August 27, 2019 – Nina Makes a Viral Connection, a Day In LA For Gina & So Late


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

It’s been a while since I missed the first minute, but I did today. I don’t even know how I ended up running late, but jumping in and moving on.

Kim flashes back to Franco telling her that he’s definitely not Franco, and kissing her. Elizabeth calls, but Kim doesn’t answer. Elizabeth says she’s just checking in, and asks Kim to give her a call back.

Michael asks Finn if he has an update. Finn says Sasha gave him permission to share her medical information with him. He’s diagnosed the strain of flu. Michael says then he can start treatment, and find out how she got it in the first place

Nina’s phone dings, and she slips out of Sasha’s bed. She sees a picture sent from unknown. It’s the photo of Cassandra with Michael and Sasha in Puerto Rico. She says, oh my God, and Sasha asks, what is it? Is everything okay?

Sonny tells Chase, it’s not the best time; they’re finishing a family celebration. Chase says he’ll try to keep it brief. Can he come in? Sonny says, why not? Sonny tells Carly and Jason that Chase wants to ask questions about Barry Siegler. Chase says, according to his wife, he never came home. He asks if Barry was in trouble, but Jason says, not that he’s aware of. Chase says he interviewed the workers, and they didn’t remember anything that led to a dispute. Dev comes in, and asks if they’ve seen Josslyn. Chase asks if Dev minds if he asks a few questions about the coffee warehouse.

Nina tells Sasha, it’s a deadline she forgot about. Sasha is sure she’ll be forgiven. Nina is the boss, and she’s been a little distracted. Nina says she should take care of it, and she’ll be right back. Outside, she sees Valentin, and says she thinks she knows who’s behind Sasha’s illness. She shows him the picture, and says the bitch targeted her daughter.

Michael says, the Avian flu? He didn’t know it was passed from person to person. Finn says, it’s usually animal to human, but Sasha said they weren’t in any contact with birds on the island. Michael says, no direct contact, but why is Sasha sick and he’s not? He’s not, right? Finn wants him to have a round of antivirus as a precaution. Michael would probably have demonstrated symptoms by now, but better safe than sorry. Michael goes with Finn.

Franco asks why Obrecht slapped him. She says she’s not housekeeping. (Dammit. Figures I’d miss that.) He’s not sure that gives her the right to slap him, and has half a mind to call security. She says half a mind is how he got into trouble. She’s his friend, and the friend who is gong to get him through this fiasco. She’s heard everyone coddling him. He thinks he’s Drew. He says he is, and she says Franco is her best friend; perhaps her only fried. He’s helped her, and she’s returning the favor. She refuses to share his delusion. He asks if that’s what the slap was for; to shock him into remembering he’s Franco. She asks if she should try it again, but he thinks not. She seems like a bit of a lunatic. She says, coming from someone who claims to be someone else. He says she seems to care about Franco. He’s terribly sorry, but he’s not Franco. He’s Andrew Cain.

Julian sits with Kim in the park. He tells her the sale is almost finalized. He’s thinking of buying into a bar in New York, and maybe getting another piece of real estate. Kim says when her place closes, they can get their new apartment. Julian says he was thinking he could set her up with an office with the funds from Charlie’s. She can go back into private practice when she’s ready. He’s been thinking about their new life together, and he’s excited. Kim says she is too. She thought they could start their new journey in another way. She says, marry me, Charlie.

Chase tells Dev that Barry didn’t come home, and his wife is worried. Sonny asks if it’s an interrogation. Does he need a lawyer? Dev says, it’s okay, and Chase asks if there were any conflicts with Barry. Dev says, everyone loves Barry. He’s a good guy, and showed Dev the ropes. Chase asks if Dev can think of anything else, and Dev says, Barry was in a good mood. He was planning a vacation. Chase asks, where to? and Dev says he doesn’t know. Barry wanted to surprise his wife, and she hates Atlantic City. Does Chase think Barry is in trouble? Chase doesn’t know, and thanks them for their help. He leaves, and Dev says he thinks Chase bought it. Did he do good or what?

Julian says, Kim is proposing? She says, yes. She’ll get down on one knee, if he prefers. They’re starting new life, and could make it official. Nothing fancy; just the courthouse. He says, clearly they’re not on the same page. He loves her very much, and nothing would make him happier, but he’s worried that she’s making a proposal to make a statement. Kim says, that’s what love is about. Getting married is a statement you give to the world that you love each other. He says, given the circumstances, he thinks it’s more of a statement to Franco.

Obrecht says Franco truly doesn’t remember? Franco says he’d appreciate it if she’d just call him Drew. She says, not a snowball’s chance in hell. He’s not that man, despite his memories. He says he never asked to be a guinea pig, yet here they are. The person he is, is Drew. Obrecht is livid she wasn’t told sooner. GH is going to get an earful for not consulting her when this fiasco happened. He says, she’s a doctor? She says, indeed, and she’s had more experience than anyone else in this matter. He says, she’s had experience with memory transfer? and she says she could have been doing the necessary research to find a way to undo everything. He says she’s assuming he wants it undone, and she says, don’t be ridiculous. Of course (🍷) he wants to be restored to his full self. He says, maybe it’s not possible. He knows this body isn’t his, but his mind and memory is. He feels sorry for Franco, and sorry for the people who care about him and miss him, but he wants to live as he is.

Epiphany drops by Elizabeth’s house. She says she was on a break, and thought she’d stop in and check on her. Don’t tell anybody. She asks, what’s going on? and Elizabeth says she’s waiting to hear from Drew. He tracked down Andre, and is going to bring him back to see if he can’t do a reversal. Epiphany says, that’s not what she meant. Everyone is focused on Franco. She wants know if Elizabeth is okay. Elizabeth hugs her.

Bobbie tells Scotty that she’d do anything to help. He asks if she means that, and she says, sure; let’s hear it. Scotty says, Franco thinks he’s Andrew Cain, and has no reason to stay in town. Bobbie says, he has a legal one, the ankle monitor, but Scotty says, once that comes off, there’s no reason he wouldn’t skip town. Scotty wants to keep him there until they can figure out what can be done. Bobbie says, it’s out of their hands, but he says, maybe not. Nina’s daughter is in the hospital in quarantine. Bobbie says, isolation, but yes. He says, say Franco got the same virus. If that happened, the hospital would have to officially quarantine him. Bobbie says, theoretically, yes. If someone in authority makes the diagnosis. He starts to take her hands, and she throws her drink at him.

Valentin and Nina approach Finn. Valentin says they think they know how Sasha got sick. Nina shows him the picture, and says she’s sure he recognizes the woman. Finn says it’s possible Sasha was purposely infected, and it’s possible it was Cassandra. Nina says her daughter was obviously targeted on purpose. Finn says he was just considering possibilities. If the illness was designed to inflict maximum damage, it might be hard to treat.

Sonny asks Carly if there’s any chance she’d like to go out on the terrace for some fresh air. She goes, and Dev asks if he did something wrong. Sonny says he was chatty with the detective. Jason says they didn’t ask him to lie, and Dev asks if they wanted him to tell Chase there was a giant fight and Barry tried to frame him? Sonny says they understand Dev is trying to protect them, but this is not the way to go about it.

Kim tells Julian, forget she said anything. She’s clearly getting ahead of herself. Julian says, tell him the proposal has nothing to do with Franco thinking he’s Drew. Kim says making it clear where her heart belongs is a factor, but the proposal being premature doesn’t change that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. The crazy stuff did make her want to make sure everything is settled now. She doesn’t want to wait. Julian takes her hand. He says he wants to spend the rest his life with her as well, but not for the wrong reasons. She asks if he loves her, and he says, of course (🍷). Kim says, but it’s not enough. Julian says, ever since Oscar passed away she’s been making impulsive decisions. He doesn’t want the rest of their lives to be one of them.

Franco tells Obrecht, if it’s true that Drew was in the military, he lost his identity for years. He can live a life that he wouldn’t trade for anyone else’s. Obrecht says he’s fighting for a life that doesn’t belong to him. He’s throwing way a remarkable life. He’s a world famous artist. She’s his biggest fan, and she knows deep within his soul, there’s something only Franco can communicate with – art. Franco says, sorry. None of it is clicking. Obrecht says, then think about everyone who loves him. Her, his father, his stepsons, and most of all, his wife. Franco says, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth tells Epiphany, sorry. She told herself she wouldn’t cry. Epiphany says, don’t you dare apologize. She has the right to let her feelings out. Elizabeth says, in the  grand scheme, she should consider herself lucky. Franco’s not dead or sick. Epiphany says, he’s just not there. Elizabeth says she can’t help thinking that he won’t come back. Epiphany says, don’t think that way. Elizabeth says she’s  trying, but she’s a mess. Anyone else in her shoes would cry or scream. Epiphany says, whatever it takes. That’s what he friends are here for. Elizabeth says she’s got that part down. She just wishes she could get through to her husband.

Michael tells Sasha, Finn thought it was a good idea to give him a round of anti-viral drugs. She hates putting him through this, but he says, it’s just a precaution. It’s not her fault. Sasha says, lucky him. Finn thinks she might have been diagnosed too late for the drugs to work. Michael says, if that’s the case, they’ll find another way. They’re not giving up without a fight

Finn tells Valentin and Nina that he’s racing the clock. He needs to alert the CDC, and tell the WSB and the PCPD that Cassandra is involved. Valentin says it will dredge up skeletons he doesn’t want out of the closet. He asks if they can’t keep it under wraps for now. Finn says he doesn’t want to cause Valentin trouble, but he had to alert the authorities before Cassandra tries it on someone else.

Dev tells Sonny, the cop was out of line, showing up like that. Sonny’s not to blame for Barry skipping out on his wife because he got fired. He was just trying to help. Sonny says Dev told the cops an elaborate story. Dev says, one they’ll believe, but Sonny says, one they can pick apart and disprove. What if they ask Barry’s wife why she hates Atlantic City? The next time, Dev needs to remember three words – I don’t know.

Kim tells Julian that she loves him. It’s one reason she doesn’t want Drew in her life anymore. She wants a new life, on solid ground Julian says, not based on impulse. She say she’s been talking to the doctor about her impulsivity, and not thinking about consequences. She wants to get to the root of it, and work through it. Not just for herself, but for them. He holds her.

Epiphany tells Elizabeth, for every cloud, there’s a silver lining. The last she heard, Franco was wearing an ankle monitor because he punched a cop. He can’t leave. Elizabeth says, that will only last so long. When he’s not being kept there, Franco will vanish for good. She keeps telling herself, the Franco she loves is buried underneath, but it’s taking every ounce of strength she has. She  thinks if she keeps pushing, she’ll push him further away. Epiphany says that’s the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard.

Obrecht says she doesn’t know Franco finds appealing about that mouse, but he and Elizabeth care for each other. It would be foolish to throw that away, along with the rest of his life. Her phone dings, and she says she’s being summoned to the hospital. They’re not done. She’ll see him again. Soon. He tells her to keep her hands to herself. She says, no promises. She knows he feels as though he’s Drew, but his fingerprints and DNA say otherwise. Those are true to him; only him. Perhaps he should fight for the life that truly belongs to him.

Bobbie tells Scotty, it was a  hard sell speech. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He says, it’s 100% about Franco. It has nothing to do with them. Bobbie says, it doesn’t feel that way. He says he’s happy they’re back together, but desperate to save Franco. He thinks she’s the only one who can help. She says, not by bending the law or risking her nursing license. It’s a new low for him. He says it’s all he’s got. Bobbie says, that’s not true. He says, Lee and Gail are gone, Serena keeps her distance, and Karen – his gift of sunshine – was killed too young. By the time he knew he had Logan, it was too late. He might have made a difference with Franco. He thinks he made Franco a better person. Now he’s gone. Bobbie hugs him.

Nina and Valentin go to Sasha’s room. Nina says it wasn’t actually a work thing she left for. Sasha says Nina seemed upset, and Nina tells her, when Sasha was falling asleep, this picture was sent to her. She shows Sasha, and Sasha says, Sandy Lance. Valentin says, who? Michael says, a woman they met on the island. He was hoping to get ahold of her to see if she’s sick. Sasha asks if everything is okay with Sandy, and Valentin says she’s fine as far as they know. Nina says, but she lied to them. Valentin says, her real name is Cassandra Pierce, and she’s a major drug trafficker.

Carly says Jason is kidding her. Barry tried to frame Dev? Jason says they had their doubts about Barry, but they finally caught him. He thought Dev was an easy target. He talked way too much. Carly says, he’s a kid. He shouldn’t have been put in that situation. Sonny has a reputation of taking care of street kids. He’s amazing, but this is too close to him. His choices aren’t in Dev’s best interest. Jason agrees.

Dev tells Sonny, he’s got it. He’ll remember it next time. Sonny says, if they keep pressing, tell them to direct their questions to him or Jason. Dev says, understood. Sonny tells Dev to go upstairs. Dev asks if Sonny knows what happened to Barry, but Sonny says he has no clue.

On the phone, Finn says he’ll keep Anna posted. He loves her too. Chase asks if he wants to grab something to eat at Kelly’s, but he says, another time would be good. He says he’s glad Chase is there. His next call was to the PCPD. Chase asks, what’s going on? and Finn says they might have a dangerous situation on their hands.

Sasha says, that woman is a drug kingpin? Valentin says, among other things. She’s extremely dangerous. Nina thinks it’s intentional, but Valentin says they don’t know for sure. Nina says, it’s consistent with her previous crimes. Michael says she claimed a deal fell through with his dad. Was he the target, and Sasha got in the way? Nina says, no. It’s because of her.

Epiphany tells Elizabeth that she doesn’t mean to be blunt, but Elizabeth is turning to Drew and everyone else for advice, when the only person’s opinion that’s important is hers. There’s no blueprint for what’s happening with Franco. She has to listen to her heart and trust it. What’s her heart telling her? Elizabeth says, to go find Franco, and fight for him. Epiphany says, it sounds like she knows what she has to do.

Julian walks Kim to her appointment at the hospital. He’s glad they had the opportunity to talk everything through. Kim is too, once the embarrassment faded. He tells her not to be embarrassed. He wants to be clear. She’s the most important thing to him, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He’s going to spend the rest of his life with her. They kiss, and Franco steps out of the elevator. Now there’s something he hasn’t considered. Maybe there are people who don’t want the old Drew back.

On the terrace, Sonny asks if Jason filled Carly in. Carly says maybe after Barry tried to cheat Sonny and blame Dev, he decided to relocate, and neglected to tell his wife. She knows how to handle the fallout, but doesn’t want Dev in the middle. Sonny doesn’t think Chase will ask any more questions. Carly says, Dev could be deported, and Sonny could face time. Sonny says he’s not going to let it happen. He’s going to keep Dev where is, and keep an eye on him. Dev listens in.

Epiphany ignores Obrecht, who says, excuse me. Her niece needed her here for some reason. Epiphany says, that’s correct. A round anti-virals. Shall we? Obrecht asks if there’s no other nurse, but Epiphany says, only the best for her.

Chase tells Finn, it’s awful. Poor Sasha. Finn says it appears she was intentionally infected. Chase says they know Cassandra was in Puerto Rico; have there been any other sightings? Finn says not that he knows of. She could easily be in Port Charles. Nina and Sasha need protection. Chase says, so does Finn. He has a history with Cassandra. Finn says he’ll be fine. Chase says, be careful. He might be a target.

Nina tells Valentin, it may be too late to treat Sasha, but he says, Finn is one of the best. He has an international reputation. Nina says Sasha never should have been put in this position. It’s all her fault. The only reason Sasha is sick is because she’s Nina’s daughter. They look into Sasha’s room.

Michael tells Sasha, it’s a long process, and she says, no kidding. It never crossed her mind that Sandy was anything but friendly. She’s sorry. He says, for what? and she says, for getting him involved in this. It was just supposed to be easy and fun. Now he’s here by her sad side while she has the Avian flu. Michael says if she wants to go back to casual when she’s better, it’s her choice, but he has no intention of leaving her side until they can walk out together.

When Kim comes out of her appointment, she sees Julian waiting for her. She says she thought they were meeting back at the bar, but he says he has nothing more important. He asks how her appointment went, and she says, good. She appreciates him waiting; he didn’t have to. He says he already told her, he’s not going anywhere.

Scotty says he’s not taking advantage of Bobbie or their relationship. He’s desperate to help Franco. She says, she’d do anything legal for him in a heartbeat. Scotty asks if she’d put her feelings about Franco aside, and she says, for him? Sure. He means a lot to her. Unfortunately, this isn’t a problem they can solve. It’s up to Franco to decide whether he wants to forget his old life or not.

Elizabeth is about to go out, and opens the door to find Franco there.

Tomorrow, Jordan asks Curtis if he’s involved in corporate espionage, Cameron says Jason knows what it’s like, Nina accuses Jax of lying, and Michael asks Sonny if it’s payback.

The Real Housewives of Orange County

The women leave the restaurant. In the car, Tamra says, it was not a nice comment. It’s a freakin’ rumor. In Tamra’s interview, she says Vicki and Kelly are still at odds. There are things going on between them that aren’t nice. We flash back to about a half hour ago to where Vicki said Kelly knows that she knows more than she’s saying. Tamra says now Vicki is saying she has something worse than the coke story. In Shannon’s interview, she says she heard the train rumor when Vicki did, and her mouth has been shut since she did. This is not okay. She explains to us what a train is, and I go, ♫ la-la-la! ♫ Shannon says, it doesn’t leave the car, and Gina says, this is where it lies and dies. In her interview, Shannon says, to put a notion out there that a woman would have sex with multiple men while others are watching is disgusting. She wants no part of the rumor. In Tamra’s interview, she says, it’s a secret club; no one can talk about the train. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says, there are so many things being said about Kelly that aren’t true. She feels Kelly has to know.

Twelve hours later… Shannon and Tamra get ready to go walking. Tamra suggests bringing knives in case they run into a mountain lion. Shannon says she had fun last night, and Tamra says, it was a lot of information. They start to walk. Tamra says Braunwyn’s laugh is like a dolphin. She imitates it, and Shannon tells her to stop. The mountain lions are coming.

Braunwyn gets food ready for Gina and Kelly, who are coming over. One of her children says the organized food is good, Braunwyn explains she has friends coming, and she wanted it to be pretty. Gina comes in, and meets the kids, In her interview, Gina says she got a call from Kelly, who asked her about what was discussed in the car. Braunwyn called and told her everything after they left Tortilla Republic. Kelly is pissed because now, everything is spilling into the rest of the group.

Shannon tells Tamra that she had fun with Gina, but she seems down. Tamra says, she is. She’s not talking about what she’s going through, but she got some news that shook her world. We flash back to Gina telling Tamra about Matt’s affair. She could use Shannon’s support. In Shannon’s interview, she says she doesn’t like seeing anyone in pain. If Gina is going through anything like she did, she wants to help. Tamra says she can relate.

Kelly arrives at Braunwyn’s house. Gina asks if she left her sunglasses case at Kelly’s; it has her keys in it. Kelly hasn’t seen it, and Gina says she can’t find her keys. She has no passport, no license, and no keys. She’s not adulting well.

Tamra tells Shannon that she talked to Kelly about Gina never having been to Rodeo Drive. She told Kelly that they’re going to take her, but Kelly won’t go if Vicki is there. Let whatever happens, happen at this point. Shannon says she’s not getting involved. In Shannon’s interview, she says she’s not taking sides. They’ve both been cruel to each other. She’s taking the nice side.

Gina says she heard Kelly was upset, and wonders where the rumor is coming from. Kelly says, it’s coming from Vicki. In her interview, Kelly says when she came back from Aspen, Braunwyn called her. She said there was a rumor circulating. It’s absolutely ludicrous. She’s never done a threesome, let alone a train. She tells Gina that Vicki is a liar. She lied about cancer. She’s dangerous. Gina says Kelly needs to stop slinging it back. Let it go. We flash back to the pig message Kelly sent Vicki. Kelly says she’s not talking about Vicki. She wants nothing to do with her. In her interview, Braunwyn says when they agreed not to talk about it, she thought they meant don’t tell anyone else. not don’t tell Kelly. If she didn’t tell Kelly, she’d feel like a liar. Kelly thanks her for the heads up, and she says that’s what friends do. She’d rather be the bitch that starts sh*t than a liar. Kelly tells her that Gina has never been to Rodeo Drive. Kelly says she’ll come alone. Gina says she’s going to pop her Rodeo cherry. Braunwyn says, it’s pink, shiny, and filled with diamonds.

Gina goes to see therapist Lynette. She says she’s a disaster, and Lynette says they’ll figure out a way to take the stuff that sucks, and make her stronger. Gina says she’s hard on herself about the DUI, but now she has it in perspective. It was a reality check. She was trying to hold everything together. She needed distance from the stress of it all. She’s also been dealing with another thing in the last six months. Matt is dating the girl he had the affair with. She hadn’t told anyone because she wanted to protect her family. She starts to cry. In her interview, she says she holds everything in, and thinks she can handle it all. It gets to the point where it’s too much builds. You realize you were holding in poison in your body that can kill you. She tells Lynette that it was either him or her. She was drowning in his secrets, and she can’t anymore. Lynette thinks it brought to light her enabling him. In Gina’s interview, she says it was enabling not just Matt, but herself too. Nobody wants to feel like they’re not good enough. Gina says she has to accept that she’s not in charge of Matt’s life. Lynette says, it’s part of the healing, to reclaim being in control of your own life. Gina says, in time, she won’t care as much. Lynette says it will happen. Gina says, it can’t get worse. She went to jail, there was adultery, and a divorce. Never say it can’t get worse, because, oh yes it can.

We flash back to Emily explaining about doing a surprise dance for Shane in Vegas. Braunwyn says she’s not sure if she could do it. Emily goes to a class, bearing champagne. In her interview, she explains she knows Jackie Siegel (six degrees – the Queen of Versailles was just on Below Deck Mediterranean), and she owns the Westgate hotel. She asked if she could dance in one of the shows, and Jennifer Romas, the show’s choreographer, offered her help. Emily thinks it’s empowering as a female, to get on stage and not care, since she’s not the typical OC body type. Jennifer shows her and another dancer a cha-cha step. Braunwyn and Kelly come to watch. On the way there, Braunwyn says she’s a dance mom, and these are her people. Emily tells them that she thought it would be a good gift for her and Shane’s ten year anniversary, but he’s not comfortable with it. They got in an argument about it, and it hurt her feelings. Braunwyn says he’s outside his comfort zone. In her interview, Braunwyn thinks it’s weird that Shane isn’t supportive. Sean is supportive, even if he doesn’t agree with her choice. Her husband supports everything she does. If she was doing a lingerie show, he’d be front and center, and ready with a hotel suite upstairs afterward. Kelly and Braunwyn watch as Emily dances with the other two girls. In Kelly’s interview, she says she feels bad for Emily, but she wasn’t shocked that Shane shot her down. We flash back to Kelly calling him a p*ssy. She says, she’ll put it this way, he’s not a man’s man. If Emily’s husband doesn’t want to go, she’ll support Emily. Braunwyn tells Emily, this is different from kick ball change. Braunwyn feels bad. she wants Emily’s husband to be there, but she wants to be there.

At 5 am, everyone is getting ready for the trip at Braunwyn’s house. In her interview, Braunwyn says her family is headed for Beaver Creek. This is the first year she’s not going with them. She explains to the youngest that mommy has to meet with someone that’s going to help with her book. She tells us, logically, she knows it’s just a few days, but it’s a shift in the family dynamic. She gets weepy, saying, she’s always been in charge of everything. She needs to be needed. Being a  caregiver is her natural state. She jokes that she likes it when the kids are sick so she can baby them. It’s a hard pill to swallow as a mom, that they’ll be okay without her. They leave, and while most of us would go back to bed, Braunwyn drinks coffee alone and cries.

Gina meets Tamra for lunch. She tells Tamra that she decided to do a creativity center for her kids. We see a clip from three hours earlier, when Gina talked to her parents about Sienna being behind in her developmental skills. Tamra asks how Matt is with it, and Gina says, he’s good about it. He goes with her to the doctor visit. That’s his contribution; now it’s on her. Tamra asks if she’s thought of asking him to move back to the area to help. Gina says she was going to, but hearing about the girlfriend messed her up. Tamra says, hopefully, she goes away. In Tamra’s interview, she says, it’s a screwed up thing. Matt  not only stabbed Gina in the heart by cheating, now he’s in a relationship with her. He stabbed, twisted, pulled the knife out, and is watching her die slowly. They order. Tamra says Shannon called totally upset about Emily bashing her on social media. We see a clip of Emily telling Gina that Shannon was talking smack about them on a podcast. Tamra says Shannon didn’t say anything bad; it was hearsay that was repeated. We hear a clip from Jeff Lewis’s podcast where he says he spoke with Shannon, and she’d said Emily or Gina were going to be let go from the show. Then Emily blasted Shannon on Twitter, instead of asking her about it. Tamra says, you can’t go on social media and attack people, like she’s never done this. Gina says she spoke to Shannon. Shannon cared enough to let her know, and Gina appreciated that. In Gina’s interview, she says Shannon wasn’t open to being her friend, but she is now, so she’s walking through the open door. Tamra says she thought Emily was an attorney. Doesn’t she know never to put anything in writing? Gina says her emotions get the best of her. Tamra says, like at Eddie’s birthday party, where she threatened to kill Kelly. Her lashing out shows she’s an insecure person. Gina smells trouble.

The ladies get in a limo bus, and go to L.A. In her interview, Shannon say she’s knows what it’s like going through a divorce; it’s not fun. Friendship is what you need to get you through a hard time. She tells Tamra, they’re doing some shopping and having lunch. After that, she has a surprise. Tamra says, just so they know, she’s not fully on board with the surprise. Gina is afraid now. In Emily’s interview, she asks, in what alternate universe is Shannon planning a day in L.A. for Gina? They apparently clicked. It’s surprising, and a little weird, but whatever. Emily helps Shannon practice her Spanish. Like me with French, Shannon understands more than she speaks. In Shannon’s interview, she says, not fun Emily is now my friend. Crazy. in Spanish.

Braunwyn says she grew up around a rock band. Her mother couldn’t afford a sitter, so she  took Braunwyn on tour. In her interview, she says her mother was in the band Candy Apple. Looking back, she doesn’t remember much, but having her own kids now, wow, not cool. They get to Rodeo Drive. Hey! It’s Villa Blanca. Shannon wants everyone to pick out a piece for an outfit for Gina. Gina tries everything on. I hate to say it, but these clothes that are probably hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, don’t look much different than what I can get from somewhere like Nasty Gal. In Gina’s interview, she says if she knew sharing her feelings and emotions would score her an $800 outfit, she’d have spilled her guts long ago. Tamra calls Shannon out for wearing Spanx. In Shannon’s interview, she says she has a history of wearing three Spanx at the same time. We flash back to that, and she says, if she’s down to one, she’s making progress. Emily tells Gina, it’s okay to ask for help. Gina thinks Emily is doing the same thing she did, and feels it’s coming out negatively. Emily says she feels overwhelmed and has anxiety. In her interview, Gina says if Emily can’t pinpoint the issue, it’s because maybe she doesn’t want to. She thinks something is going on with Shane. They step outside, and Emily cries. She tells Gina that she can’t do this. She’s barely being a good wife, mother, and attorney. She’s just hanging on to each aspect. She says she’s having an anxiety attack, and Gina asks if she wants to go back on the bus, but Emily says, she’s okay. She just feels lost right now. I have an idea. How about losing some weight? Like about 150 pounds of Shane.

In the store, Shannon asks if something is going on outside. Could there not be a drama free hour? In her interview, Shannon says, it’s supposed to be Gina’s day, and where is she? Outside with crying Emily. She knows it doesn’t sound nice, but there’s been no mention of the tweet. We see Emily’s tweet, which says Shannon has lost 40 pounds of fat, but gained 400 pounds of jealousy. #FrozenFishIsRiveting. It’s hearsay. Why is everyone pretending it’s okay? Emily says she’s in a temporarily difficult situation. Shane is studying for the bar, and staying in a hotel. He hasn’t been home in ten days. We see a clip of Emily telling Pary it’s the first time in ten years there’s been no contact. Emily tells Gina that she’s reluctant to share things about her marriage. She doesn’t want the women jumping on the bandwagon of bashing her husband. Gina says when she went home to Ohio with Emily, she saw who Emily really is. We see pictures of Emily being happy. They hug. Tamra tells Shannon, you don’t empower with negative thoughts.

They leave the store, and Shannon tells Gina to take it all in. They go to a hotel for lunch, and sit outside. In her interview, Gina says, she loves being friends with Shannon. It’s like having and Amex black card. it comes with its perks. They order, and Braunwyn leaves to call Sean. Emily needs to clean one of her contacts, and leaves the table. Tamra asks if she’s crying, and Gina says, no, but she’s not herself. She thinks something is  going on that Emily’s not talking about. Kelly thinks the problem is with Emily’s husband. Tamra isn’t understanding why she’s so quick to fight. In Tamra’s interview, she says they all lash out when something is going on, but no one knows what Emily is going through. If she’s not opening up, it makes them think she’s just an a-hole. Emily comes back, and Kelly asks if everything is all right; talk about it. Emily says she was at dance rehearsal, and her phone was blowing up. Everyone wanted to know if she’d heard what Shannon said, and she was hurt. Shannon says she didn’t go on the podcast, and Emily says she understands that now, but wonders why it was misconstrued. Shannon says, it was hearsay. As a lawyer, she should know. Emily says that’s why she’s apologizing, and Shannon says Emily should have texted yesterday. She attacked Shannon’s weight loss, and the successes she had after a difficult year. She had a difficult year last year, and now Emily is having one. Emily admits she’s wrong,  and it’s 100% on her. She hopes Shannon will accept her apology. We all wait, and Emily says she wants to move forward. In Shannon’s interview, she says with the snap of a finger, Emily wants to start fresh, Emily says she takes responsibility for everything, and Shannon says it’s all good. She’s done talking about it. Cheers to moving forward. In Tamra’s interview, she says, no one knows what was said because they weren’t there. That’s why people should stop gossiping.

Emily wants to ask a question about when they went to Tortilla Republic. Gina said that something came up about Kelly. In Shannon’s interview, she says, Kelly wasn’t supposed to find out. Don’t any of them know what pact is? Kelly says it’s ridiculous and disgusting. Emily asks if Vicki saying something about Kelly? Jolie calls, and Kelly gets up. She says she doesn’t give a f**k. Why is Emily bringing it up? They can eff off – all of them.

Shannon asks how Kelly knew about it, and Braunwyn says she called Kelly. In her interview, Tamra asks if she thought something good would come of it, if she told Kelly that Vicki had said she was pulling a train. She’ll go ballistic. Tamra goes out where Kelly is sitting, and Kelly says, it’s obnoxious, the way they’re coming at her. Tamra knows Kelly is upset, but she can’t tell them to all eff off. Kelly says, she just did. In Kelly’s interview, she says they’re supposed to be having lunch; having a good time. it’s absurd. She doesn’t want to talk about something that’s not true. Kelly wonders why it’s Emily’s business. At the table, Emily says, all she knows is that Vicki was telling her that she wished Kelly well. She just wanted to get along, and empower each other. We see a clip of Vicki, who says she’s not fighting. No one will win. Emily says, then Vicki tried to create drama at the restaurant. Shannon leaves to make sure Kelly is okay. Kelly asks Shannon why she didn’t say something. In Kelly’s interview, she says Shannon always answers with something like, she didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Her feelings are hurt by Shannon not telling her. Kelly doesn’t want talk about it anymore. It’s disgusting. Her daughter is calling because she wants to check on Kelly, and she probably knows.

Gina say she looks like a bad friend for not saying anything. In her interview, Tamra says, it was a stupid move for Braunwyn to tell Kelly. It should have come from Vicki and Shannon if they heard it. It’s not her fault. Emily says she’s on Kelly’s side, but Kelly says Emily wasn’t even there. Why is she opening her mouth? Emily says she’s pissed at Vicki telling her these things. Gina doesn’t like that Kelly feels defensive, and Kelly says she’s not asking for Gina’s opinion. Gina says she’s giving it anyway. Kelly tells her, shut up. In Kelly’s interview, She says Gina should be the last person giving her advice. She loses everything, and her kids are running amok. She’s a disaster. Gina says it was supposed to be her day, and Kelly says, STFU, and it will be her day. In Braunwyn’s interview, she says she stands by her decision to tell Kelly, but she doesn’t want them mad at her. Everyone is turning on each other. She just wants to be quiet and invisible. Gina says, a  really good day in Beverly Hills.

Next time, Shannon says they’re going on a double-decker tour bus, a hip-hop class, Tamra asks if Braunwyn is a troublemaker, and Gina misses her court date resulting in a warrant for her arrest.

😴 It Is For Me…

And I don’t even know how it happened.







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