January 18, 2019 – Lucy Launches Her Book, a Bit of Chef, Yolanda is Done, a Plethora of 90 News, Dirty Documentary, Quote Quid, MLK & Sedation


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Due to a mini-emergency beyond my control, I miss the beginning. Why this stuff has to happen as it’s nearing 3 o’clock is beyond me, but that’s always when there’s breaking news or a press conference, or the government has something to say too. It’s a conspiracy. Moving on…

Lucy thanks everyone for coming. She says her security detail is there to assist the PCPD to protect them from the worst serial killer since Felicia, her bestie and fellow push-up bra lover, inadvertently brought Ryan to Port Charles. It’s all in her book, which she’s going to read from. She asks Felicia when Doc is going to show up, and Felicia says she keeps his schedule in her other bra. Mac suggests having some of the signature cocktails he’s whipped up.

Nina wants Maxie to be honest, and Maxie tells her to remember she asked for it. Peter brings over some cocktails, but Maxie says she needs to talk to Nina, so he finds somewhere else to be. Maxie says she can’t tell Nina what to do, but she should follow her heart. Nina says if they opened her chest, her heart would be wearing a dunce cap. Maxie says, whatever Nina’s answer is to Valentin, they’ll always be family.

At the podium, Lucy says she wanted to dedicate the evening to her top investor, but he hasn’t arrived yet. In lieu of that, she’ll read the first passage about Port Charles’s most iconic citizen, Sonny Corinthos. She reads about Sonny’s attraction to strong women.

Sonny tells Carly that he doesn’t need a shrink. She says they need professional advice. He says that’s why he’s got caregivers. They just had a bad day. Carly says, it wasn’t a bad day; Mike punched Sonny in the face, thinking he was a stranger trying to rip him off. Sonny says Mike still has good days, but Carly says, the good days are becoming less. Sonny tells her, when he left Mike, he seemed calm and lucid. Carly asks how long he thinks that will last. Mike is getting worse, and will continue to get worse until there are no more good days. Sonny asks if she can’t she see things from his point of view. She knows he wants to repair the damage, and make peace out of the hurt and anger. She gets it, but ignoring this helps no one, least of all Mike. She doesn’t know what to do, but he doesn’t either. That’s why she wants to talk to Doc.

Not-Doc hears someone at the office door. It’s Ava, and he says he told her that he had appointments, but she thought she’d check in. She asks if he’s spoken to Sonny and Carly about allowing Avery out of the country. He says they’re meeting in a few minutes, and she says, perfect. She’ll join them. He says, actually… and she says she’s not going anywhere.

Lulu says Laura must be cursing fate. She’s mayor for one day, and walks into a mess. Laura says she’s cursing the serial killer. The idea that he’s copying Ryan terrifies her. There are already three innocent people dead. Is he killing six more to reach Ryan’s final count? When she closes her eyes, she sees the list with nine names on it. Lulu asks where she saw it, and Laura says, on Doc’s desk. He made a list of Ryan’s victims.

Not-Doc tells Ava not to take it the wrong way, but her presence might be counter-productive. Ava says, on the contrary. It could get heated, and he won’t get a word in edgewise. He says he’s a professional, and she says, exactly. He doesn’t know how to fight fire with fire. He needs his own dragon. He says he’d rather she save her fire for when the celebrate their victory. She asks if he’s seducing her into leaving, and he says he can do this for her, and will. He’d do anything for her; wait and see. He kisses her, and says he’ll meet her at the book party later. He thinks he can hold his own. It’s a side of him she’s never seen.

Sonny thought Carly was pissed at Doc. She say he called and apologized. Despite how weird he’s been acting, he was a huge help when she was at Ferncliff. They could use a session to gain perspective. Sonny says he has perspective, but she says he doesn’t. He needs to talk it through rationally with someone who understands the emotion. Sonny wonders if Carly thinks Doc will agree with her. She says he’s spoken to a shrink before, but he says, this is different. She says, not really. It’s a crisis, and she’s not letting it tear them apart. She asks him to do this for her. They need to deal with it.

Lucy continues to read, the woman who puts the B in bitch, Bobbie Spencer, avenged herself against the man who did her wrong – Damien Smith. Bobbie asks if the book includes Lucy affair with Bobbie’s then husband, Jake, and how she lost her underwear in front of the whole town. Lucy asks what her point is. Bobbie says she can’t wait until Lucy sees who Doc is with now. Payback.

Valentin thinks it’s amazing. The town consists of flawed, deeply complex individuals; some more than others. Lucy has a passage especially for him. Proving that evil is genetic, the brooding Valentin extorted Nikolas into signing over his entire estate… Not content with that, he shot Nikolas on Cassadine Island, and Nikolas fell to his death. Nina says, that’s not how it happened. Maxie asks if there isn’t a happier story in Port Charles’s history. Lucy says, it is history, but okay. She did an interview with Robin. She starts to read about Faison, and Peter thinks she should go back to the Cassadines. Maybe a different one. Lucy tells him, it’s not polite to interrupt a lady while she’s speaking, and continues to read. While Faison poisoned the town, he used mind control to sew discord between Robin’s parents. Maxie says they can read more in the book, or does Lucy have something else? Lucy reads about BJ’s accident leaving her brain dead in 1994, and how Tony made the unbearable decision to donate her heart to Maxie. Bobbie looks distressed, but Lucy continues, and tells them how Tony listened to the beat of his daughter’s heart in Maxie’s chest. Everyone is bummed.

Lulu asks Laura why Doc would have a list of Ryan’s victims. Laura says, he didn’t want his brother glorified, and wanted the dead to be remembered, so he made a list. Felicia was on it, but he sees her as a victim even though she survived. Lulu hates to tell her, but the book launch awaits. She tells Laura that if she sees Doc and Ava, ignore them. Laura could use some moral support, and Lulu says she’ll be there as soon as she finishes up. When Laura is gone, Lulu gets on her laptop. She looks up how many women Ryan killed, and sees it’s seven.

Carly thanks Doc for agreeing to see them. Sonny knows he’s going out of town with Ava. What he does is his business, but he’s not allowing Ava to take Avery. He’s not sure she won’t disappear. He doesn’t trust her, and doesn’t think Doc should. Doc asks if they’ve come to talk about Ava and Avery, but Carly says they want to talk about Sonny’s father. Not-Doc locks the door, and says, force of habit. He doesn’t want any interruptions during a session. Carly says they need to know how to go forward. It’s as if Mike is becoming a different person. Not-Doc says they’ve come to the right place.

Nina sees Curtis having one of Mac’s drinks, and says she didn’t think he was the designer cocktail type. He says, when in Rome... She asks if he’s happy for her, moving back to Windymere, and she and Valentin finding their way back against all odds. He asks if this is a permanent move. She says she’ll tell him what she told Maxie. Hopefully, he can be happy for her regarding any of her decisions, but Curtis makes no promises.

Willow and Chase look at Lucy’s book. Willow says she’s clearly running with the wrong people. Chase tells her, if it wasn’t for double jeopardy, the book would put some people away forever. She asks, when he’s not hanging with criminals, who does he run with? He says he’s quite wild. He and his brother raise hell. Sometimes, they get coffee. They might even get two, and sometimes he doesn’t even finish the first one. Who does she run with? She says she’s a lone wolf. He says he can see that. The first moment he laid eyes on her, he thought, wolf. He has an idea. How about if they run together? Metaphorically, unless she likes jogging. She says, that’s not a bad idea.

Peter tells Mac, hearing about the transplant made him aware of how precious Maxie is. Mac hopes Peter did as he asked, and cut the link between Ryan and the recent murders. Peter says he did. He gives Mac his word, which means something these days. There’s nothing more important than keeping Maxie and everyone she loves safe. Maxie approaches, and asks if they’re talking baseball. Mac says they’re talking about how important she is to all of them. Lucy grabs Felicia, and asks, where’s Laura? Felicia is sure she’ll be there soon. Lucy wonders who Doc is coming with.

Laura sees Bobbie, and asks if she’s okay. Bobbie says she’s fine, but the passage brought back bad memories. Laura says, Lucy is no tower of tact. Bobbie appreciates Laura being gracious given their complicated history, which is concisely and thoroughly explained in the book. Laura thought it was about the town. Bobbie adds, and the people who inhabit it.

On the phone, Lulu says Dante caught her at work. She’s’ fine, but wishes he was home. She asks what he means by she won’t be able to reach him for a while. How long? She says it’s good he’s closing in on Rog. She tells him, do what he needs to do. She misses and loves him. After she hangs up, she thinks about Laura saying there were nine names on the list.

Lulu calls Doc, but he ignores it. Carly tells him that when Sonny was a kid, Mike walked out. They patched things up over the years, more or less. When Mike was diagnosed, Sonny bent over backwards for Mike to stay with them. Sometimes, Mike doesn’t know where is or who Sonny is. Sonny says Mike has nobody. He needs to make sure Mike is cared for and knows he’s loved. Carly says it’s at the expense of Sonny’s own well-being. Not-Doc thinks he knows where this is coming from. It’s about Morgan, the son they couldn’t save.

Lucy reads about Felicia fighting Ryan off, and being sent to the loony bin until the truth came out. Thanks to Mac, both her heart and head were healed, Mac thinks it’s time for a break and his signature cocktails. Lucy suggests he call one of them a Tracy – half bitters, and half sour. Felicia mumbles, how about the Lucy? A thin glass of bourbon with a necklace stuck in it. Lucy comes over and says maybe she read the room wrong, but is Felicia mad at her?

Felicia asks for a moment. She says, why would she be mad? Lucy only dredged up painful memories of her past in front of a room of people. Lucy says it’s the anniversary of the killings, and she’d be remiss not to mention it. Felicia sees her perspective, but didn’t want to relive it tonight. Lucy apologizes, and Felicia begrudgingly accepts. Bobbie asks Lucy if she’s mentioned Doc is seeing someone. Lucy asks if she can say who it is. Ava comes in, and Lucy says, no way is Doc seeing that sleaze Ava.

Not-Doc says, grief doesn’t die. It manifests in a number of ways, and he thinks Sonny’s grief is related to how he’s dealing with his father. He was unable to keep Morgan safe. Mike is declining, and Sonny wants to keep him close in a way he couldn’t with Morgan. It’s human, admirable, and particularly poignant. Sonny asks how it can be made easier, and not-Doc suggests they visit Morgan’s grave. Carly says they do at least once a week. Not-Doc says, tell him the things they’d say if he was still there. Sonny asks what that has to do with his dad? and not-Doc says he can use it as a tool for talking to his father, who isn’t really there either. Carly says they could do it tomorrow, but not-Doc says, why wait when they can start healing tonight? Sonny says they’re supposed to be at the book party, but he’d rather talk to Morgan. Carly agrees, and thanks not-Doc. Sonny says, it helped, and not-Doc tells them to call his assistant if they want a follow up. After they leave, he takes out a knife, and says something tells him they won’t need it.

Valentin says Nina is avoiding him. He did ask her to marry him. She says she needed time to consider it, and he asks what she’s decided.

Maxie tells Peter that she’s sorry. She twisted his arm to get him there. He says, it’s a publishing event, and she says, from a rival publisher. And he had to listen to Lucy dredge up his demented father. He says, it’s always painful, but he didn’t run away screaming. Good thing he came.

Mac suggests he bring Felicia his carbonic snow concoction. She says she loves his concoctions.

Lulu leaves a message for not-Doc, and calls Peter. He wonders where she is, and she begs him to reconsider the story. She has new information. If it checks out, he’ll see the connection. Peter tells her that he said no, and that’s final. He wants her to come cover the party that he assigned to her. He hangs up, and Maxie says remind her never to work for him. He says he wants to keep everyone safe, especially her. She tells him, that’s what Nathan would have said.

Bobbie has had all of Lucy and the book she can stand. Laura would love to join her, but as mayor, she has to put in an appearance. Bobbie says if she decides to forget the dignity of her office, and rip Lucy’s hair out, good luck. Laura says Lulu is coming, and there won’t be any catfights. Bobbie thinks Lulu would be the first to cheer her on.

Chase says he and Willow are on a date, but he’s surrounded by cops, so he feels like a slacker. He can’t enjoy it. He suggests they make a run for it, and she agrees, saying, that’s what wolfs do.

Felicia congratulates Maxie. Maxie says she should have paid more attention to the contents of the book. Felicia says they have more important things to talk about; like her and Peter. Maxie doesn’t think she should be feeling this way today. It’s her and Nathan’s anniversary. Felicia says it’s okay if she’s not ready to move on, and it’s okay if she is. She needs to focus on what she wants. Whatever happens next is entirely up to her. Maxie says there’s somewhere she needs to be.

Nina tells Valentin that she loves him, loves being with him again, and loves her life right now. It’s perfect. He asks why not make it more perfect. She wonders why not just be together. He says if that’s what she wants, that’s what he wants. She says she wants to go home.

Not-Doc listens to the message from Lulu. She says her mother told her that he had a list of Ryan’s victims, but there were nine instead of seven. She’d love to meet with him and go over them. Not-Doc looks grim.

Laura asks if Curtis has heard from Jordan, and he says she’s still at work. Laura says Jordan briefed her, and she’s aware Curtis found a possible link; good work. He hopes it doesn’t get publicized, and wonders if she can’t talk to Lulu. She says she doesn’t know how much influence she has with Lulu, but Peter already killed the story.

Ava congratulates Lucy, who can’t remember inviting her. Ava says, yet here she is. Lucy tells Ava to stop spreading lies. No way is Doc involved with her. Since Lucy and I are the only ones who call him Doc, Ava isn’t sure what she’s talking about, then realizes she means Kevin. She says, he’s a wonderful man, and they share a deep, meaningful connection. Lucy tells her that if she is involved with Doc, then listen, and listen good. There’s a thing or two she needs to know about him.

Sonny and Carly go to the cemetery. Sonny doesn’t know what to say. Carly tells him to take as much time as he needs.

Lulu’s office door rattles. It’s not-Doc. She tells him that he scared her, and he says he got her message. She says she thought he’d be at the party. He says, unfortunately, his plans changed. He closes the door.

On Monday, Willow tells Chase that she let him believe something that’s not true, Michael wants to talk to Lucas about Wiley’s future, and Lulu asks not-Doc what he’s doing.

🍠 I caught Top Chef late last night, and my takeaway points were: don’t play it safe, don’t cook scared, and being called out by Tom is like being called to the principal’s office. Brandon packed his knives and went, because of slimy tartare. Next time, chefs on a houseboat, manned – and womaned – by Captain Lee and Captain Sandy (Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean). I’ll be making it my businesses to watch those reality cultures collide.  You can see all about it here:


💃 Back and Healthier Than Ever…

Like Yolanda still doesn’t look fabulous.


👹 Still Nasty After All These Months…

Leida is still ahead of Jax for most awful human being.


🎰 Maybe the Third Time’s the Charm…

Frankly, I’d like to strike Coltee on the head too.


👫 It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over…

So, is it over? Love Anfisa’s weigh-in. Funny how she eventually became a voice of reason, when in the beginning, she was much like Larissa.


👋 That Didn’t Take Long…

Interesting how Fernanda accused Larissa of wanting a green card so she could do modeling.


💥 A Disney Cartoon and a Potential Nazi Walk Into a Bar…

Asuelu and Steven, respectively.


💍 How It Works…

The creation story of 90 Day Fiancé.


💻 Hopefully, you’re catching up on Dirty John. While you’re doing that, don’t forget the companion documentary, Dirty John: The Dirty Truth, on rotation on Oxygen.

📝 Quotes of the Week

What the hell is that?Dr. Terry Dubrow, Botched, and something you never want to hear a surgeon say

The thoughtful soul to solitude retires.Omar Khayyam

That’s the problem with goals. They become the thing you talk about instead of the thing you do. – Cherry (Rose McGowan), Planet Terror

I have learned that not diamonds, but divorce lawyers, are a girl’s best friend. – Zsa Zsa Gabor

The average woman falls in love 7 times a year. Only 6 are with shoes.Kenneth Cole

🙇 Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 🙇


👍 Weekend Goals…

Brush with celebrity. I saw Joey Ramone on the street once in NYC.










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