Tag Archives: Remember November

November 29, 2021 – Thanksgiving In Port Charles, 80s Neon On Deck, How They Celebrated, Dead News, Final Bow & Remember


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sam says, Drew? and he says he’s sorry to just show up like this, but in all fairness, she never returned his call. She says, oh my God, and they hug.

Chase stands at the Quartermaine door. Brook tells Ned, it’s Thanksgiving, and Ned says, the day we remember the Pilgrims for taking advantage of people they should have respected. She says she thought he wasn’t going to blame Chase, and he says, he’s not, but he’s allowed to be disappointed, at Chase, and at Brook. Chase says, maybe this was a bad idea, but Monica comes out, and asks where are Ned and Brook’s manners. Invite the man in; he’s a guest. Olivia comes in, and seeing the door open, asks if they live in a barn. Brook tells Monica, actually, Chase is more than a guest. Monica says, a friend, but Brook says, he’s more than a friend too. As a matter-of-fact, he’s family.

Portia leaves a voicemail for Curtis, saying, she knows he’s going through a lot right now, but maybe that’s all the more reason for him to come to her house for Thanksgiving. There’s going to be tons of food, good wine… At least she hopes it’s good wine; that’s what the guy told her. But most important, being around friends and family. So just think about it, and she hopes she sees him soon. Elizabeth says, first Portia comes in to check on a patient, and now she’s racing home to prepare dinner for all of them. What is she? Superwoman? Portia says, hardly. Does Elizabeth want to know her secret? Elizabeth says, please, and Portia says, she hired a caterer. Trust her; it’s worth it. Elizabeth says she can’t wait to celebrate with everyone and count their blessings. Elizabeth gets in the elevator, and Portia says, her too.

TJ says, it sounds like Marshall has already spoken to his uncle, and Marshall says he gathers Curtis didn’t tell TJ about their conversation. He certainly made it clear he wants nothing to do with Marshall. TJ asks if he should call Curtis to explain what’s going on, but Marshall says, don’t call Curtis. Maybe his not reaching out is a good thing. Maybe he’s thinking things over, and hasn’t completely rejected Marshall yet. TJ says, his uncle is one of the smartest men he knows. If he rejected Marshall, he has his reasons. He’s tried to keep an open mind, but it seems Marshall is running some kind of hustle. If that’s the case, Curtis spotted it a mile off. Marshall says, he’s not hustling TJ, Curtis, or anybody, and TJ says, Marshall could have fooled him. He came there with a fake pain in his side. Marshall says, sorry about that. He truly regrets the way he’s gone about this. He regrets it all. He really should have done everything differently.

At the hospital, Carly gives some guys to-go bags from the MetroCourt, and says, when they’re done, come back; she has more. Elizabeth says, it smells great. It’s thoughtful of Carly and Olivia to do this. Carly says, no one works harder than the GH staff, and if they’re working on Thanksgiving and away from their families, they should at least have sweet potatoes and turkey. Elizabeth says, and MetroCourt turkey, and Carly says, a step up from the cafeteria? Elizabeth says, just a little. How about their kids, volunteering to pass out dinners? Carly says there may have been a little prodding on her part, and Elizabeth says she’s pretty sure Cameron just wants to be with Josslyn, but they’re doing it. They have a lot to be grateful for. Carly says, they do, and Elizabeth says she’ll let Carly get back to work. She leaves, and Britt comes down the hall, doing an about-face when she sees Carly. Carly notices her, and follows. She calls to Britt, and asks when she got back. Did they find her mom? Britt says, they did, and Carly says, it must have been quite an adventure. She can’t wait for Jason to tell her all about it.   

Sonny is cooking, when Anna comes to the kitchen, where we no longer have the moss bowl 🎍 to be thankful for. He says, long time, no see. What brings her by?  

Olivia says, run that by them again, and Monica says, it would seem Valentin isn’t Bailey’s father, and Chase is. Brook says, correct, and Olivia says, but Brook didn’t tell Chase, and made him sleuth it out for himself. Ned says, also correct, and Brook says, she knows this comes as a shock to everyone, but Monica says, not to her. Nothing about this family shocks her anymore, especially on the last Thursday in November. Chase wants them to know that he’s not going anywhere, and plans on being the best father he can be. Ned says, he’d better, and Chase says, he brought a pie. It’s a cake and a pie; it’s a hybrid. Olivia says, it’s a start, and takes the box from him. She says, maybe change will be the theme this year, and they’ll all actually eat some turkey. Valentin comes in, and says, that didn’t take long. Out with the old, and in with the new, right?

TJ asks what Marshall’s name is again, and he says, TJ can call him Marshall for now. TJ says, they seem to be at an impasse. Clearly, he’s distressed about something, but can’t tell TJ what it is. Marshall says, he wants to, but he’s second guessing himself in real time; everything is coming out wrong. He tends to do that. Jump in headfirst, and suffer the consequences later. He doesn’t blame TJ for being suspicious. TJ says, subterfuge is not Marshall’s game. It bothered him so much when Marshall took off, TJ mentioned it to his uncle and another doctor. Marshall says, Dr. Robinson? and TJ asks how he knew. Marshall says, he guessed. He wishes he had gone about this differently, but what’s done is done. He just doesn’t want TJ to react like his uncle did. TJ says Marshall is still talking in circles, and he’s getting frustrated. What does Marshall want? Marshall says, to be part of the Ashford family, and TJ says, he gets it. Thanksgiving can be rough. People rushing around, going to nice warm gatherings with family and friends. If Marshall is feeling lonely, the holidays can exacerbate that, but Marshall says, the holidays and loneliness have nothing to do with this. He’s finally able to reach out to Curtis, after being unable to for a long, long time. Maybe too long, and he’s going about it all wrong. He’s not sure what to do about it, but it’s not TJ’s problem, and it’s not fair to enlist his help. This is something Marshall has to do on his own. TJ asks what Marshall is talking about; just tell him who Curtis is to him? Marshall says, Curtis is his son.

Elizabeth asks Portia if she should bring anything for dinner, but Portia says, just her crew. Finn comes in with Violet, and Portia says, unless Miss Violet is allergic to pumpkin pie. Violet says, no, but her daddy says she’s allergic to bedtime. Portia says she’ll see them later, and leaves. Finn asks if Elizabeth is ready to head out, and Violet says, there’s no rush. This day is already great. They’re together.

Phyllis sees Nina at the hospital, and Nina asks what she’s doing there. Phyllis says she volunteered to in there today, and just finished. It doesn’t hurt that staying busy keeps your mind off… everything. She asks if Nina has Thanksgiving plans, and Nina says she got an invitation to join her friend Curtis, but she doesn’t know. She’s having a tough time. Phyllis takes her hand, and says, you and me both.

Sam says she can’t believe Drew is standing there, and invites him in. He says, it’s surreal for him too, and she asks if he’s okay. He says he’s in one piece, so there’s that. She says, that’s a plus, and he says, he owes her a huge thank you. He heard she dropped everything and came looking for him with Dante. She says, but they didn’t find him. How did he get back? He says he had a lot of help.

Anna says, it smells incredible, and Sonny says she can come there any   time she wants. She thanks him, and says he doesn’t think she came there to score an invitation. What’s going on?

Carly guesses the trip was a whirlwind, and asks Britt, how’s Liesl? Britt says, good. She’s actually here, getting her injuries looked at. Carly asks, what about Peter? and Britt says, he’s captured and in custody. Carly says, thank God that guy’s reign of terror is finally over. It’s long overdue, but it’s finally finished and everyone is safe… Everyone’s safe, right?

Brook thought Valentin moved out, and he says, don’t worry about it. He and Charlotte have vacated the premises. He’s there to pick up some things the movers overlooked. He pours himself a drink, and Monica says, she knows this has to be painful and shocking for him. Olivia says, all things aside, they know how much he loves Bailey. Valentin thanks her, and says, he’ll survive; he always does. He says, no Michael? and Ned says, he and Willow took Wiley to New York City for the holidays. Olivia says, they thought Wiley would get a kick out of the parade, and Valentin says, maybe they’ll be kind enough to fill Michael in. Ned says, on this, and Valentin says, yeah, be sure to detail the depths to which his daughter has sunk, but this is an ELQ matter. He’s filed a motion nullifying their agreement. Brook says, he can’t do that, but he says, he can and he did. She admitted Bailey wasn’t his daughter; that voided their contract. That makes her ELQ shares once again his ELQ shares. That gives him an insurmountable majority, and cements his position as CEO of ELQ. Happy Thanksgiving.

TJ asks if Marshall is really his uncle’s father, and his father’s father. Marshall says he is, and TJ says, that makes him… Marshall says, his grandfather. TJ asks if he’s telling the truth, but Marshall says, he wouldn’t lie about this, and TJ says, he supposedly died a long time ago. Marshall says, it’s a long story, and not a pretty one, but he’s not an imposter. He’s not playing TJ or Curtis. He’s TJ’s grandfather. It feels good to say that, and see this fine young man standing in front him. He hopes TJ accepts what he’s telling him; accepts him. He holds out his hand, and TJ takes it. Marshall laughs, and Curtis comes in, asking what the hell Marshall thinks he’s doing. Marshall says, Curtis needs to watch his language in the chapel, and Curtis says he was trying to get there first to prepare TJ, but TJ says, it’s all good. Now they can finally put a name to the face of the stranger they wondered about; he’s family. Curtis says TJ needs to do him a favor, and leave.

Sam says, Drew and Jason teaming up to take down Peter, that’s something she would love to have seen. Does Monica know he’s home yet? He says, not yet, but he’s heading over there, and Sam says, this is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever for her. Dante comes downstairs with Scout, and stops short seeing Drew. Drew says, Scout. Look at her. She’s all grown up. Sam says, she’s not all grown up, and Drew says he’s so happy to see her, but Scout clings to Dante.

Anna tells Sonny, she and Robert went to Greece. They got information that Peter was holed up on Cassadine Island. He says, Jason’s in Greece; he and Britt went looking for her mother. Anna says she knows, and asks if they can sit down.

Carly asks what Britt isn’t telling her, and Britt flashes back to the tunnel collapsing. She says she just wants Carly to know, if it wasn’t for Jason, she and her mom wouldn’t have made it home alive. Carly says, that’s great, but she’s more concerned about Jason. Where the hell is he? Britt starts to cry.

Ned says Valentin doesn’t honestly think this will work, and Valentin says he does actually. Detective Chase came forth and clamed Bailey as his own, which was very honorable of him. He tells Chase, a word to the wise; honor is in short supply in this house. He tells Olivia, brining the turkey was an inspired choice; very succulent. She says, he tasted it? and he says he got his before the dog descended on it. Annabelle II barks, and Valentin says, rave reviews all around. Brook says, really? and they all run out, except for Monica.

TJ says, obviously, he’s missing something, and Curtis says, Mr. Ashford and he need to talk alone. TJ says he’s sensing that’s not the best idea, but Marshall says, it’s okay. TJ’s uncle is right. They have some unfinished business. TJ starts to leave, and Marshall says, looking at TJ, who and what he’s become, his father would be proud. TJ leaves, and Marshall says, okay, it’s just us, son. Curtis says, stop calling him son. It’s a privilege that’s earned. Marshall got his chance and blew it. There’s no going back.

Phyllis says she wishes she had come magic words to explain why bad things happen to good people, and Nina says, they happen to bad people too. Phyllis says, Nina’s not bad. She’s had a wound inside her since her baby was taken from her; maybe before. Nina says, it doesn’t excuse what she did, and Phyllis says, no, but taking responsibility is the first step to redemption. Nina asks if that’s a quote, and Phyllis says it is. Nina asks who said it? and Phyllis tells her that she did. They laugh, and Nina says she’s putting her foot down. Phyllis isn’t spending Thanksgiving alone or at Charlie’s. She sees Portia, and asks if Portis thinks she has room for one more tonight. Portia says, absolutely. The more the merrier. Nina and Phyllis hug.

Elizabeth says she just needs to change out of her scrubs, but Violet says she looks pretty, and asks Finn, doesn’t she? Finn says she does, and Elizabeth says she won’t be long. Finn says, and then it’s turkey time, and Violet asks if she can have the wishbone. Finn thinks that can be arranged. Elizabeth asks if she has a special wish in mind, and Violet says it’s about Elizabeth and daddy. Finn says she has to keep it a secret, or it won’t come true.

Sam tells Scout, don’t worry; there’s nothing to be afraid of. Dante says, it’s her dad. Can she believe it? Sam says, he’s been gone for a while, but he’s back now, and Dante says, it’s amazing news. Drew says he knows she’s surprised; he is too. They don’t have to rush. They can take it slow, and get to know each other again. Scout nods, and he says, the good news is, they’ve got nothing but time.

Sonny says he heard talk that Drew survived the plane crash, and Anna says, there was no plane crash; it was staged. Drew was being held prisoner by Peter with Victor’s assistance. Peter is in custody, and Victor cut a deal. Sonny says, Drew’s coming home; two out of three ain’t bad. Anna says, while they were there, they learned Peter had Britt and Jason, and Sonny asks if they got them out. She says, actually, they got themselves out. They had Jason to help. Britt and Obrecht got home… He says, Jason didn’t? and she shakes her head.

Carly tells Britt to say it, but Britt says, she doesn’t want to. Carly tells her, say it, and I want to slap her. Britt says, Jason’s gone.

Monica says, Valentin is enjoying this, isn’t he? and he asks if she’d call him childish if said yes. She says, revenge can be sweet for the moment, but it’s not going to make Bailey his. Ned comes in, brandishing a turkey leg, and says he hopes Valentin is happy. This is all that’s left of a 25 pound turkey. Valentin says, what a shame, but there’s always next year, and Brook says, he waltzes in there, taking back ELQ, and ruins her family’s Thanksgiving, and he talks about her depths? He says she took his child, and she says, Bailey isn’t his; get over it and move on. He says he thought he respected her, but he really just found her moderately attractive.  Now he doesn’t have to stick around and watch looks go to ruin. Chase tells him, watch it, but he says he’s just getting started. Without her singing voice, she’s just the runt of Quartermaine litter. She has less class than the family dog. Chase says, that’s enough, and punches him.

TJ wants to talk to Portia about a patient; the one he treated a couple weeks ago who took off. He just saw him again, and she’ll never believe this. She tells him, he said he was TJ’s grandfather, and he asks how she knew. She says, Curtis told her. He was on his way to fill TJ in, but she guesses Marshall beat him to it. He says, they’re together in the chapel right now, and she asks if he thinks Curtis needs backup. He says, since he was ordered out of there, he’d say, leave them be. She asks how Curtis seemed, and TJ says, not good. He’s worried about Curtis. She says, so is she.

Marshall says, TJ is willing to give him a chance. Why won’t Curtis? Curtis says, Marshall doesn’t get to make him the bad guy, not after Marshall went behind his back to tell his nephew. Marshall says he thought Curtis already told him. If he overstepped his bounds… Curtis says, Marshall thought he’d already told TJ? Told him what? That they have the same DNA? That Marshall waited three years before he disappeared, and his family believed Marshall was dead? He grew up without a father, and grew up with a mother who was chronically ill because when Marshall left, it devastated her. Now Marshall marches boldly back into Curtis’s life, without a semblance of an explanation. Does that about sum it up? Marshall says, he told TJ the simple truth. He came back to reconnect with his family. Curtis says, they are not and never will be Marshall’s family, and Marshall says he doesn’t expect to be invited to dinner anytime soon. He knows he has a lot of work to do before he can earn Curtis’s trust, but TJ’s a grown, and unless Curtis is claiming to speak for him… Curtis says, TJ speaks for himself, and Marshall says, then they’ll keep the resentment there, between the two of them, where it belongs. You do you, and I’ll do everything in my power to prove myself, or die trying. He tells Curtis, happy Thanksgiving. He says, he doesn’t know about Curtis, but he’s feeling grateful, and leaves.

Drew says he bets Scout thought he forgot, and unwraps a glass unicorn. He hopes she still collects them, and Sam says, she does. Scout asks if she can take it, and Sam says, of course (🍷). Scout thanks Drew, and goes to show the boys upstairs. Sam tells Drew, she knows it doesn’t feel like it, but she thinks it went really well. Dante offers to leave, but Drew asks him to stay. There’s something the both of them need to know. It’s about Jason.

Sonny asks if Peter sabotaged the tunnel, but Anna says, no. He was trying to escape, using Britt and Obrecht as hostages. Jason and Drew were a formidable team, as she understands it, but there was a gun fight, and the tunnels were already unstable. He asks if they took Jason out, and she says, she had a rescue team within the hour. She promises him that they did everything they could.

Britt tells Carly, they did everything they could. If Jason had survived, they would have saved him. Carly says, no body was found? and Britt says, sometimes you don’t find a body. 50 tons of earth came down on him, and there was no sign of life detected. Carly says, no, not Jason. Jason has beaten the odds over and over again, and he’s going to beat the odds this time. She’s going to Greece. Britt says, listen to her. Jason is gone. Even saying the words makes her want to curl into a ball, but it’s true. Jason is gone and not coming back. Carly says, because of Britt, and now I want to slap and kick her.

Valentin tells the Quartermaines to enjoy what’s left of their dinner, and walks out. Monica says, this is why she has Luigi’s on speed dial.

TJ goes to the chapel, and asks if Curtis is okay. Curtis says he didn’t want TJ to find out from Marshall, but TJ says, it doesn’t matter. Curtis says, it does to him, and TJ says, at least they know who he is now, and why he’s been asking questions. God knows he has a ton of his own. Curtis says he understands why TJ wants to ask questions and find out more. Marshall is his grandfather; why wouldn’t he? TJ says, but Curtis doesn’t trust him? Curtis says he doesn’t, and doesn’t think TJ should either. Proceed with caution. TJ wonders if they can get out of there. Everyone is going to Dr. Robinson’s. Curtis says he doesn’t think he’d be good company, and asks TJ to send his regards. He’s heading to the club; he’s got some work he can do. TJ says Curtis can send his own regards. He’s coming. Curtis tells TJ to go hang with his colleagues and friends, but TJ says, not without Curtis. Curtis says TJ is as stubborn as a mule, and TJ tells him, they say it runs in the family.

Elizabeth meets Finn and Violet, and Violet says, that took forever. Finn says, it was worth the wait, and Elizabeth says, an upgrade from the scrubs? but he says she looks pretty amazing in those too. Portia comes by, saying, she’s glad she caught them. There’s been a change in plans. Nina and Phyllis join them, and Nina asks if dinner is off. Portia says, no. Same people, same food; just a different venue.

Sam says, so Drew is telling them that there’s no chance? and Drew says, not even Jason could have survived that cave-in. Sam looks at a photo of Jason and Danny, and says, it’s so unreal. Scout gets her father back, and Danny loses his. Drew says he’s sorry. If it eases the pain even a little bit, he owes his life to Jason. If Jason hadn’t shown up, he would be dead or still controlled by Peter. Jason is a hero. Dante says, that sounds about right, and Sam says, it means a lot, and thanks him. Drew says he’s got to go. He doesn’t want Monica hearing the news from someone else. He’ll leave his number, and if Sam needs anything, he’s only a phone call away. She doesn’t have to search for him this time. She says she’s glad he’s home, and he says, him too. He leaves, and she looks at the picture again. Dante says he’s so sorry, and she says, her too.

Anna tells Sonny, it’s so unfair. Jason worked hard to get back to his life, only to have it taken away again. Sonny says, this time for good. Carly… She says she thought they’d both be there, and she could tell them together, but he says he’s going to have to tell her. Did Anna tell Robin? Anna says she’s dreading this conversation, and he says he appreciates her coming by to tell him. He knows it’s hard for her too. She wipes some tears away, and says, she and Jason were often on different sides of the law, but she had respect for him as a person and a parent. Sonny says, it was mutual, and Anna asks if they can maybe just lean on each other about this. He hugs her, and she says he’s got this. She leaves and Sonny knocks some stuff around. At least the moss bowl 🎍 is out of harm’s way.

Carly says she gets that Peter set this whole thing in motion, and he’s going to pay, but Britt? Jason had feelings for her. Look what it cost him. Even when they ended things, Jason had this responsibility or guilt or whatever the hell she wants to call it. So much so, he went looking for her mom in Greece. So when Carly rewinds the tape, she wishes Jason never met Britt. The nasty bitch walks away, and Britt says she wishes that too. I gave she-devil Carly the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but she leaves herself out of every equation that she’s a part of. If not for Carly, Jason would be alive.

Anna calls Valentin, and says, guess who’s home? He says he looks forward to hearing all about Greece tomorrow, and she asks, what’s wrong with now? He says he’s in the middle of something, and she wonders if he’s all right. He says he’d rather tell her tomorrow, but welcome home, darling. He looks at a photo of Bailey on his phone, and his finger hovers over the delete button, but he doesn’t touch it. He takes a drink instead.  

Britt goes to the reception desk, and flashes back on Jason saying there’s no way to predict anything. That’s not how life works. The future is an idea; it’s not a guarantee.

Sam asks if Dante is disappointed they bailed on Thanksgiving, but he says, no. He can have pizza anytime he wants. She says, what about the kids? but he says, the kids are fine. They spend plenty of time at the Quartermaines as it is. They’re right where they’re supposed to be. She says she knows Jason lived a crazy life. She had a feeling this was going to happen. She just didn’t think it would happen so soon. Dante holds her.

Carly comes back and sees Sonny through the window. She sits at the patio table, and cries. Sonny looks out the window, and watches her.

As they arrive at the club, Curtis tells TJ that he talks a good game, but he really didn’t want to spend Thanksgiving alone. TJ says, that’s a relief, and Curtis asks, why? They go inside, and turn on the light. Everyone is there, and they yell, surprise! Curtis asks, what’s going on? and Portia says, since he wasn’t up to joining the celebration, they brought the celebration to him. She tells everyone, dig in, but Curtis says, hang on. If his Aunt Stella were there, she’d say they’re forgetting the most important part. Violet says, thank you for the food. Thank you for my family. Curtis says, amen, and everyone starts to eat. Curtis kisses Portia.

Monica looks out the front window, and sees pizza boxes. She says, look at that. She didn’t even have to order this year. They just brought the pizza. She opens the door, and Drew is holding the boxes. He says he rolled the dice, and brought some with him.

Tomorrow, Scotty tells his schnitzel, welcome back; Monica tells Drew, don’t ever say anything like that again; Britt tells someone, if they tell anyone what they saw, she’ll have them fired; and Carly tells Sonny, Jason could still be alive.

Below Deck

Eddie tells the deckhands that the wind is too strong, and tells Jake not to give the go ahead until everything is secured. He never wants to see something blowing off the boat again. In Eddie’s interview, he says he needs the deck team to step up, so he can focus on his job as first officer, and his education in the wheelhouse. He tells the deckhands, he doesn’t want one more effing thing falling off the boat. Jake says he hates the effing cushions. Heather calls the provider for neon décor and balloons, specifically a seven and a five. The guests lounge around, and Rachel demonstrates 80s dance, the vacuum cleaner, in the galley. She brings Captain Lee breakfast, and Heather tells him that they’re having an 80s party for Primary Ronnie’s 75th. The captain says he already did the 80s once. In his interview, he says he met his wife Maryann in the 80s. It changed his life. So in the 80s, he was changing his life. He was also trying to look cool, but that didn’t work out. We see a picture of him back in the day, but IMO, he looked pretty good.

Heather tells Captain Lee about Jessica’s grandmother having a procedure. I love this vague word, which could mean pretty much anything from an ingrown toenail to cancer. In Heather’s interview, she says she notices the difference in Jessica from day one to now, and we flash back to when Jessica was peppy in the beginning. Heather says she understands what’s going on with Jessica, but at some point, she needs to leave it in the cabin, and show up to do her job. The guests do water sports. In Rachel’s interview, she says she’s making Mexican food for lunch, and Mexican is up her alley. It’s great going in, and interesting coming out. Fraser asks if Heather missies her partner, and she says, definitely, but it’s something they’re used to, since the priority was always yachting. Fraser says he’s craving male attention, and in his interview, he says his first relationship lasted two and a half years. His partner was ten years older, and they were in different stages of life, so it had to end, and he was shattered. It feels like he’d better get back into it. Lunch served, and primary Ronnie says, if Rachel wanted to start a restaurant, she definitely could. In Heather’s interview, she says she’s looking forward to the 80s party. She was in the womb in the 80s, and doesn’t know much about it, but she can channel it. Rachel is told by the guests that it was the best meal ever.

Jake thinks Wes and Jessica should hook up. In his interview, he says, Wes has no game whatsoever, but he’s going to try and help him. He tells Heather that they need a push. Jake tells a TMI story about twerking, and thinking pushing out a fart would be funny, and ending up pushing out something else. Sh*t happens… literally. The trampoline goes flying, and in Eddie’s interview, he says, WTF? Wes goes out to get it on a jet ski, and in his interview, he says, Baywatch in action. He’s a skinnier version of The Rock. Call him Pebble. In Captain Lee’s interview, he says, in 35 years, he’s never seen wind blow with such intensity for so long. It’s Mother Nature giving you a wakeup call. Jessica irons, and Heather passes out 80s stuff to the crew. Rachel says she loves the effing 80s, and the captain tells everyone to be in their blacks by six. Jake comes out in a neon yellow… I honestly don’t know what it is. A bodysuit with cut-outs? Fraser thinks Jake looks like a figure skater or exotic dancer; he’s effortlessly chic. I wonder if we’re looking at the same guy.

Heather tells Rachel that Rayna has a sh*t attitude, and the guests get dressed for dinner. The five balloon flies away, and the wind also takes a glass off a table, and it shatters on the deck. The guests are seated for dinner, and a lot of lobster goes out. Captain Lee joins the guests, but leaves any neon behind. Rayna is helping serve, and Heather explains that the food can’t go out without tongs to serve it. Rayna mumbles about Heather needing to do her own damn job. She’s helping; she works outside. All Fraser can come up with are ice tongs, and in her interview, Heather says she shouldn’t have to explain they need tongs. She hates the way it’s going, and how no one has the initiative to come up with a solution. Rayna tells Rachel that she’s killing it, and Ronnie picks up a gigantic steak bone, eating off of it like a caveman. Heather tells the crew to get in their 80s attire to sing Happy Birthday.

Jake tries to deal with his wedgie. Heather tells at least three crew members to let Rachel know she’s clearing the table, but ends up having to tell Rachel herself. The crew dances around in their neon, spandex whatevers, and wigs. In Eddie’s interview, he says he guesses this is what being first officer is about – leggings and a tank top that belongs to an eleven-year-old girl. Guest Stacie raves about the cake, and Captain Lee thanks them for dinner, making his getaway. Although these are relatively lowkey guests, and not like that horrifying last group. Everyone heads to bed (what I said – I’m kind of disappointed in this party), and Rayna tells Jessica that Heather is hard-headed and rude. Fraser tells Heather that he doesn’t want to put up with Jessica anymore, and in Heather’s interview, she says, it’s not a test. Either she wants to be here or she doesn’t.

Friend Issa calls Rayna, and in Rayna’s interview, she says, yachting and relationships are like oil and water. She likes the feeling of knowing someone genuinely wants to talk to you. She’s not trying to rush into anything, but reaches out for attention. Breakfast is served – lobster benedict and French toast. I don’t even like French toast that much, and I think it looks amazing. And big. Like Texas toast times four. Guest Todd sticks to scrambled egg whites, and in her interview, Rachel says scrambled egg whites are the bane of her existence, and gives two middle fingers. Eddie tells Jake that they’re dropping anchor, and to secure everything. In Eddie’s interview, he says, the last time was a complete failure, and he’s too old for this sh*t. He needs someone to take over the deck. Anchor is pulled.

Ronnie says, it’s the best three days of food he’s ever had. Rayna asks Wes to think about when dinosaurs swam in the water, and Wes bets they still are. Okay… In Fraser’s interview, he says, on a scale of one to ten, Jessica is an 8.2 in clueless. She’s neither working harder nor smarter. In Eddie’s interview, he says he’s had enough of getting yelled at for the deck team’s mistakes. This time, they didn’t even break a sweat.

The captain calls the crew to the aft deck to say goodbye. Primary Jeremy says it was awesome, and the food was spectacular. Child guest Alexander is relieved of his locked box, and Jeremy hands it to Captain Lee. When the guests are gone, the captain says, they know the drill. Fraser reveals that he has two closets; one just for uniforms. Heather is at a loss for words. It’s time for the tip meeting, and the captain says, it was a great charter. It was nice to see Jessica come out of her shell for the 80s. Jessica says, it was the purple hair, and in Fraser’s interview, he says, go Jess, less than enthusiastically. Captain Lee says, it’s almost like they all knew what they were doing. He opens the case, and says, 25 large ($25K). The crew responds with applause. He doesn’t say how much per crew member, and I try to count them fast, but they’re already gone. The captain tells them, well done. Have a good time; they earned it. Rachel makes it rain, while Heather twerks. Fraser asks Heather to put him on laundry. He’ll do nothing and not smile, and get a mention from Captain Lee. Heather tells him, who said you have to sleep your way to the top? The crew gets ready to go out, and head to a restaurant. Rachel tells Heather, curry with white pants; it’s a choice. Jake flirts with Heather, and in Heather’s interview, she says, Jake is coming on strong. If she didn’t have a boyfriend, he might stand a chance, but the ‘stache looks prettier every day. Fraser and Jake take a smoke break, and in Wes’s interview, he says, Jessica gives him butterflies. She reminds him of a big crush who broke his heart. He stopped taking chances after that. In Fraser’s interview, he says he finds Jake attractive, and might have a crush on him, but Jake is straight and he’s gay, not stupid. Jake takes off his pants at the bar, and then his underwear. It looks like they have the place to themselves, but still. There is a waitstaff. Rayna tells the bartender, the naked one is her boss.

Jake dances around, then jumps in the pool. Fraser follows, but thankfully, keeps his underwear on. They head back to the yacht, and Fraser says he’s getting naked in the hot tub. Rachel says she was okay until saw Jake’s flaccid penis flopping about. In the taxi, Jake and Fraser kiss, while Heather films on her phone. Jake says he’s not bisexual; he’s just sexually comfortable. Rachel says, nothing phases Jake, and she thinks everyone will get a ride on the mustache. Back on the boat, Eddie decides to use a blowtorch to light a cigar, and ends up setting his hair on fire. It’s put out quickly, but stinks up the place. Jake and Fraser get in hot tub. Eddie says he’s stressed because he has to work tomorrow, and asks Heather what happened with Jessica. Heather says she’s trying to keep her team intact. Captain Lee’s comment affected Fraser, and he said maybe he’d get praise if he stopped working so hard. Jake says, hummus and muffins… Everyone is so boring… A bagel for the boys… I guess he’s pretty drunk.

In the morning, Jake is still drunk, and says he’s effing trollied. The captain pumps iron, and Eddie asks if Jake remembers making out with Fraser. He doesn’t. Heather shows Fraser the video, and in his interview, Fraser says he’s mortified. Now Jake possibly thinks he’s into him, and he’s put his relationship with his best friend on the boat at risk. He’s crumbling. He says, stupid, a dozen times.

Next time, Jessica gets put on service; Heather tells Jessica, training day is over; and Eddie says he’s going to rip someone’s head off, but Captain Lee says that’s his job.

🦃 Talking Turkey…

How the soap celebs celebrated Thanksgiving.

And how their small screen counterparts gathered together.

⚰️ Dead Talk…

A deadly anniversary.


The twist in Fear.

A little bit of Mo in your life.

A preview of the end of Beyond.


After Dead.

🎭 Exiting the Stage…

My favorite musical writer/composer. Being able to write musicals as diverse from one another as Follies and Sweeney Todd, there was no one like him. May all the other stage greats who’ve gone before you, sing you to your rest.  


🚴‍♀️ Getting Out While the Getting’s Good…

Even though Black Friday has come and gone, you’d think there had never been a sale before. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how much email I had this morning. Whatever the status of your inbox, stay safe, stay unpressured by the holidays, and stay knowing there’s always next year, if the dog descends on your turkey.