November 22, 2021 – Sonny Meets Nina In Charlie’s, Casino Royale On Deck, News Of the Dead, Winning Music, Award Fashion & Changes


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Brook says, there’s a legitimate reason why she didn’t tell Valentin the truth, when Chase walks in. Valentin says, just in time, and Chase says, for what? Valentin says, the latest bombshell. Brook’s been lying to him; he’s not Bailey’s father. Chase says he’s aware, and Valentin says, Brook told him? Brook says, no, never. She never told anyone. He says he knows Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father because he is. Valentin says he’s not, but Chase says he’s afraid it’s true. Valentin says, Chase was willing to let Brook trick him into thinking Bailey was his child? Chase expects him to believe that?

In the OR, Brando asks, what is it? What’s going on? Elizabeth says, it’s okay, and tells Sasha that her baby is having a hard time breathing. Sasha asks what they’re doing with him. Is he okay? The team performs CPR on the baby, and he’s wheeled out. Sasha asks where they’re taking him, and Elizabeth says he’s having a hard time breathing, so they’re taking him to the NICU. Sasha says she didn’t even get to hold him, and cries.

Sonny walks into Charlie’s, and Nina says she guesses they had the same idea. He says he doesn’t follow, and she says, who do they go to when they need to talk to someone? Phyllis. She has a way of putting everything in perspective. He asks if she’s there, but Nina says, actually, she’s not, and Sonny says then he’s going to go. Nina asks if he’s heard anything. She was waiting for any kind of news. He asks, what news? and she says, Sasha went into labor. She thought he knew. He says he went to see Brando at GH, and everything was fine. What happened? Nina says, Sasha had to have an emergency C-section.

At Rice Plaza, Carly calls to Bobbie, saying, text her when she gets home, and Jax comes along. He asks if that was Bobbie, and she says, they were supposed to go Christmas shopping, but her hard-working mother is dead on her feet, so she ordered a car service for her. What is he doing there? He says he was just out for a walk and got a coffee, and she says, a walk? It’s pretty cold out. He says he doesn’t mind it. He’s probably going to miss it. She says, miss it? and he says, Josslyn didn’t tell her? He’s leaving town.

Everyone in the tunnel on Cassadine Island lies unconscious. Peter pulls himself up. He sees Drew stuck underneath a beam, and picks up a chunk of rock.

On the phone with her mom, Maxie says she was going to talk to James and Georgie… Already? She guesses it’s past their bedtime, and says, thanks. She just wanted to know her children were safe.

Valentin says, Chase is there to help his friend. His chivalry is misguided. Chase says, it’s not chivalry. Brook lied to everyone, including him. He’s not there to help her. Valentin says, so he’s there to confront her, and Chase says he’s had his suspicions for a while now. He knew Brook was hiding something, so he did what any detective would do; he investigated. Brook tells him, stop it. She told him when she got back to Port Charles that Bailey wasn’t his. He says he has a DNA test that says otherwise. Without a doubt, Bailey is his. He thought they were friends. He had her back, and this is how she repaid him? By keeping his daughter from him for months? He will never forgive her for this.

Dr. Navarro tells Sasha, the baby is having trouble breathing and needs care right away. Elizabeth says, they’re taking care of him, and now they’re going to take care of Sasha. The doctor says, Sasha can’t feel it because of the epidural, but she’s in the middle of an operation. Sasha says she only cares about the baby, and Brando says he cares about the both of them. Look at him and breathe. They’ll get through this. She nods, then passes out. He tells her to wake up, and the doctor says, she’s hemorrhaging, and asks someone to take Brando out. Elizabeth pushes him out the door and into the hallway as he yells for Sasha. She tells him that Sasha will be okay, and runs back in.

Nina tells Sonny that Sasha had a placental abruption, and starts to explain, but he says he knows what that is. It’s very dangerous for the baby and the mother. Brando must be going through hell. She says, Maxie promised to text with any new news, and he says he should go to the hospital. She says, Brando is in the OR with Sasha, but Sonny should be there anyway, just in case Brando needs him. Sonny starts to leave, and Nina sits back down, and Sonny watches her looking despondent.

Carly says, Jax is leaving town? and he says, it’s just a business trip. Some things piled up in Sydney that he has to take care of in person. She says, piled up? It’s not like him to put things off. He says he didn’t want to leave while Sonny was gone, given how things escalated during Sonny’s absence, putting their daughter at risk. Carly says, Josslyn was fine; she wasn’t in any danger. He says, she was in danger of losing her mother to a bullet from Cyrus Renault, and she says, now that Sonny’s back, he feels that it’s safe, so he can go? He says, he thinks it’s safer. At least he hopes so. She’s stepped back from the organization, right? She and Jason no longer a thing? He means business partners. He knows Jason will always be front and center in her life. He walks away.

Peter is about to send the rock crashing down on Drew’s head, when Drew grabs his leg, sending him flying. Peter limps out, and Drew tries to move the beam off of himself. He manages to get his legs out from underneath, and calls to Britt. He goes over to her, and asks if she can hear him. Obrecht comes to, and crawls over to them. She says, Britt may have a concussion. She needs Britt to open her eyes. Britt says, Jason.

Valentin says, Chase has proof he’s Bailey’s father? and Chase says he does. And for what it’s worth (🍷), he’s so sorry. Brook tells him, all she can says is she did what she had to. She never meant to hurt Chase. He asks how she could possibly think this wouldn’t hurt him? and she says, when he was with Willow, he said he didn’t want kids. He loved Willow, and doesn’t love her. He doesn’t want to have a baby with her, especially after one night of fun when she was crashing with him. Valentin says, Brook lied to Chase for the same reason she lied to him, because she wanted to prove herself to her father by delivering the ELQ shares back to him. She says she didn’t do it for herself. She never meant to hurt anybody. For once in her stupid life, she was trying to do the right thing.

Maxie sees Brando, and asks if Sasha is out of surgery. She sees his face, and asks, what’s wrong? He says he doesn’t know, and starts to cry, saying, they have a son. Something went wrong. He didn’t cry, and they took him away. Sasha passed out, and he might lose them both. She says, oh my God, and hugs him.

Sonny goes back in, and motions to the bartender for a drink. He goes to the table, and Nina says she thought he left. He gives her a hanky, or maybe it’s a napkin, and says, she told him that Brando was in the OR, and Maxie is going to text her after the surgery is done. Sasha is young and healthy – he sits down – and they just have to hope for the best. She says, it’s everything she can do not to go to the hospital, and hover over Sasha like a mother. Sonny’s drink is brought over, and Nina says, but it’s not her place. He says she still thinks of Sasha as a daughter, doesn’t she? and she says, Valentin hired Sasha to pretend to be her daughter. You’d think she’d want nothing to do with Sasha, and for a while, she didn’t. In her head, she remembers everything Sasha put her through, but her heart sometimes forgets. He says, hearts tend to do that.

Peter limps into the house, and sees a gun on the floor. From the doorway, Robert says, freeze. Go for the gun. He’ll use any excuse he can find to shoot Peter. Peter dives for the gun, but Anna puts her foot on his hand. She says, hello, Peter, holding a gun on him.

Chase tells Brook, stop making excuses. What could possibly justify keeping a child from her father? She says, in the beginning, all she saw was a chance to make things right with her dad. It never even occurred to her that Valentin would be capable of falling in love with Bailey. Valentin says, and when she saw he did? She says, it was too late. She’s so, so sorry. He says, no she’s not. She got caught when Gladys exposed her, and what she’s done, he can never forgive. Chase asks if there’s anything else they need to say to each other in front of him, but Valentin says, they’re done here. Chase asks Brook to come with him. He says he’s sorry for Valentin’s pain, and Valentin nods.

Carly says she thought she made it clear, her life is none of Jax’s business. He says, it becomes his business when she puts their daughter in danger, and she says, they’re Josslyn’s parents. That’s a bond that’s never going to break, but he’s  not her friend anymore. He says he knows that, and he’s happy to stay out of her life. She says, for how long? Is he coming back for Thanksgiving or Christmas? He says he’s not sure. Josslyn can always come visit him in Sydney. She says, it doesn’t sound like he’s going to hurry back, and he says, besides Josslyn and Alexis, he’s kind of on the outs with everyone in Port Charles. She says, that’s what happens when he drops everything for Nina. He really let Nina screw up his life.

Sonny asks if Nina has forgiven Sasha, and she says, a long time ago. He says, how? That kind of lie. She says, Sasha may have claimed be someone she wasn’t, but the relationship that followed, the bond of mother/daughter love was real. Sasha truly came to care about her; she was just caught in a lie. He says, she could have spoken up and told the truth, and Nina says she knows she’s said that; all you have to do is tell the truth. All Valentin and Sasha had to do was say, hey Nina, Sasha’s not your real daughter. All Jax and Carly had to say was, hey, Nina, Nelle is your daughter, and I’m so sorry for your loss. When you’re the one being deceived, it’s easy to point a finger at your deceivers, and think they’re so evil. But when you’re the one lying, especially when you’re lying to someone you love… She almost starts crying, and says, she’s really, really sorry, and he asks why she kept doing it. She asks why anyone lies to anyone about anything. It’s because they have too much to lose by telling the truth. He asks what she had to lose. She knew the truth would come out sooner or later. She says, all she knows is that she was in so much pain, and he showed up out of nowhere… Mike. And he was kinder to her than anyone had ever been in her entire life. She wasn’t strong enough to give that up.

Maxie tells Brando, Sasha is strong and healthy overall. She also has Dr. Navarro, who’s the best. Sasha and their baby are going to be fine. He tells her, they said his little boy couldn’t breathe, and she says, babies are resilient. Look at James. He was born by the side of the road. He says his son can’t breathe, and she says, his son is in the hospital. Tell her about the first time he saw his son, before anything anyone noticed anything was wrong. He says, he was unforgettable. One moment, he was just this guy, this mechanic, and the next, he was a dad. When he saw his little head, it was like this rush came over him, hitting him like a ton of bricks. She says she remembers that feeling well, and he says, one glance, and he loved him more than anything, and would do anything for him. She says, of course (🍷) he will, because now he’s not the most important person in his own life anymore, and never will be again, and that is the best feeling in the world. From now on, it’s all about making sure that child is happy and safe and healthy. You’ll do anything to protect that child, no matter the cost.

Anna asks Peter where Jason and Britt are, and Robert says, Peter came in through the wine cellar. She says, so there’s an escape tunnel down there? and Peter says, not anymore. It’s all rubble now. She wants to know where Britt and Jason are? They’re underneath what’s left of those tunnels.

Drew calls to Jason, and Britt tries to sit up, but Obrecht says she might have a concussion; she needs to stay still. She says, Jason is right there. They have to help him. Obrecht says, how? There are several tons of rock in the way. The rest could come down on them any minute. She has to get Britt out of there. She tells Drew they have to move, but he says he’s not leaving without his brother.

Chase says, Valentin didn’t pull any punches, and Brook says, neither did he. He says he’s sorry for unloading on her, but he didn’t want Valentin to think… She hugs him, and says, thank you, and he says, wow. A hug like that, he’ll be terrible to her more often. She says, no one – and she means no one – can find out who Bailey’s real father is, and he says he understands. Because her real father is Peter August, her mother is Maxie, and Bailey is really Louise.

Maxie brings Brando some coffee, and says, something warm on a cold night. Even though it’s perfectly toasty in there, his body knows what time of year it is. He thanks her, and she asks if he and Sasha are going to move in together. He says they’ve been talking about it, and she says, just talking? Is he not sure about his feelings for Sasha? He says he’s never been more sure about anything. Sasha changed his life, and now they have a son. He chokes up, and Maxie says, he’s going to be all right, and he says, up until now, he’s felt like he’s been on the sidelines, while Sasha was doing the heavy lifting. Now that his son is there, he’s going to start pulling his weight. Maxie says he will. When in doubt, there’s always diaper duty. He laughs, and says, he’ll do it. Any and all of it. He doesn’t want to miss a moment of his son’s life, and can’t imagine it without Sasha.

Robert pushes Peter down into a chair, and Peter says, the tunnel collapsed. He guesses he’s the only one who made it out alive. Robert tells Anna, there you go. They can call off the search. The reliable source has just delivered terrible news. Anna’s phone rings, and Peter says, if that’s Maxie… She says, it’s not. She says she can’t talk right now, but wants to tell him Peter is in custody. Valentin says, that’s great, and she asks if everything is okay. He says, everything is fine; he’s just checking in. He’ll let her go. Hearing pain in his voice, she asks if he’s all right, and he says he will be. She says she’ll be home soon; they can talk then. He says, not soon enough. Do him a favor. Don’t turn her back on Peter. She says she won’t, and tells him, take care. He says, be safe, and Anna tells Robert that she’s going to the wine cellar. She’ll see if the agents located any the survivors Peter says aren’t there.

Jax says, not everything’s Nina’s fault, but Carly says, it is where he’s concerned. He got so caught up in Nina’s drama, that he ignored his own life. He says, Nina went too far and she knows it, and Carly asks if this is where he starts defending Nina. He says he’s not defending her, but he can’t believe she’d do something so unforgivable. Carly says, she did. She was supposed to be the poster girl for turning Jax’s life around, but she didn’t. She showed all of them her true colors, and Carly won’t be taken by her again.

Sonny says, Nina needs to understand, there was no Mike. She says, he’s right, but she cared about him anyway, and he says, if she cared about him, why did she keep him from his family for months? From his grandson, the same grandson Carly kept her away from. She says, that was wrong, and she knew it was wrong back then. She wishes she’d been stronger, but she hasn’t been that close to many people in her life. Growing up, love was more like an obligation. If she acted correctly, Madeline would love her. He says she told him her mom was cold to her. Was that a lie too? She says, everything she told him about herself was true, and he says, just everything about him was lie. She says she knew she should have told him the truth, but if he knew the truth, he would have had no choice but to leave her. He asks if that’s how she treats someone she loves. She controlled him. She says, yes. That’s what she did because that’s what she knows. Madeline was always trying to control her, Valentin was controlling her with Sasha, and Jax was controlling her with the information he and Carly had about Nelle. Every single time, it broke her heart. He says, and every time, she walked away, and she says, she did. Just like he walked away from her.

Obrecht tells Britt to come; they have to get her to safety. Britt says she has to help Jason, but Obrecht says, if he’s alive, he won’t be happy to know she’s dead. The tunnel isn’t going to last much longer. Anna yells to them, and Obrecht asks if she wants the ceiling to collapse. Anna says, good to see her too, and shines the flashlight around. She asks if Britt is all right, and Obrecht says, of course (🍷) not; she has a head injury. Britt says she’s fine; they need to help Drew. Anna sees Drew, and says, the last time she saw him, he was heading off a bridge. He says, not his decision, and Anna says, he was under Peter’s influence; that explains a lot. Obrecht says, perhaps Anna would like to ring for some tea and crumpets, or she could continue this conversation where the ceiling isn’t going to collapse. Drew says he’s not going without his brother. Anna goes over to him, and he tells her, Peter got away, but she says, he didn’t. They have Peter in custody. Obrecht says she’ll kill him herself, and Britt says, they have to help Jason, but Anna says, they’re not going to help him if they’re crushed under there. More of the ceiling comes down near Drew, and he tells them, go, and they leave, Drew staying behind.

Elizabeth comes out, and Brando asks, how’s Sasha? She says, out of danger. Dr. Navarro was able to stop the hemorrhage. She’s weak because she’s lost a lot of blood, but she’s stable. Maxie says she told Brando that Sasha would be okay, and he asks if he can see her. Elizabeth says she’s been transferred to the ICU so they can monitor her, and he asks how his son is. She says, Dr. Fleming is with him now in NICU.

Brook asks how long Chase has known, and he says he just found out. She says, how? No, don’t tell her here. She can’t risk anyone else following the breadcrumbs to Peter. He says he doesn’t think anyone did, and she says, great. She’s actually pretty relieved that he knows. He asks, who else knows? and she says, Maxie and Nina. He says, that’s it? and she says, it better be. Gladys knows Valentin isn’t really Bailey’s father, but that’s all she knows. Brook really wanted to tell him. She came close, but she and Maxie agreed, the few people to know, the safer Bailey is. He asks why she wanted to tell him, and she says, he’s one of the two and a half people in the world she trusts. He asks if he’s the half, and she says, of course (🍷) not. He says he understands why she kept it under wraps, but wishes she’d told him. She says, Peter was poisoning him, and there were a lot of other things going on at the time. He says, like Willow, and she tells him that she didn’t want to say it, but he had other things on his mind. He says he got better, and she says, then things got a helluva lot worse. They didn’t intend for this lie to go on for so long. They thought Peter would be caught months ago, locked away, and then Maxie could claim Bailey as her own. He asks how she thought Valentin would react, and she says she was hoping once he found out Peter was involved, he’d understand why they had to do what they did. He says, Valentin might still think that way, and she says, think? Yes. Feel? Who even knew Valentin Cassadine had feelings? Turns out, there’s a pretty decent and loving father in there. She hates the fact that she hurt him, and Chase says, Valentin lost his daughter today. He can’t imagine what Valentin is going through.

Valentin looks at Bailey’s picture on his phone, and cries.

Nina says she’s not telling Sonny that he was wrong to walk away. What she had with him… He says, listen to him. What they had in Nixon Falls wasn’t love; it was a lie. She says she knows that’s how he feels, and he’s probably right, but it was close enough for her. Can he believe they still don’t know anything? She gets her phone out of her bag, and says, maybe she should just call the hospital. They’re not going to tell her anything, because Sasha’s not her daughter. He says, no, she isn’t, and Nina says, sometimes she thinks about what her life would be like if Sasha was her daughter; if she was telling the truth. Then tonight, her grandchild would be coming into the world. She knows it’s wrong to focus on what might have been, and he says, we do that sometimes. She says, she hates the waiting around. She feels helpless. If anything happens… that sweet baby. He says, hey, listen to him. It’s going to be all right. Understand him? Jax walks in.

Brando asks if Elizabeth will check on his son. He wants to tell Sasha that he’s all right. Elizabeth says, of course (🍷), and leaves. Maxie asks if she can get him anything or call anyone, but he says he just wants to be with Sasha. She says she’s praying for him and his son, and they hug.

Brando goes in, and Sasha is still unconscious. He tells her that he’s there for her and their son. They need her with them. He can’t bear to lose her, and their son needs his mom. She wakes up, and she asks, where’s their baby?

Ann comes back with Drew, Obrecht, Britt, and a few agents. She says, they need to get checked out, and Peter says, they’re still alive. They feared the worst. Drew heads for Peter, who’s restrained in a chair, but Robert intervenes, and says, let the law handle it. Drew says, it’s so much better than he deserves, and Robert says, if it was up to him, it would be a trip to a black site, and that would be the end once and for all. Drew says, they could find one somewhere, but right now they have to focus and concentrate on finding Jason. Anna says she’ll contact search and rescue, and Peter says, whatever they find underneath all that rock, it’s not going to be a pretty sight, is it? Britt asks if anyone has a syringe, and Peter asks what she has in mind. She says, bleach, drain cleaner… and he says, it’s a pity she took an oath, isn’t it? Obrecht says, if it were not for that pesky medical license… Wait. She no longer has one of those. Drain cleaner it is. Robert says, enough, and Britt says, is it? Drew says, Jason could have separated from them, and found his way out of the tunnel, and gone down to the docks. Robert says, they’re looking all over the island. If he’s there, they’ll find him. Peter says, maybe they’ll find a unicorn too while they’re at it, and Drew says, if Jason is dead, Peter is going to join him.

Chase says he doesn’t want to worry Brook, but she says, she’s way past worried. He says he’s got this. He’s going to do or say whatever makes people believe he’s Bailey’s father. She says, it’s very admirable that he’s willing to lie about this, but him of all people… Actually, she thinks this might work. That sweet as pie face, who’s going to believe he could do such a huge deception? They can use this. He says, the only thing that’s important is protecting Bailey from Peter, and she says she has to worry about Valentin now too. Valentin is ruthless and she hurt him in his heart. He will not let that go unpunished.

Valentin sits up, and makes a call. He says, I have a job for you.

The agents walk Peter out with Robert, and Robert says, try anything, and Peter knows he’ll shoot him. Peter says he wouldn’t dream of giving Robert the satisfaction, and Obrecht yells something at him in German. Drew tells Anna, sorry for losing it, and she says she would have joined him. She doesn’t know if it’s any comfort to him, but they have so much evidence against Peter and all of his crimes. she doesn’t think he’ll ever take another free breath if she can help it. Starting with faking Drew’s death and keeping him prisoner for two years. He says he was there the longest, but there were other prisoners. She says she knows; they have Chloe Jennings. He says, there was another woman. They found her, right? She says, no. They swept the entire compound, but there were no other prisoners. He says he only heard her for a couple of days; they must have moved her. She asks if he saw her, and he says, no; neither did Chloe. She says, they’ll do a complete debrief as soon as they get him to the Consulate. Does he need any medical attention? he says he’s fine, and Robert comes back. She asks if there’s any word on the search. 

The agents slam Peter against a wall, telling him to stay there, and he says he doesn’t know if they’ve noticed, but he is injured. An agent tells him, says the murderer, and he says he’s not asking them to take his cuffs off. Just move them around front, so it doesn’t make the injury worse. The agent says, no, and Peter says, he’d hate to see the WSB get accused of mistreating a prisoner. The agent says they’d hate to see Peter use the cuffs to choke one of them out, but Peter says he’s cuffed, he’s injured, and he’s surrounded. Come on. The agent nods, and one holds a gun on Peter, while another unlocks the cuffs. Peter says, thank you, and while they’re at it…  

Brando tells Sasha that the baby is having trouble breathing, and she says she should be with him. They both should. He says he feels the exact same way, but she just got out of surgery. She needs some rest, so she can hold him when he gets better. Dr. Navarro comes in, and Sasha says she wants to see their baby. The doctor says she knows, but unfortunately, that’s not possible right now. Brando asks, why? and Sasha says, their son is in an incubator and can’t be moved, right? Which means they have to go to him. She asks Brando to get a wheelchair, but he says she can’t even sit up right now, but she says she’ll do whatever it takes to be with her son. If he can’t come to her, she’ll go to him. Dr. Navarro says, that’s not the problem.

Maxie’s phone rings, and Peter says, it’s good to hear her voice. We see him on the phone, the guards surrounding him with their guns aimed at him. She says he needs to stay away from her, and he says they both know she doesn’t mean that. She says she loathes him, and prays she never lays eyes on him again. He says he wanted her to hear it from him. He’s coming home, for her. They’ll be together again soon.

Jax goes into Charlie’s, and Sonny tells Nina that he’s going to check on Brando at GH. She thanks him for waiting with her, and Sonny leaves, saying hey to Jax on his way out. Jax tells Nina to be careful; don’t let Sonny pull her back in. She says Sonny doesn’t think about her that way, and he asks what he just walked in on. She says, he saw a man comforting someone in need. She and Sonny don’t have a future.

Carly leaves a voicemail for Jason, saying, he’s obviously busy. She misses him, and hopes he’s staying safe. Come home soon. She needs to talk to him.

Robert says, there’s no sign of Jason anywhere on the island, and Anna says, that means he’s still in the tunnel. Drew says, Jason is not dead. His way out might be blocked or he might be trapped, but he is alive. Anna says, that’s why she has an excavation team flying in, but until they get there, it’s too dangerous for them to go in. Britt says, no! The longer they wait, the less of a shot he has. He could run out of air, or whatever’s left of the tunnel could collapse. Drew promises her, nobody is giving up on Jason. Nobody. They’re going to find him.

We see the part of the tunnel where Jason is blocked in, and pieces of ceiling are still falling.

Next time, Brook asks if Chase is ready to tempt fate again, Anna says she was the target, Sasha tells Brando to do what she can’t, and Britt wonders how she can live with that.

Below Deck

Christophe Harbor, St. Kitts. Everyone is hungover, and Heather says she doesn’t know what got into her. She never drinks like that. Rayna can’t believe Jake is engaged, and Eddie says, it was an epic night. Jessica brings Captain Lee’s breakfast to the bridge, and he asks how her night was. She says she turned in early, and he says, he’s the one who’s old; she’s not. She says she’s feeling it though. Heather has a meeting with interior, and they talk a little about the night before. Heather says she found a bagel in her bathroom. In Fraser’s interview, he says he saw another side to Heather. It was nice watching her have a good time, and he hopes she keeps it up. Heather tells them to make up the beds as best as they can. On deck, Jake says his relationship is non-monogamous, and it’s not a big deal. In Rayna’s interview, she says, it’s something you bring up first. She asks him how this happened; give them a play-by-play. He says his girlfriend Paris needs a British passport, so they haven’t seen a lot of each other. When they’re not together, she’s not his girlfriend. In his interview, he says, he cares for her, but they’re nowhere near marriage. She knows what he’s like, and that he does crazy sh*t. Rayna doesn’t understand.

Jessica does her laundry thing, and Fraser says, there’s romance on the horizon. Everyone is after Jake. Rachel says, not her. Jake is so cute, but she’s just out of a long term, very serious relationship. Her ex blindsided her, telling her that he didn’t think it was working. In Rachel’s interview, she says, she loved, adored, and respected him. She’d planned on a future with him, and had to regroup. She tells Fraser that she didn’t have the ability to process it until she’d finished the charter season. In her interview, she says, she’s happy being by herself. When she was with him, she’d put his needs before hers. When she hears people talking about their relationships, she’s like, f*** that. Eddie says, being hungover is not fun, and on that, we are in agreement. Rayna asks about his girlfriend, and he says she’s very sweet. In his interview, he says he’s bummed his girlfriend is pissed off. It’s frustrating, but forming a new relationship is tough. You have to trust the other person not to burn you or cheat on you. This is how his life is going to be.

The captain has a preference sheet meeting with Eddie, Rachel, and Heather in the crew mess. Jeremy and Ronnie are the primaries, and they’re bringing their families together, including Jeremy’s sons, who are 16 and 6. Captain Lee says, there’s going to be baby sh*t for someone, and in Heather’s interview, she said she loves having kids on board. Sometimes it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s five-star service, and a nanny. The new charter wants a Casino Royale party, and for Ronnie’s 75th birthday, he wants an 80s dance and fitness party. They also want the captain to join them for dinner.  In Fraser’s interview, he says it’s crucial with a small team that everyone carry their weight. Jessica seems miserable and run down. She needs to man up, do her job, and stop complaining. Heather calls provisioner Naydene to order stuff for the casino party. Jake wants to deckhands to get a move on, and in Wes’s interview, he says, Jake brings up petty stuff. And if they’re not on charter, what’s the rush? He wants to flirt with Jessica, but has a fear of rejection, since he was rejected a lot in high school, and some in college. It hurts. He has no game. He’s a big nerd, and gets awkward. I dunno. He’s cute, and seems like a nice guy with a good sense of humor. It’s sad how that stayed with him. Heather says, everyone is awesome. She asks how Eddie thinks Jessica feels about Wes, and Eddie says, he thinks Wes would be good for her. Fraser says, anything to make her smile. Eddie says they’ll have to plant the seed, and Heather says, and hope the flower grows. Fraser tells Heather that Jessica mopes around like she’s in pure misery. He can’t keep pulling her up, only to get shut down. In Heather’s interview, she says she thinks Fraser’s concerns are valid. One bad apple can affect the others. If Jessica takes Fraser out at the knees, then what? She tells Fraser that she hopes for a better charter or they’ll have issues.

Jessica sighs over the dishes, and Jake tells Eddie that he just wants to get the work done. Eddie suggests getting Rayna to be more hands on. Heather asks to talk to Jessica, saying, she just wants to touch base. She feels as if Jessica is under the weather or down, but Jessica says, she’s good. Heather says she doesn’t want whatever it is to affect Jessica’s work. The more she knows about things… Jessica says she found out that her grandmother needed to have a procedure, and in her interview, she says she doesn’t want to cry on the boat. Her grandparents’ health started to decline, and she’d taken the opportunity to come back to land. She likes being there for them. Heather says she wants to know how to better help Jessica, but Jessica says she’s good. She would tell Heather if it was otherwise. Jake talks to Paris on the phone, and Heather organizes her cabin.

Jake and Fraser clink beers, and Jake asks when Fraser came out. Fraser says he came out to his mom when he was 19, and heard a story on the radio about a guy who murdered people and ate them. His mom said she’d love him even if he ate people, so being gay seemed minor in comparison. In Fraser’s interview, he says, it was hard to get up the courage, but all it took was a little push to get it off his chest. Thanks, mom. He tells Wes that he’s happy in life. In Jessica’s interview, she says she’s going be happy or miserable today. She chooses to be happy. She smiles. Heather puts, let’s do this, on the whiteboard. In his interview, Fraser says, effing hell. He had one job, to hold on to his radio, and he can’t even do that. We flash back to the captain saying, if one of the crew is looking for their radio, he probably already has it. Fraser starts to hunt. Provisions come in, and Captain Lee calls Eddie to the bridge. He asks how things are working out, and Eddie says, good. The captain asks how Jake is doing, and Eddie says, he’s a damn hard worker. He tells the captain that the run times are short, and asks if they can drop back a little bit, so the deckhands have time to get ready. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, every charter is like their first rodeo. Eddie needs to get their attention. You can play with the big dogs or keep your puppy ass on the porch. The captain radios the crew that they have 15 minutes until the guests’ arrival. Fraser is still looking for his radio.

Heather tells Fraser to pour the champagne, and the captain wonders for what reason he’s the only one out there. The crew dashes out, and see that one of the guests is a child with a locked box handcuffed to his wrist. Young guest Alexander says he’s a mini primary, which I’m sure the crew is thrilled to hear. In his interview, Captain Lee says, it’s not a group you’d think you’d see together; they’re all different. This is going to get interesting. Alexander shows them there’s cash in the box, and everyone goes, wow. In Rachel’s interview, she says, screw the adults. That kid is her primary. Heather gives the tour, and Captain Lee says, let’s see if we can get out of here without spending any money. In his interview, he says he has a knot in his stomach. The prevailing winds are constantly blowing them to the dock, which is concrete, with shallow water all around. He’s as nervous as whore in the front pew at church. They pull out, and into the water.

Co-primary Jeremy tells Alexander not to wander, and Heather says they’ll have eyes on him like a hawk. In Fraser’s interview, he says he used to be a nanny. To be honest, he doesn’t like kids. The way they eat, the sounds, it’s a bit gross. He discusses LEGOS with Alexander, and Heather goes over lunch with Rachel. The captain says, they’re going to get some weather; it’s annoying as hell. It starts to rain, and Eddie leads everyone in. In Jake’s interview, he says he’ll have Rayna responsible for more, and maybe it will make the job more appealing. He wants to be friends, not the villain. If that doesn’t work, he’ll make her walk the plank. They drop anchor, and the guests sit down for lunch.

Shitten Bay, St. Kitts. I shitten you not. That’s the name. In his interview, Fraser says, growing up, he was terrible in school. Moving around the country every few years made it difficult. He found something he loved, and learned to be good at, and he’s failed at the basic capacity of keeping his radio with him. It’s making him feel like sh*t. It’s not effing rocket science. The guests think lunch is amazing. Fraser tells Heather that he thinks he’s lost it, and in Heather’s interview, she says, it’s vital that Fraser find his radio. Not just for safety, but she needs to communicate with him. They have to find it right now. They look literally everywhere.

The captain says he’s in a silly mood, but doesn’t know why. I wait for him to jump up and do a somersault or something, but that doesn’t happen. Fraser opens a door in the floor of the deck, and says, the panic is over. In his interview, he says, it’s crazy how much this piece of plastic means to him. He radios Heather to tell her. They meet to discuss casino night. In Heather’s interview, she says the first time she gambled, she lost it all, and learned to take just a little tip money, not the whole tip. It’s easy to get caught up in. She and Fraser set up the table. In Eddie’s interview, he says he learned from his mistakes in relationships. His girlfriend is the most loving woman he’s ever met. This was just a speedbump, and doesn’t define the rest of their relationship. He talks to her on the phone, and says, I know it’s hard, but be cool, honey bunny, referencing Pulp Fiction, which I don’t feel Eddie is cool enough to reference. In Rachel’s interview, she says, tonight is casino night. She lived in Italy for 8 months, and it was a wonderful experience, so she’s making a nice Italian feast. Wes asks when Rachel found her passion, and she says she was 18. She was running her mouth to a bartender, and the guys in the kitchen told her to put her money where her mouth was. Alexander plays video games with Rayna, and the guests sit down for dinner with the captain.

Heather finds the cabins are untidy, and in her interview, Heather is concerned about the lack of attention to the cabins. Cheap ass hotels do a better job, and it’s not okay. At the table, the guests ask about pirates, and the captain says they’re still out there. For them, it’s a career. In her interview, Heather says she’s sympathetic to what Jessica is going through, but you have to leave your emotions at the cabin door. She goes over the cabins with Jessica, pointing out where the upkeep was lacking, and in Jessica’s interview, she says, she’s pissed; this sucks. Heather tells Fraser about it, and says, it was all three rooms. She wants to coach with inspiration, but it’s coming to, training day’s over. The guests tell Captain Lee, the chef is amazing, and he says, she’s extremely talented. Jessica pretends to work, and the captain tells the guests that he left Michigan when he was 25. Guest Jodi says, he must be 45 now. The captain says he loves her, and she says she loves him too. She’s not kidding. Guest Ronnie asks if he has family in Fort Lauderdale, and the captain says, a wife and four kids. Jodi is like, damn, and in the captain’s interview, he says, it’s making him uncomfortable. He tells the guests, somewhere, his wife heard that, and she’s laughing. Jake asks Rayna if his new approach is working. He’s trying to be more chill and laid back. He thinks she has so much potential. The next course of a fabulous pasta comes out, and in Rachel’s interview, she says, nothing compares to homemade pasta. She likes to take the time to make it authentic, and hates using boxed. Guest Stacie says she’s never seen Alexander eat chicken tenders that fast. Alexander falls asleep at the table with his headphones on.

Alexander is put to bed, tiramisu is served, and the guests get ready to turn in. Jodi asks where the captain’s cabin is, and Stacie says, don’t tell her. Eddie, Fraser, and Wes have a confab, and Eddie says, everyone is getting along, but someone is going to pop at some point. Jessica calls her grandmother to check-in, but Grandma Marion says, there’s nothing to worry about. In Jessica’s interview, she says her grandparents played a secondary parental role in her life. She gets concerned, since you never know how much longer you have with them.

Salt Plage, St. Kitts. Jodi asks if the captain will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them, and Stacie says he has to come to Ronnie’s birthday dinner. Jodi grumbles that he’s going to be 75, and follows the captain, who tells her that her room is downstairs. In his interview, he says, where are you going? He’s going to his room – alone. He tells Jodi, have a good night, and goes to the bridge. Captain Lee tells Eddie that she was going to follow him, and Eddie dies laughing. The captain says, laugh it up, funny boy. The night crew cleans up.  

The next morning, the wind is relentless. Captain Lee tells Eddie that he wants to get out some time today, and breakfast is served; avocado toast on a hash brown cake with a poached egg. I die. Anchor is home, and cushions go flying. The captain says, bleepity-bleep-bleep-bleep. In his interview, he says don’t tell him he has to go back to get cushions. That’s going to upset him. It’s a common sense thing. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and he can figure out if the wind is blowing, make sure they’re secured. They could screw up a two-car funeral. Eddie tells Captain Lee that the deckhands need time for pulling anchor, but the captain says, they have plenty of time. In Eddie’s interview, he says, it’s the deck crew’s first responsibility to take care of the exterior. Now he’s being reamed out by Captain Lee. It’s serious. No more f*** ups. The tender goes out to get the cushions, and in the captain’s interview, he says, the hammer needs to drop, and it’s up to Eddie to do it. If Eddie doesn’t drop it on them, he knows goddam well the captain will drop it on him. Eddie tells the deckhands, he’s tired of getting yelled at. He doesn’t want one more effing thing falling off the boat.

Next time, a water toy blows off the boat, the 80s birthday party happens; Jake flirts with Heather, Jake kisses Fraser, and Captain Lee says, in 45 years, he’s never seen such intense wind.

⚰️ All the News Too Dead To Print…

Releasing the Walking Dead:

Wrapping up the World Beyond:

Jadis, with a foot in two Dead worlds:

Both a reunion and a farewell on Fear the Walking Dead:

🏆 They’re the Best…

The AMA Winners:

And as always, the most important thing of any awards show. The fashion:

👞 Shuffling Off, But Not To Buffalo…

It’s a flip of the coin what tomorrow might bring, but as always, there will be soap and a song. Until then, stay safe, stay unburdened by things you can’t control, and stay never making love an obligation, or allowing someone to obligate you to it.

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