May 29, 2018 – Peter Makes a Call, Veronica Smashes Things Up, an Apology & the Rest of the Week


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

The court is ready to convene, and Diane asks Carly if she’s clear on what she’s saying. Carly says she’s clear on what Diane wants her to say, but she didn’t push Nelle and she’s not crazy. Sonny tells her that they think it’s the best option. Diane doesn’t want to continue discussing it front of DA Dawson, who has just walked in. Diane tells the DA that she didn’t appreciate the delay, but the DA says the police needed time to investigate, and she wouldn’t want them to rush to judgment. Judge Horowitz walks to the bench.

At the hospital, Alexis tells Doc she needs a consultation. He asks if it’s about a case she’s working on, but she says it’s personal, and he’d be working with her.

Kiki looks at her text to Griff. David tells her that he needs to speak to her in his office alone. She hesitates, and he says, as in now.

Drew sees Andre, who tells him the WSB has allowed him to consult in a few cases. He also got his notes back. Drew asks how soon they can start.

Peter (which is the name we’re going with – Anna wants it that way) tells Robert to cancel the extradition. He’s not spending one night in Steinmaur. He has something valuable to trade; something the Bureau desperately wants. He sees that Robert is now interested.

Anna goes to Finn’s hotel room. She tells him a lot was left unsaid. He says there’s no time like the present.

The judge says the charges are two counts of attempted murder, and asks how Carly pleads. Carly mumbles, not guilty by reason of insanity. He asks Diane if her client clearly understands, and asks again how she pleads. Carly repeats her plea a little louder and more clearly.

Elizabeth and Franco talk about setting a date. Elizabeth is thinking August, but Franco wonders if it can’t be sooner. She has another way that can make it much sooner, and asks what about eloping? He tells her that he figured her for the church wedding type, and it is the last time for either one of them. She says all she needs are him and the boys. He says that’s all he needs too. He always knew his side of the church would be sparse, but thought hers would be fuller. He thinks it’s time for him to meet her family; doesn’t she?

Kiki goes to David’s office. He tells her that their time together is wrapping, and she says, time flies. He says she’ll be rotating with other doctor for the next several weeks. He’s bummed to lose her, and she says she’ll miss working with him too. She appreciates the opportunity, and it’s an experience she’ll remember for the rest of her career. He tells her it’s not necessarily goodbye; they might have the opportunity to work together again. It depends on her evaluations; they can make or break her career. He asks if she wants to read the first draft, and she asks if she’s allowed to? He says it depends on how badly she wants to know what it says, and puts it on the desk. She picks it up.

Andre tells Drew that he never agreed to do anything except gather his notes. Drew asks what’s holding him back. Andre says he has no results to compare. He has no clue about side effects or complications; it’s uncharted territory. Drew said Andre warned him already, and he’s accepted it. Andre asks if he’s thought it through. If he’s successful, erasing Jason’s memories will have a profound affect on his relationships with almost everyone in his life.

Doc asks Alexis how he can help her. She wants him to find out why she does what she does, and he says that’s a little vague. She says she wants to know why she keeps being drawn to men who are bad for her.

Anna tells Finn that Robert is extraditing Peter. She refused to cooperate, but if half of what she suspects is true, he should be in Steinmaur. She’s not going to help get him there though. She tried to explain her side to Peter, but he hates her. She says he has every right to. She doesn’t know what she’s doing there, dumping it on him, but Finn says she’s exactly where she should be, and he’s exactly who she should be with.

Judge Horowitz asks if Diane is prepared to speak, and she is her. She tells the judge that her client has been under severe mental and psychological duress for the last year and a half. Her son was brutally murdered, and her father-in-law has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Both things have weighed heavily on her mental health. She wasn’t in her right mind when Nelle fell down the stairs. The DA says, pushed, but the judge says it’s not an open forum. Diane says Carly needs to go home to begin to heal from the trauma. It’s DA Dawson’s turn, and she says the people request no bond until the trial. Diane says she explained there are extenuating circumstance, but the DA says Carly’s husband is wealthy enough to own his own plane. They have every reason to believe he could arrange for her to leave the country, and it’s definitely within his means to forfeit the bond. Diane says they can’t condemn her because her husband owns a plane. Carly has deep ties to the community. Her relatives and business are there; she’s not going anywhere. The DA says, assuming she’s not well, as Diane claims, it would be irresponsible to release her. Nelle has been the victim of harassment and threats, and Carly allegedly tried to kill her. Nelle is pregnant, and she and her child’s safety is at risk. Carly should remain in custody.

David asks Kiki if something is wrong. She says she thought he was happy with her work. She reads from the evaluation, saying it says she focuses too much on her social life, is easily distracted, and frequently late. She says, it was one time. He points out that it also says she’s sensitive to criticism. She says this could end her career before it starts, and he tells her there’s still time for revisions – if he likes what he sees from her. She asks how she can improve, and he says he has an idea. He puts a MetroCourt key card on the desk.

Elizabeth says Franco already knows her family. He asks what about her parents? Maybe they should talk about why she doesn’t want to talk about them. Elizabeth says there’s no point in inviting them; they’re too busy. She says they’ve never been close. That’s just the way it is. She tells him that she has to go back to work, and they’ll talk later.

Peter tells Robert once he hears what Peter has to offer, the charges will be dropped. Robert says, no way. He tried to kill Anna. There will be nothing more satisfying than putting him away for life.

Drew says Andre has the notes, and knows how to perform the procedure. His memories since coming to Port Charles are his. Andre tells him that his memories could lose impact. They’ve been texturized and influenced by the imprint of Jason’s identity. His every reality would be impacted. Drew says he wants his memories to be based on something real, not something that never happened to him. Franco listens from around the corner.

Finn asks Anna, why involve Jason? He thought they made a good team, and has a medal to prove it. Anna says with her along, there was less of a chance that Jason would kill Peter on sight. She decides to call him by the name he gave himself, rather than the one Faison gave him. She says she knew Jason could find Peter, and she had to stop him. If she could tell anyone, she could stand for it to be Jason. She cares what he thinks about her, but not the same way as she cares what Finn thinks. It’s why she pushed him away. She’d been having dreams about him dying. She still thinks it’s too dangerous a life for him, but he’s still here. He tells her to shut up, and kisses her.

Finn tells Anna her life isn’t too dangerous, and it’s worth the risk. We all have to go sometime, and he wants to make the most of the time he has left. He tells her not to push him away for his own good again. She says she doesn’t know what will happen with her son. There’s a good chance she  can’t save him from the WSB, but she’s going to try. She also has to figure out a way to tell Robin. She’s made kind of a mess. Finn says she doesn’t have to clean it up alone, and she thanks him. He says he has a mess of his own to clean up. He asks if he can come by later, and she says she’d like that. On her way out, he grabs her for more kisses.

Doc tells Alexis to start anywhere. She says she’ll just start with the most recent thing, and work her way backward. She tells Doc that Finn is a nice guy, but completely unavailable. She knew it, and walked into it.  Then there are the interminable violent men, obsessed with criminal life that she’s allowed into her life – Julian, Ric, and Sonny. On top of it, she thought why doesn’t she have baby with each of them? What a great idea. Doc laughs. She says there are so many of them. Jerry Jax was witty, charming, and completely amoral, but no one was more fun – until he tried to slit her throat. No, wait, that was Julian. She did have one nice one. She and Ned Quartermaine almost made it down the aisle, but she freaked out, and ran screaming out of her own wedding. If the guy is nice, she’s not interested, but having to seesaw between terror and rage is like catnip. She thrives on control, but gravitates to men who make her feel completely out of control. Her life is in shambles, and she needs him to fix it. Doc tells her if she’s serious, she needs regular sessions. She says she’d rather come in when she feels like it. He says she can’t do that, but he has an opening tomorrow. He tells her she took a big step and should be proud. She sarcastically says she’s elated.

Kiki asks, what’s this, like she doesn’t know. David tells her the earthquake did a number on his house. She says, sorry, and he says the reconstruction is almost finished, plus he has a thing for hotels. She asks what that has to do with her evaluation. He tells her that if she’s concerned about her evaluation, take the key and be waiting in his room – if she wants to prove she deserves a better evaluation. He takes the card, and slides it down her. Yuk.

Diane says Carly is no danger to anyone. Nelle is carrying Carly’s grandchild. The DA says that didn’t stop Carly from shoving her. The judge says if there’s another interruption, the DA will be cited. Diane says if it will reassure the court, they’re open to the possibility of house arrest. The judge appreciates the spirit of compromise, but has already come to a decision.

Carly is to be remanded to Pentonville to await trial. Sonny tells Diane to do something. Diane says house arrest address the court’s concerns. There’s no reason for incarceration. The judge says by entering the insanity plea, Carly is admitting to pushing a pregnant woman down the stairs. That remains to be determined, but if there was malice aforethought, it’s best to err on the side of caution. His decision stands. Carly gets up and asks, what if she changes her plea?

Peter tells Robert that pride is blinding him. He can’t see where the advantage lies. Robert says he has a simple goal. Putting him in prison, where he can’t hurt his mother. Peter wants a phone call, but Robert says its Bureau jurisdiction; they don’t give calls. Peter says he’d hate to have to tell his mother how Robert trampled over his rights. Robert tells the desk sergeant to get a phone. He says after Peter is done with his call, to put him back in his cell, and keep Peter out of his sight.

Drew asks Andre If he accepts the risk, emotionally, psychologically, and physically, will Andre agree to handle the procedure. They shake hands, and Andre says he’ll be in touch. Drew says he’ll be waiting. Franco comes out, and asks if Drew is sure he wants to let Andre play with his head after what he’s been put through. Drew asks why he cares, and Franco says for starters, Drew saved his life. Given his limited skill set, he wants to return the favor. He thinks it’s something he might live to regret. Drew gets a phone call.

Andre sees Anna, and says he heard what happened. She says the good news is, she found her son, and kept him safe. The bad news is, he’s going to prison. Andre says she doesn’t have to carry the secret anymore. Anna says she still has to tell Robin. He asks if she’s told anyone else she cares about.

Finn sits at an AA meeting, and Alexis walks in. Finn volunteers to start. He says most of them know he started using drugs to treat his illness, and kept using after he was cured. He distanced himself from people; ignoring the feelings of rejection and loneliness. He wishes he could say he was fully recovered, but that would be a lie. He took his addiction and replaced it as a way to mask the pain. He cared about someone, and it ended badly. Instead of dealing with the loss and the loneliness, he went for a quick fix. He started a new relationship. The person was clear they weren’t willing to invest in it if he was on the rebound, but he convinced her that wasn’t the case. Of course, she was right. He was nowhere near ready. He was dependent on her friendship, and careless with her heart. Something he didn’t realize until now, was that he can be sober and still hurt the people he cares about the most. He’s sorry, and wants to make amends. Maybe someday he can earn her trust again.

Anna tells Andre that Finn knows everything. He came to the pier. He didn’t judge She was stupid, wasting time, when she knew he’d be in her corner. She would have done same for him. Andre asks where that leaves them, and she says they have a mutual understanding. She has to see Peter, and Andre says Peter is lucky to have her on his side. She says she owes him that much. No one else understands like she does.

Doc sees Franco, and says he hasn’t dropped by in a while. Franco says he’s been busy, and Doc says they were right in the middle of unlocking a painful memory. Franco says he distinctly remembers everything; there’s not much to unlock. He’s reached out to the other victims, to help them get closure. Doc asks what about his?

Elizabeth talks to Kiki, who’s very distracted. Elizabeth asks if she’s okay. She mumbles something, sees David, and jets. Elizabeth is like, hmm…

Drew goes to Peter’s cell. He asks what Peter could possibly have to say to him, and calls him Henrik.

Diane tells Carly changing her plea doesn’t give her s better bail opportunity. The DA wants to convict her for attempted murder. Pleading insanity is their only chance. Carly asks what difference it makes, and Diane says several weeks versus twenty-five years. The judge asks if they’re finished conferring, and if Carly wishes to change her plea. Carly looks at Sonny. She says, no. Her plea remains the same. The judge asks for transport to Pentonville to be arranged.

Carly wants Sonny to tell Josslyn and Michael that she loves them, and make up something to tell Avery, who is too young to understand. She says Josslyn needs to know that people are going to say things to make her angry, and tell Jason to hurry up. Sonny says he’ll fix it. Carly says, fix it, and she’s taken away in handcuffs. DA Dawson tells Diane that her client is a formidable woman, and she doesn’t look crazy. Diane tells Sonny to trust her. This is still their best option. Sonny says she’d better be right. I say, or what? and tell Sonny to back off Diane.

Franco tells Doc that he’s spent too much time on the past; he’s concentrating on the future. Doc says he can do both. He owes it to himself and the people around him, especially Elizabeth and the boys. Franco says he’s using the magic words, and Doc says he’ll see him this week. Franco agrees, but in the meantime, he has a wedding to plan. Doc leaves, and Franco searches for Jeff Webber on Spyder Finder.

Elizabeth finds Kiki crying in a supply room, and asks what’s going on. Kiki says, nothing, but Elizabeth says it’s something. Why did she turn away when she saw David? Is it about her evaluation? Elizabeth says he’s notorious for being tough. Kiki says it’s not about that. Well, sort of, in a way. She shouldn’t have let it get this far, but she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to be difficult this early in the program. She tells Elisabeth that David showed her the evaluation, and he trashed her end career before starts e nothing but diligent offered to make it more favorable if have sex with him

Alexis tells Finn that was some speech. He says he only said the truth. Her friendship means the world to him, and he did an awful job of respecting it and her. She tells him to stick around. The meeting wouldn’t be the same without him.

Anna tells Robert that she wants to accompany Peter to Steinmaur. She’s surprised he’s not arguing, and Robert says no transfer has been set up yet. Peter is talking to someone.

Drew tells Peter that most people use the phone for a lawyer, not a former employer. Peter asks if he’s fired, and Drew says, very. Peter is sorry to lose his spot in the aurora family, and wants to make sure it doesn’t happen. Drew doesn’t like his brother or his memories, and wants his own back. It’s a simple transaction. If Drew helps him, he can give him the means to remember his whole life as Drew Caine.

Tomorrow, Lucas tells Brad it’s far from done, Obrecht finds out about Peter/Henrik, and Kim asks Jason to hear her out.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Wyatt looks at the dealer on the floor. He wipes his hands, and gets the security tape out of the machine. He wipes down everything he’s touched. He takes something from the dealer’s pocket. Jim shows up, and says he’s not leaving until – then he sees the body.

Jim asks if Wyatt did that, and Wyatt says the dealer was beating him; what was he supposed to do? Jim asks what he was doing in a place like this, and starts wiping things down. Wyatt says he already did that. Jim asks what about the security camera, and Wyatt says he got the tape, and thinks it’s the only one. Jim tells Wyatt to shut up and let him think. He starts messing things up to make it look like a robbery. Wyatt wipes the bottles that Jim stupidly touched while staging. Jim checks the dealer’s ID, and tells Wyatt, this is a Malone. Doesn’t that mean anything to him? Wyatt doesn’t know what Jim is talking about, and Jim says, It damn sure will. They jet.

At the Artisian, a dude orders beer from the new bartender (whose name I still haven’t caught – I think it’s RK or RJ, but I’m not positive). He says he’s in town for the week. The bartender says it must be nice to get away from the wife and kids, noting that he’s wearing a ring. Dude says he’s perceptive, and the bartender says, so is he; he’s a cop. Dude wishes, and asks if there’s anything exciting going on there, like some ladies. The bartender says he wouldn’t know about that, and dude says he wants to get laid, and he’s the guy to see. The bartender says dude isn’t his type, and dude says he’s a smart one. The bartender goes back to the bar, where Gia asks for a wine. Candace sits down, says she needs a shot. She asks Gia for the money. Gia reminds Candace that she said Gia could keep it, but she wants the money. The bartender tells her that they’ve got company. Dude is Vice, and maybe she shouldn’t be asking for the money. She tells him to shut up, and tells Gia she needs to get to work. The bartender repeats that dude is Vice, and Candace says she’s got it. She points out another guy, saying he’s not into women, and could be a big score. He says first, she didn’t want to keep Gia’s money, now she’s a boss-ass bitch. She says he’ll do what she wants him too. He says if she needs the money, fine, but he wants a bigger cut. She says he’ll have it.

Candace keeps Vice dude busy. She asks if she can buy him a drink, but he says he’s pacing himself. She puts his hand on her thigh, and asks how can he insult her? She came over for a drink, and he touches her. She lowers her voice, and tells him to listen to her. She knows he’s Vice. She tells him get the hell out and don’t come back. He gets the hell out. The bartender talks football to the other guy, saying he played in high school. They make plans to meet in the guy’s room when the bartender gets off work. Gia tells him that he’s a fool if he thinks Candace is giving him a bigger cut. He asks Gia why they should let Candace do this, when they can handle it. Gia tells him to do what he’s gotta do.

Victoria gets a call from Morgan. She says she’s okay, but it was no accident she was in. Someone deliberately ran her off the road. She asks if he can do some poking around. She tells him that she has David’s address, but didn’t know about the condo. She asks him to text the address to her. She says neither her son or his fiancé know she’s tracking them, and he should text their whereabouts at all times.

Mitch asks why Benny is sneaking into his own house, and he says, she’s still here, meaning Melissa. Mitch asks if he’s going to kick her out. Benny says he doesn’t know, and don’t give him a hard time. Benny’s phone rings, and he tells the caller he can’t take the truck; he’s sorry. Mitch is like, what?! When Benny is finished talking, Mitch asks what’s going on. Benny tells him he was thinking, and thinks Mitch was right about not taking the money. Mitch says he already took it, and Benny says he’ll give it back. Mitch says, it don’t work like that. He took it; he has to pay it back with interest – 25%. Benny says it was just a day; he can’t be serious. Mitch says he is, and no way is it his problem. Benny doesn’t listen; he told him before he decided to take it. Benny asks why Mitch doesn’t talk to his uncle, and Mitch says he told him not to get into this, and not to deal with his family. He can’t help Benny out with this; he should have bought the truck. He can’t give it back unless he has another twelve and a half thousand; it won’t go well. Benny asks Mitch to go with him, but that’s a no. Benny calls Mitch a lousy-ass friend, and tells him to get out.

David unpacks. Erica says it’s nice stuff, and he wishes she could have helped pick it out. She says he did a good job. One of the workers tells David that his wife doesn’t like the couch, so they’ll take it back. David says he and Erica aren’t married, and the guy says, not her. He’s talking about the lady in the other room. Veronica walks over, saying it’s tacky sh*t, and tells Erica to find her hole and crawl back in.  She needs to talk to David. David tells her to talk to his lawyer. He tells Erica to go in the other room, and calls her baby. Veronica says he just met the bitch, and he’s calling her baby. Erica says she’ll be in their bedroom, and kisses him before going upstairs. Veronica tells her not to trip, break her arm, and die. David asks what the hell she wants, and she says she wants to make his life hard. He tells her to get out, but she says they need to talk about Jeffrey. David says they have nothing to talk about; he’s had it with her. He told her not to come back. She gets louder and says, don’t touch me, then goads him to touch her. David says he’s not doing this, and she’s violating the restraining order. She tells him that Jeffrey is going to stay in jail unless he gives up Benny. David wonders what Benny did to her; drop her? Why is she suddenly determined to have him arrested? He’s not helping her bury Benny because she’s pissed. She says she’ll bury his ass too, and he tells her to get her ass out of there.

Veronica tells him to make her. He touches her wrist, and she screams. Erica comes downstairs, saying she called the police. Veronica asks if she looks like someone who’s afraid of the police. Veronica walks around a long, glass dining table, saying, sh*t is ugly. He knows nothing about décor. David says she doesn’t have to live with it, and she smashes a vase through the table. She continues to walk around picking up decorative items and smashing more of the table with them. She says he’d rather get a ho to help him, and laughs. She smashes at the table some more, saying, whack a dumb ho. When she’s finished, and there’s no more table left, she tells them to have a wonderful day and enjoy one another, and goes out the door. Erica asks if David is okay. He says he should be asking her that. She thinks she should go, but he says it’s not going to change anything. Veronica won’t stop harassing him. He asks her not to leave, saying he’s sorry. He knows she has her own insane situation to deal with, and now she’s involved with this. She says she didn’t like the table anyway… or the sofa, the lamp, and the rugs. He needs some help. She says Veronica did have some taste. That was good.

Hanna introduces Derek to Melissa, saying Melissa is her houseguest. Hanna says she’s going to start dinner, but Melissa just wants to lie down. Hanna asks where Benny is, and Melissa says upstairs. She leaves to go to her room, and Hanna tells Derek that she has to watch her. She asks if he knows that saying, that baby is a little touched; then says, don’t ask; she’s sweet. She thanks him for the flowers, and he kisses her. He wants to take her to dinner, and she asks what he wants. Just to sleep with her? It’s not happening. She told him that she’s a Christian woman. He asks what kind of man he’d be not to try. He loves everything about her; he’s just being honest. She says it’s not romantic, and he says he’s not trying to be. He undoes her apron, and she says it’s been years since she’s been in this kind of situation, having someone after her. She’s had a few dates, but not like him. He says when he sees something he wants, he goes after it. She says she’s not something, and he says she’s a beautiful, single, Christian woman, and he’s a single Christian man; why not? She says it’s nice, but fast. He doesn’t want a twenty-year-old. He might not always say the right things, but he’s trying to. He’s in the third quarter of life, and wants to do things differently. He made mistakes as kid. She says, didn’t we all? He tells her she’s the only thing that’s been on his mind. She tells him no sex until she’s married, and he suggests they go to the jewelry store. She asks if he would marry someone after one week, and he says, no, but would marry her. She accuses him of just trying to get in her pants. They flirt, and she calls him nasty, and he kisses her. Benny walks in, and says, momma, damn. He asks what Derek is doing there, calling him a clown. Hanna tells him to go upstairs and deal with his situation. She asks Derek if he wants a drink.

Charles calls Landon, asking if he’s spoken to Candace. Landon says, not yet, but expects her to be hostile. He’s outside her door now. Charles tells him to call after he leaves her room. He knocks on Candace’s door. She asks what he wants, and he says he’s not talking in the hallway. She asks if the money was received, and Landon says it was. He asks why she’s so angry. Charles wants to see her. Whatever she did for the money caused her harm. He’s trying to help her. She says she doesn’t need it, and Landon asks if her anger is about her son. She tells him not to talk to her about her son. He thinks should talk to someone, and she says, goodbye. He calls Charles from the hallway, saying he just talked to her. Charles asks how she is. He asks if there was sadness in her eyes, and Landon says, yes. Charles needs to be tough on her, and wants to see her. He wonders if she asked about him, and Landon says she was already angry; he’s sorry. Charles says there’s no need; she just needs time. They might have to play hardball. He may have to pay her a visit in person. Landon says it’s a long press tour, but Charles says he can make time. Landon says, if that’s what he’d like. Charles says, yes, and thanks him. Landon says, he’s worth it. He hangs up, and says, dammit.

Candace looks at her Cryer Company bank account. She calls Benny, saying she needs a favor. He asks if she’s still at the hotel, and tells her to stop doing what she’s doing. She needs to see him, and he says he’s at their mom’s house. She asks if they can talk outside, but he says if she wants to come there, she has to come in the house; it’s the only way. He tells her he’ll text the address.

Mitch asks if Vinny is around, but he’s not, and Kenny doesn’t know when he’s coming back. Mitch asks Kenny if he’s ever heard of the family taking money back with no interest. Kenny says, never; in all his years, it’s never happened. Mitch says, even if it was short time? Kenny tells him, once money is taken, blood is on the line. Why? Kenny asks if it’s about that Black kid. Mitch calls him ignorant as hell, and says he has a name, Benny. Kenny says, he’s not trying to give money back – is he? Mitch says, he is, without interest; he can’t afford it. Kenny says that’s not going to work. Mitch says he knows. Kenny asks if he wants to start a war. He tells Mitch to do himself a favor, and drop it. Mitch says he’s got it.

Jim brings Wyatt home. Kathryn says he looks strung out. He wants to leave and Jim asks if he wants to get murdered. Wyatt asks if Jim is threatening him, and Jim says, no, but someone sure as hell is. Kathryn wants to know what’s  going on, and Jim tells her that Wyatt killed somebody. She says, not again? Who? Jim says a drug dealer, but not just any drug dealer – a Malone. Wyatt blames Jim for getting rid of his coke in the first place. He explains that he went to the ATM, but his money was gone. Jim enlightens him by telling Wyatt that he took it; it’s gone. He suggests Wyatt chill the hell out; he’s not letting him out of the house. Kathryn says to let him go. Jim tells Wyatt that he took it because Wyatt is dangerous to himself, and can’t see it. They beg him not to leave, but he does. Kathryn tells Jim that he handled it like a pro.

Justin knocks on Jeffrey’s door, and begs to come in. Jeffrey asks how Justin knew he was there, and Justin says he’s a cop. Jeffrey lets him in, and says it’s his dad’s place. He asks what Justin wants, and Just says, him. He’s sick without Jeffrey. Jeffrey says he doesn’t want to do this. Justin says he can’t get Jeffrey out of his head. He asks Jeffrey what to do, and Jeffrey says he needs therapy. Justin says Jeffrey is a therapist, but Jeffrey says he needs someone else; Justin says Jeffrey has no idea how much he’s given up to be with Jeffrey. Jeffrey says Justin keeps reminding him. He tells Justin that self-pity stinks. Justin says he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him; he keeps wanting Jeffrey. Jeffrey says Justin is gay. Justin insists he isn’t. Jeffrey says, until he admits it, he’ll always be in turmoil. Justin says he likes girls, and Jeffrey says he likes being on his stomach too. It’s the truth, and he should own it. Justin says he’s out of there, and starts to go, but comes back. He starts to kiss Jeffrey, who turns away. Justin says he loves him, and he can tell Jeffrey loves him too. His body doesn’t lie. Shakira pops into my head. They begin to kiss, and quickly get busy.

Veronica walks in. Her eyes get as big as saucers, and Jeffrey locks eyes with her.

Next time, Wyatt gets pissed at the bank, Veronica screams her head off, and Wyatt threatens to kill his parents.

🙏 Sorry to Cut Things Short…

It’s nearly 4 am, and if you saw me, you’d know I need some beauty rest. And I can’t give Below Deck and Sell It Like Serhant to you unedited. You’d be like, wtf is she on? You might even be thinking that now. So until tomorrow (which is technically later), when you’ll get the rest of Tuesday…



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