March 28, 2019 – Anna Advises Dante, Tracy Takes Dubai, Andy On Vacay, Project Nasty, a New Show, an Old Abbey, It Never Ends, No Paris & Friday Reality


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Anna tells Finn, it’s official. Alex is in Steinmaur. Finn asks if she’s having second thoughts. She is a little, but Alex wasn’t surprised, which leads her to believe Alex double-crossed her. Finn says she seemed genuinely affected. She’s also an expert at manipulation. Anna asks if Alex tried to seduce him. He says, no, but Alex did try to convince him that he’s not good enough for her.

Chase sees Willow, and says he saw her throw something away, and noticed she tore it up first. Tell him it was her letter of resignation. She says she never turned it in. She’s staying. They hug, and he kisses her. He says, sorry, but she tells him, don’t apologize; she liked it. He says he did too, and asks what made her change her mind.

Elizabeth is sitting in Kelly’s, when Nina comes in. Nina says she’s happy to hear Franco was exonerated. She knew he was innocent. Elizabeth says she’s not sure he realized that. She didn’t. Nina knows things are tense between them because of Charlotte and Aiden, but hopefully, that’s behind them, and they can create a new start. Especially now that Miss Tait is leaving.

Valentin brings Charlotte to Lulu’s house. He says they were power shopping, and Charlotte bought something for Dante. Is he there?

In the MetroCourt bar, Dante’s hand shakes as he brings a drink to his mouth. Carly tells him it’s on the house. He jumps, and she says she didn’t mean to startle him. He says it’s good to see her. She says it’s good to see him too. He’s been gone too long. He says, it feels that way.

At the hospital, Josslyn asks if, besides wanting out, Oscar wants to check things off their list. There’s Eckert’s and the ballroom at the MetroCourt. He says she put that in, but she shows him. He says they’re supposed to perform at the Nurses’ Ball, but it’s weeks away. She says the ballroom is free today. They can plan out their act, unless he’s not feeling up to it. He says he’s actually feeling pretty good. Josslyn makes him put on his alert bracelet. He thinks it looks stupid. She says it looks like a watch, but it doesn’t tell time. Oscar says, it doesn’t have to.

Kim and Drew meet with Monica. Monica says she’s read the lab results, and the tumor is becoming more aggressive. Drew says, he probably has a couple of weeks. Monica was hoping for more time, but at this point, they have to prepare Oscar for the end.

Willow tells Chase that she thought it over, and he was right. If she runs now, she’ll be running for the rest of her life. The only way to deal with Shiloh is to face him down; prove to him and herself that he has no power over her. He says he’ll do whatever he can to help her. She knows he means that in the best and most generous way, but she can’t rely on anyone else. She has to protect herself. He respects that, and her. He tells her do what she thinks is right, but know he has her back. She says, lucky her, and they kiss.

Lulu tells Valentin she’s sorry, but Dante’s not home. Charlotte says she’ll tell Lulu what it is, if she promises not to tell Dante. Their Monopoly game is missing pieces, so she got a new one. They can all play. Valentin says, she misses family game night since Dante’s been gone. Lulu says they all do. Charlotte can’t wait until Dante is there, and they can play together. She says she has a birthday party to get to, and goes to get her pink sweater. Lulu thanks Valentin, but he says, it was Charlotte’s idea. She cares about Dante, and she’s glad he’s home. She said, maybe mommy will smile a bit more now.

Carly is sorry she and Sonny couldn’t make Dante’s party. He knows they’re busy, and tells her, congratulations. She says the baby is an unexpected, amazing surprise. Dante says, a fresh start. They’re lucky to have that chance. Jason comes in, and tells Carly, everything is okay and there’s nothing to worry about. He tells Dante, welcome home. Carly says Sonny is proud that he rescued Dante, when the WSB couldn’t. Dante says, it was a complex operation. Carly says Sonny told her that he had to dress up like a guard, and as they were sneaking out, some kid showed up. He’d met the kid while he was picking someone’s pocket at the café. A server drops a tray, and Dante picks up a knife, and Jason grabs his arm.

Jason tells Dante, let go of the knife. Just let it go. Carly says, it’s okay. It’s just a service tray; it’s fine. Dante drops the knife, and says he’s sorry. He heard a crash. Jason asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s fine. Carly tells him not to worry. He’s been undercover for months. He’s allowed to be shaky. Dante says he hasn’t acclimated yet. He has to get out. Carly tells him, stay and eat something, but he says he has to call somebody. He’s sorry. He leaves, and Carly looks at Jason.

In the hallway, Dante makes a call. He leaves a message to call him back. He has a problem.

Valentin asks Lulu if she got the information he sent about the high achiever program. She says she did, but needs to go over it in depth. He says, it’s pretty straightforward, and Charlotte is more than qualified. Lulu agrees that Charlotte is intelligent, but thinks it’s too soon to be pushing her into the high achiever program. Valentin thinks she’s bored in school, and that’s why she’s getting into mischief. She says it’s the parent’s responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen, and he says that means all four of them. She tells him she doesn’t trust him, but believes he puts Charlotte first. He says that’s why he’s there. Charlotte comes back, and asks Lulu to tell Dante that she can’t wait to welcome him home in person.

Anna tells Finn, it’s completely unrelated, but she has to meet someone. Robert comes out of the elevator, and Anna says she needs to ask a favor. He tells her, Alex has a lovely room with a view. She knows that, but needs him to do research on an old case. He’ll have to go to London and dig through the files to unearth information about an operative involved, Boris Makala. He was a scientist who was defecting and got ambushed. Robert says she was the courier, but Anna says Alex claims she was, and the memory was transplanted. Robert thinks it’s unimportant, but she says, it matters. He died in front of her – or Alex – and she needs to know which of them it was. She wants to know the truth about her own life. She leaves, and Finn tells Robert that he’s right. This thing with Alex’s memories is real, and it’s getting to her.

Nina sits with Elizabeth. She knows Willow had her supporters, but believes it’s a blessing in disguise. Elizabeth asks, how? and Nina says whatever happened with Charlotte and Aiden is over, but a more experienced teacher would have nipped it in the bud on the first day. Elizabeth asks if Willow is leaving at the end of the school year, but Nina says she was handing in her resignation yesterday. Elizabeth says, it makes no sense. Willow is meeting with her there. Why would she do that if she was planning on leaving?

Willow has to get going, and Chase says this is him not infringing on her independence. She’s glad to know he means it. He says he never wants her to feel pressured. She can tell it’s not his style. He says, she knows his style? She says she’s learning it little by little. He’s glad she’s staying. She is too.

Cameron comes by Oscar’s room, and asks if they’re interested in a magazine. Oscar is surprised he’s pushing the library cart, and Cameron says, community service takes many forms. This might be the last time they see him as a free man. Oscar asks if he wants them to come to court with him, and explain what happened. Cameron says he’s learned Judge Carson isn’t interested in excuses. He’s going to tell her that he’s making up the hours, and throw himself on her mercy. Josslyn is sorry, but Cameron says he was the one who wanted to get out of Port Charles. Before he takes off, Oscar needs to tell him something.

Monica asks if they’ve discussed anything, and Kim says Terry brought it up a few months ago, but it was too soon. Drew says when he hears the term, palliative care, he thinks of an old person who needs help because they’ve used their life up. He doesn’t think of a kid. Monica says, it’s really unfair. She’s seen the tests. The tumor is already beginning to affect his cognitive awareness and emotional responses. Kim’s phone dings. She has a patient to attend to, and Drew tells her, it’s okay. She leaves, and Monica says she knows he’s being strong for Oscar and his mom, but how’s he doing? Drew says, okay, but she says, no, he’s not. He wouldn’t be human if he was okay.

Elizabeth tells Nina that Willow helped Aiden. it’s hard to believe she resigned with no notice. Nina says she and Valentin stopped by the classroom, and Willow told them herself. Willow comes in, apologizing for being late. Nina is sure they have a lot to talk about, and sits with Valentin. Willow tells Elizabeth that she’s just been handling some stuff. Elizabeth asks if it’s true she’s leaving Port Charles Elementary, but Willow says, no. She’s not going anywhere.

Chase visits Lulu, and she thanks him. He asks what he did, and she says, saved her from reading Valentin’s email about the high achiever program. Valentin wants to enroll Charlotte, and Lulu agrees she’s ready. She wanted Charlotte to be a normal child in a normal classroom, but doesn’t want to deprive her of a shot at an Ivy League school. Chase thinks she has a few years to worry about that. She doesn’t want another fight with Valentin, but Chase says she has backup, now that Dante is home.

Anna meets Dante. She’s glad to see him. They hug, and she asks, what’s going on? He tells her that he took his grandfather to breakfast at the MetroCourt. They talked, and he sees an interesting man slipping away, but felt that Mike could really hear him. Maybe his guard was down with him. He took Mike back to Turning Woods, and should have gone straight home, but stopped for a drink at the MetroCourt. He was talking to Carly and Jason, and heard a loud noise. The next thing he knew, he and Jason were wrestling over a knife. He doesn’t remember what he did, but Jason stopped him. Anna asks if he has PTSD, and he says PTSD is the least of his worries. He thinks he’s been brainwashed.

Jason tells Carly that he doesn’t think Dante realized what was going on. Sonny knew he was struggling. Maybe she should tell him to back off, and give Dante a chance to solve his own problem. Carly asks what Jason was thinking, taking a swing at Shiloh? He says he didn’t take a swing; he tried to strangle him. He wanted Shiloh to know how easy it would be for Jason to make him disappear.

Anna says, can you hear the waters whispering? and tells Dante it was her trigger phrase when she was brainwashed early in her career. It’s such a violation of who are as a person. You can’t rebel because you don’t remember. Dante says he remembers bits and pieces of Raj’s interrogation techniques. Raj wanted to break him down, and prove he was trustworthy. He has tasks he doesn’t know about. When they feed him the trigger phrase or image, he’s given the mission, and it’s over. He doesn’t remember a thing. He thinks he’s supposed to kill someone. She asks if he knows who, and he says, no, but he had a dream that he was loading a gun, and saying, he will complete the mission. Then Lulu walked in. She wasn’t supposed to see, so he shot her point blank. Then he was awake. He told himself it was just a dream, and to get himself under control, but he can’t. He’s not in control, and it’s getting worse.

Chase says he should have texted Lulu first, but she says he’s always welcome. He saved her from Valentin’s insight on their daughter’s future. He was wondering about Dante, and when he’s coming back to work. She says, he hasn’t had a chance to think about it, and Chase says, that doesn’t sound like Dante. The only thing he loves more than being a detective, is her and the kids. He tells her good luck planning her daughter’s academic career, and leaves.

Elizabeth tells Willow that Nina said she was leaving. Was it wishful thinking? Willow says she did tell them that she was dealing with a personal situation. Elizabeth asks if there’s anything she can do, but Willow says she’s handling it. She realized quitting a job she loves won’t solve anything.

Nina tells Valentin that Willow and Elizabeth look like two porcelain dolls. Women who act helpless and frail, are really passive/aggressive and manipulative. When someone like her calls them out, she’s being a mean and insensitive bully. She teases him, asking how he can be with her, and he says, some men have taste, and kisses her.

Elizabeth tells Willow about the party, saying, it’s not as overt, but every kid was invited except Aiden. Willow says, Bianca is his best friend. Elizabeth says, according to Bianca’s narrow-minded mom, ex best friend. It’s about what people perceive as his gender identity. If that’s not bullying, she doesn’t know what it is.

Carly says Sam left Danny alone with a cult leader who could have manipulated him, and Jason says that’s why he wanted to make sure Shiloh didn’t approach Danny again. He stopped Shiloh in front of Kelly’s, and told him to stay away from Danny. Shiloh got in his face, talking his cult crap, and baiting him. He let Shiloh get closer, and told Shiloh not to touch him. When he did, he took Shiloh down. Shiloh decided to forgive him – Sam was there watching, of course – but now Shiloh knows Jason can take him out any time. He’s far from beaten, but he knows to be afraid. It’s a good place to start.

Cameron says, assuming he’s not shipped off to juvie, does Oscar want him to get his car? They took the bus back, so it’s still in Niagara Falls. They can do a road trip; legit this time. They can take the bus, and really go see the Falls. Josslyn says, it would be great but… Cameron says Oscar doesn’t trust him behind the wheel. Oscar says he trusts Cameron, but it’s just that he can’t take any more road trips. Argh! I hate that they’re manipulating me into feeling terrible about this, and tearing up over something other than Mike.

Monica gives Drew her award for years of meritorious service. She wants him to throw it against the wall, or out window, but don’t hit anyone. He needs to break something before the pain bottled up inside him breaks him. He thanks her, but it won’t give Oscar more days or help him say goodbye. Monica wishes she had some advice, but she doesn’t. He just has to see it through when the time comes. Drew says, the time is here. Oscar is dying, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Monica says he can still talk to Oscar, and touch him. Treasure every moment, no matter how brief. Kim comes back, saying, false alarm. Monica would like to suggest something. She knows they want to have better care for Oscar when he can’t care for himself. Drew says Oscar made it clear that he didn’t want to spend his last days in a hospital bed. Monica says she wouldn’t want that either. He should be surrounded by the people who love and care about him, and will see him through every step. She’d like Oscar to stay at the Quartermaine house.

Robert wants to speak to Finn about Anna. She’s an incredible woman, but emotionally damaged. She can’t fall in love. She’ll never ask for a commitment. She won’t ask you to make promises. Finn appreciates the information, but none of it is Robert’s business. Robert says, it is, because of the family. The family wants her happy. Robert does too. Finn has the ability to make her happy, but just as it’s starting to happen, her past comes back to bite her, and she pushes him away. Beat her to the punch. Finn asks if Robert wants him to break up with Anna. Robert says, he is an idiot, isn’t he?

Anna says the good part is that Dante recognizes something was done to him. Dante says, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Anna says, the next step is more painful. You have to address it. Dante asks, how? He doesn’t know what he was programmed to do or what the triggers are. What happens if an innocent person gets hurt, or someone he loves is caught up in it? She says he needs to be treated by experts in a secure environment. There’s an estate in Wales; it’s nice, remote, and restricted. You’re not locked in a cell, but have to stay on the grounds. He says it sounds like she’s had personal experience, and she says she was there. It’s like rehab, but with an open-ended stay, and they practice Gestalt therapy. Dante is concerned that he’ll be reprogrammed for their objectives, but Anna says they’ll give him the tools to help set him free of Raj’s influences. He has to confront who he is, as opposed to who he thought he was. He thinks he should leave as soon as possible, and Anna says she’ll make the arrangements.

Elizabeth has to get going. Willow is glad Elizabeth told her about the party, and says she’ll monitor the situation in the classroom; Aiden has her support. Elizabeth says, it means everything to him. Willow says, it’s not enough. She wants to get more involved in the community, and if certain people don’t like it, too bad. Elizabeth is glad she’s Aiden’s teacher, and thinks she’s a good example for him.

Nina tells Valentin that she can see a judgmental smirk a mile away. Willow approaches their table. She wants them both to know she’s staying on. Nina asks, what happened to the emergency? and Willow says, it’s been addressed. She hopes everyone will consider this a restart. Nina says, everyone? Valentin says Willow has expressed a clear bias against his fiancé and daughter. Willow says things got heated, and she overstated. Nina says Willow told her Charlotte didn’t stan a chance with Nina in her life. She’s messed with the wrong stepmother. She’ll see to it that Willow’s days at the school are numbered.

Kim knows that the Quartermaines would offer care and comfort, but… Monica says they have plenty of room, and she wouldn’t dream of separating them. Kim and Drew are invited as well. Kim says it’s a lovely gesture, but she can’t be the one to accept. It has to be Oscar’s choice. Monica says she’s right. It’s Oscar’s journey, and he gets to decide what path to take.

Oscar explains to Cameron that he’s in the end stage. He’s going to die in a month; maybe sooner. Cameron asks if the doctors are sure, and Cameron says they were told last night, but honestly, he can feel it. He tires easily, and his coordination is shot. He got dizzy when Josslyn was tying his shoes. Cameron asks if they’re doing something or just going home. Oscar says they’re going to Eckert’s; does he want to come with? Josslyn says he has court, but Cameron says it’s in a half hour, and Eckert’s is near the courthouse. This might be his last sugar cookie for a long time. He asks if they’re walking or Ubering. Oscar says they’ll start walking, and Uber if they need to.

Finn tells Robert that he said Anna would push him away unless he beat her to the punch. Robert says he meant putting his heart on the line. Tell her that you love her, and her background doesn’t matter. Whatever goofy thing pops in his head. She’s not groveling; he has to do it. Anna returns, and Robert tells her that their granddaughter won some prize, and wants to tell her in person. He leaves, and Anna tells Finn that he’s a strange and lovely man. She adds, never tell him that she said that, and Finn says her secret is safe. He kisses her, and she asks, what was that for? He asks if there has to be a reason, and she says, no.

Dante comes home. He looks at the folded up welcome home sign. Lulu asks if something is wrong, and he says, it’s hard to explain. Lulu tells him to take his time. He says he’s out of time. He has to leave.

Tomorrow, Obrecht tells Valentin that he should have heeded her warning, Laura doesn’t want a divorce, and Ava is getting phone calls from beyond the grave.

💰 Tonight was the season finale of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, and I’m happy to say, Tracy was given the job as US Ambassador for Royal Atlantis in Dubai. She had an open house for brokers, who were impressed, thereby impressing the owner. I can’t imagine a more amazing, and lucrative, real estate opportunity. Josh Altman sold a one-bedroom house with a twenty-five car garage, for $7.3 million, making it the most expensive garage in LA. Josh Flagg had to learn the meaning of compromise when, after wanting a house based only on his own taste, husband Bobby wondered when he got to be happy. In his interview, JoshF admitted to knowing he was selfish because he feels entitled, but is dealing with it in therapy. Like Dante said above, admitting you have a problem is the first step, so my hat’s off to him for that. Next time and season, the Josh’s co-list a property to hedge their bets, and guarantee themselves a listing. That should be interesting.

👄 Watch What Happens Live is going on one of its many hiatuses, and will be back on Sunday, April 7th.

👗 I’ve kind of been watching Project Runway. While I love fashion, I’ve never been that interested in this show, but it’s on when I’m waiting for the next program, and nothing else is competing. It’s made me glad I’m not in the business, since designers can be more temperamental than Housewives. Or at least give them a run for their money. Tonight, Nadine was asked to pack her sewing kit and go, and I said, good riddance. The only reason I’m even posting about this show is that, while emotions can run high, it’s mostly crying or pitching a hissy fit about a bolt of tulle. This woman was nasty. She tried to blame her bad design on the model – IMO the top of her pantsuit was great, but the pants part was a mess – saying the model disrupted the flow somehow because she was curvy. In case you didn’t know, that’s fashionspeak for fat and/or big. This wasn’t the first time a designer has been thrown off by their model’s stature, so you’d think they’d keep that in mind in the planning. She was mean to her model from the jump, getting impatient with how she walked. Even the judges were horrified at how she spoke regarding this unfortunate woman who had to work with her. As soon as she realized she was on the bottom, the attitude really came out. By the time she went to the back, to await her fate, Nadine got even worse. She said, and I quote, them bitches can send me home. After being told she was out, she didn’t even wait for Karlie Kloss to say her piece, and marched off the stage. To her credit, she did admit that it was a bit much for her, and she just wasn’t cut out for it. She got that one right.

🐮 New Bravo show, Texicanas, premieres Tuesday, May 7th. You can read about it here:

🗽 I Love It Too…

Downton Abbey’s creator talks about my favorite city. On a side note, I didn’t know Cindy Adams was still alive.

🎤 This also gave me my favorite quote this week, right from the streets: April holidays are coming. You recognize old age when your wife gives up sex for Lent — and you don’t even notice it until Labor Day. – muttered by a senior

🎠 Someone Stop the Merry-Go-Round…

Suckerfish Hoppy needs to make like Elsa and let it go. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t been court ordered to seek help.

The suckerfish FaceTimes…

The suckerfish makes girls cry…

But sometimes they put him back in the water, where he belongs.

🚫 Andy Nixes the Rumor…

I’d rather see reruns of The Simple Life anyway. Or a video of her dogs in their two-story house.

😀 Friday Is Here…

What I anticipate…


Friday night’s reality…


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