Tag Archives: Bravo’s Winter Warm-Up

November 29, 2017 – Andre is Found, a Fashion Show Standoff, a Little Star & Random Info


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)



General Hospital

Obrecht shows up at The Floating Rib, where Mac, Felicia, and Sam are setting up a celebration. Maxie has insisted on a gathering of her and Nathan’s nearest and dearest, but they don’t know why. Lulu has her suspicions, but says it’s not her place to say. Maxie and Nathan arrive, and say they have good news to share, but they’re waiting for everyone to get there. Obrecht suggests entertaining them with a medley of German ballads in the meantime, so Maxie reveals that she and Nathan are having a baby.

Jason goes to the station to see Dante. He’s hoping for some help.

In Havana, Curtis enjoys a cigar. Almost. Jordan takes it out of his hand, telling him that’s a no if he wants to kiss her. He says she drives a hard bargain. She asks if he’s sure about the name Andre is using, since no one has checked in with it. He says his contact is solid, but Andre probably changes it. Using different ones for travel and lodging makes it harder to trace. Curtis tells her that his contact sent a photo of Andre at the place they’re staying, so just sit back, chill, and wait for him to return.

Valentin sees Nina at the MetroCourt, and asks if she’s having breakfast meeting, since there’s an extra place setting. She says yes, but it hasn’t started yet. Cassandra walks up to the table.

Finn tells Anna that he didn’t want to press the issue on Thanksgiving, but they have to move forward. Anna says she could arrest Cassandra on what she has, but the organization would still go on, and it would be for nothing. He’s out, and she intends to keep it that way. Finn says Cassandra will want to flood the market with the new opiate he’s going to develop.

Maxie says she couldn’t hide it after she annihilated the Thanksgiving buffet, and Lulu says she was right. Felicia had been worried they were moving, and asks why she didn’t tell them. Obrecht says the Americans have it wrong. Maxie might be pregnant, but her son is going to be a father, and she will be a großmutter. She tells Mac and Felicia that they’ll be bonded together for eternity, and Mac suddenly needs a drink. Maxie says she wanted to tell Georgie first. She was confused, thinking Spinelli was the father, and still has questions about how a baby can have the same mother, but a different father. She sees Sam, and says, sorry, but Sam says it’s okay; they’re coping.

Dante tells Jason that was some entrance, and Jason says it wasn’t on purpose. Dante says it never is. He has good intentions, reacts, and mayhem ensues. He didn’t want to say anything, but has to admit that Jason’s brother has been a good friend. His twin saved Dante’s life, and he’s a good dude. He didn’t want to think Jason was bailing on him, but now that he’s staring him in the face… He says, welcome home, Jason.

Jordan doesn’t want to just sit there, but Curtis says they’re leaving nothing to chance. She wants to pay the waiter, but Curtis explains that you can’t use an American credit card in Cuba (good to know). It’s cash or nothing. Andre never had a chance to empty his bank accounts, and now that they’re frozen, he can’t access them. They’ll just wait and draw him out.

Cassandra wonders why Valentin is surprised that she and Nina are meeting, since she thought they tell each other everything. Nina says she sent him a text, and he pretends to suddenly see it. Nina says since Valentin told her about his involvement with Cassandra, she thought it best that everything be out in the open, so they met. Cassandra says sorry to blindside him, and Nina says she’s been working late, and by the time she gets home, the last thing she wants to talk about is his exes, but she thought why not still be friends? Cassandra tells Valentin she’s like to get closer to the people he loves.

Anna tells Finn it’s a bad idea. She’s not risk getting him further involved; it’s too dangerous. Finn says it wasn’t when she blackmailed him into treating Cassandra, or telling people they’re dating. Anna says the cover is keeping him alive, but working with her will have the opposite effect. He says Cassandra is interested in him, and if he can convince her that he has the expertise to develop a new drug, she might let him in and show him where the bodies are buried. Anna says, or he’ll be one. She tells him he doesn’t have the resources, and he says, Valentin does? She says he’s a trained spy, and Finn suggests maybe he should be in jail. Anna says Cassandra knows Valentin because he’s a criminal, but knows Finn to be an upstanding citizen. How is he going to convince her otherwise? He says he’ll find a way, but he can’t sit on his hands and do nothing. She tells him no, and Robin appears, asking if everything is okay.

Obrecht tells Nathan that her dismissal was blessing in disguise. She’s been doing some traveling, and Nathan asks if she saw Britt. She says Britt’s whereabouts are a mystery. He says, to everyone or just him? Obrecht changes the subject, wanting to know about the Man Landers story. He says it’s long and complicated. Maxie joins them, saying she’s glad it’s over, but she won’t rest until she  finds out who leaked the story. Someone went out of their way to ruin her career. Sam says she’ll be glad to help.

Valentin suggests he stay, but Nina says it’s a girl brunch, and she’ll walk him out. In the hallway, he asks what she thinks she’s doing. Nina says Cassandra believes she knows nothing about their business relationship. She thinks Valentin told her told her everything, but is convinced she knows nothing. She reminds him about keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer. She says after a few drinks, she’ll find Cassandra’s weak spot. Valentin says she knows his is Nina, but Nina says she’s not going to get away with it. Trust her.

Robin says she didn’t mean to pry. Finn says he’s just worked up about an excess of fentanyl ODs at the hospital. Robin says it’s been the same in Berkeley. I saw a woman hooked on fentanyl on Intervention once, and it was seriously scary stuff. Robin tells him as long as newer end cheaper drugs are produced, more generations will get hooked. He says it’s too bad they can’t stop it before it hits the streets. After Robin leaves, Anna tells Finn not to use her to make point, but Finn says even Robin can see how urgent it is; why can’t she? She says one of the reasons she’s involved is because of Robin.

Jordan asks how Curtis plans on drawing Andre out, and he says Andre likes to collect antiquities. His passion is now his cash flow. He made nice with the concierge, telling him that he’s into artifacts, and asked if he knows someone who might want to unload some. He did, and Curtis asked for a meeting in the café where they’re sitting. Jordan says they’ll have to hang back and hope Andre takes the bait.

Jason tells Dante that Diane is working on proving his identity, but Dante wonders if she shouldn’t be working on keeping him out of prison. He says that Jason’s attack on Franco was unprovoked, but he’ll testify against Franco if necessary. Jason says that’s not why he’s there. He needs to see his file from the night Faison shot him.

Nina confesses that she’s never been to Monte Carlo, and Cassandra jokes the friendship over. Nina says she’ll have to schedule a photo shoots there; the winters are killing her. Cassandra says she’s sure Port Charles has its charms, and she’ll be taking them in while she’s on business there. Nina asks what her business is. She mentioned she was in pharmaceuticals. Nina  tells her about an ad from a pharmaceutical company being pulled at the last minute, and says it must be hard dealing with the FDA. Cassandra says she prefers the European way of keeping business and friendship separate. Nina’s phone rings, and she says her new assistant is still getting the hang of things. She’s just now getting a message about an announcement her brother made an hour ago. Cassandra understands if she has to leave, and they make plans to get together soon.

Finn asks what Robin has to do with it, and Anna says she’s HIV positive. She was diagnosed about twenty years ago. Finn says he’s sorry, and Anna tears up. She says it was at a time when it was practically a death sentence, but she benefited from the advancement in the way the disease is treated. Her boyfriend wasn’t so lucky. Finn asks if she contracted it from him, and Anna nods. She says his name was Stone Cates, and Finn recognizes it from a wing at the hospital. Anna says Sonny endowed the wing in his memory. He was just a kid, and his girlfriend had been an IV drug user. She was just a kid too, but she got hooked, and her addiction changed the course of her life, Stone’s life, and Robin’s life forever. Drug addiction affected her in a different way than Finn, but it’s had an impact on her life nonetheless.

Robin tells Maxie that Noah and the baby will have to grow up being besties. Lulu asks Sam if she’s okay, and Sam says she’s just distracted. Lulu doesn’t know if it’s a bad time, but tells her about how she’s been doing some writing for a local publication, and wants to make a go of it. She asks if they’re hiring writers; she’s willing to start at the bottom. Sam says Lulu doesn’t have to do a hard sell; she’ll help. She gives Lulu the contact information for Peter August, telling her that he’s the new CEO. Lulu thought they were planning on running Aurora themselves, but Sam says it’s a big ship to steer. She’s just glad they found someone to be at the helm with them, since they’re in a lot of flux.

Dante tells Jason that the file doesn’t leave the building, room, or his sight. Jason’s identify hasn’t been legally proven, so it’s at his discretion, and he’s responsible. Sooner or later, it will be a file about himself. Sooner, if Sonny has anything to do with it. He calls Jason, Sonny’s right hand man.

Andre, looking spiffy in a straw fedora, comes up behind Curtis’s chair, and says he heard he’s looking to take something back from Cuba. Curtis gets up, and says, good to see you, doc. He never thought this day would come. Andre pushes him back, and they struggle

Maxie tells Felicia that she made so many mistakes with Georgie, she wants to get it right this time. Felicia says she knows she wasn’t the best mother, but Maxie says she’s managed to make up for lost time. Felicia says it’s love that matters the most, along with patience, forgiveness, sacrifice, and acceptance. She’s never met anyone with more love to give.

Nina tells Nathan it’s amazing. He’s going to be the most incredible, stupendous father on the planet. She’s happy for him.

Valentin visits Anna, and asks if he’s interrupting. She tells him that she’s explained to Finn that she’s using him as a mole instead. Finn says Valentin’s credentials are better than his. Anna says the risk outweighs the reward, but Finn says he’s only person who can create the chemical compound Cassandra needs to develop a new drug. Anna says it’s a terrible idea, but Valentin thinks it’s brilliant.

Robin tells Sam she knows how confusing it is, and apologizes for any part she played in the confusion. She saw his face, the same face she’d known her entire life. She had no idea he had a twin. If it’s any consolation, she has some idea of what she’s going through after what happened with her, Patrick, and Sabrina. Sam tells her to stop.

Jason tells Dante that he heard Sonny thought about getting out of the business. Dante says now he doesn’t have to; he has Jason back. Anyone who crosses Sonny will live to regret it. He loves Sonny, but hates what he does, and Jason enables him. No matter how much he likes Jason, they’ll always be on opposing sides.

Jordan tells Andre and Curtis to stop. Andre says he knew wouldn’t be long before they figured things out. Curtis tells him skipping out was a red flag. Jordan says they know he has information about Jason Morgan, and asks him to come with them to answer questions. He tells them they wasted their time. He’s not going back, and he’s not talking to anyone.

Robin and Sam apologize to each other. Robin tells Sam that she’s heading back, but she’s still reachable if Sam needs her. Nina approaches Sam, asking if she’s okay. Sam says people keep saying she’s confused, but she isn’t. She knows who her husband is, but can’t convince them.

Andre says it’s not going to get better, but Jordan says if he goes back, it would for a lot of people, namely Jason. Curtis says he’s a good friend. They’ve been to hell and back together, and he deserves to know what’s going on with his own life. Andre says he’s sympathetic, but already said too much. The people involved don’t want truth to come out. He says that Jordan has no jurisdiction in Cuba, and by the time she’s able to extradite him, he’ll be long gone.

Anna asks if Valentin is joking. He tells her that Cassandra is threatening his family. His wife has taken it upon herself to do recon for him, and she’s about as subtle as a freight train. Cassandra only trusts him if he’s in check, but has no reason to distrust her doctor friend. She’s actually fond of him; she likes his healing hands and bedside manner. Anna says she’s not sanctioning this. She’ll have Finn arrested for interfering and making narcotics with the intent to sell. Finn says he’s out of there. Valentin tells Anna that he seems like a keeper.

Mac asks what’s on Lulu’s mind. She tells him that she’s thinking of switching her career to journalism. She says it’s one thing to think about it, but it’s totally different to take the plunge. Mac remembers how he felt leaving the PCPD. He thought his life was over, but it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He’s able to do something he enjoys, and put his family first. They agree that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. He tells her to do it; it worked for him.

Dante asks what Jason is looking for, and he says something to tell him where he’s been. Dante doesn’t think he’s going to find it there. Other than the phoenix figurine Sam gave him, there was nothing to be found after he fell in the water. Faison is a fugitive, so they can’t ask him any questions. All they even know about him is that he’s obsessed with Anna.

Valentin asks Anna why she’s flustered. She says she’s angry and frustrated. She asks him why he’s encouraging Finn. Is he trying to get him killed? He says that Finn would have to work hard to screw up. Anna tells him now she’s angry, frustrated, and annoyed; it’s a trifecta. Valentin says Cassandra is getting close to his wife and daughter, and if she doesn’t back off, he’ll have to take it into his own hands. Anna tells him to get out. He asks if she means out of her house or the operation, and she says it’s still on. He tells her she’s never had a problem putting people in harm’s way. What makes Finn different as an asset?

Finn orders black coffee. No shots, no syrup, no foam. Cassandra asks if he’s had a bad day, and is there anything she can do to help?

Dante congratulates Nathan, and tells him that he’s never going to get another night’s sleep as long as he lives. Maxie asks for everyone’s attention, and proposes a toast, reassuring them she has club soda. She says seeing them all reminds her and Nathan about how much love they have in their lives; Nathan adding, and how lucky their kid will be. They clink glasses.

Finn confesses he’s had a rotten morning, but Cassandra could make it better by joining him for coffee. She says she’d be delighted. Valentin sees them.

Jason goes to Anna’s house. She says she heard the rumors, and there he is. He tells her that he needs her help in finding Faison. He needs to know why he was shot, and what they’re after. Anna says she doesn’t know where he is, but Obrecht would. I get super excited, because Faison is my favorite GH character of all time. I met Andres Hove at a horror convention, where he did a panel with a soap actress whose name I don’t remember. They’d done a horror film together. When I asked them to sign a soap magazine, the both of them snatched it out of my hands, flipping through it to find themselves and their friends. I did eventually get it back, signed. He was really a nice guy, and oozed European charm.

Nina asks how Nathan feels, and he says he has a lot to think about. Mac and Felicia will be awesome grandparents, and he knows his mother is going to spoil their child. He says he never knew his biological father. Obrecht overhears.

Curtis says he’ll make a call to Anna. Jordan might not have jurisdiction, but the WSB does. Andre says he’ll be gone before they get there. Jordan says she doesn’t know how he got mixed up in this, but she knows he’s a healer. She has to believe he had higher purpose, and was doing it to heal in some way. He’s a good man. She never would have trusted her heart to him if she didn’t believe that. As someone he once loved, she’s asking him to come back and make it right.

Tomorrow, Oscar can’t stand not knowing who his father is, Franco wants to know why Elizabeth is taking his side, and Spinelli sees Jason.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Back at the retreat, the women pick a partner and role play. Siggy goes first, picking Margaret. Margaret starts whining about how beautiful the cake was, and how disrespectfully it was treated. Melissa wonders how they’re solving things this way. She doesn’t think this kind of role-playing will result in a happy ending. Siggy pretends to have pigtails, complaining about everything. Vikki tells them it was hard to watch. I don’t know if she means because of the situation or their bad acting. Siggy says she feels like Margaret got to know her better here. Calling her “Soggy” cut her to the core, bringing her back to a time she wasn’t accepted, and was bullied over her name. Vikki tells her to use it as a strength. Margaret says she thought she was being funny, and didn’t mean to hurt Siggy’s inner child. She apologizes, saying now that she knows, she’ll never do anything like that again. Siggy says she was coming from place of hurt – “a place of” being the new catchphrase. They’re good, and hug it out.

Melissa is next, and she says she had a problem with Siggy. She gets that Siggy was sensitive about the cake thing, but feels it was overreactive. She does a spot-on impression of Siggy welcoming Melissa into her home, proceeding to call her an a-hole, then asking for a show of hands as to who else thinks so. She ends with Siggy being a normal hostess again, and it’s all very funny. Siggy says her intention wasn’t to embarrass Melissa; she just wanted her to understand how much effort she’d put into the weekend. Melissa says she could have been more sensitive, but Siggy could have been too. Siggy wants to break down the wall between them, and they also hug it out.

Danielle wants to speak to Teresa about an old wound, surprising everyone, and causing Dolores to breathe a sigh of relief, although I wonder if she’s a little disappointed. Danielle says she and Teresa are in a good place, and she wants to stay there, but there’s an old wound that affected her daughters. Calling her a “prostitution whore” in front of her kids upset them. She’s continually been made fun of for it, and her kids were bullied. She needs to hear Teresa says she didn’t mean it. Teresa says if she could, she’d take it back, and she was coming from a place (sigh) of anger. Danielle asks if Teresa is willing to tell her daughters that. Teresa says whatever she can do to make it better, she will. In her interview, Dolores says that Danielle blames every hardship on Teresa. I’m really starting to dislike Dolores. She doesn’t know Danielle, it was a legitimate complaint, and it’s none of her business anyway. Teresa says there’s an Italian saying that the tongue breaks bones. Siggy thinks the group has taken huge steps in being more compassionate. I think so too, except for Dolores.

Joe #2 takes Milania to play race cars. Not like Matchbox cars, but ones you sit in and drive on an inside track. He says she’s been through a lot. Her mother and father going away (I love that euphemism), and her grandmother passing. They go for a snack afterward. Joe tells Milania that her mom is worried, and told him she was seeing her grandmother in the kitchen. He says she was his mother; he loved her and misses her. He tells Milania not to be a tough girl. When you talk about it, you feel better. She says it doesn’t feel real. Her grandma used to say one day she’ll die, and now it’s happened. He says he knows her dad isn’t around, but anything she needs, let him know, and not just if she wants something; he’s there to talk.

The ladies get ready for a last conversation. Siggy says the idea of the exercises was to get to a point of trust, and the last one is meant to take them to a deeper place. She asks them to tell something no one knows. Margaret says before Joe #3, she had the perfect family. Now, two of them don’t speak to her, and it’s been six years. Siggy says she should have ended the marriage first, like Margaret needs to hear that or could change it, and Margaret says ideally that should have happened. Vikki says her ex is the key, and to ask him to help mend with the children. Her best advice is to never give up. Siggy feels badly, because she’s having a hard time with Josh going to school, and can only imagine how hard and upsetting this is.

Teresa says they don’t all have perfect lives. When she came home, Joe #1 was drinking a lot. She wishes he’d been stronger, but realizes women are stronger than men. She does have resentment, but has to move on. Siggy says she’s taken on a lot, and inside, feelings have a way of festering and need to be released. In her interview, Melissa says Teresa needs to come out and tell Joe she wants an apology, but she’s not there yet.

Dolores invites everyone to her animal charity event. In her interview, Margaret says, are you kidding? She bares her soul, and Dolores asks everyone to come to her dog charity. But of course, she’ll go. Vikki thanks everyone, and thinks the test was successful. It’s awesome that they’re in a great place.

It’s back to routine. Teresa visits Siggy, bearing coffee. Siggy tells Teresa about getting the pellets in her behind, and how it’s been life-changing. She’s actually in the mood now. She asks when Teresa last saw Joe #1, and Teresa says it was before her mom got sick. In her interview, Siggy says that’s three months. She thinks Teresa is frustrated, sad, and holding resentment. Teresa tells Siggy that she’s guarded. Her upbringing was geared to not showing emotion, the old school way. Siggy says she has the right to feel how she does, and no one thinks she isn’t the strongest woman around. She tells Teresa to go against what she learned. Dig deep, and spill it.

Dolores explains that she got involved in the Onyx and Breezy Foundation after the love of her life, Boo, passed away last year. I remember that; it was really sad. It looks almost like a carnival, in a big field, with booths, and food, agility runs for the dogs, and things like a bouncy house for the kids. There are a lot of people there with dogs. Danielle brings her pups in a stroller. Teresa is afraid of dogs, but only big ones. Everyone agrees the retreat was great. Melissa asks Siggy if she’s talked to Danielle, who thinks she went kumbaya too quickly with Margaret. We see a clip of Danielle telling the women that of course she’d want to fix her own problem first to look good.

Danielle talks to Margaret, telling her that she doesn’t understand how they made up so fast, and it was convenient for Siggy to look good. Margaret says she has a point, and Danielle thinks she should be on guard. In her interview, Margaret says understands Danielle has been known to create drama, but thinks she has genuine concern.

Siggy tells Melissa that she doesn’t care. She thinks Danielle has things festering (another popular word), and it is what it is. In her interview, Siggy says she has history with the others, but nothing with Danielle. Two dogs do some weird thing that’s incredibly cute, and everyone goes, aww! Danielle and Margaret join the others. Dolores talks about Kim D.’s fashion show, and asks who’s going. Teresa isn’t, and Siggy doesn’t think it’s the right time to bring it up. Dolores says she and Siggy will be walking in it,  reminding them it’s a charity event for the two boys found in the burned car. Teresa reminds her about Kim D. spreading rumors that Joe #1 was cheating on her. Dolores says she was just throwing it out there, but obviously no one is interested. In her interview, Teresa says of course she’s not going, and she doesn’t think her friends should either. Kim D. is creepy. She reminds me of Sylvia Miles in Midnight Cowboy.

Melisa visits Margaret’s showroom, and she has the cutest stuff! Melissa tells us that no one wanted to help her without cost, but Margaret said she’d show her the ropes. Melissa tells Margaret that boutiques are everywhere in New Jersey. She’s still new to the game, and trying to figure out a way to separate herself from the others. Margaret says she has to find what no one else has. Maybe go to Europe, and find brands no one else is carrying. Margaret invites her to come to Milan, where she’s having her shoe line designed. Melissa says it would be beneficial, and she’d love to. Oddly enough, she’s never been to Italy.

Siggy and Dolores go to Kim D.’s store, Posche. They try on outfits for the show, and she has them do their walk. Siggy says that Melissa and Teresa won’t be coming because they don’t like her, and remember the last time. Kim says everyone was thinking it, but she said it. Siggy says it was only rumors. Anybody can say anything, but unless you have a picture of the “weewee entering the cookie,” people should mind their own business. She says Teresa has been through hell and back, and is working her butt off. Kim says she heard Teresa is rekindling an old flame. Siggy and Dolores don’t want to hear it. Siggy says Teresa has no old flames; the only man she’s ever been with is Joe #1, although no one would blame her. Kim says forget it then, and Dolores says it’s forgotten until they have to tell her what Kim said, and she’ll shoot the messenger. Kim thinks Joe treated her horribly, and Siggy has to leave. It amazes me that they’d even want to be friends with this woman. I don’t care how long they’ve known her. She’s horrifying.

The ladies are meeting for dinner at Fresco. Melissa and Teresa are there first. Teresa says she just dropped Gabriella off at a bat mitzvah, and Melissa says it’s that season. Teresa has to explain that a bat mitzvah or bar mitzvah is related to a 13th birthday. Margaret, Danielle, and the weird ass Bobbsey twins arrive. Melissa talks about how fabulous Margaret’s collections are, and how she’s going to Milan. She thinks everyone should come, because she’s out of her mind. Siggy chooses this time to make it clear that she and Dolores are walking in the fashion show.

Teresa asks why, and Dolores tells her about what Kim D. said regarding Teresa rekindling an old flame. Melissa says not only has Kim done things to hurt her and her family, on top of it, she’s saying Teresa is a cheater, and they’re still supporting her. Siggy says it’s for charity, and Dolores says she’s neutral; she’s known Kim for twenty years. Oh, I see. For her, it’s okay to be neutral, but anyone else who is, isn’t loyal. Melissa says everything Kim D. says and stands for is bullsh*t. In her interview, Dolores pities Teresa for not seeing she’s her truest friend. This woman is delusional. We flash back to Kim D. stirring up rumors that Melissa was a stripper. Melissa tells Dolores she has to pick a side, and Dolores doesn’t get it. Siggy says when she and Margaret weren’t getting along, she didn’t tell them not to go to Margaret’s party. I just stare at Siggy blankly. Melissa lists all of the things Kim has done, and says she’s a vial human being. Siggy says she can only judge on the way Kim treats her. Margaret says Hitler wouldn’t have killed her; should they have been friends? Snap! Teresa is fuming, and Dolores says no one would blame Teresa if it was true. Teresa smashes a glass against the wall, and says they should have stuck up for her. Dolores says they did, and they both get loud, with Dolores leaning nearly all the way across the table. Margaret pulls her back. She insists she stuck up for Teresa, and tells Melissa not to tell her what to do. Siggy says it’s not about Kim, but about the dead kids, and doesn’t she have a heart, since I guess Siggy never heard of just sending a check. Margaret says they’re both hurt, and Dolores tells her to shut up. Margaret says, no thanks, she won’t shut up. Dolores and Siggy leave, with Danielle saying a line has been drawn in the sand, and telling them to have a nice time.

Outside, Siggy tells Dolores they did the right thing by telling Teresa, and Dolores says they did stand up for her. In the restaurant, Melissa is like, great, and I just invited them to Milan. Teresa can’t believe they’re supporting Kim after what she did. It’s screwed up. She wants to confront Kim, and Melissa says it would be like walking into the lion’s den. Danielle says they’ll all go. They’ll walk in like Charlie’s effing Angels, plus one, do what they have to do, and leave. Melissa says okay, and Margaret says she’s never been to a shakedown before. Danielle tells her they’re going to win, and Melissa says, kill me now.

Next time, a medium visits Joe #2 and Teresa, Kim D. and Teresa go at it, and Teresa tells Siggy eff-you.

👌 Who knows? Maybe she is just stirring the pot, but I like Danielle. She set the bar early on. I’d take a guess that she was told to put the book on the table that Teresa flipped, but she took that ball and ran with it. She’s the best thing that could have happened to this season. Her, and Teresa getting sprung.

🌟 Star began with a round of interviews about the shooting, and how it’s a normal occurrence. It was really good until they threw in Al Sharpton playing himself on the TV. Noah and Alex played it up for the cameras, which Star wasn’t happy about, but wouldn’t admit. Ayanna got custody of Simone, and her father put the pressure on about getting the numbers up, causing her to move up the showcase date. The girls were in though. Noah was also hitting the bottle pretty hard, but Joyce was the one who keeled over due to an OD. Ayanna hoped Joyce would go to rehab, and gave Simone a Xanax to calm her down, which made perfect sense. Brody’s loan shark was breathing down his neck, threatening his daughter. Under the guise of needing to use the bathroom, he snuck around upstairs at the beauty shop. Later, he got an eyeful of the pictures of a battered Star, and heard Hunter’s frantic calls to her afterward. Jahil and Carlotta tried to save Cotton from herself (again), and Jahil shot her boyfriend in the leg. Cotton claimed she needed him, but Carlotta told her to stay away from his sorry ass. Noah ended up kissing Alex for real, and she told him to back off. She went back to Derek, but thought about Noah when she was in bed with him. Next time is the finale, because seasons are only like, six episodes now.

🌴🍹 The new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills starts on Tuesday, December 9th, at 9pm. I can’t wait! Giggy!

❄ If you get a chance, check out Bravo’s Winter Warm-Up. Stassi Schroeder (Vanderpump Rules) and Kyle Cooke (Summer House) host a line-up of clips from the new seasons of the old shows and the premieres of the new ones.

😎 Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard from The People’s Couch have a new podcast, Dumb Gay Politics. I haven’t listened in yet, but they were hysterically funny on the couch. You can tune in here:

