March 21, 2019 – Doc Takes a Sucker Punch, Dubai Listing, Don’t & Going Again


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Laura goes to the pier, her assistant trailing her while going over the schedule. Ava is there drinking, and Laura tells the assistant she needs a minute. Ava says, lucky Laura. Fortunate enough to fall in love with the right brother, who’s too good to care about the likes of her. Laura is worried about her. Ava asks now that she has Doc back safe and sound, did she get her happily ever after? Laura says Ava shouldn’t be alone. Can she call someone? Ava says, no, and she should go. Hasn’t she heard?  People around her die.

At The Floating Rib, Felicia tells Mac about James’s cuteness. Doc walks in, and tells them it’s really him. Mac says he has ten seconds to prove it. He shows them his hospital bracelet, which indicates when he was admitted; at the same time Ryan was in Niagara Falls. Mac asks what the hell he wants. Doc says he wants to apologize.

Finn tells Alex, a few minutes more. She didn’t expect VIP treatment. There must be someone less prestigious who can take her bandages off. He says, and easily manipulated intern. She says she’ll take two. He says she’s stuck with him, and she says it’s generous of Anna to share him.

Anna asks if Griff is okay. She hasn’t seen him since they found out Ryan killed Kiki. She knows it was devastating. She says it looks like he’s been hitting something pretty hard.

Kristina tells Shiloh that her family is the worst. Why can’t they try to see things from her point-of-view? He says she didn’t let her brother’s negativity affect her. She stood her ground, and did it respectfully. He ask show long Michael has known Willow. Kristina asks, why? and he says he was wondering why Michael chose Willow over his sister. She says, he’s a worrier; it’s his job in the family. It doesn’t matter. She knows Shiloh is a good man. She loves DOD and is grateful for his faith in her.

Molly has called an emergency meeting of the Davis women at Kelly’s. Alexis and Sam join her. She says she wants to talk about Kristina. She’s noticed what they’ve been missing. The fact that Kristina has joined a cult. Alexis says she does seem really involved. Molly says, even the name. How long before Kristina is wearing a white bonnet, and calling herself a handmaiden? Alexis says Kristina claims it’s a self-help group, and they’re doing good. Molly says, it’s way past self-help

In her classroom, Willow reads a letter she’s written, saying she has a family emergency requiring her to leave Port Charles immediately. Valentin sticks his head in the door, and asks if she has a minute. She says it’s not a good time, but Nina is sure she can squeeze them in. She asks how she can help them, and Valentin says Charlotte should be in the high achiever program. Willow says she can test for it, but Nina says she can also get in by teacher recommendation. Since she doesn’t like having Charlotte in class… Willow says, that’s not true. Valentin thinks a change in environment might help Charlotte’s behavioral problems. Nina adds, those are Willow’s words. Willow says she can’t help them. Charlotte either has to test in, or get a recommendation from her next teacher. She doesn’t work there anymore. Nina asks if she was fired, but Willow says, it’s a family emergency. Valentin says he’s sorry, but Nina says, it’s unbelievable. She raked Charlotte over the coals for bullying, Charlotte is wracked with guilt, and Willow is leaving her high and dry. What kind of teacher is she?

Shiloh asks if Kristina has thought about her trust offering. She wants it to be worthy, so she’s searching for the right one. She’s hoping if she clears her mind, and one will come to the surface. He says, it’s just the opposite. It’s about living the pain; a deep, personal, painful secret, so dark that if the world found out, it would change the way you’re viewed. It can also be about someone dear to her. That would be even better to prove her trust. They’ll do the same in return, but only then can she truly begin. Kristina gets a text from Molly, asking her to come to Kelly’s so they can talk.

Molly says she invited Kristina to join them. Maybe they can talk some sense into her. Sam says, Kristina struggled to find a place to fit in, and found it. Or thinks she has. Alexis says, she seems happy. Sam doesn’t think it’s going to do anybody any good, and puts her coat on. She says she has a client, and tells Molly, the more she pushes Kristina, she could be pushing closer to DOD. Be nice.

Doc says, if he survived and had the opportunity, he wondered how he was going to explain to Felicia why he hid Ryan in Ferncliff instead of turning him over to the authorities. Mac says, no explanation is good enough, but Felicia says Doc paid the price for his mistake. He was locked in Ferncliff for months. Ryan hurt him almost as bad as he hurt the rest of them. Mac says, almost. Doc says he’s so sorry. He thought he had it under control. If he’d thought for one second that any of them would be in danger… Felicia understands. She accepts that he didn’t want it to happen, but can’t pretend it didn’t.

Ava says she supposes she should thank Laura. The day Laura came to her with the flowers, she said something was off about Doc. Laura says, if she’d known, she would have insisted Ava come with her. Ava says she wouldn’t have believed her anyway. She stumbles, and Laura catches her. She says she would have stayed with the man she loved, who it turns out stabbed her daughter to death, then slept with her two hours later for an alibi. Laura tells her to stop thinking about it. Stop doing this to herself. Ava says it’s the only thing she can think about. She says Laura is something. Ava was sleeping with man they both thought was her husband, trying to find happiness at Laura’s expense. Yet she knows if she was in trouble, Laura would do whatever it took to help her. Laura says, of course; anyone would. Ava says they would not. She wouldn’t, and she’s not alone, but Laura is a good person. She and Doc are perfect for each other. Laura says she has her car, and suggests taking Ava somewhere. Ava says she has her spot. She’s going to sit there and reflect on her choices. Laura says, whatever it is Ava did, she didn’t deserve what Ryan did to her. Ava doesn’t agree with her.

Finn takes Alex’s bandages off, telling her, open her eyes slowly and adjust to the light. When she’s ready, tell him what she sees. She says, she can see, and thanks him. She says he has lovely blue eyes. Finn says her vision is healed, the virus is neutralized, and his work is done. She asks how he knows hers is. He says she already told Anna about the memory transfer. Alex says, did she? Finn says he restored her sight on the condition she tell the truth. She says, what if she didn’t? What is he going to do? Repossess her vision? He asks if she lied, and she says, good question. Why doesn’t he keep her company while they find out?

Anna tells Griff that he can’t lose her. Griff says he’s just working. She says, when he’s not working, he’s punching someone, and they’re punching back very hard. Clearly, this is more than just grief. Does he want to talk? He says he was working in the hospital, and Ryan offered his condolences when Kiki died. The man who stabbed her shook his hand at her funeral. He can’t make peace with that. She asks if boxing makes him feel better, and he laughs. He says the idea isn’t to feel better while he’s doing it, but to feel something.

Sam goes to DOD, and asks Shiloh if it’s a good time. She wants to be present, and discuss the things that make her uncomfortable. Nothing about him makes her uncomfortable, but it’s what he said about commitment. She is a little uncomfortable about that, but in a good way. Shiloh asks, how so? She says he made her think about commitment and the course. She was wondering if she could join. He says they’d love to have her. She asks how it works.

Willow asks Nina and Valentin what the problem is. Didn’t they want to remove Charlotte from her class? They got their wish. What does it matter if she leaves first? Nina says they’re thinking of Charlotte’s best interest. Unlike her, who’s abandoning Charlotte. Valentin says, it’s a family emergency. Nina says if it’s an emergency, why is Willow still there? Willow says she’s packing, and Nina says she could send for her things. Willow says, not everyone can afford to send for their things. Nina says, by the time the kids get used to a new teacher, it will be the end of the year. Willow says, they’re young; they’ll adjust. Valentin hopes everything works out, and they’re sorry to see her go. Nina says, after what she said about Charlotte? Willow says the person she feels sorry for is Charlotte. With Nina as her stepmother, that little girl doesn’t stand a chance.

Willow says Charlotte is smart, sophisticated, and independent, but she also has no patience for anything where she’s not center stage. She wants everything done her way; not by just the students, but her teachers as well. She looks at Nina, and asks if it reminds them of anyone. Willow says, Nina claims she’s looking out for Charlotte’s best interests, encouraging her to be strong, and telling her that she’s the most special one in the room. Charlotte is entitled, and thinks the rules don’t apply to her, because she’s been taught she’s better than everyone else. The more they reinforce that, the more they’re harming her. Nina says Willow’s problem is with her. Don’t take it out on Charlotte. Valentin says they’re leaving. Willow is sure her replacement can help them with the achiever program. Unless the problems persist. She tells Valentin, good luck. I’m not sure if she means with Charlotte, Nina, or both.

Sam asks Shiloh, what’s next? He says she gives herself up to her mentor. Their choices are her choices. She asks if she’s giving up her free will, but he says she’ll be using it to relinquish control. Sam doesn’t understand what that has to do with commitment. Shiloh says, true commitment is giving up control. She asks when they start.

Alexis tells Kristina it’s not an ambush. Molly wants to apologize. She knows DOD is important to Kristina, and she was dismissive. She’s sorry she upset Kristina, but she’s just worried. Kristina says she doesn’t have to be. Alexis says maybe if she explained, and Kristina says, explain she’s not in a cult? Then will Molly back off and consider the possibility that she knows what she’s doing, and why?

Finn asks why he should trust what Alex has to say about Anna. Alex says it’s not that she doesn’t care about Anna; they took different paths. Like it or not, Alex does know Anna, and Finn is still in the discovery phase. If he feels he’s going to settle down with Anna, he’s going to be disappointed. She’ll always be running off to right some mysterious wrong only she can right. Penance for her past sins that she’ll never tell him about. Finn starts to leave, and she says don’t get her wrong. Anna isn’t leading him on, but she knows Anna, and he’ll never be enough for her.

Anna tells Griff that she knows the dark places grief can drive you, and knows Kiki wouldn’t want that. Griff doesn’t think he can handle another conversation how he should use his life to honor Kiki. It’s garbage. If he could take back the times he gave that speech to other people, he would. Laura joins them, and says, Ava is in pain. She’s grieving and feels guilty about the horrible man she loved killing her daughter. Griff says he knows why she’s telling him, but it would be impossible for him to comfort her. Laura says, it’s a shame, since they both loved Kiki. Being in the presence of another heart as broken as hers might give her equilibrium. She’s worried.

Doc appreciates the honesty, and is going to do his best to make amends and regain their trust. Ava walks in. They look at each other, and she orders a martini. Felicia says she should talk to her. Doc says, in the light of what happened, Felicia’s strength is remarkable. Mac says, no thanks to him. Since they’re alone, man to man, he’s going to give Doc the full picture of the pain he caused her.

Felicia sits next to Ava, who asks if Felicia is cutting her off already. Felicia says, no, but she can’t drink away what Ryan did to her. She knows, being the only other woman who survived being loved by Ryan Chamberlain. When they first met in Texas, he was going by the name of Todd Wilson. He was charming, thoughtful, and attentive. She was on the verge of being swept off her feet. Ava asks, what happened? and Felicia says she walked in on him while he was murdering his wife. Ava says, that will do it. So she ran and ran and ran, but he came after her.

Mac says, when you see Felicia in the light of day, she’s calm and pulled together. You don’t see all the locks he has to change; the windows and the doors. The baseball bat she keeps within reach. (Sounds like typical behavior of an NYC resident.) The fighting back in her sleep. None of this had to happen if he’d turned Ryan into the police when he found out he was alive. He chose protect Ryan instead. Chose him over all of them, including Mac’s wife.

Laura says, Ava isn’t in her right state mind; she needs help. Anna says Griff doesn’t have to comfort her, just grieve, side by side. Finn comes out, and tells Anna, the patient has a request, and Anna excuses herself. Laura is sorry Griff felt pressured to reach out to Ava, and he thanks her for understanding. She says, in some of the worst times in her life, she’s gotten strength from people who were willing to sit by her while she grieved, in silence and solidarity. He says he’ll think about it.

Anna sees the procedure was a success, and Alex says, thanks to Finn. He’s handsome and attentive, and she imagines disillusioned. Anna says the WSB is on their way to take custody of Alex. Alex says she’s entitled to a phone call.

Willow continues to read her letter. She wants them to know she’s loved teaching there. She’s going to miss her students and Port Charles. She wouldn’t leave suddenly if didn’t she have to. She wishes them the best.

Felicia says Ava can’t blame herself. Ryan fooled them all. Ava appreciates what Felicia is saying, but no matter how bad she was traumatized, Ryan didn’t kill her daughter. He killed Ava’s.

Mac tells Doc it was hard enough when they thought Ryan was dead, not out there. Doc hopes it’s over. Mac says like they’d hoped Ryan died in a fire at the funhouse.

Anna thanks Laura for reaching out. Laura says, not that it did much good. Anna says, Griff is a better man than he’s willing to believe. She thinks he’ll find a way to help Ava. Laura hopes so. She feels terrible about Ryan deceiving them, and the part Doc played in it. He made a made terrible mistake, hiding his brother in Ferncliff, instead of handing over to the authorities when he knew Ryan was alive. Maybe all this never would have happened. Griff overhears.

Kristina tells Molly to admit she knows what she’s doing. Molly says, if she doesn’t believe what Kristina does, will Kristina cut her out of her life? Alexis says, DOD has its selling points. Their work with the community is impressive. Molly says it’s just that Kristina’s immersion in it was fast. Alexis suggests maybe Kristina can move back home, but then says she’s just kidding. How about Sam’s? Kristina says, so Alexis can monitor her? Alexis says she can take classes at a distance. Kristina asks why they’re afraid of her taking ownership of her destiny? Molly says she sounds brainwashed. Kristina quotes Shiloh, and says Molly doesn’t get it. Molly says Kristina is all, Shiloh says this, and Shiloh says that. Can’t she think for herself? Kristina tells her, Shiloh says you can’t trust those who don’t support your choices. She needs to move on. The two of them are no longer in her life.

Sam asks Shiloh when she’s meeting her mentor. He says he’s decided on mentoring her himself. She asks when they start, and he says he’ll contact her. She has to make herself available 24/7. Can she handle that? She says as far as the kids go, she has a great support system. He says they’re done for the day.

Valentin arrives at the hospital. Anna says, of course Alex would call him. She tells Valentin that she has no intention of letting Alex go. Valentin goes into Alex’s room. She says she snaps her fingers, and there he is. She loves it. He says it’s an old habit he’s looking forward to breaking. What does she want? She wants to make him an offer – her freedom in exchange for the preservation of his secrets. He says, no thanks. She hoped he would play nice. HIs life is about to crumble. He says she’s been gone a long time; enough to sever ties. Whatever she thinks she’s holding over him, is over with. She says they’ll always have Lisbon. He’s sorry to disappoint her. She says, it’s only fair. she disappointed him

Felicia tells Ava, every time she thought Ryan was out of her life, he came back. He held her hostage in a cabin, and tried to kill her. Then she went to a mental institution for trying kill him, when she was defending herself. Ava says, too bad she didn’t succeed. Felicia says she watched him burn to death, and he still came back, twenty-five years went by, but he made it. She thinks the only reason she’s alive is because Ryan was obsessed with Ava. She can’t let guard down. If he’s still out there, he’ll be back for her.

Kristina goes back to the DOD house, and asks what Sam is doing there. Is she going to give Kristina the talk on how Shiloh is a master manipulator, and she’s being lured into a cult? Shiloh says, she’s actually there to take a course on commitment. Without even apologizing, Kristina says, at least someone in the family isn’t afraid to connect to DOD’s message. Sam says she’s sorry the family is giving Kristina a hard time. She loves her. Kristina says, love without trust is empty. Sam says she still has her, and they hug.

Molly says she told Alexis it was a cult. Alexis isn’t saying she’s wrong. Molly says, Kristina stormed off, declaring her independence, but this time she’s going to a different house, where the people tell her what she wants to hear. Alexis says, as opposed to them being honest. It just makes her dig in her heels deeper, and push farther away.

Kristina speaks into a recorder, saying, this is her trust offering. A symbol of her commitment to DOD. It’s about a member of her family.

Willow finishes packing. She looks at Miss Tait written on the board, and I realize I’ve been spelling her name wrong. She starts to erase it, but a man says, don’t erase it. It’s such a nice name. It’s Shiloh, who says, hello, Willow.

Seeing the guys there to take her into custody, Alex says, a farewell party. Anna says, since Alex betrayed her, it’s the least she can do. Alex says Anna betrayed her first. Her halo is not as shiny as advertised. She asks Anna to tell Robert that she missed seeing him one last time. She goes down in the elevator, and Finn looks at Anna.

Laura calls Alexis, and leaves a message that she wants to meet and wrap up the details of her marriage. Call her back.

Felicia tells Ava that she wanted revenge badly. Ava asks if she’s offering to help kill him. Felicia says, the more she hates him, the more he wins. Ava knows she’s right. Felicia says, but she doesn’t think there’s any way for her to stop hoping they recover his body, and do a dental and DNA test. Until there’s proof, she can’t trust he’s gone. Mac joins them, and says, right. You can’t be too careful. He tells Ava, keep her guard up. Until the body is found, they can’t take it for granted Ryan is dead.

Doc walks on the pier. A sucker punch comes out of nowhere, knocking him down.

Tomorrow, Margaux says Dr. Collins is a liability, Willow says she’ll turn what Shiloh’s done against him, and Carly tells Sonny there was trouble while he was gone.

💰 On Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, Tracy was in the running to be ambassador for the Royal Atlantis development in Dubai. She visited with friend Caroline Stanbury (Ladies of London – I love her!), who had a house to die for, and a new puppy. Caroline moved to Dubai because of her husband’s job, but told Tracy, other than having to wear trousers when she’d normally wear shorts, she hadn’t had much of a culture shock. I’m hoping Tracy gets the job. Obviously it would be a nice chunk of change for her – five million at the least – but I’d love to see more of Dubai, and Caroline. Josh Flagg and husband Bobby looked for a new house. Josh is very old school architecture, like me, but Bobby likes it modern. When Bobby accused Josh of only looking eighty-five year old’s houses, Josh claimed he was an eighty-five year old woman trapped in the body of a… twenty-six year old man. Next time, the finale.

🏥 Normally, I only talk entertainment, but I thought this was an important issue, and it’s a little bit TV related. Not long ago, I saw Tawny Kitaen on an episode of Botched. While she’s been very much a working actress for a long time, I remember her best from the 90s TV show, Hercules. Known as a sex symbol of the 90s, she also shook her ass on the hood of Whitesnake’s car, to borrow from Bowling for Soup’s 1985. Funny thing is, she did it all without breast implants. Unfortunately, she was told they’d further her career, and like the fools women can be, she listened. And had nothing but medical trouble from then on. Her reason for visiting Paul and Terry was to get them removed. Afterwards, she felt like a new – and healthy – woman. Kari Wuhrer (from my beloved Beastmaster 2) told a similar story on Oprah years ago. I applaud these women for being open about their decisions.

My point is this. Don’t do it. I like to think of myself as a sensible person, and putting any foreign, synthetic object into your body doesn’t sound like a good idea. And please, I am not talking about reconstructive surgery. That’s totally different. TBH, I’d even advise against feminine products that contain deodorant.  Look at what they found out about talc and cancer. Trust me. It’s unnecessary, and not worth your health. And ladies, if any dude tells you not getting implants is a deal breaker, run, do not walk, away from him, and directly to a therapist to discuss your self-esteem issues. If you don’t believe me, check out this article from the New York Post, which prompted me to write this.

🌇 The Possibility Of An Early Night…

This was a heavy duty TV week. I love you, but curse you, Tyler Perry. So until the dead walk, enjoy some Tawny from back in the day.


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