June 26, 2018 – Michael Plays Nelle, Veronica Plays with RJ, Mediterranean Interruptus & Puppies


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Dante brings Chase coffee. Chase asks if it’s laced, but Dante says that’s not his style. Chase tells him they’re on the same side. He just wants to protect Dante’s family. Dante says he just wants to bust Nelle.

Nelle looks around the floor for Morgan’s cologne bottle, and remembers Josslyn being there. Michael wonders what she’s doing on her hands and knees, and she says the prenatal yoga is working wonders. He asks if she’s for her perfume again, and she says she never loses things. He tells her to relax; he found it.

Outside Kelly’s, Kim has bumper stickers to announce Oscar’s prestigious writer award. She says one day they can say they knew him when, and Drew tells him not to forget the little people. That reminds me of my old roommate telling me that I once talked in my sleep, saying I wanted to thank all the little people who drive me around New York. Josslyn – who looks unbelievable in an off-shoulder red dress with a keyhole neckline, and freshly waved hair – takes a picture of Oscar and his parents. She looks bummed.

Jason tells Sonny that Carly is hanging in there. Sonny thanks him for taking the job. Jason says he was fired.

Carly is restless. She wonders what’s going on. She remembers Jason giving her the phone, and telling her to save the battery. She takes it out from under the mattress, and I wonder if she’d really get any bars in there. Mary Pat comes in, and Carly holds the phone behind her back. Mary Pat asks, what’s that we have in our hand? As we used to say, is that the royal “we,” or are you pregnant?

Jason thinks Doc gave him up, and tells Sonny that Doc was afraid he’d be recognized. He didn’t want to end up being taken off the case or booted from Ferncliff. Sonny says, so he’s going to protect Carly, and Jason says, maybe. Either way, he’s out. Sonny says, but Carly’s in a good position, right? but Jason says, no, she’s not.

Mary Pat tells Carly, no secrets. She’d thought she made herself clear. Carly explains that Doc thought she should keep a diary, and asks if it’s against the rules. Mary Pat says not as long as she can read it. Carly says it doesn’t seem fair for Mary Pat to read her private thoughts. Mary Pat says it’s her way or not at all. Magically, the phone turned into a notebook. Mary Pat reads that Carly is even getting used to being called Caroline, and is on her way to being a Ferncliff all-star. Carly hides the phone while Mary Pat is reading. Mary Pat asks, why the change of heart? Carly tells her that Doc changed her meds, and Mary Pat asks if she’s getting to be her old self. Carly says she’s getting there, and Mary Pat says too bad she can’t share the news with her friend Jason. He’s gone, and not coming back.

Oscar suggests taking a picture of Josslyn, since she got a star athlete award. Josslyn isn’t into it, and Kim says she took a ton of her accepting the award, and will send them to her parents. Kim and Drew go into Kelly’s, and Josslyn tells Oscar that she got him something to celebrate. She was right about his brilliance all along. She gives him a compass for when he goes hiking, so he’ll never get lost. He says, it’s so cool. He loves it – and her. She has one more thing, but it’s not wrapped or full. She gives him the cologne, explaining that she opened it to smell it, and it spilled. He says he never wears cologne, but he’d like to try it.

Michael tells Nelle that she put the perfume in the medicine cabinet by mistake, and she says, baby brain strikes again. He thought she’d be more excited, but she’s been more stressed since Chase sent the T-shirt. She says it’s creepy how he’s following her. Michael says he told Chase to back off, but she doesn’t think sending her a T-shirt from their favorite Florida bar is backing off. She’s considering reporting him to the commissioner. Michael says, like she reported it when they slept together?

Dante tells Chase that he doesn’t trust him. Why didn’t he come to Dante about Nelle earlier? A psycho is now sharpening her knives for the next victim; probably his brother. He already lost Morgan. He’s not losing Michael too.

Jason tells Sonny that Carly is in trouble. The nurse in charge is a bully and control freak. She hates that Carly’s not afraid of her, and wants to break her. Sonny says Doc can look after her, but Jason doesn’t know how long she’ll wait. He’s concerned she might do something on her own.

Mary Pat knows Jason is one of Carly’s dearest friends. She even named her son after him. Carly asks how she found out, and Mary Pat says, that’s to be filed under none of your business. She can’t have anyone interfering with her recovery or she’ll be stuck there forever. Knocking comes from the room next door, and Mary Pat yells, stop that at once!

Oscar says it’s the second-best part of the day. The first was seeing his parents being proud of him. Josslyn thinks it must have been surreal. Oscar says he hoped for that growing up, but didn’t think he’d get it. Josslyn is happy for him. He asks if she’s thought of writing to her mom, but she doesn’t want to talk about it. He asks what’s up with Nelle? They’re close, and he was surprised she wasn’t there today. Josslyn wants him to shut up about the ceremony. It’s just a stupid certificate. Her family has more important things to do. Her father is across the world doing something green, her brother runs a huge corporation, and her stepdad is dealing with his father having Alzheimer’s and his wife in the loony bin. It’s nice that his family has nothing better to do. She tells him to enjoy breakfast, and stomps off.

Chase tells Dante that he’s sorry about Morgan, and worried about Michael. Dante wonders why he didn’t come forward, but Chase says Nelle played him once, and he wanted to be sure. The two people working on the case couldn’t be closer to a conflict of interest. The case has to be airtight. It’s the only way Nelle can’t use their bias against them. Dante says, let’s get to work.

Nelle can’t believe Chase told Michael about her reporting them. She says, of course she’s the one at fault. Michael says he was reprimanded, it almost cost him his job, and the case went away. She says that’s not why she reported him. He hounded her, threatened her, followed her around for sex, and even said he’d falsify evidence. It was a nightmare. She was terrified of going to prison for a crime she didn’t commit. She didn’t want to be a victim, and if he was abusing his power with her, who says he wouldn’t be doing it with other women? Michael thinks she did the right thing with Chase, just not with him.

Drew tells Kim that he’d been gearing up for more embarrassment than a bumper sticker. Maybe T-shirts, signs, and pompoms. Kim insists she’s a cool mom; calm and collected. When she gets overly excited about something that’s borderline out there, she runs it through her Drew filter, and thinks how he would react. He has good instincts where Oscar is concerned. She asks if she can pick his brain, and he says it’s been picked and prodded already; why not? She wonders if Oscar has said anything about Julian. He used to be fine with him, but since they started seriously dating, that’s changed. He wants his parents together. She’d thought she talked him out of it. Drew says he probably understands intellectually, but being a kid, it might take a minute for his emotions to catch up. She says he’s at an age where his father’s advice is invaluable. She’s glad Oscar has him. Drew is too.

Michael asks why Nelle didn’t tell him, and she says she didn’t want him to misinterpret it. He says he would have believed her. She says their relations hip is fragile, and one wrong move, she’ll be out the door. He says he’s here for her and the baby – always. She can’t tell him how much that means to her. She feels badly about blowing Josslyn off when she was upset about her mom, and wants to apologize. Michael suggests joining her, but Nelle thinks she’ll open up more if it’s just her. He says, ah, girl stuff. He’ll be there when she get back. She kisses him, and when she’s gone, he wipes his mouth. I go, oooh.

Chase tells Dante about interviewing one of the workers where Zack and Nelle got their kayaks, and the plug was definitely left in it. Nelle leaped into Zack’s kayak for a big kiss before they shoved off, and could have taken it out then.

Jason tells Sonny that he doesn’t know what it’s like in Ferncliff; it’s worse than prison. In prison you get yard time, and form alliances, as long as you can defend yourself, you’re good. They have Carly in the maximum-security wing, and before Doc got there, they were heavily medicating her, and watching her all the time. He says it’s like it was in Russia, but Carly’s not wired for this. She needs a goal; something to fight for. Josslyn comes in, and they ask about the certificate, but she says it’s no big deal. Sonny congratulates her, and asks if she knew she was getting it. She says everyone had so much going on, she didn’t want to bother them, but he says he would have made time. She’s obviously upset, and Sonny says he’s proud of her. Jason is too, and says no one would be prouder than her mom.

Carly tells Mary Pat that she thinks the patient next door is trying to make contact. Mary Pat is concerned, and says he’s dangerous. It’s best to ignore him, and under no circumstances engage. Carly’s only business here is her and her recovery. Carly asks if Mary Pat can tell him to keep it down; it’s hard to ignore. She tells Carly to try. Carly needs to take care of herself and Mary Pat will take care of him. Carly asks if he’s okay, and Mary Pat says every patient receives expert and appropriate care. She leaves, and Carly takes the phone from under the blanket, and puts it under the mattress again. More knocking comes from next door.

Sonny has to take care of something, and asks if Josslyn wants to have a celebratory dinner. She says it sounds good. Sonny leaves, and Josslyn tells Jason that he doesn’t have to babysit her. He says her mom would be happy. Josslyn wishes she could tell her that she messed up. She didn’t visit when she had the chance. Jason says Carly loves her, and nothing will change that. Josslyn is worried that Carly thinks she stopped loving her. Jason says, people make mistakes, and Carly never gives up on the people she loves. Josslyn is just like her. She’s her own person, but has a lot of her mom in her. He says she’s lucky. Carly is the strongest person he knows. It’s hard, but he’s going to get her out of there. Josslyn says Carly was ecstatic when he came home. She said, whenever she falls, he’s there to catch her. She believes in him more than anyone. Jason says, she’s coming home. Josslyn cries, and he holds her.

There’s more knocking, and Carly almost knocks back. She tells herself, don’t do it. She does crunches, saying, stay strong, stay focused, go home.

Mary Pat goes into the knocking patient’s room. She says she told him what would happen if he didn’t stop. He refuses to cooperate, and she’s a woman of her word. She brings out a syringe.

Chase tells Dante everything is circumstantial. Dante asks if there were any witnesses, and Chase says he interviewed everyone, and came up cold. Sonny comes into the station, and asks to talk to Dante.

Oscar comes into Kelly’s. Kim asks what’s wrong, and where’s Josslyn?

Josslyn is writing to her mom. The the doorbell rings. It’s Nelle, who asks if Sonny is there. Josslyn asks if she wants to see him, but she was hoping to avoid him. She’s sure Sonny blames her. She wanted to apologize. Josslyn was upset, and Nelle didn’t show her the attention she deserved. Josslyn says she feels better now. Nelle tells her that she had a half empty bottle of cologne in her purse when Josslyn was at the Quartermaine’s. She asks if Josslyn happened to see it.

Jason goes to the Quartermaine’s to check on Michael. Michael says he’s still alive, and Jason says it’s not a joke. He’s putting himself in danger. Michael says he can handle it, but Jason says, look at his mom. Michael says it’s his fault. He knew Nelle took advantage of his family, but he was convinced he could be her hero. The dominoes fell from there, and he put his mother in a mental institution. If he has to risk his life to get her out, so be it.

Carly sees Mary Pat walk by. She looks out, and there’s no one in the hallway. She knocks on the wall.

Chase asks Sonny how Mike is, and Sonny says they’re taking it one day at a time. Chase is sorry he was hard on him, but Sonny says he was just doing his job. Chase says he’s determined to do it better. As they walk to somewhere more private, Sonny tells Dante that Chase turned out to be all right. Dante says, we’ll see. After Sonny leaves, Chase asks, what now? Dante says he has an idea.

Oscar tells Kim that he said something stupid, and Josslyn walked out. He was going on about having his family at the ceremony. Drew tells him, welcome to the wonderful world of relationships. He says it will be fine. Oscar says Josslyn is going through a lot. Drew tells him the important thing is to be there for her. She’ll eventually want to talk, and Drew bets it will be to him.

Nelle asks if Josslyn saw the bottle. Josslyn says when Nelle’s purse was knocked over, her backpack spilled with it, and she picked it up by accident. Nelle asks if she can have it back. Josslyn says it was half empty, so she threw in into recycling. She didn’t know it was important, and asks if Nelle wants her to get another one. Nelle says, no, but at least she knows she’s not going crazy. She has to leave and run some baby errands.

Jason tells Michael that Josslyn isn’t doing well, but he convinced her it would be okay. Michael says his family is crumbling, and he has to make this right. Jason says, they will. He asks if Michael has had any luck with the computer, and Michael says the hacking is paying off. He has no proof yet, but he’s getting close.

Oscar shows Drew and Kim the compass. Kim says it’s a thoughtful gift. Oscar says she also gave him some cologne, and Drew says, look out. Kim tells him to remember the one squirt rule, and he puts some on. Kim likes it, saying it’s understated. Kim and drew have to go, and he thanks them. It’s great seeing both of his parents.

Josslyn wonders what to write. I’m the worst because I didn’t visit, and now it sucks? She digs in her purse, and takes out two bras. The security tags are attached, and she tries to get one off. Good luck with that. I bought one where it was left on by accident, and I had to go back to the store and ask some guy to take it off.

Chase tells Dante as pathetic as it sounds, he thought he and Nelle had something real. Dante says she trusted him. There’s no reason for him not to reach out, and see what shakes out.

Michael tells Jason that Nelle had the shirt sent to herself.  Her game was to remove Chase from the case. She thinks she has Michael eating out of her hand, but he’s playing her. Nelle is going to make a mistake, and he’ll be there when she does.

Nelle walks into Kelly’s. Oscar sees her and they make small talk. She asks if he’s wearing cologne, and he says Josslyn gave it to him.

Jason tells Michael that Nelle already made a mistake. Spinelli could follow the lead to the scarf and baby blanket. He thinks Michael should back off, but Michael says he’s just getting started.

Mary Pat comes back to Carly’s room. Carly says the patient stopped making noise, and Mary Pat asks if that’s not what she wanted. She doesn’t discuss patients’ care. She’s still confused about how Jason happened, and is going to be filing a complaint, but in the meantime… Sonny comes in. He must have thrown her a couple of hundred. They kiss.

Tomorrow, Julian asks Alexis if she’s serving him a subpoena, Francesca tells Michael there’s something he doesn’t know, and Sonny tells Carly that Nelle will pay.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Justin holds a gun to his own head, and another to Jeffrey’s. Jefferey says Justin is right. Justin says he didn’t want it to end like this. Jeffrey says he’s not scared of him. Go ahead; do them both. He might as well. Jeffrey is sick of his life too. Justin puts the guns down. Jeffrey says, just like he thought, and punches Justin in the jaw. Justin calls him an a-hole, but Jeffrey says, no, you. If Justin ever does that sh*t again, Jeffrey promises one of them will leave in a body bag. Justin asks why so hostile, and Jeffrey tells him to get his sh*t together, and stop following him. He’s going to talk to his friends and do what he wants. Justin doesn’t own him. Justin says he’s trying to protect Jeffrey. He admits his behavior was crazy, and Jeffrey says it was downright stupid, and don’t do it again. Justin says he’s going crazy about Jeffrey, and Jeffrey says, no, just crazy. Justin says, maybe that too. Jeffrey tells Justin that he’s going to his dad’s. Justin, who has a hard time taking a hint, says he has a place for them. Jeffrey says he’s leaving.

Mitch runs into the bar, and asks bar dude where Uncle Vinnie is. Still bleeding on the floor. Mitch calls an ambulance, telling them Vinnie is bleeding out, but he still has a pulse. Bar dude is on another phone, saying they need an ambulance yesterday. Vinnie must be pretty hardy. He’s been lying there, bleeding, for two weeks now.

Jeffrey comes back to David’s condo, and it looks like a tornado hit it. Justin says he told him not to come here. Justin says Jeffrey shouldn’t have gone to Wyatt’s, and Jeffrey tells Justin not to blame him for his own behavior. This is not okay. This is his father’s place. Justin asks if he’s sure it’s not some other guy’s place. He apologizes, saying he just got so mad. Jeffrey knows how he gets. Jeffrey does, and he doesn’t like it. He tells Justin to get out. Justin says Jeffrey can’t stay here; the place is torn apart. Jeffrey asks if he’s insane. I’d says the answer is yes. Justin tells him to come to their house, and Jeffrey asks if this is why he did this. Justin says he did it for the two of them. Jeffrey doesn’t know how to help him. He doesn’t know what to do with him. He tells Justin to get out now. Justin says, so he’s not coming over? and I laugh. Jeffrey asks if Justin is hearing him. He pushes Justin toward the door. Justin says this really hurts him.

Meanwhile at David’s new house, Erica slips out of bed. She calls Rocky, and asks why he’s contacting her this late? She’s working. He tells her that Candace and Veronica are going to burn her bad. He heard them at the bar. They want her dead. She asks what happened between him and Candace, and Rocky says he got burned on a deal. He says whatever she’s into, she needs to get out. He suggests she come work with them. They have a good thing going at the hotel. Erica says she’s passed that; she’s not twenty-one. He says she’s signing her own death warrant, but she says she’ll handle it herself. She sneaks back into the bedroom. David is awake, and asks who she was talking to. Erica tells him it was her sister. His phone rings, and it’s Jeffrey. Jeffrey tells him the apartment was ransacked. David says he’s on his way. He tells Erica that he is done with Veronica. She offers to come along, but he tells her to stay.

Standing on her bed, RJ dances for Veronica. David calls her, saying he’s tired of what she’s doing to Jeffrey. He asked her to leave him alone. He tells her not to make him come out there himself. Veronica says she has a lovely man-boy trying to get her attention. She tells RJ to say hello to her husband, and he says, what’s up, husband? David says he’s asking her one last time to leave his son alone. She says he’s so busy worrying about his son, when he needs to worry about that whore he’s with. He says, don’t make him come over there, like he’s her dad. She tells him if he does, bring a condom. She’s not touching him after that girl. She’s laughing the whole time, and David asks if she thinks it’s a joke. She says he is a joke; running around with that child. He says, what about Benny and the boy she’s with? She tells him if he can do it, she can. She says she’s got a full man over there. He’s twenty-five, and old enough to be his big sister. He doesn’t care what she does, but leave Jeffrey alone.  She says, when he stops acting like a girl. David says he’s not surprised Jeffrey is gay. He repeats, leave Jeffrey alone, and she tells him to leave that whore alone. She wants that bitch dead. She wants his son acting like a son. David is no longer listening, and is getting into his car. He drives off, and Erica watches from the window.

Jeffrey visits Wyatt, who’s in a straitjacket. Jeffrey says it’s for his own good. Wyatt tells him to go to hell. Jeffrey says he’s calling Wyatt’s mother. Wyatt asks, why, and Jeffrey says because she loves him. Wyatt says she took all his money, and Jeffrey says that’s not a bad thing. Wyatt asks if Jeffrey is on her side, and Jeffrey calls him really paranoid. Wyatt says the least he can do is sit with him. Jeffrey says he’s fine, and his mother is on her way. Wyatt says she’ll kill him. She took everything he had. Jeffrey says when Wyatt uses drugs, he gets paranoid. Jeffrey leaves, and Wyatt calls for the nurse. He sees Vinnie go by on a stretcher.

Candace calls Gia, and tells her to call the bar. She wants her to tell Rocky that she’s having a problem with a john, and needs him right away. Tell him to come to room 3048. Gia does as she’s told, telling Rocky that a john is being rough. He says he’s on his way. Candace tells her get to the room.

Mitch waits on the stoop for Benny. Mitch asks Benny to tell him what happened. Benny says, when he went in there, Vinnie was on the floor. Mitch asks if he’s saying he didn’t do it. Benny says Mitch knows him. He knows he didn’t do this. Mitch says Vinnie is in the hospital, and they don’t know if he’s going to be okay. He wonders why Benny didn’t call the police or check Vinnie’s pulse. Benny says he wasn’t thinking. Mitch says maybe he was thinking if Vinnie died, he wouldn’t have to pay back the money. Maybe he went to return it. Vinnie wouldn’t accept it, and roughed him up, so Benny did what he had to do. Benny says Mitch knows him. Mitch hopes so. Mitch says, it doesn’t matter how much he knows Benny, his family is ready to go to war over this. Vinnie described him. Benny says it’s not true. Mitch says it’s not good for him. He’d better hope Vinnie lives. If he’s lying, and Vinnie dies, Benny is dead. Benny asks if Mitch will talk to them for him, but Mitch says, no; he’s on his own now. Mitch warned him, and there’s nothing else he can do. Benny asks how long he has. Mitch doesn’t know, but he should stay inside, lay low, and watch his back.

Holding a golf club, Candace tells Gia that she’s going to show her what happens when someone double-crosses her. Gia asks, who? and Candace says, Rocky. Gia asks what she’s going to do with the golf club, and Candace asks what does she think? Gia says she doesn’t like violence, and Candace says, you’re in the wrong business, bitch. Watch and learn. She’ll make Gia a bottom bitch yet. Rocky knocks at the door, and Candace tells her to get him in there. Rocky comes in, and Candace says, want to snitch? and beats the living hell out of him with the club. She says if he ever tells anyone, she swears she’ll kill him. She tells him to get out. He half stumbles and half crawls out the door, bleeding like a stuck pig. Candace tells Gia to clean up the mess, but first, make her a drink. Gia is like, whoa. Candace sits on the bed, and takes off her red bottoms. I note how sparse the minibar is.

Benny goes inside the house. Can his day get worse? Hanna asks if he talked to Veronica, and he tells her that he did. She’s going to help in the morning. Hanna has been praying the police won’t bust down the door, looking for him. He just wants sleep, and she says she can’t. She’s glad he’s not worried; he has more faith in that woman than she thought. She doesn’t like it, but he says, what choice do they have? Hanna says, Kathryn, and Benny say she already got them the house. He doesn’t trust her. Her son hit him with a car, left him for dead, and he lied to her. Hanna says she also paid his hospital bills. He says Hanna went back work for her, and she says Kathryn is paying her double, plus a promotion. He says she comes down on Candace, and him for the tow truck. She tells him not to try turning it around on her, because he can’t. She didn’t tell him to borrow money from a gangster. She asks if Veronica is working for free, and Benny says she is. Hanna says he’s going to pay her. Just like his sister, he’ll be selling his ass. Benny says she’ll have to let him handle it. Hanna says, watch her put his ass back in jail.

Kathryn finds Jim watching the news, and asks if he’s seen anything. He says only that some guy got stabbed in a bar. He’s in the hospital in critical condition. He’s alive, so he might talk. Kathryn says maybe that’s a good thing. Jim wonders how in the hell it could be, and she says they haven’t been the best parents. They’ve covered his sins for way too long. It’s cost them greatly. She says Jim is in denial. Wyatt needs to pay for what he’s done. Jim says he’s not having this conversation. Kathryn thinks Wyatt should turn himself in. Kathryn asks if they’re going to continue not letting him deal with his consequences, and Jim says, why start now? Kathryn says if they want a different result, they have to do things differently. She’s going to turn him in. Jim asks if she has any idea what he’s going through, trying to keep her ass out of jail. Her phone rings, and it’s Jeffrey. He’s calling about Wyatt. He explains he got Wyatt committed, and says he’s in the psyche ward at the hospital. They’re not letting anyone see him yet, but he’s in good hands. Jim asks what it was about, and Kathryn says, nothing, and just leaves. Jim says, these damn women.

RJ swims in Veronica’s pool, and I’m jealous. He tells her the water’s nice, and she says, so is the view. She’s smoking a cigar. That Veronica. Always full of surprises. He tells her he’s always been into older women, and asks if she’s thirty-five or thirty-six. She says she’s still trying to figure out what she wants from him. She likes to study her prey before she attacks. He says he can handle that, but he bites back. She says, this should be interesting, and kicks water at him. He gets out, and suggests they get into the drink. They go inside.

Gia talks to an older guy in the hotel hallway. Once again, I either don’t catch his name or she doesn’t say it. It’s my only gripe about this show – they don’t say names enough. He tells her that he’s been calling, but she says she’s got nothing. He asks if Gia has anything on her informant. She says she’s trying to play it right. He says Candace is a murderer. Gia says, he’s telling her, and he asks if Candace said something. Gia says, no, but she beat the hell out of Rocky. She says he has to give her more time. He says Candace has someone high up helping her, and he wants to know who it is. She’d better bring something to him. She says give her a chance. She’s got this.

Veronica and RJ laze on the couch. There’s banging on the door. David storms in. He says she ransacked his condo on top of burning his car. She says, that, she did; the condo, she didn’t. He says this is what happens when she drinks. They start getting loud, and she asks, what are you waiting for, bitch? She starts getting crazy, singing, whatcha gonna do? over and over. David grabs her, and she gets in his face, poking at him with her finger. She calls him a simple bitch, and slaps at him. He cracks her a good one, and sends her flying, surprising all of us.

Next time, Wyatt tells Jeffrey that his death is on Jeffrey’s hands, Kathryn tells Hanna to call Marty, Rocky tells Erica to be careful, and David tells Jim that he pimp-slapped Veronica.

🙏 Deferring the Mediterranean…

It’s late, so I’m postponing Below Deck Mediterranean until tomorrow. Otherwise, I’ll be editing until four am. Like Erica, I’m not twenty-one, and it’s been a long week already. I hope this puppy picture will make up for it.

Juliet'sBabies2 (3)



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