Tag Archives: Elton John

July 17, 2023 – Felicia Breaks Into Jack’s Office, Part One Of the Reunion Sets Sail & Sun


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Felicia meets Lucy, who’s wearing a skintight dress, at Le Brasserie, and says, nice dress. When did she have time to go shopping? Lucy says she packed it, and Felicia asks if she always packs dresses like that for a business trip. She says, her name is Lucy Coe, and she believes in always being prepared. Felicia wonders what Lucy is prepared for wearing that, and Lucy says, Felicia is the one who told her to bring grieving widow type garb, but Felicia says, the widow is done grieving, and maybe out for revenge on Martin.

Brook comes downstairs with Tracy, and they hear a noise in the living room. Brook wonders if someone is in there, and Tracy says, ghosts aren’t usually that loud, so yes. Brook tells her, wait, and grabs a cane from the umbrella stand. They open the doors, and Olivia is there, tossing things around. She says, damn you, Ned.

Gregory meets Chase at Rice Plaza, and says he thought they were having dinner. Why are they meeting here? Chase says, change of plans. How would Gregory like to go to a concert instead? Gregory says, here? He doesn’t think the Plaza is set up for that sort of thing. Ned begins to play his guitar.

Lucy says, revenge? Moi? Felicia says she thinks Lucy wants revenge against Martin for keeping secrets from her, and for not asking her to marry him. Lucy admits if one Jackson Montgomery – this tall, handsome, debonair fellow – wants to lavish attention on her, then yeah. It might make her feel a teeny, tiny bit triumphant. Felicia says she knew it, but Lucy says, more than that, she wants Felicia to prove that her Marty isn’t pulling some kind of scam on her. Then maybe she could actually, once and for all, live happily ever after, even if she doesn’t get to walk down the aisle. So thusly, this dress is her tool to give Felicia time to search his office. She thinks this dress could keep him occupied. Felicia says, if it doesn’t, it’s not for lack of trying, when Jack walks in. Lucy tells Felicia, show time.

Nina meets Ava at Beradino’s and apologizes for being late. Ava wouldn’t believe the day she’s had. She almost canceled. Ava pushes a martini across toward Nina, and says, she definitely needs that. Nina takes a sip, and Ava says she heard about Curtis getting shot. If Nina feels she needs to be at the hospital, Ava doesn’t mind. Nina says, Curtis is out of surgery, but he’s still unconscious. There’s nothing any of them can do but wait, and on top of all that, a major advertiser pulled out of this ad campaign and now Sasha’s in this weird legal trouble, so please tell her that Ava wanted a drink because she has good news to share. Ava says, no can do, and Nina asks, what happened? Ava says she had sex with Austin.

Anna tells Dante and Sonny, offering herself up as bait is the best way for them to find out who shot Curtis, and Dante says, except for the part where she puts herself in danger. She says, it’s not exactly new territory for her, but Sonny says, except whoever shot Curtis used a rifle stolen from the WSB arsenal. Anna says, something’s off about that. It doesn’t make sense that the Bureau would want her dead. Sonny asks if it’s possible someone within the organization went rogue, and she says, maybe. They’re going to have to set a good trap for them. Dante asks if she’s really going to do this, and she says she’s not going to live under a constant threat. He says he gets that, but there are other ways of handling this. This is a little dangerous, a little reckless. Sonny says he likes it.

Nina says, Ava had sex with Austin, and Ava says, surprise. Nina says, now she’s definitely glad she came tonight. She knows Ava went to the Nurses Ball with him, but she hasn’t talked about him since. Nina just figured nothing came of it. Ava says, quite the opposite actually; things have definitely escalated. Nina says, obviously. How long has this been going on? Ava says, they only just slept together for the first time, and Nina says she’s a little confused here. Ava is acting like sleeping with a hot doctor is a problem. Isn’t it a good thing? Austin comes over to the table, and says, there she is. He’s been looking all over for Ava. He kisses her cheek, says hi to Nina, and sits down. He says he missed Ava.

Gregory says, isn’t that Brook’s dad who hit his head and thinks he’s a rock star? and Chase says, he goes by Eddie Maine now. Brook’s Uncle Sonny has been keeping a close eye on him, but she’s on edge because of Curtis getting shot at the MetroCourt last night. He said he’d help watch him, and report anything alarming back to the doctors. Gregory asks if the PCPD is okay with this, but Chase says, strictly off-duty hours. Gregory says, giving up his free time is a big commitment, but Chase says he doesn’t mind. It’s for Brook. Gregory says, she means a lot to Chase, and Chase says, she means everything to him. So he hopes Gregory doesn’t mind hanging out here, instead of going to dinner. (Geez, did he at least pack Gregory a sandwich?) Gregory says, not at all. He’s proud of Chase for helping Brook out. He’s sure it’s a big relief to her; she seemed so tense last night. Chase says, that was all her grandmother Tracy’s doing, and Gregory asks, what’s that harpy done now?

Tracy says, Olivia, as Olivia tosses a box aside. Olivia says, they scared her, and Tracy asks what she’s doing throwing things around. Brook says, and yelling about dad, and Olivia says she’s looking for the supplies they need to set up the games for the General Hospital Fund Raiser Picnic, and she can’t find them, and Ned isn’t here to ask, and – she starts to cry – she can’t do this by herself. Brook says, it’s okay. They’ll help with the picnic. Olivia says, it’s not about the picnic. It’s a whole damn thing. It’s a whole life. Their entire life just stopped. Ned is supposed to be here beside her. She needs her husband. She misses him. Brook says she misses him too, when Cody comes in carrying Leo, and says, Mama Q, we have a situation here. They see Leo’s knee is bleeding.

Jack says Lucy looks absolutely ravishing in that dress, and Lucy thanks him, adding she didn’t even remember she had this old thing. Felicia says, hello, and Jack says, nice to see her again. She says, nice to see him too, calling him Mr. Montgomery, but he tells her that his friends call him Jack. Would she like to join them? Lucy says, no. Felicia was just keeping her company while she was waiting. Now she has all the company she needs. Felicia says she does have other plans, and Jack tells her to enjoy. She leaves, and Jack and Lucy sit down.

Dante says, Sonny’s not helping, but Anna says, they have to get out ahead of this. She doesn’t need anyone’s approval or permission to handle it how she sees fit. Dante tells her that he’s not saying she does, but does she want to make herself vulnerable to a rogue WSB agent? Sonny says, Dante’s right to be concerned. It is dangerous and reckless, but he thinks it’s the only way to nail this bastard. Dante says, it’s a crazy plan; it’s dangerous. Sonny says, Anna was a WSB agent for years. He trusts she knows what she’s doing. Dante says he’s not doubting her abilities… and Anna says she gets his concern, but this is her choice. Dante says, it’s just that when someone is trying to assassinate you, you don’t run to the bullets, you run away from the bullets. She says she’s done that. She was in a safe house, but it didn’t end up being very safe. She was shot there, and she’s done running. Sonny says, this plan gives Anna the advantage. She lets the enemy come to her on her terms, whenever she’s ready. Anna says, instead of just laying there waiting for someone to strike, you smoke them out. She’s run ops like this before. Dante says he’s sure she’s run many successful operations, but that was when she was with the WSB, when she had the resources. That’s not the case anymore. It’s all different now.

Chase asks if that’s not a little harsh, and Gregory says, after what that woman has done, he thinks harpy is very generous. Chase says, Gregory wasn’t this hostile toward her at dinner, and Gregory says, maybe because she attempted to be pleasant last night, as opposed to some of their recent interactions. She was almost civil. Does Chase think she was just pretending? Chase says he’s not sure. The only thing he knows is that Tracy Quartermaine does very few things that don’t serve her own agenda. Gregory says he agrees, but why is Chase saying that? Has she done something to him? Chase says, actually, she did something for him. Brook asked for her help after the CCRB first met and took away his badge, and Tracy used her connections to get him a second meeting. Gregory asks if Chase thinks she had an ulterior motive, when a street musician approaches and says, Chase is that singing detective, right? Chase says he is, and the guy says, arrest that man, pointing at Ned.

Olivia says, my God, what happened? as Cody puts Leo on the sofa. Cody says, he noticed that Comet wasn’t in the stable, so he went looking for him, and found Leo riding. He was going pretty fast, took a sharp turn, and he lost his balance. Olivia asks if Leo is all right, and Leo says he is, but it does hurt. Cody says he checked Leo out. There are obvious cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious. Olivia says, he could have been killed, and Tracy says, that horse is dangerous. Somebody ought to give a call to the good people at Elmer’s. Leo says, it’s not Comet’s fault, and Tracy says, he’s right, but he knows he’s not supposed to do that. Leo says, she can’t tell him what to do. She’s not his dad.

Jack asks if they should get all the standard boring questions out of the way, and Lucy says she has the feeling he’s never boring, but yes. Let’s go. He orders some wine, and she says, that’s a rare bottle, but he says he thinks she’s probably a rarer one. He handled the owner’s divorce a few years ago, and he felt so grateful, he kept some of the special stuff in stock just for him. She says she thought he was just a probate lawyer, but he says he actually considers himself a generalist, specializing in many things. She says, do tell. Sorry. Where were they? He says, they were at the point where he was asking as much as he could to find out about her. So where is she from? What does she do? She says, home is Port Charles, and she runs a very, very successful cosmetics company. He says she would still be beautiful without a stitch of makeup on. He’s spent some time in Port Charles, and still has a few friends there. She doesn’t happen to know Anna Devane, does she? Lucy says, she knows of her. She’s a big supporter of the Nurses Ball there. He says, Lucy’s maiden name wouldn’t happen to be Coe, would it? and she says, such a very specific guess, but he says, it’s a very educated guess. He knows exactly who she is and what she’s doing here.

Lucy says she doesn’t know what he means or what he’s even saying, but now she’s at a disadvantage. She doesn’t even know what his hobbies may be. How does he unwind? He says he likes to keep up to date on the business world. For instance, she says she’s from Port Charles and runs a very successful cosmetics business. That must be Deception, right? And that would make her the infamous Lucy Coe. She says, he’s quite the detective, but he says he just happens to know a little bit about that world. Her company has been doing very well lately. She says, thank you. That’s very true. She takes it he’s not one of those men who get easily intimidated by a very successful woman, right? He says, not so intimidated anymore, but he will give her a warning. He doesn’t like being used. She asks what that means, and he says he knows exactly why she’s here. His ex-wife Erica Kane ran Enchantment Cosmetics. She says, he was married to Erica Kane? and he tells her, don’t do that. That would explain why she’s here and not grieving her late husband. She should know, he and Erica were divorced years ago, and she divested herself from Enchantment a long, long time ago. She takes his hand and says, he couldn’t be more wrong about why she’s here. The reason she’s here has absolutely nothing to do with the cosmetic business.

Felicia sneaks into Jack’s office.

Chase asks why the guy wants Ned arrested, and the guy asks Ned, what’s up, Pete Townshend? Ned says his name’s Eddie Maine. Who the hell is he? The guy says he’s the musician who’s going to have Ned thrown in jail, and Chase says, everybody calm down. What’s going on? The guy says, his name’s Seth… Kruger? He’s here every day. Everyone in the busker’s circle knows this is his spot. You can’t just steal it, so go ahead; arrest him. Chase says, actually, he’s off-duty, and Seth asks if he loses his ability to protect the public when he’s off the clock. Chase says, no, but this is a public place. It’s not illegal for him to be standing in this space… unless Seth has a permit. Seth says, permits aren’t very rock and roll, and Ned says, preach! He’s sorry if he stole Ned’s territory. He’s new here, and just doing his thing. He wants to be heard and this is a great spot. Maybe they could share it. Play a couple of tunes together. Seth says, no way. He plays grunge. He doesn’t need his sounds ruined by Ned’s old man sound. Ned laughs and says, that’s good. Wait a minute. Isn’t grunge like, thirty years old? Seth says, 90s nostalgia is huge right now. Ned says he guesses there’s only one way to settle this; they’ll have to play for it.

Olivia thanks Cody for helping Leo, and Brook asks if Olivia wants her to take Leo to the doctor, but Olivia says, no. Nothing’s broken. All he needs is a little TLC from his mom. She tells Leo that she’ll get him all fixed up and feeling better, and leads him out. Brook thanks Cody for helping Leo. Who knows how much worse it could have been if he was by himself? Tracy says, that’s what they pay him for. Why didn’t Cody stop him? Brook says, it’s not Cody’s job to stick around Leo all the time. Besides, they both know what’s going on here. Leo is acting out because he misses dad. Tracy says, obviously. Her son is a fool, out God knows where, calling himself Eddie Maine, pretending to be a rock star while his whole family suffers. Brook says, actually, they do know where. Chase found him busking in Rice Plaza. Tracy says, busking? We’re Quartermaines; we don’t busk. Brook says, Eddie Maine does, and Cody says he’s sorry they’re going through this. Is there anything he can do to help? Tracy says, no, because as usual, there’s only one person who can put things to right – me. She walks out.

Austin asks what Ava and Nina are talking about, and Nina says, they were talking about him. Ava’s been holding out on her. He says, you know our girl. She knows when to keep her mouth shut. Ava says, yes, of course (🍷). She was waiting to tell Nina because she wanted to be sure this thing between them was real. He says, feels real to him. He thinks he and Ava have the potential for something really special. She flashes back to getting busy with Austin, and Nina says she’s going to the ladies room, but when she gets back, she wants to hear how all of this happened.

Anna tells Dante that she’s been an agent for most of her life. Her skills didn’t just evaporate because she was told she had to resign from the Bureau. He tells her that he didn’t say they did, and she says she may not have access to their assets anymore, but she doesn’t need them. Don’t forget, she worked outside of the WSB. She feels capable of bringing in whoever it is who’s after her without them. Dante says, so there’s no talking her out of this? and she says, no. Sonny says, so that’s the plan. He has to meet Nina, but his offer still stands. If she needs anything, let him know. She says she’ll keep him posted, and he says, for whatever it’s worth (🍷), his money is on Anna. He leaves, and Dante says, just so she knows, his money’s on her too. She asks why he’s fighting her so hard, and he says, because he cares about her and doesn’t want to see her hurt. She says, someone almost killed Curtis, and she feels responsible for that. And this is her life and she’s going to handle it her way. He says, okay. So if she insists on doing this, they’ll do it together.

Anna says, no one tells her how to run her operations, and Dante says, but she’s not with the WSB anymore, and she’s not a cop. But he is, and he’s done special ops too. He knows what she’s proposing isn’t a single-person operation. She needs two. Let him be her back-up. She says, the PCPD would never agree to that, and he says, the PCPD doesn’t know about it. She says she’s not going to put his job in jeopardy, but he says, it’s his life, his choice. He’s known her a long time. He’s been by her side with the WSB and the PCPD. Trust him to do it again.

Seth says he’s giving Ned one last chance to back off before he humiliates himself. Ned says, bold words from someone his age. He’s been playing rock and roll since Seth was in diapers. Seth says, he really wants to do this? Here’s how it’s going to go. They trade off songs. Then, the audience decides who gets to stay. Gregory asks Chase, what audience? and Ned says he’ll let Seth go first, since this will be the last time he actually plays on this spot. Seth starts to play, and Tracy strides across the plaza, saying, Edward Lawrence Quartermaine. Ned says his name is… She says she knows what his name is. She gave it to him after 24 hours of labor. Seth says, excuse me, lady, we’re in the middle of something… and Tracy says, please. Go embarrass his parents someplace else. She tells Ned, this has gone on long enough. She’s putting a stop to it right now.

Felicia looks at the safe and says, Lucy isn’t the only one who come prepared. She listens with a stethoscope, holding the flashlight in her mouth, and messes with the combination lock.

Jack pours the wine, and Lucy says she does love a man with a good… pour, and he says he has a fine, steady hand. Does she like a man who likes to pair his Margaux with oysters on the half shell? She says, oysters. Now he’s talking. His phone dings and he looks at it. He says, you’ve got to be kidding, and tells Lucy that he’s sorry, but he has to cut their evening short. He’s got a kind of issue he has to handle at the office. He’s so sorry to end their evening like this. She plays footsie with him, and says, it really would be such a shame to end this evening. This wine is absolutely delicious. It would be a shame to waste a beautiful night. She thinks his client will understand, and feels like something a little sweet would definitely be worth his while.

Ava asks what Austin is doing here. Please tell her that he’s not following her. He says he went to Windymere to look for her, and her very friendly housekeeper told him where he could find her. Ava says, she’s definitely fired, and he says, in her defense, she thought it was an emergency because he told her it was an emergency. So he heard from Mason. She says she’s not interested in anything that weasel has to say, and he says, Mason is very pleased at how they set up Avery’s nanny. She says, how Austin set her up, and Austin says, he’s not concerned with the details. He just wants somebody to work as a mole inside Sonny’s house. He wants this woman. He sends Ava something, her phone signals, and she looks at it. She asks if he knows this Betty Rutherford, and he says, no, but she’s the woman that Mason wants to spy on Sonny. Ava says she can’t do it. She told him, going against Sonny is risky enough. She draws a hard line at letting a stranger she knows nothing about into her daughter’s life. She can’t. Austin says, Mason thought she might respond this way, so Mason told him what to say if she did respond this way. He said to tell her that Ryan’s Bar is a wonderful place. He doesn’t know what that means, but Mason said she would. She says she does. He’s threatening her mother.

Ava tells Austin, Ryan’s Bar is where her mother Delia works. She has no idea how Mason could have found her. She gave Ava up for adoption. There aren’t even any public records tying them together. He says he’s sorry. It’s a real low blow. Mason and everyone he deals with play dirty. That’s why they don’t have a choice. They have to do what they say. She says she can’t stand this, and he says, it’s no picnic for him either. But they play along, and hopefully, it will be over soon. He’ll call as soon as she gives him the word. Sonny walks in, and Ava asks what he’s doing here. Sonny says, Nina asked him to meet her here, and Austin gets up, asking if Sonny wants to join them. Sonny doesn’t say anything, and Austin says, okay, sitting back down. Ava says she’s glad Sonny’s here because they really should talk about Pilar. He says, Pilar’s been with his family for years, and he had her take some time off. That way, when she comes back from vacation, she’ll be more focused. Ava says she thinks it’s going to take a lot more than a vacation to restore her faith in Pilar. Pilar obviously needs help. Especially now since she’s going back and forth between his place and Carly’s place. That’s why she’s decided she’s going to be hiring her own nanny to take care of Avery. He says, that’s not going to work for him.

Cody asks Olivia how Leo is doing, and she says, she bandaged his leg and got him set up with his books and cookies… Then he asked her when his dad was coming home. She didn’t know what to tell him. She can patch up his little body, but how is she supposed to fix his broken heart? Cody says, she’s helping more than she knows. She’s a good mom. She says she just wants this whole nightmare to be over. She wants her husband back home where he belongs.

Ned tells Tracy that he’s going to say this for the last time. He’s not her son and she’s not his mother. She tells him, Eddie Maine is not real. He doesn’t exist. It’s a fake name to go with a fake life. He is Ned Quartermaine, former mayor of Port Charles, CEO, loving son, husband, father. That’s real. He says he’s sorry if he’s hurting so many people, but even if what she’s saying is true, he doesn’t remember any of it. She says, then fake it. He says, what? and she says, he’s living a pretend life. She knows he can do it. So why doesn’t he just act like he cares about the people who care about him, and are heartbroken that he deserted them? He says, she’s asking him to be someone he’s not? and she says, he’s her son. Her annoying, stubborn, smart, beautiful boy. And if he doesn’t remember that, she can get him the help that he needs. Until then, allow her to fill in the gaps. He has a wife who loves him. He has a daughter who needs him. And he has a little boy who got hurt today because he was acting out because he misses Ned so much. He has a wonderful life… Look at her. He has a wonderful life. Just come back to it. Please come back to it. He says he’s sorry. He can’t. He picks up his guitar and walks off. Chase follows him.

Felicia gets the safe open, and finds some folders inside. She takes out the one that says Maquillage, and looks inside.

Jack says he thinks he can stay a little longer, and Lucy says she thinks that’s a good idea. And she really does feel like something very sweet. How about a souffle? He says, she knows how long those take to make, and she tells him, you don’t say. He says, she’s bad, and she looks at the menu and frowns. He asks, what’s wrong? and she says, nothing. She just finds it so fascinating. They have hummingbird cake on the menu, which is actually extremely rare. He says he never noticed it. He’s not very fond of it. She says, he doesn’t like hummingbird cake? Is he kidding? It’s so sweet, and it’s reliable and dependable… most of the time. He says he didn’t know she was so passionate about it. He’s sorry. She says she’s not. It’s just that her Aunt Charlene loves hummingbird cake. In fact, she has her favorite secret recipe that she loves. He says he’s sure he’d love her Aunt Charlene’s cake, and she says, it’s amazing. It has toasted almonds, and she takes nutmeg, which kind of enhances the cinnamon, and this Tahitian vanilla. She doesn’t know what it does, but it brings out the tropical flavors. Then the best part – her favorite part – is when she puts in… He says, bourbon, and she asks how he knew.

Anna says she appreciates Dante’s offer of help, and he tells her, then say yes, but she says, no. He keeps pointing out how dangerous this is. He says, so the best chance she has of staying safe is for them to work together, but she says, he has a family. This isn’t just about physical safety. She saw how hard it was for him to overcome PTSD. He struggled with that for a long time, and she’d never forgive herself if she felt responsible for him going through anything like that again. He says he appreciates that, but he’s a grown man and takes responsibility for all his choices. He went through hell and back with everything and the PTSD. There were some days when he didn’t think he was going to make it, but he did. And everything he went through then and since then, showed him how strong he is and what he’s capable of. He’d be betraying the man he’s become if he let her put herself in harm’s way and he didn’t help her.

Sonny says, Ava doesn’t trust Pilar at the moment. He’s not thrilled with her right now for losing Avery. He can’t stop Ava from hiring who she wants to hire to look after Avery, but whoever she hires, he needs to approve who’s in his daughter’s life. Nina comes back and asks if everything is okay, and Sonny says, that’s up to Ava. Ava says, of course (🍷) everything is okay. She’ll contact Sonny before she interviews candidates. He says he’ll be expecting her call, and tells Nina, let’s go. Nina makes a call me sign and leaves with Sonny.

Outside, Sonny asks what Nina knows about Austin, and she says she knows he’s a doctor. She also knows he helped save Maxie and Bailey Lou, and wasn’t he the one who found Avery? Sonny says, yeah, he did, and Nina says, now he and Ava are dating. She always thought he was a good guy. Sonny asks when this relationship started, and she says, we went to the Nurses Ball together… Why? He says, if Austin is going to be around his daughter, he’s going to have to get to know him a little bit.

Anna says, it would be great having someone with Dante’s experience having her back, but she has too many reservations about him risking his life for her. He says, she can have as many reservations as she wants, just accept. He wants to do this, but either she goes along with them working together, or he goes to Robert and Mac, and tells them what she’s up to. She asks if he’s blackmailing her, and he says he totally is. But he’s also protecting her. They wouldn’t want her to do this on her own either. She says, that’s a nice move, and he says he likes his chess. So what does she say? Partners? She says, partners.

Olivia says she’s done with the pity party, and invites Cody to stay for dinner. He suggests he just order some pizza to give Olivia a break, and Brook says, but it’s not Thanksgiving. Olivia says, cooking soothes her, and walks into the foyer where Chase is coming in with Ned.

Seth starts to play, Tracy glares at him, and he moves on. Gregory clears his throat, and she says, show’s over; nothing to see here. And if he gloats about Ned… He says he wouldn’t dream of it. He knows all too well how easy it is for children to push their buttons. It doesn’t matter. They’d still do anything for them. She asks what he wants, and he says, a few words with her about how she meddled in Chase’s life.

Felicia reads the file, and hears something. A security guard says, freeze. Put her hands where he can see them. He holds a gun on Felicia, as Lucy and Jack stand behind him.

Tomorrow, Olivia says, if that’s the case, Ned can turn around and leave right now; Sam says it’s time to fill Dante in on what she’s been doing; Lucy knows exactly who they’re going to call; and Chase says he’s not doing that anymore.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht – The Reunion – Part 1

We find out the Parsifal is still up and running after a lot of work was done. Daisy is in Spain, as is Gary. Colin is in French Polynesia, and Mads is in Florida. She’s nervous, but wants to get through it. Lucy is in Wales and Alex is also in Florida, but not the same city as Mads. Chase is with dachshund Charlie in Miami. He says, Charlie is ready for the tea. Ileisha is in Australia where it’s nearly 3:30 am. We flash back to the crew having too much fun, including Lucy’s spectacular fall from her bunk. A viewer asks if Chase had the worst game of all time, and Mads says, Southern girls probably love him. Andy asks what Daisy’s sister’s take on the group was, but we never hear the answer, and he asks Alex which sister is the better kisser, but Alex isn’t going there. We see Chrissy Teigen’s posts, and Andy asks about celebrities sliding into the crew’s DMs. Daisy says, Christina Applegate is a huge fan. We flash back to Glenn picking on Daisy, and Daisy going out of her mind with busyness, and going to the bathroom to cry. Daisy says she needs either reinforcement or no comment. Negative feedback wasn’t productive. Andy asks how she recommends feedback being given, and Daisy says, starting with something positive, but she felt the feedback was personal and irrelevant. If they don’t want her to sleep, it’s fine.

Andy reminds us he’s the king of late-night fun. He asks if Glenn thinks he set unrealistic expectations for Daisy, and Glenn says his point was he didn’t want her working harder, but thought there was a way to make sure someone was always there. It didn’t mean he wasn’t happy overall, and he loves working with her. Andy asks how she didn’t hear Gary radioing her about the guest’s injury., and Daisy says, she thinks she turned down her radio during docking. Glenn says, communications are always difficult, but the guests should have been checked on periodically. Someone should have gone to Daisy if she didn’t hear the radio. Daisy says, Glenn is aware of what she does, but not what Gary doesn’t do. Glenn says, watching it back, there was a miscommunication, and he thinks they were both right. Daisy needs the stews on board, but the guests also need full service on the beach. Daisy wonders if there’s a rule book, and Gary says at the end of the day, it’s her department. Glenn thinks they’re going in the wrong direction. Andy says, Daisy was rankled when Colin sided with Glenn, and wonders if it played back as harshly as it felt at the time. She says, it was obvious she was affected, and she didn’t understand what it had to do with Colin. Andy asks if she overreacted, and Colin says he thought she took it too personally. Daisy says, to everyone else it might have just been a comment, but she was tired, exhausted, and feeling a lot of pressure at the time. Andy asks if Lucy is glad she stayed, and she said she never really wanted to quit, but everyone has bad days. A viewer asks why it was okay for Gary to go for a smoke when Daisy had asked for help during service, and Gary admits it was selfish. Andy asks if there’s anything Gary would change about his professional behavior, but Gary says he thought it was a good season. Daisy says she’s learned to accept it’s never going to change. Maybe she’s asking too much of the deck crew. Gary says, finally, she’s taking accountability.

Gary says he never watches the seasons back, and Andy wonders if he might change for the better or grow by watching his behavior and seeing how other people view him. Daisy says they have a unique opportunity to see themselves, reflect and grow, but Gary doesn’t take it. Gary says he’s just there for the drama, and Alex says, everything is perspective. The show is about nine people working together and seeing things in different ways. Perspective is the best way to grow; the most effective. Andy says, the Most Trouble award goes to Parsifal III’s engine, and we flash back to that. Andy says, a lot of fans were tweeting their admiration and awe about Colin saving the day. Colin says he thought it was game over after the first time. They couldn’t get parts, and the engine was full of salt water. It was a struggle, but they got there in the end. A viewer asks if the boat gets routine checks, and Glenn says, the boat recently crossed the Atlantic, and had just been serviced and tested. Colin says, luckily he’d been checking on it, so they had advance notice of a problem. Andy asks if Colin freaked out when the engine started smoking again, and Colin says, that time was a freak accident, and it took a long time to troubleshoot, but they had huge strokes of luck. It could have been season ending. Andy asks why Colin was annoyed when Gary barged into the engine room, and Colin says, that’s his department. He was monitoring the issue, and Gary came down in a panic, pushing a cameraman out of the way. He was being too frantic in Colin’s space. He doesn’t need anyone panicking. Gary insists he wasn’t panicking, even though we just flashed back to him panicking, and asks if Colin was just going to watch the boat burn. Colin says, there wasn’t a fire.

Andy says, Ileisha started with self-doubt and criticism from Glenn early on, but proved herself small but mighty. We flash back to some Ileisha moments, and Andy says, she’s the most even keeled yacht chef of all time, or at least in Below Deck history. Ileisha says she wasn’t okay on the inside, and doesn’t know how she seemed so relaxed. Maybe it was like how you can stay calm when you’re in emergency mode. Andy asks what her biggest challenge was, and she says, burning her thumb. Everything was tough after that. Andy says, Ileisha had timing issues in the beginning, and asks if she takes responsibility, or if she thinks it lies lay with the stews. Ileisha says, they were different situations. She wasn’t quick enough, not understanding how it worked when cameras were involved. Andy asks how much Chase was freaking out when he was eating the cake and then the guests wanted more, and did Daisy regret sharing it. Daisy says, it had been while since the guests were done, but it was her fault. Ileisha says, it was a joint f*** up. Andy asks if Ileisha is still with her boyfriend, but she says she’s single and ready to mingle. Andy asks if there’s hope for her and Chase, and we find out they got together after filming. She’d ended things with her boyfriend, and she and Chase were there for each other. He came to Australia, and she’s been to America, specifically Charleston. Alex looks like his mind is officially blown, and Chase says, they live on opposite sides of the world. Andy says, Gary arrived late, and the deck team never seemed to click, and we flash back to that. Andy says, it seemed like Gary came on board guns blazing. He asks what about Chase rubbed Gary the wrong way, but Gary says he doesn’t know.

Gary says he hasn’t met a deckhand before with such a strong personality. Chase is blunt, but good at his job. He thinks it was just a personality conflict, but that was in the beginning, and they ended on a high. It’s not how you start, but how you end, and he thinks it ended well. Chase says, some of his best friends hated him when they met. He’s an acquired taste, and so is Gary. Andy asks what Chase did that specifically made him cringe, and Chase says he cringed all the way through. Andy says he seemed hypnotized by large breasts, like that can’t be said for all the deckhands, and asks if Colin thinks Gary has a problem with management skills. I interpret this as Andy’s way of throwing Colin under the bus, and Colin says, Gary was bitching to him about Chase instead of telling Chase. Andy asks for Glenn’s overall take on the deck team, and Glenn says he was impressed. They weren’t perfect, but no team is. He thought it was a great season and he’s proud of them. Andy asks Gary what the biggest difference was between Chase and Alex’s work ethic, and Gary says, Chase gave 150% every minute he was awake. Alex was just happy to be there, and coming with the ride. Chase picked up the slack. Alex says, Chase has an incredible work ethic, but it was a lot of work for a two-man deck team. They have different styles. Chase is in your face, and he probably learned more from Chase than anybody. Alex says he works best when he has clear direction and constructive criticism, and he had neither. He was left to pick up the pieces, hoping it was what was expected. At every team meeting, Gary said it went well. He does an imitation of Gary that’s spot-on and they laugh. Andy asks why Gary lied to Alex about Chase being upset with the cleanliness of the boat, and Gary says he apologizes for that. Chase says, Gary does care that the season is a success, but it wasn’t collaborative. They should have talked as a group instead of playing one-on-one telephone.

Andy asks if Mads thinks Gary romantic entanglements affect his professionalism, and Mads says, you’re giving energy to something besides work. Don’t screw the crew. Andy asks Glenn what he loves about Gary as a chief officer, and Glenn says, his attitude and knowledge. He knows boats and sailing, and he’s a good leader with good qualities. He thinks it would benefit Gary to watch the season. He thinks Gary is the kind of guy who would learn from his mistakes and come back stronger. Andy says, Gary has had his fair share of love triangles, but may have met his match. Mads drove him mad, especially when she cozied up to Alex. We flash back to all that, and a viewer asks how Gary could say Mads led him on when she was clear about just having fun. Gary says, every night she tried to have sex with him, and that’s what puzzled him. He was definitely into her. Andy says, it’s interesting how confused he was about her intentions when the producers played the montage. It felt like Mads was the female Gary. Lucy says, Mads is very direct. She said from the start she was just having fun.

Next time – Part Two – who’s hooking up with who; Daisy, Gary, and Colin square off; and all the drama after the season.

🦹🏽‍♀️ Winding Up the Masquerade…

Join me tomorrow for soap and more Deck. Until then, stay safe, stay not crying over spilled milk (unless it’s chocolate), and stay always being prepared.

February 23, 2023 – Dex Leaves Sonny’s Fate Up To Josslyn, Evil Twin, Vanna, Red Carpet Reunion, New Location, Have a Nice Trip, Life’s Not a Cabaret, Villains & Border


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sam and Dante arrive back home. She complains about the airplane air wreaking havoc on her skin, but he says she’s as beautiful as ever, and they kiss.

Cody counts out one hundred dollars to the desk sergeant, and says he thought if the parking meter was broken, it was free to park there. He looks at Heather as she’s steered through the room, and she says, got a problem? The desk sergeant tells him that Heather is a raving lunatic. He can’t wait until she’s transferred to Pentenville to await trial. Sasha walks in, and says she’s here to see Heather Webber.

Josslyn wakes up, and finds Dex looking at her. She asks what he’s thinking, and he says, how much he likes waking up next to her.

Brook says, Sonny has a new granddaughter. The whole family is raving about Baby Amelia. He says he’s only seen her through the window in the NICU and in pictures. That’s why he’s here. He’s wondering if she can help him.

Nina comes out of the hospital elevator, and hears Drew telling the reception nurse that he’s extended family. He was asked to fill out the paperwork now that Willow is gone. Nina asks what he means by Willow is gone.

Wiley welcomes Willow home, and Michael says, Wiley’s been a champ, helping get everything ready for his baby sister. Wiley says he can help Willow too, and opens the door for her. Carly is inside with the baby, and says, welcome home. Willow says, home, exactly where she wants to be.

Sonny says he and Michael are still fighting, and Brook says she’s sorry. He says, it doesn’t get any easier. There was a moment, before and after Amelia was born, when he thought he was getting through to Michael, but nothing’s changed. She says, it must be so awful for him, and he says he appreciates that, but he might have a lot of years to get through to Michael. Nina and Willow might only have a few weeks. So he needs to find a way to convince Willow to see her mother.

Wiley says, Amelia is really small, but Michael says, before he knows it, she’ll be sitting up, then crawling. Willow says, Amelia will need Wiley’s help, and he asks if he should show her how to crawl. Willow says, he could show her how it’s done, so she’ll have someone to copy. She didn’t have an older brother growing up. Amelia is lucky to have him. Michael thanks Carly for taking care of the kids, and she says, of course (🍷). Anything they need, she’s here for them. He says, what he needs is a miracle, but it doesn’t seem to be coming. Carly hugs him.

Drew says, Willow is gone, as in home to the Quartermaines, and Nina says she feared the worst. He says, she checked out this morning, and Michael took her home. He’s just there to finish up the paperwork. Nina asks if she won’t get better care and more aggressive treatment at GH, but he says, there’s nothing more the doctors can do without a bone marrow donor. She wanted to be home with Michael and the kids; enjoy them for as long as she can. She asks if Willow is giving up.

Josslyn thanks Dex for saying it first. Her feelings for him aren’t casual either; she’s never felt like this before. She says she doesn’t want it to stop, and they kiss.

Dante asks if Sam thinks it’s too early for champagne. Doesn’t she think they deserve it? They took the longest of longshots, and found out Ryan Chamberlain is Esme’s dad. She says, was. Thank God that freak is finally dead. He says, the Invader article made it sound like all hell broke loose on Spoon Island last night, and she says she thinks the best thing that came out of there is that Heather Webber is in police custody, and on her way back to where she belongs – D’Archam. Dante says he’s kicking himself a little for not picking up on things. They knew The Hook was a woman. Heather’s escaped from tons of facilities, and every time he’s talked to her, she was gloating like she knew something he didn’t. Sam says, don’t do that. That’s Heather’s M.O. She likes to torment people she thinks have wronged her. He says, no wonder they both ended up on Heather’s hit list, but Sam says she’s too tired for irony. She wants to shower off the past 48 hours. He asks if she wants company, and she says, now that he mentions it, there’s a spot on her back she can’t reach. He says he can, and they run upstairs.

The desk sergeant asks if Sasha is Heather’s lawyer, and she says, yes. She needs to confer with her client. He says he’ll have Heather brought up from the cells, and leaves. Cody asks if Sasha knows what she’s doing, and she says, absolutely. That murderer killed her husband, and Sasha is going to see Heather is brought to justice.

Carly says, Baby Amelia’s been fed, changed, and she’s fast asleep, and Wiley says, she sleeps a lot. Michael says, sleep is good for babies. It’s good for all kids, Wiley included; it helps you grow. Wiley asks if Willow is growing too, because she sleeps a lot, and Willow says she was very tired when Baby Amelia was in her tummy. Wiley says, Baby Amelia is born now, and asks if Willow will be able to play with him again.

Sonny says, Carly didn’t tell Nina that she and Willow were mother and daughter; they wasted months when they could have worked toward a reconciliation. Brook says, it must be tearing him up, watching Nina go through this, and he says, all Nina wants is to be a mother. Nina’s not perfect. Nobody’s perfect, but Nina wants the best for Willow. She even decided to donate her bone marrow for transplant. Brook says, that’s so generous and loving, but Sonny says, Willow doesn’t want to see her mother. Nina’s never even held her granddaughter, and he wants to fix that.

Drew says, Willow is terminal, and made a decision about how she wants to spend the time she’s got left, and Nina says she understands. But Willow has two small children who need her, and Willow grew up without her mother. So if there’s a chance to prolong her life at the hospital until they find another donor, Willow should take that chance. He says, she was aware that she had the option to stay at the hospital, and chose to go home, but by leaving, she’s not going against any medical advice. Nina asks if Willow and Michael got a second opinion, or a third opinion. What exactly did the specialist recommend? Drew says, there’s nothing else they can do, and Michael and Willow have accepted that together. She says, with Carly’s input no doubt.

There’s a knock at the door, and Sam runs down to answer. It’s Cody, who asks if Dante is there. He called, but Dante isn’t picking up. Dante comes down, and asks, what’s going on? Cody says, Sasha Corbin’s in trouble. He can’t help her, and he’s hoping Dante can.

Sasha waits in the interrogation room, fingering her wedding ring, when Bennett brings Heather in. Sasha says she’d like to confer with her client in private, and he asks if she’s sure. She says, the prisoner is in shackles, but she’ll yell if she needs his help. He pushes Heather into a chair, and says, good luck, but be sure to keep a taser handy. He leaves, and Heather says, Sasha’s her lawyer? She’s sorry, but she doesn’t remember hiring her. Was she court appointed? She could have easily forgotten. That happens sometimes. She finds herself in a prison cell with absolutely no idea how she got there. It’s really unsettling. She can forget days at a time.

Willow tells Wiley that she still has to take it easy for a while, and Michael says, they have to be extra careful of mom. Wiley says he’ll play quietly, so he can help her get well, but Michael says, he doesn’t have to be quiet all the time. He’ll take Wiley over to the house, because Olivia and Leo are making pizza, and Olivia loves when he helps roll out the dough. Wiley asks if Willow wants him to save some pizza for her, and she says, of course (🍷). She tells him that she loves him, and he says he loves her too, hugs her, and leaves with Michael. Willow starts to cry, saying, she didn’t know it would be this hard, and Carly puts her arm around Willow.

Nina tells Drew that Carly must love having Willow home on the Quartermaine estate, where Nina can’t have access to her own child. She can’t have a conversation with her, or even look at her. He says, Carly isn’t loving one aspect of this; nobody in the family is. She says, nobody else in his family went out of their way to keep her and Willow apart. Carly chose to lie and manipulate, and hide the fact she was Willow’s biological mother. Carly not only lied to her and Willow, she lied to Drew for months. She can’t believe he’d be okay with that.

Dex’s phone rings, and he says he has an update on the Pikeman shipment. The boss is doing family stuff, so he asked Dex to handle the prep. When the merchandise arrives at Pier 55, they need trucks ready to deliver it to the warehouse, store it for 48 hours, then deliver it to Pikeman’s buyers. This is heavy ordinance, so they’re going to need six trucks. Make sure they’re checked in advance. If anything breaks down, they’re all doing federal time. Josslyn comes into the room, and asks, what’s Pikeman, and how can it land him in federal prison?

Cody tells Dante that Sasha gained access by claiming to be her lawyer. He didn’t want to  bust her, and get her in any more trouble than she’s already been in. She’s a nice lady. She’s been through hell, and she’s just putting her life back together. From what he read about Heather, she’s going to run through Sasha like a buzzsaw running through tissue paper. Sam says, Heather Webber lives to play mind games. When she finds out Sasha is Brando’s widow, it could be brutal. Cody asks if there’s any way Dante could go to the station and run interference without exposing Sasha’s lie, and Dante says, yeah. He won’t be long. Sam tells him to take as long as he needs, and Dante leaves. Sam asks why Cody cares so much about Sasha, and he says he just doesn’t want her to be Heather Webber’s next casualty.

Sonny says he understands if Brook doesn’t want to be put in the middle, but she says she’s lost count of how much she owes him. She’d be happy to help any way she can. He says, she doesn’t owe him anything. He just knows Michael will listen to her, and if she could just tell Michael that he needs to talk to him… Michael walks in, and says, there’s no need. He’s already here. What did Sonny want to talk to him about?

Dex says, the less Josslyn knows about Pikeman, the better, but she says, it’s a little late for that. She already knows there’s a shipment at Pier 55 with heavy ordinance and six trucks. He says he should have been more careful, but she says she doesn’t want him to be careful around her. That’s how it was with her mom and Sonny. He went about his business, and she pretended not to know anything, when in reality, she knew quite a lot. He says, it must have been hard for her, and Josslyn says, it was; she did a lot of pretending. Josslyn doesn’t want to pretend with him. He said he’d be done working for Sonny in six months, but what’s the point if he’s arrested on federal charges? He says he won’t be. Sonny’s the one who’s going to be arrested on federal charges.

Willow tells Carly, when she was at the hospital, all she could  think about was getting home, and it’s so good to be here, but is it good for her kids, when she’s so weak and only getting weaker? Carly thinks the answer is written all over Wiley’s face; he’s thrilled to have her home. Willow says, but he thinks she’s going to get better. She and Michael are letting him think that, and it’s a lie. How much longer can they keep lying to their child?

Drew tells Nina that he’s not okay with what Carly did. He made that very clear to her, but they’re members of the same extended family; they’re both related to Michael and Willow. She says, they seem very close these days, and he says, the whole family is rallying around Willow right now. Nina says she’d like to rally around Willow too, but thanks to Carly, she can’t even be near Willow, or have any chance of a relationship with her child. Drew says he’s sorry Willow doesn’t want to see her right now. He can’t imagine how painful that is, but Nina has no one to blame but herself.

Sam tells Cody that the coffee is probably strong; she’s fighting off jet-lag. He thanks her for the warning and the coffee, and says he’s surprised she didn’t show him the door after Dante left. She says, a couple of months ago, she may have done that. After making an entrance by parachuting into the pool at the MetroCourt hotel, he was sort of running one con after another, never saying why he was in Port Charles in the first place. Then he blackmailed Spinelli to set him up with Britt through Society Set-Ups, and he does have sealed juvenile arrest record. But ever since Britt died, he’s shown that he obviously cared about Britt a lot, and she appreciates him showing concern for Sasha. What she’s trying to say is, maybe she misjudged him.

Heather tells Sasha that she has the vaguest memory of Ryan Chamberlain dragging her and her daughter away from Spring Ridge. Ryan is terrifying. Every time she was with him, she would lose time for hours afterwards. Sometimes she thinks he was trying to hypnotize her.

Dante asks Bennett if Heather is with her lawyer, and Bennett tells Dante that they’re in the interrogation room. The lawyer wanted privacy. If it’s any consolation, the prisoner is still in shackles. Dante says, that’s not going to stop her from getting in the lawyer’s head, and goes into the room. He asks how it’s going, and Sasha says, the prisoner just gave her a demonstration of how she plans to fake insanity for The Hook killings.

Willow tells Carly that she and Michael had the perfect opening just now. When Wiley brought up how much she sleeps, they could have told him that she was sick, and that she won’t get well; that she’s going to die soon. Carly says, it’s a really difficult conversation to have with anyone, especially a child; her child. She thinks Wiley is too young to understand the concept of death. It’s okay if Willow didn’t want to tell him on her first morning home. Willow says she’s been reading all the literature about it, and knows they have to explain this to him, but when she thinks of actually saying the words, her mind goes blank. How does she tell her little boy that she’s going to leave him forever, and it didn’t have to be that way?

Dex says he’s working on the Pikeman shipment in order to get evidence on Sonny, and Josslyn asks if he’s a cop, or an undercover Fed. He says, nothing like that. He’s not law enforcement, and doesn’t work for any official authority. She asks if anything he’s told her about himself is true, and he says, everything. He’s ex-military. He did a tour of Afghanistan; he joined right after high school. What he didn’t tell her is, after the military, he went to work for a private security contractor. That’s who set him up with his current employer.

Sasha gets up, and says, Heather is a kidnapper, a murderer, a vicious maniac. She should have never been given life without parole. Truthfully, she should have been given the death penalty 30 years ago, but she repeatedly exploits her mental illness. She gets herself committed rather than going to prison, then somehow gains her release, either by escape or by manipulating the legal system. Dante says, there are plenty of loopholes in the system, and Heather’s a master at working her way through them. Sasha says, this time will be different. This time, she’ll be a witness for the prosecution, and she’s going to take Heather down for good.

Willow says she had the option to get treatment as soon as she was diagnosed, and Carly asks if it was a real option. Willow says, not for her. She would have had to terminate the pregnancy because of the damage the chemo would do to the fetus. It was unthinkable. She convinced herself that she could wait; that she could have a healthy baby and still recover from leukemia. She was half right; Amelia is healthy. Now she’s going to die and leave Wiley, which means she put Amelia ahead of her little boy. Carly says, Willow made a choice that was right for her as a mother. She gave her daughter the best chance at life, and put her own life at risk to do that. She may be leaving Wiley, but she’s also leaving behind the gift of a baby sister. She did the best she could for both her children. She’s got to stop blaming herself. Willow says she’s afraid. She loves Michael and her children so much. She doesn’t want to leave them. She cries in Carly’s arms.

Drew says, Nina and Willow are estranged, not because of anything Carly did, but because of what Nina did. Nina alienated her for years. She sued Willow and Michael for visitation rights to Wiley. Nina asks if it’s a crime for her to want to see her grandson, and he says, it’s the way she went about it that hurt Willow. And if Willow doesn’t want to spend time with her, that’s her right. She says, that all changed when she found out Willow was her daughter, but Drew says, Nina changed; Willow didn’t change. Nina says, yes, but if they had known when they were supposed to know the truth, Willow would have come to her for a bone marrow donation a lot sooner, and they would have had all this time to work out their differences and reconcile. He says, yes. Carly should have told Willow that Nina was her mother, and left the decision up to Willow whether or not to tell her. Nina says, but instead, Carly chose to lie to both of them, and Drew says, it’s not the same thing. Carly owed Willow the truth; she didn’t owe Nina anything. She says, wow. Drew is as self-righteous and unfeeling as Carly. She sees it now. And when payback comes, he’ll be just as deserving. She walks away.

Sonny says, Nina went to the hospital to try and visit Willow, and Michael says he brought Willow home this morning. Sonny says, there’s no hope for treatment? and Michael says, they’re still waiting for a donor, but they’re running out of time. Sonny says, then it’s important for Nina and Willow to connect. Is there any way Michael can persuade Willow to see her mother? Michael says, he can’t do that, and Sonny says, or he won’t because Michael’s still holding a grudge against him and Nina? Michael says, this isn’t about Sonny or Nina; this is about Willow. She’s dying. She gets to spend her last days the way she wants, not trying to make Nina feel better. Sonny says he’s done everything to reach Michael; he’s done. If Michael can’t have any compassion for Nina, even when her child is dying, then what happens next is on his head. Sonny walks out.

Josslyn asks who Dex is working for, and she doesn’t mean the private contractor. Dex flashes back to Michael saying he wanted to take Sonny down, but not at the expense of his mom or sister. He’d rather blow this whole operation up than put his sister at risk, and Dex needs to find a way to keep Josslyn at a distance. Dex tells Josslyn that he’s sorry, but that’s the one thing he can’t tell her; not until it’s over. She asks when that will be. He was beaten and tortured. Isn’t that incriminating enough to finish the job? He says, the Pikeman shipment is on a whole other level; he’s talking federal charges, potential violations of the National Security Act. When he gets the proof, and turns it over to his employer, and his employer turns it over to the Feds, Sonny’s going away forever… Isn’t that what she wants? Hating Sonny and punishing him for the rest of his life are two different things. If she wants, he’ll tell his employer that he’s out, before the Pikeman shipment ever lands. She says, and Sonny will be in the clear? and he says, it’s up to her. Whatever she wants.

Sam asks if Cody has heard of the Ice Princess, and he says, only in reference to the necklace, but no specifics. Why? She says, at one time, it was the world’s largest uncut diamond, and it belonged to her grandfather Mikkos Cassadine. He says he heard she was related to the Cassadines somehow, and she says she’s never been a particularly suspicious person, but when she found out that the diamonds in Britt’s necklace were part of the Ice Princess, she saw all these flashing lights and there were chills up her spine. Nothing but misery has ever come out of that diamond. He says he wishes he could blame all his failures on some cursed diamond, but he only has himself to blame for his mistakes with Britt. He let his greed get the better of him. She says, that’s very big of him, and he says, shocker, but greed gets the best of him over and over. She says, greed caused her to make a lot of bad decisions, but she just stopped, and he asks, how? She says she guesses she just realized there were more valuable things to chase. If she could figure that out, he could too. He says, here’s hoping, and thanks her for the coffee. She says, of course (🍷), and he leaves. In the hallway, Cody looks at Mac’s number in his phone.

Heather wails that she hasn’t done anything. All she wants is to see her daughter. Her daughter was having a baby, and they ripped her away. Ryan Chamberlain was threatening her… Sasha says she’ll give it to Heather; that’s a compelling act. But she can be compelling too. She was with Brando at Charlie’s in his last moments, before he followed Josslyn into that alley, and Heather callously, brutally murdered him. Heather says she doesn’t even know anyone named Brando, but Sasha says, the jury will know him. She’ll tell them. She was eating pie when he left. Their last kiss tasted like cherries. She’ll testify to Brando’s frame of mind, his courage, his kindness. She’ll make the jury feel the terrible injustice of her husband’s murder. Heather’s poor pitiful lunatic act won’t stand a chance against her grieving widow. And she won’t stop in the courtroom. She’ll try Heather in the court of public opinion. She’ll go on podcasts, talk shows, anyone who will give her a platform, and she will crusade about the loopholes in the legal system that allowed a psychopath like Heather to rampage through Port Charles, when she should have been stopped decades ago. She’ll do whatever it takes to see Heather is guilty on all counts of multiple murders, with consecutive life sentences. Heather will spend the rest of her days in solitary in Pentenville where she belongs. Dante says, while he looks forward to Sasha’s testimony, this interview is over. Sasha leaves through the side door, and Heather says, just the two of us, huh? He says, yeah, and she says, good. She wants to confess.

Tomorrow, Scotty says he’s about to make Robert’s life a whole lot easier; Sonny tells Spencer that he can’t fix Esme; and Heather visits Esme in the hospital.

⚰️ Dead Again…

In case you didn’t know Ryan. He has a tendency to bounce back. I fully expect him to reappear down the road, and say the dead guy was his and Doc’s triplet.

💞 Conscious Coupling…

Everyone seems to be on board with these two. I’ve been hoping for this pairing since Anna was with Finn and they had zero chemistry.

👩‍👧 Mother and Daughter Reunion…

Life outside of Port Charles.

🦚 DOOL Move…

You’ll have to pay Peacock to see Days of Our Lives, but the plans are pretty cheap.

🤸‍♀️ Tumbling Marks…

I’m not quite sure what happened here, but it’s definitely amusing.

🗽 No Jovani For You…

Nobody likes a mean drunk. The poor Countess though. Not her week.

⚔️ Conflicted…

As much as Jax is the most awful human being on earth and I despise him, I might have to watch this.

🌷 Calling Doctor Spring…

Come dig into tomorrow’s cornucopia of soap, tea, citations, and February appropriate music. Until then, stay safe, stay cultivating common sense, and stay not being self-righteous and unfeeling, or when payback comes, you’ll be deserving.

September 8, 2022 – Ava Tells Trina the Truth, Two Charming Dinners, a Thought, Goodbye To the Queen & Candle


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Cody says, Britt’s guess is as good as his, and she says, if that’s his story, stick to it. He says, she doesn’t believe him? and she asks why she should. She barely knows who he is.

Mac says he needs to learn more about this guy before potentially blowing his world apart, and letting him know he could be his dad. Felicia says, then do some research into his life, his background, and if Mac needs some help, he has her P.I. skills at his disposal. Mac says, it might be better if they forget the whole thing, and Felicia asks if he can do that. Maxie tells him, just do his research, and find out if Cody is his son. At least he’ll know. Mac says he doesn’t need to know. As far as he’s concerned, whoever Cody Bell is can remain a mystery forever.

Dante’s phone rings, and he says, Connor. Are they missing him already or what?… Say that again.

Jordan tells Rory, she needs him to process the prisoners awaiting transport to Pentenville, and he says, no problem. She says, there is one he’s familiar with. She needs his assurance that he can maintain a professional distance, and he says, yes, ma’am. She goes into the interrogation room, and tells Spencer, Officer Cabrera will take it from here.

At the hospital, Nikolas says, what does Frank mean, he’s not on the list? That’s his wife in there. Frank says, those are his orders, and Nikolas says, those might be Frank’s orders, but they’re not his. Sonny may be Frank’s boss, but he’s not Nikolas’s. Frank says, actually, Mr. Corinthos didn’t suggest Nikolas can’t go in. Miss Jerome did.

Victor says, nice of Sonny to join him, and Sonny says, join him? He’s the one who called the meeting. Victor says, he did, and Sonny is now six minutes late. Sonny says, let him cut to the chase. Victor has made a lot of messes, and he wants to know how Victor’s going to clean them up. Victor says, it would help if Sonny could be more specific. Everyone thinks he leaves a path of destruction wherever he goes, yet no one seems to come up with evidence to support that notion. Sonny says, that’s because Victor is good at covering up his tracks, and Victor says, that makes two of them. Sonny says, there’s a difference between them. He doesn’t let his family go down for crimes he’s committed. Victor says, just his employees and best friends, and Sonny asks what Victor is going to do for Spencer, now that he’s going to prison because he covered for Victor. Victor tells him, don’t you worry. He can protect his family. Sonny says, like he protected Ava?

Nikolas asks if Frank is saying Ava asked for him to be kept out, and Frank says, yes. Trina says, maybe Ava isn’t up for visitors. Maybe they can go get a coffee, and try later. Frank says, Trina can go right in. Ava is expecting her. Nikolas asks her to tell his wife that he’s going to see Spencer off to Pentenville, and Trina says, of course (🍷). He says, hopefully by then, she’ll have reconsidered.

Rory tells Spencer to put his personal effects in the envelope; anything of value he wants kept there. He can take his chances with intake at Pentenville, but items often go missing. Spencer says, thanks, but it’s not his first rodeo. He puts his watch and wallet in the envelope, and says he can take care of himself. Rory says he hopes that’s true; not just for Spencer’s sake, but the people who care about him.

Trina goes into Ava’s room, and Ava says she’s so happy to see her. Trina hugs Ava, and says, she thought she almost lost Ava, but Ava says, never. She’ll always be here for Trina.

Dante says he’ll be in touch, and Sam asks if everything’s okay. He says, that was his neighbor. His brother was visiting and saw the moving truck outside. He wants to put an offer on the house. Sam says, a good offer? and he says, like 20 grand over whatever the market value is. She says, he wouldn’t even have to list it. That’s great… isn’t it? He says, it is. He just hadn’t even thought about putting it on the market yet. Sam asks if he’s keeping his options open, but he says, hell no. He’s all in. But that is the house he shared with Lulu. She says, it must be weird to think of other people living there, and he says, it’s not that. It just feels like a decision he should be making with her. Sam says, it’s a big decision. Once he decides to sell, it’s final. It’s a good thing he doesn’t have to decide tonight. Think about it. Sleep on it. He says, that’s an excellent idea, and kisses her. She says she has another. Will he top off her glass of champagne?

Maxie asks why Mac doesn’t want to know if Cody is his son, and Mac says, after all these years, what difference does it make? Felicia says, it makes a huge difference to both of them. Just because Cody is an adult, doesn’t mean he’s not entitled to the truth. Maxie says, and this is Mac’s chance to have a child with his very own DNA. He says, Maxie is more than enough for him, and Maxie says, she’s sure a lot of the time, she was too much. He’s been such a great father to her, and Georgie. Felicia says, not a day goes by they’re not grateful for that, and Maxie says, if Cody is his son, she’s okay with it. She’s not going to feel threatened. He asks if they can just drop the subject, and Felicia says, they just want to make sure this is really how he feels. He says, it is, and Maxie says she still wants to know why. He says, if Cody is his son with Dominique, just knowing that might be too high of a price. Felicia asks what he’s talking about, and he says he’s talking about what it could do to their family.

Cody says, okay, so what is this Mac guy asking Britt about him? and she says, general stuff. How they met, his movements at the party… He wonders why Mac was asking that, and she says, probably to eliminate Cody as a suspect. He has to account for everybody’s whereabouts at the time Ava was attacked. Cody says, fine. Britt just told Mac that he was with her, right? She says she’s not sure it came up. She probably forgot. He says, she kissed him, and she laughs, and says, he kissed her. He says, fine, have it her way. It’s just his luck. A stranger comes to a new town, they get accused of murder. Britt says, has this happened to him before? Answer the question. How many murder investigations has he been questioned in? He says he’s been a lot of things in his life. Skydiver, stuntman, stable hand… She says, hustler, card shark… and he says, yeah, well, one thing he’s not is a cold-blooded killer. She knows that, right? She says she wouldn’t be standing here if he was, and he asks if she thinks he needs a lawyer. She says she doesn’t know, and he says, does she know how expensive lawyers are? She says she does, and he says, on a stable hand’s salary? Maybe it’s time to pull up stakes and get out of Dodge. She says, maybe it is, if he has something to hide.

Felicia tells Mac, she doesn’t understand. What risk could Cody possibly pose to their family? He doesn’t answer, and Maxie says she has an appointment she needs to get to. She thanks Felicia for babysitting, says, Mac, and leaves. Felicia asks Mac what he’s so afraid of, and he says he doesn’t know. Change? He loves the life they’ve built together, and it wasn’t easy. She says she knows, and he says, losing Georgie and Nathan, gaining three beautiful grandchildren. They’ve been doing so much; he finally feels like they’ve got a little bit of peace. He just doesn’t want anything to disrupt it. She says, life is change, and she wouldn’t begrudge him the opportunity to be there for Cody if Cody turns out to be his son. He says, at least they won’t be strapped with dirty diapers and those awkward conversations about adolescence, and she says, there’ll be plenty of awkward conversations. But just like he welcomed Maxie and Georgie as his own, she doesn’t need blood ties to welcome Cody into their family.

Rory says, Spencer can hand in his phone now, or before transport leaves, and Spencer says he’ll hang onto it, thanks. Rory says, no problem. Just make sure to memorize his contact’s number, and leave his lawyer’s information with that person. Spencer says, his grandmother is his contact, and out of town, and Rory says, get a new one. His grandmother’s husband maybe? Spencer says, maybe, and Rory picks up the envelope and starts to leave, but he stops. He says, when he saw Spencer and Trina at her party, he got the sense they weren’t finished; that there were still things they needed to say. Spencer says, Rory is mistaken. He and Trina are done, and they’re both moving on. So Rory has nothing to worry about. Rory says he’s not worried. He just doesn’t want Spencer haunting them from prison. He leaves.

Ava asks if Trina had any trouble getting in to see her, and Trina says, Frank let her come right in. She’s glad Ava has protection, but she hates that Ava is still in danger, and Ava says, that makes two of them. Trina asks what the police said. Do they have any idea who could have done this to her? Ava says, the police are following up on leads, and ruling people out. As for her, she has some thoughts of her own. Trina says, who? and Ava says, forget it. It turns out her personal prime suspect has an alibi, and couldn’t have done it. Trina says she saw Mr. Cassadine when she arrived, and Frank wouldn’t let him in.

At the station, Nikolas tells Jordan that he was with Elizabeth at the time, and she says she knows he couldn’t have physically carried out the crime. He asks what she’s implying, and she says she’s not implying anything. She just needs facts to get her closer to what happened and who’s responsible. He says, after he sees his son. Where’s Spencer? She says, most spouses in his position would be more cooperative, and he says he’s happy to cooperate, after he’s seen his son. She says, Spencer’s in interrogation. Feel free to go in. He thanks her, and she says, but before he goes, be sure to leave his information with the desk sergeant so they can arrange an interview.

Victor tells Sonny, Ava has a host of enemies, with threats coming at her from every corner. It’s almost impossible to keep her fully protected. Sonny says, not if she was targeted; that hits close to home. Victor asks what he’s insinuating, and Sonny asks if everything is copacetic between Nikolas and Ava. Victor says, it’s a little volatile at times, but Nikolas and Ava love each other fiercely. If Sonny thinks his nephew could ever… Sonny smiles, and Victor says, his nephew is completely devoted to his wife, and Sonny says, really? So devoted that Ava was staying at the MetroCourt? Because he dropped Avery off the other day, and he was surprised Ava was there. He thought maybe she was tired of staying with Esme, but that doesn’t make any sense, because Esme’s gone; she’s vanished. Does Victor know anything about that? Victor says he could ask Sonny the same. After all, Sonny snatched Esme off the street. Sonny says, let him tell Victor something right now. If he or Nikolas had anything to do with hurting Ava, they’re going to answer to him. Victor says, they don’t have to be adversaries surely. After all, they share family. Sonny says, don’t call me Shirley asks if anybody in Victor’s family actually talks to him, and Victor says, does anyone in Sonny’s? He answered Sonny’s summons, and tolerated his baseless insinuations. Cast aspersions on his family again, and Victor will cease being a gentleman. Sonny says, all right, and gets up. Stay away from Avery’s mother. And don’t make Sonny have to call him again. He claps Victor on the shoulder, says, old pal, and leaves.

Ava tells Trina, when she and Nikolas are getting along, it’s magic. But when they’re not, it’s curses. But enough about her. She wants to hear about Trina. How is she enjoying her vindication? Trina says, for starters, PCU reinstated her as a student, and Ava says, that’s great news. She’s so happy for Trina. Trina thanks her, and says, she felt guilty meeting with the PCU administration while Ava was there in the hospital. Ava says, that’s sweet of her, but there’s nothing Trina could have done for her. She’s happy Trina is taking care of herself. Trina says, she just thought Ava would be one of the first people to celebrate her returning from school, and Ava says, damn straight she would. Trina says, her parents did throw her a party, and Ava says she hates to miss a good party. How was it? Trina says, fun, and Ava says, that doesn’t sound very convincing. What happened? Trina says, an unexpected guest showed up.

Nikolas walks into the interrogation room, and Spencer yells, get out! Nikolas says he knows Spencer doesn’t want to see him, and Spencer asks when he figured that out. Was he not clear when they spoke? They’re done. Nikolas says, Spencer is going to prison, and he’s terrified. Spencer says he doesn’t care. If Nikolas doesn’t get out of here in ten seconds, Spencer will march out there and tell Commissioner Ashford exactly what Nikolas and Ava were arguing about at the picnic.

While unpacking boxes, Dante says, if Sam comes across Rocco’s gaming console, that would be the key to peace and happiness in this house. Sam asks if Cody didn’t borrow some horse race game, and Dante says, yeah, those are pretty expensive. Sam says, he seems like a pretty honest guy, and he says, seems like it. She wonders what Sonny was talking to Cody about, and Dante says, who knows? She says, Cody seems like a pretty harmless guy, but Dante says, looks can be deceiving. She asks what that’s supposed to mean, and Dante says, like he told her, when they were kids, Cody didn’t like to follow the rules. She says, that’s when they were kids. That was a long time ago. Dante says, that’s true. We do a lot of living between adolescence and growing up. Sam says, doesn’t she know it. She’s done a lot of things she regrets. She’s sure, back in the day, Cody played some tricks on some camp counselors, but that doesn’t mean he’s up to something now.

Cody tells Britt, he’s human. They all have something to hide. He’s sure she has plenty. She says she used to, but all the bad, wicked, criminal stuff all came out. She’s practically an open book. He says he bets there’s something, but she says, there isn’t. Anyway, this is about him. I can’t afford a lawyer; I’ve got to leave town. Overreaction much? He says he woudn’t have to consider leaving town if she’d given him an alibi, and she says she’s sorry. She only gives alibis after the third date, and since they’ve only been out once… He says, she’s right. She doesn’t owe him anything. See ya. He starts to leave, and she says, he’s really going to up and leave Port Charles? and he says, does she not want him to leave town? She says, his buddy Dante would be relieved that he escaped the Britch, but she’s good either way. He says he thinks she’d miss him, for several minutes, and she says, maybe a minute, but several is pushing it. He says, okay. Possibly he overreacted, but since he was a kid, he’s been operating on flight or fight mode. She says, why not stay and fight? and he asks if she wants him to fight. She says, as long as he doesn’t sucker punch Mac like he did Scotty, when Maxie comes to the door. He says he makes no promises. It sounds like the guy deserves it. Maxie walks in, and asks, what did he just say? Did he just threaten her stepdad? Britt says, Maxie… but Maxie says she’d like to hear this from Cody. Why does he want to hit Mac? Cody says, from what he’s been hearing, Mac thinks he gutted the woman at the picnic. Britt says, Ava Jerome, and he says, who he’s never even met. So why would he try to kill her? Maxie says, she can assure him, Mac doesn’t think he attacked Ava, and he says, then why is Mac asking all these questions about him? Maxie says, because he’s the Chief of Detectives. It’s his job to ask questions. Just answer directly and honestly, and he’ll be fine. Cody laughs, and says, she’s suggesting he talk to a cop voluntarily, and Maxie says, yes. Britt says, just call Mac. She’s sure he’ll put Cody’s mind at ease. He says, cops lie, and Maxie says, Mac is not a liar. Britt flashes back to the picnic, and Mac saying, he and Cody’s mother were friends. She tells Maxie, try to look at it from Cody’s perspective. They know Mac is a good guy and just doing his job, but Cody doesn’t.

Mac looks at a family photo, and says, Cody could be Leopold’s son. That would be best for everyone. Felicia says, not for Cody. Everyone deserves a loving, compassionate father. He says, like him, and she says, like him. She knows it’s not scientific, but when he met Cody, he saw himself in him, didn’t he? He asks if she sees a resemblance, and she says, his eyes, similar twinkle. Cody’s is mischievous, while Mac’s is kind. He says, even if Cody is his, he’s an adult. How much parenting could he need? She asks how much Maxie needs, and he says, good point. She says, he’s considering Cody a liability rather than an asset. Besides change, is there another reason he’s resistant to welcoming Cody into their family? He says, no matter whose son Cody is, he’s a stranger. How do they know what kind of person he is? Felicia says, here’s a thought; they get to know him. Not just what kind of person he is, not necessarily even as a son. Just get to know him as a friend. Mac says, maybe he’s setting himself up for disappointment. What if it all goes south? She says, what if it doesn’t?

Nikolas says, Spencer will be implicating him in Ava’s attack, and Spencer says, damn straight. Victor comes in, and says, Spencer will do no such thing. He’ll continue to remain silent. Is that understood? Unless of course (🍷) he’s already let something slip while he was three sheets to the wind at that unfortunate party. Spencer says he hasn’t sold out his faithless father yet. He hasn’t even given his father a second thought. Victor asks Nikolas how his wife is, and Nikolas says he hears she’s recovering. Victor says, he hears, and Nikolas says, Ava woudn’t let him in to see her. Spencer says, is that right? Maybe everyone’s finally on to Nikolas. Nikolas says, on to him? and Victor steers Nikolas to the door, saying, they’re not having this discussion, but Nikolas says, they are. Does Spencer think he’s behind Ava’s attack? Spencer says, because Nikolas is incapable of hurting the people he loves? Let’s ask Hayden. Victor says, that’s enough. Stop this right now. He knows they’re playing with a bit of a sticky wicket right now, but it’s nothing he can’t fix if the two of them get themselves together.

Jordan tells Rory, good job. He maintained his professional demeanor while he carried out his duties with Mr. Cassadine. Not an easy task. He thanks her, and says he thinks she should know, he did talk to Spencer about Trina. She asks if there was an altercation, but he says, it was all very calm. She says, that’s fine, and thanks him for telling her. He says, at the risk of overstepping, she knows Trina’s dad pretty well. Does she have any tips on how Rory could get on his good side?

Trina says, she almost forgot to tell Ava. She sold a sculpture to an overseas collector. Ava says, that’s impressive. Maybe they should close the gallery temporarily. Trina asks, why? and Ava says, because she doesn’t want Trina spending the rest of her summer behind a desk. Trina says, she can balance her social life and work at the gallery, and Ava says, okay, but let her know if it gets to be too much, or even if she needs a break, and Trina says she will. Ava says, promise her that she won’t be at the gallery alone, especially at night. Maybe Rory could keep her company. Trina asks if Ava thinks whoever did this, could come after her, and Ava says, she doesn’t know who and she doesn’t know why, so she doesn’t know what they’re capable of. She thinks it’s best to take precautions. Trina says she’ll figure something out, and Ava says, good, but she didn’t ask Trina about work; she asked Trina about her life. Let her guess. This unexpected party guest was Spencer, wasn’t it? Trina says she just doesn’t get him. He wrote her a letter, then he tried to leave before giving it to her. He dropped it, and after she picked it up, he wouldn’t even let her read it. Ava asks, why not? and Trina tells her, because he said they weren’t friends, but then he admitted he still had some kind of connection with her, but he’s been lying this entire time. What is she supposed to do with that, especially now that Rory is in the picture? Ava says she’s going to stop Trina there, and Trina says she’s sorry. She shouldn’t be talking about something so silly when Ava almost died, but Ava says, not because of that. She’s going to tell Trina something, because you only live once, and she deserves to know. Trina asks, what is it? and Ava says, according to Spencer, he knew all along she was innocent. Trina says, but that doesn’t make any sense. He told her to her face. Ava says, it was all a ruse. He only stayed with Esme to help prove Trina was innocent.

Dante tells Sam, he would never hold the past against Cody; that was just him back then. But now Dante has a family to protect, and that includes her and Danny and Scout. She says she appreciates that, but she considers herself a good judge of character. Cody may be the guy who thinks he can take a walk on the wild side, but she thinks he’s a decent guy. Dante asks if she’s saying she likes the guy, and she says, she does, so sue her. But…? He says, but Sonny’s not the only one keeping an eye on him.

Cody says he’s not trying to offend Maxie, but her stepdad is treating him like a suspect. He’s not going to just sit around and let the PCPD build a case against him. Maxie says, what part of that’s not what’s happening here does he not understand? and he says, he’s just supposed to take her word for it? She says, yes, and he says, he’s going to go. He’ll talk to Britt later. He leaves, and Maxie says she’s starting to believe she was wrong. She does not think Britt should give that guy a second chance.

Rory tells Jordan, Mr. Taggert has been pretty distant; any advice? She says, this is overstepping, and he says, sorry. He starts to leave, and she says, but since he asked, just be himself. Taggert values authenticity. And the Buffalo Bills. He thanks her, and says, that’s good for now.

Nikolas says, someone tried to kill his wife, and Victor is calling it a sticky wicket. Victor apologizes if he sounded glib. He simply meant, there is no hurdle that, as Cassadines, they can’t clear. Nikolas says, even if he’d hurt his wife – which he didn’t – it’s nothing compared to what Victor has done, and Victor says he knows it’s been a trying 48 hours, so he’s going to overlook that remark. But he still thinks Nikolas should respect Spencer’s wishes, and leave right now. Nikolas says, fine, but no matter how many times Spencer pushes him away, he won’t give up on Spencer. He leaves, and Rory says, transport’s almost ready. Time for Spencer to say his goodbyes. Victor walks Spencer into the squad room, and Spencer stops. Victor says, what is it? and Spencer says, he just thought more people would be here. He looks at no one to say his goodbyes to.

Ava says, Spencer carried a torch for Trina for a long time, and Trina asks why he didn’t tell her. Ava says, she thinks in his bone head, he thought he was protecting her. He figured if he was honest about his feelings, Esme would make her suffer even more, and knowing Esme, Ava shudders at what she might have done. Trina says, and Spencer told Ava all of this? Ava says, in a rare moment of openness, and Trina says, maybe she’s been wrong about him. Ava says, Spencer is a spoiled, entitled young man, but she thinks he cares for Trina, and Trina says, that could be what was in the letter. Ava says, probably, and Trina says, he’s reporting to Pentenville today. That’s where Nikolas is; at the PCPD, saying goodbye to Spencer. Nikolas wanted her to tell Ava that. Ava thanks her, and Trina asks if Ava thinks she should go see Spencer, but Ava says, she thinks Trina is the only one who can decide that. But if she does see Spencer, first she thinks Trina should think long and hard about what she wants, about what she needs. Trina says she can’t believe Spencer has feelings for her, and Ava says, of course (🍷) he does. Anybody with half a brain would.

Felicia says she’ll support any decision Mac makes, and he says, even if she doesn’t agree with it? She says, if she agrees or disagrees with, it’s his call. He says he appreciates that, and she says, of course (🍷) she can’t stop Maxie from collecting DNA samples from him and Cody, and running them off to the lab. Mac says, that would be just like her, and Felicia says, Maxie loves him. She’ll feel compelled to meddle. He says, this all could be a moot point. Cody may not be interested in getting to know him, even if he turns out to be Cody’s father. She says, that’s true; he may not, but how will Mac know unless he tries.

Sam says she likes Dante around Cody; he loosens up a bit. Dante asks if she’s saying he’s uptight, and she says, he’s the guy who billed her for slashing his tires. He says, that’s because he wanted to see her again, and she says, that’s cute. It’s okay to be cautious, but she kind of likes the vibe he has going on with Cody. She approves, and that’s very generous of her. He says, it is, but maybe it’s because they just moved in together, and she’s afraid she’ll get sick of him. She says, he’s right. She’s actually regretting that decision. He says, she just wants to palm him off on his friend when she needs space, and they kiss. She says she thinks it’s healthy for him to have outside friendships, and he says, she’s right. She says she knows. She just likes when he says it. He says, she’s right, and kisses her. She asks him to move that box off the table, and he does, as he lowers her to the couch, kissing her some more.

Britt asks, what’s up with Maxie? She liked Cody an hour ago. Maxie says, that was then, and Britt says, things got heated. Maxie says, Britt wanted her to look at things from Cody’s perspective, so she’s going to do that. If she was a wandering cowpoke, why would she want to punch the Chief of Detectives? Britt says, oh please. Like the authorities have never accused Maxie of something she didn’t do. Maxie… Maxie says she’s thinking. No, the authorities always knew what she was up to; they just didn’t have sufficient evidence. Britt says, that’s the story of her life. If Cody’s not a suspect in Ava’s stabbing, then what’s the big deal? Maxie says, Cody was so defensive just now. He might not have attacked Ava, but it’s perfectly clear he’s up to no good.

Cody makes a call, and says, they met recently, and he didn’t make a good impression. Can he have a second chance to change their mind about him?

At the Grill Bar, Nikolas tells Victor, given the nature of what they’re going to discuss, he thought they would go somewhere private. Victor says, privacy is overrated. In private, people tend to raise their voices, and the next thing you know, a priceless Ming vase is in pieces on the floor. Here at least, they’ll be forced to behave, and speak in civilized tones. And if they should break anything, it can be put back together again with a dollop of Daisy glue. So why doesn’t Nikolas go first? Nikolas says he can’t believe Victor and Spencer think he’s capable of doing that to Ava, and Victor says, of course (🍷) he’s capable; everyone’s capable of everything. But regardless of that, they have bigger problems. Nikolas says, like his son going to Pentenville, and Victor says, like Sonny Corinthos asking questions about Esme.

Sonny goes to visit Ava, and she says, hello. He says she looks better, and sounds good. She’s able to say I love you to their daughter; that’s a good thing. She thanks him for that, and the security. Knowing Frank out there, she can actually feel safe when she closes her eyes. He ask what her dreams are like, and she says, that’s a different story. In sleep, she doesn’t remember too much, and when she wakes up, the pain meds help with that. He asks if she has any idea who attacked her, but she says she doesn’t. He says he has the feeling there’s something she’s not telling him. Who is he protecting her from?

Trina runs into the station, and Jordan asks if they can help her, but she runs past the desk into the interrogation room. She asks Rory if she’s too late, and he says, sorry. She missed him.

Spencer’s cell door closes and locks. He looks out through the bars.

I didn’t see a preview for tomorrow. So we’ll be surprised. Or there will be Queen Elizabeth stuff.

Southern Charm

Naomie visits Whitney, and he tells her that his mom is still in bed; she gets up at the crack of noon. Naomie asks if Patricia knows what’s going on with them, and he says, she’s familiar, whatever that means. He tells Naomie that the theme of Patricia’s gentlemen’s dinner is en français. He thinks with Naomie’s French joie de vivre and knowhow, she should co-host, but Naomie doesn’t think it’s a good idea. She didn’t hear the conversation, but Leva said Craig hates her. Whitney says, she shouldn’t give a sh*t.

Austen gets his hair cut at home, and in his interview, he says, his hair is one of the things he fusses over. He has a peanut head, so he needs volume on the sides. We see clips of his daily grooming, and the hairdresser asks, what’s up with the Olivia situation? He says he’s happy, and she asks, what’s going on with Shep and Taylor? He says, same old sh*t. Shep knows he can get away with murder. The hairdresser thinks he’s still adjusting to a real relationship.

Shep and Taylor go to lunch, and Taylor’s mom Leslie meets them. In Olivia’s interview, she says, she was a mommy’s girl growing up. Her mom’s biggest lessons were Jesus, seatbelts, and sunscreen. Her mom tells it like it is. Leslie talks about the girls trip she was on, and says she hasn’t done one in 20 years. The wine sommelier got them in trouble though. They didn’t know the wine was $250 a bottle until the bill came. Wow. I always ask those questions. I once kicked my husband under the table when he ordered the daily special of Wagyu beef without knowing how pricey it is. He changed his order. In Shep’s interview, he says, Taylor’s parents are a lot of fun. We see a clip of Shep and Taylor at the beach with them, and he says, but they’re also faith based. He’s a skeptic and cynical, so that’s definitely a chasm between him and Taylor’s family. Leslie says, the best test of a healthy relationship is how a couple disagrees. Like when you throw an egg at someone and they break it, you have to figure out how to get over it. I watch Shep get smaller, and he says he’s sorry. She says, you have to be humble, and willing to apologize. That’s how you get to be married 40 years. Shep says, it takes a while for him to be contrite.

Chef Perig and sous chef Kyle do the cooking for the gentlemen’s dinner, and Perig tells Patricia that they’re starting with escargot. He says, after that, he’s doing duck, and she asks for hers to be well-done. He says, it will be a first, which surprises me because, eww, rare duck. In Patricia’s interview, she says she knows what she likes, and she doesn’t like rare duck. She gets what she wants, and that’s that. Leva goes to one of her restaurants, where she gets together with Kathryn (who is back to red hair), Venita, Olivia, Naomie, and Taylor. Venita says, girls night is going to be good, but Kathryn and Naomie don’t look thrilled. They order cocktails, and Leva says, they’re doing a tasting menu. She announces that Naomie hooked up with Whitney. Perhaps it will bond them in some sort of awkward, weird way. Taylor says, cheers to never having hooked up with Whitney, but Kathryn says she thinks he’s a great catch. It’s not weird; he’s a genuine person. Naomie says he cares about Kathryn. She’s sorry they didn’t talk at Friendsgiving, but she was in her head about Craig. She’s sorry if she hurt Kathryn by talking to Chleb at Olivia’s. He made it seem like he was the victim. Kathryn says, he adamantly denies talking negatively about her; he’s in denial. It is what it is. She’s still processing it. In Kathryn’s interview, she says, Naomie is like the Naomie she knew years ago; she’s being real. It confuses her because she likes Naomie, and wonders, why does she have to be a bitch?

Whitney goes over stuff with bartender Becky, and Patricia makes place cards. She asks who Whitney wants to sit next to, and he says, (Brazilian model) Adriana Lima. He looks at all the replicas of the Eiffel Tower and snow globes on the table, and says, it’s tchotchke heaven. They sit and have champagne, and Patricia says she prefers it in a coupe. In Whitney’s interview, he says, his mom can be exacting, but she’s 81, and can do whatever the f*** she wants. He changes her glass, but gives her a paper cocktail napkin, which we already know she hates, and we flash back to that. In Patricia’s interview, she says, many years ago, she hosted parties in her apartment in New York. We see photos, and I’m dying. It’s one of those humongous, pre-war building apartments that you have to be a skabillionaire to afford. Even though movies and TV would have you think otherwise. She says, she had a French chef, and waiters who were trained at Buckingham Palace. Now she has Whitney. There’s a knock at the door, and Shep has to cool his heels on the porch for a while, until Patricia finally gets up and answers the door. They must really miss Michael. Shep is wearing a white suit with a black tie, and Patricia says he should wear that every night. Whitney tells Shep that the menu is 1950s French. He found old place cards, and it was like the Ghost of Christmas Past. He found Cameran. We flash back to her at one of Patricia’s dinners, and Patricia asks if Shep remembers when Thomas almost beat Whitney up. We flash back to that, and Shep says, we’ve come a long way. Patricia says, have we? and Craig arrives, followed by Austen.

At the restaurant, Kathryn says she met with a dating coach who invited her to an event. One person has a key, and the other, a matching lock, and the object is to find the right person. Naomie says, that’s not speed dating, it’s a swingers party. Don’t go. Venita orders a bottle of champagne, and Leva says, the group of them hasn’t all been together since the garden party. She tells Venita that she wasn’t invited to Friendsgiving because Austen wondered if she was just a reporter for Madison. There was an issue with her and Venita that affected their trust; Venita knows what it is. I don’t. Why isn’t she telling me? She says, she and Madison had a conversation at the dog wedding, and in Leva’s interview, she says, she told Madison that it looked like she wasn’t over Austen. We see a clip of Leva telling Madison, it doesn’t look good; let it go. She says she was looking out for Madison. If she hadn’t known better, it would have seemed like Madison wasn’t over him. Madison thought Leva was saying she seemed like she wasn’t over him, but Leva said, no; she was saying, it read like that. Madison went from zero to 100, and Leva texted Venita about it. Madison saw it on Venita’s phone, and it got bigger. In Venita’s interview, she says, Madison was holding her phone for her, and saw the texts come in. Leva says, then she got a text from Madison, and it started a war. Venita says, if you can’t take it in the open, keep your mouth shut. Venita says, it feels like Leva wants her to choose sides, and Leva says, it ended up affecting everybody.

At the gentlemen’s dinner, Shep is on a that’s-what-she-said roll. Perig starts getting annoyed that no one is at the table yet, and keeps ringing the dinner bell, but they can’t hear it. The group is getting increasingly drunk, and Patricia says, they have to wait until chef announces dinner. Perig groans, it’s so ready, it’s ridiculous. Craig spills red wine on the white sofa, and Patricia says, that sofa cost $45,000. Shep says, that’s just a day at Sewing Down South, and Patricia runs to the kitchen club soda. Whitney points out that Craig hit the white rug too. He might want to learn how to coordinate the cup with his mouth. Patricia says, Kathryn got spray tan on the same sofa, and it took them an hour and a half, but they got it off. Craig tells Whitney that he swears he didn’t do it on purpose, and in Craig’s interview, he says, this is the worst thing he’s ever done drunk, which is saying a lot. He tells Patricia, it’s inexcusable, and he’ll take care of it tomorrow. In her interview, Patricia says, her mother told her, you’re known by the company you keep. It looks like she’s a B-list f***-boy. I die laughing. I love Patricia.

Perig tells the group, it’s ready, having given up on the bell idea. They sit at the table, and Patricia tells them, don’t lean back. These are 18th century chairs she hasn’t had reglued yet. Perig attempts humor, saying, he doesn’t know who the guy is who had the idea to eat snails, but he must have been very hungry. Shep toasts to thanking Miss Pat, who’s kept her doors open to them in tough times, interesting times, and good times. He thanks her, and they clink glasses. Shep says, Craig dropped an F-bomb, and Craig says he accidently broke the chair. We see one of the chair’s legs on the floor, and Patricia says, she paid $25,000 for these chairs. In Shep’s interview, he says, sofa: $45,000. Chairs: $25,000. Craig being drunk and ruining everything: priceless. He tells Craig that his zipper down. Apparently, Craig is having a stellar night. Austen asks what Patricia thinks about Whitney and Naomie, and Patricia says, Naomie is lovely, but she’s not getting her hopes up. In her interview, she says, women come and go in Whitney’s life. She tries not to be nosy, but she pesters constantly. She asks if there are any serious relationships going on; any engagements? Craig says he’ll be disappointed if his didn’t end up that way, and Shep says, he thinks about it every day, sometimes with trepidation and fear. Patricia ask if there are obstacles in their relationship, and Shep says, the obstacle is him.

At girls night, Shep calling Taylor a f***ing idiot is brought up, and Taylor says she hears Shep’s voice in her dreams, but he didn’t mean it, so she’s good. Venita says, she can’t let him talk to her like that, but she insists he doesn’t put her down. Once in a blue moon, something comes out, and people focus on that. Leva says, there’s no excuse, and in her interview, Leva says, she’d be running for the hills. Speak to me like you love me. She teaches that to her toddler. Taylor says, God pulled on her heart, and said to stick with Shep. In Naomie’s interview, she says, Shep is a lucky man to have her. She’s an angel. God is looking out for Shep. Taylor insists Shep is really working on things, and Leva tells her to remember, in concessions, the energy Taylor spends on Shep is energy she loses for herself. In Taylor’s interview, she says, they see Shep as a hardheaded guy who’s set in his ways. She wants to prove them wrong. Leva tells her, don’t lose herself.

Craig says, Taylor really loves Shep, and Austen says he doesn’t know why. Craig asks if it’s harder to walk a straight line if there are no consequences, and Shep says he doesn’t have indiscretions. He has personality, but no morals. Patricia tells him to remember, if he’s married, he has ostensibly stay faithful to one woman for the rest of his life. Craig takes Austen to the side, and says, stuff is coming to light. Shep has a Raya profile that’s been posted to gossip websites that Taylor reads. She’s going to see it. Patricia tells Whitney to bring Austen and Craig back, and Whitney tells them to come and have dessert. The chef is making crêpes Suzette for dessert, and decides to flambé them at the table. Perig tells the group that he made a lemon sauce, using a lemon from the garden. It doesn’t work on his first try because the pan isn’t hot enough, but he reheats it, and is successful the second time around. Whitney tries to make a toast in French, and makes no sense whatsoever. Patricia says, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but they clink glasses anyway. Whitney thinks they should conclude the evening before another chair gets broken, and Craig asks Shep to talk to him and Austen on the piazza. They go outside, and Craig says, Shep’s Raya profile was posted on a gossip site, and it registered the last time the member logged on. It’s been posted everywhere, and Craig wanted to tell him before Taylor yells at him. Shep says, he and Taylor were in a bad place when he was in Bermuda. He wasn’t single, but in turmoil, so he went to Bermuda. Craig asks why they were in flux, and Shep says, it was after Taylor found the texts from another girl. We flash back to the Reunion, when Shep admitted to reuniting with an old flame by text. Craig says, Shep was in trouble for stepping out, so he stepped out more? and Shep says, he and Taylor had a serious talk, and he said he needed time. Craig tells him that he should hide his profile, or people are going to think they have a chance with him. In Craig’s interview, he says, Shep has a long history of this. He hopes Shep’s not cheating on Taylor, but it doesn’t sound like he cares. It’s on Shep now. He’s done his job. Craig tells Shep, if he’s cheating, it’s on him, and shows him the post on his phone. He says, unless Shep deactivates the profile, this is going to continue, and Shep says, nothing happened. It turns out there’s nobody in Bermuda. In Austen’s interview, he says, they can only have Shep’s back so much. He has to look out for Taylor. She’s like a little sister to him. Shep says, he appreciates their concern, and Austen says, they didn’t want him to be blindsided. Shep says his conscience is clear.

Next time, Shep invites the group on a trip to Georgia; Austen talks to Taylor; Shep wants Taylor to quit her job; and Craig becomes irate and unreasonable with Naomie.

💡 IMO, Naomie is just trying to be nice. I don’t think she has leftover feelings for Craig. Craig, on the other hand, is overreacting and being dramatic. Last I checked, Naomie and Paige were cool with each other. Like borrowing clothes cool. So I’m not sure what his problem is, or why he’s gossiping about her.

👑 🥀 Farewell To Her Majesty…

While I’m not exactly a follower of the royals, it saddened me to hear of Queen Elizabeth’s passing. She reigned my entire life, and while she didn’t reign over my country, she was still a fixture in my world. I did spend one day during the beginning of the pandemic watching a series of documentaries on her, and I couldn’t help but admire her dedication, especially when she received the crown at such a young age. She also had such a warm, beautiful, infectious smile, it was hard not to like her.

The queen is dead; long live the king.


🧍‍♀️ Refusing To Be Put In a Corner…

So again, not sure how the soap will land tomorrow, but there will be tea for sure, as well as quotes and music. Until then, stay safe, stay being your own parade, and stay always trying. How will you know if your don’t?

August 17, 2021 – The Party’s Over, In Memory Of, Ramona Makes Excuses & Anti-Social


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Sasha is getting a sonogram, and Dr. Navarro says, boy or girl? Sasha says she and Brando have decided to be surprised. She was asking about the baby the doctor just delivered. The doctor says, boy and girl; twins. She thanks them for waiting, saying, these things have a way of messing up schedules. There’s their baby. We see the sono screen.

Carly says, Jax was recording her? Is that why he was asking her why Cyrus’s ship went down? He wanted her to incriminate herself? He says he wanted her to tell the truth. She says, so he recorded her. Why? He says because he had to save their daughter from the danger Carly put her in.

At the pool (), Dante says in his professional opinion, this was a date, and Sam says, good work, detective. He wonders if it’s against the rules to date another member of their support group, and she says they just invented this two-person support group. She thinks they can make any rules they want. He says, so dating’s allowed? and she says she’s open to the proposition. He asks if she has time for another drink, and she says she thinks she could be convinced to stay for one more. He says, in that case, he’ll be right back, and goes to the bar. Sam’s phone rings, and she sees it’s unknown, but answers anyway. She says, who is this? and a voice says, Sam, can you hear me? She says, Drew? and he says he needs her help.

Jason calls Brick, and says he called a meeting with the Five Families sun dried tomatoes tonight. Vincent Novak’s nephew Joey is acting a little too confident. They need to get a better idea of where the Novaks and the other families stand… He and Carly will confirm they’re getting married, and he’s in charge, so they know there won’t be a power struggle for them to exploit. But he needs Brick to do something for him.

Josslyn and Cameron watch the fireworks, and Cameron says he wishes they could enjoy them instead of waiting for Ryan Chamberlain to attack. She says she doesn’t know what’s going on, but she doubts Ryan is prowling the grounds. He tells her not to worry, when Tony comes in and asks if they’re okay. Cameron says they’re a little shaken up, but okay otherwise. Josslyn says they were actually enjoying the fireworks, and Tony says he took a look at the boathouse; none of the boats were tampered with, and both launches are back. When the fireworks are over, the guests should be able to make it back to the mainland. Josslyn says, so it’s over, but Tony says, not yet. He’s going to arrange for one of their boats to pick them up. Josslyn says, that’s not necessary, but Cameron suggests they think about it for a second. If the party is still going on outside, and the boats are back at the dock, that means all the craziness that’s been happening is targeted toward people inside the house. Tony says, exactly, and Josslyn says, it’s Spencer’s party in Spencer’s house, so this is probably about him.

Ava sees Portia at the hospital reception desk, and says, just the doctor she was looking for. Portia asks if everything is okay, and Ava says she just wanted to see how Portia was doing. Portia says she’s doing much better, thanks to Ava. Creepy nurse watches them.

On the turret, Spencer tells Trina, admit it. Fireworks are the perfect grand finale. She wonders why he’s so calm. Ryan Chamberlain just called to tell him it ends tonight, and as if Spencer needed to be reminded, Ryan projected it on his fireplace. Why isn’t he terrified? He tells her to look at the guests down there; they have absolutely no idea what’s going on. They’re just having a good time. Trina wonders why they don’t join them; get lost in the crowd. Or is he afraid he’ll make them targets too? He says all he cares about is making sure she has a good time. She says, this is about her? and he says, when he first brought up the party, he could tell she was skeptical. All of this is just him trying to prove himself. She says he succeeded, and he says, nothing or no one is going to ruin this night for her. He promises. We see a hooded figure in a mask, holding a knife, watching them.

Carly says Jax used their relationship, her trust in him, to get her to implicate herself? He asks why he should trust her to protect their daughter. Does she think she can just build a wall between her criminal activities and Josslyn? Either she thinks he’s naïve or she’s lying to his face. She says he came into her house, their daughter’s house, and tried to entrap her. He tried to get her to incriminate herself. He says, so she admits she’s involved in criminal activity; activity that puts Josslyn in danger every single day? She asks if he wants to shine a light in her face or handcuff her to the table. How far would he take this? He says, now she’s being ridiculous, and she says, is she? What if she’d said what he wanted her to say? What would he have done with this recording? What was his plan?

Sam says, this isn’t Drew; he’s dead. Who the hell is this? He says, it’s Drew. She has to listen to him. He doesn’t have much time. They’re coming. She says, who’s coming? Where is he? She can no longer hear him, and Dante comes back with the drinks. He asks, what happened? and she says she just got a call from a man claiming he was Drew.

Brando tells Sasha, that’s their baby. He’s had friends who wave their sonogram around like it’s the Holy Grail. Now he gets it. Sasha says, that fuzzy little person is theirs, and Dr. Navarro says, the fun isn’t over yet. She has a special treat for them.

Ava says she’s glad Portia and Trina patched things up, and Portia tells her, Trina said Ava advised her to speak to her mother. She feels so embarrassed. Ava asks, why? Because she had an affair? She’d thought Portia was perfect. Portia says it looks like she’s fallen off her pedestal for sure, and Ava says, she must have been very lonely to look outside her marriage for companionship. She sympathizes with Portia. Portia says Ava is more forgiving of her than she is, and Ava says, all that matters is that Trina forgives her, right? They sit, and Portia says, for the first couple days, she wasn’t sure, but now things seem to be moving in that direction. Ava says, good. Trina has looked up to Portia her whole life. It’s scary for her to realize Portia is human too; she makes mistakes too. That some of those times it felt like she had all the answers, she was making up as she went along. Portia says Ava seems to be speaking from personal experience. Ava says, if she’s being honest, there was another reason she encouraged Trina to talk to Portia – her daughter Kiki.  

Josslyn says she’s worried about Trina. She’s off somewhere with Spencer, who’s the target. Cameron wants to go look for them, but Tony says he has to insist they stay there. Cameron says, but they’re their friends, and could be in trouble, and Josslyn says she knows it’s Tony’s job to protect her, but can’t they widen the circle a little bit, and include their friends? He says, Mr. Cassadine has his own security, and Josslyn says she knows, but he can’t call them because there’s no service. Josslyn says, they were going to the turret. She and Cameron know the way there. Can’t the three of them just go together, grab their friends, and bring them back? The doorbell rings, and Tony tells them, stay there. They listen at the door, and Tony checks his gun. He opens to the door, and finds Laura and Doc. Laura says she takes it he’s working there, and he says he is. She tells him that she’s the host’s grandmother, and she’d like to see him immediately. Cameron and Josslyn come out, and Laura says, it’s nice to know Spencer invited them, but it would have been nicer if they’d known about the party. Cameron says, about that. There’s something seriously strange going on tonight, and Laura says, something Spencer’s security can’t handle? Josslyn says, Tony is her security, and Laura says, her mistake; sorry. Tony says he’s making arrangements to get Josslyn and Cameron off the island, and Doc says, lucky for them. The rest of the partygoers are at the dock, waiting for a ferry to take him to the mainland. He’d say this party is officially over. Cameron asks if they shut the party down, but Laura says they didn’t even know there was a party until they got there. They came to see Nikolas. Josslyn says, Mr. Cassadine is in Dubai… Is he not?

Trina says, the fireworks are over, but Spencer says he hadn’t noticed. She hears something, and asks, what is that? Spencer says, probably Cameron playing a trick on him, but she says, he wouldn’t do that, especially after the night they’ve been having. Spencer looks around the corner, but doesn’t see anything. He says he’ll check to see what it is, and Trina says he’s not leaving her alone out there. She follows him inside, but he says, no one is in there. She says, maybe it was a rat, but he says, there are no rats in Windymere. She says, the house is huge and over 100 years old. Of course (🍷) there are rats. He says, fine. A rat made the sound. Let’s go outside and continue where we left off. Trina tells him to check the WiFi, but he says, it can wait. She says, no more distractions. Tonight’s been weird enough. She’s going downstairs to find Joss and Cam. He says, they want privacy, but she says she’s not buying it. The fireworks are over. She leaves, and he says, fine. He’ll check the WiFi. He looks at the device, and the masked figure grabs him from behind.

Jason says he needs Brick to check out the meeting venue for him. Make sure there’s no surprises waiting... He doesn’t know. He thinks there’s a bit of a power struggle with the Novak family. Vincent backed off when they retaliated, but Joey didn’t get the message. He approached Josslyn. Maybe it was to provoke him into having a meeting of the Five Families roasted artichokes, but this guy could set a trap for him. He doesn’t know and needs to be sure.

Sam tells Dante, she picked up the phone, even though it said unknown caller. For a second, she really thought it was Drew. He says, but it wasn’t? and she says, how could it be? The guy was yelling her name, and saying he needed help. There was a bunch of commotion and noise, and then the line went dead. He says he’ll have the techs at the PCPD put a trace on it. Maybe they can find out the origin of the call.

Carly says, when Jax got her confession of her alleged crimes, what was he going to do? Take it to the PCPD, and have her arrested, and let Josslyn relive that nightmare for a second time? Because Nelle did that; she had Carly arrested and prosecuted. He says, for something she didn’t do. Can she still say that? She says, everything she’s done, she’s done to protect her family, and he wants to put her in jail for it. He says he doesn’t want to put her in jail. He was going to play back her confession to her, and let her decide what to do. She says, how noble; thanks. He says, under the circumstances, he thinks it is pretty noble. She knows she’ll always have a special place in his heart, but Josslyn is his daughter, and his first priority. Moss bowl! 🎍 She says, he doesn’t think Josslyn is her first priority? and he says, obviously, he doesn’t. She sees this as a betrayal, but he sees it as a rescue. Saving their daughter. He was trying to save her too. If she would have incriminated herself, she would have had to make a choice between her so-called business or Josslyn. What choice would she have made?   

The masked figure holds onto Spencer, who says, please don’t hurt him. He’ll give them anything. His father has tons of money. The figure stabs Spencer, who drops to the floor. He tosses the knife aside before jetting.

Josslyn says, there’s clearly no way to stop Tony from contacting her mother, and taking her home on a Corinthos boat, and Laura asks, what exactly happened tonight? Cameron says it would be simpler to show her, and turns out the lights. They see the writing in front of the fireplace, and Laura says, oh my God. Josslyn says, before the WiFi went out, Spencer got a call from someone who claimed to be Ryan Chamberlain. Cameron says, the launches went missing too; someone must have done that on purpose. Laura asks if Doc thinks he would have gone this far, and Cameron asks who she’s talking about.  

Trina runs in to find Spencer on the floor. She goes to him, and asks, what happened? He says, a guy stabbed him, but she says, where? There’s no blood. Where is he hurt? He looks at his stomach, and says, that’s weird. There’s no blood. He looks at the knife, and says, there’s nothing on the blade. Trina says, this is crazy, and he says, what the hell is going on?

Ava says she’s taken so much of Portia’s time. She’s sure Portia needs to get back to work. Portia says she was just about to take s break. She’d love to hear about Ava’s daughter. Ava says she made so many mistakes with Kiki, and – Ava starts to cry – she died before Ava was able to make amends or be the kind of mother Kiki deserved. Portia says she’s so sorry, and Ava says, Portia and Trina is so lucky to have something so special. She thought if anything good could come out of losing Kiki, it would be for her to help other people not make same mistakes she did.

Laura asks where Spencer is, and Cameron says, he went upstairs with Trina. Doc says, let’s go, but Spencer and Trina come back. Spencer asks if they saw him; a guy in a hood and a mask. Trina says, he pretended to stab Spencer, and Spencer says, it was Ryan, Doc’s brother.

The masked figure lurks around, and takes the hood and mask off. No surprise, it’s Nikolas.

Brando says, the heartbeat is fast, and wonders if that’s normal. Dr. Navarro says, the baby is perfect, and he says, how could it not be with Sasha as a mother? Sasha says she thinks he had something to do with the baby’s perfection too.

Carly puts the phone on the kitchen island – aka home of the moss bowl. 🎍 She says she made her choice. Everything she’s done since Sonny died was for her family. Him blackmailing her with a recording doesn’t change that. He says, so there’s nothing he can do to make her see reason, and she says, he blackmailed Michael to give Nina more time with Wiley. She doesn’t know why she’s surprised he’d stoop so low with her. He says he’d do anything to protect Josslyn, no matter the cost. Jason walks in and Carly says she’s glad he’s back. Jax has been busy trying to get her to incriminate herself.  

Sam asks if Dante thinks the tech guys can figure out where the call is coming from, but he tells her not to get her hopes up. She says, it couldn’t be Drew. He was on his way to Afghanistan to give back the money Shiloh stole. Dante says he heard. Peter sabotaged Drew’s plane, and it went down in the Gulf of Adan. Sam says, by the time search and rescue got to the wreckage, the bodies were long gone. He says, they know Peter caused the crash, to keep Drew from identifying him and Shiloh from the original abduction, and she asks if he thinks it was Peter who called her. He says, the WSB doesn’t know if Peter is dead or alive, but if Peter was alive, why would he pretend to be Drew? She says she doesn’t know, but it sounded like Drew’s voice. He says, maybe Peter was using voice altering technology, but she asks why Peter would want to make her think Drew was alive? 

Portia says she wasn’t very nice to Ava when they met. Honestly, she was jealous of Ava’s relationship with Trina. She was defensive about it, but now she’s so happy that Trina has Ava in her life; that both of them do. She thinks she has to say that she may have underestimated Ava. She has a generous heart. Ava tells her to keep that between them, and Portia promises not say anything. She has to get back to work, but suggests she and Ava grab a drink and talk about something other than Trina. Ava says she looks forward to it. Ava leaves, and the creepy nurse watches and smiles.  

Laura asks if Spencer is hurt, and he says, Chamberlain used a retractable knife, but went right for his chest. He thought he was a dead man. Doc’s brother isn’t as helpless as everyone thinks. Josslyn asks if Trina is okay, and Trina says when she saw Spencer lying on the floor, she was so scared. Doc asks where the attacker is now, and Spencer says, he took off; he could be anywhere. Is that why they’re there? Did he escape? Laura says, they came because Ava told them something might happen there tonight. Trina wonders how Ava would know, and Doc says, Spencer’s father told her that he had a plan. Laura says they don’t think Ryan is behind this, but Spencer says, of course (🍷) he is. Who else could it be? The masked figure comes in, and removes his mask. It’s Nikolas.   

Ava goes to her car in the parking garage, and finds it on fire.  

Laura says she was hoping Ava was wrong, but it was Nikolas terrorizing Spencer, and all of his friends? Doc says, Nikolas used his brother to feed their fears, and Nikolas says, Spencer needed to be taught a lesson. Laura says, like this? It’s like something out of a horror film. Doc says, you have a problem with your son, you talk to him about it, and Spencer says, it was Nikolas. The call from Ryan, the writing on the fireplace, the hooded figure. Why? Laura says, it’s bad enough Nikolas wanted to teach Spencer a lesson, but what about his friends? He had no right to frighten them like that. Doc asks if he doesn’t think Trina was traumatized enough by the real stalker. He had to make it worse? Laura says she’s never been so ashamed of him in her life.

Dante tells Sam, wherever Peter is, he should still be focused on Maxie and the baby. She says, if it’s not Peter, could the call be related to Hayden Barnes, as a way of distracting her from investigating Hayden, and go off looking for Drew? He says he doesn’t know if it has anything to do with Hayden, but whoever called wanted to distract and upset her. She says, and they’re using Scout’s father to do it.   

Jax asks if Carly thinks he wanted to take it this far. Doesn’t she think he went through a hundred different scenarios in his head to try to get her away from Sonny’s business, and keep their daughter safe? She says, even if she had walked away from the business, it woudn’t have walked away from her. It’s already too late. He says, that’s the biggest lie. They both know Jason would do anything for her. If she asked him to take over the business, and leave her out of it, that’s what he would have done. The fact that Jason is still there tells him that she doesn’t want him to; she’s happy the way things are. She says, they’re done. Jax crossed a line. So whatever bond she thought they had has been broken – by him, and only him. He says she still doesn’t understand; this isn’t about them. He leaves, and Carly tells Jason that Jax betrayed her. He used her trust, and tried to bait her into incriminating herself. Jason asks if she said anything that could get her in trouble, and she says she doesn’t think so. He says, they need to be sure.

Tony tells Josslyn, sorry to interrupt, but they should have a boat to get her out of there soon. She says, great. She’s definitely ready to get out of there. She asks if Tony could somehow contact her mom, so she doesn’t freak out when she finds out he sent for a special boat for her. Tony tells her to come out when she’s ready; he’ll be outside. Cameron thinks they should go now, and asks Trina if she’s coming. Trina looks at Spencer, and says, not yet, and Josslyn hugs her. Laura hugs Cameron, and says she’s so sorry. Cameron and Josslyn leave, and Spencer asks if Nikolas shut down the WiFi earlier. Nikolas says he didn’t want Spencer calling for help, and Doc says, pretty extreme lesson for his son, doesn’t he think? Trina asks, what happened to Costas? and Nikolas says he told Costas to disappear for a while. He also made the launches unavailable. Laura asks why he would go to such lengths to terrorize his own son, and Nikolas says he wanted Spencer to feel as frightened as Ava did when Spencer stalked her. 

Firemen use fire extinguishers on Ava’s car, and one of them asks if it’s hers. She says, yeah. She called it in. She thanks him for coming quickly, and asks if he has any idea how it started. Was there a short or something? He says, it wasn’t electrical. They found a gas can under the chassis. She says, so someone deliberately set fire to her car, and wanted her to know it was done on purpose? He says, they found this nearby, and hands her a hospital ID. She faints into his arms.

Dante tells Sam that they couldn’t ID the call, and she wonders why someone would do this; call her and pretend to be Drew. He asks if anyone has a reason to gaslight her, and she says, not that she knows of. Maybe in her past, but… The voice, it felt so real. It felt like she was actually talking to Drew. It couldn’t be… except… He says, except what? She’s not telling him that she believes it’s Drew.  

On the phone, Jason asks if Spinelli is sure it was deleted… Wipe the whole phone… He doesn’t care; Jax can buy a new one. Just do it… Thank you. He tells Carly, okay, it’s done. No one will ever hear the recording. She says, the number of people she can trust just got smaller. He says, it sucks; he’s sorry. She tells him, don’t apologize. He didn’t do anything. Jax did. He asks if she’ll be okay for the meeting tonight, and she says, it’s not like she has a choice. She’ll be fine. Good thing Jason will be there. It was difficult last time. He says, Brando told him that she owned the meeting, and she says she was nervous, but she did own the meeting. Tony calls, and she says, what’s wrong?

Spencer laughs, and asks if Nikolas is accusing him of stalking Ava again. They already discussed it, and Nikolas said he believed Spencer. Nikolas says he has proof this time, and Doc says he was with Ava when she got the phony hand. Trina says she was drenched in fake blood. There’s no way that could be Spencer. Spencer says, maybe they shouldn’t be so quick to defend him.

Portia gives Ava some water, and Ava says, she’d prefer vodka. Portia says she’s still cracking jokes, so she might be okay, but she can examine Ava to be on the safe side. Ava says she’s just a little shaken. It’s not every day someone sets your car on fire. Portia asks if she has any idea who could do something this awful, and Ava says, her stalker. 

Outside Windymere, Tony tells Josslyn that her mom is coming. Josslyn says, they’ll wait there. She doesn’t want her mom to be any part of whatever is going on in there. Cameron says, you and me both.

Spencer says, before Nikolas jumps to conclusions, he’s confessing to one transgression, and one transgression only. He threw a party at Windymere when he thought his father was in Dubai, not lurking around Windymere, scaring the hell out of his friends and him. Trina says, Nikolas pretended to stab Spencer, and Spencer says, who the hell does that? Nikolas says Spencer sent Ava’s daughter a teddy bear that spoke with Ryan’s voice. Who does that? Trina says, Spencer doesn’t like Ava. He doesn’t want her with his father; he’s made no secret about. Oh my God. Would he really go that far? Setting up the sprinklers in the gallery to spray fake blood? Nikolas tells Spencer to own up to what he did. Be the man Nikolas knows he can be. Be the son his mother would want him to be. Make her proud. Nikolas’s phone rings, and he says, Ava? She says, there’s been another incident. Her car was set on fire. He asks if she’s hurt, and she says, no; she’s okay. Is Spencer with him? Nikolas says, yeah. He’s looking right at him. She says, well, this happened at the hospital, and he says, then it couldn’t have been Spencer. Because Spencer isn’t possibly smart enough to maybe have worked that out to throw them off.

In the hallway, Brando stares at the sono picture, mesmerized, and Dr. Navarro asks if Sasha still suffers from morning sickness. Sasha says, no, she’s been feeling better, and the doctor says she’ll see Sasha at her next appointment. She tells Brando, congratulations, dad, and says it was nice to meet him. He says, her too, and thanks her for everything. She leaves, and he thanks Sasha for letting him be a part of this. Who knew a doctor’s appointment could be so fun? Sasha says, every check-up gets her closer to meeting this little person, whoever they turn out to be. He says, whoever they turn out to be, they’re already lucky to have her as a mom. She says, and him as a dad, and they look at the picture together.

Carly tells Jason that Tony said something weird is going on at Windymere. He said Josslyn’s fine, but he doesn’t trust the launch, so he sent one of their boats. She needs to go to Josslyn, but she’s supposed to be at the meeting. He says, don’t worry about it, and she asks if he’s sure. He says he’ll take care of it. Josslyn is more important. Carly says, she is, and starts to babble. Jason says, forget Jax. Don’t let it get to her. Just take care of Josslyn. She tells him to take care of himself tonight, and be careful. She needs him. She leaves the home of the hallowed moss bowl.🎍

Cameron asks if Josslyn thinks it was Spencer’s father the whole time, but she says she doesn’t know, and doesn’t even think she wants to know. Spencer can be over-the-top sometimes, but for his own father to do that to him? He stabbed Spencer, and made him think he was going to die. Tony tells her that her mother will be there soon.

Trina asks if Ava is okay; what happened? Nikolas says, someone set fire to Ava’s car, and Trina says, no. Nikolas says, Ava is shaken up, but Dr. Robinson is looking after her. Doc asks where this happened, and Nikolas says, at the hospital. Doc says, far from here; far from Spencer. Laura says, so Spencer is innocent. She wishes she could say the same about Nikolas.  

Portia says she’ll wait with Ava until the police get there. Is she sure she’s okay? Ava says, not really, and Portia says, who is this stalker? Ava says she doesn’t know. Someone emulating Ryan; a copycat or someone doing his bidding. Whoever it is had just upped the stakes. Portia says, how so? and Ava says, the firemen found this next to her car. She shows Portia the ID, which belonged to Kiki. Portia says how would the stalker get that? Where was it even last seen? Ava says, it was with Kiki. She buried the badge with her daughter because working there meant so much to her. Creepy nurse walks by, and smiles.

Sam tells Dante, Drew’s body was never recovered. She has to at least consider the possibility that it was his voice. He says, so she’s considering the unthinkable? and she says, yeah. Maybe Drew didn’t die in that plane crash after all.

A man is tossed into a primitive cell; just a cot, paint peeling off the walls. The guard says, wrong choice using the phone. It won’t happen again. He says, this is the last place you’ll ever see, Drew Cain. We see Cameron Mathieson looking all scruffy.   

The text says, In Memory of Jay Pickett.  

Tomorrow, Laura tells Nikolas that he’s going to end up on the same path his father did, Obrecht meets with Jax, and Jason says the meeting will continue or repercussions will follow.

🎭 Doing What He Loved…

In case you hadn’t read about Jay Pickett.

The Real Housewives of New York City

Still at Black Shabbat, we revisited Leah telling Ramona, it’s not about white people right now. Eboni told Leah that she regretted even doing this. Ramona said she was hangry, and haunted the kitchen, kvetching to the staff that she didn’t eat, had been running all day, and needed food. In Ramona’s interview, she said when no food went into her mouth, her foot went in. Leah told Eboni that she thought Ramona had a low IQ,, and in Eboni’s interview, she said Archie had opened her beautiful home, and given them beautiful food and drinks. Shut up and enjoy it. LuAnn found Ramona, who whined they had another hour to go. LuAnn came back to the table, saying it was shocking and embarrassing. Archie said it was supposed to be about the human values we all have, and gave a toast. In Ramona’s interview, she said Sonja had been drinking since they were on the bus, and had no food. It wasn’t going to be pretty. Unlike the mess she’d just made. But Ramona’s prophecy was correct, since it wasn’t long before Sonja started screeching about finding a purpose, tossing her napkin around, and jumping out of her chair. LuAnn hugged her to shut her up, and Sonja said Ramona wasn’t doing the hard work or heavy lifting. Ramona needed to get real and feel people’s pain. Like she was telling us something we didn’t know. Eboni told Ramona, it was time out on white people, and Ramona said she was both, pointing out that she was wearing a zebra print. Linara tried to tell a story about a turning point in her life, and how medical care was different for a pregnant Black woman. She talked about how the medical staff assumed she was addicted to drugs when she was in pain, and refused to give her medication. The pain ended up inducing labor, when it could have been avoided. This prompted Ramona to bitch about a Black nurse not believing she was in pain when she was in labor. It is pretty amazing how badly Ramona fails at reading a room, or even letting anyone else have a moment. In LuAnn’s interview, she said it was like a runaway train. If you jumped out the window, you were doomed, but you were doomed if you stayed on. Eboni said Ramona didn’t realize her questioning felt adversarial, and in her interview, she said, God help her, she believed in Ramona. Ramona wailed that she was tired, and it had been four hours. Eboni said she wasn’t holding anyone hostage, told Ramona to go home, and apologized to Archie. In her interview, Eboni wondered if Ramona really wanted to leave, was undermining the evening, or was just too selfish to appreciate it. I vote for D) All of the above. In Ramona’s interview, she complained that his was longer than a wedding. Not being able to leave without focusing some more on herself, Ramona said one thing she would change about herself was to be less unfiltered. She wanted to be honest, and said she didn’t take in what others were saying before she jumped on what she was thinking. Eboni told her friends that the women said Ramona was better than she had been, and in LuAnn’s interview, she said Ramona had come a long way. She thought Ramona had exhausted the bad behavior. We flashed back to Ramona screeching about Simon attending a ladies night, berating Bethenny about having no one in her life, hassling a limo driver, screaming take a Xanax! at Aviva, and other random obnoxious behavior. LuAnn couldn’t believe Ramona still had it in her. Sonja and Ramona hugged it out, and Archie just laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. She seems like a pretty cool chick.

LuAnn visited Ramona, and in her interview, said that she thought Ramona had no clue that she was over-the-top rude. She told Ramona it had been quite the night, to which Ramona responded by going on and on about how drunk and nuts Sonja was, and that she thought Sonja was projecting. She said it felt like Sonja was on a train that was going to crash, and she had no regard for people’s feelings or property. In LuAnn’s interview, she said it was typical of Ramona to keep the focus on someone else. LuAnn said Ramona had been rude, and Ramona said she’d been starving. LuAnn said, there were plenty of appetizers, but Ramona said she was still starving. LuAnn said she didn’t need to scarf down a whole meal in the kitchen, and Ramona said she’d had too much to drink. LuAnn knew how it was. LuAnn told Ramona not to throw that at her, and Ramona said she’d apologized to Eboni first thing the next morning. In her interview, LuAnn said it was one excuse after another; too much to drink, she needs food, she needs to pee. In the meantime, Eboni visited with Sonja at the townhouse, while Marley periodically stole cold cuts from the charcuterie board on the coffee table.  In Eboni’s interview,  she said she was proud that Sonja standing up for herself had been successful, but they needed to find the sweet spot that included social graces. She asked if Sonja remembered peeing in Archie’s driveway, and we flashed back to Sonja taking a leak in other unconventional places like the cornfield.

LuAnn met Eboni at the Alpine Lodge restaurant, and brought Leah along on the phone. In Leah’s interview, she said she thought it would be nice to be isolated for two weeks, but she was having FOMO, and missed the ladies. Ramona joined them, and in LuAnn’s interview, she said it was typical Ramona. After she burns down the house, let’s be nice. In other words, completely ignoring what an ass she’d been at Black Shabbat. Ramona started talking about Sonja’s drinking, and in her interview, Leah said the last thing she wanted to hear was Ramona gaslighting Sonja. Some women from Fortune Society also showed up, and told stories about going to prison. Of course, Ramona interrupted a thousand times, and in her interview, LuAnn wondered where the radar was that Ramona wasn’t born with that says, do not speak now. Ramona managed to turn it into a conversation about Sonja, and the women told her that you could be there for a friend, but they were the one who had to go through their own process. Like Ramona is going to take advice about anything.

Rob brought Kier back to Leah’s place, and she was glad to see them both. She and Rob discussed schools for Leah, and Rob thought they were expensive for high school. Leah said she wasn’t thrilled with some of the elitist viewpoints, but they had to think of the good education Kier would be getting. In Leah’s interview, she said she wasn’t on any boards, and there was no hospital wing named after her. Clearly, she was in over her head. Eboni was a bundle of nerves, waiting for Linda to come with news of a DNA trace. Linda told her that she had three candidates who were all brothers, but thought there was one in particular, who was closest in age to Eboni’s mother, that was probably Eboni’s father. He was still alive, married, with two kids. Eboni got all emotional, and in her interview, she said, it was a lot, but it was extremely wonderful, and the best case. She looked at the picture of most likely brother, and said she was basking in the truth that she had a dad.

Next time, LuAnn says Sonja is getting totally wasted in the daytime, and the women play Pin the Tail on Harry. 

🌆 Closed For the Night…

See you tomorrow for more soap and Wives. What will Erika deny next? Will she finally discover waterproof mascara? Until then, stay safe, stay floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, and stay talking about it if you have a problem with someone. Don’t lurk about the halls in a hood and mask.

June 10, 2021 – Carly Does Martin a Favor, Beverly Hills Goes Boating, A Different Take & Standing


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Chase asks if Michael is ready for softball season, and Michael asks if he means when Aurora shuts out the PCPD in the open. Chase says Michael is very wrong. When he takes the mound and throws his famous slider, Michael will be embarrassed to call himself a player. Finn suggests they not get ahead of themselves. Chase will be recovering for a while. Chase says Finn doesn’t want him to leave. He feels fine. He already feels the antidote working. His nose starts to bleed, and he asks if this is a side effect Finn didn’t tell him about. He suddenly has a seizure, and Elizabeth rushes everyone out and closes the door. They all watch through the window.

Brando is pushing Gladys in a wheelchair, and she says if she’d known he was going to take such good care of he, she would have gotten shot sooner. Brando tells her, be honest. She loves the attention she’s getting from the media. Heroic woman survives shootout; names real killer of Franco Baldwin. She says don’t forget, she also confirmed Cyrus coerced her into making a false statement. Brando says he knows, claiming Jason disposed of the murder weapon. He thinks at this point the entire world knows, but there is an upside. She says, all those lovely gift baskets from the media outlets who want to interview her. He tells her, he was going to say, now that they’re both free of Cyrus, they can finally think about the future. Sasha approaches them, and says she took a chance they’d be there.

Laura is in the chapel, when Martin comes in. He says, forgive him. He’d hoped to catch her at the Board meeting, but one of the nurses told him that she was headed in this direction. She says if he’s curious what the Board decided to do about Cyrus, they’ll make an official statement tomorrow. He says, considering his brother is under arrest for a veritable laundry list of offenses, he assumes Cyrus will be replaced as Chairman of the Board. What’s amazing to him is, he almost feels sorry for Cyrus. Cyrus always had big dreams. She says, built on lies and extortion, and he says, Cyrus actually thought he could take the place of Sonny Corinthos. She says, interesting how Sonny prevailed, even in death.

At the Tan-O, Lenny and Phyllis walk in. Lenny says, business is picking up, and Phyllis tells Sonny, they ran into the Chief of Police at the market, and crime is down. Sonny says, now that Elijah was arrested, Nixon Falls is back to normal. Phyllis asks if Nina is coming by for a drink later, but Sonny says, she got a call from her grandson’s father, and he’s going to let Nina be part of the child’s life. Phyllis says, wonderful. She can’t wait to hug Nina. Sonny says, the hug will have to wait. She’s on her way back to Port Charles right now.

Handcuffed to a hospital bed, Cyrus asks where his lawyer is. He has the right to see him. Carly walks in, and he says, Mrs. Corinthos. You went to  law school when I wasn’t looking? The guard closes the door, and Carly says she didn’t go law school. If she did, she certainly wouldn’t represent him. He says then she can’t be there, and she says, yet here she is. And there he is, arrested and handcuffed to the bed. Sure is funny how things work out.

Cyrus asks Carly, how much did she pay the cop to let her in? but she says she doesn’t have to pay for favors. He says, the Corinthos name commands so much respect, and she says, too bad he didn’t realize that months ago. He could have saved himself a lot of time and trouble. Maybe even avoided his present circumstances. He says, a temporary setback, and she says, Peter is on the run, and he’s not showing up to rescue Cyrus. Cyrus asks why he’d care about the publisher of The Invader. Has he done something Cyrus should know about? She says, like kidnap Gladys, and take her to a warehouse, where Cyrus ordered her son to kill her? Cyrus laughs, and tells Carly, keep thinking that while he’s temporarily in Pentenville, building his network of associates. His lawyers are working to have the charges thrown out. Carly says his lawyers are going to have bad news for him. He’s not going to Pentenville, but he’ll wish he was.

Sonny tells Phyllis and Lenny, Nina said she was going to come back, but he doesn’t know. Once she gets to Port Charles, and sees her grandson, she might change her mind. Phyllis tells him, don’t be a pessimist. Nina loves it there, and she has the article about Nixon Falls to finish, He asks what Phyllis thinks she’ll want more, to finish the article or spending time with her grandson? Phyllis says she got the idea there was more tying Nina to Nixon falls than the article. After what happened with Eli, Nina and Sonny are closer than ever. Sonny says they had a good talk, and Phyllis says, and…? He says, she got a call from her grandson’s father and left. Phyllis says, so that’s it? They said goodbye, no regrets? He says, actually, he gave Nina some of his special sauce so she wouldn’t forget him. Lenny says, he left Nina with tomato sauce? Get on the next flight to Port Charles and surprise Nina.

Brando steps away with Sasha, and asks if she’s okay, and she says, all good. She just had a check-up, and the baby is fine. He says, that’s great news. Of course (🍷) he’s glad to see her, but he thought she was transferring her care to Mercy. She says, that was before Cyrus was arrested. She doesn’t feel like she’s got to look over her shoulder every time she stops into GH. She tells Gladys it’s good to see her, and Gladys says she’s told she’s making a good recovery… thanks to her son’s love and care. He laughs, and she tells him, don’t be modest. He saved her life. She would have died for sure without him. Sasha says she doesn’t see him doing any less, but she owes a debt to Gladys. She was the one responsible for Cyrus’s arrest, and freed her and Brando to figure out their future.

Laura tells Martin, it’s been a very long day. She wants to go home to her husband. He says, of course (🍷). He’s sorry  for Cyrus. He’s been saying that his whole life. He’s relieved and grateful that she’s emerged from her hostage ordeal, and has a family to return home to. Laura says, not all of her family; not her daughter. He says he’s sure Laura suffers her absence every single day. He knows what that’s like. She asks if he wants something, and he says, fair play. Cyrus refuses to tell him where he’s hidden their mother. He knows it’s a big ask, but perhaps she could visit her brother and ask where he’s keeping her. She asks what makes him think Cyrus would tell her? and he says, unlike him, she has something to bargain with – his sister’s love.

Elizabeth says Chase’s blood pressure is dropping, and Finn yells for an IV push. Elizabeth puts something in the IV. Outside, Gregory arrives, and asks Jackie if there’s been any change, but she tells him, no. Michael tells Willow that Finn and Elizabeth are the best. If anyone can get the seizures under control, they can. She says she doesn’t understand why Chase had a seizure in the first place. Finn was convinced he had a cure. Finn comes out.

Finn says, Chase’s seizure has stopped, and his breathing and blood pressure are stable. Gregory asks, how long will he remain stable? and Finn says, it could be a couple of hours, maybe longer. It’s hard to know for sure. Jackie says she doesn’t understand. She thought he found a cure; what happened? Finn says, he believed combining her DNA with his would work. A Trojan horse to trick his body into accepting it. It should have worked. Willow asks, what about the short term treatment? and he says, unfortunately, it’s not available. He sent Chase’s bloodwork to the lab. They’re good and fast, and maybe they’ll find something he missed. Gregory says, so there’s reason to hope? and Finn says, there’s hope. Jackie says she has to see her son, and goes in. Willow tells Michael, she really thought it was almost over, and Chase would be okay. He says, there’s still a chance, and she says she has to keep believing. She won’t give up, and neither will Chase.

Laura says Martin overestimates her influence on Cyrus. She tried to talk him down when he was holding her as a hostage. She couldn’t get anywhere, and believes if it had gone on any longer, Cyrus would have killed her. Martin says, he would have killed anyone else a lot sooner. The only one who has any influence over Cyrus besides Laura is his mother. She’s his motivation for everything; for wanting to succeed, trying to be the king of the world. Laura understands that. She was able to engage with him, and keep him talking long enough to avoid tragedy. Just maybe, she can get him talking again, and they can avoid another. She says she knows she can get Cyrus to listen to her, but she doesn’t believe for a minute he’ll tell her where their mother is. He says, all right then; he’ll leave her to it. Reflection and her husband. Safe home. She tells him, wait. What’s the worst Cyrus can do? Say no? He says, God bless her for trying.

Gladys says she’s always happy to help, but she’s tired. Can Brando take her back to her room? Sasha says she needs to pick up some pre-natal vitamins downstairs, and Brando says he’ll go with her, if she doesn’t mind waiting while he wheels his mother back to her room. She says she doesn’t, and says, Ms. Corbin, it’s nice to see you again. Gladys tells Sasha to call her Gladys, now that Sasha and her son share a child. She’s sure a staff person can get her back, and tells Brando to go with Sasha. He says he’s not going to let her fend for herself, and asks a passing orderly to take Gladys back. He tells her not to eat all the chocolate out of the gift baskets.   

Carly asks if Cyrus remembers the boat that blew up. There were class A drugs found floating in the water; all surviving the explosion. He asks what that has to do with him, and she says, the DEA traced the boat back to one of his shell corporations. Not only is drug enforcement sniffing around his businesses, so are the Feds. He says, let him guess. The DA is ceding jurisdiction to the Feds, and she says, he’ll be facing Federal racketeering charges, in addition to multiple counts of kidnapping and attempted murder, etc., etc. Pentenville will feel like a spa compared to the maximum security prison they’re going to send him to. She starts to leave, and he says, perhaps she’ll be joining him there, since he intends to tell law enforcement that her family was sheltering an illegal immigrant from Turkey, giving him false identification as Sonny’s cousin and an American citizen. And she made Josslyn an accomplice. She tells him, don’t dare mention her daughter’s name, and he wonders if they have mother/daughter prison cells. He’ll mention her name and Josslyn’s, and of course (🍷) Dev’s, or she can capitalize on all the respect the Corinthos name commands and intervene for him for the US Attorney.

Sonny says, he was thinking of going with Nina, but he’d just get in the way, and Lenny tells him, suit himself. Lenny takes out his phone, and says, just a reminder of what he’s missing. He sends Sonny a picture of him and Nina, and Phyllis says she doesn’t think they’ve seen the last of Nina. She’ll get her fill of pattycake and choo-choo trains, and think about Nixon Falls and everything and everyone she misses. Suddenly, Lenny keels over.   

Phyllis asks if Lenny can hear her. She checks him out, and asks if he hurt himself when he fell. He says he doesn’t think so, and she and Sonny get him up. Sonny says he’s calling 9-1-1, but Lenny says, over his dead body. He just got a little dizzy. Phyllis says, maybe he’s dehydrated, and asks Sonny to get him some water. She’s getting the blood pressure monitor. Lenny says he’s fine, but she says, it’s either that or the clinic; his choice. Sonny gives Lenny a bottle of water, and says, tell him what’s going on. Lenny tells him, he said he was fine, and Sonny says he knows what Lenny told him, and what he didn’t tell Phyllis. How bad is it?

Carly says she should have realized Cyrus would stoop this low. And she did. When she brokered the deal with the Feds to grant Gladys immunity, she also got immunity for her family. He says she’s bluffing, but she says, Diane has the agreement on file. The US Attorney agreed not to investigate Dev’s legal status and ID, so Cyrus’s threats are as empty as he is. Have a nice time on the inside. He says he and his attorneys will figure a way out of this, but she won’t find it so east to fill Sonny’s shoes. She says, no one can, and no one ever will. He says, not even her? and she says she knows better than to even try. He says so she’ll be running Sonny’s territory her way, and she says she has many resources, starting with Jason. She has to say, it was smart of him to team with Peter, and frame Jason for Franco’s murder. Although it had no chance of succeeding long term; he had to know that. He doubts Gladys would have made a convincing witness, which was why he was hopeful Jason would never make it to trial. She says because he wanted Jason dead in Pentenville, and when that didn’t work, he tried to kill Jason at GH and failed. Jason is free, and he’s competent, and Sonny’s territory is secure, and it’s going to stay that way. He says, under other circumstances, he’d tell her to watch her back. It would be a cakewalk for Jason to eliminate her, and take Sonny’s businesses for himself. She says that just shows how much he doesn’t know about her and Jason. He says, either Jason devoid of ambition, or completely in her thrall. Either way, it puts her in the driver’s seat. He senses she enjoys the power, but be careful what she wishes for. The deeper you wade into this business, the harder it is to get out.

Sasha says she had a real wake-up call when she saw this, and shows Brando the ultrasound. She says, meet your son or daughter, and he says, he made this? She tells him not to be so greedy; it takes two to tango. He says he’ll never forget that particular tango, and she says, now that Cyrus no longer has a hold on them, what’s next? He says now they have time to figure out a lot of things, including this. He holds up the sono picture.   

Laura tells Martin it’s better if she talks to Cyrus alone. She sees Carly coming out of Cyrus’s room, and says she’d like a word with Mr. Renault. Carly asks if she doesn’t mean the prisoner, and Laura says, actually, she means her brother. She goes in, and Cyrus says he’s glad she doesn’t hold a grudge. She tells him, who says she doesn’t?

Carly asks Martin if there’s any reason Laura would want to visit Cyrus after he held her hostage. He say she’s doing it for him; more precisely for his mother. Thankfully, Jason is free, but his mother is still in captivity. Even though it’s gilded, it’s still a cage. Carly says, the dynamics have changed. She may be able to help him get his mother back.

Jackie and Gregory stand by Chase’s bed. Jackie says, he looks so peaceful; you’d never know. Gregory strokes Chase’s hair.   

Michael gets something from the vending machine for Willow, and she asks if everything is okay. He says he was going to tell her earlier, but Nina is on her way back to Port Charles to visit Wiley. Willow says they agreed to give her another chance, but she thought he’d let her know. He says, Jax insisted that he call Nina tonight and extend the invitation, and she says she knows he’s been advocating for Nina, and of course (🍷) he’s Josslyn’s dad and part of the family, but isn’t he overstepping? Michael says, Jax blackmailed him, and she says, what? He says, Jax saw them together that night in the gatehouse. She says, together together? and he tells her, Jax said Chase doesn’t need to know if he agreed to let Nina back into Wiley’s life. She says, she’s so sorry. If things had been different, Jax wouldn’t have had a chance to make good on his threat. He asks, what things? and she says she almost told Chase.

Finn looks at some journals and in his microscope. Elizabeth looks at him through the window, and comes into his office. She says, nothing? He says he checked the formula a thousand times. In theory he thought he’d done it right; it was perfect. In practice, it failed. He didn’t fail just any patient; he failed his son. If that wasn’t bad enough, he killed the one person who had the antidote. He swipes the papers off his desk, and walks to the door. She asks where he’s going, and he says he’s turning himself in to the police.

Laura tells Cyrus, she’s there to speak for someone who can’t speak for herself. Someone he claims to care about more than any other. He says, tell Marty not to worry; their mother is getting the best of care. She deserves nothing less. Laura says, she deserves to be able to see Martin. She could be living in the lap of luxury, but it wouldn’t matter if she couldn’t see her own son. He says, ah, yes. The golden child who could do no wrong, unlike him. She asks him to put aside his anger for a moment, and think only of his mother. Who’s going to take care of her when he’s in prison? The people he hired are going to abandon her, and him, when they stop getting paid. If he’s the only one who knows where she is, she’s likely to be alone, and suffer, or worse. He says he won’t let that happen, if she can use her influence as mayor to get his sentence reduced. She laughs.

Brando tells Sasha, it’s okay. Cyrus isn’t lurking around. He’s three floors down, guarded 24/7, a prisoner in his own hospital. She says she thinks it’s going to take her a while to get used to the fact that he’s no longer part of their lives. He says he gets it. He got so used to being under Cyrus’s thumb, ignoring what he cares about, not showing weaknesses. It’s going to take him a minute to relearn how to live. She says they talked about dating, like going to a movie, going out to dinner. He says, catching a baseball game, and she says, it all sounds so normal. She’s not even sure she can do normal anymore, and he says, if it makes her feel any better, making a baby before you even go on a first date isn’t really normal. She guesses they never did anything in the correct order, and asks if that makes them messed up. He says he doesn’t think so. They did something exactly right. They look at the sono picture and smile at each other. Gladys opens the door to her room a crack, and sees them hug. She doesn’t look happy.

Sonny says whatever Lenny tells him, he won’t repeat to Phyllis, but she already told him that Lenny went to a clinic. Three weeks ago. Lenny says, he was having chest pains. He told Phyllis it was heartburn, but she knows he has a bad ticker, and insisted his doctor check him out. The doctor showed him a picture of his heart, and it’s not pretty. Sonny says, Phyllis doesn’t know? Lenny shakes his head, and Sonny says, she has to know. They’ll have to make decisions… Lenny says, Phyllis isn’t going to know, and Mike/Sonny is going to keep his mouth shut. It’s his life, and his decision. Sonny says, Phyllis is a nurse; she can handle it. Lenny isn’t worried about Phyllis, and Sonny knows what he’s worried about. He’s scared. Lenny says, he’s talking to a Marine. Marines aren’t scared of anything. Sonny says, except your feelings. Does Lenny think it was easy to tell Nina how much he cared about her? The don’t even know each other, but Lenny and Phyllis have been together for a lifetime. She’s got a right to know. She won’t love him any less. Phyllis comes out with the blood pressure monitor and says, let’s do this.

Willow tells Michael that Chase had his room fixed up to look like Nantucket. His family has a house there, and they’d made plans to visit a long time ago. Chase was so sweet. He wanted to do something nice for her, and she realized the longer this goes on, the worse Chase is going to be hurt. She couldn’t lie to him anymore. But before she could tell him, Finn rushed in saying he’d discovered the cure. Michael says, a cure that doesn’t work, and Willow says, she thinks now is a bad time to tell him. It has to wait until he’s better, and he has to hear the truth from her, not Jax. Carly comes by, and asks, what about Jax? (One of those true soap moments.)

Elizabeth says Finn is making a mistake, and he says, it won’t be the first time. She says, if he decides to go to the police, tell them whatever he wants, but not when Chase’s life depends on him. He asks if she heard what he said. He took his best shot, and failed. Maybe his theory was flawed, or maybe it’s karma, payback for pushing Peter down a flight of stairs. Elizabeth says, he’s a scientist; he knows better. He says science hasn’t been very good to him, and she says, science saved him from Blackwood’s, and it will save Chase. He has no right to lose faith. Not now. Not ever. Finn’s phone dings, and he says, the lab results are in.

Phyllis asks what she missed, and Sonny says, ask Lenny. He’s sticking to bartending. She looks at the results, and Lenny says, not good? She says she thinks he knows that already. After all these years, if he doesn’t talk to her, she doesn’t know what they have. Certainly not a marriage. He says he loves her, and she has no idea how scared he is of losing her.

Carly asks why they were talking about Jax, and Michael says, Nina is on her way back in Port Charles to see Wiley. Carly asks if it’s permanent, and he says they’re going to talk about boundaries first, and he’s going to make it clear that she can’t mention Nelle. Willow says, assuming Nina can abide by the rules, they thought it would be good for Wiley to have both his grandmas doting over him. Carly asks what that has to do with Jax.

Laura says Cyrus just can’t help himself. He loves to manipulate people. He can’t wait to exploit those vulnerabilities. She hates to disappoint him, but she has no influence she can use on his behalf. He says, and even if she did, she’d never help him, and she says, he didn’t ask her for help. He tried to extort it from her. Her phone rings, and she laughs, and says, Martin. Martin asks if she’s gotten anywhere with their brother, and she says, what does he think? Martin asks if she’d mind putting Cyrus on. There’s someone there who’d like to speak with him. She hands Cyrus the phone, and says, it’s for you. Cyrus says, Martin, there’s nothing you can say that will make me change… Mother?

Brando and Sasha go to Gladys’s room, and she asks if Sasha got what she needed. Sasha says she did. She approaches Gladys bed, handing her the sono picture, and says, she and Brando thought Gladys would like to see this. Gladys looks at it, and says, my grandchild. Brando says they can’t tell if it’s a boy or girl yet, but Gladys says, it doesn’t matter. She sees a family resemblance. Brando says, she can’t tell anything from that, but she says he’s wrong. This little person is going to need all the love they can get. They’re going to need her as much as he does.

Michael tells Carly, Jax made the request. He still cares for Nina, and he’s convinced that it would be good for both Nina and Wiley to be in contact. Carly asks what Michael thinks. Jax is extremely biased. Do they think it would be good for Wiley? Willow and Michael suddenly jet. Carly sighs because the attention isn’t on her anymore.

Finn has come out, and Gregory asks if he figured out what went wrong, but Finn says, not yet. Jackie asks if the lab results are in, and Finn says, the toxin is still in Chase’s system. For reasons he can’t explain, it’s making the symptoms more intense. Willow says, there must be something he can do, and Elizabeth says, Finn just needs more time. Finn says he needs to check on Chase.

Sonny watches Phyllis and Lenny through the window. Lenny says he didn’t want to worry Phyllis, and they hug. Sonny looks at the photo of him and Nina on his phone.  

Carly tells Willow and Michael, how awful for Chase’s family. She wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy. (I’m not so sure about that.) Michael says, no one should have to go through what they’re going through, and they hug. Carly says she has to go, and tells Michael, he has no idea how much she loves him. He says he loves her too, and not to worry about Nina. He won’t let her pull another stunt like she did last time. She says she’s not worried, says goodbye to Willow, and leaves.

Gladys thanks Sasha for sharing the picture, and Sasha thanks Gladys for sharing her son with her. She says she should go, and Brando says he’ll call her later. She leaves, and Brando says, so, grandma… He’ll frame a copy of the ultrasound for her to take to Bridgeport. She says she’s been meaning to talk to him about that. There’s nothing for her back there. There’s so much more here, which is why she’s moving in with him until they find a larger place, and she can take care of him and her grandchild.

On the phone, Cyrus says, no. That’s not true. He wants what’s best… Mother? Are you there? He gives the phone back to Laura, and she says, Martin found their mother, and will take charge of her care. He says, with Carly’s help, he’s sure, and she says, kind of poetic, isn’t it? Carly is going to return his mother to the brother who will care for her. He says, she’s defending Carly, and she says she understands Carly. Carly wants to do anything she can to stop him from hurting anyone else. He says he doesn’t want another lecture. Please just go. He needs to call his lawyer. She says, before he does, she’d like him to reflect, even if it’s just for a moment. With his intelligence and determination, he could have built roads, fed the poor. He could have done so much good in the world, they would have built a statue to honor him. Instead, he chose to be selfish and cruel, and it’s left him alone and feeling unloved. He has no one to blame but himself. He says, if that’s true, the next time they meet, he has nothing to lose. She says, if there is a next time, she’ll be ready, and leaves.

Finn sits next to Chase’s bed, and says, why didn’t it work? He looks up, and says, where did he go wrong? Chase opens his eyes, and asks how long he’s been out. Finn says, a while. He was in the lab. Chase says, and?… Finn is out of tricks? He’s going to die, isn’t he? Finn takes Chase’s hand.

Tomorrow, Michael tells Willow, what happens next depends on Nina; Finn says he gave it his best shot; and Carly says, Jax not only knows, but he’s counting on it.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

As usual, Erika came to breakfast in dark glasses. Indoors. Garcelle said she though Sutton was going through a lot, but Erika said she couldn’t be taking it out on other people. In LisaR’s interview, she says she thought Sutton was harmless. She let her emotions take over, but there was something underlying that she wasn’t dealing with. It was making her have these moments. LisaR told everyone that they’d probably be going on the boat later, and Garcelle wanted to check out the town. Kyle said it was all too much, so she was just going to hang out. Crystal said she wanted to go with Garcelle, and LisaR went to check on Sutton. Sutton said she was a little angry and upset. She thought something was going on – which there was – but she didn’t know what it was. We flashed back to the Bottoms Up prank, and Sutton says her paranoia kicked in. She kept using a roller on her face, as a self-soother, and told LisaR that she was sick of crying, but LisaR said if she had to cry, cry. Sutton said Kyle told her that she was too sensitive, but Crystal called her irrational, ridiculous, too sensitive, defensive, crazy, and paranoid. LisaR said she could make her own list, and we flashed back to the many names she’s been called.

Garcelle and Crystal went for coffee, and Crystal said she had mixed feelings about Sutton. Garcelle said she heard they’d had a talk, and asked what that was about. We flashed back to the I-don’t-see-color conversation and Crystal said Sutton came at her hard, but Sutton probably thought Crystal. It spiraled into we’re all equal. Garcelle said, if something was bothering Sutton that she wasn’t talking about, at some point, it had to come to a head. She told Crystal to just continue being her. Crystal suggested Garcelle sage her, or sage the house, but Garcelle said it was the first time she hadn’t traveled with sage. I hate when that happens.

They went to the boat, and LisaR was carrying a tote bag said RINNA on it in big letters. I thought, why? Does she forget her name? More likely, she wants to make sure everyone notices her. We flashed back to other boat rides, which weren’t exactly happy times. Erika yapped about how dedicated Tom was to being a lawyer, and how much he loved it. And how she loved him for loving it. Ugh. A seagull came around, and I kid you not, these women freaked out like it was a rabid bat. The seagull took no mind, and landed on the boat’s railing, while the women cowered on the other side of the boat, except for Kathy, who is like a ditsy Snow White. In Sutton’s interview, she said she felt nervous. She’d come there with her tail between her legs, and needed to have a conversation with Crystal and move on with the day. Taking her roller with her, she asked to speak to Crystal. She told Crystal that being called ridiculous didn’t make her feel great. She felt Crystal was abrupt to her, and thought Crystal was upset with her. Crystal said Sutton claimed she’d kicked her to get her to stop talking. Which she had. Meanwhile, at the front of the boat, the rest of the women gazed at the house from Godfather 2.

Crystal said Sutton had turned on her, and showed herself to be untrustworthy, but gave no examples. She also said Sutton’s reactions were erratic. In Crystal’s interview, she said Sutton was erratic, unbalanced, unreasonable, and emotional. She told Sutton that she couldn’t deal with crazy, and Sutton asked Crystal not to call her crazy, and used her self-soother. Crystal said that was all Sutton had shown her. She didn’t know the others well, but they’d been open and sweet. Honestly, I wanted to like Crystal, but I’m starting to think she’s crazy. Crystal freaked about Sutton (who’d knocked first) coming into her room to bring her coat, when she was nakey. I have to add that Sutton went in coat first, so it was clear why she was there. Some might say that’s an overreaction. I’d never tell someone how to feel, but why doesn’t she afford Sutton the same courtesy she would like, and stop stomping all over Sutton’s feelings. Yeah, she’s a little odd. So? Crystal is starting to come off as a mean girl with Sutton as the target. No surprise on this show. Sutton told Crystal that she was shy, and it took her a while to warm up to someone and trust them. She wanted to get to know Crystal better. She’d been a nervous wreck, and was going to leave. In Sutton’s interview, she said, until she’d gone to Tahoe, she hadn’t realized what an emotional task it was to sell her house. She told Crystal, at first she thought she was okay, but leaving the house was harder than she was pretending. She apologized if she was projecting. In her interview, a-hole Crystal said moving out wasn’t an excuse to attack her and act like a crazy person. Is it me??? When did this happen? She told Sutton that she was happy move forward, adding liar to her resumé. This is just sad, and I feel bad for Sutton who is trying too hard, since this Regina George wannabe isn’t really worth it.

Fresh baked goods were awaiting them back at the lodge, Dorit and Kyle played bocci ball, and everyone got dressed up, sort of, for dinner. Sutton wore another dress I loved, with sparkly embellishments, along with her ginormous, expensive furry slippers. Garcelle kept calling Dorit Door-it, and Dorit refused to respond. The women sat by the fireplace and had cocktails, when Garcelle asked for a show of hands on who’d had their nose done. In Erika’s interview, she seemed to get offended at that question, which puzzled me. Erika and Kathy both admitted to having their noses done, but Dorit said she used contouring makeup. A photo from 1995 made us question that. Crystal sent a text to Garcelle saying she was losing her sh*t, and not coming to dinner. And she’s calling Sutton crazy. Okay. Sutton apologized to everyone, saying she hadn’t been herself. The move had taken a toll on her, and she was exhausted. Feeling left out triggered her, but they didn’t deserve her behavior. In Dorit’s interview, she said it was better to confront things, and move past them. She’s a regular Confucius. Sutton said she’d had a meditative day, and was ready to enjoy everyone’s company. LisaR said she’d had a rough past year with people saying she was a bad friend. She then told a story about Harry having a drink with a friend who raped a girl later in the evening. He’d been a close friend of Harry’s, and went to jail. All of his friends wanted him to visit, support the friend, and show him they loved him, but Harry couldn’t do it. Garcelle asked what the point of the story was, and – wait for it – LisaR said she couldn’t blindly support Denise last season. In Garcelle’s interview, she said, Harry did the right thing, but you couldn’t compare the two situations on any level. Sometimes it’s okay to say nothing. As usual, Garcelle and I share a brain. LisaR said she’d done things that didn’t look good, but in a lot of ways she took a bullet. Garcelle said it was more like LisaR became the ringleader, and we flashed back to Denise being sucker punched figuratively, because they are going to milk that storyline until this show finally goes off the air. Which isn’t soon enough. LisaR agreed that she hadn’t tried to reach Denise in the right way. She’d wanted Denise to be transparent and vulnerable, so she could use those vulnerabilities against Denise. That’s where it went south. Garcelle said LisaR pushed it. 

Erika said nothing ever seemed like what it was in life, and you didn’t know anything about anyone. Another great philosopher. They went to the game room, and played ping pong, foosball, and pool. LisaR jumped in the pool, and wanted the others to join her, but had no takers. Garcelle said she was wearing a velvet jumpsuit, but have fun. Sutton said she’d brought her bathing suit, and joined LisaR. LisaR wanted channel her inner Esther Williams, and she and Sutton came up with a synchronized swimming routine. Sutton announced they had a performance to show the women, and everyone was amused. Kyle stopped by Crystal’s room, and Crystal told her about Sutton startling her, saying she dopped to the ground. Sutton had said she didn’t know what was going on there, but here was her coat. She was just too tired to deal with it at dinner. Kyle said Sutton and Crystal had talked on the boat, and asked if Crystal mentioned it, but Crystal said it was so triggering and important that she hadn’t thought about it. In Kyle’s interview, she wondered, if it was so upsetting, why hadn’t Crystal said anything before they went on the boat, or on the boat, or after the boat? I’ll tell her why. This chick is trying to start sh*t, and picked on the weak one.  

The next morning, they packed to leave, and Sutton stopped by Crystal’s room, which I’m sure she saw as an attack. Even worse, Sutton suggested they end on a good note. Crystal hadn’t come to dinner, and Sutton thought it might be because of her. Crystal said that was part of it, and repeated what she’d told Kyle. Sutton said she hadn’t meant anything by her comment, but Crystal said she felt that boundaries had been crossed. She felt violated; it was creepy and weird. Let’s go through that list again, of Crystal’s complaints about Sutton: irrational, ridiculous, too sensitive, defensive, crazy, and paranoid. Check, but as applied to Crystal. Sutton said it was awkward, but she wasn’t being judgmental. In Sutton’s interview, she said there was nothing creepy and weird, unless you were raised in a women’s prison. Sutton said she was trying to make the situation better, and wanted to get to know Crystal. Why is a mystery. They hugged it out, even though Sutton is an admitted non-hugger.  

Four days later, it was election morning, and everyone received a text from Erika saying she considered them close friends, and she had filed for divorce. Because you always keep that info from your close friends until just before it hits the papers. That’s one way to be transparent. Not one of them had any idea it was coming.

Because I watched the 11:30 pm show, there was no preview. Maybe that’s a good thing. I’m not so sure I want to know.

👓 Another Way To Look At It…

I really enjoyed this recap that hit the nail on the head in a concise manner. Unlike my own rambling, and dedication to dialogue.


⚾️ Catching Up…

Since I’ve had a lot going on this week, I’m a beat behind, but we’ll catch up with Million Dollar Listing New York tomorrow, because dammit, I’m getting more than five hours sleep tonight. No matter how many hours you get, stay safe, stay scrupulous, and stay looking in the mirror first, before casting an avalanche of stones.

January 26, 2021 – Carly’s Necklace Switch Is Foiled, Trade Off, New Sky, TV 2021, Another Side, Slamming Jen, Messy Charm, Kenya’s Latest & Still


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Curtis punches the heavy bag, when a guy asks when he’ll be done. He says, 15 minutes, and the guy tells him that he said that 15 minutes ago. Curtis gets angry, and calling him dumbass, and telling him, he already said when he was going to be done.

Jordan has tea with Anna at the MetroCourt. Anna says, it’s long overdue, and Jordan says it’s not too late for Anna to change her mind about a bridal shower, with all the trimmings. Anna says she’s sure Jordan would do a bang-up job, but she prefers the lowkey approach.  

Jackie goes the reception desk at the hospital, and says she’s there for Sasha’s medical records, telling the nurse that Sasha called ahead with her approval. The nurse says everything seems to be in order, and gives her the file. Finn sees Jackie, and asks why she needs Sasha’s records. She says, not that it’s any of his business, but she’s doing an interview with Sasha. Finn asks if she finds that necessary. Everything isn’t a story. Haven’t Sasha and Chase’s lives cost them enough?

At the MetroCourt, Chase tells Sasha that he’s having second thoughts about her doing an interview with his mom. Sasha asks, why? She enjoyed meeting Jackie; she’s great. Chase says, she’s also known for her tough questions. Has Sasha really thought through going public? She says she knows what she’s doing, and she needs to let Michael and Willow know what’s coming their way.

Willow tells Michael, it’s a strange concept. Once they file the papers, their marriage will have never existed. They both know that’s not true. He says, it’s a legal maneuver so you don’t have to worry about dividing up property. They took so much time making the decision, it never occurred to him to think about what the next step would be; separate lives and separate living spaces. She says it’s time for her to start thinking about moving out, and he says, it’s the next logical step. She tells him that she has an appointment to look at an apartment.

Nina tells Jax, she and Carly will never be best friends, but she respects any woman who fights for the people she cares about. She’d do the same. Jax says he really appreciates how clearly Nina sees things. She recognized Valentin’s agenda for what it is, and also understands that Carly being in trouble is a difficult trigger for him to ignore.

Bobbie says she doesn’t blame Ava for being angry. She loves her daughter, but at times Carly is her own worst enemy. However, Bobbie has no doubt the two of them can be the adults in the room. Ava says, an adult perspective; how refreshing. Bobbie says, the surest way to get Carly to dig in her heels is to confront her directly. Ava can’t go after her daughter.

Carly sneaks into Avery’s room, and immediately sees the necklace, placed conveniently in the dollhouse. Carly says, she’s so sorry, but Avery will never know the difference. She looks at the necklaces, and starts to put one back, but hears a noise, and drops them. Nikolas asks if she’s looking for something.

Curtis wants to start a fight with the guy, but Portia tells him, stop it. Let the man use the bag. She asks Curtis what this is about. It’s not like him to fight over trivial things. He says he doesn’t feel like himself nowadays. It was a tough week. She asks how she can help, but he says she’s a doctor, not a mind reader. She says she’s a friend offering to help. Talk to her. What’s going on? He wonders what kind of P.I. he is, when he can’t even tell when his wife is lying. It’s the very nature of his job. The objective is to get the truth, no matter how many people want to keep it a secret. Jordan has lied many times, but for some reason, he missed the clues. Portia says, that’s because he’s looking at Jordan from the point-of-view of a husband, not a P.I., and he says he had this crazy idea that couples confide in each other. Jordan has lied so many times – about her health, her past with Cyrus, TJ’s kidnapping – at some point, he realized her first instinct will always be to lie. Portia says she doesn’t know, and he says he doesn’t either, but what he does know is, he’s not okay with it anymore. He needs something to change.

Anna tells Jordan, she’s been thinking about words for her and Finn that mean something. She’s done the traditional vows before, and learned the hard way that they don’t always apply. Does Jordan have any ideas? Jordan says Anna shouldn’t come to her for marriage advice. She’s barely holding on to her own marriage.   

Willow tells Michael, she wants the transition to be as smooth as possible, and he says he doesn’t want Wiley to feel like he’s missing out on anything with them not being together. Before she moves, they should take turns putting Wiley to bed separately, and having separate rituals. He says, not that it’s not a great idea, but they can still tuck Wiley in together. She says, of course (🍷); it’s settled. Now she’s off to look at apartments. She leaves, and Michael ponders.   

Nikolas asks if Carly minds explaining herself, and Carly says she and Ava had a disagreement. She came up there to cool off, and was checking out Avery’s dollhouse. Nikolas says, right. She can explain herself to Ava. He takes the necklace from her, and she sees the other one on the floor.

Bobbie tells Ava, she knows Carly is trying to be strong for the family, but her husband has been presumed dead. She’s a wreck inside. While most people would want to curl up, Carly’s instinct is to come out fighting. Then there was the shock of Ava taking Avery. Ava says, it shouldn’t be a shock. Avery is her daughter and belongs with her. Bobbie says her point is, Carly overreacts on a good day. Now she’s hurting and defensive. Nikolas comes back with Carly, and says he found Carly in Avery’s room looking for this. He holds out the necklace, and Ava says, really? Well, well, well. Bobbie had no interest in being the adult in the room. Ava knows this con; Bobbie was the distraction. What she doesn’t understand is, why all this fuss over a little girl’s necklace?

Sasha arrives at the Quartermaines, and tells Michael, surprise. She should have texted, but it couldn’t wait. She hopes he and Willow have time to talk. He says, Willow is running some errands, and she says, then she’ll tell him, and he can tell Willow. She’s doing an interview with Jackie Templeton on national television. He says, it will be great PR for Deception, but what does it have to do with them? She says, the interview isn’t about Deception. She wishes it was that simple. The rumors about her drug use and hospitalization are circulating, and she thinks the best thing is for her to tell all on camera. The interview is about her overdose, and what led up to it, including the lies she told.

Jackie thanks Finn for his vote of confidence, but she didn’t go after Sasha. Chase asked her to do it. They want to get Sasha’s version out to the public before it’s torn apart. She called in some favors, and they’re doing GMA 3 tomorrow. Finn asks if Chase explained the origin of the problem, and she says, how they staged an affair to push Michael and Willow together to assure Michael got custody of his son. He says, when they came up with the plan, he tried to talk Chase out of it, but he was so determined for Wiley’s sake. Finn begged Chase to tell the truth, but he wouldn’t listen. She says, wow. His view of telling the truth has evolved. When he was Chase’s age, it wasn’t so black and white. He guesses he’s matured. He doesn’t take things at face value the way he used to. She asks if that’s supposed to alarm her, and he says, no, as long as she didn’t lie about who Chase’s father is. She asks if he really wants to get into this now; maybe it’s too late. He tells her not to do that. He just wants to talk. She’d told him that Chase is his brother, not his son, but the dates don’t add up. Did she do a DNA test? She says, no, and he says, so she never ruled out the possibility that Chase is his son. He guesses she’s not the only one who doesn’t want to know the truth.

Willow comes into the gym, and Chase says, it’s good to see her. She says, him too, and he asks if Sasha found her and Michael. She says she hasn’t seen Sasha, and he says Sasha must have just missed her. She was determined to find them before tomorrow. Willow asks what she’s missing, and he says, Sasha asked his mom to conduct a tell-all about everything she’s been going through. Willow says, that’s brave of Sasha to expose herself like that, and Chase says, Sasha doesn’t want negative attention brought to Wiley’s adoption. Willow tells him that she and Michael actually signed the annulment papers. They’re still Wiley’s parents legally, but they’re no longer husband and wife. He doesn’t know what to say. He knows they were talking about it, but why now? She says they agreed it’s time. They both need to see what’s on the other side of their marriage.

Nina tells Jax, when you’re married to someone, and become close, you find yourself repeating the same patterns. He promises he’ll be more judicious regarding when Carly actually needs him. She has a tendency to overreact. Nina says she’d never fault him for being a good guy. Look at them; all alone, no one around, no one to rescue. However will they fill the time? Jax says he has a couple of ideas, and they hug.

Carly says she was planning a surprise for Avery until Ava derailed it, and had Josslyn give her the necklace. It occurred to her that she could borrow it, and continue with the surprise. Nikolas asks, what surprise? and Carly says, it’s no deep dark secret. They know Avery loves Donna, so she was going to have a copy of the necklace made, to connect Sonny’s daughters. Bobbie says, it’s a lovely gesture, but Nikolas asks Ava if she’s buying this. Ava says, of course (🍷) not.

Ava says she knows how important the necklace is to Avery, because it connects her to Sonny, and Carly knows if it went missing, Avery would be frantic. She doesn’t think Carly would do that. Nikolas suggests Carly would think faster if he called the police, and Bobbie says, that’s rich. He’s threatening Carly with the police for borrowing a necklace. Ava asks if she doesn’t know the difference between borrowing and stealing, and Carly asks if they call snooping in a dollhouse a criminal offense. Nikolas says she was wandering around without permission, which is trespassing, and Carly asks if Ava remembers the time she was searching Morgan’s room for his medication to replace it with a placebo. Nikolas faked his death, and blamed an innocent man for murder. Ava tells Carly to get out of her house, and count herself lucky that Avery loves her.   

Jordan tells Anna that Curtis was beating himself up about Taggert, and Trina gave him hell for failing to save her dad every chance she got, and she said nothing. Anna says, it must have been hard to stand by and watch him suffer like that, and Jordan says, there’s plenty of suffering to go around. Curtis was devastated when he found out Taggert was alive. It might have been okay if it was the first time, but it was the latest in a series of lies. And not just about police business. She lied about being sick, and she lied when TJ was missing. The lie about Taggert seems to be the last straw. Curtis has had enough.

Portia says Curtis told her that he wants a change. In what way? He says he’s over P.I. work. He’s sick of trafficking, and all the lies. She suggests he look at it from a different angle. What would he do for a living if he wasn’t a P.I.? What if he hadn’t left law enforcement? He says he thought he’d collect his pension, then do something different. She says, picture a future alternate universe. Who does he see standing by his side? He says, Jordan, and she says, he seems to have already decided what he wants to change, and he’s not willing to give Jordan up. He thanks her, saying, she was always a good listener.

Michael tells Sasha, he’s watched Jackie’s interviews, and she can be brutal. Sasha says, Jackie is tough, but fair. She wants the real story, not a sanitized version. Sasha wanted Michael and Willow to hear it from her first. She’ll do her best to keep them out of it. She doesn’t want to tarnish the life their building together. Michael asks if Sasha can pretend, because he can’t, and she says she could never deny how important they were to each other. About what happened after… He says, she and Chase pretended to have an affair. Chase knows the history, and he can’t imagine Jackie would dig deep if her son was involved. She says, if Jackie does, she wants him to know she’ll protect Willow and Wiley. He says he knows it’s hard, but whatever comes out in the interview, he’ll take care of Wiley. As far as Willow goes… They signed the annulment papers. It was a mutual agreement; they thought it was time. The point is, he and Willow will be okay. What he wants to know is what she’s doing to protect herself. Going public and taking accountability, isn’t she afraid it will send her back to a dark place? She asks if he’s worried she’ll start using again, and he says, is she?

Willow comes into the gym, and Portia says she heard Willow is starting nursing school. She thinks it’s a terrific idea. If Willow needs anything, or help with her courses, let her know. They need dedicated nurses at GH. Willow says she’s excited about it, and Portia leaves. Chase says, she’s going to nursing school? and she tells him, teaching there made her start thinking about the next step. Maybe pediatric nursing. He says, good for her, and she asks if he doesn’t think it’s a good idea. He says he thinks it’s fantastic, but he’s so out sync with what’s going on in her life. He had no idea she was contemplating big changes. She says she thinks it’s time for a change, but has so much more to sort through. He says, with all the changes and sorting, he hopes there’s room for him. She says, her too.

Jackie asks if Finn really wants to have this conversation there now, and he says, sure; why not? He steers her to an examining room, and closes the door. She says, the location doesn’t matter; the conversation is irrelevant. Chase was born over 9 month after they slept together. There’s a remote chance he came late, and Finn could be his father. Technically it’s possible, but it’s more likely Chase was conceived after her wedding with Gregory. He asks if she doesn’t want to know for sure, and she says, what she does know is, when she told Gregory, he was over the moon. They spent time together, and built a life, falling deeper in love. He asks if it doesn’t bother her, and she says, not in the slightest. Finn disappeared from their lives. The baby grew to adore his father, and his father adored him. Chase is a man now, and loves his father, and Finn has a big brother who loves him. That’s all there is. Finn says, it matters to him.

Curtis gets take-out at the MetroCourt, and Anna tells Jordan that she thinks there’s something she’d prefer more than them getting a massage. Jordan asks what it is, and Anna says Jordan’s husband is picking up dinner. She thinks what Jordan is missing with him is more important. She tells Jordan, go over there; fight for him. She knows Jordan is scared she’ll be rejected, but she won’t know until she tries. Jordan says, wish her luck, and she goes over to Curtis. She says, please. She loves him. Please don’t shut her out.

Jax answers the door to Carly and Bobbie. Carly says she needs to talk to him now, and Nina says she’ll get some coffee. Carly and Bobbie come inside.

Michael says he’s not asking Sasha because he’s judging her, but because he cares. He still worries about her. She says she knows he’s not judging her, and it would be silly not to be honest with him. The first thing she was taught in drug abuse class was, even when they make the decision to quit, the desire doesn’t go away. She admits she still feels the pull, but she doesn’t act on it. She’s dedicated to counseling and sticking to the program. She, Maxie, and Lucy worked so hard to get Deception off the ground, and she almost single-handedly tanked it. She’s determined to live up to her promises, and doesn’t want to disappoint the people who gave her a second chance. He says, talking to him took guts, and he wants her to know that the people who know her, like him, are rooting for her. He thinks she’s going to make it through this and come out the other side.

Anna sees Finn and Jackie, but doesn’t make herself known. Finn tells Jackie, he deserves the truth, but she says he got more than he deserved. Chase is happy, and his brother loves him. He says, it’s not enough, and she says she has other priorities. If he thinks she’d take a DNA test behind Chase’s back that could potentially unravel his world, Finn can go straight to hell. Jackie gets into the elevator, and Anna approaches Finn.  

Nikolas brings Ava a martini, and asks if she’s sure she wants to do this. She says she’s not doing it for Carly’s sake. Like it or not, Avery loves Carly. Avery just lost her father. She can’t cut Carly, Josslyn, and Donna out of Avery’s life; it’s not good for her. Sonny is gone, and can’t threaten her. Carly has to come to her for access, and she’d do well to remember that, hold her tongue, and not throw Ava’s past mistakes in her face.  

Nina gives Bobbie some coffee, and Bobbie says she’s being gracious. Bobbie knows how it must look; them just showing up like a house on fire. Nina says she’s not threated by the bond between Jax and Carly. She’s impressed with Jax’s loyalty, and if he’s a source of comfort in Carly’s time of grief, she’s not going to stand in the way. On the terrace, Carly tells Jax about trying to switch the necklaces, so they weren’t a match. She says, then Nikolas walked in, and she doesn’t know if they have the right or wrong one. He asks why she’s telling him, and she says, it’s one complication too many. Sonny is missing, and presumed dead, and Cyrus is a threat. If Nina finds out Nelle was her daughter, it’s more than Carly can handle right now.    

Michael takes Sasha’s hands, and she jumps up. He tells her, good luck. He’ll make sure to let Willow know. He says,  even if he hates that she’s holding up her private life for public scrutiny, he’s not ashamed of having loved her. She says, she appreciates it, tells him goodbye, and leaves.  

Anna says she walked in on quite the moment. Is Finn okay? He says he assumed Jackie got a DNA test on the baby, but she seems to think it would hurt Chase. That’s the last thing he wants to do. She asks what he’s going to do, but he doesn’t know. He’s spent almost 30 years believing something that may or not be true. Now he needs to know for sure if Chase is his brother or his son. He needs to know the truth. Will she help him get it?

Willow comes back, and says she has news to tell Michael. He says he has news too, and she says she ran into Chase at the gym. Sasha is doing a TV interview with his mom. Michael says he heard it from Sasha. She stopped by to give them a heads up. She’s going to do everything she can to make sure they’re not in the story, and focus on her drug abuse and subsequent recovery. Willow asks if he’s afraid of the story going to press, but he says he’s more worried about Sasha putting herself up to scrutiny. Willow agrees, and says, it’s gutsy for her to expose herself. He says, she’s hoping to help someone with the same issues. Willow says she hopes so too, and Michael says he’d hate to think it would backfire in her face.

Jordan tells Curtis, one night. Just them. No fighting; just them, being. They need to remind themselves of what they had. He says he’d like nothing more than to be lost in her; absolutely lost in their love. Because loving her is like breathing. She says, so he’s coming home with her? but he says, no. He can’t go with her. It’s killing him not being able to trust her.

Bobbie says, respect and understanding each other is the foundation of any lasting relationship, and Nina says she feels the same way. Bobbie says she can assure Nina, Carly respects their relationship too. She’ll never have to worry about Carly coming between them. Carly tells Jax, Ava looked so mad. Josslyn told her that Ava took the necklace, and she thought this was something she could fix. She should have known better. Not because she couldn’t switch the necklaces, but because it’s Ava. When she sees Ava, she thinks how Morgan would still be alive if not for her. Sonny is gone, and there’s so much loss. Jax says he’s worried about her, but she says she’s fine. He says, don’t give him that. She’s the most resilient person he’s ever known, but grief like that isn’t good. It’s not poetic, and he senses it’s blinding her and impairing her judgment. She says, that’s how she feels. Like she’s poking around in a fog, and he says, the next time she feels like tangling with Ava, call him first, and get a second opinion. She agrees, and they hug. Carly cries.   

Nikolas says, Carly always has an ulterior motive. Isn’t Ava curious? Ava says, no. For once she’s not convinced about Carly’s motive. Carly is on the outside looking in, hungry for a few hours with Ava’s daughter. Ava has everything she needs right there; her beautiful little girl, and her very handsome husband. She doesn’t have to care about Carly. They hug, and Ava looks at the necklace in her hand behind his back.  

Tomorrow, Michael says he doesn’t want Willow going anywhere, Jackie asks if the interview is still on, Nina asks if it’s damage control, Peter tells Dante that he’s about to earn his salary, and Obrecht says they have to act.

🐎 Since The Real Housewives of Dallas was rerun at 10:30, I could have conceivably watched it, but, Big Sky. IMO, it’s one of the best shows on TV, especially on one of the used-to-be big three networks. Tonight started their new season, or the second half of the first season, or whatever they’re calling it. I call it excellent. I’ll give a mini-cap of Dallas later in the week, although I did see the second half. For some reason beyond my comprehension, D’Andra took a wig on a stand with a face along on a girls trip. It actually seemed a little creepy. Even more so when she put a face shield on it. And can someone please tell me who these Chrisley Knows Best people are? Why do they have a TV show, and why does it seem to be on all the time? They’re cute and all, but I don’t get it.

🏞 More on Sky…

If you need to be briefed on where we left off.


The diverse cast is one of the best things about it. My favorite character is Jerry Kennedy, a transfeminine, nonbinary musician and sex worker.


The newbie, and a return.

📺 2021’s Latest…

What came and what’s coming to a TV near you.

Another version that’s simpler to read.

One more.


👀 Not a Good Look…

A case of she said, he said, she said. And wasn’t it Braunwyn who brought it up?


📜 Certificate of Authenticity…

Does anyone really care anyway?


🗑 It’s a Lot…

A trail of Madison’s messiness. Don’t say her name three times, and maybe she’ll disappear.



🍑 Drama in the ATL

But could they bring their dogs?


If you want them back together, just wait a minute.


🏄🏽‍♀️ Until We Meet Again…

See you at the corner of Orange County and Salt Lake. Until then, stay safe, stay keeping your head above water, and stay away from Avery’s dollhouse. It will just be one complication too many.

October 8, 2020 – Funeral For a Much Loved Mike, Twice the Doc, a Sad Goodbye, Tonight’s Bravo, Charm Coming, New On New York, Ones You Should Know & For a Friend


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly and Sonny arrive at the church first. A photo of Mike in his tux at the Nurses Ball is on display, along with the flowers. Sonny thanks Carly for putting the photo in a frame. She says she loves that picture of Mike; it shows his personality. Sonny says he stared at Mike’s face for months. He wanted to connect, and there were moments, but… When first saw the picture, it was like something he forgot, but he sees it now. It’s like, oh yeah, it’s his dad.

Ava walks in, and they thank her for coming. Sonny says he appreciates everything she’s done for Avery, and she says she’s glad they can do this together. Kristina comes in, followed by Sam and Jason. Sonny asks how she’s holding up, and Kristina says she’s pretty sad. It helps to know Mike’s not hurting or confused anymore. Sam says if they need a break, she and Jason can greet people, and Jason says, whatever he needs. That goes for Carly too. Sonny asks them to stay close. Dev and Brando are next, and Dev says, Mike was an amazing person. Carly says Dev was good to Mike; Mike loved seeing him. Brando says he was glad he could connect with Mike again, and be back in his life, even for just a little while. Sonny says he’s glad too. Sonny hugs Olivia, who says Sonny was a good son to Mike. Sonny says, not always, but Olivia says, don’t go there. He was there for Mike when Mike needed him the most. Ned waits quietly, and Sonny thanks him for coming. Willow and Michael arrive, and Carly says it’s good to see them both. Michael says if they need him or Willow to do anything, like greet people… but Carly says Sam and Jason already offered. Michael asks how she is, and she says she’s hanging in there. Michael tells Sonny that he loves him, and Sonny says, that’s what gets him through it.

Stella lights a candle, and Carly thanks her for being there. Not just because of what she did for Mike, but for the entire family. Stella says, Mike was an amazing human being. It was gratifying to see him surrounded with love, and given a peaceful passing. Sonny says Stella taught him how to help Mike in his last days. He appreciates that, and won’t forget – ever. She says he’s very welcome.

Josslyn comes in with Jax, and hugs Carly. She tells Sonny that she hopes he knows how much she loved Mike. Sonny says his dad loved her too. Jax says he’s truly sorry for their loss, and Sonny thanks him. Brook follows, and tells Sonny, Mike was one in a million. Diane hugs Sonny, and says he has her deepest condolences. Carly thanks her, and Sonny says, thanks for defending Mike, and cleaning up his messes. She says it was her honor to help, and Sonny excuses himself. Diane asks how Carly is doing, and Carly says she’s fine. Diane says she can’t imagine any of this is easy. She know Carly has friends and a support system, but if she ever needs a drink or five, and needs to vent, she’s there. Carly thanks her.

Sonny tells Elizabeth that he appreciates how good she was to his dad. She cared for him, and visited him at Turning Woods. She went above and beyond. Elizabeth says, Mike was important to her too, and Sonny says he also wants to thank her for speaking up during Mike’s last trip to the hospital. She advised Sonny that he shouldn’t put a feeding tube in Mike. He guesses he just wanted Mike with him so bad, and she let him know it wasn’t fair. Elizabeth says she’s glad if anything she said was helpful, but she thinks Sonny would have come to that decision on his own. He was in tune with his dad. Sonny says he hopes he did what Mike wanted, and Elizabeth says, it’s an awful, relentless disease. It would be understandable if he’d pulled away when Mike deteriorated, but he didn’t. He never faltered, and gave Mike the best of himself. He has nothing to regret.

The priest tells everyone to be seated, and Michael goes to the front. He says, behalf of the family, he thanks them for being there to remember Mike, and celebrate Mike’s life. Celebration is key, as they know Mike loved to party. He’d like them all to raise a glass, watch a baseball game, or a horserace in his honor. It’s okay to cry. Mike would be fine with that, as long as they laughed more. That was Mike’s way. Mike went through hard times, some of his own making, and had a lot of regrets, but his grandfather never shied away from life or played it safe. He took chances, and gave generously. He failed at times, but knew in the end, it’s not whether you win or lose; it’s the people you know along the way, and the lives you touch. The ones who you love and who love you. He loved all of them very much. Michael goes over to the casket, and touches it.

Olivia tells them, she wants to say a few words about Mike on behalf of her son Dante, Mike’s oldest grandson. Dante only got to know Mike after he’d been diagnosed, but they managed to form a special bond. She feels like she’s known Mike all her life. He was a generous man; easy going, a glass half full kind of guy. He had a fierce temper when he was pushed too far, like her son. He got in a scrape with the law, and had to spend a night in lockup. Dante spent the whole evening in lockup with his grandfather. She figured Dante was being a nice guy, but he told her it was a privilege to spend the night with Mike, just to be able talk and spend time together. She cries a little, and says, the thing about that night…  Time spent with Mike was never wasted. Their lives are much richer for having known him.

Ava gets up, and says she’s there on behalf of her daughter Avery, Mike’s second youngest grandchild. Avery adored her grandfather; it was a mutual admiration society. When Mike was able to, he played tea party with her, pushed her on the swing, helped her blow bubbles, and told her marvelous stories about when he was a boy. He talked to Avery about horses; she liked that. When he moved to Turning Woods, Avery looked forward to her visits with him. She was never frightened. Even when he wasn’t as able to focus or communicate, he always had a big smile for her. He was truly the bright light in Avery’s life, and she knows Avery will never forget him.

Elizabeth is next. She says Mike was around a lot when she was a teenager. He watched her, Lucky, Emily, and Nikolas strolling through their high school adolescence. They always had problems and personal drama. Looking back, Mike was a wise man with a lot of experience to share. You’d think he would have jumped in and told them what to do, but he didn’t. Instead, he listened and offered support, and let them figure out how to do it on their own. It wasn’t until years later when Mike came back to Port Charles, that she realized how much she missed him. She flashes back to Mike telling her that she’s impossible to forget. She calls him a charmer, and he says, for now. In time, he’ll forget her. At least that’s what they tell him. It’s a damn shame. She tells them, sometimes he struggled to recognize her, but when he did, he’d give her that smile, and it was like no time had passed at all.

Brando gets up, and says he didn’t get a lot of time with Mike; in the summer when he was a kid, and the last few months. Enough time to teach Brando the important things. First, family. Family matters, even when you wished they weren’t your family. Second, you have less time than you think. Don’t waste it carrying grudges, and trying to control things you can’t. Third, everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them; wisdom comes from experience. Make the most of learning, be kind and tolerant. Mike knew how to value what really matters.

Jason goes to the front, and says he met Mike at Luke’s club. Mike was tending bar when Sonny gave Jason his first job there parking cars. Mike was easy to work with. He always liked Mike and considered him a friend, but it wasn’t until a couple years ago when he started to appreciate Mike’s courage. Mike made a terrible mistake when Sonny was a kid. He couldn’t face his failure, so he ran away. He could have run forever, but he didn’t; he stopped. Mike made his way back to Sonny, and tried to make amends. It wasn’t easy for Mike or Sonny because Mike made a lot of mistakes, but he never quit. Sonny flashes back to Mike saying Sonny doesn’t owe him anything. He abandoned Sonny, when Sonny’s mother left him for that bastard Deke. He should have done better. Sonny says, he tried, but Mike says, not often enough. He tried to watch out for Sonny. Jason says, Mike had true courage. He had the strength and humility to face the damage he’d done. He refused to give up on the people he loved, or himself. Mike was one of the bravest people he ever knew.

Stella takes the podium, and says they’re a profoundly lucky group. Most of them knew Mike for many years. She had the privilege of calling Mike her friend for a short time, and what a friend he was. Even as he struggled, he took the time to cultivate people. He cultivated her. No visit passed without an in depth inquiry about her life. He helped her when she was down, and celebrated with her when she was up. He was an extrovert in the best way. He couldn’t help but engage and connect. There were facets of Mike she wasn’t privy to. Every family has tension, and he never pretended his was ideal. He had loyalty, and fought a decades long battle with a gambling addiction. When he returned, Sonny was with his father every step of way. She flashes back to telling Sonny, no one can overpower Alzheimer’s. It doesn’t bend to anyone’s will, not even his. He can’t help his father if he can’t help himself. She says, no one can beat Alzheimer’s, but Mike hung on for as long as he could for Sonny’s sake. Sonny chose to let Mike leave with dignity. In her book, father and son fought Alzheimer’s to a draw.

Sam goes up, and says she appreciated Mike’s great sense of humor, and the way he never ever judged anyone. He didn’t assume to know anyone’s motives, and never put himself in a position to criticize their choices. He knew they all have faults, and they all do things they regret, but if you take a second to laugh at the situation, even if it’s at yourself, you can find perspective and move forward. It may not be what you wanted or how you planned it, but you adjust and keep going. And that’s the example Mike set for her; one she’ll always treasure.

It’s Carly’s turn. She says, when Sonny brought Mike home after he was diagnosed, she was terrified. Terrified of the disease, and what it would do to Mike. She was afraid of Mike deteriorating, and what it would do to her family. She wasn’t sure she could handle it. She couldn’t have been more wrong. There were hard and painful moments, but so many wonderful times when Mike was still himself. The pleasure of his company during holidays and family gatherings. They were only complete because he was in the room. Even when he started to slip away, he still loved great music, good food, and being with people he loved. Shortly before he passed they got him to the track to be with the horses he loved. He was so present, alert, and aware that afternoon. It was Sonny’s idea. Sonny was the one who cared for Mike, and mended what was broken between them. Sonny was the one who gave Mike the forgiveness and love he needed. She tells Sonny that she loves him, and he mouths, I love you too.   

Sonny gets himself together, and goes up front. He says, it’s been a difficult week. He didn’t think he could come up there. He still doesn’t know if he can, but he had to come up. He wants to thank everybody for coming and being in his father’s life. They had the most beautiful words for his father. For years, he had a lot of bad feelings toward his father. He couldn’t see Mike for who he was. He didn’t want to. He had his own issues for a long time, and couldn’t admit it. He had a lot of anger, and all he did was judge. It took this illness, Alzheimer’s – one of the hardest things he’s been through – to see his dad for who he was, an amazing man. He’s so proud of his dad. He didn’t make it easy on Mike, but he was there for Mike in the end. And the most beautiful thing is, Mike was there for Sonny in the end. Carly smiles through her tears, and Sonny says he’ll always be grateful for that. He looks at Mike’s picture, and says, I love you, dad.

Josslyn gets up next. She says, Mike loved music. He said it was one of the great joys of life. It could make a good moment better, or a bad moment bearable. He said it can fulfill you when nothing else can, so this is for him. She sings (sounds like the title is Stronger Than Before, but I really have no clue), and flashes back to Mike telling Dev to be a gentleman and get her home safe. As Josslyn sings, Stella recalls Mike asking her to promise when he can no longer remember her, that she’ll remember how much he wanted to. Michael remembers Mike telling him to do them both a favor, and live a long full life. Carly flashes back to Mike saying he wishes he could click his heels together and find his way back to himself, and her telling Mike that he’ll always be him. He’ll always be family; that’s all that matters. She puts her arms around him and Sonny, and kisses their cheeks. Sonny remembers Mike suggesting they head to the city and take in a game at Yankee Stadium. Sonny says Mike used to promise that all the time, and Mike says, now they can do it. Sonny says, deal, and they shake hands. Josslyn starts to cry as she sings, but makes it to the end of the song.

Carly asks if Sonny thinks it was the right decision, putting Mike next to Morgan. Sonny says, the way he sees it, Mike and Morgan are together. It was a good service. Everybody wasn’t just saying words; they really appreciated his dad. She says his dad had a lot of friends. So does he. People will be showing up at the MetroCourt for the reception soon. He asks if she can get a ride. He’d like to take a minute alone. She tells him, take all the time he needs. I guess they’re not going to the cemetery first?

Sonny sits, and says, it’s time to let go, dad. Ain’t that a kick in the pants? For so long he pushed Mike away, and now he doesn’t want Mike to go. Because of his anger… He can’t take it back now. Mike sits next to Sonny, and says, do him a favor. Don’t be romanticizing him. Sonny had every right to that anger. Mike walked out on him. Sonny says he keeps seeing Mike like he did when he was a little boy. It took him a long time to understand life doesn’t give you what you intend. It makes you do things you don’t want to do. He never had the right to judge Mike. He should have respected Mike coming back. He should have told Mike that he loved him. Mike says he did. Sonny showed him in a thousand ways, big and small. Sonny says, not soon enough, but Mike says Sonny took him back. Over and over, Sonny paid his debts, bailed him out of trouble, and sent him to rehab – more than once. He brought Mike home to be with his family while he could still enjoy them. The greatest thing Sonny did was forgive him. So now he wants Sonny to forgive himself. Sonny says he should have been better. Mike says he loves Sonny. Sonny supported him, and stayed with him to the end. No child can do more than that for their parent. It made him very proud. He touches Sonny’s arm, and gets up. Sonny says he’s going to miss Mike, and Mike says he’ll always be with Sonny.

Mike kisses Sonny’s forehead and walks to the door. Sonny watches him go outside. Mike puts on his sharp cap, says, I love you son, and disappears into a bright light. Sonny says, I love you too, dad. He blesses himself, and he’s about to leave, when Dante walks in.

Very nice episode.

Tomorrow, Ava tells Trina to use her anger, Lulu asks if Dustin is ready to take the next step, Jason tells Brando it’s Sonny’s call not his, and Sonny tells Dante that he’s right on time.

👬 Double Duty…

All about Ryan Chamberlain. I love Jon Lindstrom in these roles. You know he’s having a good time when he’s Ryan.

😥 Another Daytime Loss…

I kinda sorta remember him from somewhere. Such a shame.

📺 Tonight on Bravo, Craig and Sonja watched, and made commentary on, the season 3 finale of Southern Charm, when Kathryn had it out with Landon at some party. This was followed by Best of Leah Moments, with Leah, Ramona, and LuAnn watching remotely. I felt like I just saw all that, and wondered if they couldn’t have come up with something more creative. Leah talked about her first season experience, saying the first words that came to mind were batsh*t crazy. Ramona actually seemed more likeable, which was odd. Both she and LuAnn agreed Leah handled the reunion well. It had been the first in-person reunion since the pandemic, and Leah said it meant a lot that it was in person. Her final words? I came, I saw, and bitch, I elevate this sh*t.

🍹 Southern Charm’s new season begins Thursday, October 29th, 9 pm. It’s a shame Naomie and Cameran won’t be on this time around, but I’ll mostly miss Naomie’s boyfriend Metul, who introduced me to butter chicken.


🗽 But Will She Make It Nice…?

They all say they keep it real. My jury is out until I see it.



🥾 A Salute…

Some ladies you should know about.


✈️ Jetting…

It was a lovely funeral, but I must say goodnight. Tune in tomorrow for Friday’s GH, tea, and knowledge. Until then, stay safe, stay authentic, and stay refusing to give up on those you love or yourself.

April 16, 2020 – Snake Not On a Plane, Sonja Was Not a Trophy Wife, John’s Choice, Chefs Go To Market, Camp Coming & Closer


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

I swear, I could get up at 5 am, and still be running late around 3 pm. I missed the beginning, but from what I could hear, it sounded like they were just reviewing the end of yesterday’s episode.

At the hospital, Michael tells Sasha it would be nice to paint Nelle as a demon, and have her banished to a parallel dimension. Sasha says she can picture Diane making that argument, and Michael says, Diane is so good, she’d probably make it halfway through the argument before the judge would realize, and hold her in contempt. Sasha likes the Wizard of Oz approach. Bringing Nelle and Michael up front, and dumping a bucket of water on them, to see who doesn’t melt. Carly comes by, and says, that sounds good. Sasha says she’s getting punchy, and Carly says, long hours at the hospital will do that. Who wouldn’t want to see Nelle turn into a green puddle? Michael gets serious, and says he can’t afford to think like that. If he’s wrong, Wiley pays.

At Violet’s party, Maxie tells Robert, now that Obrecht is going to the Hague, can he drop his vendetta against Peter? He says he doesn’t have a vendetta, but she says, whatever he’s calling it, instead of treating Peter like a suspect, why doesn’t he see what they have in common? He says, those they love? and she says, besides that. He says he can’t think of anything, and she says Obrecht tried to kill them both. Robert is used to bouncing back, but Peter has suffered enough. He says, that’s a matter of opinion, and Maxie says she’s known Robert literally her entire life. He says that’s why he wants what’s best for her, and she says he needs to accept what’s best for her is her own decision; like she needs to accept he’ll never see Peter for the wonderful man he is. We flash back to Robert asking Anna if it ever occurred to her that Peter could be Alex’s son. It’s her big chance to sever all ties to Faison. Anna says she’ll never abandon Peter, and Robert says, Peter is an adult, and every bit as treacherous and sadistic as his father. We move to Peter saying, Robert knows he went to Pentenville to visit Shiloh, and Robert saying, but he doesn’t know why. Why doesn’t Peter shine some light on that? We go to Robert telling Peter that his family doesn’t see the dark side of him, but they will. Peter says it kills Robert that the people he cares about, care about and love Peter. There’s nothing he can do to convince Robert, so let those they care about speak for him. Robert says Peter thinks highly of himself. It was Faison’s undoing, and will be Peter’s too. Next, Robert tells Anna that something is wrong. If she wants to deny what’s in front of her face, that’s one thing, but if she denies what’s in her heart, it might come back to bite her. We shift to Robert asking Anna how long Jason has been suspicious, and telling her that she has a Peter-sized blind spot. It’s going to get her into trouble, and when Peter goes down, Robert doesn’t want Anna going with him. There are things in the works, and they’re going to show her what her would-be son is really like. We flash back to Robert accusing Peter of shopping his deal with Sam and Jason to the AG. Peter asks why it matters, unless Robert is up to something shady. Robert thanks Peter for getting him off this production. Now it’s just Peter and Jason. He knows Jason is a trained killer, and Jason knows the truth. He’s coming to get Peter, and this time Anna’s not going to be able to save his sorry butt. In the present, Robert tells Maxie, she’s right. He’s never going to see what she does. Good party. He leaves, she sighs, and Peter walks in, no doubt from listening in the next room.

In the park, Chase tells Willow, maybe they shouldn’t have gone to the party. She says they couldn’t have missed Violet’s birthday extravaganza, but he says he sees what it did to her. She says, it’s not the party; it’s the day. He should go back. He says, and leave her alone? but she says she can handle a walk by herself; she’s resourceful. He says she’s one of the most resourceful people he knows, but it’s how it weighs on her that Nelle might get custody. She says, it’s one thing if Nelle objects to elective surgery, but what if Wiley gets worse and she still refuses? He says, Michael has excellent lawyers, and she says, but what if it’s not enough? He says she’s been more of a mother to Wiley than Nelle, and she says, but she’s not his mother.

Olivia sees Robert heading for the door, and says, sneaking out? He says, guilty. He needs her to do him a big favor. She says, it depends on what it is, and he says he has some pressing business to take care of, but he doesn’t want to disappoint Violet or Anna. She says he could play the didgeridoo one more time, and see how Anna feels. He says it’s complicated, and he needs a bit of a cover created. If someone asks if they’ve seen him, she can say she saw him in the kitchen or the garden. If she does that, he would be so much in her debt. She likes the sound of that, and says she’s got it.

On the phone, Peter says he needs the distraction now. The sooner the better. Make it happen.

Aiden goes inside, and Charlotte follows, but Ava is behind her with Avery. Ava says she’s been telling Avery about Charlotte’s horse. It’s too soon for Avery to have lessons, but Avery loves horses. Avery says she and her grandfather had a sleepover with them in the stables. Ava says maybe Avery could watch Charlotte ride, or maybe have a horse of her own. Charlotte tells Avery, the back stall at Windymere is the best. Butterscotch used to have it, but Charlotte doesn’t live there anymore. Avery asks if Charlotte used to live in the big house, and Ava says, Charlotte did, but she and Nikolas live in the house now. She takes Avery back to the party.

Aiden reaches for the piñata, but Charlotte says, don’t touch it! He says he’s not going to hurt it, and she says she’s sorry she yelled. There’s a big surprise in there, and everybody needs to be here to see it.

Jason tells Sonny, he gave Anna a heads up for him, and she said thank you. She hasn’t seen anything out of order, but she’ll keep her eyes open. Then, a half hour later, Cyrus called, asking to meet with Sonny, and for Jason to relay the message. Sonny says, one thing about Cyrus, he’s doing it the right way.

Maxie tells Peter, he missed Georgie getting her fortune told. It was quite an event, but she has it on video. He says he has Invader business to tend to, and she asks if he has to duck out. He promises it’s important, and says he already told Anna goodbye. She says she’ll stay and sit back, watching the kids fight for candy like a teeny Hunger Games, where no one has to die. He says he’ll see her later. We flash back to Maxie in the cemetery, thanking Peter for saving her and the baby, and saying, Nathan would thank him too. We move to her saying that she’s lucky to have Peter in her life, accepting the fund for Nathan, and telling him that the rest of the family will come around. Peter feels the baby kick, and Maxie says she keeps wondering who he’ll be like; her or Nathan. Peter guesses, a little of both, and she says she can’t wait to meet him. Peter says, that makes two of them. Next, Peter asks Maxie to accompany him to the Nurses Ball, Maxie goes into labor on the way, and Peter delivers the baby by the side of the road. We flash back to Maxie telling Peter that she had to atone for mistakes she made too. He says she’s come a long way; maybe there’s hope for him too. We go through their relationship so far; Peter saying she’s his only true friend, and he’ll forever be sorry for hurting her; Maxie saying that being stuck in the elevator with him, personalized her being done with bitterness, and considering she’s been forgiven, it’s her only way to pay it forward; Peter telling Maxie that he cares more about her than anyone he’s ever cared for, and Maxie saying he’s the first person who’s made her feel this way since Nathan; Peter taking Maxie to Paris on a private jet, but them getting stuck in Toronto instead. We see their first kiss, deciding to move in together, and their first Christmas when Maxie gave Peter a personalized stocking, telling him that he’s officially family and she loves him. He tells her that he never had one, and it’s funny how the smallest things get you. We end with Maxie telling Peter, nobody can come between them, except them.

Robert sneaks into Peter and Maxie’s place. We flash back to Anna telling him that he’s targeting Peter, and asking, why can’t he accept the official story? Why can’t he leave it alone? He says he can’t, and she says, there’s no immediate danger or imminent threat. He’s looked the other way before. There’s no reason for him to be digging, except for his almighty ego, and need to be right. He says he’s not going to watch her wreck herself for a murdering SOB. In the apartment, he says, okay, Henrik. Let’s see what you’re hiding.

Franco asks Aiden, what’s up? and tells him to grab the piñata. Aiden tells him, Charlotte said to leave it alone, and Franco suggests they look at it. Ava tells Elizabeth, if someone had said years ago, that Franco would find happiness showing a child a non-violent piñata, she wouldn’t have believed it. Elizabeth says, he’s changed, and Ava says he’s truly, genuinely happy, and it’s all because of Elizabeth. Elizabeth says, they’re pretty happy together, and Ava wishes she could say the same about her and Nikolas. In the beginning, she thought they were a good match; two outsiders, comforting each other. Now she’s not so sure. Elizabeth says they’re completely different people. Ava is an extrovert, and Nikolas has spent his life under the mercy of other people’s opinions. If he did something bad, it wasn’t bad enough, but if he did something good, it wasn’t good enough. He’s given up on his better angel from time to time. Ava says, no wonder he’s lonely. He puts up a great front, but when he’s home alone, he walks through the house, practically haunting it. He had such high hopes for his return, and he got what he wanted, but no one was happy for him. Elizabeth says, he did some reprehensible things. He should have thought twice about it, if he didn’t want to be held accountable. Ava thinks Nikolas thinks so too. It’s taking its toll. There’s an emptiness she can’t reach.

Chase tells Willow, it’s okay, but she says, it’s not. Wiley’s not a person to Nelle. He’s a means to an end; a weapon to use against Michael and his family. He knows Nelle better than anyone. Does he think if the worst happens, and Nelle gets Wiley, she can look past her selfish needs, and think about Wiley’s best interests? She sure as hell doesn’t. We flash back to Nelle in Charlie’s, saying she wants to change Wiley’s name to William; he’ll adjust. Willow tells her, Wiley is a person, and Nelle says she’s sick of Willow and her self-righteousness. She’ll raise Wiley how she pleases, and Willow needs to remember that her son is dead, and stay the hell away from Nelle’s. Willow throws a drink on Nelle. In the park, she tells Chase, sorry she keeps going on about it. Between her and Michael, it’s probably all he hears. He says, there’s a simple solution. It’s not easy, but the way to improve Michael’s chances in fighting Nelle is for Willow to marry him.

Michael tells Carly and Sasha, he keeps going back to Diane’s strategy. It won’t do any good to make Nelle look bad; he has to look good. Carly says, it’s not an acrimonious divorce. It’s not he said she said. Nelle’s crimes are a matter of public record. He says, if he piles it on Nele, it might make the judge more sympathetic. If he calls her out for the horrible, deranged things she’s done, it could backfire, and she could be seen as a victim. We flash back to Nelle being in the hospital, and Michael saying he’s not going anywhere. We move to Nelle saying she admires Carly as a mother. She made a mistake, but at least understand that she wanted to name the baby Morgan to honor him. Let her make things right. We see Nelle telling Michael, their son didn’t make it, and saying the crash killed him. It’s Michael’s fault. He was too busy trying to get her to confess. He says, she’s blaming him? Jonah is dead because of her. She says he was the one driving. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s his. He hated her so much, he killed their baby. He’s ruined everything. We flash back to Nelle in jail, telling Carly, if only she’d known Jonah was alive. Brad ripped him from the safety of her arms. Carly says Nelle will never see Wiley again, and if the legal system doesn’t do it, she will. At the hospital, Carly tells Michael, Nelle is a master victim, and Michael says he has to show the court the reason he’s the best parent for Wiley.

Willow says, Chase told Sasha it was insane, but he says he’s had time to think. He sees Willow agonizing over Wiley, but it’s not his decision to make; it’s hers. If she wants to help, she’s got to marry Michael. If her decision is not to marry him, she’s got to take a step back, and let it be Michael’s problem, not hers. We flash back to Michael telling Willow, Nelle is great at faking it, but she’s the real thing. It’s like saccharine versus sugar. One tastes fine, until you have the real thing. She’s the real thing, and the judge would see her love for Wiley.

Sonny says Cyrus knows better than to contact him, so he’s using Jason as a go-between. Jason asks, why risk it? and Sonny asks if he thinks it’s a risk. Jason says Cyrus ambushed Sonny once, he could do it again. Sonny says, maybe Cyrus wants peace, and Jason says, on his terms. Sonny says, if they were his terms, Cyrus would be gone, and Cyrus knows this. Jason says, Cyrus just got out of prison. The last thing he wants is to be charged with another crime. Sonny could call his bluff by making a concession. Sonny says, that’s not going to happen. He needs to know Cyrus’s next move.

The kids gather around the piñata, and Finn says it’s the moment they’ve been waiting for. Is everybody ready? Anna asks if Violet wants to be first, but Violet says, let somebody else go. Anna spins Violet around, and she points to Charlotte. Charlotte suggests Avery have her turn, but Olivia says if they start messing with the rules, somebody’s feelings will get hurt. Charlotte approaches the piñata, takes a ribbon, and pulls.

Jason tells Sonny, Cyrus is fresh out of prison, far from his base of operations, and lost an expensive shipment. Sonny says, his partners are unhappy, and Jason says, Cyrus can’t come after Sonny unless he knows it will work. It’s Sonny’s city, and he has all the advantages. Sonny says, not all. Cyrus has the Police Commissioner under his thumb. Jason says, Jordan could give Cyrus room to maneuver, and clamp down on them. If Cyrus is free to operate, over time, it could hurt them. Sonny says, that’s the key – over time.

Aiden pulls a piñata ribbon, but nothing happens. Franco tells him, it’s okay. He’s in a perfect position to dive for candy. Violet is spun around, and points to another child. Charlotte looks nervous, but the other kids keep taking a turn, and nothing happens. Danny pulls a ribbon, but still nothing, and now Charlotte is like, come on. Avery is up, but the piñata still doesn’t open. It’s Violet’s turn, and Anna asks where Robert is. He’ll want to see this. Olivia says she thinks he’s on the patio.

Robert looks around, and opens drawers. The front doorknob turns.

The kids chant Violet’s name. She pulls a ribbon, and candy rains down. The kids drop to the floor, scrambling for it. Ava says, it’s precious, and digs in her bag, presumably for her camera. She drops the bag, and Nagini slithers out. Everyone screams, and Charlotte smiles.

On Monday, Robert confronts Spinelli about looking for dirt on Peter (we assume it’s Spinelli whose jiggling the doorknob), Laura tells Lulu that Valentin wants the same thing they all do, and Valentin tells Nikolas to stay away from his daughter.

Tomorrow, the episode from January 17, 2018 is listed in the guide. I can’t decipher exactly which one it is, since the blurb is vague, but it’s around the time of Jim Harvey and Nathan being revealed as Obrecht and Faison’s son.

The Real Housewives of New York City

Ramona has made plans for the women to visit a vineyard. In her interview, she says she wants to make sure they’re not bored and fighting, so they’re going to a winery. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, surprise, surprise. LuAnn woke up complaining about her room. We see a clip where – horrors! – the Countess saw a spider, and tells everyone she’s going to the chiropractor. The women take a limo, and go to the vineyard restaurant for lunch. Leah orders merlot. In her interview, she says she’s not an alcoholic, but didn’t like what alcohol was doing to her life. She stopped drinking, but now drinks when she wants, and she’s been drinking a bit over the last six months. Ramona gets a text from LuAnn saying she can’t make it. She got her neck cracked, and the doctor told her to take it easy. She’ll see them later. In Leah’s interview, she asks, in what world would you invite someone battling sobriety to a winery, and act surprised when they don’t want to go? It’s not a big riddle. Dorinda says after only 24 hours, they got Leah to drink. Ramona says, the weekend isn’t over yet. I didn’t see them pour Leah’s wine, but WTF? It’s like maybe two sips. Either she guzzled something when I wasn’t looking, or they are cheap with a pour. At a winery. In Ramona’s interview, she says bonding means opening up with what they’re feeling inside, and we flash back to her and Bethenny discussing their fathers. She says, that’s how they get close and get to know one another, rather than talking about superficial stuff.

Ramona tells the women, she came from a disruptive household. Growing up, she would play music, and look out the window at the clouds, wondering what was out there for her. Years later, driving back from the Hamptons, she felt like she was sixteen again, questioning what was going on with her life. Dorinda says she has goosebumps, and Ramona tells them, she said, mommy, help me. Sonja is impressed with the self-realization, and says she’d thought Ramona was avoiding the topic. In Ramona’s interview, she says it’s important in life to feel safe with a person, and it scares her that she doesn’t have that in her life. Tinsley says she has the same feeling, and she doesn’t even have a child. At least all of them have had those things, and checked them off. Ramona says, it’s not a box you check, and Dorinda says she enjoys Tinsley, but she has frustration with her. It’s like how they were talking about icebergs on the Discovery channel. As big and beautiful as they are on the surface, 90% of them are under water. She feels like she’s only seeing the tip of Tinsley. It’s not about being nosey, but getting to know her. Sonja says she didn’t even know Tinsley had a new boyfriend.

Tinsley says, Bruce is from Chicago, and has three children and two ex-wives. She’s never really been around children, and was surprised she could deal with that, and be a part of the family. She doesn’t know if it’s going to be long term; she’s not used to being one of an army of people, and wonders, where does she fit in? Leah thinks Brett is being selfish. We see a clip of Leah asking Tinsley if she feels like she’s wasting her time, and Tinsley says she always feels that way. She tells the women, she probably won’t have her own kid with this guy. Every time she sees him, it’s with his family, and she needs alone time with him. Leah says, they’re also socializing with his friends. In Tinsley’s interview, she says she doesn’t like being sixth on the totem pole.

It’s Leah’s turn, and she tells everyone, after high school, her parents sent her to rehab. When they came to get her, they told her she wasn’t coming home. In her interview, she says she was an effed up teenager, and put her parents through hell. They told her that they couldn’t have her disrupting her brother’s and sister’s lives. She tells the women, her parents told her that they couldn’t have her there, and took her to a halfway house run by nuns. They drove her to a nunnery in Upstate New York, and drove off. She wondered what was happening to her life, but later realized that her mother was trying to save her life. She had to face the consequences of the things she was doing, but it gave her perseverance. She’s been though the worst. In Ramona’s interview, she says Leah had the vulnerably to confide in them, and she has empathy, since she went through a bit of that herself

Dorinda gets weepy, and says she needs another napkin. She’s been crying for a month, and doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. She says she’s scared every day, and starts to cry. Leah asks what she’s scared of, and Ramona comes around the table and hugs her. Dorinda says everyone thinks she’s strong and able. She’s the anchor for everyone’s boat, but sometimes she wants to be the boat, and be anchored by someone else. Ramona says Dorinda is overwhelmed, and Dorinda says she’s always running the show. Ramona says Dorinda does for everybody, and in Dorinda’s interview, she says, life is heavy. She wakes up worried, and goes to bed worried, and has no one to share the burden with. John never had these kinds of responsibilities. She’s tapped out. Leah says the pressure is always on women to do everything.

Ramona says Sonja is next. Sonja says she’s at the point Ramona was, wondering how she got there. She runs around, pays the bills, and has one foot in the nursing home. She didn’t sign up for this. Then you die. Dorinda says, she thought they were supposed to be expressing their hearts, and Leah wonders where the oxygen tank is. In her interview, Dorinda says, Sonja has had a couple of drinks, and she’s talking about everything except what makes her vulnerable. Stop her. Ramona looks at her phone, and says she’s checking on where she’s having her party. In her interview, she says she’s having a fabulous cocktail party at Joe Ferrell’s home. It’s stunning, and the women’s mouths are going to drop.

Back at the house, Tinsley tells Leah, she went on a date with Joe, and it was the lamest date ever. It was a basketball game. Leah says, and he didn’t even feed her or anything. In Tinsley’s interview, she says she found out he’d also dated Bethenny. He wasn’t her type, and she doesn’t think he drinks either.

LuAnn gets back, and in her interview, she says she didn’t want to miss any bonding, but she’s glad she took care of her neck. She didn’t sleep well, and between the spiders and the smell, she’s not comfortable. Dorinda asks how Ramona’s afternoon was, and Ramona admits she had had date. In her interview, Dorinda says she’s never seen a person slip in and out of dates so quickly. It’s like sliding doors. We flash back to Ramona leaving various events for a date, and Dorinda says, it’s impressive. Ramona says he was Persian, sexy, and more flirtatious than she is.

Ramona tells LuAnn to come to her bathroom to do makeup. LuAnn goes upstairs, and in her interview, Ramona says LuAnn’s floral dress does not belong in the Hamptons. It belongs in Nantucket or Atlanta. In LuAnn’s interview, she says she’s glad she missed lunch. By the looks of it, Sonja was over-served, and they’re not even at the party yet.

On the way to the party, in one limo, Ramona tells Dorinda that Joe is a major developer. In the other limo, LuAnn tells Sonja that she’s interested to see the house. Sonja says, Ramona is a social butterfly, who needs to be knocked down a notch. It’s not a good look. Sonja says she’s trying to hang onto her long term friends, but Ramona is more interested in the rent-a-crowd, party filler people. In Sonja’s interview, she says, Ramona is showing off her fancy friends, but it’s just another boring party, with stiff people, and a lot of small talk. She thinks Ramona forgot what’s important in life.

The house, named Sandcastle, is massive, and there’s a humongous mirror in the entryway. Ramona says she’s in love with it, which is no surprise. LuAnn says the house is for sale, and Sonja says no wonder they were invited. She realizes that the four of them sharing the limo – her, LuAnn, Tinsley, and Leah – all have mug shots. Leah’s says, it’s a bunch of weird white people, and in her interview, she says, it’s not the type of party she’s used to. It’s weird Eyes Wide Shut sh*t. By the end, she’s going to be taken to a back room and made to be someone’s bitch. (I just have to interject that I had a hard time keeping my eyes wide open when I saw Eyes Wide Shut. It wasn’t nearly as interesting as I thought it would be, and that one-note piano score was sleep inducing.) Sonja is disappointed that there’s no gin, and goes for Tito’s. Ramona introduces everyone, and Sonja says she’s being so formal. In Tinsley’s interview, she says, Sonja lived like Ramona is pretending to. Sonja tells Ramona, they might be in a $39 million home, but act like she’s in her $7 million home; she likes to be down-to-earth. In Ramona’s interview, she says, with Sonja, she has to bring herself down, while with her other friends, she has to elevate herself.

Ramona accuses Leah of chewing gum, like it’s a crime, and Leah says, no, she’s not. She walks outside with Tinsley, and says she swallowed it. Ramona’s eyes scared the hell out of her. She saw Ramona’s eyes, and just swallowed the gum. Ramona just scolded her, but she’s not from the royal family. Inside, Sonja says she thinks Leah is classy, but doesn’t look classy; she’s rough around the edges. Ramona thanks Joe for letting her use the house. In her interview, Tinsley says, it’s weird seeing Joe. She thinks he and Ramona would make a good couple. The way Ramona is batting her lashes, he seems to be into it. She tells Leah, Ramona is flirting as usual. In her interview, Leah says, Joe seems like a nice older gentlemen. Men who are short and unattractive still have women running after them if they have money. It’s the world we live in. In LuAnn’s interview, she says, it’s hard not to drink. The bar is there, and everyone is drinking. She was hoping Leah would be her wingman by not drinking, but it’s not happening. She’s lost her sober companion.

Ramona gathers everyone for a house tour, and they check out the bowling alley in the basement. The women are impressed, and Joe says his house just made him hotter. In her interview, Leah says, exhibit A. She rests her case. Tinsley is having a hard time bowling in heels, and gets a gutter ball. On the way downstairs, Dorinda tells LuAnn that she thinks touring houses is tacky. In her interview, Dorinda says she lived with her husband in London, and they don’t do house tours. You see the living room and the dining room, and maybe the kitchen. Maybe. LuAnn and Dorinda do some bowling, and LuAnn gets a strike. In another room, Joe shows them a half pipe he had put in for his son, and a DJ booth. There’s also a swing that can be hoisted to the ceiling, and when Ramona goes up in it, it makes me nervous. It’s not like there’s a seat belt.

Mutual friend Elyse joins them, and Dorinda says she was married to a hedge fund guy. They discuss clothes, and Elyse says she’s not a huge shopper. Investments, yes; clothes, no. Sonja says her husband always bought her clothes, and Elyse says Sonja was his accessory. Sonja takes offense, insisting they were partners. Elyse says Sonja was a trophy wife, and Sonja starts to get loud, telling Elyse to clip it. Elyse says, Sonja brought men to their knees, and Sonja keeps repeating, take it back, until Elyse takes it back. Sonja says, Tinsley was a trophy wife, which annoys Tinsley. In Tinsley’s interview, she says she and Topper met at boarding school, and they were the same age. Sonja was a hostess when she met her husband, who was a hundred. That’s the definition of a trophy wife. Sonja announces that she doesn’t shave her p*ssy. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, Sonja is drunk, but she doesn’t think Elyse should be talking like that. It’s no one’s business to pass judgement on what roll any of them played in their husbands’ lives. LuAnn tells Dorinda, Sonja is off the rails, and shouldn’t have kept drinking. She’s going to be out like a light. Dorinda says, or it will be batten down the hatches.

The women check out the buffet, and LuAnn wants someone to tell her why she left her own beautiful house to spend the weekend in Ramona’s basement. It smells like dog piss. In LuAnn’s interview, she says, the room is also fully stocked with liquor. She noticed. Sonja tells Ramona to go sit with her rich friends. She’s treating them like chicken liver. Everyone is like, um… that’s chopped liver. In Ramona’s interview, she says, when Sonja acts like this, it’s no wonder she’s not invited to certain events. Sonja says they’re not important to Ramona, and Dorinda says, Sonja is on a roll. Leah sits down, and Sonja points to a young guy sitting at the table, saying he wants to have sex with her. Leah says, who wouldn’t want to have sex with her? In Leah’s interview, she says, watching Sonja eye-f*** this dude is the best part of the whole party. She wonders if Sonja would say, never mind, if he had a tattoo. She doesn’t think so. The guy asks if Sonja wants a drink, and Ramona suggests he get Sonja some club soda. Sonja tells him, just show her his driver’s license, and they’re good to go. She has an amazing vagina. LuAnn joins them, wondering what’s happening, and Sonja asks how her p*ssy is. LuAnn looks down, and says, it’s all still there. Sonja says she stole the show, but they’re not getting laid tonight. It’s all quite astonishing. And astonishing that Sonja is invited anywhere.

In her interview, Leah says, Sonja is not just entertaining, she’s embarrassing. They get up from the table, and Sonja says Ramona is a party popper [sic]. Ramona says, the party is over, and Sonja says, Ramona is over. She tries to latch on to a guy going past, and LuAnn says he’s married and has a baby. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, it’s like Godzilla has been let loose, and Godzilla is drunk. Ramona steers them all out, and a guy named Eddie asks if every night is like this.

Sonja tries to go back, but Dorinda says, no, you’re not. Sonja says Dorinda is getting in between her and her vagina. Dorinda wonders why Sonja does this to herself – and them.

I’ve been wondering why I like this show when it’s just as drama laden as RHOBH. The lightbulb came on just now. The women are just as self-centered, and sometimes as mean, as the women in Beverly Hills. But when they’re mean, it’s because they want attention or they’re thoughtless – not because they’re deliberately being cruel or want to get back at each other. Huge difference. Same drama, but different intention. It’s kind of like the difference between 2 Broke Girls and King of Queens. The people are both awful, but on 2 Broke Girls, you know when push came to shove, they’d do anything for one another or even to help a stranger. On King of Queens, they’d trample each other to get to a fire exit. But they’re not real, so it can be funny. Okay, digression – and commercial break – over.

It’s 10 am, when Dorinda knocks on Ramona’s door. She says, there’s a problem. LuAnn left, and she’s written an out-of-control text. Ramona says she saw a car pull out last night, and thought someone stole her car. Dorinda doesn’t know why she was cc’d, and reads the text addressed to Ramona. LuAnn says, it’s not the fish room part two. She has an amazing home, and there, she had to share a bathroom with someone she didn’t know or be in the basement, where there’s dog piss and spiders. She’s always lowest on the totem pole when it comes to rooms. Ramona says she asked LuAnn if she wanted a room on the  ground floor, and thinks LuAnn just wanted to go home. Dorinda wonders why LuAnn can’t just say she doesn’t want be downstairs, and that it feels lonely. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, LuAnn always has an issue with the room. We flash back to Vermont, when LuAnn whined that she was just married and back from Palm Springs, so her room could have been nicer; and Great Barrington, where LuAnn griped that the best room was being saved for Bethenny, who’d just been through a tragedy. Dorinda says, and Ramona’s house. Dorinda thinks there’s a theme going on here.

Ramona calls LuAnn, and gets voicemail. Dorinda tells her to be careful with what she says. Ramona says she hopes LuAnn got home safe. She’s sorry LuAnn felt isolated, and that she wasn’t being more aware of how LuAnn felt. She was concentrating on superficial things, when it was important to bond, and she never meant to make LuAnn feel that way. She asks LuAnn to come back, and she’ll try to make it up to her. I’m kind of surprised, since Ramona actually sounds sincere. She tells Dorinda that LuAnn felt rejected, and she gets that. In her interview, Ramona says she doesn’t want LuAnn to feel bad. She was preparing for eight women, cooking, cleaning, and shopping, and effed up.

Sonja wonders what happened last night, and thinks she had a great time. Ramona asks if she’s straight yet, and tells her about LuAnn leaving at 1 am. In Sonja’s interview, she says LuAnn was humbled by her probation for ten seconds. Now everything’s not good enough. Sonja reads the text, and they all want to see the basement, and troop downstairs. Sonja deems it a party palace. In Dorinda’s interview, she says, it was either sleeping in the guest room, or being home. A bed, television, and bathroom is enough.

Ramona’s phone rings. It’s LuAnn.

Next time, Ramona and LuAnn have a tennis match; a cute dog groomer comes to groom Marley, and LuAnn says she’d like to be groomed; a game of beer pong is played; Leah goes off the deep end; and Ramona wails over the remnants of a very messy party.

📡 John Olivier and LuAnn were guests on Watch What Happens Live (quarantine edition), and John was too funny. He was enthralled with next week’s RHONY preview, and how it went from, I think there’s vodka in that, to I think she’ll be okay, to a naked Leah pulling a tiki torch out of the ground, to a guy nobody knows saying, I think I should go. He said, if someone would ask which he liked better, that or Parasite, he would say Parasite, but he’d be lying.

👨🏾‍🍳 On Top Chef, the chefs arrived to find stations for each of them, with utensils, aprons, and tablets. They each got a phone call from a loved one; wives, moms, sisters, and friends, and chatted for a while. Padma came in and told them to gather around. Their loved ones were going to be an integral part of the Quickfire challenge. They were all at Mozza, an upscale restaurant, and the chefs would have to replicate whatever dish their person was eating, using their instructions given over the phone. The dish had to look and taste the same, but a photo couldn’t be texted. They had thirty minutes to cook the dish, which I probably don’t have to point out, isn’t very long. As usual, the winner would be exempt from elimination, but they would also receive $10K courtesy of the show’s partner, Metro. Kevin said the run for ingredients reminded him of the streets of Manhattan; everyone was running around like lunatics, wearing headphones, and screaming at someone no one else could see. Since each loved one had a different set of communication skills, it was pretty funny to watch the chefs try to decipher what it was they were going to make. After cooking/plating time was up, a photo of the dish was texted to them, so they could see how close they came. Guest judge Nancy Silverton, owner of the Mazzo restaurant group, and whose dishes were being reproduced, was introduced. Bryan had a totally different dish, so it was the least favorite, but Nancy made a point of saying it was still delicious. Kevin was the winner (aw! I like him), and he called his wife, saying that her being super detail oriented panned out. In his interview, he said his successes had always been because of her, and he was glad they got the opportunity to enjoy the victory together.

Nancy explained that, in addition to her restaurants, she was also an entrepreneur. She had the Bakery Bread company, and was starting a gelato line called Nancy’s Fancy. The chefs were to create a signature product to bring to the Westfield Century City Food Festival. They would be giving out samples of food using their creation, and the shoppers would each get one ticket to receive one product. The chefs’ loved ones would assist them in the making of the product, and they were given $600 to shop at Whole Foods. While making dumplings, the kitchen got a little too hot for Lee Anne’s mom, who came close to fainting, and had to lie down. In Lee Anne’s interview, she said her mom was her main consideration, but she still had to be in the competition – alone – and finish a million dumplings. Okay, it was really 150. Several of the others came to rescue, and she said she was touched that she had great people willing help. I was pretty impressed with that myself. Afterwards, Bryan ranked the others in a notebook, no surprise, putting himself at the top. He’s starting to get on my nerves.

At the food festival, the chefs labeled their products. Melissa ended up being the top seller, receiving tickets for 31 bottles of kimchee vinaigrette. She said she’d wanted to create a versatile product, which seemed to be key. Nancy picked Gregory as the winner of the challenge with some Haitian pickled veggies that I wouldn’t mind a jar of. The bottom three were Stephanie, Jennifer, and Bryan full of Malarkey. In his interview, he whined that his product sold well, and tasted amazing, because he knows better than the judges. Stephanie was told her marinara sauce was nothing different than was already out there. Bryan’s salsa whatever was oily, and Tom said it was confusing as to what he was actually selling. Stephanie’s ginger lemon sauce, which sounded like a good idea, was deemed not smooth enough by Tom, and Nancy thought Stephanie had diluted the flavor by mixing in yogurt. Tom did say he was impressed with how quickly the chefs all came up decent product on the first try, saying it had taken twelve times for him to get his first product correct. He also conceded that in a crowded market, it was hard to get something to stand out.

While I was hoping Bryan would be packing his knives and going, it was Jennifer who was moving on to Last Chance Kitchen. She says she was from Philly, and Rocky kept coming back. In her interview, she told us, the competition had done so much good for her; she’d learned a lot about herself. She started off wanting things done her way, and it motivated her to be better. She now accepted that she makes mistakes, and wanted to learn. Her best memory was going to be cooking with her sister. The loss couldn’t change how happy the challenge made her.

Next time, the elimination challenge will be a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the L.A. Philharmonic, the chefs will pair up, and it will be a double elimination. In the preview, Lee Anne said shopping with Bryan was like shopping with monkeys on crack.

🏕 Coming May 4th

I’m hoping this isn’t like Summer House at camp, but it looks like it probably is.


👯‍♂️ But Not Too Close…

We’re getting there, and I hope in the meantime, you’re getting up and getting dressed. No slippers before 6 pm, and make that bed. Unless you don’t normally make your bed, then disregard that. Stay safe, and wear that mask with pride.

January 13, 2020 – Tracy Admits Her Angle, Captain Lee Makes a Decision, Brandi Hides, No Crown For Kyle, Not So New Cast, CZ Tells All & Some Elton


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Tracy says, no surprise she finds her granddaughter with her nose in her phone, and Brooklyn says she got some good news. Nikolas Cassadine is alive. Tracy says, so? and Brook says, maybe Tracy should text Luke. It’s just a suggestion. Tracy asks why Brook is so touchy. Brook says she’s a little emotional because a guy she thought was dead just called to say hi, and ask how she’s doing. It’s kind of crazy that no one in her family asked. Tracy says if Brook is looking for those kinds of feelings, she’s in the wrong family. Ned comes in with Michael, and says Michael didn’t text him back about not coming to the shareholder’s meeting. Tracy asks why she wasn’t informed about a meeting, and Michael says, it’s for… She knows, the people who hold shares, but as long as Dillon is out west, she has his proxy vote. Michael says they’re voting on what to do with Oscar’s shares. Brook says they can go back to their corporate infighting in a minute, but she has a big announcement.

On the phone, Sam asks where Jason is. He says he’s at the MetroCourt. He’s meeting Michael before the memorial service. Sam can’t believe they’re going, but it’s weirder that Willow wants to go. He says Willow wants closure, and Sam hopes she gets it. She’s thinking of going over to Crimson to visit Maxie. Maybe she’ll stop by the MetroCourt, and they can grab a bite. No one said there’s a rule they can’t bump into each other. Alexis walks in, and asks what Sam thinks she’s doing.

At the MetroCourt, Franco tells Elizabeth that he loves date night. She says she loves having him back, and he asks if she’s okay. She says, it was quite a bombshell. She can’t believe Nikolas is alive. He says he’s thrilled that she’s tickled to death her ex-boyfriend is back. She says, she’s thrilled Nikolas is back, but she’s in love with Franco. She missed him every minute. He says, it’s weird that another person was living in his body, but no time passed for him. He keeps wondering what he was like. Would he want to get to know himself? She says, funny he should ask, because… They see Jason standing there.

Maxie tells Peter, far be it from her to judge when a friend is in the midst of an emotional tsunami, but when Nina was deciding whether or not to destroy Valentin, she was running the magazine herself. Then Nina comes back, and squashes a potentially huge advertising deal, and wants to micromanage. Maybe she should see what Lucy has to offer. What does he think? He apologizes, saying, it’s been a draining day at the office, but he does want to talk. What if they go get dinner instead? She likes the idea, but has some things she needs to finish, and says she’ll meet him there. He watches her as he waits for the elevator, and flashes back to admitting to Anna that he worked for Faison’s company at the same time as David Black.

Robert goes to Anna’s house, and asks if it’s a bad time. She says, it depends on what he’s there for, and he says he wants to tie up some loose ends. She says, regarding? and he says, would-be assassin David Black, who almost killed her friend Andre. He went to get the PCPD file on him, and Mac said she’s got it. Anna gives the file to him, and he says he’s surprised she took a second look, since her would-be son looks like a hero. Unless she’s having second thoughts about him too.

Maxie hears the elevator, and says, back so soon? Spinelli says they couldn’t stay away, and Maxie looks up to see him and Georgie. She thanks him for bringing their daughter with  him.

Brook says she’s been at the courthouse all morning; the lines were awful. Michael asks why she was there, and she says she did something that she should have done a long time ago. As of today, she’s no longer Brook Lynn Ashton. She’s officially and legally Brook Lynn Quartermaine. Ned tells her, congratulations; her great-grandparents would be thrilled. Tracy asks, what’s the angle? Ned asks why there has to be an angle, and, Tracy says, Brook just changed her last name to Quartermaine. Of course (🍷) there’s an angle. Michael wonders if it has anything to do with her gig at The Floating Rib tonight.

Lulu says she warned Dustin. Between the wedding and her brother showing up alive, it was quite a scene. He asks how she’s holding up, and she says she’s trying to wrap her head around it. She’s beyond happy that Nikolas is alive… He says, but she’s pissed he left the family in the dark? She says, really pissed. He’s been missing for years, and now he’s back. She’s conflicted emotionally, but hasn’t had enough time to focus on any of her emotions.

Maxie asks why Spinelli didn’t tell her that he was bringing a special guest. He says Ellie decided to come back, and they’re joining her. Maxie says it’s a welcome relief from her dumpster fire of a day. It’s a long story; she’ll explain later. She asks how long they’re in town, and he says, if all goes well, forever.

Sam ask if Alexis was eavesdropping. Alexis says, it’s her house; sue her. Sam says, fair, and Alexis says they talked about this. Sam has to be careful. Outside of visitation with Danny, Sam shouldn’t communicate with Jason. Sam says she’s not cutting Jason out of her life completely, and Alexis says, as long as she knows she’s playing with fire. Sam says she and Jason live in the same city. No one can stop them from bumping into each other. Alexis says she’d be impressed by the loopholes Sam found, if her anxiety wasn’t skyrocketing. Sam says, if all goes according to plan, they won’t have to be discreet much long. Alexis asks, what’s that supposed to mean?

Elizabeth tells Franco that she needs to speak to Jason about Jake for a moment. She thanks Jason for Jake’s Christmas gift, and apologizes that he had no holiday time with his son. It’s been crazy busy since Franco came back. Franco says, hi, and tells Jason that he heard they bonded. Monica told him that he helped Jason build a treehouse. Jason puts his jackass hat on, and says, they didn’t bond, and Franco didn’t help him. Franco says, cool. Elizabeth says, Jason helped change Drew’s mind. She and Scotty did everything they could, but whatever Jason said convinced him. It made Drew realize that it wasn’t his life, and it belonged to Franco. Franco thanks Jason, and says he guesses he owes Jason his life. He sees Peter, and says, just about as much as he owes that guy. He tells Peter, hi.

Anna tells Robert that his bias against Peter is showing. It’s not a good look. He says she’s deflecting, and she says she’s concerned that he’s investigating an innocent bystander. He says, Peter shot the shooter, and she says, he didn’t know anything about the assassin. Robert says, it’s too convenient, and wonders if she has questions about Peter’s story too.

Alexis asks how exactly is Sam expediting her and Jason’s reunion, and Sam says they have a deal with Robert. Alexis says, Jason is working with the DA? Sam asks if she doesn’t think Jason is credible, and Alexis says she thinks Jason’s intentions might be good, but it’s a Federal conviction and Robert is the local DA. He has no pull with the Feds. Sam says, not necessarily. Robert is brokering a deal between her and the Feds. Alexis asks, how? and she says Robert thinks he can get her parole reduced if they offer up a bigger fish. Alexis asks if she’s caught anything.

Peter tells Franco, hey, and Franco says it’s good to see him. The man of the hour is here. He heard about Peter’s heroics at GH. He saved Franco’s life, and Andre’s too. Peter brushes it off, and Franco tells him, don’t be so humble. Elizabeth asks if he’s meeting someone, and he says he’s meeting Maxie. Elizabeth says she’s been meaning to get in touch. They’d like to have her and Peter over for dinner. Peter says, that’s not necessary, and Franco says he’s a bonafide hero; they should celebrate. Peter says, he’s really not.

Robert tells Anna, now they’re getting somewhere. How long as she been suspicious of Peter? Anna says, Jason saw her at the hospital the day Franco was going through the procedure. He believes Peter was more involved with Faison than he admits, and with what was done to him and Drew. Robert says, the procedure and Drew’s death are connected, and asks if she’s come up with any evidence linking Peter to the assassin. She flashes back to Peter admitting that he worked at Faison’s company at the same time David Black did. Robert asks if Jason had any hard evidence, and she says, no. That’s why she was reviewing the file. He asks if she found anything.

Lulu says she’s sorry to unload on Dustin, and he says she has a lot going on. She says she’s glad she hasn’t scared him off, but just wait. He says, there’s more? but she says she actually thinks her life is about to get calmer. Nikolas’s return will have fallout, but Charlotte is home safe with her. She thinks they might actually have a chance to spend more time together. He says, it’s not fair that she’s getting his hopes up. She says she knows every time it looks like they can get to know each other more, something gets in the way. A disastrous wedding… He says, teenagers, and she says, Charlotte jumping off the pier. He says, her mother, and they laugh. He says he’s glad to hear her laugh, and she says it happens a lot with him. He says he’s good at other things too, and she asks if he wants to get out of there. He asks where they’re going, and she says Rocco is with his grandmother, and so is Charlotte. They could go back to his place.

Ned says, Brook has a gig? and she tells Michael, thanks, narc. Michael says The Floating Rib had a big PR blast, and Ned wonders how Brook got out of her contract. Tracy tells Ned to fill her in, and Ned says, Brook is stuck in a contract with a predatory music producer. Brook says, he’s a skeeze, and Ned says, a skeeze with an intimidating angle. Brook says now that she’s a Quartermaine, she can sing wherever she wants, but Michael says that won’t get her out of her contractual obligations. Ned says they have to talk, but Brook says she has to go, and jets. Tracy says, Brook’s first day with the Quartermaine name, and she’s already disgraced it.

Alexis says, so Robert is willing to broker a deal with Sam if she has someone big to offer? Who is it? Sam says, it’s confidential; sorry. Alexis says that’s hardly comforting. The doorbell rings, and Alexis says Sam was saved by the bell. She hopes Sam knows what she’s doing, and tells her to be careful. Sam says, always, and Alexis opens the door to find Neil. He asks if it’s a bad time. Alexis says, it’s perfect timing, and invites him in. Sam says she’ll give them space, and tells Neil, hello and goodbye. She leaves, and Alexis says, welcome home. He thanks her, and says, it’s been a minute. She says, a couple. It’s nice see him. Did he just come to say hi, or is it something else?

Maxie tells Spinelli, hold up. They might be in Port Charles permanently? Spinelli says, it’s possible. Ellie is in the running for a desirable position heading up a lab in Queens Point. She’s going to her final interview, and they’re expressing cautious enthusiasm. He and Georgie came along in case she’s presented with an offer; they’ll have to find a place to live. Maxie says she’s cautiously excited. She knows how it can be when an expected chance comes along, and you’re afraid to go for it, but if you do, something incredible might happen. He asks if she’s talking hypothetically or is she leaving Crimson?

Ned tells Tracy that ELQ is under control. Tracy asks Michael, what’s more important than being CEO of ELQ? and he says, a memorial service. She says, her condolences. Who passed? Michael says a man who he despised.

Dustin tells Lulu, there’s nothing he wants more than to spend the night with her, but only if she wants to. She asks why she wouldn’t, and he says she’s had a lot of emotional upsets lately. He wants to make sure she’s ready to have sex again. She laughs, and says she appreciates him asking for consent. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t have family drama going on, but a girl has her wants. She wants to be happy, and she’s happy with him. He says he can’t argue, and they kiss. He goes to settle the check, and she says she’ll wait outside; don’t keep her waiting. As she gets up, Brook runs into her, spilling her drink on Lulu. Brook says, sorry, but then sees who it is, and says, or not.

Robert says Mac told him that Anna has had the file since before Christmas. She must have found something. She says, nothing that links Peter to the assassin. He asks, what about Jason’s theory? and she says, it’s a theory. There’s no evidence to support it. He wonders if she didn’t look too close, and says she has a Peter-sized blind spot. If she’s not careful, she could be in a lot of trouble. When Peter goes down, he doesn’t want her going with him. Things are in the works that are going to show her what her would-be (Robert’s WOTD) son is really like.

Peter tells Franco that he appreciates the complement, but he’s uncomfortable being the center of attention. Franco says he’s a hero, and Peter says that’s kind of him to say, but he prefers to publish the news rather than be the news. He and Maxie would love to have dinner. He tells Elizabeth, pick the date, and let him know; they’ll be there. He says, it’s good to see them, and starts to leave. She asks if he’s not meeting Maxie, but he looks at his phone and says, she’s craving Noodle Buddha now. He leaves, and Franco says, awkward. What’s up with that guy?

Spinelli tells Maxie, he doesn’t mean to pry, but this could be a watershed moment. She’s not thinking of leaving Crimson, is she? She says, forget it, and he says, it’s forgotten. Sam comes out of the elevator, and hugs Spinelli. Maxie asks him to tell Sam the good news, and he says, it’s not good news yet, but it might be. It’s possible Ellie might get a local job in Queens Point, but nothing is set in stone. Sam hopes Ellie gets the job. They need him there.

Neil hope he didn’t interrupt Alexis and Sam, but Alexis says Sam was on her way out. She asks when he get back, and he says, a few hours ago. She says he came right over? and he says he tried to call, but got voicemail. She says her phone was on silent, and asks how Montclair was. Did he spend time with his brother and family? He says, it was nice, and she says, just nice? She’s glad, but she should have gotten him a thesaurus for Christmas. She forgot to thank him for saving her life before he left. She missed him. He seems distracted, and she says, okay. Just tell her what’s going on.

Tracy says Michael is going to skip the shareholders meeting for a memorial service for a sociopath? Why give that twisted guru a second of his time? Michael says Shiloh’s followers will be there for closure, and he wants to be supportive. In particular for Kristina and Willow. Ned explains that Willow is Wiley’s birth bother, and Tracy says Michael is so consistent, making nice with a sweet single mother. Shocking. Michael says, fun as this was, he needs to hit the road. Ned tells him, good luck. After Michael is gone, Tracy tells Ned to drop the cool and collected act. He asks her, why the sudden revitalized interest in ELQ?   

Lulu tells Brook to watch where she’s going, but Brook says Lulu hit her drink. This is where Lulu offers to buy her another round. Lulu says she knew Brook would ruin this. Brook sees Dustin, and says, oh my God. Is she on a date? There are peanut shells on the floor; she should practice better self-care. Lulu says, if it’s such a dive, what is Brook doing there? Brook says, performing, and Lulu asks how it feels going from Webster Hall to this? Brook says she has to go, and tells Lulu, enjoy her date. Lulu joins Dustin at the bar, and he asks, what happened? she says she was just showered with Sex on the Beach. Brook tells herself she’s got this. No one can stop her. A skeevy looking dude walks in, and says, want a bet?

Alexis says Neil is clearly distracted and distant. He says he’s here, and happy to see her. She says she can tell. He’s been off the radar, which is understandable because of the holidays. She understands. Neil says he kept in touch, and she says they texted nightly and he came straight there, but it’s awkward. He says he didn’t mean to give mixed-up signals, and she says, talk to her. He can tell her anything. He gets up, and says, something happened while he was away.

Spinelli tells Sam and Maxie, the possibility of moving back is exhilarating; he’d love to be close as a family again. Peter comes back, and Maxie says, look who’s here. They exchange pleasantries, and Spinelli, who looks uncomfortable, says he has to go check in and get settled. He hopes to catch up soon. Maxie hugs him and Georgie, and tells Spinelli, thanks.

Franco says now he knows Peter is uncomfortable with praise, and Elizabeth says, it’s a sign of insecurity. Franco thinks it’s weird, and wonders if Peter is socially awkward like Jason. Elizabeth tells him, if he gets in the habit of complaining about Jason, he might slip in front of Jake. Franco says he’ll change the subject. What was he like as another person? Was he cool or stone cold like Jason? She says he can judge for himself. He recorded a video message for Cameron. She hand him a phone, and says it’s his to watch when he wants.

Michael meets Jason at the MetroCourt bar, and apologizes for being late. He says, Tracy finally made her move, and Jason asks, how bad? Michael says he thinks she’s after ELQ.

Ned asks Tracy to tell him what her angle is. She says she’s concerned for the family, and he says her time away with Luke has made her soft; she used to be a better liar. She asks why she would lie, and he says she hasn’t shown a scintilla of interest in the family. Now she drops in out of the sky to take pot shots at Michael and his daughter. She says she wants to make sure ELQ remains in the family’s hands, and he says, she’s making a play for ELQ again, isn’t she?

Brook asks what he’s doing there, and I think we can assume he’s her producer, Zak. He says he had a meeting with a Canadian hip-hop artist who’s supposed to be the next Drake. He thought he’d stop in before he went back to civilization. Imagine his surprise when he saw that Brook Quartermaine was preforming. She says, it’s a two drink minimum; enjoy the show. He says if she does this gig under any name, she’s breaching her contract, and he’ll sue her. She says she’s sure he has more successful clients; why won’t he leave her alone? He says he sees her potential, and grabs her. He pulls her to him, and says he doesn’t care. He doesn’t give up on talent, and wants further collaboration. She whacks him in the mouth, and steps away from him.

Alexis says she’s thinking Neil must have met someone, and that’s fine. He says, it’s nothing like that . He’s losing his medical license. She asks how that’s possible, and he says, because of her.

Zak says, there she is. The diva he’s always wanted. He moves toward Brook, who says, don’t touch her. Lulu comes out of nowhere, and pulls him back, calling him an SOB, and telling him to get his hands off of Brook. Dustin slams him up against the wall, and asks if he was never taught not to put his hands on a woman. Brook says, teach? and Dustin says, Brook?

Ned says Tracy has a sudden interest in voting Dillon’s shares, and in Michael directing the company. She wants to push Michael out as CEO and chairman, and put herself in his place. She says, not her. Someone else.

Michael tells Jason, Tracy had a field day talking about Shiloh’s memorial. It wasn’t her usual snark. She said he was neglecting the company. Jason says Michael doesn’t have be there, and Michael says Jason doesn’t either. Jason says he thinks whoever is behind this memorial has an agenda, and Michael says he does too.

Elizabeth asks if Franco doesn’t want to watch. He says he does, but doesn’t think he’s ready to see himself. He’s kind of terrified, and guesses that makes him a coward. She says, far from it. Whenever he’s ready, it will be there. He smiles.

Maxie tells Peter that she’s almost finished. She asks if Sam wants to join them for dinner, but Sam says, sorry. Olivia just texted her. The kids were spending the night, and now they don’t want to, so mom to the rescue. She’d like a raincheck though, and Maxie says she’ll hold Sam to it. Sam leaves, and Maxie asks if Peter made reservations. He says he changed his mind, and asks if Noodle Buddha on the sofa and a move sound good. She says, it sounds like heaven, and goes to get her purse.

Anna asks what Robert means by things in the works. Is the PCPD launching an investigation, or is he calling in favors from the WSB? He asks her to promise that when the truth comes out, and it’s not to her liking, she’ll stand clear. If he’s right… She says, what if he’s wrong, and there’s no proof. Will he admit Peter is innocent? He says, no proof; no case. She says if that’s the best she can get, she’ll take it. She tells him, it’s kind of late, and he tells her, goodnight. He leaves, and she goes to her desk. She finds the papers that point to the connection between David Black and Peter, and hides them inside a book.

Tomorrow, Brook has a show to do, Neil doesn’t want to make the same mistake again, and Laura says she loves Nikolas no matter what he may have done.

Below Deck

The boat is cleaned up for the next charter. Captain Lee calls Rhylee to the Sky Lounge. Kate tells her, go in, and take responsibility for everything. The captain says he’s talked with Ashton and everybody else, and they have a situation – and it’s unpleasant. She’s probably one of the hardest working people he’s worked with, but this ain’t Alaska. It’s a yacht, and they behave differently. As with all unpleasant situations, he had to come up with a solution, and he’s come to the conclusion they’re going to make it work. It’s going to take change on Ashton’s part, and a lot on hers. Sometimes, the only way to change the way people treat you, is how you react to how they treat you. In the captain’s interview, he says Rhylee is a hard worker, but her edges are about as rough as they come, and it’s the end of the charter season. He tells Rhylee that he wants them to do better, and expects it. In Rhylee’s interview, she says, Ashton tried to get her fired, and it hurts. They genuinely don’t like her. Where does she go from here? Late tells Rhylee that she needs a break, and hugs her.

The captain radios Ashton. He tells Ashton that he could have dealt with it the way Ashton wanted to, which is just make it go away, but that’s not managing. (He listened to Kate!) Ashton says he can’t change Rhylee, and Captain Lee says he’s not asking Ashton to do that. He’s asking him to try and make it work. He asks if Ashton said he’s just tolerating her, and Ashton admits he did. Ashton says, it’s the truth, but the captain says, sometimes the truth isn’t the best management skill. Ashton is retaliating, and it’s not a role he can’t afford to take when he’s in management. Ashton says he respects the captain, and will respect his wishes. He’s willing to do it. Captain Lee tells him, do it with an open mind because his isn’t. In Ashton’s interview, he says he’s shocked at how it turned out. When a decision needed to be made, the captain went with the third deckhand. He respects Captain Lee, and is going to do what he said, but hopes it’s for a good reason. What just happened? He radios Rhylee. I laugh my head off. Poor Ashton. He didn’t get what he wanted – the easy way out.

Rhylee meets with Ashton, and he says, what happened last night is past. This morning, they need to make it work, and respect each other and the situation. They need to put in the effort, and it will be okay. He asks if there’s anything else she wants to say or add, but she shakes her head. He leaves, and she says, it’s an effing joke.

Ashton tells Brian, Rhylee isn’t going anywhere. Molly texts Ashton, and asks if he wants to meet up. In his interview, he says he doesn’t want to cause sh*t among the crew, but when guests are off the boat, they’re fair game. He tells Molly that they can meet.

Kate asks if Rhylee would be offended if she and Tanner hooked up underneath her (referring to the bottom bunk, not anything kinky). In Kate’s interview, she says, Kevin is mean to her, and Ashton is mean to her; she needs consolation. The crew gets ready to go out. Rhylee likes when they have separate taxis for the girls and guys, since she’s with the guys all day. Ashton tells Kevin, by the time the ex-guests arrive, he’ll be sleeping. Rhylee says all the guys are pissed at her, so that just leaves the three girls to hook up with. They laugh.

They hit The Library, and in his interview, Tanner says he was out of commission when they went there the last time. Ashton hooked up with Kate, and Brian kissed Courtney; who is Tanner going to kiss? Apparently, Tanner has a pretty loose definition of hooking up. He asks Kate if she’s going home with him, and she says, yes. Molly and Justine (from the last charter) walk in. Kate says, it’s ridiculous. The bartenders do the Tom Cruise/Kokomo/Cocktail thing behind the bar. In Tanner’s interview, he says they’re sexual tension between him and Kate, and now Justine has been thrown in the mix. He’s just going to get drunk and see what happens. No comment. Ashton says, the other girls aren’t happy. Kate steps out with Kevin for a smoke, and tells him they’ve spent all this time listening to these women and catering to them, and now the one time they don’t have to… In Kevin’s interview, he says it’s as annoying for him as it is for Kate. It’s their time. Molly says she’s moving n three weeks, and Ashton kisses her. Tanner asks if he can slide into Justine’s DMs. In Kate’s interview, she says she’s been the one working all season. She should get to screw a deckhand. Ashton says nothing surprises him with Kate. He doesn’t want to make drama. He tells Molly that he’ll see her in five days, and the crew gets in the taxis.

Rhylee tells the other girls that Ashton was asking Molly out. Kate says she’d rather do it with a Vienna sausage. They’re pale, yucky, sit in coagulated fat, and nobody knows what to do with them. They get back to the dock. Brian says Courtney is beautiful, and she says he’s drunk. In her interview, she says when she gets to know someone, it’s usually a day by day progression. She likes him a lot, and thinks they have a genuine connection. She doesn’t know what to say. They jog the rest of the way to the boat.

Everyone goes to bed, and in her interview, Kate says she admits she’s had a few drinks and she’s bored. Tanner has been flirting with her all season. Now she’s cashing in her ticket. She goes to his cabin, saying, Tanner, Tanner, Kate. Pajama party. He’s barely conscious, and she asks if he’s okay. In Kate’s interview, she thinks it’s a good learning lesson for him. Drink less, hook up more. She goes back to her own cabin, and says, so rude.

Everyone forces themselves out of bed in the morning. Kate asks Tanner if he’s okay, telling him that she went to invite him to her room, but he wouldn’t even flip over. In his interview, he says, is she kidding him? He blew it. Rhylee folds towels, and says, they can’t fire her even if they try. She helps with the towline, and Captain Lee watches her and Ashton work together. In his interview, Captain Lee says he’s not a fan micromanaging, and he’s not starting now with Rhylee and Ashton. They’re adults. They don’t have to like each other, but they have to work together. Neither one of them is going anywhere. He told them what he expects – deliver. Simone tells Courtney that Tanner is standoffish, and Courtney says he’s been canoodling. In Courtney’s interview, she says, Tanner is a playboy for sure. He’d said he wanted to hook up with other people, but she’s not telling Simone that he wants to hook up with other people who are her boss. Brian’s not mature, but he’s more mature than Tanner. In Brian’s interview, he says he doesn’t know where he and Courtney stand after the season is over. As far ask his daughter is concerned, he’s been single all her life. He needs to be confident about who he introduces to her, and can’t bring women in and out of her life.

Tanner tells Ashton that Kate was going to invite him to her room, and they laugh. The captain calls Kate, Ashton, and Kevin to the mess for the preference sheet meeting. The new primary is Alexis Bellino (former cast member on The Real Housewives of Orange County). She’s recently divorced, and her boyfriend Andrew is looking forward to a romantic vacation. He says, she’s obviously moving on. In Kate’s interview, she says her only concern about a Housewife on a charter is they tend to be dramatic. The good news is, they can’t flip over tables since the tables are nailed down. The captain says they’re not coming until late afternoon, so Kevin doesn’t have to be concerned with lunch. They want a green, Irish theme party, and a cave/island excursion. He suggests the Pilah Lagoon, and says Alexis wants to celebrate her independence day. Kate says, as long as the guests have the most drama, they’re doing okay. She loves charter eight.

Five hours before charter. Ashton has a deckhand meeting. In his interview, he says he’s had issues with Rhylee, but he’s stuck with her. He’s going to treat her like a third deckhand. Just keep quiet, and take orders. The provisions come in. In his interview, Kevin says he’s put a lot of hours into the charter season, and it’s catching up. His back is giving him a hard time. Captain Lee tells the crew to be on the aft deck thirty minutes.

Walking to the boat with her crew, Alexis says, vacation starts now. Kate says she sounds like a dolphin, and a guest asks if anyone brought their airhorns. Captain Lee says, there’s always one d-bag. In her interview, Kate says, they look like they’re from Orange County. Tanning beds and gym memberships. She’s scared. The captain welcomes them to Thailand, and says they have a busy few days planned. So let’s get to it, get underway, and off the dock. Kate does the tour. Alexis and Andrew kiss. In Kate’s interview, she says, eww! She wonders if Alexis is proving to her ex or to her friends that she’s doing fine, but she can prove she’s doing fine without having a tongue down her throat.

The guests unpack. Courtney makes mojitos. Alexis jumps on Andrew. Anchor is dropped and locked in. Andrew dives of the side of the boat, and Captain Lee says it looks like that hurt. Ashton gets ready for the excursion, and gives Rhylee the sh*t work, like cleaning out the hot tub. In her interview, she says it’s blatantly obvious that she’s not part of the team in their eyes. She feels defeated, and is questioning what and why she’s doing what she’s doing. Kate tells Simone and Courtney that they’re handling dinner service. In Simone’s interview, she feels like she’s come a long way. Kate is still condescending though. She can’t stand the insult to her intelligence. Bye, Felicia. Rhylee eats in her bunk while the jerkface deckhands high-five each other.

Kate tells Kevin, it’s going to be freaking Dublin. Kevin says he’s just going to spice up the Irish thing. If he makes something green and puts Guinness in something, he’ll be okay. Brian texts Courtney that they haven’t spoken about the end of the season, and asks what her thoughts are. She asks what his are, and he says they’re just having fun, right? In her interview, she says, it’s insensitive to have an important conversation through text. He’s being a d*ck. It’s not that hard. Courtney tells Kate about it, and says, it’s awkward. In Courtney’s interview, she says, nobody wants to hear that a person they like is just having fun. It sounds like it’s not that important. Kate says she’s surprised. In Kate’s interview, she says she feels bad. It must be Courtney’s first boatmance. Now she’s spinning out about Brian. An excursion is perfect. Courtney can get off the boat, clear her mind, and take her misery elsewhere. The captain asks who Ashton is taking, and Ashton says, Tanner. Simone wanders around with a drink, looking for the guest it belongs with.

The guests get in the tender, and they cruise around the island. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking. Ashton says, it’s called Pilah Bay, but that’s as much as he can tell them. Clearly, he didn’t do his research. Alexis and Andrew go for maximum PDA. In Courtney’s interview, she says, are you kidding? It’s the last thing she wants to see, especially now. Kate asks if Rhylee was reading a magazine in the bathroom, and Rhylee says she was eating dinner in there. In Kate’s interview, she says she’s never seen this side of Rhylee before. She’s a strong woman who’s been beaten down by an ex-Chippendale.

Kevin tells Brian that Courtney is going around saying sh*t about him messaging her. In Brian’s interview, he says he’s pissed off. She’s speaking about their personal relationship, and he’s respected her. He’s seeing a different side of her, and it’s not a good side. Brian thanks Kevin for the heads up, and the guests return.

Kevin puts on a sparkly green top hat, and sings and dances. He says he’s back. Kevin is kind of an idiot, but I’ve also enjoyed him this season. Ben will always be the best though. The guests come back, and Brian says he wants to talk to Courtney. She says, maybe. He says, after dinner? and she says, maybe. In her interview, Courtney says she doesn’t want to have this conversation at work. He’s already upset her at work. Brian tells Ashton that Courtney has issues. He tries to cover his ass by saying he wanted to have a conversation with her, but thought he’d text first before they spoke. She’s acting like he broke up with her on messenger, but he just wanted to see if they were on the same page. Courtney says he’ll probably make her cry, and she’ll have puffy eyes. Brian says she’s talking sh*t behind his back. What gives her the right? It’s hard to believe three of the most insensitive, clueless d-bags ever ended up on the same boat.

Alexis and Andrew continue on the PDA trail. Courtney and Kate decorate for the Irish theme. Kate says, there’s slim pickin’s with décor in Thailand. Considering what she had to work with, it looks pretty darn good. There are green metallic streamers hanging from the ceiling, and the table is decorated with sparkly green hats, coins, and other green stuff. The guests arrive for dinner wearing flashing green horns, which are really annoying. Alexis says she’s told everyone that she’s never getting married again, and Andrew says now she’s asking when they’re getting married. Kevin does a nice spin on corned beef and cabbage, and Kate says it’s the sexiest Irish food she’s ever seen. It does look good. Simone tells Kevin the main word she’s hearing is delish.

Tanner asks if Kate wants to go for a smoke, and they go out on deck. He asks what she thinks about hooking up. In her interview, she says, don’t tell her about it, just do it. She says she believes he’s over-thinking it. If it happens, it happens, but he should probably wait a day or two. It’s awkward right now. Brian texts Courtney that she shouldn’t have brought up their conversation to Kate; it’s going to be all over the boat. He texts that she took him the wrong way. Courtney tells Kate that Brian is still texting her. Kevin makes shortbread with chocolate pudding and double cream for dessert, and I want some so badly. Captain Lee is annoyed to find no toilet paper in whatever bathroom he’s using. The guests go to bed, Simone asks Kevin if he’s okay, and Courtney cries in her cabin. In her interview, she says she thought Brian genuinely liked her, and she’s taken comfort in him through the majority of the season. Now she questions the legitimacy of how much he likes her. She can’t handle that emotionally.

The sun rises. Kevin makes meatballs and breakfast. Kevin takes the breakfast orders, and Rhylee asks if the guests are ready to see more of Thailand, and tells them to enjoy their breakfast. Rhylee tells Ashton that the guests like her. Ashton says they only have her in small doses. In the galley, Kevin falls to the floor. Simone asks him why he’s down there, and he tells her to get him some painkillers. He can’t straighten his back. Ugh. I know what that’s like, and it’s horrible. A dude we’ve never seen helps him up, and says he’ll get an ice pack. In Kevin’s interview, he says it’s the worst pain he’s ever had. He doesn’t know how he’s going to get through the charter. Simone gets his meds, and gives them to him.

Rhylee goes to her cabin. In her interview, she says it’s the hardest work scenario she’s ever had. She’s still trying to learn yachting industry. Throwing in a bunch of drama with a meathead who can’t control his temper, and boys following suit because it’s bro code; it’s hard. Courtney tells Kate that Kevin can’t move. Ashton tells Tanner to pull anchor. Brian sighs in his cabin. He asks if Courtney wants to talk, and says she took what he said the wrong way. She says he texted that he was just having fun, and she thought he liked her. He says he does. Why can’t they sort this thing out? He doesn’t want whatever they have to end this way. He says he’s never talked to anyone else about it, and she doesn’t know what he’s upset about. He says he doesn’t want other people to know his business, and she’s telling them. She’s sorry he feels that way, but it’s distracting while she’s working. He gets indignant, saying, she’s sorry he feels that way? and she says she’s sorry she didn’t realize it was that private, and it’s a big deal. He says he didn’t want to hurt her, and asks for a kiss, but she says she doesn’t know. Ashton radios for Brian, and he and Courtney agree to speak later.

In his interview, Captain Lee says all they need is for their chef to be down. Every other area, he can fix himself, but he’s just an old line cook. If the chef can’t cook, the guests don’t eat. They’re in the middle of nowhere, and he doesn’t think he can get someone to bail them out.

Next time, Tanner asks Kate when the next invite to her room is, Rhylee calls Ashton a misogynist pig, and Captain Lee says they’re all acting like a-holes and he’s madder than a pissed on chicken.

🐮 Oh Please…

I didn’t mention her discretion much in my Friday night diatribe, but this is rich. Five minutes ago, she was throwing down chairs and demanding LeeAnne stand trial. I guess she can dish it out, but she can’t take it.


👑 She Will Never Wear the Crown…

I don’t care who says it’s Kyle’s show, she’ll never replace LVP.


🌴 Everything Old Is New Again…

The cast doesn’t seem much different from last season. I wonder if Vicki, who swore up and down she was done with friend status, will accept a new contract. Could she really stand not getting married on TV?


👾 Come Out, Come Out, Citizen Z…

TBH, I never even thought about it. And now I’m thinking about how much I miss Z Nation. He and Doc were my favorite characters too. Now I’m sad and pissed all over again.


📅 Halfway Through Another One…

My New Year’s Resolution is to make no resolution. It’s better that way.

August 28, 2019 – Cassandra Must Be Found, a Reunion Ends With Charm, Posh World, Without Joe, Laverne’s Wisdom, Breaking Now, an Idea & Victoria’s Heart


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Jordan tells Curtis she’s clear. She’s gotten the go ahead to work full time. His baby is ready to roll. She asks, what’s wrong? and he wonders why she can’t work part time. She says she could, if she didn’t mind losing her sanity. She can only delegate so much for so long. She needs to get back to work.

Michael tells Sonny that he just came from the hospital. Sasha is sicker than they thought.

Monica thanks Jax for coming to the hospital. She’s called anyone who worked in close proximity to Sasha. They’ve identified her illness. It’s the Avian flu, a strain they haven’t even seen before. In the meantime, anyone who’s had contact with Sasha has to be tested, and have a round of anti-virals. He asks if the symptoms wouldn’t have shown up by now. She says, in all likelihood, but it’s a precautionary measure. They’re using an abundance of caution. He asks about the prognosis, but she says she can’t even speculate. They don’t even know if they caught it in time.

Valentin talks on the phone to Charlotte, who’s in the park with Lulu and Rocco. Charlotte tells him about her softball game. He says he’s sorry he can’t be there today, but she says her mom took a video. She gives Lulu the phone, and she asks how things are going. Valentin says, it’s all wait and see. She tells him, please give Nina her best, and tell her that she’s praying for Sasha. Don’t worry about Charlotte; she’s totally fine. He thanks her, and says he’ll be in touch. Valentin tells Nina that Charlotte successfully stole two bases. She gets it from her father. Nina says she needs something else from him. He says, anything, and she tells him that she wants Cassandra – alive or dead. Can he arrange it for her?

Jason sees Cameron at the hospital, and asks if he’s waiting for his mom. He says he’s here on his own. He wants to talk to Franco’s doctors.

Elizabeth says, hi, and Franco says if she’s on her way out, he can come back. She says, that’s okay. She was going out to look for him. He asks if she’s there by herself, and she says the boys aren’t there; just her. He says he figured that he owed them both a conversation. He can tell her a little bit about himself, and she can tell him about the man he used to be. She invites him in, and says, welcome home.

Robert shuffles through files, looking for one on Shiloh, and another on Cabot. Mac finds them for him, and asks why he won’t use the software. Robert says he likes the feel of paper, and he’d also have to learn it. He thanks Mac, even if he alluded to Robert being some kind of dinosaur. Mac says he didn’t,  and Robert says they work well together. Where else can he kick his little brother around? Mac says his days as Commissioner are over.

Jordan tells Curtis that congratulations would do. He congratulates her, and she thanks him. He says he’s really concerned that she’s pushing it, but she says she got clearance to work full time. She’ll be drawing full pay, and he can ditch his job with Valentin, or Jax, or both. He asks why he’d do that, and she says he’s bordering on corporate espionage. He says it’s helping them making bank, and they can knock out the medical bills and put away some for TJ’s college fund. She asks what he’s going to do if Jax finds out he’s taking money from Valentin? He says he’ll handle his business. She says, and she’ll handle hers, but he can escort her to the station first.

Elizabeth shows Franco a drawing Jake did. She says Jake is her middle child. He’s an artist like the both of them. He was instrumental in promoting Jake’s talent. She asks if it looks familiar. He just looks at her, and she says she knows he needs time. She ask if he’s hungry. Her youngest, Aiden, baked cookies. He’s the one who discovered Aiden was a gifted baker, and he’s Aiden’s sous chef. He says he already ate, but she says she’ll bring some out anyway. He must still have the same taste buds, and he loved Aiden’s cookies. He says he thinks it would make things easier if she didn’t refer to him as Franco. He’s Drew. Elizabeth says, sure. She didn’t mean to offend him. He says, nobody does. Except maybe that German woman, the doctor. Elizabeth says Obrecht considers herself a good friend of his… of Franco’s. She’s direct and intense. He says she also slapped him. She actually tried to slap some sense into him. Elizabeth says, sounds like her. What did she have to say? He says she told him the life he’s living doesn’t belong to him, and to get out of Franco’s way. He doesn’t understand. Why would anyone want that? Why would they want to be around a killer?

Cameron tells Jason that he tried to register for a class with a philosophy professor, but it was too early. He read that Descartes said, I think, therefore I am. If Franco started to think he was Franco, and really believe it, it might help. He thought he’d run it by Franco’s doctors. He asks if Jason thinks it’s dumb, but Jason says he can talk to Monica, and arrange it. Cameron thanks him, and says it’s just hard to understand how everyone is going along with this. How could Franco forget his family and loved ones? Jason knows what it’s like, doesn’t he?

Jax tells Monica, the flu is contagious. It’s strange how only one person contracted it. Monica says, especially since Sasha has never been to Asia. It’s a matter for law enforcement now. It’s no accident that Sasha came down with the flu.

Nina asks Valentin how they can make it happen. He says they do nothing. He’ll take care of it. Nina needs to know there are no more threats to her family. She can’t do this again. She feels helpless and out of control. Valentin says, those days are over, but she says that person is still inside of her. She knows the signs. He says he knows she’s a strong woman, and knows he loves her. He has those protective feelings too. He tells her to take care of Sasha, and he’ll take care of the rest.

Michael tells Sonny, as a precaution, he’s getting a round of anti-virals. Sonny asks what about Sasha? and Michael says they’re afraid they took too long to diagnose her. They’ve never even seen the strain in this hemisphere. Sonny wonders how Sasha contracted it, and Michael says it was on purpose by someone on the island – Sandy Lance. Sonny knows her by Cassandra Pierce.

Charlotte asks Lulu when they’re going home, but Lulu says Rocco’s game isn’t over. Charlotte wants to go to Windymere. It’s been forever, and she left her doll in the trophy room. Lulu knows Charlotte misses Nina and her papa, but they’re taking care of Sasha. Charlotte asks if Sasha will be better soon. Rocco runs over, and says he hates this game. He wants to go home. Lulu says he can’t quit, and Rocco says, it’s okay for his dad to quit, but not him? He asks if his dad is ever coming home. Dustin appears, and asks if someone lost their glove.

Mac tells Robert that he thinks Jordan is returning tomorrow; end of mission. Robert says, what if it doesn’t happen? What if Jordan gets kidnapped by pirates, and the mayor gives Mac the job? Mac says he’s not out to steal Jordan’s job. Robert says he’d rather sling drinks and keep cleaning up after drunks than admit he likes police work? Jordan comes in, and says she just got clearance to work. From the sound of it, it’s not a moment too soon.

Sonny tells Michael that Cassandra wanted him to help her import something, but he told her he wasn’t importing it into Port Charles. Maybe Sasha is collateral damage, and Cassandra was trying to get to him? Michael says, no. She sent a picture to Nina as a message. She wanted Nina to know it was payback. Sonny says, for what?

Elizabeth says, Franco’s not a killer. Franco says, kidnapping, assault, arson, murder. She asks where he got this, and he says, the internet. She tells him, Franco did bad things while he was sick. He found out he had a brain tumor, and when it was removed, he was cured. Franco says now he knows he’s not sick, but Elizabeth disagrees. He says she’s not the only one objecting, She says she’s lost a husband, and her children love him, and want him back. He says, wanting doesn’t make it so. She says if anyone can undo what happened it’s Andre, the man who perfected the procedure. Drew is bringing him back from Ethiopia.

Cameron says Jason used to be a Quartermaine until the accident; that’s what his mom told him. Jason says, that’s right. Cameron says he didn’t remember his old family, changed his name, and found a new one. Jason says it wasn’t as easy for him as it seemed. The Quartermaines wanted him to be someone he wasn’t. Cameron says, that’s what’s happening to Franco. Jason says he used to feel that way about the Quartermaines, but time passed, and he eventually found a new relationship with them. They got to know him as he is now. Cameron asks how long it took, and Jason says, years. Cameron says his mom and brothers don’t have years for Franco to figure out that they matter to him.

Curtis gets a text from Valentin – Must see you asap at GH. He tells Jordan that he has to go. Jordan tells Mac and Robert that she doesn’t officially return to full time until tomorrow. Sonny comes in with Michael, and says he’s there about Cassandra Pierce. Robert says they’re aware of the situation, and Mac says they’ve been pulling files. Sonny wants her found before someone else gets hurt, and Mac says, odds are, she’s not in Port Charles. Robert says they were on to her after she escaped. Mac says they know she’s flying under the radar. Sonny knows all about that.

Jax asks Nina how Sasha is, and she says she’s waiting. He says, alone? and she tells him that Valentin just left to take care of business. Jax says Monica filled him in a little; how can he help? Nina laughs, and says, him? He says he knows Finn has a good reputation, but he has connections. She says he can drop the phony concern. She knows he doesn’t care about Sasha or her. He says, that’s not true, and she says he wouldn’t know truth if he was shot up with the bird flu. He’s been lying to her since he came into her office. She knows about his secret file on Cassandra Pierce. That woman is the reason her daughter is sick. That psycho almost killed her daughter.

Jason tells Cameron, there’s no way to predict what will happen with Franco. They don’t even know if it’s reversable. Cameron asks what he should do, and Jason says, try not to pressure Franco. Cameron has to accept Franco is as confused as he is. Jason didn’t make allowance for how other people felt, and he regrets that. Cameron says Jason’s loved ones were older, and had perspective. His brothers are still young, and look up to Franco. Jason admires that Cameron wants to fix it, but he’ll have to wait. Cameron says his brothers need Franco. The more time he’s away, the more screwed up they are, and they’ve been through so much already. Franco needs to suck it up, and come home.

Franco tells Elizabeth that Drew was going to Afghanistan for him, but never mentioned Ethiopia. She says he just found out where Andre was yesterday, and diverted the plane. Franco says Drew didn’t mention it to him, and Elizabeth is sure Drew was in a hurry.  Franco thinks it’s part of a larger plan to keep him there, but Elizabeth says, Drew wouldn’t do that. Franco says, he’s wasting a trip. He’s not talking to any doctor. As soon as this bracelet is off, he’s gone. Elizabeth tells him not to do that to the people who love him. They can help him. He asks why he’d want help. Help means the end of him.

Monica asks Jason for a favor. He says, anything, but she tells him, don’t say that until he’s heard her out. Jason was with Franco when he got arrested; how did he seem? Jason says, angry and confused. He insists he’s Drew. Monica is afraid he might bolt. This might be her only chance to find out what Drew was like growing up; the son she and Alan never got to raise. She doesn’t want to let the opportunity slip through her fingers. Jason says she may have to. It might already be too late. I’m surprised at Monica being so selfish. She already went through this with Jason, and should know better than to push. I could understand if she wanted it for Drew, but for her own personal interest? Really?

Franco says the doctor will screw with his head, and chances are, it might not work. Or even worse, it does. She knows it’s incredibly selfish, but she’s asking anyway. The boys want her to fight for him. He says he doesn’t know them, and they don’t know who he is and who he loves. It’s his chance to get back the life he was robbed of. She says, that Drew was robbed of. He’s robbing her of her husband. He says, it’s not him. He doesn’t remember marrying her. The ring he’s wearing, a symbol of vows he doesn’t recall making. Wearing it is dishonest. He tries to hand it to her, but she doesn’t take it. He says he’s not trying to hurt her or her children, but he wants to get on with his life. He puts it on the table, and Cameron walks in.

Lulu introduces Dustin, saying, he’s a teacher. Rocco asks what he teaches, and Dustin says, including and not limited to, snake wrangling, jumping out of planes, a bunch of other crazy stuff, and baseball fielding. Lulu tells Rocco, if he’s nice, Dustin will give him some tips. Dustin says, only in exchange for a signed game ball, and gives a ball to Rocco.

Jordan tells Sonny, there’s only so much they can do in their jurisdiction. Robert says Michael and Sasha encountered Cassandra on Sonny’s island, and Sonny says he’s made some calls. If anything goes down, he’ll hear about it. Jordan asks if he’s going to share, and Sonny says, share and share alike. Nina said Cassandra is after her. Don’t they think her story might help give them a lead? Jordan says they know how to do their job. Sonny says, then they don’t need him, but Robert wants to ask Michael some questions. He wants to know more about their interaction with Cassandra. Michael tells Sonny to go. Michael goes into the interrogation room, and Jordan asks, what if Sonny finds Cassandra first? Mac says let him look. It will keep him out of their hair… her hair. Jordan says, about that…

Curtis tells Valentin if he wants another update on Jax… Valentin says, forget Jax. He needs help with something more important – protecting his family.

Jax asks Nina, how sick is Sasha? She says, Sasha and Michael crossed paths with Cassandra, and now Sasha has been diagnosed with a strain of bird fly never seen in this hemisphere. She shows him the picture, and says, then she got this text. Does he know where Cassandra is? Jax swears he doesn’t, and Nina says she feels so much better. Never mind about the angle he’s been working against her and Valentin since she caught him in her office unannounced. He has a file on Cassandra. Jax says he has nothing to do with her. She asks if she’s supposed to take his word, and he says he has nothing against her. He admires her. Valentin is another story. Nina says while he avoids answering her questions, her daughter could be dying. Spare her his false concerns and empty promises, and tell her the truth or get out. He says, it is the truth. What’s happening is horrible, and all he wants to do is help. He thinks there’s more to Cassandra’s relationship with Valentin than he’s letting on. She might want to protect herself. No matter what she thinks of him, he’s not her enemy. She says, if this is how he treats his friends, she doesn’t want to be his friend. He leaves, and she sits on the bench and sobs.

Jordan wants to clear the air. She knows Mac enjoyed himself. He says he has, and she says she understands he’s done a terrific job. Word is, her people wouldn’t mind keeping him around. Robert says he knows Mac wants to be in a leadership position, so he can affect change. Mac says he never considered this more than temporary, and Robert says it was his idea. Jordan says it was hers; he just agrees with her. She asks Mac, how does Chief of Detectives sound?

Curtis tells Valentin that protecting his family isn’t a one person job, but he can reach out to his contacts. Valentin says he can hire his own bodyguard. He needs Curtis as a detective. He needs Curtis’s problem solving skills. He needs him to find Cassandra before the WSB does, but Curtis doesn’t think she’ll be easy to find. Jax sees them talking.

Sonny approaches Nina, who tells him, go away. She already had enough with Jax. Sonny says she has a problem with Jax? Been there, done that. Nina says, and he’s overwhelmed with sympathy. He says she’s worried about her daughter, and he may be able to help. He tells her to round up Valentin, and tell him about their history with Cassandra.

Jason tells Monica, Drew knew Alan was his father. He figured it out in high school. He saw Jason’s picture in the paper, and knew Jason had to be his twin. He assumed they just wanted one twin. Monica says, nothing could be farther from the truth. He says, Franco did not want to listen, but she says she has to let him know. He doesn’t think Franco cares. Sorry, but his best advice is to let Franco be.

Cameron says Franco is home, but Franco says, it’s not like that. Elizabeth says, he just came by talk things out. Cameron asks why she looks upset, and she says, it’s been upsetting. Cameron says Franco can make it easier, but Elizabeth says. he’s doing the best he can. Franco says they haven’t met, and Cameron introduces himself. He knows Franco doesn’t remember, but those two freaks, Dr. Cabot and Shiloh, wanted to do a memory transfer on him. He was hooked to the machine, when Franco showed up and took his place. He owes Franco more than he can ever repay. Franco asks if he’s okay, and Elizabeth says they’re all okay. Cameron asks Franco to stay for dinner, but Franco asks if they can just agree to take things slow. He’s had his fill for tonight. He starts to leave, and Cameron stops him, saying, he doesn’t get to leave

Monica says she has to reach out. Drew should have been a Quartermaine from day one. Jason says she won’t get through on the first try, or probably the second or third. She says she’ll try as long as it takes for him tell her his story. So she can tell him hers. Jason is sorry, but she says, don’t be. He says, not for that. For the way he treated her and Alan. It took too long for him to see from their perspective. Monica says, he’s himself, and that’s all that matters to her.

Cameron says Franco has to stay. Franco says he’s not the guy Cameron wants him to be, but Cameron says he just needs Franco there. Franco had a life, and a family, and it’s on him to try and keep it going. Franco says, sorry. He can’t be something he’s not. He walks out, and Cameron slams the door. He asks, how anyone can be that selfish? Elizabeth says, he doesn’t mean to be. Cameron says, his wedding ring, and picks it up. He says, that’s why Franco was there,  to return the ring. What’s wrong with him? She says, it’s not his fault, but Cameron says he stole Franco’s life, and there’s nothing they can do to get it back. Elizabeth says, please, Cameron. He starts to cry, and slaps the ring into her hand. He runs upstairs, and Elizabeth looks for her phone. She makes a call, and says she needs a lawyer.

Lulu says she knew Rocco could do it. Dustin says, he just forget to close his glove. He has the same problem. Rocco whispers something to Lulu, and runs off. Dustin asks what he said, and Lulu tells him that he said, Dustin is cool. He says, best review ever.

Mac says Robert knew about this, and was pulling Mac’s chain. Robert says, it was a test, and he passed. Jordan says, her team respects him, and the squad could use his leadership skills. Say yes. He says he has to clear it with his lady, unless they told her in advance. Jordan says, with her approval, welcome back.

On the phone, Michael tells Diane he doesn’t need a lawyer. He tells Robert that Diane wanted him to remind them that it’s voluntary cooperation. Robert says, duly noted and appreciated. He read Michael’s account, but wants to hear it. He might remember something he’s not aware of. Michael says he’s been replaying it over and over, and thinks Robert is right. He may know how to find Cassandra.

Val knows Curtis cares about Nina, and will do what he can to protect her. He’s not asking lightly. Curtis says he’s not taking it lightly. If he finds Cassandra, he’ll turn her in to the WSB. Valentin says that does him no good. Find her, and walk away. And ask no questions.

Sonny tells Nina, something has to be done about Cassandra. The cops can’t find her, and she escaped from the WSB. He doesn’t want to see Nina hurt, and she’s a target. Nina says, please leave, but he says he’s not going anywhere. She says, fine, then she will. Sonny says he’s not through, and Jax says, yes he is. Is there a problem?

Tomorrow, Robert says they have their best lead, Valentin tells Curtis that he’ll get $5 million if he finds Cassandra, and Sasha asks Finn if she’s terminal.

Southern Charm – The Reunion – Part Two

Backstage, Madison is nervous. In another room, Danni says it was personal, and not a good example, especially for a mother to be saying.

Andy welcomes us back like we were the ones who left, and welcomes Danni, who’s joining the reunion. Andy starts with Kathryn’s sobriety. Austen says what she did on Watch What Happens Live was ridiculous. He couldn’t believe the things she said. We flash back to last week, where Austen said he was upset when he tweeted in, and Kathryn said don’t think for an effing second he can come after her sobriety. Back up. Naomie says she got aggressive with Austen just now, but someone saw her drinking when she was on the show. Kathryn asks, who? and Naomie says, a mutual friend. Kathryn says she’d tell them if she drank, because she can. Cameran says, no one is coming at her, but at the same time be honest. Craig says, no one knew if she was allowed to drink, so they just said she wasn’t, and covered for her for the last six months. Andy says there were several reunions where Kathryn felt they were coming against her, and they say the opposite. Shep says, what they’re  trying to say is, they protected Kathryn more than she knows.

Andy says Kathryn planned the treehouse trip, and then was MIA for the days before it. A viewer says, Danni isn’t Kathryn’s mom. If she seems testy, maybe it’s because Danni is crowding her. He asks what Danni meant when she said Kathryn was never held accountable? Danni says, Kathryn gets a lot of passes, especially from her. She wanted Kathryn to have valid reasons why she wasn’t responding. It can be perceived as obnoxious or irresponsible. Kathryn thinks she made a bigger deal about it than it was. Andy asks why she was defensive, and Kathryn says she’s used to her phone ringing, and it being Thomas, or her lawyer, or something else not good. Cameran says she can’t alienate other people who don’t have ill intentions. Kathryn says she talks to her actual friends, and Chelsea asks if they shouldn’t expect a  response since they’re not real friends? Just tell them she’s busy. Kathryn says just so they know, Thomas can bring this up in court. Danni rolls her eyes. Andy asks if that shouldn’t motivate her to be better, and Kathryn says she’s just trying to focus on her kids. Andy says she knows how that makes people feel, and Kathryn says when it’s more than one person, she gets overwhelmed with being ashamed, and portrayed as a terrible friend. Andy asks if she and Danni think it was an unfair representation of their friendship. Danni says they have a unique friendship. She can depend on Kathryn, but not all the time. She says Kathryn has been hanging out with Madison, and Kathryn says their kids play together. Austen says they didn’t hang out just one time, and Kathryn tells him, she didn’t say that. She needed someone for supervision with the kids. Austen thinks she’s playing both sides, and Kathryn says she has no one else, and Andy explains, Thomas approved Madison to supervise the kids. Kathryn says she thought it was okay with them, and she was being decent. Shep says she shouldn’t have to ask if it’s okay. She knows it’s not, because it bothers her friend. Danni has been there for her. Kathryn says she’s in the middle, and it’s a hard place to be. She loves Danni. Danni is her best friend, but it’s way more complicated in her mind. She doesn’t want Madison to feel like she did when no one talked to her. Cameran says, Madison put herself there. Craig says he thinks Madison is manipulative. It’s hard to see Kathryn with someone who caused problems. Andy says she didn’t realize it would go to that level. Naomie says Madison is manipulating Kathryn to hurt Danni, or Kathryn is afraid of her, and wants to keep her enemies closer. Austen says she’s not just asking Madison to watch the kids. If she likes Madison, admit it. Kathryn says she does. Madison makes her laugh. We take a break. Well, they take a break anyway.

Andy says, fresh off a family scandal, Eliza wasted no time getting back in the saddle of society. He asks if it was the hardest time after her father’s affair, and she says she doesn’t like to talk about it. She starts crying – that didn’t take long – and says they were so close. She felt uncomfortable and unwanted everywhere she went. Andy says he’ll change the subject, but she might not like this one either. After her debut at Patricia’s dinner party, viewers thought she was like a bull in a china shop. We flash back to her talking stupid at the party, ending with her saying Kathryn could be a surrogate. Andy assumes she meant no harm by the comment about Kathryn, and Shep says, Eliza is harmless, sweet, and docile, but her social awareness is lacking. Eliza says she’s only twenty-three; she’ll learn. Cameran says she talks too much, and Eliza says she does when she gets nervous. Andy asks if Eliza feels unfairly judged for her relationship with Thomas. Eliza says she’s used to people not liking her because of her family, but she can’t control that. Connie from Houston asks what she sees in Ashley that the rest of the world doesn’t? Eliza says she sees the good in everyone in her life. Ashley didn’t hurt her, so why be mean? Andy asks why she invited Ashley to the skeet shoot. Did she think Ashley would mend her relationships. Eliza says she knew Ashley said mean things to Kathryn, and she thought it was terrible, but she didn’t know Ashley had offended almost everyone there. We flash back to that fiasco. Chelsea says she’s all for forgiving, but Ashley goes about it all wrong. Eliza says Ashley made her look like an idiot for giving her a second chance. Andy asks if they’re still friends, and Eliza says they talk occasionally. He asks if her family is still friends with Thomas, and she says, absolutely. She can’t speak on his behalf, but she’s not leaving him hang out to dry for something that she has no involvement in.

Andy tells us that Chelsea has a brand new house, and brand new man. Dating a professional sailor means a long distance relationship, and it’s causing some to wonder how they keep it afloat. We find out no one has met Nick, and Chelsea says, when he’s in town, his time is short, and they’re trying to spend time together. A viewer asks why Chelsea is so trusting. For all she knows, he has a girl in every port. Andy says, it’s a fair question, and Chelsea says they communicate often and well. Andy asks how dangerous his job is, and Chelsea says, very. There were two fatalities in the last race. A viewer says Chelsea’s dad seems hesitant about her picking men who aren’t around. Chelsea thinks he’s afraid of her moving away, since she’s done it before. Andy asks what Austen thought about her dad calling him a housecat. Austen says she seems like more of a housecat, since she goes to work and goes straight home, but Chelsea says, a housecat is a gamer who hadn’t gotten out much, and her father shouldn’t have said that. A viewer asks if Chelsea feels like an anomaly among her privileged, trust fund friends. Chelsea says she doesn’t think about that, and Austen says no one has a trust fund except Shep. It’s a silly thing to say. Andy says the perception is that they don’t have jobs. Shep says it’s not like he’s raking in government money. Would he be more liked if he worked in a coal mine? Chelsea says she’s had a job since she was fourteen. Even if she won the lottery she’d have a job. If she wasn’t working, she’d feel worthless.

Andy switches gears. There’s been a new drama with Austen and Chelsea every year, and this year it was the screenshots Madison sent to Chelsea of Austen talking about her. Austen says he was venting to Madison, and guesses he was angry. Chelsea says when she first posted about Nick, there were comments about her finally finding a man, and getting rid of Austen. Austen was tagged, and she’s sure it made him angry. Andy says, it wasn’t flattering. Shep asks if Austen didn’t regret it, and Austen says he ate crow. Andy says Chelsea forgave Austen, and took him under her wing to reform his party ways. We flash back to her saying Shep and Craig are bad influences Shep says it bothered him, and made him angry. Chelsea says Austen asked for her advice, and he can take it or leave it. It won’t hurt her feelings. Kathryn says he respects Chelsea’s opinion; that’s why he asked. Andy says goodbye to Eliza, who we already forgot was there anyway.

Craig says if there was ever a time for him to take Adderall, it would be now. Madison comes out, and Andy asks what the status of her and Austen’s relationship is. Austen says they’re not together, and Andy says they’re not friends with benefits? Austen tells Andy, he didn’t say that. Madison says, they’re not together together. Danni asks when they last slept together, and Madison says, last night. Andy says, it’s complicated is the answer, and he promises not to play the video. He does want to talk about it though. Austen claimed he didn’t hook up with the women, and nothing happened. Austen says he’s as honest as a heart attack. Kathryn shakes her head, and says, he hooked up with the blonde one. Craig seconds that. Austen says he was so drunk, and Madison says he blacked out. Andy asks why the blonde’s panties were off, but Austen honestly doesn’t remember. A viewer doesn’t understand how Austen possibly cheated and it was recorded on video, but Madison hooked up with someone when they were temporarily broken up, and she’s the crazy one. Andy asks if Kathryn thinks it’s a  double standard, and Kathryn says, it’s definitely a pattern . It’s typical of the men to blame it on the girl. Shep says they’d tweeted they were together. Austen says he thought things were good between them. Madison says she saw Michelle at a party, and said, woman to woman, did she have sex with Austen? and she said, yes. She told Austen, eff this; she’s done, and they didn’t talk. Cameron says, that’s not a solid relationship. Shep says, it doesn’t matter. You can do anything to Austen. Madison thinks Shep should focus on his own relationships, and leave theirs alone. Craig says Austen calls him crying because she posted a picture, and she tells him to mind his own business. Andy asks what they fight about, and Madison says, mostly Shep and Craig. Craig says she blames them for the DM stuff. They didn’t send it, she did. We flash back to Danni telling Craig about a friend DM’ing Gentry about Madison. Craig says she deflects to everyone else. Austen says, it was made into a big deal, but what mattered is, she didn’t personally send it. Danni says she clearly communicated what happened. She didn’t say Madison sent it. Madison says, after the video, her clients were saying, girl, come on, get out there, and a friend wanted her to meet Gentry. Danni says she heard enough chit chat around town. She didn’t think it was a big deal because she thought Madison was single. She couldn’t keep track of their relationship. Craig knew their status, and did what he wanted with the information. Andy asks if Danny regrets telling Craig, and she says she does. Craig says, it’s Madison’s fault, and no one else’s. Danni says Madison started a bunch of sh*t, and reached out to her boyfriend. Chelsea says thinks it got blown out of proportion, and Madison took her anger out on Danni. Dannie says all she did was try to mitigate it. Madison is a bully and a psycho. Madison asks why she’s so upset, and Danni says, for many reasons. Andy says it’s a great spot to take a break.

Andy says, while the boys whisked Austin away on an RV trip to get over his breakup, Madison divulged to Chelsea that Shep called her white trash. He asks what the definition is, and Madison says, working class, not born into money, and he’s better than she is. Austen says Shep said it to him, and he wasn’t pleased. Shep says Austen told him she’d cheated, and he told Austen, good; get rid of her. He says you have country, who are the best folks, but also have redbacks. I guess those are like rednecks? Cameran tells him not to say white; just say trash. Kathryn says Shep called her white trash at the pillow party. Does he feel that way about her? He says she was acting trashy. It was crazy talk. She thinks it’s harsh to call someone trash. Andy says Shep had to know it was going to get him labeled elitist, which he’s already labeled all the time. Shep says Andy should see his Palm Beach friends, but Andy says it doesn’t sound like he wants to. Shep says it manifests when he sees someone not raised properly. Andy asks what he means? Is it good manners to call someone trash? Shep says, Eleanor Roosevelt said, if you can’t say something good about someone, sit next to me. (Not totally accurate, Shep, but close enough that I’ll let it pass.) The hoity toity aren’t exactly the bastion of being nice to one another. Andy says, Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady, not Brooke Astor. Shep thinks he means that etiquette lady (I assume he’s referring to Emily Post or Amy Vanderbilt), and Andy has to explain who she is (New York socialite and philanthropist). For Shep claiming to be so well-read, he’s not really. He knows some big words. A viewer thinks Madison turned Shep down at some point, and Shep says he’s never made a secret of that. He was whispering in a cheap blonds ear (ugh. he just can’t not insult people), and she wasn’t having it. We flash back to a barbecue where she told him, don’t even. Andy says, another theory is that, in Shep’s world, the one thing worse than losing a girl, is losing one to Austen. A viewer who works in couples therapy says she’s seen couples who hate each other, and as a professional, doesn’t think Shep hates Madison. In fact, he loves her. She asks if he’ll ever admit it to himself. Shep says, they’re both too strong willed. He would never admit defeat, and neither would she.

Changing topics. To help Cameran get her mojo back, the gang headed to Colorado, and Craig unloaded emotional baggage before they got to the baggage claim. We flash back to Craig losing it at the airport, ending with Chelsea telling him to check his pants for a vagina, because he’s being a p*ssy. Chelsea says she was mortified, and the feminists were on her ass, but she’d had enough. Craig says he was just trying to get them on the bus, but Andy says he was frothing at the mouth. Andy says, the weed dinner was fun to watch, and Shep says, it was awesome. In case everyone forgot, Andy says, Kathryn got upset. BadGuyAndrew tweeted, they’re hypocrites. They attacked Kathryn, treated her like an addict, and said her kids should be taken away, then got high the whole trip like there was nothing wrong. Andy says, Austen knew her history and never checked with her or thought about it? Austen says, she knew for weeks, but Kathryn says, that’s not true. She knew a week before, but don’t be dramatic. Austen says, she was silent until she finally asked who arranged the dinner. Kathryn says, on the after-show, he said she did it for attention. We see a clip of that. Andy says Cameran said she didn’t two f**ks. Kathryn say she thought she’d be fine. It was literally the first time she’d been around it. I have to add, it wasn’t like they just passed a joint either; it was everywhere and in her face. And these dudes are LOUD when they’re high. Andy asks what bothered her more, being around it, or no one asking if it was okay. Kathryn says what bothered her most was the guilt that she wasn’t with her kids for months. Austen genuinely apologizes, and Kathryn says, bullsh*t. He says she’s right, it is, and Danni is like, what? Shep says they’ll do a mushroom dinner next time Andy says, we’ll leave it there.

Andy asks if Madison thought she and Austen would get back together in Colorado. Madison says, yes, and Andy says she was obviously upset after talking to him in the hot springs. We flash back to that, and Andy says, after talking to Shep, it escalated, and she revealed something private. What made her go there? She says, at that point, she had so much rage, she blacked out and said something she shouldn’t have. She felt provoked, and felt like Shep was constantly coming after her. Danni asks why she got brought in. She knew both Madison and Austen had animosity toward her, but didn’t know to what extent. It was hurtful, humiliating, and not true. She starts  to cry, and says she doesn’t know how Madison came up with it. Andy asks if Austen made it up. We see a clip from eight hours earlier, where he’s telling Madison that he didn’t make it up. Austen says it could have been misconstrued; maybe he took it wrong. Kathryn asks if he’s sure he didn’t make it up for fun. Austen says he would never make it up for fun. Andy says, so Shep told Austen. Shep says he and Danni dated eight years ago. Practicing to be a future Housewife, Danni says she has her medical records with her. Andy says they called Dr. Jackie from Married to Medicine, who said it’s pretty common. Cameran says, it’s effed up. She would be mortified if someone said that about her. She thinks any of the women would be. Andy brings up Shep saying Austen should tell Madison STFU. Andy asks what Cameran thinks, and she says she kind of agreed. Austen asks if she’d want Jason to tell her STFU, and she says he has told her that when she’s been out of line. So she STFU. Andy asks who thought it was wrong for Shep to bring the girls from the threesome video to Patricia’s party. Austen says, it was a d*ck move. Shep says, it was salacious. See? Big word. Andy says it was messier than any of the Housewives. Andy says Shep has been espousing manners and upbringing; how well people are raised. Is that an example? Shep says he’s not fighting back with fists. It’s his little way of fighting back. Danni says it’s his way of saying Austen and Madison’s relationship is a joke. She says she’s not surprised at anything  hateful toward her from them. Andy asks if Shep enjoyed inflicting pain on them, and Shep says they bicker all the time; it was just another night. He and Chelsea have a history. Chelsea asks him to say her last name, so no one thinks it’s her. Shep says he might have taken her anyway. The other girl was manufactured be him, and approved by Craig. Naomie says they could hardly form words, and Kathryn does a Valley girl imitation. Andy asks if Shep has any regrets, and Shep says, not giving the proper amount of respect to Austen’s relationship, despite his protestations. Andy asks Austen and Madison what’s happening in regard to them sleeping together. Austen doubts tonight and Madison says, probably not. Andy is leaving it there.

Outside, Madison tells Danni that she feels sh*tty about what she did. Danni says, it’s a nightmare when the guys get together. Whenever they’ve had bad communication, the guys are involved. They agree to call each other directly from now on, and hug.

Martinis are passed out, with Kathryn opting for water. Andy thanks them for being there, and sharing their lives. He has one final question. Last year, Naomie was a strong voice for female empowerment, but this year, came off less strong. Naomie agrees, but says she was navigating a new relationship. It wasn’t just about her any more, and she was mindful of another person’s feelings. She thinks that’s normal, if not healthy. Andy asks if Craig is ready to put his angry outbursts in the past, and focus on his burgeoning pillow empire. Craig says he’s working toward being happy, enjoying every day, and finding someone. Andy asks what’s happening for Kathryn in the next year, and she says, hopefully, she’ll be settled in the house she’s renovating. Her kids will be happy and safe, and that will make her happy. He asks if Austen and Shep repaired their friendship, and Shep says, never better. Austen says they took time apart, now they’re better than ever. Andy says, even if Austen dates beneath him? and Shep says he’ll be supportive as possible. Andy asks if Cameran is positive she’s one and done, and she says one is all she can handle. He asks if Chelsea has any upcoming adventures with Nick, and she says, New Zealand. He’s going to be there for eight months. Andy wants to see him on the show, but Chelsea says, he’s not about it.

Andy gives Shep the last word of the season. Shep says, it’s been a tough one for a lot of them, but they’re going to keep doing it and have fun. They enjoy each other’s company, and he’s a better person for having known them. They’ll always be connected, for better or worse. They toast to that. Andy says, Patricia sent a toast via Dorothy Parker. I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three I’m under the table; after four I’m under my host. Shep says he had a toast, and Andy tells him, go ahead. He says, there are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be. Shep tells them, they earned this, and they drink.

Even though Shep infuriates me, I’ll miss them. <sniff>

✈ Spicy Vacay…

They invited me, but I couldn’t make it. I was washing my hair.


👙 While Juicy Joe Rots On ICE…

Teresa goes ringless in Greece.


🌈 A Lesson For Us All…

Laverne Cox tells it like it should be.


💣 Break This…

A little tease.


Walter Jr. has grown up nicely.


🎭 During an episode of Watch What Happens Live, Betty Gilpin (GLOW) suggested a remake of Streetcar Named Desire using the Vanderpump Rules cast. Jax as Stanley, Lala as Stella, and Stassi as Blanche. I thought about this for a hot second, and it actually might not be a bad idea, but I’d switch it to Stassi as Stella and Lala as Blanche. After all, Lala has always depended on the kindness of strangers. The ones with private jets.

💫 Sometimes It’s In My Head All Day…

A catchy tune from solo Posh.