Tag Archives: Emme Rylan

August 16, 2023 – Selina Makes Curtis an Offer, Wakey-Wakey, Their Message, VanderSurplus, New Villains, Well-Timed, Cos That Play & Life


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Trina sits with Ava at the pool, and Ava asks if they think Curtis’s condition is permanent. Trina tells her, the doctor said the bullet nicked his spine, but he also said all spine injuries aren’t the same, so they’re hoping he regains the use of his legs. Ava says, Trina knows she’d do anything for her, so if she ever needs anything… What are her plans until school starts up again? Trina says she’s not really sure, and Ava asks if The Chuck offered her a part time position after her internship. Trina says, they did, but she turned it down, and Ava asks, why? Trina says she was hoping she could go back to Ava’s gallery, and Ava says her gallery isn’t as prestigious as The Chuck, but she’d be happy to have Trina back. Trina says she just feels more comfortable with Ava, and she can make her own hours, which is important now that so much is going on in her personal life. Spencer calls to Trina from the pool where he has Ace, and asks if she wants to join them.

At her desk, Portia looks at her and Curtis’s wedding photo, and flashes back to seeing him in physical therapy. There’s a knock at the door, and Marshall comes in. He asks how she’s doing, and she says, trying to hang in there. He says, they all are. He hates to bother her with this, but they have a problem. It’s The Savoy.

Curtis tries to lift himself up, but is unsuccessful. Selina lurks around the doorway, and Roy says, he can do this, but Curtis says he can’t. He could do it yesterday. Roy says, Curtis is the type of guy who doesn’t give up. He has a competitive spirit and doesn’t like to lose, so come on. Curtis says, Roy doesn’t know what he’s capable of, but Roy says he’s pretty good at reading people, and he has Curtis’s number. Curtis asks what it says, and Roy says, Curtis isn’t going to let a spinal injury get him down. No way. Let’s go. Just focus and relax. Selina continues to watch without letting her presence be known.

Austin sees Michael and Willow at the hospital, and says, look at Willow, all out and about. She looks well. She thanks him, and says she’s surprised people recognize her standing; she was in that hospital bed for so long. She’s got her color back and she’s feeling better. Michael says, they’re just glad to be here for her check-up and not a treatment, and Austin asks how many weeks it’s been since the transplant. Willow says, twelve weeks, although it feels like a lifetime ago. She’s finally getting her life back. Michael notices Dex hanging around.

Sam meets Cody at the Bistro, and says she got his message; what’s up? He says he needs her help, and she says, no surprise there. What happened this time? Please don’t tell her that he’s in trouble with the PCPD again. He says, no, it’s not him. It’s Sasha. She’s in danger, and it’s time they do something drastic.

Gladys goes into the station and says she has to speak with Detective Falconari. It’s a matter of life and death. Dante comes out, and she says she needs his help. It’s an emergency. He asks why she didn’t just call 9-1-1 and save herself a trip? but she says, 9-1-1 can’t issue a restraining order and she needs one now. He asks who she needs to get a restraining order against, and she says, his pal, Cody Bell. She needs to keep him away from Sasha.

Sasha stares into space, and Mandy says, it’s very important that Sasha tell her what she’s been taking. Sasha says she’s not taking anything, but Mandy says she’s looked at Sasha’s chart, and none of the medications she’s on should cause this. Sasha says she doesn’t know. It’s something they’re giving her. Mandy says, who’s giving it to her? when Dr. Montague comes in and asks if there’s a problem here. Mandy says she’s not sure. Sasha’s completely incoherent and it doesn’t square with her prescribed medications. He motions her into the hallway, and says, patients can often have unexplained reactions to mild sedatives. Mandy says she thinks Sasha is getting unprescribed medications from somewhere, so she’s running a blood test just to be sure.

Ava tells Trina, Spencer is so good with his little brother, isn’t he? That’s so nice to see. Trina says, Spencer is devoted to Ace. Ava should see them at home. Spencer changes him, he feeds him, he even sings him a lullaby. Ace was being so fussy one day when she was there, and Spencer calmed him down with a lullaby. It was the sweetest thing. Ava says, and that’s not a problem for her? and Trina asks, why would it be? Ava says, if Spencer’s spending so much time with Ace, then he’s also spending time with Esme. That must be a little uncomfortable for her. Nina comes over to their table, and says, Curtis told her that they’re moving him to rehab. That’s great news. He’s strong. He’s going to get through this. Trina thanks her, and says, if they’ll excuse her, there’s a cute baby in the water and his equally cute brother. She leaves, and Nina sits down. She says, Ava told her they were meeting to celebrate. What are they celebrating? Ava says, the end of her nightmare.

Willow tells Austin, she’s been given a second chance at life. She’s so grateful to everyone at GH, but especially to her husband. Michael’s support has been incredible. Michael tells her not to give him too much credit. She’s the strong one in this relationship. Willow tells Austin not to listen to him. He’ll never admit how much he’s done for her. Thinking about their children was another inspiration. Austin says, they can agree it was a group effort. He’s not an oncologist, but the transplant seems to have been a success because clearly, she’s on the road to recovery. He won’t keep them. Willow thanks him, and he moves on. Willow tells Michael that she can’t believe how light she feels, like a huge weight’s been lifted off her shoulders. She used to dread stepping into this building. Each week brought more bad news or another setback, but now she’s not nervous going for her check-up. She knows she’s going to hear something positive for a change. He says he loves seeing her this happy. He knows it sounds cliché, but he doesn’t take anything for granted anymore. Every morning he wakes up with her or sees her playing with the kids or hearing her laugh is a gift. He’s the luckiest guy in the world.

Portia asks if something happened at the club, and Marshall says he just got a call from N’neka. She’s trying to cover things, but it’s way too much for one person to do, and she doesn’t have the experience running the day to day business. Portia asks if there’s anyone else who can do it, but he says, no one who knows how to do everything. Liquor needs to be ordered, books balanced, checks cut; N’neka’s completely overwhelmed. And it’s not like they can just hire any manager. Curtis did more than just paperwork. He was the heart and soul of the place; he was a presence. He not only welcomed the customers; some of them came just because he was there. She says, he’s right. Curtis didn’t just run The Savoy; he was The Savoy. Marshall says, exactly. Anyone can run a club, but nobody can replace Curtis. He worked so hard to make his dream a reality. And that’s why the two of them need to keep it alive. Geez, they’re acting like Curtis is dead.

Curtis does bicep curls as Selina watches. Roy comes in, and she ducks back. Roy tells him, that’s enough for now, and to put down the weights, but Curtis says, no. Roy is the one who said he could do this. He’s not stopping. Damn. He lost his count. Roy says, stop. Please. Work himself too hard, he could do some real damage. Curtis insists he’s got ten more in him, and Roy says he doesn’t doubt it, but suggests they take a break. They’ll move on to the resistance bands. Sound good? Curtis says, yeah, and Roy leaves. Selina comes in, and says, Curtis’s situation is most unfortunate. He has her deepest sympathy. She puts her hand on his shoulder.

Montague says he appreciates Mandy being so conscientious, but from now on he needs her to check with him before she orders any tests on this patient. Is he clear? She says, yes, she’s sorry, but he says, no need for apologies. She was just doing her job. Sasha is extremely fragile, so he needs to be consulted on everything about her case, even her medication. The poor thing suffered a psychotic episode the other day. The man she stabbed got into her room. She thought he wanted revenge, and had a complete breakdown. Mandy says, that’s the problem. Her symptoms don’t seem to be linked to psychosis. She seems like she’s stoned on something. He thanks her for bringing it to his attention, and she says she’ll make sure he gets the report on the bloodwork. He says, that’s not necessary. He’ll follow up on the bloodwork himself. She can go now.

Cody says he finally managed to get into Ferncliff to see Sasha, and Sam says, back up. She thought Gladys banned him. He says, technically, yes, and she says, he had other ways of getting in? He says he enlisted Brook’s help. She was able to distract Nurse Ratchet at the front desk long enough for him to sneak by. When he got to Sasha’s room, he was shocked. She was totally out of it. She was curled up on the floor… Her face was covered in tears; she was shaking. She had this blank look on her face. She didn’t seem to recognize him at first, so he kneeled down and tried to take her hand, and she just freaked out. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, and she thought he was there to kill her. That’s when Brook and some orderly came in, and he made them leave. Sam says, that’s awful, but what is happening with Sasha? He says, she’s being drugged, and he needs Sam’s help to prove it.

Dante suggests Gladys tell him what happened before they get going on all the paperwork, and she says she sees how this is going to be. Cody is his friend, so he’s going to try and talk her out of this. He says, actually, it’s standard procedure. The fact that Cody’s his friend has nothing to do with it. Why doesn’t she take a seat? They sit down at Dante’s desk, and he asks her to tell him what happened. She says, Cody took advantage of an extremely vulnerable woman. He snuck into Ferncliff and upset Sasha. She’s been in a severely traumatized state, and his visit made it worse. Mac comes out and asks, what’s going on? Dante says, Gladys would like to file a restraining order against Cody Bell, and Gladys says, he terrorized her daughter-in-law. He didn’t have permission to visit her, but he slipped past the front desk and got into her room. So she thought he was there to pay her back for stabbing him, and entered into another breakdown. As Sasha’s guardian and her mother-in-law, Gladys needs to protect her, and she wants that restraining order. Mac says, Officer Robinson will fill out the paperwork, and Gladys goes to the front desk. Mac asks Dante, what kind of trouble is Cody causing now?

Dante tells Mac, obviously, Cody’s in some kind of trouble, but he wants to hear Cody’s side of the story first. You’ve got to take whatever Gladys says with a grain of salt. Mac says he knows, but if Cody was restricted from seeing Sasha, he’s already in violation, and Dante says, it’s not like he was trying to do harm to Sasha; he cares about her. Mac says, Dante’s right, and he can’t throw stones because he did the same thing. Dante says, Mac will have to tell him that story, and Mac says he doesn’t know if Cody’s aware of this, but decades ago, his mother Dominique was committed. Leopold Taub, Cody’s father, was a, evil son of a bitch who had her committed. Taub didn’t want Mac anywhere near Dominique, so he had to break into the place to see her. So he gets where Cody is coming from. They both share the same impulse to rescue the women they care about. Dante flashes back to finding out Mac is really Cody’s father.

Sam asks if Cody is sure Sasha is being drugged, and Cody asks, what other explanation could there be? Go see for herself. Something is going on. She asks if he thinks Gladys has something to do with it, and he says, yes. Let’s go over the facts again. Gladys is Sasha’s guardian, right? Gladys is also flat broke. Sasha was thinking of ending the guardianship. He thinks that put Gladys into a panic. Sam says, because her meal ticket’s gone, and he says, exactly. And the timing is so suspicious. Sasha was doing and feeling great. That nasty lady at Home & Heart tried to rattle her. Sasha held it together, then all of a sudden, she started to spiral. Sam says, they’re going to need something more than his suspicions to go on, and Cody says, maybe she doesn’t buy his theory. So he’ll just take care of it… She says, no. She believes him and wants to help him, but there’s no proof. He needs proof. He gets up, and she asks where he’s going. He tells her, she said they need proof. He’s going to go find it.

Montague tells Sasha that he’s here to help her, and she says she doesn’t know what’s going on. Why does she feel this way? He says, because she’s still using. She’s still taking illegal drugs. They’re not sure how she’s getting them in, but they’re going to find out. She says, no, that’s not it. They’re giving her something. He says, just admit it. She still has a problem. He’s going to get her some help. There’s a knock at the door, and Janice says, the doctor wanted to see her? He says, yes. They have a problem.

Dex asks what Michael wanted to talk to him about, and Michael says he has a few questions. Dex says, make it quick; he has somewhere he needs to be. Michael says, somewhere or someone? He’s clearly following Austin. (Someone he needs to be? That makes no sense. Although I have to agree with Michael that Dex is less than stealthy.) Dex says, it’s a job for Sonny, and Michael asks why his father has Dex following the doctor.

Curtis asks what the hell Selina is doing here, and she says she heard what happened to him. He says, everybody heard about it. The shooting was all over the news. She says, the news said he was shot, so naturally, she was concerned about him, and he says, since when? She says she cares about his welfare. She tried to visit him at the hospital, but they said he wasn’t accepting visitors, and he says, if he didn’t want his family as visitors, what made her think he wanted to see her? She says she’s sensing some hostility, and he says, she’d be right, so why doesn’t she leave? She says, it’s at times like this we need our friends, and he tells her, who says they’re friends?

Nina says, Ava is going to have to give her some more information. What nightmare is she referring to? Ava says she’s just had a lot of stress lately, and now things have shifted, and it’s a huge weight off her shoulders, that’s all. Nina says, weight. She’s going to have to elaborate. What’s going on? Ava says she doesn’t even want to talk about it. She just wants to put it behind her. Nina says, don’t do this. If she was to guess, she’d guess it was something she walked in on yesterday in Sonny’s office. They seemed very tense, like there was a lot of things unsaid. Ava says, Nina knows Sonny as well as she does. He’s not that big on communication. Nina says, but usually Ava is. Come on. What is the deal? She feels like Ava and Sonny are shutting her out. Ava tells her, let’s just say, it’s nothing for Nina to worry about, and soon, it will be the same for her. She raises her martini glass.

Betty dashes into Austin’s office, and doesn’t see him. I love how they think he never leaves his office, like he doesn’t have a real job. She says, hello? and he comes out of (I assume) the bathroom. He says, if it isn’t Mrs. Baylock, and she says, who? He asks if she hasn’t seen The Omen, and she says she doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about and she doesn’t care. Because she got this. She shows him the flashdrive, and he says, his turn now. He doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. She says, this, and he says, what is this? She says, the jackpot.

Selina says, of course (🍷) she and Curtis are friends. She would do anything to help him. He says he already has enough friends, and he doesn’t need anything from her. She says, it’s a shame to hear him say that, and he asks why she just doesn’t cut the crap and tell him why she came here. Because he’s not buying the goodwill tour. She says, he offends her; always so suspicious. If he won’t accept her as a friend, she hopes he continues to deal with her as a business partner, because she has an offer for him. He asks what that would be, and she says, with him being out of commission, he won’t be able to run the club. She’d like to take The Savoy off his hands, and she’s prepared to make him a generous offer. Marshall walks in and says, over my dead body.

Esme sees Spencer and Trina sitting on chaise lounges, playing with Ace. They try to get him to wear a tiny bucket hat, but he’s not having it, and Trina says she used to have one of these as a baby. Her mom even took a picture of her with it on at the beach. Spencer says he bets she was adorable as a baby, and she shrugs. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, thinking about the photo made her think of her mom and what she’s going through. Things were just getting back on track for her and Curtis when he was shot. And now she has to see him in a wheelchair. She’s just so worried for her. Spencer says, of course (🍷) he wishes he could spend the whole day with her, but he thinks she’d feel better if she checked on her mom. Esme watches.

Cody goes into the station and finds Dante, who asks, what’s going on? Cody says, Dante has to start doing his job. Isn’t he supposed to serve and protect? Well, there’s a woman – a vulnerable, innocent woman – out there… Gladys storms out and says she has something for Cody. Obviously irritated, he says, what is it? She says, here, and slaps the restraining order on his chest.

Willow runs up to Michael, hugging him from behind, and he says, it looks like someone got good news. She says she did. She got the green light to go out in public again. Michael says, that’s huge. Are there any restrictions? She tells him, Dr. Randolph said it could take up to a year for her immune system to fully recover, but it’s already been three months and she’s happy with Willow’s blood cell count. He asks if there are any limitations about what she can do or where she can go, and she says, Dr. Randolph advised against travel for a while, so Paris will have to wait, and she doesn’t think she’ll be going to concerts any time soon, but the doctor encouraged her to go for walks. The doctor said it’s a great way for Willow to build up her strength, and he knows how much Wiley likes to explore down at the boathouse, and she finally has enough energy to push Amelia in her stroller. It’s just a win for the entire family. He says, she’s not planning on going back to work yet, but she tells him, don’t worry; she won’t push it. Even though she got the all clear, she’s not even thinking about going back to work until she’s in 100% remission. But she’s not complaining. Right now she’s just thrilled to be out of house jail, although the warden’s pretty cute. He says, and he can provide special privileges. He’s so happy she got a good report. She says, and she got to see Clara. She was the nurse assigned to Willow during isolation. She was so comforting. Clara has three kids, so she understood how hard it was for Willow to be away from Wiley and Amelia. He says, sounds like she was just what Willow needed, and she says she doesn’t want this great feeling to stop. How about if they go celebrate? He takes her hand, and they leave the hospital.

Portia says, Dex? and he says, hi, Dr. Robinson. She tells him to call her Portia, and asks, what brings him to GH? She hopes everything is okay. He says, all good. He’s just here for his yearly check-up. She says, it’s good he’s taking care of his health. Just let her know if he needs anything. He says, of course (🍷). Will do. Thank you, Dr. Robin… Portia. She continues down the hall.

Trina tells Spencer that she knows her mom is trying to be strong for Curtis, but she sees it’s taking a toll on her, and thinks she’s struggling right now. Esme continues to listen, and she’s been leaning on the doorway so long, I’m surprised they haven’t noticed. Spencer asks if Portia has been able to spend much time with Curtis, and Trina says, she was able to see him at rehab, but she guesses it didn’t go well. This is really tearing her up inside. He says, it can’t be easy on Trina either, and Trina says, no, but she doesn’t want to burden her mom with her feelings. She’s already going through enough. He says he thinks the best thing Trina can do right now is be there for her mom. Even if they’re not talking, just hold her hand, that sort of thing. She says, he gives really good advice for a boy, and he says he does. She says, his girlfriend’s really lucky, and he says he knows. They have a quick kiss over Ace’s head, and Trina leaves.

Selina says, how lovely to see Marshall, but he says he’s not sure he can say the same. Curtis says he can handle this, but Marshall says, Curtis needs to focus on getting better. He’s going to set Miss Wu straight on a few things. Selina says she came here out of kindness. She thought her offer would take the burden off of Curtis. Marshall says, The Savoy’s not for sale, so they respectfully decline her offer, and she says, Curtis has a long road ahead of him. Curtis says, his legs might not work, but his mind is perfectly fine and he’s more than capable of running his club. Marshall says, and until he’s ready to come back, the family’s going to take care of everything. Selina says she thinks they’ll find the day to day operations very challenging. She came here making an offer in good faith, but it’s clear Curtis doesn’t want her help. Running a nightclub isn’t for the faint of heart, so they’d be wise to keep her proposal in mind. She leaves, and Marshall and Curtis look at each other.

Janice asks, what’s the problem? and Montague says, this patient has been taking illegal substances. Someone has been smuggling drugs into this facility, and with Miss Gilmore’s money, he’s sure she found someone on staff who she could bribe to supply her. Can she tell him who’s been assigned to her case? She says, Mandy Green, and he says, they’ll replace Miss Green. She says, Mandy’s one of the best nurse practitioners here. She can’t imagine Mandy doing something like that. He says he’s in no way accusing her, but if she’s taken off the case, it removes her from suspicion. It’s really for Miss Green’s protection. He’s only a visiting psychiatrist, but this is a very prominent patient, so they need a team they can trust. Miss Gilmore’s welfare is very important to him. He takes out his phone and makes a call.

Wow. This guy’s story has more holes than Swiss cheese. Not only does Sasha not have access to her money, Mandy requested the blood tests for outside drugs. This is a tremendous lawsuit waiting to happen.

Cody asks, what the hell is this? and Gladys says, it’s a restraining order, cowboy. Read it. He’s not allowed within 500 feet of Sasha. He asks if she’s out of her mind. She’s the one who belongs in Ferncliff. She says, he won’t be able to terrorize Sasha anymore because he can’t go anywhere near her, and if he tries, there’s a bunk waiting for him… He says, if anyone’s been terrorizing her, it’s Gladys. Gladys got her locked away in the looney bin and threw away the key. And he knows why. As long as Sasha stays committed, she can’t cut Gladys off. Gladys stays her guardian, which is what she’s wanted the whole time, isn’t it? Gladys says, he’s crazy. Don’t listen to him. Cody says, she doesn’t care about Sasha. All she cares about is Sasha’s money. Sasha is trapped and helpless, and she couldn’t care less. Maybe it’s time she felt trapped and helpless. He lunges toward her, but Dante and Robinson hold him back.

Portia looks at her computer and writes down some figures. She calculates how much it will cost to revamp the house for Curtis. Trina comes in and says she thought Portia could use some company, along with some caffeine. Portia takes a coffee from her and thanks her. Trina looks at the screen and says, that’s a lot to take in. She had no idea it was that expensive. Portia says, it will be an adjustment for all of them. She just wants to make sure Curtis is as comfortable as possible. Trina says, she will, and Portia says she’s glad Trina stopped by. It was just what she needed. Trina says she can’t take all the credit. She was at the pool with Spencer and Ace, and Spencer knew she was worried about Portia, so he suggested she come check on her. But the latte was her idea.

Spencer asks if Ace is going to throw the ball far and show all the ladies at the pool his big muscles. Esme joins them and says, there’s her boy. They look like they’re having fun. Spencer says, they’re having lots of fun, and she says she saw his text that they were going to the pool, so she thought she’d take her chances that they’d still be here. She can’t wait for him to be in the water. She asks Ace if he wants to take a swim with mommy, and removes her robe, underneath which she wears a teeny bikini.

Dex pretends to fill out a form, and sees Mason head for Austin’s office. He follows Mason at a distance. Mason walks into the office, and Austin says, no one knocks anymore. Who invited him? Betty says she did, and Austin closes the door. Mason asks what Betty’s got for him, and she says, everything he wanted. She holds up the flashdrive and says, she got the Pikeman goods on Sonny.

Nina says she’s getting the impression that no matter how much she presses, Ava’s not going to come clean. Ava says, it’s not like she’s hiding anything from Nina, but Nina says, yes, she is. Ava says she just doesn’t want to burden Nina with information that will draw her in to something that has nothing to do with her. Nina says, if it involves Sonny, it involves her, because she’s getting married to him, and Ava says, unless the truth about the SEC comes out. Nina says, don’t try to deflect, and that was mean, and Ava says she’s sorry. Nina says, if and when Ava is willing to tell her what’s going on, she’s willing to listen, and leaves.

Cody says, you wretch, throwing down the restraining order. As Robinson drags him away, Cody says he’s going to make Gladys pay for what she did to Sasha. Believe him. She’s going to pay. Robinson pushes Cody into the interrogation room, and Mac asks if Gladys is all right. She says, no, she’s not. He could have killed her. She wants Cody arrested.

Mandy tells Janice that she just heard from Dr. Kirkwood that she’s being pulled from being Sasha Gilmore’s primary caregiver. Janice asks if she said why, but Mandy says, no. The doctor just said she needs to reassign her. She wonders if she did something wrong or if Dr. Montague is unhappy with the way she was taking care of Miss Gilmore. Janice says she wouldn’t worry about it. She knows how those visiting psychiatrists are. They come in here thinking they can run this place better than we do. Don’t take it personally.

Montague injects Sasha with something, and she falls unconscious.

Esme and Spencer play in the pool with Ace, and Spencer says, a regular Michael Phelps in the making.

Michael and Willow walk into the pool area, and Ava says, nice to see Willow. Willow says, it’s nice to be seen out in public, and Ava says, she just missed Nina. Michale says, lucky for them, and Ava says she wishes they’d give Nina another chance. Willow says she’s been making an effort lately, and Ava says, that’s good. Keep in mind that her mother loves her very much, and they’ll all be better off spreading love. Michael says, Ava seems to be in a good mood, and Ava says she is. Life is good, and it’s about to get a whole helluva lot better.

Austin closes the blind on the door, while Dex lurks outside his office. Austin says he’s out. He helped them play their little games. He helped them get Pilar out, so Mary Poppins here could spy on Sonny. He’s done everything they’ve asked him to do. Yay me. Mission accomplished. Mason asks what makes him think he can just walk away, and Austin says he’s done everything Mason has asked him to do. Why can’t Mason just leave him alone? Mason says, cuz you’re not out until the boss says you’re out. You got it?

Portia tells Trina that she thinks she’s ordered everything Curtis should need, and she’s called the company to come out and make the modifications to the house. So she thinks she’s good. Trina says, there’s a lot more to this than just installing ramps. How’s Curtis going to face life in a wheelchair, and how is Portia going to watch him go through it? Portia says, it’s not about her right now. It’s about Curtis and making the house comfortable for him. And this isn’t going to be easy for him at all, but she needs Curtis home.

Curtis thanks Marshall and says he appreciates him, but he doesn’t need Marshall fighting his battles. He’s been dealing with Miss Wu for a long time, and it’s nothing he can’t handle. Marshall says he wasn’t trying to speak for Curtis, but he was afraid Curtis would consider her offer. Curtis says, why? Because he’s in a wheelchair? He doesn’t plan on being here for the rest of his life, but even if he were, he’s more than capable of running his own club. Marhsall pulls up a stool and sits, saying, he knows Curtis is. He’s sorry if he overstepped, but he also knows how much Curtis loves that place. He has every intention of keeping that place going until Curtis is ready to come back. Curtis says, Marshall doesn’t know anything about the business, but Marshall says he plans on learning from the best. That is if Curtis doesn’t mind teaching his old man a few tricks of the trade. Curtis says, it’s complicated, and Marshall says he knows it’s not going to be easy, but this is one small way he can show his gratitude for all Curtis has done for him. Curtis gave him a family. Please, let him do this. Roy comes in with the resistance bands, and asks if Curtis is ready for round two. Marhsall says he’ll get out of their way. He’ll see Curtis soon. He loves him. Curtis says he loves Marshall too, and Marshall leaves.

Gladys says, Mac saw Cody attack her. If he doesn’t arrest Cody, she’ll sue the PCPD. He says, okay, they can arrest Cody. But that means they’ll have to open up an investigation. That means Cody will have to give them a statement, and he’ll write down all his allegations against Gladys. Then it’s their duty to follow up on those claims, and if any of those accusations turn out to be true, that could mean a lot of trouble for her. Is that really what she wants? She says, he wins. She picks up the restraining order and hands it to him, saying, she expects it to be reinforced. She walks out, and Mac goes into the interrogation room. He tells Cody that he’s lucky. He convinced Gladys not to press charges, but Cody is inches away from a jail cell. Dante asks, what the hell is going on with Cody?

Montague comes out of Sasha’s room, and tells Janice that he appreciates her help regarding Miss Gilmore’s care. They don’t want to risk a lawsuit.😐He leaves, and Janice goes into Sasha’s room. Sam peeks out from around the corner, and in the room, Janice takes Sasha’s pulse. Sasha wakes up and scootches away, saying, no, no, no. Stay away from her. Leave her alone. Sam tries to look through the window, and Sasha yells, no, no, no! Stay away from me! She screams, nooo!

Tomorrow, Tracy wants to know, where are the ukuleles; Finn asks Elizabeth, what’s changed this time around; Molly says she has fantastic news; and Sam asks if there isn’t someone missing.

🛌🏼 Survey Says…

The headline is a wee bit misleading.

☎️ Reliable Source…

Block, report, and don’t engage. Got it.

🍸 In the Meantime…

Ariana and new boyfriend live their best lives.

Lisa probably wants to keep an eye on those two idiots.


💣 Baddest Of the Bad…

The latest in reality desperation.


🤎 It’s Time…

This looks like a great series.


🧙🏽‍♂️ Altering Their Egos…


🧚🏽‍♂️ Midsummer Night’s Dreaming…

Join me tomorrow for soap and thoughts on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay not being pretentious, and stay not demanding someone’s arrest when you have your own dirt to hide. It could mean a lot of trouble for you.

October 25, 2021 – Nina’s Extradition Hearing Happens, Delivery Captain On Deck, a Wedding, a Puppy, a Game & the Season


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the Tavern in Crete, Britt asks for a bottle of Lafite and two glasses, but the bartender says their friends cleaned him out. Britt says, they’re not friends, just people they know. Jason gives the bartender some cash, and asks if he’ll go buy some more, and the bartender leaves. Britt can’t believe they came all this way. The compound is empty, and the guards are gone, along with Peter and her mother. And the bridge where Drew was shot, does Jason really think Drew could have survived that fall? Jason says he doesn’t know; that’s hard to say. Drew was a Navy SEAL, so he has a better chance than most. Britt says, all this mess because her brother is a psycho. He leaves a trail of destruction everywhere he goes. It has to stop before someone else dies.

Valentin is agitated his sleep, and says, no, I won’t let you. He calls out, and Anna wakes him, saying, he’s just dreaming. He says he’s at the hospital, and she confirms he is. He says he’s at the US Consulate in Greece, and she says, yes. What was he dreaming about? He says, Peter August. He was trying to get Valentin’s girls, Charlotte and Bailey.

At the MetroCourt, Brook shows Sasha a picture of Bailey, and Sasha asks if she could be any cuter. Brook says, that’s her BLQ2, and Sasha asks if Brook is really calling her that. Brook says, it’s her nickname for Bailey, and Sasha says she can’t wait until her little angel arrives, and Bailey can have a playmate. Brook says she’ll have to give Sasha all of their hand-me-downs. She knows it sounds kind of snobby, but it would be a shame for all that baby couture to go to waste. Sasha asks if Brook was this anxious when her due date was getting close, but Brook says, nah, piece of cake. Maxie comes in and says, that’s their Brook, grace under pressure, and Brook says, nice of her to join them. Maxie says she’s on time, and Brook tells her, she didn’t say she wasn’t. She thought this was supposed to be a sit-down to discuss Deception’s spring marketing campaign. Maxie says, it is, and Brook asks why Maxie chose this place instead of the office, but Maxie says, she didn’t pick this place; Sasha did. Sasha says, it wasn’t her idea. She was told Maxie chose it. Maxie asks, who gave her that idea? when Gladys comes in and says, surprise! Tuna tartare and shoptalk; is there anything better?

Walking into the MetroCourt on the phone, Michael thanks DA Sheridan for expediting Nina Reeves’s arrest. The Quartermaines are happy to donate to his campaign for state Attorney General. Carly comes out, and asks if Michael is there to check up on his mom, and he says, among other things, hugging her. Jax walks in, and says he came to talk to Michael, but he’ll wait at the bar. Carly says she’s sure they have business to discuss; what else would they have to talk about? She’ll wait at the bar. She leaves, and Jax says, Michael’s mom still hasn’t forgiven him for defending Nina. Michael says he’s sure, and Jax says he’s sure Michael feels the same way, especially since he advocated for Nina being in Wiley’s life. Michael says, Jax blackmailed him, and Jax says he prefers to call it something else, but Michael says he wouldn’t. Jax says, fine, let’s go with blackmail, and Michael says he’s glad Jax is finally admitting it. Now that he has, if Jax wants to make things right with them, Michael has a couple of ideas.

Nina is led into an interrogation room, and she tells the officer, if he could just arrange for her to see acting Commissioner Scorpio, she’s sure she can explain everything. Scotty walks in, and says, do not say nothin’.

Sonny goes to the MetroCourt bar, and Carly says she loves that she gets to see his face every day. How was his visit to Spencer? He tells her, he said everything he needed to say, but doesn’t think Spencer enjoyed it. She asks if Sonny is worried about Spencer, and Sonny says, he’s going to have a bumpy ride, but he’ll make it. She says, okay.. what’s wrong? and he says, Nina got arrested. Was that her?

Scotty tells the officer that he’s Scott Baldwin. He represents Miss Reeves, and he’d like to confer with his client. Could the officer get a cup of coffee or something? The officer says he’ll be right outside, and Nina asks what Scotty is doing; she didn’t hire him. Ava comes in, and says she did. Nina used her one phone call to reach out to Ava, so Ava reached out to Scotty. Nina says she appreciates that, since she doesn’t know how experienced the Crimson attorneys are in criminal law. Scotty says, not good. They’re snobs, and kind of concerned about their manicures. Nina says, while he’s there, they have to fight this extradition thing before she ends up in a jail cell in Pennsylvania, and Ava says that Scotty better tell Nina. Scotty says, the quicker they cart her off to the keystone state, the better.

Britt says she guesses Jason is right. Drew was a SEAL, and he did survive two years in that compound. After that, what’s a couple of gunshots and falling off a bridge? One thing he and Jason have in common is, they’re very hard to kill. Jason says, they came to Greece to find her mother, and hopefully get Peter in the process, so they just need to be focused… His phone dings, and she says, anyone we know? Or is it someone offering him an extended warranty on his car. Ha-ha! I get those calls all the time, and I don’t even have a car. He says, it’s Dante. He wants Jason to call him, but he doesn’t have any bars. She tells him, feel free to step outside; she’s not moving. He says, no? and she holds up her foot and says, hello? Hiking that compound was at least an equivalent to a 10K, maybe a marathon with stairs. He says, she kept up okay, and she says, now she’s exhausted. Besides, someone has to wait for the bartender. He says he’ll be outside, and she rubs her foot, saying, mutter, you know I love you, but my feet are killing me.

Anna tells Valentin, no one is coming for his daughters, certainly not Peter. He says he’ll kill Peter first; where is he? She says, running for his life somewhere, and Valentin says, he’s a spiteful son of a bitch. What if Peter does come after his girls? She says, he won’t. Valentin needs to stop worrying about the what ifs. He says they both know what Peter is capable of, and she asks him to do something for her to humor her. Close his eyes. He does, and she says, instead of picturing Peter coming for his daughters, why doesn’t Valentin picture what he would do to him if he tried? The hell Valentin would rain down on him; the torment, the punishment, his cries for mercy, Valentin’s refusal. She sees Valentin’s blood pressure going down, and tells him to think about that for a minute. How does he feel now? He says, wonderful, fresh as a daisy, and she says, a little revenge fantasy never hurt anyone. He says, she’s twisted, isn’t she? and she says she has her moments. They have to get him ready to go home, so he can get the surgery he needs, and he asks if she’s sure about that. This might be her big chance to get rid of him, and she’s blowing it. She says, the thought crossed her mind, but she realized, even at her angriest when his worst brings out the worst in her, she sees that life would be pretty boring without him.

Brook says, it’s bad enough to schedule a business meeting in a restaurant. Why would Gladys make them think it was someone else’s idea? Gladys says, they know all about the beauty biz. She, on the other hand, knows how to shake things up and keep it interesting. She puts her phone on record, and says, that’s why they hired her. Sasha says, Gladys was hired to assist Brook, and Gladys says she’s assisting all of them by upgrading their work environment from stale and boring office to posh and swanky, since it’s a posh and swanky business. Maxie says she likes what Gladys has to say on paper, but hates the execution, and Gladys says, enjoy a little variety in their workday. Do they really want the same old same old, when they can have the croque monsieur? They have to try it; it’s so French. Brook says, when she joined Deception, it was to influence lovers of glam and beauty, not to help Gladys experience things she can’t afford on her salary, and charge them to the company expense account. Gladys says, if that’s how she feels. If they don’t want a stimulating office culture… Brook says, they’re not even in the office, and Gladys says, if Brook didn’t want to get out in the world, maybe she should have stayed home with her baby. Brook does have a daughter, remember? When they first met, it seemed like Brook wasn’t even sure she had a kid.

Jax says he’s keen to make amends, so what does Michael have in mind? Michael says, it helps that Jax got his father out of Nixon Falls as soon as possible. The Corinthos family is grateful, and we won’t forget it. Jax says he’s not going to pretend Sonny’s his favorite person. He just hopes everyone can move forward without revenge. Michael says, what some people call revenge, other people might call justice. Unless it’s Jax’s position that Nina shouldn’t have to pay for what she did.

Nina asks if Scotty is seriously suggesting she not even fight this extradition. Is Ava on board with this? Ava says, the way Scotty explained it to her, is that Nina would be playing a sort of long game. Nina asks, how long? Fifteen to life? Scotty says, the DA of Lantano County is looking for a high profile case, so he can position himself to run for state Attorney General, and Nina asks, how is woman keeps man’s identity from him high profile? Is it because it’s Sonny? I just had a thought. She should say she wanted to keep the godfather out of Port Charles. Scotty says, rich fashion editor holds mystery man hostage away from his past, to break up his family. Comeuppance. Ava says, and that’s going to get the guy elected? Is there no other crime in Pennsylvania? Scotty says, that’s his point. That’s why he’s trying to get Nina away from Sonny’s influence. Nina says, money can cross state lines. Why isn’t it better for her to just stay there? She can’t give up. Ava says, nobody is saying that, and Scotty says, he’s just filing motions and endless depositions, just stalling for time until they mount the proper defense. Nina says, while he’s stalling, she’s sitting in a six by nine cell with a stainless steel toilet, and he says, that’s why he’s telling her to waive this extradition. Go to the keystone state, they’ll charge her, and he’ll get her out on bail until the trial. She says, and if she fights extradition? He says, she’ll end up there at the PCPD, and because she’s high risk, she won’t get bail, and the lawyers and judges will take however long they want. Ava says, this way, Nina just gets it over with and she’s free, and Nina says, until the trial. Scotty says, there’s no guarantees. She wants to fight it there, they fight it there. It’s Nina’s call.

Carly says, Nina got arrested? and Sonny says, she didn’t know? She says, no. She’s certainly not upset about it… He says, if she didn’t call the cops, who did? and Carly says she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what kind of laws Nina broke when she kept Sonny’s identity from him and didn’t tell his entire family he was alive, but someone in law enforcement must have thought they had a case. He says, why bother? He knows Nina caused a lot of pain, but it’s not like she’s going to be a repeat offender. Question. Do they even have a case without Sonny’s cooperation? Carly says, you never know when it comes to Nina, and he says, we helped a lot of people when we were in Nixon Falls. He doesn’t think the cops are going to… She says, wait a second. We? and he says, there were a bunch of lowlifes putting the squeeze on Lenny and Phyllis. She says, he told her about that, but not that Nina was involved, and he says, Nina was in Nixon Falls most of the time he was. Carly says, it’s crazy. He had this whole other life there, not just tending bar, and he says he wasn’t the only one leading another life. She and Jason took over his business and dealt with Renault. She didn’t know what was going on with him; he didn’t know what was going on with her… She says, because of Nina. Nina helped his friends in Nixon Falls; great, whatever, but she’s still responsible for what she did to Sonny, and to her and their family. And if that’s not a crime, she doesn’t know what is.

Scotty says he doesn’t want rush Nina, but they have less than an hour. She says she knows, but it’s a lot to process. He says he’s going to make some phone calls, and asks Ava to talk Nina into the sense God gave a goose, to do the right thing. He leaves, and Nina says she appreciates Ava coming back after Spencer’s hearing to help her. Ava says, believe her; this is a lot more pleasant than that was. Plus, she wanted to clarify something. She knows Nina thought she had an agenda when she encouraged her not to give up on Sonny. Nina says, didn’t she? and Ava says, yeah, but she does really care about Nina, and wants what’s best for her. Please listen to Scotty. She knows he comes across as a clown sometimes, but that’s on purpose, so people don’t see what a shark he is, and he is a shark. And a shark is what Nina needs right now. Nina says she can’t argue with that, and Ava says she knew Sonny would be angry with Nina, but she never thought he’d stoop to this. Nina says she can’t believe it, and Ava says, she was counting on him to be more like Mike in Nixon Falls, huh? Nina says she was. If she and Sonny would just talk. They put their heads together to figure out how to help Phyllis, and it was a good talk. It was great or mind-blowing, but still, she thought she and Sonny could find a way to co-exist. Ava says, so why did he turn on Nina?

Jax asks, what makes Michael think Nina’s not paying for her misdeeds now? and Michael says, because she feels bad about it? Jax says, everyone knows what she did, keeping Sonny’s existence a secret. People are asking for her blood, and he’s sure more will pile on. And now of course (🍷) there’s Wiley. Michael says, what about him? and Jax says, he’s just a kid now, but eventually he’s going to know what his grandmother did to his grandfather. Michael says, Wiley has a right to know, and Jax says, no one understands that more than Nina. Michael says, if Nina is so committed to Wiley, why didn’t she bring his grandfather home to him? Why didn’t she come to them when she had the chance? Or any time in between the day when she found out his father was alive, and the day he came home to them?

Brook asks who Gladys is to criticize her or anyone as a parent? and Maxie tells Brook not to make a scene. Gladys says she stands by what she said, and Sasha says Gladys needs to back off, but Brook says she wants to hear this. Gladys says, then get ready for an earful, because Brook, just like the rest of her generation, wants it all. Brook asks what that has to do with her baby, and Gladys says, exactly. What Brook wants is all for her. Little Bailey can fend for herself. Now take Gladys and her son Brando… Sasha says, a word? Now? and gets up. They step over to the bar, and Gladys says, the truth hurts. Sasha says she needs to remember that Brook is her boss, and Gladys says, how can she forget? Okay, she didn’t go to secretarial school, and doesn’t know shorthand… Sasha says, who takes shorthand? Does it even exist anymore? Gladys says, she’s text savvy, so her phone makes up for that. She records everything, and later, writes it down on the computer, so she doesn’t lose anything. Sasha says, that’s actually not a bad idea, and Gladys says, of course (🍷) she adds emojis like rainbows and stars, so she remembers who said what to who. Maxie’s a unicorn, Brook is a bat, and Sasha… Well, Sasha gets the idea. Sasha tells her, try a little harder not to get on Brook’s bad side, and Gladys says, she has a good side? Sasha says she means it, and Gladys can start by not questioning Brook’s love for her baby. Gladys tells Sasha, if she says so, but if you ask her, little Bailey is going to need to see a therapist.

Anna says she owes Valentin an apology, and he says, what for? She says, she just left him at that tavern to sleep off the ouzo. He says, it wasn’t just ouzo, and she says she realizes that now. It was her first mistake, and he ended up in a prison with Drew and Obrecht. He says, on the bright side, he got to spend some quality time with his uncle, who, as it turns out, might be his father. She says she’d like to have seen Peter turn on Victor, and Valentin says, he’s in custody, but he’s unscathed. What’s the word on Drew? She says, nothing yet, and he says, if Drew hadn’t turned back on that bridge to cover him, he’d be dead now. He hates this. He hates this bed, and he hates this hospital. He hates not being able to protect his daughters, and hates not being able to go after Peter. She tells him, stop all this complaining about not being able to do stuff, and just be thankful he’s alive. When they were waiting for the medivac, she was checking his pulse, his breathing, and holding pressure on his wound, and to be honest, she thought he wasn’t going to make it. And when she thought he wasn’t going to make it, she realized she wouldn’t have the chance to say… He says, say what?

Britt looks behind the bar, and says, they really are out of everything. Is this a WSB operation or a frat party? Russell walks in, and tells her, don’t scream. She’s coming with him, She says, before either of them go anywhere, he’s going to want her to have a look at his wound. We see he’s bleeding profusely from his leg, and he says, he’s fine. Let’s go. She says, he doesn’t understand. She’s a doctor, and he’s bleeding out, so he can aim his gun someplace else… He tells her, shut up. There’s a ferry leaving soon, and they have to get out of here. She says, just curious. Did he take that bullet working for Peter August, and if so, was it worth it? and he asks why she cares. She says, because she’s doctor, he’s wounded. She gets a little louder, and says he can hold her hostage later. Right now, let her help him. He says she’s wasting her breath. They’re waiting for the ferry now. Move. Jason comes out, and grabs Russell from behind, taking the gun and knocking Russell down. Russell writhes in pain, and Britt tells Jason to get the first aid kit from behind the bar. Jason brings it to her, and she tears Russell’s pants so she can get at his wound. Jason asks where Obrecht and Peter are, and Britt says, he may have nicked an artery. If he bleeds out, they may never find her mother or Peter. The interrogation can wait. Right now, she needs Jason to help her keep him alive.  

Anna tells Valentin that she wouldn’t have the chance… She wouldn’t know what to say to Charlotte, or Bailey, one day when she’s old enough. He thanks her for thinking of his girls, and she sits on the bed.  She says, he has to rest now, and get ready for the plane to take him home. He asks her to give him the phone, so he can call Charlotte and Bailey, but she says, a phone call like that will be emotionally taxing, and his vitals aren’t all that strong. The doctor will have her head. He needs to keep his strength up. He says he loves his girls, and Anna is all the strength he’ll ever need. She takes his hand.

Maxie says, Gladys is such a pain, and Brook says Gladys drives her crazy. Maxie asks what Gladys was talking about, and Brook says, when she first met Gladys, she asked if Brook had kids, and it was when Bailey was first born. Her brain just sort of froze for a second, and now here they are all these months later. Maxie asks if Brook is worried about Gladys bringing it up again, and Brook says, what are the odds? Does that woman let anything go? Maxie says, when the subject of Bailey comes up, there’s one thing Brook needs to do; just be a mom. Brook says, it’s not like she doesn’t have practice, when Sasha and Gladys come back. Sasha asks if Gladys wants to say anything to Brook, and Gladys says, like what? Brook says, it’s fine, and thanks Gladys for her take. She’s given Brook a lot to think about. Gladys says, to be honest, Brook really shouldn’t have to think… Sasha suggests they get on with the meeting, when Brook’s phone rings. It’s Anna, and Brook asks where she is. Anna says she’s in Greece; she’s with Valentin. Brook says, Maxie is there, so she’ll put it on speaker. Valentin gets on the phone, and tells her to put Bailey on; tell her it’s daddy.

Ava tells Nina that she has years of experience with Sonny. If he’s decided to forego their detente and declare war – Nina says, it looks like he has – she needs to remember her secret weapon. She knows the truth about what happened between them in Nixon Falls. Nina says, nothing happened with her and Sonny in Nixon Falls, and Ava asks how she can say that. Nina says, she and Mike had feelings for each other, and that’s all that happened. Just a few dances and a few kisses. Ava says, Nina and Mike fell in love, and Sonny remembers that. Have it ready in case she needs it. Nina says she hears Ava, but what if they’re wrong? What if Sonny isn’t the one who called the cops? What if Carly already knows the truth, and had her arrested? Ava says, then she’s playing right into Nina’s hands. Because then Nina will turn on the waterworks, and appeal to that part of Sonny that’s connected to Mike, and fell in love with Nina, and she’s home free.

Jax says he’s not denying what Nina did, but it’s over. Sonny is home. Michael asks if he’s supposed to let it go. She stole nine months of his father’s life, and let his mother, his siblings, all of them, grieve for a man who wasn’t dead. How is he supposed to forgive that, and how can Jax ask him to? Jax says, he’s not asking, and Michael says, let’s keep it that way. Carly and Sonny come in. Carly asks Jax if he’s heard from Nina, and he asks, no: why? She says Nina has been arrested, and Jax phone rings. Carly says, it’s probably her now, but Jax says, it’s not Nina. He answers saying he’s kind of busy; what’s this about? Scotty says, Nina has been arrested and her extradition hearing is about to begin. Jax asks, where? and Scotty says, Pennsylvania. Where does he think? He knows Jax has a working and a personal relationship with Nina, and Jax confirms he does. Scotty suggests he come there as soon as he can. Nina needs all the friends she can get. Jax tells the others, it was Scotty. Apparently, Nina’s been arrested. She’s facing extradition charges in Pennsylvania. Carly says she wants to see that, and Michael says he does too. Sonny asks, why? and Michael says, because Nina has it coming. They all leave, but Sonny lingers a moment, then follows. 

Jason tells Britt, the ambulance is on the way, but once Russell is gone, they have no leads on her mother. She asks what Jason suggests, and Jason says, maybe she can get him to talk. She says, how? By appealing to his better angels? Jason says Britt is the one who patched him up, and Britt leans closer to Russell, saying, she’s looking for her mother, Liesl Obrecht. Britt thinks her mother was in the compound; she might be Peter’s prisoner. Does he know where she was taken? Russell says, keep him alive, and he’ll take her there. Britt says, take her where? and he says, Cassadine… Cassadine… Island.

Brook tells Valentin, Bailey’s not there; she’s in daycare. He says, she’s only one floor down from the office. Walk him down there. Brook says, she would, but they’re not in the office. She looks at Gladys, who says, how was she supposed to know? Brook says, she’ll definitely tell Bailey that daddy is thinking about her. He sounds strange; is he okay? He says he’ll be home soon. Tell Charlotte, je’teme. Anna takes the phone, and says, Sam and Dante are coming back to Port Charles, and they’ll explain everything then. Brook says, explain what? What’s wrong? Anna says, Valentin was injured, and he’s going to be airlifted back to GH. Brook says, what? and Anna asks if Brook could talk to Charlotte, and get her prepared. Brook says, of course (🍷). Just tell him, the girls love him and they’ll be waiting for him at home. Anna says, she’ll tell him, and Sasha says, about this meeting… Maxie suggests they pick it up tomorrow. She doesn’t think any of them can concentrate, knowing Valentin’s in the hospital. What does Brook say? Brook looks stunned, and Maxie asks if Sasha and Gladys can give them a minute. Sasha says, of course (🍷), but Gladys doesn’t budge, and Sasha says, Gladys? Gladys says she’s Brooks assistant; she should stay. Sasha just looks at her, and she says, fine, and follows Sasha out. Maxie asks if Brook is okay, but Brook says she doesn’t know. It’s not like she and Valentin are… She can’t help thinking how much Valentin loves his children. She dreads the day he finds out Bailey isn’t his daughter. We see Gladys’s phone on the table, and it’s still recording.

Ava says, whatever Nina decides, she’s in Nina’s corner, Nina says, she knows, and hugs Ava. She sees Jax come in, and Scotty asks if she’s made a decision. Michael, Sonny, and Carly walk in, apparently using the same Star Trek transporter as Jax. Carly smiles, and Sonny looks confused.

An officer asks if Jason and Britt knew the man, but Jason says, they just came in for a drink when the guy showed up. His friend is a doctor. Britt says, the man was bleeding heavily. Like she told the paramedics, he might have nicked an artery, but they have him stabilized, so he should be okay. The officer thanks them, and says, one more thing. They haven’t done anything wrong, but something tells him that they’re trouble. He suggests they take the next flight back to the US, and stay there. He leaves, and Britt says, so they call Anna, right?

Anna says, the phone call exhausted Valentin, and he says, if the worst should happen… She says, it won’t, and he says, if it does, he needs her to make sure Brook tells Bailey that daddy was thinking of her until the end. Anna says, he can tell her himself, when he’s home and holding Bailey in his arms. He says, so that’s it then? She’s going to let him live after all? She says, it seems rude not to. He’s survived far worse than to die from something as prosaic as an infection from a bullet wound. He asks if she isn’t too clever to appeal to something as prosaic as his vanity, and she says she does what she can. He’s going to be all right. He has to be, for Charlotte and Bailey. He says he thinks she left someone off the list.

Brook tells Maxie, the fact is, Valentin’s a wonderful father. He was all in the  moment he saw… their baby. Sasha and Gladys come back, and Sasha says, Gladys understands the meeting is tomorrow. Gladys says she found a bowling alley with the cutest little snack bar… She’s kidding. They’ll do it in the office, and she’ll prove to them just how invaluable she is. She picks up her stuff, puts her phone in her bag, and leaves.

Scotty tells Nina, just like that bloodthirsty bunch to show up for the kill. Ava says, how could Sonny do this to Nina? Did she do something wrong? Yeah, obviously she did, but to go this far? Carly says, Sonny didn’t have Nina arrested, although he had every right. Ava says, so Carly just wants the credit. Really? Michael says, it’s not Carly’s doing, or his father’s. If Nina needs someone to blame, she should blame herself. Nina says, it was him? and Michael says, facts are facts. The law was broken and justice needs to be served. Jax says, this isn’t justice; this is revenge. Michael says, that’s for the court to decide, and Scotty tells Nina, pay no attention to those hyenas. Let’s get you settled. Ava says, remember, Nina still has that ace up her sleeve. It’s there when Nina needs it, and so is she. The bailiff says, all rise. The honorable Judge Lowe is presiding, and he tells everyone, be seated. A motion has been filed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the extradition of Nina Reeves. Scotty gets up, and says his client waives her right at this hearing, and welcomes extradition to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Outside the restaurant, Sasha thanks Brook and Maxie for being so patient with Gladys. Brook says she wants hazard pay, and Sasha says she deserves it. She’s really hoping Gladys takes advantage of all the chances they’re giving her, learns from her mistakes, and ends up being a real asset to Deception. Brook rolls her eyes, and she and Maxie keep walking.

Gladys types from the recording on her phone. Brook says, she can’t help thinking about how much Valentin loves his children. She dreads the day Valentin finds out Bailey isn’t his daughter. Gladys stops what she’s doing, and looks at the phone.

Anna tells Valentin, the ambulance is going to take him to the airport. From there, he’ll get a plane that will take him to Port Charles, and a helicopter will take him to GH. It’s easy as 1-2-3. He says, let’s hope the surgery goes as simply, and she says, yeah. The orderly asks if he’s ready, and he says he is. He tells Anna, good luck looking for Peter. He’ll see her on the other side. She says, nice try. He’s not going anywhere without her. She takes his hand.

Jason tells Britt, he trusts Anna, but not looking for Peter. He doesn’t trust the WSB; they don’t care what happens to her mother. She says he’s right. To them, people like her mother are either assets or liabilities. She guesses the same could be said about Drew, and he says, the WSB’s priority is terminating Peter. Their priority is finding her mom. She says, then let’s go. Next stop, Cassadine Island.

They leave the tavern, and the bartender makes a call. He says, he thought Nikolas would want to know…   

Judge Lowe says that Nina is remanded to the custody of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, effective immediately. Court is adjourned. Scotty tells Nina, he’ll have her out on bail like that, and snaps his fingers. An officer asks Nina to stand, and puts handcuffs on her. She looks at everyone as she’s led out, and Ava looks at Sonny. 

Tomorrow, Esme asks if Spencer thinks he has a choice, Ned tells Austin that he came for an important reason, Elizabeth wishes she had better answers, and Michael asks if Sonny has a problem.    

Below Deck

Eddie tells us, Saint Kitts is wild, exotic, volcanic, and explosive. Being able to see the world and experience different cultures, that’s effing yachting.

Christophe Harbor Marina. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Eddie 3.0 is back. He’s still short and out of shape, but now he’s a first officer. God help him. He boards My Seanna, and he’s met by Captain Sean, who tells him that Captain Lee is going to be late, and he’ll be starting the charter. We see a clip of Eddie video chatting with Captain Lee, who says he had a medical issue, and he’s waiting for the doctors to release him. Captain Sean tells Eddie that there have been a lot of changes on the boat; they have new jet skis and a new rescue tender. Eddie says, the jet skis are sweet. We see a clip of Captain Sean on a jet ski, and in his interview, he says, he got his first license when he was 18, and was always a captain. He wasn’t always a good captain, but he’s had a lot of experience. He shows Eddie around the boat to see what’s new, and in his interview, Eddie says, he’s not sure what being a first officer entails, and it makes him a little nervous. Being with a captain he’s never worked for, adds extra anxiety and stress to an already stressful job.

Chief stew Heather is super stoked, and in her interview, she likens her personality to popping a bottle of champagne. She’s a beacon of light, but she doesn’t screw around. No job is too big or too small. She’s only 25, and climbed the ladder fast, but earned her position. She meets Eddie, who explains that Captain Lee will be coming later. Deckhand Rayna is new to the business, but was deckhand for a fishing charter in Alaska. When deckhand Jake arrives, in Rayna’s interview, she says she likes what she sees. Deckhand Wes rounds out the group, and in his interview, he says he was a sailboat captain, but needs more experience with charters. There are more options in yachting, as well as more money. Eddie introduces himself to the deckhands, and Heather and stew Jessica start doing laundry, which I thought was weird, since they just got there. How much dirty stuff could they have? Captain Sean tells the crew to come for a meeting in the sky lounge.

The captain tells them that he knows they expected Captain Lee. Captain Sean was the delivery captain, and had expected him too. In the meantime, they’re stuck with him. He’s not good at cracking the whip, but he’s excellent at swinging the ax. Don’t do stupid. He won’t yell, he’ll just fire you. In Eddie’s interview, he says, this is not a good sign. The captain says, don’t piss him off, because if he has to run shorthanded, he will. Don’t put him in that position where he has to do something they may regret. He’s not a sit around kind of guy. He looks for how to make things more efficient. Chef Rachel will be there soon, the first charter is at 3 tomorrow, and provisions are coming in shortly. Heather meets with stews Jessica and Fraser, who genuinely likes to make things perfect. Jessica says she loves doing laundry, and in her interview, she says, she’d been helping to care for her elderly grandparents, decided on going to cosmetology school, and came back to yachting because it was easy money. She put herself through school, and needs some. Heather names Fraser second stew because he’s had more experience on bigger yachts. She assigns Jessica to the laundry, and in Heather’s interview, she says, the stars have aligned. They check out the rooms see what they’re working with. Eddie shows the deckhands around, and they get to work. Provisions come in.

Rachel arrives, and Eddie tells the deckhands, she’s damn talented, but batsh*t crazy. We flash back to Rachel saying, eat my cooter, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, it makes him nervous. In Rachel’s interview, she says, once again, she’s late. Captain Sean says she looks too glamorous to be a chef, since apparently he’s never seen Padma Lakshmi. In her interview, she says, having a new captain has blown her mind. She tells Heather, last year, the pantry was a nightmare, and asks her to set it up asap. The captain calls Eddie, Heather, and Rachel for a preference sheet meeting. The primary is Nikki Foster, who’s in broadcasting, and bringing along a crew of her girlfriends from college. They want high end batik outfits and local delicacies the first night, and a high end Pajama party, with a Jenga game that has questions and dares on the blocks. The second day, they’d like a beach day, and for the captain to join them for a dinner. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s nervous. A group of girls can get crazy. She remembers frantically looking for her dignity after a night in San Francisco. She says she’s looking to Fraser to handle housekeeping, and for Jessica to be queen of the laundry.

The crew gets ready for the guests, doing last minute touches. In Eddie’s interview, he says, Captain Sean has good intentions, and he respects that, but at the same time, the captain is crazy. Alarms are ringing. The captain gets all Martha Stewart about the pillows. The guests arrive, and are met with champagne and warm towels, and they talk excitedly about the trip. In Rayna’s interview, she says, sounds lit; lit like Bic. Captain Sean tells them, if they need anything, let any of them know, and they’ll do their best to take care of it. He asks if they’re ready to have fun, and gets an enthusiastic response. Heather shows them around, and says they’ll get hors d’oeuvres set up. Drinks are poured, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, come back to me, Captain Lee. The guests take photos. In Captain Sean’s interview, he says, the marina is unforgiving. On either side are volcanic rocks, the water is shallow, and the wind whips through at 25 knots. He’s done it before, so he knows he can do it again; he’s confident. He tells Eddie, nice job on deck, and they all still have their limbs. Guest Kelle asks for a chocolate martini, and in Fraser’s interview, he says he has no idea how to make a chocolate martini. The last boat he was on, he was head of housekeeping. After tasting the drink, Kelle says, Fraser is her guy. Eddie instructs deckhands, and they go into Whitehouse Bay. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s not a fan of telling someone something more than once. You have to be willing to do what you’re asked. That’s how she climbed the ladder as fast as she did.

In Rachel’s interview, she says she never knew how Eddie actually felt about her last season until she saw the show. We flash back to Eddie saying Rachel is a monster when she drinks, which isn’t entirely untrue, and she says, does she trust him not to do it again behind her back? No, she doesn’t. Fraser pops some champagne, further endearing himself to the guests. Heather talks with Rachel about the seafood extravaganza that’s happening for dinner. Heather says she gets the vibe the guests want it served as opposed to buffet style, and they settle on putting the food on platters, and the platters on the table. In Heather’s interview, she says, there’s so much going on, she doesn’t feel fully prepared. She’s dealing with a Caribbean themed dinner, a pajama party, and a new crew. She’s waiting for the nail to drop.  Heather says, they’ll have to do service, while still managing turndowns. The stews put on Caribbean garb, and the seafood extravaganza is served. Nikki says she’s in seafood heaven. Heather tells Rachel that the guests are thrilled. Jessica feels like she’s ironing the same thing over and over, and Fraser says he’s running on nothing. In his interview, he says he was told the first rule of yachting is, there needs to be a plan, but there’s no plan. Right now they look like headless chickens. Heather needs rules or it’s going to end in tears.

The deckhands blow up balloons. Fraser asks Rachel if it’s still day one, and she laughs. Eddie and Heather make up the Jenga game, and Heather invites the guests to the sky lounge for the pajama party. Rayna helps Fraser with the dishes, and Heather asks Jessica to be on the floor at  6:30. The Jenga finally falls, and the guests go to bed at 11:30, which is great for the crew. Luxuriously early, as a matter-of-fact. Fraser cleans up the mess.

Second Day of Charter. Captain Sean asks how Rachel looks so glamorous so early in the morning. Rachel is making crab and regular eggs benedict, which we all know is my favorite breakfast food in the world. One guest wants the crab, but no eggs or benedict. Eddie talks to Jake about the beach stuff, and Nikki requests Heather come to her cabin. Heather asks how it’s going, and Nikki says, not so well. There’s still a trash bag on the chaise from yesterday. We flash back to Fraser leaving it there. In Heather’s interview, she says, it’s such a rookie mistake. It’s completely unacceptable. There’s no room for it in yachting. She asks him to tidy the master (a term I thought we weren’t using anymore) to his best standard. For the rest of the trip she’d like excess attention paid to it. He’ll have to pull head of housekeeping out of his butt. As he walks away, he mumbles that he’s confused, being told housekeeping, and then being put on service. Captain Sean finds something out of place, and says he’s going to kill someone. Fraser asks Heather to meet him in the master, and asks if there was anything in particular the guest pointed out, but she says, just that the trash thing was still there. He says he doesn’t want to let her down, but needs time to focus. Doing both is hard, because he can’t pick up the slack if there is any. In her interview, Heather says, he doesn’t realize there’s a bigger picture. He needs to trust her leadership. There’s no room in yachting for mistakes.

The captain says he wants to ferry the beach stuff back and forth. He’s taking Jake, and Wes can stay on board. He gets fussy over the outdoor furniture arrangement at the beach, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, Captain Sean’s methods are irregular. He’s trying to do his job, but he’s not getting chance. The captain keeps radioing Eddie for different stuff. Rachel tells Heather that working with her is like night and day from the last season. She’s excited. Captain Sean wants another canopy tent, and a guest asks if they shouldn’t be on the beach already. The captain calls Eddie, who says, the guests are getting restless. Another guest wonders, where is the fun? Eddie tells the captain they’re kind of behind, and Captain Sean says it will just be a half hour. Eddie hauls cushions to the tender, and in his interview, he says, Captain Lee better be here soon. He can’t do an entire season where he’s doing everything. It’s a sh*t show. We hear Captain Sean on the radio, saying, Eddie, Eddie…

This season, Captain Lee says he might be late, but he’s definitely back; a tropical jungle paradise, Hamilton, 80s neon, a fender gets loose, Jake says Rayna is the hottest bird on the boat, Eddie says crew romances can burn a boat to the waterline, Heather wants the high school drama to stop, Fraser says it feels like a volcano is about to erupt, and Captain Lee tells someone to pack their bags.

👰🏻 They Do…

Very cool wedding clothes. It sounds like a fun party.

🐶 The Best Surprise…

It’s a Pug!

🍂 Let’s play a drinking game. Have a shot whenever you hear, see or smell pumpkin spice. Oh, you’re drunk already?

💤 Time To Crash…

Same bat time, same bat channel tomorrow for soap and some Rules. Until then, stay safe, stay venturing outside your comfort zone, and stay not confusing revenge with justice. Don’t be a hyena.

November 6, 2020 – Finn Is Smarter Than Alex Thought, Meet Alex, a Return, an Exit, a Reunion, an Excuse, Chill Already, Rose Gold Bride, Fantastic Farewell, What’s On, Kanye’s Tally, a Dozen ‘N’ One Quotes & Kinky Autumn


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Britt plays pool at The Floating Rib. Jason says, nice shot, and she can’t believe he just paid her a compliment.

Alexis is working on her drinking, when Sam comes by. Sam knocks incessantly, and Alexis pulls herself together, and hides her glass and bottle. She asks to what she owes this pleasant surprise, and Sam says she told Alexis that she’d be checking up on her. Alexis says, a heads up would have been nice, and Sam asks, why? So she could have time to stash her bottles, or has she sobered up enough to realize she needs help?

Julian comes out of the elevator at the hospital, and sees Ava. He asks if she’s heard anything about Ryan’s condition, and she says, if there’s any justice in the world, he’s dead already. But life isn’t always fair. Julian says, is he alive? Is he awake? Is he talking? Is he giving Julian up to Sonny? What?

Sonny tends the fireplace in the living room. Taggert knocks at the door, and Sonny lets him in. Sonny says no one’s there, and Taggert asks if he can borrow a cup of sugar.

At The Rib, Peter asks Lulu how things went with her source, but she says he was more interested in hitting on her than spilling secrets about Cyrus. She says she and Jackie roughed out the first piece. It definitely looks like Cyrus is using GH to launder drug money, even without her ex-source to back it up. He takes a look, and says there’s no way he can publish this.

Finn answers the phone, thinking it’s Robert, but it’s Anna. She tells him that he’s in danger. If he’s at the house, she needs him to get out. Alex walks in with Maxie, and Anna asks if Finn can hear her. She asks him to talk to her. Alex (pretending to be Anna) asks Finn if they’re up for company. Maxie caught up with her, and offered to go over some wedding details.

Maxie says if now is a bad time, feel free to kick her out. Anna asks if Finn is still there. What’s going on? Finn says, guess what, Peter? I found her. Maxie just walked in the door with your mother. Anna says, understood. Keep them there as long as he can; they’re on their way. She loves him. She tells Robert, Alex brought Maxie back to the house.

Peter tells Lulu, there’s no way Jackie said that story was ready. They have no proof to back up their allegations. Lulu says she didn’t have time to show it to Jackie. Jackie had to fly out to cover a breaking story, but they did discuss the possible corruption at GH. He says she doesn’t quote a single source. She had no one to go one record, no evidence, and no documentation. Is she trying to get them sued? She says she’s sorry. She lost her game when Dante came back. He asks if she needs to take personal time, but she says, no. Cyrus is a threat to Port Charles, and has to be stopped. He says he loves that she’s passionate about this. It’s what makes her a good journalist, but what makes her a great journalist is when she backs it up with proof, and actual facts that will hold up in court. She asks what they do. So they do nothing while Cyrus burns down Port Charles? He asks if he said that.

Sonny tells Taggert, Carly and Josslyn are out for the night, and the guard will let him know if anyone shows up. So they have a couple hours to kill. He pours two drinks. Taggert says he never thought he’d be living next door to Sonny, or that Sonny would be protecting him. Sonny says he’s protecting Taggert’s daughter, and Taggert says he appreciates that. He says he’s sorry about Sonny’s father, and Sonny thanks him. Taggert asks how Sonny acquired the property, and Sonny says he bought it so Jax wouldn’t move in. Taggert says, that makes sense, given their history, and Sonny says, it’s been standing empty since the last owner died. He sits, and Taggert asks if he knew them. Sonny says it was his ex-fiancé Connie. She was murdered. Taggert says he’s sorry, and asks if they got her killer. Sonny says, it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Ava tells Julian, Ryan is out of surgery, but still unconscious. He lost a lot of blood getting that knife in the back. Julian says, so if he dies, it’s not totally unexpected. She says she knows what he’s thinking; stop it. There’s a guard outside Ryan’s room, and no one gets in or out without being stopped. They go into an office, and she says she does have the possibility of good news though. She heard the nurses talking. Ryan’s brain was deprived of oxygen because of the blood loss. They don’t know the extent of the damage yet. Julian says, Ryan could be a vegetable, and Ava says, it’s possible. Julian asks where the chapel is; he wants to start praying. Ava suggests he pray they get their hands on the letter. He says, Ryan didn’t have it on him? and she says she saw the warden give the cops Ryan’s belongings, and there was no letter. He says, they more than got the job done, and she says, they? What has he done?

Jason says he’s surprised Britt has time to play pool. Monica worked long hours when she was Chief of Staff. Britt says she’s been at GH since dawn, and will be back in the trenches until 8. She’s taking a break from all the sniping and dirty looks. She’s sure he’s heard she’s not the most popular person there. He says he’s heard. She says, that’s why she plays pool. It’s fine if you play well with others, but it’s fine if you play alone. She prefers to go solo. He says he thinks she hasn’t found the right person to play pool with.

Sam says Molly and Kristina have noticed Alexis is suddenly unavailable. She isn’t picking up the phone or answering her texts. Sam hasn’t told them she’s relapsed. She was hoping to get Alexis to a meeting or detox. Alexis says, detox? Isn’t that a little premature? She’s not living in an alley yet. Sam says, not yet. Does Alexis realize Sam took the kids to the Quartermaines’ and Olivia was there? Alexis says she wanted to join them, but Sam was late. Sam says, Alexis was early. Olivia didn’t want to say anything, but she found a bottle of booze in Alexis’s purse. Alexis says, Olivia was rummaging around in her purse? What business is it of hers? Sam says, it’s Olivia’s business because Alexis is in her house with Leo and a bottle of booze hidden in her purse. Alexis asks if Olivia told Ned, and Sam says, if Alexis is really worried about Ned’s reaction, they really have a problem. Alexis says the only problem she has right now is Sam. When did she become such a nag? Sam takes the bottle and glass out of the cupboard, and asks if Alexis wants to explain this.

Alexis says Sam isn’t allowed to rummage in her cupboard, and Sam asks, why hide it? Alexis says because she doesn’t want another lecture. Sam says, please tell her what’s going on. The last time Alexis fell off the wagon, Julian took her to a meeting and it was one drink, because she loved herself and her family. Does she not care anymore? Alexis says she just wants to feel good. Can’t Sam just let her feel good? Sam says, sorry. Neil wouldn’t want this. Alexi says, who knows what Neil wanted? Sam says she knows Alexis thinks she didn’t know him, and Alexis says she didn’t. if her this is her only way to cope, can’t Sam just sit back and let her do that, and accept it? Sam says, so when her children are there sleeping, Alexis can nearly burn the house down again? She can’t accept that. Alexis says Sam is exaggerating; blowing one incident out of proportion. Sam says, it’s no exaggeration that Alexis is a risk to her children when she’s drinking. Alexis says, that’s a laugh. Sam sleeping with a hitman doesn’t make her look like mother of year.

Jason is an excellent shot, and Britt tells him, the object of the game is for them to take turns. She supposes she shouldn’t be surprised he’s a pool shark. What’s his secret? He takes another shot, and she says remind her not to get in his crosshairs. Or is she already, working with big bad Cyrus? Jason says, is she? and she says she’s not taking sides between Cyrus and Sonny. The only side she’s on is her own. Jason says, Cyrus did hire her. Mind telling him how that happened? Britt takes her shot, and she’s as good as Jason is.

Ava asks Julian, who are they, and what did he do? He says he needed someone who could gain access to Pentenville, and take care of their Ryan problem. She says, so it’s their problem now, and he says, so he made a bargain. She wonders why she has the feeling Julian got the worst of it, and he says, Ryan was going to tell Sonny that he knew about Michael’s son, and had Nelle’s letter as proof. He was desperate. Ava wonders when was the last time he wasn’t. He’s dug such a hole for himself, and every time she looks, it’s deeper. Every action he’s taken has made it worse. Now he’s made a bargain. What exactly did he offer to have Ryan killed, and what happens when they want to collect?  

Lulu asks if Peter has a plan B for taking down Cyrus, and he says, the human interest angle. He hears there’s a record number of OD cases at the hospital. Who were they? They had jobs and families; who are they leaving behind? How is the GH staff coping; the police, the paramedics? They just did a telethon for frontline workers. Is the drug epidemic causing them to focus on that, rather than other concerns? Lulu says, less accusations, more comment on the human toll, and he tells her to get as many people on the record as possible. His phone dings, and he says he has another meeting. He thinks Lulu’s story will be inspiring. He leaves, and Lulu says, maybe, but will it put Cyrus back in prison?

Maxie thanks Finn for asking Peter to be a groomsman. He’s very touched. Alex says, they’ll be one big happy family, and Finn says he just remembered that he has to get groomsmen’s gifts. He could use some advice. Maxie says, luckily, he has an expert there, and Finn asks if Alex/Anna minds putting the kettle on, while Maxie fills him in on the appropriate gifts. Alex says, of course (🍷), and goes to the kitchen. Maxie says she’s thinking cufflinks, and he says she needs to go right now.

Robert wonders how many possible hostages there are, and asks Anna, what about Violet? She says Violet is at a sleepover, and Robert says he wants to call in a SWAT team, but Anna says, no. Alex won’t hesitate to kill Finn. She thinks Anna is dead, and doesn’t realize Finn is on to her. Robert asks how she wants to do this, and she says they should go in together. She thinks that’s the best chance they have.

Finn starts to push Maxie toward the door, and she asks what he’s doing. He tells her, just do what he says. Leave. She says he’s scaring her, and he says, that’s not Anna; it’s her sister. Alex walks in, gun drawn, and says, he’s much smarter than she gave him credit for. Really? I highly doubt an infectious disease specialist is stupid, and they’re probably good at solving puzzles.

Britt tells Jason, it’s a mystery. Cyrus offered her a job as Chief of Staff, and it was too good to turn down. Jason says, maybe. Or maybe something else happened that brought her back. She ask if he’s psychic, and he says he just pays attention. Lulu comes by, and asks if there’s room for one more. She has a score to settle with Britt.   

Sam asks why Alexis brings up Jason whenever Alexis wants to hurt her. Alexis says Sam isn’t the only one who gets to throw stones. How many times has Jason put the kids in danger? And what about Sonny with Kristina and Michael? She won’t even ask about Morgan. That’s obvious. Sam says, that’s cruel, but Alexis says, it’s a statement of fact. They’ve hurt people and worse, and when the enemy retaliates, they threaten their loved ones. Sam tells Alexis, listen to herself deflecting. This has nothing to do with Sonny or Jason. Alexis chose to pick up a drink and hurt her family, which includes Scout and Danny. Alexis says she’d never hurt her grandchildren, and Sam says, really? She wouldn’t visit them drunk, or drive them to the park after downing a bottle of vodka? Alexis says Sam knows that would never happen, but Sam says, actually, she doesn’t. If Alexis doesn’t agree right now to get help, she’ll never allow Alexis around her kids again.

Julian tells Ava, stopping Ryan was worth it, but she says she doubts he’ll feel that way when the favor is called in. She doesn’t know who the devil is, but Julian sold his soul to him. He says, better than Sonny having him killed. Now the letter has disappeared, and he can finally stop looking over his shoulder. She says she knows that look. Ryan’s not his only problem. He asks if she remembers the guy on the pier. He stopped Julian from shooting Nelle. She says Julian told her his gun went off, and he accidentally hit the guy. Julian says, he recovered, and he’s not only alive and well, he knows Ava’s intern. Ava says, Trina? and Julian says, he left this at the bar. He shows her the phone with the picture of Trina and Taggert, and says, that’s the guy who jumped him. She says, oh my God.

Sonny says it feels like Connie’s murder happened yesterday, and Taggert says he doesn’t know how Sonny can forgive the woman who murdered his fiancé. Sonny says he hasn’t forgiven her, but they have an understanding. He has no choice. She’s Avery’s mother, and he’d do anything for the sake of his daughter and kids. Taggert says, on that, they agree. Sonny says, Ava’s life was dismantled by Ryan Chamberlain. He’s not excusing what she did to Connie, but it balances the scales a little, and gave him insight into why she does what she does. Taggert still thinks Ava should go to prison, and Sonny says, that’s easy for him to say. It’s not his family at stake. Taggert says he’s right about that, as much as it kills him to say Sonny is right. Sonny says he’ll have to tell Carly that Taggert is alive and living next door, but Taggert says, the list of people who know is already too long. Epiphany and Jordan, and now the bartender on Halloween. Sonny looks at him.

Alex says this happened faster than she planned, and Finn asks if she thinks anyone is going to believe she’s Anna. Maxie doesn’t understand why Alex is doing this, and Finn says, because she’s a narcissist with a borderline personality. Alex says don’t make her angry, and Finn says, let Maxie go. She has nothing to do with this. Alex says, Maxie is carrying Peter’s baby. Finn is expendable. Maxie asks what Alex wants with her baby, and Alex says she’ll explain when they’re on the open water. They’re going on a trip. Maxie says she’s not going anywhere, and strongly advises Alex to run as far and as fast as she can. Once Robert catches up to her… Finn tries to grab the gun from Alex, and they struggle. Maxie yells, no!

Alexis asks if Sam is really saying she can’t see her grandchildren, and Sam says she has no choice if Alexis keeps drinking. Alexis says, she’d never hurt her grandchildren; she loves them. Sam knows she loves them, and they love her too. That’s what’s making this so hard. If Alexis decides the glass she’s holding is more important than her grandchildren, Sam can’t help her. Alexis says, so Sam is telling her, if she doesn’t go to a meeting or detox, and satisfy Sam’s demands for her life, she’s not going to let her see her grandchildren. Sam says, yes. She’d do anything to protect her children. Alexis says, except leave Jason.

Britt tells Lulu, long time. She’s surprised they haven’t run into each other. Lulu says, that was no accident, and Britt says, have at it. She’s bracing herself for another lecture on what a terrible person she is. Lulu says, Britt being Chief of Staff at GH, no wonder the hospital is such a mess. Britt tells Jason, see why she prefers to play alone? It’s time for her to get back to work, and make the hospital more of a mess. She leaves, and Lulu says, Britch is the perfect name. She thinks she’ll do an exposé on Britt. Jason says she’d be making a mistake.

Sonny says Taggert didn’t tell him that he was spotted, and Taggert says he didn’t have a chance before Jason hustled him there. Sonny asks, what happened? and Taggert says, Trina and her friends were hanging out, and the mask for his costume allowed him to follow them. The bartender suspected something, and when they left, he and he bartender got into it. The bartender ripped off his mask, and Taggert recognized him as the guy at the pier; the one he stopped from shooting that girl. Sonny asks if he’s sure it was the same guy, and Taggert says, no question. Sonny asks where he works, and Taggert says, Charlie’s. He acted like he ran the place.

Julian asks if Ava knows the man in the picture, and she asks if he’s sure this is the man. He says he didn’t get a good look, but when he saw him, it all came together and clicked. Who is he? Trina’s uncle or something? Ava says, or something. Julian is an idiot. That’s Trina’s father. Julian says she told him that Trina’s father had been killed in a shootout with Cyrus, and she says she’d thought so. So did Trina. Julian says Taggert doesn’t look six feet under to him.

Robert and Anna go into Anna’s house. Anna sees Finn on the floor, and runs to him. She sees he’s been shot, and she tells him, talk to her.

Alex has Maxie tied up on a boat (The Haunted Star?). She says, isn’t technology marvelous? It would have been tedious to try and hold a gun on her and steer at the same time, but she let autopilot handle it. Maxie says she has two other children, and they’re going to wonder what happened to her if she doesn’t get home soon. They’re sweet and innocent, and Alex is going to ruin their lives if she hurts her. Alex says she’d never hurt Maxie. She’d never put that precious cargo in jeopardy. Maxie asks why she’s doing this, and Alex tells her, relax. The helicopter will meet them soon. Maxie asks how long Alex is planning on keeping her hostage, but Alex says Maxie’s not her hostage; Maxie is her guest. Maxie laughs, and says, okay. She’s never had a hostess hold a gun on her before. Alex loves her sense of humor. They’re going to have so much fun together. Just one big happy family.

Robert talks to the paramedics, telling them Finn has been shot, while Anna tells Finn, stay with her. Don’t try to talk. He says, Alex took Maxie, and she asks, where? He says, the harbor, and Anna looks at Robert. 

Alex comes back, and says, good. Maxie is still there. It won’t be long before their scheduled rendezvous. Maxie asks who they’re meeting, and Alex says, friends of hers. Maxie says, none of this makes any sense. Peter is Alex’s nephew, and she’s never wanted anything to do with him. What sparked the sudden family togetherness? Alex says, she and Maxie have more in common than Maxie realizes. Peter has a lot of secrets. In fact, Alex is willing to let Maxie in on a secret of her own.

Robert puts out an APB on Alex, and tells them to consider her armed and dangerous. She’s got a pregnant hostage, one Maxie Jones. He wants them around the waterfront, since she’ll try to escape by boat. Anna tells Finn that she loves him very much, and to stay with them. She jets, and the paramedics tell Robert that they’re ready. He asks where Anna is, and a paramedic tells him, she left. He says, damn that woman.

Sonny says, Taggert thinks the guy runs Charlie’s? and Taggert says, it looked that way. Does Sonny know him? Sonny says, Avery’s mother? It’s her lowlife brother. He shows Taggert an article in The Invader, and asks if that’s the girl he saw that night. Taggert says, yeah, that’s her, and Sonny wonders what Julian has gotten himself into.

Lulu says she knows Jason was gone most of the time Britt was in Port Charles. He didn’t experience her lies and manipulations first hand. She’s not a good person. Jason says, the point is she works for Cyrus at GH. Cyrus has already fired people close to him and Sonny. Lulu isn’t doing herself any favors by attacking Britt. Britt doesn’t care what anyone thinks, but what Lulu thinks will draw attention to Cyrus. Lulu says, good, but Jason says, it’s not good. Cyrus has only fired and reassigned people at the hospital. They don’t know how far he might go. Lulu asks if Jason thinks Cyrus would come after her, and he says he thinks she should take a step back and let things unwind. Jason’s phone rings. It’s Sonny, who says he just received an interesting piece of information. He needs Jason to do something. Jason listens, and says he’s on it, and Lulu says it sounds like he has to go. Jason says, seriously, just be careful, and leaves.

Lulu sits, and says, so Peter wants a different angle. How about this one? She starts to type on her tablet.   

Ava says, so Taggert survived the shooting, and somehow faked his death. Poor Trina. She’s been grieving her father for no reason. How could Taggert let her go on like that? Julian guesses that’s why he was hanging out in Charlie’s, to be close to her, but Ava says, if he’s in Port Charles, he can’t keep lurking around. Sooner or later, someone else is going to see him. Did he recognize Julian? Julian says, Taggert said he wasn’t the guy at the pier, but he thought Taggert was lying. She says that means Taggert can connect Julian to being with Nelle the night of Wiley’s kidnapping. Julian says if Taggert wants to be dead, he doubts Taggert will report him, since he’ll have to reveal himself. Ava says, unless… Unless he finds a way to tell Sonny, Sonny puts the pieces together, and figures out Julian kidnapped Wiley. Julian says he was trying to kill Nelle; not help her. Taggert knows that. She says, but why would he want to kill Nelle? That’s what Sonny will want to know. (Not to mention, Julian was admitted to being roped into marrying her later.) Ava says, Ryan could recover, and tell Sonny about Julian’s part in the baby switch. Julian can’t stay there. She wants him to run. Disappear while he still has the chance to live.

Sonny says Taggert’s got to go; he has guests coming. Taggert says it wasn’t his intent to be spotted. He just wanted to see his daughter. Sonny gets it, and says, in the long run, it’s probably better this way. Now the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

Julian tells Ava, the whole point of eliminating Ryan was so he didn’t have to leave his life behind. She says, we can’t always get what we want, and Julian says, then find a way for him to stay. She can start by checking on Ryan. She says she doesn’t take orders from him. She’s tempted to turn him over to Sonny herself. She walks down the hall, and Jason comes out of the elevator. He tells Julian, Sonny wants to see him, but Julian says he’s busy. Jason says, let’s go, and steers him to the elevator. Ava sees them go into the elevator together, and says, oh, God. Sonny knows.  

Lulu types, an unnamed source on the hospital staff claims changes occurred due to a rivalry between the Chairman of the Board, Cyrus Renault, and local businessman, Sonny Corinthos. Mr. Renault says he’s a philanthropist, but how does he explain demoting and firing long time hospital staff who are connected to Mr. Corinthos? I’d say Peter is going to want to print that even less than the article she showed him.

Sam says, for the thousandth time, this has nothing to do with Jason, and Alexis says Sam is in denial. For the record, the ultimatum usually comes after the intervention. Sam forgot the circle of chairs, the deadly serious loved ones, the counselor, and the long tragic stories they read, telling her what a horrible person she is, and how she ruined everyone’s lives. Does Sam want her to schedule a do-over? Does next week work? Sam says, clearly, Alexis has made her decision, and she’s going to have to deal with the consequences. She’s having lunch with Kristina and Molly tomorrow, and she’s going to tell them Alexis is drinking again. She’s sorry. She tried to help. Alexis needs it, and she just wishes Alexis was able to take it from her. She leaves, and Alexis goes back to her drink.

Finn is brought into the hospital, and a Britt says he needs to be stabilized. The paramedics take Finn away, and Peter asks Robert where Maxie is. He got Robert’s message; was she hurt? Robert says, Anna has gone after Maxie and Alex; that’s all he knows. Peter asks if Finn was shot, and Robert says they found him bleeding out in his living room. That reminds him, someone is going to have to tell Finn’s brother.

Maxie says she’s not interested in Alex’s secrets, and Alex says, not even when they concern Peter? Maxie says, especially when they concern Peter. It’s all lies. Alex says, denial will only get you so far. She learned that the hard way; so has her sister. The boat rocks violently, and Alex falls, dropping the gun.  

Peter goes in to see Finn. He asks if Finn can hear him. Was Maxie hurt? Anna is trying to find her. Finn says, Anna wants to much to be his mother.

Maxie asks, what was that? and Alex says, something hit them. Anna comes in, and she and Alex face each other, guns drawn.

On Monday, Chase says tell him that his brother is going to live, Robert asks Valentin where he thinks he’s going, Anna and Alex have a shootout, and Peter calls for help.

😈 Anna’s Evil Twin…

Everything you need to know about Peter’s real mother.


💉 Back In a Big Way…

And you thought she was just lounging around the Hague.

🙋🏼‍♀️ Bye-Bye Lulu…

I can’t say I’m going to miss her, although I do like Dustin. And will Dante stick around? Will he ever complete the mission?

🌲 Head Back To Pine Valley…

Get your All My Children Reunion fix here.

🍸 Nice Try…

I’ve never heard this excuse for drinking before. Not to mention, there’s this thing called a non-alcoholic beverage.


While we’re on the subject. Leah bares her soul.


🤐 Just When It Can’t Get Stupider…

Please, people. Stop being offended so easily, and beyond the expiration date.


👰🏾 A Burlap Sack Would Have Worked…

Cynthia looks good in anything in any color. Although it is a gorgeous dress.


🧙🏽‍♂️ Goodbye Grindelwald…

2020 was no one’s year. Some of us more than others.


🖥 Viewing Possibilities…

What’s playing on the small screen.


🗳 Just In Case Your Wondered…

Or maybe you voted for him. Why not? I almost wrote in Andrew W.K. or my dog Ralph. Almost. I didn’t though.


📯 Quotes of the Week

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. – Helen Keller

I’ll tell you what leadership is, he said. It’s persuasion and conciliation and education and patience. It’s long, slow, tough work. That’s the only kind of leadership I know. – Jim Mattis

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. – Oscar Wilde

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. – Albert Einstein (And always remember, there is no room for mediocrity in karaoke. At least according to one kid I met there. I almost choked on my drink when he said that.)

Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is. – Vince Lombardi

You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you. – Katherine Johnson

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. – John Powell

Sometimes you make the right decision, and sometimes you have to make the decision right. – Dr. Phil

Art is not what you see but what you make others see. – Edgar Degas

If you haven’t read hundreds of books, you are functionally illiterate, and you will be incompetent, because your personal experiences alone aren’t broad enough to sustain you. – Jim Mattis

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker

Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie: A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby. – George Herbert

To thrive in life you need three bones. A wishbone. A backbone. And a funny bone. – Reba McEntire

🏋🏽‍♀️ Carrying On…

We made it through to another weekend, that thing we used to look forward to because we could go out with friends. No matter. Some of us are back at work, others never stopped working, and some are just limping along, but it’s only up from here, right? Right? See you when the Dead walk, and no matter how you roll the weekend, stay safe, stay expecting better times, and stay being smarter than everyone else thinks. Especially an evil twin.