Tag Archives: Sometimes It Snows in April

April 16, 2024 – Laura Wants Sonny Prosecuted, Sandoval Just Gets More Awful, Down In the Valley & Sometimes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Maxie puts two bags on her desk, and one falls over, spilling everything onto the floor. She says, given the kind of day she’s had, that tracks. She starts picking it up, and says, it’s the perfect end to a whole lot of perfect days. She screams into her sleeve, and Felicia says, that’s how she felt when she watched the Deception spot on Home & Heart today. Maxie says, thank you, and gives a thumbs up. Felicia says, after watching Lucy’s performance, she would have bet any money that Lucy would be the one face down on the floor, and Maxie says, is Felicia kidding her? Lucy only knows where the floor is because sometimes, she drops a gummi on it. The word star was used to describe Lucy’s performance today. Felicia says, by who? and Maxie says, Lucy, of course (🍷). She might breathe the same air, but she’s not one of them.

Jordan and Laura walk into Jordan’s office, and Laura says, if Jordan isn’t comfortable with it, it’s not a legal requirement. Jordan says she just has to live with it a minute to get used to the idea. She has protection on all of her accounts and credit cards, and now she just needs to upload her entire tax return and send it to the city council? Laura says she knows. It makes you feel vulnerable, doesn’t it? Jordan says, as former police chief, it makes her feel stupid, and at risk. Laura says, if she decides not to do it, she won’t think any less of Jordan. As a matter of fact, the Quartermaine who was the last mayor, she doesn’t think he sent any of his tax returns to the council any year. Jordan says she can’t say she blames him, and Laura says, Ned didn’t see the need for transparency, but when she took over as mayor that city business should be. So she turned her tax returns over to the city council every year, and in return, they accused her of all kinds of things, but never of being a crook. Jordan says, if it’s okay with Laura, she’ll scan the documents herself. She doesn’t want them floating around the office. Laura tells her to do whatever she wants to do here. There is one more thing she’d like to discuss with Jordan, but it’s a little bit more of a touchy subject. Jordan says, touchier than sharing her finances with a bunch of strangers? and Laura says, it’s about her brother. Jordan says, Martin? but Laura says, Cyrus.

Josslyn and Trina jog to a bench area in the park, and Josslyn asks if Trina needs to take a break. Trina says, unless Josslyn wants to carry her the rest of the way. Why did she let Josslyn talk her into this? Josslyn says, because Trina loves her and missed running with her, and Trina says she does, but she also hates Josslyn a little. Can they walk? Josslyn says, of course (🍷). They can also call a car and go home and have some pizza. She thinks a few more runs and Trina will have her mojo back. Trina says she doesn’t think it’s ever coming back, no matter what she does, but Josslyn tells her, don’t say that. She hasn’t been exactly where Trina is now, but she knows how heavy grief can be. It can weigh you down. When you move, you get stronger, and it gives your brain a chance to reset. Trina says, it’s like your fighting for survival, right? and Josslyn says, that’s part of it. Trina says she appreciates Josslyn. Sometimes she gets in a rut, but Josslyn just reminded her of a way to get out of it. Josslyn says, Trina is the best friend she’s ever had, and she’s stronger than she knows. She just wants Trina to be able to see it for herself. What can she say? She loves Trina. Train says she loves Josslyn too, and Josslyn says she misses running with Trina. And she misses living with her. The dorm is so sad. They see Dex walking toward them.

At Pizzulo’s, Sonny tells Brick that they have to talk out in the restaurant. A VIP has taken over his office. Brick asks, who’s more important than Sonny? and Sonny says, Avery. She’s doing her homework. What does Brick have for him? Brick says, a couple of his men went after Cates in the manner they discussed, and the meeting was interrupted when a good Samaritan drove up. Sonny says, a good Samaritan who just happened to be driving around the waterfront? and Brick says, yeah, but not before they finished the work on Cates. Sonny asks where the work was taking place, and Brick says, about a block away from Sonny’s coffee warehouse.

TJ finds Gregory in an exam room and apologizes for keeping him waiting. Gregory says he didn’t know TJ was. He thought Dr. Cramer was keeping him waiting. TJ says, Dr. Cramer was called the ER for an emergency consult and asked if he could handle his late appointments. With Gregory’s consent of course (🍷). Gregory says he’s already here, so let’s do this. On the condition TJ calls him Gregory and not Mr. Chase. TJ says he can do that, and Gregory says, good. His appointments with Dr. Cramer go almost the same way every time, so this might be a nice change of pace. TJ says he’ll do his best, and Gregory says, it shouldn’t be hard. He knows the drill. TJ will ask him if he’s had a fall since his last appointment and if he did, how many times did he fall and how badly did he hurt himself? What were the circumstances just prior to the fall? Is there anything specific that might have triggered it? TJ laughs.

Felicia tells Maxie, it wasn’t all that bad. Sasha slid in and saved the day, right? Maxie says, yeah. Sasha saved their sales, even dressed as a stable hand, and Scott ran interference with Lucy which earned him a distinguished service medal. Felicia asks, then why was Maxie on the floor, face down yelling into a rug? and Maxie says she dropped some stuff and when she got down on the floor to pick it up, she just sort of went with it. Felicia says she usually yells into a pillow. What’s going on? Maxie says, lately, she just feels like maybe there are too many personalities around here, and Felicia says, she must be talking about Lucy obviously, but is there a next runner-up? Maxie says, it’s really hard to rank them, but everyone is tired of Lucy. Tracy is tired of all of them. Sasha’s willing to pinch hit, but she’s tired of Deception. And let’s face it, Brook is never tired of music management or planning her wedding, but Deception is coming in a distant third on her priority list. Felicia says, so Maxie is taking care of the entire business herself, and Maxie says she can’t really blame Brook for being so focused on her wedding. Chase’s dad is sick. Hey, the accountants say Deception is finally in the black. Although you’d never be able to tell from looking at her checkbook. Felicia says, while Maxie is taking care of everything at Deception, who’s taking care of her?

Brick says he doesn’t know what Cates was doing down at the waterfront last night, but he paid the price for it, and Sonny asks if he turned up at GH. Brick says, no. There was a discreet inquiry at GH, Mercy, and Founders Hospital, but there was no record of a Cates being admitted. However, he’s sure his guys roughed Cates up a little bit and they didn’t break any bones, but the message was definitely sent. Sonny says, he’d have to be smart enough to get that, and John Jagger Cates is not smart at all. He has no loyalty, no guts. When his brother, Stone, was dying of AIDS, where was Jagger? Nowhere to be found. Does Brick know why? Because he couldn’t handle it. Brick says, so Sonny stepped in, and Sonny says, yeah, he stepped in. He loved that kid. And he’d do it again. Brick says, and yet, Cates doesn’t seem to be overflowing with gratitude, and Sonny says, he just comes with hatred. Something’s wrong with the guy; there’s something missing. Brick says he can see that, and Sonny says, but he’s not smart. But why is it hard for him to believe Cates would think he’d be at the warehouse?… He knows why – Jason. Brick says, it’s hard for him to believe Jason’s working with Cates, and Sonny asks, why? Jason came to his house and told him to his face. He is an FBI informant. The dots between Cates and Jason are not hard to connect. Brick says, in his experience, sometimes you can connect the two wrong dots and it could lead to presenting a very misleading picture. Which brings him to Dex Heller.

Trina says she didn’t know Dex was staying in town, and Dex says, it’s good to see her. She says, him too. Is he working? Looking for a job? Josslyn says, Dex actually applied to the PCPD, and Trina says she wouldn’t have guessed that Sonny and the PCPD would be in the same career path. He says, it’s a bit of a career curve ball. The pay’s not great, but he wants to see if he can make it happen. She asks if that’s why he’s taking a last workout before dinner, and he says, it can’t hurt. Trina looks from Dex to Josslyn and says, come on, guys. She knows they broke up, but she doesn’t know why. But watching them right now, she thinks they don’t know either.

Maxie says she had her doubts about Deception, but at least they’re still in business, and things are looking better every month. As far as taking care of herself goes, that is not going quite as well. Felicia says, who are you and what have you done with Maxie? She used to never have trouble prioritizing self-care. Maxie says, Felicia means she was selfish and self-absorbed, but Felicia says, that’s not what she means. It’s good to put yourself first, but ever since Maxie’s been a mother, she’s always put everyone else’s needs ahead of her own. As Maxie’s mom, she has to say, it’s really starting to worry her. Maxie says she’s tired. She’s mad at everyone, and that is exhausting. Felicia tells her, you know what they say, it’s healthy to let go of your anger, and Maxie says, okay. She’s tired of being mad at Lucy for being Lucy. She’s tired of Tracy and her literal all-around impossibleness. She’s tired of being mad at Felicia for the whole Spinelli faking a flood in his apartment so he could move in thing, and she’s mad at Spinelli for going along with that. Felicia says, Maxie really has to let Spinelli off the hook. She really played up the fact that she was Maxie’s mom when she asked him, so he really didn’t have a choice. Maxie says, Felicia isn’t really helping with the whole less mad at her thing. And she’s really tired of Spinelli being the one guy she cares about, but she can’t let near her. Felicia asks if she hears herself, but Maxie says, of course (🍷) not. She’s doing more venting than listening. Felicia tells her that what she just said makes no sense. It’s completely illogical. Maxie says she’s illogical? That’s on Felicia. Felicia raised her to be polite and good with numbers. She didn’t raise Maxie to be logical.

Laura says, neither one of them is excited to talk about Cyrus, but she’d like to have Jordan’s input. Jordan says she’s the last person to ask. She can’t be objective. Laura says she knows Jordan and Cyrus have history. Jordan knew him before he and Laura knew they shared a father. Jordan says her goal was to put Cyrus in prison for crimes she knew he committed. She compromised herself in doing that, and he retaliated in ways that almost destroyed her. She can’t revisit that. Laura says, her feelings are completely justified. She’s found herself more than once looking over the list of horrible crimes that he’s committed, and some of them he’s been convicted for. Jordan says, and most of which he hasn’t, and Laura says she knows. It sometimes takes everything in her not to roll her eyes when he shows up on her doorstep and he’s quoting Scripture. She does know there are some hardened criminals though, that undergo a sort of a spiritual awakening. Jordan says, that’s usually in the time between their guilty verdict and their sentencing. She’s sorry. She’s showing her bias. Laura says, that’s okay. Most of those guys don’t end up sounding like Cyrus. Jordan says she’s not in a position to judge anyone. She falsified evidence to get Cyrus convicted. She’s not proud of it, but she’s not ashamed of it either. Laura says, Jordan thinks she doesn’t understand her motives? Really? Knowing what Jordan does know, does she think there’s any justification at all for what Sonny did to Cyrus? Jordan says, in her deepest, darkest fantasy, she may have dreamt about vigilante justice, but it’s not something she would go through with. She wants to trust the law. Laura says, and that’s her dilemma. It’s not with Cyrus. It’s with the man who nearly beat him to death with just his fists.

Dex says, it was great to see Trina, but he should get going, but Trina says, what happened? The three of them used to be so close, and now they’re just standing here like they met at a party three years ago. Josslyn says, they’ve all changed, and Trina says, they have changed. What happened to Spencer completely derailed her life, but here they are and they’re acting like they ain’t got nothing to say to each other. Josslyn says she thinks they just need a little time, but Trina asks if they’ve learned nothing from what she’s been through. You don’t get more time. This is all you have. This is it. Spencer is gone. But she has all this love for him here inside her. Her love for him didn’t disappear just because he did. Dex and Josslyn used to be so in love with each other, it was annoying, and they’re still here. So figure it out. She leaves, and Josslyn says she’ll be right behind her. Dex says, she’s been through too much, and Josslyn says she thinks Trina just needs her friends right now, and like it or not, they are those friends. He says, whatever she wants him to do, he’ll do it, and she says she thinks they just need to figure out a way to be at the same place at the same time without making everyone feel wildly uncomfortable. He says he’s in. Whatever it takes.

Sonny says, Dex Heller is dead to him. He should be dead period. Brick says he’s the one who discovered Dex and the big deposits he was receiving into his account while Sonny was getting shot at in Puerto Rico and the MetroCourt. Sonny says, yeah. So? Brick says he hasn’t been able to track the source of the money, and Sonny knows how good he is at finding out things. Sonny says he knows where the money came from – Michael, and Brick says, Michael? Sonny says, Corinthos, and Brick asks why his son would be paying Dex. Sonny says, to spy on him, so he could get information and give it to the FBI, but Brick says, that makes no sense. Sonny says he knows it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s the way Michael is. He’s like one of the other guys. He loves his son. He took care of him. But he didn’t know whether to give Sonny a little respect and loyalty or spy on him and take him down. Brick says he’s so sorry, but he feels like he got it wrong with Dex. He put Dex in a position he didn’t entirely deserve. Sonny says, everybody makes mistakes. His first mistake was trusting Dex, but Brick gave him the heads up and told him something was off with Dex. Brick says, maybe now he’s wise enough to give Sonny a wide berth, and Sonny says, Dex knows better than to mess with him because he’s smarter than Jagger. Brick says, it’s getting late, so he’s going to get out of here and leave Sonny to his dinner. Sonny says, Ava’s going to show up here pretty soon, and Brick says, not that it’s any of his business, but how are things at home with the two of them? Sonny says, it’s nice to have a woman around, and they laugh. They shake hands and Brick leaves.

Jordan says, Sonny Corinthos? They both know he’s the one who nearly beat Cyrus to death on New Year’s Eve. Laura says, the more she thinks about that, the less she feels like a city official and the more she feels like Sonny’s accomplice. Jordan says, unless Laura’s been doing some side work for Sonny she’s unaware of, she doesn’t know where Laura is getting that from. Laura says, it’s because she tells herself that she and Sonny are old friends. Cyrus, although he’s a blood relative, has committed all of these horrible crimes. She thinks he’s trying to straighten himself out, but she doesn’t really know. All she knows is, he’s going about it in the most irritating way possible. She loses patience with him. She’s slammed the door in his face. Jordan says, there’s a big difference between slamming a door and trying to kill someone, and Laura says, but her point is, if it were anyone but Sonny who attacked Cyrus, who attacked anyone and put them in the hospital, she would want the police to pursue that case. She would want the assailant to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. So why would Sonny be the exception? And no one, especially not the mayor, should look away from a crime because it was committed by someone they thought was their friend. Jordan asks if she’s thinking of having Sonny arrested, and Laura says, the one thing she does know is, that’s not her call to make, but she does know whose call it is.

Ava comes into Pizzulo’s and tells Sonny she’s sorry. It’s like a whole week was jammed into one day. He says, don’t worry about it, and she says she thought he and Avery would be starving by the time she got here. He says he already made Avery dinner, the Corinthos meatball special. She says, lucky Avery, and Sonny says, she told him about her day, that it was good. He put her in the office. She fell asleep on the couch. Ava thanks him for doing all that and he says, his pleasure. Why was her day long? She says she doesn’t think it’s something he wants to hear, but he says, try me. She says she thinks it’s better if she doesn’t. Some of it has to do with she who must not be named. He says, Carly, but she says, the other one who mustn’t be named. He asks what Nina wants, and she says, him.

TJ asks if Gregory is having any difficulties with his medication. Does he ever miss a dose? Gregory says, not on purpose. One of his pills is every six hours, another one’s every eight hours, one of them is on an empty stomach, one of them is with food. Sometimes he just gets frustrated and takes them all at once. TJ says, not ideal, and Gregory says, that’s not counting the times he can’t remember if he took them, so he takes them again. Or not at all. TJ says, he might need a better system, and Gregory says his son Finn is quite the taskmaster. TJ says, not only at home, and Gregory says, TJ isn’t the first person to tell him that. Finn always seems to know what pills he takes, when he took them, and what meds are on deck. Finn is probably the reason he’s doing as well as he is, and people seem to think he is. TJ asks what Gregory thinks, and he says he tries not to compare how he’s feeling today with how he was feeling a year ago. TJ says, wise man, but Gregory says, not so much wise as older. But TJ is young. Does he have kids? TJ says he and his partner have one on the way. They’re using a surrogate. Gregory says he and Alexis work together. He thinks she said something about that. His partner is Molly, and her sister is their surrogate? TJ says, Kristina. And if Gregory works with Alexis, he bets Gregory’s heard a lot. He’s going to try and keep Alexis from scrubbing in during the birth. Gregory laughs and says, good luck with that. When is the baby due? TJ says, in August, and Gregory says, that’s just wonderful. TJ shows him crossed fingers, and Gregory asks if there’s a problem.

Felicia says she did set out to raise a strong, capable, brilliant daughter, but she also raised Maxie to be illogical, so she’d have at least one flaw. Maxie says, congratulations on a job well done. Let’s call it a day. Felicia asks, what’s going on with Spinelli? and Maxie says she kissed Spinelli the night they found out Jason was back. Emotions were running high. Felicia asks why she’s just hearing about this now, and Maxie says, because it’s not logical for her to tell her mom about some crazy nerd she kissed, unless she’s going to follow it up with, she thinks he’s the one. Felicia says he doesn’t really see this as a problem and why she’s still on Maxie’s grudge list. Her matchmaking skills worked. Maxie says, Felicia is still on her list because she’s broken Spinelli’s heart so many times, she can’t do it to him again. And it doesn’t matter that James adores him or that Georgie is crazy about her dad or that Bailey Lou lights up every time Spinelli walks into a room. And it definitely doesn’t matter that she loves Spinelli and probably will forever.

TJ says, he’s a doctor, so he knows it’s important to have the proper amount of sleep, have good nutrition, exercise moderately. If you want to have a healthy baby, that’s the best chance. Gregory says, absolutely, but men and women have been worrying about their unborn children for centuries and in circumstances far more daunting than these. In fact, there was this famous Union officer who fought ferociously in the Civil War. Her disguise was so good, no one realized she was a woman until she went into labor on the battlefield, and she and her baby were just fine. TJ asks if that’s true, and Gregory says he doesn’t remember where he read it, but it’s true. TJ says, so Gregory is telling him this could be worse. Kristina could be eating hardtack and giving birth during Gettysburg. Gregory says, it’s an extreme event, but his point is, long before they were walking the earth, babies were coming out just fine. And of course (🍷) there are sad exceptions to everything, but worrying about them in advance isn’t going to make them more or less likely to happen. This is TJ’s moment. Live in it.

Sonny asks what Ava told Nina, and she says, nothing. As a matter of principle, she doesn’t tell Nina or anyone else anything about him. He says, she had to want something, and Ava says, she does. She wants him back. He says, you know what’s sad? She can’t accept the marriage is over and move on. Ava says she’s sorry it came up at all. His marriage is between him and Nina. He tells her, like he said, until Nina can accept the marriage is over and signs the divorce papers, she’s just going to be hurting. He’s sorry Ava had to go through that. She says, it’s all right. She can sympathize with Nina, even though she knows Nina has no one to blame for her situation but herself.

Dex asks if Josslyn is okay, and she says, yeah, she guesses. It was a huge gift getting Jason back. Her mom’s over the moon. She’s just been happier and lighter, and it kind of just energized the rest of them. He says, she looks great, and she thanks him. She says she just went for a run, so she probably doesn’t smell great, and he says he misses her smell, and her warmth, and her hair across his face.

Brick walks into Jordan’s office carrying a bouquet and says he hopes he’s not disturbing her. The woman at the end of the hall told him that he could find her here. These are for her. He hands her the flowers, and she says, he remembered she likes daffodils. He says he remembered everything about her, and hopes she remembered that he said he’d be back. She says she remembers hearing something like that, and he says, then he just has one more question. Can she come out and play?

Felicia says she was remembering a time when she was in the exact same place Maxie is in. She was in love with someone, and after years of false starts and misfires, she finally realized he was the love of her life. Maxie says, Mac, and Felicia says, when she and Mac broke up, she didn’t think their relationship could be mended. And when it was mended, she was so afraid to let him in. She was so afraid she’d do something to screw it up for good, but then she listened to her heart, not her fear. She’s so glad she did, because when she and Mac were married for the last time, they both knew it was forever. Maxie says she and Spinelli broke up once and it nearly killed her. If she lets him in again, how does she know nothing bad will happen? Felicia says, she doesn’t. She just needs to have a little faith. Maxie says she survived a break-up with Spinelli once. She doesn’t know if she could do it twice. Felicia takes her hands and asks if Maxie thinks Spinelli has the same worries she does, because Felicia doesn’t. He’s seen Maxie at her worst, at her best, and everything else in between, and he never turned away from her until she kicked him out and closed the door behind him. And after he was gone, were either one of them any happier?

Gregory looks at TJ’s tablet and asks if he has to put his glasses on or can TJ tell him if it’s a boy or a girl. TJ says, they told the OB/GYN that they didn’t want to know, so he carefully picked ultrasound pictures where you can’t see. Gregory asks if he’s secretly hoping for one or the other, and TJ says he’s secretly hoping it’s a girl, but Molly can never know that. Gregory says, and she never will, and TJ says, but he’s just hoping the baby is healthy, and has all the necessary toes and fingers and doesn’t know who its surrogate was, because she’s a little crazy and so is her family. Gregory says, so for his partner, TJ snatched up the only entirely sane member of the family, and TJ says, Molly and Kristina are… passionate. Molly is perfect except for all these excuses she keeps making for Kristina. He thinks they’re going to keep rolling off his back like they used to once the baby is here. Gregory says he doesn’t envy TJ right now. All he can do is wait and worry, but it’ll pass. It’s about to be so wonderful. Trust him. TJ thanks him and says, but isn’t Gregory supposed to be the patient and he’s supposed to be the doctor? Gregory says, in his last act as TJ’s physician, let him just say, eat all his vegetables, don’t drink to excess, and he’ll see TJ in a year for his next follow-up. They shake hands and TJ thanks him.

Jordan tells Brick, not bad. Funny with enough sexy to pull it off. He says, she hasn’t seen his sexy yet. She has to sign a release first. She says, the woman down the hall is a notary. Does she need to call her, or should she just take her chances? He says, she’s not taking a chance on him. He’s a sure thing. She asks if he’s saying he’s easy, and he says, for her? Always. She says she needs to finish scanning these before this conversation gets her in trouble with human resources. He says, they’re definitely taking a chance because they’re not safe or suitable for work, and she laughs. She says, a man who can make a human resources joke, and he says, once she finishes that up, he can impress her some more. He can take her out to dinner someplace nice and quiet. And while she’s doing that, if he can find a sink, he can put the flowers in some water for her. She says, no need to do that. She’s taking them home with her. She’s just been scanning these tax returns for the city council all evening. He says he knew that’s what those were. He caught a look earlier. She says, her tax returns are private. He doesn’t need to be looking at them. He says his apologies. So since she showed him hers, he’ll show her his.

Josslyn says she wants to say something and wants Dex to just let her say it, and he says, sure. She says she thinks she knows why he’s doing this. When she found out he was willing to kill for Sonny, she came down on him really hard. And now she thinks he’s trying to prove to her, and himself, that he’s not that guy. He says, okay, and she says, if he was cleaning toilets at a middle school or rescuing puppies, she would respect that and back him up 100%, but not this. He can’t become a cop. It puts him squarely in Sonny’s sights. He says he’s not going to go looking for Sonny, badge or no badge, but she says, he knows too much about Sonny’s business. Eventually, Sonny is going to want to get rid of him for that, so badge or no badge, it doesn’t matter. He says, Sonny had a chance to get rid of him and he didn’t, and she says, because her mom stopped him. But he doesn’t listen to her anymore. And Dex knows Sonny loses his mind a little bit every time he thinks someone betrayed him. Look at what Sonny did to him. He hung Dex from a meat hook and put him in a freezer the first time he thought Dex lied. Dex says, and she saved him. he hasn’t forgotten. She says, he’s not going to let this go and Dex knows that. They might not be together anymore, but she doesn’t want anything bad happening to him, ever. She has to go. She gets up and he asks her to wait.

Felicia says, it wasn’t fair of her to conspire with Spinelli, to make an excuse for him to move in, and Maxie says, that was a rare, but rather large swing and miss for her. That’s okay though. Most of the time, she’s very wise. It wouldn’t kill her to actually listen to Felicia once in a while. Felicia says she didn’t expect Maxie to say that, and Maxie says she didn’t expect to say it, but she’s tired. To be honest, she’s surrounded by a lot of wise people. Mac, Felicia, Brook… Even James has this really cute way of looking at life where he cuts through the noise. Not her though. She is the noise. Felicia says, there are so many people that love Maxie. She just wishes Maxie could be one of them. Maxie says, most days she’s okay. Sometimes it’s rough though. Felicia says, those are the days she needs someone at home who loves her more than anything. Like an adorable, crazy nerd, for instance. She hugs Maxie.

Dex says, before Josslyn goes, there are some things he thinks she should know. He told Commissioner Devane that he would testify against Sonny. She says, what? How? He says he didn’t have any hard evidence, so she said it would just be his word against Sonny’s. She says, and anyone else Sonny got to lie for him, and he says, right. She said it would all end up in the wash and he’d end up with an even bigger target on his back. She says, as if that’s possible, and he says, so the Commissioner suggested he become a cop so it would give him some level of protection. He doesn’t know if it will or not, but once he started this process, he saw it as a second chance. Not to prove anything to her, but because it felt right to him. She says, that’s as it should be, and he says he fought for his country. Then he fought for that man to make money by any means possible. Sonny saved his life and put his faith in him, and he thought he’d found a home in him. But someone like that can never be home. Fighting for what is good and decent, protecting people from being victimized, that is the fight he wants. She says, even if he’s fighting for people like Cyrus, but he says he doesn’t get to pick and choose. He wanted her to know where he was coming from when he applied to the academy. She says she appreciates him telling her, and he runs off.

Jordan says she thinks it’s best that any and all financial records Brick has, remain a mystery to her, but he says, there’s nothing scary or bad in there. He’s just a consultant who’s very good at his job and very high in demand. She says she knows. She’s familiar with one of his clients who has a frequent demand for his services. He says, that may be one of his clients, but he’s not his clients any more than she’s the city’s infrastructure, which by the way, could use some improvements. She says, thank you… I think, and he says, come on. Even superheroes get hungry. She says, that’s true, and he says, come on. His phone rings, and he says, yeah?… Argh… All right. Tell him that he’s one his way… Fine, he will. Damn. She says, he did tell her that he was in demand, and he says he was hoping she’d be the one doing the demanding. She says, next time he’s in town, let her know, and he asks if that’s a demand. She says, not quite, but something like that, and he says, then how can he refuse? He leaves and she wonders what’s wrong with her.

Ava says she’s going to say something she probably shouldn’t, and Sonny says, let’s hear it. She says she knows they’re not together in the conventional sense, but the truth is, she really likes living with him. He says, yeah. He likes it too. Sometimes unconventional is the way to go. They both smile.

Tomorrow, Brook says she appreciates the offer, and Chase says, but she’s not going to take it; Gregory tells Elizabeth that he thinks he knows; Laura says she and someone else have been standing in the way of it for far too long; Anna says, they’ll be ready; and Cyrus says he holds Sonny’s fate in his hands.

Vanderpump Rules

Scheana meets with everyone, minus the Toms, James, and Ally, at Kyle Chan’s store to shoot her Good As Gold video. She says she got a text from Katie and she’s not coming. She said she’s on her death bed. In Scheana’s interview, she wonders if Katie is really sick or avoiding Lala after the fight they had. We flash back to that, and Scheana says, when she recorded Good As Gold, she never imagined 10 years later she’d be doing a video. Going back to the studio with The 27 made her realize how good music has been for her. It’s a creative outlet where she can let her feelings out. She couldn’t be happier.

Ally tells James that Rachel did a podcast, and she’s blaming him for Hippie’s behavior. There’s podcast talk at the shoot as well, and Scheana says she’s been going since 7 am and hasn’t listened to it, but people texted her. She hasn’t been able to catch up. She tells Ariana that Raquel claimed she and Ariana were acquaintances. In Ariana’s interview, she says she and Raquel spent a ton of time together. We flash back to some of that and Raquel saying that these are her forever friends. Ariana tells us, when Raquel says they weren’t good friends, it’s to make herself feel better about what she did. Or she’s saying Ariana is sh*t. Scheana says, Raquel claimed she had a savior complex and that their friendship was equally beneficial. But Raquel never paid for anything, not even toilet paper, and she had sex in Scheana’s bed. Ally tells James that Raquel said she was upset after she and James broke up and wasn’t over him. She never loved Sandoval. That’s not what she said last summer. We flash back to the Reunion where Andy used the words in love with Tom, and she agrees she was. James says, Sandoval offered to have him open for his band at the El Ray, and in James’s interview, he says he understands Sandoval lied, as he lied to Sandoval in the past, but he’s trying to figure out their friendship. Was it real and is there anything to salvage?  He tells Ally that even though he doesn’t open for anyone, he’s considering it, and Ally says, it’s depressing. She wants to move on to brighter topics. She tells James that Lala is having a sperm donor party and letting her friends pick out the baby daddy.

Lala asks Ariana if she can have the party at her house, but Ariana says, the house is a hot mess without Ann, and we see a clip that says, life without Ann. It’s not even hot. It’s just a mess. She tells Lala that when she has a new house, Lala can absolutely get inseminated there. In Lala’s interview, she says, it’s a monumental moment, the picking of her future child, who will be part of her life until she dies. She wants to take the science jargon out of it a little. We see a clip of her visiting the lab, and she says she’s trying to figure out ways she can look at her baby and say, they were brought here out of love. It may look different, but love is love. Lala says she’s going to ask Lisa. Ally tells James that Lala was venting about Katie at paintball. They’re both intense personalities and need to work it out. James agrees.

Schwartz says, the dogs are all he’s got, when Sandoval walks in. Schwartz apologizes for the condition of the fridge. Lately, things have fallen apart. Sandoval says he’s shell shocked that Raquel said she wasn’t in love with him on the podcast. She’s acting as though she somehow got the worst of it. Schwartz says, they both got it bad, and Sandoval cries, saying, he thought she’d see the work he’s done on himself. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he wasn’t ready to give up hope until he heard from her. Now he has. To go through all that and not give it a shot, what was it all for? He tells Schwartz that he doesn’t understand. He would do anything for her. Schwartz says, regardless of what she said, she probably just wanted to be heard before she pursues her new life. It’s been over. Me: sorry not sorry.

Lisa goes to TomTom and asks bartender Logan if the Toms are there. He says he hasn’t seen them, and she says, they’re supposed to be showing her cocktails. In Lisa’s interview, she says, it will never be PUMP; it’s a different aesthetic. But there’s no reason they can’t develop the restaurant part and add brunch. Scwartz arrives, and Lisa asks if he’s keeping his hair or is she shaving it off. Logan says, it turns him on, and Lisa says, then keep it. Lisa says, Sandoval was supposed to be here at 1:15, and Schwartz says, it’s 1:45. Schwartz tells her that Sandoval listened to Raquel’s podcast, and Lisa says she hopes Raquel said something nice, but Logan says, she didn’t. Lisa says, who cares? She doesn’t love Sandoval. She’s been open about that. Schwartz says, it’s over, and Lisa says, Raquel has been away for three months, and she thought Sandoval was in a better place. Schwartz says, he was, when Sandoval finally shows up. Lisa says, he’s late, really late. He says he’s sorry, and Lisa asks if he wants to talk. He begrudgingly says, I guess so, and Schwartz makes himself scarce. Lisa doesn’t have to pry too hard for Sandoval to admit he’s upset because of the podcast. She asks why he’s listening to it, and he says he wants to know what she’s saying. It’s bullsh*t. She says, don’t listen. Why torture himself? She asks about the house and Sandoval says he’s accepting Ariana’s offer. She asks if he’s going to sell it or buy her out, and he says he’s thinking about it. He made the offer over two months ago, and his thoughts have changed. In Sandoval’s interview, he says, it took Ariana so long to get back to him, he’s on the fence whether he’s going to keep it or if he can refinance. If he refinances, he’ll be paying more than double what he’s currently paying. Lala joins them, and Lisa asks what she wanted to talk about. Lala asks if she can host her sperm donor party at Lisa’s home, and Lisa asks if there will be j*rking off in her back garden. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Lala assures her that nobody is going to be doing that. It’s going to be beautiful, and she has the catering lined up and the balloons. Everyone will get a packet with the donor information, and they’ll vote. Lisa asks if everyone else is choosing her sperm donor, and Lala says, including Lisa. Let her be excited. Lisa says she gives her blessing… she guesses.

Scheana and Brock go to Ariana’s house, and Ariana says, Logan was at TomTom and said Sandoval was having second thoughts about buying her out and might want to sell. They could have sold in March, and she could have been out of here. In Ariana’s interview, she says, now that Sandoval got an actual look at the financial end, he realized he couldn’t do it. She could have told him that before. It’s hard being right sometimes, especially when that’s always the case. Brock tells her that they heard part 4 of Rachel’s podcast: How Do You Like Them Apples? In Scheana’s interview, she says she’s got a new song with The 27 called Apples. When she first wrote it, it was only about Raquel, but she extended the second verse, and it was directed at Sandoval. She’s trying to take a traumatic experience and turn it into a piece of art. It’s therapeutic and it’s catchy. Scheana says, Ariana has a lot on her shoulders. She has everything, and that’s amazing, but she’s still dealing with a lot, so they’re seeing what they can help with. Ariana says she doesn’t touch what isn’t hers, and in her interview, Scheana says, Ariana and Sandoval’s house has always been on the messier side. But if it’s so messy now that Ariana doesn’t want people over, that worries her. She doesn’t want Ariana falling back into a dark place. You don’t want a messy house that’s a reflection of your mental health. She and Brock get to work, and Ariana says, they’re doing the assistant’s job. Scheana comes out with a present that’s been there since Christmas, and it’s now August. In Ariana’s interview, she says, now that she knows for sure she’s moving, she’s not unpacking anything and putting it away. If she receives a box, she just stacks it. It’s one less thing she has to pack. Scheana says, she’ll feel better if they throw the trash away. Scheana picks up… something, and Ariana says, they don’t want to touch that, but Brock says, they’ve got a kid. Scheana says, she’s touched worse things. She cleans up after Brock. Brock says he’s not that bad.

Sandoval rehearses with his band and it’s pretty awful. James comes in with Hippie as Sandoval leaps around the stage. James says, Sandoval is the talk of the town, and Sandoval says, it’s been a rough couple of days. James says he’s been there with Raquel and learned his lesson. Sandoval says he tried to look out for Raquel, but he realizes he cared more than her. It was f***ing bullsh*t and disrespectful. She used him and threw him away. I have no words, and James says, he lived his own life after he and Raquel broke up. He’s done talking sh*t. Sandoval says he has no closure, and James says, f*** closure. Sandoval says, Raquel is selfish. She gave James the ultimatum about not drinking because she thought he couldn’t do it. James says, Raquel said she didn’t love Sandoval and had sex with him because she was getting over James. Sandoval says, if they had sex when they’d meet, it was only for a little bit. They mostly talked. James says, what Sandoval had with Ariana was true love. He forgot and now wants to rewrite history. Have fun with his band. James isn’t opening for him. This is a joke. In James’s interview, he says, Sandoval can’t let go of the past. He’s waiting for Sandoval to get a clue, but maybe he never will. He’ll be 75, doing karaoke, and taking out his d*ck flute. STFU. Sandoval tells James to go push some buttons on his laptop as James walks out.

Puffy! There’s a gorgeous spread awaiting Lala’s party at Villa Rosa. Lala tells Lisa that after everyone’s bellies are full, they’re going to play pin the sperm on the vagina. In Lala’s interview, she says, she’s a couple hours away from choosing a baby daddy. There are so many supportive people who love her daughter, she knows they’ll love on the new baby. Ally tells Katie that the argument she had with Lala sounded heated. At paintball, Lala said she seemed miserable and was getting upset easily. Katie insists she’s not miserable and getting upset easily. She’s tired of the same dumb sh*t. In Katie’s interview, she wonders, since when does Lala talk sh*t behind her back instead of to her face?

Schwartz visits Sandoval and meets new assistant Craig. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he met Craig when Craig interviewed for Schwartz & Sandy’s. He’s now Sandoval’s new assistant. It didn’t work out with Ann, so Craig is coming on board. Sandoval says he’s delayed responding to Ariana’s email so he can hang out with Mya longer. He’d consider keeping the house… Schwartz asks him not to say, if he had a roommate. Roommates are terrible. But hypothetically, what rent would he be paying? Sandoval says, $6000. Schwartz pays $4500 now, so it’s not that bad. I guess Sandoval is bad at math since that’s a big monthly jump. Schwartz says, he can’t put something like that in and not get a return. He’d have no equity. Sandoval says, they could get loan together, but Schwartz says, they’ll be looked at like two nincompoops.

Lala tells the guests, before they pick donors, they need to go through their binders. She thanks them for coming here because she loves them, and now she’s getting emotional. This isn’t how she pictured her life, but she’s beyond grateful this is an option. The one thing she feels she’s good at is being a mama. But before they pick a baby daddy, they’re going to play pin the sperm on the vagina. She thinks Lisa should go first. Lisa wonders how she got roped into this, and in Lisa’s interview, she says she’s blindfolded. How is she supposed to know where the vagina is? She can barely find her own. What about Ken? He’s used to fumbling around. Maybe he’d do a better job. Lala says, okay, bitches and gays, lets pick a f***ing donor. She brings out Ryan from the sperm bank who’s been walking her through the process. She goes over the donors, and in Ariana’s interview, she says, a word of advice to potential donors. Be thorough and heartfelt with your answers. Are you in it for the right reasons? Lisa says, Lala must have the one whose favorite animal is a dog, and Lala’s mom wants the one who cooks. Lala reminds them that they’re not shopping for a man, just his sperm. She has the voters use a happy/negative face paddle to vote, and donor one is a slam dunk. In Lala’s interview, she says, she has her baby daddy. Going this route is giving her what her heart and soul so badly want. She tears up and says, it’s very exciting. She tells the guests that she’s planning on a November or December insemination, which would mean an August or September due date. Next summer, she’ll be bumping around. Lisa says she had more fun conceiving Lala’s baby than she did her own.

Ally tells James about the party, and in her interview, she says, the questions she’d ask would be, what was their GPA in high school and what is their sun sign? She tells James that Lala asked if she wants a baby, and she said, one day, but she’s not ready right now. James says he sees it in the future, and Ally says she never felt called to being a mom. She’s felt it with cats and dogs, but not a baby. She had no dreams of marriage. James says, these are things he wants, that he’s worked his whole life for. He sees a future with her, and it scares him that she’s not ready. He doesn’t want to invest another five years and find out it’s bullsh*t and never meant anything. In James’s interview, he says, he thinks about everything leading up to this moment and the girl he loves has no plans for kids. It would break his heart. He tells Ally that the love chapter in his life wasn’t what he thought it would be. He doesn’t want to think about going back to square one. It would be a nightmare to him. Ally says she loves him and sees a future with him. She wouldn’t be with him if she didn’t.

At TomTom, they prepare for the first brunch, and Schwartz says he’s going to pass out shots. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, the brunch has been five years in the making. It’s not how he envisioned it with PUMP on the other side, but it’s a win. They have a great turnout and he thinks it will be one of their biggest selling points moving forward. James tell Sandoval that he’s sorry, and in his interview, James says, after he talked to Ally, he remembered he has to be the bigger person. He sets up his DJ stuff, and Lala asks what Katie and Ally were discussing at her party. Katie says, Ally said Lala claimed she seemed miserable and getting angry at everything. Lala asks if Ally said that was verbatim, and Ally says she’s trying to remember. We flash back to Lala using the word unhappy. Lala tells Katie that she was going to have a conversation with her, since she felt Katie wasn’t in a happy place, but Katie says, she’s wrong. Lala says she wants to know she won’t trigger Katie, since Katie said she didn’t feel Lala was loyal or consistent. Katie says, it’s not that. She thinks Lala’s softness is going to not deserving people, and she’s been more defensive. Lala says, maybe it’s because they were inseparable last year and now, she doesn’t know where her place is. She gets it. She has a kid. Katie says she doesn’t have a person or kids. She has all the time in the world. She doesn’t want Lala to feel like she has no time for her. Scheana says she’s learned that Lala needs someone checking in with her, and Katie says she texts and calls Lala. Lala starts to cry, and in Katie’s interview, she says she’d love to have Lala as a close friend, but it goes both ways. It’s an effort, not an obligation. Lala says she needs Katie to know that she loves her for who she is. She wants them to show up for each other, and wonders if they can get back to that. Scheana wonders if they can go back to being the Spice Girls now.

Brunch is in full swing. James is doing his thing, and the response is good. Sandoval tells Schwartz that he got something from Doug about another property they could possibly move into. After living with the enemy, he realizes… Scheana comes over, and says, every day, it’s something new about Sandoval. She asks how he’s doing, and he says he feels betrayed and hurt and he’s not getting closure. Scheana says, none of them are. She wrote a song and there are a couple of specific lines… Sandoval says, about the affair? and Scheana says, it’s open to interpretation. In Schwartz’s interview, he says, it’s open to interpretation aside from the fact Raquel drove a Jetta (mentioned in the song). Sandoval says, she’d feel differently if it was her and he wrote a song, but it’s okay. He walks off, and Scheana says she thought he’d heard it. In Sandoval’s interview, he says he thought he and Scheana were becoming friends again. Now she’s going to profit off his pain. He’s collateral damage, but she’s got to put her track out. If she cared about things, she wouldn’t do this. He walks past the table on his way out, and says, keep cashing in on his misery.

📲 Now I’ve got to find that song for my playlist.

Next time, Schwartz gets a tattoo and Sandoval passes out; no longer the worst human on earth, Jax pays a visit; and Scheana and Brock are at each other’s throats.

🍼  Slipping Into The Valley…

I’m not liking this show. So far, it’s not the trainwreck Summer House is. There are no frat parties with an agro Lindsay, screaming at her boyfriend of the season, or engagement parties being eclipsed by a former BFF’s bizarre insecurities. This is a different kind of dislike. For one thing, not everyone in the world is interesting. Brittany and Jax are transports from Vanderpump Rules, where Brittany was a novelty and Jax was… well, Jax. There is also transport Kristen, but we’ll get to her. TBH, the rest of the cast names haven’t registered. Because they’re boring. Stepford boring. It’s like high school students playing at suburban life. A lot revolves around kids and marriage, but it’s just not that noteworthy. Ditto the shade. One woman looks up her friends’ houses on Zillow and even knows what they pay in taxes. While that seems a little stalkerish, and personally, I’ve never done that, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. Not to mention, the overblown house prices information on Zillow is all public record anyway.

Then we have Kristen. I’m no fan, but this girl can’t catch a break. I believe she’s sincere in her intention of wanting to mature and change, but good luck when no one will let you forget your VanderPast. Shame on the show itself for including so many flashbacks of Kristen’s bad behavior many years ago. This one is just not working for me.

🔎 No Diggity To See Here…

Come on by tomorrow for soap and gems of entertainment unearthed from the internet. Until then, stay safe, stay not shying away from opportunity, and stay not worrying in advance. That isn’t going to make the worst more or less likely to happen.

April 19, 2022 – Brendon’s Body Is Pulled From the Water, Lady Drama Courtesy Of New Jersey & April Snow


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

TJ walks into the gym, where Michael is sparring with Drew. Drew asks, what is this? Is Michael taking it easy on him because he’s family? Michael asks, since when does their family go easy on each other? and Drew says, that’s a good point. Michael says he supposes he’s a little stressed. Nina is taking them to court. Drew says, over Wiley? and Michael says, yeah. And he talked Willow into fighting back in a way  that might have some serious repercussions. They spar some more, when Marshall walks in. TJ tells Marshall, he just saw Aunt Stella, and she fussed all over him like he’s not eating enough. Marshall says, sounds like she’s back to her old self; that’s good. TJ says, he made sure to let Uncle Curtis know. Nothing’s more important to him than family.

Portia says she’s seen Jordan go outside the law time and time again for her family. Jordan says, and it’s brought nothing but trouble, which is why she has to play everything by the book. Portia says, of course (🍷) she does now, because it’s Portia’s daughter they’re talking about, which begs the question… Never mind. Jordan says, clearly Portia wants to say something, so say it, and Portia asks if Jordan is making this personal. Jordan says she has no reason to make this personal, and Curtis comes by and stops. Portia says, really? Because she can think of one; he used to be her husband. Curtis says, ladies, take a breath before something is said that you can’t take back.

Spencer sits at the counter at Kelly’s, and Cameron suggests he put on an apron and help, but Spencer says, all his energy has to go into busting Esme right now. Cameron says, some of us can chew gum while we work, and Spencer says, Cameron didn’t tell Joss anything about his plan, right? when Josslyn walks in with Trina. Josslyn tells Trina, maybe they should try Charlie’s.

Valentin tells Anna, he considered bringing roses, and she says, but they die. He says, whereas this 2010 Bordeaux is immortal. She says she does like roses though, and takes the bottle from him. She asks how he is, and he says he’s better now that he’s looking at her.

Harmony says, no matter what she’s done, she’s done it for Willow, and Willow asks what she means, done it for her? What has she done? Harmony says, for one, she declined Nina’s lawyers request to speak on Nina’s behalf at the hearing. She hopes it doesn’t backfire. Willow says, there’s no backstab that woman won’t sink to. First, Nina tries to get Harmony to convince her, Harmony’s own daughter, to see Wiley. Now she wants Harmony to go against Willow in court. How does anyone so underhanded live with herself? Harmony says she wishes she knew.

Alexis goes to Pier 54, and sees Neil floating face down in the water. She says, oh my God.

Anna asks, how was Valentin’s convalescence? and he says, it was too long. The wine is an apology. He’s sorry he stayed away and was out of touch. She says she was worried when she couldn’t reach him, but understands his health takes a priority. How’s Charlotte? He says, she’s away at her new boarding school. She seems happy enough. Anna says she didn’t realize Charlotte was away, and he says, it was a quick decision, but ultimately a good one. They sit, and she says, it must be very lonely for him when he returns home and she’s not there. He says, he’ll survive. He heard she’s been doing some traveling. She says, not for pleasure, and he says, congratulations. It was a long and winding road, but she stopped Peter. She says, we did.

Marshall tells TJ, let’s see who can lift more, and TJ says, that’s easy money, old man. Marshall says, famous last words coming from I-need-more-meat-on-my-bones, and TJ says, that’s according to Aunt Stella. He could weigh a million pounds, and she’d still say the same thing. Marshall says, he’s probably right, and TJ says, but he’s worried about her. He hopes she finds a way to manage her anxiety. Marshall says, Stella’s a tough cookie, but TJ says, being strong has nothing to do with mental anxieties. She has to seek out that treatment. Does Marshall know what’s on her mind? Marshall says, TJ’s Aunt Stella doesn’t confide in him, but TJ says, it seemed that way. They had their heads together right before she collapsed. In the ring, Drew says, that’s what I’m talking about; he’s back. He tells Michael that he isn’t doing anything wrong. He would fight for his kid the same way. Michael says he’s not sure Drew would approve of his tactics though, and Drew says he’d be surprised. Let him guess. Michael is employing questionable strategies to get necessary results. Michael says, yeah, and Drew says, believe him, he’s been there.

Curtis, Portia, and Jordan go to Portia’s office, and Curtis says he thinks it’s best if they do this in private. Jordan says she doesn’t think they need to do this at all, and Portia says, so she doesn’t think they should address the elephant in the room, especially since it impacts her daughter. Jordan says, she was with Curtis, now he’s with Portia. Neither of those facts have any bearing on Trina’s situation. Portia says, but it could have an impact on how vigorously Jordan pursues other suspects and other theories. Given that Trina is her blood, can Jordan tell her honestly that she can be impartial? Curtis suggests they step back. No one is questioning Portia’s right to fight for Trina, and no one is questioning Jordan’s professionalism. Jordan asks if he’s in the same room she is. She resents the implication that her feelings towards Curtis have any bearing on her actions as Police Commissioner, let alone something as important as this. Portia says, so Jordan admits she still has feelings for Curtis.

Trina says they’re not going anywhere, and Josslyn says, agreed. Spencer’s the one who should leave. Spencer asks how Trina is doing, and Trina says, does it matter? He says, of course (🍷) it matters, and Josslyn says, then get his psycho girlfriend to fess up already. Spencer asks if they can please not talk about Esme, and Josslyn says she thought it was his favorite subject. Cameron says, Spencer was just heading out, right? and Josslyn asks why Spencer is even there in the first place. Britt walks in, and Spencer says, it is a public space last he checked. Josslyn says, she means with Cameron. Just like them, he wants nothing to do with Spencer. Cameron says, Spencer came to ask about being put back on the schedule, and Josslyn says, Cameron isn’t considering giving Spencer his job back. Spencer asks how it’s her business, and Josslyn says, Trina is her best friend and Spencer hurt her… Spencer says he wants to protect Trina too.

Drew says Michael is a good father. He’s going to make the right decision for his family. Michael thanks him, and asks, how’s Scout? Drew says, fantastic. She asked him to coach her swim team. Michael says he’s happy for Drew. Now that things are settled on the Scout front, what’s next? Drew asks him to narrow that down, and Michael says, in terms of his career, what does Drew’s future look like?

Rory asks if Alexis is cold; he has a blanket in the car. She says she’s just shocked, and he asks if she knew the victim. She says, he was face down, so she didn’t see him. She hopes not. Finding a dead body was not in her plans today. He asks if she can tell him what she had planned. Why was she at the pier, and what was she doing when she found the body? She says she was on her way to Spoon Island. Her nephew lives there, and she was going to visit him.

Willow asks if Harmony is really all right, and Harmony says, yes. It’s just been a helluva a day, but it’s so much better now that she’s sitting with Willow. Can they change the subject? How’s nursing school going? Willow says, she’s studying hard for her final exam, and Harmony says, wow. Willow is graduating nursing school. She’s unbelievably proud of Willow. Willow says, back at her, and Harmony says, Willow is proud of her? Willow asks if she wasn’t listening before. Yes. Harmony has made mistakes, but she’s taken responsibility and put them behind her. Harmony says she hopes Willow knows that doesn’t mean she won’t make more mistakes. She has weaknesses like everyone else. Willow says, that’s exactly her point. Harmony owns up to those weaknesses. She admits who she was and what she did, and who she hopes to be. It’s honest and it’s very brave. So is Willow proud of her? Damn straight she is.

Curtis says, he thinks what really matters is that they’re all doing their best for Trina, and Portia says, that’s what she’s trying to do, but he can’t defend the fact that Jordan isn’t even trying to help. She tells them that she needs to take a minute; please excuse her. She leaves, and Curtis says, Portia’s under a lot of pressure. Jordan says she knows, and she’d be doing the same thing if she were in Portia’s shoes. She’s worried about her kid; Jordan gets that. He thanks her for understanding, and not losing her cool. He’s sure it’s frustrating for Portia, not knowing the whole truth, and Jordan says, as Commissioner, she’s as committed to finding out the truth as they are. She’s doing everything she can to look deeper. He says he knows, and appreciates it, along with her calling him when Trina was brought in for questioning. About what Portia said about her feelings… Jordan’s phone rings, and she says, work. She leaves as she answers the call.

Spencer says he’s still Trina’s friend, and Josslyn says, oh my God. He’s a really good friend. He’s protecting a criminal who violated them, and framed Trina for it. Spencer says, someday Josslyn is going to be embarrassed that she assumed the worst in him, and Josslyn asks if that’s a threat. Britt tells Spencer, they should leave. Now. He tells Trina that he hopes they can talk soon, and she says, thanks, but she thinks she’s heard enough from him. He leaves with Britt.

Anna tells Valentin, it was always her intention to hold Peter accountable, so his victims could have their day in court; some kind of closure. But in the end, Peter gave into his worst impulses. He was almost a mirror image of Faison. She couldn’t allow that to continue. Valentin says he doesn’t blame her. Peter couldn’t be redeemed. There was nothing left to do. Just put him in the ground and keep the world safe from him. She and Felicia did that. She says, but it was her call not to summon help. She let Peter die.

At the MetroCourt, Spencer says, now that he and Britt are seated, why are they here? She says, his antics cost her the coffee she wanted at Kelly’s. He can order what he wants; it’s on her. He says she doesn’t have to buy him dinner, but she says, don’t worry; he’ll be singing for his supper. What’s happening with his friends? He says he’s pretty sure they’d say former friends now, but she says, no way. He, Cameron, and Josslyn have been getting into mischief since they were adorable little twerps. He says, they grew up, and she says, they grew up and started threatening each other? He says, it wasn’t a threat; Josslyn misunderstood. Britt says, maybe he needs to make Josslyn understand, and he says, what he was trying to tell Josslyn is, she’d be sorry she accused him of not caring what happened to them. She asks if he’s talking about the sex tape, and he nods. She says she doesn’t understand why they’d think he wouldn’t care, and he says, because he’s still with Esme. Or not not with her. They think she’s responsible for the sex tape. Britt says, okay. What does he think?

Drew tells Michael that he doesn’t know what his plans are. There’s Aurora obviously. He just hasn’t found his sweet spot yet. Michael says he’d like to bounce some ideas off Drew, and Drew says, always. Michael says he has some ideas on how to grow digital, and Drew says, just the way Michael is talking about it; that passion. He wishes he had as much passion for the company. Michael says, there’s always ELQ, but Drew says, that’s dicey territory with the family. Michael says, with their family, what isn’t? Has Drew given any thought into getting his shares back from Valentin?

Valentin tells Anna, don’t feel guilty, but she says, she denied medical attention to her own nephew. She waited and watched as he took his last breath. He asks if Peter could have even been saved, but she says, they’ll never know, will they? And she carried that burden. She feels at peace a little bit, and he says, good. She says, she realizes they can talk all they want about their responsibility for who Peter became, but the fact is, Peter was an adult. He forged his own path, and at every opportunity, he chose the wrong one. He says, she’s a hero, but she says, God no. She would not say that. He tells her, he’s saying it, and she asks if he would have done the same. He says, absolutely, and that last breath Peter took? He would have enjoyed watching Peter take it.

Willow says she’s going to grab and get a quick hug from Michael before she goes to the hospital, and Harmony says, ah, young love. Willow says, not so young anymore, and Harmony says, bite your tongue. Willow asks if Harmony’s sure she’s okay, and Harmony says she’s got to get used to being alone and on her own. Willow asks what she means, and Harmony says, she’s going to be moving out of Alexis’s eventually. Willow says, Harmony may be living alone, but she has them. Which reminds her. Is Harmony going to have some free time soon to take Wiley to the aquarium? He’s on this huge aquatic animal kick and she knows he’d love it. Harmony says, not more than she would; sign her up. Willow says she really wants Wiley to spend more time with his grandmothers, the ones that care, and deserve to be in his life. That’s you, by the way. Harmony says she can’t wait, and they hug. Willow says she’ll set it up and text Harmony, and leaves. Harmony taps on her empty glass.

Marshall asks if his grandson picked his specialty yet, and TJ says he’s still weighing his options, but assisting in surgeries has been really exciting. Marshall asks, what about it gets TJ’s heart pumping? And TJ says, he thinks it’s the constant mastery that’s required. Like when he first picked up an orthoscope. It felt so foreign, but now it’s like an extension of his arm. Marshall says he feels that way every time he picks up his clarinet, and TJ says, a surgical team is like a band. Marshall scats, as TJ says, you’ve got nurses, anesthesiologists, the surgical techs. Everyone lending their individual talent to make a symphony. Marshall says he doesn’t think he’s ever heard of a band being compared to saving lives, but passion is passion. He’s so happy TJ found his.

Rory says, so after getting a closer look, Alexis confirmed it was a body in the water, and then called 9-1-1. Alexis says, correct, and Jordan arrives. She says, if Alexis is done with her statement, she’s free to go. Alexis picks up her stuff, and starts to leave, and Rory says, the driver’s license confirms the deceased as Brendon Byrne. Alexis comes back, and asks if he said Brendon Byrne, and Jordan asks if she knows him. Alexis says, she does.  

Anna tells Valentin, she did what she did. She doesn’t think she regrets it, but she’s not a hero. He says, maybe none of us are. She weighed her misgivings about letting Peter die against her desire to end the torment of others, and sacrificed her peace of mind to do it. He thinks that’s pretty heroic. She’s not convinced? She asks if he would be if it was him, and he says, yes. He doesn’t have a problem making impossible decisions. He flashes back to hiding behind the wall in French Polynesia, and eavesdropping on Anna telling Felicia, once they find Françoise Olivier, they’ll find the truth. He tells Anna, he’d never judge her for that, and hopes she’d never judge him.

Spencer says, the evidence points to Trina, and Britt says, that doesn’t answer her question. Does he believe Trina filmed and released that video? He says, she swears she didn’t. So does Esme. It doesn’t matter who he believes. Either way, someone ends up hurt. She says, it’s a crappy position, and he asks if she’s been there. Where doing the right thing can make people hate you? She says, more than once. It might shock him, but interpersonal relationships are not her strong suit. Once you’re known for less honorable intentions, it’s hard for people to recognize your good ones. He says, hard, but not impossible, right? There is still hope for him and his friends.

Cameron says, he doesn’t want to come off like he’s Team Spencer – Josslyn says, she hates this already – but he’s got to be in a weird position. Josslyn says, in what universe? and Cameron says, it must be a mind trip to be told your long time girlfriend is a nightmare. Josslyn says, she has zero patience for this angst Spencer might be feeling. There’s a right and a wrong here, and it’s so glaringly obvious, but Spencer’s so far under Esme’s spell, he refuses to see it. Trina says she needs a minute and gets up. Josslyn asks if Trina wants her to come along, but Trina says she’s good, and heads for the restroom. Josslyn says, sticking up for Spencer? Really? Cameron says, he’s not sticking up for Spencer, and she says, it sure sounded like it. He says, he’s just trying to put things in perspective, and she says, there is no perspective, and he says, he heard her; there’s a right and a wrong… She says, he doesn’t agree? but he says he does. She says, he’s letting Spencer in here, hanging out. She asked Spencer to leave, and he said nothing. Whose side is he on?

Portia comes back into her office and sees Curtis sitting in one of the chairs. She says she thought he left by now, and he asks if that’s what she wants. She says, no, but she wouldn’t have blamed him if he did. He says, he had to see if she was okay, and hugs her. She says she’s so sorry, and he says, about what? She says she’ll start at the top. For causing a scene, for going off on Jordan when she didn’t deserve it. And somehow, she was able to make Trina’s arrest about the three of them. He says, no apologies necessary. She was terrified for her daughter. Nobody expects her to hold that in. She says, maybe not, but she could have done a better job. Good God. She accused Jordan of punishing Trina because she happens to be with Curtis now. She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her; she’s overthinking everything. He says, nothing is wrong with her. She’s frustrated. He gets it. She asks if he thinks Jordan will get it too.

Jordan asks how Alexis knew Brendon, and Alexis says, he is… was the brother of her ex, Neil Byrne. Jordan says, local? but Alexis says, he’s not from Port Charles. Jordan asks, when was the last time Alexis saw him? and Alexis says, at Neil’s funeral a while back. Then just the other day. Jordan says, so Alexis spent time with Mr. Byrne while he was in Port Charles, but Alexis says she wouldn’t consider it spending time. He stopped by her office; he needed help. Jordan asks, what kind of help? and Alexis says, financial. Maybe he was looking for a job. Jordan says, why Alexis, and why now, so long after the funeral? Alexis says, that’s what she’d like to know, especially after the way he treated her after the funeral. Jordan says, she takes it Alexis and the deceased weren’t on the best terms.

Drew tells Michael, he wishes he could stop dragging his feet. He needs to make a decision about those shares. Marshall comes by, shakes hands with Drew, and says he’s ready to pursue that job Drew offered, but Drew says, he’s sorry. The board already greenlit another candidate. Marshall says, they spoke about it a few days ago, and Drew said they were still interviewing. Drew says, they were, until the right fit came along. He’s sorry, but if another opportunity comes along, he’ll let Marshall know. Marshall says, will he? It’s hard not to wonder if Drew ever had any intention of giving him a job. Michael says he’ll give them some privacy, but Drew says, that’s not necessary, and tells Marshall, with all due respect, Marshall didn’t follow up. Marshall says, so they had to move on, and Drew says, that’s right. Marshall says, Drew and his son. They got all they needed from that fake interview. TJ joins them, and asks what Uncle Curtis has to do with this. Marshall says, should Drew tell him, or should he? Without giving Drew a chance to answer, Marshall says, Curtis and this man came up with a fake job opportunity to get him to agree to a background check. TJ says, no, but Marshall says, yes. Just curious. Who pitched it first? Was it Drew? Must be nice having all that time and money on his hands. Michael says, this isn’t necessary, but Drew says, let Mr. Ashford say his piece. Marshall says, not all of us are born with silver spoons in our mouths. Some of us have to work to survive. Then again, Drew wouldn’t understand that, would he? Marshall leaves, and TJ follows him. Michael says, he’s got Drew all wrong, but Drew says, actually, Marshall summed up his situation perfectly.

Curtis says, Jordan understands the pressure Portia is under, and won’t hold it against her. Portia says she still needs to apologize, and she will, but she doesn’t thinks she’s entirely wrong. He says, about? and she says she knows he left his marriage behind, but can he honestly say Jordan has too? He says he doesn’t know, but he does know Jordan won’t let her feelings impact the case. With Jordan, work always comes first. Their divorce is a testament to that. She says, she saw the look he and Jordan gave each other when she said Jordan wasn’t impartial, and he says, Jordan believes there’s more to Trina’s case than meets the eye. She says, Trina feels the same way too. She’s glad somebody is finally confirming that. What is Jordan doing to dig deeper? He says, she’s doing what she can, but Portia knows how it goes. Portia says, she can’t give him any details; of course (🍷). It doesn’t matter. At least, it’s comforting to know that Jordan doesn’t believe the case should be closed. He says, not by long shot.

Cameron says, he’s on the side of truth, and Josslyn asks what that even means. Trina comes back, and says, please tell her they’re not still talking about Spencer. Cameron says, he’s ready to move on, but Josslyn says, she’s not. Please tell her he’s not putting Spencer back on the work schedule. Trina says, don’t block him because of her, and Josslyn says, he deserves to be blocked. Cameron says, what if he needs the money? but Josslyn says, he doesn’t. He has no right to work here. Cameron says, it’s his call, and if Spencer wants his job back, he’s not getting in his way. Josslyn says, and if he’s in their way? and Cameron says, maybe they should find another place to hang out.

Anna says, there’s no judgement between her and Valentin; there never is. Oddly, she trusts him. He says, and he trusts her, and she says, his father, not so much. Has he seen Victor lately? He says, no, why? and she says, it doesn’t matter. It’s nice to have him back. She missed her compatriot while he was away. He asks if that’s what he’s been reduced to, and she asks if he wants to be something more. Should she open the wine? He says, he’d like nothing more, but he has to take a raincheck. She says, big plans? and he says, something like that. She puts the wine on the bar, and says, it will be here when next he comes. He says he wishes he’d been there with her when Peter died. He understands completely that she’s capable of taking care of it on her own. She says, she thinks it had to be her doing it without him, and he says he gets that. They’ve been together all along. He just wishes they could have seen it through together. She wishes that too, but she thinks being alone is what she needed; certainly not what she wanted. He says, she had Dante and Drew, and Felicia. She says, they were incredible, but in that moment, when she looked down and saw Peter was done, all she wanted was to look up and see him.

Harmony drains her drink, and gets up. She asks the bartender to remind her where the restroom is, and he says, second door on the right. She says, of course (🍷), duh. Like she’s never been here before. She walks out, leaving Brendon’s bag at the bar, with her folder sticking out.  

Alexis says she’d like to go, but Jordan says she has one more question. Alexis mentioned Brendon had fallen on hard times. Did he strike her as being desperate enough to end his life? Alexis asks if Jordan thinks it’s suicide, but Jordan says, she doesn’t know. She’ll need to wait for the medical examiner’s report, but she’s not ruling anything out. Alexis starts to leave, and Jordan says she thought Alexis was heading to Spoon Island. Alexis says she’s not in the mood to visit anyone now, and Jordan asks if that’s because she knew Brendon, or because the circumstances of his death are suspect. Alexis says, if Jordan has more questions, she needs to talk to Alexis’s attorney Diane Miller. Alexis thinks she knows Diane. Jordan says she thought Alexis would say that, and Alexis leaves.

Britt tells Spencer, the only thing he has control over is himself. Trust his gut, no matter the fallout. He thanks her, and she says, it’s pretty generic advice, but if it helped, she’s happy. He says, she always helps. Since he was a little kid she’s always been there for him, despite his many screw-ups. She says, many, many, many screw-ups, and he says, having her in his life has made a world of difference. She tells him, whatever mistakes he’s made, he’s worthy of love. Remember that. He says, only if she does too, and thanks her for dinner. She says, anytime, and he leaves. She takes out her phone, and says she doesn’t care what her mother says. He’s kind of cute.

Josslyn says she can’t believe Cameron isn’t backing her on this, after what he did to Trina. He says, he knows what Spencer did to Trina is all kinds of wrong, but they’re talking about a job here, not matching BFF tattoos. Josslyn says, Cameron is doing Spencer a favor, and she can’t understand why, and Trina says, it’s okay, but Josslyn says, it’s not okay. Guys always forgive each other. Cameron says, that’s ridiculous, and Josslyn says, but true. He asks if he’s lumped in with all the guys now, and she says, it’s news to her too, but apparently her boyfriend is part of the almighty boys club. She could never be civil to Spencer, after he stood by that witch… Cameron says, she could if she knew what Spencer was up to.

Portia says she never asked Curtis why he’s here at the hospital, and he says he’s more concerned about her, but she says, she’s not buying that. Something is wrong. Is it Aunt Stella, or… He says, no she’s fine, but Portia is on the right track; it has to do with family. Curtis’s phone rings, and he asks if she minds. She says, take it, and he asks Drew, what’s up? Drew says, Marshall was just here, and Curtis asks, what happened? Drew says, he knows the job at Aurora was a set-up. He tried to convince Marshall otherwise, but he was too quick. Curtis asks, how’d he take it? and Drew says, not well. He’s sorry. Curtis says, don’t be. His father’s whole life is built on lies. He should realize that one day they’ll catch up to him.

Alexis orders a cranberry and soda at the MetroCourt bar, but Harmony comes toddling back, and says, no. She puts Brendon’s bag on the bar, and says, Alexis will have what she’s having.

Jordan calls Rory over to Brendon’s body, and asks what he sees. He says, red marks near the victim’s trachea, and she says, there’s blood pooling under the skin. Were these injuries sustained pre or post mortem? He says, no time to bruise, so the injuries were probably sustained hours before he was in the water. She says, very good. And what can he tell her about the shape of the marks? He says, consistent with fingers. So he was grabbed, but when? She says, that’s the million dollar question. The answer may tell us if it was suicide, an accident, or straight up murder.  

Anna walks Valentin to the door, and asks if Valentin took lots of walks when he was recuperating. He wonders why she’d ask that, and she says, because he got tan. He says, walks. It’s amazing what getting your legs moving will do for your mind and your spirit. He’ll see her again soon. Save him a glass of the Bordeaux. He leaves, and she leans on the door and sighs. There’s a knock, and she opens the door, asking if he forget something. He pulls her closer, and kisses her. She kisses back, and he leaves, walking backward a few steps. She touches her fingers to her lips.

Tomorrow, Laura says someone is suspect number one; Esme asks if Nikolas has changed his mind about her; Alexis asks who Harmony is terrified of; and Sonny says, case closed, that’s it.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Still inflicting themselves on Nashville, Joe #2 puts stuffed toys in Frank’s bed as Frank sleeps. It doesn’t take Frank long to figure out what’s going on, since all these guys do on their off-time is act like the Jersey Stooges. Frank tells Dolores that he had trouble sleeping; the night before was out of control. Dolores says, Marge is too involved with Teresa’s relationship, because God forbid she should call out appalling behavior from the sainted one. Frank tells her that Marge wasn’t badmouthing Luis. She was just asking questions. Marge was disgusted with Teresa’s psychotic antics, and Bill wondered where zen Theresa was. He and Jennifer checked on the kids, which was an absolute waste of air time. Dolores and Frank made breakfast, and everyone gathered in the kitchen, except for Luis and Teresa, who had been kicked to hotel by the producers. Frank says he woke up with a giraffe between his legs and dolls up his ass. Oddly enough, or maybe not, no one reacts. Jackie says she’d love some coffee, and Marge answers the way I would – the coffee maker is over there. Marge says, Teresa clearing the table was unprovoked, but Jennifer (another one who tries to play Switzerland, but because she’s so insecure) says, Marge did call Teresa a f***ing liar. Marge says, she was, and Jennifer’s interview, she says, Marge was pushing Teresa they way she’d said Jennifer pushed her. Hypocrite much? Marge says, Teresa is a loose cannon, and dangerous, and Dolores begs everyone to behave, since she’s having an authentic barbecue dinner. Marge says she’s not sitting with or engaging with Teresa ever again, and Jennifer suggests Marge apologize for asking questions. Jackie says, Teresa asks what she wants, and it’s the double-standard that kills her. They all have to tiptoe around Teresa so she won’t lose her temper. Marge says, everyone else can dance around the crazy person, but she doesn’t do this dance. Joe #2 says, there’s no excuse for it, but Teresa is frustrated with all the Luis talk. Dolores says, Teresa was married to someone who never had a kind word or touch for her, and she’s like a rescue dog let out of a shelter. She considers Luis the guy who saved her. Joe #2 asks what Marge needs to hear, and Marge says, a major apology. Joe #3 asks what Joe #2 intends to do if Teresa flips out again, and Joe #2 says he’ll grab her, and Melissa adds, and walk her on out. Seriously, who needs this?

It’s singing day, and Dolores calls Teresa, who says she doesn’t want to be around Marge. In Dolores’s interview, she says she’s not a magician, and the anger isn’t just going to go away. She knows Teresa well though, so maybe she can diffuse the situation. It’s worked so well before, right? She tells Teresa that she’d like to go somewhere so they could talk, and maybe do some shopping. The guys are going on a party boat for the day, and Joe #2 packs a strap-on to play a joke on Frank. In Melissa’s interview, she says, she doesn’t know what Dolores can say to make Teresa not be a psycho. Boat captain Dan meets the guys, and Luis joins them. They start drinking immediately, and shotgun some beers. The women go to Nashvox Studios, and Jennifer’s gingham top matches one of the chairs, which is really weird. Even weirder, their hostess’s name is Theresa. She explains that it’s a studio for everyone, and they let everyone record there. She gives them a small menu of liquid courage, and they order drinks. Jennifer says she texted Evan, but got nothing back, and Marge says, they’re fine. They do some kind of shots I’d never touch. On the boat, Luis says, Teresa was on fire, and Joe #2 asks if it’s the worst he’s ever seen her. Luis says, it is, and Joe says, she was evil and crazy. Luis says he feels like the guys have given him a fair shot, but not so much the women. Frank says, Marge wasn’t attacking him, and Joe #3 says, Marge was only being protective, since sh*t about Luis is coming out every day. Joe #2 says, the men are different from the women. One of them can tell him that he sucks, and he’ll tell them that they suck, and they’ll be fine later. Then Joe #3 gives the best advice I’ve ever heard on here, and tells Luis, don’t get involved in anything they do. I guess that’s the secret to the men always having fun, while the women are screaming meemies.

At Nashvox, the women are introduced to songwriters Frankie and Sam, who have brought their guitars. Melissa says they want the song to be fun, and Marge points out that Melissa made an album. We flash back to On Display (on display on display ♫). Frankie asks what the friendship dynamic is, and Melissa comes up with Lady Drama, and they decide to make fun of it. They do a shot and brainstorm, and do another shot. They toast to Lady Drama.

Teresa and Dolores shop for cowboy boots and hats. Dolores thinks the boots feel weird, probably because she’s used to 10-inch heels. She asks what Teresa and Luis did this morning, and Teresa says, they went for a walk and had breakfast. Dolores says, the others are probably making up sh*t songs about them. At the studio, the women record the song, and it pretty much stinks. Melissa says, the boys are probably acting the fool. The boat is anchored, and Joe #2 says he got Frank something. Being the good sport he is, Frank straps on the strap-on. Joe cuts the penis part off (sorry if you cringed), and says, now Frank has balls. They drink shots out of the penis, and go down the slide into the water. Teresa tells Dolores that she texted Luis not to drink too much, and he sent her this picture. We see all the guys feeling no pain in the water, and Dolores says, the guys always have fun. Teresa says, Marge can’t poke the bear and not expect to get attacked, and Dolores says she understands, but when Teresa feels it coming, walk away. Jackie was questioning her integrity, and she brought herself down, telling herself that she didn’t want to be that person. They can’t do this anymore, and need to control the rage. Teresa says, when someone is trying to hurt her family, it’s game on. Dolores says she hired a line dancer and a chef. Teresa needs to walk in like a lady, and say, sorry for the mishap. Oh, so that’s what we’re calling a full-on tantrum now. Teresa says she’ll say it to the group, but Marge owes her an apology for dragging her boyfriend through the mud. Dolores says she’s just telling Teresa this because she loves her, and in Dolores’s interview, she says, knowing how angry Marge is, she’s going to be expecting an apology. She doesn’t know how the night is going to be if Marge doesn’t get it, but it won’t be pretty.  

Jackie says she texted Evan and said she’d had one drink. He texted back that it was 14 less than the men had. Jennifer wonders if they’ll need to carry Bill in again, and we flash back to that. The men come in, not carrying Bill, but his shirt is on backward, and Frank is wearing the balls around his neck. They go to take showers, and Bill says he needs two showers. Party decorator Abbie arrives and sets up in the back. Everyone gets ready, and I notice they keep confusing Nashville with the Wild West. Melissa asks they talked to Luis, and Joe #2 says, Luis told them that Teresa is being protective. In Joe #2’s interview, he says, not every man would accept Teresa’s behavior, but he loves her unconditionally. Melissa says, Teresa needs to take accountability, and Jackie says she hates how Teresa controls the temperature. Marge says, Teresa needs to act like a grown up, not a zoo animal.

The table is gorgeously decorated, and I hope it doesn’t all end up on the ground. Dolores says she wants everyone to have a good time, and Melissa calls it country glam. Jackie asks Dolores if Teresa is ready to apologize, but Dolores says, Teresa doesn’t feel she owes an apology to Marge because she’s judging Luis without knowing him. Traci wonders how they’re supposed to get to know him without asking questions, and Marge says, no questions. It will trigger Teresa into dumping the table. Teresa and Luis finally show up, and everyone tries to act normal. In Melissa’s interview, she says, it’s clear Teresa hasn’t cooled off. They need to brace themselves. It’s going to be a long night. Line dancing instructor Kyle arrives, and the women fawn over him. In Marge’s interview, she says, everybody wants to ride a cowboy once in a while. They dance the Cowboy Hustle, and in her interview, Melissa says she’s enjoying it while it lasts. They don’t know what’s going to happen.

After the dancing is over, Melissa asks Kyle to put on the recording of their son. In Dolores’s interview, she’s like, WTF? and in Marge’s interview, she says she’s not giving up her day job. Jennifer tells Teresa that the song says, they’re all best friends in the end, but Teresa says, no, they’re not, because she just never stops. In Teresa’s interview, she says she’s not into drama; it’s Marge who causes drama. In Melissa’s interview, she says, they sound like a bunch of dead dogs, but it’s about the underlying message. She’s hoping Teresa takes the hint.

They sit down to eat, and it gets quiet. Teresa says she wants to tell the group something. Her actions yesterday were not normally how she acts. (I choke on my coffee.) She says she loves Luis. He’s the love of her life, and when someone hurts Luis, they’re hurting her. She was provoked, but she wants to say she’s sorry about what she did. Marge wonders if that was an apology, and Traci says, it was excuses. Marge says, saying she was provoked isn’t owning her behavior, and Jackie says, at the end of the day, she thinks it’s the best they’re going to get. Marge says, Teresa is an a-hole who isn’t happy with herself, and at the other end of the table, Teresa is like, what? Jennifer says she thought it was nice, and asks if Marge appreciated it. Marge asks, which part? and in Joe #2’s interview, he says, years ago, there would have been zero chance of Teresa even saying what she did. It’s growth, even if Marge doesn’t see it. He tells Marge that he thinks they can communicate like adults, and Marge says, it’s nice that things aren’t flying. She was wearing all their dinners last night. Teresa says she didn’t get a chance to eat dinner last night, but she’s sure Marge did. She makes sure she always eats. In Jackie’s interview, she says, Teresa is body shaming Marge again. She tells Teresa that she doesn’t love the way Teresa is treating her friend, and Teresa says, Jackie’s friend isn’t a good person, and needs to apologize to her. Marge says, what Teresa did wasn’t an apology. Apology 101 doesn’t come with a but. Teresa squawks that she didn’t say but (BUT she did), and tells Melissa to say Marge provoked her. Melissa asks what she’s supposed to do, and we flash back to Teresa berating Joe #2 for backing up Melissa several years ago. In Melissa’s interview, she says, she knows it’s wrong, but Teresa is basically holding them hostage. Marge says, Teresa doesn’t know how to apologize, and Teresa demands Melissa tell Marge to STFU. Marge says she’s had enough, and she’s going inside. She tells Joe #3, let’s go, and they head in. Jackie is done too, and Dolores says she’s sick of it. In her interview, Melissa says, if she agrees with Marge, Teresa will be pissed, but if she agrees with Teresa, she’ll look like an a-hole. There’s no worse spot to be in. Frank thinks it’s going to be the same thing all over again.  

Next time, the finale; Melissa says, they’re a divided group of friends; Joe #2 talks to Luis about the rumors; and Luis says he’s done.

🌜 Closed For the Night…

Take a break tomorrow with some soap and the OC Reunion. Until then, stay safe, stay never going to crime scene number two, and stay acting like a grown-up, not a zoo animal.

April 12, 2021 – Peter Threatens Anna, a Return Guest On Deck & Sometimes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Anna thanks Peter for coming back, and he says, it sounded urgent. She says, it is. They’ve reconsidered his offer. Peter says, the offer ended when he walked out the door. It’s too late. Valentin comes downstairs with a gun, and says he couldn’t agree more. Peter asks what Valentin is going to do; shoot him? In front of Anna, the one person who doesn’t want him dead? Valentin says he wouldn’t be so sure.

Britt goes to Maxie’s hospital room, and asks how the patient is. Maxie says, better. She’s finally feeling like she can breathe. Britt says, breathing is good, for Maxie and the baby. Maxie says, Britt’s idea was inspired, and Britt says, of course (🍷). She also told Peter that him pressuring Maxie is dangerous for the pregnancy, and Maxie needs bedrest, so he’s convinced her condition is serious. She’s laying the groundwork for Peter to believe the baby died. Maxie asks if it’s weird to fist bump over something like this, and Britt says, it is, but they do.

Jordan goes to the club, and asks if Curtis is there. He comes out from behind the bar, dripping wet, and she says, the place looks so good. He looks good. He says, so does she.  

Portia walks into an examining room, introducing herself, and realizes Taggert is there. He says, it’s not just her next patient; it’s her ex. Once again, Taggert isn’t Taggert. <sigh>

Michael knocks at Willow’s door, and she invites him in. He says he’s happy to ignore the mattress in the middle of the room, but there’s a mattress in the middle of the room. She says, it came in a weirdly small box. She was curious, so she opened it. She thought it might unfold gradually. He says, but it didn’t? and she says, no. It exploded in the middle of the living room. As usual, his timing is perfect. She asks if he thinks he can help her lug it upstairs, and he says, of course (🍷). He’ll be happy to. They get on either side, and Michael stands the mattress up. He says, before they do this, there’s something important he needs to tell her.

Finn goes with Chase to his apartment. He says he knows it didn’t go as planned, and Chase says, dinner is over. They survived. Can they just leave it at that? They go inside, and Finn asks if Chase is okay. Chase says he’s just tired… and hot. Is Finn hot? Finn says, no. He says Chase looks pale, and clammy. Chase says his stomach is hurting too. Finn tells him to sit down, and Chase says Finn doesn’t think he got food poisoning at the restaurant, does he? He wonders if they all got it, and says, it would suck.

Anna tells Peter, Valentin isn’t going to do anything to him. She is. She puts a stun gun to his neck, and he falls to the floor.   

Jordan says, so this is the new club. She can’t believe she hasn’t been there yet. Curtis asks what she thinks of the name, and she says, The Savoy; she likes it. It looks so beautiful. Congratulations. He thanks her, and she asks if he was holding out on her about his plumbing skills. He says if he had any plumbing skills, he wouldn’t be soaking wet. She picks up a towel, and starts to dry him off, but he stops her. He asks what she’s doing there, and she says, when he stopped by, she could tell he wanted to talk, but Taggert was there, so he left. She was just hoping he’d tell her now, since they’re alone. She takes his hands.

Portia says she’s surprised there isn’t a guard with Taggert, but he says they’re keeping tabs on him, showing her the ankle monitor. She asks if he’s sick, but he says he just wants his gunshot wound checked, in case there’s anything that will cause him grief. She says, like his death caused her and Trina grief? and he asks if she wants him to apologize again. She says, he’s forgiven. She can get him another doctor if it makes him more comfortable. He shakes his head, and she asks if he has a problem with her drawing blood. He says, if he recalls, neither one of them had a problem with that. Oh, snap. 

Michael asks Willow if they can put the mattress down, and she says, of course (🍷). What’s going on? He says, he and Sasha broke up. Maybe that’s not the right way to put it, since they weren’t fully back together. Willow says, they were trying, and he says, they mutually decided there was no future for them. She says she’s so sorry, and he says he is too. Sasha is an amazing person. They tried to make it work, and have what they used to have. She says, but they just couldn’t? and he says, no, so they’ve moved on. Now Sasha is a good friend, and he’s hoping to be that for her too. She says, wow. She thinks it’s awesome they were able to figure things out. It’s good to know where they stand. She asks if there’s something else, and he says, last night, they almost kissed. She says she remembers, and he says he completely respects that they’re at different places in their lives, but he’s leaving out a major part of the reason he realized things aren’t working out with Sasha. It’s because of her. They started with friendship, and taking care of Wiley together. They’re still both of those things, but it turned into more for him… a lot more. He had to tell her how he felt. He’s not putting any pressure on her, and he’s not asking her to make a choice between him and Chase… She says, stop. Just stop.

Finn gives Chase a bottle of water, and says he wants to take Chase’s temperature to see if he’s not coming down with something, but Chase says he needs sleep; he’s exhausted. Finn says, all right. He can take a hint. Chase says, thank God, and Finn asks Chase to promise he’ll call if it gets worse. Chase promises, and Finn says, drink a lot of water. Chase says, got it, and Finn tells him, feel better, and leaves.

As Valentin ties Peter up, Anna says she’d rather have Peter arrested and pay for his crimes, but he’s so skilled at covering them up, it’s not an option. Which brings them to this situation. Peter needs to know her priority is to keep Maxie and the baby safe. Peter says he’d never hurt Maxie and the baby, and Anna says she heard that from Faison all the time. Peter is turning into his father. His obsession with Maxie, he’s mistaking it for love, and it isn’t. It’s on her; her refusal to see him for who he really is. It’s her responsibility to fix it. Valentin says, no. He’s not letting her do that.

Britt asks if Maxie has thought about what happens next, and Maxie says, it’s all she thinks about. Britt asks, what’s the plan after Maxie gives birth? Who is she giving the baby to? Maxie says, she actually thinks she has the perfect solution. I think, hmm… Spinelli?

Portia tells Taggert, she’ll send his bloodwork off to the lab, and he says, great. She asks how he is otherwise, and he says, does she mean in general? She says, yeah, and he says he’s trying to get a semblance of his life back, and he’s meeting with his lawyer. He heard Trina got accepted at PCU; can she believe it? Portia says she believes Trina got in, but she can’t believe Trina is old enough for college. He says, it’s a trip for sure. He’s grateful for the job she did with Trina; he’s so proud. She says, her too. She guesses they did something right. She asks how it is living with Jordan, and he says, it beats the hell out of lock-up. It reminds him of old times when they were working on a job. She says she’s glad it’s working out, and he says it is for him. He’s not so sure about Curtis.

Curtis tells Jordan, when they decided to separate, he wanted to figure things out. What’s next, not just for him, but them in general. He was right in thinking they were due for a change, and when he got out of P.I. business, he bought this place. He’s excited to be prepping for opening day. He finally found his stride, and needed to see her to find out what was up between them. Jordan says, but Taggert was there. They could have gone somewhere else. He didn’t have to leave. Curtis says, he did.

Michael says he’s sorry, and Willow says she’s sorry to interrupt him, but she needed him to stop. She needs to say this while she still has the courage. From the moment they slept together in the nursery (which sounds kind of distasteful), it changed everything. He says, for him too, and she says she hasn’t had the guts to say it, or even admit it to herself until now. She doesn’t want to let go of what they have. She doesn’t want them to be friends or co-parents. She wants them to be together for real.  

Britt says she’s sorry. It sounded like Maxie said Spinelli. (Ding-ding-ding! I guessed right.) Maxie says she did, and Britt says Maxie wants to stash her baby with Spinelli? He’s the father of her other child. Maxie says, correct; it’s the perfect solution. Britt says, hello? Maxie isn’t getting over on a mean girl in high school. Maxie says she was the mean girl in high school, and Britt says Peter is obsessed with her. It’s like she pushed a button on his heat-seeking missile, and he’s locked in. Does she think he’ll buy what she’s selling? With all the work they’ve done, Peter will still be suspicious. They need to make sure the baby is unfindable. Maxie says, that’s not a word (FYI, it is according to spellcheck), and Britt says, Spinelli will be the first place Peter will look. Maxie will have to come up with someone else. Maxie says Britt is being bossy right now, and Britt says she’ll wait.

Valentin says Anna saw what she wanted to see, but he did too. He knew what Peter was capable of, but still let Peter manipulate him. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how they saw it. Peter is the reason they’re there. Peter chose to kill those people. He takes no responsibility, and lies. He’s trapping and manipulating Maxie, proclaiming his love for her. Peter tells Anna, they’re family, and Valentin says, shut up. Peter says he knows Anna cares about him; she knows him. Anna says she sees clearly now how he played them. She’s not interested in his phony act. The fact is, the man he held prisoner for five years, is being held in prison for something he didn’t do. She tells Valentin, let’s do this, but the doorbell rings. Valentin asks if she’s expecting someone; don’t answer. Anna says her lights are on, and her car is in the driveway. They’ll know she’s there. She goes to the door, and opens it to Finn.    

Maxie asks, what’s wrong with Robin? and Britt says, where to start. Maxie says, Robin and Patrick are amazing parents, and Britt says, Robin is Maxie’s cousin. Maxie says, so? and Britt says, if Spinelli is the first place Peter will look, Robin is the second. Besides, does Maxie really want her baby to be raised in such a sanctimonious household? Maxie says, Robin is like a sister, and it sounds like Britt is being judgy. She loves Robin and Patrick, and they’ll be great with Louise. Britt says, no; it won’t work. It can’t be someone Maxie knows. Maxie says, too bad they can’t wait. Britt could impregnate herself, and no one will know. Britt says she sees the gloves are off, and Maxie says, they were never on. Britt says she misses Rocco every day. She might be a sneaky bitch, but she doesn’t want Maxie to go through missing a child from her life, or be pulling out her hair if Peter gets his hands on the baby. They need to put on their thinking caps, okay? Maxie says, fine. She’s sorry. Britt says she knows.

Finn says, sorry to bother Anna, but Violet needs Bella… Her stuffed pig? Anna says she meant to bring it to the MetroCourt when they decided it would be a bad idea for Finn to come and get it. He says, it’s not such a bad idea. Can they talk?   

Valentin drags Peter to the basement, and duct tapes him to a chair. Peter says Valentin is a fine one to be lecturing him about obsession, when he was drooling the whole time. He should thank Peter. Valentin asks, why? and Peter says, Anna is finally game. She’s leaning on him, when she couldn’t stand the sight of him before. Now she’s his sidekick. How long before Valentin beds her? When he does, Valentin will know he owes it all to Peter. 

Anna asks how Finn is, and he says, okay; her? She says, okay, and he says, it was a strange night. Anna finds Bella behind a pillow on the couch, and gives the toy to him. She says, strange how? Was it a patient? He says, strange as in his family. He guesses she doesn’t read the paper, and she says she’s been a bit distracted. He says, Peter’s rag put their whole story on the front page, and she asks, why? What happened? He says, Chase is his son.

Chase sleeps, and opens his eyes to see Willow sitting on the end of the couch. She says she’s sorry she woke him, and he asks, what’s going on? She says she was wondering if she could move back in with him. She wants to pick up from where they left off before everything went wrong. Is it possible?

Willow tells Michael, as misguided as Chase was, it was still an honorable sacrifice. He was trying to help. He’s a good person, and she wanted to make it okay for him, but the truth is, she changed. In their time apart, her heart changed, and the way she saw Michael changed. There’s no going back, because when she’s alone and daydreaming about the future, she doesn’t see Chase; she sees Michael. It’s him. He’s the one.

Taggert tells Portia that he and Jordan were going over Cyrus’s file, when Curtis showed up. He seemed surprised, Portia says, which makes sense, since he was living there until recently. It was Curtis’s home with his wife, and Curtis and Jordan are still married. Taggert says he knows what she means; it had to be difficult. Curtis seemed like he had something to say, but backed off because he was there. She says, they split up because Jordan lied about Taggert, and he asks if that makes it his fault, but she says, it just makes it messy. He says he doesn’t want to get in the way of Curtis and Jordan patching things up, but it does make him wonder. She says, wonder what? and he says, would Portia feel the same? She says she has no idea what he’s talking about, and he says he knows she cheated on him, and he’s pretty sure it was with Curtis.

Jordan says, if Curtis thinks there’s something going on with her and Taggert, he’s wrong. It’s all work. He says, that’s the problem. She and Taggert share a closeness, an easy intimacy that he knows has nothing to do with sex or romance. It’s just two people with the same goal, and their eyes on the same prize. She asks, what’s wrong with that? and he says, nothing, but it’s a stark contrast. She and Taggert don’t have to keep secrets; there’s nothing they can’t share. He’s started to realize that will never happen with them. They love each other, but that level of trust and ease… He doesn’t think he’s ever felt that with her. She asks what he’s saying, and he tells her that he’s saying he thinks it’s time they got a divorce.

Portia says Taggert knew about her and Curtis? and he says he suspected, but how long had it been going on? She says, it was when Taggert took his last trip, when he was still undercover. Taggert says she was different when he got back. He knew her heart had been with someone else. He doesn’t blame her. The fact is, he wasn’t a good husband. Even when he was with her, he was absent. She says she never got the best part of him, and he says he left it open for her to look elsewhere. She tells him, Curtis never said anything, but put the blame on her for their split. Taggert says, it was his fault; he’s sorry. She says, her too, and they hug.    

Jordan says she never wanted to let work come between her and Curtis. They have everything else. He says, it’s not enough. Haven’t they proven that? He can’t withstand the secrets she’s forced to keep, or chooses to keep, thinking she’s protecting him. He loves her, and that will never change, but the trust is gone. He doesn’t see another way around it. To be perfectly honest, she never trusted him either. If she had, she wouldn’t have shut him out. She asks if he thinks she liked doing it, but he says he thinks she hated it. But he also thinks if she had to, she’d do it again, the first time something big pops up. It’s torture for both of them, and for both their sakes, he thinks it’s best if it ended.

Anna says, it’s quite a situation, and Finn says, it’s been interesting. She asks how he feels. Chase is his son. He says he should get back to Violet; he wanted her to have Bella before bed. She says, sure, and he starts to leave, but kicks something. He wonders if someone lost a wallet, and when he picks it up, Valentin’s driver’s license falls out. He says, never mind.

Valentin says Peter really is Faison’s son, trying to manipulate him with what he loves. Peter believes he’s a good guy, and always gets his way, but not this time. Peter is going to pay the price. Peter says Valentin thinks he knows Peter, but he’s about to learn something in a big way. When it all falls apart, Valentin will try to blame him, but he has an insurance policy.

Michael tells Willow, it changes everything, but they don’t have to change anything. If that makes sense. They have all the time in the world. She asks if he wants to take it slow, and he says he wants to be with her; however it works for her. She says he didn’t answer her question, and he says he doesn’t want to take it slow, but he can. Willow says she thinks they’ve both proved that, but now they don’t need to anymore. He says, they don’t, and they kiss.

Portia says she didn’t leave Taggert for Curtis. Curtis took off when she finally told him that she was married. They ran into each other again when she transferred there from Mercy. How did he figure it out? He says he is trained to notice these things, and she says, she and Curtis are friends now, and she’d never come between him and Jordan. She’s rooting for them, and wants them to make it. He says, him too.

Jordan says she adored being married to Curtis, and it kills her know he wasn’t happy. He says, sorry, but… and she says, don’t. Even if she disagrees that their problems are insurmountable, she’s not letting go of her career. He says he’d never ask her to do that. He truly believed him switching jobs and changing his life was the fix they needed, but when he saw Taggert at the house, it hit him that… She says, it’s not him; it’s her. They stand there, facing each other.

Michael gets up, and holds out his hand. Willow takes it, and they kiss. There’s a song part, and they get busy. Zzzzz…

Chase tells Willow, he’s been dreaming about this moment, and she says, her too. He asks, what about Wiley? and she says she can still be Wiley’s mother a few minutes away. It will be good for Wiley to have a mother who is truly settled and in love. He says he can’t argue with that. Welcome home. They almost kiss, but Chase wakes up.   

Finn asks if Valentin is there, but Anna says he’s not. He says, Valentin will probably be missing his wallet. Should he let Valentin know? She says, she will, and follows him to the door. She says she and Valentin have been working on a plan to stop Peter to prevent him from doing more harm. He says, good. He’s sure that’s as specific as she’s going to get. He tells her that she looks pretty, and starts to leave, when she says his name. He turns, and she says, tell Violet that she misses her, and sorry about Bella. She’s sure Violet missed Bella too. He says, don’t worry. Violet is getting used to it. He leaves, and Anna closes the door, outing her back against it.

Britt tells Maxie, okay, here’s the deal. When Louise is born, Britt will take her. Maxie says, perfect. Is Britt insane? Peter will see right through it. Britt says, let her finish. She’ll  make sure the baby goes to a good place, far away, with someone who knows it’s not an adoption, and at some point, will have to give the baby back. Most important, someone no one in Port Charles knows. Maxie says, where? How is she going to find that kind of person? Britt says she doesn’t know yet, but she’ll figure it out. When she does, she’s not telling Maxie. Maxie can’t know; it’s the only way for her to answer Peter honestly if he suspects the baby survived. Maxie says, what about Britt? She’ll know, and Peter will strangle the truth out if has to.

Valentin says he and Anna are going to make Peter disappear, and stay gone, as long as they need him gone. He’s going where no one will find him. Anna comes downstairs, and Valentin says, all clear? She says she has it covered, but she found this. She gives Valentin his wallet, and he says, it must have fallen out when he and Peter were struggling. Peter had some objections. Through the duct tape covering his mouth, Peter says, they’re making a fatal mistake. Anna rips the tape off his mouth, and he says, they think their plan is foolproof, but it’s not.

Portia says, even if Taggert wasn’t there – he says, he wasn’t – at least she had Trina. Trina is so happy Taggert is back in her life. Taggert says, for now, and Portia says, despite everything, she truly wants the best for him. She wants him to be happy. He takes her hand, and says, I got you, kid.

Jordan says she guesses this is goodbye, and Curtis says he wishes it wasn’t, but he doesn’t see it any other way. She starts to leave, and he says, wait. Can they have one more dance before they go their separate ways? She takes his hand, and they slow dance. There’s another song part, and she looks at him sadly. She holds him close, and cries.

Maxie tells Britt, if Peter even suspects the baby is alive, he’ll know Britt is in on it. What is she going to do if Peter comes after her? Britt asks if Maxie trusts her, and Maxie says, it shocks her to say it, but yes. Britt says, Peter will never know; she’ll never tell him. Maxie says she doesn’t think Brook is grasping the point she’s trying to make. Peter will kill Britt if has too. Britt says, then the secret dies with her.

Anna asks Peter what they forgot, and he says they’re not the only ones who can make plans. She asks what he means, and he says, if they go through with this, someone she cares about will die. I think Peter forgot something. Plans don’t always go as planned.

Chase calls the station, and says he’s not feeling so hot. He’s going to use a sick day tomorrow. He goes back to the couch, and gets under the blanket.

Willow and Michael bask in the afterglow. Willow says she almost didn’t buy the mattress. She went back and forth, but she’s glad she decided to get it. It’s now her most favorite mattress of all time. He says, his too, and they kiss.  

Tomorrow, Michael suggests he and Wiley move in with Willow, Curtis knows it’s the right decision, Brook could use a friend, and Peter says the only way it can be stopped is if they let him go.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Marina Lav, Croatia. We revisit Gary, Sydney, and Alli – the girls half-nakey and Gary full nakey – jumping off the side of the boat. They’re being loud about it too. Glenn hears the splash, and in his interview, he says, this is the reason he never had children. Sydney says, it’s effing cold, and Gary asks, who’s getting towels? The girls tell him that he has less to hide, and he makes a mad dash for the boat, hiding his weenie. He dries himself off, and gets towels for the girls. Back on the boat, Sydney looks for her phone, and Gary flirts with Alli by the indoor bar. No surprise, Sydney’s radar goes off and she finds them, and asks if they’re being mean to her. In Gary’s interview, he says he’s in a tight place. Sydney has feelings for him, but he doesn’t feel the same for her as he does for Alli. What does he do now? He doesn’t know. I suggest maybe keeping it in his pants. Sydney tells Alli that she likes Gary, but she’s not stupid; she knows they flirt. Alli says when they flirt, there’s a chemistry there , but then she’s… Sydney says Alli likes him, but Alli says, not that much. It’s not her thing, and it’s totally Sydney’s thing. Seriously, this is how they’re talking, but in their defense, they are drunk. Alli says she didn’t realize Sydney liked Gary as much as she does. She’s so sorry. They hug, and Sydney says she loves Alli. I think they’d probably be better off together than either one of them would be with Gary. Sydney wonders if they should wake up Gary, but Alli says, no; just you and me.

This doesn’t stop Sydney, who admits to being a terrible person. She stands at Gary’s cabin door, saying she shouldn’t do this. She looks in and says, they’re asleep. Since it’s 3 am, that shouldn’t be too much of a shock, and Colin asks, what’s going on? as Sydney climbs into Gary’s bunk. Gary is like, WTF? and she says she was told to come there. Is this how she usually gets a boyfriend? It’s very unattractive behavior. And desperate. Gary says he wants to f*** Alli, which can’t be any more clear, but Sydney says Alli doesn’t want him. He should give up on that. She says she hates that she likes him, and tells him that he could make the same money as he does in yachting. He can go to Florida and work for her, and have a family. I’m not sure if she means have children with her, or she wants him to be a part of the family she already has, but he says, okay. Now I’m not so sure he knows what he’s saying okay to.

The next morning, Gary asks what Sydney is doing in his bed, and JL (officially calling him that now, since it’s easier to type) sees all the clothing and mess they left behind on deck. He says, oy-yoi-yoi. Sydney says she doesn’t know why she’s in Gary’s cabin, and JL says, the boat is an effing wreck. Sydney says she hates herself; she has no self-control, and Gary says he’s going to lose it. Alli asks if they had sex, but Sydney says they just fell asleep.

JL tells Dani that he got woken up last night, and we see a clip of Alli bouncing into his cabin, and being loud. In Glenn’s interview, he says he’s not the most sympathetic to self-inflicted wounds, like having to work hard with a hangover. They can’t be dragging their asses. Daisy tells Sydney, all guys are idiots, which about sums it up.

They dock, and the guys stand on shore, having a smoke. JL tells Colin that he had a wild night, and Colin says he was in bed, then got woke up. On the boat, Sydney says she hates herself. Colin tells JL, there was some skinny-dipping fun last night, and Gary says he woke up with someone next to him. JL says Sydney is cling level 1000. In Colin’s interview, he says, Sydney is falling in love with Gary or something. it’s only been three weeks. He doesn’t get it. It’s Gary. Me neither, Colin. Sydney tells Alli, you can’t help who you fall in love with, and she and Alli whisper in their cabin. Gary comes by and listens in, and Alli says she doesn’t want Sydney to feel bad later. They see Gary, and tell him to go away. He says he’s starting work, and Sydney leaves. He tells Alli, Sydney was being silly last night, jumping in his bed while he was sleeping. Alli says, bullsh*t, and in her interview, she says, back in Australia, when someone is upsetting her, she eliminates them. I’m hoping she means figuratively. She says she’s strong in doing it, but in this environment, there’s no escape. She tells Gary that he slept with Sydney, and she knows how that makes a girl feel. Gary says, he told Sydney to go, but Alli says she knows Sydney likes him, and she went to his bed. Gary says he’s effing pissed off, and Alli tells him to f*** off, calling him a POS.

Gary tells Sydney that he’d like a quick chat. He went to bed alone, and woke up with her next to him. She says he didn’t, and he asks what gives her that right? She says she thought they had a conversation, but she doesn’t remember. Gary tells her, he’d said it was his cue to go to bed, and he woke up with her there. It won’t happen again. She says, sorry, and in Gary’s interview, he says he put himself into this situation, by hooking up with his deckhand, but he thought he’d made it clear where they stand.

Glenn calls Daisy, Gary, and Natasha to the crew mess for a preference sheet meeting. The primary is Frank Marini. Glenn says, he’s been on board before, but the charter was all guys, and it was like a testosterone competition. We flash back to shrimp cocktail guy, and Glenn says Frank was the most chilled of the group. This time, he’s bringing his wife Jessica, who’s a proudly self-proclaimed trophy wife. Natasha reads that Frank’s favorite cuisines are Italian, American, and Japanese, and he’s fond of an American style breakfast. Glenn says, that’s an Important point, and Natasha needs to nail it. She also reads, don’t feed him any of Aiden’s (another guest) vegan food. Daisy reads that he wants a night of Black Jack and poker, and wants the crew to join in. Gary says he loves gambling, and Daisy says he can host it.

The boat is cleaned, and Glenn says he’s going to check the tender hose. Daisy tells Dani, she feels bad for Natasha, but she’s embarrassed about the egg thing. She’s going to try to be more constructive. In the galley, Natasha says she’s overthinking things. In her interview, she says she felt a bit defeated by the second charter. When she left for Europe, her grandma had just died, and she’d been like Natasha’s mom. Natasha was starting a new journey, and didn’t have her. It was tough. She almost cries, and does that hand wave thing. She says she’s no longer a scared girl, and can chose to be positive or negative. She’s ready to kill the next charter. Provisions come in, and Colin gets parts for the tender. He hopes to have the tender up and running, and works on it with Gary. Gary says what happened with Sydney was his fault in the first place. He needs to have a proper word with her. Colin finishes up with the tender, and says he’s proud of himself for the repair job.  

Dani asks JL if he needs a hug, but he’s not ready for that right now. He tells Alli that he values his sleep when he gets it, and she says she’s sorry, but she didn’t know he was asleep. She says she didn’t appreciate it when he told her, f*** off, but he says he told her more than once, and she kept egging him to come out. He says he’s all good, but it seems like she’s not happy. She tells him that she’s saying she’s sorry, but he’s still going, wah-wah-wah. He asks if he’s supposed to say he’s sorry, and she says, yeah, for telling her to f*** off. He says he’s sorry for the language he used, and goes upstairs, saying, feelings are too tight around here. Alli says she doesn’t want issues, and goes to the bathroom, where she cries, and says she’d struggling. Gary finds her, and suggests they just get through the charter. She says, the negative energy is weighing on her, and she just wants to be friends. He says, no problem.

Colin tells Gary that Alli was spewing all this stuff, and Gary says she told him to f*** off. Colin says, she’s crying now, and we hear Alli in the bathroom, saying she feels like she’s at her breaking point.

3 hours before charter. Alli tells Daisy, the interruption with Gary was so effing uncool. Her pa has been on her mind, and she’s been on the brink of tears. Daisy hugs her, and Alli says she just needs a moment. She’s been holding it in. Daisy says she’s brave, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, Gary is a sh*thead for stirring drama. It’s going to be a long day. Alli says she’s totally present, and they jump around saying they’re okay.

Everything sparkles. Gary asks Alli to come up and talk, and she says she was pissed off earlier because she’d been holding in her grief. That’s why she had a disagreement with him. It’s the last thing she wanted when she was feeling vulnerable. He says he felt bad; he knows she’s going through a tough time. Friends? They hug, and I can’t believe the lines that come out of this dude’s mouth. He says he’s there for her, and I roll my eyes. Glenn tells the crew to be ready to go in twenty minutes. Gary tells Sydney that he’s sorry for how he spoke to her. He shouldn’t have talked like that, regardless of how pissed off he was. Sydney says, no excuses. She fully apologizes. It’s a line they shouldn’t have crossed. They agree they’re okay, and Gary pats her on the shoulder, a step down from the hug-pat. Everyone goes out to meet the guests.

Glenn welcomes the guests back, and everyone introduces themselves. Daisy gives the tour, and Natasha says she’s upset. She thought they’d have eye-candy. Dani says she thought they were both personal trainers, and in Alli’s interview, she says she’s usually attracted to the guidos. They’re usually a little wild, then turn out to be a bit much. Guest Aiden says, if he orders a white wine spritzer, punch him in the head. Daisy serves drinks, and the boat goes out to sea. Glenn puts the sails up, and says, the further up, the smaller the gap between islands. They might have to do some funneling. I love how they always play cliché seafaring music in the background when they boat sails. Natasha tries to field whatever is falling in the galley, and Daisy says, the guests are the reason she doesn’t date Americans. She won’t be finding the love of her life on this boat.

Aiden calls guest Anthony an ignorant idiot for not remembering Daisy’s name. He said it, not me. Some of the guests jump off the side of the boat, and everyone gets ready for dinner. Daisy tells Dani, the mindset is different. It feels totally calm. Natasha tells Colin that her spirit animal is a phoenix; it rises from the ashes. In her interview, Natasha explains that the plating isn’t her idea, but was inspired by her favorite chef. She wants to exhibit the art of presentation with her plating skills. The table is really pretty, with tiny white lights in the centerpiece. The guests are seated, and service begins. Natasha says she’s displaying the colors of Italy with the deconstructed salad, and Jessica says it looks like art. Aiden says he might propose to her. Frank says, they’ve been on other cruises, and it’s by far the best food they’ve had. In Natasha’s interview, she says she’s back in her zone. Colin wonders who Gary’s next hook-up is gong to be, and JL says, Alli. He tells them that he made out with Danni, and Gary slaps his hand because we’re in middle school. Colin says he’s embarrassed at how much he’s enjoying this gossip sh*t, and leaves to see if the girls need help. Gary says Colin is making him feel like a d*ck, and follows. They do dishes, and Daisy tells Dani, it’s helpful having so much help in the galley. Thanks, Captain Obvious. She says, Colin took the initiative, and didn’t even offer; he just did it. Colin tells Gary that he doesn’t want to end up being the dishes guy, and I tell him, too late for that. You helped. Now it’s your job. He wonders if they should lock the door to keep Sydney out.

Alli and JL talk, and she says she thinks it’s best if Sydney doesn’t continue down this path. In Sydney’s interview, she says, it’s a sucky situation. It hurts. You break up with someone and you still have feelings, and it’s hard. I try to figure out how it’s classified as breaking up when you were never really dating. She tells Alli that she’s closest to Gary on the boat. She works with him the most, and she likes having someone. Alli says Sydney needs to change that. The guests hang out in the hot tub, and Dani asks JL who he would pick; Sydney or Alli? He says he already picked her. Good answer for a middle schooler. He tells her that he’s more comfortable on a motor yacht. There’s not as much sh*t to do. In Dani’s interview, she says she likes working late with JL. It’s just them, and they don’t have to hide anything. They kiss on the steps.  

Ciovo, Croatia.  Sydney replaces JL on deck duty. She says, the boat is filthy. JL is supposed to be doing a full rinse down, but nothing on the list is getting done. She’s not sure what he’s doing, and we see him sleeping. Natasha makes a coffee cake ring. Mmm… Daisy tells Alli that their service is so good, but Natasha doesn’t listen. She wants to tell Natasha about the portions being too large. Anchor is home, and Frank asks Glenn if it’s always this quiet in the morning. Glenn says, it is, and Frank asks if his guys are giving the crew a rough time, but Glenn says, they’re great. The guests sit for breakfast, and Daisy takes orders. Jessica orders, one egg over easy, and I wonder, why bother? Daisy gives Natasha the orders, and Frank says, the chef is probably cursing him right now. Instead of over easy, Natasha gives Daisy a scrambled egg. In Daisy’s interview, she says she should put her foot down, but Natasha won’t listen. She could make Natasha’s life easy. She knows the answer, but they’ll do it Natasha’s way. No surprise, the egg comes back, and in her interview, Daisy says, another sh*t breakfast with sh*t eggs. Natasha tells Daisy, it’s over easy to her, but Daisy says, to her, it’s scrambled. In Natasha’s interview, she wonders why breakfast is stigmatized with eggs. I don’t think that word means what she thinks it means. She says let her make them something to eat that’s not effing eggs. Jessica says the new egg is perfect, and Anthony thinks the chef forgot about him. She’s probably using a single skillet. He says he’s going to head down to the galley in a little bit, and ask what’s going on. Eggs are a staple. I’m with him on that. I eat them every day, and make them for my dogs every day.  

Anthony starts to wonder if the eggs are being hatched (ha-ha!), and Daisy finally brings his order. Jessica says she’s getting on her bathing suit, and leaves the table. Anthony says he’s easy going, but likes his eggs every day, and Aiden calls him a diva. The water toys are put out, along with the NautiBuoys. Anthony and Aiden take out the jet skis, and Anthony stalls out. When they come back, Aiden asks Daisy if it would be a problem for them to look in the galley, and Daisy gives them a behind-the-scenes tour. She takes them to the galley, and says, this is where the magic happens. She shows them the crew cabins, and the laundry, where Dani says, exciting stuff. Aiden says they’re seeing how the other half lives, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, God, let this be over with. She forgets to leave the trap door open, and locks Colin in the engine room, which everyone finds hysterically funny. Okay, it is, kinda.

Frank asks if they can move dinner up to 8:15 from 9, and Daisy asks Natasha, who says, no problem. Gary hugs Alli, and she says he’s good at hugs. Bleh. He tells her that he’s trying to make her feel better. Please. Stop. Daisy tells Natasha, her only constructive criticism is that the portions should be smaller. Natasha says the portions weren’t too big, and Daisy tries to explain that the guests thought they were, but Natasha won’t have it. In Daisy’s interview, she says, Natasha is obnoxiously confident, and she hates it. Natasha gripes to Dani that Daisy claimed she was giving constructive criticism, and saying Natasha was making too much food. She can f*** off. In her interview, Natasha asks, who told Daisy this? (Um… the guests?) She’s worked in restaurants that served twenty-course meals; she knows what portion sizes the guests need. She tells Dani, she’s not down for this bullsh*t. If Daisy wants her to be a bitch, then she’ll be one.

Natasha will still never hold a candle to Rachel’s batsh*t craziness.

Next time, Dani and JL make out some more, Sydney says she’s constantly picking up after JL, and Dani tells Gary to go f*** himself.

Rollin’ On the River…

A cup or two of tea at the hospital tomorrow, since I’ve given up on ever being able to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas. However, Pooch Perfect is on Tuesday night, followed by a two-hour Big Sky. I’ll be DVR’ing those, since my TV watching will be rudely interrupted by the weekly meeting of MupoEntertainment.com. If you’ve got a minute, take a look at the site. My articles on entertainment can be found in the magazine section. You can also see some great interviews with some very interesting people on Mupo and Friends, both at the site, and on YouTube. Okay, that’s a plug for me too, since I write the interview questions. But no matter what, stay safe, stay supportive, and stay away from giving Natasha constructive criticism. She doesn’t respond well to it.