January 29, 2019 – Lulu Starts to Remember, Wyatt Hitches a Ride, Best Deck Ever, Tired & the Lion


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Lulu says, it’s right there; on the tip of her tongue. Jordan says she was working on her piece. and someone came to the door. Lulu remembers someone coming in. She sees not-Doc lurking in the doorway, and says, it was you. Ava arrives on the scene.

At Sonny’s place, Griff asks Sonny to tell him about Mike’s behavioral changes. Sonny says his mood changes are more frequent. He’s not just forgetting things; he’s disoriented and angry. Carly says Mike hit Sonny, and Griff says, unfortunately it’s not that uncommon. What the patient can control shifts day to day, and the lashing out is fighting for control. Carly says Sonny isn’t Mike’s enemy, but Griff says like small children, they attack who they love most; the relationships that are safest. Sonny wonders if it’s not doing Mike any good to be there anymore, and if it’s making life harder for Mike.

At the hospital, Curtis hears Stella say, Curtis Byron Ashford, and stops in his tracks. She says he didn’t tell her that he talked to Marcus about her. What gave him the right go behind her back?

Shiloh hopes this doesn’t change the way Kristina feels about him and the organization. She says Daisy’s confession has caused her to second guess the integrity of Dawn of Day. He says she can ask him anything she wants. He’ll repay her honesty in kind; he has nothing to hide. The only important thing is regaining her trust.

Alexis sees Julian at the hospital, and says she’s been thinking about him. He asks, what’s up? and she wonders if he talked to Kim. She’s hoping Kim is all right, and they patched things up.

Sam returns home, and Jason asks, how’d it go? He tells her Spinelli went to the hospital, and he has to stop at his place before dealing with the coffee shipment. They can get together tonight. Sam says, sorry; she can’t. They have to break up. Jason asks, why? and Sam says Kristina is in a lot more trouble than she realized.

Lulu says not-Doc was there. She saw him. He says he was just there, checking on her. Laura says he was there when Lulu woke up. Lulu says she thought… sorry. Laura thinks it’s too much, but Lulu wants to keep going. Jordan says she wasn’t alone. Does she remember who was at the door? Lulu says, mom. She remembers Laura came to get her for the launch. She cries, saying she’s sorry she didn’t go, and then this happened. Laura says it’s not her fault. She didn’t ask to be attacked. Jordan says Laura is right. She did nothing wrong. Ava says, you’d expect to be safe in your own office. Jordan says there are too many people, and asks if not-Doc isn’t still a patient. He says, technically, and tells Ava that they should go. He’s happy Lulu is awake. They leave, and Jordan tells Lulu that she’s sorry about what happened, but with her help, they’ll find the attacker. Lulu knows it’s important, and wants to remember, but there’s nothing there.

Ava asks not-Doc, what if Lulu remembers? Why leave? He says, Lulu needs rest, and she won’t get it with everyone hovering. He tells Ava, it’s not unusual to have no memory of an attack. Ava says, it’s only a matter of time. They’ll get the bastard who killed Kiki, and he’ll get what’s coming to him.

Mike tells Sonny that he was going upstairs, but Sonny tells him Griff is there. Mike says it’s good to see him, and Griff asks how he is. Mike says, good. He says he knows he’s late on rent, but he’ll have it in a couple days. Sonny says he doesn’t have to pay, but Mike says he’s good for it. He just can’t find his checkbook. Carly tells him, no rush. They know where to find him. He laughs, and says he’s just been very busy. Griff doesn’t want keep him, but Mike says he’s always happy to say hello to a friend of Sonny’s. If Griff is ever looking for a place to stay, these two are great. He goes upstairs, and Sonny says he didn’t know who they were. Griff says he handled it well. Sonny says his confidence was shaken, and he’s struggling to find a way. He wants Mike to hold on to his memories. Griff says he wants to make sure Mike has the best life he can, and Sonny says, even if it means lying. Griff says, even if Mike’s world is inaccurate, it works for him. It gives him the comfort and safety he craves. The disease moves in one direction. He’s seen personally how much this has meant to Mike. HIs mind is slipping, but he feels the love his family has for him. They thank Griff, and when he leaves, Carly holds Sonny.

Stella asks what Curtis thought he was going to learn. He ask what motivated her to contact Shondra? She says she already apologized for that. He says, and he accepted it. He loves her, and knows she thought she was doing what was best for him. She tells him, don’t act like he’s thinking about her best interest. Did he think talking about ancient history would be good for her? Curtis says he assumed there was a miscommunication. Marcus seems like a great guy. Maybe if they talk things out… She tells him to refrain from making assumptions about her life.

Jason asks Sam how it would help Kristina if they break up. Sam says, if she’s single, it will give Shiloh the opening he wants. She was at the Dawn of Day house, and Shiloh was so deeply concerned about their accusations, he opened his own personal investigation. Jason takes it Sam didn’t like what he found. She says she didn’t. He convinced Daisy to take the blame. Jason asks if she thinks Daisy is lying. Sam thinks she believes what she was saying. Daisy was desperate for Sam to think she was responsible. Jason says, too desperate, and Sam says, it was like her life depended on it.

Jordan tells Lulu that her mother left, and she went back to work. She spotted a discrepancy. Lulu says she went to the door. Jordan asks if it was open, but Lulu thinks it was locked. She remembers opening it. She starts crying, and Laura says she’s safe. Laura is there with her. A nurse comes in, and Laura tells her that Lulu is upset. The nurse suggests increasing the pain medication, but Lulu says she needs to remember; they’re stopping too soon. Laura says she’s done enough for now. Lulu says she’s sorry, but Laura tells her that he doesn’t need to apologize. Jordan is glad she’s safe. Jordan leaves on her LOUD shoes. Laura tells Lulu to rest, and know she’s safe.

Julian asks Alexis why she’s pushing him to be with Kim. She says Kim’s son is ill, and she needs him. She might go as far as to say he needs Kim too. He says he has his hands full, running Charlie’s, and she says, there’s more to life than work. Or so people tell her. Kim grounds Julian, and she’s worried about what will happen to him without her. He says, with all due respect, how his life turns out is no longer her concern.

Stella says she adores Curtis, but will thank him not to interfere in matters that don’t concern him. Now she has to meet Marcus at the MetroCourt to discuss what Curtis said to him. He says, it seems there’s air to clear. She says she’s a grown woman. If she wanted to rehash things, she would have done it already. Curtis tells her to cancel. Don’t bother to hear what Marcus has to say. She says, Marcus already made reservations, and he’s waiting. The least she can do is join him. She gets in the elevator, and Curtis smiles.

Kristina tells Shiloh that Daisy is the reason she became interested in Dawn of Day. Daisy was so open, and now she wonders if Daisy was playing her from the beginning. Shiloh understands why she feels that way, but Daisy was attempting to follow their practice of mending hurt and sewing common ground. Kristina say Daisy broke both her and Sam’s trust, and made Sam more suspicious. She admits she’s felt stronger and more positive after getting involved with the group. She doesn’t want to let go of the two positive things she’s gotten. Shiloh says, out of Daisy’s misguided actions, she uncovered truth, and shined the light on Kristina’s new viewpoint.

Jason wonders why Shiloh would call Sam out on her past using Daisy. Sam says Shiloh’s hands are clean, and he can still be the forgiving, kind mentor. Jason says, so her sister can’t see him for who he is, and Sam says, she bought his entire act. Kristina needs someone to believe in. He sees that, and takes advantage. He’s going to lead her down the wrong path, and isolate her from her family. If Sam is going to protect Kristina, she has to beat Shiloh at his own game.

Jordan gives a guard instructions about Lulu’s room. Not-Doc strolls past after eavesdropping, and Jordan apologizes for being short with him. He says he let his personal concern override his professional judgement. Objectivity is the only way they can be truly effective.

Griff meets with Laura, who called him to consult. Laura tells him that Lulu had a huge physical reaction when she tried to remember. She knows there’s probably trauma, but wants make sure there’s no brain injury. Griff says he’ll have a look. He prefers to examine her alone. He doesn’t her to want downplay the symptoms to save Laura’s feelings, and Laura can probably use the downtime herself. He leaves, and Ava sees Laura, handing her the eternally empty coffee cup. When, Lord? When will the make it seem like there’s coffee in those cups? Ava asks how Lulu is, and Laura says she’ll make a full physical recovery. She doesn’t know about the emotional trauma. Ava says, it may take time, but Lulu is strong. She’s glad Lulu was able to escape. She starts to leave, and Laura asks her to wait. She thanks Ava for checking on her daughter. Ava says she wouldn’t wish what happened on anyone’s daughter.

Carly asks what Sonny is thinking. He asks if he’s doing the right thing. Everything Griff said has come true. He wonders if he’s selfish, thinking he’s the only one who can do right by Mike. Upstairs, Mike packs. Carly says he’s not selfish. He’s a loving, good son, and he heard what Griff said. Mike knows they love him. Even when he’s past remembering anything, Mike will know how much they love him. And she hopes, despite the mistakes, misunderstandings, and years apart, that Sonny knows how much his dad loves him.

Jason asks how Sam is going to beat Shiloh, and she says, by out conning the con. He says she’s been confrontational so far. If she turns too quickly, Shiloh will suspect something. Sam says she has to let him think she’s vulnerable, and what’s more vulnerable than them breaking up?

Ava sees not-Doc packing, and asks if it’s a legitimate release, or is he busting out? He says he’s a free man, and she says, finally, some good news. He’s worried about her, thinking Lulu’s attack opened the wound about Kiki. She tells him, some days, his support is the only thing that gets her through. He says, now that Lulu is going to be okay, he thinks they should take the chance to get out of town. She says she can’t. She won’t leave without Avery, but he says he’s talking about just a vacation, not a permanent exodus.

Griff tells Laura and Jordan that he’d like to discuss his permanent assessment of Lulu. He’s found no markers indicating brain injury, but he’s ordered a CAT scan just in case. Laura says maybe they pushed too soon. Jordan asks how soon Lulu will be able to ID her attacker, but Griff can’t say. Her recall will get better as she regains strength, but a psychiatrist is better suited to address her memory loss. Laura goes back to Lulu’s room, and Jordan thanks Griff. He says he’s just as eager for Lulu to remember as everyone else. He wants Kiki’s killer found. Jordan gets a phone call. She asks if there are any updates; then says she has to call back. She sees not-Doc about to leave, and trusts he got a clean bill of health. He says he’s no longer a patient (interesting choice of words). She asks if he can join her in Lulu’s room.  Wow. She’s going to feel like a real jerk when the truth comes out.

Stella meets Marcus at the MetroCourt. She says she knows her nephew spoke to him. Marcus says Curtis was upset about how he treated her. Stella says, he had no right, but Marcus says, he had every right. Curtis loves her; he deserved to be called out. He’d decided not to interfere with Yvonne’s relationship with Mike, and was saying goodbye in a way. He lashed out at her, but it wasn’t her fault. The fault lies in the disease that took Yvonne away from him, and herself. Stella says, it’s devastating to lose someone you love, whether it’s gradual like with Yvonne, or quick… She says, any loss is painful, and he says, even if it was quick, like them?

Shiloh tells Kristina that Daisy isn’t evolved enough to be the outreach ambassador. Kristina asks him not to make her leave; she’d be crushed. He says he’s not, but he wants her to recommit to her learning. Kristina sees the bigger picture, and it makes her a perfect candidate. He can’t think of a better ambassador. She doesn’t know if she’s ready, but he says he sees her ability, and asks her to consider it.

Sam says she’ll tell Kristina that she realizes she and Jason have no future. She still cares about him, but needs time by herself to figure out who she is, and to stand on her own and figure things out. She’ll admit to Shiloh that she can’t stand on her own. He’ll offer enlightenment and guidance, which he’ll be eager to provide. Jason asks if she’s joining Dawn of Day, and she says she is. It’s the only way to find out what Kristina is getting into.

Kristina tells Shiloh, it’s a critical role, but he has faith in her. She accepts, and promises she won’t let him down. He has no doubt his trust is well-placed.

Marcus tells Stella that she never asked if he was willing to stay with her instead of taking the job. She says she knew he would have stayed. He worked hard to put himself through school; working two jobs, and still graduating at the top of his class. The opportunity in San Francisco was too good to pass up. He asks if she means positions like that are seldom offered to a Black man. Stella says, right out of school. He says she made her decision clear. She says her sister needed her. There was no way she could raise those two boys by herself. They had to break up, and she was right to do it. He’s had a wonderful life. He says he did. He and Yvonne loved each other deeply over thirty years, but it doesn’t lessen the love he felt back then for her. She was fierce, stubborn, and beautiful, and he was proud to be her man.

Carly asks Sonny if the arrangements have been made. Sonny says Mike’s room is waiting at Turning Woods. Mike comes down with a suitcase. He’s glad he caught them. He wants to thank them; they have a swell place. He appreciates them taking him in. Sonny asks if he’s going somewhere, and Mike says, it’s time to take the plunge. He’s moving in with Yvonne. He’s sorry it’s short notice, but Sonny says they knew the time would come. Carly says they’ve loved having him, and Sonny says there’s a room there any time he wants. Mike thanks them, and guesses he better be going. Yvonne is waiting, and she hates when he misses a card game. It’s also a long bus ride. Carly has an idea. Why doesn’t she give him a ride? He hates to impose, but says it beats public transport, and she’s the best looking cabbie he’s ever had. She goes to get her coat, and Mike tells Sonny, she’s a keeper. Sonny would like his gal; she’s a keeper too. He thinks he left his gloves on the bureau, and asks Sonny to watch his bag. Mike goes back upstairs, and Sonny decides to make sure his gloves aren’t in his suitcase. He opens it, and cries a little. He looks at the picture of them from the Nurses’ Ball, and puts it in the suitcase.

In Lulu’s room, not-Doc says it’s unclear what Laura is asking. Laura understands it’s important for Lulu to remember, but her first priority is Lulu’s health. She asks if remembering can be dangerous, and not-Doc says, the mind is fragile. Loss of memory can he the psyche protecting itself from experiencing trauma the patient isn’t ready to face. They could be forcing unforeseen consequences. Laura says Lulu wants to remember; she’s not fighting it. Not-Doc says they need to trust the message the brain is sensing. He tells her to be patient. Stop the questioning until Lulu has time to gather her strength. Jordan leaves to check on something, and Lulu says she can’t keep her eyes open. Not-Doc says, rest is still the best medicine, and Laura tells her to let herself heal. She thanks not-Doc, saying, despite everything that’s happened between them, she appreciates that he’s there for Lulu, and her. He says there’s nothing he wants more than to make sure Lulu is completely taken care of. It’s so clever how they word his dialogue. I love it.

Curtis arrives at the hospital, and asks Jordan, how is she? Jordan says, healing. Lulu should fully recover, but she has no memory of her attacker. Jordan doesn’t know when, or if, Lulu’s memory will return.

Kristina calls Alexis, and asks if she’s free for dinner. She promised to approach Dawn of Day with an open mind, so Kristina signed them up for a seminar tonight.

Sam calls Shiloh, leaving a message with her number. She hopes hear from him soon. Jason asks how this is going to work. Sam says he can visit Danny there, but here on out, they have to act like exes. Only in public; not in private. She just got him back, and doesn’t want lose him. He says she told him he could only visit Danny there, and she says, good thing he has a place of his own. She hasn’t seen his bedroom yet. He tells her to come over and see it for herself. She says maybe for now, they can use hers. He says, after what she just said? She tells him that they’re not officially broken up yet. He says he’s losing track, and she says she’ll keep track for both of them. She kisses him, and he picks her up, carrying her up the stairs.

Julian asks Ava if hanging around there is a good idea. She says as long as there’s a chance Lulu might remember who attacked her, she can’t go home. She knows it’s not rational, and Doc suggested they leave town for a bit. Julian says he should probably leave himself. A break would be good for her, and Port Charles is getting claustrophobic for him.

Laura tells Jordan that she’s worried about Lulu’s safety. She’s the only living witness, and could be a target. Jordan says she has cops posted at the hospital, and Laura says, as mayor, she wants as many on the street as possible. As a mother, she wants one whose sole purpose is her daughter’s safety. She asks Curtis if she can hire him to be Lulu’s bodyguard, and he doesn’t see a problem. Jordan thinks it’s a good idea. Curtis says, anyone coming for Lulu will have to go through him.

On the phone, not-Doc says he knows they’ve called several times. He’s busy. He says, Wilson? What kind of emergency?

Marcus tells Stella that their conversation is thirty-five years overdue. He hopes they have more. He’s staying in town to be close to Yvonne. Stella doesn’t see why they can’t be friends. It helps to have someone to talk to. He agrees, it does.

Carly asks Sonny where Mike is, and Sonny says he went upstairs. She says, it’s happening fast. Is Sonny sure he’s okay? He says if it makes his dad happy, he’s happy. She suggests he come with them. He might feel better seeing Mike settled in. He says she fakes it better than him, and he doesn’t want to make it worse. Mike comes downstairs. He says they’re such good people. He’d recommend this place to anyone. Sonny says it was good to have him there. They hug, and Mike says it was good to be there. They sure know how to make a guy feel at home. He hopes to see Sonny around. Sonny says he will. Mike and Carly leave. My heart cracks in half, as Sonny cries.

Tomorrow, Anna tells Robert that she’ll take a lie detector test, Drew asks to buy Kim dinner, Julian tells Willow he held up his end of the bargain, and Brad asks Lucas what’s wrong.

The Haves and The Have Nots

Landon goes to Charles’s room. He asks if Charles has tried to sleep, but Charles says he can’t. Landon asks if there’s anything he can do. Charles says he’d like to take his kids to the park without the Secret Service. He’d like to go to a restaurant, spit on the sidewalk, and ride his motorcycle. Landon says for the most part, not for the next eight years. He’s sorry. Landon says Charles is a single man; he can set up a date. Charles asks who will set it up? Howard? He laughs, and asks Landon if he’s seen the women Howard brings around. He’ll pass. Landon says, so it’s Candace? Charles pours a drink. He says she’s spellbinding. It was so good, the weekend they spent together. He felt free. They both came from nothing, and are both hustlers in their own way. Landon says Charles has standards and morals; Candace is low level. Charles says they cleaned her up. She just has to stay clean. Landon says her record is spotless. Is Charles considering seeing her again? Charles says he can’t help her. He’s just thinking about how she made him laugh. Landon says he needs to have fun. He can call Charles’s Army or college buddies. Charles says they look at him as President. Once he was no longer his mother’s son, he knew he’d lost everything. Even his mother looks at him different now. He knows why Presidents go grey in their first few years. He’s not prepared for that. Landon says he’ll be fine. Charles downs his drink, and says, tomorrow, but not tonight. He pours another drink, and one for Landon. Landon says he’s on duty, but Charles tells him, don’t act like they haven’t done this before. They toast to the Oval. I think. At first, I thought they said oatmeal.

Veronica watches a video of her and David’s wedding. They say they love each other, and they’re having lots of babies. She tells RK that David used to love her. Now he wants to hit her. He actually hit her. RK tells her, turn it off. He’s trying to sleep. She says David used to take care of her. RK turns the TV off, and she asks what’s wrong with him. He says it’s driving her crazy. She says she’s not crazy. Didn’t he see? David knocked her to the floor, and he didn’t do anything. He says he protected her. She says, Benny Young, and RK says there’s something seriously wrong with her. He thinks she should find someone, and get it checked out; somebody to talk to. She tells him that he’s disrespectful. He says he’s tired. She doesn’t like it, and wants an apology. He says, for what? and she says, saying she needs help. He says she does. He’ll apologize to himself for letting her wake him up. She tells him, get up, and keeps repeating it. She says, get out of her house, and he tells her to leave him alone. She says, get out now, and he says she’s one crazy bitch. She attacks him, saying she’s not crazy. He says he’s sorry all right. She says, okay, and gives him a peck on the mouth. He says, that’s more like it. He goes back to sleep, but I’d be afraid she was going to kill me in my sleep.

Veronica goes to the kitchen, and takes out some quick grits. She puts water in a pan, turns on the stove, and puts the water on to boil. She pours in the grits, saying she’s tired of him disrespecting her. She won’t have it. They’ve forgotten who she is; Veronica Harrington.

Charles and Landon are laughing it up. Charles thinks it’s time to call it a night. He has trouble getting to his feet, and Landon helps him. He doesn’t want the staff see him like this, but Landon is sure they’ve seen many presidents like that. He says he can’t even undo his belt. Landon helps him undress, saying he’s working out too much. Charles says he has to do something, and laughs. Landon undoes his belt. Charles wants something to take his mind off, just for a moment. Landon says maybe he can do that for him. Charles says he’d welcome anything. I say, oh, Landon, don’t, but he undoes Charles’s pants. Charles backs up, and asks what he’s doing. Landon says he’s sorry, and Charles tells him, get out. I say aw gee. I like them both, and find this sad.

Rocky asks if Candace wants anything else, and she says for him to get out of her face. He asks why she’s hostile. He said he was sorry. She says he told Oscar her plan, and Rocky says, she took care of him. She asks what he said, and he says, nothing; he’s sorry. She says she’ll beat a bitch out again. Is he saying she’s the reason Oscar jumped out the window; make it clear. He says he’s not saying that, and she asks for another drink. Landon comes down, saying he needs a double shot of tequila. Candace asks, what’s wrong? but he says, not now. He downs his drink, and she says she hasn’t seen him this disheveled since he peed his pants. He thinks he lost his job, and she asks what he did. He says he tried to go down on Charles; she’s the reason. She started saying he’s gay. Candace says, he’s not, and Landon asks, why say it? He tells Rocky to keep the shots coming. He tells Candace that she put the idea in his head. He was with Charles in his room, and they got drunk. He started helping Charles out of his clothes. She laughs, and asks what he said. Landon says Charles sobered up quicker than he thought humanly possible. He was angry as hell. She says he shouldn’t have done that, and he says she shouldn’t have said that. She says she was just trying to get under his skin. Landon asks Rocky to bill it to the room. Candace says, hers too? but he says, no. He hates her. He calls her a bitch, and she laughs.

Sarah parks in a lot, and when she gets out, Wyatt bangs from inside the trunk, saying, let him out. She opens it, and asks what he’s doing in there. He says he had to get away, and she asks why he’s in her car. He tells her it was the only way get out. She says his family is insane, and he says, tell him about it. Does she have money? She asks if he’s robbing her. He says he needs a fix, and takes her bag. She says he could help her with the DA, but he says he’s not doing anything unless she has money. She says if he helps her, they can go to her apartment and get money; she promises. She wants him to come with her and talk to her boss. Then they’ll go to her apartment.

Candace calls Mitch, who’s at his uncle’s bar. She asks how her brother is, and he says Benny is with their mom; he’s fine. She asks what happened, and he says he’s trying to find out. He’ll let her know if she tells him something. She’s with the President now? She says, no; she’s not. Mitch doesn’t know how the hell she pulled that off, and she repeats she’s not with him. She needs to talk, and asks where he is. He tells her that he’s at his uncle’s bar, and she says she’s coming by. She leaves the hotel.

Uncle Vinnie comes in, telling a guy he can’t help him; he don’t remember nothin’, and he’s got a business to run. Mitch asks what they said, and Vinnie says, they’re the Keystone Cops. Mitch asks what Vinnie told them, and Vinnie says he didn’t tell nothin’. The family refuses; they don’t talk to cops. Mitch asks if Vinnie knows about the Cryer kid, and, being a man of few words, Vinnie says he knows what he knows, and he’s going to get him. Mitch asks if he’s letting Benny go, and Vinnie says, it’s done. There’s no one after him… No one in the family. Mitch asks, who did it? and Vinnie says, the town is small. He’ll find out. He asks what’s with Mitch and this kid? and Mitch says they’ve been friends since high school. Vinnie doesn’t like it. Mitch asks who’s after Benny. Vinnie says he is, if he doesn’t get his money back. Mitch hands him the $45K, and Vinnie says, it’s got blood on it. Mitch asks if he’s never seen that before. It’s still green. Vinnie asks, where’s the interest? but Mitch says Benny can’t afford it; he has no money. Vinnie laughs, and says his friend has eight million in the bank. That’s why he got stabbed. Mitch asks what he’s talking about, and Vinnie says, Jim Cryer sent someone to stab Benny. He told then the right spot to hit. Not to kill him, but send a message. And they’re going to keep coming after him until he gives them the money. If they don’t get him, Vinnie will for the interest. Mitch asks for time, but Vinnie says his friend didn’t have the decency to bring the money himself, with eight million in the bank. He told Rose that he’d be getting the interest. That’s why she called it off. Mitch jets.

Jeffrey tells David that Madison is there. Madison says he has to change the bandages. David asks if it will make him more comfortable. Madison says, no, but it will help him heal. David tells him to do what he has to, and Madison starts peeling off the old bandages, and changing them. He asks Jeffrey to help. David says, that bitch. He doesn’t like speak ill of Jeffrey’s mother, but she did this to him, and blew Erica up. Jeffrey says, don’t get upset, but David says he’s not. He’s angry as hell, and scared of what he’s going to do. Jeffrey doesn’t blame him; she needs to be stopped. David says he’ll do it, and Madison says he can’t hear this. He’ll have to excuse himself. He asks if David needs any medication, but David wants to feel the pain. She did this to him, and he wants to feel it. He needs to feel it. Madison says, tomorrow, he’ll clean David’s wounds. He helps David to the bed. David tells Jeffrey that he loves him, and Jeffrey returns the sentiment. He says they’ll be downstairs. They leave, and David makes his way to his phone.

Jim’s phone rings. David says he’s done with that crazy bitch. One time she told him that she gave several different pieces of incriminating evidence to lawyers, in case anything happened to her. They could put them together, and it will create a picture that will put them away. Jim asks if David believes her, and David says, yes. Jim says they need find the lawyers. Veronica is smart, but not that smart. David says they have to do it quickly. He’s done. Jim says, it sounds final, and David says, it is. Jim asks what David is going to do, and David says Jim will know when he’s done. Jim says, God rest her wicked soul. David says, she was behind this; everything with Erica. Veronica and Candace set everything up. He’s getting even, and putting an end to this. Jim says, the only way to do it, is standing over her grave. He’ll be the grieving friend right beside him. David puts the phone back, and says, that bitch.

Jim calls to Leo, and asks if he’s found Wyatt. Leo says, no, and Jim calls him pathetic. He asks how Wyatt walked out, but Leo doesn’t know. Jim says, check the cameras, and Leo says his colleague is looking now. Jim tells him to grab his buddy, and get the hell out. Kathryn says, there you have it, but Jim doesn’t want hear it. If his son says one damn thing… He calls Leo back in. He asks where the other man was when Leo was guarding Wyatt’s door. Leo says he was making the rounds; walking the perimeter. Jim says, while Sarah was there? She was the diversion. Wyatt snuck out. He tells Leo to look at the footage from the camera facing the front. He bets Wyatt crawled under her car. Kathryn says, so the DA got him. The one thing he needed to bring them down. Wyatt is mad as hell, and will be singing like a bird. Jim doesn’t want hear it. He tells her, shut up, and Kathryn says, tell her again. He does, and she throws her drink in his face. She says, tell her again, and he says, bitch. Leo comes back, and tells them that Wyatt got in the trunk. Jim pushes past Leo.

Derrick cuddles Hanna, but she tells him, stop it. He says it’s hard laying this close. He can’t control it. She says, one night? and he says he’s trying. She tells him, go home if he can’t control himself. He calls her a tease. She acts ignorant, and he asks if she comes to bed in that every night. She’s wearing a lacy number with spaghetti straps, and she says, it’s just old nightgown. He says he saw old things in her bathroom when he was looking for towels. She’s got grandma muumuus, and she comes in dressed like that. She admits she wanted to look pretty. He says she is, but is that fair? She’s got him lying there, and comes in looking like that. She says, in all fairness, and puts pillows in between them. He laughs says, that’s not going to help. They laugh, and Benny comes in, saying he’s not feeling good. What in the hell…? He’s already not feeling good, and now he’s about to be sick. He tells Derrick, get up. He’d better get his ass out of bed. Derrick gets up, and Benny gets in the bed. What is he? Five? He tells Derrick to go. Hanna says she’ll walk him to the door. Benny says, he knows where it is, and what is she wearing? He tells her, put on a big-ass muumuu. Derrick says, busted. Benny tells him, don’t come back, and tells Hanna, don’t wear that no more. She says he’s a mess. A big old baby.

Derrick tells Hanna, sorry. She says she’s sorry. Benny is a knucklehead, thinking he’s protecting his mother. Derrick says Benny loves her. She knows that, and thanks him. Derrick thanks her, and she asks what she did. He says she tried. She says that brat is their way of escaping, but Derrick says, he won’t always be there. She tells him, go home. He kisses her, and says he thinks he’s staying. She pushes him toward the door, and he leaves.

Kathryn calls Roderick. She asks where he is; she wants to see him. He says he can’t. Her husband threatened him within an inch of his life. She says, that’s because Roderick has more inches, and she wants every one of them. Alrighty then. She says it’s not a polite request; it’s a demand. She wants to meet at her house, and Roderick asks if it’s the house she share with him. She says, yes, and he stammers. He’s sorry, but he likes his life. She asks if he’s really worried, and he says Jim is an intimidating man. She asks where he lives; she’ll come over. He doesn’t think that’s a good idea. It’s not a not nice place. She says she’ll be the judge. He texts her the address. Rocky asks what that was about, and Roderick says she’s coming to his house. Rocky asks if he remembers what Jim said. Roderick says, every word. Rocky asks if he’s kidding, and Roderick says he needs to hurry and clean up. Rocky says he’s asking for trouble.

Jeffrey tells Madison that he has the guest room set up. Madison asks if Jeffrey doesn’t want to sleep with him, but Jeffrey says, no. They don’t know each other that well. Madison says they knew each other well enough to make out. Jeffrey says his dad’s room is next door. It would be kinda weird. Madison says, especially since he’s noisy. Jeffrey is like, what? and Madison says he likes to let his partner know he’s having a good time.

Jeffrey asks how many partners Madison has had, but Madison isn’t ready to go down that road. He asks how many Jeffrey’s had, and Jeffrey says, two. Madison says, he’s a virgin. I guess he has a different definition of that than I do. Jeffrey says he’s fine with his two. Madison asks if the cop is one or two, and Jeffrey says, two. Madison says, it makes sense. That’s why Jeffrey is really into Justin. Jeffrey says he’s not. He’s just the one Jeffrey did the most with. Madison asks how they met, and Jeffrey says, long story. Madison says they’ve got all night, but Jeffrey isn’t telling him. Madison says, was it weird? Jeffrey has to tell him at some point.

Suddenly, there’s a red dot – a laser – on Jeffrey’s forehead. I gasp.

Next time, Charles wants talk to Landon, Mitch tells Candace that Benny needs to do the right thing, and Madison tells David that Jeffrey is in over his head.

Below Deck

When we last left, primary Krystal was in a drunken stupor on deck, and Kate wanted to get the hose.

Kate didn’t get into yachting to watch spoiled princesses sleep. She tells Josiah, get the hose out. She says Krystal has two legs; let’s go. It isn’t the preschool at the country club. Krystal doesn’t give a flying what they do, but she wraps herself up in a blanket, and stumbles to the main suite. Kate says, go live your best life. Krystal kicks Kim? Kam? – the bunch of them are like the Kardashians – out of her bed. The crew finally gets to go to bed. What an asshat.

Rhylee brings Krystal her tea in the morning, and gets reamed out for it. Krystal screams, don’t ever enter without her permission, and GTFO. Captain Lee says, anchor up. He thinks it’s been an epic season. They’ve had the highest highs, and lowest lows, and he still has the best goddam job in the world.

Adrian tells Laura that Ashton likes her butt. In his interview, Adrian says he feels comfortable with the friendship he and Laura have formed. Rooming together helped the relationship. He’s going to miss her a lot. He’s so clueless. Clearly she doesn’t feel as comfortable with him. She needs to stop hinting though, and just tell him.

Ashton tells Tyler that they missed out on the drama. Tyler says rich, spoiled clients aren’t his thing. Krystal acts like nothing happened at breakfast, saying she slept like a rock. Laura says, it’s one for the books. They’re acting like nothing happened. It’s the Twilight Zone, and it’s like they’re scared to talk about it. She takes breakfast orders. They order just about everything possible, and want it now. Laura tells Adrian, the main bitch is starving, and brings them biscuits to tide them over.

Ashton says it’s the last charter, and they don’t have much to do. They’re so well-oiled; mission accomplished. Krystal demands the slide, and wonders if they blow it up with their lungs. A collective sigh is heard from viewers everywhere. She wants the boat moved for some reason I don’t understand. Kate and Laura serve the food. They didn’t have ham, and Krystal says, it sucks, leaving her Eggs Benedict untouched. Kate brings it back. She hates thee people. She says she’ll take her own tip money to get plane tickets to get them out.

In Rhylee’s interview, she says she can still work with Tyler, but it’s awkward. The fact that nothing is going not come of this, is disappointing. Laura asks Adrian if she can have some avocado, but he says he needs them for the guess. Maybe if she asks nicely, and gives him a hug. She asks if he’s kidding, and he wonders what’s with the attitude. She says he’s being rude. She doesn’t need to hug him for an avocado.

The guests do the slide thing. Too bad Krystal can’t slide into another continent. Adrian asks Kate if they have an aquarium for the table setting. She’s never had a chef ask her about a table setting before. She says she does, and asks if he has live animals. It’s the last dinner, and Adrian wants it to be his max. He wants living things with a Tahitian vibe, and suggests hermit crabs with lights underneath. In his interview, Josiah says he’s tired, and doesn’t give a sh*t. Krystal bitches, and says she tries to live her best life. Kate and Josiah crack up.

Lunch is served. Uh-oh. It’s chicken. Surprisingly, the guests don’t complain, although they seem startled at the portion size, one of them saying they each got their own personal chicken. Adrian tells Tyler, ten minutes. He’s going to get changed, and then roll.

Laura visits Ashton, who has his leg up. In Ashton’s interview, he says their relationship has really progressed. The reality that they won’t be spending time together anymore, is sinking in. They’re running out of days, and it sucks. Tyler and Adrian go off in a small boat, and Adrian goes into the water. In his interview, he says he spent his youth snorkeling, and finding cool treasures. Kate thinks Adrian wants be the star their final night, and she appreciates it. He brings up a giant something.

Ashton says it looks like something out of Godzilla. Adrian says, it was a worthwhile trip. In his interview, Josiah asks, who wants to eat a lovely dinner while looking at a slug? Adrian is the most amazing chef and free diver, and got a slug? Kate wonders if he’s serious, and asks, why? Adrian tells the captain it had giant horns, and explains his idea. Captain Lee says, sounds disgusting. Krystal says she’s relaxed to the max. Kate tells Adrian, dinner is at eight, sharp.

Rhylee brings up the cage with the slug, and Kate is like, eww! She picks it up (wearing gloves), and it deposits something gross on her. She doesn’t like the idea at all. She understands the concept of a living tablescape. A neon jellyfish is a cool thing, but an ejaculating sea slug is something else. They decide to let it go. Adrian says he sees beauty in most things, but some people don’t. It’s disappointing. He says they’ll just go with the lights. He wishes he had another hour to prep. It’s the primary’s birthday, and there are fireworks at nine. An hour for a four-course meal is ridiculous.

The slide is put away. Everyone always hates it, and this time is no exception. Kate says the tablescape is more work than she needs, so she’s just using Rhylee’s coral collection with the lights, and calling it a night; The guests get ready for dinner. Adrian starts to plate. Laura does turndowns. Kate brings champagne to the guests. She realizes that she forgot balloons or streamers. In Kate’s interview, she says the primary is the most spoiled girl ever, and it’s her birthday, and she forgot. She tells Laura that she’s the birthday executive, and get to blowing. In her interview, Kate says she forgot the primary’s birthday, and Adrian is running late. She tells Laura, the clock is ticking. She’s not panicking, but definitely hustling. No, she’s panicking. Ross helps with the balloons. The first course comes out.

The guests toast to Krystal. She thanks them for coming, and doesn’t know what she’d do without them. In Kate’s interview, she says, it’s like in school when the rich girl has a party. You all hate her, but want that goodie bag. Ashton helps with the balloons. The next course comes out. One guest says she’s testing the durability of her Spanx. The fireworks are about to start, and Kate tells Josiah to make the table look like a birthday celebration while the guests are gone. Adrian wants sparklers for the cake. He’s creating a disco tower. In her interview, Kate says he knows the longer it takes, the more stressed she is. He’s doing it on purpose.

Josiah comes up with an idea for Adrian’s disco tower. Kate tells the guests there’s a meteor shower, and to head to the crow’s nest. The other crew members fly into the room to decorate. The fireworks go off. Kam says it’s a present to Krystal from them. They come back, and everything is birthday partied up. Krystal cries. The cake comes out, and Happy Birthday is sung. Krystal says her heart is full. Kate tells Josiah, it’s the best audition she’s seen in a long time. In Kate’s interview, she says she’s proud of the crew rallying together, and knocking it out of the park. Captain Sandy would be proud at Kate’s turn of baseball phrase. The cake is served, and red wine is knocked over. Krystal wants everyone to come to the master bedroom.

Josiah and Laura clean up. Adrian didn’t even see the decorations, saying those bitches didn’t use what he brought. He should have done everything himself. Kate tells Laura that she did an amazing job, and thanks her. Kate asks Adrian why the sudden interest in snorkeling? He gripes about them not using what he’d gotten, but it was their choice. Kate thought it would be too distracting. Adrian accuses her of being passive/aggressive, and it’s tiring. In his interview, Adrian says he doesn’t appreciate Kate attacking him. Kate doesn’t want to end on a bad note. She’s enjoyed working with him and thinks he’s talented. He stops her there, and says, end of conversation. These chefs are always so temperamental.

We hear Kam through the closed door, saying, she’s exhausted. She organized everything for Krystal; the whole effing trip, and Krystal treated her like sh*t. Sitting on deck with Laura, Ashton says, after this, any other boat will seem too normal. Laura says Adrian is pissing her off. She tells Ashton about making a charcuterie tray, and asking where’s the meat. We see a clip where Adrian answers her, saying the meat is right there, indicating… oh, you know. She says he’s vulgar, and it’s always when no one else is around. In his interview, Ashton says he cares about her, and doesn’t want someone making her feel like sh*t, but she’s a big girl. She’s tough, but if she needs help, he knows she’ll ask for it.

Adrian says he feels like a new person. Kate says she does too. In Kate’s interview, she says they had an uncomfortable argument, but everything is fine. Adrian isn’t a bad person; he’s insecure, but that’s a battle he has to fight with himself. Captain Lee says he’s pulling anchor. In his interview, he says in the beginning, the crew was scattered, and now they’re focused. Everyone knows their job, and it’s a  credit to Ross. It’s time to leave Tahiti.

Ashton tells Ross that if he finds something in New Zealand, let him know. Ross thinks he’d like it there, but jokes that Ashton better stay away from Alison. Ross is stoked. In Ross’s interview, he says it’s taken a long time to realize what Alison means to him. She puts up with his sh*t, and he’s excited to see her.

The guests praise another excellent breakfast. In his interview, Ross says pulling into the dock one last time, knowing the season’s done, is bittersweet. The beer will taste good tonight. Captain Lee says, for the last time, into their whites. The crew lines up, and there are hugs down the line. Krystal can’t stop crying. She says the trip meant a lot, and they made it great. In her interview, Kate says she’s the most obnoxious human Kate has ever met. She’s never been happier seeing someone walk away from her. Everyone is thrilled it’s over. They squeal going back in.

Captain Lee says it was the best charter crew ever. He doesn’t have a bad thing to say about any of them. Kate says this is a first; he’s never said that before. The tip is $20K – $1650 each. The captain says, well-earned. He tells them that they’re working until five, and he means working. Afterward, the owner has arranged some entertainment for them.

Everyone gets ready, and when they come out, Tahitian dudes are playing conch shells. Girls in flower crowns put leis on them. They’re given drinks, and watch some Tahitian dancers. Josiah says, Tahitian dancers, food and music. What more could they possibly want? The captain says he’s leaving, but wanted to see the entertainment. He tells them to enjoy a dinner cruise, and thanks then for a great season. In Ashton’s interview, he says this is the last time he’ll be with them, and during the season, they became the closest of friends. They eat. In her interview, Kate says she’ll miss Josiah the most, but she loved their effed up family. After dinner, they go to a club.

Kate wonders why Rhylee isn’t dancing with Tyler. Adrian says he’s at the point where he’ll dance with anything, even random objects. Tyler is down, but then he’s back up. He’s on the couch, looking wasted. He’s asleep. Rhylee says, not her problem. He’s a grown-ass man. Passing out at a club helps her get over him. There’s nothing attractive about a sloppy drunk. They send him back in a taxi.

More dancing. Laura and Ashton kiss. Tyler gets back to the boat, stumbles around, and somehow gets into his top bunk. Ashton is still kissing Laura on the ride back. At the boat, Adrian says he had a blast. Tyler is passed out. Rhylee asks where Laura and Ashton are, but Kate says she doesn’t need to ask. Ashton covers the camera in their cabin. Everyone thanks everyone for a great season.

Ross says, today is the day. They’re done. It’s time to go. Laura approaches Adrian for a chat. She tells him sometimes the jokes he made were super inappropriate. It didn’t make her feel good. There were overly sexual comments; girls working in the kitchen always have to take sh*t. In his interview, Adrian says the way he was raised, sex is not a serious thing. Laura says she was raised conservative. In his interview Adrian says it’s something that’s just another part of life. He says she never said anything, or he would have stopped. She says she’s telling him now, but he wonders why she didn’t when he was doing it. She says he’s so over the edge, and was singling her out in front of people. In Laura’s interview, she says banter is an interesting thing, but when it’s sexualized, it crosses the line. She wants him to know in the future, someone else might not be cool. He says she needed tell him if she was offended. He’s sincerely sorry. In Adrian’s interview, he says he’d never want make anyone feel like that. He thanks her for coming to him.

Ashton tells Tyler that he fell asleep in a strip club before, and Ross asks if it’s the one he worked at. In his interview, Tyler thinks yachting is cool, but doesn’t know about it long term. He’s going back to firefighting. That’s the plan for now. Rhylee says it was good to meet him; he’s a cool dude. He thinks she’s cool too. If they can connect, maybe they should knock boots for old time’s sake. In her interview, Rhylee says Tyler was an unexpected gift. Nothing more happened, but she hopes it’s not the end of a friendship. She would do the yachting thing again, but differently. She wants respect, but has to give it too. She’ll always stand up for herself, but she has to work on her delivery.

In Ross’s interview, he says it was a roller coaster with Rhylee, but he’s glad they made it, and finished on a good note. In his interview, Adrian says he learned to be more patient with himself. He’s not perfect, but has to own up to his mistakes. He’s accepted a job as a private chef with a wealthy couple. He’ll see where it goes. Namaste. Ross is sad to say goodbye, but happy to be going home to his ex and see his kid. He’s proud of the deck team. He loves yachting, and is doing it for the long run.

Laura is happy the interior ended on a good note. Kate and Josiah are now her friends, and it couldn’t have ended any better. Kate says she’d have Laura on her team any time. Ashton is makes plans to spend time with Laura. He says the bonds between people are precious, and after his near-death experience, the first thing he wanted to do was hug everyone. In those moments, you discover what’s real and important. He leaves the boat with Laura, and says, new adventures. She says, exactly.

Kate says she’s going to have separation anxiety. In his interview, Josiah says he doesn’t plan too much into the future, but can see himself as a chief stew one day. He’s going to miss Kate. They’re amazing friends, and he thinks they will be forever. He leaves, and Kate cleans up.

She goes to see Captain Lee. He says, good crew. Kate says, it’s amazing when they all get along; it’s magical. In her last interview, she says, it was a wild ride, with near deaths, firings, ups and downs. Being in Tahiti made yachting feel new for her again. It was their best season ever.

Next time, the Reunion.

⚓ An Appropriate Quote…

Below Deck is my Downton Abbey.Rebecca Romijn, Watch What Happens Live

😴 I’m So Tired That…

I saw a TV ad for a Burger King’s King Box, and thought they said kink box. Want whips and chains with that burger? Hopefully, my editing is on point. Do people even say on point anymore?

🐈 At Least Somebody Is…


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