Tag Archives: Michael Jackson

October 6, 2023 – Sonny Has Errands To Run, She’s Out, She’s In, Faux Housewives, Simon Says, Sharing, Stop It, Dead Talk, Turkey Time, Vintage Scares, Pets (!) In Costume, Just Shy Of 10 Quotes & It’s That Time


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny goes to Michael’s office, and Michael says he wasn’t expecting to see him. It must be important if Sonny decided to come all the way down to his office. Sonny asks if it’s a problem, but Michael says, no, just unusual. Sonny says he’s trying to be a little more spontaneous in his old age, and Michael asks what brings him here. Sonny says he knows he shouldn’t be asking this, but he has a favor that only Michael can do for him.

Moving right along, Sonny sees Anna at the MetroCourt bar, and thanks her for meeting him. She says she was a bit surprised by the invite, and he says he’s been looking out for her since the shooting at the MetroCourt. She says she appreciates that. She’s being very cautious, one eye looking over her shoulder, because apparently, she’s got a target on her back now. He asks if any threats have happened, but she says, no, and he says, that’s good to hear. She asks if that’s why he asked to see her, to check up on her, but he says he just wanted to let her know he’s going to be gone for a few days. If she needs anything, he’s just a phone call away.

Alexis says she can’t remember how long it’s been since they’ve visited her at her office. It must be important. What did she do to deserve this visit? We see it’s Sonny, and he says, it’s not what she’s done; it’s what she’s going to do. She says, typically, when someone wants her to do a favor for them, they ask her nicely and say please. What does he need? He says, put this paper to good use, and save a man’s life.

Setting a cup of coffee on the bar at Charlie’s, Kristina says, just tell her when and where, and she’s there. Sonny says, that’s my girl, and she says she’s actually pretty excited about it. After all he’s done for her lately, how could she possibly say no. He thanks her, and says he knows he can always count on her. She says, that’s not something she hears every day and it’s so nice. She hugs him, and Dante walks in.

Carly leaves a message for Diane to call her. She just wants some kind of update as to when they’re taking Drew back to Pentenville. Sonny knocks at his old kitchen door, and Carly says she just needs to know. She tells Sonny, hey, and he says he knows this must be difficult for her. Nobody wants Drew to go back to prison. She says she keeps hoping Diane is going to call and tell her they’ve figured out something, some kind of loophole to stop Drew from going back there. They’re looking into the judge to see if they can find some sort of bias, but it seems to be a longshot, so she doesn’t know. He says, she’s doing everything she can. There’s nobody more tenacious than Diane. She says, the girls are in school, and he knows that, so he must be here to see her, and he says, she guessed right. That, and to see the moss bowl🎍. She says, please tell her this isn’t bad news, and he says, it kind of depends on her perspective. She says, that’s cryptic. What’s going on? He says he and Nina are eloping.

Valentin is working on his laptop, when a message pops up with the number for a therapist in his area. He picks up his phone, but there’s a knock at the door. He opens it to Nina, who says she came by to see if things were any better with Charlotte. He invites her in, and she says, this place is so beautiful. Charlotte must be so thrilled to be in her own home with her dad… What’s wrong? What happened?

Robert meets Anna at the MetroCourt and asks, who’s the suit? She says, it’s a gift from Sonny, and he asks if she can send it back. She says, no, and he asks where Sonny gets off sending a goon over here to keep an eye on her. She says, he has a very caring side, and he says, so did Attila the Hun. She says, Sonny was worried about her and wanted to offer her protection, which she refused first of all; she didn’t think she needed it. He says, but now she does, and she says she changed her mind. He asks if something’s happened, and she says, other than the recent disturbing events, no. Nothing has happened in the last 24 hours since she’s had protection. He says, so she’s living in the MetroCourt, and she says, yes, until she moves into the new place. Valentin has bought a house for them. He asks when she went house hunting, but she says she didn’t. He bought the house on his own. Robert says, Valentin could have at least made her part of the process. Unless of course (🍷) she thinks he’s hiding something. She says, he’s always hiding something, but the house isn’t part of that. It was indeed meant to be a surprise. He says, Valentin is nothing if not full of those, and she says, he certainly is.

Gregory comes into Alexis’s office and asks how it went with Sonny. She asks how he knew Sonny was… Esme has to quit sharing every visitor that comes into her office. It’s not that she has anything to hide, Esme just needs to learn a little discretion. He says, Esme’s not to blame. When a notorious coffee importer shows up here, people tend to talk, and usually in hushed tones. Sonny’s good fodder for the water cooler. Alexis says, they’re going to be very disappointed. He just came to ask for a favor. Gregory says, he hopes nothing illegal, and she says, Sonny wanted to see if The Invader could help leverage Judge Albert Kim. He’s the judge who sentenced Drew Cain to three years in Pentenville. Gregory asks what outcome Sonny is hoping for, and she says, Carly thinks the judge’s sentence was unnecessarily harsh, and they’re hoping maybe they can get the sentence reduced or at the very least, have him moved to a safer facility. He asks just how Sonny suggests she do that, and she says, that’s what they have to figure out.

Carly says, eloping? What happened to the big blow-out wedding Sonny and Nina were planning? He says he wasn’t planning the wedding. He just told Nina that she can do whatever she wants with the wedding. Carly says she knows Olivia was helping, and he asks if that’s tough for her, but she says, no. She’s a big girl. Olivia can do what she wants, and they’re way too close for her to let something like that bother her. Sonny says, there were just so many details and things like that. A wedding should be about a celebration, not a deadline. She says, it’s just surprising considering all the noise Nina was making about her big wedding celebration, and he says, they’re just going to fly down to the island. It’s not going to be a big deal; just a small ceremony. It’s just going to be him and Nina, and whatever kids are able to go. She says, kids. That’s why he’s here. He says he would love if Donna could go. It would mean everything. If she’s okay with that.

Valentin tells Nina that he’s totally lost. He and Charlotte used to be so close, and now he feels like he doesn’t even know her. She says she knows this must be so difficult for him, but he says, not just him. Charlotte’s going to need professional help. He’s trying to find her a therapist. (I guess Montague is out.) She says, it might take him a while to find someone. Charlotte’s in a very serious situation, and he’s going to have to find the doctor who’s the right fit. He says he’s always been able to talk to her, hasn’t he? No matter how raw it gets. She knows him, maybe better than anybody; maybe even Anna. He doesn’t know how it got this way. This is his little girl they’re talking about. Nina says, they’re going to figure this out together. Where is Charlotte now? He says, she went on a bike ride. That’s why he’s doing research and making phone calls. Nina asks if he hasn’t said anything to Charlotte, and he says he just doesn’t know what he’d say if she lied to him, if she denied it. He doesn’t know how he’d react. Why is this happening? Did he do something to make her act out like this?

Kristina says, he told dad what? and Dante says he explained he couldn’t go to the wedding, but he’d go to the next one. She says, that’s not even funny, but he says he’s just kidding. She says, so he is going to go, but he says he’s not kidding about that part. She says, he has to go. Dad asked Dante to be his best man, didn’t he? Dante says, he did, and he’s honored. He just can’t go away right now. She says, that, she does get, because the PCPD softball team really need their star pitcher, and he says, they probably do, but he’s just got a lot of stuff going on here. She says, what stuff is more important than dad’s wedding? and he says, Charlotte was living with them; she’s moved out. They’re dealing with the fact Scout’s father Drew is behind bars, and it’s tough on her. His job… She seems more annoyed than Sonny did. He took this a lot better than her. She says she just thinks it’s important they be there to support dad, and he says he agrees. Dad knows he supports him. They’ve had their ups and downs, but he knows Dante’s behind his and Nina’s relationship. She says, nothing can keep her away, and he says, that’s good. She’ll be representing. She says she doesn’t think she’ll be the only one actually. Dad asked Michael to come. Dante says, that’s big. What did Michael say?

At the hospital, Michael looks for Willow, and a nurse tells him that she thinks Willow’s still on break. She’ll check. He sits down and remembers Sonny saying he wanted to tell Michael in person. Michael tells him, usually when somebody says that, it’s not good news, but Sonny says, it’s good news, for him at least. He and Nina are eloping; they’re going down to the island. Michael says, congratulations are in order, and Sonny says he knows times have been tough this year, but he thinks they’ve moved past that, and Michael says, with everything that happened with Willow, he realizes how important family is. Sonny says, Nina is Michael’s family. He knows there’s been a strain between them… Michael says, that’s an understatement, and Sonny says, she’s tried to make an effort between Michael and Willow. What makes her happy is spending time with Amelia and Wiley. Michael says he has to admit things have been better with Nina, and he knows she’s trying to respect their boundaries. Sonny says, nothing would mean more to Nina than to have Willow at her wedding, and it would mean a lot to him to have Michael there. So is there any chance he’ll go?

Nina says, this is not Valentin’s fault. She wishes she had the answer. Charlotte is a teenage girl, and teenage girls can be very complicated. He says, she’s a Cassadine. Cursed, isn’t it? None of this godforsaken family gets to be happy. Nina says, please, don’t go there. This has nothing to do with a curse. Charlotte isn’t doomed. She’s an adolescent who got herself into trouble. She’s struggling, but they will get her help. He says, it’s so overwhelming, and she says she’s sure Anna’s been supportive. What does she think? He says he hasn’t told her. How is he going to tell her that his daughter is the one who’s been tormenting her? Charlotte’s the one who set the fire; she’s going to be facing very serious criminal charges. Nina says, they have to just be very grateful no one was in the house. If Charlotte did do this, she made sure of that. He asks if that’s supposed to make him feel better, but Nina says she’s just making the point that Charlotte isn’t trying to hurt Anna. She’s not a murderer; she’s just crying out for help. He says, it’s more than that. Charlotte’s terrorizing the woman he loves, and he’s trying to keep that from escalating, but is he doing the right thing by not telling Anna?

Carly says, Sonny knows how much Donna loves weddings. Of course (🍷) she can go. Sonny thanks her and she says she knows how happy Donna was at Michael’s wedding. Hopefully, both girls can go. He says, that’s the plan, and she asks if he’s called Ava, because Avery wouldn’t want to miss it. He says he called Ava, but she hasn’t gotten back to him yet. He hopes there’s no problem there, because it would not be the same without Avery. She says, it looks like he’s thought of everything for his tropical ceremony, and he says he’s trying. He thinks he covered all the bases. Oh no, wait. The favor she asked for Drew? He’s working on it. She says, let’s hope it comes in time to save Drew.

Gregory asks if Alexis is sure she wants to get into this. He’s heard a lot of stories about people who do Sonny’s bidding and sometimes it doesn’t end well. She says, ya think? She’s very well aware of the methods Sonny uses to handle things. This time, he would like it handled legitimately. He asks if she’s sure that she and Sonny don’t share any similarities, and she says she thinks she’s offended. He says he doesn’t know Sonny well, but from what he hears, Sonny has reputation for ruthlessness. He knows firsthand how ruthless Alexis can be… when it comes to the pursuit of truth in journalism. She says, really? Do go on. He tells her that he’s just saying she’s a force of nature when it comes to business, and that’s a good thing by the way. She says, this is really very entertaining. Trying to compliment her after calling her ruthless. That is some fancy footwork. He says, unfortunately, that’s the only footwork he’s capable of these days.

Kristina tells Dante that she knows Michael wants to make peace with dad. There’s definitely been a lot less tension lately. Dante says, yeah, but that’s a far cry from Michael attending the wedding. They have to start somewhere to get back to where they were. She says she doesn’t know if they’ll ever get back to where they were, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction. He asks, so is Michael going to the wedding or not? and she says, she doesn’t know. She hopes so. She’ll tell Dante one thing. She’s not excited to be on an island with him and Nina for the next few days. He says he thought she was Team Nina, and she says she is. She likes Nina a lot. Most important, dad loves her, but she hasn’t forgotten what Nina did to Michael and Willow. That’s some serous damage, and they both know their brother holds a grudge. He says, kind of just like… and they both say, dad. Blaze comes in, and Kristina introduces her to Dante. Blaze says, we meet again.

Michael remembers telling Sonny that he can’t give him an answer now. Not without talking to Willow first. Sonny says he gets it. He just hopes Willow does this for Nina, because the ceremony wouldn’t be the same without Wiley there. She wants Wiley to be the ring bearer, like he was at Michael’s wedding. He’s a pro now. Michael says, Willow has a lot going on right now and she just got back to work. He’s not sure she’s going to want to drop all that and get on a plane. Sonny says, okay. He just wanted Michael to think about it. In the present, Willow dashes over to Michael and says she heard he was waiting for her. Is everything all right? Did something happen with the kids?

Valentin tells Nina that he just doesn’t know what to do. They can’t involve the police. She says, no. They’re not bringing the police into this. She’s a teenager; she’s fifteen years old. If she did do this, and the police find out, they will send her away. He can’t let that happen. They’re just going to have to handle this themselves. He asks how they do that, and she says, they’re going to find a way to get through to Charlotte. They’re not giving up on her. He says he’s always appreciated her support, and she hooks her arm in his and says, even though they went their separate ways, she’ll always care about him. She loves Charlotte. He says he doesn’t know what he’d do without her help, and she says, about that. He’s going to have to deal with this on his own. That’s what she came by to tell him. She’s leaving town.

Anna tells Robert that she thinks Valentin feels this house is a way for him to focus on his daughter. He feels Charlotte needs a more stable environment. She’s had a very rough year. Robert asks if she didn’t tell him that Victor was keeping her at the boarding school, and Anna says, when she finally did come home, she’s been bouncing from house to house. First she was at Laura’s, then she lived with Dante. That’s not to say they weren’t there for her. They were very supportive, but Charlotte is fifteen, and along with that age comes anxiety and insecurity. He says, Mac was having a problem with Robin like that, and she says, Charlotte needs her father’s undivided attention. She totally understands that. She thinks maybe Valentin feels that buying a house for her is the first step in putting her on more solid ground. He says, in the meantime, Anna’s roughing it in the hotel, but she says she doesn’t call room service roughing it. She thought Robert didn’t want her with Valentin. He says he doesn’t. However, she should have the final choice in where she lives. She suggests they agree to disagree when it comes to the subject of her relationship with Valentin, and says she asked him here because she needs his help. He says, with? and she says, something crucial.

Sonny tells Carly that he pretty much politely demanded Alexis use that paper and her investigation skills to look into Judge Kim, because they have to figure out why he gave Drew such a harsh sentence. Carly says, they need to do more than look into Judge Kim. They need to get the judge to commute Drew’s sentence, or at least send him to a safer facility. Does Alexis understand that? He says, Alexis knows that the goal is to get Drew out of Pentenville, but it’s not going to happen overnight. The first thing she needs to do is a deep dive into Kim’s record. They have to figure out what makes him vulnerable. Then they have an opening. She asks if he thinks Alexis is going to come through, and he says he’s confident she’ll deliver for them.

Gregory apologizes to Alexis and says, that was meant to be a joke, but clearly it didn’t land. She says, he has every right to handle his disease any way he sees fit. If he wants to joke about it, joke about it. Go for it. He doesn’t have to edit his words with her. She’s going to follow his lead. He says he feels like he’s constantly thanking her for being understand, but thanks her again. She says, he doesn’t need to keep thanking her or apologizing. What’s that quote from that movie? Friendship means never having to say you’re sorry. He says he thinks that’s, love means… (Actually, I think her version makes more sense.) She says, he just doesn’t need to keep thanking her, and he says he still hasn’t told Chase. He knows she keeps telling him to wait until he’s ready, but when will that be? He can’t keep hiding behind his work here. He wakes up some mornings and he’s so determined to tell Chase the truth. Then he finds himself here instead. He used to lecture his students about procrastination. He’d tell them, putting off that term paper won’t make it easier. She says, this is a little bigger than a homework assignment. He’s going to tell Chase when he tells Chase. He says he’s just being selfish. He just wants more time with his son before his son looks at him with pity. Before he sees the disease, not his father. She says she thinks he’s wrong. She doesn’t think Chase is going to react that way at all, but Gregory will do what feels right for him and she’s not judging him. He says, speaking of judges, how are they going to handle Judge Kim?

Dante says, good to see Blaze again, and she says, good to see him too. She tells Kristina, Dante was her hero at the Nurses Ball, and he says he doesn’t like to brag. Kristina says, since when? and Blaze says, after Brook outed Linc on stage, Dante grabbed him and dragged him out of the MetroCourt. Nice work, detective. He says, just doing my job, ma’am, and Kristina says, that’s great. She almost forgot; her brother, the knight in shining armor. Blaze says, don’t think she’s forgotten how nice Dante was the day they ran into each other at Kelly’s, and he says, that was a few months ago. He saw Blaze at Kelly’s and Rocco had been watching her music videos; he’s a big fan. And they saw her at Rice Plaza years ago, and she was so gracious to them. Thanks. Blaze thanks him, and Kristina says, they’re practically BFFs. Who’d have guessed that?

Michael says, everything’s fine. He didn’t mean to worry Willow. She says, it must be something important for him to come all the way to GH, and they sit down. He says he wanted to tell her that Sonny paid him a visit earlier and apparently, he and Nina are eloping in Puerto Rico. She says, okay. The last time she spoke to Nina, Nina was knee-deep in wedding planning. It sounded like a huge event here in Port Charles. He says he guesses Nina changed her mind, and Willow asks if this means they get out of going to the wedding, but he says, no such luck. They’re definitely on the guest list. Sonny wants them to fly down to Puerto Rico.

Valentin says, she’s leaving town? but Nina says, it’s just for a few days. Don’t worry. She feels silly talking about it, given everything Valentin is going through, but she and Sonny are going to Puerto Rico; they’re eloping. He says he thought she was having a big wedding at the MetroCourt, and she says, that was the plan, but it got complicated, and it was really stressful. They just want to get married as soon as possible and the best solution was to have a small ceremony on Sonny’s island. He says, if that’s what she wants, he’s happy for her, and she says, he can always call her, but he says he’s not going to call her. He’s not going to interrupt her wedding. Unless she wants Sonny after him. Besides, Laura’s coming back from London. They’re going to figure out what to do about Charlotte together. Charlotte walks in and asks if Valentin is keeping things from her.

Robert says, Anna will do whatever she wants, so what does she need? She says, let’s just look at the recent events, starting with the shooting at the pool. She thinks that bullet was meant for Sonny, not her. Robert says, he’s got his fair share of enemies, and Anna says, so does she, but she thinks she’s being targeted in a completely different way. He says he doesn’t follow, and she says, after the shooting at the pool, her house was torched. Then her room here was vandalized. What does that tell him? He says, that her enemy is toying with her. They’re trying to break her down. What is she going to do about that?

Charlotte says, Valentin didn’t tell her Nina was coming over. She was putting her bike away, and she saw Nina’s car out front. She’s so happy to see Nina. They hug, and Nina says, it’s so nice to see Charlotte. How is she? Charlotte says, much better now that she’s living with papa, and Nina says, it’s a beautiful place. Is she settling in okay? Charlotte says, everything’s perfect. Can Nina stay and have lunch with them? Nina says, no, she’s so sorry. She just came over to tell Charlotte’s dad that she was leaving town for a few days. She and Sonny are going to Puerto Rico. Charlotte says, cool. She wishes she and papa could take a trip with Nina someday. Nina says she’s not sure Anna would be so thrilled with that, and Charlotte says she knows. She was just thinking how great it would be if they could go to Europe. Remember how they used to always talk about doing that? Nina says, that’s right. How about this? They plan a girls trip, just the two of them. Maybe she can convince Maxie to allow Georgie to come with them. She likes Georgie, right? (The way she says this, she may as well have been saying, Charlotte’s not going to set fire to Georgie, is she?) Charlotte says, yeah. She used to see Georgie a lot when her mom was still with them. But she’d rather just go with Nina if papa can’t come with them. Nina says, it’s a deal, and Charlotte says she loves Nina. They hug, and Nina says she loves Charlotte too.

Alexis tells Gregory, it looks like Judge Kim has a number of high-profile cases. His opinions that he wrote for his decisions read like bait for a promotion. Gregory asks, can you elaborate on that for those of us who didn’t attend law school? and she says, from what she can tell, it sounds like he’s trying to impress the Judicial Board in hopes of a higher appointment. Gregory asks how he goes about that, and she says, when judges are trying to climb the ladder, they set new precedents. And they do that with their opinions. And what they want is for those precedents to be appealed and upheld. So in simpler terms, it looks like Judge Kim is trying to get the attention of those above him. And if that’s the case, then maybe they can help him do just that.

Carly thanks Sonny for everything he’s doing for Drew’s case, and he says, Drew’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve what’s happening to him. And Drew being in prison affects her, and no matter what’s happened between them, she’s the mother of his children and he just wants her to be happy. She says, that means a lot. So from all the research Diane has gathered, it looks like Judge Kim is hoping for a promotion to the Federal Bench. She’s thinking he’d be more than happy to meet with the press and cooperate. He says, that gives Alexis a way in, and she says, that’s all they have for now. Sonny says, do him a favor and tell Drew to sit tight, because he’s doing everything he can behind the scenes to get him out of there. Carly says she will and asks if he ever found out who Austen was visiting in Pentenville.

Gregory tells Alexis, from the look on her face, he’d say she has a plan. What is she thinking? She says, her guess is, this guy has an ego; most judges do. He says he hears the same about lawyers, and she says she’s not sure who’s worse, but what she thinks is, this guy is really career oriented. He wants to get ahead which means he’ll be very susceptible to the lure of publicity. Gregory says, and that’s where she comes in, and she says, they call him in for an interview. They pump him up. They tell him that they’re interested in doing an article about his decisions, take some pictures, and hopefully he’ll eat it up. Gregory says, and then, she goes in for the kill and ask him about Drew’s sentence. She says, mm-hmm, and he says, good plan of attack. Like he said, ruthless.

Sonny tells Carly, unfortunately, they have no information on that yet. They don’t know who’s pulling the strings when it comes to Austen and Mason. She says, trailing Betty didn’t turn up anything? and he says he had Dex watching her every move, thinking she’d lead them to the boss, but that didn’t happen. They have someone watching Austin, and his guys are doing everything they can until he gets back from the wedding. She says, that’s what he should be concentrating on right now, and he says he knows. She says she’s going to have Donna packed and all ready to go. She can’t wait to see Donna’s face when she tells her. Please take a couple of pictures of Donna for her. He says, okay, and she says, let her know if he hears from Ava. She can just bring Avery here and he can pick up both girls at the same time. He says, thanks, that means a lot, and she says, it’s been a painful couple years. He agrees, and she says, and she just wants him to be happy too. He says, yeah. He feels the same way. They soap stare at each other for a moment, while the moss bowl🎍 yawns, and Sonny says he’ll see her.

Kristina says she’s flying down to Puerto Rico later for her dad’s wedding, and Blaze says, a destination wedding. How exciting. Dante says, they’re eloping, thank God, and Kristina says, Dante. He says he’s just telling it like it is. He thinks they’re being smart by keeping it a small, family ceremony. (Is that really eloping then?) Kristina asks why he says that, and he tells her, because he thinks if they had a big wedding in Port Charles, they’d be asking for trouble.

Anna says, this is where Robert comes in. She needs his help. Because she’s almost certain this threat is coming from inside the WSB. Or someone with access to the Bureau’s resources. He asks if she thinks this is the same person who outed her for being a double-agent, and she says she has her suspicions. Look at the timing; think about it. None of this started until she was exposed in the press. It has to be connected. It can’t just be a coincidence. He says, this is revenge from someone she’s wronged in a past case? and she says her actions hurt a lot of people who might want payback. He says, she hasn’t been an active operative in years. Could somebody hold a grudge that long? She says she doesn’t know. She just really needs his help to get some information from inside the Bureau. He tells her, as he said, since Frisco left, his influence there is limited. As for this new director, whatever influence he might have is going to be limited at best. She says, limited is better than non-existent. Please. Will he help her find out what is going on and who is after her?

Nina says, it was so good to see Charlotte. Does she remember their handshake? They do a fancy pattycake thing, and Nina says she has to go to the gallery. She’s been trying to get ahold of Ava with no luck, so she thought she’d try her there. Charlotte says she misses Nina so much. Please come over after her trip. Nina says she will, and kisses Charlotte’s forehead. Valentin walks her to the door, and outside, he thanks her for coming. It meant a lot to Charlotte. It’s good to see her smile. Nina says, they’re going to figure this out when she gets back, okay? and they hug as Charlotte watches. He tells Nina, have a nice trip, and Charlotte half smiles.

Willow says, fly to an intimate wedding? It would be one thing if it was 200 guests at the MetroCourt. They’d be able to blend into the background, but this… Michael says, yeah. It would just be family, so they’d be front and center. She says she knows she’s been pushing him lately to accept Nina, but this is a lot. He’s finally made peace with his dad and Nina, and it’s so new. He asks if she really wants to put it to the test.

Alone outside, Nina looks at a picture of Charlotte as a young child. She says, Charlotte, what happened to you? As she starts to go down the walk, her phone rings. Sonny asks, how is his bride-to-be? and she says she’s okay, but he says she doesn’t sound okay. What’s wrong? She says, it’s just been an emotional day. Where is he? He says he’s been all over town doing things, but he’s finished now. He’s all hers. She says, that’s all she’s ever wanted, and he says, then she better get packing. We’re getting married. She says, yes, we are.

On Monday, Nina says, this is the best wedding present she could ever ask for; Gregory tells Finn, now because of him, Chase is paying the price; Carly tells Alexis that there’s proof, and she can get it for her; and Cyrus asks what someone has in store for him.

🚗 Enjoy the Ride…

We say goodbye to Gladys. Her last scenes with Sonny were so much fun!

🎤 Old Is New Again…

We say hello to Lois. Brook needs her mom, and hopefully, she’ll go head-to-head with Tracy.

💰 Not As Rich As They Seem…

She has a point. It does seem like you get demoted to friend if you can’t keep up the image.

Case in point? She seems like the kind of person who would ditch her financial responsibilities.

🍊 Who’s a POS Cheater…?

I figured that’s what Jenn was referring to.

🍸 Something About Her Living Her Best Life…

Can’t wait to read her book. This has been one of those rare times we got to see karma at work immediately.

🍾 Words Of Wisdom…

She must be doing something right. She looks amazing. And what I said yesterday. It really is ridiculous how they all just keep circling the same dating drain.

⚰️ Put That Dead Thing Down…

I have to admit, I’m surprised, but he probably has a big fan base.

‘TWD Daryl Dixon’ Becomes Most Viewed Premiere and Season in AMC+ History (collider.com)

This sounds like a great convention.


I knew it. I knew I saw this scene somewhere and there had already been a connection to France.

🦃 The Forgotten Holiday…

That holiday we jump over between Halloween and whatever December holiday you celebrate now has its own slasher film. If Eli Roth is involved, it’s bound to be good.


🎃 Not Halloween Without It…

Weird-ass vintage costumes. Just remember, that bag is not a toy, or a costume.


👻 It’s That Time Of Year…

One holiday where celebrities are just like us.

👄 Quotes of the Week

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu

Expecting life to treat you well because you are a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. – Shari R. Barr

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. – John D. Rockefeller

The deeper the truth in a creative work, the longer it will live. – Sir Charlie Chaplin

It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it. – Abraham Lincoln

He ain’t no Christian; he’s a dope fiend. – Judge Mathis

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. – Vincent Van Gogh

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. – Socrates

October is the fallen leaf, but it is also a wider horizon more clearly seen. It is the distant hills once more in sight, and the enduring constellations about them once again. – Hal Borland

🦖 Main Character Energy…

Join me again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and yachting with awful people. Until then, stay safe, stay treating and not tricking (take that however you like), and stay making parties celebrations not deadlines.

October 29, 2021 – Gladys Comes Bearing Intel, New Gig, Reboot, Invaded, Not True, More Erika, Denial, Nobody, Ultimate News, Deck Farewell, Sequel, Haunting Quotes & Thrill This


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Anna sees Finn at the hospital and tells her, welcome back. She thanks him, and he says, still no sign of Peter? She says, no. She was just talking to the agents on the ground in Crete, and nothing. Not yet anyway. He says, as much as he wishes she had Peter in custody, or another freezer, he’s glad she’s okay. She says she wishes they all were.

Elizabeth tells Valentin, he’s doing remarkably well for a man with a gunshot wound who’s been shipped halfway around the world. How is he feeling? He says, like he could wrestle a bear, and Austin comes in, saying, he thinks Valentin would need a note from a doctor. Elizabeth asks if there’s something she can do for Austin, and he says, sure, but right now her tact and discretion are gift enough. She doesn’t need to worry. He’s not there in a medical capacity. He has business with the patient.

Brook tells Charlotte to eat her cereal so they can get going, but Charlotte says she can’t. Papa doesn’t let her eat sugary cereals. Brook says, just this once won’t kill her. Now, hurry up, so they can go to the hospital and see her dad. Brook’s phone rings, and she tells Lucy, this isn’t such a great time… She had Gladys working on that. She told Gladys she’d finish it, but she forgot… No, Brook has no idea where she keeps that calendar… Has Lucy tried calling her phone?… Oh, of course (🍷) she’s not answering. Fortunately, Brook knows exactly where to find her.

At the MetroCourt, Sasha tells Brando that his coffee smells good. It has real caffeine in it, doesn’t it? He says, mm-hm. She misses it, doesn’t she? She says, so much. She doesn’t dream of fitting back in her clothes or riding a roller coaster. She dreams of morning coffee, a double-shot latte with extra foam. Maxie comes in, saying, she’s sorry she’s late. Sasha says, no worries, and Brando says he enjoyed the extra time with Sasha. Maxie says, enjoy it while he can. He won’t have a free minute once the baby is born.

Gladys goes to the bar, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, and asks the bartender, what kind of a spa doesn’t have alcohol? She needs a bottle of Dom, and are strawberries in season? Never mind. If they’re covered in chocolate, it doesn’t matter. (Yes, it does.) She’ll take half a dozen. Brando asks what she’s doing there, and she says, the works. Eyebrow threading, mani-pedi, and some kind of treatment with gold leaf that’s going to take ten years off of her. He asks if she isn’t supposed to be at work, and Maxie says, that’s what she’d like to know.

Ava asks if Spencer would top off her coffee one more time, and Spencer says she’s already had four cups; the fifth one might kill her. Coming right up. Ava asks if that’s any way to talk to a customer, and Spencer says, perhaps Nikolas can spare his wife by taking her somewhere more suitable. Ava says, such as? and Spencer says, somewhere else. Nikolas says Spencer seems to have forgotten, he has no moral high ground here. He stalked Ava for months. He terrorized Ava, him, and Avery. He won’t allow Spencer to be rude to Ava on top of it. Spencer says, that’s rich. The man who let him think he was dead for three years is lecturing him on his tone. Nikolas says he’s Spencer’s father, and Spencer says, that can’t be helped. Next time Nikolas climbs on his high horse, just remember he’s no innocent himself. Shawn comes in, and looks at Nikolas.

Brook sends a text to Maxie that says, 911! AGAIN! Charlotte comes in, and says she gave Bailey a kiss goodbye from both of them, and said she’d tell daddy that Bailey loves him, and she gave the nanny Bailey’s top three favorite toys in case she won’t stop fussing. So they can go now? Brook thanks her, and says she’s so good to Bailey. Charlotte says, of course () she is; Bailey’s her sister. Brook says, off they go, and Charlotte asks if she’s sure they shouldn’t bring Bailey to see Papa. The nanny can get her ready in ten minutes; five if she helps. Brook says she wishes they could, but she thinks it would be too much commotion for Valentin. Charlotte supposes Brook is right. Besides, she might be scared by all the machines. Brook asks if Charlotte is nervous, and says, her Papa is going to be fine. He’s looking forward to seeing her. She’s very brave, and Brook wants her to know that she doesn’t just have Valentin; she has Brook too. Charlotte says she knows, and hugs Brook. Brook says, so Bailey is with the nanny, check; spoonful of sugar, check. Are they forgetting anything? Charlotte says, Yuri, and Brook says, that is one giant oversight. Let’s get Yuri, and let’s go see your dad.

Gladys says she has the day off, and Maxie asks if Brook is aware she’s not at her desk. Gladys puts a credit card in the folder to pay her bar tab, and says, it was Brook who gave her the day off. Maxie snatches the card, and says she supposes Brook also told Gladys that she could use her corporate card? Gladys holds out her hand, and says, it’s hers to use, but Maxie says, this is a corporate credit card. She’s part owner of the corporation, and it’s not for frivolous spa treatments or strawberries and champagne. Gladys says, Brook told her it was okay, and Sasha says she’s sure this is a misunderstanding. What did Brook say exactly? Gladys says, Brook was clear. Brook told her to enjoy her well-deserved reward day for all the hard work she’s done. Maxie laughs, and asks if she’s talking about the bare minimum they practically have to beg her to. Brando says he thinks it’s best if they postpone Gladys’s spa day, and she can reward herself this weekend. Gladys says she’s going to do what she was promised, she’s going to do it today, and she’s going to pay for it with that card, like she was promised.   

Ava says Nikolas has been preoccupied all morning. Is there anything he wants to discuss? He says, what’s to discuss? Despite his job, his kid is nowhere close to doing what’s right. She says, and Alexis? and he says, what about Alexis? She says he told her before that Alexis’s pardon might not work out. That’s got to be weighing on him. He says he does have a lot of family business on his mind, and she if he wants to elaborate. He says, there’s been some trouble with some real estate the Cassadines used to own in Greece. He needs to make some inquiries. She asks how it affects him, if the Cassadines no longer own the property, and he says, maybe it doesn’t, but he’d like to head to GH to make sure.  Valentin was shot on the property.

Finn says he heard Peter shot Valentin, and Anna says, he did. He says when he heard, all he could think about were those two little girls, Valentin’s kids. Because of Peter, they could have lost their father. It never should have come to this. He wishes he’d killed Peter. Anna says, no he doesn’t, and pulls him aside. He says, he does. If Peter would have died, none of them would have to worry about him going on this rampage. She says, at what cost to him though? and he asks if she’s talking about his conscience. He thinks he would have slept just fine knowing Peter was in the ground. She says he would have spent the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, wondering when it was going to catch up with him. And if it had, what would have happened to Violet? He says, at least he would have known that Violet and everyone else was safe from Peter. She says, that day will come because Peter’s starting to get desperate, and along with desperation comes mistakes, so he will get caught. Finn says, if he does, he’s interested to see if Peter will tell the authorities about the whole stairwell/freezer incident. She says, if he does, they’ll probably throw Finn a parade. She knows how much he love crowds and attention. He says he does love a good parade, but seriously, when she’s out there looking out for the world, who’s looking out for her?

Valentin says he hasn’t forgotten his agreement with Austin. If Austin wins his suit against the Quartermaines, he’ll support Valentin’s bid to stay CEO of ELQ, and Valentin will pay him off in any way Austin sees fit. Austin says he’s only there to tell Valentin that he’s going to have to hold on to his job on his own. He’s agreed to stop pursuing his claim against ELQ. Valentin asks, why he would do that? and Austin says, the mother of Valentin’s daughter. Valentin asks what Brook’s done now, and Austin says she manipulated him into making a HIPPA violation. Then she made him an offer. He gives up his rights as Jimmy Lee’s son, or he could give up his medical license. Valentin says he’s sorry to hear that. Brook can be a tenacious little minx when it comes to her family. Austin says, she sure is. He recognizes, as Bailey’s father, Valentin doesn’t have a choice, but he does. He doesn’t want anything to do with the Quartermaines. He’s out. Brook says, works for her, and stands in the doorway with Charlotte and Yuri.

Valentin says, mon petite, and Charlotte runs to him, saying, mon papa. Austin says, it’s suddenly really crowded in here. He thinks he’ll split. Brook tells him not to let the door hit him when he’s leaving. Charlotte asks if Valentin is okay, and he says he’s tougher than he looks. She says, he looks terrible, and Brook says, she should see the other guy. What is this, life number six or seven? He says, at least eight, and Brook says she has some Deception business to tend to, and they have some father/daughter time to make up for, so get on that. Outside the door, she tells Yuri that she has some calls to make, and to stay there with Charlotte. She’s his number one job. As she walks down the hall, Austin says he still hasn’t gotten the official word from the Board about going back to work. Could she prod that along? She says, not now, and he tells her to take her time. It’s just his future, his career, the lives of his patients. No worries.

Maxie says Gladys is an assistant. Nobody owes her a spa day or anything else aside from her weekly salary, provided she actually earns it. And she’s confiscating the card until further notice. Gladys says she doesn’t think Maxie wants to do that, and Brando tells her, stop. She can’t talk to her boss that way. Maxie’s phone dings, and she says, that’s Brook. Gladys says Maxie can ask her herself, but Maxie says she has to meet Brook at GH; Valentin is in the ICU. Gladys says, that poor wonderful man, and Sasha tells Maxie to go; they’ll reschedule. Maxie says, as for Gladys, she expected her back at her desk ten minutes ago. She leaves, and Gladys tells Sasha, before she says anything, she was telling the truth. Sasha says they’ll get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, Gladys has to remember that she reports to Brook. Gladys says, how can she forget? and Sasha says, and Brook reports to Maxie. Gladys says, Maxie was just lording that over her; Sasha doesn’t need to repeat it. Brando says, if they’re constantly reminding her of who her boss is, maybe she needs to hear it. Gladys says she’s sick of it. Nobody talks down to her, least of all some fraud who’s barking out orders at her when she should be getting a paternity test. Brando says, hey! Apologize to Sasha right now, and Sasha says, Brando is this baby’s father, without question, and she doesn’t need a test to prove it. Gladys says, of course (🍷). She didn’t mean that. She’s sorry; she’s overwhelmed. Which is why she needs a spa day. She runs out.

Anna tells Finn, this manhunt for Peter has been exhausting; mentally and physically. And the sheer carnage he’s left in his wake. Now there’s two little girls whose father is in ICU. He says, he took the liberty of looking at Valentin’s chart. Exploratory surgery isn’t without risk, but given Valentin’s age and condition, he hates to say it, but he thinks Valentin is going to make it. She laughs, and thanks him for that. She’s happy they still want what’s best for each other. As far as Peter is concerned, Finn’s peace of mind is more important than having him in custody. His death on Finn’s conscience, she would never want that for him, ever. Or Elizabeth. Finn looks at Elizabeth, standing at the reception desk.

Ava says, Valentin was shot? and tells Nikolas, great. She hopes he was sent out a window and belly-flopped into the Aegean. He says, but she’s not one to hold a grudge, and she tells him to let her enjoy it. She asks, who shot him, and why the hell would Nikolas care? and Nikolas says he’ll explain on the way to the launch, but she says he’ll explain on the way to GH. She’s going with him.    

Shawn walks into Kelly’s, and Spencer wonders why they call it serving when you spend most of the time cleaning up. Shawn says he’ll get the hang of it, and maybe even come to enjoy the work. Spencer says he’ll take Shawn’s word for that, and asks what brings him back so soon? Did he forget something? Shawn says he came back to see Spencer.   

Elizabeth asks if Finn is sure Anna isn’t going to say anything about what they did to Peter, and he says he thinks Anna has their back. She says, okay. She should thank Anna. She guesses she should cut Anna a little slack. She’s doing everything she can to catch Peter, but Elizabeth can’t help thinking how many lives Peter will destroy before he gets stopped. He says, Peter will never harm Elizabeth or her family again; he’ll make sure of it. She asks, how? and he says he just will. She says, sounds like a plan, and thanks him. He says, speaking of families, he feels kind of terrible for prying into hers.

Valentin asks Charlotte how things are at the Quartermaines without him. Is she helping Brook with her baby sister? She says she changed Bailey’s diaper, twice, and he says, he’s proud of her. He knows it’s been an adjustment, and wants her to know how much he appreciates her effort. She says she enjoys taking care of her sister. It happens a lot when Brook’s friend comes to visit. He says, Maxie? but she says, Detective Chase. They’re constantly playing games and watching movies. Valentin says, they’re friends, and she tells him, if he says so. He says he cares very much about Brook because she’s Bailey’s mother, but he’s glad she has friends. She asks if he has friends, and he flashes back to kissing Anna in the tavern. He says he has her and Bailey, and that makes him the luckiest man in the world.

Gladys is carrying a humongous teddy bear, and tells Austin that she’s looking for a room. Valentin Cassadine. He says he’s terribly sorry, but only family is allowed to visit, but she says she is family. Gladys Corbin, and she comes bearing gifts… She whispers, and intel. He says, oh, intel. Intel wouldn’t have anything to do with the Quartermaines, would it? She says, would it ever, and he says, you don’t say. It’s a crying shame hospital policy prevents him from telling her that Valentin is in ICU-1. She says, thanks for nothin’, winking at him. He says, pawsitively my pleasure, slapping the bear’s paw. She leaves, and he says, damn, that was gold. Maxie asks, what’s gold?

Shawn says, when he was there earlier, Spencer made a crack about how he used to be able to get his father to do anything for him. Spencer says, first of all, Nikolas is his father, not his dad. Second of all, those days are long gone; his father has washed his hands of him. Shawn says, Spencer might feel that way, but he’s sure that’s not true. Spencer says, care to put money on that? He could use it. Shawn says he would, and he’d win. Spencer says Shawn thinks this is one of those tough love kind of things, but it’s not. Shawn says he thinks the connection between Spencer and his father runs deeper than both of them realize. He also thinks they’re both incredibly stubborn. Spencer says he can’t disagree on the second part, and Shawn says, behind the stubbornness, they’re both longing to reconnect. He thinks if there’s anyone in the world Nikolas would come clean to, it’s his son, and Spencer says, come clean about what?

Anna sees Nikolas and Ava, and says she wanted to talk to Nikolas. He asks what he can do for her, and she says he saved her a trip to Spoon Island. She wanted to ask him about a Cassadine property in Crete. He says, any properties there were sold off years ago. He might be able to provide her with some more information later, but right now he’s here to see Valentin. Anna says, that’s odd. It wasn’t that long ago that they nearly came to blows at the MetroCourt. Not to mention Valentin shot Nikolas out a window and into the sea, and Nikolas was in hiding for three years. He says, recent events have taught him to  rely on his better angels. Can she tell him where he can find Valentin? She says, ICU, but visitation is limited. Ava suggests they come back another time, and Nikolas asks Anna to let Valentin know they were there. She says she’ll be happy to, but while she’s playing messenger, is there anything he’d like to say to his Uncle Victor? Nikolas says, what about him? and Anna says she thought Nikolas would have heard. Victor’s alive.

Valentin asks if Charlotte has seen Scout, and Charlotte says, Scout and Danny were over. He asks if Scout is still interested in ballet, and Charlotte says she is. He says he’s glad. Yuri stops Gladys from coming in, but she says she’s a friend. Valentin says, Miss Corbin? and she says, Gladys. She told Yuri she was a friend; now let her inside. Yuri says, Charlotte is visiting with her father, and Charlotte asks Valentin, who is this person? Gladys says, isn’t she a delight? And pretty. She bets Charlotte knows it. Valentin introduces them, and Gladys says, now will Yuri let her in? Valentin suggests Charlotte take Yuri to the cafeteria for cocoa or something, and they leave. Gladys comes in, and says, my God, it’s worse than she thought. Don’t worry. His Gladys is here now.  

Brando tells Sasha, he can’t believe his mother. He thought she dropped the whole paternity thing months ago. He’s so sorry. She says, first of all, it’s not his fault. She’s not excusing Gladys, but she’s dealing with a lot. In the past few months, her living situation and employment status changed. He says, both for the better, and Sasha says, and she got shot. He says, which is bad, but she’s wearing it like a badge of honor, and she says, on top of everything, the first man she showed interest in, who showed interest in her, literally got blown up on their first date. He says he gets it, and she says, his mother may be… all of the things she is, but she has been through it. He says, even so, she still has to respect Sasha, not only as the mother of her grandchild, but as her boss. He wouldn’t blame her if she fired Gladys.

Austin tells Maxie, you had to be there. He cracked an unappreciated pun. She says she’s glad sense of humor’s back. Does that mean he’s okay with everything? He says he’ll never be okay with giving up his birthright, but in a weird way, he’s kind of grateful that Brook tried to ruin his career. It reminded him how much he enjoys being a doctor. She says she knows what Brook did was wrong, but she doubts Brook would have gone through with it. He says he’s pretty sure she would have. There’s this thing he’s trying to figure out that he doesn’t understand. Maxie was engaged to an extremely bad dude, and she’s besties with a morally bankrupt woman. Is he the only one who thinks she deserves better?

Brook sees Charlotte with Yuri, and says she thought Charlotte would still be visiting with her father, but Charlotte says he sent her to get hot cocoa. Brook says she’d love to join them, but she has to find Maxie. They move on, and Brook gets in the elevator, and says, and ruin her day.

Finn says, Violet found the picture of Elizabeth and her father… and Elizabeth says, she’s bound to have questions. He says, Violet is a very curious little girl, especially where her family is concerned, and she says, that’s understandable, given all things concerned, and he says, even so, he shouldn’t have pushed her, comparing her relationship with her father to his with Gregory. He shouldn’t have done that. Every family is different. She says, she simply doesn’t have a close relationship with her dad, and Hayden never knew him. She’s sorry he’s not an active grandparent to her boys or Violet, but that’s just who he is.

Nikolas says, his uncle is alive? and Anna says, alive, well, and in custody. He was colluding with Peter. They were holed up in a compound in Crete that Nikolas claims is no longer part of his family’s ownership. Nikolas says, to the best of his knowledge, it isn’t, but he can contact his lawyers. She says she would appreciate that, and he asks if Victor has said anything he should know about, and she says, he hasn’t told them much so far. He’s intimated there are secrets to be shared, but he’s angling for a deal obviously. He says, sounds like his unscrupulous uncle. So what’s going to happen to him? She tells him, it’s difficult to say. Victor didn’t survive, and lay low for six years without someone’s help. Maybe it was Peter; maybe it was someone else. Anyway, she’ll be in touch. She leaves, and Ava asks Nikolas, tell her, what is it he’s hiding?

Shawn says Spencer must know he went to prison for shooting Spencer’s former stepmother Hayden Barnes, but he was falsely accused. Spencer says, he’s out now, so they must have found who shot Hayden. Shawn says, the authorities didn’t, but he did. He needs Spencer’s help to bring them to justice. Spencer asks, what can he…? He puts down the tub of dishes he’s holding, and asks what any of this has to do with his father. Shawn says, everything. Nikolas is responsible for Hayden’s shooting.  

Nikolas asks what Ava means, and she says, it’s clear he knows more about Victor than he’s letting on. If she could see that, so could Anna. So she must ask, is whatever it is going to come back to bite them? He says, if Victor had given him up, he’d be in custody and being formally questioned right now, and she says, given him up for what? He says, Valentin shot him and almost killed him, and she says she remembers very well; she was there. He says Victor found him and nursed him back to health, and she asks what Victor wanted in return. He says, they struck a deal. He kept Victor’s anonymity, and Victor kept his. He promised when he reclaimed the Cassadine estate, he would give Victor a home base, and keep his secret. She asks what this has to do with Peter. How deep is Nikolas in with him? He says he had no clue Victor was up to anything with Peter, and she asks if he can trust his uncle to keep him out of it. He says he thinks so. His uncle is an opportunist, and needs Nikolas where he is. She says, unless he’s found a way to leverage Nikolas for his own freedom. He knows as well as she does, betrayal comes most often from those closest to us.

Spencer asks what Shawn means when he says, Nikolas was involved with Hayden’s shooting? Is Shawn saying he shot her? Shawn says, no. We believe Nikolas hired someone to do the job for him. Spencer goes outside, and Shawn follows. Spencer says, who’s we? and Shawn says, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Nikolas is the one who hurt Hayden, not him. Spencer says, if what Shawn is saying is true, then his father let Shawn serve six years for something he… What proof does Shawn have? Shawn says, none right now. That’s where Spencer comes in. Spencer says he wants no part of this, and Shawn says, just ask Nikolas about Hayden. That’s all. Spencer asks why he should, and Shawn says, for Violet, Hayden’s daughter. That little girl is without her mother just like Spencer. Doesn’t he want to know if Hayden is staying away because of something his father did to her? Spencer seriously doubts his father is going to confess to him, and Shawn says, then he doesn’t. Spencer says, what if he does? What does he do then, turn Nikolas over to the police? Shawn says, Spencer tells him, and he’ll tell the police. Spencer says he doesn’t want his father to go to prison, and Shawn asks if Spencer isn’t facing prison right now. Nikolas is holding Spencer’s feet to the fire for stalking Ava, while Nikolas arranged for someone to kill Hayden. Who committed the greater crime? Spencer says he’s sorry, but he needs to get back to work, and Shawn says, follow his instincts. Do the right thing. Shawn leaves, and Spencer takes his apron off and jets. Shawn watches from around the corner.

Sasha tells Brando, Gladys is never going to be a perfect fit for Deception, and he says, he appreciates her hiring Gladys. It gave her a sense of purpose. She says, she also wanted Gladys to earn an income so she could move out. He says, that too, and look how Glady’s repaid her; insulting everybody, and helping herself to the corporate card. She says, Gladys honestly thought she had Brook’s blessing somehow, and he says, how? He doesn’t know Brook that well, but she doesn’t seem like the type who would treat his mother to a spa day. Sasha says, she isn’t, which is why she needs to get to the bottom of this. He says, or she could just fire Gladys. It’s obviously not working out. She says, let her talk to Maxie and Brook, and figure out what’s going on. As for Gladys, she still has a job… for now.

Gladys says, that Charmain of his is a real beauty, and Valentin says, Charlotte. She says, like the web? and he says, like the web. Both of his daughters are rare beauties. She asks, where is that precious bundle of Brook’s? and he says, at home. Why is Gladys here? She says he was so good to her and she wants to return the favor. She took a bullet recently too. He says he heard. She seems to have made a remarkable recovery. She says, it’s not all bad; she’s a weathervane now, meaning, she can tell when a storm is coming. He says, that must be useful, and she says, it is. He thanks her for the visit and the gift, and she tells him to remember the bear is for him, not the rug rats, no matter how beautiful they are. He says he will. He doesn’t want to be rude, but he really should rest now. She says, of course (🍷). You poor, poor thing. He must be exhausted. She sits next to the bed, and asks if he knows she works for Brook.

Maxie says she knows Brook isn’t Austin’s favorite person right now, and she can sympathize. There was a time she and Brook hated each other. He asks, what changed? Brook is still superficial, caustic, entitled, and opportunistic. She says, they’ve been though a lot, and she can’t forget the good things, and he says he can’t forget the promise he made to his father. She asks if he’s at least been reinstated, and he says, he got an informal notice that Brook retracted her statement, but he’s still waiting for them to make it official so he can see his patients. She says, that’s good. It means this whole thing is effectively over. He says, it’s not over, when Brook walks up, and he adds, not by a long shot.

Finn says he knows it’s a difficult subject, but he’s only asking for Violet, and Elizabeth says, she wants to see the picture again. He says, she’s asked a couple of times where the picture of her grandpa Jeff is. He looked, but he couldn’t find it. Does she know what happened to it? She flashes back to tearing it up, but says she has no idea.

Sasha tells Brando, she has an idea or two about how to reach Gladys, and he asks if she’s sure. She knows how his mother is. The more someone tries to manage her, the more she doubles down to cause trouble. Sasha says she’s got this. He can leave Gladys to her.

Brook says she’s been calling and texting Maxie since last night. Why hasn’t Maxie gotten back to her? Maxie says, something was wrong with her phone. She wasn’t receiving any texts or calls, and they suddenly came in a few minutes ago. What is going on? Brook grabs her, and says, they need to talk, pulling Maxie away from Austin. Austin says, before they have this little tete-a-tete, he’s done everything Brook asked him to do, yet somehow, miraculously, he hasn’t been officially cleared to see his patients. Brook says, that sounds like a you problem, and he says, the problem is for his patients because he doesn’t get to see them. She says she did her part. She’s sorry if the administrative wheels of this hospital grind slowly. She’s sorry, but she has bigger fish to fry, and Maxie says, like Valentin? Brook says, like her assistant. Something has to be done about Gladys. Maxie says she caught Gladys using Brook’s corporate card, and had to order her to go back to work. Austin asks if they’re talking about Gladys Corbin, and Brook asks how he knows Gladys. He says he doesn’t know her well, they just met, but she was looking for Valentin.

Gladys tells Valentin, she’s Brook’s assistant, but she’s treated more like an indentured servant. She doesn’t understand how a classy guy like Valentin got mixed up with a bossy bridge and tunnel princess like that. He closes his eyes, and asks why Gladys is there, and she says, he was so understanding the few times they kept each other company. He listened, and accepted her for who she is. Does he know what that is? He says, a force of nature? and she tells him, that’s not what she was going to say, but she likes that better. She asks if she can call him Val, and says, if knowledge is power, than anyone who crosses her had better take cover.

Ava calls to Anna, who says she thought Ava left. Ava says she’s on her way out, but she just wanted to reiterate that if Anna needs anything from her or Nikolas, just let them know. Peter’s reign of terror has to end. Anna says she couldn’t agree more. It was nice to see Ava together with Nikolas. She’s so glad that whole stalker nightmare is over. Ava says, Spencer is facing the music, and she and Nikolas are ready for their happily ever after. Anna says she certainly hopes that’s the case, and Ava says it sounds like Anna has doubts. Anna says she’s not sure that’s even possible, happily ever after with a Cassadine.   

On the phone outside Kelly’s, Shawn says, they picked up his tail?… Great. He’s on his way.

Nikolas is at the docks when Spencer joins him. He asks if Spencer isn’t supposed to be finishing his shift at Kelly’s, and Spencer says, something more important came up. It couldn’t wait. Nikolas asks what Spencer’s done now, and Spencer says, it’s not about him. It’s about Nikolas. Tell him about Hayden.

On Monday, Sonny says there’s something Carly should know, Valentin asks if Gladys’s knowledge concerns him, Spencer asks if Nikolas arranged for his stepmother’s murder, and Britt tells Jason, they’re so close, they have to find her.

🕳 What Comes Next…

Glad to see she’s recovered from that fall.

🌲 Pine Valley Legend…

And just think. She can start a new streak of not winning awards.

😧 Yikes…

Not that it’s in any way her fault – she’s totally the victim here – she just got done talking about how pricey her wardrobe was on the RHOBH Reunion.

🚬 Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em…

Josh Flagg? Really?

💎 If You Didn’t Get Enough…

More on the ongoing saga.

📸 Not Me…

She was framed framing Tom.

🥗 Everybody Is Somebody…

I dunno about this. Didn’t she write for fitness and nutrition magazines?

👠 To Be Expected…

What did they think was going to happen?



You, too, can get in on the fun.


🛥 Final Salute…

He wasn’t on for long, but he seemed like a stand-up guy.


🐯 Tiger, Tiger…

Because we just can’t stop watching.


🎃 Quotes of the Week

Darkness falls across the land, The Midnight Hour is close at hand. – Rodney Lynn Temperton

Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.Edgar Allan Poe

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for out wits to grow sharper. – Eden Phillpots

Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. – Ichabod Crane, Sleepy Hollow

I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly. – Elizabeth, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones. – Stephen King

A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality. – Lucy Van Pelt, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves. – Elvis Duran

If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. – Douglas Coupland

Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night. – Steve Almond

I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. – Wednesday Addams, The Addams Family

Where there is no imagination there is no horror.Arthur Conan Doyle

The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun, the light has been broken; the spell has begun. – Midgard Morningstar

When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween. – Unknown

When the witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween. – Unknown

Werewolves howl. Phantoms prowl. Halloween’s upon us now. – Richelle E. Goodrich

Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us. – Tim Burton

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.L. M. Montgomery

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. – Mason Cooley

There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch. – Robert Brault

On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be. – Ava Dellaria

🧹 Flying Off On My Broom…

See you post Halloween when the Dead are Feared. No matter what you do, have fun, but trust your instincts. And until the wolf howls, stay extra safe, stay doing what makes you feel comfortable, and stay not doing things that make you desperate. You’ll inevitably make mistakes and get caught.

June 6, 2021 – Teddy Launches a Big Stick, My Opinion About an Opinion, Victor’s Motives, Fear Finale, Jumping Time & Get Enough


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

We see Morgan’s town in shambles; a burned out building, doors swinging in the wind, a playground merry-go-round turning. Teddy says Dakota saved Morgan’s life. She thought he was going to give her a fresh start in a place she felt safe, a place to call home, and a family. Did he? Dakota says, no, and we see Morgan walking through the desolation. She says he built a town, and filled it with people, but her sister… Her mom did the same thing, ten times over. She still never felt comfortable in her own skin in any of those places. Teddy says both of them wanted something from her she couldn’t give. They wanted her to be somebody she’s not. He heard her with Alicia. She wants what they all want; someone to love her the way she is. She asks if he thinks she’ll find that person in the new world, but he says she already has. She says, him? and he says, yes. She says he put Alicia in the bunker because he thought he saw something special in her. He says he did. He loves what Alicia will become. There’s something in Alicia that he and Dakota will never be. That’s nothing to feel sorry about. Dakota is so much like him. They’re two very logical conclusions in a world built on a foundation of violence, lies, and self-interest. That’s why they understand each other. He thinks she’ll agree. When he says they’re conclusions, he means they don’t belong in the world the way it is. Things are just about to get started. She asks, what will happen to them? and he says, they’re going to die with everyone else. He knows it’s a lot to take in. She needs to ask herself the question, when they figure it out, does she still want to be a part of it, or does she want to pretend to be someone else just to have the chance to keep on breathing? Does she want to stay as she is in the time they have left? She says she wants be who she is, and he says, good girl. She’s in the right place. The lights come on, and Riley says, it’s the emergency battery. They need diesel to be running before dark. She asks how Riley knows Teddy, and Riley says he was an officer on the boat. Teddy says Riley was a broken man when he found him. Riley found himself like Dakota; found himself without a family to call his own. Riley asks if Teddy has them, and Teddy shows him the keys around his neck. Dakota laughs, and Teddy asks, what’s funny? She says, Virginia had a thing about keys too. Virginia said they’d unlock the future, but she doesn’t think this is what Virginia had in mind. Riley leaves, and she asks, does he know? Does everyone know they’re going to die? Teddy says, everyone here is aware, and she asks how he got them to follow him, knowing they were going to die. He says, it’s easy to get people to follow you. Just offer them something they really want to believe in. It’s just that not a lot of people want to die. I suppose that would be a monkey wrench. We see Morgan put his hat on, and take out a gun. Teddy says, getting them to do that is something else. Morgan looks at his pokey weapon stuck in the ground. Teddy says, it’s something very few people have, and gives Dakota a gun. She asks what it takes, and he says, it’s not that complicated. You just have to be wiling die with them. Morgan looks at Dakota’s note saying he still has things to do. He rides up a hill where Victor and the others meet him. He asks if Victor is ready to do this, and Victor says he’s guessing that’s a rhetorical question. Morgan says, let’s go, and they ride toward the USS Pennsylvania.

Morgan cuts through the submarine hatch, sparks flying. He gets it open, and looks down the stairs. He throws a flare down, and says, it’s a lot further down than he thought. Grace holds a Geiger counter, and says, at 10,000 milligrams, they should start to worry. She should go down first. Morgan says he’s got this, and June says she’s got him covered. He starts to go down the stairs into the sub. Shari radios Luci, asking if they found the naval base. June is worried, but Dwight says, if they fire the missile, the sub is probably the safest place to be. The rest of them are sitting ducks. Morgan asks if they’re ready, and John tells them, fire at anything that moves, dead or alive. Morgan goes down further, and Grace asks what the reading is. He says, 10 milligrams, and goes to the next level. She asks what the reading is now, and he says, still holding at 10. She says, it hasn’t changed? and Morgan says, he thought she said 10… A zombie grabs him, knocking him down, and getting on top of him. He yells, shoot it! and John tells him to move its head. He does, and June gets it with one shot. Morgan says, thank you, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Morgan says, the crew must have all died, and Grace asks what the reading is now. He says, still holding at 10, and she says she’s going in. Cover her. Shari talks to Luci about the naval base.

Morgan hears Grace coming behind him, and she asks if he’s okay. He says he’s fine, and she takes the Geiger counter from him. She says she wants to see if the device is still intact. It’s been reissued twice. He says he knows what she’s trying do, and she says, the same thing as him. He says she wants to make them pay, and she asks if there’s something wrong with that. He says, no, but they haven’t talked about… She says, now is not the time, and calls up to the others that it’s safe. Morgan says he hasn’t pushed it because he understands her pain, but if they don’t talk about it now, they might not get the chance. He has to do what needs to be done to stop this, and he might not make it. She says, we might not make it; she’s coming. He says she’s not coming. She’s got to stay. She’s alive, and got to be here for a reason. He thinks it might be so she can build the future Athena showed her. She says, what about him? He should build a future too, but he says, first, he has to make sure there’s a world left behind to rebuild. The others begin to join them, and June asks if they’re all right. Morgan says, yeah, and June asks him to let her take a look, but he says he’s fine. Grace wants to take more readings, and June tells Morgan to give Grace time. Victor says he’s not sure Teddy’s group are the a-holes they have to worry about right now, and Dwight says, there has to be a crew on that floor. John asks Shari if they know how many stand between them, and where they’re going. Shari radios Luci, asking if she has any idea how many crew members on the boat, but there’s too much interference and she can’t hear. She says, it’s getting worse as they go on, and Grace says she’ll get Lucy. Morgan says, let’s go, and they continue on without Grace, who moves closer to the steps, but still can’t hear Luci.  

Grace goes up the ladder, while the others walk through. Grace asks if Luci can hear her, and says they need to know the count of the crew. Luci says, 150, and Grace asks if they heard it. Victor says he wishes they hadn’t. They also hear zombies beyond the next hatch. Morgan bangs on the hatch with his pokey weapon, and John asks if they have any idea what’s beyond the hatch. Victor asks if it’s the only way, and Luci hears, and says, it looks like it. John wonders if they have enough ammo, and Dwight suggests they hold their fire while they’re down there. Victor agrees, and says, Alicia might be in there. If not, they need to find out where she is. Morgan says he’s going in, and tells them to kill anything that slips by him. June says he’s not going in alone, and he says, no one needs to get hurt. She says, neither does he. Victor hands him the note from Dakota, saying he dropped it. Morgan says it wasn’t for Victor to read, but Victor says, just because Dakota saved Morgan’s life doesn’t mean he needs to give it up there. Morgan says, it’s not about that. He was halfway to being one of those things. He knows how to get past them. Victor says, they’ll be behind him. He knows they’ve had their differences, but Alicia called him to take care of Morgan, and that’s what he’s going to do. John says he’s coming too. He gave up his family to put this guy away. He’s not about to let Teddy succeed now. They all want to go, and Dwight says, no use arguing. Realizing he’s outnumbered, Morgan says, let’s open it up.

Morgan opens the hatch, and going through a narrow hallway, dispatches several zombies in different ways with his pokey weapon. He checks the reading, and says, it’s clear. The others follow, and John closes the hatch. Dwight asks if he’s locking them in, and John says he doesn’t want any surprises. June asks if there’s any way to dismantle the missile from there, and Victor says, it’s not a good idea since they don’t understand it. Dwight says, do they think some psycho that’s been behind bars for 40 years knows how work this sh*t? and John tells them, don’t underestimate Teddy; he’s a resourceful fella. The hear zombies beyond the next hatch, and Morgan sees an intercom. He picks up the mic, and says, Grace? Grace says she thinks that’s the emergency com. They need power. Morgan says, they have to turn the silo off, and asks, which way to the weapons room? Grace calls Luci, and hears Teddy saying, they got there fast. Morgan asks, who’s this? and Teddy says Morgan knows damn well who it is. He says, Teddy? And Teddy says, bingo. That you, Morgan? John takes the radio and asks if Teddy recognizes his voice. Teddy says, he’s afraid he doesn’t, and John says he’ll give him a hint. The last time Teddy heard it, he was in a courthouse listening to his testimony against him. Teddy looks worried, and breathes heavily. He says, Officer Dorie; is it really him? John says he’s sorry he never paid Teddy a visit, but he has no stomach for death row. Teddy says John couldn’t kill him then, and he won’t now. John begs to differ. He has a bullet to put in Teddy’s head before the day ends. Teddy says he sees the day ending differently. No hard feelings. If John hadn’t put him away, he wouldn’t be sitting where he is now. June tells John not to let Teddy get to him, and John asks, where’s the girl? Teddy asks him to be more specific, and John says, where’s Alicia? Teddy says Alicia is safer than all of them, and John asks what he means. Teddy says what he means is, she’s tucked away someplace they’ll never find her. Morgan says, tell him where she is, and Teddy says, they didn’t think she’d be safe by the boat, did they? Morgan says, Teddy is going to kill his own people? but Teddy says he’s giving them a second chance. Morgan tells Grace to get on the walkie, and tell Luci to get everyone as far away from the sub as possible. She copies, and Teddy says, he and Morgan are like two peas in a pod. He’s leading everyone to their end, and Morgan is doing the same thing. Except Teddy isn’t fooling himself about what he’s doing. Excuse him; he’s got to run. He’s about to turn the power on. June radios Grace and tells her to reach her people; tell them to get somewhere safe. Grace says Charlie told her there’s a naval base nearby, but she’s not sure it will be far enough. Victor says, then they won’t fail. They hear zombies knocking on the other side of the hatch, and Victor asks, where’s Morgan?

Victor moves forward, the others behind him. He whispers for Morgan. A zombie pops out, and he sticks a knife in its head. Shari and Dwight see bunks full of dead undead, and Dwight wonders what happened. They keep moving, and Morgan walks further ahead, alone. A zombie come out behind him, and he stabs it in the eye. He starts to open the next hatch, when another zombie comes out, and he cracks its head open with the ax part of his pokey weapon. He goes in, and starts to close the opening, but Victor stops him, saying, let go. Morgan sees zombies coming behind Victor, and tells him, get in. He closes and locks the hatch, and Morgan says he doesn’t need Victor to be there, but Victor says Morgan’s not supposed to be there by himself. Morgan says he doesn’t want anyone else to die, and Victor says, no one has to die, but Morgan says, they might. Victor asks if this is what Morgan thinks he has to do. Dakota said he had things left to do in her note, but that’s not what she meant. Morgan says he’s been leading them from one dead end to another. He promised them something different, something better. He wants to be sure this time. Victor says Dakota wanted him to kill her mother; that’s what she meant, not this Morgan says he has to make sure. Victor says, people follow him because they want to, not because he owes them something. Morgan says he doesn’t know why Victor is even still there, and Victor says, Alicia asked him a difficult question when they were at the lodge. She asked if he was doing this for them or himself. Morgan says, and? and Victor says he’s doing it for everyone. Morgan’s Geiger counter goes wild, and they hear a zombie. A zombie woman stumbles out, covered with boils, we assume from radioactivity. She keels over, and Morgan says, don’t touch it. The zombie gets up all weird, like Exorcist weird, and reaches out toward them, then collapses.

They use Geiger counter, finding heavy radiation coming from the zombie, and Morgan and Victor carefully go around it to the next hatch. The Geiger counter goes crazy, and Victor says he thinks he knows where the zombie came from. Morgan says, the readings are high, when they hear something. He says, they’re about to get power, and radios Grace. He says they’re at the next door, and it’s off the charts at 40,000. Grace says, the only way they’d get that kind of a reading is if they exposed radioactive material. They have to find another way. If Morgan goes in, it will kill him. He asks how long he’d have, and she says she doesn’t know. Days? She yells for him, and Morgan and Victor look up, seeing zombies toddling along the grating above. One drops down, and Morgan says he’s going inside. Victor sees another ladder, and suggests he go up and kill them, Morgan following. Morgan says Victor isn’t thinking it through, but Victor says he wants to do what’s best for everyone. Morgan asks what that is, and Victor says, to live. Another zombie drops down, and Morgan asks if it’s clear. Victor says, let’s go, and they climb up.    

They see several zombies, but they’re behind a barrier, so not a threat. They see dead undead on the floor, and one leaning on the open hatch, all victims of radiation. Victor says he told Morgan there was another way. Lights begin to come on, and Morgan says, they must be getting closer to launch. Victor takes off the other way, and Morgan follows. Zombies come out of the hatch behind them, and they close the door. Morgan says, this is a dead end. It’s a bunkroom, and he sees pictures on the wall of Riley and his family. He tells Morgan, this sailor is one of Teddy’s people. He’s the one who attacked them when Grace was in labor. He says, there’s no way out, but Victor says they’ll find a way. Morgan says he had one. Whatever Victor had to prove, he proved it. Tons of zombies are suddenly coming their way, and Victor says, Alicia’s message was meant for Morgan, because he’ll do things Victor won’t. He struggles with Morgan over the pokey weapon, and Victor knocks Morgan down, ending up with only the pokey ax part. He says, Morgan didn’t want anyone to die. He’s going to get his wish. He kicks a zombie away, and jumps into the hatch.   

Victor approaches another hatch, the pokey ax in his hand. Dakota appears behind him with a gun, and tells him to drop it, and slide it to her. He does, and he says, she’s with them. Of course. She says, they gave her something no one else could. He tells her not to make the same mistake with him that she did with John, but she says she doesn’t think she is. Don’t think he can change her mind, especially after what he did. He says he doesn’t understand, but she says he doesn’t need to, or his people. She gets on the radio, and says, whoever is out there needs to listen. They need to know why they’re not going to stop this. They saved her to give her a fresh start. June did the first part; the second part is something else. If she lived with them, she’d have to be a different person, and fall into their ways. It would never work Morgan’s way.  She asks Victor if he really wants to be the person Morgan wants him to be? That’s why she killed Morgan. Listening on the radio, Grace gasps. Dakota says, Morgan’s way going forward is not how she wants to believe. Victor says, that’s not true, but Dakota says she wants to be the type of person she wants. That’s why killed John. Because of people like him, the world has to end. June told John that it wasn’t too late; the world still has meaning. She’s going to make it have meaning, just not the way he thought. Victor says, Teddy is going to kill everyone; Morgan isn’t. Dakota says, Alicia will still be there. She’s the beginning; they’re endings. When they start again, it won’t be with a-holes like him. She aims her gun at him, but seems uncertain. Victor closes his eyes, and she shoots, but she only gets him in the arm. Morgan comes out of nowhere, and slams her up against the wall, knocking her down with the stick part of the pokey weapon. She’s out, and he checks her pulse. He says Victor claimed it wasn’t on him, but he gave them the key. He did it to save Grace and the baby, and he can’t let it be for nothing. He radios Grace, saying he’s there and he’s all right. She says she’s there, and Morgan tells Victor, this ends now. Victor says, Morgan… but Morgan doesn’t want to hear it. He says they’ll deal with what Victor did later. He’s cost them enough time. Victor hands Morgan the stick part of the pokey weapon, which is now officially a pokey stick.   

Teddy asks how it’s looking, and Riley says, two minutes. He stopped something like this once, but they don’t have what it takes. Teddy says he’s glad Riley did that. His family returned to the earth, and now he can too. He’d be lost without Riley. Teddy radios Sue/Dakota, but gets no response, and an alarm sounds. Teddy gets a WTF? look on his face, and tells Riley, hurry.  

Morgan takes out a handful of key cards, and tries each one to get into the final hatch. Victor wonders where he got them, and Morgan says he took if off a dead soldier’s body after Victor left him. Victor tries to justify his actions, and Morgan tells him, stop.  

Behind the hatch, Riley says, on three, and Teddy says he copies. Morgan keeps trying the cards, but none of them are opening the hatch. Teddy puts in the key, and Riley says, one… Morgan prays the next card works, since it’s the last one. Riley says, two… three. Teddy turns the key. Morgan inserts the card, and the hatch opens. Victor and Morgan tell Teddy, stop, but Teddy says, they can’t. Riley says he told them it was inevitable. By the stairs going outside, John tells everyone, hold on. June tells Grace, they have to go, and Grace yells for Morgan. Everything begins to shake, and all is silent for a moment. They watch as a rocket shoots up out of the sub. Watching from the hill, Sarah says, damn, and Daniel says, that’s a big stick. They watch as it continues to go up into the sky.

Morgan grabs Teddy by his jacket, and puts his pokey stick in Teddy’s face, while Victor trains a gun on Riley. Riley moves, and Victor says, don’t. Riley tells Teddy, they only got one off, but Teddy says, it’s enough to get them started. They’ve begun. Victor says, how much, and Riley says, not enough. Victor asks where the missile is going, and Teddy asks if Riley would like to tell them what targets he programmed. Riley says, there are ten warheads on the missile. They’ll see where they land. It will be hard to miss. Victor says, where? and Teddy says, anywhere; everywhere. Maybe toward the water; maybe toward the town Morgan built. He’s been where Morgan is. A long time ago, he thought he was going to change everything, but a prison sentence put an end to it. What he didn’t realize was, it didn’t really end anything. He knows it’s not what Morgan wanted, but don’t look at it as an ending. The world is going to be a better place soon. Morgan just won’t get see it himself. Morgan threatens Teddy with the stick, looks him over, and lets go of Teddy’s jacket. He says, get out of here. Go. He tells Victor to let Riley go. Riley and Teddy can’t believe it, but get out while the getting’s good. Victor tells Morgan, it could been worse. They could have fired more. Morgan says, it could have been none if he’d gotten there sooner, and Victor says he did what he did to save lives, but Morgan says Victor did it for himself. He wanted to tell Alicia what a big hero he was. Leave. Victor sets down the pokey ax, walks to the hatch, and goes through. Morgan looks at the key in the control panel, and looks around. The camera pans out, and we watch through the hatch as he gets smaller.  

I don’t mean to be critical, but you’d think Morgan might start checking the controls to see if there’s an off button. On the other hand, Z Nation survived a nuclear bomb, so…

Next time season finale, Morgan and Grace reunite, some welding happens, Teddy says it’s almost time, Riley says, it’s just the beginning, and Victor screams.

👩🏽‍🏫 I was reading an article in Forbes, where reviewer Erik Kain not only said FWD’s scenario about a nuke being easily launched was unrealistic, but wondered how, after 40 years in the slammer, Teddy would know anything about how to launch it. First of all, I fail to see how a show about a zombie apocalypse should be expected to do anything realistically. And secondly, Dwight asked that question, and John answered it. Teddy is a resourceful guy. Kain also posed the question as to why Morgan would let Teddy and Riley go. I thought Morgan figured they were going to die in the radioactive fallout anyway, and it would be a more gruesome death than him killing them. Even with the pokey stick.

⌚️ About Strand…

What made Victor tick tonight.


🎞 Coming Up…

A sneak peak at the finale, and yeah, what about Al?


🪂 Possible Jump…

Speculation on what’s to come.


🍃 Taking My Leave…

Time to call it a weekend. Or whatever you want to call the last two days. Until we meet for soap and Sailing, stay safe, stay unprejudiced, and stay resourceful, but not in the same way Teddy is.

October 18, 2020 – Victor Forms an Army, Felix Catches Up & Some Thrills


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

What looks like a gang of convicts is led into the yard of a sugar processing plant. One of Ginny’s rangers says he’s not one to give second chances. It seems Virginia is. Who is he to argue? The people form a line, and he tells them that they’re here because they deserve to be in a grave. Think of it as a final chance to dig their way out. He bangs on a solid metal warehouse gate, and cocks his gun. Zombie noises come from inside, and there’s pushing on the gate. The prisoners all have pokey sticks, and one asks why they’re being made to do this. What’s in there? The ranger says, one way to find out. Aim between the eyes, and whatever you do, don’t get too close. He tells them to move forward, and they move closer, holding their spears ready. The ranger says, door, and another ranger pulls on the chain that raises the gate. Disgusting goop drips from bottom, and pools out on the floor. The gate is only a couple of feet up, and the ranger says, raise it, but the other one says, it’s stuck. Zombies start crawling out, and the ranger says, drop it, but a zombie grabs door guy’s leg, and drags him in, along with one of the prisoners that didn’t listen and got too close. The others try poking at them, and the ranger tells a prisoner, don’t just stand there; drop the door, but he says he can’t. The ranger moves him out of the way, and another prisoner gets dragged in. She claws at him, and says, please. He shoots her. The chain breaks, and the ranger is snatched in. One of the prisoners tries to help him, but can’t, and ends up getting dragged in too. When it’s over, one prisoner named Sanja is left standing, and blood mixed with goop flows out of the door.

Just outside Lawson, Victor dumps something in a barrel, and tells Alicia, that’s the last of it. Alicia pours gas on it, and sets it on fire. She tells Victor, they’d better get back before sundown. Al’s van pulls up, and Victor asks if there’s a problem. Ranger Marcus is driving, and says the wind is blowing toward the canteen, and they can’t enjoy lunch. Move it down. Victor says it’s his sh*t. If he doesn’t like it, come out and move it himself. Marcus gets out, and asks if Victor thinks he’s afraid of him, and Victor says Marcus wouldn’t have the tank if not for him. Marcus asks, if Victor is so important, why is he carrying a bucket of sh*t ? Victor says, he’s not, and tosses it near Marcus’s feet. A girl jumps out of the tank, and tells Marcus to leave them alone. He calls her Dakota, and tells her to get away from the fence. Victor wonders what the hell is going on, and Marcus says they’ll let Ginny settle it.

Alicia and Victor are led through town in handcuffs. Victor tells Alicia, he’s sorry, but she says, don’t be. Victor says, he deserves it, but he’d always thought they’d come into town under more auspicious circumstances. Dakota pops out, and tells them Marcus is an a-hole, which made it funnier. They all introduce themselves, and Dakota says she knows who they are. Alicia thanks her again for her help.   

While getting a haircut, Ginny radios someone to send a ranger to the western territories. He’s got to be out there somewhere. Her secretary or whatever asks if she’s ready for them, and she says, send them in. Victor and Alicia come in, and we see it’s Daniel cutting Ginny’s hair. Victor says he didn’t know Daniel was there, and Ginny tells them, have a seat. She hopes they don’t mind; she wasn’t expecting a visit. She adds that they could use some time in the chair themselves. Alicia asks what she did to Daniel, and Ginny says, nothing. He was hellbent on getting his cat, things got ugly, and he wouldn’t stand down. (I do not want to know.) She says, everyone has to contribute, and Victor asks if that’s the fate that awaits them. Ginny says she was hoping for more from them than cleaning out latrines. Alicia says that’s what she assigned them, and Ginny says, Victor assaulted a ranger in broad daylight. That can’t go unpunished. Victor asks where she’s sending them, and she says, somewhere that suits their more natural talents. She asks them to excuse her. She’s got more pressing matters to attend to. She checks her hair, and tells Victor that he’s already squandered one opportunity. Don’t waste this one. She leaves, and Alicia asks what that was about. Victor say he doesn’t know, and tries talking to Daniel in Spanish. Daniel says he doesn’t know what Victor is saying, and in Spanish, Victor says he doesn’t have to pretend. He asks Daniel to look him in the eyes, and say he doesn’t know who he is. He touches Daniel’s arm, and Daniel says he doesn’t know who Victor is. Daniel starts packing up his stuff, and Victor says Daniel told him to remember who he was in there. Can’t Daniel do the same? Daniel stops, and says he doesn’t know who Victor thinks he is, but he doesn’t know who Victor lost, or what’s weighing on him. He takes out a St. Christopher’s medal, telling Victor that he found it on one of the dead. His wife wore one. It helps people bear heavy burdens. He gives it to Victor, and says Victor needs it more than he does.

Victor and Alicia ride in the back of a tank. The driver tells them, get out; they’re here. Victor hopes it’s not what he thinks it is. It’s the sugar plant, and the ranger takes them to the warehouse, and Alicia asks, what’s in there? The ranger says they’ll find out when they clear it. Virginia is building the future. What’s in there is the key to getting it done… if they survive. They see a prisoner running, and he gets shot in the back. The ranger says they don’t take kindly to runners there. He gives Alicia a pokey weapon that’s no more than an armband, and Victor gets a spear. Alicia says she’s they’re going to need something more to make a dent, and the ranger says they’ll send a truck with supplies. If they’re still breathing when he gets back. He leaves, and Alicia says, they trust them? Victor says, for good reason.

Charlie joins them, and Alicia asks what she’s doing there. Charlie says she tried run away – twice. Janice comes along, and Victor guesses he and Alicia aren’t the only ones in the dog house. He asks what Janice did, and she says, what did she do, or what did they catch her doing? Victor asks, who’s in charge? and she says, the rangers keep it clear. Victor asks, what happened? and looks at the gate. We hear zombie noises, and Janice says, they did. Victor asks how many rangers there are, and she says, ten, nine now. He asks, what about the prisoners? Can they be trusted? She says, some, but not all. He asks, why? and she says, they’re not going to clear this place. They need to get the hell out of there.

Charlie explains that there were too many tanks, and they were leaking. They’re full of molasses, and it sticks like nothing else. If the door jams… Sanja is still there, and Victor moves toward the door chain, telling him, stay back. Sanja says he could have tried harder, but he didn’t. He was just the a-hole who watched. He heard about what Victor did. How he stood up to Marcus. He wishes he had the guts. Someone yells, twenty-four; let’s go. The ranger is back with the truck, and says he got them delivered. Victor and Alicia open the back of the truck, and Victor says, you’d think they could provide better weaponry, picking up a makeshift spear. Alicia tells Victor, this isn’t going to work. They need better people; more people. The rangers have guns. He says, the people there couldn’t cut it. Things could go very bad very fast. This can’t be their only move. Alicia wonders what this is really about, and Victor says, they’ve been listening to other people long enough. It’s time for them to start listing to themselves. Charlie finds Dakota in the truck, and is about to pounce on her, and Alicia says, it’s okay. Dakota says she won’t go back. She heard what they were talking about, and she can help. She knows what happens if they take out a ranger. Alicia asks, how? and she says Virginia is her sister. Victor tells her, come with them.

Hidden under a blanket, Dakota goes with Victor, Alicia, and Charlie to a more secluded spot. Victor says, start talking, and she says, they’re not the first people to try. If anyone kills a ranger, Ginny will hunt them down and kill them. If she can’t find them, she’ll hurt and kill people they love. Victor asks if Ginny isn’t going to come looking for Dakota, and she says Ginny will figure out she’s gone by time it’s dark. She wants to get away, and find other people who do. Alicia asks why Dakota thinks she can help, and Dakota says she knows who they are. She saw their tapes. Her sister was obsessed with them. Victor says their reputation precedes them. He asks how they escape, and Dakota says she knows what’s inside the warehouse. They just need to get it. He says, what? and she says, a weapon. He asks, what kind? and she says she doesn’t know, but it’s important enough that Ginny keeps throwing bodies at it. She wants what’s in there. Someone is out there trying kill her, and she wants to use it. He asks, who put it there? How does she know it’s in there? And why are so many dead between it and them? Dakota says, if they can get it, they can overpower the rangers; use it against them. Alicia asks why they should believe her, and Dakota says she hears what goes on, like the deal Victor made. Alicia asks Victor, what deal? and Victor says, sh*t. It’s not what she thinks. Alicia walks and he follows her. He says, Ginny splits people up. He asked her to keep them together. Alicia asks, why do that? She can take care of herself. Victor says he did it for himself… what he needs to do to survive. He can’t do it without help. Not without her. It’s the least she can do. She asks what he means, and he says Daniel told him to remember who he is. She helps him do that. It’s not about right or wrong, but about being someone you can look in eye when this is over. Alicia says, then he doesn’t think they should risk it? He told her they needed to make a decision for themselves. She thinks they should make this one. He asks if she really thinks there’s a way to do it, and she says she does. He says, okay; let’s do it then. It’s going to be dark soon, and Ginny will realize Dakota is missing.

Some of the other prisoners join them, and Victor asks a prisoner if he’s sure, and he says he wants to get out as much as they do. Sanja stands by the gate, and Victor says it’s their last chance to get these things out of the way. Alicia says, it will work, and Victor asks if Sanja is ready. He says, now, and Sanja raises the gate. Inside is a track, like the metal things set up when you wait in line for a ride. The zombies amble out, and Victor and Alicia bang on the metal bars. Sanja looks like he might have a heart attack, and the group stands ready. As the zombies come out, they stab and spear them one by one. Zombies are pouring into the track, and as they’re killed, the group takes turns adding them to a pile. They’re coming faster, and Sanja holds the side of the gate where they’re coming out; it looks like it’s about to burst. Alicia tries closing them off, but one grabs Charlie, dragging her in. Alicia stabs it quickly, and pulls Charlie away, but another zombie tries to pull her back. Dakota comes in from the side, and stabs it, and Alicia asks if Charlie is all right. Charlie says she’s okay, and Dakota shows her the knife, saying she can thank the ranger who had a run-in with Victor. A ranger’s voice says, all right. Get away from her. Two rangers are there, and one comes up to Dakota, asking what the hell she’s doing. She radios Ginny, and says they found her. She tells the group to put their weapons down, and they do. Dakota says she’s not leaving. The woman reaches for her, and Dakota backs up, saying, don’t touch her; she’s not allowed. The ranger says they’ll see what Virginia has to say about that. The gate isn’t holding any longer, and Victor tells everyone to pick up their weapons. He tells Sanja to let go of the gate, and the zombies through. The ranger radios for help. Victor and Alicia stand ready.

The zombies are corralled, and Victor says, they can do this. He tells everyone, spread out, and lifts the latch to the gate. A ranger tries to take grab Dakota, but she runs. Alicia, Victor, and the others use pieces of the broken gate as shields as they kill the zombies. One of the rangers is drug into a cluster of zombies, and that’s the end of him. I laugh, then Dakota pushes the other ranger into the zombies, and I really laugh. Victor loses his weapon, and says he thinks he knows how get something. He and Dakota run to a trailer. Sanja is in the trailer, and asks Victor not to make him go out there. Victor beeps the horn, and asks if they’re moving, but Sanja says, no. Victor keeps beeping, and Sanja says, it doesn’t work. Victor asks for Sanja’s knife, and tells Sanja to follow him. He tells Dakota, don’t move. Sanja says, Victor knows how much trouble they’re going to be in, and Victor says they were in trouble anyway. Sanja says he should have taken the rangers out; why didn’t he? Victor says, good question, and stabs Sanja. He says Sanja said he wishes he had stood up today. Today is the day he gets to be a hero. Victor gets the zombies’ attention, and basically tosses Sanja toward them.  

Inside, Charlie and Alicia take the rangers guns, and shoot the zombies. Victor watches as the zombies tear Sanja apart. Alicia and Charlie make short work of the zombies, and I think, that was fast. Why didn’t they just do that in the first place? Victor says, they did it. Alicia sees a mangled Sanja, and Victor says he tried to stop him. It’s what he wanted. He did it for them. On the radio, they hear Ginny say, don’t let her out of your sight. Victor says there’s not enough time to get what they came for. Dakota joins them, and they go back into the warehouse.  

Victor says, there’s nothing there; there’s no weapon. Dakota says, there has to be. Virginia said so. Alicia says, or they were sent on a wild goose chase to expose them. Dakota says she’s not lying, and Charlie says, they believe her. Victor says, here she comes, and Alicia says, they can’t hold her off. He says, no they can’t, and tells everyone, it’s over. Let’s go. Alicia, Charlie, and Janice follow him back out, with Dakota straggling behind. Ginny asks where her sister is, and Victor says, these people were just acting at his behest; just punish him. She says, why would she do that? He did what no one else could. Alicia says, for what? and Ginny says, the key to survival. Victor says, there’s nothing there, and Ginny says she’s been looking for a true leader. Each and every one of them is the key. This is how they survive. Congratulations. He formed an army. She goes over to Dakota, and says, never leave her side again. The rangers lead them out, and Victor asks Ginny what she wants an army for? Some of them are not her biggest fans. How does she expect them to follow her. She says that’s his job. He can find young soldiers – she shows him a Pioneers key – and this will allow him to use them however he sees fit. When the time comes, and she calls for a big show, he’d best be ready.  She gives him the key, and he puts it in his pocket.   

Daniel cuts Charlie’s hair, and she says he really doesn’t remember the warehouse? Skidmark? None of it? He asks if she’s a friend of Ofelia’s, and she says, no. Victor comes in, and says they’re loading the trucks at the gate. He has her things. She tells him, wait, and takes her banjo out. She plays, and Daniel whistles. He says, The Traveling Wilburys, and she says, yeah. He taught her; she learned it from him. He says, it’s a beautiful song.

Alicia opens the car door. Janice says she’s not coming. Victor wants her to stay there and work in the laundry. He said he had his reasons. She tells Alicia, good luck, and Alicia says, her too. Victor asks for a minute, and Alicia says he has the key to the city. He says it will afford privacy. They almost died. Sanja did, so they could do what they did. It could have gone differently. He should have hesitated. She says because he didn’t put a target on their backs by killing the ranger? and he says he didn’t trust his instincts. He knew what needed to be done, and he couldn’t. Like he told her, she made him remember the person he is. He needs to do the things he needs to do now; for him, for her, for all of them. To do that, he has to forget that person, and he can’t with her by his side. She says she’s seen him do plenty, but he says he doesn’t want to drag her down. He needs to forget who he is, but she doesn’t. He gives her the St. Christopher’s medal, and says, whatever happens, don’t ever forget. He backs away, and the ranger says, let’s go. Alicia walks to the car, and looks back at Victor. She looks at the medal, and gets in the car. It drives away.

As he walks back, Victor wipes a tear away.   

Daniel gets a donkey cart ready, and a ranger tells him, hurry up. He’s got to get going. Victor comes by, and says he felt sorry for Daniel because he didn’t remember, but now he envies Daniel. Victor keeps walking, and the ranger gets in the cart. Daniel whistles as he drives. He suddenly stops, and tells the ranger that he left his good scissors inside. The ranger says he’ll have to make due, but Daniel says it will take him twice as long to work with what he’s got. The ranger tells him, stay there, and goes back into the compound.

Daniel looks around, and gets down. He whistles, and hears a whistle back. He tells donkey, did you hear that? A zombie comes out of the woods, but before it gets to Daniel, someone stabs it in the head from behind. The person wears a cloak that hides their face, and Daniel says, much obliged, friend. If they are a friend. It’s Morgan, and Daniel says he knows who he is. Morgan says he could use Daniel’s help, and Daniel says he looks like he could use a haircut. Morgan says, it’s good to see him. Daniel says he thought Morgan was the him that she was looking for. They shake hands.

Next time, Morgan gets a shave, the end is the beginning, a lot of rats, and Morgan finally gets a better weapon.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Iris found out that Hope decided to sacrifice herself, and tried to get her to come back, but Hope refused. She said it had to be her. She’d found an office toward the front that had a siren. She was going to set it off and clear a path.

Silas got some backstory this time. We saw he’d been arrested, after it looked like he’d committed a murder, possibly his grandparents and/or parents. I have the feeling there’s something more to it though. In his flashbacks, we saw Silas and his uncle meeting with Felix, who said because Silas’s uncle had sponsored him, he was going to get a fresh start. His uncle told him, no matter what anyone said, he was a good kid. He later met Iris while he was cleaning her dad’s lab.

Silas told Elton that he didn’t have what it took to kill a zombie, but would hold the bags while Elton did the killing. Silas wandered off and had a zombie encounter, but when he was about to whack it out of existence with a giant wrench, he remembered whatever it was he’d done before, and hesitated. Iris came to his rescue, perpetuating the idea that he was scared.  

Felix and Huck caught up to the group, and Iris explained what Hope had gone to do. Meanwhile, Hope went to the rooftop, but when she started to crank up the siren, the handle broke off. Felix couldn’t believe that Hope left a trail of breadcrumbs, but when he came to find her, she’d gone rogue and kamikaze. Iris said she didn’t think it was just about their dad any longer, and Silas said their mistakes shouldn’t have to follow them, but sometimes did. He thought Iris did something she felt bad about. On the side, he told Iris that he thought if he came with them, he’d be strong, but he wasn’t, and Iris confessed that she didn’t feel strong either. She didn’t care about her sisters mistakes, or Silas’s, and he said she should. She asked what he was afraid of, and he said, himself.

Iris radioed, saying she took the siren apart, but couldn’t put it back together. Iris told Hope that they could do this, like when they were kids. Iris said she’d get the siren going, but when they heard it, they had to haul ass. Elton didn’t understand the phrase haul ass – which I found hard to believe, no matter how sheltered he was – and Iris had to explain it meant run. Hope was able to hand crank the siren, which drew the zombies. The group managed to haul ass, and get out and past them.

Silas flashed back to reading Iris’s copy of The Tyger by William Blake (Tyger, Tyger, burning bright…), and heard her read it in his head as he walked. As Hope ran, zombies followed, but got stuck in some oil, which she set fire to. A zombie grabbed her, and Iris arrived in time to help, but ended up in trouble herself, and Hope returned the favor. Everyone reconvened outside the airport, but one of the humongous piles of tires started to fall against the fencing. Silas held it until the zombie arrival, and another moment while Elton ran in to grab his suitcase, then let it fall, blocking the zombies in. Then they all stood there, looking at the zombies, and I was like, why aren’t you hauling ass?

The kids all refused to go back. Iris said she and Hope wanted to keep their promise to their dad, and suggested he and Huck help them. They were going on with or without them. Huck told Felix there was no turning them around, so keeping them safe was all they could do. Hope and Iris sat on a dock, and Hope said she was tired of being scared. She told Iris about how she’d felt responsible for their mother’s death, and how the pregnant woman had shot their mother, then Iris shot her. She didn’t want what happened to change the way Iris saw her, and Iris said they were kids, the goddam sky was falling, and none of them were ready for it. Iris held Hope she cried, and told her that they’d get through it. They were going to have to.

Felix said Iris and Hope’s dad would want them to be safe, so he and Huck were going to make sure none of them got hurt. Iris asked if that meant he was coming with them, and he said they gave him no choice. Hope said she was sorry for dragging him in, but she was glad he was there. Hope asked why Elton had gone back into the devil’s a-hole for his luggage, and he said his mom’s manuscript was in it. She’d almost been done, and he wanted to finish it. Hope told him it was an a-hole, but badass move. Silas remembered his grandmother telling him that life was good. They made it good.   

A recruit named Slade visited Elizabeth, wanting to know what happened that they killed an entire colony of people. She asked what he’d been told, and he said that they’d neutralized a threat, but with respect, it didn’t seem like a threat. She turned on all the appliances, so there was noise covering what she had to say. She told him they had energy, water, medicine, transportation, a council, school, culture, currency, agriculture, manufacturing, and law. They were the last hope. They inherited a population of over 200,000 to live and create the future. They might not have seemed like a threat, but they were going to be. Slade said he didn’t know if he believed that.  

They ate soup in silence, and there was a knock at the door. Elizabeth told him to answer it, and he opened the door to a couple of soldiers. She told him that he was to be remanded to the health and welfare complex in a labor oriented capacity until he was ready to serve again. He said he didn’t think he’d ever be ready to serve again, and she said then he wouldn’t leave. He asked if she thought about how many died, and she said they were the lights of the world. He said that was a lie, and she told the soldiers to take him out. He said he knew what they did.  

When he was gone, Elizabeth put all the appliances on again, rolled up her sleeves, and cried, dripping tears on her map. 

Next time, Felix wonders how to keep everyone alive, and Hope says it’s about to get bad.  

🧛🏽‍♀️ After Such a Dead Night…

It’s late, and I’m off like a dirty pair of underwear, as my dad would say. Until we reunite on Deck, stay safe, stay altruistic, and stay away from too much sugar. Especially if it’s covering zombies.

October 28, 2019 – The Verdict Is In, Brandy Makes It Out Alive, Dualing Rogers, Maurice Works Overtime, a Better Joe & Halloween Thrill


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

I missed the very beginning, but it’s all self-explanatory today, except for Julian asking Willow what she’s doing at Charlie’s with Wiley.

At Kelly’s Alexis tells Kendra that she felt better post-workout than before. Is that possible? I’m confused at her confusion, since I thought that was normal. Kendra says, anything is possible if you put your heart and soul in it. Alexis says, and your glutes. Kendra says she’s proud of Alexis. She’s Kendra’s most improved most improved client. Alexis says, thanks to her. If Kendra hadn’t taken her on, she would have gone from fad to fad. She pauses, and says she’s lying. She wouldn’t be doing anything. Kendra says she can’t take credit. Alexis is doing all the work. If she follows the routine, she’ll achieve results she never expected. Alexis says, speaking of that… She takes the jar of her supplement out, and says she carries it with her now. Kendra says, it’s great stuff, isn’t it? and flashes back to putting whatever into Alexis’s supplement. She tells Alexis that she swears by it.

Michael and Chase spar at the gym. Michael says the situation with Sasha is driving him crazy. He comes there to let off steam, so he can be a rational person. Chase asks if it works. Michael knocks him down, and says, yeah.

Willow tells Julian that she’s babysitting, but she’d be happy to take Wiley elsewhere. Julian thinks it’s a strange choice to ask her to babysit, but she says if Brad and Lucas want her to be part of Wiley’s life, it’s their business. She won’t apologize for taking them up on it. Julian asks where they are, and Willow says, they had a doctor’s appointment. Julian says, both of them? Dammit! Therapy.

Neil asks about things between Brad and Lucas, and Lucas says, if it’s a difficult subject, Brad tends to deflect. Things between them are dreadful. Brad says Lucas pushes, and Lucas tells Brad that he’s worried. The doctor must be too, or he wouldn’t have asked Lucas to come. Neil asks Lucas to tell him, in his own words, why he came, and Lucas says Brad has always been sensitive, but since Wiley came to live with them, he hasn’t been normal. Brad asks if it isn’t normal for new parents to be neurotic. Plus, Wiley was kidnapped. Lucas says Brad was like this before the kidnapping; an insomniac tending to overreact, and with frayed nerves. He’d thought it was a new father thing, and let it go, but it’s not. Neil asks if Lucas had a hunch, and Lucas says he does think Brad is keeping something from him

Sonny tells Laura that personally he hopes Franco stays with Drew’s personality, and starts over on the west coast, but it has nothing to do with him. Scotty reached out, and wants him to get involved. He’s not asking her whether he should or not, but wants a sense of what’s going on. He respects her judgement. Laura laughs, and says she knows. She’s wouldn’t say this to Scotty or Elizabeth, but she feels sympathy toward the man who calls himself Drew, who desires more agency over his life, and the power to make his own decisions. Sonny says, but… and she says her heart breaks for Elizabeth, her grandchildren, and Scotty. Franco is hugely important to all of them, and now he’s just gone.

Judge Lasser tells the courtroom, while the witnesses had a positive effect, they have no bearing on the legal matter. The court’s riddle is not who the plaintiff is or who he should be, but whether he has the capacity to answer questions himself, and whether he has the autonomy to make a decision that could cost him his own life. Thus, there’s only one opinion that’s of concern. The medical witness has testified to the soundness of the plaintiff’s faculties, and she has no choice but to rule in favor of the plaintiff.

Elizabeth looks stunned, but tells Cameron, it will be okay. Cameron gets up, and says the judge can’t do this; it’s wrong. Judge Lasser understands they’re disappointed, but an outburst in court won’t be tolerated. Scotty tells Cameron to sit down, and look at him. It’s not over. The judge says she hereby releases the plaintiff from Shadybrook, and Elizabeth’s power of attorney is voided. Franco thanks her, and asks if he’s free to go. She says, court is adjourned. He goes to Kim, who welcomes him to the rest of his life, but he doesn’t really look too happy about it.

Julian ask Willow if that’s it; therapy? She says they just left a number. He tells her to give it to him, but she wonders how it’s his concern. Julian apologizes, saying he just needs to know where they are. Willow gets her phone, and gives the number to Julian. He calls, and says, dammit. They’re in Neil’s office. Willow asks what the big deal is, and he says he told Brad that he shouldn’t bring a shrink into their issues. Willow says, if they have issues, that’s the perfect person to bring them to.

Neil asks why Lucas doesn’t think Brad is being honest, and Lucas says Brad lied about where he’d been recently. Then mysterious flowers showed up. Brad says, oh my God. He has no idea who sent them, and he already explained why he went to see Nelle. Lucas said he’d let it go. Lucas says he spoke too soon. Nelle did horrific things to his family, and Brad insists on being friends with her. Neil asks how it makes Lucas feel, and Lucas says, abandoned, betrayed, and like his family doesn’t matter; he’s an afterthought. Brad says Lucas and Wiley have always been number one. Everything he does is for family. Lucas asks, then why would Brad speak at Nelle’s parole hearing? Brad says everyone deserves a second chance, like he had. Lucas says Brad wasn’t murdering people. Neil asks what Brad was doing, and Lucas says, lying to save himself, and keeping things from everyone. Brad says Lucas thinks he’s reverting to form. Ditching being a good guy, and starting to be bad Brad again.

Sonny tells Laura that he feels bad for Elizabeth. Laura says, it’s a confusing time, and he says love makes you desperate. She jokes that they wouldn’t know anything about that. Sonny says, who? Them? Laura says you don’t think rationally, and don’t make the wisest choices. She asks him not to blame her for using the friend card. She knows there’s no love lost between him and Scotty, and he says, that’s putting it mildly. She says, Scotty is a dad, scared for his son. As a father, she thinks Sonny might find some small measure of compassion. Sonny says, comparison for Scotty? Laura says she knows it doesn’t exist, but Sonny says, for her, he’ll try, and they hug.

Alexis shows Kendra that she’s carrying the supplement with her. Kendra says it’s good she’s making it last; it’s not easy to come by. She suggests Alexis think about being a distributor, and Alexis says she should probably take Kendra up on that; it would be cheaper than a therapist. She shares some supplement with Kendra, who says she can’t imagine Alexis needing a therapist; she seems so well put together; successful, beautiful, a career, a loving family. Alexis says, it didn’t happen overnight, or without sacrifice. Kendra says, no pain, no gain; she gets that. She recently suffered a major family loss. Alexis says she’s sorry; she didn’t know. Kendra says she doesn’t talk much about her brother. He was taken far too soon, and too young.

Alexis says she’s sorry for Kendra’s loss. Sonny comes by, and she introduces him to Kendra as Kristina’s father, and introduces Kendra to Sonny as her trainer. Sonny asks if Alexis can talk for a second, and Kendra excuses herself to give them a minute. Sonny says, trainer? and Alexis says he should be glad. Exercise keeps her from freaking out about Sam. He says, Diane has it covered, and Alexis says it’s a challenge not to be involved professionally. She has no idea what’s going on with Sam in prison.

Michael and Chase both lie on the matt. Michael asks if Chase is alive, and Chase says he’s not sure he’d call it alive. How’s Michael’s face? Michael says, it’s still there. Chase says he’s surprised; he didn’t expect Michael to be such a good boxer. Michael tells Chase not to let the nice guy fool him. He practically grew up in the ring. Chase can see that, or more accurately feel it. Michael says he took the Sasha stuff out on him. Chase says he’s the one who asked to spar; it’s okay. Falling in love? He knows the feeling. But just so it’s clear, he did let Michael win. Michael says, lies, and Chase says he’s just playing.

Julian tells Willow he thinks Brad and Lucas are making s mistake seeing a shrink. She asks, why? and he says, Brad’s been acting erratic lately. It’s starting to effect his relationship with Lucas. Willow says, then it’s good they’re getting help, but Julian says it’s never a good idea give a shrink access into your head. Just ask his sister. Willow says, Ava was seeing a madman not a therapist. Julian asks if there’s a difference.

Brad says Lucas thinks he’s regressing, but Lucas says, no. Brad says Lucas just thinks he’s the same as he’s always been, and Lucas tells him, that’s not what he said. He believes in Brad, but also believes Brad is keeping secrets. He thinks somewhere Brad lost faith in him, in them. He wants things back like they used to be. Brad says he wants that too, and Lucas says, does he? Neil says, his two cents. They began the session talking around and at each other. Now they’re talking to each other. It’s not pretty, but it’s real. Like it or not, it’s called progress.

Franco asks Martin, now what? There’s something he has to do. Martin says he can do anything he cares to. He’s his own man; free to be whoever he wants. Martin tells him, good luck, and they shake hands. Kim thanks Martin, and he says, it was his pleasure. Now he’s going to get some friend chicken. Just kidding. He starts to leave, and tells Scotty, that was fun. Until they meet again. Scotty says he’d better hope they don’t. I call Martin a creep. Cameron says, Franco is gone, and Scotty says he’s golng to be off like a jack rabbit. They’re never going to see him again. Cameron tells Scotty that he can handle it, but he doesn’t know if his mom can. Elizabeth says he doesn’t have to take care of her, and Scotty says they’ll figure it out. Cameron asks, how? Scotty says he’ll figure out how. Doc understands it hurts, but his hands were tied. Scotty says, not his, and punches Doc. Laura walks in.

Laura asks if Doc is all right, and Doc says he’s fine. She asks Scotty, what’s wrong with him? and Scotty says, Doc took his case. He had the one chance to save them, and he blew it. Doc says he had to tell the truth. and Laura says she was just defending Scotty, saying he should be treated with compassion. Hit Doc again, and he’ll get none from her. She tells Doc to sit; he’s bleeding. Franco tells Elizbeth, Cameron, and Scotty, this the way things are now. They need to accept it. Cameron runs out of the courtroom, and Trina follows him. Scotty says he thought Ryan had the lock on destroying families, but his twin is just as skilled at it. Franco looks at Elizabeth.

Chase tells Michael that he’s going to have to reschedule his date for an ice bath. Michael says tell Willow that he’s sorry, and adds, it’s getting serious. Chase says, living together will do that. The other day, they were watching Wiley, and Willow blew him away, seeing her with her son. He couldn’t help think… one day, maybe. A part of him is saying it’s too soon, but he told that voice to shut up, and enjoy the ride. Michael says as an incredibly wise beat up man once said, he knows the feeling, and he’s happy to say it.

Lucas and Brad arrive at Charlie’s, and Willow says she told Wiley that his daddies would be back. Lucas takes Wiley, and Willow says, he was an angel. Julian asks how the appointment was, and Lucas says, fine. Willow needs to make a phone call, and Lucas needs to change Wiley, and they step away. Julian says Brad and Lucas went to therapy after all, and Brad says they’re making progress. He said he’d handle it, and he did. He looks at his phone, and says, dammit. Obrecht was forcing him to do something, and now she wants him to undo what he shouldn’t have done in the first place. This day keeps getting better. Julian suggests Brad change his password while he’s at it, in case she got into his phone.

Alexis tells Sonny that Jason always has Sam’s best interest at heart, but he always makes the situation worse. Something terrible happens, and Sam end up in the hospital, or in handcuffs. She knows the only way for her to help is to not help. In which case, she’s still helping. Sonny thinks it’s good Alexis has a workout regimen. Kendra dumps half of her water bottle out in a tub of dishes, and peeks out from around the corner. Doesn’t anyone notice her lurking?

Sonny leaves, and Kendra comes back. She thinks it’s cool that Alexis and Kristina’s father are so close. Alexis says they’re a good match on Kristina’s behalf. Kendra loves how they come together for their daughter’s sake. Alexis says, when push comes to shove, they do, and there’s been one push and shove too many. She thinks those days are over, since Kristina seems to be doing well. Alexis checks her phone, and has to go. She tells Kendra that she’ll see her later.

Julian tells Brad that Willow was asking questions about him and Lucas. Nothing major, but maybe he wants to chat her up, and let her know thing between him and Lucas are copacetic. Brad says, even if they’re not? and Julian tells him, just go. Lucas comes back with Wiley, and Julian says he meant to ask Lucas about the florist he used to get Brad the flowers. Lucas says he’ll have to ask Brad. Julian says he didn’t realize it was a sore subject, and Lucas says Brad didn’t know who they were from. Julian suggests Lucas make a video; he and Wiley were practicing for the Nurses Ball. Lucas asks if it isn’t a little early, and Julian says, it’s never too early; ask Lucy. Lucas says he’d rather not. He picks up Brad’s phone, but can’t unlock it. Julian says Brad changed his password, and Lucas wonders why.

Sonny goes to the gym, and tells Michael to let him know if he needs help with Valentin. Michael says Sonny is strictly back-up. Michael leaves, and Sonny is about to close up, but Cameron and Trina come in. Sonny says they can stay, but tells Cameron to go light on the heavy bag. Cameron tells Trina he was thinking about Oscar. As much as he feels horrible, and wants to scream, and punch people, he knows if Oscar was there, he’d feel the same about his mom. They’re both ripped apart. Trina says it’s not simple. There are no bad guys… except that sleazebag lawyer. Cameron says, and the people who did this in the first place. Trina is sorry, and wishes she could make it better. Cameron says she can hold the bag.

Laura finds Elizabeth in the hallway. Elizabeth says she needs a minute, and Laura says she’ll stay with her. She doesn’t want to go home to the boys in that state. Doc tells Laura, he almost lied. He almost said what Scotty wanted, but if he had to hurt someone, it might as well be with the truth. Laura says he did the right thing. He leaves, and Laura goes to Elizabeth. She suggests they get out of there, and clear their heads, but Elizabeth says there’s just one thing she needs to do first.

Kim tells Franco it was hard with Cameron. Is he okay? He says, it was just a lot. Elizabeth comes in, and says you can’t leave. Kim says court is over, but Elizabeth says she’s not talking to Kim. She’s talking to the man who took her husband’s place. He can’t leave without saying goodbye to their family. If he does that, she’ll let him go. She walks out.

Chase joins Willow, and Willow asks Brad if everything is okay. Brad says it’s never been better. Sometimes you need an outside perspective. As Brad goes back to Lucas, Chase says he thought his brother was tightly wound. Willow says, so it’s not just her, and he says, no.

Julian tells Lucas that people change their passwords all the time. Lucas says not when they’re married with a baby. You grab the nearest phone. Julian says he doesn’t think about that stuff, but he’s sure Brad had a reason. Elizabeth and Laura come in, and Julian hands Wiley back to Lucas, leaving to wait on them. Brad joins Lucas, and Lucas hands Brad his phone, saying he forgot it. He asks why Brad changed his password. He went to shoot a video, and couldn’t get into the phone. Brad says he read about spyware and keyloggers, and it freaked him out. They should all be worried about personal information. Lucas says, personal, or secret?

Kendra dumps out the rest of her water bottle, and switches Alexis’s supplement container with one from her backpack.

Outside Kelly’s, Alexis calls Neil, and says she just finished. He says he just said goodbye to his last client. Does she want to meet up? She says she would, but she has some legal research. They agree on another time. Kendra comes out, and says Alexis forgot her supplements. Alexis says, heaven forbid. It helps her a lot, and she has a lot of work to do.

Julian asks Elizabeth how it went, and she says, it was all for nothing. They ended up losing Franco. Julian says he’s sorry, and she says, her too.

Kim thinks she and nuDrew should go and celebrate, but he doesn’t feel like celebrating. Kim tells him, it’s not a betrayal to be happy. It doesn’t make him a bad person to want to start the rest of his life. Franco asks, what life? He got everything he was asking for. Now what does he do with it?

Cameron hits the heavy bag, as Trina holds it. He starts to go nuts, hitting it harder and harder. Then he starts to cry. Trina goes to him, and they hug. Sonny watches.

Laura takes Elizabeth’s hand. She tells Elizabeth that she doesn’t have to go through this alone. Elizabeth says she keeps trying to think what would Franco tell her? What advice would he give her? But it’s getting harder and harder to hear him. It’s really happened. Franco is gone.

Kim tells Franco, they’ll figure it out together. Start fresh. Go somewhere far away. He asks if she wants to leave Port Charles, and she says there’s nothing left for her there. Is there something left for him?

Sonny hears someone come into the gym, and says they’re closed. Scotty says he’s not there to fight. Sonny owes him, and he has to collect.

Tomorrow, Maxie asks Peter what’s going on, Jason isn’t comfortable putting Sam’s life in the hands of one person, Kim tells Franco that he’s what’s best for her, and Scotty wants Sonny to make it right.

Below Deck

Still at the beach picnic, Helen says Brandy is impacting her time; it’s her vacation. Kate calls Captain Lee to confirm they’re getting Brandy to the boat as soon as possible. He tells her, affirmative. They put Brandy in some kind of stretcher, and Brian says he’s freaking out because it’s not safe. They tell Brandy that it’s okay; they’re getting her back. In her interview, Kate says this is why she loves guests like this. Their friend is being carried off because of a medical emergency, and they’re just not letting it ruin their vibe. One of the guests says Brandy will be okay in a few hours. Obviously, they’ve been at this rodeo before. Helen asks Kate to take a picture of her and her girl squad.

Captain Lee says he’s getting a medic to the boat. Kevin assumes he has one less for dinner. In the captain’s interview, he doesn’t know what’s wrong. He’s seen a lot of situations, and if you hesitate, someone could die. He sits at Brandy’s bedside like he’s her dad. The picnic breaks up, and the guests get ready to head back.

In her interview, Simone says she used to get bullied, so when Kevin said her job wasn’t rocket science, she felt hurt. Kate understands, but keeping her away from service could be worse, Courtney radios Kate, who’s still at the beach, saying she’s been with Brandy. She asks if Simone can switch places with her now that the guests are coming back. The captain says, the medic is on his way. In his interview, he says he’s responsible for every swinging d*ck on board. Like it or not, it’s his responsibility. He has to keep everyone safe. If he has to call a professional to do it, there’s no doubt that’s what he’ll do.

Kate cleans up on the beach with Tanner. Abbi and Brian bring the supplies back, and the captain notices Abbi’s hair isn’t tied back. Tanner asks if Kate would like to split a bottle of wine after work tomorrow. In Tanner’s interview, he says, Kate is like a friend/aunt. She’s sexy and beautiful, and you never know. You have to roll the dice. Helen tells Kevin, lunch was fabulous. In his interview, he says he wants to make the dinner on their last night special, since the seafood extravaganza turned out to be just fish. His standards are high for himself. It can’t be midcore. He’s stepping it up for tonight’s dinner.

The picnic supplies are unloaded, and the captain tells Ashton to remind Abbi to put her hair up. He does, and she says she gave her elastic to Brandy. Ashton suggests she have more than one, and I’m thinking, is she kidding? She couldn’t find something else? She doesn’t seem to grasp that her hair could get caught in something. Like gears. Courtney serves the guests drinks while they’re in the hot tub. Captain Lee tells Brandi the medic is there to look at her. The doctor asks how she is. He asks her a few questions, and she claims she’s feels fine now. Kate is just glad she’s breathing. It’s all she can hope for. The doctor asks if Brandy has been drinking, and she says only been drinking champagne for the last two weeks. If I’d had coffee in my mouth, I’d have done a spit-take. He tells her to only drink juice now, and she agrees, but I believe it if you believe it. The doctor’s diagnosis is that Brandy has had too much alcohol, and Brandy goes back to sleep.

Tanner tells Simone that he and Brian were in the water all day, and he has a rescue under his belt. He says he’s getting hammered tomorrow after work. Ashton tells Tanner to help Brian bring in the water toys. Brian tries to use a pulley to bring up the slide, but it gets stuck. There are a lot of bleeps, so I’m guessing this is a really bad thing. Brian says he screwed up the davit, and the captain is going to be pissed. He goes to the bridge to talk to Captain Lee, while Tanner pulls up the slide manually. Brian says he wanted to tell the captain face-to-face. He messed up the cable on the davit. He wasn’t thinking. The captain says let him guess. He was lifting the slide, and the cable came out of the roller. He says, it’s not going to be easy to fix. It’s a lot of work, and expensive. Brian takes full responsibility. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, this is a major screw up with a $60K piece of equipment. Once is a mistake; twice is a pattern. He appreciates Brian coming to him, but the screw up is on Ashton’s shoulders. It’s his department; make it run right.

Kate says Brandi is all right; she’s sleeping. In Kate’s interview, she wishes every guest on every charter would sleep for the entire charter. She could do that forever. Kevin tells Kate, there are seven showing up for dinner, plus the captain. He’s going to do some Asian sh*t first. He was digging around in the freezer, and found some fresh fish, along with local prawns. Simone is back on laundry duty, and the captain calls Ashton to the wheelhouse. He tells Ashton about the massive screw up, and that Brian tried to use the davit to pull up the slide, and broke it. It’s difficult and expensive to repair. To Brian’s credit, he came and told him, but he should have told Ashton, his supervisor. Captain Lee says he doesn’t tolerate fools. Kate sets the table for seven people.

Abbi hates the uniforms, saying, that’s not what boating is; it’s bullsh*t. Ashton tells Brian about Captain Lee calling him out. He had no idea Brian was using the davit to pull up the slide. Again, there’s a lot of bleeping, and Brian says he doesn’t normally screw up. In Brian’s interview, he says he’s had enough experience to know he should have gone to Ashton, but the adrenaline was pumping through him, and he wasn’t even thinking. Kate jokes about Courtney’s radio voice. The guests pick out which Rolex to wear tonight.

The captain calls Kevin to the wheelhouse. In his interview, Captain Lee says he doesn’t like to babysit, but when the chef is being vindictive with the interior, and Kate brings it to his attention, he knows it’s serious. He tells Kevin that he understands there was a dust-up in the galley. Enlighten him. Kevin says he got flustered when he had to call Simone for service. He told her that he was sorry, and they hugged it out. In his interview, he says it was between him and Simone, and they’d sorted it out. That Kate told Captain Lee about the incident pisses him off. At least he knows where he stands. They don’t like each other. Grow the eff up. Kevin tells the captain that he tried sort it put as quickly as possible. They’ve got to have a happy boat. Kevin turns and walks out, and in his interview, Captain Lee can’t believe Kevin had the balls to turn his back on him, and walk out. Kevin doesn’t have to like him, but he has to respect the rank. He’ll own Kevin’s ass in a heartbeat. Will we end up seeing Ben on this show too?

Ashton tells the deckhands, it’s been a challenging day. They’re becoming adapt at overcoming them. He tells Brian not to feel bad, but if something goes wrong, tell him first. In Ashton’s interview, he says, there seem to be a lot of little mistakes happening. We flash back to the stuck tender, Abbi’s radio issue, and the davit. Ashton says he’s in a leadership role. He knows the captain is watching and it sucks.

Brandy sleeps on. Kevin says he’s making Thai street food on a classy level. I don’t even know what that means, except he leaves the heads on the prawns. Everyone seems to like it, and I guess they’re drunk enough to eat a whole prawn head. Kevin tastes the next course – a piece of fish wrapped in a leaf or something – eating the whole thing. Kate asks where the seventh dish is, and Kevin looks confused. He says, fu-u-udge, but he doesn’t say fudge. He tells Kate that the captain isn’t getting one. Courtney says, they just don’t give him one? In Kate’s interview, she says, Kevin forgot an entire main dish for the captain. For a chef so particular, he served his mistake to his boss on a silver platter. I say, or not, to Kate. Helen says, it’s like a piece jewelry on a plate. She must be really drunk. In his interview, Captain Lee says Kevin pissed him off, and now he’s not going to feed him? He’s not in a good mood. Kevin tells Ashton that he ate one to taste it, and Ashton is like, are you kidding? Kevin says he used the rest for the extravaganza yesterday. Ashton leaves the galley, making a face like he might die laughing any moment.

Oh man this is one of the most amusing episodes in like, forever. Since the foam party.

The captain ends up eating a garnish, and in his interview, asks if he looks like a rabbit. He will have Kevin’s ass for this. Kate can’t believe Kevin didn’t try to fake something. Brian tells Courtney, Tanner is going to be sipping wine with Kate, just the two of them. Tanner says he suggested they split a bottle, and Kate said, how about two? Well, she did say that, but I translated it to mean she wanted her own bottle. She jokes around with him, but no way would Kate sleep with this dude. Kevin cleans up the kitchen, and says goodnight, no doubt hoping to avoid the captain. The captain lingers over a drink at the table, and Kate asks about dinner. Captain Lee says he’s not completely full. Kate says, everyone had a full meal except for him, and he says then Kevin acted like it’s what he wanted, patting him on the shoulder. He calls Kevin a condescending little pr*ck. In his interview, the captain says, if you’re going to be an arrogant pr*ck, don’t piss off the boss. He asks Kate, what would he have served if Brandy showed? It’s piss poor planning. Kate tells the stews that they did a good job. I’m loving Abbi’s nightgown or robe or whatever it is. Very boho. In Simone’s interview, she says she’s disappointed to be back on laundry. She doesn’t want to be the laundry girl. Abbi suggests Simone tell Kate that she wants to practice service, and ask if Courtney can do laundry.

Kevin sneaks around. Courtney and Kate look at Tanner’s Instagram, which is filled with photos of Tanner showing off his physique. In Courtney’s interview, she says that kind of body is a negative for her. She doesn’t like people who work out that much. That means they don’t have time for her, and they’re not cuddly. Kate says, if he would just… Courtney says, not do that? They call him an a-hole.

Uh-oh. Brandy is up and moving. She wanders around, and asks Courtney for juice. She wonders where everyone is, and Courtney says, no one is up. Brandy asks what time it is, and Courtney tells her, 12:30. Brandy says, at night? In Courtney’s interview, she says she wants to scream. Brandi asks for champagne with the juice, and Courtney asks if she wants a mimosa. In her interview, she says she’s only serving, not making judgement calls. She’s not going to correct someone who had an exorcism earlier today. Brandy flops down on a couch and makes a phone call, yelling at the person on the other end. Courtney tells Kate, already in bed, that Brandy is in the main salon and wants a mimosa. She wonders if she should just put sparkling water in the juice. Kate pulls some clothes on, and goes back with Courtney. Brandy asks why Kate is up. She looks tired. Brandy starts yelling into the phone again. Kate tells Courtney, this is not real life. In her interview, Courtney wonders what is going on right now. Brandy wanders off again. Kate says, she’s asleep, and she and Courtney run to bed.

The guests wake up to a buffet. The captain says, let’s get out of here. The anchor is in the pocket, and they’re moving. Simone tells Kate that she’s getting the hang of it. In Kate’s interview, she says, the great thing about Simone is, she’s trying. Her intentions are to improve, and Kate can work with that.

Kevin goes to the wheelhouse, and asks the captain how the dinner went down. Keeping his eyes on the horizon, and not looking at Kevin, Captain Lee says, it was okay. Kevin says, sorry about missing out on the fish. Still not turning to Kevin, the captain asks how it happened. Kevin says he thought he had eight plates, and could test drive one. Captain Lee says, good thing the other guest didn’t show up. They’d have been screwed. It’s a helluva way to run a railroad. Kevin has an unlimited budget, and instead of having more than enough, it seems like Kevin has just barely enough. There’s silence, and Kevin slips out. In Kevin’s interview, he says he messed up, but he didn’t expect the captain not to address him or look at him. That the captain thinks he didn’t do a good job got in his head.

Tanner asks Kate if she’s down for wine action after work, and she says, always. Helena hands Kevin a little velvet pouch with panties and pearls in it. She wants him to put on the panties, take a selfie, and send it to her. Kevin is confused. Kevin reads that it’s an erotic self-love kit. They debate what the pearls are for. Courtney doesn’t think they go inside anywhere, and Kevin asks what she thinks they’re for. She says she’s leaving. The panties look like something lacey from Victoria’s Secret, and he doesn’t know what to do.

Everyone packs. Brandy says, YOLO. They dock, and Brandy is still drinking. Ashton tells Courtney that Brandy’s suitcase is heavy, and she says, there must be a lot of deep emotional problems in there. I literally lol. Helena gives Captain Lee an envelope, saying it’s a reflection of how amazing they are. Richard says they can handle anything now. After the guests leave, the captain says, they’re gone; get after it, and they do.

At the tip meeting, the captain says the have number two in the books. He’d said he was waiting for the other shoe to fall, and it dropped. He compliments Ashton for coming through on the tender. He looks at Kevin for a moment, and moves on, telling Kate, good job with service. In Kevin’s interview, he says the captain made a point of indicating he’s not doing a good job. The tip is $20,000, or $1800 each. Abbi’s never held this much money, and says she feels like a baller. Captain Lee tells them to have fun. Simone tells Courtney about Tanner having a date with Kate. She’s gotten good FBI skills from working in the laundry. In Courtney’s interview, she says she’s into it; she’s nosy. She wants to know all about it. Kevin comes out to help the crew. Ashton says he likes Courtney, but she’s not his type of girl. He likes to banter. In his interview, he says she’s a stunning girl, but not open. He wants to know what’s going on inside. He says, there’s always a possibility. Never rule it out. Ashton tells the deckhands, when he drinks, there’s an Ashton inside that wants to get out.

Kate gets her to-do list done. Courtney says she heard Kate might have a date with Tanner. Kate tells her that she said she’d share some wine with him, but Courtney says, he thinks it’s a date. In her interview, Kate says a glass of wine at the bar is now a date. Tanner is adorable, but before she agrees to a date, he has to have the balls to call it one. She tells Courtney that she’ll wear her new uniform.

Tanner paces while Kate gets ready. In her interview, she says he’s adorable, but if it’s a choice between Tanner and washing her hair, she’s going to wash her hair. The crew does shots. Ashton laughs because Tanner can’t find Kate. She finally comes down, and says she washed her hair. She can’t do that in the bar, but she can have wine with Tanner there. They head out in a party bus. Ashton says he loves Courtney; she’s a team player. In Abbi’s interview, she says, the charter was long and terrible. She’s ready to get hammered.

They go to The Kee in Phucket. It’s getting harder to refrain from making jokes. Ashton toasts to a challenging charter. Brian says he learned his lesson last time, and we flash back to him bugging Courtney about smiling more. He says he’ll do shots, but not as many as last time. Kevin just wants to drink. In his interview, he says he cares about the captain’s approval – seriously? – but it is what it is. He’s ready to drink this one away. In Kate’s interview, she says a sober Tanner is super cute, but a sober Tanner is never out with them. Tanner reminds Kate about their wine date, and she tells him that she said she’d have wine with him. In her interview, she says he has to be more sober, or she has to be more drunk. Brian asks if Tanner is all right, and he says, nope. Ashton tells Courtney that she’s beautiful and an old soul. He wants to learn more about her. He asks what her two biggest flaws are, and she says, that’s a dumb question. In Courtney’s interview, she asks if this is a job interview at McDonald’s. She hopes he doesn’t think he’s romantic.

Simone dances. Brian, who’s suddenly wearing a red and white sailor shirt, asks if Courtney wants to have a drink with him. Kate loves that Brian is being hardcore in a sailor shirt. Kate tells Ashton that she likes them together, and Ashton is bummed. Someone says, let’s bounce, and Ashton almost gets left in the elevator on the way down. Everyone is half asleep going back in a taxi. Courtney asks Brian to carry her to the boat. Kevin has his head in Kate’s lap. Walking down the dock, Abbi tells Simone that she was serious about her drinking. She falls down, but bounces right back, saying she loves to sail, and  they’re heading back to a motorboat. Everyone goes to bed, but Abbi stays in the galley, eating everything in sight, saying, she loves meat. She finally goes to bed.

It’s another day until charter. Brian wishes he could have kept the shirt. Ashton had fun, but wishes he could remember everything. Abbi tells Simone that she can’t get up; she tried. In Simone’s interview, she says, it’s like Abbi is on her deathbed. This is why Simone doesn’t like drinking a lot. Walking on the dock, Kevin thinks the captain’s comments are getting to his head. He’s definitely not a quitter, and doesn’t want to make this the first time. It would be a bad move, but he could hop off here, and they can cook for themselves.

Ashton tries to call Abbi, but she’s not responding. Tanner says she sent a group text that she doesn’t know if she’ll be up by nine, and needs to be near a toilet. In Ashton’s interview, he says, she’s there to be a deckhand, not have a good time. Where does she get off? He tells Tanner, he was on deck at nine, no matter how hard it was.

Next time, a girls trip charter, Tanner gets sick, Ashton feels like the wheels falling under the bus, and Captain Lee says if Kevin doesn’t step up, he’s going to be fired.

👦👦 Two Todds In One…

My absolute favorite talks about playing a dual role inside the same person.


🚴 Hardest Working Man In Soap Business…

And a mighty good man.


👓 Juicy Once More…

Why is it, every reality star who goes into prison, comes out looking better?


👹 Halloween Is Coming…

And you probably knew this would too. Remember where you were the first time you saw it? I do, and we’ll just leave it at that.