October 24, 2021 – Grace Gets An Offer From Victor, Percy Tries To Kill Huck, Head In a Box, What Teddy Did, Easter Eggs, Credits & Well


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

Fear the Walking Dead

Morgan runs with a Baby Moe, and tells Grace, go. In the submarine, Moe is crying, and Morgan turns on the light. He gets up, goes to the Moe, and picks her up. Grace comes in, and he says he thinks the baby is hungry.

We see The end is the beginning scratched in the side of the sub. Grace comes out in a mask and protective gear. She walks into the red dust, as a zombie claws at the ground. She keeps walking and goes into a store that rats are now populating. She calls out, asking if anyone is there, and sees blood on the wall; it’s still wet. She asks again if anyone is there. The stores shelves have almost nothing on them, but she finds a can of baby formula. She’s about to use her Geiger counter on it, when she hears someone coming. She gets on a shelf, but the shelf above it falls, making a lot of racket. Someone comes in with a flashlight, and says, over here. Grace uses the rogue shelf to hide herself, and kicks out a rat. A woman squeals, and a guy says, rats. Grace watches as much as she can. When it seems they’re gone, she slips out of the shelf, and uses counter on the food. It goes crazy, and she says, dammit. She throws the can, and says she’s right here. She goes outside and yells, asking if anyone can hear her. She screams that they can take everything from Her. She screams and cries in frustration, and says she doesn’t want to be there anymore. She passes the clawing zombie who reaches for her as she goes past.

When Grace gets back to the sub, Morgan looks like has headache. He says, his turn to go out. Maybe he’ll have better luck. She tells him, she’ll go again, but he says, there’s a reason why they limit exposure time. She was exposed before the fallout, and the weather patterns have changed the readings. She’d said six hours was the longest either of them could be out. It’s his turn. He’ll be back when the clock hits zero. He leaves, and she walks with Moe, who continues to cry. She watches the clock, and says, just for a minute. She puts the swaddled baby in a bed, and says she knows. It’s not fair. Moe didn’t ask to be there, and neither did she. She knows what Morgan said, but she can’t sing to the baby. She runs out, and gets a tape player, putting some music on, and the baby quiets down. I think, why didn’t she try this two hours ago?

Grace is sleeping. The clock says zero, and Morgan turns it off. He tells her, it’s okay; it’s just him. She says, he was right. Moe likes music. Did he find anything? He says, no, but to be honest, he didn’t look. He was working on something else. She asks, what? They go outside, Grace carrying Moe, and there’s a car, a luggage rack on top loaded with stuff. He says, it’s their way out of here. It’s safe. He made sure they’re protected from radiation. He puts Moe in the hatchback, and he says, the air in there is as clean as it is in the submarine. They should get in. Inside, he shows Grace a map, and points out how the warheads spread out. He says they can make it out, but she says, they don’t know what it’s like out there. Why is he doing this? He asks if it’s not what she wanted, and she says, it’s no place for a baby. He says they should go. They can build something someplace else that will actually last. She says he’s doing this for her? He says, and Moe. She can even pick the music. He hands her a cassette, and says, it’s a road trip, and it will keep Moe asleep. She puts in the tape, and they pull out.

Morgan drives, and Grace looks out the window. She says, the bombs detonated from the ground. Just because they can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Morgan wonders if they’re headed in the right direction; that’s what matters. She says, she’s trying to tell him that he doesn’t know that, and he says, after everything they’ve been through, they deserve a break. The Geiger counter goes off, and he asks if she’s okay. Is she sure it’s the right road? She says, yeah.   

They drive through a messed up town, and Morgan says, things are gonna get worse before they get better. Grace wonders what happens when they get to where they get. She fiddles with the tape, not wanting to hear the song, and Baby Moe starts to cry. Grace gets upset, and Morgan swerves to avoid a truck, and they run off the road. Moe cries, the song keeps playing, and Grace tells him, make it stop. They get out, and Morgan looks at the back tire. He says, it’s flat; they can’t drive on it. He thought he saw a body shop, and asks her how much time they can spare. She says, thirty minutes, and he says, they’ve got to move. She walks off, and he asks what she’s doing. She takes off her mask, and says, the car will be lighter. He’ll get further, and the rations will last longer. He tells her to put her mask back on. There’s no time to argue. He says, he needs her, but she says, that’s not true. He’s been doing the heavy lifting on his own already. He says, she’ll die, and she says she knows; she’s okay with that. They didn’t want any of this, and she knew what it was going be like; how hard it would be. It will take longer and be more painful with the three of them. He says, they have to take care of Moe, but she says, he decided that, and she says, she doesn’t have to. She’s sorry, but she can’t. She doesn’t have it in her. They hear a gun cock, and a man says, sorry to interrupt their argument, but he doesn’t have time for this sh*t. A fire has started near the car, and a bunch of people come out. Morgan tells them to stay away from the baby. Take the car, but their little baby Moe is inside. They just want to take her someplace safe. A woman says, her name isn’t Moe, it’s Emma, and the man says she’s not their baby. The baby is his and the woman’s. The woman looks in the car.   

Moe cries, and the woman insists Moe is her baby. Grace looks at the clock, and whispers to Morgan. Morgan asks about their bandages; were they close to the blast? It doesn’t matter whose kid Moe is; they have to protect her. He’s hearing the clicking from the counter, and it wasn’t as fast before they showed up. They guy tells him, if he wants to help, just fix the damn tire, and Morgan tells Grace that he’ll get them out. He’s worried about Moe being exposed, Grace says she’s more worried about the time running out. Moe can survive this, but she can’t survive that. He says, they’ll get what they need out of car, and move; it won’t take long. Grace tells him that she won’t give up now, not when she knows he and Moe could end up dead too. She’s still here, and with the one she wants to be with. Morgan says he’s never apologizing again for giving her and the baby another day, and she says, they won’t be the same family with Moe, but he says they’ll be something different. Zombies scrabble at the garage door, and the man says, the baby has to keep quiet. Morgan says he’s going as fast as he can, and the man tells the woman to shut Moe up. She says she’s trying, and the man says, remember what happened last time. Morgan tells Grace to get the tape. The man goes over to the door, and Morgan asks, what happened to the zombies? The man says, they fell in the crater, and the woman says, be careful. They fall apart, and you don’t want them falling apart near you. Grace gives the woman the tape, and Moe settles down as soon as the music plays. Morgan doesn’t think the door is going to hold, but the man says, it will as long as more don’t show up. Grace says she helped the woman, didn’t she? What’s her name? The woman says, her name is Bee. Grace introduces herself and Morgan, and Bee says her husband is Fred. Fred says, it’s not a potluck in the church basement, and Grace asks if they lived there. Bee says, across the street, and Grace asks about the others. Bee says, they were people who lived in the buildings in town, and the man tells Bee to wrap it up. The others aren’t known for their patience, and Bee says they have to leave. It’s not safe here. Grace says, they weren’t lying when they said they know what’s best for Moe. They can all fit in the car, and leave together. Morgan says, he knows a safe path, and Bee says, they know about Padre? Grace asks, what’s that? and Fred tells Bee, be quiet. Morgan says his daughter might be out there, and need help. The car is ready to go. The man throws a duffel bag in the car, and tells Morgan and Grace, against the wall. He’ll never forget how they helped his family. Morgan says, at least let them get their stuff, and as Fred reaches into the car, Morgan grabs the gun, and shoots Fred. Fred and Bee take off in the car, driving right through the garage door. Grace wants to get Moe someplace safe, but Morgan says, it’s not about Moe, it’s about Grace, because she’s scared. He shoots the car window out, and Grace says, she lost child too, and he says that’s why he has to do this. He shoots again, and the car stops. He opens door and drags Fred out, tossing him aside. Bee jumps on Morgan’s back, while Grace takes out Moe, and runs back with her. Morgan throws Bee to the ground, and sees she has a messed up face. She says she’s not one of them yet, and he says he’s going to keep it that way, and drags her back up.

Morgan boards the door as best he can, and asks where Bee and Fred were when the blast happened. She says, a few miles away, and he asks if that’s how they got the burns. She says, no. When the bombs went off they were under cover; they got this later. She knows there’s not much time. Morgan says Moe isn’t her child, and Bee says she’s not his either. He says, not by blood, but he promised her father that he’d take her to a better world; at least someplace where that’s possible. Bee asks where they’re taking her, and Morgan says, outside the fallout. Fred says, after the bombs went off, a storm pushed it toward Louisiana. They scrounged enough gas to make the trip. At least they thought it would be enough. Bee tells them, keep driving that way, and  they’ll end up like her and Fred. Morgan asks where they were trying to take Moe just now. Fred says he’ll show Morgan, and points on map. He says, they know it’s safe. They know it’s better than here from the people on the radio. Morgan asks if Fred is sure where it is. Fred hesitates, and Morgan says, if Fred doesn’t tell him, he can’t help. Fred says he knows where it’s not, and there’s only one direction left. Grace says he’ll get himself killed that way, and he says, it’s too late for that, and she says, he’ll get Bee killed. She and Morgan have a place. It’s not much, but they’re protected. They left because they didn’t have enough food. If Fred and Bee come back with them, and bring their supplies, they can buy time. They hear a gunshot or an explosion or something, and Grace says, they can’t stay here much longer. Morgan says, he’ll get back to the car, fix the tire, and they can get back on the road. Moe starts crying, and Fred says she’s going to draw attention. Grace says, they need to get in the car now. They open the door and punch out some zombies and shoot others.  

Back in at the car, Morgan asks how they’re doing, and Grace says, they need to go back. It’s the only way make sure Moe stays safe.  Morgan asks, what is Padre? and Grace says, he told her that she was scared , he was right. She is, but she’s not the only one. He says he’s doing the only thing he can, and she says, that’s because he’s scared too. What he wants might not be possible. He says it’s close to what he once had. It’s not even much. He just wants to be sitting at the table with the woman he loves, sharing a meal, angry at their kid because he’s reading comic books and not talking to them. She says, she’s telling him, that might not be possible, and he says he doesn’t know what she wants him to do. She thinks they need to go back, and they hear something. Headlights come toward them, and Bee asks, who the hell is that? Morgan says, let’s not find out right now, and a spotlight shines on them.

Morgan tells everyone, take cover, and they get in the car. Grace goes back to the garage with Fred, and tells him to get in the back, and keep Moe quiet. Someone gets out of the mystery car, and stands in front of it. Morgan gets ready to shoot, while Bee cowers in the front seat. Morgan says, take another step, and he’ll shoot, but they keep walking. He shoots, and they keep coming, so he shoots again twice, and they fall. In the garage, Grace tries to keep the zombies from getting through where the glass is missing, and Fred paces as Moe cries. Bee says they have to get back to Emma, and Morgan asks if she hears something. He looks in the back, and sees the duffel bag move. He asks what really happened her baby. In the garage, Fred is getting frustrated, and Bee yells, no, no, no! Morgan shoots the bag, and says he’s sorry. She was already gone. Bee says, she wasn’t gone, and Morgan tells her that she has to admit it. That’s how you start saying goodbye, and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over. Bee says, Emma wasn’t doing well. She’s a baby, and woudn’t stop crying. Inside, Moe cries, and Morgan asks what Bee is saying. Bee says she didn’t want to see Emma suffer. Morgan calls to Grace, then yells into a tin can being used to communicate. He asks if she can hear him. She responds, and in the back, Fred tells Moe, it will be better this way. He moves to smother the baby, and Grace shoots him in the back. Grace paces with crying Moe, as the zombies stick their hands through the boards, and one pokes its head in. Grace remembers Athena, and rocks Moe, singing to her. Moe gets quiet. Grace hears a car horn, and looks out. Morgan drives into the building, and smiles, but behind him, there are headlights down the road.   

Morgan says, it doesn’t feel right, leaving Bee behind, and Grace says, she gets it. Bee wants to spend the time she has left with her husband and child. Morgan says he’s sorry, and she tells him that he doesn’t have to say it. He saved her chasing after what had should have listened wanted to give Grace and Moe what he had. She says he didn’t fail Moe or her, and he says she’d still rather die than live with him, and she says, not because of anything he did. He says, maybe they’re trying too hard. They’re trying hard to fix themselves, when it might be all right to be just a little bit broken. They’re not replacing Athena. He says she knows he’s right, and she puts her head on his shoulder. She says she knows, and he drives into the darkness.

Grace and Morgan got back to the sub, but just as they’re about to settle back in with Moe, they’re confronted with men in masks and protective gear, brandishing guns. Morgan says he doesn’t want any trouble, and the head guy removes his mask, and says, that makes two of us. Morgan says, it’s their sub, and the man says, the last time he checked, the USS Pennsylvania belonged to the Pacific Fleet. Morgan asks if they’ve been following him and Grace; were they the ones who came at them on the road. The man says he told Morgan that he doesn’t want trouble, and that sounds like trouble. Morgan says, they just thought they’d steal from them, and the man says, Morgan Jones? Morgan asks how the man knows his name, and the man says, Victor told them all about him. Morgan says, Victor’s alive? and the man says, very much so. And here they thought this scout was going to be a bust. He says, she must be Grace. Victor told them all about her too. How would she like to secure herself a place in the tower? Morgan says, the tower? and the man says, sorry. Morgan didn’t make cut. It’s safe, Victor has built an ark to carry them into the future. Morgan says, it’s actually safe? and the man says, Victor is doing what Morgan couldn’t do. They have food, water, and security. What does she say? They could use someone with her expertise. She says she knows what Victor did to Morgan. She’s not interested in what he has to offer. Morgan says she should think about it, but she says, it’s what she wants. The man says Victor is going to be disappointed, and tells his crew, let’s go. Morgan says, wait, and the man says, he already told Morgan that he’s not welcome, but Morgan says, what about the baby? The man says, Morgan would give her up? and Morgan says, she could use a good home. If Victor is building a place for the future, he’s going to need people to live in it. Grace says, Moe wouldn’t have what they can give her, and the man says, she’d have better. It’s the only chance for Grace and the baby. Grace says she’s staying there, and the man says, suit yourself.

The men leave, and Morgan asks if they raided the pantry, but Grace says, there was nothing left to take. She wonders if those guys didn’t run them off the road, who came after them? He says he’s not sure, but they have more immediate problems. Moe’s going to be hungry again soon. Moe crawls across the floor, and Grace gets excited, saying, she’s crawling. Morgan says, they’re going to have to baby proof a whole submarine, and she says, great job, Moe. She notices something with the flooring, and pulls up a corner. She tells him, look. There’s something under here. They find a trap door where tons of cans are stored. She says, it’s enough for months. Morgan laughs and says, powdered milk.

A dog eats out of can by a campfire. A guy sits down with a box in front of him that says Morgan Jones on it. He opens it, and takes out a zombie head. He tells the head, sorry. Mr. Jones got the best of him today, but there’s always tomorrow. The head gnashes its teeth.    

Next time, Day 69, June doesn’t know how dangerous it is, and Morgan says he’s coming for Victor.

The Walking Dead: The World Beyond

Huck flashed back to washing up on a dock in Omaha with a broken arm.

Iris and Hope were all happy to see each other. Felix and Will were headed back to town, when they saw Huck and Hope. Felix told Will to stay out of sight while he went back. He gave Hope a hug, and Huck said it was just like old times. Elton was hiding on the back porch, and Asha asked him why he wasn’t out there with his friends, but he said he didn’t know. Indira asked if Huck’s mother knew she was there, and Huck said, she doesn’t and she won’t. Indira reminded Huck that the Perimeter had not seen bloodshed since its founding, and she’d like to keep it that way. Felix asked what she wanted, calling Huck Jennifer, and Hope said they wanted Felix and Iris to come back with them

Silas and co-workers Webb, Tiga, and Grady, went zombie hunting to very loud, but not awful music. Dennis barked orders at them, and Silas noticed a CRM plane overhead. Dennis took this for daydreaming, and told Silas, cut the music and get ready to clean up, unless he wanted to end up at the wrong end of a kill stick. He said Silas was coming with him when he was done.

Iris asked Hope, what about being together, and being kept safe? Hope said their dad was safe, but he was worried, and it could get him hurt or worse. Felix said Huck’s mom had just been there with soldiers. He knew something was up, and wanted to know why Huck was there. He thought she wanted to use Hope to lure them out. Asha asked if Elton was okay, and he said he was afraid Hope sensed he was there. He jetted into the woods, remembering Hope saying she’d killed his mom.

Dennis stitched up a wound on Silas’s palm, and Silas talked about how his dad had been into music. Dennis asked how it happened, and Silas flashed back to helping Elton escape, while he turned himself in. He asked if music ever brought living people there. So I guess Dennis is a good guy? As good as he can be in the situation anyway.   

Huck said Felix would be safe. They just had to pretend they didn’t know she was with the CRM. It was just one lie. Iris said, what about their mom? and asked if that was one lie. Hope says she was going to tell them, and Huck said their mom had been lost with the Campus Colony. Iris said she believed the CRM was behind what happened at the Campus Colony, and Huck said, they were all about bringing the world back. Why would they do that? Iris said she couldn’t prove it, but there was no way in hell she and Felix were going. Hope said it wasn’t about her, but about her dad, and Iris said they’d be idiots to go back without a way out. Felix agreed, and Huck told them Silas was alive, and she’d made sure he was taken care of. They could come and see him. Hope said this was the first she was hearing about Silas, and Iris asked to speak with Hope alone. 

Elton snuck around, finding a bunch of medical supplies in a shed, and Asha startled him. He asked what the place had been, and Asha said it was an old hunting blind. Forget he saw it. He asked if there was a side deal going on there.

Silas’s co-workers saw him outside the Perimeter, and accused him of trying to bail on them.

Hope told Iris that she was starting to understand why their dad was into his research. She also told Iris that their dad had a girlfriend. She mentioned Mason, and Iris said it sounded like Hope was meeting guys. Hope said, if they went to the facility, they could think things through and plan, but Iris said they’d be prisoners. Hope said they were all they had, but Iris said she couldn’t. Hope said Iris could, but she wouldn’t.   

Huck was going for a walk, and Felix followed her. They had some words, and Huck walked away. We heard a zombie, and Felix came up behind Huck and cracked her over the head, which surprised me as much as it surprised her. While she was down on the ground, he grabbed the zombie and held it about six inches from her face, and said he would come looking for her and find her. He wasn’t killing her now, but he wanted her to know what it was going to feel like when he did. He tossed the zombie aside like an old shoe, then smashed its head in. He told Huck to enjoy her walk.

Silas’s co-workers took him to a warehouse, decorated like one part Hot Topic and one part Studio 54. They gave Silas a bat, told him to swing at anything that moves, and disappeared. A bunch of zombies came at Silas, but he held his own, picking them off one by one. Then a new batch replaced them, and Larry, Curly, and Moe Webb, Tiga, and Grady came out too. They told Silas that he’d almost broken the record. It was dine and dash; you dash or they dine. They were ready to jump in, but Silas had handled it. If he had their backs, they could have his. Silas thew the bat down, and walked out.   

Will told Felix that Percy was alive, and after Huck. Felix said he could get them all killed if he was caught, and they went after Percy.   

Dennis explained to Silas that it wasn’t the end. It was them saving themselves from the end. They had to accept basic training, and he needed Silas to step up. Silas said he was looking for his friends. They’d gotten split up, and someone in their group was a killer. The others might not know. Dennis said, maybe his friends could handle it, but Silas said Dennis didn’t know Huck (he does know Huck, but as Jennifer). Dennis said Silas wasn’t allowed to be afraid of someone whose name was Huck. His friends might be stronger than he thinks. Running away was giving up. Dennis told Silas to get some sleep, and gave him some booze to clean his hand <wink-wink>.

Percy aimed at Huck in the woods, but Will provided distraction, popping out when she’d thought he was dead. Elsewhere in the woods, Asha talked to Elton, explaining that she was on dialysis, and that’s what the medical supplies were about. She talked about what happens after death, and returning to the earth, but Elton said, just because our matter lived on, didn’t mean our consciousness did. She said she had faith that it did, and he said he thought she was brave.

Felix joined Huck and Will, and Will said he knew the truth about Omaha, and the CRM was trying to kill him. Huck said they’d keep Will safe, but he called bullsh*t, saying, if they destroyed Omaha, they’d do anything. Felix said Huck’s mother was lying to her. She’d spent her life lying to everyone else. Why would Huck think Elizabeth wouldn’t lie to her? Huck said they had her word that she wouldn’t tell, and like it or not, she was the closest thing to a friend Felix had in the CRM.

Everyone said goodbye, and Hope said that Iris should have told her; it would have changed everything. Iris said she’d wanted to, but didn’t know why she didn’t. She promised to get Hope and their father out of the facility, and wanted Hope to tell their father not to worry. Elton saw that Hope was leaving, but wisely didn’t make himself known.

Felix read Percy the riot act, and Will said he was just going on what Felix had said. Felix said they couldn’t stay there; it wasn’t safe, but Will said, if Huck told the CRM where they were, she risked exposing herself. Felix said he wasn’t losing Will again, and Will said they’d find a way out. Will wondered about Silas, and Felix said Huck claimed he was at an outpost. Will said, if Silas was where Huck said he was, he might know a way to get everyone out.

Percy woke Iris, and told her that he’d never wanted something so bad. She said he wanted justice, and she’d thought her sister was like that too. They kissed, which we all knew was coming.

On TV, we saw Elizabeth honor the fallen city of Omaha, saying the tragedy that befell it’s citizens was an immeasurable loss. It reminds them of how precious life is. She felt the loss personally and deeply, and now was not the time for doubt, and to question their resolve. Indira said they could lose everything if Elizabeth found out that she was the one who was sick, but Asha said she wouldn’t. Elizabeth said, now, more than ever, they had to stand strong and united. The tragedies would serve as a carrier call for the military to stand more firmly, and fight for the survival of humankind, and for the souls they’d lost. She told their allies in Portland to stay strong and vigilant, and in ending, said, God bless us all.

Apparently, Will and Iris had planted a seed of doubt in Huck’s mind, because she asked Elizabeth, how many survived at the Campus Colony? Elizabeth had said they were airlifted out. Elizabeth said it was confidential information. Huck had just gotten back what she’d lost after her horrendous error in judgement, and Elizabeth said she’d hate for someone to think she hadn’t learned her lesson. Huck remembers giving herself a scar, and having her arm broken before going undercover.

Next time, Iris and Felix take to the road together, and Leo isn’t taking no for an answer.

🤹🏽 Running the Show…

The mystery man at the end of FTWD explained.


🔥 Teddy’s Impact…

Trickle down madness.


🎸 Wait, What…?

I love nerdy stuff. I never would have noticed this.


⚰️ Nerd Extras…

More details you never knew you needed to know.


🧗‍♀️ Starting Again…

Monday’s back. See you on Deck tomorrow, and until then, stay safe, stay not letting the parade pass you by, and stay knowing things might get worse before they get better.

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