Category Archives: Lisa Vanderpump

May 7, 2024 – Carly Tells Jason That Sonny’s In Trouble, Kyle’s Whiskey Launch Ends the VanderSeason, Down In the Valley & Stormy


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nina is at the MetroCourt with Valentin when Sonny walks in, and they exchange a glance. Valentin asks if she’s okay and she says she’s fine. She’s not sure Sonny is though.

Sonny sits with Jordan and asks if he’s late, but she says she’s early. He asks, how’s Molly and TJ? and she says, a little jumpy, expectant parents. He says he hears her, and she asks, how’s Kristina? He tells Jordan, she says being pregnant isn’t what she expected… it’s better. He thanks her for meeting him, and she says, he told her that he had a proposal. He says he wants to make a significant donation to the city of Port Charles.

Willow meets Drew at the MetroCourt bar and thanks him for coming. They hug and he says, absolutely. He guesses this means she made a decision. She says she thought it through and talked it over with Michael, and she’d be honored to be the spokesperson for the New Tomorrow Institute. (Sounds like a cult or something sci/fi.)

As Anna is dealing with her new apartment, Bennet walks in. She says, this is unexpected, and he says he was doing a training exercise. Dex walks in with another young man, both carrying file boxes. He asks Anna where she wants this.

Laura waits in the visiting room at Pentenville, when Heather is wheeled in. Heather thanks the guard and says she can go, but the guard says, it’s procedure. Heather says she understands, and the guard says, especially for someone with an extensive history of escape. Heather says she’s kind of a celebrity around here. It’s sort of flattering. Laura asks how she’s feeling, and Heather says, a lot better. The new hip is still healing, but it’s a lot less painful than the old one. Laura says she’s glad to hear it, and Heather says she doesn’t miss those rashes or the whole not being able to breathe thing. She asks if Laura is here to give her the lowdown on Ace. She wouldn’t hate prison nearly so much if only she could see her grandson.

Carly goes to the coffee warehouse looking for Jason, and he comes out and asks, what’s wrong? which says a lot about their relationship. She says, it’s Sonny. He’s in trouble.

Jordan says, a significant donation, and Sonny asks if it surprises her. She says, not at all. He has a long and impressive history of philanthropy. She can think of three programs off the top of her head that would benefit from his support. He asks why he gets the impression that she doesn’t want to take it, and she says, why does he think? He says, any donation from him is coming from a legitimate enterprise and also investments, and she says she figured, but one needs to be sure. He asks if one needs to ask him any more questions, and she says, just one. Why come to her? He says, because she’s the Deputy Mayor and she’s going to know right where to put his money. And they both have children who are having a baby together, and that means a lot to him.

Valentin asks, how are things progressing with Willow? and Nina says, incrementally. Willow came into Drew’s office when they were going over the Crimson budget, and when she went to leave, Willow stopped her. He asks what she said, and Nina tells him that she said, if Nina and Drew could manage to be civil to one another after everything Nina did to him, then maybe she was holding on to her anger at Nina a little too long, and just maybe she could let some of those bad feelings go. He says, wow. That seems more than incremental. She says she doesn’t want to get her hopes up too high, but right? and he asks what she said. She tells him that she thanked Willow for saying that and got the hell out of there before she started making lunch plans and offering to babysit. He looks down and she asks what she did. He says, she’s fine. He’s just worried about what poison Drew is putting in Willow’s ear about her. She says, he’s not. Not if he knows what’s good for him.

Drew says he can’t tell Willow how happy and honored he is that she wants to work with the New Tomorrow Institute, and she says, great. He says, it’s just that there’s been something that’s kind of bugging him. He knows he sprung this on her out of nowhere, and it just occurred to him that maybe she felt pressured to say yes, because… She says, because he went to Greenland and rescued her Aunt Liesl and brought her aunt back to Port Charles in time to save her life, and he says, yeah. He would never want her to feel a sense of obligation. She doesn’t owe him anything. She says she literally owes him her life, and he says, that’s why he’s having second thoughts.

Anna says she told Bennet that she took today off so that she could move into her new apartment, and he says, she did. She says, now he’s assigned all the new cadets to help her move? and he says, just a few boxes. She says, but he’s not allowing them to use the elevator. He’s making them bring said boxes up three flights of stairs. He says, you can’t get a good cardiovascular workout on an elevator, can you? and she says, no. She really appreciates the gesture, but she’s telling him, if she gets in trouble with internal affairs, she’s so taking him down with her. He says, this is his doing, and he takes full responsibility, so if he does go down for this, she’ll be in the clear with some shiny new recruits in the best shape of their young lives.

Carly tells Jason that she can’t have Donna staying at Sonny’s. With Ava staying there and Sonny going on and on about how she’s a traitor, it’s not good for Donna emotionally. Jason says, it’s reasonable, and Carly says she went to tell Sonny, but Ava was there and tried kicking her out, which is crazy. It’s like Ava thinks she’s mistress of the manor or something. He says, maybe she thinks she is, and Carly says, Sonny was furious. And she expected that, but she thought once he got past his initial reaction, he would understand her position and respect it. But that’s not what happened. He just became more and more irrational. He even threatened to take her to family court, which is absurd. Jason says, that’s crazy. He has to know that he would lose that. She says, he should and because he didn’t, it made her think, is Sonny off his meds? He says he thought about that too, and she says she asked him. He swears he’s taking his medication. She even went into his bathroom and went into his medicine drawer. She checked his prescriptions, and it looks like he’s taking him. He asks how Sonny reacted to that, and she tells him, he said, just because they disagree about what to do with Donna, that doesn’t mean he’s going off his meds. And he has a point. She may hate the way Sonny’s living and the choices he’s making, but that doesn’t mean he’s headed for a breakdown.

Laura says she wanted to tell Heather thatAce did the cutest thing, and Heather says she’s sure everything he does is the cutest. Laura says, it’s true, but he sort of outdid himself with this one. She’s humming him a lullaby, and just as he’s about to fall asleep, he starts to try and sing along. Heather laughs, and Laura says, he starts making his own little sounds to the music. Heather says, that is so wonderful. He’s already marching to his own drummer. Runs in their family, she guesses. Laura agrees, and Heather says, Laura wanted to tell her that? Like when it happened, Laura thought, I have to tell Ace’s crazy grandma about this? Laura says she didn’t think about it quite like that, but yes. She wanted to share that with Heather. In fact – she takes out an envelope – she knows this isn’t the same as seeing him in person – she takes a photo out of the envelope – but she thought Heather might like to have that. She gives Heather a photo of Ace, and Heather thanks her. She says, that’s just the cutest thing ever. She thinks she sees Esme in him. Laura says, yes, he does look like Esme, and Heather says, she’s so lucky. She hopes Laura knows that. Laura got to spend time with Esme, really got to know her, at her worst, but also at her best. She got to spend time with Esme at Spring Ridge, but Esme didn’t know who she was. Then of course (🍷) there was her father. She hopes Ryan is roasting over a pit in hell right now… Sorry. Laura says, please, don’t be, and Heather says, because he is a murdering bastard, right? Not unlike yours truly. Except she loved her little girl so much. And yes, she did blame Trina Robinson and Laura’s grandson Spencer and everybody else for the bad things that happened to Esme, but she believed in her heart that all those people deserved what Esme did to them. So when they tried to put the blame on Esme, she did what she thought any good mother would do. She protected her daughter by punishing the people who hurt her. But now she’s been going over and over this in her head. She can’t for the life of her remember why she thought killing those people by stalking them with a hook was going to help her little girl.

Jordan says, any donations are subject to fiscal review by the city, and Sonny says, of course (🍷). She says, and their acceptance is solely at her discretion, and he says, but she’s in charge. He’s positive his money will go where it’s needed the most. She says, that’s very flattering, and he says, it’s very true. She says, but why now? and he says his home is in Port Charles. He raised his children here and he wants to help the community.

Drew says he knows Willow is a private person, and if taking on this role demands she share more of her personal life than she’s comfortable with… What? She says, it’s nothing. It’s just he offered her this job and now he’s trying to talk her out of it? He says he’s not trying to talk her out of it. She’s perfect for the job. There’s nobody on this planet better suited for it than she is. She’s living proof that stem cell and bone marrow transplants save lives. The bartender puts plates in front of them, and he says, but that’s not very good breakfast conversation, right? She says she’s a nurse, and he says, that’s true, which is another reason she’s perfect for this. Not to mention the fact that she’s warm and beautiful and charming… She says, okay. She’s not sure where he thinks flattery is going to take him. She’s getting a lot of mixed signals here. He says, it’s not flattery. It’s just a list, a list of the many reasons people will be able to hear her on this. What he’s trying to say is, he doesn’t want her to do it if it compromises her privacy or out of a sense of obligation. She says she appreciates everything he did for her, and it was heroic of him. She knows that makes him uncomfortable, and he doesn’t see himself that way. He says he doesn’t see himself as a hero because he’s not a hero. He just did… She says, something completely, utterly heroic, and he says he did the right thing. She says, and here she is alive and well because he did that right thing. Why can’t he be proud of that? He says he is. he’s very proud of that and always will be.

Valentin says, so tell him, how is it working for Drew after… Nina says, after Valentin bought The Invader and left him in the lurch? but he says he was referring more to her reporting him to the SEC. She says, oh, that, and he says, and by the way, as for buying The Invader, he has no regrets. She asks if he’s sure, and he says, because it gave her the leverage to get back to where she needs to get to, it’s money well spent. She asks if this was part of his grand plan to manipulate Drew to get her back at Crimson, but he says, no. Even he’s not that good. She says, don’t sell himself short, and he says he was revealing a path to happiness post-Sonny for her, and wherever that takes her is fine with him. She says, so this was an entirely selfless act, and he says, entirely selfless. She says, that’s what she thought, and he says he’s not going to deny The Invader is a good investment. And making Adrian DeWitt associate publisher was a genius move. Because now he’s reverted the paper to the style of tabloid, which has increased circulation. She laughs and says, it must drive Alexis crazy. She must be hearing no end of it these days. He says, she’s still printing the hard stories and more people are reading them because they don’t realize that’s what they’re buying. So win-win, even if Alexis doesn’t realize it. Nina asks how much grief Alexis is giving him, and he says he can take it. She knows him. He’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

Felicia says, as much as she loves Anna’s old house, she thinks this place is prefect for her, and Anna says, it’s nice, right? She couldn’t stay holed up at the MetroCourt forever. (I suddenly realize, it’s Sasha’s old place.) Felicia says, stranded at a five-star hotel. Life is hard. Anna says, it was nice, yes, but it wasn’t hers, and Felicia says she gets it, and she understands Anna needed time after everything she went through with Charlotte. Anna says she did need time after everything that happened, and Felicia says, if she wants to talk about it, they can talk about it. Anna says, it’s not like she’s not ever thinking about it, but it’s beginning to go a little bit in the background now, and Felicia says, but she’s fine, right? Anna says, yeah. Charlotte just went back to boarding school in Switzerland, so she’s on her way. Felicia says, and she knows this how? and Anna says, what? Felicia asks if Anna and Valentin have been chatting.

Jason tells Carly, the way Sonny handled Cyrus is proof he’s not thinking clearly. So is what happened in the Pine Barrens. Hauling Dex out there, planning to kill him, when everybody in Port Charles knew he worked for Sonny. It’s sloppy. It’s impulsive. Sonny’s too smart to make a mistake like this. Carly says, he’s going to have to have his blood drawn and his medication recalibrated, and he refuses to do that. This is the frustrating part about bipolar disorder. It sends you spiraling while telling you that you’re fine and everyone else is wrong. He says, let’s just take it a step at a time. Is there somebody Sonny still trusts who can convince him to get his blood drawn? She says, the only person Sonny trusts right now is Ava, which is crazy because they all know she switched Morgan’s meds for placebos. He asks if she thinks Ava is trying that with Sonny, and she says she thinks Ava is capable of it. She just doesn’t know what it would get her. And to be honest, Sonny’s been off since Nixon Falls, and he’s been really bad since his break-up with Nina. So maybe it’s not bipolar disorder. Maybe Sonny’s pride is wounded, and he doesn’t know where to put his anger.

Anna says she and Valentin bumped into each other at the MetroCourt bar the other night, and Felicia asks how that went. Anna says, it was good. They were very civil with each other. Felicia says, of course (🍷) Valentin can be civil with Anna. He’s been obsessed with her since the Cold War. There’s a knock at the door, and Felicia asks if Anna is expecting anybody. Anna says she doesn’t know. Maybe it’s Detective Bennet with another training exercise. She opens the door, and a man holding a beautiful floral arrangement, says, flowers for Anna Devane. She says, that’s her. They’re lovely. She thanks him and takes the flowers inside. Felicia says, let her guess, and Anna looks at the card. She says, yep. Valentin. It’s just congratulations on the new apartment. Felicia says, shameless, and Anna says, and looking forward to dinner. Felicia says, back up. Anna said she talked to Valentin. She didn’t say anything about dinner.

Willow says, yes, she owes her life to Drew, and she’ll never ever forget that. But she’s not accepting this position out of any sense of obligation. The New Tomorrow Institute is doing important work. Getting people tested, recruiting donors helps save other lives like hers was saved. She wants to be a part of that. Drew says, amazing. Then before they make it official, they should talk about scheduling. She might want to cut back hours at the hospital. She says, that actually won’t be a problem. She’s decided to leave her job there. He says, not because of this he hopes, but she says, no. Because of her kids. When she was fighting leukemia, she kept saying how much she wanted to live to see her kids grow up. But after she recovered and got back to work, she realized that bit by bit, day by day, their childhoods were passing her by. She has the privilege of being able to step back from her career. Most people can’t, but she’s been given a second chance to be a mother, and she, Wiley, and Amelia want to take full advantage of that. He says he knows the feeling. Time with your kids, there’s nothing more precious.

Valentin says he was worried Drew lured Nina back to Crimson just to find new ways of punishing her, and she says, that thought crossed her mind, but only for a second. She really doesn’t think that Drew would sabotage his own magazine. He says, she has new faith in Drew, but she says, it’s not faith, it’s observation. She can’t stand the guy. He’s arrogant, entitled, petty, and rude. He says, other than that? and she says, other than that, he is a savvy businessman. He asks if she’s sure Drew isn’t just giving her a hard time. (Insert your favorite rude joke here.)

Heather tells Laura, it’s a terrible thing to take people’s lives and only afterwards realize what that means. That those people all had people who loved them. How did she ever think that by killing people she could help Esme? She cries, and Laura says, this doesn’t excuse what she did, but she was suffering from cobalt poisoning. That line she drew from wanting to protect her daughter to deciding it was okay to kill people to do that, the line was drawn by the illness. She was inside the illness at that time, so at that time, it made sense to her. Heather says she hears what Laura is saying and wants to believe that’s right, but she knew the reasons for what she was doing right up until the minute she had surgery. It’s just that now she can’t remember the logic. She can’t conceive of why, but she can remember what she did, every single moment. Laura says, because now she’s outside the illness and so she’s seeing things more clearly. Heather says she’s seeing how people see her too, and cries some more.

Jason suggests he and Carly go over a few things. Is it possible Sonny developed a tolerance to this dosage and his medication needs to be adjusted? She says, there’s only one way to find out, and he says, right. So who can reach Sonny? She says, not a lot of people. Sonny’s convinced everyone’s out to get him. Dante’s a possibility. Kristina, but she wouldn’t want to involve her because she’s pregnant. He says, what about Olivia? They’re still close. Or Brook Lynn. She says, all options, yes, but if they were to approach Sonny right now. he’ll know she’s behind it, and not only will he refuse to do it, it could damage his relationship with them and then he’ll feel even more alone and persecuted. Jason asks if there’s anybody else she can think of, and she says, Stella Henry. He asks if she thinks Stella would do it, and she says she does, but she thinks Stella has to witness his behavior first. It’s hard and Donna is going to be so upset that she can’t see her father. And Sonny is so furious, he’s never going to come to her house and see Donna. It’s a lot. John walks in and says he didn’t expect to see Carly here. She says she’s here visiting her best friend. What is he doing here? He takes out his badge and says, official business. He has some questions for Mr. Morgan.

Laura says, whatever the cost, Heather did do some horrible things, but she’s still human. She’s still Ace’s grandmother. As far as she can see, Heather is still capable of love. Heather says, but she wonders if she’s only capable of love when it’s convenient for her. She discarded her children, not just Esme, but Steven Lars and Franco. And she did all of that before the ski accident. Laura says, but it’s not like she left them in the woods or by the side of the road, right? She made sure they were safe. Heather says, maybe she was sane enough at the time to realize that she was the one she needed to keep them safe from. She wasn’t in any condition back then to give them any kind of a good life. It wasn’t until years later that she became obsessed with her children, and she insinuated herself into their lives, interfered with their relationships. She wonders if she’d never had that hip replacement and had that metal poison her blood and her mind, does Laura think she might have been a good mother?

Anna flashes back to telling Jason that she wonders if Charlotte being in Switzerland doesn’t make it easier for Valentin to do Pikeman’s bidding. She says, it’s not like she thinks he’s suddenly trustworthy, and Felicia says, good. She doesn’t have to check Anna for a head injury. Anna says she hates to admit it, but she misses him. She can tell Felicia is disappointed in her. Felicia says, just a little bit, but whatever else she may think of Valentin, she does know he loves Anna.

Nina tells Valentin that she and Drew have had some altercations, some of them quite fierce, but they’ve reached a kind of quid pro quo. Valentin asks if this quid pro quo is equally beneficial to both of them or just to Drew, and she says, that’s an excellent question. She gets up, and he asks where she’s going. She says she’s going to find out. She’ll be right back.

Nina goes to the bar and says she didn’t mean to interrupt. She just needs to run something past Drew for the next issue. It doesn’t need to be now obviously, but sometime this morning. Anyway, that’s it. She’ll leave them to their morning. Willow says, actually, she would like Nina to be the first to know, if it’s all right with Drew… Drew says, absolutely, and Willow says she’s officially accepted the position as spokesperson for the New Tomorrow Institute. Nina says, great. She’s so proud of Willow, if that’s something she can be. Willow says, it’s fine, and Nina says she’s very, very proud of her. Drew says he just had an idea. What if Crimson does a story on the Institute and on Willow?

Carly says she saves John from being beaten and he thanks her by harassing her friend? and John says, believe it or not, his being there has nothing to do with her. She says she’s present, so it does have something to do with her. And you know who’s not present? Jason’s lawyer. She’s going to call Diane right now. Jason says, please, don’t bother. Let’s just get this over with. She asks what he thinks Diane would say if she heard him say that, but Jason says, it’s going to be okay. He’ll call her later. She says, fine, and leaves. John says he wouldn’t be surprised if she’s calling Jason’s lawyer anyway. She probably realizes Miss Miller would refuse to let him cooperate. Carly lingers outside the office, but still in the warehouse, keeping to the shadows and listening in. John says, while he is impressed with her ability to obstruct an investigation without actually obstructing justice, he has no time today for Miss Miller’s legal pyrotechnics. They need to talk about Pikeman.

Anna tells Felicia that he thing that made her relationship with Valentin so complicated was the fact that they really did love each other. Felicia says, that never goes away. Certainly not quickly and most of the time, not completely. Anna says she can’t share her life with someone she doesn’t trust, and Felicia says, no, she can’t. Anna says, but Valentin understands her in a way that few men do, and Felicia says, they get each other. Anna says she doesn’t think he gets her in quite the same way she gets him, and Felicia says, they see each other with perfect clarity. The only difference is, Valentin likes what he sees, and Anna doesn’t. Being the recipient of Valentin’s devotion must be amazing. To be seen, flaws and all, and still be loved so relentlessly. Anna says, it was something, and Felicia says, the tragedy of Charlotte’s shooting will always be between them. She knows Valentin doesn’t blame Anna, but that doesn’t change how Anna feels about it, and she’s only just started to recover. So she has to ask Anna. Does she really think this dinner is a good idea?

Nina says, Crimson is always looking for important stories to run alongside the arts and culture of fashion. She would love to include an article about the New Tomorrow Institute if it works for Willow as spokesperson. Drew looks pleased with himself, and Willow says she can’t wait. Nina says, great. Someone from Crimson will contact her. Willow says, it just may take a little while. She still needs to get up to speed on the Institute. Nina says, no rush. Just schedule something with the rep at Crimson whenever. Willow says, okay, and Nina says, enjoy the rest of her morning. Willow says, her too, and Nina goes back to the table.

Valentin says, it looks like that went well, and Nina says, her daughter smiled at her. And she’s doing an interview for Crimson. He says, that’s wonderful. Good for her. And he takes it her quid pro quo evened out a little. She says, oh honey, right now, I’m way ahead. She can put up with Drew forever if it gives her access to her daughter.

Drew says he should have asked before he pushed Willow together with Nina, but Willow says, please. He’s got to stop treating her like she’s still that fragile woman in the hospital bed. She’s fine. She can handle this. Not that there’s anything to handle. It’s an interview for a good cause. And it’s her job now. He says, it certainly is, and they hug. He thanks her, and she says, him too. Always. She leaves.

Jordan tells Sonny that she’ll see what she can do, and he says, that’s all he can ask. Drew comes by and says good morning. Sonny puts his hand on Drew’s shoulder and says, listen. He’s been thinking about it, and he reconsidered. He’s not going to sell Volonino’s. Drew tells Sonny that he can’t say he’s not disappointed, but no harm, no foul, and Sonny says, good luck on his project. Drew thanks him, and Sonny says he hopes to hear from Jordan soon. He leaves, and Jordan says she needs to get back to the office herself, but Drew asks if she has a second. There’s something he wants to pitch to her.

Heather tells Laura that she wonders how different her life would have been if she hadn’t gotten medical treatment that turned her into a monster. Would Esme still be alive? Even if she hadn’t given Esme up, would she be well enough to go find her? Be a mother to her? When she thinks of all the years she spent in prisons and mental institutions, all the things she’s missed… Why? Laura says, there’s just no way to know what might have been, and Heather says, she’s right. She might have been a good mother. She might have been a terrible mother. Maybe this person she’s become is the real her and the cobalt just brought it out. Laura says, there’s just no way to know, and Heather says, but there’s one thing she does know. She hurt a lot of people. Understanding now all the wrong she’s done, and feeling the guilt, taking responsibility for all the damage she did… She guesses that’s all just part of the punishment.

Laura says she doesn’t know if that’s what this is, but she thinks it’s a really good thing that Heather is starting to realize the severity of her crimes, because she’s taking responsibility. That means she’s coming back to reality. Heather says, a reality without her daughter. Or Franco. Two of her children are dead, and the third is in prison and she’s probably never going to get to see him. Not that he wants to see her. But – she picks up the photo – she has her grandson, who, thanks to Laura, is going to have a happy life. Laura says she gives Heather her word that she’ll do everything in her power to make sure that Ace has the best possible life, and Heather thanks her, pressing the photo to her heart.

Drew says he was able to convince the congressman to throw some federal money at revitalizing the city, and Jordan says, their city? He says, Port Charles, and she says, that is unbelievable. What did he want in return? Drew says, he wants a lot of things, and she says, such as? Drew says, such as his name all over the place, and she says, how all over the place? He says, so far, all he promised him was an esplanade, and she says, okay, that’s fine. What else? He says, front row seats at the dedication? and she says, done. What else? He says, that’s it so far, and she says, okay. Let’s get it all in writing. She’s impressed. He says, don’t be too impressed, because he pitched McConkey just like they knew what they were doing down to the last detail. She asks how much he has planned, and he says, other than the McConkey esplanade, not very much. He has some rough notes. She says. Post-Its or napkins? and he says, both. She says, in government, we call that a working draft. How can she help him? He says, she knows exactly what the city needs. He’s secured the funds to make it happen, but she has to help him figure out how to make Port Charles as attractive and as accessible as it can be. She says, okay. She’ll do it. He says, amazing. He kind of thought it would be harder to convince her. She asks, why? When it was basically her idea. She talked to him about urban renovation and reclamation, and he found a way to make it happen. She does want him to answer one thing. How did he get McConkey to sign on? How did Drew even get a meeting with him? He is notoriously inaccessible.

Nina tells Valentin, everything is righting itself… Well, almost everything. And she has him to thank for all of it. He says he’s always happy to help a friend, and they clink coffee cups.

Drew looks over at Nina and tells Jordan, it’s complicated. He and Nina lock eyes.

Anna says, it’s just dinner, and Felicia says, famous last words. Anna says she and Valentin had a very intense personal relationship. And Felicia is right. What happened with Charlotte is always going to come between them. The result of that is, they’ve never been able to have a calm, adult conversation about it. Felicia says she thought the reason for the dinner was to have calm, adult conversation, and Anna says she thinks that they need closure. Felicia says she hopes Anna knows what she’s doing, and Anna says, so does she.

John says, Jason’s business partner is Sonny Corinthos. The FBI arrested him last fall on suspicion of facilitating an illegal arms shipment for Pikeman. Corinthos was released on lack of evidence, but all that means is that he was covering his tracks. Jason says, Sonny hasn’t spoken to him about Pikeman or anything else, and John says, they know Pikeman was doing business in Port Charles because the ex-director of the WSB, Jack Brennan, is in Pentenville right now – Carly continues to listen – because he was arrested for conspiracy with Roman Hume, a Pikeman employee. Jason says he wasn’t here when any of that went down, and John says, no, but Sonny was, and it points to an ongoing association between him and Pikeman. Carly shakes her head like she can’t believe it.

Sonny walks in the park, and sees a group of cadets jog by, Dex at the front. He watches them with a scary Sonny face.

Tomorrow, Dante asks if Sam will stay with him if he’s still a cop; Laura tells Doc that she’s empathizing with a serial killer; John says he owes Brook an apology; and Jack tells Carly that his day just got 100% better.

Vanderpump Rules

The VanderGang is in San Francisco. Ally wonders if Dan and Sandoval have met, but James says, no. Lala wonders what if Dan has an interaction with Sandoval. Dan has been in fights before and doesn’t f*** around. Katie tells Lala that she thinks he’s the sweetest person. Brock asks Scheana if she needs help setting up, but she says, Sandoval is helping with sound for all the performances. It’s a big deal. He asks how she feels about last night’s conversation now that she’s slept on it, and she says, they have good productive conversations. She wonders if Sandoval was genuine or playing her. Ariana isn’t going to feel it’s genuine because of what he did. She has a hard time trusting what’s real. Brock says, he loves Ariana, but she doesn’t reach out. Sandoval reached out. In Brock’s interview, he says, Sandoval is genuinely the greatest caring friend. He does and acts when Scheana needs him most. Scheana tells Brock that she doesn’t agree. Ariana is a good friend to her, but Brock says, actionwise, she bails out, and Scheana says she understands that Ariana is the person who will probably not show up, but want to be invited. She’d never turn her back on Ariana, because Ariana has always been there for her. Brock says, she has a dog in the fight.

The VanderGroup minus Sandoval take a trolley car to Chinatown, making me wistful for NYC’s Chinatown. They go to a restaurant, making me pine for dumplings, and Brock asks what they got up to last night after playing dress-up. Lala says she cuddled with Katie in the bed. She thought Scheana and Brock could be a tag team, but they couldn’t handle this. Scheana asks if she’s ever had a threesome, and in Schwartz’s interview, he says, everyone says it’s never as good as you think it will be. He’s not ruling it out, but he thinks it’s a bucket list thing. Dan says he trains 7 days and bartends, and Lala grills him with a barrage of questions. What’s his main focus? How old is he? (40.) Has he ever been married? (No.)When was his last relationship (5 years ago) and why didn’t it work out? In her interview, Lala says, Dan is handling this interrogation like a champ. He’s not even breaking a sweat. She’ll be damned if another person comes into the group and ends up being an a-hole. She’s asking now what their intentions are, and why are they here? Lala tells Ariana, hold on to him. James asks what Dan thinks of Sandoval, and Dan says he doesn’t know Sandoval, but knows what Sandoval has done and he’s not hearing great things. Scheana says she put it in perspective for Sandoval that he’d been weaponizing Ariana’s mental health on top of what he did. She felt she saw the mask fall and he said he needed to think. Katie asks how long Scheana is going to believe those are genuine tears. She doesn’t believe anything that comes out of him. In Katie’s interview, she says, they’re making this more nuanced than it is. F*** the guy who f***s over her friend. Schwartz says, he did a trash thing, and Ariana debates his choice of words, saying it sounds too singular. In Lala’s interview, she says, Ariana tries to put on a cool girl vibe, but she cares a lot. Sandoval is the monster and she’s the victim. She doesn’t think Ariana wants to deal with a mourning period.

Brock has arranged for a path of rose petals leading to the bed in their room and tells Scheana that he asked the staff to do something romantic. Scheana says she’s glad she got the conversation out of the way, and since she looks at things with rose colored glasses, she says, Ariana seemed receptive enough. Brock asks if she told Ariana that she and Sandoval made up, but Scheana says, they didn’t make up. It’s a step forward and a breakthrough conversation, but they’re not best friends. Schwartz goes to Sandoval’s room, and says, it was the best meal in Chinatown. <sob!> He got to know Dan better and he’s great. Sandoval says, Ariana has good taste in men. Ugggh. Schwartz says, they kept it civilized, but Brock felt the girls were being hypercritical of Scheana for talking to him. Lisa calls Scheana to wish her good luck tonight and asks how everyone is getting along. Scheana says, pretty good, and she had a good conversation with Sandoval. She feels he’s taken steps forward and he’s listening. Lisa says, they have a long history, and asks if Scheana still loves him. Scheana says she does.

Lala tells Katie that Scheana’s got pressure on her. She’s going to Ariana for some sort of approval. She feels Scheana wants Ariana to say that things aren’t going to change because she talked to Sandoval. Katie says she doesn’t think that’s going happen, and Lala says the pressure is on Scheana for the way she lives her life when someone else who’s thriving has mad rules for everyone. In Katie’s interview, she says, Scheana feels like she should be the exception to Ariana’s boundary of not wanting mutual friends. Sandoval didn’t make a mistake. He made choices for months, then doubled down on those choices. Katie says, Sandoval’s been a sh*tty person to Scheana. If that’s the kind of friend she needs, go for it. Schwartz asks about Sandoval’s conversation with Scheana, and Sandoval says she asked him to consider apologizing for the mental stuff he said about Ariana. Schwartz says, Ariana might tell him to f*** off in the moment, but he thinks it would mean something to her. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he just wants the tension to subside a little. Schwartz tells him not to get defensive, and Sandoval says he just wants her to know that he wants to work on himself for real and he’s taking action to become a better person and learning from his mistakes. He wants her to know that if it’s days, months, years, or decades, if she ever needs him, he’ll be there for her. Schwartz says, it will probably be decades.

Last minute preparations are made for Kyle’s whiskey launch party. Tom tells Scheana that Hassan is doing the sound. He does the sound for Sandoval’s band and is a professional engineer. She thanks Sandoval, and in her interview, she says, that’s the person she remembers. The friend who does things when not even asked and was so genuine. That’s what made the fallout hard. She remembers who he was for 15 years. She jokes, that was me making it about me. People start to arrive, and in Scheana’s interview, she says, it’s the first time she’s not performing solo. There will be a full band behind her. She’s used to performing on top of a bar after a few tequila shots. We flash back to that, and she says, this is a big deal. Dan wears a strange man bun, which I do not think he rocks. I’m not a fan of the bun to begin with and believe the only two men who should be allowed to wear it are Roger Howarth and Sensei Guillermo Gomez.

James asks Ally to check out the sunset with him and they go outside. He says, it’s such a nice weekend, and she says she misses Hippie and the cats and wants to go home, but she’s having fun. James tells her that he knows he said his priority was Hippie, but she’s his priority. He’s the luckiest man on the planet and would do anything to make her happy. Ally tells him that she knows she said she’s not ready for marriage, but when she is, she wants to marry him. In James’s interview, he says, when he was a teenager, he had his life mapped out. His dad had him at 28 and he was going to follow in his dad’s footsteps. He wipes his eyes and says he wouldn’t change anything. His life led him to where he is today. He loves Ally and would tell the younger James that he’ll have to go through sh*t before he finds someone who makes him truly happy.

In Jo’s interview, she says she still loves Schwartz. They make a good team. It breaks her heart, but what is she supposed to do? Lay in bed and cry? At the end of the day, she wants Schwartz in her life for the rest of her life. Schwartz asks her to come into the lion’s den, but she says she doesn’t like negative energy. In her interview, she says, she wants this to be over. If she can say she’s sorry to Katie, she’s hoping Katie will say it back, but she doesn’t know if Katie hates her because of her connection to Schwartz. Good luck to the next woman. Schwartz brings Jo over to the VanderArea, and tells Katie that Jo wants to say something to her. Jo says she’s sorry if she hurt Katie, and right away, Katie is all like, if? IF? Just say she’s sorry, not sorry if. Jo says, this is weird, and Katie says, she’s weird. Lala says, don’t start, and Jo asks if Katie feels like she owes her an apology. Katie says, no, like we thought there would be a different answer, and Jo says the text she sent Katie about the divorce was genuine. Katie says, then Jo moved in with Schwartz, but Jo says she was couch surfing. She never moved in. Lala says, they stayed together and had sex, but Jo says, there were months between the divorce and when that happened. On another sofa, Ariana tells Dan that she doesn’t know what’s going on, but it’s not good. Poor Dan has no clue either, but Ariana says, long story. Jo says she wishes she could explain. She feels bad. Katie says she feels that Jo was looking for the right moment to move in on Schwartz. (Like this dude is such a catch.)  Lala, who is sitting between them and obviously uncomfortable, says she doesn’t believe that. Jo says, not even close, but Katie says, don’t move in on someone’s ex if you support them. Jo says she didn’t move in, but Katie ignores that and says, just don’t do it. Stay with literally anyone else. Jo says, just let him go.

Katie says, Jo is a f***ing liar, and Schwartz tells her, ease up. Katie says, they weren’t divorced yet and it was a difficult time. Jo says she was thinking about herself, and Katie says, as a woman, Jo should have thought of her and slept in the street. Schwartz says, she came to make peace, and Katie says, I don’t want peace. I think that says it all and shows Katie for the sh*thead she’s being. They should just walk away now, but Schwarz says, Jo feels uncomfortable, and Katie says, she doesn’t give a f***. He says, she wants to be friends, and Katie says, keep Jo away from her. Schwartz says he doesn’t like an ultimatum or a quid pro quo, and Katie says she didn’t give him one. She said, keep Jo away from her.

Lala, Scheana, and Brock tell Sandoval about Chinatown, and Sandoval says, Schwartz told him that Brock stuck up for him and he appreciates it. Brock says, he’s in the middle, but he’s not Switzerland. He’s friends with both Ariana and Sandoval. Sandoval says he doesn’t get that often and appreciates Brock stepping up and being there. Brock says, Sandoval has been there for everyone, and in Scheana’s interview, she says she understands what Sandoval did was absolutely terrible. She wishes it wasn’t so black and white for Ariana and Ariana could see how much she’s struggling. She doesn’t want to lose Ariana, but she feels like she’s losing herself. She needs to let this sh*t go. It’s enough. Brock says, they’ll be here for their friends. They’ll be here for him. Scwartz asks if Dan and Ariana are doing something afterward, and Ariana says, they’re about the Applebee’s life. Is that code for something, like the pasta? What does that even mean? Do they eat all their meals there? Sandoval comes over to Schwartz, and Ariana ignores him, getting busy with her phone. He introduces himself to Dan and says he heard Dan was a great guy. He just wanted to say, what’s up and wish them the best of luck. Dan says he appreciates that, and Sandoval leaves to the relief of everyone. Ally asks how that went. She got nervous. Dan says, it went, and Ariana says, Logan was texting her. He’s at Beyoncé. Ally says she felt it had to happen, but Ariana says she didn’t because he’s not in her life. In Ariana’s interview, she says she’s not a cog in the machine on the Sandoval redemption arc. He can do that without her. Sandoval suggests apologizing to Ariana, but Schwartz says he doesn’t think it’s a good time with Dan there.  

Kyle takes the mic and introduces Scheana, who’s wearing – no surprise – a gold outfit. She sings Apples, and in Sandoval’s interview, he says he wasn’t so crazy about the song, but it’s growing on him. He’s so stoked to see Scheana pushing her music again. He’s excited to see it. In Scheana’s interview, she says she feels like she’s fallen back in love with music and performing. It means a lot. Afterward, Sandoval tells Scheana that she killed it and they hug. In her interview, Scheana says, Sandoval stepped up and helped when he didn’t have to. She hopes he continues down this path. Only time will tell. Ariana goes over to Scheana and hugs her. She says, Scheana killed it, and Scheana tells her that Sandoval flew out his sound operator person. Fool her once, but twice she’s seen the genuine side of Sandoval that she loved for 15 years, the good friend. She’s hoping he’s really changing and becoming a better person. In Ariana’s interview, she says, it’s the same thing over and over withs Scheana. She doesn’t know why Scheana thinks she knows Sandoval better than she does. She’s happy for her. Scheana says she wants to see if there’s a path of growth, and Ariana wonders if she can ask a favor. Don’t talk to her about that. He’s her ex-boyfriend, who doesn’t deserve to be in her presence or breathe the same air. That won’t change. Scheana says she feels Ariana wants an apology, but Ariana says she doesn’t want him to speak to her. Scheana says she asked Sandoval if he was ever going to apologize, and Ariana says, that seems beyond him, and she doesn’t want it. Scheana says she doesn’t want to lose Ariana or compromise their friendship. She’ll always have Ariana’s back, but she feels she can’t write him off forever. In her interview, Ariana says she has to protect herself and keep herself out of situations that make her uncomfortable. She never once said she didn’t love Scheana and didn’t want to stay connected. We flash back to the many times where she literally said she would not be friends with anyone who was friends with Sandoval, and she says she doesn’t know why Scheana doesn’t understand. She says, Scheana’s not losing her. She’s family. She hugs Scheana and says she loves her and doesn’t want her worrying. Sandoval crashes this lovefest by telling Scheana that she did a good job. Ariana can’t teleport away fast enough, but Sandoval follows her. He says, Scheana wanted him to tell her that he’s sorry, but Ariana says she doesn’t want to talk to him. He was f***ing around behind her back and doesn’t deserve to speak to her or have access to her life.

Scheana tells Sandoval that she told Ariana about their conversation, and she thinks it was performative and that Scheana’s an idiot. Sandoval says, Ariana knows him well enough to know it wasn’t. Scheana asks what she means to him, and he says, a lot. She says, in filming or in life? and he says he’s there. He shows up. She tells him, don’t make her look like a f***ing idiot, and walks away. Sandoval tells Billie that Ariana claimed he wasn’t honest and being performative. She’s the performer. She doesn’t like anyone in the group. She can f*** off.

Ariana bitches to a producer about Sandoval interrupting her conversation with Scheana and says he doesn’t deserve to speak to her.  The producer says, don’t end it like this, but Ariana says, all Sandoval wants is 30 seconds with the audience. In her interview, she says, what Sandoval is trying to get is for him, not her. She’s the final boss in his video game of redemption. He can’t get to the final boss, and he’s pissed. She leaves with Dan and another couple, presumably heading to do their Applebee’s thing. Sandoval tells Billie that if Ariana doesn’t want to be on the show, don’t collect a paycheck for doing nothing. He tells Scheana that he’s pissed. Ariana talked sh*t about all of them. She doesn’t show up, but he does. When push comes to shove, he’s there. Scheana says she knows. That’s why she’s struggling. Sandoval says he’s sorry he made it hard for her and hugs her. He says he knows she puts up with a lot, and in his interview, he says, it’s hard for people who have stuck up for him and by him. They haven’t forgiven him; they’re just recognizing him as a person and they’re going to get flack for it. Ariana is relentless about her hate. Lala says she has her own point of view and she’s been biting her tongue, so she’s breaking the fourth wall. This happened to Ariana and the world rallied around her. Now she thinks she’s Beyoncé. It’s bullsh*t that she can’t film with Sandoval when she lives under the same roof as him. It’s a lot. She’s saying, don’t f*** with Sandoval, but she’s going to sleep down the hall from him. He did a really f***ing sh*tty thing and it was weird how he looked them all in the eye and said a lot of sh*t, but he did not kill somebody. Ariana moved on 8 days later. She’s never experienced someone who gets cheated on and suddenly becomes God. In Lala’s interview, she says she loves the show because it’s real and gives tremendous healing. For Ariana to walk out this way is such a slap in the face. This is what they do. They’ve been doing this most of their adult lives. We see clips of them in their first interviews and they look like babies.

Lala says, they’ve all experienced high highs and low lows and there’s a responsibility that comes with living your life on camera. You have to be truthful even when it’s extremely uncomfortable. We see scenes from early seasons as she talks. She says she’s watched James live his life on camera, and Tom and Katie. She feels there was a time when she wasn’t honest with what was going on – we flash back to that – and she was suffocating. She doesn’t feel Sandoval and Ariana were ever honest about their relationship until Sandoval was caught cheating. And they think they get to be honest one moment and pack it all away and all is good? F*** that.

This all makes me deeply sad for some reason. In Katie’s interview, she says, sometimes you have to stick to your boundaries. If your peace is more important, stand your f***ing ground. In Ariana’s interview, she says, they all live the difficult parts of their lives on camera. If it’s something that matters, you do it regardless. Sandoval has never tried to talk to her off-camera. He could have written her a note and left it in the kitchen, and she could have read it at her leisure. If you only want to talk on camera, then you’re showing your true colors. Scheana says she knew she would break, and she broke, and everyone leaves the event.

A producer says, that’s the end. Schwartz says, that was a f***ing plot twist, and Sandoval says, he loves it. It was good for him.

Next time, the Reunion.

🍼 No, You’re Not Invited…

Maybe Bowling for Soup was right. High school never ends.

🐹 On Life’s Hamster Wheel…

Join me tomorrow for soap and what’s cooking. Until then, stay safe, stay remembering it’s Mother’s Day this Sunday, and stay marching to your own drummer.

April 30, 2024 – Nina Follows a Mistake With a Bigger Mistake, Sandoval Couldn’t Apologize If His Life Depended On it, Down in the Valley & End


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Drew and Nina are both on the floor, panting, and Nina says she can’t believe they did this again. What’s wrong with them? He says, she might regret it now, but she was enjoying herself and he’s finding a few less things to hate about her than he was an hour ago. She agrees it was mutually consensual, but she certainly regrets he’s such a horrible, vengeful person. He says, if it helps, think about sending him to prison as foreplay, and she says, hilarious. He says he’s done with work for the day and would really like to get out of here. So can she tell him how long she plans to lecture him on what an awful person he is before she straightens up her clothes and gets out of here? They’re both only half-dressed, when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Willow.

Natalia goes to Maxie’s office and says she’s glad to find Maxie here by herself. Maxie asks, why is that? and Natalia says she has some questions about Deception, and Maxie seems like she’s the only person serious about running the company. Maxie says, that’s just not true, but Natalia says, isn’t it though? Miss Coe seems pretty neurotic and there’s that crazy attorney who drafted Ally’s contract… Maxie says, Lucy is Lucy, and where Scott might be excentric, he’s also very competent. Natalia has yet to meet their majority shareholder Tracy Quartermaine, who’s a force of nature. She might call Tracy too serious. Then of course (🍷), there’s Brook Lynn. Natalia says, wow. Another Quartermaine.

In the nook, Sasha sets down a casserole dish and says, the moment of truth. How does it look? Olivia tell Sasha to remember what she said. She’s not going to be a pushover. She’s going to tell Sasha what she really thinks. She could have jazzed up the presentation a little bit, but it smells very good. Leo says, it’s not like anything they’ve ever had before, and Olivia says, maybe Sasha is trying to broaden their horizons. Michael comes in with Wiley and says he just got back from work, and Melanie said she wanted him and Wiley to give their opinion about something. Wiley asks, what’s that? and Sasha says, it’s a tetrazzini. Leo asks if it’s an animal or a vegetable, and Olivia says, it’s another way of cooking chicken, and he likes chicken, right? Leo says, yeah, and Olivia says, then he’s going to love what Sasha made. Sasha says she made two casseroles, so there’s plenty for everyone. Enjoy. She leaves, and everyone eyeballs the dish.

Dex gets a drink at the Brown Dog bar and turns around to see Jason. Jason says, Dex Heller. Jason Morgan. Dex says he knows who Jason is. What does he want? Jason says, it’s about Sonny, and Dex says, tell Sonny that he doesn’t want any trouble, but he did apply at the police academy and if he gets in, he’s going to become a cop. Jason says, Sonny didn’t send him. He’s here because of Josslyn. She’s afraid Sonny might have him killed. He promised her that he’s not going to let that happen. Dex says, no offense, but how is he going to stop it? and Jason says he’ll figure it out. Dex says, thanks, but no thanks. He can protect himself. He sits in a booth, and Jason says he can respect that – he sits opposite Dex – but he’s not doing it for Dex. He’s doing it for Josslyn, and for Sonny. Dex says he thinks Jason has his motives crossed. Sonny’s the one who wants him dead. Jason says, Sonny knows better than to target a cop. He should. He did. Dex says, he should have known better than to go after Cyrus Renault, but Sonny still sent him to kill Cyrus.

Anna sees Valentin at the MetroCourt bar, and he says, out of all the gin joints in all the world. She says, hello, and he says, hello, back. He asks if he can buy her a glass of wine, and she says, sure. That would be lovely. She thanks him and sits next to him. She tastes his wine and asks the bartender for one of those. He asks how she’s been, and she says, busy. He says, good. It agrees with her. She’s engaged. She’s energized. She says, as opposed to what? and wonders if she’s been sloshing around like a slob all these years and didn’t know it. He says, she’s always beautiful. She’s also driven to be first class in everything she does. In fact, if she were ever to give up her dancing shoes, give over her badge, and try her luck as a tree surgeon, he’s sure she’d be brilliant at it. She says, that’s where he’s wrong. She has a black thumb. She can’t tell him how many plants Robin bought her that ended up in the dust bin. He says, then it’s good they don’t have to find out, because being Police Commissioner of Port Charles suits her. She says she happens to think it suits her too.

Nina says, it’s probably the cleaning staff. They’ve probably moved to another office. Drew throws on his shirt and says he has to make sure they don’t come in. He picks up the phone and asks if they can tell housekeeping that he’s working late and doesn’t need his office cleaned tonight… Thank you. He tells Nina, crisis averted, and she says she’s so late. She gets on her phone and tells Madison that she got held up. Please tell Congressman McConkey that she’s sorry and she’ll be right there… No. It’s totally fine that he had to reschedule, but please tell the congressman that she knows how busy he is. She’d be happy to come to him when they reschedule… Thank you. She tells Drew that she almost missed a very important meeting because of… this. So let’s just not let this be a habit. He says he wouldn’t call twice a habit, and she says, it’s more like a mistake followed by a bigger mistake. He says he just overheard Representative McConkey? That seems like an odd fit for Crimson. What was that about? Nina says, he’s a family friend. He was in the same class as her father, and he reached out to her. He has an exclusive announcement he wants to reveal in an interview, and if it isn’t suitable for Crimson, she can always run it in The Invader. He says he wants to go with her when she meets with him. McConkey is a major player in the House, and if he reached out to Aurora… She says, no. He reached out to her. He says he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to make McConkey’s acquaintance, and she asks, who exactly would she say he is? Her chauffeur? He says, just tell him that he’s the guy she sent to prison, and whose clothes she likes to rip off once in a while.

Sasha runs into the stable and tells Cody, taste this. He says, what is it? and she says, just tell her what he thinks. He takes a bite and says, it’s great. She asks if he’s not just saying that, but he says, no, it’s great. What’s going on here? She says she’s auditioning to be the Quartermaines’ cook and she made a tetrazzini, which she is now really regretting. Why did she pick something that Olivia could probably make in her sleep? He says, she might work here too? This is great. Why is he just hearing about this now? She says, it just came up this afternoon. The Quartermaines need a cook and Olivia really liked that shepherd pie she made, so Olivia wants to hire her, but Olivia wanted her to audition first by cooking something for tonight. She would have really liked some time to practice the dish, but the job comes with room and board, so she couldn’t say no. He says, she might live here too? and she says, yeah. She really hopes it works out because she’s supposed to be out of her apartment by the end of the month and the rental market is really insane right now. Besides, she’d really like the job… But she doesn’t want to infringe on his thing. He says, what? and she asks if he’d feel crowded if she moved in here.

Olivia says, everybody stop stalling and eat it, and Michael says he’ll take this one for the team and be the guinea pig. He takes a bite and says, that’s pretty good, and Olivia says, yeah? He says, try it herself, and Leo asks if it’s spaghetti or a casserole. She says, it’s both actually, and Wiley asks, what’s a casserole? Leo says, it’s spelled c-a-s-s-e-r-o-l-e, and Wiley says, what’s in it? Olivia says, enough. They’re going to use the one-bite rule. Everybody take one bite, and if they don’t like it, they can eat a banana and cheese and crackers, but they’re all going to try it. Okay? She’ll join them. She takes a bite, and says, Michael wasn’t kidding. This is good. She asks if the boys like it, and Wiley says he loves it. She says, what about Leo, her little picky eater? Does he like it? Leo says, yeah. This is so much better than her spaghetti. Olivia chokes, and Leo asks if they can have it tomorrow night too.

Maxie tells Natalia, this is the Disrupter Nourishing Moisturizer. It’s part of their new Deceptive skincare line. Natalia tries some on her hand, and says she really likes the scent. The texture is nice too, but does it work? Because she’s not going to have Ally hawking some bogus cream if she’s going to be identified with the product. It’s got to give really good results. Maxie says, of course (🍷) it works. All of their products are rigorously tested. Everything they make does what they say it will. The most important thing Deception has is their customers’ trust, their belief in the brand, and them. Natalia says, Maxie is clearly a very effective marketer, but what she really wants to talk about is, what does Allison’s music manager exactly do here at Deception? Maxie says, Brook has had several important roles at Deception over the last few years, and Natalia says, that just makes her wonder why none of the positions held Brook’s interest for very long. Maxie says, that’s not how she would describe it, and Natalia says she understands Brook had her own, brief singing career, and when she tired of that, she moved on to music management because her mom did it. Maxie says, with all due respect, that’s not very fair to Brook. She didn’t have any choice but to give up singing; it’s not what she wanted. And while yes, she was introduced to the music industry by her mother, and her dad actually, she did it because she really loved it. She believes in and is very serious about the artists she represents. Natalia asks when Brook became really serious about face creams. Because it just seems to her that Allison is putting her career in the hands of this wealthy dilettante who really doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life. So she tries a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and basically changes careers like some people change hairstyles.

Jason says he knows Dex worked for Sonny because Michael hired him. Michael wanted him to get evidence against Sonny and he did. Does he still have it? Dex says, no. If he did, he would have given it to Commissioner Devane. Jason says, what was it? and Dex says, ask Michael. Jason says he told Josslyn that he’s not going to let Sonny kill him. That means he’s not going to kill Dex either. He learned a lot from Sonny. He’s smart, he’s cautious, he understood there are certain risks not worth taking. He doesn’t think that way anymore. Dex says, no, he doesn’t, and Jason says he wants to know how Sonny got in over his head, starting with his deal with Pikeman.

Valentin says he likes sitting here with Anna. It’s comfortable. It’s familiar. She says, they’ve known each other a long time, and he says he thought about her a lot when he was out of the country. She asks if he was doing business abroad, and he says, no. He was taking Charlotte back to boarding school in Switzerland, and Anna says, she went back willingly? He says, despite the fact that Victor took her there in the first place, she likes it. She has friends there and equestrian events, and she wanted to get out of Port Charles because it hasn’t been very good for her. He doesn’t need to tell Anna that. She says she’s aware of the things that happened to Charlotte lately, and her part in that. She’ll always regret that. She’s grateful that Charlotte feels well enough to go back to Switzerland if that’s what she wants. He says, him too. He misses her. She says, of course (🍷) he does, and he says he misses her too. He misses having her in his life. He knows that wasn’t plausible when Charlotte was in town, but she’s away at boarding school now. Is it crazy to think maybe they could see each other again?

Nina says he’s not making any promises, but she’ll consider introducing Drew to Senator McConkey under one condition. He says, and that would be? and she says, that they both agree that this – she weaves her fingers together – cannot happen again. He says, that’s fine with him. He’s already forgotten about it. She says she’s already forgotten about it too, when someone tries the door. Drew says he thought he told them to… Willow asks if Drew is in there, and they scramble around. Willow starts to walk away, when Drew opens the door and says he thought he heard somebody knocking. Come on in. Nina is sitting in the chair in front of Drew’s desk and says, sorry. They didn’t hear her. Drew asks if Nina locked the door, and Nina says, if she did, she didn’t mean to. She clears her throat and looks down, and Drew sees that one of his shoes is untied.

Dex says, Sonny must have met with Hume from Pikeman three or four times, and Jason asks if there was anyone else. Dex says, Valentin Cassadine. He’s the one who set up the initial meeting, then when Sonny wanted to back out, Valentin came back. Jason asks why Sonny decided not to work with Pikeman, and Dex says, he thought it was too risky. The first shipment was this plastic explosive. It’s a classified weapon. It’s supposed to be for special forces and it’s not supposed to be for sale. It’s a major NSA violation. If Sonny had been busted, it would have been 20 years minimum. Jason says, and Dex got a recording of it, and Dex says, he gave it to Michael as they’d agreed, but Michael decided not to use it. Jason asks if he kept a copy for himself for insurance, but Dex says, no. He thought it would be safer not to have anything to tie him to the video. Jason says, what about Cassadine? Did he do anything else besides set up the meeting? Dex says, yeah. He met with Hume the same day someone tried to take out Sonny at the MetroCourt. Jason asks how Dex knows that, and Dex says he was out for a run. He saw Hume get out of a car at the Cosmopolitan Hotel with Cassadine. Jason asks if he’s sure this was the same day somebody shot at Sonny, and Dex says, positive. There’s a date stamp on the picture. Jason asks if he’s still got that picture.

Anna says, Valentin caught her off-guard there. She thought they agreed that there was just too much hurt and damage, and that door was permanently closed. He says he’s rattling around in that huge house all by himself, the house he bought for him and Anna to share. And he misses her. Will she let him take her out to dinner? Maybe they can move beyond the past? She says she’s going to have to think about that before she gives him an answer, and he says, she’s willing to think about it. That’s a good start. She says she’s not making any promises though. Her feelings for him didn’t just disappear overnight. It’s really difficult for them to go their separate ways after everything they had. (it was hard for me), but she’s not sure if she’s ready to go down that path again. Maybe there’s just more heartbreak. He says he thinks there’s only one way to find out, when her phone dings. He says, saved by the bell, and she wonders who she has to thank for that. She sees a text from JM: Find me at the Brown Dog bar. Valentin says, go, and she says, duty calls, yeah. He says, make Port Charles safe, and takes her hands. He says he’ll call her, and she leaves.

Maxie says she’s happy to discuss Deception with Natalia. But if Natalia is here to enlist her help to undermine Brook’s role as Blaze’s music manager, she’s barking up the wrong tree. Brook is her best friend. She’s also a consummate professional. She understands all aspects of the music industry – creative, logistical, financial… Sure. Brook’s mom may have shown her the ropes when it comes to the music industry, but Brook’s been doing it on her own ever since. Natalia says, come on. To say that Brook Lynn Quartermaine has been doing it on her own is actually laughable. She believes the term for it is nepo baby. When somebody’s parents or grandparents… In this case, Brook’s whole family paved the way for her. And the phrase, did it on her own, should be saved for people like Allison, who actually didn’t know anybody in the music industry and still made it as a star. Maxie says, this is not a competition. They can both be good at what they do. Natalia says, that remains to be seen.

Willow says she’s sorry. She tried knocking a while ago, but Drew and Nina must not have heard her. She tried to leave a message at the front desk, but they said Drew was still in here working, so she came back. She can see he’s busy, so they can totally talk another time. Nina says, no, stay. They just finished going over the Crimson photo budget. Drew was very generous and gave her everything she wanted, but now they’re finished, so she’ll leave them alone. Drew looks amused, and Nina heads for the door. Willow says, wait, and Nina asks if she needs something, but Willow says, no. It’s just that she was kind of thrown when she saw the two of them in here together. Nina says, they work together. Crimson wouldn’t run very well if they didn’t talk. Willow says, of course (🍷). She guesses she meant thrown in a good way. if Drew can sit across from her and calmly discuss normal things like the photo budget after Nina sent him to prison, he must be a pretty forgiving person. Nina says, yes, he certainly is, and Willow says, and if the two of them can find a way to get along, then it makes her wonder if she hasn’t been too harsh, holding on so tightly to her grievances. So maybe it’s time she let her anger at Nina go too. Nina thanks her for saying that and says she’s going to go. Willow and Nina smile at each other, and Nina leaves. Drew says, that was very unexpected, and Willow says, yeah. It’s definitely not what she thought was going to happen when she came to see him tonight. He asks how it felt to reach out to Nina like that, and she says, surprisingly okay, and she has him to thank for being the bigger person and showing her the way.

Sasha tells Cody that she should just go back to the house. She was trying to give them some space, but maybe Michael and Olivia are just trying to think of the best way to turn her down gently. Cody asks if anyone has ever told her that she’s really cute when she’s nervous, which she doesn’t have to be. Number one, what she made. It’s delicious. Number two, no. He doesn’t feel crowded by her. In fact, it was the other way around. Number three, she’ll never have to worry about a place to stay. If it comes down to it, she can live in his room, and he’ll sleep down here with the beasts where he belongs. She kisses him. I did not see that coming.

Natalia tells Maxie not to misunderstand. She hates being this mistrustful and suspicious. But she had a terrible wake-up call with Allison’s first manager, Linc. He exploited her, he abused her, and Natalia had no idea what was going on. Maxie says, what happened with Linc was horrible and Natalia has every right to be worried about Blaze. But Brook is above board and would never do anything to hurt Natalia’s daughter. Natalia asks if she’s a mom, and Maxie says, yes. She has a son and two daughters. Natalia says, good. Then Maxie understands why she’s asking so many questions. She wants to protect her daughter and she doesn’t want her represented by someone who thinks music is just some fun break from tennis on Tuesdays or something sweet and fun to do while she’s planning her wedding. (Has she been watching Sex in the City or something?) Maxie says, that’s not how Brook thinks at all, and Natalia says, Allison’s association with Brook is the only reason she’s the Face of Deception. Her daughter’s bigger dreams have nothing to do with face creams. Maxie says she’s known Brook for a long time, and she’s always thought, for a Quartermaine, Brook is pretty well-adjusted, realistic, and hard working. Blaze seems to think so too, which makes her wonder. All these big dreams Natalia keeps talking about, are they her daughter’s or hers? Natalia says, it’s so easy to blame the mother, isn’t it? She’ll find that out when her kids get older. Just something to think about. Have a nice day. Natalia leaves, and Maxie shakes her head.

Cody tells Sasha, wow. Is that all it took? Him identifying as a beast? Michael comes in with Wiley and asks, what’s going on here? Cody says, just horsing around.

Anna walks into the bar and goes over to Jason and Dex’s table. She says she didn’t expect to see the two of them here. She guesses it makes sense that they should meet. Dex says, so this is who Jason was texting, and Jason nods. Dex gets up and says he doesn’t know what’s going on here, but it’s definitely above his paygrade. Not that he has a paygrade yet. Anna says, oh. Actually – she digs in her bag and hands him an envelope – he does. He opens it, and she says, welcome to the police academy, new recruit Heller. He thanks her and says he knows she played a big role in this. She says, not as big as he might think. He earned that spot. He says he guesses he’ll be taking Jason up on that offer after all, and Jason says, just promise him that he’ll be good to Josslyn. Dex says, that’s a promise he’ll be glad to keep if he gets the chance. He thanks Anna again, and she tells him, congratulations. He leaves, and Anna sits down. She asks if Jason got some information from Dex, and he says, yeah. Pikeman’s rep is a guy named Hume, right? She says, correct, and he says, Dex witnessed Valentin and Hume meeting on the same day a sniper team tried to take out Sonny at the MetroCourt pool. She says, no. That’s impossible.

Drew says, Willow is giving him too much credit. She’s one of the most forgiving people he’s ever met. She says she always used to think so, but with Nina it’s different. After everything Nina did, she had to distance herself, but maybe it’s time she stopped being so angry at her, for both of their sakes. He says, she has his support whatever she chooses, and she thanks him. He asks what she wanted to talk to him about, and she says she’s been thinking about the proposal from the non-profit and she just wanted to get some more information. Michael suggested she circle back to him, since he was the one who had the preliminary contact with the organization. He says, The New Tomorrow, absolutely. Have a seat. What does she want to know? She asks if he can give her a little more information about what it is they’re looking for, and he says, sure. From their conversation, what he knows is, they want to educate the general public, because most people just really don’t understand how lifesaving stem cell and bone marrow transplants and cord blood can be, especially when it comes to difficult to treat cancers and diseases and therapies. It’s in its infancy of course (🍷), but the success rate is climbing every day. Willow says she gets that. Before she had leukemia, that was foreign to her too. He says, right. That’s what they want to do. They want to get out that information and make it easier to digest for the general public. Like a face and a voice that give it awareness. Young, vibrant, and articulate, and a survivor like her. She’d be perfect. She says, what exactly would she be doing on a daily basis? and he says, she’d be the first person to have the job, so he thinks it’s hers to define, but he assumes she’d definitely be doing some public speaking, probably making some videos, some PSAs. He knows that they’d want her to advocate for fundraising. She says, all of that seems within her capabilities, and he says he also knows they want to keep as much money as possible for the foundation, so the pay would be low, but she and Michael are pretty wealthy, so he’s assuming she wouldn’t want a salary anyway. She says she’s not sure. The last thing she’d ever want to do is take money away from someplace that needs it, but she has always paid her own way and she’s pretty proud of that. However, having the flexibility to spend more time with Wiley and Amelia might be a bigger priority to her right now than a paycheck. He says, if she decides to take on the role, he’s sure she’s going to work it out, and she says, it’s pretty amazing that he’s such a good person, causes like this know to reach out to him for help. He says he really should be humble and say he’s no angel, but he really likes her thinking that he is.

Maxie leaves the office and Nina runs up to her in the hallway. She says, great. Maxie is still here. Maxie says she’s trying really hard not to be. What’s up? Nina says she’s celebrating, and Maxie says, celebrating what? Nina says, Willow spoke to her, with actual words. Said not in anger and in her actual presence, to her face, of Willow’s own choice. Maxie says, that is real progress. Please tell her how it happened. Nina says, believe it or not, it’s because of Drew, and Maxie says she did not see that coming. Nina says, neither did she, and Willow only talked to her tonight because Willow thinks she and Drew are friends now, when they actually hate each other more than ever. Even the sex is hateful. Maxie says, the what now?

Michael tells Wiley that he can pet the horses, but please not – he repeats, do not – feed the horses gum again. Wiley says he knows where the carrots are. He can feed them those instead. Cody says, they would absolutely love that. Just make sure he only feeds them one carrot at a time. Wiley goes to the stalls, and Sasha says she doesn’t want to be pushy, but she’s going a little out of her mind here. What did he think about her dinner? He says he thinks she should probably open up a food delivery service, because that tetrazzini was delicious. She says, he liked it? and he says he loved it. So did the boys. Cody says he told her that she was worrying about nothing, when Olivia comes in, saying, okay, okay. She could hear everybody gushing about Sasha’s cooking all the way up here. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Frankly, she thought there was a little too much oregano, not enough basil. That would have improved the dish immensely. Cody says he’s with Mama Q there. Sasha brought him a plate, and it was delicious except for the oregano. Olivia says, a man after her own heart. Okay. Other than that minor miscue, she and Michael both thought the dish was excellent. Even the boys liked it and they’re notoriously hard to please. So what does Sasha think? Can she put a dinner like that on the table every single night, plus breakfasts and lunches? Because if she can, the job is hers.

Olivia asks if Sasha wants to be the new Quartermaine cook, and Sasha says, yes. She’d love it. She hugs Olivia and thanks her. Olivia says, she earned it, and Michael says he’d like to personally request tetrazzini once a week and Sasha says, he’s got it. Cody asks if they hear that, and Olivia wonders what Wiley is doing in there. Michael says he’ll handle it and asks Wiley if he hears splashing. He goes back to the stalls, and Olivia says, never a dull moment around here, but she promises Sasha will get used to it. Sasha says she can’t wait. She knows she’s going to love working for the Quartermaines, and she promises that everyone in the family, young or old, will have healthy, filling meals between the amazing dinners that Olivia will make. Olivia says she’s sure they will and asks if Sasha wants to come up to the house. She’ll show Sasha her room and where everything is. Sasha says, definitely, and tells Cody, we’re good here, right? Cody says, absolutely, and Olivia says she doesn’t know what exactly is going on between the two of them, but she thinks they should establish a couple of ground rules. Cody says, lay ‘em on us, Mama Q, and Olivia says, what they do on their own time is completely up to them, but let us be very clear from the get-go that there will be no late-night tippy toeing into Sasha’s bedroom when there are children in the house, which is basically all the time. Sasha says, Olivia has nothing to worry about. She promises they’ll be good. Olivia says she’s not the morality police, far from it. But the house is full of impressionable children and gossipy adults. They got it? They nod, and she says she’ll see them up at the house. She walks to the door, turns around, and says, they’re very cute together… but let’s be very, very clear. She has her eyes on them. She does that V thing like, I’m watching you, and leaves. They laugh.

Nina tells Maxie that she knows it’s crazy. She can’t even explain it to herself why it keeps happening. Maxie says, keeps happening? How many times have the two of them… Nina holds up two fingers, and says, one thing led to another and before you know it, it’s just happening. Maxie says, no. That’s something you say about online shopping, not sex with your sworn enemy, because Nina and Drew do hate each other. Nina says, it just happened. She doesn’t know what to tell Maxie. It’s not like it’s hateful during. It’s great. It’s really great… Anyway, when it’s over, she despises him even more, along with herself, but that’s a conversation for another time. Maxie says, a therapist would have a field day with Nina, and Nina asks if Maxie can not think about the sex for a second. Willow thinks that Drew is this kind of stubble wearing superhero that can do no wrong, and the only reason Willow is talking to her is because Willow thinks she and Drew are getting along. How can she keep Drew on her side? Maxie says, won’t the great sex help with that? (my thought exactly), but Nina says she can’t rely on that. She needs to throw him some other kind of bone😐to keep him happy with her. Maxie says, wouldn’t it be funny if after everything that’s happened, Drew was the reason Nina got her family back?

Jason says, Dex texted him a picture he took, and Anna says, that’s the Cosmopolitan Hotel, yeah? He says, yeah. Does she see the date stamp? Anna says, that’s easily doctored, and Jason asks what Dex would get from that. She says, nothing. Valentin was lying the whole time. He says, about what? and she says, everything. When Nikolas disappeared, Laura and Doc had to go over to Europe to search for him, and the only lead they had was Chechnya, which is unstable and dangerous. So Valentin volunteered to go with them. He was gone for two months, and that day, July 6th, he called her. He called her and said he was in Geneva, but he wasn’t. He was here in Port Charles with Hume. Jason sighs and says, so Pikeman briefed him and Hamish about the MetroCourt shooting to prep them for the job at the warehouse. They were a two-man sniper team, same as them. They got a room they set up in the MetroCourt, they took the shot, and then they evacuated to an extraction point where they met senior personnel who were running the op. Anna asks if they were Hume and Valentin, and Jason says, they weren’t given any names, but it sure looks like it. Anna says, clearly Valentin does more for Pikeman than schedule meetings. She was just with him. When Jason texted her, she was with him. She bumped into him at the MetroCourt bar, and he said he’d been out of the country, that he went to Switzerland to deliver his daughter back to boarding school, that it was her idea. But now she’s wondering if it doesn’t just make it easier for him to do Pikeman’s bidding. Switzerland’s a wonderful country. It’s discreet. Half the world’s arms are sold there. He has a perfect reason to return at any point whenever Pikeman requires. He asks what she wants to do, and she says, remember she told him that she was at the WSB with Valentin as trainees? He was very good, but she was better. She takes out her phone and makes a call.

Valentin says he knew it. She never could resist his animal magnetism. Anna says she’s not sure she’d put it that way, but she was thinking about his dinner invitation.

Tomorrow, Elizabeth asks why there’s paint on Aiden’s backpack; Drew says, there’s no one he trusts more than Curtis to take care of it; Maxie asks Scotty to please stop this madness and just tell Lucy; and Nina asks someone if they’re sure they know what they’re getting into.

Vanderpump Rules

Ariana and Katie go to the sandwich shop, where Ann is already waiting, having escaped Sandoval. An awning is sitting in the middle of the shop, and in Ariana’s interview, she says, remember when they thought they were opening? They were so young and so naïve. There were code violations and they had to demolish the patio. In a lot of ways, they’re back to square one. Lisa arrives and asks if Ariana stole Ann from Sandoval. Ariana says, technically not. Lisa asks when they’re opening, and Katie says, they got a contractor to do the repairs the health department wants. Lisa says she spoke to Penny, and they don’t seem to be on the same page. Ariana says, Lisa is missing a piece and Katie says, Penny wanted a salary, so they sent the info to the lawyer. Ariana tells Lisa that they’re the sole owners, and Lisa says she was under the impression Penny was a partner, but Ariana says, they’re not the Three Musketeers. Penny was receiving a salary and on the back end would receive 10% of the profits. Lisa says she remembers Penny being okay with that, and Ariana says, she’s not now. In Katie’s interview, she says, they made Penny their COO and head of the back of the house. But there was trouble when they didn’t see eye to eye on Penny’s role in the business. Lisa says, Penny wants to be involved, and in Lisa’s interview, she says she’s had a good relationship with Penny. Penny helped the girls and also helped her. We flash back to that, and Lisa says she’s worried that if they part ways, the restaurant will never open. She hopes they get it sorted out.

Scheana arrives at Kyle’s store to discuss the upcoming launch. He tells her that she’s his main performer. Sandoval comes in, and Scheana asks if he’s performing, but Kyle explains that Sandoval knows what’s needed at an event and a free manager is good. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, Kyle has been there for him more than anybody else, and if there’s anything he can do to pay Kyle back, he’s, yes please. he owes Kyle a lot. He wipes tears away and says, Kyle saved his life. I’m mesmerized by what he’s wearing. It looks like an oversized leisure suit in pale blue. WTF? It’s like he’s playing dress-up with daddy’s clothes from the 70s. Kyle is worried about what happened at the pool party, since he doesn’t want it happening at his launch. Sandoval tells Scheana that he apologizes for bringing up sh*t from years ago. He wants things to be good between them. Scheana says she wasn’t going to put song out, but it was never about him. She didn’t add the line later. He says, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s just frustrating. Scheana says, that’s why she apologized. She didn’t forget he was a good friend who had her back from day one. That’s what made it so hard, but Ariana didn’t do anything wrong. Sandoval says he doesn’t understand the line in the sand thing and feels alienated. Kyle says, nobody has to forgive – that’s totally their choice – but don’t torture the guy. Scheana says she’d like to move forward and not throw the past in each other’s faces. She doesn’t want anything bad for him and she misses him.

Katie visits Lala, who’s getting ready for her birthday. Lala hopes Sandoval doesn’t think he’s invited, and she decides to call him. Katie asks her to put it on speaker, and Sandoval shows Lala that Scheana is there. Lala reminds him that he’s not invited to her party without actually saying the words, and he says he wasn’t coming. Lala says she felt he deserved a FaceTime and not a text. She says she’ll see him in San Francisco. Kyle asks if Sandoval was disinvited before being invited, and Sandoval says he was. Kyle says, it was nice of Lala to put it in a nice way, and Scheana says, I’m having a party and don’t want you to come. Sandoval says he’s used to it. Lala and the group meet at a speakeasy style bar for a burlesque show. In Lala’s interview, she says she feels that every year she’s more badass. This is what it feels like to be a woman who doesn’t give one f***. Lala says, if she could rule the world, have a positive pregnancy test, and end the custody battle with Randall, it would be a good year. The MC asks the audience, put your hands together and thighs apart for Toby Tayloro! and the show begins. In Brock’s interview, he says, since he was raised Mormon, there’s a small boy inside who gets uncomfortable. Lala takes photos with the performers, and Schwartz asks if anyone is coming to Sandoval’s show. Scheana says she’s not sure, but James says, maybe. Lala asks why Scheana was with Sandoval when she called, and Scheana explains that they were both there to go over Kyle’s show. She says, Sandoval apologized with tears in his eyes. She wonders if they could move forward in a way where they’re not going back to the past, and Lala asks if she means coexist in peace. Ariana mumbles, pathetic, and in her interview, she says, it makes her feel gaslit. As if what happened isn’t as clear as day. This has nothing do with her, but Sandoval repeatedly treats Scheana like sh*t. He’s not her friend. She tells Lala, he’s a loser. It’s annoying.

In Scheana’s interview, she says, everyone is together for Kyle’s launch party, but she and Brock want to plan some fun things. Brock has planned a Roaring 20s themed party to finish the summer with a bang. Scheana asks if he’s ever had Rice-a-Roni, and he asks what it is. She tells him, a San Francisco treat, although I don’t know why she thinks Brock will understand that reference if he doesn’t know what it is. Dan and Ariana go out to dinner. It’s a small table, so Dan sits across from her even though he doesn’t like that. I think it’s awkward to sit next to someone when there’s only two of you. Then you have to keep turning to talk to them. In Ariana’s interview, she says she’s never been in a long-distance relationship. She’s playing it by ear. The distance forces them to take things slow. So they can’t just be f***ing. Dan says he’s coming to San Francisco and asks who will be there. Ariana says, everybody, and Scheana is convinced Sandoval is going to try and shake his hand. She says, if he sees a worm with a mustache… Dan says, run to the bathroom? Ariana says she feels long distance is good for them. They got to know each other from talking. Dan says, it’s both good and bad. He works seven days a week. In her interview, Ariana says, sometimes when they talk, he’s getting up and she’s going to bed. Ariana says, what about moving to LA? and Dan says, they’ll talk about it. She says, when winter hits and he’s miserable. At the El Rey, Sandoval practices the trumpet badly. His mother, Schwartz, and James show up, and we see Jo in the audience. The show begins (eh), and in Sandoval’s interview, he says, the energy is electric. The people are throwing their hands up instead of throwing things at him. It feels good having fun and letting loose, especially after the past year. Schwartz and Jo go out for air where they act like middle school children. He asks how many dudes she banged, and she pushes him. We flash back to the conversation where she said they shouldn’t see each other anymore, and Schwartz tells her that they’re going to eat sourdough and ride trolleys. In Schwartz’s interview, he says he knew it was the right move, but Jo was bright energy in his life. Schwartz says, no mixed signals, and Jo yells, they’re just friends. Schwartz says he can’t say he’s not excited, and in Jo’s interview, she says, he’s giving her whiplash, and it’s frustrating. It’s like being on a hamster wheel. Ugh. Been there, done that, threw the T-shirt away.

In Lala’s interview, Lala says, Dan seems cool, but she thinks it’s weird that any dude would say, she’s the one, when she just left the guy that she’s been with for 10 years, but they still live together. Something’s off. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, the last thing he wants it to make anyone uncomfortable, but he’s intrigued. He wouldn’t mind meeting Dan, but he’s going to be very lowkey. Easy like Sunday morning. Brock tells everyone that they’ll regroup in a few hours, and Scheana says, they’re going to shop, go on a boat, then come back for Brock’s party. Dan tells Ariana that he’s going to work out and get a massage, and Ariana says she get to have a fun day with her ex. Dan says he wishes he could be there. Schwartz asks if Sandoval has met Dan, and Sandoval says, not yet. He should give Dan the lowdown like Ariana did to Tii. We flash back to Ariana discouraging Tii from dating a 40-year-old narcissist. Brock tells those who went shopping to pick up some warm clothes if they didn’t bring any, since they’re all too stupid to see what the weather might be and it’s cold there. The Toms look at Alcatraz and debate to odds of escape. Schwartz says he needed a reset. Now he doesn’t have the seething rage he did when he sees Sandoval. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, they’ve had a rocky partnership at Schwartz & Sandy’s, but they’re working on a plan of action to get him back in there. He’s hoping next year Schwartz & Sandy’s will be what they wanted. Schwartz says, about being roommates, he thinks he’s ready to commit. He offers Sandoval a keychain decorated with little handcuffs while on one knee.

The entire group, sans Dan, get on a private party boat, and James immediately swings around the pole in the middle while dollars are thrown at him. Sandoval tells Lala that on the first trip he and Ariana took, they stopped in San Francisco. It was a happy time. James and Ally take pictures on deck and get smacked with a wave. The boat hits choppy waters, and Lala says she feels like she’s on the Titanic. Ariana says she doesn’t like it at all, and in her interview, she says, her one fear is waves. Deep water, she doesn’t care. Sharks, whatever. She can’t die on a tiny boat with her ex. She has plans. The guys play at driving the boat, but Lala says she doesn’t know what’s fun about it. Brock asks Ariana how she’s doing on the boat with Sandoval, and she says, he’s like scenery at this point. He says, it’s better than last time, and we flash back to the beach and Ariana repeating, stop speaking to me, a thousand times. Ariana says, Sandoval has learned not to talk to her. She cares more about Scheana than to let people like that in her life. Brock says, with forgiveness you give yourself the ability to focus on the good, but Ariana says, you don’t have to forgive anyone who has traumatized you. In her interview, she says, the notion that you have to forgive to move on is outdated. Cutting them off or *grey rocking is the only way. She tells Brock that she’s being put in the position that you need to take the high road to have power, but she thinks all emotions have power. She sees the men raise their voices and no one gives it a thought.

* Grey rocking is a technique used to divert a toxic person’s behavior by acting as unresponsive as possible when you’re interacting with them.

Lala goes to Ariana and Dan’s room, and Ariana tells Lala that while she was gone, Dan put a Celsius in the ice bucket for her and ironed her clothes. They’re going to dinner. Ally wonders why Daniel wasn’t on the boat, and since she can’t grasp the obvious, James says, he probably didn’t want to get stuck with Ariana’s ex. He might want to rip Sandoval’s head off. Lala says, what if Sandoval came up to Dan and introduced himself? and Dan says, Sandoval hasn’t done anything to him, but he knows what Sandoval did to Ariana. The party is in a private room in a restaurant, and everyone is dressed in 1920s costumes. James points out that Ariana and Sandoval are wearing similar shoes, and Sandoval says, great minds. This creates even more awkward tension, and Katie suggests she and Ariana check out the bridge. They go out to the roof deck, and Schwartz says, they look like a duo. Katie says, they’re the new TomTom, and Schwartz says, they’re all friends again, although he’s still subservient. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, it’s nice not to have to tiptoe around, especially with Katie. They can make eye contact, maybe there will be smiling and a knowing glance. He tells Katie that he has a crazy idea. They’re in San Francisco, it’s a beautiful night, so one last time. They should have a one-night stand. She says, no, and he says, let him finish.

Schwartz says he’s not joking. Hear him out. They go to the room, order $150 minimum of junk food, scroll aimlessly, and not talk. Like they used to; it’s their thing. She doesn’t want that? She says she doesn’t want that, and in Katie’s interview, she says she thinks that Schwartz will look back years from now and see her as the one who got away. Schwartz says he’s getting sentimental. He misses the best parts of them. He wishes the dogs were here. They would seal the deal. Think about it. Sandoval asks Scheana to step outside, and Ariana watches their every move. The view is spectacular, and the full moon looks unreal. Sandoval tells her that they’ll be doing a soundcheck, and she says she never did a soundcheck or even rehearsed. How the hell did she put on a performance? And didn’t she do a video? Sandoval says he’ll be there all day. He knows Dan is here, and if it’s going to be awkward, he can not be around. Scheana asks how he feels about Ariana dating Dan, and he says, good. He’s worried about Ariana’s mental health. Now she has somebody with her, and she’ll be able to handle it better. Handle what? Dancing with the Stars? Scheana says she knows Ariana has a strong no contact policy, but she also knows the things he’s said about her, things she didn’t want public. Can he apologize for weaponizing that? We flash back to him telling Scheana that he didn’t break up with Ariana because she said she would kill herself. As if. In Scheana’s interview, she says, exposing private details about Ariana’s mental health makes things worse. We flash back to Ariana telling Scheana that Sandoval never even said he was sorry for the main thing. Scheana tells him that if he apologizes, maybe there will be some hope for the group to move forward. Say that maybe he shouldn’t have said that to deflect from his actions and make it an excuse. At the end of the day, Ariana only wanted to make it work. She didn’t freeze her eggs, go to couples therapy, and buy a house for herself. She was building a life for him. Don’t say anything. Just think about that tonight. Sandoval says he’ll do that, and to confirm what we all know – that would never happen – in his interview, Sandoval says, he could explain where he was mental and emotionally, but it comes across as him blaming Ariana. No matter how the relationship went south, she didn’t deserve that. He thanks Scheana for talking and they hug. He thanks her for being there, they exchange I love yous, and go back inside.

Next time, the finale.

🍼 Wandering In the Valley…

Jax doesn’t know what to do if he’s not part of the conversation. I have no words.

🪨 Between a Rock and a Medium To Hard Place…

Join me tomorrow for soap and ore from the internet mines. Until then, stay safe, stay returning your shopping cart to the slot and not leaving it to meander around the parking lot, and stay not holding on too tightly to your grievances.

April 23, 2024 – Two Different Parties For the Same Reason, Jax Taylor Is Dead To Me, Down In the Valley & Sun


While I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

As they walk into a contemporary restaurant playing loud music, Trina asks Stella how she even knows about this place, and Stella says she meets people. They tell her things. Trina says she wouldn’t think this would be Stella’s scene, and Stella says, because? Trina says she didn’t think Stella was cool enough, and Stella says she’s been cool since before Trina was born. Trina says she’s sorry. She shouldn’t have presumed like that. When Trina calls her Aunt Stella, Stella tells Trina, it’s Stella in here. She has a reputation. And since they haven’t had a girls’ night out in forever, she thought this would be the perfect place to get it going again. Josslyn joins them, apologizing for being late. She was helping Brook with her bachelorette party. Stella says, it was nice of her to help out, and Josslyn says, it was nice of them to invite her to dinner. She hasn’t been here. Stella says, not every place is for everybody, and Trina says, Stella’s a regular. Josslyn says she happens to know a place where they can dance all night and have free food and drinks if they’re interested, and Stella asks, where is this mystical place? Josslyn says, The Savoy, and Stella tells her, Curtis said he was closing it up for tonight. Trina says, he did, but then he said he had someplace to be and was out the door, and Stella wonders what that was about. Trina says, it had to be good because he said he wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Curtis gets a bullseye at the hatchet range, and tells Drew, that’s how it’s done. You always want to give it your best shot. This right here requires the utmost of finesse. Drew picks up a hatchet and tells him, when the good Lord was handing out finesse, he got in line twice. He hits the circle furthest from the center, and Curtis says, maybe he should have gotten in line three times, but Drew says he’s just getting warmed up. Ned tells Curtis, be careful. When Drew gets warmed up, he may try to take down the whole wall and keep a couple pieces for himself. Drew says, seriously? Ned’s party banter needs work. Michael says he’s calling a cease-fire. No Quartermaine in-fighting tonight. Consider it a warmup for the wedding.

Brook thanks everyone for coming. Seeing everyone, she’s at a loss for words. Maxie suggests someone take a picture. This could be the only time something like this happens. Everyone laughs, and Brook says she’s going to speak for twice as long now. But in all seriousness, they’ve shared so much over the years. She thought it was only right and necessary to share this unbelievable celebration with all of them, her family and her friends. She’s never done this before, so she’s kind of nervous to be honest. Seeing all of their beautiful, loving, supportive faces, she knows in her heart she’s… She chokes up and Maxie says, she’s got this. Brook says she’s got this. Cheers. Everyone says, cheers, and they clink glasses.

Dante says, PSA. As they get going here, let’s try to remember which hand has the drink and which hand has the hatchet. They do have a doctor in the house, but it would be a real bust if he’s got to spend his night stitching them up. Another thing is, he knows some of them think they’re only here for the open bar and the free food, but that’s not the case. They showed up tonight for this guy – he points to Chase – because he shows up for them every, single day. The best partner a cop could ever want and the worst wingman he’s ever seen in his life. They’re very grateful to Brook for taking the single, yet never ready to mingle, Harrison Chase off the market. Chase says he’s not even embarrassed about that, and Dante says, nor should he be. There are plenty of other things he should be embarrassed about. Brook isn’t one of them. She knows she’s out of his league, right? Chase says, how could she not? Finn says he heard Brook say he’s a better partner to her than he is to Dante, and Ned says, if he isn’t, he knows where Chase lives, and he knows where to get a hatchet. Dante lifts his beer bottle and says, to Chase, and everyone toasts.

Lois says, everyone needs to try the signature cocktail, the Brook Lynn Chaser, and there are mocktail versions if they want one. Salut. At the bar, Kristina asks for a mocktail, and Blaze says, make it two. Kristina says, Blaze doesn’t need to deprive herself on her account, but Blaze says she’s not. Tonight is special, and she wants to be clear-headed for all of it. Tracy asks Lois, where’s the music? and Lois gasps and says she forgot the music. How could she forget the music? Tracy knows people, doesn’t she? Tracy says, oh yes, she knows people. The Port Charles Philharmonic is going to be here in ten minutes. Lois says, she’s no help, and Tracy says, they’ve discussed this. She writes checks. Lois chases musicians. Lois hasn’t done it in a long time, but maybe she has numbers? Lois wonders what they’re going to do, and Olivia asks, what’s the deal with the music? (Um… doesn’t The Savoy have a sound system with music already cued up for when there isn’t a band?) Lois asks if they want her to sing, but both Tracy and Olivia say, no, they don’t. Sasha joins them and says, hold the singing. The music just arrived. Spinelli walks in, and Lois says, please tell her that he’s not the stripper.

Stella says, if Curtis closed the club for Brook’s party, that means… Trina says, the somewhere he had to be was Chase’s bachelor party, and Josslyn says, that’s at the hatchet range. Stella says, drinking beer and throwing hatchets, that’s a bad combination. What could go wrong? Trina says she’s just glad he got out. After everything he’s been through, he deserves to cut loose and have some fun. Stella tells her, the same could be said for some other people too, and Josslyn says, if Trina wants to cut loose tonight, then they should go to Brook’s party. She’s surrounded by her friends and family, and half of them are crazy, but in a really good way. Trina says she doesn’t know. They didn’t even get an invitation. Josslyn says, they did, from the mother of the bride herself, and Stella says she’ll be right back. She leaves, and Trina says she doesn’t know if she feels well enough to go to a big party where people are happy, and she doesn’t even have a gift. Josslyn says, she doesn’t need a gift. It’s already handled. They got Brook a spa getaway at the MetroCourt. It’s one party and they know everybody there. And if she hates it, they’ll leave. Stella says, they’d better get going. They don’t want to miss out on anything. Trina says, but they’re having dinner with her, and Stella says, not anymore. She gave their table away. Trina can have dinner with her anytime. Brook’s party is only happening tonight. Go. Josslyn asks if Stella wants to come, but Stella says, no thank you, but she thinks Trina’s had enough family lately and should cut loose with people she’s not related to. Go. Josslyn and Trina thank Stella, and she tells them to have a good time.

Brook says she’s so glad Willow is here, and Willow says she wouldn’t have missed it. They hug, and Willow asks what Brook thinks of her mom’s vision. Brook says, she definitely knows how to party, and Willow says, Lois may have to remind her, because she hasn’t been to a party party in forever. Brook says, they’ll have to catch her up tonight, and Willow says, that is the plan. First, she wants Brook to know how happy she is for her. Nobody knows better than she does what a great guy Brook is marrying. Brook says she feels so lucky that she and Chase found each other. That they got past all their regrettable decisions… her regrettable decisions, and got here. Willow says, she’ll probably make some more and so will Chase, but now she knows they have the power to get through it together. Brook says, she’s so wise, and Willow says, she’s so married. Laugh a lot; forgive a lot. Brook says, how hard can that be? and Willow says, right? They’ll never have a rocky day in their married life. She and Chase are perfect for each other, so they’ll probably have fewer than most couples. Brook thanks her and they hug.

Maxie says she has to thank Sasha again for saving Deception’s bacon on Home & Heart the other day. If Lucy had talked about their product as much as she talked about herself, they could have all retired. Sasha says she thinks she learned more about Lucy during that segment than in the whole time they worked together, and Maxie says, so did America… and the world. Sasha says, they have the footage and one day, they’re going to watch it and laugh. Maxie says, not now though. Too soon. She has to let Sasha know though, that for self-preservation, she’s moved Sasha to the number one spot on her speed dial list. Sasha says she’s always here for Maxie and she’s always happy to help. Plus, it feels really good to say she’s not the Face of Deception anymore. Maxie says, that makes one of them, and Sasha asks how it’s going with Blaze. She’s lovely. Maxie says, she really is, inside and out, but the ink is barely dry on her contract, so she hasn’t really done much with them yet. Sasha says she’s sure they’ll be great, and Maxie says, things must be better for Sasha. All this free time to be spending with Cody. Are they going to be planning another bachelorette party soon? Sasha says she doesn’t know. Is Maxie going to take the next step with Spinelli? Maxie says, okay.

Spinelli says, it’s like he’s been granted entry into the inner sanctum of the sisterhood, and Tracy says, it’s a bridal shower, not a sorority. Maxie runs over, grabs Spinelli, and says, let’s get him set up over here.

Maxie takes Spinelli to a table on the side, and he says he just needs a moment to hook his playlist into the sound system, and they will soon be rocking the Casbah. She says she’s going to need to see that playlist, and he says he’ll have her know it was a huge hit at Bruce Cooperman’s bar mitzvah last week. She says, yeah. She’s going to need to see it.

Sasha says, those two work so well together, and Brook says, they really do. Sasha says, but they keep fighting it, and Brook says, they’re stubborn. Willow says, they’ll give in eventually. It’s just a matter of time. Sasha says, no matter how hard you try, you can’t fight it forever, and Willow says she guesses Sasha would know something about that.

Michael gets a bullseye, and Drew asks how he did that. Michael says he has no idea, but that is his first and last shot of the night. Jordan says, seeing Curtis up and out of that wheelchair is miraculous, and he says, it feels better than she might imagine. The view from up here is a lot better than the view from down there. She says, he had front row seats to a lot of belt buckles, huh? and he says, a lot of belt buckles. He wouldn’t be back on his feet, literally and figuratively, if it were not for his family. She says she’s really happy for him, and he says, back at her. How exciting is it that TJ and Molly are expecting? She says, her baby is having a baby. Nobody tells you how weird it is the first few times you say it. They clink beer bottles.

Dante tells Anna that he thinks he’s done with the desk duty thing, and she says, after one day? What does his physical therapist say? He says, it’s cool. He’s good. Everything is coming along fine. She says, for a man who almost died, yeah. Just keep going to therapy and don’t miss any sessions. He doesn’t have to push, and it bears repeating, he almost died. Brennan says, she’s right. No sweating. They’ve got him covered. Chase says, he’s doing invaluable work at the station… behind a desk, and Dante thanks him for gloating. Chase says he feels nothing but sympathy for Dante. All those months he was off, he would have given anything to get back on the job. Anna says she’s very lucky to have both of them. Not everyone’s cut out to be a cop, right? And when you are, you’re to be honored and thanked. Dante is invaluable. He really is. They clink beer bottles. Dex walks into the hatchet range, and the cops all turn and look at him.

Chase says, Dex made it, and shakes his hand. He’s glad Dex is here. Dex thanks Chase for inviting him, and Chase says, Dex worked his tail off on the job standard test today. He deserves a few beers. Dex says, looks like there are a couple of guys in here who think he deserves one of those – he points to a hatchet – to the back of the head, and Chase says, some of them probably do. And some of them just look like that all the time. But Dex is here to celebrate the end of Chase’s bachelorhood – he gets louder – and Dex is here on his invitation. So it is officially time for Dex to kick back and enjoy. Dex thanks him, and Chase says, he’d tell Dex, any day, but if he keeps performing like he did this morning on the GSD, he’s not going to need anybody running interference for him.

Finn asks Anna if every recruit has to run the gauntlet, and she nods. He says he supposes she has more than five cops on the force, and she says, Dex might get more attention than the others, but his last job was riding shotgun for Sonny. Is Finn’s dad going to come here tonight? He says, no. He’s home with Violet and the sitter, which reminds him, he can’t stay out much longer than midnight tonight. She says, he turns into a pumpkin? and he says, yeah, and that’s when the sitter leaves.

Lois says, please tell her that they’re good to go, and Spinelli says, it was more complicated… Maxie clears her throat, and Spinelli hands Lois a microphone and says, take it away, boss. Lois welcomes everybody and says, in case she hasn’t met them yet, don’t worry, she will. She’s Lois Cerullo and she’s the mother of the bride. And tonight, they’re celebrating Brook Lynn. Everyone applauds, and Lois says she can’t tell them how proud she is of her daughter. She is juggling the music biz, the beauty biz, and true love, and she’s doing such a beautiful job, in spite of her family. We can be a lot. Tracy says, there’s no we, but Lois says, there is a we. Anyway – she walks over to Brook – Brook brings out the best in all of them and she wishes she could take credit for that, but she can’t. Because for the first time she ever looked at this beautiful face, she knew she was the lucky one to be her mother. So they are all so lucky to have Brook in their lives. Chase is a lucky man. Brook says she’s lucky too, but Lois says, come on. This is her night. Chase is having his own night. And by the way, if anyone wants to see any baby pictures of Brook, she has her phone… Olivia says, okay, okay, wrestling the mic from her. Let the games begin.

Jordan says, not only is Curtis standing, but he’s throwing hatchets better than everybody else? and Curtis says he worked on his arms in physical therapy too. He also did a lot of processing. He thought he was never going to walk again. Now that he is, there are some things he wants to do, places he wants to go. He wants to walk, run, climb, hike, swim, and there’s some people he wants to give his time and energy to. Jordan says, and some people he doesn’t? and he says, yeah. There are some things he thought were important before that just don’t seem to matter now. There were chances he took where the reward was never going to match the risk, and he doesn’t know if it was fate, the universe, or whatever, but he has new opportunity for a reset and he doesn’t want to waste it. She says, here is to fate, the universe, and that reset. No one deserves it more. He thanks her, when Drew approaches. He says, excuse him. Jordan is up. She says she guesses she is and walks to the throwing spot with him.

Jordan asks if she and Drew said they were going to play against each other, and he tells her that they didn’t say they weren’t. She says she has no idea what she’s doing, and he says, it’s a bachelor party, so just go ahead – he hands her a hatchet – and throw. She’s got this. She hits the outermost circle and says, that was awful. He says, that was not awful. Most people hit outside the board the first time. That was actually pretty good. She thanks him and thanks him for the save, and he says he has no idea what she’s talking about. She says, don’t misunderstand. She’s happy for Curtis. His recovery is a miracle. He says, but it’s still not easy running into your ex in public. He gets it. She says, he can tell, huh? and he says, only because he’s been there. You’ve got to hang out with your ex, and you’ve got to talk about how things are going and put that smile on your face like your life depends on it. She says she’s been smiling for so long, she thought her face would cramp up, and he says, then there’s the conversation. She says, I’ve moved on, you’ve moved on. Isn’t moving on the best? He says, but you’re happy right? Because I’m so happy too. So happy it hurts.

The women play Pictionary, and Maxie draws what looks like a crude mushroom. Sasha says, table, and Maxie says, this is a wedding theme, and adds something. Lois says, hors d’oeuvres tray, and Maxie says, close. Sasha says, it’s a cake tray, and Maxie says, she’s getting warmer. Blaze says, cake pedestal, and Maxie says, finally. Willow draws next, and various answers are yelled out – rose petals, cookies, a sachet, pearls, a gown and peignoir. Olivia says, bird seed, and Willow points to her. Everyone cheers.

Brook reads from a folded paper: Hotel Bergamot, Ithaca, walking in and finding Brook a little overwhelmed, but completely determined with a baby in her arms. Tracy says, that’s not Lois? and Lois says, no. Liv? Olivia says, not her, and Brook says she’ll give them a hint. She called her cousin Michael for a ride, and he brought the person he trusts most in this world. They all say, Willow. Brook reads: Standing on stage at the Nurses Ball, watching Linc Brown get escorted out by Detective Dante Falconari, courtesy of Brook Lynn’s epic takedown. Kristina says, Blaze, and Blaze says, one of her favorite moments ever. Brook says, hers too, and Tracy says, excellent. Spinelli starts some music as the women sit in a circle, passing a bouquet around. Apparently, whoever ends up with it when the music stops is out. The group thins out until it’s just Lois and Tracy passing it back and forth. Lois ends up with the bouquet, and Brook says, the winner and champion, granny. Tracy takes a bow, and Lois hands her the bouquet, saying, here’s your prize.

Tracy tosses the bouquet next to Spinelli’s laptop and says, Mr. Spinelli. She’d like to know the truth please. Was he instructed to make sure she won? He assures her that he was completely impartial, and she says, uh-huh. Well, if she ever finds herself at an event again where he is DJ, she’d better not win. Is she clear? He says, crystal.

Blaze says she’s seen Sasha’s Deception campaign. She’s going to be a hard act to follow. Sasha says, nothing Blaze can’t handle. She’s going to be great. Stick with Maxie. She knows what she’s doing. Blaze says she saw Sasha on Home & Heart. She made it look really easy. Sasha says, it’s easy when the products are great, and the people are really great too… most of the time. Blaze asks why she left, and Sasha says, it was time for a change, and honestly, she got tired of worrying about her looks all the time. She’s sure Blaze knows what she’s talking about, since she’s a performer. Blaze says, ugh. It can be exhausting worrying about what the public sees when they look at you. Sasha says, it can be a lot easier when you have someone special standing beside you, and Blaze says, it really is. Kristina touches Blaze’s arm.

Spinelli takes photos of the women in pairs and in groups, holding props. Lois tells Tracy that she looks like nobody paid her ransom, and Tracy asks if she’s supposed to be enjoying this. Kristina kisses Blaze, and he takes a photo.

Dante says, since they’ve all savaged the fact Chase isn’t a regular bachelor, they thought the typical bachelor party gifts would end up in an attic somewhere that his kids discover in twenty years or a landfill. They decided to get him a couple of things that were a little more meaningful. So take this out of his hand right now. It was painful to get for him. He’ll understand as soon as he opens it up. Chase removes the tissue from the giftbag and takes out a baseball in a display box. He says, are they kidding him? The Red Sox World Series champs. Dante says, just remember, the Yankees have won the Series 27 times. It’s still Red Sox 9. They have a lot of catching up to do. Chase says, that doesn’t make this any less sweet. He thanks Dante, and Dante tells him, congratulations, hugging him. Finn says, this is nowhere near as spectacular, but it’s from his family. They love him and couldn’t be happier for him. He hands Chase a box and says, Violet picked it out. Chase says, she did? but Finn tells him that he just said that. He couldn’t decide and she picked those. Chase opens a jewelry box and finds cufflinks. He says, Finn’s daughter’s got good taste, and Finn says, Chase does too. Brook is special. Chase says, doesn’t he know it, and Finn tells him, congratulations, and they hug. Chase thanks them all for not putting him through the ordeal of opening bachelor appropriate gifts. The real gift is having them all here celebrating with him. And yes, he knows Brook is way too good for him, but he still gets to marry her. Anna says, to Chase and Brook Lynn, and they all clink beer bottles. On the outskirts of the crowd, Dex looks lost. He goes up to a group, but they ignore him. Dante notices.

Josslyn tells Trina that it’s an open bar and the drinks are Brook Lynn Chasers. She goes to the bar, and nearly collides with Kristina, who’s on her way back. Kristina says, sorry about that, but Josslyn says, it’s fine, and continues to the bar. Kristina tells Blaze, that couldn’t have been more awkward, and Blaze says, not true. Kristina could have doused Josslyn with her drink. Kristina says she thought about it. Lois sees Trina and says she’s so glad Trina made it. Brook says, her too, and thanks Trina for coming, hugging her. Trina says, this place looks great, and Brook says, in large part to Josslyn, as Josslyn returns with the drinks. Josslyn says she was just taking orders. This is so exciting. Does Brook have any nerves? Brook says she does, but she’s been downing these Brook Lynn Chasers all night and never felt better. Lois asks them to tell her what they think, and Josslyn and Trina sip their drinks. Josslyn says she thinks they’re going to have some fun, and Lois says, the bar is open all night long. Unfortunately, they just finished the games… Olivia says, they’re doing more games later, but right now, they’re doing the gifts.

Brook opens an envelope and reads, a day of relaxation at the MetroCourt spa. Josslyn and Trina did perfect. She’s going to save it until after the honeymoon, because she’s going to have so much jet lag when they get back, she’s going to need some extra pampering. Trina asks where they’re going, and Brook says, Florence. Can they believe it? She’s wanted to go there her entire life and Chase surprised her. Lois says, this one is from her, handing Brook a jewelry box, and Brook opens it, seeing a vintage ring, a flower set with gemstones. Lois says, when Brook was a little girl, she used to always go through Lois’s jewelry box and try everything on, all her necklaces, her bracelets, her rings. All the real stuff and the costume jewelry, but this one was always her favorite, so now it’s hers. Brook hugs her and thanks her for everything.

Brennan asks if Dex has a death wish, and Dex says, death wish? Brennan says, whether or not Dex makes it through the academy and gets his badge, Sonny Corinthos never forgets. Dante asks if everything is cool, and Brennan says, it’s cool. Just giving the would-be rookie some advice. He leaves and Dante asks nearby group if they know Dex. Dex is one of the reasons he’s still alive and able to be here and keep them all in line. There’s little reaction, and Dex thanks him for trying. Dante says, Dex should probably be prepared for that to continue happening if he gets on the force.

Chase tells Finn that he appreciates the gift and the speech, and he won’t forget the gesture if Finn ever tries to take the leap again. Michael says he thinks Finn can make some woman moderately happy, and Finn laughs. Chase says he agrees with Michael, except not the moderate part. Finn deserves to have someone great in his life. Finn says he does have someone great in his life, but he knows what Chase means. Maybe he’s starting to believe that might be true. Chase says, believe it, when Ned taps a hatchet against his glass to get everyone’s attention. He says, for those of them who don’t know, he’s Ned Quartermaine, father of the bride. He tells Chase, since the dreaded day his daughter reached dating age, one thing has been abundantly clear. No one is good enough for her. But Chase comes closer than anybody ever has. Welcome to the family. They all raise their glasses and bottles, and Curtis says, most people know Chase the cop, but as a nightclub owner, he knows Chase the reluctant superstar. They laugh, and Curtis says, so here’s to Chase and Brook Lynn, bringing out the best in each other, on stage and off. They all say, cheers, and Dante says, and to his partner, even though he’s a Red Sox fan… He didn’t know until they started working together. He walks over to Chase and says, he’s more than a partner. He’s family. To you, brother, and to the life you’re about to embark on with your beautiful bride that you so richly deserve. Cheers. He clinks his bottle against Chase’s, and Chase thanks him. Everybody is cheersing and clinking and Chase couldn’t look happier.

Brook says, are they dancing or what? and Maxie says, hit it, Spinelli. Spinelli says, consider it – he hits the play key – hit, and the music starts. Brook dances up to Tracy and says, granny, would you do me the honor of this dance? Tracy says, Brook knows she doesn’t dance, but she’s certainly touched that Brook asked her. From the way she speaks, it looks like she’s been touched by those drinks as well. Brook says, let’s go, Trina, and takes Trina’s hand. You’re up. They go out onto the floor, while Lois and Olivia dance on the sidelines, and Olivia says, they’re great out there, aren’t they? Lois says, yeah. Too bad they don’t know what they’re doing though. This is even funnier seeing it, since their moves are outdated, and frankly, a little odd. They both yell, Bensonhurst in the house! and dance out onto the floor. This is the signal that gets everybody out there dancing. Kristina puts her hand on her stomach, and Blaze asks, what’s the matter? and Kristina says she felt the baby kick. Blaze says she wishes she could stay, but Kristina tells her, no. You have to go. Blaze says, Kristina is right. She does, but don’t forget, Kristina owes her a dance. She gives Kristina a quick kiss and leaves. Josslyn tells Tracy, come on. Let’s show them how it’s done. Tracy says, excuse me? and Josslyn says, this is Brook’s party. Tracy’s got to celebrate with her. Tracy sips her drink.

Josslyn says, if her grandmother was here, she’d be out on the floor, and Tracy says, you know what? You are so right. Bobbie would be. And she’ll have Josslyn know that the Spencers are not the only people who can rise to the occasion. Look out. She pushes Josslyn aside and dances out on to the floor, much to the delight of everyone, especially Brook. They start to say, go Tracy… go Tracy… and even Spinelli gets into the spirit. Kristina walks to the bar, and again, nearly walks into Josslyn. Kristina says, twice in one night. Is Josslyn following her? Josslyn says, my bad, and Kristina says she doesn’t know what Josslyn’s problem is with her, but she might as well just drop it. It’s not working. Josslyn says, her problem with Kristina is that she refuses to see her dad for who he really is, and she goes on and on like it’s some fairytale about Sonny Corinthos and completely ignores all the damage that he’s caused. Or tell her. Does Kristina really not know what he did to Dex?

Anna says she saw what Dante did with Dex and the guys just now, and Dante says he does feel like he owes Dex. Dex did keep him alive until the paramedics showed up. She says, but it’s also it’s the kind of thing Dante would do because he’s Dante, and he says he has to wonder if Dex’s connection to Sonny would trump any qualifications he has for joining the force. These guys aren’t going to let him off the hook. They’re all going to think he’s giving intel to Sonny. She says, Dex is going to have to prove himself, isn’t he? And she can’t help but wonder if Dante is worried that Dex would give the PCPD intel that would bring his father down. He looks at her, and she says, go join the party. Leave Dex to her. Finn asks if he can have everyone’s attention for a moment. They have a very special guest with them tonight. Some of them might now her as the other woman in Chase’s life. They’re all like, whoa, and Blaze runs in. She hugs Chase, and everyone applauds.

Blaze says she hopes they don’t mind her crashing their party, but when your former duet partner marries your current manager, you’ve got to celebrate, with a toast or buy a round or two. Finn puts a beer bottle in her hand, and she says, Chase is the kind of partner you dream about, and Brennan says, they have different dreams. Everyone laughs, and Blaze says, God, I hope so. Chase brings things to the stage that few ever can. First of all, he brings that incredible voice, but he also brings calm. And his calm creates a space where you can be great. It’s one of the most generous gifts she’s ever experienced in her career, and she’s sure they’ve all experienced the same generosity working with him. She loves Brook and she knows he’s going to be so great for her, because he already is for the rest of them. So let’s drink to this guy and the wedding to come. It’s gonna be one to remember. Once more, there are cheers and clinks.

Trina tells Willow that she’s having such a good time. Can they take a selfie? (I want to know what’s in that drink.) Willow says, of course (🍷), and Trina takes the photo. She says she didn’t think she wanted to come to the party, but her Aunt Stella insisted she come, and she was right. On the dance floor, Olivia says, they’ve still got it, and Lois says, they’ve more than got it. They’re teaching a masterclass out here. And they’ve got a happy Brook Lynn. Olivia says, they did it. The party’s a huge success. Lois says, it ain’t over until she’s dancing with her husband at the reception, and Olivia says, hallelujah. Kristina tells Josslyn, don’t drop your issues on me just because you’re drunk, and Josslyn says, excuse me? Kristina says she knows Josslyn has been drinking, and obviously, now she’s saying what she’s been waiting to say. It doesn’t even make sense. Dex doesn’t even work for her dad anymore. Josslyn says, does she want to know why Dex doesn’t work for her dad anymore? It’s the same reason she and Dex aren’t together. Kristina says, and why is that? Because he couldn’t stand her holier-than-thou attitude and her virtue signaling either? Josslyn says, no. It’s because Kristina’s beloved father send Dex to kill Cyrus when he was in the hospital. She guesses it wasn’t enough for Sonny to almost kill him with his bare hands in the church. He sent Dex to go finish the job. Maybe Kristina can live with that, but she can’t.

Tomorrow, Jordan asks Drew if she can confess something; Violet tells Finn that he has to help grandpa; Dex asks if Anna has changed her mind about him joining the PCPD; and Josslyn tells Jason that she did something she really regrets.

Vanderpump Rules

James is working on a baseline, and Ally says she didn’t sleep well. The cats kept trying to open the door. Jax stops by and says, it feels like he’s in Palm Springs. A plane goes by, and Ally says she’s used to living by an airport, but James doesn’t love it. In James’s interview, he says he and Jax have come a long way. They hated each other when they worked at SUR. We flash back to that, and James says, when Jax said he wanted to host a night at SUR, he thought, baby steps, and suggested brunch. Jax wants to get back in the ring. He misses SUR. James tells him that everyone is coming, and Jax says, Katie has been putting his picture around and telling everyone that he cheated on his wife. That she had to come after him pissed him off. In his interview, James says he hopes Jax isn’t cheating on Brittany, but Jax has a checkered past. He’s got to go with Katie out of history. James asks what Jax expects, and Jax says, to have fun, but he doesn’t know what he’s getting into, what his relationship is with Lisa. James says he feels the respect is broken, but Jax says he’s not bowing down to Lisa. James says, maybe he should bring flowers, and Jax says, be the bigger person. He can do that. Can he really?

Scheana and Summer are working on the alphabet, when Brittany comes over. In Scheana’s interview, she says she’s known Brittany a day less than Jax, and they’ve been so close ever since. They were pregnant at the same time, and their kids were born just weeks apart. Not many of Scheana’s friends get it like Brittany does. They can both talk about their husbands and the sh*t their husbands put them through at home. Brittany asks if Scheana is having any more children, but Scheana isn’t keen on the idea. Brittany says, this month, they’re officially trying, and Scheana says she figures Summer will start asking when she sees Ocean and Cruz have siblings. She tells Brittany that Brock has been getting on her nerves lately, and we flash back to that. She thinks he got offended about their date night anniversary. She thought they were planning a big thing. It’s not that she doesn’t want to go to dinner with him, but they can do that anytime. He said, but they don’t do it anytime.

Brock goes out for coffee with Luke, and says, Scheana knows they need a nanny, but she doesn’t want a stranger in the house or taking care of their kid. But he needs it so he can step away. It adds tension to the relationship with Scheana being the main breadwinner. Luke says, Brock knew that coming in, and Brock says, since they sold the gym, they’re not hustling anymore. In Brock’s interview, he says he thought he was going to be a farmer. Then growing up, he played rugby and always had eyes on the horizon. The hardest thing is knowing he’s not bringing in money. A career gives him more purpose. He wants to live up to the standard he set for himself.

Scheana tells Brittany about Brock disliking not bringing in the money, and Brittany says she could tell there was a shift when it happened with her and Jax. They were fighting more about it. A lot of family men don’t express that. Scheana says she thinks that’s what it is, and in Scheana’s interview, she says, the standards men and women feel they have to meet have a misogynist old appeal. Why can’t there be a stay-at-home dad with the woman making the money? It should be however it works for you. She tells Brittany that her OCD and anxiety were bad, and she got on Zoloft. Brittany asks if she’s still taking it, but Scheana says, no. It made her feel tired and she needed her energy for Summer. Brittany asks if it’s been worse since summer, and Scheana says, so much worse. She’s having intrusive thoughts. She trusts Brock – he’s amazing – but people make comments about him and Lala, and tell her, watch out. And her brain goes there even though she doesn’t believe it. So when she thinks of getting a nanny, she thinks, imagine if your husband left you for the nanny. She hates it when her brain goes there. Brittany says, she’ll get through this. She’ll figure something out. Scheana says she will.

Katie and Schwartz meet at Mel’s Diner, and in Katie’s interview, she says, part of her wants some type of friendship with Schwartz. Having spent so much time with him and then becoming strangers, she can’t wrap her head around that. Schwartz says he’s in a good mood, and Katie says she’s seeing a lot of things happening, like his hair. He asks if she likes it, and she asks why he did it. He says he felt something deep within. He’s getting a tattoo. Does she want to come? She asks how did his hair, and he says, Jo and Lena. They asked him to post a photo for the salon. He tells her about what happened with Jo, and says he was clear that he didn’t want to date or have a girlfriend. They’re taking a break from hanging out. Jo asked if was embarrassed of her and it made him feel sad. Katie says, it’s his own fault for being elusive, and he says he’s in a weird place. He asks if she’s looking for a life partner or just having fun, and she says she doesn’t know. He asks how her date with Tori was, and she says, good. Tori liked her more than Schwartz. They banter about who Tori likes more, and in Schwartz’s interview, he says he thinks this is Katie’s way of saying she misses hanging out. It’s their post-divorce love language. She’s dating the women he wants to date. Katie asks if Schwartz is trying to compete with her, and he says, maybe subconsciously. She says, he wanted a hair glow up because she had one, and he says he must have missed that.

Brock and Scheana go out to eat, and Scheana tells Brock that he looks handsome. When he was getting dressed, she was looking at his juicy bootie. She brought toys for the hotel. In Scheana’s interview, she says, she’s been looking forward to their anniversary. They’ve been at each other’s throats, but they made the decision to marry, and this is her person for life. She was smart this time and got a prenup, but she doesn’t even know where it is. She doesn’t think she’ll need it this time around. She tells him that they need more one on one date nights. At home, they’re exhausted or at each other, and he wants to escape. He says that he spoke to Luke about it. When he moved to the US, he visualized what he’d be doing, but he didn’t make it in the NFL. He’s not successful and she’s the main breadwinner. He wants to take the pressure off so she can enjoy herself. Scheana says he does that when he’s available and present for their daughter when she has to work. He needs to put his manliness and ego aside. Maybe this is his second chance at being a dad. She tears up and Brock gets emotional. He says he can’t believe they’re crying, and in Brock’s interview, he says he doesn’t want a pity party, but when he thinks back to being a parent to his other two… We flash back to Brock’s child support and visitation troubles, and he says, if he could talk to his 19-year-old self, he’d say, you’ll figure it out. Now he wants to work on building a relationship with his older kids, so maybe one day they’ll bring him back into their lives. Scheana says, Brock is tenacious and the most amazing person. He doesn’t see how much he’s worth. It makes her feel like they’re not enough. A server comes with a sparkler in a cake for their anniversary, and Brock says he thinks they need to have more conversations with the therapist. He loves her. She says she loves him too, and they kiss. Aww!

Schwartz tells Sandoval, the show pony is here. Come saddle up. Sandoval jumps over the door to get into the car, and I’m just like, ugh. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, this is no mid-life crisis. It’s a mid-life revival. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, it’s a trashy mid-life crisis. Like he should talk. His mid-life crisis is trashy, messy, painful, you name it. They go to a tattoo parlor to meet artist Rusty. Schwartz says he’s getting a tattoo of Gordo and Butters, and in his interview, Schwartz says he loves tattoos. We flash back to his getting one with Katie’s nickname and changing another one to LVP. He says, now it’s Gordo and Butters. He’s becoming the tattoo guy. They talk about going to San Francisco, and Schwartz says, Ariana is coming. Sandoval says he thinks they’re sitting together, which I find doubtful. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, Kyle Chan is releasing a whiskey and invited them. We see a clip with Kyle, and Schwartz says, it’s a big deal. They’re bringing in statues and it’s on an island. They have to take a boat. It’s crazy. Schwartz asks if there’s an update on the house, and Sandoval says he thinks they can live together. Schwartz says, the bar almost ruined him, and in his interview, he says his last high-stake venture with Sandoval is still haunting him. Sandoval says he has a soda gun and beer taps. If he can live with his ex… The stool he’s sitting on pops out a spring or something and he ends up face down on the floor, which is pretty damn amusing. Schwartz says, it’s karma, and Sandoval says, he’s getting a lot these days.

Ally and James go to the Face Gym, and in James’s interview, he says he’s not about plastic surgery. This is natural. Tight is important. It looks like a weird kind of facial/face massage, and the woman says, it’s like 600 sit-ups for your face. In his interview, James says he does have pretty boy energy. Ask his mom. Ally asks if he’s texted anyone about pet sitting, and in James’s interview, he says, they were planning on going out of town to Ohio for Ally’s best friend’s wedding, but Hippie just got back and there hasn’t been enough time for him to be comfortable finding a stranger to watch him. James is worried that no one will know how to separate the cats and the dog, and Ally suggests giving someone a chance. She doesn’t want to get in the habit of not going anywhere. She made a sacrifice of not sleeping with the cats. He has to make compromises somewhere.

Ariana works out on the treadmill as she talks to new boyfriend Dan. She asks if he’s coming to San Francisco, and he asks if that’s what she wants. She says, yes, please. They don’t have to hang out with everybody, but she thinks it will be great when it’s bedtime. He asks if she’s coming for the cuddles. Craig asks to come in and get a few things and asks how long she thinks she’ll be. She says, another ten minutes, and he leaves. She tells Dan, that’s the assistant, and Dan asks if she heard back about the counteroffer. She says, no, but the assistant asked if they could have the downstairs to meet with a realtor. Dan says, at least it’s moving along. She says she hopes so, and he says, if not, how does she recover?  

The girls get together at SUR, and Schwartz and Sandoval show up. Katie calls Schwartz Ken Doll, and Scheana wants to see the tattoo. She says, it’s so cute, and I have to admit, it is. James is meeting Lisa about the brunch idea, and Lisa tells her partner that Jax disrespected her publicly. We hear a clip of Jax smack talking Lisa on a podcast. He’s dead to me. James comes to the table, and Lisa says she didn’t know he was hosting with Jax. In Lisa’s interview, she says, it was pretty detrimental, and she’s given him many chances. We flash back to some of Jax’s stupid behavior, and she says, if he’s going to negate her publicly, why have an event at her restaurant? Jax joins them and asks if he can sit. She says, if he has to, and he says he does if she doesn’t mind. She says she kind of does, and he asks if she wants him to stand. She says she doesn’t want him here, acting like everything is cool and cozy, when he said she was superfluous on the podcast. He says he doesn’t know what that word means, and James looks it up, telling him it means unnecessary. Lisa tells him that she could have said he wasn’t needed, and he whines that she hasn’t checked in with him and Brittany for some time. She wrote him off after 10 years, over something he said wrong in the heat of the moment. He apologizes, and James wants to move on. He’s got to DJ. He asks if it’s okay for Jax to stay, and Jax asks if he can give Lisa a hug. He says he loves her and hugs her, and Lisa says she kind of loves him too, but he’s kind of f***ing annoying.

James does his thing, and Jax wanders over to the girls’ table. Lala says, it’s a blast from her present, and in Katie’s interview, she says she’s not a fan of Jax. When you need to talk about how much you’ve changed and need to sell yourself, it’s lies. Jax says he’s not a gossiper and they all laugh, all the viewers no doubt laughing with them. Jax asks if Ariana is aware Schwartz may be moving into her home. We see a clip of Schwartz telling Jax that he got an indecent proposal and not to tell anyone. Wow. Schwartz is denser than I thought. Might as well put it on a billboard. Jax asks if Ariana is okay, and Ariana says she’d love to know where her money is. Lala suggests they’re getting Ariana out and taking over. In Ariana’s interview, she says, once she gets what’s rightfully hers, she doesn’t give a f***. They can call it the Mojo Dojo Kaka House for the next century. At the bar, James asks if Sandoval wants to come back to the house after this.

At James’s house, Jax says he’s got a babysitter, and his wife isn’t home, so he’s ready to have fun. The guys go into the backyard, and Katie says she and Ally had dinner. She asked how it was going with Hippie and the cats, and Ally feels she’s made sacrifices. We see a clip of Ally telling Katie that her best friend’s wedding is in Ohio, and now James can’t go. Katie says, James only wants Harry to watch the dogs, and Harry is busy. James joins them and asks, what’s up? Katie says, Ally mentioned how important the wedding is and that she was looking forward to him being there. James says his brother is out of town, and Katie suggests he get someone else, but James says, maybe next year. He’s not ready yet. Lala says, Ally supports him with everything, and she’s taken on a dog she didn’t sign up for. Katie says, they all have animals. It’s not like they don’t understand. James says, Hippie is his furbaby. They’ve got babies. How many nannies have they gone through? He doesn’t trust anybody. Ariana says she understands, and James says he’s not going to let anything keep them apart. In James’s interview, he says, no one else understands. His and Hippie’s souls are literally joined. He wants to baby and take care of him. Aww! I understand, James. Lala says, like she doesn’t understand dropping her baby off with a random woman, and in her interview, she says, don’t compare it to her finding childcare. It’s clear that in the relationship, James comes first and Ally second. She can’t allow a man to ever come first.

Outside, Jax says he’s gonna drink, and Scheana suggests that every time Jax says he’s a dad, they take a drink. They’re going to be f***ed up. James tells Schwartz that Jax was talking sh*t about Katie, and Schwartz says, Jax isn’t happy about her reddit. In Katie’s interview, she says, there have been rumors on the internet that thousands saw. Now Jax is blaming her for the rumors being out there. The man doesn’t know how the internet works. Jax rants about Katie doing this to his family, and in her interview, Katie says, Jax has always been completely unhinged. We flash back to Jax being unhinged, and she says, that’s why she doesn’t f*** with him. She feels bad for Brittany, but her husband is disgusting.

Schwartz tells Ariana that he wants to address something. Jax promised not to say anything about him moving in, but he’s not going to live there. He can’t afford it. After Sandoval’s refinance at 10%, it’s another $22,000. In Ariana’s interview, she says, this is hands down the most expensive bromance in history. Schwartz says, she’d hate him if he moved in, but she says, no. He says he thought she’d strike him down in vengeance, and Ariana says, when she’s out, someone has to pay the mortgage. Sandoval comes out with James and Kyle, and Scheana tells Brock that it’s Summer’s bedtime, and she’d like to put her down. Brock says he thought they were here for a fun time, but she says she had a fun time. Brock says, the problem is, she doesn’t want a nanny, and Scheana says she wants to read the Halloween book to Summer. She wants those moments. She tells Kyle that she’ll come by with the band and they can go over everything. She asks if Sandoval has heard her song, and Sandoval says, it’s not about the pasta song. It’s just been a lot from her. She says he has to understand that what he did to Ariana f***ed her up. So, as he put it, she decided to capitalize on it. Sandoval says, she’s 100 times more reactive than Ariana. All she had to do was not do that. Scheana says, all he had to do was not bring it up, and he says, she wasn’t cheated on. Scheana says, Raquel filed a restraining order, and off to the side, Ariana says, there’s a lot of male yelling going on and it’s making her uncomfortable. Sandoval says, it’s like if he steps on Kyle’s shoes and Kyle burns his house down. Scheana is acting more entitled to talk about the events in his life than he is. Ariana says she’s worried about Scheana, and Scheana says, now her thoughts are f***ed up. She worries about Brock and her best friend and Sandoval did that. She’s going home. Sandoval says, Scheana’s been the other woman, and she tells him, f*** you. Lala says, hell no, and Scheana says, she was 21 and it was in 2006. He’s f***ing 40. Sandoval says, she still did it, and there are lots of bleeps. Lala says, this is where she goes insane, and Katie says, he’s such a gross person. Ariana doesn’t want Scheana to leave like that and follows her out. She tells Scheana that everyone loves her, and they hug while Scheana cries. James criticizes Sandoval for bringing up bullsh*t from the past, and Sandoval asks if they aren’t trying to move on. Scheana leaves.

Next time, San Francisco; Schwartz asks Katie for one last time, a one-night stand; and Katie cries.

🍼 Volatile Valley…

This week, poor Brittany ended up getting shoved into a wall as collateral damage, and producers had to step in before there was a knockdown, drag out brawl. Ah, family life in suburbia.

I’m guessing this is the picture Jax claimed Katie was showing around.

Flashback to better days. Or were they?

🛸 Distant Encounters Of the Fifth Kind…

Join me tomorrow for soap and TBD. Until then, stay safe, stay not believing there is anything fashionable in being late, and stay laughing a lot and forgiving a lot.

April 16, 2024 – Laura Wants Sonny Prosecuted, Sandoval Just Gets More Awful, Down In the Valley & Sometimes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Maxie puts two bags on her desk, and one falls over, spilling everything onto the floor. She says, given the kind of day she’s had, that tracks. She starts picking it up, and says, it’s the perfect end to a whole lot of perfect days. She screams into her sleeve, and Felicia says, that’s how she felt when she watched the Deception spot on Home & Heart today. Maxie says, thank you, and gives a thumbs up. Felicia says, after watching Lucy’s performance, she would have bet any money that Lucy would be the one face down on the floor, and Maxie says, is Felicia kidding her? Lucy only knows where the floor is because sometimes, she drops a gummi on it. The word star was used to describe Lucy’s performance today. Felicia says, by who? and Maxie says, Lucy, of course (🍷). She might breathe the same air, but she’s not one of them.

Jordan and Laura walk into Jordan’s office, and Laura says, if Jordan isn’t comfortable with it, it’s not a legal requirement. Jordan says she just has to live with it a minute to get used to the idea. She has protection on all of her accounts and credit cards, and now she just needs to upload her entire tax return and send it to the city council? Laura says she knows. It makes you feel vulnerable, doesn’t it? Jordan says, as former police chief, it makes her feel stupid, and at risk. Laura says, if she decides not to do it, she won’t think any less of Jordan. As a matter of fact, the Quartermaine who was the last mayor, she doesn’t think he sent any of his tax returns to the council any year. Jordan says she can’t say she blames him, and Laura says, Ned didn’t see the need for transparency, but when she took over as mayor that city business should be. So she turned her tax returns over to the city council every year, and in return, they accused her of all kinds of things, but never of being a crook. Jordan says, if it’s okay with Laura, she’ll scan the documents herself. She doesn’t want them floating around the office. Laura tells her to do whatever she wants to do here. There is one more thing she’d like to discuss with Jordan, but it’s a little bit more of a touchy subject. Jordan says, touchier than sharing her finances with a bunch of strangers? and Laura says, it’s about her brother. Jordan says, Martin? but Laura says, Cyrus.

Josslyn and Trina jog to a bench area in the park, and Josslyn asks if Trina needs to take a break. Trina says, unless Josslyn wants to carry her the rest of the way. Why did she let Josslyn talk her into this? Josslyn says, because Trina loves her and missed running with her, and Trina says she does, but she also hates Josslyn a little. Can they walk? Josslyn says, of course (🍷). They can also call a car and go home and have some pizza. She thinks a few more runs and Trina will have her mojo back. Trina says she doesn’t think it’s ever coming back, no matter what she does, but Josslyn tells her, don’t say that. She hasn’t been exactly where Trina is now, but she knows how heavy grief can be. It can weigh you down. When you move, you get stronger, and it gives your brain a chance to reset. Trina says, it’s like your fighting for survival, right? and Josslyn says, that’s part of it. Trina says she appreciates Josslyn. Sometimes she gets in a rut, but Josslyn just reminded her of a way to get out of it. Josslyn says, Trina is the best friend she’s ever had, and she’s stronger than she knows. She just wants Trina to be able to see it for herself. What can she say? She loves Trina. Train says she loves Josslyn too, and Josslyn says she misses running with Trina. And she misses living with her. The dorm is so sad. They see Dex walking toward them.

At Pizzulo’s, Sonny tells Brick that they have to talk out in the restaurant. A VIP has taken over his office. Brick asks, who’s more important than Sonny? and Sonny says, Avery. She’s doing her homework. What does Brick have for him? Brick says, a couple of his men went after Cates in the manner they discussed, and the meeting was interrupted when a good Samaritan drove up. Sonny says, a good Samaritan who just happened to be driving around the waterfront? and Brick says, yeah, but not before they finished the work on Cates. Sonny asks where the work was taking place, and Brick says, about a block away from Sonny’s coffee warehouse.

TJ finds Gregory in an exam room and apologizes for keeping him waiting. Gregory says he didn’t know TJ was. He thought Dr. Cramer was keeping him waiting. TJ says, Dr. Cramer was called the ER for an emergency consult and asked if he could handle his late appointments. With Gregory’s consent of course (🍷). Gregory says he’s already here, so let’s do this. On the condition TJ calls him Gregory and not Mr. Chase. TJ says he can do that, and Gregory says, good. His appointments with Dr. Cramer go almost the same way every time, so this might be a nice change of pace. TJ says he’ll do his best, and Gregory says, it shouldn’t be hard. He knows the drill. TJ will ask him if he’s had a fall since his last appointment and if he did, how many times did he fall and how badly did he hurt himself? What were the circumstances just prior to the fall? Is there anything specific that might have triggered it? TJ laughs.

Felicia tells Maxie, it wasn’t all that bad. Sasha slid in and saved the day, right? Maxie says, yeah. Sasha saved their sales, even dressed as a stable hand, and Scott ran interference with Lucy which earned him a distinguished service medal. Felicia asks, then why was Maxie on the floor, face down yelling into a rug? and Maxie says she dropped some stuff and when she got down on the floor to pick it up, she just sort of went with it. Felicia says she usually yells into a pillow. What’s going on? Maxie says, lately, she just feels like maybe there are too many personalities around here, and Felicia says, she must be talking about Lucy obviously, but is there a next runner-up? Maxie says, it’s really hard to rank them, but everyone is tired of Lucy. Tracy is tired of all of them. Sasha’s willing to pinch hit, but she’s tired of Deception. And let’s face it, Brook is never tired of music management or planning her wedding, but Deception is coming in a distant third on her priority list. Felicia says, so Maxie is taking care of the entire business herself, and Maxie says she can’t really blame Brook for being so focused on her wedding. Chase’s dad is sick. Hey, the accountants say Deception is finally in the black. Although you’d never be able to tell from looking at her checkbook. Felicia says, while Maxie is taking care of everything at Deception, who’s taking care of her?

Brick says he doesn’t know what Cates was doing down at the waterfront last night, but he paid the price for it, and Sonny asks if he turned up at GH. Brick says, no. There was a discreet inquiry at GH, Mercy, and Founders Hospital, but there was no record of a Cates being admitted. However, he’s sure his guys roughed Cates up a little bit and they didn’t break any bones, but the message was definitely sent. Sonny says, he’d have to be smart enough to get that, and John Jagger Cates is not smart at all. He has no loyalty, no guts. When his brother, Stone, was dying of AIDS, where was Jagger? Nowhere to be found. Does Brick know why? Because he couldn’t handle it. Brick says, so Sonny stepped in, and Sonny says, yeah, he stepped in. He loved that kid. And he’d do it again. Brick says, and yet, Cates doesn’t seem to be overflowing with gratitude, and Sonny says, he just comes with hatred. Something’s wrong with the guy; there’s something missing. Brick says he can see that, and Sonny says, but he’s not smart. But why is it hard for him to believe Cates would think he’d be at the warehouse?… He knows why – Jason. Brick says, it’s hard for him to believe Jason’s working with Cates, and Sonny asks, why? Jason came to his house and told him to his face. He is an FBI informant. The dots between Cates and Jason are not hard to connect. Brick says, in his experience, sometimes you can connect the two wrong dots and it could lead to presenting a very misleading picture. Which brings him to Dex Heller.

Trina says she didn’t know Dex was staying in town, and Dex says, it’s good to see her. She says, him too. Is he working? Looking for a job? Josslyn says, Dex actually applied to the PCPD, and Trina says she wouldn’t have guessed that Sonny and the PCPD would be in the same career path. He says, it’s a bit of a career curve ball. The pay’s not great, but he wants to see if he can make it happen. She asks if that’s why he’s taking a last workout before dinner, and he says, it can’t hurt. Trina looks from Dex to Josslyn and says, come on, guys. She knows they broke up, but she doesn’t know why. But watching them right now, she thinks they don’t know either.

Maxie says she had her doubts about Deception, but at least they’re still in business, and things are looking better every month. As far as taking care of herself goes, that is not going quite as well. Felicia says, who are you and what have you done with Maxie? She used to never have trouble prioritizing self-care. Maxie says, Felicia means she was selfish and self-absorbed, but Felicia says, that’s not what she means. It’s good to put yourself first, but ever since Maxie’s been a mother, she’s always put everyone else’s needs ahead of her own. As Maxie’s mom, she has to say, it’s really starting to worry her. Maxie says she’s tired. She’s mad at everyone, and that is exhausting. Felicia tells her, you know what they say, it’s healthy to let go of your anger, and Maxie says, okay. She’s tired of being mad at Lucy for being Lucy. She’s tired of Tracy and her literal all-around impossibleness. She’s tired of being mad at Felicia for the whole Spinelli faking a flood in his apartment so he could move in thing, and she’s mad at Spinelli for going along with that. Felicia says, Maxie really has to let Spinelli off the hook. She really played up the fact that she was Maxie’s mom when she asked him, so he really didn’t have a choice. Maxie says, Felicia isn’t really helping with the whole less mad at her thing. And she’s really tired of Spinelli being the one guy she cares about, but she can’t let near her. Felicia asks if she hears herself, but Maxie says, of course (🍷) not. She’s doing more venting than listening. Felicia tells her that what she just said makes no sense. It’s completely illogical. Maxie says she’s illogical? That’s on Felicia. Felicia raised her to be polite and good with numbers. She didn’t raise Maxie to be logical.

Laura says, neither one of them is excited to talk about Cyrus, but she’d like to have Jordan’s input. Jordan says she’s the last person to ask. She can’t be objective. Laura says she knows Jordan and Cyrus have history. Jordan knew him before he and Laura knew they shared a father. Jordan says her goal was to put Cyrus in prison for crimes she knew he committed. She compromised herself in doing that, and he retaliated in ways that almost destroyed her. She can’t revisit that. Laura says, her feelings are completely justified. She’s found herself more than once looking over the list of horrible crimes that he’s committed, and some of them he’s been convicted for. Jordan says, and most of which he hasn’t, and Laura says she knows. It sometimes takes everything in her not to roll her eyes when he shows up on her doorstep and he’s quoting Scripture. She does know there are some hardened criminals though, that undergo a sort of a spiritual awakening. Jordan says, that’s usually in the time between their guilty verdict and their sentencing. She’s sorry. She’s showing her bias. Laura says, that’s okay. Most of those guys don’t end up sounding like Cyrus. Jordan says she’s not in a position to judge anyone. She falsified evidence to get Cyrus convicted. She’s not proud of it, but she’s not ashamed of it either. Laura says, Jordan thinks she doesn’t understand her motives? Really? Knowing what Jordan does know, does she think there’s any justification at all for what Sonny did to Cyrus? Jordan says, in her deepest, darkest fantasy, she may have dreamt about vigilante justice, but it’s not something she would go through with. She wants to trust the law. Laura says, and that’s her dilemma. It’s not with Cyrus. It’s with the man who nearly beat him to death with just his fists.

Dex says, it was great to see Trina, but he should get going, but Trina says, what happened? The three of them used to be so close, and now they’re just standing here like they met at a party three years ago. Josslyn says, they’ve all changed, and Trina says, they have changed. What happened to Spencer completely derailed her life, but here they are and they’re acting like they ain’t got nothing to say to each other. Josslyn says she thinks they just need a little time, but Trina asks if they’ve learned nothing from what she’s been through. You don’t get more time. This is all you have. This is it. Spencer is gone. But she has all this love for him here inside her. Her love for him didn’t disappear just because he did. Dex and Josslyn used to be so in love with each other, it was annoying, and they’re still here. So figure it out. She leaves, and Josslyn says she’ll be right behind her. Dex says, she’s been through too much, and Josslyn says she thinks Trina just needs her friends right now, and like it or not, they are those friends. He says, whatever she wants him to do, he’ll do it, and she says she thinks they just need to figure out a way to be at the same place at the same time without making everyone feel wildly uncomfortable. He says he’s in. Whatever it takes.

Sonny says, Dex Heller is dead to him. He should be dead period. Brick says he’s the one who discovered Dex and the big deposits he was receiving into his account while Sonny was getting shot at in Puerto Rico and the MetroCourt. Sonny says, yeah. So? Brick says he hasn’t been able to track the source of the money, and Sonny knows how good he is at finding out things. Sonny says he knows where the money came from – Michael, and Brick says, Michael? Sonny says, Corinthos, and Brick asks why his son would be paying Dex. Sonny says, to spy on him, so he could get information and give it to the FBI, but Brick says, that makes no sense. Sonny says he knows it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s the way Michael is. He’s like one of the other guys. He loves his son. He took care of him. But he didn’t know whether to give Sonny a little respect and loyalty or spy on him and take him down. Brick says he’s so sorry, but he feels like he got it wrong with Dex. He put Dex in a position he didn’t entirely deserve. Sonny says, everybody makes mistakes. His first mistake was trusting Dex, but Brick gave him the heads up and told him something was off with Dex. Brick says, maybe now he’s wise enough to give Sonny a wide berth, and Sonny says, Dex knows better than to mess with him because he’s smarter than Jagger. Brick says, it’s getting late, so he’s going to get out of here and leave Sonny to his dinner. Sonny says, Ava’s going to show up here pretty soon, and Brick says, not that it’s any of his business, but how are things at home with the two of them? Sonny says, it’s nice to have a woman around, and they laugh. They shake hands and Brick leaves.

Jordan says, Sonny Corinthos? They both know he’s the one who nearly beat Cyrus to death on New Year’s Eve. Laura says, the more she thinks about that, the less she feels like a city official and the more she feels like Sonny’s accomplice. Jordan says, unless Laura’s been doing some side work for Sonny she’s unaware of, she doesn’t know where Laura is getting that from. Laura says, it’s because she tells herself that she and Sonny are old friends. Cyrus, although he’s a blood relative, has committed all of these horrible crimes. She thinks he’s trying to straighten himself out, but she doesn’t really know. All she knows is, he’s going about it in the most irritating way possible. She loses patience with him. She’s slammed the door in his face. Jordan says, there’s a big difference between slamming a door and trying to kill someone, and Laura says, but her point is, if it were anyone but Sonny who attacked Cyrus, who attacked anyone and put them in the hospital, she would want the police to pursue that case. She would want the assailant to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. So why would Sonny be the exception? And no one, especially not the mayor, should look away from a crime because it was committed by someone they thought was their friend. Jordan asks if she’s thinking of having Sonny arrested, and Laura says, the one thing she does know is, that’s not her call to make, but she does know whose call it is.

Ava comes into Pizzulo’s and tells Sonny she’s sorry. It’s like a whole week was jammed into one day. He says, don’t worry about it, and she says she thought he and Avery would be starving by the time she got here. He says he already made Avery dinner, the Corinthos meatball special. She says, lucky Avery, and Sonny says, she told him about her day, that it was good. He put her in the office. She fell asleep on the couch. Ava thanks him for doing all that and he says, his pleasure. Why was her day long? She says she doesn’t think it’s something he wants to hear, but he says, try me. She says she thinks it’s better if she doesn’t. Some of it has to do with she who must not be named. He says, Carly, but she says, the other one who mustn’t be named. He asks what Nina wants, and she says, him.

TJ asks if Gregory is having any difficulties with his medication. Does he ever miss a dose? Gregory says, not on purpose. One of his pills is every six hours, another one’s every eight hours, one of them is on an empty stomach, one of them is with food. Sometimes he just gets frustrated and takes them all at once. TJ says, not ideal, and Gregory says, that’s not counting the times he can’t remember if he took them, so he takes them again. Or not at all. TJ says, he might need a better system, and Gregory says his son Finn is quite the taskmaster. TJ says, not only at home, and Gregory says, TJ isn’t the first person to tell him that. Finn always seems to know what pills he takes, when he took them, and what meds are on deck. Finn is probably the reason he’s doing as well as he is, and people seem to think he is. TJ asks what Gregory thinks, and he says he tries not to compare how he’s feeling today with how he was feeling a year ago. TJ says, wise man, but Gregory says, not so much wise as older. But TJ is young. Does he have kids? TJ says he and his partner have one on the way. They’re using a surrogate. Gregory says he and Alexis work together. He thinks she said something about that. His partner is Molly, and her sister is their surrogate? TJ says, Kristina. And if Gregory works with Alexis, he bets Gregory’s heard a lot. He’s going to try and keep Alexis from scrubbing in during the birth. Gregory laughs and says, good luck with that. When is the baby due? TJ says, in August, and Gregory says, that’s just wonderful. TJ shows him crossed fingers, and Gregory asks if there’s a problem.

Felicia says she did set out to raise a strong, capable, brilliant daughter, but she also raised Maxie to be illogical, so she’d have at least one flaw. Maxie says, congratulations on a job well done. Let’s call it a day. Felicia asks, what’s going on with Spinelli? and Maxie says she kissed Spinelli the night they found out Jason was back. Emotions were running high. Felicia asks why she’s just hearing about this now, and Maxie says, because it’s not logical for her to tell her mom about some crazy nerd she kissed, unless she’s going to follow it up with, she thinks he’s the one. Felicia says he doesn’t really see this as a problem and why she’s still on Maxie’s grudge list. Her matchmaking skills worked. Maxie says, Felicia is still on her list because she’s broken Spinelli’s heart so many times, she can’t do it to him again. And it doesn’t matter that James adores him or that Georgie is crazy about her dad or that Bailey Lou lights up every time Spinelli walks into a room. And it definitely doesn’t matter that she loves Spinelli and probably will forever.

TJ says, he’s a doctor, so he knows it’s important to have the proper amount of sleep, have good nutrition, exercise moderately. If you want to have a healthy baby, that’s the best chance. Gregory says, absolutely, but men and women have been worrying about their unborn children for centuries and in circumstances far more daunting than these. In fact, there was this famous Union officer who fought ferociously in the Civil War. Her disguise was so good, no one realized she was a woman until she went into labor on the battlefield, and she and her baby were just fine. TJ asks if that’s true, and Gregory says he doesn’t remember where he read it, but it’s true. TJ says, so Gregory is telling him this could be worse. Kristina could be eating hardtack and giving birth during Gettysburg. Gregory says, it’s an extreme event, but his point is, long before they were walking the earth, babies were coming out just fine. And of course (🍷) there are sad exceptions to everything, but worrying about them in advance isn’t going to make them more or less likely to happen. This is TJ’s moment. Live in it.

Sonny asks what Ava told Nina, and she says, nothing. As a matter of principle, she doesn’t tell Nina or anyone else anything about him. He says, she had to want something, and Ava says, she does. She wants him back. He says, you know what’s sad? She can’t accept the marriage is over and move on. Ava says she’s sorry it came up at all. His marriage is between him and Nina. He tells her, like he said, until Nina can accept the marriage is over and signs the divorce papers, she’s just going to be hurting. He’s sorry Ava had to go through that. She says, it’s all right. She can sympathize with Nina, even though she knows Nina has no one to blame for her situation but herself.

Dex asks if Josslyn is okay, and she says, yeah, she guesses. It was a huge gift getting Jason back. Her mom’s over the moon. She’s just been happier and lighter, and it kind of just energized the rest of them. He says, she looks great, and she thanks him. She says she just went for a run, so she probably doesn’t smell great, and he says he misses her smell, and her warmth, and her hair across his face.

Brick walks into Jordan’s office carrying a bouquet and says he hopes he’s not disturbing her. The woman at the end of the hall told him that he could find her here. These are for her. He hands her the flowers, and she says, he remembered she likes daffodils. He says he remembered everything about her, and hopes she remembered that he said he’d be back. She says she remembers hearing something like that, and he says, then he just has one more question. Can she come out and play?

Felicia says she was remembering a time when she was in the exact same place Maxie is in. She was in love with someone, and after years of false starts and misfires, she finally realized he was the love of her life. Maxie says, Mac, and Felicia says, when she and Mac broke up, she didn’t think their relationship could be mended. And when it was mended, she was so afraid to let him in. She was so afraid she’d do something to screw it up for good, but then she listened to her heart, not her fear. She’s so glad she did, because when she and Mac were married for the last time, they both knew it was forever. Maxie says she and Spinelli broke up once and it nearly killed her. If she lets him in again, how does she know nothing bad will happen? Felicia says, she doesn’t. She just needs to have a little faith. Maxie says she survived a break-up with Spinelli once. She doesn’t know if she could do it twice. Felicia takes her hands and asks if Maxie thinks Spinelli has the same worries she does, because Felicia doesn’t. He’s seen Maxie at her worst, at her best, and everything else in between, and he never turned away from her until she kicked him out and closed the door behind him. And after he was gone, were either one of them any happier?

Gregory looks at TJ’s tablet and asks if he has to put his glasses on or can TJ tell him if it’s a boy or a girl. TJ says, they told the OB/GYN that they didn’t want to know, so he carefully picked ultrasound pictures where you can’t see. Gregory asks if he’s secretly hoping for one or the other, and TJ says he’s secretly hoping it’s a girl, but Molly can never know that. Gregory says, and she never will, and TJ says, but he’s just hoping the baby is healthy, and has all the necessary toes and fingers and doesn’t know who its surrogate was, because she’s a little crazy and so is her family. Gregory says, so for his partner, TJ snatched up the only entirely sane member of the family, and TJ says, Molly and Kristina are… passionate. Molly is perfect except for all these excuses she keeps making for Kristina. He thinks they’re going to keep rolling off his back like they used to once the baby is here. Gregory says he doesn’t envy TJ right now. All he can do is wait and worry, but it’ll pass. It’s about to be so wonderful. Trust him. TJ thanks him and says, but isn’t Gregory supposed to be the patient and he’s supposed to be the doctor? Gregory says, in his last act as TJ’s physician, let him just say, eat all his vegetables, don’t drink to excess, and he’ll see TJ in a year for his next follow-up. They shake hands and TJ thanks him.

Jordan tells Brick, not bad. Funny with enough sexy to pull it off. He says, she hasn’t seen his sexy yet. She has to sign a release first. She says, the woman down the hall is a notary. Does she need to call her, or should she just take her chances? He says, she’s not taking a chance on him. He’s a sure thing. She asks if he’s saying he’s easy, and he says, for her? Always. She says she needs to finish scanning these before this conversation gets her in trouble with human resources. He says, they’re definitely taking a chance because they’re not safe or suitable for work, and she laughs. She says, a man who can make a human resources joke, and he says, once she finishes that up, he can impress her some more. He can take her out to dinner someplace nice and quiet. And while she’s doing that, if he can find a sink, he can put the flowers in some water for her. She says, no need to do that. She’s taking them home with her. She’s just been scanning these tax returns for the city council all evening. He says he knew that’s what those were. He caught a look earlier. She says, her tax returns are private. He doesn’t need to be looking at them. He says his apologies. So since she showed him hers, he’ll show her his.

Josslyn says she wants to say something and wants Dex to just let her say it, and he says, sure. She says she thinks she knows why he’s doing this. When she found out he was willing to kill for Sonny, she came down on him really hard. And now she thinks he’s trying to prove to her, and himself, that he’s not that guy. He says, okay, and she says, if he was cleaning toilets at a middle school or rescuing puppies, she would respect that and back him up 100%, but not this. He can’t become a cop. It puts him squarely in Sonny’s sights. He says he’s not going to go looking for Sonny, badge or no badge, but she says, he knows too much about Sonny’s business. Eventually, Sonny is going to want to get rid of him for that, so badge or no badge, it doesn’t matter. He says, Sonny had a chance to get rid of him and he didn’t, and she says, because her mom stopped him. But he doesn’t listen to her anymore. And Dex knows Sonny loses his mind a little bit every time he thinks someone betrayed him. Look at what Sonny did to him. He hung Dex from a meat hook and put him in a freezer the first time he thought Dex lied. Dex says, and she saved him. he hasn’t forgotten. She says, he’s not going to let this go and Dex knows that. They might not be together anymore, but she doesn’t want anything bad happening to him, ever. She has to go. She gets up and he asks her to wait.

Felicia says, it wasn’t fair of her to conspire with Spinelli, to make an excuse for him to move in, and Maxie says, that was a rare, but rather large swing and miss for her. That’s okay though. Most of the time, she’s very wise. It wouldn’t kill her to actually listen to Felicia once in a while. Felicia says she didn’t expect Maxie to say that, and Maxie says she didn’t expect to say it, but she’s tired. To be honest, she’s surrounded by a lot of wise people. Mac, Felicia, Brook… Even James has this really cute way of looking at life where he cuts through the noise. Not her though. She is the noise. Felicia says, there are so many people that love Maxie. She just wishes Maxie could be one of them. Maxie says, most days she’s okay. Sometimes it’s rough though. Felicia says, those are the days she needs someone at home who loves her more than anything. Like an adorable, crazy nerd, for instance. She hugs Maxie.

Dex says, before Josslyn goes, there are some things he thinks she should know. He told Commissioner Devane that he would testify against Sonny. She says, what? How? He says he didn’t have any hard evidence, so she said it would just be his word against Sonny’s. She says, and anyone else Sonny got to lie for him, and he says, right. She said it would all end up in the wash and he’d end up with an even bigger target on his back. She says, as if that’s possible, and he says, so the Commissioner suggested he become a cop so it would give him some level of protection. He doesn’t know if it will or not, but once he started this process, he saw it as a second chance. Not to prove anything to her, but because it felt right to him. She says, that’s as it should be, and he says he fought for his country. Then he fought for that man to make money by any means possible. Sonny saved his life and put his faith in him, and he thought he’d found a home in him. But someone like that can never be home. Fighting for what is good and decent, protecting people from being victimized, that is the fight he wants. She says, even if he’s fighting for people like Cyrus, but he says he doesn’t get to pick and choose. He wanted her to know where he was coming from when he applied to the academy. She says she appreciates him telling her, and he runs off.

Jordan says she thinks it’s best that any and all financial records Brick has, remain a mystery to her, but he says, there’s nothing scary or bad in there. He’s just a consultant who’s very good at his job and very high in demand. She says she knows. She’s familiar with one of his clients who has a frequent demand for his services. He says, that may be one of his clients, but he’s not his clients any more than she’s the city’s infrastructure, which by the way, could use some improvements. She says, thank you… I think, and he says, come on. Even superheroes get hungry. She says, that’s true, and he says, come on. His phone rings, and he says, yeah?… Argh… All right. Tell him that he’s one his way… Fine, he will. Damn. She says, he did tell her that he was in demand, and he says he was hoping she’d be the one doing the demanding. She says, next time he’s in town, let her know, and he asks if that’s a demand. She says, not quite, but something like that, and he says, then how can he refuse? He leaves and she wonders what’s wrong with her.

Ava says she’s going to say something she probably shouldn’t, and Sonny says, let’s hear it. She says she knows they’re not together in the conventional sense, but the truth is, she really likes living with him. He says, yeah. He likes it too. Sometimes unconventional is the way to go. They both smile.

Tomorrow, Brook says she appreciates the offer, and Chase says, but she’s not going to take it; Gregory tells Elizabeth that he thinks he knows; Laura says she and someone else have been standing in the way of it for far too long; Anna says, they’ll be ready; and Cyrus says he holds Sonny’s fate in his hands.

Vanderpump Rules

Scheana meets with everyone, minus the Toms, James, and Ally, at Kyle Chan’s store to shoot her Good As Gold video. She says she got a text from Katie and she’s not coming. She said she’s on her death bed. In Scheana’s interview, she wonders if Katie is really sick or avoiding Lala after the fight they had. We flash back to that, and Scheana says, when she recorded Good As Gold, she never imagined 10 years later she’d be doing a video. Going back to the studio with The 27 made her realize how good music has been for her. It’s a creative outlet where she can let her feelings out. She couldn’t be happier.

Ally tells James that Rachel did a podcast, and she’s blaming him for Hippie’s behavior. There’s podcast talk at the shoot as well, and Scheana says she’s been going since 7 am and hasn’t listened to it, but people texted her. She hasn’t been able to catch up. She tells Ariana that Raquel claimed she and Ariana were acquaintances. In Ariana’s interview, she says she and Raquel spent a ton of time together. We flash back to some of that and Raquel saying that these are her forever friends. Ariana tells us, when Raquel says they weren’t good friends, it’s to make herself feel better about what she did. Or she’s saying Ariana is sh*t. Scheana says, Raquel claimed she had a savior complex and that their friendship was equally beneficial. But Raquel never paid for anything, not even toilet paper, and she had sex in Scheana’s bed. Ally tells James that Raquel said she was upset after she and James broke up and wasn’t over him. She never loved Sandoval. That’s not what she said last summer. We flash back to the Reunion where Andy used the words in love with Tom, and she agrees she was. James says, Sandoval offered to have him open for his band at the El Ray, and in James’s interview, he says he understands Sandoval lied, as he lied to Sandoval in the past, but he’s trying to figure out their friendship. Was it real and is there anything to salvage?  He tells Ally that even though he doesn’t open for anyone, he’s considering it, and Ally says, it’s depressing. She wants to move on to brighter topics. She tells James that Lala is having a sperm donor party and letting her friends pick out the baby daddy.

Lala asks Ariana if she can have the party at her house, but Ariana says, the house is a hot mess without Ann, and we see a clip that says, life without Ann. It’s not even hot. It’s just a mess. She tells Lala that when she has a new house, Lala can absolutely get inseminated there. In Lala’s interview, she says, it’s a monumental moment, the picking of her future child, who will be part of her life until she dies. She wants to take the science jargon out of it a little. We see a clip of her visiting the lab, and she says she’s trying to figure out ways she can look at her baby and say, they were brought here out of love. It may look different, but love is love. Lala says she’s going to ask Lisa. Ally tells James that Lala was venting about Katie at paintball. They’re both intense personalities and need to work it out. James agrees.

Schwartz says, the dogs are all he’s got, when Sandoval walks in. Schwartz apologizes for the condition of the fridge. Lately, things have fallen apart. Sandoval says he’s shell shocked that Raquel said she wasn’t in love with him on the podcast. She’s acting as though she somehow got the worst of it. Schwartz says, they both got it bad, and Sandoval cries, saying, he thought she’d see the work he’s done on himself. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he wasn’t ready to give up hope until he heard from her. Now he has. To go through all that and not give it a shot, what was it all for? He tells Schwartz that he doesn’t understand. He would do anything for her. Schwartz says, regardless of what she said, she probably just wanted to be heard before she pursues her new life. It’s been over. Me: sorry not sorry.

Lisa goes to TomTom and asks bartender Logan if the Toms are there. He says he hasn’t seen them, and she says, they’re supposed to be showing her cocktails. In Lisa’s interview, she says, it will never be PUMP; it’s a different aesthetic. But there’s no reason they can’t develop the restaurant part and add brunch. Scwartz arrives, and Lisa asks if he’s keeping his hair or is she shaving it off. Logan says, it turns him on, and Lisa says, then keep it. Lisa says, Sandoval was supposed to be here at 1:15, and Schwartz says, it’s 1:45. Schwartz tells her that Sandoval listened to Raquel’s podcast, and Lisa says she hopes Raquel said something nice, but Logan says, she didn’t. Lisa says, who cares? She doesn’t love Sandoval. She’s been open about that. Schwartz says, it’s over, and Lisa says, Raquel has been away for three months, and she thought Sandoval was in a better place. Schwartz says, he was, when Sandoval finally shows up. Lisa says, he’s late, really late. He says he’s sorry, and Lisa asks if he wants to talk. He begrudgingly says, I guess so, and Schwartz makes himself scarce. Lisa doesn’t have to pry too hard for Sandoval to admit he’s upset because of the podcast. She asks why he’s listening to it, and he says he wants to know what she’s saying. It’s bullsh*t. She says, don’t listen. Why torture himself? She asks about the house and Sandoval says he’s accepting Ariana’s offer. She asks if he’s going to sell it or buy her out, and he says he’s thinking about it. He made the offer over two months ago, and his thoughts have changed. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, it took Ariana so long to get back to him, he’s on the fence whether he’s going to keep it or if he can refinance. If he refinances, he’ll be paying more than double what he’s currently paying. Lala joins them, and Lisa asks what she wanted to talk about. Lala asks if she can host her sperm donor party at Lisa’s home, and Lisa asks if there will be j*rking off in her back garden. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Lala assures her that nobody is going to be doing that. It’s going to be beautiful, and she has the catering lined up and the balloons. Everyone will get a packet with the donor information, and they’ll vote. Lisa asks if everyone else is choosing her sperm donor, and Lala says, including Lisa. Let her be excited. Lisa says she gives her blessing… she guesses.

Scheana and Brock go to Ariana’s house, and Ariana says, Logan was at TomTom and said Sandoval was having second thoughts about buying her out and might want to sell. They could have sold in March, and she could have been out of here. In Ariana’s interview, she says, now that Sandoval got an actual look at the financial end, he realized he couldn’t do it. She could have told him that before. It’s hard being right sometimes, especially when that’s always the case. Brock tells her that they heard part 4 of Rachel’s podcast: How Do You Like Them Apples? In Scheana’s interview, she says she’s got a new song with The 27 called Apples. When she first wrote it, it was only about Raquel, but she extended the second verse, and it was directed at Sandoval. She’s trying to take a traumatic experience and turn it into a piece of art. It’s therapeutic and it’s catchy. Scheana says, Ariana has a lot on her shoulders. She has everything, and that’s amazing, but she’s still dealing with a lot, so they’re seeing what they can help with. Ariana says she doesn’t touch what isn’t hers, and in her interview, Scheana says, Ariana and Sandoval’s house has always been on the messier side. But if it’s so messy now that Ariana doesn’t want people over, that worries her. She doesn’t want Ariana falling back into a dark place. You don’t want a messy house that’s a reflection of your mental health. She and Brock get to work, and Ariana says, they’re doing the assistant’s job. Scheana comes out with a present that’s been there since Christmas, and it’s now August. In Ariana’s interview, she says, now that she knows for sure she’s moving, she’s not unpacking anything and putting it away. If she receives a box, she just stacks it. It’s one less thing she has to pack. Scheana says, she’ll feel better if they throw the trash away. Scheana picks up… something, and Ariana says, they don’t want to touch that, but Brock says, they’ve got a kid. Scheana says, she’s touched worse things. She cleans up after Brock. Brock says he’s not that bad.

Sandoval rehearses with his band and it’s pretty awful. James comes in with Hippie as Sandoval leaps around the stage. James says, Sandoval is the talk of the town, and Sandoval says, it’s been a rough couple of days. James says he’s been there with Raquel and learned his lesson. Sandoval says he tried to look out for Raquel, but he realizes he cared more than her. It was f***ing bullsh*t and disrespectful. She used him and threw him away. I have no words, and James says, he lived his own life after he and Raquel broke up. He’s done talking sh*t. Sandoval says he has no closure, and James says, f*** closure. Sandoval says, Raquel is selfish. She gave James the ultimatum about not drinking because she thought he couldn’t do it. James says, Raquel said she didn’t love Sandoval and had sex with him because she was getting over James. Sandoval says, if they had sex when they’d meet, it was only for a little bit. They mostly talked. James says, what Sandoval had with Ariana was true love. He forgot and now wants to rewrite history. Have fun with his band. James isn’t opening for him. This is a joke. In James’s interview, he says, Sandoval can’t let go of the past. He’s waiting for Sandoval to get a clue, but maybe he never will. He’ll be 75, doing karaoke, and taking out his d*ck flute. STFU. Sandoval tells James to go push some buttons on his laptop as James walks out.

Puffy! There’s a gorgeous spread awaiting Lala’s party at Villa Rosa. Lala tells Lisa that after everyone’s bellies are full, they’re going to play pin the sperm on the vagina. In Lala’s interview, she says, she’s a couple hours away from choosing a baby daddy. There are so many supportive people who love her daughter, she knows they’ll love on the new baby. Ally tells Katie that the argument she had with Lala sounded heated. At paintball, Lala said she seemed miserable and was getting upset easily. Katie insists she’s not miserable and getting upset easily. She’s tired of the same dumb sh*t. In Katie’s interview, she wonders, since when does Lala talk sh*t behind her back instead of to her face?

Schwartz visits Sandoval and meets new assistant Craig. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he met Craig when Craig interviewed for Schwartz & Sandy’s. He’s now Sandoval’s new assistant. It didn’t work out with Ann, so Craig is coming on board. Sandoval says he’s delayed responding to Ariana’s email so he can hang out with Mya longer. He’d consider keeping the house… Schwartz asks him not to say, if he had a roommate. Roommates are terrible. But hypothetically, what rent would he be paying? Sandoval says, $6000. Schwartz pays $4500 now, so it’s not that bad. I guess Sandoval is bad at math since that’s a big monthly jump. Schwartz says, he can’t put something like that in and not get a return. He’d have no equity. Sandoval says, they could get loan together, but Schwartz says, they’ll be looked at like two nincompoops.

Lala tells the guests, before they pick donors, they need to go through their binders. She thanks them for coming here because she loves them, and now she’s getting emotional. This isn’t how she pictured her life, but she’s beyond grateful this is an option. The one thing she feels she’s good at is being a mama. But before they pick a baby daddy, they’re going to play pin the sperm on the vagina. She thinks Lisa should go first. Lisa wonders how she got roped into this, and in Lisa’s interview, she says she’s blindfolded. How is she supposed to know where the vagina is? She can barely find her own. What about Ken? He’s used to fumbling around. Maybe he’d do a better job. Lala says, okay, bitches and gays, lets pick a f***ing donor. She brings out Ryan from the sperm bank who’s been walking her through the process. She goes over the donors, and in Ariana’s interview, she says, a word of advice to potential donors. Be thorough and heartfelt with your answers. Are you in it for the right reasons? Lisa says, Lala must have the one whose favorite animal is a dog, and Lala’s mom wants the one who cooks. Lala reminds them that they’re not shopping for a man, just his sperm. She has the voters use a happy/negative face paddle to vote, and donor one is a slam dunk. In Lala’s interview, she says, she has her baby daddy. Going this route is giving her what her heart and soul so badly want. She tears up and says, it’s very exciting. She tells the guests that she’s planning on a November or December insemination, which would mean an August or September due date. Next summer, she’ll be bumping around. Lisa says she had more fun conceiving Lala’s baby than she did her own.

Ally tells James about the party, and in her interview, she says, the questions she’d ask would be, what was their GPA in high school and what is their sun sign? She tells James that Lala asked if she wants a baby, and she said, one day, but she’s not ready right now. James says he sees it in the future, and Ally says she never felt called to being a mom. She’s felt it with cats and dogs, but not a baby. She had no dreams of marriage. James says, these are things he wants, that he’s worked his whole life for. He sees a future with her, and it scares him that she’s not ready. He doesn’t want to invest another five years and find out it’s bullsh*t and never meant anything. In James’s interview, he says, he thinks about everything leading up to this moment and the girl he loves has no plans for kids. It would break his heart. He tells Ally that the love chapter in his life wasn’t what he thought it would be. He doesn’t want to think about going back to square one. It would be a nightmare to him. Ally says she loves him and sees a future with him. She wouldn’t be with him if she didn’t.

At TomTom, they prepare for the first brunch, and Schwartz says he’s going to pass out shots. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, the brunch has been five years in the making. It’s not how he envisioned it with PUMP on the other side, but it’s a win. They have a great turnout and he thinks it will be one of their biggest selling points moving forward. James tell Sandoval that he’s sorry, and in his interview, James says, after he talked to Ally, he remembered he has to be the bigger person. He sets up his DJ stuff, and Lala asks what Katie and Ally were discussing at her party. Katie says, Ally said Lala claimed she seemed miserable and getting angry at everything. Lala asks if Ally said that was verbatim, and Ally says she’s trying to remember. We flash back to Lala using the word unhappy. Lala tells Katie that she was going to have a conversation with her, since she felt Katie wasn’t in a happy place, but Katie says, she’s wrong. Lala says she wants to know she won’t trigger Katie, since Katie said she didn’t feel Lala was loyal or consistent. Katie says, it’s not that. She thinks Lala’s softness is going to not deserving people, and she’s been more defensive. Lala says, maybe it’s because they were inseparable last year and now, she doesn’t know where her place is. She gets it. She has a kid. Katie says she doesn’t have a person or kids. She has all the time in the world. She doesn’t want Lala to feel like she has no time for her. Scheana says she’s learned that Lala needs someone checking in with her, and Katie says she texts and calls Lala. Lala starts to cry, and in Katie’s interview, she says she’d love to have Lala as a close friend, but it goes both ways. It’s an effort, not an obligation. Lala says she needs Katie to know that she loves her for who she is. She wants them to show up for each other, and wonders if they can get back to that. Scheana wonders if they can go back to being the Spice Girls now.

Brunch is in full swing. James is doing his thing, and the response is good. Sandoval tells Schwartz that he got something from Doug about another property they could possibly move into. After living with the enemy, he realizes… Scheana comes over, and says, every day, it’s something new about Sandoval. She asks how he’s doing, and he says he feels betrayed and hurt and he’s not getting closure. Scheana says, none of them are. She wrote a song and there are a couple of specific lines… Sandoval says, about the affair? and Scheana says, it’s open to interpretation. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, it’s open to interpretation aside from the fact Raquel drove a Jetta (mentioned in the song). Sandoval says, she’d feel differently if it was her and he wrote a song, but it’s okay. He walks off, and Scheana says she thought he’d heard it. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he thought he and Scheana were becoming friends again. Now she’s going to profit off his pain. He’s collateral damage, but she’s got to put her track out. If she cared about things, she wouldn’t do this. He walks past the table on his way out, and says, keep cashing in on his misery.

📲 Now I’ve got to find that song for my playlist.

Next time, Schwartz gets a tattoo and Sandoval passes out; no longer the worst human on earth, Jax pays a visit; and Scheana and Brock are at each other’s throats.

🍼  Slipping Into The Valley…

I’m not liking this show. So far, it’s not the trainwreck Summer House is. There are no frat parties with an agro Lindsay, screaming at her boyfriend of the season, or engagement parties being eclipsed by a former BFF’s bizarre insecurities. This is a different kind of dislike. For one thing, not everyone in the world is interesting. Brittany and Jax are transports from Vanderpump Rules, where Brittany was a novelty and Jax was… well, Jax. There is also transport Kristen, but we’ll get to her. TBH, the rest of the cast names haven’t registered. Because they’re boring. Stepford boring. It’s like high school students playing at suburban life. A lot revolves around kids and marriage, but it’s just not that noteworthy. Ditto the shade. One woman looks up her friends’ houses on Zillow and even knows what they pay in taxes. While that seems a little stalkerish, and personally, I’ve never done that, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. Not to mention, the overblown house prices information on Zillow is all public record anyway.

Then we have Kristen. I’m no fan, but this girl can’t catch a break. I believe she’s sincere in her intention of wanting to mature and change, but good luck when no one will let you forget your VanderPast. Shame on the show itself for including so many flashbacks of Kristen’s bad behavior many years ago. This one is just not working for me.

🔎 No Diggity To See Here…

Come on by tomorrow for soap and gems of entertainment unearthed from the internet. Until then, stay safe, stay not shying away from opportunity, and stay not worrying in advance. That isn’t going to make the worst more or less likely to happen.

April 12, 2024 – Jason Has a Generous Impulse, Outside the Soap, Cancelled Talk, Knots Again, Just Awful, VanderSituation, Details, BravoCon Man, Three Tails, Nonet Quotes & Wild


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Alexis says she’s missed Gregory, and The Invader isn’t the same without him. He says he misses it too. He truly enjoyed the work, but in the words of a famous American poet, you’ve got to know when to fold ‘em. His best days aren’t ahead of him. She says she hopes he doesn’t mind if she still calls him every day with her problems, especially if they’re ethically sticky. He says he’d be hurt if she didn’t. Anything in particular? She says, let’s just eat before I lose my appetite. The Invader gives me heartburn. He says he’s sorry to hear that, and they look at their menus. She says, there was something else she wanted to say to him. She’s so sorry, but she can’t be his extra one for the wedding. He says, why not? and she says, because there’s a slight chance she may be getting her law license back.

At the coffee warehouse, Diane says she takes it Jason got her message about some of his bank accounts being unfrozen. He says he did. Fast work. She says she’s Diane Miller, and he asks if he has enough money to buy back Carly’s half of the MetroCourt. (I swear, I thought that’s what he was going to say before he said it.)

Michael says he doesn’t know what his mom was doing with Agent Cates… and because she never learns, Nina says, it’s all too clear what they were doing. Carly was bringing up room service for two and Agent Cates was wearing nothing but a towel. Curtis says, Nina knows things aren’t always as they appear. He’s sure Carly wouldn’t cheat on Drew. Drew says, it wouldn’t be cheating. He and Carly broke up. Curtis says he’s sorry; he didn’t know. Michael says, his mother’s personal life is her business, not Nina’s, and Nina says she just thinks it’s a shame Carly would hook up with a guy who’s a federal agent after she and Drew broke up.

As she brushes him, Sasha asks not-Comet not to tell his buddies, but she thinks his coat is the shiniest. He must get a lot of vitamin A, D, and E. Cody comes in and says, you again. Any luck with the job search? She says, not really. She’s applied for everything; receptionist positions, corporate communications, positions in insurance and public affairs, most of them in New York and Connecticut. He says he’d hate to see her move, but at least she’s getting nibbles, right? and she says, but nothing that interests her. She’s tired of being considered because these jobs are public facing, and she fits the company’s image. He says, receptionist jobs are out. She’s way too qualified for that. But any company would be lucky to have her. She says, not if they only care about her looks. Been there, done that.

At the Home & Heart studio, Lucy tells Maxie that they need gels because the light is just not flattering… to the product. She asks a woman on the stage if they could please get some lighting gels, and Maxie says, they’d really appreciate it. The woman says she’d have to get the producer’s permission, and Haven says, that’s okay. Just do it. She asks if Maxie and Lucy are ready for another blockbuster segment, and Lucy says, absolutely. Maxie says, all set, and Haven says, no Sasha she hears. Maxie says, unfortunately not, and Haven says she doesn’t know this Blaze, but her granddaughters are very excited. She’s been ordered to get an autograph. So is she here yet? Maxie says, they’ve decided to streamline the duties of the Face, so Blaze will not be the spokesmodel today. Haven asks, then who is doing the selling today? and Lucy says, who else? Moi. (I’ll have what Morgan Fairchild is having. She’s 74 and looks amazing.)

On the phone, Brook says, it’s fully electric, not a hybrid?… Tracy walks in and Brook says, that is so awesome. Send her all the specs and financials. Send her everything. She’s so excited that they have the pickup in stock. She’ll be waiting. Tracy says, don’t tell her that she and Chase has eschewed the traditional limo ride to church for a 4×4.

Michael says, before they believe what Nina’s telling them, just consider the source, and Nina says she imagines Michael is used to this. Carly is not known for her discretion. Drew says, Carly has a right to privacy just like everybody else. He doubts any of them would like everybody to know what they do behind closed doors. Nina says, that’s the thing. Cates’s door wasn’t closed. They were perfectly visible from the hall. Maybe Carly just needed a good… night out. Curtis says, they don’t know what did or didn’t happen. What they do know is, Carly and Agent Cates are consenting adults, so whatever happened is none of their damn business. Drew says, Curtis is right. He’s done discussing it. Nina says, yeah. It must be painful knowing Carly got over their relationship so quickly.

Haven says, so Lucy is the spokesperson, and Lucy says, yes siree bob. Because who better than the founder? Maxie says, and nobody knows the product better than Lucy, and Lucy says, yes, indeed. She’s been in on every single step of developing their new face cream. Haven says she’s going to have to check with her producer about this, and leaves. Lucy says, that certainly could have gone a lot better, and sees Maxie looking at her tablet. She asks, what is with Maxie’s tepid attitude? She just stood there like she swallowed a fish. Why didn’t Maxie have her back more? Maxie says, maybe because she doesn’t agree with Lucy’s decision to do this. Why is she insisting on taking this all on herself? Lucy says, why is Maxie so against… Wait a minute. Maxie wants to get up there herself. She wants the spotlight. Is that correct? Maxie says, Lucy has to be kidding her. She wants Sasha in the spotlight. The public knows her, and they love her. Lucy says, okay, fine, but Maxie has to get over that because Sasha – she lowers her voice – quit. Maxie says, thanks to Lucy, and walks off.

Carly goes the MetroCourt bar and says she got Michael’s text. How did he know she was in the hotel? He says, Nina told him. He guesses she spent the night in Agent Cates’s room. She says, that woman. Nina called to tell him that? Is she going to put it on the cover of The Invader? He says he was in Drew’s office downstairs, and she showed up and filled them in, and Carly says, she told Drew? He says, and him and Curtis Ashford. They were in the middle of a meeting. She says, Nina once told Sonny that she was having an affair with Brick and she was wrong. Does that woman ever learn? Just to be clear, she stayed over with Agent Cates. She did not sleep with him. Michael says he knows, and she asks, how is Drew?

Diane says she doubts Jason has developed a sudden interest in the hospitality industry, so she can only assume… He says he’s going to give the MetroCourt back to Carly, and Diane says, that’s a very generous impulse, but it’s going to take some finessing. First of all, Nina has no incentive to sell. He says, give her one. She can name her price. Diane says, no she can’t. Absolutely not. She has far too much pride in her skills as a negotiator to hand anyone a blank check, much less that real estate heiress. She can make a little profit, but Diane isn’t going to let him overpay. He tells her, handle it however she thinks is best. Just make it happen. She says, his real obstacle is going to be Carly, and he asks, why? She says, because he’s not the first person to offer to help her reclaim the MetroCourt. Initially, Olivia offered to loan her the money. Then Nina, in a craven attempt to suck up to Sonny, offered to sell it back to her. Then Sonny and Michael. And Carly has said no to all of them. She wants to do it herself. He says, don’t worry about Carly. He’ll work it out with her.

Sasha says, Cody’s not trying to get rid of her, is he? and he says, never. But as great as it’s been, she can’t stay with him and the horses forever. She says she knows. She’s going to run out of savings at some point. Sooner than she’d hoped actually. But she loves being here with the horses. They don’t care how she looks. He says, the horses appreciate her for her, and she says, exactly. He says he gets what she’s saying about being underestimated, and she says, people underestimate him too, don’t they? He says, occasionally, but she’s on a whole other level. She has brains, business savvy, personality, not to mention a strong work ethic. She says she’s proud to say she helped develop Deception’s initial business plan, and he says he bets Lucy and Maxie are kicking themselves right now for letting her walk away. Sasha wonders if she should be kicking herself. Was she crazy to leave Deception? He asks, why? Is she thinking about going back?

Maxie says, if Lucy hadn’t undermined Sasha by telling her that she needed to be edgier, they wouldn’t be in this mess, and Lucy says, what mess? They’re not in a mess. There’s no mess. Deception is not in a mess and she’s perfectly capable of being a pitchwoman. Maxie says, not as capable as Sasha. Their customers admire her. Not just for her beauty, but for her courage and the challenges she faced. She justified their faith. She’s not just beautiful, she’s inspirational, and you can’t buy that kind of narrative. Lucy asks, what is Maxie all of a sudden, the voice of reason? It seems like right now Maxie is a little bit power hungry. Maxie says she has just as much of a right to an opinion as Lucy does. They’re equal partners. Lucy says, they are. Maxie is absolutely right. And as such, they should work together against their common enemy, Tracy Quartermaine. But it feels like Maxie’s friendship with Brook has clouded her judgement lately, and maybe Tracy could then bring down Deception. Maxie says, Tracy didn’t want to get rid of Sasha. She actually lobbied to keep her. Lucy says, until she didn’t. Because Sasha quit and she was not fired. Maxie says, all right. Fine. Maybe if Sasha had felt heard and included, she would have stuck around, but Lucy is only interested in her own opinion. Face it. Her love affair with herself is the real problem.

Brook says she and Chase are going to Florence on their honeymoon, and Tracy says, congratulations. Florence is beautiful. It’s one of her most favorite spots on earth. Brook says she can’t wait to stroll through the Tivoli Gardens hand in hand with Chase. It’s going to be so romantic. Tracy asks what this has to do with a truck, and Brook says, since Tracy is so generously paying for the wedding, Chase insisted on paying for the honeymoon. And Florence is a dream come true, but it is more expensive than a stateside destination, so he sold his truck so he could pay for the trip. Tracy says, wow. She has to hand it to him, that is a sweet gesture. Brook says, he loved that truck. That’s why she’s going to be surprising him with a truck as a wedding gift. And guess what? It is fully electric, top of the line. Tracy says, don’t do it, and Brook says, come again? Tracy says, disrespecting your husband is no way to start a marriage, but Brook says, she’s not disrespecting him. She loves him. But there’s no reason he has to choose between their honeymoon and a truck. They can afford both. Tracy says, Brook can afford both.

Curtis says, Nina is way out of line, and she says she’s sorry. She takes his hands and says, but maybe he doesn’t know Drew as well as he thinks. She tells Curtis that she loves him, and he says he loves her too. She leaves, and Curtis tells Drew, that was uncalled for, and Drew says, it’s been worse. Now where were they? Curtis says, in a minute. He wasn’t aware Drew and Carly had broken up. Drew didn’t tell him. Drew says, because Curtis had a few things to focus on, and Curtis says he remembers when Drew came to the gym and told him that things were rocky between him and Carly. He thought they’d work it out, but he guesses they didn’t. They seemed so happy. Drew says, that was before Jason came back.

Carly tells Michael that Agent Cates didn’t want to go to the hospital, so she brought him back here. She stayed with him so she could wake him up every couple of hours. Basically, she was on concussion watch. Michael asks where she found him, and she says, a couple blocks from the coffee warehouse. At first, she thought he was trailing Jason, but then she realized he must have been following Diane. He asks, why? and she says, because Jason’s too hard to follow. He says, it didn’t bother her that the guy she sat up with all night taking care of wants to bust Jason? but she says, it doesn’t bother her because he’s not going to find any evidence against Jason. There’s nothing in that warehouse but coffee. And Sonny is so furious with Jason right now, there’s no way he’s going to bring Jason back to the business. So basically, Sonny is doing Jason a favor.

Alexis says, so basically, instead of sitting and enjoying a wedding with Gregory and the happy couple, she’ll be pacing up and down a hotel room, preparing for her appearance in front of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court. Gregory says, this is momentous. Although he has to admit he’s a little irked that she kept it from him until now. She says she really doesn’t think it could actually happen. It’s the longest of long shots. He says he doesn’t know. Her and Diane teaming up to argue her case. He’d take that bet. He raises his glass and says, to her then, but she says she doesn’t want to jinx anything. Sorry. She’s alternating between pretending this isn’t happening and having paralyzing anxiety because she really, really wants this so much.

Brook tells Tracy that she and Chase share everything. What’s hers is his and vice versa. Tracy says, sounds great. Very unrealistic. Brook says, don’t go there. They already had the prenup conversation, and that’s not happening. Tracy says she totally respects Brook’s misguided decision to forego the prenup. However, she’s learned from previous experience that having more personal wealth than your husband puts undue stress on the marriage. Brook says, no offense, but Chase is nothing like Tracy’s ex-husbands, and Tracy says, Brook means her ex-fortune hunters? She’s absolutely right. But – she pats the spot next to her on the sofa, and Brook sits down – she knows Chase’s father. And she’s assuming in addition to being a stand-up guy, Chase was taught to be the breadwinner in the family. Brook says, please. That is so old school. Tracy asks if Brook hasn’t noticed her husband-to-be is very traditional. It’s part of his charm. Brook says she almost blew it, didn’t she? but Tracy says, she did it out of love. Like he sold his truck out of love. But her going off and buying another one totally negates the sacrifice he made. She’d be devaluing his loving gesture. Brook says, wow. Tracy saw that. She didn’t. Tracy says she’s had many years to make mistakes and learn from them. But buck up, girlie. She’s got herself a thoughtful, generous, devoted husband-to-be. Brook says, the best. She’s just sad he has to give anything up for her.

Gregory asks if Alexis knows what happens when well-meaning people find out you have a terminal illness. You start getting suggestions; mindfulness, positive visualization, prayer, alternative medicines, healthy diets, yoga, acupuncture, you name it. She says, that’s got to be really overwhelming, and he says, yes, but you get used to it. He knows it comes from a good place. She asks if she’s done that, but he says, no, not at all. She asks, what’s his point? and he says, despite what other people may suggest, he thinks what it all comes down to is what you choose to believe. Alexis believes that she could still be a good lawyer. She says she does. She still has as much passion for it than she’s ever had and there’s nothing more satisfying than helping someone get the justice they deserve in court, no matter what the obstacle. He says he bets she was a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom. He hopes he gets a chance to see her back in action. She says she hopes he does too. He should know that most of these appeals are denied, which is why she’s so quiet about it. He says he has faith for both of them, and puts his hand on hers. She says she wishes everyone felt that way.

Madison hands Nina a stack of messages and tells her that the proofs from the shoot are on her desk. No one can locate Pedro; he still hasn’t delivered the dress for the cover. Nina asks her to call the agent and tell them if Pedro doesn’t deliver in 24 hours, he’s off the cover and her roster. She’s not doing this with him again. She looks through the messages and says, these can wait… Really? Olivia? Madison says, she keeps calling, and Nina says she can’t believe Olivia is still harping on the color refresh she gave the fourth-floor bathrooms. And forget about calling the agent. She wants that pleasure herself. Oh, and if Drew Cain calls, she’s not available.

Drew says, Curtis knows he loves Carly. He still loves Carly, but he’s moving on. He’s getting over it. He’s accepted the fact that she’ll always put Jason first and that is exactly why he had to end it. Curtis says, he ended things? Is he sure Carly is okay with that, after everything they’ve been through? Drew put his life on the line for her. Drew says, believe him. They both know it’s for the best. He did them both a favor. Curtis says, that sucks, and Drew says, it does, but he also knows it’s the right decision. The next time he’s in a relationship, he’s going for the brass ring. He wants what Curtis and Portia have. He wants it to be tested, survivable, solid… Curtis says, it’s true. That’s what they have. They’ve definitely been through the fire, and they’re still standing. Drew says he couldn’t be happier for Curtis.

Lucy tells Maxie that she’s just so passionate about her company. Right now, Deception is the most important thing in her life. Maxie says she knows Lucy loves Deception, but so does she, and Lucy says she knows. She has nothing but love and respect for Maxie. That’s why she lured Maxie away from Crimson to join Deception, but this friendship she has with Tracy’s granddaughter sets her teeth on edge. Because she can’t let that harpy ruin everything that she… they worked so hard to build. Maxie says, they built Deception together, and unless they get on the same page and start trusting each other again, Tracy’s not going to have to lift a finger to destroy Deception. They’re going to do it for her. Haven comes back and says, her producer agrees with her. Lucy is not a suitable replacement for Sasha, so their segment is cancelled.

Diane asks if Jason wants her to put him in touch with a real estate agent, and he asks, why? She says, to find him a place to live? but he says he has a place to live. She says, a rented room above Bobbie’s? and he says, yeah. He likes it there. She says, if he changes his mind, and if she can convince Nina to sell, he’ll have a whole hotel of rooms to choose from. He says he likes where he is, and she asks if he signed the papers her assistant dropped off last night. He says he didn’t get any papers, and she asks what he’s talking about. Her assistant was supposed to bring them to him last night. Carly walks in holding the envelope, and Diane says, this looks familiar, taking it from her. Carly says, Diane’s assistant came by Bobbie’s, and she said she would bring them over, but she got sidetracked. Diane puts them on Jason’s desk and tells him, start signing. He doesn’t need a notary. She’ll pick them up from him the next time she sees him… which she thinks will be soon. She’s off. She leaves and Carly asks if Jason is okay. Jason says he’s good and thanks her for bringing the papers by. She says, that was just an excuse. She wanted to see him. He asks if something happened, and she says she did something he’s not going to like.

Sasha says, if she was thinking about going back to Deception, and just hearing him say that made her stomach drop… He says he guesses that’s a clear answer, and she says she doesn’t want to do something she dreads. Besides, Deception has already moved on. They have a new Face, and booked a new segment on Home & Heart. Today, actually. He says, no regrets? and she says, not one. She may not know what she wants to do, but she knows what she doesn’t want to. He says, that’s progress. When she does figure out what she wants, let him know.

Alexis says, Molly is worried if her appeal is denied, she’ll start drinking again, and Gregory asks if she thinks that could happen. She says she’s an alcoholic. A lapse is always possible. Maybe that’s why she downplayed it so much, because she’s worried the disappointment might… He says, might destroy her? and she says, it’s destroyed her before, and Molly had a front row seat. The life she’s rebuilt doesn’t get her pulse racing, but it’s steady. And she worried if she gets her hopes up, it might be too big of a gamble, and she’s worked too hard for her sobriety. So is this a risk she can afford?

Tracy says, it may be old school, but no spouse or partner worth their salt is going to want to live on their other half’s money, and Brook says, Tracy has dealt with this her entire life, hasn’t she? Tracy says, the family money has given her a lot of advantages, but it’s also caused her a lot of pain. Brook says, those men are idiots. How could anyone look at Tracy and only see dollar signs? She’s an amazing woman, filled with wit and depth and beauty and surprising sensitivity. If those guys couldn’t see that, it’s their loss. Tracy says, yep, she’s a catch. So is Brook. Brook says, not that the Quartermaines are poster children for happy marriages. Look at Edward and Lila. Yeah, they were in love, but how many times did he cheat on her? Tracy says, too many, and Brook says, and Alan and Monica. Tracy says, both serial cheaters and they argued about it the whole time. Brook says, her father was a bigamist. He was married to her mother and Katherine Bell at the same time. Tracy asks, what’s her point? and Brook says, what if she and Chase follow the same pattern? What if their marriage is doomed already?

On the phone, Nina says, they are in charge of the kitchen. Is that correct?… She may have authorized the slightly cutting back of the service staff, but she did not intend for the room service orders to arrive cold. Outside her office, Madison tells Diane that Nina can’t be disturbed. If she likes, Madison can make her an appointment. Diane says she wouldn’t, and barges into Nina’s office, Madison following her. Nina says she expects the room service to maintain the same high standards as the rest of the hotel. She thanks them and Madison says she’s sorry. She told Diane… Nina says, that’s all right. She understands Miss Miller does not like to take no for an answer. Madison leaves, and Nina says, if Diane is here for the divorce papers, she’s wasted her time. Diane says she’s actually here to make an offer on the hotel. She has a client who is interested in purchasing Nina’s half of the MetroCourt, and willing to do it at 3% over market value. Nina asks, who’s the client? and Diane says, Jason Morgan.

Carly says, he was just lying there, and Jason says, and she got out of the car. That’s too big of a risk to take. She says she couldn’t just leave him there. Besides, the muggers took off after she blasted her horn. Anyway, she grabbed John and took him back to his room at the MetroCourt. She spent the night there, waking him up every two hours to make sure he was okay. Jason says, he was jumped a block away from here, and she says, yes, but they didn’t steal anything. They just beat him up. He asks what she’s thinking, and she says she’s thinking it wasn’t a mugging. Maybe it was Sonny.

Lucy says, Haven can’t just cancel their segment, but Haven says, this is live TV. She can’t go on air with an amateur. Lucy laughs and says she hosted the General Hospital Nurses Ball for years and years. And it was on a stage and on camera and she raised millions of dollars for GH. Haven says, congratulations, but she won’t be selling face cream on Home & Heart today. Maxie says, if Haven cancels their segment, what is she going to put in its place? And why would she turn her back on a sure thing? Haven says, they have lots of pre-taped segments. This isn’t the first time this has ever happened. And with Sasha, it was a sure thing. With Lucy, a whole other story. Maxie says, Deception is her highest earner. Haven said so herself. All of their segments have sold out. So will this one.

Gregory tells Alexis, risk is a funny thing. You don’t want to do it unnecessarily, but then again, you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t do it at all. Trust him when he tells her, the things you regret at the end of your life are not the things you tried to do and failed at. It’s the chances you didn’t take. Say she gets reinstated and she’s back doing the thing she loves. Let’s say she doesn’t. She’ll still know she gave it her best effort. And that’s its own reward. Her taking this chance is like skydiving was for him. She says, terrifying? but he says, life affirming.

Carly tells Jason that Cates stopped by Bobbie’s a couple of times, and she just assumed he was working her for information about Sonny, but he never asked her anything significant. But when she told Sonny, he was furious. The way he was toward Jason the other night after his arraignment. Jason says, she thinks Sonny had Cates beat up, and she says she definitely thinks it’s possible. Sonny hates him. And not because he’s an FBI agent, but because of the history they have. She knows the basics about what happened with Karen Wexler, but Sonny regrets it. And Jason knows, when Sonny regrets something, he’s volatile. And on top of that, John was Stone’s older brother and Sonny feels like John abandoned Stone. So she thinks it’s possible Sonny would be targeting Cates. Jason says, John Cates is an FBI agent (in case we didn’t know), and assaulting an FBI agent is a federal crime and Sonny knows that. She says, Sonny knows it. He doesn’t care.

Nina asks, since when has Jason Morgan been interested in the hotel business? and Diane says she’s just here to make the offer. Nina says she would imagine this is for Carly. Does he know whose bed Carly was in last night? He might change his mind. Diane says, interested or not interested? when there’s a knock at the door. Nina says, come in, and Madison says she’s so sorry to interrupt, but accounting needs Nina to sign off on the ad rates. Nina finds the folder and Madison leaves. Diane says she imagines it must be so difficult to run both Crimson and the MetroCourt, and Nina says she loves them both. Diane says she hadn’t realized Nina was interested in the mundane. Cranky guests, plumbing issues, all that tableware and linen to keep track of… Well, she’ll leave Nina to it. She starts to leave, and Nina says, 15% over market. Diane says, four.

Tracy says she doesn’t believe Brook’s marriage is doomed. Just be aware of it. What she thinks is reasonable, Chase may think is extravagant. Like public school versus private school. Brook says she hears Tracy, and Tracy says, as long as she understands that they have very different frames of reference about money, they’ll be okay… on that front. Chase really loves her. Brook says she loves him too. She’s sorry Tracy wasn’t treated with more respect. Tracy says, it’s true. She kissed a lot of frogs. She even exchanged vows with some of them. But in the end, she got her prince. Her marriage to Luke started with blackmail, but it ended with a true partnership. They were equals. Luke accepted her for her. He loved her and she did the same for him. Brook says, it sounds like she was very lucky. Tracy says, she was, and so is Brook. They hug.

Brook says she thinks she and Chase will make it, and Tracy says she certainly hopes so. And whatever happens, she’s always on Brook’s side. Brook says, back atcha, and Tracy says, now she has to get down to the stables because she’s riding again. Brook says, have fun, and Tracy thanks her. Brook says, good talk, and Tracy says, anytime.

Sasha says, very funny, and seeing all the pieces of hay in her hair, Cody asks, what happened to her? She says, Ranger, and he laughs and says, she got a whole bag of tricks. Not a mean bone in his body though. She says, he’s a sweetheart, except messy, and he asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want to reconsider Deception, as he picks the hay out of her hair. She says, can he imagine if Haven de Havilland saw her now?

Haven says she’s here today with Lucy Coe, founder of Deception. Welcome, Lucy. So tell us what fabulous product you have for us today. Lucy thanks Haven and says, in fact, she’s so happy to bring them their brand-new face cream for the woman on the go. It is super moisturizing and goes on like a dream. It’s lightweight and you put this on just one time, and you’re good for the whole day. Haven says, sounds like her kind of moisturizer. She’s so busy and definitely on the go. Lucy says, tell her about it. No one is busier than she is. Besides running Deception of course (🍷), she has a thriving real estate business, and she was also, for many years, on the advisory board of ELQ. On the side, Maxie starts looking miffed, and Lucy says, and her vote kind of contributed to major decisions… Just recently though, that’s changed, but that’s a long story. She can tell them all about it later, but she thinks the viewers probably recognize her the most for being the mistress of ceremonies at the General Hospital Nurses Ball for many years… well, actually until last year. She wasn’t, because… Maxie looks like she has a headache and a half.

Alexis tells Gregory, that parachute jump was euphoric. And she almost backed out. When she forced herself to do it, she realized, until then, she’d been living in fear, and she doesn’t want to do that anymore, so she has to try. He says he thinks they call that resilience, which is also life affirming. And as far as he’s concerned, whether she ever practices law again or not, she already won.

Drew thanks Curtis for coming by. He really wants to discuss this fitness/wellness idea further. Curtis says, definitely. He still can’t believe Nina came at Drew like that. Drew says, it’s all good. She knew what she was doing. Curtis says, maybe. He thinks she’s still hurting over Sonny. Go easy on her. Drew says he and Nina have reached an understanding. They’ve made accommodations with each other. (Is that what the kids are calling it now?)

Nina says, nine. Take it or leave it. Diane says she will take it back to Jason, and Nina says, this might be a little premature. She knows they’re talking about price, but she hasn’t made up her mind to sell, so she needs to think about it. Diane says, the offer won’t be on the table indefinitely, and Nina says, if Jason wants the hotel so badly, he can wait.

Jason asks if that’s why Carly took care of Cates, to make up for what she thinks Sonny did? She says, no. She was just trying to help. It wasn’t until after when she thought about it, and she realized it could have been Sonny. He says, there’s nothing she can do about it. So here’s the thing. Cates is either going to figure it out or he’s not. The best thing she can do is just stay out of this. She says, yeah… That could be a problem. He says, why? and she says she told him, Last night she spent the night in John’s room, in a chair. But this morning, she ordered room service, and when she opened the door to get the tray, John came out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel, and Nina was standing right there, and she saw him. She left a vapor trail straight to Michael and Drew. It’s only going to be a matter of time before Nina tells the entire world that she spent the night with John Cates, including Sonny.

On Monday (unless there’s another eclipse), Brook tells Maxie not to give up yet, she’s got one more Hail Mary; Tracy says, if there’s a problem with it, Cody is out on his hind end; Ava tells Nina that she’s sure it’s progress; and Jason tells Carly that he doesn’t think Sonny would see it that way.

🎭 Old Gig, New Gig…

I’ve never seen this show, but I remember seeing the title in the guide listings.

This looks promising.

💫 What Goes Around…

It would only be fitting, since the replaced a soap. Now can we say goodbye to The View?

👄 Knotty Girls…

And Donna Mills is another one. She’s 83. Is it her vitamins? Something in the water? What? She has no right to look that good. I’m just kidding though. Good on her and Morgan Fairchild.

💃🏿 Back With the Wind…

It might be a season worth watching with Phaedra and Kenya returning.

🏊‍♀️ Another Awful Summer…

Warning: sarcasm ahead. I just can’t understand how things fell apart when Lindsay was in love enough with Carl to make him a sandwich. If you follow this awful nonsense, you might remember many seasons ago when Lindsay’s boyfriend, whose name has been blessedly wiped from my mind, wanted her to make him a sandwich and she went out of her mind. I’m embarrassed to even know that. Then we have Kyle and Amanda who are married, but living on different planets. Run, Amanda, run! Paige and Craig seem to be the only sane ones right now, but we’ll see what happens the next time he brings up marriage.

If you must have more.

🪀 Rebounding From the Rebound…

Ugh. I hate guys like Schwartz. He thinks it’s friends with benefits, while she thinks it’s something more, but he doesn’t dare say anything because he doesn’t want to lose her. Usually, those types don’t say I love you, for which I give them credit, but not good old Schwartzy. He’ll say anything to keep things status quo, which makes him even worse. No surprise he bounced quickly to an actual girlfriend. No doubt he doesn’t like being alone with himself. The good news? He ditched the blond look.

🍸 Giving Them Reunion…

I’m not sure how Lala didn’t fare well. She had zip to be embarrassed about this season. I don’t think I could forgive Sandoval, but I understand why she is. I also understand why she’s getting annoyed with Ariana. Not that I blame Ariana for still being pissed off. I would be too. But to act all middle school and say, if you hang out with him, you’re dead to me, is ridiculous since they’re all in the unique situation of having to deal with each other for the show. What she really wants is for Sandoval to be off the show, but that doesn’t look likely. Instead, she should just rub his nose in the best revenge of living well, instead of snarking at him every chance she gets and acting like she’s a queen banishing a subject. It’s not a good look and could backfire on her eventually.

🎰 Speaking Of Reunions…

Viva Las Vegas. What’s the matter? NYC not good enough for him anymore? And 2024?

🍻 Two Dogs and a Cat Walk Into a Bar…

As Reggie said in Strays, poop for your freedom!

Get rid of the dude. Keep the dog.

Do you know this kitteh?

🎺 Quotes of the Week

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. – Dalai Lama

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.Marie Curie

A little progress each day adds up to big results. – Satya Nani

Clichés are tropes because they’re true. – Wesley Fists (Austin Crute), Daybreak

Make the choice to embrace this day. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the “To-Do” list of tomorrow! It’s inspiring to see all the wonderfully amazing things that can happen in a day in which you participate. – Steve Maraboli

People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right. – Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. – Lao Tzu

The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.Gilbert K. Chesterton

I don’t care to eat a chicken foot. – Karen Everett, The Family Chantel

✈️ Absence Makes Someone Not Here…

Take a cuppla days off, then visit again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and not Jill on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay not fixing it if it ain’t broke, and stay remembering that the things you regret at the end of your life are not the things you tried to do and failed at. It’s the chances you didn’t take.

April 11, 2024 – Chase Changes the Honeymoon Plans, Blame Game, VanderMoments, Shading Shannon, Dead Talk, Pet (!) Diversity & Normally


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly wakes up in the chair and looks over at John sleeping on the sofa.

Brook says, what if they made a mistake? but Lois says, they didn’t. Brook says, what if the style’s all wrong? but Lois says, it won’t be. Brook says, what if the lace is like a gross shade of ivory? but Lois says, that’s never going to happen. Brook says, what if they ruined Lila’s dress for nothing? and Lois says, Lila’s dress was already ruined. Unsalvageable, said the seamstress, except for the best part, which they’re putting to perfect use. So what is she really afraid of? Brook says, what if she doesn’t like it? and Lois says, if she doesn’t like her wedding dress, they’ll scrap it and find her something she loves. Because there’s nothing more important than her happiness on her wedding day. Capisce? Brook says, capisce, and Sandrine walks in with an assistant carrying a garment bag. She says, ladies, are you ready? The wedding gown of your dreams.

Curtis walks slowing into Drew’s office, and Drew says, look at him. He can’t believe this progress. It’s incredible. Curtis says he firmly believes if you do the work, you can achieve anything, and Drew says he was in Greenland with Curtis, so he’s not going to underestimate him, but walking this soon after surgery is next level. Curtis thanks him, and Drew says, and he can take a compliment. Curtis says, Trina’s been on him about absorbing good energy. It sounds a little woo-woo to him, but he’s trying. Drew says he’s happy for Curtis, and Curtis says, don’t keep him in suspense. Why is he here? Michael walks in and says, what’s going on? Drew says, let the meeting of the minds commence.

Alexis says, Nina did not just say that, and Nina asks if she denies it. Alexis says, that she’s being mean to Nina’s precious gossip slinger? Are they in second grade? Nina says, DeWitt is not just The Invader’s society columnist, and Alexis says, ugh, that title. Nina says, he got a promotion. He is now associate publisher. Alexis says she knows that. Nina reminds her of that all the time. How could she possibly forget that Nina has hired someone so incompetent? Nina asks, says who? and Alexis tells her, says me. And it’s not DeWitt’s fault that he’s going to make an ass of himself. That honor belongs to Nina.

TJ meets Marshall at a park bench, hands him a coffee, and says, good morning. Marshall says, and what a beautiful morning it is, and TJ says he has egg sandwiches too, handing Mashall a bag. Marshall says, that’s very thoughtful of him. Not that he wasn’t thrilled to get TJ’s call, but since he has the morning off, why isn’t he spending it with Molly? TJ says he considered it, but he knew how the conversation would go. Marshall asks, how’s that? TJ says, she’d thank him for wanting them to do something together, then she’d say she has an arraignment in five minutes, but she’ll make it up to him tonight. Then that would turn into her trying too hard and both of them faking it through whatever she thought of, or even worse, she stays late at the office to avoid the situation altogether. Marshall asks who they’re talking about here, because that doesn’t sound anything like TJ and Molly.

At the MetroCourt, Anna thanks Valentin for meeting her and apologizes for it being so last minute. He says, lucky for her, he had no breakfast plans, and they sit down. He says he ordered her tea and pours her some. She thanks him for being thoughtful, and he says, she called, and he came. What’s this about? She wonders if he can help her with a case, and he says he’ll always help her. What’s the case? She says, Pikeman.

Brook says she doesn’t know what she was so afraid of. The dress is perfection. Lois says, the only thing more beautiful than that dress was her in it, and Brook asks if she’s crying again. Lois says, get used to it. Her baby girl is getting married in the most magical wedding gown. Brook says she doesn’t know how Sandrine did it, but she really captured the spirit of Lila’s dress to a T. Lois says, it feels like she channeled Lila, all of her kindness and her warmth and her acceptance and her generosity, because that’s who Lila was. Brook says, Lois is so lucky she got to wear Lila’s gown, and Lois says, Brook gets to be a part of that too. Brook says, in the tiniest way, but Lois says, no. In her own way. That’s what makes it so special. Brook gets to have a piece of Lila while still being who she is. Beautiful, amazing, incredible her. Brook thanks Lois for doing this with her, and Lois says, is she kidding? Is she insane? She would have busted that door down if she hadn’t gotten an invite. Brook says, then she’s glad Lois did, and Lois says she’s so happy for Brook. And she’s happy for Chase. She’s happy for all of them really. Brook says she’s happy for them too, and they hug.

Alexis says, why doesn’t Nina just admit it. Nina hired DeWitt to piss her off. Nina says she actually does think he’s an asset, and Alexis says, and the fact he’s a colossal thorn in her side? Nina says, that’s just a perk, no doubt about it. Alexis asks, why? and Nina says, why does she enjoy steam shooting out of Alexis’s ears? Alexis says, why is she doing this? She doesn’t even work here anymore. Nina says, that’s exactly why she needed a replacement, but Alexis says, Nina didn’t need a replacement. Alexis was doing just fine and would do even better if Nina would stop breathing down her neck. Nina asks if Alexis wants people to read her publication, and Alexis asks, what kind of question is that? Everything was fine before Nina got here. Nina says, but is it better since she brought DeWitt on? Be honest about that. It is, because there’s a measurable rise in website traffic. Alexis says, and she thinks that’s because there’s a gossip column? and Nina says, yes, partially. Alexis has to court their readers. She has to give them something delicious and irresistible, so they stick around for the hard news. What she can’t do is decide what’s good for them and ram it down their throats. You have to woo them. Alexis says, what if she just quits? and Nina says, there’s the door.

Michael says, it’s good to see Curtis back on his feet, and Curtis says, it’s good to be back. He hears Jason was exonerated. Michael says, yeah. They’re all relieved about that. Curtis says, when Jason was suspected of taking shots at Sonny, he thought maybe there was a chance he tried before last summer at the MetroCourt. It’s nice to know Jason didn’t put him in that wheelchair. Drew says, he didn’t stay in that wheelchair very long though, did he? and Curtis says, no. He was lucky. He had experimental surgery and it worked. Drew says, come on. The surgery just gave him a chance to walk again. Curtis is the one who made that a reality. All the rehabs, learning how to walk again… Is Curtis kidding him? He can’t imagine what that was like for Curtis. Curtis has all his respect for making it through that and getting to the other side. Curtis thanks him and says he doubts Drew brought them here to compliment him on walking again. Why are they here?

Carly asks how John is feeling, and he says, sore. She says she bets, and he says, and very tired. She says, really? He didn’t sleep well? He says, it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep with her waking him up every couple of hours. She says she’s sorry. Should she have let him monitor his own signs of concussion? He says, is he, by the way, concussed? and she says, no. He’s bruised and bloody, but somehow, his head came out unscathed. He asks if that’s her professional opinion as his almost nurse, and she asks if he’s going to start arguing with her this early in the morning. He says he already knows it won’t do any good.

Sandrine says, Lois might surprise Brook, but Brook says, nothing her mother does surprises her. She’s well-aware of her mother’s flair, shall they say, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Lois comes in, and Sandrine tells Brook, like she said. Wearing a midi dress with a black lace overlay and a short white jacket along with pearls, Lois says, ta-da. Brook says, wow… ma… that’s… Lois says, she hates it?

Alexis tells Nina that she always says that – there’s the door – but they both know Nina needs her. Nina says, agreed. And she’s been agreeing with Alexis the whole time. Her point is, she thinks the paper would benefit if they just had DeWitt’s expertise and experience. Alexis says, no, and Nina says, that’s it. Just no. Alexis says she will not sit by and let The Invader be turned back into a tabloid, and Nina says, then don’t let it. Alexis says she’s trying, but Nina is making it very difficult. A messenger comes to the door and says he just needs a signature from Alexis. Alexis signs the form, and Nina says, you know what it’s going to say on Alexis’s tombstone? Alexis says, death by frustration? and thanks the messenger. He leaves, and Nina says, no. It’s going to say, Alexis Davis, didn’t play well with others. Alexis says, and now they’re back to the schoolyard, and Nina says, because Alexis refuses to grow up. DeWitt stays. End of discussion. She leaves, and Molly walks in. Alexis says she hates that woman, and Molly tells her, take a breath. Alexis says, how? She sucked all the air out of the room. Molly says, professional differences? and Alexis tells her, you could say that. She invites Molly in and says, tell her something wonderful that has nothing to do with this publication. Molly says she would, but she can’t. The Invader is actually why she’s here. Alexis puts her head on the desk.

TJ asks if Marshall has ever looked back at a decision and known he should have gone with his gut, and Marshall says, too many times. TJ says, when Molly pitched the idea of Kristina being both their surrogate and egg donor, his instincts were screaming, this is the wrong move. For a million reasons, but the most glaring being that Kristina’s too close. There’s no finish line. There’s no cutting ties at the end. Why? Because there couldn’t be. She’s Molly’s sister. Marshall says, and since Molly couldn’t go forward without his buy-in, that was TJ’s moment to shut it down. TJ says he should have explained why he was against it, calmly and unequivocally, before anything got too far. Instead, he went with the short-term gain of giving Molly what she wanted. Marshall says, some would call that being supportive, but TJ says he calls that being a coward. She was so wrecked. She was utterly devastated that she couldn’t get pregnant. So when she pitched the idea, he knew that for Molly, the closest thing she could have to carrying her own baby was for her sister to have it for her.

Anna tells Valentin that she and Dante were ambushed on the docks by Roman Hume. He worked for Pikeman. It’s just so strange. All roads seem to lead back to this one, ultra secretive organization that’s run by a ghost. He says, a ghost? and she says, Pikeman’s ties to the WSB are clear, but no one seems to know who’s at the top of the pyramid. So she needs information. She was hoping maybe he could provide it for her. He says, Pikeman? and she says, he was working for them as recently as last summer. He says, as an intermediary, a glorified messenger, and she asks how that job came about. He says he did some contract work for them back in the 90s, and they felt comfortable asking him to introduce them to Sonny, but whether Sonny and Pikeman did any work together after that was none of his concern. She says, okay. Maybe she can pick his brain about something else. Or someone. He asks, who? and she says, Jack Brennan.

Lois asks, what’s wrong with it? and Brook says, absolutely nothing. Lois says, well, something, but Brook says, the dress is lovely. It’s classy and elegant and tasteful… Lois says she feels a but coming, and Brook says, no buts. It’s just not really Lois’s style. Lois says, it’s just and but are exactly the same thing, and Brook asks if Lois thinks that’s her style. Lois says, to go out on a Saturday night? No, but she was under the impression that what you wear to your daughter’s wedding isn’t what you wear to go clubbing. They’re two completely different things. Brook says, it doesn’t have to be this different. What kind of nails would she even do with that? Lois says she was thinking maybe just clear, and Brook says, what? Lois says she’s the mother of the bride. She’s supposed to be understated. Brook says, there’s no supposed to be here. This isn’t a royal wedding. There areno standards she has to live up to. Brook just wants her to wear what she wants to wear. Something that makes her feel like her. Lois says, this definitely doesn’t feel like her, and Brook says she didn’t think so. Back to the drawing board. Lois tells Sandrine, let’s pull some colors, some swatches… Maybe show some skin this time. You know what? Maybe a plunging neckline. Brook says, let’s not get carried away, when Chase walks in. He asks if he missed it, and Brook says, missed what? What is he doing here? Sandrine says, there’s been a special order for the bride-to-be, and Brook asks what they’re up to. Sandrine says she was commissioned to design a dress for Brook’s honeymoon, and Brook asks if Chase really thinks that’s necessary. He says, very, and Sandrine takes out a beautiful black cocktail dress. Brook says, it’s gorgeous, and Chase asks if she likes it. Brook says she’s obsessed with it, but it’s long sleeves. Doesn’t he think she’ll be a little warm in Palm Beach? He says, they’re not going to Palm Beach.

Molly says, The Invader ran a piece on the DA’s office being opposed to the overturning of Heather Webber’s conviction, her multiple convictions of assault and homicide going back nearly twenty years. Alexis says, that would be with the metallosis diagnosis. Yes. She signed off on that. Molly says, then she knows the article cited an unnamed source, and Alexis says, yes. Molly says, mom, and Alexis says, what? Molly says, everybody at the DA’s office assumes that source is her. Alexis says, it isn’t, and Molly says, Alexis knows that, and she knows that, but her colleagues, specifically DA Scorpio, do not know that. Alexis asks what Molly wants her to do about it. The story checked out. Molly says she wants Alexis to help her prove that she’s not the one who broke confidentiality and discussed the case with a reporter, and Alexis asks how exactly Molly wants her to do that. Molly says, tell her who did.

Marshall asks if Molly knows TJ has misgivings about Kristina being the surrogate, and TJ tells him that he wouldn’t say it exactly like that, but yeah. Molly has her worries too. He thinks that’s the problem, because whenever he tells her his concerns… Marshall says, about what, besides the being too close part? and TJ says he just doesn’t think Kristina is taking the best care of herself. (Huh?) She’s out late, she’s not avoiding stress, plus the small fact that she’s out with her dad, who’s getting shot at on the regular. Marshall says, points taken. So when he brings all these things up to Molly… TJ says, she takes the position of defending Kristina, even though he knows they share the same concerns. That’s why they avoid the topic altogether. He just feels like, during this time, he and Molly should be closer together, but he just feels more and more distant from her. Marshall says, and what about Kristina? Has their relationship been affected? TJ says, how can it not be? Any time he shares a worry he has with her, she accuses him of overreacting. It’s as if Kristina is having the baby and she’s going to let them know when it’s here. He sounds ungrateful, doesn’t he? Marshall says, no. He sounds human. TJ tells him, that’s what mom said. Marshall says, smart woman, your mother.

Drew says he’s been doing some research and Floodgate Consultancy Group says, the wellness and fitness space is booming out there. They’re all across the country, but especially in the high-end areas, with both residential and urban people spending so much money not only to look good, but to feel good. Really laying the foundation for health, wellness, and longevity. Michael says he read that report too. 40 is the new 25, and with the right fitness regimen and the right products, you, too, can achieve it. Drew says, so thoughts? and Michael says he thinks it’s a good time for Aurora to diversify. Crimson and print media is still a front burner for them, but it is drying up. They need to find alternative revenue streams. He thinks dipping in to an expanding market makes sense. Curtis says, an expanding market like health and wellness, and Drew says, which is where Curtis comes in.

On the phone, Carly says she just ordered toast and eggs. She doesn’t understand what’s taking so long. John comes in, wearing only a towel, and Carly says she’ll hold. She tells John that she bets the shower felt amazing. He says, it did, and she says, it’s amazing what hot water can do, but he says, not so hot really. Carly tells the kitchen that she’s still holding, and looks at John. He says, the water never got too warm, and she says, he’s got to be kidding her. Back on the phone, she says, she’s here. She’s still here… No. She’s pretty sure there’s no food in her hotel room… What? They left the food outside the door, without knocking…?… Okay. She hangs up and says, they’ve got to be kidding her. No hot water, shoddy room service… This hotel is definitely going downhill. She opens the door just as Nina is walking by, and Nina says, oh. Good morning to you. She looks at John standing behind Carly in the towel.

Valentin tells Anna, what he remembers about Jack Brennan is, his rapid rise to director of the WSB was followed by a spectacular fall. He singlehandedly orchestrated Frisco Jones’ ouster and a year later, he was out himself. She says, he knows Jack is in Pentenville, right? and he says, yeah, thanks to her. She says, in part. She went to visit him the other day. Valentin asks, why? and she says, curiosity? Valentin hasn’t been to see him yet? Valentin says, has he been to see Jack Brennan in Pentenville? No, he has not. Why would he do that? She says, because they were close back in the day, when they were all coming up together at the WSB, but he says, no, not really. Jack Brennan did really well academically and even better with the ladies, but he was in the back of the room, not making eye contact. She says she distinctly remembers them at that pub they used to go to… The Archangel. The two of them were playing dice or something. Whatever it was, they were laughing because they’d aced an assignment that the rest of them just botched. He says, that sounds like Jack, but it doesn’t sound like him. If he was at The Archangel, he was lurking. He wasn’t hanging with the cool kids. Not like her. She was at the center of the circle. Jack was too. He thinks she probably has him mixed up with someone else. She says, he and Jack were just feeding off of each other. They were pushing each other to be better, to be smarter… He says, if anybody was pushing anybody, Anna was pushing Jack. They were the best of the best. Everybody knew that. Valentin was on the fast track to a desk job. He and Jack Brennan have never shared more than ten words together.

Alexis says she cannot and will not reveal the identity of her sources, and Molly tells her that now she’s going to say journalistic integrity. Alexis says, very good, counselor, and Molly says, that’s crazy. Leaked, privileged information is not protected speech. Whoever that source is, not only violated their professional conduct guidelines, they also jeopardized future cases. Alexis says, that sounds like a DA problem, not her problem, and Molly says, it’s a very big problem if the article affected the fairness of a trial. Alexis says, what trial? Heather’s already been convicted on multiple counts, and the DA has already refused to revisit any of those cases. And without a case on the docket, Molly can’t argue that a leak compromised anything. Molly says, she’s impossible, and Alexis says, that’s part of her charm. She holds out her wrists and asks if Molly would like to lock her up until she cracks.

Marshall says, TJ is in a tough and undesirable situation. Life hands those to us sometimes. When one was handed to him, he went for the big fix; he left his family to protect them. But had he stayed, had he gutted it out, it turns out he probably would have had a pretty decent life. TJ says, so Marshall is telling him that he made a huge mistake? but Marshall says, no. He’s saying it’s human nature, or more specifically male nature, to go for the big fix. Sometimes that’s not always the answer. Sometimes you can just let it breathe and settle, and that can be the way to go. TJ says, unfortunately, that ship has sailed, and Marhsall laughs. He says, not for the here and now. Kristina is who she is. And yes, she’s carrying TJ’s baby, and he can’t change that, he can’t erase that. But what he can do is step back and take a look at the whole picture and focus on what really matters. His relationship with Molly.

Carly closes the door and steps out in the hall, telling Nina, stalk much? Nina says, just doing her regular rounds. Carly remembers. Carly says, vividly. Although this hotel is definitely not what it used to be. Nina says, better? but Carly says, not quite. Nina says she didn’t think Carly could surprise her anymore, but she’s done it. An FBI agent? What’s Sonny going to think? Or Jason, for that matter? And poor Drew, forever the runner-up in the twin department. Carly asks if she’s finished, but Nina says she could keep at it all day. Carly looks at the food under the cloche and says she’s happy that Nina’s here. Nina says, no one could be happier than her, and Carly says she’d like to file a complaint about room service. Nina asks if Carly even has time to eat, because she seems quite busy, and Carly asks why Nina doesn’t spend less time worrying about her private life and more time managing her hotel. Nina tells Carly to enjoy the rest of her stay, and leaves. Carly pushes the cart into the room, mumbling about Nina, and John comes out fully dressed. He says, friend of hers? and Carly gives a short laugh.

Curtis says he’s listening, and Drew says, as he mentioned, the wellness/fitness space is booming. Aurora wants to move into that business, but they need someone to spearhead the initiative. Curtis says, meaning? and Michael says, someone with practical experience and knowledge of the fitness industry, a strong leader with customer service experience, and multi-level management skills. Drew says, which are skills Curtis has. The Savoy is a huge success. Curtis asks how they see Aurora moving into the business, and Michael asks what Curtis would do. Curtis says, the most practical thing might be for Aurora to buy up some of the small gyms around the country, rebrand them, and combine them into a national high-end fitness club. People are spending a lot of money in wellness. Meditation rooms, plunge baths, yoga, Pilates, physical training… A mind body connection and combined with a training-slash-fitness facility, this is a one-stop shop. It might require significant capital. Drew says, which they have… Nina walks in, saying, Drew won’t believe this. She just saw Carly… She stops when she sees the other two.

John says he gets the sense Carly and Nina don’t get along, and she says, he must be an FBI agent. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she doesn’t let Nina get to her… She tries not to let Nina get to her. He says he knows a little bit about their history, and she says, lucky him. He says he takes it there isn’t enough water under the bridge yet, and she says, there’s not enough water in the world. Sorry about the eggs. He says, it’s not her fault. Besides, coffee is the only necessary component. (Agreed.) She says, when she owned the MetroCourt, this would have never flown. If a customer complained about their food, they would redo it at no charge. She refills his coffee, and he says, she’s big on customer service. She says, it’s literally what the hospitality industry is all about, and he says, she must have had her fair share of jerks blow through here though. She says, yeah, sure, but for the most part, people were great. And she loved it. She loved making people feel happy and comfortable and special. He asks if she doesn’t get to scratch that itch running Bobbie’s, and she says, to an extent. She loves Bobbie’s – she really does – but it’s a restaurant. Full stop. In this place she got a taste of all of it, really curating a space. From the carpets to the linen to the lighting. Even the music. Putting all of those things together to create the ultimate experience. She loved it. He says, sounds like a symphony, and she says, it kind of was. He says, and she was good at it, and she says, she was great at it. He asks if she thinks she’ll ever do it again, but she says she doesn’t know. She tells people that she will, that she’s going to get her half of the MetroCourt back, but she thinks that’s just a pipe dream, The MetroCourt belongs to someone else, two someone elses. She’s just going to have to accept that.

Chase says he’s been working on a surprise for Brook, and she says, but he’s terrible at keeping secrets. Chase says, it’s true. Her mom has been helping him keep this under wraps. Lois says, guilty as charged, and Brook says, so no more Palm Beach? Chase shakes his head, and she says, please tell her that he’s not working. It’s their honeymoon. He says, they’re still going away, but there has been a change in destination. He leads her over to the loveseat, and she says, okay. As long as it’s not a downgrade, she’s in. Everyone else quietly leaves the room, and she says, so what are they talking? Miami? Charleston? Palm Springs? She’s never been to the desert. He says, think a little further away than that, and she says, like out of the US away? He nods, and she asks what he did. He says he’s marrying the woman of his dreams. No, scratch that. He never dreamed of her because he didn’t know someone this wonderful could exist, and he wants their honeymoon to be a reflection of that. He wants her to remember this trip for the rest of her life. Because she deserves it. She deserves everything. She says, he’s the sweetest man on the planet. So where on this planet is he taking her? He says, Florence, and she says, he’s kidding. He says he’s not kidding, and she says, Florence, Italy? He says, her mom told him that she wanted to go, and she says, only for her entire life. Oh my God, Florence? She jumps up and says, not only does she get to go, she gets to go with him? He asks if she’s happy, and she says, happy doesn’t even begin to cover it, and kisses him.

Molly says, so she guesses Alexis wins – again, and Alexis says, freedom of the press wins – always. Except she has no idea why she’s fighting so hard for it when it comes to this paper. Molly says, because she cares about her job and the integrity of her paper, and Alexis says, integrity the new associate publisher will undoubtedly destroy. Molly starts to leave and picks up the envelope the messenger delivered. She asks, what’s this? and Alexis says, a messenger dropped it off when she was fighting with Nina. Molly asks if she’s looked at it, but Alexis says she was too consumed with rage to care. What is it? Molly says, it’s from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and Alexis says, they’re handling her appeal. Molly says, it’s probably her decision, whether they’ll review her case, or she’ll stay disbarred. Open it. She holds it out to Alexis, who backs up, saying, no. She can’t. She tells Molly to do it, and Molly asks if she’s sure. Alexis nods, and Molly opens the envelope.

As Molly reads what’s inside, she looks sad, and Alexis says, it’s okay. It was a longshot anyway. So the appeal was denied… Molly says, they’re giving her a hearing. They set a date and everything. Alexis grabs it from her and looks at it. She says, they’re giving her a hearing, and Molly says, not just that. They’re giving her hope. This is hope. They hug and jump up and down.

Marshall says, TJ needs to find reasons for him and Molly to come together that aren’t about the baby. It’s those moments of now, those moments where it’s just the two of them. Those moments are precious too. Now, as much as he enjoyed that egg sandwich and this beautiful park… TJ says, and the incredible company of his grandson, and Marshall says, that too. Get his behind over to the store and buy all the ingredients for Molly’s favorite dinner. Just make sure it’s reheatable in case she does have to work late. Wouldn’t it be nice for Molly to come home and see her favorite meal on the table waiting on her? TJ says, Molly would love that, and Marshall says, don’t spend the next three months wringing his hands over what Kristina is or isn’t doing. Spend the next three months with his partner, being just that – partners – before they become parents. Molly is a very special woman. TJ agrees she is and thanks Marshall. They bro hug.

Chase says, mimosa for the bride-to-be, handing Brook a drink, and she thanks him. They say, cheers, and clink glasses. Brook says she can’t believe it’s true, and he says, believe it. She says, Florence… the Uffizi, the Duomo, David… He says, whoa. Who’s this David guy? She says, and they have to take a day trip to Pisa and an overnight to Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet. He says, she’s thought a lot about this, and she says, this is like a bucket list thing for her. And she can’t wait to look up all the best restaurants and they’re going to have gelato every, single day, no exceptions. Okay? He says, yes, ma’am, and she says, they’re going to drink wine at sunset in every piazza they can find. It’s going to be so incredible. He says, she’s so incredible, and they kiss. She says, they have so much planning to do. Wait. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, a honeymoon to Florence is a lot more expensive than one stateside. The airfare alone. He says, that’s okay. He has the money for it. She asks, how? and he says he sold his truck.

Anna says, Valentin and Jack weren’t friends, but they certainly knew each other, right? He says, of course (🍷) they did, and she says, when he was working with Pikeman, in his dealings with them, did he ever get the sense Jack was involved? He says, she believes Jack Brennan was working with Pikeman? and she says she does. She can’t get him to admit it, but when Valentin was an intermediary, did anything jump out at him? He says he wishes he had something useful to offer her, but sadly, he doesn’t. She says, okay. It was worth a try. Maybe when she goes back to see him again. He says, don’t. Pikeman and Brennan are dangerous. If they’re working together, then they’re not to be messed with. She thanks him for his concern, but says she can take care of herself. He says, please do, and she thanks him for breakfast and leaves.

John opens the door for Carly and says, thanks again. She says she doesn’t think he thanked her the first time, and he says, then thank you. Not just for saving his hide on the docks, but for getting him back here and keeping an eye on him all night. She says he’s welcome, and he says, and he guesses they get to be friends, even if it’s just for a minute. She says, just for a minute? Are FBI agents not allowed to have friends? Oh. Worried he’s going to divulge classified information? He says, something like that, and she says, makes sense. But how does he know he doesn’t talk in his sleep? She leaves and he watches her walk down the hall.

Drew tells Nina, they’re at a meeting, so try back later, but Michael asks what she was going to say about his mom. And what did Nina do now? Nina says she didn’t do anything. She just thought Drew would want to know Carly moved on quickly from him and is now sleeping with everyone’s favorite FBI agent, John Cates.

Tomorrow, Tracy tells Brook, disrespecting your husband is no way to start a marriage; Maxie asks why Lucy is insisting on taking this all on herself; Alexis tells Gregory that it’s a risk she can afford; and Carly says she did something that someone isn’t going to like.

🛟 Here It Comes…

Now it’s somebody else’s fault she was a pita. Maybe she confused Fraser by answering every time the primary was asked a question.

🍸 Between Rules and Reunion…

I can’t believe anybody actually monitors who follows who. Aren’t they busy not opening restaurants and stuff?

It’s not about the pasta mirror.

🍊 Shady John…

Andy leaps with glee as he twirls his moustache.

⚰️ About Those Dead…

Like the franchise is ever going away.

Ha-ha! I thought it said giant zombie heads. Now that would be a variant.

Carol’s turn coming up.

🐕 From Around the Globe and Back…

Bollywood babies.

Backup pups.

☔️ April Showers Bring More April Showers…

Stop by tomorrow for pre-weekend soap, the Summer smack talk promised, and shenanigans. Until then, stay safe, stay thinking twice before engaging in online debates, and stay doing the work. If you do, you can achieve anything.

April 10, 2024 – Sonny Meets Jason At the Warehouse, There Goes the Sun, Nathan’s Lane, VanderViews, He’s Toxic, This Week In Chefs, No Snow, Animal Reaction & Paris


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Getting up from the floor and gathering her clothes, Nina says, Drew has been planning something like this all along, but he asks if he needs to refresh her memory. He wasn’t the one who started all this. She says she knows, but she thinks he had this on his mental backburner since he took her magazine away and gave it to Carly. They all know how that worked out. Drew says, the only thing he’s been fantasizing about Nina is her losing all her money, losing her looks, and getting convicted of a nameless crime that gets her sent to prison, like she sent him. (Wow. Most of us would just say, was it good for you too?)

Carly puts some ice in a towel on John’s head and says he looks like he was mugged by a small army. Is he sure it was only two people? He says, yeah. Those guys might not have killed him, but this ice might. She says, it’s not that cold, and he says, it’s ice. By definition, it’s cold. He takes the ice from her and sits down, holding it himself. She says, the ice machine on this floor was broken, which is appalling, and he says, that’s what she finds appalling? A broken ice machine? She says she had to go down a floor to get the ice and it was melting by the time she got it to the towel. He says, yet, when placed against the human body, it’s still plenty cold, and she wonders if the FBI knows the only thing it takes for an agent to spill his guts is a couple of ice cubes. He says he likes to keep some things to himself, and she tells him, all she’s saying is when she ran the MetroCourt, that ice machine would have been maintained. She hands him some water, and he says he’s grateful for the medical expertise. She shakes some ibuprofen out of the bottle, gives it to him, and says she went to nursing school. She didn’t graduate, but the training was really good. When you have kids, you have little reaction time. then you have to keep it together before you get to an actual doctor. Speaking of which, please let her take him to the hospital. Or at least let her call the house doctor here. He says he’s quite happy with the care he’s received so far. He wouldn’t change a thing.

Laura tells Doc that she doesn’t want to jinx it, but she thinks Ace finally fell asleep. She told him a story, did a little singing… Maybe she’s getting the hang of his bedtime routine. Or maybe he’s just getting used to falling asleep without Esme and Spencer. She looks over at Doc, who’s concentrating on his tablet, and she says, or maybe she’s just telling herself a story.

Blaze and Kristina watch TV, Kristina’s head in Blaze’s lap. Blaze asks if Kristina is sure she’s okay with it, and Kristina says, yeah, but if Blaze isn’t into it, just change it. It’s just a movie. Blaze says, the movie is fine. She wasn’t really paying attention. Kristina asks, what’s going on? and Blaze says she keeps thinking about the whole Face of Deception thing. Is Kristina sure she’s okay with her being the Face? (Sounds like a Batman villain.) Kristina says, yeah. Blaze already shares her music with the world. Why not share her beautiful face too? Blaze says, because her mom inserted a clause keeping her private life private in every contract. And if anyone pushes against that point, she made it very clear it’s a deal breaker. Kristina says, Blaze is her public persona and Blaze is not out, but Allie, her girlfriend, is. Blaze says she’ll never get tired of hearing Kristina call her that, and Kristina says, she and her girlfriend are out to their families, to their closest friends, and the people who really matter. That’s all she really cares about. So locking down her private life is the deal Blaze made with her mom and everyone else, but as long as it doesn’t impact them and their relationship, she doesn’t see a problem with it. Blaze says, right, and Kristina says, unless the person who has a problem with it is her.

Curtis walks a little unsteadily into the bedroom, and Portia calls to him, asking where he is. He says, why doesn’t she come upstairs and find out? and she walks into the bedroom. She sees him without his cane, and says, oh my God. He says, one small step for man… Actually, it was a bunch of little steps, but one giant leap for yours truly. She says, this is huge. It’s so great not to see his cane anywhere. He says, no cane. Just him and his two legs. He sits on the bed, and she says, he’s amazing, but he says, no. She’s amazing. If it weren’t for her, he would still be stuck in some hospital bed. Or in his wheelchair still. Mad at the world, feeling sorry for himself, some version of that. That’s how his story would have ended. Because of her, he has nothing but new chapters to write. And he can’t wait – he stands up and she squeals – he can’t wait to write them with her. He takes her hands and says, thank you, my love. They kiss and she says, anytime.

Ava tosses and turns in bed. She sits up, takes her sleep mask off, and says, this is pointless. She gets up.

Jason says he owns half this warehouse, and Sonny asks if he’s taking it back. Jason says he never gave it up, but Sonny says, he deserted it. He was gone for more than two years. He lost the right to take it back. He doesn’t want to see Jason’s face. Didn’t he make that clear? Jason says, that’s why he had Diane speak to Sonny on his behalf. He still owns 50% of Corinthos Coffee. Sonny says, don’t quote his own lawyer… Jason says, their lawyer. They both trust her and what she says. Why not trust her judgement on this? Sonny says, forget Diane. Jason came to his warehouse to get an answer from him. He got his wish. This is his business, and he doesn’t want Jason anywhere near it.

Portia says she’s so proud of Curtis, and not because he made it up the stairs, but because he didn’t give in to despair. He didn’t quit. He says, truth be told, he thought about it. There were times he thought about it, and each time he thought, what would he say to Trina? She got hit with something terrible when Spencer died and it’s okay to call it quits, just curl up in a ball? It’s not him. She says, it’s not. Those words sound like a foreign language coming out of his mouth. She loves it. He says he’s a father now; he’s a son. It’s not just about him anymore. She says he did forget one thing out of that list, and he says, what’s that? She says, lover, and he says, is that so? She says she’d be a fool to let all the effort he took getting up those stairs and into their beautiful bedroom go to waste. And she’s no fool. They kiss.

John thanks Carly for the ice. He thinks it helped. Or else the bitter cold destroyed all the nerve endings in his body, so win-win. She says, he needs to keep this on his head, directing his hand back, and he says, she needs to go home to that adorable daughter of hers. Carly says, she’s great. She’s happy with her nanny. What Carly is concerned about is him having a concussion. He says he’s fine. Trust him. It will take more than a couple of shots to this hard head to do any damage. She says she doesn’t know about that. If he does have a concussion, someone needs to check on him every couple of hours to see if he’s having a hard time waking up. If he is, that means his concussion is getting worse. He says he’ll be fine, but she says, please, just let her take him to the hospital. Just think. If he’s right, he gets to say I told you so. He says he does like that, but come on. All they’re going to do is admit him and wake him up all night long. He’d rather stay here. She says, okay. She can wake people up with the best of them. She takes the pillow off a chair, sits down, and puts her feet on the coffee table. He asks what she’s doing, and she says, getting comfortable. She has to conserve her energy. She has to shake him away in a couple hours, then a couple hours after that. He says he really appreciates… She says, he’s wasting his time. She’s staying right here and she’s going to save him from himself.

Nina asks if Drew is saying he regrets this as much as she does, and he says, two people consumed by mutual, passionate hatred with no acceptable outlet? It’s better than poisoning. She says she doesn’t see a big difference, and he says, think of it like a screwed up spontaneous combustion. She says she’s going to think of it this way, as a downpayment, and he asks, what’s on layaway? She says, appoint her to the board, and he says, of Aurora? What possible sense would it make for him to appoint her to the board of Aurora? She edits Crimson. That’s her entire value to them. She says, and she makes the magazine a success. Okay. Maybe not that, but he’s close to Michael and he’s close to Willow. Find a pathway for her to get back in her daughter’s good graces. He asks if she thinks 45 minutes on his office floor commits him to dragging her out of the wreckage she made of her life. It’s going to take more than a couple of rug burns for him to lift a finger for her.

Nina says she tried to treat Michael and Willow to a surprise anniversary dinner, and they turned her down, which was humiliating. Drew says, surprise dinner, huh? Translation. Regardless of what Michael and Willow wanted, she pushed whatever she wanted on them, which is so on brand for her. She says she doesn’t care how he describes it. It felt like she was punched in the heart. Forgive her if she had to come down here and pull herself together and get a breath. Instead of sympathizing with her… He says he never will sympathize with her, and she says she knows she has a little part in this, but she thinks he took advantage of her emotional, vulnerable state. He says, she’s projecting. Taking advantage of people is her stock and trade. She tells him, shut up, and he says, let him just be clear. Her offer of an anniversary dinner when she can’t stand Michael and wishes Willow hadn’t married him, was it really just for Willow? Or was she hoping maybe they’d tell Sonny how generous she is? Does Sonny know she’s still pining for him? She goes to slap him, but he grabs her hand and says he’ll take that as a yes.

John asks, what time is it? and Carly says, almost midnight. He says, that late? She should really go home. She says, if he insists, she’ll drop him off at GH on her way, but he says, that’s not necessary. She says, it probably is, but he’d probably just be trading one problem for another, huh? He asks what she’s talking about, and she says, if he went to the hospital, the nurses would start asking him questions – she puts a blanket on him – and they’d have to call the PCPD. Then the PCPD would want to know what the heck he was doing wandering around the waterfront at that time of night. He says he wasn’t wandering around. He took a walk. She goes back to the chair, using her coat as a blanket, and says, in the most dangerous part of town at night. He says, Port Charles is a safe place, and she laughs. She says, make sure he mentions that safe part when he talks to the police because they love that kind of feedback. He says he got mugged. It’s a terrible thing, but it happens. This time it happened to him. She says, he should stick with that story. But she wants him to know that she knows he was tracking Jason.

Jason says, if Sonny doesn’t want him in his organization, he understands, but Sonny says, no. Jason doesn’t understand. He trusted Jason more than anyone and now he can’t trust him. Jason says he never gave the Feds anything on Sonny, and Sonny asks why he should believe that. Jason says, because if he had, they would have arrested Sonny. He’s been protecting Sonny this whole time. Sonny says he’s not a child. He doesn’t need protection. He needs Jason to get away from him. Otherwise, he will have to remove Jason.

Laura tells Doc that she’s concerned about how small Ace’s family is going to be. There are no siblings. He may never know Lulu and Lucky. She knows there’s Elizabeth’s boys, but they’re quite a bit older and they have their own lives. It’s really just her, him, and Ace. Doc says, and Heather, and Laura says she knows Heather likes to call herself Ace’s grandmother. He says, technically, she is Ace’s grandmother. They may not like it, but Esme was her daughter. He asks about the transfer to California, and Laura says she forgot to tell him. The DA cancelled the transfer because of her medical condition. So she’s in Pentenville for the foreseeable future. He says, unless something else occurs, and shows her the tablet. She reads: chemically induced abnormal behavior. This is really what he thinks happened to Heather, isn’t it? Does he think they would ever reopen Heather’s case after all the things that she did?

Nina says, if Drew breathes a word of this to Sonny… He says, having sex with her on his office floor isn’t something he’s going to be bragging about. He wouldn’t worry about Sonny. Sonny is a little preoccupied right now with Jason’s surprise return. She says, he can think about more than one thing at a time, and Drew says, and somehow, he isn’t thinking about her at all. She has to face it. She’s not even on Sonny’s radar right now. He doesn’t care who she’s mixing it up with. Maybe because he’s got a new roommate.

Ava calls to Sonny and asks if he’s home. She pours herself a drink, then sets it down and goes to Sonny’s bedroom. She wonders what he has that would make a person sleep. She checks in a box by his bed, but only finds an OTC pain reliever. She says, he’s got to do better than that, and goes into his bathroom. She wonders where he keeps the good stuff and looks in the vanity drawers. She finds a prescription bottle labeled Lorphenadine, and says, may cause drowsiness.

Jason tells Sonny, it doesn’t have to be this way. He’s not a threat. He’ll stay out of Sonny’s organization. All he wants is his half of the coffee business. Sonny says, and all he wants is the truth. If Jason didn’t inform on him, what was he doing with the Feds? Jason says he told Sonny everything he could, but Sonny says, Jason told him nothing. He thought it was because Ava was right there, but Ava’s not here now; it’s just them. If Jason wants Sonny to trust him, if he wants half of the business back, he’s going to have to trust Sonny. What happened to him?

Jason says, the FBI picked him up on Cassadine Island. They flew him back to Quantico. They offered him a deal. Become an informant and no charges will be filed. He took that deal because it was his best option. They didn’t want him to inform on Sonny because they knew he would never do it and it would never work. So they sent him after somebody else. Sonny asks, who? but Jason says he can’t tell Sonny. Sonny says, why? Does Jason think he’s going to go tell these people he’s a traitor? Jason says he can’t tell Sonny because it’s part of the deal. If he talks, that violates the terms of the agreement, and the charges get filed. Sonny says, was part of the deal to take a shot at him? How many times did Jason try to kil him? Jason says he never tried to kill Sonny, and Sonny says, and he’s going to believe that? Because Jason is loyal, because Jason’s his friend, his brother? Jason says, because if he tried to kill Sonny, he wouldn’t have missed.

Ava tells herself that she can’t self-medicate with somebody else’s prescription. It does cause drowsiness though, and if Sonny can handle it… She pops the top off the bottle so easily that it’s probably the most unbelievable thing ever seen on GH. She takes a pill, then says, who is she kidding? and takes another one.

Blaze tells Kristina that she wants to be fair. Having a control freak for a mom can be really helpful when it comes to her career. Kristina says, what about the rest of her life? Her real life. Blaze says, her mom tells her that she knows her better than she knows herself, and Kristina says she hates when parents say that. Blaze says, her too, but she thinks her mom says it because when she was Blaze’s age, she crossed the line a few times. And then she became a mom. Kristina says, becoming a mom certainly changes your perspective on everything, but she’s only an aunt, so… Blaze says, Kristina’s not only an anything. She thinks because her mom didn’t want her making the same mistakes she did, she became super strict. Kristina says, it kind of worked. Look at her. She’s smart and disciplined and built an incredible career for herself. It’s amazing. Blaze says, a lot of that is because she paid attention to everything her mom said when she was growing up. Her mom should be able to look at her life and know that and trust her enough to live her own life. Kristina’s parents do. Kristina doesn’t respond, and Blaze says she must have missed something. Is there a problem with her parents?

Curtis is sitting up in the bed, and Portia asks if this is the folder he wanted. He says, yes. He probably could have gotten it himself, but it would have been 2 in the morning before he got himself down the stairs and back up. She says, with the progress he’s making, he’ll be up and down those stairs in no time, and he says, the miracles of modern medicine. You doctors can fix anything. He asks if everything is okay, and she says, yeah. She’s fine. He says he sort of lost her there for a second. He wondered where she went. He thought maybe she was thinking about these bills. She says, no. Those bills are all his. He says he doesn’t know if she saw this note from Brook Lynn Quartermaine. She’s pushing him to have an invitation only event at The Savoy to showcase Blaze’s new single. He’s probably going to say yes, but he thinks he’ll let her sweat a little bit. She says, it has nothing to do with that, and he says, talk to him. She says she was at the hospital and overheard Doc and Alexis saying something about how they could use a preexisting condition to overturn a conviction. Heather Webber was diagnosed with metallosis. Basically, her artificial hip is poisoning her. And one of the symptoms of metallosis is a shift in personality. He asks if anyone is arguing that Heather Webber isn’t responsible for all those lives she took, and Portia says, that’s exactly what she’s afraid of. Someone is going to use her condition as grounds to reopen Heather’s case, and possibly set that woman free.

John says, Carly thinks he was tracking Jason. She’s getting warmer. She says, hide and seek. Really? Is that how the FBI conducts its business now? He says, his supervisors would definitely not approve of this situation, but they’re not here. So does she want to guess again? She says, okay. If he wasn’t tracking Jason, he was tracking… his lawyer. Diane Miller? He says, give the lady a cigar, and she says she doesn’t want a cigar, but she will take a very expensive glass of wine at a date to be determined. He says, deal, and she says, getting mugged isn’t generally a mood lifter, but it’s made him fun. He thanks her and says he is fun. She just doesn’t know him well enough to see it yet.

Curtis says he gets the legal argument that Heather’s condition – Portia says, metallosis – has contributed to her mental state, but she committed multiple homicides. There’s no way she should be allowed to go free. (Pointing out that we’ve been here before with Franco.) She says she prays he’s right, because Trina’s been through enough. It’s enough, this whole family. He says, but they made it through and they’re stronger than ever. She says, they are, aren’t they? They made it through together as a family. He says, she better believe it, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and secure and loved. She says, he just told her that he’d do whatever it takes? and he says he sure did. She says she thinks she’s going to need him to prove that.

Doc tells Laura that he couldn’t stop thinking about his conversation with Alexis about Heather and the hypotheticals that could set her free. So he did a deep dive into a database about toxicology and abnormal behavior. At first, you would think the chances of Heather’s murder conviction being overturned are inconceivable. Laura says, but then with further investigation… He says, it’s not without medical and legal precedent. She says, wow. She can’t imagine what the reaction would be to Heather going free. They know Portia Robinson, Sasha Gilmore, Dr. Obrecht, all those people are going to be outraged. As would most of the citizens of Port Charles she thinks. He says, understandably, and she says, unless it can be proven that Heather herself was victimized. And if that were the case, she thinks it would be wrong not to give her a second chance. He says, selfishly, there’s a side of him that would like to see Heather redeemed. Not released, but rehabilitated into someone functional. Someone stable that Ace could know, even have a relationship with. And if he’s being honest, he’d like to think some good could come of the harm he’s caused. She says, none of this is his fault, but he says he made one decision about his brother, and it resulted in a series of devastating events. If Ryan hadn’t gotten loose, then Heather would still be institutionalized, and her victims would still be alive. So would Spencer and Esme. They never would have even met Esme. She says she thinks he’s forgetting one thing. Ace wouldn’t be here either.

Kristina tells Blaze that she doesn’t have a problem with anyone in her family right now. Actually, it might be the first time she’s been able to say that. Her mom’s good; she’s supportive of their relationship and the surrogacy. Blaze says, what about her dad? and Kristina says, her dad’s good. He loves her unconditionally. He of course (🍷) has a dark side, but he’s loving and generous and more sensitive than people think, and he can get hurt too. She’s a little worried about her dad right now. Blaze asks if that’s because he and Nina broke up, and Kristina says, Nina’s not perfect, but he was happy with her. And since Ava moved in… Blaze says, wait. She moved in? She thought Ava was just staying there temporarily. Kristina says, so did she.

Nina says, Ava is staying with Sonny for security reasons, and Drew says, keep telling herself that. She finishes getting dressed and says, let her worry about Ava. Just figure out a way to get her closer to her daughter. And if it’s not appointing her to the board, then come up with something else. He says, even if he were to help her, Michael will never see her as anything other than a threat to his family. She lied to him about his father’s death, then sued him to get access to his child. But Willow’s got a softer heart, and he’s still friends with her. Nina says, he’ll help her plead her case to her then, and he says, maybe, but after his near-death beating he took in prison because of her, she’s going to have to make it so worth his while. (I used to find Drew kind of boring. Now he just creeps me out.)

Jason tells Sonny that Port Charles is still his home. This warehouse is still half his. He’s going to be here every day, importing coffee, totally legit. So whatever business Sonny wants to do, do it away from the warehouse, so he doesn’t have to be witness to it. Sonny asks if Jason thinks he won’t do it. He thinks Sonny won’t get rid of him? He could do it in a heartbeat. All he’s got to do is say the word, and Jason is gone. Jason says, come on. If anything happens to him, Sonny knows the cops are going to look at him first. Sonny says, don’t tell him what he knows. Know what he knows? Jason can’t be trusted and he’s going to have to get protection. From Jason. Because Jason is a traitor. Jason says, stop, and asks if Sonny is taking his meds.

Nina says, Drew will be her ally, and he says he thinks ally is a strong word for what he’ll be, but she’s a creative person. She can put her thinking cap on and come up with something that will be worth his time and effort. He picks up his shirt and says he likes this shirt. She can start by sewing the buttons back on it. He tosses the shirt to her, but she says, do his own mending, slinging it back, and she walks out.

Carly tells John that they need to order all new ice machines for this hotel. But she doesn’t need to keep going on and on about how this hotel is not great anymore. He says, it’s a nice hotel, and she says, it was, but she’s not going to bore him with all her complaints about the hotel. She puts new ice in a towel and says, what about him? Are there any other circumstances, besides being beaten up – she laughs – where he’s fun? He says he must be concussed or at least punchy. He’s said way too much already. She says she has a lot of experiences where she’s listening to things she doesn’t repeat or remember. She looks over at him and he’s asleep. She says, that’s a way to end a conversation, and turns down the lights. She gets back in the chair and says, sleep well, Agent Cates. I’ll wake you up in a couple of hours.

Portia comes out dressed in fabulous lingerie and says she guesses Curtis is still working on the bills. So she guesses she’ll just… He says, no, no, no. Not looking as good as she is. Come here. She sits on the bed next to him, and he says, in case she doesn’t remember, they never had an official honeymoon. He thinks they should do something about that as soon as possible. She kisses him and I assume they get busy, since the camera pans to the ceiling.

Laura shows Doc her phone and says, viola. You can see Ace in real  time. He’s still sleeping. Doc says, that’s amazing. She makes the same face when she sleeps. She says, maybe it runs in the family, and they sit on the sofa. He says, the picture and the sound is so pristine. Here he thought the baby monitor was the pinnacle of technological advancement. She says, it was… twenty years ago, and he laughs. He says, and when he hears people say twenty years, he thinks, oh, they’re talking about the 80s. Then he realizes… no, they’re not. She says she knows them raising a baby at this point in their lives wasn’t part of his bucket list, and he says, was it on hers? She says, no, and he says, it’s not like they’re ready to retire and they’re not exactly people who back away from life. She says, and she thinks Ace has given them so much more life, and he says, Ace has, and he loves it. And he loves her. She says she loves him too, and kisses him. He says, they took an awful lot of wrong turns and detours before they found each other, but they did. And he thinks Ace is just another unexpected… Laura says, responsibility? but he says, miracle. She says, wow. He’s really something. He says he’s a lucky man, and she says she’s a lucky woman. She puts her head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around her. Aww.

Kristina tells Blaze that she knows there’s still a security reason for Ava to be staying at Sonny’s place, but it’s just that something doesn’t feel right about it. It’s weird. Even Dante noticed, and he’s on pain meds. Blaze asks if she said or did anything, but Kristina says, no. It’s just little things. She can’t see the whole picture yet, but one thing she does know is, Ava is a Jerome. And the Jeromes love power. It’s like a drug. Blaze says, Kristina thinks she’s going to what? Make a move on Sonny’s business? Kristina says, not a move move. She’d never come at something straight on; she’s too smart for that. She’d slither in from the side or something. And she’s making herself indispensable to Kristina’s dad. She’s running interference, she’s making him drinks… Blaze says, her dad doesn’t see what she’s doing? and Kristina says, worse. He likes it. A lot.

Ava lies awake and says, may cause drowsiness, and sits up. She says, Sonny must like the taste of those. She feels absolutely nothing. Nada. They don’t help you sleep. They don’t help anything else. What do those stupid pills do? (Got it.)

Sonny tells Jason that he takes his medication every day, every dosage, like clockwork. He’s not having a breakdown. He just has to face the truth. Jason’s not who he thought. Or maybe he never was. Jason says he’s not Sonny’s enemy, and he doesn’t want any trouble. And he accepts that Sonny doesn’t trust him. Sonny doesn’t have to trust him. He’ll stay out of Sonny’s way. Sonny says, he’d better. Sonny pauses a moment and says, go ahead, take the warehouse. He can sit in it until he rots. He starts to leave, but stops and says, if you double-cross me again or I suspect you’re interfering with my business or my life… I will end you. He walks out and Jason looks concerned.

Tomorrow, Brook asks, what if they ruined Lila’s dress for nothing; Curtis asks Drew what he’s doing here; Anna asks for Valentin’s help with a case; and Alexis says, what if she just quits?

🌞 Since They Had the Day Off…

Celebrities – they’re just like us. Except for the paycheck. And the fame.

💔 Hallmark’s Loss…

As a general rule, I don’t watch romances, but I can’t imagine him not pulling in viewers.

🍸 Rehashing the Rules…

The Reunion is probably going to be a doozie, but anything would be mild compared to last year. I think.

🍼 Kentucky Shade…

I’m still trying to figure out why she settled for him in the first place.

🔪 Tonight’s Top…

Those who can’t do, watch stuff like this.

🦣 He Shows Nothing…

Oh well. I would have liked to see a few more mammoths, giants, and such.

🦁 An Eclipse For Everyone…

They must have thought it was a short day and an even shorter night. This is basically just a clip of zoo animals getting ready for bed, but the guy who’s being interviewed is pretty excited about it. According to him, every question is a great question. My pets couldn’t have cared less.

🤸‍♀️ Bringing It Off…

Join me tomorrow for soap and smack talk about the awful people on Summer House. Until then, stay safe, stay listening with all your senses, and stay never self-medicating with somebody else’s prescription.

April 9, 2024 – Nina’s Plans Take a Surprise Turn, Wait What, Schwartz Embraces His Pre-Midlife Crisis Mode, In the Valley & Never


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Trish tells Michael and Willow, as requested, the best table in the house. Michael thanks her, and she tells them that their waitress will be right with them. Enjoy their meal. Trish leaves, and Willow says, isn’t Michael the perfect husband, taking her out for supper. He says, only the best for his lovely bride. Happy anniversary. She says, just a little bit early, and he says, early or late, every single day with her is a celebration.

Nina asks Trish if everything is okay, and Trish says, everything is fine. She just thought Nina would want to know that her daughter’s here with her husband.

Kristina goes the penthouse and Ava answers the door. Kristina asks if her dad is here, but Ava says, he’s not really available. He’s resting. She’ll tell him that Kristina came by though. Kristina says she’s going to wait for him because she really needs to speak with him tonight, and Sonny says, who’s that? Just what he needs, a visit from one of his favorite daughters. She says she doesn’t know about that, and they hug. He says, definitely in the top three.

Drew calls Carly at Kelly’s, and she says, it’s really great to hear his voice. He says, and hers. He’s calling because he needs to get in touch with Jason and doesn’t have a way to reach him. She says, he has a phone now. She can give him Jason’s number. He says, just give him a message please. Tell Jason that he got a little visit from the FBI this afternoon.

Jason leads Diane into the Corinthos Coffee warehouse, and she thanks him for meeting her in the parking lot. It isn’t the best area of town. Why did he want to meet here in the first place? He says, because this – he opens a door – is going to be his office. She laughs and says, that’s Sonny’s office, and he says, not anymore. (I’m with Jason so far on just about everything, but taking Sonny’s office? Um… no.)

Nina says she didn’t know Michael and Willow were coming in tonight, and Trish says, they’re celebrating their anniversary. Nina says, but their anniversary isn’t until later in the month, and Trish says, there’s a note on the reservation that it’s an anniversary celebration. And somebody called ahead for a special dessert. Nina thanks her.

Willow says she can’t believe it’s a few more weeks and they’ve been officially married for a year, and he says he knows. And he knows their actual anniversary is in the middle of Brook and Chase’s wedding, so he thought they should celebrate tonight. But nothing says they can’t sneak off for some alone time that night too. She says she’s glad they did this. They have a lot of anniversaries to look forward to, but the first one is a big milestone and it’s nice to be here alone with him. He says he feels the same way and they kiss. A server comes over with champagne for the table, and Michael says he thinks it’s a mistake. They didn’t order that. Nina appears and says, that’s her gift. Happy anniversary.

Sonny tells Kristina to have a seat. Put her feet on the table if she wants. Is she hungry? He can grab her something to eat. She says, he doesn’t have to fuss over her, and he says, she can’t blame a father for worrying about his pregnant daughter. She says she knows, and she loves that about him, but she’s good. Ava says, how about something to drink then? and Kristina asks for a water. (Not loving Ava’s new bangs. They belong on a 12-year-old, and Ava is way too stylish for that.) Ava says, of course (🍷), and goes to the bar. Sonny says, it’s late. What’s going on? Kristina says she ran into Josslyn at Bobbie’s and they kind of got into it. There may have been some yelling. He asks what they were fighting about, and she says, him. He says, it’s not surprising because Josslyn isn’t one of his fans, and Kristina says, she’s definitely on the warpath. It drives her crazy that Josslyn always has to be right about everything. The holier-than-thou attitude is so annoying. He says, it doesn’t matter what Josslyn thinks because Kristina shouldn’t have to defend him, but Kristina says she wanted to. He says, these are his battles, not her battles, and she says she knows better than to engage with Josslyn anyway. She couldn’t help herself. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, which are no joke anyway. Ava gives Kristina her water and gives Sonny a drink. Kristina looks from the drink to Ava, then back to the drink.

Carly says, the FBI questioned Drew about Jason? and he says, at least they came to his office and didn’t drag him in for a formal interview. They wanted to know how much contact he’s had with Jason since he resurfaced. She says, that’s ridiculous, but he says, not really. The FBI doesn’t know them and they’re brothers. They might have thought Jason would confide in him. She says she’s sorry he got dragged into this, and he says, at least they know Jason didn’t shoot Dante. Did he happen to mention where he’s been since 2021? She says, no. He hasn’t said much. Drew says, never does. Take care of herself. Stay out of whatever trouble he’s in, okay? If not for herself, then for Josslyn and Donna. They need her to take care of them. Jason can take care of himself.

Making himself comfortable in Sonny’s office, Jason tells Diane that he and Sonny were partners. He still owns 50% of Corinthos Coffee. Or he did. She says, no, he does. Or he will, once the necessary paperwork has been filed. He says, what about everything else? He knows he left his estate equally divided between Jake and Danny, and the other half went to Carly. Nobody’s asked anything. Nobody seems to know what’s going on. What happened? She says, the short answer is, his estate has been in probate the whole time, and he asks, why? What’s the problem? She says, because the law is complicated. There are a lot of hoops to jump through. Normally, it takes seven years for a certificate of death in absentia to be issued, and that was necessary in this case because they couldn’t find his body… which is now very evident as to why. He says, okay, and she says, and even with the notarized statements she had from witnesses, who all claimed no one could have survived that cave-in in Greece, it still should have taken several years. Strangely enough, the government issued a certificate of death in absentia for him the moment she filed the paperwork. Which leads her to believe someone behind the scenes was working in his favor.

Michael says, if they were going to order champagne, they would have done it themselves, and Nina says, that’s just the start. She arranged for the chef to prepare them a fabulous five-course dinner, only their finest dishes. Her treat. Willow says, the last time they spoke, she made it clear she doesn’t want to see Nina, and Nina says she didn’t mean to intrude. She’s just confused because they’re here, so she thought… Willow says, Michael asked her where she wanted to go, and she picked the MetroCourt because she’s always liked it and doesn’t want to avoid it because of Nina. She thought the fact that Nina hadn’t reached out for the past few weeks meant that Nina accepted and honored her wishes. Nina says she’s sorry. She didn’t mean to interrupt. She just thought because they were here… It doesn’t matter what she thought. She picks up the champagne and says she’ll cancel everything and won’t bother them again. She leaves, and Willow asks if that was as awful as it felt. Michael says, it was pretty bad, and she says, this is her fault. They should have gone to the Grill or Café Cherie. He says, she wanted to come to the MetroCourt because she loves their chocolate soufflé, and he wanted to bring her here because she loves their chocolate soufflé, and he loves her. She says, but it was wishful thinking that Nina would actually keep her distance. He says, that’s on her; it’s not on Willow. They’re here together, it’s their anniversary, the chocolate soufflé has already been ordered. So let’s just have a glass of wine and celebrate. She says, he really is the best husband, and he tells her, don’t you forget it, and they kiss.

Kristina says, that water really hit the spot. She thinks she dehydrated herself yelling at Josslyn. Sonny says, next time, she has to just take a deep breath and walk away, and she says, he’s right. What Josslyn thinks doesn’t really matter. He asks, what else is going on? How’s work? She says, work’s fine. Everything’s fine. She does have some good news actually. Allie – Blaze – is going to be the new Face of Deception. He says he knew that because he ran into Blaze’s mother at the MetroCourt when he was meeting with Lois. Natalia was going to talk to Brook about everything. She says, small world. It’s a smart move for both Blaze’s career and Deception. She thinks they’re going to have a lot of crossover exposure there. It’s cool. He says he’s just worried about how it’s going to affect her, and she asks what he means. He says, Blaze is going to be the new Face of Deception and get famous or more famous. Does she think she can deal with that with everything she’s got going on? She says, yeah. She doesn’t think that spotlight’s going to fall on her at all. Maybe if Allie were out publicly, but she made a deal with her mother to keep her personal life personal. He asks how Kristina feels about that.

As Carly flips over the sign at Bobbie’s to Closed, Olivia blows in and says she’s going to kill her. Carly is going to have to bail her out of prison because she’s going to kill her. Carly says, who? and Olivia says, Nina. She fired Pearce. Can Carly believe it? Carly says, the room service waiter? And Olivia says, yes. Some picky guest had a mix-up with the order, which has been known to happen during peak hours when the guy gets a little overwhelmed. Carly says, but they just apologize for him, comp the order, and pull back on the amount of orders he was filling, and Olivia says, of course (🍷). That’s what they would do, but not Nina. She looks at his record, she sees there’s a couple of complaints, and off he goes. (I guess it never occurred to them to maybe not have him scheduled for peak hours or, God forbid, let Nina know.) Carly says, Olivia has to hire him back, and Olivia says, of course (🍷) she’s going to hire him back, but the guy was heartbroken and mortified. The whole staff knew about it. Carly says she can’t believe Nina fired Pearce. He’s been with the MetroCourt since it opened. Olivia says, the woman’s been on a rampage ever since Sonny dumped her, but Carly says she thinks dumped is an excuse. She can’t believe Nina fired sweet Pearce. And she did it without input from Olivia, her partner. Olivia says, that’s not the only thing Nina’s done without input from her.

Jason says, if Diane has his death certificate, why is his estate still in probate? and Diane says, because there were various rumblings about money laundering and racketeering… He says, come on. They know the assets in his will are legitimate. She says, but that needed to be proved to the government’s satisfaction. The wheels of justice turn very slowly when an estate as large as his needs to be vetted. But this is great news because none of his assets have been disbursed and his estate is intact. He should be able to reclaim it with a minimum of fuss. He says, okay. What about Carly? Why is she running Bobbie’s? Why did she give up the MetroCourt? Diane says, she didn’t, and he says, then what happened? She says, in a word – Nina. (Oh, come on. How is it that Nina’s to blame for everything, even things she had nothing to do with? She bought it, but she wasn’t the reason Carly had to sell it. Not to mention she tried to give it back to Carly a couple of times. She even had to be talked into buying it in the first place.)

Willow asks Michael to tell the truth. If Nina hadn’t tried to comp the champagne, was he going to order a bottle? He says he thought they weren’t going to talk about Nina, and she says, he’s right. Consider the subject changed. He says, good, because they’re celebrating, right? and she says, yes. He says, and what is a celebration without – he reaches in his jacket pocket and takes out a jewelry box – a little gift. She tells him that they said no presents. She didn’t get him anything. He says he knows he said that, and he means it, because honestly, he has everything he could ever want. But she, his beautiful bride, deserves the world. She opens the box, sees a gold bangle, and says, it’s stunning. He says he’s glad she likes it, and she says, who wouldn’t like this? He takes it out and puts it on her wrist, and she thanks him. She loves it. She just wishes she had more places to wear it. He asks what she means, and she says, something this fancy doesn’t exactly go with her scrubs, but she’ll save it for special occasions. He says he’ll make sure that more of those occasions happen, and she says, it’s a deal. How did he decide on this? He says, Wiley actually picked it out. He brought Wiley to the jeweler’s, narrowed it down, and Wiley chose that one. She says, Wiley never said a word to her, and he says, Wiley is very good at keeping secrets. She says, it probably helps that Wiley is in bed asleep half the time when she gets home. She constantly feels like she’s playing catch-up and missing things with the kids. Sometimes she only hears about their day from Michael or the nanny. They’re only going to be this young once and she feels like she’s missing so much.

Olivia holds out a paint sample card and asks what color Carly would say that is, and Carly says, light yellow. Olivia says, yes, and thanks her. According to Nina, this is either off-white, chartreuse, or her personal favorite, greenish gold. (I was actually thinking off-white.) The woman is insane. Carly says, that’s for sure, and Olivia says, Nina’s taken advantage of her being distracted with Dante and the hospital and everything, and she painted all the bathrooms on the fourth floor that color. Carly says, that can’t look good, and Olivia says, everyone one of them looks like a walk-in corpse. Carly says, at least it was only one floor, and Olivia says, so far. Who knows what Nina is going to do next time she has her back turned? The woman is a menace. Carly says, for many reasons. Can she get Olivia something? A coffee? Olivia says she just needed to vent, thanks Carly, and hugs her. Olivia leaves, and a woman walks in. Carly says she’s sorry, but they’re closed, and the woman says she’s looking for Diane Miller. Diane asked her to bring these documents here for a meeting with Jason Morgan at this address. Carly says, he stays here, but he’s at his Corinthos Coffee office. Maybe she’s meeting him there. The woman asks if Carly has that address by any chance, and Carly says, actually, she’s on her way there. She can drop off those documents to Diane if she wants. The woman says, that would be a lifesaver, and thanks Carly, giving her the envelope. Carly thanks her back, and the woman leaves.

Jason asks what Nina has to do with the MetroCourt, and Diane says, where does she begin? Jason says, before he left for Greece, Sonny and Carly were back together and Nina was behind him. Diane says, their marriage fell apart shortly after he left. Details not necessary. Suffice to say, Sonny chose Nina over Carly. Then Drew and Michael hatched an ill-advised scheme to get control of ELQ by merging it with Aurora Media. Carly wanted to help; she wanted to invest. So she leveraged her half of the MetroCourt. Then when the deal fell apart, Carly took a huge hit financially. He says, she didn’t tell him any of this, and Diane says, Carly couldn’t buy back her half of the hotel, so Nina swooped in and purchase it. (I hate when they rewrite history. Heaving a Jason-like sigh.) Bobbie gave the diner to Carly to help her back on her feet. He asks why Nina would want the hotel, and Diane says, because Nina Reeves believes that Carly is the reason for everything that’s wrong with her life. So after she took Carly’s husband and her hotel, Nina turned Drew and Carly in to the Feds for SEC violations. Jason’s brother took the blame, did some prison time, but Carly had to pay a five million dollar fine and almost lost her house. Jason says, but she didn’t, and Diane says, no, she didn’t. Somehow, she’s managed to hang on and she’s building back her life. Carly’s not the easiest client she’s ever had, but she’s astonishingly resilient. He says, yeah, she is.

Kristina says she’s fine with the way Allie wants things to be, and Sonny says, really? She says, yeah. Blaze is a famous musician, and she works hard – Ava listens in – and a lot of people in the public eye want to keep their personal lives personal. They’re already on display so much as it is, so she gets it that Blaze would want to keep some things to herself. He says, that’s true, and she says, it would be the same thing if she were dating a male musician who was an up-and-coming hot new artist. She wouldn’t want to be joined at the hip with him either. She wants to be known as her own person and wants to be known for her own achievements, not being someone’s girlfriend. Sonny says, she works so hard. No one is going to think that. She says, maybe not, but she also loves her anonymity. She doesn’t want to be recognized in public. She’d have to think about looking good whenever she goes out. Is he kidding her? It’s not for her. But she’s proud of Allie. She saw Allie when she was going in for a meeting with Nina at Crimson, and she thought, Allie is going to be on the cover of Crimson, and she deserves it. She’s really happy for her. Sonny says, Nina’s at Crimson? and Kristina says she thought he knew that. He says he didn’t – Ava listens even harder – and Kristina says, she is and, no offense to Carly, but she’s really glad for Allie’s sake. She thinks it’s great Nina is back. She just has more experience, and with Allie being the Face of Deception, she’s going to need that. He says he’s happy for Nina. She always loved that magazine. But something seems off here. Ava asks what he means, and he says, why would Drew hire back the woman who put him in prison?

Drew gets ready to leave the office, when Nina comes in. She says, he’ll never guess what happened, and he asks if this has to do with Crimson. She says, no, and he says, too bad… She says she tried to do something really nice for Michael and Willow for their anniversary and she got completely shut down. She wanted to comp Michael and Willow dinner and champagne, and Michael, of course (🍷), immediately said no, and Willow felt she had to side with him. And she has no one. She needs some help. Drew can help her, help her find a way to get back into her daughter and grandkids’ lives. He says he can’t help her, but she says, all she needs to do is talk to Willow… He says, if she’s trying to get sympathy, she came to the wrong place, but she says she doesn’t want sympathy. She wants him to help her. He says, come on. She’s got to take responsibility for her actions. She’s the one who ruined her relationship with Michael and Willow. She burned that bridge. There’s nothing he can do. She says, that’s where he’s wrong. Now that she’s back at Crimson, he can appoint her to the Aurora Board of Directors. Then Michael will be forced to deal with her. And this will be the start of her way back in. He asks why he’d help her. What would he get out of this? She says, for one thing, it would drive Carly crazy.

Nina says, Carly expects all the men in her life – Sonny, Jason, Drew – to be wrapped around her little finger, no matter how poorly she treats them. Drew says, except he’s not in Carly’s life, and she says, but that doesn’t matter to Carly. Come on. He’s not this naïve. Carly expects him to be loyal to her, even though she’s not loyal to him. And he knows she’s right. Carly’s sense of entitlement knows no bounds. If he promotes her to the board of directors, Carly will think they’re allies, or maybe even friends. And that’ll drive Carly crazy, and she’ll come running to him, begging for his attention.

Diane says she has already started the process by having Jason’s accounts reinstated. Once that happens, he’ll have complete access to everything. He says, good, and she says, in fact, her paralegal was supposed to come to this meeting tonight and bring her some documents for Jason to review and sign. She’s guessing because of the hour and the location, they got too nervous to come down. She’ll have everything to him tomorrow, latest. He thanks her and she starts to leave, but he says, hold on. He needs her to do something else for him. She says, name it, and he says, Sonny made it very clear to him that he doesn’t want to see his face or hear from him again. So he wants her to let Sonny know that he’s taking back his half of the company and he’s going to be working right here.

Michael says, it’s up to Willow. What he said from the beginning still stands. He’ll support her if she wants to keep working and he’ll support her if she wants to quit. She says, getting her nursing degree was hard and she really wanted to get back to work, but the truth is, she does have the luxury of spending more time at home with their kids. Wiley’s school is half-day, but Amelia is still so little. She wants those sweet baby moments… and she notices he’s not saying anything. He says he doesn’t want to influence her, and she says, but? He says, but nothing. It really is her choice. They have plenty of money. She says, he has plenty of money, but he says, it’s her money too, because she’s family. Her, him, Wiley, and Amelia. And what’s best for their family is for her to do what she thinks is right. She says, it is an incredible luxury knowing she doesn’t have to work, that she could choose something different, something that gave her more time with the kids. And maybe it is time she really thought about it. He says, if she decides not to keep working at the hospital, there is other work she can do. More flexible, and she’d still be doing a lot of good. She says, please tell her more about this flexible do-gooding occupation he just described, and he says, his great-grandmother Lila was on the board of several non-profit charities, and they did amazing things. She could choose a charity, or charities, she’s interested in, and she could really make a difference. She could work it around her schedule with the kids and she’d have the best of both worlds.

Ava tells Sonny that she wouldn’t worry about it. If Drew is up to something, then Nina will figure it out. She can take care of herself. He says, she’s probably right, and Kristina says, it’s getting really late, and she has plans with Blaze, so she’s going to get going. She hates to drink and run, but… She hugs Sonny and says she loves him. He says he loves her too, and Kristina says goodbye to Ava. She leaves, and Ava says, other than her little tiff with Josslyn, Kristina seems good. He says, she does. So did Ava’s friend Nina tell her that she got her job back at Crimson, and Ava just didn’t mention it? Ava says, that’s not what happened. In fact, Nina’s phone must be lost under some photographs on her desk because she hasn’t heard from her. And maybe those divorce papers she hasn’t signed yet are there too. He says he didn’t know she was keeping track, and she says she just knows he wants things settled. It’s none of her concern. He laughs and says he guesses she’s right. They look at each other longingly.

Two guys beat the crap out of John in an alleyway, but they hear a car horn and stop. Carly yells, leave him alone! and gets out of the car. The guys take off, and Carly runs to John. She asks if he’s okay and takes his pulse. He groans, and she asks if he can hear her. She flips him over and realizes who it is.

Carly tells John to look at her. She asks if he knows who she is, and he says, she’s Carly Spencer. She says, that’s good. Thank God. She helps him sit up, but he says he’s got it. She says, he’s hurt. She’s going to call 911. They can’t have gotten far. He says, no. Don’t. They jumped him from behind. He can’t identify them. It’s pointless. She asks why they attacked him. Was it a robbery? Did they take anything? He checks to see if he has his wallet and says, they didn’t take anything. She says she must have scared them off when she pulled up and started yelling at them, and he says, either that, or robbery wasn’t their intention. He gets up and leans against the wall. She says, they have to get him out of here in case they decide to come back. She’s going to walk him to his car. Lean on her. He puts his arm around her shoulders, and she helps him down the alley.

Michael says he thinks Willow would be fulfilled raising their kids and working with these charities. And she’d be amazing at both. Taking his hand, she says, even after all this time, sometimes she still forgets how much he believes in her. He says, always, and she says, it’s kind of crazy. Growing up like she did, she never dreamed that one day she’d be in a position to have this kind of choice. He makes her feel like the luckiest person in the world. He says, right back at her, and they kiss.

While Ava and Sonny stare at each other, there’s a knock at the door. He says he has to get that, and opens the door to Diane. He says, it’s pretty late. What’s wrong? She says, there’s nothing wrong. She’s here on behalf of another client. He says, Jason, and she says, yes. With Jason’s return, his estate will immediately be pulled from probate. All of his assets will be returned to him, and he’s asked her to tell Sonny that he’ll be resuming his half-interest in Corinthos Coffee. He says, that’s not going to happen, but she says she just came from the warehouse where he’s setting up his office. Sonny says, message received, and walks out of the apartment. Diane smiles at Ava.

Nina tells Drew that just because Carly comes running, doesn’t mean he has to let her in. He already played hero for her. Do something for himself for once. He says, by doing something for her, and she says, by helping her get closer to her daughter. He says, Willow has made it very clear. She doesn’t want to get close to Nina. She doesn’t want to know Nina at all. Nina asks Drew to have some compassion. He knows what it’s like to be separated from his child. He asks, who’s fault was that? How dare she demand his help with her kid, when she got him locked away? She says she didn’t create those consequences. He and Carly did when they… He says, the excuses keep coming, and they both yell at the same time. He starts to walk away, but she grabs his arm, and his shirt opens, several buttons popping off. She says she’s talking to him, but then gets mesmerized by his abs. He asks, what’s wrong with her? and he realizes his lack of buttons. She wonders where the buttons have gotten to, and he takes off his shirt. He tosses it at her and says, they’re all hers.

In John’s hotel room, Carly says she wants John to see a doctor, but he says he just needs some ibuprofen. His head is pounding is all. She says, no surprise there. What the hell was he doing walking around the waterfront at this hour, two blocks from Corinthos Coffee? He says, that’s not important. He appreciates her walking him in. He can take it from here. She says, what he needs to do is sit down and rest. She’s going to get him some ice and water, so he can take that ibuprofen. He says, that’s not necessary. He can do it himself. She tells him, stop trying to be so macho. She’ll accept that he won’t go to the hospital, if he accepts that he needs her help. Deal? He says, deal, and she says she’ll help him sit down. Be careful. He may have some broken ribs. She helps him to the sofa, and he thanks her. He says she’s welcome.

Michael frowns at his phone and Willow asks if there’s something wrong. He says, no. It’s just Aurora business. He’ll talk to Drew about it tomorrow. Tonight is about them. She asks, how is Drew? Does he seem okay to Michael? Michael says, he seems fine. Why? She says she was just thinking how weird it is that when they were hiding Jason and taking care of him, they never asked Drew for help even though Michael works with him and he is Jason’s brother. He says, Jason and Drew aren’t very close. It never even occurred to him to tell Drew. Drew hasn’t said a word about Jason’s return, and he didn’t think he should be the one to bring it up. She says she just feels bad for Drew. It must feel like things changed overnight for him. One minute, Michael’s mom and Drew are a solid couple. Then Jason comes to town and Carly and Drew break up. The two of them basically stopped reaching out to him too. That’s got to sting. Michael says he doesn’t want to hurt Drew, but protecting her is his number one priority, and nobody can know they were involved with hiding Jason. She says she knows. He’s right, but she can’t help wondering how Drew is dealing with all of this. He says, because she has a big heart and cares about people, but not to worry. Trust him. Drew can take care of himself.

Drew asks if there’s something else Nina wants, and Nina asks if Carly ever told him that he has a nice body. He says, she’s only seen half of it, and she says, you boys. You’re all the same. You act so brave when you’re on your barstools or picnic benches and behind your desks. But what do you do when a girl takes you up on it – she moves closer to him – and does something like this? She unbuttons her blouse and says, do you cower? He unbuttons another button, and she touches his chest. He kisses her, then stops and looks at her. She says, he’s such a Boy Scout, and he says, a man lets a lady say no. She asks if she said no, and he kisses her again. He kicks the door shut, and backs her to the desk, swiping everything off with his hand. They start getting busy, and he throws her blouse at the camera.

Jason hears someone come into the warehouse, and says, hey, Sonny. Sonny says he doesn’t want Jason here. He wants Jason gone.

Tomorrow, Drew says, Nina is going to have to make it so worth his while; Carly says she’s staying right here and saving John from himself; Portia says she’s going to need Curtis to prove that; and Sonny says he doesn’t want Jason anywhere near him.

🤯 I’ve got to say, did not see the Nina/Drew thing coming.

Vanderpump Rules

Venice Beach. After driving Sandoval away, Ariana asks, what’s up with this? and Brock says he thinks she just castrated Sandoval and he’s sitting in the corner. Ariana says, he’s been throwing jabs at her. She’s allowed to feel a certain way. She never did anything to him. In Ariana’s interview, she says, now Sandoval is doing everything he can to make her seem like she was a horrible partner. If this is the type of conversation he has when everyone is present, he needs to STFU. Schwartz says he and Sandoval will go elsewhere, since he doesn’t want to jeopardize the vibe, and Ariana says, bye. Schwartz leaves, and Ariana says, he’s never going to get it. She wants him to jump in the ocean. Lala says, no way is this winning, but Ariana says she didn’t do anything to him, period. The Toms go to a bar on the boardwalk, and Schwartz says, Sandoval needs to get out of that house, but Sandoval says, Ariana paid for the dog, that means everything else is his. (Mwa-ha-ha-ha!) In Sandoval’s interview, he says he paid for everything the house needed. Pens, batteries, the electrical work, repairs, toilet paper, paper towels. Schwarz says, Sandoval got destroyed on the internet when he said that. Why bring it up again? In his interview, Sandoval says, when Ariana gets her own place, it’s going to be a rude awakening.

Brock suggests they go to the bar, and Scheana says, Tori is coming to the bar. In Scheana’s interview, she says she doesn’t have the best track record at matchmaking – we flash back to her encouraging Schwartz to make-out with Raquel – but now that Schwartz and Katie are totally over, it might be okay to set him up again. Lala says she loves Tori. They talked at Scheana’s wedding. In her interview, Scheana says, she introduced Schwartz to her former nanny Tori, and we see a clip of Tori saying she thinks Schwartz is hot. Scheana says, clearly, she misjudged things. When Katie heard about it, she said Tori should date her instead. But all’s fair in love and war, and with Schwartz and Katie, that’s really all you get. Katie calls Schwartz to tell him that he left his stuff, and Schwartz says, it was for a greater cause, Ariana’s feelings and the beach day vibe. He thanks her for grabbing it, but she says she’s just letting him know the stuff is there. They’re moving. The group heads for the bar. Schwartz and Sandoval flirt with some girls and buy them a drink. Sandoval toasts to Venice, sun and laughter, and a continued happy ever after. Tori arrives and introduces herself as Schwartz’s ex-wife. He asks what she wants to drink, and she says, he knows what she likes. He says, champagne, and in his interview, he says he thought Tori was super cute and super fly. When they were at Hotel Ziggy, she confessed that she thought he was fly as well. Some validation? He brings back champagne sparkling wine and not a champagne glass. Schwartz asks if she wants to go on a date, she says, okay, and they clink not champagne glasses. The others eat oysters in a booth, until Katie decides to invade Schwartz’s space. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, what a little c*ck blocker. He doesn’t know if Katie is into Tori or just competing. In Katie’s interview, she says, if Schwartz doesn’t like her taking his girl, maybe he should try harder. Schwartz leaves, and she calls him a weirdo.

James plays cornhole while Ally plays ping-pong with Brock. Lala tells Ariana that she can’t control what Sandoval does. She can only control herself. She wonders if Ariana has unresolved feelings, and Ariana says she understands her anger isn’t healthy, but they can never say she f***ed up. Lala tells her that she never said that, and asks if Ariana feels like Sandoval threw her away like she was nothing. She created a life with someone, and this is what happens when it unravels. There are no guarantees it will work out. Scheana suggests they get Ariana out of that house. Who cares about material items? They just want her to be happy. Ariana cries and says, it sucks. She put so much of her life, money, and time into making that her dream home. It was not only wrecked, but Sandoval wants to act like he’s someone deserving when she never did anything to him. In Ariana’s interview, she says she keeps her armor up because this sh*t is traumatic. She’s trying to find ways to go through it without making it everyone’s problem. (Too late.) She tells them that Sandoval is openly talking sh*t and has no remorse. Lala says, Ariana rose to the occasion, grabbed opportunity by the balls, and ran.

Katie talks with Tori at a picnic table, and says, while she hasn’t had a relationship with a girl, she’s had sex with a girl. Tori says, it’s better, and Katie says she would never put a label on herself. She likes people. In Katie’s interview, she says she’s always had an attraction to women. She thought she and Schwartz were forever, but that’s not going to stop her from doing anything. Tori says, Katie is so pretty, and she wants to kiss her. They kiss, and at another table, Lala says, they’re giving each other sex eyes. They kiss some more.

Jo meets Lala at a hot dog place. They order and sit down. Jo says, they look like a lesbian couple, and thanks Lala for coming here. Lala says, Schwartz suggested she talk to Jo. She saw Jo at Ziggy and saw she was not okay. We flash back to that, and Jo says, very much not okay. In Jo’s interview, she says she didn’t feel welcome. Schwartz loves his friends, and she wants to be welcomed into the group. Lala’s the ticket. Lala asks if Jo knew about Sandoval and Raquel, but Jo says, no. They hung out a couple of times, but she wasn’t paying attention to them. She was looking at Schwartz. In her interview, Jo says she thought Ariana and Sandoval had broken up. It’s crazy to think she’d pry and ask Sandoval how his relationship is going. Move on. Lala says, Jo and Schwartz are the strangest thing in the world, and Jo says, he doesn’t want a relationship, but they’re emotionally close. She’s being there for T-Money. That’s a random thing she made up. Lala says, T-Money and Joseph should be on their wedding invite, and Jo is like, no, but we all know she’s thinking, ooh, wedding.

Ariana, Katie, Ally, and James go to a golf range. James’s ball is a dud, and he says, it was a practice run. I laugh because I stink at golf. He asks if Katie remembers making out with Tori, and Katie says, they were chatting. He asks, at what point did it go from chatting to making out? and she says, Schwartz is going on a date with Tori. James asks if she’s moving in on Schwartz’s date, but she says, it’s not always about him. James says, it’s in the same month she slept with Max, and in James’s interview, he wonders why everyone is acting like this is normal. Katie married Schwartz in a white dress with vows and cheers. Now they’re divorced and dating the same girl who looks 21. Sh*t is f***ing weird. Ariana says she doesn’t want to be triggered, and Sandoval keeps throwing jabs at her. James says, Sandoval invited him to paintball, and Ariana says, there are group texts she’s not included in now. Seriously. I don’t know what either Ariana or Sandoval expect. No one wants to be in the same room with the two of them together. Katie tells James to take Ariana’s anger out on Sandoval, and Ariana says, Sandoval thinks he’s a professional paintballer. Ally asks how the house stuff is going, and Ariana says she’s waiting to see if he counters her counter offer. James asks, what if he rejects it? and she says, the letter says, after this many days, they’ll go to court and have the house sold. I didn’t quite catch it, but I think she added it would be a short sell, which is something you don’t want because that means doing it ASAP, and you’re not likely to get top dollar. Ally asks what Ariana’s dream place looks like, and Ariana says she wants treehouse vibes. Ally tells her to manifest that, and Ariana says she wants a place where this is hers and no one can take it.

Scheana accompanies Lala to the sperm bank, and in Lala’s interview, she says she loved being pregnant and knows she’d like to carry on her own. She wants to be fully in charge of her child and never wants the unknown. It may work out or you may enter into a custody battle and have to share the child. We flash back to her custody war with Randall, and she says she just wants to know her kid is hers forever. Director Brian comes out and asks how she’s doing, and she says she’s a little nervous. She never thought she’d be coming to a sperm bank, but she’s learned to never say never. She asks if most people that come to donate are looking for cash or just being good humans, and he says, a lot of donors desire to help others. She asks if they know the sperm is healthy, and he says, every donor has a psyche evaluation in addition to a genetic panel screening. The most important part of the process is donor selection. Lala says, in her mind, her daughter was conceived out of love, but because that type of love is taken out of the process, she wants this baby to know they’re all there, waiting for her enter the world. He says, they do their best to make the process simple, easy, and maybe a little exciting. He leaves Lala to process, and Lala tells Scheana that she’s going to form a family. She feels like part of something broken. Scheana says, Lala has a lot to think about, but at the end of the day, she’s an amazing mother and will provide an amazing life for her kids. In her interview, Lala says she pictured life how she grew up, with a mom and dad in the same household. That didn’t happen and it’s really hard. She feels like she deeply failed an innocent soul, and it wasn’t because of her. So she’s not risking that again. Scheana says, the beach was intense. She’s treading lightly with Ariana and doesn’t want to upset her. Lala says she doesn’t know if Ariana is trying to stand her ground, but she’s not going to win. It’s simple. Move out. If she’s choosing to stay, Lala can’t feel bad. Scheana says, it’s her pride. She can’t let go. Lala says, it’s more than pride. Your pride is saved living with the man who screwed you over? You’d have more pride living in a box on Sunset. Scheana says, one day, whenever this is over, it will make sense as to why it took this long, and Lala says she hopes so.

Schwartz goes to the hair salon where Jo works. He tells her to do anything to his hair, and she says she’s going to bleach it. He says he went on a date with Tori, who’s been very close to Scheana for ten years. Jo says she’d like to know why he’s going on a date with someone in the friend group, and Schwartz says, that’s changed since Katie slept with Max. Jo asks, how come she’s getting hate? and Schwartz says he has a tidbit. Tori made out with Katie before their date. It feels bizarre, and Tori is going on a date with Katie today. We see Tori and Katie doing some painting at Katie’s place, and Katie says she’s going to Bob Ross her way through this. Jo asks who liked Tori first, Schwartz or Katie? but he’s not sure. He tells her that he’s going to a singles mixer with Sandoval because Sandoval didn’t want to go alone, and Jo says she wants to go. She takes the bonnet off Schwartz, and he asks if he looks edgy. Jo says he looks like Eminem, but not agreed.

Scheana, Ariana, Katie and Ally have a girls’ night at a bar, and Katie and Schwartz going out with Tori is discussed. Lala thinks it’s weird, and Katie says, Tequila Katie is a ho. At the LA Singles event, Schwartz says, he’s feeling Kenergy, and tells Sandoval that he wanted to invest in himself. In Schwartz’s interview, he says he’s heard blonds have more fun, and it’s ringing true for him. He’s embracing his pre midlife crisis mode. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, Schwartz and Jo are on different pages. Jo sees their situationship glass as half full of a relationship, and Schwartz being Schwartz is giving her mixed signals. It’s part of his superpower. He’s charming all the time. Jo messes with Schwartz’s hair, which, IMO, is less of an I-love-you thing than a hairdresser thing. Kyle says, she’s not going to get him girls.

At girls night, Katie says she heard Lala and Jo got together, and Lala said she reached out to Jo, who wanted to give her side. Schwartz asked her to. Katie says, Jo means nothing to Lala, but she does. Why is she doing this? In Lala’s interview, she says, Jo is harmless. She’s not rolling up to steal their men. She says, Katie is her homie, but she called Jo a crackhead and is treating her like the bad one. Katie says, this isn’t making sense, and Lala says, it’s not her job for her life to make sense to Katie. Katie says she likes consistent, and Lala says, she’s not best friends with Jo or Raquel, but they need to let it go. If Katie wants to hang on to it, she wishes her the best. At LA Singles, the hostess gives the group wristbands – green for single, yellow for open, and red for wingmen. Kyle tells Schwartz that he can’t be with Jo always and expect to get girls. Sandoval talks to several girls, and Schwartz says he’s a make-out slut. In Jo’s interview, she says she had the impression they were here to support Sandoval, but when they got here, Schwartz was interested in other women. Is she chopped liver? In Schwartz’s interview, he says, maybe it’s not realistic to be as close as he and Jo are and go out with other people. He’s wondering if she’s in deeper than he is. She’s not his girlfriend. In her interview, Jo says, they are still hooking up and have said I love you, but it bothers her that he doesn’t want to share their relationship with his friends. It bothers her and she’s tired of feeling like a secret. She says she hates this and leaves.

The group, minus Ariana and Katie, meet for paintball, along with some other random friends. When they see his blond hair, Schwartz says, he woke up like this, and in James says he thought maybe Schwartz got sick of dying it the wrong brown. In James’s interview, he wonders if he’s the only person who’s realized Schwartz has been covering his grey hair for a long time. You can’t see the grey when it’s bleached blond. Sandoval asks Scheana how it’s going, and she says she’s not playing. She’s just here for moral support. She thought it was indoors, like a more of a laser tag situation. So there’s no VIP bathroom? Instructor Matt says, you can go blind or get your teeth knocked out, and Scheana says, that doesn’t seem fun. Agreed. Matt says, they have rattlesnakes too. When a paintball breaks on their body, they’re out. James is captain of Team One, and Sandoval is captain of Team Two. Sandoval tells his team to spread out, and Schwartz says, Sandoval is cold blooded and takes this sh*t seriously. The girls watch, and Scheana says, Sandoval is like a professional. Lala says, the energy at girls’ night took a turn, and Ally says, update her. Lala says she and Katie have been getting into it a lot, and Scheana says, Katie got upset that Lala went to lunch with Jo. Lala says, they grabbed a hot dog, and Ally says she’s glad. She felt bad for Jo. Lala says, Jo is hard to follow; she’s all over the place. Katie got upset, saying she liked loyalty and constancy, and Lala was like, hold the f*** up. Loyalty from a girl who just f***ed her ex’s best friend. She knows Katie’s been unhappy for a long time and she tried to baby Katie, but she isn’t going to be on the receiving end of her going crazy. It’s unclear who, if anyone, won the paintball game.

Schwartz comes home and Jo is there. He asks, what happened the other night? He’s confused and wonders if he’s sending mixed signals. They have undeniable chemistry and have a good time, but that being said, he doesn’t want a relationship. He wants to date other people. Jo says, imagine how she feels. They’ve been there for each other. Does she embarrass him? He says, not at all. People are saying they’re secretly dating. Maybe they need to not hang out as much. Jo says, or at all, and in Schwartz’s interview, he says, to hear her say that is gut wrenching. They had a fantastic voyage full of compassion and support. Maybe even love. It would be a tragedy if they never hung out again. Schwartz says girls he just wants to have fun, and Jo says, they have a weird connection. Everyone else sees it. It’s so easy with them together. They’d be disgustingly ugly and old and laughing. He agrees 100%, and she says, maybe they need time, because deep down, she has feelings for him. He says, it’s the same with him; he’s not denying them. Jo tears up and says, there’s nothing wrong with being honest. She’d never pressure him. She wants to let him do him. He says, same, and she says, the most amazing thing they have is the support, the laughter, and the banter. She’ll miss that. She thinks it only comes around once in a while. It’s okay to say he can find it somewhere else. In Jo’s interview, she says, it’s hard. She just wants him to be happy. He’s her favorite person in the world and that’s the goddam truth. She thinks the world of him. She cries and Schwartz asks if she’s okay. She gets up, says she wants to call her dad, and leaves. Schwartz weakly calls after her, because he’s a ballless dude who fears pretty much everything.

I hate this type of guy even more than a player. They mess with your feelings, but won’t commit, then pretend they don’t get what’s happening. I hope he rots.

There was no preview.

🐍 Valley Venom…

Jax: I just want to have a nice dinner, have some shots, and get drunk.

Me: Same.

When this show isn’t boring me, it’s giving me a headache with all the nonsense screaming and yelling.

🌴 Watching Out For That Tree…

Drop in tomorrow for a little soap, a little this, and a little that. Until then, stay safe, stay standing at least a foot away when talking to someone new, and stay never giving mixed signals. It’s the worst.

April 8, 2024 – GH Eclipsed, Drop Dead Gorgeous Blond Australian Stew On Deck, Poor Ant, At the Villa, Arguing Already, Farewell Too Soon, He Will Finish, Behold the Echidna & Total


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Not today, eclipse.

Below Deck

Fraser thinks Anthony bit off more than he can chew, and he’s worried the chef is not quite there yet. Jill badgers Fraser about the dinner start time, and I already want to smack her. Anthony tells Fraser that he’ll try to make the magic happen. In Barbie’s interview, she says she’s taking the brunt and giving a fake-ass bullsh*t smile that she doesn’t feel. She’s not a complainer. The captain joins the guests for dinner, and Fraser asks for the primary’s dinner preferences first. As Melinda tries to tell him, Jill butts in since she thinks she’s a primary. Anthony tells Fraser that instead one main course, he has to make three different main dishes at the same moment. He can’t build all the plates at the same time. Guest Jen ends up without a plate, but she tells the others not to wait. Jill says her food is cold, and Fraser says, it’s the worst day of his life. In Captain Kerry’s interview, he says, this is the worst dinner service all season, but if he looks pissed, the others will get pissed. To top it off, we have Jill. In Dylan’s interview, he says, when he was growing up, no one told him that he was good looking. Now he gets hit on by guys and girls. He tells Ben about dating a guest, and in his interview, he says he likes the hunt. When he sees a hot girl at the bar, he does pushups and asks, what’s going on baby? Seriously? I don’t care how hot he is. No, just no. The guests finish eating, but dessert isn’t ready, and Fraser says, they have to kill 20 minutes. The stews make up a concoction of rum and almond milk, with a touch of strawberry. The captain tells the guests about meeting his girlfriend on a ship, when the French chocolate souffle comes out. IMO, it’s well worth waiting for. Fraser says, Barbie seems quiet, and she says her fake smile only lasts so long. In the captain’s interview, he says he needs to talk to Anthony after the charter. There’s no use doing it now.

Fraser tells Xandi that tomorrow is going to be the sh*ttiest night. Everyone is so sensitive, the energy is horrific, and they have no stew. Barbie sees Xandi and Fraser talking and tells Kyle that Xandi is talking sh*t about her. In Anthony’s interview, he says, dinner was disappointing. He doesn’t want to be on charter. He wants to run in his room and cry all night. Ben talks about choosing lead deckhand to Fraser, and says, Dylan is like a puppy, interested in everything, but Sunny knows the boat. On the minus side, obviously they’re sleeping together. In Ben’s interview, he says, on paper, Dylan is fantastic, but Sunny works well with the crew and he can rely on her. He has to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Fraser tells him that the person who puts the most effort in needs it. Barbie sighs as she works, looks in the laundry, and says, f*** you. I’m not helping. Stupid-ass bitch. Nice.

In Sunny’s interview, she says she wants to love and connect. She wants to feel feelings. She’s got butterflies over Ben (ick). Captain Kerry gets a text that a new stew is arriving. Anchor is in the pocket and the yacht is en route to Port Louis Marina. Xandi says, this trip might kill her, and in Barbie’s interview, she says she’s ignoring Fraser. She doesn’t know how to communicate with him. He dismisses what she feels, and she can’t win. She can’t be herself and feels defeated. Ben and Sunny are called to the bridge, and the captain says, today is windier. In his interview, he says, the wind is at over 30 knots. The last time he was in this kind of wind, he lost the bow. If anything goes wrong, he’s going to smash into the dock and hit a concrete bank. Fraser wonders why Barbie is ignoring him, and in the captain’s interview, he says, the wind is coming in and there are two steel workboats to the side. If the wind doesn’t back down, he’s going to hit them. It’s a very difficult docking. The wind is holding him off. Jill says, he’s in trouble, because she knows all about being a captain and docking a massive yacht.

Jill says, blah-blah-blah, and Melinda says, this is giving her anxiety. I’m not sure if she means the docking or Jill babbling about it. Captain Kerry manages to dock the boat without incident, and the crew change into their whites. To their happiness, the guests pack. In Fraser’s interview, he says he’s never wanted anything more than to drop these guests in the sh*tter. He’s done. Fraser tells Barbie, well done, and Jill says she’s so sad. She hates this part. They had fun and she hopes she wasn’t too much work. 😐 Melinda thanks the crew, and says, it’s the best vacation ever. The deck crew was flawless, and she knows they were the hardest to cook for with all their different preference. She gives the captain the tip envelope, and they finally leave the crew in peace. Captain Kerry says, that was a fun charter. He’s cracking a beer now. Fraser asks Barbie, what’s happening? and she says, nothing. Kerry calls Anthony to the headmaster’s office. He says he’s going to tell Anthony straight. Dinner service was bullsh*t. His food was cold and two guests were without food. What the f*** was going on? Anthony says he was looking for the best solution for the guests to find dinner amazing. He’s upset with himself. Captain Kerry says he shouldn’t have kicked off with sushi and been laser focused on one guest, and in Anthony’s interview, he says he failed this one. It reminds him of bad moments when he was younger. He was called a loser at school and sees the teacher in his head. Born a loser and dies like a loser. I feel badly for him, but not too dramatic. The captain tells him to do the stuff he can do with his eyes closed. Fraser tells Barbie that she seems off, and she says, it’s an off day. He says, when it’s aimed at him, he thinks she’s in a bad mood and it’s not conducive to the team. She says she went to bed pissed and woke up pissed. He could have told her that he and Xandi were going to the beach to meditate. He says, it’s not like they were chilling, and she wasn’t talking yesterday. She says she’s scared to communicate with him, and he says he can’t deal with it. She says she’s flipped the switch back, so it’s good now.

It’s time for the tip meeting, and Captain Kerry says, it feels like they’ve gone a few rounds with Mike Tyson. His hat’s off to them. The tip is $20K or $1667 each. We hear crickets, and in Kyle’s interview, he says, it’s the worst tip they’ve gotten, but it’s still a lot of money. His mom recently found out they have a Native American heritage and a huge extended family in Montana. He’s going to spend a couple years there, and it will be nice if he can support himself. The captain says, they have tomorrow off, and they’re heading to a resort. The new stew is arriving tonight and will meet them at dinner. In his interview, Fraser says he’s excited. It’s like Christmas has come early. The captain says, the new stew’s first day is a day off. He’ll drink to that. Ben says he’s going on a two-day bender. Barbie tells Kyle that she wants to quit, but he says, mama didn’t raise no quitter, which is pretty funny to hear with his accent. Anthony says he’s ready to party, but he’s sad inside. He feels people know he made a mistake. He’s trying to stop thinking about it, but it not going to be a great night. Kyle drinks some liquor straight from the bottle and says he’s good to go.

New stew Paris arrives at the restaurant. In their interviews, Ben, Kyle, Anthony, and Sunny all say, wow. In Fraser’s interview, he says he knows who Paris is. She’s the ex of a dear friend. We flash back to two seasons ago, and see Fraser with his friend Jake, who’s talking to Paris on the phone. Fraser says, to him that means she’s gold. He tells the others that he worked with her ex, but this is their first time meeting in person. In Paris’s interview, she says she’s a sailing stew. She’s outgoing, funny, and loves mayonnaise. She says what’s on her mind because she has no serotonin left and regains it though people’s suffering. She laughs and says, that’s not true. She’s not evil. She is Australian though, and in Sunny’s interview, she says she’s definitely jealous. Paris is drop dead gorgeous, blond, and from Australia. She feels a little worried about what Ben thinks. Barbie tells Paris that she looks like she can take it emotionally, which is actually kind of rude. Ben and Kyle talk on the side, mostly about Paris. Paris says she’s had four years’ experience, and Fraser says she must be competent with housekeeping. Anthony tells Barbie that he needs them. He’s alone in his department every day. In her interview, Paris says she started in the Mediterranean, then the Atlantic, the Caribbean, and America. She doesn’t know the dynamics on the boat and it’s like a new school. The crew gets back to the boat, and Paris finds out she’ll be bunking with Xandi. She meets Captain Kerry, who says, everyone is nice, but the captain is an a-hole. Sunny and Ben have sex in the bathroom (ick again), when Barbie asks if Sunny can throw out a tampon. It’s an emergency. Sunny says, they were c*ck blocked so hard. What happened to the tie on the door thing?

In the morning, on the way to the resort, Paris says she lives in the country, and they have two kangaroos. She tells them that the echidna (which kind of looks like a hedgehog – see below) has a four-headed penis. Fun fact! They get to the resort and head for the pool. I’m jealous even though I live near the Atlantic Ocean, one of the biggest pools in the word. I need to get a friend who has a pool or talk one of my existing friends into getting one. Barbie tells Ben that Fraser wants to fire her, while Fraser tells Xandi, in the beginning, Barbie was amazing with her work, but her attitude is feral. Barbie whines to Ben that she doesn’t eat or take breaks, and Fraser tells Xandi that Barbie is talking about him now, because he has bat ears. Barbie tells Fraser that she doesn’t feel like she can talk to him because she works for him, not with him. He says she’s horrible to work with when she’s in a mood, and she asks if Fraser wants her to go, but he says, no. He just wants her to accept that this is the job. She then whines to Paris, and in Paris’s interview, she says, this is awkward. Fraser feels comfortable venting to her, but he’s her boss. She just got here, and she feels like Dr. Phil. Everything can be fixed with conversation, a hug, and tequila. Fraser tells Barbie that if she can’t move on, he can’t, and she says she doesn’t feel safe telling him her feelings. He says, if she doesn’t like it, she can f*** off, and she says, that shows how much she can’t trust him. In her interview, she says, Fraser doesn’t like her even though he likes the way she works. He doesn’t care about her or her feelings. In Fraser’s interview, he says, speak up, bitch. Don’t be passive/aggressive. She tells Fraser that she loves him, but he says she doesn’t act like it. She’s a horrible person when she doesn’t want to speak. She says, he wants her to go, but he says he wants her to understand how this works. If she can do it, fantastic. If she can’t… She says, okay, cool, and they part company. In Anthony’s interview, he says he’s still learning. It’s tricky. The restaurant business is different. There’s a guy for everything, and here, he’s by himself. He promised his younger self that one day he’d be successful, and he has to keep that promise. Sunny wonders if Xandi and Ben could have been a thing, but Xandi says, if he was ten years older. Sunny asks if she likes them old, which would be like 40, and Xandi says she’s done raising people’s husbands, whatever that means. Paris asks Barbie if she’s okay, and Barbie tells Paris that she and Fraser are too different, and they clash. They don’t get each other, and personally trigger each other. Paris thinks there’s a resolution if they communicate, if they if don’t trigger each other’s defensiveness. Barbie says she can’t, and in Paris’s interview, she says she feels Barbie and Fraser are similar and the issues cause both of them to be defensive. They’re also out in the sun drinking, which makes them all drama queens. What started from a small issue has grown into a mole hill. She tells Barbie, if it doesn’t work out, it’s his neck on the line. Fraser tells Ben that he’s done with Barbie. Ben says, what about one more charter? but Fraser isn’t having it. He says, she’s impossible to work with. In his interview, Fraser says, he’s given more chances in the past than he should have, and now he’s not about giving more chances. You show your true colors after two chances. We flash back to Barbie’s first, second, third, and fourth chances, and Fraser says, if it’s not great after the fourth, you’re off. He needs to pull the cord earlier. He tells Ben that he’s done.

Ben hugs Fraser and suggests he sleep on it, and in Ben’s interview, he says he thinks Fraser is taking it too far. The problem is Fraser’s lack of management skills in making people gel. Dylan asks if Paris likes Steve Irwin, and she wonders what kind of question that is. He’s a national treasure. Dylan says he watched Steve while growing up, so it must count for something. Paris says, if he was here, he’d say, crikey, that’s cringe. In her interview, she says, Dylan is gorgeous, but so awkward personality-wise. If he was mute, he’d get more action. Dylan leaves and Ben comes along. Paris asks if he put out the fire, and he puts his hand on her knee. He gets even more handsy, and no surprise, Sunny sees. Xandi says, good God, and Sunny says, sayonara. In Sunny’s interview, she says, Ben touching another woman makes her uncomfortable, jealous, and angry. It’s mad disrespect. Paris tells Fraser that she thinks he and Barbie are upset because they’re similar, but he’s like, no way. Barbie calls her mom as she puts on her makeup and cries. She says she doesn’t want to be here and she’s mad at herself for giving up, but she has to quit. She wants to go home. Fraser tells Paris that he’s supported Barbie and tried it all. He won’t look after someone who speaks to him like she does. She’s a subordinate and he’s the chief. Barbie tells her mom that she can’t get through to him and can’t fix it. She has an amazing life at home and doesn’t need to be with people who don’t understand her and she clashes with so much. She doesn’t like giving up. Fraser tells Paris, welcome to the circus.

Next time, in Sunny’s interview, she says, Ben looks like an a-hole; Sunny tells Ben, it’s not okay; Anthony makes fish for a guest who doesn’t eat fish; Barbie says she’s sorry her and Fraser’s contention affected everybody; and Fraser goes to the captain about Barbie.

⚓️ Atlas Of the Deck…

It’s doubtful he’s carrying the show, but despite his faults, he’s one of the best chefs they’ve had.

🏰 Viva La Villa…

I started watching this and the venue is magnificent. Not so much the employees who are already drinking too much and arguing in front of the guests. But Lisa is there along with Puffy (!), so all will be well.

🍊 That Didn’t Take Long…

Apparently, Tamra is already causing problems and the horse hasn’t even left the gate yet.

🥀 Sad OC News…

Today’s PSA: Drug responsibly and for the love of all that’s holy, stay away from fentanyl.

🐎 Not Done Yet…

They lost me somewhere in season 4. I think it was a big mistake to open things up to the real world so early. Westworld stopped being Westworld and turned into something else.

🦔 Cute But Mighty In Its Own Way…

Behold, the echidna.

But wait, there’s more.

🌚 Stars Aligning Now…

Join me tomorrow for soap and VanderExploits. Until then, stay safe, stay not leaving puddles around the sink in a public restroom, and stay remembering that everything can be fixed with conversation, a hug, and tequila. And also, that the echidna has a four-headed penis. You’ll be a real hit at parties.

April 5, 2024 – Anna Visits Brennan In Pentenville, Come Monday, New Manager, Their Portrayal, Buddy Project, Poor Ann, Mutual Admiration, Dead Talk, Happily Ever Afters, X Quotes & Clearly


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Lois touches up her manicure in the nook, and Brook says, thank God she’s still here. She needs Lois. Lois asks if it can wait. She’s already late. Brook says, it’s about the wedding, and Lois says, whatever it is, they’ll fix it later. She promises. She starts to dash off and Brook says, fine. She’ll just have to get married without a wedding dress. Lois says, okay, you win.

Sonny sits at the MetroCourt bar and sends a text to Lois: I’m here. Where are you? Natalia comes up to the bar and says, Mr. Corinthos, we meet again.

Molly goes into Bobbie’s and Carly says, she just missed the lunch rush, so take a seat anywhere. She’ll have someone bring out a menu for her. Molly thanks her, and Carly says she wanted to tell Molly she did a great job in court the other day… at Jason’s arraignment. Molly says she’s surprised to hear Carly say that. She thought Carly would hold prosecuting Jason against her. Carly tells her, who says she doesn’t?

In his office pretending to be working, Drew picks up the phone and says, send her in. Jordan walks in, and he asks, what brings her by? She says, when they spoke the other day, he said he’d be open to Aurora promoting the city of Port Charles. She’s here to follow up.

At Pentenville, a guard brings Brennan to the visitor room, and Brennan says, look who it is. Anna says, good afternoon, and he says, it is now. She asks, why is that? and he says he likes being right. He told her that she’d be back to see him, and here she is.

Sam brings Dante into the apartment, and he says he’s got this as he slowly walks to the sofa. She asks if he’s sure about that, and he says he might need a little help. She helps him to sit, and he takes her hand and says he just wanted her to sit next to him. She says she’s missed this, and he says, him too. She says she was afraid she’d never have him here again in their home, and he says, see? All that worry was for nothing. She says she loves him so much, and he says, him too. She says, welcome back, and they kiss.

Sonny asks what brings Natalia to the MetroCourt, and she says she has a meeting and they’re officially late. He says, the person he’s meeting is late too, and asks if she wants to wait with him. She says she would like to, and takes a seat. She’s always surprised by people who just don’t respect the value of other people’s time, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering him. He says he’s just waiting for a friend. Business is business. He asks what she’s drinking, and she asks what he’s having. He says, scotch, and she tells the bartender that she’ll have the same. He says, she doesn’t seem like the white wine type, and she says she’s found that business rivals don’t really respect a Sauvignon Blanc. He says he’s sure her rivals are impressed by her, and she thanks him. She asks if she can make a personal observation and he says, no… He laughs and says, go ahead, and she says, since they last met, he seems lighter, happier. He says, is that right?

Lois says, sit. Tell her everything. Brook says, when they decided to downsize the wedding, she called Sandrine and told her to stop working on alterations on Lila’s dress. But now that Dante’s feeling better – Lois says, thank God – and they’re having the wedding they originally planned, she called Sandrine back and told her to start working on the dress, and she said… Lois says, there was a fire, but Brook says, no, and Lois says, a broken pipe flooded everywhere. Brook says, ma, no, and Lois says, oh God, it’s squirrels again. Brook says, worse. She said the fabric is too old, that it’s falling apart, it won’t hold a seam. Bottom line, the dress cannot be altered. Lois says, that is a setback for sure, but Brook says, it’s more than a setback. The dress can’t be worn. Game over. Lois tells Brook to bite her tongue. She knows when things are impossible, that’s when they start to get creative. There’s got to be some way to salvage some part of Lila’s dress.

Rocco comes in with Scout, and says, Dante’s home. Dante says he is. He told them he was coming back, right? Rocco says, but now he’s here, and Dante says, he’s right, and Rocco’s here too. Sam asks, where’s Danny?

Molly tells Carly that she was assigned the case. She had to make the best argument she could. Carly says she knows Molly was just doing her job. If Jason didn’t make bail and Dante hadn’t woken up to exonerate him, she wouldn’t be in this good of a mood, but that’s not what happened. Jason’s free, Dante’s home with Sam and Rocco, and Molly’s niece and nephew. Molly says, and they’re crazy about him. She just hopes they’re not so excited to see him, they pop Dante’s stitches and Sam has to take him back to the hospital. They laugh, and Carly says, that would be awful. Kristina comes in and says, guess who’s on time? Molly says, not just on time, but early, and Kristina says, the end times must be upon us. She says hi to Carly, who tells them to take a seat – clearly, they can sit anywhere – and she’ll bring them menus. Molly sits, and Kristina tells Carly that she knows Nina is back at Crimson. Is she okay? Carly says she’s better than ever, and Kristina says, really? Carly says she’s busy enough here, and Drew’s a savvy businessman. She’s sure he had a reason for taking Nina back.

Jordan says, since Aurora is headquartered here, it benefits his company for Port Charles to be seen as the vital, thriving, culturally rich city it is. He says, as opposed to the smuggling mecca with outbursts of violence from organized crime get away from, and she says, that’s the image they’re trying to get away from. He says he’s sure the shootings at Selina’s warehouse didn’t help any, and she says she’s really glad they’re having this chat. He asks, why is that? and she says, there are some days she really misses being Police Commissioner, but he’s made it so she doesn’t miss law enforcement at all. They should do this more often. He says, they’ve got to find a way to make that happen. Starting with cleaning up the city’s image. She says she’s hoping Aurora Media will play a pivotal role in rebuilding the city’s image, from the streets up.

Brennan says, they told him that the Police Commissioner was here to see him. When did Anna take back her old job? She says, it’s been a couple of months, and he asks if Police Commissioner wasn’t a come down. International spy to small town cop. (Wow. It was a mecca just two seconds ago.) She says she could do worse. She could be wearing one of those jumpsuits. He laughs and asks if she doesn’t miss working intelligence, and she says, sure, but she actually enjoys doing local police work. He asks how that’s even possible. He remembers her back in the day, the ambition. She was downright scary. She asks if she’s scary now, and he says, she’s not not scary. She laughs and says, he was always such a smooth talker. He says, all Australians. It’s in the genes. He asks why she’s here, and she says, a name came up that made her think of him – Pikeman.

Jordan tells Drew that she wants to rebrand this city. Emphasize the art scene, their gorgeous location, its architecture… His phone rings and he says he thought he told his assistant no interruptions. He’s so sorry. The door opens and John walks in. He tells Drew not to blame his assistant, and Drew says he won’t. Who the hell is he? Jordans says, this is Special Agent John Cates with the FBI, and John says, Deputy Mayor Ashford, always a pleasure. She says she’s sure it is, and Drew says, as John can see, he’s at a meeting right now. What does he want? John says he needs Drew to answer a few questions about his brother Jason Morgan.

Molly asks if Kristina can be any more insensitive, but Kristina says, Carly is fine. Molly says, if she weren’t fine, does Kristina think she’d let on? This is Carly, for God’s sake. Kristina says, honestly, she doesn’t think Carly is crying many tears over her breakup with Drew, and Molly asks how it’s her business. Kristina says, admit it. She’s just as curious. Know how she knows? Molly hasn’t even asked her about… Molly says, oh my God. How’d it go at the doctor? She’s sorry she and TJ couldn’t be there. Kristina says, it’s totally fine, honestly. She’s laying there in what they have the nerve to call a gown. They put that goop all over her belly and roll that electric eye over it, and that’s it. She was totally fine doing it on her own. Josslyn comes in and Molly says, hi. Josslyn says hi back and goes to the counter. Carly asks if she isn’t sick of this place, and Molly asks Kristina, what’s up with her and Joss? Kristina says she has no idea what Josslyn’s problem is.

On the phone, Lois says, the bodice is completely unsalvageable?… How about those gorgeous pleats?… How popped and yellowed?… And the crinoline?… Oh no… Wait. What? They’re intact? Are they sure?… She’s going to put her daughter on the phone with them right now. She hands the phone to Brook, who says, yes? Hello?… Uh-huh… Oh my God, yes. That would be amazing… She can come in for a fitting anytime… Oh no. She’s so sorry. She can’t come in right now. She has a crucial meeting right now. She hands the phone to Lois, says, sorry, and leaves. Lois sees a bowl of ice cream on the counter and says, ooh, strawberry. She sits down, eats a spoonful, remembers she’s late, and runs off.

Sonny says he’s in the mood to celebrate a little bit, and Natalia asks, what is the special occasion? Sonny says his son is a cop, his oldest son, and he was shot in the line of duty. It was touch and go for a bit, and they thought he wasn’t going to make it. She says, but he did, and Sonny says, yeah. She raises her glass and says, to his son. He says, to Dante, and clinks his glass against hers. She asks if he’s still in the hospital, but Sonny says, he’s home today, and it’s going to take him a while to make a full recovery. She says, okay, but that’s wonderful. She’s happy for both of them. He says, thank you very much. He’s so happy. She says, that reminds her of something he said, that there is nothing more important than making sure your child knows you love them. She’s been thinking about that a lot lately. He asks if things are better with her and Blaze, and she says, yeah – she takes a sip of her drink – and no.

Scout tells Sam, Danny said he had to do something, and Sam asks if he mentioned what that was. Rocco says, no, but that’s just how he is. He’s not big on explanations. Sam says, all right. No big deal. She’ll just shoot him a text. Scout says, she can’t, and Dante asks, why not? Scout says, mommy took his phone when she grounded him, and Sam says, ouch. Scout’s right. She did do that. All right. She knows where to start. Dante says, she thinks he went to see… She shoots him a look, and looking at Sam’s phone, Scout asks why Carly would know where Danny is. Danny walks in with a bakery box and tells Dante, welcome home. Dante says, there he is. He’s back. Sam asks where he’s been, and Danny says, Eckerd’s. He wanted to get some donuts to celebrate Dante’s homecoming.

Natalia tells Sonny that she doesn’t want him to think less of her for saying this, and he says, there’s only one way to find out. She says she’s still struggling with mixed feelings about Allison, and he says, being gay. She says, yeah. She wishes she could wake up tomorrow morning and just feel enlightened and comfortable with the way she is. He says, it takes time, and she asks if it took him time with Kristina. He says, no, not really, but he thinks with Kristina, it took her so long to tell him because she was afraid he’d reject her, which he would never do. Natalia says she feels like it’s a little bit different with Allison, because she’s not altogether convinced that it’s not a reaction to the harassment and abuse she got from her former manager. He says, Linc Brown, and she says, that’s the one. She knows Sonny accepted her right away, but did he ever wonder with Kristina? Did he ever ask why? He tells her that he’d be lying if he said he never wondered if her bad experiences changed her and made her who she is. Know what he learned? That happens to all of us. Kristina was, is, and always will be Kristina. Natalia says, and she’s charming and beautiful, and he says, she gets that from her dad. She laughs, and he wonders if he can ask her something he thinks she may not like. She says, hold on, and takes a sip of her drink. All right. He asks if she thinks she knows what her daughter wants more than her daughter does, and she says, of course (🍷) she thinks that. Of course (🍷) her daughter doesn’t always agree with her all the time. He says, to daughters, and they clink glasses. Lois and Brook arrive and see Sonny with Natalia.

John says, if Jordan wouldn’t mind, but Drew says he wants her to stay. He’s got nothing to hide. John says, it’s fine by him. Has Drew heard from his brother? Drew says he has not, and John says, not since the charges were dropped? Drew says, nope, and John says, what about before? Drew says, the only time he saw Jason was at his arraignment, and John says, and they didn’t speak then. Drew says, actually, no, and John says, to his own brother? Drew says, they’re not that close, and John asks, then why go to the arraignment? Drew says, they have people in common. He was there for them. And that is the extent of their contact. John says he’s sorry, but he finds that hard to believe.

Brennan says, Pikeman, and Anna says, come on. Don’t tell her that he doesn’t know what that is. He says, of course (🍷) he knows. Armaments, defense systems, skilled mercenary soldiers. She says, very lucrative business, and he says, it was. He’s sure it still is. They were investigating them. She says, he was? and he says, the WSB was. Sadly, he no longer considers himself part of that institution. She says, what really amazes her is the fact that he was able to be the director of the WSB and head up Pikeman at the same time, and he says, what? She says, that was terrible, that look of astonishment. He’s not even trying. He says he doesn’t see how one can head a global law enforcement agency and a paramilitary defense contractor at the same time. But the fact she thought he could have, he’s quite flattered. She says, Pikeman has weapons. WSB needs weapons. That way we were able to… She keeps referring to the WSB as we. He says, institutional espionage is addictive. It’s a hard habit to break. She says, a partnership with Pikeman gave the WSB access to untraceable weapons, which allowed them to meddle in countries they were supposed to leave alone. He set it up perfectly. He says he did? He must be really good. She says, he’s one of the best. Then he got himself caught because he couldn’t leave Port Charles alone. Why? What’s so important here?

Kristina says, Molly was in the courtroom, so she didn’t see it, but she and Josslyn got into it before Jason’s arraignment. Josslyn went on and on and on about how Jason just had to be innocent. Molly says, which it turns out he was, and Kristina says, yeah, but no one knew that at the time. But did Josslyn listen? Nope. She was being totally unreasonable.

Josslyn sits down at the counter and says, Dex is becoming a cop, and Carly asks if she’s sure. Josslyn says, yes. He was here and he was reading the paperwork right over there. So what happens when Sonny finds out? What happens if Sonny takes him to the Pine Barrens and Carly isn’t there this time to stop him? Carly says she could try to talk Dex out of it, but if he’s that determined… Josslyn says, Dex should be able to do whatever he wants to do, but he can’t because of Sonny. The FBI should be investigating Sonny, and they should put him away in jail until the end of time like he deserves. Kristina gets up, and Molly says, no, just leave it, but does Kristina listen? Nope. She says, Josslyn is talking trash about her dad, and Josslyn says, in a private conversation. Kristina says, their voices carried. She might want to walk that back. Josslyn asks why she’d want to do that, and Kristina says, a lot of reasons. Everything her father’s ever done for Josslyn.

Josslyn says she’s sorry. What is she supposed to be grateful to Sonny for? Kristina says, he’s been wonderful to Josslyn. She grew up in his house. Josslyn says, he was her stepdad. She was a child. She had to live there. Kristina says, Sonny has always loved Josslyn and treated her like she was one of his own daughters, and what does she do? She tears him down behind his back. Josslyn says, call him over. She’ll say everything right to his face. It wouldn’t be her first time. Kristina says, Josslyn hates him like he is some terrible person. Her father has donated wings to hospitals… Josslyn says, where’s the money coming from that he donates these wings? His coffee imports? Kristina says she’s not discussing what her father may or may not be doing with his business… and Josslyn says, may or may not… Kristina says, about which none of them has firsthand knowledge. Josslyn says, Kristina might not, and Kristina says, Josslyn does? Carly walks over and says, they’re not having this conversation here. They need to take a step back. Kristina says, no, please, enlighten her. She can’t wait to hear this. What does Josslyn think she knows about what her father does? Josslyn says she knows Kristina’s father is a vicious thug and a murderer.

Brook hugs Sonny, and he says he didn’t know her mom was bringing her here. Lois says she wasn’t, but Brook was meeting someone here, and Natalia says, that would be her. Lois and Natalia introduce themselves, and Lois says she’s sorry they’re late. They had a wedding dress emergency. Sonny says, that happens, and Natalia says, does it? She’s never heard of a wedding dress emergency. Lois says, now she has, and Brook suggests she and Natalia chat somewhere more private. Sonny says he hears Blaze is the new Face of Deception. That is exciting. Natalia says, we’ll see, and Brook says, let’s take that table over there and let them catch up. Natalia says, have a nice lunch, and goes with Brook. Lois tells Sonny, she seems… nice.

Sam says, since they eat donuts with their hands, why don’t Scout and Rocco go upstairs to wash up? Scout asks if Danny is in trouble, but Sam says, no. Rocco tells Scout that their business is upstairs. Let’s go mind it. They go upstairs, and Sam tells Danny that she needs him to tell her the truth. No matter what, he’s not in trouble. When he went to get the donuts, did he go and see his father? Danny says, no, and she says, okay. He asks if she believes him, and she says, shouldn’t she? He says, yeah. He just didn’t think she would. She opens a drawer and says, how about this? She’s actually going to give him his phone back. She takes out the phone, hands it to him, and says, but under one condition. She is going to put the locator on, so she knows where he is. He says, so not only does she not believe him, she doesn’t trust him either, but she says she does believe him, and she trusts him. She just wants to protect him. He says, from his own father, and she says, his father isn’t someone he should be around right now. Jason leads a dangerous life. Danny says he’s got homework. He tells Dante, enjoy the donuts, and goes upstairs. Sam says, what? and Dante says, she’s the mom, so what she says goes, but respectfully, he thinks she might have made a mistake there.

John says, like Drew told him, he and his brother have people in common, most notably Sam McCall and Carly Spencer. Both of them were married to one, and both of them were involved with the other. Jordan says, none of which merits investigation from the FBI, and John says he was getting to that. She says, well, hurry, and John says, both Drew and his brother have been charged with a federal crime. His brother went to prison after a no contest plea, and Drew went to prison after pleading guilty to insider trading. He was granted early release, which means if Jason is involved in any criminal activities and Drew is implicated, he could be sent back to Pentenville. (Wouldn’t the FBI already know how close Drew and Jason are or aren’t?)

Brennan says he’s thought a lot about Port Charles. There’s so much to do in this city, so much to discover. Anna says, like a mission report on the defection they worked on together. Does he remember that? He asks, how could he forget? It was a dismal failure. She says, but then he found out she had a hard copy, and he couldn’t let that get out, could he? He says, because it went south? He’ll have her know that he’s been a part of more than one failed mission. She says, but none of those resulted in ten million dollars disappearing, and he says he remembers the ten million too. It’s funny, because back then they thought that was a lot of money. She says, they did, but it’s enough to provide seed money for Pikeman. That’s why he had to destroy the report and silence her in the process. He says, right. So if he’s such a diabolical mastermind, why is she still alive? If she’s the only person who can tie him to the missing money, why wouldn’t he just kill her? She says, it’s not for lack of trying, and he says, or maybe that’s what someone wants her to believe. She asks if he’s saying he’s being framed, and he says, like she hasn’t? She says, it happens to the best of us, and he says, someone didn’t like the direction he was taking with the WSB, and now he’s in here. Maybe she can help him get out. Maybe she can find out who framed him. For old time’s sake. She says she’ll consider it, if he gives her something in return. He says, such as? and she says, a name. With him in here, someone’s got to be running Pikeman. Who?

Josslyn says, Molly is the ADA. She must have access to the file on the assault of Cyrus Renault. Show Kristina. Kristina says, Josslyn wants to talk about thugs and murderers, Cyrus Renault is at the top of that list. Josslyn says, he used to be. Maybe he still is. It doesn’t matter. She should look at the file. And she should take a really good look at the photos and see what her beloved daddy did to a helpless old man who couldn’t fight back. Molly says, this isn’t accomplishing anything. They’re going to go. Josslyn tells Molly, show her. And then show her all of the information in all of the files on all of the lives Sonny has ruined and all of the people he has had killed. Carly tries to interrupt, but Josslyn says, then maybe Kristina will see him for who he really is. Kristina says she can’t be around Josslyn, and walks out. Molly looks at Josslyn, who says, if Molly wants her to apologize, she can’t. Molly says, Kristina is pregnant right now. She can’t handle this kind of stress. Even if she could, what good does it possibly do, rubbing her nose in how Josslyn feels about Sonny? He’s her father. She loves him. She has every right to. Molly leaves, and Josslyn looks guilty, as she should. She can be a mean girl.

Sonny says he thinks that’s a record. Two seconds, and Lois wrote Natalia off. Lois says, oh no. She’s as open as the next person. He says he can see that, and she says she means it. She’s willing to give anyone a chance, but come on. She’s been in the music business a little bit too long. She can spot a stage mother from a mile away, and she’s telling him, that Natalia is enmeshed in her daughter’s life. So much so, that poor kid isn’t going to be able to have a life of her own. He says, and no one can say that about her, and she says, there is no questioning how close she and Brook are. But her daughter is her own person, and she accepts the beautiful, brilliant, vibrant human being that she’s become. He says, and she is that, and Lois says, let’s see if that Natalia can say it about her own kid.

Brook asks what Natalia’s concerns are about Blaze becoming the Face of Deception, and Natalia says, she’s already a star. Brook says, she is, a rising star, and Natalia says, higher and higher every day. So forgive her if she questions some of Brook’s managerial choices. Brook says she’ll be happy to answer any questions Natalia may have. Fire away. Natalia suggests they start with the most obvious, which is that Brook has this wedding taking up all of her time. So will Brook even have time to focus on what’s best for her daughter? Brook says, yes. Next question. Natalia says, let’s just stick with this one. What if she had a wedding dress emergency and she had a meeting with a record label or a venue manager?

Dante says, the more Sam forbids Danny to see his father, the more he’s going to want to see his father. She says she doesn’t know what else to do. Does he have any suggestions? He says, talk to Jason? He doesn’t know. He may be biased right now because technically, the guy saved his life.

Brennan says he can’t tell Anna who’s head of Pikeman because he doesn’t know, and she says, might she remind him that she and Dante Falconari were targeted by Hume. Hume was employed by Pikeman, working under his orders. He says, if she has proof of that, by all means, show it to his attorneys. He’s sure they’d love to see it. As would he. Let him ask her. Does she have any evidence directly tying him to Pikeman? No? Then why does she think that is? She says she may not have anything to tie him to Pikeman now, but she can certainly tie him to it back in the day.

Sam says she’s grateful Jason helped save Dante’s life, but this isn’t about him and Jason. This is about her protecting Danny from Jason. She doesn’t want him to get sucked into Jason’s life more than he already has. Dante says, first of all, he’s not trying to make it about him. He’s with her. He’s just concerned that… She says, forbidding Danny from seeing Jason is only going to make him want to see Jason more. She knows that. She just doesn’t know what else to do. He says he’s going to do whatever it is Sam tells him to do to help her. She says, of course (🍷) he will. Because he knows what it means to be a father. And it’s more than biology. He’s the one who’s here. He’s the one who’s put in the time. He’s the one Danny can count on. He says he doesn’t know about that, but he knows he’s the lucky one, because he has her and those kids. She says, yeah, and they’re about to kiss, when Scout asks if they can eat now. Sam says, of course (🍷). Come on down. The kids all come downstairs, and Sam says she has some really good news. Olivia brought over some dinner, but she was thinking maybe they’d do something a little different. Since it is a celebration, maybe they could have dessert before dinner. Unless of course (🍷), they want to have dinner before dessert. Show of hands. Dinner first?… No? Dessert first? All the hands go up, and Sam says, dessert it is. Danny says, Dante gets first choice, but Dante says he’ll give his first choice to Scout. Scout asks if there’s a pink one with sprinkles and Danny asks what she thinks. She takes one out, and Sam asks what she says. Scout says, thanks Dante. Welcome home. Dante thanks all of them and says, this is the best welcome home ever. Now pass those donuts around.

Drew says, if John wants to investigate him, go for it. Sift through every detail of his life. John can audit his company. He has absolutely nothing to hide. He’s just going to give John a little bit of advice. Make sure he dots every i and crosses every t, because he’s going to make this very public. And he’s pretty sure the FBI doesn’t want John bringing on that kind of exposure for them. John thanks Drew and says he appreciates Drew’s time and cooperation. Drew says, he’s very welcome. So they’re done. John says, for now. If he does hear from his brother – Drew says he won’t – or obtain any information, give him a call. Drew says, John wants to bring down Jason, that’s on him. John leaves, and Jordan asks, who does Drew hate more, his brother or Very Special Agent (ha-ha!) John Cates? He says he definitely doesn’t hate his brother. It’s just, Jason brings on his own trouble, and he doesn’t want to be dragged down into it. She says, heard, and he thanks her for staying. She says she’s so glad she did. Drew tearing into Special Agent Cates was a thing of beauty.

Anna says, that mission report, and Brennan says, the one she believes he tried to have her killed over. She says, that one. It clearly states that he was instrumental in planning that operation where the ten million went missing. It put him in a perfect position to sabotage the op and abscond with the money. Everyone else involved with that op was either sidelined or demoted, but not him. His career skyrocketed. It’s almost as if someone in a much, much, much higher position at the Bureau not only approved of his actions, but was rewarding him for them. They were rewarding him with positions that were advantageous to him and to Pikeman. Pikeman is far too valuable to collapse in his absence. So who did he hand it off to? Who is running it now? He says he wishes he could help her, but alas, she’s wasting her time. He calls the guard and says, the Police Commissioner is done with him. The guard leads him away.

Brook tells Natalia, Blaze wanted to keep it at smaller venues for now, then move on to other ones once they sold those out. After all, it’s better to sell 300 tickets to a 200-person venue than it is to sell 500 tickets to one that holds 1000. Natalia says she happens to believe Blaze could sell out a 1000 plus seat venue, and Brook says, so does she, but this is Blaze’s choice and she backed Blaze because she believes in her. Blaze is her client. She and Blaze will decide what direction to take her career. Natalia says, Blaze might be Brook’s client, but this is her child. It’s her job to safeguard Blaze’s happiness. Brook says, Natalia’s not going to get an objection from her. They all want Blaze to be happy. Natalia says, to that end, she wants to make sure Blaze doesn’t publicize something she can’t take back later. So she wants Blaze’s private life to remain private. Are they clear? Brook says she doesn’t manage Blaze’s private life. And neither does Natalia. Whoever Blaze decides to spend her time with and whoever knows about it, that’s up to Blaze. A word of advice… Natalia says she doesn’t need Brook’s advice, but Brook says, trust her. She does. Sonny is Blaze’s girlfriend’s father, and he loves his little girl. He thinks she hung the moon. She doesn’t think he’d appreciate Natalia trying to keep their relationship a secret.

Lois says, thank God. She can see the relief in Sonny’s face. She can hear it in his voice. He says he’s been relying a lot on Dante lately. Not just as a son, but as a friend. Lois says, how so? and he says, Dante has a way of getting through to him – he lowers his voice – and he needs that in his life right now.

Carly says, Josslyn was right about Sonny, but Kristina refuses to see it. Of course (🍷) she does. Sonny is her father. Josslyn says, don’t tell her that she has to go apologize, and Carly says, no. She doesn’t have to apologize. Kristina isn’t a delicate flower, and she gave just as good as she got. But she’s worried about Josslyn. Josslyn is so angry about the situation with Sonny and Dex, and she gets it, but all that rage Josslyn has inside is only hurting her. Josslyn says, of course (🍷) she’s filled with rage. Sonny sent Dex to kill Cyrus and Dex was going to do it, but he felt like he didn’t have a choice. And she can’t be with someone who could do something like that. Carly says, that’s the choice Josslyn made and she’s proud of her for it. Josslyn says, even if she’s miserable? and Carly says, that’s how she knows it wasn’t an easy choice to make. And as far as if it was worth it or not, only Josslyn knows the answer to that. Josslyn says, all she knows is, she still loves Dex, and she misses him, and Carly says he understands. She’s been there. Josslyn says, but she’s terrified because Dex is going to become a cop, and there’s a real chance Sonny will have him killed.

On Tuesday (see below), Drew asks Nina what he gets out of this; Sonny asks Ava why Drew would hire the woman who put him in prison; Jason says he needs someone to do something else for him; and Carly yells for someone to be left alone.

👓 No Soap Monday…

It’s the solar eclipse, baby.

📋 Carly’s New Hire…

Meet Hunter.

🔬 A Little Mental Health On the Side…

When art imitates life. One of the reasons I love GH. They keep it relevant.

💣 Joining Forces…

I can see them as The Blues Brothers 2.0.

William deVry Updates Fans on His Project With Kin Shriner!

🍸 For Ann’s Sake…

But will she ever actually be working?

There’s no doubt it was stressful.

But apparently, the worm with a mustache doesn’t think it’s stressful picking up his dirty drawers and being a go-between for two people who shouldn’t be sharing a house in the first place.

💎 When Worlds Collide…

Definitely a meet cute.

⚰️ What’s Next In Dead…

New addition to the City.

Thoughts on the Dead future.

🐶 Miracles Happen…

Best happy ending ever.

That grasshopper must live!

He’s in love.

💡 Quotes of the Week

It’s not a lie if you believe it. – George Costanza (Jason Alexander), Seinfeld

I’d rather see my face aging than a face I don’t recognize at all. – Cameron Diaz (Thank you.)

Quitting can be a hard choice to make, but often it’s a brave one as well.Susan David

A polite enemy is just as difficult to discredit, as a rude friend is to protect. – Bryant H. McGill

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. – B. B. King (No one can take integrity away from you either.)

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down. – Mary Pickford

Fear imprisons, faith liberates; fear paralyzes, faith empowers; fear disheartens, faith encourages; fear sickens, faith heals; fear makes useless, faith makes serviceable – and, most of all, fear puts hopelessness at the heart of life, while faith rejoices in its God. – Henry Emerson Fosdick 

People will always have opinions about your decision because they’re not courageous enough to take action on their opinion. – Steve Maraboli

The man who insists on seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides. – Henri-Frédéric Amiel

And that, my dear, is how you run an asylum. – Matron Grady (Judith Light), Escaping the Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story


Enjoy the eclipse then join me on Monday really Tuesday for what’s cringeworthy on Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay opening/holding the door open for any human immediately before or after you, and stay celebrating with dessert before dinner on occasion. Unless of course, you want dessert after dinner.