Monthly Archives: March 2021

March 30, 2021 – A Marriage of Necessity, Prank Fail, Jen Does Some Laundry, an Eerie Comparison, Marriage Meet Rocks, Delores’s Dynamic, Stuck In the Suez, Engagement Excitement, Orchestration, Too Loud, Possible Return, Sober Now, New Broker & March


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Continuing on with the way the week started, I missed the beginning, but here’s what happened. Laura stopped by the nightclub, where Curtis was fixing things up. She asked if he thought he’d made a good decision buying it, and he said he did. Jordan and Taggert went back to her apartment, and she said he could have the guestroom. At the hospital, Peter was angry because Finn had just told him to get lost, and left a voicemail for Cyrus. He wondered if Cyrus’s eyewitness had blabbed about him being Franco’s real killer, and said Cyrus’s witness should think smarter for their own safety. Finn saw Michael at the MetroCourt, and said he was on his way to Alexis’s hearing. He asked for Michael’s take on it, since Michael is Dante’s half-brother. Anna offered Carly some tea, and Carly said Jason had been framed; Peter had killed Franco. Alexis arrived at court, with Sam and Diane, who wanted her to change her plea to not guilty. Alexis said that wasn’t going to happen, and Valentin arrived to be supportive. By this time, I was at the keyboard, and…

Finn asks if Michael doesn’t think maybe Alexis will get what she deserves, and Michael says he’s also related to Kristina. They’re all worried about Alexis, and they all just want her to get the help she needs. Finn says, the same with Dante, and Michael says, Dante isn’t just the victim; he’s the only witness. He has to testify. Finn asks if Michael has any idea what Dante is going to say, and Michael says, the truth. Dante is a former police officer. He’s going to be honest and objective, but there’s no way he’s going to downplay what happened. Alexis was drunk and impaired, and grabbed a needle filled with lidocaine and tried to kill Franco. Instead, she injected Dante, and he almost died.

In the courtroom, Alexis admits she could use a drink, and Sam says she’s not going to have one, is she? Alexis says, no, and Sam hugs her, saying she’s so proud. Diane says, they all are. If Alexis is strong enough not to drink, she’s strong enough to let Diane fight for her. Valentin says, not if Alexis wants to face the consequences, and Sam asks why he’s encouraging Alexis to go to prison. He says he supports Alexis’s recovery, and if she wants to own up to what she did, and make amends, that’s entirely up to her. Sam says, if that means pleading guilty, she’ll be sending herself straight to prison, and Diane says, not guilty doesn’t mean innocent. It just means Alexis is using the judicial system the way it should be used. Valentin says Taggert pleaded not guilty, and Alexis says, he was accused of a Federal crime, and went before a Federal judge. Sam tells Alexis to please listen to Diane, and plead not guilty, but Alexis says, she was drunk and out of control, and almost killed Dante. She needs to face the consequences. Dante walks into the courtroom.    

Jordan tells Taggert, since he’ll be staying with her, she want to establish some rules. He promises to put the toilet seat down, and she says she was thinking about more than that. No self-pity parties. When they were on the task force together, they knew what the rules were, but a lot has changed. Taggert says, one thing that hasn’t is their desire for justice. How are they going to get Cyrus?  

Laura tells Curtis that she’s looking forward to his grand opening. She and Doc would love a place to go and unwind, and listen to good music. He says that’s exactly the atmosphere he wants to provide, and she says, expect to see a lot of them. They’ve promised to have more date nights. Curtis says, so things are good between her and Doc? and she says, never better. Why is he asking? He says he’s currently flying solo, and it makes him feel good if his friends are happy in their relationships. Laura says, they’re just terrific, but she wishes she could say the same for her other relationships. He asks if it’s Spencer again, and she says, for once, Spencer is staying out of trouble. She was referring to Martin, the brother she never knew she had. She decided to surprise him with a cake and candles on his birthday. He says, that was nice of her, but he guesses it didn’t go well. She says, Martin barely had a chance to make a wish, when her other brother showed up and ruined everything.

Jason says, Cyrus never had Florence when he was a child, and never will. Cyrus tells him not to misunderstand. He doesn’t mean any harm to Carly, her children, or the Corinthos empire Sonny left behind, but Jason scheduled a meeting with some well-respected family owned businesses, and he can’t attend. He knows patience is not their virtue. Jason says he’ll reschedule, and Cyrus says, that’s not necessary. He intends to fill the void left behind by Jason and Sonny. He’ll do his best to see that everyone’s interests are protected. The families drive a hard bargain, but Jason knows how reasonable Cyrus can be. Return his mother, or Jason will be tried and convicted for the murder of Franco Baldwin. It’s his choice.

Carly says Anna was told that Peter arranged for Drew’s plane to go down, and sent an assassin to kill Andre and Franco, but she wouldn’t listen. Anna says she was wrong, and Carly says, she was in denial. She wouldn’t see what was in front of her, and because of that, Peter was walking around free. Even as the body count was climbing, Anna told herself Peter was innocent and could be redeemed. Anna says she’ll carry the weight of that regret for the rest of her life. Why is Carly there? Carly says, Jason thinks they can work together. He trusts Anna. Anna says, Carly clearly doesn’t trust her, but Carly says she trusts Jason. He believes in Anna, and she’d better not prove him wrong.

Dante, who’s wearing a suit, tells Diane, he dressed the part, and she says she always advices her clients that their appearance affects how their testimony is received. He says he can wait outside, and Sam says he doesn’t have to be there, but Alexis asks him to stay. His presence reminds her of why she’s made the choice she’s made.

Peter comes out of the elevator at the MetroCourt, and sees Finn and Michael. He asks if Finn has heard from Anna; are they speaking? Finn says, even if he had the time to talk, he wouldn’t waste it on Peter. Peter laughs, and keeps walking. Michael says, Peter’s day is coming. Sooner than he thinks.

Carly says, Anna doesn’t look surprised, and Anna says Jason told her Peter killed Franco. Peter has gotten away with far too much for far too long, and a lot is on her. She wants him brought to justice just as much as she wants Jason exonerated. If Carly has any suggestions about how that can be accomplished, she’d like to hear them. Carly says, the eyewitness is Sonny’s cousin. She said she saw Jason ditch the weapon, and Carly thinks she was paid to lie. Her son works for Cyrus, so she has access to him, and she’s taken money from Cyrus before; she was paid to betray the family. Anna says, so she’s mercenary, and Carly says, Gladys knew Cyrus hated Jason, so when Jason was brought in, she reached out, and Cyrus told her to go to the police. Anna says, and she told them where to find the gun. When it was retrieved and there were no prints on it, it validated her story. Carly says, exactly, and Anna says, it makes sense, but why does Cyrus want to protect Peter?

Gladys tells Brando that his boss is an amazing man. Not only did Cyrus pay Brando’s medical bills, he’s been generous to her. Brando asks what’s in it for Cyrus, and she tells him, don’t be cynical. Obviously, Cyrus cares about Brando. He’s concerned about his own mother, and wanted to make sure they’re in good place. He says they went over this. He knows she told Cyrus that Dev wasn’t his son, and came into the country illegally. She gave Cyrus the information to hold over Sonny’s family, and him. She asks how he can say such a thing, and he says he knows her. Cyrus is a dangerous man, and if you disappoint or cross him, he’ll make sure you regret it. Peter comes by, and asks if Gladys has a moment. She preens at his attention.  

Cyrus tells Jason, by this time tomorrow, someone else could be sitting in his cell, and Cyrus can save him a place at the sit-down with the Five Families spaghetti sauce empire. He can pledge that Carly, and everyone near and dear to her, has their safety and security guaranteed. All Jason has to do is return a harmless little old lady who means nothing to Jason, but everything to him.

Laura tells Curtis that she thinks she wanted Martin to be the good brother partly to soften the other brother. Curtis says he never had much contact with Martin. They may have crossed paths socially, but he’s not a fan of lawyers, except Alexis. He will say this though, at his worst, Martin isn’t in Cyrus’s league… or is he wrong? What did Martin do? She says, Cyrus went out of his way to paint Martin as unscrupulous with a dark side, and Martin didn’t deny it. He says, she was hoping he would? and she says she thought she was past the point of being disillusioned by people. He says, it’s not a crime to want to see the best in people; it’s a good trait, especially with family. She says, except they’re too close. It obscures their vision, and they see people the way they want to, not how they are. He says he thinks that’s how he was seeing Jordan, and she says she realizes she was rushing into it because of the family connection. Maybe he’s doing the same thing.

Jordan says she and Taggert can order pick-up. She remembers him having a weakness for dumplings and prawns with garlic sauce. I immediately get hungry. He wants to look at Cyrus’s file, but she says, it’s a police file, and there’s strict access. They can’t do this the way they did it before. It has to be legit. He says they’re older and wiser, and he’s going to have to pass on the garlic sauce. He goes into the other room with his bag, and she takes out the PCPD file on Cyrus.

Dante asks Sam, what’s up? and she says she’s just checking on him. He says, because of his triggers? but she says, that’s not what she means. She doesn’t think he’s dangerous, she’s just checking to see how he’s doing. He’s been through a lot in the past few days, and almost killed Peter. He says he would have if Sam hadn’t talked him down, and she says she honestly wishes he would have. She went to the PCPD to see Jason, and he told her that Peter killed Franco. He asks if she’s got proof, but she says, not yet. They will though. He says, her and Jason? but she says, no. Her and Peter’s sister Britt.

Diane says she spoke to the bailiff, and the judge is running late. She still has time to mount a defense for Alexis. Alexis says, even if there’s time to argue mitigating circumstances, there’s more at stake than her freedom. Diane says, from a philosophical standpoint, Alexis is right, but the judge can give her a suspended sentence or send her to prison. Valentin says, it’s more than what this is about legally. If Alexis wants to be healthy and sober, she has to be rigorously honest with herself. Finn comes in, and tells him, says the guy who lies like breathing.    

**Carly tells Anna that Gladys told the police where to find the gun. Peter must realize that she knows it’s him, and his fate is in her hands. There’s only one person who can connect him to the murder. Anna says, he’ll want to eliminate her, and Carly says, she wants to explain that to Gladys, but she won’t listen. Anna says maybe she’ll have a go at Gladys, and Carly says, a stranger with a British accent? Anna says, maybe she can find someone else, and Carly says, Gladys might go to Cyrus for a bigger payout. They have to find another angle; a way to win Gladys’s trust. Anna asks Carly to tell her everything she knows about Gladys.

Peter starts to introduce himself, but Gladys says she knows who he is. He’s the publisher of The Invader. She never misses it, especially Page Five. She introduces herself, saying she’s the cousin of the late Sonny Corinthos. Her son Brando is a trusted employee of Cyrus Renault. Does Peter know Cyrus? Peter says, everybody knows Cyrus. Brando’s phone dings, and he says, it’s the garage; he’ll get it later. Gladys tells him to take it, since it’s work. Brando steps away, and Peter says he gets the distinct impression they’ve met before. Gladys says, it’s possible. Peter does have one of those faces. The kind you never forget.

Cyrus asks what Jason says. For Carly’s sake, is he ready to come around? Jason says Cyrus doesn’t have to worry about getting a Mother’s Day gift this year, and Cyrus says Jason had his chance; he won’t get another one. Cyrus leaves as Michael is coming in, and Michael asks Jason if it’s something he said. What was Cyrus doing there? Jason says, he delivered a message, and Michael says he guesses Cyrus didn’t like Jason’s answer.

Jason tells Michael that he knows Diane is working on bail, but a witness came forward, so it’s less likely to be granted. He’s not expecting to be released any time soon. Michael asks how Jason is doing, and Jason says he’s spent a lot of time in lock-up. He doesn’t love it, but he’s used to it. Michael says, this time, it’s different though. Sonny is gone, and that has to put pressure on Jason. Jason says, Michael hasn’t asked if he did it.

Carly explains to Anna that Gladys is an opportunist, and Anna says, so it’s about money. Carly says, partly, but Gladys is also chasing things money can’t buy. She always looked at Sonny as her super successful relative. He was rich, but also respected, even feared. Anna says, he had prestige and standing, and Carly says, Gladys has lived her life on the outside looking in, and resents it. She thinks these are things she deserves, but doesn’t want to lift a finger to get them. She thinks they’re owed to her. Anna says, interesting. She has an idea of how to handle Gladys.  

Alexis says she appreciates Finn’s support, but Valentin is there to do the same thing, and Diane says, if they can’t play nice, she’ll send them home. Finn says, any personal issues will take a back seat, and Valentin says he’ll reciprocate. Sam tells Alexis there’s time to change her plea, and Finn says, Alexis loves a big fight, but the bigger fight is the one they wage every day. Valentin’s phone dings, and Alexis says she can see from his face it’s important. He says he wants to be there for her, but she says he has been; she’ll take it from there. He leaves, and Diane says, so Alexis is changing her plea to not guilty? Alexis looks at Finn, and says, no. She’s pleading guilty. Diane says, it’s Alexis’s call. Just know she’ll fight like hell, whether Alexis wants her to or not.

Peter says he hopes Gladys didn’t get the wrong impression of him. His father was not a good man, and a lot of people mistakenly think he’s following in his father’s footsteps. She says, she’s an independent thinker, and he says he wishes more people would be. He’s been dealing with a woman named Liesl Obrecht, who’s accused him of killing Franco. Where in this twisted universe did she come up with something like that? Gladys says, search me, and he says, yet Obrecht didn’t claim she saw him; she heard the story from someone else. Gladys leans forward, and says, off the record, she saw the whole thing. She went to the police, and told them she saw Jason toss the gun. He says he applauds her. Most people would be afraid to come forward. She says, not her. She knew it was too important for her to stay silent. He says, she told him that she’s a big fan of The Invader. Would she like to see her name and photo in it? She’s come forward as an eyewitness, and deserves front page coverage. Cyrus comes by, and says, that’s a bad idea that has the potential to be catastrophic.

Laura tells Curtis that she didn’t know Martin at all, and wanted to believe he was the good brother because she wanted a brother, a sibling. It’s been so long since Amy died. She rushed into the family connection, and it blew up in her face. He asks if she’s just going to write Martin off, and she says she’s not. She’s just going to take it more slowly, and proceed with more caution; see Martin for who he really is. Curtis says, it doesn’t sound too different from his situation with Jordan. Maybe he needs to see the person who Jordan really is. She says Curtis is more invested. He and Jordan have time and history. Don’t give up on that. He says, TJ was there earlier, and said the same thing, and she says, he’s still not convinced? He says, there are no easy answers, but it’s hard to rebuild trust. She says she knows Jordan hasn’t always been honest, but doesn’t think it’s all on her. Curtis just created this wonderful new life for himself. Wouldn’t he like to invite Jordan into it? Or has he made the decision to move on already?

Taggert comes back out, and suggests they order Italian. Jordan hands him the folder, and he sits with her. She says they know Cyrus is using GH to reinvent himself as a pillar of society, and he says, to make himself respectable, so his sins are glossed over. She says, they have one advantage. They see past his veneer of respectability, and see him for who he is. And one day, in the near future, they’ll figure out a way to prove it.

Gladys says hi to Cyrus, and tells Peter that Cyrus has been wonderful to her son, and her. She loves her room. Peter says, Cyrus has been generous to many people; he counts himself among them. Cyrus says, allow him to advise Peter against putting Gladys on the front page. If Jason’s lawyer manages to get him released on bail, it’s going to put Gladys in his sights, and nobody wants that. Peter says, of course (🍷) Cyrus is right; nobody wants that. Brando joins them, and Cyrus suggests he treat his mother to dessert she can enjoy in her room. Gladys says she’d prefer to stay there, but Brando says, let’s go. She doesn’t want to overstay her welcome. He walks her to the elevator, and Cyrus asks Peter what the hell he was thinking. Peter says that it’s been speculated that someone other than Jason killed Franco, and Cyrus says, there are haters everywhere, but if Peter doesn’t let it go, enough people will start to believe he should be in a cell instead of Jason. That’s the last thing Cyrus wants, unless Peter fails to deliver his end of the bargain.

Michael says, if there was a chance Jason had killed Franco, there would be no trace. And he wouldn’t have done it because Franco was Jake’s stepfather, and Jake’s happiness means more to Jason than anything. Jason thanks Michael for knowing that, and Michael says, it means Gladys is lying. If she was a normal person, he’d say she was confused, but she’s done it out of spite, or greed, or both. Does Jason think she’s hoping someone will pay her to change her testimony? Jason says, someone else is already paying her, and Michael says, someone like Cyrus? Is that the message Cyrus just delivered?

Carly says, the only reason she’s going along with this is that there’s no better plan, and Anna says, it will work. Carly says, if Jason goes to trial, it could be months before Gladys is on the witness stand, and Anna says, that’s why they have to put the plan in action now. Carly says there’s a difference between how badly she and Anna want this. Anna wants Jason freed because she thinks it will be nice, but to her it’s everything. It’s crucial that Jason be free. Anna says she wants him to be free too, but more important, she wants Peter locked up. Then Maxie and the baby will be safe. The first step is to get Gladys to implicate Peter for Franco’s murder. Is Carly in? The doorbell rings, and Carly says, she’s in. Anna opens the door to Valentin, who says he got her message. It sounded urgent. She says they’ve been waiting for him, and brings him into the living room. He sees Carly, and looks at her quizzically.

Taggert says he’s impressed at Jordan’s extended research, and she thanks him. She says, they still have no way to bust him. Taggert says, they’re not talking about framing him again; he’s not going down that road. This time, he has more to lose than she does. He says he didn’t mean it that way, and she says she knows he wants to make Trina proud. There’s a knock at the door, and Jordan says, it’s going to be a long night. She hopes it’s the food. It’s Curtis, who comes in, saying, he knows he should have called first, but he has something to say that can’t wait. He sees Taggert sitting on the couch.

Sam says she wishes she could spare Alexis the ordeal, and Finn’s phone dings. Alexis says, first Valentin, now him, and Finn says, it’s the hospital, a patient. Alexis says she can handle it, and he says he knows she will. He has faith in her. They hug, and Finn leaves. The bailiff comes in, and says Judge Carson is on her way. He tells them to take their seats. They sit, and Alexis takes Diane’s hand.  

Michael says Jason took his dad’s place before, but he can’t run things from in there, and Cyrus will take over. Jason says, Cyrus isn’t a problem, and Michael says, of course (🍷) he is. He’ll target them unless someone steps in. Jason says, that’s not happening. Michaels says he knows Diane will do everything in her power to get Jason bail, but while Jason is out of commission, someone has to step in until he can take charge again. Jason says Sonny never wanted this life for Michael, and Michael says, Sonny isn’t here anymore. Cyrus won’t stop until he’s running the whole town. Someone needs to take him on, and there’s no other way. Jason says, that’s where Michael is wrong.

Peter tells Cyrus, Jason is in custody, and there’s no one standing between Cyrus and the Corinthos empire. Cyrus says, unless Jason makes bail, but Peter says Cyrus wouldn’t let that happen, would he? Cyrus says, it will take both of them to ensure that Jason stays behind bars for the rest of his life. 

Gladys looks at Cyrus and Peter, and tells Brando that she’d love to be a fly on the wall. He asks if she knows what happens to flies; they get swatted. She says she’s touched that he cares, and he says, then listen to him. Get in her car, and go home to Bridgeport. She says, is he kidding? And miss the excitement? No way. He says he’s warning her, Cyrus’s generosity comes at a price, and she says, everything in life that’s worth having comes at a price. She’s done without having the finer things in life long enough. It’s time to cash in. He can get in the elevator, but she’s sticking around.    

Valentin says, Anna and Carly are working together? and Carly says, it’s a marriage of necessity. Anna says, they have to stop Peter, and Valentin says they have his attention. Anna says, Jason was implicated by a witness who’s lying. The real killer is Peter. He asks what they’re going to do, and Anna says, they’re not doing anything. He is.

Tomorrow, Jordan tells Curtis that Taggert is staying with her, Alexis says she’s willing to accept punishment, Maxie tells Britt that she’s confident they can handle this, and Peter asks if Carly is sure she wants to pick a fight with him.

🍹 The guests on tonight’s Overserved were Lance Bass and husband Michael Turchin, and Vivica A. Fox. The theme was An Evening in Provence, and LVP greeted them with ponies Diamond and Rosé. Dancing with the Stars (which they’d all been on) was discussed, especially how physically grueling it is. Vivica told them that when she’d done Kill Bill [Vol 1], it was like training for the Olympics, and she went from a size 6/8 to a 2. Lance told a story about meeting Julia Roberts, and gushing over her films, only to realize it was Cindy Crawford. He said she must have thought he was Julia’s biggest fan. At LVP’s urging, a quite drunk David tried to play a practical joke on Lance by jumping out of the ponies’ shed wearing a horse’s head. But it went wrong, and David ended up with a bloody nose. Apparently it wasn’t his first accident, since he said he’d broken his nose four times. Vivica said she’d been nervous to meet LVP, but she had so much fun. As did we all. I love this show. Unfortunately, the second airing did not include a preview, so I have no clue who will be on next time, but I know it will be amusing.

🧺 Shahlaunder…

I wonder if they ever called my house. I never pick up those telemarketers, but it doesn’t stop them from trying. <sigh>


Cue the Twilight Zone music.

🥀 Say It Ain’t So…

Could Joe #2 be done?

In Case You’re Confused…

Delores explains the amazingly perfect dynamic she has going on with Frank and David. I wouldn’t need a ring either.

🛳 Six Degrees Of…

You don’t think these could be from Juicy Joe’s business, do you?

💍 It’s About Time…

After dealing with Suckerfish Hoppy, Bethenny deserves a decent guy.

☯️ It’s All Symbiotic Anyway…

Isn’t publicity for one, publicity for both?

🌴 Remember Her…?

I don’t, but I still think The Real Housewives of Miami should get another season.

🧚🏼 She Knows She Wants To…

I love Tinsley. She’s like a broken fairy princess. I say, bring her back.

🍺 Who Knew…?

I would never have pegged the high-kicking Fredrik for being a high-functioning alcoholic. Seriously, I’m surprised.

🗽 And While I’m On the Subject…

There’s a new broker in NYC.

🏡 Bringing It On Home…

Tuesday? It’s only Tuesday? And Easter is this Sunday? Who moved that up? I thought it was the 11th. Whatever your state of confusion, stay safe, stay keeping calm in the storm, and stay away from playing pranks if you’ve been overserved.

March 29, 2021 – Obrecht Says Justice Is Coming For Henrik, Barry Sends Back His Poached Egg & More Eggs


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I swear I had extra time, but this is what I missed. Trina, Portia, and Jordan went to the courthouse. When the guard brought Taggert out, Trina ran to him. Carly told Jason that she’d talked to Cyrus, and Cyrus invited himself to sit at Laura and Martin’s table, saying he had something to celebrate himself. Cameron went to Curtis’s club, where TJ was helping Curtis move furniture around. Obrecht showed up at Anna’s house, and Peter showed up at the hospital. He told Elizabeth that he wanted to take responsibility for her husband’s death. That’s when I sat down…

The guard tells Trina, keep away from the prisoner, and she asks if he’s telling her that she can’t hug her father. Taggert says he didn’t expect her to be there, and she says, where else would she be? She asks Taggert to please tell her that he’s changing his plea. Before he does something he regrets, she needs her father with her, not in prison. She tells the guard, you may go, and he takes Taggert into the courtroom. At the door, Taggert turns and tells Trina that he loves her. She says, then change his plea. He goes inside, and Trina tells Josslyn and Portia, he’s not going to do it, is he? Josslyn says they’ll do what they can to save his life, and Portia says, it might not be up to him. The judge could deny the change of plea. Trina says, her dad could still go to prison anyway.

Jordan asks Taggert what he’s going to do, when the judge comes in. The bailiff says, all rise.

Cameron asks Curtis what he’s done with the social media for the club, and Curtis says he hasn’t even picked out a name yet. It’s a little early to set that up. Cameron says, it’s never too early. It needs to be done as soon as possible, and as soon as Curtis figures out a name, the content will be ready to go. Curtis gets that the account is crucial, and Cameron says they want to get the word out. Doesn’t he want as many people lining up around the block as possible? Curtis says, it makes sense, but he hasn’t even hired any employees yet. Cameron knows he doesn’t work for him, right? Cameron says he knows, but wants to help. He wants to thank Curtis for what Curtis did for him.  

Elizabeth says, Peter wants to take responsibility for her husband’s death? Why? Did Peter kill him? Peter says, all he’s saying is, if the Invader article announcing the return of Franco’s tumor contributed to his death in any way, he deeply regrets it. He’d like to make amends. She asks, how? and he says, by telling her story. They can convict Jason in the court of public opinion together. She tells him, shut up. She doesn’t want to hear another word out of his lying mouth.

Carly tells Jason, if they return Cyrus’s mother to him, the witness will recant. All they have is one person who saw Jason with a weapon, and they’ll have to let him go. He says he’s not going anywhere. They’re not taking the deal.

Laura tells Cyrus, she’s not afraid of making a scene. She could call security and have him removed. He says, his brother rates a place in the family celebration, and he doesn’t? He doesn’t understand how Martin got the reputation as the good brother. She says she’s sure Martin isn’t perfect, and Cyrus says, the stories he could tell. She says, the fact that Martin isn’t a homicidal drug lord – sorry, alleged homicidal drug lord – counts. Cyrus says, if Martin is so kind and warmhearted, why is he so aloof about their mother’s well-being? He doesn’t seem the least bothered. Who knows what terror their mother is in? Martin says, their mother is fine, and Cyrus says Martin is telling him that as if he knows something. Martin wouldn’t be foolish enough keep information from him, would he?   

Obrecht tells Anna that she doesn’t appreciated being summoned. Least of all by those who defended her persecutors. Anna says she called Obrecht because something horrible happened. Dante attacked Peter. Obrecht says, how wonderful! But Anna said horrible. Does that mean Peter survived? Anna says, he did. Dante was stopped before he even hurt Peter. Obrecht says, oh well, and Anna says she doesn’t seem surprised. Obrecht says she reads The Invader for three things; natural disasters, medical miracles, and the obituaries, especially for Peter’s which has not yet appeared. The news is no more surprising than someone finishing Faison off. Anna says Obrecht didn’t ask why Dante went after Peter, and Obrecht says, everyone knows Dante has suffered from PTSD ever since his ordeal in the middle-east. The WSB let him go prematurely, and Peter has never been Dante’s favorite person. Match, fuse, boom. Anna says, interesting theory, and Obrecht says she answered Anna’s questions, now she wants to ask one. What does this have to do with her? Anna says, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Obrecht’s relationship with the late Dr. Kirk.

Peter says Elizabeth can’t believe he killed Franco. She should thank him for saving Franco. She says, from the gunman in the OR, and Peter says he’s glad he was there. She says, Peter hired him; he tried to have Franco killed. He says she’s been listening to Obrecht’s accusations, and she says, Sam told her. He says, Sam hates him too, and she says, because he sabotaged Drew’s plane. He says, it was a tragedy, but Sam is blind to the truth. She wants to believe accusations from unreliable sources, and turn the blame on Faison’s son. Finn tells Peter to go somewhere else. Peter says he’s being persecuted the same way as Franco was, and Elizabeth lunges for him, Finn holding her back.

Cameron tells TJ, he’s been broken up over Franco’s murder, and Curtis gave him some great advice; turn his anger into something positive. Curtis tricked him doing exactly that. Curtis says he didn’t trick Cameron, and Cameron says, Curtis just happened to have a guitar. Curtis says he found it in the back, and brought it out, but Cameron says, seems like a set up. then Trina got him to sing. TJ asks how Cameron felt afterward, and Cameron says, better. He’s still sad, still missing Franco, and still wants justice, but he’s less twisted up about it. TJ says, sounds like Curtis did do something good, and Curtis says he appreciates that Cameron wants to help, but he’s surprised Cameron isn’t at the courthouse. Cameron asks what he missed, and Curtis says, Taggert’s hearing is today. Cameron says, then he’s got to go, but Curtis won’t get rid of him that easily. He leaves.

The judge says the defendant has previously pleaded guilty. Does he understand the consequences, and is he prepared for sentencing? Taggert gets up, and says, after much consideration, he’s decided to change his plea to not guilty. The prosecuting lawyer says, the people object, and the judge asks to see them in his chambers. Jordan tells Taggert, he made the right choice, and Taggert says Trina would never forgive him if he hadn’t. he just hopes it works.

Laura tells Cyrus to stop twisting what Martin is saying, and he asks if she’s assuming to tell him about his own brother, who he’s literally known his whole life. She says, why shouldn’t she? He’s got it wrong. They both know Jason wouldn’t hurt their mother. Cyrus says he knows his baby brother is lying. When their mother was first taken, he was just as upset as Cyrus, and now he’s fine with it. Tell him where she is. Martin says he doesn’t know, but he saw her a month ago.  

Carly asks Jason what he means, they’re not taking the deal. He was mad when she took Florence to begin with. He says, because it was a dishonorable move, but it worked. Cyrus’s hands are tied, and he’s not giving up the leverage. Carly says she can’t stand Jason being in there, and he says, then prove his innocence. Talk to Elizabeth. She says she did, but Elizabeth is so grief stricken, she wouldn’t listen. He says Elizabeth can only testify that she saw him kneeling near Franco, and it’s circumstantial evidence. What about the witness? Cyrus thinks they can be bought. Carly says, she can. It’s Gladys.

Obrecht says she had no relationship with Kirk, and Anna asks how that’s possible. When Obrecht was in the WSB facility in Geneva, both she and Dante were his patients. Obrecht admits she was his patient, but says, so? Anna says she must be familiar with Kirk’s methods. Did he ever hypnotize her? Obrecht says, never. She knew about it from Franco after he consulted with Kirk, and if Kirk is dead, what does it matter? Wait. Is Anna saying Kirk’s treatment led Dante to attack Peter? Anna tells her, what she’s saying is, Obrecht had more than a doctor/patient relationship with Kirk. He transferred her from Steinmaur to his cushy clinic. Obrecht says Kirk believed in her innocence, despite the efforts to frame her. Anna says, it’s not about Obrecht’s innocence. It’s about what Kirk could do for her. So maybe she made a deal… maybe she seduced him…? Obrecht says, never. It’s always her fault, but she’s not the guilty party. She did not seduce Kirk; she was his prisoner. He had her life and freedom in his hands, and she was at his mercy. She did what she had to, like Anna did with Faison.

Taggert and Jordan come out, and Trina asks, what happened? Are they letting him go? Taggert says, not as yet, but Trina did convince him to change his plea to not guilty. Trina thanks him, and asks what the hold-up is, and Jordan says, it’s just a recess, so the judge can talk to them. Taggert says, he told her that he might not be able to change his plea, but Trina reminded him not to quit. She asks if by remind he means badger.

Cameron arrives at the courthouse, and Josslyn says he’s there. He tells her that she should have said something. Why didn’t she text him? Trina says they didn’t want stress him out, but he says he’s not stressed to be standing by his friends. They have to stick together. Josslyn says, damn right they do.

Court resumes, and they’re reminded it’s a closed hearing. Trina tells Taggert, good luck, and tells Cameron that she’s sorry she didn’t tell him about it, but she’s glad he’s there. Cameron says, always.   

Martin tells Cyrus that he saw their mother last month. Cyrus says, and Martin didn’t tell him? Laura says, the important thing is that she’s fine, and Cyrus says, how could he? Martin knew he was sick with worry, and Martin says, only because he’s not in control. Cyrus says because their mother wasn’t there, where she needed to be. Martin says he concerned about their mother’s health, and Cyrus says he has to give Martin credit. He didn’t think Martin had a spine. Martin says, surprise, and Cyrus says he hopes Martin enjoyed his bout of fortitude; it’s over now. Where is she? Martin says he told Cyrus that he doesn’t know. After he and Jackie saw her… Cyrus says, Jackie Templeton, of course (🍷). Martin says, after they saw Florence, she was moved to a new location. He truly has no idea where she is now, but he knows she’s safe. Cyrus says, she belongs with him, and Laura says he thinks of his mother as a possession. Martin says he wants what’s best for their mama. That’s why he kept silent. Cyrus asks if that’s the story Martin has been telling Laura. He has news for her.

Elizabeth says, how dare Peter compare himself to Franco? How dare he speak Franco’s name? Peter says, all he was saying… and she says, Peter is nothing like Franco. Franco was hated for the terrible things he did, but he wasn’t in control when he did them, and did everything in his power to stop. Peter chose not to stop, and no one is buying his wronged man act. Finn says, Maxie turned inside out defending Peter, but now she knows the truth. Peter isn’t evil by birth; he chose to be. Peter says, none of it is true. There’s no proof, no evidence. That’s why he’s a free man. Elizabeth says, everybody knows he did it, and Finn says, sooner or later, Peter is going to get what he deserves. It will be a glorious day, but until then, get the hell out.

Jason says, Gladys said she saw him put the gun down the garbage shoot? and Carly says, it makes sense. Of course (🍷) Cyrus paid her to lie; her story is bogus. Jason says, it makes no sense. Why would Cyrus use Gladys? He’d probably be better off using a person from the neighborhood. She says, Gladys probably volunteered. What better way to get back at their family? He says, it’s all the more reason not to take what Gladys says seriously; she’s a lousy witness. What was she doing at Franco’s art studio? She’s also the mother of one of Cyrus’s employees. Getting a random person would have been smarter, but Cyrus didn’t. That can only mean one thing. Gladys was there, and really saw something.

Anna says Faison was obsessed with her and terrorized her. Obrecht says her skin crawled at his advances. Sometimes she can still feel his hands on her even though he’s gone. Good riddance to that schwein. Anna asks if Kirk assaulted Obrecht. She’s sorry if that happened. Obrecht says, now he’s dead, and Anna says, yes, he is.   

Trina tells Cameron and Josslyn that she wishes she was in the courtroom, when she gets a text from Jordan. She tells them, the judge accepted Taggert’s plea. There’s happiness all around.

The defense lawyer says, now that the not guilty plea has been accepted, they’ll move on to bail. The prosecutor says Taggert already faked his death once, and the defense says Taggert is willing to wear an ankle monitor. The prosecutor says, an ankle monitor can be tampered with, and the judge says, Taggert is clearly a flight risk. Jordan gets up, and asks if she can address the court. 

TJ tells Curtis, nice work. Cameron made it sound like Curtis helped him. Curtis says, sounds like it, and TJ says, he can tell Curtis is less stressed. He’s embraced his new gig; it looks good on him. Curtis says, thanks. Does this mean TJ is ready to talk about what he’s been sitting on since he got there?

Martin says, at least he cares about doing the right thing, and Cyrus says, is that so? Did he do the right thing when he helped Julian get out of town after Julian blew The Floating Rib to kingdom come? Laura asks if that’s true, and Martin says he found Julian in his office the morning after. Julian had discovered a photo of him and Cyrus when they were children, and threatened to make it public. Cyrus says, and Martin turned yellow. He was Martin’s dirty little secret. Laura says she can’t believe Martin helped the man who planted the bomb to escape, but Martin says he didn’t know any of that. All he knew was that Julian said Sonny was going to kill him, and  the way it worked out, that seems right. Cyrus laughs, and says, lovely story. Now tell him, if Martin cares so much about the sanctity of life, why did Martin call him when Julian left his office? Laura looks at Martin quizzically.  

Peter tells Elizabeth, he’ll go. It wasn’t his intention to cause a scene. She asks how it was an accident. He knows what buttons to push. He says she should really think about telling her story. Jason has been arrested, like, 100 times, and every time he’s walked. Does she want him to get away with Franco’s murder? Finn suggests Peter leave before he gets thrown out, and Peter says Jason will be tried in the court of public opinion, and Robert will have no choice but to send him to prison for life. Elizabeth starts to call security, and Peter says, don’t let Jason get away with murder. He goes into the elevator, and Elizabeth says, never mind. It’s been taken care of. Finn asks if she’s okay.

Carly tells Jason that Gladys says she saw him drop the gun in the garbage shoot at Franco’s art studio. The PCPD searched for the gun and found it. She’s an easy witness to discredit. He says, she’s only useful if she’s telling the truth. That means she saw the real killer ditch the gun. She saw Peter.

Obrecht asks what Anna is going to do now; harass the Swiss police into looking into Kirk’s death again? Anna says, it doesn’t sound like anyone will miss him. The important thing is, Kirk is dead. Any influence he had over Dante is obsolete. Obrecht supposes it is, and Anna says, however, were Dante triggered again, it would clue her in that Kirk had a partner, and she’d go after that person, and bring them down hard. Obrecht says, naturally, and Anna says, the other thing she wanted Obrecht to be aware of is, it’s time Peter paid for his crimes. Obrecht laughs, and says, after all Anna did to cover for Peter, and Anna says, he’s an immediate and ongoing threat. Obrecht asks, what convinced her? and Anna says, Peter murdered Franco.

Jordan and Taggert come out, and Trina asks, what happened? Jordan says, the judge granted bail; Taggert will wear an ankle monitor. Trina hugs him.  

TJ says he’s good, but Curtis says he can tell something is on TJ’s mind. TJ says, it’s nothing; it’s graduation. Curtis says, graduating from medical school is a huge accomplishment. He’s proud of TJ. TJ thanks him, and says he needs to order tickets, but they’re assigned seats. Will Curtis and his mom sit together, or does he have to seat them separately? Curtis says he’s pretty sure they can manage to sit together on TJ’s big day, and he’s pretty sure that TJ already knows that. As to what TJ really wants to know… TJ asks if Curtis and Jordan are over. Are they getting a divorce?

Laura asks why Martin called Cyrus after Julian left in his car, and Martin suggests Cyrus field this. Cyrus says, because Martin knew he could use the information to get to Julian before Sonny did. Great guy, huh? A truly upstanding citizen. Martin says he’s so sorry. He hasn’t led a blameless life, but he didn’t lie. He just left it out. Cyrus says, a lie by omission. What is Laura so upset about? He told her they were cut from the same cloth. There’s a little bit of darkness in each of them. He’s just more honest about it. He leaves, and I think, he does have a point.

Elizabeth tells Finn that Peter actually believed he could manipulate her by comparing himself to Franco, when he put the target on Franco’s back in the first place. Finn says he should have let her hit him, and she asks why he didn’t. He says, knowing Peter, he’d have her arrested for assault, and Elizabeth says, everyone would probably throw her a parade.

Carly says, Gladys saw Peter ditch the gun? All the more reason to take the deal. Cyrus will tell Gladys to recant, and they can persuade her to implicate Peter. Jason says, once Florence is back, Cyrus will put her where no one can find her and come after them. They’ll be back where they were before they took Florence in the first place. That’s why it’s a bad idea. It only works if they keep Florence. She says, he can’t leave, and she can’t take Cyrus on by herself. He says she doesn’t have to. She has an ally on the outside, who she can rely on. She asks, who?

Anna says Jason was seen after Franco was killed, and Obrecht says she heard about it in The Invader. Anna tells her, Jason says he’s innocent, and makes a compelling case. Peter killed Franco because Franco was hearing Peter’s voice. Obrecht says, a leftover memory from Drew. She knew about that, but it never occurred to her that Franco was in danger. She tears up, and says she should have realized Drew’s memories could incriminate Peter, and Peter would kill to silence them. She should have warned Franco or confronted Peter sooner. Anna says, or they could have joined forces and stopped Peter. Obrecht says, she’s partly responsible for the death of her lieben Franco, but Anna says, there’s only one person responsible. Obrecht says, he must pay, and Anna says, he must be brought to justice, not killed. She means it. Peter needs to pay with his freedom, not his life. Through her tears, Obrecht says, she wants Franco to be alive and well, but we can’t always get what we want, and she leaves.

Curtis tells TJ that he and Jordan are separated. That’s their status; nothing has changed one way or the other. TJ says, they’re not divorced, so they can still get back together. Is there any chance? Curtis says he respects TJ’s concern, but this is between TJ’s mother and him; no one else. TJ says, okay, he gets it, except he has the feeling his mother is in limbo. Does Curtis have any idea if moving forward will lead them back together? How is Curtis going to figure out what comes next, if he hasn’t resolved his marriage? Curtis says, look around. He’s making changes in his life that he needs to make. TJ says, great, but he wants to know if there’s room in Curtis’s new life for Jordan.

Trina says, now that Taggert is there, is he coming home? Taggert says, the judge granted bail. Jordan stepped up. Cameron guesses a character reference from the Commissioner goes a long way, and Trina says she should thank Jordan. Portia thanks Jordan for speaking on Taggert’s behalf, and Taggert says, she did more than that. Jordan says, she’s taking personal responsibility for Taggert. He’s going to be staying with her.

Martin tells Laura not to let Cyrus poison what’s between them. She says she’s not, but he says he’s watching her pull up the drawbridge. Cyrus’s twisted account looks bad, but they can talk through it, and it will be fine. She says, they can, but not right now. One thing he said in their conversation was that they don’t know each other. He says he was hoping to change that. It was the point tonight’s celebration, right? She says, it was, and he says, fine. Maybe they can get back to it on Easter. She says, about that. She’s sorry, but she thinks the invitation to celebrate Easter with her family was premature. They’re just not there yet. He says, of course (🍷). He understands. I don’t, and I’m very disappointed in Laura. It’s a holiday for God’s sake.

Cyrus goes to Jason’s cell, and tells him, good afternoon. He wanted to see the rare spectacle of Jason behind bars himself before Jason’s pending release. Jason says he’s not being released, but Cyrus says, of course (🍷) he is. Carly just left there. She must have explained. Jason says they’re not taking the deal. He’ll tell Cyrus’s mother that Cyrus said hello.  

Anna goes to the door, and opens it to find Carly. Carly says, they need to talk about Peter.

Peter sees Obrecht at the hospital, and as she’s looking at her phone, he comes up behind her. He says, she and Franco were close. He’s so sorry for her loss. She says he should be; he killed Franco. He laughs, and says, sure. He killed Franco, Drew, Jimmy Hoffa, and the Romanovs. So many accusations, so little proof. Go ahead and point the finger at him. He wants her to. Then she can sit back and watch him and Maxie live a long, happy life, and raising their children, who will never know what oma even means. She says, Maxie despises him, and Anna and Valentin, the only people who tried to love him, have turned their backs on him. Drew is dead, Franco is dead, and her beloved Nathan. They cry out for justice, and justice is coming, Henrik. Coming for you at last.

Tomorrow, Taggert asks Jordan how they’re going to nail Cyrus, Diane asks if Alexis will let her fight for her, and Cyrus asks if Jason is ready to turn it around.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Primary Barrie tells Dani that he wants everyone eating at the same time. In Natasha’s interview, she says she’s not a Hindu god with eight arms. She’s dealing with nine different guests, who want nine different steaks, cooked at nine different temperatures, and they want mashed potatoes and fries. She’s an effing chef, not a clown. She doesn’t do magic. Glenn asks Daisy how it’s going, and she says, they’re all ordering different things, and Barrie wants it all to come out at the same time. Tony gripes that his food is cold, and Glenn tells Daisy they’ll think about it for tomorrow, and see what they can do to get the guests served all at once. Barrie tells one of the kids, enjoy it now, because when they go home, he’s going to fat camp. Do they even still have such a thing?

Jean Luc tells Dani that American girls are boring. He needs something fresh, new, and southern. Glenn asks the guests how they’re doing, and Barrie says, everything is good. He asks if they’ve enjoyed the sailing, and Barrie says, it’s absolutely fantastic. Glenn says he hopes do more tomorrow, and Barrie asks what else they can do. Glenn says they have dinghies and paddleboards, and planned a beach picnic. Jean Luc helps Dani with the dishes and flirts. In Gary’s interview, he says he’s never seen three of the deck crew helping the interior. He’d never get that kind of help from them.  

In the crew mess, Gary tells Alli that Sydney doesn’t get up until 2. Alli is getting some food, and says she eats a kilo of spinach a week. She has an addictive personality. They talk horror films, and Alli says her favorite is The Hills Have Eyes, but doesn’t specify if it’s the original (which was great) or the remake (which stunk the place up). Sydney’s antennae go up, and she gets out of bed, stumbling into the crew mess. Gary and Dani both ask why she’s awake, and she says her headphones fell off, and she heard them. She might as well get back to work. In Sydney’s interview, she says she hates nights. She feels like she’s missing out on things. Now she has to sit in her feelings, scrubbing teak.

In the morning, Colin takes up the anchor, and Glenn says they’ll be there in 20. The guests are up, and Natasha says, effing great. Glenn tells Gary to claim the beach for the guests’ picnic, and give the stink eye to anyone who might be there; act like it’s a private beach. In her interview, Natasha says she’s a perfectionist, and the last service was a disaster. Her ego is bruised, but she didn’t train in the best restaurants in the world to be taken down by Barrie. Barrie asks how daughter Saffron feels about having her ex-boyfriend Scott as a stepdad, and she says he’ll never be her dad. Scott says she loves him, and she says, in his wildest dreams. Breakfast is served, and Daisy wonders about Natasha serving a poached egg in hollandaise sauce. In her interview, Natasha says, bitch, I don’t question how you make a bed; don’t question how I poach an egg. Barrie says, it’s drowning in sauce; it’s like soup. He sends it back, saying he just wants the egg, and I have to agree with him this time. Alli brings it to the galley, and in Natasha’s interview, she says she’s never had a poached egg without hollandaise sauce. It’s a normal thing. I don’t know how they do it in other countries, but in the US, that’s eggs benedict, and I’ve never seen it with that much sauce. Barrie wonders how hard it is to poach an egg. He can do it, and he’s not a chef. He adds that he hasn’t worked in the best restaurants, using air quotes. Daisy complains to Alli about the egg situation.  

In Gary’s interview, he says Jean Luc is doing some work. A little sleep makes all the difference. Jean Luc loads the tender for the beach picnic. Daisy whines to Glenn that Barrie wanted a poached egg, and Natasha thought it should be eggs benedict, but he didn’t want it. Natasha comes up to the bridge, and Daisy says she was just letting the captain know about the egg situation. In Natasha’s interview, she says, Daisy is such a bitch, running to Glenn about hollandaise sauce. Go dust a lamp. She says Daisy just wants to kiss Glenn’s ass, but she sees who Daisy is.   

Daisy wants to speak to the guests about today’s plan, and says they can go to the beach, do some swimming, and have lunch. Glenn suggests getting in some sailing, and Daisy says, sounds like a plan. The guests agree. At the beach, Gary sees some people, but they tell him that they’re only staying an hour. Daisy asks if Barrie wants lunch on the boat or the beach, and he says, after the crap he was served this morning, he wants to make the chef’s job harder. They should have brought their own chef. Daisy suggests having lunch on the boat, since it’s fresher, and they have more liquor. In Daisy’s interview, she says they haven’t pulled off a smooth service on the boat, let alone on the beach. Barrie orders sushi and teriyaki chicken for lunch. No sauces except for the teriyaki. He threatens to cook the next meal himself, and Daisy radios Gary, saying the guests are going to have lunch on the boat.  

Daisy gives Natasha the lunch order, and tells her, no sauce; the guests are still traumatized by the hollandaise. She says if Natasha needs help, let her know. Some of the kids want to swim to the beach, and Barrie tells them to race for a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes. As they swim, he says they’re not his kids; his kids would do anything for Louis Vuitton shoes. He doesn’t like losers in this family. He tells them if they make it to shore, he’ll buy all three of them a pair of shoes. In Gary’s interview, he says he’s speechless. It’s a bit overboard. I think he’s so shocked, he doesn’t even realize he made a pun. Daisy tells Alli that the guests are off the boat; they can breathe. Alli asks what time dinner is, and Daisy says they’re aiming for 8. The guests relax on the beach, and Barrie asks if they could get some simple sandwiches for a snack, and have lunch pushed up to 2:30. Gary radios Glenn, and says the guests want light sandwiches, and they’re moving lunch to 2:30. They also want cocktails on the beach. Daisy says, effing a-hole, and in Natasha’s interview, she thinks she’d be better off perfecting the sushi than making sandwiches.

Gary takes the tender back from the beach, and in his interview, he says, for some reason the thingamajig (my word – a technical term) isn’t coming down in the back, but he can hear the clutch, clicking in and out of gear. He radios Colin to meet him and look at the tender. Daisy asks Dani for help, while Colin checks out the tender. He says, holy sh*t, and in his interview, explains that a hydraulic line has burst, and there’s oil everywhere inside the tender. Barrie bitches that the sandwiches are taking a long time. He feels like he’s wasting away. As if. He’s worried about complaining to the chef, since she might spit in his food. Glenn asks if Colin thinks a hose snapped, and in Colin’s interview, he says, the charter can’t operate without a tender. The guests are stuck on the beach, and they need to figure out a solution asap.

Gary, Colin, and Glenn check out the tender. The sandwiches are ready, and Daisy comes out. Glenn says the boat probably hit the tender, and in his interview, he wonders, what else could go wrong? He calls Bruno, the marina manager, and asks if there’s a tender he could rent. Barrie texts Glenn, and says he reckons Jean Luc looks amazing in fishnets. In Jean Luc’s interview, he says, if that’s what they want. Where TF is Gary? Glenn says, hopefully, the tender will be there in a half hour. Daisy suggests someone paddleboard over with the drinks and sandwiches. Glenn says, that’s not a bad idea, and radios the deck crew, asking who would like to take some frozen umbrella drinks and sandwiches to the beach on a paddleboard. Gary says he can do that, and Jean Luc tells the guests that the tender is malfunctioning, so someone is bringing the drinks and sandwiches on a paddleboard. Barrie says he thought the chef was slaughtering a cow for beef. Sydney paddles off, and Jean Luc radios that the guests are getting a bit irritated. Barrie wonders if he’s being punked, and Jean Luc tells him that Sydney is paddling their drinks and sandwiches to the beach. Barrie asks if they’ve met Sydney, and Jean Luc says she’s short and very pretty. Barrie asks if that’s Jean Luc’s personal assessment, and who he thinks is the prettiest. I will never understand why guests consistently try to match up crew members. You don’t screw the crew. Jean Luc says he thinks Dani would be the prettiest in his opinion. Sydney appears in the distance, and they all cheer her on. Daisy tells Dani that she can hear them. At least they’re happy. Dani says, for two seconds. Barrie bitches about the sandwich – wait for it – being too simple. The guests get ready to go back.

A tender comes from the marina, and in Gary’s interview, he says the last thing he wants to do is paddle 9 guests back. Sydney radios Glenn, and he says the tender is ready to go; they got back up. Glenn freaks out about the tender scratching the boat’s new paint job, and in his interview, he says, f*** me. What else can go wrong? I think he needs to stop saying that. Natasha says she can’t make sushi for 9 people while she’s making sandwiches. In her interview, she says she wants to do it right. The guests are so needy. She can’t make just sushi. It has to be important sushi. She wants to impress them with one thing. The guests return, and Gary compliments Jean Luc on entertaining them nicely. Everyone sits down for lunch. A half hour early.

Barrie says he has high expectations of this meal. In Natasha’s interview, she says they just ate sandwiches, and want lunch already. It’s 35 minutes early. Barrie asks if a chef who claims to have worked in five-star restaurants can’t rustle up something for 9 people. Is this dude daft? For one thing, it’s not a diner. She isn’t rustling up the food. And secondly, in a five-star restaurant, she has help. Daisy consults Glenn, telling him that the guests already sat down. In her interview, Daisy says she’s going to throw herself overboard. Daisy reminds Barrie that they wanted lunch at 2:30, but they can start bringing it out. Barrie says, that would be wonderful.

Alli asks Gary, what happened? and he says, the hoses in the tender broke. They have some banter, and he says, it’s good to see her smile. She looked upset. She needs a goodnight hug. Ugh. He’s such a d*ck. Barrie asks if Dani had to repopulate the earth after the apocalypse, who would she find attractive on the boat? In Dani’s interview, she says they have guests who either want nothing to do with the crew, or guests like Barrie. She can play along. Barrie asks who Dani thinks brought her up, and she says, JL. Barrie sings the them from The Love Boat, and in her interview, Dani says, hashtag embarrassed.   

Gary asks if the guests want the water toys. They have a sausage he can put out. Barrie says if he falls off, he’ll sink, Tony says he just wants to drink, and one of the kids runs to Barrie, saying, a creature could be in the water. I think he looks a little old for that nonsense, but whatever. The sushi is served, and Barrie declares it amazing. Natalie comes up, and he tells her, the sushi is delicious. She says she’s glad they’re enjoying it, and he says he didn’t say that, but it’s quite nice. If he was a normal person, I’d think he was kidding around, but in this case, I’m not sure. One of the kids wants fries, and in Natasha’s interview, she asks if he wants a bib with that.   

Glenn tells Gary that he doesn’t think the new hoses will be happening for a day or two. Until it gets sorted out, he guesses they’ll be toting two tenders. In his interview, he says, too many things going wrong at once. They’ve got to turn it around, and the department heads need to take it up a notch. If they can’t work together, that’s a problem. Barrie tells Tony that he’s going to ask Scott to marry him, and Tony gives Barrie a hug. Barrie says he was going to do it tonight, but they’re having a drag theme, and he doesn’t want his other persona to come out and ask. He wonders if it’s weird for Tony that he’s proposing on Tony’s birthday, but Tony says, it’s poetic in a way. The captain begins to put up the sails, and the kids look at the video Barrie took of them swimming.

The interior gets ready for the drag party, as the boat sails into the sunset. Dani asks Jean Luc who he picked, and he says, of course he picked her. He’s not going to lie. Dani tells Alli that she’s liking Jean Luc, and Alli says she thought Dani was just playing around, like she does with Gary. In Dani’s interview, she says she’s curious as to how that would work. She’s 5’3”, and her tallest boyfriend was 6’. Jean Luc has six inches on that. I’ll just leave that alone, since it’s way too easy. Daisy tells Glenn that they’re doing drag tonight. She’d love it if Gary dressed up. He doesn’t have to go full-on. Just put on a bit of makeup. She gets a hard no.  

Barrie helps the kids with their outfits, and takes pictures. Natasha gets the starters ready, and tells Daisy that one of the kids is having chicken nuggets. Daisy talks Colin into dressing up for a quick catwalk thing. Tony asks for fries, and Daisy relays that to Natasha. Natasha says she thought they wanted fries with their entrée, but Daisy says they want fries now. In Natasha’s interview, she says, WTF? They’re trying to f*** with her. She’s trying to please Barrie, and after all this, they ask for French fries. She just wants this charter to be over with. I don’t blame her. I really don’t like Barrie or Tony. Might as well lump Scott in with the kids, and it’s not their fault how they were raised. It’s like Barrie wants to come off sophisticated, but he’s really just a nouveau-riche snob. Like the Countess says, money can’t buy you class.

Barrie grumbles that he was expecting the chef to come out with each dish and tell him about it. She’s embarrassed; that’s why. Um… I’d say it’s probably because she’s too busy cooking fifty different things. The kid who can’t stay away from the vodka says he’ll take his wig off and kick her ass if the lobster isn’t any good. Barrie doesn’t even correct this notion, so what I said about class. Daisy radios Dani, and asks her to help the guys get ready. The guys are busy having a smoke on the uppermost deck, and Daisy wonders where they went. She wishes they’d stop running away. She tells Dani that she can’t find them.

The guys steel themselves for getting in drag, and Gary says they should all crack wood. Jean Luc is like, omg, and so am I. Alli helps Jean Luc into his frock, and Gary says people tell him that he has a nice ass. Might as well strut it. Daisy says she’s stressed out, as she puts Gary’s wig on him. Barrie asks for more beer, and Natasha hustles the guys out with one of the dishes. They dance around, vodka kid twerking, while Barrie films. They dance off, and Barrie fans himself, saying, it was brilliant. Scott says he didn’t expect it, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, at least Gary is showing effort. She’s sick of repeating herself. They should strive to give the guests the best experience, no matter what the situation is. If everyone did their part, she wouldn’t come across like such a bitch, and have to be a mom. It’s getting old fast. The guys take off their dresses.

Next time, Barrie says it will be a night to remember, Natalie makes a birthday cake, Daisy is incredibly angry and lectures the deck crew.

🎙 Over and Out…

Tomorrow, I promise to have enough tea for the party in New Jersey, but for now, I have to jet to another job. It’s online, so it’s not a far commute. Whether you’re being virtual or the real thing, stay safe, stay doing random acts of kindness, and stay sending back your egg if it’s not what you want, but not being a jerk about it.

March 28, 2021 – Carol Needs To Fix Something, What’s To Come, Behind the Scenes, Psychic Dive & Visualizer


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

In a voiceover, Carol tells us that she didn’t plan on surviving. She was going die with the horde, but her family pulled her back; they always do. The Whisperers destroyed Hilltop, and she had to tell Maggie that she’d sent Negan to be part of them. They’re working tirelessly to rebuild in Alexandria, but the Whisperers destroyed their crops. The return of Maggie, along with more people, meant more mouths to feed, and she and Daryl found that the horde had killed everything worth hunting. Every tough decision Carol made was to protect them, and she’ll do whatever it takes. She’ll do what she can to make things right.

Carol walks with Daryl and Dog on a path through the woods, Daryl gives Carol a knife to open her canteen (I find out later on Talking Dead that it’s Leah’s knife), and they share some water with Dog. Carol says she wishes they had more to show for their trip. All the new mouths to feed… He says she’ll make it work. She always does. She says, he’s not coming back? and he says he’s staying a while longer. He asks if she wants a ride; his bike isn’t far. As they walk, he says, hey… and she says he doesn’t have to apologize. He tells her that he was just going to say good luck. She says, good luck to him too. They walk in opposite directions, and Dog is conflicted, but goes with Carol. Daryl says, fine.

Daryl pushes his bike out of woods, and starts it up. He drives off.

Carol returns to Alexandria with Dog. Dog pokes at a ratty scarf on the ground, and Carol picks it up and keeps walking. She goes into where she and Daryl stay, and gives Dog a bowl of water. Funny, I see Dog drink a lot of water, but never see him pee. She tells Dog, for the record, she didn’t need an apology from Daryl. She knows what he said – an apology is just a truce. It doesn’t fix anything. She pets Dog.

Carol walks through town, and sees Jerry. She says she was thinking of working on the north gate post, and if that works out, she’ll clean the dead fish from the fishery, but Jerry says Rosita already has a crew fixing the gate post, and the fishery has been cleared out. She says, it doesn’t smell like it, and he says it’s being used for fertilizer. He asks how the trip was, and she says, good. He asks if she need help, but she says, no. She has to figure something out. He asks what she’s got in her hand, and she says she found it in the street. Somebody must have dropped it during the evacuation, and she thought she’d mend it. She just wants to fix something. Tell her how she can help; anything at all. He says he’s thinking, and his stomach rumbles. He says, food is important to thinking. She says she’s sure she can whip up something from what she found, and he tells her, a bunch of people are crashing in Michonne’s kitchen, and the solar panels are messed up; Whisperers probably. They also had to throw out a bunch of grain. Carol asks, why? and he says, rats. She says, anything else? and he asks what she’s going to make. She says she doesn’t know; maybe soup. She’s got a couple of fish, nuts, and mushrooms. She’ll make it work. He says she always does, and she asks if he ever heard the story of Stone Soup. They used to read it in school. (I actually remember having that book as a kid.) A stranger came to a village, and had nothing to trade but rocks. He convinced the people that he could make stone soup. Then he told one person that he needed to borrow some salt, and another, a little bit of onion. A little bit of this, and a little bit of that from everyone in the village, until there was real soup, and everyone was happy. Jerry says, it doesn’t sound very tasty. Maybe Ezekiel and the others will bring help soon, and she won’t have to make soup out of rocks. She says she hopes so.  

Daryl is riding along the path, and his bike stops. He checks something, takes up his crossbow, and begins to walk.

Carol checks out the pantry/garage, and finds a few things. She cuts some mushrooms, and chops up some fish. She puts some salt in the pot, and throws some over her shoulder. She hears Dog growling, and runs into the living room where Dog is attacking a blanket. She says, hey, and he grabs the scarf. She picks up a book that belongs to Daryl, The Golden Age of Piracy, and says Dog is being a bad dog. He knocks over a lamp, and she tells him, back off. Take it easy. She rights the lamp, and sees the cord has been chewed. She looks down and sees rat droppings. And tells Dog, it’s okay. It’s a rat, She hears it too. Dog takes off through the house, and knocks the pot over in the pantry. She says, bad dog. Go. She tells Dog not to look at her like that. This is serious. They need that food. Go. Dog goes back in the living room, and Carol closes the door. She looks at the spilled ingredients, and says, dammit. She devises a trap, and sets it on the floor, saying, see you later, a-hole, and leaves.

Jerry sees Carol, and asks how the soup is coming. She says, great. She needs a couple more ingredients, and she’s going to see what she can rustle up. He tells her, rustle up some stones too, and she laughs. She walks around a field, gathering some greens. A zombie toddles along, and more come out of the woods. She asks if they think she can’t take them herself. She says, first, you, and stabs the loner in the head. She points to the others, and says, then you, you, and you, and you.

We hear zombie noises, and the sounds of zombies being whacked in the head. We see the wildflowers in the forefront, while Carol dispatches zombies in the background. Carol picks up her greens, and continues on.

Daryl walks through the woods on the path. He sees an abandoned car, opens the hood, and pulls something out. How convenient! He sees a truck, and goes underneath, taking something else. It’s like a mini graveyard of cars, and he sees another with a decrepit zombie inside. He opens the hood, but can’t find what he needs. He puts down his stuff, and slides under the car. I say, don’t do that, but he doesn’t listen. The zombie moves to the backseat, and the car moves, nearly squashing Daryl. He tells it, stop moving, and the car rocks as the zombie scrambles to the front. Daryl grabs some wires, and slides back out. He bangs on the window, picks up his stuff, and says, thanks, buddy.

Jerry sees Carol coming back with blood on her, and asks, what the hell happened? She says, nothing, and tells him that she got some greens for tasty nutrition. He asks if she’s sure she’s okay, and she says, yeah. Back to it. She returns to her place, and dumps out the greens. She checks the trap, but nothing yet.

Daryl goes back to his bike. The music is tense, so I wonder what’s going to happen. He checks his pockets, and remembers handing Carol his pocketknife. He takes out a bigger knife, and screws around with something on the bike. He walks the bike out onto the road.

Carol rights a solar panel, and strips the ends of the wires. Jerry comes by with a wheelbarrow, and asks if she’s got it. She says she’s good, and he says, let him know if she needs anything. He keeps walking, and she says, sure will. Then she single-handedly fixes the solar panel. On his way back, Jerry sees the panel, and just looks at her. She goes back in, and tries the light switch. The light comes on.

Daryl continues to walk alongside his bike, and pushes it up a hill. He comes to railroad tracks, and sees some zombies in the distance. He takes out binoculars, and checks them out, seeing one wearing military camo. He puts his backpack on the bike, takes up his crossbow, and walks toward the zombies.

Daryl gets his bow ready, and walks toward the zombies. He steps on a twig that cracks, and it captures their attention. He walks faster past them, and they follow. He aims his bow at a zombie in camo caught in a tree near the edge of a hill. I guess he figures, why waste a shot? since he puts the bow down, and tries to reach for the zombie. He slips, and the zombie goes sliding down the hill along with him. He manages to throw it off of him, and gets on top of it, grabbing for the knife on the ground. He stabs its head, and goes through the zombie’s stuff, pulling out what he needs. He hears the others coming, and sees them at the top of the hill. He sidesteps, and one slides down, the rest following like lemmings. He heads back to his bike. He messes with the engine, and a zombie crawls toward him. He’s like, enough already, and shoots it with his crossbow. He takes the arrow out of the zombie, and goes through its pockets, finding some good stuff. Too bad there isn’t an engine in there. He says, nice, and fiddles some more with the bike.

Carol tells Dog, come on. Dog sits, and she says, don’t make her beg. She tells him, good boy, and he comes into the pantry with her. She puts the greens in a pot, and tells him, if he’s good boy, she’ll save him some scraps. She lifts the trap, and is startled by the rat, who gets away. She chases it all around the pantry, knocking things over, and Dog is like, WTF? She yelled at me for doing that. The rat runs into a hole in the wall, and she stuffs a towel into it. She tells Dog, what? Are you two friends now because I yelled at you earlier? She says, screw it, and unplugs the pot, saying, she’ll make soup tomorrow. She goes into the bedroom, but dog hesitates. She tells him, come on, and he jumps on the bed without any coaxing. He lies next to her, and she says she feels the fight coming out of her. Dog misses him, doesn’t he? Don’t worry; he’ll come back. He always comes back. She doesn’t though, does she? She asks if Dog thinks they should scram, and get out of everybody’s hair. They could. Dog gives her kisses. I love Dog.

Daryl does an elaborate fixing of the bike, using a multitool, and holding a flashlight in his mouth.

Dog stirs, and wakes Carol. He makes a small bark, but she tells him, shh, and gets up.

Daryl tries the bike, and it starts. He drives off.

Carol goes downstairs, lighting the way with a flashlight. Dog goes ahead. I also constantly worry about Dog. She looks around the pantry, and hears Dog making noises near the wall where the rat was. She pokes through the wall with a knife, and makes a hole. She listens, and waits. She slashes at the wall some more, and waits again. She goes back another time, and makes more holes in the wall. She knocks over a shelf, and starts bringing down the wall by hand. She leans against what’s left, and slides down to the floor. Dog looks worried, and comes over to her, lying next to her. She puts her hand on Dog and pets him, because dogs calm everyone down and make everything better.

Carol cleans up the pantry, sweeping up the mess. Jerry knocks at the door, and she slides it open. She says, hey. He looks inside, seeing the wall, and she says, it’s fine; she’s fixing it. What’s up? He says his cover story is that he’s coming by for soup, but no poker face. He’s going to fess up. He’s just checking on her. She asks if he thinks she needs checking on, and he says he does. Ezekiel would agree with him. She says she can’t argue with that, and Jerry says he wishes he could check on Ezekiel too. She says she’s sure Ezekiel is coming back as fast as he can. He likes checking up on people as much as Jerry does; it’s pathological. Why can’t they just let people like her suffer in peace? Jerry says, it’s a real problem, and she says, yesterday wasn’t her best day. It was a bad day. He says, the wall is all busted up. Ezekiel would have a saying for this kind of thing. She says maybe she just needs to fix what she broke. He says, a friend thinks you’re perfect even when everyone thinks you’re broken. He noticed Daryl didn’t come back with her, and two plus two equals eureka. She says, what if you’re broke, and your best friend realized later than everyone else? and he says, Ezekiel probably has a saying for that too. He just doesn’t know what it is. She asks what he would say, and he hugs her. The rat walks out the door, and goes around the corner. He says, was that… and she says, yeah. Come on in. The soup is almost ready.

Daryl drives into Alexandria. Carol is putting the wall back together. She starts to put on the scarf, looks at it, and says, sorry, throwing it in the trash. She goes over to close the door, and Dog runs out. He runs to Daryl, and she asks, what the hell happened to him? He says he was going to ask her the same thing. The usual. He says, yeah, same, and she asks if he found anything. He says, yeah, and asks if Dog was good. She nods, and wonders if he’s hungry. She made soup for everyone. He says he’s all right, and thanks her. She says, sure, and tells him that she forgot to give him his knife back. He tells her to keep it, and she says, really? He nods, and she puts it in her pocket. He says he’s beat. He’s going to hit the sack. She says, her too, and he goes off with Dog. Carol goes back inside, seeming lighter.

Next time – the finale – Here’s Negan. Negan’s backstory, and the birth of Lucille. Hilarie Burton MorganJeffrey Dean’s real life wife – will be playing Negan’s wife, the first Lucille.

🧨 Here He Is…

A preview of what’s to come in the finale.

⚰️ Drama in Deadland…

A little gossip, a little news.

🩹 About That Splinter…

Showrunner Angela Kang does a deep dive into the psyche of Princess.

🚕 You Don’t Have To Go Home…

The weekend has come to a close, so back to the same old after two days of the other same old. Whatever same old it is for you, stay safe, stay being open to opportunity, and stay thinking your friends are perfect, even if they’re broken.

March 26, 2021 – Yesterday’s GH Once Again, a Tribute, a Song, 2x the Congrats, Rejection, New Hills, Big Ring, Doubts, a Regret, Already, Two More, Prank This, Puppies, 10+4 = Quotes & So What


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

🏥 Apparently, that was the entire episode yesterday. The rerun thing must have been stuck on the ending to throw off the soap police looking to remove the videos. So here it is again, along with tomorrow’s preview.

General Hospital

Taggert wakes to see Jason in the cell across from him, and says he didn’t realize he had a roommate. He asks what Jason did this time.

Britt looks at her phone, and says, what the hell? We see an Invader headline that says, Morgan Arrested for Murder.

Olivia is praying the rosary at the hospital, when Sam brings her coffee. Sam says she’s had worse from the vending machine, but Olivia says the caffeine won’t do her nerves much good. Sam says Olivia has been up all night, and Olivia says, so has she. She guesses she’s just going to be worried about Dante for the rest of her life. Going after Peter with a gun; Dante never would have done it if he was in his right mind. Sam says that’s why she brought Dante to see Doc. Doc will make Dante better, and he can move on. Got it? Olivia says, got it.

Dante tells Anna she should go, but Anna says she’s kind of wired. It’s hard to believe, but she hasn’t pulled an all-nighter in some time. How’s he doing? He says, you tell me.

At Kelly’s, Sasha tells Michael that she’s glad they were able to squeeze in breakfast. She hasn’t seen him in forever. He says he’s had one fire to put out after another. Jason getting arrested last night didn’t make things any better. She asks if there’s anything she can do. Maxie told her Nina took a leave of absence, and she knows it’s technically Jax’s half of the company, but has it impacted Michael? He says, not from a business perspective, but he has to admit, Nina taking a break is the best thing for Wiley.

Sonny is sweeping the floor at the Tan-O when Nina comes in. He says he was wondering if he was going to see her again, or she was going to skip town. She says she couldn’t leave without coming by, especially since Phyllis and Lenny let her stay at their place. He asks if a good night’s sleep helped her decide what she’s going to do next, and she says, it would have, but she didn’t get much sleep last night.

On the phone, Carly says, Jason’s arraignment is coming up. How confident is Diane that she can get him off on bail?… Is she serious?… She knows Diane is going to do everything she can. She just wishes they had the name of the supposed witness. That would make all the difference.

As they walk to Kelly’s, Gladys says she’s glad Brando was able to come to breakfast. Too bad he has plans for lunch and dinner. He says, they’re not plans; they’re called work. He tells her, before they go in, they need to talk, and she asks, about what? and he says, about her being the one who got Jason arrested.

Jason tells Taggert that he’s been arrested for the murder of Franco Baldwin. Tagger asks how long Jason thinks it will take for Jason’s defense lawyer to get him out of this one, and Jason guesses they’ll find out. Taggert says, if history is any indication, Jason will see the light of day before he does.

Martin meets Laura at the MetroCourt, and says she sounded mysterious on the phone. Does she mind telling him what the occasion is? She says she noticed it was his birthday last week. Why didn’t he say something? He says he didn’t know he was supposed to. They are siblings, but the fact is, they barely know each other. She says she was hoping they could use the occasion to change that.

Olivia tells Sam that she knows Peter is bad news, and she truly hopes to God Peter pays for his crimes, especially what he did to Drew. Sam says, her too, and Olivia says she’s just grateful it wasn’t Dante wasn’t the one to handle him. She thanks Sam for showing up when she did, and getting through to her son. She just couldn’t go through this again. Sam says Olivia doesn’t have to thank her. She did what anyone would have done. Olivia says, since Dante has been home, Sam has been a really good friend to him. She tries her best, but it seems that Sam was exactly what was needed, and she’s so grateful for that.

Anna knows it’s been difficult for Dante rehashing all that, but she thinks he and Doc made progress last night. He says he definitely feels lighter. It’s weird though, not having control like that. He just kept hearing in his head, complete the mission; kill Peter. He was going to do it. She says, he didn’t though, and he says, that’s because Sam showed up and talked to him. It was like a fog was lifted. She says, at least he knows where the fog came from now. She’s so sorry for what Dr. Kirk did to him. He says, it’s over now, and she says, yeah, it’s over. Now he can get on with the rest of his life. He wonders what that looks like.

Jason says he wants Taggert to know, whatever is going on with him, Portia and Trina are still protected. Taggert says he didn’t think anything different. A guard comes in to get Taggert for his sentencing hearing, and Taggert tells Jason that Cyrus is still walking around while Jason is behind bars. Whatever he’s doing to get out, do it fast. The guard takes Taggert out.

Gladys tells Brando, what else is there to say? She saw Jason dispose of a gun, and told the police. She still can’t believe he’s responsible for such an awful murder, and Brando says, they don’t know that Jason is. Her coming forward is causing a lot of problems for Carly. She just lost her husband. Does Gladys remember her cousin Sonny? She says, God rest his soul, and he says, there are still a lot of questions regarding Franco’s death. She says, which is why she felt it was necessary that she come forward. Is this an interrogation? He says, no, and she says all she did was give the police the information. Why does he care anyway? The last she heard, Sonny kicked him to the curb. He has a new job now, with the head of the hospital no less. If he really thinks about it, she did him a favor. He asks, how? and she says, her doing her civic duty will only endear Brando more to his employer. Now can they go in? It’s cold out here.

Michael tells Sasha, he was thinking about Wiley, and his confusion about what Nina said to him; and Willow, and how hurt she’s been. She’s just trying to protect Wiley. Sasha says Michael is trying to make everything okay, and he says it should have occurred to him to get Willow’s opinion. She is Wiley’s mother, and absolutely has a say in everything that happens to him, especially something so pivotal as, if he can see one of his grandmothers or not. Gladys and Brando come in, and Gladys says, look at this. They’ve got themselves a family reunion.

Carly tells Diane to let her know what she finds out in discovery. Cyrus walks in, and Carly says she has to call Diane back. Cyrus says, good morning, Mrs. Corinthos, and she asks what he wants. He says, just to offer his sympathies. He saw on the news that Jason was arrested. She says, a misunderstanding. His lawyer will have him out in no time. Cyrus says he certainly hopes that’s the case, for her sake. He can’t imagine how difficult this must be so soon after her husband’s passing.

Sonny says, so what kept Nina up? Thinking about that woman she talked to? He gives her some coffee, and she says, yes. That, and wondering, is it her job or fate to balance the scales? He says he doesn’t believe much in fate, and she says, wasn’t it him who said last night that it was fate that brought them together? He says, that’s just a figure of speech. He thinks we make our own choices in life. Look at him. Lenny and Phyllis took him in, and put their necks on the line, so he wants to pay them back with any job they want. She says he’s done a lot of great things for them, and fate or not, he’s been a blessing. He says he doesn’t know about that, and she asks if he ever wonders about the choices that led him there. Like what kind of person he was. He says he has no way of knowing, and she asks, if there was a way for him to know, would he want to know?

Olivia sees Dante come out, and runs to him. She says, thank God, and hugs him. She asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s good. She asks, what happened? and he asks if Anna wants to do the honors. Anna says, it turns out a faction of the WSB went rogue. They enlisted Dr. Kirk to manipulate the psychological trauma Dante had experienced to use for their own end. To eliminate Peter. Olivia says, manipulate how? and Anna says, Dr. Kirk instilled triggers in Dante that he was acting on without realizing it. Olivia says, they’re gone now? and Anna says Doc believes he removed them. Dante says they’re going to do a couple of sessions a week, and Anna says, to make sure there aren’t any hidden triggers. Sam says she’s glad he’s okay, and he says he owes her big time. Sam says he doesn’t, but Dante and Olivia say he does. He says if she hadn’t shown up, Peter would be dead. He was going to do it; there was nothing clearer in his mind. The only thing that stopped him was her. Sam says she’s glad she was there, and he says, him too. Sam’s phone dings, and she steps away. Olivia asks Anna if Dante is safe and can go home, and Anna says, absolutely. Sam looks at the Invader headline, along with a text from Molly that says, did you see this?

The guard tells Jason that Dr. Westbourne is there to see him, and she brings her medical bag into Jason’s cell. He asks what she’s doing, and she tells him to shut up. She raises her voice, and says she’s following up on the head injury he suffered last summer; the one that requires him to be seen every month. She takes out a pen light, and tells him, follow it please. He says the guard can’t hear them, and she says, what the hell is going on? He was arrested for Franco’s murder? He says he didn’t kill Franco; Peter did. She says, Peter, as in her brother? and he says, Peter framed him. She says, he’s saying that like he’s telling her what he had for dinner last night. Is he forgetting how good Peter is at that? If he has, just ask her mother about her recent stint in Steinmaur. She’d be happy to give him all the details. He says he remembers, and she asks why he’s so relaxed right now. She makes sure the guard isn’t there, and says she’s been to prison. It’s no joyride. She’s sure he’ll survive, most likely, but it won’t be pleasant, for him or the people he’s leaving behind, like Carly and his kids. He tells her, just take a breath, and she says, no. He says, she doesn’t want to breathe? and she says, he doesn’t get to calm her down. She faked her way in there with this check-up thing. It’s her job to take care of him. He says, okay.

Sonny says, some days finding out who he is, is all he thinks about, and Nina asks, what about the other days? He says, he’s not sure he wants to find out the answer. It’s good there, and who knows? It might be the start of something big. Phyllis comes in, and says she didn’t expect to see Nina this early. Nina says she got a jump on the day, and Phyllis says, so this is goodbye? Nina says, yeah. She thinks it’s time they all got on with their lives.

Gladys hugs Michael, and says, it’s so good to see him again. She was so sorry to hear about his father. Brando made it clear she wasn’t welcome at Dev’s memorial, so she figured it was the same with Sonny’s, and Lord knows, she doesn’t want to upset Michael’s mother. Michael says, it’s very generous of her, and Sasha quietly asks if Brando told his mother not to come to his son’s funeral. He says, long story, and she says, I’ll bet. He asks if Michael has a second, and Michael says, sure. They step away, and Gladys says she and Sasha keep running into each other; first in Brando’s hospital room, and now here. She’s curious. How long have Sasha and Brando been… friendly?

Brando tells Michael, don’t react, just listen, and relay this information to whoever needs to know. His mother is the witness who accused Jason.

Martin tells Laura, he must confess, since his mother’s been in hiding, his birthday felt lonelier than usual this year. She takes it Jason didn’t tell Martin where he moved Florence, and Martin says he wants to keep it that way. The less he knows, the less Cyrus can pressure him into revealing it. She says, smart, but it must be difficult, and he says, right now, he would have been making plans to visit his mother for Easter. Lord, how that woman loves getting dressed up for church. Then she critiques her friends outfits. Did you see what she was wearing? Who does that woman think she is, the queen? Laura laughs, and he says, she’s something. He guesses he can’t risk visiting her this year. Laura suggests he spend the holiday with her and her family. She would have asked him sooner, but she assumed he had other relatives he wanted to spend it with… or children. He shakes his head, and she says, or a significant other? He just looks at her, and she says they really don’t know each other, do they? and he says, not yet.

Carly tells Cyrus, they both know what he can do with his condolences. Now is that all? He says, actually, no. With Jason indisposed, he’s not sure who he should be reaching out to in matters of business. Unless it’s always been her. She says, sorry? and he says, the more he gets to know her, the more he’s thinking she’s not just a passive bystander. Instead of being the grieving widow allowing Jason to run the organization, she’s been the power behind the throne. Maybe she’s the one he’s been dealing with all along. She says he mentioned business, and he says, it’s come to his attention that Jason called a meeting of the Five Families spaghetti sauce, presumably to discuss the power balance now that Sonny is gone. She says, and? and he says, and one has to worry what’s going to happen if Jason can’t make that meeting.

Phyllis says something I can’t understand, and Nina asks what she means. So apparently, I’m not the only one who needs clarity. Phyllis says, just some community issues. Nothing for Nina to worry about. Sonny says, the recession has been affecting local businesses. Add in vandalism and burglary, it’s tough. Nina asks if the repairs Phyllis has been doing aren’t an isolated incident, and Phyllis says, none of it has been serious or violent. Sonny thinks busted windows are violent, but Phyllis says, no one got hurt. It’s scaring people off, and the fewer businesses, the more people jump ship. Sonny says, it’s not good for the foot traffic at the Tan-O, and Nina says, she’s so sorry; that’s terrible. Phyllis says it’s a shame to see what’s happening to their little town, especially since it seems there’s nothing she can do about it. Sonny says, but Nina can.

Cyrus tells Carly, fear not. He plans to attend the meeting, and will be sure to communicate all is well on her end. But the other families can be unpredictable, especially if they smell blood in the water with Jason being indisposed. Carly’s phone rings, and she asks Michael, what’s up? Cyrus says, a son checking in with his mother; what a luxury. Michael says he just ran into Brando. The witness is Gladys. She asks if he’s sure, and he tells her, that’s what Brando said. There must be an angle. She thanks him, and Cyrus says, that was a quick phone call. She says, that’s what happens when people get to the point, and he asks if everything is all right. She says, it will be. It turns out Sonny’s cousin Gladys is the witness testifying against Jason. He asks if she means the nice woman he met at Mike’s funeral, and she says, yeah, and they both know Cyrus put her up to it.

Britt says, it still doesn’t feel like it’s computing, and Jason says, what? She says that he’s been arrested for something he didn’t do. Not just something – murder – and the person who did do it happens to be incredibly skilled at covering his tracks. He says he knows all this, and she says, of course (🍷) he does, because he’s Mr. Mob Guy who knows everything about everything, which is great when it comes to Jason’s territory and killing mobsters, but when it comes to Peter… She doesn’t even know how to say this. She went on the run with her father for a year, looking for any and every way out. When she tells him that Faison is a whole other level of crazy… He says, he should listen? but she says, no. Consider Peter was raised by that monster. He hated Faison’s guts, but that doesn’t change the fact that Peter learned everything Faison had to teach. All the lessons of espionage and manipulation and deceit. Does he see where she’s going with this? He says, tell him, and she says, Faison was a complete and utter psychopath who destroyed people’s lives for fun. And her brother – the person who framed Jason – learned at his knee. Maybe there needs to be a little more panic here, because life as he knows it is about to end.

Olivia tells Dante, if she’d known what that Kirk guy was doing to him in Geneva, she would have busted down the door and dragged Dante out herself. He says, and then what? and she says, none of this would have happened. Anna says, Kirk was conditioning Dante for months, and Dante says he doesn’t think there’s anything Olivia could have done. Olivia says there’s one thing she doesn’t get, and Dante says, just one thing? Olivia says, Kirk is dead. So he’s manipulating Dante from beyond the grave? Anna says, once the triggers are installed, they remain intact, so Kirk wouldn’t have to physically manipulate them. Olivia asks if Anna is sure Kirk wasn’t working with anyone else, and Anna says, there’s no evidence of that. Olivia says, at the end of the day, its done. It’s over with, and it’s all smooth sailing from here. Dante says, that’s the plan.

Martin tells Laura, he never started a family of his own, but don’t get him wrong. It’s not for lack of trying. Laura says, so he’s been there, and he says, several times. He’s paid enough alimony alone to fund a small country. After his third wife, he realized the problem just might be him. Laura says, it seems hard to believe, and he says he has a tendency to smooth talk his way out of… well, everything. He glosses over the underlying issues in the relationship. It’s funny. He just realized, in his effort to make his marriages different from his parents’ marriage, he created his own set of difficulties. She thought he got along with his parents, and he says he did, but there was tension in the house; they were always fighting about something. His father’s past transgressions… She says, or about Cyrus? Martin says he was the good son; the one they didn’t have to worry about. They were so traumatized by everything Cyrus put them through, there wasn’t much left over for him. They counted on him to take care of himself, so he did. She says she thinks she knows how he felt. From the other side, the sister she was raised with, Amy, was just the sweetest thing, but growing up, Laura was a lot. He says, it’s hard to imagine, and Laura says, Amy had to be twice as loud, and twice as gregarious just to get a little of the attention she was getting. Martin asks if she’s calling him gregarious, and she says she’s sure it was hard for Amy to live with her, just like it was hard for Martin to live with Cyrus. He says, they all have their challenges, but having people around who care about you makes those challenges a little easier to live with.

Sasha tells Gladys, Brando helped her through a rough time recently, and Gladys says she heard about Sasha’s rough time with drugs when Jackie interviewed her on GMA3. Sasha says, fortunately, she got the help she needed, in large part because of Gladys’s son. Gladys says, mm-hmm, and Brando and Michael come back in. Brando says he hopes they weren’t too long, and Gladys says they were just catching up. She suggests they grab themselves a table; she’s famished. Michael and Sasha go back to their table, and Sasha asks if everything is okay.

Cyrus says he doesn’t know what Carly is talking about. He barely knows this Gladys woman. She says, it all makes sense. He saw Jason was being brought in for questioning, and saw an opportunity. That’s why he’s there, going on and on about the Five Families salad dressing. He wanted her to know what was going on, so he could make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Britt says she and Jason were supposed to take down Cyrus together. What does he care if he goes to prison, and she’s left holding the bag? Don’t worry about her. She’s just risking her career, and life probably, while he’s safe and sound behind bars. He notices her hand shaking, and she says she knows she said prison is hellish, but if Cyrus finds out she’s been working against him, she’s going to wish she was in Pentenville. He takes her hand, and says she’s not as selfish as she wants people to think. She says, try her, and the guard comes back, saying, time to finish up. Jason has another visitor. It’s Sam.

Sonny says, Nina writes for a magazine, right? and she says she does. He asks why she doesn’t write an article on Nixon Falls. Tell people what’s going on there, and people will come there and spend money; it will tide people over. Phyllis says, it’s a wonderful idea, and asks if Nina thinks it’s possible. Nina says she’d love to help, but Crimson is a fashion magazine. He asks if she only writes about clothes, and not human interest, and she says, sometimes they do. He asks, what’s the problem? and she says she’s on a leave of absence. She has communication with her team, but the second in command is running the day to day business. She doesn’t think it would be appropriate for her to overrule their decisions, unless she was ready to go back to work. Phyllis says, of course (🍷). She completely understands. Nina’s been through a lot, and deserves some time off. She’ll grab Nina some water for her ride. Nina says, no, but Phyllis says, don’t be silly. They have plenty of bottles in the back. She leaves, and Sonny looks at Nina. Nina says, what? and he says he thinks she’s making a mistake.

Brook says Jason seems good; no lingering affects from the trauma. She leaves, and the guard locks the cell. He leaves, and Sam says, Molly told her Jason was arrested. She wanted to make sure everything was all right. He says he appreciates her checking up on him; he’s okay. She asks if he has a plan, and he says they’re working on it. She says she knows Peter killed Franco, and he says, but Peter is framing him, and they all know how good he is at that. Getting out of there isn’t going to be easy. Britt listens in.

Cyrus says, maybe Gladys’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be. She says she saw Jason with the gun used to kill Franco. Carly says, that’s right, and he says, perhaps on further reflection, she’ll realize she couldn’t possibly have seen Jason dispose of the weapon. Wouldn’t it be a relief if she were to suddenly recant her story? Just as it would be a relief if his mother was returned to him. Are they understanding each other? She says she thinks they do, and he says he looks forward to hearing from her.

Gladys says Sasha and Brando seem close, and he says, they’re just friends. She asks if that’s why he keeps stealing looks in Sasha’s direction. She’ll just say this. Does he think it’s wise to get involved with someone else in recovery? She thought that was a big no-no.

On the phone, Michael tells Willow where to find Wiley’s toy. He knows how cranky Wiley gets without Mr. Trunks. Sasha says, Mr. Trunks? and he says, it’s Wiley’s stuffed elephant, like we couldn’t guess that. She says, it doesn’t sound like Willow is holding a grudge about Nina, and he says he thinks she’s more disappointed than angry. She’s upset that he left her out, and he shouldn’t have. She says, if anyone knows he’s looking out for Wiley, it’s Willow, so don’t beat himself up. That said, when it’s time to register Wiley for preschool, consult Willow. He says he will, and she says she does feel sorry for Nina. Does it bother him that she said that? He says, no. He feels bad for her too. That’s why he and Willow brought Wiley to Crimson in the first place. He hopes it does work out someday. She asks if that’s why Nina left town, and he says Nina had to clear her head; she needs help. He hopes she gets it.

Sonny says he’s not a publisher, but Nina is the boss, right? She can pretty much print whatever she wants. She says he’s probably right, but he heard what Phyllis said. She’s been through a lot these past few months. She needs time to heal and recover. She needs time to… He says, balance the scales? She was wondering how to make the world right when she’s been wronged. Maybe she can help some people who’ve been good to her. Phyllis dropped everything to go to New York when Nina needed her. Maybe Nina can do the same.

Olivia tells Dante, she used to think the spy life was romantic, but from where she’s standing, the WSB seems like a disaster from top to bottom. Anna says she’s in no position to disagree, but she’d like to point out Robert. He spent his whole career with the WSB, and he’s really a good person. He’s not unique. There really are some good guys in the WSB. Olivia says she’ll take Anna’s word for it. She asks if Dante is ready to go, and he says there’s a shower and a nap with his name on it. He thanks Anna, and they leave. She makes a call, saying she needs to see someone, right away.

Phyllis comes back with the water, and asks Nina if three are enough. Nina says she changed her mind. She thinks she might stay a while. Mike is right. She could probably pull a few strings and get an article written about this place. Phyllis says, really? and Nina says, the next few issues are planned already, so it might not see print for a while, but she’d like to help out any way she can. Phyllis hugs Nina, and says it means the world to her, but is Nina sure she doesn’t mind putting off her trip? Nina asks, what difference do a few days make? and Sonny says, none.

Michael tells Sasha, he thinks their impulse is to be strong, and do things on their own. They tell themselves they can do this, but sometimes they need someone to guide them. Not tell them what to do, but help them figure a way out. Sasha agrees, and says it was nearly impossible for her to show up for her first counseling session. Everyone was telling her to go, but she was so humiliated and locked inside herself, it took everything in her. She knows it’s vastly different circumstances, but maybe Nina isn’t there yet. He hopes Nina gets there, and realizes the best thing for her and Wiley is for her to deal with this. Sasha hopes Nina gets there too.

Brando says Sasha’s recovery is none of Gladys’s business, and Gladys says Sasha told her personally. He says they’re just friends, and she says that’s not what it looks like to her. He tells her, look more closely. Sasha and Michael are clearly trying to work things out. She tells him, if he says so.

The waitress brings a chocolate cake with a candle to the table, and Laura says she wanted to celebrate Martin’s birthday. He thanks her, and says he’s truly touched. She says, have at it, and he blows out the candle. Cyrus comes by, and asks what Martin wished for.

Britt tells Sam, she knows they’re not each other’s biggest fans, but they have a common goal. Jason didn’t kill Franco. Sam says, what about Peter? Britt says they both know he did it, and Sam says, then he’s more dangerous to Maxie than they thought. Britt asks what they’re going to do about it.

Carly visits Jason, who’s very popular in jail. He asks if everything is okay, and she says, it will be. She’s getting him out of there. No matter what it takes.

On Monday, Trina asks Taggert to please tell her that he’s changing his plea, Cyrus has something to celebrate too, and Peter tells Elizabeth that he wants to take responsibility for Franco’s death.

✍🏻 Gracious Lady…

When I was around twelve, I wrote to Agnes Nixon about a OLTL storyline. She graciously took the time to write back to me, and I’ll always remember her for  that.

🎶 Song For a Stepdad…

Cameron’s tribute to Franco.

🎓🍼 Congratulations Are In Order…

In a year that ground much to a halt, there’s a graduate at the top of her class…

And a new mom.

💩 And the POS Of the Week Award Goes To…

It’s Bunnygate all over again.

The rebuttal, which is kind of confusing. I want to know how much $1400,00.00 [sic] is.

🍸 Back To Beverly Hills…

Everything Andy knows…

Everything the tabloids know…

And Sutton stirs the sh*t. The best part? A picture of her in that crazy dress everyone but me hated.

‘RHOBH’ Season 11 Preview: Sutton Stracke Causing Drama for Erika Jayne, Source Says

💍 Yep, It’s Massive…

She might be a skinnygirl, but that is not a skinny ring.

🤔 Doubtful…

The continuing saga of Tinsley’s not-so-happy ending.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Friends Refute Scott Kluth’s Version of Their Split and Point to Evidence After His Reps Claim He Tried to Break Up With RHONY Alum For Months

🍾 If Wishes Were Horses…

This is the kind of thing that comes out when you’re Overserved.

💔 Saying Goodbye…

And we’re not even through March.

🎭 Double Farewell…

Two true legends. I loved Just Shoot Me, and The Goldbergs just won’t be the same.

🦧 No Foolin’…

Celebrities, they’re just like us. But with a bigger budget.

🐶 Everybody’s Favorite…

Who doesn’t love puppies?

🦜 Quotes of the Week

You try a case on the evidence. You can’t convict a man because you fear what he might become. – Michael Desiato (Bryan Cranston), Your Honor

With no positivity, there is no hope; with no negativity, there is no improvement. – Criss Jami

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know. – The Wise Man (Scott Glenn), Sucker Punch

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. – Wayne Dyer

To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor. – Stacey T. Hunt

The fact that she needs to teach you how to play Go Fish at 22 says all that needs to be said. – Todd Chrisley, Chrisley Knows Best

Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves. – Princess Diana

Soar with wit. Conquer with dignity. Handle with care. – Criss Jami

It is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be. – Sanhita Baruah

Art is a house that tries to be haunted. – Emily Dickinson

I love being Amish, but I love the English money. – Ada Byler, Return to Amish

Nothing can be more hurtful to your heart than betraying yourself. – Roy T. Bennett

Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves, or sink you under deep into its abyss. – Anthony Liccione

The more uncomfortable it is, the more important it is to have the conversation about it. – Eric Nies, Real World NYC: Homecoming

🚶🏽‍♀️ Exiting Stage Left…

It’s here again. The weekend. Or what I call, switching jobs, and what some might call, just another day in paradise. Or not. But if not, make your own paradise, even if it’s only in your mind. And in any case, stay safe, stay appropriate, and stay doing the same for people who have dropped everything for you.

March 25, 2021 – Brando Snitches On Gladys – Yes, I Got You (For the Most Part), Reality Trip, a Tuscan Feast, Representing Their States & One Less


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

⚠️ GH was preempted in most US locales because of a press conference that I didn’t see, since it was on at 2 pm my time, and GH comes on at 3. It took me all of five seconds to say, what the blip? and google it to find out why. I was able to find a video of it, but I’m not positive there isn’t more at the end. I’ll repost this, along with anything extra, tomorrow, so read on if you want to be spoiled.

General Hospital

Taggert wakes to see Jason in the cell across from him, and says he didn’t realize he had a roommate. He asks what Jason did this time.

Britt looks at her phone, and says, what the hell? We see an Invader headline that says, Morgan Arrested for Murder.

Olivia is praying the rosary at the hospital, when Sam brings her coffee. Sam says she’s had worse from the vending machine, but Olivia says the caffeine won’t do her nerves much good. Sam says Olivia has been up all night, and Olivia says, so has she. She guesses she’s just going to be worried about Dante for the rest of her life. Going after Peter with a gun; Dante never would have done it if he was in his right mind. Sam says that’s why she brought Dante to see Doc. Doc will make Dante better, and he can move on. Got it? Olivia says, got it.

Dante tells Anna she should go, but Anna says she’s kind of wired. It’s hard to believe, but she hasn’t pulled an all-nighter in some time. How’s he doing? He says, you tell me.

At Kelly’s, Sasha tells Michael that she’s glad they were able to squeeze in breakfast. She hasn’t seen him in forever. He says he’s had one fire to put out after another. Jason getting arrested last night didn’t make things any better. She asks if there’s anything she can do. Maxie told her Nina took a leave of absence, and she knows it’s technically Jax’s half of the company, but has it impacted Michael? He says, not from a business perspective, but he has to admit, Nina taking a break is the best thing for Wiley.

Sonny is sweeping the floor at the Tan-O when Nina comes in. He says he was wondering if he was going to see her again, or she was going to skip town. She says she couldn’t leave without coming by, especially since Phyllis and Lenny let her stay at their place. He asks if a good night’s sleep helped her decide what she’s going to do next, and she says, it would have, but she didn’t get much sleep last night.

On the phone, Carly says, Jason’s arraignment is coming up. How confident is Diane that she can get him off on bail?… Is she serious?… She knows Diane is going to do everything she can. She just wishes they had the name of the supposed witness. That would make all the difference.

As they walk to Kelly’s, Gladys says she’s glad Brando was able to come to breakfast. Too bad he has plans for lunch and dinner. He says, they’re not plans; they’re called work. He tells her, before they go in, they need to talk, and she asks, about what? and he says, about her being the one who got Jason arrested.

Jason tells Taggert that he’s been arrested for the murder of Franco Baldwin. Tagger asks how long Jason thinks it will take for Jason’s defense lawyer to get him out of this one, and Jason guesses they’ll find out. Taggert says, if history is any indication, Jason will see the light of day before he does.

Martin meets Laura at the MetroCourt, and says she sounded mysterious on the phone. Does she mind telling him what the occasion is? She says she noticed it was his birthday last week. Why didn’t he say something? He says he didn’t know he was supposed to. They are siblings, but the fact is, they barely know each other. She says she was hoping they could use the occasion to change that.

Olivia tells Sam that she knows Peter is bad news, and she truly hopes to God Peter pays for his crimes, especially what he did to Drew. Sam says, her too, and Olivia says she’s just grateful it wasn’t Dante wasn’t the one to handle him. She thanks Sam for showing up when she did, and getting through to her son. She just couldn’t go through this again. Sam says Olivia doesn’t have to thank her. She did what anyone would have done. Olivia says, since Dante has been home, Sam has been a really good friend to him. She tries her best, but it seems that Sam was exactly what was needed, and she’s so grateful for that.

Anna knows it’s been difficult for Dante rehashing all that, but she thinks he and Doc made progress last night. He says he definitely feels lighter. It’s weird though, not having control like that. He just kept hearing in his head, complete the mission; kill Peter. He was going to do it. She says, he didn’t though, and he says, that’s because Sam showed up and talked to him. It was like a fog was lifted. She says, at least he knows where the fog came from now. She’s so sorry for what Dr. Kirk did to him. He says, it’s over now, and she says, yeah, it’s over. Now he can get on with the rest of his life. He wonders what that looks like.

Jason says he wants Taggert to know, whatever is going on with him, Portia and Trina are still protected. Taggert says he didn’t think anything different. A guard comes in to get Taggert for his sentencing hearing, and Taggert tells Jason that Cyrus is still walking around while Jason is behind bars. Whatever he’s doing to get out, do it fast. The guard takes Taggert out.

Gladys tells Brando, what else is there to say? She saw Jason dispose of a gun, and told the police. She still can’t believe he’s responsible for such an awful murder, and Brando says, they don’t know that Jason is. Her coming forward is causing a lot of problems for Carly. She just lost her husband. Does Gladys remember her cousin Sonny? She says, God rest his soul, and he says, there are still a lot of questions regarding Franco’s death. She says, which is why she felt it was necessary that she come forward. Is this an interrogation? He says, no, and she says all she did was give the police the information. Why does he care anyway? The last she heard, Sonny kicked him to the curb. He has a new job now, with the head of the hospital no less. If he really thinks about it, she did him a favor. He asks, how? and she says, her doing her civic duty will only endear Brando more to his employer. Now can they go in? It’s cold out here.

Michael tells Sasha, he was thinking about Wiley, and his confusion about what Nina said to him; and Willow, and how hurt she’s been. She’s just trying to protect Wiley. Sasha says Michael is trying to make everything okay, and he says it should have occurred to him to get Willow’s opinion. She is Wiley’s mother, and absolutely has a say in everything that happens to him, especially something so pivotal as, if he can see one of his grandmothers or not. Gladys and Brando come in, and Gladys says, look at this. They’ve got themselves a family reunion.

Carly tells Diane to let her know what she finds out in discovery. Cyrus walks in, and Carly says she has to call Diane back. Cyrus says, good morning, Mrs. Corinthos, and she asks what he wants. He says, just to offer his sympathies. He saw on the news that Jason was arrested. She says, a misunderstanding. His lawyer will have him out in no time. Cyrus says he certainly hopes that’s the case, for her sake. He can’t imagine how difficult this must be so soon after her husband’s passing.

Sonny says, so what kept Nina up? Thinking about that woman she talked to? He gives her some coffee, and she says, yes. That, and wondering, is it her job or fate to balance the scales? He says he doesn’t believe much in fate, and she says, wasn’t it him who said last night that it was fate that brought them together? He says, that’s just a figure of speech. He thinks we make our own choices in life. Look at him. Lenny and Phyllis took him in, and put their necks on the line, so he wants to pay them back with any job they want. She says he’s done a lot of great things for them, and fate or not, he’s been a blessing. He says he doesn’t know about that, and she asks if he ever wonders about the choices that led him there. Like what kind of person he was. He says he has no way of knowing, and she asks, if there was a way for him to know, would he want to know?

Olivia sees Dante come out, and runs to him. She says, thank God, and hugs him. She asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s good. She asks, what happened? and he asks if Anna wants to do the honors. Anna says, it turns out a faction of the WSB went rogue. They enlisted Dr. Kirk to manipulate the psychological trauma Dante had experienced to use for their own end. To eliminate Peter. Olivia says, manipulate how? and Anna says, Dr. Kirk instilled triggers in Dante that he was acting on without realizing it. Olivia says, they’re gone now? and Anna says Doc believes he removed them. Dante says they’re going to do a couple of sessions a week, and Anna says, to make sure there aren’t any hidden triggers. Sam says she’s glad he’s okay, and he says he owes her big time. Sam says he doesn’t, but Dante and Olivia say he does. He says if she hadn’t shown up, Peter would be dead. He was going to do it; there was nothing clearer in his mind. The only thing that stopped him was her. Sam says she’s glad she was there, and he says, him too. Sam’s phone dings, and she steps away. Olivia asks Anna if Dante is safe and can go home, and Anna says, absolutely. Sam looks at the Invader headline, along with a text from Molly that says, did you see this?

The guard tells Jason that Dr. Westbourne is there to see him, and she brings her medical bag into Jason’s cell. He asks what she’s doing, and she tells him to shut up. She raises her voice, and says she’s following up on the head injury he suffered last summer; the one that requires him to be seen every month. She takes out a pen light, and tells him, follow it please. He says the guard can’t hear them, and she says, what the hell is going on? He was arrested for Franco’s murder? He says he didn’t kill Franco; Peter did. She says, Peter, as in her brother? and he says, Peter framed him. She says, he’s saying that like he’s telling her what he had for dinner last night. Is he forgetting how good Peter is at that? If he has, just ask her mother about her recent stint in Steinmaur. She’d be happy to give him all the details. He says he remembers, and she asks why he’s so relaxed right now. She makes sure the guard isn’t there, and says she’s been to prison. It’s no joyride. She’s sure he’ll survive, most likely, but it won’t be pleasant, for him or the people he’s leaving behind, like Carly and his kids. He tells her, just take a breath, and she says, no. He says, she doesn’t want to breathe? and she says, he doesn’t get to calm her down. She faked her way in there with this check-up thing. It’s her job to take care of him. He says, okay.

Sonny says, some days finding out who he is, is all he thinks about, and Nina asks, what about the other days? He says, he’s not sure he wants to find out the answer. It’s good there, and who knows? It might be the start of something big. Phyllis comes in, and says she didn’t expect to see Nina this early. Nina says she got a jump on the day, and Phyllis says, so this is goodbye? Nina says, yeah. She thinks it’s time they all got on with their lives.

Gladys hugs Michael, and says, it’s so good to see him again. She was so sorry to hear about his father. Brando made it clear she wasn’t welcome at Dev’s memorial, so she figured it was the same with Sonny’s, and Lord knows, she doesn’t want to upset Michael’s mother. Michael says, it’s very generous of her, and Sasha quietly asks if Brando told his mother not to come to his son’s funeral. He says, long story, and she says, I’ll bet. He asks if Michael has a second, and Michael says, sure. They step away, and Gladys says she and Sasha keep running into each other; first in Brando’s hospital room, and now here. She’s curious. How long have Sasha and Brando been… friendly?

Brando tells Michael, don’t react, just listen, and relay this information to whoever needs to know. His mother is the witness who accused Jason.

Martin tells Laura, he must confess, since his mother’s been in hiding, his birthday felt lonelier than usual this year. She takes it Jason didn’t tell Martin where he moved Florence, and Martin says he wants to keep it that way. The less he knows, the less Cyrus can pressure him into revealing it. She says, smart, but it must be difficult, and he says, right now, he would have been making plans to visit his mother for Easter. Lord, how that woman loves getting dressed up for church. Then she critiques her friends outfits. Did you see what she was wearing? Who does that woman think she is, the queen? Laura laughs, and he says, she’s something. He guesses he can’t risk visiting her this year. Laura suggests he spend the holiday with her and her family. She would have asked him sooner, but she assumed he had other relatives he wanted to spend it with… or children. He shakes his head, and she says, or a significant other? He just looks at her, and she says they really don’t know each other, do they? and he says, not yet.

Carly tells Cyrus, they both know what he can do with his condolences. Now is that all? He says, actually, no. With Jason indisposed, he’s not sure who he should be reaching out to in matters of business. Unless it’s always been her. She says, sorry? and he says, the more he gets to know her, the more he’s thinking she’s not just a passive bystander. Instead of being the grieving widow allowing Jason to run the organization, she’s been the power behind the throne. Maybe she’s the one he’s been dealing with all along. She says he mentioned business, and he says, it’s come to his attention that Jason called a meeting of the Five Families spaghetti sauce, presumably to discuss the power balance now that Sonny is gone. She says, and? and he says, and one has to worry what’s going to happen if Jason can’t make that meeting.

Phyllis says something I can’t understand, and Nina asks what she means. So apparently, I’m not the only one who needs clarity. Phyllis says, just some community issues. Nothing for Nina to worry about. Sonny says, the recession has been affecting local businesses. Add in vandalism and burglary, it’s tough. Nina asks if the repairs Phyllis has been doing aren’t an isolated incident, and Phyllis says, none of it has been serious or violent. Sonny thinks busted windows are violent, but Phyllis says, no one got hurt. It’s scaring people off, and the fewer businesses, the more people jump ship. Sonny says, it’s not good for the foot traffic at the Tan-O, and Nina says, she’s so sorry; that’s terrible. Phyllis says it’s a shame to see what’s happening to their little town, especially since it seems there’s nothing she can do about it. Sonny says, but Nina can.

Cyrus tells Carly, fear not. He plans to attend the meeting, and will be sure to communicate all is well on her end. But the other families can be unpredictable, especially if they smell blood in the water with Jason being indisposed. Carly’s phone rings, and she asks Michael, what’s up? Cyrus says, a son checking in with his mother; what a luxury. Michael says he just ran into Brando. The witness is Gladys. She asks if he’s sure, and he tells her, that’s what Brando said. There must be an angle. She thanks him, and Cyrus says, that was a quick phone call. She says, that’s what happens when people get to the point, and he asks if everything is all right. She says, it will be. It turns out Sonny’s cousin Gladys is the witness testifying against Jason. He asks if she means the nice woman he met at Mike’s funeral, and she says, yeah, and they both know Cyrus put her up to it.

Britt says, it still doesn’t feel like it’s computing, and Jason says, what? She says that he’s been arrested for something he didn’t do. Not just something – murder – and the person who did do it happens to be incredibly skilled at covering his tracks. He says he knows all this, and she says, of course (🍷) he does, because he’s Mr. Mob Guy who knows everything about everything, which is great when it comes to Jason’s territory and killing mobsters, but when it comes to Peter… She doesn’t even know how to say this. She went on the run with her father for a year, looking for any and every way out. When she tells him that Faison is a whole other level of crazy… He says, he should listen? but she says, no. Consider Peter was raised by that monster. He hated Faison’s guts, but that doesn’t change the fact that Peter learned everything Faison had to teach. All the lessons of espionage and manipulation and deceit. Does he see where she’s going with this? He says, tell him, and she says, Faison was a complete and utter psychopath who destroyed people’s lives for fun. And her brother – the person who framed Jason – learned at his knee. Maybe there needs to be a little more panic here, because life as he knows it is about to end.

Olivia tells Dante, if she’d known what that Kirk guy was doing to him in Geneva, she would have busted down the door and dragged Dante out herself. He says, and then what? and she says, none of this would have happened. Anna says, Kirk was conditioning Dante for months, and Dante says he doesn’t think there’s anything Olivia could have done. Olivia says there’s one thing she doesn’t get, and Dante says, just one thing? Olivia says, Kirk is dead. So he’s manipulating Dante from beyond the grave? Anna says, once the triggers are installed, they remain intact, so Kirk wouldn’t have to physically manipulate them. Olivia asks if Anna is sure Kirk wasn’t working with anyone else, and Anna says, there’s no evidence of that. Olivia says, at the end of the day, its done. It’s over with, and it’s all smooth sailing from here. Dante says, that’s the plan.

Martin tells Laura, he never started a family of his own, but don’t get him wrong. It’s not for lack of trying. Laura says, so he’s been there, and he says, several times. He’s paid enough alimony alone to fund a small country. After his third wife, he realized the problem just might be him. Laura says, it seems hard to believe, and he says he has a tendency to smooth talk his way out of… well, everything. He glosses over the underlying issues in the relationship. It’s funny. He just realized, in his effort to make his marriages different from his parents’ marriage, he created his own set of difficulties. She thought he got along with his parents, and he says he did, but there was tension in the house; they were always fighting about something. His father’s past transgressions… She says, or about Cyrus? Martin says he was the good son; the one they didn’t have to worry about. They were so traumatized by everything Cyrus put them through, there wasn’t much left over for him. They counted on him to take care of himself, so he did. She says she thinks she knows how he felt. From the other side, the sister she was raised with, Amy, was just the sweetest thing, but growing up, Laura was a lot. He says, it’s hard to imagine, and Laura says, Amy had to be twice as loud, and twice as gregarious just to get a little of the attention she was getting. Martin asks if she’s calling him gregarious, and she says she’s sure it was hard for Amy to live with her, just like it was hard for Martin to live with Cyrus. He says, they all have their challenges, but having people around who care about you makes those challenges a little easier to live with.

Sasha tells Gladys, Brando helped her through a rough time recently, and Gladys says she heard about Sasha’s rough time with drugs when Jackie interviewed her on GMA3. Sasha says, fortunately, she got the help she needed, in large part because of Gladys’s son. Gladys says, mm-hmm, and Brando and Michael come back in. Brando says he hopes they weren’t too long, and Gladys says they were just catching up. She suggests they grab themselves a table; she’s famished. Michael and Sasha go back to their table, and Sasha asks if everything is okay.

Cyrus says he doesn’t know what Carly is talking about. He barely knows this Gladys woman. She says, it all makes sense. He saw Jason was being brought in for questioning, and saw an opportunity. That’s why he’s there, going on and on about the Five Families salad dressing. He wanted her to know what was going on, so he could make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Britt says she and Jason were supposed to take down Cyrus together. What does he care if he goes to prison, and she’s left holding the bag? Don’t worry about her. She’s just risking her career, and life probably, while he’s safe and sound behind bars. He notices her hand shaking, and she says she knows she said prison is hellish, but if Cyrus finds out she’s been working against him, she’s going to wish she was in Pentenville. He takes her hand, and says she’s not as selfish as she wants people to think. She says, try her, and the guard comes back, saying, time to finish up. Jason has another visitor. It’s Sam.

Sonny says, Nina writes for a magazine, right? and she says she does. He asks why she doesn’t write an article on Nixon Falls. Tell people what’s going on there, and people will come there and spend money; it will tide people over. Phyllis says, it’s a wonderful idea, and asks if Nina thinks it’s possible. Nina says she’d love to help, but Crimson is a fashion magazine. He asks if she only writes about clothes, and not human interest, and she says, sometimes they do. He asks, what’s the problem? and she says she’s on a leave of absence. She has communication with her team, but the second in command is running the day to day business. She doesn’t think it would be appropriate for her to overrule their decisions, unless she was ready to go back to work. Phyllis says, of course (🍷). She completely understands. Nina’s been through a lot, and deserves some time off. She’ll grab Nina some water for her ride. Nina says, no, but Phyllis says, don’t be silly. They have plenty of bottles in the back. She leaves, and Sonny looks at Nina. Nina says, what? and he says he thinks she’s making a mistake.

Brook says Jason seems good; no lingering affects from the trauma. She leaves, and the guard locks the cell. He leaves, and Sam says, Molly told her Jason was arrested. She wanted to make sure everything was all right. He says he appreciates her checking up on him; he’s okay. She asks if he has a plan, and he says they’re working on it. She says she knows Peter killed Franco, and he says, but Peter is framing him, and they all know how good he is at that. Getting out of there isn’t going to be easy. Britt listens in.

Cyrus says, maybe Gladys’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be. She says she saw Jason with the gun used to kill Franco. Carly says, that’s right, and he says, perhaps on further reflection, she’ll realize she couldn’t possibly have seen Jason dispose of the weapon. Wouldn’t it be a relief if she were to suddenly recant her story? Just as it would be a relief if his mother was returned to him. Are they understanding each other? She says she thinks they do, and he says he looks forward to hearing from her.

Gladys says Sasha and Brando seem close, and he says, they’re just friends. She asks if that’s why he keeps stealing looks in Sasha’s direction. She’ll just say this. Does he think it’s wise to get involved with someone else in recovery? She thought that was a big no-no.

On the phone, Michael tells Willow where to find Wiley’s toy. He knows how cranky Wiley gets without Mr. Trunks. Sasha says, Mr. Trunks? and he says, it’s Wiley’s stuffed elephant, like we couldn’t guess that. She says, it doesn’t sound like Willow is holding a grudge about Nina, and he says he thinks she’s more disappointed than angry. She’s upset that he left her out, and he shouldn’t have. She says, if anyone knows he’s looking out for Wiley, it’s Willow, so don’t beat himself up. That said, when it’s time to register Wiley for preschool, consult Willow. He says he will, and she says she does feel sorry for Nina. Does it bother him that she said that? He says, no. He feels bad for her too. That’s why he and Willow brought Wiley to Crimson in the first place. He hopes it does work out someday. She asks if that’s why Nina left town, and he says Nina had to clear her head; she needs help. He hopes she gets it.

Sonny says he’s not a publisher, but Nina is the boss, right? She can pretty much print whatever she wants. She says he’s probably right, but he heard what Phyllis said. She’s been through a lot these past few months. She needs time to heal and recover. She needs time to… He says, balance the scales? She was wondering how to make the world right when she’s been wronged. Maybe she can help some people who’ve been good to her. Phyllis dropped everything to go to New York when Nina needed her. Maybe Nina can do the same.

🤔 Here’s where it got tricky. The video I was watching suddenly changed to today’s rerun. But then I found a different one. It had a janky soundtrack, but…

Olivia tells Dante, she used to think the spy life was romantic, but the WSB seems like a disaster from top to bottom. Anna says she’s no one to talk, but she’d like to point out Robert. He spent his whole career with the WSB, and he’s really a good person. He’s not unique. There really are some good guys in the WSB. Olivia says she’ll take Anna’s word for it. She asks if Dante is ready to go, and he says there’s a nap with his name on it. He thanks Anna, and they leave. She makes a call, saying she needs to see someone, right away.

Phyllis comes back with the water, and Nina says she changed her mind. She thinks she might stay a while. Mike is right. She could probably pull a few strings and get an article written about this place. Phyllis says, really? and Nina says, it might not see print for a while, but she’d like to help out any way she can. Phyllis hugs Nina, and says it means the world to her, but is Nina sure she doesn’t mind putting off her trip? Nina asks, what difference do a few days make? and Sonny says, none.

Michael tells Sasha, he thinks their impulse is to be strong. They tell themselves they can do this, but sometimes they need someone to guide them. Not tell them what to do, but help them figure a way out. Sasha agrees, and says it was nearly impossible for her to show up for her first counseling session. Everyone was telling her to go, but she was so humiliated and locked inside herself, it took everything in her. She knows it’s vastly different circumstances, but maybe Nina isn’t there yet. He hopes Nina gets there, and realizes the best thing for her and Wiley is for her to deal with this. Sasha hopes Nina gets there too.

Brando says Sasha’s recovery is none of Gladys’s business, and Gladys says Sasha told her personally. He says they’re just friends, and she says that’s not what it looks like to her. He tells her, look more closely. Sasha and Michael are clearly trying to work things out. She tells him, if he says so.

The waitress brings a chocolate cake with a candle to the table, and Laura says she wanted to celebrate Martin’s birthday. He thanks her, and says he’s truly touched. She says, have at it, and he blows out the candle. Cyrus comes by, and asks what Martin wished for.

Britt tells Sam, she knows they’re not each other’s biggest fans, but they have a common goal. Jason didn’t kill Franco. Sam says, what about Peter? Britt thinks he did it, and Sam says, he’s more dangerous to Maxie than they thought. Britt asks what they’re going to do about it.

Carly visits Jason, who’s very popular in jail. He asks if everything is okay, and she says, it will be. She’s getting him out of there. No matter what it takes.

🤷🏽 Okay, here’s where I ran out of options. I think there’s a little bit more, but I looked through 47,000 (slight exaggeration) videos, and couldn’t find one that had anything further. This episode is scheduled to be shown tomorrow, so we’ll find out then.

📽 For Real: The Story of Reality TV premiered on E! and its first episode was a trip down Reality Lane. Andy Cohen is the host, and he told us, in the golden age of Hollywood, celebrities were glamorous and unattainable. Once TV came along, they became more accessible, beginning with Lucille Ball. I know. I wouldn’t have thought of her either, but her show I Love Lucy did mirror her life somewhat. We found out that 12 hours before giving birth in reel life, Lucy had given birth in real life. Geez, here’s your hat, what’s your hurry. Get back to work. From there, surprisingly skipping An American Family, they jumped to MTV’s Cribs and The Real World. Then The Osbournes, who were the first celebrity family in reality TV. Andy explained that celebrities found that it was a vehicle for getting new fans, and Anna Nicole Smith followed, along with the Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie effort The Simple Life. The Girls Next Door was originally supposed to be about Hugh Hefner co-parenting with his ex, but Hef thought that was the dumbest idea he’d ever heard, and it morphed into a show about three residents of the Playboy mansion. The girls spun off Kendra on Top, Kendra Wilkinson’s life with husband Hank Baskett, which got kind of messy when Hank cheated with a transgender woman. Then there was Breaking Bonaduce, and the Holy Grail of reality shows, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which launched its cast from unknowns to the biggest stars in the world. They showed a clip from a Barbara Walters interview, where Barbara said they were famous for being famous, and Khloe said, but they were still entertaining people. Although I can’t say I’m a fan – I’ve actually seen very little of those shows – I had to admit she had a point. They agreed that Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn Jenner was the most difficult thing they’d had to go through on the show, since there was little precedent for the situation. It was fun to see clips from reality shows past, and I think this one’s a winner.

Next time, a reunion of some Real World NYC cast members, and interviews with reality stars.

🍸 Overserved was great! Everything I wanted it to be. LVP explained the premise as being the creation of a one-time only event, with a unique theme, exquisite food, unforgettable moments, and revealing conversation. This week, she prepared a Tuscan feast for guests Joel McHale and Cheryl Hines at Villa Rosa. Schnookie and Puffy were also in attendance, and Lisa had a Lady and the Tramp spaghetti moment with Puffy, as did Cheryl with Schnookie. Joel is one of the funniest human beings on the face of the earth, and did not disappoint, and Cheryl was not so bad herself. Some new factoids for me were that Cheryl is married to Robert Kennedy Jr., and Joel was born in Rome. However, when Lisa asked if he knew Italian, he said spaghetti and lasagna. The whole show just made me want to be there.

Next time, Lisa’s guests are – my favorite drag queen – Trixie Mattel and Iggy Azalea  

🏖 Summer House was the usual not-even-hot, more like lukewarm, mess. The guys got drunk and stupid, with the exception of Carl, while the girls had a spa night. Kyle was so mature that, instead of using one of the many bathrooms in the house like an adult, he got busy watering the plants, announcing it like it was an achievement. In her interview, Danielle gave props to Carl for having his sh*t fully together and his priorities straight. The group had a theme party, where the housemates represented different states, and set up their own pubs. Hannah told us that since they couldn’t go out to the pubs, they’d bring them to the house. This was actually pretty cool until someone wondered who the first one to puke would be, and I remembered what show I was watching. The HUGE topic of the night was, did Luke and Lindsay hook up? Especially since a psychic had confirmed it. Luke didn’t want to talk about his feelings, but It didn’t help any when he and Lindsay left the theme party together. Luke tried talking to Ciara, who wanted to give him boundaries. All she did was confuse him, and she ended up suggesting they not be friends, because it would be easier. Carl said Luke didn’t have the ability to own his truth, and I wondered what they even means anymore? Not to mention, Carl delivered that message while wearing his Amish pub owner’s getup. And who knew there was a rule that you don’t text a female after 9 pm unless you want to hook up? Not me. Kyle put his finger in Luke’s face, and said he exerted his power over women. It ended with Kyle walking out, then stomping back, bringing production with him, and a near brawl between Kyle and Luke, with the others holding them back from each other. Maybe these people just shouldn’t drink. Or go to the Hamptons. Or go anywhere.  

🛴 Time To Scoot…

Well, it’s been an interesting day for TV. Since tomorrow will be relatively open, I’m folding my tent and sneaking off into the night. There will be plenty of time to pour you some tea tomorrow. Wherever you’re sneaking off to, stay safe, stay as festive as possible, and stay not making it your job to balance the scales, and let it be up to fate.

March 24, 2021 – The Start Of a Beautiful Friendship, a Dinner Gone South & Late


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nina says she’s not that blond woman Sonny has been dreaming about, but he says she seems so familiar. She says, there are a lot of blond women in the world, and she’s known a few memorable ones. He tells her, if she says so, and she says, hey, Mike. Everything is going to be okay. He goes in the back, and she makes a call to Carly. Nina says she has something very important to tell Carly, and Carly says she’s sure Nina does. She knows exactly what it is.

On the phone, Trina asks if someone can make it happen… Tonight?

Portia tells Curtis, that was pretty impressive. Cameron came in there to hire someone to kill Jason, and Curtis convinced him to channel his anger and grief into his music. Curtis says, it wasn’t him. That was Trina. She says, Trina chimed in, after Curtis told Cameron to use his grief, and turn it into something positive. Trina joins them, and says, Cameron is on his way home with his mom. He feels a lot better than when he came in here. She thanks Curtis.

Jordan goes to see Taggert in his cell. She says she checked the visitor’s log earlier, and saw Laura was there. Taggert says they were discussing how much time he could get for falsifying proof that put Cyrus away. Five years, if he’s lucky. She says, about that. There’s been a development. He should consider a not guilty plea.

Brook walks quickly into the hospital, and Maxie is by the reception area with Britt. Maxie says, Brook is back. And she’s pregnant. Brook says she’s right. When did that happen? Isn’t she going to ask who the baby daddy is? Maxie says she didn’t want to pry, and Brook says, since when? Maxie says, fine. Who’s the guy? and Brook says, let’s just say both their babies have fathers everyone hates.

At the MetroCourt, Valentin asks if Charlotte wants dessert. She asks if she can have a Shirley Temple, and he says, double cherries. He might get one too. They have something to celebrate. She asks what it is, and he says he’ll tell her when he gets back. On his way to the bar, he runs into Anna, who says she hasn’t seen him since Maxie’s (non) wedding. He says he’s been busy. He’s going to be a father again.

Lucas goes to the room where the Lamaze class is going to be, and Felix says he’s in the wrong room… unless he switched teams and got busy. Lucas says he heard Felix was covering the class for Epiphany, and he wanted to hang out, and see Felix in action. Felix says, really? Is that really why he’s there?

Maxie says Brook is having a baby with Valentin? Didn’t he steal her shares of ELQ, and take over her family’s company? Brook says, things happen. She heard about Lulu. She’s really sorry. Lulu deserves to be with her kids, not in a long-term care facility. She’s sure Maxie misses Lulu a lot, and Maxie says she does. She’s naming the baby Louise, and going to call her Lu after Lulu. Brook says, Lulu would love that. It’s crazy how their lives have changed in a few months; Lulu is gone, Maxie and Peter… She read what he did, and it sounds like he has a long list of bad acts. Does Maxie think he’ll still be in the baby’s life? Maxie says she hasn’t figured out that part yet. How about Brook and Valentin? She doesn’t see them living happily ever after. Brook says he’ll have some role in the baby’s life, but she hasn’t figured it out yet. Britt says if Brook is staying in Port Charles, she should have her medical records transferred to GH. She can help facilitate that. Who’s Brook’s obstetrician in Brooklyn? Brook says, someone in King’s County Hospital, and Britt asks if it’s Lenore Thompson; they went to medical school together. Brook says she’s never heard of Lenore. Maxie says if Brook is staying in Port Charles, she’s going to need a doctor. How about Britt?  

Anna says she didn’t know Brook and Valentin were involved. Hasn’t Brook been away? He says, it was one night before Brook left. Now she’s back and carrying his child. Anna asks if she should give condolences or congratulations, and he says, congratulations, absolutely. She says, Brook is going to let him be part of the baby’s life, even though he took her family’s business away? and he says she seems to be willing to let him. He’s going to break the news to Charlotte over a few Shirley Temples. How about Anna? Is she okay?

Trina says Curtis gave Cameron good advice. She should have taken it herself, instead of ripping into Curtis when she thought her dad was dead. Curtis says, sometimes the best way to fight grief is with anger. You can focus on something in front of you. He didn’t mind being her target. Portia says Curtis was trying to save Trina’s life; so was her dad when he pretended to be dead. Can she see the bigger picture now? Everybody was just trying to save her from Cyrus.

Taggert tells Jordan that Portia was trying to get him to plead not guilty, but if he’s set free, Cyrus is going to be out for revenge. The first one is going to be Trina. He needs to do his time, and protect Trina. She says, the situation has changed. Cyrus doesn’t have the power he used to. Taggert asks, what happened? and she says, they have leverage. He says, what kind? and she says, Renault’s mother. He says, Cyrus has a mother? She says, he does, a gracious woman who doesn’t appreciate her son’s crimes. She’s being well cared for, but since she’s been out of Cyrus’s reach, he’s been near paralyzed. He asks how the hell she kidnapped Cyrus’s mother.

Carly says, Ava told her that Nina is going to sue for the right to see Wiley. She’s telling Nina right now, it’s a bad idea to play games with her grandson. Nina tries to interrupt, saying, that’s not what… but Carly says if Nina pushes hard, they’ll push harder. Diane will destroy her. She’ll drag Nina’s sad history into evidence. Remember when she kidnapped Ava when she was in labor with Avery, and then told everyone Avery was her daughter? The judge is going to love that. Nina says, please stop, but Carly tells Nina to stop, before it’s too late. Nina had her chance, and she blew it. She needs to back off and give everybody time, especially Wiley. If she pushes this, and takes legal action, Nina will lose, and never get near Wiley again. I tell Nina, Carly is such an a-hole.

Jordan tells Taggert, she didn’t kidnap Cyrus’s mother. He asks, who did? and she says, they both know there are people outside law enforcement who need to keep Cyrus in check. He says, especially now that Sonny has passed, and she says, Cyrus knows, if he hurts Taggert or Trina, he’ll never see his mother again. He says, Cyrus loves his mother that much? and she says, he does. So change his plea before sentencing. Fight the charges against him. He asks if she thinks he has a chance, and she says, talk to his lawyer. She thinks, considering the damage Cyrus has done – the overdoses, the drug deaths, the violence – a jury will understand why he felt compelled to lock Cyrus up. He says, he broke the law, and she says, he put a dangerous man in prison. If he gets a sympathetic jury, he could be exonerated, and he’ll have a chance to repair his relationship with Trina.

Trina says she does understand why her father let her believe he was dead, and she thinks she can forgive him now. Portia hugs her, and says she’s so proud of Trina. Trina says she thinks she liked it when Portia was less proud. She’s got to go. Portia says, she has the quiz to study for, and Trina says she’s got a lot to learn. She leaves, and Curtis says he thinks Portia’s daughter just had a major breakthrough. Why does Portia look like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders? She says, all this talk about Trina forgiving her father. His sentencing is tomorrow. She could lose him all over again.

Anna tells Valentin, seeing Charlotte reminds her of Violet’s birthday party, and he says, the infamous snake in Ava’s purse. She laughs, and says, sorry. It’s not so funny, is it? He says, it is. He gets it, by the way. That day wasn’t just a celebration of Violet, but of Anna and Finn starting a family together. He takes it that she and Finn didn’t work out, and she says, no. Finn said he’d forgive her if she’d promise not to keep the truth from him anymore… Valentin says, and she couldn’t do that because the Bureau has too much on her. She says, yeah, but she can see Violet whenever she wants. The home she and Finn started together, she won’t get that back. Charlotte comes along, and hugs Anna, who says, look how tall she is. Charlotte asks how Violet is. She hasn’t seen Violet since Christmas. Violet was super excited about the wedding, and papa told her it didn’t happen. If Violet needs cheering up, they could always have a playdate.  

Brook tells Maxie, really? Does she think Brook wants to be treated by the woman who took her Aunt Monica’s job? Maxie guesses not, and Britt says she can recommend some excellent obstetricians working out of GH. Brook says, she’ll get back to Britt. She says, so Maxie and Peter are splitsville, and she has a baby on the way. How is Maxie doing? Maxie says she’s actually doing okay. Britt’s been a huge help, and is pinch-hitting for her in Lamaze class. Britt says Brook should join them. Why not ask Valentin  to be her birthing partner?

Lucas says he wants to see if Felix can keep his cool while teaching these moms-to-be how to breathe properly. Epiphany’s a hard act to follow. Felix thanks him for rubbing it in, and says he’ll do his best. Lucas says he’s sure Felix will be great, and when class is over, he’ll take Felix out for a drink to celebrate his survival.

Carly says it’s best if Wiley doesn’t see Nina. If Nina can accept that, great. If not, she can talk to Carly’s lawyer. Nina says, she actually doesn’t know what she’s going to do about Wiley. All she knows is she met this… Carly interrupts, saying, she has no doubt, but Nina needs to think about the consequences before she does anything drastic. Nina asks if Carly is finished, and Carly says, that depends. Do they have anything else discuss? Nina looks at Sonny putting away glasses, and says, there was another thing she wanted to talk, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Carly did this to herself. She just made her life more miserable than it had to be. Carly made her bed, and now she has to lie in it – alone. She hangs up, and Sonny comes over. He says, hey. Who got her so upset? She says, no one. No one important. Just a bitter widow.   

Curtis asks if there’s a chance Taggert could walk, but Portia says, Cyrus is still a threat. Taggert is determined to plead guilty, but at least Jordan is keeping him in jail so Cyrus can’t get to him. Curtis says, that’s one thing Jordan told the truth about. She asks if he’s seen Jordan lately, and he says he saw her today. Portia says, and? He says, and they’re in limbo. He can’t pretend and just go back to the way they were before the lies came out, but he can’t move on either. Portia says he must miss Jordan, and he says he misses the Jordan he thought he knew, but now he’s thinking he never knew her at all. He had an idea of who she was, and she let him believe that idea. He only saw one side of her, and there are many sides. From the choices Jordan has made to her priorities. He felt like he was with a stranger. Portia says, it makes perfect sense. When she was with Taggert, she was never sure which Taggert she was with. The Taggert who was her husband, the one who spent 90% of his time undercover, or the one who spent 10% of his time with her and Trina, but was always thinking about something else. None of which he shared with her.

Taggert tells Jordan, what if he goes to trial and is found guilty? He’ll serve more time than if he just manned up to what he did. She says he has a shot at going free. Isn’t it worth the risk for Trina? Taggert hears the door, and sees Trina. He asks if Jordan did this, and she says Trina called earlier, and asked to see him. Trina comes to the cell, and says Jordan gave her permission to see him. She heard his sentencing was tomorrow. Jordan says she’ll give them some privacy, and tells Taggert, think about what she said. Taggert says he’s sorry Trina has to see him like this, and she says, not as sorry as she is for the grief she gave him when she learned he was alive. He asks if this means she forgives him, and she says she wishes she could give him the biggest hug he’s ever had in his life. He takes her hands through the bars, and says, him too.

Valentin tells Charlotte that he’ll contact Violet’s dad, and arrange for a playdate. He needs two minutes with Anna, and then he’ll bring the Shirley Temples over. She says, then he’ll tell her what they’re celebrating? and he says le blah-blah-blah in French. Charlotte goes back to their table, and Valentin says he doesn’t want to bring Anna further down, but Britt told him that Maxie said Peter is showing up at the apartment all hours of the day and night, knocking on the doors and the windows. Maxie sends him away, but he comes back the next day, and does it all over again. It sounds obsessive. She says, it sounds like Faison. She tried talking to Peter, and appealing to his good side, but he doesn’t want to hear it. Valentin says he hired more security for Charlotte, and Anna says that’s one positive thing that came out of her and Finn breaking up. Violet is no longer vulnerable to Peter. He says he doesn’t hear the exact words, but he senses she’s blaming herself. She says she has good reason, and he says he’s been around the world, and found no cure for regret, but can offer her one thing. She says, okay, and he says he can spring for a Shirley Temple with double cherries. Does she want to join them? She laughs, and says, no, but thanks him for the offer. She’s waiting for someone, and thinks he and Charlotte should be alone when he breaks the news about her baby brother or sister. He says he misses Nina every day, but as long as there’s breath in his body, he can be a shoulder for her to cry on. She says they’re quite a pair. He nods, smiling.

Sonny pours Nina some wine, and says she can tell him it’s none of his business, but what did this widow do to get her so bent out of shape? Nina says she had a daughter. Her daughter was taken from her after she was born, and years later, came back into her life. But Nina didn’t learn she was her daughter until after she died. He says he’s sorry, and she says the woman she was talking to was there when her daughter died. She could have saved her, but she hesitated. Then the widow and Nina’s ex lied, and tried to cover up the truth. Sonny says, that’s damn awful, and Nina says, her daughter wasn’t perfect. She had problems, and hurt a lot of people. Sonny asks if Nina knows who raised her, and she says, sort of. Her adoptive mother died before her daughter knew her, and her adoptive father was terrible. If Nina had raised her daughter, she would have been a different person. She would have known what love was, and been able to give love. Sonny says, maybe, but you can’t get caught up in the what ifs. You just got to live in the moment.

Carly frowns, and Michael asks if it’s bad news. She says, Nina called, and he says, about Wiley? She says Ava told her that Nina is considering legal action for visitation rights. Michael asks if Nina has a shot, and she says, Martin said she might. Grandparents have rights in New York state. She’s sure Nina was calling to put her on notice. He says he imagines she took that well, and she says she may have been harsh, but told Nina the truth. If Nina comes after them, Diane will destroy her. He sits, and says he’s sure Nina loved hearing that. Carly says he has to understand, with Sonny gone, she has to fight harder for their family.   

Brook says she’s not there for Lamaze class, and even if she was, Valentin would be her last pick as a partner. She’ll read the book. Maxie asks why is Brook there, and Lucas comes out. Brook hugs him, and says she’s there to see Lucas. She was wondering if he wanted to grab a coffee – herbal tea for her – and catch up on the latest. He says he sees the latest. They definitely have to catch up. Maxie says, wait. Is she brilliant, or is she brilliant. Lucas can be Brook’s birthing coach. Brook says Maxie isn’t brilliant; she’s insensitive. Does she really think Lucas wants to help birth another baby after what happened with Wiley? Lucas says he’d like to think he’s capable of separating the two. He’d be honored to be her Lamaze partner. Maxie says, then it’s settled, and Brook says, but coffee… He says, coffee can wait. He was planning on sitting in on the class anyway. Now he’ll be a part of it. Maxie says, excellent, and drags Brook down the hall. Lucas and Britt follow them.  

Felix sees Lucas come in, and says Lucas couldn’t resist joining them. Lucas says he’s helping Brook as a friend, and Felix says, the more, the merrier. He thanks everyone for coming, and says they made a great choice to practice Lamaze for the birth of their babies. Peter runs in, and says sorry he’s late. The traffic was murder. Is that a joking choice of word?

Peter says Maxie forgot to remind him about the class, but fortunately, he had it on his calendar app. The class hasn’t started yet, right? Felix says it hasn’t, and Peter says, good. He wouldn’t want to miss anything. He goes over to Maxie, and says, remember when she gave birth to James? Of course (🍷) she remembers. That birth was a bit too memorable, but this time will be much better, he promises. Their little girl is going to have a perfect birthing experience. He thanks Britt for filling in, and says he’ll take it from there, but Britt says, no, he won’t.

Charlotte asks if Valentin is buying her another snake, but he says, this is better than a snake. She says, a playmate for Butterscotch? and he says, a playmate for her. Leo isn’t going to be her only sibling. She’s going to have a baby brother or sister. Charlotte says, what?!

Anna joins Jordan at a table, and Jordan says, before dinner, she wants to set the terms. Anna says, it sounds it sounds ominous, and Jordan says, no discussion of work. Anna says, and no discussion of men, but Jordan says, all she wants to talk about is men. She tells Anna to go first. What’s going on with her and Finn? Anna says, Finn and Violet moved out, and Jordan says she’s sorry. Anna says her old cases at the Bureau caught up with her. She can’t discuss them with Finn; they’re too dangerous. What about Jordan and Curtis? Jordan says Curtis won’t forgive her for lying to him about Taggert being alive. Anna says she’s obviously still in love with him, and Jordan says, in high school, she was in love with the captain of the football team. He was handsome and tall, and had a great smile. Anna asks if he was going out with the lead cheerleader, and Jordan says, oh yeah, and she was absolutely not one. But she would walk by his locker at least once a day, which was on the opposite side of the school, just to get a glimpse of him. Kind of sad. Anna says, so sad, and Jordan says, she asked her mom, when do you get old enough to get over guys? Her mom said, never. Anna says her mother was wise.

Portia tells Curtis, when she and Taggert first got married, she imagined they’d come home and tell each other about their days. She was really looking forward to that when they got engaged. Curtis says, that’s what couples do. They tell stories and share about their lives. She says, with Taggert, it wasn’t a two-way street. She didn’t even know who his DEA partners were, or what he was working on. He’d leave when he was on an undercover assignment, and be gone for days, sometimes weeks. When he came home, he’d be so distracted and distant, she could never get his full attention. Which is why she started to look for attention from someone else.

Taggert tells Trina, not that he’s complaining, but what changed her mind? She asks if he remembers Cameron. Unfortunately, his dad was murdered. Taggert says he’s sorry; Jordan didn’t tell him. She says he has enough to worry about. Seeing what Cameron is going through, made her realize that she should be glad he’s alive. She has no time to waste being mad. He thanks her, and says she wishes she’d seen him sooner, but Jordan wouldn’t let her. He says, Jordan isn’t responsible for that – he is. He didn’t want to see her.

Michael asks how angry Nina was when Carly laid into her, and Carly tells him, she said something strange. Nina said she’d made her bed, and now she has to lie in it – alone. Michael wonders what that means, but Carly doesn’t know. She says, she could hear glasses clinking in the background, like Nina was in a bar or restaurant. Maybe she was drunk. He says it sounds like Nina got to her, and she says, it wasn’t the words; it was how Nina said it, like a threat. It’s something Nelle would have said. I’m starting to think Carly needs to go to Ferncliff for real, since she’s just making things up now, and finding connections that aren’t there.

Sonny asks where the bitter widow comes in, and Nina says her daughter left behind an adorable little boy; he’s the love of her life. Sonny says, Wiley. He heard her on the phone. She says the woman she was talking to is his other grandmother. She’s trying to keep Nina away from Wiley. Sonny asks why someone would keep people who love each other apart?    

Felix escorts Peter out, and Peter says he has every right to be in that class. He’s the baby’s father. Felix asks if he should call security, but Britt says let her talk to Peter first. Felix goes back in, and Britt asks what the hell Peter is playing at. Maxie said she needed space, and he needs to back off. He asks if backing off includes not being part of his daughter’s birth, and she says that could be a real possibility if he doesn’t stop harassing Maxie. He says he’s trying to be a father to his unborn child, and she tells him, wake up. Stalking Maxie isn’t scoring him any points with her. If he wants to be back in Maxie’s life and in the baby’s life, listen carefully. Maxie is fragile, and she’s asking him for space. He needs to respect her feelings. Got it?

Maxie says, that was so embarrassing, and Brook says, Peter should be embarrassed for barging in like that. Lucas says he’ll get Maxie some water, and Brook goes with him. She says she didn’t see that coming, and Lucas says, Peter is a determined father-to-be, he’ll give him that. What about her baby’s father? Is he going to be part of the baby’s birth?

Charlotte says, a baby is really coming? and Valentin, isn’t that cause for celebration? Doesn’t she want to have a little brother or sister? She says, no. It’s impossible. He says she can teach them to love everything she loves. Horseback riding, ice skating; she’ll have somebody to share her cranberry scones with. She says those are her favorite things, and she’s not sharing them with anyone.   

Anna and Jordan place their orders, and Jordan asks what’s next for Anna. Anna says, the past is over. She has to keep moving forward, and find a way to help Maxie send off Peter. Jordan says she has all her available detectives looking for evidence that Peter tried to have Andre and Franco killed, and Anna says they’re talking about work. Jordan says, they can’t help themselves sometimes, but Maxie and the baby are too important not to discuss. Anna says, indeed. Robert is keeping her updated on the plane crash that killed Drew, and so far, there’s no concrete evidence linking Peter to the crash. Jordan says, or the assassination attempts. She can’t believe those are Peter’s only crimes. He has a pattern of covering up his wrongs, and the cover-up is usually worse than the crime. Anna asks Jordan to do her a favor. Look into Franco’s murder again. Jordan says, the case is practically airtight against Jason, and Anna says, yeah, but Peter is quite effective at framing someone.

Portia says she can’t apologize enough for not telling Curtis that she was married when they started seeing each other. He says, that was years ago, and they’ve talked about it. She says, they did, but things changed; they’re friends now, and in different placed in in their lives. She doesn’t want him to think she’d lie to him again. He says he appreciates that. She says she does have a confession to make. When they first met, it was just a physical attraction, but once she got to know him, he became more important to her happiness. She started to have real feelings for him. She couldn’t tell him the truth because she was afraid she’d lose him. Of course (🍷) when she did tell him the truth, that’s exactly what happened.

Trina guesses Taggert didn’t want to see her because he knew how mad she was at him, but he says, no. He understood why she was angry, but he knew if he saw her, he couldn’t keep his resolve to plead guilty. If he takes this to court, even if he gets freed, it will put her back in Cyrus’s sights. She says, he’s sacrificing his freedom for her? What sense does that make? Cyrus belongs in prison, not him. Where does this end? He says Jordan thinks there’s a way out. Trina says, what? and he says, to plead not guilty. She says, then do it, but he says he is guilty. She says he made up evidence against Cyrus for all the right reasons. She’ll stand up in front of the judge and jury, and tell them her father is a hero.

Michael tells Carly, Nina has struggled with mental health problems in the past, but he wouldn’t put her in the same category as Nelle. Carly says she wouldn’t have either, until today. It sounded like Nina was threatening her, which is all the more reason she shouldn’t be around Wiley. He says he told Willow about that, and Willow was surprised and hurt that he made the decision without talking to her. Carly says, there was no time to consult Willow. He made the right decision. Please don’t take it back.   

Nina tells Sonny, that’s a good question. She doesn’t know why someone would deliberately keep two people who love each other apart. She’s still trying to figure it out. He says maybe if the widow felt the way Nina does, she’d understand. Nina says, how so? and he says, if someone kept her from the person she loved, she might understand Nina’s pain.

Taggert says Trina knows how much he loves her, and she says, then fight the charges. Fight for his freedom. Do it for her, so she can hug him again.  

Curtis says he appreciates Portia coming clean. He feels guilty. He should been more understanding when Portia told him she was married. Instead, he walked away. She says she doesn’t want him to feel guilty. She just wanted to make sure he knew he could trust her now. He says he does, and she says she’s going; she has an early call. He tells her to wish Taggert good luck at his sentencing hearing, and she says she will.

Anna tells Jordan that Jason warned her about Peter, but she refused to listen. She’s not making that mistake again. Peter has far more reason to kill Franco than Jason did. Jordan tells her to come into the office, and they’ll talk about it. Anna says they’re going to order another drink, and Jordan says, and talk about their favorite topic. Anna says, themselves, and they laugh.

Valentin says Charlotte lets Rocco pet Butterscotch and play with her snake, and Charlotte says, one brother is enough. Besides he’s her mom’s son, not Valentin’s. He asks if she’s thinking that he’ll love the baby more than her, and she says, everyone loves babies. Nina would have loved her just ask much, but Nina doesn’t live with them anymore. He says he’ll never love anyone the way he loves her, and she asks if he promises. He says, cross his heart and hope to die.

Brook tells Lucas not to worry about her baby’s daddy. Even if they had a relationship, she wouldn’t want him anywhere near the birthing room. Lucas is the perfect person to help her. He says he’s honored, and she says, don’t be. Not until he hears what she has planned.

Britt and Felix come back to the class, and Maxie asks if Britt got rid of Peter. Britt says she did, but he can’t keep thinking he has a chance with Maxie. A, it’s not true; and B, he won’t give up. Maxie says she knows, and Britt says they have to figure out how to get Peter to back off permanently, without tipping him into outright obsession. Maxie says, don’t worry. She has a plan, and once her plan is set in motion, Peter won’t know what hit him.

Michael tells Carly, he hasn’t made a decision about Nina’s role in Wiley’s life. He has to discuss with Willow. Carly says, if he and Willow had heard the conversation just now, they’d be convinced. They’d know Nina isn’t a in a good place. She shouldn’t be near Wiley. Michael says, and if Nina decides to sue him and Willow for visitation rights? She says, they stop her. Whatever it takes.

Nina thanks Sonny, and says, sometimes she feels like she’s fighting windmills by herself. She appreciates his support. He says, maybe they were meant to meet. Like they say in the movies, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. She says, it already is.

Tomorrow, Anna tells Dante to get on with the rest of his life, Brando says his mother is the eyewitness, and Cyrus asks if he and Carly understand each other.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Explaining last week’s drunken state, as well as throwing up in Bill’s Ferrari and the entryway, Jennifer said she’d needed to blow off steam. She didn’t want to think about the problems she had to go home to. She claimed she’d never gotten that drunk like that before, and I said, wait… What about Tequila Jen? She said, once you start seeing the room move, it’s your cue to stop. I’d say so.

Delores’s daughter Gabrielle was home from Tufts. Frankly, I’d forgotten Delores had a daughter. Delores said Gabby had been in vet school in the Caribbean, but had started attending Tufts due to the pandemic, bringing along six dogs. At least that’s how many I counted. She was home because Delores was receiving the Ambassador of Hope Award for the work she’d done with breast cancer. Frank Jr. said one of his earliest memories was of Gabby saying she wanted be a veterinarian, but she was so young, she couldn’t even pronounce it.

Teresa’s girls called Joe #1 in Italy, and he said he was coming out with the Rolls Royce of massagers. In her interview, Teresa explained that Joe was in the sex toy business, and had asked her to be a part of it. In what capacity, she didn’t say, and I don’t want to know. She said there was nothing wrong with sex toys, and they were paying the bills. I hear that. She said she’d gotten the house in the divorce, and Joe got nothing, since she’d paid off his debts. She told Joe that Melissa had planned a trip to the Jersey shore, where they’d be having celebration of her dad. In Teresa’s interview, she said she felt like an orphan, but she was happy about her parents being together again. This was one of the few times I had sympathy for her, but I knew she’d do something to negate that before the end of the episode. I was right.

Delores had David’s house covered in flowers – they were even hanging from the ceiling. She said, normally, the award was celebrated with a huge event, but because of the pandemic, it was being given to her in front of her family. Tonight, she was having friends over to celebrate. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she didn’t understand David and Delores’s relationship. Delores said she wasn’t moving in without a ring, but they were both there all the time. Now, there was a party for Delores, and he wasn’t staying. (He had to work.) When Jackie arrived, Delores told her that Teresa wasn’t coming, and Jackie said she didn’t want any negative energy. We flashed back to Jackie making arrangements to stay at Melissa’s house. The rest of the women arrived, sans Teresa, who was at the soccer tournament. Melissa filled Jackie in on Jennifer getting hammered at Teresa’s pool party. In Marge’s interview, she said seeing Jennifer drunk gave her flashbacks of her mother. She didn’t want Jennifer’s five kids to deal with that. Melissa asked why Delores didn’t live in David’s house, and Delores said she’d built a life in her own house and liked her freedom. In Melissa’s interview, she thought it was a coping mechanism on Delores’s part, but Delores said if she wanted to move in, she would. in Marge’s interview, she said Delores didn’t need to be taken care of by a man; that wasn’t what this was about. Delores said David was getting no benefit out of them being there, since he’d have to do the clean up later. She showed the women her award, and Melissa said helping people was where Delores shined. Melissa asked how many days a week Delores and David had sex, which was pretty intrusive, and in Delores’s interview, she said she was old school, and it was none of Melissa’s business. Melissa told everyone that Teresa wasn’t coming tonight, but they were going to do a party of life for her father-in-law at the shore. Jackie said she wasn’t giving any energy or life any more to her and Teresa’s argument.

Headed to the shore, and in the car with Delores, Frank, and Jennifer, Teresa said her divorce was being finalized after five years. In her interview, she said she and Juicy Joe had been together so long, it was crazy to think you could sign a paper and poof! your marriage is over. Teresa said no one could take Joe #1’s place, but she’d like to find someone. Delores was encouraging, and in Jennifer’s interview, she wondered how Delores could clearly see what Teresa deserved, but not what she deserved herself. Jackie said Evan was coming for day two. She wanted to make sure it wasn’t a sh*t show first. In the car, Jennifer said Bill claimed Joe #3 heard the rumor about Evan. Teresa felt it kind of validated what she’d said. In Frank’s interview, he said what happened at guy’s night, stayed at guy’s night. Teresa having information was like waiting for a bomb to go off. Teresa said she wasn’t doing round two of Lake George. I said, yeah, right

It always seems weird to me that when they talk about the Jersey shore on this show, they mean Tom’s River. I live at the shore, maybe twenty minutes from there, and don’t really consider it a shore town. Teresa said she hadn’t been to Delores’s house there since she was in her twenties, and we saw some cool old photos. Jackie was staying at Melissa’s house with Marge. Teresa got a call from realtor Chad that some people wanted to see her house, and she said she was going to have a heart attack. She showed the women texts from her daughters, saying it was time for a fresh start, but she’d always have them. In Delores’s interview, she said Teresa had been through a lot. She’d gone to jail, lost both her parents, and her husband had been deported. How much could a person take? She said Teresa had handled it with strength and grace, and not too many people could get through all that the way she did. She left out all the fits Teresa has pitched. With strength and grace of course.  

Melissa said you never knew what you were going to get with Teresa, and Jackie said she didn’t think Teresa was going to hold back. Delores thought it was going to be a bloodbath. Jennifer made sure her dad and kids had gotten to the airport on time for their flight to Turkey. She said her mother wouldn’t go because her dad was going. Jennifer said it bothered her that her mother was willing to sabotage her own happiness just because she was mad at her dad. When Teresa arrived, she gave out gift bags with humongous purple vibrators in them. Marge pointed out that they were kind of big, and not being able to resist, Teresa said she didn’t know if it would fit up Jackie’s ass, but Jackie could try. But she did say it with strength and grace. Jackie said she wasn’t doing this with Teresa, and Teresa said Jackie told her to stick her olive branch up her ass. Jackie said that was because she knew it wasn’t really an olive branch. She was included in a group text, and it was nothing personal. Jackie wondered why they couldn’t just agree not to be friends, and Delores said, how about them Mets? now that everything that had to be said was out of the way, that’s it. Teresa said it was out of her system, but Jackie didn’t believe Teresa was done. Me neither.  

Marge asked if Teresa was emotional over selling her house, and Teresa said a little. Her divorce was also being finalized today. She said Delores and Joe #2 should take back what they said; Joe #1 was a class act. We flashed back to the reunion where Joe #2 and Delores expressed concern about Joe #1 would try to take Teresa’s money in the divorce. In Joe #2’s interview, he said Juicy Joe was not always good to his sister, and he was there to protect her. Joe #1 had put an article out about him – we saw a quick headline about Juicy Joe shading Joe #2’s marriage – and Teresa said nothing. Teresa made everyone promise not to talk smack about Joe #1. Marge said Teresa was aggressive and had just made the guys uncomfortable. She was always yelling about something, and causing turmoil in the group. Teresa said Jennifer brought up what Joe #3 had said at boy’s night, that he’d heard the rumor about Evan. Now everyone was even more uncomfortable. Jennifer confirmed Bill claimed Joe #3 said he’d heard it in town, and Marge asked if Jennifer was there. Jennifer said, no, Bill told her, and Marge told her to shut up. There was some back and forth shut up’ing, and in Frank’s interview, he said he wasn’t going to throe his boy under the bus, or make the night go further south. Marge asked Joe #3 if he’d heard it, but he insisted he’d never said that. In Marge’s interview, she said Joe #3 heard the rumor from the blabbermouth across the table from him – i.e. Teresa. Jackie said she wasn’t giving this POS life, and Marge asked why Teresa was treating her this way. The best part was how, from the moment Teresa walked in, Melissa and Marge kept fussing over Jackie, and Jackie kept saying she didn’t give flying, and barely reacted. Jackie said Teresa treated everyone like sh*t, and Marge said Teresa did have her hair pulled. Melissa said Teresa had called her a stripper, and we flashed back to that, but no mention of the trashed sprinkle cookies was made. Now that I think of it, Sprinkle Cookies would be a great stripper name. Joe #2 told them to stop it, and Jackie suggested they drop it and be cordial. Teresa said Jackie wasn’t confident, and she liked to be around confident people, although I’ll be damned if I know how she was connecting that to anything. Jackie asked if Teresa had gotten her confidence in jail, and Teresa said she went to jail; big deal. She called Jackie a nasty bitch, got up, saying she didn’t want to be in the same room with Jackie, and everyone could go f*** themselves.

To be continued…

🌃 All Through the Night…

Desperate. For. Sleep. Meet you tomorrow for tea and what I keep hoping is the finale of Make It Stop Summer House. Until then, stay safe, stay making sound decisions, and stay not bothering to explain anything to Carly. She won’t listen anyway.

March 23, 2021 – Sonny Thinks He Knows Nina, LVP Pours the Drinks & My Kind Of Town


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Phyllis tells Nina not to be a stranger. Nina says she won’t, thanks Phyllis, and leaves. Sonny comes down, and asks who that was, and Phyllis says, an old patient of hers stopped by to say hello. Sonny says, she forgot something, and picks Nina’s passport up off the table. Phyllis says, she’ll need that; she’s planning to travel. Sonny says he’ll catch her, and Phyllis thanks him. Nina comes back in, and comes face to face with Sonny.

At the hospital, Finn is on the phone with Violet, and tells her, daddy is going to be a little but late tonight. He has one other stop to make… No, it’s not to see Anna. Could she do him the biggest favor, and feed Roxie for him?… That’s right, three little squares of lettuce. He says, what?… Here in the hospital? She knows he’s a respected doctor… never mind. All right, just one. He makes a loud kissing noise, and blows it into the phone. He asks if she got it. Now it’s his turn. He catches the kiss, as a nurse goes by. He says it’s from his daughter.

Elizabeth lets Laura in, and Laura says she knows it’s late, and it’s been a long emotional day, but she has some news. She didn’t want Elizabeth to hear it from anyone but her. Elizabeth says she appreciates it, but she already knows. Carly told her that an eyewitness came forward, and Jason was arrested for killing Franco. Cameron listens from the hallway, and Laura says, then Elizabeth also knows that Carly is going to fight tooth and nail to get Jason exonerated. Elizabeth says, Carly will do whatever she can to make sure Jason walks, and Cameron says, she can’t. If the law won’t make Jason pay for killing Franco, he’ll find someone who will.

Curtis hears someone coming into the club, and says if they’re from the inspector’s office, they’re early. He has an email confirming an appointment for next week. Portia says, he’s at the inspection stage, huh? Things seem to be moving along. He says, that’s the plan, and she says it didn’t take him long to switch from P.I. to nightclub entrepreneur. He says he has her to thank for that. If she hadn’t convinced him that night they were there on the case, he wouldn’t have bought the place. She says so she’s not in any trouble; no buyer’s remorse? He says he’s never looking back. She says, so it was good advice. Maybe he can pay it forward for her. Trina comes down the stairs.

Brook asks if anyone wants anything, and goes to the bar. Ned says he knows what she’s doing, and she says, getting a seltzer? He says she’s going to use her child to get Valentin to give back ELQ. She says he’s talking about her very own baby. Does he really think she’s capable of using it for such a devious reason? He says, absolutely, at the same time Michael says, without a doubt.

Valentin  thanks Martin for meeting him on such short notice, and Martin says Valentin insisted it was important. What’s the latest emergency? Valentin says he’s going to be a father again, and Martin says, Nina finally came around. He’s happy for Valentin. Valentin says, not Nina, and Martin says, oh. Valentin being a man of the world, must want Martin to arrange a quiet settlement. He’ll be as discreet as possible. Valentin says it would save them time if Martin would speculate a little less. The last thing he wants is a way out. Martin asks, what does he want? And Valentin says, the same thing he always wants. Everything.

Carly tells Jax, trust her. If Nina left town because of him, it’s a clear sign she still has feelings for him. He says Carly keeps saying that, but he doubts it. Carly says, there’s one way to prove it. Find her. Ava comes by as Jax says, he wouldn’t know where to start looking for Nina. Ava says perhaps she does.

Sonny says, hold on. He knows Nina.

Elizabeth says, now Cameron is upset, and so is she, but they really need to let the law handle Jason. He says, the law? The same law that sent Franco away for crimes he didn’t commit? That’s the law he’s supposed to trust? Laura says his mother is right. The law isn’t perfect, but they do need to trust the system. He says, there’s one kind of law for Jason Morgan, and another kind for everybody else. They can’t let Franco’s killer get away with it, can that? Elizabeth says Cameron isn’t wrong. She hasn’t changed her mind. She knows Jason pulled that trigger. Cameron says he knows what comes next. Laura is going to say it’s just his mom’s grief talking, and he’s just a kid so his opinion doesn’t matter, and life is tough, but he just has to get over it. Isn’t that what she’s supposed to say? Laura tells him, she’s never been much for saying what she’s supposed to say, and he asks what that means. She tells him to grab his jacket, and come with her. Elizabeth asks where they’re going, and Laura says, Cameron needs to find someone who can help him find justice, and she knows just where to start. Cameron asks where they’re going, she says he’ll see, and they leave.

Trina says, this was a mistake; let’s just go home. Portia says her father’s sentencing is coming up soon. It’s going to dredge up his whole history with Cyrus Renault. It’s also going to remind them of the night her father was gunned down, and the months after, when they thought he was dead. They’ll have to face the aftermath of all those lies, no matter how necessary they were at the time. Curtis says, the main thing is, her father is alive, and Trina says she’s sure Curtis hasn’t forgotten about the time when she hated him. When she blamed him for dragging her to safety, and leaving her father to die. But that was before any of them knew what was happening. Curtis says, and before Trina realized that he was as much in the dark as she was. It’s okay. It’s called hard feelings, and he doesn’t expect them to disappear overnight, or maybe ever. Trina says she wanted to blame him for her dad’s death and the cover-up. He was an easy target, and it hurt less if she could blame everything on him. Everything’s changed now, since she learned her dad and Jordan lied. She’s sorry for the pain and anger, and the ugly things she said to him. She was wrong, and she apologizes. Curtis tells her, that took courage. He knows a lot of adults who can’t admit it when they’re wrong. What does she say to them starting over?

Brook says, both Michael and her father are convinced she’s going to use the baby as leverage. Why bother denying it? She sits, and says, it’s true what they say about the third trimester taking its toll on your back. Ned says, to be clear, she’s admitting she’s using this child as a ploy, and Brook says, this pregnancy was obviously unplanned. After she had time to wrap her mind around it, she discovered maternal instincts she didn’t know she had. She loves this baby, but she also loves this family. If her unexpected bundle of joy can be used to hit Valentin where he’s most vulnerable, then damn right she’s going to use it.  

Martin tells Valentin, as his attorney, he advises making sure the mother and child are provided for, and Valentin can walk away with a clear conscience. Valentin says Martin’s not listening. If he’s going to be a dad again, he’s going to be a father in every way possible. No matter what anyone says about him, he’s been a good father to Charlotte. It’s Martin’s job to make sure no one – not even the child’s mother – keeps him out of this child’s life.

Carly tells Ava, this is a private conversation that doesn’t concern her. Ava says, always so high mighty. Pardon her for the intrusion, but she thought Carly would want to know that while Nina didn’t confide in Jax, Nina confided in her. Jax asks how much Nina told Ava, and Ava says, enough to know Nina is finished with him. Enough to know Carly is still furious at Nina for what she said at Sonny’s gravesite. Carly says, can Ava blame her? and Ava asks if Carly isn’t blaming Nina for simply wanting to be involved in her grandson’s life? Carly says, if Nina sees Wiley, that’s up to Michael and Willow, and I wonder if they know how often she throws them under the bus. Ava says, Carly is always pulling the strings, and Carly laughs. Ava says, think about it. In the wake of Sonny’s death, Ava has let Carly spend significant time with Avery. She doesn’t have to do that. She’s under no legal obligation to let Carly see Avery, but she does it because she thinks it’s best for her daughter. The same way she thinks it would be best for Wiley to spend time with his other grandmother. So can Carly get down from her high horse just once, and do for Nina what Ava did for her?

Nina says, of course (🍷) Sonny knows her. She’s… He says he just had a dream about her – not that kind of dream – and it’s not the first time. He could never see her face, but the blond hair was unmistakable. It always left him with the feeling like he knows her, or remembers her, but he doesn’t know how. When she walked through the door, he realized it wasn’t a dream. They’ve met before, haven’t they?

Elizabeth answers the door to Finn, who says she was clearly expecting someone else. She says, come in, and tells him, Cameron is with his grandmother, and they’ve been out an awfully long time. Finn asks if that’s a bad thing, and she says, Jason was arrested for killing Franco. Cameron is afraid he’ll get away with it, and he’s upset, so Laura took him out. She doesn’t know where they went, and she’s worried. Finn says he doesn’t want to bother her, but he knows a little about what she’s going through. He’s been there. She’ll always be Violet’s aunt, and that means they’ll always be family. She thanks him, and he asks how she is. She says, hanging in there. How is he? She heard the wedding didn’t happen. He says, nice try. They were talking about her.

Curtis says the club isn’t reopening for another couple of weeks; clearly, he has a lot of work to do. If Trina needs to talk, she knows where to find him. Trina says she’s a talker. He might regret his offer. He says, try him, and she says, okay; she’ll think about it. She tells Portia that she has a quiz to study for, and Portia says she can’t wait until Curtis is open for business. Curtis says, he can’t either, but when it is, he’ll save her a seat. Laura comes in with Cameron, and Trina asks what Cameron is doing there. He says, he was about to ask her the same thing. Laura says she hopes she’s not interrupting, but she has business she wants to discuss with Curtis. Portia and Trina leave the room, and Curtis asks, what’s up? She says her grandson would like some help, and she thought of him. Curtis asks how he can help, and Cameron says he needs Curtis to help him make sure Jason pays for killing Franco.

Ned says he realizes he hasn’t been a good role model. He let his loyalty to the family turn him into a ruthless, cutthroat businessman. In other words, he turned into his grandfather, which he swore he’d never do. Brook tells him that he doesn’t have to worry. She has no intentions of channeling the worst of their family. Ned says, don’t be so sure. It’s not like you just go off the deep end; it’s more like a slippery slope. You make one small decision at a time. He has no doubt she loves this child, but she thinks she can have the best of both worlds. But using her child as a pawn in business is a recipe for heartbreak. Michael says that’s why he turned down Valentin’s offer, and Ned says he’s also done some growing while she was gone. Believe him when he says she doesn’t have to prove herself to him. She owes him nothing, and if he gave that impression, it was wrong, and apologizes. The baby is going to be his first grandchild, and she won’t turn it into a bargaining chip.

Valentin tells Martin, as long as the mother is pregnant, he’ll respect any decision she makes, but once the baby is born, it’s his child also. Martin asks what Valentin needs from him, and Valentin says, the mother is stubborn and uncooperative, and he wants Martin to turn things around.  

Carly says, so Ava thinks she should treat Nina the way Ava treats her? Is she sure about that? Jax says he understands what Ava is saying. Nina’s search for her daughter was a way to make her feel grounded, like there was still a chance of having a family, like he and Carly have with Josslyn, or Carly has with Donna and Michael. Ava says, and Avery, out of the goodness of her heart. Carly says she had sympathy for Nina, but her sympathy stopped when Nina left Wiley confused, and she hurt Willow. Ava says, and it’s Carly’s job to dole out the punishment. Is that why she drove Nina out of town? Carly says, oh, come on, and Jax says, Ava started the conversation by saying she knows where he might find Nina, so he’s open to suggestions.

Nina says, Sonny really doesn’t remember her, or how they know each other? He says her voice is familiar. She called there once for Phyllis. She wanted Phyllis to go to… Nina says, Port Charles, New York? and Sonny says he’s bad with names, but great with voices, and hers is memorable. She says, he’s pretty memorable himself, but she doesn’t understand what he’s doing there. Phyllis comes back and says she’s glad Mike caught Nina before she ran off without her passport. Nina asks if Phyllis just called Sonny Mike, and Sonny says, that’s his name.   

Trina hangs back, and Portia says she thought Trina was in a hurry to study for her quiz. Trina says, it can wait. Cameron is upset, and she wants to make sure he’s okay. Portia asks if she’s told Trina that she’s proud of her lately.

Curtis says Cameron wants to hire a hit man, and Laura thought of him? She says, of course not (🍷). Curtis is a man of many talents. She thought he could come up with a creative, out-of-the-box recommendation. Cameron says, there has to be something they can do to make sure Jason doesn’t get away with killing Franco. He knows Curtis has connections in the P.I. world. Curtis says, he’s not in that world anymore. He gave up his license when he bought the nightclub. Cameron says, if Laura knew that, what are they doing there? Is this some kind of diversion? He starts to leave, and Curtis says, wait. He might know of some kind of way to help Cameron.

Finn tells Elizabeth, he had no intention of talking about his problems. Quite the opposite. She’s always been good to him, and he’d like to try and be there for her. Elizabeth says, maybe they can start by accepting they’re both going through a really difficult time, and they might be able to help each other. Finn wants to know who says he needs any help, and she says, a wild guess. He says, sadly, completely accurate. He and Anna are over. She says she’s so sorry. They seemed so in love. He says, the love part wasn’t the problem. It was me, her, us; he doesn’t want to bore her with the gory details. She says he know how word spreads at the hospital. She’s going to find out one way or another, and she’d rather hear it from him than as gossip. He says, allow his misery to distract her from hers for a second. He asks if she’s seen The Invader lately, but she says she’s been avoiding the news. He says, lucky her, because his private life just become very public.

Brook admits, at first she was shocked to learn she was pregnant. Then she realized it was the perfect way to get back at Valentin for using her to get control of ELQ. Ned says that doesn’t sound like she’s putting her child’s needs first, but she says, let her finish. Somewhere along the way, something changed. The baby became the most important thing; beautiful, sweet, and good. It could help fix the damage she did, and bring them closer, and restore the family business. If that doesn’t sound like a win-win, she doesn’t know what does. Ned says, it has a certain logic to it, and Michael says, it does? Ned tells her, he’s said similar things himself. Love equals family, equals profit; it’s the Quartermaine philosophy. And look where it’s gotten him. He’s estranged from his wife, he’s a part-time dad to Leo when Leo needs him most, and worst of all, watching his beautiful daughter follow in his footsteps. He won’s let her make the same mistakes he made.

Valentin says he’s seen Martin in action. He’s a real charmer when he wants to be. He wants Martin to charm the mother; make her believe it’s in her best interest and the interest of her child, if he stays involved in the child’s life. Martin says, what if she’s immune to his charms? and Valentin says, then he takes off the velvet gloves, and shows her the bare knuckle brawler he’ll be when they take her to court. Martin says he has a better idea. Forget the lawyers, and yes, this is him, willing to give up the money. Valentin should go to the mother with his heart on his sleeve. Don’t threaten her; be a good guy. Maybe she’ll remember why she fell into bed with him in the first place, and they can work it out amicably. That’s his advice, and for once, it’s free. His phone rings, and he says he has to take it. After all, he does have other clients.

Ava tells Jax that Nina didn’t share her exact destination, but if she was guessing, she’d guess Nina went someplace where she feels understood and safe. Jax says he doesn’t know where that would be, or with whom. Everyone Nina knows is here in Port Charles. He does know what Nina does for a living, right? Carly says, Nina left to put distance between herself and her problems. She has an unlimited budget, so Carly is guessing she went somewhere where there are no bad memories. Where she’s not reminded of all the mistakes she’s made.

Sonny says Nina knows his name, but he doesn’t know hers. He looks in her passport, and says, Nina Reeves. Her picture is good, but doesn’t do her justice. It’s nice to meet her. They shake hands, and he goes om the back. Phyllis asks if Nina is okay. Is she having second thoughts about her trip? Nina asks if Mike told Phyllis that was his name, and Phyllis says, not exactly. They met at the clinic where she works. She doesn’t think it’s violating patient privilege to tell Nina that he was in bad shape when he was brought in. He was in some kind of accident, and almost drowned. His memory has been compromised, and he doesn’t know who he is or where he came from. Nina asks how he knows his name is Mike, and Phyllis says, he had no wallet or ID. All he had were two rings – a pinkie ring and a band that might be a wedding ring – and a watch that was engraved. Nina says, Mike. Phyllis says, it suits him, doesn’t she think? and Nina says, yeah, in a way it does.  

Curtis says he understands what Cameron is going through. Franco was more than a stepfather to him and his brothers. He knows it hurts real bad to have him taken away, and Cameron says, and not just by anyone – Jake’s dad who always gets away with these things. Laura says Cameron knows the law. A man is innocent until proven guilty. Curtis says, take it from him, the law moves slowly. It’s Cameron’s senior year. He doesn’t want to spend it angry. Why doesn’t he transmute that energy into something positive? Cameron asks, how? He didn’t get to say goodbye at Franco’s memorial. Jake painted a painting, and Aiden found the right words, but he froze. He didn’t say anything. He failed, so don’t tell him it can be positive. Curtis says, it doesn’t have to work that way, but Cameron starts to leave. Trina says, wait. Don’t go.  

Brook says, Ned and Michael can keep talking, but her mind is made up. There’s nothing more to discuss. Ned says he doesn’t know what else to say. Does Michael? Michael says, Brook was lurking on the terrace while he was talking with Valentin. Brook says she still doesn’t know why Michael didn’t jump on Valentin’s deal, and Michael says he was tempted, but Wiley has already lived a turbulent life, so he had to put his son first, even if it cost him the shares. Brook says, great. He has a conscience. Forget the business angle. With all his faults, Valentin is a good and loving father to Charlotte. Whether they like it or not, he’s her baby’s father. Can’t they put this aside and make this work for the baby, their family… everyone? Valentin walks in, and tells her that he couldn’t have said it better. 

Jax says he has contacts at the state department who might be able to figure out if Nina left the country. He leaves, and Ava says Carly ought to thank her. Nina was thinking about going to court to fight to share time with Wiley, and Ava tried to talk her out of it. Carly asks how hard Ava tried, and Ava says Carly is always spiteful; she can’t help herself. Nina was willing to meet Carly halfway, and Carly refused. It’s only a matter of time before Nina realizes that in the state of New York, biological grandparents do indeed have rights. Carly asks if she blinked, and Ava graduated from law school. She’s not a legal expert. Martin walks in, and Ava says, that’s true. Why don’t they ask one? Unless of course (🍷) Carly is afraid to hear the answer.   

Nina says, Mike never mentioned anyone from his past? and Phyllis says, with no ID or memory, Mike showed up without a past. Nina asks if Phyllis has tried to help him remember, and Phyllis says she thought she should keep Mike calm, and not pressure him too much. Nina wonders if he has friends and family searching for him, and Phyllis says, the doctors told her that he might stay this way forever. Unless someone comes along who’s able to fill in the blanks for him.   

Trina tells Cameron, his brothers aren’t the only ones who can express what’s in their hearts. She knows him, and he can too. He says, it won’t bring Franco back, and she says, Franco’s gift was in his art. Cameron says, he’s gone now, and all of Franco’s gifts are gone too. Trina says, Franco might be gone, but no one can take his gifts away from Cameron. Franco will be in his heart forever. Look what she found. She takes out a guitar, and Laura tells Portia that she raised a wonderful daughter. She wonders where the guitar came from, and Curtis says, the former owner must have left it behind. Cameron tells Trina, that old thing? It’s probably way out of tune, and she says he doesn’t know until he tries. He takes it from her.

Elizabeth says, wow. Finn is Chase’s father. How did Chase take the news? Finn says, not well. Chase feels like he lost a father and a brother, and he can’t blame Chase. These days, it feels like everything is slipping away. She says, not everything. Finn’s little girl adores him, and she and the boys are there for him. He says Elizabeth has so much on her plate already. Her phone rings, and he tells her to get it; it might be Cameron. It’s Laura, and Elizabeth asks if Cameron is okay. Laura says, he’s just fine, and asks if Elizabeth knows the nightclub on Suncrest. Elizabeth says she does, and Laura tells her to get there as soon as she can. Finn asks what Laura said, and Elizabeth tells him that Laura wants to meet her. Does he mind staying with Jake and Aiden until she gets back? He says, of course (🍷). Take all the time she needs.

Brook asks for some privacy, and Ned asks if Michael is leaving. Michael says, no; you? Ned says, not a chance. She says she doesn’t need protection from Valentin, but Valentin says he sees no reason they shouldn’t stay. Because of the baby, they’re family now. Ned says, never… and Brook suggests they hear what Valentin has to say. Valentin apologizes, saying it was strong, and he sounded patronizing. He wants Brook to know that he respects her decisions regarding this pregnancy, and hopes she can trust he’s willing to help in any way he can. Brook smiles.

Ava asks if Martin can assist them, and he asks what he’s walking into. She says they were just wondering if in their state, biological grandparents have rights – hypothetically speaking, of course (🍷). He says, most certainly in the state of New York, especially in the situation where one of the parents has died. Ava thanks him, and he asks if that’s it. She says, yes, and he goes back to his table, having given his second piece of free advice today. Ava tells Carly that she tried to keep the peace, but it’s impossible for Carly. She’s going to make sure Nina knows she has the right to sue for visitation, since fighting in court is the only thing Carly understands. Once Nina goes after what’s rightfully hers, Carly might just lose that precious grandson of hers, and Ava will see to it that she has a front row seat.   

Nina asks Phyllis if Mike remembering is a potential risk medically speaking. Did they say he might not be ready, or it would add to his confusion, or do more damage? Phyllis says, knowing Mike, she’s pretty sure he’d take the risk. He’s a lovely man, and must have people out there who miss him terribly. Sonny answers the phone, and tells Phyllis, it’s Joey from the liquor supplies. Phyllis deals with the call, and Nina takes off her coat. She says, hey, Mike. Phyllis is crazy about him. He says, the feeling is mutual, and she says she hopes he doesn’t mind, but Phyllis told her about his memory loss. He says, that’s him, Mr. Nobody, but Nina says she doubts it. Everybody is somebody. He says he heard a little bit of Nina and Phyllis’s conversation. If Nina has something to say, go head and say it.

Cameron plays guitar, and sings a song about memories not going away; about someone not being there, and how it feels wrong. We weren’t done with this yet. Laura watches with Elizabeth, and wipes tears from her eyes. As Cameron ends the song, he realizes Elizabeth is there, and tears up.

Valentin thanks Brook for the second chance, and she says he’s the father of her baby. They have to find a way to cooperate. He thinks with honesty and respect, they should be able to make it work, and she says, that’s the goal. She’ll be in touch. He leaves, and she asks if Ned and Michael heard that. Her plan is already working.

Jax tells Ava, according to his source, Nina didn’t use her passport to leave the country. Ava says, that might change. He really hurt Nina. No woman wants to come in second place to a man’s ex-wife. He says he knows he messed up, and she says, he certainly did. He says, if she hears from Nina… She says, if she does hear from Nina, she will absolutely not plead his case. He says he’s not asking her to. He just wants her to tell Nina how much he misses her.

Nina tells Sonny that she’s not the blond woman he’s been dreaming about. He says she seems so familiar, and she says, there’s a lot of blond women in the world. She’s known a few memorable ones. He tells her, if she says so, and she says, everything is going to be okay. He says, yeah, and tends to things behind the bar. She gets out her phone, and makes a call. She says she has something important to tell Carly.   

Tomorrow, Brook tells Maxie that she hasn’t figured it out yet, Portia asks if Curtis sees the bigger picture, Carly says someone (Nina?) needs to think about the consequences, and Sonny says you’ve just got to live in the moment.  

🍹 I checked out the preview of Overserved (Thursdays at 10 pm on E!), and I love it already. LVP hosts a dinner at Villa Rosa, and gets her guests drunk so they’ll spill some tea. Tori Spelling and Jeff Lewis were the guests in this episode. Ken and Pandora were also in attendance, as well as Puffy and Giggy! (RIP) Pandora forewarned the guests that they were going to be getting absolutely wasted, and she poured an entire bottle of tequila into a blender. They played a game called Drink or Dare, where Jeff crossed the pool on a flamingo floatie in his nice suit, and Tori ate the tequila worm. Then ate another for good measure, and because she didn’t want to just leave it there. Hey, waste not, want not. LVP took the dare to moon the neighbors, and Jeff said there went the resale value. LVP claimed Jessica Alba lived in the direction of her mooning, but I don’t know if that was true, since Tori talked about her later, saying Jessica had bad-mouthed her time on 90210, and the entire cast had been baffled about her comments. Tori ended up sliding off of a swing, albeit gracefully, and we found out Kelly Dodd was banned from PUMP for not paying her tab. Next time, Cheryl Hines and Joel McHale (who’s funny as hell) join LVP for dinner, but mostly drinks.

🧘🏽Curly Shuffling On Out…

Seriously? We’re just hitting Wednesday? Funny how two days can feel like a week. See you tomorrow, when we join those wild and crazy Jersey girls, although I’m not sure why. Horrible fascination perhaps? Until then, stay safe, stay off slippery slopes, and stay paying your tab at PUMP, or you will be banned.

March 22 – 2021 – Nina Gets Sidetracked At the Tan-O, Headline Making Guests On Deck, More About That Scandal & Flying


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny tells Phyllis, he tries to remember, but except for that dream with that blonde woman, he doesn’t know what his life was like before. He just hopes no one is out there who thinks he took off on them. He doesn’t even want to go there, because why worry when you don’t have the answers? She says, he was out all night. Why doesn’t he grab a nap until they open? He says he thinks he’ll take her up on that, and she tells him, sweet dreams. He goes upstairs, and Phyllis hears the door. She says she’s sorry, but they’re not open yet, and looks up to see Nina. Nina says, surprise! and they hug.

Valentin orders scotch, neat, two fingers, at the MetroCourt bar. He gets a call, and thanks Martin for calling him back. He’s at the MetroCourt bar. How soon can Martin get there?… He’ll wait… It is kind of important. He flashes back to seeing Brook, and saying, you’re pregnant. Brook says he’s very observant, and he asks if he’s the father. She says, it seems their one-night stand was more memorable than either of them expected, and starts to leave, but he asks why she didn’t tell him before. He could have helped and offered support. She tells him to slow his roll. They had one night together, and it was just for fun. She doesn’t want him bound to her or this baby. He says, it’s a little late for that. If he’s the father, the baby is every bit his responsibility as hers. He’s not letting her go through this by herself. He drinks his scotch, and says, a baby.

Ned tells Brook, he doesn’t mean to sound condescending, but she can’t handle Valentin. She says, sounds condescending to her, and starts to walk away. He says she saw how Valentin came after ELQ. He won’t hesitate to come after her the same way, especially if he knows she’s carrying his baby. She says, he already knows, and Ned says, God help us.

Michael opens the door to see Chase. Chase says he tried the gatehouse, but no one answered. He thought Willow might be there. Michael says, no, she’s not. She mentioned an exam prep class, but he’s not sure when she’s getting back. Chase says, right. He’s sorry for bothering Michael. He starts to leave, and Michael says, wait. He knows what’s going on.

Britt arrives at Maxie’s place, and asks where her nephew is. Maxie says, Mac has him, and Brook says, serious spoiling in progress. She tells Maxie to sit, so she can take Maxie’s BP, and Maxie sits. Britt asks how she and the baby are doing, and Maxie says, the baby is kicking up a storm. Her, not so good. She lost her phone, and has no idea where it is. Britt asks if she tried looking, and Maxie says, nothing’s working. Does Britt know how many photos are on that phone? Britt says, she’s sure it will turn up; don’t worry. She’s avoiding stress, remember? Has she heard from Peter? Maxie says, actually, he came by yesterday, when she was getting rid of his things. He’s still insisting they’re going to be together. Britt says, he has a point. He is the father of Maxie’s baby.

Jax sees Carly at the MetroCourt, and asks if they can talk. She asks, what’s going on? and he says, Nina insists Carly is trying to keep her away from Wiley. Carly says, Michael and Willow are in charge of those decisions, so they don’t need to be talking about it. He says, Nina doesn’t see it that way, and she says, so he and Nina are finally talking.

Phyllis asks what on earth Nina is doing there. Why didn’t she call? Nina says she didn’t know she was coming. She’s on a road trip. She thought about Nixon Falls, and there was literally a sign. She put the address in her GPS, and here she is. Phyllis says she’s delighted to see Nina. Where is she headed? Nina says she honestly doesn’t know, but she knew she wanted to see Phyllis. She’s always been so kind and accepting, and Nina could really use someone to talk to right now.

Ned says Brook saw Valentin, and she saw him? Brook says, yet here she stands. Not locked up in some dark tower until she births his heir. He says, most people run from trouble. Not her. She runs right into it. She says she didn’t plan on seeing Valentin. She ran into him, literally, outside Kelly’s, and she thought, why wait? He says he could think of plenty of reasons, and she says she wasn’t going to turn tail and look away. If Ned is so embarrassed by her condition, she’ll spare him and leave. He says he wants to make himself clear. He’s not embarrassed, but she has to admit this is a challenging situation. How did Valentin take the news? She says, he was surprised, but she made it absolutely clear she has no expectations of him being involved in this baby’s life. He says, and that went over how? She says she got the distinct impression he wanted to be involved in the baby’s life, and Ned says, okay. So they’ll get the lawyers involved, and come up with a strategy. She says she’s got this covered. She has a plan already.

Michael says he saw the Invader article about Chase and his family, and Chase says, it’s everywhere. It’s bad enough having his family implode without the whole damn town watching him. Michael says, believe him, he knows what it’s like having your personal life spread all over the headlines. Chase says, first time for him, and Michael asks if he wants to talk about it. Chase says he wouldn’t know where to start. He doesn’t know what to think half the time, he doesn’t recognize his family, and doesn’t even recognize himself. That’s why he was looking for Willow. Michael says Willow is a great listener, and Chase says, Willow is great all around, but Michael knew that.

At a table in the MetroCourt, Robert says he’s not exactly a fan of Olivia’s husband, and she says he’s not a fan of Robert’s either. He’s threatened by their friendship. Robert says, imagine that. How about if he’s less charming? Olivia laughs, and says, impossible. He says they’re only talking 10%, and she says she’d like to see him try it. He says, maybe nine and a half.

Jax tells Carly, Nina hasn’t been returning his phone calls, so he took a chance, and showed up at Franco’s memorial. Carly makes a face, and he says it was over by the time he got there, so he and Nina were able to talk. Valentin says, well done, Jax. Their little talk chased Nina out of Port Charles.

Phyllis and Nina sit, and Phyllis asks, what’s going on? Nina says Phyllis already knows how Jax knew about her daughter, but didn’t say anything. Phyllis says she remembers thinking, it might have been Jax’s misguided attempt at protecting Nina. Was Nina able to talk to him? Nina says, she tried, but things were more complicated than she realized. Jax didn’t lie about her daughter to protect her. He lied to protect his ex-wife.

Maxie asks if Britt is advocating she get back together with Peter, but Britt says, absolutely not. But she knows Peter, and it’s unrealistic to think he’ll just give up, and let Maxie and the baby go. She’s guessing Maxie asked for some space, and Maxie says she told him that she needed time to heal. Britt asks how he took it, and Maxie tells her that Peter said to take all the time she needs. Britt says, but… and Maxie says, but he still believes in them. Britt says that’s what she’s talking about. Peter has never had anyone like Maxie in his life. He doesn’t want to give her up, and like it or not, Maxie will always be tied to him because of their child. So how is she going to deal with that? Peter knocks at the door, and calls for Maxie. Britt says he must think she’s a fast healer, and he says he needs to see Maxie. It’s important.

Chase tells Michael, he already told Willow about the possibility that Finn was his father, and when the DNA test confirmed it, Willow was there. She convinced him to talk to Finn. Michael asks if that’s why Chase is there, to tell Willow how it went, and Chase says, yes. It was already incredibly awkward, then the Invader article broke.   

Ned says, the last plan Brook had involving Valentin resulted in the family losing control of ELQ. She asks why he’s throwing that in her face, and he suggests they go back to their corners, and start again. **Valentin swears he was only offering her a helping hand, and she appreciates it, but she’d appreciate it more if Ned would trust her. She’s got this.   

Olivia tells Robert that Maxie seemed clear about not wanting Peter in her life. Dante was helping her box up Peter’s stuff yesterday. He says that’s music to his ears, but why the hell didn’t Maxie do it sooner? At least everything came out before they were married. Olivia says, thank God, and Robert says, there’s still the issue of the baby. It’s Peter’s leverage, and don’t think he won’t use it. Maybe Olivia can convince him otherwise.

Sonny lies down. He dreams about seeing Carly in the shadows at the door to the Tan-O.  

Phyllis asks Nina if Jax was there when Nelle fell, and Nina says, no, but he was there soon after. Carly said she and Nelle had struggled, and Nelle ran off. It was dark, Nelle didn’t see the edge of the cliff, and fell off. She was hanging on for dear life, and Carly admitted she hesitated before she helped Nelle. Who does that, when every second counts? Carly claims she couldn’t have saved Nelle. Phyllis asks if Nina thinks Carly did it on purpose, and Nina says, Carly told her, after that moment, she did her best. Whether she did or didn’t, Nina doesn’t know, but Carly keeps lying. If she and Jax had alerted the authorities, and told the truth about how Nelle fell, she could have been buried with dignity. Nina starts to cry, and says, instead, her daughter’s body was exposed to the elements. Doesn’t Phyllis see? Jax is more concerned about Carly and any legal complications. And that’s the thing. Carly will always come first with Jax.

Valentin says Jax wouldn’t leave Nina alone, so she left. Jax asks where she went, but Valentin says if Nina wanted him to know, she’d have told him herself. Carly says, Valentin doesn’t know either. The only reason Nina even told him that she was leaving was because of Charlotte. Valentin says he’s surprised she and Jax are there, and not camped out at the police department. Jax asks what he means, and he says, Jason was arrested

Valentin goes over to Olivia and Robert, and says, sorry to interrupt, but he’d like a private word with Olivia. 

Jax says, Jason was arrested? Why didn’t Carly tell him? She says, there’s nothing he can do. It’s up to Diane to get the charges dropped. He asks, what happened? and she says, Jason was accused of killing Franco. Jax asks, did he? 

Peter tells Maxie, open the door; he needs to see her. Maxie gets up, and Britt grabs her arm, but Maxie shakes her off. She says she told Peter that she needed time, and he says he knows. She’s right, and he wants to give her that, but something’s come up and they need to talk. She says she’s not ready, and he says, they have to try. He knows they can make it through this. She always said with love anything is possible. Britt says he heard Maxie; stop harassing her. He tries the door, but it doesn’t open. He asks if Maxie changed the locks. Why did she do that? Britt says, it was clearly necessary, but he says he needed to see Maxie to make sure she was okay, and Dante that hadn’t threatened her. She asks if something happened, and he says, let him tell her. Britt suggests they call the cops, but Maxie says she’ll handle it. Peter says, please, and she opens the door. He says, thank God.   

Michael says, it must have been awkward seeing the article with Finn right there, and Chase says, it gets better. His mom showed up. He knows he should have compassion; what they did was wrong, but they didn’t deserve to see their mistake in a headline. Ned goes to the living room door, and asks if Brook is ready to talk. Chase says, Brook is back? and Michael tells him to go in and see her. Chase goes into the living room, and says he hopes Brook was planning on calling him to tell him that she’s back. She turns around, and he sees that she’s pregnant. She says he just saved her the trouble.

Phyllis says she’s hearing what Nina is saying about Jax and Carly, but Jax insisted on the cover-up in the first place. If he hadn’t, would she still be jealous of their relationship? Nina says she asks herself that all the time. She feels betrayed. She understands Jax’s instinct to protect the mother of his only child, but once again Carly gets what she wants. Carly is uncompromising, and if she perceives someone is a threat to her family, she just goes after them. Phyllis says, goodness, and Nina says, no kidding. Her daughter did damage to Carly and her family, and now Carly is treating her like a threat, and insisted she stay away from Wiley. Phyllis asks, what about Wiley’s parents? and Nina says, they’re great people. Left to their own devices, she doesn’t think there would be a problem. Carly is a different story. Thanks to Carly, she might not have a relationship with her grandson.   

Carly says, Jason did not kill Franco, and Jax says he’s sure Jason denies it. She says, the way it went down was too messy. Jason wouldn’t have been caught with the gun by an eyewitness. Jax says, Jason was arrested, and there was a weapon and an eyewitness. Carly says, either the eyewitness is seriously mistaken or lying. What makes it worse is Elizabeth is taking out her grief and loss on Jason. She’s convinced he’s guilty. Of all people, if Jason was going to kill Franco, he would have done it a long time ago. Shooting Franco in his studio is obvious and stupid, and Jason is neither. Jax doesn’t think that argument is going to stick with law enforcement, and she says, it has to. She can’t lose Jason too.

Valentin thanks Olivia for sending Robert on his way, and tells her that he saw Brook. He knows she’s pregnant with his child. She asks if he wants a cigar, and he says he wants Brook to be reasonable. He’s the baby’s father, and wants to be in the baby’s life. She asks how Brook feels about that, and he says Brook doesn’t want him involved, but she made it clear she wants nothing from him. Nevertheless, he’s offering. She says, offering or demanding? and he says, that depends on Olivia.

Michael tells Ned that Valentin stopped by, and Ned asks if he came by to see Brook. Michael says Valentin came by to see him, and Ned asks what he wanted. Michael says Valentin offered him control of Danny and Scout’s ELQ stock.  

Chase hugs Brook, and says, so she’s pregnant. She says, yes, and the baby needs a father.

Maxie asks, what happened? and Peter says Dante held him at gunpoint. She asks why Dante would do that, and he says Dante lured him to Nathan’s grave. He sent a text from Maxie, saying she wanted to meet him. Dante must have stolen her phone. Maxie says her phone is missing; she’s looked everywhere. Britt says, obviously Peter isn’t shot. How did he get away? He says, Sam was with him when he got the text, and showed up when Dante had a gun on him. She talked Dante down. Britt laughs, and says, Sam stopped Dante from shooting him? Peter says, thank God. He could have been killed. Maxie says she’s not understanding why Dante would do that, and he says, Dante snapped. He was talking about a mission, and Peter was afraid he’d show up there, and hurt Maxie or the baby. He had Maxie’s phone. Britt says, Peter had a phone. Did he call the police? He says he couldn’t, for Maxie’s sake, but he was terrified for her. That’s why he’s here. He thought Dante might harm her. Britt says, all that worry and concern, and he didn’t call the police? Peter says, clearly, Dante isn’t well, and he knows how much Dante means to Maxie. If Dante was arrested, Peter didn’t know what she’d think. He loves Maxie and the baby, and wants to keep them safe. Britt says, now that he sees Maxie is safe, he can go. He tells her, stay out of it. He’s not going anywhere. Robert walks in, and says, yes, he is. It’s time to pack it in, Henrik. Peter says, if he doesn’t? and Robert says he guesses he’ll have to convince Peter.

Valentin asks Olivia to explain to Brook that him being involved is in her best interest. Olivia says, is it? and he says, consider her personal experience with Sonny and Dante, and Julian and Leo. She tells him, don’t presume to judge her. He has no idea why she made the choices she did. He says he’s not judging her. He’s merely pointing out that even with her best efforts to exclude the fathers, they both had strong relationships with their sons. Now Sonny and Julian are gone, and he’s sure she wishes Dante and Leo had more time with them. Olivia says, Leo would have been better off not knowing who Julian was, and Valentin says he’s a better man than Julian. She says, really? How so?  

Chase says, the baby already has a father, but Brook says Chase has stepped up before when a child’s welfare was at stake, and she needs help. She looks at him and laughs. She says he should have seen his face. She almost gave him a heart attack. He says he was considering one before he broke out in a cold sweat. She says, they both know how far he’d go for a baby, and he says, not funny, but she says, everything worked out. He told Willow that he loves her, and they’re back together. He says, it hasn’t exactly been resolved, and she says, enlighten her. He says, when he told Willow how he still feels, he didn’t realize that Willow and Michael were so close.

Ned says Valentin offered Michael control of the stock? In exchange for what? Michael says, for promising Nina a part in Wiley’s life. Ned says, that’s right. She’s Wiley’s grandmother. When they get control of the shares, they’ll be in a majority position again. Michael tells him, stop scheming. He already said no.

Robert asks Peter for one good reason he shouldn’t throw Peter out, and Peter says, don’t press your luck, old man. Maxie says, enough. They both know that stressful situations aren’t good for the baby. She suggests Peter leave on his own, and Peter says, or Robert and Britt could leave. Robert says, don’t let the door smack you on the ass, and Peter says, okay; he’ll leave. He tells Maxie, they’ll talk soon, and goes. Robert suggests Maxie sit and relax. He wants her to understand that he’ll always be there for her, because they’re family. She says she knows, and he asks her to answer one question. How did the bastard get through the door in the first place?

Nina tells Phyllis that she didn’t mean any harm in telling Wiley about Nelle. She was being honest. All the books tell you to be truthful with a child. Phyllis says, it sounds like a miscommunication on Nina’s part. She understands Nina’s concern, but hadn’t Nina said Willow had been Wiley’s mommy as long as she could remember? Nina says Willow is Michael’s wife. She doesn’t want to disrupt their bond, but they’d intended on writing Nelle out of Wiley’s life, and it’s not healthy. In the end, it snowballed, and they wrote her out. Phyllis asks if Nina thinks Michael wanted that, and Nina says she supposes not. What bothers her is that Carly uses an error in judgement on her part to her own advantage. If anyone was hurt, it was Willow, and Nina deeply regrets the incident. But Carly made it about her, and used it to distance Nina from Wiley. She’s tired of Carly always winning. Phyllis says, she makes it sound like some kind of competition. Are they both keeping score, or only Nina? Be careful not to compare her inside to Carly’s outside. Nina asks what Phyllis means, and Phyllis asks if Nina thinks Carly is as strong and invulnerable as she seems. Nina says, Carly has lost a lot too. Her husband died around Christmas. It was sudden and  tragic, and he vanished without a trace.

Carly tells Jax, if Jason goes to trial and goes to prison, it’s not just wrong; it will kill her. She just lost Sonny. She can’t lose Jason too. He’s her best friend. Jax says, Diane is doing what she can to help, and whatever comes next, she’ll still have him and her entire family. She doesn’t have to pretend to be made of steel. He promises her that whatever comes next, he’ll help rebuild her life. They hug.

Sonny dreams of seeing Carly from behind in the woods. She’s about to turn around, when he wakes up. He sits up and says, who are you?

Brook tells Chase, what she’s hearing is, Willow and Michael aren’t so platonic. They actually got together? Michael said he was back with Sasha, and Chase was back with Willow. Chase says they’re finding their way, and she says, great. He says, it was, until The Invader article. She says she knew something was going on, and he says, her intuition will come in handy when her child is a teen. Brook says, that’s a little premature. It’s really complicated. He asks if she’s thinking about adoption.

Carly thanks Jax for his support and for not mentioning that Jason and Sonny chose the business and have to face the consequences. Jax says, Jason and Sonny have nothing to do with this. Carly is hurting, and he wants her to feel better. She thanks him, and says she’s done wallowing now. She suggests they talk about what happened with Jax and Nina at Franco’s memorial, and he says he thought she didn’t care about Nina. She says she doesn’t, but she cares about him. He says Nina told him as much, and she asks what Nina said. He tells her, very little. He didn’t even know she left town until Valentin told him, so… Carly says, that’s a good thing.   

Nina tells Phyllis, Carly loved Sonny a great deal. Losing him upended her life. Phyllis says, maybe they just need cool off time, and Nina says she thinks she’ll cool off better far away; outside Carly’s sphere of influence. Phyllis says, sometimes distance gives you a new perspective, and helps you see more clearly, and Nina says, sometimes you need a whole new pair of glasses. When she thinks of being shut out of Wiley’s life… Phyllis says, when Nina reached out, she was looking for a miracle. She didn’t get what she expected, her daughter is gone, but the miracle is still there in her grandson. She knows he’s safe, in a good home, and knows exactly where he is. It’s a blessing. Given time, Phyllis believes Nina will still be a part of his life. Nina says, that’s precisely why she took this exit. She still has no idea where she’s going. She booked a weekend in Serenity Springs (nice nod to One Life to Live), and she has this. She shows Phyllis a passport, and says she could go to Cabo or Lake Cuomo. Phyllis says, or maybe she could be with people who care about her, instead of being alone, It’s not glamorous or luxurious, but she’s welcome to stay there.

Maxie tells Robert, she wanted Peter to say his piece and leave on his own. She loves Robert, but he’s the DA, and can’t threaten people like that. He tells her, the guy is dangerous, and she shouldn’t let him in. Peter isn’t there for anything good. Maxie says, even if he does get in, they’re not getting back together, especially now that she knows who he is. Britt says, she’s glad that Maxie finally has wisdom, but still thinks they should have called the cops the second that Peter came there. Robert seconds that, but Maxie says, no cops.

Olivia tells Valentin to prove he’s a better man than Julian. It’s not that high of a bar. He says he’s a more consistent and committed parent. Charlotte knows he loves her, and she’s always a priority. Olivia says she’ll give him that. Despite his obvious shortcomings, Charlotte is a bright, lovely girl. He’s obviously a good father. He says, and he hopes to be for the sake of his and Brook’s child. Peter appears and says Valentin did this. Valentin tried to turn Maxie against him, and now she doesn’t know which way to turn. Olivia says, as long as Maxie turns away from him, and Peter tells her to focus on her own family, mainly Dante. She asks if he’s threatening Dante, and he says he’s not, but they had a run-in, and Dante is in bad shape. She asks what Peter did to Dante, and Peter says he wasn’t the one with the gun. Olivia calls Dante, leaving a message to call her back. She asks Peter where Dante is, and Peter says when he left, Dante was with Sam. If she had any sense, she took Dante to the hospital. Olivia jets, and Valentin says, terrorizing Olivia. Faison couldn’t have done better himself.

Ned says, Valentin offered them control of the company again, and Michael sent him packing without consulting him? Michael says he didn’t need to. His son is not for sale. What kind of person would use a child as leverage. Ned says he can think of someone.   

Chase tells Brook that she knows she can talk to him about anything. They’re still friends. Adoption is a big decision and responsibility, especially if she’s not a mom just yet. Ned comes in, and says, he’s sorry to interrupt, but they need to talk. It can’t wait. Chase says he’ll see Brook soon, and leaves. Ned tells Brook that he knows what she’s doing. She’s going to use the child to get Valentin to give them back ELQ.

Maxie tells Britt, the cops are not needed. She and Peter are finished, and there’s nothing he can say that will change her mind. Britt says, he lashes out when he’s threatened, and Maxie says that’s why she’s giving him just enough hope to think he can win her back. Robert says, be really careful in creating false hope. It’s dangerous stuff. She says she knows. That’s why she has to come up with a move of her own.   

Peter says he’s tired of Valentin throwing his father in his face, and Valentin says, then stop acting like him. Peter says, Valentin delivered him to his father, but Valentin tells Peter to take responsibility for what he’s become. He doesn’t deserve a baby in his life. Peter says they’ll see about that.  

Jax tells Carly that he doesn’t see it as a good thing, especially for him. Carly says, Nina left to get away from him, and he says he’s still lost here. She says Nina took off to escape her feelings for him. Any emotions, negative or positive, mean he’s still affecting Nina. It also means that he still has a chance. He says, that’s just wonderful, but he has no idea where Nina is. Carly says, find her. Go after her.

Phyllis tells Nina that she and Lenny have a guest room with a lovely view of the woods and its own bathroom. She hopes Nina doesn’t mind the sound of birds. They present a chorus in the morning. Nina says, it sounds wonderful, but she wouldn’t dream of putting them out. Phyllis says, if it was inconvenient, she wouldn’t be offering, and Nina says she appreciates it, but she’s already asked way too much of Phyllis in the past few months. She should get going. She thanks Phyllis for listening and talking to her. It’s exactly what she needed. Phyllis says, it goes both ways, and they hug. She tells Nina, don’t be a stranger, and Nina promises she won’t. She thanks Phyllis again and leaves.

Sonny comes down, and asks who was there. Phyllis says, an old patient stopped by to say hello, and Sonny says, they forgot something, picking up Nina’s passport from the table. Phyllis says, she’s going to need it; she’s planning to travel. He says he’ll catch her, and Phyllis thanks him. As he’s about to go out the door, Nina is coming back in, and they stand face to face. Nina looks shocked.

Next time, Curtis says he has Portia to thank, Finn says his private life just became public, Valentin tells Cyrus that the last thing he wants is a way out, and Sonny says he knows Nina.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

The guests were shown the door dock while Captain Glenn waited for the test results. Gary tells Glenn, it was an interesting charter, and Glenn says, it’s interesting times. He wonders what if the guests have covid, and Gary says he thinks everyone will get it. In Daisy’s interview, she says, if this ends the season, they’re screwed. Who knows when they can pick up another boat? Everything is an unknown, and it’s pretty scary.

Glenn’s phone rings, and it’s Dr. Laura with the news that the first round of tests are negative for all four guests, but Andy is still symptomatic. She recommends no one come back. Glenn calls for everyone to come to the crew mess, and tells the crew that he just heard from the doctor. The good news is, the tests are negative. However, the guests aren’t going to make it back in time to finish the charter. He tells the stews to pack up the cabins, and get the guests’ stuff off the boat. They’ll get to work turning the boat over for the next charter in a couple of days.

Daisy tells Alli and Dani to just throw the stuff in the suitcases, since they’re not getting a tip anyway. Then she’s calling it a night. Sydney tries to engage Gary in conversation, but he’s not receptive. In his interview, he says, it was a mistake sleeping with Sydney because he has to work with her for the rest of the season. She’s a good chick, but he doesn’t like her that way. The captain gets a message that the guests sent a wire. He radios the crew to the saloon for – believe it or not – a tip meeting. He tells them, obviously he feels badly about the second charter, but at least the guests are safe. They handled it well, since the guests were demanding for four people, but they still kept up. Because they took such good care of the guests, they got $5000 (or $550 each) for the one day. It’s shown him again that they’re an amazing team. He tells them, it’s okay to have a couple of drinks, but don’t go crazy.

Gary tells Alli to have a beer with him, and they can get to know each other. In Alli’s interview, she says Gary is fun, but he and Sydney have got their thing, so this is going nowhere. It’s just for fun. The crew begins to drink, and Colin asks Jean Luc what his longest relationship has been. Jean Luc says, three weeks, and we all go, what? Gary joins them, and Colin tells him what Jean Luc said. Jean Luc says he’s not in a rush, especially working in this industry. Look at the girls on board. Colin asks who Jean Luc thinks is the hottest, but he can’t answer. He says they’ve all got something different. In Jean Luc’s interview, he says he’s never been in a full-on relationship. He moves too much, and enjoys talking to a bunch of different women. Why have one when you can have them all?  Ugh.

Sydney asks Natasha if everyone thinks she and Gary slept together, but Natasha says everyone thinks they just kissed. Gary says he’s calling his mom for advice. In Gary’s interview, he says his mom brought him up, and had to be both parents. She did the best she could, and they’re close. They chat a lot. Some might say, too much. He calls his mom, and tells her that he needs some advice. He kissed his deckhand. She tells him not to play with people’s emotions, and tell them straight-up where he’s at. He says, the girls are coming out, so he has to say goodbye. Natasha sits down, and says, hi to Gary’s mom, and she asks if Natasha is the one he kissed. They all laugh, and Natasha is like, God, no. Everyone clinks glasses, and Daisy says, chuckers instead of cheers, like they do in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.   

Alli tells Gary that she has two sisters; her poor dad. There’s a bunch of nothing banter between Gary and Alli, with Sydney looking pained. Gary says he’s way more fun when he’s drunk, and Alli tells him, most of her best friends are males. While Gary is off talking to the guys, Sydney tells Alli that it’s been weird, and Gary is being standoffish. Alli asks if Sydney likes him, and Sydney says she does, but it’s nothing serious. Alli says she can’t help it if he flirts with her, and asks if Sydney will get upset if he does. Sydney says, not with Alli, and she’s also flirty. Alli says, it’s just for fun. The girls put on bathing suits, and Gary says he thinks he’ll hook up with Alli tonight. I love how he just assumes she wants to. Colin says he can’t believe Gary shagged Sydney the first night, and in his interview, he says he tried to advise Gary not to do it. He’s definitely putting himself in an interesting situation. Glenn is in bed already, and it’s crew gone wild. Colin says he feels bad for the girls. He’s out of it, and Jean Luc is too drunk. Daisy says, and Gary will f*** anything that moves. Sydney dares Gary to crunk, and the crew chants, go Gary – shake your penis. Gary shakes whatever, and Jean Luc says, truth or dare. He dares Alli to kiss Sydney, and she does. Gary tells Colin, it makes your d*ck go bam. Alli says, truth or dare? and asks if Jean Luc fancies Gary. Colin dares Jean Luc to kiss Dani, and in Dani’s interview, she wonders what her life has come to. She’s 32, and playing a high school game with twenty-year-olds. Alli and Jean Luc kiss, but Alli holds something up, so I don’t know if it’s fake or not. Natasha says she’s exhausted, Daisy make drinks, and Alli sits in Gary’s lap. Alli says she wants to go to bed, and Gary says, one last drink. In Sydney’s interview, she says she’s confused, but do whatever you want, bro. She joins Gary and Alli, and Alli splits with her drink. Sydney asks if Gary is okay, and everyone starts going to bed.

Jean Luc tries to be stealthy getting into the bunk above Glenn. Gary tells Sydney that he’s sorry he’s not that nice guy she wants. She says she knows, and she’s sorry she likes him They go their separate ways, and Gary tells Colin that whenever he does something, Sydney is there. Proving his point, she pops into his room, and he says, WTF? She gets into his bunk, and Colin asks if this is the sex cabin. Gary gets in next to her, but says they’re not doing anything. She says, it’s up to him.

Sydney sneaks back to her cabin before dawn, and goes to bed. At 8:30, everyone is starting to get up. Gary tells Colin about what happened, and Colin says Gary made his bed; now he’s got to sleep in it. Gary says he prefers it unmade. He tells Sydney that they need to have a chat about what happened. He put himself in the situation – they both did – and now they have to deal with it. She says she likes him as a person, and he says she’s super cool, but he doesn’t know if this can carry on. She says, it’s unfortunate, and he asks if they can be friends. She says, of course; she’s not going to destroy his life. He says she wouldn’t be able to, and she asks if that’s a challenge. In her interview, she says, if he’s going to like her, he’ll like her, and if he doesn’t, he doesn’t; that’s fine. She makes a pouty face. Gary puts his arm around her. I’m surprised he didn’t do the hug/pat thing.

Glenn asks Gary, Daisy, and Natasha to the crew mess for a preference sheet meeting. He asks if they’re ready for another one, and says the primary is Barrie. He and his ex-husband Tony have been in the limelight for being the UK’s first same sex couple to use a surrogate to have children. They’re divorced, but still the best of friends. They live together with their five children, and their respective boyfriends, who will all be joining them. Daisy, says, sorry, what? Glenn says, it’s nine people, and Daisy wonders where they’ll be sleeping. Glenn reads that Barrie wants to spend time with the chef to discuss the meals, and Daisy says, they want a drag themed night full of fun and dancing, and when everyone’s gone to bed, Barrie would like to propose to boyfriend Scott on the bow in a private moment with champagne. Gary says he’ll keep the kids in the water as much as possible.

Glenn tries to figure out where the guests will be sleeping. Jean Luc says the interior has their work cut out for them. Alli’s dad sends her a message to call right away; it’s about Pa. She calls, and he says Pa passed away. She starts to cry, and says she’s so sorry. He tells her, it’s okay. Pa wanted to go, and he went quickly. She says she wishes she was there to give her dad a hug, and in her interview, she says, Pa was her last grandparent. He was a hard man, but when he developed dementia, it softened him. It’s been hard on her dad, since the relationship he had with Pa growing up is different that the relationship he’s having at the end. It was beautiful to be able to witness, but hearing the grief her father feels, makes her want to give him a hug, and protect and love him. Her heart breaks because she can’t be there. She can’t just run home, but she wants to. It’s the hard part of yachting. She sits and cries.

She tells Dani what happened, and Dani asks if there’s anything she can do. Alli says, it sucks that she can’t be there for him, and Dani says let them know if she needs anything. Daisy tells Alli that it’s going to take a day or two for it to settle in, to not be emotional. She asks if Alli wants some chocolate (which I think is a very sisterly thing to offer), but Alli says the only time she says no to treats is when she’s sad. Sydney asks why Gary is quiet, and in Gary’s interview, he says he thinks Sydney is the kind of girl who won’t take a hint. He friend-zoned her, but it’s not good enough. He wonders if he’ll have to get a tattoo that says I’m not into you. Daisy asks how Alli’s family is, and she says her dad is handling it better than she thought he would. It’s a difficult time to grieve. The last few weeks weren’t happy for Pa, so there’s also a level of release. In her interview, Alli says, what would make Pa most proud would be for her to push through.

Daisy meets with the stews, and says, if it was only six guests, it would be fine, but they’re going to have nine. Natasha makes chocolate-covered strawberries. The provisions come in, and Glenn tells the crew to change into their polos and meet on the aft deck. The guests arrive, and are all wearing suits, with the exception of the one daughter. In Dani’s interview, she says, they must be hot. If they’re this high maintenance with their clothes, imagine how they’re going to be onboard. Glenn says he’s going to pass them to Daisy, she’ll take them on a tour, then they’ll be on their way. Daisy shows them the boat, and a large platter of men’s shoes arrives. I’m not kidding. I have no clue what that’s about. I can understand not wanting to pack them with you clothing, but why an uncovered dish? It’s a mystery.

Natalie meets with Barrie, ex-husband Tony, and the boys. She suggests service be family style, but Barrie says, no buffet. It’s too much work for Tony. He asks who serves the meals, and when she tells him that the stews do it, he says, Daddy Long Legs would be lovely, referring to Jean Luc. She says she’ll put in a word, and tells Daisy, they’re going to be a lot. She says they want Jean Luc to help with service, and in her interview, she says, she’s going to be serving four grown men and four growing boys. She’s f***ed. She tells Daisy, it’s going to be complicated.

Both anchors are home, and Glenn asks Sydney to steer, while he checks out the sail. The engine is turned off, and the boat is at 15 degrees. Guest Brent wonders if he’s unbalanced, and is it the boat or the alcohol? Natasha says she doesn’t have a sailor’s blood, and in her interview, she says, it’s dangerous to cut and cook while sailing, but she has to do a plated service for nine in a short amount of time. Daisy tells Jean Luc that the guests requested him for service, and to do it for the tip. In Daisy’s interview, she says they have nine guests drinking pina coladas and daiquiris from crystal glasses that need to be hand washed and polished. You wouldn’t think washing dishes could weigh a department down, but it does. She asks Gary if she can get some help, and Glenn tells her that someone will come, since Gary can’t be bothered to respond.  

Daisy checks on the dinner orders, and Natasha says, they’re very picky. Daisy gives her the list, and in Natasha’s interview, she says, they want filet at four or five different temperatures, four different kinds of mashed potatoes, and fries. She’s not a Hindu god with eight arms who can do a million things at once. This is ridiculous. Gary suggests Daisy google Barrie, and she reads about a married man falling in love with his daughter’s boyfriend, who’s half his age. She says, it’s what broke up Barrie’s marriage, his daughter’s boyfriend. My dad is my ex-boyfriend. Barrie says his expectations of this dinner are so high, and Daisy calls Jean Luc to help serve. She brings up a bowl muscles and says there are more coming. Barrie says, he’s glad, because the bowl should be his portion alone; he’s not kidding. Barrie says the chef must not have noticed his size.   

Gary and Colin laugh at Jean Luc. Daisy sees them sitting around in the crew mess, and Dani agrees that they should be more helpful. Barrie asks where Jean Luc is hiding during the day, and Jean Luc says he’s working on deck. Jean Luc tells Daisy that he’s proud about his first service. Natasha looks at the list of orders, Barrie bitches that the food is slow to come out, and Brent wonders why alcohol makes you so hungry. Barrie tells Dani, for the future, they can’t eat like this. The food has to come out all together, so they can eat at the same time. Dani tells Daisy, and in Daisy’s interview, she says she thinks there’s a lot going on, and Natasha can’t keep up. It’s embarrassing. Tony says his only criticism apart from the time is, it’s cold. I don’t think it should be embarrassing, since Natasha is one person. If it was a restaurant, or bigger boat, she’d at least have a sous chef.

Next time, Barrie sends food back, and says they should have brought their own chef; Natalie says, Daisy is a bitch; Alli loves the relationship she and Gary have; and when they tender dies, the guests are stuck at the beach. Barrie says he’s literally wasting away, but I say that’s highly unlikely.

😮 Oh It Gets Better…

All about the charter guests who are living an Invader story.

‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’: Who Are Charter Guests Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow?

🐥 Gonna Fly Now…

Tomorrow, prepare to be Overserved. Until then, stay safe, stay having integrity, and stay not getting involved with your deckhand when you have to work together for the rest of the season.

March 21, 2021 – Princess Removes a Splinter, The Commonwealth, the Eleventh Season & the Top


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

In a voiceover, Eugene tells us that he, Ezekiel, and Yumiko embarked on a journey to look for another civilization, and met Princess along the way. We flash back to that, and he says, arriving at the railyard, it appeared they’d missed their rendezvous. We see what look like a group of stormtroopers grabbing them, and Eugene says they found themselves in a nefarious pickle.

They stand back to back, hands up, and the soldiers take Yumiko. She tries to run back, yelling for them to leave Princess alone, but they grab her again, saying it’s her last chance. Yumiko yells, don’t hurt her, sh*theads! but they drag Princess away in the other direction. She’s thrown into a wooden boxcar so violently that she whacks her head on the far wall. She hears noise outside, and yells, what’s going on? She looks around, but the car is empty. She looks up to the ceiling, and sinks to the floor.

Princess tries to pry the door open, but no luck. She walks back, counting her steps in Spanish. She sees shadows of people outside, and remembers what happened. She recites the state capitals, and breathes a sigh of relief that she can still do it. She looks under an old tarp, but there’s nothing. She tries to look out the slats, but can only see part of the soldiers walking by.

She goes to the other side, and manages to pull off part of a slat, cutting her finger. She hears a voice say, Princess, are you there? and says, Yumiko? Yumiko tells her, shh. It’s her. She’s in the next car over. Princess says she’ll try to get to Yumiko, and asks her to move closer. She says she feels terrible, but she’s going make it up to Yumiko. She’s just got to find a way through the wall. She suggests Yumiko get the soldiers to come over there, so they can talk to them, but Yumiko says it’s a terrible idea. Princess says she has to do something. She says Yumiko sounds a little groggy. Did she hit her head? Yumiko says she did, and Princess asks, how bad? Is it bleeding? Yumiko tells Princess to calm down, but Princess says she can’t sit while Yumiko is hurt. Yumiko tells Princess, just do what she says, and Princess agrees, saying, sorry. It’s just that it’s dark and small. Can Yumiko still hear her? Yumiko says, yeah, and Princess says, stay awake. She’s going to try and get help, but keep talking. Princess picks at the wall, and tells Yumiko about an infection she got when she was 14, and had to stay home from school. There were some cool kids at school, and a girl who totally changed her life. Princess wonders where she is now, and blesses herself. She asks if Yumiko is still with her, but gets no answer. She says she nagged her mom, and her mom sent her back to school, but her finger got infected again. It swelled up like a birthday balloon; she felt like a swamp monster. Her stepdad wouldn’t let her eat at the table. He was mad, but she said he couldn’t push her away. It was her house first. He smacked her hard across her jaw. She told her mom, and asked if her mom was going to do something. Don’t send her out to eat by herself. Her mom said, don’t eat. She calls to Yumiko, but doesn’t hear anything. She tells Yumiko, wake up. Answer her. She hears someone, and yells that her friend needs help. She hears them come into Yumiko’s car, and asks where they’re taking her. Are they helping her? She’s told to shut up, and she starts to recite the state capitals again.

The soldiers walk outside of the boxcars, and Princess calls for Yumiko, asking if she’s back. There’s no response, and Princess walks the length of the car. She sees light coming through, and says, no way. She sees a loose board, and takes it off. There’s an opening bug enough for her to slide through, and she sees Eugene in the next car. He tells her, stop. Get back in. They’re making frequent checks. She tells him, they took Yumiko, and he suggests their potential benefactors are giving Yumiko assistance. Princess asks him to come with her, but he says, not a good idea. They’ll see what’s going on when they clear the process. Their metal is being tested. He’s sure the soldiers are required to keep them in good enough shape to talk. Princess says, this is bad sh*t, and he says, stop it. The soldiers walk past, and she slips around the back of the car, and watches them. They keep going, and she goes back to Eugene. He says, if they catch her, it could be disastrous. They’re in the middle of a fierce battle, and he’s being counted on to be a cross between Santa Claus and a guardian angel. They have to present themselves as being in allegiance. There’s no room for miscalculations. Don’t make things worse. She goes back into the car, and covers the opening.

The door opens, and a soldier tells Princess to come; hands up, move slow. She asks where they’re going, but he just says, walk.  

Princess is naked, and asks what they’re going to do to her. A soldier tells her, turn around, and she says, if he’s looking for bites, she doesn’t have any. She does have a splinter that’s driving her nuts. Can they take it out? She sits at a table, and works at the splinter, while the head soldier watches her from the other side. She says, please tell her why she’s there, and he says, start with her name. She doesn’t say anything, and he asks if she doesn’t know her name. She says, Princess, and he asks if she thinks this is a joke. She asks how her friend is. They’re helping her, right? He asks, how old is she? and she says, 28, 29. She could be 50. She’s lost track. He asks where she’s from, and she asks where she is. He says, okay, fine. Where was she when the fall happened? She asks why any of that is important? then says, Pittsburgh. Just tell her if they’re alive. He asks why they came there, and she says her friend hurt her head. He tells her that she’s avoiding the questions, and she says her friend might have a concussion. Just let her see… He says tell him about her friends. Start with the one she’s worried about. What’s her name? Princess asks why she’s there, and he says, the others; what are their names? She says, can’t he ask them that? and he says, tell him why they’re there. Where are they from? He gets up, and she asks what he wants. He says, they’re done. She says she gave him answers. Why can’t she see her friend? He says because she’s being a bitch, and Princess says she wants to see her friend. He whacks her across the face, and she falls to the floor. He says she should have answered.

Princess is back in the boxcar, and looks through the slat. She says, Yumiko? She’s so sorry. She tried to do like Yumiko said, and didn’t tell them anything. They kept grilling her, and asking what she knew about them, like she’s some kind of narc. Her friends… They used that word. She hears something, and listens where the opening is. She takes the board away, and slips out again. She looks into the next car, but Eugene is gone, and all she sees is his dousing rod on the floor. She hears the soldiers coming, and slips around the side, going back in the car, and replacing the board. She tries to get the image out of her head, and the car roof opens. Ezekiel looks in, and puts his finger to his lips. He drops down, and tells her, it took some maneuvering not to be spotted. She hugs him, and says, they got him too. He says, not the most fun interview he’s ever had. He tells her, they’ll be here soon, and she asks if he has any idea where the others are. Yumiko and Eugene are gone. He says he doesn’t know, but they’ll figure it out. They have to get out of there. She says, right now? and he says, no; next week. Yes, right now. She says she thinks they took Yumiko, and she didn’t do them any favors during the interview. He asks what she did, and she says, nothing… She got a little bit upset, and she might have… She hits her palm with her fist, and he says, the inquisition was aggressive. These people are toying with them. He tells her, let’s go, and asks, what’s wrong? She says she doesn’t think running will help, but Eugene said these people would help, and Ezekiel says he doesn’t know if they can be trusted. She asks if they can find a way out, but he doesn’t know. He tells her, it will be fine, but she says, nothing is fine. He can see something is wrong, and she says, d*ckhead nailed her over an old fracture, and she nurses her jaw. He examines it, and she says she’ll be okay. It healed fine every time before. He says, no one is going to hurt her anymore. Not while he’s there.

Ezekiel tells Princess, he’ll keep watch at the top for when they change the guards. She asks where Eugene is, and says, they can’t leave the rest of them. He asks if she thinks he doesn’t know that. They’re his friends. She says he doesn’t have to be an a-hole about it. She knows how to be friends with people, and was just trying to be helpful. He says, fear brings out the worst in them, as it just did in him. He apologizes, and they sit on the floor. He asks, what if Eugene trusted the wrong people this time? and Princess says, people suck. He says, they say one thing, and mean another. They tell you they love you… She says, and don’t act like it. People are a-holes, especially family. He says, not all families, but she says, most families. She just wants to do the right thing. He says he knows. They need a better plan. The door suddenly opens, and Ezekiel somehow makes himself scarce. A soldier brings in a plate of food, and Princess says, sorry about before. She didn’t mean to be difficult, but this is a little scary. The questions, the guns, the whole get-up. Ezekiel comes up behind the soldier, and knocks him out. Princess asks what the hell he just did, and Ezekiel closes the door.

Princess wonders what’s going to happen to them now. What about Yumiko and Eugene? This is not a better plan. He says, the opportunity presented itself, and he took it. Who cares? He’s here now. He takes the gun, the soldier rouses, and Ezekiel tells him, quiet. What did they do with their friends? The soldier says they don’t have to do this, and Princess tells Ezekiel to let her do the talking. She says, she just needs to  know her friend is okay. His boss said she’s getting help. Is she? He asks why she wouldn’t be. She’s probably with a medic. Ezekiel asks if they’re supposed to believe him, and the soldier says, for the benefit of all; and for all who seek solace. It’s what they stand for. She says they beat up her friend, and he says she doesn’t know that. What if it’s possible they’re not the bad guys? Just stay calm. She says, they’re locked in cars, and he says they can help. They have access to things that are valuable in times like these. She says, like food and medicine? but he tells her, he’s not saying yes, and he’s not saying no. They’re organized. Let them help. It’s why they came, right? She tells him, let’s say they’re actually helpful, even though they look like scary action figures come to life. What’s the point of messing with them? He tells her, this just standard protocol. They have paperwork to fill out. The place where they live is a good place, and it’s their job to keep the good people who live there safe. They have to be careful; they have a lot to lose. She says she gets that, but she still needs answers. Like a good will gesture. Where are her friends? He says he doesn’t know. His orders are to keep then fed until they’re ready. She says, for what? but he says he’s just a grunt. Three squares and a uniform. She has to believe him. He’s so green, the gun isn’t even loaded. He’s on probation, and this is going to get him fired, being snatched up by some chick. He tries to get away, and Ezekiel jumps him. He starts to pound on the soldier, and Princess tells him, stop. She says Ezekiel is going to kill him. Ezekiel keeps punching, and says, no one is going to hurt them anymore. Princess looks down, and sees the soldiers blood on her hands. She flashes back to everything that’s happened in this episode, and realizes she’s alone with the soldier.   

The soldier handcuffed in the car, Princess takes off running with his gun. She tries crawling under a fence, but the gun gets caught, and hangs her up. She remembers her friends, and turns around. She hears Ezekiel say, come on, girl. Get your sh*t together. Don’t be so hard on yourself. She looks back at the fence, and sees Ezekiel, standing between two zombies. He says, time waits for no one. They say we start dying the day we’re born. He tells her to come over there, but she says she doesn’t think she can. What about her friends? He says she met them a week ago. She says, that’s lifetime in apocalypse years. He says she’s learned to trust her instincts by now. She knows better than that. She looks at the splinter in her finger, and he says, she’s good on her own. She says she’s a superhero on her own. He says, so go on, and she says she wants to. He says, believe him. He knows it makes him like her like mom. She says her mom was a survivor, and he says, she was a monster. There are always monsters. She says she’s scared, and he says, everybody gets scared. His mom was like hers. They had to learn their lessons the hard way, and take their freedom. She says, not everyone is bad. Travis… She smiles, and says, Sammy and his people, and them. Ezekiel says, there are the stories you tell yourself, and then there’s the truth. She says, maybe, but they came back for her. She walks back to the cars, and we see there are only two zombies on the other side of the fence, yoked together, guarding it. She goes back into the boxcar.

She says she gets stressed at times, and the soldier asks who she’s talking to now. She says, him. She’s not crazy, if that’s what he’s thinking. There is the ADHD, anxiety, depression, crushing loneliness, an over-active imagination, and PTSD, but it helps her cope. Maybe it’s the only sane response to an insane world. Small dark spaces do bad things to her head. She doesn’t like them. He says, who does? and she says, screw him for judging. He says, he didn’t say anything, and she says, sorry. She doesn’t want mess anything else up. He says, then don’t, but she says she’d like to hold onto the gun a while longer, if it’s all same to him. He says, can she at least…? and holds out hands. She undoes the cuffs, and says, the splinter came out. He gets up, and she thanks him for not screaming. He says this isn’t exactly going to look good for him, and she asks if he’s really going to get busted. He says, what’s it to her? He’ll have to explain this, and he needs his rifle. She says maybe he could say he slipped, but he says, no. He screwed up, and he has to face the consequences. Then she and her friends can go back to whatever sh*tty part of the world they came from. She says there’s got to be a way they can help each other out, and he says he’s listening. She says, what if she answers his boss’s questions. Could she see her friends? He says, it’s not his call, and she says, fine. She just met them, and doesn’t now how old they are. Who cares? If you’re alive during the apocalypse, you’re 150 years old anyway. She doesn’t know where they’re from; nowhere and everywhere probably, like everyone else. She’s from Pittsburgh by way of San Juan. Do days and countries exist or even matter anymore? They had been on the road for a week. They had wheels for a while, then walked; that’s how they got there. He asks why she’s there, and she says, to be with them. Their names are Eugene, Yumiko, and Ezekiel. He already knew her name; it’s really Princess. He says, good, and  thanks her. She gives him the rifle back, and he says, see? It didn’t have to be hard. The rules are simple, and the questions are routine. People complicate them. They just need to know she can play ball with them. He puts his helmet back on, and she asks when she can see her friends. He says, right now, and yells he’s got her; let’s go. He opens the door, and she sees Eugene, Yumiko, and Ezekiel kneeling, flanked by soldiers, and wearing hoods over their heads. The soldier slips a hood over Princess’s head.  

Next time, another Carol and Daryl adventure. Daryl tells Carol that he’s staying a while longer, and they wish each other good luck. They go in different directions, but Dog goes with Carol.

🏙 Friend Or Foe…?

What role with the Commonwealth play?

⚰️  All About Eleven…



And Mercer.

🌠 Here Comes Another One…

I hope the weekend brought you something different, or you at least binged a good show. I checked out Showtime’s Your Honor (On Demand), and it was well worth it. Bryan Cranston stars as a judge who has to make a tough decision about his son, who’s been involved in a hit-and-run. It will make you question the lengths you’d go to protect someone you loved. As we move on through March, remember to stay safe, stay attentive, and stay giving a sane response to an insane world, whatever that may be for you.

March 19, 2021 – Cyrus Drops A Bombshell Through Peter, Liz’s 3 Sons, a Reunion, Brytni’s Five, Celebs O’Celebrating, a Villain’s Goodbye, Post Award Fashion, Not So Happily, Amish Now, an Adoption, VanderSpeaks, Double Septuple Quotes & World


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny walks into the Tan-O, looking disheveled. Phyllis says he’s been gone all day. She was starting to worry. Where’d he disappear to? He says he’s sorry. He had something very important to take care of.

Carly knocks on Elizabeth’s door, but Elizabeth says, it’s not a good time. Carly says she’ll keep it brief, and Elizabeth lets her in. Carly asks if the kids are there, and Elizabeth says, no. Why? Carly says she doesn’t want them to hear and get upset, although they’re going to find out soon enough. Jason was arrested for Franco’s murder.

Finn moons over a picture of him and Anna, when Chase walks into his office. Chase asks if it’s a bad time, but Finn says, no; never. Chase says he knows he could have handled things better, and shouldn’t have stormed off after they got the results. Finn says, none of this is Chase’s fault. Chase doesn’t have to apologize or explain anything. He has a lot to process. Chase says, they both did, but Finn isn’t his brother. Finn is his biological father.

Cyrus says it seems Jackie has had a busy week, and plops down across from her at the MetroCourt. She says she doesn’t have time to play games. Get lost. Cyrus urges her to reconsider, when Robert puts his hand on Cyrus’s shoulder, and says he thinks Cyrus is sitting in his seat.

Olivia opens the door to Ned, who thanks her for having him over. He didn’t think he’d be hearing from her again so soon. She says, hear her out, and he says he just wants her to know how glad he is that they’re at least talking. He knows they have a lot to work through… She says, it’s not about them. She needs to talk to him about his daughter.

Outside Kelly’s, Nina tells Valentin that she needs to get out of Port Charles for a while. He asks, why? What happened? Talk to him. She tells him, don’t make it any harder. Just tell Charlotte that she loves her. He says he does, every night, and she says he’s a great father. She puts her hand on his cheek, and leaves. He runs into Brook on his way out, and asks when she got back to Port Charles. She says she just hit town, and he says it’s great to see her; they have a lot to catch up on. She says he has no idea.

At Kelly’s, Sam calls Spinelli. She says she needs him to find Maxie. She’s afraid Maxie is meeting with Peter… Maxie is with him? If she didn’t text Peter, then who did?

Dante stands by Nathan’s grave, and takes out his gun. Peter runs in, and asks, where’s Maxie? She texted him to meet her there. Dante says, Maxie didn’t text Peter. He did. Peter says, Dante texted him from Maxie’s phone? Why? Dante says it was the easiest way to get Peter there, and Peter asks why Dante wants him there. Dante aims his gun at Peter, and says, to complete the mission.

Chase says, when Finn opened the test results, he didn’t know what to expect. Part of him hoped it was just some horrible misunderstanding that the dad he grew up with wasn’t his actual father. But the DNA test results show otherwise. Finn says he hasn’t always had the best experience with test results from the lab at GH. With Chase’s permission, he’d like to run another paternity test with someone he knows at the lab at Mercy Hospital. Chase says it’s Finn’s call. Does he think the results will change? Finn says he doesn’t know, but thinks it’s worth exhausting all their options, just to eliminate any doubt. Chase says if it makes Finn feel better, and Finn says, if it’s any consolation, it blindsided him too. He believed in his heart, Chase was his brother, but dad will always be Chase’s father. It’s up to Chase. Maybe this doesn’t have to change their relationship. Chase says he can’t keep pretending Finn is his brother. Everything he counted on, everything he thought he knew about his family, is wrong. He thinks differently now, and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Finn says, him neither.

Valentin says he was almost going to call Brook the other day. They’ve had some positive strides at Deception, and he wondered if she wanted to be included. She says it’s sweet of him to think of her, but her voice hasn’t fully recovered yet, and it may never recover. He says he doesn’t know if he can offer her consolation for a lost singing career, but she’s very good, and very creative, and very good at thinking outside the box. She says, not everyone views those qualities in a positive light, and thanks him. He says he thinks she’d make a good manager, if she’s interested, and wants to put in the hours. She says she’d love to, but she has other plans at the moment. She turns to go, and he says, wait a minute. Is she avoiding him? She says, obviously she’s trying to, but it’s not working. She tells him that she might as well get this over with, and opens her coat. He laughs.

Olivia tells Ned that Brook is back in Port Charles, and he asks if she’s seen Brook. She says, Brook spent last night at the house, but she didn’t know anything about it, until she saw Brook this morning. He wonders why Brook wouldn’t call him, and Olivia says, she was probably trying to delay the reunion. She’s got some news. He asks, what kind of news? and Olivia tells him, it’s not her place to say. He says, this is Brook Lynn they’re talking about. The more advance warning, the better. She promises Brook isn’t in any jeopardy, but she thought them being under the same roof increased their chances of coming face to face. He says she’s still looking out for him, in spite of everything, and she asks if he thought she wouldn’t.

Phyllis asks if Sonny wants to talk about it, and he asks if the coffee is fresh. She says, it is, and she’ll be happy to pour him a cup, as soon as he assures her that he’s taking his medication. He says, like clockwork, and she says she’s sorry if she seems intrusive, but he’s still getting used to the prescription. When he’s gone all day, and shows up looking… exhausted… He says he appreciates her worrying, but it has nothing to do with his health. He didn’t get in any kind of trouble. He was playing poker, trying to win enough money to get his rings back.

Elizabeth tells Carly, she literally just got back from Franco’s memorial, and starts to open the door. Carly says, it must have been incredibly painful. Sonny’s was for her. Elizabeth closes the door again, and says she knows Carly has also suffered a devastating loss, but she doesn’t want to fight. Carly says, then let’s not fight. She knows Elizabeth wants justice for Franco, and she knows Jason is innocent. Elizabeth says, the police disagree, and Carly says, because they’re acting on bad information, some of which they got from Elizabeth. Elizabeth says her statement was accurate. She told them exactly what she saw the night Franco was shot. Franco was lying on the ground, and bleeding from his chest, from a gunshot wound, and Jason was kneeling over him. Carly asks if Jason had a gun, and Elizabeth says, Jason always has a gun. Carly asks if Elizabeth saw Jason with a gun, and Elizabeth says, no. Carly asks if it’s possible Jason found Franco lying there, and was kneeling beside Franco to check his pulse. Elizabeth says, no. Jason would never help Franco. Carly asks how Elizabeth knows that? How does she know what happened before she got there? Why is she so sure Jason is guilty?

Peter backs away from Dante, and asks what Dante is doing. Dante says, isolated spot, no witnesses. He doubts anyone will know Peter was there or wonder where he is, because he has no friends left anymore. Peter says he’s never done anything to Dante, but Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie.

Valentin says, Brook is pregnant, and she says he’s very observant. He asks if he’s the father, and she says he cuts right to the chase. He says, yes or no? and she says they had a one-night stand that turned out to be more memorable than either of them expected. He asks why she didn’t tell him. He could have offered to help, offered support. She tells him to slow his roll. They had one night together and it was just for fun. She doesn’t want him bound to her or this baby. He says, it’s a little late for that. Assuming he’s the father, he has every bit as much responsibility as she does. He’s not letting her go through this by herself.   

Ned asks Olivia if there’s any way to make it right between them, but she says she can’t get into it now. He says, if not now, when? They’ve seen each other three times since it went down. She says she doesn’t know how to go forward, but if they’re able to put the marriage together, it won’t be the same marriage. He asks what she means, and she says, they’ve changed. She’s watched him become more cutthroat in business, especially where family members are concerned. Ned says he’s made some decisions he regrets, and Olivia says, it’s not a judgement. She’s not saying ambition is a bad thing. She’s just surprised ELQ became his prime focus in life. He asks how she’s changed, and she says she would hope he’s seen it for himself. When she gave up hope that Dante was coming home, she was devastated, but at the same time, it opened up her life in a way she never would have imagined. For the first time in years, she could see herself as her own person again; not just an appendage, or Dante and Leo’s mother, or… He says, or his wife. She says it gave her a chance to rediscover the Olivia who took big chances, who leaped before she looked. She got to see new parts of the world, and got in trouble. He says he can’t help but notice all this happened when she was with Robert.

Cyrus gets up, and Robert takes the seat. Robert says Cyrus is going to have to move along. He doesn’t want to be accused of loitering. Cyrus says he’s glad Jackie is speaking to her lawyers. She’ll be hearing from his soon, regarding his mother. He leaves, and Robert asks if she’s all right. She says Cyrus doesn’t intimidate her, and he says he’s not talking about Cyrus. She asks if he talked to Anna, and he says, Anna kind of filled in the gaps in that chaos of a wedding. She says, then he knows her secret. The secret she’s been keeping all these years. He says he’s not one to make a judgement call, but it’s too bad she went through it alone. She asks who would have been there to help? Gregory? Finn? Her son? Robert says, how about him? but she says he was halfway around the world when she got pregnant. She couldn’t call him long distance – remember long distance? And even if she’d reached out, what could he have done? Robert says he’d like to think he would have listened back then, but he can certainly listen now. In some ways, he feels closer to her than he ever did.  

Chase says, ever since he can remember, he wanted a relationship with his older brother. He finally got one, and now it’s gone. Finn isn’t who he thought at all. Finn says Chase is absolutely right. Their relationship can’t ever be the same, but maybe they can figure out how it can work now. Chase says, it’s not a bad idea, but even if they push past this awkwardness, how can he treat Finn as a dad and not betray the dad he knows?  

Peter tells Dante that he loves Maxie. Maxie is carrying his child. He would never hurt her. Dante says Maxie is better off without Peter, and Peter says Dante is suffering from PTSD, and not in his right mind. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Peter asks who gave him the mission? Peter backs up and trips, falling to the ground. Dante stands over him with the gun, when Sam runs in, and says, stop!

Brook tells Valentin, it’s her pregnancy, and she doesn’t want him involved. She didn’t intend to make a child, but thanks him for his initial contribution. She’ll take it from here. He says her decisions about her body are her own, but when the baby is born, they’re his too. He wants a role in the baby’s life, and it’s not up for negotiation. She says, if he has any role in this child’s life, it will be on her terms. Now if he’ll excuse her… He says they’re not done, and she says she’ll call him.

Phyllis says she didn’t notice that Sonny’s rings were gone, and he says she’s had a few things on her mind. She says he sold them to buy his way into the game? and he says he pawned them. She says, then he used his winnings to save the Tan-O. He says he’s happy to do it, and she says she’s happy he did, but he didn’t have to give them everything. He should have kept something to buy his rings back. He says he didn’t think he needed to. He was going to play again, but the boys learned from their mistakes, and took it out on him. He barely broke even. She says she’s sorry, but he says she doesn’t need to be. That’s how the game is played. She says he can’t lose his rings. Besides his watch, they’re the only thing connecting him to his past.

Elizabeth tells Carly, Franco made a mistake, and asked Jason to kill him. That night, Franco was agitated. Carly asks, how agitated? but Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. Sam and Dante said Franco was at the MetroCourt looking for Jason, and Franco said to tell Jason, I’m still me. Does Carly know what that means? Carly says it sounds like Elizabeth does, and Elizabeth says, it means Franco knew he wasn’t a threat, and didn’t want Jason to kill him, but Jason didn’t care. He tracked Franco to the art studio, and shot him anyway. Carly says, if Jason had been responsible, there would be no evidence, and probably not even a body. Franco would have disappeared without a trace. Elizabeth says she’s sure that was what was supposed to happen, but then she showed up. Carly says, and she’s determined to blame Jason. Elizabeth says, Jason did it. She begged him not to. Franco had told her about their horrific deal, and she confronted Jason, telling him it was unnecessary, but he wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t call it off. Carly says the reason why she knows Jason didn’t kill Franco is because Elizabeth knew. Jason would never put Elizabeth and Jake in that position, and Elizabeth knows that.

Sam tells Dante, stop; don’t do this. What’s going on? Peter tells her, call the police, but she says she’s not talking to him. She tells Dante, it’s her, Sam. What is he doing? Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie and the baby. He has to protect them and keep them safe. Sam agrees Peter deserves to pay, but not like this. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Sam asks if someone ordered him to kill Peter. Dante says, this is justice for Maxie and Drew, but Sam says justice is for Peter to be arrested, stand trial, and spend the rest of his life in prison. That’s what Peter deserves, not Dante. Don’t throw his life away because of Peter.

Sam tells Dante, think about it. Everyone loses if he pulls the trigger; his mom, his brothers, his son. Think about Rocco. Rocco needs a father, and Dante is all he has. Dante flashes back to holding baby Rocco, and Sam asks, isn’t Rocco more important than his mission? Dante lowers the gun, and she says, it’s okay, taking it from him. She tells Peter, he dodged a bullet. Get out. Peter says that crazy bastard tried to kill him. He’s not getting away with it. He leaves, and Dante asks where Peter is. Sam says, he’s gone; he took off running. Is Dante okay? He says, she stopped him, and she says, someone had to.

Sonny says, pawning his rings was the only way to buy into the game, and the only shot he had at getting the money they needed to hold on to the Tan-O. Phyllis asks, since when is it his job to save their business? and he says, is she kidding him? After everything they’ve done for him, he wants to repay them in a small way. She laughs, and says, small? They didn’t want to sell, but it might have been for the best. The closest thing they have to family are the strays she takes under her wing, like him and Elijah. She’d like to know the Tan-O is in good hands when they’re six feet under.

Carly tells Elizabeth, forget about the bargain and the circumstantial evidence. Think about the Jason she knows. He’d never hurt her or Jake by killing Franco. Elizabeth says, he knew the tumor was back, and was convinced Franco was a threat. In his mind, killing Franco was protecting them. Carly asks if that’s what was going through Elizabeth’s mind when she saw Jason, what shaped her perspective. Is it possible she saw what she expected to see? Think about it. Can’t she see Jason was just trying to help Franco, and not hurt him? Elizabeth asks if this is where Carly tells her to change her statement, and say she saw what she didn’t. She’s not perjuring herself. Carly says, someone already has that handled.

Olivia says, not this again. For the millionth time, nothing is going on between her and Robert. Ned is projecting his infidelities on her. He says, she’s right. His actions tore them apart, and he regrets it every minute of every day, but he’s starting to wonder if that’s why they can’t move past this, and the other problems in their marriage that they weren’t able to recognize until now. She says, such as? and he says she was a brilliant first lady of Port Charles, and an equally brilliant wife and mother. It never occurred to him that while he was relying on her to do everything she does to run the house, support the family, and stand by his side, he might also be holding her back, while maybe another man was allowing her to soar.

Brook walks into the Quartermaine mansion, and asks if Michael is still there. Ned comes out, and says, Brook. She says, hi, and he says, she’s … is that? She nods, and says, congratulations. He’s going to be a grandpa.  

Jackie tells Robert, if the last few days showed her anything, it’s that she has a lot of soul searching to do, and a lot to figure out. She’s a walking cliché; a professional success, but her personal life is a disaster. He thinks she’s exaggerating, but she says, especially where Gregory is concerned. He’s a good man. They loved each other, and she left his life in tatters. Robert says it sounds like she needs a friend.

Finn says, Gregory will always be the man who raised Chase. He wouldn’t change that if he could. He wonders where that leaves them, but Chase doesn’t know. He just thought it was fair to tell Finn what was going through his head. He owes Finn that much. Finn says, it means a lot that Chase came to see him, and that they’re still talking. Both of their phones ding. They look at their phones, and then look at each other.

Robert tells Jackie, most of his exes can attest that he was a lousy father, but a good friend. He’s offering himself in that capacity as of now. She thanks him, and says, it means more than he knows. He asks what she’s drinking, and she says, scotch, of course (🍷). He thinks he’ll join her, and her phone dings. She sees a headline in The Invader, asking, Who’s the Daddy? along with photos of her, Chase, Finn, and Gregory, and an article about the paternity test.

Ned says, a baby? and Brook asks if he’s disappointed. He says, never. He’s surprised, very surprised. Why didn’t she say anything? She says, for the same reason she left. She needed to find a way to prove herself on her own. He says he was incredibly unfair, but she says she was unfair to him too. Face it. They’re a lot alike, in both good and not so good ways. She needed time and distance to figure out her life. After her singing career stopped, everything changed. He asks if the baby’s father is in the picture, and she says, about that. He might want to sit down.

Jackie goes to Finn’s office, and he and Chase just look at her. She asks if they saw, and then guesses they did. Chase says, the article in The Invader? They saw it, along with most of Port Charles. She says she had no idea, and Finn says, another one for the tight security at GH. She says she’s going to have Peter’s head on a pike. I tell her, get in line, and Chase says she’s got to love the irony.

Carly tells Elizabeth, the witness claims they saw Jason put the gun in the garbage shoot. The PCPD retrieved the gun, and there were no prints on it, but the pegged it as the murder weapon. Elizabeth says, that proves Jason is guilty, but Carly says, think about the Jason she knows. He’d never panic, or get sloppy, or drop incriminating evidence in a garbage shoot where the victim was. Elizabeth says Jason didn’t expect her to show up, but Carly says, the witness lying; it’s a set up. Elizabeth can’t see it because she’s determined to blame Jason. (BTW, my bad yesterday for calling it a laundry shoot. To throw the gun in there would have been stupider than Jason being the one to throw it.)

Sonny asks if Phyllis and Lenny never had kids, and Phyllis says they had a baby girl a long time ago. She only lived a few days, but they loved her a lot. Losing her was terrible, indescribable. They wanted another child, but they were afraid, so they kept trying to put it off. They kept putting it off, and next thing they knew, too much time had passed. He says he’s sorry, and she says, don’t be. She and Lenny have a good life, besides, it left room in her heart for strays like him. Sonny says, a lot of people think she’s crazy for taking him in, and she says, everyone can keep their opinions to themselves. What about him? Does he think he has children out there?

Sam asks what Dante was thinking, going after Peter? He says he wasn’t, and Sam says Dante was going to shoot Peter, and Dante says he wasn’t thinking. In his head, he had to eliminate Peter. It was like he was outside himself, watching it happen. He holds his head, and says they told him he was better. He spent time in the Geneva facility, and they told him he was better. They told him that he’s recovered, but he’s not. He thinks he needs help; he’s scared. She takes his hand, and says, it’s okay. They’ll get him some help. He clutches her hand.

On the phone, Valentin tells Martin that he wants to meet. There have been unexpected developments that require Martin’s expertise.

Brook tells Ned, she crashed on Chase’s couch, but he’s completely in love with Willow. She flirted with Dustin, but it was nothing, and now she feels doubly guilty. He asks what she’s not telling him, and she says he already knows some of it. They had that hideous fight, and she was feeling reckless and misunderstood. She ended up commiserating with Valentin. He says, stop. Valentin is the father of the baby? She says, get it over with. Be as mad as he needs to. He says he’s not mad, and she says, disappointed. He says he’s not mad or disappointed. He’s thrilled to be a grandfather, and thrilled she’s going to be a mother. She says, but he’s less than thrilled about the father? He says he finds it concerning that Valentin, the man who orchestrated a hostile takeover, and manipulated their family to do it, is now tied to the same family through her baby. She says she gets it, but he has to trust her. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

Olivia sees Robert at the MetroCourt, and tells him that she and Ned are trying to talk, but it’s slow going. One step forward, six back. He says he’s sorry, and she says, her too. She wants to move forward, but she’s stuck. She can’t get past him having cheated. He says he had his suspicions at Thanksgiving when Ned and Alexis had their heads together. He should have said something then, but he didn’t want to make trouble, and figured she was smart enough to figure it out for herself. She thanks him, and he says, you’re welcome… for what? She says giving her credit for being as strong as she knows she is. He says he’s seen her as a spy. It was a game changer. She laughs, and he says, as it turns out, his table for two shrunk to a table for one. Does she care to join him? She says, sounds perfect.

Chase says Jackie’s whole career has been uncovering secrets. She says her gold standard is truth and integrity, but it’s secretly her own double-standard. Jackie suggests they talk, but Chase says he’s all talked out, and leaves. Jackie asks if Finn thinks Chase will ever forgive her, and he says he doesn’t know, but he’s entitled to feel what he wants to feel, including anger. She has to give him time. She says, this is exactly what she was afraid of when Finn wanted the DNA test; they’d have to brave a whole new world. But now that the whole world knows, are they any better off?

Cyrus says Peter seems worse for the wear, and Peter says, there’s a reason for that. Cyrus asks if he’d care to elaborate. Peter asks if he has Cyrus’s assurance that his witness will hold up, and Cyrus says, they will. Now Peter has kept his end of the bargain. Peter says he doesn’t blame Cyrus for wanting payback. He’s lucky Jackie had a family scandal waiting to be exposed. Cyrus remembers calling the lab and saying there’s a DNA test that’s of interest to him. Make sure the results show what he wants them to show. Cyrus tells Peter, since they’ve entered this mutually beneficial arrangement, he should know Cyrus makes his own luck.   

Sam brings Dante to the hospital, and asks the reception nurse to call Doc. It’s important. It’s about his son-in-law.  

Carly says, Elizabeth wanted Jason to forget Franco’s past. She wanted the tumor to be the cause of everything, and wanted Jason to forget and forgive the horrible things Franco did, but he wouldn’t. Elizabeth says, no, he wouldn’t, even when Franco turned his life around. Even when Franco helped Jake heal, and got Carly out of Ferncliff. Even when Franco married her, and made her happy. Jason hated Franco, and the first chance he got, Jason killed him. Carly says it doesn’t matter how bad Elizabeth needs to believe it; she’s wrong. But someone killed Franco, and as long as she clings to the lie that Jason did it, she’s helping whoever did, get away with it. She leaves, and Elizabeth closes the door.    

Sonny tells Phyllis, he doesn’t remember anyone, except in his dream. He doesn’t know what his life was before. He just hopes no one thinks he took off on them, but he doesn’t want to go there. Why worry about something he doesn’t have the answers to? She says he was out all night. Maybe he wants to grab a nap before they open. He says he thinks he’ll take her up on that. She laughs, and says, sweet dreams. He goes upstairs, and she hears the door. She says, sorry; they’re not open yet. Nina walks in, and says, surprise! Phyllis runs to her, and they hug.    

On Monday, Michael tells Chase that he knows what’s going on, Brook has a plan, and Nina tells Phyllis it was more complicated than she realized.

👨‍👨‍👦 In Case You’re Confused…

I just forget on a regular basis.

🕍 Return To Carrington Manor…

I’d like to see her return to Port Charles already.

🤸🏾‍♀️ Fun With Brytni…

I miss her on GH, but it was nice to see her on HAHN.

🍀 They’re Just O’Like Us…

If you consider it a real holiday.

💣 Bye To a Baddie…

In addition to his many characters, he twirled a moustache on GH.

👠 After the Party’s Over…

The real fashion comes out.

🐸 Not Again…

I thought Tinsley had finally gotten her fairytale ending, but her prince turned out to be a frog.

🐎 New Amish, Who Dis…?

Returning to those who returned.

🐶 Lucky Dog…

And she’s lucky too. Rescue pups seem to know they’ve been rescued.

💋 LVP Speaks…

FYI, Vivica Fox and Trixie Mattel will be guests on Overserved.

🤖 Quotes of the Week

Until you’re impersonated, nothing about you is different. – Bette Davis

De Blasio just said, now is not the time for profiteering. Does that mean there is a time?Me on Facebook 3/16/2020

It’s shady enough that you can have a picnic under it.Dr. Phil

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

Maybe part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, that were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy. – Neil deGrasse Tyson

There’s no such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom.Paulo Freire

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills

Don’t worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth. – Dorothy Day

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time. – Laurie Halse Anderson

Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy. – Roy T. Bennett

If you come back here again, I’ll beat your ass with a Kindle. – Wanda Sykes, Jexi

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. – Voltaire

👜 Packing It In…

We’re off to another weekend, and for some of us, it’s actually starting to feel like one. No matter what, change it up once a week, on whatever day you want it to be. And while you’re at it, stay safe, stay adding new things to the menu, and stay not having a family scandal ready to be exposed. Do it yourself.