Tag Archives: Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

December 13, 2023 – Ava Thinks She Knows Who’s Taunting Her, Annemarie Dispenses Unwanted Medical Advice At a Party & Home


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

On the phone, Alexis walks into her house and sees Kristina and Molly. She says, whoa, and tells them that she’ll have to call them back. She tells the girls that she loves having surprise visits from her daughters. Why don’t they tell her what’s going on? Or they could leave her in suspense. Actually, there is no second choice. What’s wrong? They laugh and Kristina says, she got there fast. Alexis says, they both have beautiful faces. And they should never play poker with them. Clearly, they have something to tell her, so let’s hear it. Molly says, she’s right; they have news. Alexis asks if it’s good or bad, and they tell her, it’s great.

The last of Ava’s stuff is moved into her new/old penthouse. She tips the mover, and when he leaves, she says, this is so much better than Windymere. Why did she ever give this place up? She takes an envelope out of her bag that says AVA and slides a picture of dead Austin out of it. She takes out a note that says: DON’T TELL ANYONE.

Josslyn and Trina come back to their dorm room to find Adam playing guitar and singing in the hallway.

Sonny approaches Stella and Felicia at the hospital, and Stella says, well, look who we have here, and Felicia says, hi. Sonny says, sorry to interrupt, but Stella says, his timing’s just fine. What brings him to the hospital? He says, her.

Dante comes in, and Sam says she knows he couldn’t say anything to her at Kelly’s, but they’re home now, so she’s hoping he can tell her. Did he find anything when he opened up the locker? Any indication of who was after Anna?

Carly follows Donna into the park, while Donna kicks along a soccer ball. Carly says, she looked so great on the field today, but Donna says, it’s a pitch, not a field. The coach says, if you lick a ball just right, it will go around the goalie. She’s been practicing. She can show Carly. Carly says, let’s see, and Donna kicks the ball. She says, it was supposed to curve, but Carly says, it’s okay. Like the coach says, she has to practice, right? Let’s get the ball. Brennan comes along, carrying the ball, looks at Donna and asks, by any chance, does it belong to her?

Felicia says, she’ll leave them to it, but Sonny says he doesn’t mean to exclude her. She’s a patient advocate also, right? Felicia says she’s still learning the ropes, and Stella tells her that she’s doing excellent work. Felicia thanks her and asks if Sonny needs a patient advocate. He says he does, but not to help him navigate health situations, and Stella says, that’s a relief. So what can they do for him? He says he wants to do something for the hospital, and she says, he already does a great deal for the hospital. He says, this is different. He wants to donate or underwrite, however she wants to call it, all the hospital holiday celebrations. The decorations, the pediatric party, any expense that has to do with the holiday, he wants to take care of it. Felicia says, he’s like their very own Santa Claus, and nearby, a little girl says, he’s not Santa Claus.

Dante tells Sam that he checked out the locker and came back when no one was watching. When he finally got into the locker, there was a package inside. It was wrapped up like it was going to be mailed, but it didn’t have an address label on it. Sam says, that’s because the late Mr. Forsythe wasn’t able to mail the package, and he says, right. He didn’t want to draw attention to anything, so he got the package out of there. She asks where he went, and he says, to the bank.

Carly introduces Donna and Mr. Brennan, saying, he got the ball out of the bushes for them. Donna thanks him, and he says she’s most welcome. He asks what position she plays, and she says, forward. He says, that’s a lot of running, and Carly says, that’s not a problem for Donna because she’s in constant motion. Speaking of running… He says his job can be a lot of high pressure at times, so he runs to decompress. Sometimes it even works. She asks if he’s been to the running trail on Harborview, but he says, not yet. She says, people swear by it, and he says, what about her? She says she’s not a runner. She likes Pilates, yoga, swimming… Although she hasn’t done that in a while. PCU has a great swim complex. It’s open to the public every morning. He says, maybe he’ll see her there sometime, and she says, he swims too? He says, when he can fit it in. Running requires a lot less forethought and prep time. Donna asks if they can go for a hot chocolate, and Brennan says, at the risk of intruding, perhaps he can accompany them. His treat. Carly says, that won’t be necessary, but he says, it will make up for him up and disappearing the other day. She says, why not? and the three of them leave together.

Adam notices the girls and says he’s sorry. He didn’t realize anyone was listening. Trina says, he’s in the hall, and Josslyn says, of the dorm. He says, normally no one’s here this time of day, and the acoustics are pretty good. Josslyn says, he knows this because he plays in here a lot? and he says, yeah. In the afternoons, he gives himself a break from everything. Trina says, don’t let them interrupt him. Come in. Play something else for them. He follows them into their room and tells Trina that she doesn’t have to say that, but she tells him that if he thinks she’s just saying that to be polite, think again. She’s majoring in art, so she’s never dishonest about an artist’s work. He says, what artist? and Josslyn says, she means him. He says he was just goofing around, but Trina says she’d love to hear what he sounds like when he’s serious. He says, they don’t really want to hear him play, but they both say, yeah, they do.

Alexis sits in between Molly and Kristina, and says she knows how they operate. The last time they sat her down like this, it was to talk her into getting a puppy. Molly says, they’re not trying to talk her into anything. She and Kristina have done a lot of thinking, and they’ve made a decision that will affect both of them. Kristina says, actually, it kind of effects the whole family, and Molly says, they just hope she can support them. Alexis says, oh boy. Okay. Molly says, Kristina is going to be the surrogate for her and TJ.

Ava hears someone coming in, and shoves the picture in the envelope, tossing it on the table. Nina asks how it’s going… What happened?

Sam says, Dante went to the bank? and he says he wanted to go somewhere private and secure where he wasn’t being watched or monitored. He also needed someplace he could leave the package that was secure where someone didn’t have access. So he got a safe deposit box. She says, that’s certainly more secure than leaving it in the train locker. What was in it that was worth killing for? Dante says, that WSB file, pages yellowed like it had been in that trunk for decades. She says, thank God the WSB didn’t have it. They would have destroyed it years ago. He says he saw Forsythe’s name right away. He was the field agent in that op that went bad. He wrote down some names that were mentioned too, including Anna’s.

Felicia says, Lindsay is one of her clients, and introduces the little girl to Sonny. He says, nice to meet her, shaking her hand, and she asks why Felicia said he was Santa Claus. Felicia says, what she meant was, Mr. Corinthos is like Santa Claus because they’re both generous and giving. But she got it wrong. Everyone knows there’s just one Santa Claus, and he’s going to bring her presents at Christmas. Stella says, Mr. Corinthos was offering the people at the hospital to have a happy Christmas, and Lindsay asks why he’s doing that. Sonny says he’s a big fan of Santa Claus and always follows his example.

Adam sings for Trina and Josslyn, and he’s pretty good. They applaud, and Trina says, he’s very good. He says, for a guy on a study break, but Josslyn says, no. She’s right. He has a real feel for the music. She had no idea he had such a great voice. He says, she really thinks so? and she tells Trina, back me up. Trina says, she’s right. It’s not really her kind of music, but even so, she can tell he has a real gift. He thanks her and says he really appreciates that. Anyway, he played longer than he meant to, so he’d better get back to studying. Trina says, he needs to eat, doesn’t he? and he says he’ll have some ramen or order something, but Trina suggests he eat with them instead.

Ava says, Nina knows what moving is like. It’s overwhelming, even in the best of circumstances, which these definitely are, but you do realize just how much stuff you have. And no matter how carefully you box it and tape everything up, what you really want, you’re worried you left behind. But in the end, here she is, back in this penthouse she loves so much, and that’s thanks to Nina. Nina says, Ava will be an ideal tenant. She can’t believe how lucky she is to be leasing it to her. Now what has gotten her so terrified? Ava hands her the envelope, and Nina says, no, not another one of these. Come on. She looks at it, and reads, don’t tell anyone. She asks if Ava got this at Windymere, but Ava says she found it in her handbag.

Alexis says she has no doubt TJ and Molly will be amazing parents, and Molly thanks her. Alexis says, and Kristina, what a generous gift to give to her sister and her brother-in-law. Kristina says, but she has reservations. She knows Alexis did when she first offered to be their surrogate, but it’s been months now, and things have changed. Alexis says, no question. It’s her job as a parent to try and look at every angle with all things everywhere, and she can’t help but see potential pitfalls. Molly says, they see them too. Does Alexis remember when they ran into each other at the Port Charles Grill after she met with the matching professional? Alexis says she remembers, and Molly says, Alexis gave her some really good advice that day. Alexis said, whatever she and TJ decided, they had to make that choice together. It made her realize, as bad as she wanted a child, she and TJ weren’t on the same page about another surrogate. That hit her really hard. She had a meltdown in the park, and Kristina saw her crying. Kristina says, it killed her to see Molly upset like that, and after they talked about it, she put a lot of thought into it, and she decided to offer again. Molly says, before Alexis says anything, she talked it over with TJ, at length and at great detail, and the three of them have made the decision to move forward together. She just hopes Alexis can be happy for them.

Nina asks if Ava thinks the killer was here in this penthouse, and Ava says she certainly thinks it’s possible. With all the movers, and her driver, and a messenger from the gallery, people were in and out of here all day. It would not have been difficult for someone to slip it into her bag at some point. Nina says, Ava can’t let this person terrorize her. She has to go to the police. Ava says, no, snatching the note back. Nina knows why she can’t do that. She had ample motive to kill Austin and has no alibi for when he died. They had a horrible fight that night. He knew that she was abducted. He knew his cousin Mason was following Cyrus Renault’s orders, and he didn’t go to the cops, and he didn’t go to Sonny. He did exactly what Cyrus wanted. He testified to get Cyrus out of prison. Nina says, which seems to indicate that Cyrus murdered Austin, so why doesn’t she tell the police that? Ava says, because these notes. Why would Cyrus waste his time in toying with her? She’s of no value to him. She’s just the opposite really. He knows if he pushes her too far, she’ll go to Sonny, which is trouble he does not need. So as awful as he is, she doesn’t believe Cyrus is responsible. Nina says, all right, then who is? and Ava says, someone with a talent for mind games. Someone with the money to play them. Someone who loves watching her squirm. Someone who hates her and wants revenge. Nikolas. Ha! I called it first weeks ago.

Sam says she’s curious. Why didn’t Dante take a picture of the report? He says he just got paranoid. He figured if it was on the phone, then it’s in the cloud. It could be hacked by the WSB and brought back down, using whatever technology the WSB has that they don’t even know about. He didn’t want to risk it getting out, so he went low tech. She says, he has a point there. That report escaped notice all these years because Anna kept a hard copy in a trunk. He says, and other documentations. It wasn’t just that report in that trunk. There were papers, records, other files. Sam says, seems like she was pretty thorough, and Dante says, or also extremely guilty. That’s a lot of insurance to keep. Insurance you’re not going to need unless you’re blackmailing someone in a pretty powerful position. Sam says she just doesn’t get it. Yes, Anna has a made a lot of mistakes. She has since redeemed herself. He says, that’s what she keeps saying. Maybe that’s what she’s trying to convince herself of, but can you really redeem yourself of all the things you’ve done wrong? Or does enough time pass that you don’t think about it anymore? Or maybe you rewrite it in your mind, or maybe you try to convince yourself it never happened altogether. She asks if he’s still talking about Anna, and he says he’s talking about everyone. How accurately can Sam recall something that happened ten, twenty years ago? A failure, a screw up, a lie she told. She laughs and says she doesn’t know. To be honest with him, she doesn’t want to know. He says he doesn’t think Anna does either. He thinks she’s rewritten the 80s to make it easier for her to redeem herself. But everything else, this report and everything that was in that trunk, that says otherwise. Sam asks him if he trusts Anna.

Donna, Carly, and Brennan walk back to Rice Park with their hot chocolates, and Carly tells Donna, be careful with that. Donna asks if she can go practice some more, and Carly says, just stay where she can see her. Donna says she will, and runs off. Carly says, like she told him, always in constant motion, always, and Brennan asks if soccer is a special passion, or is Donna like this about everything? Carly says, she’s like this about everything. She’s all-in, whether it be a flower girl in a wedding or baking cookies. Although Donna really does seem to like soccer. She’s fast and she’s competitive, so Carly thinks soccer’s a good outlet for her. Brennan says he thinks Donna bears a strong resemblance to her, and Carly says, really? Everyone says she looks exactly like her father.

Sonny asks Lindsay what she hopes to get for Christmas, and she says, a tracing pad. Sonny asks if she’s kidding. He has a daughter just about her age, and she wants the same thing. Lindsay’s mother comes over to them and asks if Felicia could help her with some forms. Felicia says, absolutely, and leaves with Lindsay and her mother. Stella says, Sonny’s always been generous with this hospital, but making this special gift for just holiday celebrations is above and beyond. What has fired him? He says, a friend of hers, and she says, not to brag, but she has quite a few friends. But still, she thinks she knows the one he means. His father.

Alexis says, of course (🍷) she’s happy for them. She wants them to have everything in this world that’s good for them. And she loves being a grandma. She doesn’t always like being called a grandma. A welcome addition to the family is a beautiful thing and the bond Kristina and Molly have built is a beautiful thing. It makes her tear up. That Kristina would offer Molly this gift and she’d accept it… but – Kristina says, here it comes – she’s worried this could be complicated. Pregnancy is complicated and there’s a risk, physically and emotionally, and there’s no guaranteed outcome. Molly says, if something goes wrong, she’ll be devastated, but she’s not going to deprive herself or TJ of what they want out of fear. They all know she likes to be cautious, but if you wait and wait for everything to be perfect, you might miss your chance altogether. Kristina tells Alexis that her OB said she’d be a great candidate. Molly and TJ really want this, and she wants this for them, but selfishly, for her too, to bring her little niece – Molly says, or nephew – or nephew into the world. Alexis says, they don’t need her blessing, but they have it. Molly’s phone rings, and she says, it’s the office. She answers and says, now?… Okay. Have the file waiting for her. She’s on her way. She says she’s so sorry, but Alexis says, if anyone understands, she does, and Molly hugs them goodbye. She leaves, and Kristina says, since she’s here, does Alexis want to finish organizing the upstairs closet. She can totally take the clothes Alexis doesn’t want to the shelter. Alexis says, the closet can wait. Has she really thought this through?

Nina says, according to Laura, Nikolas is in Europe, so why would he come back here to kill Austin? and Ava says, who knows why Nikolas does anything? Maybe Austin double-crossed him too; that seemed to be his pattern. Nina says, double-crossed him how? and Ava says she told Nina that she mistakenly thought she killed Nikolas. Not only did he survive, he made a miraculous recovery. She thinks he may have had some medical intervention. Nina says, from Austin, and Ava says, Austin lied about to her the whole time and helped Mason blackmail her. Maybe Austin made the mistake of trying to blackmail Nikolas as well. Or maybe Nikolas killed him just to torment her. Nina says, she doesn’t really believe that, but Ava says, Nikolas thinks she tried to kill him. Of course (🍷) he wants revenge. And what better way to get it than frame her for Austin’s murder?

At Kelly’s, Josslyn goes to put in the orders, and Trina asks where Adam learned to play guitar like that. He says he thinks he was four when he started to play piano, but he didn’t really have a feel for it. Then when he was about ten, his teacher introduced him to the guitar. That was it. She says, he just knew, and he says he guesses he did. But his parents said, if he wasn’t going to play piano, they weren’t going to pay for music lessons. She asks what they have against him playing guitar, and he says his dad says people who play guitar are low brow, but he really couldn’t let it go. Since then, he’s just been self-taught. She asks how his parents don’t realize he’s really gifted.

Stella tells Sonny that Mike might have started off as her client, but he became so much more. She’s had dear friends before, but none like him. And the way he faced his Alzheimer’s, she admired that. He was scared, but it was always his love that came through. Sonny says, and his encouragement, for all of them, and Stella says, as hard as it was for Sonny to watch what Mike was going through, Mike never saw anything but Sonny’s love. Sonny says he misses Mike every day, especially at this time of year. His last Christmas, he was in and out. Sometimes he would be his old self, sometimes he’d be a stranger, but he always loved Christmas. He loved the trees and the decorations; he was like a kid with the feeling of true joy for the season. Stella says she remembers that, and Sonny says, but it’s tough to get that true joy feeling in a hospital. That’s why he wants to help.

Brennan says he wasn’t talking about Donna’s appearance, but she and Carly share a certain lightness of spirit. Carly asks what he means, and he says, her daughter is open and friendly, not shy and withdrawn. She’s interested in things around her, and she’s certainly not bratty or demanding. She says, not Donna, but there’s plenty of people who would say she’s bratty and demanding. He says, we all have our moments, and asks if she’s unusually demanding. She says she doesn’t think so. She used to think everything had to be a battle. Then she learned how and when to compromise, and when to fight for something she believes in. And she’s not afraid to push if she thinks something’s important. He asks how she decides if something is important.

Kristina says, whatever she does, whatever she decides to do, Alexis is constantly assuming she’s being impulsive. Alexis says, that’s not what she meant, but Kristina says, it is, and it’s how Alexis makes her feel. Alexis can’t credit her with knowing herself or knowing her own brain. For looking at a situation, deciding the best course of action, executing it, and following through. It’s a tired narrative and she’s sick of it, because she’s done her due diligence, and she knows what she’s in for. Alexis says, no, she doesn’t. She can’t, because she’s never been pregnant. She’s never brought a child into the world. She doesn’t know what it’s like physically or emotionally, and no amount of research or due diligence is going to prepare her for that. In the best of circumstances, if nothing goes wrong, for nine months, she’s going to be carrying this life inside of her. Then she’s going to bring it into the world, and Alexis promises her, it will change her. She knows how much Kristina wants to give Molly and TJ what they want, but she’s asking Kristina if she’s truly considered what she wants.

Josslyn sits down, and Trina says, Adam was telling her that he used to take music classes, but then he started teaching himself guitar. Josslyn says, that’s incredible. He plays really well. He thanks her, and Trina says, maybe it’s an advantage being self-taught. You don’t get locked in. You get to explore and develop your own style. He says he doesn’t know about all that. It’s really just something that helps him decompress. Trina asks if he’s thought about playing professionally.

Ava tells Nina that their relationship was so sick and dysfunctional, and she was nearly as addicted to it as he was. As awful as it was, she thinks Nikolas did her a real favor by getting Esme pregnant. That’s when her perspective shifted, and she was able to see their relationship was just misery. She was able to see that if she didn’t get out, Nikolas would destroy her. Nina says she’s so sorry. She knew things were bad between them, but she didn’t know how bad they were. Ava says, neither did she until it was almost too late. She stopped playing games and started pulling back. Nikolas was just too invested. He would not let her go, and that’s why he came to Windymere that night, threatening to take Avery. And that’s why she hit him and that’s why this is happening now. Nina says, if it is Nikolas sending those notes… Ava says, the killer is going to great lengths to torment her, and the only person with the motive to do that is Nikolas. She intends to beat him at his own game.

Dante tells Sam that he does trust Anna, but none of them knows how they’re going to react when the past is dredged up, right? What is Anna going to do? Is she going to cover up what she did? Is she going to overcompensate out of guilt to make it easier for whoever this is to get her? He wants to talk to her, but doesn’t feel he has enough of a handle on the situation. Sam asks what he plans to do, and he says, go back to the bank. Read that report more thoroughly. He skimmed through it enough to know what the mission was. It was all about getting this Eastern Block general to defect and bring his top-secret files with him. In exchange, he was going to get ten million 1987 US dollars. Sam says, whoa. No wonder the WSB wanted him and his files; the man didn’t come cheap. Dante says, but the op went bad. The general was killed, his files went missing. She says, what about the ten million? and he says, that’s also missing. Forsythe was the field agent. The last thing he wants is for this report to see the light of day. She says, what about Anna? and he says, her role was to be the girlfriend of the general so they could cross the border together and it would look less conspicuous than a single guy crossing on his own. She says, what about the other things in the files. He said they didn’t make any sense? He says, there were these passport photos; they looked like they were from the 80s. One was Anna, one was Forsythe, and one was someone he doesn’t know, but there was this other thing… He goes to his duffel bag and takes out the wallet. He says, that, and tosses it on the table.

Alexis says, hormone shifts and swollen ankles, and Kristina may get morning sickness. Kristina says she might, and she doesn’t know how she’s going to handle that. She won’t know until it happens, but she has faith in herself that she knows what she’s doing. Yes, this feels big, and it feels a little scary, but it also feels right. She’s confident in her decision, and honestly, she wishes Alexis had a little faith in her. Alexis says she has faith in Kristina and her courage and her generous heart. She needs to remember that Kristina is a beautifully grown woman, and she’s perfectly capable of making her own decisions and deciding what she wants. And now it’s her job to just step back and support Kristina, and she will support her. She loves her. Kristina says she loves Alexis too, and they hug.

Nina asks if Ava’s sure she’s going to be okay. Ava can always stay with her. Ava says she’s fine. The more she thinks about it, the more convinced she is that Nikolas just had somebody put that envelope in her bag. He wouldn’t risk Laura or Spencer seeing him in Port Charles. She’s sure he’s back in Europe and harassing her from afar. Honestly, she’s fine. Don’t worry about her. Nina asks if she’s sure, and Ava says she is. Nina leaves, and Ava double locks the door. She goes over to her desk, where the middle drawer is a little bit open. She opens the drawer fully and sees a gun with a note. She takes out the note and reads: YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU’LL NEED IT.

Trina says she doesn’t mean to tell Adam his business, but her grandfather is a professional musician, and she knows how important music is to his soul. Adam says, that’s okay. She’s passionate about it; he gets it. Josslyn says, Trina’s grandfather plays the clarinet and he’s absolutely incredible. He actually performed at her parents’ wedding reception, and it was beautiful. Adam says, that’s really cool. Is he successful? Trina says she guesses that depends on how you define success. He doesn’t fill stadiums or concert halls, but he supports himself as an artist and puts is art out there for people to experience. Adam says he can’t imagine what his life would be like if he just spent it making music, and Trina says, he doesn’t have to imagine it; he can actually find out. Josslyn says, he could change his major to music, and Trina says, or join a band or have a solo career… He says, that can’t happen. He’s going to be a doctor. Trina says, that’s good too. Her mom’s a doctor. As long as he knows he doesn’t have to do that. It’s his life, and if music fills his soul, she says he should do it.

Lindsay’s mother says she can’t thank Felicia enough. Being here over Christmas is already tough enough, but now she doesn’t have to stress about the paperwork. Felicia says, no, she doesn’t, and Lindsay says, if she’s here for Christmas, how will Santa find her? Felicia says, that’s easy. General Hospital has been working with Santa Claus for a very long time. They make sure he can find everyone here, so she doesn’t have to worry.

Stella tells Sonny that Mike got her through some tough times. He’d make her laugh until she was crying. That man could flirt. Sonny says, she’s right there, as he recalls, and she says, he better believe it. She didn’t know what courage was until she met that man. He set a whole new standard. But the thing she remembers most is how he loved Sonny. Sonny thanks her for that, and Stella says, he would ask her to remember their friendship even when he couldn’t. Like it was something she could ever forget. He says he appreciates that she treated his dad as a person and not just a patient, and they hug.

Carly tells Brennan, if something touches her family, that’s important to her, and that includes her business because it affects her family. He says, and after that? but she says she doesn’t know. She’s not shy in speaking up if she sees an injustice. At the same time, she’s not here to manage people’s lives. What does he find important? Donna comes back to have her hot chocolate, but she says, it’s barely hot anymore. Carly says, because it’s freezing, and they need to go home. She thanks Brennan for the hot chocolate, and Donna says, thank you. He says, it was his pleasure. Keep practicing. She’s good and getting better. Carly tells Brennan goodnight, and they leave.

Sam looks through the wallet, and Dante says he was going to leave it in the safe deposit box, but then he thought he’d bring it home to get a closer look. She says, ooh. Look. There are numbers here. A lot of numbers actually. She uses a magnifying glass to look at the inside of the bill compartment. He asks, how many numbers? and she says, twenty-one. Maybe it’s an account number. He says, could be, and she says, or it could be a phone number and they’re just throwing it off, disguising it with all these numbers. He wonders how the numbers relate back to the WSB report and whoever is after Anna.

Tomorrow, Portia says, Monica wants to see Finn in her office; Gregory says, Alexis looks less than thrilled; Carly says, Ava doesn’t have to tell her, but she has to tell Sonny; and Tracy asks someone if they’re ready for this.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Mauricio asks how the weed party was, and Kyle says, ridiculous. She says, there are a lot of rumors on the internet, and tells him about her argument with Sutton. We flash back to the ring discussion, and Kyle says, everyone thinks something now. Mauricio suggests she tell them to f*** off. He thinks it’s mean, and it causes more problems, more rumors, more bullsh*t. In Kyle’s interview, she says she shouldn’t be surprised, but she is.

Sutton and Avi go to her store, and she says she’s partied out. Event planner Nicole walks Sutton through the event, and in Sutton’s interview, she says she’s dreamt of having a store for over ten years and got one four years ago. She loved the opening. We flash back to that, and Sutton tells Avi and Nicole that they’re still here. People didn’t believe in her, and she wants to celebrate that. In her interview, she says, it became a business, turned into a bigger business, and now she has a second business pairing on top of it. Everything is happening quick and getting bigger. She’s become a businesswoman. Avi asks about food, but she says, no food. Everyone is on Octavia… Olympic? Avi says, it’s Ozempic, and in her interview, Sutton says she loves that she’s doing it on her own and didn’t take anybody’s money. It feels really good. A producer asks if she used her spousal support, and she says, of course. Hey, she earned that. Crystal calls and asks how Sutton is feeling about tomorrow’s event. Is everyone still invited that was invited? Does she want Kyle there? Sutton says, not if they’re going to fight. To hear Kyle making accusations about her drinking is so ridiculous. Crystal says, Dorit also said something, and Sutton says, it pisses her off. It’s the most ludicrous and dangerous accusation and she’s stomping it out. In Sutton’s interview, she says, it could hurt her business or her custodial arrangement. Her ex could take her son to England.

Therapist Jamie goes to Kyle’s house, and she has to lock the door to the room they’re in because her Golden Retriever can open the door with her paws. I sigh because my Golden, named Einstein no less, would look at a Frisbee until it bounced off his head and was literally scared of his own shadow. Kyle says she’s nervous, and Jamie says, she’s wired to be obsessive and anxious. What was she dealing with that’s triggering her? Kyle starts crying, and says, the past year she’s dealt with family stuff with her sisters, and it affects her intensely. She had an issue with her oldest sister Kathy. We flash back to Kyle asking Kathy how she can say those things, and Kyle tells Jamie, the result is, they’re not speaking again. It’s been happening off and on for ten years, since they first fell out after Mauricio started the agency. We flash back to 2011, and Kyle says, Kathy should be proud, but it’s never that. When she wrote her book, Kathy thought it was something it wasn’t and was mad at her. Kathy had an issue with her opening her store, and when she produced American Woman, she got a letter. We flash back to Kathy saying, it puts their mom in a bad light, and in Kathy’s interview, she says she had her lawyer write a letter saying her family can’t be used. Jamie says, Kyle can let them know she loves them, but it can’t be on their terms where she’s in the doghouse all the time. What would it take for her to feel safe and be open? Kyle says, but people say, it’s blood, but he says, there are no obligatory relationships. Family or not, this isn’t healthy. Kyle says, her very best friend for her whole life took her life on May 1st .

In Kyle’s interview, she says, Lorene was her other half. They were separated at birth, even though Lorene was a 6-foot blonde. We flash back to Lorene joining Kyle for some event on the show, and Kyle says, they met in second grade when they were seven, and were best friends ever since. Lorene was the most important person to her outside of her family and knew everything about her. She told Lorene more than she told her husband. She tells Jamie that Lorene was so together and in charge of everything in Kyle’s life if something happened to her. She doesn’t have answers and it’s frustrating. In her interview, she says she lost someone who’s a constant in her life, who she’s never had a falling out with. Someone who’s been through everything with her, and who she talked about everything with. She talked to Lorene about her sisters and never imagined something like this could happen. Jamie says, it’s a huge loss, but Kyle has to know that what Lorene represented, she still needs. She needs a safe place. What does she need to feel safe? Kyle says she surrounds herself with people who want the best for her. She’s taking care of her body and working out. In her interview, Kyle says, first losing a friend, then what happened with her sister is another loss. Her marriage always made her feel safe and grounded, and not feeling that is a lot. Jamie says, it’s important that she stand firm about feeling good. Relationships where there’s drama and she’s feeling judged aren’t good; it doesn’t matter if they’re blood. Give herself some credit. She’s growing and shifting, and it will ruffle a few feathers. So be it.

Garcelle goes to dinner with Jaid and Ashlyn, and in Garcelle’s interview, she says she wasn’t mentally prepared for Jaid growing up and having a girlfriend. Ashlyn is sweet, but it’s hard to see Jaid like someone other than her. Her two boys couldn’t be more different, but she worries less about Jax. He has a mature sense of self, but Jaid is in the head of a fifteen-year-old. Basketball, his friends, his girlfriend, and shoes are all he thinks about. That’s it. He’s who she worries about now. Ashlyn is sweet with good manners. She speaks her mind and is sassy to Jaid. He picked a good one, but she wants to make sure she’s not a grandmother any time soon – again.

Annemarie says her house is bananas. It’s crazy energy at all times with eight million things going on. We see her trying to get the kids to eat breakfast, and in Annemarie’s interview, she says, it’s a tough job, but she loves it. Her kids are her priority and come before work and her husband. She and Marcellus have been married nine years. There were a lot of women going after him, but from day one, he owned their relationships. When they first met, he said, she was going to be his wife and acted accordingly. She won. He’s told her the reason he fell in love with her is that she’s an 8 ½ at everything. She’s not a 10, but a solid 8 ½, and not a lot of people can say that. She did get a 9 ½ on her body though. We see the insanity of getting the kids ready for their day.

Erika calls mom Renee, and tells her that in the 5th grade, she did a book report on a city, and for some reason chose Las Vegas. She just signed a contract for her Vegas residency. We see a clip of Erika being presented with the offer and signing the contract. In Erika’s interview, she says, Erika Jayne is back and bigger than ever. She tells Renee that she’s doing twenty shows, and in her interview, she says, at this time of year last year, she never could have imagined this. We flash back to that not so pretty mess, and she says, it’s nice to share good news for once. She plans on having more good news. She invites Renee to opening night, and her mom says, they knew she had talent, but perseverance is another situation. Erika needed this and deserves it.

Sutton does a double check before the store party, and Avi stresses over her touching things. She tells him to stop bossing her. Everyone gets ready, and Kyle calls Morgan. She tells Morgan that her date is her sister Kim, and in Kyle’s interview, she says, her relationship with Morgan is different than with her other friends. Morgan is constantly teasing her, and she knows when they hang out, she’s going to be roasted. She tells Morgan that she had a huge fight with Sutton. She and Garcelle thought a ring they’d never seen before was a make-up gift from Mauricio for cheating. She wonders what rumor her necklace is going to start. Maybe Mauricio has a family in another country. Maybe she does. The women start arriving, and Erika asks how Annemarie is feeling after the weed dinner, and Annemarie says she thought it was a comedy. In Dorit’s interview, she says, Sutton gave her a heads up that there would be about 80 people. It’s allowed her to mentally prepare herself for the situation going into. In Garcelle’s interview, she says she’s proud of Sutton. Four years is a lot to keep thriving. When she and Sutton met, Sutton said she hadn’t worked in 17 years, and Garcelle thought they’d have nothing in common. Now she loves Sutton. In the limo, Kim tells Kyle that she gets a lot of energy walking into a room, and it can be overwhelming. In Kyle’s interview, she says, she’s happy Kim is going. It will show Sutton that she didn’t lose two sisters. We flash back to Sutton’s cutting remark, and Kyle says, she has one with her. In Sutton’s interview, she says, Kyle’s not stupid. (I beg to differ, but go on.) She brought Kim to prove she and her sisters are close. At least one of them. They all search for something to say, along with some artist that got dragged in, and in Sutton’s interview, she says, if crickets could start chirping, it would be in this moment with Kyle. That’s how awkward it is. In Kim’s interview, she says, she’s here. She showed up. It’s not comfortable. Sutton takes the mic and looking at her notes, she thanks everyone for coming. She says she loves having her girlfriends here with her. A lot of labels get thrown out there about women, and hopefully it’s not women throwing labels at women. But tonight, she loves labels. In Erika’s interview, she says she doesn’t think Sutton is giving the most eloquent speech, but you can’t check all the boxes. Sutton says she’s the worst speaker, but she’s proud of herself. She thanks everyone and tells them to go back to drinking. She tells Avi that she can have her cocktail now, and asks Kyle if it’s okay. It’s her first one of day. She tells Kim that she’s asking permission from mom.

Kim says, obviously, there’s something more, and Kyle says she knows Sutton is upset about what she said the other night. Sutton was acting off, and she said she didn’t know if Sutton had one or five. Sutton says, it’s okay that Kyle had too many at Garcelle’s party, and we flash back to Kyle acting like an idiot. Garcelle asks how Erika felt at dinner with Denise, and Erika says, it was weird. Garcelle says, Erika keeps blowing her mind with her lack of reaction, and Erika says she’s in a place where she’s moved on and choosing to stay present in the moment. She was so high, she slept 17 hours. Kyle tells Sutton that she was talking about a moment. What about the bomb Sutton dropped about her jewelry? Sutton tells Kyle that she never said it was a makeup gift. Garcelle was the one who asked the question. Kyle suggests Garcelle was repeating what Sutton said, and Sutton says, ask Garcelle. It was a symptom of what they were talking about. Kyle wonders who’s saying what about her marriage, and in Sutton’s interview, she says, they’re saying Mauricio cheated. Mauricio moved out, Kyle moved out, Kyle doesn’t love him anymore. She stays out people’s bedrooms… unless they’re single. They go over to Garcelle, and Kyle demands to know why Garcelle didn’t ask if it was an anniversary or birthday gift or something she bought herself, which she did. Why doesn’t she ask about anything else? In Garcelle’s interview, she says, it’s almost like Kyle wants her to ask. Garcelle says, if there was a story behind it, would Kyle own up to it? and Kyle says, yes. In Sutton’s interview, she says, Kyle has another new ring that symbolizes connection, strength, and love; rooted in partnership. In Garcelle’s interview, she says, is that about Mau? Sutton says she’s disappointed in Dorit gossiping about her. Saying she has a drinking problem is unfair. Dorit denies she said it, but Sutton says, Crystal told her. She said Dorit is running around telling everyone that Sutton has a drinking problem. Dorit says, the only conversation she had was with Crystal and Kyle at Kyle’s house, and we flash back to Dorit saying, Sutton probably has vodka in her coffee in the morning, which is a pretty awful thing to say. Sutton says, the accusation is dangerous, and Dorit says she’ll figure it out with Crystal. In Dorit’s interview, she says, Crystal hardly ever speaks, and now she’s decided to be a carrier pigeon for Sutton. Dorit applauds, but I’m not sure if it’s for herself, Sutton, or the idea of a carrier pigeon. Kyle tells Sutton that she’d like to fix things. Sutton’s comment about denial hurt her. Sutton says she’s sorry. She’s a forgiving person, and as long as the other person is honest, she’ll always move on. Kyle apologizes to Sutton, and in Sutton’s interview, she says, they’ve apologized, but is she running through lavender fields? No. They have to lick their wounds and start anew. They both said terrible things that will take a while to get over. Dorit asks why Crystal is saying she’s going around telling people that Sutton has a drinking problem. Crystal reminds Dorit that she said it to her, and Dorit says, so did Kyle. Crystal says, then both of them did. In Crystals interview, she says, you hear it. You fear it. You wish it never happened. She’s on the other end of a jury interrogation. Dorit goes on and on and on about how Sutton is a drinker, and Crystal says she’s bored. Garcelle and I both laugh.  

Crystal says she wants to be clear, Dorit only told her and Kyle. Annemarie says she overheard Sutton saying she has neuropathy. She must be taking gabapentin, but she said she could have a drink with it. She can’t. Sutton says, her doctor said she could, but Annemarie insists she can’t. Sutton says, her doctor okayed it, and Annemarie says she can a do what she wants, but technically, the two shouldn’t be put together. Sutton says she takes it at night, and Erika says she does that anyway with a lot of things. Garcelle says, they lived it, and Kim says, what about the esophagus thing? Sutton says she’s not on medication for that, and in Annemarie’s interview, she says, what Sutton is telling them doesn’t make sense. Annemarie says, she only does anesthesia, but this sounds like a symptom of something, not a diagnosis. If Sutton has a stricture, she needs to chew her food more. She can get treatment for the problem. She uses it as a reason for not eating food. Sutton says she does eat food, and Annemarie tells Sutton that she didn’t say that. She’s saying, it doesn’t make sense. Sutton says, Annemarie’s not her doctor, but Annemarie insists it doesn’t make sense. Sutton tells Annemarie not to yell at her. Why is she at a doctor’s appointment now? Does she need her insurance card? Annemarie says, she can get treatment, and Sutton says, her brother gets his esophagus stretched out. She chooses not to. Shall they do it as a group? Erika suggests she give a BJ, and in Erika’s interview, she says she’s solved the mystery. Sutton has a small esophagus, so no date number two. It’s not the cat sweater or the kooky behavior. It’s the esophagus. Sutton says, are we done, doctor? and Annemarie says, that was condescending. Well, what’s condescending is Annemarie not correcting Sutton that she is not a doctor, never mind giving Sutton unwanted medical advice when she’s not licensed to; and doing this at Sutton’s party. Why, oh why, do they always bring up inappropriate things at gatherings? Annemarie says, it doesn’t medically make sense, and Sutton says, it works for her. In Sutton’s interview, she says, they just met. They’re basically strangers. She doesn’t know Annemarie’s last name. Buy her something at least. Sutton suggests they get more lighthearted. She’s trying to relax. This is a big deal for her. Kyle says, cheers, and in Erika’s interview, she says, Sutton is a business owner, ambitious, and doing her own thing when she doesn’t have to. She could lay around in a kaftan drinking martinis. In Dorit’s interview, she says she’s proud and excited for Sutton, and in Kyle’s interview, she says, she sold her store because the rents were so high. Sutton’s store is a good thing and still going strong. Sutton says, her ex is now moving to England, and she’s scared. Erika says, when you live your own life completely, you blossom. She’ll feel different, free in a different way. In Sutton’s interview, she says, after the divorce, she had to grow up, but she knew he was still there. It’s the end of a fairy tale. She’s seeing herself, not as a housewife, but this woman who’s succeeding in multiple ways. She should be and is proud of herself. They take photos.  

Later in the season, Garcelle tries to talk to her sons about sex; Erika’s Vegas residency; a trip to (I think) Spain; a haunted castle; Kyle is scared to let Kathy back in; Kyle doesn’t know if she and Mauricio are going to make it; Morgan gives a shout out to Kyle at her concert; and Crystal ends up in the emergency room.

🔎 Hunting For the Good Tape…

Join me tomorrow for soap and what passes as Charm. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your normal routine as much as possible throughout the holidays, and stay not waiting for everything to be perfect to try for what you want, or you might miss your chance altogether.

December 17, 2020 – Laura Gets a Double Whammy, Patricia Does It Down Home Low Country & Please


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

I almost made it on time, but here’s what you need to know. Chase ran into Michael in the gym locker room, and Michael accused him of playing God. Trina told Portia that Cyrus claimed her father was still alive, and she wondered if it was true. Laura was in Florence’s room, when the door handle started to move. She hid in the bathroom, and Martin came in. Jordan called Curtis, wondering when he’d be back, and said she couldn’t talk to him on the phone. He told her what he and Laura had done, and said he was concerned there might be trouble. Meanwhile, Sonny and Jason were on their way to Secaucus. And here we are.

A guy sees Julian, slumped on the bench at the bus station, and startles him. Julian grabs his arm, and asks what time it is. The guy says let go of him, and Julian apologizes, saying he’s trying catch the bus to Montreal at 11:03. The guy says, it’s ten after. He thinks Julian missed his bus.

Portia doesn’t know what makes her more furious; Cyrus speaking to Trina in the first place, or giving her false hope. They saw her dad’s injuries. They were there when he died. Trina says her dad asked her to get him some candy, and she was only gone a few minutes. She wasn’t in the room when he – quote – died. Portia says she got to say goodbye, but Trina says she knows there are drugs that can simulate death. Portia asks her to stop and listen to herself. Someone had to administer those drugs, and plan to transport him somewhere. She knows the staff; they’re good people. She doesn’t believe they’d join a conspiracy to inflict as much pain as possible, especially on Trina. Trina says, they might, if they thought they were doing the right thing, and Portia asks if Trina really thinks her dad would do this; cause her to suffer like this? Trina asks why Portia can’t believe he’s possibly alive, and Portia says, because there are so many reasons not to believe it. Think about it. Why lie? What good would it do him? Trina says just because she doesn’t know the reason, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Portia says she does know Cyrus, and he’s not a man to be trusted. Since he set foot in this town, he’s been one thing – a liar – and he’s about to get what’s coming to him.   

Back at the station, Mac says Taggert needs to tell him who helped him fake his death. Taggert says he did it by himself, and Mac says, that’s BS, and Taggert knows it. He wants answers. Taggert says he has one word – lawyer.

Jordan tells Curtis, if he needs assistance, she can make a call, but he says, give Laura time to work her magic. She says, what if Laura can’t handle it? and he says he gave Laura a burner phone. One text or call, and he’ll be there. Does Jordan need something? She says she always needs him, but it can wait. He gets a text from Laura saying she’s trapped in Florence’s bathroom.

Martin says, hello, mama. It’s been far too long since his last visit. He’s sorry, but once a week is all he can manage to travel to Vermont, especially in winter. That doesn’t make him much of a son. Lord knows, after what she’s been through, she deserves better. He brushes her hair back from her face, and says he brought her something to celebrate her birthday. He hopes she appreciates how hard it was dealing with Yankee bakers who looked cross-eyed at him when he asked for hummingbird cake. They kept trying to sell him something gluten free. He wishes he had an Old Fashioned to go with it, but tap water will have to do. Laura comes out of the bathroom, and says she hopes there’s enough for three.

In the car, Jason says Julian is at the bus station, unless he’s on the bus. His ticket would be in the system. Sonny wonders if he was desperate enough to buy one with a credit card. There are surveillance cameras at the station, and if they can track Julian, Cyrus can do the same thing. Jason says Brick gave them a good head start, and Sonny hopes so. Cyrus isn’t going to let this go. He knows Julian ties him to the bomb at The Floating Rib.   

Julian insists the guy’s watch is fast. He only closed his eyes for a minute. The guy says, the Montreal bus is gone, but Julian can catch one in the morning at 10. Julian says he can’t wait. He needs to get out of town tonight. When does the next bus leave? The guy says the only one left is the one he’s on, but it’s usually sold out. We see a dude with a gun watching Julian from behind a column. Julian says he’ll buy the guy’s ticket. How much does he want? $200? $300? The guy says, the ticket costs $84, and it’s going to Roanoke. Julian doesn’t care. How much does he want? The guy says Julian doesn’t look good. Has he seen a doctor recently? Julian says he’s got to put distance between him and New York.

Chase asks if this is how it’s going to be. It’s not a civil conversation. Michael says it sounds like Chase wants to get off the hook, and be forgiven, but Chase says he just wants to talk it through. Michael says, when Sasha came up with this idiotic plan, Chase had plenty of opportunity to include them, but didn’t say anything. When Nelle was no longer a threat, he still said nothing. Chase says he couldn’t tell Michael at the beginning. The plan only worked if they didn’t know the truth. Michael and Willow got married because they put Wiley first, and that’s what the judge saw. Nelle’s had a phony marriage to Julian, and everybody knew they were faking, but Michael and Willow weren’t. They both love Wiley, and it came through. Michael says that didn’t give Chase a free pass, and Chase says it wasn’t a normal custody case; they weren’t fighting over which daycare to put Wiley in. Did he honestly think Wiley would still be safe if he hadn’t married Willow? Michael says he doesn’t know, but neither does Chase.  Chase says, whether Michael wants to admit it or not, there would have been nothing worse than watching Nelle walk away with his son. Michael asks if Chase wants him to say thanks for managing his life, and Chase says, no. He just wants a shot at getting his friend back.

Martin asks Laura what on earth she’s doing in his mother’s bathroom, and she says they’ll get to that. What’s in a hummingbird cake? He says, banana and pineapple, with cream cheese frosting. Why is he answering her when she’s an uninvited guest? She says she heard him say he was going to get water from the bathroom, and thought it was less likely to give him a heart attack if she just came out. He thanks her for thinking of his health. As an attorney, he also appreciates an artful dodge. What exactly is she doing there? Did she just wander in by mistake? Is she a patient, and if so, are her constituents aware of what brought her there? Curtis walks in, and says Martin is going to need to forget he saw Laura. Only a few people know she’s there, and that’s how it’s going to stay.   

Jason asks how Sonny wants to do this, and Sonny says, in a perfect world, they’d go up to Julian, escort him to the car, and take him back to Port Charles. Jason says they know there are security cameras, so maybe he should go in alone, in case Julian does something stupid. Sonny says, that’s why he pays Diane a fortune for retainer. If something goes wrong, she sorts it out. Jason asks, what if Julian runs again? and Sonny says, they’ll stop him.

On the phone, Jordan leaves a message for Carly, saying Carly did her a favor, and she’s returning it. Something happened that forced Taggert’s hand, and he’s in police custody. Carly needs to pass the information along to whoever helped him. Mac may have no choice but to follow-up, and they might want to seek legal representation just in case. Mac comes out, and tells Jordan, Taggert isn’t talking and he’s lawyering up. Portia comes in with Trina, and tells Jordan, Cyrus accosted her daughter after she told him multiple times to stay away. Mac asks if she was hurt, and Trian says, no, but Portia says they both know Cyrus had Trina’s father killed. Now Trina is convinced he’s still alive and they didn’t bury him, that they mourned and grieved for months for nothing. Jordan says she’ll speak to Cyrus, but Portia says she needs to do more than speak. One way or another, he’s been harassing her and her daughter for month. He needs to regret even thinking about her family. Jordan wholeheartedly agrees, but says, now is not the right time. Portia says, when? Taggert comes out, and says, after the reunion. Trina says, dad?

Trina asks if it’s really him, and Taggert says, hey, kiddo. Look at her. Does she ever stop growing? Trina flies into his arms, crying. Portia looks at Jordan.

Curtis says, this day gets stranger and stranger. He’s sorry he didn’t get back sooner, but there’s trouble back in Port Charles, and he had to dodge the night nurses. Laura says, it’s okay, and Martin says she hasn’t explained why she’s there. She tells him, it’s imperative that she speak to his mother, and he says, it couldn’t wait until regular visiting hours? As she can see, his mother is indisposed. She says, maybe he could answer some questions, and he says he could try, as long as she answers some of his. She says, sounds fair, and tells Curtis to go back to Port Charles. Jordan needs her husband, and she’s sure she’ll be just fine. Curtis asks how she can be sure, and Laura says, because of the way Martin talks to his mother.

Michael tells Chase, he wants his friend back too. Assuming Chase ever actually was a friend. If he’s being honest, he hasn’t had many close friendships, but he thought honesty was key. Chase says he’s sorry he hurt them, and it got rough for Sasha, but he’s not sorry that Michael got full custody. Everything worked out fine. Michael says, according to Chase. Sasha survived her OD, he got full custody of Wiley, and Chase got to play martyr, sacrificing his relationship with Willow. But a sacrifice doesn’t count if you’re planning on taking back the thing you gave up. Chase asks if the real reason Michael is angry is Willow.

Trina says she knew it. She told Josslyn and Cameron that she felt in her heart he was alive. Taggert says, and here he is. She says she missed him so much, and he says he missed her too. They hug again.

The guy asks if Julian is sick, but Julian says, no; he won’t catch anything. He has three kids, and if he doesn’t leave, he may never see them again. The guy says if Julian is in trouble, he can call 9-1-1, but Julian says the cops can’t help him, but he can. He can wait for next bus, right? Julian definitely can’t. How about it? $100 cash. The gunman comes out, and walks to a spot behind them, and the guy says, deal. Julian thanks him, and he says he hopes Julian gets the help he needs. The guy leaves, and Julian gets up. He limps away, and comes face to face with Jason. He turns around, and Sonny is there.

Julian says Sonny isn’t going to start shooting in a bus terminal, and Sonny says they know he planted the bomb. Don’t think he’s making a run for it. The gunman texts Cyrus that Jason and Sonny are there, and the reply is: ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ $$$. Sonny tells Julian not to do anything stupid, and the gunman shoots. 

Mac tells Jordan that Taggert’s family seemed startled, but they were in the interrogation room sorting things out. He thinks maybe the two of them need to discuss some things too. She says she needed a breath of fresh air, and ran into Trina sitting on the bench dedicated to the fallen heroes, thinking about her dad. Mac says, and by coincidence, Taggert was there too, but Jordan says, it was no coincidence. He was keeping an eye on Trina. Mac says, he can’t say he blames Taggert. If he knew Trina was a target, but it was a bad idea. He wonders why Jordan doesn’t seem as phased as he is that a dead man has risen from the grave.

Trina says she can’t believe Taggert is there. She has to pinch herself to make sure she’s not dreaming. He says, it’s as real as it gets, and she says she can’t wait to tell Josslyn and Cameron that she was right, but how did Cyrus know he was alive? Why… He says, stop. He doesn’t want that man’s name coming out of her mouth. She asks how it happened. How is he here? They were told he died; they saw him. He says people tried to hurt him by hurting her. He was putting her safety in jeopardy, and her mom’s. Portia says, so he decided not to be around, and chose to fake his death? He says the only thing that matters is keeping her safe. Does Trina understand? She says she understands, but doesn’t understand why he couldn’t tell her.  

Laura asks if Martin’s mother is always… benumbed. He says, more often than not. She’s been in a declining state for a long time. Laura asks if his presence isn’t disturbing her, and he says, no more so than Laura prowling around. The staff gives her something at night to help her sleep more peacefully. He was hoping to get there tonight before it was administered, but he was delayed. He can see it’s Laura’s first visit. She says she came looking for his mother, but didn’t know she’d declined. He says, don’t get him wrong. His mama is a tough old bird; tenacious, and also weary and lonely. Laura says, maybe he should visit more often, but he says his mother is pining for his father, who passed away years ago. She says, Gordon Grey, and he says, let’s see… The particulars of hummingbird cake and private family matters. He thinks he’s indulged her inquiries long enough. Why is she skulking around his mother? She says, it’s not his mother she has a relationship with, but his father. Or should she say their father? Martin asks if she’s inferring they’re related in some way, and she says she’s his half-sister.   

Michael tells Chase, it’s about all of them. Chase and Sasha made decisions about their lives. Chase says, it was always for Wiley, and Michael says, that may be right. They all know how vindictive Nelle was, and desperate times call for desperate measures, but there’s also a cost. Sasha turned to drugs to numb the pain, and nearly died. He and Willow didn’t just pretend to be married; they shared those vows and their lives for months, and their feelings deepened. Their marriage became more real than they’d intended, and how Chase is saying call it off? Just kidding. Chase has been devoted the entire time. Call a reset and go back the way they were. Is that what Chase wants to say? Chase says he gets it; he screwed up. But he’s admitted it and apologized. What does Michael want him to do? Say he’ll never see Willow again? Michael says, talk is an empty gesture. He has no intention of taking away Chase’s choices like Chase did to them. Chase says, if there’s nothing he can do to repair the friendship, say the word. Michael tells him, stop. Take a breath. Chase does, and Michael puts his hand on Chase’s shoulder, then kicks him in the nuts. Chase doubles over, and Michael says, it would have been worse if he hadn’t taken a breath.

Martin says Laura is his half-sister? and she says it’s a readjustment for her too. She thinks she’ll be adjusting for a long time to come. She takes it from his reaction that Gordon never mentioned her existence. He says his parents were never ones to dwell on the past. She says she doesn’t think Gordon dwelled on her at all, but he doesn’t seem all that surprised. He says he’s staggered that the mayor is his half-sister, but in a general sense, it’s not entirely unexpected. His father was never overly concerned about obeying his wedding vows. He had a wandering eye, and it did horrible things to his mother’s self-esteem. She says, they never got a divorce? and he says, ‘til death do us part. His mother took it seriously. Laura guesses she’s a production of his dad’s wandering eye. She’d heard many years ago that Gordon died, and assumed his mom dead. He says she spread rumors of her own demise. She had a flair for the dramatic. Apparently, Laura is no stranger to that either. He caught her lurking in his mother’s room. What exactly is her plan? Why the sudden, random track down of her father and his wife? What could she possibly want with his mother?

Julian ducks behind some lockers, while Sonny and Jason have a shootout with Cyrus’s dude. Julian tries to jet, and Sonny tells Jason that he’s going after him. Jason continues to shoot.   

Mac says, the way he sees it, word is going to spread in the justice department. Taggert is safer in a jail cell. Jordan says Mac will have to charge him, and Mac says, with what? Pretending to be dead to save lives?

Trina asks if that’s why Taggert sent her to get candy. So he had time to fake his own death and convince people to help him, and go into hiding? He says he knows she suffered, but it had to be a secret from everyone. She says, even her? and he says, if he let her in on it, she would have had to pretend her whole life. Pretend to be sad and in mourning around her mom and friends at school; everywhere. Cyrus had people watching her, so her grief had to be real for her own safety. She tells him, so what saying is he didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth? He says, of course (🍷) he trusts her, but some things are too big to ask. Trina says she, her Aunt Gia, and her mom stood around the casket in Texas, and watched it go into the ground. She learned to live without a father, and felt guilty about going to the vending machine, and not being there when he supposedly died. She felt awful that she’d abandoned him in his last moments. Now he’s telling her it was all part of his plan. He says, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. He hated it. Trina starts to leave, and Taggert follows, but Portia stops him. She tells him, leave Trina alone or she’ll make him wish he’d stayed dead.

Chase says, at first, he thought Michael was going to kiss him godfather style. Michael says, only when he’s betrayed in business. Is Chase going to live? Chase says, yeah, but he probably won’t be singing the guy’s part at the Nurses Ball next year. Michael says, it was a bush league thing, and Chase says, what Michael did, or what he did? Michael says, what Chase did, and a little bit him. Chase says, but it doesn’t make them even, does it? and Michael says, no, it doesn’t. There are too many unanswered questions and mixed feelings, but it’s a start. He throws Chase a bag of ice, and says, it will help.  

Taggert tells Portia she needs to look after their daughter, and keep her safe. She says he doesn’t need to tell her about her job. She’s been taking care of Trina all of Trina’s life, while he was playing hero. She’ll continue when he takes on his new role as prisoner. He asks Trina if she’s all right, and she says, not really. Portia suggests they go home and talk it through. Taggert tells Trina, wait. He loves her. Trina and Portia leave, and Jordan tells Taggert that she and Mac agree, the safest place for Taggert is in a cell in Port Charles. He says, fine, and goes with Mac. Curtis walks in, and says, Taggert? Mac says he’ll let Curtis’s wife fill him in, and Jordan and Curtis look at each other.

Jason and Cyrus’s dude continue shooting at each other. Jason moves closer and closer, ducking behind things, until he’s behind the guy. Dude turns around, and Jason shoots him. He falls, and Jason checks his pulse, then looks around.

Julian opens a gate, leading to a footbridge. He leans on the railing, and Sonny comes up behind him. Sonny says, no more running, Julian. It ends right now.

Martin asks why Laura sought out their mother now? She says she was curious about Florence’s connection to Cyrus, the Chairman of GH, and drug trafficker. Martin says, alleged, and she says, up until a month ago, Florence was in a private home that was heavily guarded. Now she’s there, where it’s heavily guarded. She guesses both were paid for by Cyrus, which kind of leads her to wonder whether his mother is Cyrus’s prisoner. Martin asks if it strikes her as a prison, and she says, trust her. Prisons come in all shapes and sizes. Martin says he can promise she isn’t being held against her will. Laura wishes she could say she was relieved, but then, what’s the connection? Why was Cyrus paying for her care?

Cyrus walks in with a bouquet of flowers, and says, because she’s his mother too.  

Tomorrow, Laura says Cyrus knew all along, Curtis asks if Jordan knew about Taggert being alive, and Sonny tells Julian that it’s his big chance to live.

🎥 Nice handheld camera work during the shootout.

Southern Charm

Craig paid a visit to Austen, and Austen told Craig about going to the store to buy his own beer. He thought it was cool, and we saw a clip of him bragging to the cashier, who seemed less than impressed. In his interview, he said he’s been working on canning his beer since covid started. It was a long process, and he didn’t know why Madison refused to see the strides he’d made. He was disappointed she’d given up. Craig told Austen that Taylor wasn’t happy with Shep, and told him not to talk to her. We flashed back to her telling Craig that she wasn’t a happy camper.  

Shep called Taylor, saying he heard she was covid free. He asked if she was upset with him, and she told him that she’d had to take a step back; she wasn’t in the right headspace. Why is this hippy-dippy word so popular suddenly? Whenever I hear it, I feel like I should put on a fringed vest and love beads. She said Shep had been insensitive. It was kind of scary, and she’d felt he palmed her off on Craig. Shep said in her last text to him, she called him trash, and told him to f*** off, but he thought maybe he was handling things wrong. In his interview, he said he’d been single a long-ass time, and was selfish. It was an adjustment. He told Taylor that he thought it would be better when they saw each other in person. 

Austen told Craig he was happy that he was in quarantine because of the drama, and Madison had gone to sh*t. Madison went to Patricia’s mansion house, where they socially distanced on the porch while Michael served wonderful drinks and snacks. Madison wondered if her embellished headband was too much, but Patricia told her you can never be over-educated or overdressed according to Oscar Wilde. It was her mantra. Madison guessed she was the only person Patricia had seen outside of her own household, and Patricia said that was only because Michael couldn’t do a blowout. Leva called, and said she was in the process of opening the restaurants again, and Patricia asked her to come over. She and Madison were having cocktails and sitting ten feet away from one another. Leva said she was on her way. Madison told Patricia that she’d put her foot down, and ended it for good with Austen. Patricia wondered why it was different this time, and Madison said she’d expected Austen to be an adult and a provider, but she didn’t see him wanting to do that in any capacity. In her interview, she said she wasn’t going to look like this forever. She was in her prime, and thought Austen should waste someone else’s time. Patricia said it was like As the World Turns Charleston.

Austen told Craig the beer thing had taken a while, but Madison gave him no credit. Craig said that was because she didn’t like Austen anymore, but still had control over him. Austen was doing things for her, not himself. Austen said it was always confusing. When he’d start to think it over, she’d send him a text. Craig said he was Madison’s fallback, and if he didn’t do a hard stop, it would be impossible to move on, but Austen said he couldn’t quit Madison.

Leva joined Patricia and Madison, and said between virus breakouts and protests, she’d opened and closed the restaurants so many times. Every time someone tested positive, the staff had to be tested again, quarantined, and everything sanitized. In her interview, she said when they’d opened he restaurants, the last thing she was thinking was global pandemic. The past few months had been a sh*t show. Michael brought out extra crispy (no doubt homemade) potato chips and caviar. Patricia said it was déclassé to have caviar on blinis; it was eaten on chips now. Leva talked about the monkey emoji, and said Kathryn had been reaching out to her; she wanted to get together. She believed Kathryn was probably thinking she’d be the most offended, which she found offensive. She was tired of Kathryn’s baby voice saying she didn’t know any better, and said Kathryn wasn’t a kitten stuck in a tree.

Kathryn joined Craig and Austen, and Craig asked if Kathryn had talked to any of the group. She told him that she’d had a FaceTime call with Leva, and thought it went well. She felt like it was difficult not to tell her side, but they knew she wasn’t that way. In Kathryn’s interview, she said in her thought process, monkeys had nothing to do with Black people, but apparently, it didn’t sit well, and that was the main thing. She told Craig and Austen that Leva had said she needed to reach out to her girlfriends or she’d end up alone, but she had reached out. Her last message to Danni was asking if Danni was ever going to respond. She’d gone to Danni’s house, and Danni had flipped on her. We flashed back to that visit, and Kathryn said they’d never had an issue. She had no idea there was a problem. Craig wondered if Kathryn had been distancing herself, and Kathryn said, when people didn’t need you anymore, they quickly flipped.

Leva said she didn’t support cancel culture, but Kathryn needed to read a book, and focus on herself – educationally, not in a narcissistic capacity. Madison said she wasn’t closing the door, but Patricia said they’d protected Kathryn for the last few years, and walked on eggshells because of her sobriety. Then came the lies about Cameron – we flashed back to Kathryn saying she heard Jason was having an affair – and the emoji business. That was it for her. In Patricia’s interview, she said she didn’t want to talk about Kathryn or with her. She wanted nothing to do with it. She’d had her fill. She said Kathryn should be put in Siberia, but she was still protected by the guys, and Leva said Kathryn had apologized and said she wanted to do better. They’d see how it goes. It could be a bomb, or Kathryn could be a rising phoenix, but it was on her.

Whitney thought Patricia’s house was getting to be Grey Gardens, with the dogs making poopy on the carpet. I’ll say it again, dog poop is the great equalizer. They will poop on your carpet no matter how much money you have. Patricia said Whitney was semi-housetrained. He told her that Craig and Austen had tested negative, and it was a positive thing, then laughed at his own joke. Patricia said, initially, she was going to have a fancy gourmet dinner for the guys, and had talked to a French chef. Now, with the pandemic, she didn’t want people in the house. Both she and Michael were 200 years old, and they were being careful. Instead of the dinner, she’d decided to keep it casual, and have a low country crab feast by the pool.

In John’s interview, he said his ex was coming for a visit, and he told the boys to act like they had rules. In their agreement, Heidi had the first six weeks of summer, and could visit for 5 days when it was his six weeks, and she stayed with them. He told the boys that their mom was going to be rolling up any minute, and they were acting like crackheads. When Heidi got there, the first thing she did was ask John if he let them scream like that, and in his interview, a producer asked John who was the more strict parent. He said, their mom, 1000%. They tell him when bedtime is. Since they have a limited time, he’s lenient to a fault. Heidi asks the boys if they have any rules, and they tell her, no. In John’s interview, he says they’ve been co-parenting for four years, and it’s been quite a journey. Heidi is one of his best friends, which was weird for him to say. He wished they had a normal upbringing with two parents. Heidi told him not to be too hard on himself. He was doing fine.

Taylor went to Shep’s house, and he apologized. He said he’d talked to his therapist, and she was on Taylor’s side. She said his points might be valid, but he couldn’t state them that way. In Shep’s interview, he said he’d been callous about them being apart, and had trivialized Taylor’s needs and wants. He has to understand, not everyone responds to the same stimuli, and her emotions are valid, He cared for her a lot, and had to change his tune and try to be sensitive, as well as reasonable. Taylor told him, welcome to adulthood. In his interview, he said he knew he’d be a dumbass if he screwed it up. He loves her. They cuddled, and she told him she was going to want three days’ worth.

Michael and Patricia covered the outside table with newspapers, and Patricia said it was down home and low country. Michael said he thought the boys would appreciate low country, and she hopes they were totally safe. Still, she wanted them as far away from her as possible.

Austen called Craig, and asked if they were getting hammered today. Austen said he hadn’t seen John since he’d been inappropriate regarding Madison, and we flashed back to John talking about how hot Madison is in front of Austen. Shep told John that Austen had heard the chatter about him hitting baseballs with Madison and her son. She was calling it a break-up, and John should bang her and drive the final nail in the coffin. John said he only talked a good game.   

Shep and John showed up to Patricia’s wearing masks, and when they saw masked bartender Maddie, Shep said it was life in the time of covid. John and Whitney elbow bumped, and Whitney said he thought Shep would have a muffin top, but he was looking svelte. Craig picked Austen up in a golf cart, and told Austen that Patricia wasn’t for him being with Madison. Craig said he loved Patricia, but she was nasty. Austen said she was old, with not much to do, and she was bored AF. They walked in bearing Austen’s beer, and everyone seemed happy to see each other. In Austen’s interview, he said he and John were a work in progress, but he’d  thought they were good. F*** him. Shep said he’d had Michael withdrawal. Patricia came out, and told them to keep away. She said it was a nice place to quarantine, and went to the bar. She asked for whatever beer wasn’t Austen’s and poured it into a glass so no one knew what she was drinking. She told they guys they could drink and jump in the pool, but she didn’t want anyone in the house, since it was sterile. They could pee in the bushes or pee in the pool. She didn’t care; go crazy. Craig said Patricia hadn’t had any entertainment in a while, and now they were the entertainment. She said they were the only people she knew who caught the virus. Austen brought up the playdate with Madison and son, and told John it was guy code. If he wanted to continue a friendship with Austen, Madison was off-limits romantically speaking. John admitted he’d been out of line with what he’d said, and was glad Austen had checked him, They bro hugged, but in John’s interview, he said he thought guy code was stupid. We’re not going to date again, but she’s mine. Shep asked where Austen and Madison stood, and Austen said they’d amicably parted ways. Patricia said she talked to Madison all the time, and she wanted to be friends. What was his issue? Craig said Madison was able to be just friends, but Austen was still in love with her, and not capable of that. John said it sounded like bitches night, and suggested they get in the pool. 

John told Shep that he’d been talking to Madison, and Craig said it was time for her to let Austen go. Austen told Patricia that he and Madison had broken up, and Patricia admitted she never thought they were a match. He wasn’t ready to be a stepdad and settle down, and she didn’t see it changing. Austen said he understood her perception, but Madison had chosen to follow her heart. You couldn’t tell someone not do that. Patricia said she did it. She didn’t think love trumped all, and you had to take other things into consideration. He said he wished he was ten years older, and had the means to provide for Madison, and Patricia said she’d found timing was everything in life. In Austen’s interview, he said he knew he was good enough for Madison, but he felt badly. He wondered if Patricia had ever been in love, or had it always been about the money. She told him that she was practical, and when she saw something didn’t work, she said something.

Madison met Craig at a lake, and they sat by the water. She told Craig that Austen was her best friend, but Craig said whenever she texted Austen, it reignited the flame. She wasn’t in love anymore, but Austen still was. He asked if she was in love with Austen, and she said that was a hard one. Craig said it wasn’t, and if she couldn’t say it, she definitely wasn’t in love. She said she wanted it to be Austen, but it wasn’t him. Craig said, if she cared about Austen, the nicest thing she could do, was walk away. Cut him out of her life. It was the only way it was going to work. Unfortunately, she had to walk away.

Next time, Kathryn is discussed among the women, Madison has a formal dinner on the beach, Kathryn asks if Danni still wants to be friends, and Madison and Austen have a shouting match.

✈️ Time To Jet…

Due to many interruptions today, I’m running very late, or way early, whichever side of the clock you look at it on. Tea time tomorrow, but for now, stay safe, stay literate, and stay not sleeping through your bus departure.