Tag Archives: Tinsley Mortimer

November 14, 2023 – Charlotte Wants Anna Arrested, Deep Dive, Going Country, Salty Talk, Winter Mess, Vegas Fail, Kyle’s Rant, Way To Go, Random Pups (!), Don’t Bother & Who Says


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Finn and Elizabeth get in the elevator, and he asks, what’s with all the paperwork? She says, the hospital is facing budget adjustments, and she has to get it in by the end of the year. He says, budget adjustments such as staff cuts and supply shortages? and she says, hopefully, it’s not as bad as last year, but they’ll get through it. He says, they always do. When they come out, Portia says she needs to speak with Finn, calling him. Dr. Finn. He says, that’s very formal, and she says, actually she and Dr. Randolph need to meet with him. He says, of course (🍷), and she says, Dr. Randolph is waiting in her office. She leaves and he follows her.

Carly comes to the penthouse and Sonny asks if everything is okay. She says, you tell me, and he says, everything is okay with him. She says, really? Then why is Nina offering to sell her back her half of the MetroCourt? He says he doesn’t know. It’s the first he’s hearing about it.

Valentin thanks Nina for coming over and says, Laura will be here any minute. Nina asks if something happened with Charlotte, and he says, she’s recovering. She seems to think Anna shot her intentionally. Nina says, no. Charlotte told him that? He says, no. She told Laura that last night. Nina wonders why Charlotte would think that, but he says he doesn’t know. He didn’t get much of a chance to talk to Laura before she was called away on official business. When Charlotte was removed from ICU, the nurses convinced him to go home and get some sleep. He’s going back to the hospital as soon as Laura tells them what happened. There’s a knock at the door, and Valentin opens it to Laura. She says she wasn’t expecting Nina to be here.

Spencer walks into Alexis’s office and finds Esme there. She says, his Aunt Alexis isn’t here, but he says he came here to see her.

Trina walks into the gallery, and Ava says she thought Trina had classes today. Trina says, she did, but she came straight from her last one. Ava says, she’s not on the schedule, and Trina says she just didn’t want to go back to the dorms. Ava asks if everything is okay, but Trina says, no. She got into a big fight with Spencer yesterday. Ava says she’s sorry. It seems like a pretty serious fight. Trina says, it was. He gave her an old tomato ultimatum. Ava asks what she did, and Trina says she got up and walked out on him. She’s been avoiding him ever since.

Dante goes to Austin’s office and says he wants to ask Austin a few questions about his cousin Mason. Austin says he already spoke to Chase about this, and another detective, and Dante says, and he told them to speak to his lawyer. Austin says, exactly. So he doesn’t have anything else to say to Dante. Dante says, that’s cool. Maybe he can listen. He closes the door.

The guard lets Cyrus into Mason’s room, and Cyrus says, nice talking with him. He says, hello, to Mason, and tells him, the Lord instructs us to comfort the sick and the prisoner, and in Mason, he has both. Mason asks if that’s how Cyrus convinced the cop to let him in, and Cyrus says, he’s a man of faith. Mason asks what he’s doing here, and Cyrus says he’s here to show Mason the path to his redemption.

Terry thanks Finn for giving them some time, and he asks if he had a choice. She asks him to have a seat, and he says, this must be serious. Terry says, very serious. He’s going to need to hire an attorney. He and GH are being sued for malpractice.

Esme asks if this is about Ace, but Spencer says, he’s having a ball right now in daycare; he just saw him. She says, in that case, she’s working, so if there’s anything he needs to talk about, they can talk about it at dinner… at his grandmother’s apartment. He tells her that she was going to say dinner at home, and she says she was, but she didn’t. She and Ace are currently staying with his grandmother and Doc. Home will be the apartment they move into.

Ava says she’s surprised Spencer doesn’t know Trina isn’t the kind of woman who would take kindly to ultimatums, and Trina says, who would? Ava says, right on. So why does she think he did it? Trina says, they were talking about his relationship with Esme and Ace, and how it feels like there’s no room in his life for their relationship. So she spoke up and told him how she felt. Ava says, good for her.

Dante says, it sounds like Mason’s been hanging around Austin’s office and the ER for the past year. He sits down, and Austin says, please have a seat. His cousin Mason suffers from the misconception that they’re close. Dante asks if that’s why Mason has been bringing third parties into the ER for treatment, but Austin says he has no memory of anything like that. Dante knows how busy and crazy the ER can get. Dante says, right, and it helps if you’re not keeping a record of treating your cousins, friends, and co-workers. Maybe even treating them for injuries they sustained during criminal activities. But that would make him an accessory after the fact.

Cyrus says, all he has to do is confess his sins, and Mason says, that’s a long list. Cyrus says he’s talking about Mason’s very specific, very recent sins. Abducting Ava Jerome, intending to hold her for ransom, and reconsidering that option. Ava was in Mason’s car as he tried to decide his next move. He was confronted by Dex Heller. During the struggle, he was shot by Detective Dante Falconari. Mason will still be on the hook for the kidnapping charge, but the attempted murder charges will be dropped. All Mason has to do is admit he acted alone. Mason says, but he didn’t.

Laura says she thinks Valentin might prefer this conversation be private, but he says, Nina is fully involved. She took an enormous risk, deleting the security footage of Charlotte breaking into Anna’s room at the MetroCourt. She loves Charlotte. Nina promises Laura that her only concern is for Charlotte, and Valentin says he’s already told her that Charlotte thinks Anna shot her intentionally. Laura says, so she guesses he hasn’t spoken to Charlotte yet today, and Valentin says, no. He wanted to hear what Charlotte told her last night first. Laura says, she admitted to trying to push Anna out of Port Charles and away from Valentin, and he says, why? Did Charlotte tell her? Laura says, yes. It is exactly as they suspected. He says, Victor, and she nods.

Carly says, so Nina didn’t tell Sonny that she was selling her half of the MetroCourt, and he says, no. They don’t talk much about business, but it surprised him, since she loves running the place. Now she’s better friends with Olivia, so he doesn’t know. Carly says, something’s changed, and he asks if Nina told Carly why she wanted to sell it back. Carly tells him, Nina said that she was busy, but it was really strange, so she’s not buying it. Sonny says, they’ve got a lot going on, and Carly says, Nina’s got something going on. And she’s going to find out what it is.

Valentin says, so Charlotte confirmed to Laura that Victor convinced her to go after Anna? and Laura says, she said that her grandfather had written to her, and that he came to visit her at the boarding school. She got the impression they’d had some really long conversations. Valentin says, and Victor did most of the talking, and Laura says, she seems overly obsessed with protecting Valentin… from Anna. Nina says, so Victor convinced Charlotte that Anna was a threat to him. Charlotte did everything that she did because she thought she was protecting him.

Sonny tells Carly, let’s not jump to conclusions. He and Nina just got married. She has a relationship with Willow now. Maybe she just wants to spend more time with Amelia and Wiley. Maybe it’s that simple. She says, nothing is ever that simple with Nina. Ever. He says, like it is with her? (touché!) and she says, at least with her, you get full disclosure and transparency, whether you like it or not. He says, that’s true enough, and she thanks him. She says, is Crimson losing money? and he says, not that he knows of, but even if it was, why would Nina want to sell her half of the MetroCourt? Carly says, maybe she needs money to shore up the magazine, and he says, money’s not an issue for Nina. But let’s say Carly accepted her offer. Where would she get the money?

Finn asks if Terry can tell him the name of the patient who’s suing him and what the complaint is, and Terry nods to Portia. Portia says, the patient in question has died. His wife is the one filing the suit. Terry gives Finn the patient’s file, and he says, Dennis Muldoon. Terry says, they’ll need all the notes he has on the patient, and also everyone on staff who worked on the case with him. He says, of course (🍷). Does this mean he’s suspended? Portia says, he’ll still be able to practice, and Terry says, with some restrictions. He asks what they are, and she says, the hospital’s policy in a case like this is to allow the staff member to practice, but if it’s a potentially fatal case, he’ll need to request a second opinion before he can offer treatment or prescribe medication. Portia says, and because of his history of substance abuse, he’ll be required to do drug testing on a weekly basis. He says he sees. And he understands. That will be the easiest part of this process for him. Terry says, good, and Finn walks to the door. He asks how much time he has to find an attorney, and Terry says, he should start looking immediately. Finn leaves.

Ava puts two chairs near each other, and tells Trina, sit down. She says, Trina’s been a saint when it comes to Spencer spending time with Esme and Ace. She couldn’t stay quiet that long. No way. Sure, she has a history with Esme and this amnesia thing of hers is hard for her to swallow, but that aside, Trina’s in love with Spencer. And here he is, spending so much time with his ex and her baby, a baby that happens to be his brother. Trina says she does understand why he’s being so protective of Ace though, and Ava says, so does she. God knows where Nikolas is, so he’s no help at all. And he made a lot of mistakes with Spencer. She’s sure Spencer just wants to make sure Ace isn’t shortchanged the way he was. Trina said that herself. Trina says, she’s tried to justify all the time he spends with Esme and Ace, and Ava says, she’s been very patient, very understanding. Trina says she has, hasn’t she? and Ava says, she has, so what changed?

Spencer says, he doesn’t want Esme and Ace to move out, and Esme says, he’s made that perfectly clear, but it’s not up to him. He says he just doesn’t understand why she’s leaving all of a sudden, and she says, it’s not all of a sudden. It’s what’s best for her and Ace. He says, how? Right now, Ace has everything that he needs. He doesn’t understand how her taking him and moving in to a different apartment is going to be better for him. If she does that, she’ll have to take care of him all of the time. The only time she won’t have to take care of him is when he’s here at daycare. She says, that’s what mothers do, and he says, when they’re on their own. But she doesn’t have to be. He’s more than willing to step up and help her take care of him. His grandmother and Doc love spending time with Ace, so they’ll have a back-up if they need it. She says she can still drop Ace off to Doc and Laura whenever they’re available and he can help take care of Ace. He says, okay, so what would be the point in her leaving? She says, because she and Ace need to get away from him.

Austin says, Dante asked him to listen, and he did, but Dante says he’s not quite finished. Austin says, Dante doesn’t have anything. If he did have any proof of what he’s talking about, he wouldn’t be here fishing. Dante says he’s not fishing. Security footage is proof. Sworn affidavits from GH staffers who saw Austin and Mason and his friends is proof. And now they have his cousin handcuffed to a bed upstairs, and the more they get to know about his criminal activities, the easier it’s going to be to prove Austin was working with Mason in the kidnapping and attempted murder of Ava Jerome. Austin says he’s the one who saved her.

Mason says, Cyrus ordered him to abduct Ava, and Austin would be forced to testify at Cyrus’s medical hearing so he could get himself out of Pentenville. But the moment he’s on the hook, and Ava can ID him to the cops, Cyrus tells him to let her go. With all due respect, he couldn’t take that chance. He had to get rid of her. Cyrus says, these heavy drugs they have Mason on must have addled his brain to come up with such wild and false allegations, but he understands. Mason must be frightened, but tell him, did those drugs make Mason forget his last visit and how he explained to Mason exactly how it could end for him? Mason flashes back to Cyrus telling him, the pain you felt when you were shot, any pain you’ve felt during your entire life will pale in comparison to the pain you will feel during your long, excruciating journey into death, if you ever betray me again. Cyrus says he believes Mason remembers now.

Terry says, Finn is a good doctor, and Portia says, he’s a good friend. She hated seeing that look on his face. Terry says, her too. It’s hard enough losing a patient, but then to be accused of malpractice? Portia says she’s sure he took copious notes, and Terry says she hopes Portia is right. They need Dr. Finn and GH to be cleared of any wrongdoing.

Elizabeth sees Finn at the reception desk and asks, what happened? What did Terry and Portia want to talk to him about? He says, every doctor’s nightmare. I worked for a medical clinic for a while, and I can vouch for the fact malpractice insurance is astronomical.

Carly says she doesn’t know if she wants to buy back the MetroCourt, and Sonny says, Carly loves that place. She says, but she loves Kelly’s. She’s made some great changes, and in some ways, she thinks Kelly’s is a better fit for her than the MetroCourt. He says he doesn’t see it, and she says she knows the MetroCourt seems like it was better for her, but she loves both. She knows she can’t run both and own them, so she’s going to have to make a choice. He says, seems like an easy choice to him, and she says, but it’s not. Her mom gave her Kelly’s when she was in a really bad place. It was really generous of her. He asks if Bobbie is still away, and she says, yeah. She’s in Amsterdam, taking care of Luke’s affairs, and the last thing she needs is for Carly to abandon Kelly’s. Sonny says, Carly could always find somebody dependable to run the place, and she says, but if she decides to buy back the MetroCourt, she has to find someone to finance it. He says, I can – she says, nohelp – she says, do not offeryou.

Laura says, when Charlotte first woke up after the surgery, she asked where Valentin was, and she told Charlotte that he’d gone on a walk with Anna. Charlotte seemed to be genuinely frightened for his safety. He says, and that’s when Charlotte told her what she did, and Laura says, yes. She admitted to trying to push Anna out of town and away from Valentin to protect him. He says, they know she trashed Anna’s hotel suite. Did she admit to anything else? Laura says, she didn’t get into any specifics, and after what she’d been through, Laura didn’t think it was a good time to question her. Valentin says, of course (🍷), and Nina says, when Charlotte is a bit stronger, maybe Doc can talk to her again. It seems like she opens up to him. Laura says, he’s already agreed to come and visit her whenever they decide she’s ready for it, and Valentin says, good. Nina says, this whole thing is awful, but at least they know Charlotte wasn’t acting on her own. She was motivated by Victor’s hatred of Anna. Laura says, and he knew she was at a very impressionable age. He arranged to get her far away from home and all alone. Valentin says he should have never let her go to that damn place, but Laura says, he thought he was doing something good for her. And they all did at that time. Valentin says, Charlotte told her that he wrote a letter? and Laura says, yes. He says, excuse him, and goes to Charlotte’s bedroom.

Valentin looks around the room, touching nothing yet. His eyes light on Charlotte’s journal, but he keeps looking.

Elizabeth says she remembers finding Finn on the roof the night Mr. Muldoon died. He was devastated. And now his family is suing the hospital and Finn? Why? Finn says, they believe he was negligent in not diagnosing his cancer in time, and she asks if his symptoms indicated cancer. Finn says, he had a tapeworm he picked up traveling abroad. He traveled for work extensively, mostly in third world countries. So he ordered bloodwork, and the results came back with anomalies. Anomalies consistent with a lot of causes, tapeworm among them. G.I. distress, fatigue, weight loss. So he sent Muldoon home with a plan of treatment and a request for further testing. He called a few days later and said he was feeling much better. He went on another trip, and Finn had requested further testing, including a colonoscopy. He didn’t come in for two months, and that’s when Finn expanded the scope of treatment in order to get more testing. Elizabeth says, that’s when he found the cancer, and Finn says, yeah. He didn’t see it coming. Muldoon thought he’d be here for a couple of hours and then Finn had to tell him that he had cancer, and it was too late to start any treatment. He never left this hospital again. She says, Finn didn’t do anything wrong, and Finn says he believes he didn’t, but that may not matter.

Valentin checks under the mattress, and we see he’s rifled through the drawers. He spies a pile of books and takes down the top one. He opens it and sees it’s hollowed out. The tarot cards are inside, along with the letter, which he opens and reads. He says, Victor.

Spencer says, Esme is going to take Ace and leave because she doesn’t want him growing up thinking the three of them are a family? She says, that’s right. Because the longer the three of them live together, the harder that’s going to be on Ace when it ends, and it’s going to end. Spencer asks, what makes her say that?😐and she says, because it has to. He wants his own life, and she really understands that. He wants to travel when he wants to travel. He wants to spend time with the people he wants to spend time with. And sooner or later, he’s going to want to spend all of his time with someone. He can’t have that life and Ace. He asks, why not? They don’t have to be in a romantic relationship for him to commit to Ace. Or her.

Trina tells Ava, what changed was, she said one word. And Spencer lost it. Ava says, there’s got to be more to it than that, and Trina says, when Laura and Doc came back from their trip, Esme thought it was too crowded. So she decided to rent a place for her and Ace. Ava says, so far, so good, and Trina says, that’s what she thought. And Laura supported the idea. She even offered to co-sign the lease. Ava says, go, Laura, and Trina says, but when Spencer told her that Esme was moving out, she just said exactly how she felt. She said, finally. Ava tells Trina, that sounds perfect to her, but Trina says, it didn’t sound good to Spencer.

Mason tells Cyrus that he can cut a deal if he gives up Austin. He’s the dumb henchman, and Austin’s the smart doctor who planned everything. There’s plenty evidence to back it up too. Lots of people have seen them together, and Austin slept with Ava. He can tell the cops that Austin seduced Ava to get to her money, and when that blew up in his face, he asked Mason to take her. Cyrus’s name will never be mentioned. Cyrus smiles.

Dante says, Austin saved Ava? and Austin says, what he means is, he would never hurt Ava. Dante tells him, that’s not what he said. Austin said he saved her. Austin says he did save her that night at Windymere. Ryan Chamberlain was running around like a lunatic, Heather Webber’s got a great big hook… He’s sure all of this is in Dante’s files. Go read his files. Dante says he’s read the files. The thing he can’t figure out is what Austin was doing at Windymere in the first place. What’s the nature of his relationship to Ava Jerome?

Valentin comes out with the letter, and says, it’s all Victor. There’s no question; it’s his father’s handwriting. He hands it to Laura, and she says, oh my God. She reads: My dearest Charlotte, It is with a heavy heart that I must write to you and share my concerns about our family’s future. A family I cherish and would give my life for. I’m afraid your father has gotten weak, Charlotte. I had so much hope for him, but he’s forgotten how truly important family is since he’s fallen in love with Anna Devane. Anna has completely manipulated your father… Her extensive training in espionage has afforded her the ability to mask who she really is. Nina says, no wonder Charlotte was confused, and Valentin says, he weaponized her. Laura continues: Anna Devane is not who she seems; do not trust her. Not for a minute. And it is imperative you never forget… You must use any weapon you can to defeat Anna, because your father clearly will do whatever she asks. And she will use his feelings, she will use your father, and lead him into danger. She will lead him to his death. Nina says, oh my God, and Laura reads: My dear Charlotte, you are the only one who can protect your father from Anna Devane. You, his most cherished possession, must save him. To guide you, I’m giving you these very special tarot cards. They’re powerful tools, Charlotte. You’ll find them helpful. Use them wisely. Use them to protect and save your father, a man we both love dearly. Your ally and loving grandfather, Victor Cassadine. Nina says, sick bastard, and Valentin says, Victor found the perfect revenge.

Sonny asks when Carly said Nina made her the offer, and Carly says, this morning at Kelly’s. Nina said she’d been at the hospital all night with Charlotte. He says, that was a tragic accident. Anna’s torn apart by it; so is Nina. Charlotte is like a daughter to her. Maybe it hit Nina a lot harder than he thought. Carly says, maybe, but would he think that’s the reason she wants to sell the MetroCourt?

Trina asks if it’s bad for her to think Spencer is too attached to his little brother, but Ava says she thinks this is more about Esme than it is about Ace. What was Spencer’s ultimatum? Trina says, he warned her that if she made him choose between her and Ace, she wouldn’t like the choice, and Ava says, ouch. Trina says, they were closer than ever in New York, but it never seems to fail. Something like this will happen, then they’re further apart. It’s like they’re doomed to fail.

Cyrus says, Mason is a lot smarter than he thought Mason was. That’s a very creative solution. Mason says, it’ll work, but Cyrus says, not for him. He doesn’t want Austin tainted by Mason’s crime. He’s a respected doctor and Cyrus needs to avail himself of Austin’s services and support if necessary. Mason says, so he gets to rot in prison while college boy gets everything he wants, and Cyrus says, don’t be so resentful. College boy will get everything he deserves in good time. Meanwhile, Mason will be well-protected in Pentenville and lead a very comfortable life. And who knows? He might be eligible for release sooner than he thinks, provided he does exactly as he’s told.

Austin says, he and Ava are very close, and Dante asks if she’ll corroborate that. Austin says, what relationship doesn’t have its ups and downs? and Dante says, he’s looking at a lot of downs. They have a laundry list of charges they could file against Austin. Collusion, kidnapping, attempted murder… Austin says, come on. Dante said himself, he’s got Mason handcuffed to a bed upstairs. Dante caught him red-handed. Dante shot him. Dante says he did. Does Austin think it was Mason’s idea to kidnap Ava? Austin says he doesn’t know. Ask Mason. Dante says, come on, doc. He’s not the brains behind this thing; he was the muscle. He was following someone’s orders. Maybe Austin’s. Austin says, no, but Dante says, he’s the smart guy. Come up with the name of Mason’s boss. Maybe he’ll have a chance to save himself. He walks out of Austin’s office.

Sonny tells Carly, maybe Charlotte getting shot made Nina rethink her priorities. Maybe she wants to spend less time working and more time with the people she loves. Carly says, when she heard about Charlotte, all she could think about was Josslyn and Donna. If something happened to them, it would kill her. He says, nothing’s going to happen to the kids. They’re settled, and he’s got everything under control. Carly asks if he’s sure about that. Because Cyrus is walking around scot-free, and Sonny doesn’t have Jason watching his back anymore. He says he thinks about Jason every day, but he has eyes all over town, including Dex and Brick. She says she knows how important Brick is to him, and he says, Dex actually stepped up. If it wasn’t for him and Dante, Ava would be dead. So he doesn’t want her to worry. She’s got Drew back, so just enjoy each other. She thanks him and says, maybe he’s right about Nina. He says, she should think real hard about taking Nina’s offer, and she says she will. She tells him, watch your back, and goes to the door. He says he always does, and she leaves.

Laura gives the letter back to Valentin, who says, Victor turned his daughter into a weapon. He’s weaponized Laura’s granddaughter. He convinced Charlotte to target the woman he loves. How can he fight back against a child? Nina says, Victor’s dead, and now that they have proof he was behind all of this, they can just talk to Charlotte. They tell her that Victor was wrong about Anna, that nothing in that letter was true. Laura says, yes, but they have to look at this from Charlotte’s point of view for a moment. Her grandfather told her that Anna was dangerous, that she was a threat, and now in Charlotte’s mind, Anna has proven that by shooting her. Nina says, but it was an accident, and Laura says, yes, of course (🍷), and they all know that, but because of Victor, Charlotte actually believes that Anna shot her intentionally. She believes Anna wanted to kill her, and she wants Anna arrested for it.

Esme asks exactly what kind of commitment Spencer is willing to make, and Spencer says he has money. He can see to it she’s financially taken care of. She can quit this job if she so chooses, and he can share in the childcare responsibilities with her. He just wants to make sure his little brother is happy. Does she really think moving Ace out of his grandmother’s home is what’s best for him right now? No. They’re a team. They’re just not a romantic one. She says, that all sounds great, so let’s go for it. Why don’t they get a nice little house somewhere for the four of them? He says, for the four of them? and she says, her, him, Ace, and Trina. She bets Trina will think this is a wise plan. He says, come on, but she says, no, you come on. The longer she lives in that apartment with him and his grandmother, the longer she’s putting her life on hold, and that’s not fair to her and it’s not fair to Ace. He isn’t the only one who deserves to have someone special in his life. He says, so this isn’t really about Ace at all. He didn’t realize she’s so desperate to find someone new. She says she’s desperate to start her life again. She doesn’t have to defend herself to him or anyone else. She’s going to do what’s right for Ace, and yes, what’s right for her. If he’ll excuse her, she has work to do. She picks up some files and leaves the office. He makes a call and leaves a message. Please call him. He needs them. Things have gone from bad to worse.

Portia tells Terry that she’s never been in any malpractice lawsuit situation before. What’s the next step? Does the hospital have the same lawyer Dr. Finn does? Terry says, in her experience, hospitals are advised to have a separate lawyer. Dr. Finn will need to prove he didn’t do anything negligent, whereas they’ll have to prove it was a good decision to employ Finn. And they’ll have to prove they have a solid system of checks and balances, and that they don’t have a history of malpractice suits. Portia says she wouldn’t want to be in Finn’s shoes right now. A case like this could ruin your whole career. Terry says, and lawsuits like this have taken down bigger hospitals than GH. Let’s hope that’s not the case this time.

Elizabeth tells Finn, once we find you an attorney, they’ll tell you what you’re up against and how we need to proceed. He says, we? and she says, yeah. She’s going to help him with this. She was with him the night Mr. Muldoon died. She can testify to his state of mind, and the fact that he never said anything that would indicate he might have made a mistake with his diagnosis and treatment. He says, she doesn’t have to… but she says, please don’t argue with her. She’s going to help him do everything he can to clear his name. He says he doesn’t want her risking her position, but she says she’s not risking anything. And as Head Nurse, she wants the truth to come out. So moving forward, she suggest they get back to work, and tonight, they’ll start going over his notes. He thanks her and says, maybe they can start tomorrow. He needs a day to process this. His career’s in jeopardy… She takes his hand and says, we’re not going to let anything happen to you. He says he’s lucky to have her, and she says, yeah, he is. It goes both ways. She leaves.

Trina asks what she should do, and Ava says, it’s not like she’s talking to an expert in relationships here. She’s had her share, and none of them have gone the distance. Not that she’s giving up. She still believes happy endings are possible. Trina’s just at the beginning. Trina’s phone dings, and Ava asks if she thinks that’s the same person who just tried to call her. She thinks she can guess who it was. Trina says, Spencer. She doesn’t want to talk to him right now. Ava asks how long she plans to avoid him, but Trina says she doesn’t have a plan. She just doesn’t want to argue anymore, and she’s not giving in to his ultimatum. Ava asks if Trina has told him how she feels, the way Trina just told her, and Trina says she guesses not. Ava asks if she still loves him, and Trina says, yes. Ava says, sit down with him. Talk to him and keep cool and don’t point fingers. Just tell him how she feels and why she feels that way. Then listen to him and be respectful of how he feels. Trina says, okay, and thanks Ava, hugging her. She says she knows Ava would tell her the right thing, even if it was hard for her to hear. Ava says, what are friends for? Maybe Trina should reply to Spencer’s text. Trina picks up her phone.

As Austin goes by the reception desk, Elizabeth gives him a message left for him. He opens it, and it says: DON’T BE FOOLISH. IT CAN BE DEADLY. He crumples it up, and then sees Cyrus across the hall. He continues to watch as Cyrus waits for the elevator. When it comes, Cyrus winks at him before getting in.

Tomorrow, Portia tells Curtis that she got some news today; TJ needs to talk to someone right away; Sasha says she’ll walk off the set; and Cyrus brings Austin tidings of great joy.

🧜‍♀️ Finding His Siren…

Can’t say I pictured it as a tank. Impressive.

🚜 Literally Buying The Farm…

Looks idyllic.

🧂 A Pinch Of Salt…

Since the recap isn’t out yet, here’s a few tidbits.


🏂 Apology Tour Already…

No recap yet for this awful mess either.



💎 Magic Mike Meltdown…

Fact correction: It was Crystal and Erika on the stage (Kyle came later and Sutton was nonplussed), and really Erika that she freaked about.

🤺 Rehashing The Deck Fight…

I can’t say I mind a repeat of Kyle insulting Natalya. She’s such a piece of work. Max is just clueless.

👰🏼‍♀️ She Finally Did It…

Kudos to Tinsley for finally making it to the married lady status she’s always wanted. But was he Dale approved?


🐶 A Tale Of Two Pups, Really Three…

I’d want this dog too.


The two that got away. Yes, I know Halloween is over.


🪧 Should Have Stayed Closed…

I watched The Open House on Netflix last weekend. Most of it wasn’t bad, but nothing stellar. Kind of like a Lifetime thriller with a bigger budget. I would have been fine with that, except the ending was like a big F-U in exchange for the time I spent watching it. Before the credits, it said the film was in loving memory of someone, and I wondered if it was the guy who was supposed to write the ending.

🦃 Tofurkey Trotting…

Stop in tomorrow for soap and snipes at Beverly Hills. Until then, stay safe, stay asking the host before bringing plus ones or more to Thanksgiving dinner, and stay not being foolish. It can be deadly.

March 30, 2021 – A Marriage of Necessity, Prank Fail, Jen Does Some Laundry, an Eerie Comparison, Marriage Meet Rocks, Delores’s Dynamic, Stuck In the Suez, Engagement Excitement, Orchestration, Too Loud, Possible Return, Sober Now, New Broker & March


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Continuing on with the way the week started, I missed the beginning, but here’s what happened. Laura stopped by the nightclub, where Curtis was fixing things up. She asked if he thought he’d made a good decision buying it, and he said he did. Jordan and Taggert went back to her apartment, and she said he could have the guestroom. At the hospital, Peter was angry because Finn had just told him to get lost, and left a voicemail for Cyrus. He wondered if Cyrus’s eyewitness had blabbed about him being Franco’s real killer, and said Cyrus’s witness should think smarter for their own safety. Finn saw Michael at the MetroCourt, and said he was on his way to Alexis’s hearing. He asked for Michael’s take on it, since Michael is Dante’s half-brother. Anna offered Carly some tea, and Carly said Jason had been framed; Peter had killed Franco. Alexis arrived at court, with Sam and Diane, who wanted her to change her plea to not guilty. Alexis said that wasn’t going to happen, and Valentin arrived to be supportive. By this time, I was at the keyboard, and…

Finn asks if Michael doesn’t think maybe Alexis will get what she deserves, and Michael says he’s also related to Kristina. They’re all worried about Alexis, and they all just want her to get the help she needs. Finn says, the same with Dante, and Michael says, Dante isn’t just the victim; he’s the only witness. He has to testify. Finn asks if Michael has any idea what Dante is going to say, and Michael says, the truth. Dante is a former police officer. He’s going to be honest and objective, but there’s no way he’s going to downplay what happened. Alexis was drunk and impaired, and grabbed a needle filled with lidocaine and tried to kill Franco. Instead, she injected Dante, and he almost died.

In the courtroom, Alexis admits she could use a drink, and Sam says she’s not going to have one, is she? Alexis says, no, and Sam hugs her, saying she’s so proud. Diane says, they all are. If Alexis is strong enough not to drink, she’s strong enough to let Diane fight for her. Valentin says, not if Alexis wants to face the consequences, and Sam asks why he’s encouraging Alexis to go to prison. He says he supports Alexis’s recovery, and if she wants to own up to what she did, and make amends, that’s entirely up to her. Sam says, if that means pleading guilty, she’ll be sending herself straight to prison, and Diane says, not guilty doesn’t mean innocent. It just means Alexis is using the judicial system the way it should be used. Valentin says Taggert pleaded not guilty, and Alexis says, he was accused of a Federal crime, and went before a Federal judge. Sam tells Alexis to please listen to Diane, and plead not guilty, but Alexis says, she was drunk and out of control, and almost killed Dante. She needs to face the consequences. Dante walks into the courtroom.    

Jordan tells Taggert, since he’ll be staying with her, she want to establish some rules. He promises to put the toilet seat down, and she says she was thinking about more than that. No self-pity parties. When they were on the task force together, they knew what the rules were, but a lot has changed. Taggert says, one thing that hasn’t is their desire for justice. How are they going to get Cyrus?  

Laura tells Curtis that she’s looking forward to his grand opening. She and Doc would love a place to go and unwind, and listen to good music. He says that’s exactly the atmosphere he wants to provide, and she says, expect to see a lot of them. They’ve promised to have more date nights. Curtis says, so things are good between her and Doc? and she says, never better. Why is he asking? He says he’s currently flying solo, and it makes him feel good if his friends are happy in their relationships. Laura says, they’re just terrific, but she wishes she could say the same for her other relationships. He asks if it’s Spencer again, and she says, for once, Spencer is staying out of trouble. She was referring to Martin, the brother she never knew she had. She decided to surprise him with a cake and candles on his birthday. He says, that was nice of her, but he guesses it didn’t go well. She says, Martin barely had a chance to make a wish, when her other brother showed up and ruined everything.

Jason says, Cyrus never had Florence when he was a child, and never will. Cyrus tells him not to misunderstand. He doesn’t mean any harm to Carly, her children, or the Corinthos empire Sonny left behind, but Jason scheduled a meeting with some well-respected family owned businesses, and he can’t attend. He knows patience is not their virtue. Jason says he’ll reschedule, and Cyrus says, that’s not necessary. He intends to fill the void left behind by Jason and Sonny. He’ll do his best to see that everyone’s interests are protected. The families drive a hard bargain, but Jason knows how reasonable Cyrus can be. Return his mother, or Jason will be tried and convicted for the murder of Franco Baldwin. It’s his choice.

Carly says Anna was told that Peter arranged for Drew’s plane to go down, and sent an assassin to kill Andre and Franco, but she wouldn’t listen. Anna says she was wrong, and Carly says, she was in denial. She wouldn’t see what was in front of her, and because of that, Peter was walking around free. Even as the body count was climbing, Anna told herself Peter was innocent and could be redeemed. Anna says she’ll carry the weight of that regret for the rest of her life. Why is Carly there? Carly says, Jason thinks they can work together. He trusts Anna. Anna says, Carly clearly doesn’t trust her, but Carly says she trusts Jason. He believes in Anna, and she’d better not prove him wrong.

Dante, who’s wearing a suit, tells Diane, he dressed the part, and she says she always advices her clients that their appearance affects how their testimony is received. He says he can wait outside, and Sam says he doesn’t have to be there, but Alexis asks him to stay. His presence reminds her of why she’s made the choice she’s made.

Peter comes out of the elevator at the MetroCourt, and sees Finn and Michael. He asks if Finn has heard from Anna; are they speaking? Finn says, even if he had the time to talk, he wouldn’t waste it on Peter. Peter laughs, and keeps walking. Michael says, Peter’s day is coming. Sooner than he thinks.

Carly says, Anna doesn’t look surprised, and Anna says Jason told her Peter killed Franco. Peter has gotten away with far too much for far too long, and a lot is on her. She wants him brought to justice just as much as she wants Jason exonerated. If Carly has any suggestions about how that can be accomplished, she’d like to hear them. Carly says, the eyewitness is Sonny’s cousin. She said she saw Jason ditch the weapon, and Carly thinks she was paid to lie. Her son works for Cyrus, so she has access to him, and she’s taken money from Cyrus before; she was paid to betray the family. Anna says, so she’s mercenary, and Carly says, Gladys knew Cyrus hated Jason, so when Jason was brought in, she reached out, and Cyrus told her to go to the police. Anna says, and she told them where to find the gun. When it was retrieved and there were no prints on it, it validated her story. Carly says, exactly, and Anna says, it makes sense, but why does Cyrus want to protect Peter?

Gladys tells Brando that his boss is an amazing man. Not only did Cyrus pay Brando’s medical bills, he’s been generous to her. Brando asks what’s in it for Cyrus, and she tells him, don’t be cynical. Obviously, Cyrus cares about Brando. He’s concerned about his own mother, and wanted to make sure they’re in good place. He says they went over this. He knows she told Cyrus that Dev wasn’t his son, and came into the country illegally. She gave Cyrus the information to hold over Sonny’s family, and him. She asks how he can say such a thing, and he says he knows her. Cyrus is a dangerous man, and if you disappoint or cross him, he’ll make sure you regret it. Peter comes by, and asks if Gladys has a moment. She preens at his attention.  

Cyrus tells Jason, by this time tomorrow, someone else could be sitting in his cell, and Cyrus can save him a place at the sit-down with the Five Families spaghetti sauce empire. He can pledge that Carly, and everyone near and dear to her, has their safety and security guaranteed. All Jason has to do is return a harmless little old lady who means nothing to Jason, but everything to him.

Laura tells Curtis that she thinks she wanted Martin to be the good brother partly to soften the other brother. Curtis says he never had much contact with Martin. They may have crossed paths socially, but he’s not a fan of lawyers, except Alexis. He will say this though, at his worst, Martin isn’t in Cyrus’s league… or is he wrong? What did Martin do? She says, Cyrus went out of his way to paint Martin as unscrupulous with a dark side, and Martin didn’t deny it. He says, she was hoping he would? and she says she thought she was past the point of being disillusioned by people. He says, it’s not a crime to want to see the best in people; it’s a good trait, especially with family. She says, except they’re too close. It obscures their vision, and they see people the way they want to, not how they are. He says he thinks that’s how he was seeing Jordan, and she says she realizes she was rushing into it because of the family connection. Maybe he’s doing the same thing.

Jordan says she and Taggert can order pick-up. She remembers him having a weakness for dumplings and prawns with garlic sauce. I immediately get hungry. He wants to look at Cyrus’s file, but she says, it’s a police file, and there’s strict access. They can’t do this the way they did it before. It has to be legit. He says they’re older and wiser, and he’s going to have to pass on the garlic sauce. He goes into the other room with his bag, and she takes out the PCPD file on Cyrus.

Dante asks Sam, what’s up? and she says she’s just checking on him. He says, because of his triggers? but she says, that’s not what she means. She doesn’t think he’s dangerous, she’s just checking to see how he’s doing. He’s been through a lot in the past few days, and almost killed Peter. He says he would have if Sam hadn’t talked him down, and she says she honestly wishes he would have. She went to the PCPD to see Jason, and he told her that Peter killed Franco. He asks if she’s got proof, but she says, not yet. They will though. He says, her and Jason? but she says, no. Her and Peter’s sister Britt.

Diane says she spoke to the bailiff, and the judge is running late. She still has time to mount a defense for Alexis. Alexis says, even if there’s time to argue mitigating circumstances, there’s more at stake than her freedom. Diane says, from a philosophical standpoint, Alexis is right, but the judge can give her a suspended sentence or send her to prison. Valentin says, it’s more than what this is about legally. If Alexis wants to be healthy and sober, she has to be rigorously honest with herself. Finn comes in, and tells him, says the guy who lies like breathing.    

**Carly tells Anna that Gladys told the police where to find the gun. Peter must realize that she knows it’s him, and his fate is in her hands. There’s only one person who can connect him to the murder. Anna says, he’ll want to eliminate her, and Carly says, she wants to explain that to Gladys, but she won’t listen. Anna says maybe she’ll have a go at Gladys, and Carly says, a stranger with a British accent? Anna says, maybe she can find someone else, and Carly says, Gladys might go to Cyrus for a bigger payout. They have to find another angle; a way to win Gladys’s trust. Anna asks Carly to tell her everything she knows about Gladys.

Peter starts to introduce himself, but Gladys says she knows who he is. He’s the publisher of The Invader. She never misses it, especially Page Five. She introduces herself, saying she’s the cousin of the late Sonny Corinthos. Her son Brando is a trusted employee of Cyrus Renault. Does Peter know Cyrus? Peter says, everybody knows Cyrus. Brando’s phone dings, and he says, it’s the garage; he’ll get it later. Gladys tells him to take it, since it’s work. Brando steps away, and Peter says he gets the distinct impression they’ve met before. Gladys says, it’s possible. Peter does have one of those faces. The kind you never forget.

Cyrus asks what Jason says. For Carly’s sake, is he ready to come around? Jason says Cyrus doesn’t have to worry about getting a Mother’s Day gift this year, and Cyrus says Jason had his chance; he won’t get another one. Cyrus leaves as Michael is coming in, and Michael asks Jason if it’s something he said. What was Cyrus doing there? Jason says, he delivered a message, and Michael says he guesses Cyrus didn’t like Jason’s answer.

Jason tells Michael that he knows Diane is working on bail, but a witness came forward, so it’s less likely to be granted. He’s not expecting to be released any time soon. Michael asks how Jason is doing, and Jason says he’s spent a lot of time in lock-up. He doesn’t love it, but he’s used to it. Michael says, this time, it’s different though. Sonny is gone, and that has to put pressure on Jason. Jason says, Michael hasn’t asked if he did it.

Carly explains to Anna that Gladys is an opportunist, and Anna says, so it’s about money. Carly says, partly, but Gladys is also chasing things money can’t buy. She always looked at Sonny as her super successful relative. He was rich, but also respected, even feared. Anna says, he had prestige and standing, and Carly says, Gladys has lived her life on the outside looking in, and resents it. She thinks these are things she deserves, but doesn’t want to lift a finger to get them. She thinks they’re owed to her. Anna says, interesting. She has an idea of how to handle Gladys.  

Alexis says she appreciates Finn’s support, but Valentin is there to do the same thing, and Diane says, if they can’t play nice, she’ll send them home. Finn says, any personal issues will take a back seat, and Valentin says he’ll reciprocate. Sam tells Alexis there’s time to change her plea, and Finn says, Alexis loves a big fight, but the bigger fight is the one they wage every day. Valentin’s phone dings, and Alexis says she can see from his face it’s important. He says he wants to be there for her, but she says he has been; she’ll take it from there. He leaves, and Diane says, so Alexis is changing her plea to not guilty? Alexis looks at Finn, and says, no. She’s pleading guilty. Diane says, it’s Alexis’s call. Just know she’ll fight like hell, whether Alexis wants her to or not.

Peter says he hopes Gladys didn’t get the wrong impression of him. His father was not a good man, and a lot of people mistakenly think he’s following in his father’s footsteps. She says, she’s an independent thinker, and he says he wishes more people would be. He’s been dealing with a woman named Liesl Obrecht, who’s accused him of killing Franco. Where in this twisted universe did she come up with something like that? Gladys says, search me, and he says, yet Obrecht didn’t claim she saw him; she heard the story from someone else. Gladys leans forward, and says, off the record, she saw the whole thing. She went to the police, and told them she saw Jason toss the gun. He says he applauds her. Most people would be afraid to come forward. She says, not her. She knew it was too important for her to stay silent. He says, she told him that she’s a big fan of The Invader. Would she like to see her name and photo in it? She’s come forward as an eyewitness, and deserves front page coverage. Cyrus comes by, and says, that’s a bad idea that has the potential to be catastrophic.

Laura tells Curtis that she didn’t know Martin at all, and wanted to believe he was the good brother because she wanted a brother, a sibling. It’s been so long since Amy died. She rushed into the family connection, and it blew up in her face. He asks if she’s just going to write Martin off, and she says she’s not. She’s just going to take it more slowly, and proceed with more caution; see Martin for who he really is. Curtis says, it doesn’t sound too different from his situation with Jordan. Maybe he needs to see the person who Jordan really is. She says Curtis is more invested. He and Jordan have time and history. Don’t give up on that. He says, TJ was there earlier, and said the same thing, and she says, he’s still not convinced? He says, there are no easy answers, but it’s hard to rebuild trust. She says she knows Jordan hasn’t always been honest, but doesn’t think it’s all on her. Curtis just created this wonderful new life for himself. Wouldn’t he like to invite Jordan into it? Or has he made the decision to move on already?

Taggert comes back out, and suggests they order Italian. Jordan hands him the folder, and he sits with her. She says they know Cyrus is using GH to reinvent himself as a pillar of society, and he says, to make himself respectable, so his sins are glossed over. She says, they have one advantage. They see past his veneer of respectability, and see him for who he is. And one day, in the near future, they’ll figure out a way to prove it.

Gladys says hi to Cyrus, and tells Peter that Cyrus has been wonderful to her son, and her. She loves her room. Peter says, Cyrus has been generous to many people; he counts himself among them. Cyrus says, allow him to advise Peter against putting Gladys on the front page. If Jason’s lawyer manages to get him released on bail, it’s going to put Gladys in his sights, and nobody wants that. Peter says, of course (🍷) Cyrus is right; nobody wants that. Brando joins them, and Cyrus suggests he treat his mother to dessert she can enjoy in her room. Gladys says she’d prefer to stay there, but Brando says, let’s go. She doesn’t want to overstay her welcome. He walks her to the elevator, and Cyrus asks Peter what the hell he was thinking. Peter says that it’s been speculated that someone other than Jason killed Franco, and Cyrus says, there are haters everywhere, but if Peter doesn’t let it go, enough people will start to believe he should be in a cell instead of Jason. That’s the last thing Cyrus wants, unless Peter fails to deliver his end of the bargain.

Michael says, if there was a chance Jason had killed Franco, there would be no trace. And he wouldn’t have done it because Franco was Jake’s stepfather, and Jake’s happiness means more to Jason than anything. Jason thanks Michael for knowing that, and Michael says, it means Gladys is lying. If she was a normal person, he’d say she was confused, but she’s done it out of spite, or greed, or both. Does Jason think she’s hoping someone will pay her to change her testimony? Jason says, someone else is already paying her, and Michael says, someone like Cyrus? Is that the message Cyrus just delivered?

Carly says, the only reason she’s going along with this is that there’s no better plan, and Anna says, it will work. Carly says, if Jason goes to trial, it could be months before Gladys is on the witness stand, and Anna says, that’s why they have to put the plan in action now. Carly says there’s a difference between how badly she and Anna want this. Anna wants Jason freed because she thinks it will be nice, but to her it’s everything. It’s crucial that Jason be free. Anna says she wants him to be free too, but more important, she wants Peter locked up. Then Maxie and the baby will be safe. The first step is to get Gladys to implicate Peter for Franco’s murder. Is Carly in? The doorbell rings, and Carly says, she’s in. Anna opens the door to Valentin, who says he got her message. It sounded urgent. She says they’ve been waiting for him, and brings him into the living room. He sees Carly, and looks at her quizzically.

Taggert says he’s impressed at Jordan’s extended research, and she thanks him. She says, they still have no way to bust him. Taggert says, they’re not talking about framing him again; he’s not going down that road. This time, he has more to lose than she does. He says he didn’t mean it that way, and she says she knows he wants to make Trina proud. There’s a knock at the door, and Jordan says, it’s going to be a long night. She hopes it’s the food. It’s Curtis, who comes in, saying, he knows he should have called first, but he has something to say that can’t wait. He sees Taggert sitting on the couch.

Sam says she wishes she could spare Alexis the ordeal, and Finn’s phone dings. Alexis says, first Valentin, now him, and Finn says, it’s the hospital, a patient. Alexis says she can handle it, and he says he knows she will. He has faith in her. They hug, and Finn leaves. The bailiff comes in, and says Judge Carson is on her way. He tells them to take their seats. They sit, and Alexis takes Diane’s hand.  

Michael says Jason took his dad’s place before, but he can’t run things from in there, and Cyrus will take over. Jason says, Cyrus isn’t a problem, and Michael says, of course (🍷) he is. He’ll target them unless someone steps in. Jason says, that’s not happening. Michaels says he knows Diane will do everything in her power to get Jason bail, but while Jason is out of commission, someone has to step in until he can take charge again. Jason says Sonny never wanted this life for Michael, and Michael says, Sonny isn’t here anymore. Cyrus won’t stop until he’s running the whole town. Someone needs to take him on, and there’s no other way. Jason says, that’s where Michael is wrong.

Peter tells Cyrus, Jason is in custody, and there’s no one standing between Cyrus and the Corinthos empire. Cyrus says, unless Jason makes bail, but Peter says Cyrus wouldn’t let that happen, would he? Cyrus says, it will take both of them to ensure that Jason stays behind bars for the rest of his life. 

Gladys looks at Cyrus and Peter, and tells Brando that she’d love to be a fly on the wall. He asks if she knows what happens to flies; they get swatted. She says she’s touched that he cares, and he says, then listen to him. Get in her car, and go home to Bridgeport. She says, is he kidding? And miss the excitement? No way. He says he’s warning her, Cyrus’s generosity comes at a price, and she says, everything in life that’s worth having comes at a price. She’s done without having the finer things in life long enough. It’s time to cash in. He can get in the elevator, but she’s sticking around.    

Valentin says, Anna and Carly are working together? and Carly says, it’s a marriage of necessity. Anna says, they have to stop Peter, and Valentin says they have his attention. Anna says, Jason was implicated by a witness who’s lying. The real killer is Peter. He asks what they’re going to do, and Anna says, they’re not doing anything. He is.

Tomorrow, Jordan tells Curtis that Taggert is staying with her, Alexis says she’s willing to accept punishment, Maxie tells Britt that she’s confident they can handle this, and Peter asks if Carly is sure she wants to pick a fight with him.

🍹 The guests on tonight’s Overserved were Lance Bass and husband Michael Turchin, and Vivica A. Fox. The theme was An Evening in Provence, and LVP greeted them with ponies Diamond and Rosé. Dancing with the Stars (which they’d all been on) was discussed, especially how physically grueling it is. Vivica told them that when she’d done Kill Bill [Vol 1], it was like training for the Olympics, and she went from a size 6/8 to a 2. Lance told a story about meeting Julia Roberts, and gushing over her films, only to realize it was Cindy Crawford. He said she must have thought he was Julia’s biggest fan. At LVP’s urging, a quite drunk David tried to play a practical joke on Lance by jumping out of the ponies’ shed wearing a horse’s head. But it went wrong, and David ended up with a bloody nose. Apparently it wasn’t his first accident, since he said he’d broken his nose four times. Vivica said she’d been nervous to meet LVP, but she had so much fun. As did we all. I love this show. Unfortunately, the second airing did not include a preview, so I have no clue who will be on next time, but I know it will be amusing.

🧺 Shahlaunder…

I wonder if they ever called my house. I never pick up those telemarketers, but it doesn’t stop them from trying. <sigh>



Cue the Twilight Zone music.


🥀 Say It Ain’t So…

Could Joe #2 be done?


In Case You’re Confused…

Delores explains the amazingly perfect dynamic she has going on with Frank and David. I wouldn’t need a ring either.


🛳 Six Degrees Of…

You don’t think these could be from Juicy Joe’s business, do you?


💍 It’s About Time…

After dealing with Suckerfish Hoppy, Bethenny deserves a decent guy.


☯️ It’s All Symbiotic Anyway…

Isn’t publicity for one, publicity for both?


🌴 Remember Her…?

I don’t, but I still think The Real Housewives of Miami should get another season.


🧚🏼 She Knows She Wants To…

I love Tinsley. She’s like a broken fairy princess. I say, bring her back.


🍺 Who Knew…?

I would never have pegged the high-kicking Fredrik for being a high-functioning alcoholic. Seriously, I’m surprised.


🗽 And While I’m On the Subject…

There’s a new broker in NYC.


🏡 Bringing It On Home…

Tuesday? It’s only Tuesday? And Easter is this Sunday? Who moved that up? I thought it was the 11th. Whatever your state of confusion, stay safe, stay keeping calm in the storm, and stay away from playing pranks if you’ve been overserved.

March 26, 2021 – Yesterday’s GH Once Again, a Tribute, a Song, 2x the Congrats, Rejection, New Hills, Big Ring, Doubts, a Regret, Already, Two More, Prank This, Puppies, 10+4 = Quotes & So What


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

🏥 Apparently, that was the entire episode yesterday. The rerun thing must have been stuck on the ending to throw off the soap police looking to remove the videos. So here it is again, along with tomorrow’s preview.

General Hospital

Taggert wakes to see Jason in the cell across from him, and says he didn’t realize he had a roommate. He asks what Jason did this time.

Britt looks at her phone, and says, what the hell? We see an Invader headline that says, Morgan Arrested for Murder.

Olivia is praying the rosary at the hospital, when Sam brings her coffee. Sam says she’s had worse from the vending machine, but Olivia says the caffeine won’t do her nerves much good. Sam says Olivia has been up all night, and Olivia says, so has she. She guesses she’s just going to be worried about Dante for the rest of her life. Going after Peter with a gun; Dante never would have done it if he was in his right mind. Sam says that’s why she brought Dante to see Doc. Doc will make Dante better, and he can move on. Got it? Olivia says, got it.

Dante tells Anna she should go, but Anna says she’s kind of wired. It’s hard to believe, but she hasn’t pulled an all-nighter in some time. How’s he doing? He says, you tell me.

At Kelly’s, Sasha tells Michael that she’s glad they were able to squeeze in breakfast. She hasn’t seen him in forever. He says he’s had one fire to put out after another. Jason getting arrested last night didn’t make things any better. She asks if there’s anything she can do. Maxie told her Nina took a leave of absence, and she knows it’s technically Jax’s half of the company, but has it impacted Michael? He says, not from a business perspective, but he has to admit, Nina taking a break is the best thing for Wiley.

Sonny is sweeping the floor at the Tan-O when Nina comes in. He says he was wondering if he was going to see her again, or she was going to skip town. She says she couldn’t leave without coming by, especially since Phyllis and Lenny let her stay at their place. He asks if a good night’s sleep helped her decide what she’s going to do next, and she says, it would have, but she didn’t get much sleep last night.

On the phone, Carly says, Jason’s arraignment is coming up. How confident is Diane that she can get him off on bail?… Is she serious?… She knows Diane is going to do everything she can. She just wishes they had the name of the supposed witness. That would make all the difference.

As they walk to Kelly’s, Gladys says she’s glad Brando was able to come to breakfast. Too bad he has plans for lunch and dinner. He says, they’re not plans; they’re called work. He tells her, before they go in, they need to talk, and she asks, about what? and he says, about her being the one who got Jason arrested.

Jason tells Taggert that he’s been arrested for the murder of Franco Baldwin. Tagger asks how long Jason thinks it will take for Jason’s defense lawyer to get him out of this one, and Jason guesses they’ll find out. Taggert says, if history is any indication, Jason will see the light of day before he does.

Martin meets Laura at the MetroCourt, and says she sounded mysterious on the phone. Does she mind telling him what the occasion is? She says she noticed it was his birthday last week. Why didn’t he say something? He says he didn’t know he was supposed to. They are siblings, but the fact is, they barely know each other. She says she was hoping they could use the occasion to change that.

Olivia tells Sam that she knows Peter is bad news, and she truly hopes to God Peter pays for his crimes, especially what he did to Drew. Sam says, her too, and Olivia says she’s just grateful it wasn’t Dante wasn’t the one to handle him. She thanks Sam for showing up when she did, and getting through to her son. She just couldn’t go through this again. Sam says Olivia doesn’t have to thank her. She did what anyone would have done. Olivia says, since Dante has been home, Sam has been a really good friend to him. She tries her best, but it seems that Sam was exactly what was needed, and she’s so grateful for that.

Anna knows it’s been difficult for Dante rehashing all that, but she thinks he and Doc made progress last night. He says he definitely feels lighter. It’s weird though, not having control like that. He just kept hearing in his head, complete the mission; kill Peter. He was going to do it. She says, he didn’t though, and he says, that’s because Sam showed up and talked to him. It was like a fog was lifted. She says, at least he knows where the fog came from now. She’s so sorry for what Dr. Kirk did to him. He says, it’s over now, and she says, yeah, it’s over. Now he can get on with the rest of his life. He wonders what that looks like.

Jason says he wants Taggert to know, whatever is going on with him, Portia and Trina are still protected. Taggert says he didn’t think anything different. A guard comes in to get Taggert for his sentencing hearing, and Taggert tells Jason that Cyrus is still walking around while Jason is behind bars. Whatever he’s doing to get out, do it fast. The guard takes Taggert out.

Gladys tells Brando, what else is there to say? She saw Jason dispose of a gun, and told the police. She still can’t believe he’s responsible for such an awful murder, and Brando says, they don’t know that Jason is. Her coming forward is causing a lot of problems for Carly. She just lost her husband. Does Gladys remember her cousin Sonny? She says, God rest his soul, and he says, there are still a lot of questions regarding Franco’s death. She says, which is why she felt it was necessary that she come forward. Is this an interrogation? He says, no, and she says all she did was give the police the information. Why does he care anyway? The last she heard, Sonny kicked him to the curb. He has a new job now, with the head of the hospital no less. If he really thinks about it, she did him a favor. He asks, how? and she says, her doing her civic duty will only endear Brando more to his employer. Now can they go in? It’s cold out here.

Michael tells Sasha, he was thinking about Wiley, and his confusion about what Nina said to him; and Willow, and how hurt she’s been. She’s just trying to protect Wiley. Sasha says Michael is trying to make everything okay, and he says it should have occurred to him to get Willow’s opinion. She is Wiley’s mother, and absolutely has a say in everything that happens to him, especially something so pivotal as, if he can see one of his grandmothers or not. Gladys and Brando come in, and Gladys says, look at this. They’ve got themselves a family reunion.

Carly tells Diane to let her know what she finds out in discovery. Cyrus walks in, and Carly says she has to call Diane back. Cyrus says, good morning, Mrs. Corinthos, and she asks what he wants. He says, just to offer his sympathies. He saw on the news that Jason was arrested. She says, a misunderstanding. His lawyer will have him out in no time. Cyrus says he certainly hopes that’s the case, for her sake. He can’t imagine how difficult this must be so soon after her husband’s passing.

Sonny says, so what kept Nina up? Thinking about that woman she talked to? He gives her some coffee, and she says, yes. That, and wondering, is it her job or fate to balance the scales? He says he doesn’t believe much in fate, and she says, wasn’t it him who said last night that it was fate that brought them together? He says, that’s just a figure of speech. He thinks we make our own choices in life. Look at him. Lenny and Phyllis took him in, and put their necks on the line, so he wants to pay them back with any job they want. She says he’s done a lot of great things for them, and fate or not, he’s been a blessing. He says he doesn’t know about that, and she asks if he ever wonders about the choices that led him there. Like what kind of person he was. He says he has no way of knowing, and she asks, if there was a way for him to know, would he want to know?

Olivia sees Dante come out, and runs to him. She says, thank God, and hugs him. She asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s good. She asks, what happened? and he asks if Anna wants to do the honors. Anna says, it turns out a faction of the WSB went rogue. They enlisted Dr. Kirk to manipulate the psychological trauma Dante had experienced to use for their own end. To eliminate Peter. Olivia says, manipulate how? and Anna says, Dr. Kirk instilled triggers in Dante that he was acting on without realizing it. Olivia says, they’re gone now? and Anna says Doc believes he removed them. Dante says they’re going to do a couple of sessions a week, and Anna says, to make sure there aren’t any hidden triggers. Sam says she’s glad he’s okay, and he says he owes her big time. Sam says he doesn’t, but Dante and Olivia say he does. He says if she hadn’t shown up, Peter would be dead. He was going to do it; there was nothing clearer in his mind. The only thing that stopped him was her. Sam says she’s glad she was there, and he says, him too. Sam’s phone dings, and she steps away. Olivia asks Anna if Dante is safe and can go home, and Anna says, absolutely. Sam looks at the Invader headline, along with a text from Molly that says, did you see this?

The guard tells Jason that Dr. Westbourne is there to see him, and she brings her medical bag into Jason’s cell. He asks what she’s doing, and she tells him to shut up. She raises her voice, and says she’s following up on the head injury he suffered last summer; the one that requires him to be seen every month. She takes out a pen light, and tells him, follow it please. He says the guard can’t hear them, and she says, what the hell is going on? He was arrested for Franco’s murder? He says he didn’t kill Franco; Peter did. She says, Peter, as in her brother? and he says, Peter framed him. She says, he’s saying that like he’s telling her what he had for dinner last night. Is he forgetting how good Peter is at that? If he has, just ask her mother about her recent stint in Steinmaur. She’d be happy to give him all the details. He says he remembers, and she asks why he’s so relaxed right now. She makes sure the guard isn’t there, and says she’s been to prison. It’s no joyride. She’s sure he’ll survive, most likely, but it won’t be pleasant, for him or the people he’s leaving behind, like Carly and his kids. He tells her, just take a breath, and she says, no. He says, she doesn’t want to breathe? and she says, he doesn’t get to calm her down. She faked her way in there with this check-up thing. It’s her job to take care of him. He says, okay.

Sonny says, some days finding out who he is, is all he thinks about, and Nina asks, what about the other days? He says, he’s not sure he wants to find out the answer. It’s good there, and who knows? It might be the start of something big. Phyllis comes in, and says she didn’t expect to see Nina this early. Nina says she got a jump on the day, and Phyllis says, so this is goodbye? Nina says, yeah. She thinks it’s time they all got on with their lives.

Gladys hugs Michael, and says, it’s so good to see him again. She was so sorry to hear about his father. Brando made it clear she wasn’t welcome at Dev’s memorial, so she figured it was the same with Sonny’s, and Lord knows, she doesn’t want to upset Michael’s mother. Michael says, it’s very generous of her, and Sasha quietly asks if Brando told his mother not to come to his son’s funeral. He says, long story, and she says, I’ll bet. He asks if Michael has a second, and Michael says, sure. They step away, and Gladys says she and Sasha keep running into each other; first in Brando’s hospital room, and now here. She’s curious. How long have Sasha and Brando been… friendly?

Brando tells Michael, don’t react, just listen, and relay this information to whoever needs to know. His mother is the witness who accused Jason.

Martin tells Laura, he must confess, since his mother’s been in hiding, his birthday felt lonelier than usual this year. She takes it Jason didn’t tell Martin where he moved Florence, and Martin says he wants to keep it that way. The less he knows, the less Cyrus can pressure him into revealing it. She says, smart, but it must be difficult, and he says, right now, he would have been making plans to visit his mother for Easter. Lord, how that woman loves getting dressed up for church. Then she critiques her friends outfits. Did you see what she was wearing? Who does that woman think she is, the queen? Laura laughs, and he says, she’s something. He guesses he can’t risk visiting her this year. Laura suggests he spend the holiday with her and her family. She would have asked him sooner, but she assumed he had other relatives he wanted to spend it with… or children. He shakes his head, and she says, or a significant other? He just looks at her, and she says they really don’t know each other, do they? and he says, not yet.

Carly tells Cyrus, they both know what he can do with his condolences. Now is that all? He says, actually, no. With Jason indisposed, he’s not sure who he should be reaching out to in matters of business. Unless it’s always been her. She says, sorry? and he says, the more he gets to know her, the more he’s thinking she’s not just a passive bystander. Instead of being the grieving widow allowing Jason to run the organization, she’s been the power behind the throne. Maybe she’s the one he’s been dealing with all along. She says he mentioned business, and he says, it’s come to his attention that Jason called a meeting of the Five Families spaghetti sauce, presumably to discuss the power balance now that Sonny is gone. She says, and? and he says, and one has to worry what’s going to happen if Jason can’t make that meeting.

Phyllis says something I can’t understand, and Nina asks what she means. So apparently, I’m not the only one who needs clarity. Phyllis says, just some community issues. Nothing for Nina to worry about. Sonny says, the recession has been affecting local businesses. Add in vandalism and burglary, it’s tough. Nina asks if the repairs Phyllis has been doing aren’t an isolated incident, and Phyllis says, none of it has been serious or violent. Sonny thinks busted windows are violent, but Phyllis says, no one got hurt. It’s scaring people off, and the fewer businesses, the more people jump ship. Sonny says, it’s not good for the foot traffic at the Tan-O, and Nina says, she’s so sorry; that’s terrible. Phyllis says it’s a shame to see what’s happening to their little town, especially since it seems there’s nothing she can do about it. Sonny says, but Nina can.

Cyrus tells Carly, fear not. He plans to attend the meeting, and will be sure to communicate all is well on her end. But the other families can be unpredictable, especially if they smell blood in the water with Jason being indisposed. Carly’s phone rings, and she asks Michael, what’s up? Cyrus says, a son checking in with his mother; what a luxury. Michael says he just ran into Brando. The witness is Gladys. She asks if he’s sure, and he tells her, that’s what Brando said. There must be an angle. She thanks him, and Cyrus says, that was a quick phone call. She says, that’s what happens when people get to the point, and he asks if everything is all right. She says, it will be. It turns out Sonny’s cousin Gladys is the witness testifying against Jason. He asks if she means the nice woman he met at Mike’s funeral, and she says, yeah, and they both know Cyrus put her up to it.

Britt says, it still doesn’t feel like it’s computing, and Jason says, what? She says that he’s been arrested for something he didn’t do. Not just something – murder – and the person who did do it happens to be incredibly skilled at covering his tracks. He says he knows all this, and she says, of course (🍷) he does, because he’s Mr. Mob Guy who knows everything about everything, which is great when it comes to Jason’s territory and killing mobsters, but when it comes to Peter… She doesn’t even know how to say this. She went on the run with her father for a year, looking for any and every way out. When she tells him that Faison is a whole other level of crazy… He says, he should listen? but she says, no. Consider Peter was raised by that monster. He hated Faison’s guts, but that doesn’t change the fact that Peter learned everything Faison had to teach. All the lessons of espionage and manipulation and deceit. Does he see where she’s going with this? He says, tell him, and she says, Faison was a complete and utter psychopath who destroyed people’s lives for fun. And her brother – the person who framed Jason – learned at his knee. Maybe there needs to be a little more panic here, because life as he knows it is about to end.

Olivia tells Dante, if she’d known what that Kirk guy was doing to him in Geneva, she would have busted down the door and dragged Dante out herself. He says, and then what? and she says, none of this would have happened. Anna says, Kirk was conditioning Dante for months, and Dante says he doesn’t think there’s anything Olivia could have done. Olivia says there’s one thing she doesn’t get, and Dante says, just one thing? Olivia says, Kirk is dead. So he’s manipulating Dante from beyond the grave? Anna says, once the triggers are installed, they remain intact, so Kirk wouldn’t have to physically manipulate them. Olivia asks if Anna is sure Kirk wasn’t working with anyone else, and Anna says, there’s no evidence of that. Olivia says, at the end of the day, its done. It’s over with, and it’s all smooth sailing from here. Dante says, that’s the plan.

Martin tells Laura, he never started a family of his own, but don’t get him wrong. It’s not for lack of trying. Laura says, so he’s been there, and he says, several times. He’s paid enough alimony alone to fund a small country. After his third wife, he realized the problem just might be him. Laura says, it seems hard to believe, and he says he has a tendency to smooth talk his way out of… well, everything. He glosses over the underlying issues in the relationship. It’s funny. He just realized, in his effort to make his marriages different from his parents’ marriage, he created his own set of difficulties. She thought he got along with his parents, and he says he did, but there was tension in the house; they were always fighting about something. His father’s past transgressions… She says, or about Cyrus? Martin says he was the good son; the one they didn’t have to worry about. They were so traumatized by everything Cyrus put them through, there wasn’t much left over for him. They counted on him to take care of himself, so he did. She says she thinks she knows how he felt. From the other side, the sister she was raised with, Amy, was just the sweetest thing, but growing up, Laura was a lot. He says, it’s hard to imagine, and Laura says, Amy had to be twice as loud, and twice as gregarious just to get a little of the attention she was getting. Martin asks if she’s calling him gregarious, and she says she’s sure it was hard for Amy to live with her, just like it was hard for Martin to live with Cyrus. He says, they all have their challenges, but having people around who care about you makes those challenges a little easier to live with.

Sasha tells Gladys, Brando helped her through a rough time recently, and Gladys says she heard about Sasha’s rough time with drugs when Jackie interviewed her on GMA3. Sasha says, fortunately, she got the help she needed, in large part because of Gladys’s son. Gladys says, mm-hmm, and Brando and Michael come back in. Brando says he hopes they weren’t too long, and Gladys says they were just catching up. She suggests they grab themselves a table; she’s famished. Michael and Sasha go back to their table, and Sasha asks if everything is okay.

Cyrus says he doesn’t know what Carly is talking about. He barely knows this Gladys woman. She says, it all makes sense. He saw Jason was being brought in for questioning, and saw an opportunity. That’s why he’s there, going on and on about the Five Families salad dressing. He wanted her to know what was going on, so he could make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Britt says she and Jason were supposed to take down Cyrus together. What does he care if he goes to prison, and she’s left holding the bag? Don’t worry about her. She’s just risking her career, and life probably, while he’s safe and sound behind bars. He notices her hand shaking, and she says she knows she said prison is hellish, but if Cyrus finds out she’s been working against him, she’s going to wish she was in Pentenville. He takes her hand, and says she’s not as selfish as she wants people to think. She says, try her, and the guard comes back, saying, time to finish up. Jason has another visitor. It’s Sam.

Sonny says, Nina writes for a magazine, right? and she says she does. He asks why she doesn’t write an article on Nixon Falls. Tell people what’s going on there, and people will come there and spend money; it will tide people over. Phyllis says, it’s a wonderful idea, and asks if Nina thinks it’s possible. Nina says she’d love to help, but Crimson is a fashion magazine. He asks if she only writes about clothes, and not human interest, and she says, sometimes they do. He asks, what’s the problem? and she says she’s on a leave of absence. She has communication with her team, but the second in command is running the day to day business. She doesn’t think it would be appropriate for her to overrule their decisions, unless she was ready to go back to work. Phyllis says, of course (🍷). She completely understands. Nina’s been through a lot, and deserves some time off. She’ll grab Nina some water for her ride. Nina says, no, but Phyllis says, don’t be silly. They have plenty of bottles in the back. She leaves, and Sonny looks at Nina. Nina says, what? and he says he thinks she’s making a mistake.

Brook says Jason seems good; no lingering affects from the trauma. She leaves, and the guard locks the cell. He leaves, and Sam says, Molly told her Jason was arrested. She wanted to make sure everything was all right. He says he appreciates her checking up on him; he’s okay. She asks if he has a plan, and he says they’re working on it. She says she knows Peter killed Franco, and he says, but Peter is framing him, and they all know how good he is at that. Getting out of there isn’t going to be easy. Britt listens in.

Cyrus says, maybe Gladys’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be. She says she saw Jason with the gun used to kill Franco. Carly says, that’s right, and he says, perhaps on further reflection, she’ll realize she couldn’t possibly have seen Jason dispose of the weapon. Wouldn’t it be a relief if she were to suddenly recant her story? Just as it would be a relief if his mother was returned to him. Are they understanding each other? She says she thinks they do, and he says he looks forward to hearing from her.

Gladys says Sasha and Brando seem close, and he says, they’re just friends. She asks if that’s why he keeps stealing looks in Sasha’s direction. She’ll just say this. Does he think it’s wise to get involved with someone else in recovery? She thought that was a big no-no.

On the phone, Michael tells Willow where to find Wiley’s toy. He knows how cranky Wiley gets without Mr. Trunks. Sasha says, Mr. Trunks? and he says, it’s Wiley’s stuffed elephant, like we couldn’t guess that. She says, it doesn’t sound like Willow is holding a grudge about Nina, and he says he thinks she’s more disappointed than angry. She’s upset that he left her out, and he shouldn’t have. She says, if anyone knows he’s looking out for Wiley, it’s Willow, so don’t beat himself up. That said, when it’s time to register Wiley for preschool, consult Willow. He says he will, and she says she does feel sorry for Nina. Does it bother him that she said that? He says, no. He feels bad for her too. That’s why he and Willow brought Wiley to Crimson in the first place. He hopes it does work out someday. She asks if that’s why Nina left town, and he says Nina had to clear her head; she needs help. He hopes she gets it.

Sonny says he’s not a publisher, but Nina is the boss, right? She can pretty much print whatever she wants. She says he’s probably right, but he heard what Phyllis said. She’s been through a lot these past few months. She needs time to heal and recover. She needs time to… He says, balance the scales? She was wondering how to make the world right when she’s been wronged. Maybe she can help some people who’ve been good to her. Phyllis dropped everything to go to New York when Nina needed her. Maybe Nina can do the same.

Olivia tells Dante, she used to think the spy life was romantic, but from where she’s standing, the WSB seems like a disaster from top to bottom. Anna says she’s in no position to disagree, but she’d like to point out Robert. He spent his whole career with the WSB, and he’s really a good person. He’s not unique. There really are some good guys in the WSB. Olivia says she’ll take Anna’s word for it. She asks if Dante is ready to go, and he says there’s a shower and a nap with his name on it. He thanks Anna, and they leave. She makes a call, saying she needs to see someone, right away.

Phyllis comes back with the water, and asks Nina if three are enough. Nina says she changed her mind. She thinks she might stay a while. Mike is right. She could probably pull a few strings and get an article written about this place. Phyllis says, really? and Nina says, the next few issues are planned already, so it might not see print for a while, but she’d like to help out any way she can. Phyllis hugs Nina, and says it means the world to her, but is Nina sure she doesn’t mind putting off her trip? Nina asks, what difference do a few days make? and Sonny says, none.

Michael tells Sasha, he thinks their impulse is to be strong, and do things on their own. They tell themselves they can do this, but sometimes they need someone to guide them. Not tell them what to do, but help them figure a way out. Sasha agrees, and says it was nearly impossible for her to show up for her first counseling session. Everyone was telling her to go, but she was so humiliated and locked inside herself, it took everything in her. She knows it’s vastly different circumstances, but maybe Nina isn’t there yet. He hopes Nina gets there, and realizes the best thing for her and Wiley is for her to deal with this. Sasha hopes Nina gets there too.

Brando says Sasha’s recovery is none of Gladys’s business, and Gladys says Sasha told her personally. He says they’re just friends, and she says that’s not what it looks like to her. He tells her, look more closely. Sasha and Michael are clearly trying to work things out. She tells him, if he says so.

The waitress brings a chocolate cake with a candle to the table, and Laura says she wanted to celebrate Martin’s birthday. He thanks her, and says he’s truly touched. She says, have at it, and he blows out the candle. Cyrus comes by, and asks what Martin wished for.

Britt tells Sam, she knows they’re not each other’s biggest fans, but they have a common goal. Jason didn’t kill Franco. Sam says, what about Peter? Britt says they both know he did it, and Sam says, then he’s more dangerous to Maxie than they thought. Britt asks what they’re going to do about it.

Carly visits Jason, who’s very popular in jail. He asks if everything is okay, and she says, it will be. She’s getting him out of there. No matter what it takes.

On Monday, Trina asks Taggert to please tell her that he’s changing his plea, Cyrus has something to celebrate too, and Peter tells Elizabeth that he wants to take responsibility for Franco’s death.

✍🏻 Gracious Lady…

When I was around twelve, I wrote to Agnes Nixon about a OLTL storyline. She graciously took the time to write back to me, and I’ll always remember her for  that.

🎶 Song For a Stepdad…

Cameron’s tribute to Franco.

🎓🍼 Congratulations Are In Order…

In a year that ground much to a halt, there’s a graduate at the top of her class…

And a new mom.

💩 And the POS Of the Week Award Goes To…

It’s Bunnygate all over again.


The rebuttal, which is kind of confusing. I want to know how much $1400,00.00 [sic] is.


🍸 Back To Beverly Hills…

Everything Andy knows…


Everything the tabloids know…

And Sutton stirs the sh*t. The best part? A picture of her in that crazy dress everyone but me hated.

‘RHOBH’ Season 11 Preview: Sutton Stracke Causing Drama for Erika Jayne, Source Says

💍 Yep, It’s Massive…

She might be a skinnygirl, but that is not a skinny ring.


🤔 Doubtful…

The continuing saga of Tinsley’s not-so-happy ending.

Tinsley Mortimer’s Friends Refute Scott Kluth’s Version of Their Split and Point to Evidence After His Reps Claim He Tried to Break Up With RHONY Alum For Months

🍾 If Wishes Were Horses…

This is the kind of thing that comes out when you’re Overserved.


💔 Saying Goodbye…

And we’re not even through March.


🎭 Double Farewell…

Two true legends. I loved Just Shoot Me, and The Goldbergs just won’t be the same.


🦧 No Foolin’…

Celebrities, they’re just like us. But with a bigger budget.


🐶 Everybody’s Favorite…

Who doesn’t love puppies?

🦜 Quotes of the Week

You try a case on the evidence. You can’t convict a man because you fear what he might become. – Michael Desiato (Bryan Cranston), Your Honor

With no positivity, there is no hope; with no negativity, there is no improvement. – Criss Jami

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know. – The Wise Man (Scott Glenn), Sucker Punch

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. – Wayne Dyer

To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor. – Stacey T. Hunt

The fact that she needs to teach you how to play Go Fish at 22 says all that needs to be said. – Todd Chrisley, Chrisley Knows Best

Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves. – Princess Diana

Soar with wit. Conquer with dignity. Handle with care. – Criss Jami

It is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be. – Sanhita Baruah

Art is a house that tries to be haunted. – Emily Dickinson

I love being Amish, but I love the English money. – Ada Byler, Return to Amish

Nothing can be more hurtful to your heart than betraying yourself. – Roy T. Bennett

Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves, or sink you under deep into its abyss. – Anthony Liccione

The more uncomfortable it is, the more important it is to have the conversation about it. – Eric Nies, Real World NYC: Homecoming

🚶🏽‍♀️ Exiting Stage Left…

It’s here again. The weekend. Or what I call, switching jobs, and what some might call, just another day in paradise. Or not. But if not, make your own paradise, even if it’s only in your mind. And in any case, stay safe, stay appropriate, and stay doing the same for people who have dropped everything for you.

March 19, 2021 – Cyrus Drops A Bombshell Through Peter, Liz’s 3 Sons, a Reunion, Brytni’s Five, Celebs O’Celebrating, a Villain’s Goodbye, Post Award Fashion, Not So Happily, Amish Now, an Adoption, VanderSpeaks, Double Septuple Quotes & World


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny walks into the Tan-O, looking disheveled. Phyllis says he’s been gone all day. She was starting to worry. Where’d he disappear to? He says he’s sorry. He had something very important to take care of.

Carly knocks on Elizabeth’s door, but Elizabeth says, it’s not a good time. Carly says she’ll keep it brief, and Elizabeth lets her in. Carly asks if the kids are there, and Elizabeth says, no. Why? Carly says she doesn’t want them to hear and get upset, although they’re going to find out soon enough. Jason was arrested for Franco’s murder.

Finn moons over a picture of him and Anna, when Chase walks into his office. Chase asks if it’s a bad time, but Finn says, no; never. Chase says he knows he could have handled things better, and shouldn’t have stormed off after they got the results. Finn says, none of this is Chase’s fault. Chase doesn’t have to apologize or explain anything. He has a lot to process. Chase says, they both did, but Finn isn’t his brother. Finn is his biological father.

Cyrus says it seems Jackie has had a busy week, and plops down across from her at the MetroCourt. She says she doesn’t have time to play games. Get lost. Cyrus urges her to reconsider, when Robert puts his hand on Cyrus’s shoulder, and says he thinks Cyrus is sitting in his seat.

Olivia opens the door to Ned, who thanks her for having him over. He didn’t think he’d be hearing from her again so soon. She says, hear her out, and he says he just wants her to know how glad he is that they’re at least talking. He knows they have a lot to work through… She says, it’s not about them. She needs to talk to him about his daughter.

Outside Kelly’s, Nina tells Valentin that she needs to get out of Port Charles for a while. He asks, why? What happened? Talk to him. She tells him, don’t make it any harder. Just tell Charlotte that she loves her. He says he does, every night, and she says he’s a great father. She puts her hand on his cheek, and leaves. He runs into Brook on his way out, and asks when she got back to Port Charles. She says she just hit town, and he says it’s great to see her; they have a lot to catch up on. She says he has no idea.

At Kelly’s, Sam calls Spinelli. She says she needs him to find Maxie. She’s afraid Maxie is meeting with Peter… Maxie is with him? If she didn’t text Peter, then who did?

Dante stands by Nathan’s grave, and takes out his gun. Peter runs in, and asks, where’s Maxie? She texted him to meet her there. Dante says, Maxie didn’t text Peter. He did. Peter says, Dante texted him from Maxie’s phone? Why? Dante says it was the easiest way to get Peter there, and Peter asks why Dante wants him there. Dante aims his gun at Peter, and says, to complete the mission.

Chase says, when Finn opened the test results, he didn’t know what to expect. Part of him hoped it was just some horrible misunderstanding that the dad he grew up with wasn’t his actual father. But the DNA test results show otherwise. Finn says he hasn’t always had the best experience with test results from the lab at GH. With Chase’s permission, he’d like to run another paternity test with someone he knows at the lab at Mercy Hospital. Chase says it’s Finn’s call. Does he think the results will change? Finn says he doesn’t know, but thinks it’s worth exhausting all their options, just to eliminate any doubt. Chase says if it makes Finn feel better, and Finn says, if it’s any consolation, it blindsided him too. He believed in his heart, Chase was his brother, but dad will always be Chase’s father. It’s up to Chase. Maybe this doesn’t have to change their relationship. Chase says he can’t keep pretending Finn is his brother. Everything he counted on, everything he thought he knew about his family, is wrong. He thinks differently now, and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Finn says, him neither.

Valentin says he was almost going to call Brook the other day. They’ve had some positive strides at Deception, and he wondered if she wanted to be included. She says it’s sweet of him to think of her, but her voice hasn’t fully recovered yet, and it may never recover. He says he doesn’t know if he can offer her consolation for a lost singing career, but she’s very good, and very creative, and very good at thinking outside the box. She says, not everyone views those qualities in a positive light, and thanks him. He says he thinks she’d make a good manager, if she’s interested, and wants to put in the hours. She says she’d love to, but she has other plans at the moment. She turns to go, and he says, wait a minute. Is she avoiding him? She says, obviously she’s trying to, but it’s not working. She tells him that she might as well get this over with, and opens her coat. He laughs.

Olivia tells Ned that Brook is back in Port Charles, and he asks if she’s seen Brook. She says, Brook spent last night at the house, but she didn’t know anything about it, until she saw Brook this morning. He wonders why Brook wouldn’t call him, and Olivia says, she was probably trying to delay the reunion. She’s got some news. He asks, what kind of news? and Olivia tells him, it’s not her place to say. He says, this is Brook Lynn they’re talking about. The more advance warning, the better. She promises Brook isn’t in any jeopardy, but she thought them being under the same roof increased their chances of coming face to face. He says she’s still looking out for him, in spite of everything, and she asks if he thought she wouldn’t.

Phyllis asks if Sonny wants to talk about it, and he asks if the coffee is fresh. She says, it is, and she’ll be happy to pour him a cup, as soon as he assures her that he’s taking his medication. He says, like clockwork, and she says she’s sorry if she seems intrusive, but he’s still getting used to the prescription. When he’s gone all day, and shows up looking… exhausted… He says he appreciates her worrying, but it has nothing to do with his health. He didn’t get in any kind of trouble. He was playing poker, trying to win enough money to get his rings back.

Elizabeth tells Carly, she literally just got back from Franco’s memorial, and starts to open the door. Carly says, it must have been incredibly painful. Sonny’s was for her. Elizabeth closes the door again, and says she knows Carly has also suffered a devastating loss, but she doesn’t want to fight. Carly says, then let’s not fight. She knows Elizabeth wants justice for Franco, and she knows Jason is innocent. Elizabeth says, the police disagree, and Carly says, because they’re acting on bad information, some of which they got from Elizabeth. Elizabeth says her statement was accurate. She told them exactly what she saw the night Franco was shot. Franco was lying on the ground, and bleeding from his chest, from a gunshot wound, and Jason was kneeling over him. Carly asks if Jason had a gun, and Elizabeth says, Jason always has a gun. Carly asks if Elizabeth saw Jason with a gun, and Elizabeth says, no. Carly asks if it’s possible Jason found Franco lying there, and was kneeling beside Franco to check his pulse. Elizabeth says, no. Jason would never help Franco. Carly asks how Elizabeth knows that? How does she know what happened before she got there? Why is she so sure Jason is guilty?

Peter backs away from Dante, and asks what Dante is doing. Dante says, isolated spot, no witnesses. He doubts anyone will know Peter was there or wonder where he is, because he has no friends left anymore. Peter says he’s never done anything to Dante, but Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie.

Valentin says, Brook is pregnant, and she says he’s very observant. He asks if he’s the father, and she says he cuts right to the chase. He says, yes or no? and she says they had a one-night stand that turned out to be more memorable than either of them expected. He asks why she didn’t tell him. He could have offered to help, offered support. She tells him to slow his roll. They had one night together and it was just for fun. She doesn’t want him bound to her or this baby. He says, it’s a little late for that. Assuming he’s the father, he has every bit as much responsibility as she does. He’s not letting her go through this by herself.   

Ned asks Olivia if there’s any way to make it right between them, but she says she can’t get into it now. He says, if not now, when? They’ve seen each other three times since it went down. She says she doesn’t know how to go forward, but if they’re able to put the marriage together, it won’t be the same marriage. He asks what she means, and she says, they’ve changed. She’s watched him become more cutthroat in business, especially where family members are concerned. Ned says he’s made some decisions he regrets, and Olivia says, it’s not a judgement. She’s not saying ambition is a bad thing. She’s just surprised ELQ became his prime focus in life. He asks how she’s changed, and she says she would hope he’s seen it for himself. When she gave up hope that Dante was coming home, she was devastated, but at the same time, it opened up her life in a way she never would have imagined. For the first time in years, she could see herself as her own person again; not just an appendage, or Dante and Leo’s mother, or… He says, or his wife. She says it gave her a chance to rediscover the Olivia who took big chances, who leaped before she looked. She got to see new parts of the world, and got in trouble. He says he can’t help but notice all this happened when she was with Robert.

Cyrus gets up, and Robert takes the seat. Robert says Cyrus is going to have to move along. He doesn’t want to be accused of loitering. Cyrus says he’s glad Jackie is speaking to her lawyers. She’ll be hearing from his soon, regarding his mother. He leaves, and Robert asks if she’s all right. She says Cyrus doesn’t intimidate her, and he says he’s not talking about Cyrus. She asks if he talked to Anna, and he says, Anna kind of filled in the gaps in that chaos of a wedding. She says, then he knows her secret. The secret she’s been keeping all these years. He says he’s not one to make a judgement call, but it’s too bad she went through it alone. She asks who would have been there to help? Gregory? Finn? Her son? Robert says, how about him? but she says he was halfway around the world when she got pregnant. She couldn’t call him long distance – remember long distance? And even if she’d reached out, what could he have done? Robert says he’d like to think he would have listened back then, but he can certainly listen now. In some ways, he feels closer to her than he ever did.  

Chase says, ever since he can remember, he wanted a relationship with his older brother. He finally got one, and now it’s gone. Finn isn’t who he thought at all. Finn says Chase is absolutely right. Their relationship can’t ever be the same, but maybe they can figure out how it can work now. Chase says, it’s not a bad idea, but even if they push past this awkwardness, how can he treat Finn as a dad and not betray the dad he knows?  

Peter tells Dante that he loves Maxie. Maxie is carrying his child. He would never hurt her. Dante says Maxie is better off without Peter, and Peter says Dante is suffering from PTSD, and not in his right mind. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Peter asks who gave him the mission? Peter backs up and trips, falling to the ground. Dante stands over him with the gun, when Sam runs in, and says, stop!

Brook tells Valentin, it’s her pregnancy, and she doesn’t want him involved. She didn’t intend to make a child, but thanks him for his initial contribution. She’ll take it from here. He says her decisions about her body are her own, but when the baby is born, they’re his too. He wants a role in the baby’s life, and it’s not up for negotiation. She says, if he has any role in this child’s life, it will be on her terms. Now if he’ll excuse her… He says they’re not done, and she says she’ll call him.

Phyllis says she didn’t notice that Sonny’s rings were gone, and he says she’s had a few things on her mind. She says he sold them to buy his way into the game? and he says he pawned them. She says, then he used his winnings to save the Tan-O. He says he’s happy to do it, and she says she’s happy he did, but he didn’t have to give them everything. He should have kept something to buy his rings back. He says he didn’t think he needed to. He was going to play again, but the boys learned from their mistakes, and took it out on him. He barely broke even. She says she’s sorry, but he says she doesn’t need to be. That’s how the game is played. She says he can’t lose his rings. Besides his watch, they’re the only thing connecting him to his past.

Elizabeth tells Carly, Franco made a mistake, and asked Jason to kill him. That night, Franco was agitated. Carly asks, how agitated? but Elizabeth says she doesn’t know. Sam and Dante said Franco was at the MetroCourt looking for Jason, and Franco said to tell Jason, I’m still me. Does Carly know what that means? Carly says it sounds like Elizabeth does, and Elizabeth says, it means Franco knew he wasn’t a threat, and didn’t want Jason to kill him, but Jason didn’t care. He tracked Franco to the art studio, and shot him anyway. Carly says, if Jason had been responsible, there would be no evidence, and probably not even a body. Franco would have disappeared without a trace. Elizabeth says she’s sure that was what was supposed to happen, but then she showed up. Carly says, and she’s determined to blame Jason. Elizabeth says, Jason did it. She begged him not to. Franco had told her about their horrific deal, and she confronted Jason, telling him it was unnecessary, but he wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t call it off. Carly says the reason why she knows Jason didn’t kill Franco is because Elizabeth knew. Jason would never put Elizabeth and Jake in that position, and Elizabeth knows that.

Sam tells Dante, stop; don’t do this. What’s going on? Peter tells her, call the police, but she says she’s not talking to him. She tells Dante, it’s her, Sam. What is he doing? Dante says Peter is a threat to Maxie and the baby. He has to protect them and keep them safe. Sam agrees Peter deserves to pay, but not like this. Dante says he has to complete the mission, and Sam asks if someone ordered him to kill Peter. Dante says, this is justice for Maxie and Drew, but Sam says justice is for Peter to be arrested, stand trial, and spend the rest of his life in prison. That’s what Peter deserves, not Dante. Don’t throw his life away because of Peter.

Sam tells Dante, think about it. Everyone loses if he pulls the trigger; his mom, his brothers, his son. Think about Rocco. Rocco needs a father, and Dante is all he has. Dante flashes back to holding baby Rocco, and Sam asks, isn’t Rocco more important than his mission? Dante lowers the gun, and she says, it’s okay, taking it from him. She tells Peter, he dodged a bullet. Get out. Peter says that crazy bastard tried to kill him. He’s not getting away with it. He leaves, and Dante asks where Peter is. Sam says, he’s gone; he took off running. Is Dante okay? He says, she stopped him, and she says, someone had to.

Sonny says, pawning his rings was the only way to buy into the game, and the only shot he had at getting the money they needed to hold on to the Tan-O. Phyllis asks, since when is it his job to save their business? and he says, is she kidding him? After everything they’ve done for him, he wants to repay them in a small way. She laughs, and says, small? They didn’t want to sell, but it might have been for the best. The closest thing they have to family are the strays she takes under her wing, like him and Elijah. She’d like to know the Tan-O is in good hands when they’re six feet under.

Carly tells Elizabeth, forget about the bargain and the circumstantial evidence. Think about the Jason she knows. He’d never hurt her or Jake by killing Franco. Elizabeth says, he knew the tumor was back, and was convinced Franco was a threat. In his mind, killing Franco was protecting them. Carly asks if that’s what was going through Elizabeth’s mind when she saw Jason, what shaped her perspective. Is it possible she saw what she expected to see? Think about it. Can’t she see Jason was just trying to help Franco, and not hurt him? Elizabeth asks if this is where Carly tells her to change her statement, and say she saw what she didn’t. She’s not perjuring herself. Carly says, someone already has that handled.

Olivia says, not this again. For the millionth time, nothing is going on between her and Robert. Ned is projecting his infidelities on her. He says, she’s right. His actions tore them apart, and he regrets it every minute of every day, but he’s starting to wonder if that’s why they can’t move past this, and the other problems in their marriage that they weren’t able to recognize until now. She says, such as? and he says she was a brilliant first lady of Port Charles, and an equally brilliant wife and mother. It never occurred to him that while he was relying on her to do everything she does to run the house, support the family, and stand by his side, he might also be holding her back, while maybe another man was allowing her to soar.

Brook walks into the Quartermaine mansion, and asks if Michael is still there. Ned comes out, and says, Brook. She says, hi, and he says, she’s … is that? She nods, and says, congratulations. He’s going to be a grandpa.  

Jackie tells Robert, if the last few days showed her anything, it’s that she has a lot of soul searching to do, and a lot to figure out. She’s a walking cliché; a professional success, but her personal life is a disaster. He thinks she’s exaggerating, but she says, especially where Gregory is concerned. He’s a good man. They loved each other, and she left his life in tatters. Robert says it sounds like she needs a friend.

Finn says, Gregory will always be the man who raised Chase. He wouldn’t change that if he could. He wonders where that leaves them, but Chase doesn’t know. He just thought it was fair to tell Finn what was going through his head. He owes Finn that much. Finn says, it means a lot that Chase came to see him, and that they’re still talking. Both of their phones ding. They look at their phones, and then look at each other.

Robert tells Jackie, most of his exes can attest that he was a lousy father, but a good friend. He’s offering himself in that capacity as of now. She thanks him, and says, it means more than he knows. He asks what she’s drinking, and she says, scotch, of course (🍷). He thinks he’ll join her, and her phone dings. She sees a headline in The Invader, asking, Who’s the Daddy? along with photos of her, Chase, Finn, and Gregory, and an article about the paternity test.

Ned says, a baby? and Brook asks if he’s disappointed. He says, never. He’s surprised, very surprised. Why didn’t she say anything? She says, for the same reason she left. She needed to find a way to prove herself on her own. He says he was incredibly unfair, but she says she was unfair to him too. Face it. They’re a lot alike, in both good and not so good ways. She needed time and distance to figure out her life. After her singing career stopped, everything changed. He asks if the baby’s father is in the picture, and she says, about that. He might want to sit down.

Jackie goes to Finn’s office, and he and Chase just look at her. She asks if they saw, and then guesses they did. Chase says, the article in The Invader? They saw it, along with most of Port Charles. She says she had no idea, and Finn says, another one for the tight security at GH. She says she’s going to have Peter’s head on a pike. I tell her, get in line, and Chase says she’s got to love the irony.

Carly tells Elizabeth, the witness claims they saw Jason put the gun in the garbage shoot. The PCPD retrieved the gun, and there were no prints on it, but the pegged it as the murder weapon. Elizabeth says, that proves Jason is guilty, but Carly says, think about the Jason she knows. He’d never panic, or get sloppy, or drop incriminating evidence in a garbage shoot where the victim was. Elizabeth says Jason didn’t expect her to show up, but Carly says, the witness lying; it’s a set up. Elizabeth can’t see it because she’s determined to blame Jason. (BTW, my bad yesterday for calling it a laundry shoot. To throw the gun in there would have been stupider than Jason being the one to throw it.)

Sonny asks if Phyllis and Lenny never had kids, and Phyllis says they had a baby girl a long time ago. She only lived a few days, but they loved her a lot. Losing her was terrible, indescribable. They wanted another child, but they were afraid, so they kept trying to put it off. They kept putting it off, and next thing they knew, too much time had passed. He says he’s sorry, and she says, don’t be. She and Lenny have a good life, besides, it left room in her heart for strays like him. Sonny says, a lot of people think she’s crazy for taking him in, and she says, everyone can keep their opinions to themselves. What about him? Does he think he has children out there?

Sam asks what Dante was thinking, going after Peter? He says he wasn’t, and Sam says Dante was going to shoot Peter, and Dante says he wasn’t thinking. In his head, he had to eliminate Peter. It was like he was outside himself, watching it happen. He holds his head, and says they told him he was better. He spent time in the Geneva facility, and they told him he was better. They told him that he’s recovered, but he’s not. He thinks he needs help; he’s scared. She takes his hand, and says, it’s okay. They’ll get him some help. He clutches her hand.

On the phone, Valentin tells Martin that he wants to meet. There have been unexpected developments that require Martin’s expertise.

Brook tells Ned, she crashed on Chase’s couch, but he’s completely in love with Willow. She flirted with Dustin, but it was nothing, and now she feels doubly guilty. He asks what she’s not telling him, and she says he already knows some of it. They had that hideous fight, and she was feeling reckless and misunderstood. She ended up commiserating with Valentin. He says, stop. Valentin is the father of the baby? She says, get it over with. Be as mad as he needs to. He says he’s not mad, and she says, disappointed. He says he’s not mad or disappointed. He’s thrilled to be a grandfather, and thrilled she’s going to be a mother. She says, but he’s less than thrilled about the father? He says he finds it concerning that Valentin, the man who orchestrated a hostile takeover, and manipulated their family to do it, is now tied to the same family through her baby. She says she gets it, but he has to trust her. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

Olivia sees Robert at the MetroCourt, and tells him that she and Ned are trying to talk, but it’s slow going. One step forward, six back. He says he’s sorry, and she says, her too. She wants to move forward, but she’s stuck. She can’t get past him having cheated. He says he had his suspicions at Thanksgiving when Ned and Alexis had their heads together. He should have said something then, but he didn’t want to make trouble, and figured she was smart enough to figure it out for herself. She thanks him, and he says, you’re welcome… for what? She says giving her credit for being as strong as she knows she is. He says he’s seen her as a spy. It was a game changer. She laughs, and he says, as it turns out, his table for two shrunk to a table for one. Does she care to join him? She says, sounds perfect.

Chase says Jackie’s whole career has been uncovering secrets. She says her gold standard is truth and integrity, but it’s secretly her own double-standard. Jackie suggests they talk, but Chase says he’s all talked out, and leaves. Jackie asks if Finn thinks Chase will ever forgive her, and he says he doesn’t know, but he’s entitled to feel what he wants to feel, including anger. She has to give him time. She says, this is exactly what she was afraid of when Finn wanted the DNA test; they’d have to brave a whole new world. But now that the whole world knows, are they any better off?

Cyrus says Peter seems worse for the wear, and Peter says, there’s a reason for that. Cyrus asks if he’d care to elaborate. Peter asks if he has Cyrus’s assurance that his witness will hold up, and Cyrus says, they will. Now Peter has kept his end of the bargain. Peter says he doesn’t blame Cyrus for wanting payback. He’s lucky Jackie had a family scandal waiting to be exposed. Cyrus remembers calling the lab and saying there’s a DNA test that’s of interest to him. Make sure the results show what he wants them to show. Cyrus tells Peter, since they’ve entered this mutually beneficial arrangement, he should know Cyrus makes his own luck.   

Sam brings Dante to the hospital, and asks the reception nurse to call Doc. It’s important. It’s about his son-in-law.  

Carly says, Elizabeth wanted Jason to forget Franco’s past. She wanted the tumor to be the cause of everything, and wanted Jason to forget and forgive the horrible things Franco did, but he wouldn’t. Elizabeth says, no, he wouldn’t, even when Franco turned his life around. Even when Franco helped Jake heal, and got Carly out of Ferncliff. Even when Franco married her, and made her happy. Jason hated Franco, and the first chance he got, Jason killed him. Carly says it doesn’t matter how bad Elizabeth needs to believe it; she’s wrong. But someone killed Franco, and as long as she clings to the lie that Jason did it, she’s helping whoever did, get away with it. She leaves, and Elizabeth closes the door.    

Sonny tells Phyllis, he doesn’t remember anyone, except in his dream. He doesn’t know what his life was before. He just hopes no one thinks he took off on them, but he doesn’t want to go there. Why worry about something he doesn’t have the answers to? She says he was out all night. Maybe he wants to grab a nap before they open. He says he thinks he’ll take her up on that. She laughs, and says, sweet dreams. He goes upstairs, and she hears the door. She says, sorry; they’re not open yet. Nina walks in, and says, surprise! Phyllis runs to her, and they hug.    

On Monday, Michael tells Chase that he knows what’s going on, Brook has a plan, and Nina tells Phyllis it was more complicated than she realized.

👨‍👨‍👦 In Case You’re Confused…

I just forget on a regular basis.

🕍 Return To Carrington Manor…

I’d like to see her return to Port Charles already.

🤸🏾‍♀️ Fun With Brytni…

I miss her on GH, but it was nice to see her on HAHN.

🍀 They’re Just O’Like Us…

If you consider it a real holiday.

💣 Bye To a Baddie…

In addition to his many characters, he twirled a moustache on GH.

👠 After the Party’s Over…

The real fashion comes out.



🐸 Not Again…

I thought Tinsley had finally gotten her fairytale ending, but her prince turned out to be a frog.





🐎 New Amish, Who Dis…?

Returning to those who returned.



🐶 Lucky Dog…

And she’s lucky too. Rescue pups seem to know they’ve been rescued.


💋 LVP Speaks…

FYI, Vivica Fox and Trixie Mattel will be guests on Overserved.


🤖 Quotes of the Week

Until you’re impersonated, nothing about you is different. – Bette Davis

De Blasio just said, now is not the time for profiteering. Does that mean there is a time?Me on Facebook 3/16/2020

It’s shady enough that you can have a picnic under it.Dr. Phil

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

Maybe part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, that were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy. – Neil deGrasse Tyson

There’s no such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom.Paulo Freire

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills

Don’t worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth. – Dorothy Day

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time. – Laurie Halse Anderson

Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy. – Roy T. Bennett

If you come back here again, I’ll beat your ass with a Kindle. – Wanda Sykes, Jexi

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. – Voltaire

👜 Packing It In…

We’re off to another weekend, and for some of us, it’s actually starting to feel like one. No matter what, change it up once a week, on whatever day you want it to be. And while you’re at it, stay safe, stay adding new things to the menu, and stay not having a family scandal ready to be exposed. Do it yourself.

September 25, 2020 – On the Pennsylvania Side Of the River, MLB Preempt, Missing Link, Stars Dance, 9 Years Ago, Stolen and Found, a Return, More Emmy, NYC Explains Or Not, Possible Wife, Real Deal, One More Than a Dozen Quotes & Another Part of PA


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Alexis and Valentin arrive at Neil’s memorial, and Alexis says she appreciates Valentin bringing her, but she’ll get a car back. He says he drove her there himself, and he’ll drive her home. She wonders when he got so chivalrous, and he says he’s leveling the playing field. She was good to him when he needed it. They go inside, and she sees a photo of Neil.

On her phone at the hospital, Sasha says she needs to make a purchase. The usual. She asks them to meet her at GH, and text when they’re outside. Chase startles her.

Brook gets that it’s a shock to find out Olivia is in Monte Carlo, and Ned says, in the honeymoon suit at a glamorous hotel, with ex-spy Robert Scorpio. She says he sounds insecure and jealous. She thought he and Olivia were solid. Did something happen? He says, ELQ happened. Olivia hasn’t been happy since he took over the company, then Robert was able to get her in to see Dante. She might have had a hard time leaving him. It’s not her fault; they’ll work it out. He just wants her home safe and sound. The same goes for Brook. Can he convince her to come home? She says she doesn’t think it’s a good idea for either of them right now, but she’ll do what she said. She’ll let him know where she lands. He thanks her for trying to make him feel better about Olivia. Brook says, don’t tell Olivia that she said so, but Olivia is smart. She wouldn’t blow things up like that. He tells her, call him if she needs anything at all. She says, okay, and he says, maybe there’s hope for them yet. She says, maybe.

On a private plane with Robert and Ethan, Olivia says, well, it’s official. Her phone is nowhere to be found. She left it in Monte Carlo. Ethan says there’s no Wi-Fi anyway; it’s intentional. Robert says, the Bureau likes to get a head start on spinning the story. The casino bust is a way for them to control the narrative. Ethan says his mother is dead, buried in a shallow grave. How are they going to control the narrative for that? Olivia says she’s so sorry. Holly probably would have been saved if not for her.

Josslyn and Cameron are at the Bistro. Which, by the way, suddenly has an identifying name. I’ve been calling it the café for years now. Cameron says they just saw each other. Why did she text him to meet her? She says she’s fine. She didn’t feel like being at home. Cameron asks, why not? and she says, Mike just died and her mom is acting upbeat about homecoming. Josslyn knows it’s for her sake, but figured if she wasn’t around, they could be honest about how they’re feeling. Cameron totally gets it. It’s strange at his house too. There’s tension, and his parents are pretending there isn’t.

Scotty tells Franco and Elizabeth that he met with Ava and Nikolas. Elizabeth asks, what happened? and Scotty takes out the phone, pointing to the pictures. He says he showed them boom… boom. Franco says the photos have remarkable composition, but he doesn’t like to look at a picture of Elizabeth with that other dude. Elizabeth says she doesn’t like to see him and Ava either. Scotty says, the make-out sessions were their idea. He thought it was hairbrained at first. However, the two of them are masterminds, and it worked out great. They’ve got Ava and Nikolas right where they want them – scared, and ready to pay. They all smile at each other.

Robert asks what Olivia is talking about, and she says Holly would be alive, but they didn’t get there in time. Robert took her to Geneva first, and it was a waste of time to try and see Dante. Ethan asks if the call didn’t come after Holly’s memorial, and Robert says he didn’t want to go to the memorial. He only went because Olivia badgered him into it. If she hadn’t, he would have been in Port Charles when Holly called. He would have had no time to get to Monte Carlo. Ethan says, and Winston would have covered his track. They wouldn’t have gotten answers, but because of Olivia, they did. Robert says, he can only speak for himself, but he’s sure Ethan feels the same. He’s more than grateful.

Chase apologizes, saying he didn’t realize Sasha was on the phone. She says, no problem; what’s up? He asks if she’s heard about Nelle. She asks if Nelle was captured, but Chase says her body was recovered. She’s dead. Sasha asks, how? and he says, her body was found on the Pennsylvania side of the river (🍷 – a new drinking game phrase for today). She asks if he’s sure, and he says the body was positively ID’d, but he’s there to get more details. She asks if Michael knows, and how he’s taking it. She guesses he must be relieved, for himself and Wiley. She’s sorry she feels this way, but she’s thankful they’re free from Nelle’s constant torment. Wiley is truly safe. She clutches her stomach a little, and he asks if she’s okay. She says she’s fine. It’s the finality of everything. It’s finally over, and it’s too late.

Scotty says they should have seen the look on Nikolas’s face when Nikolas saw it was him; like he’d seen a ghost. To be honest, Ava felt like he’d betrayed her. Franco says, if anything, she betrayed Scotty, since he’s Scotty’s son. Where’s Ava’s loyalty to Franco, and respect for his marriage? Elizabeth says Ava and Nikolas are both just as bad, using them as pawns in their chess game. All Nikolas cares about is the infidelity clause and post-nuptial agreement.

Cameron tells Josslyn, he walked in on a conversation where his parents were discussing the bills, and they froze up. They always change the subject. How interested in his soccer practice can they be? Josslyn says she knows what he means; it’s awful the way they find a way to cover, and make like everything is all right. He says he knows his parents took out a loan when the pipe burst. Britt Westbourne is Chief of Staff, and she hates his mom, so Britt cut her hours back. Franco thinks he’s going to be fired. For no reason. She says, like Monica and Bobbie were fired. Michael thinks they should sue. He doesn’t think that’s an option for his mom or Franco. He’s looking for after school jobs. He has to help out with the expenses.

Valentin asks if Neil had any immediate family, and Alexis says, he had a brother in New Jersey. She sees a man sitting down, and says, that must be him. Valentin says, why doesn’t she pay her respects? She goes over to the man, and asks if he’s Neil’s brother. He says he’s proud to say he is. She says she’s terribly sorry for his loss, and he thanks her. He asks if she worked with his brother. Valentin introduces himself, and Alexis does the same. She says, she and Neil… and Brendan (we find out his name in the course of conversation) says he knows who she is.

Alexis says, of course (🍷). He was probably told about the circumstances of Neil’s death. He says he was, and Neil used to talk about her. That surprised him, since Neil never mentioned his personal life. He didn’t have much of one. He dated, but never seriously. He kept saying he had finally met his match. Alexis says they had a special connection. He says, Neil was a wonderful, caring person, who spent his entire life helping others. She says she was extraordinarily lucky to know him. He says, she was, and he wishes to God Neil had never met her.

Olivia tells Robert, it’s ironic. She always loved spy movies. They were so glamourous and exciting. But when you really see what goes on, it’s not that glamorous anymore, is it? She starts to cry, and says, sorry. She gets up and goes (presumably) to the bathroom. Ethan asks what the story is between them, and Robert stammers a little. He says, him and Olivia? Ethan says, no, the other bombshell on the plane. Robert says, a couple of years back, he was a fugitive, and he… well, she… she’s married. Ethan says it never stopped Robert before, and Robert calls him Mr. Leap Before You Look. Ethan says, life is short. You’ve got to cut loose. Why wait in line? You should take all the chances you can, and a few more. Play the cards your dealt, and bluff if you have to. At least you know you lived. Robert says, for a moment, Ethan reminded him of Holly.

Chase tells Sasha, it’s not too late. They got exactly what they wanted. Not for Nelle to die necessarily, but be out of Wiley’s life. Michael and Willow don’t have to be married anymore. She asks, what if they don’t want to divorce? and he asks if she’s talking about the kiss. It’s natural that it would happen. They both love Wiley, but that doesn’t mean they have feelings for one another. One kiss doesn’t make a romance. She says neither one of them would take a kiss casually; that’s not who they are. As much as they’re hurt, she and Chase have to accept the truth. The kiss was a turning point.   

Josslyn asks what kind of job Cameron is going to get that doesn’t interfere with school, homework, and soccer. He says all he knows is, he has to do something. They might be able to fool Jake and Aiden, but they can’t fool him. He sees how stressed they are about being able to afford college for him. She asks, what about a scholarship? and he says, soccer scholarships are mostly partial – if he gets one at all. Josslyn thinks he should get tons of offers, since he’s all-around amazing.

Elizabeth says, no party over what Ava and Nikolas did, especially Nikolas. She got her friend back, and watched him sinking lower and lower. Scotty says, he’s a Cassadine, but she says, he’s better than this. Now look at them, stooping to blackmail. Scotty says, they asked for it. Franco says, think about it. It could be the thing that keeps them afloat. Scotty says, it was a drop in the bucket. Nikolas and Ava were lowballing them. The reality is, they could probably get enough to pay off their mortgage, put Cameron through college, and have a cushion. Elizabeth asks Scotty what he’s done.

Cameron says Josslyn always knows how to make him feel better. She says, same. They’ve been through a lot together. He says, true that, and she says she hated house arrest. She was so lost without him and Trina; she felt left out. He says he missed her too. She says she knows he and Trina got closer during that time, with the whole kiss that happened. The important thing is, they got through it. It’s cool how they’re going to homecoming as a group. None of that date pressure. Everything’s back to normal, which is great, right? He says, yeah, totally.

Chase asks Sasha if she doesn’t see it. Everything has changed. Nelle is dead, and they’re free to tell the truth. She says, then what? Michael and Willow will realize she and Chase lied because they love them, and thank them for manipulating them for their own good? Now it’s over, and they can just pick up where they left off? He says he knows it sounds crazy, and she says, because it is. Stop living in a fantasy world. He says she’s acting like she wants Michael and Willow to hate them, and she says she didn’t mean to come at him. She’s not sleeping well. Launching Deception is a 24/7 job. He says, no doubt. He doesn’t think that’s all that’s going on.

Scotty says, when he saw the desperation on their faces, he knew Nikolas and Ava would pay, so he asked for $125K. Franco says, they agreed on $50K, and Scotty says, that’s not what he meant. He asked for $125K from each of them. Franco says, $250,000? What’s wrong with him? Elizabeth says, it’s a quarter of a million dollars; that’s extortion. Scotty says, what’s done is done. You don’t go back after a shakedown, and say, oops, I changed my mind. Even if they negotiate, they’ll come out ahead. Franco says there’s so much they could do. He and Scotty shake hands, and Franco says he’s got to hand it to Scotty. Bummer Elizabeth says she can’t believe what she’s hearing. It’s got to stop right now.

Robert says, Holly didn’t raise Ethan, but he’s just like her. Ethan says, coming from Robert, that’s a high compliment. Robert says he appreciated Ethan’s help at the casino. He doesn’t think he could have taken Winston down without him. Ethan says, actually, Olivia took him down, clobbering him with the Uzi. They laugh, and Robert says Ethan played a big part. Ethan says he wanted answers, and owed Robert one. Robert dropped everything to help them, leaving Port Charles and Anna behind to get them out of a jam. Robert says he got something out of it too; he reconnected to Holly. Too bad they couldn’t make it last, but they had a great time. Ethan says he didn’t hang around much after that because of his guilt. Robert says, about what? and Ethan says, about letting Robert think he was Robert’s son.

Valentin says he realizes the difficult circumstances, but Brendan’s words are uncalled for. Brendan doesn’t think so, and Alexis says, let him speak. He obviously has something say. Brendan says he wasn’t sure he’d get the opportunity to talk to her. He didn’t know if she’d dare show up. From what he can see, she caused more sorrow than joy. Neil took it hard when they broke up, and he couldn’t pursue her. He was moving on, then he bumped into her at the opera – the one night that ended his career, the one thing that kept him going after his daughter died. His practice helped others, and it drove Neil to despair. She dismantled his life and Neil took what was left, and threw it away on a drug overdose.

Josslyn tells Cameron, she’s seen the Crimson wardrobe vault – it’s the 8th wonder of the world. Cameron must be anointed to be allowed access, Cameron says it was complicated. Nina is all about the fit and the cut, and all the accessories; a shirt, the collar, a tie, cufflinks. She asks if he found anything he liked. She thinks it will pay off. He says he plans on looking smoking hot, and she says she bets he will.

Scotty says Elizabeth wants to torpedo their plan. Ava and Nikolas are the ones acting like bad guys, and messing with his family. He takes family seriously, and thought she would too. Franco says he thought what her friend did was unacceptable. He wants them to feel what’s it’s like to be used and tricked. Scotty says, if not, they can feel it in their wallets. Elizabeth says, blackmail is a crime, and she wants no part of it. Franco shouldn’t either. Scotty asks if she thinks they’re going to the cops. Franco says, come on. Technically, it’s not blackmail until money exchanges hands. They don’t know if Ava and Nikolas are going to pay at all, so maybe wait see what happens. She says, okay. When are they meeting with Scotty? Scotty says he gave them 24 hours. They’ll never know Franco and Elizabeth had anything to do with this; it’s all on him. Franco says he appreciates everything Scotty had done for them, and says, Elizabeth? She says she knows Scotty’s heart is in the right place, and she appreciates that he’s overprotective of his family, even if they don’t agree on his methods. He says, no one messes with his family. Not on his watch.

Robert says, all the same, what are the odds he and Ethan would be stuck on the same plane? Get it over with. Ethan says Robert thought Robin was dead, and Holly told him Ethan was his son, so Robert would feel obligated to save him. Robert says Ethan’s real father had a big hand it; it’s a convoluted Spencer special. Holly lied to give him hope, but without Holly and hope, he doesn’t know if he would have survived. She was almost always right. Ethan says, and she never let them forget it. Robert says, that’s for damn sure. They drink.

Chase says Sasha is trying to hide her feelings, but he can tell she’s struggling. She’s trying to convince him, but giving up Michael is too painful to admit. She says she wishes she could, and he says, she buried herself in her work, so she doesn’t have to face what’s going on. She says she never expected life to turn into this, and he says the two of them are in it together. He’s here for her anytime she wants to call, and she knows he’ll understand. She thanks him for being a good friend. Brook appears, and says, hey, roomie. Sasha says she’s on her way out, but Brook tells her, don’t jump to conclusions. She’s just crashing at Chase’s place. He’s being a sweetheart, but nothing is going on. Sasha says, nothing is going on with her and Chase either. Chase says there’s something Brook should know; Nelle is dead. Her body was recovered on the Pennsylvania side of the river (🍷). He’s going to the morgue to follow up. Brook says she should be sorry for the loss of any human life, but all she feels is relief. Chase says, him too, and he moves along. Brook says, wow. Nelle is dead. (I expect her to say, and her body was recovered on the Pennsylvania side of the river, but she doesn’t.) Sasha asks if she’s okay, and Brook says she’s just processing. Sasha doesn’t blame her, and says Brook has been through a lot. Brook says she’s on the mend, and stronger every day. Sasha says she’s glad to hear it. They need her voice for Deception. When is she recording a new song?

Valentin says, Neil was a grown man; he made his own decisions. What happened was tragic, but don’t put it on Alexis. Alexis says Brendan has a right to feel the way he does, and Brendan says, the memorial is a celebration of Neil’s life. She stripped him of everything worth living for. He doesn’t want the memorial tainted with her presence, and tells her that she’s not welcome. Alexis runs out crying. Well, he’s not making a very good first impression.

Chase orders some food to go at The Floating Rib. Valentin and Alexis walk in, and Valentin suggests she get something to eat. She says she doesn’t have much of an appetite, and he says, Neil’s brother was out of line. He’s grieving, and needs someone to take it out on. He chose her. She says Branden used words that she can’t unhear, and watches as a drink is poured.

On the phone, Josslyn says she’s glad Carly called, instead of waiting until she got home. She’s with Cameron, but she’ll see Carly soon. She loves her. Cameron says he heard her say Nelle was dead. Is she really gone? Josslyn says her mom told her they found the body on the Pennsylvania side of the river. (🍷) He asks, what happened? and she says, it’s too early to say exactly how Nelle died. He says, after everything that happened, it’s really over. Nelle is gone.  

Alexis tells Valentin, she can’t be angry with Neil’s brother. He didn’t know how their relationship was. Ned comes in, and orders a double scotch, neat, at the bar. Chase asks if he’s okay, and he says, just great, throwing back his drink. He doesn’t know whether to be annoyed with Chase or grateful that he’s letting Brook stay. If he hadn’t, it might be easier to convince her to come home.  Chase says he tried to give her options. At their table, Valentin says, Brendan is furious that Neil threw his life away, and is looking for someone to blame. She’s an easy target. Ned tells Chase, women like to have options, loud enough for Valentin to hear, and looks pointedly at Valentin.

Ethan says, all the stories he heard of their adventures together; Holly loved Robert, in her way. Robert says he loved Holly. That’s all he wants to say about it. He’s sorry she wasn’t a conventional mother. Ethan says conventions are overrated. They were perfect partners in crime. They could go a month not seeing each other, then she’d then send up a flare, and he’d come on the run. The cons were just an excuse. She really wanted to spend time together. Robert said she knew she could trust him, and Ethan says he doesn’t know how to get over it, but it helps knowing there’s someone else out there who remembers her too. Olivia comes back, and says, sorry for making a scene. How did the two of them manage without her? Robert says they buried a few hatchets, and Olivia asks when they’re landing. Robert tells her, he’ll check with the pilot, and goes up front. Olivia tells Ethan, when they get there, she’s putting him up at the MetroCourt; no argument. He says he appreciates it, but as soon as they touch down, he has a date in Antigua. She asks, what it would hurt to stick around Port Charles?

Sasha says she has to go, but she wants to see Brook in the recording studio asap. Geez, Brook practically just got off the operating table for an injury to her vocal chords. I know Sasha is high, but come on. Brook says she’s going to have to extend that timeline, and Sasha says Deception gained momentum from the Nurses Ball telethon. Brook says, her doctors haven’t cleared her for singing, and Sasha says, sorry. She’s just excited. She’s a partner, and brand ambassador. The projections are through the roof. It’s going to be a huge success, and she wants Brook to be a part of that. Brook says she does too. She’d love to be involved in the business aspect. Sasha says she didn’t think Brook was interested in that, but Brook says, sure she would. She’s always wanted to be part of a winning team. Sasha says Brook doesn’t have to prove her worth. They just want her voice; it’s more than enough.

Franco tells Elizabeth, it’s just a threat. They’ll destroy the picture, whether or not they pay. She says, okay, but he says she’s still angry. She thinks they deserved a scare. Marriage means nothing to them, and everything to her. She doesn’t take what they tried to do lightly. Franco says, they were just trying; no real damage was done. She says, right, and he says, checking in. Around the time of the party, things were rocky. Elizabeth says, she’s glad she overheard Ava and Nina talking about Ava’s post-nup and wanting Nikolas to cheat. She finally understood what was going on. Franco says they feel solid. Does she think they’re better than ever? Elizabeth says, yeah. They never lost faith in each other. It doesn’t matter what happens with Ava and Nikolas. Clearly, they’re the winners. They hug.

Cameron asks if Josslyn is okay. How does she feel about things, honestly? She says, conflicted. She can’t tell him how much she’d wished Nelle would disappear and not come back. Nelle deliberately set out to ruin her mom’s life, and manipulated her to go against her mom, and she let Nelle do it. She should hate Nelle, but despite all she did, she’s the reason Wiley exists, and she can’t regret Wiley. So being glad Nelle is dead is harsh, but she’s relieved that Nelle will never hurt them again. Does that make her a horrible person? He says, no, but it does add another thing to deal with. Josslyn says she should get going. She needs to start getting ready for homecoming if she’s going to keep up with him. Cameron says she always looks beautiful, and Josslyn says she should probably go.

Brook tells Sasha, she has a follow-up appointment with her surgeon, and Sasha says, her too. She means an appointment. She tells Brook, hurry up and get well. She can’t wait work with Brook. Sasha leaves, and Brook says she has to figure out how to be the voice of Deception without a voice.

Chase tells Ned that he doesn’t think Brook would be this angry if she didn’t love him. At the table, Valentin tells Alexis, she wants to blame herself, but she’s not the reason Neil did drugs. Chase tells Ned, Brook couldn’t be indifferent if she wanted to, and Ned thanks him for trying. He walks over to the table, and asks if he can have a word with Valentin. Valentin says he’s a little busy, and Alexis says she’d consider it a favor. Valentin says, okay, as a favor. He and Ned go outside, and Alexis joneses after the alcoholic drinks.

Ethan says, Port Charles hasn’t been his home in years, but Olivia says, Robert is there, and they’re both grieving Holly. They can help each other. Robert says they don’t have to be in the same city. If Ethan is in a tight spot, he’ll be there, like his mother would have. Ethan says, it goes both ways, and Olivia asks if he’s absolutely sure. Ethan says he has a score to settle, and Olivia hopes when he’s ready to settle down, Port Charles is the first place he thinks of. He says he’ll keep it in mind.

Valentin tells Ned, if he wants to talk about ELQ, call his office. Ned calls him a smug bastard, saying Valentin preyed on his daughter when she was vulnerable. He’s not letting Valentin do the same to Alexis. Valentin says Ned is drunk, and starts to walk away, but Ned grabs him and punches him.

Alexis orders a double vodka.

On… whatever day it’s on next (see below), Portia tells Curtis that he shouldn’t be asking questions, Robert asks Peter if he was missed, and Olivia tells Lulu about seeing Dante.

⚾️ What the What…?

For baseball? Really?


📺 In Case You Missed It…

I have no idea what this is about, but apparently some people missed the September 23rd episode of GH. If this is you, here you go.


🧼 Better Than a Foam Party…

Former soap stars cut the rug.


🌠 Rubbing It In…

We come together to mourn the passing of a soap kids once scheduled their college classes around.


💍 I See a Ring In Someone’s Future…

This was one of the few parts in RHOBH Secrets Revealed that I thought was worth watching. And Sutton’s birthday party. I could watch that all day.



👨🏼‍🌾 The Simple Life…

I liked this show, and liked the idea of a family living off the media grid, social and otherwise. It looks like the kids will be branching out some this season. You can take a trip to Plathville on November 10th.


📝 Because I Like a List…

Another take on Emmy’s best and worst moments.


🗽 Reunion Rehash…

Tinsley and Dorinda explained.


Dorinda makes excuses explains.


Dorinda makes excuses admits a wrong move.


Tinsley makes excuses for being really weird explains.


Tinsley really does explain.


🧩 Another Puzzle Piece…

So Kathy wants on the show. Another reason Kyle might have to claim Brandi never lies. I’m telling you, that was a set-up.


🥋 Just In Case You Were Wondering…

Wax off this.


🏌️‍♀️ Quotes of the Week

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. – Albert Einstein  (I question as to whether he really said that, but it’s a good one.)

Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. – Roy T. Bennett

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. – Theodore Roosevelt

Aggressive is protecting your rights, but hurting others. Assertive is protecting your rights and not hurting others. – Dr. Phil  (Fat blipping chance a huge percentage of the world will ever get that.)

Everything’s funny eventually. Sometimes it takes a while but the day will come when you’re able to laugh about anything. – David Sedaris

Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. – David Ogden Stiers  (Ha-ha! Good thing we have friends.)

People dress up for funerals. Why not dress up to celebrate that you’re alive?Gay Talese

I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to forget the rest. – Venus Williams

Live your vision and demand your success. – Steve Maraboli

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. – Joshua J. Marine  (Seriously though, I’d like a break from both.)

This one matches our curtains. – Eric helping Larissa choose lingerie, 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. – Dale Carnegie

And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. – Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

👷🏽‍♀️ You Know the Drill…

It’s that time again. Those two days that may or may not have taken on a whole new meaning for you. As the Dowager Countess said, what’s a weekend? I say it too, but it’s because I never get one. I’ve questioned the validity of the word vacation for quite a while too. Regardless of how you view them, make the next two days different. Listen to music you’ve never heard before, gather some fall leaves to press or the last bloom of the summer. Get outside, and get outside your head. And while you’re at it, stay safe, stay appreciative, and stay away from the Pennsylvania side of the river. I hear they find bodies there.

August 28, 2020 – Wiley Comes Home, a Trophy Price For a Trophy House, 4 Soap Teabags, Four For the Wives, In Agreement, Binge This, MTV Looks Back, Just Past 10 Quotes & Delivery


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Clinging to the side of a cliff, Nelle calls to Carly, and says, please. She’s going to fall. Carly tells Nelle to take her hand, and Nelle does, but her grip isn’t strong enough, and she falls. I’m thinking, the police will never believe Carly didn’t push her.

Jordan meets Jason at the pier, and he asks if this location is better. She says, what’s so important that he’d risk her reputation and career by barging into her office? He says, this, and shows her a shell casing. She asks where he found it, and he says, the pier. The same place he just found Taggert.

Jax finds Carly, and asks, what happened? She says she was trying to save Nelle, but she fell. He looks over the edge, and then holds Carly, who’s freaking out. He says he’s got her.

At Kelly’s, Portia says she hopes the coffee is hot after the icy blast her daughter sent Curtis’s way. He says he doesn’t blame Trina. She’s grieving her father, and has to put her anger somewhere. She appreciates him understanding, and he says, it’s good Trina has friends to help her through it. She says, Josslyn and Cameron are terrific. It was Cameron’s idea for them to perform at the Nurses Ball. It was a gift. It took Trina out of herself for a while. She asks if he ever performed at the Nurses Ball, and he says, more than once. A few years ago, he did a magic act. She asks if he pulled a rabbit out of his hat, and he says he did dazzling illusions. It was his way of asking Jordan to marry him. She says, so the Nurses Ball is a kind of anniversary. She apologizes, saying it was the worst possible time to bring up the past, and she wishes she hadn’t said anything.

Dante tosses and turns. He dreams, and hears, complete the mission. He flashes back on loading his gun, and saying goodbye to Lulu. He sees Lulu come into the room, and he raises his gun. Complete the mission. Dr, Kirk comes in, and stands next to his bed. Dante jumps up, and grabs him, but the doctor says he’s in no danger; he’s safe. Stand down. Dante lets go.

Lulu goes to the Quartermaine mansion, and asks Willow where everybody is. She thought this would be the command center. Willow says Olivia and Ned are with Brook at the hospital. Monica is at the hospital, and Michael is searching for Wiley. Nina was there, and insisted on trying to teach her to play backgammon, but she finally convinced Nina to head home. Lulu says, Brook is through the worst of it, and she can stick around to keep Willow company.

Sonny tells Michael, the place is crawling with police searching for Nelle. Michael says, Wiley is sleeping, but as soon as he talks to the cops, he’s taking Wiley home. Sonny asks if he’s all right, and he says they still don’t know where Nelle is.

Jax asks Carly, what happened? and she says she went after Nelle. She caught up with Nelle, and tried to stop her. They fought, and Nelle got away. She heard a scream, and when she got there, Nelle was begging for her help; she said she’d fallen. Carly hesitated for a moment, thinking Nelle was trying to trick her, and Jax says, of course (🍷). She could have taken Carly with her. Carly says, Nelle was barely hanging on. She had Nelle’s hand, but she slipped and fell. Jax tells Carly to look at him and listen. They need to decide what to do next. She asks what he’s talking about. Nelle fell, and she tried to save her. She only hesitated for a second. Jax says he believes her, but the police might not.

Sam visits Alexis, and asks if Alexis is still having trouble with her wrist. Alexis says, hello to her too. It’s nothing that a little ice and aspirin won’t help. If she was working, she wouldn’t bother, but she has nothing to do, so she’s coddling it. Sam thinks maybe she should see a doctor, and Alexis says, then what would Sam have to nag her about? Sam asks if Alexis thinks she’s nagging, and Alexis says she thinks Sam cares, and she appreciates it. Sam asks if she’s seen the missing child alert. She’s worried, but also angry with Jason.

Jordan says, Taggert was shot? What happened? Jason says she’s not surprised Taggert is alive, just that he was shot. He was chasing a lead, and found Taggert slumped over on the pier along with the bullet. He said he’d stopped a man from shooting a woman, but didn’t know who they were. He took Taggert to a safe place, and called Epiphany. She wasn’t surprised either. Jordan asks where Taggert is now, and Jason says he left Port Charles. He said it was what Jordan would want. He answered her questions; now it’s her turn. How did she help Taggert fake his death?

Portia tells Curtis that she shouldn’t have dredged up ancient history. Even if it sounds like it, that’s not what ended her marriage. She and Taggert had many other problems. His job for one. He was away all the time when he was undercover with the DEA. She loves being a doctor, but it’s not her entire life. Getting involved with Curtis took away the loneliness. He asks why she eventually told him, and she said she could imagine a life with him. He wonders if she thought he’d ask her to leave, and she says he made it clear it was deal breaker, so that was the end of that.

Sonny asks Michael where his mother is, but Valerie shows up (remember her?), and tells Sonny and Michael that they have all hands on deck. Wiley is VIP status. She’ll need their statements while they’re still fresh. Michael asks if there’s any news about Nelle, and she says they have roadblocks in place. Nelle’s car is still there; she won’t get far on foot. Michael says he walked in the door, and it was dark. Nelle was waiting, and hit him in the head with something; he thinks it was a vase. He grabbed her, and they argued. She wouldn’t tell him where Wiley was, but he heard Wiley crying, and left to check on him. Valerie asks if he’s sure Wiley was unharmed, and he says, just worn out. He tried to call Willow, but there’s no cell reception. Valerie says she’ll do it from the car, and leaves.

Willow tells Lulu, the last time Michael checked in was hours ago. He was at the PCPD. Lulu understands what it’s like to wait, and be worried about a child you love. Willows phone rings, and she says, it’s the police. Valerie tells her, Wiley is safe, and Willow says, thank God. She asks where he is, and Valerie says, with Michael at a place in the mountains. There’s no cell reception, but they’re safe. Willow thanks her for calling. Thanks for finding Wiley.

Dante tells Dr. Kirk, he had a nightmare, and the doctor asks if it was the same one. Dante says, it’s always the same. He overreacted; sorry. Dr. Kirk says, if Dante is concerned, he can up the dosage of his medication, but Dante says, it’s like living in a fog; everything is dull and far away, except his dreams. They’re just as bad. Dr. Kirk says Dante refuses to participate in therapy, so there aren’t many options to treat him. Dante says, maybe he can’t be treated, but Dr. Kirk says, the trick is getting Dante to believe him. Dante’s lack of progress is a blow to his professional ego, but now the situation has changed. He’s getting pressure from his superiors. Dante says, about him? and the doctor says, yes. They want him to go home immediately.

Jax tells Carly, when he got there, Nelle was gone, and he saw her reaching over the edge. He doesn’t know what happened. She says he told her that he believed her, and he says, he does, but he’d be lying if he said the worst didn’t cross his mind. Carly says she didn’t push Nelle, and he asks if she thinks the cops would take her word for that. She’s Sonny’s wife. Every DA dreams of prosecuting and convicting him, and she’s the next best thing. Wiley is safe, but she went after Nelle anyway, and a DA would spin it for the jury. She and Nelle have had years of fighting in public, and Nelle falls off a cliff. Carly’s hair is a mess, her clothes are ripped, and she has scratches. Don’t think they won’t say Nelle defended herself. She says he can back her up, but he says, they’re exes, and on good terms. No one will believe him. Does she want to go to prison? She asks what he’s saying, and he says he wants her to volunteer as little information as possible. There’s evidence of a struggle. She can say Nelle knocked her down, and by the time she came to her sense, Nelle was gone. That’s it. That’s all she has to say.

Alexis asks why Sam is mad at Jason, and Sam says she has a new parole officer who has a heart. Alexis says, that’s great, and asks when and how it happened. Sam says she’s sorry she hasn’t kept Alexis in the loop, but she’s been under a lot of stress. Alexis says she understands, and asks how Jason is. Sam says, he was fine, but isn’t now. He checked himself out of the hospital against doctor’s orders to help Michael find Wiley. Aside from one phone call, she has no idea where he is or what he’s doing.

Jordan says she doesn’t owe Jason any explanations. He says he could have called 911, and she’d be explaining to someone else. The DA for starters. She says she let everyone believe Taggert was dead to protect him and Trina from Cyrus. He says, she knew Cyrus would still punish Taggert by using Trina, like he’s doing with her and TJ. He and Sonny could have helped. She says they have a truce with Cyrus. How does she know they didn’t give Taggert up to Cyrus, or that they’re not divvying up Port Charles? He says she doesn’t believe that, and she says, tell her what she believes. Enlighten her about herself.

Alexis asks how Sam got a sympathetic parole officer, but Sam wants to talk about anything else. Alexis asks how the Nurses Ball went; she heard there were a lot of volunteers. Sam says, Sonny and Carly were there. Maxie had a hot mic, and told the world she was pregnant. Alexis says, any other volunteers? and Sam says, Mac, Anna, Robert… She knows there’s only one name Alexis wants to hear. Why doesn’t she just ask if Neil was there?

Sonny asks Michael when Carly got there, and where she is now. Michael says, it was shortly after Nelle took off. Carly went after her. Valerie comes back, and says they have officers searching every inch of the woods; they’ll  find his mother. Michael says Jax is searching for her too. Sonny looks at Michael.

Carly asks if Jax wants her to say Nelle disappeared, and she doesn’t know where Nelle went? He says, let the police find her, and Carly asks if he wants her to lie. He says, no be truthful… to a point. Nelle slashed Brook’s throat. They know she’s dangerous. He says, Nelle is dead under questionable circumstances, and she can either tell the whole truth, or take his advice, and save herself.

Curtis tells Portia, before he knew she was married, it was early in his recovery, and he couldn’t let it be serious. There’s a rule for every recovering addict. She says, don’t get in a relationship, and Curtis says he had a long way to go. He’d tanked his career as a cop. When she told him that she was married, it brought up a lot of stuff. He never wanted to be that guy who wrecks a marriage. He let himself get involved, and needed to take a closer look at what he was doing in his life. She says she knew it was wrong to deceive him; she’s so sorry. He apologizes for being harsh when she admitted the truth. It touched on personal issues for him, but one thing he couldn’t ignore was dishonesty in a relationship.

Jason says Jordan is in deep. She can’t make a move unless and until Cyrus incriminates himself. In the meantime, she’s stuck, and has to take out her anger and frustration on someone. And here he is. Jordan tells him that she’s said he should have been a cop, but maybe he should have been a shrink. He’s right; she’s pretty damn stuck. Jason says, Taggert didn’t kill Cyrus for two reasons. One, he’s hoping to get back to his daughter one day, and two, he owes Jordan, and knows she’s against it. She says, Taggert was quite chatty, and Jason says, he was. Taggert cares about her. That’s why he decided to get out of Port Charles and let her handle it her way. He asks how it went with Cyrus. He went looking for her and wound up in the hospital. Cyrus wants to get rid of him to clear a path to Sonny.

Alexis says Sam brought up Neil, not her, and Sam says, no. Neil wasn’t at the Nurses Ball Telethon. Not that Alexis would care what he does with his time. Not that it’s any of her business, but Neil came over with an opera DVD and wanted to hang out, but she sent him away. Alexis says she did, but he wasn’t supposed to listen to her.

Dante says he’s not safe to be around. He was put in there because of his PTSD. The doctor says the Bureau is willing to suspend treatment because they want him for a priority operative. Dante says, they’re going to ignore that he’s a danger to himself and others? What kind of operative is that? The doctor says he was to be given no details, unless Dante accepts the assignment. Dante wonders why they’re asking for him, and the doctor says the operative concerns someone close to him.

Willow thanks Lulu for waiting with her, and Lulu says, thanks for letting her. Now that it’s over, she can tell Willow, based on personal experience with Sonny as her father-in-law, he would have never let Nelle disappear with Wiley.

Valerie tells Michael and Sonny, they haven’t located Nelle, Carly, or Jax. Are any of them familiar with the area? Michael says Carly has been there before. Jax hasn’t, but he’s an experienced hiker. To his knowledge, Nelle doesn’t know the woods and trails at all. Jax calls Michael, and says he’s found Carly; they’re together. Michael asks if they found Nelle, but Jax says he’s having a hard time hearing. The reception is bad. He hangs up, and I laugh, since we’ve all done something like that. Michael tells Valerie and Sonny, there’s bad service even with a satellite phone. He doesn’t know if they found Nelle.   

Carly tells Jax, Michael has to know Nelle is dead. He can’t spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. Jax says, if the truth comes out, Michael could get in trouble too. She says her DNA will be all over Nelle, but Jax says, that’s okay; they fought. She’s overthinking it. She says from her experience, cover-ups never turn out the way you want. Look at Michael and Claudia Zacchara. It was justifiable homicide, and they should have turned him in. He went to prison. Jax says they wouldn’t be punishing her for killing Nelle, but to get to Sonny. She can’t let that happen. They hear the police coming, and Jax says the police can’t find them there. They have to get to the clearing where she found Nelle.

Valerie finds the fake passports Nelle had that disappeared from the evidence locker. Michael says they might never have found his son. Valerie says, Nelle has no more options, and must still be in the woods. Michael says he wants to bring Wiley back home; Willow won’t believe it until Wiley is in her arms. Sonny says Michael isn’t driving alone; he’ll go too. Valerie says, in the meantime, she’ll send a squad car to follow them home just in case.

Curtis tells Portia, to be honest, if he could go back in time, he would have ended it before it began. She tells him, she can’t say she regrets the time they spent together, and Curtis says he liked her a lot. He was lonely, and being with her gave him a sense of peace and focus he hadn’t felt in a while. When she told him that she was married, he really couldn’t trust her. She says, the truth is, she didn’t trust herself. She married Taggert, and didn’t keep her vows. Instead of addressing it with her husband, she turned to Curtis for comfort. She built a huge wall between herself and Taggert, and he died without knowing it was there.

Jordan asks if Jason is angry because she didn’t tell them Taggert was alive. He says they’ve been cooperating with each other, but that doesn’t mean she owes them full disclosure. She says, almost no one knows, not even her husband. She didn’t want to implicate him if things went south. Jason says, it’s his risk, and she says that’s what Curtis would say. She’s sure he would have supported her, but she didn’t want to put him in a compromising position. If she tells him now, it could destroy her marriage.

Alexis tells Sam, her mommy is a hypocrite. Sam says her mommy sounds like she’s arguing with herself. Alexis says she always wins that way. Guys always either tell her what she wants to hear or don’t listen to her. Neil actually listened when she told him to keep his distance, but she wished he hadn’t. The doorbell rings, and surprise, it’s Neil, who looks very cute in his new beard. Unlike Michael with his new hair-do, that looks like he’s auditioning for a Flock of Seagulls cover band.

Portia tells Curtis, here she is talking honesty and she insists Trina tells the truth. She thinks it’s the most important lesson she has to teach her daughter, and Trina gets it. Curtis says, Trina has a good, strong, moral center. He knows that’s what Jordan wants for TJ too, and Portia says, from what she’s seen, TJ has those qualities. That’s what she wants for Trina; to be honest, and have integrity. She wants Trina to be a better woman than she is. She wants Trina to be more like her father.

Jordan tells Jason, Curtis will never accept that she was protecting him. She helped frame Cyrus, and everything that happened after that was her fault. Curtis is a good man, and she doesn’t want him tainted with her failures.  Jason says she’s making a lot of assumptions for Curtis. If she’d just give him a chance to support her… Jordan says this is on no one but her, and she has to figure it out the only way she knows how. He doesn’t need to understand.

Neil asks if it’s a bad  time, but Alexis says, not at all, and invites him in. He sees her wrist, and asks if everything is okay. She says, it’s just a gym mishap. Sam asks if Neil is just dropping by, or is there a reason for his visit? Alexis says, Sam… but Neil says, it’s okay. Sam’s phone dings, and she says, the missing child alert has been canceled. That’s good news. She should go. Does Alexis need her to stay? Alexis says they’re fine. Sam leaves, and Neil says he doesn’t want to pressure Alexis, but thinks it’s important that they talk. She says so does she.

Carly and Jax get back to the cabin. Valerie asks how Carly is doing, and Jax says he didn’t want to worry Michael, but she might need some medical attention. Carly asks where Michael and Wiley are, and Valerie says Michael was anxious to bring Wiley home to Willow. Sonny gave them a ride. She sent officers to protect the house, in case Nelle sneaks back. They’ve pulled out all the stops searching for her. Carly sits, and just shakes her head.

Dr. Kirk tells Dante, he wasn’t full briefed, but it might involve family. They want someone with access. Dante asks if it’s about his father. Is the Bureau suddenly interested in racketeering and organized crime? Dr. Kirk says he doesn’t have the details, and Dante says, give the director a message from him – go to hell.

Neil says, Sam is protective, and Alexis says her injury happened at the gym Sam forced her to go to. She feels guilty. At least Alexis doesn’t need to write a brief since she has no job. Neil says he tells himself the same thing. He’s going to read those books he’s been meaning to, and fix his boat. She says, it’s like a forced retirement, and he says they could take up knitting together. She says, that won’t work; what about bird watching? He says they’re dancing around the issue, so he’s going to come straight out and say it. She told him they couldn’t be friends. He wants to know if she still feels that way.

Portia tells Curtis, maybe Taggert wasn’t the man of integrity she’s held him up to be. He fabricated evidence to put Cyrus in prison. Curtis says, he deserves to be in prison, and she says she doesn’t disagree, but she’s the one who has to explain to Trina her father’s… mistake? Curtis says it doesn’t seem to have knocked Taggert off the pedestal Trina has him on, and Portia says, that’s the other thing. She’s glad Trina loves her father, but she can’t be civil to Curtis. He says he can handle her anger. She has to grieve in her own way. Portia says, as does she. Curtis says he has to get going. Just so she knows, he told Jordan about the conversation they had at the Nurses Ball.

Jason gets that Jordan doesn’t want anyone else to be burdened, and she asks if that means he and Sonny will let Taggert stay dead, until she can figure out how to reveal his existence. Jason says she doesn’t have to do it by herself. She says, Jason Morgan working with a cop? He says he’ll be working with her. He can handle that. He starts walking away, and she calls to him, and says, thank you.

Dante tells Dr. Kirk, even if it’s not about his father, he’ll have to betray someone he cares about. He did enough of that when he was undercover. Dr. Kirk says, all right. In that case, he has one of two choices. Sit and rot, or do the work to address his PTSD, and get back to his life. Dante says he’s spent enough time locked up for his own good. He’s ready to do the treatment. Dr. Kirk says, it’s a decision Dante had to make, but he’s glad he did. He’ll look around and see if he can find a medication to help with Dante’s nightmares without the fog. He’ll check in tomorrow. Dante asks, now that he’s willing to do  the work, how long will it take? He’s been gone more than a year, and he doesn’t know how much longer his family will wait for him.

Outside Kelly’s, Lulu looks at her phone. She sees a text from Dustin: Kids in bed. Wine uncorked. How soon can you get home? She texts back, on my way.

Willow sleeps on the couch, but wakes when she hears Michael on the monitor. He says he loves Wiley so much. Willow loves him too; he’ll see her in the morning. He’ll see both of them. They’re never losing him again. He promises.

Carly says she’s fine, but Jax says she isn’t. Valerie tells the paramedic they’ll still need him in case they find Nelle. She’d like to ask Carly some questions if she’s up for it, and Carly says, go ahead. Valerie says, Carly tore out after Nelle. Did she find her?

Willow goes into Wiley’s room, and says, he’s home. Michael smiles, and says, home, and they hug.

On Monday, Sam asks Jason what’s more important than finding Wiley, Neil missed Alexis and hopes she missed him, Sonny tells Mike not to stick around for him, and Valerie asks if Carly hurt Nelle when they fought.

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles

Tracy went to look at house in West Hollywood, but a few blocks east. Tracy explained that West Hollywood was the liveliest place to live, but further east was less desirable and more affordable. She met with Michele who lived in Vegas, bought the house the year before at $3.850 million, but never lived there. It was a boxy white modern, which Tracy said was the type of house to sit on the market because it was flooded with them. The Fuller house was 4,440 square feet, with tons of skylights, a chef’s kitchen with Wolf appliances, and four-sided infinity pool and spa. Michele said what had attracted them was the openness and high ceilings. It had 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths, and the coup de gras was a boutique style walk-in closet, Tracy saying, nothing comes between a girl and her closet. There was an open air atrium, and a 1,200 square foot rooftop deck. Tracy thought it was the quintessential (a word they use a lot) West Hollywood new construction, and felt the skylights set it apart from its competitors. Michele said the plan had been to stay there while they were building a house in Vegas, but within three weeks, discovered nine leaks. Luckily, nothing was in the closet. In Tracy’s interview, she said a lot of newer constructions had sacrificed quality for speed. Michele said they had nowhere to go, since they had renters in their old home – like someone who can pay $4 million for a house can’t afford a hotel – and were already $200K out of pocket. All of the balconies had been redone, and she was hoping to recoup at $4.3 million. Tracy thought $4.1 million was more realistic; it was competitive, but the under $4 million buyers would consider it. That would be me, but I’m about $3.95 under $4 million. Tracy’s potential commission was $102,500.

James and David headed for their Tigertail property, which had been in the Getty fires. All of the roads were closed and David James said it was like doomsday. We saw horrifying clips of the L.A. fires, and the incredible devastation. They were going to see how bad the damage was, so they knew what they were dealing with. The first word out of James’s David’s James’s mouth was, f***, which about summed it up. The property was burned to the ground. In James’s interview, he said living through fires was becoming a normality. It wasn’t a question of if, but when, and you didn’t know where they’d come from, where they’d go, or how quickly they’d be put out.

Josh Altman went to meet developer Ilan at a Laurel Way property he’d been waiting five years to list. In Josh’s interview, he said the business was about relationships. Ilan was a big developer, and one of his most important relationships – a VIP client, but also a good friend. He explained that everyone knew the cachet of the 90210 zip code, but there were amazing pockets where you could find the best real estate. Laurel Way was a trophy property, nestled at the top of a hill, and super exclusive. Ilan said he’d been stressed enough trying to finish, but had the added stress of Josh calling him every day and asking when he could put it on the market. At 15,473 square feet, it had 7 bedrooms and – wait for it – 22 toilets housed in 15 bathrooms. There was an open floor plan, entertainer kitchen with Miele appliances, a 65’ infinity pool, a view to die for, a million dollar outdoor kitchen featuring a pizza oven and six beers on tap. But wait, there’s more. Altogether there were 4 kitchens – Ilan said he’d built it for convenience – a four-story glass elevator, a wine cellar and tasting room, and a custom gym with a marble sauna that had radiant heating and massaging water jets. When I saw it, I cried, and ate a cookie to swallow my feelings. There was an indoor hot tub with a gorgeous blue agate wall, which the wine cellar also had. Josh’s favorite spot was the garage, which had three turntables for cars and one for a motorcycle. He was also impressed with the uplit stairs, and Ilan said, at night, this place is unreal. There was also a $75K smart shower, and a private staircase that went to a rooftop infinity pool. Ilan wanted $55 million, but Josh thought it should be more like $45 million. He knew Ilan had poured his heart and soul into it for five years, but the price still needed to reflect the neighborhood, which had nothing over $38 million. Josh suggested they wait, and test the market first, and get feedback. He thought they should have an event with a soft launch, pricing it at $48 million, and see what people who could afford it would say.

Tracy wanted to use a different approach with the Fuller house, since there were so many like it. Since the area typically attracted young professionals in their 30s, who enjoyed the nightlife, Tracy went to a trivia night to see if she could attract buyers. She hoped a traditional marketing plan, plus her outreach worked. She and team member Erika planned an open house from 11-2 pm, but at noon, no one was there. Eventually, people trickled in – local agents, as well as those from New York and Miami. As well as pointing out the panoramic view that included the Hollywood sign, Tracy said that a 3 bedroom condo, three blocks away, was the same price.

JoshA told his team that the Laurel Way house would get white glove service. Ilan was one of his best friends, and they’d been in business together for a decade. There was no room for error. He wanted to do something that was able to create a buzz without actually listing the property. In his interview, he said when he started in real estate, you listed a property in the paper, and it was still a limited audience. Today, with social media, you could reach 5 million people for free. It’s how he got his buyer for Beverly Ridge (that phenomenal castle from last week). Millennials were the largest group buying now, and were involved with social media – Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. He said he was going to boomerang that sh*t, but a producer said, that’s not how it works.

James and/or David said Tigertail was a burned mess. In his interview, James said a few weeks ago, they didn’t even know what strategy they’d be using, but how were they going to bring a buyer to a burned down structure with a hillside covered in ash. He said, for once, he was bloody speechless. They met with developer Phillip, who said in his ten years in the business, he’d never seen something like this. He literally saw his big investment go up in smoke when he was just about to sell, and might never make his money back. We saw before and after shots, and it was pretty sad. James and/or David asked how long before Phillip could clean it up, haul things out, and make it presentable? and David estimated it to be up to six months. James David said that wasn’t a bad thing, since the stigma would be more in the past. Phillip said he was fighting with the insurance company, and boy, did I understand. We were flooded during Sandy, and first it was like pulling teeth to extract what we’d paid premiums for, just to get some furniture, and then came the fight with the mortgage company who doled it out like methadone. Until they decided I was more of a pain in the ass to them than they wanted to be to me. But I digress. James said, as is, a buyer would try to lowball Phillip, and insurance companies had declared a moratorium. In James’s interview, he said it could take months to process claims. Investment comes with risk, and sometimes you were lucky to come out with your shirt. He thought in six months, it might be viable. He told Phillip, it had to be delivered and packaged correctly. The text told us that Phillip was going to demolish it, and build again with his own plans.

JoshA said he needed to up his game for the Fuller house. He needed a unique way to show a special house, so they were doing a soft launch, inviting tons of influencers. When people saw celebrities partying in a house, they wanted to own it. They partnered with Vital Proteins, which Josh said had an unbelievable social reach. He stuck to his story that a trophy property deserved a trophy price. Ilan was right; the place was absolutely unreal at night. I ate more cookies. There was a DJ and tremendous catered spread, including Vital Proteins juices. Josh gave a personal tour to Camille, a Sports Illustrated cover model, and domestic partner of Rob The Gronk Gronkowski, tight end for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the NFL. Many selfies were taken, and Camille pointed out that, being a model, she knew good lighting when she saw it. They took a photo in the master bath, and damn if she wasn’t right. Josh said he knew they were aggressive with the price, but it would be trending so hard when it hit the market, it would need its own social media account.

Tracy met with agent Tony about the Fuller house. Tony said his client was a powerful executive in the entertainment industry. He offered $3.75 million, and in her interview, Tracy said her client had moved back to Vegas, and she had no other offers. She thought it was priced too high, but Michelle said, anything below $3.8 million would be disappointing. I’m guessing she’d about break even. Tracy countered with $3.9 million, and better contingencies, and they settled at $3.8 million, all cash, 10 day close, and no contingencies. Lesson for this week: This is called an ACR – all contingencies removed. They decided to have a drink on it, and Tracy told Tony that he was buying.

Next time, a house designed by John Barrymore in 1920, complete with opium den, and sketches left behind. I knew someone who lived in a Barrymore house here on the beach, and had sketches. He must have left a trail.

🏀 Enjoy the Ball…

Behind-the-scenes and video performances from the 2020 GH Nurses Ball.


👶🏼 WileyGram…

Wiley’s real mom tells us about his brief scene in the nursery, filmed at home. Be sure to check out his mad counting skills as well.


🩺 The Britch Is Back…

Can Brad be far behind?


🕶 Holly Ain’t Dead Yet…

But poor Emma Samms can’t catch a break.


🛌🏻 Jeff’s Pain In the Neck…

Looks like he won’t have to wear that burial tux after all.


🤐 She Knows Nothing…

For once, Ramona ain’t talkin’.


👠 Steppin’ Out…

Could Teresa be dating again?


👜 All I Got Was a Bag Of Rocks…

It pays to have friends in high-end purse places.


🐍 She’s a Cold-Hearted Snake…

You’re welcome, Denise.


🗽 Me Three…

Alert the media. Leah, Ramona, and I agree.


📺 For Your Bingeing Pleasure…

I saw Lovecraft Country last week, and it was terrific. Scary on several levels.


🎧 Down MTVemory Lane…

VJs then and now.


🥂 Quotes of the Week

Make the choice to embrace this day. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the “To-Do” list of tomorrow! It’s inspiring to see all the wonderfully amazing things that can happen in a day in which you participate. – Steve Maraboli

Our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if the other person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We must practice this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable. – Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, Author and Peace Activist (It’s that pesky loving the unlovable thing that trips me up every time.)

We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing and inclusion. – Max de Pree

We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. – Cesare Pavese

I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that’s all you have – happy memories. – Sarah Strohmeyer

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.Paulo Coelho

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.Buckminster Fuller

We’re all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding. – Rudyard Kipling

History is much more the product of chaos than of conspiracy. – Zbigniew Brzeziński

The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men. – Lyndon B. Johnson

It’s not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache. – Frank-N-Furter (Tim Curry), The Rocky Horror Picture Show

📦 Delivered As Promised…

It might be late/early, but I finally got in those million dollar houses. And wept enough tears for an infinity pool watching them. Do something different in the next two days, whether you still call them the weekend or not. Until the next yacht sails, stay safe, stay breathing deep, and stay not pretending your dead.

June 12, 2020 – Ryan Gives Scotty a Hand, Emmy Reels, Tea For 90, The Tins Breaks Out, 80s Gems, Yacht Baby, Move It George, Entertaining Pride, Ten Solid Quotes & That’s Miss Ross To You


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

In today’s GH Flashback, the 2019 Nurse’s Ball kept going with an episode from May 22nd, 2019. Chase found out that Ryan had killed the owner of the cabin in Canada, and set a trap for Laura and Curtis. Ava said they all knew where he was headed next. Nina griped about Willow to Michael, while Shiloh accosted Willow in the hallway. Willow said she didn’t answer to him, but he got in her face, shaking his finger at her. She admitted that she was pregnant when she left Dawn of Day, but said she’d lost the baby. Olivia and Ned did a duet of Get Closer as themselves (no Eddie Maine this time). Sonny told Josslyn about Stone, and how Stone was still with him. He said when times get tough, Stone inspires him, and Oscar does the same for her. She just didn’t know it yet.

Backstage, Scotty told Ava that she deserved better, and asked her who was there when she came off the stage. (Hint: It was him, not Doc.) Ava called her Cedar Mountain house property managers, and asked that the property be opened, adding she’d pay generously for the inconvenience. Shiloh grabbed Willow, but Michael intervened, and said if Shiloh wanted to get to her, he’d have to go through Michael first. Michael decked Shiloh, and told him to get out of town, but Shiloh said he wasn’t going anywhere because he was a father. Back at the Ball, Lucy introduced Valentin, saying she didn’t know if he was the second, third, or fourth most infamous Cassadine, but she knew he was the most talented, and he sang Nothing Without You to his ladylove (old) Nina. Scotty confronted Ryan, who he thought was Doc, and when he grabbed Ryan’s arm, he ended up with Ryan’s fake hand in his. And I don’t mean they were holding hands; Ryan’s hand literally came off. Ryan knocked Scotty out with a wrench, saying, never let it be said he never had the upper hand. Freddy Krueger’s got nothing on Ryan. Shiloh told Sam about his child, but said he didn’t believe Willow had lost the baby, and he was going to find it. Sam pretended to be empathetic, saying she knew what it was like to have a child kept from you. Josslyn stalled, and thought she was letting everyone down, but Jax told her that she wasn’t, and the only opinion she should care about is her own. She didn’t have to prove anything to anyone, and if she followed her heart, she’d know what to do. She said doing the right thing is really hard, and Jax said he was in her corner, no matter what, and Oscar was too. Mac asked Lulu when she’d last talked to Laura, and Ryan watched as Ava slipped out.

Chase told Olivia and Ned that Ryan was presumed alive and on his way back to Port Charles. Epiphany found Scotty on deck, and thought he’d had too much fun. Sam used Shiloh’s own crap on him, telling him to breathe, and let peace flow through him. He thanked her for her commitment, and said he needed her to be in the Trust. Lucy was excited, happy, and proud that Josslyn decided to return, and Josslyn sang the song she and Oscar had written, A List of Things To Do. It kind of reminded me of Burn from Hamilton. Josslyn saw Oscar in the audience as she sang.

Ava went to her mountain cabin, and said, come and get me, Ryan. Lucy said Josslyn reminded her of why she’s honored to be part of the event. It makes you laugh, and makes you cry. It’s about great big feelings, and she hoped great big money. Shiloh told Sam there was a fight coming, and to give him her strength. Willow confessed to Michael that she told Shiloh that she’d lost the baby. Brad tried to get Lucas to leave, but Lucas had put two and  two together, and said Willow and Shiloh were Wiley’s birth parents. Chase put out an APB for Ava, and Scotty said he wasn’t liquored up; he’d been clubbed over the head by Ryan. When Lucy called for the crew to bring down the rigging, along with the rigging came Doc, hanging there in a straitjacket.

At the cabin, Ava ignored her phone, and got her gun ready, along with a martini. No surprise, Ryan showed up.

📽 Reeling You In…

You can watch all the reels submitted by the actors for the Daytime Emmys here:


💍 For Those Who 90

A retrospective and update on the couples of 90 Day Fiancé. According to his Instagram, Jesse is traveling as an actor, entrepreneur, and speaker. Translation: he doesn’t have a real job.


How did it happen?


👒 Bye, Tinsley…

I’ll miss her, but I’m thrilled she got her happily ever after.


One of the perks will be putting distance between her and Dorinda.


📼 If You’re Still Stuck At Home…

The best of the movies from the 80s, which birthed quite a few good ones.


A short list of 80s classics.


🍼 Hannah Hannah Baby…

That was fast.


⚔️ Game Of Write Faster…

I swear George RR Martin better be inside writing away. If anything happens to him before the final books come out, I will be really pissed.


🌈 Taste the Rainbow…

Pride month has gotten somewhat lost amid more immediate issues, but it can still offer another opportunity to broaden your horizons. On the entertainment front, from true stories like Prick Up Your Ears, Boys Don’t Cry, and Milk, to the brilliantly written Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and TLC’s latest effort Dragnificent, there’s a whole host of colors in the rainbow. At present, I think we could all use a pick-me-up, and while conventional romcoms are not my thing, one of my favorite films is Trick. I actually saw it by accident, stumbling on it when it was on rotation on LOGO years ago. The title might lead you to believe it’s on the sleazy side, but not at all. It’s about a poor young dude, living in NYC, named Gabriel (Christian Campbell), who’s just trying to get alone time with his date Mark (J.P. Pitoc). Gabriel is also a playwright, working to get his musical off the ground with the help of his best friend Katherine (Tori Spelling). Katherine has one of the funniest monologues about sh*t I’ve ever heard, and Enter You from Gabriel’s musical will be stuck in your head for days, if not for life. You can check out the particulars here:


✒️ Quotes of the Week

Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong. – Muhammad Ali

No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them. – Elie Wiesel

Be genuine. The world is watching. – Tank Sinatra (aka George Resch)

Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there then. – Diana Ross

If no one has ever heard of you, can you really be canceled? – Anonymous poster regarding MTV’s cancellation of Taylor Selfridge’s special. I have no clue who she is either, so this resonated.

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker

What I don’t understand is why they had to dress like extras from Coming to America 2.Trevor Noah regarding Nancy Pelosi, et al, wearing African kente cloths to a memorial for George Floyd.

You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. – Michelle Obama

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. – Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

If there is a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.Toni Morrison

🛴 Rolling Into the Weekend…

Yes. We still call it that. With things not back to normal – or whatever that’s going to be now – everyone is still figuring it out as they go. So don’t feel bad if you’re feeling bad, but if you’re feeling accomplished, roll with it. Regardless, if you’ve got the time, use it wisely. Stay safe, stay supporting one another, and stay finding the humor in things.

December 23, 2019 – Finn Becomes Scrooge, Vegas Meets Spring Break, Upcoming, OC Rehashing, Tinsley Opts Out, Wasted Trips, Cynthia Shares, Non-News, Real News & Christmas Wish


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Monica reads to the kids in the hospital, finishing The Night Before Christmas. Finn tells Anna that he doesn’t want to get stuck on the road, but Anna says, the party isn’t over. She’d like to say hello to some of their friends, and spend time with Maxie and Peter. Violet is also enjoying herself. Violet runs up and says she’s loving this party, and asks if she can play with her friends. Finn tells her to stay where he can see her. Chase comes by, and tells Finn, it’s once a year. Can’t he get into the spirit?

Tracy (yay!) says they’ve made their contribution, and Monica has read the story. It’s time to eat turkey and open presents. Monica says it’s about Edward and Lila’s legacy. Maxie tells Peter that James loved the story, but he’s getting tired, and they still have to go to grandma and grandpa’s.

Anna tells Finn that Violet is happy playing with the children, and Felicia’s party is still going on. Finn thinks the party will be a distraction. He’s all for good will and cheer, but not for shrugging off telling kids the lie about a chubby stranger coming down the chimney to give them presents. Anna hopes he didn’t tell that to Violet, and suddenly Violet is there. Anna tells her that Finn is in poor spirits, since he got coal in his stocking last year because he was naughty. She takes Violet with her, and Robert says Finn is a real Scrooge, hooking a candy cane on Finn’s pocket and walking on.

Curtis announces that the storm has taken a turn for the worse. The roads are closed, except for emergency vehicles. Tracy wonders if they can hijack a snowplow. Monica says there are plenty of activities, and treats, and  tells the kids to have fun. She gathers them for another story. Anna tells Finn that she hopes Violet didn’t hear what he said. She took the precaution of reinforcing that Santa only comes to children who believe in him and love him, but Finn has to open his heart to the Christmas season.

Michael tells Monica that he found a classic. Monica takes the book from him, and says, A Christmas Carol. Some of it is a little scary. Are the kids okay with that? They all yell, yeah, and she begins to read. Marley was dead to begin with. There was no doubt whatsoever about that.

A clock strikes midnight. Finn as Scrooge sits up.

Monica reads, Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Anna asks Finn if it sounds familiar, and he says, subtle. He gets it. He’s not brimming with Christmas cheer. Tracy says he’s a man after her own heart. He says that’s why she’s his favorite patient, and they hug. He asks what brings her back to town? and she asks if it can’t just be family. Anna says, see? She’s not all bad, but Tracy says, the true meaning of Christmas is long gone. It’s turned into a retail bonanza. Anna tells them that they deserve each other. Finn says they could do worse. Tracy asks, which one is his? and he points out Violet. She says Violet is beautiful, like her mother, and Finn says, she is.

Monica continues to read how Scrooge liked to edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call “nuts” to Scrooge. liked to edge his way along the path of life. Once upon a time—of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve—old Scrooge sat busy in his counting-house…

Scrooge hands Bob Cratchit (Franco) some paperwork. Scrooge’s nephew Fred (Peter) comes in, and tells Scrooge, merry Christmas. Scrooge says, humbug, and Fred says he doesn’t mean that. Scrooge says, he does. What reason does Fred have to be merry? Fred asks him to dine with them tomorrow, and Scrooge says, ugh. Fred asks, why? and Scrooge asks why he got married. Fred says he fell in love. Scrooge makes fun of him, and says, good day. Fred is sorry Scrooge is so resolute, but he’s going to keep his Christmas cheer to the last. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. He tells Cratchit, Merry Christmas, and Cratchit returns the sentiment. Fred leaves, and Scrooge tells Cratchit, another sound from him, and he’ll celebrate by losing his situation.

A man asking for a charitable contribution (Curtis) comes by the office. He tells Scrooge, At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge, is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts. Scrooge asks if there are no prisons, and if the work houses are still in order. The man says they are; he wishes he could say they were not. Scrooge is happy to hear it. He supports those establishments, and they cost more than enough. The man says, many can’t go there, and many would rather die. Scrooge says, if they would rather die, than they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population. He bids the man good day. The clock strikes, and Scrooge says the man wasted what was left of the workday. It’s time to close. He supposes Cratchit is hoping for tomorrow off. Cratchit says, it is customary, and Scrooge says he supposes Cratchit will want the whole day, but be here all the earlier the following morning. Cratchit thanks him, and tells him, merry Christmas.

Scrooge heads home. A couple of children ask for a penny, but he tells them, to the poorhouse with you. Go! At home, Scrooge has a dinner of what looks like wine and ribs, not the usual Dickens fare. His housekeeper Mrs. Dilber (Monica) says he’s eating in bed again. Perhaps the house is too big and empty for him. He tells her, that will be all, and she takes his tray.

The clock strikes midnight. Scrooge wakes. Marley’s ghost (Tracy) floats through the door and glides in. Scrooge quakes, pulling up the covers

At the hospital, Anna asks Chase if Finn has always been wound up so tight. He had a family, and she wonders what’s to blame for his lack of Christmas cheer. Chase says their father went overboard. They had actual sleigh bells that chimed throughout the season. She says, that might be it, and Finn says, you think? Violet finds Finn, and says, the story is getting scary. She asks if he’ll sit with her, and they go back together. Monica reads that Scrooge fought against his senses.

Scrooge asks who the ghost is, and the ghost tells Scrooge to ask who he was. In life, the ghost was his partner in business, Marley. Scrooge doesn’t believe it, thinking it’s just a dream brought on by indigestion. Marley tells him, hear me. His time is nearly gone. Marley explains that he wore the chain he forged in life, link by link and yard by yard, having made it of his own free will. He’s there to warn Scrooge; Scrooge has yet a chance and hope of escaping the same fate. Scrooge asks, how? and Marley says he will be visited by three spirits, each arriving at the stroke of midnight. Without them, he has no hope of escaping the same fate. Marley starts to fade, and Scrooge calls for him to come back, as he fades away. Scrooge wakes up, and laughs, saying, it was just a dream.

The clock strikes midnight, and The Ghost of Christmas Past (Josslyn) arrives. He asks if she’s the spirit whose coming was foretold to him, and she says she is. He asks who or what she is, and she explains she’s the Ghost of Christmas Past. He says, long past? and she says, no. Your past. She tells him to rise and walk with her. He puts on his robe, and she tells him to take her hand. Reluctantly, he does.

The ghost and Scrooge appear at an outdoor party in the park. Fezziwig (Ned) tells everyone a holiday party couldn’t be more welcome. He tells them to eat, drink, and be merry. Scrooge says, it’s old Fezziwig alive again. He was Fezziwig’s apprentice; Fezziwig taught him everything. Young Scrooge (Chase) is approached by another man (Michael), and Scrooge says, it’s him with Dick Wilkins. They were in business together. Fezziwig says, no more work tonight. It’s Christmas Eve. Time to enjoy themselves. Wilkins asks young Scrooge, what’s wrong? and young Scrooge says he has no interest in a celebration. Wilkins tells him to suit himself. Scrooge tells the ghost that Fezziwig threw the grandest parties. The ghost says, a small matter, to make these silly folks so full of gratitude. He’s merely spent a few pounds of their mortal money. Is that so much that he deserves praise? Scrooge says, it’s not about money. He has the power to render them happy or unhappy; to make their service light or burdensome. The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune. Belle (Willow) kisses young Scrooge’s cheek. Scrooge tells the ghost, it’s Belle, the love of his life

At GH, Violet asks Finn, what next? and he says they’ll find out together. Monica reads, he was not alone, but sat by the side of a fair young girl in a mourning-dress: in whose eyes there were tears, which sparkled in the light that shone out of the Ghost of Christmas Past.

The ghost says Scrooge and Belle were engaged. What happened? Belle asks if young Scrooge can’t stop working for one night and dance. He says, Christmas Eve is not a holiday in and of itself. Wilkins says Scrooge isn’t interested in having fun, since he’s just standing there. Can he steal Scrooge’s lady for a dance? Belle says she’d be delighted, and they dance. Young Scrooge starts to leave, and Fezziwig asks where he’s going. He says he has figures to review, but Fezziwig says, it can wait. Take a moment and enjoy life. Otherwise, it will pass by him. Young Scrooge leaves anyway.

Now in Scrooge’s office, Belle tells young Scrooge that he’ll never stop loving anything more than money. It’s not a marriage she wishes to be part of. He asks what she means, and she says she’s sorry, but she cannot marry him. She leaves, and Scrooge tells the ghost, show him no more. Let him home now. But the ghost says she has one more thing to show him.

An older Belle (Anna) and an older Dick Wilkins (Robert) are on a stroll. Scrooge says, Belle. Wilkins says he ran into an old friend; Scrooge. He went by the office. Belle says, he was working on Christmas? and Wilkins asks if it surprises her. She supposes not. She says, poor Scrooge. He’s all alone in the world. Scrooge tells the ghost, please take him back. She takes his hand, and they disappear. Scrooge wakes, and says, it was but a dream. The clock strikes, and he says, no. It can’t be twelve again. Surely the clock is broken. He hears laughter, and a voice says, hello, Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas Present (Obrecht), reclines on his couch. She says, just in time. Look upon me.

Reading to the children, Monica says, I am the Ghost of Christmas Present, said the Spirit. Look upon me! Scrooge reverently did so. It was clothed in one simple green robe, or mantle, bordered with white fur.

Scrooge says, I learnt a lesson which is working now. To-night, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it. The ghost tells him to touch her gown, and when he does, they disappear. Scrooge asks where they are, and she says, it’s Christmas day, this very year. Doesn’t he recognize his own nephew’s home? He says he’s never been there. Fred and his wife Clara (Maxie) are entertaining the charity man and his wife (Jordan). Fred tells them, then his uncle called Christmas a humbug. They laugh, and the man says he’ll spare them what Scrooge said when he asked him to give. His wife says Scrooge is rich, but it does him little good, and the man suggests they don’t bother with Scrooge anymore, and carry on with the game. Fred does a pantomime, and the man’s wife says, an animal. Fred says she’s correct. The man asks if he roams the streets, and Fred says he does. The man asks if he travels alone or in a pack, and Clara says, Scrooge! Fred says, right you are, and they toast to Scrooge. The ghost holds out her arm, and Scrooge touches her robe.

Scrooge and the ghost look into a window. The Cratchit’s eldest son, Peter (Cameron) tells his mother (Elizabeth), Tiny Tim (Aiden) sang the sweetest of all. Cratchit says she should have been there, but Emily wonders who would cook dinner then. Scrooge says he knows these people. It’s Bob Cratchit’s house. They look so happy with so little. Cratchit toasts to Scrooge, the founder of their feast. Emily says, Scrooge is a hard, silly man, and Cratchit says, it’s Christmas day. She says she’ll drink for the sake of her husband and the day, but not for Scrooge. They toast, and Cratchit suggests they say grace. Merry Christmas and may God bless them. Tiny Tim says, God bless us, every one, and starts to cough. The ghost turns away, and Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will live. She says she sees a vacant seat at the chimney corner, and a crutch without an owner. Scrooge says, tell him Tiny Tim is not going to die, but she says, if these shadows remain unaltered by the future, he will die, but if he has to die, he’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population. She holds out her arm.

Back at his house, Scrooge asks if the ghost is okay, and she says she exists only for a brief time. The present is waiting. He’d do well to remember that. She fades away leaving only her holly crown. The clock strikes midnight again, and Scrooge holds his head. The wind blows through the house, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come stands before him.

In the real world, Monica says, for in the very air through which this Spirit moved, it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. Ned asks if it’s not too scary, but Anna says, they’re loving it. Monica continues, it was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded.

The ghost reveals its face, and it’s Ava. Scrooge asks if she’s the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, and she nods. He says she is about to show him shadows of the things that have not happened, but will happen in the time before us. He fears her more than all the others, but knows her purpose is to go him good, and he’s prepared. He goes with her.

They appear in a graveyard. Fred says he doesn’t know what he expected, and Clara says, the people who showed up, did so for a free lunch. He says, some might yet arrive, but she says, he was a miser, poor soul. Good riddance. Fred repeats, good riddance, and they leave. Scrooge wonders why they’d says such a thing, and the ghost pounds the ground with her cycle. Mrs. Dilber and another servant (Brook) go through some belongings. The servant says, if wanted to keep them after he was dead, he would have been more natural in life. He would have had someone there instead of gasping his last alone by himself. Scrooge says he sees the case of this unhappy man might be his own cycle.

At the Cratchit’s house, Peter says, cheer up mother. The man to whom they were in debt to has passed. He saw the man’s servants gathering his possessions. It will give them time to get back on their feet. It’s the one piece of good news they’ve had this Christmas season. Cratchit comes in, and Emily asks where he was. He says he was at Tiny Tim’s grave. He wanted to make sure to wish him a merry Christmas. He holds his wife, and his son comes along the other side. Scrooge sees the crutch next to the fireplace, and says, no. It can’t be. Tiny Tim dead? Surely the future can be changed; can it not? The ghost looks at him, and turns away.

Scrooge and the spirit stand in the graveyard once more. Scrooge asks why bring him back to show him this man’s grave again? The ghost points, and he sees his own grave stone.

Scrooge says the spirit’s nature has interceded for him, and taken pity on him. Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me, by an altered life. The ghost walks toward him, and he falls into the grave.

Mrs. Dilber draws back the drapes, and Scrooge asks, what day is it? She says, Christmas day, sir. He asks her to say it again, and she does. He says he hasn’t missed it. The spirits did it all in one night. Surprising the hell out of her, he kisses her, and runs out. Outside, he sees the same kids who asked him for a penny. He says, sweet children, do you know the poulter on the next corner; the one with the prize turkey in the window? Buy it. He gives them each a crown, and tells them, run like the wind.

His next stop is Fred’s house. He bursts in, and says, merry Christmas to his nephew, his nephew’s wife, and guests. Clara says they weren’t expecting him, but he says he can’t stay. However, he would be remiss not to wish them a merry Christmas. It’s high time they settle the question of Fred’s inheritance. He’s family, and should be regarded as such by the court. He asks Fred to pardon his previous unkindness, and to stop by after the holidays. They’ll make arrangements. He says he must go, and jets. They’re all like, wha-a-at?

Scrooge goes to the Cratchit house, and Peter answers the door. Scrooge gives him the turkey, and tells him to take it to the kitchen. He asks Cratchit to accept it as a sincere apology. It’s come to his attention that Cratchit is long overdue for a significant raise, and his salary is going to be doubled. He doesn’t want to keep them from their Christmas feast, and says he doesn’t expect to see Cratchit in the office until after the New Year. Tiny Tim says he doesn’t have to leave. They’d be honored if he joined them. Scrooge says he’d like that very much.

They hold hands around the table, and Tiny Tim says, God bless us every one.

Monica reads, Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. Ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One! Everyone applauds.

Curtis tells everyone, the roads are cleared. They’re good to go. Brook bets Tracy can’t wait to get back to her house, and away from the riff-raff. Tracy says she thinks she’ll stay and help out. Ned shrugs at Michael and Brook, and follows her. Anna tells Finn, it worked out. They’ll be on their way soon. Finn suggests they go by Felicia’s Christmas party, and Anna asks, why the change of heart? He says it’s the first time he’s experienced Christmas as a father, and for a moment, he saw it through Violet’s eyes. Violet tells Finn, it was the best story ever. He says he thought so. And it was a nice reminder that Christmas isn’t just about the presents. It teaches us to love, be charitable, share the joy, and all that good stuff. Anna thinks it’s not a bad idea to keep it in their hearts all year.

Violet says, God bless us, every one. Snow falls, and the camera pans out to show the scene is inside a snow globe.

On Christmas Eve, there will be a repeat encore episode, GH is preempted on Christmas for football, and on Thursday, Nelle asks to hold Wiley, and Mike says someone took his wife.

Below Deck

Smoke inundates the galley. In her interview, Kate knows it’s not Kevin’s fault the exhaust fan is broken, but why is he using the grill? If she didn’t have a blender, she wouldn’t push margaritas. She tells Courtney, some of the signs of the apocalypse are smoke, children, in-laws, and diarrhea. The deckhands bring in the water toys. In Ashton’s interview, he compares Rhylee’s knots to a child learning to tie their shoe laces for the first time. The way she’s doing it is dangerous and frustrating. He needs everyone to rush and get everything done, and they’re wasting time trying to untie her knots. Kevin prepares lunch, and Kate asks for all available deck crew. Kevin thinks the grandparents will be happy with his Greek style lunch. As lunch is served, Albert says there must be two of Kevin. There’s no way one person cranked all this out. Everyone is happy. Kate says it’s the first time family style has worked out.

Captain Lee calls engineer Darrian to the bridge – a rarity! Darrian says the exhaust fan is a mystery, and the captain says, the hits just keep coming. Still at lunch, Albert says they nailed it, except for the beach excursion. Scott – who seems to be the whiner of the group – says he’s not sure it was really treacherous, and thinks they would have been fine. Because he’s a boat captain? An engineer? A map reader? He’s an asshat for sure. In Brian’s interview, he says he always has fun with Courtney until someone else arrives. Then she puts her guard up. He likes her, and wants to spend more time with her.

Master Pearson is hesitant about the slide, and Rhylee says, you know what they say about the slide?. When in Thailand… I don’t think anyone says that, but it works, and Pearson goes down the slide, giving his dad a high-five afterward. Captain Lee tells Kate that the ride back for the grandparents is going to be there in fifteen minutes. Kate says it’s a genius way to deal with the in-laws; just have them for lunch. Kate tells him the primary wants him to join them for dinner; it’s a roaring 20s theme. The captain asks if there’s going to be bathtub gin. The boat comes, and the grandparents leave. Ashton doesn’t want Rhylee doing anything, and she says, nice team work. He tells her to take a break.

The captain puts on his tux, admiring his reflection, and saying, looking GQ. In his interview, he says, when things don’t go as planned, they have to pull out all the stops. Tonight, he’s going to dress up, and help get the guests in a good mood. A gentleman doesn’t leave home without his tux. It’s just good taste. The guests get ready for dinner. Kate says the deckhands are going to hate them, since there will be feathers everywhere. In Kate’s interview, she says she used to love theme parties, and was good at costume parties in her 20s. Darrian gets the fan going, and creates a record of us seeing an off camera crew member twice in one show. Kate says she loves him, calling him a superhero and a legend.

Captain Lee joins the guests, telling them it’s his best Titanic Halloween costume. Kevin is making steak and broccoli soup, with crème brulee for dessert. He says the guests haven’t had the best experience, so he’s knocking it out of the park. Pearson says the soup is laaaaame. Kate tells Kevin the three words she heard were delicious, wonderful, and really good, which is really four words. Ashton radios Rhylee to meet him and Tanner on the bow. He gives them lines, and asks them to practice the bowline knot. In Ashton’s interview, he says it’s a knot that’s easily loosened. Even if they only gain an extra five seconds, he knows from personal experience that five seconds can cost a lot. Ashton says Rhylee seems to have an issue, and she says it’s not something she’s used a lot. She doesn’t know what to say, Ashton says the less she says, the better. In this situation, he’s her superior. Geez. While I can understand that Rhylee should learn the way things are done on that particular boat, that was a little aggressive. In Rhylee’s interview, she says Ashton doesn’t respect her as a co-worker or a person. Ashton tells her not to come there with her attitude again. Rhylee says she’ll just keep taking his. They’re her issue now.

Kevin sings that his steak is the best steak in world. Albert thanks Captain Lee for bringing out all the water toys, and the captain asks if Pearson wore the slide out. Pearson says he did. Aston says he’s watched Tanner struggle with knots, and Rhylee needs to learn. Tanner ties one satisfactorily, and Ashton says Rhylee takes everything he asks as a personal attack. Elsewhere, Rhylee says she’ll stick to polishing. In her interview, she says, it’s not the only kind of knot. Ashton is being a classic child, and she thinks it’s BS. It’s not fair to her. She helps serve dinner. Pearson whines, and mom Torrie thinks it’s bedtime. She tells Pearson that he’s making a scene. Kate tells Kevin, Master Pearson is having a tantrum. Torrie comes into the galley, and tells them no dessert for Pearson since he’s not behaving. She tells Pearson, next time, listen to mommy, and takes him off to bed. Kevin gives Kate some crème brulee, which she appreciates. The captain tells the guests that he has to finish some work, and they thank him for joining them. Ashton tells Kate that Rhylee is up if she’s needed. Kate goes to bed, and Simone tells Courtney that Tanner keeps coming to her, saying he just wants to make sure they’re one the same page, and that it’s casual. It’s making her uncomfortable. Courtney says, it’s awkward, and Simone says she’s not acting like she’s in love. That’s not the case.

Rhylee tells Kate that she’s tired of Ashton acting like she’s not there or does poorly. Kate says, as long as things are safe. In Kate’s interview, she says she commiserates. Ashton isn’t easy to deal with, but at the same time, Rhylee has to learn to take direction. She doesn’t feel like she’s dealing with mature individuals. She tells Rhylee that Ashton is an a-hole.

Final day of charter. Tanner tells Brian about Ashton taking a power stance with Rhylee. You don’t talk to your superior that way. Brian is glad Ashton is finally standing up. It gets hectic. Tanner says, Rhylee is never wrong, and Brian says, you should just do your job. Tanner says, it’s all you can do. The guests are up, and coffee is made. Albert is surprised that Kate remembered he likes honey. Kevin asks Tanner, what’s going on? and Tanner says he was telling Simone about keeping it casual. In her interview, Kate says Tanner wants it done, but this must be his first boatmance. Boatmances don’t end. You have to ship out

Ashton tells Brian that Tanner filled him in on their conversation about Rhylee. Brian says he’s just putting it out there, but he’s in for the last two charters. In Ashton’s interview, he says he thought maybe it was just him, but if another crew member is saying the same thing, it’s probably not going to change.

Kevin makes pancakes, and tells them, rise, baby, rise. He checks out how the guests are doing, and Albert says, the experience has been great. The captain calls Kate to the wheelhouse. He explains that a tender is going to pick up the guests, since they have to take on fuel from a barge. He says he’ll knock out the tip meeting while they’re fueling, then tie up, and knock over their flip. In his interview, he says every country has different rules and regulations. Instead of going straight to the dock, they have to tie to a barge for fuel. Kate tells Albert that they’ll be departing on the tender.

Brian asks Courtney if she wants to go for a drink before the crew goes out, and she says okay. It’s time for the crew to change into their whites, and Captain Lee calls everyone to the aft deck, where there are hugs and goodbyes. Pearson says his favorite part was the slide. Albert says, it was a wonderful vacation, and Kevin knocked it out of the park. Torrie says they were great with the kids. Her only bummer was that they couldn’t go to the beach. Other than that, they had a great time, and they were happy they were able to come. She’s an idiot. Pearson wants to be a captain when he grows up.

The crew gets excited about a dog riding on the fuel barge. The captain calls the crew to the crew mess. He says he thought it went well. The interior was great, and the guests were happy, and Kevin nailed it. The tip is $16,500; $1500 and change each. In her interview, Kate says it’s not the tip she was expecting or hoping for. There were children and several itinerary requests. She admits there was a day filled with smoke, and Ashton canceled the beach party. They were probably docked a grand for that. They’re living and working together, and being stressed out for one reason; to make as much money as possible. She’s tired of doing all the work there. The captain says they’re heading to the dock, where they’re going to get as much done as they can. The boat docks.

Brian asks if Ashton minds if he leaves early to take Courtney for a drink. Courtney tells Kate that she’s grumpy because she has to leave at 5. In her interview, she says she needs at least two business days’ notice for a date, but she likes Brian, so she’ll suck it up and go. She complains that she has nothing to wear, and Kate says she’s never seen this side of Courtney. Tanner says he’s going to have a heat stroke. Tanner wants to go out, but he’s afraid if he talks to another girl, he’ll be hearing about how Simone is jealous. I’m like, wtf? She just said she wanted him to be respectful. I don’t think she was jealous at all. Ashton calls his mom, and says it’s different being in the leadership role. She’s just glad he had no accidents. In Ashton’s interview, he says he’s had issues in the past with his parents. They divorced when he was five years old, but in the last few years, they’ve become extremely close. His mom asks if the other lady is okay, and he says, Kate is Kate. You never know what you’re going to get. She tells him to laugh or make a joke. In his interview, he says it was hard to let his mom know when he went into yachting. He knew she’d be sad not to see him. It effects all of them in that way; they’re not with their families as much as they want to be.

In her interview, Courtney says she’s anxious. She hasn’t been on that many dates, and dates are weird. You want to be emotionally prepared. Emotionally prepared? What kind of dates has she been on? Tanner asks Simone if she wants to have a drink on the sundeck, and Courtney and Brian leave. At the restaurant, they sit outside, and Brian asks if Courtney wants champagne. She says she doesn’t think it exists in Thailand. She tells him that she’s super grumpy, and he says he’s trying to cheer her up. In Brian’s interview, he says, Courtney is hard to please, but hopefully, she’ll come around eventually. He wishes he had a puppy. He suggests he and Courtney have a drink, go back to the boat and relax, and have a good time tonight.

Tanner says Simone kept asking about them, and he wants to be honest. He wonders if they’re on different mindwaves, but Simone thinks they’re on the same one. He says they have two weeks left, and it would be unfair of him to lead her on. He doesn’t want to be an a-hole. She says when he said he just wanted to have fun, she knew what he was saying. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her, and she laughs. He says she’s a cool chick, and in her interview, she says, what the hell? He’s the definition of a f***boy. She’ll just smile and leave. She tells him that she appreciates it, and thinks he’s great. They’re good.

Courtney tells Brian she’s slowly getting lower in her chair. She doesn’t really want to go out tonight either. In Brian’s interview, he says, it’s disappointing. All the time and effort he put into arranging the date, and it feels like he’s taking her to the dentist. It was supposed to be fun. She should have just said she didn’t want to go. They go back to the boat, and Courtney says, tonight is going to seriously suck. I think Courtney seriously sucks. She’s acting like a brat.

The crew gets ready go out. In Simone’s interview, she says she’s not that girl who wants to make a guy upset by looking good, but she does want to try to punish Tanner a little. When she looks sufficiently hot, they leave for shore. Ashton says, Smashton is coming out, and tells Brian that Courtney is a keeper. Kate asks if Courtney is playing it aloof. Courtney says she’s not. She just doesn’t know him well. She’s never going to either, if she keeps behaving the way she is.

Bangla Road, Phuket. It’s like some kind of circus. Almost like the end of the original mini-series of The Stand when they’re in Vegas. Ashton says, this place is alive. In Kate’s interview, she says, Bangla Road is the most wild place on the planet. It’s like Vegas meets spring break. You can see a ping pong show, get a piercing, a tattoo, and an STD all at the same time. Where else is there a Starbuck’s next to a donkey show? They go to a club, where they get bottle service. No surprise, Courtney doesn’t want to be there. Ashton yells at Courtney to wake up. She tells Brian that she feels sweating and gross, but he says she looks amazing and wonderful. In Courtney’s interview, she says she wants to go, but the thought of being alone in a taxi in Thailand for an hour is unbearable. The club might be scary, but outside, it might be scarier. Brian says, Smashton is out of his cage. In Ashton’s interview, he says, it’s been a hard few days’ work, and this is the perfect playground for Smashton. He can feel Smashton wanting to come out and have fun. Kate asks Tanner about his talk with Simone, and he says, she was cool about it. Kate says, Simone is the hottest girl on the dance floor; she’s looking good. Tanner says he’s always wanted to hook up with Kate, and she says he’s twenty-five; he’s a kid. She tells him, calm down. He says, this is his song, and goes out on the dance floor. He ends up dancing, along with Smashton, on some kind of stage thing. Courtney looks sick. Kate tries get her up, but she won’t budge. Courtney and Brian leave, and Courtney gives him a kiss in the taxi. Rhylee and Simone get in with them, and the others get in another one.

Ashton kisses Kate, who wipes her mouth. In her interview, she says she hasn’t given any signs that she would want this opportunity. She doesn’t care how drunk she is – even blackout drunk – she doesn’t make out with someone accidentally twice. She moves to the back seat next to Tanner. Ashton keeps trying to reach back and touch her, and she tells him to stop. He says if she gets drunk, maybe she’ll get lucky, and she says she’s never been that drunk, and he’ll never get that lucky. In the other taxi, Brian gives Rhylee and Simone roses out of a bouquet he bought, and gives the rest to Courtney. Courtney says he’s cute.

Ashton says Tanner’s mom is cool, and Kate asks what’s going on with Ashton’s mom. For whatever drunk reason, Ashton takes offense to this, and says, that was a weak blow. She says they were just talking about Tanner’s mom, and she asked how his mom is. He asks if she thinks she’s a better person for calling his mom out, He turns around in his seat, and tells her to get TF over herself. He tells Kevin, that’s his family, and Kevin tells him, it’s all right. Kevin wisely asks the driver to pull the van over. Ashton gets stupid, and Kevin tells him, calm down. Ashton punches the car door. Seriously, wtf?

Kevin tells Ashton, calm down, bro. Ashton says she has no right to bring his family into it. What gives her the right? In her interview, Kate says, this is not okay. It’s like Ashton morphed into the Incredible Hulk, but it’s not incredible being stuck in a small space with him, and being the target of his anger. Brian kisses Courtney, and Rhylee and Simone tell each other how beautiful they are, and talk about how much fun they had dancing. Tanner tells Ashton, they’re heading back; let’s chill. It doesn’t matter. Ashton quiets down, and Tanner leans back in his seat. Kate says he did very good, and she gives him a peck. He clearly wants more, and knocks over a bunch of beer cans, saying, Jiminy Cricket.

Brian tells Courtney that she looks beautiful, and she thanks him. Tanner says he’s effed up. Kate wonders where Rhylee is. When she finds Rhylee, she says, Ashton is a psycho. He showed it. Ashton and Tanner go to the galley. They make toasties and get the galley full of smoke. Kate says smoke is the least of her concerns. She’s concerned about Ashton’s behavior. Simone asks Courtney if she wants to eavesdrop. Ashton says, it’s his crew, and he’ll manage them as he sees fit. He’ll tell her when he needs advice. She says she didn’t know making fun of Tanner’s mother was a management issue. He says she needs to be put in her place. She’s disrespected his deck crew. Kate says they were talking about Tanner’s mother, and she complimented Ashton’s mother. Ashton says Kate knows less than she thinks. She thinks she knows everything, and he’s sick of her and her attitude. She thinks she’s better than the rest of the crew. He asks Tanner what he thinks, and Tanner says Kate gets away with more than other people do. Ashton is like, ah-ha! and says Tanner is supporting his viewpoint, although not quite. Courtney tells Simone, this is going to be awkward tomorrow. Kate says they can find another chief stew. She quits.

Rhylee follows Kate to her bunk, Ashton says, Kate attacked his family, and he got emotional. Where is he even getting this? Kate says she’d like to gracefully get off the boat. Rhylee says, right now? and Kate says she can’t stay in this environment. Rhylee gets that, and Kate says, then don’t argue with her. She has enough money; she can get a hotel room and a plane ticket. She wants to gather her things, and looks for her phone and passport. She tells the cameraman to tell his friends in the control room that she’d like to go. They can figure it out. Just get her off this boat.

Next time, Rhylee asks if Kate wants to talk to Captain Lee, a producer asks where Kate is going, and Kate says don’t follow her.

📺 Project Runway will be back on January 2nd, 2020, at 9 pm, and Laverne Cox will be guest judge.. This Thursday, December 26th, Part Three of The Real Housewives of Orange County: Reunion will air at 10 pm. The Real Housewives of New Jersey and The Real Housewives of Dallas will be back on January 1st at 8 pm and 9 pm, respectively. Sure. I’ll be spending my holiday evening watching that. Like I’ll tear myself away from my personal annual Downton Abbey marathon. American Idol will premiere its new season on February 16th, at 8 PM.

🍊 A real quickie on The Real Housewives of Orange County: Reunion, Part Two. If you think about it, they should really just call it what it is, a rehash. Not much happens, except a stroll down the show’s Memory Lane with tons of clips, and the women yelling at each other over issues they’ve finally managed to forget about. So basically, same sh*t, different day. Which was exactly what we saw tonight. One of my personal highlights was finding out that Braunwyn spends $4000 to $5000 a month on groceries. She said this included, gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan diets, like it would make a huge difference at that price point. I also enjoyed the misuse of words, like when Tamra mistook free range for free reign. There was a big discussion on accountability, or as Housewives lingo would put it, owning it. Kelly and Vicki hugged it out, with Vicki saying she was over the pig thing, and Kelly sort of apologizing, but adding that she’d felt backed into a corner. We’ll see how long that lasts. The show ended with Vicki screeching at Braunwyn for her display of nakedness, yelling that they don’t do that on her show, and totally ignoring Kelly, who suggested she tell Tamra the same thing. Vicki also made sure that we again knew She. Started. The. Show. Next time, we can look forward to Vicki telling the show to eff off.

🗽 Now That She’s Free From Egg Pressure…

And she’ll never have to swing on a trapeze again either. At least not in public.


Who Could Forget…?

She cooked, she cleaned, she made it nice.


🎄 Thanks For Sharing…

Cynthia proves she’s just like us.


🔜 Really a Whole Lot Of Nothing…

A feud possibly ends…


…as another possibly begins.


🔥 News You Can Use…

And I’d feel guilty if I didn’t include it.


DSCN7029 (3)

MerryChristmasHat (2)

🎁 Wishing You a Merry…

Hoping all your Christmas wishes and dreams come true.
















December 12, 2019 – Mike Has Visitors, Cats Inspired Runway, Andy’s Bunch, Another Chapter Done, NYC Wants a Raise, Tinsley Opts Out, Unsure & an Early Gift


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Jason visits Sam at Pentenville. She tells Jason they have to focus on two things for her parole hearing. One is her good behavior. Jason asks if there’s been any problems, and Sam says, not really, but there is her cellmate. The other thing is, they want her to take responsibility for her crimes.

On the phone, Sonny asks how long it will take the doctor to determine if Mike is right for the study. He says, the sooner the better. He’ll be waiting to hear. Michael comes down, and Sonny says he’s enrolling his dad in a clinical trial. It’s not a cure, but it might help. He asks if Michael doesn’t think it’s a good idea, and Michael says, sorry; he doesn’t. Does Sonny really think taking Mike halfway around the world is the right thing to do?

At Turning Woods, Mike stares into space. Josslyn comes in, and sees Dev is there. He says, she made it. Mike tells her, keep it down. This kid is breaking him out.

Willow tells Brad that she doesn’t want to intrude, but she’s there for him. Whatever he and Wiley need.

Monica says she wanted to give Bobbie a moment to rest, and Bobbie thanks her for keeping a close eye on Lucas. It’s a comfort, and important to her family, and her.

Carly asks if Julian and Brook know each other. Brook says they met briefly. Julian thought she was a hooker.

At Pentenville, Chase hears a scream. He runs into the infirmary, and finds Nelle on the floor, with Ryan standing over her, holding a bloody scalpel. Ryan says, this isn’t what it looks like.

Michael tells Sonny that he loves his grandpa, and wants the best for him. Sonny says that means he doesn’t give up. There are breakthroughs all the time. It can’t cure the disease, but it can stop it from getting worse. Michael says he’s done some reading, and Sonny says he forgot who he was talking to. Michael says the results are promising, but Sonny should ask himself if hanging on is what Mike would want.

Josslyn says Dev is breaking Mike out? and Dev says, that was the plan, but the busses have stopped running. Mike says he needs to get to the track. He needs to pick up a quick fifty for his son’s birthday. Dev says if he’s looking for action, there are checkers on the table. Mika laughs, and says he needs to get to the track. Josslyn says, does he? Or is he just afraid Dev will beat him? Mike says, set ‘em up. He’s going to show Dev what’s what.

Sam tells Jason that she basically told the judge the same thing. She killed Shiloh because she felt there was no other choice. If circumstances were the same, she’d do the same thing again. She came close to getting on the table, and screaming that she wanted to be home with her kids. He says he doesn’t know if it will help, but she focuses better than most people, and she’s got to stay focused on what’s in front of her. Make it through today, then make it through tomorrow. She says, it sounds like a 12-step program, and he says every day she’s one day closer to coming home. When that day is there, he, Scout, and Danny will be waiting for her. They touch palms against the glass between them.

Nelle wails, why did Ryan stab her, and he says he was trying to help. The guard says, the inmate is secure, and Nelle calls him a psycho freak. Chase tells the nurse that Nelle has one kidney. Nelle asks why Ryan did this to her? She tells Chase, don’t let her die, and Chase says he won’t. Ryan says, you two. So cute together. I’m kind of liking his unshaven Miami Vice look.

Sonny tells Michael that his dad isn’t dead. He still has good days ahead. Michael says, he’s not himself. He’s not grandpa anymore. Mike used to live there, and on Thanksgiving, he didn’t know the house. It was like he’d never been there. At what point is a familiar place not safe? What will it be like in a strange country, giving treatment to someone whose disease is past the point of no return? Sonny says, that’s for doctors to decide. If he’s gone too far, they won’t take him. If they do, there’s hope. Michael says he sees Sonny has made his mind up, and Sonny asks what Michael wants him to do. Michael says, next time he’s with Mike, ask himself if the person he’s hanging onto is the man Mike wanted to be.

Dev tells Mike that he’s killing him, and jumps his own checkers with Mike’s. He tells Mike it’s his turn, and Mike asks if Josslyn is there to see him. She says, of course (🍷), and he says a pretty girl there to see him; that’s something. He tells Dev that he asked for it, and jumps the rest of Dev’s checkers. Dev says Mike trounced him, and Mike says it must be his night. What say they up the stakes and play some craps?

Jason goes to the Quartermaine mansion, and asks if Ned heard anything about Sam’s parole hearing. Ned says the first thing Jason needs to understand is, the board is incorruptible. There are no leaks, and it will take as long as it takes. Jason asks if Ned can talk to someone; no pressure, just a conversation. Ned says he’s a prominent citizen, and used to be mayor. If he asks a favor, there’s no quid pro quo. He can’t try to influence the outcome. It all has to stay above board.

Alexis visits Sam, who says she just missed Jason. Alexis asks if he’s been visiting regularly, and Sam says he has. Alexis asks how Sam is, and she says, frustrated. She wants to be home with the people she loves. Alexis asks how the hearing went, and Sam says it’s the same thing she told Jason. The judge just wants her to take responsibility for her crimes. She’s been a model prisoner, and that’s saying a lot since Cassandra is there. It’s lucky Sam hasn’t attacked her. She thinks the board took into consideration that she saved a guard, but that can only get her so far. Alexis tells her, try to be patient. Sam says she knows. What other choice does she have?

The nurse tells Chase, the ambulance is on its way from GH. He asks what Nelle was doing there, and the guard says, she’s on laundry duty. She was bringing in towels. Ryan says he can’t resist a pretty girl. It was the perfect storm; desire, bloodlust, and linens. Chase says Ryan is serving consecutive lifetimes, and Ryan says Chase is smarter than he looks. Chase says, goodbye, Mr. Chamberlain, and Ryan says, it’s Dr. Chamberlain. Chase is pretty sure Ryan lost his license, but Ryan says, while the MP is out, the PhD is forever. Give Nelle his best when he sees her.

Monica tells everyone that they’re going to try again to wean Lucas off the ventilator so he’s breathing on his own. They’re also going to taper off his medication, in hopes he comes out of it. Brook says, that’s good, right? and Monica says, it’s part of the process. The next few hours will be an indication of responsiveness, since he’ll have no sedation. Julian says, what if he’s not responsive? and Monica says, one step at a time. She’ll keep them posted. Brook says she’s going to find Bobbie, and Carly says she’ll get some food for her. Willow sits with Brad, and asks if he’s okay. It’s very promising. Brad says if he had a do-over, he’d make better choices. She says, about what? and he says he wishes he could take back everything that landed them in the car in the first place. She says, it was horrible, but it was an accident. What happened isn’t his fault. Julian listens in.

Brook finds Bobbie, and they hug. Bobbie says she came. It will be so nice for Lucas to have someone around that he grew up with. Brook says, Lucas grew up. Her, on the other hand… Bobbie says, wait until he wakes up. He’ll be so happy to see her. Brook says, her too.

Sonny says he doesn’t love what Michael is saying, but respects him saying it. Michael says, other people’s problems are easier to deal with than your own, and Sonny says, any problem in particular? Michael says, between the two of them, he’s been stalling deals at ELQ. They think he’s playing hardball, but he really hasn’t had enough time to prep. The few moments he has at his computer, he can hardly stay awake. Sonny says that’s because he’s trying to be all things to all people all at once. He can’t take care of everybody. He needs to take care of himself. Michael says, Wiley comes first, and Sonny says, Wiley is taken care of. Michael needs rest and sleep. He asks if Michael wants to stay there, but Michael says he’ll just get up when he hears Wiley. Sonny says it’s up to Michael, but he appreciates the straight talk about his dad. Sonny knows he doesn’t always make it easier, and Michael says, it helps that he’s not afraid of Sonny. Sonny asks, why would anyone be afraid of him? Michael says he can’t imagine. He tells Sonny that he loves him, and apologizes for being so hard on him. They hug, and Sonny says, it’s a lot harder on his dad.

Jason tells Ned that he’s not asking for a favor, and Ned says, good. That’s the quickest way to torpedo any chance of Sam getting out. Jason asks if there’s any way at all Ned can help, and Ned says if the board finds Sam worth of release, he can suggest they expedite it, if appropriate. Jason asks what the time frame is, but Ned says, the deliberation will take as long as it takes. If Jason wants to risk calling in his own favor to someone who owes him a debt, it’s his decision. Otherwise, he suggests being patient. Let it happen the way it’s supposed to happen.

Willow asks if there’s anything she can get Julian. He says, no, but he appreciates her being there. She says she needed to do something, and hopes she’s not in the way. He thinks Lucas would be touched at how well she’s taking care of his crazy family. Willow says there’s no place she’d rather be. Maybe he  can give her some advice. He says he’ll try, and she says, Brad is holding himself responsible. It doesn’t matter what anyone says; he thinks it’s his fault, and she can’t reason with him. What she’s asking is, would Julian speak to him? Knowing Julian doesn’t blame him might help. Julian says he’ll talk to Brad, and try to make him understand why it happened.

Sonny goes to Turning Woods. Mike is ready to throw the dice, and says, papa needs a new pair of shoes. He gets a seven, and Sonny asks if it’s a private game, or can anybody play? Mike jumps up, and yells, stay away from my son, you SOB.

Nelle is wheeled into GH on a gurney. The nurse says she has a single stab wound to the abdomen and possible kidney damage. Nelle says please don’t let her die. Carly watches, and she’s like, whaaat?

Sam tells Alexis, the most aggravating thing is, Shiloh is dead, but they’re still fighting him. Alexis says, it’s unfair, and Sam says she keeps thinking about how it began. It started with her.

Jason tells Ned that he’ll stay the course. Ned was hoping Jason would see it that way. He’s really glad Jason came to see him. Grandfather used to say, family first, then business. Jason says, especially in business. He asks Ned to let him know if he hears anything. Michael arrives, and asks if everything is okay. Jason says, it’s fine, and asks how Lucas is. Michael says, there’s been no change, and Jason says he’s going to the hospital to check in. Michael asks him to let Carly know he’ll be there soon. He has ELQ business to finish. Jason leaves, and Ned says, forgive him, but Michael is looking ragged. Michael says he has a lot on his plate, and Ned says, the family is a rock, and business is a hard place, and there Michael is being crushed in between. Michael says, Ned speaks from experience, and Ned says he’s been where Michael is. ELQ, Lucas, and Wiley; it’s a lot. Let him help. Michael asks in what way, and Ned says since he lost the election, he’s had nothing but time on his hands. If Michael needs him to pick up the slack at ELQ, he’s available. Michael asks if Ned wants to take over ELQ.

Carly tries to go into the room where Nelle is, but a guard says she can’t. She says the woman in there used to be her daughter-in-law. Can he tell her what happened?

The doctor tells Nelle that he’s going to do an ultrasound to see how extreme the injury is. She tells him to hurry.

Carly tells the guard that she knows what confidentiality is. She sees Chase, and he asks how her brother is. She says, they’re cautiously optimistic, and asks what Nelle is doing there. He says, Ryan stabbed her, and she asks how he got access to her. Who thought it would be a good idea to put them together? He says, Ryan might have nicked her kidney. If he did, it’s a big deal; if not, they’ll stitch her up, and it’s back to Pentenville. Carly says, the sooner, the better. Chase goes in, and asks, how bad is it? 

Mike tells Sonny, he doesn’t want him around there. Sonny says he doesn’t have to play; he’ll go. Josslyn tells Sonny not to leave. She says, he’s just a friend, and Mike says she’s new around there. Stay away from this guy; he’s filth. He tells Sonny, stay away from his son. His son could lose his life working for him – Joe Skully.

Josslyn tells Mike, good news; there’s been a mistake. He’s not Skully. Mike says, he is. He knows Skully when he sees him. Josslyn says he looks like Skully, but he’s not. She didn’t realize it when she invited him. Mike says she invited him? and Josslyn says, she and Dev both did. They wanted more players for craps. Dev says their friend’s name is Sonny, and Josslyn says, he’s a good guy. That’s why they decided to invite him. They thought he and Mike might hit it off. Mike tells Sonny, come sit with them. He’s sorry he got a little rough. He thought Sonny was someone else. Mike asks if Sonny knows Skully; he’s garbage. Sonny says he thought Mike was being too nice, and he and Mike laugh. Mike says he likes their friend. He was just looking out for his guy. He puts his arm around Dev. He asks if Sonny has kids, and Sonny says he does. Mike says, then he knows. They’re just playing for pennies; nothing serious. Sonny says, pennies work. Dev and Mike set up the game, and Josslyn asks if Sonny is okay. Sonny says, it’s just the disease talking.

The doctor tells Nelle, good news. There’s been no damage to her kidney. Chase asks, what’s next? and the doctor says he’ll patch up the wound, and she’s all his. Chase says he can’t wait. Nelle thanks the doctor, and he leaves. She says she knows things between her and Chase aren’t great. He says he doesn’t know what she means. Sure, she killed her fiancé, trashed his career, and almost killed one of his best friends, but it’s water under the bridge, right? She says he can be as standoffish as he wants, but he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t care. He says he does care; he needs her statement. She asks if he’s sure that’s all it is, and he says, pretty sure. The guard at Pentenville said she was delivering towels. Is that why she was in the infirmary? She says that’s her job. She’s proving she’s a good citizen, and has changed her ways. He says, yes or no, and she says, yes. She has two jobs, in the kitchen and in the laundry. He asks her to describe the attack, and she says she came in to restock towels, and Ryan was there by himself. When she dropped the towels off, and tried to get past him, he grabbed her. He ordered her to try and help him escape. He was going on about Ava, and Nelle was supposed to wheel him out in a laundry bin to the loading dock or he’d hurt her. Chase says, then what? and she says she obviously couldn’t let that happen, so she tried to get away and alert the guard, when he stabbed her. If Chase hadn’t come in when he did, she wouldn’t be there. He saved her life. He walks out, and Nelle doesn’t look happy.

Ned tells Michael that he was offering to pinch hit, not take over, and Michael says he was just kidding. Ned says Michael has a lot of plates in the air, and they’re all full. Once Lucas is in recovery, and things with Wiley are normalized, he’ll hand back the reigns. Michael says what Ned is suggesting is exactly what he was going to ask. He can’t do right by his family or ELQ if he overextends himself. He appreciates Ned picking up some of the work load. Ned says it’s his pleasure, and they shake hands. Ned tells Michael to have his office forward the necessary documents, and he’ll schedule a briefing to bring him up to speed. There is one issue they need to take care of sooner than later. The disposition of Oscar’s shares of ELQ. 

Willow tries to hand Brad a protein bar, and says, eat this, but he says he can’t think of food right now. She says he has to keep up his strength. Lucas would want him to. He asks how she knows what Lucas would want, and she says, he’s right. Lucas wants him to pass out from hunger and lack of sleep when he wakes up. Brad says he knows she’s trying to help, and she says she knows they were going through a rough patch. He says that’s none of her business, and she asks if that’s where this is coming from. She wouldn’t have trusted them with Wiley if she didn’t think they’d be good parents. He tells her, stop being so damn nice to him. She doesn’t know the truth. He sees Julian standing there. Chase comes over, and Willow asks why he’s there. He says he was taking a statement from Nelle.

Mike says he had the luckiest streak ever, but Josslyn says, it was more than luck. It was his lethal combination of skills and expertise. Mike says he hates to play and run, and Sonny says Mike cleaned them out. Mike tells Dev to be a gentleman, and see Josslyn home. She can come back whenever she feels like it. She says she’ll do that. Mike says he’s tired, and tells Sonny, it was nice to meet him. Sonny says it was nice to meet Mike too. Mike goes to the desk, and Sonny asks Josslyn and Dev if they could wait outside. Josslyn tells Dev, that was kind of amazing; changing the craps rules so Mike would win every time. Dev says he was just following her lead. She’s amazing. They smile at each other. Mike tells Sonny, this where he gets off, and Sonny says he’ll walk Mike the rest of the way. Mike says his kid was right. Sonny is okay. If he wants to come back, he can do that.

Ned tells Michael, the lawyers think they’re close to solving the probate issues. Michael says, Shiloh is dead, and Oscar wanted the shares to go to the Kilimanjaro Foundation; it seems pretty straightforward. Ned says, the foundation will be funded, with or without the shares. The family will make sure of that. He’d like to acquire the shares for Olivia and Leo, and Michael asks if Ned wants to buy the shares, and Ned says, that’s the idea. Michael says there’s another scenario they haven’t considered. Shiloh was Wiley’s biological father. If probate decides that the shares were legitimately Shiloh’s, Wiley is his next of kin. If they go to the foundation, the family can reacquire them. Ned says he doesn’t think his grandfather’s stipulation was meant to go on in perpetuity. They’re not Shiloh’s shares anymore. Michael says that points back to the question of Ned buying them for Olivia and Leo. He’s too tired to think right now; let him sleep on it. Besides, the shares are still tied up in probate, so there’s no reason to rush. They’ll talk soon. Ned tells Michael, get some sleep.

Monica says, good news. Lucas is off the ventilator, and breathing on his own. Bobbie asks if he’s responding to stimuli, but Monica says, not yet. Although it’s not uncommon in cases like his. Julian asks, how long until Lucas wakes up? and Monica says they’re keeping a close eye on him. The next 24 hours are critical. Julian asks, why? and Bobbie says, the longer he stays in a coma, the less chance he has of waking up. 

Alexis tells Sam not to blame herself. None of it is her fault. Sam says she’s been on Shiloh’s radar. DoD wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t drained his father’s bank account. Alexis says Shiloh would have been a predator no matter what, but Sam says she put it in motion, and her kids are suffering for what she did.

Brad asks what Chase means; Nelle is there. Chase says, Ryan stabbed her, and Brad asks if it’s life threatening. Chase says, he regrets to inform Brad, she’s going to recover. Brad says she belongs back behind bars, and Chase says, she will be, as soon as he can get her back. Brook watches them.

Carly tells Jason, it’s not fair. He says he knows, but there’s nothing they can do. She says, it’s wrong. Nelle killed her fiancé, almost killed Michael, and made her family’s life a living hell. Now her brother is fighting for his life because of another psycho. It’s wrong.

Nelle makes a call, and tells the guard that her family is going to be relieved to hear from her. She says, voicemail, and asks if he minds giving her privacy. He goes out to the hallway, and she says, Marty. It’s your favorite client. He’ll never guess where she is.

Tomorrow, Charlotte recognizes someone, Curtis tells Laura that it’s time to look closer to home, Peter says he did what he had to, and Sonny says Carly and Jax have been lying to him for weeks.

👠 On Project Runway, the designers were met with a giant door. Karlie Kloss popped out, and explained that their challenge was going to be inspired by the reimagined world of Cats. She told them that the latest perspective was that animal prints were the new neutral. I don’t think so, but okay. The contestants’ task was to create a chic street style look that was a fresh take on animal prints. Dayoung became ill, and was carted off, but she rallied the next day. Apparently, it was exhaustion and stress, that I’m sure was added to by her two-day challenge becoming a one-day challenge. Surprisingly, the other designers who had extra time, came to Dayoung’s aid and helped her finish. Except for Delvin, who just danced around. I thought most of the designs were pretty interesting, as well as wearable. Veronica, who hadn’t counted on some of the problems she grappled with, ended up making a romper that I thought was kind of cute, but Brandon said it was like an exotic diaper he didn’t want to see anyone wearing. Victoria continued to call faux leather fox leather, so I guess no one is going to correct that. I wasn’t crazy about her design, which had some kind of crisscross mess going on. Brandon said it looked like a snake had crawled into the garment. Victoria and Veronica both ended up the bottom two. One of the judges remarked that Marquise’s design was the only one they could actually see women wearing on the street. It was a sort of skort/blouse combo that definitely worked, except I don’t like when a garment has an uneven hem. I don’t mean a high/low or a handkerchief hem – love those – but this was like a sharp four inch difference on one side of the skirt, skort, or whatever it was – like a half shorts, half skirt is the best I can describe it. So, not for me. Maybe Delvin made the right choice by being selfish, since he ended up in the top two, along with Marquise, presenting a gorgeous peacock feather print coat dress. During the deliberation, Brandon suggested, rather than having been inspired by Cats, Veronica’s outfit was for the woman who has a cat. Meow! What’s interesting – although it might apply to a lot of competition shows – is that some of the designers have a definite presence. Like I (almost) know their names already. Yet some of the others seem invisible. When writing, I often refer to the photo list for the season (I’ve said it before, I suck with names, and think everyone should always wear a nametag), and I wonder where they were on the show. Tyler was a good example. Even though he was a low scorer, he got through, and I think it’s because of his power to wear the cloak of invisibility. Marquis was the big winner. One perk of winning is having the design manufactured, and sold on Bravo’s site, which I could see with this design and also last week’s jumpsuit. I’d even buy the jumpsuit, but I’m pretty sure it’s out of my Old Navy price range. Veronica was out, the judges feeling her garment was unfinished and not street enough, but it was a double-edged sword for her. She wanted to get home to her kid, but wishes she’d made it all worthwhile. I thought, she made it onto the show, and got her name out there. Isn’t that worthwhile? She did add, if you can walk away with being proud of who you are, you really did your best. So isn’t that worthwhile? Next time, the designers have an unconventional materials challenge, using Christmas decorations and wrapping.

🏡 Watch What Happens Live was a blast, the guests being the original case of The Brady Bunch, who have a gig going on HGTV. They began with the theme song, changing it to The Shady Bunch, and I literally lol’d. Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady) gave a wonderfully insightful quote, when Andy asked if the show jumped the shark by introducing another child. A show is already in the toilet when you add a new cute kid. They just flush.

💃 Moving On…

I’m kind of surprised the court hasn’t politely asked Larissa to leave the country. Not that I think she should. I don’t think Coltie and his mommy treated her very well, and she should get a do-over. I’m just thinking, Juicy Joe committed a white collar crime, and has to put an ocean between himself and his family. It doesn’t seem very fair.


💸 Will Cabaret For Food…

I can’t blame them asking for a raise, if they have to buy a two-drink minimum every time the go to one of the Countess’s shows.


💍 Let Her Enjoy It…

Tinsley just got engaged for God’s sake. Get off her back. She’s been waiting all her life for this. Or at least since the divorce was final.


🚧 Due to pre-Christmas obligations, I’m not sure when Friday’s GH recap, et al, will be posted. I’ll try for Friday night (really the wee hours of Saturday morning), but it might have to wait until Saturday, depending.

🎁 Can’t Return This Present…

I don’t know if this would be considered a holiday song, but it’s certainly a gift. Warning: Inappropriate in every way.













November 26, 2019 – Hayden Meets With Nikolas, the OC Takes On Miami, Kelly Sets Things Straight, Finally It’s Happened To Her & Almost T-Day


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Alexis appreciates Neil’s concern, but she’s concerned. She was poisoned by something banned in the 60s. Does he really think Kendra did it? Neil says he doesn’t know Kendra, but assessing the information he does know rationally, everything points in one direction. Her life coach poisoned her.

Lulu finds Dustin and asks if he’ll sign her hall pass. He asks when she started attending the school, and she says she’s not officially enrolled, but she heard there’s an amazing English teacher, and she wants to audit the class. He says students can tell when a teacher is distracted, and she’s nothing if not distracting. He kisses her, and she says she’s not really there for class. She has a Thanksgiving card from Rocco for him. He says maybe he can wish Rocco a happy Thanksgiving in person. What are they doing on the holiday?

Cameron tells Dev, come on, dude. Just tell us. If he’s not Sonny’s cousin, who is he? Trina says, no secrets; house rules. Josslyn says, maybe some secrets are secrets for a reason. Cameron asks if she knew about this.

At the pier, Hayden flashes back to Valentin offering her a quarter million dollars to tell him what’s so important about the portrait. If she doesn’t want payment, he can exert influence in other ways. He has a skill set that he’s experienced in using, and once the money is off the table, it will get unpleasant. He’s asking her one more time if they have a deal. Her phone rings, and she asks what they want.

Valentin tells Hayden that he’s ready to wire the money, but she says she’s still setting up the account. He asks what the delay is, and she says she’s juggling a million things. He says breaking a deal with him causes substantial penalties, and she says she’ll call him. Charlotte comes in, and Valentin asks if she’s ready. She asks when she can go back to school; she misses her friends. He says he thought they weren’t taking any chances after what happened. Charlotte flashes back to Nikolas telling her that he works for her father, but the next time, he’ll be faster to save her. He wants to stay on as her bodyguard. Charlotte tells Valentin that she doesn’t have to worry. She knows she’ll be safe.

Nikolas comes downstairs, and Jax asks where he’s off to. He says he has an appointment, and Jax asks if he realizes that every time he leaves, he risks their operation. Jax wonders if Nikolas has a secret desire to be found out. Nikolas says Jax gave him a deadline for wrapping things up before New Year’s Eve. Laura comes to the door, and Jax says Nikolas is welcome to get that. Nikolas jets, and Jax says he didn’t think so. Laura says, it’s important. The situation is heating up.

Jax answers the door, and asks what brings Laura by. She says she’s assuming he got one of these, and shows him the invitation to Valentin and Nina’s wedding. Jax tells her that Nina and Valentin are going to try to get married again. She says she wasn’t invited to the first one. Does he have any idea why they requested the pleasure of her presence this time? Jax says she’s Charlotte’s grandmother, but she says, something is up. Maybe Valentin is rubbing her nose in the fact that what he has belongs to her son.

Alexis asks if Neil is giving up psychology for detective work. He wonders if she’s doubting his amateur sleuthing, and she says, emphasis on amateur. He says there was no question that thallium was in her bloodstream; the questions is, where did it come from? He asks if Julian told her about the dead rats in the alley, and she says he did. Neil asks if Julian told her that he ran into Kendra there the day before.

Lulu tells Dustin that Charlotte will be spending Thanksgiving with her father and Nina, so she and Rocco are going to the Quartermaine’s for Thanksgiving dinner. She hopes being there might keep Rocco from feeling sad about missing his dad. He asks what time dinner starts, and she says, between three and four. He says that means she has the morning free. Can he interest her in going to the Port Charles parade with him?

Dev tells them to leave Josslyn out of it. It’s his secret to tell – or not. Trina asks if Josslyn is covering for him, and Cameron asks if she’s covering, or is Dev pressuring her. Josslyn tells them, calm down. They’re all friends. Dev says he thought so. Josslyn tells Dev, they have to tell them or they’ll keep digging. Cameron asks, what’s going on? and Trina asks if there’s something wrong. Josslyn says everything is okay, but Dev isn’t exactly Sonny’s cousin.

Valentin says, after the horrible experience with Cassandra, he thought Charlotte didn’t want to rush back to school. What changed? She flashes back to telling Nikolas that she doesn’t want to lie to her papa. He says it’s not a lie if she just doesn’t tell. Please. He just wants to prove himself, and that he can keep her safe. Charlotte tells Valentin that she was afraid at first, but she knows he’ll make sure she’s safe. He says he always will; she’s his whole world. Charlotte hopes he and Nina get married this time. She wants Nina to be in the family forever. Valentin calls her his princess, and says once they make Nina the queen, they can guard the castle and make sure no dragons harm their family. He hugs her.

Nikolas shows up at the pier, and Hayden tells him, two more minutes, and he would have been there by himself. She could be spending time with her little girl and her father. What was the urgency? He says, her first. Anything to disclose? She asks what he’s talking about, and he says he got impatient yesterday. He decided to take advantage of the fact that he’s dead, and eliminate Valentin. He’s known, one way or the other, it would come down to Valentin or him, so he went to Spoon Island, and let himself in through the secret passage. But Valentin wasn’t alone; she was there. He heard every word. She should learn to negotiate. A quarter of a million dollars is nothing. She says he might think otherwise if he’d heard everything else, but he says he doesn’t know why anyone would be fool enough to trust Valentin. They could meet the same fate as Cassandra. She says she had no choice. Valentin knows that she knows something, and he won’t back off. Why did he drag her into this? He says he got her into it; let him get her out.

Jax says he assumes Laura isn’t there to discuss the invitation, and she says, no. As mayor, it was brought to her attention that for a brief time, he was a person of interest in Cassandra’s escape. He says his credit card was used to rent the van she escaped in. It was dismissed, since it was a case of identity theft. She says what she has to ask is, why his identity? He asks what her point is, and she says whoever helped Cassandra escape might have wanted to implicate Jax when she died. Then he’d be an accessory, and they’d get rid of two enemies at once. Does he think Valentin would frame him? Valentin might have figured out the potential value of the portrait. He says, all the more reason to step up their game, and find out what Ava knows. The doorbell rings, and she asks if he was expecting someone else. He says he wasn’t expecting her. It’s Colonel Sanders Martin, who introduces himself, and walks right in. He’s glad to see Laura there too, and asks if there’s any chance they could discuss a matter of mutual interest. Laura asks what that would be, and he says, a work of art. More specifically, a portrait of a lady.

Dustin tells Lulu than the band and cheer squad have been practicing for weeks, but she says he doesn’t have to go for the hard sell. Rocco loves parades. He says, what about Rocco’s mom? and she says she loves them. He asks if he can pick her up or should they meet, and she suggests he come over early. She can make pumpkin spice pancakes. He says he’ll be there, and asks how Charlotte is. She says, it’s amazing how well she’s doing, and he says, she has a strong family around her. Lulu says he’s perceptive, and he tells her, it’s the company he keeps. He knows a hotshot journalist. He’s looking forward to getting together.

Dev tells Josslyn, Sonny isn’t going to like this. Trina asks if this is a godfather situation. Is that the kind of family Dev comes from? Josslyn tells Dev that if  they don’t say anything, Trina and Cameron will think it’s worse than it actually is. Cameron says, just say it. Who is he? Dev says he’s not Dev Corbin. He’s Dev Cerci. It’s a Turkish name. Trina asks why it’s a secret, and Josslyn says, Dev is from Turkey, and he met Sonny when Sonny was searching for Dante. There was trouble, and Dev put himself on the line, so Sonny owes him. Trina asks if Sonny brought him back, but Dev says he got there on his own. Josslyn says Dev is in the country illegally, and has a fake passport. Sonny arranged for him to have a US ID, but if anyone looks too close, there could be serious trouble. Dev could get deported.

Alexis tells Neil that murder needs a motive and opportunity. He asks if Kendra didn’t supply the supplement, but Alexis says she had it tested. He says, when she first started taking it. She says she had her doctor check on the ingredients, and he says, from the first batch. She says she liked it, and it made her feel good, so she had Kendra refill it. He asks why she didn’t just order it herself, but she says it’s from Italy and she doesn’t think it’s distributed here. He wonders if Kendra told her that, and she says she didn’t see it anywhere. He asks if she saw Kendra take it, and she says she saw Kendra mix it herself from her container. He asks if she saw Kendra drink it, or could she have substituted something? She tells him, hang on, Sherlock. He’s forgetting motive. Why would Kendra want to poison her? They met randomly at a fitness boot camp for charity. He says he has to see a patient, but while he’s gone, think of the day she first felt ill, and the day she last saw Kendra. Maybe she can remember what’s wrong or right. He leaves, and Alexis ponders.

Kendra shows up, and says she’s glad to hear Alexis is on the mend. She felt inadequate, just sending her a smiley emoji. She’s been worried about Alexis, and thought she’d come and see for herself if Alexis is feeling better. Alexis says, much better. And don’t worry about the emoji. She’s used to it; she has three daughters. Kendra asks if there’s anything she can do, but Alexis says, no. Everything is good. People have been kind; her doctors, her family, Neil, even Julian. Kendra says, obviously, he still cares about Alexis. Alexis says Julian came by to talk about… She wants to change the subject. Does Kendra go to Charlie’s sometimes? Kendra says, it’s true. She does enjoy the occasional Manhattan. She hopes that doesn’t make Alexis doubt her commitment to a healthy lifestyle. She says Alexis should elongate her spine, and starts messing with the pillows.

Trina asks what about Dev’s family? Don’t they miss him? Dev says it was better for him to come there. Sonny said he’d help him, and give him a shot at a better life. Josslyn says, they can’t mess up with Dev’s story, even for a second. Cameron says Dev hasn’t perfected it yet. What about political asylum? Josslyn says, it’s too late for that. Dev got in with a fake passport. To apply legally, he’d have to leave, and then apply under his real name. It could take years. Cameron says he’s stuck with being Dev Corbin forever. Josslyn says, only a few people know. Her mom, Sonny, her dad, Jason, and now them. They have to be together. No one says anything; no one makes a mistake. Dustin comes to the door, and Dev blocks it. They scramble into their seats, and Dev jumps into his, leaving the door. Dustin comes in, and says, okay. What’s going on?   

Lulu goes to Windymere to get Charlotte, and asks how Charlotte is feeling. Charlotte says she’s fine, and Valentin say,s she’s nothing if not resilient. Charlotte says she wants to go back to school, and Lulu doesn’t see why not, but Valentin says he’ll send Lulu a text about it later. Lulu says Spencer girls are fierce. Valentin tells Charlotte to stick close to her mother, and they leave. Valentin looks at his phone, and says, the clock is ticking, Hayden.

Martin says he represents a client who prefers to remain anonymous. They’re an art lover with eclectic taste, and acquired a portrait by J. Garran, purchased from the Jerome gallery. He’s heard they share an interest in the artist, and his client is open to hearing their best offer. Jax says he’s not making an offer sight unseen. How does he even know they’re in possession of it? Martin opens his briefcase, and says, seeing is believing. He shows them a picture of the portrait. I’m wondering why this should be enough to prove it.

Nikolas gives Hayden his jacket, and she asks why he’s being so nice to her. He says there was a genuine connection between them once. That’s why he contacted her. He needed allies in Port Charles, so he could roam freely, but he also wanted to make amends, and give her a cut of what he stands to get from Valentin. It’s significantly more than $250,000. She appreciates his good intentions, but says that’s not going to protect her from Valentin. He says he can protect her. She can leave before Valentin knows she’s gone. He can have her identity scrubbed clean, and she can have a fresh start where Valentin will never find her. How soon can she leave? She says, never.

Hayden says she’s come too far and sacrificed too much. Her daughter has finally met her father, and their future is there. Nikolas says, it’s a fantasy. The only way to keep her daughter safe is to disappear. She says he brought her there knowing the risk. Now he says it’s too great? Why should she trust him? She still has the scar from when he tried to kill her. He says, it cuts both ways. That’s the past, and they need to look at what’s happening now. Her best, her only option, is to leave, and he can make that happen. She says, thanks, but no thanks. She has too many reasons to stay. She starts to walk away.

Martin says, J. Garran isn’t known for his brushstrokes or lighting. It’s the puzzles he puts in his paintings; the riddles his devotees love to solve. Jax asks how he knows it’s even intact. Laura asks if the canvas and frame are in pristine condition, and Martin says, authentication will be provided when an offer is made. Laura asks the name of his client, and Martin says, as he explained, they want to remain anonymous. Laura says she has a problem with that. She holds public office, and needs to know who she’s doing business with. Martin says she’ll be doing business with him. Think about it, but don’t wait too long. The painting is in great demand. He tells them that he’ll see himself out. He leaves, and Jax and Laura look at each other.

At the café, Lulu shows Charlotte pictures of Donna, Wiley, and Rocco. She tells Charlotte that Olivia claims she’s cooking a turkey dinner, but she doesn’t believe it. Charlotte asks why she thinks Olivia can’t cook turkey, and Lulu says, the Quartermaines have a terrible track record when it comes to Thanksgiving. When Charlotte is eating dinner with her papa and Nina, they’ll be eating pizza. (One of the things I look forward to every year, along with how Lucy will lose her clothes at the Nurses Ball.) Charlotte says, Leo loves pizza. Lulu says she and Rocco have a busy day planned, and asks if Charlotte wants to join them at the parade. Charlotte says she and her papa have a whole day planned too. She asks if Dustin will be at the parade, and Lulu asks how she knows about Dustin. Charlotte says he’s Lulu’s special friend, isn’t he? Lulu says, he’s a friend, and he’s special, but they’re still getting to know each other. Is Charlotte okay with that? Charlotte says, she likes Dustin, and Lulu says she’s glad to hear it. She likes Dustin too.

Dustin asks if Mr. Rosenberg is on a break, and Train says he is. He asks for how long, and she says, a while. He ask if they’re planning on taking over the lunchroom, and staging a walk-out because there’s no sushi, and Josslyn says, that’s it. Dustin says they broke the rules, and they’re here to learn to take responsibility for the consequences when they make bad choices. The choices they make could cause harm to them or someone else. Have they thought about that? Cameron says they have, and Dustin says Cameron was already on probation, and stands to lose the most. Does he have anything else to say? If there are any other choices they’re wrestling with, now’s the time to say so.

Kendra says, now that Alexis is on the mend, she’ll be out soon, and back on her feet in no time. Alexis says she’s not rushing back into working out without doctor’s orders. Kendra asks if it was a bug, and Alexis says she was poisoned by thallium. It’s been banned for decades, but was used as rat poison. The police believe that it was deliberate. Someone is trying to kill her.

Nikolas tells Hayden, some people have been blown to bits. That’s how far Valentin is willing to go to protect himself. Once she tells him what he wants to know, she’s expendable. She says she can’t leave. Violet has never had a real home, or known her family. Now that she’s been introduced to her father, Hayden isn’t taking that away. It’s not fair. Nikolas says, it isn’t, but it’s temporary. Once he’s found the codicil, and reclaimed the estate, Valentin will be powerless. He won’t be able to touch her. Right now, the closer Violet is, the more danger she’s in. 

On the phone, Valentin says he’s a patient man. He wants them to move on this. They know what to do. Do it.

Jax tells Laura, something’s not right. They were just talking about what Ava did with the painting, and Martin shows up wanting to sell it. Laura says, it’s convenient. An anonymous client bought it to sell it to them? Jax says he should act quickly. Martin said there was a lot of interest. It has to be Valentin. He could know the codicil is in the portrait. Laura says he didn’t know when he had it thrown out. He did ask about it a couple of times, so he must have realized it’s important. Jax doubts he realizes the codicil strips him of the estate. Martin rings the bell again. He apologizes, saying he was in such a hurry to report back, he left the picture. He picks it up off the coffee table, and I’m betting there’s a mic in the frame. He says he hopes he hears from them soon. He leaves, and Laura wonders what they was about. I say, what that was about is, you stupid.

Cameron tells Dustin that he thinks he can speak for everyone in saying they’re totally committed to making the right choices, even if those choices are unpopular. Trina adds, and even if their friends don’t understand the cost. Josslyn says, that’s what real friends do. Dustin is glad they’re willing to hold themselves accountable. They seem to have gotten something out of it. He tells them if Mr. Rosenberg isn’t back by the end of the period, they’re free to go. He leaves, and Dev thanks Cameron. Cameron says, not so fast. Dev might not like what he has to say next.

Kendra wonders who would do such a thing, and Alexis says she keeps wondering that herself. Kendra says it’s going to cause stress, and it’s the last thing Alexis needs while she’s recovering. She suggests doing cleansing breaths, but Alexis says she’s feeling tired. Kendra says, before she goes, she has something that will help Alexis relax, and give her a sense of well-being. She hands Alexis a capsule, but Alexis doesn’t think it’s a good idea to mix it with the medication. Kendra says, it’s totally holistic, like this makes a difference. She tells Alexis, just swallow, and she’ll start to feel more alive. Neil comes back, and asks what Kendra is doing there. Kendra says she was just checking in, and Neil says, the doctors were pretty clear that Alexis needs rest. Kendra says she was just on her way out, and tells Alexis, get better soon. She can’t wait for them to get back to work. She leaves, and Neil asks if Alexis is okay. She says, she didn’t swallow it, and Neil says, what? She shows him the capsule, and says Kendra gave her something to relax. He’s glad she didn’t take it, and she says his suspicion is contagious  That doesn’t make Kendra guilty though – yet. She asks him to take it to the lab and have it analyzed. See if he’s right.

Cameron is sorry he pressured Dev to tell his secret. Obviously, it would be better if they didn’t know, but there’s no turning back. Trina says, if Dev goes down, they all do. Josslyn says they have to make sure he’s not caught. Cameron says they have each other’s backs, and need to trust each other not to tell another living soul – no matter what. They touch hands, and they swear.

Lulu tells Charlotte that she’s grabbing their order, and to stay there. She’s going to be two feet away, and make sure Charlotte is safe. Charlotte says, she’s perfectly safe, and Lulu says, she’s a Spencer girl after all. Charlotte looks at Lulu’s pictures, and sees one of Nikolas. She flashes back to him saying there are bad people out there, and he promises to get rid of every last one of them.

Hayden throws Nikolas’s jacket back at him. She says it’s her life and her child. Get out. He says he’ll go, but know that the more she drags it out, the more danger she’s in. In spite of their rocky past, he doesn’t want to see her or her daughter in harm’s way. He leaves her alone on the pier.

Jax tells Laura, they can’t look too eager. He’ll have to offer below market value. Laura says when Valentin finds out, what’s to stop him from making a counter-offer? She looks at Martin’s card.

Martin arrives at Windymere, and Valentin asks if he was successful. Martin says, tell him, and plays a recording of Jax saying, the codicil to Valentin’s father’s will is hidden in Helena’s portrait. Told you.

Hayden stands on the pier, and flashes back to telling Finn about Violet being born, and how she was named after his favorite flower. Every smile, every expression reminded her of him. She takes out her phone, and says, Finn, pick up. He’s the only one she trusts. Someone grabs her from behind.

Tomorrow, Lucas tells Brad to come clean, Sasha talks to Willow, Valentin has no intention of losing anything, and Nikolas tells Hayden that she has to leave now.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

Kelly meets Braunwyn who said woke up 6 am, and was already running late. The only time I see 6 am is when it’s because I’ve stayed up until then. Braunwyn says she and Sean are going to Miami on Sunday, and she’s not prepared. Kelly says she doesn’t want go. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says Kelly is her friend, and she wants Kelly to go. She tells Kelly that she doesn’t have to hang out with Tamra, Vicki, or Shannon. In Kelly’s interview, she says, that’s not a vacation; it’s Game of Thrones. She tells Braunwyn, they’re like The Witches of Eastwick. In her interview, she says they have all the characteristics of witches. They have the cackle – we flash back to each of them… well, yeah, they’re cackling – and they plot and plan. She tells Braunwyn, these bitches better stay in their lane and stop picking on her. Braunwyn knows they won’t, and Kelly says, Tamra is so two-faced, it’s ridiculous.

Tamra and Gina go shopping for bathing suits. I’m going to be the first to say it tonight. Gina needs to lose that blonde hair. The shade is bad for her, and it looks over-processed. I don’t know if she didn’t spend enough on a hairdresser, did it herself, or what, but it’s a huge no. Tamra says her competition days are over, and we flash back to her strutting her stuff. Gina asks how long they’re staying, and Tamra says, it’s only one night in Miami. Gina asks if she’s talked to Kelly, and Tamra says she hasn’t. It’s been three weeks since Kelly trash talked her to everybody. The first time she sees Kelly, it’s going to be totally awkward.

Kelly tells Braunwyn, they have a gang mentality. Tamra’s been talking about Kelly’s mom and repeating rumors. She yelled at Vicki, saying repeating a rumor is the same as telling one, and then does it herself. Braunwyn says something about these women as a group brings this out. She thinks if Kelly dealt with them individually, they can get through it. Kelly says they’re obviously not her friends. Braunwyn tells her, stop engaging with them, and just hang with her. Kelly says it doesn’t work, and she doesn’t like it. They say she fights dirty. They should shut up first, then she will.

Tamra tells Gina, something flips in Kelly. When she thinks someone has done something to her, if it’s true or not, she goes ballistic. In Gina’s interview, she says, Kelly gets mad, and tries to destroy people. She involved herself in Jim Bellino’s lawsuit. Kelly has been reaching out to Jim. We see tweets from Kelly with hashtags to Jim. Tamra says she’s not stooping to that level, and I laugh so hard, I almost fall out of my chair. In my head. Gina says, step away, have some shots, and some hot Miami men. Tamra says Gina can do the last one; she can’t.

Braunwyn says she knows Tamra loves Kelly. You only get that angry at people you love. Kelly says Tamra doesn’t love her.

Tamra says, Kelly doesn’t think. She’s only as smart as the last person she’s talked to. She feels Kelly has crossed the line.

Braunwyn says if Kelly is done after the trip, she won’t talk her out of it, but she wants Kelly to give it one more shot. At least then she tried. Is she in? Kelly says she is. In her interview, Kelly says, she’s not letting the three amoebas (ha-ha-ha!) get in the way of her fun.

Shannon calls lawyer Ben from the car, and tells him that she’ll be there in ten minutes. In her interview, she says the divorce was filed two years ago. It’s such a shame they had to fight. It should have been easier to move on. The first few days, you try to settle, and today is the last day. Either they settle or go to trial. The process has been so nasty and emotional, she can’t wait to clean her hands of the marriage and move on with her life. We flash back to David being a jerk, moving on to being fake, and then being a jerk again. We see Shannon at the reunion, saying they’re not together anymore, and they’re getting a divorce. She says it makes her want to pull her hair and cry her eyes out, knowing there are people who want her to get nothing. It frightens her to death.

In another car, Tamra tells Gina that Vicki has a surprise for them. Gina says Vicki invited everyone over, except Kelly. Tamra says, and Braunwyn. She nearly said something, and Braunwyn didn’t know about it.

Emily arrives at Vicki’s first, and Tamra and Gina follow. In Gina’s interview, she says she had no idea what Vicki’s surprise is. It could be an I’m taking you on vacation surprise, or a COTO insurance education class surprise, where they have to buy insurance at the end. Vicki says Shannon is going to be late, and makes a big deal of fanning herself because it’s hot. Gina grabs Vicki’s hand, saying, is she serious? Vicki says she got engaged. In her interview, Vicki says, this happened, and shows us her ring. In Tamra’s interview, she says, Vicki’s love tank is full. In Emily’s interview, she says Vicki sold a lot of insurance to buy that ring. Vicki tells them, two nights ago, Steve suggested they just have a quiet dinner. In her interview, she says that Steve told her that he just wanted to be with her, and they both started crying. She tells the women that Steve said he loves her, and his family loves her, and he wants her to be his wife. Shannon joins them. Tamra tells Vicki the pictures don’t do the ring justice. In Shannon’s interview, she says she’s over the moon for Vicki. She believes in love and romance, and knows she’ll get married again, and has a happy life ahead. Shannon says, it’s done; she signed the papers. Things were contentious, but today, David was being nice. In her interview, she says the final settlement was about in the middle of the high and low points she thought she’d be. Today, she was coming from a place where she might get nothing. She tells them, before she got there, she got an email from David. He said he’s proud of what she’s done, and hopes they can move forward. He wants the best for her. She says it’s what she wanted him to say when they were married. Emily says, validation, and they toast. Vicki says they’re going to have fun, eat, and then celebrate. They go inside to eat. Tamra says Shannon is going to piss all over Key West. In Shannon’s interview, she says it’s going to be Shannon Storms time there, and she’s not thinking about David’s affair. Gina tells them about Matt bringing her breakfast in bed and flowers. In Gina’s interview, she says Matt is bringing his A-game. He’s trying to woo her. Emily asks if she feels the change is permanent, and Gina says he’ll never sh*t on her again. In Emily’s interview, she says, Gina and Matt are the worst divorcing couple ever. They want a divorce, and want to get back together. As a former divorce attorney, she hasn’t seen this. People who come for a divorce, usually want a divorce. Shannon tells Vicki that she forgot about Braunwyn, even though Braunwyn invited her to Miami. Vicki says she doesn’t know Braunwyn, and Tamra says, you really get to know people when you travel together. Vicki asks about Kelly, and Tamra says she doesn’t know. Legally, she and Shannon can’t talk to her. In Tamra’s interview, she says their attorneys advised them not to talk to Kelly, which isn’t the same thing, so as usual, Tamra is making it up as she goes along. Shannon says, anything they say can be used against them, and Tamra says she’ll never be Kelly’s friend again.

Braunwyn asks Sean for Miami outfit advice. They’re going early, and she’s looking forward to a few stress-free days with her husband. She doesn’t wear a lot in Miami. Everything she has is Vegas stripper. She says Sean learned about fashion with her careful tutoring. When she met him, he was wearing overalls, with one side unbuttoned. Sean asks if she thinks Kelly is coming, and she says she’s hoping they work through it. Vicki just got engaged. She invited everyone over but her and Kelly. Vicki is mad at Kelly, and to quote her, Braunwyn doesn’t exist. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says she and Vicki don’t have a relationship, but they have mutual friends. Braunwyn wants Vicki to be nice and pleasant, and maybe learn her name. Sean says, the trip will help. They can laugh and have fun. Braunwyn doesn’t understand how they can be so intense with each other, but still close. It’s almost like they’re married. She and Sean fight, but then have sex, and it disappears. Because of Tamra, Braunwyn can’t make out with the others.

Tamra bikes to Vicki’s. Briana, Ryan, Michael, Owen, and Walter the pug are there. In vicki’s interview, she says Briana moving away was her worst nightmare. In Briana’s interview, she says her life in North Carolina is amazing. It’s been her best year healthwise in ten or twelve years. She’s getting good medical care from the best lupus practice in the nation. She’s been on the keto diet, and lost sixty pounds, and there’s less stress. Vicki tells Steve, they went from a quiet house to dogs and kids. Vicki asks when Steve thinks they should get married, and he says, next year. Briana asks if Vicki is changing her name, and Vicki says, absolutely. Tamra jogs in, and hugs Briana. In her interview, Tamra says Briana is like a daughter to her. They met when Briana was young. She ask if Briana thinks they’ll ever move back, and Briana says, f*** no. Tamra asks when they’re having another kid, and Ryan says, last night. Vicki says, they consummated their marriage downstairs? and Briana says, they’ve been married eight years. Vicki leaves to get her camera. In her interview, Tamra says, she and Briana came together when Vicki was dating Brooks; they knew he wasn’t good for her. We flash back to them discussing him. She’s happy Vicki is with such a good guy. She tells Briana that Vicki has changed since she’s been with Brooks. She’s said before that Vicki is a chameleon dater. In Briana’s interview, she says Vicki’s relationship with Don was good. They got married when she and her brother were still little, and Vicki and Don raised them. But she doesn’t feel they were ever truly in love. Brooks was all passion (ew! thanks for the visual), but there was nothing else. No respect; nothing else that makes a true relationship. Vicki comes back out with the camera, and Tamra takes a family picture. Steve wonders if he should stand where he could be cut out of the photo later if something happens.

Braunwyn and Sean are already in Miami. Sean says, it’s so cool. It’s like group therapy for the women. Braunwyn says if they can’t have fun in Miami, they can’t have fun. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says when she and Sean lived in Miami as a couple, they always wanted to be fun, and have crazy nights and days. The city was made for her. She says, it’s the right environment, and there’s tons of alcohol. Sean says it’s awesome there. Braunwyn seriously lives in a dream world. Maybe she has to, with all those kids. With tons of alcohol, it’s never going to be the right environment for these women.

Tamra calls Braunwyn while she’s packing, and asks what she needs other than a bathing suit. Braunwyn says, a sexy dress. It’s humid, so no matter what, she’ll be sweating. Bleh.

Vicki dumps sand out of her suitcase from wherever she went last time.

Sophie suggests Shannon bring lingerie, and a T-shirt with a motorcycle that says, put something exciting between your legs. Shannon says, honest to God.

In the car, Emily says she knows Kelly doesn’t want to go. Kelly says she’s not scared of Tamra or Shannon. Braunwyn was her friend first.

Tamra tells Shannon, she doesn’t know how to predict Kelly will act. She’s not even having any eye contact with her. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it should be an interesting trip, with no talking. Shannon says Kelly is afraid of them, but Tamra says she doesn’t think Kelly is afraid of anything.

Everyone gets to the airport. Shannon says, come on. Florida, we’re coming for you.

Braunwyn gets champagne and flowers for Vicki. In her interview, she says, Vicki has found love, and it’s a peace offering. Question mark over my head, since Braunwyn didn’t do anything to Vicki.

Shannon is not excited to see Kelly. Braunwyn meets them in Miami, with two convertibles to take them to the hotel. In Gina’s interview, she says she’s not surprised about the two Maseratis. Braunwyn tends to be bougie, but she’s not upset about it. Kelly says Gina had better hold on to her hair, but everyone’s hair is whipping. This is why I hate convertibles.

They get to the hotel, and are met with welcome mojitos. Braunwyn says everyone has their own room. They can freshen up, and then she’s taking them to her favorite club. Vicki sees the flowers and champagne, and says, fancy. She opens the card, and it says, congratulations on your engagement – welcome to Miami. She calls Steve, and tells him about the card. She pops the champagne, scaring herself. Sean tells Braunwyn, so far, so good. There’s magic in the Miami air. Tamra and Shannon check out the terrace, and Tamra says, don’t let Kelly out on the balcony, or stand too close. You never know who could get pushed off. Kelly calls Brian, and says they’re clubbing it up tonight. Emily tells Gina the room is very Miami, and wonders if she should move there. Vicki goes to Braunwyn’s room to thank her, saying it was super cool. Braunwyn hopes they get it right this time. In Vicki’s interview, she says she’d like to start fresh. She and Braunwyn have nothing in common, but if she gets presents, she’ll take it.

They women meet in the lobby. In Kelly’s interview, she refers to Shannon, saying, women over fifty don’t need to be wearing extensions. It looks ridiculous. They go to the Club Eleven, which Braunwyn says is a strip club. Well, there are strippers, but I wouldn’t consider this a strip club. They drink, take selfies, and dance. Gina is liking Miami. They make it rain for the strippers, and in Emily’s interview, she says she likes to further education for women. You make that money. You pay that tuition. Tamra dances on a ledge, and Vicki says, it’s Tequila Tamra, telling her to get down. In Kelly’s interview, she says Tamra still thinks she’s twenty. Have some decorum, at least for your grandchildren. Kelly asks Shannon why she’s mad at her, and Shannon says she can’t hear over the music. In Shannon’s interview, she says, it’s classic Kelly. She starts sh*t, then wonders what’s going on. She’s not having this conversation right now. On the way to the taxi, Shannon says she doesn’t go to the club, but tonight she went to the club. Some of them put on hats from the club. Kelly says she’s all about change, but Gina should get rid of the blonde. She tells Shannon that she needs to cut her hair; it looks like sh*t. Shannon asks if she can’t be nice for a second. She was trying to be different because they’re in Miami, but she’s glad Kelly told her that she looks like sh*t. Kelly says sorry if Shannon is offended. She was just trying to make her look better. She’s like sixty, and has to cut it short. Geez. I wasn’t crazy about it either, but that’s a pretty ageist and across-the-board remark.

The next morning, Braunwyn is saying goodbye to Sean. Gina calls, and says she and the others are by the pool, talking sh*t about them. Get down there. Sean tells Braunwyn, she’s on her own, and she’ll be fine. She says she misses him already. She’s going over to Shannon’s room once he leaves.

Shannon tells Braunwyn that Kelly said her hair looked like sh*t. Braunwyn says she thinks Kelly meant it as constructive criticism. Shannon says a lot people thought she looked cute. She doesn’t give a f*** what Kelly thinks. At the pool, Gina say she had fun with Kelly, and thinks she has a good heart. Tamra says, Kelly is mean. Gina says she thinks it has something to do with Kelly’s childhood, and Tamra says that’s why she kept sticking up for Kelly, but when it doesn’t stop and you’re in your forties, you can’t fix it. There need to be boundaries. Braunwyn joins them, and says Shannon isn’t happy about Kelly’s comment that her hair looked like sh*t.

Gina goes to the bar, where Kelly is sitting, and asks what she’s doing. Kelly says, working, and Gina sits down. The bartender asks what she’d like, and she says, a good time. Braunwyn tells Kelly that she wants her to be included. She feels bad, since she begged Kelly to come on the trip. In her interview, Braunwyn says she wants everyone to get along. She wants miracles. Braunwyn tells Shannon that she and Kelly have a friendship; they should talk. Shannon says she didn’t do anything, and Braunwyn tells Kelly that her talking to Jim hurt Shannon. We see a clip of Shannon saying that what Kelly did is financially devastating to her and Tamra. I wish they’d explain this better. I doubt anything Kelly said caused Jim to appeal. He seems like a sore loser, and if he’s using her tweets as the basis, he would have just found something else. Kelly says she didn’t do anything wrong. In Kelly’s interview, she says the case against Shannon was dismissed. She’s just looking for a way to be mad at Kelly because Tamra is mad at her. Braunwyn calls Shannon over, and says she’s upset because of the Jim thing. Kelly says she didn’t say anything, and Shannon says Kelly immersed herself in the case. Kelly says she was backed against a wall. People need to shut up. Shannon says it has nothing to do with her. Tamra says it has to do with her, and Kelly repeats that she was backed against a wall. Tamra brought up the train, and said she’d broke someone’s hand. She said it to Shannon. Tamra also said she threw her mom down the stairs. Tamra says, Vicki said that, and screeches that she was sticking up for Kelly. What doesn’t she get? Kelly says, Tamra was repeating what was said. Shannon says they have real live sh*t going on, and Kelly says, don’t talk about her. People who tell lies, get sued. Tamra walks away, and Braunwyn sits down. Tamra says, Kelly is dirty AF. Shannon says this is why they don’t want to talk to Kelly. Tamra tells Kelly to s*ck d*ck for money, since that’s what she does best. Because Tamra wants another lawsuit on her hands. These women are getting so tiresome. They’re making Beverly Hills look good.

Next time, Key West, Kelly feels stupid for taking the bait again, and Gina finds out Vicki contacted the woman Kelly got in a fight with. Kelly says Michael has a lot of dirt that could implode Vicki’s engagement.

👂 Repeating a Rumor Is Just As Bad…

But how about listening to it in the first place?


💍 She Finally Did It…

Congratulations, Tinsley! I hope it sticks this time.


🍗 Almost Here…

The four-day weekend.