Tag Archives: Monster

October 13, 2023 – The Wedding Is On, Thought, Back, Fitting, MIA, A Goodbye, Salty Talk, Postscript, Hard Times, Back To the 80s, Dead Stuff, Costumed Pets (!), Totally Ten Quotes & Monster


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Curtis lifts weights, when there’s a knock at the door. He wheels himself over to open it, and Stella asks if it’s a bad time. He says, not at all, if she doesn’t mind waiting for him to finish another set. She says, not at all, and comes in. She asks if somebody else is here, but he says, no, just him, picking up one of the weights. He asks if she thinks they shouldn’t have left him alone, and she asks if she said that. He says, no, and she says, he’s been on his own for a while now, and he’s doing just fine. He works with the weight, and says, she’s been tracking him, huh? She says she always has; she’s not going to change now. He’s working hard; very impressive. He says he’s just trying to keep it all together, and she says, he’s doing more than keeping it together. She’s very proud of him. He thanks her and says, all these exercises, in fact everything he does, is for Trina and Portia and Marshall. She says, how’s that? and he says, every morning there’s a part of him that doesn’t want to get out of bed. Then he thinks about his family. They need him, and he will not let them down. There’s a knock at the door, and Stella says she’ll get it. She opens it to Selina and says, what do you want?

TJ tells Portia he heard a rumor going around. The buzz is totally positive. She says she has no idea what he’s talking about, but he says, spill. She says she doesn’t want to talk about it yet. Not until she gets a chance to tell Curtis, and she wants to tell him in person. He’s going to be so hurt if he finds out everyone at GH knew before he did. She’s trying to sneak out of here so she can see him. TJ says, he’s going to be thrilled.

Josslyn knocks on the door at Windymere, and Giles answers. He asks if he can help her, and she says, he probably doesn’t remember her, but she’s Josslyn Jax, Avery’s older sister. He says, of course (🍷). What can he do for her? She says she’s looking for Ava. She never picked Avery up from the nanny last night. Giles invites her in.

A guard walks Cyrus to the visiting room, and Cyrus says, another visitor during off hours? He sees Laura, and she says, hello, Cyrus.

Austin sits at his desk and flashes back to him telling the judge that Cyrus is weak because of his heart attack, and no longer a physical threat to anybody. He says, yeah, weak like a great white shark is weak. He remembers telling Mason that he did what was asked and to let Ava go, and Mason saying, neither one of them call the shots. There’s a knock at the door, and Dex says, sorry to bother him, but has he seen Ava Jerome?

Puerto Rico. Here Comes the Bride plays as Nina walks to Sonny, and everyone looks all happy. The priest welcomes everyone and says, they’ve been blessed with a beautiful day to witness the joining in matrimony of Michael Sonny Corinthos and Nina Reeves. This is a joyful occasion, and a solemn one. Marriage as a traditional ceremony is an honorable one, not to be entered into lightly, but a pledge between two people to honor, support, and love one another for the rest of your lives. Is that the pledge they’re willing to make? Nina says, we are, and Sonny says, yeah, we are.

Selina says she’s here to see her friend, but Stella says, she doesn’t have any friends here. And no way she’s buying any with that gift basket. Stella looks at the bodyguard holding a basket of fruit behind Selina, and Curtis says, it’s okay. Selina’s a business associate. Stella says, uh-huh, and Selina walks in. (Oooh. The bodyguard has a bakery box too.) Selina says, his aunt is very protective. She admires that in a family. Stella excuses herself, and Curtis asks what Selina is doing here. She says, he’s been back home for a while now. She thought she’d give him some time to get accustomed to his new life. He says, that was considerate, and she says she hopes now he’s come to his senses and is ready to sell her The Savoy.

Cyrus says, what an unexpected and wonderful surprise. He didn’t know Laura was back from her trip. She says, they just got back, and he says, and she chose to come and see him. He’s touched. She says, he cut his hair, and shaved, and… He says, since he found his true calling, he didn’t find the need to hide behind appearances, and she says, he looks great. So tell her, how is he feeling? He says, their brother told her about his little medical problem, and she says she doesn’t know that she’d call a heart attack a little medical problem, and she’s glad Marty told her. He asks if Martin also told her that it was her aura that pulled him through in his darkest hour, but she says, it was Drew Cain who saved his life. He says, without the will to live, his CPR might not have been effective, but he is a good man. She says, he’s a very good man. That’s why it’s such a shame he’s in here with… Cyrus says, with men like me. He gets the feeling checking on his health isn’t the only reason she’s here. She says she heard about his application for early release, and he asks if she’s here as his sister or the mayor.

Giles says he’s also concerned about Miss Jerome’s whereabouts, and Josslyn says, so she hasn’t been here? He says, she was home when he left. That was night before last. She didn’t mention any plans to be away, but when he came to work yesterday, she wasn’t here. She never came home. Josslyn says, so no maid or no housekeeper has seen her, and he says, no one on the staff has seen or heard from her, but he did find a broken martini glass on the floor here. He points near the fireplace, and says, it could have been an accident. Perhaps she’s staying with her friend Miss Reeves? Josslyn says, no. Nina’s in Puerto Rico getting married. He says, Dr. Gatlin-Holt’s been a frequent guest recently. He was under the impression the doctor and Miss Jerome might be close.

Austin says, recently, no, he hasn’t seen Ava, and Dex asks if he remembers the last time he saw or heard from her. Austen says, two or three days ago. Why is Dex asking him this? Dex says, she hasn’t been to her art gallery, and no one has seen or heard from her, and Austin says, Dex works for Sonny Corinthos; is he right about that? Dex says, yeah, and Austin says, a couple of days ago, Ava mentioned she was thinking of maybe taking a trip to New York. She said there was an artist she was interested in signing. Dex says, that could be very helpful, and thanks Austin for his time. Austin says, no problem, and as he walks past Dex, Dex punches him in the stomach and gets him in a headlock. As Austin struggles to breathe, Dex says, Sonny has a daughter with Ava Jerome, so he cares about her. If he finds out Austin has something to do with her disappearance, he’ll be back, and he won’t be asking questions. He lets Austin go and walks out.

In the hallway, Dex’s phone rings, and Josslyn tells him that she thinks she might have found something.

The priest says, it’s his understanding Sonny and Nina have elected to say their own vows, and Nina hands her bouquet to Willow. Sonny says he guesses Nina wants him to go, and she says, yeah. They join hands, and Sonny says he spent all morning writing his vows. They’re in his pocket, but when he looked in Nina’s eyes, he felt like he didn’t need to write his vows because he can always speak from his heart to her. He thanks her for trusting and loving him, and for seeing the better man in him than he ever saw in himself. He appreciates her kindness and her strength and her willingness to fight for their love, even though everybody was against them. When they doubted they should be together, they did everything they could to get through it, and here they are. He’s convinced more now that they belong together, because of how he feels right now in the moment. How he always does; she makes him secure. He knows she loves him and he loves her that much more, and he always will.

Selina asks Curtis to just hear her out. She’ll keep the entire staff at The Savoy – Stella walks back in – and the entire name of the club will remain. He and his entire family will have VIP memberships for life, and she’ll increase her original offer to twice what he paid for the club. He says, that’s an extremely generous offer, and she says she agrees. So what does he say? He thinks a moment and asks why she’s determined to buy his club. Why doesn’t she start her own and find a location that’s half the price? Stella says, good question.

Cyrus says, in case Laura is wondering, he has no idea how the judge is going to rule. He hasn’t heard anything yet. Now that she’s back, will she oppose his release? She says, he looks as strong and healthy as the day he got in here, but that said, she’s not a doctor. And as the mayor, she doesn’t interfere with judicial decisions. He says he supposes putting in a good word for her brother is out of the question, and she says, yes. He asks if Marty also told her that he gave away all of his money.

Dex arrives at Windymere, and Giles lets him in. Josslyn introduces Giles, and says, Giles told her that Ava hasn’t been home since night before last, and nobody on the staff has seen or heard from her. Dex says, she told him that she found something, and she says, this cellphone and this lollypop. The cellphone was under the coffee table, and the lollypop was just kind of sticking out of the couch. And Giles found a broken martini glass on the floor. Giles says, Miss Avery must have dropped the lollypop last time she was here, but Josslyn says, this isn’t Avery’s. Dex asks how she knows, and she says, because it’s grape and Avery hates grape. So somebody else had to have been here. And Ava would have never left her cellphone in case Avery needed to get in touch with her. Dex says he saw cameras everywhere as he walked up to the house. There have to be more, right? Giles says, yes, and Dex says he needs to see the footage from the minute Giles left Ava.

Nina says, to be honest, she never imagined she’d be here right now with Sonny. It’s actually the last thing she ever expected or wanted, and she fought it for a very long time. She kept telling herself that they would never work, and as she kept saying that, her heart kept falling deeper and deeper in love with him. And she couldn’t fight her heart anymore, could she? Or him. His charm, his humor, his compassion, his courage, his loyalty… his dance moves. What more could a person ask for in someone they love? Then she saw him parent his children, who he fiercely loves, and how he’s willing to fight for them, for their protection. She’s always wanted that family, since she was a little girl. Her daughter is now a part of her life – she looks at Willow – and the two of them are part of his family. He’s given her so much. He’s given her a family. And she wants to give him something. She’s going to surround him with love for his entire life; she promises him that. And they can leave all their mistakes behind them. She’ll walk with him, hand in hand, right beside him, loving him, for the rest of his life.

Selina tells Curtis that she doesn’t have the time or the inclination to open a new club. It’s too much work and she has a busy schedule. The Savoy is already established; that’s why she’ll be paying him top dollar for it. Stella asks if he heard how Selina made it sound like it’s a done deal, when Portia walks in. Selina tells her, good afternoon, and Stella says, she got here just in time. Miss Wu brought them a basket filled with treats. Why doesn’t Portia have a seat and she’ll make them some tea so they can all get to know each other better. She asks what kind of tea Selina would like, and Selina says, that’s kind of her, but she has another appointment. Stella says, that’s just too bad. Maybe another time then. She opens the front door, and Selina nods to her bodyguard. She tells Curtis that she’ll be in touch, and he thanks her for the basket. I want to know what’s in the bakery box. Selina leaves with the guard, and Stella closes the door, putting her back against it, and says, amen.

Dex looks at a tablet, and Giles says, he can see the front entrance is well-covered by several cameras. Dex says, there Giles is, leaving. This is the night before last. Ava was alone when he left? Giles says, yes. Feel free to examine the rest of the footage. He must check on a delivery. Please help Miss Jerome. He leaves, and Dex points at the tablet, saying, there. Someone’s coming in. Josslyn says she sees him, but she can’t see his face; he’s wearing a hood. They keep watching, and Dex says, they’re at about twenty minutes later. Josslyn says, there’s Ava. She’s with him, but Josslyn can’t tell if her hands are tied or if she’s just walking super close to him. Dex suggests they check the dock camera around that time… They didn’t use the launch. Josslyn says, he would still have to go back to Port Charles, no? and Dex says, right there. He has his own boat. That’s what they left on. If he and Josslyn want to see where they came ashore, they need to see the harbor security cameras and the traffic cameras from that time. They can’t do that without going to the cops. Josslyn says, there’s another way.

Josslyn knocks at an apartment door, and a voice asks, who knocks? She looks up at a camera and says, Spinelli, it’s Josslyn. You’re watching us through the security camera. Spinelli opens the door and says, greetings, clever girl. What brings them to his door?

Austin gives TJ a folder and says, the prognosis was very impressive. He coughs and drinks some water, and TJ asks if he’s all right. Austin says he’s fine. He went to a concert last night and he was very enthusiastic. TJ asks, who was the band? when Mason walks in. He says he’s sorry. His cousin here wanted to see him.

Cyrus tells Laura that he’s seen so much suffering in here, he thought his money could do more good trying to help these poor souls. She says, Marty did mention to her that he’d given some of his money to a recidivism organization, but he says, not some of his money, every dime. He says, she doesn’t believe that, and she says she guesses they’ll see, won’t they, if he’s granted his early release. He says, how little faith she has in her brother. They were ill-gotten gains. He’s come to realize and appreciate that. She says she hopes so, and he says, she doesn’t seem to doubt the generosity of her friend Sonny Corinthos when he gives away his dirty money. He’s not wrong.

The priest says, Sonny and Nina’s vows were so clearly from the heart. Now please repeat after him. They say the traditional vows; in sickness and health, forsaking all others until death do us part. The rings are exchanged, and the priest says, in the presence of God and these witnesses, they’re now husband and wife. What God has joined, let no one put asunder. He thinks they know what happens next. They laugh and Donna says, you’re supposed to kiss. They do, and everyone smiles.

Portia asks what that was about, and Stella says, that woman was trying… Curtis says, Selina came to talk business, but what is Portia doing here in the middle of the day? She says she wanted to tell him something in person, but she wanted it to be official. Stella says, for what to be official? and Portia says she’s been named Co-Chief of Staff at General Hospital. Curtis says, congratulations, and she says, it’s going to be a lot more administrative work and a lot of emails, but… Stella says, Portia knows she can handle all of that, and Curtis says, she’ll be great. Portia says, and it’s going to be a little extra money. Stella says, as it should be for all that extra work, and Curtis says, they’ll be very lucky to have her. He couldn’t be more proud of his intelligent, accomplished, and very gorgeous wife. She kisses him and says, thank you.

Dex tells Spinelli that they couldn’t download the video from the system at Windymere, so all they have is the footage he had access to. Josslyn says, they also found Ava’s cellphone at Windymere, but she doesn’t know how to get in. Can he break in? He says, he can, but it will take time Ava doesn’t have, and Dex says, let’s get back to what we’ve got. The butler departed the house at 10:57 that night. At 11:18, an unidentified figure, likely male, entered the house. There’s no footage from the interior, so we don’t know what happened inside, but at 11:59, the hooded figure left by the front door with Ava. They were close together. He appears to be leading her, and from her posture, it’s likely her hands were tied. They arrived at the docks at 12:03 am and left in a single engine outboard. That’s what we have. Spinelli says, well done, and Josslyn says, what they really need to know is where they docked the boat in Port Charles. Does he think he can get access to the harbor security and traffic cameras?

Austin tells TJ that the apologizes. His cousin is unaware of hospital protocol. Mason could have just interrupted a consultation with a patient. Mason says he’s sorry. He’s just a truck driver and doesn’t know anything about hospital protocols. So he hopes TJ can forgive him. TJ says, no problem. They’re finished. He thanks Austin and is about to leave, when he says, so Mason is a truck driver? and Mason says, used to be. Now he kind of does a little bit of everything. TJ says, it was good to see him again, Mason says, him too, and TJ leaves. He pauses for a moment outside the door, then walks on. Mason tells Austin, do not get high and mighty with him about manners. Austin said he needed to see him right away, so what’s going on? Austin says, Sonny Corinthos knows.

Laura says, Sonny has nothing to do with the way she views Cyrus, but he says he’s well-aware of that. He and Sonny were in the same kind of business for years, and he ever thought much about Sonny. But then he’d see Sonny treated with such reverence, an honored member of the Port Charles community with a respected family when he’s no better than Cyrus is. Again he’s not wrong.

Kristina congratulates Nina and welcomes her to the family, hugging her. Donna goes over to Sonny and says, her turn. He says, come here, girl. Give me a hug. He wants her to know something. Daddy always loves her. She knows that, right? She says she loves him, and they hug again. These two are too cute together. Donna asks Nina if she can call her Mama Nina now, and Nina says she would love nothing more. She hugs Donna.

Willow tells Sonny, congratulations, and hugs him. He says, her mother is the best thing that ever happened to him. He just wants her to know that she means everything to Nina. Willow smiles at him, and tells Nina, congratulations. Nina thanks her, and says, it means so much that she’s here. Willow hugs her, and I feel sick thinking about this all falling apart. Michael hugs Sonny and tells Nina, congratulations. Welcome to the family. He kisses her on the cheek.  

Stella says, this is definitely cause for a celebration, and Portia agrees. Stella says she’s taking the two of them out for dinner tonight to celebrate. Marshall and Trina too. Portia says, they can actually have dinner in here tonight, have some champagne. It’ll be a little bit more relaxing, right? Curtis says, no. Auntie’s right. This is a big deal and they should celebrate it, right? Stella tells him, you said it, baby.

Laura tells Cyrus that she supposes she and Sonny have the sort of friendship that surprises some people, but she had no idea it upset him that much. He says he’s sorry. He’s not upset at Sonny. He supposes he just envies Sonny’s life, and how Sonny seems to have a closer relationship with his sister than he does. She says she’s known Sonny for a very long time, and he says, he knows it’s unlikely, but if he does get his release, perhaps he and Laura can build a bond that’s even stronger than the one she has with Sonny. She kind of shrugs and smiles, and the guard says, time’s up. Cyrus says, wish me luck, and she tells him, good luck. He laughs and pats her hand. He thanks her so much for coming. He hopes to see her again very soon. He leaves with the guard.

Just for the record, I’m aware they spell the prison Pentonville on the show, but I think Pentenville looks more like penitentiary, so, artistic license. Like with Windymere.

Dex says, there. That was the boat. Josslyn is surprised he can see it, and Spinelli says, keen powers of observation. Here they are. Dex says, Pier 17, and Spinelli, the abductor, if that’s what he is, chose his spot well. See what’s around the pier? It’s all warehouses. They’d be deserted at that hour, so even if Ava were to call for help, he doesn’t think she’d be heard. Josslyn says, wait. He took off his hood. Dex asks if Spinelli can tighten it, and Spinelli says, yes, of course (🍷), but the cameras are not high res; it might be grainy. Dex says he knows that guy. That’s Austin Gatlin-Holt’s cousin… Mason.

Austin says, one of Sonny’s guys was here asking about Ava, and Mason says, so? Austin says, what does he mean, so? No one’s heard from her in a couple of days. Mason says, because she’s locked in a basement somewhere. Who cares? Austin says he cares. He cares very much. Mason says, that’s sweet. His cousin is in love. Austin says he’s not joking around here. Don’t you hurt her. Mason says, Austin knows better than to threaten him, and Austin asks if it isn’t enough that Ava spent all this time thinking she killed Nikolas, and Nikolas is alive and well. He’s fine; he’s in Europe. Mason says he didn’t tell the guy to take off. He and Cyrus were the ones who kept him alive in the first place. Austin says, Nikolas is Cyrus’s nephew, and Mason says, forgive him. Cyrus has never struck him as the sentimental type about family, but Austin says, maybe they’re wrong about that. Mason needs to convince Cyrus to leave Ava alone. If that guy comes back for him… Mason says, put him off, but Austin says, no. He thought he already had. He punched Austin in the gut and grabbed him in a chokehold. He said, if anything happens to Ava, he’s coming back for Austin. Mason says, looks like you’ve got a problem, cuz.

Sonny and Nina, and Michael and Willow slow dance, while Kristina dances with the kids. Michael’s phone dings, and he says he has to take this real quick. He’ll be back. Willow calls Wiley over to dance with her, and Sonny asks if he can dance with his little girl. Donna says, yeah, and much cuteness happens. Willow suggests Wiley ask his grandmother to dance, and Wiley asks Nina if she wants to dance. She says, does she? Yeah. They dance as much as you can dance with a three-foot height difference. On the side, Michael says he’s at a family function. He can’t talk long. So, they have the name of the person who turned Drew Cain in to the SEC?

We don’t see his face, but a man tells Michael, the SEC was contacted by a lawyer named Martin Grey, acting on behalf of a client. Michael says, Grey was just a go-between. He needs the name of the person who pointed the SEC to his mom and Drew… He turns around and looks at Nina having a grand old time with Wiley. Ugh. I mean, I get it. She did wrong, but I still feel badly about it since it all finally came together, and everyone is so happy.

Curtis reaches for his water, and Portia tries to help, but he says he’s got it. Doesn’t she have to go back to the hospital, Co-Chief of Staff? She laughs and says she does actually, and he says he’s going to take a shower and he’ll see her tonight. She says she can’t wait, and he wheels himself out of the room. Stella suggests Portia take the basket over to the hospital for the nurses to enjoy, and Portia says, okay. When she gets closer, Stella lowers her voice and says, Portia doesn’t have to do everything. She just got a wonderful well-deserved job and she’ll be making more money. Portia says, right, and The Savoy is making money, and Stella says, but Curtis isn’t there. In his mind, he’s not making a dime. Curtis needs her, he needs all of them, to live out their lives as normally as possible and not walk on eggshells around him. He can go out the restaurant and have a fine time. Portia says she was just thinking he’ll be more comfortable here, that’s all, but Stella says, if something is making Curtis uncomfortable, he’s a grown man and he can tell them himself. Believe her. She knows Curtis and he will. Portia says, okay, and thanks her. They hug, and Stella hands Portia the basket. Portia asks if she’s sure, and Stella says, absolutely. They don’t want nothing that woman has to offer, but she will be keeping the baked goods. Portia takes the basket and leaves.

Josslyn asks if Dex is sure that’s the same guy, and Dex says, positive. Maybe Mason has ties to someone working against Sonny; he’s not sure who yet. Josslyn asks how he can tell from this picture, and Dex says, when he was following Mason, he always had a lollypop in his mouth. Josslyn says, that would explain the grape lollypop at Ava’s, and Spinelli says, here we go. The vehicle that Ava and Mason got in is registered to a Pautuck Trucking Company, Pautuck, New York. Dex says he’s going to need a list of all the employees employed by the trucking company and their addresses, as well as any properties owned or leased by the trucking company. He tells Josslyn, that’s where they’ll find Ava.

Austin says, Mason’s right. He has a problem. Because for some reason, Cyrus hates Sonny Corinthos. Can Mason please explain that to him, because he doesn’t understand. Isn’t there enough to go around for everybody? There’s plenty there. At least there used to be. Mason says he doesn’t get it either. Honestly, he thinks the whole thing started when the boss found out Mayor Collins was his sister. Austin asks, what’s that got to do with anything? and Mason says he doesn’t know. He’s just telling Austin, that’s when Cyrus started mentioning Sonny more and more. He would rant on and on about Corinthos and the life he had. Austin says, what life? They both have the same life. They’re mob bosses. Mason says, he called Sonny respectable. It’s almost as if it’s something he wanted for himself and doesn’t have. Austin says, so his life is in danger because Cyrus is jealous of Sonny Corinthos, but Mason says he thinks it goes deeper than that. Austin says, if that guy comes back, Sonny’s guy, he’s going to spill his guts. And they’re next move is to come after Mason, and then Mason will be as dead as him. Mason tells him, don’t do anything stupid. Austin’s only protection from Sonny is the boss, so just do as he’s told. Let the boss handle Sonny. He leaves.

Wiley and Donna chant, cake, cake, cake, and pound on the table. Sonny and Nina get ready to cut the cake, and Michael watches from the sidelines.

The guard says, this is it, opening the door, and Cyrus goes out into the sunshine wearing civilian clothes. He takes an envelope of the possessions he came with from the guard, and the guard says, he knows his way out. Cyrus says he certainly does, and tosses the envelope into a trashcan on his way to the gate.

Sonny and Nina cut the cake, and Sonny feeds Nina a piece. Michael watches.

Before going through the gate, Cyrus takes a deep breath and smiles.

Sonny and Nina wipe icing off of Donna and Wiley’s faces. Michael glares at Nina. This is bad.

The prison gate opens, and Cyrus walks out. He turns to look back at the prison.

Sonny and Nina kiss and drink champagne. Michael glares some more.

Cyrus gets in a car, and it drives away.

On Monday, Cody wonders if Sasha is going to walk away from her life after just getting it back; Willow says, Michael never told her who he was talking to; and Kristina asks what someone is doing here.

💭 A thought: Interesting that Nina and Cyrus have parallel goals of wanting a family and are both going about it all wrong.

🩺 The Doctor Was Out…

This is embarrassing. He’s my absolute favorite soap actor and I didn’t even realize he’d been gone for so long. Well, nice to have him back.

🧳In Sonny’s Defense…

The punishment fit the crime; being exiled to Bridgeport. And one of the funniest interactions ever, starting with her opening the door to give Sam the boot and him standing there.

🕵🏾 The Latest in Waldos…

It’s time to put him back on the canvas. Taggert is definitely underused.

🥀 Ringing Down the Curtain…

He had a wonderful run.

🗽 Her Face Is Irrelevant…

Doubtful she was joking considering her ego. Tribecca does not need her endorsement.

🧂 Four Teaspoons Of Salt…

This week in RHOSLC.

The slam.

The non-clap back.

To be filed under don’t care.


🍊 Orange You Done Yet…?

Fancy Pants Heather’s hint.


It was pretty bold for one just released from banishment.

Apparently not too bold though, since the status quo stays the same.

💎 Possible Final Word…

So, they’re separated, but not divorcing, and it’s no one’s fault.

👠 Those 80s Ladies…

Normally, this wouldn’t be my type of film, but I do like an 80s flashback.



⚰️ News Of the Departed…

Reddest herring in the world.


It makes sense since Jadis was a huge part of the Rick story.


There better be some good explanation of why Victor went from antihero to antichrist.


Dead at the con.


🐩 Best In Costume…

I could look at this stuff all day.



📣 Quotes of the Week

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. – Bertrand Russell

If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content. – Leo Tolstoy

I could not tread these perilous paths in safety, if I did not keep a saving sense of humor. – Horatio Nelson

Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. – Schopenhauer

Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension. – Joshua L. Liebman

Our experiences don’t define us. It’s what we’ve learned from them that matters. – Monkey D. Garp (Vincent Regan), One Piece

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. – Mahatma Gandhi,

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. – Henry David Thoreau

Few things will make you feel better than a job brilliantly done. – Robin S. Sharma

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. – Gertrude Stein

🪄 Putting a Spell On You…

Visit again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and what’s happening in the Med. Until then, stay safe, stay never blowing out a Jack O’Lantern before midnight on Halloween, and stay being aware of hospital protocol before you barge into a doctor’s office.

October 20, 2021 – TJ Treats a Mysterious Stranger, Andy Is Gifted With Sauce By Harry, Get Out Of the House & That Boy


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Curtis says, so the guest was really into live music, huh? and Nika says, yes. He wouldn’t shut up about it. Curtis guesses he’ll have to add more nights, and says, the guest didn’t get heated or make her feel uncomfortable, did he? She says, no; he was harmless. He says, good. He wants The Savoy to be a safe place for anyone who comes there. Nina approaches the bar, and says, including her?

The watching man comes into the hospital, and sees TJ at the reception desk.

On the phone, Michael asks someone to have Mr. Sheridan call him back as soon as possible. It’s about his family’s donation to his campaign. Willow walks in, and says, donation? and he says, it’s good business to donate to politicians around the country. It doesn’t necessarily influence them, but it does always get you a meeting. She asks how she ended up with someone so smart, and he says, just lucky, he guesses. He’s got brains, brawn, and looks. She says he’s a triple-threat, and Michael says, who’s he kidding? He’s the lucky one. He takes her hands.

Austin meets Maxie outside, near a shopping area (another set we’ve never seen before!), and she says, he made it. She was starting to get worried. He says he found the place eventually, and she says she means she didn’t know if dinner out was at the top of his list, given that his medical license is on the line. He says, right. All thanks to Brook Lynn Quartermaine.

At the unnamed Italian restaurant, Ned thanks Olivia for having dinner with him tonight. Can she believe it’s been almost a year since they’ve been separated? She says she guesses time flies when you’re not having any fun, and he says he thinks it’s important to make time for each other, so they can figure out what comes next. She says, yeah, and continues to peruse the menu, and he says, unless she’s already made up her mind.

At the hospital, Elizabeth sees a flyer for GH Trivia Night, and flashes back to telling Terry that she and Finn make a pretty good team, and they’d gotten closer. In the elevator, Finn flashes back to the camping trip when they almost kissed. He slaps himself in the face, and gets out of the elevator, nearly running into Elizabeth.

Carly says, Sonny really went above and beyond in Nixon Falls. The town was about to be stolen out from under everyone, and it wasn’t because of him. He says he was just repaying the kindness the community showed him, and she says, he really invested in his life there. He says, it’s the only life he knew, and she says, now he’s home. She would have loved to have known Mike, but he seems to look a lot like the man she already knows. They kiss, and Jason walks in.

The watching man coughs, clutching his side, and TJ asks if he’s all right. He says he was on his way to a volunteer committee meeting, when he got this pain in his side. He’s sure it’s nothing. TJ asks his name, and he says, Marshall. TJ introduces himself, and says he’d feel a lot more comfortable if they could rule out anything serious. He asks Marshall to come with him, and they’ll get him checked out.

Curtis says he didn’t expect another visit so soon, and Nina says, a lot has happened in the last few hours. He asks Nika to bring a bottle over, and leads Nina to a table. Nina wonders if he has stuff to do, but he says he’s the boss; it’s called delegating. Nika comes to the table, and Curtis tells her to leave the bottle. Nina says, delegating works well for him. Maybe she should try it. Curtis thanks Nika, and she tells them, enjoy. Nina says, working is a distraction from the complete and utter mess she’s made. He asks, what happened? and she says, it’s everywhere. She has no right to expect Carly to keep it to herself, and he says, but it’s hard. She says, it’s hard.

Jason says he’s sorry; he should have knocked. Sonny says, wait. They just have to get this out in the open. It’s a lot for him. Jason and Carly got married, and then… Jason says, whatever happened between him and Carly was based on something that wasn’t true, and now they know the truth. He can’t speak for Carly, but he wants things to go back to what they had. Sonny walks over to the couch, and Carly says she wants the three of them to be the way they were, the way they’ve always been for twenty years. Sonny flashes back to telling Nina that he gets she doesn’t want his past life crashing down on her, and knows she came to Nixon Falls to get away from her past. He’s going to do everything in his power to prove to her that he understands, because he’s in love with her. He tells Jason and Carly, the past is the past. They just have to find a way to move on. Carly says, they will, because the three of them have survived too much together to lose each other over Nina’s lie. Jason says, and if it helps, he’s about to leave town.

Britt knocks at Terry’s office door, and Terry says, there she is. She had a bunch of questions she wanted to ask Britt, but she’s heading out. She guesses it will have to wait for tomorrow. Britt says Terry should run them by her now. She’s leaving the country tomorrow. Terry says, she’s joking, right? and Britt says, and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back. Terry asks if she’s supposed to hold down the fort while Britt goes on vacation indefinitely. No way. They’re Co-Chiefs of Staff last time she checked. Britt says, this is not a vacation. This is about her mother.

Elizabeth misses the elevator, and Finn says, sorry about that. She says she’ll take the next one, and they both say, I was just wondering… Elizabeth tells him to go first, but he says, she should go first, since he made her miss the elevator. She says she just saw another flyer for Trivia Night, and teams are filling up fast. He says, those are two-person teams, right? and she says she thinks so. Does he want to sign up together? He says, that sounds like fun, and yes, those words just came out of his mouth. She says she’s going to make sure he finds joy in something frivolous if it’s the last thing she does, and he says, she’s brave. She says, so it’s a date… She didn’t mean it like that. It’s not a date date. He says, what if it was?

Willow says, look at Michael; making moves, banking favors. Getting ready to take back control of ELQ? He says, hopefully. Not that he’ll be the one steering the ship. She says, right, and he says he thought they were on the same page. Ned runs ELQ for the family, and he runs Aurora to preserve Drew’s legacy and build something worthwhile for Scout. She says she knows, but that decision was made before his father came home, before they found out what Nina did to him. Now that they know, does he really think he can be Nina’s boss?

Curtis asks, what’s happened in the last few hours? and Nina says, she saw Sonny, and it was awful. He asks if Sonny freaked out, and she says, no. He was matter-of-fact actually. Curtis says, that’s almost worse, and she says, kind of. He asks if the subject of Wiley came up, and she says, Sonny’s position is that her relationship with Wiley is between her and Michael, and he won’t influence Michael’s decision as long as she stays away from the family. He says, that shouldn’t be too hard. She and Sonny hardly know each other.  

Sonny asks how long Jason is going to be gone, but Jason says he’s not sure. He’s going to help Britt search for her mother. Carly says, that’s generous of him, and Sonny asks, what happened to Obrecht? Jason says, Obrecht and Scotty were on their way to the Caribbean… Sonny says, wait a minute. Obrecht and Scotty are an item? Carly says he missed a lot in nine months, and Sonny says, apparently. Jason says, Scotty was ejected from the plane; he had a parachute, he’s fine. Obrecht was taken captive, and no one’s heard from her. Sonny asks, who’s holding Obrecht? and Jason says, there’s multiple players involved, but it all circles back to Peter August.

Britt tells Terry that she has a strong lead on what happened to her mother, and she needs to explore it. Terry says she’s not telling the authorities? but Britt says she doesn’t trust them. Terry says, and Britt trusts her? and Britt says, yeah. Terry says, look at them, and Britt says, they’ve come a long way. Terry says, don’t worry about things there. She’s got it covered. Britt says, if the Board starts asking questions… and Terry says she’s a masterful question dodger. Britt says, good to know, and thanks Terry. She’s going to go before Terry changes her mind, and Terry says, that would be wise. Good luck. Britt says, thank you. She’s going to need it. She leaves, and Terry’s phone rings. She answers and says, oh my God.

Finn says, he and Elizabeth haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened between them; his lips almost touching her lips. She says, they haven’t. In fact, she thinks they’ve done everything they can to avoid the subject. He guesses that makes sense. A lot of things can get complicated. He misses Hayden. She says, she misses Franco, and he says, there are many reasons, and more, for them not to avoid the subject. They need to stop acting like a couple of high school kids, and take a chance, and see where they could go. He’s talking crazy, right? This is crazy. He starts to walk away, and she says, no.

Olivia says it has nothing to do with Ned or the two of them, and he asks, what’s wrong? She says, Leo had his follow-up appointment with Dr. Diamond today, and Ned asks if it went well. She says she doesn’t like the guy, and he says, since when? She says, since he thinks there’s something wrong with her kid. He was suggesting she make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. Can he believe that? He says, yes, he can.  

Maxie says she should probably stay out of the drama between Austin and Brook, and he says, that’s probably a pretty good idea. She says, an objective observation. Does he wonder if it’s all worth it? He says, so much for staying out of it, and she says, she gets fighting for his father’s birthright is important to him, but if it means losing his ability to practice medicine, is that what Jimmy Lee would really want for him? He says, if he didn’t know better, he might think she’s way more invested in this little Quartermaine squabble than she’s letting on. She says, invested? No… Well, the tiniest bit, but the same way she’s invested in who gets the final rose on The Bachelorette. These corporate shenanigans make for great gossip in Port Charles. He says he gets it, and she says she doesn’t know about him, but she could definitely use a drink. What does he say to dirty martinis? Is he interested?

Olivia tells Ned, Leo marches to his own drummer. So what? She doesn’t think that’s a problem. It’s like her Uncle Mario. He didn’t talk until he was five years old, not a word. And you know what? He became an artist. Creative people see the world differently; they experience it differently. She thinks it’s wonderful. He agrees, and she says, not all kids come flying out of the womb like Dante, all athletic and personable, and ready to take whatever the world throws at them. Not every kid is meant to be a social superstar. She thinks when you start turning it into a problem, and they see you wringing your hands over it, it does the child a disservice. Austin and Maxie walk into the restaurant.

Jason says, Peter showed up in Nixon Falls? and Sonny says he didn’t know who Peter was; he didn’t know who he was. Peter said he was an author, a friend and colleague of Nina. Once Sonny got his memory back, he was able to place him. Jason says, he threatened to kidnap Nina’s nephew James, and that’s why Nina called Obrecht, and Obrecht’s plan was to bump Peter off in St. Lucia. Sonny says, that’s when she disappeared, right? and Carly says, what she doesn’t understand is, Peter sees Sonny and doesn’t say anything? He clearly knows who Sonny is. Why not use that to his advantage?

Michael tells Willow, Drew’s initial deal was to give Jax the print media half of the company, and Crimson belongs to Jax. The companies share the same name, and have adjoining offices, but his half rarely interacts with Crimson. Willow says, but it’s still part of Aurora. All she’s saying is, no one would blame him for wanting to remove himself. He says, Nina can remove herself; he didn’t do anything wrong. She says, of course (🍷) he didn’t. She’s sorry. He says, she’s right; it’s a complicated situation. They sit, and he says, he talked to Avery today, and she’s so confused. He’s sure Donna is too. Willow asks what Avery said, and he tells her, Avery asked if Grandpa Mike is coming home the same way daddy did. When he told her, no, she burst into tears. She says, that sounds awful, and he says, it was. She asks if that’s something he’s thought about; having Nina removed? He says, it’s crossed his mind to make a case to force Jax to push Nina out, but that won’t solve the main issue. Willow says, Nina’s presence in Wiley’s life.

Nina tells Curtis, it’s no big loss. She and Sonny mean nothing to each other. She wants to move on with her life, but how? She wants to make it right with Phyllis, but how? It seems like there’s no real answers to anything, and she hates it. Is it going to go on forever? He says, no, it won’t. Take it from someone who’s made their fair share of mistakes and gone on to tell about it.

Marshall tells TJ, he hates hospitals; the lights, the sounds, the smells. TJ says it’s an interesting choice for him to volunteer there, and Marshall says he’s a glutton for punishment. TJ says his blood pressure is good. It’s a little low and something to watch for, but that’s not what’s causing his abdominal pain. Does he mind if TJ takes a listen? Marshall tells him, knock himself out, and TJ says, take a deep breath… exhale. Marshall says TJ looks awful young to be a doctor, if TJ doesn’t mind him saying so. TJ says he doesn’t mind. He just graduated from med school a few months ago. The man says, his parents must be awfully proud, and TJ says, his mom is; his dad passed away… It’s a long story. The man says, sorry. He gets chatty when he’s nervous in a hospital. TJ says, consider him an open book, and Marshall asks if TJ has a better half. TJ says he does, his partner Molly. Marshall says he bets she tells all her girlfriends about her man, the doctor, and TJ says, she’s pretty impressive in her own right, but Molly’s not like that. His uncle, on the other hand, will pull aside complete strangers on the street, and let them know his nephew is an MD. Marshall says his uncle sounds like hoot. Tell him more.

Olivia asks if Austin is relaxing from a long day of sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, and he says he’s sorry. It wasn’t his place to say anything about Leo. She says he’s damn right it wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him, did it? Anything to distract Ned. Austin will use her son’s unique personality or Chase’s broken heart. Why in the world would she trust anything he has to say? She tells him, stay the hell away from her kid, and storms out.  

Marshall says, it sounds like TJ comes from a very tight knit family. He hopes TJ knows how lucky he is, and TJ says he does. Marshall grabs his arm, and tells him to hold onto that. Hold onto that for as long as he can. He lets go, and says, sorry. TJ says he doesn’t hear anything abnormal, and Marshal laughs, saying, that’s a relief. TJ says he’d like to ask an attending physician to take a look in case he missed something, and asks if Marshall is okay by himself. It might take a minute for him to flag someone down. Marshall says he’ll be right here.   

Nina says she appreciates Curtis attempting to relate, but he’s never pulled a stunt like this. He says, maybe not, but there was a time he went down a path that caused a lot of pain for people he cares for, and for the people he served. Think about all those cases that will never be tied up because he had his badge taken away. She says, he had an addiction. She made the conscious choice to do something wrong. He says, it’s not the same, and she says, not even close. He says, how about this? He thought he’d spend the rest of his days paying for his sins from the worst chapter of his life, but his misdeeds and transgressions are in the past and behind him. And one day, probably sooner than she expects, hers will be too.

Michael tells Willow that he wishes he could snap his fingers and make this whole situation go away; just declare Nina is forbidden to see Wiley. She says, to do that, they’d have to take Nina to court. Is that what he wants? He says, honestly, yes. If it means keeping that woman away from their son, then yes. She says, okay, but she’s asking him to reconsider

Jason tells Sonny and Carly, Britt and Scott kept hitting dead ends, so they asked him for help. Spinelli took a look at Scotty’s computer, and found out it was being monitored from Greece. They went to see Nikolas, and Britt got him to admit there’s a Cassadine compound in Crete; or at least there used to be. Sonny says, that explains the Cassadine connection, but Jason said Peter was behind all this. Jason says, yeah, Peter and Victor Cassadine, and Carly says, dead Victor Cassadine? Jason says, not so dead. It makes sense, because Peter was always close to the Cassadines, especially Helena. The doorbell rings, and Sonny asks if the guards don’t call anymore. Carly says, they absolutely do, and Jason says, it’s Britt. He told Frank to let her up. Britt comes in, and Carly says she hears Britt’s taking Jason away from them.

Elizabeth says she thinks Finn might be right. She thinks maybe they should figure out what’s happening between them. Terry walks up, and asks if Elizabeth has a second, and Elizabeth asks, what’s up? Terry says, maybe they should have the conversation in private, and Elizabeth says, it’s just Finn. Unless it’s something terrible. Is it terrible? Terry says, nothing like that. Maybe she’s making a bigger deal out of it she should. Finn tells her, just take the bandaid off, and she says, someone called asking about Elizabeth. (Fooled again by the preview.) Elizabeth asks, who? and Terry says, her father.

Ned says, obviously, he doesn’t speak for Olivia, and Austin says, does anyone speak for Olivia? Ned and Maxie say, no, at the same time, and Ned says, in talking to another doctor, it appears there may be some merit to Austin’s concern about Leo. Austin says, okay, but he still should have kept his mouth shut. If he had, then maybe Ned’s daughter wouldn’t be trying to get his medical license revoked. Ned says, sorry. What? and Austin says, Brook threatened to file a formal HIPPA complaint unless he stops contesting Edward’s will. Ned asks Maxie, is this true? and Maxie says, unfortunately, yes. Ned says he had no idea. He wishes Brook hadn’t, because despite their legal battle, Ned believes in Austin as a doctor, and knows Austin is only looking out for Leo’s best interest. He tells them, excuse him, and jets.  

Elizabeth says, her father called Terry? and Terry says, Jeff left a message on Elizabeth’s voicemail when Franco died, but she never called him back. Elizabeth says, and he never called again, so what does that tell her? Terry guesses he heard about her new position at GH, and reached out to see how Elizabeth is holding up. Elizabeth asks what Terry told him, and Terry says, that she’s not his go-between. If Jeff wants to know how Elizabeth is doing, Elizabeth has to talk to him.

Britt says she asked Jason for help, but it’s Jason’s choice; he doesn’t have to. Jason says, it’s already settled; he’s going. Sonny says they’re happy to help. For what it’s worth (🍷), he hopes she finds her mother. Britt says, it’s worth a lot. She knows she and her mother aren’t their favorite people, with good reason, but Sonny says, it doesn’t matter what they think. If Britt is going to do everything she can to find her mother, he hopes she does. She thanks him, and tells Jason that she’ll wait outside for him. She leaves, and Jason says, so, are they okay?   

Willow tells Michael that, in no way, shape, or form is she defending Nina or her actions. What she did to Michael’s father is indefensible. He says, but? and she says, but she already retreated with her tail between her legs. Willow thinks it will be a long time before Nina comes knocking on their door again. He says, so they let the whole thing slide? and she says, no, they let it lie… for now. Because if they tell Nina that she’s not allowed to see Wiley, what does he think will happen? He says, she’ll contact a lawyer, and Willow says, and that lawyer will tell her that in the state of New York, grandparents do have rights. The fact is, Nina has plenty of time and money to spend on a long, ugly court battle. He says, a court battle not likely to go in their favor, and she says, don’t let his emotions drag them into something that might work against them; it’s not worth the risk. He thanks her for talking him down, and she says, anytime. He says, who’s the smart one now? and she says they can share the title. So no court battle for Wiley? He says, no court battle for Wiley. That’s definitely not the way to go.

Nina thanks Curtis for the talk, and breaking out the good stuff. He says, nothing but the best for her, and she says, all the more reason for them to make this a regular thing. Does he have time for one more, or does he have to schmooze with the clientele? He looks at his watch, and says he has to meet TJ. They’re going to a midnight movie. (Rocky Horror?) She says, that’s fun, and he says she’s more than welcome to come, but she says her big plan is to set right there. He asks Nika to please make sure his lovely friend Nina has everything she wants. Nika says he’s got it, and he tells Nina to remember what he said. He knows it doesn’t seem like it right now, but soon all this will be behind her. He leaves, and she says she can’t wait.

TJ goes into the examining room, saying, Dr. Russo can be here in ten minutes, but he finds the room empty.

Maxie says, Olivia is right about one thing; Austin did use Chase to further his own cause. That’s not her judging him. God knows, she’s no saint. He thanks her for not judging him, and she says, you know what stinks about manipulation? You feel like crap afterwards, and nobody trusts you anymore. He says, to be clear, what happened with Michael, Willow, and Chase, they’re consenting adults. It’s got nothing to do with him, but she’s right. He does feel like crap about Leo. She says she can tell it’s really bothering him, and he says, because Leo needs help. As long as they’re not judging people, he doesn’t blame Olivia, but she’s just not listening. Maxie says, maybe Ned will?

Outside, Oliva says she’s sorry for going off like that, but Ned says he understands. She says, does he? Because, no offense, he just comes from a different class. His family always reacts like this. If something even begins to present itself as a problem, they just start throwing money at it. Send the kid to a billion specialists. Maybe Leo doesn’t need that. Maybe it’s not a problem. Maybe Leo just needs to be his Leo self, and do his Leo stuff in his Leo world because he likes it there. Ned says he gets what she’s saying, but hearing what another doctor has to say doesn’t mean you’re committing to anything or anyone; it’s just more information to have. She says, that’s already calling it a problem, when she just sees him as her son. Getting a bunch of specialists, and making appointments, is going down a road she doesn’t want to go down, but she does want to go home.

Finn asks if Elizabeth is okay, and she says she’s fine. He says, if she wants to talk, he’s there, and she thanks him. The only thing she wants to think about right now is bringing home the gold on Trivia Night, and she’s signing them up. She gets in the elevator, and when the doors close, Finn says, that sounded intense. Terry says he doesn’t know the half of it, but anything more than that, he’ll have to hear it from Elizabeth.

Sonny says, they’ve all been through a lot. Carly and Jason know how much they mean to him, so can they not bring this up again? Jason says, okay. He’s going to take off. Sonny tells him to watch his back. Peter August is bad news. Jason says he’ll be careful, and Carly tells him, he always says that. He says he’ll do his best, and leaves.

Jason meets Britt outside, and says, a Porsche. She says, buckle up; she’s driving. He sighs and follows her.

Sonny asks how Carly feels, and she says, like they’re one step closer to getting their life back. She’s so glad everything is out in the open. She hugs him, but he doesn’t look very happy. Probably because everything isn’t out in the open.

Willow says, whatever she and Michael choose for Wiley, they have to be sure it’s the right decision, because once it’s made, their son is the one who has to live with the consequences. He says he hears her, and he promises when it comes to visitation, it’s a decision they’ll make together. They kiss, and Michael’s phone rings. He says he should take this, and she says, back to making moves she sees. She has something to do anyway. They exchange I love yous, and she leaves. He thanks Mr. Sheridan for getting back to him so quickly… Yes, his family is still interested in donating to his campaign for Pennsylvania Attorney General. There’s just one wrinkle they’d like to iron out first. There’s been a crime in his jurisdiction that hasn’t been prosecuted yet. It involves a woman named Nina Reeves. Whoa. Bad move without consulting Sonny first.

Nika asks if she can get Nina anything else, but Nina says, no thank you. She has to get back to her life… eventually.

Curtis finds TJ by the vending machine, and says he hopes TJ is properly excited for this movie. TJ says he’s looking forward to it, and Curtis asks if everything is okay. TJ says, he guesses it is. He was examining a patient, and told him to wait while he grabbed a second opinion, but when he came back, the patient was gone. Curtis says, maybe he felt better and took off. He’s sure the patient will be in touch if it’s anything serious. TJ hopes so, and we see Marshall watching them from the landing above.

Tomorrow, Brook says, gold star for her; Austin says, if they want to play dirty, bring it on; Ned says he hears Olivia, but doesn’t agree with her; and Nina tells Phyllis that she knows where she stands with Sonny.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – The Reunion Part 2

We jumped right in with Andy asking why Erika didn’t leave Tom sooner after she found out he cheated. She said she’d told Tom, if he was in love someone else, divorce her, but he said nothing. Andy said Tom had been unfaithful for years, and asked if she’d been faithful. She said she was up until she filed for divorce, and I can believe that. We saw clips of Erika saying how great her marriage was, clips of the women finding out she was getting divorced via the headlines, and clips of Erika telling the alleged truth. Little by little. Andy asked how she felt watching it again, and she said, it’s okay. She said she’d highlighted the best of Tom, and Andy asked why she hadn’t left sooner. She said, where was she going to go? Andy said he knew what she made, and it was decent, but she said she handed all her money over to Tom, and couldn’t access any of it. She had two credit cards, and they would have been cut off. Andy asked if she’d thought the ship was sinking, and that’s why she finally left, but she said she felt Tom was sinking. There were some questions even I found intrusive, but the topper was a viewer asking how Tom could go from being so sharp into such a huge decline. That one wasn’t so much intrusive as ignorant. Erika said he was a master persuader and master performer. He couldn’t tell you the names of anyone there, but could tell stories. She said she’d done everything humanly possible to do right by him. One physician said he didn’t want get involved because Tom might sue him. People still feared Tom. XXPEN$IVE was brought up by a viewer, which was just stupid, since it’s called entertainment. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not an Erika fan because of her attitude, and I think she knew something was up, but some of this stuff is ridiculous. Erika said she was just trying to figure out what TF happened. She was overwhelmed, sad, heartbroken, bewildered, and at times, wondering what was real. I do think she loved him. She loved the money too, but that’s a separate issue. Erika said divorce revealed a hidden side of the partner. When Sutton was divorced, she hadn’t known she owned a baseball team. She said she had to worry about herself now. Whatever Tom did, or didn’t do, was on him, and his life was over. She just turned 50, and had to survive it.

A viewer pointed out that Dorit’s The Pearl dress was $35K, and Dorit said, it was luxury collection, and that was the jewel of it, but most were between five and six thousand. Her obsessive talking was the next topic, and Andy yawned when she was talking, which was pretty amusing. She asked if she was boring him. Another viewer asked if maybe it wasn’t Kyle who couldn’t shut up, giving several examples, but Kyle said, circumstances were different. Yeah, it’s always different when it’s you. Garcelle’s talk with Dorit was examined, and Garcelle said it was difficult, but necessary, and added that everyone on social media took things too seriously. We saw a clip from Beyond Salem where LisaR and Eileen Davison used some Housewives lines, and Eileen did some table flipping. We revisited Harry’s garden, and his domestic skills, and LisaR gave Andy a jar of Harry’s sauce. We flashed back to Scott Disick being old and having three kids. Bill from Manhattan asked who pressed the eject button on his and Amelia’s relationship, and LisaR said it was Amelia. We found out Harry Styles is a big fan of the show, although why, I can’t imagine. Crystal, whose husband is 20 years her senior, said she had no age gap problem with her parents, since they’re 23 years apart. LisaR said she and Amelia celebrated Lois’s 93rd birthday, and we saw (I presume) a TikTok video of the three of them dancing. I got bored with LisaR, and took note of everyone’s outfits. More understated than in Reunions past, I liked everyone’s look, but Kathy’s was especially charming; a sheer, red dotted Swiss dress over a red sheath. I love those sheer pieces.

We flashed back to Kyle and Kathy’s relationship, or lack thereof, over the years. Andy said it was nice that there was a happy ending, and asked how Kathy felt seeing the clips. She said it was sad, and then Andy rubbed it in by showing the clip from the first season when Kyle called Kim an alcoholic in the limo. Andy said it must have been painful, and Kathy said she wondered what her mom would have thought. She hoped it helped other people not to waste time, seeing the sisters’ estrangement. Kathy talked about their mother again, and started bawling. Kyle comforted Kathy, saying their mother was happy they were together, and it was okay to cry.

Next time – The Reunion Part 3 – Crystal worked for an escort service, Andy pumps Erika some more, Erika says they don’t know what she has done or will do, and they’d have to wait and see. I just wish she’d drop the defensive act. It’s officially getting old.

Winter House was as bad as I thought, but with the added bonus of way too many people. They weren’t all there yet, but I by my count, cast members were, Ciara, Paige, Luke, Kyle, Amanda, Craig, Austen, Gabby, Jason (not sure who those last two are), some guy from Italy named Andrea, and also from Italy, Julia. Everyone was staying at a house in Stowe, Vermont. Either Shep is still with his girlfriend, or finally realized he’s too old for this sh*t. Craig said he was there figuring things out about him and girlfriend Natalie. He thought they were at the point in the relationship where you either get married or break up. In his interview, Andrea said his dream was to marry an American girl and move back to Italy. He was a model, BTW, and in Paige’s interview, she said he could tell her to f*** off and she’d be like, oh thank you. She hadn’t heard a word he said since they arrived. Right off the bat, there was a fight about rooms, and they topped off the night by having a Spring Break party, complete with a beer funnel, and the tiniest Solo cups I’ve ever seen. And there was the old, wanna get leid? joke, when Ciara put leis on the dudes. It’s all downhill and messier from here. It looks like three different girls will be vying for Austen’s attention this season, and I share the question Paige posed – why?

🪔 Leave a Light On…

Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens in Port Charles and on the Runway. Until then, stay safe, stay one step ahead, and stay making moves and banking favors. Just don’t misuse those favors and make the wrong move.