Tag Archives: Laverne Cox

May 31, 2022 – Willow Confronts Nina, Speaking From Experience, Divorcing, Dina Tells All, Sutton Slam, Ultimate Birthday Gift & End


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Britt and Brad walk into an event going on at the MetroCourt pool. Brad’s impressed; Britt, not so much. She calls it tacky, and grabs a drink from a passing waiter’s tray. Spinelli is there, and as he looks for his card to give a woman, she walks away. Austin comes in, and says he thought Spinelli told him it was a charity event. Spinelli says, it is, but Austin says, it looks more like a meat market. Spinelli says, the invitation he received clearly said it was first and foremost a fundraiser, and Austin asks, then how does Spinelli account for everyone having great hair and sparkling white teeth? Spinelli says, maybe it’s the icing on the cake, and asks if Maxie is accompanying Austin, or might she be attending solo? Austin says, Maxie was supposed to come with him, but got stuck at work.

Drew thanks Brook for inviting him to this. How did she know about it? She says, how could you not? Whoever does the PR for Society Set-Ups stopped only at skywriting. Everyone who’s anyone is here. He says, should make for an interesting party, when they see Chase walk in. Chase and Brook lock eyes.

At the courthouse, Carly says, Scotty grossly distorted Michael’s history. Nobody is going to believe what he said, least of all Wiley. Michael says, he can explain away fiction, but one day Wiley is going to have to face the bad parts of his past. And Nelle’s, and Harmony’s. He was thinking, Will Wiley ever forget any of this?

Ava is practicing at the shooting range, when Laura comes in. Laura asks if Ava ever misses, and Ava says, you know what they say. Practice the way you play. Laura asks what she’s practicing for, and Ava says, not what; who.

Esme takes off her jacket to reveal her crop top, and tells Nikolas, it looks like they’re both having a bad day. He says he didn’t hear her come in. Is Spencer with her? She says, he was, but then he left her… again. She pours a drink, takes a sip, and hands it to Nikolas, saying, she guesses they’re both on their own.

Chet says, Terry wants him to move to Chicago? and she says, of course (🍷) not, but this isn’t about what she wants. He says, what if it is? If she’s as interested as he is in seeing where this goes, he should stick around, right?

On the phone with Obrecht, Nina says, the judge just ordered a recess… Willow walks in, and Nina says she thinks she can meet Obrecht for a quick cup of coffee. She tries to pass Willow, but Willow grabs her arm and says, she’s not going anywhere. Nina tells Obrecht, something came up. She grabs Willow with her other hand, and says she won’t be able to meet Obrecht after all, but she’ll call after the hearing. She tells Willow, let go of me, little girl, and Willow says, I will if you will. They break apart, and Nina asks what she wants. Willow says she wants Nina to give up the pretense of being a loving grandmother who only wants what’s best for Wiley. Nina says, that is all she wants, and Willow asks, then why did she let Scotty attack Wiley’s father on the stand?

Sam goes over to Spinelli, and says, another new outfit? Or is he just here to impress the ladies? He says he only aims to impress her. Beverage? She says, yes, and he takes her hand, leading her to the bar. Brook goes back to talking to Drew, and Dante asks Chase, what’s going on with him and Brook these days? Are they on, off? Chase says, it’s unclear, even to him. Is Dante available to help out a former partner? He may need an emissary. Dante says, at his service. He happens to speak fluent BLQ. Brook looks at Chase again, then tells Drew that he should mix and mingle. He asks if she’s trying to get rid of him, and she says, she’s trying to get him to see the opportunity to get investors for Aurora. He tells her, careful. She’s going to live down the cliché that the Quartermaines eat, sleep, and drink business. She says she learned at her father’s knee, and Drew asks if Ned has spoken to her about the offer he and Michael made him. She says, their paths haven’t crossed since the last time Ned turned down their COO offer. If they want Ned involved, this ELQ/Aurora merger has to happen, so he’d better flash his smile. Actually, there’s a woman at the bar who keeps glancing his way. She’s carrying the newest Cartulo bag. She should be good for a few hundred shares. She leaves, and he says, yeah, that’s not how it works.

Carly says, one day, Wiley is going to discover his parents are flawed, just like Michael did with Sonny, but Michael says, he never wants Wiley to see him the same way he sees Sonny. She says she hates that Sonny brought him to this point, but it’s not going to be the same as Wiley.

Nina says she didn’t want to bring this to court; Willow and Michael forced her hand. Willow says, no one forced Nina’s lawyer to say Michael is violent toward women, and a baby thief, and Nina says, Scotty just presented the facts. Willow says, so it’s a fact, that Nelle was protecting Wiley when she put Willow’s dead baby in Michael’s arms, and told him that his son was dead?

Britt wonders, what’s the point of a pool party if no one’s swimming? and Brad says, he’s just taking a wild guess, but maybe no one wants to ruin their hair and makeup. She says she may need his help tonight, and he says ready and available for wingman duty, but she says, no. She means in keeping her glass filled. She can only face this party in a state of cheerful oblivion. He says she might want to stay sober for him, and she turns to see Drew. Drew asks if they’re here for the fundraiser, the singles mixer, or both, and Britt says, both. The company behind this is the matchmaking service her mother signed her up for. Drew says he guesses she’s feeling more optimistic, and she says she’s optimistic about free cocktails. He laughs, and she says, as for the rest, the jury’s still out.

Laura tells Ava, it sounds serious. What’s wrong? Ava says she’s just blowing off steam, and Laura asks what has her so steamed she’s at the firing range? Is it Esme, Spencer, Nikolas…? Ava asks if she has to choose just one, and Laura asks if she has a favorite. Ava says, Laura’s son, and Laura says, so things are no better between the two of them? Ava says, Nikolas knows they need time alone, just the two of them, to work on their marriage, but he resents her efforts to make that happen. Laura asks if she thinks it has something to do with their houseguests, and Ava says, she’d love to blame everything on Spencer and Esme, but really, they’re just a symptom. Laura asks, what’s the disease?

Esme says she hopes she didn’t cause trouble when she told Nikolas about Ava asking them to leave Windymere in exchange for Spencer getting control of his trust fund. Nikolas says, an allowance from his trust fund, and Esme takes it he and Ava talked. He tells her, you could say that, and she says, they argued, and she’s to blame. Can he forgive her? She thought he already knew about the arrangement and approved. He says, his and Spencer’s failure to communicate isn’t her fault; neither is the fact Spencer didn’t say something himself. She says, don’t take it personally. Spencer only seems to communicate with Trina these days. He says he thought Spencer and Trina didn’t have much of a friendship anymore, but she says, they keep running into each other. It’s like Port Charles has a population of two people. He says, he’s sorry his son isn’t more considerate, but a word of advice – pick your battles. She says, there is no battle. The fighting is over. So is her relationship with his son.

Chase asks Austin if Maxie is there, and Austin says, she got stuck at work; she’ll be here soon. Chase says, he wanted to thank her for inviting him to Bailey’s first birthday party, and Austin asks if Chase and Brook will be attending together. Chase says he can’t speak for Brook, but he’ll be there. Austin says, right. So they haven’t gotten off that roller coaster yet.

Brook hugs Dante, and says she’s glad he’s here. He asks, why? and she says, because he’s her friend and stepsibling. He says, good to see her too, and she says she needs a favor. He says, he knew it. How many people has she asked already?

Sam says she’s still adjusting to the new look, and Spinelli says, it’s not a crime to overhaul his threads. Besides, sartorial splendor is underrated in these modern times. She says, but not underpriced. She asks if this means he’s ready to move on, and he says, if he was contemplating a new romance, he could do worse than signing up for Society Set-Ups, with their proven track record.

Laura says, Ava and Nikolas both came into the marriage with their fair share of baggage. She’s wondering if the root issue isn’t in the here and now, but more in past? Ava says, the truth is, she fought her feelings for Nikolas tooth and nail, because she knew she couldn’t trust him. Laura says she thought they worked through that, and Ava says, she thought so too. Now she wonders if they fell in love because they solved their trust issues or in despite them.

Nikolas says, Esme and Spencer broke up? and Esme says, in every way that matters. Spence made his choice, and it’s not her. Nikolas says, Spencer is young; they both are. However bad things seem now, is she sure they can’t ride out this particular rough patch? She says, that depends. How do you know when it’s time to give up? He says he wishes he knew. Interjecting here. I have never once used or heard a friend use the phrase rough patch, yet I hear it all the time on this show. Is this colloquial or something?

Terry says she likes Chet, a lot, and she’s enjoyed getting to know him, also a lot. He asks if he’s about to get one of those let’s-be-friends speeches, and she tells him, don’t turn down this amazing job opportunity for her. What if they don’t work out, and he regrets not taking the job and moving to Chicago? He says, what if he regrets missing out on a chance with her? and she says, if a train doesn’t stop at your station, it’s not your train. He says he has no idea what that means, and she says, what’s meant to be won’t pass us by, and right now, this job opportunity is waiting. He says, he just hates ending things with them before they’ve even begun.

Carly says, they knew today would be hard, but Michael was amazing on the stand. There’s no way the judge will grant Nina’s petition. He says he wishes it was her job, and asks if she’s wondering when the judge will be finished tearing into Scotty. She says she was, and she was wondering if she had enough time to run a quick errand. Inside the courtroom, Willow says, Nelle made her believe her son was alive. Carly and Michael go back in, and Willow says, Nelle used her newborn son as a prop in her sick manipulation. Nina says, she has to understand, Nelle was abused by her father, and Willow says, stop trying to rehabilitate Nelle. She was irredeemable. Nina says, she was a product of her upbringing. If she hadn’t been stolen… Willow says, Nina would have made all the difference in Nelle’s life? Nina would have steered her off the path she was on? How would that have worked? Nina was in a coma until Nelle was in her 20s. Nina says, exactly. She didn’t get the chance to raise Nelle. Willow says, Nina may not have raised Nelle, but it’s obvious Nelle inherited Nina’s nature, and Nina asks if she’s implying people are born bad. Willow tells Nina, look at her mother, then look at herself, then Nelle. She’s saying, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Nina says, if we can’t escape our DNA, Willow must be terrified. Willow goes over to Michael, and Nina says, too bad Harmony’s not here to tell her who, or what, her real mother was. Willow lunges at Nina, but Michael stops her. Nina walks away, and Carly asks if she hasn’t done enough damage. Nina tells Carly, shut up, but Carly says she won’t shut up. Willow says, Nina doesn’t care what damage she does. She’s ripped this family apart, and she’s not done yet. Distorting Michal’s past and weaponizing it, when all Michael’s done is love and protect his son in a way Nelle never did. Nina says she never told anyone Willow and Michael weren’t great parents, and Michael says, she had her lawyer do it for her. Willow says, Nina is so disingenuous. She pretends to care, when in reality, she never treated Willow very well, starting from when she was Charlotte’s teacher. Nina says she thought they were past that, and Willow says she got past that, despite Nina’s attacks on her. She gave Nina multiple chances when she found out Nina was Nelle’s mother, and how did Nina thank her? By exploiting her generosity, and trying to manipulate her. Nina isn’t worthy of Wiley. Nina says, it’s not Willow’s decision to make, and Willow says, whatever the judge rules, Wiley is her son, and his childhood will be different from hers. She wasn’t protected, but Wiley will be. Nina says she would never hurt that little boy, and Willow tells her, so Nina keeps saying, but she already has, and Willow will lay down her life before she lets it happen again.

Drew commends Britt on her bravery; it’s hard to put yourself out there. Britt says, as her mother puts it, time is not on her side, and Brad asks why Obrecht would say that. Britt says, any way to find fault. Now that her mother is paired off, she sees Britt’s singledom as a failure. Brad asks if anyone wants refills, and Drew and Britt both say they do. He goes to the bar, and Britt asks if Drew is on the prowl, or there for the fundraiser. He says he’s not much of a prowler, never has been, but Brook wanted to check out the party, and it’s great to support a good cause.  

Chase tells Austin that he and Brook have their off days. Maybe they’re a lost cause. Austen asks if that’s why Chase is at a singles event.

Dante asks, what’s the favor? and Brook says she has a Linc issue. He asks why she doesn’t talk to Chase about it… Wait. Did she ask Chase to do something illegal or unethical? He doesn’t want to know. She says she thought Chase would be supportive, and Dante says, he has been supportive. Isn’t that how he got suspended from the force in the first place? Chase helped Brook out in a big way, so why doesn’t she cut him some slack?

Sam asks, since when has Spinelli been a fan of matchmaking? and he says, professional help can be more reliable, certainly than his judgement. He chose Ellie, and in the end, their lives diverged because they wanted different things at different times. Perhaps with proper vetting, he can be matched with someone whose life fits in more with his. Sam asks, then why does he have a new look? It’s a look that’s different than the one she’s used to him having. What’s going on?   

Laura and Ava shoot, then bring the targets forward. Ava’s has a shot dead center, but Laura has nothing. Ava says, maybe the why doesn’t matter; their marriage is in trouble. Nikolas can be unfailingly generous when he wants to be – when the gift is something he wants to give – but when it comes to something that matters to her, he’s oblivious. Laura says, this may not be the right time to bring this up, but she sent in her letter of recommendation to Adams Day School, and Ava says, Laura wrote a letter for Avery? Laura says she did. she knows the headmistress, and she also put in a call the head of admissions, letting her know she’s looking forward to meeting with her to talk about Avery. Ava says she doesn’t know how to thank Laura, but Laura says, don’t thank her; thank Nikolas. He’s the one who told her that Ava wanted to get Avery in there. Ava asks if he suggested Laura write the letter, and Laura says, he did, and she was more than happy to do it. She thinks it’s a great idea. It’s a terrific school, and Avery is a terrific kid. Ava says she mentioned it to Nikolas, but didn’t think he was paying attention, and Laura says, it’s nice that he pleasantly surprised Ava. Ava asks if this is where Laura tells her not to give up too soon.

Esme asks if Nikolas is considering giving up on his marriage, but he says, that’s private. She says she only asks because she could use some advice. Spence is her first real relationship. All she knows is, they don’t bring out the best in each other anymore. They don’t put each other first the way they used to. He says, nobody wants to feel like a consolation prize, and she says, she deserves better. And so does he. His wife should put him first, or set him free to find someone who will.

Austin asks if Chase and Brook aren’t tired of this dance.

Brook tells Dante, it’s just how she and Chase are. One day, they’re besties, and the next they’re not speaking, until one day it blows over. Dante says, until it doesn’t. Chase is a patient guy, but everyone has their breaking point. There will come a day when Brook pushes him too far, and he doesn’t come running when she calls.

Laura asks if Ava still loves Nikolas, and Ava says, love isn’t always enough. Laura says, that’s true, but where there’s love, there’s hope. Ava’s been so generous with Nikolas, encouraging him to reconcile with his son. The thing is, he’s not that good at finding the balance. Does Ava think she could be more patient with him; give him the time he needs to work on the two most important relationships in his life? Ava says, she’d give Nikolas all the time in the world if he was working on their marriage, but he’s not. He doesn’t even acknowledge that Ava deserves better. He’s not asking her to be patient. He’s asking her to keep her head down, and shut up and face east.

Nikolas says he’d rather not discuss his marriage, and Esme says, of course (🍷). She’s only trying to be a good friend to him like he’s been to her. Can he forgive her? He asks, how can he help her? Can he get one of the maids to help her pack? She says, thanks, but she’s already finished packing. Not that she knows where she’s going. She rubs her arms, and he says, she’s cold. Her back is to him, and she smiles as he takes his jacket off and puts it around her shoulders. He says, old houses are drafty, but she says, Windymere’s not old and drafty; it’s stately and formidable, like the Cassadines themselves. She was proud to be associated with this family, even if for a little while. He asks if it’s possible with time and distance, she and Spencer will find their way back to each other, and she says, even if they can get past the mistrust, neglect, and dishonesty, something changed, and it’s a deal breaker. He asks, what’s that? and she says, their attraction. Spence doesn’t want to make love to her anymore. It hurts, but she doesn’t have to tell him that. She and Spence aren’t the only ones sleeping apart.

Terry tells Chet, let’s talk about these new beginnings. Director of Mental Health Outreach; sounds like he’ll have his hands full. He says, the facility has innovative programs that really do some good, and she says, and he’s already thinking of a way to make them better. He says, to be honest, he hasn’t been this excited in a long time – present company excluded. She says, he’s entitled to feel excited about this opportunity, and he asks if there’s any way he can take this job and still see her. What are her feelings about long distance relationships? She says she’s not opposed, but this job is going to require all his energy and attention. He won’t even have time to date all those midwestern women who will be flinging themselves at him. He says, and if the job’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and those midwestern women can’t compare to her? She says, then there are planes from Chicago to Port Charles every day. He says, but the way he got the job… and she says, his sister may have applied in his name, but he got the job based on his experience and credentials. All he has to do is decide if he wants it, and she thinks they both know the answer to that.

Nina says she respects that Willow is looking out for Wiley, but doesn’t Willow understand? She’s doing the same thing. Willow says, then drop the petition. Accept that her forced presence in Wiley’s life is self-serving, not to mention, a constant reminder of a mother that Wiley will thankfully never know. If Nina really wants what’s best for Wiley, give him a different lineage; a new legacy. Nina says she can’t do that, and Willow says, it’s ironic. Nina wears those heart pendants when she’s heartless. Michael leads Willow away, and Carly asks if she’s okay. Michael says he’s got this, and asks if Carly didn’t have an errand. Carly says, she does, and she wouldn’t leave if it wasn’t important. Stay strong. Carly leaves, and Willow says she’s sorry she lost her cool, but Michael says he couldn’t be more proud of her. And Wiley couldn’t as for a more protective mother. He hugs Willow, and Nina watches.

Diane and Scotty come out, and Scotty tells Nina, that could’ve gone worse. She says, really? and he says, the judge skinned him alive. She’s going to put his hide on her wall like a trophy. Nina says, she’s sorry. He’s not the only one who got flayed. Willow came after her like a mama bear. He says, she’s not changing her mind, is she? She doesn’t say anything, and the bailiff says, all rise. The judge comes in, and Diane calls Willow to the stand. Willow and Nina stare at each other.

Britt grabs another drink from a waiter going by, and tells Drew, the more she looks around, the more she wonders what she’s doing here. He says, she’s supporting a great cause, and she says, if that was the reason, she would have stayed home and written a check. He says, she’s stepping out of her comfort zone a little bit, and giving Society Set-Ups another try. She says, why is she bothering? Everyone knows she’s hopeless at dating. He asks who everyone is, and she says, Maxie, her mother, Spencer… He asks what Spencer has to do with it, and she says, the point is, this is a colossal waste of time.

Sam says, Spinelli never answered her question. What’s going on? He says he truly respects her sleuthing instincts, but isn’t her docket full? She says she always has time for him, so whatever he’s hiding, spill. He sips his drink.

Diane asks Willow, what is her relationship to Wiley? and Willow says she’s his mother. Diane asks her to tell the court why she feels the petition should be denied, and Willow says, Nina doesn’t have her son’s best interest at heart. Diane asks if she’s saying Nina doesn’t love Wiley, but Willow says, she believes Nina does love Wiley, on her terms, as she defines love. What worries her, is Nina feels she has a right to Wiley, but Willow doesn’t believe sharing DNA automatically entitles you to a familial relationship. Nina kept Wiley’s grandfather from him for months. She played an active role in breaking up the marriage of Wiley’s grandparents. Today at the hearing, Nina directed her attorney to attack the character of Wiley’s father, and grossly distort a tragedy. And she did all of it without thinking about the cost to Willow’s son. As a mother, there’s nothing Willow won’t do to protect her son, including putting his best interests ahead of her own, and everyone worthy of being in his life should feel the same.

Laura tells Ava, she loves her son, but she knows who he is, and knows he puts pride ahead of all other emotions. Ava says, they’re both proud, not conducive to compromise. Laura says, that makes it tough, but not impossible, and Ava says, advice? Laura says, you know the myth that marriage is 50/50, and all responsibilities are shared equally? and Ava says, she wishes. Laura says she thinks it’s more give and take. One partner falters, and the other steps up, and vice versa. She and Doc have a good relationship, but it’s not without its troubles. Ava says, really? and Laura says, for sure. They both have tough jobs that take up a lot of their time, and they feel they don’t have enough time for each other. So they have to work on shutting the world out, and making time to focus on each other. Ava says, that’s exactly what she wants, but Nikolas won’t reciprocate. What is she supposed to do; hold on indefinitely, while she’s selling herself short? Laura says, only Ava can decide that, but she’ll ask Ava the same question she’s going to ask her son. Would she rather be right, or would she rather be happy? Apparently, Laura’s been watching Dr. Phil.

Esme tells Nikolas, never forget that he’s a powerful attractive man in his prime. She admires the way he cares for his family, but while he’s trying to make Ava and Spence happy, he’s losing himself. What does he want? What does he need? He says, respect… peace… faith, and she says, Ava should give him that and more. The woman lucky enough to be in his life shouldn’t hesitate to give him everything she has, everything he needs. She would.  

Carly asks the lab tech if it will be difficult to decipher the DNA results. The tech says, sometimes there are mutations in the results, but the report should draw a clear conclusion based on probability.

Judge Foster asks Willow to confine her answers to her or counsel. She asks if Scotty wants to cross, but Nina says, enough. Scotty says, no further questions, and the judge asks if they’ve both presented their arguments. Diane and Scotty say they have, and the judge says she’ll be ready to issue her ruling within the hour.

Chet says, but his sister, and Terry says, Amy only wants the best for him; so does she. He says he guesses he’ll call the recruiter, and she says, congratulations. He says, if she doesn’t have a date next Valentine’s Day… She tears up, and says, he’ll be her first call.

Spinelli says, there’s nothing to spill. Enjoy the festivities. He tries to leave, but Sam grabs his arm, and says, nice try. He’s not getting off that easy. What’s going on?

Brook approaches Chase, and he asks, how annoyed she is with him on scale of one to really ticked off? She says, funny. She was about to ask him the same thing.

Britt tells Drew, this is pointless. She’s going to her room and going to bed. He asks, since when is she a quitter? She survived her demented half-brother on Cassadine Island and can’t handle an extra hour of mingling? She says, that’s something her mother would say, and he says, Liesl Obrecht is a sharp lady. Maybe when she signed Britt up for this, she was onto something. Society Set-Ups has a great track record. There’s a lot of people here. Not all of them will interest her, but someone might. If she packs it in now and goes home, she may never know what she missed. She says, a half hour; not a minute more.

Laura says she’s noticed since her son has been with Ava, he’s grown as a father, as a husband, and as a man. As his mother, all she wants is for him to be happy and live his best life. She’s always felt he could have that with Ava. Ava says, that’s what she wanted; to live her best life with him. Laura says, if Ava and Nikolas want to reclaim their happiness, they can. She thinks it’s worth fighting for.

Esme says she should be going, and Nikolas says, she’s welcome in his home. She says, Spence wants his trust fund back, and he says, she told him it was over with Spencer. What does she want? She says, to belong, and he says, then stay. She says she knows he’s just being kind; nobody is choosing her. He says, that’s not true, but she says, even her own boyfriend doesn’t want her. He says he wants her… here… now. She says, prove it, launches herself at him, and they kiss. I’m totally grossed out.

Tomorrow, Valentin tells Anna that he always hits his target; Sam asks why Spinelli is desperate to get away from her; and Nikolas says he shouldn’t have done that. Damn right.

👠 Hey There Lonely Girl…

Cassandra James speaks on being trans and Asian in Hollywood.


🗽 If I Squint…

I kinda, sorta remember her.

📬 She Wrote Me a Letter…

The Jersey girls continue to be messy.

👩🏼‍🏫 Tsk Tsk…

Well, what did she expect from a mean girl? I’ll bet Erika has a slam book too.

💃🏾 Barbie Girl…

It’s been a big week for Laverne. The doll is gorgeous, and I love, love, love the outfit. And really for me and Barbie, it’s all about the clothes.

👩🏽‍🌾 Moseying On Outta Here…

Tomorrow is a full day with both soap and Beverly Hills. Dubai also premiers tomorrow, but I’ve found 2 Wives in 1 night is 2 much. Although I’ll be weighing in on its worth. Until then, stay safe, stay reading the fine print, and stay knowing that if a train doesn’t stop at your station, it’s not your train. What’s meant to be won’t pass you by.

May 11, 2021 – Cameron Learns About Privilege, NYC Hits the Hamptons, My Face Is Red, New Host, No Awards, Two Struggles, Premiere Party & Magic


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Jordan hits the heavy bag at the gym. She flashes back to Cameron holding the gun on her, telling her officers to stand down, and getting Cameron to lower the gun. Portia asks if everything is okay.

Michael says, Wiley is quite the little builder, and Willow says, until he becomes a one-man wrecking ball, and starts destroying everything he just put up. Michael says, we just put up, and they both reach for a block. Their hands touch, and they kiss.

Chase says if he has to lie around, he might as well lie around in his own apartment, but Finn says he needs access to Chase there. Chase says, so Finn can poke him with needles? Anna asks if she’s interrupting, and Chase says, yes, thankfully. Could she please tell Finn to discharge him, so he can be bored at home? Anna says she doesn’t have that authority, but can she steal Finn for a second? Chase says, be his guest, and Finn tells him, stay. Finn leaves with Anna. In the hallway, Finn says Chase is wondering why he feels this way, and has no idea he’s been poisoned. After finding a cure for one of the nastiest diseases on the planet, he still can’t do a thing to help his own son.

Peter gets in his car near the woods, and puts on a headset. He asks fake Chloe if she copies, and she says she’s good to go. He says he needs her to do exactly as they discussed. She knocks on Maxie’s door, and Maxie says, Nurse Jennings? Fake Chloe (who we’ll just call Chloe from now on) says, that’s her, and Maxie invites her in, saying, it’s nice to meet her.

Brook listens on her phone, and says, voicemail again? Britt, where are you? Dante walks in, and says, just who he was hoping to see. She asks him, what’s up? and he says he was wondering why she was calling Britt’s phone six times in the last four hours.

Jordan tells Portia, she was just thinking about Cameron. She doesn’t know if Portia heard what happened. Portia says, it was all over the hospital this morning, but she doesn’t think Trina knows. The news didn’t identify the possible shooter. She asks if Jordan is doing okay, and Jordan says, sure. Portia says, really? She doesn’t know how in the world Jordan could be okay.

Sam enters the Kitchen of the Moss Bowl, and Carly asks what brings her by. Sam says she wanted to see how Carly and the kids were doing. And find out why Carly is having her followed.

Britt tells Jason, maybe she should have been a surgeon after all. She did a better job on him than she thought. Jason thanks her for changing the bandages. He doesn’t think he could have done it by himself. She asks if he just admitted to needing her help, and he says he appreciates everything she’s done. She says, but he’s convinced he could have survived without her, huh? He says, he didn’t have to; she came back. They need to move in a couple of hours. She says, no, they don’t.

Cameron comes into the Bistro, and Trina asks why he didn’t get back to her. Was he with Josslyn? He says, why is she asking? Did Josslyn say anything? Trina says, they haven’t talked since they got back from Pennsylvania. Josslyn has been really worried about Jason. Trina apologizes, asking if that’s a forbidden topic, but Cameron says, not anymore. He knows Jason didn’t kill Franco. Trina is glad to hear that, and she’s sure Josslyn is too. He says he doesn’t know how Josslyn feels about him right now. He did something really stupid. She says, with Joss? and he says, it affected her, but it was so much more. Trina says, just tell her, and he says he picked up a gun and pointed it at Jason. He didn’t shoot, but he got arrested anyway.

Jordan takes it that Portia wasn’t in the hospital last night, and Portia says, no. She was… It doesn’t matter, but she’s clear on what happened. She heard Jordan deescalated a highly volatile situation so no one got hurt. By no one, she means Cameron. Jordan says she came into the situation with her gun drawn, and Cameron had a gun pointed straight at her, She ordered him to put it down, but he didn’t respond. By the look on his face, he was frozen; it was pure panic. Her officers arrived, and she ordered them to stand down, but Cameron was still holding the gun. She remembers thinking she was going to do whatever it took… Portia says, to keep him from getting shot. Has she ever been a situation like that before? Jordan says she has, but they didn’t look like Cameron. Portia says, they looked like TJ and Trina.

Anna tells Finn, she’s afraid she doesn’t have any good news. She traced the scientist who created the original poison for Faison, but he died years ago. She’s hoping to find one of his associates. Finn thanks her, and she asks how his research is going. He says he’s been analyzing the residue from the vial of the antidote, but the compound is volatile; it deteriorates as soon as the seal is broken. She guesses it’s almost impossible to duplicate, and he says, unless he has a breakthrough, they’re at Peter’s mercy.

Maxie tells Chloe, James is very a very active little boy. He has a babysitter, but she might need help from time to time. Chloe says, not a problem; she loves kids, and Maxie says she values her privacy, and values discretion above all else. In his car, Peter tells Chloe what to say, and she tells Maxie, she understands. She’s completely discreet with all her clients. Maxie says she’ll expect strict confidentiality, with anything regarding her health, or something Chloe sees or hears while she’s working there. Chloe says, of course (🍷), and Maxie says, given all this, how would Chloe go about her job there? Peter continues feeding Chloe lines, and Chloe says, while allowing Maxie as much autonomy over her life as possible, she wants to help Maxie maintain a normal life. Maxie will call the shots. She’s only there to provide support and peace of mind. Maxie tells her, well said. She’s checked Chloe’s references, and everyone raves about her. She’s got the job. Chloe thanks Maxie, and promises to do her best by Maxie and her daughter. Maxie asks how Chloe knew she was having a girl.

Willow tells Michael, they can’t. They agreed. He says, right. Sorry… He’s not entirely sorry, since he couldn’t help himself. She says, neither could she, but Chase is so vulnerable right now. He says, right. Chase has to be the priority right now. It must be exhausting being so noble.

Dante says Britt’s calls are logged, and Brook says, Britt is on OB/GYN. She wants Britt to deliver her baby. He says, now that she’s taken up with Jason, that’s not going to happen.

Sam tells Carly, she noticed a tail this morning. At first, she thought it was Cyrus or his men, but she realized it was Trent, and he’s one of Carly’s guys. Is there a threat against her that she should know about? Carly says, it’s a precautionary measure. Anyone who’s close to Jason is being protected from a possible retaliation by Cyrus. Sam asks if she knows where Jason is. Is he okay? Carly says, he was shot, but he’s okay. Jason is safe. That’s all she knows. Sam asks if it’s all she knows, or is it all Carly is willing to tell her?

Anna tells Chase that she’s going to take off, but next time she’ll bring him cookies from Kelly’s. He asks why she’d do that; he’s going home today. She says, all in good time, and he says, Willow is on her way to pick him up and they’re going back to the way it used to be. Anna feels his forehead, and says he’s burning up. She calls out for Finn.

Chase asks Anna to help him get the IV off, when Finn comes in. He asks, what’s going on? and Anna says, he’s burning up. Finn tells Chase to hold still, and takes his temperature with a forehead thermometer. He says, 105, and tells Anna, make the call. He needs another dose. She runs out, and Finn tells Chase, it’s going to be okay.

Maxie says she never mentioned she was having a girl. How did Chloe know? Chloe says she could tell the way Maxie was carrying. She’s worked with so many moms-to-be, she’s good at predicting it. Maxie asks when she can start, and Peter says, right away. Chloe repeats that, and Peter smiles.

Willow tells Michael, it will help a lot if they can just limit their contact to spending time with Wiley, and nothing else. He says, avoid being alone with each other in the same room at all costs, and she says, it’s risky. When they’re alone, she just wants to… He says, him too, but they can’t.

Brook asks if Dante thinks Britt is in danger, but he says they don’t know if she’s a hostage or not, but he thinks she’s fine. Britt takes care of Britt. She says, that doesn’t sound like an unbiased assessment. Does he really think he should be handling this investigation? He says he thinks he can handle it, personal feelings aside. She says, personal feelings about a woman who helped herself to an embryo he and Lulu created, and then carried the baby to term, and tried to pass it off as her own? She sees how this could mess with his objectivity. He says he has a problem with a woman trying to keep a child away from its rightful parent, and she says, like his mom kept him away from Sonny, or Leo from Julian? He says, those were completely different circumstances, and she knows it. Why is she defending Britt so hard? Michael comes in, and asks if Dante has any update on Jason, but Dante says, you tell me.

Near the woods, Peter gets out of the car, and says, nice save. Chloe says she told him that she didn’t need coaching. She knows exactly what she’s doing. He says he doesn’t take chances. He wants to know everything she observes when she’s with Maxie. Understood? She says, understood. She looks at her phone, and says she just received his payment. He says she did well today, and there’s more where that came from. She says she promises to be everything he wants her to be, and he says, good. He takes the headset off, and his phone rings. Anna says, Chase needs more of the antidote, and he says, no hello, or how are you? She says, Chase needs more medicine now. Please. He says he’s busy right now, and she says meet her at the hospital, on the 7th floor, and he says he’ll see what he can do. She says, come now, please. He makes a call, and says it’s him. There’s something else he needs them to do.

Britt says they’re perfectly safe there, but Jason says they’re not. She says she told him, this place is never used. Nikolas probably forgot he owns it. Yes, there’s a caretaker, but they’re paid through a business manager. As long as Spencer is away, Nikolas has no interest in it. He says, it doesn’t matter. Nikolas is the legal owner. She and Nikolas have a history, the cops know she’s with him, and eventually they’re going to put the pieces together and check there. They need to be gone before that happens. She says he’s reaching, but he says, no. He’s following the ten-hour rule. She says, fugitives have rules? Why doesn’t he share?

Finn says, any word? and Anna says she thinks Peter is on his way. They can’t be seen together, or Peter will suspect Finn knows the real reason Chase is sick. She told Peter that she’d said it was an experimental treatment she was getting from some contacts, and he seemed to buy it, but he won’t if he sees them together. Finn says he doesn’t trust himself not to kill Peter, and she says, don’t do anything stupid. He’ll end up in jail, and Chase needs Finn there to look after him. He says he doesn’t know how much more Chase’s body can take.

Cameron tells Trina that he saw Jason dragging Britt to the car. At least looked like he was dragging her. The guy next to him got shot, and dropped his gun, so he picked it up. She asks if he’s crazy. Why did he do that? He says he wasn’t thinking. He didn’t fire it, but he had it in his hand, when Jordan showed up with a ton of cops. Instead of going after Jason, they went after him. Trina says, because he was holding a gun. Does he even know how lucky he is to be alive?

Jordan tells Portia, she just knew she had to stop things from escalating. As a mother, she wanted to make sure to keep Cameron safe for his mother. Portia says, thank God Jordan was there. Things could have ended up very differently. Jordan says, that hasn’t escaped her. It pains her to say it, but if Cameron’s skin had been a different color, and her officers had gotten there first, they might not have given him the benefit of the doubt. Portia says, it’s an unfortunate reality that she can’t believe they’re dealing with to this day, and Jordan says, neither can she. Just when she thinks their world is pivoting forward, they find themselves yanked back into a mire of hate and bigotry. And not just here; everywhere. Portia says, it’s unfathomable. She feels horrible for their kids. At least they grew up with a sense of hope. They felt empowered, and wanted to embrace their culture. They reaped the benefits of their parents and grandparents struggle, and passed it on to their children happily. Their kids grew up watching television shows that celebrated diversity, that showed them a vision of a more inclusive world. They grew up with people in the White House who look like them, and now they’re back to this reality, with their kids looking at them with pain and confusion, wondering why they have to proclaim their lives matter. It’s the most hateful bait and switch ever. Jordan wonders if she was naïve to think she could enact change. There’s been progress, but obviously not enough. She’s the Police Commissioner, but she’s not sure she can keep her son safe outside of her jurisdiction. Even there in Port Charles, TJ was wrongly accused of using a stolen credit card because he was trying to buy something nice for Molly. That was 2015, now it’s 2021, and she still has to warn him about wearing hoodies, and remaining calm in the face of police harassment, or an unprovoked traffic stop. Portia says, when calm is the last thing anyone feels in those situations, and Jordan says, exactly. Cameron was neither calm nor compliant. She had to talk him down. When Elizabeth came at her with righteous anger and fear, as a mother, she understood. She would do the same. But as the Commissioner, she wanted to remind Elizabeth who she was yelling at, and tell her to back off and consider Cameron lucky, but she held off and bit her tongue. Portia asks, why? but Jordan says she thinks Portia knows.    

Carly says she doesn’t know where Jason is at the moment, and Sam asks if he’s still with Britt. She went to one of Sonny’s safe houses, and saw a bunch of bloody bandages there. Jason was obviously hit, and someone patched him up. It was Britt, so she’s not being held hostage; she’s helping him. Carly knows as well as she does, this is too much for Britt to handle. Sam has to find him. Carly says, sorry. She can’t help.   

Jason says, well, Dr. Westbourne, when you drop out of sight, the first two days you don’t stay in any location more than ten hours, and we’re almost at our limit. She says, no my friend, you’re almost at the limit. The transfusion really helped and the sutures are holding… so far. But he needs to give his body time to heal. He should rest. He says he just did, and she says, try eight more hours, then they’ll talk, but he says, no. If they stay eight more hours, they’re going to get busted, and all of this will have been for nothing.

Dante tells Michael, they’re considering Jason armed and dangerous, so the safest thing would be for him to turn himself in. Michael says, if Jason calls, he’ll give him the message. Dante asks if he doesn’t agree, and Michael says, Jason was stabbed in prison. He had a hit out on him. Maybe he had no choice but to escape. Dante says, and drag Britt with him? Brooke sees Willow in the foyer, and says, before Willow heads out, she had a question about nursing classes. Willow asks if Brooke is considering them, and Brook says, no; not for her. She was wondering if Willow ever considered labor and delivery. She’s so good with babies, Willow could probably deliver a baby on her own right now. Willow says she thinks she knows why Britt is asking these questions.

Peter strolls into the hospital, and Anna asks if he brought it. He says, does she mean this, holding up the vial. She reaches for it, and he tells her that she didn’t say the magic word. She says, please, and asks, what’s wrong with him, playing games with people all the time? He says, the people who cross him pay the price, especially those he once trusted. She says she trusted him too, and he says she lied to his face, and tried to dismantle his life. She forced him to protect himself, and now, poor Finn. How does she thinks he’s going to feel when she fails to recognize his generosity, and Chase dies because of it? Finn will never forgive her. She reaches for the vial again, and says, give her the damn antidote. He pulls his hand back, and tells her to watch how she speaks to him. He’ll crush it like he did the first one, and then were will Chase be?

Finn puts a cover on Chase, and says, it’s going to feel cold, but he’s got to get the fever down. Chase says, something’s not right, and Finn says he’s sorry. It should be him, not Chase. Chase asks about Willow, and Finn says, she went home to spend some time with Wiley. Chase says, Wiley? and Finn says, her son. Chase says, he has a son?

Willow tells Brook, it’s natural to be scared to give birth. You want to make sure every possible scenario is covered. Brook says giving birth has been on her mind a lot lately, when Willow’s phone rings. She says, Finn? How’s Chase?… She’s on her way. Michael and Dante come out, and she says she has to go to the hospital; Chase had a setback. Brook asks if he’s okay, but Willow says she doesn’t know. Michael says he’ll drive her, and Dante says he has to head back to the station, and asks them to keep him posted on Chase. After they leave, Maxie calls Brook, and Brook says she can’t get in touch with Britt, and Dante was just there. Maxie says, listen to her. She just hired a live-in nurse and she seems great. Maxie thinks she could be an ally. Britt says, an ally for what? They don’t even have a Plan C. Maxie says, they do now.

Sam asks what Carly means by she can’t help her. Sam knows Jason checked in. There was a burner phone in every safe house. Tell her if he’s okay. Carly says she can’t tell Sam because Sam’s not a part of this anymore. She made the decision to separate herself from Jason and this business. This is what separate means. Sam says, Jason is Danny’s father, and Carly says, and Sam is Danny’s mother. She made the decision to protect Danny, Scout, and herself. She’s out. Carly can’t help her.

Jason says, it’s a toss-up who’s going to find them first; Cyrus, the cops, or Peter. Britt says, same difference. Peter and Cyrus are working together. Jason says, they’re allies, but they might have different objectives. They both want him dead, but Peter might want to protect her. Britt says, Peter was just pretending to tolerate her for Maxie’s sake. He’s probably thrilled she’s Jason’s hostage. He’d be the first to shoot her one sight. Actually, she just realized Peter needs to shut her up. She’s the one who can link him to Franco’s medical records. Everyone else suspects what he did, but she witnessed it. Jason says that could be a problem if Peter ever stands trial for Franco’s murder, but right now it’s a long shot. She says, Peter is obsessive about tying off loose ends. Look at what he did to eliminate Drew. Not to mention Peter hates her because she’s Nathan’s full sister… which is ironic since she and Nathan couldn’t be less alike. Nathan was loyal, generous, and kind, and she’s none of that. Jason says he doesn’t know about that. She was generous to those kids on Valentine’s Day, and she’s been generous to him. She smiles. I don’t often get into the couples thing, but I like these two.

Willow asks Finn how Chase is, and Finn says he’s getting Chase hydrated and getting his body temperature down. Chase says, Willow? and she says she’s right there. He asks if she brought their son, and Finn whispers that Chase is disoriented. He has to check on something. Will she be okay there? Willow says she will, and Finn leaves. Michael looks into the room window, and Willow tells Chase he’s going to get through this. He has to fight. Okay? Chase says, don’t worry; he’ll never leave her. She locks eyes with Michael through the window.

Anna gives Finn the vial, and he runs back to Chase’s room.  

Maxie says she has a good feeling about Chloe, and Brook asks if she’ll deliver the baby. Maxie says she doesn’t know Chloe that well, but thinks she’ll be useful in dealing with Peter. Now here’s Plan C. She’s going to tell Peter that she needs a spa day, some last minute pampering; then she’ll leave town. Brook will tell Valentin that she’s going to Bensonhurst because her mom is throwing her a baby shower. They’ll meet at Beecher’s Corners in the house that she rented because no one will look for them there. Brook says it’s great they have a place set up, but they need someone to deliver the baby. She thinks Dante suspects that Britt isn’t a hostage and is helping Jason. She’s on the run, but if she ever comes back, she’s in trouble. Either way, they have to face the fact that Britt is unavailable. Maxie says she’s already there. Part two of Plan C; they bring in someone else.

Jordan says, as whimsical and magical as Black Girl Magic is, it’s also exhausting. Portia says, it is exhausting. Their kids refer to the talk as the one they give them about the police. The talk they got was about how they have to be better. They have to be twice as good in order to compete. She took that to heart; through school, through medical school, through all her jobs. Being a doctor was in perfect alignment with her ability to compartmentalize. She can’t fall apart when she loses a patient, no matter how young or beloved. And she has to provide the best medical care to everyone, no matter how hateful or criminal they may be. But watching less qualified people get promoted and celebrated, that’s not in the Hippocratic Oath. She can’t tell Jordan how many times she wanted to call out mismanagement at Mercy, but she didn’t want be labeled as angry. But now she’s thinking, why not? Why shouldn’t she be angry? She has just as much right to outrage as anyone else. Jordan says she hears Portia. Mac and Anna never had to be magical to hold down her job. The standards she’s held to shouldn’t be higher or lower. If she fails, she fails; if she succeeds, she succeeds. She’s accountable for her own choices, but that’s not the case for everyone, is it? Portia says, if they feel anger about injustice, that’s not stereotypical or based on some trope. It’s righteous, and completely founded in reality. Unfortunately, they’re living in two different realities, and it’s far past time for that to change.

Cameron asks why he gets the feeling Trina is mad at him, and she says, maybe because she is. Does he think she’s overreacting? He says, no… maybe. It all happened so fast. It was a blur. It was surreal. It was an out-of-body experience. He had the gun in his hand, and he froze. Even though Jordan kept telling him to put the gun down, he couldn’t make his hand move. She says, which means, not only was he armed, he was ignoring police instruction. Thank God he is who he is. He asks what she means, and she asks if he remembers last summer, when the both of them and Josslyn were driving on the backroads. They were just driving and talking, and he was going to show them where the waterfall was. She remembers a cop stopped them, and asked where they were going and what they were doing. Cameron says, it pissed him off; it’s not like he was speeding. Trina says, instead of giving the cop his license and registration, Cameron asked why he’d been stopped. She was terrified. He asks, why? and she says, because he was questioning a cop, which means being uncooperative. Doesn’t he watch the news? People are told to get out of their cars; they’re patted down, even made to lie in the street just because they’ve been stopped. He says, none of those things happened to them, and she says, exactly. Because Cameron is Cameron, and Josslyn is Josslyn. If they hadn’t been there, it might have happened to her.

She says, after it was over, he and Josslyn were laughing and complaining about the cop, but she couldn’t stop shaking. Cameron says he had no idea. Why didn’t she tell them? She says, she was embarrassed. They weren’t even fazed, and she had a visceral response, so she swallowed it. Like she does when someone asks to touch her braids, or if her hair is real. They’re called microaggressions, and start to add up. He doesn’t have to deal with that, so he doesn’t have to care. He says, of course (🍷) he cares, but he didn’t understand. He’s so sorry. She says she knows. It’s a lot, but maybe now he can start by realizing how lucky he was on that backroad, and last night.

Jordan tells Portia, she’s unloaded long enough. Portia says, speaking the truth is healing, and she thinks it’s important to have a little session now and then, to remind themselves what’s real and how powerful they are. She says she sees Jordan, and Jordan says she sees Portia too. Feel free to schedule another session when she needs to. Portia asks what Jordan is going to do now, and Jordan says, what she always does. Pull herself together, square her shoulders, and go to work. Same as Portia. Portia says she’s actually on her way to the MetroCourt to meet Trina. Jordan thanks her, and tells her to take it easy. Portia says she’ll see Jordan soon. Jordan leaves, and Portia looks at a picture of her, Curtis, and Angela at The Savoy.    

Brook says, Maxie wants to involve someone else? She just got done saying that she couldn’t trust her new nurse. Who else can she trust enough? Maxie says, Bobbie Spencer. She knows Bobbie will come through for her, no questions asked.

Finn tells Willow, Chase’s fever has dropped, and he’s stable, if she’d like to see him. Michael and Willow head for Chase’s room. Anna joins Finn, and says she heard. Thank God. She looks at her phone, and he asks what she’s doing. She says she put a track on Peter’s car. She’s hoping he’ll lead her to where he’s holding the antidote.    

Michael tells Willow, crisis averted. He’s going to take off unless she needs him. She says she’s good, and thanks him for bringing. He says, of course (🍷), anything she needs, and leaves. She goes back into Chase’s room, and asks how he’s feeling. He says, better. He was pretty out of it. He thought they had a son? She says he did, and he says, sorry about that. She says he had a fever of 105; a little confusion is allowed. He says, about that fever. He doesn’t think Finn is telling him everything he knows about his condition.

We see a tray of antidote vials being put into a vault. The person turns around, and it’s fake Chloe. 

Sam guesses she’s not trusted anymore, but Carly says, this isn’t about trust. It’s about the choice Sam made as a mother. Jason honored that choice, and she’s going to honor it too. For the safety of Sam’s kids and the protection of Sam’s peace of mind moving forward, there’s nothing Carly can tell her. Sam says, got it. She goes to the door, and turns around. She says, when Carly does talk to Jason, tell him that she and the kids wish him luck, and she leaves.

Britt tells Jason, how about a compromise? He sleeps for four hours, then they take off, and he gets to pick the next destination. He says, two hours, and she’s the one who needs to rest. She says she slept most of the night, and she’s not shot. He says, she’s tired; her hand is shaking. She says, can she help it if she’s nervous? She’s a fugitive, he’s recovering from a gunshot wound, and her psychotic brother wants her dead. He says, whatever it is she’s hiding, she can tell him.

On the phone, Dante says, yeah, Britt Westbourne… Got a lead?… Where?

Tomorrow,  Jordan welcomes Dante back, Ava asks Trina why she’s upset, Sam says she could help Jason get away, and Britt says, if this is what she thinks it is, no one can protect her.

The Real Housewives of New York City

Leah visited Eboni in Tribeca, where she had a gorgeous place her ex was paying for. She didn’t want to sleep in the bedroom because they had planned on sleeping there together, but in her interview, Leah said she would just enjoy the apartment, and bring in all the men she wanted. In Eboni’s interview, she said, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Their season was up. I have to mention that Leah was wearing a giant bow, just short of the size you see on those car commercials. No. Just no. Leah asked what Eboni thought about Ramona, and Eboni said her vibe was totally pleasant, but she was reserving judgement. She was surprised Ramona invited her to the Hamptons, since they really didn’t know each other. In Leah’s interview, she said she was supposed to go to Burning Man, but it was out because of the pandemic. So she was having a Burning Man themed dinner at Ramona’s. She didn’t think there was a chance in hell that these women would ever hang out in the desert doing drugs, so why not bring it to them?

Sonja went to a healer named Avida, or Aviva, or Evita; I’m not sure. The healer said Sonja was in tune with herself, and they needed to get into the deep stuff. Underneath that was a tremendous amount of power. She also said the colon and the brain were connected. The more you know. Sonja said she needed this for herself more than a haircut and facelift, and ended up crying about her ex-husband. She said she’d lost both her best friend and a wonderful marriage. Even though he wasn’t dead, for all intents and purposes, he was gone. She said a lot had culminated, and when she realized Century 21 wasn’t coming through, she just wanted to go somewhere and not deal. She let her emotions flow with the healer, and then went lingerie shopping, since Ramona was on a lingerie jag. She said she didn’t keep up with the Joneses; she kept up with the Singers. Ramona wasn’t taking any chances this time, and hired caterers for the party. We flashed back to the vibrator in the chicken at her last party. She decided she was going to bring it for Leah’s Burning Man dinner. On the way there, Leah told Eboni that she felt a little guilty, going to the Hamptons even though her grandmother was sick, but she was seeing her directly after she got back. LuAnn said she wanted gage where Sonja’s head was at.  

Ramona said she had a good feeling about Eboni joining the group, and when Leah arrived we flashed back to her nakey tiki torch rampage last season. In Leah’s interview, she said, this year, she was bringing Burning Man to Ramona’s backyard, minus the burning. Ramona called the caterers help, and Eboni told Leah that she thought it was degrading and demeaning. Oddly enough, although I understood what Eboni was saying, for once I could follow Ramona’s logic. All she knows is, the caterers are helping her. Sonja wasn’t sure she was ready to immerse herself in Ramona and Leah, but they were her friends, so she wanted to see them. Ramona said she’d invited Heather (Thomson), and Leah said Heather had been talking sh*t about LuAnn on her podcast. In Leah’s interview, she said she barely knew Heather – she’d talked to her for five minutes in the Berkshires – but she was constantly talking about Ramona, Sonja, and LuAnn in the press. She didn’t trust Heather. When Eboni asked who the blip Heather was, Ramona didn’t answer. When Eboni wondered what was up with that, Ramona said she had a hearing problem, but in Eboni’s interview, she said she thought Ramona had a listening problem. Agreed. She said Ramona had been welcoming, but after the help comment, her jury was still out.

Sonja gave the best quote of the show when she said, nothing works when you hit it anymore, referring to the old days when she used to hit the TV to get it to work. The women got ready for the Burning Man event, and Ramona donned a sparkly silver fringed skirt, matching pasties, and a sheer black top. Leah said her own look was Mad Max meets Coyote Ugly, which was a spot on description. She flipped out when she saw Ramona, and in her interview, she said she was so touched and happy that Ramona was wearing black mesh and iridescent pasties, and working it. In Eboni’s interview, she said, live, bitch, live, a quote to live by. Leah said she was going to have fun in the Hamptons again, but this time without alcohol. In LuAnn’s interview, she said, last year, she was more apprehensive about being with the women in the Hamptons, and not drinking. This year, however, she had her frozé, and was ready to party. Leah brought in a healer (a different one), and Ramona wondered what they were supposed to be healing from. Leah told her not to intellectualize it, and the women sat in a circle, talking about what was on their hearts. Leah said she had her grandmother on her mind because she was so sick. She’d been the one person who loved Leah unconditionally. Eboni said she had a grandmother who was also ill, and she was concerned about her mother. She wanted to expand her definition of family. LuAnn wanted to follow her gut more, saying whenever she ignored it, things hadn’t gone well. She wanted her spirit guides to show her the way. Ramona said her only daughter was now gone, and she wanted to pay more attention to her friends. In LuAnn’s interview, she said she gave Ramona credit for trying, but didn’t think anyone was buying it. Sonja said she wanted to be a better friend, and be more vulnerable. She wanted to trust her friends more with her feelings, but had a hard time even showing her vulnerability to her daughter. Eboni said, in showing her vulnerability, she’d be showing her daughter her strength. In Ramona’s interview, she said Sonja needed to stop wallowing in her misery. Positive energy yielded positive results. The healer created a sound bath, twirling a wand around some bowls and humming, then everyone screamed. Leah started bawling, and Ramona said she felt like her mind got massaged.

Eboni slipped off to her room, and Leah checked on her to make sure she was okay. Eboni told Leah that she felt lighter and free, but was just tapped out. She hadn’t been sure about hanging with an entire group of white women, but she felt she could tell her truth, and if something rubbed her the wrong way, she could say something. Ramona said it had been a great event, and they all screamed again together.

Next time, Eboni tells Ramona that the help comment was triggering, Leah asks if Ramona is lying, and Sonja freaks out about Wells Fargo.

😳 Shameful Moment of the Night…

Watching the late night rerun of The Real Housewives of Dallas: Reunion Part 2, shoving pickle chips in my mouth as Brandi talked about a video surfacing of her husband cheating, and realizing I was watching it like it was a Lifetime movie. What was really sad is, someone sent it in a DM to her daughter’s Instagram. What is wrong with people? The majority seemed to think it was LeeAnn, and D’Andra said it was because Brandi was still on the show, even though she’d made racist remarks, but LeeAnn wasn’t. Tiffany said that Brandi had been inappropriate, thinking it was funny, but she wasn’t a racist. LeeAnn had used her remarks in anger. I still don’t think that necessarily makes LeeAnn racist, although I can’t defend her actions. I wouldn’t put a lot of things past her, but I find it difficult to believe she’d send that to a child.

👠 Hosting the Carpet…

I can’t think of anyone better. She rocks.


👟 No Carpet…

Although I support the causes, I buy Tom Cruise even less than I buy Ramona.


🍹 Harder Than It Looks…

Not one, but two, of the RHONY cast members talk sobriety struggles.



🎇 A Night To Remember…

Leah plays hostess to an eclectic crowd.



🏓 Taking My Toys and Going…

Thankfully, tomorrow is the finale of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, rightfully titled House of Horrors. It wasn’t all bad, but Teresa needs a vacation or something. Those pineapples just aren’t cutting it. Until then, stay safe, stay cool under pressure, and stay understanding realities other than your own.

January 2, 2020 – An Uninvited Guest, a Question Answered, Dallas Reunites, Marge Drenches Danielle, Laverne Judges the Runway, NYE Celebrations, Daytime Roll Call, Shocking Roll Call & Starting Right


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

At the MetroCourt, Sam tells Jason that she doesn’t have much time. Her parole officer is doing a home visit. It will be a good opportunity for her to show she’s an excellent mother and a responsible citizen. Jason asks why she’s nervous, and she says she’s not. But she does think it’s weird that the parole officer wants to meet, and on top of it, she got the creepy invitation to Shiloh’s memorial. If anyone needs to stay dead and buried…

Obrecht answers the door at Windymere, and lets Jax in. She tells him to help himself to some champagne. He asks if she’ll be joining him, and she says, of course (🍷). Why not raise a glass to the bride and groom? He says speaking of the bride, he’d like a word with Nina before the ceremony. Obrecht says she’s not there, and Jax asks if she’s decided to bolt already.

In the hospital elevator, Nina looks at the test results. It says a probable match as mother and daughter. She gets out, and almost runs into Sasha. Nina says the moment is almost too perfect, and Sasha says it’s a complete surprise. Isn’t it her wedding day?

Valentin stands outside in the snow on the balcony of a tower. Martin asks if they must meet up there, and Valentin says he likes the view. Martin says, a sheer drop into icy water; to each his own. Martin asks if Valentin is going to clue him in on his wishes. He’d love to get back inside. Valentin says he wants the woman he loves, and the future they deserve with the family they’ve created. What he doesn’t want is to lose any of it.

Obrecht opens the door to Jordan and Curtis, and leads them to the bar. Jordan asks when Curtis is planning on telling her who the missing person is that Jax hired him to find. And don’t tell her, the less she knows, the better. He says he doesn’t have to; she just did. Laura comes in, and tells Jax that Doc is on the way. Jax says there are a lot of important people there, except the bride. Ava makes a toast, to the happy bride. Happy is the bride sunshine falls on, and happy the corpse the rain falls on. Or is it the other way around? (I looked it up; she’s correct the first time.)

Carly says when she tells Sonny what she’s been keeping secret, he’ll want to do something. Please don’t; don’t react. Lashing out just makes things worse. He asks what the big secret is, and she says, Nikolas Cassadine is alive and well, and here in Port Charles.

Sonny says, Nikolas is alive and well. She saw him? She says, saw and spoke to him. Sonny asks, when and where? and she says, Jax’s house after Halloween. She asked him why Josslyn couldn’t stay there, and he started making excuses. Nikolas walked in, and the reason was clear. Sonny asks what Nikolas said, and she tells him, that he’d been in hiding; waiting for the opportunity to take back the Cassadine estate from Valentin. He recruited Jax to help. Sonny says, last he checked, Nikolas was a fugitive, and Jax is helping him. That’s a crime.

Ava asks if Jax and Laura don’t love weddings. She wouldn’t miss this for the world. Jax asks why that is, and Laura says it’s not like Ava and Nina are best friends. Ava says, it’s water under the bridge. The water is toxic and flammable, and all the fish are dead, but it’s under the bridge. Laura says Ava’s enthusiasm has peaked her curiosity, and Ava says she doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but she promises it will be memorable. Obrecht asks to see Ava’s invitation, and Ava says, no. Obrecht asks if she wants to leave on her own, or should she force Ava? Please tell her the second one. Jax says, Ava is his plus one, and Obrecht says she admires his compassion. She knows what it’s like to be the town something-in-German. Ava says that had better not mean what she thinks, and Obrecht asks if she thought it was pariah, or was she expecting a more appropriate insult? Jax asks Ava for a word, and Ava asks what Obrecht’s problem is. Jax says she’s probably being protective of Nina, as is he. Ava says all he’s missing is a suit of armor, a horse, and big, round table. He says he’s got his eye on her. Charlotte comes out, and Laura admires her dress. Charlotte says, it’s new. She didn’t want to wear the dress she wore last time; it might be bad luck. Laura knows Charlotte was disappointed last time, and she hopes it goes the way Charlotte wants this time.

Michael arrives at the MetroCourt, and says Sam got the best Christmas gift, spending Christmas with the kids. Jason says they couldn’t ask for more. He asks where Michel is going, and Michael says he’s going to ring in the New Year with Sasha. They’re having drinks with friends, and then taking off, but Jason said he wanted to see him. What’s up? Jason shows him the invitation to Shiloh’s memorial, and asks if Michael got one. Sam says she got one too, and Michael says he doesn’t know what make less sense, her getting invited or him. He pulls out his phone and shows them. Sam says Kristina was invited too, and Willow and Harmony. Michael says, two that escaped, the people who betrayed Shiloh, and Sam killed him. They were all invited. He asks if they have any idea who’s behind this. His connection is indirect, through Kristina. Sam says Michael took the DoD house from them, and he’s Wiley’s godfather. The Dawnies know that Shiloh is Wiley’s biological father. Michael says, they could still think Wiley is one of their own. 

Nina tells Sasha that she’s on her way to her wedding, and asks why Sasha is there. She didn’t have a relapse? Sasha says she’s fine; it was just a follow-up. She thanks Nina for asking, and Nina says she’s glad, but she should get going. She drops her papers, and helping to pick them up, Sasha sees the DNA test results. Nina says it’s clearly not about Sasha.

Valentin tells Martin, Ava might be a problem. Martin says, she burned the painting. Why doesn’t Valentin declare victory, and be done with it? Valentin says he has reason to believe the codicil still exists. If that’s the case, he needs to defend his position.

Laura sees Charlotte looking around, and asks if she lost something. Charlotte says, someone. Her bodyguard should be there. Like he should have been on the pier. She doesn’t understand why he disappeared. Laura says she thinks she understands why he’s so important. A lot of scary things have happened to Charlotte lately. It makes sense that she’d want someone to protect her. Charlotte asks if Laura believes he’s real. She showed Laura his picture. Laura says, yes, he’s somebody Charlotte’s mom and Laura cared about. Charlotte asks if they don’t care about him anymore, but Laura says, of course (🍷) they do. She asks if when she and Lulu were talking, Charlotte didn’t pick up the phone and decide he was her secret bodyguard. Charlotte says she didn’t decide. Her papa hired him. She knows because of the ring. Laura asks, what ring? and Charlotte says, he wears a ring like papa’s tattoo.

Laura asks if Charlotte can describe the ring, and Charlotte says Laura has seen it all around the house. It’s on shields and in the trophy room. Two dragons, back to back, with claws for feet. In the middle, there’s a shield with the letter C. She tells Laura that she wants to ask Obrecht to make her a Shirley Temple; hers are the best. Charlotte goes to the bar, and Curtis asks if Laura is okay, but Laura says, she’s fine. Jax thinks Ava is up to something, and she’s working with Nina. Ava says they’re mortal enemies, but called a temporary truce. Jax says the last time these same people were all in the same room, the portrait burst into flames. He hopes there are no fireworks tonight. He doesn’t want Nina to get hurt. Charlotte tells Obrecht that her Shirley Temples are the best, and Obrecht says it’s one of her more useful talents. She gives Charlotte her drink, and steps away to use her phone.

Martin asks if Valentin is suggesting that Ava staged the burning of a painting she could have made a quarter million dollars on, just so she could hang on to the addendum? Valentin says, Ava has a penchant for sloppy vengeance, and could use the codicil to bring him down. Martin says he’s not thinking of breaking into the gallery again? Valentin’s phone dings, and he says he won’t have to. Ava is there. Martin says, she’s crashing the wedding? Does Valentin want him to show her the door? Valentin says he has another task in mind. Something Martin might enjoy; it’s low risk.

Sasha walks into an examining room with the test results, and Nina follows her. Sasha asks how long Nina has known, and Nina says her life is no longer Sasha’s concern; it never was. Sasha asks how long Nina has known she wasn’t acting alone? Nina says since the last wedding, when Sasha stood up and admitted she’d scammed Nina. That’s when she knew. There was only one person who could pull it off. It had to be Valentin. Sasha says, if she knows, why is she marrying him?

Michael tells Jason and Sam that he doesn’t care how many memorials they throw for Shiloh. No Dawnie is ever going to come near Wiley again. Sam asks if Jason is going to stop by for New Year’s, and he says, of course (🍷). She kisses him, and calls him an incredible romantic. He tells her, good luck, and she leaves.

Carly tells Sonny that Jax and Nikolas had a plan where Nikolas would reunite with his family, and Valentin would be history. Sonny asks why it didn’t happen, and she says, before Christmas, the whole thing literally went up in smoke. He asks what she means, and she says, Mikkos left a codicil disinheriting Valentin, and returning the estate to Nikolas and Spencer. He hid the codicil in the painting. That’s the theory, but no one will ever know because it went up in smoke. He wishes he could have been there to see Jax’s face when he came up empty. Jax is an accomplice, which means Jax could be in legal trouble. Carly says, no he can’t, because no one is ever going to know.

Curtis tells Jordan, if she’s not feeling this, they can leave. She asks if it’s that obvious, and he says, only to people who know her – and every passerby. She says, sorry, but he says, don’t be. She lost a friend, and she needs to feel how she feels. She thanks him for understanding, and he says, as her husband, it’s literally his job. She says she broke her resolution not to think about it until after New Year’s, but he says it doesn’t count, since resolutions start on New Year’s Day. She’s good. He says if there’s anything she needs to get off her chest, he’s there for her, and holds her.

Martin asks Ava for a word (phrase of the day), and introduces himself. She asks if he’s there for the bride or groom, and he says, a little of both. He’s a great admirer of her gallery. He’s popped in, but was shy about saying hello. She asks if anything in particular caught his eye, and he says, several pieces, including the J. Garrin, but that doesn’t matter anymore. It’s a shame. She says she can’t think of a more suitable ending. He says Windymere is filled with fantastic work, and she says, no doubt pillaged from churches and orphanages. He says there’s one he’d like her opinion on. He’d like to show her; it will just take a moment. He leads her out, as Obrecht watches suspiciously.

Carly tells Sonny not to turn Jax into immigration, and not to call in any favors. Sonny says, Jax clearly broke the law, and Carly says, so has he. Jax knows it, and if he turns Jax in, it will rip their family apart. Josslyn hated Sonny, and it took months for her to forgive him. It would be worse if he did it again. It’s not worth it. None of it is worth it. Sonny asks why she didn’t tell him the night she found out Nikolas was alive? Why couldn’t she trust him with the truth?

Jason asks Michael how things with Sasha are, and Michael says it was a rough year, but they’re looking forward to a fresh start. No secrets; everything is on the table. He says Jason is heading for a fresh start as well. Sam is out, and his family is back together. Jason says, that’s the plan; he’s lucky. Michael says Sam shouldn’t have been there in the first place, and Jason says, no argument from him. Michael tells him, go home and celebrate Sam’s freedom. Jason tells Michael, happy New Year, and Michael says, may 2020 be happy and uneventful.

Sam nervously straightens up. There’s a knock at the door, and parole officer Delores introduces herself. Sam says she’s been expecting Delores. Delores asks if there are people there tonight in the house, but Sam says, no. Her children are spending New Year’s with their grandmother, and her partner is out for the night. Delores says they’ll talk more about that after she conducts her inspection. Sam asks if there’s anything in particular she needs to know, and Delores says she needs to make sure there are no violations; no firearms, drugs, or alcohol. Sam says she’s never done drugs, has no firearms, and the alcohol has been removed from the house. It’s sparkling cider for tonight; the instructions were clear. Delores suggests they start with the kitchen.

Nina asks if that isn’t what Sasha wanted. Didn’t she hide Valentin’s involvement in the first place so Nina could have the family she dreamed about? Sasha doesn’t understand why Nina ran the test again, and Nina says it proves Valentin orchestrated the first test. He used the swab he took from her mother’s casket to prove Sasha was hers. Whether Sasha knew it or not, it’s what she went along with. Sasha says, obviously Valentin went to extremes. Does Nina know why he did?

Heading up to the turret, Ava says she doesn’t climb that many stairs for just anybody. What artifact does Martin want to show her up there? Valentin comes out, and says Martin is afraid of heights, but she’s made of sterner stuff, isn’t she?

Carly tells Sonny that she didn’t want to argue. If the plan worked, Nikolas would come forward, and if not, no one would be the wiser. He has to stay out of it. Sonny asks, who else is in it? and she says, as far as she knows, it’s just them; her, Jax, and now him. Sonny says Ava saw Nikolas’s ghost, and Carly says Ava thought she did on Halloween. She checked herself into Shadybrook, then checked out. Sonny says when she came by, she said she didn’t see what’s not there. Carly says, Ava realized, and Sonny says Carly knew the truth, and still didn’t tell him. He shakes his head.

Delores says, Sam is a P.I., and owns a registered handgun. Sam says, not anymore, but when she did, she kept it in a safe, far away from her children. Delores says, speaking of her children… She looks at the stockings hanging up, and says, Scout is her daughter, and her son is Danny. Does their father, Jason, reside with her?

Nina tells Sasha that she knows why. Valentin loves her. Sasha says Nina loves him too. Nina says, God help her, she does, but maybe she loves the person she thought he was or the person she wanted him to be. That guy is great. Sasha says, maybe Valentin can be that guy, with no more lies in the way. Nina says, when it comes to Valentin, she doesn’t know if that’s possible. She holds her hand out, and Sasha gives her back the test results. Sasha tells Nina that she’s a good person. She’s an honest person, so whatever she’s thinking of doing, does she think can go through with it? Nina tells Sasha, happy New Year, and leaves.

On the phone with Lulu, Laura says the wedding hasn’t started, and they still need a bride. She asks Lulu to send her the photo of Nikolas that she has on her phone. The most recent one, in her favorites. She’s just feeling sentimental. Martin comes back, and says he senses Obrecht is a talented mixologist. She guesses his drink of choice is a Manhattan. He says, that would be perfect, but hold the vermouth, and nix the cherry. (In case you didn’t know, that would make it straight whiskey.)

Valentin asks what Ava thinks of the view. She says, it’s beautiful and remote, but she seriously doubts he lured her up there to show her the skyline. He says, that, and to talk with her about something before the wedding. He wants to tie up some loose ends that any respectable groom would want to tie up. It was quite a trick she pulled. Auctioning off the portrait, then setting it on fire. Ava says that remains a mystery, and he says, like any good illusionist, she’s not going to tell him, is she? He asks where the codicil is, and she wonders who even uses that word anymore. He says that’s what Julian said at the MetroCourt, and she asks if he was eavesdropping. He says he was, and tells her not to waste his time. Tell him what she wants for it, and he’ll give it to her. She says she neither wants or needs anything from him.

Sonny tells someone on the phone that he wants all eyes on Spencer, 24/7. And look out for Nikolas. He’s alive, and may come for Spencer. They need to find him first. Carly says he’s not taking any chances, and Sonny says, if Valentin figures it out, he may go after Spencer. She says she gets it, and he says he’s glad she approves. She says she’s told him everything. Where does that leave them?

Wearing a sparkly, sexy dress, Sasha meets Michael, who says, wow. She says, look who’s talking, and they sit. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she’s fine. She asks what time Chase and Willow are getting there, but he says he knows something is wrong. She says she ran into Nina. Nina knows Valentin is behind the agreement for her to be Nina’s daughter. Michael says, good. Did Sasha tell Nina that Valentin’s not just her partner, and the whole thing was his idea? She says, Nina has the DNA result that proves Valentin used the sample he got from Nina’s mother. She left for the wedding. Michael says, she’s still getting married? and Sasha says, who knows? Nina is heading for a world of hurt, and needs all of their support. Michael says she’s not thinking of going to the wedding, is she?

Laura gets the picture, and tells Charlotte there’s no way she would be able to tell he was wearing a ring. Charlotte says, maybe he wasn’t wearing it then, but he was when she saw him. Nina flies in, apologizing for being late. Obrecht says she was about to tie a little barrel to a St. Bernard, and send it out to find her. Jax says they have to talk, but Nina says she’s talked out. She’s sorry she’s late, but it’s a long story, and not worth telling. She won’t be long. Charlotte says she’s glad Nina is there; she was worried. Nina is sorry she made Charlotte worry, but Charlotte says once Nina marries her papa, everything will be okay. Nina hugs Charlotte, and says she loves her; never forget that. She dashes upstairs. Jax calls after her, but gets no response.

Ava drains her glass, telling Valentin that she’s going inside to get herself another martini. Should she send up a footman in case his bride decided to show up? He says he’s not done negotiating, but she says she is. He says if she doesn’t take the deal he’s offering, he’ll find other means to get what he wants. She suggests he go get himself hitched, and he says he will, once she turns over the codicil. She tells him to get married, and go on his honeymoon. Make it a long one, and don’t be surprised if when he comes back, someone else is living there who deserves it more. She starts to go past him, but he grabs her arm, and says she’s not going anywhere.

Sonny tells Carly, he thinks it comes down to trust. She didn’t trust him. She says, after what happened last time. Sonny lashes out in anger, and when he’s done, he regrets the hell his family has been put through. She didn’t want another blow up, so she chose not to tell him. He says, that’s what gets him. She chose to trust Jax. IMO, that’s an unfair statement, since it’s Jax’s secret, not Carly’s.

Obrecht calls to Jax. She says she was just about to share her medical research ideas with him. He says he’d love that, but wants to check on Nina. Obrecht assures him that Nina is fine. Martin tells Jordan that she’s a vision; bonsoir. She asks if he’s okay, and he says, weddings make him uneasy. He’s handled his fair share of divorces. It’s optimism and love versus bitterness and regret. He’ll feel better when the night is over.

Curtis asks Laura, what’s up? and don’t tell him that she’s okay; he knows her talents. She asks if he remembers her late son, and he says, when her son was married to Hayden; sure. She says, Charlotte swears she’s seen him. Not just his face, but his signet ring, and it doesn’t appear in the photo Lulu sent of him. How can it be?

Jason gets home, and asks Sam, what happened? What did the parole officer say? She tells him, the parole officer said that this is the last time she’s going to see him.

Sasha tells Michael that she wants to be there for Nina, but knows the best thing to do is stay as far away as possible. Michael hopes in the new year, she washes her hands of Nina and Valentin. She says, Valentin for sure, but part of her will always hope she and Nina will make amends. She’s worried Nina is headed for more heartache before the year is out.

Nina looks at herself in her dress. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Jax.

Valentin tells Ava that he acts with precision when given an opportunity that he shouldn’t pass on. She’s been drinking heavily, and with her fragile emotions, she slipped. He pushes her over the edge of the parapet. And I’m very disappointed.

Tomorrow, Ned says Brook made her bed, and now has to lie in it; Laura is afraid if Valentin gets taken down, Charlotte will be taken down too; and Charlotte finds Valentin at the tower.

❓ Because I tend to get curious about accuracy on certain points, I looked up whether a parole officer could tell you that your spouse has to go. It hardly seems fair, and really should depend on the circumstances, but apparently, they can. I got this from a legal answers site:

Probation officers are given a lot of authority and even if it’s questionable whether they can do something , in many cases they usually get their way with individuals who are unrepresented. At the very least, an attorney can bring a motion before a Judge and challenge the probation officer’s actions/decisions.

🐮 Even though my level of concentration was nil on New Year’s Day, I still checked out Part One of The Real Housewives of Dallas Reunion. The first thing we found out was that 4.7% of mail gets lost, not 30% as LeeAnne had suggested. I still say it’s a good possibility that Kary’s wedding invite could have gotten lost, although admittedly, there’s an equal possibility one was never sent. The main focus was criticism of LeeAnne’s wedding – from the lack of food to the vows, which the women claimed were a dig at her mother. Kameron thought they were nitpicking stupid small things, and was like, wtf? It’s LeeAnne’s wedding. I couldn’t agree more. Especially since I had people argue with me over some of my own choices. My maid of honor told me that I couldn’t possibly have a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I said, watch me, and I did, which was what I told everyone who said I couldn’t do whatever. Rich was also criticized for looking at other women, even though LeeAnne was okay with it.

They touched on Eduardo’s financial hold over Kary, who said things remained the same, but she was happy. I have my doubts about that. You don’t go from that much concern over a situation to none whatsoever. Kameron’s trash comment to Brandi had a moment, and Kameron reminded Brandi that she had just said F-U and to go s*ck a d*ck. She was criticizing Brandi’s behavior, not her character, and probably would have used another word, but it was in her mind since Stephanie had wondered if peeing behind the trailer was trashy. Andy said viewers loved that Kameron had gone out of her comfort zone with her bathroom habits. A viewer asked if D’Andra was drinking any less, since the fortune teller had said she was going to die if she didn’t stop. D’Andra insisted she’s just a social drinker, and didn’t drink during the week. I guess that means it couldn’t possibly be harmful if she’s socializing to excess every weekend.

The episode ended the way it began, with the women being critical of LeeAnne, who once again got dragged on for bringing up her childhood so much. The main gripe seemed to be that she uses it as an excuse for bad behavior, but she maintained that she’s only pointing out the reason she reacts the way she does. I say, maybe it’s both. God forbid any of these women should see both sides. Like Dr. Phil says, no matter how flat you make a pancake, it’s still got two sides. Kameron probably comes closest. It looks like there’s no let-up on LeeAnne in Part Two, when the racism question is brought into play. I still think she was using that adjective because Kary kept harping on it as her strength. Poor choice of words? Most definitely, but I don’t get a racist vibe from her. And really, they’re all annoying this season. Next time, Kameron also calls Brandi a liar.

💭 What’s interesting is how much these women are all triggered, yet they seem to start with opening the door to it themselves.

👠 On The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa argued with Juicy Joe on the phone, while Gia tried on prom dresses. I mean at the same time. They were in one of those bridal shops, and Teresa sat screaming at her husband in the waiting (viewing?) area, mortifying Gia, who just wanted to get her damn dress. Jennifer, per Turkish tradition, served a whole lamb on Easter that her mom cooked, and the kids practically ran from the room screaming when the head was brought out. Daughter Gaby brought up Jennifer’s brother being gay, which apparently, their mom is in denial about, and Jennifer was proud it was all handled so well. We also got TMI about Jennifer’s sex life.

Marge, Jackie, and Melissa went to lunch, and Marge had an abysmal batting average as far as rumors go this week. First, she wondered if Teresa and Danielle were swimming in the lady pond. Really, Marge? Highly doubtful. She also said Marty would neither confirm or deny, but said he was at peace with Danielle. Since they still live together, I find it hard to believe they haven’t slept together since the break-up. I think Marge just wants to believe it’s not happening because she hates Danielle. Teresa hosted a private shopping event, inviting everyone. Jennifer said Danielle scared the eff out of her, although I think she could hold her own in a hair-pulling. Danielle and Teresa chatted, while the others obviously talked about and made fun of Danielle; Marge saying some pretty rude things, like comparing Danielle to the sushi. Danielle told Teresa that Marge and her minions were after her, and that included Melissa. She reminded Teresa that she’d promised to have Danielle’s back. Teresa said she did, and would set those bitches straight. Marge suggested they talk about the Versace clad elephant in the room, and Teresa accused Marge of breaking Danielle and Marty up. Marge said Danielle had alleged Marty was abusive – with both her and her daughter. In her interview, Melissa said there were two realities; the one Teresa sees and the one everyone else sees. She’d been at this rodeo before with Teresa and Kim D. Marge said Danielle was sick, and a pathological liar. Throughout this insanity and the shouting, the boutique owner went through a lot of changes, from unhappy to fearful to amused. Danielle and Marge almost came to blows, but Melissa stepped in between them. Then for some ungodly reason, Marge dumped water over Danielle’s head. Danielle dumped all the stuff out of Marge’s purse and threw it around, saying, Marge started it, and she was going to finish it. Melissa said this behavior was unacceptable – like this has stopped anyone before – and it ended with Danielle grabbing Marge’s ponytail.

Apparently, this fight carries into next week, when no doubt the owner will look fearful and then angry.

👗  On Project Runway tonight, stylist Karla Welch was a mentor, and the challenge was to design an outfit for Karlie to wear to a CFDA event in Paris. Karla told them if they don’t make the stylist happy, their work won’t get to the talent, so I guess a stylist is sort of a style bouncer as well. The designers were told to make their work original and wearable, and think American in Paris. The twist was that they would be upcycling; reconstructing discarded clothes to make something new. In his interview, Sergio told us that he always uses that method, so he’s not a burden to the environment, Instead of going to Mood, they had $150 and 45 minutes to go Goodwill. Hey, I have my best pair of jeans from them. It was a one-day challenge, and Karla told them to sketch their designs on the way there. I just need to say it. Why do stylists always dress in black and look like hell? Karla was wearing what looked like an oversized boy’s black suit. Not that I have anything against a boy’s suit on a woman, but it was boring and looked like she was wearing her big brother’s clothes. At two hours to runway, so much seemed so unfinished. Shavi was pissed and flustered, having found a hole in his garment, and needing to compensate quickly.

Laverne Cox (love her!) was the guest judge. They used models that were Karlie’s size, but I thought they should have forced her to try on everything. The designs were most pretty cool, until they got to Melanie’s outfit, where I said, God no. It looked like it was made out of scraps, and the model’s boobs were falling out. Marquise had a good idea, with a cold-shoulder suit jacket, but made a mess of the back, which was very ill-fitted, and had to be held together with tape. Shavi’s model could hardly walk, her pencil skirt was so tight. Geez. He should have cut a slit in that thing the second he realized. It did not work in his favor.

Chelsey, who created a high-waisted trouser with a matching crop top, using twelve pairs of jeans, was at the top. Karlie said Chelsey’s outfit had the American in Paris vibe she’d love to rock, and Chelsey said she liked to dress the everyday woman in not-so-everyday clothes. Nancy was also at the top, with a jazzed up pink shirt worn backwards, and a black skirt Karlie said she’d love to twirl in, also made out of jeans. Nancy had quite an emotional moment, where she said she wasn’t just the oldest on this particular show, but the first designer in their 60s, being 64. Brandon said her design was light and fresh, and she’d arrived at 64. He gave the world hope, and gave Nancy a hug. Victoria rounded out the top three, with an asymmetrical (thank you, Nina – that’s the word I was looking for last time) mini dress with a cut-out on the side. She also had a moment, remembering watching the show with her mother in Russia. Laverne told her that dreams can come true, and Victoria’s did, since she was the winner for the third time in a row.

On the flipside, no surprise, Shavi was in the bottom three, along with Marquise, who was told it was obvious the integrity of the garment was held together by tape. Tyler was once again in the forefront, but not in a good way. His outfit wasn’t bad – a black skirt with a white insert, and a white sleeveless top with a tuxedo ruffle – but it didn’t meet the criteria of the challenge. Brandon said out of the three requirements, all he got right was wearable. But like this wasn’t bad enough, when Brandon said he couldn’t see Karlie wearing it, Tyler said, not even to dinner with the Kushner’s? (Karlie is married to Joshua.) This went over like a lead balloon, and there were crickets for days. Backstage, everyone shook their heads, and Sergio thought he was going to be sick. Recovering, Karlie told him the challenge was to design something for Paris, and it wasn’t what she’d asked for. I’m not so sure that remark didn’t help him out the door, although Karlie said she wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing any of the bottom three outfits to the event – or anywhere. Before his exit, Tyler told Karlie that he really wasn’t a jerk, and had no hidden agenda in what he’d said. In his goodbye interview, he said he was still in the anger stage of the five stages of grief, but he would stand by his look to the death. He loved it so much, he intended to make a copy for his drag persona. Since Christian gets to save a designer, he hoped it would be him, but I think that’s doubtful. He said he was walking out proud and more motivated.

Next time, Cyndi Lauper is a guest judge, and the designers will form teams to create her iconic 80s style.

🎉 Stars Celebrate…

Celebrities. They’re not just like us.


😥 Stars We’ll Miss…

A daytime roll call of the dead.


😮 Stars Who Shocked…

A surprising roll call.


🌞 A New Decade Starts…

But since there’s nothing for 2020, I’ll just stick with a classic.

August 28, 2019 – Cassandra Must Be Found, a Reunion Ends With Charm, Posh World, Without Joe, Laverne’s Wisdom, Breaking Now, an Idea & Victoria’s Heart


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Jordan tells Curtis she’s clear. She’s gotten the go ahead to work full time. His baby is ready to roll. She asks, what’s wrong? and he wonders why she can’t work part time. She says she could, if she didn’t mind losing her sanity. She can only delegate so much for so long. She needs to get back to work.

Michael tells Sonny that he just came from the hospital. Sasha is sicker than they thought.

Monica thanks Jax for coming to the hospital. She’s called anyone who worked in close proximity to Sasha. They’ve identified her illness. It’s the Avian flu, a strain they haven’t even seen before. In the meantime, anyone who’s had contact with Sasha has to be tested, and have a round of anti-virals. He asks if the symptoms wouldn’t have shown up by now. She says, in all likelihood, but it’s a precautionary measure. They’re using an abundance of caution. He asks about the prognosis, but she says she can’t even speculate. They don’t even know if they caught it in time.

Valentin talks on the phone to Charlotte, who’s in the park with Lulu and Rocco. Charlotte tells him about her softball game. He says he’s sorry he can’t be there today, but she says her mom took a video. She gives Lulu the phone, and she asks how things are going. Valentin says, it’s all wait and see. She tells him, please give Nina her best, and tell her that she’s praying for Sasha. Don’t worry about Charlotte; she’s totally fine. He thanks her, and says he’ll be in touch. Valentin tells Nina that Charlotte successfully stole two bases. She gets it from her father. Nina says she needs something else from him. He says, anything, and she tells him that she wants Cassandra – alive or dead. Can he arrange it for her?

Jason sees Cameron at the hospital, and asks if he’s waiting for his mom. He says he’s here on his own. He wants to talk to Franco’s doctors.

Elizabeth says, hi, and Franco says if she’s on her way out, he can come back. She says, that’s okay. She was going out to look for him. He asks if she’s there by herself, and she says the boys aren’t there; just her. He says he figured that he owed them both a conversation. He can tell her a little bit about himself, and she can tell him about the man he used to be. She invites him in, and says, welcome home.

Robert shuffles through files, looking for one on Shiloh, and another on Cabot. Mac finds them for him, and asks why he won’t use the software. Robert says he likes the feel of paper, and he’d also have to learn it. He thanks Mac, even if he alluded to Robert being some kind of dinosaur. Mac says he didn’t,  and Robert says they work well together. Where else can he kick his little brother around? Mac says his days as Commissioner are over.

Jordan tells Curtis that congratulations would do. He congratulates her, and she thanks him. He says he’s really concerned that she’s pushing it, but she says she got clearance to work full time. She’ll be drawing full pay, and he can ditch his job with Valentin, or Jax, or both. He asks why he’d do that, and she says he’s bordering on corporate espionage. He says it’s helping them making bank, and they can knock out the medical bills and put away some for TJ’s college fund. She asks what he’s going to do if Jax finds out he’s taking money from Valentin? He says he’ll handle his business. She says, and she’ll handle hers, but he can escort her to the station first.

Elizabeth shows Franco a drawing Jake did. She says Jake is her middle child. He’s an artist like the both of them. He was instrumental in promoting Jake’s talent. She asks if it looks familiar. He just looks at her, and she says she knows he needs time. She ask if he’s hungry. Her youngest, Aiden, baked cookies. He’s the one who discovered Aiden was a gifted baker, and he’s Aiden’s sous chef. He says he already ate, but she says she’ll bring some out anyway. He must still have the same taste buds, and he loved Aiden’s cookies. He says he thinks it would make things easier if she didn’t refer to him as Franco. He’s Drew. Elizabeth says, sure. She didn’t mean to offend him. He says, nobody does. Except maybe that German woman, the doctor. Elizabeth says Obrecht considers herself a good friend of his… of Franco’s. She’s direct and intense. He says she also slapped him. She actually tried to slap some sense into him. Elizabeth says, sounds like her. What did she have to say? He says she told him the life he’s living doesn’t belong to him, and to get out of Franco’s way. He doesn’t understand. Why would anyone want that? Why would they want to be around a killer?

Cameron tells Jason that he tried to register for a class with a philosophy professor, but it was too early. He read that Descartes said, I think, therefore I am. If Franco started to think he was Franco, and really believe it, it might help. He thought he’d run it by Franco’s doctors. He asks if Jason thinks it’s dumb, but Jason says he can talk to Monica, and arrange it. Cameron thanks him, and says it’s just hard to understand how everyone is going along with this. How could Franco forget his family and loved ones? Jason knows what it’s like, doesn’t he?

Jax tells Monica, the flu is contagious. It’s strange how only one person contracted it. Monica says, especially since Sasha has never been to Asia. It’s a matter for law enforcement now. It’s no accident that Sasha came down with the flu.

Nina asks Valentin how they can make it happen. He says they do nothing. He’ll take care of it. Nina needs to know there are no more threats to her family. She can’t do this again. She feels helpless and out of control. Valentin says, those days are over, but she says that person is still inside of her. She knows the signs. He says he knows she’s a strong woman, and knows he loves her. He has those protective feelings too. He tells her to take care of Sasha, and he’ll take care of the rest.

Michael tells Sonny, as a precaution, he’s getting a round of anti-virals. Sonny asks what about Sasha? and Michael says they’re afraid they took too long to diagnose her. They’ve never even seen the strain in this hemisphere. Sonny wonders how Sasha contracted it, and Michael says it was on purpose by someone on the island – Sandy Lance. Sonny knows her by Cassandra Pierce.

Charlotte asks Lulu when they’re going home, but Lulu says Rocco’s game isn’t over. Charlotte wants to go to Windymere. It’s been forever, and she left her doll in the trophy room. Lulu knows Charlotte misses Nina and her papa, but they’re taking care of Sasha. Charlotte asks if Sasha will be better soon. Rocco runs over, and says he hates this game. He wants to go home. Lulu says he can’t quit, and Rocco says, it’s okay for his dad to quit, but not him? He asks if his dad is ever coming home. Dustin appears, and asks if someone lost their glove.

Mac tells Robert that he thinks Jordan is returning tomorrow; end of mission. Robert says, what if it doesn’t happen? What if Jordan gets kidnapped by pirates, and the mayor gives Mac the job? Mac says he’s not out to steal Jordan’s job. Robert says he’d rather sling drinks and keep cleaning up after drunks than admit he likes police work? Jordan comes in, and says she just got clearance to work. From the sound of it, it’s not a moment too soon.

Sonny tells Michael that Cassandra wanted him to help her import something, but he told her he wasn’t importing it into Port Charles. Maybe Sasha is collateral damage, and Cassandra was trying to get to him? Michael says, no. She sent a picture to Nina as a message. She wanted Nina to know it was payback. Sonny says, for what?

Elizabeth says, Franco’s not a killer. Franco says, kidnapping, assault, arson, murder. She asks where he got this, and he says, the internet. She tells him, Franco did bad things while he was sick. He found out he had a brain tumor, and when it was removed, he was cured. Franco says now he knows he’s not sick, but Elizabeth disagrees. He says she’s not the only one objecting, She says she’s lost a husband, and her children love him, and want him back. He says, wanting doesn’t make it so. She says if anyone can undo what happened it’s Andre, the man who perfected the procedure. Drew is bringing him back from Ethiopia.

Cameron says Jason used to be a Quartermaine until the accident; that’s what his mom told him. Jason says, that’s right. Cameron says he didn’t remember his old family, changed his name, and found a new one. Jason says it wasn’t as easy for him as it seemed. The Quartermaines wanted him to be someone he wasn’t. Cameron says, that’s what’s happening to Franco. Jason says he used to feel that way about the Quartermaines, but time passed, and he eventually found a new relationship with them. They got to know him as he is now. Cameron asks how long it took, and Jason says, years. Cameron says his mom and brothers don’t have years for Franco to figure out that they matter to him.

Curtis gets a text from Valentin – Must see you asap at GH. He tells Jordan that he has to go. Jordan tells Mac and Robert that she doesn’t officially return to full time until tomorrow. Sonny comes in with Michael, and says he’s there about Cassandra Pierce. Robert says they’re aware of the situation, and Mac says they’ve been pulling files. Sonny wants her found before someone else gets hurt, and Mac says, odds are, she’s not in Port Charles. Robert says they were on to her after she escaped. Mac says they know she’s flying under the radar. Sonny knows all about that.

Jax asks Nina how Sasha is, and she says she’s waiting. He says, alone? and she tells him that Valentin just left to take care of business. Jax says Monica filled him in a little; how can he help? Nina laughs, and says, him? He says he knows Finn has a good reputation, but he has connections. She says he can drop the phony concern. She knows he doesn’t care about Sasha or her. He says, that’s not true, and she says he wouldn’t know truth if he was shot up with the bird flu. He’s been lying to her since he came into her office. She knows about his secret file on Cassandra Pierce. That woman is the reason her daughter is sick. That psycho almost killed her daughter.

Jason tells Cameron, there’s no way to predict what will happen with Franco. They don’t even know if it’s reversable. Cameron asks what he should do, and Jason says, try not to pressure Franco. Cameron has to accept Franco is as confused as he is. Jason didn’t make allowance for how other people felt, and he regrets that. Cameron says Jason’s loved ones were older, and had perspective. His brothers are still young, and look up to Franco. Jason admires that Cameron wants to fix it, but he’ll have to wait. Cameron says his brothers need Franco. The more time he’s away, the more screwed up they are, and they’ve been through so much already. Franco needs to suck it up, and come home.

Franco tells Elizabeth that Drew was going to Afghanistan for him, but never mentioned Ethiopia. She says he just found out where Andre was yesterday, and diverted the plane. Franco says Drew didn’t mention it to him, and Elizabeth is sure Drew was in a hurry.  Franco thinks it’s part of a larger plan to keep him there, but Elizabeth says, Drew wouldn’t do that. Franco says, he’s wasting a trip. He’s not talking to any doctor. As soon as this bracelet is off, he’s gone. Elizabeth tells him not to do that to the people who love him. They can help him. He asks why he’d want help. Help means the end of him.

Monica asks Jason for a favor. He says, anything, but she tells him, don’t say that until he’s heard her out. Jason was with Franco when he got arrested; how did he seem? Jason says, angry and confused. He insists he’s Drew. Monica is afraid he might bolt. This might be her only chance to find out what Drew was like growing up; the son she and Alan never got to raise. She doesn’t want to let the opportunity slip through her fingers. Jason says she may have to. It might already be too late. I’m surprised at Monica being so selfish. She already went through this with Jason, and should know better than to push. I could understand if she wanted it for Drew, but for her own personal interest? Really?

Franco says the doctor will screw with his head, and chances are, it might not work. Or even worse, it does. She knows it’s incredibly selfish, but she’s asking anyway. The boys want her to fight for him. He says he doesn’t know them, and they don’t know who he is and who he loves. It’s his chance to get back the life he was robbed of. She says, that Drew was robbed of. He’s robbing her of her husband. He says, it’s not him. He doesn’t remember marrying her. The ring he’s wearing, a symbol of vows he doesn’t recall making. Wearing it is dishonest. He tries to hand it to her, but she doesn’t take it. He says he’s not trying to hurt her or her children, but he wants to get on with his life. He puts it on the table, and Cameron walks in.

Lulu introduces Dustin, saying, he’s a teacher. Rocco asks what he teaches, and Dustin says, including and not limited to, snake wrangling, jumping out of planes, a bunch of other crazy stuff, and baseball fielding. Lulu tells Rocco, if he’s nice, Dustin will give him some tips. Dustin says, only in exchange for a signed game ball, and gives a ball to Rocco.

Jordan tells Sonny, there’s only so much they can do in their jurisdiction. Robert says Michael and Sasha encountered Cassandra on Sonny’s island, and Sonny says he’s made some calls. If anything goes down, he’ll hear about it. Jordan asks if he’s going to share, and Sonny says, share and share alike. Nina said Cassandra is after her. Don’t they think her story might help give them a lead? Jordan says they know how to do their job. Sonny says, then they don’t need him, but Robert wants to ask Michael some questions. He wants to know more about their interaction with Cassandra. Michael tells Sonny to go. Michael goes into the interrogation room, and Jordan asks, what if Sonny finds Cassandra first? Mac says let him look. It will keep him out of their hair… her hair. Jordan says, about that…

Curtis tells Valentin if he wants another update on Jax… Valentin says, forget Jax. He needs help with something more important – protecting his family.

Jax asks Nina, how sick is Sasha? She says, Sasha and Michael crossed paths with Cassandra, and now Sasha has been diagnosed with a strain of bird fly never seen in this hemisphere. She shows him the picture, and says, then she got this text. Does he know where Cassandra is? Jax swears he doesn’t, and Nina says she feels so much better. Never mind about the angle he’s been working against her and Valentin since she caught him in her office unannounced. He has a file on Cassandra. Jax says he has nothing to do with her. She asks if she’s supposed to take his word, and he says he has nothing against her. He admires her. Valentin is another story. Nina says while he avoids answering her questions, her daughter could be dying. Spare her his false concerns and empty promises, and tell her the truth or get out. He says, it is the truth. What’s happening is horrible, and all he wants to do is help. He thinks there’s more to Cassandra’s relationship with Valentin than he’s letting on. She might want to protect herself. No matter what she thinks of him, he’s not her enemy. She says, if this is how he treats his friends, she doesn’t want to be his friend. He leaves, and she sits on the bench and sobs.

Jordan wants to clear the air. She knows Mac enjoyed himself. He says he has, and she says she understands he’s done a terrific job. Word is, her people wouldn’t mind keeping him around. Robert says he knows Mac wants to be in a leadership position, so he can affect change. Mac says he never considered this more than temporary, and Robert says it was his idea. Jordan says it was hers; he just agrees with her. She asks Mac, how does Chief of Detectives sound?

Curtis tells Valentin that protecting his family isn’t a one person job, but he can reach out to his contacts. Valentin says he can hire his own bodyguard. He needs Curtis as a detective. He needs Curtis’s problem solving skills. He needs him to find Cassandra before the WSB does, but Curtis doesn’t think she’ll be easy to find. Jax sees them talking.

Sonny approaches Nina, who tells him, go away. She already had enough with Jax. Sonny says she has a problem with Jax? Been there, done that. Nina says, and he’s overwhelmed with sympathy. He says she’s worried about her daughter, and he may be able to help. He tells her to round up Valentin, and tell him about their history with Cassandra.

Jason tells Monica, Drew knew Alan was his father. He figured it out in high school. He saw Jason’s picture in the paper, and knew Jason had to be his twin. He assumed they just wanted one twin. Monica says, nothing could be farther from the truth. He says, Franco did not want to listen, but she says she has to let him know. He doesn’t think Franco cares. Sorry, but his best advice is to let Franco be.

Cameron says Franco is home, but Franco says, it’s not like that. Elizabeth says, he just came by talk things out. Cameron asks why she looks upset, and she says, it’s been upsetting. Cameron says Franco can make it easier, but Elizabeth says. he’s doing the best he can. Franco says they haven’t met, and Cameron introduces himself. He knows Franco doesn’t remember, but those two freaks, Dr. Cabot and Shiloh, wanted to do a memory transfer on him. He was hooked to the machine, when Franco showed up and took his place. He owes Franco more than he can ever repay. Franco asks if he’s okay, and Elizabeth says they’re all okay. Cameron asks Franco to stay for dinner, but Franco asks if they can just agree to take things slow. He’s had his fill for tonight. He starts to leave, and Cameron stops him, saying, he doesn’t get to leave

Monica says she has to reach out. Drew should have been a Quartermaine from day one. Jason says she won’t get through on the first try, or probably the second or third. She says she’ll try as long as it takes for him tell her his story. So she can tell him hers. Jason is sorry, but she says, don’t be. He says, not for that. For the way he treated her and Alan. It took too long for him to see from their perspective. Monica says, he’s himself, and that’s all that matters to her.

Cameron says Franco has to stay. Franco says he’s not the guy Cameron wants him to be, but Cameron says he just needs Franco there. Franco had a life, and a family, and it’s on him to try and keep it going. Franco says, sorry. He can’t be something he’s not. He walks out, and Cameron slams the door. He asks, how anyone can be that selfish? Elizabeth says, he doesn’t mean to be. Cameron says, his wedding ring, and picks it up. He says, that’s why Franco was there,  to return the ring. What’s wrong with him? She says, it’s not his fault, but Cameron says he stole Franco’s life, and there’s nothing they can do to get it back. Elizabeth says, please, Cameron. He starts to cry, and slaps the ring into her hand. He runs upstairs, and Elizabeth looks for her phone. She makes a call, and says she needs a lawyer.

Lulu says she knew Rocco could do it. Dustin says, he just forget to close his glove. He has the same problem. Rocco whispers something to Lulu, and runs off. Dustin asks what he said, and Lulu tells him that he said, Dustin is cool. He says, best review ever.

Mac says Robert knew about this, and was pulling Mac’s chain. Robert says, it was a test, and he passed. Jordan says, her team respects him, and the squad could use his leadership skills. Say yes. He says he has to clear it with his lady, unless they told her in advance. Jordan says, with her approval, welcome back.

On the phone, Michael tells Diane he doesn’t need a lawyer. He tells Robert that Diane wanted him to remind them that it’s voluntary cooperation. Robert says, duly noted and appreciated. He read Michael’s account, but wants to hear it. He might remember something he’s not aware of. Michael says he’s been replaying it over and over, and thinks Robert is right. He may know how to find Cassandra.

Val knows Curtis cares about Nina, and will do what he can to protect her. He’s not asking lightly. Curtis says he’s not taking it lightly. If he finds Cassandra, he’ll turn her in to the WSB. Valentin says that does him no good. Find her, and walk away. And ask no questions.

Sonny tells Nina, something has to be done about Cassandra. The cops can’t find her, and she escaped from the WSB. He doesn’t want to see Nina hurt, and she’s a target. Nina says, please leave, but he says he’s not going anywhere. She says, fine, then she will. Sonny says he’s not through, and Jax says, yes he is. Is there a problem?

Tomorrow, Robert says they have their best lead, Valentin tells Curtis that he’ll get $5 million if he finds Cassandra, and Sasha asks Finn if she’s terminal.

Southern Charm – The Reunion – Part Two

Backstage, Madison is nervous. In another room, Danni says it was personal, and not a good example, especially for a mother to be saying.

Andy welcomes us back like we were the ones who left, and welcomes Danni, who’s joining the reunion. Andy starts with Kathryn’s sobriety. Austen says what she did on Watch What Happens Live was ridiculous. He couldn’t believe the things she said. We flash back to last week, where Austen said he was upset when he tweeted in, and Kathryn said don’t think for an effing second he can come after her sobriety. Back up. Naomie says she got aggressive with Austen just now, but someone saw her drinking when she was on the show. Kathryn asks, who? and Naomie says, a mutual friend. Kathryn says she’d tell them if she drank, because she can. Cameran says, no one is coming at her, but at the same time be honest. Craig says, no one knew if she was allowed to drink, so they just said she wasn’t, and covered for her for the last six months. Andy says there were several reunions where Kathryn felt they were coming against her, and they say the opposite. Shep says, what they’re  trying to say is, they protected Kathryn more than she knows.

Andy says Kathryn planned the treehouse trip, and then was MIA for the days before it. A viewer says, Danni isn’t Kathryn’s mom. If she seems testy, maybe it’s because Danni is crowding her. He asks what Danni meant when she said Kathryn was never held accountable? Danni says, Kathryn gets a lot of passes, especially from her. She wanted Kathryn to have valid reasons why she wasn’t responding. It can be perceived as obnoxious or irresponsible. Kathryn thinks she made a bigger deal about it than it was. Andy asks why she was defensive, and Kathryn says she’s used to her phone ringing, and it being Thomas, or her lawyer, or something else not good. Cameran says she can’t alienate other people who don’t have ill intentions. Kathryn says she talks to her actual friends, and Chelsea asks if they shouldn’t expect a  response since they’re not real friends? Just tell them she’s busy. Kathryn says just so they know, Thomas can bring this up in court. Danni rolls her eyes. Andy asks if that shouldn’t motivate her to be better, and Kathryn says she’s just trying to focus on her kids. Andy says she knows how that makes people feel, and Kathryn says when it’s more than one person, she gets overwhelmed with being ashamed, and portrayed as a terrible friend. Andy asks if she and Danni think it was an unfair representation of their friendship. Danni says they have a unique friendship. She can depend on Kathryn, but not all the time. She says Kathryn has been hanging out with Madison, and Kathryn says their kids play together. Austen says they didn’t hang out just one time, and Kathryn tells him, she didn’t say that. She needed someone for supervision with the kids. Austen thinks she’s playing both sides, and Kathryn says she has no one else, and Andy explains, Thomas approved Madison to supervise the kids. Kathryn says she thought it was okay with them, and she was being decent. Shep says she shouldn’t have to ask if it’s okay. She knows it’s not, because it bothers her friend. Danni has been there for her. Kathryn says she’s in the middle, and it’s a hard place to be. She loves Danni. Danni is her best friend, but it’s way more complicated in her mind. She doesn’t want Madison to feel like she did when no one talked to her. Cameran says, Madison put herself there. Craig says he thinks Madison is manipulative. It’s hard to see Kathryn with someone who caused problems. Andy says she didn’t realize it would go to that level. Naomie says Madison is manipulating Kathryn to hurt Danni, or Kathryn is afraid of her, and wants to keep her enemies closer. Austen says she’s not just asking Madison to watch the kids. If she likes Madison, admit it. Kathryn says she does. Madison makes her laugh. We take a break. Well, they take a break anyway.

Andy says, fresh off a family scandal, Eliza wasted no time getting back in the saddle of society. He asks if it was the hardest time after her father’s affair, and she says she doesn’t like to talk about it. She starts crying – that didn’t take long – and says they were so close. She felt uncomfortable and unwanted everywhere she went. Andy says he’ll change the subject, but she might not like this one either. After her debut at Patricia’s dinner party, viewers thought she was like a bull in a china shop. We flash back to her talking stupid at the party, ending with her saying Kathryn could be a surrogate. Andy assumes she meant no harm by the comment about Kathryn, and Shep says, Eliza is harmless, sweet, and docile, but her social awareness is lacking. Eliza says she’s only twenty-three; she’ll learn. Cameran says she talks too much, and Eliza says she does when she gets nervous. Andy asks if Eliza feels unfairly judged for her relationship with Thomas. Eliza says she’s used to people not liking her because of her family, but she can’t control that. Connie from Houston asks what she sees in Ashley that the rest of the world doesn’t? Eliza says she sees the good in everyone in her life. Ashley didn’t hurt her, so why be mean? Andy asks why she invited Ashley to the skeet shoot. Did she think Ashley would mend her relationships. Eliza says she knew Ashley said mean things to Kathryn, and she thought it was terrible, but she didn’t know Ashley had offended almost everyone there. We flash back to that fiasco. Chelsea says she’s all for forgiving, but Ashley goes about it all wrong. Eliza says Ashley made her look like an idiot for giving her a second chance. Andy asks if they’re still friends, and Eliza says they talk occasionally. He asks if her family is still friends with Thomas, and she says, absolutely. She can’t speak on his behalf, but she’s not leaving him hang out to dry for something that she has no involvement in.

Andy tells us that Chelsea has a brand new house, and brand new man. Dating a professional sailor means a long distance relationship, and it’s causing some to wonder how they keep it afloat. We find out no one has met Nick, and Chelsea says, when he’s in town, his time is short, and they’re trying to spend time together. A viewer asks why Chelsea is so trusting. For all she knows, he has a girl in every port. Andy says, it’s a fair question, and Chelsea says they communicate often and well. Andy asks how dangerous his job is, and Chelsea says, very. There were two fatalities in the last race. A viewer says Chelsea’s dad seems hesitant about her picking men who aren’t around. Chelsea thinks he’s afraid of her moving away, since she’s done it before. Andy asks what Austen thought about her dad calling him a housecat. Austen says she seems like more of a housecat, since she goes to work and goes straight home, but Chelsea says, a housecat is a gamer who hadn’t gotten out much, and her father shouldn’t have said that. A viewer asks if Chelsea feels like an anomaly among her privileged, trust fund friends. Chelsea says she doesn’t think about that, and Austen says no one has a trust fund except Shep. It’s a silly thing to say. Andy says the perception is that they don’t have jobs. Shep says it’s not like he’s raking in government money. Would he be more liked if he worked in a coal mine? Chelsea says she’s had a job since she was fourteen. Even if she won the lottery she’d have a job. If she wasn’t working, she’d feel worthless.

Andy switches gears. There’s been a new drama with Austen and Chelsea every year, and this year it was the screenshots Madison sent to Chelsea of Austen talking about her. Austen says he was venting to Madison, and guesses he was angry. Chelsea says when she first posted about Nick, there were comments about her finally finding a man, and getting rid of Austen. Austen was tagged, and she’s sure it made him angry. Andy says, it wasn’t flattering. Shep asks if Austen didn’t regret it, and Austen says he ate crow. Andy says Chelsea forgave Austen, and took him under her wing to reform his party ways. We flash back to her saying Shep and Craig are bad influences Shep says it bothered him, and made him angry. Chelsea says Austen asked for her advice, and he can take it or leave it. It won’t hurt her feelings. Kathryn says he respects Chelsea’s opinion; that’s why he asked. Andy says goodbye to Eliza, who we already forgot was there anyway.

Craig says if there was ever a time for him to take Adderall, it would be now. Madison comes out, and Andy asks what the status of her and Austen’s relationship is. Austen says they’re not together, and Andy says they’re not friends with benefits? Austen tells Andy, he didn’t say that. Madison says, they’re not together together. Danni asks when they last slept together, and Madison says, last night. Andy says, it’s complicated is the answer, and he promises not to play the video. He does want to talk about it though. Austen claimed he didn’t hook up with the women, and nothing happened. Austen says he’s as honest as a heart attack. Kathryn shakes her head, and says, he hooked up with the blonde one. Craig seconds that. Austen says he was so drunk, and Madison says he blacked out. Andy asks why the blonde’s panties were off, but Austen honestly doesn’t remember. A viewer doesn’t understand how Austen possibly cheated and it was recorded on video, but Madison hooked up with someone when they were temporarily broken up, and she’s the crazy one. Andy asks if Kathryn thinks it’s a  double standard, and Kathryn says, it’s definitely a pattern . It’s typical of the men to blame it on the girl. Shep says they’d tweeted they were together. Austen says he thought things were good between them. Madison says she saw Michelle at a party, and said, woman to woman, did she have sex with Austen? and she said, yes. She told Austen, eff this; she’s done, and they didn’t talk. Cameron says, that’s not a solid relationship. Shep says, it doesn’t matter. You can do anything to Austen. Madison thinks Shep should focus on his own relationships, and leave theirs alone. Craig says Austen calls him crying because she posted a picture, and she tells him to mind his own business. Andy asks what they fight about, and Madison says, mostly Shep and Craig. Craig says she blames them for the DM stuff. They didn’t send it, she did. We flash back to Danni telling Craig about a friend DM’ing Gentry about Madison. Craig says she deflects to everyone else. Austen says, it was made into a big deal, but what mattered is, she didn’t personally send it. Danni says she clearly communicated what happened. She didn’t say Madison sent it. Madison says, after the video, her clients were saying, girl, come on, get out there, and a friend wanted her to meet Gentry. Danni says she heard enough chit chat around town. She didn’t think it was a big deal because she thought Madison was single. She couldn’t keep track of their relationship. Craig knew their status, and did what he wanted with the information. Andy asks if Danny regrets telling Craig, and she says she does. Craig says, it’s Madison’s fault, and no one else’s. Danni says Madison started a bunch of sh*t, and reached out to her boyfriend. Chelsea says thinks it got blown out of proportion, and Madison took her anger out on Danni. Dannie says all she did was try to mitigate it. Madison is a bully and a psycho. Madison asks why she’s so upset, and Danni says, for many reasons. Andy says it’s a great spot to take a break.

Andy says, while the boys whisked Austin away on an RV trip to get over his breakup, Madison divulged to Chelsea that Shep called her white trash. He asks what the definition is, and Madison says, working class, not born into money, and he’s better than she is. Austen says Shep said it to him, and he wasn’t pleased. Shep says Austen told him she’d cheated, and he told Austen, good; get rid of her. He says you have country, who are the best folks, but also have redbacks. I guess those are like rednecks? Cameran tells him not to say white; just say trash. Kathryn says Shep called her white trash at the pillow party. Does he feel that way about her? He says she was acting trashy. It was crazy talk. She thinks it’s harsh to call someone trash. Andy says Shep had to know it was going to get him labeled elitist, which he’s already labeled all the time. Shep says Andy should see his Palm Beach friends, but Andy says it doesn’t sound like he wants to. Shep says it manifests when he sees someone not raised properly. Andy asks what he means? Is it good manners to call someone trash? Shep says, Eleanor Roosevelt said, if you can’t say something good about someone, sit next to me. (Not totally accurate, Shep, but close enough that I’ll let it pass.) The hoity toity aren’t exactly the bastion of being nice to one another. Andy says, Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady, not Brooke Astor. Shep thinks he means that etiquette lady (I assume he’s referring to Emily Post or Amy Vanderbilt), and Andy has to explain who she is (New York socialite and philanthropist). For Shep claiming to be so well-read, he’s not really. He knows some big words. A viewer thinks Madison turned Shep down at some point, and Shep says he’s never made a secret of that. He was whispering in a cheap blonds ear (ugh. he just can’t not insult people), and she wasn’t having it. We flash back to a barbecue where she told him, don’t even. Andy says, another theory is that, in Shep’s world, the one thing worse than losing a girl, is losing one to Austen. A viewer who works in couples therapy says she’s seen couples who hate each other, and as a professional, doesn’t think Shep hates Madison. In fact, he loves her. She asks if he’ll ever admit it to himself. Shep says, they’re both too strong willed. He would never admit defeat, and neither would she.

Changing topics. To help Cameran get her mojo back, the gang headed to Colorado, and Craig unloaded emotional baggage before they got to the baggage claim. We flash back to Craig losing it at the airport, ending with Chelsea telling him to check his pants for a vagina, because he’s being a p*ssy. Chelsea says she was mortified, and the feminists were on her ass, but she’d had enough. Craig says he was just trying to get them on the bus, but Andy says he was frothing at the mouth. Andy says, the weed dinner was fun to watch, and Shep says, it was awesome. In case everyone forgot, Andy says, Kathryn got upset. BadGuyAndrew tweeted, they’re hypocrites. They attacked Kathryn, treated her like an addict, and said her kids should be taken away, then got high the whole trip like there was nothing wrong. Andy says, Austen knew her history and never checked with her or thought about it? Austen says, she knew for weeks, but Kathryn says, that’s not true. She knew a week before, but don’t be dramatic. Austen says, she was silent until she finally asked who arranged the dinner. Kathryn says, on the after-show, he said she did it for attention. We see a clip of that. Andy says Cameran said she didn’t two f**ks. Kathryn say she thought she’d be fine. It was literally the first time she’d been around it. I have to add, it wasn’t like they just passed a joint either; it was everywhere and in her face. And these dudes are LOUD when they’re high. Andy asks what bothered her more, being around it, or no one asking if it was okay. Kathryn says what bothered her most was the guilt that she wasn’t with her kids for months. Austen genuinely apologizes, and Kathryn says, bullsh*t. He says she’s right, it is, and Danni is like, what? Shep says they’ll do a mushroom dinner next time Andy says, we’ll leave it there.

Andy asks if Madison thought she and Austen would get back together in Colorado. Madison says, yes, and Andy says she was obviously upset after talking to him in the hot springs. We flash back to that, and Andy says, after talking to Shep, it escalated, and she revealed something private. What made her go there? She says, at that point, she had so much rage, she blacked out and said something she shouldn’t have. She felt provoked, and felt like Shep was constantly coming after her. Danni asks why she got brought in. She knew both Madison and Austen had animosity toward her, but didn’t know to what extent. It was hurtful, humiliating, and not true. She starts  to cry, and says she doesn’t know how Madison came up with it. Andy asks if Austen made it up. We see a clip from eight hours earlier, where he’s telling Madison that he didn’t make it up. Austen says it could have been misconstrued; maybe he took it wrong. Kathryn asks if he’s sure he didn’t make it up for fun. Austen says he would never make it up for fun. Andy says, so Shep told Austen. Shep says he and Danni dated eight years ago. Practicing to be a future Housewife, Danni says she has her medical records with her. Andy says they called Dr. Jackie from Married to Medicine, who said it’s pretty common. Cameran says, it’s effed up. She would be mortified if someone said that about her. She thinks any of the women would be. Andy brings up Shep saying Austen should tell Madison STFU. Andy asks what Cameran thinks, and she says she kind of agreed. Austen asks if she’d want Jason to tell her STFU, and she says he has told her that when she’s been out of line. So she STFU. Andy asks who thought it was wrong for Shep to bring the girls from the threesome video to Patricia’s party. Austen says, it was a d*ck move. Shep says, it was salacious. See? Big word. Andy says it was messier than any of the Housewives. Andy says Shep has been espousing manners and upbringing; how well people are raised. Is that an example? Shep says he’s not fighting back with fists. It’s his little way of fighting back. Danni says it’s his way of saying Austen and Madison’s relationship is a joke. She says she’s not surprised at anything  hateful toward her from them. Andy asks if Shep enjoyed inflicting pain on them, and Shep says they bicker all the time; it was just another night. He and Chelsea have a history. Chelsea asks him to say her last name, so no one thinks it’s her. Shep says he might have taken her anyway. The other girl was manufactured be him, and approved by Craig. Naomie says they could hardly form words, and Kathryn does a Valley girl imitation. Andy asks if Shep has any regrets, and Shep says, not giving the proper amount of respect to Austen’s relationship, despite his protestations. Andy asks Austen and Madison what’s happening in regard to them sleeping together. Austen doubts tonight and Madison says, probably not. Andy is leaving it there.

Outside, Madison tells Danni that she feels sh*tty about what she did. Danni says, it’s a nightmare when the guys get together. Whenever they’ve had bad communication, the guys are involved. They agree to call each other directly from now on, and hug.

Martinis are passed out, with Kathryn opting for water. Andy thanks them for being there, and sharing their lives. He has one final question. Last year, Naomie was a strong voice for female empowerment, but this year, came off less strong. Naomie agrees, but says she was navigating a new relationship. It wasn’t just about her any more, and she was mindful of another person’s feelings. She thinks that’s normal, if not healthy. Andy asks if Craig is ready to put his angry outbursts in the past, and focus on his burgeoning pillow empire. Craig says he’s working toward being happy, enjoying every day, and finding someone. Andy asks what’s happening for Kathryn in the next year, and she says, hopefully, she’ll be settled in the house she’s renovating. Her kids will be happy and safe, and that will make her happy. He asks if Austen and Shep repaired their friendship, and Shep says, never better. Austen says they took time apart, now they’re better than ever. Andy says, even if Austen dates beneath him? and Shep says he’ll be supportive as possible. Andy asks if Cameran is positive she’s one and done, and she says one is all she can handle. He asks if Chelsea has any upcoming adventures with Nick, and she says, New Zealand. He’s going to be there for eight months. Andy wants to see him on the show, but Chelsea says, he’s not about it.

Andy gives Shep the last word of the season. Shep says, it’s been a tough one for a lot of them, but they’re going to keep doing it and have fun. They enjoy each other’s company, and he’s a better person for having known them. They’ll always be connected, for better or worse. They toast to that. Andy says, Patricia sent a toast via Dorothy Parker. I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three I’m under the table; after four I’m under my host. Shep says he had a toast, and Andy tells him, go ahead. He says, there are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be. Shep tells them, they earned this, and they drink.

Even though Shep infuriates me, I’ll miss them. <sniff>

✈ Spicy Vacay…

They invited me, but I couldn’t make it. I was washing my hair.


👙 While Juicy Joe Rots On ICE…

Teresa goes ringless in Greece.


🌈 A Lesson For Us All…

Laverne Cox tells it like it should be.


💣 Break This…

A little tease.


Walter Jr. has grown up nicely.


🎭 During an episode of Watch What Happens Live, Betty Gilpin (GLOW) suggested a remake of Streetcar Named Desire using the Vanderpump Rules cast. Jax as Stanley, Lala as Stella, and Stassi as Blanche. I thought about this for a hot second, and it actually might not be a bad idea, but I’d switch it to Stassi as Stella and Lala as Blanche. After all, Lala has always depended on the kindness of strangers. The ones with private jets.

💫 Sometimes It’s In My Head All Day…

A catchy tune from solo Posh.