Monthly Archives: November 2017

November 29, 2017 – Andre is Found, a Fashion Show Standoff, a Little Star & Random Info


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Obrecht shows up at The Floating Rib, where Mac, Felicia, and Sam are setting up a celebration. Maxie has insisted on a gathering of her and Nathan’s nearest and dearest, but they don’t know why. Lulu has her suspicions, but says it’s not her place to say. Maxie and Nathan arrive, and say they have good news to share, but they’re waiting for everyone to get there. Obrecht suggests entertaining them with a medley of German ballads in the meantime, so Maxie reveals that she and Nathan are having a baby.

Jason goes to the station to see Dante. He’s hoping for some help.

In Havana, Curtis enjoys a cigar. Almost. Jordan takes it out of his hand, telling him that’s a no if he wants to kiss her. He says she drives a hard bargain. She asks if he’s sure about the name Andre is using, since no one has checked in with it. He says his contact is solid, but Andre probably changes it. Using different ones for travel and lodging makes it harder to trace. Curtis tells her that his contact sent a photo of Andre at the place they’re staying, so just sit back, chill, and wait for him to return.

Valentin sees Nina at the MetroCourt, and asks if she’s having breakfast meeting, since there’s an extra place setting. She says yes, but it hasn’t started yet. Cassandra walks up to the table.

Finn tells Anna that he didn’t want to press the issue on Thanksgiving, but they have to move forward. Anna says she could arrest Cassandra on what she has, but the organization would still go on, and it would be for nothing. He’s out, and she intends to keep it that way. Finn says Cassandra will want to flood the market with the new opiate he’s going to develop.

Maxie says she couldn’t hide it after she annihilated the Thanksgiving buffet, and Lulu says she was right. Felicia had been worried they were moving, and asks why she didn’t tell them. Obrecht says the Americans have it wrong. Maxie might be pregnant, but her son is going to be a father, and she will be a großmutter. She tells Mac and Felicia that they’ll be bonded together for eternity, and Mac suddenly needs a drink. Maxie says she wanted to tell Georgie first. She was confused, thinking Spinelli was the father, and still has questions about how a baby can have the same mother, but a different father. She sees Sam, and says, sorry, but Sam says it’s okay; they’re coping.

Dante tells Jason that was some entrance, and Jason says it wasn’t on purpose. Dante says it never is. He has good intentions, reacts, and mayhem ensues. He didn’t want to say anything, but has to admit that Jason’s brother has been a good friend. His twin saved Dante’s life, and he’s a good dude. He didn’t want to think Jason was bailing on him, but now that he’s staring him in the face… He says, welcome home, Jason.

Jordan doesn’t want to just sit there, but Curtis says they’re leaving nothing to chance. She wants to pay the waiter, but Curtis explains that you can’t use an American credit card in Cuba (good to know). It’s cash or nothing. Andre never had a chance to empty his bank accounts, and now that they’re frozen, he can’t access them. They’ll just wait and draw him out.

Cassandra wonders why Valentin is surprised that she and Nina are meeting, since she thought they tell each other everything. Nina says she sent him a text, and he pretends to suddenly see it. Nina says since Valentin told her about his involvement with Cassandra, she thought it best that everything be out in the open, so they met. Cassandra says sorry to blindside him, and Nina says she’s been working late, and by the time she gets home, the last thing she wants to talk about is his exes, but she thought why not still be friends? Cassandra tells Valentin she’s like to get closer to the people he loves.

Anna tells Finn it’s a bad idea. She’s not risk getting him further involved; it’s too dangerous. Finn says it wasn’t when she blackmailed him into treating Cassandra, or telling people they’re dating. Anna says the cover is keeping him alive, but working with her will have the opposite effect. He says Cassandra is interested in him, and if he can convince her that he has the expertise to develop a new drug, she might let him in and show him where the bodies are buried. Anna says, or he’ll be one. She tells him he doesn’t have the resources, and he says, Valentin does? She says he’s a trained spy, and Finn suggests maybe he should be in jail. Anna says Cassandra knows Valentin because he’s a criminal, but knows Finn to be an upstanding citizen. How is he going to convince her otherwise? He says he’ll find a way, but he can’t sit on his hands and do nothing. She tells him no, and Robin appears, asking if everything is okay.

Obrecht tells Nathan that her dismissal was blessing in disguise. She’s been doing some traveling, and Nathan asks if she saw Britt. She says Britt’s whereabouts are a mystery. He says, to everyone or just him? Obrecht changes the subject, wanting to know about the Man Landers story. He says it’s long and complicated. Maxie joins them, saying she’s glad it’s over, but she won’t rest until she  finds out who leaked the story. Someone went out of their way to ruin her career. Sam says she’ll be glad to help.

Valentin suggests he stay, but Nina says it’s a girl brunch, and she’ll walk him out. In the hallway, he asks what she thinks she’s doing. Nina says Cassandra believes she knows nothing about their business relationship. She thinks Valentin told her told her everything, but is convinced she knows nothing. She reminds him about keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer. She says after a few drinks, she’ll find Cassandra’s weak spot. Valentin says she knows his is Nina, but Nina says she’s not going to get away with it. Trust her.

Robin says she didn’t mean to pry. Finn says he’s just worked up about an excess of fentanyl ODs at the hospital. Robin says it’s been the same in Berkeley. I saw a woman hooked on fentanyl on Intervention once, and it was seriously scary stuff. Robin tells him as long as newer end cheaper drugs are produced, more generations will get hooked. He says it’s too bad they can’t stop it before it hits the streets. After Robin leaves, Anna tells Finn not to use her to make point, but Finn says even Robin can see how urgent it is; why can’t she? She says one of the reasons she’s involved is because of Robin.

Jordan asks how Curtis plans on drawing Andre out, and he says Andre likes to collect antiquities. His passion is now his cash flow. He made nice with the concierge, telling him that he’s into artifacts, and asked if he knows someone who might want to unload some. He did, and Curtis asked for a meeting in the café where they’re sitting. Jordan says they’ll have to hang back and hope Andre takes the bait.

Jason tells Dante that Diane is working on proving his identity, but Dante wonders if she shouldn’t be working on keeping him out of prison. He says that Jason’s attack on Franco was unprovoked, but he’ll testify against Franco if necessary. Jason says that’s not why he’s there. He needs to see his file from the night Faison shot him.

Nina confesses that she’s never been to Monte Carlo, and Cassandra jokes the friendship over. Nina says she’ll have to schedule a photo shoots there; the winters are killing her. Cassandra says she’s sure Port Charles has its charms, and she’ll be taking them in while she’s on business there. Nina asks what her business is. She mentioned she was in pharmaceuticals. Nina  tells her about an ad from a pharmaceutical company being pulled at the last minute, and says it must be hard dealing with the FDA. Cassandra says she prefers the European way of keeping business and friendship separate. Nina’s phone rings, and she says her new assistant is still getting the hang of things. She’s just now getting a message about an announcement her brother made an hour ago. Cassandra understands if she has to leave, and they make plans to get together soon.

Finn asks what Robin has to do with it, and Anna says she’s HIV positive. She was diagnosed about twenty years ago. Finn says he’s sorry, and Anna tears up. She says it was at a time when it was practically a death sentence, but she benefited from the advancement in the way the disease is treated. Her boyfriend wasn’t so lucky. Finn asks if she contracted it from him, and Anna nods. She says his name was Stone Cates, and Finn recognizes it from a wing at the hospital. Anna says Sonny endowed the wing in his memory. He was just a kid, and his girlfriend had been an IV drug user. She was just a kid too, but she got hooked, and her addiction changed the course of her life, Stone’s life, and Robin’s life forever. Drug addiction affected her in a different way than Finn, but it’s had an impact on her life nonetheless.

Robin tells Maxie that Noah and the baby will have to grow up being besties. Lulu asks Sam if she’s okay, and Sam says she’s just distracted. Lulu doesn’t know if it’s a bad time, but tells her about how she’s been doing some writing for a local publication, and wants to make a go of it. She asks if they’re hiring writers; she’s willing to start at the bottom. Sam says Lulu doesn’t have to do a hard sell; she’ll help. She gives Lulu the contact information for Peter August, telling her that he’s the new CEO. Lulu thought they were planning on running Aurora themselves, but Sam says it’s a big ship to steer. She’s just glad they found someone to be at the helm with them, since they’re in a lot of flux.

Dante tells Jason that the file doesn’t leave the building, room, or his sight. Jason’s identify hasn’t been legally proven, so it’s at his discretion, and he’s responsible. Sooner or later, it will be a file about himself. Sooner, if Sonny has anything to do with it. He calls Jason, Sonny’s right hand man.

Andre, looking spiffy in a straw fedora, comes up behind Curtis’s chair, and says he heard he’s looking to take something back from Cuba. Curtis gets up, and says, good to see you, doc. He never thought this day would come. Andre pushes him back, and they struggle

Maxie tells Felicia that she made so many mistakes with Georgie, she wants to get it right this time. Felicia says she knows she wasn’t the best mother, but Maxie says she’s managed to make up for lost time. Felicia says it’s love that matters the most, along with patience, forgiveness, sacrifice, and acceptance. She’s never met anyone with more love to give.

Nina tells Nathan it’s amazing. He’s going to be the most incredible, stupendous father on the planet. She’s happy for him.

Valentin visits Anna, and asks if he’s interrupting. She tells him that she’s explained to Finn that she’s using him as a mole instead. Finn says Valentin’s credentials are better than his. Anna says the risk outweighs the reward, but Finn says he’s only person who can create the chemical compound Cassandra needs to develop a new drug. Anna says it’s a terrible idea, but Valentin thinks it’s brilliant.

Robin tells Sam she knows how confusing it is, and apologizes for any part she played in the confusion. She saw his face, the same face she’d known her entire life. She had no idea he had a twin. If it’s any consolation, she has some idea of what she’s going through after what happened with her, Patrick, and Sabrina. Sam tells her to stop.

Jason tells Dante that he heard Sonny thought about getting out of the business. Dante says now he doesn’t have to; he has Jason back. Anyone who crosses Sonny will live to regret it. He loves Sonny, but hates what he does, and Jason enables him. No matter how much he likes Jason, they’ll always be on opposing sides.

Jordan tells Andre and Curtis to stop. Andre says he knew wouldn’t be long before they figured things out. Curtis tells him skipping out was a red flag. Jordan says they know he has information about Jason Morgan, and asks him to come with them to answer questions. He tells them they wasted their time. He’s not going back, and he’s not talking to anyone.

Robin and Sam apologize to each other. Robin tells Sam that she’s heading back, but she’s still reachable if Sam needs her. Nina approaches Sam, asking if she’s okay. Sam says people keep saying she’s confused, but she isn’t. She knows who her husband is, but can’t convince them.

Andre says it’s not going to get better, but Jordan says if he goes back, it would for a lot of people, namely Jason. Curtis says he’s a good friend. They’ve been to hell and back together, and he deserves to know what’s going on with his own life. Andre says he’s sympathetic, but already said too much. The people involved don’t want truth to come out. He says that Jordan has no jurisdiction in Cuba, and by the time she’s able to extradite him, he’ll be long gone.

Anna asks if Valentin is joking. He tells her that Cassandra is threatening his family. His wife has taken it upon herself to do recon for him, and she’s about as subtle as a freight train. Cassandra only trusts him if he’s in check, but has no reason to distrust her doctor friend. She’s actually fond of him; she likes his healing hands and bedside manner. Anna says she’s not sanctioning this. She’ll have Finn arrested for interfering and making narcotics with the intent to sell. Finn says he’s out of there. Valentin tells Anna that he seems like a keeper.

Mac asks what’s on Lulu’s mind. She tells him that she’s thinking of switching her career to journalism. She says it’s one thing to think about it, but it’s totally different to take the plunge. Mac remembers how he felt leaving the PCPD. He thought his life was over, but it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He’s able to do something he enjoys, and put his family first. They agree that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. He tells her to do it; it worked for him.

Dante asks what Jason is looking for, and he says something to tell him where he’s been. Dante doesn’t think he’s going to find it there. Other than the phoenix figurine Sam gave him, there was nothing to be found after he fell in the water. Faison is a fugitive, so they can’t ask him any questions. All they even know about him is that he’s obsessed with Anna.

Valentin asks Anna why she’s flustered. She says she’s angry and frustrated. She asks him why he’s encouraging Finn. Is he trying to get him killed? He says that Finn would have to work hard to screw up. Anna tells him now she’s angry, frustrated, and annoyed; it’s a trifecta. Valentin says Cassandra is getting close to his wife and daughter, and if she doesn’t back off, he’ll have to take it into his own hands. Anna tells him to get out. He asks if she means out of her house or the operation, and she says it’s still on. He tells her she’s never had a problem putting people in harm’s way. What makes Finn different as an asset?

Finn orders black coffee. No shots, no syrup, no foam. Cassandra asks if he’s had a bad day, and is there anything she can do to help?

Dante congratulates Nathan, and tells him that he’s never going to get another night’s sleep as long as he lives. Maxie asks for everyone’s attention, and proposes a toast, reassuring them she has club soda. She says seeing them all reminds her and Nathan about how much love they have in their lives; Nathan adding, and how lucky their kid will be. They clink glasses.

Finn confesses he’s had a rotten morning, but Cassandra could make it better by joining him for coffee. She says she’d be delighted. Valentin sees them.

Jason goes to Anna’s house. She says she heard the rumors, and there he is. He tells her that he needs her help in finding Faison. He needs to know why he was shot, and what they’re after. Anna says she doesn’t know where he is, but Obrecht would. I get super excited, because Faison is my favorite GH character of all time. I met Andres Hove at a horror convention, where he did a panel with a soap actress whose name I don’t remember. They’d done a horror film together. When I asked them to sign a soap magazine, the both of them snatched it out of my hands, flipping through it to find themselves and their friends. I did eventually get it back, signed. He was really a nice guy, and oozed European charm.

Nina asks how Nathan feels, and he says he has a lot to think about. Mac and Felicia will be awesome grandparents, and he knows his mother is going to spoil their child. He says he never knew his biological father. Obrecht overhears.

Curtis says he’ll make a call to Anna. Jordan might not have jurisdiction, but the WSB does. Andre says he’ll be gone before they get there. Jordan says she doesn’t know how he got mixed up in this, but she knows he’s a healer. She has to believe he had higher purpose, and was doing it to heal in some way. He’s a good man. She never would have trusted her heart to him if she didn’t believe that. As someone he once loved, she’s asking him to come back and make it right.

Tomorrow, Oscar can’t stand not knowing who his father is, Franco wants to know why Elizabeth is taking his side, and Spinelli sees Jason.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Back at the retreat, the women pick a partner and role play. Siggy goes first, picking Margaret. Margaret starts whining about how beautiful the cake was, and how disrespectfully it was treated. Melissa wonders how they’re solving things this way. She doesn’t think this kind of role-playing will result in a happy ending. Siggy pretends to have pigtails, complaining about everything. Vikki tells them it was hard to watch. I don’t know if she means because of the situation or their bad acting. Siggy says she feels like Margaret got to know her better here. Calling her “Soggy” cut her to the core, bringing her back to a time she wasn’t accepted, and was bullied over her name. Vikki tells her to use it as a strength. Margaret says she thought she was being funny, and didn’t mean to hurt Siggy’s inner child. She apologizes, saying now that she knows, she’ll never do anything like that again. Siggy says she was coming from place of hurt – “a place of” being the new catchphrase. They’re good, and hug it out.

Melissa is next, and she says she had a problem with Siggy. She gets that Siggy was sensitive about the cake thing, but feels it was overreactive. She does a spot-on impression of Siggy welcoming Melissa into her home, proceeding to call her an a-hole, then asking for a show of hands as to who else thinks so. She ends with Siggy being a normal hostess again, and it’s all very funny. Siggy says her intention wasn’t to embarrass Melissa; she just wanted her to understand how much effort she’d put into the weekend. Melissa says she could have been more sensitive, but Siggy could have been too. Siggy wants to break down the wall between them, and they also hug it out.

Danielle wants to speak to Teresa about an old wound, surprising everyone, and causing Dolores to breathe a sigh of relief, although I wonder if she’s a little disappointed. Danielle says she and Teresa are in a good place, and she wants to stay there, but there’s an old wound that affected her daughters. Calling her a “prostitution whore” in front of her kids upset them. She’s continually been made fun of for it, and her kids were bullied. She needs to hear Teresa says she didn’t mean it. Teresa says if she could, she’d take it back, and she was coming from a place (sigh) of anger. Danielle asks if Teresa is willing to tell her daughters that. Teresa says whatever she can do to make it better, she will. In her interview, Dolores says that Danielle blames every hardship on Teresa. I’m really starting to dislike Dolores. She doesn’t know Danielle, it was a legitimate complaint, and it’s none of her business anyway. Teresa says there’s an Italian saying that the tongue breaks bones. Siggy thinks the group has taken huge steps in being more compassionate. I think so too, except for Dolores.

Joe #2 takes Milania to play race cars. Not like Matchbox cars, but ones you sit in and drive on an inside track. He says she’s been through a lot. Her mother and father going away (I love that euphemism), and her grandmother passing. They go for a snack afterward. Joe tells Milania that her mom is worried, and told him she was seeing her grandmother in the kitchen. He says she was his mother; he loved her and misses her. He tells Milania not to be a tough girl. When you talk about it, you feel better. She says it doesn’t feel real. Her grandma used to say one day she’ll die, and now it’s happened. He says he knows her dad isn’t around, but anything she needs, let him know, and not just if she wants something; he’s there to talk.

The ladies get ready for a last conversation. Siggy says the idea of the exercises was to get to a point of trust, and the last one is meant to take them to a deeper place. She asks them to tell something no one knows. Margaret says before Joe #3, she had the perfect family. Now, two of them don’t speak to her, and it’s been six years. Siggy says she should have ended the marriage first, like Margaret needs to hear that or could change it, and Margaret says ideally that should have happened. Vikki says her ex is the key, and to ask him to help mend with the children. Her best advice is to never give up. Siggy feels badly, because she’s having a hard time with Josh going to school, and can only imagine how hard and upsetting this is.

Teresa says they don’t all have perfect lives. When she came home, Joe #1 was drinking a lot. She wishes he’d been stronger, but realizes women are stronger than men. She does have resentment, but has to move on. Siggy says she’s taken on a lot, and inside, feelings have a way of festering and need to be released. In her interview, Melissa says Teresa needs to come out and tell Joe she wants an apology, but she’s not there yet.

Dolores invites everyone to her animal charity event. In her interview, Margaret says, are you kidding? She bares her soul, and Dolores asks everyone to come to her dog charity. But of course, she’ll go. Vikki thanks everyone, and thinks the test was successful. It’s awesome that they’re in a great place.

It’s back to routine. Teresa visits Siggy, bearing coffee. Siggy tells Teresa about getting the pellets in her behind, and how it’s been life-changing. She’s actually in the mood now. She asks when Teresa last saw Joe #1, and Teresa says it was before her mom got sick. In her interview, Siggy says that’s three months. She thinks Teresa is frustrated, sad, and holding resentment. Teresa tells Siggy that she’s guarded. Her upbringing was geared to not showing emotion, the old school way. Siggy says she has the right to feel how she does, and no one thinks she isn’t the strongest woman around. She tells Teresa to go against what she learned. Dig deep, and spill it.

Dolores explains that she got involved in the Onyx and Breezy Foundation after the love of her life, Boo, passed away last year. I remember that; it was really sad. It looks almost like a carnival, in a big field, with booths, and food, agility runs for the dogs, and things like a bouncy house for the kids. There are a lot of people there with dogs. Danielle brings her pups in a stroller. Teresa is afraid of dogs, but only big ones. Everyone agrees the retreat was great. Melissa asks Siggy if she’s talked to Danielle, who thinks she went kumbaya too quickly with Margaret. We see a clip of Danielle telling the women that of course she’d want to fix her own problem first to look good.

Danielle talks to Margaret, telling her that she doesn’t understand how they made up so fast, and it was convenient for Siggy to look good. Margaret says she has a point, and Danielle thinks she should be on guard. In her interview, Margaret says understands Danielle has been known to create drama, but thinks she has genuine concern.

Siggy tells Melissa that she doesn’t care. She thinks Danielle has things festering (another popular word), and it is what it is. In her interview, Siggy says she has history with the others, but nothing with Danielle. Two dogs do some weird thing that’s incredibly cute, and everyone goes, aww! Danielle and Margaret join the others. Dolores talks about Kim D.’s fashion show, and asks who’s going. Teresa isn’t, and Siggy doesn’t think it’s the right time to bring it up. Dolores says she and Siggy will be walking in it,  reminding them it’s a charity event for the two boys found in the burned car. Teresa reminds her about Kim D. spreading rumors that Joe #1 was cheating on her. Dolores says she was just throwing it out there, but obviously no one is interested. In her interview, Teresa says of course she’s not going, and she doesn’t think her friends should either. Kim D. is creepy. She reminds me of Sylvia Miles in Midnight Cowboy.

Melisa visits Margaret’s showroom, and she has the cutest stuff! Melissa tells us that no one wanted to help her without cost, but Margaret said she’d show her the ropes. Melissa tells Margaret that boutiques are everywhere in New Jersey. She’s still new to the game, and trying to figure out a way to separate herself from the others. Margaret says she has to find what no one else has. Maybe go to Europe, and find brands no one else is carrying. Margaret invites her to come to Milan, where she’s having her shoe line designed. Melissa says it would be beneficial, and she’d love to. Oddly enough, she’s never been to Italy.

Siggy and Dolores go to Kim D.’s store, Posche. They try on outfits for the show, and she has them do their walk. Siggy says that Melissa and Teresa won’t be coming because they don’t like her, and remember the last time. Kim says everyone was thinking it, but she said it. Siggy says it was only rumors. Anybody can say anything, but unless you have a picture of the “weewee entering the cookie,” people should mind their own business. She says Teresa has been through hell and back, and is working her butt off. Kim says she heard Teresa is rekindling an old flame. Siggy and Dolores don’t want to hear it. Siggy says Teresa has no old flames; the only man she’s ever been with is Joe #1, although no one would blame her. Kim says forget it then, and Dolores says it’s forgotten until they have to tell her what Kim said, and she’ll shoot the messenger. Kim thinks Joe treated her horribly, and Siggy has to leave. It amazes me that they’d even want to be friends with this woman. I don’t care how long they’ve known her. She’s horrifying.

The ladies are meeting for dinner at Fresco. Melissa and Teresa are there first. Teresa says she just dropped Gabriella off at a bat mitzvah, and Melissa says it’s that season. Teresa has to explain that a bat mitzvah or bar mitzvah is related to a 13th birthday. Margaret, Danielle, and the weird ass Bobbsey twins arrive. Melissa talks about how fabulous Margaret’s collections are, and how she’s going to Milan. She thinks everyone should come, because she’s out of her mind. Siggy chooses this time to make it clear that she and Dolores are walking in the fashion show.

Teresa asks why, and Dolores tells her about what Kim D. said regarding Teresa rekindling an old flame. Melissa says not only has Kim done things to hurt her and her family, on top of it, she’s saying Teresa is a cheater, and they’re still supporting her. Siggy says it’s for charity, and Dolores says she’s neutral; she’s known Kim for twenty years. Oh, I see. For her, it’s okay to be neutral, but anyone else who is, isn’t loyal. Melissa says everything Kim D. says and stands for is bullsh*t. In her interview, Dolores pities Teresa for not seeing she’s her truest friend. This woman is delusional. We flash back to Kim D. stirring up rumors that Melissa was a stripper. Melissa tells Dolores she has to pick a side, and Dolores doesn’t get it. Siggy says when she and Margaret weren’t getting along, she didn’t tell them not to go to Margaret’s party. I just stare at Siggy blankly. Melissa lists all of the things Kim has done, and says she’s a vial human being. Siggy says she can only judge on the way Kim treats her. Margaret says Hitler wouldn’t have killed her; should they have been friends? Snap! Teresa is fuming, and Dolores says no one would blame Teresa if it was true. Teresa smashes a glass against the wall, and says they should have stuck up for her. Dolores says they did, and they both get loud, with Dolores leaning nearly all the way across the table. Margaret pulls her back. She insists she stuck up for Teresa, and tells Melissa not to tell her what to do. Siggy says it’s not about Kim, but about the dead kids, and doesn’t she have a heart, since I guess Siggy never heard of just sending a check. Margaret says they’re both hurt, and Dolores tells her to shut up. Margaret says, no thanks, she won’t shut up. Dolores and Siggy leave, with Danielle saying a line has been drawn in the sand, and telling them to have a nice time.

Outside, Siggy tells Dolores they did the right thing by telling Teresa, and Dolores says they did stand up for her. In the restaurant, Melissa is like, great, and I just invited them to Milan. Teresa can’t believe they’re supporting Kim after what she did. It’s screwed up. She wants to confront Kim, and Melissa says it would be like walking into the lion’s den. Danielle says they’ll all go. They’ll walk in like Charlie’s effing Angels, plus one, do what they have to do, and leave. Melissa says okay, and Margaret says she’s never been to a shakedown before. Danielle tells her they’re going to win, and Melissa says, kill me now.

Next time, a medium visits Joe #2 and Teresa, Kim D. and Teresa go at it, and Teresa tells Siggy eff-you.

👌 Who knows? Maybe she is just stirring the pot, but I like Danielle. She set the bar early on. I’d take a guess that she was told to put the book on the table that Teresa flipped, but she took that ball and ran with it. She’s the best thing that could have happened to this season. Her, and Teresa getting sprung.

🌟 Star began with a round of interviews about the shooting, and how it’s a normal occurrence. It was really good until they threw in Al Sharpton playing himself on the TV. Noah and Alex played it up for the cameras, which Star wasn’t happy about, but wouldn’t admit. Ayanna got custody of Simone, and her father put the pressure on about getting the numbers up, causing her to move up the showcase date. The girls were in though. Noah was also hitting the bottle pretty hard, but Joyce was the one who keeled over due to an OD. Ayanna hoped Joyce would go to rehab, and gave Simone a Xanax to calm her down, which made perfect sense. Brody’s loan shark was breathing down his neck, threatening his daughter. Under the guise of needing to use the bathroom, he snuck around upstairs at the beauty shop. Later, he got an eyeful of the pictures of a battered Star, and heard Hunter’s frantic calls to her afterward. Jahil and Carlotta tried to save Cotton from herself (again), and Jahil shot her boyfriend in the leg. Cotton claimed she needed him, but Carlotta told her to stay away from his sorry ass. Noah ended up kissing Alex for real, and she told him to back off. She went back to Derek, but thought about Noah when she was in bed with him. Next time is the finale, because seasons are only like, six episodes now.

🌴🍹 The new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills starts on Tuesday, December 9th, at 9pm. I can’t wait! Giggy!

❄ If you get a chance, check out Bravo’s Winter Warm-Up. Stassi Schroeder (Vanderpump Rules) and Kyle Cooke (Summer House) host a line-up of clips from the new seasons of the old shows and the premieres of the new ones.

😎 Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard from The People’s Couch have a new podcast, Dumb Gay Politics. I haven’t listened in yet, but they were hysterically funny on the couch. You can tune in here:


November 28, 2017 – Oscar’s Possible Father, Timothy is Back On Board & a Warner Brothers Staple


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

At the bar, Julian tells Alexis her eyes aren’t deceiving her. He’s real.

Ava looks at the contract which leaves the doctor with no responsibility.

Josslyn meets Oscar at the footbridge. She tells him Sonny and her mom are holed up in their room, probably talking about his mom mistaking Jason for Drew. Oscar says his mom was freaked too. She wouldn’t answer any questions and went to her room. Josslyn asks if he’s thinking what she is; that Drew is his dad.

Andrew and Sam cuddle on the couch. She says he’s definitely still him, her husband, to have and to hold. He tells her that all they need is proof, and once again it will be official.

Jordan and Curtis go to her place to make a frozen pie. He says as amazing as the Quartermaine pizza extravaganza was, he’s old school, and like turkey with Stella’s stuffing and cranberry sauce. Jordan says she never thought of him as Mr. Traditional. He might be enlightened, but he’s really just as stuffy as the Quartermaines. He asks why, because he wants all the trimmings? He gets a text, and she asks if it’s about Andre.

Julian tells Alexis that he’s out on bond. Alexis says she saw his sister’s statement, and thought maybe he’d get an appeal, but not a conditional release. He says there might be enough grounds for a new trial, but the judge thought he might have some family who wanted to spend the holidays with him. Alexis says Scotty must be thrilled, and he  tells her it was mostly the judge’s call. He asks about Thanksgiving and the family, and the Jasons. Alexis tells him that there was a DNA test, and they’re identical twins, both a match for Jason Morgan. He can’t imagine how confusing that must be for Sam. Alexis says it’s mind-boggling, but she decided to stay with her husband and keep the family intact. Julian says it makes for tricky legalities for sure. He says he might never have a relationship with his children, but it’s not because he doesn’t want to. Alexis is glad he realizes that. Julian says he doesn’t expect anything from her – except one thing.

Griff call Ava and leaves a message. He says he’s getting a familiar feeling. He’s going to check her apartment, and if she’s not there, he’s assuming she’s seeking treatment for her scars. He tells her that he cares about her.

Ava tells Dr. Zajac that she understands he needs to protect himself, but it seems extreme. He asks if she didn’t sign the same kind of form at Dr. Klein’s clinic, and she admits to not paying attention. The doctor says his lawyers insist on it, and it’s not different than the pamphlet that comes with medication. No matter how obscure side effects, they have to be listed. It seems extreme, but they rarely occur. It’s her decision if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Andrew suggests tequila and dominoes, so he and Sam can relive a favorite memory. She tells him that he doesn’t have to do that.

Oscar says, so Jason’s  twin got hit by a car, and had his face removed? Josslyn says he looks nothing like did before. He asks why they thought he was Jason, and she says the DNA matched. Oscar wonders why he didn’t say it was a mistake, but she says that’s the weird part. He remembers being Jason. Her mom and Sonny are trying to prove who the real Jason is, but the other guy thinks he’s Jason. He’s living in Jason’s apartment with Jason’s wife. Her mom says he’s in denial, probably because they have a baby daughter. His wife has two kids; one with Jason, and one with Andrew. He asks if she can tell him more about his father, but she says more than that, and tells him to prepare to be blown away.

Dr. Zajac tells Ava that she’s an excellent candidate. He can see why Dr. Klein was so keen to take her on. He says they can start as soon as his nurse finishes prepping her. Ava says she was taken off-guard about him wanting to start so quickly. She says Dr. Klein took photos, and gave her something to relax. Dr. Zajac tells him that photos will be taken once she’s under. His nurse enters with a syringe, and he tells Ava to lie back. He says soon it will be like twilight, and once she’s under the anesthesia, she won’t be aware of any pain. I notice how much makeup Ava is wearing. That alone would make me run, since you’d think any doctor who was going to work on her face would want that removed. He asks if she’s ready, and she says definitely not.

Julian wonders why his sister made a spontaneous statement exonerating him, and Alexis suggests maybe therapy was the motivation. Julian tells her they both know that short of a full-frontal lobotomy, that wouldn’t happen. She has no sense of decency or goodness of heart, and no therapy is that strong. He thinks someone coerced or threatened her.

Curtis says the text had nothing to do with Andre, and they probably won’t hear anything until after the holidays. Jordan says she feels like he’s not telling her something, and they’d promised to share information. He tries to turn her attention back to the pie, but she’s not having it. She says it’s probably his side babe at the MetroCourt. He says he’s helping her find her ex, and not stressing over it. She congratulates him on being enlightened, and tells him to show her the damn text.

Sam says Andrew-who-thinks-he’s-Jason doesn’t have to prove anything. He says he’s not trying to. He asks if she remembers the night during the storm. He was upset, and she made him realize he still possesses empathy, sorrow, and love. She made him whole, new, and complete again, just like tonight. I desperately want the planter on their coffee table. I’ve never seen anything like it, and it’s totally distracting me. Sam says, the past is past, now is now, to the future and learning how. Or something like that. They drink a shot, and she says it’s definitely better than wine. She suggests they go upstairs, make love, and sleep in each other’s arms. He tells her that she doesn’t have to ask twice. No surprise, there’s a knock at the door. It’s Josslyn and Oscar.

Alexis doesn’t think she has the wherewithal to coerce Julian’s crazy sister, nor does she lack the sense to petition on his behalf. Julian says maybe the beating got to her. She says he should give his lawyer credit, but he says Scotty was as shocked as he was. It had to be her. She asks the bartender for a drink.

Ava says everything is happening too quickly. She had a bunch of paperwork sprung on her, now Dr. Zajac wants to start the procedure. She asks if the check cleared. Dr. Zajac says the timing was perfect, and he thinks his skills are on par with Klein’s. He says he doesn’t normally do this, and shows her some testimonials on his tablet. Ava says she can relate, but what’s the rush? The doctor says he was under the impression she wanted to move forward quickly, but if she wants to prolong the treatment, he’ll return her check and see what he has open after the holidays. He looks at his schedule, and tells her he’s booked solid until February. Ava says let’s go ahead. She doesn’t want to wait that long. Dr. Zajac says she won’t be sorry, and it will be over before she knows it. She should see the full effects by Christmas or shortly after, and in the new year, she’ll be as beautiful as she was before the accident. No she won’t. Griff busts in and stops him.

Josslyn introduces Oscar, apologizing for dropping in so late. She didn’t think they were the types to turn in early. Sam asks if Carly knows she’s there. Josslyn says she can call or text, but she didn’t want to bother them, since they’re all wound up with the double-Jason thing. She says it’s not an issue for them. They’re neutral territory. They’re Switzerland. Andrew says they’re in short supply. Sam asks what brings them by, and Josslyn says they’re doing research on a lost person.

Dr. Zajac tells Griff that he’s in the middle of a treatment. He can’t bust in and violate the patient’s privacy. Griff says he’s a physician too, and what he’s doing is unethical and dangerous. Ava says she knows what she’s doing, but Griff says, no, she doesn’t.

Alexis gets her drink, which is club soda or something like that. She tells Julian that she won’t let this encounter, or any other, drive her to drink. He asks why they’re meeting in bar, She reminds him how she ran him over with the car the year before, and he says he’s recovered. She tells him about the turkey landing on the floor with the rest of the dinner, and everyone leaving hungry. Julian laughs, and says, sorry. Alexis says she takes pride in her sobriety, so don’t think he’s preventing slip up. He asks why here, and she tells him maybe to remind herself that she’s stronger than a year ago; maybe to get out of the house for a while. She tells him they’re not going to have casual conversation where she confides to him about her day. He says that won’t stop him from caring. Alexis asks where he’s going.

Jordan accuses Curtis of playing her with text from Stella, and he says he got her going. He says the Andre trail is cold, and Jason is a friend. It’s way important and personal. They’ll find the answers they need. Jordan says they’ve always been a great team. Curtis tells her stressing isn’t doing them any good. Maybe they can start by heating things up tonight, and he doesn’t mean the pie.

Josslyn tells Sam that since she’s a PI, she thought Sam could give Oscar pointers on how to track a lost person. Sam says she doesn’t work in the field any more, but she can help with research. Andrew asks if it’s really for school, and what class. Oscar says it’s a seminar on forensics, but Andrew isn’t buying it. He tells Oscar to start over, and give them the real reason. There’s a knock at the door. Andrew says it’s like Grand Central, and Oscar got a reprieve. It’s Kim.

Dr. Zajac tells Ava that he realizes her friend thinks he’s helping, but the sooner he treats her, the sooner she can return to confidence and beauty. Ava tells Griff she’s sorry, but she knows the risk for vanity, but it’s within her grasp. Griff tells Dr. Zajac that he can leave now, or he’s contacting the police and they’ll see if his facility is licensed. Dr. Zajac walks out, telling Griff to leave premises immediately. Ava asks how he knew where she was. He tells her he saw the research on her laptop, and took a chance she’d be there. She thanks him, saying he stopped her from something incredibly stupid. He says doctors like this prey on a patient’s vulnerabilities, but Ava says she’s the one who sought him out. It was after what Carly said about how Griff would become interested in someone younger and more beautiful. He doesn’t want her to worry about that, but she says she does. She tells him that Carly said out loud what she was thinking. She doesn’t want to be needy and insecure. Griff tells her that she’s one of bravest, strongest, and most stubborn people he knows. He says that if she needs reassurance, he’ll never get tired of giving it to her, and kisses her.

Julian tells Alexis that he’s not sure where he’s going. Ava hasn’t returned his calls, and he thought he’d lie low until she gets back. Alexis asks if there’s a date for the retrial, but he says not yet. He wants to try and connect with his family, and supposes he’ll have to find a job now that he’s sold the media company. He doesn’t know who would hire someone wearing an ankle monitor though. He says you know what they say about hitting bottom, and Alexis finishes, there’s no place to go, but up, adding that it’s one of those pithy AA slogans. Julian thanks her.

I guess Curtis finally put the pie in the oven, because Jordan’s place is full of smoke. Curtis says the pie isn’t the only thing on fire; good thing he already had dessert. They banter with each other, and Jordan tells him that he’s really a softy, and a traditional guy. He says not to tell anyone; it will ruin his street cred. He looks at his phone, and says his contact got a hit. They have an address for Andre.

Kim asks if Oscar is there, and introduces herself. Oscar wonders how she knew, and she reminds him there’s an app on his phone. Josslyn begs her not to tell Carly about it. Kim says she’s Oscar’s only parent, and she needs to know where is at all times. She asks why he’s bothering people he doesn’t know. He tells her it’s research. Sam used to be a PI , and was helping with his homework on how to find lost person.

Griff takes the flash drive. Ava says she’s ready to go. He wonders if he should call the cops, but she says no; pretend the place never existed. She says even though she was being foolish, he came through for her again. They leave the clinic.

Alexis isn’t sure what Julian is thanking her for, and he says for whatever she did to get him out. She insists she didn’t do anything. He says he’ll put it another way, and thanks her for caring. She watches him leave.

Jordan is all excited, saying she has to pack, and what is she going to do about her hair? Curtis wonders what the what about her hair, and she says it’s humid in Cuba. Curtis says they’re going to find him. She says he’s the only person who can tell them why two men have the same memories, and who is really Jason.

Kim apologizes for the disturbance, and says she’ll take Josslyn home. Josslyn says she can Uber, but Kim says she doesn’t think so. She thanks Sam and Andrew for being understanding. In the hallway, Oscar says that’s the other Jason, the one they were talking about who might be Drew with another face. Kim says she feels sorry for him; he’s in a difficult situation. Kim tells Josslyn that she’s taking her home first. Josslyn says her mom knows where she went, and Kim says then she won’t be surprised when she tells her where she found Josslyn. She tells Oscar they’ll talk later, and she leaves to bring the car around. Oscar asks if Josslyn will be in trouble, and she says most definitely, but she’s sorry she got him in trouble. He tells her it’s worth it. This guy could be his father.

Andrew asks Sam what just happened? And you know what happens on my TV? GEORGE STEPHANOPOLIS. Two minutes – I kid you not – before the end of the show. But I catch the last freaking sentences on YouTube.

Andrew asks Sam what just happened? She says Josslyn is probably like her mother. She’s up to something, and dragging Oscar along. She’ll be grounded for a week. Andrew says it strange; he thinks he might have met Kim before.

Tomorrow, Jordan and Curtis find Andre, Maxie announces she’s pregnant, and Nina calls Sam out.

Below Deck

Drunk off her ass Jen screeches at Bruno, and flails her arms at him. Bruno tells her if she doesn’t stop screaming, he’s locking her in the bathroom. Kyle gets in between them, and closes the door on Jen. Bruno says he’s bleeding; she attacked him. In his interview, Nico says it’s out of control, and Captain Lee is going to hear about it. Kate says that if they fire Jen, the two who will suffer are Jen and herself. I’ll bet Jen is suffering in the morning.

The boat is readied for the guests. Jen is realizing the harsh reality of her situation. She was out of line calling Baker a whore, and feels remorseful. Come on, man, you just shouldn’t drink.

Nico says the guests are coming on board from an alternative watercraft, with two of them arriving later. Kate says Timothy likes to grandstand. Ugh! I couldn’t stand that guy. She tells Matt she wants fish with eyeballs looking at them, saying their charter has begun.

The deckhands discuss the previous night, Kyle saying he got the worst of it. Jen tries to down some coffee, and Kate asks for a meeting. She says there are only two rules: don’t embarrass yourself, and don’t embarrass yourself. Jen broke both. Jen tries to defend herself – she has what my MIL calls excuse-itis – but Kate says it’s not a conversation; it’s a lecture. She’s to keep the boat clean, and only ask what she’s to do next.  If Captain Lee hears about it, he won’t have a problem letting her go. In her interview, Kate says if she hires someone new at this point, it will just be more work for her. Kate asks if Jen wants to stay, and Jen says of course. Kate tells her to start ironing linens.

Nico asks Bri how it’s going, and she tells him about the meeting. She’s just going to keep on keeping on. Baker hugs Jen, and tells her it’s all good. In her interview, Baker says it’s how Jen rolls. She gets drunk and crazy, and they’re used to it. Kyle asks if Kate needs anything. She says it’s his time to shine, and asks if he can make balloon animals. In her interview, Kate says Bri has shown tremendous progress, and she also wants Jen’s to pride suffer. She tells Bri to get her epaulet jacket, and gives her another stripe. Kate won’t listen to anything Jen has to say, except how can I help? Jen asks Kate to open a door for her, and Kate tells her to figure it out. I know it seems mean, but I don’t blame Kate. She’s had enough of this insolent drunk.

Kate says Timothy doesn’t want to take five minutes to walk down the dock, and he’s already annoying. The Valor docks. Nico says it’s been a long season, but this is it, and the deck crew actually has their act together. Kate says Timothy wants his life to be like Puff Daddy’s, and is surprised didn’t ask for Cristal champagne. The guests come in on jet skis, and Captain Lee calls them effing morons. I like how the captain never minces words.

Timothy tells them the helicopter wasn’t available, and remarks on the boat upgrade. He tells Captain Lee that he’s done well for himself. In his interview, the captain calls him a condescending pr*ck. Kate does the tour. Timothy says the other yacht was like the Holiday Inn in comparison. We flash back to how rude he and his guests were. The luggage arrives. Kate is grossed out by the fish eyeballs. The captain tells Timothy they can proceed, and arrange transport for the other two guests, but it will be uncomfortable and wet for them. Timothy says that’s what they get for arriving late. In her interview, Kate says Timothy wants to prove to people who thought he was a nerd in high school, that he’s actually cool. I’d say that hits the nail on the head. Too bad he’s not successful at that.

Nico calls his ex-girlfriend, Melissa. He says there’s been no communication, so hearing her makes him realize he screwed up big time. He says it’s not you, it’s me. <gag> In his interview, he tells us that Bri was like Tom and Jerry chasing each other, and an exciting new thing, but now that season is ending, he doesn’t know what to do. More like he doesn’t know how to dump her. Another disappointment.

Kyle gets that Kate isn’t happy about his criticism, but if you can’t take criticism, it’s not the job for you. I think it’s more like who the criticism was coming from. He’s a deckhand Bri grabs a snack, and Jen says must be nice to eat, and proceeds to use her fingers, taking pieces of fruit from trays for the guests. If it wasn’t for this jerk being the primary, I’d complain.

Timothy goes to galley, and Matt gives him the rundown. In his interview, Matt says it’s sink or swim, and he’d might as well go out with bang. Kate tells us garbanzo hummus is so twenty-sixteen. Timothy is working three phones. Nico says he’s never seen anybody so obsessed with Wi-Fi. Bruno feels like a real deckhand, and people can count on him.

Nico tells Kate about the quest for Wi-Fi. She says this particular beach has Wi-Fi, cocktails, and a sunset. The last two guests arrive. Matt grills vegetables and snapper fish, informing us that fish tastes best cooked whole. Other than the eyeballs, it looks phenomenal. Kate says there have been so many salads this season, even eyeball snapper is a welcome change. The guests enjoy the lunch. Kate explains about the cocktails and Wi-Fi sunset.

The water toys are released. Bruno gets his leg caught in a bungee cord when the slide is being put over the side of the boat. Nico helps get him out. He says for a second, he thought he’d lose his leg. He’s trying to forget the pain, and just work, but Nico tells him ice it now.

Timothy goes down the slide, and I hope he gets eaten by a shark. Jen says last night was out of control. She drank too much, and was obnoxious, but she’s over everybody thinking they’re better than her. She calls them pieces of sh*t for how they’re treating her. This chick is truly delusional. With the exception of Kate being pissed off, it all looks normal to me. The guests get ready to go to shore. Timothy says he can almost taste the Wi-Fi.

Captain Lee isn’t surprised Bruno hurt himself, and doesn’t feel sorry for him either. He says it was a stupid mistake, but he learned. The guests go to a cute place called Smokey’s on the beach. Kyle asks how Kate is. In her interview, she says she has to plan a circus party, deal with Jen and Matt, and can’t deal with Kyle, or at least she has good excuses not to.

Tonight is the tasting menu, with a lot of really cool dishes including something served in a half-coconut. Baker talks to Nico about Bri. In his interview, he says he doesn’t know what’s going to happen. She’s a great chick, but they live on opposite sides of the country. He tells Baker that he doesn’t know. The guests return.

Matt is proud that he’s pinpointed all of their palates. There’s ceviche, a beet salad, salmon over edamame, lobster bisque, and beef tartar, with another option for the vegetarian. The guests are loving it, but Timothy claims they’re still hungry. Kate thinks he’s joking, but says if he’s making the comment, why not make something else? Matt whips up a beef tenderloin course with couscous. Timothy says the chef got game. The dessert is coconut lychee sorbet, served in the half-coconut. Matt is proud of himself. Um… it’s not over yet. Take it from me; don’t relax. In her interview, Kate says that last night, she held Matt’s hand, and walked him through every food item he should serve.

Kate finds Kyle sleeping in the same place where he was saying the interior was lazy – the crew mess couch. She says he’s been there less than a week, and he’s already sleeping on job. Kate tells him go to bed, if he’s going to nap. In his interview, Kyle says Kate can be a bitch, even though he gets it. Everyone turns in.

Bruno says his leg is better, and he’s not feeling the pain. He’s going to learn from it, and move forward. Nico tells him he needs to focus. Matt asks Bri what she’s doing after the season is over, and she still thinks she’s hanging with Nico. Nico says Bruno is showing initiative. He likes how Bruno keeps on going. The breakfast is a lobster omelet. Timothy says he wants to go somewhere there’s Wi-Fi. Enough already. Don’t go on vacation in the middle of the water if that’s what you want 24/7. Kyle asks Kate if he can get an hour, and she tells him stand by and wait for direction. He says he missed her.

Jen’s daughter calls, upset that her mom isn’t there. Jen says she tries to shelf the negative, but it’s hard to pretend everything is okay. They make plans for when Jen gets back. She agrees it sucks that she can’t be there. Anchor is dropped. Captain Lee thinks Nico has made great strides in the right direction; better late than never. Timothy tells Matt to make it ridiculous, as much seafood as possible. He asks Kate if she’s going to be a clown, and she says no, but they’re having one. She also has to set up the fireworks, and create a champagne tower. They also want bottles of Dom Perignon for spraying each other. Timothy wants the crew involved. Kate is like, it figures Captain Lee gave them a lecture about the big money tip, and the guest is miserly.

Kate orders seventy-two bottles, and protective eyewear. She says so many things have been requested, it’s only a matter of time before the boat sinks. Nico offers to take the guests in for Wi-Fi. I’m going to cry if they keep saying that. Kate tries to build the tower, and talks to Nico about Kyle being obnoxious. She tells him that when someone says, “because we’re friends,” they’re being an a-hole. I never thought about it before, but she’s right. The morons go to shore for their stupid Wi-Fi. In his interview, Kyle says the last season they worked together, he and Kate were fine. He wants to know if they’re mates or not, and just wants to know where he stands.

Kyle is going to be the clown, and Kate says there’s a character for each crew member. Jen is going to be the mime. In her interview, Bri calls Kate clever, saying she knew Kate would find a way to keep Jen from talking. Baker tells Nico she’s going to spend some time in Bali after the season is over. Nico says he’s going home, and checking in. Bri says his brother passing away was a huge loss. He says it was almost unbearable. In his interview, he says he’s been running from his problems, and has to fix what he messed up and make it right again. Baker says time is a gift. They hug. A double rainbow happens.

Timothy asks if anyone wants pancakes, since they can if they want. Nico texts Melissa. He tells us that he realizes what had before, and wants to fully commit to Melissa now. Kyle complains that Kate has been highfalutin. Kate doesn’t want him coming to her with feelings. She thought he’d be a breath of fresh air, and instead he gave criticism when they don’t need more. Then he takes a nap on the mess couch. It doesn’t match with the guy who was critical. Kyle says no one would say anything. She says it’s not about him, it’s about the charter guests. In her interview, Kate says this is why they’re not as good of friends as Kyle thinks. She tells him not to focus on his feelings, but focus on work. They have no time for feelings.

Next time, the finale, the circus party happens, Timothy says it wasn’t perfect, and Nico has to end things with Bri.

😴 It’s Been a Long Day, So…



November 27, 2017 – Kim’s Explanation, the OC Exits, a Rehash & the Pressure Mounts


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Griff asks Kiki how Thanksgiving was, and she says she spent it working and studying. He tells her he’d been hoping to spend it with Ava, but she’s not feeling well. Kiki asks, since when?

Ava visits Dr. Zajac at a clinic where he has visiting privileges.

David and Alexis kiss. She says, sorry. David says they can’t do this. They can, but they shouldn’t. I wonder why.

Sam tells Andrew the kids are down for the count. He says pizza and Quartermaine bickering must have worn them out. She says there was less bickering this year, which he attributes to Tracy’s absence. He asks how she liked the CEO they interviewed, and she thinks he’s perfect. Andrew hopes the job is still theirs to give.

Sonny introduces Jason to Kim, and she calls him “Drew.” She asks how this is happening, but he says he’s not Drew. She’s mistaken him for someone else; his name is Jason. She asks if he has no clue who she is, and if something has happened. He tells her yes, but not the way she thinks. His name has always been Jason Morgan, but he has a twin named Andrew. Kim is embarrassed and apologizes. She swears she’s not crazy, but she hasn’t seen Drew in forever. Carly asks how knows him, and she says he’s a friend from San Diego. Josslyn and Oscar look at each other. Kim’s phone rings, and she tells them on top of this weird drama, they have to leave. She has a colleague begging for consultation on a paper she needs to present. She apologizes for being terrible guests. Carly starts to say something, and Jason makes a motion for her to zip it, but she asks if Kim could please answer some questions about Andrew.

Sam tells Andrew that everything is in a tailspin with his twin, and she doesn’t know what the future holds, but it will be okay. He says that Sonny and Carly resented him walking away, and it makes sense that they’ll buy what his twin is selling because they want to believe it. But what if Sonny decides to call in a favor, and suddenly there’s full proof that his twin is Jason? Sam says they wouldn’t do that to him, but he doesn’t believe it.

David tells Alexis that he likes her a lot, and thinks about kissing her more than he should, but it’s the holidays. It’s a tough season, she’s going through a lot, and this time of year brings stress. Alexis apologizes again, but he won’t accept it. He says there will be a next time, but it will be because she wants to – if he plays cards right. She thanks him for taking an awkward moment, and making it marginally less awkward. She’s grateful, and he says he is too. He had a wonderful time. She says even if she dropped the turkey, and he says because of her dropping the turkey. It was a moment to remember, and this one will be too. He kisses her on the cheek, and says he’ll be calling her.

Kiki is surprised Ava turned Griff down. He has the nagging suspicion she’s fine, and it was just an excuse, but he wants to give her space. Kiki asks if he wants her to get all up in this, and he says that’s what daughters are for. Kiki says it’s possible Ava is under the weather, and she just missed her saying something in her haze of studying. Griff says, maybe. Kiki thinks it’s sweet that he’ worried, but her mom is in a good place.

Dr. Zajac looks at Ava’s face, and says it’s remarkable. He asks if there was more scarring originally, and she says a lot more; half of her face was unrecognizable. The doctor says he can tell because he’s a plastic surgeon, but the average Joe would never know. He asks why she’s not going to the who performed this miracle. She says he’s currently unavailable, but she has his protocol, and now, so does he. She hands him the flash drive.

Molly teases Alexis about hanging out with David. Alexis says he was helping her clean up. Molly says he’s a nice guy; smart, a doctor, good-looking, a good listener, and he looks adorable in an apron. Alexis asks if Molly can give her an early Christmas present by backing off the matchmaking. Molly says she dropped by to pick up some books she left, and also to check on her. Alexis says she knows it’s the anniversary of her vodka binge, and asks about Kristina.

Dr. Zajac says he’s never seen anything like it, and Ava asks if he can finish what Dr. Klein started. He says of course. It’s revolutionary, but nothing he can’t understand. He asks if she’s aware it will be illegal, but Ava says that shouldn’t be a problem for him.

Sam tells Andrew that she doesn’t think Sonny and Carly would steal his identity and give it to someone else. He doesn’t know what to think. He says he just left a Thanksgiving dinner where everyone stared at him like a stranger. Sam says that’s not true. She knows Aurora is his dream, and it’s hers too. She was surprised when he bought the company, but she’s all in. She tells him that’s just part of the dream though. The other part is what they already have; each other, Scout, and Danny. Even if everything goes belly-up, and their assets are frozen, who cares? It will be frustrating, but it’s nothing they can’t handle. She asks what he’s really afraid of?

He tells her it’s like watching someone play him on stage, doing the things he’s supposed to do, and remembering what he’s supposed to. He does remember. They’re his memories of what happened to him, but people can’t or won’t hear him. Sam is sorry he’s going through this. He says Carly, Sonny, Michael, and Robin, he’s convinced all of them. What he’s afraid of, and can’t handle, is what if they convince her to believe him too? He can’t lose her.

Kim says she didn’t know Drew all that well; they should ask his brother. Jason says he doesn’t know him either, and Carly explains that they were separated at birth. Sonny wordlessly hands her a drink, and I laugh. Carly tells Kim that during the time Jason was away, Andrew was hit by car. He needed plastic surgery, and no longer looks the same. Now there’s a legal question as to who’s who. Sonny knows it’s a lot to take in, and Kim says, so it’s a case of mistaken identity. Jason says more or less, and Sonny tells her it would be helpful if she could tell them what she knows. Carly says she’s the only link they have.

Alexis doesn’t want to lose Kristina, but Molly says she never will. Kristina is almost as stubborn as she is, and knows Alexis will never stop trying, so she’s comfortable keeping her at arm’s length. She tells Alexis to look at it from Kristina’s perspective. It’s not easy to be in love with someone who everyone says you should hate. Every time she’s happy, it’s tainted by knowing there’s no support. Alexis says it sounds like Molly has jumped on the Kristina/Parker train. Molly says what Parker did was wrong, and she has days she wishes Kristina had never met her, but think of how she’s grown. She’s also more in touch with herself than she’s ever been, and maybe the reason for that is Parker. Isn’t it possible that as flawed as she is, Parker loves Kristina? If that’s the case, Kristina has the right to choose happiness, even if no one else supports them. Alexis says, like her and Julian.

Griff admits to Kiki that he’s concerned about the magic formula Ava dropped in his lap. She’s so focused on her face, she can’t see anything else. Kiki disagrees, saying Ava knows she doesn’t have to risk everything for a procedure, and thanks Griff for making her understand. He has a way of getting through no one else does. She tries to get Griff to give her some tips on studying, but he’s not paying attention. Kiki tells him that he needs to chill. Ava is dropping the experimental treatment, and she’s back in action at the gallery. Life is good.

Dr. Zajac asks what Ava is implying? She says she’s not implying anything; she’s saying it straight out. He’s been investigated several times for shady procedures. He says he’s never been convicted, and hasn’t she heard of innocent until proven guilty? She tells him to relax. She’s not from the FBI; just google her. She flew to Russia for what she had done, and doesn’t want to do it again. She wants the treatment finished here, with no FDA scrutiny. Is he available? He tells her she came to the right place.

Kim says she was doing her clinical research at a Naval hospital in the early 2000s, and Drew was a Navy SEAL. They met in a bar in the city, and found out they had people in common. He dated a friend of hers, and was a nice guy; honest and straight-forward, but also had mischievous twinkle, and could make everyone laugh. Sonny asks when she saw him last, but she can’t say; it was so long ago. She says they really have to go, but Carly asks for one more question. Does she know what happened to Andrew?

Sam tells Andrew that he’s not going to lose her. He’s the man who delivered their baby on a freezing cold embankment, and made her believe it would be okay. He’s the man who makes Danny laugh, knows her noodle order by heart, and made love to her in a barn. He’s her partner in business, life, and parenting. He’s shown her time and again that her and their children are the most important people on the planet to him. She wouldn’t trade one second for anything. He’s her heart, soul, compass, and husband. She loves him with everything she has, and no one can take it away from them.

Alexis tells Molly that she followed heart, and look how badly it turned out. Molly says she hates Julian, and Alexis knows why, but she wants Alexis to understand that she never hated her for loving him. He made her happy, and she had every right to want him to be better. She’s just sorry he wasn’t. Alexis says she’s one wise Molly Lansing Davis. She loves her now get out, and go home to TJ. Molly leaves, and Alexis gets out the photo album.

Kim has no idea what happened to Drew, or where he ended up. Carly tells her that he’s in Port Charles. Jason asks if she’s okay, and Sonny tells her that they were just trying to figure out where was before that. Kim says he was probably deployed or transferred. He and her friend had broken up, and she lost track of them. Carly wonders if they could find her friend. Kim asks Jason what he meant about being gone, and he says he’s not sure what happened. He got shot in 2012, and didn’t wake up until 2017. As far as everyone knew, he had disappeared. Kim says, so he lost five years. She wishes she was more helpful, but hasn’t seen or heard from Drew in fifteen years. She says it’s wild that he’s here, and Carly tells her Port Charles isn’t that big. They’re bound to run into each other.

Andrew thanks Sam; she means everything to him. Sam says she’ll tell him as many times as she needs to. He says it’s like dying small death, every time he sees the question in someone’s eyes, or when they go from looking at him with love to looking at him with pity, like he’s been duped and doesn’t know his own life. She tells him to look around. Their life, their home, their family. She loves him with everything in her. They hug.

Alexis looks at pictures and hugs the album to her chest. She flashes back to meeting Julian, nookie with Julian, Julian asking her to marry him, and telling each other I love you. She says she’s not going to do this anymore, and goes out.

Griff’s phone goes off. He has to get back to work. David sees Kiki, and asks how Thanksgiving was. She says she was there, and he tells her to get used to it. That’s how it is when you’re a doctor. She says if she gets to be one. The exams are driving her insane. He guesses it’s molecular biology, and she asks if everyone hates it. He says that’s the consensus, but he can help walk her through it. He knows some memorization tricks. He tells her to meet him in the breakroom in fifteen minutes. She calls Ava.

Ava tells Dr. Zajac that money is no object. He says she might reconsider when she hears the number – $75K. She says it’s no problem, and asks when they can start.

Kim says she and Drew probably won’t run into each other, since she works crazy hours. Look how long it took for them to meet, and their kids have been dating a while. She’s sorry to cut it short, and I wonder why Oscar can’t stay. He’s not five. Jason thanks her for answering their questions, and she apologizes again for not being much help. Carly says she was more helpful than she knows, and she’ll send some leftovers. Josslyn tells Oscar to text her, and Sonny says it was nice to meet her. Kim stares at Jason the whole time she’s going out the door. Carly says it was enlightening, and Sonny says Jason’s twin being a Navy SEAL explains a lot.

Outside, Kim tells Oscar it will be all right. As long as she’s got him, she’s fine. She hugs him.

Kiki tells Griff that she called her mom, but it went to voicemail. Maybe she is really sick, and she’ll try again in the morning. She leaves, and Griff makes his signature worried face, and says, what if the morning is too late?

Ava suggests seeing the doctor in Boston in a couple of weeks, but he says what about tonight? Um… Even though he’s unconventional, I might be a little concerned about his hurry.

Alexis sits at the dive bar, and stares at the vodka bottles. Julian asks if this seat is taken.

Sonny says it makes sense. That’s why Jason’s twin can handle weapons and fight. Carly says he’s comfortable in a crisis. She says in all this time, they’ve only been thinking of Jason. It’s the first time she’s thought of Andrew’s life, and what he left behind.

Andrew says Sam is right. Even if they lost everything, they would be okay. They have each other. But they’re not going to lose a damn thing. Not the company, and not one piece of the life they’ve built. It isn’t going to happen. Sam says, no, it’s not. They kiss, and start getting busy.

Tomorrow, Josslyn tells Oscar to prepare to be blown away, Ava’s procedure starts, and Julian only expects one thing from Alexis.

The Real Housewives of Orange County – The Reunion Part Two

And we’re back. Andy talks about Shannon’s stormy season. A viewer asks where fun Shannon went, and she says she’s right there. We see clips of Shannon flailing around and shouting nonsense, ending with her throwing her plate at the ironically named Quiet Woman. She tells Andy she’s reactive, and tells Lydia, way to make herself relevant by trying to get reactions out of her. Lydia says she doesn’t need to try; Shannon’s being crazy right now. Tamra says Shannon didn’t want to admit her marriage was falling apart. Shannon says she was raised with manners, but everything flew out the window this season. I hate to tell her, but I think it’s been every season. Andy asks if she owes anyone an apology. She says she has apologized, so he asks for a show of hands. Peggy thinks from the beginning Shannon has been disrespectful, and brings up Shannon calling her “that one,” rather than using her name. Meghan thinks Peggy is the disrespectful one, and we flash back to her clipping Meghan’s mouth shut with her fingers. Andy says he wouldn’t love that, but Peggy says Meghan kept going on and on, and wouldn’t shut up. Meghan says if they’re talking about disrespect, she should get an apology.

Andy asks about Baby Aspen, and tells us that even with being a busy new mother, Meghan still found time to stick her nose where it didn’t belong. We see clips Aspen being cute, and Meghan being stupid. Andy asks if they’re defrosting more sperm, and she announces she’s pregnant. A boy this time. He asks about her friendship with Kelly. The text thing comes up, which she started. She claims she had no malicious intent, and she asked Kelly directly if she had an extracurricular boyfriend, whereas Kelly came to her, not Jimmy. Andy asks if she’s suggesting Kelly should have texted Jimbo, and Meghan looks confused. He asks if it’s not girl code to alert a friend to rumors. Meghan says she knew Kelly and Michael had a rocky relationship, and had no intention to hurt her. In other words, it was okay for her, but not for Kelly. Kelly says they both apologized, and she’d thought they were done. Meghan whines that she was still hurt.

We go back to drag/Bingo night, and how Kelly told Meghan to take care of her baby. Meghan asks why she’s so damaged that she comes up with such ugly things. Kelly says her meaning was that Meghan should have been more worried about her baby than gossiping. Andy says Kelly has been tweeting about Meghan’s marriage. Kelly says Meghan had written in her blog that she was cheating on Michael prior to the separation. Shockingly, Andy realizes this is a lost cause, and moves on.

Next is Peggy, who makes no apologies for who she is. We see both her extravagant lifestyle and her breast cancer… issue? Scare? I don’t even know what to call all it anymore. Andy says viewers are of two minds. They think either Diko is controlling or super supportive. She says in the beginning, she thought he was controlling, but as they grew to know each other, she felt he was protective. He asks if her mother’s death played a part in her having a double-mastectomy. It did. He asks about them finding cancer, and she says they did, but she was more concerned about her father’s death. It happened just before her surgery, and a few weeks later, they started filming, so if she seemed confused, it was because she wasn’t normal. She didn’t want sympathy; she just wanted support. Shannon says she thinks David was genuinely puzzled, and Lydia quietly tells Peggy it’s all lies. Peggy says when she asked if Shannon was okay, she wanted to help; she could see Shannon wasn’t happy. But inside, she really wanted some support herself. Shannon tells her that she did ask if she was okay in return, but Peggy says it was the way she asked. And Peggy is totally right. Shannon was being rude and nasty when she said it. Meghan says Peggy should have said something. Lydia says no one acted supportive. Andy brings up Meghan saying Peggy “played the cancer card.” Meghan claimed Peggy ended the argument unfairly. Andy asks why Peggy thinks people have a hard time understanding. Peggy says she was in denial, and had a hard time expressing it. Vicki says she didn’t have a double mastectomy because she had nothing better to do, so what more did they need to know? Wise words from the OG of the OC.

On to Iceland. Andy says they partied non-stop, but it wouldn’t be an all-cast trip without Vicki going to the hospital. We see clips from the excursion, and I get jealous all over again. Ha-ha! The casserole. Andy asks about the blanket covering Vicki’s head when she was carted to the ambulance. She says Peggy had poured water on her, and she looked like she had clown hair. It just kept getting bigger. She talks about the various medications the women gave her throughout the day, and Andy says she was high. He asks about the fermented shark, and Meghan – the only one brave enough to actually eat it – says bleh, gross. He asks if they were sober at all during the trip, and that’s a no. Lydia being left out of the group text comes up, and Lydia says Shannon is sensitive too, wouldn’t she have felt left out? Especially after they’d all gone to dinner previously, and no one invited her. She says she apologized, and watching it, agrees she totally overreacted. A fly attacks the women, and Kelly manages to put it out of commission with her bare hand, also using the opportunity to smack Vicki on the head.

We flash back to the Viking dinner, and Shannon acting like a buffoon. We revisit Vicki’s apology, and Peggy’s altercation with Kelly, leading to Peggy leaving early. Andy says it was fun seeing Vicki and Tamra together, and Tamra says the last few episodes gave her hope. Andy asks why Shannon thought Vicki’s apology was bullsh*t, and she says because Tamra told her to apologize. Vicki says it wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was the best she could do.

We move to Peggy telling Kelly she’d have her husband call Michael, and Kelly misinterpreting it, replying with her dad could beat up Peggy’s dad. Peggy tries to explain why she said what she did, and Kelly insists she was drunk, and didn’t remember Peggy’s father had just died. Peggy says she did know about it, but accepts her apology. Andy asks about Peggy recording the women when she thought they were laughing at her, and she says Meghan’s baby was crying, so she went to see what was up. Lydia says Peggy heard the crying, and then heard them laughing, and felt it was about her. Andy asks why she left early, and Peggy says she was in pain and had no support. Vicki says she was feeling isolated. Kelly thinks she took it wrong, but she apologized because she wanted to make things right. Andy says Peggy was going through a great deal of pain, but it wasn’t evident, and her emotions were raw.

Andy talks about the roller coaster ride that is Vicki and Tamra. We see clips of their various altercations and reconciliations. And Shannon being annoyed. Andy asks if Tamra assumed the friendship was over, and she says she went back and forth because of their history. He asks why it was important for Lydia to bring them together, and Lydia tells him that her best times were laughing with them. Tamra tries to bring up Vicki going after her marriage, and Vicki insists that’s not what she did. Shannon says Tamra called her crying once a week, and she didn’t want her to get hurt again. Tamra thinks Ricky’s comments about Eddie were staged. Kelly thinks the whole thing is funny. Andy asks Tamra how Vicki chose Brooks over her? Tamra says instead of coming to her and saying she was right, that’s not what happened. Shannon says they had fun in Iceland, and wondered why Vicki screwed it up. Lydia asks what she did. Tamra says one of Vicki’s friends is on social media with a let’s-get-Eddie-out-of-the-closet campaign, but Vicki says she made them delete it. Shannon claims not to be jealous, but I don’t believe it. Andy asks if Shannon and Vicki will be friends again. Vicki hopes so, and thinks they made headway in Iceland. Vicki says she’s made mistakes, but they’re not innocent. Andy says she makes it worse by saying, if Eddie is gay, or that she doesn’t know, and asks if she can see how this plays into Tamra’s anger at her. Tamra says her actions are homophobic. She’s trying to insult Eddie by saying he’s gay. I’m not sure if that really applies here, and Vicki insists she’s not homophobic. She starts to say something else, and Tamra goes, ♫ la-la-la-liar! ♫ and puts her fingers in her ears. I’m not kidding. Vicki says not a good look, and Tamra says nothing looks good on her. Vicki walks off, calling them effing a-holes, and says she’s off the show.

Lydia checks on Vicki, who says she’s not okay with this. Lydia says they’re both coming from a place of hurt, and they’re strong women. She gets Vicki to come back to the stage, and Tamra asks if she can’t just apologize and mean it. Vicki reapplies her lipstick.

Andy says Tamra seems emotional. Vicki says, she’s sorry and she means it. Tamra wants her to talk from the heart. Her family is important to her, and for Vicki to go one about it, is hurtful. Andy asks Vicki if she understands how it affected Tamra. Vicki says she does. She’s sorry, and won’t ever talk about it again. She promises, and totally surrenders. Shannon makes a face. Vicki says she reached out to Tamra when she found out that there was a situation with Sidney, even though they weren’t talking. Andy asks if Vicki doesn’t owe Eddie an apology, and Vicki says of course, but she planned on having coffee with him or something. She never meant for it to get to the place where it’s at. Andy asks Vicki if Tamra could do anything to help on her end, but Vicki doesn’t know if it’s fair to ask Tamra. Tamra tells her to just say it. Vicki wants her to stop saying she was in on the cancer scam. She was scammed, and will never get the time and money back that she invested in Brooks. Andy asks for them to hug, and they both cry and hug like we haven’t been here before. Vicki wants to hug Shannon too.

She tells Shannon she knows it will be bumpy for her, and Kelly says, this is healing. In the Vicki-Shannon-Tamra huddle, Vicki says they need to bring each other up, not tear each other down. Shannon reluctantly agrees, and asks if they can get shots. Kelly tells them that they’re messing up their makeup. Tamra wants to change couches. She says the last three episodes broke her heart, because they’re good together. Tamra tells Vicki that Eddie is precious, and Vicki can call her ugly, fat, and stupid, but don’t hurt her family. Vicki says she felt alienated, and heard Tamra was telling the others not to film with her. Andy asks how Shannon feels. She says being in Iceland, they had so much fun, and she thought it was a shame. Andy tells her that in twelve seasons, she was the first new housewife that Vicki connected with right away. Vicki says they have a lot in common. Tamra invites Vicki to sit on the same couch with her, which they haven’t done in years. Vicki sits between Tamra and Shannon, holding their hands.

Andy tells them that they have to be transparent and thoughtful with each other. It’s real, but fragile, because of hurt feelings and emotions. He says to be careful what they put out there. Vicki says she admires Shannon’s strength, and she’ll be okay. And if she needs a job, she can come and work for her. Andy says they’re in a beautiful place, and it’s a great place to leave it. He brings out Black Death shots, and a non-alcoholic one for Meghan.

Shannon leads a final Icelandic cheer of Skoal!

The girls go backstage. Tamra sees cake, and tells Vicki they can have friendship cake. She says she has the friendship bracelet Vicki gave her, and we see a clip of them becoming BFFs. Vicki asks if they’re back, and Tamra says they are.

Apparently, this isn’t worthy of more than two parts, so that’s all for the OC, folks.

🍸 I watched Vanderpump Rules: How They Got Here, which was just what you’d think it would be. Old clips from past seasons.

🎄 Just to be a Brat…







November 26, 2017 – The Aftermath Outside the Sanctuary & Weekend Thoughts


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



The Walking Dead


Rick takes a note out of a microwave on the side of the road.

Carl opens the gate at Alexandria, letting the caravan in.

A memorial is created at the Kingdom, remembering Shiva, and the others that we lost.

In a voiceover, Rick says the plan is working. They’re winning. They’ve lost people, but when it was over there weren’t any Saviors left standing. Maggie says, Jesus took prisoners. They’re holding them until they decide what to do. Carol tells about the ambush. She, Ezekiel and Jerry are the only ones left. Rick says it’s scarier than he thought it would be. Sasha was the first, and they need to make it right for them. He’s headed to the next step. The Sanctuary is cut off from any supplies. They’re to meet there in two days to end it, and win it all. They fought every step of the way to this moment. The path led them to who they are, to each other, and to now. This can be their last fight.

Jesus passes out food to the prisoners. Maggie is irritated, but he says they had a bumper crop of turnips; even the Saviors didn’t want them. I understand, having had more zucchini than I could handle one year. Gregory says to build a gallows already; save the bullets, and be done with it. Maggie tells him to go inside – now. He says she knows he’s right. Maggie tells Jesus that he shouldn’t have put them in this position. He wonders what they’re fighting for, but she says they have to end it. He tells her they have to make sure what’s left was worth what they lost when it’s over.

Jerry says the King isn’t receiving visitors, but Carol knocks anyway. She says they promised to meet Rick, and need everyone who can fight. Jerry tells her Ezekiel wanted him to go away, but this is what he does. Henry asks if he can help, but Carol tells him to stay there.

Tardis Jaundice Jadis and the Garbage Pail Kids have captured Rick. These people are weird and annoying. Jadis asks what he wants, and he says the same thing he wanted before – a deal. She says they killed his people. He says they killed some of hers too, but they need him, and his people need them. She knows they have the numbers to take the place. He announces the Saviors are finished. Negan and his people are trapped by walkers. Until they surrender, they stay there. He’s there to offer a better deal; it’s their choice to forget Negan, switch sides, and be part of what they’re building together. Or they’ll be destroyed. Threats and dreams. He passes out the Polaroids that he took after the attack. His people know he’s there. What they do next, depends on what Jadis does right now. She smiles, and says no. Rick is led away. She says he talks too much. Ha-ha! He does.

In his old office, Gregory tells Maggie that people who aren’t leaders always think they know better. It’s not so easy. Maggie thinks it was easy for her not to sell out Hilltop to Negan. He says what he did was in the best interest of the community. She says he was scared, and tried to save himself. He tells her not just himself. He’s sat in the leader chair. She needs someone to tell her it’s okay to follow her gut. Jesus might try to make her feel bad, but she’s the shepherd, and they can’t have wolves among the flock. It’s that simple.

Michonne decides to go out and look for Rick. Rosita tells her not to, but she won’t listen, so Rosita gets in the car. Tara tells Daryl he was right not to kill Dwight. They wouldn’t have gotten this far without him, but when it’s over, she wants to be the one to kill him. Daryl says maybe they could do it together. Geez. It was an accident for Pete’s sake.

Jesus looks through the fence as he guards the prisoners. A Savior asks if this is what he signed up for, but he doesn’t respond. The Savior says he was by himself for a while. Different guys kept taking over, but he didn’t care since he was getting food. They sent him to put up a fence, and now here we are. Jesus tells him to stop. None of them are innocent. The Savior says he’s no angel; there’s no such thing.

Rosita asks why Michonne needed to come out. Michonne says it’s like a siren has been going on in her head that she can’t turn off. She helped get it started, and needs to see it, turn the alarm off, and go back home.  Rosita seems satisfied with her answer. They hear something, and Michonne tells her to stop the car.

It sounds like opera. Rosita doesn’t think it’s the Sanctuary. Neither does Michonne, but she says they don’t know. They walk into the woods, ready for a fight, following the music. They come out and move toward the building it’s coming from.

In the middle of the woods, an impaled zombie grabs for a bag hanging from a tree. A guy kills it, and it’s the guy from the gas station a couple of episodes back. Carl makes himself known, explaining that his dad was firing warning shots at the gas station, and introduces himself. The man says he’s Saddiq. Carl asks if Saddiq wants food and water. He remembers Saddiq saying his mom told him to help people, and Carl’s mom said to do what’s right. He tosses the supplies to Saddiq, who drinks greedily from the water bottle. Carl is glad he found him, and tells Saddiq that he and his dad are in a community. He asks Saddiq to answer honestly. How many walkers have you killed? Two hundred and thirty-seven, give or take a couple. How many people have you killed? One. Why? The dead tried to kill him, but they didn’t. Carl asks if the traps are how he killed so many. He says that’s only part of it. His mom hoped that killing them freed their souls. Maybe she was right. Carl asks if it doesn’t just make things harder, interfering with his own survival. Saddiq says you have to honor your parents. Carl says if he did that, they wouldn’t be talking, and he wouldn’t be asking him to come to the community.

Henry whacks at zombies with a stick in the woods. Carol shoots them, and says kids who go into the woods are never seen again, or if they are, they’re monsters. He says she needs fighters, and he’s fighting. He asks if she was going to the Sanctuary by herself, inferring that it’s not too smart. He wants to kill the ones who killed his brother. Carol asks if he knows how to use the stick, and Henry tells her that he watched her train people. She tells him to stay close.

Tara approaches Jesus, and tells him Maggie said to bring the Saviors in. He tells them two at a time, and they’re led into a pen. Maggie says they’ll feed them and not mistreat them, but won’t stand for anything less than total cooperation. Gregory says they can’t let people they don’t trust run around inside their walls. She says she grew up on a farm, and knows about sheep and wolves. Two guys grab Gregory, and walk him in with the Saviors. He acts like Sylvester the Cat, grabbing at things, and dragging his feet, trying to keep them from putting him in the pen. Savior Jared tells Maggie she’s going to get her people killed, but oh that’s right, she already did. He tries to grab one of the guard’s guns, and she cracks him one. She says she might regret her decision, but he’ll definitely regret his.

Carl and Saddiq hear zombie gurgles. Zombies are feeding on a deer, or moose, or Bigfoot, or something. Several zombies stagger toward them. One gets up close and personal with Carl. Saddiq stabs its throat, but they keep coming. It’s a pretty tense, oh sh*t! moment. Carl is totally trapped, and Saddiq gets one down, but he’s struggling. Finally, Carl gets a grip on his gun, and shoots them. I was starting to like Saddiq, then I remembered. Don’t like anyone on this show and invest nothing. Carl says he’s responsible for Saddiq now; that’s how it works. Saddiq doesn’t want to make trouble, and says Carl’s dad didn’t want him. Carl says sometimes kids have to make their own way and show the parents. Good point.

Michonne and Rosita follow the sound. They go inside a warehouse (?), and hear people talking. It’s two Saviors, a man and a woman, talking about saving asses and how what’s done can’t be undone. Tara and Michonne sneak around. Michonne accidentally kicks a tennis ball, and the Saviors see it. They draw their guns. Rosita takes out her gun. The Saviors shoot, and Michonne takes off. The Saviors search for them, one of them whistling. Tara looks in a box, and pulls out a drill. I think.

Michonne jumps out, getting the best of the woman, but she rallies, and they duel. She calls to her partner. He comes into view, and Tara points a gun at him. He says she’s not going to use that thing – which is like, a villain’s famous last words – and that wasn’t a gun, it was some kind of fire launcher. The second the words were out of his mouth – whoosh! – like Enoch, he was no more. The woman drives off in a truck, the back of it carrying large speakers, blasting the opera. As she gets to the intersection, BOOM! She’s T-boned by a garbage truck. Daryl is the driver, and Tara came along for the ride. Rosita says, that was too close, and Michonne says, it was.

Daryl says that was a Savior, and Michonne explains they found them scavenging. Tara asks why they’re out there, and Michonne tells Tara that she has to see the Sanctuary. Rosita says she does too. Rosita asks what about them, and Daryl says they have work to do; all of them.

Carol makes another try at seeing Ezekiel. Jerry says still not seeing anyone. She tells Henry to cover his ears, and points her gun at the door. Jerry says it’s not locked. Carol goes inside.

She finds Ezekiel, sitting on the floor in front of his throne, Shiva’s empty lead in his hand. He knows what she wants, and what he should be doing, but he can’t. She tells him the people out there need him. He says he played a part, and the stakes were their lives. He still played it; he knew, and yet he smiled. He can’t be what they need. He asks her to please, just leave him alone. Carol starts to leave, and stops. She asks why he kept coming to visit her? Ezekiel says it was his duty to make sure she was okay. She says she was okay; why did he really? He tells her that she made him feel real, not a fiction. Tears roll down Carol’s cheeks. She says he is real – to her, to the Kingdom; the people need their king to lead them. He says she could lead them, but she says it has to be him. He inspired them to build this place, to believe in something. He has to help them grieve, to move on, to end this. He owes them. Henry needs him. The people need King Ezekiel, and if he can’t be the king, do what he does best, and play the part. Carol says she has to act every day. It bothered her at first, but it’s who she is, and she’s still standing. They have to act like everything is normal. It’s what they need, and what he has to give them. Ezekiel says he can’t.

Jared works at cutting the bonds on his wrists with a rock. The guy who was talking to Jesus, slaps it out of his hand. He says Jared will get them all killed. Keep it together, and this place will be theirs. Gregory broods.

Aaron, Maggie, and Enid sit in Maggie’s office. Aaron says he keeps forgetting Eric is gone. He has moments where he thinks he’ll see him and be able to talk about how he’s feeling, and his mind catches up. He remembers, and the pain is knowing it won’t ever happen. Enid knows the feeling. He asks if it gets easier. Maggie says no, but it helps to do something about it. Jesus comes in, and tells them Gregory is trying to suck up to the Saviors; she did the right thing. He thanks her, but Maggie says, not so fast. She thinks they might be bargaining chips. Maybe they can trade them for some of their own people, so they might need them. But if they don’t, they can’t let them live. Jesus looks sad. Aaron walks out.

Aaron packs up his car. Enid asks where he’s going, and he says he’s going to make sure they win. She wants to come, saying he’s right; they need to win. He tells her to get her stuff, and some food. They might be gone for a while.

Daryl drives to an empty lot. He looks through a pair of binoculars, and gives them to Michonne. She sees the Sanctuary, and it’s coated with zombies trying to get in. Daryl thinks they should end this thing right now.

Jadis draws an A in chalk on a storage container. A naked Rick looks out from inside. She, and the garbage people (Talking Dead calls them the Heapsters), leave Rick at the dump alone.

Next time, inside the Sanctuary, Dwight has a talk with Eugene, and Eugene gets a gun held to his head.

🎆 It was a long weekend in more ways than one, and included my birthday, which included martinis. I’m trying to ignore Real Housewives of Atlanta, or at least not concentrate real hard on it, and I like to compile my 90 Day Fiancé thoughts into a once a month fiancé rant, so the Dead stands alone. Hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend. Now, back to work.

🐶 For the Dog Lovers…


🐱  For the Cat Lovers…


🐙 For Everyone Else…



November 24, 2017 – Broadcast News Zombies, Chuckles the Clown & Quote Quintuplet


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


Today, General Hospital was replaced by football, and Once Upon a Time was replaced by Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. So in keeping with this week’s theme of gratitude, I’m thankful Z Nation was on.

Z Nation

To make this an easier read, the show flipped back and forth from the past – a zombie attack at a television station – to the present – Operation Bitemark discovering the station.

We see a weather broadcast. All seems normal.

Kaya locks herself in a safe room, and watches as the Zona soldiers look around. She tells Nana that they won’t find them unless they know where to look. She turns on the monitors. She wonders what they’re looking for, and says Simon would know. She gets on the radio with a mayday from Kaya in the Skya, requesting assistance. She tells Citizen Z if he’s out there, she needs him. The main dude looks at the camera, holding up his radio.

Doc wishes they could do something. Murphy says they’re even, since she can’t help them either. Roberta says they need to find a way to boost the signal. They see the remnants of a small plane in the street, and looking up, a huge satellite dish on a roof. Roberta says that ought to boost their signal.

The building is barricaded from the inside. 10K says the town must have turned fast, and suggests breaking down the doors, but the others are concerned the noise might alert the zombies.

Breaking news. The weathergirl, Carly, sits in the anchor’s chair, and talks about the flight crash, and says terrorism hasn’t been ruled out. She gets applause from the other staff, and intern Doug tells her it was very newsy. Station manager Bruce says it’s not about her, just deliver the information simply and with empathy. He tells the staff disasters mean eyeballs glued to the screen, and it’s action news time. Jack, the real news anchor – a Ted Baxter (The Mary Tyler Moore Show) type – walks in, and asks if he missed a memo, thanking Carly for keeping his seat warm. He’s. Bruce wants a live report, and two guys run out to the news van.

Doc opens the same van. They find a lot of supplies, along with some gas. Roberta says the van isn’t going to drive again, but she has the keys to the news station. They go inside, and she says somebody made a stand, and never left. 10K hopes it’s not a trap. Murphy asks if they heard that. They didn’t, but we did. A zombie flies out of one of the rooms in attack mode.

Carly cries in the bathroom. She gives herself a pep talk, telling herself to embrace her moments. Someone starts banging on the side of the stall. She sees their shoes, and asks Helen if she’s sick, adding that sometimes Taco Tuesday fights back. She talks to herself in the mirror, saying it’s showtime, as Helen makes zombie gurgling noises inside the stall.

Doc comes out of the same stall that Carly did, and sees a zombie trying to get out of the adjacent one. He opens the stall, and whacks Doug in the head with a hammer. In the hallway, he tells Murphy something horrible happened in there, and Murphy says to have some dignity. Doc says that’s not what he meant, but Green Bay is the TP capital of the world (I verified this – it is), and the first to develop splinter free TP.

Kaya watches the men searching the place, and wonders what they’re looking for. She sees someone open the secret door, and gets her gun ready. She watches as they come down the ladder, and cracks them in the face with the butt of the gun. She tells Nana to stay back, and prepares to shoot. She asks what they want, and turns the man over. He says he wants to see his boy. It’s Citizen Z. Finally. She tells JZ that it’s his father, and the boy embraces him.

Simon wonders if he’s really there. He’s dreamt of this moment for two years. He says it was a long walk. She says his stupid little plane went down, didn’t it? He says the pilot did everything he could, but was mercied on impact. He tells Nana that Kaskae was a great man, and saved his life. He gives her a necklace that Kaskae wanted her to have. He asks about JZ’s name, thinking Kaya named him after the rapper, but she says it’s Junior Z. She totally named him after his dad. She tells him that he owes her 600 diaper changes.

Operation Bitemark goes to the basement, where they find a gas-powered generator.

Bruce tells someone on the phone that he doesn’t care if everything is grounded, get the chopper in the air. They have survivors, and they’re going live to the crash. Jack tells the viewers that there was a plane crash near Green Bay, and preliminary reports say there are survivors. They go live to the crash site, where we see the two reporters running as zombies are attacking them. Jack keeps asking them to describe what’s going on, and they lose the feed. Carly tells the viewers that they’re having technical difficulties. The scene is chaotic, and they’re working to verify any information. Jack asks why the reporters were running from the story, and the lights go out.

10K gets the lights working at the station. They look around, and Roberta says it looks like nothing has been touched in eight years. Murphy says zombies are bad for your health; film at eleven. Roberta tells the group to look for anything that can help them contact Kaya.

Kaya tells Simon that they have uninvited guests. She wants to make it clear that she thought he was from Zona, and her hitting him wasn’t a passive aggressive move. She asks what they could be looking for, and Simon tells her it was a top-secret base for thirty years; it could be anything. Kaya hasn’t intercepted anything from them in a while, and Simon wonders why they would leave a rich, hermetically sealed Z-free paradise. Why are they here?

Roberta and Lily try to adjust the satellite dish. Murphy says, everyone dead; film at eleven. He tells them he’s just a natural. Doc asks if being a zombie messiah not enough; he wants to be an anchor too? Murphy starts reading from the teleprompter about the crash, and they hear zombie noises.

The reporters come back from the field, one bleeding badly. The other says everyone is going insane; someone bit Mike. Bruce says that the survivors must be in shock, but the reporter says he doesn’t think so; he’s the one that’s in shock. Mike tells them to stay inside; it’s not safe. Bruce decides to put him on the air. The other reporter thinks he should go to a hospital, but Bruce says they’ll just bandaid him up. Jack says it looks brutal, and announces a special report. He says their reporter, Mike, has just returned from the site of disaster. He’s going to tell them in his own words what he saw. Mike just stares at the camera, and Jack says he knows it was a harrowing experience, but try to tell the viewers what it was like. Mike looks like he’s about to pass out, and projectile vomits on one of the staff.  Jack calls for a medic, and Mike grabs the other reporter, biting him. He starts to grab and bite whoever is closest. Jack says they’re going to a commercial, and to call security. He books, but Carly stays at the desk, telling the viewers a curfew has been issued, and to stay indoors. It’s not clear if the mob behavior is related to the crash. Bruce calls for a first aid kit, but gets bit instead. Doug tells Carly they’ve got to go. She asks what’s happening, and he thinks it’s zombies. Mike comes toward them, and they run. Carly says they need to get to the roof. They grab cameras and run toward the stairs. Jack is trying to sneak out, and is stopped by Mike. He tells Mike that what he needs are antibiotics. Jack sees Bruce coming toward him from the other side, and asks if it’s a problem with contract negotiations. He’s won nine Emmys, and is the face of the station. Bruce and Mike converge on Jack, and feast on his neck.

Doc crowns a zombie with a hammer. 10K joins him and Murphy, showing them an Emmy he found. Doc thinks the place went down during a newscast, and it would make a helluva blooper reel. Zombie Jack pops up from out of nowhere, and 10K tosses the Emmy to Murphy, who puts it through Jack’s eyeball. He says now he knows what local Emmys are good for.

Kaya tells Simon that she can reroute power and lock them in. She calls the leader the man with a plan, and they watch the Zona emissaries on the monitors. Simon wonders again why they would travel from a secure paradise to a wasteland. He sees a zombie he calls Scampy, and says he thought he’d lost him. He’d run a pipe through him – we see it’s still through him – but he won’t die. Kaya says he’s one of the mad Z’s. She’s had unconfirmed radio traffic about them. One of the Zona soldiers shoots him, but it only pisses Scampy off, and Scampy attacks him.

Kaya and Simon venture out. Kaya says it’s a real bummer, and Simon tells her it explains a lot. Scampy sees them, and Kaya tells Simon, here comes your friend, but he says it’s more like an acquaintance he keeps murdering. Scampy waits at the bottom of the stairs. Simon tells Kaya he’s smarter than the average Z, and she says, let’s hope we’re smarter.

Simon asks Scampy, what’s up? and says sorry about the pipe. The pipe gets stuck in the stair railing, preventing Scampy from getting to them. Simon and Kaya take off. Simon tells her that he thought he’d lost Scampy seven years ago. She says for someone who’s been through eight years of a zombie apocalypse, he’s unrealistically optimistic. Scampy makes it up the stairs, and they run, but the end of the hallway has no stairs and it’s too high to jump. Simon tells Kaya to get back, and shoots Scampy in the knees. I say the eff-word out loud because this doesn’t slow him down any. He’s like Yul Brynner in the original Westworld; he just keeps coming. Simon keeps the pipe between them, and bends Scampy over the railing. Kaya helps to push him over, and he falls, but he’s lying there still alive dead undead. Kaya asks if this is for real. She sees the man with a plan, and yells to him, asking what he wants. She and Simon head in other direction.

Lily and Roberta decide to go to the roof.

Carly grabs Doug, and pushes him into the ladies’ room. They block the door with a garbage can. She starts to put soap on a paper towel, and tells Doug to get toilet paper. They can make the floor slippery for those things. He opens a stall door, and before Carly can stop him, Helen comes out. She kills Doug, and starts to go after Carly, but slips and falls on the paper towel Carly dropped, cracking her head open. Before Carly can take a breath, Doug gets up. She whacks him with her purse, and shoves him into a stall. She goes out into the hallway, and there are zombies everywhere.

In the hallway, Operation Bitemark is confronted with the zombie news team.

Kaya tells Simon that he’s not just smart, but impossibly brave. He says he didn’t come all this way to die in front of her. He kisses her, and she says, two years away, and he’s a better kisser. He tells her absence makes the heart grow fonder. She says she’ll kill the power; he can capture the dudes. He leaves, and she says she loves that man. Me too. I’m so glad to see him back. Where’s Pup though? Did he die in the crash, or did he not go with Citizen Z? If not, where is he? The important questions.

Roberta tells everyone to run for the stairs.

Carly runs up the stairs, the zombies following her. She falls, and drops her phone. She hears the chopper pilot say that he’s approaching, and she somehow grabs her phone, the zombies grasping at her. She says she’s coming, and slams the roof door in their dead faces.

Kaya looks on the monitor, and sees someone in the control room. She tells Nana, who’s just been calmly smoking her pipe through the whole thing, to stay quiet. She goes to the control room, and sees the man with a plan fiddling with the computer. She cocks her gun, telling him that she’s Kaya in the Skya, and he’s in the wrong control room.

She fires a warning shot, and says now that she has his attention, who is he and why is he there? He says it’s of critical importance, and she asks to whom. She hears Simon and gunshots, and the man starts to get up. She tells him to sit right there, but he says it’s time for him to go. She keeps the gun on him as she’s backing into the hallway, and he sits back down. Simon is methodically shooting zombies in the knees. Scampy is back – come on now – and they struggle. Another zombie grabs Simon’s leg, and Kaya whacks Scampy from behind. They proceed to beat both zombies to a pulp. They see the Zona helicopter take off. Simon tells Kaya that they have to figure out what they were looking for. Kaya says she had him, but had to let him go; sorry. He says she saved his life, and she tells him that he owes her one then.

Carly tells the pilot she’s at the landing pad, and he’s her only way out. He tells her he’s inbound, and will be there in five minutes. She sets up the camera as zombies bang on the door. She says it’s an Action News Nine special report from the top of the broadcast center. The crash pales in comparison to the epidemic of the dead or something, whatever they are. Because she’s a professional, she’ll broadcast when she can, but they should take care of each other and be safe. It’s all they can do now. The helicopter starts to descend, and the roof door starts to open against the barricade.

Operation Bitemark goes out onto the roof. Roberta says they’ve got to make a long-distance phone call, and Lily hooks up the equipment. Zombie Carly comes at Roberta, who shoots her. Murphy says the door was barricaded from the outside, and Roberta says she died alone on the roof. Doc says she was waiting for Chopper Nine to rescue her. 10K says, that is harsh.

Kaya tells Simon that whatever was on the disks has been wiped clean and transferred to a hard drive. Nothing is recoverable. They hear Roberta’s voice coming through. Simon says it’s Citizen Z there, with Kaya in the Skya. Roberta says she heard Kaya’s mayday, and asks if she’s okay. Kaya says she is now; Simon’s home. Simon asks what their status is, where’s Murphy, and how about Addie and the others? Roberta tells him that they lost contact with Addie, Lucy is dead, and she and Murphy escaped Zona. He says that Zona just attacked them, and stole all of their files. They don’t know what was on the disks, but the name on the files is Black Rainbow. Roberta says black rainbow is real, and we see her black rainbow vision.

Next time, the last sliver of paradise, and barbershop zombies.

Ted Baxter’s Ad-Lib Eulogy for Chuckles the Clown

Ladies and gentlemen, sad news. One of our most beloved entertainers, and close personal friend of mine, is dead. Chuckles the Clown died today from – from uh – he died a broken man. Chuckles, uh, leaves a wife. At least I assume he was married, he didn’t seem like the other kind. I don’t know his age, but I guess he was probably in his early sixties; it’s kind of hard to judge a guy’s face especially when he’s wearing big lips and a light bulb for a nose. But he had his whole life in front of him, except for the sixty some odd years he already lived. I remember, Chuckles used to recite a poem at the end of each program. It was called “The Credo of the Clown,” and I’d like to offer it now in his memory – “A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.” That’s what it’s all about, folks, that’s what he stood for, that’s what gave his life meaning. Chuckles liked to make people laugh. You know what I’d like to think, I’d like to think that somewhere, up there tonight, in his honor, a choir of angels is sitting on whoopee cushions.

Quotes of the Week

He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.  – C.S. Lewis, From The Weight of Glory, Compiled in Words to Live By

Fashions fade, style is eternal. – Yves Saint Laurent

If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.Roy T. Bennett

We all have chapters we’d rather keep unpublished. – Lord Grantham, Downton Abbey

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.Roy T. Bennett


Yul Brynner in Westworld, obviously the bad guy




November 22, 2017 – A Quartermaine Tradition, Quotes of Gratitude, a Holiday Wish & Vintage Thanksgiving


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

So how will the Quartermaines end up with Thanksgiving pizza this year when everyone is going elsewhere?

Carly tells Sonny the turkey is too big, but he thinks it’s fine. He tells her to worry about the guests; he’ll worry about the turkey.

Oscar arrives in a tie. His mom told him to upgrade his look. Josslyn wonders where she is, and worries she figured things out, but Oscar says she forgot the pie she’s bringing. Josslyn says it seems like he doesn’t want his mom to meet her parents. He says it’s not them; it’s his mom. She’s cool, but can be a little much. They kiss.

Stella and TJ arrive at Alexis’s house. Curtis is stopping for extra cream – a nod to last year’s Thanksgiving when Alexis went out for some, and never came back. David comes out with appetizers.

At Lulu and Dante’s place, Ned arrives with fresh rosemary for Olivia-Q. Lulu demands to know if Maxie is pregnant. Ned is looking forward to turkey with all the fixings, and Olivia says the pizza place will wonder what happened. He says no one’s at the mansion this Thanksgiving; there’s a first time for everything.

Andrew is there. He looks at the family photos, and I already want to cry.

Jason asks Sam if “he’s” there, and Sam says no. He asks to come in. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but he says it’s important. He needs her to tell him what she wants him to do.

Stella says there can never be too many hands; how can she help? Alexis says TJ can help by fixing the remote.

Curtis keeps messing with his phone, but Jordan says she doesn’t think his contact will run into Andre before they break the wishbone. He wants to be there for Andrew, but she says she needs his head in the game now. Stella opens the door.

Sonny tells us it’s all in the Creole seasonings. Michael is distracted with something on his phone. Sonny asks if it’s business, but he says it’s Nelle. Carly tells Oscar that she’s looking forward to meeting his mom as much as he must be looking forward to watching football with the guys. Josslyn tells her Oscar isn’t a football fan, and she says he can battle over the wishbone them. She has some advice though; Sonny likes to win.

Monica didn’t expect to see Andrew. He asks where everyone is. She tells him she was supposed to be in Mexico, but her flight was grounded. She’ll have to find her harmonic convergence experience at home. He says he’s going to Alexis’s house, but wanted to make sure they’re still good. First it was Carly and Sonny, now Robin thinks the other guy is Jason. He’s being told that everything he remembers, and his life, belongs to someone else. He ran into Robin at Elizabeth’s. She’d taken one look at the other guy’s face, and now he’s a stranger.

Jason tells Sam about Diane trying to hunt down his fingerprints. She asks why he’s telling her this. He says eventually, Diane will prove he’s Jason Morgan, unless he tells her to stop. Sam asks why he’d do that and stay in limbo? He says he has nothing to prove. He knows the truth, and can live his whole life never using his name again, if it’s easier for her. She says it’s impossible, and he’s making it harder.

Nathan tells Dante not to mention Man Landers; he’s heard it all. He’s glad his in-laws are celebrating with Anna, and Dante says he’s just delaying the inevitable. Dante tells him there’s something weird about Maxie, and Nathan is like, just today? In another room, Lulu wants to know if Maxie is pregnant. It’s Lulu and Dante’s anniversary, and she tells Maxie that she can’t deny an Italian a request on their anniversary. It’s in The Godfather. Maxie says she’s not Italian. She does have something to tell her, but not yet. Lulu insists it must be that she’s pregnant, but she says it has to do with Man Landers being exposed by The Invader.

Curtis gives Alexis the cream, and she promises to keep the culinary upsets to a minimum. Jordan asks if Stella brought her dressing, since it’s the best she ever had. David checks on the bird. Molly tells Alexis that David is sweet and helpful, and asks if she’s is going to be reaching out to Kristina today. Alexis wonders how Kristina is doing, and Molly tells her if she wants to know, reach out herself. Alexis isn’t doing this right now, and Molly says how about if they talk about Dr. McDashing?

Michael tells Sonny that Nelle wished him a happy Thanksgiving. Sonny is surprised they’re still in touch, and Michael says he’s still her landlord, and it’s best to be nice. He tells Sonny that it just didn’t work. Carly comes in with Oscar. Sonny asks if he wants beer, adding that he’s just joking. Carly suggests his sense of humor might be lost on people who don’t know him, like Oscar’s mom. She should be there any minute. Sonny tells Michael to make sure the guards are out of sight.

Monica tells Andrew his relationships with them are all real. He says now he’s just some guy they’ve known for three years. They’ve always been there for each other, but they think the other guy is Jason. How long until his family feels the same way?

Sam tells Jason that he has to choose between fighting for his life or giving it away. He says her husband is going out of his mind over this, and thinks he’s Jason. He remembers everything, all of it. Sam says suddenly someone told him it’s all a lie; what is he expected to do? Jason says that’s why he’s there. He’s willing to step back, let her husband use the name, and they can go on with their lives. Sam asks what would happen to him?

Molly calls Alexis a secret keeper, and she insists she’s not keeping secrets. Molly asks why Alexis didn’t say anything about inviting David, and she says she just found out he was going to be by himself. All Molly cares about is that his name isn’t Julian. Jordan asks David how it’s going with the real estate, and he explains he’s looking to move, and likes the area of Charles Street. Stella asks if that’s not where that woman set up her herb shop; the crazy lady who almost blew up the hospital. She saw her attorney on TV, reading a statement from her, admitting that she forced her brother to commit crimes. Molly looks at Alexis.

Sam asks Jason what he’s going to do? Climb on his motorcycle and ride away? She wonders if Carly and Sonny would let him go, and he says he’d explain why he had to leave. Sam tells him that they’ve spent five years missing him, wanting to hear his voice, believing they’d never see him again. Now they have him back. She doesn’t think he should leave. There’s a lot of sighing, and Jason says she saw the way her husband reacted to the DNA test. It wasn’t good, and this will only make it worse. Sam says let it get worse. The only way to move forward is to know the truth. That’s what she wants. She wants to know who’s Andrew Moore and who’s Jason Morgan. He says he’ll tell Diane to keep working. She, Max, Milo, and Epiphany are having Thanksgiving dinner together. She doesn’t know what’s crazier, Diane cooking, or Sonny giving the guards the day off. He says Milo is cooking, and tells her why the guys ended up with free time. They laugh about Sonny hiding the guards. Jason says they’re not gone completely; he’s just not advertising it. Sam says, good luck with that, and to tell everyone happy Thanksgiving. He says he will, and the same to her. Danny comes downstairs, and recognizes him as mommy’s friend from the hospital.

Monica tells Andrew that he’s not losing his family. He says he never thought he’d lose Sonny and Carly either. She says they’re not family, but she is. She tells him family doesn’t cut and run; they stay, and that’s what she’s doing. Andrew asks what if they find out he’s not family, which is stupid, because he’d still be family regardless of which twin he is. She says it doesn’t make a difference. They’ve formed a relationship in the last two years. He knows that, but sometimes thinks he’s not really himself. Either way, he’s grateful she’s his mother. Monica says she’s grateful he’s her son, and they hug.

Josslyn asks Oscar if he uncovered any more clues. He says he followed up on the guy they found online, but he’s gay, and never had any interest in women. Back to the drawing board. Josslyn says it’s okay; they’ll fine him. She tells Oscar to have faith. Sonny tells everyone heads up. He got a call from Nico, and Oscar’s mom is on her way up. Oscar says their lives will never be the same. Oscar’s mom arrives, and it’s Tamara Braun who used to be Carly. I wonder if it feels weird for old Carly to be working with now Carly.

Stella wonders if she said something wrong, and TJ tells her that Olivia-J is the sister of Alexis’s ex-husband. Curtis asks if Jordan knew about the press conference. She says the DA had just informed her that Olivia is taking the rap for everything, saying she coerced Julian into helping. Molly asks what this means for Julian, and Jordan says hopefully his appeal will be denied, but it’s possible he could be released. Andrew comes in, and asks where Sam is.

Danny asks if Jason is coming to his grandma’s for Thanksgiving. He wishes he could, but he’s having dinner with friends. Danny asks if they have a dog, and says his other grandma does. He wishes he was going there so they could practice; he’s teaching her tricks. Jason says he hopes he sees that someday. He leaves, and Danny tells Sam that he likes him; he’s nice. Sam says he’s special. You just know that kid is going to spill the beans to his not dad.

Oscar’s mom, Kim, exchanges pleasantries with Sonny and Carly. Carly says she’s glad they’re finally getting a chance to talk, and Sonny tells her that she raised a good kid. She hopes they’re not creating extra work, and Michael says it gave his dad an excuse to get the biggest turkey. Josslyn and Oscar go upstairs to check on Avery. Carly says she thought they’d disappear before Kim’s coat was off. Kim says they have a lovely place. Obviously, organized crime has been good to them.

Laura tells Ned that she heard he’s back at ELQ. He says just when he thinks he’s out, he gets pulled back in. He’s excited about the Charles Street redevelopment. Laura reminds him that she fought ELQ’s plans to build a toxic waste site there, but he tells her that Michael is environmentally friendly. Olivia-Q brings out the turkey.

Lulu is thankful that their family is stronger than ever now that Charlotte is a part of it. Ned is happy that his family has merged with Olivia’s. Olivia is grateful to get to know Monica better, and improve her communication skills. Doc is grateful for Laura, and convincing her to marry him, and Laura says it will be fun planning the wedding. Yeah, probably when you’re planning one for the fifth time, it’s less stressful. Nathan is grateful for his wife’s boundless patience. Maxie is grateful for her new job, her husband, her daughter, and good things to come. On the phone, Ned asks why Monica didn’t tell them her flight was canceled. He tells her to come over; there’s a plate with her name on it. She says it’s no big deal, and she’s fine with a turkey burger. She tells him to just enjoy the holiday. He smiles.

Sonny tells Kim that he’s a coffee importer. He doesn’t want to bore her with his business, but tells her to ask him anything. Michael gets a call from Ned, and steps away. Kim says she’s done her best to honor her son’s privacy, and hasn’t pressed him for information, but she’s done her due diligence. She knows what they are. Sonny tells her not to pay attention to bad press, but she says his name is attached to a long list of concerns. Carly says Oscar gave them one excuse after another not to meet. Kim admits she’s very busy with work, and he’s on his own more than she’d like, which can lead to bad decisions. Carly says Oscar and Josslyn have been together for months, and they’re great together. Kim isn’t objecting; she doesn’t think the relationship will last long enough to be a problem. Josslyn is Oscar’s first girlfriend, and he’s Josslyn’s first boyfriend. They’ll eventually get bored and move on. She knows that they’ve kept Josslyn out of the public eye, and is willing to let it play out with minimal friction. Sonny says he can’t fault her logic. The kids are young and new to this, but he’s not betting against them just yet.

Sam and Danny arrive at Alexis’s place. Andrew asks what happened that he beat her there?

Olivia-Q finishes putting out the food, and lists all the dishes that are on the table. Maxie watches as everyone loads their plates, and starts to get sick. Olivia hands her a plate, and she makes a grab for a napkin, knocking over the entire table. She runs to the bathroom.

Alexis brings out the turkey, trips, and drops it.

In the bedroom, Nathan suggests calling a doctor, but Maxie says she’s not sick. She’s been trying to tell him for days that she’s pregnant. He asks, like having a baby pregnant? and gets super excited.

David tells Alexis it’s good as new, and she says she’s sorry. He didn’t have to stay behind to help her clean up; she dropped the turkey. He says it’s not bad, but she says it’s a disaster, like her life; she’s the turkey. He tells her she’s a glorious, intriguing, attractive disaster. She wonders why he doesn’t want to run back to his bachelor pad after what he’s seen and heard, and then kisses him.

Carly tells Kim they probably won’t be spending their lives together, but Josslyn and Oscar have a special connection. She would know that if she spent time with them. Kim says she handled this badly, but Carly respects her. She’s also not one to let things go unsaid. Kim says she doesn’t have time to beat around the bush. Carly says it must be tough being a single mom, and asks if Oscar’s father was ever in the picture.

Sonny comes out, and announces fifteen more minutes. The doorbell rings. Kim tells Carly the situation with Oscar’s dad is complicated. Jason comes in, and Sonny introduces him to Oscar’s mom. She says, “Drew.” Uh-oh.

The entire crowd arrives at the Quartermaine mansion, bearing pizzas. They descend on Monica, singing, We Gather Together. We see a family tableau, framed by Olivia-Q’s decorations. I bust out crying. Hey, I grew up with these people and the traditional stuff gets me every time.

A rerun tomorrow, and football on Friday. Next week, Sam asks what Andrew is really afraid of, Kiki tells Griff that Ava has dropped looking for a new surgeon, and Jason tells Kim that she’s mistaken him for someone else.

Quotes on Gratitude, Giving Back & Doing Good

I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite – only a sense of existence… O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.Henry David Thoreau, The Portable Thoreau

No, you do not have thousands of years to live. Urgency is on you. While you live, while you can, become good.Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks.Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to. It doesn’t so much matter what you do in particular, so long as you have your life. If you haven’t had that what have you had?Henry James, The Ambassadors

The growing good of the world is partly dependent on un-historic acts.George Eliot, Middlemarch

The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them. — Ida B. Wells, The Light of Truth (Amen, sista!)

Let us be good, let us be young, let us be sincere! Evil is nothing but vanity; let us take pride in the good, and above all, let us not despair.Alexandre Dumas, fils, The Lady of the Camellias

We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand, and it is no good moving from place to place to save things; because the shadow always follows. Choose a place where you won’t do harm…and stand in it for all you are worth, facing the sunshine.E. M. Forster, A Room with a View

No generous mind delights to oppress the weak, but rather to cherish and protect. – Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.Charles Dickens, Sketches by Boz

🍂 Happy Thanksgiving

Since Bravo is showing movies, and Star is a rerun, I’m calling it a night. I’ve got to get that turkey in the oven at 3 am. HAHAHAHAHA! Not really, but I’m looking forward to a buffet at the local Hilton on the beach. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with food, family, friends, and gratitude. (I couldn’t find a word that started with “f” for that last one.) See you on the Z Nation side on Friday.





November 21, 2017 – Robin Makes the Rounds, Wrong Loving Finale, a Disco Party Drunk & a New Inn


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Franco gives the boys hats that are exact replicas of pilgrim hats. Elizabeth asks if there’s a bonnet for her, but he says the costume shop supports gender fluidity, and gives her a hat. Franco is thankful for them, and the welcome to their family. He vows to protect them and the beautiful life they share, no matter what.

Robin stops by Sonny’s. She tells Carly about seeing Jason, and Carly asks if there’s any doubt in her mind. She says none whatsoever. Carly tells her they made a terrible mistake.

Michael, Jason, and Sonny have a beer on the patio. Jason is thankful to be home.

Alexis stops by Sam and Andrew’s place. Sam tells her there’s a work emergency. There was a break in the programming for a broadcast. Andrew says it has something to do with Olivia-J.

Ava emails Dr. Zajack. She’s heard he’s had wonderful results with cutting-edge methods, and thinks he can help her. She asks to discuss it with him. Griff arrives. He asks what has her so intent.

Sonny thinks Klein’s boss cut his losses. Jason thinks he’s waiting for the right time to strike. Sonny says they have to find him.

Sam wonders why they’re promoting Olivia’s case, and Andrew says it’s newsworthy. She tells him to go on to dinner, and she’ll catch up. Alexis says the good news is he’s leaning into his role as a media mogul, and Sam tells her that he wants something lasting for their family; something no one can take away.

Robin asks what they were supposed to think when the DNA test came back a match? Carly says when she looked into Real Jason’s eyes, she knew. Robin tried to be logical, saying he could be the twin, but then she just knew it was him. Carly says they don’t have to miss him anymore. The guys come in.

Griff says Ava’s not returning his phone calls. Is she swamped or avoiding him? He says things were uncomfortable at the MetroCourt, and Ava says Carly couldn’t wait to blame her for Morgan’s death. It’s Carly venom; don’t pay attention. Griff says Carly doesn’t know him or what he wants, and he’s not going anywhere. He asks why no Thanksgiving with Kiki, and Ava says Kiki is working, so she followed her example. Griff is on call, but has no plans. Ava is surprised he’s not volunteering, and he tells her he just came from there. She says once a do-gooder always a do-gooder, and he says that now that the doing good is done, he can’t think of better person to spend this day with.

Griff brought Thanksgiving subs from Kelly’s, and mulled apple cider. Ava says he’s thoughtful, and he tells her that he has no intention of letting her be alone. She says she has plenty to keep her occupied with reconstructing her life. He says Carly was brutal, but if Ava hangs on to anything from her old life, refuse to be ruled by how others see her; focus on how she sees herself.

Elizabeth is thankful they have each other, and that Franco joined their family. Aiden is thankful for his grandma helping him with his homework, Cameron is thankful he met Aunt Hayden, and Jake is thankful that his mom and dad are getting along better. There’s a knock at the door. it’s Andrew. Jake hugs him.

Robin thanks Sonny for his help. She tells Carly that she contacted Sonny because she knew Jason would be with him. When Sonny said he wasn’t, she went to the footbridge. She tells Jason that she thought it was a dream and had to double-check. Jason asks if she can stay, but she tells him Anna is waiting; she’s doing her best to put on a big dinner. Sonny tells her to bring Noah over asap. They leave Robin and Jason to talk. Robin asks how he’s feeling, and he says he can’t complain. She guesses even though he’s found his way back home, he’s still far away from Sam and Danny. He says five years long time, and can’t blame her for moving on. Robin says she didn’t really; she thought she married him. Jason says Sam’s husband thinks he’s him, and he doesn’t want to put Sam in the middle. Robin says it’s easier for Sonny and Carly; they saw him and knew. Sam has a baby with her husband, and she can’t recognize him without breaking his heart, but that doesn’t change her love for him. If anyone gets it, she does.

Sam brings out pies she picked up for dinner. Alexis thanks her, saying Molly is so invested in impressing TJ, her fridge is full. She asks Sam if there’s been any word on Patient 6, but she says they haven’t heard anything since the confirmation of them being twins. Alexis asks what she thinks, and Sam says she loves her husband more than anything, but if turns out that Patient 6 is Jason, what does she do? What does it mean for them and their family if she believes it? She tells Alexis that she feels guilty, and Alexis says no one can blame him for fighting for his family. Sam says she doesn’t blame anyone, except whoever put it in motion. She says her husband wants to focus on Aurora, so that’s what she’s going to do. They sit down to watch the broadcast.

Nora is having a press conference. She explains that she’s the attorney on record for Olivia Jerome. She’s there to read a statement about the events that led up to the conviction of Olivia’s brother, Julian.

Ava gets a text from Kiki. It’s a link to a live feed of the broadcast, Nora reads Olivia’s words, saying how she experienced a break from reality. Her healing is slow and difficult, but she’s once again of sound mind. Now that she’s recovered, she couldn’t wait to clear her conscience. Julian was not acting of his own free will. He had no choice but to do her bidding, and should not be held responsible for any of her crimes.

Robin tells Jason that she watched Patrick struggle with same thing. Jerry Jax and Helena had kept her captive. She got away, and found her way back to Port Charles, but Patrick was about to marry another woman when she showed up. It was heartbreaking for everyone, especially Patrick. He’d moved on and fell in love. He couldn’t just pick up their life. He needed time and space to figure it out. Maybe Sam needs that too.

The boys go to watch football. Andrew says he’s going to Sam’s mom’s house for dinner. Jake asks if he’s talked to the guy pretending to be him, but he says he hasn’t found out anything. Franco goes to check on dinner. Andrew tells Elizabeth at least his son believes who he is, and her. Sonny and Carly believe the other guy, when he’s always been their friend. Elizabeth can’t imagine how he feels. He says they’re willing to trust his twin, when they don’t know where he came from or what he wants. Elizabeth tells him not to stress out over it; it will do more harm than good. He says that’s easier said than done. She tells him that it’s out of his control, but answers are on the way. He wishes he was as sure she is, and she says she has faith he’ll find answers he’s looking for.

Robin visits Elizabeth. She sees Andrew, and says, hi. He tells her it’s not much of greeting. She says she’s sorry, and he asks why she’s apologizing. She tells him that she thought he was Jason, but now that she’s seen his brother… Andrew finishes that she thinks he’s Jason.

Jason looks at Morgan’s photo. Michael comes in, and Jason asks what Morgan was like. Michael says reckless, charming, and funny. Morgan could make him mad, and then make him laugh so hard, he could barely stand. I’m telling you, he only became a laugh riot after death. I do not remember him being that way at all. Michael tells Jason there were a lot of ups and downs, and it wasn’t always nice when he got in trouble. Michael sometimes resented his job to clean things up, and wonders why he has to take care of everybody. For the first time ever, I identify with Michael. Jason says because they need him. He wishes he’d been there to help Morgan too.

Carly peeks in on Michael and Jason talking, and Sonny tells her not to hover. He told her that Michael would see the truth. She says a year ago, she didn’t think she’d be thankful for anything again, but  instead of being lost and in pain, she’s grateful for what she lost and got back. They go inside. Sonny sees the broadcast. Nora is saying that Julian was never a willing accomplice. Olivia forced him to cooperate.

Sam asks Alexis if Olivia is trying to exonerate Julian. Nora continues, saying Duke was murdered by one of Julian’s associates, and Olivia blamed Julian. She wanted him to suffer, and told him that his loved ones would pay the price if he didn’t help her. He had no choice but to commit any crime she told him to.

Elizabeth goes upstairs. Andrew asks how could Robin, of all people, not know the truth? He was with her at the clinic. It was her dream and research that saved him. When the clinic blew up, he carried her out and saved her life, but she says he’s not Jason. He tells her that Faison shot him, and he was pulled out of the river by Helena’s men, and kept on the island. She says while all that was happening, Helena messed with his mind, and convinced him that he’s Jason. He says that’s not possible. He remembers her, and their relationship. It’s not just memories; he feels it. None of that is real?

Michael tells Jason about Nelle being Josslyn’s kidney donor. She wasn’t a volunteer, but her father sold it without her permission. Jason says he sounds like a great guy. Michael says he was Carly’s stepfather. He lied, and Nelle wanted revenge. She lied and did bad things to his family. When she found out he truth, she was sorry, and he forgave her, but Carly, not so much. She kept on lying and keeping secrets though. He gets that she had a hard life, but she couldn’t stop. He told her they needed to take a break and give each other space. She kept pushing, but if she’d given him space, they might have made it work. Although I’m not too fond of Nelle at this point, I’m annoyed that Michael makes it sound like she chased him down. She kept offering to exit his life.

Nora continues to read Olivia’s statement, saying Julian has done things he should pay for, but she can’t in good conscience, allow him to pay for her crimes. Nora tells the press that the document has been forwarded to the proper authorities, and she’s not taking any questions.

Sam wonders what it means.

Griff asks what the point is. Ava says she wasn’t even thinking about what Olivia did to him. Her family is a nightmare, and he should run for the hills. He says he’s not going anywhere, and asks if she’s sure he can’t tempt her into spending Thanksgiving with him. His phone rings, and he’s needed in the ER. He asks for a raincheck. Ava says sure, but she’s going to be working on a project for the next couple of days. He calls it her big, secret project, and says he’s glad she’s diving in head first. Before long, she’ll feel like her old self again. She says she’s counting on it.

Carly asks who would give Julian a get out of jail free card. Sonny thinks someone is working on it, and she wonders if it’s Alexis.

Sam asks Alexis if this will exonerate Julian, but she says it might be enough for another trial. Sam says she doesn’t even view him as a father because of the horrible things he’s done to Alexis. Even if he’s not an accessory to Olivia’s crimes, he’s committed plenty of his own that he hasn’t paid for. She wonders why a statement came out of nowhere. Alexis tells her it’s Thanksgiving, and let’s just spend the day with family. Sam says they can talk tomorrow about how blindsided they both are. At least she is. She gets the feeling the news isn’t a complete shock to Alexis.

Andrew wonders how the life he remembers with Sonny and Carly and his wife wasn’t real. How is it possible that it was programmed into him? This, coming from the same guy who wondered how she programmed him not to remember.  Robin says what she knows for sure is that they’re biological twins, Susan is their mother, and Alan their father. He’s a Quartermaine, and Scout’s father. All the people who care about him, still do. That’s what matters. He says he needs them to believe him into him, and he’s looking at someone who cares that doesn’t. Robin says she has to go, and she’ll call Elizabeth later.

Franco comes out, and says it sounded rough. Andrew tells him not to start. Franco says he gets that “Jason” doesn’t like him. He feels the same way, but here they are. He’s trying to be a friend, and tells him what he needs to hear. He knows what it’s like for someone to tell who you are. They know, or think they know, about your past, and get to tell you who you are and what you want. He says screw anybody and everybody who tells him that he’s not Jason. He knows who he is, and what mattered. Don’t give up without a fight. Elizabeth listens from the hallway.

Dr. Zajack calls Ava. She says she’s heard amazing things about his work, and would like a consultation. I’m wondering if he’s Klein’s boss.

Sam thought Alexis would have had a bigger reaction. What if Julian is released? He held her at knifepoint. Alexis says she’s a Cassadine. She grew up in a world where violence and deception were the activities of the day. No matter what she does, it doesn’t change where she came from. Sam asks if she thinks deserves Julian, and Alexis says she thinks we’re drawn to the familiar and what we’re accustomed to. Both of their worlds were toxic, and they understand more than anyone else can. Nothing can change that. The ties they have are deeper than what logic can define. If Julian gets out, it will be better for him than where he is now, but she promises to move on to the next chapter. Sam hopes she means that. Alexis says she does, and leaves with the pies.

Franco tells “Jason” that he was once Jake Doe, but when his memories returned, he didn’t fall back in line as Sonny’s sidekick and Carly’s enabler. He built a life that works for him. Don’t let anyone take it away. Andrew says Franco’s is the only opinion he doesn’t give a damn about, because he’s turning into the biggest a-hole on the planet. He leaves, and Elizabeth tells Franco, nice try. He says he has his moments. She says, yes, just not with Jason. She asks why he reached out. Franco says it’s important to her and Jake, and they’re important to him. She says he always surprises her, and she loves him. He says despite circumstances and logic, she does, and just so she knows, he loves her too. They kiss.

Carly asks Michael where Jason is, and Michael says he thought Jason was with them.

Sam calls up to Danny to get a move on. She hopes Alexis isn’t visiting Julian by now. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Real Jason. They stare at each other.

Tomorrow, David does some Thanksgiving cooking, Andrew asks Monica if they’re still good, and Jason asks Sam what she wants him to do.

If Loving You is Wrong

Larry acts ignorant about saying Marcie was pregnant. He changes it, telling Randal that he was talking about Alex. Randal asks if Marcie is pregnant with that bastard’s baby. Larry says Randal is getting worked up over something he didn’t say. Randal says he doesn’t like Larry playing, and tells him get out. He doesn’t want to drive drunk, and Randal says he just did. Larry keeps insisting he didn’t say it. Randal says he ran into Marcie at the hospital, and kicks Larry out. Call Uber, Larry.

Marcie’s phone rings. It’s Randal, and she lets it go to voicemail. Her car won’t start, so she calls a tow place (Benny’s?) and they say it’s a two-hour wait. They have to send someone from Cincinnati. She says she’ll take a cab, but they need her to stay with the vehicle. Huh? If she’s taking a cab, why not wait until morning for the tow? She agrees, and I think, no good will come of this.

Brad’s phone rings while he’s sleeping. Alex answers. Marcie says, oh, all disappointed. Alex says she told Marcie not to call. Marcie says she needs Brad, and Alex repeats herself. Marcie tells Alex that she has car trouble, but she doesn’t care. She says call a cab. Marcie says if she does, she’ll come to the front door and take Brad out of bed; she’s not waiting two hours for a tow. Alex says her husband doesn’t belong to Marcie, and Marcie says it felt like it when he was in her bed. She promises she’s coming over there, but Alex hangs up. Marcie calls a cab.

Randal tells Larry to get off his porch. Larry says he’s waiting for his car. Randal pulls him up. He says he’s going to Marcie’s, and Larry grabs his keys. Randal jumps him, and they start fighting on the lawn. Alex hears something, and looks out the window. I’d laugh and go back to bed. Larry gets Randal in a choke hold. Randal says he’s not playing with him, and Larry asks if he’s calming down. He says he is, so Larry lets him go. Then – no surprise – he jumps Larry. Randal sees Alex, and says he knows what she wants to see, unzipping his pants. She closes the curtains, and Larry calls him a fool. Brad asks if he’s hearing shouting, and Alex tells him Randal is fighting with some guy. Brad hopes he gets his ass kicked.

Randal throws Larry up against his car, and tells him to go home. Larry says he’s not going anywhere. We see some whips and chains on the passenger seat, and Randal says Larry brought his toys. Larry says, wishful thinking, and he calls Larry a freak. Larry says Randal has tried it, but Randal says that was in college. He asks, as a friend, if Marcie is pregnant. Larry starts laughing. He forgot what a fool Randal is when he’s drinking. He heads toward Randal’s house, saying he’s going to sleep it off. Randal follows.

Natalie’s phone rings. It’s Kelly. She heard something in the backyard, and asks if Lushion is there. Natalie says he isn’t, but she’ll come over. She brings her gun. Kelly comes out, but Natalie tells her to stay on the porch, while she goes around to the back. The yard is empty, but Eddie pops up from behind the fence, asking what she’s doing with that toy gun. She tells him people are trying to sleep, and he tells her to get her ass back inside.

Natalie tells Kelly it was Eddie in Brad’s backyard. Kelly wonders why, but Natalie doesn’t know. She wants to give Kelly the gun, but Kelly doesn’t want to take it. Natalie says it’s hers and it has a nice balance. Kelly asks what if he comes to her house, and Natalie says she wishes he would. She’d cut him up in little pieces. Kelly goes back inside with the gun.

Now Brad hears something. He says that bastard, and goes downstairs; Alex following him. He sees Eddie sleeping in a lounge chair, and tells him to go home. He says he doesn’t have one, and Brad says he’s not sleeping there. Eddie tells Alex he has no place to go. By the time he got to the hotel, Brad’s credit card reached its limit. He says he’s not bothering anyone, and asks for a blanket. Brad goes inside. He tosses Eddie a blanket and pillow, and Eddie sarcastically says he’s a real friend, and he likes his eggs scrambled.

Alex asks Brad if he’s really sleeping there, and Brad says he’ll be gone in the morning. Brad says he’s her cousin, but Alex says she’s disowned him. There’s a knock at the door. Busy night in Maxine. They both go back downstairs. It’s Marcie. She says she called Brad, but Alex wouldn’t put him on the phone. She tells him sugar is in the tank of her car, and ruined the engine. She’s sure it’s Randal, and asks to borrow his car. Alex asks if she can’t rent one, but she says she’s not going into the city at this time of night. Brad says he doesn’t need his car for a couple of days. Marcie tells him she needs to get some boxes out of her car, and he offers to help. When he goes upstairs to get some shoes, Marcie tells Alex that he’s always going to rescue her. This isn’t going away any time soon. Alex says as soon as they walk out, she’s telling Marcie’s husband that she’s pregnant. Marcie says that will be around the time she’ll be screwing Alex’s husband. He loves her, and when she screwed him, she made sure he’d remember. Brad comes back, and Marcie tells Alex they’ll be a while, so she should go back to sleep – she looks tired.

Lushion knocks on Kelly’s door. She asks what happened, and he says they let Travis go; they couldn’t keep him. He says they’ll get him. She says he’s ruined her life, and they can’t even hold him. She tells Lushion to find something to hold him, but he says it will take time. She asks how much, but he has no answer. She asks if Travis has to kill her before something is done. He won’t let that happen, but she wonders how they can stop it. She has a son to think about. It’s too much, and she can’t keep doing this. She wants her life back. She wants her freedom back. Lushion says they’ll get him, and he’s right next door. He tells her to put the alarm on and lock the door. He leaves, and she sets the alarm.

Lushion goes home. Natalie says Kelly thought she heard something in the backyard. He asks if it was Travis, and tells Natalie that he’s out. She says it was Eddie. His dumb ass was in Alex’s backyard. Lushion says they did toss his place pretty good. She asks how Travis got out, and he says they couldn’t hold him. She tells him good thing she gave Kelly her gun. He’s not on board with that, but she says it calmed her down; it gives her some comfort. He’s getting it first thing in the morning, and asks if she hasn’t learned her lesson. Natalie says her gun is legit. He says it doesn’t matter, and Natalie tells him that she’s going to bed.

Larry goes out on Randal’s back porch to see the infamous shed. He says it’s a good spot, and explains how his BDS&M stuff can be set up. Eddie hears them. Larry and Randal have another drink. They laugh about Brad’s house being so close. Larry says he’s thinking of something else he’d like to do. Eddie pops up, and asks if he wants to do Randal. He asks who Larry is, calling him ma’am. Larry invites him over for a drink, but he says it looks like ladies’ night. Randal tells Larry that Eddie doesn’t have their history, and Eddie says no new history with him. Larry asks if he’s coming, and Eddie says he thinks he will. Randal asks what he’s doing, and Larry says what they did to Michael, and they do some weird secret handshake thing.

Eddie asks what the ladies are drinking. He tells them Alex is his cousin, and she’s the one Randal did in the shed, where he wants to tie up his chains, Larry says he wants to do Randal, but Randal’s not into it. He thinks Eddie might be though. Randal says Eddie took him to the woods and tried to kill him. Larry asks if this is the guy Randal came to see him about. He tells Eddie that he’s a lawyer. Eddie says he looked him up, and knows he has a wife and kids. He says Larry was a smart guy, dropping the charges. Larry says that was Randal. Eddie asks if his wife knows he’s there trying to get in the shed. Larry says he and his wife share everything, including Randal. He tells Eddie that she’s a dominatrix, and he has some stuff in the car. Eddie says as tempting as it is, he’ll pass. Larry says, let’s do this. Eddie asks for higher quality booze, and Larry goes inside to get something else.

Eddie asks if Randal is still trying to get Alex, but Randal says she’s old news. He has his eye on Esperanza; she’s his kind of ass. Eddie says she doesn’t like his kind, and Randal calls him a sorry, racist SOB. Suddenly, Larry comes up behind Eddie, and puts a plastic bag over his head. He struggles, and Randal helps subdue him. Well, I wasn’t expecting that.

Brad takes Marcie to her car, and moves the boxes to his car. He says the boxes are practically empty, so what’s going on? She says he offered, and she wanted to see him. He tells her she can’t do this. She wants to know why he can’t help her get over him. He asks if she flattened her own tire the other night, and she says she wouldn’t do that. She’s not crazy, which is debatable. He says she needs to call the police, but she says she has no proof. He tells her that she can’t keep calling him this late; he wants to make it work with Alex. She says Randal won’t let him. Brad admits Randal is trying everything, and Marcie says he’s relentless. She asks what she’s supposed to do when she misses Brad, and he says it will pass. She tells him she was at dinner with a really attractive guy, and she could only think of him. She’s having a hard time with this. He says he loves his wife, and Marcie is the one who begged him to save Randal. She asks if he’s saying she should go back to him, and Brad says she loves him and she knows it. Alex calls, and he says he’s on his way back. Pouting isn’t a good look for Marcie.

Travis jumps Kelly’s fence. He opens the electrical box and cuts the wires to the alarm. He tries to open the window, but it only opens an inch or two. She hears him, and silently approaches. He says, hi, and notices she’s not scared. She says, no. He asks to come in, and she tells him okay. She deactivates the alarm, so I have no idea what wires he cut. She opens the door, and steps away from it. He comes in, and closes the door, locking it. She asks what he wants, and he says her. She tells him to take his clothes off, but he suggests going in the bedroom. She says that’s too close to Justice, and tells him she missed him. He says he knew she wanted him back. All he had to do was wear her down. She says he has. He tells her to take her clothes off, but she says she wants to see him. She thinks about it all the time. Then she shoots him four times. Yes! He slumps down by the door, struggling to breathe.

This was the finale, so no preview.

❗I didn’t catch the dates, but next time, If Loving You is Wrong will be moving to Wednesday, while The Haves and the Have Nots will remain on Tuesday.

Below Deck

Captain Lee calls Kate to the bridge. He says he had a conversation with Matt about his less than stellar performance. Kate tells the captain they’re on the same page. Bruno doesn’t know why he’s been kicked out of the galley, and tells Matt that he needs to prove himself.

Kyle says he can tap into Jen’s craziness. Kate thinks a lot of people would have expected her to fire Jen by now, but hiring a new stew this late in the game would only be more work for her. In her interview, Jen says she’s there, working, and not giving Kate any reason to fire her, and she’s not quitting. Kate tells her to focus on the charter guests.

Matt’s making something in a muffin pan, and I want one. Jen bitches to Bri, and Kate walks in. In her interview, Kate says she’s thankful for every day she works with Jen, because she’s one step closer to not working with her. The Valor drops anchor. Captain Lee watches Matt, who can’t figure out why the captain isn’t loving his cooking. Those are quiches in the muffin pan. I still want one.

Nico says he did respect EJ, and learned a lot. He wants to channel into being a focused leader, but not a d*ck, and wants to end the season strong. The guests love he quiches, and I want one even more. The water toys are set up. The captain will be joining the guests for dinner, and Kate irons his white uniform. Some of the guests go off on jet skis. Matt thinks maybe he should pack his bags now. Kate tells Bri there’s a disco party tonight.

Nico is called to the wheelhouse. Captain Lee is checking on how things are going. He thinks Nico has more confidence now. The deckhands will step up and get it done, or Nico will drop a hammer on their asses. He tells Nico that if he needs him, don’t call. Kate and Kyle hang out on their break. She’s glad to see a familiar face, and he’s a welcome distraction. They play shag, marry, kill, and eat Doritos. The guests drink mass quantities of white wine.

Baker asks Bri how it’s going. She says riding the roller coaster of Jen. Baker thinks Nico seems calmer, and that Bri has a good effect on him. Bri talks about them going to decompress in St. Martin.

Cutest. Table Setting. Ever. Lot of glow sticks, but it looks better than it sounds.

The captain bugs Matt some more. In his interview, Matt says his goal is not to mess it up. He needs to prove he can do this, and says the meal needs to go perfectly.

Captain Lee says let’s go bust a move. The guests are bummed that it’s their last night. Everyone is dressed in white, and he tells them how lovely they look. In his interview, the captain says having dinner with the guests is awkward, and they sometimes get carried away, but it comes with the territory and you have to roll with it. They take pictures, and sit down to dinner. Jen is picking up what Kyle is putting down, and says he’s an intriguing individual. He’s not a basic bitch. Matt creates salads. He says cooking for the captain is more intimidating than cooking for guests. He hopes they like it, but hopes he likes it more.

Kate serves a scallop salad. One guests complains that the scallops are gummy, and picks them out. In her interview, Kate says charter guests need, want, and expect rich and crazy every night, but Matt isn’t all that. Shelly asks if the captain is coming to their pajama jam, but he says he has paperwork to do. I would too.

Next is salmon, and one of the guests doesn’t eat fish. It wasn’t on the preference sheet, and Matt says he can’t win. All the captain will see is the guests not liking fish, and it looks bad. He makes linguine for the non-fish eaters, and it looks great. A lot better than when I make it with jarred sauce. In his interview, Captain Lee says it was exactly what he doesn’t want to see, and mediocrity is not acceptable. Shelly tells the captain she can do the splits. He looks so bored, I laugh. Jen tells Kyle that Kate’s not happy with her. In her interview, she says it’s refreshing to have someone to talk to who gets her. She has a thing for accents, but doesn’t understand half the sh*t that comes out of his mouth. Too bad he can’t carry around subtitles.

The disco party begins. Shelly says it’s like Studio 51, and another guest has to correct her. In his interview, the captain says there’s always one group of ladies that are batsh*t nuts, but they’re fun. It’s like a lounge atmosphere, but everyone seems drunk and half falling asleep. Shelly sings to Captain Lee, and the other girls wander off. She tells the captain that he’s intelligent, and she loves who he is as a person. Kate doesn’t know what it is with Captain Lee and a certain demographic, but it’s strong. He says there’s a fine line between a lot of fun and sloppy. Shelly does the splits and falls over. The captain makes his excuses, and gets the hell out of Dodge. On the way back to their rooms, one of Shelly’s friends says she’s being mean. Shelly says she’s the primary, and you don’t eff with the primary

A commercial comes on for A Very Kardashian Holiday, and I already know I’ll be skipping that.

Two of the guests realize there probably isn’t going to be much of a pajama party. Matt says fun and exciting isn’t the easiest thing to do. Shelly tells Kate the others are jealous. They think the captain liked her, but she’s the primary and doesn’t care. Kate says she’s sure they’ll regret it in the morning. In her interview, Kate gives the stages of being hammered: this is fun, I love everyone, I really love everyone, I hate you all, I hate my life, and goodnight. Shelly says she needs new friends.

Jen is sleeping when the guests ask for coffee. Kyle offers to make it, and she says her alarm didn’t go off. Yeah, right. She’s lazy. I’m not saying I could do this job, but she’s a lot younger and it’s what she signed up for. Baker swabs the deck. The captain asks Kate how she thinks dinner went. She says the scallops weren’t a hit, but she liked the color. She thinks it was just okay. In her interview, she says Matt just isn’t good enough. Captain Lee says he thought it was better than usual. Kate agrees that Matt made more of an effort, but if the guests had more discerning taste, and less wine, they might not have thought it was as good as they did.

Shelly makes it out of bed. Matt makes omelets. Bloody Marys and Mimosas are ordered. Kate tells Jen there was big time drama with yelling and screaming the night before. In her interview, Kate says she’s had to train plenty of stews, but with Jen it’s different. She started at an older age, and is more set in her ways. She’s no longer at a learning stage in her life. Kate points out that she obviously hasn’t changed her hair style in ten years. Nico asks Bri if she’s happy about the season. She is, but also kind of sad because it went by quickly. In his interview, Nico says Bri has been a great thing for him, and a good escape, but he doesn’t know what he’s doing next. He needs time to assess what he wants to do after the season is over. Yep. She was fine for the boat, but he’s ditching her now.

It’s time to head back to shore. The captain tells Nico, good job. One of Shelly’s friends says it wasn’t funny, and she doesn’t need it in her world. I assume she’s talking about Shelly’s drunken tirade. The guests pack. The docking is frenetic as usual, but the captain pronounces it outstanding. Nico says he may not be bosun, but he takes his job seriously.

The guests say goodbye, and there are lots of hugs. Shelly says it was amazing, five-star, and perfect. She says Matt is so talented, and his salad dressing was off the charts. In his interview, Matt basks in the praise, saying, in in your face. Jen is excited, and hoping for $2K each.

Tip time. Captain Lee thought it was a good charter, and a good job, but they only got $15K. The captain tells Bruno that’s the same look he had. They seem to be stuck at $15K, and he’s not impressed. He says if there’s one mediocre (the word of the day) player, the whole team is mediocre. He wants to see the $25K tip. He tells them to hash it out constructively, and figure out what they’re doing wrong. In his interview, the captain says he’s at his wit’s end. One situation gets solved – the deck crew has turned around – but now Matt is playing it safe. He’s hoping to finish strong, but thinks it’s a distant hope. In her interview, Kate says people think Captain Lee doesn’t know what’s going on, but he does, and his tip meeting speech proves it. The galley is suffering.

Kate asks what everyone wants to see differently from the interior. Kyle says service sets the tone for the beginning of the day, and there was no service when the guests woke up. In her interview, Kate says he can’t be a close friend and have opinions on the boat. Jen can’t believe she trusted Kyle, and he ran his mouth to the person she least wants to hear it. Bri tells Matt to take as much risk as possible. Kate says it’s important that they deliver the best charter food ever. The crew cleans the boat.

Nico calls his mother. He says it hasn’t been easy. His family situation is rocky, since losing his best friend and little brother. It changed his perspective. The BS doesn’t matter; family does.

Kate asks Jen what Kyle was talking about, and she mumbles something about silverware still being in the dishwasher. In her interview, Kate says she knows Jen slept in and is lying to her, because she’s getting defensive. Nico texts his ex-girlfriend.

The captain has a preference sheet meeting with Kate, Matt, and Nico. The primary is Timothy Sykes. Kate calls him a character, and I remember this guy. We flash back to him making a big production about taking money out of the tip in front of everyone because of some stupid infraction. Nico says he sounds like d-bag. He’s celebrating the ten-year anniversary of his teaching company, and bringing his top three employees to reward them for their dedication. Captain Lee tells them the more extravagant, the better. They want fireworks on the beach, and a chef’s choice tasting menu. Kate says he’s particular, but let’s you know what he wants, or what I call an a-hole. She says if you deliver what he asks for, he’s happy. In her interview, she doesn’t want to tell Matt how particular he is, because it will freak him out even more. Although he probably won’t nail it either way. The captain says whatever it takes, get it done.

Kate wants to get off the boat, but doesn’t want to waste time. She’s going to take the wheels, and ride this charter home to good food town. She and Matt decide to discuss it over dinner. She wants to be prepared, but needs to get out.

The crew heads out to a restaurant, with Matt and Kate going somewhere quieter. Kate tells him that this guy must have grown up watching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, because he wants champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

Bri is curious about what everyone going to do after the season, inferring that she and Nico know what they’re doing. Bruno is getting his visa and seeing some of the US, and Baker is going home, and then on to Bali. Kate continues to give Matt information as he takes notes. The crew has dinner, and Jen puts her fork into Kyle’s gravy to taste it. He says he doesn’t want to eat now, and leaves the table for a smoke. The rest of them explain to Jen that he’s big on table manners. Bruno says he doesn’t like people touching his food. In his interview, Kyle says anyone who effs with his food is dead to him. Wow. Nico tells Jen that he’s food germy. He’s not uptight at all, but strange about his food; it’s his thing. Jen says all she did was put her fork in it; she hadn’t licked it. In her interview, Jen says she was a fool to think she was going to have a great night. She’s the bad guy again. Baker tells Kyle to just say he’s not hungry, and not to blame her; she’s cray. In her interview, she says she’s just trying to keep the peace. Kate finishes going over things with Matt, and thinks it was a great meeting of the minds.

Jen says it doesn’t hurt to get rejected, but Kyle was the one person who distracted her from the bullies. Kate tells Matt it was the most productive meeting of the charter season. They go back to the boat, while the others go on to a bar and have shots, with Kyle being double-fisted. Bri and Nico go back to the boat. Jen is sick of everyone, and says they all hate her, so why be nice? She’s not going to pretend. On their way back to the boat, she wants to stop at a bathroom, but Baker encourages her to keep moving. She gets stupid, like she always does when she drinks, and Baker says she’s being an idiot. Jen calls Baker a whore, and wanders off. Kyle says she’s a moron.

Back on the boat, Jen barges into Nico and Bri’s room, rambling about what happened. Nico says he hears words, but they don’t make sense. Even the subtitles are nonsense. Kyle tells Baker to stick up for herself, and wants to know where Jen gets off calling someone a whore. Jen tells him to butt out; it’s between her and Baker. Baker thinks it’s funny, but Bruno tries to intervene. Jen gets about an inch from his face, and screams at him. He tells her that he’ll lock her in the bathroom if she doesn’t stop it. They’re at the top of some stairs, and he holds her back, but she starts kicking at him. This girl should not drink.

Next time, Kate doesn’t want to hear Jen’s voice, the guests want an alternative watercraft, Bruno gets hurt, and Kate gives Kyle a lecture.

🏡 I watched the premiere of Checked Inn, following If Loving You is Wrong, and it’s delightful. It’s a reality show about a bed and breakfast – The Mansion at Noble Lane in the Poconos – run by Monique Greenwood and her family. She’s looking to create generational wealth with the business, and wants to give guests a very personalized experience. In the first episode, one of the guests was Peabo Bryson and his wife, looking for some quiet, private time. I’ve loved Peabo ever since he sang the theme song for One Life to Live. Although he said he’d be cool, before they left, Monique’s husband just had to ask Peabo to sign one of his albums. It was very enjoyable, and totally positive. A rarity in the world of reality TV.

🍷 Next Monday, Bravo will be airing a Vanderpump Rules How They Got Here special at 9 pm.

🍗 Getting Close…



November 20, 2017 – Thanksgiving Prep in PC, the Reunion Begins in the OC & a Meme or Three


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Jason asks how Sonny’s meeting went. Sonny says it will take a lot to rebuild in Puerto Rico, but he was lucky that there was no structural damage. It’s good, but it won’t happen overnight. Jason says it makes you realize how much we have to be thankful for. Sonny invites him to Thanksgiving dinner after they go to the gym. He says he’ll come to diner, but has to skip the gym. There’s someone he needs to see.

Michael tells Ned that Olivia-Q is going to cover every inch of the place in decorations. He calls her an excellent Quartermaine. Ned says they need to have a talk about Jason, his twin, and the future of EQ.

Finn goes to the gym and sees Chet using the punching bag. He’s impressed how fast Chet bounced back.

Amy visits Nathan and Maxie, and asks if they still have debtors prison. Nathan says no one is going to jail. Amy reads some internet comments out loud, but he says tomorrow, they’ll find someone else to go after. Amy wonders what if some enterprising lawyer comes after her for fraud? Maxie says if she’d thought about it before, this wouldn’t have happened. Amy says it wouldn’t have happened if someone hadn’t leaked it. Maxie asks if Amy is suggesting she did.

Felicia and Mac arrive at Anna’s for Thanksgiving, and are surprised to see Robin. Mac asks where the rest of the family is, and she tells them that Patrick had to work, but Emma is at a friend’s house and Noah is upstairs sleeping. Felicia gets excited over the baby, and says she gets first dibs when he wakes up. Robin says she had to come; she couldn’t wait to find out about her mom’s new boyfriend.

Chet infers that Finn must have no troubles, but he says he did, and they weren’t not that far removed from Chet’s troubles. He’s seven months sober. Chet asks how that’s working for him, and he says it depends on the day. He’s most thankful just to be alive. He tells Chet it’s not too late to fix things, but Chet doesn’t know how. He says the first thing is, not to run away from Amy.

Amy tells Maxie that she’s just Jealous of her success. Maxie says she’s pretty sure jail time is considered a universal failure. There’s a knock at the door. Nathan says they can’t keep dodging the publisher forever. It’s Quinn, and she tells them that their days of dodging are over, and so are they.

Ned tells Michael that the twins don’t even know who the real Jason is. They have to figure it out before it affects ELQ. Olivia follows Monica into the room, trying to get her to wear a homemade pilgrim hat. Monica doesn’t know why she bothered decorating, since no one is going to be there; everyone is doing their own thing this year. Olivia says it’s supposed to be a day of gratitude and family, and what difference does it make where they’re eating? Monica says she’s grateful not to be wearing that hat, and that it will all be done by the time she gets back. Olivia dubs her the first Thanksgiving Grinch. Ned tells Monica they need to have a serious discussion about ELQ. Michael says Ned thinks they’re in trouble, but Monica says it’s been a banner year. Ned tells her everything will be in doubt because of there being two Jasons. Monica says there aren’t two Jasons. Susan gave birth to twins, and Alan never knew. Ned says it’s going to affect the distribution of ELQ stock. The Jason who was presumed dead all this time couldn’t care less, but the other one used money that might not be his to bail the company out. Everything they’ve worked for is in jeopardy.

Sonny tells Jason that he can save him from his enemies, but not from Carly. Jason leaves, and Cassandra approaches Sonny, saying he’s just the man she’s looking for. She introduces herself, and tells him she’s a big fan of his coffee. He asks if she lives in Port Charles, and she tells him she’s based out of Monaco, but came there seeking medical advice. Since arriving, she hit on a lucrative business opportunity. She understands he’s a man who likes a business opportunity. Valentin joins them, and Sonny tells her that any friend of Valentin’s is no friend of his.

Chet tells Finn that he’s not running from Amy; he’s just there to clear his head. Finn says she’s a mess, but Chet says she’s better off without him. Finn wonders how he can believe that after all she’s done for him. Maybe it’s his pride talking. Finn understands the impulse, but people care, and it’s hard to look them in eye when they find out you’re not the man they thought you were. Chet says he didn’t mean to go on this path, and didn’t realize he was on it. Finn says if he can come back, so can Chet. It helps to have help (the same way it’s nice to be nice), and he needs to suck it up and accept it, before he drives them away.

Quinn uses just about every word for fraud in the thesaurus, and says they lied. Nathan presented himself as Ask Man Landers, and Amy as his representative. She was the writer; he was her beard. Nathan says they didn’t mean any harm. She tells them that the paperback sales are cratering, Black Friday is a bust, and they have to pull the hard copies from the shelves. The damage isn’t about a single book, but the entire company. Customers will think if they were duped with Man Landers, what about the diet or DIY books? They’re going to go public with a confession, and then pay through the nose.

Monica says every time she looks around, it gets more absurd. Every surface is covered. She’s right. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many Thanksgiving decorations, especially since the stores jump right to Christmas from Halloween. Jason comes in, saying he got her text that she was leaving, and he wanted to say goodbye. She tells him that she’s going to a spa for harmonic convergence. She doesn’t know what it means, but could use some harmony in her life, so why not? She says she’s not good at lying to him, and she’s really running away. The holidays are too difficult with so many missing faces; Emily, Lila, Alan, Edward, AJ. They need the snarking and imploding dinners. Jason says she’s welcome to come to Sonny’s, but she tells him, as Tracy would say, she’d rather stick cocktail forks in her eyeballs. He and Michael are all they have in common, and it’s easier to keep her distance and keep the peace. She’s thankful he’s home, and he says he’s thankful to be there. They hug.

Robin tells Anna it’s time to fill in the blanks; she’s been less than informative. She accuses Robin of  interrogating Finn via texts, and says she can’t do that to an adult. Robin says Anna wasn’t being helpful, and Anna tells her the relationship is in its early stages. She’s sorry she didn’t post a status update somewhere. Mac says there’s no need to get defensive, and Felicia reminds him that he said Finn wasn’t good enough for her. He says no one is, and Felicia only gave him a B. Felicia tells Robin that Mac played him like a fiddle, and it was embarrassing. Mac says Finn is a good guy, and adores Anna. That’s all that matters. Robin says that’s only half. Does Anna adore him back?

Valentin tells Cassandra she’s better off not talking to Sonny, and she says it’s too bad Valentin made an enemy of him. He says it wouldn’t matter. Sonny hates drugs, and he’s going to hate them being shipped through his territory. Cassandra says he needs to change his tune, or have it changed for him.

Sonny sees Finn at the gym, and asks how things are going. Finn says okay, and Sonny asks if he’s going somewhere for Thanksgiving. Finn asks if Sonny is worried he has the blues, and will make a bad decision, and Sonny says it’s that time of year. I assume for both the blues and bad decisions. He tells Finn they have a big table and a lot of food. Finn says he has somewhere to go, and Sonny says the offer stands. Finn tells Sonny there is something he can do. What does he know about street drug traffic?

Chet arrives at Nathan and Maxie’s place, and Maxie tells him not to get in the way of the public shaming. Quinn is preparing to live stream their admission of guilt to shield herself from a lawsuit. Quinn asks who Chet is, and he introduces himself. She says that nobody is going to sue Amy and Nathan, because when they’re done covering the costs, they’ll have nothing left to sue for, including their good names.

Jason looks at a family photo. Michael walks in, and Jason says it’s good to see him.

Valentin tells Cassandra if she rubs Sonny the wrong way, her operation could be over before it begins. She thinks he could be an ally, but will yield to Valentin’s expertise as soon as he’s productive. She’s not about to let some mafioso stop her. She tells him she spent a lot of money on research and development, and has a synthetic opioid that’s twice as potent and addictive. The formula is raw and unrefined, so she’s looking for someone with the right background to help her.

Finn tells Sonny that scores of people are OD’ing at GH, and he wants insight on how to mitigate the problem. Sonny says it’s bigger than one person. The drugs are cheaply made overseas, and it’s difficult to stop. Even if he knew something, bringing them down would just put a dent in the problem. Someone else will fill the gap. He tells Finn to stick to what he does best, saving lives and research. This is above his pay grade. Sonny says, hell, it’s above mine.

Anna tells Robin that she likes Finn just fine. Mac says she’s playing it close to the vest, and Felicia says she doesn’t need to make any declarations today. The baby cries, and Anna says, saved by the squall. Robin tells Felicia to go up, and she and Mac race for the stairs. When they’re gone, Robin tells Anna, out with it. Anna asks what, and she says the truth about her and Finn.

Quinn says they’re live, and Nathan and Amy look uncomfortable as hell. Amy explains that she’s the writer of the Ask Man Landers blog and book – surprise! Well, maybe not a surprise, since The Intruder announced it yesterday. She says it wasn’t a trick or scam; the whole situation got out of control. When interest arose in a book, she asked her friend Nathan to be the face. She didn’t think anyone would buy it if it wasn’t written by someone they’d want to be. The editor never knew the truth, and the publishing company is innocent. Everyone should be mad at her. Nathan says, and him. He made the decision. Amy says it started with her and should end with her. Chet steps in, and Amy says pay no attention to that man. Chet says none of this would have happened if not for him.

Michael didn’t know Jason was there; he forgot his phone. Jason says he came over to see Monica and him. Monica wanted him there for Thanksgiving. Michael says it would break her heart if he wasn’t there; he’s all they can talk about. He says he should have come to see Jason, but Jason says it’s okay. Michael says he was hiding, and scared to talk to him. He’d offered “Jason” a job at ELQ, but he went in a different direction. He wasn’t surprised. Jason Morgan working at ELQ makes no sense, but it did to him, because so much had changed in the last three years; “Jason” changed. Michael thinks the reason he asked him to join was that part of him knew he wasn’t really Jason. He felt too guilty to face the real Jason, because he had put his faith in someone else. Jason made the first move to make it easy for him. Jason always took care of him. It’s who he is, and he should have known that. He’s sorry. Michael starts to cry, and they hug. Jason tells him, it’s okay.

Robin tells Anna that she can play secret agent with anyone but her. She knows Anna is holding back. Anna says things are complicated, and that’s why they’re keeping it casual. She doesn’t want anyone getting the idea there’s a future with them. Robin says it’s been a while since she dated, and they’re just happy for her. The only thing that matters is if it works for her. The doorbell rings.

Cassandra says she’ll be vetting candidates, and he’d better get to work; the product won’t sell itself. Her phone rings. She steps away to take the call, first telling Valentin that she’s excited about their partnership. They’re going to do marvelous things together.

Anna opens the door to Finn. He tells Robin it’s nice to see her after all those text messages. Robin goes upstairs, and Anna asks what he’s doing there. He says he thought she was expecting him. She says every time the subject comes up, everyone keeps pulling for them as a couple. He tells her for what it’s worth, he’s willing to keep dating for as long as it takes. She tells him that he’s very noble, but she tried to explain she doesn’t need his help to bring Cassandra down. He asks why, because she has Valentin? He wonders if Valentin will have her back when the going gets tough. He can’t sit on his hands while the epidemic spreads. There has to be something he can do. Anna’s phone rings. It’s Valentin, who tells her that he just had an enlightening conversation with his new boss, and it’s worse than they thought.

Quinn starts to interrupt Chet, and Maxie tells her to shut up. She wanted the truth, and she’s going to get it. Chet explains that he was wounded in action, and the VA benefits weren’t enough to cover his medical expenses. Amy wrote the book to pay for his care, and Nathan agreed to be the face. He’s not always deserving of what she does for him, but he’s deeply grateful. This isn’t fraud; it’s love, friendship, and sacrifice. Amy never took credit for any of her work, and her work is pretty damn amazing.

Olivia tells Monica to enjoy something for once. Monica’s car has arrived, and Jason and Michael say they’ll walk her out. Monica tells Olivia not to get a Christmas tree until she gets back. Ned asks if she saw that; Michael and Jason. He is Jason, although Ned’s not sure how he’s going to prove it. In the meantime, the other one will hang on to what he thinks is his with a death grip. He tells her this is going to get ugly, and he’s seen more than his share of family infighting.

Amy says she’s proud of Chet, and he says it’s about time he did something for her to be proud of. Quinn makes noises about them hearing from her lawyers, and Maxie says, eat it, bitch. Quinn says, they commit fraud, and I’m the bitch? Happy Thanksgiving. Maxie tells her to feel free to spend the rest of it somewhere else. Quinn suddenly stops, looking at her phone. She says she’s getting real time updates from vendors. The presales are picking up, up, up. Chet turned the tide. Readers are no longer burning Ask Man Landers; they’re buying it in droves. The second Chet stepped in, I’m sure we all knew this was going to happen.

Valentin tells Cassandra that he’s leaving for dinner. She tells him they shouldn’t be late, and she hasn’t been to Thanksgiving dinner in years. He says she’s not invited. She threatened his family, and she can have his service, but not his friendship.

Finn asks Anna if it was Valentin on the phone. She says maybe, and he asks her to tell him what he said; he already knows almost all of it. She says Cassandra is working on developing a new product that’s cheaper and more addictive. He asks how far along she in in the development, and Anna says, pretty close. She needs someone to perfect the formula. They need to put end to the operation before it gets into production and starts killing people. Finn suggests they give her exactly what she wants.

Ned tells Olivia he has no intention of letting Alan’s sons feud ELQ into the ground. Olivia asks if he’s thinking that Michael is in over his head, and it’s time for him to step in as CEO.

Sonny does some sparring by himself at the gym. Michael and Jason come in. He asks if they’re going to just stand there, or spar with him. The guys laugh, punch each other on the shoulder, and everything is all happy. I’m sure not for long.

Tomorrow, Nora holds a press conference, Elizabeth tells Andrew/”Jason” that answers are on the way, and Carly tells Robin they made a terrible mistake.

The Real Housewives of Orange County – Reunion Part One

Kelly’s navy blue sparkly dangling earrings! Okay, I got that out of my system. There aren’t really any outfits that are standouts, but the accessories are all fabulous. Andy asks Lydia if she can stick it out this time, since at her last reunion, she had to take a breather. We look at clips of “hilarious hijinks” from this season. Shannon’s face looks thinner, and we hear that Sophie passed her driving test. Andy asks why Diko knows colloquialisms and Peggy doesn’t. I understand what he’s saying, but I don’t think colloquialisms are what she has a problem with. She says she understands half of it, but some doesn’t make sense, like Santa putting coal in your stocking. I think it’s because Diko wants to be in the know, and Peggy isn’t that interested. Meghan says she thinks Peggy is smart, and doesn’t believe she’s as ignorant as they pretend. They briefly discuss the ladies’ drag night costumes, and Andy asks Vicki when Steve is popping the question. She thinks it’s only a matter of time, but they’re comfortable right now as is.

He says Steve seems solid and straight as an arrow, but wonders if he’s enough for Vicki’s whoop-it-up personality. We go down Vicki’s Memory Lane, and see clips of her and Steve, as well as her medical appointments. Andy says Vicki claimed she didn’t want to get married again, but she says enough time has passed, and she doesn’t want to be alone. Tamra says she went from a crook to a cop. Andy asks how Steve reacted to Tamra saying he’s too boring for her. Vicki says they do whoop-it-up, but she’s interested in a stable relationship. He asks about her health, and she says she’s doing well. Ryan has retired from the service (I forget which branch), and Briana is having another surgery. A viewer asks if Tamra is still in contact with Briana. She says she recently got a text from her. She’d seen the shows from the Iceland trip, and it made her sad to think of how Tamra and Vicki used to be so close.

Lydia is up next. We flash back to the kids, the magazine, and Doug’s vasectomy. She talks about being uncomfortable on bingo/drag night, and says she saw things online about her being homophobic. She says Shannon contributed to it by retweeting something, and Shannon pretends not to remember. Lydia tells Andy it’s never been an issue, and one of her closest friends is a lesbian who was in her wedding party. Meghan says it was uncomfortable to watch Lydia being uncomfortable. Lydia asks what did they want her to do, dance on the table? They discuss psychics, and Meghan brings up her party where there was a psychic, and Lydia said she didn’t really want to be there. Meghan says It doesn’t make sense, since they’re not trying to push anything on her. She tells Lydia to use her brain, and not just believe whatever the Bible tells her. Lydia gives the perfect answer, saying she uses her brain to read the Bible, and tries to be open minded. Vicki says it’s her choice what she wants to be around. This whole conversation annoyed the hell out of me. Lydia is one of the few cast members I like. She’s honest, open, says what she means, and means what she says. Meghan desperately tried to find fault with her, continued to come at Lydia (who, at one point, told her to bring it on), and just came off looking like she wanted to argue. She can’t seem to grasp that, as a Christian, Lydia uses the Bible for guidance, but also uses her brain to figure out how it applies to today and what’s really important. Even though Lydia is willing to be a good sport, it’s like they want more than that; they want her to think like them. I love a good drag queen, but I might not have been comfortable with some of that evening either.

A viewer thinks it was sweet how Lydia prayed for Shannon at The Quiet Woman, and wondered why they didn’t become better friends. Lydia says they ended well, but Shannon got ridiculous when the show was aired. Shannon says Lydia called her crazy multiple times during the season, and Lydia stands by that. HAHAHAHAHA! Andy asks about Doug’s vasectomy, and if they’re still going to try for a girl with the frozen sperm. Lydia says it would be fun, but she’s overwhelmed with three kids, and thinks they’re at capacity right now.

Andy calls Kelly the comeback kid. He talks about the procedures she’s had, and wonders if it’s enough to save her marriage. We flash back to all of that, my favorite part being when she said she literally married her mother. Kelly says it’s sad. She’s lived with Michael most of her life, and they have a child together; it’s hard to see it go. They’re totally separated now. Andy asks how long after the show did she realize she wanted a divorce? She tells him a few months later. Michael would be nice one minute, and not the next, and wanted her all to himself; she had enough. He asks about Vicki’s advice regarding making it work. Vicki says she’s sad. Divorce isn’t easy, and she would have done things differently with hers. She thinks Kelly did what she could, and the age gap is a factor. Andy asks about custody, and Kelly says they’re working on it. Tamra’s advice is to say nothing bad about Michael to their daughter, and be supportive. A viewer asks why she made up with Shannon, and Kelly says she’s a good person and she likes her. Shannon felt Kelly’s apology was sincere, and likes her back. Another viewer wants to know why Tamra forgave her, and Tamra says time, and understanding that Kelly can be impulsive. Andy wonders what single Kelly will be like, and Kelly says she’s afraid. Andy says, lock your doors.

Tamra is next in line. The focus of her montage is mostly on her relationship with Sidney, and how left out she feels, ending with her going to Sidney’s graduation. She says it was the next milestone she didn’t want to miss, and was grateful to be invited. She gets weepy, saying it was hurtful not being involved, and tells Andy it’s not good now. For a few weeks they got along, but Tamra was seeing horrible stories coming out online, and she was impulsive, posting pictures when Sidney didn’t want her too. Sidney made a public Facebook post, saying her father pushed her to invite Tamra to the graduation. Andy says Sidney doesn’t want to be in the spotlight, but Tamra asks how you stay quiet? She thinks Sidney will understand when she has her own kids. Andy asks how Tamra reconciles Sidney not wanting her to talk, and if she wasn’t on the show, would it be better? Tamra says she’s been nothing but a loving mother. Vicki says it’s super sad because family is everything. I might as well put in my two cents here too. I doubt Sidney would care nearly as much if Tamra didn’t act like a screechy shrew half the time on national TV. I’m betting it isn’t as much about the pictures being posted, as it is the embarrassment over Tamra’s behavior. Andy asks about Ryan and Sarah. Tamra says they’ve been split up for a few weeks, and Sarah has a boyfriend. That was quick. We find out Tamra got a facelift for her 50th birthday, and it looks surprisingly good. She still looks like herself. Andy asks what’s next, and if she wants her implants back from the clubhouse. She says she’s good, but she might want vaginal rejuvenation in a few years. When did this become such a thing?

Andy tells us that Shannon wears her heart on her sleeve, and it was never more evident than this season. We flash back to her weight gain, and her blaming Vicki for it. They show one of my favorite clips, when Shannon gets stuck on the exercise bike. They end with her saying that she and David are in the same place they were before he had the affair. Andy says a lot of viewers related to the struggle. She’s lost twenty-five pounds, and says that when the season started, she didn’t want to be in front of the camera. She didn’t mean to offend anyone who’s over a size four, but says for her, it was a huge (I don’t think pun intended) change. Yeah, right. Like I don’t think she’d look at me and think I was fat, being an eight to ten, depending on what time of year it is. A viewer asks why she can’t take responsibility for her weight gain, and she says it was taken out of context. Sure it was. They all say that when they get caught saying something stupid. She makes the excuse explains that it started the ball rolling. Andy asks for Vicki’s reaction. She feels badly, saying it was a private conversation never meant to be discussed. Shannon says she could tell more about her relationship with David in scenes where they weren’t together. She was trying to convince herself it was okay, and took it out on others. She claims that she’s a fun person, and didn’t recognize herself. I think Shannon can be fun, but she’s way overreactive. Not that David should have treated her the way he did. She might be a drama queen, but he’s a total schmuck. Andy asks for the status of her life. She gets weepy, and says she and David aren’t together anymore. It’s not what she wanted and it’s hard, but she’s a mom and role model for her kids, and it got to the point where there weren’t any positive lessons. They deserve better. Andy asks whose decision it was. She says they went to Hawaii, and David left early. When she got back, he said they were done. The girls are living with her, and she’s grateful for that. They’ve agreed to be amicable, so they meet for dinner on Sundays and go to games together. Andy says Vicki seems emotional, and she says she’s sad because she didn’t know. She’d thought they were doing good, and if she was responsible for anything, she feels awful. Shannon says Vicki didn’t cause it; there were issues from the beginning. She talks about how difficult it was to go from the way it’s supposed to be, and have it taken away. She’d asked him what happened, since they had a few amazing years, but he told they only had a couple of good months. This is kind of interesting, since usually it’s the man who thinks it’s all good, when they woman has had enough. Shannon says it’s her job to show the girls, and she’s scared, but can teach a positive lesson. Vicki says wants the best for Shannon, and didn’t expect it. She tells Shannon that she’s got ladies who will be there for her. Shannon says she’s blessed. Vicki says she’ll be okay, but a bad marriage isn’t what life should be, and she deserves the best. Shannon says it will all be good.

There’s an hour break. Everyone is sad and teary-eyed. Shannon says that she needed time to process, and didn’t want anyone to know. Tissues are passed, and they all go back to the dressing rooms for lunch. Shannon tells Tamra it’s real now because she said it and it’s out there. The first time he goes on a date, it will kill her. Vicki talks to Kelly about how shocked she is, but says you can’t make somebody love you.

Next time, part two, a fly attacks, the arguments start, and Vicki says she’s off the show. The OG of the OC? No way.

⛅ Monday, Monday…

MondayMinions             MondayGoT



November 20, 2017 – Negan’s Confession & a Few Extra Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



The Walking Dead

They say “previously on The Walking Dead,” and I fill in, they killed of any vestige of hope we had, and my desire to root for anyone.

Gabrielle prays, saying he might die, and very likely will. He’s not asking to live, but to be given redemption. He no longer fears death, but fears a fruitless death. He asks God for purpose.

There’s a knock at Gregory’s door. It’s Simon with wakey, wakey, eggs and pancakey, that he made himself. He says a lot of love is on the tray. Gregory did the right thing. He called Simon when things got dicey at Hilltop, and followed instructions. Gregory keeps babbling, and Simon tells him that he doesn’t need to explain himself over and over. He did the right thing every step of the way. He tells Gregory that the reason he was brought there is that they’re not standing on the precipice of greatness, and he said he could solve the problem. Today is the day.

Negan is having a board meeting, Gregory sits at the table, and says thanks for having him. Negan fiddles with Lucille. Gregory says he understands the difficulty of Negan’s position. He doesn’t like killing people any more than Negan does. Negan says he likes killing people. Kill the right people at the right time, and everything falls into place, and everybody’s happy; some more than others. Negan says by killing one, you can save hundreds more. That’s what they’re about; they save people. A light bulb comes on over Gregory’s head, and he says that’s why they’re called the Saviors. Dwight wants to go out for a smoke, and Negan wonders if he doesn’t want to hear the rest. Dwight tells Negan to just tell him where to go and what to do, and he’ll make it happen. Dwight leaves, and Negan asks where they were, saying oh yeah, Gregory doesn’t like to kill and he does, under the right circumstances. Gregory says he likes to stop a conflict before it starts, and suggests he go back to Hilltop. He’ll tell them if they join in this meaningless crusade, they’ll be out on their asses. Negan asks if they still listen to him, and he says Hilltop is his house. He’s still the guy; always has been. Negan wonders if that’s indeed true, why didn’t know about the widow leading an army of his people straight up his ass with Alexandria? Negan thinks he’s playing both sides. Is listening to him the right way to go, or is it the right place and time for something else? Gregory starts stuttering about not being aware of the rebellion until it was in motion. Simon says he believes him; now make Negan believe him. Negan puts Lucille on his shoulder. Gregory says he let a fox into his henhouse, and she and her people took advantage of his generous nature. He sees that now, and will fix it. Simon tells him, lay down the law, and things go back to being copacetic. If not, kill everyone there, and the other communities will get the message. They’ll achieve equilibrium. Negan smacks Lucille on the table, and says people are a resource. People are the foundation of what they’re doing there. He uses Lucille for emphasis as he talks. He asks who the hell do Simon thinks he’s talking to, and if he’s confused as to who’s in charge. He asks if Simon if “we’re” backsliding, and please tell him they’re not. Simon says they’re not. It was a pronounced event in a fragile moment. Negan says, hell yes it is. They need to win it all. Plan A is taking Rick, the widow, and King Assface alive, and making them dead in a public and constructive way, and make them all watch. Kill the right people, in the right way. Negan looks out the window, and we hear shots. He tells Simon they need to have a chat, and he can bring his friend. Negan opens the door, says well, sh*t, sorry, I was in a meeting, and they start to go outside.

Negan and Gabriel are together in a trailer, zombies clamoring at the windows. Negan takes Gabriel’s gun from him, calling him a baby. He says Gabriel “done good,” and made a smart play. The sit together on the floor, and there’s an amazing shot of them, with a silhouette of the zombie hands grabbing at the window in the background. Negan says Rick is an a-hole, and Gabriel says he’s an a-hole. I literally LOL, which I didn’t think was possible after last week. Negan says, yes, he is, but Rick is going to get people killed. Gabriel says, killed by him, and Negan says he killed widow’s husband and the ginger, but he didn’t get them killed. That was Rick; there’s a big difference. He watched Gabriel try to save Gregory, and wonders why he’d stop for that bearded pr*ck. Gabriel says he fears a fruitless death, and Negan asks if he’s kidding; Gregory split on his ass. He asks if the point of his life is saving that d*ckhead, and Gabriel says there’s some reason he did what he did. Maybe he’s there to take Negan’s confession.

Savior Yago is lying by the side of the road, bleeding to death. Rick and Daryl interrogate him. They ask who won at the chemical plant, and Yago says, no one; everyone’s dead. He’s the only one left. Him, the king, his yes-man, and some weird psycho lady. His people, Rick’s people, all gone. He dies, and Rick stabs his eyeball or whatever. We don’t see it.

Negan is sure about one thing; his people think he’s dead. He tells Gabriel that he doesn’t have sh*t to confess. He asks why Gabriel became a priest. Gabriel says he loved God and loved people, and wanted to bring the two together. He wanted to help people through difficult times, and help them through their weaknesses. Negan says he’s been doing that in one way or another his whole life. He says people will start dying in there, because he’s not there to stop it. He whistles.

Regina thinks they can assume Negan is dead. Simon reminds her that they’re all Negan, and they try to form an escape plan. Eugene thinks they’ll be attacked quickly, but Regina says they can use the workers as a distraction. Eugene says that’s no good either. The workers outnumber them. Dwight says he’s right. The workers have the numbers that they need on their side, and there are snipers everywhere. Right now, they have to deal with the other part. Someone in here made everything out there happen. Simon tells him that when they find the subhuman who did this, they’ll kill them slowly in front of everyone, over the course of a few very long days. He looks pointedly at Eugene, and says, good meeting. Make today the best today it can be. At least he didn’t say, today is the first day – oh, you know the rest.

Eugene visits Dwight, He wants to give Dwight his sincere thanks for his support. He also brought cukes from his private stash, and tells Dwight they’ll find a way out of this pickle, pun intended. Dwight shows him a chess game he made. Dwight touches the board and Dwight tells him to be careful; it’s still drying. Eugene says he fully understands he’s being looked at in the Benedict Arnold situation, so he’s doubly grateful.

Gabriel asks Negan if he helped the weak before this. Negan says, kids. If you don’t show them the way, they turn out like garbage; little a-holes become big ones. You have to show them the way because people are weak. Gabriel says Negan is weak; killing the innocent is weak. Negan agrees he’s weak, but that’s not why. A zombie hand busts through the window. Negan thinks they should wait a little longer, and see if his people can pull it together. Gabriel asks why he’s weak. Negan pontificates on how he uses his weaknesses to drive his strength, and he’s strong as sh*t. The last guy in charge at the Sanctuary allowed the people to be weak. He makes them strong, and they make the world strong. Gabriel is going to be his new, special project. He’ll make him strong, and they’ll find his purpose. Gabriel says he’s already strong; he’s killed; he was a part of the satellite outpost mission. Negan tells him that he’s not talking about killing people while they’re sleeping. Gabriel asks again why he’s weak. They might be dead soon. Doesn’t he want absolution and forgiveness? It costs nothing more than saying the truth aloud. Negan says he never killed anyone who didn’t need it. Gabriel says the workers are treated like slaves. Negan tells him it’s economy. No one is a slave or starving. Gabriel asks about his multiple wives, and Negan says no women were pressured into marrying him; everyone made the choice. Gabriel asks if there was a first one, before all this, a wife he made vows with. Gabriel grabs his gun back, but Negan is distracted by a zombie getting through, and beats the crap our of its head with Lucille. He tells Gabriel he took his shot, now it’s time to go,

Daryl and Rick come out of the woods, and see an overturned truck. Daryl asks Rick to give him a hand, and they pull out a container of explosives. Daryl puts them in his backpack, saying can use them to blow the Sanctuary, and let the walkers in. It will be theirs by sundown. Rick says there are workers with families in there. They’re workers, not fighters. Daryl says if they don’t surrender, maybe they’ll all fight, and they don’t have the Kingdom as back-up. Rick says they’re not doing this, and Daryl says maybe he’s not. Rick tells Daryl they have a plan, and they’re sticking to it. Daryl says things change, and walks away. Rick follows him, saying they’re not doing this. Daryl punches him, and says it’s not Rick’s choice. He starts to continue on, and Rick jumps on his back.

Eugene plays video games. The power goes out.

Rick and Daryl continue to fight. Daryl gets Rick in a headlock. The truck starts to smoke, and they both run. Nice going, I think, as whatever they could have used from there blows up.

Rick can’t start the jeep. Daryl rides up on his bike. Rick tells him there’s a plan, and he’s got to see it through. Daryl says they have to win. Rick asks if he’s walking, and Daryl gets ready to roll. He asks if Rick is sure about what he’s doing. Rick says he is, and they head off in different directions.

Negan talks to Gabriel, who went into another room or closet or something. He says he has Lucille to help them get to the Sanctuary. Gabriel has the gun, and he should use it, but most important, they have each other. Negan endears himself to my heart in perpetuity for not saying importantly. He tells Gabriel that people are a resource. He doesn’t want to kill Gabriel; he wants Gabriel to work with him. Gabriel says he’s killed before, but that’s not his greatest sin. He locked his congregation out of the church when it happened. He listened to them die, because he’s a coward. He failed them, and failed God. Every day he works to lessen his failure, and be of service and purpose now. He offers Negan assurance of pardon, penance, and absolution. Show him they’re working as equals. His only way to a future is if he confesses.

Negan says what Gabriel did is horrible, cowardly, spineless sh*t, but guesses that’s what confession is supposed to be. His first wife was his real wife, and only real life; till death did them part. He lied to her, and screwed around. She got sick, and when she went, it was messy. He couldn’t put her down. That’s how he was weak, and what he’ll confess. Maybe they do bite the big one there. Gabriel comes out, and says Negan is free. Negan punches him in the face, and says thank you; he can keep the gun. Negan tells Gabriel that they’re going to have to put the dead’s guts on themselves. He says putrid decaying organs, cooking all day in the sun; how many people have gotten sick from this? Gabriel says he’s from Georgia, which is apparently a joke I don’t get. Negan hacks apart the zombie he killed, and they put entrails all over themselves.

Commercial break. Red Machete. Does anybody care?

Negan says, let’s make some noise. They yell, and he bangs Lucille on the wall. He opens the door, and lets the zombies in. Negan and Gabriel walk out, and we get up close and personal zombie shots. Gabriel falls, and the zombies notice. One tries to bite him, and Negan smashes it in the head. Now attention has been drawn to them, and they start to kill zombies; Negan with Lucille, and Gabriel with his gun. The look up, and zombies are about to jump down on them. I’m wondering if Gabriel got bitten.

At another meeting, Savior Gavin gripes that his deliveries aren’t coming through. Something happened. That Rick guy happened. He’s been hitting outposts. Laura runs in, saying the workers are coming upstairs. They go into the hallway, and the crowd looks like a bunch of angry union workers about to go on strike. Simon tells them that they’re designated to the ground level factory floor and the garden. A worker says it’s too hot inside, and no way are they going outside. Simon explains they need to conserve fuel, and it’s a shared sacrifice. The worker says his tone isn’t working. Dwight says they need time, and the worker says they need water. They’re supposed to be protected in exchange for their work. They need a plan for getting out. One worker wants to know where Negan is, and another asks if he’s dead. Simon orders everyone to return to the factory floor, and a worker says they’re not going anywhere. Regina says, I am Negan, and shoots the woman. She asks if anyone else wants a bullet. They hear whistling, and everyone kneels down.

Negan asks why she had to go and do that. A lot of fine folks thought he was chewed up, never to be crapped out again. He’s not dying until he’s damn good and ready, and right now he’s ready for a sandwich, shower, and massage, maybe all three at once. After that serious business, he has things to attend to, like talking to his right-hand man. They’ll figure how all this happened and why, and then go back to what they’ve always done, save people. A worker says, thank you, Negan, and another says, thank God for you. He looks at Gabriel, and says that’s why he’s the man. He tells the guards to gently take him to number two. Gabriel is led away. He looks at Eugene. Eugene’s bottom lip trembles.

At yet one more meeting. Negan says they need to figure out where the guns came from; find out when they went missing. This came from one of their own. He throws a backpack on the table. Eugene sees that there’s read paint on it, and looks at a paint smudge on his finger. It’s the same paint that Dwight used on the chessboard.

Rick walks along a creek. He looks up, and sees a helicopter. It flies past, and he continues walking.

Negan sees Eugene, and says, yo, Dr. Smarty-Pants, and tells him that he has a big chance here. If he solves this, he’ll make Eugene very happy. But even if tries his best, and can’t figure it out, Negan assures Eugene that he’ll kill him quickly, so he doesn’t have to see the horrific things that will happen when they run out of food and water. In other words, he has Eugene’s back either way. Does Eugene have his? Eugene nods.

Rick keeps walking.  A guard in a tower sees him, and blows a whistle.

Eugene knocks at Gabriel’s cell door. Among other things, he says they’ve eaten dog together, so that joins them in some manner for life. He wants to formally welcome him. He took it upon himself to bring welcome wagon items, in hope of providing some relief. He knocks again. When there’s nothing, he unlocks the door. Gabriel is sweating and shaky. Eugene wants to take him to Dr. Carson, but Gabriel says they have to find Dr. Carson asap. For Maggie.

Next time, Jadis and the trash people (sounds like a group) are back, and Carl finds himself in trouble.

👹 Interesting postscript – on Talking Dead, Lisa Edelstein said she thought perhaps Simon had been in charge when Negan arrived, hence the exchange about Simon backsliding. He’d also talked about what a mess it was when he got there. Very astute. She was obviously paying attention.

😪 I never got a chance to watch Once Upon a Time, but hope I can catch up before the next episode. It was a busy weekend after a truly hellacious week selling on eBay. Seller. Nightmare. Customer.

 👍 An Appropriate Quote

Ah, work — it’s second only to families in forcing us to spend time with people we’d rather not be in close contact with. – Alison Green, Ask a Boss, The Cut

⚡  More Negan Backstory


November 17, 2017 – A Meeting on the Footbridge, a Zombie Saint, Not Once & a Quote Quinary


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


As Riff Raff said in Rocky Horror, a decision had to be made. Once Upon a Time had a two-hour episode tonight, overlapping Z Nation, which is not being shown again tonight. Z Nation, I choose you, especially after the disappointment that was Walking Dead last week. If it’s possible, I’ll do an extra blog using On Demand tomorrow.

General Hospital

Curtis is at the gym, using the punching bag. Andrew comes in, and thanks him for taking the case. He asks if Curtis found evidence that he’s Jason Morgan. If this dude isn’t Andrew, there are a few of us who will be embarrassed. Carly, Sonny, me…

Elizabeth, Franco, and Jake get ready for movie night. Jake goes upstairs. Franco asks if Jake picking a movie about twins is an eerie coincidence. Elizabeth says he doesn’t know about it, but thinks they should tell him what’s going on. Franco says that’s the last thing they need to do.

Kiki is studying in the gallery when Ava comes in. She asks if Ava wants to talk about her passing along the flash drive. Ava says it was a wonderful gesture, but turned out to be disappointing. Griff told her no doctor would risk performing the surgery. Kiki is sorry didn’t work out, but also glad.

Nathan and Maxie walk in as Maxie is telling Chet that Amy is really Ask Man Landers. His sister loves him so much, she did it to get him the care he needs. Nathan tries to cover, saying that’s not what Maxie meant, but Amy says it’s true. She’s Ask Man Landers.

Nina visits Sam to discuss the Crimson budget. She tells Nina that Jason isn’t there. Nina asks her if she’s not co-owner with Jason, or whoever he is.

Jason sees Robin on the footbridge. She says she knew he’d be here.

Franco tells Elizabeth it’s confusing enough for him; he can’t imagine what it would be like for Jake. Elizabeth asks, what if someone else tells him, or he sees the man again? Franco thinks it’s Jason’s news to share, but whatever she decides, he backs her up. She says he has a good point. She’ll talk to Jason (or whoever he is). The doorbell rings. Franco answers, and I wonder why Elizabeth no longer answers the door. He assumes it’s a process server, but it’s a package. He brings it inside, and it’s the painting of the brothers. Elizabeth asks who it was, and Franco tells her, karma. Geez, it wasn’t even in a crate. It just had a piece of cloth wrapped around it, not even tied.

Nina tells Sam that if Jason isn’t Jason, the company could be in flux. Sam tells her it’s none of her business, but she says it kind of is, since it puts the sale in question. Sam is sure it will be fine. Nina says she feels bad for the other one. If he is Jason and his story is correct, she understands what it’s like to wake up and find out that everyone has moved on. At least she didn’t have to fight for her own identity. Sam says he’s not the only one it’s hard for.

Jason tells Robin that Sonny told him she was alive, but he couldn’t believe it. It’s good to see her. Robin says Sonny said he had his old face, but seeing him… He knows it’s a shock, but everything will be okay. She says it makes no sense. How can this be? He says because it is it’s him, Jason. She knows that, right?

Amy explains to Chet about how she started the blog. She called it Ask Man Landers in honor of him. He always gave her the best advice, and teased her, saying he was Man Landers. When she gave advice, she would think of what he would say, and have the right answer. Telling him isn’t hard, but telling him why is. He’s her hero. Everything she is, is because of him. He’s brave, strong, courageous, and smart, and she watched him and learned. When the blog turned into a book deal, she used the advance to pay for his treatment. She lied about the VA because she knew he was too proud to let her help him. After everything he did for everyone else, and serving his country, she wanted to be his hero, even if he never knew it.

Nina tells Sam, sorry, she didn’t mean to upset her. Sam says it’s okay, but she needs to be alone. Nina thinks that’s the last thing she needs. Sam says they’re not friends. Nina is an employee, and she wants to keep it professional. Nina says years ago, when they were fighting over Silas, she didn’t think they’d ever be working together, but here they are. She says people change and move on, and doesn’t think either of them are who they were years ago. She thinks Sam might be resistant because the guy who came back is really Jason.

Robin doesn’t know what to think. She knows Sonny believes in his core that he’s Jason, and she sees someone who looks like him. Jason says the last thing he remembers is being shot in the back. The next thing he knew, he was in a Russian clinic, where it took him six months to escape. Robin tells him about how the guy she’s known as Jason took her place in an elevator rigged with a bomb. He has Jason’s heart and spirit; who else could he be? Jason says, he’s his brother; his twin.

Curtis tells Andrew that Betsy’s trail went cold. He wants to sit tight, and maybe he’ll get a hit on her credit cards or bank account. Heather isn’t talking – literally. She took a vow of silence to repent or something. He tells Andrew, that girl cray. Andrew needs answers, and Curtis says he’ll keep digging, and maybe find them in a new direction. Andrew says he might have one – Andre.

A note with the painting says that Andre thought he’d return this, and Franco knows the right thing to do. Elizabeth asks what he meant, and Franco tells her that he has no idea. In his last session, Andre had told him to move on from his past, so that’s what he’s going to. She hopes he’s not going to destroy it, but he says he’s not. He says to tell Jake to save him some popcorn. He’ll be back.

Chet asks how Nathan got involved, and Amy says her readers wanted to know what she looked like. She stole a picture of Nathan, and when he found out, he made her take it down. When the book deal happened, the publisher wanted to meet Man Landers, so he became the face of the brand. He’s a cop, and technically committed fraud. Chet asks why they did all this for him, and Amy says because she asked them. Nathan says he made a huge sacrifice in serving his country. Amy says he probably hates all this, but hopes he doesn’t hate her. Chet hugs her.

Franco brings the painting to the gallery. Kiki thought that Andre bought it, and Franco tells her that he regifted it. Now he wants Ava to sell it, and use the proceeds for Kiki’s education. Kiki thanks him, and Ava asks her to put the painting in the storeroom. She asks Franco what’s up with the late night delivery? He says the last think Elizabeth needs is a reminder of his dark past. Ava says, out of sight, but not out of mind. What’s he going to do about two Jasons nipping at his heels?

Andrew tells Curtis that Andre took off. Curtis finds it hard to believe the epitome of professionalism just left his patients and snuck off without cause. There’s definitely something going on. Andrew is counting on him to find out what. Curtis says he knew squeaky clean wasn’t the real deal. Elizabeth calls Andrew. She needs to see him about Jake.

Jason tells Robin that the cops ran a DNA test, and they both match; they’re identical twins. Robin says maybe he’s the twin. Jason says his twin didn’t stand up there with her all those nights, taking about everything and nothing. He wasn’t here when she made the decision to go on protocol, and didn’t have to say goodbye when she left for Paris. He might have those memories, but there’s no feeling behind it. He tells her all that matters, is that she’s alive and well. Believing in him would be the icing on the cake. She repeats, icing on the cake, and asks if he remembers the night in Montauk when he described what it was like to kiss her. We flash back to when we were all practically in diapers, and him telling her that being with her is enough, kissing her… and she finishes it would be the icing on the cake. He doesn’t know what she means, and she tells him it means better than the best, and he says, that’s it. Back on the footbridge, Jason laughs, and says he didn’t know what she was talking about; better than the best. He tells her it’s true. Her being there is better than the best. She says, omg, it’s you, and hugs him.

Amy apologizes, saying lying by omission is still lying. (Thank you.). Chet tells them it’s been a tough reentry to the world, and Nathan suggests he talk to a group. Chet says that the pain doesn’t go away, but for the first time in a long time, he feels less alone. Amy tells him to look around. He has friends he didn’t know he had. He’ll never be alone again. They hug.

Jordan goes to the gym, and tells Curtis she needs his help on a case. She doesn’t want to leave a paper trail, and a PI can go places cops can’t. This one is personal. She has reason to believe Andre is mixed up in the Jason Morgan case. Curtis asks if she’s saying the Ivy League brother she chose over him is dirty? Fancy that. She asks if he’s going to help her, and he tells her, wait for it… He’s already on it. She’s not the first person today to ask.

Franco tells Ava that everybody needs to shut up about Jason Morgan, and both Jasons need to shut up. She says that one is married to Sam, and thinks he’s concerned the other will make a play for Elizabeth.. He says hypothetically speaking, those concerns would make him paranoid. She thinks those concerns would be valid. They’ve aligned themselves. No matter how hard those they love try to see past their faults, they wonder if they’re good enough. Their loved ones try to pull them into the light, but are afraid they’ll be pulled into the darkness. She says it’s exhausting. It would be easier if they were different, fixed. Franco asks if he should be worried, and Ava says she would be.

Andrew asks Elizabeth if something is wrong, and she says she thinks it’s time to tell Jake about his twin. Andrew thinks Jake has been through enough, but Elizabeth says what if Jake sees him again. He needs to be prepared, and he should hear it from them. Jake comes downstairs, and asks if his dad is watching the movie with them. He says, no, but he and Jake’s mom have something to tell him.

Nina tells Sam that she meant no disrespect, but she recognizes Sam’s brain is on overdrive, and her heart and mind are on disconnect. She’s hurting, and can’t talk to the people closest to her. Maybe she can talk to Nina. She wonders if Sam believes the new guy is Jason, if she’s afraid she won’t be able to fit her husband into her life somehow. Sam says that’s not if. Nina asks what she is afraid of? That she might be in love with two different men?

Robin can’t believe Jason is real and they’re both here. She asks if he remembers when she left for Paris, and talked about the future. She never imagined this. Jason says it usually isn’t what you imagine, but sometimes it’s better. Sonny told him about her little boy. She thinks maybe they could have a playdate with Bella and Scout, and then remembers Scout isn’t his daughter. He tells her whatever happens, Sam has a little girl, and Danny has a little sister. They’re happy, and that’s all that matters.

Chet says he still has a lot to work through, but now he’s not alone. Maxie points out that no one can know. Amy could be sued, and Maxie’s professional reputation could be shot, then corrects herself to include Nathan. Chet says no one will hear it from him; they went above and beyond. Amy says they’ve intruded enough, and says they’ll go to her place. She thanks Nathan for all he’s done, and Maxie for putting up with it. Maxie tells her don’t mention it. Seriously, don’t mention it, not until their out of the woods. Amy and Chet leave, and Nathan tells Maxie that her judgement call was spot on. She says she has to tell him something.

Ava searches for unethical doctors on her laptop, to see if there are any out there who can help her.

Jordan tells Curtis that she has her own agenda, and asks if he can separate the two. He says he’s only interested in finding Andre, and wants to know if she’s okay with it. She says for once they’re on the same side, and he says he’ll probably be sharing the same information. She tells him it came to her attention that Andre was working with the WSB on something called memory mapping. Curtis doesn’t like the way it sounds already, but it would explain why both guys think they’re Jason. Jordan doesn’t know what they’re dealing with or who. Andre was never an open book. She was always uncovering things about him. She thought it was charming, but now thinks she didn’t realize who he was at all.

Sam tells Nina that the man she’s in love with is her husband. They’ve made a great life together. Nina asks what if the other guy turns out to be Jason, and Sam says they’ll still love each other; that’s all that matters. Nina asks if she loves who he is now, or who he used to be?

Jake says he knew it! His dad has a twin brother. Andrew says he didn’t know much about him until now. Jake asks what he’s like, and Andrew says he’s a confused guy who thinks he’s him. Jake asks, how could he? He’s him. Andrew says he’s his dad, but because he looks the way he used to look, some people believe him (like me). Jake asks who, but he says it doesn’t matter. He and his mom know the truth. He’s Jake’s father, and that’s not going to change. Jake says he loves him, and Andrew says he loves Jake too.

Sam tells Nina that she loves her husband, the man she’s committed to. She says she’s also committed to the business, and Nina takes that as her cue to leave. She says they can discuss the budget another day. In the hallway, Nina’s phone rings. She looks at it, and says, oh no.

Maxie tells Nathan she has unexpected good news, she hopes. He’s up for that, but her phone rings. She looks at it, and says, omg. It’s an alert from The Invader. They just broke a story that he’s not Ask Man Landers. She shows him the article with his and Amy’s pictures.

Ava reads a Crimson article about unconventional cosmetic procedures. She notes the doctor’s name – Gregory Zajack. Kiki comes back, and asks what she’s working on. She tells Kiki that she’s just doing inventory. She has new work for a new exhibit. She thinks everyone will be happy when it debuts.

Sam looks at her (latest) wedding photo. She flashes back to a few days ago, when she was telling Jason it’s the kind of love that just is; you can’t stop feeling it, can’t deny it, can’t shut it down. All you can do is choose not to act on it, and accept the reality that the person you’ll always love can’t be in your life. The background music is so sad, it makes me want to cry. She looks at the photo again.

Robin can’t imagine what Sam is going through. If she admits he’s Jason, she has to admit the last two years of her life weren’t exactly a lie, but not what she thought. The man she thought was him, isn’t. Jason tells her that Sonny and Carly want to prove he’s Jason, and Diane is working on it. She’s looking for cold cases where he was arrested to find a hard copy of his fingerprints. Robin says at least she has a wealth of material to chose from, Jason tells her they’re focused on the wrong thing. He only cares about who’s responsible.

Curtis tells Jordan even though he hates to admit it, Andre is a good dude who just got caught up. His phone rings, and he says, speak of the devil. He might have hacked into Andre’s personal account. Jordan says she doesn’t want to know, but she does want to know what he found. He tells her that Andre had a courier service make a shipment to an address on Elm Street, and he has the IP address he used.

Franco sees Andrew coming out of Elizabeth’s house, and stays hidden. Elizabeth says they did the right thing. They might have their differences, but they’re a good team when it comes to Jake. He thanks Elizabeth for believing in him. It means more than she knows. Franco listens.

On Monday, Ned and Michael talk about ELQ’s future, Jason says goodbye, and Robin asks about Anna’s new boyfriend.

Z Nation

Kaya messes with the circuit breakers. She tells her son not to tease the frozen zombie. She sees someone walking toward them in the distance, and hopes it’s Citizen Z, but it’s a group from Zona. They begin to shoot, and she shoots back. She tells Nana not to panic but they have intruders. She grabs her bag, and Jay-Z CD, and says let’s go. They take a ladder to the bunker downstairs. where she sets up the radio. She makes an emergency broadcast, saying they’re under attack by Zona forces. She asks if Simon or anyone is out there.

Lily and Doc sing Camp Granada, the stoner version. Murphy tells them those aren’t pot leaves; they’re maple leaves. They’re in Canada. Frozen wasteland of peace, here they come. Murphy says he believes in no one but himself, and Roberta says he’s like a cockroach. He says they survive, and he plans to keep on surviving. Mounty zombies stagger out of the building.

A few zombies in toques come out of the woods. Doc calls them hosers, and tells them to, take off, eh? They dispatch the Mounties, and Lily takes one of their hats. Doc says he hates to stereotype, but they’ve been the nicest zombies he’s seen. Roberta tells them to go back to America, as a hockey team races toward them. She and 10K jet, and the rest run into a chapel on the border. They go upstairs, and hear some really weird sounds. It’s zombie nuns, and Doc says, zombie mother of God, whacking one with her own guitar. Murphy struggles with two of them, and says this is why he hates organized religion. 10K and Roberta have come back, and they save him.

Zombies clamor at the boarded-up windows. Doc says as if Catholic school didn’t scare him enough, and backs into a holy water font. He knocks it over, and says now he’s really going to hell. Lily says it was a church, but zombies run it now. Doc is afraid what’s outside is Mother Superior mean. He informs everyone that the food and water is back in the van. Murphy misses Zona. He thought they won, and it was over. Now, the best he can hope for, is freezing his nuts off in Newmerica. Doc wonders how many Z hordes they need to get through to get there. Roberta doesn’t know how far the darkness spreads. Maybe her dreams are true, maybe not. She asks Murphy what they did to her. She tells them if her dreams are real, nowhere is safe; not even Newmerica. Doc says they need to get inside her head, and she tells him, good luck. 10K says Murphy can do it. Doc agrees. She has his blood in her, and it’s worth a shot. Roberta says she needs to know.

She and Murphy concentrate, but Murphy says it isn’t working. Roberta tells him to give it a minute. She tells him to look at her. They close their eyes, and she thinks of her vision. He opens his eyes to a beautiful field, where he’s standing with her. She says it’s the end of the world, but he can’t see it. The fire, ash, darkness, and pain. She tells him to look in the distance, but he only sees a snow-capped mountain. She says she’s sorry. The rain is coming; it’s here. The ash begins to fall. Murphy is on fire, and he opens his eyes, brushing at himself. Doc asks what he saw, and he says, nothing, but he felt what she’s feeling. It’s excruciating.

Lily motions for them to come. Murphy takes Roberta’s hand. He asks if what he felt is what she’s been feeling this whole time, and she says, yeah. He asks if they’re going toward it or away from it. She tells him that she doesn’t know. They reinforce the door, but Roberta thinks they need something stronger. Murphy opens the confessional doors, and zombies tumble out. They shove them back in.

Lily, Doc, and 10k see a live person, a backpacker, who runs from them. The church bells start to ring, and the zombies are drawn to the noise. They begin to punch through the barriers.

The backpacker continues to ring the bells. Doc tells him, not so fast, Quasimodo. Zombies are trickling in, and Roberta is mesmerized by a hockey player for a moment. 10K and Lily come downstairs, and help put up barricades. Murphy slices up a nun, doing a Zorro number with his cane sword, and says he’s getting good at this. When the others see what he’s done, he tells them he has issues.

Doc brings the backpacker downstairs. Lily says she’s always wanted to interrogate someone, putting a gun to the backpacker’s head, and telling him to give her one good reason not to off him right now. Roberta pushes her aside, and says she’s Lieutenant Warren from the National Guard. He tells her his name is Louis. She asks if there’s any reason he wants to get them killed, and he says no. She asks him if he has a death wish, and he shakes his head. She asks what he’s doing here, and Doc says he came with this, showing her a pickax. Roberta looks at all the jewelry he’s wearing, and asks if he’s a grave robber. Jewelry would be important, but not off of corpses. Lily notices he has a load of St. Christopher medals. She says her granddad had one, and never took it off. He would never take it off, unless he was dead. Louis snatches them back, and Roberta asks why he has this stuff. Doc tells her he searched Louis’s bag, and he has a cornucopia of comparative religions. He shows them a Buddha, and a necklace like one he once had, from a woman at Grand Canyon. Louis says he mercied an old lady before she turned, and she was holding it. Roberta asks why take it? Was he moved by the Great Spirit? He says someone was, and someone will be when this is finally over. Lily says it sounds like grave robbing to her. He came from downstairs, where there’s a crypt. He says it’s not what she thinks, there’s a relic from a saint’s bone buried there, and it’s supposed to cure the sick. Roberta tells him to believe what he wants, but quit trying to get them killed. Louis says he didn’t know who they were. People are weird and dangerous. Doc says that’s an understatement. Roberta asks if it’s worth risking his life. Lily says there’s a horde situation, and all ways out are blocked. Louis knows a way out.

Louis takes them to a tunnel that leads to an old graveyard. The zombies aren’t far behind, and they push a faux sepulcher aside. There’s an opening underneath. Zombies bust in. Louis jumps down, and they follow, one by one, as 10K shoots the zombies. Doc holds his nose before jumping, and I laugh.

The zombies start dropping down. Doc and 10K manage to move the sepulcher back enough to stop them from getting through. They walk through the tunnel. There’s a room with a a real sepulcher, and Roberta asks Louis if this is his saint. He says it’s a relic, buried along with a bishop from 20s. She was a martyr, killed by her father when she wouldn’t marry. Doc comes back, and says they hit a literal brick wall. Louis says it wasn’t in the blueprints. Roberta asks for his ax.

Louis asks Roberta to help him open the coffin. She says not many people have religion since the apocalypse, and he says he doesn’t , but if the relic can cure people, people will need healing when this is over. Roberta says if he thinks it will be over, that’s faith. He says it’s basic survival. He has to believe it to live.

10K works at chipping away the bricks.

Roberta asks Louis, why all this stuff if he’s not a believer? He says his mom was a good Catholic. It made no sense to him, but he was glad she had something; it was comforting. One day, the whole world literally lost its mind. It was a bad first night. He was in a garage; he was a mechanic. Roberta says her too. He tells her it was in the middle of the city, and it seemed like ground zero. his boss first to turn; then his buddy Juan. It was up to him to put them down. It took forever; they didn’t know what was needed back then. We see him fighting with zombie Juan. He picks up a huge wrench. He tells Roberta all he could hear was screaming from outside, and the sound of the wrench, hitting. Then it was done. They were dead. It was dark, and Juan’s candle with the Virgin Mary on it kept burning. Roberta asks if that isn’t a miracle, and Louis says it was a light. He needed it, so he took it, and ever since then, he kept finding stuff. It gives him reason to keep going, a mission. Roberta asks what if it ends up being nothing? What if the apocalypse never ends, or does, and no one wants it? Is he doing good, or just delusional? How does he know. He tells her that he doesn’t. She looks for something to help him with

10K is still working on the wall. Roberta asks for the crowbar, and Murphy brings it to Louis. He says the saint had a pretty crappy dad, and Louis says all those girl saints did, but St. Lucy had a crappy mom. She’s the patron saint of the blind and epidemics. Murphy says his daughter’s name was Lucy, and she could have cured everyone, just like his saint, but she died saving him. She wasn’t a saint, just a little girl. Louis tells him sacrificing yourself for someone you love, it doesn’t get more holy than that, Murphy says he needs more leverage.

He asks for pickax, telling the group it’s important. Louis, Roberta, and Murphy start to slide the top across the coffin. When they get it over several inches, smoke wafts out and banging comes from the inside. The bishop sits up. Roberta tosses 10k the crowbar. Murphy struggles with the bishop, and Louis whacks the zombie in the back of the head. He says he thought he was supposed to be dead dead. He fiddles with a pendant the bishop is wearing. He says it doesn’t open, and there’s no secret compartment; it’s just a cross. He looks around in the coffin, and says, it’s empty. Murphy says, then it’s probably time to go.

There’s another wall behind the bricks, Lily tells them she has one grenade left. Roberta thinks they need an actual miracle. Murphy doesn’t think they’re going to find one, and the bells begin to ring. Murphy is like, oh, come on, and Doc says someone is ringing them. They go back upstairs, and the zombies are all tangled in the bell cords. They look around, and no zombies. They see a dead little girl in her First Communion dress, who looks like Lucy. She’s holding the relic that’s embedded in a sculpture of a hand, studded with gems. Doc says he calls that a damn miracle. Murphy says, St. Lucy.

They leave the church, and Roberta looks at the relic. She gives it to Louis. He says it’s more beautiful than he thought. Murphy asks to look at it. He turns his back to them, and touches the bone. He thanks Louis. Louis thanks Roberta, and she says she didn’t do anything; she was just there. He wants to give her something for helping him and not killing him. He asks if there’s anything they need to keep going, and Lily suggests bullets, aspirin, and toilet paper. He has batteries, and gives them to her. She calls him my man.

As Doc leaves, Louis gives him the necklace like the one he had, and tells him have faith. Doc says he will, and they part company.

Lily gets the radio going. They hear Kaya in the Skya, and that it’s an emergency. Lily tries to answer, but Kaya can’t hear her. Murphy hears her say Zona, and says that’s bad. They decide to look for a transmitter, but Roberta is missing. She’s walking back toward the US. Murphy says sometimes you just gotta believe. They follow her in the van, and pick her up.

As they drive by Louis, he waves. A zombie falls out a window on top of him, and he goes splat. I laugh.

I know that sounded mean, but it was funny in a Zombieland kind of way.

Next time, a news station is awash with zombies. No comment.

Quotes of the Week

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.Elbert Hubbard

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller   When I moved to NYC after high school, I didn’t bring a lot with me, but I had a mini-poster that said: Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.  – Clive Barker

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.William Arthur Ward

Dorinda best drunk in Housewives history. – Michael Rapaport

😣 So My Week Be Like…
