Monthly Archives: December 2021

December 30, 2021 – New Year’s Eve In Port Charles, What’s On, Who’s Gone, Backlash Defense, Lala’s World, Bad Idea, Celebrations, Traditions, 22 Quotes for ’22, Eve Talk & Another One


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Today’s drinking game will include extra words because, New Year’s Eve (🍷).

Portia comes into The Savoy, and Curtis says she looks stunning. She tells him that he cleans up pretty nicely himself. He says, it’s a big occasion, and she says, happy New Year (🍷). He says, not just New Year (🍷); new beginnings. Right here with her, where it all started. He kisses her. Martin comes in with Lucy, and says, good evening and happy New Year (🍷), to Nika, who’s playing hostess. He asks if Valentin has a reservation this evening, and Lucy wonders why he needs to know.

At Kelly’s, Valentin sees Anna, and asks if the seat across from her is taken. He sits, and she asks if this is when he asks her about the conversation with his purported father. He says he couldn’t care less about anything Victor says or does, and she says, her either, but she thought he’d want to hear what was said. He says, not really. He and Anna have been tiptoeing around each other for far too long. He’s over it, and thinks she is too. So why doesn’t she let him take her out tonight? They can kick this wretched year to the curb, and start 2022 (🍷) fresh, the best way he can think of starting it – with each other.

Holding a gift bag, Drew knocks on Sam’s door, and when she answers, he says, surprise.

On the phone, Josslyn says she was really looking forward to them having her dad’s house to themselves, and Cameron asks if she’s sure she can’t get away. She says, unfortunately, something major happened with her mom, and she’s sorry, but she can’t leave. She’s really going to miss being with him tonight. He says, him too; she has no idea. She says she thinks she does. She’ll call him at midnight.

Michael tells Willow that Dante just texted him. He found Sonny. Willow hopes he’s okay, and Michael says, he’ll be fine, but he thinks it’s best if Sonny keeps his distance for a little while after he hurt mom. She says she’s so sorry. She can’t believe the mess she made. He says, she did nothing wrong. She told the truth about his father, which is something his father should have done a long time ago.

Carly takes down Sonny’s stocking from the fireplace, and looks at it. Then she looks at a picture of the two of them. Michael comes in, and says, mom? Carly says, excuse her, but he says, just talk to them. Willow says she’s so sorry about what happened in court, and Carly says, when Willow testified that she’d known for weeks about Sonny and Nina, did it ever occur to Willow to let her know her husband had fallen in love with someone else?

Maxie and Nina sit down at the Savoy, and Maxie asks, what’s wrong with Nina?. She gets to ring in 2022 (🍷) free as a bird; she should be celebrating. Nina says she should, but she’s not exactly in the mood. Scotty’s legal maneuvering kept her out of jail, but he blew up her life. And possibly Sonny and Carly’s.

Sonny knocks back drinks at Charlie’s, a stack of crumpled bills on the bar, when Dante walks in. Sonny asks what he’s doing there, and Dante says, Michael called him. He was looking for Sonny. Sonny says, congratulations. Dante found him. Dante says he can see that. Michael also told him about the hearing, that Willow took the stand and testified that Sonny and Nina fell in love in Nixon Falls. Sonny says he did not fall in love with Nina. That was Mike. He didn’t know who the hell he was, but he can’t get Carly to see that. She kicked him out. What if he never gets her to understand? What if he’s lost her forever? He slugs back another drink.

Drew apologizes for not calling first, and tells Sam, he promised Scout that he’d drop by with something special for New Year’s Eve (🍷). She says, it’s fine. Scout will be happy to see him. He says, here’s hoping, and she says, enough with the false modesty. Their daughter adores him.

Martin says, Valentin is his most lucrative client, and Lucy says, so the more the merrier. He says, no, far from it. As a matter-of-fact, Valentin made it clear that his and Lucy’s association is a bit of a conflict of interest. So much so, he issued an ultimatum; either his business or her. She says, obviously he chose her, but he says he doesn’t see why he should have to make a choice at all. He’s not here, and he’s not going to be here. The way Martin sees it, if they don’t make a scene, he can have his hummingbird cake and eat it too. How does that sound?

Maxie says, so Willow said Nina and Sonny fell in love. In court. On the stand. Nina says, yep, and Maxie says, wow. That is so dramatic. How did she even know? Nina says, Willow overheard her and Sonny talking in private, and she convinced Willow to keep it a secret, but Scotty pried it out of Willow. Maxie asks how Scotty found out, and Nina says she has no idea. Obrecht joins them, telling them, happy New Year (🍷). She sees Nina’s face, and says, what?

Scotty gives Cameron and Aiden what look like cassette tapes, and says he’s sorry he didn’t get these to them before Christmas. He tells Elizabeth that he has one for Jake too, but she says, he’s at a sleepover. She’ll make sure he gets it. He says he didn’t know Violet was going to be there, but Finn says, it’s okay. Scotty says, who doesn’t need five bucks? and Cameron says, Franco used to say that. Finn says, okay, and Violet takes the money, thanking Scotty. Scotty says he bets Franco did; he was always bumming five bucks from him. Aiden wonders what the gift is, and Cameron says, they’re old school tapes of sorts. Scotty says, it’s Franco’s music. He thought they could listen to it and keep Franco’s memory alive on New Year’s (🍷). Franco always liked this really crazy music. What do they think? Elizabeth looks sad.

Michael says, Willow came to apologize, and Willow says she’s so sorry. She never wanted to say what she had to at that hearing, but she had no choice. Carly says, she had a choice before. She chose to keep it to herself. Willow says, was she supposed to tell Carly that she overheard Sonny and Nina talking about how he fell in love in Nixon Falls, when he didn’t know who he was? It was over. Sonny is back, and Carly is the one he loves, not Nina. She didn’t want to hurt their marriage. She didn’t want to hurt Carly. Carly whirls around and says, but you did, Blanche! Oh wait, wrong drama. Carly asks if Willow didn’t want to hurt her, or did Nina ask her not to?

Dante says, Sonny has to give Carly some time. She’s got to remember that Sonny is Sonny. He’s not that guy who fell for Nina in Nixon Falls. Mike is gone; he doesn’t exist. Sonny says he told her, and it doesn’t matter, but Dante says, eventually, it will. How many times have they broken up? Sooner or later – hopefully sooner – Carly will come around and realize there’s nothing left between him and Nina. That’s right, isn’t it? There’s nothing left? Sonny asks if Dante shouldn’t be with Sam, but Dante says he’s got to get Sonny squared away first. Sonny says he just wants to be with his wife. There’s nothing Dante can do about that. Dante says, just like there’s nothing Sonny can do about falling for Nina when he thought he was someone else. That’s love. It’s like chemical stuff. There’s nothing you can do to control that. Nina is the guilty party here. Sonny didn’t do anything wrong, and Carly’s going to see that. Sonny says, that’s not the problem; not the whole problem anyway. He should have told Carly what happened in Nixon Falls before it came out in that courtroom. Dante asks why he didn’t.

Michael tells Carly, attacking Willow isn’t going to make this any better, and Josslyn says, Michael’s right. The blame is not on Willow; it’s on Nina. She’s the one who let Sonny keep thinking he was Mike. Michael says, and when they fell in love, Nina kept this whole sorry charade going. Carly asks Willow if Nina asked her to keep her and Sonny’s secret, and Willow says, yes, she did. Carly asks if Michael knew, but he says, no, not until the hearing. She says, and he’s okay with that; that Willow chose Nina over him. Over the family who welcomed her with open arms.

Nina says, it was Obrecht who told Scotty about her and Sonny, and Obrecht says, gerne geschehen (you’re welcome). Nina says, Scotty figured out that Willow knew something. How could she? Obrecht says Nina is free; that’s all that matters. Nina says, at what cost? She and Scotty might have wrecked Carly and Sonny’s marriage. Obrecht says, pity, and calls for more champagne. She asks why they’re not drinking yet, and Nina says, and destroyed her life. Obrecht says, all the more reason she should be drinking, and she didn’t destroy Nina’s life. On the contrary. She saved it.

Curtis tells Portia, he’s allowed this club and his father to monopolize his attention when he should have been giving her his time and energy. She thanks him, but says, all the time and energy he’s put into this club has been totally worth it. The Savoy is a success. And so is he. He thanks her, and says he didn’t think he needed to hear that, but he did. She says, as far as his father goes… He says, he doesn’t really want to talk about that man when he’s trying to have a special evening with his lady. She says, that’s always nice to hear, and he says, in fact, he’d like for them to be closer. She says, what a coincidence, because she wants that too, and he kisses her.

Scotty says, they’ve got to remember all the times with Franco, but they’ve also got to live their lives; he would want that. He tells Elizabeth that he’s sorry, and asks if he stuck his foot in it again. She says, no. Cameron just said something to her like that, and Scotty tells Finn that he’s got to watch his step. This is his family. They’re his heart. Finn says, his too, and Scotty says, but don’t tell anybody he has a heart. Finn asks who’d believe him? and Scotty says, nobody. He tells them, happy New Year (🍷), and leaves, and Finn asks if Elizabeth is okay. She says she’s just glad he’s here to help her bring in a brand new year.

In the kitchen, Elizabeth tells Aiden to bring the cake in, and she’ll clean up in here. Finn says, he’ll do it, and she says, she’ll wash; he’ll dry? He says, deal, and she puts her wedding ring on the shelf above the sink.

Sam brings Scout downstairs, and Drew says she looks adorable. Does she remember he said he’d bring something special by for New Year’s Eve (🍷)? She nods, and he says he hopes she likes them. He takes a pair of gold 2022 (🍷) sunglasses out of the bag, and asks if he can put them on her. She says, yes, and he does. He and Sam rave about how she looks, and Drew says, 2022 (🍷) coming. He has noisemakers too, and Sam tells Scout not to make too much noise for mommy, but Drew suggests she make noise all night. He thought Sam would look good in a pair of them too, and gives her a silver pair. She says he knows she loves a good pair of sunglasses, and Scout asks if Drew will stay until midnight.

Willow says she saw that Carly and Sonny were happy together. Why change that? Carly says, because Willow knew Sonny was in love with someone else. Michael says, he’s not defending dad, far from it, but Sonny doesn’t love Nina, and Mike from Nixon Falls doesn’t even exist anymore. Carly says, last night, she asked Sonny point blank if he still had feelings for Nina, and he couldn’t answer her. Josslyn asks if Sonny’s been cheating on Carly, and Carly tells her, he says not. Josslyn asks if Carly believes him, but Carly says she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what to believe. Sonny says he still loves her, but she doesn’t know how he could, when a part of him is still in Nixon Falls with Nina. She says she doesn’t know what the hell to believe, and storms out.

Sonny tells Dante, when he got his memories back, when he knew who he was, he lashed out at Nina, like she was a stranger and enemy. Dante says, when it came to filing charges, it was Michael’s call, not Sonny’s; why? Sonny says, he wanted it to be over. He didn’t want to relive it in a courtroom. He was going to tell Carly privately, then Jason died. They were grieving, then Sasha and Brando’s baby died, and he thought it would be cruel to tell Carly then. He wanted some distance from all the loss, and he waited too long. He asks for another drink, and Dante says, so when it came to Sonny’s testimony, he said what Nina did to him was not a crime, right? Sonny says, she lashed out. She was hurt. That’s what people do when they’re hurt. Dante says, so is he saying he feels sorry for Nina, after she kept him from the people who love him? Sonny tells him, he didn’t say he felt sorry for her, and Dante says, but he felt something? Sonny says, yeah, and Dante asks if he still feels something. Sonny says, yeah, and Dante wonders what that something could be. Sonny says, here’s the problem. It’s like Mike is still in him. He didn’t leave all of Mike behind in Nixon Falls. He still carries a small piece of Mike’s heart, and God help him, that small piece of Mike’s heart belongs in some way to Nina.

Carly goes out on the terrace, and says, Jason, where are you? Why aren’t you here?

The kids bring their dishes into the kitchen, and Violet tells Aiden, that cake was super delicious. Cameron says he agrees, and says, it was top-notch. Aiden says he can’t take all the credit; it was Franco’s idea. Cameron says, Aiden baked it, and Elizabeth says, the fireworks are about to start. She tells them to get ready, and they go upstairs. Elizabeth tells Finn, she’s sorry if Franco’s presence… They just really miss him. He says, it’s okay. It’s nice they can share their memories. Franco obviously did a lot of good for the family, and her. She feels around the shelf, and looks around the sink, and says, her ring; it’s gone. It must have fallen down the drain.

Drew says, he’d absolutely love to stay, but something tells him, midnight past Scout’s bedtime. Sam asks Scout if she remembers that she wanted to wait until her brother got home to celebrate, but Scout says, that was before they got these glasses. Drew says he has to get home, but how about if he gives her an airplane ride all the way upstairs and tucks her in? Sam says, sounds like fun, and Drew says, one… two… takeoff! He picks Scout up and spins her around, then takes her upstairs.  

Dante says, he doesn’t entirely understand what Sonny went through, but Sonny can’t just forget what happened while he was Mike. Those feelings and experiences were real. It’s a real part of him; it doesn’t just vanish. Sonny says, a shadow, an echo; Mike is still in here. Don’t get him wrong, it’s not like the feelings he has for Nina have anything to do with the love he feels for Carly. Nina’s like an ex. He laughs, and says, she’s just going to fade away. Dante says, it might not happen while Sonny is drinking himself into oblivion though, and Sonny says, it needs to start fading tomorrow. Tomorrow is New Year’s Day (🍷). It’s a good time to hit the… Dante says, reset? True enough. Sonny laughs, and says, the last thing he wants is to have Dante sitting with him at a bar, when he could be ringing in the New Year with Sam. Dante says, okay, he’ll go, and asks Sonny where he’s staying; he’ll drop Sonny off. Sonny says, he’s fine, and Dante asks if he’s is sure he’s okay? Sonny says he’s a big boy; he can take care of himself. They hug, and Sonny thanks Dante for being him, and a great son. Dante slips Sonny’s keys in his pocket, and says he wants Sonny to know that everything he said stays between them. Sonny thanks him, and Dante tells him, be good, and leaves.

Josslyn says she can’t believe Sonny did this, and Michael says he gets that Sonny was protecting Carly by keeping it a secret, but that doesn’t excuse it or make it right. Josslyn says, what’s that saying? It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. Willow says, sometimes the worst things happen when we try to shield our loved ones from knowing the truth, when Carly comes back in. She says she’s sorry. She knows they’re here for her, and she loves them for that. All of them. She takes Willow’s hand.

Scotty walks over to Obrecht’s table, and asks, where’s the champagne? Life’s a ball, and we’ve got a lot of living to do here. Obrecht says she’s afraid Nina doesn’t see it that way, and Scotty asks if Nina is still upset. Nina says, the last thing she wanted was for her and Sonny’s feelings for each other in Nixon Falls to be used as a weapon. He says, funny. He didn’t think she’d want to rot in a prison in Pennsylvania. If he  blindsided Willow, he had to; they would have lost. Nina says, she would have taken the risk. Now, Sonny and Carly are hurt; the whole family is devastated. He says he didn’t know the Corinthos family morale was of such importance to her. Maybe Nina should have told them Sonny was alive a year ago instead of keeping it a little secret. Nina says she’s so sorry. She can’t stay here. She tells Maxie that she’s sorry; happy New Year (🍷); she loves her. She’s mad at Obrecht, but happy New Year (🍷). She leaves, and Maxie says, unbelievable. Scotty is as tactless as he is rumpled. She follows Nina, and Scotty asks, what’s this rumpled business? Obrecht just looks at him, and he asks what he did. She tells him that he said too much that wasn’t necessary, and he says, he got the charges dropped. She says, he didn’t have to rub Nina’s nose in her mistake, and he asks if they’re having a little love spat.

Martin says, as much as he loves showing Lucy off for this crowd, how would she feel about coming back to his place? She says she kind of knows exactly what he’s doing, and kisses him. She says, okay, and they get up. He sees Valentin come in with Anna, and leads Lucy out the back door. He says, this is not an exit, and she says, it’s kind of like they’re hiding out. He wonders how they’re going to get out of there, and she says, it would be very simple if he’d just fire Valentin as a client and pick her.

Curtis says he’s been thinking about the first time he and Portia were together. It was so wrong, but so much was so right, because it brought him here tonight, making memories with a caring, kind, intelligent, beautiful woman. Portia asks if he’s saying he’s feeling her, and he says he’s feeling her. He’s fallen for her.

Valentin tells Anna, oh look, Martin’s here. That means Lucy Coe can’t be far behind. She asks why that matters, when Martin approaches their table. He says, if it isn’t his favorite client, and his favorite operative. Happy New Year (🍷). He tells Anna that she looks exquisite. As a matter-of-fact, they’re a matched set. Come to think of it, it’s kind of sad. Valentin asks, what’s sad? and Martin says, he looks as good as they do, but he has no one to dance with. He’s alone; bereft of company, on the busiest date night of the year.

In the back, Lucy puts on a New Year’s hat and glasses. She sees Maxie, and says she needs Maxie’s help desperately. If she doesn’t get out of here without Valentin seeing her, Martin is going to lose his most lucrative client. Please, please, please. Maxie relents, and Lucy thanks her. They go inside, and Maxie says, stick with me. She’s got Lucy’s back.

Finn messes around under the sink, and Elizabeth asks if he’s sure he knows what he’s doing under there. He doesn’t strike her as the handy type. He says, really? He’ll have her know, he put himself through two years of medical school working at a plumbing company. She says, really? and he says, really. He drops the wrench, and we hear water splash. He comes out, and she asks if he’s okay, handing him a towel. He wipes his face, and stands up, saying, refreshing. He holds out her ring on his pinkie, and she thanks him. She starts to put it on, but stops, and looks at Finn.

Sam lets Dante in, and he says, nice sunglasses. She says, Drew got them for her and Scout. It was a surprise. Drew comes downstairs, thanking Sam for letting him tuck Scout in. He sees Dante, and Dante holds out his hand, saying, happy New Year (🍷). They shake hands, and Drew says, happy 2022 (🍷) to the both of them. Have a good night; he’ll see them around. He starts to leave, but Sam says, Drew. He turns around, and she hugs him, saying, any time, while Dante pretends to look at something on the desk. Drew leaves, and Sam says, he only stopped by to see Scout. He says she doesn’t have to explain anything to him. He gets it. Sam says, okay, and he says, it’s all good. He takes her hand, leading her to the couch, and says, the countdown’s about to begin. In the hallway, Drew puts on his coat, and leaves for real.

Carly makes a beeline for the door, and Josslyn asks where she’s going. Carly says she needs to get out of the house and unthink. Michael asks if she’s okay to drive, and she says she is. It’s a lot to take in. She needs to deal with her thoughts. He tells her, just be careful, and she says she will. She leaves, and Josslyn says, she’s going to be okay, right? Michael says she knows mom. When things are tough, she puts her guard up. That’s how she deals. Josslyn says she’s going out for a bit, and Willow asks if she’s going to follow her mom. Josslyn says, no. The way she drives, she’s halfway to wherever she’s going by now. Josslyn leaves, and Michael says, it must be almost midnight, and Willow says, pretty close. He says he’s not in the mood to celebrate, and Willow says, yeah. He takes her hand, and pulls her into a hug.  

The guests at The Savoy count down, and yell, happy New Year (🍷)! Maxie brings Lucy through the club. Scotty and Obrecht kiss. Valentin and Anna kiss. Martin slips out after Lucy and Maxie, and he and Lucy leave together, Maxie giving them a thumbs up. Curtis and Portia kiss, and there’s lots of horn blowing, but no confetti. I’m guessing Curtis doesn’t want to clean that mess up.

Sonny looks around, and sees Nina come into Charlie’s.

Curtis and Portia go back to one of their places – a bedroom with a lot of lit candles – and get busy, while a female vocal of Auld Lang Syne plays. Fireworks go off, both figuratively and literally. The song continues to play in the background for the rest of the show.

Anna and Valentin kiss some more. He says, they should do this more often. I concur.

Nina tells Sonny, she just stopped by to say hello to Phyllis, but he says, Phyllis isn’t there. He has to go. She says she doesn’t think he should drive, but he says he’s fine. He wonders where his keys are, and she says if he needs a ride, she’ll drive him home. He says he’s not going home, and she says, then she’ll drive him wherever he wants to go. He grabs a glass of champagne going by on a tray, and drains it. he says, let’s go, and follows her out.

Carly goes to the footbridge, and watches the fireworks. She says, Jason.

Dante and Sam kiss, and Sam asks, what took him so long? He says he was with his dad, and Sam asks if Sonny is okay. Dante says, yeah. He’s going through some things right now, but he’ll be fine. At least he got his dad to open up to him; they talked a little. She says, if Dante feels like he needs to be with Sonny, she’s not kicking him out, but… He says, no. He offered, but… She asks if Sonny is drinking, and Dante says, he took Sonny’s keys. He needed some space, which evidently leaves them here alone. He kisses her.

Elizabeth looks at her ring, and puts it in the drawer of the kitchen island. She turns to Finn, and he holds her.

Cameron watches the fireworks with Avery and Aiden. Josslyn arrives, and he says, she’s here. She says, of course (🍷). She couldn’t let 2022 (🍷) start without this. She kisses him, and the little kids smile.

Willow looks out the window at the fireworks. Michael comes up behind her, and puts his arms around her.

Carly hears something on the footbridge, and turns to see Drew.   

Tomorrow, a rerum from February 24th. Next week, Britt says Victor certainly has a lot to celebrate, Drew asks if it’s possible that Carly blames herself, and Nina tells Sonny to sleep it off.  

🎉 And the Rest…

Which soaps will be on New Year’s Eve.

🥀 Those Who Have Gone On…

The soap stars we lost in 2021. Farewell, sweet prince.

⚖️ In Defense…

Tamra is the worst. I’ll just leave it there.

💋 Giving You Lala…

Like he can do better.

Interesting how she never wanted Randall involved with her brand. No muss, no fuss now.

This surprised me, since GG and Reza were at Lala’s party. And like GG hasn’t stuck with a few red flagged partners.

⚰️ Just No…

Unless Alan Ball is writing it, I say let Six Feet Under stay six feet under. It was the perfect ending. Let it go.

🍾 Auld Lang This Syne…

Enjoy some New Year’s Eve celebrations.

And some New Year traditions.

🥠 Quotes of the Week

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. – Buddha

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start. – Nido Qubein

Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life. – Robin Sharma

Packaged inside of every mistake there lays a great lesson. And while I don’t want to take the mistake into the New Year, I most certainly want to take the lesson that’s packaged inside of it. – Craig D. Lounsbrough

You are never too old to reinvent yourself. – Steve Harvey

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.Martin Luther King

Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear. – Unknown

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. – T.S. Eliot

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. – Seneca

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. – William E. Vaughan

You do not find the happy life. You make it. – Camilla Eyring Kimball

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.Benjamin Franklin

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou

Listen. I wish I could tell you it gets better. But, it doesn’t get better. You get better. – Joan Rivers

The most important thing to remember is this: To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become. – W.E.B. Du Bois

Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on. – Hal Borland

It always seems impossible until it’s done. – Nelson Mandela

It is never too late to be what you might have been. – George Eliot

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are. – J.P. Morgan

On New Year’s Eve the whole world celebrates the fact that a date changes. Let us celebrate the dates on which we change the world. – Akilnathan Logeswaran

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. – Albert Einstein

🗓 See You Next Year…

We’re back on Deck January 3rd of the New Year. A bit about that. If you’re a resolution maker, start early, and make one not to pressure yourself about resolutions. And resolutions or not, don’t pressure yourself about New Year’s Eve. It doesn’t matter who you spend it with, even if it’s only yourself. I’ve spent it more ways than I can count. On a cruise around Manhattan, in a lavish restaurant, a hot club, and a dive bar. I’ve seen Barry Manilow sing It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve at Radio City when the clock struck twelve, and I’ve stood in the middle of Madison Square Park watching the clock strike twelve. I’ve spent it with a lot of people, a handful of people, as part of a couple, and alone. The only thing I’ve never done (and never will) is Times Square. Back in my single days, my roommate went. She said someone spilled beer on her, somebody else peed on her, and when the crowd moved, you moved. It was a first and last for her, and a never for me. But my point is, one thing for sure, January 1st came and another year began, no matter what I did the night before. In the eloquent words of Bill Murray in Meatballs, it just doesn’t matter.

So no matter what New Year’s Eve path you choose, stay safe in all ways, stay being moderate in all things, and stay having a Happy New Year, no matter where you’re at. Or at least a Tolerable New Year.

December 29, 2021 – Judge Milford Makes a Decision, Second Act Flop, Maybe She’ll Stay, Christmas Leftovers & What


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Spencer sees Josslyn in a classroom at PCU, and asks what she’s doing there. She says she’s taking a seminar; is he? He says he’s trying to withdraw from the classes he scheduled for next semester. He doubts PCU has a remote learning platform for students in Spring Ridge.

Stella goes to Portia’s office, and asks if she’s busy. Portia says she’s never too busy for Stella, and invites her in. Portia asks if Stella is okay, and Stella says she’s fine. She’s there about Curtis. Portia gets up, and asks if something happened with Curtis, but Stella says, no. She’s sorry. It’s really about Marshall.

Marshall says, it’s good to see Curtis; it’s a surprise. Did Curtis use his P.I. skills to track him down? Curtis says, Aunt Stella told him where to find Marshall, and Marshall says, it’s not very fancy, but it will do until he finds a place of his own. Curtis asks if Marshall is looking for an apartment in town, and Marshall says he thought he’d stay and get to know his family… TJ and Curtis. Does Curtis coming there mean it’s a possibility?

Alexis walks into the seminar, and Spencer asks if she’s looking for someone. Alexis says, Professor Kahn. She signed up for the Sociology of Crime seminar. Josslyn says, her too, and Spencer asks why Alexis signed up. Alexis says she’s interested in the sociology aspect, and since she can’t practice law anymore, she thought she’d look into mediation or conflict resolution; something law adjacent. Josslyn says Alexis can sit with her, and Alexis says, cool.

Willow asks if Nina used her, but Nina says she had no idea Scotty was going to put Willow on the stand, or that he even knew that Willow knew something. Willow has to believe her. Michael says, he believes this is what Nina wanted, and Nina says, this is what she wanted? For the whole world to know about her relationship with Mike in Nixon Falls? Is he crazy? She begged Willow not to say anything. Michael says, Scotty blindsided his father and the DA to inflict maximum damage by calling Willow. Nina managed to evade the law, and hurt his family at the same time. Nina says, Michael is the one bent on revenge. If he hadn’t pressed the Llantano DA to arrest her, then none of this would have come up. Her relationship with So… Mike would have stayed a secret.

Sonny calls to Carly, saying, wait. She stops, and he asks her to let him explain. Will she listen to him? She says, listen to who? Sonny? Mike? Or someone else entirely different? He says, her husband, and she says, tell her that he’s not still sleeping with Nina. He says he didn’t sleep with Nina, and she says, he remembered his family before he could? Is that it? He says, he remembered his family and came home to her, where he belongs, and she says, he fell in love with someone else. (Pot, meet kettle.) Where does that leave her?

Curtis says, so Marshall thinks he can just show up there and plant roots? and Marshall says, he just started looking. He’s not sure how long it’s going to take. Curtis says, so Marshall intends to play house in Port Charles, after all this time? Where has he been? Marshall says, everywhere and nowhere. He never stayed in one place very long. Curtis says, that’s it? That’s all Marshall’s got for him? Marshall says, they keep going over this thing. He can’t give Curtis an explanation that will satisfy him. All he can say is how ashamed he is for all the time he lost with Curtis. That’s why he’s here; that’s why he’s staying. He wants them to get to know each other. Curtis says, Marshall wants to get to know him now. Well, guess what? It works both ways. All those years he and Tommy grew up without a father, where was he?

Spencer asks if Alexis has to go back to school to be a mediator, and she says, that’s what she’s trying to figure out. She thought if she just took a three-week seminar during winter break, it might help her decide if she’s ready to be a student again. He says, that’s valid, and asks why Josslyn is taking classes on her winter break. Josslyn says, they’re reading Professor Kahn’s book in her Introduction to Sociology class, and it’s pretty great. When she saw the professor was giving a seminar, she thought it was a great opportunity. He asks if she’s ever explored this concept he calls leisure. He was good at it until his dad fell under Ava’s spell, and his life became a complete dumpster fire. The professor comes in, and asks everyone to take their seats. They have a lot to cover in very little time. She introduces herself, and says she’s passing around a sign-in sheet. If they don’t sign it, they won’t get credit for this lesson. She hands it to Spencer, who just stands there, and she asks if there’s a problem. Josslyn says, no problem, and grabs Spencer, pulling him into the seat next to her, and telling him to be quiet. He might actually learn something.

Willow tells Nina, don’t you dare try to turn this back on us. Michael didn’t come after Nina for revenge; he wanted justice. What Nina did to his father was criminal. What’s worse is, Nina came and went in and out of their lives the whole time. She stood by, and watched Sonny’s family grieve for months. It’s not just criminal; it’s cruel and selfish. Nina says she realizes what she did to Sonny and his family was horrible. She’s said it a million times. That’s why she stayed quiet. She realized Sonny wasn’t telling anyone one about their… her and Mike’s relationship. It was over. The only reason it came out was because Willow overheard a private conversation, and she’s not going to apologize for that. Nina stomps back to the courtroom, nearly running down Scotty on his way out, and telling him, not now. Willow follows Nina, and Michael says Scotty miscalculated, using Willow like that, threatening her and badgering her on the stand the way he did. He won’t forget that. Scotty says he was defending his client, and Michael says, they both know there’s no legal defense for the hell Nina put his family through. Scotty says, Michael must have missed the part where the judge called his father back to the stand, and he testified that he was not Nina’s victim. So don’t blame him if dada was having a good time in Nixon Falls, and didn’t want to come home to his family. Michael punches him in the face.

Sonny says, he and Carly belong together; she knows that. She says, he fell in love with Nina, and he tells her, that was in Nixon Falls. He had amnesia; he wasn’t himself. She asks if he forgot his life as Mike when he remembered he was Sonny? and he says, no. She asks why he didn’t tell her, and he says he was going to, but Jason died, and he didn’t think it was the right time. She says she knew something was wrong, but she thought it was her. She blamed herself because of everything that happened with Jason, but Sonny was lying to her. When she found out Nina knew he was alive – not from him, but from Maxie – what did he say to her? He said, let it go. Now she knows why. He was protecting Nina. He says, he didn’t want to lose her in a war with Nina. He didn’t want to waste any more time with Nina. Nixon Falls is done; it’s over. She asks how he can stand there and say that to her, and he says, because it’s the truth. She says, he’s not just lying to her. He’s lying to himself.

Professor Kahn says, you can track the changes in society by seeing how the laws change in that society while it develops. Take for instance the United States versus Porter. In that case, Arthur Porter was charged with assault when a man broke into his home. Despite putting that man in the hospital, he was found not guilty because he was defending his property. Alexis says, well… and the professor says, excuse me? Alexis says, nothing. Carry on. Professor Kahn thanks her, and says, this is an example of property being valued over people. Alexis says, not really, and the professor asks if she knows the case. Alexis says, actually, she does. Porter was defending his wife and child, so she could argue that Porter was concerned with their well-being and safety, which was the deciding factor. The professor says, oh, she could.

Portia asks if Stella is telling her that Marshall has an ulterior motive for getting back into Curtis’s life, but Stella says she doesn’t know. She hasn’t seen Marshall in years, and has no idea what kind of man he is now. Portia asks, what kind was he? Was Stella unhappy he married her sister? Stella says, no. Irene and Marshall loved each other; that much she does know. But Marshall wasn’t always the easiest person deal with. Portia says, running off from his family, and letting them believe he was dead for decades certainly fits with that description. Stella says, what concerns her, is how Curtis is dealing with it. Earlier, Curtis told her something she never knew; how he and Tommy would make up stories about their heroic dad when they were kids. Portia says, so they painted their father as a hero; it’s not uncommon. And now that childhood fantasy is back from the dead. She gets the sense, that even with all Curtis’s misgivings, he really does want to know his father. Stella says she knows, and she’s worried the reality is going to crush Curtis.

Marshall says Curtis thinks everything he’s saying is lip service, but he’s truly sorry his sons had to grow up without him. If he’d had a choice, it wouldn’t have happened. Curtis says, he keeps alluding to this choice, or lack thereof, whatever that means. As far as he knows, Marshall left and pretended to be dead. Marshall says, it was the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life, and Curtis says, then why did he do it? Marshall says, he thought what he was doing was best for his family, and Curtis says, leaving his mother to raise two boys on her own was best? Marshall says he knew their Aunt Stella would be there to help, and Curtis says, and she did, thank God, but it wasn’t her job. She’s not their father. That’s what they needed – their father. It’s been so long, Curtis barely remembers Marshall. Marshall says he remembers Curtis. He has fond memories of Curtis and Tommy. Giving them piggyback rides up and down the stairs. They used to wear superhero PJs, and drape a towel around their neck like a cape. Marshall tears up, and says, Curtis’s smile was the greatest part of his life. Curtis says, if they meant that much to Marshall, why did he leave? He didn’t care to see them grow up? Marshall says, more than Curtis knows, and Curtis asks, then why did he leave?

Scotty says, that is assault, but Michael says he doesn’t care. He tells Scotty, arrest him, and walks out.

Willow approaches Nina back in the courtroom, and asks if she was wrong this whole time. She gave Nina the benefit of the doubt, and said nothing to Michael or his family, and Nina used her to hurt the people she loves. Nina says, she didn’t do that. For the last time, she didn’t tells Scotty about her and Mike, let alone that Willow knew about them. She’s not responsible for Willow’s choices. Willow says she had no choice, but Nina says, she could have lied.

Carly asks Sonny to tell her the truth. She wants to know every single thing that happened in Nixon Falls. Sonny says, he had no past; he had no ties. He only had a watch with a message engraved on it, to Mike, so that’s what he called himself. Then Phyllis and Lenny took him in and they were great to him. Then Nina showed up; she was Phyllis’s friend. Carly says, Nina knew exactly who he was, but Sonny says he didn’t know that she was lying to him. Then this con man Elijah Crow was trying to take the Tan-O from Lenny and Phyllis, and Nina helped Mike stop him. Carly says, and he fell in love with Nina, but Sonny says, he didn’t remember Carly. She says, maybe he didn’t want to. (I know I wouldn’t.)

Stella says, she’s sure Portia thinks she’s a busybody, but she can’t sit back and wait for Curtis to admit he needs support. Portia says, Curtis needs to work it out in his own way, but Stella says, not if it means leaving him on his own. This isn’t the time for Portia to give Curtis space. It’s the time for her to step up, and show him that he’s not alone.

Marshall tells Curtis, it’s not easy for him to talk about his past. He had some really bad years. Sometimes, he didn’t know if he was going to make it through, but he turned things around. Now he’s finally in a place where he can give Curtis the support a father should. Curtis says, he’s a grown-ass man. He doesn’t need Marshall’s support now. What he needs are answers, but Marshall doesn’t seem to be in a place to give them. He could have used this fatherly support when he was growing up. He and Tommy were teased by the kids. They didn’t believe Marshall had died. They said he was probably in jail. He can’t remember the number of fights he got into defending Marshall’s name, and it was all a lie. Marshall says he’s sorry if he hurt Curtis, and he’s sorry if he hurt Tommy. TJ told him that Tommy had PTSD when he died. He never knew. Curtis says, how would he know that, and what does it matter? Marshall says, everything matters to him about Curtis and Tommy, and Curtis says, then he should have stuck around.

Nina says, when Scotty asked Willow if she knew another reason Sonny  wasn’t coming after her, Willow could have said no. Willow says, she was under oath. Scotty was threatening to have her charged with perjury. Nina asks, who would contradict Willow? Who would have stood up and said Willow was lying? Not her. Not Sonny. No one. She hurt Sonny in so many ways, and this was her one chance to do something good for him, and Willow took that away. She starts to walk away, but Willow tells her to get over herself. Not everything is about her. She grabs Nina’s arm, but Nina jerks away, saying, don’t. Willow says, she kept Nina’s secret, but she wasn’t going to lie on the stand for Nina, or put herself at risk to cover up Nina’s mess. Nina says she already told Willow, she wasn’t at risk, and Willow tells her, she also said she didn’t tell Scotty that Willow overheard her, but unless he’s psychic, Nina must have let something slip. Once she was on the stand and under oath, she had to tell what she knew. Nina says, all right. God forbid Willow should get down in the mud with the rest of them. Congratulations. She told the truth, and devastated the family she claims to love in the process.

Sonny says, Carly can’t possibly think he chose not to remember her, but she says she doesn’t know. She didn’t know he and Nina had a secret. He says, that’s not the way it was, and she says, how many times has she found him and Nina together? She was so stupid. He says, there is no him and Nina, and she asks what Willow overheard then. He says, something she didn’t understand, and Carly asks how many times he’s met with Nina. He says, he only met her the one time, to get her to understand the way things were, and that once he remembered Carly and his family, she was nothing. Carly says, before that did she make him happy? He says, he had dreams about Carly when he didn’t know what his name was. The deepest part of him remembered her. He’d have dreams of a blonde woman, and he’d try to touch her, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t see her face, but somehow he knew she was his and he was hers, and he’s still hers. Can’t she see that? She says, not after what she heard in that courtroom.

Curtis says, this was a mistake, but Marshall says, don’t go. Curtis says, he doesn’t like carrying around this anger any more than he liked growing up without a father. Marshall just doesn’t get it. He grew up lost. He didn’t have a man to show him how to be a man, the man he wanted to be. Marshall says, yet here he is, and Curtis says, through a lot of hard knocks and stumbles along the way. By the grace of God, he’s here. No thanks to Marshall. Curtis open the door, and Marshall says, please. He can’t change the past, but give him a chance to make things up to him now. Curtis says, not unless Marshall tells him where he’s been. What’s more important than family? Marshall sighs, and Curtis says, all he’s asking for are answers; clear answers, with facts and dates. If Marshall can’t give that to him, don’t bother staying in Port Charles.

Willow asks if Michael is all right. Scotty’s threatening to file a complaint for assault. Did he really punch Scotty? Michael says, right in the face. He knows it was wildly inappropriate. He let Scotty get under his skin, and he lost it. He talked to Diane, and she already cut a deal citing harassment and provocation. Willow says, that’s one less thing to worry about, and he says, he’s sorry DA Sheridan opened the door for Scotty, and put her on the stand. She says, she’s the one who kept Nina’s secret. If she’d told him, none of this would have happened. He says, it’s not her fault. Nina manipulated her. She says, she was trying to protect his parents’ marriage. She didn’t want to be the one to mess things up, and now she did anyway. He tells her not to blame herself. This is all on Scotty and Nina. He just hopes the judge didn’t buy their tactics. He asks if his parents came back, but she says, no. She doesn’t know where they are. Sheridan comes by, and says, this is it. The judge has made his decision.

After class, Spencer wonders if Alexis is going to write an addendum to the professor’s book; Alexis really schooled her. Alexis says, she just takes exception when people don’t state all the facts; she likes facts. Josslyn says, she definitely made the lecture more interactive. It was more like a debate, and Josslyn liked it. Professor Kahn calls to Alexis, and Alexis says, rut-roh. The professor says she’d like a word, and Spencer and Josslyn make themselves scarce. Alexis says, she realizes she overstepped. She gets passionate. She’s sorry she disrupted the lecture. The professor says she recognizes Alexis’s name; she’s the defense attorney. Alexis says, she used to be a defense attorney, and Professor Kahn says, she read Alexis’s article in the Law Review on jury bias; she made some very interesting points. Alexis thanks her, and she asks how Alexis has time to take the seminar, and why would she want to? Alexis says she’s looking at a career change. Her days in the courtroom are over. The professor says, then she’ll cut to the chase. Alexis is wasting their time being here. Alexis doesn’t belong in her class.

Sonny says, he didn’t know who Carly was in his dreams, and she says, she used to see him. She see him, and talk to him when times were bad. He says, that’s because they belong together; she knows that. She says, he kept a part of himself from her. Was he ever going to tell her about Nina in Nixon Falls? He says, yeah. He wanted to so many times, but Jason died; then Brando and Sasha’s baby was in crisis. He wanted to tell her, but he’d get interrupted. She says she thinks he believes he was going to tell her the truth, but she doesn’t. She thinks it was a story he told himself to justify the secret. Meanwhile, he locked away his time with Nina somewhere in his heart, and kept telling her there was nothing wrong; there was nothing between them. He says she keeps putting Nina between them. She’s going to have to let that go. She says, he’s dodged every time she’s asked him. Just now, she asked if he fell in love with Nina, but instead of answering, he said he couldn’t remember Carly. That’s not an answer. He says, it is. He wouldn’t have looked at Nina if that blonde woman in his dream had turned around, and he’d seen her beautiful face. He loves her. She tells him, he said that. What he hasn’t said is how he feels about Nina. Right here, right now, today.

Alexis says, if Professor Kahn is worried she’ll interrupt, she promises to try and control herself, but the professor says, that’s not what she’s talking about. Alexis should be teaching. The students could benefit from her passion for the law, and it’s clear she’s not shy about public speaking. Alexis says, really? and the professor says, she happens to know about a professor who’s retiring. There might be an opening at PCU. Maybe Alexis could start off as an adjunct, and work her way up. Alexis says she never thought about teaching, and Professor Kahn tells her, think about it. It could be just what she’s looking for.

At Portia’s office, Curtis says he hopes Stella wasn’t telling Portia an embarrassing story, like when he lost a tooth trying to ride his bike off their front stoop. Portia says, no, but she’d definitely like to hear that story another day. What brings him by? He says he just left from talking with Marshall, and needed to see her beautiful face. She asks how it went, but he says that’s not why he’s here, and kisses her.

Judge Milford says, this court is here to interpret and uphold the law, not mediate personal disputes. In reviewing all documents and evidence, it is the court’s determination that the Commonwealth has failed to prove Miss Reeves’s actions meet the legal definition of fraud. He’s dismissing all charges against Nina Reeves, and this case is hereby dismissed. This court stands adjourned. The bailiff says, all rise, and the judge leaves. Willow tells Michael, she’s so sorry, but he says, this isn’t over. Sheridan says he’s sorry. He’s also stunned by Judge Milford’s ruling. He wouldn’t have brought the charges if he didn’t think they had a strong case for fraud. Michael says Sheridan made a strong argument, and assures him ELQ will continue to support his campaign. Sheridan says he appreciates that, and apologizes to Willow for calling her to the stand. If he’d had any idea Scotty was going to ambush her, he’d have left her in peace. Willow says she’s just sorry Scotty was able to use her testimony to his advantage, but Sheridan says, actually, Mr. Corinthos’s testimony was the deciding factor. Michael asks what he’s talking about, and Sheridan says, once Mr. Corinthos said he didn’t consider himself a victim, in his mind at least, no crime was committed. Michael says he wasn’t in the courtroom for that, and Sheridan says, it’s an interesting question of law. He wishes he’d done better with it. They leave, and Nina sits at the defense table, looking dejected. Scotty asks what’s with all this business? She’s free as a bird. She asks how he knew about her relationship with Sonny, and he says, that’s what she pays him for, but she says, this is not what she wanted.

Sonny asks if Carly doesn’t think he’s angry at Nina for letting Scotty pull that stunt. She says, and? She asked him how he felt about Nina. Sonny rubs his head, and she says, Sonny. He says, okay, okay, hold on. She has to understand what it felt like to wake up in the woods, not knowing who he was, alone, scared. Phyllis and Lenny took him in. They gave him a job, an anchor. Then Nina… when he sees her, he sees her as Mike’s friend, his confident. But he also sees what she did to Carly and to his kids. It’s really all jumbled up in here, he indicates his heart. She says, Nina let her believe he was dead, and he still has feelings for her after everything she did. Sonny says, let’s go home, but she says she needs time to think. He asks what that means, and she says, she needs some time apart.

Spencer finds Josslyn on a bench in the hallway, looking at her phone, and says, success. The dean’s office was still open; he’s enrolled. She says, see? It worked out. He asks, what’s going on? and she says, Nina’s preliminary hearing was today, but she still hasn’t heard a word from anyone. He says, no news is good news, and she asks when that’s ever been true. Fingers crossed, the judge will throw the book at Nina Reeves, bind her over for trial, and revoke her bail. He says, Josslyn’s not vengeful or anything, and she says she hates Nina. She’s the worst kind of hypocrite. She acts all sweet and sympathetic, when all she really cares about is herself and what she wants. He asks why she doesn’t hate Ava that way, and she says, she does hate Ava that way. She’ll never forgive Ava for what she’s done to Morgan. However, she is Avery’s mom and Trina’s mentor, so she has to suck it up and has to coexist. However, she will never buy into Ava’s BS, and she’ll never think Ava is a gracious lady, but she chooses to keep the peace. If he’d come to her before he went on his stalking kick, she’d have told him the same thing. He says he wishes he had. Josslyn would have shot his stalking idea down in flames, and he wouldn’t be looking at 30 days in Spring Ridge. She says, he’ll be okay; he’s stronger than he thinks he is. He says, he hopes so. In the meantime, while his freedom lasts, this trip should erase any traces of lingering tension between her, him, Cameron, Trina, and Esme. They’ll get to know each other better. Josslyn says, she certainly hopes so.

Professor Kahn tells Alexis that she’ll send an introductory email to the chairman of the department. She knows it’s winter break, but she (the chairman) is a workaholic. Alexis says, maybe she’s just passionate about what she does, and the professor says, good. Use that approach. Alexis says she kind of likes this idea. She might like teaching at PCU, but hopes she has the proper qualifications. The professor says she’s certain Alexis does, especially as an adjunct. Who knows? They might want her full time with her credentials. All she needs to do is ace the interview, and pass the routine background check. Alexis says, background check. Of course (🍷).

Marshall lets Stella in, and says, Curtis came by to see him today. She says she figured he would. He had questions, so she told him to come talk to Marshall, but Marshall didn’t tell Curtis, did he? She saw Curtis a while ago, and he surely would have mentioned it. Marshall says, he left dissatisfied, and she says, Curtis is not going to stop until he gets answers. Marshall says, he’s not surprised. Is that why she’s here, to warn him? She says she’s worried about how it will affect her relationship with Curtis, but he says, don’t worry. He’ll never, ever tell Curtis that she knew he wasn’t dead. She’s like a hero to his sons, and he doesn’t want to take that away too.

Portia says, not that she’s objecting at all, but Curtis didn’t answer her question. He says, that’s because he doesn’t want to talk about Marshall. He wants to focus on her. She says, that’s fine with her, and he says he hopes she’s ready for tomorrow night, because he has big plans for them on New Year’s Eve.

Michael says his parents aren’t answering their phones, and Willow hopes they’re all right. He says, they’re really going through it right now. He wants to let them know, according to the judge, Nina’s actions aren’t criminal at all. Willow asks what he’s going to do, and he says he doesn’t know, but what he’s not going to do is sit back and let Nina get away with her crimes against his family.

Nina tells Scotty that he’s not going to stick around for the paperwork; she’s got to go. He says she can thank him, but not just with a check. He did his job. She’s not going to prison. So she’s welcome. She says she can’t think about that right now. She’s too worried about Sonny.

Sonny says, Carly doesn’t need time. He wants her; he wants their family together. She knows that. She says she knows Nina still has a hold on him, but he says, she doesn’t. She asks him to look her in the eye and tell her that Nina means nothing to him. He says he doesn’t know what she wants him to say. Listen… He reaches out to touch her, but she says, stop. He says, they can still work this out, but she says, they can’t. Don’t come home tonight. She walks off, leaving Sonny alone.

Tomorrow, Curtis says he’d like to be closer to Portia, Scout asks if Drew can stay until midnight, Valentin says he’s over it and thinks Anna is too, and Dante asks Sonny if he felt something.  

👰🏼 That Was Quick…

I wonder what Vicki predicted for this one.

🍼 Picking Lanes…

Now that she’s without Randall’s paycheck, hanging out with the SUR crowd doesn’t seem so unattractive.

🎄 Not Done Yet…

The last day of Christmas is technically January 5th, so here’s some post-Christmas Day cheer.

Some blessings:

Some lights:

And some celebrities. Who knew Diana Ross liked the matching family PJ thing?

⛄️ Before I Melt Away…

Once again, tomorrow will be this week’s Friday, so join me for soap, tea, quotations, and a seasonally appropriate tune. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your expectations realistic for both yourself and the new year, and stay not telling yourself a story to justify a secret.

December 28, 2021 – Sonny Is Called To the Stand, Lala Gives Them a Party, All About Wu, How They Celebrated, Erika’s Edict & My Year


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Scotty asks Willow if Sonny touched on the nature of his relationship with Nina, and she says, he did. Sheridan objects, but Judge Milford says, overruled, and Scotty asks if Willow can be more specific. She says, she overheard Sonny say, whatever happened between us in Nixon Falls has to come from me, and it will. Scotty asks, and what was that? What went on between the alleged victim and the accused? Willow says, love, and Scotty asks if she’s saying Sonny and Nina fell in love in Nixon Falls. She says he’d have to ask them that question.

Brook asks if Chase thinks she wants space, and he says, what else can he think? Sometimes she’s happy that he’s around, but other times, it’s like he’s annoying her or in the way. Olivia comes in with Leo, followed by Ned, and tells Leo that Brook and Chase are in charge; they’re going to be watching him. She seats him at the counter, and Chase asks what he’s got there, looking at Leo’s fidget spinner. Brook asks how Olivia and Ned are feeling, and Ned says, they’re ready for whatever they have to learn. Olivia says, whatever Leo needs, and asks if Brook is okay with being in charge. The last time… Brook says, lose a kid once, you can never live it down, and Olivia says, Leo has two sets of eyes on him today. It’s nice having Chase around. She and Ned leave, and Brook says, too nice.

Obrecht goes to Britt’s office, and Britt says she’s early for lunch. Obrecht says she couldn’t wait one more minute for Britt to open her Christmas present, and hands Britt a thick envelope. Britt thanks Obrecht for understanding why she wanted to work on Christmas, and Obrecht says, she tried not to be offended that Britt would rather be there than celebrating the holiday with her mutter. Britt says, with Obrecht and Scotty practically fused at the hip, she would have been a total third wheel. Obrecht says, Britt could be in love too. In fact, once she opens her gift, she’ll never have to spend another holiday alone.

TJ thanks Shawn for showing him around The Invader, and Shawn says he’s determined to reboot The Invader as a reputable, credible resource for inquiring minds. TJ says, it’s a great new beginning for the paper and Shawn. Now that the PCPD has cleared him of shooting Hayden, nothing can hold him back. Shawn says, what about TJ? Did he forget about their plans to enjoy the game? He didn’t return Shawn’s texts. He’s either crazy busy or something has him preoccupied. Is there something he’s holding back?

At the Bistro, Stella wonders what Curtis wanted to ask her, and he says he just discovered something unexpected about Marshall. It occurred to him how little he knows about the man. She says, that’s not surprising, considering his father hasn’t been in his life since he was a child. So what did he discover? He says he discovered his dad is a musician, and she says, a fine one too. He says, that’s why he called her here, so she could fill in the blanks about his father. Tell him everything there is to know about Marshall Ashford.

Sheridan asks where the relevance is in this line of questioning, and Sonny tries to get Carly to leave, but she says she wants to hear every word. Sheridan asks what bearing this has on the charges, and Scotty says, there is relevance, and he can explain. Sheridan says, it’s not a trial, the witness hasn’t been deposed, and there’s been no appropriate discovery related to her testimony. Scotty says, hell. Sheridan put her on the stand, and he has every right to question her.

Ned and Olivia sit on a bench at the hospital, and she says, the waiting is making her crazy. Ned says he’s nervous too, but they’ve done the research, asked the questions, and observed Leo’s behavior. They’re as prepared as they can be. She doesn’t think any amount of preparation can really prepare a parent for the possibility they can’t… that she can’t provide for her child’s needs. He says, the diagnosis doesn’t change how they feel about their son, and she says, of course (🍷). It doesn’t change how much they love Leo, but Leo needs something she can’t give him. Dr. Newman comes out and says, it’s time to talk about Leo.

TJ says he has something to tell Shawn, but it’s a tricky topic. It’s about someone who makes his Uncle Curtis incredibly uncomfortable, and TJ didn’t feel it was his place to announce his arrival. Even though he wants to reconnect with family, TJ doesn’t want to get to know him without telling Shawn. Shawn says, so some distant family member resurfaced? but TJ says, not so distant. Marshall Ashford is here in Port Charles. Shawn says, Tommy and Curtis’s dad is alive?

Stella asks how Curtis realized his father was a musician, and Curtis says, a group of volunteers was playing for the patients at GH, and there was Marshall playing the clarinet. She says it sounds like his dad, and he says, that’s an example of what he’s talking about. He has no idea of what sounds like Marshall. He doesn’t know the guy, but Stella does. She says, when Curtis was growing up, he never asked about Marshall, and Curtis says, that’s because when his name came up, they saw how much it hurt her and their mom. So he and Tommy made a pact. They weren’t going to cause her and mom anymore grief by asking a bunch of questions about dad. She says, it breaks her heart. She and Irene never wanted them to feel they couldn’t ask questions about their daddy. He says, he and Tommy just decided to go another way, and she asks what he means. He says, it means they made up stories. In their imagination, their dad was courageous and brave; he was a hero. Then Curtis met him, and he was just a man, but he has no idea who that man is. Does she?

Scotty asks how Willow knows Sonny and Nina were in love, and she says, Nina said so. He asks what exactly Nina said, and Willow tells him, she said their love was the purest thing she’s ever known. He asks if she thinks Sonny reciprocated that, and she says, Nina told her that Mike felt the same way. He says, Mike being Mr. Corinthos, and she says, yes, but Nina also said it ended once he got his memories back. Scotty says, once he got his memories back, he decided Miss Reeves wasn’t legally at fault. How telling. No further questions. Sheridan asks for a redirect, and Judge Milford tells him, proceed. Sheridan apologizes that his colleague put Willow in this position. He only has two more questions for her. First, has she ever asked Mr. Corinthos about his alleged romantic relationship with Miss Reeves? Willow says, no, and he says, so they’re taking the defendant, a woman who’s been charged with fraud, at her word. Scotty objects, and the judge tells Sheridan, less editorializing. Sheridan says, final question. Does Willow believe the feelings Miss Reeves had for Mr. Corinthos motivated her to fraudulently conceal his identity? Scotty objects, saying, the DA is asking the witness to speculate what was going on in his client’s head at the time, but the judge overrules, and says, Scotty opened this door. The witness will answer the question.

Brook asks if Leo is ready for some breakfast, but Leo says he had breakfast hours ago. She says, they can’t all be such early risers, and asks what he wants to do today. Does he want to go to the movies, or visit the aquarium? Maybe play with some super nifty action figures his cool stepsister got him? Leo doesn’t say anything, continuing to play with his fidget spinner, and Brook says, okay. She knows what to get him next year. Chase says he thinks they’re pretty cool, and she says now she knows what to get him too. He says, going back to that boundary conversation. How much of it is her dad, and how much is her? Is he getting on her nerves? If he’s around too much, just say the word. Maybe that’s why she’s so grumpy. She flashes back to her dream, and says she’s not grumpy; she’s frustrated.

Britt says, Obrecht signed her up for a matchmaking service? and Obrecht says, not just any matchmaking service. Society Setups is an elite service catering to upwardly mobile professionals. Britt says, uck. Could this be more pretentious? Obrecht sits down, and says she knows Britt is struggling, and for good reason. For all his flaws, Jason Morgan was a remarkable man, but he’s gone; there’s no use pining. Learn from her example instead. She and Scotty bonded while mourning the loss of Franco. If she can find love in the midst of grief, who’s to say Britt can’t too?

Sheridan asks if Willow believes Nina’s personal feelings for Sonny motivated her to fraudulently conceal his identity, but she says she’s not in Nina’s head. She couldn’t tell him what Nina’s motive was, and he says, fair enough. Let him ask a less speculative question. Is it true, the man who called himself Mike in Nixon Falls was single and available to Miss Reeves, while Sonny Corinthos has a wife and a family? She says, yes, and he thanks her, saying, he appreciates her honesty. He has no further questions, and the judge tells Willow to step down. She makes a beeline for the hallway, and Michael follows her. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she never meant for him and his family to find out this way. She didn’t want them to find out at all. He says he’s having a hard time understanding this.

Shawn says, Tommy and Curtis thought that man was dead. Now he shows up? Where’s he been? TJ tells him, he won’t say. He just wants to move forward, but Curtis isn’t having it. He thinks Marshall can’t be trusted. Shawn says he completely agrees with Curtis. Showing up after all these years without any explanation? They both know the past can be complicated. TJ asks if he means like his complicated past with Tommy, and Shawn asks if Marshall knows. TJ says, Marshall knows he’s not his biological grandfather. He saw the Father’s Day post TJ dedicated to Shawn on social media, but he loved Tommy as a father, and Tommy considered TJ to be his son. Marshall knows that too. He still wants to get to know TJ, but if that makes Shawn uncomfortable… Shawn says, it’s up to TJ. He’s a grown man. Curtis is entitled to his feelings about Marshall, but so is TJ. Just be cautious. There’s a knock at the door, and Marshall comes in, saying, he’s looking for the arts and culture… TJ? What is he doing in a newspaper office? TJ says, him first, and Marshall says, he’s putting together a band, and was hoping to generate some interest from an arts and culture reporter. TJ says he’d have to talk to the publisher, who happens to be standing right here; his father, Shawn Butler. He tells Shawn, this is Marshall Ashford, and Shawn holds out his hand, saying, nice to meet him. Marshall says he has no intention of shaking hands with the man responsible for his son Thomas’s death.

Scotty would like the court to note, for the record, the DA questioned the voracity of what his client said to Miss Tate, but he didn’t recall Mr. Corinthos. Judge Milford says, so noted. While it’s the prosecution’s right to call the witnesses they deem appropriate, it’s also within his discretion to call the witness he feels are pertinent. Given there are some questions as to the nature of the relationship between the accused and the alleged victim, he recalls Sonny to the stand. Sonny gets up, and Carly looks like she might explode.

Willow tells Michael, she wishes to God she’d never heard Sonny and Nina. She was in the wrong spot at the wrong moment. He says he’s not blaming her for happening on a private conversation, but why didn’t she tell him? She says, Nina convinced her not to say anything. That keeping quiet was somehow protecting him and his family. He says, she was wrong.

The judge asks if Sonny had a personal relationship with Nina in Nixon Falls, and Sonny says he had many personal relationships when he knew himself as Mike, the bartender. He forged friendships; he built a life. Judge Milford says, they just heard Willow testify under oath that she heard him and the defendant allude that they had a prior romantic relationship. Did she perjure herself? Sonny says, no, she did not. Willow told the truth. The judge says, that truth being what? and Sonny says he and Nina had a relationship, and they ended up falling in love.

TJ tells Marshall, that’s not fair, but Shawn says, it’s okay. He can understand why Marshall feels the way he does. Marshall says, Shawn understands because it’s true. Shawn shot his son, after he slept with his wife. Shawn says he’s made mistakes in his life, and his last encounter with Tommy is something he’ll always regret, but Marshall doesn’t have all the facts. Marshall says, fact: Shawn had an affair with his son’s wife. Fact: he fathered a child with her. Fact: when Tommy confronted him about his betrayal, Shawn shot him in cold blood. Now if he’s missing something, please enlighten him. TJ says, it was in self-defense, and Shawn says, he had no choice. Tommy wasn’t in his right mind.

Curtis asks what he doesn’t know about Marshall, and Stella says, what she knows about Marshall is limited to a few years, decades ago. He says it’s still more than he knows, and she says, Marshall was a very private person, but Curtis’s mom Irene was the center of his world. He waited on that woman hand and foot, unless he was playing that darn clarinet. Curtis will never believe this, but Marshall loved that old thing so much, he gave it a name. Curtis asks what he called it, and she says, Henrietta. He carried it everywhere he went. Irene used to scold him for leaving the case on the kitchen table. Curtis says, then what? and she tells him, like she said, Marshall was very private, but he was also very generous. It seemed Curtis and Tommy would get a pair of new shoes, and barely break them in before Marshall was donating them to the local group home. It drove his mama crazy, but Marshall would just smile and say, his sons have a daddy who can pay for a new pair of shoes with just one gig, but those other boys don’t have nobody.

Chase asks if Brook is saying he’s frustrating her, but she says, it’s not him; it’s the situation. The uncertainty is overwhelming. He says, because she doesn’t know how long it’s going to last, and she picks up an action figure. She says, even though the bad guy is out of commission, it’s only temporary, and they’re stuck in limbo. Chase says, what if the bad guy wakes up, and starts fighting the good guys again? They may have to play these roles indefinitely. She says, yes, and in a perfect world, the villain would retire forever, they could take down the bat signal, and Krypton could return to normal. He says she doesn’t know much about the superhero multiverse, does she? and she says, who cares? The point is, there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, bat signal or not. He says, that’s not true. If the bad guy loses his powers, then a woman can get her child back. She says, and another woman has to let go.

Dr. Newman says, when it comes to developmental disabilities, they can’t use straight forward diagnostic tools, like blood tests or X-rays. They rely on history and behavior for diagnosis. Based upon the recent developmental assessment, language evaluation, and the social screening he conducted recently, as well as the supplemental information they provided, it’s his diagnosis that Leo has autism spectrum disorder. Ned takes Olivia’s hand, and she asks if that’s conclusive. The doctor says they’re always free to get a second opinion, but he believes other physicians will concur with his findings. Ned asks, so what’s the next step? and the doctor says, for Leo, they talk about the many state and hospital resources available. For them, he recommends they take some time to process this diagnosis and all emotions it may bring.

Britt tells Obrecht that she doesn’t know how to say this, but she’s not interested. Obrecht says, fine, but people in control of their own romantic destiny often make ein Durcheinander (I’m guessing – it means a mess). Look at Nina. She pinned her hopes on an unavailable man, and her life is unraveling as a result. Britt asks if it’s the guy Nina was seeing in Nixon Falls, and Obrecht nods. Britt asks if Obrecht knows him, and Obrecht says, they both know him. Nina fell for Sonny Corinthos.

Judge Milford tells Sonny, should this case go to trial, the defendant may be found guilty of a crime. In the eyes law, he’d be the victim. Does he consider himself the victim of a crime? Sonny says, no, and the judge tells him, step down. Carly fumes.

The judge asks for closing statements, and Scotty says his client does not stand accused of fraud for monetary benefits. His client is charged with deliberate deception to damage a victim. In his own testimony, Mr. Corinthos, the alleged victim, claims he wasn’t one. No victim, no crime. That’s why he’s asking that the court dismiss the charges today. Sheridan says, whether or not Mr. Corinthos considers himself the victim of a crime isn’t relevant in their system of jurisprudence. This circus today doesn’t negate an undisputed fact; Nina Reeves committed a criminal and civil infraction when she deceived Sonny Corinthos and all who knew him. The state has met its burden of proof. The fact that Miss Reeves deceived a man, who we now know she was in love with, only emphasizes the depth of her depravity.

Willow says Michael parents must be devastated, and he says, Nina claims to love his dad, yet she let this happen? Willow says, she’s not sure Nina knew it would come out, but he says, of course (🍷) she did. Willow might not realize it, but in keeping Nina’s secret, she played into Nina’s hands. Nina got exactly what she wanted.   

Marshall asks what Shawn is implying, and Shawn says he’s not trying to cast aspersions on Tommy; just the opposite. Tommy had every right to  be angry with him, but that day, he went so far beyond anger. He’s sure PTSD was part of it, but Tommy was in crisis and out of control. He pulled a gun on Shawn. He had a black eye coming. It was completely justified and he owned that, but he never expected Tommy to try and kill him. And he never thought he’d have to stop Tommy the way he did. TJ says he fully believes if Tommy had gotten help for his PTSD, it never would have ended that way. It’s not Tommy’s fault, and it’s not his dad’s fault. Marshall says, he’s right. It was his fault.

Chase says he gets it. Brook has been able to keep Bailey safe for months, despite negative attitudes and assumptions coming her way, and however long this lasts, there will come a time when it’s over, and things will go back to their natural state. She’ll have to make yet another huge sacrifice; it’s heroic. She says she’s not calling herself a hero, and he says, maybe not, but he is. Whatever she needs to keep this going, he’s here to help, and when the time comes to say goodbye, he’ll be by her side. She says she appreciates that, but doesn’t want him to feel obligated. He says, they’re not just co-parents to Bailey, she’s his friend. She says, even when she’s grumpy? and he says, yes; the friendship goes both ways. She’s seen him at his worst, and didn’t give up on him. She says, she’s also seen him at his best, and he says, like the time she saw him n-a-k-e-d? Leo says he can spell, and Brook says, of course (🍷) he can, so he needs to w-a-s-h up for lunch.

Olivia gets up and says, processing emotions? It’s not about them, it’s about Leo. Dr. Newman says, learning your child is going to have lifelong disabilities can be challenging. They’ll have to readjust their expectations about how Leo will grow into adulthood, and his diagnosis will likely change what they thought their parenting experience was going to be. It’s okay to be emotional about it. Ned puts his arm around Olivia, and says, they just want to give Leo all the support and opportunities possible. Olivia says she agrees with Ned. They can handle their emotions together. She’s just afraid this will make Leo’s life so much more difficult. The doctor says, it’s an understandable fear, but the good news is, this diagnosis means they can offer appropriate intervention programs for Leo right away. Programs that will help them engage with their son, and help their son engage with the world. It may be helpful to think of raising a child with autism like a road trip. They won’t reach their destination in a straight line; there will be detours, but those detours will lead to discoveries along the way. Ned says he likes that analogy, and asks the doctor to be honest with them. Does that journey lead to Leo having meaningful relationships and living independently as an adult? Olivia says, please tell them it’s possible, and the doctor says, it’s definitely possible for Leo to lead a happy and fulfilled life. GH has extensive resources, and can work with Leo’s school to implement a plan. Ned says, so Leo will be able to remain in school? and the doctor says, every case is different, but many children on the spectrum benefit socially and developmentally from learning I non-ASD classrooms. Olivia asks, what happens next? Does Leo come in to see him again, or…? Dr. Newman says he’d like to check on Leo periodically. He’s also going to refer Leo to a geneticist for further testing. It won’t change the diagnosis, but it might help diagnose medical conditions associated with symptoms of ASD. Just for a complete picture. Do they have any other questions for him? Olivia shakes her head, and Ned thanks the doctor, saying, he’s been very helpful. Dr. Newman says, there’s no reason Leo can’t live his best life. The journey may look different now, but the goal is still the same.

TJ asks how it can be Marshall’s fault; he wasn’t even around. Marshall says, that’s his point. Perhaps if he’d been present to guide his son, Tommy might still be there. TJ says, that’s a lot to carry, but Marshall says, it’s his job to carry it, and he’s been off his job for a long time. He’s glad TJ has a dad to do what he couldn’t – protect his son.

Curtis asks if Stella thinks Marshall even wondered who bought their shoes after he left, but she says she can’t answer that. He asks what Marshall did, outside of his music gigs. Who were his friends? Did he have any other family? She says, he’s asking the wrong person; he needs to ask Marshall. He says he tried. Marshall doesn’t tell him much. She says, could it be he’s asking the wrong questions? Maybe going about it the wrong way? Nobody appreciates being interrogated. Curtis says, Marshall abandoned him, now he wants Curtis to let him back in his life. Doesn’t he deserve answers? She says, of course (🍷). It’s natural for him to be curious, but Marshall is within his right to keep his own counsel. He asks where that leaves them, and she says he should know she met privately with Marshall. She told Curtis that she won’t let anyone agitate this family, and she had to be sure of his motives. He says, and? and she says Marshall wants to get to know Curtis, and it sounds to her like Curtis wants the same thing. So talk to the man. Start small and build from there.

Michael says, Nina swore Willow to secrecy so she could use this as a bombshell, and play it to her best advantage, but Willow says she doesn’t know. Nina seemed grateful that she was keeping her secret; she seemed eager not to cause any more pain. He says, Nina played all of them. Judge Milford says they’re going to take a recess. He’s going to weigh the testimony and evidence presented, and consider the charges. Carly flies out of the courtroom, and Nina says, she didn’t want this. She’s so sorry. Sonny follows her, and Michael wonders what’s going on. Sonny says, he’s going to make this right. Don’t worry about it.

Obrecht tells Britt, Nina’s only hope of avoiding a trial is for Scotty to get someone on the stand to admit Sonny and Nina were in love. Britt says, that would explain why Nina kept going back to Nixon Falls, and what Peter was holding over her head. She wasn’t just trying to protect James, she didn’t want to lose her boyfriend. Obrecht says, now she’s in legal jeopardy, and Britt says, she’s also going to face the wrath of Carly when this comes out.

Chase says he’ll help Brook clean up. Today was a lot of fun, but he never wants to be a source of stress in her life, Maybe her dad is right. Maybe they should set some boundaries. She says. no boundaries. She wants him here.

Marshall leaves, and TJ says he’s sorry for the way Marshall treated Shawn, but Shawn says he has nothing to apologize for. He can’t blame Marshall for wanting to protect his son. He’d do the same thing, forever, if he knew someone hurt TJ. TJ says he knows his uncle has questions about all the years Marshall’s been gone, but everything he’s seen leads him to believe Marshall just wants to be part of this family. He hopes Curtis comes to see that too.

On the phone in his hotel room, Marshall talks to someone he calls Chief, and says he thought he’d be done by now, but he has some unfinished business in Port Charles. The last thing he wants to do is set their progress back… He’s following protocol. There’s a knock at the door, and he says he’ll be in touch. He opens to door to Curtis.

Chase says, he wants to be here too, but after everything Brook has given up, he also wants to respect that she’s entitled to a life of her own. She says, then they’re on the same page. He’ll be there just for appearances. He says, to co-parent Bailey, for as long as it takes. He’ll stay out of her way otherwise. She says, great. Deal. He says, deal, and she asks if there’s anything else. He says, tell their daughter he’ll see her soon.

Olivia says, the doctor seemed nice, and Ned says, yes, and very knowledgeable. Leo will be fine. She cries, and thanks him for bringing her to her senses. She asks where they go from here, and he says, home to be with their son. She tells him, like Dr. Newman said, they start their road trip today, as a family, and she hugs Ned.

Britt says, Obrecht still hasn’t heard from Scotty? and Obrecht says, nein. She has no idea if Nina’s going to get out from under the charges. Britt says, if she does, she might find out that freedom can be worse.

Nina asks what Scotty has done, and he says, he kept her out of a hamster cage. No thanks necessary. She walks out, and sees Willow and Michael. Willow says, Nina used her.  

Sonny tells Carly, wait, and she stops. He tells her to just let him explain. Will she listen to him? She says, listen to who? Mike? Sonny? Or someone else completely?

Tomorrow, Stella is afraid the reality will crush Curtis, Curtis asks if Marshall intends to play house in Port Charles, and Carly asks Sonny how he can say that to her.

Vanderpump Rules

Schwartz and Katie worked out, and in Schwartz’s interview, he said he missed working out in Sandoval’s state-of-the-art gym. Katie asked if he was going through withdrawal, but he claimed he wasn’t. He said, you can mix business with pleasure, but not pleasure with business. Although I’m not sure what the difference that makes. Raquel’s sister Kate paid a visit to Raquel, and James told her about his plan to be totally sober. She said, if he felt his good not without alcohol, imagine how he’d feel quitting everything, Raquel talked about getting Sunstone Villa and Winery for their engagement party, and Kate asked about a bachelorette party. Raquel said that was down the line, but she didn’t want any penis straws. James agreed and added, no strippers, saying, he didn’t want it to be trashy. In his interview, he said strippers were tacky, old, and boring, and we flashed back to someone’s bachelorette, maybe Scheana’s. After James left, Kate asked if he was always overprotective and stern. It sounded like he wasn’t giving Raquel opinions, but making decisions. Raquel said James thought he knew what was best for her, but Kate wasn’t cool with James’s controlling side.

In Lala’s interview, she said, Scheana needed a lot of reassurance in a friendship. Rather than telling Scheana that she had her back, she wanted to show Scheana that she was her friend. She invited Scheana over for a spa day, while a whiskey sommelier catered to their men, since Brock had said he drank scotch. In Brock’s interview, he said he was really more of a tequila guy, but scotch had sounded good at the time. Lala told Scheana about getting an assistant, and in her interview, she said it was time to elevate her brand’s game. She wanted to target an audience she hadn’t tapped into yet. Brock told Randall that he was going to propose to Scheana, and in Brock’s interview, he said, this summer, he realized this could be a thing. By a thing, I assume he means serious. He said he was getting a rooftop place, and telling everyone it was a movie premiere of one of Randall’s movies, so they’d come dressed up. His double-surprise was, they were going to get married right then and there. In his interview, Brock said, he and Scheana had both been married before, and a big wedding wasn’t for them. The surprise factor and quirkiness spoke to them both. Randall was honored and excited.

Katie came by Sandoval and Ariana’s house. Sandoval asked how Schwartz was (remember? they were taking a break), and Katie said he was a little mopey. In Schwartz’s interview, he said he was trying to look at the break as a positive thing. He’d have an opportunity to get things done, but he still missed Sandoval. Katie told Ariana, you’d think someone went off to war. Ariana asked about the sandwich shop, but Katie said Schwartz kept saying, eventually, or telling her that she should do it. Ariana said she was game, and in her interview, she said she wasn’t into owning a bar. She preferred starting and finishing early, and not dealing with stinky alcohol and people puking. In Katie’s interview, she said she was ready to move on from the Schwartz and Sandy mess. They agreed to open a shop together, and clinked glasses.

In her interview, Lala said she was grateful for the women who were helping her raise Ocean. Otherwise, there was no way she could be a mother and have a brand at the same time. James came by, and they discussed James DJ’ing Lala’s launch party. She told him that the party was from seven to ten, and he misunderstood, thinking it was seven to ten hours long, which was pretty amusing. Lala said she’d seen James step into a position of control with Raquel more than once, the latest when he shut down the bachelorette discussion. He told Lala that he wasn’t saying Raquel couldn’t have it, but he was entitled to his feelings.

Lala and Randall met with Brock in Lala’s new office space, and went over the plans for the surprise engagement. He said he had everything for the wedding, including a dress. In Lala’s interview, she said, Scheana loved surprises and a man sweeping her off her feet, but she thought  Scheana was going to be shocked. Brock said the rooftop rental hadn’t worked out, and Randall suggested using an actual movie theater. In her interview, Lala said, Brock wanted to make this happen in two days, and that wasn’t doable. Even though it was a half-baked plan, she still wanted Scheana to enjoy it. And nothing would stop her from making it happen. Randall told his assistant and Lala’s that they were on wedding duty.

In Charli’s interview, she said her feet pics were still for sale. They didn’t raise enough money for Raquel’s nose job, but she loved making money, and wasn’t ashamed of her game. Raquel was concerned about future employment. See You Next Tuesday had begun again, and there was a party for Schnookie’s birthday. In Lisa’s interview, she said she liked to do things for the men in her life. On Ken’s birthday, she did something special, and on Schnookie’s birthday, she did something incredible. Outside, behind SUR, Brock said he’d heard from Lala about James not wanting Raquel to have a bachelorette. James said he was kind of pissed that everyone was nitpicking, especially about something as petty as a c*ck straw. We saw a clip of James saying he thought Raquel liked him making the decisions, and her saying it was the one thing she couldn’t stand.

Lala invited Sandoval over to get glam before the party. Scheana met Charli for lunch, and they were both glad to end their beef. Charli said she’d gotten exhausted, having the same conversation over and over. She asked if Scheana and Brock were getting married, and Scheana said Brock had been planning a surprise, which apparently wasn’t very good as surprises go, since she knew about it. Lala told Sandoval that she was shook; Brock was talking about getting married. Sandoval said he venue fell through, and Lala said, forget the venue. He’d had nothing else planned. In Sandoval’s interview, he said he couldn’t plan a birthday party in two days. James and Raquel’s engagement took him over a month to plan. In Lala’s interview, she said her assistant reached out to Brock for his credit card number, and got radio silence. She told Sandoval that Brock wanted the James Kennedy discount, meaning for her and Randall to pay. In her interview, she said she felt bad that she’d told everyone about Brock’s past, but not bad enough to pay for a wedding. Charli asked if Scheana was down for a surprise wedding, and Scheana said she’d already gotten a couple of dresses. In Charli’s interview, she said she didn’t know the definition of surprised in the dictionary, but she was pretty sure you weren’t supposed to know about it. She asked Scheana if Brock’s visa was ending, and Scheana said he didn’t have a green card, but he’d told her mom he was marrying Scheana because he loved her. The green card was just a bonus. Lala asked if Sandoval was doing Brock’s Homebody shoot, and Sandoval said he was, and he’d signed up for tumbling lessons. He’d always wanted to do an amazing backflip. She said James had told her that Raquel couldn’t have penis straws at her bachelorette. In her interview, Lala said James was insecure when it came to Raquel. Her theory was that one day Raquel would grow a pair of hefty ovaries when she couldn’t deal with the control anymore.

Everyone came to Lala’s Give Them Lala launch party, and in Schwartz’s interview, he said it was weird seeing Sandoval. He suddenly felt self-conscious about the boundaries in their friendship. In Lala’s interview, she said tonight was a party, but it was still business. She had to work the room, and form relationships. GG and Reza from Shahs of Sunset were there, and Lala said she had to be on her effing game. James DJ’d, and Katie and Ariana talked to Lisa about opening the sandwich shop, since the boys wouldn’t let Katie in on the new bar. Lisa told them, don’t get mad, get even. Brock said the venue wanted $20K, and he just started paying child support. In her interview, Lala said, anything to do with payment, Brock drops the ball. Sandoval told James that Lala claimed he’d put a damper on Raquel’s bachelorette, and James said it had just been a suggestion. He thought penis straws were tacky and lame. Sandoval said, sometimes they were funny, and in his interview, he wondered why James was so against c*ck straws. Did he have a bad experience with one? Did he think it was a gateway drug to real c*cks? James admitted he’d been controlling in the past, but he wasn’t now. In James’s interview, he said, Lala had an opinion on literally everything. Everyone had problems, but Lala loved talking about his problems. He told Tom that he didn’t give a f*** what Lala thought of his relationship.

Surprisingly, people actually bought some feet pics. Ariana had sold two to someone she thought was called foot lover in French. She only knew two people who spoke French, and one of them was Lisa. Lisa admitted it was her, saying the phrase was lover of feet. In her interview, she said she didn’t want the girls to be embarrassed that no one bought their feet. She felt like a heel, and didn’t want to toe the line. She wanted to help them get a foot in the door, so she bought the pics. James confronted Lala, saying, Brock and Sandoval told him that she’d thought he was controlling. Lala said she wasn’t worried about anyone’s relationship other than her own, and James said, she was either worried or talking sh*t, but she said it was more casual conversation within the friend group. He seemed to accept this, and in James’s interview, he said that he wasn’t lashing out at Lala proved he wasn’t controlling, angry, and crazy. Everyone needed to mind their own business.

Randall brought out a gorgeous cake, much like a simple and elegant wedding cake, white with gold accents, a giant flower on the side. In Lala’s interview, she said, life was perfect, and wondered, how did she get here?  

Next time, Schwarz and Sandy’s gets a sign, Sandoval is ignorant about what things cost, Scheana’s engagement ring comes and it’s huge, and James gets controlling, angry, and crazy at Brock.

🕶 Meet Celina Selena…

Okay, so I’ve been spelling her name wrong. What else is new?

🎄 Ghosts Of Christmas Passed…

How the soap stars did the holiday.

📜 A Holiday Message…

Erika Slezak brings tidings of great joy.

🚶🏽‍♀️ Slipping Out the Back, Jack…

No OC tomorrow, but I’ll be here for soap and perhaps a drop of tea. Until then stay safe, stay not bothering with those pesky resolutions, and stay knowing that on every road trip, even if there are detours, there will be discoveries along the way.

December 27, 2021 – Willow Gives One Reason, Soap Caroling, Hayden Weighs In, What Kathy Wants & Things


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook opens her eyes to a naked Chase who asks, is this hot enough for you? and gets in her bed. She wakes, and says she’s been single way too long.

After hot yoga class, Drew tells Chase, if this is what staying in shape looks like in 2022, he might have to consider confinement again. Chase says, it’s supposed to be a nice total body workout. It’s supposed to get you limber, which is weird because he doesn’t think he can get up. Curtis holds out his hand, and says, forget about being limber. This was torture. Compared to work, there’s nothing worse. Drew says, really? Nothing?

Marshall brings Epiphany a bouquet of flowers, and she asks what they’re for. He says, these, Dr. Johnson… Nurse Johnson, are an expression of gratitude, for sharing her dulcet tones with him, the staff, and the patients of General Hospital. Now when can they do it again? Epiphany laughs.

The class changes, and Maxie sees Chase coming out. She asks how class was, and he says, it’s exhausting. She says that’s why she hates hot yoga; he’s probably dehydrated. She asks how Bailey is, and he says, she’s amazing. She does this thing where she feeds herself. She’s trying to. It makes for a hilarious and very messy mealtime. She says she’d love to see that, and he says she should come by the house… and realizes he’s saying it like he lives at the Quartermaines. He says he’s actually headed there now, as long as Brook doesn’t have a problem with it. Maxie asks why she would, and he says, you never know with her lately. He tells Maxie, see ya around, and leaves. She goes into class, and tells Lucy that they should really air the place out after hot yoga class. Lucy says, what? and Maxie asks if the nose of Deception can’t smell how stank it is in there. Lucy says she hadn’t noticed, and looks zen already.

Laura sits with Martin at the MetroCourt, and asks where Lucy is. He says they just ordered breakfast, and she bolted. Something about exercise he thinks. She tells him, you don’t say, and he sits back, saying, go ahead. She says, what? and he says, she’s sitting there flexing her sisterly muscles, dying to warn him off the delightful Miss Coe. She says, nope. She has no sisterly advice for him. In fact, she’s got to go focus on being a grandmother.

At Kelly’s, Esme wonders what she should pack for a cabin getaway, and asks Spencer if Sonny’s cabin has a hot tub or sauna. He says he doesn’t know; he’s never been there. Besides, doesn’t she think it’s a little early for packing? She says she’s just excited; isn’t he? He says it’s hard to get excited about a trip, knowing when it’s over, so is his life. (Dramatic much?)

Willow is sworn in at Nina’s hearing.

Valentin comes up behind Martin, and takes off Martin’s Santa hat. He says, trouble at the mall? Martin says, oh what fun it is to laugh. The holiday spirit lingers this year. Not that it had anything to do with Valentin. Valentin sits, and says, what is it now? and Martin says, his gift must have gotten lost in the mail, but Valentin says, clients don’t give gifts; clients receive gifts. Martin says, forgive him. It’s hard to get all the holiday shopping in when you’re busy avoiding death. Valentin says, congratulations, and Martin says, on being alive? Valentin says, yes. He thought if Cyrus didn’t kill Martin, surely Laura would. Martin says, a hardy humbug to him too, and Valentin laughs.

Brook races into what is apparently called the Nook, grabbing some coffee, and Ned asks, when was the last time she slept in like this? She says she was up all night with Bailey, and when she finally got to bed, all she could do – she thinks about her dream – was toss and turn. She asks, where is the oat milk in this house? He says, bad dreams? and she says, something like that. What is Ned even still doing there? She thought he and Olivia had an appointment with Leo’s doctor. He says, soon, but he always has time for his one and only daughter. And the mess she’s made of her one and only life.

Martin says he’d hoped Valentin’s Turkey Day revenge had dulled the pain of losing Bailey, but he doesn’t think there’s a slice of ELQ big enough to make up for losing the love of a child. Valentin says, no, and Martin says he’s sorry; both for Valentin going through it, and that he wasn’t there when Valentin did. Valentin says Brook hurt him. Worse than that, she hurt his daughter Charlotte, and he wants to make sure she pays for that. Martin says, that’s his boy. Does Valentin want to order breakfast, and mull over ways to even the score? Valentin says he does, but right now he has other matters on his plate. Victor walks in, but Anna intercepts him, and says she doesn’t think so.

Esme says Spencer’s been going through a lot, so much stress. It will be good for him to get away; for both of them. When was the last time they had any privacy? He admits it’s been ages, and she says they could really use some time behind closed doors. Laura comes in and asks what today’s special is.

Carly wonders what Scotty is doing, and Sonny says, he’s probably trying to get them to drop the charges by going after the DA’s credibility. Michael says, he’s turning the attention away from Nina and onto him, but did he have to use Willow? Carly says, Willow will be fine, and Michael says, she will, but Scotty won’t. Not when he’s through with him. Sheridan says, sorry to spring this on Willow, but he wants to address opposing council’s allegations. Has she ever donated to his campaign as Pennsylvania Attorney General? She says, no, and he says, his previous campaigns for Llantano District Attorney? She says, no, and he asks if she’s met him prior to today. She says, in October, at the home she shares with her son and his father, Michael Corinthos. Sheridan asks if she can describe the nature of that meeting, and she says she arrived home to find him and Michael speaking. He asks if she remembers the subject, and she says, their shared values. He says, what else? and she says, there were introductions, and then he had to get back to Llanview. He asks if at any point during that meeting she came to know that Michael had pressed him to bring a case against the defendant. She says, no, and he thanks her for clearing that up. No further questions. Judge Milford asks if opposing council has any questions, and Scotty says, one or two, and gets up.

At the Bistro, Drew says, Corinthos Coffee, and Curtis says, not much to choose from in these parts. Drew says he’s not complaining. It’s nice to come back and have at least one thing unchanged. Curtis asks if the thrill of his homecoming is wearing off a bit, but Drew says, not the Scout part. Seeing Scout is thrilling every single time, and after talking to only guards for the past few years, having a conversation with a normal person is quite a trip. (Was he kidnapped in 1975?) Curtis says, but the rest? and Drew says he can only sit on his butt at Monica’s for so long. He has to do something with his life; he has to be productive. He just has no idea where to start. Curtis says, what about Aurora Media? and Drew says, Curtis means the company he and Sam created for a fresh start? Curtis says, good point. There’s no place for him at ELQ? Drew says he’d have to get a therapist first. Thanks to Curtis, he does have something to do with his time. He’s been thinking about Marshall, and may have come up with an angle.

Epiphany tells Marshall, she thought the flowers were to say thank you, and he says, they are, but he was also hoping to soften her up for his proposition. She asks, what proposition is that? and he says he had a wonderful time last night. She says she did too, and he says he thought so, but she didn’t stick around long enough to say so. She says she thought it was obvious, and he says, maybe she’s just more inclined to express herself through song rathe than word. She laughs, and says, he’ll soon learn she has no problem speaking her mind… If he sticks around. He says he plans to, and leans forward. He tells her that he thinks they make beautiful music together, so he wanted to ask her – she says, yes? – if she wants to join his band.

Brook says she should have put Ned’s empathy on her Christmas list. Why can’t they go one week without him coming down on her? Like she doesn’t know she has issues. Like she needs him to point them out. She’s trying to make her life better, and him, of all people, talking about mess? What’s going on with him and Olivia? Are they even in the same bed? The same room? The same wing? He says she’s right. He’s the standard bearer for messes in this family. She’s an amateur by comparison. She says she’s confused, and he says if she has any issues, it’s in large part because of him. What kind of example has he set when it comes to relationships? What kind of example has he set when it comes to anything actually, and he’s sorry for his choice of words. He thought the word mess was an objective take, and something they have in common. She says, now they’re bonding over their mutual chaos? and he says, maybe they can come up with some solutions. He’s been working on his mess with Olivia, and he’s been doing some thinking about her situation with Chase. She needs to get out in front of this. Make sure Chase doesn’t hold Bailey over her head like Valentin did. From the doorway, Chase clears his throat.

Scotty says, Willow referred to Michael as the father of her son, the man she lives with, not married. She says, no, and he says, that’s kind of a modern arrangement. Sheridan says, it’s irrelevant, and the judge tells Scotty, stick to the point. Scotty asks if she and Michael revisited the subject of the DA’s visit after he left, and she says, the subject came up. He asks if she took it at face value; two guys just shooting the breeze about values. She says she wondered about it. and he asks if that wondering got the best of her. Did she ask Michael? She tells Judge Milford that she thought her conversations with Michael were protected, but the judge says, they’re not. Scotty says, spousal privilege doesn’t apply to co-parenting, but you know what applies to just about everyone? The penalty for perjury.    

Maxie tells Lucy, the timing of this IPO could be better. Does she think they should give Sasha time to grieve? She can’t imagine Sasha can work right now; she doesn’t know how Sasha is functioning at all. Lucy flashes back to her tryst with Martin while she says, ohm. Then she says, ohmmmmMartin. Maxie says, what was that now?

Martin asks Valentin, just out of curiosity, who should he be more concerned for? Anna or Victor? Valentin says, Victor, definitely.  

Anna says, eyes on her, and Victor says, it’s a wonder anyone’s eyes are ever off of her; his son’s in particular. What exactly is the nature of their relationship? She says she thinks that falls under the category of none of his bustiness, kind of like his stretching this morning during his pastoral workout. He says he didn’t see her there, and she says, she’s everywhere. She saw him picking up The Invader, and he picked up mints; that was very considerate. She was also at Kelly’s when he visited Spencer. He says, she’s following him, and she says she is. Port Charles is her home, so from here on out, she’ll be his shadow. And if he gets out of line, she’ll be there to deal with him. He says, the way she dealt with Peter? and she smiles.

Spencer pours coffee for Laura, and says he brewed it himself. She says, he’s learned his way around a coffeemaker, and Esme says, he’s doing a great job, grandmother… Sorry, she meant mayor. Laura tells her, Laura will be fine for now, and says Doc been telling her about this wonderful shift he’s seen in Spencer, but she doesn’t know if it’s because of this job, or just a byproduct of getting caught. Spencer says, here it comes. He knew it was too good to last. Christmas is gone, so is the peace. Let him have it. How disappointed is she? Or has her disapproval moved on to hate, just like his father?

Scotty asks if Willow needs a refresher course in the consequences of lying in court, but she says, that won’t be necessary. Michael told her, like many businesses, his family’s company seeks relationships with political figures, and Scotty says, the evidence shows, the DA received a huge chunk of money from her and Michael. The DA objects, saying, no such evidence has been offered. Miss Tate has never made a donation to his campaign that he’s aware of. Judge Milford says, sustained, and Scotty says, ELQ made a huge donation to Sheridan’s campaign before his client’s arrest. So what was expected from that donation in return? Willow says she wasn’t privy to the conversation, and Scotty says, but she must have thought Michael was going to get something for his gift. She says, Michael’s only interest was in justice, and Scotty says, for whom? She says, for his father. Nina kept Sonny from his family for nine months. Scotty asks if she didn’t expect Michael was going to get the DA to pursue charges against his client for his donation, and Sheridan objects, saying Scotty is close to badgering. The judge says, sustained. Scotty asks if it isn’t Willow’s understanding that the DA was going to bring charges against Nina in exchange for a hefty donation to him. She tells him, whatever was said was between Michael and DA Sheridan. As far as she’s aware, the contribution was entirely above board and legal. He says, funny she should bring legal up, because that’s what they’re trying to get to. Do the charges against Nina even merit a trial, or should they just be tossed out; that it was possibly an act of heroism. Does she have any reason to believe that the alleged victim, Sonny Corinthos, sees himself as a victim at all?

Victor tells Anna to forgive him if he finds her threats lacking in substance. As he understands it, she’s had multiple opportunities to end Peter’s reign of terror, yet every single time, she’s backed off, which confounds him. He’s read her file. Her no-nonsense reputation is well-earned. She thanks him, but says, yet here he is still testing her. He says, by living his life? and she says, by imposing himself on Valentin. He laughs, and says, they’ve come full circle. She does care for Valentin, doesn’t she? While he’s truly gratified at her attachment to his son, he suspects Valentin is even more so.

Epiphany says, Marshall is putting together a band? and he says he’d be honored to land her as the lead vocal. He thinks their chemistry is off the charts. She says, it was just one performance, and he says, exactly. It can take people weeks, sometimes months, to gel like that. They were total strangers, nowhere near a studio, or anything resembling a stage, singing holiday tunes, yet it was still a natural fit. He got to talking with the other musicians afterwards, and they all thought, why not give it a shot? Get together for at least one day, and feel out something that doesn’t sound like it’s wrapped in tinsel. What does she say?

Drew says, Curtis hasn’t been able to find out much about Marshall Ashford, and Curtis says, he’s got zero digital footprint, and if his mother owned any property with him, she parted ways with it a long time ago. Drew says, civic documents? and Curtis says, birth certificates, educational records, but all of that dried up after Marshall married his mom. Drew says, he’s no P.I., but it seems strange, and Curtis says, very. It suggests Marshall had another life before he came here, or someone went to great lengths to erase all traces of him. Drew says, then maybe it’s time they stop looking for Marshall Ashford… Curtis says, and start looking for the man he’s pretending to be.

Carly wonders what’s going on, but Michael doesn’t know. Scotty says, Willow is close to the crime; that’s why the prosecution called her. She possesses a different perspective that the judge might want to consider before this goes to trial. Judge Milford allows it, but tells Scotty, keep it moving. Scotty asks if Willow would like him to repeat the question, but she says, no. To her knowledge, Sonny is no one’s victim. Scotty says, he’ll rephrase it then. Sonny testified that he didn’t bring charges against Nina because he wanted to move on with his life; he’d lost enough time with his wife and family. Does she think Sonny left anything out? Sheridan objects, and asks if Scotty can be more vague. The judge tells Scotty to get where he’s going; make it fast and make it direct. Scotty asks if she thinks Sonny had some sort of unstated motivation to not sic the state on Nina.

Laura says, she could never hate Spencer. Is she disappointed? Absolutely. He put his father, Ava, and Ava’s daughter through a living nightmare. He says, Avery was never in any danger, but she says, Avery was kept away from her mother, and don’t make excuses. It just makes everything worse. What he did was horrible. Esme says, he didn’t do it alone. He had help from her. Spencer says, she was just trying to be supportive, and she says, but she went overboard, and should have used better judgement. Laura says, that’s an understatement, and Spencer says, he’s learned his lesson, but Laura says, has he? Really? Spencer says she doesn’t believe him? and she says she wants to believe him, but the fact he’s thrown in with Victor makes her wonder.

Valentin tells Martin, Victor’s sudden revelation that he’s a Cassadine has him wondering if there’s any wiggle room in the will. Martin says, what will? Mikkos’s? The one who got Ava thrown off the parapet? That will? Valentin says, if he could avail himself of some of the fortune that Nikolas stole after all, it would make for a happy ending, wouldn’t it? Martin says he’ll look into it. If he were Valentin, he’d just focus on Victor. Shake the tree, and see what comes loose. Valentin says he can handle Victor, and it looks like Anna can as well. Martin asks how are things with Anna, and Valentin wonders if he’s asking for a friend, but Martin says he’s not throwing his hat in the ring. They both say, he’d lose, and Martin says, there’s no need for a duel. With all due respect to Anna, he’s decided to move on.  

Maxie says, Martin Gray? and Lucy says, namaste; keep her voice down. Maxie says, sorry. She had no idea Lucy was interested in him. Lucy says, neither did she, and Maxie says, tell her what happened. Lucy says, he fell into her lap. No, she fell into his lap, and the rest is sort of history. Maxie says, good history? and Lucy says, it was so fun.

Ned says he hopes Chase isn’t offended, and Brook says, he just compared Chase to a Cassadine, but Ned says, Chase comes out far ahead in comparison. Brook says, lightyears ahead, and Ned says, but Valentin has already started his retaliation for the lie about Bailey, and there’s sure to be more to come. Brook says, and his point? and Ned says, children bring out the best and worst in people. He’d hate to see his granddaughter used as a weapon again between warring parents. Chase says he’d hate to see that happen too, and Ned says, good. His suggestion is for the two of them to sit with lawyers, and iron out their respective roles in Bailey’s life. The clearer they are now, the less room for conflict moving forward. Chase says, makes sense, and Ned says, it’s all about the boundaries.

Scotty tells Willow to wrack her brain, and Nina tells him, no. He asks if Willow knows any reason Sonny wouldn’t file charges against the woman who allegedly kept him away from his family. Willow says, she’s not in Sonny’s head. She can’t tell him all Sonny’s reasons, and Scotty says, one reason. Give him one singular reason. Nina says, no, but he tells her, quiet. He asks why Sonny wouldn’t want restitution, and Sonny tells Carly, let’s go. She says, now? and he takes her hand, heading for the door, but she stops. Scotty says, the penalty for perjury is seven years behind bars in another state away from her son. How old does she think her son will be when she gets out? Willow says, yes, and he says, yes what? She says, there is another reason why Sonny didn’t go after Nina.

Epiphany says she has no time to devote to a band, but Marshall says, they’ll work around her schedule. She says her shifts are all over the place, and he asks if it’s her polite of saying no. She says, it’s not a no or a yes. She got turned around when he said proposition, that’s all. He says, oh. Oh. She thought he was asking her out. She says, her mistake, but he says, for the record, if he were to ask out a virtual stranger, he sincerely doubts he could aim higher than her. The truth is, he doesn’t date. He hasn’t for a long time. The fact is, he wasn’t very good at it, but if he could ever interest her in a jam session… She says, it’s possible. It depends on her schedule. He says, then just follow the music, she laughs, and he leaves.

Curtis tells Drew that Marshall has had several aliases, and probably lived under several dozen rocks over the decades, but he has no leads, and the guy’s not forthcoming with information. Drew says, so Curtis asked? and Curtis says, more like demanded, but the more Marshall said nothing or talked around the answers he wanted, he just got so pissed… Drew says, he shut right down, and Curtis says, so if he goes in all curious and nice, Marshall will be suspicious. Drew says, then let him try. Let him do the digging. Curtis should just play it straight. Curtis asks, how? and Drew says, they can’t get a lead on Marshall’s missing years, so they need Marshall to cough one up. They lay a job in his path, something that’s just too good to resist. He’ll have to put down his social security number or a reference or something. Real or fake, it doesn’t really matter; it will give them a place to start. Curtis says, a job; that’s good. He says, Drew does know this means he’ll have to deal with Aurora or ELQ, and Drew says, let him deal with that. Curtis wonders what kind of gig Drew can put out there. As far as he knows, all the guy does is music. Drew says, believe it or not, music is something his family knows.

Brook asks if Ned is done with his extremely practical and very mercenary advice, and he says he is. She tells him that he should go; he doesn’t want to be late for his appointment. He says he’ll provide her council, and tells Chase to let them know when he’s found a lawyer. He leaves, and Brook says she’s so sorry about Ned butting in, but to be fair, it’s a family tradition. Chase says, he would get a lawyer, if he were actually working and could actually pay for one, and if Bailey was actually his, but he does agree with boundaries. He’ll do everything he can to keep up appearances for Maxie and the baby, but when it comes to them, she needs to let him know how much space she needs, and he’ll give it to her.

Lucy says, ohm, and the instructor says, the eternal. Earth, air, heaven… Maxie asks Lucy if there’s going to be a second round, and Lucy says they kind of talked about it. Maxie says, she’d like there to be, right? and the instructor suggests they focus on their breathing. Maxie asks if Lucy wants to get out of there and grab a latte, so they can chat about it. They dash out, Lucy saying, namaste, as they go out the door.

Martin tells Valentin, Lucy Coe, and asks if Valentin is wishing he could trade places. Valentin says, no. He’s wishing he had a lawyer with more common sense. Lucy is his business partner. They’re about to take Deception public. It’s going to make him, Lucy, and Martin a lot of money. Martin says he’s still not seeing the problem, and Valentin says, Martin can’t effectively represent him and his best interests if he’s sleeping with Lucy Coe, who, by the way, is notorious for getting the better of her lovers. If Lucy gets the better of Martin, she gets the better of him. So Martin can have him or Lucy, but he can’t have both.

Anna says she’ll be keeping an eye on Victor, and he asks if that isn’t superfluous, given his deal with the WSB, but she says she’s not beholden to a deal. So she strongly advises him to behave himself. He says, or? and she says, he read her file. You tell me. She walks away.

Spencer says, Uncle Victor is the only reason he’s going to Spring Ridge and not Pentenville, and Laura says she’s grateful for that, but wishes she didn’t have Victor to thank for it. Spencer knows he messed up, right? and he says, yes. She says, good. His job now is to make amends. He says, okay, and she says she wants to see that; not just give lip service. He says he has to get back to work, and leaves. Esme tells Laura, don’t worry. Once Spence gets out of Spring Ridge, he’ll have plenty of people to keep him the straight and narrow. Her, Laura, Doc; one big happy family. She hugs Laura, who looks pretty surprised.   

Sonny tells Carly, let’s get out of here, but she won’t budge. Sheridan says Scotty has gone far enough with his fishing expedition. He’s threatening Willow with perjury when she hasn’t been deposed, and there’s no indication that she knows anything germane to these proceedings. Judge Milford says, overruled. He wants to see where this is going. Scotty says, whenever she’s ready, and Willow looks at everyone. Nina looks like she wants the earth to swallow her up, and Willow says, a few weeks ago, she overheard Nina and Sonny having a conversation at General Hospital. Scotty asks if it was out in the open, but she says, in the chapel. He says, so it was just the two of them? and she says, yes. He asks what they said in this conversation, and she says she wasn’t there for all of it. He says, the part she was there for, did Sonny touch on the nature of his relationship with Nina? She says, he did, and Sheridan says, hearsay, but Judge Milford says, overruled, and asks Willow to be more specific. She says she overheard Sonny say, whatever happened between him and Nina in Nixon Falls has to come from him, and it will. Scotty asks, what was that? What was between the accused and the alleged victim? and Willow says, love, and Nina closes her eyes. Michael is like, what? and Carly looks at Sonny, all pissed off. I laugh.

Tomorrow, Curtis asks Stella what he doesn’t know about Marshall, Olivia wonders what if Leo needs something she can’t provide, Michael asks why Willow didn’t tell him about overhearing Nina and Sonny, and Scotty asks if Sonny considers himself the victim of a crime.

❄️ Still Ho-Ho-Ho’ing…

Enjoy the soap version of Let It Snow.

🤷🏻‍♀️ Is She Or Isn’t She…?

Will Hayden stay gone? Your guess is as good as hers.

💎 Aspirations…

Everyone’s favorite friend talks RHOBH.

🐖 Pig Flying By…

Hope Santa was good to you, or, if you’re not a Believer, you were good to yourself. Since there was no Deck – although there was a great episode of Galley Talk, reviewing the Shame Cocoon episode – can I possibly go to bed early? Nah, but I can log in another hour of Korean TV on Netflix. I’m currently obsessed with the series Black. This week looks much like last week. There are new Rules, but no new Housewives, and GH is a rerun on Friday. Of February 24, 2021. I shake my fist at the sky once again, saying, why? Why can’t they rerun a decent holiday episode on a holiday? Alas, God gives me no answer. So until tomorrow, stay safe, stay not feeling pressured to have a date on New Year’s Eve, and stay following the music.

December 23, 2021 – Nina’s Hearing Begins, Soap’s On, Changes, New Faces, NJ Romance, Miami Mamas, Sad News, Worse News, Happy News, What Winter Wrought, Holiday Fare, Knowledge Drop, Some Christmasy Quotes & Christmas Live


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Martin wakes up in bed, clutches his head, and says, Lord have mercy. He’s wearing a robe, and his Santa hat is lying on top of him. He pulls back the covers to see a pair of well-manicured feet. He moves to the other end of the bed, and uncovers Lucy, who asks if he’s ready for another round. He puts his Santa hat back on.

Alexis lets Shawn in, and he says he brought her a cup of Corinthos Coffee. She thanks him, and asks what she’s holding. She says, it’s a course catalog from PCU, and he asks if she’s going back to college. She says she is, and asks if it’s a ridiculous idea.

At Cameron’s house, Josslyn and Cameron kiss, and Josslyn asks what time his mom took his brothers ice skating. He says, they left about twenty minutes ago. They’ll be gone a couple of hours. Unless she wants to join them at the rink. She says, let her think, and he says, right, kissing her again. The doorbell rings, and he says he has no clue who that might be. He opens the door, and Esme says, thank God she found him. The absolute worst thing has happened. Josslyn walks up behind Cameron, and says, really? Do tell.

Trina walks into Kelly’s, and says, before Spencer gets a big head, she’s there to get two coffees; one for her, and one for Ava. He says, sure, when Victor walks in. He says, there’s his nephew. How does it feel to have his legal woes a thing of the past? Spencer says, in a word, terrifying.

At the MetroCourt, Laura kisses Doc, and says, what an amazing anniversary they had. She’d take trips more often if she knew she had that kind of homecoming waiting for her. He says he’s just trying to do his part to make sure they’re never separated that long again, and she says, not if she has anything to say about it. They kiss again, and Nikolas approaches their table. He says, clearly, they need more time. Should they reschedule? Laura says, she and Kevin have all the time in the world, but what she has to say to him can’t wait.

Scotty is about to walk into the Llantano County courtroom, when his phone rings. It’s Obrecht, who asks if he’s come up with a strategy to get Willow on the stand. She’s certain Willow knows about Nina and Sonny falling in love in Nixon Falls. He says he’s working on it, and she says, work harder. Michael and Willow walk in, and Michael asks how Willow is feeling. He knows she didn’t agree with him bringing charges against Nina. She says she just wants what’s best for everybody, and he says, what’s best is for Nina to pay for keeping his father hidden from his family for months. He can’t think of anything worse. Sonny and Carly come in, and Michael introduces Willow to DA Sheridan. Carly tells Sonny, Michael is confident the DA Is going to cement his case against Nina today, and Sonny says, that’s up to the judge. He’s sure if Scotty loses today, Nina is going to cop some kind of plea. She says, she hopes so for their family’s sake. She just wants this whole Nixon Falls saga to be over with, and wants Nina out of their lives. Nina walks in, and goes to the defense table. Willow approaches her, and Nina says she really appreciates Willow not saying anything about her and Mike. Willow says she’s not doing it for Nina; she’s doing it for Michael and Wiley. Nina says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she’s really sorry for everything. Willow goes back to Michael, who asks, what was that about? Willow flashes back to Nina asking if she wants to drive a wedge between Carly and Sonny, and tells Michael, family. Michael says, Nina may be biologically related to Wiley, but her actions made it clear she’s not part of their family.

Obrecht says she’s confident Scotty will find a way to protect her niece, and Scotty walks into the courtroom. Sheridan tells Michael, the hearing is basically a formality. It’s not a trial, but technically, Miss Reeves’s attorney can cross-examine anyone he calls. Scotty tells Obrecht that he thinks he just got a flash of inspiration.

Shawn tells Alexis, it’s only natural to feel adrift when you get out of prison. He struggled himself. She says, but now he’s found his direction. Using his non-profit to take over The Invader is a perfect path to his future. There’s a knock at the door, and Alexis opens it to Dante, who apologizes for the impromptu visit. Is Shawn there? This is his last address. She opens the door, and Dante sees Shawn. He says, this is official police business.

Laura tells Nikolas that Doc filled her in on everything about Spencer. She’s upset… She’s concerned. She was pleased to see the two of them managed to co-exist at Christmastime, but she’d hardly call it warm and fuzzy. She knows it’s a step in the right direction, but… He says, he and Spencer have had their setbacks; they both feel betrayed by the other. She says she was heartbroken when she found out it was Spencer who was stalking Ava. It doesn’t excuse Nikolas’s behavior at the party that night, but his instincts about his son were correct. He wonders if that’s why she asked him here, to apologize, and she says she is sorry. He was right about his son, but now she wants Nikolas to do right by him.

Victor says he doesn’t understand. What does Spencer have to be afraid of? Trina says, when her coffee’s ready, she’ll be at the counter, and Spencer introduces her to Victor. Victor says it’s nice to finally meet her. Did Spencer tell her that his plea deal was finalized this morning? She says they didn’t get a chance to talk about it, and Spencer says he signed the paperwork this morning. It’s official. He changed his plea to guilty, he’ll do 500 hours of community service, make restitution to Ava, and do 30 days in Spring Ridge. She says, so no trial, and Victor says, exactly. So what about this plea deal is troubling Spencer? Spencer says, Spring Ridge is minimum security, but it’s still prison. When Victor said he’d take care of Spencer’s situation, Spencer thought that meant he’d go free. Victor says, what Spencer got was a slap on the wrist. No one could have gotten him a better deal. Spencer says he’s truly grateful for everything Victor did. Forget he said anything. Victor supposes, even though it was a long time ago, he does remember being 18 years old, and supposes a month long confinement would have seemed like a death sentence to him. But Spencer is a Cassadine. He’ll keep a stiff upper lip, and when he gets out, he’ll have his whole family waiting for him. Spencer says, not his father, and Victor says, perhaps not, but Spencer will have him. Now why doesn’t he make Victor a cup of tea to go? A heady brew. No one likes a weak leaf. Spencer goes to make the tea, and Victor tells Trina that he’s glad to see his nephew chooses his companions so well.

Esme says she wasn’t expecting to see Josslyn, and Josslyn says, Esme is surprised to see her at her boyfriend’s house? What is Esme even doing here? Esme says she promises nothing nefarious. Spence took the plea deal; he signed the paperwork this morning. Yes, his sentence was lighter than it could have been, but he wasn’t expecting to go to prison at all, and he’s totally freaking out. Cameron says he can understand that. Spencer has to spend a month in prison, and after that, he’s going to have a criminal record for the rest of his life. Josslyn says, and worst of all, despite the fact that Esme is every bit as responsible for stalking Ava, Spencer has to take this whole punishment alone.

Scotty tells Obrecht, this is exactly what they need. He has to go, and Obrecht tells him, good luck, Liebchen. Victor comes out of Kelly’s, and says he remembers when she used to call him that.

Willow asks if Sheridan is still considering a run for Attorney General, and Sheridan says, after visiting their gorgeous home in October, he was concerned about low recognition outside of Llantano County. Scotty puts his briefcase on the table, and listens as Sheridan says, recently, his numbers seem to be going up. Scotty sits, and Nina asks why he looks so happy. He says her aunt has that effect on him.

Lucy says, that was unexpected, and Martin says, he’d call it a Christmas miracle. She hopes he means that in a good way, and he says he means that in the most flattering way possible. He asks, how about some breakfast? He doesn’t know about her, but he managed to work up a very healthy appetite. She asks if he’s serious. He wants to take her down to the MetroCourt for breakfast, and she’ll be wearing the holiday outfit she wore for Christmas that everybody saw her in. Just so he knows, folks will talk. He says he hopes so. He was raised in the South where gossip is sacred, right between Friday night football and Sunday morning service. She thinks he’s forgetting he’s an upstanding lawyer. Not to mention the fact he’s the brother of her ex-husband’s wife, the mayor of Port Charles. He says Lucy is a very accomplished woman, and she thanks him, and says she aims to please. He says her aim could put him in the hospital, but that’s not what he was talking about. Don’t get him wrong, she makes one Olympian Santa’s helper, but he was referring to her role as the co-owner of Deception. Not to mention everything she’s accomplished with the Nurses Ball. She says, he looked her up on the internet? and he tells her, let’s just say he’s noticed her. She tells him, let’s just say, she’s noticed him too, and they kiss. She says she’ll let him buy her breakfast. She hasn’t done that walk of shame in a long time. He says it will be his pleasure to take that walk with her.

Josslyn says, so much of the stalking was clearly Esme’s idea, not Spencer’s. Anyone can see that. She has no idea why Spencer is protecting Esme. Esme says she loves Spence, and as much as he might get on their nerves, she thinks they do too. Cameron was the one who got Spencer the job at Kelly’s when he needed it most. Cameron says she’s right; they care about Spencer. So what can they do to help? Esme says she plans to do what she can to keep Spencer’s spirits up when he’s in Spring Ridge, but if they could create some happy memories before he goes, it would really give Spencer some peace of mind. They already agreed to a weekend getaway, so can Josslyn ask her father if they can use his cabin as soon as possible? Before Spencer has to report to Spring Ridge for his sentence? He really needs this.

Nikolas tells Laura, he’ll be there for his son, but only when he fully owns up to what he’s done. She agrees completely. Spencer needs to take responsibility for his actions, but he’s already trying to do that. Doc says, not only is he working at Kelly’s, he’s started helping around the house. Spencer was mystified as to how to use a dishwasher, but once he showed Spencer how, he started pitching in without too much complaint. Nikolas says, it sounds like there’s progress, but it sounds like Spencer still resents him, and refuses to accept his help. Laura says, what his son needs more than ever is a loving father who can help him make up with Ava, who will set him on the right course. If not Nikolas, whose influence will step in to fill that void?

Obrecht says, the only name she can remember calling Victor is schwein, which is what he is. He says, there’s that fiery minx he fell in love with. He’s so glad the information he provided to the WSB led to her rescue. She says, he’s taking credit for her safe return? He’s the one who had her kidnapped in the first place. Then he tossed her beloved Scotty out of a plane. He says perhaps they could discuss it over dinner. Scotty is, after all, his attorney. She says she’d rather eat glass.

Nina asks Scotty to be honest with her. What are her chances of avoiding a trial? He says, better than she thinks, and she asks what he’s up to. The bailiff tells them, all rise. Court is in session, the honorable Judge Milford presiding. The judge calls the preliminary hearing to order, and tells them, please be seated.

Josslyn tells Esme, there’s been a lot going on, and she hasn’t asked Sonny about the cabin yet. Esme says, but she will, right? and Josslyn says she will, as long as Esme stops asking about how many bedrooms there are, and who’s sleeping where. Esme says she only wanted people to be comfortable, but what’s important now is that Spence has a great time. She’s sure his Uncle Sonny will be happy to support him. Why doesn’t Josslyn call Sonny now? Cameron says, he and Joss will talk it over and get back to her, and she thanks him. She says, it will mean the world to Spence, and to her. Who knows? Maybe we’ll have a great time. She leaves, and Josslyn says, she can’t. Cameron says, whatever they think about Esme, she’s not wrong here. Spencer is going to need all the support he can get before the reality of a month at Spring Ridge hits him. She says, fine. She’ll ask about the cabin, but she’s not changing her opinion about Esme. He says, that’s totally okay. He’d never want to change a single thing about her, especially her mind. She says, now he’s trying to butter her up, and he asks if it’s working. She kisses him.

Spencer brings Trina the coffee, and says, sorry about the wait. She says she knows he put on a brave face for his uncle, but there’s no shame in being nervous about going to Spring Ridge. He says, his uncle is right. He needs to man up. He took the action and needs to face the consequences. He knows he got a lighter sentence because of his privilege. Trina has made it more than clear she thinks he’s a spoiled, entitled baby. She says, true, but she also thinks he’s human, and it’s nice to see.

Doc tells Nikolas, in the new year, Spencer goes to Spring Ridge. Prison is rife with opportunities to make bad choices, align with the wrong people. He needs a strong foundation now. Laura agrees, and says she knows Spencer feels indebted to his Uncle Victor for getting that plea bargain for him. Nikolas says, Victor’s presence in Port Charles concerns him too, and Laura asks why Nikolas helped him in the first place.  

Dante tells Shawn, they got an anonymous tip a while back about a body. They followed it up, and found human remains in the Pine Barrens. A John Doe was identified using dental records, and he was a known felon, a gun for hire. Shawn says, a hit man; who was it? Dante says, his last name was Giles, but he went by other aliases as well. They conducted ballistics on the gun that was buried with Giles, and they were conclusive. It was the same gun that shot Hayden Barnes.  

Judge Milford tells the court to proceed, and Sheridan says he’d like to call his first witness; Sonny Corinthos.

Lucy and Martin come giggling out of the elevator, Martin looking disheveled with his Santa suit coat falling open. Lucy says she finds it exceptionally charming that he chose to leave his Santa suit on his body in solidarity with her walk of shame, but he needs to know something else. If he’d continued his research on the internet, he would have found she’s been a spectacle many times before. He says he’s delighted join her in causing a commotion, and they walk into the MetroCourt.

Laura says, Nikolas had to have known Victor was hiding out in the compound in Crete. Did he know Victor was working with Peter too? Nikolas promises he had no idea about Peter, and Laura says, so he was just offering Victor a hiding place, or does his involvement go deeper? Nikolas flashes back to Victor telling him that Hayden needed to be dealt with, along with those close to her. He suggests he and Laura talk about this in private, and she asks if he doesn’t think she’s going to tell Doc everything he tells her. Nikolas says, after Valentin shot him, and left him for dead, it was Victor who nursed him back to health. If not for Victor, he might not be here. He returned the favor, and let Victor use the compound in Crete. Martin comes up to their table with Lucy, and says, morning, family. Fine day. Laura says, what a surprise, and hostess Trish tells Lucy that her table is ready. Lucy says, excuse them, and they leave. Nikolas tells Doc and Laura, and they say Christmas only comes once a year, and they laugh. GH is quite naughty today.

Spencer tells Trina, humans are terrible; flawed, selfish, and indulgent. She can’t like seeing that in him. She says, humans are also vulnerable, worthy of love, capable of change. He says he wishes he could see himself through her eyes, and she says, he’s perfectly imperfect, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a person of value. She sees him. He just has to take responsibility for his actions, and give people a chance see him too. He takes her hand, and thanks her. She says, anytime, and Esme watches from the doorway.

Sheridan says, they all know the basic facts. Sonny was on a bridge that collapsed, and fell into an icy river. When he regained consciousness, he had no memory of who he was, or even what his name was. Sonny says, that’s correct. No license. He was wearing a watch that was engraved with the name Mike, so that was the name he used. Sheridan asks how long Sonny was away from his wife and children, who presumed he was dead, and Sonny says, nine months. Sheridan says, when did he finally get his memory back? Sonny says, there was a fire at the Tan-O, and Sheridan says, that was the bar owned by the late Lenny Caulfield and his wife Phyllis, right? and Sonny says, he didn’t know who he was or where he belonged, and they were kind enough to take him in, give him a job and a place to live. Sheridan says, when Sonny recovered his memory, was he aware that someone in Nixon Falls already knew he was Sonny Corinthos? and Sonny says, yeah. Sheridan asks, who was that individual? and Sonny says, it was Nina Reeves. Sheridan says, to Sonny’s knowledge, did Nina Reeves deliberately and intentionally conceal his identity? Sonny says, yeah, and Sheridan says he has no further questions. Scotty asks if Sonny ever alerted the authorities that Nina concealed his identity, and Sonny says, no. Scotty asks, why not? According to the DA, Nina kept him from his wife, his children, his grandchildren, his whole life. Why didn’t he press charges?

Nikolas says he has business to attend to, and Laura says she’s sorry if she came on too strong. She knows he and Spencer want to have a relationship with each other. Nikolas says he’ll think about it, and Laura says, his relationship with Ava is so solid, he can afford to spend some time with Spencer, and restore the bond he has with him. Please don’t do anything to undermine that. Nikolas half-smiles, and leaves.

Dante says, he’s there to officially notify Shawn that they found the person who committed the crime Shawn was wrongfully convicted of. Shawn says, the truth is out, finally, and Dante says, in the eyes of the PCPD, Shawn is in the clear. Alexis says, congratulations. She knows how important this is to Shawn. Dante says, the best to him, and Alexis thanks Dante. Dante leaves, and Alexis says, anonymous tip her posterior. Shawn says, nobody could ever accuse Nikolas of being sloppy, when his phone rings. He says, speak of the devil, and he means that literally. He steps away to take the call.

Steam comes out of Esme’s ears for a second, but then she slaps her fake smile on. She tells Spencer that when he hears what she has to tell him, he’s going to love her more than he already does. He asks, what’s up? and she says she was telling Joss and Cam that he has to report to Spring Ridge soon, which moves their time frame up for a couples weekend. He says, it’s not just for couples, right? They want Trina to feel included. Esme says she’s so sorry. She misspoke. Of course (🍷) they want to include Trina. Esme’s phone rings, and she answers, saying, Joss. They were just talking about their weekend getaway. Josslyn says she and Cameron agree. They should have their weekend getaway before Spencer goes away. Esme says, great. They won’t be sorry. Josslyn looks at Cameron.

Lucy says, tell me, Mr. Claus, are you regretting this now? Martin says, spending time with a beautiful, sophisticated woman? Not for one second. She says, uh-oh. Oh boy, incoming, and Doc and Laura approach their table. Laura asks if Lucy would mind if she had a word alone with her brother, and Lucy says, absolutely not. Mr. Claus is all yours. Martin leaves with Laura.

Martin asks Laura if everything is okay. Is everything all right with his nephew? She says she certainly hopes so. There’s something she didn’t tell him about her meeting with Cyrus. He says, apart from the bit where he finds religion? and she says, Cyrus was adamant that he didn’t put out the hit on them; that somebody else arranged for the killer to go to the safe house.

Lucy asks Doc if Laura sicced him on her because Laura hates the thought of her brother being seen in public with the likes of her. He tells her, don’t be silly. They’re talking about something entirely different. Her and Martin… She says, spit it out, and he says, how’d that happen? She says, Martin asked her what she wanted for Christmas.

Martin asks if Laura is saying she actually believes Cyrus, and Laura says she woudn’t go that far, but she thought she should tell Martin about it. Better to be safe than sorry, right? He says, message received and noted; he’ll be extra careful. Is there something else? She says, Doc has a great dry cleaner who’s a wiz with Santa suits.

Obrecht says, Victor’s presence can only mean Sturm und Drang, and he says, let’s not forget that he was the one who saved her life when Peter wanted her dead, even after she held a knife to his throat. She asks if he’s waiting for a show of gratitude, and he says, perhaps she should consider whether threatening him means it’s more or less likely for him to intervene next time. She says, there won’t be a next time, but he says, with you, mr dear Liesl, there’s always a next time. He brushes her hair back, but she jerks away. He says, he adores her, but just don’t get in his way.

Sheridan objects, saying, whether or not Mr. Corinthos chose to press charges has no bearing on the validity of the case. The judge says, this isn’t a trial, and tells Scotty to proceed. Scotty asks again why Sonny didn’t file charges against Nina. It’s a simple question. Sonny says, then let him answer it. Because he lost too much time already… and he wanted to spend time with his wife and his family. Scotty says, but his son Michael doesn’t share the same viewpoint. In fact, Michael and his ex-wife Willow Tate gave a sizable donation to the DA’s campaign just days before his client was arrested. Willow puts her hand on Michael’s arm, and Scotty says, maybe those two should be on trial for bribery.

On the phone, Nikolas tells Shawn to check the balance. The funds should have been transferred. Shawn says, he’ll do that, but Nikolas might want to know, he just got a visit from the PCPD. It seems they found Hayden’s shooter, or his dead body anyway. The crime has been removed from his record; his name has been restored. Nikolas takes it their business is concluded, and Shawn says, Nikolas fulfilled his part of their agreement, so yes. Nikolas says, great. Have a good day. They hang up, and Alexis asks if the money is all there. Shawn says, and then some. Her nephew thinks this all over. She says, isn’t it? and he says, not by a long shot.

Esme tells Josslyn that she’s with Spencer at Kelly’s. He’ll be so happy when she tells him the news. Josslyn says, that’s why they said yes, for Spencer. She’ll asks Sonny about the cabin today. Esme says, great. They’ll work out the details later. Spencer says, what’s the good news? and Esme says, Joss and Cam just committed. Once his Uncle Sonny signs off on the cabin, they’re good for a getaway. Spencer says, that’s amazing news! It’s incredible. He actually has something to look forward to now. He asks Trina if she’s going to come, and Esme says she’s sure Trina is much too busy with her job and college. Trina says she’s always busy, but she’ll make time for a friend. Count her in. She doesn’t want to pass up the chance to give Spencer the send-off he deserves. Spencer says, this is going to be monumental, and thanks Esme, who says, it’s going to be a send-off for the ages.

Martin goes back to the table, and says, ho-ho hello. Lucy says, let her guess. His sister warned him away from her, but he says, nothing of the sort. Lucy says, oh, it’s worse. She’s biting her tongue; the silent treatment. They had so much fun together. That’s enough. She gets up, but he stops her, and says, it was fun. It’s more than he’s had in a long, long time. He doesn’t know about her, but he doesn’t want the fun to end just yet.

Doc says, so, Laura’s brother and Lucy, and Laura says, she’s just as surprised as he is. Between Martin forging whatever this is with Lucy, and Spencer having to make restitution to Ava, and Nikolas getting  tangled up with Victor, it’s going to be one helluva new year

Obrecht says, she’s not afraid of Victor, nor is she impressed. He didn’t compare to Faison in the past, and doesn’t compare with Scotty today. He asks if she really thinks Scotty is that powerful, and she says, stay away from her or he’ll find out. He has no idea what Scotty is capable of. She leaves, and Victor ponders that.

Sheridan says, opposing council’s accusation is outrageous, and Judge Milford asks if Scotty has evidence of a quid pro quo. Scotty says, campaign contributions are public record. They know Michael and Willow gave a huge chunk of money to the DA for his campaign. The timing seems a little fishy. The judge says, Mr. Corinthos doesn’t have to answer, since he’s not one of the parties named, and Scotty says, no further questions. Sheridan says, because Scotty tried to impugn his character, he asks permission to call an additional witness. The judge asks Scotty and Sheridan to approach, and Sheridan says, the defense council is making unfounded accusations against him, and he would like to answer them. The sooner they clear this up, the sooner they can focus on the charges against Miss Reeves. The judge asks Sonny to step down, and the prosecution calls Willow to the stand. Willow gets up, and Nina looks worried.

No preview, just Deck the Halls and full credits.

🎅🏽 In Case You Were Wondering…

The soap schedule for Christmas Eve.

⛹️‍♂️ New Kids On the Soap…




💎 Swimming Pools, Movie Stars…

Some fresh, and no doubt Botoxed, faces in Beverly Hills.

👉🏼 Next…

It’s about time she dumped that guy who was never around. I assume Frank approves.

🌴 What Happened In Miami…

The latest on RHOM.

😢 Not So Happy Holidays…

Don’t read if you’re sad already. No one wants a gift like this for Christmas.

😲 Yikes…

It’s a sad world out there.

💃🏽 On the Plus Side…

It’s good to hear NeNe is moving forward.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 It’s Official…

I honestly hadn’t seen this coming, but they’re cute together.

Nice picture.

📺 What’s On…

A list of Christmas TV in the US.

And… somewhere else. The UK? Canada? I stumbled on this accidentally, but it looks like they have some good shows.

🎄 The Real Deal…

Everything you wanted to know about Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

☃️ Quotes of the Week

Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling. – Edna Ferber

Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality. – Washington Irving

Christmas can’t be bought from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more. – Dr. Seuss

Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa. – Bart Simpson

It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving. – Mother Theresa

Christmas is a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart. – Freya Stark

If you want to experience the true meaning of Christmas, give something to someone who can offer nothing in return. – Toni Sorenson

And it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us!Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

And I Heard Him Exclaim As He Drove Out Of Sight…

Since GH is repeating tomorrow, I’ll see you for soap on Monday (nothing new on Deck). Have the merriest of Christmases if you celebrate the holiday, and if not, celebrate something and have a merry day! Until next we meet, stay safe, stay picking your battles wisely, and stay knowing that, even if you’re perfectly imperfect, you’re still a person of value.

December 22, 2021 – Christmas Day In Port Charles, Heather Makes Shannon a Promise & Swinging


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Epiphany sees Marshall walk into the hospital, and says he looks lost. And he’s carrying a clarinet case. Is he one of the volunteers playing tonight? He says he is, and she says, welcome. She organizes the gig. She’s Epiphany Johnson. She holds out her hand, and he shakes it, saying, Marshall Ashford. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Dr. Johnson.

Curtis sees Portia in a red dress, and says, wow. Is all of this for dinner with Aunt Stella? She says she doesn’t want to get on that woman’s bad side ever again, and he says, understood. He says she has his aunt’s seal of approval. She knows that, right? She nods, and says he looks like he’s in a good mood, and he says he’s just been more relaxed lately. She says, it probably helps knowing he and Drew are going to work together to unravel the mystery of his father.

Drew puts out a punchbowl at the Quartermaines’, and Monica says, nobody ever likes the non-alcoholic wassail, but Alan wanted it every Christmas, so when it’s time to spice it up, she has some high-octane vodka. He takes the bottle and puts it on the bar, and says she doesn’t have to pretend. He knows how hard this Christmas is for her without Jason. Brook brings in Bailey, wearing a little plaid dress, and says, look who appeared for her first night of Christmas. Monica says, she’s adorable, and Brook puts her in the bassinette. Monica tells Drew that she misses Jason more than she can say, but she’s so grateful for the rest of the family. She takes his hand, and says, she’s really grateful to have him home. She goes over to Bailey, and says, hello, gorgeous. She heard a rumor that Santa was really good to her. Brook says, very good. In fact, she thinks Santa spoiled Bailey this year.

Alexis’s family gathers at her house, and Scout says she loves her gift. Sam says, a tambourine. Who thought that was a great idea? Kristina raises her hand, and Sam goes to get another gift. She suggests Scout open the gift from Molly and TJ, and slyly takes the tambourine. Molly says she guesses Kristina isn’t the only one to blame, because she and TJ had a similar idea. Scout opens it, and Sam wonders why she’s scared. It’s a child-sized accordion, and Sam says, how about that? What in the world were they thinking? Molly says, when Sam was away with Dante, she, Kristina, and TJ had Scout and Danny over one afternoon to give them a break from the Quartermaines. Kristina says, and possibly give the Quartermaines a break from them, and TJ says the found a show on TV all about musical instruments. Kristina says, Scout fell in love with the show, and Molly says, she was even playing along with imaginary instruments. TJ says, Scout wasn’t the only one, and Danny says, look what Grandma Alexis got him, showing them bongos. Shawn thanks Alexis, and she says, for the musical interlude? but he says, for the best Christmas he’s had in a long time. She says, both of them. Last year, she was drunk. He says, last year, he was in prison. He’d like to propose a toast, to new beginnings. They clink water bottles.

Obrecht puts a gift under the tree, and Maxie says she thought Obrecht already gave Georgie and James their gifts. Obrecht says, this isn’t for James or Georgie; it’s for Louise. It’s a Christmas angel, waiting for her when she comes home. Maxie glances at Nina, and says, that’s very sweet. Nina says she’s sure Louise will come home soon, and Obrecht can give it to her in person. Obrecht says she looks forward to the day. What about Nina? How dare those people not let her see Wiley on Christmas? Michael Corinthos is trying to put her in prison. This could be her last chance to be with her grandson.

Carly jokes that Wiley doesn’t like his gift, and Michael says, worst Christmas ever. Willow says she thinks there are a lot of gifts for Wiley to open, when Rocco comes in with a shopping bag. He says he was passing the guardhouse, and the guard gave him these for Wiley. Carly says, let her guess; Nina? Michael looks at the card, and says, yes.

Dante is putting on his coat in the foyer, and Sonny says he’s glad Dante came by to celebrate Christmas with the fam, and Dante says he is too. Last year, he came by to drop presents off, and that’s when Carly told him that Sonny was missing. Sonny says, last year wasn’t a good time for any of them. He’s sure Carly appreciated Dante’s company. Dante says, actually, he had an ulterior motive. He’d found out Sonny had secretly paid for his and Lulu’s house, and wanted to thank him. So here he is, a year later. Thank you for our home, and for coming back to yours. They hug.

Drew holds Bailey, and tells Monica that he remembers when Scout was that age. Those were such good times. She says she understands he had a visit from his daughter the other day, and he says he did; Sam brought her by. Scout actually found his favorite Christmas ornament, the star on the top of the tree in the nook. Apparently, it was in the playroom, and Rocco was using it as a sheriff’s badge. She laughs and says she’s not surprised Scout tracked it down. He asks if she knows what’s his favorite part of Christmas, and she says, what? He says, helping Scout put that star on the tree.

Chase asks if Brook wants him to spike some wassail for her, and drops the bottle cap. He bends down to pick it up, and she looks at his behind, flashing back to seeing him naked in the steam room. She says, no thank you. She doesn’t want anything from him. She jets, leaving Chase puzzled.

Brando wheels Sasha out to the reception area, and Deanna says she needs Sasha’s signature on some paperwork. Sasha asks what it is, and Deanna says, assurance someone will be staying with her for the next 24 hours. It’s policy; for her protection. Gladys says, Brando will do that, and Brando asks her to take Sasha’s bag to his car on level A. He’ll meet her down there. She gets in the elevator, and Brando says, Sasha just had surgery, and he thinks Deanna’s right. Someone should be with her. Please come home with him.

Scout plays the accordion (play being open to interpretation), while Danny bangs on the bongos. Sam suggests they go to the kitchen for some cookies, and they leave. Alexis says, full house at the Quartermaines’; they’ll have a huge audience. Kristina asks if Dante will be there, and Sam says, yeah, with Rocco. Alexis says she heard Drew is living there too. Is that going to be a problem for her? Sam asks, why would it be? and Kristina says, the two men in her life. Talk about an embarrassment of riches. Sam asks, how old are they? She and Drew are focused on Scout, and only Scout, and Dante is okay with it. Alexis says she hopes so.

Sonny says he’s sure last Christmas wasn’t easy for Dante, and Dante says, Sonny means everything with Lulu? Sonny says he wishes he’d been there for Dante, but Dante says he’s here now, with his family where he belongs. Sonny says, nothing better than family, and Dante says, speaking of… Sonny says, Olivia’s expecting him, and Dante tells Rocco that they have to go. Rocco thanks everyone for the presents; they’re really cool. He leaves, and Josslyn asks Carly if she thinks Michael and Willow are upset that Nina got Wiley a gift. Carly says she thinks they expected it. She suspects they’re thinking about Sasha and Brando. Josslyn says, they all are. What happened with their baby is just awful. Does Carly think they’ll come by later? Carly says she doesn’t know. She invited them, but doubts they’re feeling up to it. Sonny says, they’ll be here, and smiles.

Sasha says, she and Brando said goodbye to Liam together. He’s the only one who knows exactly how she’s feeling, so yes, she’ll go home with him, but just for tonight.

In the parking lot, Gladys throws the baby seat that had been waiting for Liam into the trunk.

Brando and Sasha get in the car, and Brando tells Gladys, let’s get Sasha home. Gladys says, they have one stop to make first. He asks, where? and she says she promises he won’t be sorry.

Epiphany tells Marshall, Nurse Johnson, although sometimes she feels like she could teach the doctors a thing or two. He says he has no doubt, and asks if she’s a musician. Is that why she’s in charge of the volunteer gig? She says, no. She does it to show the patients some joy on this very special night. He says he’s sure they’re very appreciative of her thoughtfulness. Does she play? She says, no; she’s a singer. He says, so she’ll be singing with the band tonight, but she says, no band, just a combo, and no vocalists. It’s General Hospital’s tradition. He says, he’s a firm believer that some traditions are made to be broken, and she says she believes he means rules. He says, what are rules if nothing but traditions? She laughs, and tells him the other volunteers are already up on the 5th floor. They’ll start there, and work their way down. He follows her into the elevator.

Curtis thanks Portia for listening to him as he goes on about his father, and she tells him that he’s welcome. She says, Marshall unnerved her at first too, and he asks if something happened between the two of them that he needs to know about. She says, Curtis had a lot on his mind, and she didn’t want to bother him, but Marshall appeared at the MetroCourt when she was having breakfast with Trina. He says, Marshall had no business talking to her when she was with her daughter, but she says, it was fine. He asks what Marshall said, and she tells him that Marshall admitted to Trina that he’d abandoned Curtis, his mother, and brother when Curtis was very young. He asks how Trina handled that, and she says, it made Trina think of her father, and why Taggert made them believe he was dead. Curtis says, in Taggert’s defense, he did have a more compelling story, and he wasn’t gone nearly as long as Curtis’s father. She says, the point being, Trina forgave her father. She’s spending Christmas night with him. He says, that’s not going to happen with him and his father, when Epiphany goes by with Marshall.   

Nina suggests they not get into it about Wiley today; it’s Christmas. Obrecht says she just doesn’t see how that family can be so uncharitable. She would have thought they’d make an exception on Christmas, and let Nina see that beautiful little boy. Nina says, they all know Carly has a big problem with her, and that was true before everything that happened in Nixon Falls. She just dopped off Wiley’s present at Sonny’s on her way here. At the guardhouse. She wouldn’t dare go inside. Maxie suggests they figure out a way they can finesse this situation. She thought Nina told her that Willow was an ally, and let her see Wiley in Rice Plaza. Nina says, she did, but she’s afraid Willow will never let her see Wiley again. Obrecht says, why? What changed?

Sonny tells Wiley, nice toy, and Wiley says, yep. Sonny says he loves seeing Wiley having fun, and asks where he got it from. Wiley says he got it from the bag, and Willow says, Nina. Josslyn says, she dropped it off with the guards.

Outside on the phone, Michael asks if everything is set for tomorrow. Everything is in order for Nina’s preliminary hearing?… Good. That’s what he likes to hear. He gets a creepy smile on his face, and goes back inside. Carly asks what he’s doing out there; it’s freezing. Business on Christmas is not allowed. It’s their day to be together and appreciate each other. He says he’s all for that, and the doorbell rings. Josslyn leaves to get it, and Carly tells Sonny that she can’t believe how early the girls got them up, looking for Santa. He says, it started a little after five, and she says, they were able to hold them off until 6:30, thank God. Josslyn says, look who’s here, and Brando, Sasha, and Gladys walk in.

Shawn tells Alexis, it’s a beautiful tree, and she says he must feel pretty good; all settled in his new place. He says, it’s a little sparse on the furniture, but it has a great view of the harbor, and it’s an easy walk to the office. She asks where his office is, and he says, ready to be surprised? He asks for everyone’s attention, and says, Christmas isn’t over yet. He has a really great gift for Port Charles. They’re looking at the new publisher of The Invader.

Drew says he’s happy to see Scout and Danny. Scout looks so beautiful, and Danny looks so handsome in his jacket. He looks just like his dad. Danny says he really thanked Santa for this jacket, and Drew says he bets Danny is missing his dad right now. If it makes him feel any better, he wants Danny to know that his dad was an incredible hero, and so proud of him. He knows Danny loves to see the Chucks play, so maybe this summer Drew can take him to a game. Dante comes in with Rocco, and Rocco says, Danny goes with him and his dad, but Dante says, they can all take in a game together. Drew says, sounds great, and they wish each other a merry Christmas. Dante tells Rocco that they need to find his grandma to thank her for the baseball glove and cleats.

Chase ask if he said something to offend Brook, or did she not like the Christmas gift he got her? She says, the meditation app? Why would she hate that? She’s obviously someone who loves to sit still and chant ohm for hours. He says she just seemed so down in the steam room, he thought it would help, but clearly, he can’t do anything right with her right now. She tells him to stop making this about him.

Nina says she doesn’t want to push the Wiley issue on Willow, and put her in the middle. Obrecht says, Willow’s a grown woman. She allowed Nina to visit Wiley before; why wouldn’t she allow it again? Nina says, it’s not going to happen, and Maxie says, why not? Nina flashes back to Willow telling her that she overheard Nina saying she and Sonny fell in love, and she doesn’t regret it. Nina says, trust her. She can’t ask Willow for any more special favors. Willow is already doing enough for her. Obrecht says, not that she can see. It’s Christmas, and Willow hasn’t lifted a finger to help Nina see her precious grandson. She picks up her phone, and says she’s going to give that Willow a piece of her mind.

Carly says she’s glad they could make it, and asks Josslyn to help with their coats. Gladys goes to get something from the car, and Carly says she’s so glad Sasha’s here, and hugs her. Sasha says, me too, and Willow says, me three. Michael says, me four, and Willow hugs Sasha. Brando hugs Sonny, and thanks him for having them. Sonny says, no problem. They’re all in this together. Liam Mike was a beautiful boy, and right now, he’s with his Uncle Mike. Brando says, that’s what he said to him. He said…

Willow says she’s so sorry about Liam, and Sasha says, if anyone knows what it’s like, it’s Willow. Willow says, it sounds cliché, but it’s true. Someday, Sasha will be able to live with the pain, and she’ll find herself smiling again. Gladys comes in with some shopping bags, and says she hopes there’s room under the tree; she shopped. Sasha thanks Carly for opening her house up to them, and Gladys tells Sonny that she hijacked them like he asked her to. Sonny says he just wanted to help them out; distract them a little bit. It’s Sasha’s first night out of the hospital. Brando says, he didn’t realize until he saw all their faces, that this is exactly where he needed to be. He hopes Sasha feels the same. She nods, and Carly says he heard Sasha felt like she didn’t have a family. She’s wrong. Sonny says, she’s part of the family now, and Carly says, that’s right. Welcome to the family, and hugs her.

Drew looks at a scarf, and tells Scout that he loves it so much. Danny says Scout picked it out herself, and Drew says, he knows she did, because hot pink is her favorite color. Now it’s his too. He puts it on and asks Scout to help him adjust it, and Rocco comes out, telling them that grandma says there’s cake in the nook. Scout says she wants cake, and Drew says, there’s also presents under the tree in the nook. They might want to check those out too. The kids leave.

Chase asks Brook what he did now, and she says, nothing. How about doing something that will get her out of her bad mood, and make her  remember why it’s so important they’re in this fix? He says he’s all for that.

Epiphany introduces Marshall to Stephan, saying, he plays the clarinet. Portia tells Curtis, the hospital does this every Christmas, and he says, he knows. Musicians volunteer to entertain the patients. She asks if he knew his father played the clarinet, and he says, absolutely not. She says, there’s probably a lot he doesn’t know about his father, and maybe it’s not all bad.

Marshall asks what Christmas songs Epiphany likes to sing, and she says she already told him, this is not her gig. He says, he heard her, but maybe one tune? Come on. Everybody loves the lyrics to Christmas tunes. She told him that she does this to bring joy to her patients. Why not double the fun?

TJ says, Shawn bought The Invader. How? Shawn says, he’s not the owner; he’s the administrator of the non-profit that owns The Invader. TJ asks, when and how did Shawn become the administrator of a non-profit? and Shawn says he has his ways. Kristina tells him, she’d say congratulations, but she’s pretty sure his non-profit just bought themselves a boatload of problems. Molly says, The Invader’s philosophy is to exploit and embarrass anyone and everyone, but Shawn says he’s giving The Invader a new mission, to expose injustice. He’s going to make The Invader a platform to advocate for the greater good. TJ says, maybe he should have gotten Shawn a cape for Christmas, calling him, Mr. Superhero, and Shawn says he’s still got time. Molly asks if Alexis is okay with this, and Alexis asks, why wouldn’t she be? Kristina says, Shawn found his purpose, and she’s still looking for hers. Molly asks if Kristina has heard of tact. She promises Alexis will have an important role in the world again, and Kristina says, she already does; she’s their mom. They have a three-way hug. 

Nina grabs Obrecht’s phone, and says, enough; she can’t call Willow. Let it go. Obrecht says she won’t let Nina stand there missing her grandson. Give her back the phone. Maxie gets in between them, and says, stop. It’s Christmas. They need to behave. Obrecht says she’s sorry. The last thing she wants is to upset Maxie. Nina says, the same; she’s sorry. Can Obrecht not pursue this with Willow? She’ll give the phone back, but let this be the end of it. Obrecht flashes back to Scotty saying he wishes he knew something that could turn the DA’s narrative on its head, and her telling Scotty that she believes Nina and Sonny fell in love. Scotty is at the door, and says, I’m here, my dove. Maxie tells Nina that she doesn’t think he’s talking to them. Obrecht opens the door, and Scotty says, he was just working on Nina’s preliminary hearing, and Obrecht says she’s missed him since they opened their naughty gifts this morning. She needs some private time with her sweet, noble savage. She pushes him out in the hallway, and closes the door behind them. Maxie says, wow, and Nina says, no kidding. In the hallway, Scotty says, let’s go home and play, but Obrecht pushes him back and says, someone knows Sonny and Nina were in love in Nixon Falls.

In the foyer, Josslyn says she wanted to give this to Willow in private. She wrote Willow a letter to say how happy she is that Willow is a part of her family. Kristina came by this morning, and Donna and Avery are asleep upstairs after a long day of opening Christmas presents. She loves having so many sisters in her life, and that includes Willow, so she wanted Willow to know that. She hands Willow the gift, and Willow says she never had a sister, and now she knows what she’s been missing. She thanks Josslyn, and they hug.

Sasha thanks Carly for letting her into her family’s life, and for forgiving her sins. Carly says, forget about that. Sasha deserves so much happiness. She and Sonny can’t make up for what happened to Sasha and Brando, but they can do everything in their power to make things easier for them. They hug.

Brando says Sonny and Michael are amazing. They’ve both suffered losses. How do they have the room to be so generous to him and Sasha? Sonny says, because of the losses they went through, they understand his. Jason and Morgan will always be part of their lives, but they have no limit to how many people they can love, right? Michael says, grief shouldn’t always be private. It should be shared, so maybe in some small way it can be alleviated. Brando thanks them, and goes outside. Sasha excuses herself, and follows him. Outside, she puts her arms around him, and says, it’s rough; she knows. He says, it’s better with her here.

Alexis comes out with a bottle of champagne, and says, an ex-client of hers, who has apparently lived in a bubble for the last year, sent her this for Christmas. So she’s going to let them toast with the hard stuff, and she’ll stick with the soft stuff. Molly says, they can go alcohol free, and Shawn seconds that. She says she appreciates the solidarity, but that’s not the way it works in the real world. TJ says, people drink, and Alexis says, some people drink a lot, but now that she’s in the real world, she needs to get used to it. TJ says, it’s part of life, and Alexis tells Molly, see what a great domestic partner she has? Molly agrees, and Alexis says, let’s celebrate Shawn, and this beautiful Christmas night together.

Maxie asks if Nina is nervous about her preliminary hearing tomorrow, and Nina says, is it that obvious? She thought she was putting up a good front, but Maxie says she gets it. The hearing is supposed to give her and idea of how her trial is going to go, but she thought the whole point of the hearing was for Scotty to get the charges thrown out. Nina says, he’s not going to succeed. There’s too much evidence against her. She did lie to Sonny all those months, just like she lied to his family. Maxie says she’s still rooting for Nina, and Nina takes Maxie’s hands. She says she really appreciates Maxie forgiving her for letting Peter get away in Nixon Falls. Maxie says, Peter was threatening James. Nina had no choice.

Scotty says, wowza. Is Obrecht sure Willow knows about Sonny and Nina? Obrecht says, Nina is good at keeping a secret, but Nina is no match for her incredible intuitive skills. There must be a way for him to put Willow on the stand. He says, it could take a little maneuvering, but he’s not sure it’s worth the risk. She says, he wanted someone who could testify that Nina and Sonny were in love in Nixon Falls, and she gave him that person. He says, yes, but how does he know Willow will tell the truth? She’s a Corinthos, and also a Quartermaine, which is just as bad. Obrecht says she knows Willow would never do anything to hurt Michael, and Scotty says, if she lies on the stand, it could make it worse for Nina. She says, they have to try it. Otherwise, her niece has no defense. Nina will go to prison. He says, he’ll do anything for his schnitzel, and kisses her. Brook arrives with Bailey and Chase, and says, oh please.

Maxie says, you know what she’d love for Christmas? and Nina says, what? Maxie says, she wants Peter to die today, and Nina says, then the very best present will come after that. Maxie’s daughter will come home for Christmas. Brook knocks on the door, and comes in with Bailey and Chase. She says, someone wanted to wish Maxie a very merry Christmas. Maxie takes Bailey from Brook, and everyone smiles.

Willow flashes back to eavesdropping (let’s call it what it was) on Sonny and Nina in the chapel. Michael says, a candy cane for her thoughts, and she says she was thinking about how much she loves him and this family. He says he likes those thoughts, and they kiss.   

Brando tells Sasha that he’s been thinking. They created Liam by accident, during one, crazy, impulsive night. They could have gone their separate ways after that, but Liam brought them together. Now Liam is gone, and he doesn’t want to lose her too. He loves her with everything inside of him, but if he’s too painful of a reminder of Liam, he’ll walk away; no harm, no foul. He doesn’t want make their loss worse for her, but he’s hoping something good can come of their son’s short time on this planet. She says, Liam left them a legacy; he left them each other. She loves him too. They kiss.

Epiphany says, Marshall is getting on her last nerve. Okay. Let’s do O Christmas Tree. The combo plays, and Epiphany sings a jazzy version. As she sings…

Curtis and Portia come closer to the music, and Curtis nods to Marshall. He and Portia leave.

Alexis toasts to Shawn, and Shawn says, to Alexis. He wouldn’t be here with TJ and his family if not for her. Cheers.

Scout hugs Drew.

Rocco shows Dante a video game, and says, look what he got. Dante says, sweet. His old man might even be able to beat him at this.

Monica shows Danny a photo, and says, that’s his dad on a motorcycle. Danny says he wants to learn to ride that when he’s old enough. She says, he has to be very careful, and enjoy every single moment of it. That’s what his dad would want. We see the picture of Jason.

Obrecht and Scotty watch as Maxie cuddles Bailey, and Brook smiles at Chase. Nina sighs, flashing back to kissing Sonny.

Sonny and his family have cake and cookies by the Christmas tree.

Sasha and Brando put their heads together, and look up at the sky.   

Tomorrow, Josslyn tells Cameron that she’s not changing her opinion, Esme says the worst thing has happened, Victor tells Obrecht not to get in his way, and Scotty asks Sonny why he didn’t press charges.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Jen visited with Heather, and asked her about working in anti-aging. Jen said she thought about it every second of the day. In Jen’s interview, she said, if they looked like they had work done, she hasn’t done her job. There were a lot of ladies with cat faces in the OC. Jen thought Noella was condescending to her at the party, and Heather said she was sorry things had happened the way they did. She was good with Gina, but not everything was worked out. She wondered why someone wanted to hurt her family, or make Nicole look bad. We flashed back to Heather telling Terry that if Shannon can’t take accountability, they can’t move forward.

Noella met Nicole for lunch, and in Noella’s interview, she said yesterday, she was served divorce papers. Today, she doesn’t even know where he is. She told Nicole that the papers were thrown at her mother, and she needed to track husband James down regarding the credit cards and bills. Nicole said she didn’t think alcohol was always the answer, but today it was all right. Noella tried calling James right then and there, but there was no answer. Nicole said at least she wasn’t blocked, and Noella started crying, saying, she needed a hug, so Nicole gave her one. In her interview, Noella said she didn’t know what the next step was, and had never had a day in her life when she didn’t know what to do. Geez. Welcome to the real world. Nicole said he’d surface, and it would all work out. Noella said, for the first time, she needed friends to show up for her, and cried, saying, her life was falling apart.

In Shannon’s interview, she said things were finally happening for her company Real for Real. She’d hired Stella as an assistant, but didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing yet. In her interview, she whined that she’d gotten two lump sums from David, and a monthly check that didn’t cover her monthly expenses. There had been a laundry list of things not negotiated, and she might have to pay for her kids going to college. It could add up, especially if she suddenly had to be responsible for that too. It was too much to pay for everything. Again. Welcome to the real world.

Gina and Travis had a double-date for dinner with Emily and Shane. Emily was glad they were at the point where Shane could do Shane, and Gina wasn’t offended. They rehashed Heather’s party again, and Emily said she did really like Nicole. She told them about Shane’s party, and said belly dancers would be coming. Gina said she’d seen an article about James’s tax issues, and then Noella called to tell her about the divorce papers. Noella couldn’t even read them; they were in Spanish. In Emily’s interview, she said, in California, there it was automatic that finances and credit cards couldn’t be shut off. Maybe in Puerto Rico it was different, but it made no sense to cut off access to money when there was a kid. Emily asked where Gina was with Shannon, and Gina said she knew where she stood, and was setting different boundaries for their friendship. We flashed back to Shannon saying she’d gone out of her way to be kind to Gina, and Emily said she didn’t like Shannon saying they weren’t trustworthy and were manipulative. She felt that Shannon would always protect Shannon first.

Shannon took Stella to Dr. Moon, and we flashed back to some of his… unconventional treatments. Stella had hurt her back playing volleyball, and in her interview, she said she wasn’t a huge believer in holistic medicine. She was just making her mom happy. Stella asked Dr. Moon to check her emotions, and he wondered who she was angry at. In Shannon’s interview, she said she’d been in a marriage that wasn’t healthy, and her kids saw that. She didn’t want what they’d seen or been through to crowd any good in their lives. In Stella’s interview, she said she wanted her mom to be happy, but didn’t think Shannon was truly there yet. It would make her happy to see her mom thrive.

Noella visited with mom Nancy, who said the process server had been dreadful, throwing the papers at her. In Noella’s interview, she said her mom had always been the one to call her home when she was lost at sea. She refused to meet James the first year they dated, since she hadn’t thought James was good news for her. Then she became more of a mother to him than his own mother. Noella said he wasn’t their James, and she wanted to fight to keep her family intact. Nancy thought he was gone, but Noella insisted he’d wake up.

Everyone got ready for Shane’s party. Shannon and Noella video chatted, and Shannon read Heather’s text to Noella, saying, she thought it was harsh. Noella said she’d thought it was all good, and was surprised. In Shannon’s interview, she said Heather didn’t let go of a lot of things. When they first met, Shannon had to apologize over and over. We flashed back to several of those apologies, and Shannon said she’d done a lot of work to get past it, and felt like she was back at square one. Nicole and her boyfriend went to the party in a limo with Heather and Terry. In Heather’s interview, she said she had no problem with Nicole. The problem was the sh*t stirrer who started it. Nicole told Heather that Noella had called her a fake bitch, surprising Heather, who said Noella had been sweet to Max. She’d also texted after the party, and Heather had thought they were good. Nicole said she didn’t think Noella meant it, and didn’t think she remembered saying it. I wondered, then why even bring it up? but, oh yeah, screen time. I was sure Heather would remind Noella in the middle of Shane’s party, since appropriate is a Housewife’s middle name. We flashed back to the tough times when Shane was trying to pass the bar exam, and in Emily’s interview, she said it was her party and Pary’s party, as well as Shane’s party.

Heather surprised me, and instead of ambushing Noella about what she’d said, she gave Noella a gift for being nice to Max. In Heather’s interview, she said, Noella was going through a difficult time. Let’s not ruin two parties in a row. In Noella’s interview, she said she thought there was a lack of genuine connection and caring with Jen, and it put her off. Emily confronted Shannon about saying she and Gina couldn’t be trusted, and were manipulative. In Shannon’s interview, she said, from her experience, she couldn’t trust them, and we flashed back to Emily and Gina talking about John being drunk on the golf course. Emily said she didn’t like that those were the only adjectives Shannon used to describe them. She’d thought she and Shannon were friends. Shannon insisted she hadn’t said that, and Emily asked if she was saying Heather was a liar. Emily dragged Heather in, and Shannon backtracked, agreeing that she’d said they couldn’t be trusted, but not that they were manipulative. Heather insisted that was exactly what Shannon had said, and was like, talk later. But Shannon wouldn’t have it, telling Emily and Gina that she needed to have this conversation, and following Heather.

In Emily’s interview, she said she felt compassion for Noella. She and Shane had their ups and downs, and she didn’t always know what was going to happen, but she always knew it was her choice. Noella didn’t have a choice. Heather asked Emily if there was a private place for her and Shannon to talk, seeing she wasn’t going to shake Shannon, and not wanting to give the whole party an earful. Emily showed them to a beautiful little side courtyard, and they sat on a bench. Shannon said her friendship with Heather meant something, and cared about Heather and Terry. She’d never wanted to hurt Heather. What she did was wrong, but it wasn’t her. Ugh. I hate when people say that. Yes, it was you. You’re the one who did it. Shannon said she wasn’t a gossip, and I nearly choked on my coffee. Heather said she’d heard from everyone, and had a good understanding of the facts, so nothing was going to change her mind. She thought Shannon had a lapse in judgement, and was sorry if she sounded harsh, but this was how she felt. If Shannon ever came after her or her family ever again, Shannon would lose more than her friendship. It would cost a lot. She wasn’t saying it as a threat; she was saying it as a promise.

Next time, a pseudo Kentucky Derby, Jen asks if she upset Noella, Noella says Jen is thirsty, and Gina relays to Heather that Noella said to be careful of her.

🛳 Leaving Port…

Looks like it’s a new GH tomorrow, but Friday is a rerun from February 23rd. Because God forbid they should air something more appropriate for the season. Like an old Christmas episode. Bravo is airing movies, but FYI, there is a marathon of this past season (13) of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, starting at 7 am, if you’re up for that. So it looks like tomorrow will be this week’s Friday, where a mix of tea and wisdom will be served with the usual soap. Until then, stay safe, stay not being pressured into making merry if you’re not feeling it, and stay free to break traditions, and make new ones.

December 21, 2021 – Laura Lights the Rice Plaza Tree, Charlotte Looks Different & Never


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Violet plays with a snowglobe, and tells Finn that she loves making the snow fall. He says, it was a very thoughtful gift from her Uncle Chase, and she asks where Anna is; she wants to show her. Finn says, she’ll be here. She’s almost never late. Violet folds her arms, and says, she was late for his wedding, and he says she’s right. Anna runs in, and kisses Violet, saying, she hopes she’s not late. Is she? Violet and Finn laugh.

Drew walks into Kelly’s, and Elizabeth goes to him. She says she heard he was back. She heard he was alive. He says he’s so happy to see her, and hugs her. Sitting at the counter, Trina smiles.

Brook tells Bailey that she loves the little tree. She knows it’s smaller than the rest of them in the house, but there’s something charming about it. Maybe it’s because it’s the one Drew decorated with his daughter. This time next year, Bailey will be celebrating Christmas with Maxie. She’ll be fine… just fine. Valentin knocks, and asks if they can come in. Charlotte has a gift for Bailey. (Please note, new Charlotte. See below.)

Outside Kelly’s, Nikolas tells Trina, beautiful scarf. Knowing her taste in art, he’s not surprised.

Ava orders a vodka martini at Charlie’s; dirty, healthy. Victor puts his shopping bag down on the chair next to her, and says, make that two.

Dressed like an elf, Spencer tells the kids at the hospital that it looks like they’re ready to meet Santa Clause. He’s going to be here soon. He tells Cameron that he’s all for costumes. Cameron should have seen his wardrobe when he played Hamlet, but he’s feeling more preppie than Santa’s helper right now. Cameron says he’s got to get into the holiday spirit. Just be grateful he’s missing his shift at Kelly’s to volunteer. Spencer says he needs to find something else to motivate him, when Esme comes out, and twirls around in her short elf dress. She asks if he likes her outfit, and he says he thinks he knows what he wants for Christmas. She says, that depends on if he’s nice or naughty, and Lucy joins them. She tells them, places please. Santa is about to appear. They get in position, and Lucy tells the kids, guess what time it is? May I introduce, direct from the North Pole, the one and only Santa Clause. Doc comes out in a Santa suit, and says, ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas! He wants to know what everyone wants in their stockings or under the tree. Laura comes in, and says, hey, Santa, got anything in that bag for me?

Finn says, Anna is right on time. Isn’t she, Violet? He winks at Violet, and she says, right on time. She shows Anna the snowglobe, and says, look what happens when you shake it. Anna says, it’s so magical, isn’t it? Her daddy is so good at finding things like this. Violet says her Uncle Chase gave it to her, and Finn says, Chase is a good guy. What he did was book the special holiday tea for two. He knows how much they love high tea, so he’s leaving Violet with Anna, but will be back in plenty of time to take her to the tree lighting in Rice Plaza. Violet asks why he doesn’t stay; it will be more fun with the three of them. Please.

Lucy tells Laura, that was certainly a splashy entrance. Welcome back, but Santa has a job to do. Doc says, the kids will be fine for another five minutes, and puts his arm around Laura. He says he’s thrilled to see her, but why didn’t she let him know she was coming home? She thanks the woman Victor called Mayor Ashley, whose name is apparently Eileen, for minding the store while she was gone. Eileen says, it’s a gift to the people of Port Charles to have Laura back, and leaves.

Drew asks Elizabeth how Jake is doing. He’s been thinking about Jake because of Jason. He’s got to be having a hard time. She says, Jason’s death hit him really hard. Even though he wasn’t a hands on day-to-day dad, Jason was still a presence in Jake’s life. Jake always knew he was there, and now he’s not. He says he wouldn’t blame Jake, or her for that matter, for resenting him because Jason died trying to save his life. She says, Jason was the kind of man who always ran toward danger, not away from it. He died a hero. Even if Jake can’t appreciate it right now, one day he’ll see the amazing legacy his dad left for him. It’s just really bad timing; almost a year to the day the boys lost their stepdad. He says, that’s a lot of loss, the kind that makes kids grow up fast, probably too fast, and she says, it’s been rough. What about him? Not only did he lose Jason, he and Franco were close when they were boys. He says, it’s a lot to wrap his head around. He’s incredibly grateful to be home with his daughter, but to lose Jason and Franco, it’s a lot.

Valentin tells Brook, relax; it’s just a friendly visit. He and Charlotte have discussed it, and Charlotte knows Bailey was never his daughter. Charlotte says, Bailey’s not her sister, but that doesn’t mean she’s stopped loving her. Funny thing is, when papa first told her that she was going to be a big sister, she wasn’t excited. She didn’t like the idea of having to share her father. But then, Bailey was born, and she couldn’t help but fall in love with her. Brook says she knows the feeling. Bailey is just lighting up at the sound of Charlotte’s voice; Valentin’s too. Charlotte says, she bought this when she thought Bailey was her sister, and still wants her to have it.

Trina says she’s sorry, but she doesn’t have time to talk to Nikolas. She has to get back to campus. He says, please. Just five minutes. That’s all he’s asking. She asks what he wants, and he says, Ava values her judgement. He has a choice to make, and he’s not sure which is the right one for Ava’s Christmas present. He takes out two boxes, and says, the emeralds or the rubies. He shows her two bracelets, and asks, which one says Ava?

Ava says she’s changed her mind; forget the drink. Victor says, not on his account. He wishes she wouldn’t. After all, it is a festive season and they are family. Shouldn’t they be getting to know each other a little better? She asks if he followed her there, and he says he did. He’s not going to lie. He was going to drop by Windymere and leave these gifts under the tree, but since his last reception there, he thought maybe he could just leave them with her.

Laura says she’s glad to be back with her family, and wants to hear about Cameron’s freshman year at PCU. And Spencer… She hugs him, and he says he knows; he’s a disappointment. She says, not at all. Doc told her that Spencer made some mistakes, and he’s taking responsibility for his actions. She’s proud of him for that. Esme tells Laura, welcome back. She’s not sure if Laura remembers her, but Laura says, how could she forget her grandson’s special someone? Lucy comes back, and says she loves family reunions, but just a gentle reminder, there’s a line of kids waiting to see Santa. So could they hurry up a bit? She’s going to pass out Deception samples to the parents to buy time. Could Cameron, Spencer, and Esme entertain them? Juggle, throw things, just do something to make them happy. The elves leave, and Doc tells Laura, he hates to disappoint anyone, but Santa could use some one-on-one time with Mrs. Clause. She says, her too, so she brought Santa’s understudy. She motions with her hand, and another Santa comes out, saying, ho-ho-ho, and a bowl full of jelly and all that. It’s Martin, and he tells Doc to beat it. He’s got this.

Violet asks Finn if she can go see the gingerbread house. It’s even bigger than last year. He says, it is, and tells her to go have a look, but don’t touch. She leaves, and he calls out that he’s watching her. Anna says, come on. Violet knows better than to stick her finger in the gingerbread, especially since she has him wrapped around it. He says he’s not going to try denying it. His daughter found a place in his heart he never knew existed. She says, it’s lovely to see. He’s made a lovely home for her. He says Violet has given him more than he could ever give back to her, and she says, that’s what kids do. No one is ever going to replace Robin for her. But they do grow up and have children of their own, and sometimes even their own Christmas tree. He asks if she’s trying to make him sad thinking about Violet as an adult, and she says, it’s inevitable, whether he likes it or not. It makes her wonder, who’s going to sit by the fire with Finn on those long winter nights? Or has he already found her?

Elizabeth says she knows if Franco were here, he’d say Drew repaid him ten times over for him protecting Drew when they were little boys. He says, all he did was offer his friendship, and she says, to most people, Franco was still an outsider, and Drew always treated him with respect and kindness, and that was everything. Drew says he’s just sorry he got stuck in that prison in Crete. Maybe if he’d escaped earlier, he could have stopped Peter from doing his worst. The boys would still have their stepdad, and Jake would still have his father. She says, at least he’s back home, and it’s over, thank goodness, and he says, it’s his fault for looking backwards. He told himself that in coming home, he would not be a prisoner of the past. She says, sounds like a very smart idea, and he says, what about her? Is it too soon, or is she ready to turn the page and find someone special?

Brook asks Charlotte to put the gift under the big tree in the foyer. She’ll make sure Bailey gets it Christmas morning. Valentin says, they have another gift as well, and puts a bottle of champagne on the kitchen island. Brook says he didn’t have to do that, and he says he didn’t. It’s for Monica from Yuri. Brook says, how sweet. She guesses Yuri didn’t realize, Monica doesn’t drink. Charlotte asks if she can give Bailey a ride in her stroller. She promises not to go too fast. Brook says, sure. She thinks Bailey would like that. Charlotte says she’s going to show Bailey the big tree and teach her how to say Merry Christmas in French. She takes Bailey out in the stroller, and Valentin thanks Brook for letting her spend time with Bailey. She’s putting on a brave face, but it hasn’t been easy for her letting go. Brook says she knows the feeling, and he asks if she’s sad. He doesn’t know why, because this Christmas, she has everything she could ask for, doesn’t she?

Trina tells Nikolas, if money’s not an option, don’t break up the set. Nothing says Christmas like red and green. Nikolas says Trina not only has Ava’s taste, but her nerve. No wonder Ava likes her so much. And she’s right. Ava can wear one on Christmas, and the other on New Year’s Eve. He thanks her, and starts to leave, but Trina says, wait. He said there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Ava, so why can’t he do the same for Spencer?

Victor is glad Ava didn’t cancel her drink. He doesn’t blame her for being skeptical, but the best Christmas gift he has isn’t in the shopping bags. Ava says, he’s leaving town? and he laughs, saying, she’ll have to wait and see. It’s a surprise, but if it brings peace and good will to men, it’s the perfect gift for the whole family. Unless of course (🍷) she thinks it’s in Nikolas’s best interest, and her own, for Spencer to remain at odds with his father. She says, that’s between Nikolas and Spencer, and he says she knows better than that. Nikolas is torn between his love for his wife and his love for his son. He’d hoped she could see past Spencer’s transgressions. Chalk his theatrics up to being part of his Cassadine DNA. She says, he used her little girl. That’s more than a transgression as far as she’s concerned. He says, call it a mistake, call it a bad decision, but that young man has a lot of potential. The real crime is letting it go to waste. From where he sees it, it’s up to his elders to do what’s best for him. She says, the way he did his best for Hayden and her mother?

Spencer tells the kids to be good while they’re in line. It’s almost time, and they don’t want to be added to the naughty list this late in the year. Cameron says, it seems like Spencer’s talents are being wasted at Kelly’s. He has a bright future as a traffic cop. Esme says he heard what Mayor Collins said; Spence has a bright future ahead of him. Spencer says, if Victor comes through for him, she might be right, and Cameron asks what he means. Lucy comes by, and says, will they look at Doc. He’s really giving it his all. She thinks this is the best year ever. Cameron says, she should know that… and Lucy says, treats. They’re almost out of Christmas goodies. Could they dash over to Kelly’s and grab a few, in case the kids want to stampede? Anything. Candy canes would be really nice. They leave, and Lucy watches Santa, smiling.

Doc and Laura kiss, and she says, why Santa, what’s come over you? He says, Rudolph’s nose isn’t the only thing that glows, and she laughs. She says she still has her civic duty to do. She has to light up the community Christmas tree, and he says, he knows, but how is it that she was able to come home now, after all this time? She says, as it turns out, the safe house – she closes the blind on the door – wasn’t so safe. There was an attempt on their lives. He says, what? and she says, the FBI has the woman who attacked them, and they say it was just a one-off, and that there’s nobody else out there who’s coming after them. But yesterday, she took a little trip to the Midwest, and went to see Cyrus in prison, and confronted him. He swears he had nothing to do with this. He told her that he’d found God. Doc says, of course (🍷) he did; he’s lying… He’s not lying? She says she doesn’t know. He was really convincing. She can’t be sure, but Cyrus isn’t the only threat out there. There’s another one looming, and it’s right inside their own family.

Finn says, Violet is so fascinated with the gingerbread house, she forgot about her dessert. Anna says he forgot to answer her question, and he says, what’s the question? She says he’s a wonderful doctor. He could be a genius actually, but when it comes to his feelings, he’s a little clueless. She told him that she was really glad he and Elizabeth didn’t have Peter’s death on their conscience, not to mention any of the legal ramifications. It really is a lousy way to start a relationship. He says, awkward first date. In that sense, he and Elizabeth don’t have a relationship. She says, okay. Sorry. She misread the signals. It’s really none of her business. Finn says, in the spirit of full disclosure, that could change if and when Elizabeth is ready. She asks if he’s ready, and he says, are they really going to do this? Is that where they are? Exes that talk about their current love life? He doesn’t know if he’s ready for that. How about her? Is she over him? She looks over him. So is she seeing someone new? She says they were talking about him and Elizabeth, and he laughs, saying, now who’s dodging the questions?

Elizabeth fiddles with her wedding ring, and tells Drew, she has her hands full at work, not to mention, being a single mom to three brilliant, willful, slightly impossible boys. He says, in other words, there is someone, and she says, there might be if she was looking, but she’s not looking. Around Christmas and New Year’s there are so many reminders of Franco. He says, she’s doing it again, and she says, what? He says, what they claimed they wouldn’t do; look backwards to the past. She tells him, he said that; she never did. He says, her wedding ring says it all for her. Speaking as someone who knows what it’s like to love her and to be loved by her in return, whoever it is doesn’t know what he’s missing.

Brook tells Valentin that she’s emotional because of Christmas. Hasn’t he heard? For some people, it’s the most depressing time of year. He says, maybe for those people. They don’t have a beautiful daughter like Bailey. She says, don’t get her wrong, she knows how blessed she is, but seeing the hurt on Charlotte’s face… She just hates knowing she’s responsible. Believe it or not, she hates knowing what she did to him too. He says she got the ELQ shares, but she says she didn’t do it for the shares… She did, but it’s not the only reason. He asks, what other reason? Maybe it would make sense if Bailey’s father was dangerous, was a threat, and Brook lied to protect her. Chase is about as upstanding a man as she’s going to find, so what is her other justification for convincing him Bailey was his daughter?

Trina says, Nikolas once said he was glad Spencer had a friend like her, but he’s the one Spencer looks up to. His approval means the world to Spencer, and his disapproval crushes him. So while he’s giving out Christmas presents this year, why not give Spencer what he really wants; a second chance. Spencer comes by with Esme and Cameron, and asks what Nikolas is doing here. What’s going on?   

Victor says he takes care of his family. Doesn’t Ava do the same, whatever it takes? He’s no threat to her, only to those who threaten the people they both love. Ava says, he’s good, a little too good for her taste. She drains her drink, and says, if he’ll excuse her, she’s off to meet Nikolas for a little harmless holiday cheer. He says, the tree lighting at Rice Plaza. He’s headed there himself. Perhaps she’ll allow him to escort her. She says, she’ll be fine; it’s a short walk. He says, come on. They’re headed the same way. What’s that quaint phrase you American’s have? There’s safety in numbers? It may be a festive season, but danger still lurks behind every corner. She says, tell her about it. By the way, the British accent is a nice touch. He thanks her, and says he worked hard to achieve it, as he does everything else.

Santa/Martin tells a little girl that he’s not sure he can get everything on her list, but he and his reindeer will do their best. He tells her to go back to her mother and father. They’re going to need all the help they can get. There are no more kids, and Lucy says, finally, Santa baby. She sits on his lap, and says, guess what she wants for Christmas?

Laura says, so it’s true Victor’s been released, and Doc says, apparently he made a deal with the WSB, and traded information for freedom. She says, no surprise there; he’s a clever negotiator. He says, from what he hears, Victor has been ingratiating himself with both Nikolas and Spencer, and she says, that’s what she was afraid of. He asks if she thinks Victor is up to something other than reuniting his family, and she says, experience has taught her, when the Cassadines are playing nice, that’s when they’re the most dangerous.

Lucy says, wait a minute. There’s something very different about you, Santa. She pulls down his beard, and Martin says, do tell. She says, you are not Kevin.  

Eileen knocks at the door, and tells Laura, the tree lighting. Laura says she’ll be right there, and Eileen leaves. Doc says, if she’s right about Victor, maybe she should sit this one out until they know more, but she says she’s done hiding. She was away from him and her community for too long. Victor is going to think he’s untouchable, and she’s going to let him think that until she knows what game he’s playing. Eileen stands outside the door.

Brook asks if Valentin hasn’t done the wrong thing for all the right reasons. She was trying to protect Bailey. He says, is Bailey in some kind of danger? when Charlotte comes back. She says she helped the baby nurse put Bailey down for her nap. She forgot how much she enjoyed doing that. She asks Valentin if they can go now, and Brook says, don’t let her hold them up. She tells Charlotte that it was sweet of her to get the gift. She has something for Charlotte, but it’s on backorder. Valentin says, this conversation isn’t over, and she tells him, merry Christmas.

Anna says, Finn is right. She shouldn’t be asking about his personal life any more than he should be asking about hers. He says, so she has one, but she says, not at all. Since they broke up, she’s been halfway around the world and back, trying to bring Peter to justice. She’s had no time for anything else. He says, from what he understands, she’s been able to spend time with Valentin. He was with her on her search for Peter, and he knows she didn’t leave Valentin’s bedside after he was shot. She says she was concerned about him. He says, she knows what he thinks of the guy, but it doesn’t matter. He probably doesn’t think anyone is good enough for her. It would seem she and Valentin have been circling each other for years. Maybe she wants to take some time to figure out why.

Cameron sees Drew in Kelly’s, and Drew says, Elizabeth can’t tell him this is Cameron. Cameron tells him, do not say it. Drew doesn’t get to tell him how much he’s grown. Drew says he wouldn’t dream of it, and they hug. Cameron says he’d love to catch up, but as Drew can see, he’s currently in the service of Santa, and the North Pole is dangerously low on treats right now. Elizabeth says, if she knows Monica, she has Drew locked in for Christmas dinner at the Quartermaines, but if he wants to come by their house for dessert, Aiden’s baking up a storm. He says he’d love it. In the meantime, merry Christmas. Cameron says if he were Drew, he’d leave by the back entrance. He wouldn’t want to get caught between Spencer and his dad right now.

Trina tells Spencer that his dad was just asking her opinion, and Spencer says, about what? Him? Where he’s living? Where he’s working? She says, no. He was asking about a gift for Ava. Spencer says, of course (🍷) that’s what it’s about, because there’s no pleasing him. Esme says, Trina does have fabulous taste, and Nikolas thanks Trina again. He says, he’s off to see Ava at the tree lighting, and Spencer says he guesses Nikolas is going to see her. Nikolas says, Ava? Yeah. But Spencer says his grandmother is back. She called to let him know, and probably would have done the same with Nikolas, but she’s siding with him. Pair that with Great Uncle Victor, and Nikolas is outnumbered.

At Rice Plaza, Victor’s phone rings, and he tells Ava, this must be about the surprise he mentioned. He answers, and Eileen says she has news. She thought he should know she’s back, and on her way to the tree lighting in Rice Plaza. He says he sees. So they’re in for quite the holiday reunion. He goes back to Ava, and she says, problem? He says, nothing he can’t handle.

Valentin and Charlotte walk into the MetroCourt, and Anna runs up to Charlotte and hugs her. She says, Violet was just here, but they’ve gone to Rice Plaza for the Christmas tree lighting. Charlotte doesn’t want to miss that, does she? Charlotte says, they were just at the Quartermaines, delivering a Christmas gift to Bailey, and Valentin says he doesn’t think either one of them is in the mood for a crowd. She says she understands. Merry Christmas. It’s good to see them. They go to a table, and Anna starts to leave, but turns back.   

Cameron tells Elizabeth, GH is fully stocked with Christmas goodies. Does she want to go to the tree lighting? She says she’s on call, but go have fun with his friends. He says, she’s pulling a double shift? and she says, Christmas is the perfect time to make some extra money. He asks if that’s the reason she’s doing that, or is she hiding from the crappy year they just had? Just like Jake is hiding in his room, and Aiden is pretending to be happy when he really isn’t. That leaves him, happy with his girlfriend, but how can he be happy when the family he loves isn’t? She says, please don’t do that. It’s his first holiday season with a girlfriend. He should be happy, and none of them should be prisoners of the past. He says, if she really means that, there’s a way she can help with that.

Esme tells Spencer, just because his dad is going to see the tree with Ava doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy themselves. It’s not Christmas in Paris, but it sounds all-American and quaint. Spencer says Trina should come with them, and Esme says, the more the merrier. Trina says, what about Cam? Are they going to leave him deal with getting the treats back to GH? Spencer says, he loves it. Some people are just cut out to be elves.

Cameron tells Elizabeth, they both know the best way to let Jake and Aiden know it’s okay to be happy, is for them to be happy. She says she told them that, but he says she hasn’t shown them that. They’re following her example. Trina comes in, and says, good, Cameron is still here. He says he just got back, and she says, we’re going to the tree lighting. Does he want to come? Elizabeth tells him, go; be with his friends. She promises to think about what he said. He tells her that he loves her, and she says she loves him too, and he leaves with Trina.

Drew goes back to the Quartermaines, and sees Brook looking at the little tree. He says he knows it doesn’t compare to the huge one in the foyer, but he decorated it with Scout, which makes it his favorite. She says, Scout is lucky to have her dad back, and he says, back atcha. Bailey is lucky to have her as a mom. She looks sad, and he says, that was a complement. What’s wrong? She says, nothing a little champagne won’t fix. Poor Yuri got it for Monica. He didn’t realize she doesn’t drink. Besides, she needs it more than Monica.  

Nikolas arrives at Rice Plaza, and Victor says he’s glad Nikolas could join them. He and Ava just had the most illuminating chat. Laura and Doc join them, and Nikolas says he heard rumors Laura was home, and hugs her. Ava says, it’s so nice to have her back, and hugs her too. Doc says, amen to that, and Laura says, hello, Victor. For a dead man, his timing is impeccable. He says she’s looking lovely as ever. He just wishes he’d gotten there sooner. He calls to Spencer to bring his friends over. He has news to share. He just got word from the prosecutor, and may have found a way to solve Spencer’s legal problems. Spencer thanks him, hugging him and saying, he knew Victor wouldn’t let him down. Laura says, don’t be too excited just yet; she’s sure there’s a catch. Victor says, no catch. All Spencer has to do is change his plea to guilty, and perform just 500 hours of community service, make restitution to the victim, and here’s the best part. He’ll only have to serve 30 days at Spring Ridge. Soap looks all around.

Brook says, this will be a first; champagne from Belarus. Cheers. They take a sip, and he says, not bad. Can he see the bottle? He looks at it, and says, non-alcoholic. She laughs, and says, Yuri really does now Monica. Oh well. Beggars can’t be choosers. Here is to better times. They clink glasses.

Anna tells Charlotte that she just had the Bûche de Noël; it was so delicious, to die for. Charlotte says she was just telling papa that, and Valentin says she and Anna have something in common. Anna says, so it seems, and Charlotte asks if she wants some more. Anna says, it couldn’t hurt, and Valentin pulls up a chair, saying, have a seat. She thanks him.

Violet tells Finn that she can’t wait to see the big tree lit up, and he says, they say you can see the lights for miles. She asks if her mommy can see it, and he says, maybe; he hopes so. Violet says, but she can see it, can’t she? He asks if she means Anna, and she says, Anna is nice, but so is Aunt Elizabeth.

Martin says he hopes he wasn’t too much of a disappointment, and asks if Lucy will join him for dinner. She says, he was actually very, very good, and she was very impressed. But what about that belly and his beard? He says, what about them? They’ll probably guaranteed to get them the best table in the house. She takes his arm.

Spencer says, he’s going to prison? and Victor says, hardly. It’s a month in a minimum security facility. It was the best deal he could make. Trina says she knows a month at Spring Ridge seems scary, but think of the alternative; one to five years at Pentenville. Esme says they visited Spencer’s aunt at Spring Ridge. He knows it’s not that bad. And she’s interning there. They’ll get to see each other all the time. Spencer says, Laura is the mayor. There has to be something she can do to help him out here. Laura says, she’ll always do whatever she can to help him, when Eileen gets on the microphone, and says, happy holidays, everyone. Before they light the tree, she wants them to give a big welcome to their mayor, Laura Collins. Everyone applauds, and Laura tells them, may she just say to her family and friends, and to all the citizens of Port Charles, she’s so grateful to be home for the holidays. It’s a time for old memories, and new beginnings. A time when the world lies in darkness, only to be graced by a light from above. The tree is lit, and she says, may that light glow among all of them. Doc walks over to her, and she says, not just today, but always. Everyone smiles.   

Tomorrow, Chase says he’s all for that, Shawn asks Alexis if she’s ready to be surprised, Michael says that’s what he likes to hear, and Brando asks Sasha to come home with him.

👧🏼 Who’s That Girl…?

I was pretty surprised when I saw a new Charlotte. At first, I thought maybe she was a temp, and Scarlett Fernandez was sick or something, but when that happens, they usually have a voiceover telling you. The articles are vague as to why, but it sounds like it’s because the family moved. It’s definitely not because they’re aging her up, so at least I didn’t have to wonder who on earth she was, like I did with Spencer. It’s a shame though. Scarlett was very good. The jury is still out for the new kid.

🏃🏽‍♀️ Dashing Through No Snow…

That’s it for today, but join me tomorrow for soap and what’s going on in the OC. It looks like Bravo has movies on Thursday, and I think GH is a rerun this Friday (Christmas Eve). So until the morrow, stay safe, stay not letting the media influence your holidays, and stay always double-checking before you sit on Santa’s lap. Or not.

December 20, 2021 – Cyrus Warns Laura About a Secret Enemy, Bailing Stew Off Deck, the Salt You Need & Don’t Want To


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone at the prison, Laura tells someone to email her the details, but it sounds like they made the right choice. A woman says her proposal on creating environmental offsets is ready, whenever Laura has the chance. Laura says she’s looking forward to sitting down with them in person. After all this screentime, it will be a welcome change. The woman says, does that mean… and Laura says she’s coming home.

Brook thanks Chase for bringing her coat to the Quartermaine’s, and he says he didn’t think she wanted it left in the steam room. She flashes back to Chase saying he sees her, and them coming thisclose to kissing. She says she’s sorry for barging in, but he says, no, she isn’t. She asks if they have to keep talking about it, but he thinks they should. She says, why? Because she saw him naked? Michael clears his throat, and he and Willow come in. Brook asks how they slept, and Michael says, not great. Willow says she was up thinking about Sasha and Brando, and Brook says, of course (🍷); she’s so sorry. Michael says he has to get to the MetroCourt. He’s having breakfast with his parents. Willow says, tell them she said hi, and Brook says, her too, and he leaves. Chase asks if Willow wants to talk, but Willow says, she doesn’t know what to say. Brook says, it’s just so horrible, and wonders how anyone gets past saying goodbye to their son. Willow says, you don’t have a choice.

Sonny sits at Charlie’s bar, and Phyllis says, the loss of a child, there are no words. He apologizes for starting her day off with bad news, but he needed somebody to talk to. Scratch that. He wanted to talk to her. He says he’s happy she’s there, and she says she is too. He asks if she’s really happy. She’s not missing Nixon Falls? She says she misses it, but she’s starting to love Port Charles too. She has some good friends there. He says, really? Who? and Nina walks in.

Obrecht goes into the MetroCourt, and asks if she can borrow Carly for a moment. Carly asks if there’s a problem, and Obrecht says she wanted to offer her condolences. Jason Morgan was a good man. Carly thanks her, and says, he was. Although she’s a bit surprised Obrecht went out of her way to tell her that. Obrecht says she didn’t agree with all of Jason’s choices, but she’s saddened by his death. He saved her life, and Britt’s. Carly says, Jason had a habit of doing that.

Victor walks into Kelly’s, and Spencer asks what he’s doing there. Victor asks if people don’t customarily eat breakfast at this time of day, and Spencer says, they do, but Kelly’s? It’s not exactly the kind of establishment Victor is used to. They serve pre-ground coffee. Victor asks if Spencer is calling him a snob, and Spencer says, no. Victor says, he’s joking, but thanks for the warning; he’ll have some tea. He just wanted to see where his great-nephew works. He needs to get to know Spencer better.

Laura asks the woman to please keep it to herself. She’d like to surprise her family. She tells the guard that she’s ready, and he lets her into the visiting room. She sits down opposite Cyrus, and they pick up the phones. He says, sister. How he’s prayed this day would come.

Brook says she’s batting a thousand this morning, and tells Willow that she’s sorry. If anyone knows the horror of losing a child… It was insensitive of her. Willow says she doesn’t expect it to be at the top of Brook’s mind; it happened years ago. But on days like today, it still feels raw. Brook says, this may sound trite, but she means it. She admires Willow’s strength. Willow says, at the time, she was anything but strong, but Chase says, that’s not true. Willow says, lucky for her, she has people to hold her up, and Brook says, Chase is good that way. Willow thinks she’ll get some air, and goes outside. Brook tells Chase that he should make sure she’s okay.

Cyrus says, Laura looks wonderful; healthy and vibrant… She says, let her stop him. She’s here for one reason, and that is to tell him that she’s not going to run anymore. He’s not going to keep her from her family even one more minute. He says, she’s been away? and she says, don’t play with her. His plan to have her and their brother killed has failed. He asks if she’s all right. Is Martin? She says, that’s it. He’s completely done. He doesn’t have any influence in this place. He has no more favors to call in. The assassin he hired was his last opportunity for revenge. He says she has to listen to him. He did not try to kill her.

Spencer says, sorry about the tea bag, and Victor says he thinks he’ll live. He asks Spencer to join him, and Spencer says, it’s completely dead in here, so he thinks he can. He sits down, and Victor says, they never really got a chance to talk at Thanksgiving. Spencer says, thanks to Valentin. Sorry, but is Victor sure Valentin is his son? Victor laughs, and says he is. As Spencer knows, fathers and sons don’t always see eye to eye. Spencer says, they don’t, and Victor says he was sensing a little tension between Spencer and Nikolas that day. Spencer says he’s done with his father. No more trust fund; no more nothing. He refuses to live by Nikolas’s rules. Victor says Spencer is going through some legal problems. He understands Spencer was harassing Ava in an attempt to keep her and Nikolas apart. Spencer says, things got a little out of hand; more than a little. Victor says, and he’s out on bail, and Spencer says, he’s awaiting trial. He could be looking at jail time. Victor says, then it’s a good thing his Uncle Victor is here. He may be able to do something about that.

Michael meets Carly at the MetroCourt, and she hugs him. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she’s just sad. She’s sad for Sasha and Brando, and sad for baby Liam. Out of the clear blue, Obrecht came there to offer her condolences about Jason, and it got her thinking. She’s been thinking about the night Michael was born. What if Jason hadn’t shown up when he did? What if he hadn’t gotten her to the hospital? Michael wouldn’t be standing there right now. Jason saved both of them that night. She’s sorry. She’s just so jumbled up with gratitude and sadness, and anger, so much anger. He says, anger at Nina, and she says, she’s angry with Nina, but she’s angry Jason’s gone. She’s not mad at Jason; she’s mad at the universe. It sounds incredibly selfish, because Brando and Sasha are never going to see their little baby boy grow up. Michael is right there in front of her, and he’s healthy and strong, and he’s capable. She should be grateful for the miracle she got, and not focused on the one that didn’t happen. He says she can be grateful he’s alive, and still angry that Jason is gone. One doesn’t have to cancel out the other. He can feel terrible for Sasha and Brando, and still be grateful he’s got Wiley. They sit, and she asks, how is her favorite grandson? He says, he’s eagerly awaiting Santa. He wakes up every morning and asks if it’s Christmas, and every time he puts Wiley to bed, he asks if Santa is coming tonight. She laughs, and asks if Wiley is getting every single thing on his Christmas list. Michael says, Wiley will, but he won’t.

At another table, Scotty says he missed his schnitzel last night, and Obrecht says he should have allowed her to come over. He says she knows he was working, and her figure – he makes an hourglass with his hands – is a little distracting. She asks how the preparations for Nina’s hearing are coming, and he says, not good, to be honest with her. She says she thought he said Nina’s actions didn’t constitute fraud, and he says, they don’t in his opinion. However, if he can’t get this thrown out in the preliminary stage, he’s not sure how to mount a defense. He wishes he knew something, anything, so he could turn the DA’s narrative right on its head. She says, how’s this? She believes Nina and Sonny are in love. He chokes on his water.

Nina says, she and Sonny had the same idea, huh? Phyllis is a great listener. Sonny says, yep, and Phyllis’s phone rings. She says, apparently, it’s unanimous, Lenny’s sister, and steps away to take the call. Nina asks how Sonny is, and he says, preoccupied, thinking about Sasha and Brando. She says she can think of nothing else, except for Peter. She’s glad he’s in custody, but the idea of him being back in Port Charles is just… He says, not for long, and she says, is he going to… take care of Peter?

Cyrus asks again if Martin is all right, and Laura says, he’s fine. He says, thank goodness, and she wonders why he’s bothering with this innocent act. Did he think she was going to buy it? He says he deserves her distrust and her anger. The path he was on was dark. She says, yeah, and he says, because of that, he has much to atone for. She asks what he’s talking about, and he says he’s finally heard the call. His life is no longer his own. He’s given it to a higher power. She laaaaughs.

Chase puts Willow’s coat on her shoulders, and she thanks him. She says, Brook won’t mind? and he says, no. She was the one who told him to come out there. Not that he wouldn’t have anyway. He can take a hike if she wants to be alone. She says she doesn’t want to be alone, and he says, just frozen. She says, you know how when you got mosquito bites as a kid, you used your nail to make an X in them? (Huh?) and he says, he still does that. It takes his mind off the itching. She says, that’s what it’s doing for her. Maybe if she gets uncomfortable enough, she can forget about everything else.

Scotty says, Nina told Obrecht this? She and Sonny fell in love? Obrecht says, not exactly. She flashes back to Nina saying she met someone and thinks it’s good for her and him, and tells Scotty, Nina hasn’t said anything directly, but trust her, she knows. He says, so when Sonny was in that little Podunk town in Pennsylvania, he was cheating on his wife?

Carly asks what Michael wants for Christmas that he’s not getting, and he says, Brad staying in prison. Everything going on with Sasha and Brando brought back the past year and a half, and when he thought his son was dead. She says, Nelle was just a terrible person, but Brad was Lucas’s husband; he was part of their family. Brad watched Michael act as Wiley’s godfather. The time Brad took from Michael and Wiley, and the needless grief he caused their family, it’s not much different from what Nina’s done to their family. He says, at least Nina is going to be tried for her crimes; Brad is already released. She asks if he’s sure, and he says, Brad was here yesterday. She says, at the MetroCourt? and he says, with his Aunt Celina.

Sonny says, Peter’s in a coma, and Nina says she’s aware. He asks if she wants him to say he’s sorry, but she says, no. The Mike she knew in Nixon Falls would never take a life, but she wasn’t sure about Sonny Corinthos. He says, death is too good for Peter. It’s best to let him lie in limbo. That way he doesn’t hurt anymore people, especially Maxie. He has to go; Carly and Michael are waiting for him for breakfast. Phyllis comes out, and he says he’ll see her later. She says, he knows where to find her, and they hug. He leaves, and Phyllis asks if Nina wants to talk about it. Nina says she wants to grab some coffee, and goes behind the bar to get it. She says she’s so worried about Sasha and Brando. She gets that they have each other, but it’s going be so hard for them. Phyllis says, yes, it is, and she’d be worried about them too, but she was asking if Nina wanted to talk about Sonny. Nina says, what about him? and Phyllis says she doesn’t know . What’s it like for Nina to be constantly bumping into the man she used to love, and maybe still does?

Willow says she doesn’t want to make Sasha and Brando’s loss about her, and Chase says, of course (🍷) not, but Sasha and Brando aren’t here; she doesn’t have to edit. She can feel however she wants to feel; there’s no judgement. She says she misses her son every day. Not minute to minute, or hour to hour, the way it was in the beginning, but the loss is always with her, and it always will be. It’s hard enough to lose a child. You don’t have that physical baby in your arms anymore, but the hopes and dreams that you had for him died too. It’s just so much. He puts his arm around her, and Brook sees them through the window.

Nina tells Phyllis, it’s really hard to see Sonny and not see Mike, but she’ll get past it. She has to. Phyllis says, Mike is still a part of Sonny, and Nina says, she knows. She was just thinking about that yesterday. Phyllis says, even now, back in his old life, sometimes he seems like Mike in a suit. Nina laughs, and says, right? Like where’s the flannel and cowboy hat? They laugh, and Phyllis says, seeing them together just now, it’s obvious the connection is still there, but Nina says, no; there’s no connection. What Phyllis saw was just Sonny being kind. Phyllis says, Nina never answered her question, but Nina says she did. Phyllis asked what it’s like running into him all the time, and she said it’s fine. Phyllis says she asked if Nina is still in love with Sonny.

Obrecht tells Scotty to keep his voice down, but he says he’s just so excited. Christmas came early for him. Sonny stepping out on Carly when he was Mitch. She says, Mike, and he says, whatever. That’s the reason why Michael’s going after Nina, because Sonny doesn’t want to remind Carly that he was… Wait a minute. How is Nina intact? He would have thought Carly would have severed one of her limbs by now. She says, because Carly doesn’t know, and he asks how that’s possible. Somebody in Nixon Falls must have… Wait a minute. The woman who owned the bar is now running Charlie’s. Does Obrecht think Sonny gave her some hush-hush money to keep her mouth shut? She says, possibly, and he asks if the affair is still going on, but she says, Nina’s too sad to be in love. Sonny comes in, and Scotty says, Sonny and Nina, and Carly none the wiser. Until now.

Spencer takes his apron off, and tells Victor that he’s officially on break. Did Victor mean it when he said he could keep Spencer out of Pentenville? Victor says he’ll make some calls, and see what he can do, and Spencer thanks him, saying, that would be great. Victor says, after all, Spencer is the Cassadine heir, the future of this family, and he takes that seriously. Spencer asks if Victor wants him to reconcile things with his father, but Victor says, no. He’s proud of Spencer being his own man, and won’t interfere with that. Spencer thanks Victor for trusting his judgement, and Victor says, however, he is a little concerned about how Spencer is going to support himself on what he earns in this place. Spencer says, he plans on getting something better than this. He was going to wait until after the trial to see how it pans out, but now that Victor’s given him his life back… Victor says he’ll do his absolute best, and Spencer says he can’t thank Victor enough. He doesn’t know how to repay him.

Laura says, let her get this straight, and Cyrus tells her to take all the time she needs. She says, he’s saying he’s been saved, and he says, yes. She says, after all the people he’s killed, and all the lives he’s destroyed, now he’s found God? He says, God found him, and she says, good Lord. He says, He is good. She doesn’t know this, but he became very ill. He had a cold that turned into pneumonia. At first, the guards ignored his symptoms. She says she wonders why, and he says, during a fever spike, he cried out for help, and guess what happened? She shakes her head, and he says, an angel appeared. She says, that’s called a hallucination, but he says he felt it touch his forehead, and this tremendous sense of peace washed over him. He slept, and when he woke, his fever was gone. She says, miraculous, and he says, it truly was. That same day, he asked for a Bible, so he could read and learn, and he let God into his heart. She asks how that’s possible; he doesn’t have a heart. She and Martin have been shuffled from safe house to safe house, all because of his quest for revenge. He says, not this time; never again. To the Lord our God are the mercies and the forgivenesses,; the weak have rebelled against Him. Daniel 9:9. She says she’s heard enough. This charade is obscene. She gets up, and Cyrus bangs on the window, saying, she’s in danger.

Scotty says, Sonny might get knocked down a peg or two. Here he comes. He gets up, but she says, nein. Don’t do this to Nina. Carly can’t know she and Sonny were involved. Scotty goes over to Sonny’s table, and says, hello, Corinthos family. He asks how Sonny is doing, and Sonny says he was doing good until Scotty showed up. Michael says, if this is about Nina’s trial, Scotty can save his breath, and Scotty says, it’s about Nina, just not in the way Michael thinks. Obrecht suggests Scotty leave this family alone, but Sonny says, if Scotty’s got something to say, spit it out.

Victor looks at his phone, and Spencer says, something important? Victor says, very, but not as important as Spencer. Where is he living now? Spencer says, with his grandmother’s husband. Doc took him and Esme in after paying his bail. Victor says, Spencer is living with Laura’s husband, not with Laura herself? and Spencer says, she’s out of town; she has been for months. Victor says, it must be a little uncomfortable. Doc’s not family, not really. Spencer says he’d be lying if he said it was ideal, but they didn’t have many options. Victor says, they do now. Allow him to put them up at the MetroCourt. Just until Spencer decides on his next steps.

Laura picks up the phone again, and tells Cyrus, it looks like they’re back on familiar territory, with threats and more threats. He says, he’s not the one posing the danger, and if she continues to put her focus on him, it only makes it easier for her true enemy to strike. They’re family, and he legitimately cares about her. She says, what about Sonny and Buscema? and he says, what about them? She says, they came there to visit him, and he didn’t put on this little act for them. He dropped hints that he still had power in here, which he doesn’t. He says, it’s true. He has no legitimate power, but he hears things. His change in circumstance left a vacuum on the west coast, which is now being filled… She says she doesn’t care about this, but the fact that he does proves this conversion of his is just for show. He says he can’t deny he feels a pull toward his old life. What do they say? The road to redemption is long and lined with temptation, but he was tested and he chose the light. Will she?

Chase and Willow come back in, and Brook says she made some coffee. Mostly to unscramble her brain, but also to warm them up. Chase asks Willow if it’s still light with two sugars, and makes her a cup. Willow tells Brook that it was thoughtful of her, and Brook says, they may be few and far between, but she does have her moments. Willow tells Brook, there’s something she needs to say to her, and Brook says, good thing she’s sitting down.

Scotty says, Sonny might be able to bribe the DA, but the judge is going to see right through his trumped up charges. Michael says, is that all? and Scotty says, for now. He and Obrecht go back to their table, and Carly says, what was that about? Michael says, no one is more full of hot air than Scott Baldwin.

Obrecht thanks Scotty for thinking about Nina, instead of giving in to his compulsion to stick it to Sonny. He has to keep her secret. He says, sorry. No can do.

Sonny asks Michael to tell him about his run-in with Brad, and Carly says, the gall. Coming in here, of all places. Michael says, Brad claimed he’d stay far away from Wiley, but he doesn’t trust a word that guy says. Carly says, they have another issue. Brad was here with Celina Wu. Michael says he thinks it was a power move on her part, and Sonny says he’ll talk to Celina, but Michael says he already did. He made it clear to her that he’s going to protect his family, no matter what the cost.

Laura says, the light would be believing Cyrus found God? and he says, precisely. She says she knows that’s not true, and he asks, how? She says, that would require love and compassion, and Cyrus isn’t capable of those things. Don’t look so hurt. It’s common knowledge that he only cares about himself. He says, how very wrong she is. He’ll pray for her. She thanks him, and he says, but she must be careful, and keep an eye out for the serpent in the garden. She says she doesn’t know what it is he thinks he has to gain from this latest stunt, but it’s not going to work. She’s going home. Her family needs her.

Spencer says, it’s a very generous offer, but he can’t accept, and Victor says, why not? Spencer says he wants to prove to his father that he can make it on his own, and Victor says he admires Spencer’s principles, but just out of curiosity, how is living at the MetroCourt different than living with Doc? Spencer says, the MetroCourt is a five-star hotel. If he lets Victor put them up there, won’t he be a bit of a hypocrite? Victor says he doesn’t see why. Spencer wants to live his own life, and being a Cassadine is part of that. People make the mistake of equating struggle with virtue. You can be honorable without being uncomfortable. The two don’t necessarily come hand in hand. Spencer says he’ll talk to Esme about it, and Victor says, please do.

Chase gives Willow her coffee, and says he thinks he heard Bailey. He’s going to check on her. He leaves and Willow asks if Brook heard anything, but Brook says, not a peep. Willow says, Chase just wanted to give them time alone, and Brook asks Willow, what’s up? Willow says, she wanted to apologize for what she said to Brook in Rice Plaza. As Brook pointed out, she has no right to judge. Brook says she pushed the issue, and should never have spoken to Willow the way she did. Willow says she guesses she’s overly sensitive to Chase getting hurt after what she put him through. That’s her problem, not Brook’s, and it’s unfair to punish Brook for her mistake. She thinks about it all the time. What would have happened if she’d just told Chase the truth, that she’d fallen in love with Michael? Brook says, then maybe Chase wouldn’t have fought so hard to get better. That’s the thing with what ifs; we’ll never know. You did what you thought was best in the moment. Willow says, like Brook did when she said Valentin was Bailey’s father. She gets it. A mother will do anything to keep her child safe.

Nina says, what she feels or doesn’t feel about Sonny is irrelevant, but Phyllis says, of course (🍷) it’s relevant. Nina can’t just ignore what’s inside of her. Nina says, what’s she supposed to do? She doesn’t know what to do. She and Sonny will never be friends, let alone anything else. Phyllis says she agrees. Sonny loves his wife. She’s not suggesting Nina pursue him. Nina asks what she is suggesting, and Phyllis says, nothing. Take it as more of a warning. Things hidden away in the dark tend to fester, and Nina knows as well as she does, that’s no good to anyone.

Obrecht says she doesn’t understand; Scotty didn’t tell Carly. He says, for now. Not when he can use the secret to keep Nina out of prison. She says, how? and he says, the DA’s whole case is centered around Nina’s intent to harm Sonny, but Sonny never felt like he was being harmed. That’s why he didn’t press charges. Sonny’s not the victim. He thinks Sonny is still in love with Nina. She sees where he’s going right? He wants to convince the judge that it reeks of prosecutorial  overreach, and it would be a big waste of time. Charges dropped. Obrecht says, that part she likes, but what about Nina? She’d still be in danger of Carly’s wrath. He says, but she’ll be free. They’ll deal with that prison; it’s a whole different story. The trouble is the preliminary hearing. He can’t call witnesses; only the prosecution can. She says, because the burden of proof is on them, and he says, he can cross examine if the DA calls them. She says, the DA will call Sonny, and he says, Sonny will lie through his teeth. Nina on other hand… She says, Nina doesn’t want anyone to know, but he says, she’s under oath. She asks if he’s saying he’s going to force her niece to testify that she and Sonny fell in love, and he says, he can’t really as Nina about their affair on the stand, although she’s less likely to lie than Sonny. Then where would they be? She says, Nina clearly wants what happened in Nixon Falls to remain a secret. He’s her lawyer. Isn’t he supposed to be on her side? He says he is on her side. He’s trying to keep her out of prison.

Carly says, if Michael makes a move against Celina, she’ll retaliate. Then his father will be forced to answer. They’ll be looking at another mob war. Michael says she can’t expect him to let it go, and Sonny says, Michael is trying to protect the family, and he appreciates that, but let him deal with Celina. Michael says, dad… but Sonny says, no. How many times have they talked about how he wants Michael nowhere near this part of his life? It’s his responsibility.

Scotty says he can’t wait to see the look on Sonny’s face when this comes out in front of God and everyone, and Obrecht asks, how will he accomplish that? Sonny will simply lie, and he can’t risk Nina doing the same without perjuring herself. He says, the bar lady, and she says, Phyllis. He says, yeah, but he thinks she’s already been bought off by Sonny. If he could just come up with somebody else who knows what happened in Nixon Falls. Somebody. He’s got to find them.

Phyllis says, let her repeat. In no way, shape, or form is she telling Nina to take action, but she can’t get over Sonny by ignoring her feelings, or his. She needs to come to terms with them, in order to let them go. Nina says, what’s the point? Sonny loves Carly; Carly loves Sonny. It doesn’t matter how she feels. Phyllis asks if she doesn’t want to move on, and Nina says, no. She likes sitting in limbo; it’s her favorite. Phyllis says, if Nina she tries to run, instead of acknowledging what’s in here – she points to Nina’s heart – she’ll never find peace.   

Chase asks if the coast is clear, and Brook says, all clear. Willow is being gracious and understanding. Sometimes, Brook’s mouth gets away from her. He says, anyone who’s ever met her understands that. She asks how Bailey is, and he says, she was out like a light. She must have been babbling in her sleep. Willow says, she, for one, thinks it’s good to speak your mind. Brook says, even if it’s something no one wants to hear? and Chase tells her, you know what they say; honesty is the best policy. Brook says, he’s such a Boy Scout, and he says she loves it. She says, a little bit, and Willow says she learned the hard way that telling the truth, however painful in the moment, is the right thing.

Cyrus says he doesn’t expect Laura to trust him, but he’s begging her to believe him when he says he did not hire someone to kill her or Martin. Please be careful. Someone else means her harm out there, and it isn’t him.

Victor comes out of Kelly’s, and sees the woman Laura was on the phone with at the gate. He addresses her as Mayor Ashley, and says he understands from her text that the mayor is returning. She says, Mayor Collins is headed back to Port Charles, and he says, it seems the failed attempt on her life flushed her out, just like he planned. He looks forward to seeing Laura again. She’s always been a worthy adversary.

Tomorrow, Laura asks Santa/Doc if there’s anything in his bag for her, Drew asks if Elizabeth is ready for someone special, Victor tells Ava that danger lurks behind every corner, and Spencer thinks he knows what he wants for Christmas.

Below Deck

Jessica is feeling defeated and overwhelmed. She feels like Martha Stewart in prison. It’s not working for her. The crew gets ready for the next charter, and Jessica asks to talk to Heather. She tells Heather that she wanted to do this, but her body is shutting down. She couldn’t anticipate how taxing the job would be on her system, and her body isn’t letting her. She’s sorry, and hates putting them in a bad place, but she has to leave. In Jessica’s interview, she says she gets that she’s leaving them high and dry, but at the end of the day, she comes first. Heather says she has one hour to pack. In Heather’s interview, she says, bravo, Jess. She leaves three hours before a charter, when Heather could have called to have someone there yesterday. She’s effing pissed. She asks if Fraser has a moment, and says it will be their last one for a while. In Fraser’s interview, he says, as much as he previously wanted to get rid of Jessica, he understands the gravity of the situation. They’re not in a good place, and he’s worried. Jessica packs, and Heather says, she knew it. Fraser asks if she’s effing kidding him. Jessica says goodbye to Heather and Fraser, but not to anyone else. In her interview, she says she’s already leaving them in a predicament. She’s leaving a few hours before charter, and doesn’t want to make a bigger deal than it needs to be. She just wants to get her stuff, get out, and let them go about their day. In other words, she doesn’t want to face the music with anyone. Walking down the dock, she says, sorry not sorry, and Heather says, don’t let the something-or-other hit her ass on the way out.

Heather tells Captain Lee that Jessica quit. She walked her sweet ass off the yacht already, not even giving Heather ten seconds. In the captain’s interview, he says he’s never had a crew member leave without saying anything; goodbye, f*** you, go to hell. He’s never had a silent departure. This is as f***ed up as a Georgia road lizard. The captain calls Eddie to the bridge, and tells him that the third stew took a hike. Interior will need somebody from him to do heads and beds. Heather tells Rachel that Jessica said she hadn’t anticipated how taxing the job would be, and just departed. She asks if Jessica said goodbye to Rachel, but Rachel says, no. She’s okay with it though. If you don’t want to be somewhere, don’t. In Rachel’s interview, she says, she likes to say f*** you before she leaves, and we flash back to her not being happy about making a ten-course meal. She says, if you’re going to bail, bail.

Eddie tells the deckhands that Jessica quit, and it is what it is. They have a job to do, and they’re going to get it done. In Wes’s interview, he says he wishes she would have at least waved. He thought they had a connection, and still does. Eddie tells them that they’ll be needed in the interior, and Rayna says she’s mad as hell. Jessica was one of her best friends there. In Rayna’s interview, she says, it’s the worst timing ever. She has other issues affecting her, like Heather saying the n-word. She’s over it. She whines to Wes, and provisions come in. Eddie says, a storm is coming in, and it’s about to pour. The wind picks up, and Eddie says, welcome to the Caribbean. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, it sums up the morning. Fraser tells Heather that he’s in battle mode, and Heather says she’s 100% with him. Eddie leaves to pick up the guests.

Shitten You Not Bay. Captain Lee looks online for a third stew, and Fraser curses his life in the laundry. The slide is put out successfully on the first try, and Eddie says, it’s literally perfect. Rayna chants, it will be a good charter, and the captain tells the crew to get their assess on the aft deck. He should never be the first one there. The guests arrive, and Fraser passes out champagne. Primary Chelsea introduces herself, and in Heather’s interview, she says, they’re so screwed. They have eight guests, and did she mention there’s a lady with her jaw wired shut?  Guest Rachel introduces her broom, Sally; she’s magic. In her interview, Heather says, and it’s her first charter with a witch. She hopes guest Rachel and Chef Rachel can brew her a new stew.

Captain Lee says Heather will show them around, and they’ll get the party going. In Heather’s interview, she says she doesn’t know how someone with their jaw wired can go on a girls trip. It should be interesting. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, the guests are on board, and the deck crew is still uncovering. They’re not down a person. They can’t start that way, or they’ll be catching up for the rest of the charter. It only gets worse. His patience level is transparent now. Rayna bitches that she’s hungry.

Rachel goes over the menu with Chelsea and co-primary Michael. He says they try to liquify whatever everyone else is eating, so Chelsea can enjoy the same things. In Rachel’s interview, she says, someone with their jaw wired shut has to eat constantly, since they’re not ingesting solid food. Now she’s finding out Chelsea wants every course liquidized. WTF? Guest Rachel talks to her broom, and sounds drunk already. In Eddie’s interview, he says, maybe she’s here to clean. Maybe she’s the new stew. She seems clairvoyant and might have got the memo before they did. Rachel opens a cupboard in the galley, and stuff starts falling out. Just like at home.

Heather puts out some cheese, and I get grossed out thinking of pureed cheese. The guests sit down for lunch, and Chelsea says, everyone is eating, and she doesn’t have anything. She’s shaking, and about to have a meltdown. Guest Tiffany asks Fraser to get food for Chelsea; she needs to eat now. Tiffany announces no one is to eat any more until Chelsea gets something. Heather relays the message to Rachel, and Chelsea says she feels like a homeless person who hasn’t eaten, walking by a restaurant. Fraser says, it’s on its way, and Tiffany says, Chelsea is to always be served first. Rachel gives Heather pureed whatever, and says, tell them it takes a while for her strain it. Heather leaves, and Rachel says, it’s going to be one of those charters. She feels it. In Eddie’s interview, he says, as First Officer, it’s his responsibility to help out. He washes dishes, and Captain Lee says, he knew Eddie wasn’t just a pretty face. In his interview, Eddie says, his first job was as a dishwasher in a yacht club. He also cleaned up vomit and poop. I don’t want to know. I also don’t want to go to that yacht club.

Rachel says, she’s over this sh*t. In her interview, she says she has to add liquid to emulsify, but can’t lose integrity of the flavor. It’s not just throwing sh*t in a blender. The guests are having lobster, and Rachel tells Chelsea that she’s getting a lobster smoothie. My stomach flips over. Rayna says, this sucks. She misses Jessica. The guests use the jet skis and slide, and Captain Lee laughs watching them have fun. Eddie sees a rogue jet ski, and tells Rayna, who says, oh wow. She doesn’t know how that happened. Eddie says, it’s amateur hour. In his interview, he says, Rayna is on the swim platform, and should be taking a mental inventory at all times. They can’t have a $20K piece of equipment float into the sunset. It’s bush league. He keeps seeing the white wizard walking down the stairs, with his blue sunglasses on. Please don’t let him come out. On the bridge, Captain Lee remarks on the pretty day, and the jet ski is rescued. The guests play in the water, and things are packed for the beach.

Jake says they’re throwing a sick beach party. He’s jealous, since it’s his favorite kind of party; music, hot girls, and getting absolutely wankers. Rachel curses in the galley, and tells Eddie that they need to shuck oysters. In Eddie’s interview, he says he grew up on the east coast, and they love their oysters in Baltimore. Shucking is dangerous, since it’s easy to put a knife in your hand. He’s shed some blood on oysters. Rayna and Jake set up on the beach. Fraser curses the iron, then does cabins. Heather blows up balloons. In her interview, she says she has a pink party, a silent disco, a bonfire, and a lady with her jaw wired shut. Stop the world, make a latte, and get back to it. Guest Rachel keeps trying get Sally to stand, but it’s not happening. Heather asks Wes to help blow up balloons. She and Wes move to using helium, and talk in funny voices to each other.

Another jet ski escapes, and Captain Lee says, at least they both didn’t get away. In Eddie’s interview, he says he doesn’t know what’s going on, but feels having a wiccan on board might have something to do with it. They could be cursed. He shouldn’t have talked sh*t about Sally. She’s coming back for vengeance. Eddie tells the captain that the jet ski came unclipped, but in Captain Lee’s interview, he says, he thinks someone’s inattention to detail did it. That’s pretty lame. Eddie says he watched it fall off, but the captain isn’t buying it. In his interview, he says, it’s an excuse for sloppy seamanship. They look like a bunch of effing idiots. Eddie picks up Rayna and Jake from the beach. Eddie tells Rayna about the jet ski, and she thinks there’s something wrong with it. Eddie tells Rayna and Jake that he’ll talk to them after he gets back from the principal’s office.

Eddie shows Captain Lee what he thinks happened with the clip, but in his interview, Eddie says, the captain doesn’t want to listen to his point-of-view. The captain says he’s chalking it up to human error. The table is set for the pink party, and it’s very pretty. As well as being dressed in pink, the guests wear pink heart-shaped sunglasses. In Fraser’s interview, he says, this day has not stopped. His legs hurt, he can’t feel his feet, and he’s losing his mind, but they’ll do what they do best, make magic happen… somehow. Eddie says, another day, another ass reaming. He’ll go to bat for the deckhands, but don’t put his head on the chopping block. The crew shovels a meal down in silence in the galley. Rayna criticizes Heather for sticking her finger in the food, and Heather apologizes, and makes a hasty exit. Eddie tells Rayna that wasn’t cool, since Heather is effing exhausted. Rayna complains to Wes about the n-word, and how Eddie doesn’t care. She says she’s got to get off this boat.

Captain Lee texts a staffing agency, but no luck. Rayna goes to help Rachel, and in her interview, she says she’s excited to be in the galley. At Thanksgiving, she’s in charge of the turkey., She loves cooking; it’s a huge stress reliever. The only time she’s happy is at night in the galley. I think, why TF doesn’t she work in that area of yachting instead? In Rachel’s interview, she says, every time there’s service, it’s an arduous process. She has to blend something for a guest to suck down with a straw. Chelsea tells Heather that the gazpacho needs to be strained more, and in her interview, Rachel says, f*** my life. This can eat a d*ck. Oysters are the next course, and I say, ewww! No, no, no. Not strained oysters. Fraser radios Eddie to help with housekeeping, and Chelsea wails that she’s starving. Or at least as much as you can wail with your jaw wired shut. Chelsea won’t stop making everyone else miserable, so Tiffany asks if they can get some quick food for Chelsea. Rachel says, it’s an effing nightmare, and Chelsea says if they bring something out for everyone else, she needs to have something too. This is not a joke. She asks Michael if he’ll go to their room with her, and they get up. Guest Alicia says the rest of them still have a big night ahead of them. In the room, Chelsea cries, while Rachel storms around the galley. Chelsea says she just wants to be like everyone else for a night, but Michael says, unfortunately, that’s not where they’re at. Fraser says, effing hell, and Heather says, oh my God.

I dunno, maybe it’s me, but either I’d have skipped this trip, or seen if I could change the date or something. And if I’d insisted on going, I’d keep it to myself after saying it once. At least give the chef a hot minute to get acclimated. Exist on green drinks and chocolate shakes for a while. And booze.

This season, the crew makes it rain; skinny dipping; Rayna, Jake, and Fraser form a threesome, and yes, it’s what you think (didn’t see that coming); a day off; a new stew; Heather tells Fraser, it was her or nobody; Captain Lee tells Eddie that he thinks the deck crew is spending too much time doing nothing; Rayna says she feels like she can’t trust her boss; and Heather apologizes again.

🧂 This Needs Salt…

What happened in Salt Lake this week.

🎶 Turning the Beat Around…

Come by tomorrow for some soap and who knows what, since there are no Rules this week. Until then, stay safe, stay outspoken, but not rude, and stay not letting hidden things fester in the dark. That’s no good to anyone.

December 17, 2021 – Saddest Farewell Ever, Over, Lawsuit, Big Series, Two From One, Cover Girl, Salem Holiday, Salt Lake Tea, In NYC, Stockings, Pre-Nup, Haunted, Asking Dead, The Tree, a Supreme Court Worth Of Quotes & Spice Wrap


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sam finds Drew fixing a little tree in the Quartermaine kitchen, and asks what he’s doing. He says he knows it doesn’t compare to the big one in the foyer, but he hasn’t had a tree, or lights, or anything Christmas for the past couple of years. She says she thinks it’s perfect. She brought someone along who she thinks might agree. Scout comes in, and clings to Sam.

In Portia’s office, Curtis punches the wall, and she tells him, take a deep breath. He says he did, but she says, not deep enough. He says he just can’t believe how willing his family is to accept this guy in their lives. TJ is already calling him grandpa, and, after the initial shock, he thought Stella might invite Marshall over for Sunday dinner. She asks if that would really be so terrible, and he says, yeah. The man deserted his family and let them believe he was dead for decades. Then when he shows up, he shows up without even a shred of explanation. She wonders if she can ask him a question without him getting angry… or angrier. Is trust really the issue here? Or is he just afraid of getting hurt?

Marshall tells Stella, cards on the table, huh? Since when did a nice church-going lady like herself take up poker? She says, these stakes are much higher than a poker game, and he says her secret is safe with him. She says he just doesn’t get it, and he says, tell him what he’s missing. She says, he’s making this about her, when it’s about him, and his choices; to walk away from his family, have her sister raising those boys without him, and then he asked her sister to lie, and tell her children that he’s dead. And she did, and kept her word until her dying day. He says, and what about her?

Britt and Elizabeth look at Liam in the NICU, and Elizabeth says, how is it possible an innocent baby gets to die, while Peter gets to live on? Britt says, for now. Hopefully, not for long. Elizabeth says, still, she doesn’t understand, and Britt says, sometimes it’s a blessing; sometimes it’s a curse. But it’s not their job to pick and choose. Elizabeth says, in this case, she wishes it was.

Sasha tells Brando, no more wallowing, or feeling sorry for herself. She needs to be at her best today for Liam. Their son needs them. Brando says, they’ll be there for him, and she says, what if she’s not strong enough? What if she doesn’t have the courage to do the right thing? He says, that’s why they’re doing this together.

Olivia thanks Carly for setting her straight about this neurology appointment, but Carly says she didn’t set Olivia straight. She just gave Olivia a pep talk. Olivia says, whatever she wants to call it, she just wants to be solid. If Ned sees she’s nervous, he’s going to be nervous. Carly says Olivia is going to be great, and she’s going to pull herself together to be there for Sasha and Brando. Let’s go.

Nina tells Sonny, when they came back to Port Charles, he said the man he was in Nixon Falls wasn’t real, but he was; he is. He’s one and the same, and both Mike and Sonny are men that his father would be very, very proud of. Carly and Olivia come down the hall, and Olivia tells Carly to remember what she said.

Drew tells Scout, he knows it probably feels strange, them getting to know one another again, but he was hoping it comes back to them; kind of like riding a bike. Scout says she doesn’t know how to ride a bike, and he says he’ll have to teach her. Leo comes into the kitchen with Ned, and goes straight to a plate of cookies. Ned says, just one, and asks if they mind. Leo’s going to the doctor. Sam says, and Ned’s bribing him with cookies? Ned says, guilty as charged, and Drew tells him, don’t worry about it. He was just telling Scout that he needs help eating them, and thanks Leo. Leo says, anytime, and leaves with Ned.

Curtis tells Portia, Marshall doesn’t have the power to hurt him anymore. That damage was done when he took off, and let them believe he was dead. She says, some wounds never heal. You can stitch them up, put on a bandage, sometimes there’s a scar, but deep down… He says, that wound never would have reopened if he hadn’t decided to return, and she says, okay, but he has. So now what? He says, now he’s wormed his way into TJ’s life, and he’s cozying up to Aunt Stella. She says, and he doesn’t like that, and he says, that’s an understatement. She says, but what happens now in regards to him? and he says he doesn’t know. She asks if he thinks eventually he could maybe find a place in his life for his father, and Curtis says he can’t see Marshall as that until he knows where Marshall has been, what he’s been doing, and why he’s here. She says, he’s making it sound like Marshall is dangerous, and he says, they don’t know that he isn’t. Joey Novak swears he didn’t see who jumped him outside the club. She says, whoa. He thinks that was his father?

Stella says, Marshall is right. When her sister turned to her for help, she went along with the lie, and heaven help her, it’s haunted her ever since. Marshall says he never meant for her to be part of this, but she says he knew how close she and Irene were. Did he really expect Irene to keep something that big bottled up? One night, it just became too much, and she told Stella that he was alive, but he had his reasons for leaving, and didn’t want the boys to know why. He says he did it for Curtis and Thomas, and for her and Irene, believe it or not. She says, it doesn’t matter what she believes. He and her sister had an agreement. Her sister hated it, but she went along with it, and so did Stella. But only because he said he’d never come back. He tells her, he kept his end of the bargain pretty well, wouldn’t she say? He didn’t even come back when Irene passed. She asks why he’s here now.

Olivia tells Carly that she’s got this, and asks if Nina got her message yet; she’s been trying to reach her. Nina says, no. She’s been busy, and hasn’t even checked. Olivia steers Nina away, saying, this will only take a second. Carly looks at Sonny.

Brando says they don’t have to do anything until Sasha is ready. Dr. Fleming said they could take as much time as she needs. She says, time won’t change anything; Sonny helped her see that. Brando asks what Sonny said, and she says, he mostly talked about Mike, and how difficult the decision was to let him go. He talked about how he didn’t want to, but in the end, he realized that was about him; how it would make him feel better. When in reality, he needed to focus on what was best for his father. He says, that’s true, but Mike had a long and fulfilling life, while Liam’s never going to have that. She says, Sonny said that too, that there’s no comparison, but lost is lost, right? And there will never be another time. They named their son after Mike, so they need to be as brave for him as Sonny was for his father. Can they do that? He says he can if she can, and she says, okay.

Nina tells Olivia that she can stand down. She’s not going to cause any problems for Carly and Sonny. Olivia says, yet she’s here where they are, and where they have no desire for her to be. Nina says she’s here because she’s supporting Sasha and Brando. Not that she owes Olivia any explanation because it’s none of her business. Olivia says she disagrees with that. Carly is her friend and business partner, and what affects her… Nina says, affects the MetroCourt. Don’t even pretend this is about business. Olivia says she’s doing Nina a favor right now. Does Nina have any idea how close she just came to getting wiped off the map? Maybe she hasn’t been in town long enough to know, but Olivia knows from personal experience, Carly Corinthos takes no prisoners. Nina says, is that a threat? and Olivia says, that’s a fact. The only reason Nina is still breathing air right now is because Carly loves having her husband back and alive more than she wants Nina dead.

Sonny says, he and Nina were just talking… but Carly says she doesn’t want to talk about Nina. Sasha, Liam, and Brando are all that matter.

Drew asks what Scout thinks of his tree, and she says, it’s pretty. He says he thinks it would be prettier with some ornaments, but he just can’t find any. She says, they’re all up on the big tree, and Sam says, Scout’s right, but she doesn’t think they’d mind if they borrowed some. He says, he’s looking for one in particular, but it’s not on the big tree in the foyer, and Scout asks, what is it? Sam asks if it’s the star, and Drew says she remembers. He doesn’t know what it is about it; he just loves it. Sam wonders where it went, and Drew says, maybe it got lost or broken or something, or Annabelle II ate it. Sam says, dogs don’t eat ornaments (apparently, Sam has never owned a dog), and he asks if she’s met Annabelle II. She eats everything. He suggests they go online, and Scout can help him shop for some new decorations. Scout says she’s going to find grandma, and leaves. He tells Sam, he’s doing this all wrong, isn’t he?

Marshall tells Stella, a man can change his mind, can’t he? Like a musician can improvise in the middle of a tune. A good musician anyway. She says, this is not a gig; it’s real life. He says she doesn’t have to tell him. Tommy’s gone, and Curtis is a grown man, and he has a grandson who’s a doctor and has a big, beautiful life ahead of him. Can she blame him for wanting to be a part of it? She says, no, but she can blame him for walking away in the first place. He says she knows why, and she says, yes, she does. He says he’s not trying to change the past, or even be forgiven. He’s just hoping to be understood moving forward. She asks if he really thinks there’s a way forward, and he says he thinks this homecoming is meant to be. She says, carful now. He talks like he knows what the good Lord has planned. He says he’ll leave the good Lord to her, but think about it. Curtis owns a nightclub now. She says, so? and he says, as much as music was a huge part of his life, it can’t be a coincidence.

Sasha tells Brando, this isn’t how it was supposed to be. They were supposed to raise him, and love him, and watch him grow into a man. Liam would have had an incredible life. Brando says, yes, he would have, and she says he would have been so lucky to have a dad like Brando to show him the way. He asks if she’s thinking family owned body shop, and she says, maybe, but she’s not talking about teaching him about cars. She’s talking about teaching him to be a good, decent, caring person; the kind who comes into a new town and takes a bullet for a total stranger. He says, Liam would have been lucky, but not because of him; because he had her. She could dazzle him with her beauty of course (🍷), but mostly, she could teach him what real love is. Real, unfiltered true love, so he would never settle for less. She starts to cry again, and asks how this is happening. He just got here, and now it’s over? He says, it’s not over yet, and she says she’s not ready. And she can’t even begin to explain how much she doesn’t want this, but they can still show Liam what real love is. And when they do, they’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he never settled for less.

Nina says, message delivered, thank you, and Olivia says, for Nina’s sake, she hopes it was received. Nina says, if Carly even knew what she was trying to do for… Oliva says, what? but Nina says, nothing. But if Olivia suddenly has an impulse to weigh in on her friend’s marriage, from what she hears, Olivia might be better served to worry about her own. Merry Christmas.

Sonny says Carly doesn’t have to stick around. He’ll stay there as long as Brando and Sasha need him. She says she’s not going anywhere. Unless he’s trying to get rid of her. He says, never, and kisses her cheek. Nina watches.

Sam says she saw the cell they kept Drew in, and he says, nice accommodations, right? She doesn’t know how he did it, being in there for so long, staring at nothing, all alone. He says, it was tough, but the thing that kept him going, the thing that made him believe he was going to get out of there one day, was Scout. She says she saw he scratched Scout’s name in the wall, and he says, it was like the most important part of him was missing. She says, good; now he has her back. He says he does. Not quite the perfect fit. She says, not yet, but it will be. He says, it will be.

Curtis tells Portia, first, Joey Novak shows up, causing trouble at The Savoy, the kind of trouble that gives a club a bad name. Fast forward to Joey being beaten and jumped between the pier and The Savoy. She says, that doesn’t prove it was his father, and he says, right. The nightclub’s reputation takes a hit, the act that was booked suddenly cancels. She says, then a new one magically appears, and he says, he knows Marshall had a hand in Joey’s beating, but she says he doesn’t know that. He says, they do know he’s a proven liar, and she says, that doesn’t make him a criminal. He says, maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t, but he’s damn well going to find out.

Stella says, Curtis may have inherited some positive traits from Marshall, like his love of music. Does he still play? He says, sure do, and she says, don’t tell her he still has that old clarinet. He says he likes to think of Henrietta as vintage, but no, he lost her too. He lost her a long time ago. She says, Henrietta. She’d almost forgotten his first love. He says, you never forget your first, and laughs. In any case, he learned his lesson. He pats his clarinet case, and says, this baby never gets left in a car. She says she’s sure they’ve made some improvements over the years, and he says, the newer models are nice. Maybe it’s him, but his fingers don’t fly like they used to. But he has to believe if the mood was right, and he was holding Henrietta, he could still make her sing.

Olivia meets Leo and Ned, and asks how they’re doing. Ned says, good. Just doing what everyone does in a doctor’s office – wait. Olivia asks if Leo knows why they’re here, and he shows her his cookie. Ned says, it’s family tradition, bribery, and she says, if Leo is going to take the Quartermaine name, she’s going to have to accept the family traditions. A doctor walks up, and says he’s going to take a wild guess and assume this is Leo. Olivia says, that’s the guy, and he introduces himself as Dr. Newman, and his nurse, Nurse Meyers. He asks how Leo is doing, and Olivia repeats the question. Leo says he’s good, and Dr. Newman asks if he’d like to play some games and talk for a bit. Leo says he loves games, and the doctor says, great; come with him. He tells Olivia and Ned that they can wait there; they won’t be long. Ned tells Leo to have fun, and Olivia says if he needs anything, she’ll be right here. The doctor and nurse leave with Leo, and Olivia says, no big deal. Ned hugs her.

Britt asks if Nina is okay, and Nina glances at Sonny and Carly. She says she’s just worried about Sasha and Brando, and Britt says, it must be difficult for her; a reminder of Nelle being taken away from her; getting to know her, but it was too late. She knows it’s not the same, but Nina still lost a child. Nina says, and all the mistakes she made because of that.

Carly says she can’t imagine how Sasha and Brando feel, and Sonny says he understands why she stood up for Sasha. Behind that face, she’s got a lot of grit. She’s going to need it. Carly says she understands why he feels so close to Brando. She knows he’s family, but he was practically raised by Sonny’s father. (Wow, has that story changed.) Sasha and Brando come out, and Britt tells them to follow her.

Sam says Drew and Scout will find their way back to each other. It’s just going to take some time. They have to get through the holidays, and then in a couple of months, it’s her birthday. He says, so he’s buying his way back? but she says, that’s not what she’s saying. He says he’s just kidding, and she says, there are going to be so many moments; little ones, big ones, and all the ones in-between. He says he likes the sound of that, when his phone rings. It’s Curtis, and Drew asks, what’s up? Curtis says, what Drew told him, that he’d help look into his father’s reappearance? Does that offer still stand?

Marshall says he’s determined to put down roots, and get back with the family he left behind. She says he can be as determined as he wants, that doesn’t mean Curtis will let him in. He tells her, Curtis may say no, but he’s sensing a definite maybe from TJ, and he’d like to build on that, and have a relationship with his grandson. He could use some help if she’s willing to give it.

Ned says he was wondering if Olivia balked and canceled the appointment, and she says, it crossed her mind. He says he’s proud of her, and she says, he might not be when they get their diagnosis… if they’re getting a diagnosis. She looks at him, and says, they’re getting a diagnosis, and he says, most likely. She says, that’s okay, because their son’s alive and strong and thriving, and it’s more than a lot of people get. He’s unique, and it just makes him more special. Ned says, absolutely, and she says she wants him to know she’s all in on this. Whatever the doctor tells them, she’s here to give Leo all the help that he needs. He says he knows she will, and she asks if he can forgive her. He says, for what? and she says, for making him the bad guy because she was too afraid to look at the facts. He says he was afraid too. The unknown is scary. That’s why they’re here, to figure out what’s going on, and come up with a game plan. If they have that, and each other… She says, they have everything, and he says they do, and they hug.

Carly asks if Sonny is hungry or thirsty, but he says, no; maybe some water. She leaves, and he takes a rosary out of his pocket. He sits down and begins to pray the Hail Mary, as Nina watches.

Dr. Fleming tells Brando and Sasha, once they disconnect the respirator, they’ll give Liam an injection of morphine. Sasha says, so he won’t be in any pain, and Brando says, that’s why we’re doing this. So there’s no pain, no suffering, and he can be with his namesake. Sasha asks if she can hold him. Once he’s off of those machines, can she hold him in her arms? She doesn’t want him to be alone. The doctor says, of course (🍷), and Sasha says, he was with her when he came into this world. She wants him to be with her when he leaves it. Elizabeth and Dr. Fleming help Brando and Sasha get ready, and Britt goes out to the hallway, and leans on the wall. They go into the NICU.

Drew tells Curtis, they’ll talk soon, and Sam says, she’d ask what that was about, but she’s assuming it’s confidential. He says, just a background check. It seems pretty cut and dried actually. She says, how many times she’s said that and it’s been anything but, and he says, don’t worry. She says, too late, and he says he wouldn’t have gone through all that hell just to come back and put a bunch of trouble on her doorstep, or his. She says, no more risks, and he says, no more risks… within reason. He’s got too much to lose. Scout comes in, and Sam says, there she is. He says he was just about to fire up the laptop and shop for some new decorations. Does Scout want to help? Scout asks Sam if they can go home.

Curtis tells Portia, if there’s any dirt on Marshall, he trusts Drew to dig it up. She says, what if he comes up empty? but Curtis says, he won’t. He may not be a P.I. anymore, but those instincts don’t just evaporate. Marshall is hiding something. He looks at her, and says, what? She says, nothing, but he says, it’s definitely something, so say it. She says she knows he’s prepared to hear the worst about Marshall, but what if the big discovery is just that Marshall wants to be his father? Is he prepared for that?

The doctor brings Leo back, and Leo says, it was fun. Dr. Newman says, they had a really great talk. They’ll schedule a follow-up to discuss everything; just call his office. Ned says they will, and the doctor tells Leo, it was nice to meet him. He hopes to see Leo soon. Leo waves, and the doctor leaves. Olivia asks if Leo knows how much she loves him, and she hugs him. Leo says he knows, and she tells him, don’t you ever forget it.

Carly brings Sonny some water, and asks if anything happened while she was gone. Britt comes out, and they go over to her. Carly asks, is it over? Britt just looks sad, and at a distance, Nina closes her eyes.

Sasha holds Liam, and says, Liam Mike Corbin, you were here for such a short time, but you made quite the impact, and you were so, so loved. She has to believe he felt that, and hopes with everything in her that he still does. She kisses him, and says she’ll love him forever. She starts to cry, and Brando kisses Liam. He says, their first born, their son. He looks up, and says, look after him, okay, Mike? Mike appears, and I lose it. Mike tells them, like he said, with everything he’s got.

Marshall sits in his hotel room, and plays his clarinet. We hear his music over the final scenes.

We see Sasha place her baby down, and start to walk away with Brando. She turns back, and Brando puts his arms around her. She cries on his shoulder, and they leave. Mike holds Liam.

Stella comes into the hospital, and sees Curtis with Portia and smiles.

Sam says goodbye to Drew, and Scout hands Drew the star. He gives it to her to put on the tree, but she says she can’t reach. He lifts her up, and she puts it on the tree.

Olivia holds out her hand to Leo, and he takes it, holding out his other hand to Ned. The three of them walk out, hand-in-hand.

Brando and Sasha come out. Everyone looks sad, and Sasha starts to cry. Brando holds her. In the NICU, Mike holds Liam, and asks if he’s ready to go. He says, me too, and walks until he disappears.

On Monday, Chase says Willow can feel however she wants to feel, Laura tells Cyrus not to play games with her, Michael says he’s going to protect his family no matter the cost, and Phyllis asks Nina if she’s still in love with Sonny.

😭 Thanks, General Hospital. Because the holidays aren’t depressing enough. Although I was glad Mike showed up.

💔 That Was Quick…

And their wedding looked so cool. I wonder if he’s taken on too much of the Michael persona at home.

🎾 Ball Changes Court…

I can’t help but wonder if he practices his religion in other areas. Or is he like the people who screech if you eat meat, but wear leather shoes?

💼 Branching Out…

What Diane does on her off-time.

👯‍♀️ BFFs IRL…

I recently wrote an interview for Jessica Morris on Mupo & Friends (YouTube). She is a Lifetime queen, and real life BFF of Melissa Archer.

👠 Going Glam…

First Co-Chief of Staff, now this.

🎄 Christmastime Is Here…

At least in Salem.

🧂 Pass the Salt…

What’s going on in Salt Lake City.

Usually, it’s Jen doing the denying.

🗽 Sticking Around…

They’re not going anywhere.

Unless it’s running out of a restaurant.

🎅🏽 And You Get a Piece Of Coal…

Apparently Leah is not happy with her co-stars.

⚖️ Little Did She Know…

Suckerfish Hoppy does kind of look like Christian Bale in American Psycho.

🍸 Haunting Split…

What is wrong with that guy?

⚰️ Burning Questions…

The skinny on the mid-season finale of Fear the Walking Dead.

🌟 Behold…

This years Rockefeller Center contribution to the Christmas spirit.

☄️ Quotes of the Week

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. – J.R.R. Tolkien

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.Rachel Carson

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. – Robert A. Heinlein

The most common form of despair is not being who you are. – Soren Kierkegaard

Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.  – Orson Welles

I had an epiphany a few years ago when I was out at a celebrity party and it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to meet a celebrity who is as smart and interesting as any of my friends. – Moby

A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to be well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. – Fred Allen

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. – Ernest Hemingway

True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. – Martin Luther King Jr.

🦌 On Dasher…

Why is it the weeks seem to go faster just before the new year? Here we are at another weekend, or for those of you who are on permanent robe duty, those two days you used to get off work. If nothing else, at least change your slippers for 48 hours. Maybe even live it up and put on real shoes. Until we meet for some soap and whatever’s on Deck, stay safe, stay taking some time for yourself, and stay not settling for less, be it love, or whatever it is you need.

December 16, 2021 – Stella Meets With Marshall In Secret, Unconventional Cocktail Material On the Runway & Fairytale


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook can’t open the door to the steam room, and tells Chase that she thinks they’re stuck in there. He says, it’s probably just jammed, and tries it himself, but nothing. He says, it’s stuck, and she says, nice mansplaining, Sherlock. He says, it probably just needs some force, and pushes his shoulder against it, but she says, she’s no weakling. It feels like something is blocking it. He says, then he just has to keep pushing, and throws his shoulder into it, but it still won’t open. His towel slips to the floor.

Finn runs into the hospital, and sees Elizabeth. She says she didn’t think he was on until this afternoon, and he says he’s not, but he wanted to see her. She says she wanted to see him too. She’s been doing a lot of thinking about them. He says, so has he. Maybe it’s time to stop dancing around, and just acknowledge it.

Portia spies Stella at the MetroCourt, and says, it’s nice to see her. Stella is somewhere else, and Portia says, Stella? Stella apologizes, saying she had something on her mind. Have a seat. Portia sits, and says, whatever was on Stella’s mind must have been pretty important. Stella says Portia has no idea.

TJ punches the heavy bag, and Curtis comes in and says, nice. Remember to keep his other hand up. (I always have to remember that too.) Marshall comes out from the other side of the bag, and says, that’s what he keeps telling TJ.

Alexis says, honestly, she has no idea why Harmony even wants to be friends with her. All she does is dump her emotional baggage on Harmony. Doesn’t she have something she wants to complain about? Harmony says, don’t worry about her. There’s not much going on in her life, but she gets the feeling that’s not the case with Alexis, so dump away. She’s there to listen if Alexis needs her.

Olivia dashes into the MetroCourt, and thanks Carly for rescheduling their meeting. It’s impossible to get a doctor’s appointment during the holidays. Thank God the pediatric neurologist was able to reschedule Leo and put him in before New Year’s. Ned is taking Leo over to GH, and she’s going to meet them later. Carly asks if Olivia is okay, and Olivia says she’ll keep Carly posted; she’s a little nervous. Carly says she’s going to the hospital to see Sasha. They can go together. Olivia says she’d really appreciate that, but in the meantime, she needs a distraction. What’s going on with Carly? Nina’s pre-trial hearing is coming up, and she bets Carly can’t wait to see that woman go down for what she did to Sonny.

Sonny and Nina lock eyes at the hospital reception desk.

Brando asks Sasha if she’s ready to go to the NICU, so they can… She says, can what? Say goodbye to their son? No. She’s sorry, but she just can’t do that. Not now. Not ever.

Chase covers himself with his hands, and Brook says, good morning to you too, Detective Chase. He asks if she minds turning around, but she says, oh please. Aren’t they better off now that she’s seen… everything. He’s the one who told the entire world that they had a one-nighter. He says he doesn’t think anyone is going to quiz her on it, and picks up his towel. She says he’s never been to a bottomless brunch with Olivia. He asks if she’ll please use her phone to call someone to get them out of there, but she says her phone is in her purse. Her purse is outside.

Elizabeth says, she and Finn had that kiss in his office, and he says he was so surprised, he couldn’t find his words. She says she did kind of run out like her hair was on fire, and he says, that’s true. He figured she wanted her space. Instead of thinking he knew what she wanted, he should have just asked. So what does she want?

Carly tells Olivia, she can’t see that woman without wanting to throttle her. She’s losing her mind. She’s having dreams about pummeling Nina over and over again. Olivia says, sometimes dreams really do come true.

Gladys runs to Sonny, hugging him, and thanks him for coming. Nina asks if there’s been any word about the baby, and Gladys says, there has, although she doesn’t know why Nina is entitled to it after all she’s done. Sonny says, Nina’s here for Sasha; they don’t need to hash all that out right now. Gladys supposes he’s right, and Sonny asks if Brando talked to her about the baby’s condition. She says, he said something about the baby being without oxygen for so long… and that because of that… her grandbaby… She starts to cry and puts her arms around Sonny. He holds her, and says, it’s all right.

Brando says he knows how Sasha feels; he doesn’t want to say goodbye to Liam either. She says, then don’t. As long as he’s still breathing, even with those machines, he’s still with them. Their son is alive. He says, is he really though? He’s not sure if Liam’s life would be truly living. She says, his heart is beating; that means he’s alive. Maybe it’s different for Brando. He’s got plenty of family and it’s growing by the day, but Liam is her only flesh and blood. He is her baby. Brando says, Liam is his baby too, and he’s only thinking about Liam. They both want Liam here with them. They want to love him, and hold him tight, but they have to think about what’s best for their son. She says, no, and he says, what kind of life can he have… but she’s out the door, closing it behind her.

Curtis asks what Marshall is doing here, and Marshall says, there’s no need for a showdown; he’ll go. TJ says, wait, and tells Curtis that he invited Marshall there. Curtis says he asked Marshall to leave his family alone, and Marshall asks if it’s not TJ’s choice. He’s TJ’s grandfather, and TJ wants to get to know him. He’s just trying to make up for lost time. Curtis says, you can’t reclaim lost time, by definition. It’s over; it’s gone. Now he can make himself useful by being straight with Curtis for a change. How about that? Why doesn’t he tell them why he let them believe he was dead, and where the hell has he been for the last forty years?

Chase yells that they’re stuck in the steam room, but tells Brook, it’s no use. He can’t believe she left her phone outside. She says she’s not exactly thrilled herself, even with his little striptease. He says he’s dressed appropriately for a men’s steam room. She barged in here fully clothed. A steam room is a lot more tolerable if she wasn’t fully clothed. She asks if he’s suggesting she strip down, and he says they’d be on an even playing field. She says, he’d like that, wouldn’t he? Speaking of being on an even playing field, he blew this whole thing up. She was handling her business side of keeping Bailey safe before he involved whatever kinky fantasy he had about her. He says, it’s like whiplash talking to her. One second, she’s grateful for him keeping her secret from Valentin, and the next, she’s dragging him for doing it. She says, the only thing being dragged is her name through the mud. He says, who cares? She needed someone to help her, and he did it. Why does it matter what people think about the way things went down between them? She says, because, this lie gives everyone permission to believe every horrible thing they’ve thought about her is true.

Alexis tells Harmony, here’s the thing. Everybody wanted her to plead out, but she insisted on taking her lumps and doing penance. Then she was given a shortcut and she took it. Everyone thinks she should be grateful, but the truth is… Harmony says, she’s not, and she can’t, because she feels like redemption was unearned.

Portia asks how Stella is doing, and Stella says she thinks she’s doing fine. Some things are still fuzzy, but she’s been practicing self-care and doing her best to stay calm. Portia says, good. Curtis didn’t even tell her that Stella was in town. Stella says she’s not surprised. Curtis has so much on his plate these days. And not just The Savoy. Portia says, so Stella knows Marshall is alive and in town.

TJ suggests they go somewhere and talk things out, but Curtis says he’s done talking. It’s Marshall’s turn to talk now. Marshall asks what he can say that would justify him walking away from his family? Curtis already said there’s no way he can bring back lost time. He knows Curtis wants answers, but there’s no excuse. No excuse for him not being there when Curtis was growing up. Curtis says, at least they agree on something, and Marshall says, great. Let’s start there. They agree, the past can never be made right, but they can focus on rebuilding the future together instead, can’t they?

Brando comes out, and Gladys hugs him. He says, they still need to decide what’s best for Liam. He was trying to talk to Sasha, and she just walked out. She’s probably in the NICU. He didn’t know if he should go after her. He knows she needs time, but she probably shouldn’t be alone. Sonny tells Brando to stay with his mom; he’ll go keep an eye on Sasha. Brando asks if Sonny doesn’t mind, and Sonny says, she shouldn’t be alone. Brando thanks him, and Sonny leaves. Gladys hugs Brando again, and he says, Sasha doesn’t know what to do with Liam either. He thought he knew, but he’s questioning what the right thing to do is himself. He starts to cry, and Gladys holds him.

In the NICU, Sasha says, Liam knows her. He knows her scent; he knows her touch. She cradled him nearly the entire time he was in her belly. She cries, and says she knows that he could feel her then, and believes he can feel her now too. He has to know that mommy is here with him, and his tiny, little heart. He has to know that he’s not alone in the world. Mommy’s here. She reaches in to touch Liam, when Sonny comes in. He says he wondered if she wanted some company, and she says, that depends. Is he there to tell her that she’s being selfish for not wanting to let her baby die? He tells her that he would never say that. He knows how difficult it is to lose someone, someone you love. He understands if she wants him to get lost, but he thought she might want someone to be with her. He joins her at the incubator, and says, he really is beautiful. She says she hopes he knows she’s here, and Sonny says he’s sure he does; love’s powerful. He saw that in the last days of his dad’s life. His dad didn’t go through what Liam’s going through. As a matter-of-fact, he just wanted to say that naming him Liam Mike is great; his father would have loved that. She says, it’s become a real family name, hasn’t it? and he laughs. He says he had a complicated relationship with his father. He was very grateful that the last couple years, they reconnected. They had a great time, and it meant the world to them, but that illness was going to prevail at the end. Mike accepted it before Sonny did; before he could. She says, at least Sonny had that time with him. Her baby hasn’t even opened his eyes and looked at her. He hasn’t seen her smile at him, or felt her hold him in her arms. She just prays he recognizes her voice when she tells him that she’s here and she loves him. She doesn’t want to accept this. It’s not fair. Other people get miracles; why can’t he get one? Sonny says, he felt the same way about his dad. He wanted any way out; a miracle, a cure. And when he knew there wasn’t going to be one, he had to make the decision, put him on a feeding tube, or let him go. It was a decision he couldn’t make, that he couldn’t bring himself to do, because he’d just gotten back together with him, and it felt like he was giving up on him. She asks how he decided, and he says, he asked himself a question. Is prolonging his dad’s life the best thing for him, or is he just afraid to have to deal with the pain? He puts his arm around her.

Gladys says she understands Sasha is in pain, but Brando is too. Sasha shouldn’t attack him. He says, Sasha’s not attacking him, and Gladys says, Dr. Fleming is looking for him. If they’ve decided to keep the baby on a ventilator, they need to find an appropriate facility. Sasha needs to be on this. She walks off, and Brando calls to her to give Sasha a minute. Nina says, let her go. His mom is hurting too; this is the way she’s coping. Nina suggests they sit, and tells him, Sonny is with Sasha, and he’s not going to let Gladys upset her. Brando says, Sasha thinks it’s easier for him to let go, because he has family and she doesn’t. Maybe she’s right not to give up hope. Look at Nina. She was in long-term care and she’s thriving now. Maybe Liam can have a life after all, like her.

Carly tells Olivia, it’s a lovely dream, but it’s one she’s going to have to let go of, because she wants to honor Sonny’s wishes, and not escalate things. She’s hoping the court will deal with Nina. Olivia laughs, and Carly says, what? Olivia says she’s sorry, but it’s not in Carly’s nature. Compartmentalizing is in Sonny’s nature. That’s why the man can go to mass on Sunday and still does… whatever he does for a living. For better or worse, that’s not Carly. She takes action. She says whatever is on her mind, and doesn’t bottle things up. Carly flashes back to being with Jason after the wedding, and telling him that she’s in love with him. Olivia asks how long Carly thinks she can keep this up, and Carly says she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t have a choice, but she’s gotten a lot better at pushing down her feelings for the good of everyone.

Chase asks if Brook isn’t being hard on herself, and she asks if he thinks she doesn’t know what people think about her. She hates how easy it is for people to believe the worst of her; it isn’t fair, especially since she’s actually someone who gives a damn. She’s trying to do good in the world, but it doesn’t come as naturally as it does for someone like him.

Elizabeth tells Finn, she’s not going to pretend the kiss didn’t mean something to her, but it’s complicated for her. It’s been almost a year since Franco died. She knows there’s no timetable for grief, but if she’s going to start dating again, maybe she should be doing it casually. He says, is that what she wants? and she tells him, she’s just saying, if they were to take that next step, it couldn’t be casual. He’s too good of a friend, one she’s come to depend on in the past year. He’s helped her fight her worst instincts; he’s her closest confidant. He’s become her family to her boys. If they were together, it would inherently be something serious. He asks, what would be so bad about that? Neither one of them is expecting a lifetime commitment right now, but he’s not looking for something frivolous either. He doesn’t want that, and has Violet to think about. She’s already over the moon about the two of them. He needs to very carefully manage her expectations going forward. Elizabeth says, Violet’s not the only one confused. She hasn’t even taken off her wedding ring. Finn says, she’s right; it’s too soon. Forgive him if he pressured her. If she’s not ready, it’s okay. Things don’t have to change between them. She says, but she wants to be ready. She’s grown to care a lot about him.

Curtis says, Marshall had the right idea before; he should leave. TJ says, come on, but Marshall says, it’s fine, and thanks TJ for the invitation. He’ll see them around. He leaves, and TJ punches the bag hard. He says, Curtis knows that wasn’t his place, right? He knows Curtis might not want to know the guy, but he does. Curtis says, he’s been in this game a lot longer than TJ, and needs TJ to hear him. He needs TJ to stay away from Marshall; keep his distance until he checks Marshall out. If he finds out Marshall is no danger, he’ll stay out of TJ’s way. TJ says, all right, but what if Curtis finds out something troubling? Curtis says, then he’ll be damned if he lets Marshall hurt his family again.

Stella tells Portia, she stopped by the club last night to see Curtis, and who should show up but Marshall. Portia asks if she’s okay. Seeing Marshall alive must have brought up some painful memories. Stella says, it does, but she doesn’t want to keep Portia. Portia says, she’s not. She had a breakfast consult, but it’s over. She can stay longer if Stella wants to talk. Stella says she knows Portia is needed at the hospital, and she’s truly fine. Go ahead. Portia tells her to take care, and leaves. Stella picks up her phone.

Alexis says she knows Harmony knows, and Harmony says she does. She took a deal too, remember? She told herself it was for the right reasons, to look out for Wiley and Willow, but it was just an excuse. Even now, she feels like her purification cycle is incomplete. Alexis says, and everyone thinks they’re nuts. Harmony says, she doesn’t, and Alexis says she’s going home and making lunch. If Harmony would like to join her, she has an enclosed porch. The rest of her house is commandeered by Molly and TJ in the living room, and Kristina in the… She forgot Kristina was one of Harmony’s DoD victims. Harmony says, and the reason she was in prison in the first place.

Sonny tells Sasha that he thought he was motivated by love. He was so wrapped in his own pain, he forgot his dad had pain. He wanted to go, and hung on for Sonny. It was up to him to give his dad the permission to go, and he loved his dad too much to leave him that way. She says, so he let love decide? He says he can’t tell her what to do. He made peace with that decision a long time ago, and believes it was the right one, but he’s not 100% sure; not in this life at least. Gladys comes in, and tells Sasha that Dr. Fleming is looking for her and Brando. Sasha says, she wants them to make a decision, doesn’t she? and Gladys says, arrangements have to be made if they’re putting Liam in a facility, or… Sonny whispers to Sasha that whatever she and Brando decide, they’ve got them, and Sasha cries. She says she has to find Brando, and tells Sonny to take care. She leaves, and Sonny comes out. Gladys says, he’s wrong, and Sonny says, about what? She says, she knows he made the right decision about Mike. Sonny did right by him. Never forget that. He thanks her, and she asks if it would kill him to give her some privacy. He leaves, and she looks at Liam. She blesses herself, and prays.

Olivia says she’ll take Carly’s word for it. If Carly thinks she can keep bottling these feelings up, more power to her, but just know that trying to push all these feelings down is liable to make someone crack. Carly says she can bide her time until Nina is brought to justice, as long as Nina stays away from her family.

Nina says, what Brando and Sasha are facing is unimaginable. Of course (🍷) they’re looking for anything and everything to bring a little bit of hope. She’s sorry she’s not it. Her situation was different from what their little Liam is facing. She was able to breathe on her own. That’s a lot different than having a machine breathe for you. She doesn’t think the doctors would mislead them on Liam’s condition and prognosis. They want to give him a happy ending as much as he wants to hear one, if they could have found a way to give it to him. He says he wishes they could, and she says, her too. Now it’s time for him and Sasha to come together. They have a big decision ahead of them. She wants him to scream, cry, maybe even pray that they make that decision together. And whatever decision they make, they’ll all be there for them, every step of the way. They hug, and Sonny watches.

Elizabeth says, the way she feels about Finn scares her. What if things don’t work out? She’s terrified of losing him. He says he’s not going anywhere. She’s not getting rid of him that easy. She laughs, and he says, in case it’s not clear, he feels the same way; he really cares about her. No matter how this winds up, his world is so much better for having her in it. She says, hers too.

Brook tells Chase, here she is, trying to protect her family’s legacy, and all she’s getting is shame and grief. And it’s so much more than that now. She has to protect Bailey. Nothing is more important than that, so she’ll just keep on taking the insults and bearing them. Chase says, for what it’s worth (🍷), he recognizes her sacrifice. Doing the right thing when it costs you is a very brave thing. But the only reason he stepped up when he figured it out was because he saw what she was about. He believed in her, and he sees her. She says, he does, doesn’t he? and they move closer. A worker opens the door and says, they were both trapped in there? The manager said no one was in there, so he pressed his floor buffer against the wall. Brook says, he should be more careful next time, and leaves. The man says he should warn Chase, the hot water’s out. He hopes Chase doesn’t mind cold showers. He leaves, and Chase says, no problem.

Elizabeth wonders, what’s next? when Finn’s phone beeps. He says, it’s an emergency; he’s needed upstairs. They get up, and he says he’s not going to press the issue, not until she’s ready. But if and when she is, if she wants to see where this could go, so does he. He leaves, and she smiles.  

Alexis says she may have gotten a little ahead of herself. It would be inappropriate for her to invite Harmony to her house. Harmony says she doesn’t need to explain; it’s fine. Maybe some friendships in prison are meant to stay there. Alexis says she’s sorry, and Harmony says, her too. She tells Alexis, have a good life and take care of yourself, and she leaves.

Portia comes out of the hospital elevator, and she asks what Curtis is doing there. He says he just dropped TJ off, and thought he’d come and see her. She says she’s glad he did. She saw Stella at the MetroCourt, and they talked about Marshall. She made like she was okay, but Portia had the feeling she was a bit shaken up about everything. He says, yeah. He ran into Marshall with TJ today. She asks if he had any luck getting answers out of him, but he says, no, but he was right about one thing. There’s nothing Marshall could ever say that could excuse him for letting them believe he was dead this whole time.

Marshall goes into the Bistro, where Stella is at a table. He says he got her message, and she says, it’s just the two of them now. Let’s put all the cards on the table, shall we?

Brando asks if Sonny saw Sasha, and Sonny says, she’s in her room; she’s looking for him. Brando thanks Nina and leaves, and Nina asks how Sasha is. He says, as well as can be expected, and she asks how Sonny is. He says, it just hits home. It reminds him of when he said goodbye to his father, Mike. He doesn’t know if he told her, but before he ended up in Nixon Falls, he was dying in the woods. He saw his father; he saved Sonny’s life. She says, he probably knew Sonny had to be there for his family right now, and Sonny says, or maybe it wasn’t a coincidence he ended up in Nixon Falls and his name was Mike, and he was a lot like him. He smiles and says, my dad.   

Brando looks for Sasha in her room, and she comes in from the hallway. He takes her hands, and says he’s been doing some thinking. He says so has he, and she starts to cry. He holds her.

Nina says when she and Sonny went back home to Port Charles, he said the man he was in Nixon Falls wasn’t real. He was; he is. They’re one and he same. Both Mike and Sonny are men that his dad would be very, very proud of. Carly and Olivia walk in, and see them. A lot of soap faces all around.

Tomorrow, Portia asks Curtis if it would really be so terrible, Sam says she brought someone along, Nina asks Olivia if that’s a threat, and Sasha wonders, what if she doesn’t do the right thing?

Project Runway

I’ve realized that I enjoy watching other people do things I don’t enjoy doing, like sewing and cooking. Those who can’t do, watch.

Anna was feeling the loss of Octavio aka Daddy, but to give them all a break, Christian fronted them a bottle of mimosas at the bar next door. In Prajje’s interview, he said he didn’t feel good about it. Christian didn’t just invite you out for drinks. Brandon and Christian met them at the bar, and Brandon said fashion and cocktails had a long history. Cocktail dresses were invented when laws were changed to allow women to drink publicly. Later, the cocktail dress was a woman’s go-to garment when she wanted to be less formal, and free to have fun. The challenge was to make a cocktail dress for the modern woman using anything they could find in the cocktail bar. It was the unconventional material challenge. In Chasity’s interview, she said it was her favorite challenge, and she’d made things out of weird stuff before. Brandon said it should be technically exciting, but please just watch the hot glue gun. It was a two-day challenge with no trip to Mood. They had twenty minutes to strip the bar. They included the champagne bottles in their grab.

Bones wore a babushka as he worked. This doesn’t really factor into anything, I just wanted to write babushka. Christian called it his Edith Beale look. Anna got weepy, but Prajje told her that Octavio would want her to be working. Coral had a billion straws, then noticed so did everyone else. Anna was doing something with tin foil, but when Christian made his rounds, he told her that she was in her head. It would look like a tin foil dress, when the whole point was to be unconventional. Working with unconventional material also required unconventional tools, like lighters and hammers. And gallons of spray paint. Outside, fireworks happened, but I’m not sure why. The designers had a phenomenal view from the street.

The guest judge was Christopher John Rogers, who Nina described as the go-to designer for influential women like Lady Gaga and Kamala Harris. Elaine said, everyone was good at this point, and it was going to get really real. Everything was quite impressive, especially to someone who thinks hemming pants is an achievement – i.e. me. Shantall had used mostly black straws, and Brandon’s mouth fell open when he saw the dress. I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Among Anna’s finds were plastic bags and an exit sign, and she went with a silhouette that reflected her Asian roots. Bones had used a beaded curtain and broken glass for his creation, and Coral used a bar mat and trash bags. Chasity’s dress contained coffee filters, bottle caps, and napkins (I was surprised everyone didn’t go for linens first), and Aaron used a table cloth, straws, and parchment for a cape. Prajje focused on coffee filters and doilies, making his own lace, and Kristina made sequins by melting plastic containers, and used a bar mat as the base of the dress.   

Aaron blew the judges away, Nina saying, she loved the geometry of his design. Elaine said it was extra in all the right ways. On the low end was Chasity, who’s construction was poor; pieces had actually fallen off. Nina said, too much of a glue gun did her in. Anna also scored low, Christopher saying, graphics could be good, but she was all over the place. She needed to be more intentional. Shantall was another favorite. Brandon said using all straws showed she had no fear. It should have gone wrong, but didn’t. Elaine said, this was what the competition was about; to find people like her. She was impressed. Nina said Shantall had confidence in her vison, and her design was edited and precise, the mark of a good designer. One of their least favorites was Prajje, although Brandon said he responded to the lightness and happiness. Fit was an issue, however, and he thought the problem was the use of pleather underneath. Elaine said the fit wasn’t flattering, and Nina said the model was drowning in doilies. Another high scorer was Kristina. Christopher said her dress looked expensive, Nina said she could feel the confidence of the design, and Elaine said it was a fresh take.

The judges deliberated, and Elaine said Shantall was a clear frontrunner. Nina said Kristina’s design was modern and creative, and Brandon said Aaron’s dress didn’t look like it was made from stirrers; the skirt looked like sequins.  In discussing who would be out, Elaine said Chasity’s dress flattered the model, which was more than she could say for Prajje; it looked like a paper bag. She thought Anna’s piece was too gimmicky, but Nina said Anna was the only designer who created a print, and she’d gone back to her roots with the silhouette. Christopher said, it was convoluted, and Brandon said, all three of them were chaotic.

The high/low designers were brought out again, and Shantall was declared the big winner. In her interview, she said she’d been out of the competition she’d put all her effort and soul in. She’d been given a chance to start over, and felt so proud of herself. The three low scorers were told they hadn’t managed their time well, and it showed in the work. Still, they were all tremendously talented, and this was hard. Anna’s message was unclear, Prajje’s model was overwhelmed by doilies, and Chasity’s look was too crafty. Ultimately, Prajje was out. Brandon said he was incredibly talented, and it had been a challenging moment, but use it to move forward. Through his tears, Prajje thanked them for the experience. He was going home with pride. Elaine said his journey wasn’t ending, and it was only up from there. I’ll miss his costumes. Christian told the group, it gets harder; they were all good. Prajje was a great designer and artist, and he’d brought color to the workroom. He was an inspiration. In his interview, Prajje said it was a platform where he could represent his country. The stories didn’t always get to be told, but don’t let misery be a reason to be stuck. Push yourself to be better, and you could be somebody. He was coming out of this a greater someone.

Next time, a real client challenge; the designers will have to create a dress for a Real Housewife for the Ultimate Reunion show; and Andy Cohen is the guest judge.

🎅🏽 Be Good For Goodness Sake…

Calling it an early night, but drop by tomorrow for soap, tea spillage, and words to live by. Until then, stay safe, stay saying what you mean and meaning what you say, and stay doing the right thing, even if it costs you. It’s also the brave thing.