Tag Archives: Danielle Cabral

September 29, 2023 – Nina Spills To Sonny, NuMolly, Hope, Revealing, Backtrack, Levi Rock, RHOP 8, Early Drama, Fakes, Her Stance, VanderWhiner, A Huid Ye, Last One, Newsworthy Pets, Tenner Of Quotes & When


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

New York City. Trina and Spencer are seated outside at an upscale restaurant, and Trina says, that was amazing. The set, the costumes, the music. She felt like she was actually at the Moulin Rouge, Didn’t he love it? He says he did, although he did have a little bit of trouble paying attention, because there was a pretty girl next to him who he kept stealing glances at. She says she’s definitely not as exciting as the Can-Can, but he says he disagrees. She says she’s not sure Toulouse-Lautrec would agree, and he says, it made him happy to see her so happy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She says, how could she be anything but happy? She’s in the city with the most incredible guy. He says, who’s incredibly hungry, and she says she’s starving.

Nina lies in bed sleeping, surrounded by papers, when Sonny comes in. She says, hello, handsome, and he says he didn’t mean to wake her. She says, no apologies necessary. She loves waking up to him.

Drew dreams about the attack and wakes up with a start. Willow is sitting next to his bed, and she says, bad dream? He says, this kind of dream is his reality.

There’s a knock at the gatehouse door, and Michael opens it to Carly. He asks what she’s doing here at this hour, and she says she needs his help. She saw Willow at GH; she’s with Drew. He says he stayed behind with the kids. How is Drew doing? She says, he made it through surgery. He’s lucky to be alive. They almost beat him to death. Michael says, he shouldn’t even be in Pentenville. He doesn’t know what that judge was thinking. She says she does. Judge Kim used Drew to advance his career, and she needs Michael to help her prove it.

Finn asks where Elizabeth has been all night. It’s the first time he’s seeing her. She says, it’s been so busy. She’s been assisting in surgery for the past three hours. Why is he here so late? He says he couldn’t leave without saying hi to her.

Ava comes into Windymere, and butler Giles takes her umbrella. She asks, why is it only raining on this godforsaken island? Not a single drop anywhere else. Giles says, Spoon Island is in microclimate, and she thanks him for the science lesson. (Personally, I’d like to hear more on that, since I think I live in one too.) She says she’s obviously not meant to be dry today, so in keeping with the wet theme, she’s going to take a long, hot bath. He says, no, she won’t, calling her madam, and she tells him, stop it with the madam and tell her why she can’t take a bath. He says he’s sorry, but the hot water heater isn’t working due to intermittent power outages on the island from the storm. She says, like the microclimate, and he says, precisely. She says, please tell her the vodka and olive situation hasn’t been affected by the storm, and he says, not to his knowledge. She says, hot dog. Then fix her a martini. She’s going to get out of these wet clothes. He asks how she’d like her martini, and she says, dry, very dry.

Geneva, Switzerland. Laura and Doc walk into an office, and a man says, welcome, Miss Spencer. She shakes his hand and says, actually, it’s Collins now, and introduces Doc. The man says, Hans Mueller. Pleased to meet you. He and Doc shake hands, and he tells them to have a seat. Hans says he’s known Doc’s lovely wife for years, and Laura wonders how long they’ve been doing business, then says, don’t answer that. She doesn’t think she wants to hear that number, but Hans has been a friend of the family for a long time. Hans asks what he can do for her, and she says, he can help her find her son.

Elizabeth says she’s not buying it. There has to be another reason Finn is still here. His shift ended hours ago. He says he’s insulted. Okay, maybe he’s waiting around for some lab results, but seeing her is incentive for sticking around. She says, he won’t be seeing her around here at night anymore. The kids are done with camp and she’s switching back to days. He says he likes seeing her any way he can, but he has to admit these nights have been kind of special. She says she wouldn’t exactly call a 12-hour shift special, and he says, seeing her has been kind of nice, and their talks on the roof. She says, when he stole her spot, and he says he thought they cleared this up. She’s the interloper. She says she doesn’t think she’s ever been described that way, and he says, if the shoe fits. She says, whoever gets there first, okay? and he says, it sounds like a challenge. She laughs and says she should go. Goodnight, Dr. Finn. He says, goodnight, Nurse Baldwin.

Sonny asks how things went with Charlotte. He’s sure she was excited spending the night at Nina’s place. Nina says, she was, but things are difficult for her right now. She’s been acting out. He says, she’s what? Fourteen? Nina says, it’s hard for her to believe this, but she’s fifteen, and he says, acting out comes with the territory at that age. You’ve got to have patience. She says she is, but when she and Valentin were together, she was Charlotte’s stepmother for a while, and even though they’re not together now, she still thinks of Charlotte as family. He says, family is very important. It’s the most important thing. She says, since they’re on the subject of family, they need to talk about his.

Drew says, not that he doesn’t appreciate the company, but what is Willow doing here? She says, she and Michael heard about the attack. They were so worried about him, she had to come and see him, so Michael stayed home with the kids. He says, that’s very sweet, but she didn’t have to come, and she says, it’s the least she could do. He literally saved her life. If he hadn’t rescued Liesl, she wouldn’t have gotten the bone marrow transplant, and she wouldn’t be here. A visit from her certainly can’t compare, but she wanted him to know she’s thinking about him. He thanks her, and she asks if there’s anything he wants or needs to talk about? He says, no… Well, there is one thing he needs to know and it’s pretty important. She says, anything, and he says he needs to know how Wiley’s T-ball team is doing.

Laura tells Hans that her son has been missing for months now, and she’s afraid something’s happened. Hans says, he hasn’t contacted her at all? and she says, no. And he left behind two sons. One of them is just a baby, and she doesn’t believe he’d just abandon them. So she’s afraid maybe he’s being held against his will. She and Doc have been searching for him for weeks now, but they haven’t come up with any leads. Doc says, they’ve been to the Cassadine properties in Russia and Greece, but there’s no sign of him, and Hans says he’s happy to help in any way he can, but what makes them think Nikolas is in Geneva? Laura says, because his money is here.

Ava thanks Giles for making the fire. She knows it’s a bit early, but it was so damp. She feels better already, and she’ll feel even better when she gets that martini. She turns around to take the martini from Giles as there’s a clap of thunder, startling her. The martini sloshes onto her, and Giles says he’s so sorry. Let him get her a napkin. She says, no, no. It’s quite all right. She told him she wasn’t meant to be dry tonight. He hands her a manila envelope, saying, this came from the real estate agency. She thanks him, and he says he’s off this evening, but there’s plenty of food in the kitchen. She says she’ll be having a liquid dinner. Thanks so much, and get home safely. He leaves, and she sits on the sofa. She opens the envelope and takes out pictures of a house interior. She says she can’t wait to get off this island.

Trina says, what a beautiful night, and thanks Spencer. He says, no need to thank him. All he did was place a few phone calls; to the hotel, to the restaurant, and then the concierge. It’s not a big deal. She says, everything has been wonderful, but she wasn’t talking about the reservations. She knows how hard it is for him to get away. He has to deal with Esme and be there for Ace, and she wants him to know how grateful she is that he made time for them. He says, I love us, and she says, me too. And she loves him, so very much. I’m not sure why. He’s really good looking, but he talks too fast and too loud, and he’s still an entitled snob.

Carly tells Michael that she can’t believe it. This is all her fault. He says, it isn’t, but she says, it is too. She’s the one who insisted on investing in Aurora. She’s the one who took a chance and put all her money into that stock. That’s what led to the insider trading charge. Michael says, she had no idea that was going to happen. Someone is to blame, but it’s not her. Whoever called the SEC, they’re to blame. She asks if he still thinks it was Ned, but he says, there’s no way to know. Now Ned thinks he’s Eddie Maine and they may never know, but he’s working on it. She asks what he means, and he says he may have a lead on the whistleblower, but it’s not going to get Drew out of prison any sooner. He’ll tell her about that later, but right now they have to focus on getting Drew home. She says she spoke to Diane, and she thinks their best strategy is to put pressure on the judge; either get him to reduce or commute Drew’s sentence. He asks how they do that, and she says she has some information on the judge and she’s going to use it.

Willow shows Drew her phone, and says, these days, all the kids get a trophy. Wiley didn’t understand it at first, since they lost every game. He said he thought only winners get trophies, so she told him, everyone is a winner at T-ball. Drew says, has he maybe tried soccer? but she says, young Mr. Corinthos wouldn’t even consider it. She’s afraid Wiley takes after his dad. He is so stubborn. He’ll argue about it no matter how many times he strikes out. Nina came by last week, and she can’t believe how committed their slugger is. He says, wow. That must mean she and Nina are getting along. She says, it’s going better than she ever imagined. Nina’s respecting boundaries. She always calls to see if it’s okay to come over. She’s great with the kids. Wiley loves his grandmother. He lights up when he sees her. He says he’s so happy that things are going better. That’s great. How is Michael doing with all this? Has his opinion of Nina changed? She tells him, like she said, Michael’s stubborn.

Sonny asks if something happened between Nina and Michael, but she says, no. It’s not Michael, it’s… Gladys. He says, what’d she do now? and Nina says, she’s in serious debt. She owes a lot of money to Selina Wu. He says, that’s somebody you don’t want to mess with. How did Nina find out? She says, Gladys came to her. Gladys asked her for money. She wanted Nina to bail her out because she was too afraid to approach Sonny. Sonny says, let him guess how she got into this hole – gambling. Nina says, she lost a lot of money. Apparently, she’s been playing for months. He says, dammit, getting out of bed. What the hell is wrong with Gladys? Didn’t she see what gambling did to Mike? It pretty much destroyed his life. What was she thinking? Nina says, that’s the point; she wasn’t thinking. And she hates to tell him this, but it gets worse. Before Gladys came to her, she found another way to get the money. He says, how? and she says, Gladys was stealing money from Sasha.

Thunder rumbles as Ava raises her glass and says, here’s to the end of the Windymere era. Good riddance to this place and everything that happened here. She sips her martini, and flashes back to the argument she and Nikolas had that ended with her cracking him over the head and thinking he was dead.

Doc tells Hans, we have a saying in the US; follow the money. That’s what led them here. Laura asks if there’s anything Hans can tell them, and he says, Nikolas indeed has a substantial amount of money with them, but it’s separate from the Cassadine estate. Nikolas has several separate accounts. A large amount was sent to him by his Uncle Victor. His condolence on Victor’s death. Both Doc and Laura are like, no, and Doc asks if there’s been any recent activity in Nikolas’s accounts. Hans says, as a matter of fact, there’s been quite a bit. There have been several withdrawals. Laura asks if Hans has seen him, and Hans says, no, but he’ll print out the records for them. Laura thanks him, and Hans leaves. Doc says, this could mean Nikolas is alive, and Laura says she hopes so.

Spencer says he can’t believe it, and she says, that she’s in love with him? He’d better believe it. He says, no. That it took her so long to say it. He was just professing his love to her back in the hotel room and she didn’t say anything back, so he just assumed… She says, that she didn’t feel the same way? and he says he didn’t know. Why didn’t she say anything then? She says she learned a thing or two from Aunt Stella. She said, good things come to those who wait. He says he would have waited an eternity for her to say those words and he’s so glad she did. He doesn’t know if she’s noticed, but he’s not the most patient person in the world. She says, him? What is he thinking about? He says, that he’s the luckiest guy in the world, and takes her hand. He says he’s loved her for so very long. Since the day he met her. She says, that was a long time ago, wasn’t it? They’ve certainly been through a lot since then. We go down Spencer and Trina Memory Lane, but not too far, since it was another actress then, and there’s a song part. He says, the best is yet to come, and kisses her hand.

Sonny says, so Nina is telling him that Gladys is stealing from her daughter-in-law? and Nina says, yeah. Gladys has been syphoning money from Sasha’s bank account for months, until she drained it. And she was desperate because she still owed Selina Wu a lot of money. Then when Sasha came to Gladys and said she wanted to end the conservatorship, she panicked. Gladys doesn’t want anyone to know what she’s doing. He says, Sasha came to him months ago and said she felt stronger and didn’t need a guardian. Gladys told him that she was against ending the guardianship. Is Nina telling him that Gladys tried to make sure this didn’t happen? She takes his hand and says, Gladys did a lot more than just that.

Drew tells Willow that he gets where Michael is coming from. Everyone knows how Carly feels about Nina. But he keeps getting reminded, not only is life short, but it’s so fragile. They shouldn’t waste their time arguing with people and holding grudges. It just takes too much energy. Willow says she knows. After losing her mother, she realized how important family is. Harmony was never really her family, but the Quartermaines are. She feels so blessed to be a part of them. They’re so generous and loving… He says, and crazy, and stubborn, and combative. She says she knows, but she wouldn’t trade their money them for anything. He says, neither would he.

Elizabeth scrubs at her scrubs in the locker room, and sees Finn’s ID hanging from a locker. She looks over to see him in the shower. Since the doors are wide open. She leaves her ID on the table, and walks into the shower stall with him.

It continues to storm on Spoon Island. Ava turns around, and jumps, dropping her martini.

Hans comes back, and says, here are the current records for Mr. Cassadine’s accounts, handing them to Laura. She says, thank you so much. She looks through a folder and says, wow. There are quite a few withdrawals, aren’t there? Doc says, and these dates line up. They started just a few months ago. She says, right after Nikolas went missing, and Hans says, his colleagues tell him the withdrawals were made in person by Mr. Cassadine. As she can see, there’s a recent transfer for a substantial amount. He’ll leave her with these records. He has to attend to another matter. She says, he’s been so helpful. She can’t thank him enough. He says, always a pleasure, and says, nice meeting Doc. Doc says, they really appreciate this, and they shake hands. Hans says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Laura says, he’s alive. Her son is alive. Thank God. She and Doc hug, and he says, this might lead them to him.

The waiter asks if Trina and Spencer would like to see the dessert menu, and Spencer looks to Trina, but she says, no thank you. They have to get going. He says he’ll take the check, and the waiter leaves. As much as I’m not keen on Spencer, I’m glad Trina is looking forward to her first time with him. Usually, there’s all this angst surrounding that, so it’s nice to see the flip side.

Elizabeth goes to Finn, and they kiss. She asks what he’s thinking, and he says he doesn’t want to think anymore. I’m thinking, why is she still wearing her scrubs? They start getting busy.

Nina tells Sonny, Sasha needed to get out of Ferncliff now. She needed to get away from this so-called doctor that was taking care of her. And the only way to do that was to pay this guy off. Sonny says, son of a bitch, and Nina says, a lot of stuff happened, but the bottom line is, Cody Bell broke Sasha out of Ferncliff. He says, Dante’s friend? and she says, yeah. Somehow, he got into Ferncliff, and he took her with him. Gladys said that Cody kidnapped her, but she doesn’t believe that. He says he’s sorry that Gladys put her in this position, but she says, no. She’s sorry she didn’t tell him earlier; she was trying to fix it herself. Anyway, he doesn’t need to apologize. He says, Gladys is family, but he’s put up with this way too long. That’s on him. Gladys will be dealt with. He probably doesn’t know who to go after first, Selina, Gladys, or the so-called doctor.

Drew thanks Willow for coming to see him, and she leaves. In the hallway, a woman turns around and Willow sees it’s Harmony.

Carly tells Michael, Diane said this judge is hoping to get a seat on the Circuit Court, and it’s really important because it’s a steppingstone to the Supreme Court. (The stuff I learn from this show.) He asks what that has to do with Drew’s sentence, and she says, he was hoping to look good. He could have given Drew a harsher sentence because he wanted to look good to the Justice Department. She doesn’t know. It’s all speculation, and it’s going to be really tough to prove actual misconduct. He says, what if they don’t have to prove it? What if the appearance of misconduct is enough? She asks what he means, and she says, let’s say we get the story out to the press. Maybe Drew’s case would gain some traction. She says, they could get Alexis to run a piece in The Invader, and that will put pressure on the judge, but he says, they have to tread lightly though, because Alexis is a former attorney and she’s scrupulous. Alexis won’t run a hit piece on Judge Kim just because Carly asks her to. Carly says, Alexis won’t do it for her, but there’s someone else she’d do it for.

Ava asks what the hell Mason is doing here. Did Giles let him in? He says, the guy in the penguin suit? He’s long gone. She asks what he wants, and he says, it depends. What is she offering? She says, nothing. She said her piece yesterday, so get out of here. He walks closer, and she says she told him, get out of here. She’ll call the cops. He says, go for it. We’ll be long gone before the cops can get here. She says, we? and he says, yeah.

Spencer opens the hotel room door, and Trina sees red rose petals on the bed. She says, Spencer… and goes to him, kissing him. They get busy, and there’s a song part. Another minority I’m in is, no rose petals on the bed please. Wouldn’t they stick to you?

Nina says, Sonny can’t do anything tonight. He can deal with this tomorrow. The only thing that matters is planning their wedding. He says, no. Actually, the only thing that matters is getting married.

Willow asks what Harmony is doing here, and Harmony says she came looking for Willow. Willow asks, why? and Harmony says she came to warn Willow. Willow says, about what? and Harmony’s lips move, but we can’t hear the words. Willow wakes up on one of the couches in the waiting area at the hospital.

Trina and Spencer bask in the afterglow, and he says he has no words for her. She says, wow, and they kiss.

Doc asks if Laura sees anything, and she says she’s looking for a pattern; a clue as to where Nikolas might be now. But it’s this one very large withdrawal. Does Doc think he opened another account so he could maybe hide what he’s doing or where he is? He says, maybe, but they’re not going to figure anything out right now. He suggests they take these back to the hotel for champagne. This is information worth celebrating. She says, it is, and hugs him. She says her son is alive and they’re celebrating. And their search was not in vain. Again, if Nikolas wanted to let her know he was alive, he could have just picked up the phone instead of making her trot halfway around the globe.

Ava says she’s not going anywhere with Mason, and reaches for a fireplace poker. He says he wouldn’t do that if he were her, and she tells him, stay away from her. He says, she ratted them out. She wasn’t smart.

Elizabeth approaches the reception desk and asks if Amy has checked on the patient in 1002. Amy says she did and he’s fine. Elizabeth looks tired. Does she want Amy to get her a coffee? Nothing like a little caffeine to get you through the night shift. Elizabeth says she’ll never sleep tonight if she has one of those. Finn comes out, and Amy says, here are the labs he’s been waiting for, and asks why they both have wet hair.

Spencer tells Trina, you know when I’m happiest? When I’m with you. He means it. They kiss some more.

Someone walks into Hans’s office, and he says he assumes they’re here for more money. Nikolas closes the door and says, yes. He needs to make another withdrawal. Hans says, he just missed his mother, and Nikolas says, did he? Hans says, she was just here with her husband. They’re looking for him. His mother is a very gracious woman. She loves him and his disappearance has given her a large amount of pain. Be a good son and do the right thing. Nikolas says he plans to.

We see the living room at Windymere is empty.

Carly asks why Drew isn’t sleeping. He should be resting. He says he got some sleep. Then Willow came to visit and he’s sure he’s going to nod off again, so he’s good. She should go home. She should be with the girls. She says, Josslyn’s with them; they’re fine. She’s not going to stay long. She just needed to be with him, even if it’s just to watch him sleep. She loves him. She’s so sorry this happened to him. He tells her not to worry. Everything’s going to be okay. She says, he’s damn right, because she’s going to make sure.

Michael asks if Drew’s okay, and Willow says she thinks so. It looks like Drew will recover. The surgery went well. They had a good visit. She’s really glad she saw him. He asks her, what’s wrong? but she says, it’s nothing. He says, if she’s not feeling well, she has to tell him. She says, it’s not that. After she left Drew’s room, she sat in the lounge for a bit and nodded off. He says, she’s pushing herself too hard. She should have waited before going back to work. She says she guesses she was a bit more tired than she realized, but that’s not what’s bothering her. She had the strangest dream about her mother. He says, Nina? but she says, no, Harmony. But it was only a dream.

Nina tells Sonny that she doesn’t care about the dress and the flowers and the – she flips through some of the papers on the bed – cake. It doesn’t matter. He says, it seems like it matters to her because she’s doing a lot of planning, and she says she has, but it’s also insignificant right now. With everything that’s happened these last few months; with Sasha being committed, and Curtis getting shot. She feels really guilty about planning a big wedding because a lot of people that they love are suffering. He says he’s got an idea, and she says, what? He says, why don’t they elope? He’s serious. All they care about is to say their vows and become husband and wife. She even said she didn’t want to deal with this right now. She says, but Sonny… and he says, the planning’s going to be out of control. Olivia is going to keep coming to her with more options, and do they really care what icing is on the cake? (Well… yeah.) She says she doesn’t know, and he says, we will fly to the island tomorrow. We will get married. What does she say? She tells him that she says yes! throwing all the papers in the air.

On Monday, Sonny says, that’s exactly what he wanted him to do; Laura says she’s not giving up her search; Valentin tells Martin that Charlotte’s future depends on their conversation today; and Sasha says she plans to do just that.

👩🏻‍⚖️ Newest Of the New Mollys…

I didn’t even know how old they were supposed to be, and who cares anyway?

🚑 It’s a Match…

Weird how it’s sort of art imitating life.

💎 Fancy Pants POV…

Like we didn’t think she’d come back.

🧂 A Little Salt…

Zero sympathy about the ring, and she acted like a child because she’s an adult? What does that even mean?

🗽 New York Casual…

I love their Reunion pic. They’ve dressed like themselves; not like they’re having a quinceañera. One article said fans were angry about the jeans. What’s wrong with people?

🪙 Trailing the Potomac…

What’s to come for the Grande Dame and company.


👠 What Happens In Jersey…

Jackie gives a tease.

When will Andy learn? When the lawsuit finally comes knocking?

🎪 Faux Housewives Of Bravo…

Kind of ironic, considering she looks nothing like she did when she was first on the show.

🍹 Dance Card Officially Filled…

She could use a break, but she should really let that Austen thing go.

🗑 Filed Under Who Cares…

What a big egotistical baby this guy is.

🎭 Farewell Old Friend…

I was sad to hear about his death. Although I’m glad they remembered he was in VR5. Blink and you missed it, but it was a great show and it started Michael Easton’s career. I knew he was going places.





📀 End Of an Era…

I’d keep that last one and sell it later on eBay.


🐾 Paws In the Forefront…

If not at a Paw Patrol screening, then where else would they break records?


Adorable to the nth degree, especially in that tiny hat.


🦆 Quotes Of the Week

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. – Sir Isaac Newton

The greatest deception [humans] suffer is from their own opinions. – Leonardo da Vinci

If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. – Seth Godin

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. – Babe Ruth

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi

We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better. – C Joybell C

Action is the foundational key to all success. – Pablo Picasso

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. –Mark Twain

They’re not on the same page. They’re not even in the same book. – Jamal Menzies, Pillow Talk: 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days

Crying and throwing a tantrum isn’t going to be a solution to the problem. – Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, My 600-LB Life

🛶 Building an Ark…

Stop in again on Monday really Tuesday for soap and what’s going on in the Med. Until then, stay safe, stay making requests instead of demands, and stay not wasting your time arguing with people and holding grudges. It takes too much energy, and life is short.

July 11, 2023 – Curtis Is Taken Into Surgery, Two Losses, Even Longer, Je M’appelle Daryl, City News, Birthday Bubbles & Hair


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Gabe says he made sure Brook got home safe and sound. Now he’s taking Sonny home. But Sonny says he’s not going anywhere until he gets an update from Dex at GH. He asks if Anna is ready to go home, but she says she can’t stop thinking about Curtis. It’s the worst that he was caught in the middle of all of this. The shooter was aiming at either her or Sonny, and Curtis got in the way.

Esme puts her hand on Spencer’s shoulder, and says she really appreciates him taking these parenting classes with her. He says he did it for his little brother. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Ace. From the doorway, Josslyn – who is starting to annoy me to no end – says, what’s this? Hanging out after class?

Outside, Finn says, Elizabeth did great tonight, and she says she learned from the best. Epiphany always told her that she needed to compartmentalize. Put her fears and doubts aside, and just do her job. Finn says, Epiphany would have been really proud of Elizabeth. The way she stayed focused on her patient despite all the chaos, not knowing if the shooter was going to shoot again. She helped keep Curtis alive. She says, they did it together, and he says, they did, didn’t they?

At the Bistro, Stella says she’s glad she could join Marshall tonight. And for once, they’re not squabbling about the check – he’s paying. She laughs, and he says, his pleasure. It’s been a long time since they had a night out, just the two of them. She says she agrees. Even after all these years, there’s only one thing that would make it better, and that’s if there were three of them. He takes her hand and says he knows. She’s thinking about her sister Irene. Not a day goes by he doesn’t miss her. She says, Irene was so full of life, just like Curtis.

The doctor comes out and Trina says, Curtis is going to make it, isn’t he? Tell her. Portia says, she’s in shock. The doctors and nurses are doing everything they can to help Curtis. The doctor says, that’s right. He called in Dr. Barnsole, the neurosurgeon. He’s on his way. He leaves, and Portia tells Trina that she’s worked with him before. He’s the very best at what he does. Trina says, what if something goes wrong? The surgery is complicated, and the bullet is lodged near his spine. He could be paralyzed. Portia says, yes, there is a risk, but because Curtis is unconscious, he can’t speak for himself. They have to speak for him. And the Curtis Ashford she knows would do anything to be with the people he loves. Anything. She and Trina hug.

Trina says she knows Portia has Curtis’s best interest at heart, and trusts her judgement, and Portia says, it means so much to her that Trina has faith in her. The doctor gets Portia’s attention, and Portia says she has Curtis’s family’s blessing, do everything they can to save Curtis’s life… no matter the risk. The doctor says, they will, and leaves. Portia says, Trina’s so strong, but Trina says, honestly, she doesn’t feel so strong. She’s so scared. Portia says she’s so scared too, and holds Trina.

Stella says, if Irene were here, she’d tell them, don’t dwell on the past; look to the future. Marshall says, amazing, isn’t it? He came here looking for a son and found a whole family. He gets a faraway look, and she says, everything was good at Curtis’s birthday party. Has something changed? He says, it seems Curtis and Portia are still working it out, and she says, what about him? Does he think she doesn’t know what losing Epiphany Johnson meant to him? She got a chance to know Epiphany; she was a fine woman. They even hung out a little bit at Curtis’s nightclub. She cared about Marshall, and he doesn’t have to tell her the feeling wasn’t mutual, because she knows better. He says he has this memory… Just before Epiphany was going off to take her MCATs, she kissed him, and that kiss, that one kiss, is going to have to last him forever. Stella says she’s so sorry. Does he think it would help if he talked to somebody? A professional maybe, a shrink? He says he already has.

Esme says she didn’t see Josslyn there, and Josslyn says, obviously. She tells Spencer that his girlfriend’s downstairs, and he asks if something’s wrong. She says, Trina’s dad Curtis was shot tonight.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she doesn’t understand why someone would take a shot at Curtis. He left that world behind him when he traded in his P.I. license for The Savoy. Does Finn think an enemy from the past followed him? Finn says he talked to Dante for a moment at the scene. There were three shots fired, and he thinks Curtis was hit by a ricochet of one of them. She says, so he wasn’t the intended target? and Finn says, seems that way. She says, in a way, that only makes it worse, the randomness of it. If either of them had been at the pool instead of the restaurant… They both say, it could have been you, in unison.

Anna tells Sonny that it’s no secret her past has caught up with her. She should have taken someone spray painting murderer on her door more seriously. She just wanted to believe it was a teenage prank. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was a warning of things to come. He says, three shots at long range lacks a personal touch, and she says, he’s right. It’s military procedure; not exactly his world, is it? She knows he and Valentin have gone into some business venture together, which Valentin hasn’t told her anything about. She didn’t press, but she didn’t think it was charitable work. Is that what this shooting’s been about? Nina runs in, and says she came as soon as she heard about the shooting. Thank God they’re okay. Sonny says, there was a shooting, but she needs to go home, and Nina says, absolutely not. This is her hotel. How would it look to her staff and her guests if she just went and hid? Her presence helps send a message that things are safe here. Besides, she’s not going anywhere until she finds out if anyone was hurt. Sonny says, somebody was hurt, and she asks, who was it? Please, just tell her. He says, it was Curtis.

Nina says, Curtis was shot? My God, is he all right? Anna says, Finn and Elizabeth were here. They were able to help him until the paramedics got here. Sonny says, they rushed him to GH. They’re just waiting for an update. Nina asks, how bad is it? and Anna says, he was hit in the back. Nina asks if anyone else was hurt, but Sonny says, no one else was hurt. She says she’s grateful for that, but who would shoot Curtis? Was it someone from his past with a score to settle? If Sonny knows anything, he doesn’t have to protect her; just tell her. Anna says, it’s just conjecture at this point… and Sonny says, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s it. Nina says, so someone else was the target. Did they mean to finish what they started and try to kill Sonny? Is that it?

Elizabeth tells Finn that she knows life is fragile. You pretty much learn that the first day in nursing school if you didn’t already know it. Finn says, there’s death at GH every week, in all its forms. Sometimes it’s a shock. Other times, it’s almost a relief when you see a patient struggling with a longtime disease. In med school, they teach that you have to build an armor against it. Because if you don’t do that, you can’t do your job. She says, until it’s someone you know, someone you care about… and he says, they all wake up thinking they have all the time in the world, but they don’t. Tonight taught them that they shouldn’t waste a single second.

Stella says she’s so proud of Marshall for seeking help. Did talking to the therapist give him closure; help him deal with the pain about Epiphany? He says, it helped to talk about it, but then things got even more personal, and she says, he doesn’t have to tell her if he doesn’t want to. He asks if he hasn’t kept enough things locked up inside of him, and she asks if he talked about his diagnosis from back in the day. He says, yeah. He’s been off of his meds long enough that he has a sense of his behavior and biochemistry and all that. Stella asks if the psychiatrist agreed with Portia. Is there any chance Marshall was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia over 40 years ago? He says, there’s more than a chance. It seems almost certain it was something else.

Josslyn tells Spencer that Trina is on the first floor near the trauma room, and he jets, telling Esme to call a Ride Share to get Ace and get home. Esme starts to get her stuff together, and Josslyn asks where she’s going. They’re going to have a little chat.

Trina tells Portia that she can’t believe she just found out Curtis is her father, only to maybe lose him. It doesn’t feel right. Portia tells her, no one said she’s going to lose him. She can’t think like that. She has to think positive thoughts. Trina says, Portia doesn’t have to be brave for her benefit. She just told Trina that she was terrified. Portia says she is terrified, but she also has hope. Trina’s father’s a strong man, and as much as Trina wants him in her life, Portia knows he wants to be there for Trina. Spencer comes out of the elevator, and Trina runs to him. He holds her as Dex watches from across the room.

Esme says she doesn’t think she and Josslyn have anything to talk about, but Josslyn says, that’s where she’s wrong. Spencer might have done his part for his little brother, coming with Esme to parenting class, but right now, Trina’s going through hell, and he needs to be with her. I love how she’s talking like there was some argument about this. Are we watching the same show? Esme says, then it’s lucky for Trina that Josslyn knew where to find them. Does she stalk all her friends? Josslyn says, it’s not luck actually. Her grandma runs all of the educational classes here at GH. She told Josslyn that Spencer was in this class. She thinks it’s a good thing she showed up when she did. Esme heads for the door, and Josslyn says she’s onto Esme. Esme asks what that means, and Josslyn says, it means she saw that tender little moment between Esme and Spencer. What was that? Your homework? Did the instructor tell her to get closer with Ace’s brother after class? Esme says, that tender moment Josslyn thinks she saw was just her thanking Spencer for coming to a class he didn’t want to go to. That is all. Josslyn says she saw exactly how Esme thanked him, and Esme says, look. She’s apologized to Josslyn, but that is who she was. She’s not that person anymore. Josslyn says, that’s not good enough. Esme took things from her that she can never get back, and Esme has yet to pay for them. Esme says she’s so sorry, but she doesn’t know what Josslyn expects her to do in order to believe her. Josslyn says, she can turn herself in.

Stella says, so if the psychiatrist thought Marshall was wrongfully diagnosed all those years ago with schizophrenia, did he say what he thought was really wrong with Marshall? Marshall says, of course (🍷) not. All he said was he didn’t want to speculate without reading the original file that was written by whoever diagnosed him 40 years ago, back before computers even documented everything. Even if he was able to track down a hard copy of the file, he already thinks he knows what would be in that file. She asks if he’s thinking it’s what led Portia to the same conclusion, and he says, bingo. Her phone rings, and she says, Portia. Hey. She’s in the middle of something. Can she call Portia back? Portia says she’s sorry, but this can’t wait. She’s been trying to get ahold of Marshall and she’s not getting a response. Does Stella happen to know where he is? Stella says she’s sitting with him at the Haven Bistro. What’s wrong? Portia says, Curtis has been shot, and Stella says, oh dear God. Portia says she’ll tell Stella everything when she gets to GH. They’re about to take him to surgery. Stella says, they’re on their way, and Marshall asks where they’re going. She says, pray for Curtis and come with her, and they jet.

Elizabeth tells Finn that she was working on adrenaline tonight. After they took Curtis away and the job was done, all she wanted was to be with Finn. And to see his face and hold his hand, and know that he was out of danger. He says he felt the same thing. He just wanted her to be okay. He learned the hard way, life isn’t always fair. Sometimes it’s cruel, and bad things happen to really good people. She says, sometimes good people do bad things, and he says, they’ve all made mistakes. They can’t help beating themselves up about bad decisions they made five minutes ago in their past. Either can move past them or… She says, or what? and Finn says, or they have to courage to admit they weren’t just mistakes. They were failures, and they’re brave enough to move on. Maybe a little bruised, but not beaten, and hopefully a helluva lot smarter.

Sonny tells Nina that he’s got his share of enemies, but there’s no reason to believe that he’s the shooter’s target. Anna says, it could have just as easily been someone aiming at her, and Nina says, Anna risked her life bringing Aunt Liesl home in time to save Willow. Does she really think there are people still out there who are loyal to Victor Cassadine? Anna says, the mercenaries who were on his payroll, no. She doubts any of them would care to honor his memory by seeking revenge. But now that her sordid past has been publicized around the world, it’s likely it’s someone from her past looking for payback. Sonny’s phone rings, and he steps away. He asks Dex if there’s any news, and Dex says, Curtis is hanging in there. The bullet is lodged in his spinal cord, so there’s a lot of concern about that. They just wheeled him into the OR for surgery. Sonny says, anything else? and Dex says he’s not a doctor, but from his battlefield experience, it feels like the odds are stacked against Curtis. Sonny asks if Josslyn is with Trina, and Dex says, yeah. She’s here at the hospital. Sonny tells him to stick close to Josslyn, and call him if anything changes. He goes back to Anna and Nina, and says, what they know right now is, Curtis is alive and they’re going to take him to surgery. Anna says, that’s good news, and Nina says, it is, but the way Sonny said that was like there’s bad news too. And she doesn’t have to guess what that is, does she?

Curtis is wheeled past Trina and Spencer, and Portia runs out. The doctor says, they’re taking Curtis up to surgery. They’re going to do everything they can. Portia says she knows they will, and everyone wastes time looking at Curtis for a moment before he’s wheeled into the elevator.

Esme says, and people tell her that she’s the dangerous one, and Josslyn says, when you hurt someone the way Esme hurt her, they pay for it. She learned that from her family. Esme asks, who taught her that? Her ex-stepdad, the mob boss? Josslyn says she’s here to protect her friend Trina. No more, no less. Esme doesn’t have any friends, so she can see why Esme would have trouble understanding that. Esme says she doesn’t know if Spencer considers her a friend or not, but he is Ace’s brother. And because Nikolas decided to skip town, Spencer has been helping her with Ace, and she appreciates that, but that’s all he is to her. No more, no less. Josslyn says, that might convince some people, and Esme says, it should; it’s the truth. She knows all of the lies she allegedly told Josslyn, but this isn’t one of them, and she isn’t the old Esme. Josslyn says, then who is she? Because this is still abrasive, and she wonders which psychopath Esme inherited that from, Ryan or Heather? Esme says, how dare she? For real. Why is Josslyn being such an asshat?

Sonny tells Nina, all Dex said was, Curtis is being sent to surgery. They both know he’s a fighter, right? Nina says she has to get to the hospital, and he says he’ll have Gabe take her, while he… She says, he and Anna were witnesses. Maybe they can help the police track down whoever did this to Curtis. Sonny asks Frank to take Nina to the hospital, and Nina kisses him goodbye, leaving with Frank. Anna asks Sonny what Nina meant by someone finishing what they started, and he says, Nina always worries that he’s going to be in the line of fire. It just goes with the territory.

Spencer tells Trina, it’s going to be okay, and gets her to sit down. She says, he doesn’t know that, and he says, okay, he doesn’t. But until the doctors give them something to worry about, they need to stay positive. She and Curtis are cut from the same cloth. Look at the way she snuck onto the Haunted Star. She stared death right in the face. She survived everything Victor threw at her, and that was a lot. Where did that will to live come from if not from Curtis? She says, when they were in their darkest times and didn’t know if they were going to make it, she knew Curtis was fighting for her. He says, now it’s her turn to keep fighting for him, when Marshall and Stella come out of the elevator.

Marshall hugs Portia, and asks, where’s his son? Stella asks when they can see him, and Portia says, they took him to the OR just a little while ago, but the surgery is going to take some time. Stella says, when she got the call, she was hoping she could see him, because she never got a chance to tell him how very much… She breaks down crying, and Marshall hugs them both. Portia says, he knows. Don’t ask her how, but he knows.

Elizabeth tells Finn, that makes her think about when she used to take the boys to the park. She remembers when each of them was finally big enough to jump off the high dive. They were fearless because they’d never done it before. But after that first time, especially if they belly flopped, they knew jumping off was a risk. He says he knows that feeling. Standing up there, looking down, thinking about everything that could go wrong, thinking about how much it might hurt. She says, it takes a lot of courage to take that plunge a second time, and he says, kind of like how she confronted her parents after all those years. It was a risky thing to do, but she seemed pretty fearless to him. She says she guesses she was, and he says, so tell him, is she ready to take the plunge again? She says, is he?

Josslyn says, how dare she what? Esme took a shot at her ex, and she can’t say anything about Esme’s nutjob parents? She remembers the sociopath Esme was before she lost her memory. Dex walks in and asks if there’s a problem, but Josslyn says, nothing she can’t handle. Back to what really matters; how’s Curtis? Dex says, they’re taking him to the OR for surgery, and Josslyn says, so there’s a chance. He says, there’s always a chance, and Josslyn says, good. She’s so glad Trina has Spencer to lean on. Esme says she needs to go get her child and relieve the babysitter, but could Dex please tell Trina that she’s thinking good thoughts for her and her dad? She leaves, and Dex asks, what was that all about? And why is she asking him to deliver a message to Trina? Josslyn says, because Esme knew she wouldn’t do it. But she thinks she just caught a glimpse of the real Esme. Okay, so she’s supposed to be Josslyn’s punching bag if she’s not a sociopath? What I said before.

Stella hugs Trina, and says, it’s just so hard for her to wrap her head around. Curtis was shot by the MetroCourt pool. It just doesn’t seem real. Trina says she wishes it wasn’t. Curtis is the most alive person she knows. And to think… Stella says, no, don’t think it. Just sweep those negative thoughts out of her mind. He needs them to think good thoughts now. Trina has to think about how much life she has left to share with her father. Trina says, her father. She wishes she’d known that sooner. Stella says, she can’t change the past, but the fact is, Trina knows he’s her father now, and Curtis knows she’s his daughter. And if there’s any justice in the world, this isn’t the end of this journey; it’s just the start. Trina says she wishes she believed that, and Stella hugs her.

Marshall tells Portia that she doesn’t have to be Dr. Robinson right now; she’s just a part of this family… his family. He never knew how much that meant to him until right now. Nina comes out of the elevator and runs over to Portia. She hugs Portia, saying, she’s so sorry. She heard about Curtis. Portia thanks her for coming, but Nina says, Portia doesn’t have to thank her. She just needs to know that Curtis is going to be okay. Portia says, Nina knows Curtis, and she knows he’s not going out without a fight, and Nina says, that’s exactly right.

Anna says, Nina might have bought it, but Sonny can’t fool her. He’s on someone’s hitlist. He says he thought they had an unwritten rule; don’t ask, don’t tell. She says, oh, that rule, and he says he’s not going to ask her about the people who could be targeting her, and he’d want the same kind of courtesy. He motions Gabe over, and asks him to get the car. Gabe leaves, and Anna asks if it’s worth it, this life Sonny’s chosen, or the one that chose her. Every single choice they’ve ever made in their lives brought them to this moment; this moment tonight, this situation. From different directions obviously, but they have to face the same violent conclusion; that they always have to watch their backs. Sonny says, let him ask her a question. If she could turn back the clock and start over, would she do things differently? She thinks for a moment, and says she’s not sure. Would he?

Finn tells Elizabeth, tonight’s a reminder of just how precious life can be. Curtis didn’t go to the MetroCourt thinking he was going to get shot, and Portia never expected she was going to have to try and saved his life. None of them get promised another sunset, another sunrise. All he knows is, if they don’t take this chance, they might not get another one. She asks if he thinks they really can, and he says, you and me, make it work? He doesn’t know. All they can do is try. He kisses her.

When they come up for air, Elizabeth says she should go home to the boys, and Finn says, Violet’s probably talked the babysitter’s ear off at this point, and she’ll be waiting for him to read her a story before going to bed. Does Elizabeth have any plans for tomorrow night? She says, no, no plans, and he says, it’s funny. He doesn’t have any plans either. He could take her out. She says, they could stay in. She’d love to cook him dinner. Does he like lasagna? He says he loves lasagna. He’s sure anything she made would be amazing. She says, then she’ll surprise him, and they stroll out of the park.

Stella asks Portia why they haven’t been given any news. It seems like a long time since they’ve gotten an update. Trina says, Portia works there. Can’t she pull some strings or something? They know Curtis is in surgery, but they could be told something, like it’s going well, or it’s not going well. Why haven’t they been told anything? Portia says she knows Trina’s scared; they all are. But the most important thing to focus on right now is the surgery. Whatever they need to do to give Curtis the best possible care, that’s the priority. So the only thing they can really do right now is pray and be patient. Stella nods and walks off, and Spencer tells Portia, let him see what he can find out. His family still donates a great deal of money to this hospital… Portia says, this isn’t about his family or their money, and he says, she’s so right. He’s sorry. She thanks him, and says she knows he’s just trying to help. She follows Stella, and Spencer holds Trina as Esme comes out of the elevator. She goes over to Trina and says she just heard about Trina’s dad. She’s so sorry. Trina thanks her, and Esme says, she and Spencer were in this parenting class when Josslyn found them and broke the news. They were both devastated for her.

Josslyn says, let’s go, and Dex asks if she’s sure she’s okay. As long as he’s known her, she’s been pretty rock solid. He’s never seen someone get under her skin like that. (Did they just meet today?) She says, that’s what Esme does. She finds all of your buttons and presses every last one of them. He asks if she’s saying Esme is pretending to have amnesia, but Josslyn says she doesn’t know. Esme’s dad is Ryan Chamberlain, and her mom is Heather Webber, so… Even before they knew that, they knew she was a sociopath. She’s more convinced than ever that jealous, spiteful Esme is in her and just waiting to come back out.

Spencer says he thought Esme was heading home because she was so anxious about leaving Ace with the new babysitter for the first time. Esme says she just spoke to Melanie, who assured her that Ace is sleeping like a rock, but she’s headed home now. They seem preoccupied, but is there a message Spencer wants her to pass on to his little brother? Spencer says, just that he’ll be home soon, and he loves him. Thanks. She says, sounds good, and tells Trina, when she tucks Ace into bed tonight, she promises to say a prayer for her dad. She walks out, giving a last look to Spencer holding Trina.

Sonny tells Anna that he’s not the type of person who spends time second guessing. When he was washed up from that river, and ended up in Nixon Falls without a memory of who he was or what he did, he created a life for himself. Cowboy Mike, the bartender. He laughs, and says, then when he got his memory back, he still had a little piece of Mike inside his heart. But at the end of the day, he’s Sonny Corinthos mob boss. Love it or hate it, that’s the life he chose – or the one that chose him. Either way, it’s his life and he’s okay with it. She says she sees. She’s going to go home. He says he’d offer to get her a ride… She says, except he knows better, and he says, yeah, he does. She heads for the door, and he says, if she changes her mind, the offer still stands. She says she appreciates that, and tells him to take care.

Nina tells Portia, nobody loves their life as much as Curtis loves his. She knows this because he said those exact words. Portia asks if Nina minds telling her what he said, and Nina says, of course (🍷). They were talking a while back, and he said he loves running the nightclub – Marshall and Stella walk up – especially when his family can join him at night. When Portia and Trina go there to unwind after a long day at work and school. When his dad can be there – she takes Marshall’s hand – and join in the live music and maybe sing along. Then Aunt Stella – she takes Stella’s hand – joins, when they’re lucky enough to have her in town. And he said all this with a big smile on his face. Stella says, amen to that, and Marshall says, that’s a beautiful sentiment. He’s still kicking himself for all the years he wasted staying away. Watching from a distance, Trina tells Spencer that she wishes she had her Aunt Stella’s faith. Spencer says, Trina might not have the same faith in God that she does, but Trina can at least trust he’s not going anywhere. He smooths her hair and kisses the top of her head.

Tomorrow, Chase asks Brook what Tracy could possibly do for him; Cody says he’ll understand if Selina no longer wants to retain his services; Lucy tells Felicia that they’re going to find what Martin’s been hiding from her; and it’s Sasha 2.0.

🥀 Sad Soap News…

This was so sad to hear. She was always one of my favorites.

Another groundbreaker gone too soon.

⚔️ Hatfields And McCoys 2023…

It’s doubtful I could sit through two hours of this. And really? At someone else’s house?

⚰️ Across The Dead Sea…

Daryl has a hard time communicating in his native country. It will be interesting to see how he navigates France.



🗽 This Week In the City…



🐶 Lucky Dog…

Now I don’t feel as bad about Jiggs next door not liking me too much.


🏃🏽‍♀️ Sliding Into Home…

Boomerang back tomorrow for soap and trash talk about the OC. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping in touch with old friends, and stay not dwelling on the past, but looking toward the future.

May 5, 2023 – Lots Of Action In Greenland, Behind It, Her Why, Happy Anniversary, Almost, Snub Drama, It’s Her, Closing, VanderKarma, Baby Off Deck, Accused, Brave Pets (!), 10 Quotes To Ponder & Listen


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sonny says, they heard about Willow; how’s she doing? Carly says, Michael’s with her now, and Nina asks, what happened? Carly says, she collapsed. They’re waiting to hear from Dr. Randolph, but they talked to TJ, and her condition has deteriorated. Nina asks, how bad? and Carly says, hopefully, they can find Nina’s Aunt Liesl, and Drew can bring her back here in time to have the bone marrow transplant. But in the meantime, Willow has to stay in the hospital.

Michael thanks Willow for agreeing to stay, and she says, the whole, if you go home you might not make it argument was pretty persuasive. Michael says he guesses he pulled out all the stops, and Willow says, he made her see she needs a controlled environment for now, so she can go home to him and their kids later. She’s fighting with everything she has to stay with their family.

Somewhere in Greenland. Trina asks if Jordan can hear her, and Jordan says she can. Where is Trina? Trina says, on the Haunted Star with Spencer and Ace, and Jordan says, they have to get off that boat now. Trina says, they know, but… Jordan says, no buts. There are drones on the way with orders to drop bombs on the entire island. They have no way to stop them. Take the baby and get to the seaplane before it’s too late. Spencer says, he can’t leave his grandmother behind, and Trina says, or Curtis. She asks Jordan, what about the others? and Jordan says, every second counts. Take the baby, and get off that island. Spencer tells Trina to take Ace and get to the seaplane; he’ll look for the others. She says, what if he runs into Victor, or his guards? She’s not leaving him. Felicia takes the phone, and tells Spencer, they both know his grandmother would want him and Ace to be safe. Jordan says, exactly. Their job is to get themselves and the baby to that plane before it takes off.

Holly tells Victor to drop his gun, but he asks why he would do that. Especially if she’s going to drop her gun and let him pass. Holly asks why she would do that? Obviously, he’d shoot her if she did. Obrecht says, stop talking, and shoot him, and Victor puts Obrecht in front of him, saying, be careful or she might shoot Liesl. Obrecht tells her not to worry about that, and shoot him, but Victor says, what about poor Willow? She’ll die. Obrecht says she’ll instruct Holly how to harvest her marrow. Now pull the trigger! Victor holds up the cannister, and says, if anything happens to him, they all die. This makes no sense, since if he’s dead, he can’t release it, never mind the sunlight part, but we’ll let that pass.

Anna looks at Valentin through the window of the isolation room, and calls to him. He says, she’s not real; she’s an illusion. She’s just like Helena; he’s imagining her. She says, no, she’s here. She’s absolutely real. He has to hang on.

Alone in her office, Portia says, God, if You can hear me, please keep Trina and Curtis safe. Just bring my family home. There’s a knock at the door, and she says, come in. Elizabeth says she hopes she’s not interrupting. She just wanted to check on Portia. Portia says, Marshall was here with her earlier, but she sent him home because he needs his rest. Elizabeth says, he’s not the only one, and Portia says she knows. She’s so tired, but she can’t stop thinking, what if she never sees Trina and Curtis again?

Laura tells Curtis, wait a minute. The display on this computer… The program it’s running; she’s seen that before. He asks, where? and we see a map on the screen with a spot that says, Target Area. She says, forty years ago, in another underground bunker, also owned by Mikkos Cassadine. She sits, and says, look at this. He says, it’s a map of the mid-Atlantic states, and she says, it’s all the same. He says, same as what? and she says she thinks there might be another weather machine.

Trina says, they hear what Jordan is saying, but the others have to be warned. Robert says, he promises they’ll tell everyone in the bunker about the drone strike, and Felicia says, they have to get to the seaplane now. Otherwise, they’re putting themselves and Ace in grave danger. Spencer says, they’re right, and Trina tells Jordan, please tell her mom and dad she loves them. Jordan says she will, but they can tell them themselves when they get home. Now get herself to the plane. Good luck, and stay safe. Spencer says, they have to hurry. They can do this. Trina says, together.

Portia says, it’s one thing for Trina not to speak to her. She guesses Trina is angry; she should be. She’ll take the silence, but for Trina to listen to Spencer, someone who’s been known to hurt every single person who’s cared about him… Elizabeth says, Spencer can be difficult, and Portia says, all she was trying to do was give Trina some time and space to process everything that had happened, and now the window she might have had to make things right is gone forever? Elizabeth says, no, and Portia says she doesn’t know why she waited. Why didn’t she just go to Trina, and do everything in her power to make things right when she had the chance? Elizabeth says, Trina is as big-hearted as she is stubborn. When she comes back, they’ll be able to work things out. There’s another knock at the door, and Portia says, come in. Jordan walks in, and Portia asks if there’s any word. Jordan says, they just heard from Trina and Spencer.

Anna calls to Valentin, and tells him to focus. Look at her. He says, the real Anna’s in the hospital. His father shot her. She told him to come and get Victor. Anna says she knows she told him that, but she came after him. He looks at her, and says he wishes she were really here, so he could hold her against him one last time; tell her how much he loves her. He cries, and she says she loves him too. Listen. She loves him. That’s why she’s here. To help him. She’s going to get him out of there. He says, no, she can’t.

Robert calls to Agent Hursley (I’ve been spelling it wrong), and Hursley says, it’s brave of Robert to speak to him without a lawyer present. Robert says, unless Hursley is here to tell him that the Bureau now realizes how stupid it is to bomb an island with ten people on it, get out of his face. Hursley says, but he’s on orders to stay and monitor the situation, and Robert says, do it where he can’t see him. Hursley says, let’s keep each other posted, shall we? and walks off. Robert tells Felicia that he’s going to talk to this director himself, and see if he can get through to him, and leaves.

Curtis tells Laura that he’s heard stories that the Cassadines had a machine that could control the climate. He thought it was just an urban legend. Laura says, no, it wasn’t. It was absolutely real. It was based on something called carbonic snow. The weather machine was capable of creating an artificial blizzard in a targeted area, and in the summer of 1981, Mikkos Cassadine aimed that thing right at the city of Port Charles. A group of them – Luke, Robert, Tiffany Hill, and Laura – managed to stop him. That weather machine was destroyed, but this is the same program. He says, the computer’s from the same era. If it’s the same program, is it hooked up to another weather machine?

Sasha arrives at the hospital, and goes over to Sonny and Nina. She says, Brook told her that Willow was here, and Sonny hugs her. She turns to Nina, and Nina says she’s so scared. They hug, and Josslyn and Carly see them while walking down the hall. Josslyn says, Michael is not going to like that Sonny and Nina are here, and Carly says she hopes they have sense enough to keep their distance. Nina thanks Sasha, who asks, how is Willow? Nina says, the updates are not good. Her condition is deteriorating. Sasha says she knows this must be agony for Nina; for everyone. Is there any word on Liesl? Nina shakes her head.

Holly tells Victor, give up. Back-up is on the way; there’s nowhere to run. He says, come on. That old trick. She disappoints him. Holly says, it’s not a trick, and he says she’s wasting her time here. Just let him go, and she can get on with looking for her son Ethan. Apparently, he didn’t get the memo, and she says, Ethan’s perfectly fine, thank you. She found out about the auction – sick little affair that it was – and Ethan is now safe and far from his reach. He failed – again. He says, it doesn’t matter. Once he releases this pathogen, it has an 80% mortality rate, and he’s the only one with the antidote. Holly says, at this point, why bother? and he says, why bother try to save the world? Why bother living? She asks, what’s to live for? For him? Bearing in mind his unfortunate condition. He asks what she means by that, and she says she would have thought by now he’d have figured out that it was her who arranged for the little addition to his cocktail. Obrecht says, she’s not too good at it. He’s still alive and kicking. Holly says, alive, yes. Kicking? Not so much. She’s glad they’re finally face to face, because she really wanted him to know it was her. Obrecht says, she doesn’t mean… and Holly says, no more heirs for Uncle Victor. In fact, he can’t even try, can he? Victor says, you bitch! and aims his gun at her, but Drew pops out of nowhere, grabs Victor’s arm, and karate chops his neck. Victor falls face down in the snow.

Carly goes into Willow’s room, and says she doesn’t want to interrupt. Michael asks, what’s up? and she says, Sonny and Nina are here. Michael asks if she can tell them… but Willow says, wait.

Drew checks Victor’s pulse, when Holly calls to him. Obrecht also lies in the snow, and Drew says, no, no, no! Holly asks if Obrecht can hear her, and when she takes her hand away from Obrecht’s head, there’s blood on it.

Valentin says, Anna can’t open that door; he’s infected. She says she knows. They’re here to help him. He asks, where’s Victor and Obrecht? They have the cure. She says she doesn’t know; the others are looking for them. He says, the others? Oh God. She tells him not to worry about them. She’s going to try and find him a hazmat suit or something that they can put on him, and get him to safety. She’ll be right back. He says, no, don’t go, but she says, there’s no use arguing. They don’t have time. He says, it’s already too late.

Curtis says, they could be looking at an electronic ghost. An old program that started up when the computer booted up. As long as it’s not connected to an actual weather machine, it’s harmless. She says, except Mikkos Cassadine was never harmless; he was relentless. He was obsessed and absolutely thorough, and he knew there were agencies, including the WSB tracking him, trying to stop him. Curtis says, seems like a guy like that would have back-up, and she says she thinks he’s right. He says, that would explain this, indicating all the machinery. He says, why would someone like Mikkos Cassadine equip a bunker in literally the middle of nowhere without telling his brother? So he could retreat if he needed to with two weapons; two ways to hold the world hostage. The pathogen and the weather machine. This is real and it’s running. They have to stop it. He’ll find a way to cut the power. He starts looking around, but she says, don’t do that. They can kill the power to this computer, but that doesn’t mean they’ve killed the power to the weather machine. He says, she’s right. If they interrupt the power, the computer might shut down, lock them out entirely, and they’ll never find them. She says, it’s calibrated its target… the same as last time. He says, Port Charles.

Jordan tells Portia, Trina and Spencer agreed to head straight to the plane. With any luck, they should be home before daybreak. She moves toward the door, but turns, and says, Trina said to tell Portia that she loves her. Portia thanks Jordan, and Elizabeth looks outside. She says, is that snow? Man, I’ll bet longtime watchers are going out of their minds. Portia says, oh my goodness, and they all look out the window.

Sonny asks if they can just go, but Nina wants to stay a while longer. Just in case. Michael comes by, and Sonny asks how he’s doing. Michael says he’s okay, all things considered. He says, Nina… and she says she’s not here to cause trouble. He says, no. Willow wants to see her.

Drew says, come on, Liesl. Please. Holly says, she’s got a pulse, and asks if Obrecht can hear her. Drew asks, how bad is it? and we see Victor’s hand move.

Curtis says, there must be a way to stop the process, and Laura says, it’s already begun. (Where is Spinelli when you need him?) It will only get worse as it slowly works its way up to full power. The longer the machine is in operation, the greater the devastation will be. Curtis says, they have to try something. He has an idea. He pulls the keyboard over, and types. He says, suspend operations, and hits enter. He reads, to terminate functions, enter chemical formula and operation. Chemical formula for what? She says, carbonic snow. She told him, that’s how the machine works. It creates a blizzard by using carbonic snow. He says, who has the formula for carbonic snow? and Laura says she does.

Trina follows Spencer, who’s carrying Ace, and she asks if he’s sure this is the right way. He says, they’re heading east. She says she didn’t take him for a Boy Scout, and he says he learned it in prep school. They hear something, and he says, someone’s coming. She says, maybe it’s Curtis, but he says, maybe it’s not. They duck down behind a rock with this amazingly good baby, and Victor stumbles past, carrying the cannister. He says, Uncle Victor still has the pathogen, and Trina wonders where Curtis is. He says he doesn’t know, but he has to go after Victor. She says, he can’t.

Felicia says, any luck? and Robert says, yeah, all bad. Hursley was right about one thing; this new director is definitely not going to take any of his calls. Anybody he managed to get through to pretty much said the same thing. She says, they have to follow protocol in the even of a bioterror threat; she got the same drill. He says, they’re dealing with ten people here, as far as the Bureau’s concerned, and not billions. She says, even if those ten people are their friends, and he says, speaking of which, he was hoping to have heard from Anna by now. Felicia says, well, she’s a little busy.

Valentin asks Anna to please tell Charlotte how sorry he is, and that he loves her. And she was always the best thing in his life. Anna says, she still is, and he says he should have known better. When he looked into Alex’s eyes, he should have known she wasn’t Anna, because there’s no kindness there. Anna has compassion in her eyes. Even all those years ago when she rejected his affection, she still knew his heart, and she still had compassion in her eyes. He wishes he could have held onto that. Then Alex couldn’t have poisoned what they had. But she did, and he let her, and he wishes he hadn’t let anger and spite control him. Because then they might have found each other sooner, and he could have been the man he is with her. He likes the man he is with her, so if this is how he dies… Anna says, no, this is not how he dies, but he says, it’s okay, because she redeemed him. Thank you. I love you, Anna Devane. I’ll always love you. He chokes, and she calls his name.

Carly tells Willow that she’ll check on Wiley and Amelia, and make sure Tracy and Brook aren’t teaching them any bad habits. Nina walks in, and says, Michael told her that Willow wanted to see her. Willow says she did, and thanks Carly for everything. Carly says, remember, she needs to rest; no excitement. She leaves, and Nina asks how Willow is feeling. Willow says, the fluids are helping, and Nina says, that’s good. Willow says she wants Nina to do something for her, and Nina says, name it. Willow says, leave Carly alone.

Holly tells Drew, it’s not a bullet wound; she must have hit her head when she fell. Drew says he needs Obrecht to open her eyes, and she moans. He tells her to take it easy, and he and Holly start to help her up. She says, where’s that vile insect? and Drew says, wait. He’s gone. He’s gone, and so is the cannister. He might be headed back to the Haunted Star. Holly says, she’ll go. Get Liesl to the plane. Obrecht says, nein. Valentin is dying. He needs the antidote.

Victor walks into the main salon, and asks, what happened? Where’s Spencer? Goon32 says, some guy showed up out of nowhere. They did their best to fight him off. He took out Ivan, the only guy with a name and knocked him out. Victor says, what about Sir Ace? I make a mental note to name my next pet Sir Ace, and Goon32 says he checked the stateroom; both he and the nanny are gone. Victor says, the hell with the nanny. Find his nephews… Wait. Get the ship underway first. They’re leaving, with or without his family. He puts down the cannister and rubs his head.

Trina says, Spencer can’t go after Victor. They agreed to get Ace to the plane. That’s the plan. Now let’s go before one of Victor’s men sees us. He says, you go. He’s not going to let his Uncle Victor escape. Not when he has a pathogen that he intends to release and kill half the planet. Take his brother and go. He’ll be right behind her. He hands her the baby, and she asks if he promises. He says he does, kisses her, and jets.

Jordan says, snow in May, and Elizabeth says, it happens. The last time was three years ago – Aiden even did a report on it – but this is especially bizarre because it was in the 70s this afternoon. Portia tells her, what she said about Aiden’s report makes her think about Trina. All the reports and homework they helped the kids with over the years… until Trina said she was old enough and could do it by herself. They’re both mothers, so she knows they understand, but even though Trina’s in college, she’s always going to be Portia’s little baby girl. When she looks at Trina, she sees this little trace of a grin that she had when she was in her terrible twos. They laugh, and Portia says, sometimes she thinks Trina never grew out of them. But that smile. No matter how old Trina gets, that’s what she’s going to see. They watch the snow fall.

Laura says, right after they stopped Mikkos, she found the formula in the stateroom, and she studied it as she was falling asleep (as we all would). When she woke up, she realized no one should ever have access to that information, so they burned the paper, but the formula is seared into her memory. Robert was always afraid about that. He was afraid if someone found out, that they might come after her for it. She flashes back to when we were all children, and a very young Robert says, it’s not the kind of information she should have rattling around in her head. It could be dangerous. Laura tells Curtis, but this might be the very thing that saves everyone.

Anna stands in front of Valentin and says his name. She touches his face, and he asks what she’s doing. She can’t be in here. She says she knows, and he asks why she’d do that. She says, because she loves him. He says he’s contagious (something not even hinted at before); he’s infected. She caresses his face.

Laura types, and Curtis says, that was over forty years ago. How sure is she that she memorized that formula exactly? If she gets it wrong, the whole system could lock them out. They’ve got one shot at this. She says she knows. Does he trust her? He says, absolutely. She hits enter, and some beeping happens. She says, it worked! and they hug.

Victor slugs back a drink, and says, Valentin’s not his son after what he did to him. But Victor supposes he’ll just have to take his chances with the rest of humanity. He finishes the drink, and says, right. Let’s get this pathogen somewhere safe and the antidote somewhere safe. He opens the cannister, looks inside, and says, no!

Drew helps Obrecht stand upright, and tells her, take it easy. She says she stole the antidote when Victor wasn’t looking. I’m not sure how, since he had a death grip on that cannister, but she’s pretty resourceful. She says, if he releases the pathogen, there’s an 80% chance he’ll be killing himself as well. Drew asks if that wouldn’t stop him, and she says, Victor is both an idealist and an extremist. The Cassadines are willing to go down with the ship, so to speak.

Curtis leads Laura through the ship, gun drawn. Holly pops out, and Laura stops him from shooting her. She says, it’s Holly. What’s she doing here? What’s going on? Holly hands Laura a phone and says, she needs to call Robert and Jordan. Tell them Victor’s getting away. He’s got the pathogen with him. Last she saw, he was heading toward the Haunted Star. Where’s Valentin?

Valentin asks what Anna has done, but she says she doesn’t know. She thought she could find some kind of suit or protection. She just didn’t want him to be alone. He says he doesn’t know if dying together is all it’s cracked up to be, and she laughs. She tells him to look at her. She wants to tell him about someone; Valentin Cassadine. He’s a man who’s not going to die in some obscene plot of his father’s, because he – you – have a destiny. He’s going to be an even greater father to Charlotte. He’s going to be her partner. Because he knows her darkness. He knows what she’s capable of, and he’s capable of those things too. She knows it sounds a little twisted, but it’s not really, because she thinks that kind of connection elevates them in a way. It allows them to love the people they love, without any kind of restraint or restriction. She cries, and says, including each other. She thinks that’s why she came into this room. He says, but she’ll die, and she says, not necessarily. There’s a 20% chance she’s immune to this thing. She can beat those odds, and she’s willing to risk them just to be with him.

Sonny and Sasha stare at Willow’s closed door, and Sasha says she’s sure everything is fine. He says, really? and she says, no, but they haven’t heard any yelling yet, and Nina hasn’t bolted out of the room in tears. Sonny says he appreciates her optimism, but when his dad was at Turning Woods, he hated to wait. They’d pace back and forth and wait. They’d hold his hand, and wait. He just felt hopeless. She says, even though he didn’t know Sonny was there, she thinks Sonny just being there helped Mike. Sonny says he hopes so.

Josslyn doesn’t see what Willow could possibly have to say to Nina, and Michael says, maybe it was a mistake letting Nina in there. Carly says, he did what his wife wanted him to, and he says, his wife. He and Willow are married. He just wishes the day hadn’t been so hard on her. Carly says, next time, she promises to wait until after the reception to be called in for questioning, and he says, what next time? She says, birthdays, anniversaries, vow renewal. He has a lifetime of celebrations ahead; she knows it. As for his wedding day? Willow doesn’t regret a second of it. He says, even now?

Nina says, Willow wants what? and Willow says she wants Nina and Carly to make peace. Nina says she can try, and Willow says she knows Nina and Carly will never be friends, or even friendly, but promise she’ll at least keep her distance? Stop keeping score of who wronged who when, and just let it all go. Nina doesn’t say anything, and Willow says, wow. Nina hasn’t changed at all when she claims to care about her? Nina says, no, she cares about Willow a great deal… Willow says, then promise her. Whether she survives this or not, Nina will drop her vendetta against Carly.

Jordan comes out with Portia, and asks Robert if there’s any word. He says, not yet, when Jordan’s phone rings. Curtis says, it’s him; he’s got her on speakerphone. Jordan says she’s putting him on speaker, and Portia asks if Trina is with him. He says, not at the moment, but he’s seen her. She’s okay. Jordan says, he’s got to get out of there. The WSB has ordered a drone strike on the island. Curtis and Laura both say, what?! and Jordan says, they can’t risk the pathogen getting released on the world. The drones are already on their way. Curtis says, but the pathogen isn’t here, and Robert asks, where is it? Laura says, they ran into Holly, and she said he was trying to escape on the Haunted Star, and he took the pathogen with him. Bombing the island is not going to do any good. They’ve got to stop the airstrike. Robert yells over to Hursley, and says, tell his boss to call off this airstrike. Hursley says, for the millionth time… and Robert says, change in circumstances. Victor’s left the island, and he’s taken the pathogen with him. All they’re doing now is killing innocent people, and helping Victor escape.

Nina tells Willow, okay. She won’t get into it with Carly anymore. Michael walks in, and Willow thanks Nina. Michael says, Willow needs her rest, and Nina tells Willow, she’s not perfect. She makes mistakes all the time. She’s going to try to be a better person. If there’s anything else Willow needs, just ask. Willow says, keep her promise.

Robert hassles Hursley while he’s on the phone, telling him to hurry up. Jordan tells Curtis and Laura that the drones are on their way. They don’t know exactly when the strike will happen, but it could be any time. They need to get out of there. Robert joins them, and says, Laura, you’re okay. The Bureau listened this time. The strike’s been called off. Everyone looks relieved, and Laura says, what about Victor?

Victor locks the cannister again, and says, Liesl double-crossed him. He is not having a very good day. He has another drink, and hears someone come in. He says, they need to turn the ship around. They’re going back. Spencer says he doesn’t take orders from Victor anymore, and Victor says he thought Spencer might come crawling back. If Spencer thinks he’s going to forgive… Spencer says he’s not here for forgiveness. It’s over, uncle.

Outside, Trina finds Curtis and Laura, and says, thank God she found them. Curtis asks what she’s doing here, and Trina says, they have to get out of here; there’s going to be an airstrike. Curtis says, they know all about the airstrike. They’ve got it under control. Laura says, it’s okay. They got in contact with the WSB. They told them that Victor’s trying to escape on the Haunted Star. Curtis says, the airstrike has been redirected, and Trina says, redirected where? Curtis says, the new target is the Haunted Star, and Trina says, but Spencer’s on that ship.

Victor says, now calm down, dear boy, and Spencer says, he’s not Victor’s boy. He walks up to Victor, and says, give him the pathogen, and they can both walk out of here alive. Victor says, how dare Spencer threaten him? He’s the head of their family. This is finished when he says it’s finished. Spencer tells him, he said, give him the pathogen. Hand it over. Victor says, Spencer will have to rip it out of his cold, dead fingers, and Spencer says, fine. He spins Victor around, cracking Victor’s head on the bar. Victor drops to the floor. Well if it was that easy, why didn’t Spencer do this long ago?

Nina comes out of Willow’s room, as Carly and Josslyn are walking toward it. Carly’s phone rings, and it’s Drew. Wow. These calls are going to cost a fortune. He asks if Carly can hear him, and she asks if he’s okay. What happened?

Michael asks, how was Willow’s talk with Nina? Did Willow get what she wanted out of her? Willow says she hopes so. Who knows? She wants to believe Nina’s sincere. Carly bursts in, and says, there’s someone who wants to talk to Willow, handing her the phone. Drew says, Willow? and she asks if he’s all right. He says, not only is he okay… Obrecht says she’s okay too. Not that anyone has asked. Willow says, Dr. Obrecht… Aunt Liesl. She’s so glad Obrecht is all right. Obrecht says, they’re on their way back. Then Willow can literally suck the life from her bones. Carly says, they can’t wait, and Drew says, he and Obrecht are on their way back. He’s not sure who’s joining them, but everyone should be back soon. Carly says she can’t wait to see him, and he says, him too. He and Obrecht move on.

Valentin says, Anna, and she says she loves him too. The door opens, and Anna says, get out. You’ll get infected. Holly says, kind of her to care, but don’t worry. She’s got the antidote. She holds up the vial, and Valentin smiles.

Hursley says, their satellite has eyes on the Haunted Star. It’s on the move. Robert says, Victor is trying to escape, and Hursley’s guys are going to stop him.

Spencer checks Victor’s pulse and says he’s glad he didn’t kill Victor, but that might not be a good thing. He bends down to get the cannister, and suddenly looks up.

Trina, Curtis, and Laura all look up, and Laura says, Victor’s on the Haunted Star, and Trina says, they have to call the WSB. Suddenly, the sky lights up, and Laura gasps.

On Monday, Michael says, that’s not going to happen, but Willow says, he doesn’t know that; Dante tells Carly that he thinks they have a case; and a body is recovered from the wreckage.

❄️ Building an Island…

It’s definitely impressive.

🤸🏽‍♀️ Pursuing Other Goals…

You can’t blame her. It must get old after a while when you have other things on your to-do list.

💐 Celebrating Amy…

A bouquet of gossip makes the perfect gift.

🎭 Close to Quitting…

It took me a while to warm up to her, since I really liked the other Trina, but she’s really made the part her own.

👠 From Her Arsenal…

Maybe Veronica is a psycho.

📠 Common Denominator…

Normally, I wouldn’t waste space on this harpy, but it struck me how she leaves a trail of unhappiness no matter which side of the Housewives fence she’s on. And if everyone else is an a-hole, maybe it’s time to look in the mirror.

🥀 Bringing Down the Curtain…

But where will everyone go on Gay Pride Day? Does she have to close down half of her name as well? Has James gone back to drinking heavily yet?


🍸 The Karma Keeps On Comin’…

Check out the empty seats photo. I would say it’s sad, but it’s just not. He’s a pig.

Another gem from the Most Awful Human Being On the Planet. Maybe. He has a contender now.

She’ll give Howie some Lala and a run for his money. He’d better brush up on his VanderKnowledge.

👶🏻 Ahoy, Little Matey…

That kid looks full of mischief already. And he does kind of look like Chef Ben.

💸 Real Housewives Of Deadbeat…

I love the attorney’s pic.

🐕 Don’t Touch the Dog…

It’s about time for a salute to the ones who made it.


🔥 Quotes of the Week

Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us. – Susan L. Taylor

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. – Mark Twain

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.Wayne Dyer

Never confuse movement with action. – Ernest Hemingway

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

Honest towards ourselves and towards anyone else who is our friend; brave towards the enemy; magnanimous towards the defeated; polite always: this is how the four cardinal virtues want us to act.Friedrich Nietzsche

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.Henry Ford

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. – B. B. King (They can’t take integrity away from you either.)

People are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow. – Ellie (Bella Ramsey), The Last of Us

🏃🏾‍♀️ Going Ahead and Jumping…

Boomerang back on Monday really Tuesday for soap, what’s on Deck, and the nightmare that won’t stop, Summer House. Until then, stay safe, stay not taking the last cup of coffee without making more, and stay letting it all go. Stop keeping score of who wronged who.