more people than just Sonny. Lois says, it affects Ned’s deal with Michael to get control of ELQ, and Olivia says, but it affects more people than just Ned. Since they’re on the subject of Ned, why don’t they talk about Ned? ELQ is his family company. He loves it. It means something to him. Just because Lois can’t stand it, she had no right to mess this up for him. Lois tells Olivia, what can she say? If she sees something, she says something. You know something funny? Olivia used to be the exact same way. Olivia says she thought Lois was her friend, and Lois says, she is Olivia’s friend, but she’s also Sonny’s friend. Olivia says she can’t even trust Lois now. She begged Lois not to say anything, but she had to go run her mouth and ruin everybody’s life. Lois says, the way she sees it, Olivia knows better than anyone what it means to keep secrets from Sonny. Olivia says, wow, and Lois says, Livvy… Olivia says, Lois said what she said because Olivia kept it a secret from Sonny that her child was his son? So that when Dante grows up and becomes a cop and goes undercover, he doesn’t realize he’s going after his father? That when Sonny finds out and doesn’t realize the cop that he’s shooting is his own son? Is that what Lois is talking about? No. Is that what Lois is throwing in her face right now? Her good friend?

Michael says he didn’t want to hurt Sonny, especially after getting him back, but Sonny says, the only way this would hurt him is if the person who turned Carly and Drew in to the SEC is someone he cares about. He knows Michael didn’t do it because Michael wouldn’t do that to his mother. Michael says, it wasn’t him, and Sonny says, so he must have good reason to withhold this information from Carly and Drew. What is it? Michael says, the informant wasn’t close to his mom or Drew, but exposing them would hurt someone else he loves very much. Sonny says, Willow, and Michael nods.

Willow tells Nina, it’s New Year’s Eve. How did they get talking on such a heavy topic? Tonight is all about new beginnings, right? Nina tells her, that’s what people say, and Willow suggests they head over to The Savoy. She thinks they’ve kept their husbands waiting long enough. Nina says, okay, and they get their bags. Willow says she’s not sure what to do with her dress, and Nina says, Crimson has a person that does alterations on the model’s dresses. She can make sure that is as good as new. Willow thanks her and says, that would be amazing. It’s a brand-new dress. She was going to wear it for the first time tonight. It would be great if it didn’t go to waste. Nina says, it just occurred to her that Willow could have gone to the Quartermaines to change, but she came here. Willow says, the Quartermaine house is so far away. Why go all the way home when she has a mother who works in fashion? She thanks Nina again for loaning her the new dress and fixing the old one. It really means a lot to her. Willow hugs Nina, and says, shall we? Nina says, after you, and follows Willow out. She closes the office door and leans against it for a moment, wishing she could cry, then leaves.

Dante says, it seems to him, the only mistake Sam would be making is forcing Scout to go to a school she strongly doesn’t want to go to. Sam says she knows Drew didn’t mean to put her in a rough spot, but Scout did feel like she has to change schools because it’s what he wants. Dante says he thinks Drew is a great dad, but he did put Scout in a rough spot and also put Sam in a tough spot. He thinks Sam should trust her instincts and try to make it right. She thanks him for having her back, and he says, she always has his. That’s what makes them so good together. They kiss, wish each other a Happy New Year, and get busy.

Brook says, let her see if she has this straight. Ned let everyone think it was him who tipped off the SEC about Carly and Drew’s insider trading? He says, actually, he was on his way to tell Drew who was really to blame when he slipped and fell and lost his memory. She says, them when he got his memory back, he made an agreement with Michael to keep quiet in exchange for Michael’s stock proxy? He says, that’s right, and she says, and people wonder why this family scares her sometimes. Olivia bursts out of the living room, and Lois begs her to wait. Olivia asks if Lois has some more helpful advice. Someone else’s secrets that she feels entitled to announce to the entire world? Lois says she went too far, and she knows it, and Olivia cries and says, the night Sonny shot Dante was her worst nightmare coming true. That moment haunts every quiet corner in her mind. Just tell her. How long has Lois had that locked and loaded and ready to throw in her face? Olivia runs outside, and Lois calls after her. Ned follows Olivia out, and Brook asks Lois, what did she do? Lois says she opened her big mouth, and she may have started the new year by losing her oldest friend.

Sonny says, what about Willow? and Michael says, Drew’s out of Pentenville. Mom’s happy running Kelly’s. She and Drew are happy together. Please, let this go. Sonny says he doesn’t want to hear that. Who is it? Nina and Willow come down the stairs, and Sonny asks again, who is it? Who turned his mom and Drew in to the SEC? Michael says, it was Nina, and Sonny turns around to see her.

Carly looks stunned, when Drew comes back and says, the fire’s lit… She stares at her phone, and he goes over to her, asking, what is it? She says, it was the embassy in Amsterdam. My mom’s dead.

Geez, can this day in Port Charles get any worse?

There was no preview. Just the full credits with Deck the Halls sung in the background. Which seems weird since we’re past New Year’s Day.

🚑 Sliding Into GH Like…

The latest in quick change artists.

🧮 Except For the Wig…

This was a favorite of mine too. And I’m with him on the wig. They’re annoying.

Easton Rocket Sweda Reveals His Favorite GH Episode of 2023

🥂 Soap Celebrations…

Like Christmas, it’s probably not much different from what we all do.

🧂 Salt This…

Biggest revelation – if we want to call it that – Jen gave Heather the black eye. But there weren’t any details. I want details. I kind of liked Monica after half-watching this season, and don’t think she’s necessarily the bad guy. She just suffers from the same boredom and lust for screen time that all the other Housewives do. And here’s a thought. If things are dark, dirty, and scandalous, don’t do them. Because Monica was right about one thing, nothing stays in the dark forever. Not in today’s society.

While I don’t do resolutions, I’m honestly rethinking watching any of the Housewives more than peripherally. They seem to start off with promise, but slide downhill faster than my local K-Mart did when it was new. I had the Salt Lakers on while I was doing something else, and there were so many bleeps I couldn’t even hear the conversation. While I was raised by a sailor and enjoy a colorful adjective, come on. These are adults with children and jobs… sort of. It just boggles my mind that they act like age five to middle school on any given day. Dropping huge bombs and grilling people on personal issues at parties or group dinners, who does that? And the mean girl ganging up that happens, like on RHOBH. While that behavior should never be acceptable, if you’re doing it after college, what are you doing? Go sit in the corner. I’ll get off the soapbox now, but they all might be reduced to a link next season. Here’s the salt.



📺 Worst Of the Worst…

I can’t understand how they missed The Littlest Groom. I watched about half of one episode and couldn’t stomach the voyeuristic nature of the show. Since it was yanked off the air pretty quickly, I’m guessing other viewers felt the same.


⚰️ Interview Times Two…

Season One was pretty impressive, so I’m sure it’s worth a watch.


🌠 Stars That Dimmed…

Andrea Evans, Jackie Zeman and Treat Williams were big shockers for me. Norman Lear, not so much. I couldn’t believe when I saw the headline Cause of Death Revealed. At 101, what do you think it would be?


🎊 Ringing It In…

What the stars did for New Year’s Eve. Some of these celebrities are just like us; others, not even close.



And some stars didn’t have such a great New Year’s Eve. I have no doubt he got slammed for this, and maybe even had his reasons, but why did he leave the car when his daughter was in it?


🐕 Resolutions Aren’t Fur Everybody…

I didn’t see any resolutions mentioning cats. I assume cats just refuse to make them.


🍾 Not Forgetting Auld Acquaintances…

Come on by tomorrow for soap and cringing through Beverly Hills. Until then, stay safe, stay looking forward to the days ahead, and stay never feeling entitled to announce anyone’s secrets to the entire world.

December 28, 2023 – Lucy Begins Step One Of Her Plan, Jake 2.0, Salty Talk, VanderChat, Another Roll Call, Traditions, Times Square, New Year Pets (!) & Loved


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the Home & Heart set, Maxie asks if they think it’s too much or not enough, and Brook says, if her mom were here, she’d say, there’s never too much. Tracy says, the viewers may not agree, and Maxie asks if she thinks they should ease up on the cowboy props. Tracy says she’s all for a little Western flair, but she doesn’t want it to evolve into kitsch. Brook asks what Sasha thinks, and Sasha says she thinks the art department did a great job. It’s a little over the top, but isn’t that the point? They’re selling a fantasy, right? Brook says, if you’re lucky enough, sometimes fantasies come true, and Tracy says, usually with a lot of hard work and some money. Not that Lucy Coe would have any idea about that. She’s a spendthrift with the attention span of a gnat. Maxie says, her fantasy is Tracy and Lucy not going at each other’s throats, and Sasha says she’s just glad she missed the fireworks… Although she’s so sorry she was late. Maxie says, that’s okay. She was there for most of the meeting. Brook says, Sasha never told them where she was, and Sasha says she was with Cody. They lost track of time. Maxie says, really? Has something changed between the two of them? Cody walks in, and probably wonders why everyone is looking at him.

Elizabeth goes over some hospital things on the phone, and watches as Finn gets in the elevator.

Lois walks into the nook and says, something smells so good. Olivia says she finally got around to making that post-Christmas turkey soup, and Lois says she told Olivia that she wanted to help with that. Olivia says she’s sorry. It totally slipped her mind. But what’s done is done. She’s got to make sure it’s on the low burner… Lois asks, why does it feel like Olivia’s been avoiding her since Christmas? but Olivia says, no. She’s happy to have Lois in the house. Lois says, if she’s done anything to upset Olivia, she wants to know, but Olivia says, it’s not that. It’s not Lois; it’s her. Lois says, what about her? and Olivia says, it’s nothing. It’s not a thing. She really has to check the soup. Lois says, not until Olivia tells her what’s going on with her, and Olivia asks if she betrayed Lois when she married Ned.

Alexis goes to the penthouse, and Sonny asks what brings her by. She says she’s there to ask a favor, and he says, she never asks for a favor, but she says, this is an exception. She needs Sonny to tell her that she’s wrong.

Kristina is reading What To Expect When You’re Expecting, and there’s a knock at the door. She puts the book behind a couch pillow and opens the door to TJ. She says, Molly’s not with him? but he says, it’s just him. She asks him to come in, and he says, this is actually Molly’s idea. She thought it would be better if they talked privately. Kristina says, that sounds ominous. Is Molly okay? He says, her sister’s fine. She told him about the conversation they had with Alexis. Kristina says, it was more like a lecture on legal ramifications and some obscure law that only applies to surrogacy with a donor egg. He says, it made him realize they have to set some things straight, and she asks if he’s changed his mind about her.

Behind the scenes at Home & Heart, Lucy says, Scotty remembers the plan, right? and he says, yes. He picks a fight with Lucy and Tracy overhears, but it’s not much of a plan as far as he’s concerned. She says, it’s just step one, and he asks to circle back to the part where he marries Tracy. What’s in it for him? She tells him to keep his voice down and focus on the task at hand. They have to make Tracy believe they’ve had this huge falling out, so she sees Scotty as an ally, and he has a chance to charm her pants off. He says, wait a minute. He’s not Sir Lawrence Olivier here, and she says, he’s not, but just focus on the goal. And the goal is their satisfaction in knocking Tracy down to size and taking her for everything she’s worth. He says he loves when she gets into scheming mode, and she says, then get ready, because she’s just getting started.

Sonny says he and Alexis have known each other a long time. He doesn’t think she’s ever asked him to disagree with her, but he’ll give it his best shot. She says, don’t get used to it, and he says he assumes this is about Kristina. She asks if he’s aware Kristina is now going to be the egg donor as well as the surrogate, and he says, Kristina filled him in. She says, that’s it? That’s the reaction? How can he be so calm? Doesn’t he see how this can tear the girls apart? He says, how so? and she says, for starters, there is no contract between TJ, Molly, and Kristina that’s legally binding, which means that Kristina, at any given point, can change her mind after she becomes pregnant. And there’s no legal remedy because it’s her biological child. He says he talked to Kristina. She’s thought long and hard about it and knows it’s a huge responsibility. Does Alexis think otherwise? Alexis says she does, because Kristina’s never been pregnant before. She doesn’t know what it’s like, and Alexis is concerned it will be harder than Kristina expects. He says, like it was hard for her to give up Sam? and she says, that was vastly different circumstances, but yes. So this could not only be problematic for Kristina and Molly, but for the entire family, because it would put them in a position where they have to pick sides, which is impossible. This could be a nightmare. He asks if this is where she wants him to tell her that she’s wrong, and she says, yes. She’s underestimated Kristina in the past, so tell her. Is she doing it again?

There’s a knock at Finn’s office door, and Elizabeth says, hey. He says, enter at your own risk, and she says she saw him coming out of the OR. He seemed to be in a mood. Did something happen in surgery? He says, no. Everything was by the numbers, no complications. She says, then why the mood? and he says, because Dr. Warris had to waste her valuable time watching over him. She didn’t assist him. She just stood there watching, because apparently, after 25 years of doing this, he can’t operate without having someone supervise him. And he guesses he’s just tired of having this lawsuit hanging over him. She says she knows. It’s beyond frustrating having your every move monitored. He says he’s dedicated his entire professional life to medicine, to healing people. Amy just told him that three of his patients would like their files transferred to other doctors. He hasn’t gotten a chance to defend himself, and already his reputation is taking a hit. She tells him to remember that Monica and the GH board are behind him, and he says he appreciates that. If he loses this case, insurance will pay out the damages, but they’ll drop him as a client. If that happens, he’ll be unable to get malpractice insurance elsewhere, and at that point, the hospital will have no choice but to let him go. (Wow. That’s a bigger racket than health, homeowners, and flood insurance combined.) She says, he needs to remember he did nothing wrong, and he says, how do they make the jury believe that?

Scotty loudly tells Lucy, come on. This is just a sales appearance. She doesn’t need the Deception lawyer here. Besides, he’s very important. He’s got a lot of high-end clients. Lucy says, he’s so important. Look at him. She pays him a lot of money, and he comes showing up in an outfit like that, all scruffy? He asks, what’s wrong with this outfit? and she says, it’s kind of like business wrinkled. He says, it’s not… Tracy runs over and says, please. Zip it. If they have to talk, modulate their voices. Try to act like professionals.

Julie says she can take Sasha and Cody to their dressing rooms now, and they follow her. Felicia comes in, and Maxie asks what she’s doing here. Wait, she has to answer this email really quick. Cody glances back at Felicia, and Felicia watches Cody as he goes to the dressing room.

Lois asks, where on earth did that come from? and Olivia tells her that she’s just saying. She knew Ned was Lois’s husband when she came to Port Charles, but she fell for him anyway. Lois says, that was like, six years ago. Olivia and Ned have been married most of that time. They broke up, they got back together… Why is this coming up right now? Oliva flashes back to Tracy asking if it doesn’t bother Lois that Olivia married her former husband, and Olivia says she knows Lois came to Port Charles because Lois read the article about Brook being fired from Deception and she’s Lois’s daughter; that’s her priority. Lois says, of course (🍷) she is, and Olivia says, but Lois has been here since before Thanksgiving. That’s a long time and she’s Olivia’s best friend. They never talked about her marrying Lois’s ex-husband, and she’s got to wonder, is there a reason for that? Lois wonders if Olivia is asking if she has thoughts about her best friend marrying her ex-husband, and Olivia says, yes. Lois says, you bet I do.

Sonny says, is Alexis underestimating their daughter? Maybe, maybe not, but the way he sees it, he’s proud that their daughter is willing to carry her sister’s baby. And he thinks Kristina’s proud. That’s even more important. All those years they saw her struggling with her self-esteem… It makes sense, because she has parents who are driven and successful. He always felt that Kristina was kind of lost, personally and professionally, and he thinks things have changed now. She says, he may be right. She’s noticed since Kristina started developing the youth center, she’s more focused and more mature. Sonny says, she’s gotten past the self-doubt that’s been holding her back in the past, and Alexis says she thinks it’s wonderful that Kristina has this new-found confidence, and she knows Kristina’s intentions are good. But sometimes life has a way of upending your intentions. Look at them. It’s not like they planned on having a baby together. He says, plans change, and she says, that’s her point though. When Kristina said she wanted to be the surrogate, Alexis was concerned, but thought, that’s doable. But now that the baby is going to be biologically hers, it makes it all more complicated. He asks if she can imagine a life without Kristina, regardless of how she got here, and she says, no. Of course (🍷) she can’t. He asks if she knows why. Because babies change everything.

Kristina says, this is exactly what she was afraid of, because TJ never really wanted her to be the surrogate. He only went along with it because it’s what Molly wanted, and now that her mother has announced there’s no legally binding contract, he’s having second thoughts. He asks if she can stop telling him what he thinks long enough for him to actually talk, and she says, yes. Sorry. He says, part of him loves the fact that if they use her egg, both he and Molly will be biologically related to the baby. On top of that, it’s a huge relief that she and Molly have reconciled and gotten past their differences. It makes him happy to see Molly this happy. Kristina says, so what’s the problem? and he says, in many ways, she’s the ideal egg donor, but Alexis is right about the legal situation. So he needs to hear for himself from her lips that he and Molly will be the parents of this baby and Kristina will be the aunt. Nothing more, nothing less. Can Kristina actually live with that?

Tracy says, Brook has been distracted since she got that call from Chase, and Brook says, he was with Gregory at the hospital. Tracy asks, what happened? and Brook tells her, Chase said he took a hot yoga class, so they’re hoping it was just dehydration. Tracy says, maybe it’s his ALS, and Brook says, he was admitted to the hospital for the night, and they’re going to check everything and make sure he’s okay. She sees Julie and asks if Julie can give the director a note from the Deception team. When the models come out on stage, can she tell him to make sure the products are all featured at every camera angle? She knows Sasha and Cody are both very good-looking people, but they’re selling products, not models. Julie leaves, and Tracy says, good note. Very astute.

Maxie says she appreciates the support, but she also knows Felicia doesn’t stop by her work for no reason. Is she still on the Cody-is-Mac’s-son train? Felicia says she’s really proud of Maxie. She thinks it’s great that Home & Heart booked Deception as a repeat performance so soon after the last one. Maxie says, their last appearance here, they sold out in 20 minutes, and she has the feeling this is going to be just as good, if not better. She thinks it’s safe to say, Deception is back. They hug.

Cody and Sasha come back out, and Cody says, Felicia is only hanging around because she’s suspicious of him. She says, or he could see it as Felicia wanting the husband she loves to know he has a son. He says he already told her why that can’t happen. Not only does Mac deserve a better son than him, but he already signed a document saying he’s Taub’s son. It’s fraud and perjury. He can’t risk that coming out. She says, try not to worry. She promises she’ll help him keep an eye on Felicia. The hairstylist says she’s ready to work on Cody’s hair, and Cody sits in the chair at her station. Felicia gives him the side-eye.

Elizabeth says, Finn and Dennis Muldoon were chatting at a school function. He mentioned he was having some symptoms, and Finn suggested Muldoon come see him as a patient. Finn says, Mr. Muldoon had been a patient here at General Hospital for several years. He thinks they were in network for his insurance, and before he came to see Finn, Finn went over his entire history. Over all, in pretty good health. She says, the man had Stage IV colon cancer. He must have had some symptoms. He says, they both know people who have ignored symptoms for months. Sometimes it’s people who are too busy to see a doctor; sometimes they’re too afraid to see a doctor. Unless Muldoon saw a doctor out of network. She asks if he means like when he was overseas, and he says, it’s possible. He was thinking something closer to home. He remembers Muldoon mentioning something about having a vacation home in Beechers Corners. He used to try to juggle his schedule so he could spend at least a month there in May or June. She asks if Finn thinks he could have seen a doctor there, and he says, if he did, he would have paid for it out of pocket. That wouldn’t show up in his file at GH. And if he did see a doctor within two or three months of seeing Finn for the first time, it’s another doctor who didn’t detect the cancer either.

Sonny tells Alexis, this isn’t a closed adoption where Kristina isn’t going to know what happened to the baby. She’s always going to be in the child’s life as the aunt. She’s going to watch that baby grow and thrive with terrific parents like TJ and Molly and Alexis and Jordan. Alexis asks if he doesn’t think that could make things worse possibly. How hard does he think it will be for Kristina to stand on the sidelines and watch someone else raise her biological child? What if she doesn’t like the way Molly and TJ are parenting? He says, like how? and she says, Molly’s a vegan. Kristina is not. How long does he think it will be before she slips the kid a cheeseburger at Charlie’s? He says, what if he slipped the kid a cheeseburger. He’s the grandfather biologically, right? She says, no, he’s not. That’s just her point. He’s not the grandfather. He’d be the great-uncle because he’s Molly’s uncle. Does he see how confusing this is? If it’s confusing for her and Sonny, think how confusing it will be for them. This could tear the whole family apart.

Olivia and Lois have some wine, and Lois says she loves Ned. He’s the father of her child. They’ve been through so much together, but she is not in love with Ned. She hasn’t been in love with Ned for years and years and years, and she only wants what’s best for him. And Olivia is the best. It does her heart good to see how happy they are together. Olivia says, it does? and Lois says, of course (🍷) it does. Olivia says, thank God, and Lois says she doesn’t get it. Olivia thought she’d have a problem with her being married to Ned? That she, Lois Cerullo, who Olivia has known her whole life, would sit on her feelings? Come on. Does that even sound like her? Olivia says she doesn’t know what she was thinking. She was a big dummy. Lois says, okay, so what happened at Christmas that got her so freaked out? and Olivia says, Tracy. Lois says, of course (🍷) it was Tracy. What did Tracy say? Olivia tells her, it’s not so much what she said. Tracy insinuated that she should be very eager for Lois to leave because of her history with Ned. Lois laughs and says, think about it. Of course (🍷) Tracy wants her out of this house, because like oil and water, they do not mix. And they both have major differences of opinion on what’s best for Brook. Olivia says she knows. She’s sorry. She can’t believe she fell for Tracy’s nonsense. Lois tells her not to beat herself up about it. Tracy excels at getting into people’s heads. It’s a typical Quartermaine trait. Olivia says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she’s so happy to have Lois here. And not just for Brook’s sake, but for her own too. Lois says, Olivia can just think of it as payback. Back in the day, growing up in the neighborhood, Olivia was the coolest chick she knew, and when all of those mean girls started coming after her, Olivia was the one who had her back. Olivia says, that’s not exactly the way she remembers it. She remembers Lois being very tough and learning pretty quickly how to take care of herself. Lois says, that is true, but Olivia’s always been way tougher than she’s been. This proves it. She’s living with the Quartermaines. She couldn’t do it, but Olivia can. They clink glasses.

Maxie asks if she can talk to Sasha for a second, and Sasha asks, what’s up? Maxie says she just wanted to see how it’s going working with Cody. They look great together on camera, but she knows it’s probably a strain working with him because Sasha has feelings for him. Sasha says, Cody has been great. She really enjoys working with him. Maybe too much. Maxie says, that’s good. She knows Sasha has had a tough year. Sasha says she trusted the wrong people. One more reason she really needs to work on herself before she can even think of starting a new relationship. But that’s for her and Cody to figure out; professionally, they’re great. Maxie says, that’s good, because they’re becoming one of Deception’s biggest assets. Sasha looks around and wonders where Maxie’s mom went.

Felicia watches as the hairstylist finishes with Cody. He goes to the set, and Felicia tells the hairstylist that she heard the producer was looking for her. She leaves, and Felicia takes a tissue and puts the hair from the brush into a plastic bag.

Sasha tells Cody that she’s sorry. She lost track of Felicia.

Maxie says she needs to take care of something right now, and leaves the set. Tracy tells Sasha and Cody that they’re ready for their spokesmodels, and Lucy says, by the way, they look awesome, but something’s missing. Something’s not quite right. She looks around and says she’s got it. She takes a cowboy hat off a prop cactus and says, they’ll place that on Cody’s head… and look at that. He’s definitely a romantic, rugged cowboy. Just the image they need. Tracy says, it’s all wrong, and takes the hat off Cody’s head. It casts a shadow on his face and you can’t see his beautiful eyes. Scotty says he thinks Tracy’s right about the cowboy hat, and Lucy says, did she ask for his input? He asks if she’s the only one who’s allowed to have an opinion around here, and she says, he’s an attorney. What does he know about fashion? Obviously. He says he’s just trying to give her a guy’s point of view here, and she says, obviously, he doesn’t know the female perspective. No wonder Liesl dumped him. Everyone looks somewhere else, anywhere but at Scotty.

Elizabeth says, so if another doctor, maybe even multiple doctors missed Muldoon’s colon cancer, that could be good for Finn’s case. Finn says he gets why it’s difficult for juries to understand medical complexities in a malpractice suits. From a jury’s standpoint, this man came in with a simple stomach ailment, and is somehow dying of cancer, leaving the family behind, because Finn found the tapeworm, but didn’t discover the cancer until later. They assume that must be negligence on his part. She says, so if they can prove to the jury that another doctor missed the cancer… He says, it might help them to understand how difficult it is to make a diagnosis based on Muldoon’s symptoms. He doesn’t know. What does she think? She says she thinks it’s going to work.

Kristina says she gets why TJ is asking these questions. She does have a well-earned reputation for leaping before she looks, but she can assure him, she’s really done a lot of soul searching about this, and she doesn’t want children of her own. At least right now at this point in her life. He asks if she’s sure, and she says, pretty sure. And she’s excited to be pregnant and go on this journey of course (🍷). She’s going to love this baby, and it’s a little bit more intense now that they’re using her egg of course (🍷), but it’s going to be special. And maybe she will even have a special connection to it, but once this baby is born, she’s more than content to step back and let him and Molly be parents, so she can just keep being that cool aunt. He says she has no idea how good it feels to hear her say that, and she says she’s happy to help him and Molly finally have a baby. She’s also happy, after the baby’s born, to focus on running her center. She promises she knows what she’s getting herself into.

Scotty says he knows Lucy can fight dirty, but this is an all-time low. You know what? He’s not going to be her lawyer anymore. Find herself another top-drawer attorney. He quits. He walks off, and Lucy says, fine. She’s glad he quits. She’s just going to find another attorney tomorrow. So about the hat… Tracy says she hasn’t changed her mind about the hat, and Lucy says, neither has she, picking it up. Cody says, if they don’t mind hearing from one of the models, he has an idea that might make Lucy and Tracy both happy. Brook asks, what’s his idea? and he says, how about – he takes the hat from Lucy and puts it on – they start off with the hat on, then they take it off. He takes it off with a flourish, and Lucy says, okey-dokey. She guesses that might work. Tracy says, let’s try it. (He’s a genius!)

Felicia puts the bag in an envelope and seals it. Apparently, no one cares that she doesn’t belong there and is taking something from the hairstylist’s station. Sasha comes along and asks if she’s enjoying herself, and Felicia says, yes. Being backstage is always so fascinating. So much goes into making a TV show. Sasha says, rehearsal is starting. Does she want to watch? Felicia says, absolutely, and heads for the stage. Sasha notices the hairbrushes lined up on the station table.

Olivia says, life here is definitely more difficult with Tracy in the house, and Lois says, Olivia tells her that like Tracy is the exception. Quartermaines have been bickering about everything all the time, even her own Brookie. Don’t tell her that she said that. Olivia says, Lois’s secret is safe. Ned can be reasonable. Lois says, unless he’s going against Drew and Michael, right? and Olivia says, true. Lois says, to be clear, all of the Quartermaines have their good points individually. She just hates to see what it does to Ned when he’s around his family. Olivia says, Lois is talking about the old days. Ned has changed. He’s really become his own man now. Lois says she knows Ned is Olivia’s husband and she has to defend him, but can she really say Ned is his own man when he ratted out his own cousin to the SEC? Olivia asks what she said, and Lois says, Ned turned his own family in to the SEC. Olivia says, Lois doesn’t understand, but Lois says she understands Drew is Ned’s cousin and Carly is Michael’s mother. If somebody turned her mother in to the SEC, she’d never forgive them. So Michael should forgive Ned? No way. Olivia says, Ned is not a rat. Ned is allowing everyone to think the worst of him for the sake of the family.

Scotty approaches Tracy and says he’s glad she’s here. She says she thought he quit, and he says he did, but he wanted to apologize to her for the other night, those horrible things he said about Luke. He knows she really loved Luke and it was very disrespectful of him. She thanks him… she guesses. Why the change of heart? He says, that stuff Lucy said about his ex-girlfriend Liesl really hurt him. So he thought he probably did the same thing to her and that’s why she threw that martini in his face. She says, apology accepted, but if he does it again, she’ll do it again. He says, never. And she was right about that cowboy hat. He doesn’t think Lucy pays attention to all the little details. She says, not a good trait for the head of a company, and he says, no, but Tracy’s here to keep her in line. He’ll catch her later. He leaves, and Tracy looks perplexed.

Alexis tells Sonny, say something, and he says, she raised two strong, intelligent women, not to mention compassionate. She says, but she wants them to stay that way. If Kristina isn’t able to keep her promise to Molly, Molly will be devastated. And on the other hand, watching somebody raise your biological child may be too painful for Kristina and maybe she’ll just have to leave town. He says, if this were court, she knows the judge would have to overrule her speculation, and she says she knows she’s worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. Tell her that she’s wrong. He tells her that he’s not going to say she’s wrong. He’s a little worried too. Alexis looks like she has a headache.

Brook asks if everything has to be a battle with Tracy, and Lucy puts her fingers in her ears, singing, la-la-la-la. She doesn’t take behavior tips from a traitor. Brook says, fine, and walks away. Maxie tells Lucy, this has to stop. She can’t take the constant fighting. Lucy says she’s sorry. She’ll do better, she promises. She probably did overreact a little bit. For Maxie, she’ll be better with Tracy. Maxie says, good. Because none of them like it, but right now, Tracy is their cross to bear. Lucy says, yep. She can’t wait for Tracy to get what’s coming to her.

Lois asks if Olivia is saying Ned wasn’t the one who turned Carly and Drew in to the SEC, but Olivia says, don’t listen to her. She misspoke. It’s not a thing, and it’s… Lois says, so why is everyone saying it’s Ned? and Olivia says, Ned denied all the accusations at first. Then he had his accident and he turned into Eddie, and Eddie couldn’t have cared less. Eddie didn’t have any of Ned’s memories and Eddie couldn’t be bothered. Lois asks if she’s saying when Ned got his memory back, he also remembered that he wasn’t the one who turned in Carly and Drew to the SEC. Does he know who the real rat is? Why is he taking the rap for somebody else’s bad deeds? There’s got to be a reason. Olivia says, Lois has to remember, Carly is her second-best friend, but she did commit insider trading. She bought up all the Aurora stock when Michale told her that ELQ and Aurora were going to merge. Lois says, but they didn’t merge, and the SEC would have never gone after Carly unless someone else provoked them. Olivia says, let it go. Just let the sleeping dogs lie. Lois says, so who turned in Carly and Drew to the SEC? Who is Olivia protecting, and why?

Olivia says she’s not going to tell Lois who the real rat is, and Lois says she doesn’t understand why Olivia won’t. Olivia says, because it was Ned’s choice, and Lois says, and she’s not going to explain why? Olivia says, the only thing she can tell Lois is that she and Ned agreed it was best for the whole family if they both kept the identity of the rat a secret. What could be more loyal than that? Lois asks, what happened to telling it like it is? and Olivia says she would have thought by now the two of them would have learned, sometimes it’s best to keep their big mouths shut. Sometimes the truth can hurt, and right now, it would hurt some of the people they care most about. And they’ve been through enough these past three years. She just doesn’t want another disaster. Not right now when there’s finally hope for a little bit of joy. Please promise she’s not going to say anything. Lois says she doesn’t know anything. But fine. She learned long ago to stay out of Quartermaine business.

Alexis asks why the hell Sonny was pushing back so hard if he agreed with her, and he says, she asked him to talk her off the ledge and he did his best. She says, all of a sudden, he’s being cooperative? and he says, it’s hard for him to accept not being the grandfather. Can she imagine how hard it is for Kristina to accept not being the baby’s mother? She says, yeah… So what are they going to do about it? He says, there’s nothing they can do. Kristina says she knows what she’s doing; he’s going to take her word for it. Alexis says she doesn’t think Kristina is lying to them. She’s just worried Kristina is lying to herself. He says, she’s worried, he gets it, but ultimately, it’s Kristina’s decision, and they’re going to have to stand by and love her no matter what. Alexis says, and she’s so good at standing by, and Sonny says, she did the right thing by not going to Kristina and venting, and instead coming to him and talking to him. She thanks him and thanks him for being here so he could listen. He says, always.

TJ says he appreciates Kristina talking this out, and she says, he wouldn’t be a good dad if he didn’t ask the tough questions. She can already tell he’s going to be a fantastic father. He thanks her, and she thanks him for loving her sister and for supporting her through all of this. She admires both of them. He says, it’s mutual, because they both admire the hell out of her for doing this. She’s making his and Molly’s dream of becoming parents come true. She says she loves that she’s stepping up for Molly. Molly has done it for her countless times. She can’t wait to see who their child grows up to be.

Elizabeth asks if Finn’s dad is up for dinner with them in his room, and Finn says, he pulled the old, I don’t want to be a burden, but he slowly came around. She asks if he’s concerned about Violet seeing him in the hospital, and he says he’s been thinking about that. He thinks he’s going to tell her the literal truth, that grandpa overdid it in hot yoga – he never thought he’d say those words – and that he is staying overnight so the doctors and nurses can keep an eye on him. She says, perfect explanation, and while they’re there, they can celebrate. He says, celebrate what? and she says she reached out to a couple nurses she knows in Beechers Corners. It turns out Muldoon did see a doctor there, about a month before he came to see Finn.

Maxie asks how it is being the male Face of Deception, and Cody says he still thinks he’s an odd choice for a spokesmodel, but if it makes Sasha happy, he’ll muddle through. She says, they make a great team, and he says he thinks so too.

Felicia hands a man the envelope and thanks him for getting here so quickly. She tells him, make sure this goes straight to the lab, expedited testing. He leaves, and we see Sasha watching.

Tomorrow, Olivia tells Lois to please accept that and move on; Alexis asks Gregory to forgive her; Nina asks what Cyrus plans to do with what he knows; and Heather says, Esme remembers.

🎨 Circling Back…

At least he didn’t go upstairs and polish his skis for 20 years.

🧂 Just a Pinch…

It wouldn’t be the first time Andy had to scream at a bunch of Housewives.

Canceling the whole panel at BravoCon? It must have been one ugly fight.

🍸 Teasing the Rules…

Well, what did they expect? Everyone forgot?

This must have been a tough choice since there are so many.


🥀 2023’s Losses…

I’m obsessed with these lists.


🎉 Keeping It Traditional…

New Year’s traditions and celebrations.





🗽 Dropping the Ball…

Most expensive Olive Garden buffet ever.


Trust me. It’s better to watch the webcast. I never went there personally, but my best friend did and said it was a nightmare. Not only was it beyond crowded, but someone also spilled beer on her, and someone peed on her shoe. Not the same person, but still, no thanks.


🐶 Let Auld Pets Not Be Forgot…

Keeping it safe and fun.

Dressing up. I’m not too sure about the pantyhose though.


🪩 BYO Disco Ball…

Join me for the last blog of the year tomorrow and celebrate the changing of the calendars, keeping in mind, we don’t need no stinkin’ resolutions. Until then, stay safe; stay not overdoing it on New Year’s Eve, but not pressuring yourself if you don’t want to do it at all; and stay not worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.