September 24, 2020 – The News About Nelle Spreads, NYC’s Reunion Ends On a Socially Distant High Note, Leah Gets Her Due, a New Kind Of Chat & Sweet


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Franco tells Elizabeth to hold on as she jets to the elevator. He says, money problems shouldn’t get between them, but she says, money’s not the problem. He says, she’s right. People are the problem, but they found a solution. She says he found a solution. One that could cause more problems, and he knows that. She gets in the elevator and the doors close.

Ava goes to the pier. She looks around and says, all right. She’s here; where are they? She hears someone behind her, and whips around, pointing a gun. It’s Scotty, who tells her, be careful with that heater. She says she’s meeting someone there, and it would be better for her if she’s alone when they got there. He asks if she’s going to plug them, and she says, it’s a very sensitive business transaction. He says he might be of some service, and she says it’s kind of him, but he needs to go. He says he has a transaction for her – $125K for a picture he has of her and Franco making out, before it finds its way to Nikolas.

Nikolas and Martin sit at a table at the MetroCourt. Martin says he was curious when he got Nikolas’s call. How may he be of assistance? Nikolas says, first – he slides an envelope over to Martin – consider that his retainer. Martin says, he would, but if it’s related to Valentin, his hands are tied. Nikolas says, no; there’s no conflict of interest. Martin asks why Nikolas requires his legal expertise, and Nikolas says, for a post-nuptial agreement.

Ned tells Brook, if she’s not coming home he’d like one consideration. She says, forget it, and he says, just one. Then he’ll leave. She says, fine, and he asks her to let him know where she’s staying when she leaves Chase’s place. She says she’ll  send him a change of address card. Ned’s phone rings, and he says, she did what? No. He’ll have his assistant get in touch. Brook asks, what is it? and he says, a motel in Monaco seems to think he and Olivia are there on their honeymoon.

Willow and Michael go into the hospital. Michael tells her they have to find Epiphany. If anyone knows how Cyrus’s new regime is affecting the hospital, it’s her. Elizabeth says she’s sorry hear about Michael’s grandfather passing, and he thanks her for visiting Mike. She says, Mike was a special man. She’s going to miss him. Sasha runs up, and says, Mike died? She almost hugs Michael, but backs up, saying, sorry for his loss.

On his phone, Jason thanks someone for the update. Sonny asks, what is it? and he says, they are their guy at the PCPD confirmed Nelle is dead. They found her body. Sonny says, finally. May she rot in hell.

Sasha tells Michael to give his parents her sympathies about Mike. He says, they’ll appreciate that. Willow asks him to go see if he can find Epiphany; she’ll stay right there. He says, okay. He’ll only be a minute. Sasha tells Willow that she should get going, but Willow asks her to wait.

Ava says Scotty has got to be kidding. He says he’s very serious, and she says, he’s been spying on her? He says, that’s one way to look at it, or look at it like… Yeah, he’s been spying on her. Ava says she knows how it looks, and he says, so does he. He’s got a picture. She says she was in a vulnerable space. Franco seemed supportive, and the kiss just happened. He says he knows. He hears that in divorce court a lot. She tells him, erase his lapse in judgement, and she’ll forgive his.

Nikolas explains to Martin, Ava will get 90% of his assets, with 10% going in trust for his son if he’s unfaithful. If she’s unfaithful, she gets nothing. Martin says, as long as the agreement clearly defines what constitutes infidelity, then the situation is straightforward, but Nikolas says, suppose it isn’t defined? Martin says, then it’s a veritable minefield of complications, any of which could trigger Nikolas into losing his fortune.

Scotty tells Ava, he’s had no lapse in judgment, and she says, what?! They’re supposed to be friends; she relies on him. He ask when was the last time she called him? and she asks when was the last time he called her. He says he tried every night, wanting to go out, have martinis, and have fun, but she got busy with her new husband. She says, now he’s punishing her for marrying Nikolas. He says, he’s not punishing her for being a bad friend, but she didn’t even let him do the post-nup. She says she wanted to. She almost did, but she didn’t want to put him in an awkward situation. So she went with Dingleberry and Dingleberry (okay, I didn’t catch it). He says, those guys are all bozos, but she says, those bozos did a good job. Delete the photo. She says he knows the only reason she married Nikolas was to punish him. Scotty says, and clean him out. She says, eventually, but right now she’s enjoying the glamorous life, using the Cassadine coffers. He says the money he’s trying to get is peanuts; what’s the big deal? She’ll get the Cassadine money, unless the photo hits social media. She says he’s not going do that, and he asks, why? She says, because Franco is his son. Even if he hurts her, she knows he wouldn’t want to hurt Franco. He tells her, says you.

Sonny asks Jason if they’re sure, and Jason says, the body was found on the Pennsylvania side of the river. Their guy is handling the paperwork and arranging transport of the body. Sonny asks if they know how she died, and Jason says, he didn’t want say before the autopsy. He’s sure they’ll know soon. Sonny says, Carly must be relieved. After all this time, and the damage Nelle has done, it’s hard to believe they’ll never have to worry about her again. Jason asks if Carly is sure she’s okay, and Carly says she’s just shocked. It’s over. Sonny says, Nelle stalked Carly and tried to dismantle her life. Now she’s dead. Carly should be jumping up and down.

Sonny says, Carly wanted to tell him and Jason something, then Nelle’s death was confirmed. Now she seems more worried. What’s going on? She says, okay. They need to understand why she didn’t say anything. Mike was dying and she didn’t want anything to interfere with his last few days, least of all, Nelle. Sonny asks if she lied about what happened at the cabin, and she says, no, but there was more. He asks, what’s the rest? Did she kill Nelle?

Ned tells Brook, the hotel thinks Olivia left her stuff behind in their honeymoon suite in Monte Carlo. Olivia’s credit card must have been hacked or stolen. He’ll call the bank and report it. Brook says she wouldn’t, but Ned says, Olivia is in Geneva to meet Dante, not Monte Carlo. It’s crazy. She says, not as crazy as he thinks.

Sasha tells Willow, she’s sorry. It was just force of habit. Willow says she knows; it’s okay. Sasha wanted to comfort and support Michael in his time of grief. Sasha says she has no right, after what she and Chase did, and Willow says she hasn’t forgotten or forgiven. Sasha says she didn’t think Willow had, but Willow says, that’s neither here nor there. The point is, she saw how difficult it was for Sasha. Sasha says, and inappropriate for her to comfort Willow’s husband. Willow says, Sasha is still in love with Michael, isn’t she?

Martin says, the old definition of infidelity was to stray outside the marriage sexually. Nikolas says, and now? Martin says, currently, emotional intimacy is just as sacred as physical intimacy, and Nikolas says, so all he has to do is have sexual or romantic feelings to be considered unfaithful? Martin says, it’s not quite that simple, but if his spouse has proof that he behaved in a manner that compromised either the emotional or physical integrity of their agreement, they might have a cogent argument for infidelity. Nikolas says, but there has to be proof? and Martin says, exactly. In the absence of proof, there’s no accusation that can be sustained. He’d be in the clear.

Ava says, no way is Scotty blowing up Franco’s life and marriage for a few bucks. That’s what would happen if he released the photo. He won’t get any money, but he’ll get an unhappy son. It was a mistake; a slip-up. He says, sure, Elizabeth would be livid, but she’ll blame Ava. She already thinks Ava exploited Franco’s past, and she’s going to protect her territory. Ava says, that’s not the way she sees it; the portrait was an opportunity for Franco. Scotty says, maybe if he posts the photo, Franco will come to his senses. So the options are, post, don’t post. She says she’s not as heartless as he describes. She and Franco had something wonderful once. How does Scotty know she’s not in love with him?

Elizabeth asks if she can do something for Michael, and he says he’d like to talk to Epiphany, but she’s no longer on the schedule. Elizabeth says she’s been moved to administration now, and Michael asks, why? She says, what can she say? Their new Chief of Staff, Britt Westbourne, gets her marching orders from Cyrus. Michael asks what other changes were made, and Elizabeth says her hours were cut. He says, sorry, and she says she’s there for the time being. Is there something she can do for him? He says, Wiley is due for surgery. Given its current state, is GH still the best hospital for him? She says she still loves the place, and the staff and doctors, but as a parent, she understands his concern. Given everything that’s going on, she thinks he should look at other options. He guesses he should do some research, and she says he didn’t hear it from her, but Mercy’s cardiac unit is on the rise. He thanks her.

Scotty tells Ava, she likes to play all her cray 8s, but she says she’s not playing cards. This is her life. He says, okay. Say she’s in love with Franco. He’ll put it out there to the world, and let everybody know. All it takes is one tap. She says he’ll do nothing of the sort, and he says, now there’s his girl. She says he knows what Nikolas did to her. She ended up in an asylum because of him, and now Scotty wants to spoil her revenge? Why? He says she did it for the money, her marriage went to hell, then she went after Franco to scratch a few itches. That’s why she’s going to pay. Ava says they have a rare thing here and now. Most friends disappear or fade away. Knowing the exact time of death, the exact moment a friendship ends is a rarity. He says, well then let him mark the exact time of death. She’s got 24 hours to pay up. Got it?

Nikolas sees Julian at the MetroCourt bar, and asks if he’s spoken to Ava since her trip to Sonny’s cabin. He says, no, and asks if something happened. Nikolas flashes back to him and Ava in the cabin, and says, not that he’s aware of. Julian says, but Nikolas hasn’t heard from her and doesn’t know where she is? Nikolas says, she’s a strong, independent woman, and makes her own schedule. He’s not concerned. Julian says they both know Nikolas doesn’t care, and Nikolas tells Julian, he didn’t say that. Julian says, everybody knows; he approves. Nikolas says he’d rather Ava be in a loveless marriage than with someone who makes her happy? Julian says, their family doesn’t do happiness. He tells Nikolas, he’s got his own problems to deal with, and leaves.

Sasha tells Willow, she’ll always care for Michael, but she’s not acting on it. She heard Mike died, and knowing how much he meant to Michael, it was an impulse. Willow says, a good impulse, but just so Sasha knows, Michael hasn’t had to grieve alone. He’s had his family – both of them – and Wiley. Sasha says, and Willow. Willow says, yes, and Sasha says, good. She’s glad Michael’s had all sorts of people to lean on. He needs that. He needs Willow. She got one thing right, about how much they all need each other.

Carly tells Sonny, no; she didn’t kill Nelle. It’s more complicated than that. Jason tells her to take them through it, step by step. She says she found Michael and Wiley in the cabin. Jax was there, outside, calling the police. That’s when Michael told her that Nelle took off. Jason says, and Carly ran after her, and caught up with her in the clearing. They fought, and Nelle got away. Carly says, Nelle ran, and a few minutes later, she heard Nelle screaming. She followed Nelle’s voice, and ran to the cliff. Nelle was screaming and begging for Carly to help her, but she hesitated; she thought it was some kind of trick. Nelle kept screaming and begging for help. She looked over the edge, and Nelle was dangling. She tried to help. She had Nelle’s hand in her hand, but Nelle slipped. Jason says, it’s not Carly’s fault, and Carly says, maybe not, but if she’d gotten there sooner, she could have done something. The doorbell rings, and Jason answers. It’s Chase, who says he’s there on police business. Can he come in?

Ned tells Brook, what if Olivia got her purse stolen, with her wallet, passport, and phone in it? That would explain why she hasn’t called him back. Brook flashes back to listening to the message Olivia left about staying overseas with Robert for a few mores days. She remembers deleting the message, and saying, let Ned worry about not hearing from her. Ned says, she could be stranded with no ID or passport. He’s going to call Interpol; no, he’s calling the WSB. She tells him, don’t; that didn’t happen. He asks how she knows, and she says she did something impulsive. It was after Dr. Robinson told her that she’d have a long recovery time. Does he remember when he left his phone in her room? There was a voicemail. He insists there wasn’t, and she says that’s because she deleted it. He asks why she did that, and she says she doesn’t know. She guesses she was upset about Olivia running all over Europe with Robert while she was laid up. He asks what she means, running all over Europe? Tell him what his wife said. Brook says, Olivia said she and Robert would be a few days in Monte Carlo. She didn’t leave any details. Ned says he thinks he’ll call the hotel back.

Chase comes into the living room, and says he just explained to Jason that he’s there on police business. Sonny thanks him for bringing Brook to Turning Woods; it meant a lot. (Nice deflection and mood setting.) Chase says he was glad to help, and he’s sorry for their loss. Carly asks what they can do for him, and he says he wanted to tell them in person that Nelle’s body was recovered on the Pennsylvania side of the river. It’s now in the Port Charles morgue. Sonny asks if he’s sure it’s her; was there a positive ID? Jason asks how she died, and Chase says her body was on the riverbank. Apparently, she drowned, but a full autopsy is being conducted. He thought they should know, after what Nelle put their family through. Since Carly was the last person to see Nelle, he was wondering if he could ask a few questions.

Julian meets with Martin, and says he wants to annul his marriage to Nelle, and Martin recommends consulting a lawyer. Julian asks if that’s not what he’s doing, and Martin says he has to get his own lawyer. He can’t handle the case. He’s no longer Nelle’s attorney, but it’s still a conflict of interest. If Julian wants to annul his marriage to the charming Mrs. Benson-Jerome, he’ll have to find another attorney. Perhaps he could hire a new lawyer on Nelle’s behalf, but when he does, do him a favor. Nelle left an important document in his care, and it needs to be transferred to her new representation. Martin’s phone rings, and he says he no longer represents Mrs. Benson-Jerome. He sees. He thanks them for calling. He tells Julian, it would appear his marital woes resolved themselves. Julian asks, how’s that? and Martin says, congratulations. He’s now a widower.

Willow tells Sasha, regardless of what went wrong, they’re four adults, who all want Wiley to be happy. Sasha says, and safe from Nelle. She heard Michael got sole custody, and Willow says, he did, and he’s arranging for her to adopt Wiley. She’ll legally and officially be Wiley’s mom. Sasha says, that’s great. It couldn’t have turned out better. Michael comes back, and asks if everything is okay. Sasha excuses herself, saying she has to go. Again, condolences on his grandfather. She leaves, and Michael asks Willow if that was as uncomfortable as he thinks it was. She says, the whole situation is still a little raw. It probably didn’t help that she told Sasha that he’d asked her to adopt Wiley.

Sonny tells Chase, what happened was terrible, and they’re still reeling over the news. Can he do this some other time? Carly says she gave Valerie her statement at the cabin, but Chase says, now that there’s a body, he has to do follow-up questions. She asks what he needs to know, and he asks her to summarize the events of the evening, starting with going after Nelle. Carly says she caught up to Nelle in the clearing, about a half-mile from the cabin. They fought, Nelle scratched her, she fell, and Nelle took off. Jason says they’ve been up for days with Mike, and asks if Chase can do this later. Chase says he’ll reach out if he has more questions. Sonny says he appreciates it, and Chase says, it’s nice to close the case.

Sasha asks Elizabeth if she has a second. She was hoping for help with a referral. She’s not feeling well; she has insomnia and everything that comes with it. She was wondering if she could get a prescription for something to help her sleep. Elizabeth says Doc is a great psychiatrist, but Sasha says, it’s not a therapy issue. She’s just having trouble sleeping. Elizabeth says she can refer Sasha to a GP, but prescriptions aren’t as easy to come by as they used to be because of people abusing them. Sasha says she can imagine, but all she needs are one or two good night’s sleep. Elizabeth tells her to be careful when she uses them, and Sasha says, don’t worry. She’s always careful about what she puts in her body.

Julian says, Nelle is dead? and Martin says that was the police notifying him. Apparently he’s still Nelle’s counsel of record. Julian asks how it happened, and Martin tells him, being Nelle’s next of kin, the police will supply him with the details. The body is awaiting autopsy. Julian casually says, what about the document Martin mentioned? and Martin guesses the legally responsible way to handle it is how the deceased intended. Julian asks if there’s anything he can do to take it off Martin’s hands, but Martin says, no. He’s afraid everything is on hold until the death certificate has been filed. He excuses himself, telling Julian, his dance card is suddenly quite full.

Nikolas waits for the elevator. He remembers meeting Scotty at the pier. He tells Scotty, people he cares about are going to get hurt, and Scotty says, collateral damage. Nikolas says Franco is his own son, and what about Ava? They’re supposed to be friends. Scotty says, don’t pretend to care. Part of him hopes Nikolas doesn’t pay, and everyone will see exactly who he really is, but in the meantime, he’d really prefer the money. Nikolas gets in the elevator.

At the hospital, Franco asks Elizabeth if she’s ready, and she says, as she’ll ever be. They get in elevator, and meet Scotty in an office. Scotty says, so…? and Franco says he wanted see them.

Ned tells Brook, so it was her. The hotel sent a copy of the room receipt. It’s definitely Olivia’s signature. The housekeeper found Olivia’s phone in the room, and they called him because he’s the emergency contact. Brook is sure Olivia had a reason to be going to Monte Carlo, and he asks where her certainty was when she deleted the message. He apologizes, saying, he doesn’t mean to come down on her. He doesn’t know what Olivia was thinking. He can’t call her, and doesn’t have Robert’s contact information. Brook suggests checking with Anna, and he guesses he can do that. Brook says she doesn’t think Olivia left a message to cover her tracks; she has to be on the up and up. He says, all he knows is, she checked into the honeymoon suite at a five-star hotel in Monte Carlo, and left her phone there. Now God knows where she is. What the hell has Robert gotten his wife into?

Willow asks if she shouldn’t have told Sasha, but Michael says, of course (🍷) she should. She’s going to be Wiley’s legal mother, but in the meantime, they have to deal with Wiley’s heart surgery. They need to find a GP. He spoke to Elizabeth, and she confirmed his suspicions. Even though his family has a long history with GH, he thinks it’s best they explore surgical care at other hospitals. She says she’s sorry. She knows how much the place means to him. He says it always will, but as Wiley’s parents, they have to make the right choice for their son. Chase comes by, and says he’s glad he ran into them. Nelle’s body was found earlier. Michael asks if he’s sure, and Chase says, it’s been positively ID’d. He’s headed to the morgue to confirm it. Michael thanks him for letting them know. Chase moves on, and Willow says, it really is over. Wiley is safe. Michael says, they’re safe. Nelle is never going to try to mess with their lives again.

On the phone, Sasha says she needs to make a purchase. The usual.

Scotty tells Franco and Elizabeth, he met with Ava and Nikolas, and showed them these. He holds up his phone, and says, boom, boom.

Nikolas sees Ava, and she asks if he had a nice lunch at the MetroCourt. He says he didn’t eat, and Ava says, ah. He says, what? and she says, nothing. Just ah. He asks if everything is all right, and she says, just fine. Why wouldn’t it be?

Carly tells Sonny and Jason, she messed up. She changed her story. She told Chase that she fell, but when she gave her statement, she said Nelle pushed her. It’s a huge difference, and they’re going to notice. Sonny says, it happened quickly, and Jason says, a change in detail isn’t unusual. It would be more suspicious if she told the same story, word for word over and over. She says, what about the follow-up? and Jason says, Diane will be there. The important thing is, Nelle is dead, and no one else saw anything. Carly says, except for Jax. I see Sonny’s face, and l laugh.

Tomorrow, Ned asks if he can convince Brook to come home, Scotty says they’ve got Ava and Nikolas exactly where they want them, Valentin tells Alexis that he’s leveling the playing field, and Sasha tells Chase that the kiss was the turning point.

The Real Housewives of New York City – The Reunion – Part Three

We flash back on this season of Ramona’s eternal apology tour; Sonja wanting to catch a d*ck; LuAnn wrangling Ramona, and trying to get everyone moving or sitting or whatever; Dorinda’s overuse of the phrases here’s the thing and can you imagine; and Leah smelling things. LuAnn says, who knew Leah was a sniffer? Dorinda asks if Leah knew that about herself, and we see a clip of Leah sniffing her own armpit. Andy asks if she was stunned by her habit of smelling things, and she says she had no idea. She tends to learn by touching things. Viewer Donnie in Ann Arbor says the way Dorinda speaks is almost a European thing. He wonders if she picked up phrasing in England or it was her mom’s influence. She says, here’s the thing… and everyone laughs. Andy says LuAnn seemed to keep the ladies on track and maintained decorum. Does she see herself as the peacekeeper mom? LuAnn says it took work. He asks what Sonja’s fascination was with catching d*ck, and she says, the law of attraction. If you say it enough, it appears. That’s why she was eating so much; she wasn’t getting any d*ck. A viewer says, d*ck pics reared their ugly heads (sigh), and excluding Leah, who in the group received the most? They all say, Ramona, then LuAnn says, Sonja. We flash back to Sonja saying the only one she’s ever gotten was a wrong number. She says, they tried to backtrack the number because she liked the décor.

Andy says Ramona has been known as the Singer stinger and apologizer, but this season the women wondered if Ramona could be called a good friend. We flash back to Ramona being an a-hole and ditching everyone every chance she got to scout a place for men. We see LuAnn’s interview where she said Ramona was the winner of the worst hostess award. We revisit Ramona fat shaming Sonja, and forcing her 50/60/70 girlfriends to get her a pocketbook via $100 donations, and Leah saying, at least it’s a real Gucci bag. Ramona insists her bags are real, and Leah says, no; they’re not. A viewer says Ramona is different in the Hamptons. It seems like her sole reason for being there is to see and be seen. Sonja says, amen, and Ramona says she’s popular and has a lot of parties. Viewer Bryan from Chattanooga says we know Ramona is a double-booker, but leaving her own party is nuts. She suffers desperately from FOMO. Ramona says she didn’t want leave, but she knew the group was going to crash. Sonja says, Ramona is horny. Alrighty then. Can we go home now? Andy says Ramona bringing up how many friends she has seemed to be a trigger for Sonja. Sonja feels a lot of Ramona’s friends are really hers, and tries to talk, but Ramona won’t let her. Sonja gets up, and tells Ramona, S-T-F-U, actually saying the letters. Ramona says she sees them all the time, and Sonja doesn’t see anybody. Sonja says they don’t care about Ramona, and they’re using her. Ramona says she loves them and they hang out all the time. Sonja asks, where are these people going to be when it’s you and me, and two for one at Burger Heaven?

Andy asks Dorinda what’s wrong with a 63 year old throwing themselves a birthday party? and Dorinda says, it doesn’t seem sincere. She just met some of them like Maria. We flash back to Ramona talking to somebody named Maria, who was apparently totally forgettable. Ramona says Maria is at her house every day. I can’t imagine anyone having that little to do, so I translate that as, we text once in a while. Dorinda thinks it comes off as insincere, and Sonja says she’s social climbing. Ramona says she’s so wrong, and Andy asks if Leah can spot a Gucci fake. I wonder how we got back here again, and we flash back to Ramona and her fake-ass bag. Ramona insists her bags are all real, and Sonja says, Chinatown. Side story. I have a couple of fakes that I bought just because I liked the bags. They must be good ones because someone I went out with actually thought I owned I Louis Vuitton bag. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I just looked at them like they were nuts. Like I’d sink that kind of money into a purse, even if I had it. Leah says Ramona acted like she’d never seen a bag before; it was weird. We go back to Ramona’s birthday where she’s going apesh*t over the bag she orchestrated her friends into giving to her. Ramona says she loves presents, and she was excited. A viewer asks why she would call a close friend heavy, and thinks what she said to Sonja was rude and uncalled for. Ramona says her girlfriends tell her when she’s getting porky, and all she said was Sonja needed to lose a little weight. Sonja says that’s when she ate more. She’d stopped having sex with her Netffix and chill guy. Maybe she should get a friend with more compassion. A viewer says Dorinda gave Elyse grief for defending Ramona, when Sonja has defended Ramona for years. Dorinda explains that Elyse was coming to her and Leah, saying Ramona was being a terrible friend. She would flip-flop. We see clips of Elyse saying Ramona shuts her down in front of the group, and, Ramonaville is filled with one-way streets. Dorinda wonders why Ramona fell out with Elyse, and Ramona says, Elyse is a black widow, which makes no sense, since isn’t that someone who marries a guy and then kills him? Is there something I don’t know? Ramona says she should never have trusted Elyse and brought her on the show. Elyse had said she had Ramona’s back and betrayed her. She’s not being very specific, and I’m sure whatever it is, she’s making it sound more dramatic than it was. Andy says Ramona wanted blind loyalty, and suggests Elyse was the Barb K. of  the season. He asks if Barb and LuAnn are still friends, but LuAnn says they’re not friends anymore. Andy says it was a long friendship, and LuAnn says it was Barb’s doing. We see some clips with Barb, and I want to know more about this falling out, but they move on. Viewer Valerie from Chicago says, Ramona was accused of being a friend when it was convenient. It seems like it’s Ramona’s world, and everyone else is just living in it. Ramona says she wants friends who are happy and positive, but Dorinda says, that’s not what friendships are about; those are superficial acquaintances. If she’s going through something traumatic, she wants friend who can shepherd her and journey with her. Andy asks how they’re feeling about Ramona after this season, and Sonja says Ramona is family, and she loves her. Leah says she’ll never ruin Ramona’s backyard again, and Ramona says she wants to see Leah naked though. I’m not sure what to make of that.

Andy welcomes us back, when I didn’t even leave to go to the bathroom. He says they’re freshly sanitized, and ready for more. Sonja by Sonja Morgan had a promising deal with a major retailer that was a dream, but her townhouse continued to be an expensive nightmare. We flash back to Sonja’s runway show, and Sonja dealing with the townhouse. Sonja says she hides when she’s going through something. We see Sonja going over the zero sales from the show, and getting her Century 21 deal. Andy congratulates her, and she says she’s still pinching herself. It was a long haul, but it feels good from where she’s sitting. Ramona – who just can’t help herself – says she was in the fashion business for two years (wow – that long?), and Sonja being front and center in two retail stores says it all. LuAnn says she’s proud of Sonja, and even bought a dress. Sonja says LuAnn has been there every step of the way. Andy says, it’s cool. They’ve been sitting here for so many years with Sonja planning. Her toaster never came to fruition. We flash back to a million years ago, when Sonja talked about having a signature toaster oven. Andy says the women had been all over her for various things. Bethenny called her out for being a cheater brand, and she was called out for products that never launched. Now here she is in a store, and it must feel satisfying. She says it is, and her daughter is proud of her. She’s told her daughter, there are no mistakes, but experiences. She made connections in business along the way. Andy asks how the pandemic has affected things, and she says online sales are up 117%, and she’s sold out. It’s tough for retail. Funny. Doesn’t sound like it. Leah says the cashmere suit Sonja wanted her to wear – we flash back to that – and anything that looks like that, is selling out. No one is wearing dresses. Andy asks what the price on the townhouse is now, and Sonja says she’s dropping it to $8.5 million. Leah has one request. She wants to see it before Sonja sells it. Andy asks if Sonja has any male prospects, and she says she’s not getting laid. She’s been focusing on her daughter, but now Sophie is in an Ivy League school. It’s time for her mama to get something. Leah says Sonja looks hot, and Sonja says she needs to lose another five pounds. Andy says he doesn’t know about that.

Andy tells us, a wise woman once said she made it nice. This season, her temper rose, and nice was not always on the table. We flash back to Dorinda talking about Bluestone Manor being flooded; Dorinda telling Sonja that there’s nothing carefree about her anymore, and that she’s afraid John can’t take care of her; Dorinda telling Ramona that she has schadenfreude; rubbing LuAnn’s mugshot in her face; and killing the messenger when LuAnn told her what Ramona said, at her insistence. We revisit LuAnn’s interview, where she said Dorinda deflects and it’s your fault; and Sonja’s interview, where she said Dorinda was in pain, and projecting it rather than feeling it. Then comes the pièce de resistance, Dorinda flipping out over Leah saying Tinsley’s name at the Christmas party. Viewer Jack from Minneapolis points out, at the beginning of the season, Dorinda said there was nothing carefree about her, and she wasn’t nice to anybody anymore; then proved it. He asks if she ended in a better place than she started. Dorinda says she was more overwhelmed than she’s ever been, but she didn’t reach out for help. She was dealing with the house, and John, then broke a rib. She couldn’t catch a break. She was angry about what was happening, and projected it. She felt she couldn’t cope, and was at her wit’s end. It made her sad, and she was most upset about Ramona. She knows Ramona so well. She had a right to be angry, and was struggling. She felt Ramona made it worse. She never called Dorinda once, or took her out after the show ended. She just reminded Dorinda how much she didn’t like John. Ramona whips out a pile of papers, and says she texted Dorinda. Dorinda says she got through it, and moved on, but Ramona wanted it to continue. She needed Ramona to pull her aside, not hammer at her inf front of people. LuAnn says she tried to talk to Dorinda, but Dorinda wasn’t open to it. We flash back to Dorinda not having LuAnn’s advice, and she says she does feel bad about LuAnn, who was coming from a good place. She’s sorry. It was like Ramona was just waiting to jump on her. Leah thinks so too, and says when Dorinda and John broke up, she noticed Dorinda was in pain, and not admitting it. They’d been together for so long. Dorinda says, it was terrible, and Leah says, they didn’t get to see that. Andy says Dorinda held Tinsley to the standard that she needed to do everything on the show. Dorinda says she did show everything. She wanted Ramona to call her up, and ask if she was okay; say, I love you, and, I’m here for you. Ramona says, when Tinsley left, she turned into Dorinda’s punching bag. Ramona says Dorinda came to her home for cocktails and conversation, and said hurtful things. Dorinda wants to put people down. Dorinda says Ramona doesn’t know how to let it go. Sorry. Ramona says the next day, Dorinda made her an old-fashioned playlist. Sonja says, Dorinda was hurt, and Ramona starts to read from the texts, but Dorinda isn’t having it. Andy tells Dorinda to let Ramona read them (no surprise), and Dorinda says it’s one-sided. She used them to get a free party. She uses people. Ramona throws the papers in the air, and says she loves Dorinda. Why is she doing this?

Sonja says Ramona does use people, and Ramona asks again why Dorinda is doing this. Dorinda tells her, don’t throw things. It’s low class. How anyone on any of the shows in the franchise can say anything is low class, is beyond me. Every single one of them has done something low class. Except for LVP. Who can do no wrong. Andy asks LuAnn what she has to say about the trip to the Berkshires. LuAnn says they all drank too much, and said hurtful things. But how Sonja was behaving didn’t give Dorinda an excuse to say what she did. Sonja says she brought it up again in Mexico. LuAnn says she knows Dorinda didn’t mean it. She hopes Dorinda recognized she was being hurtful. When she was on Watch What Happens Live, Andy asked if Dorinda regretted what she’d said to LuAnn, and she said no. LuAnn says she thought Dorinda had no remorse for the way she’d behave. She doesn’t look at herself. If LuAnn had done that, she would have thought, oh my God, I can’t believe I said that. Dorinda says she was wrong, and definitely wants to go back to where they were when they met. LuAnn says she must have been harboring those thoughts, and Dorinda says she wants to work on it. LuAnn says work on the fact she’s holding resentments. Andy picks up Ramona’s sheaf of papers, and Ramona says he can read them later, then laughs like a hyena. Andy says, Dorinda obviously brought up all these things, like LuAnn’s mugshot, probation, Jovani. Dorinda says she’ll never stop saying Jovani, and she doesn’t need a lecture from LuAnn when it’s between her and Ramona. LuAnn says it doesn’t feel like means it. She shouldn’t have said those things. How can she see the show, and not say, holy sh*t, I need to change? To her credit, Dorinda takes it like a man, and says she does feel that way. Andy asks about the Mexico trip, and says, Leah was fried. Dorinda says, Leah had her back. Leah says she’s not making an excuse for bad behavior, but she’d rather deal with anger issues than someone who just says horrific things like Ramona does. She doesn’t think Dorinda hit below the belt. I’m guessing she’s talking specifically about what she’s said about Ramona. LuAnn can’t say Dorinda doesn’t hit below the belt, especially with what Dorinda said to her. Dorinda agrees.

A viewer from Richmond, Virginia says there wasn’t a single sincere apology from Dorinda. What’s her theory on why she’s as defensive as she is? Dorinda says she was in a lot pain, and felt wounded, weak, and vulnerable. Ramona says, all she wanted to say… and Dorinda says Ramona’s not listening. She couldn’t. She was in a damaged place, and needed someone. She literally should have taken off last season; she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Andy says the anger intervention lunch in Mexico was a bust, and Dorinda says, it was ridiculous. Andy says it didn’t seem like they picked the right moment. We flash back to when Dorinda was on the phone with Hannah. Leah says, even though she thought it was overboard for Dorinda to tell her and Sonja to get off their laptops, it wasn’t the same as Dorinda talking to her daughter. It didn’t add up. Dorinda says they made a bigger thing out of it. Andy says, it’s ironic how it ended, given that Leah and Dorinda are pals. Leah says, yeah, and he asks what was going through her mind, and she says she was kind of shocked, and bummed. She was about to give them props, tell them she loved and appreciated them, and had a great time. Her saying Tinsley set it off, but Dorinda called her the next day. She was upset about it and apologized. Andy wonders why the mere mention of Tinsley’s name caused such a reaction, and Dorinda says she thought it wasn’t authentic; Tinsley wasn’t there. They’d done great as a group after Tinsley left, and she was surprised they were going back to that. Leah says Tinley was an important person to her in terms of them. Dorinda says, that’s why she called the next day. Leah tells her, it’s okay to be wrong. Dorinda says she feels bad about LuAnn, and Leah, but she and Ramona can’t reconcile things. It’s a 20 year friendship. If Ramona wants continue, she can’t rehash everything. They need to build their friendship again, if it’s important to her. Ramona says she’ll always love Dorinda, and Dorinda’s not sure Ramona always does, but she tries. If that’s what Ramona wants, they’ll do it. They elbow bump – otherwise known as the new hug. Andy says they’re in a great place, so he’s going to leave it there. Dorinda says, by the grace of God she got through it, and hopes she’s moving to a better place.

Andy says, it’s another one for the books, and the months followed were stranger than fiction. They’ve all had time to reflect, and he wants to know which moments they’d like to socially distance themselves from, and which Housewife do they look forward to hugging most? Ramona is first, and she says she wants to distance herself from when she talked about Leah’s mental issues. She should have gone directly to her. She wants to hug Dorinda. Dorinda says, obviously what she said to LuAnn. She hurt LuAnn when she was in a vulnerable place. She’s going to work on it. She feels the hugging question is unfair. She’s looking forward to hugging everyone. She’s a big hugger; it’s like food to her. LuAnn says she’d like to socially distance herself form the night in the Berkshires; it was ugly behavior toward Sonja. She agrees with Dorinda, and would love to hug everybody. Sonja says she’s made it clear she wants to socially distance from not having control and being present when she’s drinking. She’s grateful to have the show to show her how she was behaving, and she’s grateful to Ramona for telling she needed to look into some things. Ramona is her girl. She says, Dorinda called her all the time, but even though she didn’t want Dorinda to know what she was trying to handle, Dorinda would share what was going on with her. Sonja felt like she wasn’t alone, and owes Dorinda big time. Dorinda says she did something right. Leah says she wants to distance herself from the entire state of Rhode Island, and wants to hug Ramona. Her mommy issues are apparently still alive. Ramona says she wants to be more of a friend than a mommy, and Leah says, it feels like that will work. Ramona says, it will. Andy thanks everyone for an incredible season. He’s looking forward to getting close enough to toast, and can’t wait to hug them all.

They take a socially distant selfie, and Sonja asks Ramona, can we go to the speakeasy after this? I guess that’s the grown-up version of getting ice cream.

🤸‍♀️ Go Leah… Go Leah…

She got her raise, but whether Ramona will get to see her naked next season, remains to be seen.

📅 Mark Your Calendar…

A new show is premiering on Bravo, this Sunday, September 27th at 10:30 pm, and it looks like fun.

🦄 Sweet Dreams Be Yours…

I don’t know if the world has quite gone to hell in a handbasket yet, but it’s certainly on fire, both literally and figuratively. It’s your job to rise above it, and stay safe, stay funky, and stay socially distant from Ramona.

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