Monthly Archives: October 2021

October 29, 2021 – Gladys Comes Bearing Intel, New Gig, Reboot, Invaded, Not True, More Erika, Denial, Nobody, Ultimate News, Deck Farewell, Sequel, Haunting Quotes & Thrill This


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Anna sees Finn at the hospital and tells her, welcome back. She thanks him, and he says, still no sign of Peter? She says, no. She was just talking to the agents on the ground in Crete, and nothing. Not yet anyway. He says, as much as he wishes she had Peter in custody, or another freezer, he’s glad she’s okay. She says she wishes they all were.

Elizabeth tells Valentin, he’s doing remarkably well for a man with a gunshot wound who’s been shipped halfway around the world. How is he feeling? He says, like he could wrestle a bear, and Austin comes in, saying, he thinks Valentin would need a note from a doctor. Elizabeth asks if there’s something she can do for Austin, and he says, sure, but right now her tact and discretion are gift enough. She doesn’t need to worry. He’s not there in a medical capacity. He has business with the patient.

Brook tells Charlotte to eat her cereal so they can get going, but Charlotte says she can’t. Papa doesn’t let her eat sugary cereals. Brook says, just this once won’t kill her. Now, hurry up, so they can go to the hospital and see her dad. Brook’s phone rings, and she tells Lucy, this isn’t such a great time… She had Gladys working on that. She told Gladys she’d finish it, but she forgot… No, Brook has no idea where she keeps that calendar… Has Lucy tried calling her phone?… Oh, of course (🍷) she’s not answering. Fortunately, Brook knows exactly where to find her.

At the MetroCourt, Sasha tells Brando that his coffee smells good. It has real caffeine in it, doesn’t it? He says, mm-hm. She misses it, doesn’t she? She says, so much. She doesn’t dream of fitting back in her clothes or riding a roller coaster. She dreams of morning coffee, a double-shot latte with extra foam. Maxie comes in, saying, she’s sorry she’s late. Sasha says, no worries, and Brando says he enjoyed the extra time with Sasha. Maxie says, enjoy it while he can. He won’t have a free minute once the baby is born.

Gladys goes to the bar, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, and asks the bartender, what kind of a spa doesn’t have alcohol? She needs a bottle of Dom, and are strawberries in season? Never mind. If they’re covered in chocolate, it doesn’t matter. (Yes, it does.) She’ll take half a dozen. Brando asks what she’s doing there, and she says, the works. Eyebrow threading, mani-pedi, and some kind of treatment with gold leaf that’s going to take ten years off of her. He asks if she isn’t supposed to be at work, and Maxie says, that’s what she’d like to know.

Ava asks if Spencer would top off her coffee one more time, and Spencer says she’s already had four cups; the fifth one might kill her. Coming right up. Ava asks if that’s any way to talk to a customer, and Spencer says, perhaps Nikolas can spare his wife by taking her somewhere more suitable. Ava says, such as? and Spencer says, somewhere else. Nikolas says Spencer seems to have forgotten, he has no moral high ground here. He stalked Ava for months. He terrorized Ava, him, and Avery. He won’t allow Spencer to be rude to Ava on top of it. Spencer says, that’s rich. The man who let him think he was dead for three years is lecturing him on his tone. Nikolas says he’s Spencer’s father, and Spencer says, that can’t be helped. Next time Nikolas climbs on his high horse, just remember he’s no innocent himself. Shawn comes in, and looks at Nikolas.

Brook sends a text to Maxie that says, 911! AGAIN! Charlotte comes in, and says she gave Bailey a kiss goodbye from both of them, and said she’d tell daddy that Bailey loves him, and she gave the nanny Bailey’s top three favorite toys in case she won’t stop fussing. So they can go now? Brook thanks her, and says she’s so good to Bailey. Charlotte says, of course () she is; Bailey’s her sister. Brook says, off they go, and Charlotte asks if she’s sure they shouldn’t bring Bailey to see Papa. The nanny can get her ready in ten minutes; five if she helps. Brook says she wishes they could, but she thinks it would be too much commotion for Valentin. Charlotte supposes Brook is right. Besides, she might be scared by all the machines. Brook asks if Charlotte is nervous, and says, her Papa is going to be fine. He’s looking forward to seeing her. She’s very brave, and Brook wants her to know that she doesn’t just have Valentin; she has Brook too. Charlotte says she knows, and hugs Brook. Brook says, so Bailey is with the nanny, check; spoonful of sugar, check. Are they forgetting anything? Charlotte says, Yuri, and Brook says, that is one giant oversight. Let’s get Yuri, and let’s go see your dad.

Gladys says she has the day off, and Maxie asks if Brook is aware she’s not at her desk. Gladys puts a credit card in the folder to pay her bar tab, and says, it was Brook who gave her the day off. Maxie snatches the card, and says she supposes Brook also told Gladys that she could use her corporate card? Gladys holds out her hand, and says, it’s hers to use, but Maxie says, this is a corporate credit card. She’s part owner of the corporation, and it’s not for frivolous spa treatments or strawberries and champagne. Gladys says, Brook told her it was okay, and Sasha says she’s sure this is a misunderstanding. What did Brook say exactly? Gladys says, Brook was clear. Brook told her to enjoy her well-deserved reward day for all the hard work she’s done. Maxie laughs, and asks if she’s talking about the bare minimum they practically have to beg her to. Brando says he thinks it’s best if they postpone Gladys’s spa day, and she can reward herself this weekend. Gladys says she’s going to do what she was promised, she’s going to do it today, and she’s going to pay for it with that card, like she was promised.   

Ava says Nikolas has been preoccupied all morning. Is there anything he wants to discuss? He says, what’s to discuss? Despite his job, his kid is nowhere close to doing what’s right. She says, and Alexis? and he says, what about Alexis? She says he told her before that Alexis’s pardon might not work out. That’s got to be weighing on him. He says he does have a lot of family business on his mind, and she if he wants to elaborate. He says, there’s been some trouble with some real estate the Cassadines used to own in Greece. He needs to make some inquiries. She asks how it affects him, if the Cassadines no longer own the property, and he says, maybe it doesn’t, but he’d like to head to GH to make sure.  Valentin was shot on the property.

Finn says he heard Peter shot Valentin, and Anna says, he did. He says when he heard, all he could think about were those two little girls, Valentin’s kids. Because of Peter, they could have lost their father. It never should have come to this. He wishes he’d killed Peter. Anna says, no he doesn’t, and pulls him aside. He says, he does. If Peter would have died, none of them would have to worry about him going on this rampage. She says, at what cost to him though? and he asks if she’s talking about his conscience. He thinks he would have slept just fine knowing Peter was in the ground. She says he would have spent the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, wondering when it was going to catch up with him. And if it had, what would have happened to Violet? He says, at least he would have known that Violet and everyone else was safe from Peter. She says, that day will come because Peter’s starting to get desperate, and along with desperation comes mistakes, so he will get caught. Finn says, if he does, he’s interested to see if Peter will tell the authorities about the whole stairwell/freezer incident. She says, if he does, they’ll probably throw Finn a parade. She knows how much he love crowds and attention. He says he does love a good parade, but seriously, when she’s out there looking out for the world, who’s looking out for her?

Valentin says he hasn’t forgotten his agreement with Austin. If Austin wins his suit against the Quartermaines, he’ll support Valentin’s bid to stay CEO of ELQ, and Valentin will pay him off in any way Austin sees fit. Austin says he’s only there to tell Valentin that he’s going to have to hold on to his job on his own. He’s agreed to stop pursuing his claim against ELQ. Valentin asks, why he would do that? and Austin says, the mother of Valentin’s daughter. Valentin asks what Brook’s done now, and Austin says she manipulated him into making a HIPPA violation. Then she made him an offer. He gives up his rights as Jimmy Lee’s son, or he could give up his medical license. Valentin says he’s sorry to hear that. Brook can be a tenacious little minx when it comes to her family. Austin says, she sure is. He recognizes, as Bailey’s father, Valentin doesn’t have a choice, but he does. He doesn’t want anything to do with the Quartermaines. He’s out. Brook says, works for her, and stands in the doorway with Charlotte and Yuri.

Valentin says, mon petite, and Charlotte runs to him, saying, mon papa. Austin says, it’s suddenly really crowded in here. He thinks he’ll split. Brook tells him not to let the door hit him when he’s leaving. Charlotte asks if Valentin is okay, and he says he’s tougher than he looks. She says, he looks terrible, and Brook says, she should see the other guy. What is this, life number six or seven? He says, at least eight, and Brook says she has some Deception business to tend to, and they have some father/daughter time to make up for, so get on that. Outside the door, she tells Yuri that she has some calls to make, and to stay there with Charlotte. She’s his number one job. As she walks down the hall, Austin says he still hasn’t gotten the official word from the Board about going back to work. Could she prod that along? She says, not now, and he tells her to take her time. It’s just his future, his career, the lives of his patients. No worries.

Maxie says Gladys is an assistant. Nobody owes her a spa day or anything else aside from her weekly salary, provided she actually earns it. And she’s confiscating the card until further notice. Gladys says she doesn’t think Maxie wants to do that, and Brando tells her, stop. She can’t talk to her boss that way. Maxie’s phone dings, and she says, that’s Brook. Gladys says Maxie can ask her herself, but Maxie says she has to meet Brook at GH; Valentin is in the ICU. Gladys says, that poor wonderful man, and Sasha tells Maxie to go; they’ll reschedule. Maxie says, as for Gladys, she expected her back at her desk ten minutes ago. She leaves, and Gladys tells Sasha, before she says anything, she was telling the truth. Sasha says they’ll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, Gladys has to remember that she reports to Brook. Gladys says, how can she forget? and Sasha says, and Brook reports to Maxie. Gladys says, Maxie was just lording that over her; Sasha doesn’t need to repeat it. Brando says, if they’re constantly reminding her of who her boss is, maybe she needs to hear it. Gladys says she’s sick of it. Nobody talks down to her, least of all some fraud who’s barking out orders at her when she should be getting a paternity test. Brando says, hey! Apologize to Sasha right now, and Sasha says, Brando is this baby’s father, without question, and she doesn’t need a test to prove it. Gladys says, of course (🍷). She didn’t mean that. She’s sorry; she’s overwhelmed. Which is why she needs a spa day. She runs out.

Anna tells Finn, this manhunt for Peter has been exhausting; mentally and physically. And the sheer carnage he’s left in his wake. Now there’s two little girls whose father is in ICU. He says, he took the liberty of looking at Valentin’s chart. Exploratory surgery isn’t without risk, but given Valentin’s age and condition, he hates to say it, but he thinks Valentin is going to make it. She laughs, and thanks him for that. She’s happy they still want what’s best for each other. As far as Peter is concerned, Finn’s peace of mind is more important than having him in custody. His death on Finn’s conscience, she would never want that for him, ever. Or Elizabeth. Finn looks at Elizabeth, standing at the reception desk.

Ava says, Valentin was shot? and tells Nikolas, great. She hopes he was sent out a window and belly-flopped into the Aegean. He says, but she’s not one to hold a grudge, and she tells him to let her enjoy it. She asks, who shot him, and why the hell would Nikolas care? and Nikolas says he’ll explain on the way to the launch, but she says he’ll explain on the way to GH. She’s going with him.    

Shawn walks into Kelly’s, and Spencer wonders why they call it serving when you spend most of the time cleaning up. Shawn says he’ll get the hang of it, and maybe even come to enjoy the work. Spencer says he’ll take Shawn’s word for that, and asks what brings him back so soon? Did he forget something? Shawn says he came back to see Spencer.   

Elizabeth asks if Finn is sure Anna isn’t going to say anything about what they did to Peter, and he says he thinks Anna has their back. She says, okay. She should thank Anna. She guesses she should cut Anna a little slack. She’s doing everything she can to catch Peter, but Elizabeth can’t help thinking how many lives Peter will destroy before he gets stopped. He says, Peter will never harm Elizabeth or her family again; he’ll make sure of it. She asks, how? and he says he just will. She says, sounds like a plan, and thanks him. He says, speaking of families, he feels kind of terrible for prying into hers.

Valentin asks Charlotte how things are at the Quartermaines without him. Is she helping Brook with her baby sister? She says she changed Bailey’s diaper, twice, and he says, he’s proud of her. He knows it’s been an adjustment, and wants her to know how much he appreciates her effort. She says she enjoys taking care of her sister. It happens a lot when Brook’s friend comes to visit. He says, Maxie? but she says, Detective Chase. They’re constantly playing games and watching movies. Valentin says, they’re friends, and she tells him, if he says so. He says he cares very much about Brook because she’s Bailey’s mother, but he’s glad she has friends. She asks if he has friends, and he flashes back to kissing Anna in the tavern. He says he has her and Bailey, and that makes him the luckiest man in the world.

Gladys is carrying a humongous teddy bear, and tells Austin that she’s looking for a room. Valentin Cassadine. He says he’s terribly sorry, but only family is allowed to visit, but she says she is family. Gladys Corbin, and she comes bearing gifts… She whispers, and intel. He says, oh, intel. Intel wouldn’t have anything to do with the Quartermaines, would it? She says, would it ever, and he says, you don’t say. It’s a crying shame hospital policy prevents him from telling her that Valentin is in ICU-1. She says, thanks for nothin’, winking at him. He says, pawsitively my pleasure, slapping the bear’s paw. She leaves, and he says, damn, that was gold. Maxie asks, what’s gold?

Shawn says, when he was there earlier, Spencer made a crack about how he used to be able to get his father to do anything for him. Spencer says, first of all, Nikolas is his father, not his dad. Second of all, those days are long gone; his father has washed his hands of him. Shawn says, Spencer might feel that way, but he’s sure that’s not true. Spencer says, care to put money on that? He could use it. Shawn says he would, and he’d win. Spencer says Shawn thinks this is one of those tough love kind of things, but it’s not. Shawn says he thinks the connection between Spencer and his father runs deeper than both of them realize. He also thinks they’re both incredibly stubborn. Spencer says he can’t disagree on the second part, and Shawn says, behind the stubbornness, they’re both longing to reconnect. He thinks if there’s anyone in the world Nikolas would come clean to, it’s his son, and Spencer says, come clean about what?

Anna sees Nikolas and Ava, and says she wanted to talk to Nikolas. He asks what he can do for her, and she says he saved her a trip to Spoon Island. She wanted to ask him about a Cassadine property in Crete. He says, any properties there were sold off years ago. He might be able to provide her with some more information later, but right now he’s here to see Valentin. Anna says, that’s odd. It wasn’t that long ago that they nearly came to blows at the MetroCourt. Not to mention Valentin shot Nikolas out a window and into the sea, and Nikolas was in hiding for three years. He says, recent events have taught him to  rely on his better angels. Can she tell him where he can find Valentin? She says, ICU, but visitation is limited. Ava suggests they come back another time, and Nikolas asks Anna to let Valentin know they were there. She says she’ll be happy to, but while she’s playing messenger, is there anything he’d like to say to his Uncle Victor? Nikolas says, what about him? and Anna says she thought Nikolas would have heard. Victor’s alive.

Valentin asks if Charlotte has seen Scout, and Charlotte says, Scout and Danny were over. He asks if Scout is still interested in ballet, and Charlotte says she is. He says he’s glad. Yuri stops Gladys from coming in, but she says she’s a friend. Valentin says, Miss Corbin? and she says, Gladys. She told Yuri she was a friend; now let her inside. Yuri says, Charlotte is visiting with her father, and Charlotte asks Valentin, who is this person? Gladys says, isn’t she a delight? And pretty. She bets Charlotte knows it. Valentin introduces them, and Gladys says, now will Yuri let her in? Valentin suggests Charlotte take Yuri to the cafeteria for cocoa or something, and they leave. Gladys comes in, and says, my God, it’s worse than she thought. Don’t worry. His Gladys is here now.  

Brando tells Sasha, he can’t believe his mother. He thought she dropped the whole paternity thing months ago. He’s so sorry. She says, first of all, it’s not his fault. She’s not excusing Gladys, but she’s dealing with a lot. In the past few months, her living situation and employment status changed. He says, both for the better, and Sasha says, and she got shot. He says, which is bad, but she’s wearing it like a badge of honor, and she says, on top of everything, the first man she showed interest in, who showed interest in her, literally got blown up on their first date. He says he gets it, and she says, his mother may be… all of the things she is, but she has been through it. He says, even so, she still has to respect Sasha, not only as the mother of her grandchild, but as her boss. He wouldn’t blame her if she fired Gladys.

Austin tells Maxie, you had to be there. He cracked an unappreciated pun. She says she’s glad sense of humor’s back. Does that mean he’s okay with everything? He says he’ll never be okay with giving up his birthright, but in a weird way, he’s kind of grateful that Brook tried to ruin his career. It reminded him how much he enjoys being a doctor. She says she knows what Brook did was wrong, but she doubts Brook would have gone through with it. He says he’s pretty sure she would have. There’s this thing he’s trying to figure out that he doesn’t understand. Maxie was engaged to an extremely bad dude, and she’s besties with a morally bankrupt woman. Is he the only one who thinks she deserves better?

Brook sees Charlotte with Yuri, and says she thought Charlotte would still be visiting with her father, but Charlotte says he sent her to get hot cocoa. Brook says she’d love to join them, but she has to find Maxie. They move on, and Brook gets in the elevator, and says, and ruin her day.

Finn says, Violet found the picture of Elizabeth and her father… and Elizabeth says, she’s bound to have questions. He says, Violet is a very curious little girl, especially where her family is concerned, and she says, that’s understandable, given all things concerned, and he says, even so, he shouldn’t have pushed her, comparing her relationship with her father to his with Gregory. He shouldn’t have done that. Every family is different. She says, she simply doesn’t have a close relationship with her dad, and Hayden never knew him. She’s sorry he’s not an active grandparent to her boys or Violet, but that’s just who he is.

Nikolas says, his uncle is alive? and Anna says, alive, well, and in custody. He was colluding with Peter. They were holed up in a compound in Crete that Nikolas claims is no longer part of his family’s ownership. Nikolas says, to the best of his knowledge, it isn’t, but he can contact his lawyers. She says she would appreciate that, and he asks if Victor has said anything he should know about, and she says, he hasn’t told them much so far. He’s intimated there are secrets to be shared, but he’s angling for a deal obviously. He says, sounds like his unscrupulous uncle. So what’s going to happen to him? She tells him, it’s difficult to say. Victor didn’t survive, and lay low for six years without someone’s help. Maybe it was Peter; maybe it was someone else. Anyway, she’ll be in touch. She leaves, and Ava asks Nikolas, tell her, what is it he’s hiding?

Shawn says Spencer must know he went to prison for shooting Spencer’s former stepmother Hayden Barnes, but he was falsely accused. Spencer says, he’s out now, so they must have found who shot Hayden. Shawn says, the authorities didn’t, but he did. He needs Spencer’s help to bring them to justice. Spencer asks, what can he…? He puts down the tub of dishes he’s holding, and asks what any of this has to do with his father. Shawn says, everything. Nikolas is responsible for Hayden’s shooting.  

Nikolas asks what Ava means, and she says, it’s clear he knows more about Victor than he’s letting on. If she could see that, so could Anna. So she must ask, is whatever it is going to come back to bite them? He says, if Victor had given him up, he’d be in custody and being formally questioned right now, and she says, given him up for what? He says, Valentin shot him and almost killed him, and she says she remembers very well; she was there. He says Victor found him and nursed him back to health, and she asks what Victor wanted in return. He says, they struck a deal. He kept Victor’s anonymity, and Victor kept his. He promised when he reclaimed the Cassadine estate, he would give Victor a home base, and keep his secret. She asks what this has to do with Peter. How deep is Nikolas in with him? He says he had no clue Victor was up to anything with Peter, and she asks if he can trust his uncle to keep him out of it. He says he thinks so. His uncle is an opportunist, and needs Nikolas where he is. She says, unless he’s found a way to leverage Nikolas for his own freedom. He knows as well as she does, betrayal comes most often from those closest to us.

Spencer asks what Shawn means when he says, Nikolas was involved with Hayden’s shooting? Is Shawn saying he shot her? Shawn says, no. We believe Nikolas hired someone to do the job for him. Spencer goes outside, and Shawn follows. Spencer says, who’s we? and Shawn says, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Nikolas is the one who hurt Hayden, not him. Spencer says, if what Shawn is saying is true, then his father let Shawn serve six years for something he… What proof does Shawn have? Shawn says, none right now. That’s where Spencer comes in. Spencer says he wants no part of this, and Shawn says, just ask Nikolas about Hayden. That’s all. Spencer asks why he should, and Shawn says, for Violet, Hayden’s daughter. That little girl is without her mother just like Spencer. Doesn’t he want to know if Hayden is staying away because of something his father did to her? Spencer seriously doubts his father is going to confess to him, and Shawn says, then he doesn’t. Spencer says, what if he does? What does he do then, turn Nikolas over to the police? Shawn says, Spencer tells him, and he’ll tell the police. Spencer says he doesn’t want his father to go to prison, and Shawn asks if Spencer isn’t facing prison right now. Nikolas is holding Spencer’s feet to the fire for stalking Ava, while Nikolas arranged for someone to kill Hayden. Who committed the greater crime? Spencer says he’s sorry, but he needs to get back to work, and Shawn says, follow his instincts. Do the right thing. Shawn leaves, and Spencer takes his apron off and jets. Shawn watches from around the corner.

Sasha tells Brando, Gladys is never going to be a perfect fit for Deception, and he says, he appreciates her hiring Gladys. It gave her a sense of purpose. She says, she also wanted Gladys to earn an income so she could move out. He says, that too, and look how Glady’s repaid her; insulting everybody, and helping herself to the corporate card. She says, Gladys honestly thought she had Brook’s blessing somehow, and he says, how? He doesn’t know Brook that well, but she doesn’t seem like the type who would treat his mother to a spa day. Sasha says, she isn’t, which is why she needs to get to the bottom of this. He says, or she could just fire Gladys. It’s obviously not working out. She says, let her talk to Maxie and Brook, and figure out what’s going on. As for Gladys, she still has a job… for now.

Gladys says, that Charmain of his is a real beauty, and Valentin says, Charlotte. She says, like the web? and he says, like the web. Both of his daughters are rare beauties. She asks, where is that precious bundle of Brook’s? and he says, at home. Why is Gladys here? She says he was so good to her and she wants to return the favor. She took a bullet recently too. He says he heard. She seems to have made a remarkable recovery. She says, it’s not all bad; she’s a weathervane now, meaning, she can tell when a storm is coming. He says, that must be useful, and she says, it is. He thanks her for the visit and the gift, and she tells him to remember the bear is for him, not the rug rats, no matter how beautiful they are. He says he will. He doesn’t want to be rude, but he really should rest now. She says, of course (🍷). You poor, poor thing. He must be exhausted. She sits next to the bed, and asks if he knows she works for Brook.

Maxie says she knows Brook isn’t Austin’s favorite person right now, and she can sympathize. There was a time she and Brook hated each other. He asks, what changed? Brook is still superficial, caustic, entitled, and opportunistic. She says, they’ve been though a lot, and she can’t forget the good things, and he says he can’t forget the promise he made to his father. She asks if he’s at least been reinstated, and he says, he got an informal notice that Brook retracted her statement, but he’s still waiting for them to make it official so he can see his patients. She says, that’s good. It means this whole thing is effectively over. He says, it’s not over, when Brook walks up, and he adds, not by a long shot.

Finn says he knows it’s a difficult subject, but he’s only asking for Violet, and Elizabeth says, she wants to see the picture again. He says, she’s asked a couple of times where the picture of her grandpa Jeff is. He looked, but he couldn’t find it. Does she know what happened to it? She flashes back to tearing it up, but says she has no idea.

Sasha tells Brando, she has an idea or two about how to reach Gladys, and he asks if she’s sure. She knows how his mother is. The more someone tries to manage her, the more she doubles down to cause trouble. Sasha says she’s got this. He can leave Gladys to her.

Brook says she’s been calling and texting Maxie since last night. Why hasn’t Maxie gotten back to her? Maxie says, something was wrong with her phone. She wasn’t receiving any texts or calls, and they suddenly came in a few minutes ago. What is going on? Brook grabs her, and says, they need to talk, pulling Maxie away from Austin. Austin says, before they have this little tete-a-tete, he’s done everything Brook asked him to do, yet somehow, miraculously, he hasn’t been officially cleared to see his patients. Brook says, that sounds like a you problem, and he says, the problem is for his patients because he doesn’t get to see them. She says she did her part. She’s sorry if the administrative wheels of this hospital grind slowly. She’s sorry, but she has bigger fish to fry, and Maxie says, like Valentin? Brook says, like her assistant. Something has to be done about Gladys. Maxie says she caught Gladys using Brook’s corporate card, and had to order her to go back to work. Austin asks if they’re talking about Gladys Corbin, and Brook asks how he knows Gladys. He says he doesn’t know her well, they just met, but she was looking for Valentin.

Gladys tells Valentin, she’s Brook’s assistant, but she’s treated more like an indentured servant. She doesn’t understand how a classy guy like Valentin got mixed up with a bossy bridge and tunnel princess like that. He closes his eyes, and asks why Gladys is there, and she says, he was so understanding the few times they kept each other company. He listened, and accepted her for who she is. Does he know what that is? He says, a force of nature? and she tells him, that’s not what she was going to say, but she likes that better. She asks if she can call him Val, and says, if knowledge is power, than anyone who crosses her had better take cover.

Ava calls to Anna, who says she thought Ava left. Ava says she’s on her way out, but she just wanted to reiterate that if Anna needs anything from her or Nikolas, just let them know. Peter’s reign of terror has to end. Anna says she couldn’t agree more. It was nice to see Ava together with Nikolas. She’s so glad that whole stalker nightmare is over. Ava says, Spencer is facing the music, and she and Nikolas are ready for their happily ever after. Anna says she certainly hopes that’s the case, and Ava says it sounds like Anna has doubts. Anna says she’s not sure that’s even possible, happily ever after with a Cassadine.   

On the phone outside Kelly’s, Shawn says, they picked up his tail?… Great. He’s on his way.

Nikolas is at the docks when Spencer joins him. He asks if Spencer isn’t supposed to be finishing his shift at Kelly’s, and Spencer says, something more important came up. It couldn’t wait. Nikolas asks what Spencer’s done now, and Spencer says, it’s not about him. It’s about Nikolas. Tell him about Hayden.

On Monday, Sonny says there’s something Carly should know, Valentin asks if Gladys’s knowledge concerns him, Spencer asks if Nikolas arranged for his stepmother’s murder, and Britt tells Jason, they’re so close, they have to find her.

🕳 What Comes Next…

Glad to see she’s recovered from that fall.

🌲 Pine Valley Legend…

And just think. She can start a new streak of not winning awards.

😧 Yikes…

Not that it’s in any way her fault – she’s totally the victim here – she just got done talking about how pricey her wardrobe was on the RHOBH Reunion.

🚬 Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em…

Josh Flagg? Really?

💎 If You Didn’t Get Enough…

More on the ongoing saga.

📸 Not Me…

She was framed framing Tom.

🥗 Everybody Is Somebody…

I dunno about this. Didn’t she write for fitness and nutrition magazines?

👠 To Be Expected…

What did they think was going to happen?

You, too, can get in on the fun.

🛥 Final Salute…

He wasn’t on for long, but he seemed like a stand-up guy.

🐯 Tiger, Tiger…

Because we just can’t stop watching.

🎃 Quotes of the Week

Darkness falls across the land, The Midnight Hour is close at hand. – Rodney Lynn Temperton

Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.Edgar Allan Poe

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for out wits to grow sharper. – Eden Phillpots

Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. – Ichabod Crane, Sleepy Hollow

I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly. – Elizabeth, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones. – Stephen King

A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality. – Lucy Van Pelt, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves. – Elvis Duran

If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. – Douglas Coupland

Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night. – Steve Almond

I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. – Wednesday Addams, The Addams Family

Where there is no imagination there is no horror.Arthur Conan Doyle

The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun, the light has been broken; the spell has begun. – Midgard Morningstar

When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween. – Unknown

When the witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween. – Unknown

Werewolves howl. Phantoms prowl. Halloween’s upon us now. – Richelle E. Goodrich

Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us. – Tim Burton

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.L. M. Montgomery

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. – Mason Cooley

There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch. – Robert Brault

On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be. – Ava Dellaria

🧹 Flying Off On My Broom…

See you post Halloween when the Dead are Feared. No matter what you do, have fun, but trust your instincts. And until the wolf howls, stay extra safe, stay doing what makes you feel comfortable, and stay not doing things that make you desperate. You’ll inevitably make mistakes and get caught.

October 28, 2021 – Nina and Carly Face Off, Hauntingly Chic On the Runway & Light


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Michael says, the first time he and Willow got married, it was a strategy, and it didn’t last. This time, he wants it to be real, and he wants it to last forever. She says she wants it to be forever too, and he asks if that’s a yes. She asks him to please stand up; she can’t think while he’s kneeling. He gets up, and says, if she has to think, that probably means she’s thinking of the words to say no. She says, she’s trying to find the words to say, not yet.

Shawn says, something is upsetting Alexis. He’s guessing it was her visit with Nikolas. She says, it was a real revelation, and he asks what Nikolas said to her. She tells him, Nikolas said she could go free.

Curtis asks what the guy said to Portia, and she says, he claimed he was touring Port Charles, visiting places of interest, and he asked about The Savoy. Of course (🍷) she gave it a glowing review, but as the conversation went on, it became less and less about the club, and more about Curtis. So it struck her that this man fits the general description of TJ’s patient that disappeared. He says, so the same guy approached her and TJ, asking questions about him.

Spencer serves Esme a cup of coffee, and says, sorry. He knows she ordered espresso, but he’s telling people the machine is broken. He already scalded himself once; he’s not going to risk further injury. The pick-up bell rings, and he says he had no idea how hard it is to pull espresso levers. He picks up some breakfasts, and sees Ava come in with Nikolas. He asks if they want a table, or are they just there to gloat.

Carly says, extradited last night, back in Port Charles this morning? and Nina says, no doubt, she’s disappointed. She walks past Carly, and Carly says she’s outraged. She’s outraged Nina could steal nine months of Sonny’s life, nine months from his children and family, and post bail, then show up her like nothing happened. Nina says, kind of like Carly, acting like nothing happened after watching Nina’s daughter die.

While mourning the loss of the moss bowl 🎍 in his absence, and wondering if the lily pond was Jason’s idea, Sonny’s phone rings. The recording says he has a collect call from Flatland Federal Prison inmate Cyrus Renault. Will he accept the charges? Sonny says he accepts, and Cyrus says, it’s so good to hear Sonny’s voice. He hopes he’s not too late to welcome Sonny back from the dead. Sonny says, it was a bonus to find Cyrus gone. Now Cyrus calls him collect. What does he want?

Spencer serves some customers, and tells Nikolas and Ava, either find a table or leave; he has work to do. Nikolas says, Spencer’s working there? and Spencer tells him not to act like it’s a surprise. Nikolas says he had no idea, and Spencer says, now he knows. Doc is only going to let him and Esme stay if he has a paying job, and this is it until he finds something better. Ava tells Nikolas, let’s sit down, and tells Spencer, they’ll start with some coffee, please. Spencer clears a table, and tells Esme, his father and Ava are there, acting like they just wandered in. She says, maybe they just got off the launch and decided to have breakfast, and he says, when they can afford the caviar omelet at the MetroCourt? He doesn’t think so. They planned this. At least his father is pretending like he cares a little bit. Ava is just enjoying his humiliation. She says, forget Ava and focus on his father. This is the perfect opportunity to start mending fences. His father is obviously regretting what happened. Just give Nikolas a chance to take him back.

Ava wonders how Spencer will take to the food service industry after being waited on his whole life. She tells Nikolas not to worry so much; it’s a good job. Carrying a couple of plates isn’t going to hurt Spencer. Nikolas says he’s sure Spencer will survive, and she says, if he’s not worried about Spencer, then this brooding silence must be about Alexis. What happened at Spring Ridge?

Shawn says, Nikolas told Alexis she could go free? and she says, Nikolas said a lot of astonishing things. Shawn says, first things first. How could Nikolas get her out of there? She says, apparently, Nikolas and the governor are friends, and are in the process of arranging a full pardon. He says, why is this not the best news she’s heard all year? and she says, because the price of her freedom is just too high.

Carly says, it’s always about Nelle with Nina, isn’t it? and Nina asks if that surprises her. Carly, who’s always so proud to be a mother, and uses it to justify everything she does. Guess what? Nina’s also a mother. Nelle was her child. Carly says, there’s no doubt about that. There’s not much of a physical resemblance, but it’s scary how much the two of them are alike. In Nelle’s mind, Nelle was always the victim. Murder, extortion, switching her baby; none of that was ever her fault. Somebody else, usually Carly, was always to blame. Nina says, Carly is to blame for letting Nelle die, and she will always be to blame for that, so live with it. Carly says, so to pay her back, Nina basically kidnapped Sonny? Because in Nina’s mind, she’s always the victim. Poor, poor Nina. She shouldn’t have gotten arrested; that’s a vindictive attack. She says Nina is delusional, but you know what? That could work in her favor. Just plead insanity and be done with it.

Willow says she loves Michael; she’s in love with him. Please tell her that he knows that. He says he does, and she says she intends to spend the rest of her life with him, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, all of it. He says, okay then. Why not make it official? Say their vows, sign the document, and make a commitment to being husband and wife. She says, when they marry, she wants it to be about them, and Wiley. She wants it to be about joining their lives, and celebrating their love, not smoothing over a disagreement.

Sonny tells Cyrus, say something worth hearing, or he’s hanging up the phone. Cyrus says, Sonny’s rebirth doesn’t seem to have affected his charming personality, and Sonny says, he regrets he didn’t see Cyrus’s last stand. Too bad the Commissioner didn’t shoot to kill. Cyrus says, it must be difficult, coming back after such a long time away. Did he hear that Sonny’s wife and best friend got married? Sonny says, there was a tragedy at the wedding. Vincent Novak and Charlie Buscema got blown to bits. Cyrus says, that’s very unfortunate. They can talk about it in greater detail when Sonny comes to visit him.

Shawn says, when Alexis says the price of freedom is too high, is she talking about Hayden? She says she sees he’s way ahead of her, but he says, why don’t they go over it anyway, before he makes assumptions or jumps to wrong conclusions? Shawn sits, and Alexis says, she straight up asked Nikolas if he had Hayden shot. He evaded, which was all the answer she needed.

Nikolas tells Ava, it’s difficult to see his aunt in prison. Alexis always had a neurotic streak, but she was smart, and so articulate. A talented lawyer, but also a warm and caring aunt; the voice of sanity in his insane family. She says, that’s why he’s going to talk to the governor about a pardon, right? but he says, unfortunately, it may not work out.

Spencer says, Esme knows the conditions for his father to take him back. He has to accept his father’s marriage to Ava. He has to accept that woman as his stepmother. Nikolas has already put her in control of his trust fund. He’ll have to grovel to her for every dime he wants to spend, and he’s not going to do that. Esme says, and he’s letting her win. Brick by brick, Ava is building a wall between him and his father, and it’s what she wants. She doesn’t want him talking to his father, making him see reason. God forbid his father realizes she’s just a gold-digger after all; more in love with his money and his last name than she’ll ever be with him. Spencer says, he used to know that. Nikolas called him and came to see him at school, suggesting they work together to make him free of Ava. Now she’s turned Nikolas against him. She’s latched on to him, and she’s never going to let him go. Esme says, it’s obvious his father doesn’t want this separation. He just has to give Nikolas room to change his mind. He says, how? Ava never leaves his side. She says she may be able to help with that, and goes over to their table. She says she’s sorry to interrupt, but can she speak to Ava outside?

Portia tells Curtis, she never saw TJ’s patient. She can’t be sure it’s the same man. He asks if she got a bad vibe from him, but she says, he was perfectly pleasant, but there was something about him that seemed… off. Maybe she’s making too big a deal out of this. He tells her, trust her instincts. People often get a bad feeling from someone presenting as ordinary, who ultimately harms them. It would be a mistake to ignore that feeling. She says, in that case, she was walking outside Kelly’s, and she thought she heard footsteps behind her, but no one was there. She turned around to keep walking, and bumped right into this man. She was startled, and he apologized. He had a map of Port Charles, and asked her for directions to the Chuck. She told him the Chuck was closed today, and that’s when he brought up The Savoy. She mentioned she knew the owner, and he was all over it. He claimed he read somewhere that Curtis had never owned a club before. Curtis asks, where would he get that? and she says, exactly. She doesn’t remember reading that in any promotional materials, and she asked him about his interest in Curtis, but he just brushed it off, and claimed he was a people person and liked to talk to anybody. It seemed reasonable enough, so she excused herself and left, but in retrospect, maybe it wasn’t so innocent. Curtis agrees, and says, what are the odds two men, matching the same age and same description, would approach two very important people in his life, asking questions about him?

Sonny asks, why the hell he would visit Cyrus? and Cyrus says, a lot has happened since Sonny was away. He can fill in the blanks; details that his wife and Mr. Morgan either weren’t privy to, or told not to tell him. Don’t be too hasty. Buscema and Novak are gone, their territories are up for grabs, he might have information about who wants to take their place. Sonny tells him, enjoy Flatland. Make himself comfortable, because from what Sonny hears, Cyrus is going to spend the rest of his life there. Sonny laughs, and hangs up, but faces despondency seeing the lily pond.

Alexis says, Nikolas is the one who had Hayden shot, but Shawn says, that’s her belief. He didn’t exactly say the words. She says she’s known Nikolas his whole life. It was very clear to her by what he didn’t say, that he was the one who tried to have Hayden killed. He says, sorry, and she asks what he’s sorry for? He’s the one who spent six years locked in a cage for something Nikolas did and he didn’t. Shawn says he’s sorry for what this is costing her; the pain he sees in her eyes. She says, up until a few years ago, Nikolas was good. He was thoughtful, noble, and empathetic, and that is all gone now. He’s self-serving. He doesn’t even care about his own son. He uses people. He used Shawn. He can show remorse, if you confront him, but it’s just a show; he doesn’t mean it. He’s gone bad, and he will take no responsibility for what he’s done. None.

Spencer asks if he can take Nikolas’s order, and Nikolas asks what the specials are. Spencer says he doesn’t remember, and Nikolas doesn’t care, so just order eggs Florentine like always. Nikolas says Spencer’s not getting any tips with that attitude, and Spencer says he wasn’t expecting one from Nikolas anyway. Nikolas says they still haven’t gotten their coffee, and Spencer says he’ll get on it. Nikolas gets up and follows Spencer, and asks what Spencer is doing. Spencer says, didn’t Nikolas just ask him for coffee? and Nikolas says that’s not what he means. Spencer says he has no idea what Nikolas means. He’s lost any ability he’s ever had to review or understand Nikolas’s motives. Nikolas says, Spencer is working at a diner, awaiting trial for criminal charges. This is not the life he was meant to have. Spencer says, thanks to Nikolas and his wife, that is the life that he has now.

Esme says, when she and Ava saw each other at the courthouse, she was so focused on helping Spence, so worried how the hearing would go, she didn’t get a chance to properly express how truly sorry she is for her part in what happened to Ava. Ava says, what happened is that she was stalked and terrorized into filing for divorce, and distancing herself from her only surviving child. Esme says, what Spence did was horribly wrong, and instead of helping him, she should have tried to talk him out of it. Ava asks, why didn’t she?

Willow says she can’t imagine her life without Michael. When she tried, even on a temporary basis, it was a disaster. She doesn’t just love him, she needs and depends on him, as her best friend, someone she can confide in and trust. He says she can always trust him, and she says she knows, but she’s realized he doesn’t always do things for one reason. Remember when Shiloh took her to court to try and get her to disclose what she did with her baby? He was so smart about all of that. He blew her away with all the tactics and potential strategies. It was the same way when they were fighting for custody of Wiley. It’s crazy how his mind works; how he can set up the dominoes to fall the way he wants. He says, which is a nice way of saying he’s calculating, but she says, it’s not a bad thing. It’s amazing, but it shouldn’t be the reason he proposes. He says he hates that they argued, and he does want to make it better, but that’s not the reason he asked her to marry him.

Portia says, could this mystery man, if it is the same man, be someone Curtis investigated when he was a cop? Someone he put away? Curtis says, if so, why come looking for him now? Sonny comes in, and Curtis tells him, welcome back. They shake hands, and Portia says, Trina told her that he was home. Sonny says, it’s been a real adjustment, and she says she’s sure. He says, Josslyn told him that she’s doing great at PCU, and she says, both Josslyn and Trina are embracing the college experience. He says he’s happy for them; it’s a great time in their lives. He asks if Curtis has a minute to talk about Cyrus Renault.

Nina says she doesn’t have to use the insanity defense, and Carly says she’s going to need something, because the charges aren’t going away. Nina says, this is laughable coming from Carly. Carly is happy to skate when the handcuffs are on her. She’ll hide behind her high-powered attorney, letting her pretzel the law, but when Nina makes legitimate bail, Carly is outraged and screaming for justice. Carly says she doesn’t have to scream; justice is coming for Nina. She’s going to be tried and convicted because there’s no excuse for what she did. Nina says she thinks her attorney can make a damn good argument that she was just protecting Sonny, that his life in Port Charles was dangerous and destructive. Sonny was actually better off living in Nixon Falls.

Willow says, Michael has to admit, the timing is a little suspect, and he says, maybe a little. She says, maybe their argument didn’t cause him to propose, but it might have contributed to it. He says, maybe, and she says, he’s a fixer. His first instinct will always be to make things better, and she loves that about him. He came into her life, and gave her support. He shared his son with her, and he didn’t try to fix her, but made it possible for her to fix herself. Now that they’ve disagreed, he wants to fix that too, and make it go away, but he doesn’t have to. They can disagree and still love each other. He says, if anyone knows that, it’s him.

Esme tells Ava, when she and Spence met at school, they just clicked. At first, it was surface level. They liked a lot of the same things; skiing, riding, theater. From the beginning it was like they could both sense something deeper, this bond they shared. She’s not close with her family. So when Spence told her the situation with his father, thinking that his father died, and how when Nikolas came back, he got involved with Ava, she totally empathized with how badly it hurt Spence. She was so completely focused on Spence, she never stopped to realize she was only hearing his version. Ava asks if Esme feels it justifies her actions, and Esme says, of course (🍷) not. She realizes now that Spence was angry and lashing out. She was so focused on helping him, she didn’t stop to see Ava as a person, to think about what Ava was going through, and what she was helping to put Ava through. All those times she was following Spence’s instructions, all those things she did, she would give anything to take them back.

Nikolas tells Spencer that he knows what it means to go too far, and for actions to have unpredicted consequences. Talk to him, father and son, like they used to, and tell him how things got so out of control. Spencer says, things got a little tough when Nikolas died, and didn’t get a whole lot better when he turned up alive. In fact, it got worse. Nikolas says he can’t change what he did, but he can fix what’s happening now. He can help Spencer get his life back on track. Spencer says, Nikolas is going to provide guidance to his poor, troubled son? and Nikolas says he wants Spencer to stop punishing him before he wrecks his own life.

Alexis says she should have known Nikolas wasn’t going to tell her the truth; she was absolutely naïve. All she did was give him a heads up that they’re on to him. Shawn says, it could work to their advantage. Nikolas has spent the last few years thinking he’s in the clear. Maybe he got confident and let things slide. If he starts scrambling, and trying to cover his tracks, he could give something away. She says, Nikolas isn’t scrambling; he’s already got a bribe lined up. He says, her pardon, and she says, Nikolas said if she dropped the subject of Hayden, that he and his friend the governor would consider a pardon. When she didn’t jump at that opportunity, then it became a warning – back off or the pardon disappears. He says, there’s only one thing to do. Take the deal. She says, what?

Curtis says, as far as he knows, Cyrus’s ass is rotting away in a federal prison somewhere in the Midwest, and Sonny says, Flatland. The operator mentioned it when Cyrus called him collect. Curtis asks what Cyrus wanted, and Sonny says, he wanted to dangle some information he may or may not have. Curtis says, that’s how Cyrus operates; it’s all mind games with him. Sonny says, they were there when Cyrus went down. Is there anything they can give him about what happened that night? Portia says, she can tell Sonny that Cyrus is a brutal, dangerous man. He was waiting for her when she got home, and forced her to patch him up at gunpoint. When Trina got home, he made it perfectly clear he didn’t need two hostages, and that one of them was expendable. Sonny says he’s sorry if he brought up any bad memories. He asks if he and Curtis can have a discussion alone, but Portia says, there’s not need to shield her. They all survived Renault and he can’t hurt them now.

Carly tells Nina, good luck with that defense. She can’t wait to see Nina tell the judge she committed identity fraud against Sonny for his own good. Nina says, who knows if that kind of identity fraud even exists? The Lantano DA is trying to invent a new law to give Michael what he wants. Carly says, Michael doesn’t control the DA, but Nina says, sure he does. And Carly controls Michael. Carly can’t stand it that Sonny lived nine months of his life she knows nothing about, and he was perfectly happy without her. Maybe even a little happier. Now Carly wants revenge, and she’s using her own son to get it for her. 💡Another thought. Nina could point out the connection between the contribution and the case. If nothing else, the case would be considered compromised. I just invented a new job; Port Charles armchair lawyer.

Curtis tells Sonny, he didn’t know what Cyrus was going to do next. He was unraveling. He was screaming at Laura, and waving his gun around. That guy was about two seconds from shooting Laura, so Curtis dropped his gun, and Cyrus shot him instead. Portia says, which gave Jordan the opening she needed to enter the house and shoot Renault. Sonny says, Laura’s a friend, very special to him, and he wants to thank Curtis for saving her life. Curtis says he was glad he could be there, and Sonny says, so is he. He appreciates them talking to him; it means a lot. He heads for the door, and Portia asks if he’s not staying for a workout. He says he hasn’t boxed in so long, but he has to check on someone. He leaves, and Portia says she thought they’d heard the last of Cyrus Renault, but Curtis says, he guesses they’re not that lucky.

Nikolas asks Spencer to think about where he was supposed to be, taking a gap year, touring the world. He threw all of that away to get back at Nikolas. He’s curious. Is Spencer happy with the results? Spencer tells him, what can he say? The Amalfi coast is overrated. Nikolas says he wants Spencer to stop sabotaging himself. Why won’t Spencer listen to him? Spencer says, he will, as soon as Nikolas cuts Ava out of his life.

Esme says she doesn’t expect Ava to forgive her, but if there’s ever anything she can do to make amends, she’d appreciate the chance. Ava says, Esme’s not the first young woman who got wrapped up in a man and do things she regrets. Ava is willing to put the past behind them and start fresh. Esme says, oh my God, thank you so, so much, and Ava says, she’s welcome. She hopes Esme will be a good influence on Spencer, and hopefully, someday get him to accept his new reality. Esme says she thinks he will. Deep down, Spence loves his father. He just has to let go of his pride little. Ava says, that’s not so easy. She’s going to go have breakfast with her husband. Esme says, of course (🍷), and thanks her again. Ava says she’s welcome, and make good use of the fresh start. One is all she’s going to get. Cross her again, and Esme will regret it. Ava goes inside.

Alexis asks if she heard Shawn right. Does he really want her to take her nephew’s bribe? He says he knows what it means to be locked in a cell, to live without agency, and live by other people’s rules. Alexis has a chance to get out of there; take it. Alexis says, no, and not even because of her nephew’s agenda, but because she doesn’t deserve a pardon. He says she’s harder on herself than a prosecutor would be, but she says, unlike him, she committed the crime she’s in there for. She’s serving her sentence. It’s her responsibility; it’s her debt to society. He says she can do that on the outside, volunteer at a legal clinic, and she asks if he wants her to just ignore that Nikolas is an attempted murderer. How can she look at herself in the mirror, let alone maintain her sobriety? If he wants to do what’s best for her, help her bring her nephew to justice.   

Michael says, Willow may have noticed, the Quartermaines are argumentative, and she says she picked up that. He says, but they’re nothing compared to his mom and dad. They’ve been married five times; that means there were four breakups. Realistically, eight or ten. He’s not talking about a disagreement when somebody leaves. There was yelling and screaming, throwing glass, court battles, he and his brother Morgan taken to Puerto Rico in the middle of the night so they woudn’t have to see it. There were times his parents couldn’t stand being in the same room, but he always knew they were still in love with each other, no matter what. Because even at their worst, if one was in trouble, the other had their back. That’s how he feels about her. He can’t imagine them doing that kind of fighting, but even if they did, and she told him to leave, that she hated him and never wanted to see him again, he’d have to leave. But if the next day, she calls and says she needs him, he’d be there, no questions asked. She says she knows.  

Nina says, Michael is just Carly’s puppet, and Carly says, which shows Nina knows nothing about her son. or how deep of a hole Nina dug to steal time with Wiley. Nina says she knows Michael well enough to know he wouldn’t do this on his own. Carly is the one pulling them through the ugliness of a trial. And why? It’s not going to change anything. She’s not going to get those nine months back. And by targeting Nina, and potentially hurting others, she may find she’ll also hurt herself. Carly wonders how she would do that, when Sonny walks in, and asks, what’s going on?

Ava sits down, looks at her empty cup, and says, no coffee yet. (My father would have gone ballistic by now, waiting this long for coffee.) Spencer says, coming right up, but she says, as long as he’s there, she’s ready to order. Egg white omelet, tomato and chive, please. And Nikolas? Nikolas says, eggs Florentine, and Spencer says, got it. Ava says, and Spencer, and he says, the coffee, he knows. He goes to the counter, and tells Esme that he can’t stand it. Ava has his father completely under her spell. He needs a wake-up call.

Shawn asks if Alexis has considered taking the deal, and she says, of course (🍷) she has. She hates it there. It’s a helluva lot better than Pentenville, but she’s still locked in it. She’ll be glad to get out, but she’s not getting out until her sentence is served. He says he admires her commitment and will power, and she says, maybe it’s just loyalty and stubbornness. She’s not going to let her nephew use his money and influence in order to escape a consequence that he needs to face. She just doesn’t know how she’s going to get him to tell the truth. Shawn flashes back to meeting Spencer in Kelly’s, and Spencer saying he’s come a long way from the son who could get his father to do anything for him. Shawn says, he thinks he knows a way.

Willow tells Michael, even before her mom found Shiloh, they were always moving around. She didn’t have friends she could count on growing up, people she could call in the middle of the night. Her dad loved her, but he wasn’t strong enough to stand up to her mom. Meeting Michael and falling in love with him was like finding a safe place. Knowing he won’t back down, knowing he won’t bail. He’s wonderful and kind and generous, and underneath all that, he’s pure steel. He won’t let anyone hurt her or Wiley. He says he won’t, and she says he’s given her security. He made her feel safe enough to disagree with him. Safe enough to tell him she loves him, and she wants to marry someday, just not right now. He puts his hand on hers, and says he can wait for someday. He’ll wait forever if he has to. She promises it won’t be that long, and they kiss.

Portia says, Sonny seems to be getting right back into the swing of his business, and Curtis asks if that worries her, given Trina is so close to Josslyn. She says she had a few anxious moments when Trina first started going over to Sonny’s house, but she’s seen how careful he is to protect his family, and keep them away from anything questionable. For the most part, she just tries not to dwell on it. Curtis says, it makes sense, but she says, it is unsettling to hear Renault reached out to Sonny. He says he was thinking about that. Renault reaches out to Sonny out of the blue, at the same time mystery man shows up in town asking questions about him. She asks if he thinks the man could be working for Cyrus.  

Carly tells Sonny, Nina was just explaining to her, that if she goes to trial, it’s all Carly’s fault. Nina says she’s late for work, and leaves. Sonny says he knew she’d get out on bail, but didn’t know it would be this soon, and Carly says she didn’t either. She walked in, and there Nina was. He says he thought she wanted to avoid Nina, but she says, this is her restaurant. He says, Nina shouldn’t be here, and she says, no, she shouldn’t be here. She tried it his way, but Nina is in her face, and there’s no way in hell she’s backing down. From now on, it’s between her and Nina.

Tomorrow, Brook thinks she knows exactly where to find her, Valentin tells Charlotte that he’s the luckiest man on earth, Anna promises Finn that day will come, Gladys says she came back to see someone, and Ava asks what Nikolas is hiding.

Project Runway

This Runway was right up my alley with the theme of Hauntingly Chic. Christian met the designers wearing a vampire cape, and telling them, Happy Halloween. He sent them to a limo, which took them to the Bartow-Pell mansion, a 175 year old haunted house. Darren claimed he sees dead people (I see stupid people), and Bones took the rear going in, saying in his interview, the Black man always dies first. Although I don’t think that’s so true anymore. Inside the mansion, Christian communicated through a portrait, telling them that he Bartow family lived and died there in the 1800s, and they were spending the night. Christian told them to get in the spirit and gain inspiration to design a chic gown for a masquerade ball, and the mask to go with it. No costumes; real fashion. They chose their models, and did their sketching, but like those ghost hunter shows with celebrities, they only scared  themselves.   

Everyone was still alive in the morning, and they went to Mood, where Christian met them, this time popping up from behind a counter. He told them that they had 30 minutes and $500 (nice budget!) Christian commented on how he was only seeing black and red. Kenneth chose an olive drab green, and in his interview, he said, growing up in the Philippines, fashion wasn’t a career choice. You were expected to be a nurse or a doctor, or something else in the service industry. Christian warned Zayden that the fabric he chose showed everything, and had zero stretch, but Zayden was adamant about his choice. The designers had also been allowed to bring their own fabric this season, so some were planning on using that too. They went back to the workroom for eight hours, some of them insisting ghost George from the mansion had followed them back to mess with them. Darren questioned whether he belonged there, being so young, but Christian said he was there for a reason, and gave a different perspective. He reminded Darren that he’d been the youngest contestant ever, and he now had a multi-million dollar business. He thought Darren freaked himself out in the time between his idea and his execution. Katie said she didn’t do dark, and was working with white. Christian warned her about being hooked on stripes, and her outfit looking too sailor. He thought dead doll was more appropriate.

When time was up, a lot looked unfinished to me. Katie was trying to be positive, but still packed her stuff, assuming she’d be the one going home. Bones used a silver/gold combo for his gown, and made an incredible feathered mask that reminded me of Mardi Gras. However, Aaron thought it looked like a condor smashed into the model’s head. Ouch, in more ways than one.  In her interview, Chastity told us about how her father had died suddenly, and she felt she kept him alive through her work. Zayden’s idea was patterned after voodoo priestess Marie Laveau, but I’m betting her outfits were a little more relaxed, since his dress was too tight for the model to walk. He made a bunch of alterations, and in his interview, he said, making the model comfortable was his main focus. Um… I’d say making sure she could move down the runway was probably his main focus. The best comment of the night was by Christian when he said, if it works, it will be awesome. That can be said about so many things, not just fashion.

Taraji P. Henson was the guest judge, and Elaine called for them to bring on the hauntingly chic. Bones got an, ooh, but I’m not sure if that was good, bad, or just for the mask. Zayden’s model made it down the runway, and in his interview, he said, haunting didn’t need to be spooky. Although he did include a cute bag shaped like a voodoo dol bag, which prompted Brandon to wonder if it was one of them. Most of the designs were better than I expected them to be from what I saw beforehand. I guess it’s like when a play stinks during dress rehearsal, but somehow magically comes together when it’s time for the actual performance. Katie’s went from cute to creative, having moved the stripes around to look more like giant stitches. The models were fun to watch, since they all did very theatrical poses.

Katie was in the safe-but-not-a-winner group, but Brandon said he’d loved her look, and Taraji said fashion was about taking risks. So much for packing her stuff. Those asked to stay on the runway were Chastity, Anna, Octavio, Zayden, Kenneth, and Bones, who all sweated it out until they were told whether they were in the top or bottom. Brandon wanted them all to know that making a gown in two days was impressive, win or lose. One of their favorites was Anna’s sheer black gown with a humongous veil, made out of her own fabric. Elaine said it was avant-garde in all the right ways, and Nina said, it delivered on the sense of drama. Octavio was about to have a heart attack when he was finally told he was also in the top. He’d taken a chance on making a gown patterned after the bubble dress, which was tough to execute in a gown, but Elaine said the proportions were perfect, and it had an architectural look. Taraji noticed a pocket in the gown, and said she loved a pocket. Me too! I think there should be a law that all garments must have at least one pocket. To mix it up, next was Zayden, who was on the bottom. For the exact reasons that Christian warned him about with the fabric, and tried to discourage him using it. Brandon said it was hard for the model to walk, which made him zero in on the parts that weren’t well constructed. Nina echoed Christian’s sentiments about the fabric having no stretch. Also on the bottom was Kenneth, whose piece had looked better when the model was moving. Nina hit the nail on the head by saying it looked unfinished. One of the lowest scores was Bones, and both the designers and I went, what? He said he’d been going for host of the party, but Nina said it had been disappointing, more showgirl than chic. Taraji thought there was a lot going on, and he just missed it. Brandon agreed, saying Bones had too many ideas going on. The last high scorer was Chastity, who’d also designed a sheer dress, using her own fabric to make fanlike adornments. It was black and white, and quite beautiful.

The judges deliberated, and Taraji raved about Chastity’s dress. Nina said Chastity had been thisclose to elimination, and she thought Chastity had found her voice. Brandon said it was one of those pieces that was the best, but on the border of being bad. When something like that went well, it took you to a magical place. Nina reminded Elaine and Brandon of the mess that was Kenneth’s patchwork vest last week, and said she thought he needed more time before being in a competition like this. The six designers were called back in, and Nina said the high scoring designs had shown creativity, sophistication, and above all, drama. Chastity was the winner, and Taraji gave her the judge’s card where she had only written, OMG. Wow. Is that something for her scrapbook or what? Taraji said there was talented and gifted, and Chastity had a gift from God. In Chastity’s interview, she said her father had been speaking through Taraji. Immunity comes along with the win, and I wondered if anyone who’d ever had it just blew off the next challenge, and hung out at a bar until the eleventh hour. On the losing end, Zayden was told he was safe, and Brandon said he had a good future, but needed to think about execution and comfort. He left the runway, and Kenneth and Bones held hands, awaiting their fates. Elaine said Kenneth’s dress was confusing, and Nina said it looked unfinished. Brandon said Bones’s dress was more like a costume than a chic gown, but it was Kenneth who packed his pincushion and went. The judges said he’d been a blessing with his sunny attitude, and he said it was an amazing experience for which he was grateful. In his exit interview, he said he knew he could do more, and the experience had made him stronger. Christian told him that he’d been a joy in the workroom, and I wondered if he was the first contestant who’d gone home as well as being the cause of someone else going home. It was absolutely Meg’s fault, but come on, how can I resist?

Next time, the challenge is to create a high-end fashion look by embracing floral prints, and Gigi Hadid is the guest judge.

👻 Ghosting Away…

♫ Only two days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween… ♫ I hear the two most popular costumes in Port Charles are Squid Games and Cyrus Renault. The latter comes with a suit, a ponytail, and a plastic bag of an unknown substance. Join me tomorrow for soap, tea, and words from the wise. Until then, stay safe, stay unflappable, and stay trusting your instincts. Don’t ignore the feeling if something seems off.

October 27, 2021 – Nikolas Asks Alexis What Her Price Is, Andy Puts Erika On a Skewer, Why Am I Watching This Trash & Shock


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

TJ and Curtis spar at the gym, and Curtis asks TJ what he’s got. Usually he has to work twice as hard to get a hit in. They stop, and TJ says, sorry. His head isn’t in it. He’s been thinking a lot about that patient he lost.

Portia is walking past Kelly’s, and literally runs into Marshall.

Michael says good morning to Willow, and tells her, it’s renegotiation time for the broadcast station; it always goes down to the wire. What’s her day looking like? She says, same old, same old. Nothing as important or powerful as his. He says she was pretty quiet last night. She didn’t say a word before they went to bed. She says she has a lot on her mind, and he asks if it has anything to do with what happened to Nina.

At the MetroCourt, Ava hugs Nina, saying, that was fast. An overnight extradition to Pennsylvania, and Nina is back, looking no worse for the wear. Nina says, looks can be deceiving; she’s exhausted. Ava says, gutsy move, showing her face there, and Nina says, she can’t very well stay away from her own business. She thought she’d just get a quick caffeine fix, and go to her office to see how many fires her arrest caused. Ava says she’s surprised Scotty’s strategy worked, and they let her leave the state. Although she did tell Nina that he can be fiendishly clever. Nina says she’s impressed too. All she had to do was give them her passport. Ava says, sounds like she got off pretty easy, but Nina says, far from it.

Sonny gives Avery a stack of cinnamon pancakes, and tells her not to put too much syrup on them. Kristina is taking her trick or treating tonight; she’s going to get a sugar rush. Know what he means? Can he get a little sugar rush? She hugs him, and he laughs. Carly says, this is just perfect. She’ll never take moments like this for granted again.

Spencer is reading For Whom the Bell Tolls at Kelly’s, when someone clears their throat, and he says, be right with you, not looking up. Molly says, is that any way to talk to a customer? Can they get some service, or is she going to have to speak to a manager? He runs around the counter and hugs her, saying, it’s good to see her. Shawn stands there looking… I dunno… Like he’s studying this.

Nikolas visits Alexis at Spring Ridge, but when he moves to hug her, she steps back. He asks if everything is all right, and she says she needs to talk to him. They sit down, and he says he has some news for her too, but she can go first. What’s this about? She says, Hayden Barnes.

At the MetroCourt, Josslyn thanks Jax for breakfast. She hates to eat and run, but she’s meeting Trina at Kelly’s for a study session. He asks if they don’t live together, and since when did Kelly’s become a study hall? Oh, that’s right. Cameron works there. She says, please. A ton of people study at Kelly’s, and change is good. They both have a very big exam next week. He says, getting an early start, huh? And he does mean early. She asks if he’s forgotten what Halloween is like in college. They need their evenings free. He says, has she forgotten he went to college in Australia, and Halloween was considered an American influence their country was trying to battle? She says, yet here he is, a venture capitalist, having drip coffee with his American daughter. So she wonders who won that battle. He says, touché. He’s glad that she’s not letting this thing with her mom and Sonny get to her, especially after everything that went down last night. She says she learned to compartmentalize early. She wasn’t going to bring it up, but since he did, how is he doing with everything? She thinks Nina got what she deserved, but still, watching her be arrested last night must be hard on him.

Ava asks if Nina has heard anything more from the Corinthos clan. She can’t believe Sonny stood by, and let Michael do that to her. She’s tempted to go and tell him what he can do with his offer for Charlie’s. Nina says, that’s not necessary, but she appreciates the support. Let Sonny buy Charlie’s. She has no choice but to let things play out. Ava says, so much for their hope that Nina and Sonny could co-exist in peace.

Willow tells Michael, having Nina extradited to Pennsylvania is part of it, but mostly it’s about their breakdown in communication. He says, that’s a pretty big statement, and she says she thought they had a good talk the other night about Nina. She went away thinking they were on the same page, but clearly, they’re not. He says they agreed not to do anything about Nina and Wiley while tensions were high, but he didn’t. She says he convinced the DA of Lantano County to have Nina arrested, and he says he’s confused. Didn’t she agree that what Nina did was wrong? She says she did, 100%, especially after he told her about the confusion it caused for Avery and Donna. She’s not opposed to pursuing legal action against Nina. If that’s what the family decides, she supports it. He says, so what’s the problem? and she says, the problem is, he wasn’t honest with her.

Marshall says he’s sorry if he startled Portia. He’s just as bad as those kids who walk and text, or tweet; he’s sorry. She says, that’s quite all right. She supposes she’s a little jumpy; the spirit of the holiday. She asks if that’s a map he has, and he says, it is. He probably looks like one of those throwback tourists. Maybe he could pretend this is his costume, like she said, in the spirit of the holiday. She laughs, and asks if he’s from out of town, and he says, just checking up on family. He was looking for the Chuck. Is it nearby? She says, it is, but she happens to know it’s closed today; she’s a member. Is he an art lover? He says he is. In fact, he appreciates all forms of art. He just read about a relatively new music venue, it’s called… The Savoy. Does she know it?

Curtis says, he’s sorry TJ lost a patient. That’s got to be hard. TJ says he’s talking about that guy who vanished from the exam room the other night. He asked around the hospital, and the volunteer meeting the guy said he was there for wasn’t real. He thinks he freaked the guy out when he asked for identification. Curtis says, there could be a number of reasons why he took off. Hell, he could have been undocumented. Or maybe he was just trying to get a prescription for some drugs. TJ says he thought about that, but it wasn’t the vibe he got. Something about that encounter felt almost personal. Curtis says that’s because TJ is an empathetic doctor; it’s his superpower. On the positive side, TJ gets two days off. Just let it go. Correct him if he’s wrong, but two days in a row is like luxury for a first year intern, right? TJ says, it definitely is. He plans to live his best life. As a matter-of-fact, what is Curtis doing tonight… and tomorrow? Curtis says, TJ is off, he’s not, but forget about him. What about Molly? He’s sure Molly would appreciate seeing more of TJ now that he has time off. TJ says, Molly’s fine. She’s catching up with Shawn right now. Curtis says, is that what all this was about?

Spencer says, it’s been too long, and Molly says, he’s the one who’s been in town for months, and didn’t bother reaching out to his cousin. Spencer says, they have this new thing called texting, and it works both ways. She says, true. She’s been super busy. From what she’s heard, he has too, and they’ll leave it at that. She asks if he remembers Shawn, and Spencer says, of course (🍷), of course (🍷), and shakes Shawn’s hand. Shawn says, look at Spencer, all grown up. A working man, he sees. Spencer says he’s come a long way from the son who could get his father to do anything for him. It’s been years since he’s seen Shawn. He’s been away; Shawn’s been away… They’re both back now, so that’s good. Molly says, from what she’s heard, he should be focused on his own legal issues, and Spencer says, right. She’s at the DA’s office. She says she’s had to recuse herself from his case. He says, no hard feelings. Duty calls. Grab a seat, and he’ll be right over.

Nikolas says he knows Alexis and Shawn were looking into what happened to Hayden, but he doesn’t know how Alexis thinks he can help. She says, they’re close, right? And despite the last few years, she’s hopeful that the Nikolas that she loves and that she trusts, and that she knows, is operating in there somewhere. So she needs Nikolas to tell her the truth. No lying. No dodging. Just be honest with her. He says, think long and hard before she goes any further with this, and she says, true or false? He hired the hitman who shot Hayden Barnes. He says he knew this is where she was going, especially after that tense moment with Shawn the other day. He hoped her was wrong, that it was all in his head, but here they are. He gets up, and she follows him. She says, that’s not a denial, and he says, it’s not an admission either. He’s insulted that she would think so little of him. She says, that’s even less of a denial. She’s known him since he was born. She knows him better than almost anybody. She said to herself, if she can look him in the eye, she’ll know if he’s telling her the truth. Please tell her that he did not allow a man to be locked up for six years of his life for a crime that he committed.

Molly says she hopes Shawn doesn’t mind that she roped him into breakfast. He says, not a bit. He barely sees her and TJ at home. He enjoys spending time with his daughter-in-law of sorts. Is that an okay term to use for domestic partners? She says, especially the in-law part, and he says, say it with pride, Assistant District Attorney. She says, it’s a far cry from writing romance novels, and he says, don’t knock it. Her lover man had chops. He guesses he can admit it now, but the notes she asked TJ for were actually suggestions from him. She says she didn’t know he read her manuscript early, and he says he volunteered to write articles for the armed forces newsletter. He was trying to help, but she didn’t need it. He thought they had a prodigy on their hands; a future bestselling author. She says, as much as she loved writing, she ended up finding a new way to express herself, trying to improve the justice system from the inside. But she’s not the only one with an appreciation for righteousness, is she? Is he looking to make a difference too?

Michael asks how he was dishonest, and Willow says, he agreed not to challenge Nina about visiting Wiley, because the whole time he knew he was going to get the Lantano DA to file criminal charges against her. He says, one thing has nothing to do with the other, and she rolls her eyes and starts to walk away. He says, the whole point of charging Nina with identity fraud was so it wouldn’t involve Wiley. It solely has to do with what she did to his father. She says, this is what she means by dishonesty. She’s sure he’s right about the legal tactic, but she’s also sure he didn’t let her in because he thought she wouldn’t approve. He didn’t ask her, or the rest of the family. He took it on himself to deal with Nina, and he handled it. He says, she’s right. He did.  

Sonny watches Avery pour syrup on her pancakes, and tells her, what did he say? She’s got a lot of candy ahead of her. She says, Mama Carly said she can’t have it until tomorrow. Carly says, that’s not true. She said Avery could have a piece for how old she is, so she gets six pieces. Avery says, but the Kit Kats always disappear. I feel her pain. Sonny says he knows where the Kit Kats go, and Carly says, Halloween is a magical night. Who knows where the Kit Kats go? It’s kind of like the socks in the laundry. Sonny and Carly go over to the sink, and Sonny says, Carly is in a good mood. She says, thanks to Michael, she doesn’t have to run into Nina at every turn.

Ava tells Nina that she accepted Sonny’s offer before his family had her arrested. She’ll be happy to take Nina’s counter-offer. Nina says, what’s done is done. Besides, she doesn’t want Ava turning the sale of Charlie’s into a battleground. If she wants to make amends to Phyllis, she can’t buy Phyllis’s forgiveness, can she? You cannot pay for absolution. Ava tells her to take it easy on herself, and remember there are plenty of people in this world who will give Nina hell for her mistakes, but she’s not one of them. She leaves, and Nina hears Jax call her name. She turns to see Jax with Josslyn.

Nina says she just came in for a quick cup of coffee, and Josslyn asks why she’s there. She was arrested last night, and extradited to Pennsylvania. Nina says, she was. She made bail, and was allowed to come home until the trial. Josslyn says, that’s it? Nina stole Sonny’s life for nine months, and took him away from his family. She’s finally arrested and didn’t even have to spend the night in jail. Jax asks if Josslyn doesn’t have some studying to do with Trina, and Josslyn says, and Nina shows up at her mother’s hotel, acting like nothing happened? Jax says, Josslyn, and she says, fine. She gets in the elevator, and Nina tells Jax that he doesn’t have to feel like he has to protect her from his daughter. Josslyn’s made it crystal clear how she feels about her. He says, she’s her mother’s daughter; what can he say? She says she can take it from Carly, but Josslyn broke her heart. He says he’s sorry, and she says they haven’t talked since the night of the fire, and they couldn’t really talk in the hearing room. He says he’s been keeping his distance, especially since he figured out she’s been keeping her true relationships with Mike – or Sonny – a secret. She says, Sonny is not the man she fell in love with. And he’s not the man who fell in love with her.

Willow says, it’s like Michael was honoring the letter of their conversation, but not the spirit. He says he realized he was doing that while she was saying it, and it wasn’t right. She says she’s not thrilled by his strategy, but she’ll admit it’s affective. The DA thinks he can win the case, and the fact is, Nina did commit the crime. If he’d told her from the start, she would have had his back, but he didn’t give her the chance. He made a preemptive decision and went around her. He tells her, everything she’s saying is valid, and he’s sorry. He thinks because of the last few relationships he’s been in, he’s more guarded than he realized. He should have told her, but at the same time, he stands by his actions. Nina needs to be held accountable. Not for anything to do with Wiley, but because of what she did to his family. Willow says she thought she was his family too.   

Portia tells Marshall, The Savoy is great. She feels a little responsible for it coming into being. The owner is a good friend. He says, really? He read that the owner never ran a club before; is that true? She says she doesn’t remember there being any profiles on Curtis when the club opened. Where did he read that? He says, somewhere online. Anyway, he’s just curious, what made him jump into the nightclub business? She says, he seems more interested in the owner than the venue, and he says he’s just a people person. She says, okay. It’s been nice speaking with him, but she has to get going. Enjoy his visit to Port Charles. He thanks her, and she moves on.

TJ says, it’s okay if Curtis can’t hang, and Curtis says, it’s not that. He’s noticed all the extra time they’ve been spending together, as much as he loves it, all started when Shawn was released, and came back to town. TJ doesn’t see what one has to do with the other, and Curtis says, for six years it’s been him, TJ, and TJ’s mother; they were a family. Now TJ’s biological father is in the picture, and he’s okay with that, but TJ doesn’t have to demonstrate that their relationship isn’t different. He’s not insecure in any way about TJ’s relationship with his father. He thinks it’s important, so he encourages that, and he knows he and TJ are rock solid. TJ says, always have been and always will be, and Curtis says, they’re family. Nothing is ever going to change that.  

Molly says Shawn has been staying with her and TJ at her mom’s for few months now. She always hears him talking to TJ about finding out what his next step in life should be, but when they talk, it’s non-stop news and current events and social justice issues. It’s clear he’s passionate about these things. Maybe there’s a path in the social sphere that he can explore. Somewhere he can bring awareness to the issues he cares about. He says, like what, a podcast? He has no idea how to pod or cast. He doubts his criminal record will support any bid for being a public official. At least not until he clears his name. She asks how that’s going, and he says he does have a new lead to follow, but it could send him down a bath that could cause a lot of trouble. She says, whatever he decides, she’s behind him. She trusts him.   

Nikolas tells Alexis, Shawn Butler is far from an innocent man. He showed up to kill Drew, the father of her granddaughter Scout. It’s only due to bad luck and bad aim that Drew wasn’t hit by Shawn. She says, the salient point is, Shawn didn’t shoot Hayden. A hitman or hitwoman did, but only Nikolas would know that, since he hired them? He had Hayden shot, didn’t he? He tells her, don’t. If she keeps pulling this thread, he’s going to make helping her impossible, especially since he’s secured her release.

Nikolas says he and the governor got quite close, ever since he dated the governor’s daughter. He thought he’d play his card at the right time, and the right time presented itself last night at a fundraiser they both attended. He spent most of the evening championing Alexis’s cause with him. She says, what a fortuitous coincidence. She doesn’t suppose it had anything to do with their conversation the other night. He says he reminded the governor of her role in exposing the corrupt Judge Carson, and he suggested the state show its appreciation by offering her a pardon. They sit again, and he says, it’s incredible, right? The governor plans to issue her a complete pardon for her attack on Detective Falconari, which is a little dicey for him, her stabbing a cop and all. But the governor is prepared to take the hit as a personal favor to him. Of course (🍷) if he has to fend off groundless charges and allegations, it can tarnish his reputation, and his political sway could disappear, along with her pardon.

Josslyn walks into Kelly’s, saying, she had to see for herself, and Spencer says, and smirk? She says, yes. Watching him work at Kelly’s is like watching the Lock Ness Monster play the tuba. He should wear it as his Halloween costume. Grandma Bobbie loves her employees to dress up for Halloween. He says she’s loving this, and she admits she is. He tells her, please enjoy his utter humiliation, but do it from across the room; he’s not in the mood. She says, there’s nothing to be humiliated about. As a matter-of-fact, she’s impressed. He’s not relying on his inheritance. He’s making money on his own, and that’s admirable. He says she realizes that all three of her parents are probably as rich as his, right? She says, which makes her incredibly fortunate, and she tries not to take that for granted. By the way, she never betrayed her parents trust, or used a good friend and lied to her. Or committed several crimes and wound up awaiting trial. Shawn, who’s been listening in, asks Molly to tell him more about Spencer’s legal difficulties.

Michael says, that came out wrong. He didn’t mean she wasn’t part of his family, because she is. The two of them, and Wiley are a family together. She says she gets it, but she doesn’t look at him, and he says, after their conversation about taking things slowly and that she’d be more comfortable with boundaries… They’re already living together, they’re sleeping together, they’re raising Wiley together, it’s hard to figure out where those boundaries are. She says he doesn’t have to explain, and he says, it’s hard to find the line between moving too slowly and moving too quickly when they’ve been in love for so long, and they finally get to be together. She takes his hand, and says she loves him too. He says, he’s glad to hear it because he’s clearly blowing it. He’s sorry for keeping her out of the decision making process. He guesses maybe on some level, he was trying to keep her in the clear. She says, what about him? and he says, he did what had to be done. And he always will to keep his loved ones safe. He hopes she understands.

Jax and Nina go to the bar, and order coffee. He says they have a chance to talk, but she says, they don’t really have much to say, do they? She’s in a no-win situation, and in order to respect Sonny’s wishes, she has to continue to lie about the nature of their relationship, even though she’s facing criminal charges. So if she can’t fix her legal problems, she’s just going to focus in on Crimson. That is, if she still has a job there. He says he’s not going to force her out, and she asks if he wants to rethink that. It’s bad optics having a convicted criminal at the helm. He says she can’t run Crimson from behind bars, that’s for sure, and it was a mistake to come back to Port Charles without consulting a lawyer first. They could have protected her, and maybe stopped things from escalating further. She says, there he goes again, trying to be her white knight. If this ordeal taught her anything, it taught her that Jax has to stop trying to save her. She’s a lost cause.

Ava comes into the former home of the beloved moss bowl 🎍, and Avery hugs her. Ava calls her Miss Sticky, and asks if she’s been eating her father’s pancakes. Avery says she was, but she thought she wasn’t staying with Ava until tomorrow. Ava says she thought right; she came by to talk to Avery’s daddy. Carly suggests Avery go upstairs and see what Donna is doing, and Avery runs out. Carly says, if this is about custody… but Ava says, no, and walks over to Sonny, giving him a manila envelope. She says it’s the closing papers. She had her lawyer look them over already, so just have his lawyer do the same, sign them, and Charlie’s is his. Carly says, that was fast, and Ava says, especially since there was a bidding war. Carly says she wasn’t aware of it, and Sonny says, things were kind of crazy last night. Ava says, right, with Nina. It must have slipped his mind. She thought he shared everything with Carly.

Portia arrives at the gym, and sees Curtis with TJ. She asks if someone forgot to invite her to the party. TJ’s not working? He says, he’s not playing hooky; he has two days off. She says, he scored. She’s on her way to a kickboxing class. Enjoy his days off while he has them. TJ says, while he has her, has she heard anything around the hospital about a patient of his who skipped out before he could grab their ID? She says, oh, one of those. She hasn’t heard anything, but she’ll let him know if she does.  Did he say or do anything fishy? Curtis says, TJ is taking it a little personally, and TJ says, maybe he is. The gentleman was so amiable, he can’t figure out why he would lie to him, and then ghost. They hit it off, and were talking about life, family. Curtis says, he’s going to find, working in a hospital, he’ll meet all kinds of people. TJ says he even asked questions about Curtis, and Portia says, wait. What did this patient of his look like?

Shawn asks Molly, Nikolas wouldn’t even post bail? He thought Nikolas adored Spencer, and vice versa. She says, a lot has happened since Shawn was around. Starting with Nikolas pretending to be dead for three years, and ending with him marrying Ava. Spencer feels Ava double-crossed him when he was trying to get justice for Nikolas, who, as it turned out, wasn’t actually dead. He says, that’s a damn shame, and she says, it’ll all work itself out. The funny thing is, all Spencer needs to do to make things right is apologize; like a real, sincere apology, where he holds himself accountable. Nikolas feels so guilty for staying away, he would be putty in Spencer’s hands. He says, that easy? and she says, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it would be a good start. Nikolas has that Cassadine ruthlessness, and a seemingly cold heart, but that heart melts when it comes to his son. Spencer has always been his Achilles heel.

Alexis tells Nikolas, so they have quid pro quo, huh? She and Shawn drop the investigation, and forget Nikolas initiated the a hit on Hayden, and he facilitates her pardon. Her silence buys her freedom. He says, he never said that, and she asks if he thinks she’d be tempted by this blanket attempt at extortion? He says he has no idea what she’s talking about, but for argument’s sake, he contends that everyone has a price. The question is, what’s hers?

Willow says, just because she and Michael aren’t on the same page right now, doesn’t change how she feels about him. She missed snuggling with him last night. He says, so did he, and she says, knowing how hard they fought to be together, and they already know they want to spend their lives together raising Wiley, maybe taking it slow made it messy. He says, he’ll go with confusing, but she says she’s not confused. One thing she knows for sure, she doesn’t want that division between the part of her life where he lets her in, and the part of his life he shields her from. That might work for some relationships, but she doesn’t want that for them. He says he doesn’t either. Other than their son, there’s nothing more important, and he’s going to spend every day proving it to her. Starting now.

Sonny says he’ll have Diane look it over, and Ava says, when the papers are signed and the money is wired, she’ll leave the keys with Kristina, and they’ll be done. She’d like to say goodbye to Avery before she leaves, and he says she knows the way. She goes upstairs, and Carly says, that was quick. She loves the way he does business. She hopes Phyllis takes him up on his offer, and stays there. She has to go to work, and says she loves him. He says he loves her too.

Jax tells Nina that he’s hanging up his armor. He didn’t do so well, trying to shield Nina from the truth about Nelle. But he can’t help but wonder if that didn’t set this whole thing in motion. She says he’s got to stop. Part of her making things right is is taking full ownership for her actions. He had nothing to do with her choices. They’re her responsibility, and she’s going to face the consequences. It’s the only way that she can move forward. He says, for that, he appreciates her, and she says, enough to respect her wishes? She’s talking about Carly. Is he planning on telling Carly the truth about her and Sonny?

Curtis tells Portia to enjoy her class. He’s going to check on his new sound system upgrade. She tells him to wait. She ran into someone on the way over here, and he was asking questions about Curtis too.

TJ goes to Kelly’s, and asks Molly where Shawn is. She says, he had someplace to be. She thought TJ was busy all day, and he says he was planning to be, but came to his senses. Instead of spending his precious time boxing with Curtis, he could spend it with his beautiful partner. They kiss, and Marshall looks through the window. Spencer tells Josslyn, on the bright side, he’s learned how to make Kelly’s famous hot cocoa, and she says, yum, giving him an A+ for it. He gives her a check, and she asks if he can leave her tab open. She’s meeting Trina there for a study session. He asks if she wouldn’t mind studying at the Bistro. He doesn’t want Trina to see him like this. She says, she’ll take Trina someplace else for today, and today only, because he has nothing to be embarrassed about. To work is a good thing; it’s an admirable thing. When she sees Cameron doing his shifts there, it not only makes him hotter, it makes her feel prouder of him. He says, that’s a horrible pep talk, and she says, there’s always the easiest solution. He says, pray tell, enlighten him, and she says, he can get over himself, and make things right with his father. Keep the change.    

Nikolas tells Alexis that she doesn’t have to give him an answer now. Just think it over; the benefits, the consequences. Shawn comes in, and Nikolas says he’ll let them get caught up. He leaves, and Shawn asks, what happened? Did Nikolas say anything they can use against him?

Michael says he’s finished talking himself out of this, and Willow says, out of what? He gets down on one knee, and she asks what he’s doing. He says, what does it look like he’s doing? He’s asking her to marry him.

Nina walks Jax to the elevator, and says she’s not the only one who’s been rethinking her life. He needs to focus on something other than her and Carly, which means staying out of the war zone. Carly won’t hear the truth Nina has been keeping from her. Not from him. He gets in the elevator, and Nina turns around, coming face-to-face with Carly.

Sonny’s phone rings, and the operator says Sonny has a collect call from Flatlands Federal Prison inmate Cyrus Renault. Will he accept the charges?

Tomorrow, Curtis tells Portia that it would be a mistake to ignore that feeling, Spencer asks if Nikolas is at Kelly’s to gloat, Nina tells Carly that Sonny was better off in Nixon Falls, and Sonny asks Cyrus what he wants. I guess he accepts the charges.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion – Part Three

Kathy over doing the show, and Andy wondered if they would have felt differently had they seen it. Kathy burst into tears over her mother not being there anymore, and Kyle told her it was okay to cry and hugged her. Andy asked if Kyle regretted doing the show, but she said she didn’t do anything wrong; it was a love letter to her mom. She felt bad that her sisters thought it was something it wasn’t, and if they’d just watched it they would have seen that. She’d never do anything to shame her mother. Andy asked who called who first, and Kyle said it was the kids. They’d been bummed that holidays weren’t the same, and eventually, she and Kathy realized they had to do something. Andy asked if they’d hashed out their issues; he got the sense they still hadn’t worked it out. Kathy said he was their psychiatrist. I wondered if they were desperate. Kyle said it had been poorly handled on both their parts, but it was all good now. Andy asked if the show had brought them together, and Kyle said they’d been speaking already, but Kathy had never done things like a girls trip, and it was fun seeing her do them for the first time. He asked who The Lady was, referring to someone who works for Kathy, and we found out her name is Paula. We also saw a clip of Paula serving Kyle and Kathy on TV trays. In another bombshell, Kathy said she, Rick, and the kids ate off of TV trays every night. We flashed back to when Garcelle had forgotten her sister Carol’s name (Garcelle is one of seven kids), and she said, something had happened, and they had let it fester. Andy wondered if it was Freudian, which I guess was the psychiatrist in him coming out. Kathy had been voted favorite Richards sister on Watch What Happens Live, and Andy asked if Kyle was jealous, but even Kyle isn’t that stupid. Andy asked if Kathy had gotten any advice before coming on the show, and Kathy said Kim told her, just don’t lose your temper. He asked how Kyle’s relationship with Kim was now, and Kyle said she now had Kim’s current phone number, and they were good. Andy said he was hoping to see all three of them this season, and Kyle was cagey, but it sounded like Kim will make an appearance.

We saw clips of newbie, and descendant of Confucius, Crystal. Her stint at an escort agency in college was touched on, and a vote was taken on who would wear her ugly leather pants. I think it was everyone except for Sutton, and Kathy, who said they wouldn’t look good on her. Sutton said she wore a lot of things people hated, and to each his own. Andy moved on to the coat that launched a thousand tweets, and asked if when Crystal finally saw the show, did it look like less like a violation than an awkward mistake? There is no way Crystal is every going to back down from using the word violation, so she didn’t even answer that, saying, how she was feeling was something that had compounded over two days; it wasn’t an isolated thing. We flashed back to the  color conversation, and Crystal said, it was cumulative. She wished they’d started off on the right foot. Sutton said she thought violate was a strong word – as does every other person on the face of the earth – and it inferred Sutton had done something purposely to hurt Crystal. During the season, Crystal had admitted to having an eating disorder, and Andy wondered if her body image issue was a factor in feeling violated. She agreed it was, and I began to think, maybe he should hang a shingle out. He father’s experience with racism was discussed, and she said he handled it in the classic Asian way – don’t speak about it. She started crying at the thought of her dad, and how fearful he’d been. Andy said he’d been upset to hear Crystal had getting threats and hate speech about being on the  show because she was Asian. She said she still got hundreds of messages a day like that. I’m not a huge Crystal fan, but that made me sad to think that people are still behaving like that in 2021. She said she came on the show because she thought Asians needed representation. It was an incredible opportunity to speak out for people who were too afraid, like her dad. Sutton said she was sorry for any part she played in that, but I’m sure people like that will find any reason to spread their hate. Andy said Crystal should feel great about sharing her culture, and not let a percentage of a-holes on social media define her experience, or what she put out there for others to experience. She said she was grateful to the group for being open and accepting, and she’d been excited to show her culture. Andy asked what everyone enjoyed about getting know Crystal, and Kyle said making the dumplings was the best, which was no surprise. She also loved the Chinese New Year celebration, as did I. LisaR said Crystal was like a little sister to her.

Andy said the women had been eager to dress up again. Let glam squads rejoice. Beverly Hills is back. We flashed back to Dorit saying, it had been a hundred years since they dressed up, and then we saw a billion fashion moment clips. The vintage designer collection LisaR kept in her garage was discussed, and Andy said he’d been concerned that she basically inviting thieves to help themselves. She said she’d realized that, and it was now in special storage. Since Garcelle had been a legit runway model, Andy asked who had the most fashion sense, and she said, Dorit. We found out Dorit pays full retail, because she wants to wear what she wants, and not what someone else fronted her. Andy asked Kyle what the most over-the-top gift was Mauricio had ever given her, and she said a pair of diamond earrings that he’d sent to WWHL. We saw a clip of Andy giving them to her, and they were stunning. Unfortunately, they’d been stolen, along with Kyles whole jewelry and bag stash, when they’d been burglarized.  

Kathy said she was surprised to have been voted fan favorite, since the group was dynamic, intelligent, and fierce. Which is debatable. She said it was nice to be received well. Apparently, daughters Paris and Nicky were disgusted when she’d signed on, but were okay with it now. We saw a Kathy retrospective, and Andy said, we’re all hunky dory for Kathy. He asked if it was a surprise to Kyle, but Kyle said Kathy had always been hysterical, and a practical joker, and has a laugh like their mom’s. Andy said Kathy reminded him of Kim, who was eccentric. That’s one word for it. Kathy said no one knew the real Kyle, but I’m not sure what she meant by that. She talked about living at the Waldorf Astoria for nine years. Andy asked about her connection to Hilton hotels, and she said Rick’s grandfather had founded it, but it had been sold ten years ago.

Erika said she’d love it if Andy wasn’t hard on her, but he said he was putting her on a skewer and firing up the barbecue. She said she was so ready, and we flashed back to all that. Erika said she was keeping score of who was for or against her, and Kyle said she hoped Erika knew the difficult position they were in. Erika said the thing that had hurt her the most was when Dorit and PK got together with Kyle and Mauricio, and mocked her life and family; it was hurtful. Kyle claimed Mauricio had said all along that he believed Erika, even though we just saw him say just the opposite. Erika said whatever anyone needed to ask, she was there, and Garcelle asked why Erika didn’t understand their concern over being possibly pulled in. Erika said there was nothing that legally tied anyone there to her. The tabloids were going to project, but they couldn’t be fearful. They knew the truth. Sutton said it felt like Erika had run from questions in Palm Springs, but Erika said she left because of the altercation with Garcelle. We flashed back to Garcelle letting the cat out of the bag about Tom calling Erika. Andy said the difference with Erika’s legal issue was that there had been actual victims. It wasn’t like RHONJ where Teresa and Joe had defrauded the IRS. Erika said she understood, however, they were a long way from finding out what happened. She’d loved her husband, and he was now accused of defrauding widows, orphans, and burn victims; she felt horrible. There were also boundaries as to where she could and couldn’t go, but if anyone was proven wronged, she wanted them to be remedied. Andy said the way people perceived it, it looked like Erika saw herself as a victim. Sutton agreed that’s how it was coming across, and Erika (no surprise) got pissed, saying, her life was broken. What should she have done? Andy said her sympathy didn’t seem to be landing with the group or the viewers, and Erika said she had a limited way she could express herself; everything she said was picked apart. The best thing to do in the situation was to sit and be quiet. She wasn’t surprised at viewer reaction, but she was at the women. Kyle said Erika was doing herself no favors with Instagram, and Andy said she had the attitude of consumption and indifference. Erika said she was paid to post, and had to pay the bills, but Andy said it landed differently when there were victims. LisaR said she could understand why Erika was doing it, but she was feeding the fire, and she didn’t think it was helpful. Andy asked what she’d known, and if she had any sense that an alleged theft was happening, and she snapped that she didn’t work for the Girardi law firm. There’s his answer. He asked who didn’t believe Erika, and that was no one, and LisaR added that nobody knew anything. Garcelle suggested there may have been signs that Erika didn’t want to see, and Crystal wondered where Erika’s anger was at Tom, which really riled her. She asked what Crystal wanted her to do. Before the show, she’d said she wondered who she was married to for twenty years. She was very angry. Besides, they didn’t know what she had done or what she was going to do. Andy asked what she was going to do, and she said he’d have to wait and see. We flashed back to a lawsuit against Tom that Erika had been named in some time ago, and Erika said she’d gone to him, and said, what is this? He told her it was bullsh*t, and don’t worry. Everything was resolved like that. She asked Crystal if she seemed angry enough, as she steam came out of her ears.  

Next time, the conclusion of the Erika Show Reunion, Erika says Tom called five times that day, Erika says they can’t find the police report for Tom’s accident, Erika insults Sutton again with the c-word, Erika wants to know if someone will back her TF up, and Erika wants to know why everyone in Beverly Hills is so precious.

🏚 On the godawful Winter House, Gabby (an actual model) thought she was in love with Luke because of his rugged ways. He did build a legit igloo – ice bricks and all – which was pretty impressive, but IMO, he’s bad news. Like any of these guys are good news, but that’s beside the point. He said in his interview that he was oblivious to women coming on to him, but I’m not sure if he actually is, or just pretends to be to make himself more desirable. Paige made out with Andrea in the hot tub, and was already married and living in Italy in her head, and friend Julia was already living vicariously through Paige in her head. After their hot tub make-out session, Andrea fist bumped with Craig, which was juvenile creepy. Ciara was in love with Austen and they made out, but then Lindsay showed up. Apparently, Austen and Lindsay had hooked up back in 2018, and Craig told Austen that he thought Lindsay would have left any boyfriend for him.

Amanda said Kyle was ruining the mood by working. When he wasn’t doing that, he was ruining the mood by drinking too much, and complaining about things like no winterizing in the house. In Lindsay’s interview, she said she and Austen were both single at the same time in a long time. She passed out small bottles of Fireball upon her arrival, and didn’t seem happy when Austen told her that he’d made out with Ciara, pulling her hood up, and pulling the drawstring to hide her face. Because she’s five. In her interview, she said, when Austen came to NYC, they hung out for four days straight. They were having an emotional relationship, and had FaceTimed on New Year’s Eve. Austen told Craig that he loved Lindsay, but had feelings for Ciara, and he was over the love triangle. Ciara, who was keeping her eye on all this, said Austen and Lindsay had the longest hug she’d ever seen. In her interview, she said, since Lindsay walked in, she’d literally been trying to take all of Austen’s attention.

Lindsay ended up getting so drunk, she fell on the floor, and Austen had to carry her to her bed. She told him that she was in love with him, and it wasn’t just because she was drunk. He hated that Craig was right, and in Ciara’s interview, she said Lindsay was f***ing up her sh*t. She thought she was going to have a cute vacation romance. Perfect timing… They did some winter sports, which was cool, no pun intended. I love the snow. They made snow angels, which is the thing I love doing most during the first snow of the season. Gabby thought she totally go to the Arctic with Luke. She’d never go hungry, but she’d need to learn to sew. I’m guessing the Arctic might not be quite as primitive as she thinks. Austen told Lindsay that he loved her like a sister, totally friendzoning her.

I finally noticed Carl was missing, but if I remember correctly, he had a lightbulb moment where he realized he was too old for this sh*t. Which is exactly what bothers me about this whole show, along with its summer counterpart.

Next time, Ciara and Austen go on a double-date with Kyle and Amanda, and Andrea bench presses Paige.   

💬 Dashing Off…

See you tomorrow for soap and fashion, possibly made out of soap. Until then, stay safe, stay appreciating other cultures, and stay honoring both the letter and spirit of the agreements you make.

October 26, 2021 – Sonny Has a Problem With Michael, Lala Spills Brock’s Tea, Salt Lake Latest, Not a Good Look & Riders


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Violet has her eyes covered, and asks if she can look now. Aiden tells her, go for it, and she opens her mouth in surprise. Aiden asks what she thinks, when Finn walks in with a grocery bag, baguettes sticking out of it. Violet says, look what Aunt Elizabeth brought them. Hot house presents. Elizabeth says, otherwise known as housewarming gifts, and Violet goes to the couch, saying, aren’t they pretty? Finn says, they are. He didn’t even know they needed decorative pillows. Elizabeth says, they’re not decorative pillows; they’re floor pillows. They can toss them on the floor when they’re watching movies. Violet says, and eat popcorn, and she thanks Elizabeth. Finn thanks her too, and says, what would he do without her?

Spencer and Esme walk into Kelly’s, and Esme tells him to cheer up. At least his step-grandfather paid his bail. He says, why does everything have to come with a condition? and she says, is what Doc is asking really that bad? He’s no longer in jail. He’s free to have a cup of coffee and the pastry of his choice. He asks how he’s free when Doc is making him get a job? Oh horrors.

Austin opens his office door to Ned, and says he thought he’d seen the last of the Quartermaines when he signed away his father’s claim to ELQ. Ned says, for what it’s worth (🍷), he thinks Austin made the right choice. He’s much better off practicing medicine than getting embroiled in corporate infighting. Austin says he’s not practicing medicine, because the ethics committee has yet to review Brook’s retraction. He doesn’t know what Ned is doing there, but he’s not going back to Pawtuck once the suspension is lifted. Ned says, actually, he came there for a more important reason.

Brook runs into the MetroCourt, and tells Chase, sorry she’s late. She had a meeting at Deception. He says, no biggie. He’s surprised she wanted to get a drink. She says, they’re celebrating Austin dropping his claim on ELQ, and he asks, what made Austin change his mind?

Gladys puts on the recording from her phone to type the Deception meeting notes. She hears Brook say she dreads the day Valentin finds out Bailey isn’t his daughter, and laughs. She picks up the phone, and kisses it.

On the phone with Brando, walking into the Port Charles Grill, Sasha says, the meeting was not without drama. She had to have a chat with Gladys about Brook. Gladys doesn’t think Brook is as maternal as she should be. She can only imagine what’s in store for them when their baby is born. Since the meeting is over, does he feel like meeting for dinner?… All right. She’ll see him later. She goes inside the restaurant, and Willow comes in behind her. Sasha asks if she’s meeting Michael, but Willow says, no. She’s taking a break. Sasha says, from the Quartermaines, the Corinthoses, or both? and Willow says, actually, from Michael.

On the phone with Sheridan, Michael says, Miss Reeves waived extradition, and she’s on her way to Pennsylvania. She’ll be all his soon. He’s arranged for the money to be transferred to Sheridan’s campaign fund. Good luck on his run for State Attorney General. Carly and Sonny walk in, and Michael says, he thinks prosecuting Nina Reeves is the high profile case Sheridan needs to bump him up in the polls. I’m going to say it again, how wise is this whole thing, when Sonny is head of a mob family? Is no one going to notice? Sonny asks if everything is okay, and Michael says, it couldn’t be better. Carly says, it’s big news, Nina being arrested, and Michael says, someone had to.

Sonny asks if that was about Wiley, and Michael says, if Nina’s contact with Wiley is limited because of her legal status, that’s a collateral benefit. But he brought the case to DA Sheridan’s attention because Nina’s actions were criminal, and she deserves to face legal consequences. Carly says she couldn’t agree more, and Michael says, he just hopes DA Sheridan can get justice for Avery and Donna. Two little girls who thought their father was dead are so confused, they think their Grandpa Mike is going to come back to them the same way Sonny did. Justice for Dante, Kristina and Josslyn, and for Carly, for Jason and anybody who mourned Sonny. For everyone’s lives who were upended because Nina took Sonny from them. Sonny says, Nina is obviously a very troubled woman, and she’s sorry for her actions, but Michael says, it’s an act, trust him. Right after Sonny returned, she pulled a stunt that reminded him so much of Nelle, his blood ran cold. (Exaggerate much, Michael?) He says he gave Nina chance after chance, and she betrayed his trust, so yes. He brought Nina’s actions in Nixon Falls to the attention of somebody who’s in a position to do something about it.

Willow and Sasha sit down, and Sasha asks, what’s going on with Willow and Michael? She thought they were solid. Willow says, so did she, but Sasha doesn’t need to be burdened with her problems. She has a job and a baby to deal with, besides, she shouldn’t talk about Michael behind his back. Sasha says she completely understands. She’ll just ask one more question, then Willow can tell her to shut up. Does this thing between her and Michael have anything to do with Nina’s arrest? Willow says, she heard? and Sasha says, the Port Charles Press sent out a notification. She can’t say it comes as a surprise, considering how much grief Nina caused Sonny’s family. Willow says, it’s less the arrest that troubles her, than the fact Michael was behind it, and Sasha says, that does not sound like Michael. Willow says she knows, and Sasha asks if Willow agrees with Michael’s decision. Willow says she doesn’t know. She gets why Michael did it, but he completely blindsided her.

Brook tells Chase, Austin’s circumstances changed. He realized he was better off dropping the lawsuit against her family. He asks, how exactly did his circumstances change? and she says, remember how he told her to engage Austin in conversation? Hear him out about the Leo thing? He says, of course (🍷). Was she actually listening to him? She says, shocking, she knows, but Austin ended up blabbing his diagnosis about Leo. He says, being on the autism spectrum, and she says, yep, which is none of her business, right? Austin violated HIPPA laws, and now his medical license is suspended. Chase says, and that somehow led him dropping his claim to ELQ how exactly?

Ned asks if they can sit, and Austin asks if it’s going to take that long. Ned says, that depends. He’s there to talk to Austin about Leo. Austin says, right. Leo. That sweet boy that everybody pretends to care about, but he’s really just a pawn in Ned’s family’s game. Ned says, Leo is not a pawn to him, and Austin says, he is to Ned’s daughter. Ned says, he knows Brook coerced Austin into admitting Leo might be on the autism spectrum, and Austin says, he almost lost his medical license because of her. Ned says he knows and he’s sorry. Brook can be single-minded when it comes to fighting for something she wants. Austin says he learned that the hard way, and Ned says, and his wife can be single-minded when it comes to her son, as Austin noticed. So he wants to ask Austin, as a doctor, can he give any suggestions to get her to see how they see Leo? How he can get her to move beyond her denial, so they can help Leo?

Esme asks Spencer, what’s the matter? and he says, things don’t taste as good when you have to worry about how to pay for them. She says, getting a job can’t really be that bad. He can do anything he puts his mind to. Remember when they sneaked out of school to attend Fashion Week in Paris? He says, it was her idea not his, and she says, he met all those designers, chatted them up, and the designers gave them a backstage tour. He says, the Cassadine name impresses, and she says, with that name and his contacts, he could pitch Crimson on covering menswear. He says, it’s a women’s magazine, and she says, idea number two. He speaks fluid French, and a couple of other languages; he could be a maître d’ at the MetroCourt. The international clientele would be very impressed. He says, Carly won’t. She wouldn’t even let Britt put them up in her hotel room, remember? She says, okay, idea number three. Give riding lessons to the offspring of the rich and famous, like Charlotte Cassadine. He says, Valentin loathes him already. He’ll be thrilled to entrust his daughter to someone awaiting trial for stalking. She says, okay, fine. She gives up. What sort of job does he think he can get?

Violet runs in, and asks Elizabeth, what’s in the box in the kitchen? Elizabeth suggests they unpack it and find out, and Violet runs back to the kitchen with Aiden. Finn asks if he dares ask, and she says, it’s just kitchen utensils. You know, for cooking at home. He says, people cook in their homes? and she says he’d be surprised. Aiden is upgrading his cooking stuff all the time, so she just brought him the duplicates. Finn thanks her, and Violet comes back in, saying, look what she found in the box. Finn asks what it is, and Aiden says, it’s a cherry pitter, for taking the pits out of cherries. Elizabeth says, if they want to make a fresh cherry pie, and Violet says she does. Aiden says, trust him. Fresh cherries are way better than canned, and Violet asks when they can make one. Finn says, as soon as Aiden gives them his recipe… and helps them make it. Violet says, let’s go see what’s in the rest of the box, and Aiden says, before they do that, he has a surprise for her. She says, another surprise?

Aiden says he and his brothers went through a bunch of photos of their family. He thought Violet would like them to remind her how crazy her cousins are about her. They look through the photos, and Finn thanks Elizabeth for the cherry picker. She says, it’s a pitter, and she brought him some pots and pans. He says they’re going to need those. He went to this place called… the supermarket, and bought actual groceries. Why don’t she and Aiden stay for dinner? Chase is coming over, and she can invite Jake and Cameron. She says, Jake has a class and Cameron is working tonight, and he suggests just the four of them then. It can be a camping trip reunion without the plunge into the icy stream. She says, or Scotty, falling from the sky, and he says he thinks they’re safe there. She says she accepts, and Violet asks if it’s Aiden in a picture. He says that’s his mom when she was little. Violet asks who the man is next to her, and Aiden says he’s not sure. Elizabeth looks over their shoulders at the picture, and looks worried.

Gladys says, online shopping is so convenient. Should she get the brown boots, or the black… or the red? Those are gorgeous. She’ll get the black and the red, and bill the charges to Brook at Deception.

Brook says, if Chase must know, she gave Austin a choice. He could either drop the lawsuit against her family, or kiss his medical career goodbye. He says, so her righteous indignation about Austin revealing confidential medical information wasn’t so righteous at all. He lifts his glass and says, nice one. She says, of course (🍷) it was. Two things can be true at once. She can care about Leo, and use Austin’s arrogant violation of HIPPA rules to her advantage. He says, he just remembers her bringing up medical privacy law, and he told her to go and talk to Austin anyway. Is that where she got the idea to maneuver Austin into betraying medical confidentiality?

Austin says, Ned wants his help with Leo, and Ned says he’s sorry for laying this on Austin, especially after Brook boxed him into a corner. Austin says, she certainly did; he had to choose between his medical career and his father’s birthright. Ned says he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t feel boxed in himself. He can’t turn to Monica, because she’ll go directly to Olivia, and he has to do whatever needs to be done to get Leo the help he needs. Austin says he can’t confirm to Ned whether Leo has autism or not; that’s for the specialist to decide. Ned says, Olivia refuses to take him to see one, and Austin says, she’s not the first mother to react that way. Ned asks how he gets through to her, and Austin says he doesn’t know what Ned is doing there. He doesn’t need the opinion of another medical expert. He needs a marriage counselor.

Willow tells Sasha, she walked in on Michael meeting with the DA of Lantano County, Pennsylvania. He wants to run for State Attorney General, and Michael donated money to his campaign. Sasha says, and in return, the DA agreed to prosecute Nina, and Willow says, but Michael promised her that he wouldn’t make any decisions about Nina in regard to Wiley until they’d talked it over first. When she pointed that out, he claimed that having Nina arrested was a legal matter, and didn’t involve Wiley. Sasha says, it seems like Michael is splitting hairs, and Willow says, doesn’t it? If Nina is convicted for lying about Sonny, she goes to prison, which is a perfect way to keep her from Wiley.

Michael says he’s aware Sonny already knows this, but Nina was able to get in one last visit with Wiley by just showing up at the house, and acting like nothing had happened. Sonny says, there’s no question that Nina took advantage of Michael, and the family, and Michael says, unfortunately, Nina has legal rights as Wiley’s biological grandparent, and Carly says, keeping Wiley protected is the most important thing here. Michael says, and keeping Wiley protected doesn’t have to mean letting Nina off the hook. Nina’s lies kept Sonny away from his family and his life for months; that has to be illegal. DA Sheridan thinks he can make a case for identity fraud. Carly agrees, saying, she had it out with Nina big time, and Michael says she had one angry confrontation, when she had every right to take it a step further. She should have gone to the authorities and had Nina prosecuted. Honestly, he’s surprised he got there before they did.

Esme tells Spencer, forget the last eight ideas. The truth is, getting a job is really about who you know. He says, and who still likes you. She says there has to someone in Port Charles willing to cut him a break, and he says, Britt Westbourne. She’s Co-Chief of Staff at General Hospital. Maybe she can hire him as her assistant. Esme says, there you go. Give her a call. He says, no offense, but that’s probably something best done in private, and she says, go for it. He steps outside, and Cameron comes out. Esme says, hey, and thanks him for not turning his back on Spence, when he offered to speak to his grandfather about defending him. Cameron says he’s sorry Scotty laughed at her, and she says, Spence has quite the reputation in Port Charles. He says, kind of deserved, doesn’t she think?

Ned tells Austin, all he’s asking for is some doctor’s advice on how to talk to Olivia. He thought Austin cared about Leo. Austin says he does care about Leo, but Olivia wasn’t listening to him, and Brook was threatening his medical license. Ned doesn’t get to come there with his hat in his hand, when Ned didn’t lift a finger to help him. Austin opens the door, and Ned says he didn’t encourage Brook, or conspire with her to get Austin to sign away his claim, but he won’t deny that businesswise, it works out in his favor. Austin asks if he’s supposed to applaud Ned for just being honest, and Ned says he doesn’t blame Austin for being angry, but the truth is they’re both on the same side. They both want what’s best for Leo. Can’t they make peace for Leo’s sake?

Brook tells Chase, Austin is a doctor. He knows perfectly well he’s not supposed to share patient information, unless he gets permission from said patient. If he’s too arrogant to keep his theory to himself, then he assumes the risk, and has to face the consequences. Chase says, the point is, she manipulated Austin into saying something he shouldn’t, right after she brought up HIPPA restrictions to him. She asks why he even cares. It’s not like he’s a fan of Austin’s. He says, because Austin is a doctor, and he was worried about a patient, and she took advantage. She says, that was harsh. Will it make him feel any better if she said she did it for her dad? He says, Ned can take care of himself; he doesn’t need her help. He knows she’s feeling guilty about Valentin getting her shares of ELQ, but he thinks her dad’s forgiven her. When is she going to forgive herself? She says, it’s not like she hasn’t heard that one before, but it’s all good now. She’s retracting her claim that Austin violated HIPPA, and he can go back to practicing medicine again. He says, she gave Austin a choice; his medical license or his claim to ELQ. He chose his medical license. Doesn’t that tell her that his heart’s in the right place where Leo is concerned? She says she thinks it shows he was backed into a corner, and he chose the sure thing. He picked his medical career instead of waiting around to see if the court sided with him on his claim. Chase says, she’s not going to give this guy any credit, and she says, oh please. Austin Gatlin-Holt is far from a poor powerless country doctor. He basically declared war on her.

Violet asks if it’s Elizabeth’s daddy in the picture, and Elizabeth says, it is. Aiden says he’s sorry. The picture must have gotten mixed up with the other ones. Violet asks if he isn’t her mommy’s daddy too. She told him that his name is Grandpa Jeff. Elizabeth says, her mommy was right, and Violet says she knows Grandpa Gregory; how come she doesn’t know Grandpa Jeff? Aiden says he and his brothers don’t spend any time with Grandpa Jeff either. He lives really far away. Violet asks Finn if they can go see him, but Elizabeth says, he’s a really busy man. Violet says, too busy to meet her? Why can’t she meet her grandpa?

Carly says Michael is right; she should have done something. She’s stayed up nights, thinking of ways to get back at Nina. He says, she didn’t come up with anything? and she says, she came up with a million things, and then she reconsidered. Michael asks, why? and Sonny says, because he asked her to.

Sasha says, sure sounds like Michael went full-on Quartermaine, and Willow says, and Corinthos. Sasha says, obviously, what Nina did to his family hit him hard, and Willow says she understands that. What she doesn’t understand is why Michael shut her out. They had what she thought was a good talk about the situation. They agreed Nina was in the wrong, but for Wiley’s sake, the best thing they could do is not trouble trouble. Nina hasn’t tried to see Wiley since the truth came out, so why provoke her? Michael agreed, and even thanked her for her insight. Then he turned around and got DA Sheridan to have Nina arrested, without even asking to hear her thoughts on the matter.  

Michael asks, why? and Sonny says he thought it was enough that Nina understood to stay away from him and his family. Michael says, and Wiley? and Sonny tells him, Nina knows it’s Michael’s decision, and he’s with Michael whatever decision he makes. Michael asks if Sonny has a problem with him reaching out to DA Sheridan, and Sonny says, actually, he does.

Sasha says, Michael loves Willow. She knows how much he was hurting when Willow married Chase. Willow says she doesn’t doubt Michael’s love, but for the first time, she feels like he hid something from her. He went behind her back. He led her to believe one thing, while he was doing something else. Sasha says, maybe he can’t fight his upbringing. He is, after all, a Quartermaine and a Corinthos. Willow says, and they’ve seen how his two families deal with people who get in the way. Sasha says, in Michael’s mind, he was only doing what he was taught to do; deal with the problems by any means necessary. Willow says, it’s not what Michael did; it’s that he left her out. He never shared what was on his mind with her. He treated Nina like a problem he could handle. Sasha says she doesn’t blame Willow for feeling hurt, but she guesses Michael didn’t intend to exclude her. In fact, he probably thought going after Nina legally, rather than in family court, was honoring Willow’s wishes. Willow says, that’s what he said, but that’s not how she sees it. Sasha tells her, then say that to him. Tell him how she feels. It’s the best way to work this out.

Carly tells Michael, she agrees with him about Nina, but his dad convinced her that his homecoming shouldn’t be about anger and resentment. Sonny’s back, and they missed him, but they all get to be together, and that’s what’s important. Sonny says, he was downplaying any payback with Nina, because he didn’t want to make this a bigger deal than it is. He wants to forget about it (fuhgeddaboudit pops into my head). Michael says, he can do that right now. DA Sheridan is moving forward with the case against Nina. If she’s convicted, none of them have to worry about bumping into her in Port Charles, especially Wiley. Am I wrong? Wouldn’t Sonny have to be a part of this trial?

Ned says, isn’t Leo’s welfare the most important consideration? but Austin says, Brook didn’t think so. Brook has no soul. She’s like the rest of you Quartermaines, with the possible exception of Monica. Although Monica married into the family, so, thank goodness for Monica, she doesn’t have to share their DNA. Ned says, Brook has a soul, and she also cares deeply for her family. Last year, she made a huge error in judgement, and she’s determined to do everything she can to make up for it. To make it up to him and the rest of the family. Austin says, that doesn’t make what she did to him any less ugly. He loves being a doctor. It’s probably the best thing about him. He wants to help people, and Brook took that and twisted it, using it against him. She weaponized it, and he will not forgive her for that, and he will not forget.

Chase asks if Austin really declared war, or is Brook exaggerating just a little bit. She says, you tell me. After Austin signed the document, giving up his rights to ELQ, he told her this was far from over. It was just the beginning. The guy wants payback. He says, if Austin does try anything, let him know. He’s still a detective, even though he’s chained to a desk for the foreseeable future. She says, he’ll still help her? Even though she may have crossed the line? He says he understands going to extremes, and he’s always willing to help out a friend. She thanks him, and he says, his pleasure. He kisses her cheek, and leaves. Brook looks at her phone, and says, Wyndham’s? She didn’t buy anything. She scrolls, and says, whoa…

Violet says, maybe Grandpa Jeff can talk to her about her mommy, and Elizabeth says, Grandpa Jeff is a doctor like her daddy. He travels all over the world, helping people. She supposes those people need him more than they do. Aiden guesses that’s why they don’t get to see him, and suggests he and Violet unpack the rest of the box. Violet asks if there will be stuff to make brownies, and he says he’ll show her. They go to the kitchen, and Elizabeth looks at the picture. Finn says, sorry Violet couldn’t let it go, but she says, it’s okay. She just wishes she had better answers for Violet. He asks why she doesn’t.

Sonny asks exactly how Michael reached out to the DA, and Michael says, he’s ambitious. He’s running for State Attorney General. Nina is editor-in-chief of a major publication; she’s a real estate heiress. Prosecuting her for any type of crime like identity fraud will generate headlines, and boost his profile. Sonny says so Michael just pointed him at some free publicity? and Michael says, the Quartermaines also made a substantial contribution to his campaign.

Spencer comes back, and Esme says, no luck with Britt? He says, she’s not answering her phone, and the hospital said she’s out of the country. Cameron is bussing a table, and Esme asks if Cameron knows where Spence can get a job. Cameron says, funny she should ask. He just got promoted to assistant manager, so they need a server to take his place. Spencer says, too bad he was arrested, and awaiting trial, but Spencer says, Kelly’s believes in giving second chances to offenders, even ones with no hospitality experience. Spencer thanks Cameron, but gives it a hard pass. Cameron says, that’s fine. Someone way better just applied anyway. He leaves, and Esme asks if Spencer thinks he has a choice.

Elizabeth says she and her dad haven’t been close for a long time, and Finn says, same with his dad and him. They got through it; maybe Elizabeth and her dad will as well. There’s a knock at the door, and Finn answers along with Violet. It’s Chase, bearing flowers, and Violet asks if they’re for her. He says, violets for his favorite violet. She thanks him, and Chase asks if Aiden is still making that seven-layer bar. Aiden tells him there’s some in the kitchen, and Chase says, score. He asks how Elizabeth is doing, and hopes they’re joining him and Finn for dinner. Elizabeth asks if they mind, and Chase says, not if she cooks it. Finn says, that’s hilarious. It’s mac and cheese; how hard can it be? Elizabeth says they’ll let Aiden take care of it, and Chase says he brought Finn a good luck charm, handing Finn a bag. Finn takes out an apron that says, Kiss the Cook, and Violet asks him to pick her up. She kisses him, and says she kissed the cook. He thanks her, and asks, who’s ready to eat? Violet says she is, and Aiden says he’s starving. Chase seconds that, and Finn asks everyone to come to the kitchen, saying, it’s all downhill from here. They leave, but Elizabeth stays behind, looking at the photo.  

Willow asks if Michael ever did anything like that to Sasha, and Sasha says, no, but they don’t share a child. They never went through what Willow and Michael did to protect Wiley from Nelle. Willow says, Sasha gave up her relationship with Michael so she and Michael could be together, and Sasha says, she and Chase did it for Wiley, and have no regrets. Everything worked out for the best. Willow asks how the baby is, and Sasha says, perfect, of course (🍷). She and Brando found their footing once he agreed not work for Carly and Jason. Willow says, so it’s smooth sailing, but Sasha says she wouldn’t go that far. They still have to deal with Brando’s mother.

Gladys approaches Brook, and says, you wanted to see me, boss? Brook says Gladys’s job description doesn’t include buying two pairs of Cartullo boots from Wyndham’s and charging them to the company. Gladys says, she has to look good, and Brook tells her to look good on her own dime. She’s paying back every single dollar, and she’s going to start by finishing the notes from the business meeting. Gladys says she doesn’t think so, and Brook says, excuse me? Gladys sits, at the bar, and says, It’s too late for that today, and tomorrow, she’s taking a mental health day. Brook asks if she’s trying to get fired, and Gladys says, go ahead and fire her, but then she’ll have to reveal Brook’s little secret. Brook says, what little secret? and Gladys says, actually, it’s not that little; it’s kind of major. She recorded it on her phone. Does Brook want to hear it?

Sonny asks, what if a connection is seen between Michael’s donation and Nina’s arrest? Carly says his donation could be seen as a bribe, but Michael says, campaign contributions are completely legal; he has his attorneys filing the appropriate paperwork. The fact is, Nina broke the law. She did it in Lantano County, and it’s up to DA Sheridan if he wants to prosecute. Did he set it in motion? Yes, but Sheridan is an experienced prosecutor, and he wouldn’t move forward with this case unless there was merit. Nina is the one who’s wrong here, not him. He walks off, and Sonny looks at Carly.

Sasha tells Willow, if she wasn’t pregnant, Gladys would have her diving headfirst into a bottle. Willow says, if Sasha wasn’t pregnant, Gladys wouldn’t even be in her life. Sasha says, true, but she wouldn’t trade this pregnancy for anything, despite Gladys being a class-A troublemaker. Willow says she and Carly have had their disagreements, especially about Nina, but fortunately for her, Carly is no Gladys. Sasha says, not even close. She’s not trying to rationalize what Michael, but she doesn’t think he meant to shut Willow out. Every couple argues. Willow says, even if they’re good together? and Sasha says, that’s what makes them so good. They both feel safe enough to disagree. Michael loves her with all his heart. What he did doesn’t change that, and Sasha hopes it doesn’t change Willow’s love for him. Willow says, of course (🍷) not, and Sasha says they’ll work this out, and be stronger for having overcome it. She leaves, and I think, they both went in a restaurant, and neither one had lunch.

Elizabeth sits on the couch looking at the photo, and Finn asks if she’s coming. Chase says, Finn doesn’t know how to turn the stove on, and Finn says, Chase can’t turn it on either. Chase says, it’s one of those European models that only made sense if you’re a Swede, and Aiden says, he’s right; it’s weird. Finn says they need her, before Chase blows them all up; he’s got a match. Elizabeth says she’ll be right there. She tears up the picture, and puts the pieces in her pocket.

Spencer tells Cameron, he’s done some thinking, and he’d really like to take the job, but Cameron says, he already told Spencer, they’re giving someone the job who has actual qualifications. Spencer says Cameron wants him to grovel, doesn’t he? and Cameron says, big time. Spencer says he’s been a jerk, a snob, someone who thought he was better than the townies. The reality is, he’s a disinherited nobody, who’s desperate for a job, and will be eternally grateful if Cameron offers him one. Good enough? Cameron says, it’ll do. Spencer will have to sign some forms, but he doesn’t see why Spencer can’t start as soon as possible. Spencer thanks him, and says, he’ll need someone to train him. Cameron says, that would be him. The thing Spencer needs to know about this job is, Kelly’s is a friendly place. The job starts with a smile, and then you say, welcome to Kelly’s. My name is Spencer, and I’ll be your server today. Give it a shot. Spencer takes a deep breath, and repeats it, and Cameron says, excellent.    

Austin says Ned is trying to convince him that everything Brook did, she did because Ned is her father, and yet he refuses to accept, he can’t understand, everything Austin is doing – everything he was doing – he was doing for his father. Ned’s hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Ned tells Austin, what can he say, except Austin is right? The Quartermaines fight ferociously to protect our own, and there’s no room for integrity when it comes to keeping the family safe. Austin says, that’s where he and Ned are just not on the same page. His father left this world with his integrity intact. He writes something on a pad, and says, he plans on doing the same. He hands the paper to Ned, who asks, what’s this? Austin says, it’s the number of a specialist that can help him with Leo. Share it with Olivia, don’t share it with Olivia; he doesn’t care, just leave him out of it. Ned says he appreciates the name, but he can’t make an appointment without Olivia’s consent; Austin knows that. Austin says, then Ned has a beautiful challenge ahead of him, but it’s no big thing. It’s only Leo’s entire future that’s at stake. He really does hope Ned understands how utterly important it is that he convince Olivia to do the right thing for her son.

Brook asks what Gladys wants her to hear on her phone, and Gladys takes her phone out, saying, something about Brook telling Maxie that Valentin isn’t really her baby’s daddy. Brook says, liar. She never said such a thing. Gladys plays the recording, and Brook hears herself saying, she dreads the day Valentin finds out Bailey’s not his daughter.

Tomorrow, Willow says she thought she was Michael’s family too, Portia asks Marshall where he read that, Nikolas tells Alexis to think long and hard before going any further, Nina tells Jax to stop trying to save her, and Ava says she doesn’t have to share anything with Carly.

Vanderpump Rules

Bringing you up to speed, last week, Sandoval pitched a baby fit about Katie wanting to be involved with the new bar, because she yelled at him at Stassi’s book signing, nearly ten years ago.

James asked how Raquel felt about hanging out with Lala one-on-one, and she said she was always concerned, since Lala was unpredictable. In James’s interview, he said, Lala had picked on Raquel because she was an easy target. She was beautiful, sweet, and his girlfriend.

Katie said Sandoval had lost his mind, and Schwartz said he was like a broken record. Meanwhile, Tom whined to Ariana that no one knew what Katie had done to him. He needed confidence, and didn’t feel Ariana was supportive at dinner last night. Ariana said, it wasn’t about the book signing, and Tom said, everyone else was over it, but he wasn’t. Katie told Schwartz that if Sandoval didn’t want her involved, he should say it, not go back to something that happened a million years ago. He was screaming at her, talking about how she’d been screaming at him. In Katie’s interview, she said, it was really about her making him admit he was wrong, and that was like death. Ariana told Sandoval that she’d had a night planned with Katie and Schwartz, and he’d messed it up. They were coming over to test cocktails, and now that wasn’t important to him. Katie and Schwartz talked about going to the fertility doctor, and in her interview, Katie told us about how she had been pregnant about ten years ago. It was early in their relationship, and she wanted to have kids, but the timing was bad. In Schwartz’s interview, he said he had less than $300 in his bank account. If Katie had wanted it, he would have manned up, and done his best to work it out. He wasn’t 100% about a lot of things in life, but he was 100% sure he’d be a good dad.    

In Lala’s interview, she said she never thought James and Raquel would last. James was a hot mess. We flashed back over James and Raquel’s relationship, and Lala said she had been placing the blame on Raquel for her and James’s relationship going south. She needed someone to blame, but if it hadn’t been for Raquel, she believed James would be in a dark place now. In Raquel’s interview, she said she was always antsy around Lala, and Lala smelled fear like a shark. She wasn’t giving Lala the satisfaction. In Ariana’s interview, she said she’d wanted to do a cocktail subscription box, and after their book, Fancy AF, came out, everyone was in lockdown making cocktails. She wanted to test the cocktails to see if her instructions sucked. Scheana, Brock, and Schwartz came over to do the testing, and Schwartz told Scheana and Brock about Sandoval’s freak out. Sandoval said the experience had been traumatic, and he had major PTSD because of the public humiliation. I have no words. Schwarz told him that he wasn’t the victim in that moment, and suggested he see a therapist. Score one for Schwartz. It’s about time he said something to that ninny. Sandoval said he didn’t like Schwartz’s energy when he was around Katie. Schwartz told him to go burn some sage. Not really, but he said Sandoval was condescending, and if he wanted Katie to train the staff, he was going to do it. Sandoval moaned, then he’d just have to live with it? In Sandoval’s interview, he said he’d fought against it, but realized it wasn’t going away. Everyone had supplies in front of them, and made the cocktails per Ariana’s instructions. Scheana couldn’t figure out the jigger, but Brock was the only one who didn’t get it quite right. In his interview, he said he was good at cracking a can. Sandoval got sushi, and Brock told them about Lala questioning Scheana about his kids. In his interview, he said, don’t judge him if you don’t understand the situation.   

LVP spoke to Scheana, saying, she was thinking about inviting Scheana and Lala over for tea, along with their babies. Scheana suggested she invite all the girls, and in her interview, she said there was no way she wanted to be there with just Lala. She needed back-up, and couldn’t turn to Summer, since she didn’t speak yet. The Toms joined Lisa at the flower shop, where they chose blooms for TomTom. She asked if they’d worked out their finances yet, and Schwartz said his home equity loan had been denied. In his interview, he said that they had a lot of equity, but their mortgage was at a high rate. They needed to refinance, and do it over. He wanted to cry. Welcome to being a responsible grown-up. It makes me want to cry too. Sandoval said he had enough to cover Schwartz, who said he’d be on a power trip. In Sandoval’s interview, he said, technically, he would have controlling interest. Schwartz talked about his sperm getting tested, and in his interview, he said, he was pretty sure everything was fine, but what if he was destined to only be a fur father?

In James’s interview, he said, every bartender in town knew how to make a Pumptini for him, and now they knew how to make a Shirley Temple. All the couples gathered at The Belmont restaurant for dinner, and Brock apologized to Lala for his words at the baby playdate. He told her that he had one goal, and that was to take care of his family, including his kids. Lala said if someone tried to keep her from Ocean, as a mom, she’d come in guns blazing. He said she was in a different situation. His past had led to this. Scheana said she and Brock had discussed it, and it wasn’t Lala’s business. Brock said the children’s mom was keeping him from the family, and Lala said she wasn’t attacking him; she just wanted to understand the situation better. In her interview, she said she wasn’t worried about Scheana. If anything happened, Scheana would bounce back, but Brock had a tendency to leave the kids, as well as the woman. I don’t know if you can call something a tendency based on once. Raquel made a toast that included a bunch of dirty jokes, and it was a big hit. In her interview, she said, not to brag, but she was pretty sure she’d won the entire night.

While Schwartz and Katie were waiting at the fertility doctor, Schwartz imagined a baby Sandoval; late for everything and smelling like cigarettes. Katie was told she had a normal uterus, but Schwartz’s semen analysis showed morphology. The doctor explained that the sperm were like tadpoles, and the head was where the DNA was. You want normal shaped heads, and Schwartz was at 4%. She asked if he smoked, drank, did drugs, pot, or vape, and he said he smoked weed once a week, did mushrooms once in a while, and had 10 to 20 drinks a week. 😮 By no means am I judging, and I’m all for getting my drink on, but holy! She asked if he used hot tubs or saunas, and he said he took a lot of baths. She told him to cut his drinking down to four drinks a week, and no weed. As far as baths went, she explained, the testes were on the outside because they needed to be cooler.

In Lisa’s interview, she said, when someone you saw grow up had a baby, it was like, how did this happen? The girls arrived at Villa Rosa, and Lisa couldn’t believe Scheana was already putting hair extensions on the baby. I can’t say I’m all that surprised. Lisa had a gorgeous table outside set for tea, and said it was the first time she’d had them over where she wasn’t serving them alcohol. Meanwhile, at Katie and Schwartz’s, there was tons of fast food – wings, burgers, and such – and the guys gathered. In Brock’s interview, he said he didn’t want to destroy the American people, but their food isn’t the greatest. Schwartz gave him a taste of Cheez-Wiz and he pronounced it a six. Katie told the girls that it was all good news at the fertility doctor; she had a pristine uterus. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t how the doctor described it, but they clinked tea cups over it. Tom, on the other hand, told the guys that the majority of his sperm had misshaped heads, and he was told only four drinks a week. We saw that he’d already consumed four drinks in the last hour. Scheana talked about Brock, and Lala said she and Scheana were in a good place now. She wasn’t trying to attack Scheana or put her on the spot, but when they were at dinner, Brock pulled her aside, and talked about some pretty intense things. She asked if Scheana knew why Brock couldn’t see his kids; he had a domestic violence charge. In Lala’s interview, she said, Brock had pulled aside at Belmont, and said he’d been in a relationship, and they’d had a child. Things had gotten physical. Scheana insisted that Brock hadn’t done anything, but Lala said it took a lot for a court to forbid someone from seeing their kids, and there was a restraining order. Again, I have no clue what happened, but it might be different in another country. She keeps leaving out that factor. Lala said things were good now, but anything could happen. She wanted Scheana to be smart. It wasn’t about just her anymore. She had a child.

In Scheana’s interview, she said she knew it sounded terrible, but Lala was acting like it was new information. And it had nothing to do with why Brock wasn’t seeing his kids. Lala told Scheana not to be stupid, but Scheana said, something had happened a long time ago, and it wasn’t as extreme as Lala was making it out to be. Lala said Brock was also behind in child support, and Scheana said as soon as that was taken care of, Brock would have access to his kids. In Lisa’s interview, she said, Scheana always acted like everything was perfect. It was an interesting perception. Scheana said she knew Brock, and asked if they could get off the topic. Everyone seemed bummed, and Scheana texted Brock, asking why he told Lala; she’d been blindsided. Brock said he’d had enough of Lala, and Sandoval wondered why Lala was coming after him. Brock said he’d spoken to Lala about his past. She was a POS, and it was a low blow. In James’s interview, he said, Lala always keeps it real, and Brock shouldn’t have confided in her. He needed to put his thinking cap on. Outside, Brock told Schwartz that he hadn’t met Lisa yet, and now it was going to affect the way she saw him. He got weepy, and said he missed his kids. At the tea, Ariana stepped on the crickets by saying, she was glad they got everything out while they were there. Lisa asked if anyone wanted more tea. In the middle of a crisis, she’d make tea. 

Next time, poker night, the Toms look for another partner, and Lala gets into it with Sandoval about Brock.

❄️ A Little Salty…

What’s happening with the Salt Lake crowd.

🔒 Better Start Giving Some F***s…

She must be taking PR lessons from Erika Jayne.

⚾️ Sliding Into Home…

Tomorrow, join me for some soap and another chapter in the endless RHOBH Reunion. Until then, stay safe, stay undeterred, and stay not troubling trouble.

October 25, 2021 – Nina’s Extradition Hearing Happens, Delivery Captain On Deck, a Wedding, a Puppy, a Game & the Season


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the Tavern in Crete, Britt asks for a bottle of Lafite and two glasses, but the bartender says their friends cleaned him out. Britt says, they’re not friends, just people they know. Jason gives the bartender some cash, and asks if he’ll go buy some more, and the bartender leaves. Britt can’t believe they came all this way. The compound is empty, and the guards are gone, along with Peter and her mother. And the bridge where Drew was shot, does Jason really think Drew could have survived that fall? Jason says he doesn’t know; that’s hard to say. Drew was a Navy SEAL, so he has a better chance than most. Britt says, all this mess because her brother is a psycho. He leaves a trail of destruction everywhere he goes. It has to stop before someone else dies.

Valentin is agitated his sleep, and says, no, I won’t let you. He calls out, and Anna wakes him, saying, he’s just dreaming. He says he’s at the hospital, and she confirms he is. He says he’s at the US Consulate in Greece, and she says, yes. What was he dreaming about? He says, Peter August. He was trying to get Valentin’s girls, Charlotte and Bailey.

At the MetroCourt, Brook shows Sasha a picture of Bailey, and Sasha asks if she could be any cuter. Brook says, that’s her BLQ2, and Sasha asks if Brook is really calling her that. Brook says, it’s her nickname for Bailey, and Sasha says she can’t wait until her little angel arrives, and Bailey can have a playmate. Brook says she’ll have to give Sasha all of their hand-me-downs. She knows it sounds kind of snobby, but it would be a shame for all that baby couture to go to waste. Sasha asks if Brook was this anxious when her due date was getting close, but Brook says, nah, piece of cake. Maxie comes in and says, that’s their Brook, grace under pressure, and Brook says, nice of her to join them. Maxie says she’s on time, and Brook tells her, she didn’t say she wasn’t. She thought this was supposed to be a sit-down to discuss Deception’s spring marketing campaign. Maxie says, it is, and Brook asks why Maxie chose this place instead of the office, but Maxie says, she didn’t pick this place; Sasha did. Sasha says, it wasn’t her idea. She was told Maxie chose it. Maxie asks, who gave her that idea? when Gladys comes in and says, surprise! Tuna tartare and shoptalk; is there anything better?

Walking into the MetroCourt on the phone, Michael thanks DA Sheridan for expediting Nina Reeves’s arrest. The Quartermaines are happy to donate to his campaign for state Attorney General. Carly comes out, and asks if Michael is there to check up on his mom, and he says, among other things, hugging her. Jax walks in, and says he came to talk to Michael, but he’ll wait at the bar. Carly says she’s sure they have business to discuss; what else would they have to talk about? She’ll wait at the bar. She leaves, and Jax says, Michael’s mom still hasn’t forgiven him for defending Nina. Michael says he’s sure, and Jax says he’s sure Michael feels the same way, especially since he advocated for Nina being in Wiley’s life. Michael says, Jax blackmailed him, and Jax says he prefers to call it something else, but Michael says he wouldn’t. Jax says, fine, let’s go with blackmail, and Michael says he’s glad Jax is finally admitting it. Now that he has, if Jax wants to make things right with them, Michael has a couple of ideas.

Nina is led into an interrogation room, and she tells the officer, if he could just arrange for her to see acting Commissioner Scorpio, she’s sure she can explain everything. Scotty walks in, and says, do not say nothin’.

Sonny goes to the MetroCourt bar, and Carly says she loves that she gets to see his face every day. How was his visit to Spencer? He tells her, he said everything he needed to say, but doesn’t think Spencer enjoyed it. She asks if Sonny is worried about Spencer, and Sonny says, he’s going to have a bumpy ride, but he’ll make it. She says, okay.. what’s wrong? and he says, Nina got arrested. Was that her?

Scotty tells the officer that he’s Scott Baldwin. He represents Miss Reeves, and he’d like to confer with his client. Could the officer get a cup of coffee or something? The officer says he’ll be right outside, and Nina asks what Scotty is doing; she didn’t hire him. Ava comes in, and says she did. Nina used her one phone call to reach out to Ava, so Ava reached out to Scotty. Nina says she appreciates that, since she doesn’t know how experienced the Crimson attorneys are in criminal law. Scotty says, not good. They’re snobs, and kind of concerned about their manicures. Nina says, while he’s there, they have to fight this extradition thing before she ends up in a jail cell in Pennsylvania, and Ava says that Scotty better tell Nina. Scotty says, the quicker they cart her off to the keystone state, the better.

Britt says she guesses Jason is right. Drew was a SEAL, and he did survive two years in that compound. After that, what’s a couple of gunshots and falling off a bridge? One thing he and Jason have in common is, they’re very hard to kill. Jason says, they came to Greece to find her mother, and hopefully get Peter in the process, so they just need to be focused… His phone dings, and she says, anyone we know? Or is it someone offering him an extended warranty on his car. Ha-ha! I get those calls all the time, and I don’t even have a car. He says, it’s Dante. He wants Jason to call him, but he doesn’t have any bars. She tells him, feel free to step outside; she’s not moving. He says, no? and she holds up her foot and says, hello? Hiking that compound was at least an equivalent to a 10K, maybe a marathon with stairs. He says, she kept up okay, and she says, now she’s exhausted. Besides, someone has to wait for the bartender. He says he’ll be outside, and she rubs her foot, saying, mutter, you know I love you, but my feet are killing me.

Anna tells Valentin, no one is coming for his daughters, certainly not Peter. He says he’ll kill Peter first; where is he? She says, running for his life somewhere, and Valentin says, he’s a spiteful son of a bitch. What if Peter does come after his girls? She says, he won’t. Valentin needs to stop worrying about the what ifs. He says they both know what Peter is capable of, and she asks him to do something for her to humor her. Close his eyes. He does, and she says, instead of picturing Peter coming for his daughters, why doesn’t Valentin picture what he would do to him if he tried? The hell Valentin would rain down on him; the torment, the punishment, his cries for mercy, Valentin’s refusal. She sees Valentin’s blood pressure going down, and tells him to think about that for a minute. How does he feel now? He says, wonderful, fresh as a daisy, and she says, a little revenge fantasy never hurt anyone. He says, she’s twisted, isn’t she? and she says she has her moments. They have to get him ready to go home, so he can get the surgery he needs, and he asks if she’s sure about that. This might be her big chance to get rid of him, and she’s blowing it. She says, the thought crossed her mind, but she realized, even at her angriest when his worst brings out the worst in her, she sees that life would be pretty boring without him.

Brook says, it’s bad enough to schedule a business meeting in a restaurant. Why would Gladys make them think it was someone else’s idea? Gladys says, they know all about the beauty biz. She, on the other hand, knows how to shake things up and keep it interesting. She puts her phone on record, and says, that’s why they hired her. Sasha says, Gladys was hired to assist Brook, and Gladys says she’s assisting all of them by upgrading their work environment from stale and boring office to posh and swanky, since it’s a posh and swanky business. Maxie says she likes what Gladys has to say on paper, but hates the execution, and Gladys says, enjoy a little variety in their workday. Do they really want the same old same old, when they can have the croque monsieur? They have to try it; it’s so French. Brook says, when she joined Deception, it was to influence lovers of glam and beauty, not to help Gladys experience things she can’t afford on her salary, and charge them to the company expense account. Gladys says, if that’s how she feels. If they don’t want a stimulating office culture… Brook says, they’re not even in the office, and Gladys says, if Brook didn’t want to get out in the world, maybe she should have stayed home with her baby. Brook does have a daughter, remember? When they first met, it seemed like Brook wasn’t even sure she had a kid.

Jax says he’s keen to make amends, so what does Michael have in mind? Michael says, it helps that Jax got his father out of Nixon Falls as soon as possible. The Corinthos family is grateful, and we won’t forget it. Jax says he’s not going to pretend Sonny’s his favorite person. He just hopes everyone can move forward without revenge. Michael says, what some people call revenge, other people might call justice. Unless it’s Jax’s position that Nina shouldn’t have to pay for what she did.

Nina asks if Scotty is seriously suggesting she not even fight this extradition. Is Ava on board with this? Ava says, the way Scotty explained it to her, is that Nina would be playing a sort of long game. Nina asks, how long? Fifteen to life? Scotty says, the DA of Lantano County is looking for a high profile case, so he can position himself to run for state Attorney General, and Nina asks, how is woman keeps man’s identity from him high profile? Is it because it’s Sonny? I just had a thought. She should say she wanted to keep the godfather out of Port Charles. Scotty says, rich fashion editor holds mystery man hostage away from his past, to break up his family. Comeuppance. Ava says, and that’s going to get the guy elected? Is there no other crime in Pennsylvania? Scotty says, that’s his point. That’s why he’s trying to get Nina away from Sonny’s influence. Nina says, money can cross state lines. Why isn’t it better for her to just stay there? She can’t give up. Ava says, nobody is saying that, and Scotty says, he’s just filing motions and endless depositions, just stalling for time until they mount the proper defense. Nina says, while he’s stalling, she’s sitting in a six by nine cell with a stainless steel toilet, and he says, that’s why he’s telling her to waive this extradition. Go to the keystone state, they’ll charge her, and he’ll get her out on bail until the trial. She says, and if she fights extradition? He says, she’ll end up there at the PCPD, and because she’s high risk, she won’t get bail, and the lawyers and judges will take however long they want. Ava says, this way, Nina just gets it over with and she’s free, and Nina says, until the trial. Scotty says, there’s no guarantees. She wants to fight it there, they fight it there. It’s Nina’s call.

Carly says, Nina got arrested? and Sonny says, she didn’t know? She says, no. She’s certainly not upset about it… He says, if she didn’t call the cops, who did? and Carly says she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what kind of laws Nina broke when she kept Sonny’s identity from him and didn’t tell his entire family he was alive, but someone in law enforcement must have thought they had a case. He says, why bother? He knows Nina caused a lot of pain, but it’s not like she’s going to be a repeat offender. Question. Do they even have a case without Sonny’s cooperation? Carly says, you never know when it comes to Nina, and he says, we helped a lot of people when we were in Nixon Falls. He doesn’t think the cops are going to… She says, wait a second. We? and he says, there were a bunch of lowlifes putting the squeeze on Lenny and Phyllis. She says, he told her about that, but not that Nina was involved, and he says, Nina was in Nixon Falls most of the time he was. Carly says, it’s crazy. He had this whole other life there, not just tending bar, and he says he wasn’t the only one leading another life. She and Jason took over his business and dealt with Renault. She didn’t know what was going on with him; he didn’t know what was going on with her… She says, because of Nina. Nina helped his friends in Nixon Falls; great, whatever, but she’s still responsible for what she did to Sonny, and to her and their family. And if that’s not a crime, she doesn’t know what is.

Scotty says he doesn’t want rush Nina, but they have less than an hour. She says she knows, but it’s a lot to process. He says he’s going to make some phone calls, and asks Ava to talk Nina into the sense God gave a goose, to do the right thing. He leaves, and Nina says she appreciates Ava coming back after Spencer’s hearing to help her. Ava says, believe her; this is a lot more pleasant than that was. Plus, she wanted to clarify something. She knows Nina thought she had an agenda when she encouraged her not to give up on Sonny. Nina says, didn’t she? and Ava says, yeah, but she does really care about Nina, and wants what’s best for her. Please listen to Scotty. She knows he comes across as a clown sometimes, but that’s on purpose, so people don’t see what a shark he is, and he is a shark. And a shark is what Nina needs right now. Nina says she can’t argue with that, and Ava says she knew Sonny would be angry with Nina, but she never thought he’d stoop to this. Nina says she can’t believe it, and Ava says, she was counting on him to be more like Mike in Nixon Falls, huh? Nina says she was. If she and Sonny would just talk. They put their heads together to figure out how to help Phyllis, and it was a good talk. It was great or mind-blowing, but still, she thought she and Sonny could find a way to co-exist. Ava says, so why did he turn on Nina?

Jax asks, what makes Michael think Nina’s not paying for her misdeeds now? and Michael says, because she feels bad about it? Jax says, everyone knows what she did, keeping Sonny’s existence a secret. People are asking for her blood, and he’s sure more will pile on. And now of course (🍷) there’s Wiley. Michael says, what about him? and Jax says, he’s just a kid now, but eventually he’s going to know what his grandmother did to his grandfather. Michael says, Wiley has a right to know, and Jax says, no one understands that more than Nina. Michael says, if Nina is so committed to Wiley, why didn’t she bring his grandfather home to him? Why didn’t she come to them when she had the chance? Or any time in between the day when she found out his father was alive, and the day he came home to them?

Brook asks who Gladys is to criticize her or anyone as a parent? and Maxie tells Brook not to make a scene. Gladys says she stands by what she said, and Sasha says Gladys needs to back off, but Brook says she wants to hear this. Gladys says, then get ready for an earful, because Brook, just like the rest of her generation, wants it all. Brook asks what that has to do with her baby, and Gladys says, exactly. What Brook wants is all for her. Little Bailey can fend for herself. Now take Gladys and her son Brando… Sasha says, a word? Now? and gets up. They step over to the bar, and Gladys says, the truth hurts. Sasha says she needs to remember that Brook is her boss, and Gladys says, how can she forget? Okay, she didn’t go to secretarial school, and doesn’t know shorthand… Sasha says, who takes shorthand? Does it even exist anymore? Gladys says, she’s text savvy, so her phone makes up for that. She records everything, and later, writes it down on the computer, so she doesn’t lose anything. Sasha says, that’s actually not a bad idea, and Gladys says, of course (🍷) she adds emojis like rainbows and stars, so she remembers who said what to who. Maxie’s a unicorn, Brook is a bat, and Sasha… Well, Sasha gets the idea. Sasha tells her, try a little harder not to get on Brook’s bad side, and Gladys says, she has a good side? Sasha says she means it, and Gladys can start by not questioning Brook’s love for her baby. Gladys tells Sasha, if she says so, but if you ask her, little Bailey is going to need to see a therapist.

Anna says she owes Valentin an apology, and he says, what for? She says, she just left him at that tavern to sleep off the ouzo. He says, it wasn’t just ouzo, and she says she realizes that now. It was her first mistake, and he ended up in a prison with Drew and Obrecht. He says, on the bright side, he got to spend some quality time with his uncle, who, as it turns out, might be his father. She says she’d like to have seen Peter turn on Victor, and Valentin says, he’s in custody, but he’s unscathed. What’s the word on Drew? She says, nothing yet, and he says, if Drew hadn’t turned back on that bridge to cover him, he’d be dead now. He hates this. He hates this bed, and he hates this hospital. He hates not being able to protect his daughters, and hates not being able to go after Peter. She tells him, stop all this complaining about not being able to do stuff, and just be thankful he’s alive. When they were waiting for the medivac, she was checking his pulse, his breathing, and holding pressure on his wound, and to be honest, she thought he wasn’t going to make it. And when she thought he wasn’t going to make it, she realized she wouldn’t have the chance to say… He says, say what?

Britt looks behind the bar, and says, they really are out of everything. Is this a WSB operation or a frat party? Russell walks in, and tells her, don’t scream. She’s coming with him, She says, before either of them go anywhere, he’s going to want her to have a look at his wound. We see he’s bleeding profusely from his leg, and he says, he’s fine. Let’s go. She says, he doesn’t understand. She’s a doctor, and he’s bleeding out, so he can aim his gun someplace else… He tells her, shut up. There’s a ferry leaving soon, and they have to get out of here. She says, just curious. Did he take that bullet working for Peter August, and if so, was it worth it? and he asks why she cares. She says, because she’s doctor, he’s wounded. She gets a little louder, and says he can hold her hostage later. Right now, let her help him. He says she’s wasting her breath. They’re waiting for the ferry now. Move. Jason comes out, and grabs Russell from behind, taking the gun and knocking Russell down. Russell writhes in pain, and Britt tells Jason to get the first aid kit from behind the bar. Jason brings it to her, and she tears Russell’s pants so she can get at his wound. Jason asks where Obrecht and Peter are, and Britt says, he may have nicked an artery. If he bleeds out, they may never find her mother or Peter. The interrogation can wait. Right now, she needs Jason to help her keep him alive.  

Anna tells Valentin that she wouldn’t have the chance… She wouldn’t know what to say to Charlotte, or Bailey, one day when she’s old enough. He thanks her for thinking of his girls, and she sits on the bed.  She says, he has to rest now, and get ready for the plane to take him home. He asks her to give him the phone, so he can call Charlotte and Bailey, but she says, a phone call like that will be emotionally taxing, and his vitals aren’t all that strong. The doctor will have her head. He needs to keep his strength up. He says he loves his girls, and Anna is all the strength he’ll ever need. She takes his hand.

Maxie says, Gladys is such a pain, and Brook says Gladys drives her crazy. Maxie asks what Gladys was talking about, and Brook says, when she first met Gladys, she asked if Brook had kids, and it was when Bailey was first born. Her brain just sort of froze for a second, and now here they are all these months later. Maxie asks if Brook is worried about Gladys bringing it up again, and Brook says, what are the odds? Does that woman let anything go? Maxie says, when the subject of Bailey comes up, there’s one thing Brook needs to do; just be a mom. Brook says, it’s not like she doesn’t have practice, when Sasha and Gladys come back. Sasha asks if Gladys wants to say anything to Brook, and Gladys says, like what? Brook says, it’s fine, and thanks Gladys for her take. She’s given Brook a lot to think about. Gladys says, to be honest, Brook really shouldn’t have to think… Sasha suggests they get on with the meeting, when Brook’s phone rings. It’s Anna, and Brook asks where she is. Anna says she’s in Greece; she’s with Valentin. Brook says, Maxie is there, so she’ll put it on speaker. Valentin gets on the phone, and tells her to put Bailey on; tell her it’s daddy.

Ava tells Nina that she has years of experience with Sonny. If he’s decided to forego their detente and declare war – Nina says, it looks like he has – she needs to remember her secret weapon. She knows the truth about what happened between them in Nixon Falls. Nina says, nothing happened with her and Sonny in Nixon Falls, and Ava asks how she can say that. Nina says, she and Mike had feelings for each other, and that’s all that happened. Just a few dances and a few kisses. Ava says, Nina and Mike fell in love, and Sonny remembers that. Have it ready in case she needs it. Nina says she hears Ava, but what if they’re wrong? What if Sonny isn’t the one who called the cops? What if Carly already knows the truth, and had her arrested? Ava says, then she’s playing right into Nina’s hands. Because then Nina will turn on the waterworks, and appeal to that part of Sonny that’s connected to Mike, and fell in love with Nina, and she’s home free.

Jax says he’s not denying what Nina did, but it’s over. Sonny is home. Michael asks if he’s supposed to let it go. She stole nine months of his father’s life, and let his mother, his siblings, all of them, grieve for a man who wasn’t dead. How is he supposed to forgive that, and how can Jax ask him to? Jax says, he’s not asking, and Michael says, let’s keep it that way. Carly and Sonny come in. Carly asks Jax if he’s heard from Nina, and he asks, no: why? She says Nina has been arrested, and Jax phone rings. Carly says, it’s probably her now, but Jax says, it’s not Nina. He answers saying he’s kind of busy; what’s this about? Scotty says, Nina has been arrested and her extradition hearing is about to begin. Jax asks, where? and Scotty says, Pennsylvania. Where does he think? He knows Jax has a working and a personal relationship with Nina, and Jax confirms he does. Scotty suggests he come there as soon as he can. Nina needs all the friends she can get. Jax tells the others, it was Scotty. Apparently, Nina’s been arrested. She’s facing extradition charges in Pennsylvania. Carly says she wants to see that, and Michael says he does too. Sonny asks, why? and Michael says, because Nina has it coming. They all leave, but Sonny lingers a moment, then follows. 

Jason tells Britt, the ambulance is on the way, but once Russell is gone, they have no leads on her mother. She asks what Jason suggests, and Jason says, maybe she can get him to talk. She says, how? By appealing to his better angels? Jason says Britt is the one who patched him up, and Britt leans closer to Russell, saying, she’s looking for her mother, Liesl Obrecht. Britt thinks her mother was in the compound; she might be Peter’s prisoner. Does he know where she was taken? Russell says, keep him alive, and he’ll take her there. Britt says, take her where? and he says, Cassadine… Cassadine… Island.

Brook tells Valentin, Bailey’s not there; she’s in daycare. He says, she’s only one floor down from the office. Walk him down there. Brook says, she would, but they’re not in the office. She looks at Gladys, who says, how was she supposed to know? Brook says, she’ll definitely tell Bailey that daddy is thinking about her. He sounds strange; is he okay? He says he’ll be home soon. Tell Charlotte, je’teme. Anna takes the phone, and says, Sam and Dante are coming back to Port Charles, and they’ll explain everything then. Brook says, explain what? What’s wrong? Anna says, Valentin was injured, and he’s going to be airlifted back to GH. Brook says, what? and Anna asks if Brook could talk to Charlotte, and get her prepared. Brook says, of course (🍷). Just tell him, the girls love him and they’ll be waiting for him at home. Anna says, she’ll tell him, and Sasha says, about this meeting… Maxie suggests they pick it up tomorrow. She doesn’t think any of them can concentrate, knowing Valentin’s in the hospital. What does Brook say? Brook looks stunned, and Maxie asks if Sasha and Gladys can give them a minute. Sasha says, of course (🍷), but Gladys doesn’t budge, and Sasha says, Gladys? Gladys says she’s Brooks assistant; she should stay. Sasha just looks at her, and she says, fine, and follows Sasha out. Maxie asks if Brook is okay, but Brook says she doesn’t know. It’s not like she and Valentin are… She can’t help thinking how much Valentin loves his children. She dreads the day he finds out Bailey isn’t his daughter. We see Gladys’s phone on the table, and it’s still recording.

Ava says, whatever Nina decides, she’s in Nina’s corner, Nina says, she knows, and hugs Ava. She sees Jax come in, and Scotty asks if she’s made a decision. Michael, Sonny, and Carly walk in, apparently using the same Star Trek transporter as Jax. Carly smiles, and Sonny looks confused.

An officer asks if Jason and Britt knew the man, but Jason says, they just came in for a drink when the guy showed up. His friend is a doctor. Britt says, the man was bleeding heavily. Like she told the paramedics, he might have nicked an artery, but they have him stabilized, so he should be okay. The officer thanks them, and says, one more thing. They haven’t done anything wrong, but something tells him that they’re trouble. He suggests they take the next flight back to the US, and stay there. He leaves, and Britt says, so they call Anna, right?

Anna says, the phone call exhausted Valentin, and he says, if the worst should happen… She says, it won’t, and he says, if it does, he needs her to make sure Brook tells Bailey that daddy was thinking of her until the end. Anna says, he can tell her himself, when he’s home and holding Bailey in his arms. He says, so that’s it then? She’s going to let him live after all? She says, it seems rude not to. He’s survived far worse than to die from something as prosaic as an infection from a bullet wound. He asks if she isn’t too clever to appeal to something as prosaic as his vanity, and she says she does what she can. He’s going to be all right. He has to be, for Charlotte and Bailey. He says he thinks she left someone off the list.

Brook tells Maxie, the fact is, Valentin’s a wonderful father. He was all in the  moment he saw… their baby. Sasha and Gladys come back, and Sasha says, Gladys understands the meeting is tomorrow. Gladys says she found a bowling alley with the cutest little snack bar… She’s kidding. They’ll do it in the office, and she’ll prove to them just how invaluable she is. She picks up her stuff, puts her phone in her bag, and leaves.

Scotty tells Nina, just like that bloodthirsty bunch to show up for the kill. Ava says, how could Sonny do this to Nina? Did she do something wrong? Yeah, obviously she did, but to go this far? Carly says, Sonny didn’t have Nina arrested, although he had every right. Ava says, so Carly just wants the credit. Really? Michael says, it’s not Carly’s doing, or his father’s. If Nina needs someone to blame, she should blame herself. Nina says, it was him? and Michael says, facts are facts. The law was broken and justice needs to be served. Jax says, this isn’t justice; this is revenge. Michael says, that’s for the court to decide, and Scotty tells Nina, pay no attention to those hyenas. Let’s get you settled. Ava says, remember, Nina still has that ace up her sleeve. It’s there when Nina needs it, and so is she. The bailiff says, all rise. The honorable Judge Lowe is presiding, and he tells everyone, be seated. A motion has been filed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the extradition of Nina Reeves. Scotty gets up, and says his client waives her right at this hearing, and welcomes extradition to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Outside the restaurant, Sasha thanks Brook and Maxie for being so patient with Gladys. Brook says she wants hazard pay, and Sasha says she deserves it. She’s really hoping Gladys takes advantage of all the chances they’re giving her, learns from her mistakes, and ends up being a real asset to Deception. Brook rolls her eyes, and she and Maxie keep walking.

Gladys types from the recording on her phone. Brook says, she can’t help thinking about how much Valentin loves his children. She dreads the day Valentin finds out Bailey isn’t his daughter. Gladys stops what she’s doing, and looks at the phone.

Anna tells Valentin, the ambulance is going to take him to the airport. From there, he’ll get a plane that will take him to Port Charles, and a helicopter will take him to GH. It’s easy as 1-2-3. He says, let’s hope the surgery goes as simply, and she says, yeah. The orderly asks if he’s ready, and he says he is. He tells Anna, good luck looking for Peter. He’ll see her on the other side. She says, nice try. He’s not going anywhere without her. She takes his hand.

Jason tells Britt, he trusts Anna, but not looking for Peter. He doesn’t trust the WSB; they don’t care what happens to her mother. She says he’s right. To them, people like her mother are either assets or liabilities. She guesses the same could be said about Drew, and he says, the WSB’s priority is terminating Peter. Their priority is finding her mom. She says, then let’s go. Next stop, Cassadine Island.

They leave the tavern, and the bartender makes a call. He says, he thought Nikolas would want to know…   

Judge Lowe says that Nina is remanded to the custody of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, effective immediately. Court is adjourned. Scotty tells Nina, he’ll have her out on bail like that, and snaps his fingers. An officer asks Nina to stand, and puts handcuffs on her. She looks at everyone as she’s led out, and Ava looks at Sonny. 

Tomorrow, Esme asks if Spencer thinks he has a choice, Ned tells Austin that he came for an important reason, Elizabeth wishes she had better answers, and Michael asks if Sonny has a problem.    

Below Deck

Eddie tells us, Saint Kitts is wild, exotic, volcanic, and explosive. Being able to see the world and experience different cultures, that’s effing yachting.

Christophe Harbor Marina. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Eddie 3.0 is back. He’s still short and out of shape, but now he’s a first officer. God help him. He boards My Seanna, and he’s met by Captain Sean, who tells him that Captain Lee is going to be late, and he’ll be starting the charter. We see a clip of Eddie video chatting with Captain Lee, who says he had a medical issue, and he’s waiting for the doctors to release him. Captain Sean tells Eddie that there have been a lot of changes on the boat; they have new jet skis and a new rescue tender. Eddie says, the jet skis are sweet. We see a clip of Captain Sean on a jet ski, and in his interview, he says, he got his first license when he was 18, and was always a captain. He wasn’t always a good captain, but he’s had a lot of experience. He shows Eddie around the boat to see what’s new, and in his interview, Eddie says, he’s not sure what being a first officer entails, and it makes him a little nervous. Being with a captain he’s never worked for, adds extra anxiety and stress to an already stressful job.

Chief stew Heather is super stoked, and in her interview, she likens her personality to popping a bottle of champagne. She’s a beacon of light, but she doesn’t screw around. No job is too big or too small. She’s only 25, and climbed the ladder fast, but earned her position. She meets Eddie, who explains that Captain Lee will be coming later. Deckhand Rayna is new to the business, but was deckhand for a fishing charter in Alaska. When deckhand Jake arrives, in Rayna’s interview, she says she likes what she sees. Deckhand Wes rounds out the group, and in his interview, he says he was a sailboat captain, but needs more experience with charters. There are more options in yachting, as well as more money. Eddie introduces himself to the deckhands, and Heather and stew Jessica start doing laundry, which I thought was weird, since they just got there. How much dirty stuff could they have? Captain Sean tells the crew to come for a meeting in the sky lounge.

The captain tells them that he knows they expected Captain Lee. Captain Sean was the delivery captain, and had expected him too. In the meantime, they’re stuck with him. He’s not good at cracking the whip, but he’s excellent at swinging the ax. Don’t do stupid. He won’t yell, he’ll just fire you. In Eddie’s interview, he says, this is not a good sign. The captain says, don’t piss him off, because if he has to run shorthanded, he will. Don’t put him in that position where he has to do something they may regret. He’s not a sit around kind of guy. He looks for how to make things more efficient. Chef Rachel will be there soon, the first charter is at 3 tomorrow, and provisions are coming in shortly. Heather meets with stews Jessica and Fraser, who genuinely likes to make things perfect. Jessica says she loves doing laundry, and in her interview, she says, she’d been helping to care for her elderly grandparents, decided on going to cosmetology school, and came back to yachting because it was easy money. She put herself through school, and needs some. Heather names Fraser second stew because he’s had more experience on bigger yachts. She assigns Jessica to the laundry, and in Heather’s interview, she says, the stars have aligned. They check out the rooms see what they’re working with. Eddie shows the deckhands around, and they get to work. Provisions come in.

Rachel arrives, and Eddie tells the deckhands, she’s damn talented, but batsh*t crazy. We flash back to Rachel saying, eat my cooter, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, it makes him nervous. In Rachel’s interview, she says, once again, she’s late. Captain Sean says she looks too glamorous to be a chef, since apparently he’s never seen Padma Lakshmi. In her interview, she says, having a new captain has blown her mind. She tells Heather, last year, the pantry was a nightmare, and asks her to set it up asap. The captain calls Eddie, Heather, and Rachel for a preference sheet meeting. The primary is Nikki Foster, who’s in broadcasting, and bringing along a crew of her girlfriends from college. They want high end batik outfits and local delicacies the first night, and a high end Pajama party, with a Jenga game that has questions and dares on the blocks. The second day, they’d like a beach day, and for the captain to join them for a dinner. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s nervous. A group of girls can get crazy. She remembers frantically looking for her dignity after a night in San Francisco. She says she’s looking to Fraser to handle housekeeping, and for Jessica to be queen of the laundry.

The crew gets ready for the guests, doing last minute touches. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Captain Sean has good intentions, and he respects that, but at the same time, the captain is crazy. Alarms are ringing. The captain gets all Martha Stewart about the pillows. The guests arrive, and are met with champagne and warm towels, and they talk excitedly about the trip. In Rayna’s interview, she says, sounds lit; lit like Bic. Captain Sean tells them, if they need anything, let any of them know, and they’ll do their best to take care of it. He asks if they’re ready to have fun, and gets an enthusiastic response. Heather shows them around, and says they’ll get hors d’oeuvres set up. Drinks are poured, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, come back to me, Captain Lee. The guests take photos. In Captain Sean’s interview, he says, the marina is unforgiving. On either side are volcanic rocks, the water is shallow, and the wind whips through at 25 knots. He’s done it before, so he knows he can do it again; he’s confident. He tells Eddie, nice job on deck, and they all still have their limbs. Guest Kelle asks for a chocolate martini, and in Fraser’s interview, he says he has no idea how to make a chocolate martini. The last boat he was on, he was head of housekeeping. After tasting the drink, Kelle says, Fraser is her guy. Eddie instructs deckhands, and they go into Whitehouse Bay. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s not a fan of telling someone something more than once. You have to be willing to do what you’re asked. That’s how she climbed the ladder as fast as she did.

In Rachel’s interview, she says she never knew how Eddie actually felt about her last season until she saw the show. We flash back to Eddie saying Rachel is a monster when she drinks, which isn’t entirely untrue, and she says, does she trust him not to do it again behind her back? No, she doesn’t. Fraser pops some champagne, further endearing himself to the guests. Heather talks with Rachel about the seafood extravaganza that’s happening for dinner. Heather says she gets the vibe the guests want it served as opposed to buffet style, and they settle on putting the food on platters, and the platters on the table. In Heather’s interview, she says, there’s so much going on, she doesn’t feel fully prepared. She’s dealing with a Caribbean themed dinner, a pajama party, and a new crew. She’s waiting for the nail to drop.  Heather says, they’ll have to do service, while still managing turndowns. The stews put on Caribbean garb, and the seafood extravaganza is served. Nikki says she’s in seafood heaven. Heather tells Rachel that the guests are thrilled. Jessica feels like she’s ironing the same thing over and over, and Fraser says he’s running on nothing. In his interview, he says he was told the first rule of yachting is, there needs to be a plan, but there’s no plan. Right now they look like headless chickens. Heather needs rules or it’s going to end in tears.

The deckhands blow up balloons. Fraser asks Rachel if it’s still day one, and she laughs. Eddie and Heather make up the Jenga game, and Heather invites the guests to the sky lounge for the pajama party. Rayna helps Fraser with the dishes, and Heather asks Jessica to be on the floor at  6:30. The Jenga finally falls, and the guests go to bed at 11:30, which is great for the crew. Luxuriously early, as a matter-of-fact. Fraser cleans up the mess.

Second Day of Charter. Captain Sean asks how Rachel looks so glamorous so early in the morning. Rachel is making crab and regular eggs benedict, which we all know is my favorite breakfast food in the world. One guest wants the crab, but no eggs or benedict. Eddie talks to Jake about the beach stuff, and Nikki requests Heather come to her cabin. Heather asks how it’s going, and Nikki says, not so well. There’s still a trash bag on the chaise from yesterday. We flash back to Fraser leaving it there. In Heather’s interview, she says, it’s such a rookie mistake. It’s completely unacceptable. There’s no room for it in yachting. She asks him to tidy the master (a term I thought we weren’t using anymore) to his best standard. For the rest of the trip she’d like excess attention paid to it. He’ll have to pull head of housekeeping out of his butt. As he walks away, he mumbles that he’s confused, being told housekeeping, and then being put on service. Captain Sean finds something out of place, and says he’s going to kill someone. Fraser asks Heather to meet him in the master, and asks if there was anything in particular the guest pointed out, but she says, just that the trash thing was still there. He says he doesn’t want to let her down, but needs time to focus. Doing both is hard, because he can’t pick up the slack if there is any. In her interview, Heather says, he doesn’t realize there’s a bigger picture. He needs to trust her leadership. There’s no room in yachting for mistakes.

The captain says he wants to ferry the beach stuff back and forth. He’s taking Jake, and Wes can stay on board. He gets fussy over the outdoor furniture arrangement at the beach, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, Captain Sean’s methods are irregular. He’s trying to do his job, but he’s not getting chance. The captain keeps radioing Eddie for different stuff. Rachel tells Heather that working with her is like night and day from the last season. She’s excited. Captain Sean wants another canopy tent, and a guest asks if they shouldn’t be on the beach already. The captain calls Eddie, who says, the guests are getting restless. Another guest wonders, where is the fun? Eddie tells the captain they’re kind of behind, and Captain Sean says it will just be a half hour. Eddie hauls cushions to the tender, and in his interview, he says, Captain Lee better be here soon. He can’t do an entire season where he’s doing everything. It’s a sh*t show. We hear Captain Sean on the radio, saying, Eddie, Eddie…

This season, Captain Lee says he might be late, but he’s definitely back; a tropical jungle paradise, Hamilton, 80s neon, a fender gets loose, Jake says Rayna is the hottest bird on the boat, Eddie says crew romances can burn a boat to the waterline, Heather wants the high school drama to stop, Fraser says it feels like a volcano is about to erupt, and Captain Lee tells someone to pack their bags.

👰🏻 They Do…

Very cool wedding clothes. It sounds like a fun party.

🐶 The Best Surprise…

It’s a Pug!

🍂 Let’s play a drinking game. Have a shot whenever you hear, see or smell pumpkin spice. Oh, you’re drunk already?

💤 Time To Crash…

Same bat time, same bat channel tomorrow for soap and some Rules. Until then, stay safe, stay venturing outside your comfort zone, and stay not confusing revenge with justice. Don’t be a hyena.

October 24, 2021 – Grace Gets An Offer From Victor, Percy Tries To Kill Huck, Head In a Box, What Teddy Did, Easter Eggs, Credits & Well


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

Morgan runs with a Baby Moe, and tells Grace, go. In the submarine, Moe is crying, and Morgan turns on the light. He gets up, goes to the Moe, and picks her up. Grace comes in, and he says he thinks the baby is hungry.

We see The end is the beginning scratched in the side of the sub. Grace comes out in a mask and protective gear. She walks into the red dust, as a zombie claws at the ground. She keeps walking and goes into a store that rats are now populating. She calls out, asking if anyone is there, and sees blood on the wall; it’s still wet. She asks again if anyone is there. The stores shelves have almost nothing on them, but she finds a can of baby formula. She’s about to use her Geiger counter on it, when she hears someone coming. She gets on a shelf, but the shelf above it falls, making a lot of racket. Someone comes in with a flashlight, and says, over here. Grace uses the rogue shelf to hide herself, and kicks out a rat. A woman squeals, and a guy says, rats. Grace watches as much as she can. When it seems they’re gone, she slips out of the shelf, and uses counter on the food. It goes crazy, and she says, dammit. She throws the can, and says she’s right here. She goes outside and yells, asking if anyone can hear her. She screams that they can take everything from Her. She screams and cries in frustration, and says she doesn’t want to be there anymore. She passes the clawing zombie who reaches for her as she goes past.

When Grace gets back to the sub, Morgan looks like has headache. He says, his turn to go out. Maybe he’ll have better luck. She tells him, she’ll go again, but he says, there’s a reason why they limit exposure time. She was exposed before the fallout, and the weather patterns have changed the readings. She’d said six hours was the longest either of them could be out. It’s his turn. He’ll be back when the clock hits zero. He leaves, and she walks with Moe, who continues to cry. She watches the clock, and says, just for a minute. She puts the swaddled baby in a bed, and says she knows. It’s not fair. Moe didn’t ask to be there, and neither did she. She knows what Morgan said, but she can’t sing to the baby. She runs out, and gets a tape player, putting some music on, and the baby quiets down. I think, why didn’t she try this two hours ago?

Grace is sleeping. The clock says zero, and Morgan turns it off. He tells her, it’s okay; it’s just him. She says, he was right. Moe likes music. Did he find anything? He says, no, but to be honest, he didn’t look. He was working on something else. She asks, what? They go outside, Grace carrying Moe, and there’s a car, a luggage rack on top loaded with stuff. He says, it’s their way out of here. It’s safe. He made sure they’re protected from radiation. He puts Moe in the hatchback, and he says, the air in there is as clean as it is in the submarine. They should get in. Inside, he shows Grace a map, and points out how the warheads spread out. He says they can make it out, but she says, they don’t know what it’s like out there. Why is he doing this? He asks if it’s not what she wanted, and she says, it’s no place for a baby. He says they should go. They can build something someplace else that will actually last. She says he’s doing this for her? He says, and Moe. She can even pick the music. He hands her a cassette, and says, it’s a road trip, and it will keep Moe asleep. She puts in the tape, and they pull out.

Morgan drives, and Grace looks out the window. She says, the bombs detonated from the ground. Just because they can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Morgan wonders if they’re headed in the right direction; that’s what matters. She says, she’s trying to tell him that he doesn’t know that, and he says, after everything they’ve been through, they deserve a break. The Geiger counter goes off, and he asks if she’s okay. Is she sure it’s the right road? She says, yeah.   

They drive through a messed up town, and Morgan says, things are gonna get worse before they get better. Grace wonders what happens when they get to where they get. She fiddles with the tape, not wanting to hear the song, and Baby Moe starts to cry. Grace gets upset, and Morgan swerves to avoid a truck, and they run off the road. Moe cries, the song keeps playing, and Grace tells him, make it stop. They get out, and Morgan looks at the back tire. He says, it’s flat; they can’t drive on it. He thought he saw a body shop, and asks her how much time they can spare. She says, thirty minutes, and he says, they’ve got to move. She walks off, and he asks what she’s doing. She takes off her mask, and says, the car will be lighter. He’ll get further, and the rations will last longer. He tells her to put her mask back on. There’s no time to argue. He says, he needs her, but she says, that’s not true. He’s been doing the heavy lifting on his own already. He says, she’ll die, and she says she knows; she’s okay with that. They didn’t want any of this, and she knew what it was going be like; how hard it would be. It will take longer and be more painful with the three of them. He says, they have to take care of Moe, but she says, he decided that, and she says, she doesn’t have to. She’s sorry, but she can’t. She doesn’t have it in her. They hear a gun cock, and a man says, sorry to interrupt their argument, but he doesn’t have time for this sh*t. A fire has started near the car, and a bunch of people come out. Morgan tells them to stay away from the baby. Take the car, but their little baby Moe is inside. They just want to take her someplace safe. A woman says, her name isn’t Moe, it’s Emma, and the man says she’s not their baby. The baby is his and the woman’s. The woman looks in the car.   

Moe cries, and the woman insists Moe is her baby. Grace looks at the clock, and whispers to Morgan. Morgan asks about their bandages; were they close to the blast? It doesn’t matter whose kid Moe is; they have to protect her. He’s hearing the clicking from the counter, and it wasn’t as fast before they showed up. They guy tells him, if he wants to help, just fix the damn tire, and Morgan tells Grace that he’ll get them out. He’s worried about Moe being exposed, Grace says she’s more worried about the time running out. Moe can survive this, but she can’t survive that. He says, they’ll get what they need out of car, and move; it won’t take long. Grace tells him that she won’t give up now, not when she knows he and Moe could end up dead too. She’s still here, and with the one she wants to be with. Morgan says he’s never apologizing again for giving her and the baby another day, and she says, they won’t be the same family with Moe, but he says they’ll be something different. Zombies scrabble at the garage door, and the man says, the baby has to keep quiet. Morgan says he’s going as fast as he can, and the man tells the woman to shut Moe up. She says she’s trying, and the man says, remember what happened last time. Morgan tells Grace to get the tape. The man goes over to the door, and Morgan asks, what happened to the zombies? The man says, they fell in the crater, and the woman says, be careful. They fall apart, and you don’t want them falling apart near you. Grace gives the woman the tape, and Moe settles down as soon as the music plays. Morgan doesn’t think the door is going to hold, but the man says, it will as long as more don’t show up. Grace says she helped the woman, didn’t she? What’s her name? The woman says, her name is Bee. Grace introduces herself and Morgan, and Bee says her husband is Fred. Fred says, it’s not a potluck in the church basement, and Grace asks if they lived there. Bee says, across the street, and Grace asks about the others. Bee says, they were people who lived in the buildings in town, and the man tells Bee to wrap it up. The others aren’t known for their patience, and Bee says they have to leave. It’s not safe here. Grace says, they weren’t lying when they said they know what’s best for Moe. They can all fit in the car, and leave together. Morgan says, he knows a safe path, and Bee says, they know about Padre? Grace asks, what’s that? and Fred tells Bee, be quiet. Morgan says his daughter might be out there, and need help. The car is ready to go. The man throws a duffel bag in the car, and tells Morgan and Grace, against the wall. He’ll never forget how they helped his family. Morgan says, at least let them get their stuff, and as Fred reaches into the car, Morgan grabs the gun, and shoots Fred. Fred and Bee take off in the car, driving right through the garage door. Grace wants to get Moe someplace safe, but Morgan says, it’s not about Moe, it’s about Grace, because she’s scared. He shoots the car window out, and Grace says, she lost child too, and he says that’s why he has to do this. He shoots again, and the car stops. He opens door and drags Fred out, tossing him aside. Bee jumps on Morgan’s back, while Grace takes out Moe, and runs back with her. Morgan throws Bee to the ground, and sees she has a messed up face. She says she’s not one of them yet, and he says he’s going to keep it that way, and drags her back up.

Morgan boards the door as best he can, and asks where Bee and Fred were when the blast happened. She says, a few miles away, and he asks if that’s how they got the burns. She says, no. When the bombs went off they were under cover; they got this later. She knows there’s not much time. Morgan says Moe isn’t her child, and Bee says she’s not his either. He says, not by blood, but he promised her father that he’d take her to a better world; at least someplace where that’s possible. Bee asks where they’re taking her, and Morgan says, outside the fallout. Fred says, after the bombs went off, a storm pushed it toward Louisiana. They scrounged enough gas to make the trip. At least they thought it would be enough. Bee tells them, keep driving that way, and  they’ll end up like her and Fred. Morgan asks where they were trying to take Moe just now. Fred says he’ll show Morgan, and points on map. He says, they know it’s safe. They know it’s better than here from the people on the radio. Morgan asks if Fred is sure where it is. Fred hesitates, and Morgan says, if Fred doesn’t tell him, he can’t help. Fred says he knows where it’s not, and there’s only one direction left. Grace says he’ll get himself killed that way, and he says, it’s too late for that, and she says, he’ll get Bee killed. She and Morgan have a place. It’s not much, but they’re protected. They left because they didn’t have enough food. If Fred and Bee come back with them, and bring their supplies, they can buy time. They hear a gunshot or an explosion or something, and Grace says, they can’t stay here much longer. Morgan says, he’ll get back to the car, fix the tire, and they can get back on the road. Moe starts crying, and Fred says she’s going to draw attention. Grace says, they need to get in the car now. They open the door and punch out some zombies and shoot others.  

Back in at the car, Morgan asks how they’re doing, and Grace says, they need to go back. It’s the only way make sure Moe stays safe.  Morgan asks, what is Padre? and Grace says, he told her that she was scared , he was right. She is, but she’s not the only one. He says he’s doing the only thing he can, and she says, that’s because he’s scared too. What he wants might not be possible. He says it’s close to what he once had. It’s not even much. He just wants to be sitting at the table with the woman he loves, sharing a meal, angry at their kid because he’s reading comic books and not talking to them. She says, she’s telling him, that might not be possible, and he says he doesn’t know what she wants him to do. She thinks they need to go back, and they hear something. Headlights come toward them, and Bee asks, who the hell is that? Morgan says, let’s not find out right now, and a spotlight shines on them.

Morgan tells everyone, take cover, and they get in the car. Grace goes back to the garage with Fred, and tells him to get in the back, and keep Moe quiet. Someone gets out of the mystery car, and stands in front of it. Morgan gets ready to shoot, while Bee cowers in the front seat. Morgan says, take another step, and he’ll shoot, but they keep walking. He shoots, and they keep coming, so he shoots again twice, and they fall. In the garage, Grace tries to keep the zombies from getting through where the glass is missing, and Fred paces as Moe cries. Bee says they have to get back to Emma, and Morgan asks if she hears something. He looks in the back, and sees the duffel bag move. He asks what really happened her baby. In the garage, Fred is getting frustrated, and Bee yells, no, no, no! Morgan shoots the bag, and says he’s sorry. She was already gone. Bee says, she wasn’t gone, and Morgan tells her that she has to admit it. That’s how you start saying goodbye, and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over. Bee says, Emma wasn’t doing well. She’s a baby, and woudn’t stop crying. Inside, Moe cries, and Morgan asks what Bee is saying. Bee says she didn’t want to see Emma suffer. Morgan calls to Grace, then yells into a tin can being used to communicate. He asks if she can hear him. She responds, and in the back, Fred tells Moe, it will be better this way. He moves to smother the baby, and Grace shoots him in the back. Grace paces with crying Moe, as the zombies stick their hands through the boards, and one pokes its head in. Grace remembers Athena, and rocks Moe, singing to her. Moe gets quiet. Grace hears a car horn, and looks out. Morgan drives into the building, and smiles, but behind him, there are headlights down the road.   

Morgan says, it doesn’t feel right, leaving Bee behind, and Grace says, she gets it. Bee wants to spend the time she has left with her husband and child. Morgan says he’s sorry, and she tells him that he doesn’t have to say it. He saved her chasing after what had should have listened wanted to give Grace and Moe what he had. She says he didn’t fail Moe or her, and he says she’d still rather die than live with him, and she says, not because of anything he did. He says, maybe they’re trying too hard. They’re trying hard to fix themselves, when it might be all right to be just a little bit broken. They’re not replacing Athena. He says she knows he’s right, and she puts her head on his shoulder. She says she knows, and he drives into the darkness.

Grace and Morgan got back to the sub, but just as they’re about to settle back in with Moe, they’re confronted with men in masks and protective gear, brandishing guns. Morgan says he doesn’t want any trouble, and the head guy removes his mask, and says, that makes two of us. Morgan says, it’s their sub, and the man says, the last time he checked, the USS Pennsylvania belonged to the Pacific Fleet. Morgan asks if they’ve been following him and Grace; were they the ones who came at them on the road. The man says he told Morgan that he doesn’t want trouble, and that sounds like trouble. Morgan says, they just thought they’d steal from them, and the man says, Morgan Jones? Morgan asks how the man knows his name, and the man says, Victor told them all about him. Morgan says, Victor’s alive? and the man says, very much so. And here they thought this scout was going to be a bust. He says, she must be Grace. Victor told them all about her too. How would she like to secure herself a place in the tower? Morgan says, the tower? and the man says, sorry. Morgan didn’t make cut. It’s safe, Victor has built an ark to carry them into the future. Morgan says, it’s actually safe? and the man says, Victor is doing what Morgan couldn’t do. They have food, water, and security. What does she say? They could use someone with her expertise. She says she knows what Victor did to Morgan. She’s not interested in what he has to offer. Morgan says she should think about it, but she says, it’s what she wants. The man says Victor is going to be disappointed, and tells his crew, let’s go. Morgan says, wait, and the man says, he already told Morgan that he’s not welcome, but Morgan says, what about the baby? The man says, Morgan would give her up? and Morgan says, she could use a good home. If Victor is building a place for the future, he’s going to need people to live in it. Grace says, Moe wouldn’t have what they can give her, and the man says, she’d have better. It’s the only chance for Grace and the baby. Grace says she’s staying there, and the man says, suit yourself.

The men leave, and Morgan asks if they raided the pantry, but Grace says, there was nothing left to take. She wonders if those guys didn’t run them off the road, who came after them? He says he’s not sure, but they have more immediate problems. Moe’s going to be hungry again soon. Moe crawls across the floor, and Grace gets excited, saying, she’s crawling. Morgan says, they’re going to have to baby proof a whole submarine, and she says, great job, Moe. She notices something with the flooring, and pulls up a corner. She tells him, look. There’s something under here. They find a trap door where tons of cans are stored. She says, it’s enough for months. Morgan laughs and says, powdered milk.

A dog eats out of can by a campfire. A guy sits down with a box in front of him that says Morgan Jones on it. He opens it, and takes out a zombie head. He tells the head, sorry. Mr. Jones got the best of him today, but there’s always tomorrow. The head gnashes its teeth.    

Next time, Day 69, June doesn’t know how dangerous it is, and Morgan says he’s coming for Victor.

The Walking Dead: The World Beyond

Huck flashed back to washing up on a dock in Omaha with a broken arm.

Iris and Hope were all happy to see each other. Felix and Will were headed back to town, when they saw Huck and Hope. Felix told Will to stay out of sight while he went back. He gave Hope a hug, and Huck said it was just like old times. Elton was hiding on the back porch, and Asha asked him why he wasn’t out there with his friends, but he said he didn’t know. Indira asked if Huck’s mother knew she was there, and Huck said, she doesn’t and she won’t. Indira reminded Huck that the Perimeter had not seen bloodshed since its founding, and she’d like to keep it that way. Felix asked what she wanted, calling Huck Jennifer, and Hope said they wanted Felix and Iris to come back with them

Silas and co-workers Webb, Tiga, and Grady, went zombie hunting to very loud, but not awful music. Dennis barked orders at them, and Silas noticed a CRM plane overhead. Dennis took this for daydreaming, and told Silas, cut the music and get ready to clean up, unless he wanted to end up at the wrong end of a kill stick. He said Silas was coming with him when he was done.

Iris asked Hope, what about being together, and being kept safe? Hope said their dad was safe, but he was worried, and it could get him hurt or worse. Felix said Huck’s mom had just been there with soldiers. He knew something was up, and wanted to know why Huck was there. He thought she wanted to use Hope to lure them out. Asha asked if Elton was okay, and he said he was afraid Hope sensed he was there. He jetted into the woods, remembering Hope saying she’d killed his mom.

Dennis stitched up a wound on Silas’s palm, and Silas talked about how his dad had been into music. Dennis asked how it happened, and Silas flashed back to helping Elton escape, while he turned himself in. He asked if music ever brought living people there. So I guess Dennis is a good guy? As good as he can be in the situation anyway.   

Huck said Felix would be safe. They just had to pretend they didn’t know she was with the CRM. It was just one lie. Iris said, what about their mom? and asked if that was one lie. Hope says she was going to tell them, and Huck said their mom had been lost with the Campus Colony. Iris said she believed the CRM was behind what happened at the Campus Colony, and Huck said, they were all about bringing the world back. Why would they do that? Iris said she couldn’t prove it, but there was no way in hell she and Felix were going. Hope said it wasn’t about her, but about her dad, and Iris said they’d be idiots to go back without a way out. Felix agreed, and Huck told them Silas was alive, and she’d made sure he was taken care of. They could come and see him. Hope said this was the first she was hearing about Silas, and Iris asked to speak with Hope alone. 

Elton snuck around, finding a bunch of medical supplies in a shed, and Asha startled him. He asked what the place had been, and Asha said it was an old hunting blind. Forget he saw it. He asked if there was a side deal going on there.

Silas’s co-workers saw him outside the Perimeter, and accused him of trying to bail on them.

Hope told Iris that she was starting to understand why their dad was into his research. She also told Iris that their dad had a girlfriend. She mentioned Mason, and Iris said it sounded like Hope was meeting guys. Hope said, if they went to the facility, they could think things through and plan, but Iris said they’d be prisoners. Hope said they were all they had, but Iris said she couldn’t. Hope said Iris could, but she wouldn’t.   

Huck was going for a walk, and Felix followed her. They had some words, and Huck walked away. We heard a zombie, and Felix came up behind Huck and cracked her over the head, which surprised me as much as it surprised her. While she was down on the ground, he grabbed the zombie and held it about six inches from her face, and said he would come looking for her and find her. He wasn’t killing her now, but he wanted her to know what it was going to feel like when he did. He tossed the zombie aside like an old shoe, then smashed its head in. He told Huck to enjoy her walk.

Silas’s co-workers took him to a warehouse, decorated like one part Hot Topic and one part Studio 54. They gave Silas a bat, told him to swing at anything that moves, and disappeared. A bunch of zombies came at Silas, but he held his own, picking them off one by one. Then a new batch replaced them, and Larry, Curly, and Moe Webb, Tiga, and Grady came out too. They told Silas that he’d almost broken the record. It was dine and dash; you dash or they dine. They were ready to jump in, but Silas had handled it. If he had their backs, they could have his. Silas thew the bat down, and walked out.   

Will told Felix that Percy was alive, and after Huck. Felix said he could get them all killed if he was caught, and they went after Percy.   

Dennis explained to Silas that it wasn’t the end. It was them saving themselves from the end. They had to accept basic training, and he needed Silas to step up. Silas said he was looking for his friends. They’d gotten split up, and someone in their group was a killer. The others might not know. Dennis said, maybe his friends could handle it, but Silas said Dennis didn’t know Huck (he does know Huck, but as Jennifer). Dennis said Silas wasn’t allowed to be afraid of someone whose name was Huck. His friends might be stronger than he thinks. Running away was giving up. Dennis told Silas to get some sleep, and gave him some booze to clean his hand <wink-wink>.

Percy aimed at Huck in the woods, but Will provided distraction, popping out when she’d thought he was dead. Elsewhere in the woods, Asha talked to Elton, explaining that she was on dialysis, and that’s what the medical supplies were about. She talked about what happens after death, and returning to the earth, but Elton said, just because our matter lived on, didn’t mean our consciousness did. She said she had faith that it did, and he said he thought she was brave.

Felix joined Huck and Will, and Will said he knew the truth about Omaha, and the CRM was trying to kill him. Huck said they’d keep Will safe, but he called bullsh*t, saying, if they destroyed Omaha, they’d do anything. Felix said Huck’s mother was lying to her. She’d spent her life lying to everyone else. Why would Huck think Elizabeth wouldn’t lie to her? Huck said they had her word that she wouldn’t tell, and like it or not, she was the closest thing to a friend Felix had in the CRM.

Everyone said goodbye, and Hope said that Iris should have told her; it would have changed everything. Iris said she’d wanted to, but didn’t know why she didn’t. She promised to get Hope and their father out of the facility, and wanted Hope to tell their father not to worry. Elton saw that Hope was leaving, but wisely didn’t make himself known.

Felix read Percy the riot act, and Will said he was just going on what Felix had said. Felix said they couldn’t stay there; it wasn’t safe, but Will said, if Huck told the CRM where they were, she risked exposing herself. Felix said he wasn’t losing Will again, and Will said they’d find a way out. Will wondered about Silas, and Felix said Huck claimed he was at an outpost. Will said, if Silas was where Huck said he was, he might know a way to get everyone out.

Percy woke Iris, and told her that he’d never wanted something so bad. She said he wanted justice, and she’d thought her sister was like that too. They kissed, which we all knew was coming.

On TV, we saw Elizabeth honor the fallen city of Omaha, saying the tragedy that befell it’s citizens was an immeasurable loss. It reminds them of how precious life is. She felt the loss personally and deeply, and now was not the time for doubt, and to question their resolve. Indira said they could lose everything if Elizabeth found out that she was the one who was sick, but Asha said she wouldn’t. Elizabeth said, now, more than ever, they had to stand strong and united. The tragedies would serve as a carrier call for the military to stand more firmly, and fight for the survival of humankind, and for the souls they’d lost. She told their allies in Portland to stay strong and vigilant, and in ending, said, God bless us all.

Apparently, Will and Iris had planted a seed of doubt in Huck’s mind, because she asked Elizabeth, how many survived at the Campus Colony? Elizabeth had said they were airlifted out. Elizabeth said it was confidential information. Huck had just gotten back what she’d lost after her horrendous error in judgement, and Elizabeth said she’d hate for someone to think she hadn’t learned her lesson. Huck remembers giving herself a scar, and having her arm broken before going undercover.

Next time, Iris and Felix take to the road together, and Leo isn’t taking no for an answer.

🤹🏽 Running the Show…

The mystery man at the end of FTWD explained.

🔥 Teddy’s Impact…

Trickle down madness.

🎸 Wait, What…?

I love nerdy stuff. I never would have noticed this.

⚰️ Nerd Extras…

More details you never knew you needed to know.

🧗‍♀️ Starting Again…

Monday’s back. See you on Deck tomorrow, and until then, stay safe, stay not letting the parade pass you by, and stay knowing things might get worse before they get better.

October 22, 2021 – Spencer Makes His Plea, Open Book, Mystery Man, Leading Ladies, Sonjarita, Engaged, Salt Lake Report, No Ring, Coming Soon, Read All About It, Quote x 10 & Ballad


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Ava says she and Sonny have settled everything with Avery for now, so what business do they have? He says, they’re on the same page when it comes to their daughter, and she says, what then? He says he has a proposition for her.

Sheridan says he appreciates the support of Michael’s family with the campaign, and Michael says he thinks Sheridan has done a terrific job as the DA of Lantano County. He’s proven to be relentless in his pursuit of justice, and Michael thinks the right case could catapult him to the state’s Attorney General’s office. Sheridan says, it’s an unusual case; the kind that generates headlines, and defines careers. He’ll let Michael know as soon as it’s in motion. They shake hands, and Willow walks in.

At the courthouse, Nikolas asks Doc if he happened to see Ava on his way in, but he says he didn’t. He did talk to Nikolas’s mother about Spencer’s hearing, and Nikolas asks if she’s on her way home. Doc says, unfortunately, she can’t get away just yet, but she was clear how she feels about what should happen today.

Diaz says they’re about to get started, and she needs to know Spencer’s plea. Josslyn and Cameron walk in, and Esme says, come on, Spence. They’ve been over this. Spencer says he wants to make sure he’s dealing with the right information here. If he pleads guilty, or no contest, the judge will ask if anyone is forcing him to make the plea, correct? Diaz says, strictly pro forma. They want to make sure he understands the situation. She’s sorry, but she has dozens of other cases to handle today, so what’s his plea? Josslyn tells Spencer to wait a minute before he answers that. Is he sure someone isn’t pressuring him to do the wrong thing?

Robert walks into an interrogation room where Victor is waiting, and says, so, we meet again. Victor tells Robert that he has nothing to say to him, and Robert says he’ll do him one better. He’s sick of being lied to, so everything that comes out of Victor’s mouth better be gospel. Victor says, or else? and Robert says, or else Victor Cassadine is going to be put to rest in an unmarked grave. And he’s going to do it personally.

Anna sits by Valentin’s bed, when a doctor comes in. Anna thinks he looks better than he did a few hours ago; he has more color in his face. Can the doctor give her any good news? The doctor wishes she could.

Sam tells Dante, the island’s not that big; Peter couldn’t have gone far. He says, especially with two hostages, and she says, no sign of Drew or Obrecht? What are they supposed to tell everyone back in Port Charles who’s waiting for news? Britt and Jason walk in, and Jason thanks Sam for telling him where to meet them. Britt says, Anna was right about this place; it’s really isolated. When they got on the plane last night, Anna still didn’t know where her mother was. Any word? Dante is afraid not. He says they were with the local police most of the night, trying to figure out a trail where Peter might have gone, but they have nothing. Sam says, they did see the cell where Britt’s mother was being held. Dante says, there was a syringe in the cell. It was empty, but it had traces of flunitrazepam. Britt says, that’s a sedative. It results in muscle weakness, lethargy, confusion. Basically, there’s a chance her mother was roofied. Jason says, that’s the best possible news she can get. Wow. This tavern has gotten more business in a week than they’ve probably had in the last five years altogether.

Victor tells Robert, he’ll cooperate, but first, he needs to know how Valentin is. Robert says, Valentin’s alive, last he heard, and Victor says, and Liesl? Robert says, come on. Victor doesn’t care about anyone but himself; they all know that. This love of the common man, where did it come from? When it was nipping at his butt as he was running away? He will say Victor’s been a busy boy. He got more done in death than the average person achieves in a lifetime. Sanctuary for Peter August, unlawful detainment of Drew Cain and Liesl Obrecht, and that poor little nurse who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And last, but not least, the abduction of Valentin Cassadine. And all of this, after he blew up Creighton-Clark. Viccy, come on. Explain yourself. Victor says, when Robert lays it all out like that, he has to say he’s very impressed. How on earth did he mange to do all that?

Anna says, what does the doctor mean, she can’t give her any good news? He has two young daughters waiting for him back in the states. The doctor says, the surgery didn’t go as well as they’d hoped. The bullet fragmented, and they weren’t able to remove all the debris. Anna says she’s heard of bullet fragments being left in the body before, and they’re fine as long as they don’t migrate or infringe on a nerve. She’s sorry; her daughter’s a doctor. She guesses the doctor is concerned about infection, and the doctor says she recommends Valentin undergo exploratory surgery in the US. Their facilities aren’t equipped to handle surgeries that delicate. Anna thanks her, and she leaves. Anna tells Valentin that he may have been born there in Greece, but she’ll be damned if she’ll let him die there.

Willow says she hopes she’s not interrupting, and Michael says he didn’t expect her back so soon. He must have lost track of time. He introduces Richard Sheridan, the DA of Lantano County, and tells Sheridan that Willow is his son’s mother. Willow shakes Sheridan’s hand, and says, Lantano County. In Pennsylvania? Sheridan says, that’s right, and she asks, what brings him all this way? He says he’s gearing up to run for state Attorney General. Michael has taken an interest in his platform. They share similar values. Willow asks what those values would be, and Michael says he’s sure Sheridan is anxious to get back to Llanview, and thanks Sheridan for coming all this way. Michael walks him to the door, and when he comes back, she asks, which of his values would make a politician drive to the next state?

Ava tells Sonny, that is quite an interesting proposition, and if the price is right… His phone rings, and he says he’ll be right back. Nina approaches Ava, who tells her, don’t worry. She didn’t tell Sonny about Nina’s romance with Mike. He was very receptive to her spending more time with Avery, and she didn’t need to use any more persuasive tactics. Nina appreciates that, and to return that favor, Ava has a problem, and Nina would love to offer her a solution.

Spencer says, his father decided to raise the stakes, and Cameron asks, what’s that mean? Spencer says, Ava is in control of his trust fund. If he accepts their marriage, and agrees to live by their rules, his father and Ava will make the charges go away, but Ava is still in charge of his money. Josslyn says, Ava’s not her favorite person either, and she’d hate living by Ava’s rules, and knowing that Ava had control over her money, but she didn’t stalk Ava and she’s not facing criminal charges. If giving in to his dad and Ava is what it takes for them to help him, that’s what he should do. Spencer tells her, that’s what Esme was saying, and Cameron says, for once, they all agree.

Nikolas says, if Doc is telling him that his mother is too busy to attend Spencer’s arraignment, he’s disappointed, but he understands, but she’s honestly too busy to even call him? Doc says he can’t speak to Laura’s exact schedule, but they did talk about Spencer’s behavior. And Nikolas’s. Nikolas says, his behavior? This is about Spencer stalking Ava. Doc says, Laura doesn’t condone what Spencer did, or what drove him to that point. The bailiff calls for everyone to take their seats, and Doc says, shall we?  

Esme tells Josslyn and Cameron that she’s sure they realize what a stubborn streak Spencer has. She hopes their opinions convinced him to make the right choice. Josslyn asks if Esme doesn’t think, as Spencer’s girlfriend, she carries more weight, but Esme says Josslyn is giving her too much credit. They’ve known Spencer since they were kids, much longer than she has, and Spence is very much his own person, and likes to go his own way. The bailiff says, all rise.  

Ava says, Nina wants to buy Charlie’s? and Nina asks if she hasn’t been trying to sell it. Ava says, when she was leaving town because of the stalker, yes, and Nina says she has a great use for it. It’s a win-win. Ava says her situation has changed, and Nina wonders if Ava wants to hang onto it for sentimental reasons because it belonged to her brother. Ava says, it’s not that, when Sonny comes back. He asks if he and Ava are finished; he doesn’t have all day. Ava says, what do they say about great minds thinking alike, and he asks what she means. She says, they have to pause their negotiations, and he says, now she’s going to keep Charlie’s? She says, it’s still for sale, but another buyer is showing interest. May the deepest pockets win.

Michael says, it’s always a good idea to have people in office who owe you favors, and Willow says, if it were the DA from New York state, she wouldn’t question anything. But Lantano County is in Pennsylvania, so what does that have to do with ELQ? He says, nothing; it’s purely personal, in a family member’s best interest. She tells him to stop being vague. Who is he talking about? He says, Sheridan is looking for a high profile case, and he just handed him one. He suggested Sheridan prosecute Nina for fraud and identity theft. I’m not sure if the latter would be an issue here though, since it’s not like she stole Sonny’s identity.

Robert says, Victor thinks this is some kind of a joke, doesn’t he? The charges he’s facing are false imprisonment, criminal conspiracy, bribery, not to mention the body count. Victor asks what he wants, and Robert says, Peter August. He wants to know where Peter is, and when Victor worked with him. Victor says he’s not working with Peter, and Robert says, he found Peter a place to hide, didn’t he? Victor says, yes, and he gave Peter money and transportation, but it wasn’t his choice; he was forced to do Peter’s bidding. Robert asks what kind of leverage Peter has, and Victor says he answered one of Robert’s questions out of good faith. It’s time to begin negotiations

Britt asks Jason, why is it good news that her mother was drugged? and he says, that probably means Peter’s keeping her alive. Britt says, why go to the trouble of drugging someone when you can just as easily kill them? It’s not exactly a beacon of hope, but it’s better than nothing. Sam asks if she can talk to Jason in private, and they go to a table. She says she has some news about Drew, and he says, Anna called already. She said Drew had been shot two or three times, fell off the bridge and into the ocean, and his body hasn’t been recovered. Sam says, the WSB is searching, but they’re pretty certain they won’t find him alive.

Nina asks if Ava is saying she and Sonny want the same thing, and Ava says, in a manner of speaking. Sonny made her an offer to buy Charlie’s minutes before Nina did. Like she said, she’ll accept the highest offer. Maybe the two of them should talk this over, one on one. Ava walks away, and Nina asks why Sonny wants to buy Charlie’s. He asks why she does, and she says, for Phyllis, to give her a fresh start. And him? He says, same thing. Phyllis took in a stranger and saved his life; pretty much the opposite of what Nina did. Nina tells him that she can never say she’s sorry enough, but as for Phyllis, if she moved there, and ran Charlie’s, Nina thinks it would be really good for her. Sonny agrees, and says, one of them is going to have to bow out. Nina says, allow her. If Phyllis accepts generosity, she’s more inclined to accept it from Sonny. When he offers Charlie’s to Phyllis, if she likes the idea, Nina will give him half of the money, provided he never tells her.  

Willow says, she and Michael talked about this yesterday. She thought they’d agreed to hit the pause button where Nina was concerned. He said he woudn’t make any decisions without her. He says he hasn’t filed any legal action against Nina, and hasn’t denied her visitation with Wiley. If he went to family court, of course (🍷) he’d consult her. He wouldn’t move forward with her agreeing to anything. She says, so he went to the DA from Pennsylvania instead, and he says, yes, because he wants Sheridan to go after Nina for what she actually did. He doesn’t want Wiley’s custody to be a battleground. He doesn’t want to deny Nina visitation to punish her; he wants her punished for the crimes she committed, fraud and identity theft. She lied to his dad for nine months about who he was. She kept him from his family and his life. It has to be illegal and he’s hoping Sheridan can prove it in court.

Robert asks what Victor means by negotiations, and Victor says, it’s a classic quid pro quo. The WSB can’t get Peter without his help, and he’s not about to give them his help without something in return; his freedom. Robert says, the WSB isn’t going to let Victor off the hook for the crimes he did in the last seven minutes, much less the last seven years, and Victor says, he’s the former director of the Bureau. The WSB has a reputation to maintain. Prosecuting one of their own wouldn’t look very good, would it? Robert wouldn’t bet the farm on it, and Victor suggests they do a cost benefit analysis. Prosecuting him versus getting Peter. He’d say it’s a bit of a no-brainer. Peter is their priority. He’s the one who’s unstable. He’s dangerous, and has access to Faison’s bag of dirty tricks. Robert still has some pull at the Bureau, and Victor suggests Robert convince them to make a deal. Robert says he doesn’t take orders from a Cassadine, and Victor says, his goal is to catch the big bad wolf, the man who kidnapped Drew Cain, and could still terrorize Maxie and her little girl. Robert can throw the book him or stop Peter, but he can’t do both.

Anna says Robert doesn’t think Valentin is much of a hero, but she disagrees. He doesn’t fit the conventional mold. He’s very flawed, self-serving, and definitely compromised, but he does have the courage to face up to what he’s done, and try to be better. He’s certainly tried to turn his life around for himself and his daughters. She thinks that’s very heroic in her book, that kind of courage. Her phone rings, and she says, it’s her darling ex-husband. She’ll be right back. She kisses Valentin’s hand, and says, he can count on that.

Britt asks if Dante thinks Victor created the fake medical conference, and arranged to have Scotty thrown from the plane. Dante says, he didn’t go into detail, but he’s definitely the reason for her mother being there. She says, for what? And don’t say Victor is infatuated with her mother. Maybe he is, but there has to be another agenda. Dante says, he doesn’t know, but when Victor thought her mother was in danger, he seemed genuinely concerned.

Sam tells Jason, someone called her claiming to be Drew. She went back and forth, thinking, maybe he’s alive, but then, it could be some sort of manipulation. He says, she was just  being cautious, and she says, being cautious meant she couldn’t involve him. Maybe if she had, he could have intervened, and Peter wouldn’t have shot Drew.

The judge asks if Spencer understands his rights under the New York state constitution and law, and he says he does. She asks how he pleads, when Ava walks in. The judge says she’s waiting for his answer, and Esme asks Cameron, what is he doing? Spencer says, not guilty.

Anna goes to the interrogation room, and says she got Robert’s text. What’s so important? She was with Valentin. Victor asks how Valentin is, and she says, he’s hanging in. Robert says, this clown needs to talk to someone above his pay scale, and she says, her? Victor says, always pleasure, mate, and Robert leaves. Anna asks what this is about, and Victor says, Peter August. The WSB wants him, and he can make that happen. She says, in exchange for what exactly? and he says, blanket immunity. She says, that’s a bit of a tall order, and he says, tall maybe, but not impossible. They’re already making better progress than he was with Robert. She says she’s far from the final say, and he says, that may be, but at least she’s willing to look at options. Robert said the WSB would refuse to overlook his transgressions. He thinks that was naïve, but Anna doesn’t agree. He has a rather extensive rap sheet. What makes him think she’s going to be more amenable to his offer?   

Britt asks Dante, if Victor is still infatuated, why put her mother in a prison cell? Does Dante think it was punishment for her trying to kill Peter, and if so, why would Victor care? Dante says, those are all questions the WSB doesn’t have answers to. They don’t even know why Victor and Peter were working together in the first place, or how Drew fits into this puzzle.  

Sam tells Jason, when she went into Drew’s cell, she saw he’d scratched Scout’s name in the wall. She hopes that means he had enough strength to resist the conditioning. He says, she thinks Drew’s being conditioned? and she tells him, that’s what Victor said. She doesn’t know whether he’s telling the truth or not, but she does know Drew was able to shoot a guard to save Victor and Valentin, although he wasn’t able to save himself. Jason says, unless or until they find Drew’s body, there’s still a chance Drew is alive.

Valentin wakes up with Robert sitting in his room. Robert asks if he’s awake, and Valentin says, this can’t be a dream, because Robert sure as hell wouldn’t be in it. Robert laughs and says he’ll round up a doctor, and Valentin asks, where’s Anna? Robert says, talking to Valentin’s poor excuse for an uncle, or should he say father? He’s trying to cut himself a deal, but Valentin isn’t going to let that happen, is he?

The judge says, although the defendant has no prior arrests, he has lived abroad extensively, and has access to significant financial resources. The state’s concern about him being a flight risk is valid. She orders the defendant to surrender his passport, and bail is set $20K, with a pretrial in six weeks from today. Spencer looks at Esme, who shakes her head, and he says, if he doesn’t post bail, will he have to go to jail? Doc says, it won’t come to that. He and Laura will post Spencer’s bail. Spencer thanks him, and hugs Esme. She says she doesn’t get it. Why didn’t he do what they all advised him to do? They step away, and Spencer says, he was about to. He’s made a lot of bad decisions by not following his gut. His gut told him that if he went along with Ava on this, it will never end. Ava and Spencer look at each other.

Willow says, so Michael’s campaign contribution is basically a bribe, to get the DA to go after Nina? He says, campaign contributions are completely legal, and Nina is the one who committed a crime. And it wasn’t victimless crime either. He didn’t tell Willow this, but his mom put her life on the line to step into his father’s business. And what about Sonny’s children? He, Dante, and Kristina are all adults, and Josslyn has Jax, but what about Donna and Avery? Avery’s old enough to understand loss, and Donna is so confused. They didn’t have their father for nine months. Willow says she knows that, and he says, and his father’s business got messed up, which in turn put more people’s lives at risk. She asks who he’s trying to convince that he’s doing the right thing; him or her?  He says she may not agree with his methods, but he has no regrets about making Nina pay for her actions. She says, what about his actions? He asks what she’s talking about, and she says, on the one hand, he won’t cut Nina off from seeing Wiley, but he has to know that if Nina is facing criminal charges, it will affect potential visitation going forward. He says, if Nina faces those consequences as a result of what she did to his father, so be it.

Sonny thinks keeping it a secret from Phyllis doesn’t seem like a good idea, and Nina says, she’s learned what secrets can do. She says, she genuinely wants to help Phyllis, but doesn’t want it to be misinterpreted as buying back her friendship. He says he doesn’t need her help financially to buy Charlies, and even if she’s giving it with good intentions, it’s like they’ll be too connected. She says, that’s the last thing he wants. She has to say, she’s been waiting with a fair amount of dread to have Carly to tear into her for their relationship in Nixon Falls, but she hasn’t  

Nina says she had a run in with Carly at the Quartermaines’, and Carly went for her jugular, but never said a word about her tricking Sonny into loving her. She sits, and says, Carly still hasn’t. She just assumes Carly doesn’t know? He sits, and says, let him tell her something. He and Carly are rebuilding their life together after nine months apart. Why make it worse after what she did? Nina says, let her tell him something. Carly will never find out about it from her.

Victor says, Anna finally has the opportunity to stop her wayward nephew, and bring closure to countless people. Be smart; that’s all that matters here. Don’t let the pettiness of the past get in her way. She says, she wouldn’t call what he did to Robin petty. He stole years of Robin’s life. He says he’s not trying to minimize what he’s done; he’s made mistakes, huge mistakes. But they both know life isn’t black and white; it’s all shades of grey. She has every right to be angry about what happened to her daughter at Creighton-Clark, but ultimately, Robin walked away unscathed. Can they really say the same for anyone who will get in Peter’s way? She says, she might have more leverage with the WSB than Robert… sometimes. But he needs to understand, his fate doesn’t lie in her hands. He says, it might as well. He knows her stock has fallen with the WSB in recent years, but she still has friends in high places. If she has any favors outstanding, he suggests she call them in. Make his case, or the blood that Peter continues to shed will be on her hands. She says she’s got to go, and he tells her to give his best to his son.

Esme says Doc is a genuine lifesaver. She was afraid Spencer would have to stay in jail. Doc says, if he’s not mistaken, Spencer will need a permanent home address to show stability? and Diaz says, that’s correct. He says, that settles it. Spencer will move back in with him. Esme says, that works for her, and Doc asks Spencer for a word in private. Josslyn says, they’ll be out in the hall, and they all leave. Spencer says, he’s a lot of things, but not naïve. He and Laura are going to post the money for his bail. What’s the catch?

Esme sees Ava in the hall, and says she wants Ava to know how much it means to her that Ava offered Spencer a way out. His pride temporarily got in the way of him accepting it, but she’ll talk to him. Ava tells her, please try to talk some sense into him. And whatever she does, don’t let Spencer drag her into any more bad behavior. Esme says never. She should have stood up to him. From now on, she will.

Anna says, thank God Valentin’s awake, and Robert says, surprise him. Do the right thing. Robert tells Anna, see ya, and leaves. Anna says Valentin gave her wuite… He gave all of them quite a scare. She offers to call Brook, but he says, not yet. She asks if he doesn’t want his daughter to know he’s awake (like a baby would comprehend this), but he says, not until he talks to her. Whatever Victor’s asking for, don’t give it to him.

Sam says she had to tell Jason what she knows about Drew, and Dante asks how he took it. She says, it was okay. She told him that she felt the need to investigate before she said anything to him. Dante says, until they find Drew’s body, there’s a chance he survived, and she says, Jason said the same thing. She just doesn’t know what there’s left here for her to do. She can stay and see if anything comes through, or she can go home to her kids because they come first. He says, maybe she should do that. She tried to bring Scout’s father back, but now it’s time to be with Scout and Danny.

Britt says, sorry about Jason’s brother, and he says, thanks. They weren’t close, but Drew was important to Monica, and he’s thinking about her. She says, he’s not thinking how her crazy brother shot his? but he says she’s not responsible for anything Peter does. She says, still, he’s there helping her find her mother, who’s committed her own fair share of crimes. She wouldn’t blame him if he changed his mind and wanted to go home. He says, they have a job to do. He’s not going anywhere.

Esme tells Josslyn and Cameron, at least they can all agree they want what’s best for Spence. Maybe now they can see she has his best interests at heart. Maybe they can all be friends after all.

Spencer says he’s sorry. He should be thanking Doc for posting his bail money. He wasn’t looking forward to spending another night in jail. Doc says, he and Spencer’s grandmother are happy to help, but it comes with limitations. If Spencer wants their support, he has to earn it. Spencer says, earn it how? and Doc says, they have a few ideas. Starting with Spencer getting a job.

Ava says, that was unexpected, and Nikolas says, leave it to his son to zig when they wanted him to zag. She says she can handle him not accepting the deal, but what bothered her most was the look on his face when he entered his plea… that this is far from over.

Robert tells Victor, he spoke to Anna, and she’s not going to help him. Victor says, if Robert says so, and Robert says, he doesn’t have any control over what the WSB decides to do, but Victor doesn’t have him fooled. The world was a much better place when Victor was dead. Victor says, he’s feeling a bit parched. Why doesn’t Robert make himself useful, and fetch him some water. He’d prefer sparkling.

Valentin says, whatever Victor is proposing, it’s a trap, and Anna says, she knows that, obviously. They have no way of knowing what he’s been up to in the past few years, but what choice do they have? Peter has to be stopped. For Drew, for Obrecht, most certainly for Maxie. Victor knows where he is; she senses it. This is their best chance. Valentin gets agitated, and Anna tries to calm him. He says, they can’t involve Victor. They’ve come close to getting Peter before. He’ll do it again.

Sam tells Dante, if there’s bad news about Drew, she’d rather be at home with her kids. He says, that make sense. He’ll go arrange their flights back. She says he doesn’t have to come with her, and he says he knows. He wants to.   

Jason tells Britt, to pick up Peter’s trail, they have to retrace his steps. She asks where they start, and he says, the last place her mother was seen; her prison cell.

Willow tells Michael, Wiley’s all set. Now they can finish their conversation. He says, it’s not over? and she says, not for her. What he’s doing seems cold and calculating. He says he gave Nina chance after chance. Even after that meltdown at his father’s funeral, he still gave her the opportunity to visit Wiley, and what does she do? She brings up Nelle, making Wiley doubt that Willow is his real mother. And even after that, he gave her another chance, and how does she thank them? By lying. By keeping the knowledge that his father was alive, and for what? To punish his mother? She says she can’t deny anything he’s saying. It’s just that, what does he thinks is going to happen to Nina? He says, that’s up to the DA Sheridan, but if she’s asking him, he thinks Nina needs to be held accountable.

Nina says, she guesses that concludes her and Sonny’s business. He’ll buy Charlie’s, and she won’t be involved, financially or otherwise. And Carly won’t have to know how much it… progressed in Nixon Falls. He says, correct, and she says she hopes Phyllis stays in Port Charles. She considers Phyllis her family, and she wants to earn back the trust of those people she loves. A couple of cops come in, and one says, Nina Reeves? She says she’s Nina Reeves. Is there a problem? He says she’s under arrest for identity fraud.

One: I’ll say it again, not sure about the identity fraud thing, and two: it doesn’t happen that fast, even for a DA. He didn’t even have time to get back to PA and fill out the paperwork.

On Monday, Valentin asks what Anna has to say to him, Sasha thinks it not a bad idea, Michael asks if Jax wants to make things right, and Carly says, if that’s not a crime, she doesn’t know what is.

🩺 Living Her Best Life…

GH’s Co-Chief of Staff opens up about coming out – twice.

👀 Watching Man…

I thought I’d recognized him. He’s one of those dudes who’s been in everything.

💏 He’s Had So Many…

I still like him the most with Obrecht.

👠 Sonja Trilogy…

Ugh. Heather. What’s up with her talking smack?

When they shade you, make some money off of it.

I actually believe Sonja on this one.

💍 Real Real Housewife To Be…

Face it. Anything has to be better than Juicy Joe.

❄️ Salty Talk…

What happens in Salt Lake does not stay in Salt Lake.

🍸 Is She Or Isn’t She…?

She said she was no dummy, but said nothing about not being vague as hell.

🐉 Flying In Soon…

The trailer and the latest on House of the Dragon.

📖 For Your Reading Pleasure…

I can’t wait to read this book.

📌 Quotes of the Week

We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future. – Lester Levinson

The opportunity of a lifetime is to pick yourself. Quit waiting to get picked; quit waiting for someone to give you permission; quit waiting for someone to say you are officially qualified… and pick yourself. – Seth Godin, American Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur

I’ve learned that God won’t let you be tempted more than you can bear. I think God gives humanity too much credit. – Jung Jae-heo (Kim Nam-hee) Sweet Home

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. – Charles Dickens

Many things—such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly—are done worst when we try hardest to do them. – C. S. Lewis, from Studies in Medieval Literature, compiled in Words to Live By

Happiness is for dogs and Americans. – Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), General Hospital

We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. – Whoopi Goldberg (Don’t look to me – my torch blew out a long time ago.)

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for anyone else. – Charles Dickens

All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster’s autobiography. – Federico Fellini

With confidence, you have won before you have started. – Marcus Garvey

🧻 Rolling Along…

Time to wrap up another week, or another row on the calendar if you’re not into labels. See you at Dead o’clock, but until then, stay safe, stay being the bigger person, and stay having the courage to face up to what you’ve done, and try to be better.

October 21, 2021 – Austin Decides Between Being a Doctor Or a Quartermaine, a Karen On the Runway & Skeletons


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly thanks Willow for bringing Wiley by, but she’s surprised Michael didn’t come. Willow says, he wanted to, but he had an important meeting this morning. Carly asks if Willow can stay for some coffee, and Willow says, it would actually be nice to talk. Carly asks, about anything in particular? and Willow says, Michael and Nina.

Nina and Phyllis walk into the Italian restaurant, and Nina says it’s great having her there. Phyllis says, eventually, she’s going to have to face Nixon Falls again, and figure out what life looks like without Lenny, but a few more days away couldn’t hurt. Nina asks if Phyllis is sure she doesn’t want to rebuild the Tan-O, but Phyllis says, the bar was her life with Lenny. She doesn’t have the heart to do it without him. Nina says, then why go back? Why doesn’t Phyllis stay in Port Charles, and let Nina help her?

At another table, Nikolas puts his fork down, and Ava says, not hungry? He says, just tired, and she says he was tossing and turning all night. He says he’s sorry if he kept her up, but she says, it’s okay. Spencer’s his son. Of course (🍷) Nikolas is worried sick about him. He says, they may not agree, but Spencer’s still just a kid, and he’s facing jail time, and she says, for some pretty terrible crimes. He says he knows. He’s not suggesting Spencer walk away with no consequences, it’s just that… She says, they offered him a way out. All he has to do is just take it.

Spencer is led into a courtroom, where Esme is waiting. She throws her arms around him, and asks if it was awful spending the night in jail. Did he get any sleep? He says, yes, and yes, but not much. She wonders if he shouldn’t take the deal, but he says there’s no way he’s going to be beholden to Ava. There has to be another solution. Public Defender Diaz runs in, saying, she was assigned to his case. Just give her one second to get up to speed. She sits down, and goes through some papers. She opens a folder and says, she thinks they have a real shot here. In all likelihood the judge will move to dismiss. Spencer says, that’s amazing news, and Diaz says, nobody actually saw him deface the garage, so it’s pretty open and shut. He says, garage? What is she talking about? and she says, Sparky Carraway, destruction of private property. He says, no, he’s Spencer Cassadine, harassment and criminal mischief. She says, oops, wrong file. One second. She dashes out again.

Michael tells Ned that he’s expecting a call from Candace about Austin’s lawsuit. He’ll let Ned know once he talks to her. Ned says, there might not be a lawsuit anymore, and Michael says, since when? Ned takes it Michael hasn’t heard about the Brook drama. Olivia walks in, and says she thought Ned was at the office, but Ned says he chose to work from home, and she says, she’ll leave him to it. She leaves, but he follows her, and says, wait. If they keep avoiding each other, how are they going to fix things? She says she needs space right now, and the doorbell rings. It’s Maxie, who asks if Brook is home. She needs to talk to Brook about Austin. Michael asks if anyone wants to fill him in on what Brook did, and Brook comes down the stairs. She says, nobody else did? She gave them their best shot at keeping Austin out of ELQ, and this family.

Austin is on the computer at the hospital reception desk, when Monica says, Dr. Gatlin-Holt. He says, don’t shoot. He knows he’s not supposed to be there, and won’t see any of his patients in person. He just wanted to make sure Miss Battelle was getting all of her fluids. Monica says, Dr. Chen is covering all his patients while he’s on suspension, and he says, suspension, right. All thanks to Brook Lyn’s games.  

Esme says she’s sorry she couldn’t get Spencer a high profile attorney. She tried everything. Doc refuses to help, and she can’t get in touch with his grandmother. Her trust manager wouldn’t advance money when he found out what the charges were. Sonny walks in, and Spencer greets him, but when Sonny doesn’t return the greeting, he says, Sonny’s not going to help him, is he? Sonny says, he is, but Spencer’s not going to like how.

Esme say she’s grateful Sonny didn’t abandon Spence like everyone else, and Sonny says he needs a minute alone with Spencer. Spencer says she doesn’t have to go, but she says, talk to his uncle; she’ll be waiting outside. She tells Sonny, she’s so sorry for her part in the whole Nikolas and Ava taking Avery out of the country misunderstanding, and Sonny says, he’s very clear on what she tried to do. She says she was just trying to help, and leaves. Spencer says Sonny has the wrong idea about Esme, and he says, apparently, he had the wrong idea about Spencer. If Spencer wants to go after Ava, be his guest, but don’t use a child to do it, especially his child. Spencer says, it wasn’t him.

Monica brings Austin to her office, and says she read Brook’s allegations. He says, pretty sensational, doesn’t she think? and she asks if he’s saying Brook is lying. He says she’s manipulating him. She claims she’s concerned about Leo, which should have been his first clue, since she doesn’t care about anything but herself. Monica disagrees, and says, Brook has moments of selfishness, but who doesn’t? She cares very deeply for her family. He says, so deeply, set him up, and Monica says, loyalty is very big with the Quartermaines. Does she always agree with the way they display it? No, but there’s a definite us against them mindset. Austin asks if she’s included in all that.

Ava asks if Nikolas is positive he wants to do this, and he says, whether or not Spencer agrees to their conditions, placing her in charge of his trust sends a message that they’re a united front. She says, and she’s not going anywhere, and he says, not on his watch. She says, if she controls Spencer’s money, he can’t ignore her; he can’t be so disrespectful. He says, and he won’t be able to cave to Spencer, and she says, not that he would. He says he’d like to believe that he could stand firm, but he doesn’t trust himself. Part of the reason this is happening now is because of all the times he gave into Spencer when he was a child. She says she’s happy to play bad cop, but Spencer was adamant that he wouldn’t buckle. He says, this is happening whether Spencer likes or not. Spencer doesn’t get a choice about accepting Ava as his wife. If he refuses, he’s basically sending himself to jail. She says, Spencer knows the terms. If he can actively support their marriage, she won’t cooperate. She won’t testify against him, and the prosecution’s case is dead in the water. He says, which is extremely generous, given everything Spencer has put her through. He asks if she thinks Spencer will swallow his pride, and she says, for Spencer’s sake and his, she sure hopes so.

Sonny asks what Spencer means. He didn’t use Avery to scare Ava? Spencer says, he did; he just means he wasn’t himself. He was so focused on punishing Ava, he went too far. Sonny says, what are the two rules? and Spencer says, never threaten children or your family. Sonny says, Avery’s both, and Spencer says Sonny knows he’d never hurt Avery, but Sonny says he doesn’t care if it’s implied or real, Spencer crossed a line. Spencer says, he’s sorry, and Sonny says, all the allegations against him for supposed crimes he did, why does Spencer think he’s still standing a free man? Spencer says, Diane Miller? and Sonny says, no. He has a code that he sticks by, he lives by. When he goes after somebody, he makes sure he doesn’t get caught. Spencer is playing these little games, and got himself busted. Now he has to face the consequences.

Michael says, Brook tricked Austin into breaking his doctor/patient confidentiality. She turned him in, and now she’s threatening to take his medical license unless he drops the claim on ELQ. She says, yes, and she doesn’t know why she’s getting so much static over it. Ned says he definitely would have used a different tactic, and she says, a way less effective tactic. Maxie says she’s not going to tell Brook what to do… and Brook says, but Maxie’s about to tell her what to do? Maxie says, no, she’s going to give Brook her opinion, which is that Austin is a genuinely good guy, and he legitimately cares about Leo. Olivia says, wrong. Austin’s not a good guy, and his opinions about Leo are way off base. Would she like to get him out of the family? She would, but she’d prefer he’d been caught running his mouth about literally anyone other than her son. Now it’s going to become a big deal, and Leo is fine the way he is.  Maxie asks if it would be that bad if Austin got his share of the inheritance. From what she sees, it looks like there’s more than enough money to go around. Brook says, that’s not the point. Her great-grandfather purposely left Jimmy Lee Holt out of his will. It doesn’t matter if he was thinking about reconsidering. None of those thoughts ever made it into an official document. None of those thoughts were ever signed, filed, or probated, so Austin is going after money that isn’t his. To make things worse, he’s hiding behind some sob story about honoring the wishes of his late father, when all he cares about is getting those shares. She says, Michael is awfully quiet. What does he think?  

Ava says she heard Nikolas on the phone this morning. Was he checking on Spencer? He says he must have second guessed himself a thousand times last night. He couldn’t stand the thought of Spencer in that cell, but he’s been coddled too long. Ava agrees, but also understands that raising a son who lost his mother is terribly complicated. He says, something he knows all too well, and she says, he just wants to give his son all the love he didn’t get from Laura as a child, right? He says he shouldn’t have translated it into giving Spencer everything he wanted, but he did, which gave Spencer the dangerous impression he’s the center of the universe. He has to do better, and with her by his side, he will. He’ll see her later. He jets, and she wonders where he’s going.

Austin tells Monica, correct him if he’s wrong, but she does seem a little different than the Quartermaines. More... He’s not sure the word for it is sane, and she laughs. She says, it’s taken years for her to find her place in that family. Not just as Alan’s wife, but as an individual. Because, let’s face it, the Quartermaines can be a huge pain in the butt. He says, he’s seen it many times, and she says, especially when it comes to ELQ; that company is really family in so many ways. He says his dad saw that. He always said he felt like a small town hick by comparison, but he was Edward’s son, and deserves to be recognized. If they want to play dirty, bring it on. She asks if his father wanted him to be in business as opposed to medicine, and he says, his father just wanted him to be happy. She says, is he? and he says, he was before all this drama and infighting. She says, then she has a question for him. If he knew how the Quartermaines operate, and didn’t like how they operate, why did he come knocking on their door?

Carly says, if Willow is concerned about Michael, she wants to know about it, and Willow says, she knows. But after all the pain and heartache Nina caused Carly’s family… Carly says, Willow’s family; she’s just as much a part of the family as anyone. Willow thanks her, and says she guesses she’s saying, she’ll understand if Carly doesn’t want to talk about Nina. Carly says, she doesn’t, but Nina’s not going anywhere, and she wants to know what’s going on. Is Nina hounding Michael about seeing Wiley? Are they afraid she’s going to do something? Willow says, actually, she’s more afraid of what Michael might do.

Michael thinks Brook used a smart strategy, and she says, thank you; finally someone who sees some reason. He says, Austin came at them, and she found where he was most vulnerable. It’s better than them just railing at the guy. Austin has a big ego. He gave his opinion on something he has no authority to give his opinion on. That’s his weakness, and Brook targeted it; he’s impressed. Brook says, gold star for her, and Olivia says, oh my God. She’s going to check on Leo. She leaves, and the doorbell rings. Michael says, he’ll get it.

Michael opens the door to a man we’ve never seen, who says he didn’t expect Michael to come to the door himself. Michael says, he doesn’t really stand on ceremony. He’s more interested in getting things done. The man says he likes the way Michael thinks. Nice to meet him. They shake hands, and Michael says, likewise, Mr. Sheridan. He thanks Sheridan for making the trip from Pennsylvania.

Phyllis tells Nina, she settled in Nixon Falls because it was Lenny’s home town. Everything there reminds her of him. Nina says, she gets it, but Port Charles has a lot to offer. Sonny is here, and Nina is sure he’d want her to stay too. Phyllis says she wasn’t going to bring him up, but now that Nina has, how did their talk go? Were they able to clear the air at all? Nina flashes back to Sonny coming to her office, and saying, she’s not going to be happy in Port Charles very long. Nina tells Phyllis, she knows exactly where she stands with Sonny.

Sonny says he cares enough about Spencer that he wants Spencer to learn his lesson. Spencer says he thinks he knows the lesson already, and Sonny says, Spencer’s dad was wrong in making Spencer think he was dead. Spencer can’t change that, but he can change how he moves forward. He has to stand up and decide who he wants to be. Spencer asks what Sonny means, and Sonny asks if he wants to be the guy who owns up to his mistakes, or the guy waiting for his father to write a check and be rescued? Spencer says he thought his dad would side with him. He thought his dad loved him enough that when push came to shove, he’d pick him over Ava, but he didn’t. Sonny says, that hurts right?

Sonny tells Spencer, it’s a terrible thing when a parent you love is addicted something, and chooses it over you. That’s what happened with Sonny’s dad – God rest his soul. His dad loved him a lot, but he’d walk away any time he could bet on the horses. He knows Nikolas isn’t a gambler, but he’s addicted to Ava. They think they’re in love. He knows it’s heartbreaking when you can’t count on your father, but it’s the reality Spencer is living in. He violated the code, and Sonny can’t bail him out; not this time. He starts to leave, and runs into Nikolas on his way in. Nikolas asks what Sonny did to Spencer, and Sonny says, he just made sure Spencer listened to some hard truths. Now it’s Nikolas’s turn. He leaves, and Spencer says he thought Nikolas gave up on him, but Nikolas asks why he’d be standing there if he gave up on Spencer. Spencer says, you tell me.   

Sheridan says, as the DA of Lantano County, it’s not often he makes house calls in Port Charles. But when he heard about Michael’s potential and sizeable donation to his campaign… Michael says, he deemed it worth the trip, and Sheridan says he did. Tell him, what’s Michael’s interest in the Pennsylvania election? Michael suggests they talk in the den.  

Ned says, for the record, he’ll be thrilled when Austin is out of their lives, but if he gets fired… Maxie says Ned is worried about Leo, and Ned says, yes. He’s worried the message that Leo might be on the spectrum will get drowned out. Then what? Olivia comes in, and says, then what what? He’s talking about Leo, isn’t he? This is what she hates. All this hush-hush secret conversations about the non-problem that is her son. Why can’t Ned hear her on this? He says he hears her; he just doesn’t agree. She says she thinks it’s time they talk divorce, and he says, what? The doorbell rings, and Olivia opens the door to Austen. She says, and she thought the day couldn’t get worse. He walks in, says hi to Maxie, and tells Brook that he has an answer for her.  

Willow says, Michael is justifiably worried that Nina will want to be in Wiley’s life, and Carly says, she will. Willow says, maybe… Probably, but she hasn’t come to them yet. Why provoke the fight until they absolutely have to? Carly asks how Michael feels, and Willow says, they talked it over. He said he was on the same page, but she doesn’t know. She thinks he might be holding back. She thinks in his heart of hearts, he wants to take action, and make Nina pay. Carly says, as he should, and Willow says she doesn’t disagree. She’s furious with Nina. Part of her wants to haul off and slap her for showing up at the house for a last visit with Wiley. Carly says, she would have loved have seen that, and Willow says, all the lies she told. How she was there at Sonny’s funeral, watching everyone grieve. It was hateful, but what good does it do to incite a big, ugly battle that won’t help anyone? Carly says, here’s the thing. Just because Nina hasn’t done anything yet, doesn’t mean she won’t.

Phyllis says, Port Charles is lovely, but what would she do there? and Nina suggests a job at the hospital, but Phyllis says she enjoys being her own boss too much. Ava comes over to the table, and introduces herself, saying, it’s nice to finally meet Phyllis. She sits, and says, there’s not many people who can boss Sonny Corinthos around. She can’t imagine him as a busboy. Nina says, bartender, and Phyllis says, Mike… Sonny was more than a bartender; he was her friend. Nina says, he still is, and Ava says, he’s lucky to have Phyllis. She’s just fascinated with this whole other life in Nixon Falls… Nina says, Ava owns the gallery here, and Charlie’s Pub, and Ava says, the gallery anyway. Nina asks what she means, and Ava says, she put Charlie’s on the market when she thought she was leaving town. Nina says, now she’s staying put, and Ava says, she’s not sure if she’s going to keep it. She asks if Phyllis has been to the pub, but Phyllis says she hasn’t. Ava says she hopes Phyllis comes by. She thinks Phyllis would like it. Phyllis’s phone rings, and she steps away to take the call. Nina asks what Ava is doing, and Ava says, gathering information. Nina says, for what? and Ava says she’s going to ask Sonny for joint custody of Avery, and knowledge is power. Nina says Ava told her that she wouldn’t take advantage of her relationship with Mike; they just talked about that. Phyllis returns, and says, sorry about that, but Nina says, that’s okay. Ava has to leave. Sonny walks in.

Spencer shrugs Nikolas’s arm off, and Nikolas says, he’d never give up on Spencer. This is partly his fault, and he wants to fix it. Spencer asks if he’s broken. Is that what Ava told Nikolas? Is that why Nikolas threw him away? Nikolas tells him to stop blaming Ava, and take responsibility. Spencer says Ava told him that Nikolas is giving her control over his trust fund. Open his eyes and see his wife for who she really is.  

Sonny asks Phyllis how she is, and how she likes the city. Phyllis says, it’s a beautiful city, and he tells her that if she needs anything, call him, and he means anything. She thanks him, and he tells Ava, come on. They go to another table, and Phyllis asks if Nina is all right. Nina says, yeah. She’s accepted that Mike doesn’t exist, and she means nothing to Sonny.

Ava says, that was a little awkward, and Sonny says, they’re here for Avery. She says, what she wanted to tell him is, that while he was away, Avery got used to seeing her every single day. He says, until she left Avery with Carly, and she says she did that for Avery’s protection. He says he has no intention of keeping Avery away from her. The visitation rights as they are, are perfect… No? She says, no. She doesn’t think that’s what’s best for their daughter any longer. She wants to revisit the arrangement, and she’d like joint custody. He says, not gonna happen, and she looks at Nina.

Carly tells Willow, Nina doesn’t respect boundaries or care about people’s feelings. The fact that she’s trying to rewrite the history of Nelle proves she’s not dealing in reality. She’s desperate to believe that Nelle was troubled or misunderstood, and had Nina known the truth, she could have redeemed Nelle. And she acts on those beliefs, like telling Wiley about his real mother or defending her daughter.  It’s no different than believing Sonny was happier in Nixon Falls. Willow says, and she acted on that belief, and Carly says, she did, which makes Carly concerned about Wiley, and about Nina having a relationship with him. Nina is going to continue living with her belief that Nelle could have been better through Wiley. She doesn’t get that her beliefs are just stories she keeps telling herself. As far as Carly is concerned, that makes Nina extremely dangerous.

Michael says he likes Sheridan’s record on law and order; how he tackles tough cases to get justice. Sheridan says, if he’s elected as Pennsylvania Attorney General, he intends to build on that commitment. Unfortunately, the incumbent looks strong in the polls. Michael says he saw that, which is why he reached out. He thinks their donation could get Sheridan through that final push, and Sheridan says he’s grateful. He has big plans for his state. Michael says, about that. He’d like to discuss one plan in particular.

The Quartermaines gather in the living room, and Brook tells Austin, they’re all very busy, and don’t have all day. He says he spoke with Monica earlier, and Brook says, whoop-de-do. He says, it was a really nice conversation, zero posturing. It’s hard to imagine she’s part of their family. She talked about that. She talked about ELQ, and how it’s hard for them to distinguish between where the family ends and the business begins. Ned says, that’s hardly a revelation, and Austin says, it made him realize something. He wants to be part of this family, but then he realized that if they’re all incapable of separating the family from business, he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Zero. Zilch. Hand over the papers, and he’ll sign away his claim. Brook looks all proud of herself.

Brook hands Austin the paper, and he reads it. As Jimmy Lee’s son he relinquishes all claims to stock or any assets. Maxie asks if this is what he really wants, and he says he’s not sure. What he wanted for so long was for his father to get the recognition he wanted so badly, but now he’s thinking the price is just too high. He’s not talking about his medical career; he’s talking about his soul. Brook says, cue the violins, and he says he had no idea what he was walking into. There is no depth the Quartermaines won’t sink to, and he wants nothing to do with them. He wants no part of them. He’s not a Quartermaine. Brook says, hallelujah, and gives him a pen. He signs the paper.  

Willow says, everything Carly is telling her, makes total sense. She just feels, at this moment, Nina is lying low, and it doesn’t do Wiley any good to poke the bear. Strategically, if they have all their defenses right, Nina’s at the disadvantage, so why not wait? Let her be the one to go court and fight for visitation. Carly says, Willow wants to put the ball in Nina’s court? And Willow says, if they target Nina, it makes her the victim, and she obviously has no problem seeing herself that way. But if they sit back and do nothing, she’s the one starting the fight. Carly asks if there’s a chance Willow is saying this because deep down, she’s the type of person who likes to fix things and wants everyone to get along? Willow is sure that’s part of it, but isn’t Michael like that too? Or is she wrong? Carly says, Michael is kind, and fair, and forgiving, but he’s also someone who can be pushed too far. Given the grief they endured, and the risk she took stepping in for Sonny, and to think it didn’t have to happen, Nina might have pushed Michael too far.

Nikolas says he knows exactly what Ava said to Spencer. She offered him a way out of the charges, out of the whole godawful mess, but did he take it? No. Spencer says, there’s no way he’s going to live his life under that woman’s thumb, and Nikolas says, she’s his wife and he loves her. All they’re asking is for him to respect that. Spencer says, never, and Esme pulls him aside. She says, she understands he’s upset, but she thinks he needs to do what his dad a and Ava want. He asks what she’s talking about; she can’t stand Ava either. Esme says, she knows, but at this rate, all he’s going to accomplish by trying to spite them, is land himself in jail. Then what happens to her?

Ava says she thinks Sonny might change his mind, but he says, he has custody of Avery, and that’s that. He pauses a moment, and says, she’s right. Avery is going through a rough time right now. She’s happy that she’s with her father, but she’s confused. She needs stability and assurance that her parents are going to be there. Ava says she agrees completely. What is he saying? He says he’s going to give her more time with Avery. Not on the court’s terms, but his terms.

Maxie asks if Austin is sure he’s okay with dropping the lawsuit, and he says, lawsuits never make him happy. He thanks her for her support, and she says, anytime. She leaves, and Ned tells him, good luck. For what it’s worth (🍷), he thinks Austin’s patients are lucky to have him. Brook holds the door open for Austin, and Austin says, how very kind. She says, isn’t it? and he says, if she’s thinking this is over, she’d be wrong about that. This is just beginning. Back inside, Olivia tells Ned, sorry, but the guy’s got an ulterior motive. Ned says, she didn’t really mean what she said earlier, and she says, don’t tell her what she means. He says, that’s it, out of the blue, she wants a divorce, and she says, he really thinks this is out of the blue? He says, yes, and she says, if they can’t even agree on what’s best for Leo, what kind of a marriage do they have? She stomps off.  

Spencer says there’s still a chance  he can beat these charges, and go free, and Esme says, with a lawyer who doesn’t even know his name? Nikolas says he’s not the enemy, and Spencer says he never said Nikolas was. Nikolas says, this is happening right now, and in real time. Is Spencer willing to risk a record and possible jail time just to dig in his heels? Esme says, she’ll support him, no matter what. She can’t imagine losing him. Diaz comes back, and says she read Spencer’s file, the right one this time. Spencer asks Nikolas if he can have a moment with his to consult with his attorney, and Nikolas asks him to please think about what they talked about. Diaz says she essentially  just has one question for Spencer. How does he want to plead?

Willow says, so Carly doesn’t think there’s anything to be said for keeping the peace? Carly says she does, but that’s not going to happen here. Willow is surrounded by very proactive people. Michael won’t do anything rash, where the blowback lands on Wiley, but make no mistake, if Michael’s put in a situation to act, her son will act. Willow thanks her for the coffee, and leaves. Carly shakes her head. I send hate vibes to the lily pond. If the moss bowl🎍 was still there, we wouldn’t have nearly as much tension.   

Sheridan says he sees a lot of potential here, and Michael says, so they can help each other? Sheridan says he looks forward to it.

Phyllis says she’s going to treat herself to a stroll through the botanical gardens, and Nina says, she loves the botanical gardens. How about if she clears her schedule, and goes along? Phyllis says, it’s kind of her, but she was looking forward to some time alone. She wants to stroll and let her mind roam. Nina asks if she’s sure, and Phyllis says Nina doesn’t need to worry about her; she’ll be fine. She just needs to figure out what comes next. Nina says, you and me both. Phyllis leaves, and Nina looks at Sonny and Ava.

Sonny asks if that works for Ava, and she says it does. She thanks him for acknowledging that Avery needs her mother. She thinks Nixon Falls changed him. He says, he always takes care of his children, and gets a very Mike look on his face. She says she’ll write out a schedule, and email it to him. She starts to leave, and he says, hold on. They still have some unfinished business

Tomorrow, Doc tells Nikolas that she (Laura?) was very clear about what should happen, Victor is impressed, Nina wants to offer a solution, and Sonny has a proposition for Ava.

Project Runway

Christian called everyone back to the runway at 1:30 am to give them a challenge. He told them, fashion changed constantly, which kept it relevant, and right now, there was nothing more relevant than streetwear. The designers were to create three separate pieces for an impactful breakout streetwear look. Their guest judge was Wisdom Kaye, the best dressed man on TikTok. They watched on video as he explained some things about streetwear. The key takeaway points for me were, big is comfortable, and accessories are key. They were given two days. There was sketching, picking models, and going to Mood (45 minutes, $300). While the sketching was happening, Haitian born Prajje talked about how he wanted to bring his culture into his designs, but always seems to get the wrong model. He was concerned it was going to look like cultural appropriation. This caused chatterbox and plus-sizer Meg to get a little too enthusiastic with her support, saying she was insulted for him, which made Prajje uncomfortable. She also made it about herself, saying she’d grown up without seeing big girls as models. I made the sketching about myself, and did some designing in my head because I love streetwear. And for a hot minute, I was a designer. Sort of. I was assistant office manager for an up and coming junior sportswear company, who shall remain nameless, and often wore many hats. I designed a matchbook cover for them (a tchotchke for buyers), but on days when they were short a designer and needed something quickly, they’d be like, here draw this, but make it different; what’s commonly known as a knockoff.

Prajje was able to switch models, and that got Kenneth thinking an Asian model would be better suited to his designs. He asked Meg if she’d switch with him, and told her that he’d understand if she said no this late in the game. In Meg’s interview, she said she thought it was important to respect and acknowledge he wanted to design for his own culture, but she’d also spent hours designing for the model she had, and didn’t want to seem bitchy if she said no. She decided to swap, and brought her model over to Kenneth, but here’s where it got weird. She told Kenneth that the time to have the discussion was 16 hours ago, which was totally true, but she did get bitchy about it, and when Kenneth said they didn’t have to do it, she told him, stop talking. Back at her work station, she didn’t shut up, causing her new model to be concerned she’d yell at him. This prompted Prajje to jump in, since he was already pissed off from the earlier conversation, getting all her face about how she’d pretended to be supportive earlier. She ended up walking out, after bitching at Kenneth for not being supportive, and making Kenneth cry. And this is just the second episode.    

The next day, Christian told the designers that he’d heard they had a tough night, and Meg decided to drop out. In her interview, she said she’d been blindsided and had a panic attack, but felt she did the right thing in sticking up for herself. The intensity of the competition wasn’t good for her mental health or mental peace. Kenneth decided to throw together a patchwork piece using everyone’s scraps, to thank them for their support.

They did the usual plug for Tresemme (ha-ha, auto correct wants it to be tiresome) and Maybelline (which is actually in spellcheck), and the show was on. Unfortunately, the patchwork thing did not work very well, and looked out of place with the rest of  the outfit. Bones had a skirt that turned into a cape that I loved, and Kristina mixed patterns in a way I would love to, but fail at miserably. Aaron also had a yellow/grey reversable bomber jacket that I would definitely buy if I could afford it, and Wisdom said it was his favorite look. Prajje had an entire painting on the back of his jacket. It was beautiful, but I’d be afraid to wear it. I’d probably lean up against some wet paint the first time out. Then came everyone urging Kenneth to tell the story behind the… shirt? Vest? Whatever it was.

Prajje said it hadn’t been fair that Kenneth had been degraded in front everyone, and couldn’t speak for himself, and they both ended up crying. The judges were supportive, but Brandon said, unfortunately, it was their least favorite. The story couldn’t save him.   

The judges picked the three highest and three lowest scores; Aaron, Prajje, and Kristina being the former. The latter were Darren, who tried for a rock star look, but ended up with messy; Katie, whose outfit was deemed out of proportion, but I did like the shirt; and Kenneth. What did I say about that patchwork thing? Brandon said there had never been a time when it was harder to pick a winner, but Prajje got the title this week, his Haitian culture paying off. Nina said the expression of him in the outfit had moved her. In his interview, he said it had been amazing to end with a win. He’d won with and for his country. Nina told him that he had passion and creativity, and he said it was reassurance he was on the right path. He also won immunity for next week. As for a loser, the judges decided since someone had already gone home, they didn’t need to send anybody else there. There was a group hug, and Brandon told them to celebrate and bring it next week. When the almost losers went back to the group, everybody squealed and hugged.

Next time, a haunted house, and guest judge Taraji P. Henson.

🌝 Goodnight, Moon…

Come on down tomorrow, for soap and whatever else I can dig up that’s entertaining. Until then, stay safe, stay cultivating wisdom, and stay grounded in reality. Don’t make your beliefs just stories you tell yourself.

October 20, 2021 – TJ Treats a Mysterious Stranger, Andy Is Gifted With Sauce By Harry, Get Out Of the House & That Boy


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Curtis says, so the guest was really into live music, huh? and Nika says, yes. He wouldn’t shut up about it. Curtis guesses he’ll have to add more nights, and says, the guest didn’t get heated or make her feel uncomfortable, did he? She says, no; he was harmless. He says, good. He wants The Savoy to be a safe place for anyone who comes there. Nina approaches the bar, and says, including her?

The watching man comes into the hospital, and sees TJ at the reception desk.

On the phone, Michael asks someone to have Mr. Sheridan call him back as soon as possible. It’s about his family’s donation to his campaign. Willow walks in, and says, donation? and he says, it’s good business to donate to politicians around the country. It doesn’t necessarily influence them, but it does always get you a meeting. She asks how she ended up with someone so smart, and he says, just lucky, he guesses. He’s got brains, brawn, and looks. She says he’s a triple-threat, and Michael says, who’s he kidding? He’s the lucky one. He takes her hands.

Austin meets Maxie outside, near a shopping area (another set we’ve never seen before!), and she says, he made it. She was starting to get worried. He says he found the place eventually, and she says she means she didn’t know if dinner out was at the top of his list, given that his medical license is on the line. He says, right. All thanks to Brook Lynn Quartermaine.

At the unnamed Italian restaurant, Ned thanks Olivia for having dinner with him tonight. Can she believe it’s been almost a year since they’ve been separated? She says she guesses time flies when you’re not having any fun, and he says he thinks it’s important to make time for each other, so they can figure out what comes next. She says, yeah, and continues to peruse the menu, and he says, unless she’s already made up her mind.

At the hospital, Elizabeth sees a flyer for GH Trivia Night, and flashes back to telling Terry that she and Finn make a pretty good team, and they’d gotten closer. In the elevator, Finn flashes back to the camping trip when they almost kissed. He slaps himself in the face, and gets out of the elevator, nearly running into Elizabeth.

Carly says, Sonny really went above and beyond in Nixon Falls. The town was about to be stolen out from under everyone, and it wasn’t because of him. He says he was just repaying the kindness the community showed him, and she says, he really invested in his life there. He says, it’s the only life he knew, and she says, now he’s home. She would have loved to have known Mike, but he seems to look a lot like the man she already knows. They kiss, and Jason walks in.

The watching man coughs, clutching his side, and TJ asks if he’s all right. He says he was on his way to a volunteer committee meeting, when he got this pain in his side. He’s sure it’s nothing. TJ asks his name, and he says, Marshall. TJ introduces himself, and says he’d feel a lot more comfortable if they could rule out anything serious. He asks Marshall to come with him, and they’ll get him checked out.

Curtis says he didn’t expect another visit so soon, and Nina says, a lot has happened in the last few hours. He asks Nika to bring a bottle over, and leads Nina to a table. Nina wonders if he has stuff to do, but he says he’s the boss; it’s called delegating. Nika comes to the table, and Curtis tells her to leave the bottle. Nina says, delegating works well for him. Maybe she should try it. Curtis thanks Nika, and she tells them, enjoy. Nina says, working is a distraction from the complete and utter mess she’s made. He asks, what happened? and she says, it’s everywhere. She has no right to expect Carly to keep it to herself, and he says, but it’s hard. She says, it’s hard.

Jason says he’s sorry; he should have knocked. Sonny says, wait. They just have to get this out in the open. It’s a lot for him. Jason and Carly got married, and then… Jason says, whatever happened between him and Carly was based on something that wasn’t true, and now they know the truth. He can’t speak for Carly, but he wants things to go back to what they had. Sonny walks over to the couch, and Carly says she wants the three of them to be the way they were, the way they’ve always been for twenty years. Sonny flashes back to telling Nina that he gets she doesn’t want his past life crashing down on her, and knows she came to Nixon Falls to get away from her past. He’s going to do everything in his power to prove to her that he understands, because he’s in love with her. He tells Jason and Carly, the past is the past. They just have to find a way to move on. Carly says, they will, because the three of them have survived too much together to lose each other over Nina’s lie. Jason says, and if it helps, he’s about to leave town.

Britt knocks at Terry’s office door, and Terry says, there she is. She had a bunch of questions she wanted to ask Britt, but she’s heading out. She guesses it will have to wait for tomorrow. Britt says Terry should run them by her now. She’s leaving the country tomorrow. Terry says, she’s joking, right? and Britt says, and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back. Terry asks if she’s supposed to hold down the fort while Britt goes on vacation indefinitely. No way. They’re Co-Chiefs of Staff last time she checked. Britt says, this is not a vacation. This is about her mother.

Elizabeth misses the elevator, and Finn says, sorry about that. She says she’ll take the next one, and they both say, I was just wondering… Elizabeth tells him to go first, but he says, she should go first, since he made her miss the elevator. She says she just saw another flyer for Trivia Night, and teams are filling up fast. He says, those are two-person teams, right? and she says she thinks so. Does he want to sign up together? He says, that sounds like fun, and yes, those words just came out of his mouth. She says she’s going to make sure he finds joy in something frivolous if it’s the last thing she does, and he says, she’s brave. She says, so it’s a date… She didn’t mean it like that. It’s not a date date. He says, what if it was?

Willow says, look at Michael; making moves, banking favors. Getting ready to take back control of ELQ? He says, hopefully. Not that he’ll be the one steering the ship. She says, right, and he says he thought they were on the same page. Ned runs ELQ for the family, and he runs Aurora to preserve Drew’s legacy and build something worthwhile for Scout. She says she knows, but that decision was made before his father came home, before they found out what Nina did to him. Now that they know, does he really think he can be Nina’s boss?

Curtis asks, what’s happened in the last few hours? and Nina says, she saw Sonny, and it was awful. He asks if Sonny freaked out, and she says, no. He was matter-of-fact actually. Curtis says, that’s almost worse, and she says, kind of. He asks if the subject of Wiley came up, and she says, Sonny’s position is that her relationship with Wiley is between her and Michael, and he won’t influence Michael’s decision as long as she stays away from the family. He says, that shouldn’t be too hard. She and Sonny hardly know each other.  

Sonny asks how long Jason is going to be gone, but Jason says he’s not sure. He’s going to help Britt search for her mother. Carly says, that’s generous of him, and Sonny asks, what happened to Obrecht? Jason says, Obrecht and Scotty were on their way to the Caribbean… Sonny says, wait a minute. Obrecht and Scotty are an item? Carly says he missed a lot in nine months, and Sonny says, apparently. Jason says, Scotty was ejected from the plane; he had a parachute, he’s fine. Obrecht was taken captive, and no one’s heard from her. Sonny asks, who’s holding Obrecht? and Jason says, there’s multiple players involved, but it all circles back to Peter August.

Britt tells Terry that she has a strong lead on what happened to her mother, and she needs to explore it. Terry says she’s not telling the authorities? but Britt says she doesn’t trust them. Terry says, and Britt trusts her? and Britt says, yeah. Terry says, look at them, and Britt says, they’ve come a long way. Terry says, don’t worry about things there. She’s got it covered. Britt says, if the Board starts asking questions… and Terry says she’s a masterful question dodger. Britt says, good to know, and thanks Terry. She’s going to go before Terry changes her mind, and Terry says, that would be wise. Good luck. Britt says, thank you. She’s going to need it. She leaves, and Terry’s phone rings. She answers and says, oh my God.

Finn says, he and Elizabeth haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened between them; his lips almost touching her lips. She says, they haven’t. In fact, she thinks they’ve done everything they can to avoid the subject. He guesses that makes sense. A lot of things can get complicated. He misses Hayden. She says, she misses Franco, and he says, there are many reasons, and more, for them not to avoid the subject. They need to stop acting like a couple of high school kids, and take a chance, and see where they could go. He’s talking crazy, right? This is crazy. He starts to walk away, and she says, no.

Olivia says it has nothing to do with Ned or the two of them, and he asks, what’s wrong? She says, Leo had his follow-up appointment with Dr. Diamond today, and Ned asks if it went well. She says she doesn’t like the guy, and he says, since when? She says, since he thinks there’s something wrong with her kid. He was suggesting she make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. Can he believe that? He says, yes, he can.  

Maxie says she should probably stay out of the drama between Austin and Brook, and he says, that’s probably a pretty good idea. She says, an objective observation. Does he wonder if it’s all worth it? He says, so much for staying out of it, and she says, she gets fighting for his father’s birthright is important to him, but if it means losing his ability to practice medicine, is that what Jimmy Lee would really want for him? He says, if he didn’t know better, he might think she’s way more invested in this little Quartermaine squabble than she’s letting on. She says, invested? No… Well, the tiniest bit, but the same way she’s invested in who gets the final rose on The Bachelorette. These corporate shenanigans make for great gossip in Port Charles. He says he gets it, and she says she doesn’t know about him, but she could definitely use a drink. What does he say to dirty martinis? Is he interested?

Olivia tells Ned, Leo marches to his own drummer. So what? She doesn’t think that’s a problem. It’s like her Uncle Mario. He didn’t talk until he was five years old, not a word. And you know what? He became an artist. Creative people see the world differently; they experience it differently. She thinks it’s wonderful. He agrees, and she says, not all kids come flying out of the womb like Dante, all athletic and personable, and ready to take whatever the world throws at them. Not every kid is meant to be a social superstar. She thinks when you start turning it into a problem, and they see you wringing your hands over it, it does the child a disservice. Austin and Maxie walk into the restaurant.

Jason says, Peter showed up in Nixon Falls? and Sonny says he didn’t know who Peter was; he didn’t know who he was. Peter said he was an author, a friend and colleague of Nina. Once Sonny got his memory back, he was able to place him. Jason says, he threatened to kidnap Nina’s nephew James, and that’s why Nina called Obrecht, and Obrecht’s plan was to bump Peter off in St. Lucia. Sonny says, that’s when she disappeared, right? and Carly says, what she doesn’t understand is, Peter sees Sonny and doesn’t say anything? He clearly knows who Sonny is. Why not use that to his advantage?

Michael tells Willow, Drew’s initial deal was to give Jax the print media half of the company, and Crimson belongs to Jax. The companies share the same name, and have adjoining offices, but his half rarely interacts with Crimson. Willow says, but it’s still part of Aurora. All she’s saying is, no one would blame him for wanting to remove himself. He says, Nina can remove herself; he didn’t do anything wrong. She says, of course (🍷) he didn’t. She’s sorry. He says, she’s right; it’s a complicated situation. They sit, and he says, he talked to Avery today, and she’s so confused. He’s sure Donna is too. Willow asks what Avery said, and he tells her, Avery asked if Grandpa Mike is coming home the same way daddy did. When he told her, no, she burst into tears. She says, that sounds awful, and he says, it was. She asks if that’s something he’s thought about; having Nina removed? He says, it’s crossed his mind to make a case to force Jax to push Nina out, but that won’t solve the main issue. Willow says, Nina’s presence in Wiley’s life.

Nina tells Curtis, it’s no big loss. She and Sonny mean nothing to each other. She wants to move on with her life, but how? She wants to make it right with Phyllis, but how? It seems like there’s no real answers to anything, and she hates it. Is it going to go on forever? He says, no, it won’t. Take it from someone who’s made their fair share of mistakes and gone on to tell about it.

Marshall tells TJ, he hates hospitals; the lights, the sounds, the smells. TJ says it’s an interesting choice for him to volunteer there, and Marshall says he’s a glutton for punishment. TJ says his blood pressure is good. It’s a little low and something to watch for, but that’s not what’s causing his abdominal pain. Does he mind if TJ takes a listen? Marshall tells him, knock himself out, and TJ says, take a deep breath… exhale. Marshall says TJ looks awful young to be a doctor, if TJ doesn’t mind him saying so. TJ says he doesn’t mind. He just graduated from med school a few months ago. The man says, his parents must be awfully proud, and TJ says, his mom is; his dad passed away… It’s a long story. The man says, sorry. He gets chatty when he’s nervous in a hospital. TJ says, consider him an open book, and Marshall asks if TJ has a better half. TJ says he does, his partner Molly. Marshall says he bets she tells all her girlfriends about her man, the doctor, and TJ says, she’s pretty impressive in her own right, but Molly’s not like that. His uncle, on the other hand, will pull aside complete strangers on the street, and let them know his nephew is an MD. Marshall says his uncle sounds like hoot. Tell him more.

Olivia asks if Austin is relaxing from a long day of sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, and he says he’s sorry. It wasn’t his place to say anything about Leo. She says he’s damn right it wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him, did it? Anything to distract Ned. Austin will use her son’s unique personality or Chase’s broken heart. Why in the world would she trust anything he has to say? She tells him, stay the hell away from her kid, and storms out.  

Marshall says, it sounds like TJ comes from a very tight knit family. He hopes TJ knows how lucky he is, and TJ says he does. Marshall grabs his arm, and tells him to hold onto that. Hold onto that for as long as he can. He lets go, and says, sorry. TJ says he doesn’t hear anything abnormal, and Marshal laughs, saying, that’s a relief. TJ says he’d like to ask an attending physician to take a look in case he missed something, and asks if Marshall is okay by himself. It might take a minute for him to flag someone down. Marshall says he’ll be right here.   

Nina says she appreciates Curtis attempting to relate, but he’s never pulled a stunt like this. He says, maybe not, but there was a time he went down a path that caused a lot of pain for people he cares for, and for the people he served. Think about all those cases that will never be tied up because he had his badge taken away. She says, he had an addiction. She made the conscious choice to do something wrong. He says, it’s not the same, and she says, not even close. He says, how about this? He thought he’d spend the rest of his days paying for his sins from the worst chapter of his life, but his misdeeds and transgressions are in the past and behind him. And one day, probably sooner than she expects, hers will be too.

Michael tells Willow that he wishes he could snap his fingers and make this whole situation go away; just declare Nina is forbidden to see Wiley. She says, to do that, they’d have to take Nina to court. Is that what he wants? He says, honestly, yes. If it means keeping that woman away from their son, then yes. She says, okay, but she’s asking him to reconsider

Jason tells Sonny and Carly, Britt and Scott kept hitting dead ends, so they asked him for help. Spinelli took a look at Scotty’s computer, and found out it was being monitored from Greece. They went to see Nikolas, and Britt got him to admit there’s a Cassadine compound in Crete; or at least there used to be. Sonny says, that explains the Cassadine connection, but Jason said Peter was behind all this. Jason says, yeah, Peter and Victor Cassadine, and Carly says, dead Victor Cassadine? Jason says, not so dead. It makes sense, because Peter was always close to the Cassadines, especially Helena. The doorbell rings, and Sonny asks if the guards don’t call anymore. Carly says, they absolutely do, and Jason says, it’s Britt. He told Frank to let her up. Britt comes in, and Carly says she hears Britt’s taking Jason away from them.

Elizabeth says she thinks Finn might be right. She thinks maybe they should figure out what’s happening between them. Terry walks up, and asks if Elizabeth has a second, and Elizabeth asks, what’s up? Terry says, maybe they should have the conversation in private, and Elizabeth says, it’s just Finn. Unless it’s something terrible. Is it terrible? Terry says, nothing like that. Maybe she’s making a bigger deal out of it she should. Finn tells her, just take the bandaid off, and she says, someone called asking about Elizabeth. (Fooled again by the preview.) Elizabeth asks, who? and Terry says, her father.

Ned says, obviously, he doesn’t speak for Olivia, and Austin says, does anyone speak for Olivia? Ned and Maxie say, no, at the same time, and Ned says, in talking to another doctor, it appears there may be some merit to Austin’s concern about Leo. Austin says, okay, but he still should have kept his mouth shut. If he had, then maybe Ned’s daughter wouldn’t be trying to get his medical license revoked. Ned says, sorry. What? and Austin says, Brook threatened to file a formal HIPPA complaint unless he stops contesting Edward’s will. Ned asks Maxie, is this true? and Maxie says, unfortunately, yes. Ned says he had no idea. He wishes Brook hadn’t, because despite their legal battle, Ned believes in Austin as a doctor, and knows Austin is only looking out for Leo’s best interest. He tells them, excuse him, and jets.  

Elizabeth says, her father called Terry? and Terry says, Jeff left a message on Elizabeth’s voicemail when Franco died, but she never called him back. Elizabeth says, and he never called again, so what does that tell her? Terry guesses he heard about her new position at GH, and reached out to see how Elizabeth is holding up. Elizabeth asks what Terry told him, and Terry says, that she’s not his go-between. If Jeff wants to know how Elizabeth is doing, Elizabeth has to talk to him.

Britt says she asked Jason for help, but it’s Jason’s choice; he doesn’t have to. Jason says, it’s already settled; he’s going. Sonny says they’re happy to help. For what it’s worth (🍷), he hopes she finds her mother. Britt says, it’s worth a lot. She knows she and her mother aren’t their favorite people, with good reason, but Sonny says, it doesn’t matter what they think. If Britt is going to do everything she can to find her mother, he hopes she does. She thanks him, and tells Jason that she’ll wait outside for him. She leaves, and Jason says, so, are they okay?   

Willow tells Michael that, in no way, shape, or form is she defending Nina or her actions. What she did to Michael’s father is indefensible. He says, but? and she says, but she already retreated with her tail between her legs. Willow thinks it will be a long time before Nina comes knocking on their door again. He says, so they let the whole thing slide? and she says, no, they let it lie… for now. Because if they tell Nina that she’s not allowed to see Wiley, what does he think will happen? He says, she’ll contact a lawyer, and Willow says, and that lawyer will tell her that in the state of New York, grandparents do have rights. The fact is, Nina has plenty of time and money to spend on a long, ugly court battle. He says, a court battle not likely to go in their favor, and she says, don’t let his emotions drag them into something that might work against them; it’s not worth the risk. He thanks her for talking him down, and she says, anytime. He says, who’s the smart one now? and she says they can share the title. So no court battle for Wiley? He says, no court battle for Wiley. That’s definitely not the way to go.

Nina thanks Curtis for the talk, and breaking out the good stuff. He says, nothing but the best for her, and she says, all the more reason for them to make this a regular thing. Does he have time for one more, or does he have to schmooze with the clientele? He looks at his watch, and says he has to meet TJ. They’re going to a midnight movie. (Rocky Horror?) She says, that’s fun, and he says she’s more than welcome to come, but she says her big plan is to set right there. He asks Nika to please make sure his lovely friend Nina has everything she wants. Nika says he’s got it, and he tells Nina to remember what he said. He knows it doesn’t seem like it right now, but soon all this will be behind her. He leaves, and she says she can’t wait.

TJ goes into the examining room, saying, Dr. Russo can be here in ten minutes, but he finds the room empty.

Maxie says, Olivia is right about one thing; Austin did use Chase to further his own cause. That’s not her judging him. God knows, she’s no saint. He thanks her for not judging him, and she says, you know what stinks about manipulation? You feel like crap afterwards, and nobody trusts you anymore. He says, to be clear, what happened with Michael, Willow, and Chase, they’re consenting adults. It’s got nothing to do with him, but she’s right. He does feel like crap about Leo. She says she can tell it’s really bothering him, and he says, because Leo needs help. As long as they’re not judging people, he doesn’t blame Olivia, but she’s just not listening. Maxie says, maybe Ned will?

Outside, Oliva says she’s sorry for going off like that, but Ned says he understands. She says, does he? Because, no offense, he just comes from a different class. His family always reacts like this. If something even begins to present itself as a problem, they just start throwing money at it. Send the kid to a billion specialists. Maybe Leo doesn’t need that. Maybe it’s not a problem. Maybe Leo just needs to be his Leo self, and do his Leo stuff in his Leo world because he likes it there. Ned says he gets what she’s saying, but hearing what another doctor has to say doesn’t mean you’re committing to anything or anyone; it’s just more information to have. She says, that’s already calling it a problem, when she just sees him as her son. Getting a bunch of specialists, and making appointments, is going down a road she doesn’t want to go down, but she does want to go home.

Finn asks if Elizabeth is okay, and she says she’s fine. He says, if she wants to talk, he’s there, and she thanks him. The only thing she wants to think about right now is bringing home the gold on Trivia Night, and she’s signing them up. She gets in the elevator, and when the doors close, Finn says, that sounded intense. Terry says he doesn’t know the half of it, but anything more than that, he’ll have to hear it from Elizabeth.

Sonny says, they’ve all been through a lot. Carly and Jason know how much they mean to him, so can they not bring this up again? Jason says, okay. He’s going to take off. Sonny tells him to watch his back. Peter August is bad news. Jason says he’ll be careful, and Carly tells him, he always says that. He says he’ll do his best, and leaves.

Jason meets Britt outside, and says, a Porsche. She says, buckle up; she’s driving. He sighs and follows her.

Sonny asks how Carly feels, and she says, like they’re one step closer to getting their life back. She’s so glad everything is out in the open. She hugs him, but he doesn’t look very happy. Probably because everything isn’t out in the open.

Willow says, whatever she and Michael choose for Wiley, they have to be sure it’s the right decision, because once it’s made, their son is the one who has to live with the consequences. He says he hears her, and he promises when it comes to visitation, it’s a decision they’ll make together. They kiss, and Michael’s phone rings. He says he should take this, and she says, back to making moves she sees. She has something to do anyway. They exchange I love yous, and she leaves. He thanks Mr. Sheridan for getting back to him so quickly… Yes, his family is still interested in donating to his campaign for Pennsylvania Attorney General. There’s just one wrinkle they’d like to iron out first. There’s been a crime in his jurisdiction that hasn’t been prosecuted yet. It involves a woman named Nina Reeves. Whoa. Bad move without consulting Sonny first.

Nika asks if she can get Nina anything else, but Nina says, no thank you. She has to get back to her life… eventually.

Curtis finds TJ by the vending machine, and says he hopes TJ is properly excited for this movie. TJ says he’s looking forward to it, and Curtis asks if everything is okay. TJ says, he guesses it is. He was examining a patient, and told him to wait while he grabbed a second opinion, but when he came back, the patient was gone. Curtis says, maybe he felt better and took off. He’s sure the patient will be in touch if it’s anything serious. TJ hopes so, and we see Marshall watching them from the landing above.

Tomorrow, Brook says, gold star for her; Austin says, if they want to play dirty, bring it on; Ned says he hears Olivia, but doesn’t agree with her; and Nina tells Phyllis that she knows where she stands with Sonny.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion Part 2

We jumped right in with Andy asking why Erika didn’t leave Tom sooner after she found out he cheated. She said she’d told Tom, if he was in love someone else, divorce her, but he said nothing. Andy said Tom had been unfaithful for years, and asked if she’d been faithful. She said she was up until she filed for divorce, and I can believe that. We saw clips of Erika saying how great her marriage was, clips of the women finding out she was getting divorced via the headlines, and clips of Erika telling the alleged truth. Little by little. Andy asked how she felt watching it again, and she said, it’s okay. She said she’d highlighted the best of Tom, and Andy asked why she hadn’t left sooner. She said, where was she going to go? Andy said he knew what she made, and it was decent, but she said she handed all her money over to Tom, and couldn’t access any of it. She had two credit cards, and they would have been cut off. Andy asked if she’d thought the ship was sinking, and that’s why she finally left, but she said she felt Tom was sinking. There were some questions even I found intrusive, but the topper was a viewer asking how Tom could go from being so sharp into such a huge decline. That one wasn’t so much intrusive as ignorant. Erika said he was a master persuader and master performer. He couldn’t tell you the names of anyone there, but could tell stories. She said she’d done everything humanly possible to do right by him. One physician said he didn’t want get involved because Tom might sue him. People still feared Tom. XXPEN$IVE was brought up by a viewer, which was just stupid, since it’s called entertainment. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not an Erika fan because of her attitude, and I think she knew something was up, but some of this stuff is ridiculous. Erika said she was just trying to figure out what TF happened. She was overwhelmed, sad, heartbroken, bewildered, and at times, wondering what was real. I do think she loved him. She loved the money too, but that’s a separate issue. Erika said divorce revealed a hidden side of the partner. When Sutton was divorced, she hadn’t known she owned a baseball team. She said she had to worry about herself now. Whatever Tom did, or didn’t do, was on him, and his life was over. She just turned 50, and had to survive it.

A viewer pointed out that Dorit’s The Pearl dress was $35K, and Dorit said, it was luxury collection, and that was the jewel of it, but most were between five and six thousand. Her obsessive talking was the next topic, and Andy yawned when she was talking, which was pretty amusing. She asked if she was boring him. Another viewer asked if maybe it wasn’t Kyle who couldn’t shut up, giving several examples, but Kyle said, circumstances were different. Yeah, it’s always different when it’s you. Garcelle’s talk with Dorit was examined, and Garcelle said it was difficult, but necessary, and added that everyone on social media took things too seriously. We saw a clip from Beyond Salem where LisaR and Eileen Davison used some Housewives lines, and Eileen did some table flipping. We revisited Harry’s garden, and his domestic skills, and LisaR gave Andy a jar of Harry’s sauce. We flashed back to Scott Disick being old and having three kids. Bill from Manhattan asked who pressed the eject button on his and Amelia’s relationship, and LisaR said it was Amelia. We found out Harry Styles is a big fan of the show, although why, I can’t imagine. Crystal, whose husband is 20 years her senior, said she had no age gap problem with her parents, since they’re 23 years apart. LisaR said she and Amelia celebrated Lois’s 93rd birthday, and we saw (I presume) a TikTok video of the three of them dancing. I got bored with LisaR, and took note of everyone’s outfits. More understated than in Reunions past, I liked everyone’s look, but Kathy’s was especially charming; a sheer, red dotted Swiss dress over a red sheath. I love those sheer pieces.

We flashed back to Kyle and Kathy’s relationship, or lack thereof, over the years. Andy said it was nice that there was a happy ending, and asked how Kathy felt seeing the clips. She said it was sad, and then Andy rubbed it in by showing the clip from the first season when Kyle called Kim an alcoholic in the limo. Andy said it must have been painful, and Kathy said she wondered what her mom would have thought. She hoped it helped other people not to waste time, seeing the sisters’ estrangement. Kathy talked about their mother again, and started bawling. Kyle comforted Kathy, saying their mother was happy they were together, and it was okay to cry.

Next time – The Reunion Part 3 – Crystal worked for an escort service, Andy pumps Erika some more, Erika says they don’t know what she has done or will do, and they’d have to wait and see. I just wish she’d drop the defensive act. It’s officially getting old.

Winter House was as bad as I thought, but with the added bonus of way too many people. They weren’t all there yet, but I by my count, cast members were, Ciara, Paige, Luke, Kyle, Amanda, Craig, Austen, Gabby, Jason (not sure who those last two are), some guy from Italy named Andrea, and also from Italy, Julia. Everyone was staying at a house in Stowe, Vermont. Either Shep is still with his girlfriend, or finally realized he’s too old for this sh*t. Craig said he was there figuring things out about him and girlfriend Natalie. He thought they were at the point in the relationship where you either get married or break up. In his interview, Andrea said his dream was to marry an American girl and move back to Italy. He was a model, BTW, and in Paige’s interview, she said he could tell her to f*** off and she’d be like, oh thank you. She hadn’t heard a word he said since they arrived. Right off the bat, there was a fight about rooms, and they topped off the night by having a Spring Break party, complete with a beer funnel, and the tiniest Solo cups I’ve ever seen. And there was the old, wanna get leid? joke, when Ciara put leis on the dudes. It’s all downhill and messier from here. It looks like three different girls will be vying for Austen’s attention this season, and I share the question Paige posed – why?

🪔 Leave a Light On…

Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens in Port Charles and on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay one step ahead, and stay making moves and banking favors. Just don’t misuse those favors and make the wrong move.

October 19, 2021 – Victor Explains Valentin’s Parentage, Sandoval Throws a Tantrum About Katie & Strange


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Anna and Robert cross a footbridge. Anna looks over the edge, and says, that is a long drop. She says, it’s a long way from the compound site, and Robert says, if Pater makes a run for it, he’ll be intercepted. She says, he could try the main gate, and Robert says, in which case there’s a nice group of agents ready to welcome him, but that’s not Peter’s M.O. He’s going to wait for darkness, and slither away. She says she’s not going to shoot to kill, but he says, he is.

At The Savoy, Portia says, as exciting as Curtis’s detective days might have been, she’s glad they’re over, private and otherwise. That’s one thing she and Stella have in common; they both like knowing he’s safe and sound. He says he intends to stay that way, because he certainly has a lot to live for. He kisses her, and a man watches them from across the room. Curtis says, how about a toast? and she says, he sounds like he’s got something in mind. He says he does, and raises his glass, saying, may the past stay in the past. She says, amen to that, and they clink glasses.

At a table, Nikolas and Ava are served champagne. She asks what they’re drinking to, and he says, that depends on her answer. He takes out a ring box, and says, she threw these at his feet when she walked away from him. He opens the box, revealing her wedding set, and says, now he’s asking her with all of his heart if he can put them back on her.

Dante asks where Victor is holding Drew, and Victor says he can take them to Drew’s cell, but he doesn’t know if Drew is still there. Sam asks, where else would he be? and Victor says, Peter bribed the guards to do his bidding. It’s more than likely he’s taken Drew. Sam says, there’s no way in hell Drew would go anywhere with Peter, but Victor says, Drew doesn’t have a choice.

Portia looks at Ava and Nikolas, and Curtis says, let him guess. Not her favorite couple. She says she’s made her peace with Ava, but as for Nikolas, wherever he goes, disaster seems to follow.

Ava says she remembers taking her rings off, desperate to convince Nikolas that the marriage was over. She was trying to convince herself, but never did. She’s missed them. Nothing would make her happier than Nikolas putting them back where they belong. He takes her hand, and says, Ava, my wife, I love you – he puts the rings on her – with all that I have and all that I am, now and forever. She gets teary, and says, Nikolas, my husband, I love you, with all that I have and all that I am, now and forever. He says, now they can toast, and raises his glass, saying, to us. She says, to Mr. and Mrs. Nikolas Cassadine. Jason and Britt walk in.

Britt says, there they are, and Jason says he told her Spinelli would track him down. She says, he’s a useful guy to have around, and he asks if this is the way she wants to play it. She says she’s got this, but do her a favor. Don’t go too far in case she needs back-up. She pulls out a chair next to Ava, and sits. She says, mind if she joins them? It’ll be fun, walk down Memory Lane… Nikolas says she’s not saying the fun part, and she says, come on. Not every past association has to be negative. She tells Ava, he used to have the most awful nightmares about his family. Growing up in that nest of vipers would give anyone bad dreams. He would wake up in a cold sweat. She asks Nikolas if his troubled family history still disturbs his sleep.

Anna tells Robert, someone’s coming, and he says, here we go. Valentin and Drew crouch down, and go across the footbridge. She says, it’s Drew and Valentin, and Robert says, damn. She calls to Valentin, and he stands up, saying, Anna. Peter shoots him, and Robert holds Anna back. Drew fires at Peter, who returns the fire. Drew is hit, and falls over the side of the bridge. Valentin manages to make it to Anna and Robert, and Peter jets. Valentin asks if Anna is okay, and she says she’s fine; he’s the one who’s been hit.

Curtis asks Portia, what’s wrong? Talk to him. She says, it’s Spencer’s father. Not that she considers him to be a very good one. He says, he heard Spencer was arrested. He didn’t harm Trina at all, did he? She says, not physically, but he outright lied to her and played on her sympathy, when the whole time, his whole goal was to get back at Ava. Then Nikolas jumps in, playing the same twisted mind games as Spencer – like father, like son – and Trina gets caught in the middle. He says, to hell with that. He has no problem getting them the hell out. She grabs his arm, and says she appreciates the impulse, she really does, but Trina’s close to Ava, and she’d rather not escalate the tension.

Nika asks the watching man if he wants another round, and he nods.

Ava says, Nikolas doesn’t have fears about his family or anything else; not when he’s with her. Britt says, so he’s not concerned about his family’s operations in Crete? and he says, what operations? She tells him, Scotty’s computer was hacked with spyware that’s been traced back to Greece, specifically Crete, but Nikolas says he doesn’t know what that has to do with him. Computer hackers are pretty common these days. She says, this one in particular hits close to home, and Ava asks, how so? Britt says, whoever spied on Scotty, used that information to get to her mother.

Victor tells Dante and Sam, the cells are on the lower level. You go through the door and down the stairs. They shouldn’t encounter any guards. He wasn’t paying them enough to die protecting this place, but he has no idea how much Peter was paying them to betray him, so they’d best proceed with caution. Good luck. He starts to leave, but Dante says, no. He’s their luck. He’s coming with them. Victor says, why? They want Peter, not him. Sam says, right now, they want Drew. Peter will be a bonus, but he’s going to show them the way. Victor says, it seems he doesn’t have any choice, but before they go in search of Drew, there’s someone else who needs rescuing.

Nikolas says, Britt is an intelligent woman. She must realize her mother doesn’t lack for enemies, but he’s not one of them. Ava says, just because Scotty’s hacker was traced to Greece, why assume the Cassadines were involved? Britt says she has to start somewhere, and the Cassadines are the only Greek family she knows, and they’re a family with a pretty sketchy history, so… Nikolas says, he left the island and the family business behind when he came back to Port Charles, and Ava asks if Britt is finished then. This is a big night for them; they’re celebrating. Britt says she’s sorry to delay their big night, but she needs a moment with Nikolas… alone.

Valentin asks, where’s Drew? and Anna asks Robert, where’s Peter? Did Robert hit him? Robert says, running for his life, he thinks. She asks again if he hit Peter, but he says he doesn’t think so. She asks if he saw Drew, and he shines the flashlight into the water. He says, this light’s not powerful enough; he can’t see anything. Drew floats in the water, bleeding.

Anna says they have to move fast, and Robert asks what Valentin’s body temperature is. She says she doesn’t know and feels his forehead, but Valentin says he’s fine. They have to get Peter. Anna says they have to get him to the hospital, and Valentin says, there’s someone else who needs rescuing. She asks, who? and he says, Obrecht.

Nikolas asks how he can help Britt find her mom, and she says, maybe they can help each other out. Ava goes over to the bar, and asks Curtis if he’d mind if she had a word with the good doctor. He says it’s up to Portia, who says it’s fine with her. They shouldn’t be long.

The man watches Curtis go over to Jason, and asks what brings him in; business or pleasure? Jason says, neither. He’s just there helping a friend. He looks over at Britt. Nikolas asks how Britt thinks they can help each other out.

Victor leads Sam and Dante to Obrecht’s cell, and calls for her, but it’s empty. He says, she’s gone, and Dante says, he brought them to Obrecht’s cell first? Victor says, she’s in more danger from Peter than Drew. Sam says, cats have nine lives, but Obrecht must have ten, and Dante says, maybe they just moved her to another location. Victor says he prays she managed to escape. Dante picks up a syringe from the floor, and says, unless she needed medical attention, he doesn’t think she left the cell of her own free will.

Britt tells Nikolas that she heard about Spencer. All those months he and Ava lived in fear, it turned out to be Spencer all along, but some of the things he did don’t feel like Spencer’s style at all. Burning a car is simultaneously cliché and overkill. Nikolas says, he admits he was responsible. Ava was right to have him arrested. She says she asked to speak to him alone because she didn’t want to say this in front of Ava. If Spencer was willing to go to those extremes to separate them, it’s doubtful Nikolas can get through to him. Spencer still likes her, and considers her a friend, even a mentor of sorts. Maybe he’ll listen to her. She’d be happy to talk to him.

Curtis asks if there’s trouble with Britt and Nikolas, but Jason says he doesn’t want to know. Curtis sits down, and says Jason is right; he doesn’t. He was just telling Portia how happy he was to be out of that game. But based on experience, he and Jason know it’s not a game at all, right? People get hurt, and may even die. The man continues to watch Curtis.

Victor asks Dante what they’re standing around there for; Liesl’s in great danger. Dante says, Obrecht is going to be just fine. Like Sam said, she’s like some crazy cat lady with nine lives. Victor needs to take him to Drew’s cell. Victor says, it seems Sam is one step ahead of them. Dante calls to Sam.

Ava asks Portia how Trina is doing. They’ve been in touch in the past couple weeks, but she’s been distracted. She knows Trina is busy with school. Portia says, she loves it at PCU. As much as she loves having Trina home, she thinks living in the dorms is good for Trina’s independence. Most of her classes are basic courses, but she’s got one elective, art history, and in Trina’s words, it’s epic. Ava says she doesn’t worry about Trina academically one bit, but she wonders if Trina is as grounded when it comes to her social life. She was surprised when Trina put so much faith in the young man who introduced himself as Victor, and turned out to be Spencer. Portia says, Trina hasn’t told her too much about it, but she knows it’s been difficult. Spencer made Trina question her own judgment. Ava asks if Portia blames Spencer’s father for what Spencer has done, and Portia says she thinks he played a pivotal role in driving Spencer to his outrageous behavior. She knows Ava is in love with Nikolas, and doesn’t expect Ava to see it her way, and Ava says, she loves Trina too, and hates that she’s been dragged into such a dysfunctional situation. Spencer didn’t just lie and manipulate; he broke the law. That’s why she’s making sure he pays for what he did. Portia says, by having him arrested? and Ava nods. Portia says if Ava thinks she supports that decision, she’s mistaken. She disagrees.

Curtis asks Jason how Sonny is, and Jason says, he’s glad to be back. Curtis says, nine months is a long time. It’s got to be an adjustment coming back. Jason says, he’s doing okay, and Curtis says, Nina told him a little bit about what happened. He’s not defending her in any way, but Nina was there when Michael and Willow came in the other night. Let’s just say, pretty frank opinions were exchanged. Jason says, Michael has a right to his opinion, and obviously Curtis has a right to his. Curtis tells Jason, like he said, he’s not defending her, but he believes she’s deserving of another chance.

The watching man asks Nika, when is the first set? but she says, she’s sorry. There’s no live music tonight. He says, that’s too bad. What kind of acts do they book here? She says, it’s a pretty eclectic mix, and he asks who books the acts; the owner, or do they have a booking agent? She tells him, the owner does it himself, and points Curtis out.

Valentin says he didn’t want to die in Greece, and Anna says she’s not going to let him. Talk to her about Charlotte. He says, Charlotte’s a good girl. She wants a new horse. She wants to keep the pony – she loves that pony – but she’s ready for a jumper. He has his eye on a thoroughbred who used to be a racehorse. Real disappointment, but he thinks he can get a good deal, and wants to give him a second chance. He thinks everybody deserves a second chance, doesn’t she? She says, yeah, and he says he thinks there’s a good chance she’s going to have to tell Charlotte what happened here. Promise him she’ll do it. Charlotte admires her. And Bailey. That sweet thing is never going to know him. Promise him that she’ll tell his children that he loves them. She calls to Robert, telling him, get over here. She doesn’t think Valentin can hold on much longer.

Britt says, Spencer spent his entire life in the lap of luxury, so if he’s willing to spend an entire night in jail, that means he’s really dug in on his position. Maybe he needs to talk to a more neutral person who can help him find a way to apologize and also save face. It doesn’t hurt to try, right? She helps him, he helps her. It’s a win-win. He says if she wants to visit Spencer in jail, he can’t stop her, but they don’t have a deal. She asks, why not? and he says he admires her devotion to her mother, but he meant what he said; he can’t help her. His family sold off their holdings in Crete years ago. She says, which means his family used to have properties there.

 Dante tells Victor, no funny stuff. Victor had better be taking him to Drew’s cell. Victor says he is, but that doesn’t mean Sam’s found it. They go into Drew’s cell, and Sam is there. Dante tells her not to take off like that again, and she says she’s sorry. When she saw that syringe, she was afraid that whatever happened to Obrecht, happened to Drew. Victor says, Peter doesn’t need drugs to control Drew. He has something far better. Dante asks what he’s talking about, and he says, Drew’s conditioning is still active. Sam says he’s wrong. Drew had an operation and the conditioning is gone. Victor says, Faison was either greedy or prudent, depending on your point of view. He installed a shortcut, a simple image or phrase that can activate the conditionings. A trigger known only to Faison, and now it appears, to Peter. Dante asks if Victor knows this for sure, and he tells Dante to ask Robert or Anna. They were at the tavern in Panapolia (sounds like – I still don’t know if that’s right). Dante says they know that place, and Victor says, a masked gunman ambushed them, and when they fired back, the gunman retreated. Coincidentally, the next morning, this morning, Drew was found with a bullet wound. Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious, just a graze, but it appears Drew is completely under Peter’s control. Sam says, not completely, and points to Scout’s name on the wall. She says, he remembered his daughter’s name. Peter hasn’t won.

Nikolas says, the Cassadines used to own property in Crete, but sold them. It’s all part of public record. Britt says, stop acting like they’re talking about a three-bedroom bungalow in a nice neighborhood in a good school district. The Cassadines don’t buy normal homes like other people. They go after creepy caves, and volcanoes, and offshore islands with their own private harbors. He says he’s not going to deny the Cassadines think big. His grandfather built a retreat there before he was even born. She says, okay. Now they’re getting somewhere. Can he tell her how to get there? He says, what’s the point? They sold it a long time ago. It was converted to a monastery at one point, famous for it’s vineyards. He’s been told the wine is to die for. She says she hopes not for her mother’s sake, and he says she could take her Holy Orders and become a monk, but they’re pretty old school there; men only. Besides, it’s in the middle of nowhere. The only thing close is a tiny village, with a church, a post office, and a tavern. Then there’s nothing for miles.

Robert and Anna go back to the tavern, and Robert says they’re lucky they’re in a place where the bars stay open late. He could use a drink or two. Anna says she should have stayed with Valentin, and Robert says, come on. He’s been airlifted to the Consulate hospital. She says, with his life hanging by a thread, and he asks what she thinks she’s going to do? They have a ton of stuff to focus on there. He orders two glasses of ouzo, and the guard/agent comes in. Robert says he asked the agent to keep an eye on Sam and Dante. Where are they? The agent regrets to inform Robert that he didn’t complete his assignment. Robert says, that means what? and the agent says, they weren’t agents. They weren’t here on an op. They didn’t care about WSB protocols. They wanted to find a little girl’s father and bring him home. Robert says, he let them go? and he says he might have gone outside to investigate a noise, and when he came back, they were gone. Robert says he swears the agent is going to be busted down to a parking lot attendant… Anna says, for God’s sake, Robert, come on. Doesn’t he think this night has been bad enough? So what? He showed a little compassion. It’s not a bad quality for an agent, is it? Robert says, he broke the rules, and Anna says she knows agents who have done a lot worse. Two of them are standing right here. The day Robert says rules are more important than people, is the day he turns into a liar. Rules are meant to be lightly ignored, or downright broken, and he knows that better than anyone.

Dante tells Sam, they have to go. Every minute that goes by, Peter is getting further and further away with Obrecht and Drew. Let’s go. Victor starts to follow them, and Drew says, not him. He’s going to lock Victor in there. Victor says they can’t leave him there, and Dante says he’ll send someone to babysit Victor. Victor says, if Peter comes back, he’ll show no mercy, and Sam says, like Victor did for Drew? Victor says, Peter was the one responsible for Drew’s abduction; Peter was behind his captivity. Did he facilitate it? Yes, fine, but does he regret it? Oh my God, immeasurably. In a lifetime of questionable alliances, not the least with his barking mad own brother Mikkos, getting close with Peter was the worst mistake of his life. All he wants to do is live long enough to pay that bastard back; live being the operative word. He knows this place like the back of his hand. They need him to guide them safely out of here. Sam asks what Dante thinks; someone who could actually show them around? Dante says, all right, but if Victor tries anything, he will shoot him. Show them the way. Victor says, follow him, and they go.

Portia tells Ava, if Spencer is convicted, that’s going to be on his record for life. Ava says, that’s entirely up to him. She set her anger aside, went to the PCPD, and offered him an olive branch. She just hopes he was smart enough to take it. Maybe someday, if Spencer gets his act together, he and Trina can be friends again. Portia says she’s going to be encouraging her daughter to stay far, far away from Ava’s stepson. Ava says, because of what Spencer did, or because Trina got caught in the middle? Portia says, neither. It’s because of who Spencer is.

Sam approaches Robert at the bar, and he asks where she’s been. He told her to stay put. She says, they found someone who can maybe help them find Drew, and Dante brings Victor in, wearing handcuffs. Robert says he kind of knew the rumors of Victor’s demise were greatly exaggerated, and Victor says he can explain, but first he needs to know, did Valentin manage to escape? They were separated in all the confusion. Anna says, he was shot in the back by Peter. He’s been airlifted out. Victor asks if they know his prognosis, and she says, he’s critical. Why does Victor care? He’s heard Valentin isn’t a Cassadine. He’s no relation to Victor. Victor says she couldn’t be more wrong. Helena had an affair… with him. Valentin’s his son, and a true Cassadine.

Victor says, she was convinced Mikkos was cheating on her, which of course (🍷) he was. He knows people saw her as heartless and vindictive, but Helena was always far more complex than that. Sometimes even vulnerable. She felt Mikkos was her life partner; her soulmate, if you will. When she learned of his many infidelities, it crushed her. One day, Victor found her crying. He was intending only to comfort her, but comfort turned to passion. One thing led to another. He doesn’t regret any of it. Robert says Victor will have to pardon him if he throws up in his mouth over this, and Victor says, Helena paid Mikkos back with interest. She kept her pregnancy secret, and fostered the child with a local girl Mikkos had already discarded. Then she tricked Mikkos into believing Valentin was his son. He sent Valentin away to boarding school, and forgot about him. Victor felt Valentin was safer that way, so he did nothing to dispute the lie. Anna asks why he wants to claim Valentin now, and he says he knew Peter was going to double-cross him at any time; he was already holding Valentin captive. He didn’t know if either of them was going to survive, and he thought his son had a right to know his father before he died. Anna says she hopes Valentin laughed in his face, and Victor says, he did actually, but that doesn’t make it any less true. She says, father, uncle, random stranger makes no difference to her. If Valentin dies, she’s holding Victor responsible.

Curtis tells Jason that he didn’t know it was so difficult to prove a person was legally alive. Jason says, Diane had to do it when he came back. She’s probably the only person not complaining, because she’s making a fortune off it. Curtis says, but she’s not so thrilled to see Sonny alive that she’s working at a discount, and Jason says, she loves Sonny and she’s like his own, but a discount? Not a chance.   

The watching man asks Nika if they feature acts from the Northeast, or do they get them from all over? He knows she said eclectic, but he doesn’t know if that means style or geography. She says, both. Since they opened, they’ve had acts from all over. One singer came in from London. He says, impressive, and smart. Live music is a great draw. He knows people like to come to clubs with their friends, but when they see a live act, it takes it to the next level. It sounds like her boss knows what he’s doing.

Nikolas tells Britt, his own relationship with his son is complicated to say the least. So even if most people woudn’t understand her devotion to her mother, he does. Maybe there’s something he can do to help. He still has some friends in Crete. He can put in a few and see if anyone’s heard anything. She says, they’re talking about criminals and a possible kidnapping. Does he think his friends will just volunteer information? He says, to a stranger? Absolutely not, but it’s different when it’s one of their own.

Ava says Portia wouldn’t want Trina to be friends with Spencer, even down the line, because he’s a Cassadine? Is that what she means? Portia says, this is no reflection on Ava, but at the end of the day, she wants her daughter safe. In her book, that means keeping Trina away from Ava’s stepson and her husband.

Victor asks if they’ve heard anything from the hospital, but Anna says Valentin’s been gone less than an hour. He would have been taken straight to surgery. She doubts the doctors have time to call them with updates. Victor says, he’s at the American Consulate, isn’t he? and holds out his wrists for Dante to uncuff him. Dante says, he’s not going anywhere, but Victor says Dante knows there are plenty Consulate personnel there to keep an eye on him. Dante says, they might, if Victor actually made it to the Consulate, which he highly doubts Victor is going to do. Just because he’s feeling paternal toward Valentin, doesn’t erase all the bad stuff he did. Victor looks to Anna for help, but she says, there isn’t a chance in hell that he’ll make it to the Consulate on his own volition. He’ll stay here with them, and answer questions. She supposes she could make a call, and steps away.

Britt tells Nikolas that she doesn’t understand why he won’t just give her an address. What’s it to him if she goes to Greece? He says she hasn’t even let him make any calls yet. Not that he’s promising any clues to where her mother might be, but you never know. She tells him to let her know if he hears anything. Her phone rings, and it’s Anna. Nikolas says, maybe Anna has a clue for her, and she leaves the table. The connection isn’t good, and Britt asks where Anna is. Anna says, in Greece. She has news about Britt’s mother.

Robert asks the agent if there’s any news. Sightings? Maybe Peter is dragging around a female hostage by the name of Liesl Obrecht? Sam says, shouldn’t he be asking about two hostages? and Dante says, Liesl and Drew. Robert tells the agent that he needs a minute with them, and he leaves. Dante asks, what’s going on? and Sam asks if he knows something about Drew. Robert says he’s got news. None of it good.

Nika says there’s a customer she thinks Curtis should meet, and he says he’d love to. Any reason in particular? She says, he was asking about live music, and he tells her to point him in the right direction. She sees the watching man’s table is empty, and Curtis says, it looks like he took off. If he comes back, be sure to introduce them.  

Robert says, there’s only one way to the dock, and it’s over the footbridge, and Sam says, that’s where Valentin was shot. What does that have to do with Drew? He says, Valentin and Drew were together. They were halfway across the bridge, when Peter put a shot in Valentin’s back. Drew turned around to draw fire, and Peter put three shots into him. The impact blew Drew back across the bridge and into the water, and it’s a long way. He never surfaced. Dante asks if he’s sure Drew was, and Robert says he is. Dante says, so what he’s saying is he thinks Drew is dead, but they don’t have a body, right? Robert says he has agents combing the area. They’ll call him the minute they find Drew, dead or alive. Dante tells Sam, the one thing Drew has proven so far is that he’s hard to kill. Robert goes over to Victor, and says he’s going to be held accountable for this. Victor says, as he understands it, Robert is retired from the WSB, and is now the DA of Port Charles. This is a little out of his jurisdiction, wouldn’t he say? Robert leans over Victor and tells him, don’t worry. When it comes to the Cassadines, he always makes it personal.

Ava says, she admires any mother who’s protecting her daughter, but Portia does understand how important Trina’s well-being is to her, right? She knows she’s proven that. Portia says she knows Trina admires Ava. She looks up to Ava, and cares for her deeply, which is why she went to great lengths to help Ava with her stalker. Ava senses a but coming, and Portia says, she’d be correct. Now that the stalker situation is over, and Ava has decided to stay with Nikolas, she’s cemented herself in the Cassadine family. She just hopes that connection doesn’t come back to haunt Ava – or Trina.

Nikolas makes a call, and asks if someone can talk. The bartender in the Crete tavern says, it’s not a good time, but Nikolas says, that’s too bad. He understands there’s been some disruption. Tell him everything.

Jason asks Britt, who was on the phone? and she says, Anna; she was in Greece. It turns out, the IP address Spinelli found on Scotty’s computer, was linked to a Cassadine compound where her mother was being held captive by Peter. But guess what else? He’s not working alone. Jason asks, who’s helping him? and she says, Victor Cassadine. He says, Nikolas’s uncle? and she says, yeah, the dead guy. But there’s something else. Jason’s brother Drew was also being held on the compound. He says, Drew was in the prison? and she tells him, Anna said the WSB stormed the place and grabbed Victor, but Drew took a bullet, and is presumed dead. He says, presumed. So there’s no body – again. She says, apparently, Peter shot Drew on some bridge. He fell over the side and into the sea. The WSB is still looking for him, but Anna didn’t sound hopeful. He says, what about Peter? and she says, vanished, and so has her mother. He says, we need to go to Greece, and she says she’s game if he is.

Peter is sitting in a car, and says, are we good? Drew takes off the protective gear he had on under his clothing, and Peter says, between the bullet hits and the fall, they have to think he’s dead. Put the gear in the back, and let’s get moving. Drew gets in, and Peter drives off, smiling.

Tomorrow, Nina tells Curtis, a lot has happened in the last few hours; Terry says, somebody called asking about Finn; Carly wonders why Peter didn’t use this to his advantage; and Jason tells someone that he’s about to leave town.

Vanderpump Rules

In Raquel’s interview, she said she couldn’t believe this was her life. She and James called her mom, and she told her mom that the ring had been in a Tiffany’s box. In her interview, Raquel said, Tiffany’s was where all the princesses got their jewelry. Ariana waxed nostalgic with Sandoval about their first Coachella, and in her interview, she said, it was absolutely magical. She told Sandoval that the engagement had him written all over it. In Sandoval’s interview, he said, seeing Ariana so happy made him want to do something as special for her. Scheana said her boobs were telling her that she had to go home. Brock was disappointed to leave early, and in Lala’s interview, she said, welcome to parent life. He hadn’t seen two of his kids in four years, and wasn’t getting any parent of the year award, even though Scheana thought he was perfect. The Toms discussed the evening, and Sandoval said he wanted to make it amazing or not do it at all. Schwartz asked how much was spent, and Sandoval said it had been $25K. In Schwartz’s interview, he questioned the wisdom of this, since they were getting financing for the new bar, and still had money to raise. It was a significant chunk of change. Sandoval said he didn’t know how to do tiny, and in his interview, he said nothing gave him more joy than helping a friend accomplish a dream. He and James had split the cost. Schwartz said he was so impressed, he was letting Sandoval name the bar. I translated this to be Schwartz’s way of avoiding the name conflict. Sandoval said he hoped Schwartz didn’t feel like he was caving, and in his interview, he said, if it upset Katie, she had only one person to blame. Sandoval toasted to Schwartz and Sandy’s. Ugh. He is not reading any room. There isn’t one other person who’s in love with this name.  

James ran around yelling, Raquel is my fiancé! Schwartz told Katie that he was impressed, and let Sandoval name the bar. Unfortunately, Sandoval still wanted Schwartz and Sandy’s, but he’d learn to love it. Katie said he’d made a leap forward, and took ten steps back, but he said it would grow on her. In her interview, she said, the only thing she wanted growing on her were her hair and fingernails. LVP called James, and wanted to know the details. She asked which Tiffany’s he’d gone to, but he said, it was a Tiffany diamond; he hadn’t gotten the ring Tiffany’s. The only person not at the engagement was Max. She said she didn’t know how ready Max was to reestablish their relationship, and we flashed back to James being a d*ck. In Lisa’s interview, she said Max was done, but she thought James needed Max on his side.

Katie went over fertility stuff with Schwartz, who was instructed to put a specimen in a jar. In Katie’s interview, she said, having a family was something they’d always planned for, and it was important for Schwartz to be present 100% of the time. She got together with Lala, and a couple of fitness trainers for a session of electromagnetic stimulation. In Lala’s interview, she said, becoming a mom meant your body wasn’t your own. Ocean was out of her, but still attached to her boob 24/7, and it was hard not to feel like some sort of farm animal. She’d heard the a few minutes of the stimulation was the equivalent to hours at the gym. Was she taking the easy way out? Yes. If this is true, why aren’t we all doing it? They got hooked up and zapped, and Lala said it was like nothing she’d felt before. Katie said it felt like every muscle was contracting all at once, and in her interview, suggested using the bathroom before a session. Katie and Lala discussed the fertility issue, and in her interview, Katie said, when everyone around you was getting pregnant, and you weren’t, it was added stress. Meanwhile, Sandoval went to lend moral support to Schwartz – i.e. stand and wait while Schwartz created his specimen. Sandoval came in and asked how Schwartz liked his eggs. Fertilized? Ugh again. He also brought a helpful kit, containg lube (for obvious reasons), a Gwyneth Paltrow vagina candle (on loan), and a face mask (don’t ask). Then he waited while Schwartz… 16 minutes later, Schwartz emerged, and said he’d had raw determination, which was probably not his best choice of words.

Katie asked about the playdate with Summer Moon, and Lala said it was wonderful. She told Katie that since Brock hadn’t spoken to his kids in four years, she thought Scheana was running the risk of him being done with both her and the baby if things didn’t work out. Scheana had a pattern of ignoring the signs, and she was worried for Summer Moon. In Lala’s interview, she said now that she was a mom, she looked at things differently, and told Katie that the stakes were higher; it’s just different. James made Raquel bring a gift to Max when she went to work. In his interview, he said, he’d apologized a million times. He’d gotten Max an Oculus, since they’d played together back in the day. It was the cherry on the apology, and would show he meant it. He didn’t think Raquel should be wearing her ring when she was working, but she said she wanted to show Lisa. In her interview, she said what was the point of having a gorgeous, huge Tiffany diamond if she couldn’t show it off at work and make everyone a little jelly. For the record, I hate when people shorten words like that.   

Puffy! Lisa went to TomTom, and the Toms told her about the engagement. Schwartz pretended to hand her his specimen, but it was really a jar of yogurt. In Lisa’s interview, she said she’d been married for 37 years, and had some experience. She knew what it was supposed to look like. She wanted them to stop joking and jerking, and get to work. Scheana got together with Lala for some shopping, and told Lala that once Summer Moon wore something on Instagram, she couldn’t wear it again. In Scheana’s interview, she said Summer Moon already had 110K followers. She’d passed her dad before she was born. Lala asked her how she’d found out about Brock’s kids, and Scheana said he’d been open about the situation since day one. In Lala’s interview, she said she didn’t care if he was Jason Momoa himself, if he hadn’t seen his kids in that long, she wouldn’t be saying, you’re the one to be my baby daddy. Lala said she didn’t want Scheana to live by Brock’s past relationship, but Randal had a similar situation, and she wasn’t turning a blind eye to the fact it could happen to her. She knew people changed, but she didn’t want to be a dummy, and didn’t want anything to happen to Scheana and Summer Moon. In Scheana’s interview, she said she knew her track record wasn’t great, but she didn’t see that happening. Lala said if one day Scheana didn’t want Brock in her or the baby’s lives anymore, she would hope he’d fight to see his kid.   

Raquel was excited that his and Raquel’s families were getting together, but James was more apprehensive. In Raquel’s interview, she said her family had met drunk James and angry James, and it was hard to know which James would show up. She was close to her older sister Kate, even though they didn’t have a lot in common. Raquel was adopted at birth by her aunt who’d had no luck getting pregnant, when Raquel’s biological mother had been surprised by her second pregnancy. Kate had still stepped into the big sister role. At dinner, Raquel brought up bringing the gift to Max, and said she’d done the best she could. We saw a clip of that, as well as her showing off her ring to Lisa. Max said Raquel might be making a mistake marrying James, but they’d see, and Raquel told Max that James was very remorseful. James explained to the families that he and Max had gone to dinner, and gotten in an argument. He did things he shouldn’t have, and said things he shouldn’t have. Kate said he seemed to have issues sober or drunk, and in his interview, James said his family loved Raquel right away, but with her family it was a bit more of a journey. James’s mom said, not everyone was perfect, rather than chastising him for being an a-hole. Kate said she didn’t want to see Raquel in a situation where she had to fix James’s problems, and in Raquel’s interview, she said, Kate wasn’t always supportive of their relationship because of James’s drinking. Being Raquel’s big sister, she was always going to be protective. Kate hoped James realized that his behavior could affect Raquel.

Katie and Ariana went to TomTom, and Lisa was there with Ken. Lisa talked to Katie about the whole baby thing, and in Katie’s interview, she said, they’d been trying, but after a while, it becomes a chore and like a job. In Lisa’s interview, she said it was probably breaking Katie’s heart seeing Lala, Scheana, Brittany, and Stassi all having babies at the same time. She must feel left out, and it wasn’t something you could control. She asked Katie if the Toms ever suggested they try for a baby, and Katie said, if could have one, they would. Isn’t TomTom their baby? Lisa sat with the Toms, Katie, and Ariana, and Schwartz said they’d had trouble staffing for the new bar. Lisa asked if they had a problem with Katie having a role in it. Schwartz said she wasn’t the most sociable, and Katie said she’d worked for her mother for years, and there were never any issues. In her interview, she said she worked in her mom’s restaurant, and she would love to have a family business. Um… She also worked for SUR, and I don’t remember her ever being a less than stellar server. Out of nowhere, Sandoval said he’d had to endure a public undressing, and it gave him massive anxiety. In Lisa’s interview, she said she didn’t mean to provoke anything. She just wanted Katie to have something she’s invested in. He ranted on about Scheana’s birthday, and how Katie had told him the restaurant name was uninspired. I guess he forgot they’d established it was actually Schwartz who’d said that. Schwartz said Sandoval never got over Stassi’s book signing, and we flashed back to 2019, when Katie cursed Sandoval out because of some text. In Katie’s interview, she said, Sandoval wasn’t traumatized. He was scared about letting someone work at the bar who won’t lie and say he’s a genius. She told him, it was years ago; get TF over it. Then he went on a tirade about Katie’s rage texts, and Ariana said that hadn’t happened in years. In Ariana’s interview, she said, Tom was all over the place. She understands his past experience was coloring the way he felt about him and Katie working together now, but just say that. Sandoval said he had a reason to feel insecure. Katie felt entitled with her feelings (what does that even mean?), and he had receipts. Screw her for making him feel like a psychopath. Schwartz told him to take a walk, and Sandoval said he was tired of feeling cornered. Ariana said he was the one cornering them.

What a baby. I’m not a huge Ariana fan, but I’m glad to see she isn’t just taking his side because they’re a couple.

Next time, Schwartz says all his sperm have misshaped heads, Lala says she’d blamed Raquel for her relationship with James failing, and Lala has a sit-down with Brock.

🌈 All I Have To Do Is Dream…

Tomorrow, Erika will cry more crocodile tears, and Charleston boys will collide with the Hamptons crowd in the premiere of <shudder> Winter House. I’ll let you know how awful it is. I already know it will be. Until then, stay safe, stay never going to crime scene number two, and stay not letting comfort turn to passion. It could result in a really messy situation.