October 24, 2019 – Scotty Drops a Bombshell, Focus On Brooklyn, Master of Deco, When He Was Ricky, Tyler Talks & His Way


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Martin questions Elizabeth. He says she loved Jake Doe, and withheld evidence of his identity to benefit herself. She tells him, the situation is different, but he says isn’t she doing something similar with his client in the name love? Isn’t it true she kept Drew’s identity a secret so she could have him all to herself? She says, that was Drew Cane, the man. This man isn’t Drew Cane.

Josslyn tells Sonny that Donna is resting in the nursery, and Avery is having a tea party with the nanny. She wonders where Michael is, and Sonny says he had something to do, and Jason was summoned to Franco’s hearing.

Ava is at the gallery. She hears something, and asks, who’s there? She reaches into her purse for her gun, but it’s Trina. She’s there to apply for the intern position.

Jax meets Curtis and Laura at Charlie’s. He asks if they have any more leads on the codicil, and Laura says they think the portrait holds the key, but Valentin threw it in the trash. Jax says, so they’re back to square one, but Curtis says, not necessarily. Laura says Doc analyzed the pattern in the portrait, and found a constellation in the jewel work around the neck of Helena’s jacket. They did research, and there is a constellation just like it, that points to Spoon Island, They think it’s the location of the codicil. Jax asks if Curtis has talked to Hayden, and Curtis says, that’s the next step, but there’s been radio silence. Hayden was supposed to have breakfast with Finn, and never showed up.

At the hospital. Hayden tells Finn, Violet is sleeping . Now would be a good time to talk. Finn says, since she ran out on him the morning of their wedding, there hasn’t been time to talk? Hayden says, just let her… Finn says, what? Leave another note? The last one said she’d lost the baby; is this one going to say, just kidding? No more lies. Why didn’t she tell him about their daughter?

Scotty says counsel is accusing Elizabeth of imposing one man’s identity onto another. Elizabeth says she’s not the one doing it; Kim is. Martin reproaches Elizabeth for finger pointing, and the judge says that’s what Martin has been doing at length. Ha-ha! Liking this judge. Martin says Elizabeth wanted to keep Jake Doe from knowing he was Jason, but Elizabeth says Kim knows this is her husband Franco, and wants to keep him from his own memories, family, and life. Scotty says Kim wanted to keep her claws in him, so to speak. She lost her son, and her son’s father, so it’s completely understandable that she’d want to hang onto the next best thing. He asks Elizabeth if she feels it was a mistake not to tell Jake Doe his true identity, and she says it was a terrible mistake, and she was wrong to do it. So is Kim. She tells Kim, do the right thing, and let Franco be Franco.

Finn asks why Hayden wrote the note telling him their baby was dead. She says it seemed like the cleanest way out. He asks her to define clean. She says Jared was blackmailing her because she’d hit a child. It was an accident, but she never paid. She was happy with Finn, ready to buy a house, and be a mother, and all she could think about was the girl she hit and the girl’s parents. How would she feel in their position? Finn says he could have helped her through it, but she says once you steal money from your place of work, putting it back doesn’t change what you did. She digresses, and tells him that he has pretty eyes, then continues. When Finn confronted her, she knew must have hated her. Finn says he never hated her, and she says she hated herself. Finn says he was angry and disappointed, but he still loved her. He went looking for her, but she was gone. Not a word, not a note; nothing but the stupid ring. Hayden says, it was a nice ring. Finn understands why she left, but he’ll never understand why she told him she lost the baby. Did she want to hurt him that much?

Jax says, one step forward, and two steps back, but Curtis says, not necessarily (which should be the new drinking phrase). He has a plan in the works. Jax asks if he’d like to share, and Curtis says he wants to iron out the details first. Jax says, in the meantime, he has personal business to take care of, and leaves. Laura asks if Curtis really has a plan, or did he just say that to appease Jax? Curtis says he’s got an idea.

Trina tells Ava that she saw the position online. Ava says her assistant must have posted it, explaining that she’s back from a leave of absence. Trina says the ad said she needs someone on Wednesday afternoons, and Ava says her applicants are usually art majors or graduate school students, but Trina says she’s extremely motivated, and has great grades. She hands Ava a copy of her resumé, and says there’s a digital copy available online. Ava appreciates Trina’s enthusiasm, but she’s looking for someone more experienced. Trina says she interned at the fine arts museum. Dev comes in, carrying something in a black garbage bag. He says he’s glad the gallery is open, and asks what Trina is doing there. Trina says she’s applying for an internship. Ava asks who he is, and what he’s doing there. He says, good afternoon, beautiful lady. His name is Dev Corbin, and he has a piece of rare artwork for her.

Martin tells the judge to Instruct the witness not to address his client, but she says he’s not the judge, and reminds him that she runs the courtroom, not him. Liking her even more. She tells Elizabeth to confine her answers to what’s asked, and Scotty says he has nothing further. Judge Lasser says the witness is dismissed, and they’re going to have a brief recess.

Monica sees Jason come in, and thanks him for being there. He says he was summoned an hour ago by Franco’s attorney. He’s not sure what Martin thinks he can do.

Scotty tells Elizabeth what happened with Jake Doe has no bearing on what’s going on, but she says, it felt like it did. He says, it doesn’t matter what went on with Drew. This is about what’s going on Franco. He still has another arrow in his quiver.

Martin apologizes to Franco and Kim, saying he didn’t think it would go like that. Franco says, Elizabeth told the truth, and Martin says, about being a liar. Kim says Elizabeth told her how terrible she felt about it. Martin says Elizabeth seems to have put a lid on her guilt, but Kim says, it doesn’t seem fair. Martin asks if she doesn’t want to make sure her boyfriend is there to stay. The stakes are high, and there’s no room for fair.

Jax goes to Sonny’s, and asks Josslyn if Donna is home. She says Donna made her big entrance, and it tired her out. Carly is with her upstairs. Sonny asks if Jax wants a drink or a snack; maybe something to go. Jax says he wanted to give Donna a gift. He gives Josslyn a small box, and tells her to open it. She says she guesses Donna is probably too little to do it herself. She looks inside, and says, he remembered. She hugs him.

Ava says Dev brought her a panting in a garbage bag. He says he passes by the gallery all the time, and they have such cool stuff. He thought it looked expensive. It’s the painting of Helena, and Ava says, that’s Helena Cassadine. Dev asks if she’s famous, and Trina says, he’s new. She’ll get him a copy of Lucy’s book; it will tell him everything. Dev says he saw it at a flea market, and thought it might be worth something, so he took a shot and bought it. Ava says she knows the man who owns the painting, and doubts Valentin would give it up and it found its way to a flea market.

Curtis says the painting is in a landfill somewhere, and Laura says, classic Valentin. Curtis says Helena was a discerning, deliberate woman. She wouldn’t hire just anyone to paint her portrait, so what’s special about the artist? He asks if Laura knows who painted it, and she says, no, but she has a picture of it on her tablet. Maybe they can see the signature. Maybe the answer isn’t in the art, but in the artist.

Hayden tells Finn that she didn’t want to hurt him more than he’d been hurt already. She was basically a fugitive. Monica could have sent the cops after her at any time, and she couldn’t risk her child being born in prison. Finn asks if it occurred to her that he would have stood by her. She says, of course (🍷) it did, but she’d made a mess of his life, and didn’t want to make it worse. He says, so she’s telling him this was one big selfless gesture. Hayden says, yes… and no.

Finn says, Hayden ran away and hid his child to protect him or her? She says she was a walking disaster, so she ran. She went to LA, where Curtis found the note. Finn says, she told him the baby was gone, and it broke him. He hears her words, but doesn’t understand why she told him the baby was gone.

Ava tells Dev that she’s not interested, and he asks if the frame isn’t worth something. She says, conventional portraits don’t sell, but Trina says, it’s not just some random old lady; Helena is a Port Charles legend, and the painting is creepy and off-putting. She points out the reflection in the teapot, and Ava says she’ll give Dev $100, take it or leave it. He says it’s a pleasure doing business with her. She goes into the back, and Trina asks where Dev really got it. He didn’t steal it, did he? He says he found it in the garbage, and asked the sanitation guys if he could take it. He has an errand to run, but says he’ll treat Trina to Kelly’s afterward. Ava comes back and gives Dev his money. Trina thanks her for her time, but Ava asks if Trina would mind staying.

Judge Lasser says she wants to hear both sides before the expert psychiatric testimony. Martin calls Monica to the stand. He asks who this man is to her, and she says he has the personality and memories of Drew, therefore he’s part of her family.

Scotty asks Monica if she gave birth to Drew, and she says, no. He says Drew was her late husband’s son with Susan Moore. Monica says they raised Jason, who was Alan’s son with Susan, and when she found out Jason had a twin, she welcomed him into the family. He asks if Alan ever met Drew, and she says, no. He says so there’s no blood relation to her with the original Drew, but the connection she had passed away. This so-called Drew has Franco’s DNA, but she says, DNA doesn’t define a person. He says she’s a physician not a philosopher, and she says she knows DNA doesn’t make a human being; it’s neurology that makes us who we are. This man has Franco’s DNA, but Drew’s neurology. That makes him Drew Cane.

Martin calls Jason to the stand.

Hayden says she lied about the baby being gone for Finn’s sake. He says the next time she wants to do him a favor, don’t do it by leaving the country. She says she wanted to have the baby overseas, and raise it on her own, and she did at first, in Finland. Violet was born on the coldest, longest night of the year. Their daughter was born fast, and came out smiling. The nurses called her valo, which means light, because she was a joy. Finn asks why she didn’t name their daughter that. She says she overheard him tell Roxie that he liked violets, and every smile, expression, even the shape of her face reminded Hayden of him. Finn says she still didn’t tell him, but she says she asked him to come to Rome and he didn’t show. She assumes he was already involved with Anna, and he says he had a lot going on at the time. Hayden says she’d hoped that somehow, against all odds and reason, they would fall back into each other arms, and she’d tell him, but it was too late.

Josslyn looks at a heart-shaped necklace in the box, and says it’s just like Lady Jane got for her when she was a baby. It’s upstairs in her jewelry box; she breaks it out on special occasions. Jax hopes this one is as special for Donna. Sonny says, Lady Jane was a class act. Josslyn tells Jax, on behalf of her baby sister, she thanks him. Dev walks in, carrying two big boxes. He says he didn’t expect everyone to be there, and Josslyn says, Donna is home. Sonny asks, what’s in the boxes?

Martin asks if Jason recently visited Drew. Jason says he visited that man, indicating Franco, in Shadybrook, where he’s registered as Franco Baldwin. Martin asks if he was there to speak to Franco or Drew, and Jason says he had a question for Drew about his time in Afghanistan. Martin says, so for all intents and purposes, that person is Drew Cane? Jason says he’s not qualified to say who he is. He can do that himself. It’s Scotty’s turn, and he says Jason doesn’t know or care who he is, as long as Franco is gone. Isn’t that right?

Laura tells Curtis, the artist is J. Garrin, and he’s known for burying clues in his paintings. Sometimes they’re fun Easter eggs, but sometimes they’re more meaningful. It would be just like Helena to hide the clues to the fortune in her portrait. Curtis asks if she thinks there’s more clues to find, and she says she thinks so.

Ava says Trina did her a favor, convincing her to buy the painting. It’s a J. Garrin. Trina says she could pretend and lie, saying she knows who that is and look it up later, but she’s opting for honesty, and hopes it works in her favor. Ava says, it may, and Trina asks who he is, and why he’s special. Ava tells her, his paintings are like puzzles. He hides his signature and clues, sometimes codes, and part of the fun is to figure out what he’s telling through the painting. Trina says, like the Davinci Code? and Ava says, kind of. She’s a Garrin aficionado. Her daughter enjoyed figuring it out as well. Trina says she heard about Kiki and what happened to Ava. Ava asks, from the Crimson article or town gossip? and Trina says, all of the above. She was worried when she stopped seeing Ava at the gallery. Ave says Trina was worried about her? Trina says she can’t imagine how Ava must feel, but she’s glad Ava came back. Ava says, so is she.

Scotty says, Jason values Drew’s life over Franco’s, right? Jason says, yeah, and Scotty says the same situation happened to Jason. His mind was changed and altered from a car accident when he was nineteen and a medical student, turning him into who he is now. Jason says, yes, and Scotty asks if he thinks the town would judge the old Jason as more valuable than the Jason he is now. Martin says, enough. It’s hearsay, and bordering on slander. When did the hearing become about Jason? Scotty says he’s done with Jason, and the judge tells them to take a short break.

Cameron and Elizabeth go into the hallway, and Cameron asks Jason why he did that? Why? He should have just said Franco was Franco. He gets Jason doesn’t like Franco. For the longest time, he couldn’t stand Franco either. But his mom was in love with him, and Jake and Aiden loved him. Jake is Jason’s son. Why couldn’t he suck it up, and say he was Franco, and give Jake back the stepdad he loves? Jason says, sorry. He was asked questions, and he answered honestly. Cameron says, of all people, Jason should understand. Elizabeth follows Cameron back inside without saying anything. Monica comes out, and thanks Jason for coming and saying what he did; that Drew should be able to speak for himself, and decide who he is.

Finn tells Hayden if he’d known they had a baby, he would have been on the next plane. She says she didn’t want him to come out of obligation, but because he wanted to see her. When she found out he was engaged, she was happy for him. She didn’t want to wreck his life all over again. He asks how she thinks a child would do that, and she says, if he thinks it wouldn’t change his and Anna’s lives, he’s uninformed or delusional. He asks why she didn’t let him decide if it’s something he could handle, and she says, you don’t get to test drive a child. What would Anna do, suddenly being a stepmother? So she left it. She and Violet were happy in Europe, and she could imagine meeting Finn in Rome, falling into each other’s arms, with Violet between them

Dev tells Sonny that he went to a box store, and got chocolate nutty bars. The school vending machine doesn’t have them, and he thought he could mark them up, and make some money. Jax asks if that isn’t illegal. The cosmopolitan business man doesn’t know the answer to that? Sonny says, it’s a free market, and Dev says he wants to pay his own way, and generate some income. Jax says, selling candy bars? Dev says, it’s amazing the things people throw away. Josslyn asks if he’s dumpster diving, but Dev says he asks if he can take them. People leave things on the curb all the time. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Josslyn looks on her phone, and says, in their state, it’s legal to sell small goods for a profit. Chocolate nutty bars are gluten free, and they’ll love them at school. Sonny says it’s a creative way to generate income, and Jax says, it could be worse. Sonny says it’s no different from what he does with coffee, or Jax does with corporations.

On the stand, Kim says he remembers so much; the little things, details of their time together. He even remembers things she forgot. She tried to remind the other Drew of them, but couldn’t… She knows the physical man she fell in love with years ago, Oscar’s father, is gone, but all of a sudden he’s here again. Her Drew. I have to note that Franco has rarely changed his expression throughout this whole hearing, and when he does, it’s very slight. Kim tells Elizabeth she’s so sorry. Somehow Drew’s life has overtaken Franco’s. Franco made the decision to save Cameron, and Elizabeth has to accept that Franco is gone, and Drew lives where Franco used to be. Scotty says Kim talked about sacrifice. What if Cameron’s memory had been put in Oscar’s brain? She says, that didn’t happen, and he asks if she would have fought to get him back, or just give up. Ho-hum; he’s gone. Kim doesn’t know, and he asks if she wouldn’t want her son back. Martin says he’s leading the witness. Scotty says she knows Franco is his son. From one parent to another, why is Drew’s life worth fighting for, and his son’s is not?

Finn says Hayden kept his daughter from him because he’d moved on, and she couldn’t have him back. Hayden says when he puts it that way, it sounds petty. That’s the downside of love. For what it’s worth, she never stopped loving him. She starts to touch his face, but Finn stops her. He says he wants to see Violet, not as a doctor, but as a father. She says, Violet is right in there. He says he wants to sit by her bedside and talk; tell her a story, or maybe have her tell one to him. She tells him, careful what you wish for; their kid has a weird imagination. He says, then they’ll get along fine. If she’s asleep, he just wants to look at her. Hayden says she’s just sorry for everything. She’ll go with him, since Violet doesn’t know him. He asks who’s fault that is, and she says it’s entirely hers. He says, come on. Let’s go see our daughter. Tears slide down both their faces as they walk together.

Curtis tells Laura, the clues might not be visible to the naked eye, and Laura says, agreed. What if the clues are underneath? Like how they take an x-ray, and there’s another image underneath. Picasso had one, and Van Gogh had one that was disturbing. (I’ll have to check that out.) Curtis says, if they’re going to get an x-ray, that means they actually have to find the physical painting. Laura says, if it hasn’t been found already. Any thoughts?

Ava tells Trina that she’s an impressive young lady; a scholar and an athlete. She must not have much free time. Trina says that’s why she just wanted one afternoon a week. Ava asks if Trina wouldn’t rather use the time to study or be with her friends. Trina says she thinks art is important. No matter how messed up you are, art makes you feel like you’re not alone. Artists are messed up; the good ones are anyway. She tells Ava that it was great talking to her. Ava says, likewise. She’s hired.

Jax asks if it doesn’t bother Sonny that Dev is in the house. Sonny says Dev lived on the street in Turkey. Survival instincts don’t go away, you just do a better job at hiding them. Jax is concerned it’s a short road from capitalist to con artist, but Sonny says he’s got his eye on Dev. Jax says, if the cops come around… Sony knows; Jax won’t lie for him. Jax says, just so they’re clear. Jax leaves, and Sonny asks if he can speak with Dev for a minute, but Dev says, Josslyn can stay. She’s going to be his consigliere – he got that from The Godfather. Sonny says he knows he defended Dev with Jax, but he doesn’t like Dev’s business endeavor. It could work if Dev was on the up and up, or was really from Bridgeport, but it might cause unwanted attention. Josslyn asks what he’s saying, and Sonny says he thinks Dev should rethink it.

Monica tells Jason, about what Scotty said, she doesn’t know how he would have evolved as a doctor. He asks if she would have liked him better, but she says it’s not his occupation that makes him her son. She tells him that she loves him, and they hug.

Scotty says they’ve established that Kim fell in love with Drew in San Diego, and had Drew’s son. She lost her biological child with Drew, but how far would she go to ease her grief over Oscar? Kim says she doesn’t understand, and he says, didn’t she want to have another baby? Martin says, it’s irrelevant, and the judge shoots him a look, but tells Scotty, get to the point. Scotty asks if it’s not true that Kim drugged Drew because she wanted to have another baby with him against his will. Everyone looks sick.

Tomorrow, Lucy says she’s going to make Sasha’s dreams come true, Doc takes the stand, and Diane says there’s one option that can speed up the process.

Million Dollar Listing New York

Ryan had scored a listing that had 100 feet of Central Park views, and his exclusive was about to expire. In a buyer’s market, the problem seemed to be the apartment was designed in Ruhlmann style, a designer that Ryan said epitomized art deco, and not what buyers are looking for in 2019. Like the ground floor loft, for the right person, it would be the right property, but that person needed to be found. Ryan explained that most buyers wouldn’t pay the price if they could find something newer. To make matters more of a pita, the seller was Ian Simpson Reisner, a blast from the show’s past. He might be a fabulous developer, but his personality leaves something to be desired. Ryan called him scary, but I think he’s weird, full of himself, and a bit creepy; the type that loves to laugh at someone else’s expense. Ian dangled the promise of also giving Ryan the downstairs duplex that he might be listing one day. Ryan talked him into extending the exclusive, as well as a price reduction, but Ian had a requirement – he wanted it to be a co-listing. Having heard Luis was back in town, that’s who he wanted on board. We saw clips of the last time Luis dealt with Ian, who insisted on calling him Ricky Ricardo, making rude passes at him under the guise of a joke, and requesting Luis do things like pick up his dry cleaning. In other words, he was pretty degrading. Ryan thought bringing in another broker would muddy the waters, but Ian insisted, so Ryan asked Luis to meet him for a drink. They showed each other pictures of their new babies, and Ryan pointed out how much baby Leela looked like Luis. In his interview, Ryan says he heard that girls often look like their fathers, but Zena looked nothing like him, adding that he was grateful she didn’t have grey hair. When he finally broached the subject of working with Ian, Luis said he loved Ryan, but absolutely not. He reminded Ryan that Ian had cut his commission last time, because Ian was also the owner of the apartment that Luis sold. He did finally agree to a meeting.

In his interview, Luis said, three years ago he definitely wouldn’t have met with Ian, but now that he had a baby, he didn’t want to say no to something that wasn’t going to cost him anything. Ryan was concerned about having both an unpredictable seller and co-lister. Right off the bat, although Ian complimented Luis on selling the unit at a record price, Ian began to call Luis Ricky. Luis made it clear that he did not take kindly to that, and also wasn’t picking up any laundry. Ian said it was all in fun, and Luis said he understood it was for Ian’s amusement, but Luis wasn’t there to amuse him. He was there to do business, and insisted on a one-year exclusive, even though Ryan was good with six months. In Ryan’s interview, he was worried that in having so much time, Ian would hold out for a better price even if they got offers. In Luis’s interview, he said he had the leverage because Ryan needed him and Ian wanted him. Ian wanted to think about it, but Luis wanted an answer now. Ian told Luis that he’d come a long way, and agreed to the year. He told Luis not to make him regret it, but also ended up addressing him as Mr. Ortiz.

Tyler was back searching for a property for Alex and Lyndi, since their budget had dropped by a million dollars. He showed them a gorgeous place in Brooklyn that had private rooftop space, and a pet washing station downstairs. In his interview, Tyler wasn’t sure they’d go for Brooklyn, since Alex had already been freaking out about moving from the lower east side to midtown. They liked the apartment, but wouldn’t budge from their $2.7 million offer, which was $500K under the asking price. Tyler got a break when his brother and sister-in-law swung by on their way to South America. Tyler thought the van they’d revamped into a mini-house was the most impressive renovation he’d ever seen. Miraculously, the Brooklyn seller ended up agreeing to the price drop, but Tyler wasn’t sure if Alex and Lyndi had move on mentally. Apparently, they really loved the place, since it was an immediate yes.

Steve was also focused on Brooklyn, and a Bedford Stuyvesant townhouse on Putman Avenue. In his interview, he said Bed Stuy was in throes of change, but there were still pockets of areas that weren’t there yet. He considered Putman good, but not great. The sellers were a former Vogue editor and a restaurateur. He said even though they had renovated, they hadn’t taken the history out of it, keeping the amazing moldings and exposed brick. A huge selling point was a backyard pool, but the sellers wanted 35% over the market’s comps. Since they’d been majorly screwed over by a contractor to the tune of $100K, Steve wanted to help them recoup, and agreed to their price. Steve’s broker Jess, who had soured a bit on the real estate game, was back in it, and he gave her the listing. He also figured her moving to Brooklyn didn’t hurt. Steve was a stickler on not pointing out any negatives to a potential buyer, but Jess wanted to be more authentic, preferring to show the apartment on her own without Steve standing over her, to which he agreed.

Fredrik was back in NYC, and got a listing for an apartment in Soho that had 11 foot ceilings and 10 foot windows. He was thrilled with the privacy, light, and open space. The seller, who’d done the renovation, wanted to move on to her next project, a triplex penthouse in the same building. She told Fredrik that if he did a good job, the penthouse would also be his to sell when she was done. She was concerned that Fredrik would pressure her into lowering the price, but in a rare moment, he told her he thought it was worth more than she was asking, which was fine by her. Fredrik had an open house, inviting 400 brokers, as well as people from the fashion world. Tyler brought a potential buyer, but said it was so crowded, the only thing he could see was Fredrik, since he was seven feet tall and in a silver suit. The buyer finally got a tour, but Fredrik didn’t think it was what she was looking for, and Tyler was not too pleased with the brush off.

Next week – the finale. Tyler has his biggest listing yet and is feeling the pressure from his bosses, and Ramona Singer comes on the scene.

Just wondering. Who talked Julie Andrews into being on Watch What Happens Live? For the second time, no less.

💠 It’s All About the Deco…

The world of Ruhlmann.


🎢 The Ian Experience…

A little background on why Luis was feeling the burn, and not in a good way.


🗽 More Tyler…

A nice interview with an even nicer guy.


💻 To Post Or Not To Post…

That is the question. I’m not sure what’s going to be happening tomorrow, except for a Halloween soiree at my place, so it might just be GH highlights. In the meantime, my favorite version of this song. It should come as no surprise, one of my favorite films is Sid & Nancy, a horror film in its own right. It’s like my father once told me, it’s the live ones you have to worry about. And whatever happened to Chloe Webb anyway?

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