June 18, 2018 – Peter’s Birthday, a Little Listing, Some Shahs, Good News & Monday


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Sonny asks if Mike was in Croton when he buried the body. Mike says he was, and Sonny tells him that he and Jason dug for hours. All they found was a money clip and no body. Mike says he knows; he took it. He was trying to watch out for Sonny. Sonny tells him to focus on what’s important. Where did he take it?

Curtis, Jordan, and Stella look at the terrace at the MetroCourt. Curtis asks what Jordan and Stella think. Stella asks if he wants a Yelp review. He just wants to know if she approves of the place they’re choosing to get married. She says they want to prepare her. She asks when the big day is, and Jordan says that’s what they wanted to discuss.

Maxie holds James, telling him that soon she’ll be able to take him home. Outside the room, Lulu tells Amy that it’s a touching scene. Amy says James is the rock star of the hospital. She asks if Lulu is looking for interviews for her #GHTOO series. She’s set to go on record.

Nina sees Drew at The Floating Rib, and says she doesn’t think running into him is a coincidence. Drew asks what’s on her mind. She says, Peter, and the lies he told them. He asks if she’s okay, but she says, definitely not.

Julian wonders what Obrecht is doing walking in the woods. She tells him she’s, as the Americans put it, taking me time. She’s mourning her son in her own way. Kim is sorry for her loss. Julian tells her not to step on any snakes, but she says there are no snakes there. He insists there are, and tells her to look it up. I did. They’re rare. He thinks no one in their right mind would spend time in these woods, and she thanks him for his concern. They hear Peter scream.

Peter strains to get away from the rattlesnake on the bed.

Kim asks if they heard that. She says it sounds like someone is in trouble. This has the makings of a Scooby-Doo episode.

Mike tells Sonny, that night was quite a mess. He wanted to help, but figured Sonny wouldn’t let him, so he was determined to prove himself. Sonny says, so after years of not being around, he chose that night to take care of him? Mike says they both know he left Sonny and his mom, and was never there for him. He thought he could clean up after him this one time and protect him. If someone got caught, it would be him. He tells Sonny that lifting a dead body is a lot harder than dropping one in. Sonny asks where he took it, and Mike says he doesn’t need to worry. Sonny says he does. He needs to get on with his life. Mike say this part is kind of funny. Dante walks in, and Mike says, just in time. He was just about to tell a great story. He tells Dante that he’ll have to protect Sonny when he’s gone.

Jordan tells Stella that they haven’t set a date yet. Curtis tells her they wanted to make her a part of things. It’s a chance for them to come together as a family on their special day. Jordan says she likes the intimacy of the terrace, since the family is small. Stella says, too small. Curtis says they’re tight knit, and Stella raised them mighty. When they say their vows, he knows they’re continuing the legacy of love. Stella says it’s like the old Spinners song, Mighty Love. It’s all she ever wanted for them. She tells him not to settle for less. If his heart is set, take his time to make things perfect; it’s worth waiting for. She smiles. I have the feeling Stella isn’t as accepting as she appears to be, and wonder what she’s up to.

Drew tells Nina that none of it is her fault. He brought Peter in. Nina says Valentin knew the entire time, and went to great lengths to protect Peter. Drew repeats that it’s not her fault. She says she didn’t trust her instincts. She knew something was going on, and let Valentin talk her into doubting herself. Drew says he doesn’t hold her responsible. He doesn’t know what Peter’s agenda was, but he seemed highly successful. Nina says many sociopaths are. They change to fit into any situation. He was a great friend to Maxie, and the perfect COO. He even had all of Drew’s memories on a flash drive. Drew asks how she knew that. Oops.

Obrecht tells Kim that’s the sound of grief; another poor soul letting go. She screams back. Kim says she knows the sound of pain. Obrecht says her group is finding their way forward through terrible loss, and it’s painful work. She needs her therapy. She walks away from them, howling. Julian says it’s actually one of the saner things he’s seen her do.

Peter keeps pushing away from the snake.

Mike tells Dante that he was just telling his father something that happened with a car. Sonny says Dante is a cop, and has unsolved cases and unfinished business to attend to. Dante says he still has time for his grandfather. Mike says his son is there for his father, but sometimes a father is there for his son when he least expects it. It’s going to take more than a few minutes to get the finer details of the story. Sonny says they don’t have time for a story right now. Dante says he can make time, and Mike says it’s a story about Dante’s dad, him, and a rusted Ford Falcon.

Amy tells Lulu that GH is a great place to work, but the deep hierarchy structure definitely has a sexual bias factor. Women aren’t the only targets, but they tend to bear the brunt. Even though she hasn’t been overtly harassed, she’s been dismissed because she’s a woman. Male residents call her Nurse Ditz, and she’s heard worse things. She’s often been judged on her appearance, and dismissed because of it. Lulu says, amazingly well said. She’s been candid and brave. Amy says it’s her truth, but it’s also the truth of others. If they’re not talking, it’s not because they have nothing to say, but because they’re afraid. Even though GH is a great place, they still need to evolve.

Curtis has to check on an office space with Sam. He thanks Stella for coming, and for her blessing. After he’s gone, Jordan says Stella made her nephew happy. Stella says it’s all she ever wanted. She starts to leave, and Jordan asks if she’d mind joining her for a cup of tea. There’s more for them to talk about.

Nina tells Drew that Valentin must have told her about the flash drive. She thinks Anna told him. Drew says he’s given up on it, and Nina asks if he thinks it’s a lie and there never was a flash drive. He says Andre put a baseline map of his memories and the procedure on a flash drive, and supposedly Peter had it. Now it’s gone like he is.

Obrecht asks Peter, what’s the matter? She can hear him a mile away. She sees the snake, and doesn’t miss a beat. She gets a forked tool, picks it up, and puts it outside, saying, no harm done. Peter looks at her like she’s out of her mind.

Dante has to get back to work. Mike says it’s a good story with a helluva twist at the end, but Sonny tells Mike to check on his car. Mike goes back to the paper, and Sonny asks Dante what brought him by. Dante says he wants to talk about Carly in Ferncliff.

Maxie comes out, and Lulu says she hopes Maxie doesn’t mind her peeking in. Maxie says she’s hoping to bring James home soon. She figured Lulu must be doing a follow-up piece, and asks if there are leads on Peter… she means, Henrik.

Kim tells Julian it’s all clear int the tent; no snakes. He calls her his hero. She says, someone else might need one. She knows screams of pain. Julian says people are probably screaming because they’re stuck with Obrecht. He takes his shirt off, and Kim asks if he’s trying to distract her. He asks if it’s working.

Nina tells Drew it sounds like he’s come to terms with not knowing his past, and resigned himself to it. He says at different times, both Peter and Faison dangled the flash drive in front of him, but he turned them both down. He wants to live his life without them having anything over him. He suggests she do the same. Valentin covered for Peter, and hurt her, but being obsessed with Peter isn’t good. If he can let it go, she can too. She says she needs to figure out why she fell for his lies. If she ran into him again, how would she know he was telling the truth? Curtis joins them, and says, none of them may ever know. There’s been no trace of him.

Obrecht gives Peter the antibiotic. He cringes when she touches his wound. She tells him not to be a baby, and to toughen up. He forgot how to be a man when he stopped using his own last name. Peter can’t believe she still idolizes Faison when he killed her son. She says their relationship was too complex for a small mind to comprehend. Faison was a monster, but brilliant, and squandered his gifts. He would have been a tragic figure if he hadn’t been so ego driven.

Dante tells Sonny that the DA doesn’t like losing. No calls to sympathetic judges or staff to exert influence. It won’t work out well. Sonny asks if it’s an official warning, but Dante says just a son looking out for his father. He hopes Sonny listens for once. He hopes for a lot.

Jordan doesn’t expect Stella to welcome her with open arms. Too much has happened for that. She wishes she could make amends. Stella says she’d have to raise dead, and only our Lord can do that. She almost pushed Curtis away, but she doesn’t want to be like that. She cares about people; maybe too much. Maybe that’s why she’s a social worker. She’s mostly a woman who loves her family. A family that’s been broken, and Jordan is the cause of much of it. Jordan says they’ll always have Thomas between them, but what binds them is their common love for Curtis and TJ. They’re Stella’s family, and her heart. In her line of work, they say life is short. She’s not going to drag around the sins of her past. She owns them, but isn’t letting them own her. Instead, she’s going to take every day of her life to make Stella’s nephew happy.

Nina tells Curtis that’s unbelievable. He says there have been leads, but they’ve all been dead ends. Nina thanks Drew for giving her clarity, and has to get to work. She leaves, and Drew asks, what’s that about? Curtis doesn’t know. He tells Drew about looking at office space with Sam. Drew congratulates him on his new venture, and Curtis says his first case is directly connected to Drew.

Lulu tells Maxie that she hasn’t heard anything, but she’ll be the first to know if they catch Peter. She’s not too busy with her new story to keep tabs on the old one, but she’s here for Maxie and the baby. She has some gifts, and asks if Maxie is ready to have them brought to the apartment. Maxie says she’s getting the place ready to bring James home, but just to be clear, they’re not back to being besties. She forgave Lulu and is trying to move past it, but it’s not something that happens overnight. It’s not as simple as saying she’s over it.

Obrecht notices Peter relaxing, and says the antibiotics are starting to work. She offers him some ginger tea, saying it promotes healing. He says so does a hamburger. He sips the tea, telling her that a confession under duress is inadmissible. There will be a police investigation, and it won’t take long for them to figure it out. She’ll face criminal charges, and be locked away from her grandchild. How will that satisfy her? She tells him to worry about how he’s going to admit to aiding and abetting the most dangerous man in the world, and she’ll worry about her satisfaction.

Sonny tells Dante that he appreciates it. Dante says, be careful. Carly is already in Ferncliff. He doesn’t know how she’d handle it if he was locked up. He asks Mike, what’s the story about the car?

Drew tells Curtis that he loves the irony, since he just gave Nina a speech about moving forward. He tells Curtis to keep Sam safe. Curtis asks Drew to be his best man.

Stella says she appreciates the tea, and Jordan says she appreciates the talk. On her way to the elevator, Stella finds some keys on the floor, and gives them to the bartender.

Amy tells Maxie to let Lulu give her a ride home, and take care of her. Lulu says she’d love to give Maxie a ride. Maxie says she’ll go home and rest, and let Lulu keep her company. After Amy leaves, Lulu asks if any of that was real.

Kim puts lotion on Julian’s back. He says, if not for the bug bites, he’d be in Zen territory. He’s seeing the benefits of starry nights and those chocolate marshmallow things. Apparently, Julian is the only one on earth who doesn’t know what a s’more is. He says he’s actually grown fond of the close quarters and the scenery. They kiss, and start to get busy.

Peter tells Obrecht this window dressing is a fairytale for Nina. He knows she plans to kill him, but it won’t make up for Nathan’s death. Obrecht says it will therapeutic for her though. He asks why she’s bothering to heal him. She says Nina will feel better if he’s taken care of; her heart isn’t as closed. Peter says everyone is looking for him; the PCPD, the WSB, his mother. Obrecht says now he wants Anna as a mother. He says Anna won’t stop looking for him. Obrecht says she nearly forgot something. She tells him to close his eyes, and get ready for a surprise. She flicks on a lighter, and looks at the flame.

Dante tells Mike that he wants to hear the story; it sounds like a doozie. Sonny says he has to talk to Mike, and Dante says he can take a hint. He leaves, and Mike tells Sonny that he has a great boy. Sonny says he’s a lucky man. He wants to get back to the story about Croton. Where did Mike go next? Mike says, when? Sonny says, when he left the field. What was the surprising twist at the end of the story? Mike doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Julian and Kim bask in the forest afterglow. Julian says, next time, he might want to do the planning. Kim asks what he has in mind. He says they’ve already done the great outdoors, so maybe an urban adventure. He knows just the place for room service. They get busy again.

Curtis tells Drew that he’ll understand if Drew isn’t in the headspace for a wedding. Drew says he’d be glad to be Curtis’s best man. Curtis says, it looks like everything is coming together, including Stella. They had lunch, and she was way civil. It might be gratuitous, but it looks like she’s on board.

Stella calls an old friend, telling them that she and Curtis both live in Port Charles now. It’s practically around the corner.

Lulu wants to help Maxie. Maxie asks if she’s sure, and Lulu says she’s worked enough for today. Maxie says she’d appreciate the help, but tells Lulu not to read into it. Lulu says she’s got it. She promised to take down Peter, and she will. She tells Maxie not to not to let her anger at the betrayal eat away at her. James deserves her attention; not Peter.

Nina sees Jordan while she’s getting coffee. She asks if Jordan can help her. Peter had a flash drive with key Crimson information on it. They’re having a hard time replicating it, and she asks if they found it in his things. Jordan says, no, and Nina flashes back to Peter saying it was in his hand, and he must have dropped it. She remembers him saying, it has everything Drew needs to be the man he used to be. Nina wonders how can she believe one more lie? She should leave him to Obrecht and be done with it. We see that the flash drive is in the MetroCourt lost and found.

Obrecht tell Peter to open his eyes. It’s not a hamburger, but something for his special day. She shows him a cupcake with a candle in it, and says, happy birthday, Henrik. She suggests he celebrate it like it’s his last. She tells him to make a wish. Peter looks sick.

Tomorrow, Finn tells Anna they can figure it out, Doc wants to give Franco a wedding gift, and Mary Pat says something is different about Carly.

🗽 On Million Dollar Listing New York, Steve made the mistake of doing business with an ex. When he explained she needed to lower the price, she lowered it right off the market. I got the distinct feeling that what she really wanted was to get back together with him. I like Steve, but sometimes he can be a real dimbulb. 50 Cent will be making an appearance next week, and Ryan is going to have a shot at a $200 million property – in China.

🌇 Bravo aired a mini trip down Shah Memory Lane tonight with The Shahs of Sunset: How They Got Here, which was basically clips from past seasons, and a little tease about the new season (the show’s 7th) coming up. The Shahs will be back on August 2nd at 9 pm. Will MJ get married? Will Mike lose it? Will Desiree find a man before she dies? Stay tuned.

💃 The Quotes of Sunset


🌞 Proof There is a God

It’s a helluva lot better news that Brittany and Jax getting engaged. I’ve been following Patricia Altschul on Twitter, and she must be ecstatic. She is not an Ashley fan.


🃏 It’s the First Day of the Rest of Your Week



⏰ Otherwise known as hearing the ticking clock on 60 Minutes




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