June 8, 2020 – The 2018 Ball Continues, One Bad Stew Spoils the Deck, a Reunion, For Shame, a Wife Marches, Superheroes, Traditions, New 90 Spin-off & Higher


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Today’s GH flashback continued with the 2018 Nurse’s Ball – May 18th, 2018. Alexis was called to be the first recipient of the Port Charles Pioneer Award, but she was too busy eavesdropping on Finn saying he still cared about Anna. And she got caught. Sam found Faison’s lighter on Peter’s desk, and remembered Jason saying it wasn’t in Faison’s personal effects. Find the lighter; find Henrik. She also remembered that Peter was in the hospital the night Faison died. While Valentin wanted to run off with old Nina, she talked him into performing again. Jason found Michael at the hospital, tending to Nelle, and told him that Nelle had been sabotaging Carly, causing Carly to think she was being haunted by Morgan. Eddie Maine sang What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding? while accompanied by Olivia in go-go boots on the tambourine. Anna told Finn, for the record, she wasn’t dying; and he said, for the record, he meant what he said.

Colleen Sullivan worked the red carpet, and Ava attended with Griff. Drew, who had thought he was Jason, now knew he was Drew, and knew Oscar was his son. Finn apologized to Alexis, who said he’d done nothing wrong. It was her fault for allowing herself to be used as a prop to make Anna jealous. Kim was still dating Charlie/Julian, Molly told Julian to back off of Alexis, and Oscar and Josslyn sang I Never Knew together. Michael asked Nelle if she was sure Carly pushing her wasn’t an accident, and Kim gave Olivia a personal advertisement for Olay. Valentin performed, once again accompanying himself on the piano, after which Robert punched him out.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Cala Roco, Spain. As Hannah and Lara clear the dinner table, Hannah tells Lara to acknowledge when she’s told something. Lara says she doesn’t have time, and Hannah says she has time to argue. Hannah is her chief stew, and she needs to start showing respect. Primary Chris wanders around. Hannah tells Lara to knock off for the night, and start at 6 am. When Lara leaves, Hannah says if Lara wants to play this game, she’s much better at it. She tells Jessica that Lara can set up breakfast. Malia says, the first day of charter is always a sh*t show. The guests play a drinking game in the main salon. Malia talks to boyfriend Tom on the phone. She tells him, bromances are already happening. In her interview, she says Tom is also in yachting. He’s a chef, and it’s hard being away from each other. The industry is tough when it comes to love. Pete asks if Alex wants to see his dog, and shows him some ashes. Alex says he thought it was going to be a photo. Kiko tells Hannah that he likes everyone, and Hannah tells Jessica to prioritize breakfast service over cabins. Alex goes on anchor watch.

God how I hate their alarm clock. I say that all the time. It sounds just like mine, and it’s annoying AF. Lara asks Kiko, what happened last night? and he says the guests liked dinner. In Lara’s interview, she says she’s glad to be on service without Hannah. Anchor is hauled and home, and Captain Sandy calls for fresh orange juice to be brought to the bridge. In Jessica’s interview, she says she’s a quarter Japanese, and her Japanese grandmother always told her, whatever you do, do the best you can.

Mallorca. Kiko says, American fluffy pancakes make people so happy. TBH, the only pancakes I like are the Harvest Grain & Nut ones from iHop. He tells Lara to ask how the guests want their eggs, but she says she’s waiting on the juice. Jessica says it’s going to take time, so don’t wait. In Lara’s interview, she admits she argues a lot, then tries to amend that, saying, not argue… but she can’t think of another word. She says she wanted to be a lawyer. She was always defending people, and seemed to win. She gets the guests’ egg orders, and Kiko doesn’t know what over easy means. Lara says she doesn’t either; she’s not a chef. Jessica explains it, while the deckhands wonder if Lara’s name is Lara or Lana. Kiko says, eggs get cold easy, and Jessica tells Lara to make sure to take them to the guests quickly. She tells Kiko, enjoy the calm before the storm. Lara says because she’s doing breakfast, she doesn’t have to do cabins, but Jessica says they have to do both. Lara says, it’s not on the sheet. It says one of them is on cabins, and the other on service. Apparently, this woman has a problem with change, which makes her in the wrong business. Jessica tells Lara that she can read, and in Lara’s interview, she says Jessica shouldn’t boss her around.

As he lounges in the crew mess, Pete says he couldn’t sleep. Rob tells Jessica about how he used to transport illegal things to get money to put his mom in rehab for her alcoholism. I’m astonished when not one person uses the word ironic. He says he did the wrong thing for the right reasons. In his interview, he says he didn’t question what was in the packages, but he knew it must be drugs. He’s not proud about it, but he was trying to help his mom. He tells Jessica that his mother died, and they celebrated by drinking, which suddenly causes them to grasp the concept of irony. Malia tells the deckhands to get the tender out. Captain Sandy asks if the guests are ready for today; they’re putting all of the toys in the water. Jessica tells Hannah about Lara’s difficulty with taking egg orders, and Hannah says she’ll put Lara on laundry. Pete over-helps Malia, who tells him that she’s not as weak as he thinks. Chris talks to Kiko about the birthday dinner, and Kiko says he’ll make a carrot cake.

In Malia’s interview, she says she always wants to perform perfectly for a captain, but she wants Captain Sandy to see that she’s learning and to be proud of her. The captain asks how breakfast went, and Hannah says Lara got into it with Jessica. And not just Jessica; Kiko too. Neither one of them understands how that happened, since Kiko is pretty easy going. The deckhands get the wave runners in the water, and the captain says she wants everything out. She wants it to look like the most fun yacht on the water. Hannah asks Lara to check on how much water they have. In Hannah’s interview, she says, apart from Lara’s sh*t attitude, she’s not very stew like stewardess-like, and doesn’t take initiative. Lara can’t find the aft deck fridge, and Hannah shows her where the door is. Lara balks at going inside, since it’s low and she’d actually have to make an effort, and tells Hannah to show her how. Hannah is like, what? and Lara walks away. Hanna says they’re not finished.

Hannah follows Lara, who says she’s done now. Hannah says she’s not finished, and has to check on the water. Lara says, show her then, and Pete says he’ll do it. Hannah tells Lara to check the cabins. In Lara’s interview, she says her parents always told her to stand up for herself. It’s in her genes. I guess in their world, standing up for yourself includes not doing anything you don’t like at work. I’m surprised she’s been able to work at all. Hannah tells Jessica, she doesn’t know what kind of game Lara is playing, but she’s going to lose. Lara wanders into the galley, and Hannah tells her to go on break. The inflatable banana, which has become quite popular, is put in the water, and Chris and another guest go for a ride. Kiko prepares lobster. Captain Sandy asks if Lara is on service; doesn’t she want to be? Lara says Hannah is rotating them, and the captain tells her to ask about it. She explains that they want to woo the guests. Kiko’s paella is going slow, and he says he’d rather have the guests complain about the timing than the taste. The captain tells Malia to put up the dreaded slide, and Hannah declares the table is like a bouquet of happiness. Malia tells the deckhands, great job, and to put out the slide. She tells Pete not to walk away while she’s talking. She’s going to need him tonight. In her interview, she says, when a girl is direct, she’s stern and a bitch, but a guy who’s direct is a great leader. Preach it, sister.

Hannah wonders where Lara is, and finds her in the crew mess. Lara says it’s written on the list that she’s on crew mess, not laundry. Hannah tells her to do laundry, and Lara says, it’s not on the list; she was just following instructions. She refuses to be in the wrong. Hannah says, dude, trust her; she found the wrong one. The guests continue to wait on the paella, and Lara tells Hannah, she’ll do it in her own time. Hannah says, that’s not how it works, and Lara says, they collaborate or it doesn’t work. She tries to move Hannah aside, and Hannah says, don’t touch her. In Pete’s interview, he says, it’s like a cat fight, and gets a little too excited. Lara says she’s being polite and tranquil, and says Hannah is stressed out. Hannah says, of course she is; she’s running a 180-foot yacht. Lara says, maybe it’s not the job for her. Hannah walks away, saying she’s going punch this bitch out. I can’t say that I blame her. Jessica tells Hannah to take a breath. Lunch is finally served.

Malia asks Alex how things are going. In Alex’s interview, he says, growing up, he lived with his mom, who took on both the mom and dad roles. She was his role model and shaped him into the man he is. She asks if he thinks Pete is going to be okay. She’s learning how to be a girl on a team of boys. Alex says she is one of the boys. Hannah tells Lara that if her boss tells her to come and do laundry, then she comes and does laundry. Lara says she doesn’t like the way Hannah speaks to her, and it was a misunderstanding. In her interview, Lara says, Hannah takes it personally even though she doesn’t mean it that way. Still, she sleeps at night.

Captain Sandy asks the guests how lunch was, and they all say it was fabulous, but Chris adds, it could have been faster. The captain says she’ll make sure the pace is picked up, and tells Kiko, bravo, but pick the pace up. Malia tells Alex to man the slide, and Kiko finds out the captain is joining the guests for dinner. Kiko says he’s nervous, but like surfing; he’s just rolling with it. The guests get ready for dinner, the slide is packed in, and the crew changes into their blacks.

In Kiko’s interview, he says tonight is the birthday party. Chris asked for tacos and burritos, but he wants to make it fancier, and he has to make carrot cake. Jessica helps Hannah with the centerpiece. Jessica is confused as to where the pantry is. In Jessica’s interview, she says she’s trying not to get on Hannah’s bad side . She knows in America, a pantry is a closet with canned goods in it. Hannah points to the part of the room that’s the galley, and the part that’s the pantry. The guests are seated, and one of them asks for half-portions. Hannah tells Kiko to start plating. She puts Lara on cabins, and asks for a deckhand to help run the plates. The captain says she heard the guests used every toy, and makes small talk. Half-portions guest doesn’t get hers, and Hannah radios Kiko that there are eight people for dinner; the captain is joining them. Hannah goes to the galley, and Kiko says he forgot. She tells him that one woman wants half-servings, so she’s giving him a reason for the hold up. Chris tells Captain Sandy that a yacht is different than most vacations, and she says it really has to do with the crew. She asks if they did their job, and Chris says, 100%. Pete and Alex make up dirty poems. Captain Sandy is having a hard time cutting her steak, and realizes they only have butter knives. She radios for steak knives, and then goes to the galley. She asks if Kiko tried the steak before he served it, and he admits he didn’t. I know from watching chef competitions, that’s high up on the list of rules. In the captain’s interview, she says she knows it’s the first charter, but that’s still a big mistake. She tries the steak using the proper knife, and radios Kiko, telling him, it’s not tough. It was just because she was using a butter knife. Kiko is relieved, and says, let’s make an effing cake. Captain Sandy tells a story about a guy who crashed his boat everywhere, and only had one eye. She thought, if that’s all it takes, she could do this. Kiko brings up the cake, and it’s beautiful. Hannah gives the birthday girl a present from the crew, a couple of cans of (I think) Smirnoff Ice. The guest pokes a hole in one, and drinks out of it sideways.

The guests fall out, and Rob texts his girlfriend. In his interview, he says he’s seeing someone, but has no effing idea what’s going to happen. Omg, it’s that alarm clock again. Captain Sandy says, haul anchor. Lara is thirty minutes late to her shift. Pete instructs Alex about something, and afterwards, Malia takes Pete aside. She says she knows he’s a captain, but she doesn’t tell him how to run his boat. That’s up to him. But when she’s the bosun and he goes against her, especially in front of the other guys, he’s not going to be her lead deckhand any more. She doesn’t want pushback. She asks if they’re good, and he says, all good. She thanks him.

The captain radios the crew, telling them, ten minutes. The guests pack. In Malia’s interview, she says Pete’s inability to be a student is viewed as a weakness. It’s her first time docking, and she wants to make the captain proud. The docking goes perfectly, and Captain Sandy says, well done. Malia says she did it. Lara says she has two important things to tell Hannah, and Hanna asks if it can wait until the guests are off the boat. As they line up to tell the guests goodbye, Lara stands next to Pete. In her interview, she says Pete is tall, and she likes tall men. Yeah. I can’t imagine them lasting more than five minutes. Chris says there’s nothing he asked for that he didn’t get, and gives Captain Sandy the tip envelope. The crew starts flipping the boat, and the captain calls them to the main salon for the tip meeting.

The captain says she’s proud of Hannah; the clients love them. She tells Kiko that she knows she’s been on him, but she hopes he also felt her support. The deck crew killed it, and she’s proud of Malia. It’s like night and day from day one. She says the crew was overall amazing, and they received 18,000 euros ($20,320.83), or 1500 euros ($1693.40) each. In Kiko’s interview, he says he’s used to just a salary, but a salary plus tips is like, whoa. Jessica eats something, while Lara has a glass of wine. Hannah tells Captain Sandy that she’s struggling with Lara, and the captain says she thinks Lara’s energy is negative. She thinks Hannah needs to sit down with Lara, suggest they put it behind them, and find out how they can turn this around. She wants to see Lara on service. Hannah says if she had to do a charter with just Jessica, it would be easier, but the captain wants to see Hannah turn it around. Hannah radios Lara, who makes a hand gesture and says, f*** you. She says, God help me, as she passes Alex.

Lara stomps down the hall, asking, where is this woman? She sees Hannah in the lounge, and asks what she wants. Hannah reminds Lara that she’s the one who had some things to bring up. Realizing Hannah is right, causes Lara to skip a beat, but she says the more Hannah pisses her off, the less she will do. That’s how it works. Hannah asks what she’s doing that pisses Lara off, and Lara says Hannah speaks disrespectfully. Hannah asks for specifics, but Lara says she’s been made to feel so uncomfortable, she doesn’t remember. Hannah needs to work it out in her head. She’ll do the job right if Hannah respects her. Hannah says she doesn’t think Lara’s attitude is good, and Lara tells Hannah, get her sh*t together and be nice. Hannah pissed her off yesterday, so she started an hour later. Hannah says Lara is disgusting.

Hannah finds Captain Sandy in the galley, and says she needs her. The captain asks if she can eat her cereal first, but Hannah says, it’s bad. The captain follows Hannah to the lounge, and they sit down with Lara.

Next time, the primary is Roy Orbison Jr., Hannah struggles with Lara, Malia tells Lara that she’d fire her, Lara disappears; Captain Sandy tells the deckhands, if they don’t like it, they can leave, and that some people are cut out for yachting and some are not.

😵 Still Flipping…

Forgiving and forgetting isn’t exactly his strong suit.


🏄🏼 What Not To Do…

This is just sad.


👠 What You Can Do…

As always, she’s a class act.


🦸🏾 Being a Hero…

I’m a Blade fan myself.


👰🏽 Traditionally Wed…

See? You can learn a lot from reality TV.


💍 Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop…

Yet one more show joins the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. B90 Strikes Back, which allows hated cast members to clap back, premieres June 22nd on TLC.


🐣 Starting Another…

Either another week is off to a start for you, or you’re part of a neverending weekend without a Falcor in sight. Either way, stay safe, stay helpful, and stay with your head held high.

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