Tag Archives: St. Patrick’s Day

March 19, 2021 – Cyrus Drops A Bombshell Through Peter, Liz’s 3 Sons, a Reunion, Brytni’s Five, Celebs O’Celebrating, a Villain’s Goodbye, Post Award Fashion, Not So Happily, Amish Now, an Adoption, VanderSpeaks, Double Septuple Quotes & World


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny walks into the Tan-O, looking disheveled. Phyllis says he’s been gone all day. She was starting to worry. Where’d he disappear to? He says he’s sorry. He had something very important to take care of.

Carly knocks on Elizabeth’s door, but Elizabeth says, it’s not a good time. Carly says she’ll keep it brief, and Elizabeth lets her in. Carly asks if the kids are there, and Elizabeth says, no. Why? Carly says she doesn’t want them to hear and get upset, although they’re going to find out soon enough. Jason was arrested for Franco’s murder.

Finn moons over a picture of him and Anna, when Chase walks into his office. Chase asks if it’s a bad time, but Finn says, no; never. Chase says he knows he could have handled things better, and shouldn’t have stormed off after they got the results. Finn says, none of this is Chase’s fault. Chase doesn’t have to apologize or explain anything. He has a lot to process. Chase says, they both did, but Finn isn’t his brother. Finn is his biological father.

Cyrus says it seems Jackie has had a busy week, and plops down across from her at the MetroCourt. She says she doesn’t have time to play games. Get lost. Cyrus urges her to reconsider, when Robert puts his hand on Cyrus’s shoulder, and says he thinks Cyrus is sitting in his seat.

Olivia opens the door to Ned, who thanks her for having him over. He didn’t think he’d be hearing from her again so soon. She says, hear her out, and he says he just wants her to know how glad he is that they’re at least talking. He knows they have a lot to work through… She says, it’s not about them. She needs to talk to him about his daughter.

Outside Kelly’s, Nina tells Valentin that she needs to get out of Port Charles for a while. He asks, why? What happened? Talk to him. She tells him, don’t make it any harder. Just tell Charlotte that she loves her. He says he does, every night, and she says he’s a great father. She puts her hand on his cheek, and leaves. He runs into Brook on his way out, and asks when she got back to Port Charles. She says she just hit town, and he says it’s great to see her; they have a lot to catch up on. She says he has no idea.

At Kelly’s, Sam calls Spinelli. She says she needs him to find Maxie. She’s afraid Maxie is meeting with Peter… Maxie is with him? If she didn’t text Peter, then who did?

Dante stands by Nathan’s grave, and takes out his gun. Peter runs in, and asks, where’s Maxie? She texted him to meet her there. Dante says, Maxie didn’t text Peter. He did. Peter says, Dante texted him from Maxie’s phone? Why? Dante says it was the easiest way to get Peter there, and Peter asks why Dante wants him there. Dante aims his gun at Peter, and says, to complete the mission.

Chase says, when Finn opened the test results, he didn’t know what to expect. Part of him hoped it was just some horrible misunderstanding that the dad he grew up with wasn’t his actual father. But the DNA test results show otherwise. Finn says he hasn’t always had the best experience with test results from the lab at GH. With Chase’s permission, he’d like to run another paternity test with someone he knows at the lab at Mercy Hospital. Chase says it’s Finn’s call. Does he think the results will change? Finn says he doesn’t know, but thinks it’s worth exhausting all their options, just to eliminate any doubt. Chase says if it makes Finn feel better, and Finn says, if it’s any consolation, it blindsided him too. He believed in his heart, Chase was his brother, but dad will always be Chase’s father. It’s up to Chase. Maybe this doesn’t have to change their relationship. Chase says he can’t keep pretending Finn is his brother. Everything he counted on, everything he thought he knew about his family, is wrong. He thinks differently now, and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Finn says, him neither.

Valentin says he was almost going to call Brook the other day. They’ve had some positive strides at Deception, and he wondered if she wanted to be included. She says it’s sweet of him to think of her, but her voice hasn’t fully recovered yet, and it may never recover. He says he doesn’t know if he can offer her consolation for a lost singing career, but she’s very good, and very creative, and very good at thinking outside the box. She says, not everyone views those qualities in a positive light, and thanks him. He says he thinks she’d make a good manager, if she’s interested, and wants to put in the hours. She says she’d love to, but she has other plans at the moment. She turns to go, and he says, wait a minute. Is she avoiding him? She says, obviously she’s trying to, but it’s not working. She tells him that she might as well get this over with, and opens her coat. He laughs.

Olivia tells Ned that Brook is back in Port Charles, and he asks if she’s seen Brook. She says, Brook spent last night at the house, but she didn’t know anything about it, until she saw Brook this morning. He wonders why Brook wouldn’t call him, and Olivia says, she was probably trying to delay the reunion. She’s got some news. He asks, what kind of news? and Olivia tells him, it’s not her place to say. He says, this is Brook Lynn they’re talking about. The more advance warning, the better. She promises Brook isn’t in any jeopardy, but she thought them being under the same roof increased their chances of coming face to face. He says she’s still looking out for him, in spite of everything, and she asks if he thought she wouldn’t.

Phyllis asks if Sonny wants to talk about it, and he asks if the coffee is fresh. She says, it is, and she’ll be happy to pour him a cup, as soon as he assures her that he’s taking his medication. He says, like clockwork, and she says she’s sorry if she seems intrusive, but he’s still getting used to the prescription. When he’s gone all day, and shows up looking… exhausted… He says he appreciates her worrying, but it has nothing to do with his health. He didn’t get in any kind of trouble. He was playing poker, trying to win enough money to get his rings back.

Elizabeth tells Carly, she literally just got back from Franco’s memorial, and starts to open the door. Carly says, it must have been incredibly painful. Sonny’s was for her. Elizabeth closes the door again, and says she knows Carly has also suffered a devastating loss, but she doesn’t want to fight. Carly says, then let’s not fight. She knows Elizabeth wants justice for Franco, and she knows Jason is innocent. Elizabeth says, the police disagree, and Carly says, because they’re acting on bad information, some of which they got from Elizabeth. Elizabeth says her statement was accurate. She told them exactly what she saw the night Franco was shot. Franco was lying on the ground, and bleeding from his chest, from a gunshot wound, and Jason was kneeling over him. Carly asks if Jason had a gun, and Elizabeth says, Jason always has a gun. Carly asks if Elizabeth saw Jason with a gun, and Elizabeth says, no. Carly asks if it’s possible Jason found Franco lying there, and was kneeling beside Franco to check his pulse. Elizabeth says, no. Jason would never help Franco. Carly asks how Elizabeth knows that? How does she know what happened before she got there? Why is she so sure Jason is guilty?

Peter backs away from Dante, and asks what Dante is doing. Dante says, isolated spot, no witnesses. He doubts anyone will know Peter was there or wonder where he is, because he has no friends left anymore. Peter says he’s never done anything to Dante, but Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie.

Valentin says, Brook is pregnant, and she says he’s very observant. He asks if he’s the father, and she says he cuts right to the chase. He says, yes or no? and she says they had a one-night stand that turned out to be more memorable than either of them expected. He asks why she didn’t tell him. He could have offered to help, offered support. She tells him to slow his roll. They had one night together and it was just for fun. She doesn’t want him bound to her or this baby. He says, it’s a little late for that. Assuming he’s the father, he has every bit as much responsibility as she does. He’s not letting her go through this by herself.   

Ned asks Olivia if there’s any way to make it right between them, but she says she can’t get into it now. He says, if not now, when? They’ve seen each other three times since it went down. She says she doesn’t know how to go forward, but if they’re able to put the marriage together, it won’t be the same marriage. He asks what she means, and she says, they’ve changed. She’s watched him become more cutthroat in business, especially where family members are concerned. Ned says he’s made some decisions he regrets, and Olivia says, it’s not a judgement. She’s not saying ambition is a bad thing. She’s just surprised ELQ became his prime focus in life. He asks how she’s changed, and she says she would hope he’s seen it for himself. When she gave up hope that Dante was coming home, she was devastated, but at the same time, it opened up her life in a way she never would have imagined. For the first time in years, she could see herself as her own person again; not just an appendage, or Dante and Leo’s mother, or… He says, or his wife. She says it gave her a chance to rediscover the Olivia who took big chances, who leaped before she looked. She got to see new parts of the world, and got in trouble. He says he can’t help but notice all this happened when she was with Robert.

Cyrus gets up, and Robert takes the seat. Robert says Cyrus is going to have to move along. He doesn’t want to be accused of loitering. Cyrus says he’s glad Jackie is speaking to her lawyers. She’ll be hearing from his soon, regarding his mother. He leaves, and Robert asks if she’s all right. She says Cyrus doesn’t intimidate her, and he says he’s not talking about Cyrus. She asks if he talked to Anna, and he says, Anna kind of filled in the gaps in that chaos of a wedding. She says, then he knows her secret. The secret she’s been keeping all these years. He says he’s not one to make a judgement call, but it’s too bad she went through it alone. She asks who would have been there to help? Gregory? Finn? Her son? Robert says, how about him? but she says he was halfway around the world when she got pregnant. She couldn’t call him long distance – remember long distance? And even if she’d reached out, what could he have done? Robert says he’d like to think he would have listened back then, but he can certainly listen now. In some ways, he feels closer to her than he ever did.  

Chase says, ever since he can remember, he wanted a relationship with his older brother. He finally got one, and now it’s gone. Finn isn’t who he thought at all. Finn says Chase is absolutely right. Their relationship can’t ever be the same, but maybe they can figure out how it can work now. Chase says, it’s not a bad idea, but even if they push past this awkwardness, how can he treat Finn as a dad and not betray the dad he knows?  

Peter tells Dante that he loves Maxie. Maxie is carrying his child. He would never hurt her. Dante says Maxie is better off without Peter, and Peter says Dante is suffering from PTSD, and not in his right mind. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Peter asks who gave him the mission? Peter backs up and trips, falling to the ground. Dante stands over him with the gun, when Sam runs in, and says, stop!

Brook tells Valentin, it’s her pregnancy, and she doesn’t want him involved. She didn’t intend to make a child, but thanks him for his initial contribution. She’ll take it from here. He says her decisions about her body are her own, but when the baby is born, they’re his too. He wants a role in the baby’s life, and it’s not up for negotiation. She says, if he has any role in this child’s life, it will be on her terms. Now if he’ll excuse her… He says they’re not done, and she says she’ll call him.

Phyllis says she didn’t notice that Sonny’s rings were gone, and he says she’s had a few things on her mind. She says he sold them to buy his way into the game? and he says he pawned them. She says, then he used his winnings to save the Tan-O. He says he’s happy to do it, and she says she’s happy he did, but he didn’t have to give them everything. He should have kept something to buy his rings back. He says he didn’t think he needed to. He was going to play again, but the boys learned from their mistakes, and took it out on him. He barely broke even. She says she’s sorry, but he says she doesn’t need to be. That’s how the game is played. She says he can’t lose his rings. Besides his watch, they’re the only thing connecting him to his past.

Elizabeth tells Carly, Franco made a mistake, and asked Jason to kill him. That night, Franco was agitated. Carly asks, how agitated? but Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. Sam and Dante said Franco was at the MetroCourt looking for Jason, and Franco said to tell Jason, I’m still me. Does Carly know what that means? Carly says it sounds like Elizabeth does, and Elizabeth says, it means Franco knew he wasn’t a threat, and didn’t want Jason to kill him, but Jason didn’t care. He tracked Franco to the art studio, and shot him anyway. Carly says, if Jason had been responsible, there would be no evidence, and probably not even a body. Franco would have disappeared without a trace. Elizabeth says she’s sure that was what was supposed to happen, but then she showed up. Carly says, and she’s determined to blame Jason. Elizabeth says, Jason did it. She begged him not to. Franco had told her about their horrific deal, and she confronted Jason, telling him it was unnecessary, but he wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t call it off. Carly says the reason why she knows Jason didn’t kill Franco is because Elizabeth knew. Jason would never put Elizabeth and Jake in that position, and Elizabeth knows that.

Sam tells Dante, stop; don’t do this. What’s going on? Peter tells her, call the police, but she says she’s not talking to him. She tells Dante, it’s her, Sam. What is he doing? Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie and the baby. He has to protect them and keep them safe. Sam agrees Peter deserves to pay, but not like this. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Sam asks if someone ordered him to kill Peter. Dante says, this is justice for Maxie and Drew, but Sam says justice is for Peter to be arrested, stand trial, and spend the rest of his life in prison. That’s what Peter deserves, not Dante. Don’t throw his life away because of Peter.

Sam tells Dante, think about it. Everyone loses if he pulls the trigger; his mom, his brothers, his son. Think about Rocco. Rocco needs a father, and Dante is all he has. Dante flashes back to holding baby Rocco, and Sam asks, isn’t Rocco more important than his mission? Dante lowers the gun, and she says, it’s okay, taking it from him. She tells Peter, he dodged a bullet. Get out. Peter says that crazy bastard tried to kill him. He’s not getting away with it. He leaves, and Dante asks where Peter is. Sam says, he’s gone; he took off running. Is Dante okay? He says, she stopped him, and she says, someone had to.

Sonny says, pawning his rings was the only way to buy into the game, and the only shot he had at getting the money they needed to hold on to the Tan-O. Phyllis asks, since when is it his job to save their business? and he says, is she kidding him? After everything they’ve done for him, he wants to repay them in a small way. She laughs, and says, small? They didn’t want to sell, but it might have been for the best. The closest thing they have to family are the strays she takes under her wing, like him and Elijah. She’d like to know the Tan-O is in good hands when they’re six feet under.

Carly tells Elizabeth, forget about the bargain and the circumstantial evidence. Think about the Jason she knows. He’d never hurt her or Jake by killing Franco. Elizabeth says, he knew the tumor was back, and was convinced Franco was a threat. In his mind, killing Franco was protecting them. Carly asks if that’s what was going through Elizabeth’s mind when she saw Jason, what shaped her perspective. Is it possible she saw what she expected to see? Think about it. Can’t she see Jason was just trying to help Franco, and not hurt him? Elizabeth asks if this is where Carly tells her to change her statement, and say she saw what she didn’t. She’s not perjuring herself. Carly says, someone already has that handled.

Olivia says, not this again. For the millionth time, nothing is going on between her and Robert. Ned is projecting his infidelities on her. He says, she’s right. His actions tore them apart, and he regrets it every minute of every day, but he’s starting to wonder if that’s why they can’t move past this, and the other problems in their marriage that they weren’t able to recognize until now. She says, such as? and he says she was a brilliant first lady of Port Charles, and an equally brilliant wife and mother. It never occurred to him that while he was relying on her to do everything she does to run the house, support the family, and stand by his side, he might also be holding her back, while maybe another man was allowing her to soar.

Brook walks into the Quartermaine mansion, and asks if Michael is still there. Ned comes out, and says, Brook. She says, hi, and he says, she’s … is that? She nods, and says, congratulations. He’s going to be a grandpa.  

Jackie tells Robert, if the last few days showed her anything, it’s that she has a lot of soul searching to do, and a lot to figure out. She’s a walking cliché; a professional success, but her personal life is a disaster. He thinks she’s exaggerating, but she says, especially where Gregory is concerned. He’s a good man. They loved each other, and she left his life in tatters. Robert says it sounds like she needs a friend.

Finn says, Gregory will always be the man who raised Chase. He wouldn’t change that if he could. He wonders where that leaves them, but Chase doesn’t know. He just thought it was fair to tell Finn what was going through his head. He owes Finn that much. Finn says, it means a lot that Chase came to see him, and that they’re still talking. Both of their phones ding. They look at their phones, and then look at each other.

Robert tells Jackie, most of his exes can attest that he was a lousy father, but a good friend. He’s offering himself in that capacity as of now. She thanks him, and says, it means more than he knows. He asks what she’s drinking, and she says, scotch, of course (🍷). He thinks he’ll join her, and her phone dings. She sees a headline in The Invader, asking, Who’s the Daddy? along with photos of her, Chase, Finn, and Gregory, and an article about the paternity test.

Ned says, a baby? and Brook asks if he’s disappointed. He says, never. He’s surprised, very surprised. Why didn’t she say anything? She says, for the same reason she left. She needed to find a way to prove herself on her own. He says he was incredibly unfair, but she says she was unfair to him too. Face it. They’re a lot alike, in both good and not so good ways. She needed time and distance to figure out her life. After her singing career stopped, everything changed. He asks if the baby’s father is in the picture, and she says, about that. He might want to sit down.

Jackie goes to Finn’s office, and he and Chase just look at her. She asks if they saw, and then guesses they did. Chase says, the article in The Invader? They saw it, along with most of Port Charles. She says she had no idea, and Finn says, another one for the tight security at GH. She says she’s going to have Peter’s head on a pike. I tell her, get in line, and Chase says she’s got to love the irony.

Carly tells Elizabeth, the witness claims they saw Jason put the gun in the garbage shoot. The PCPD retrieved the gun, and there were no prints on it, but the pegged it as the murder weapon. Elizabeth says, that proves Jason is guilty, but Carly says, think about the Jason she knows. He’d never panic, or get sloppy, or drop incriminating evidence in a garbage shoot where the victim was. Elizabeth says Jason didn’t expect her to show up, but Carly says, the witness lying; it’s a set up. Elizabeth can’t see it because she’s determined to blame Jason. (BTW, my bad yesterday for calling it a laundry shoot. To throw the gun in there would have been stupider than Jason being the one to throw it.)

Sonny asks if Phyllis and Lenny never had kids, and Phyllis says they had a baby girl a long time ago. She only lived a few days, but they loved her a lot. Losing her was terrible, indescribable. They wanted another child, but they were afraid, so they kept trying to put it off. They kept putting it off, and next thing they knew, too much time had passed. He says he’s sorry, and she says, don’t be. She and Lenny have a good life, besides, it left room in her heart for strays like him. Sonny says, a lot of people think she’s crazy for taking him in, and she says, everyone can keep their opinions to themselves. What about him? Does he think he has children out there?

Sam asks what Dante was thinking, going after Peter? He says he wasn’t, and Sam says Dante was going to shoot Peter, and Dante says he wasn’t thinking. In his head, he had to eliminate Peter. It was like he was outside himself, watching it happen. He holds his head, and says they told him he was better. He spent time in the Geneva facility, and they told him he was better. They told him that he’s recovered, but he’s not. He thinks he needs help; he’s scared. She takes his hand, and says, it’s okay. They’ll get him some help. He clutches her hand.

On the phone, Valentin tells Martin that he wants to meet. There have been unexpected developments that require Martin’s expertise.

Brook tells Ned, she crashed on Chase’s couch, but he’s completely in love with Willow. She flirted with Dustin, but it was nothing, and now she feels doubly guilty. He asks what she’s not telling him, and she says he already knows some of it. They had that hideous fight, and she was feeling reckless and misunderstood. She ended up commiserating with Valentin. He says, stop. Valentin is the father of the baby? She says, get it over with. Be as mad as he needs to. He says he’s not mad, and she says, disappointed. He says he’s not mad or disappointed. He’s thrilled to be a grandfather, and thrilled she’s going to be a mother. She says, but he’s less than thrilled about the father? He says he finds it concerning that Valentin, the man who orchestrated a hostile takeover, and manipulated their family to do it, is now tied to the same family through her baby. She says she gets it, but he has to trust her. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

Olivia sees Robert at the MetroCourt, and tells him that she and Ned are trying to talk, but it’s slow going. One step forward, six back. He says he’s sorry, and she says, her too. She wants to move forward, but she’s stuck. She can’t get past him having cheated. He says he had his suspicions at Thanksgiving when Ned and Alexis had their heads together. He should have said something then, but he didn’t want to make trouble, and figured she was smart enough to figure it out for herself. She thanks him, and he says, you’re welcome… for what? She says giving her credit for being as strong as she knows she is. He says he’s seen her as a spy. It was a game changer. She laughs, and he says, as it turns out, his table for two shrunk to a table for one. Does she care to join him? She says, sounds perfect.

Chase says Jackie’s whole career has been uncovering secrets. She says her gold standard is truth and integrity, but it’s secretly her own double-standard. Jackie suggests they talk, but Chase says he’s all talked out, and leaves. Jackie asks if Finn thinks Chase will ever forgive her, and he says he doesn’t know, but he’s entitled to feel what he wants to feel, including anger. She has to give him time. She says, this is exactly what she was afraid of when Finn wanted the DNA test; they’d have to brave a whole new world. But now that the whole world knows, are they any better off?

Cyrus says Peter seems worse for the wear, and Peter says, there’s a reason for that. Cyrus asks if he’d care to elaborate. Peter asks if he has Cyrus’s assurance that his witness will hold up, and Cyrus says, they will. Now Peter has kept his end of the bargain. Peter says he doesn’t blame Cyrus for wanting payback. He’s lucky Jackie had a family scandal waiting to be exposed. Cyrus remembers calling the lab and saying there’s a DNA test that’s of interest to him. Make sure the results show what he wants them to show. Cyrus tells Peter, since they’ve entered this mutually beneficial arrangement, he should know Cyrus makes his own luck.   

Sam brings Dante to the hospital, and asks the reception nurse to call Doc. It’s important. It’s about his son-in-law.  

Carly says, Elizabeth wanted Jason to forget Franco’s past. She wanted the tumor to be the cause of everything, and wanted Jason to forget and forgive the horrible things Franco did, but he wouldn’t. Elizabeth says, no, he wouldn’t, even when Franco turned his life around. Even when Franco helped Jake heal, and got Carly out of Ferncliff. Even when Franco married her, and made her happy. Jason hated Franco, and the first chance he got, Jason killed him. Carly says it doesn’t matter how bad Elizabeth needs to believe it; she’s wrong. But someone killed Franco, and as long as she clings to the lie that Jason did it, she’s helping whoever did, get away with it. She leaves, and Elizabeth closes the door.    

Sonny tells Phyllis, he doesn’t remember anyone, except in his dream. He doesn’t know what his life was before. He just hopes no one thinks he took off on them, but he doesn’t want to go there. Why worry about something he doesn’t have the answers to? She says he was out all night. Maybe he wants to grab a nap before they open. He says he thinks he’ll take her up on that. She laughs, and says, sweet dreams. He goes upstairs, and she hears the door. She says, sorry; they’re not open yet. Nina walks in, and says, surprise! Phyllis runs to her, and they hug.    

On Monday, Michael tells Chase that he knows what’s going on, Brook has a plan, and Nina tells Phyllis it was more complicated than she realized.

👨‍👨‍👦 In Case You’re Confused…

I just forget on a regular basis.

🕍 Return To Carrington Manor…

I’d like to see her return to Port Charles already.

🤸🏾‍♀️ Fun With Brytni…

I miss her on GH, but it was nice to see her on HAHN.

🍀 They’re Just O’Like Us…

If you consider it a real holiday.

💣 Bye To a Baddie…

In addition to his many characters, he twirled a moustache on GH.

👠 After the Party’s Over…

The real fashion comes out.



🐸 Not Again…

I thought Tinsley had finally gotten her fairytale ending, but her prince turned out to be a frog.





🐎 New Amish, Who Dis…?

Returning to those who returned.



🐶 Lucky Dog…

And she’s lucky too. Rescue pups seem to know they’ve been rescued.


💋 LVP Speaks…

FYI, Vivica Fox and Trixie Mattel will be guests on Overserved.


🤖 Quotes of the Week

Until you’re impersonated, nothing about you is different. – Bette Davis

De Blasio just said, now is not the time for profiteering. Does that mean there is a time?Me on Facebook 3/16/2020

It’s shady enough that you can have a picnic under it.Dr. Phil

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

Maybe part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, that were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy. – Neil deGrasse Tyson

There’s no such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom.Paulo Freire

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills

Don’t worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth. – Dorothy Day

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time. – Laurie Halse Anderson

Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy. – Roy T. Bennett

If you come back here again, I’ll beat your ass with a Kindle. – Wanda Sykes, Jexi

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. – Voltaire

👜 Packing It In…

We’re off to another weekend, and for some of us, it’s actually starting to feel like one. No matter what, change it up once a week, on whatever day you want it to be. And while you’re at it, stay safe, stay adding new things to the menu, and stay not having a family scandal ready to be exposed. Do it yourself.

March 17, 2021 – Franco’s Legacy Is Displayed, Teresa Has a Pool Party, Some St. Patrick’s O’Tidbits & Pub


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the gallery, Nikolas says he followed Ava’s instructions to the letter. Everything is ready for Franco’s memorial. Nina says the guests should be arriving soon. Nina sees the display (which we don’t), and says, it’s inspiring. She thinks Franco would love this. Ava thanks her, and says she wishes Franco was there to see it. Nina says, her too. She’ll go open the doors. Nikolas asks how Ava is doing, and she says, okay.

Laura goes to Elizabeth’s house, and hugs her. Elizabeth says she didn’t expect to see Laura until the memorial. Why is she there so early? Laura says she wanted to make this day easier for Elizabeth. Please tell her what she can do to help. Elizabeth says they’re fine, as much as they can be under the circumstances. Laura says she knows Elizabeth has to be strong for her boys, but she’s there to take care of Elizabeth.

TJ sees Curtis at the hospital, and Curtis says, there he is, the newly domestic partnered, and on Valentine’s Day no less. How does he feel? TJ says he feels great. It’s funny. All they did was sign some papers, and nothing has changed, but it feels like the bond he and Molly share is deeper and more solid. Curtis asks why TJ thinks that is, but TJ has no idea. It’s not like he and Molly are suddenly more committed to each other. Curtis says he thinks they are. Saying you’re committed to spending the rest of your lives together, and putting it on record, says something. He’s saying that he’ll be there when times get rough, and whatever it is, they’ll stick it out. Jordan walks in.

Dante thanks Sam for meeting him at Kelly’s, and she says, of course (🍷). What’s going on? He says he ran into her mom yesterday, and they got to talking about her trial. He was honest with Alexis about the testimony he’d have to give. She says she doesn’t think he’ll have to worry about that, because there’s been a change in plans. Her mom told her and her sisters that she’s decided to plead guilty.

Carly stands near the great and mighty moss bowl, as Josslyn walks into the kitchen. Carly puts her coffee cup down, and Josslyn asks if there’s something wrong with it. Carly says, it’s just cold. She asks if Josslyn is ready for Franco’s memorial, and Josslyn says she is, but it’s going to be weird listening to people talk about how great Franco was. (Um… Doesn’t Cameron do that all the time?) Carly says, one of the many reasons she’s not going. How’s Cameron? Josslyn says, he’s hurting. He really loved Franco. Jason walks in, and Josslyn asks if Carly is upset that she’s going to the memorial.

Obrecht arrives at the gallery, and Nina says she’s so glad Obrecht came. Obrecht says, here she is, and asks if that’s all Nina has to say. Nina says, she’s so glad Obrecht was exonerated, and Obrecht says, indeed she was. Months ago. Yet no one believed her when she said she was innocent. But no matter. Peter has finally been unmasked as the villain he is. Nina says she’s truly sorry for assuming the worst, and Obrecht says, as she should be, but now is not the time to hold grudges. And today – Obrecht tears up – they are there to say goodbye to Franco.

Peter enters the cemetery, and goes over to Nathan’s grave. He says, hello, brother. Strange place for a meeting, he knows, but he didn’t pick the venue. Cyrus says, good morning, Mr. August, and Peter spins around, gun drawn. He says, good morning, Mr. Renault.

Trina walks in the gallery, and says, this is all Franco’s? Cool. She tells Ava that she’s never been to a memorial in a gallery before, and Ava says, at Trina’s age, she’s sorry Trina has been to as many memorials as she has. It’s a little unorthodox, but she and Elizabeth agreed Franco’s life should be celebrated there in the gallery. It’s going to be a surprise. Nikolas says, she doesn’t know? and Ava says, not yet. Trina says, Cameron is going to love it, and Nikolas says he’s sure Elizabeth will too. He puts his arm around Ava.

Obrecht says she can’t believe Nelle was Nina’s long lost daughter, and Nina says, it’s a shame she only knew about it after Nelle died. To think they knew each other all those years. They’d been in the same room so many times, and didn’t grasp… She had the idea that her daughter was out there, living this happy life. Then she learned, not only did she have a horrible life, it was too late for Nina to do anything about it. When the dust settled, not only did she miss out on her chance to be a mother to her daughter, she lost the man she loved. Obrecht touches Nina’s arm, and says, she never would have thought Heir Jax capable of such deception. In business, certainly, but not with someone he proposed to love. Nina says, that’s the thing. Above all else, Jax will protect the people he loves, right? But this time, he protected Carly, not her.  

Josslyn tells Carly and Jax that she just wants to make it clear to both of them, she’s going to this memorial not to celebrate Franco, but to support Cameron. Carly says she loves Josslyn for that, and memorials are more for the people still living than the people who have died. Josslyn asks if Sonny’s funeral helped Carly, and Carly says, yeah. It was important to acknowledge Sonny’s life, but also important to acknowledge that he’s gone. It helped. Josslyn asks if Carly is okay, and Carly says she is. Josslyn needs to get going. Josslyn leaves, and Carly asks what brings Jason by. Is something going on? He says, you tell me. What’s wrong?

Dante asks how Sam feels about her mother’s decision, and Sam says she doesn’t think pleading guilty is the right idea right now. When her mother attacked Dante… or Franco, and got Dante by accident, she was out of her mind. She was drunk, she was scared, and she thinks her mother should plead not guilty, and have a lawyer explain all those things. He says, trials are costly and time-consuming, and if Alexis is going to plead out, it favors the court. If she admits her guilt and shows remorse, the system will go easier on her. Sam asks how can he, of all people, have faith in the system, when Peter probably won’t be charged with Drew’s murder?

Cyrus asks if this is how Peter begins all his business meetings, and Peter says, only the ones in the graveyards. Cyrus laughs, and says, that’s fair, but if Peter shoots him, it will be the last thing he does. Look at his chest. Peter sees a red dot, and Cyrus says, there’s another one on the back of his head. Obviously he can’t see that, so Peter will have to take his word for it. He tells Peter, at this point, he should put the gun down. He just wants to talk. Peter asks if it’s about the Jackie Templeton article, but Cyrus says that’s not why they’re there. He’s already spoken to Jackie himself. Peter asks if there’s going to be a follow-up interview, or is her body in a metal foundry? Cyrus says, neither. He’s well aware that once something is made public, it can’t be undone. That’s the value in secrets, and why Peter has been working so hard to protect his.

Jordan sees TJ and Curtis, and says, it’s a nice surprise. She asks what they’re up to, and Curtis says he was taking TJ to lunch to celebrate his domestic partnership. Jordan says she was happy she got to be there, and TJ says he needed a ride. She even used the siren to make sure he got there before they were closed. Curtis says, of course (🍷) she did. She’s a secret romantic. Jordan says Curtis has more soul than she thought, and TJ says he’s confused. Are they back together? Jordan says, she meant… and Curtis says he was going to tell TJ the news over lunch. She says, sorry. Spoiler she guesses. TJ says, now that he knows there’s something to know, tell him. Curtis says he’s making big changes to his life.

Elizabeth tells Aiden that he looks handsome, and Scotty comes in wearing sunglasses. He tells them that they don’t have to send out a search party; he’s there. Aiden says, hi, grandpa, and Scotty tells him that he looks sharp. Laura says she’s glad he’s there, and he says he’s sorry he missed the breakfast. Elizabeth says there’s some left, and asks if he wants her to heat it up, but he says, sorry, he couldn’t eat. Laura says, no apology necessary. Everyone knows how hard the day is for him. He says, when he was putting on his suit, he remembered how Franco made fun of his pocket squares, saying they were dated. It made him crazy. Laura says Scotty is funny when he’s annoyed, and he says, Franco got a kick out of it. He thought of the memories when he found out Franco was his son, and couldn’t put a square in his pocket today. Laura says she’s sorry. She wishes there was something she could say or do to make it easier. He says, the fact that she’s there makes it much better, and they hug.

Jake says Cameron went over his speech with him, and Elizabeth says, Franco would be glad he was prepared. Jake asks if Aiden is going to say anything, but Elizabeth says he doesn’t have to. Franco knew Aiden loved him. Aiden says, Franco wasn’t good at baking, although he tried hard. What he was good at was being a dad.

Josslyn tells Nina that she’s so sorry. She knows Nina and Franco were close. Nina thanks her, and says they were. Josslyn says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she’s sorry that Nina and her dad broke up. She thought they were great together. Nina says, so did she, and Josslyn says she knows Nina finding out Nelle was her daughter was horrible… She didn’t mean it like that; she means the way Nina found out. Nina says, it was horrible, but she wants Josslyn to know that she doesn’t blame her for her father’s actions. Josslyn says Jax wasn’t trying to hurt Nina; he was trying to protect his family. Her mom and dad will always be family because of her. She says, it’s all coming out so wrong. She’s sorry. She didn’t mean to make Nina feel bad. Nina takes her hands, and tells Josslyn to promise never to say she’s sorry for being honest.

Cyrus says he’s been watching Peter closely for the past few days. Peter’s been busy since it turned out Anna’s not his mother, and Maxie kicked him to the curb. Peter says, Maxie will come around, and Cyrus says, as long as nothing else comes out. That’s where he can help. Peter asks why he should trust Cyrus, but Cyrus tells him, he never said trust. He simply wants to work together to solve a common problem.

Carly tells Jason that she doesn’t want to talk about it; it’s stupid. Jason says, maybe, but it’s bothering her, so… She says, it’s her coffee. He says, her coffee? and she says she told him it was stupid. Sonny would make her the first cup every morning, and every morning it was perfect. She doesn’t know what he did or how he did it. She’s tried to make it like him, but she can’t. Whatever she does, it’s wrong. It’s not bad, but it’s not right. It doesn’t taste the way it’s supposed to taste; it tastes like the same coffee she has all day. Every time she takes a sip she’s reminded that the person who made the cup is missing, and he’s never coming back, and she’s sick of forcing herself to drink the wrong damn cup. She throws the mug across the room, and it shatters.

Elizabeth says, Aiden is so right. Franco was an amazing dad, and the memorial is the perfect place to tell everyone before they say goodbye. Aiden says he doesn’t know what to say, and Jake says, maybe if he reads his, Aiden will think of something. Aiden says, okay, and Jake reads, before Franco was his stepdad, Franco was his friend. They talked a lot, but a lot of the time, they didn’t need to. They could just draw. He misses Franco. He misses drawing with him, but he misses being Franco’s son even more. Elizabeth says, beautiful, and hugs him.

Obrecht asks if Nina is all right, and Nina says she’s okay. Josslyn is a wonderful young woman, but she shares her mother’s hate for Nelle. Obrecht says she can’t blame Josslyn. Perhaps Nelle’s life would have been different if she’d known Nina was her mother, but she didn’t. Nelle was treacherous and vindictive. Nina says she understands Nelle did terrible things and hurt a lot of people, but she didn’t deserve to die. Obrecht says, it’s not like Nelle was murdered. She was running from the law, and literally ran off a cliff. Nina says, but she could have been saved. Instead, she died alone like she spent her life. Obrecht says she had more than a passing familiarity with Nina’s daughter. She helped deliver Nelle’s baby. Nina says, she helped deliver Wiley? and Obrecht says she’d been arrested. She was on her way to another unlawful incarceration, when the van crashed, and she escaped into the woods. She came across Nelle in labor, and couldn’t leave her. Nina says, thank God Obrecht was there, or Wiley might not have survived. Obrecht says she’s happy that at least Nina will have a chance to know her grandson, but Nina says, not if Carly has anything to do with it.

Josslyn sees Trina, and says, thank God she’s there to save her from herself. She already put her foot in it with Nina. Trina asks, what happened? but Josslyn says it’s the last thing she wants to relive right now. Trina says she’s worried about Cameron. The last time they saw him, he was upset. Josslyn says, he was by his father grave, and Trina says Cameron needs them, and they have to do whatever it takes.

Obrecht agrees that Carly has Nina at a disadvantage, and Nina says she realized she needs a break. She’s sick of the lies and betrayal. She can’t do it anymore. Obrecht asks what she’s saying, and Nina says, it’s time for her to get out of Port Charles.

Curtis tells TJ, he bought a nightclub, and TJ says he thought Curtis loved being a P.I. Curtis says he did, but after a while he got tired of trading in secrets. He wants to start over, and do something positive. What’s more positive than bringing good vibes and good music to people? Jordan says she thinks it’s a good idea, and TJ says he does too, but he has to wrap his head around it; it’s a big adjustment. It’s not who he knows Curtis to be, but it’s totally who he is. It’s good to know, because so much is changing. Curtis says, lives change, and sometimes it can be good. Jordan says, it can be.

Sam tells Dante, Drew deserves justice, but she doesn’t think it’s going to happen. Dante asks, what’s the alternative? Vigilante justice? Sam says, Jason didn’t kill Franco, if that’s what he’s implying, and he says, it’s not, but Elizabeth thinks otherwise. Sam says she knows Elizabeth is wrong, and Dante asks, how? She says Jason told her that he didn’t do it, and she believes him.

Aiden asks what Cameron is going to say, and Cameron says, Franco saved his life, literally, and gave their family a new life. He’ll forever be grateful for that, and regrets giving Franco a hard time in the beginning. Jake says Cameron had to make sure Franco was good enough for their mom, and Elizabeth says, her brave boys; always protecting her. Scotty says, they were always up front, and Franco couldn’t have been happier when they accepted him into the family. Cameron wishes he knew that Franco knew that, and Aiden says, him too. That’s why he wants to say something. Elizabeth goes into the kitchen, and Laura follows her. Laura asks, what’s wrong? and Elizabeth says she hates that the boys have to defend Franco when he was taken so cruelly from them.

Cyrus says he can’t imagine Jason is pleased with the role Peter played in his brother’s death. Is Peter willing to look over his shoulder for the rest of Jason’s life, however short it might be? Peter asks what Cyrus thinks he can do about that? Cyrus says, they can do a lot.

Peter says he can see how it would benefit him, but what does Cyrus get out of it? Cyrus says, in the short term, he gets rid of a nuisance, and Peter says, and the long term? Cyrus says he’s sure Peter will be of use to him. Do they have a deal? Cyrus holds out his hand and smiles, and Peter takes it.

Jordan shows Curtis pictures from the commitment ceremony, and he says TJ and Molly look great together. TJ says he can’t wait to show Curtis his moves at the nightclub, and Curtis says he’s seen TJ’s moves, and can’t wait to see an improvement. Jordan’s phone rings, and Curtis says, work? She says, sorry. It was great bumping into them. Enjoy their lunch. She leaves, and TJ asks if Curtis is sure the changes he’s making are for the better.   

Obrecht says, Nina is leaving? Obrecht just got back, and will miss her. Nina says, it’s not for good. She just needs time away. Obrecht says, as long as she remembers Port Charles is her home, and Nina says, it doesn’t feel like it is right now. Obrecht says, it will again, and Nina says, maybe when she gets perspective on what happened.  

Nikolas tells Ava, a lot of people would rather celebrate Franco’s death than mourn him, and Ava says she thinks they should celebrate Franco. Remember the good he did, and the effort he made to redeem himself, and make amends for the wrongs he did. He asks if Ava thinks Franco did redeem himself, and she says she does, as much as possible. Despite Franco’s faults, there were people who loved him.

Elizabeth tells Laura, she thought it was her and Franco against the world. He tried to be a decent person, and for what? Jason killed him anyway. Laura says they don’t know that for sure, and Elizabeth says she saw Jason standing over Franco’s body. She thought Jason’s love for Jake would overcome his hate for Franco, but she was wrong. His hate won, and she’s going to make sure Jason pays.

While Carly cleans up the mess, she tells Jason, she not only destroyed her cup of coffee, now she destroyed her favorite mug. Why did he push her? She gets louder as she talks, and says, why did he make her confront her feelings? It’s not like he’s in touch with his feelings; he doesn’t even like to admit he has any. She has to be fine for her family. Why did he ask her what was wrong? Sonny is gone, and she’s grieving, but she has to function as a mom, and run the MetroCourt. She has no time to cry. Jason suggests she find the time, and she tells him, stop being calm and reasonable. She’s yelling at him; yell back! He says he knows she’s not mad at him. She’s mad at Sonny. She says he’s damn right.

Laura arrives at the memorial, and Obrecht asks her if Peter has been arrested yet, but Laura says she’s afraid not. Obrecht asks what she’s waiting for. Peter confessed. Everyone at his wedding disaster heard it. Laura says, he only confessed to Valentin. They only have Valentin’s word, and Peter swears he’s innocent. She’s sorry. She leaves, and Obrecht says she has nothing to be sorry for. It’s almost a relief. She’d much rather do it herself.

Laura tells Ava and Nikolas that Elizabeth and the boys are late, but they’ll be there soon. Nikolas asks how Elizabeth is doing, and Laura says, she’s staying strong for the boys, but she’s grieving. She’s positive Jason killed Franco. Nikolas asks if Laura thinks he did it, but she says, honestly, she’s not sure. He says if Elizabeth believes it, that’s good enough for him, but Laura says, there will be no justice if the wrong man is accused.

Carly tells Jason, Sonny left her, and she doesn’t know what happened, not really. She knows Sonny was on the bridge when it fell – Jason saw it – but then what? He drowned? Where is his body? In the water they dragged? There’s no sign of him. Was it in the water that blows through the marsh and out to sea? They don’t know, but the thought of Sonny and his body lost forever under the cold water is more than she can stand. Jason says he knows. It’s going to take time. He touches her shoulder, but she shrugs him off, saying, how much time? Sonny is gone, and everything is wrong. She’s up with Donna at all hours because Sonny isn’t there to sing her back to sleep. Avery is at Windymere instead of there at home where she belongs. All this time, it’s been on her to keep what family they have left together. Jason says she doesn’t have to do it by herself, but she says, yes she does. She has to keep it together, and be strong. Jason says he knows, and he knows she can, but she doesn’t have to do this alone. She cries, and he holds her. I tell them once again to get a room.

Sam doesn’t get it. Dante has faith in the system? He says he thinks ultimately there are enough good people working within the system to make it good. She asks when he became such a Pollyanna, and he tells her that’s his middle name; Dante Angelo Pollyanna Falconari. His phone rings, and he says, sorry, and steps away. It’s Obrecht, who tells him, they must meet at once. He asks, where?… He’ll be there. He tells Sam, sorry, he has to go. She says, work? and he says, hopefully a chance to do some good.

Aiden asks Scotty if his speech is okay, and Scotty says he makes speeches for a living, and thinks it’s top drawer. He guesses they can get going, and they get their coats on. Elizabeth hangs back. She looks into the living room, and remembers her relationship with Franco – becoming friends; her saying he was a good friend, even when everyone hated her; and him saying, everyone make mistakes; everyone needs a friend. She flashes back to him asking if she believes he’s changed, and her saying she does. She thinks about him planning a special evening, and showing the portrait he painted of her; saying she deserves to be with someone who treats her right, someone like him. She remembers him saying he promises to never intentionally hurt her, and their first kiss. She thinks about him being in the hospital, and telling him that they’ll face it together or not at all. She flashes back to them making it official, and Franco giving her a ring; Franco with the boys, baking with Aiden; and their jailhouse wedding ceremony, with Franco saying, till death do us part. She says, I love you too, and leaves. I’m more pissed off than sad, since I feel like Franco’s death is a rip-off.

Ava tells Nina, she got a text from Scotty. They’re on their way over, so she thinks people should take their seats. Nina says she knows Ava is going to get busier, and wants to make sure to say goodbye. Ava asks where Nina is going, and Nina says she needs a break. Ava says, from Carly? Wait; she’ll come with Nina. Nina says she needs breathing room to figure out who she is with Jax and Wiley. She’s going to leave after the memorial. Ava says, she’s coming back? and Nina says, yeah. Ava says she’d better. Believe it or not, she’s going to miss Nina. Nina says, believe it or not, she’s going to miss Ava too.  

TJ tells Curtis, forget he said anything. It’s none of his busines. Curtis says, it means a lot that TJ cares enough to speak out. As to whether the change is for the better, it’s too soon to know, but he’s hopeful. TJ says, him too. So does the club have a name? Curtis laughs, and says, not yet. Does TJ have a suggestion? TJ says he’ll have to see it first, then they’ll talk.

Dante stands at Nathan’s grave, when Obrecht shows up. He asks, what’s going on? and she says she’s made a decision. She has no interest in delayed gratification. It’s time to finally take care of Peter. At this rate, it’s going to be like Murder on the Orient Express, with everyone having a hand in it.

Sam looks up to see Peter, and tells him, keep walking. He says, no need for animosity, and she says she can agree. Once he’s behind bars, she won’t have to look at him again. He says he hates to disappoint her, but the bogus charges will never stick.

Jason asks if Carly is okay, and she says she had so much bottled up. She misses Sonny so much, and feels so bad. She’s so angry, and it’s not fair. Sonny didn’t want to be gone. Jason says, it doesn’t have to make sense, and she thanks him for being there. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him. He says he’s not going anywhere, and a guard says, sorry to interrupt. The Commissioner is here. Carly tells him to ask Jordan to come in. Jordan joins them, and Carly says, please, tell her there’s some good news, and Jordan isn’t bothering Jason with a million questions. Jordan says Jason is under arrest for the murder of Franco Baldwin.

Elizabeth thanks Ava for holding the memorial there, and Ava says, of course (🍷). Before they go in, she wants to give everyone chance to share their memories, but to her, it felt like Franco’s life couldn’t be summed up in words. She decided to show a collection she considers his greatest work.

They go in, and Elizabeth says, oh! Aiden says he doesn’t get it; Jake did that one. Elizabeth says, these were painted by the people Franco helped in art therapy at GH. Scotty says, it was his true legacy. Franco would be proud to see them hanging here. Cameron asks if Elizabeth is okay, and she smiles and nods. She says she can’t thank Ava enough. This is the Franco she loves. The kind and caring man she married, and wants the world to remember. Her Franco. We’re all sad.

Tomorrow, Olivia tells Brook that he can never know, Jax finds Nina, Obrecht tells Dante that they need a permanent solution, and Diane says it looks like Jason is in serious trouble.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Joe #2 and Melissa took the kids to their Tom’s River house, where they were celebrating Joe’s 46th birthday. Melissa told him that he was the only person who could get through to Teresa, and in Joe’s interview, he said Teresa had taken things way too far. It was time for her to step up and do the right thing. Melissa and Joe had lunch with Melissa’s sisters and their husbands (one of which is a Joe #4012), and Teresa, who informed us that eating pineapple or peaches would make you taste sweeter, before ordering a vodka and pineapple. I dunno if that’s true, but I’ve read that if you feed dogs pineapple, they’re less likely to eat poopies. True story. The group teased Teresa about liking pool boy Tony, and Teresa screeched she was having a midweek pool party. Joe wanted Teresa to invite Jackie, and own her part in what went wrong. He said he thought Jackie had given a sincere apology at Evan’s birthday part two, but Teresa suggested he tell Jackie to stop being a crybaby. He told Teresa that it was his birthday wish, and Teresa had Melissa send out a group text invite, including Jackie. She told Melissa to invite Michelle too, and Joe asked if that wasn’t the crazy bitch who said he owed her husband money. Teresa told him that she’d informed Michelle that she wouldn’t sell the house until Jon made good with Joe.  

In Paramus, Jennifer, her sister, and dad discussed a trip to Turkey. There was concern Jennifer’s mom would want to go, but she couldn’t be included in the same trip as her dad, because she continually fought with him. In Jennifer’s interview, she said she was just trying to keep the peace, and wished her mom could see that she loved her parents equally.

David didn’t believe Delores was ever moving in with him, even after he’d built the house to her specifications. She said when the house was finished, they were supposed to get engaged. When she didn’t get a ring, she thought he was pushing her away. They made a pact to spend more time together.

Marge wanted Joe #3 to hurry up with the house, since it was filled with boxes and plastic tubs of stuff. Marge was on a diet because she was going to be shooting her book cover, and had a meeting with ghostwriter Emily. She told Emily, she got Joe to do more when she was his girlfriend. Well, of course. I’ll have what Marge is having though. She looks fabulous. She told Emily that she had let men in power manipulate her when she was younger, because she was intimidated, and her mother’s self-worth hinged on being attractive to men. Marge came from instability, and thought first husband Jan was stable, marrying him at a young age. Her relationship with Joe #3 was the first nurturing, healthy adult relationship she’d had. In her interview, she said Joe was the culmination of everything she wanted in a relationship. She told Emily that she wasn’t sure how Joe was going to like the book, and Emily said people feeling that way was to be expected, but she thought they were off to a good start.

Joe #1, aka Juicy Joe, signed the divorce papers, and Teresa said it was the easiest divorce in the world. In her interview, she said, despite what everyone had been thinking about Joe coming after her money, she knew he’d do the right thing because of their daughters.

Everyone got ready for the pool party, and Marge told Joe #3 that his red shorts would bring out the pimento in the olives. Melissa said she didn’t want any man fights, and when Delores told Frank about Teresa inviting Michelle and Jon, Frank asked if Delores had ever seen Joe #2 lose his temper. We flashed back to the Joe versus Joe take-down at the christening. Jackie and Evan didn’t show, so the point was moot. Melissa said when she’d told Jackie that Teresa was extending an olive branch, she said Teresa could put the branch up her ass. Why Melissa relayed those exact words to Teresa, I’ll never know, because that prompted Teresa to say Jackie could shove it up her husband’s ass. Then maybe he wouldn’t cheat. Nice. Marge said Jackie was upset, and the invitation should have been more personal; not in a group text. Melissa said she just wanted to get to a place where Teresa and Jackie could be in the same room. Delores said she was getting an award for Breast Cancer Awareness; she’d done some PSAs and helped raise money for it. She was getting the Ambassador of Hope Award, and was inviting everyone over afterward. Teresa said she was going to be out of town for a soccer tournament, and Marge said the issue was really going to drag TF out.

When Michelle and Jon showed up, Joe #2 called Jon over, and Marge said, this could get really ugly really fast, and Melissa said it stressed her when men had conversations. IMO, it’s a lot less likely for it to result in a fistfight if it’s the men. Joe told Jon that he’d heard stuff Jon’s been saying (I’ve heard things…), and Jon was saying Joe owed him tens of thousands of dollars. Jon said they were partners on the deal, but Joe said the event was called Grow with Gorga. Jon asked why Joe thought he’d send $20K worth of vendor memberships for nothing in return, and Joe said to ride his coattails. Not to be left out, Melissa called Michelle over, and wanted to know why Michelle complained to Jennifer about Joe at Jackie’s party, but never said anything to her. Michelle said she hadn’t thought it was a big deal, but Melissa called it a schmear fest. Michelle said it was true. In the men’s department, Joe told Jon that had there been money involved, it would have been done up front. Jon said he thought they had a handshake deal, and were going to split the proceeds if the event worked out, then do more of them. Joe said he meant going forward, which sounded shady to me, but whatever. Michelle told Melissa, it had nothing to do with them, but Delores said Michelle shouldn’t have been talking about it at the party. Michelle agreed that it hadn’t been the right atmosphere, and apologized, but said again that it was between the husbands. She’d told Jon to talk to Joe, and that was happening. Jon suggested he and Joe squash their beef, but he also wanted Joe to allow his wife to sell Teresa’s house. Joe told Jon to say he didn’t mean anything by it (really, he said that), and Jon said it had been a miscommunication – code for, I did nothing wrong. Jon said next time, they’d do it in writing, and they shook hands. Michelle said, if they were good, there was no reason for her and Melissa not to be good, and Teresa encouraged everyone to have shots.

Bill came late, followed by pool boy Tony. Joe #2 eyeballed Tony flirting with Teresa, and in his interview, he said Tony was his best friend. He’d known Tony since he was five, but he didn’t want Tony near his sister. He was a dirty, dirty dog. Jennifer got very drunk early on, and when Bill asked how many shots she’d had, she slurred that she had tequila drinks. Teresa wanted everyone in the pool – which turned out to be the women and Tony – and they played tequila pong using a raft float. Marge wondered why Jennifer was drinking so much, as Jennifer totally missed her mouth trying to drink from a bottle of water. In Marge’s interview, she said she was all about a good time, but it wasn’t the first time she’d seen Tequila Jennifer. We flashed back to a few times, and Marge said this was falling into serious drinking issue problem. She was worried about Jennifer. Marge told Jennifer that it was time to go home, and Jennifer fell over.  

Bill asked Jennifer if she was okay, and told her they had to go home. He picked her up in his arms, and carried her, which was really sweet. Before he got to the car, Joe #2 and Joe #3 came out to help, and Jennifer laughed her ass off. They got her in the car, and she said, so embarrassing, but they told her, we all do it. Then we flashed back to Bill doing it. Joe #3 said Jennifer must have done 40 effing shots, and Joe #2 told Bill to be ready to pull over. As they went down the driveway, it sounded like maybe he didn’t have time for that.  

Next time, Jennifer tells Delores that Joe #3 fueled the rumor fire, Marge and Jen get into it, and Teresa tells everyone to go f*** themselves before storming off. In other words, same old. Minus the Solo cup.

🍀 O’Something For St. Patrick’s Day…

Everything you need to know about the o’holiday.




📺 Goodnight, Chet…

Calling it a night. Almost. Like Vanessa Williams, I have work to do, but I’ll meet you tomorrow for tea at that God awful House I can’t look away from like it’s a bad accident. Until then, stay safe, stay taking care of your corner of the world, and stay not bottling up your emotions so much, you end up smashing your favorite mug.

March 15, 2021 – Valentin Offers Michael the Deal Of a Lifetime, a Feverish Guest Is a Quarantined Guest, Grammy Winners, Oscar Noms, Academy Snubs, Going For the Gold, Empty Apple & Cheap


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I missed the very beginning, but all you need to know is… Sam and Alexis met at Kelly’s, and Maxie was released from the hospital. She’s packing up Peter’s stuff, and Olivia and Dante are with her. Chase went to see Willow, Valentin went to see Michael, and Ava went to see Nina. Finn, Gregory, and Jackie are at the hospital, discussing the DNA test results, and Jason has just walked in on Anna and Peter’s conversation in Peter’s office. And away we go.

Peter says he was wondering when Jason would show up. Predictable as always. Jason says, that’s right, and Peter says he’s aware of the lies Anna and Valentin are speaking about him. That’s all they are, lies, so go for it. He saved Jason the trouble of breaking in, but – spoiler alert – there’s nothing to find. He leaves, and Jason closes the door. He tells Anna, let’s do a sweep.

Olivia asks if Maxie was checked out, and Maxie says she and the baby are fine. Olivia says, thank God, and Dante says, Peter is going to look for Maxie, but Maxie says he already did. He came to the hospital. Anna and Valentin ran interference, but she wanted to face him. Dante asks how it went, and she says she told him it was over. Olivia asks how she feels, but Maxie isn’t sure how she feels about anything. She loved him. Olivia says, of course (🍷) she did, and Maxie says, but the man she loved wasn’t real.

At Kelly’s, Sam asks if Alexis is sure she’s okay, and Alexis says she has coffee. She’ll be okay. Sam asks if she’s sure, and tells Alexis that she can stay, but Alexis says, there are people who have it much worse. Go see Maxie. She can’t imagine what Maxie is going through. Sam says she loves Alexis, and Alexis says she loves Sam too. Sam says she’s really proud of her mom, and leaves. Ned walks in, sees Alexis, and says, on second thought, he’ll head to Perks. Alexis says, for God’s sake, get some coffee, and keep her company. He asks if everything is all right, and she says, perfect. Couldn’t be better.

Chase tells Willow, sorry for just showing up, and she says, stop apologizing. She’s glad he came. He says he knows this is the part where he tells her everything, but he doesn’t know where to start. She says, wherever he wants, and he says, Finn slept with his mom. She says, wow. Okay. When was this? He says the night before she married his dad. Now he doesn’t know if his dad is his father, or Finn is. Willow takes the glass of water out of his hand, and he asks what she’s doing. She says she’s getting them some wine. For a moment, I actually entertained a notion of what I’d do if I found out my father wasn’t my father. Then I remembered, we all look so much alike in my family, I couldn’t even pretend I was adopted when I was little, like you do when you’re mad at your parents.

Nina asks if Ava remembers how happy she was when Michael called and asked if she’d like to spend more time with Wiley. She’s surprised she didn’t get a speeding ticket on her way there. Wiley was playing with blocks, and he was so adorable. He was constructing towers, and knocking them down; his laugh is contagious. Ava asks if Wiley was receptive to her, and she says, very much so. Willow and Michael were too; they’ve been really generous. Ava asks, what on earth happened?

Valentin tells Michael that he’s going to sign over Scout and Danny’s ELQ proxies, and Michael will have majority control of the company. Michael says, just like that? and Valentin says, just like that. Michael asks what’s in it for Valentin, and Valentin says, not much, which makes it the deal of a lifetime. Michael just allows Nina to see her grandson, and he can have control of the company. Someone watches them from outside.

Nina tells Ava, Carly arrived, and Ava says, to keep an eye on Nina no doubt. Nina says, it wasn’t a problem… Not at first. She didn’t think a problem was there. Ava tells her to get to the part where she lost Wiley, and Nina says she told Wiley that she was his grandma, but not like Grandma Carly. She wanted to make sure he understood that she’s not Willow’s mother. Ava says, she told him the truth? Nina says, yes, and then Wiley told Willow.    

Someone continues to watch Valentin and Michael. Valentin says, Nina gets to spend time with her grandson, and Michael retains control of the company. How does that sound? It’s a no-brainer. Michael says Valentin is right. It is a no-brainer. No. He’s not going to trade his son to be subject to something potentially harmful. No more than Valentin would with Charlotte.

Chase tells Willow, he’s furious at Finn and his mom, but at the same time, he can’t judge. Stuff happens. People become attracted to each other, and sleep together when they shouldn’t. Willow says, they’re not just people, and he says, how could Finn do that to his dad? What the hell? Finn disappeared and punished his father, making Gregory think it was his fault for daring to be happy after his wife died. And don’t get him started on his mom. She’s supposed to be a fearless journalist. When she saw Finn, and should have told him to get a DNA test, so he didn’t blame their father for falling in love. She asks if one is pending, and he says, it’s sitting at GH, waiting to be opened. She says, he’s not there, and he says he doesn’t know if can face it; not yet. She says he doesn’t have to.

Gregory says, there’s no undoing what’s done. Chase swore Gregory would always be his father, but if it turns out he’s not, that sort of thing wears on people. Even if they destroy the results, they’ll always wonder, every single one of them. They might as well do it, and find out who the father is. Finn nods, and leaves to get the results.   

Ned says he and Alexis made mistakes, and took the fallout, but they’ve been in and out of each other’s lives for decades. He can tell when she’s hurting. Is there anything he can do? She says, yes. Tell her the damage isn’t irreparable, and he and Olivia are back together.

Olivia asks if Maxie is sure she’s ready, and Maxie says, not really, but it’s not like she has a choice. The community center will be enjoying some custom-made menswear. Olivia says, where Peter is going, he won’t need them. There’s a knock at the door, and Maxie says, it’s probably Sam. Dante opens the door, and Sam comes in bearing carboard boxes. She says she can take them back if Maxie doesn’t want them, but Maxie says she’ll put them to good use. Sam says, well? How is Maxie holding up? Maxie says she’s still searching for the right answer to that question, and Dante says he doesn’t think there is one. Olivia says, life threw Maxie a major loop, and she needs time to adjust. Maxie asks Dante if his mom is right about where Peter is headed. Is he going to serve time?

Anna tells Jason, all clear. There’s no surveillance equipment. She didn’t expect any though. Jason says she wouldn’t put it past Peter to plant a bug, would she? and she says she knows Peter would like to be privy to their conversation, but she doubts he’d have coverage 24/7 in the office. Jason looks around Peter’s desk, and she says he’s not saying I told you so, so she’ll say it for him. He was right about Peter. She knows he told her again and again but she refused to see it. It’s part of what made Maxie willing to open up love, and believe in Peter; Anna was by his side, and strengthened his case. Maxie isn’t safe. She can see the obsession in Peter’s eyes. He’s going to turn into his father. Just the thought… Faison made her life a living hell for so many years. It’s an awful thing to say, but Peter is fully capable of the same thing. The fact that he’s this far along, and in this terrible place, is on her.

Ned tells Alexis that he and Olivia are in limbo; they’re not broken up, but they’re definitely not together. Alexis says, they should be. They love each other. He says he knows he loves Olivia, but he also hurt her deeply, and he honestly doesn’t know what’s going to happen. Alexis says she’s so sorry, but he says, don’t be. She’s not at fault. She says, they’re both at fault. They were both three sheets to the wind. They were both wrong, and both at fault. The only good thing is, her daughter stood by her, and Olivia was gracious enough to hear her out. He says, Olivia is nothing if not gracious and forgiving. She says, that gives them hope.

Dante tells Maxie that he knows the PCPD is reopening the investigation into the assassination attempt on Andre and Franco, and Olivia says, may he rest. Maxie asks, what about Drew’s plane crash? and Dante says, that too. Olivia says, something has to stick, right? and Maxie thanks them for checking on her. She appreciates it. Dante asks if she’s kicking them out, and she says, no, but she knows they have lives, and Sam is there; she’ll be fine. Olivia says she’ll put the ziti in the fridge, and Maxie goes with her. Sam says Dante isn’t being fully honest, right? He asks if it’s that obvious, but Sam says, only to her. Dante says, Peter’s had too much time to cover his tracks, and he’s good at it already. Sam says, he killed Scout’s father, but Dante says, the plane has been underwater; there’s no evidence to be had. Maybe something else will turn up. She asks what he means, and he says he thinks Peter is going to slip up. He’s desperate and panicking, and he’s going to do what he’s been doing. Sam says, making sure he stays out of prison.

Jason says he was with Anna when she was tracking Henrick. Jason saw how he messed with her head. She wanted to believe so badly that he wasn’t Faison. She was wrong, but it’s not solely on her. She’s not sure that’s true, and he says, she’s not the first person who wanted to believe someone was better than they are. Peter was good at manipulating and covering his tracks. She says, Jason didn’t believe Peter, but he says, Peter wasn’t his son. He didn’t have to believe it, even when she did. He gets it, okay? She’s human. She thanks him for that, but says he doesn’t understand how far she went. When he was putting together that the assassin and Peter knew each other, what he didn’t know was that there were records that tied them together. She pulled those from the WSB file, but instead of handing them to the authorities, she kept them. She just hoped they didn’t mean what she thought… what she knew they meant. So when she confronted Peter about it, thinking he’d tell her the truth, he didn’t. He took them from her and destroyed them.

Nina says she was just being honest, and Ava says, with a toddler? Nina says she was reading books on how to deal with sensitive issues and small children. She opens one, and tells Ava, look. The advice says, just say the thing. Ava asks if Nina doesn’t think the parents should be the people saying the thing, and Nina says, yeah. It went terribly wrong, but in her defense, she had no malicious intent. She wanted to do the right thing, and tried to convey that to Michael. Ava says she’s had too much experience. Let her tell Nina what it’s like taking on the Corinthos clan.

Valentin tells Michael, harmful? Nina? She just wants to see her grandson. She’s a wonderful person with an enormous heart. No doubt Michael knew that enough to let Nina see Wiley initially. Michael says he gets it. Nina is a loving, warm person, but it’s going to be difficult if there’s a confrontation every time. When things settle, and Nina works through the shock, she can and will have a great relationship with Wiley, but not now.

Chase tells Willow, part of him never wants to talk to Finn and his mom again, which is ridiculous, but the person he feels worst for is his dad. Maybe that’s BS. He feels worst for himself, which makes him feel insanely selfish. Willow asks, why? and he says he had a great childhood; happy, healthy, full of love It shouldn’t affect his life one way or another. She says, first of all, of course (🍷) it should affect his life; it’s his family. Secondly, two things can be true. You can have amazing parts of your life that you cherish, and still grieve the parts you lost. For what it’s worth (🍷), she’s sorry he’s going through this. He says, it’s worth more than she knows, and she puts her hand over his.

Ava asks Nina to go over it step by step. Michael and Willow brought Wiley there to visit. Nina says, correct, and Ava asks what she thinks happened after they left. Carly reminded them how awful and unhinged Nina is, and the second time she and Wiley visited, Nina proved that they shouldn’t let Wiley be around her. Now Carly has momentum, and Michael will do what she says. Nina wonders how she convinces them that Wiley will be better off having contact with her. How do they get to where they were before? Ava thinks Nina’s best bet is to divide and conquer.

Valentin tells Michael, Nina made a mistake, and said something dumb. She feels terrible, and to issue an ultimatum ultimately makes it worse. Nina will double down and Michael will double down, and no one wants that. If they talk, and learn to communicate, maybe there’s a negotiation be had. Michael says, like what? and Valentin says, maybe Nina goes to counseling; maybe they should all go, and get the tools for how to handle this intermediary step. There’s a lot between all access and no contact. He’s not doubting Michael wants what’s best for his son, and hopes Michael considers the options. He leaves, and someone watches him.   

Chase tells Willow that he keeps trying to get to a Zen place, but he can’t. Finn has to be most self-absorbed person ever. It never crossed his mind what he was doing to their dad – or mom. She’s in the wrong, but Finn did worse; he moved on. Chase doesn’t want to find out this guy is his dad for a lot of reasons, but how he handled this is at the top. Willow thinks it’s good to remember that Finn was in his early 20s. He made a choice, and over time got entrenched. Chase asks if she’s saying he should give Finn a pass, but she says, hell no. The only real advice she can give him is, don’t police his feelings. He’s been betrayed by people he trusted. She’s felt the way he feels. He says, speaking of policing, maybe he should think like a cop. She asks what he means, and he says, the evidence. Finn had just one night with his mom. The odds are in his dad’s favor. He’s got to go to GH and see the results. He tells Willow to pray his dad is his dad, since he wants him to be. Willow asks if he’ll be okay, but he says that can’t happen until he knows. She asks if he wants her to go with him, and he says he didn’t want to ask. She says that’s why she offered, and he says he’d like that very much. She says she’ll get her coat.  

Olivia tells Dante, poor Maxie. It’s so hard on her. He says, she’s tough; she’ll be fine. Olivia says with friends like him, how could she not be? He asks how Olivia is, and she says, she’s great… She’s fine… She’s hanging in. He says he knows she get to decide how to handle her life, but he can see she misses Ned. She says, of course (🍷) she misses him. He’s her husband. He asks, what’s next? but she says she honestly doesn’t know. She suggests they go into Kelly’s, and they see Ned and Alexis. Olivia asks, is she seeing this? and Ned says, it’s just coffee, he swears. Alexis says, it’s true, and Dante tells Olivia, try not to judge. Ned says he knows it’s hard because he fell victim to jumping to the wrong conclusion about Olivia and Robert. Don’t make the same mistake.

Maxie thanks Sam for helping her pack, and Sam says she’d do anything for Maxie. Maxie says she would understand if Sam decided to sit this one out. Saying she’s sorry isn’t enough, but she’s so sorry about what Peter did to Drew. Sam says, don’t. Peter fooled a lot of people for a long time. Maxie says, last night, Peter asked – insisted

Jason tells Anna that he’s sorry, and she wonders why. He says, a mistake like that, he knows it’s tough to carry, but they can’t look back. They’ve got to go forward and find a way to stop Peter. She says, there’s no evidence. What do they have on him? He says, maybe they can get him for murder. He thinks Peter is the one who killed Franco. She says, and everyone would  think Jason killed him. Jason says they know Peter has killed before, and tried to cover up what he did with Helena. Anna says, and Drew’s memories were surfacing. Jason says, at first, Franco thought he was hearing voices, but when he found out it was a memory, he told Peter. She says, Peter knew? and he says, yes. Peter knew, and not long after, he saw Britt. He played the brother card, and used her log-in to access the GH server. She had no idea what he was doing until the next day when the article came out. Anna says, Peter was desperate to instill fear and anger, and hoped someone would try to take out Franco, and Jason says, it’s a win-win for Peter. Either his problem is taken care of, or there’s a cover so he can take care of it himself. She says, it’s a compelling theory. How do they prove it?

Jackie tells Gregory that she’s so sorry, but he says, too late for that. She asks, if she’d told him 30 years ago, would it have made a difference? when Chase walks in. He asks if they know, and she says, not yet. Finn comes back, and says he has the results. Jackie asks if he’s looked, but he says, no. Chase tells him, open it, and he does.   

Nina asks what Ava means by divide and conquer, and Ava says, maybe start with Willow. Go see her, woman to woman, mother to mother. Get Willow to see what she was trying to do. Valentin comes in, and says he hopes he’s not interrupting. He just had an interesting conversation with Michael. Ava asks if he’s going to let Nina see Wiley, but Valentin says, no. Nina says, and he’s not going to. He’s firmly under mommy’s thumb. Valentin says she’s not helping the situation.

Dante says he’s glad he ran into Alexis, and asks to talk to her for a second. She says, of course (🍷), and they sit at the counter. Ned tells Olivia that he knows she has no reason to trust him, but it was really just coffee. Please. Just sit with him. She sits. Dante tells Alexis that he just wanted to give them a minute, and Alexis says she’s glad he did, for all three of them. She’s sorry for what she did to Dante, and Dante says, okay. Enough. It’s over and done with, and he’s good. It was an accident, but maybe she should figure out how she got so out of control.   

Sam says, Maxie doesn’t know where Peter is? Does she think he left town? Maxie doubts it. The last thing he said was that he wasn’t giving up. All they had was the future. Sam says, it’s going to be okay. Maxie and the baby will be fine, she promises. Maxie asks, how? How can Sam promise she’ll be fine? Sam says, because a lot of people love her, and are looking out for her. They’ll make sure everything is okay. They hug.

Anna tells Jason, it will give them a chance to put Peter away, and insure Maxie’s safety, but Jason says, it doesn’t help that he’s the prime suspect. She says she has to admit the idea isn’t shocking to anyone. Jason wasn’t exactly subtle about hating Franco. Jason says, it was a trap. He doesn’t think Franco meant it to be, but he was terrified he’d regress, and asked Jason to take him out if he exhibited the same symptoms. She says, my God. It’s an interesting position to be put in. He says he doesn’t think it was a mind game, or that Franco was trying to screw him over, and she says, no. If you’re in an uncontrollable situation, you try to get the illusion of control somehow. Franco knew if anyone was willing to kill him, it would be Jason. Jason says, he did, and didn’t think the most likely one would be Peter.  

Finn takes out the paper and looks at it. Jackie says, Hamilton… Finn says, it’s him. I gasp. He’s Chase’s father. Chase hangs his head, and Gregory turns his back.

Jackie reaches for Chase, but he shrugs her off. He tells Gregory that he’s the best dad in the world, and he loves him. Nothing will ever change that. They hug, and Chase tells Finn that he doesn’t care what that piece of paper says. He’ll never accept Finn as his father. He leaves, and Willow follows him. Gregory looks like he might cry.

Michael hears someone ask, is it safe? He turns and sees Brook inside the patio doors. She says, well, is it?

Valentin tells Nina, going to war with Carly is going to help no one. Nina said something to a small child who got confused. Think it over. If Nina pushes back, Carly will push back twice as hard. Nina says, so there’s no hope, but he tells her, he didn’t say that. Benefit from his mistake. Not long ago, he couldn’t stomach that Nina didn’t love him, but rather than give her time and space, he concocted a daughter, and they know how that turned out. It will take some time to solve the problem. Take a step back. If she’s lucky, Nina will get what she wants more than anything in the world. Let them feel safe, and come to her. He smiles, and leaves, and Ava makes a face.

Dante says he used to be a cop. If they subpoena him, he’ll be honest. She came after Franco, and he got in between them, but he forgives her. She thanks him, and he says he’ll also have to tell them she came out with a loaded syringe intending bodily harm, or worse. That’s what happened, but she wasn’t in her right mind. He guesses that’s up to a jury to decide, right? 

Ned reaches for Olivia’s hand, but she pulls it away. He says he’s so sorry. He knows how royally he screwed up, how badly he hurt her, and how much damage he caused, but he loves her and would do anything to make things right and better. He’d climb any mountain, and slay any dragon. Please. Just tell him there’s a chance.

Sam tells Maxie that she’s going run the last of the boxes to the community center, and Maxie thanks her. She asks if Maxie is sure she’s okay alone, but Maxie says she’s never alone. She has her sidekick. Sam asks if she doesn’t mean her frontkick (BA-DUM-CHH!), and tells Maxie to call if she needs anything. They exchange I love yous, and Maxie closes the door.

Jason says his and Anna’s biggest problem is Elizabeth and Scotty. They’re convinced he was just waiting to kill Franco. Anna says, and they believe he did, obscuring what really happened. He won’t take the fall for a crime Peter committed. This time, they stop him, and this time, Peter doesn’t have her to hide behind.

Maxie hears the door, and says she was about to text Sam. She forgot a tie. Peter says, it’s not Sam. He was starting to think she’d never leave. He closes the door, and locks it.    

Tomorrow, Brook tells Michael, the answer is none of his business: Brando says, the closer Cyrus gets, the more dangerous life is; and Peter tells Maxie, the past is dead; he killed it.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

It’s the morning after the night before, and everyone struggles to get up. Behind the closed doors of the guest cabin, Sydney says Gary can’t leave her there, and asks where her bathing suit is. She tells him that she’ll leave first. In her interview, she says, it’s the worst walk of shame she could possibly imagine. She’ll just have to act like nothing happened. Gary comes out a couple of minutes later. In Gary’s interview, he says, my God. This is not happening. The captain asks if they had fun, and Gary said they had a lot of laughs. His cheeks were hurting. He tells the captain that he has a good bunch of crew on there. Jean Luc is still feeling sick, and says, this is gonna be rough today.

The girls ask Sydney, what happened? and Sydney says, nothing. Daisy asks if she hooked up with Gary, and Sydney says, no, but they slept in the guest cabin. Natasha says, and he didn’t get it? Sydney says, no, and Natasha calls her a liar. In Sydney’s interview, she says, yes, they had sex. Yeah, they hooked up. It’s their business, and no one needs to know the dirty details… and they were dirty.

Jean Luc says he’s not feeling too good, and everyone tries to straighten up. Jean Luc thinks he’s going to be forced to change rooms. Natasha tells Colin about Sydney and Gary hooking up, and in her interview Alli wonders if they’re on the same boat. She thought she and Gary were flirting, but whatever. Natasha says, never trust the quiet ones. Colin tells Gary that the water pressure is just going down, and the engine is just starting to behave properly. He asks about Gary’s night, and Gary says, not much happened; just a cheeky kiss, but he feels like a d*ckhead this morning. In his interview, he laughs and says they just cuddled. In Colin’s interview, he says, Gary got himself in a pickle. Gary says they’ll wait until the ciggies come. I’m not sure what he means by that, but I assume it’s that he’ll tell Colin the whole story when they can relax over a smoke.

Glenn calls Gary, Daisy, and Natasha for a preference sheet meeting. He hands them the sheets, saying, here’s their mission, should they chose to accept it. He tells them that he just got a message from primary Dr. Nichols (there’s no first name on the sheet, which is very weird), informing him that due to a family emergency, she and her husband weren’t able to make the flight in time. So there will be no primaries. Daisy says, someone naturally takes the lead. The other guests are Victoria, who’s a nutritionist; Ryan, a Sotheby’s salesman; and married couple, Hannah and Andy. They want an endless flow of delicious drinks. Natalie reads that they like to be surprised at dinner, and Gary says he’ll hide around the corner. Glenn says the guests will be there around 2, and the crew begins to clean the boat. Dani tells Daisy that someone used the guest head. In Daisy’s interview, she says, there’s an unspoken rule that you never use the guest head – ever. (For you landlubbers, the head is the bathroom.) She says, it pisses her off, especially when it’s been detailed. She radios the crew, asking if someone used the main saloon. Please don’t use the guest head, especially after it’s been cleaned and detailed. Gary copies, and in her interview, Daisy says she doesn’t really care if they use it when it’s dirty. Next time, maybe she’ll pee in the jacuzzi.

Daisy tells Dani that there are drops on the bathroom floor, the bowl is dirty, and the toilet paper is undone. Dani asks if Daisy is 100% sure, and Daisy says, yeah. In Daisy’s interview, she says, are you kidding her? This is over the limit. It’s so effing rude. She calls everyone to the crew mess, and Jean Luc wonders if he’s in trouble. Daisy tells them, someone used the guest head. The toilet paper was used, and there were drops on the floor. Jean Luc says he’d never do that, and she says, no one has been in there since yesterday? Everyone denies it, and in Gary’s interview, he says, maybe someone used it, and didn’t say anything about it. They’re such a d*ck. Daisy says if no one cares about her department, she’s not going to care about theirs. In her interview, she says, it’s pretty obvious that it’s them. Have a bit of consideration for your teammates. If they’re not going to admit it, she’s going to make sure they know it’s not acceptable. Glenn says they want to look after everyone’s department, but make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s disrespecting the interior. Don’t let it become a bigger problem.

Sydney and Gary work at scrubbing the deck, and in Sydney’s interview, she says, she and Gary haven’t talked, but fine. She’s very confused. Daisy and Dani talk about the hook-up, and Dani says, they all work together; they’re going to talk. Alli thinks it’s funny, and Daisy says, it’s none of her business, but she thinks Gary should know better. Dani 100% agrees. Gary can’t find his hair tie, and Dani tells him there are two marks by the guest cabin bed that look like they could be hands. He tells her that he and Sydney just talked sh*t, and he passed out, but she obviously doesn’t believe him. In Dani’s interview, she says a detective has to be suspicious. The perpetrator always goes back to the scene of the crime. Daisy inspects the guest cabin, and says, it looks good.

One hour to charter. Provisions come in. Natasha says Daisy ordered 10 kilos of carrots, and wonders if she thought there was going to be a load of bunnies on board. Glenn radios for the crew to be dressed and on deck in 15 minutes. Dani says, there’s no ice in the ice machine behind the bar, and Colin says, give him a break. Glenn calls the crew to the aft deck, and champagne is popped. In Dani’s interview, she says, the guests behave because there’s a primary there. Without one, the guests take advantage. It’s a potential nightmare. Guest Victoria tells guest Hannah not to be too impressed, or the crew will think they’re peasants. Yep. Potential nightmare.

Gary says, number two under way. The crew greets the guests, and introduces themselves. Glenn welcomes them, and says Daisy will give them a tour. They’ll get out quick, look for wind, and do some sailing. While bringing the luggage on board, Glenn wonders if he has the one with the gold bars in it. Daisy tells them they can duke it out over the master. Natasha asks if Gary is good at shucking oysters, and he says he used to be famous for it. Victoria asks Daisy to unpack for them, and Ryan says he needs three jackets steamed. Daisy tells Dani, it’s going to be hard work. I can’t believe anyone would want someone else unpacking for them. I don’t really want some stranger touching all my stuff. Colin tells Daisy, the ice machine is broken, and Dani and Alli do the unpacking. Gary eats more oysters than he shucks. In Natasha’s interview, she says she did well her first charter, but she knows there’s a problem between her and Daisy. It’s awkward, but she doesn’t give a f***. She’s there to work, and that’s what she’s going to do. Colin says something about a bad connection, and thinks he fixed the machine.

Natasha serves oysters, and Glenn tells the deckhands to drop the lines, and let him know when they’re on board. He’s going at full speed, and wants to get sailed up as soon as possible. Jean Luc takes the wheel. The sails start to go up. Daisy asks Dani to lead dinner, and she’ll help Alli with the turn downs. In her interview, Daisy says Alli is still pretty slow. She’ll teach Alli the way she learned, and see if she sinks or swims. Get your fins on Alli. It’s time to start swimming. The sails are sticking to each other, and Glenn tells Gary to climb up, and spray them. He suggests Gary strap himself on, but Gary says he’s good. As the sail is raised, he sprays it, and Glenn tells Jean Luc, it sounds like it’s ripping, but it’s just plastic separating. Gary says, it’s coming out of the track, and Glenn says, that’s a big problem. He’ll have to go up. Something pops, and Gary nearly falls.

Gary says, the boltrope is broken off the luff, and Glenn says, that’s a big problem. In Glenn’s interview, he explains that both sails are attached to a rope that holds the sail to the mast. It’s 180 feet of sail. Are we following him? He laughs, and says, if the rope pops away , the whole thing can let go. He tells Gary, they’ll sail with the genny and mizzen. When they anchor, they’ll fix it; it should be fine. Gary tells Sydney that he almost fell. In his interview, he says he’s in a bit of a predicament. He’s attracted for sure, but you never want to go there with your [work] partner. There are circuits in his brain that are fried. Ryan asks for a fruity, but still masculine cocktail, giving Daisy too many adjectives. He narrows it down to smoldering sparkle, and in her interview, Daisy says she’ll garnish it with diamonds, top it with a mermaid’s fart, and add smoke from a volcano in Narnia. He’s getting Kir Royale. Dani serves Ryan the smoldering sparkle, and he says, it’s fired.   

Gary tells Sydney that he’ll see her at 12, and she says she expects coffee. Colin says, naughty, naughty, naughty. Gary radios for Jean Luc, but he’s in the crew mess getting coffee and ignores it. Several crew members tell him that Gary is calling him, so he finally returns Gary’s calls. Gary says meet him in the bridge, and Jean Luc says he’s getting coffee. Gary tells him to put the a hold on the coffee. When Jean Luc gets there, Gary tells him, blah-blah-blah, bringing the pin down. Which is no doubt how Jean Luc is hearing it today too.

Licice, Croatia. The container holding the lobster garbage falls on the floor, and in Alli’s interview, she says, the goo smells like death. She and Dani freak out cleaning it up. Jean Luc explains the water toys to the guests, and says the floating pads are called naughty boys. Daisy tells Natasha that dinner is at 8, and Gary instructs guest Hannah on the paddle board. Guest Victoria says she’s impressed, but Hannah says don’t talk to her, as she concentrates on balancing. Gary instructs Jean Luc about the lines, and says, a lot of times, he’ll tell Jean Luc to do something, and he just stands around. In Jean Luc’s interview, he says he hates to be micromanaged. Don’t do it. Gary tells him to drag the line to a certain spot, but Jean Luc says he was told not to drag the line across the teak. Gary says that means not the whole thing, and mumbles that they’re going to swap cabins. Jean Luc mutters, effing a-hole.

The guests get back on the boat. Dani asks if Jean Luc is moving, and he says Gary forced him to. It makes him nervous to bunk with the captain. Guest Andy says he’s tired, and wants to eat some food.  Glenn asks Gary to go back up to where the sail came up, and feed it up manually. In Glenn’s interview, he says, it’s like a zipper. You can’t start in the middle; you have to go back to the start. Fingers crossed that it lasts through the rest of the season. Natasha plates a fabulous scallop appetizer, using half a scallop shell instead of a regular plate. In her interview, Natasha says, she loves working with Dani. One, Dani’s her roommate, and two, life is easier because she’s not Daisy. Even the guests who don’t like scallops love the dish. In Alli’s interview, she says she’s going to do her best to show Daisy that she can do turndowns. She’s a diving master. If she can breathe underwater, she can make a bed.

The sail is in the track, and in his interview, Glenn says, not all first mates can repair a sail with a hangover the way Gary can. He’s impressed. After the lobster is served, Andy says he likes that there’s no shell. He doesn’t have to work for the lobster. I concur. I ordered a whole lobster once, and it was more work than it was worth. Sydney tells Gary that she wrote herself a honey-do list of deck tasks. In her interview, she says, Gary has been all work and no flirt. She doesn’t know what’s going on. Jean Luc gets in his new bed. Colin asks if Gary snores or farts, and he says he doesn’t. Like he’s going to answer some other way. Jean Luc hopes he doesn’t wake Glenn, but Glenn tells him not to worry about it. The guests go to bed, and so does Sydney.  

The next morning, Gary asks Jean Luc how the new cabin is, and Jean Luc says he definitely has more leg room. Guest Hannah tells Daisy that Andy isn’t feeling well. She thinks he has a fever. She amends that to, she knows. It’s 101. In Daisy’s interview, she says, holy f***. She tells Hannah that she’ll ask he captain what to do. She goes to Glenn’s cabin, where he’s just getting up. She tells him that Andy isn’t well, and has a fever of 101. He’s in bed. Glenn says he’ll make a call, and in his interview, he says, obviously the first thing that pops in your head is that you have covid on board. It’s the first thing you think of when someone has a fever. It’s scary. He tells Daisy to tell them to stay in their cabins until he finds out what to do. Daisy tells the guests, and says she’ll leave breakfast by the door.

Glenn calls Dr. Kelly, a medical officer, and tells her that a guest has a fever 101. He asked them to stay in their cabin. She says she’s sending Dr. Laura out to retest all four guests. She tells Glenn to keep them in their cabins. Glenn tells the crew what’s going on, and that a doctor is on route. They’ll have to keep the guests in their cabins. In Daisy’s interview, she says they’ve been through tests and quarantine. She doesn’t know how it’s possible. If the guest has covid, they’re f***ed. Daisy tells Natasha, who says, WTF?

Glenn tells Gary that a water taxi is coming with the doctor. Gary meets them, and everyone is masked. They change into hazmat suits, and tell the guests that they’re going to test the throat first, then do a nasal test. Dr. Laura tests, Andy, who’s coughing. She says his temperature is 99.8, and in Daisy’s interview, she says, it will be the biggest f*** up in the effing world if the guest is positive. Dr. Laura tells the other guests that they have to be tested, and Ryan asks if she’s serous. She tells them that they have to stay in the cabin. Dr. Laura tells Glenn, they plan to shoot the tests to the lab, and he asks what her assessment is. She says, the guests have all been in close contact and unmasked. They should be quarantined. Glenn says, it’s not pleasant, but it is what it is. The medical team leaves, and Andy coughs some more. Glenn calls everyone to the main saloon.

Glenn says, only one guest had a high temperature, so after speaking to the medical staff, he’s decided to go back to the dock. He’s going to see if they can be put in a hotel for quarantine. Natasha says, it could be that they have it as well, and wonders if they need to quarantine. Glenn tells the crew, if the guest is positive, it will take them to a whole new level. They could have been exposed. Get ready to leave. They have to take all the precautions. He tells the guests that they’ll be moving back to the dock. Daisy says the guests are going to be pissed at their friends, and Ryan bitches to Glenn that they were in quarantine for over a week, and they’ve had enough. They spent a lot of money. Because, as you know, it’s Glenn’s fault. Glenn suggests they chill out, and catch their breath. He leaves a radio in case the guests want anything. In his interview, Glenn says the guests have to isolate, and they still want to serve them, but it’s critical they adhere to protocol. It’s a delicate balance.

The anchor is in the pocket, and Daisy leaves coffee outside the guests’ rooms per Victoria’s request. Sydney says she’s shook by this, and Alli says, it’s bizarre. They dock, and Glenn asks the crew to come up. He tells them that the guests will have to take their own stuff off the boat, and go straight to quarantine. Ryan says he’s so pissed, and in Colin’s interview, he says, it’s an extra messy situation for everyone. Glenn says he’ll get the results as soon as he can, and will keep them posted. He’s sorry for the inconvenience. In Glenn’s interview, he says, they were just getting started. They can probably pull this off, but this could be it.

Next time, Glenn tells the crew they can have a couple of drinks, but don’t go crazy; Gary wants to hook up with Alli; Sydney is confused; and the test results come back.

🏆 The Winners…

Who took it home at the Grammys.


🎭 The Nominees…

The ones who will hear, the award goes to.


🤔 The Snubs…

We can’t all be nominated, but apparently, these are the biggest offenders.


🍀 Blarney This…

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. Educate yourself on how to trap a leprechaun.

🗽 When the City Sleeps…

A year in a city transformed.


👗 Twirling Away Like Kenya…

Time for me to change hamster wheels. Whatever spin you’re in, stay safe, stay canny, and stay never using the guest head – ever. Unless you’re a guest.

March 17, 2019 – Michonne Has Her Reasons, a Little Talk, a Final Ride, Some O’Myths & an O’Tune


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


The Walking Dead

This episode did some time jumping, which I hate, so I hope you can follow. I hope I could follow. I thought I was done with this sort of thing when Once Upon a Time was canceled.

All is peaceful near a river. Michonne rides up on a horse, and there are a few lingering zombies around the water. She slices one’s face off. She digs a gun out of the dirt, and whacks another zombie. We see that she’s pregnant. Daryl joins her. He says he followed the water to the ocean and back. There’s nothing there. He asks if she’s good. She says this one’s been kicking the sh*t out of her every morning. Judith has been asking about Daryl and wonders if he’ll be back. He says he will – when he finds something. He thinks he’ll be out there for a while. She says he doesn’t need to, but he says he’ll never stop looking. Not ever. She asks if he’s okay being alone. He nods, and says, her? She rubs her belly, and says she’s not.

Michonne cleans the gun. I assume it’s Rick’s. She puts I in a box marked Judith.

Aaron walks purposefully down the street. Judith and some other kids play. Michonne tells Judith to stay with her brother. Aaron tells Michonne, Daryl is at the at gate. He’s not alone.

Daryl tells Michonne that Henry is hurt. Hilltop was the closest; they had no other choice. Michonne sees Lydia, and asks, what about her? Henry she’s with them. Michonne looks at Aaron, who says they can’t trust her. Michonne says she trusts Daryl. She tells the guard, open it.

A pregnant Michonne opens the gate to a group of kids with Tara. The guard says they were found wandering; one of them is hurt. There’s an adult woman with them, and she says, my God, it’s Michonne. Michonne says, Chocolate?

Siddiq stitches up Josslyn aka Chocolate, who’s the hurt one. Michonne asks Daryl, where to now? Straight to the Kingdom? He says, not straight, but yeah; Carol should know. Connie thanks Michonne for everything. Michonne tells a woman at the door to keep an eye on the girl, and she says she’s on it. Aaron tells Michonne, it doesn’t look like they were following. Daryl covered his tracks. But if the skin jobs look for them, they’ll find them. Michonne says, and then?

Josslyn wants to go, but Siddiq says she’s lost too much blood. She can’t travel. Josslyn says, there are others. Michonne grabs her, and says, it’s her. Talk to her. Tell her what she needs. Josslyn says she needs them.

Michonne, Gabriel, Aaron, and some others enter a building. Michonne asks if they’re sure, and Siddiq says it was one of the places Josslyn mentioned. Aaron tries a door, but it’s locked. He says they’ll have to go back, but Judith has already crawled into a ventilation tunnel. Eugene gives her points for dexterity. She opens the door, and they go inside. They see writing on the walls. They hear a whistle, and a bunch of kids come out.

Henry says his wound is going to leave a huge scar, but Lydia likes it. He’ll never forget what he did; neither will she. Michonne needs speak Lydia – alone. Henry says he’ll make himself scarce. He thanks Michonne for letting the people go to the fair. Michonne says if she knew all this would happen, she wouldn’t have. Can’t say I blame her. She asks if Lydia cares about him? Lydia says she does, and Michonne says her too. Michonne tells her, sit, and they sit on the steps. Michonne says she’s done things to protect this place; things she’s not proud of, and some she’s tried to forget. To save her people, she had to risk others. It hasn’t been easy, but she did what she had to do. She’s made her peace with that. It might be easier if the only life risked was her own life. She could just walk away, and take all the risk with her. If that could make everyone safe, it wouldn’t be so hard. She tells Lydia, think about that, and leaves. Lydia ponders Michonne’s words.

As they sit on a bridge in the now, Judith asks Daryl if Hilltop is in danger. Daryl says, it might be. Judith asks if he wants to help. She asks if he’ll stay if mom says it’s okay. Daryl doesn’t know. He should keep moving. She’s read stories about how he and her dad fought the Saviors and won. He can do that again. He says they’re just stories. She asks what would her dad do? and gets silence. She says, that’s what she thought.

Gabriel plays a game with the kids. Pregnant Michonne watches. Aaron says he didn’t know how much they needed this until now. She wishes Rick could see it. Aaron says, wherever he is, he’s sure Rick knows. He says, sorry, that’s not what he meant, and she tells him, it’s okay. She finds Josslyn in the kitchen, and says she’s impressed with the kids’ hunting skills. She doesn’t know how Josslyn does it; all the kids. Josslyn says, they take care of her. The adults never made it. They’re broke, but children crumble, learn, and come back. Michonne brought her kids back to her. She knows that Michonne is going out to look for her man. She knows the look. Their junior year, Dean Turner told her that she’d need a thousand signatures before her petition would be considered. She had that look when she brought them to him at his fancy-ass event. Michonne says she’s at least going to enjoy this. She asks Josslyn, what if she never finds him? Josslyn says she might not, but if she gives up now, she never will. She can’t live with that. Michonne says she needs to know. Judith and the baby deserve to know. Josslyn says Michonne found her after fifteen years. Last time they saw each other, there was still a world. Michonne takes Josslyn’s hand, and says she’s so glad Josslyn is there. Josslyn says, so is she.

At today’s Hilltop, Aaron talks to Daryl about his kid. Daryl says, a lot has changed. When they last talked, they were still building bridges. Michonne joins them, and tells Daryl, stay safe. He says, her too. She tells him that Judith is mad at her. She told Judith she’s not ready, and neither is Judith. She’s a kid, and gets to keep being one for as long as Michonne can help it. Daryl says, it’s not just a little kid she’s got there. He calls Dog, and the gate closes behind them. Judith walks off. Michonne follows, stopping to look at the sewer cap that allows access underground.

Aaron asks pregnant Michonne if Judith is having a sleepover. She says, yeah. Judith loves them.

Michonne and another couple knock on Josslyn’s door. When there’s no answer, Michonne lets herself in. She calls for Josslyn, and the man with her calls for Marcus. They go outside, and start calling for the kids. Marcus’s dad sees the pantry is cleaned out. Michonne continues calling for Judith, when he tells her to come there. He shows her the pantry, and they see the guard is dead. A girl runs up and says they’ve been raided. Michonne says, no, and follows small footprints to the underground tunnel.

Presently, Michonne has dinner with Marcus and Judith, telling Judith, eat; don’t poke. Judith says, sorry; she not hungry, and asks to be excused. Michonne lies awake. She sits up, and we see her scar, an X on her lower back. She knocks at Judith’s door. She knows Judith is upset. She’d like to talk. There’s something she wants to tell her. She goes into Judith’s room. Judith is gone.

Michonne asks Negan if Judith has been there. He asks if she’s curious, or… She tells him, answer her question. He says he hasn’t seen Judith since yesterday. She asks what they talk about, and he wonders why. She says for someone who wants to be helpful, he’s doing a sh*t job. He says they talk about nothing; just chit-chat. Michonne asks for specifics, and he says, homework. She misses Daryl, and likes to hear stories about her dad. Michonne asks if he’s feeding her bullsh*t, but he says Judith would weed that out. He tells Judith that she’s just as much of a bad ass as Carl. He tells her about how her dad got into the Sanctuary, and shot up Negan’s men, and how her dad sliced his jugular. She asks if he tells Judith why. Negan says Judith likes listening to him. Michonne says he likes hearing himself, and he says they have that in common. He shoots straight. If Michonne did that, maybe she’d be talking to Judith instead of him. Michonne laughs, and asks if he told Judith what he did to Glenn and Abraham. He’s quiet, and she says she didn’t think so. He says he’s always been honest with her. Judith asks questions, and he answers; so yeah, she’s heard those stories too. She hates that Michonne isn’t letting people into Hilltop. She thinks it should be like how Carl would want; like in Carl’s letter. Michonne says he doesn’t get to tell her about Carl, or what Judith wants or feels. Judith is her daughter. Negan says, exactly right. She has her own idea of how things should be. He says Michonne didn’t come because she’s curious. She has no idea where Judith is. Maybe she’s off petting a horse, or maybe she’s exactly like her mom, and not taking sh*t lying down. Michonne jets.

Michonne runs home, and runs upstairs. She opens a note that says, I’m sorry I had to go. Our friends need help.

Pregnant Michonne and Daryl walk through a field. Daryl suggests they take a break. They sit on a swing set. Daryl says they’ll find her. Michonne can’t believe this heartbreak. After Judith lost her mom, she wanted to be that for her again – she needed it. She let her guard down. Daryl says she didn’t know, but Michonne says she should have sensed something. Daryl says she didn’t because Michonne’s not like her. Some people are evil in their heart, and hide it; like they’re wearing a mask. This is on Josslyn, and she’ll pay. They’ll find them. Michonne suggests they get going.

Michonne sees a little girl breaking into a school. The girl brandishes a knife, and runs. Michonne yells, wait! Daryl comes around the other side, and aims his crossbow. He turns a corner inside the building, and sees a group of kids blocking them. Michonne asks where her kids are. The group has weapons, and Daryl says, drop ‘em. One of the kids shoots at him, and Michonne says, okay, lowering her weapon. One of the kids knocks her out.

Michonne and Daryl are gagged, and their wrists are bound to a pipe. The kids look at them. A little blonde boy says, she’s awake. Josslyn is there. The child has a branding iron with an X. Michonne tells Daryl, be strong. The child brands Daryl, and although he makes muffled noises, he keeps in control. Josslyn says, well done, Linus. He says, the strong survive. She says, and thrive. She says she told Michonne, children are capable of anything. She taught them, become what you are; they can be soft. Michonne tries to talk. She sees the iron being heated again. Josslyn tells Linus, control it. Don’t let it control you. Linus goes behind Michonne, and brands her. She cries out, and Josslyn gets in her face.

Present day Michonne is on a horse, riding over a field. She sees a lone bike, and looks panicked. She gets off the horse, and runs through a crowd of zombies, calling for Judith.

Daryl gets loose, and cuts pregnant Michonne down. She says they should split up, and Daryl agrees. She goes upstairs, and finds an open door, but it’s padlocked. Josslyn walks down the hall with the kids, saying there could be more of them. Holding a piece of pipe, Michonne stands in front of them, and Linus blows a whistle. Michonne asks, where are her kids? Where’s Judith? Tell her. Josslyn says, why? She’s better off. Michonne lives in the past, and Judith isn’t a ghost like her. Michonne calls for Judith. Most of the kids take off out the door, and an older kid locks it behind them. Linus says, kill them off. Michonne doesn’t want to hurt them, but Linus slashes Michonne’s stomach, and now she’s pissed. She screams, no! and they run. She tries the door, but it’s locked. She sees the kids run past outside, and gets out, but Josslyn is waiting, and whacks her with a board. She hits Michonne a few more times, saying she’s truly sorry. Michonne grabs her sword, and stabs Josslyn in the thigh. When she’s down, Michonne stands over her, and stabs her in the chest, finishing her. Linus runs up. He can’t believe it. Michonne doubles over. The kids are at the ready to pounce on her, but she says they can come back to Alexandria. They’ll be taken care of. An older kid tells them to kill her; the rest, come with him. Linus runs at her. She tries to keep him at bay, telling him, no, when the older kid comes up behind her.

Present day Michonne is in the field, slicing and dicing zombies, while pregnant Michonne fends off Linus, who has a knife to her stomach. She has no choice but to start carving at the kids. The timelines are interspersed. Another little blonde boy, Whitney (honestly, all these little kids look the same), runs to the trailer, and stands at the top of the steps with a knife. Michonne tells him, please don’t. Daryl comes out – gee, thanks for your help – and walks toward Whitney. Whitney puts down the knife. For a moment, we think he’s going to hug Michonne, but he runs past her, and away. She cries, and calls to Judith. Judith, who looks to be about four, comes out of the trailer. She stands there a moment, but then runs to Michonne, saying, mommy! More kids come out, and Michonne welcomes them.

In the field, Michonne stabs another zombie. Judith is there with her, and spears the last one. She’s miscalculated though, as it’s down, but not out, and grabs her. Michonne gives it a last jab. She hugs Judith, and asks if she’s okay. They need to talk.

Michonne tells Judith that she stood there, like she didn’t know. For a second, she thought she was too late, that Judith had changed, and she’d lost her. Judith says Michonne didn’t look like herself because of the blood; that’s all it was. Michonne says, she remembers that? Judith nods, and Michonne asks, what else? Judith says, Josslyn and her kids were nice to them the whole time. They made it seem like game, but she was a bad person. They all were. That’s why Michonne did what she did. Michonne says, all this time, she thought Judith didn’t remember. She’d hoped Judith didn’t. She never said anything after the first year. Judith says it made Michonne sad. Michonne says she thought Judith would understand. How did they get there? Judith says their friends need their help, and Michonne says, it’s not that simple. Judith says, yes, it is. Michonne chose to be her mom because they love each other. Michonne agrees, and Judith says, love means doing whatever it takes to keep the ones you love safe. She asks when they stopped loving Daryl, Maggie, Carol. and the King? Michonne says, they didn’t, and Judith says, then why does it feel that way? Michonne hugs her.

The gates open. Michonne and Daryl come back with little Judith and the kids. Siddiq takes Michonne with him. Aaron closes the gate after them.

At the baby’s grave, Michonne tells Judith that she and Judith’s father dug this together. That day, standing there, she made a promise to never bury another child again. Then Judith’s father was gone, and she was lost. Then Judith was lost, and she was scared. More than she’s ever been, before or since. She wasn’t the only one, so they decided to make the place only about the people there. It’s not what Carl or her dad gave their lives to create, but it kept her safe. It’s what she wanted. It’s all she wanted. She cries, and says Judith was right. They have to protect the people they love. All the people they love. She takes Judith’s hand, and they walk back.

Michonne and Judith travel in a buggy. Michonne slows down. Daryl, Connie, Henry, and Lydia come out of the woods. Judith asks if anyone is headed to the Kingdom. They get in.

Two Whisperers look out from a distance. They see the buggy going into the Kingdom. One of them says, we must tell Alpha.

Next time, Ezekiel stands before them today at the start of a new tomorrow, the groups merge, and Beta says only Daryl has to die.

🔊 On Talking Dead, Chris Hardwick started off with, happy St. Patrick’s Day. Or as sober people call it, don’t leave your house day. I had to laugh, given my aversion to the holiday, after having worked in Manhattan during it. Useless zombie trivia: he was also a walker in tonight’s episode.

🚴 Tonight was the finale of Ride with Norman Reedus. Norman took on Tennessee, going to Memphis first. He met up with major song writer Dale Watson, who took him all over the place, their first stop being a custom bike shop. Dale said that Memphis tries to repurpose old buildings rather than tear them down, which gets my vote. They had breakfast with Henry Nelson, the voice of Memphis radio, and I could not take my eyes off the food, in particular, the biscuits. Henry was a font of historical knowledge, and said, in his opinion, Memphis was just beginning to heal from the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination. They hit World Studios, a recording studio that had about a billion gold records on the wall. The owner said at one time, the building had been a silent movie theater. Being African American, his dad wasn’t allowed to record there, but eventually bought the guy out. A prime example of living well being the best revenge. They had an autograph wall, and we found out The Beatles had once signed it, but it had been painted over by a little old man with a roller. Norman told us, from Al Green to Wu Tang to Bruno Mars; there’s magic in these walls. Next, Norman met two-girl band Sister Antics, at a dive bar that was part of the historic foundation of the town, and a seemed to be a dive bar on purpose. They followed the Mississippi River, and headed for Nashville. After doing some fishing on the Tennessee River, they hooked up with some more musicians, and we found out that Nashville has had a white rapper scene for quite some time. I can’t say I’ve ever thought, nothing says Eminem like Nashville. Norman and the ladies followed what had once been an old Native American trail, and then parted company. Norman’s next stop was a hot fried chicken place where he met Marilyn Manson. One of my favorite things is how they splice in mini interviews with locals, much like Sweet Home does. On the subject of hot friend chicken, we found out it’s dipped, marinated, doused, and submerged in hot sauce; and it’s a hillbilly concoction that will set your ass on fire. Marilyn accompanied Norman about town by riding in a motorcycle sidecar. They spent time with designer Manuel, who started Johnny Cash on the road to being the Man in Black. He sold one-of-a-kind items, many of which, Marilyn tried on. We also discovered, Marilyn loves roller skating, and is quite the speed skating demon. He and Norman attended the Roller Derby, which looked like a lot of fun. I love the Roller Derby, which may or may not be a surprise. Kansas City Bomber is one of my favorite films. They took a picture with the girls, and everyone was thrilled. I enjoyed this show so much, I’m hoping they do another season. The best thing about it is how Norman really makes you want to be there.

🍀 St. Patrick and the Luck O’…

The Top 5 Myths Of St. Patrick’s (And How To Improve Your Luck)

Did you know St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? He did believe in a generous pour though.


🌈 In Keeping With the Theme…

Unfortunately, The Irish Rovers didn’t have a video, but there was this.


March 15, 2019 – Molly Calls Out Kristina, Abby Rises Again, a Baker’s Dozen of Quotes & St. Patrick’s Day Wishes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

In Ankara, Turkey, Sonny paces in an alley, saying, come on, boy. Don’t leave me hanging. Dan shows up and Sonny says it took a while; that means he was discreet. Did anyone see him? Dan says he’s a shadow. Sonny asks if Raj is holding his son in the compound.

Alexis apologizes to Neil for being late. She was having dinner with her girls, and lost track of time. He says she’s paying for the time. How she spends it is up to her. She says her middle daughter just lectured her on how therapy is a waste of money.

Chase plays catch with himself. There’s a knock at the door, and he says, couldn’t stay away. It’s Finn, who says, try as he might. Chase tells him, it’s not that he doesn’t love seeing him… and Finn says, but he was hoping it was someone else.

At the MetroCourt, Anna thanks Valentin for coming. He says, imagine his surprise that she wanted to meet with him. She must be desperate. She says, only for information. He asks, about what? and she says, her sister.

Outside Charlie’s, Michael sees Jason, and says he heard his mom was in the hospital. He was told Jason would explain everything. Jason says his mom is fine. Michael feels like there’s always somebody in his family on the edge of disaster.

Kristina tells Molly that she’s not in a cult, and to stop being dramatic. She knows nothing about it. Molly says Kristina can’t say three words without quoting Shiloh. It sounds like a cult.

Sam tells Shiloh that she wants to know what’s going on with Kristina. He says he’s all hers, and she ask if he’d mind putting on a shirt. He wonders why that makes her uncomfortable; she seems flustered. She says she’s seen men with their shirts off before, and he says there must be something significant about him. Sam says she didn’t expect him to be shirtless. He says he’s not used to conforming to other people’s customs in his own home. She says she doesn’t live with a bunch of strangers, but he says, they’re not strangers. She asks if he always leaves the door unlocked, and he says, it’s open to all. She knows it’s Port Charles, but that doesn’t mean it’s crime free. IMO, it’s just the opposite, with all the serial killers and mobsters roaming around. He asks if she’s worried about his safety, but she says she’s worried about her sister. Shiloh says he takes care of Kristina, and she takes care of him. Sam flashes back to telling Jason that Shiloh has a history of manipulating women, and the sooner they get Kristina out, the better.

Kristina thought Molly would defend her freedom to think as she chooses. Molly asks if her thoughts are hers or Shiloh’s. Kristina says their mom was skeptical, until she saw for herself what DOD is about. Molly says she doesn’t need to join a cult to know one. Kristina says she can’t evolve and find fulfillment? Molly says she chases easy answers, but can’t find a career or hobby. She doesn’t care what Kristina does or who she does it with, as long as she stays true to herself. Nothing she’s saying sounds like the Kristina she knows. Kristina says, that’s the problem. Molly doesn’t know her at all, and it’s on her.

Michael asks Jason if his dad has any idea what happened to Carly. Jason says she doesn’t want him to worry. He needs to be focused if he’s going to find Dante and bring him home.

Dan says he didn’t see Raj, but saw his personal bodyguard. Sonny says, that means Raj is close, and his son is close. He needs to find a way sneak in. Dan says, there are many guards and guns, but Sonny says he has no choice. His son is in trouble. He gives Dan a wad of cash, and thanks Dan for getting him this far. Dan asks what he’s going to do, and Sonny says, find a way to sneak in. If he can’t, he’ll knock on the door. Dan says they’ll kill him, and Sonny says if he’s not back by nightfall, call the number on the paper and tell whoever answers where he went. Dan says he can do better, and takes off. Sonny asks where he’s going.

Neil asks Alexis if her daughter’s opinion about therapy was in general or specific to him. Alexis says she had told them that her last therapist was being impersonated by his twin brother, a serial killer. Neil says he heard about Doc, and his brother taking his place. Is she saying her sessions were with Doc’s brother? She says, just one, but she it should have been enough for her to figure it out.

Valentin tells Anna, on the subject of her relatives… She interrupts, saying, no one else is up for discussion. Valentin says she’s put him in a pickle. If he keeps a secret from her, she gets furious. Now he wants to tell her something, and she’s not going to listen. He and Nina are getting remarried, and Peter is going to be his best man. Anna says, after everything Valentin has done to him? He says, it’s called forgiveness. She should look it up. He asks, what about her sister? and Anna says she needs to find her. It’s important.

Finn asks Chase if it’s a bad time, but Chase says, not at all. Finn notices he had a date, and Chase says, had is the operative word. She left a few minutes ago. Finn asks if he and the school marm have hit a rough patch. Chase says, Willow is no one’s marm, and it was just the opposite. They had a great time. Finn says his routine on career day worked. Chase says, it wasn’t a routine. Finn says, the uniform and the dog? It should have been a felony for Chase to ask her out. Chase says like Finn never impressed anyone with his scrubs. Didn’t he ask Anna out after being her doctor? Finn pleads the fifth. Chase says they’re taking things slow, and Finn says, any slower, and he’ll be going back in time. Chase asks if Finn came to take pot shots at him, but Finn says he was passing by, and thought it would be a good time to tell Chase that he needs to call their dad.

Valentin asks what Alex has done to incur Anna’s wrath. She asks if she looks wrathful, and he says she looks like she’s covering up something. She looks like a spring about to snap. She says he puts her on edge, and he says he used to feel that way, but they sorted out their past. She asks when he last saw Alex, and he says he knows what happens when Anna gets angry. Anna says she has something that belongs to Alex, and she’s aching to get rid of it.

Neil tells Alexis, Ryan had the whole city eating out of his hand. Why was her failure to recognize him more egregious than any other? She says she can pick a psychotic out of a crowd. She should have known. She let herself be deceived. She knew something was wrong right away, and should have left. Neil suggests maybe she looked past the warning signs because she was desperate for someone to confide in.

Sam says, so Shiloh is taking care of her sister, and he says they take care of each other. They have open arms, but not closed eyes; the door is locked at midnight. He suggests she come back and bring the kids. He asks, what’s wrong? He thought they were past her questioning his judgment. She says she has doubts, and he says he thought the tower resonated with her, and she found it applicable to her own life. She says she’s concerned about Kristina’s life. She just witnessed Kristina write a friend off who had questions about DOD. Kristina just cut Valerie out of life; just like that. He’s sorry to hear that. She says, is he? She was wondering if he put Kristina up to it.

Kristina tells Molly that she’s changing with Shiloh’s help. She’s grown and improved. Molly would know that if she was around. She asks if Molly is afraid she’ll be embarrassed by Kristing in front of her intellectual friends. Molly says she’s been busy with school, and Kristina says the only time she comes down from her ivory tower is to cast judgement. Molly says she didn’t realize how bad it had gotten. If she’d known what was up, she’d have called Kristina out ages ago. Kristina says if Molly is done lecturing, she has work to do. Molly tells her, don’t walk away. If Kristina wants her educated, educate her.

Michael wonders what that’s about, but Jason isn’t sure he wants to know. Michael says he and Kristina aren’t close like they used to be. She’s been distant since Oregon, but they had a heart to heart the other day. It’s been a long time since they talked. Jason asks how she seemed, and Michael says she seems to be making headway; figuring out life. She’s back in school, and he fronted her the money for classes.

Dan runs back to the alley, and hides in a dumpster. Two guards run in. One asks where he went, and the other says back to the rat hole he came from. The first one says, his pocket was picked; he lost his money. The other says they’ll lose their thumbs if Raj finds out they left their post. The leave, and Dan peeks out and smiles.

On the phone, Raj says they’re on schedule, and tells someone he’ll see them then. He hangs up, and gets poked with a gun. Sonny cocks the gun, and asks, where’s my son?

Valentin says Anna and Alex were subjects in an experiment by the DVX? Anna doesn’t want to talk about it. He says she’s questioning her own memories. Looking in the mirror, not knowing who’s looking back, and how much is her or her sister. She asks if he’s being sympathetic or twisting the knife. He tells her not to jump to conclusions. Those memories might be the very things sustaining her. She says she won’t know until she talks with Alex, but he says it could be the very thing she cherishes most was never hers to begin with. Rut-roh. Is Peter really Alex’s child?

Shiloh asks if Kristina told Sam that he told her to confront her friend. Sam says, no, but did he? He says it’s not his business who Kristina is friends with. He doesn’t interfere in the personal lives of people there. Sam says, here she is questioning Kristina, and she’s not a child, but there are a lot of con artists out there. Shiloh says, she should know. D’oh! He says he’ll see if he can get Kristina to patch things up. He can’t promise she’ll see things Sam’s way. The only way to commit to DOD is to embrace it and go all in. Some people can’t hack that commitment. Can Sam?

Michael tells Jason that Kristina has a schedule to pay him back. Jason asks if she said it was for school, and Michael tells him, she said classes. He assumed it was PCU. Why is he interested? Jason flashes back to Kristina telling him that she’s changed her life for the better; it’s not an act. Does he thinks she’s lying to herself? It will never be enough. If she’s miserable, they’re worried; if she’s happy, they’re worried. How can she win with them?

Kristina tells Molly, give it a rest. Molly says Sam’s policy is hands-off, and their mom is afraid if she makes one wrong move, it will send Kristina running, but she can’t be snowed. Kristina tries to give Molly Shiloh’s book, saying, it will help her get a handle on her over-inflated bumper guard. Molly asks how much the classes cost.  Kristina says, it’s people helping other people, and no one is getting hurt. Molly says, it sounds like a cult. Kristina is keeping secrets, dropping friends, and can’t take criticism. It threatens her happiness. Kristina says Molly only loves her when she’s pathetic, so she looks bad and Molly looks better. Molly says, that’s a lie, and Kristina thinks maybe they should agree to stay out of each other’s lives. Michael asks, what’s going on? Molly says, perfect timing. He should know what Kristina’s been up to.

Alexis asks if Neil thinks she was so self-involved she’d let a serial killer run amok because she craves attention. Neil says she’s smarter than that. She sought therapy to sort out her feelings for Julian, and how they play a role in her risky behavior. It’s brave. She says now she’s brave? Is she the least crazy of his patients, or the craziest?

Raj says, Mr. Corinthos, and Sonny says, good guess. Answer his question. Raj says Sonny is a long way from home, and Sonny says Raj is a short way from an early death. Where is his son? He hears someone, and tells them to show themselves, or their boss dies. Dante emerges from the shadows.

Sonny says he’s bringing Dante home. Lulu and the kids need him. A guard knocks Sonny in the head from behind, and he falls to the floor. Raj says he should never have come. Now he’ll never leave.

Anna tells Valentin to quit stalling. He says he’s not. He sees the familiar fear in her eyes. They’re not so different. All of the lies, betrayals, and deaths; sometimes good memories. It’s all they’ve got to keep them from drowning; remembering the good. Don’t cash it in. Anna says tell her where to find her sister. He says he hasn’t seen her since she came to him before he went to the Hague, when he was still in custody. She asks how Alex got to him, and he says, she just did. She does a good Anna Devane. She told him the WSB had no case. Without her testimony, there could be no conviction. She was a fugitive, and disappeared. Anna tells him not to say he’s indebted to her, but he says he’s indebted anyone who keeps him out of prison. He doesn’t wish her ill. Anna says she doesn’t want his help. She just wants him to get a message to Alex.

Chase asks Finn what’s wrong with their dad? Finn says, nothing he’s aware of, but he subscribes to the Port Charles papers, so he can follow Chase’s crime fighting career. He must know Chase was trailing a serial killer. Chase says he was nowhere near where Ryan was confronted. Finn says he heard Chase went to Niagara Falls. Chase says, by the time he got there… Wait. Finn isn’t there to tell him to call their dad. Finn is there to check up on him. Chase says, Finn is worried about him, and laughs.

Neil says Alexis has no problem discussing the worst aspects of her fears. What is she running away from? She says, she’s there. She goes to meetings and pays bills. He asks how she rates herself as an attorney. She says, good. She’s a meticulous researcher, she thoroughly prepares, and can think on her feet. He asks what she does when a witness doesn’t give a direct answer, and she says she asks the judge to instruct the witness to answer the question. He says he has no judge to appeal to, so he’s asking her himself. She has no problem confronting the issue. Why does she fear overcoming it?

Kristina tells Michael, it’s nothing. Molly says, if it’s nothing, why not tell him? Kristina says, shut up, and Molly asks Michael why he’s giving Kristina money for classes given by a con man. It’s exactly as bad as it sounds. Kristina is in a cult. Kristina says Shiloh is leading her down the path to enlightenment. She can’t deal with the negativity, and doesn’t need them. She storms out, and Molly says, cult.

Sam tells Shiloh that she’s talking about Kristina’s issues, and she’s not Kristina. Shiloh says he can’t deny what he senses, or ignore a person in pain. Sam has admitted she’s afraid of commitment. Sam says it never worked in her favor. He says maybe she was committed to the wrong things or people. She needs to explore it. She asks if he has a course for that. As matter of fact, he does. He says his students are compelled to confront the things they’ve shied away from. She shies away from him. Sam says, just look at it and commit, and be phobia free? He says, step one, and she asks, what does she do?

Molly says, Kristina is being brainwashed. Michael says the harder they push, the more defiant she’ll become. She says he can’t think it’s legitimate, but Michael says he needs more information before he sounds the alarm. Molly asks what about Jason? Kristina is drowning. Can’t he do something? He flashes back to Sam saying Shiloh is better than they thought, and she’s scared. He sells the whole redemption story, and he’s really good. It took everything inside her to make him believe she was coming to his side.

Kristina arrives at DOD. Sam says she was concerned about Kristina and Valerie having a fight, and she talked to Shiloh. Kristina says she’s in no mood for a lecture. She just got a lecture from Molly. Sam’s not going to give her one. Sam says, Kristina has told her that she knows what she’s doing, and Shiloh has his eye on her, and she believes him.

Alexis tells Neil that she feels unsettled. She had a near miss with a homicidal maniac. You can’t blame her. He asks if she’s hearing blame. Ha says, she’s hearing him think she’s holding something back. There’s something left to tell. She says, there’s always things left out; there are always neuroses to conquer. He says, there’s no quick fix, but if she keeps up the hard work, she’ll reap the benefits.

Valentin tells Anna that he can’t help her. He’s not in touch with Alex. Anna says that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to reach her. He tells her, there’s no secret brotherhood of nefarious characters. She says she’d be on it. He gets up, and she tells him, this is important, and she’ll consider it making amends. Valentin sits back down. He says he’s serious; he doesn’t know where she is, but he’ll put out feelers. He might know someone who can reach her.

Sonny reaches for the gun, and Raj tells him not to be a hero. Sonny tells him to let Dante go and there won’t be any trouble. Raj says Dante has already told him everything he needs to know. Sonny asks if Raj tortured Dante; he’ll make Raj bleed. Raj says the only person who’s going to bleed is Sonny. He holds out his gun to Dante, and asks him to do the honors.

Chase says Finn is genuinely concerned for his well-being. Finn says, of course. Chase is kind of his responsibility. He tells Chase to wipe the grin off his face, and Chase says, no can do. He never thought he’d see his big brother coddle him. Finn starts to leave, and Chase thanks him. Seriously. It means a lot. Finn tells him, just be safe out there. Chase tells Finn, be safe. He’s the one dating a super spy. Finn leaves, and Chase smiles.

Anna tells Valentin to inform Alex that she knows about the experiment, and can provide a remedy. Valentin thinks she’ll be skeptical. They didn’t part on the best terms. Anna says, she’ll know it for what it is – the truth. She’ll come to Alex, and the whole nightmare will be over. Valentin would like to believe that, but he thinks in opening the door to a past nightmare, it will just be beginning. Anna ponders this.

Neil says, time’s up. Alexis says she just got there, and he says maybe she’ll be on time for the next session. She says, he doesn’t believe her, does he? and he says, that’s not his job. She leaves. but comes back. She says she had a sex dream about Julian, and almost drank a bottle of vodka. She’ll see him next week. He says he’s looking forward to it.

Kristina asks if she hasn’t told Sam all along that she knows what she’s doing. Sam should have listened. Sam says she loves Kristina, and thinks she’s amazing. She hopes things work out, and Kristina and Valerie can be friends again, but if not, she knows Kristina will be okay. Sam says she has to get the kids. Shiloh hopes she’ll consider what they talked about, and she says she will. She leaves, and Shiloh tells Kristina that Sam shared a little of what happened between her and her friend. It sounds like a rough night. Kristina says the negativity was turning in her head, but she succeeded in cutting it out and cut it off

Molly says, if Sonny knew about Shiloh, he’d already be fertilizing the pine barrens. Jason says, Sonny is out of town, but he’ll fill him in. Michael says the harder they go at Kristina, the faster she’ll run. Molly says he might be the one person left who can reach her. He asks, how? and Molly suggests pulling the loan, blocking her road to enlightenment. See how Shiloh reacts when she has no money to pay for the seminars. Jason says, Shiloh thinks he’s winning for now. In the end, it will be that much easier to take him down. Jason flashes back to when he was in the hospital, and Shiloh telling him that Sam is evolving, and he was trespassing on private property.

Shiloh tells Kristina that he applauds her positivity. The forces of conformity are not easily foiled. She says she stood up to her sister, and it felt good. She’s severing ties, and telling them that if they can’t accept her choices, she can’t accept their presence in her life. She feels lighter, freer. Shiloh is proud that the work she’s done has paid off, and thinks she’s ready for the next step.

Raj takes bullets out of the gun, and tells Dante that he doesn’t need more than one. It’s a shame Sonny has come such a long way to see his first born. He’ll find that Dante doesn’t want to come home. He’s happy where he is. Sonny asks what Raj did to him, and Raj says, Dante is there of his free will. He’s eager to be part of the organization. At least that’s what he claims. Now is his chance to prove it. He tells Dante, take the gun and kill his father. Sonny shakes his head.

On Monday, Jordan tells Curtis that they should talk about it, Lulu wishes Dante was home, Anna asks which part of her life belongs to her, and someone gets shot in Turkey.

👯 The Show Must Go On… And On…. And On…

While I’ve never recapped the show, I’ve enjoyed Dance Moms off and on over the years. Although she often seemed like a tyrant, I never thought Abby was any crankier than Debbie Allen on Fame. At least Abby doesn’t carry a big stick. I also thought she was one of those white collar criminals who, because they’re a C-list celebrity, got made an example of. Like what Joe Giudice is living right now. Despite her time in the pokey, and major health problems, Abby Lee Miller is back in Dance Moms: Resurrection – ha-ha! sounds like Jason or Freddy Krueger – premiering June 4th at 8 pm on Lifetime.


📜 Quotes of the Week

You can’t always sit in your corner of the forest and wait for people to come to you… you have to go to them sometimes.Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne

Just because I can’t punish old Frankenstein for what he’s done, I can tell him what the Lord told John. I can make goddam sure he don’t do it in Texas. – Sheriff Earl McGraw (Michael Parks), Death Proof

If men got periods, tampons would be thrown from floats like Mardi Gras beads. – Caroline (Beth Behrs), 2 Broke Girls

Only the mediocre are always at their best. – Jean Giraudoux

When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.Mary Oliver

They say the memory is the second thing to go. * What’s the first thing? * I don’t remember. – Arthur and Vivian (Don Johnson and Jane Fonda), respectively, Book Club

Appreciate someone else’s beauty without questioning your own.Anonymous

Neither blame or praise yourself.Plutarch

What you don’t do can be a destructive force.Eleanor Roosevelt

Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea. – Leigh Bardugo

When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. —J.M. Barrie

On truth: “I suppose there are two views about everything,” said Mark. “Eh? Two views? There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there’s never more than one.”C.S. Lewis from That Hideous Strength, compiled in Words to Live By

Music, like religion, unconditionally brings in its train all the moral virtues to the heart it enters, even though that heart is not in the least worthy. – Jean Baptiste Montegut – I have no idea what this means, but I like it!

🍀 May Your O’Weekend Be Filled With Pots O’ Gold…

And no bad behavior (at least, not too bad) or green beer hangovers. I used to hate St. Patrick’s Day when I worked in NYC. The parade made getting around the city a misery, but even worse were the amateur drinkers, who were often already sitting on the curb, sick, by noon. Seriously. You don’t have to. And no, I won’t kiss you because you’re Irish. Or wearing a T-shirt that says that.

And God knows, it’s not St. Patrick’s Day without a Peke.




March 14, 2018 – Julian Doesn’t Want to Be That Guy, St. Patrick’s O’Facts & a Gordon Funny


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Julian asks Chase if he’s making an arrest or it’s a family reunion. Alexis wonders if this is necessary, and calls Julian infantile. Julian says he’s not the one with the lizard in box. Finn says, bearded dragon. Chase asks if Finn understands his rights, and Finn says, perfectly.

Valentin comes to Nina’s office, and tells her how beautiful she is. He wants to steal her away for dinner. She says she can’t leave, but she’ll take a raincheck. He says okay, as long as he can fetch her after she’s done. Peter and Ned come in, and Peter says the mayor was asking who’s idea it was to reach out to the advertisers for relief donations. Nina says it was her pleasure, but she’s on a deadline right now. Ned tells her the donations are appreciated, and they leave. Valentin thinks Nina gave Peter a chilly reception, but she says it’s business as usual.

Jordan asks Curtis if Jim’s interest was never in development. Curtis says it was a smokescreen to access what’s underneath. He can afford to be extra generous, since he’s about to be made really rich.

On the phone, Sam asks where Drew disappeared to. He says, actually, he’s with Franco. She asks if everything is okay, and he says, so far, so good. She asks when he’ll be back, but he doesn’t know. He’ll call when he has a better idea. She asks where he is, but the call is disconnected. Jason walks into Sam’s office.

Drew tells Franco they have to get a few things straight. He’s not Franco’s friend, he’s not there to protect him, and anything they find out, Elizabeth is going to know. Franco agrees, and says, let’s find out the truth.

Alexis asks Chase, before he drags her client off, to tell her what Finn is being arrested for. He says being a public nuisance, and Finn asks if he made that up. If it’s a real thing, half the town should be arrested. Julian says, what about that thing? indicating Roxie, and Finn yells, she has a name. Alexis says she’ll bring Roxie to the station. She tells Julian she thought he’d changed, but apparently, she was wrong. Kim gives him a look.

Curtis tells Jordan the natural gas was Jim’s target, and the earthquake hooked him up. Jordan thinks of everyone who stood their ground and refused to be bought, and how now they ended up still having no homes. She’s been dealing with his mess for months. Curtis brings up how he harassed people who just wanted to keep a roof over their heads. He says the bottom line is that Jim messed with his auntie, and he’s going to bring Jim down. Jordan is with him 100%, but asks him to try not to do anything arrest-worthy in the process. He says he’ll do his best, but no promises.

Valentin hangs out in Nina’s office. Peter walks in, and Nina tells him he needs to learn personal boundaries; she has a deadline. He says he’ll call her assistant, and backs out. Valentin is like, business as usual? He wonders what happened between her and Peter. She says she ran into him at the hospital. He was with Maxie while she was getting some tests done. He’d taken her there, and Nina wonders why, since he’s not a friend or family. Valentin asks why she was there?

Franco goes over the plan with Drew. Jim is having a business meeting in room 304 of the hotel. When he’s done, Franco is going to tell Jim that he found Betsy. If they’re right, he’ll contact her – if she’s still contactable. Franco wonders what if didn’t just hide her? Drew says the plan is if he contacts Betsy, they take the information to the police, and they’ll find her.

Sam asks what Jason is doing there. He came to see Drew with an update on his search for Henrik. He’s going to Europe. Britt gave them a list of places that Faison went to, and Spinelli located the banks there. Sam asks if he thinks there might be a safe deposit box with the information, and he says he does. Anna is in on the search, since she wants to make sure Henrik isn’t following in his father’s footsteps. It’s a long shot, but worth a try. Sam asks if he’s really going for information, or because he needs space. Jason says, both.

Curtis tells Jordan that natural gas is a dicey issue, and fracking has been banned in the area. Jim needed someone he could convince that drilling was a good idea; someone who has the trust of the people. Someone recently elected. Jordan calls Ned’s office.

Alexis brings Roxie to the station, and gives her to Finn. Chase can’t believe he was called in for a bar fight over a lizard. Alexis says, bearded dragon. She says it’s an easy fix; why make everything hard? She asks for a word with her client, and Chase says he’s all hers. Finn says before she does her death glare thing, take Roxie out. Alexis can’t believe he didn’t tell her he had a brother. He says, half-brother. She says she has three daughters, all have different fathers, and not one of them uses the term half-sibling. Finn says it’s complicated. Alexis says, what’s complicated is how to keep him out of jail.

Nina tells Valentin that she was meeting the new OB/GYN, and getting a routine checkup. Everything is fine; status quo. Another doctor telling her that she’ll never get pregnant. Valentin puts his arms around her shoulders.

Sam tells Jason that aside from the kids being born, him coming back has been the greatest gift. She doesn’t know how she can keep living like this; in denial, pretending the feelings aren’t there when they are. She knew it from the time he pulled her out of the water. Then there’s Drew. It’s the craziest situation of all time. Really? It’s not even close to the craziest situation that’s been on this show. She says they have no one to blame but Faison. She wants to make it okay for everyone, but she hasn’t stopped to see how she’s feeling. The first thing she needs to do is be honest with Drew.

Franco tells Drew that Elizabeth knows everything. Sam ran to tell her, and he can’t blame her. Why wouldn’t she? Drew says, if that’s what happened. Franco says Elizabeth didn’t think he was born bad, and he knows she meant it, but she doesn’t trust him. He wasn’t supposed to be keeping secrets, and he was keeping a pretty good sized one. The whole time he was thinking he might be a crazy killer, even though he didn’t feel like one, but now he’s questioning it. Drew tells him, stop it. Franco asks if he’s having second thoughts. Drew tells him, not yet, but he’s not Franco’s confessor. Drew asks him about the rabbit’s foot, and Franco says Drew gave it to him.

Kim appreciates Julian being there. It’s nice to have a friend to lean on. Julian says it’s nice to have a friend in general. She asks if she can be honest, and tells him that he and Alexis are far from over each other.

Finn tells Alexis that his mother died. His father remarried, and they had Chase. It was a big adjustment, but his brother couldn’t help it; he doesn’t blame him for being born. Alexis says it sounds like it, and asks what he did. Finn says he was a little kid when he left for college. They don’t know each other. End of story. Alexis goes over to Chase, and tells him that Finn is a stand-up guy, who has gone out on a limb to help members of the community. Chase asks if she means herself, and she says yes, and a host of other people. The bottom line is, he has a lizard (Finn corrects that), and if he says it’s an emotional support animal, he’s not kidding. Chase doesn’t understand, but she says he doesn’t need to; he just needs to accept it. Chase says he’s new, and can’t be throwing out favors, not even for Finn. Alexis says it runs in the family.

Franco says Drew gave the rabbit’s foot to him for luck when they were little. Drew asks if he remembers, but Franco says he remembers the feeling surrounding it. Like he wasn’t alone, and had a friend. Drew says Jim’s meeting is over; it’s go time. He tells Franco to keep it simple; plant the bug, and don’t mess around.

Nina tells Valentin that she doesn’t know why she’s so emotional. She’s been through it before. He says not when she’s been grieving. She says she loves Charlotte, and her life is full because of them. He tells her not to apologize for wanting a child of her own. He thinks Maxie stirred things up, and Nina says, just for a brief second, she thought she could. Afterwards, she ran into Peter, and was angry because he was standing in the void her brother left.

Sam wonders if Jason has the best idea. They know Faison is a master manipulator, and might be taunting him from the grave. He says if there’s a safe somewhere that can tell him where Henrik is, he’ll find it. Peter comes by looking for Drew, and says sorry to interrupt. He needs the direct contacts for their advertisers. Sam says she can get those for him. Peter asks Jason if he really has a lead on Faison’s son.

Drew puts in an earpiece. Franco knocks on Jim’s door. Jim says, you can’t keep a good man down, and Franco says, or him either. They need to finish the conversation they were having before Jim left him for dead. Jim says he went for help, and Franco says, sure he did. Jim thinks his horrible, youthful incident is better left in the past. Franco isn’t so sure, and is interested in what his mom says. He tells Jim that he found Betsy. Back in the car, Drew says, take the bait, you SOB.

Peter says finding Henrik would be a big story, and asks if Jason is getting closer. Jason says he has a lead, but nothing concrete; just a direction. Sam gives him Peter some folders, and he tells Jason, good luck with the search.

Valentin tells Nina that the man next to Maxie was a painful reminder of where Nathan should be, but until she has a real reason to think something else, just think he was doing something nice. She says she needs to apologize, but Valentin says he’s a big boy and can take care of himself, Nina doesn’t know what she’d do without him, and he says she’ll never have to worry about that. Her phone rings, and she has to approve something in the graphics department. She tells him to wait, and she’ll have dinner with him. When she’s gone, Valentin texts Peter to meet him there.

Ned tells Jordan that he needs to talk to her too. He’s concerned about Jim. No legitimate businessman acts this way. His project is in shambles, and he’s throwing money around. There’s got to be an angle. Curtis says there is; he’s tapping into the natural gas underneath. A geologist confirmed that there are huge natural gas deposits below Charles Street, so he set up an illegal drilling site on Post Street. Jordan asks if he really had no idea, and Ned says, none.

Alexis says Finn does have a tendency to make things more difficult. Why not just find another restaurant? He tells her that he doesn’t like Julian. Everything her daughters have said about him is true. He treated her badly, and messed with her head. He had that stupid smirk on his face, and Finn had to wipe it off.

Chase uses Spyder-Finder to look up Alexis.

Peter tells Valentin that he just came from Drew’s office, and found Jason is bent on finding Henrik. Valentin says he has a more pressing issue – Maxie.

Sam asks how long Jason will be gone. He’s not sure, but would like to say goodbye to Danny. He says Danny is great kid, and asks how Sam is feeling after last night. She wonders if it’s a trick question, and he says he mean physically; is there anything hurting? She says, besides her heart? Oh please. She feels good, and she’s going to figure this out. Jason tells her that when she does, whatever she decides he’ll trust it, because he trusts her.

Jim tells Franco it’s terrific that he found Betsy. He knows how much she loves him, and also knows she’ll back him up. Franco says, we’ll see. He’ll be in touch. Jim says it’s amazing. He’s all grown up, but obviously, the sting of never getting Betsy to believe him, stayed with him. Franco asks what that means, and Drew says, don’t play his games; get out of there. 

Julian tells Kim that he’s not the only one pretending not to care. It wasn’t just Oscar she was worried about at the hospital. Kim says Drew almost died saving him, and Julian asks if she had tears of gratitude. She says, that, and relief. Oscar would be devastated if he lost his father, and how would she feel, since she kept him from Drew all these years? Chase comes in to double-check Julian’s statement. Julian asks, why? Was it incomplete? Chase says he was reading it over, and asks if Julian wants to be that guy. In court, because he was punched for beating up on a lizard. It will be a huge hassle, and potentially embarrassing. Kim thanks maybe more than a little. Julian says he’ll drop the charges, but for the record, Chase’s brother is an ass. Chase says, copy that.

Alexis tells Finn that no one was more surprised than her about their unexpected friendship, but she values it. He says, same here, and she asks him not to be one more person telling her how terrible Julian is. She as it thrown in her face every day, and is aware of the ongoing struggle. Finn can’t fight her battles for her. He says, understood, and there was probably another reason he threw the punch. Alexis says, Anna? He asks if it’s obvious. She says he was looking for fight found one. She adds for a doctor, he has a mean right hook.

Peter tells Valentin that he wasn’t there to upset her. Valentin says he knows Peter wants to make things better, but he’s the last person can help Maxie. If there’s a mischance or slip, and she finds out who he really is, how bad does he think her grief will be then? He had a part in bringing Faison to town, and in Nathan’s death.

Jason goes down Memory Lane about the times he and Sam came close to dying. Sam says going through that brings clarity to life. She’s not sure how translates to her life, but she knows it doesn’t for him. She has to relearn the rule they lived by – the only way to truly be happy, is if you’re living your own truth. Ugh. I hate how the word truth keeps getting thrown around and given new meanings. I think what she means is being authentic. She tells Jason she has to figure out what truth is for her.

Jim says Franco’s mom believed him. Jim used to tell her stories, but now they’re the truth. He remembers. No one will believe Franco. He told tales back then, and he’s still spinning them now. He’s a liar, and always has been. Franco says that’s not true. Jim tells Franco that he pushed Drew. Don’t try to pretend; he was there. Franco says Jim’s story keeps changing, and he’s going to find out why. Jim says no one will question him when says Franco is a bad guy. He was sick then, and he’s sick now. He was just born bad. One of them was a born liar. Franco covers his head, and starts repeating, go away. Jim says, that’s the big secret. He does something with his phone, and says, he saw a bad boy. Betsy will believe him, and so will everyone else. Suddenly, Drew busts in, and tells Jim to get away. I want to cheer. I don’t really like Drew a lot of the time, but I like him right now.

Drew tells Franco to get up. Franco is repeating, no more. Drew asks what Jim did to him. Jim says it’s like old times. Just the three of them. Make it five. Two thugs walk in.

Kim laughs, and tells Julian they’re sad. She has feelings for a man who doesn’t remember her. Julian says, it is sad. He got riled over a lizard. Kim says in his defense, he made it better. At least Alexis remembers what he was to her. He says she’ll never let him be that again. Kim says, this can’t be it. They will have more to life than unrequited feelings. He hopes so. She toasts to more, and they clink coffee cups.

Chase tells Finn luck is on his side. Julian had a change of heart, and he’s free to go. Get out before he changes his mind. Finn says, see you around, and Chase says, I guess so.

Ned asks if Jordan and Curtis think the test well caused the earthquake. Jordan says it was clearly unstable to begin with, but she doesn’t think the drilling helped. Ned says he can’t believe he fell for it. Curtis says Jim is smooth. Ned is shocked Jim thought he’d jump on board. He would have done everything in his power to stop it. Jordan tells him to use it now. Curtis says Jim owns the land. Stopping him won’t be easy. I dunno. I think if he knew what was there, and drilled anyway, it’s pretty easy to have him arrested.

Valentin suggests that Peter untangle himself. Maxie has plenty of people to take care of her, and he’s not one of them. Peter thinks it would be cruel to walk away. Valentin says, what would be cruel is finding out Peter is the son Faison tried to kill in the first place.

Jason tells Sam to take the time she needs. She asks why he’s so amazing. He says he truly loves her, and wants what’s best for her, whatever it turns out to be. He starts to leave. Sam tells him that she’s not going to say, be careful, but good luck and be safe. He asks if it isn’t the same thing as be careful, and she tells him, no, it’s not. He tells her good luck too. I can’t believe they ended on that note.

Tomorrow, Dante confronts Peter, Maxie tells Lulu nothing is ever her fault, and Jim tells Franco and Drew to leave the past where it belongs.

🍀 Top O’ the Trivia to You!

  • We should really wear blue! Saint Patrick himself would have to deal with pinching on his feast day. His color was “Saint Patrick’s blue,” a light shade. The color green only became associated with the big day after it was linked to the Irish independence movement in the late 18th century.
  • Saint Patrick wasn’t Irish. Although he made his mark by introducing Christianity to Ireland in the year 432, Patrick wasn’t Irish himself. He was born to Roman parents in Scotland or Wales in the late fourth century.
  • St. Patrick’s was a dry holiday in Ireland until 1970.Aside from the color green, the activity most associated with St. Patrick’s Day is drinking. However, Irish law, from 1903 to 1970, declared St. Patrick’s Day a religious observance for the entire country meaning that all pubs were shut down for the day. That meant no beer, not even the green kind, for public celebrants.
  • BONUS: Your odds of finding a four-leaf clover are: about 1 in 10,000.

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