January 29, 2021 – Nina Puts the Pieces Together, Friendly Jordans, Pine Valley Redux, No Charm Here, Only One Line, the Queen Is Back, Idols Now, Final Bow, Shy Of a Dozen Quotes & Tears


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Alexis is brought into Jordan’s office, and sees Mac. The officer uncuffs her, and leaves. She asks why they’re in Jordan’s office, and Mac says he asked if they could use it. It’s obvious she’s drunk; it’s already noted in the arrest report. There’s no reason the squad room had to witness this. He gives her some coffee, and she says, it was an accident. He says she stabbed a man with a syringe filled with lidocaine. Dante may not survive.

On the phone, Tracy asks if Luke is going to make her say it. He was right; she shouldn’t have meddled. She can’t come home yet. She has to make things right with Ned. She’ll let him know how it goes. Ned comes in, and she asks how he is. He says he wants to speak with his wife. Is she here?

At the hospital, Robert comes out of the elevator, and asks Sam what the hell is going on? He got a call saying Dante’s been stabbed with a loaded syringe. Olivia runs in, obviously upset, and asks where her son is. Sam says, all she knows is, he’s in the trauma room. Elizabeth comes out, and Olivia runs over to her. She says, please tell her that her son is alive.

Phyllis tells a doctor at the clinic, Sonny hasn’t slept in days. As she can see, he can’t stop moving. He has an enormous amount of confidence in himself to do just about anything. Sonny says he feels great right now. He wishes everyone could feel as great as he does right now. Who are they to say he’s not normal? The doctor tells him, who is he to say that he is?

Jason asks Franco if Dante knew Alexis was gunning for him. Franco says he has no idea what Dante did or didn’t know, and Jason asks, why did Dante save him?

Nina puts the necklace on the bar, and puts the halves together. Everyone waits.

Jason tells Franco, it could be it was the cop in Dante, and he reacted without thinking, but if he knew what he was doing, why would he risk himself to save Franco? Franco says Jason is right; it makes zero sense. The alarms go off, and medical staff run to Dante’s room. Elizabeth goes to the reception desk, and Olivia follows her, saying she got a call that Dante was hurt. Hurt from what? Elizabeth says Portia is doing everything she can to save him, and Olivia says, he could die? She has to be with him. Robert stops her, and more alarms go off. She asks why no one will tell her what’s going on, and Elizabeth runs past them. Robert holds Olivia.

Tracy tells Ned, Olivia isn’t in the habit of informing her of her comings and goings, and he assumes things are still pretty tense around there. She says if he’d stayed, they could have talked about it, and if Olivia asked for the separation, why is he the one who left? He says, he’s the one who cheated. He’ll see if she’s upstairs. Tracy says she went out, and asks if he told her that he was coming, and she decided to make a quick getaway. He doubts that. He told her he would wait for her to make the next move in their marriage. She asks if Olivia reached out, and he says, not yet. Tracy says, don’t chase her; it gives her all the power. Monica comes in, saying, it’s good to be home. Ned asks how the cardiology conference was, and she says, great. It’s amazing the strides they’ve made in heart surgery. Tracy says she thought Monica retired, but Monica says she’s unemployed because the hospital let her go. She’s still a doctor. Ned says, and a damn good one, and she thanks him. She asks what she’s missed. Ned says, chaos and heartbreak, all thanks to his mother.

Alexis says she never meant to hurt Dante. It was Franco. She read in The Invader that his tumor came back, and the last time he had a tumor, he tried to kill her daughter. Mac says he hasn’t forgotten Franco’s history with Sam. Did he threaten her today? Alexis says, yes. He was shouting to himself, he was out of control; he was talking to himself, and shouting at Sam… He grabbed her. He was shaking her by the arms… Mac asks if they were struggling, and she says, yes. She doesn’t know specifics; she was confused. He asks if she knew what was in the syringe, and she says, no. He says, so she grabbed a syringe with an unknown drug in hopes of killing Franco, but she plunged the needle into Dante instead. She says she didn’t mean to hurt Dante, and he says, but she did. (In my head, Bette Davis says, but you are, Blanche, to Joan Crawford.) Mac says, she may have killed him.

Sonny says he’s perfectly fine. Maybe they should get their heads checked. The doctor tells him, if he says he’s fine, she accepts that. Her job is to get Phyllis to stop worrying about him. He says he lost his memory. All he knows is, he’s a guy with a lot of energy who likes to fix things. He’s a hard worker, and Phyllis should be grateful for that instead of thinking he’s crazy. Phyllis says she doesn’t think he’s crazy, and the doctor says when Sonny first came to the clinic, bloodwork was taken, when he was John Doe. Let her take a look. Maybe there’s something to explain why… he’s such a hard worker. He says all she’s going to discover is, he’s healthy as a horse. He could win the triple crown right now if somebody just had faith in him.

Nina says, it fits. The necklace Avery found belongs to her daughter. It’s the piece of her that’s been missing. Carly asks if Nina is sure it’s the right necklace, and Nina says, it was unique and custom-made. Michael comes in, and Nina asks where Avery is. He says, Ava took her back to Windymere, and Nina says Avery said she found the necklace in the woods near a cabin. What cabin? Where’s it located? Valentin suggests they ask Ava, but Michael says, there’s no need. Avery told him everything.

Franco tells Jason that he doesn’t know why Dante would intervene. A couple of hours ago, Franco confronted Peter in his office because his paper printed an article about his tumor returning. Things got heated, and guess who came to his aid? Jason says, Dante, and Franco says, right. Dante saving his life makes less sense to him than it does to Jason.  

Alexis asks if Mac knows how Dante is doing, and he says, the hospital doesn’t know yet, but if he doesn’t make it, the charges will go from attempted murder to murder. She says, it was an accident. She thought Franco was going to hurt her daughter. Dante came out of nowhere; she didn’t mean to hurt him. It happened fast. He says there’s no justification for her actions.

Elizabeth tells Olivia, Dante’s heart-rate is returning to normal. The antidote is starting to work. He’s still critical, but they’re stabilizing him. Olivia asks when she can see him, but Elizabeth says, not yet. Give him time to recover. Olivia asks if someone can tell her what happened, and Sam says, Dante was attacked accidentally and injected with lidocaine. She’s assuming his heart stopped, and that’s why there were alarms. Olivia asks if some psycho escaped from the mental ward. Who did this? Sam says, the psycho is her mother.

Monica says, Tracy framed Alexis for drunk driving? She should know better than that. Alcoholism is a disease. She took advantage of someone with an illness. Tracy says Monica can get down off her high horse. She remembers how hard Monica worked to protect AJ. Monica says, this has nothing to with AJ; it’s all about Tracy. Why would she do something so incredibly damaging to that woman? Tracy says, why else? For Ned. For her son.

Carly asks if Avery is upset about the adults fighting over the necklace, but Michael says he calmed her down. She’s more worried she won’t get it back. Valentin asks what she said about the necklace, and Jax says, it’s none of his business. Why is he even there still? Valentin says, because he’s the one who convinced Nina that Sasha was her real daughter, and he wants to be a part of her discovering who her real daughter is. Nina asks Michael what exactly Avery said about the necklace. She only told Nina that she found it in the woods near a cabin. Michael says, she found it in a clearing near the family cabin.

Monica asks how getting Alexis arrested would benefit Ned, and Ned says she was trying to save his marriage. Something he never asked her to do. Monica wonders how having Alexis arrested would save his marriage, and Ned says he assumes Tracy thought Alexis would go to jail or rehab. Six weeks away getting sober would take her off the grid, and minimize the risk of her telling Olivia about their one-night stand. Tracy says she had every reason to believe Alexis would choose treatment. It was a win-win for Alexis and Ned. Monica tells her not to waste her breath being the good guy. No one believes her, and the police won’t either.

Alexis asks if the hospital is keeping Mac updated on Dante’s condition, and Mac says, they’ll notify him if Dante lives or dies. She says he’s got to help her; she was trying to protect Sam. He says he just realized it was her birthday, and she says, happy birthday to me. He tells her, think about it. She’s spending her birthday in police custody. Her cell phone was impounded, so no one can call her. She says everybody hates her. Sam had her arrested. Her daughters hate her because she’s drinking again. He says, if they’re angry about her drinking, how are they going to react when she’s charged with killing Dante?

Franco says, now that Peter is announcing to the world the menace of Port Charles is returning, Jason might have missed his chance. Alexis just tried to kill him. There’s a long list of people waiting to take their revenge. Looks like he’s off the hook. Elizabeth approaches, and Jason asks, how’s Dante? She says he’s still critical, but Portia is optimistic. Franco says he’d like to thank Dante, and she says, when he’s more stable. She tells Jason, he must be disappointed that Dante stopped Alexis from killing Franco.  

Sam tells Olivia, her mom was drunk. She grabbed a loaded syringe, and tried to stab Franco. Robert says, but instead, she stabbed Dante. Olivia wonders why Dante was there, and why he risked his life for a man who strapped Lulu to a bomb. Robert says, don’t forget what he did to Sam, and Sam says she has no idea why Dante took the hit, but he did. She’s so sorry for what her mom did, but Olivia says she’s not responsible for her mom’s bad behavior. Portia comes out, and Olivia asks how her son is. Portia says, he’s stabilized, and Olivia asks if she can see him, but Portia says, no visitors just yet. They’re still monitoring him closely. Sam says, it’s good news; he’s going to be okay. Olivia says she’s going to the chapel. She and God need to have a conversation.

Sonny says they’re wasting time. He could be reorganizing Phyllis’s storeroom, but she’s convinced he’s a maniac. She says, they’ve been through this. She didn’t call him a maniac. She said he was suffering from mania. He says it sounds the same to him. She says, mania is a condition that manifests itself with huge mood swings. Prolonged mania can lead to depression. Sonny says he’s not depressed; he’s feeling great. Phyllis says, he is now, but what happens if that changes? He could become seriously depressed, and suffer unimaginably. She doesn’t want to see that happen. He asks why she cares. What does she care about a complete stranger?  

Nina says, so Ava and Avery stayed at the Corinthos family cabin. Michael says Ava offered to take Avery during Mike’s last few days, and his dad agreed. He didn’t want Avery at Windymere, so Ava took her to the cabin. Carly says, Avery was very close to Mike, and Sonny didn’t want her to see him so sick. Nina asks if the necklace could have belonged to anyone else who stayed there, and Michael says, the last time it was used was when Nelle kidnapped Wiley.

Sam texts Michael, saying, Dante is in the hospital.

Franco suggests they not do this here, but Elizabeth says, why not? It’s no secret that Jason, Alexis, and countless others would like to see him dead. The news only broke this morning, and already her social media accounts are filled with death threats. Franco says, some of them are super creative, and she says she has complete strangers telling her to take the boys and leave. The strange thing is, Franco is saner than most of those people, and definitely more rational than Alexis. Sam approaches, and Elizabeth says, all the more reason Jason shouldn’t have told her what Franco wanted him to do. Now he doesn’t have to kill Franco. He can sit back and watch someone else do it. Sam says, wait. Franco said he made a plan in case he turned back into a serial killer. Was the plan to have Jason kill him?

In the chapel, Olivia holds her rosary, and says Hail Marys. Robert comes in, and asks if it’s helping. She says she hopes so. Generations of Falconaris prayed the rosary in times of trouble, and they had their share of blessings. Her son needs one now. She swears there aren’t enough curses in the world for the woman who did this. He says, Alexis was coming from a bad place, and she says, between what happened with her and Ned, going around town drunk, and now her son, she’d say Alexis is in a downward spiral. Robert flashes back to Ned telling him that the family Thanksgiving gatherings can be eventful. Robert says that he doesn’t know what he stumbled on between Ned and Alexis, but Olivia is his friend. If Ned hurts her, he’ll still be in a wheelchair at Christmas. He asks Olivia what Ned and Alexis did to her, and Olivia says, let’s just say she doesn’t want see either one of them any time soon. Ned comes in, and says he came as soon as Robert called.

Tracy asks Monica where Ned is, and Monica says, he got a call and took off. Tracy says, from Olivia? but Monica tells her, he didn’t say, but she got the feeling he would have welcomed any excuse to leave. Tracy says, she means leave her, and Monica says, can she blame him? Tracy royally screwed up. She thinks it will be a while before Ned is feeling warm and fuzzy toward her. Tracy says, she messed up, and Monica says, that’s one way of putting it. She thinks the only way to make it right is to leave – now. Tracy says, Monica is kicking her out? and Monica says, if she has to. It’s for her own good.

Alexis tells Mac she needs a lawyer, and Diane is out of town. He asks if she knows another one, and she says, Martin Grey is good, right? He says, he doesn’t know, but isn’t it ironic? If she’d taken the plea deal… She says she didn’t do it, and Mac says he’d never want her to plead guilty for a crime she didn’t commit. But if she had, she’d be in rehab, she wouldn’t be there waiting on charges of attempted murder.   

Phyllis tells Sonny, a long time ago, she made a mistake. She didn’t fulfil her due diligence with her employer. She thought she was doing the right thing, but didn’t ask enough questions, and ended up doing something absolutely wrong, and to this day, it haunts her. He asks what she did, when the doctor comes in. The doctor says she was able to access his bloodwork, and he was never tested for prescription medication. Sonny says, that’s because it wasn’t necessary, but she says she retested his blood and found a trace of lithium. He says, so what? and Phyllis says, most likely he was being treated for a psychological condition. The doctor says, lithium is commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder.  

Nina says, Nelle was at the cabin? and Michael says he tracked her there after she kidnapped Wiley. While he was tending to his son, she ran off. Nina says, into the woods? and he says, probably. There are woods all around the cabin. Nina asks if he ever saw Nelle wear the necklace, but he says, not that he remembers. Nina says, maybe it was in her things, but Michael doesn’t recall. Carly says, there are tons of hiking trails; it could have belonged to anyone. Valentin says, Nina told him the nurse said the baby’s adoptive parents were from Florida, and Michael says, Nelle was from Florida.  

Mac says Alexis could be celebrating her birthday instead of a holding cell awaiting arraignment She says, all she wanted to do protect her daughter. He says he’s known her for a long time, both before and after Julian drove her to drink. She says she can’t take that, but he says her life fell apart because of Julian. She dove head first into alcoholism; it’s heartbreaking to witness. She fought her way back, and regained her sobriety and self-respect. Now she’s throwing both of them away again. She cries, and he says he has to ask; is this really the life she wants for herself?

Sam says, it makes sense now. Franco showing up at the apartment, and saying he had a plan, but hadn’t hurt anyone. Jason says, Franco is making assumptions. He never agreed to kill him. She says, of course (🍷). He wouldn’t incriminate himself, but Franco and Elizabeth think there’s a plan in place.  

Tracy says, Monica wants to evict her. How is that for her own good? Monica says, because she’s going to be arrested. She’s surprised Tracy hasn’t been arrested already. She suggests Tracy pick someplace warm, where there’s no extradition. Tracy says she’s not running. She’ll have Diane represent her. She’s gotten Sonny exonerated, and will do the same for her. Monica says Tracy happens to be guilty. Even if Diane gets her exonerated, the legal battle will deepen Ned’s anger and hurt. Tracy asks how she repairs the damage in Brunei, and Monica says, maybe by not being there, and away where they’re not reminded about what she did to Alexis, Ned and Olivia can repair their marriage. Maybe they can even forgive her, but do herself and everyone else a favor and leave now.

Robert tells Olivia, sorry. He thought she’d want her husband there. Ned says he loves her, and not to shut him out. Not now. Olivia says she doesn’t want him there. Just go. Robert thinks Ned should leave, and follows to make sure Ned isn’t in the hallway. Olivia tells God, forgiveness, right? She can’t. Not now. Not for Ned. She needs to focus on Dante right now. The Lord just brought him back, and she loves him so much. She cries.

Franco says Elizabeth is right, and she says, about what? He says, a lot of angry people would love to see him six feet under. They’re going to be a lot angrier when they find out Dante risked his life.

Sonny asks if it means he’s crazy, but the doctor says, at some point he was diagnosed, and prescribed lithium to minimize his mood swings. He says, it’s like Phyllis said, and the doctor tells him, she can’t be certain he has bipolar disorder; she’d have to see his medical records, but the lithium in his bloodwork indicates that’s the diagnosis. She’ll prepare a small dose, and they’ll see how he handles the medication. He has one of the best nurses looking after him, and Phyllis will make sure he’s okay. How does that sound? Sonny says, like a con job. He’s not doing it.

Nina says, Phyllis took her baby to Florida, and Nelle was the right age to be her daughter. She asks what Jax thinks, and Michael says he’s got to go. Carly asks if everything is okay, and he says Sam needs to see him. He tells Nina, if Nelle was her daughter, he’s sorry about everything that happened. He leaves, and Nina says, was it Nelle? Could Nelle have possibly been her daughter this whole time? Jax says, yes.   

She asks why Jax thinks Nelle is her daughter, and Carly says, because of her. Last night, she found out Nelle could have been Nina’s daughter, and went straight to Jax. Nina asks if that’s when they were talking on the patio, and Carly says they wanted to figure out a way to tell Nina that would cause her the least amount of pain. Jax tells Carly, stop.  

Portia tells Olivia, Dante received the antidote just in time. They’ll continue to monitor him, but the prognosis looks very good. Olivia thanks her, and Michael comes in. He says he would have been there sooner if he’d known. Olivia says he’s there now; that’s what’s important. She had a talk with God earlier, and He kept His promises. She’s got to say thank you. Michael tells her, say thanks for him too. If anything changes, he’ll get her. She thanks him, and says, the possibility of losing Dante now… She can’t think about it after everything they’ve already lost.

Robert doesn’t know what’s going on between Ned and his wife, but Olivia doesn’t want him around, and he thinks Ned should respect that. Ned says it’s none of his business, and Robert guesses that means no, even though Ned’s presence upsets her. It’s a new benchmark in selfishness. Ned says, Olivia is his wife, and he’ll wait as long as it take for her to realize he loves her, and he’s all the support she needs. Does Robert understand that?

Olivia thanks God for saving her son. There’s so much more she wants to say, but not to him; to someone else. It’s not going to be nice or pretty, but she’s been holding on so long, she’s got to get it off her shoulders. She hopes He understands. She crosses herself, and goes out. She looks up, and says, drunken slut. Sleeping with her husband wasn’t bad enough, she nearly killed her son. She swears, Alexis Davis, murderous bitch, she will make her pay.

Mac tells Alexis, the arrest warrant came in. He’s sending a unit to pick up Tracy for falsely accusing her of driving while drunk. Alexis asks if there’s any word on Dante, and he says, Dante is going to make it. She says, thank God, and he tells her that she should be glad Dante is going to make it. She won’t have his death on her hands, but she’s still going to be charged with aggravated felony assault and attempted murder.

Monica answers the door, and a cop says he has an arrest warrant for Tracy Angelica Quartermaine. Monica says he’s welcome to search the premises, but Tracy isn’t there. She left the country.

Franco says he loves Elizabeth, but sometimes he wishes she’d love him back a little less. Do what everyone says she should do; turn her back and split. She says, too bad. She’s not going anywhere.

Sam tells Jason that Franco was about to tell her the specific arrangements right before Alexis tried to kill him. Jason says, then Dante saved his life. Sam has no idea why Dante did that. He almost lost his life, and her mom is totally responsible. And Sam is the one who turned her in. 

Phyllis asks if she’s ever conned Sonny before. The pills will help him. He says, what if they bring him down? What if they make him tired, and he’s not able to do what he’s supposed to do? He’s gotta keep working. She says, if the medication works, it will even out his mood swings. If she sees a change she doesn’t like, she’ll bring him back to the clinic. I yell at Sonny to take the pill. He says she’s been nothing but kind to him , but she’s still a stranger. She says, of all the things he’s said and done, she can’t think of anything more hurtful. She has tears in her eyes, and Sonny says he’s sorry. He takes the pills and a cup of water from her, and swallows the pills. He smiles.   

Jax tells Nina that he can’t lie to her anymore. What Carly just said, that’s not how it happened. She needs to know the entire truth about Nelle.

On Monday, Anna needs help from someone, Cameron asks how someone can possibly say that, Laura asks Dante if he trusts Ava, and Carly says this has to be stopped.

👯‍♂️ BFF Tiff…

Even more confusing, two of the Jordans are friends.

🌲 Revisiting the Valley…

Will Martin Grey revert to Tad the Cad for the occasion?

🍹 Meddling Madison…

She’s a thirsty one.



🍼 Negative…

Maybe someone should teach Kathryn about that thing called birth control.


Because, why not? We’re here anyway.


🧨 A New Equalizer In Town…

This looks good.


🎤 In Case You Were Wondering…

Where do you go from Idol?


🥀 Late and Great…

Another grand lady gone.


📣 Quotes of the Week

In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself. – Jiddu Krishnamurti

True success, deep satisfaction, and longevity are promoted by learning to shift gears to find the best rhythm for each moment. – Stephan Rechtschaffen

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. – Winston S. Churchill

Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?Unknown

Sounds like someone’s been listening to their shrink. – Eve (Kassie DePaiva), Days of Our Lives

If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now. – Marie Osmond  (Who knew she was such a philosopher?)

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.Japanese Proverb

Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness. – Steve Maraboli

If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive. – Audre Lorde

Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.Dr. Mae Jemison

🤸 Time To Split…

It’s been one helluva long week. Otherwise known as those five days out of seven you used to work if you’re still stuck in Covidville. See you on Deck, and until then, stay safe, stay cautious, and stay not stabbing the wrong guy with a syringe.

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