February 27, 2022 – The Commonwealth Celebrates Halloween, Like Dad Like Daughter, Unsure Ending, Carol’s Mission, Fear Dates & Child


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

The Walking Dead

Daryl walks with Judith and RJ through a house. Zombies clamor at them from behind wire fences, and scrabble at the windows. A zombie walks inside from a door at the end of the hallway, and comes toward them. Daryl says, that’s enough, and the zombie says, no problem. He and Daryl fist bump. Daryl and the kids walk out, and we see it’s a haunted funhouse. Judith tells RJ that he was brave, and Jerry walks up. He says, RJ is home, safe and sound, and they walk into a Halloween carnival.

Day 30 at the Commonwealth. Carol comes out with cookies on a tray, and brings them to a booth where she’s selling them; while across the way, Ezekiel is in charge of the petting zoo. A girl dressed like a princess walks up to Judith, and says she must be one of the new people. She knows they got a lot of rotters, and Judith is probably not afraid of anything. She introduces herself as Mei, and says she’ll show Judith where the good candy is. Carol gives Daryl a cookie, and asks what he thinks. He says he needs a minute to get used to it, and Carol says, it was up and running before they got there. Maybe they don’t need to do anything to make it work. He says, there’s always something that can be improved, when Governor Pamela comes out, and gives out cotton candy to the children. She gets up on stage, and there’s a drumroll. She tells everyone that first place in the costume contest is Celeste, who’s dressed like their very own Mercer, and the grand prize is 10 lottery tickets. She doesn’t say lottery for what though. She thanks everyone for coming, and says they’re happy to be there for Halloween. Carol says Pamela seems different in person, and Daryl says he doesn’t know anything about her. Carol says she used to read the tabloids, when Connie and Kelly join them. Kelly tells them that Connie is a full day reporter for the paper, and Connie signs that it’s nice to be reporting again, but the Commonwealth isn’t exactly hard-hitting. She tells them that she interviewed Pamela before the world fell, and Kelly says, Connie got Pamela’s uncle kicked out of Congress. Carol says, that was her? and Connie signs that they’ve got a lot to do before the masquerade ball. They leave, and Carol suggests Daryl ask Connie to dance tonight, but he says he’s got a lot to do. Carol says, she’ll catch up with him later.

Carol watches Ezekiel, and sees him touch his throat. Rosita gives Coco to Gabriel, and thanks him for taking care of her. He says he’ll be glad to keep her all night, since Rosita will be exhausted after the late shift. Rosita promises to pick her up before his Bible study, and goes back to their temporary housing, where she sees Daryl. She tells him that she thinks this place is made out of paper, and can’t wait until basic’s over and they’re in new apartments. She says, It’s weird to worry about money again, and he tells her, it’s not forever.

Jerry’s son Ezra plays tug of war with another kid using Shiva’s chain. Jerry tells them that they have to give it back, and hands it to Ezekiel. Ezra, dressed up like a tiger, looks sad, and Ezekiel says Jerry saved it from Hilltop because he knew precious it was to him. Even more precious is family. He tells Ezra that the leash is his on two conditions. That it always makes Ezra as happy as it’s made him, and to honor Shiva’s memory; think of her when they play with it. Jerry asks if Ezekiel is sure, and Ezekiel says, just be careful; it’s a chain. He and Jerry hug. Carol comes over, and says, it looks like they had fun. Ezekiel says, he thinks it was good for everybody, and she asks how he’s feeling. He says, also good, and she asks how his doctor’s appointment went. He says, fine, no changes, and asks if she’s heard from Maggie and Lydia. She says she’s sure they’re okay. Is he? He says, on a beautiful day like today, never better.

Carol carries flowers into the hospital, and bumps into a janitor. She apologizes for being a klutz as she steals his keys. She goes into an office, and looks through some files. Tomi walks in, and asks what she’s doing there. She says, sorry, and admits she was snooping. She’s worried about Ezekiel. Tomi asks what she wants to know, and she says she knows Ezekiel needs surgery, and knows he’s in line for it. How long before 147? She hands him the folder, he looks at one of the papers, and says, too long. He tells her, Ezekiel also knows the odds aren’t good, but what he doesn’t know is, he doesn’t have a chance of getting surgery unless by some miracle he’s moved up. Tomi wishes he could do more.

Mercer tells some of the Alexandrians, welcome to the kill house. Killing is not their primary goal. He’s looking for speed and teamwork. Two teams will go in simultaneously. One team will go right, the other, left, and they’ll have one weapon they have to share. The objective is to get through the house where there are rotters inside. There will be one marked in red at the end, and first team that kills it is one step closer to earning their stripes, but if they fail to work as a unit, they’ll see what they get. They divide into teams, and Daryl asks if he can go with Rosita, since they make a good team. Mercer says he didn’t ask Daryl’s opinion, and teams Daryl with Jake, and Rosita with Green. Mercer blows a whistle, and they run in.

Inside, a zombie comes after Rosita. She struggles with it, and stabs it in the head, then passes the knife to her partner. Daryl and Jake come upon two zombies feeding, and Daryl kicks one in the head. He struggles with the other one, and tells Jake to keep going, then whacks the zombie in the head with a rock. Green wrestles with a zombie, Rosita grabs it off of him, and he kills it. It’s kind of like tag team zombie fighting. Rosita picks up a broken whatever, and twists it into a zombie’s eyeball. Almost at the finish line, Daryl shoves a zombie against a spike sticking out of a wall, while Jake struggles with another one. Mercer shoots it, and Daryl asks, what was that? Mercer tells him, he said speed and teamwork. He tells Rosita and Green, nicely done, and wants Daryl to come with him.

Judith and Mei go to the record store, and Mei recommends a Motorhead album, but Judith says she doesn’t have any money. Mei asks if she doesn’t get an allowance, when Princess comes out, and Judith introduces them. She asks if they need any help, but Mei says they’re ready to check out. Princess says Mei has good taste in albums, and attire; she sees Mei has the metal. After the transaction is complete, Princess goes back inside, and Mei gives Judith the Motorhead album. Judith says she didn’t have to, but Mei says, it’s a gift for a friend, and Judith asks if she got a receipt. Mei says Judith doesn’t have to pay her back, but Judith says she wants it as a reminder of a good day.

Carol sees Pamela’s assistant Max telling Lance that the wine he’s brought isn’t worthy of tonight’s guests. He throws the bottle in a garbage can, and when he’s gone, Carol checks out the label. She sneaks into a wine shop, and looks through the receipts. She goes through the woods into an abandoned house, and goes to the wine cellar. She looks around with a flashlight, and a zombie suddenly thrusts its hands at her from the other side of a rack. She kills it, but a few more toddle in. She kills them, but the last one knocks her down, and is snapping at her face. She reaches up and grabs a corkscrew, shoving it into the zombie’s neck, and killing it. It always seems stupid to write that a zombie was killed, since they’re already dead, but you know what I mean.

Mercer takes Rosita, Daryl, and Sebastian into the woods. Mercer says he didn’t need a volunteer, but Sebastian says, they love volunteers, especially ones who look like Rosita. They stop and unpack weapons, and Sebastian says, let’s see what Santa brought him. He looks at a sword, and says, It’s a toothpick not worth his time. He pulls out a crossbow and num-chuks, and says, this thing is pathetic. He tells Mercer, release the rotters, and Mercer opens a nearby storage container, while Daryl bangs on it. Zombies come toward Sebastian, and he gets one down, and another in the neck, but not good enough, and ends up battling with it. Daryl picks up the crossbow, shoots it, and says, done. Sebastian asks why he did that, and tells Mercer, is he serious? This is the future soldier of the Commonwealth? Pamela has arrived with some stormtroopers, and turns to leave, Sebastian trotting after her. Mercer tells Daryl that he shouldn’t intervened. Sebastian would have been fine. Daryl asks if he failed another team building exercise, and Mercer says Daryl is used to handling things on his own. He gets it, but that’s not how they work. Sometimes they need to set each other up to win. Daryl asks what that’s got to do with that little pr*ck’s ego, and Mercer says, this place is as good as any he’s seen. He wants Daryl to succeed even if Daryl doesn’t give a damn.

Dog watches Judith and RJ drawing, when Daryl walks in with some food. Judith asks if he got lost, and he says, there was a long line. Loud music plays upstairs, and Daryl asks how their day was. Judith says, she made a friend, and shows Daryl the record, saying, Mei bought it for her. Daryl gives Dog some food, and Judith asks if she can get an allowance. He asks if she can wait a while, and she says, so they can stay? He asks if they want to, and RJ does. Judith says, it’s nice here, and as long as her mom knows where to find them, she wants to stay.  

Max brings some wine to Lance’s office for him to try, but it’s a hard no after he takes a sip. She leaves, and he looks like he has a headache. Carol comes in, and deposits a case of wine on the credenza. He asks. how did she know? and she says, her mother taught her to be observant. He says, obviously, she found a way outside the walls, and asks what she wants from him. She says she has a friend waiting for surgery, and she needs to get him to the front of the line. He says, that’s a big ask, but she says, not for him. He says, first things first. He needs to find out if the wine goes over well. She says, it will.

Servers prepare dinner for the masquerade ball, and one tells Magna that her kids don’t even know what a mango is. Magna says, someday they will, but the server says, no time soon. The ball has begun, a harp is played, and the wine is being served. Magna serves Yumiko and her brother Tomi, and she and Yumiko exchange looks. Yumiko asks Tomi, what’s wrong? and he says, it’s not his scene. He was cool being on the other side. This is her world, not his. But if this is how the other half lives, he might as well enjoy it. He takes another glass of wine. Outside, there’s a poor man’s red carpet. Daryl is standing by the door, and Sebastian straightens his collar before going in. Rosita tells Daryl that Sebastian hates him; that was a hate smile. Lance walks up the stairs to applause, followed by Mercer. The spectators chant Mercer’s name as he goes past. Princess says, hey, and tells him she wanted to say hi. He looks handsome. He says it’s not his thing, but she says, it is, trust her. He tells her that he hates big events. They’re kind of boring, but does she want to make it more interesting? Join him. She says she’d be honored, and Mercer tells the bouncer that she’s with him, and he says, there’s a dress code. Mercer says she’s with him, and Princess takes his arm. The bouncer steps aside, and they go in.

Lance asks Pamela how she likes the wine, and she says, it’s fine. She’s due for an interview, but they need to get a meeting on the books about the Alexandria thing. He says he has a pitch, and she says she’s sure he does. She tells Connie, it’s lovely to see her, and nice to meet Kelly. She asks if they’re enjoying the festivities, and Connie asks if they celebrate every holiday with such grandeur. Pamela says, traditions comfort the people. They need structure in uncertain times, so they treasure the holidays. Halloween was special to father her father when he was in the White House. It was his favorite; he loved a masquerade ball. Connie wonders what he’d say about the class divide there, and Pamela says, that they’re lucky they found them. They celebrate every person. She introduces Connie to a woman who’s attending the ball for the first time, and works the room. Server and former trooper Tyler tries to talk to her, but her assistant brushes him off, saying, Pamela has a strict itinerary. Princess tells Yumiko that she kicked that guy’s ass in the train car, and wonders why he’s serving food.

Lance says, it’s his honor to introduce someone who needs no introduction; their esteemed leader, the Governor of the Commonwealth, Pamela Milton. Everyone applauds, and she thanks them for coming. It’s her great pleasure to give them a sneak peek of something truly special. She unveils a portrait of her father, and says, it’s the work of the brilliant Alexa Park. It took her nine months to lovingly create the painting. She’d sustained serious injures out in the world before she found sanctuary at the Commonwealth. Thanks to the sacrifices of Pamela’s father, brick by brick, block by block, they’re putting the world back together the way it was. Her father would be proud to see what the Commonwealth is, and how much it protects and cares for all of its citizens. Tyler yells, bullsh*t! The Commonwealth cares for all existence? Does she even know who he is? Max tells him, it’s not the time, and he grabs a knife and Max, and holds the knife to her throat. He tells them, don’t come any closer. He would have died for this place. Does Pamela even know what his name is? She says she’d like to, and he says, he’s Tyler Davis. He was a trooper. He tried to reach her. One mistake and he lost everything. He came to talk. Pamela says she wants to listen, but wants just the two of them to talk. He tells her, don’t lie. This is what she cares about; parties and paintings. He slashes the painting, and says, they’re nothing to her; they’re disposable. She says he’s wrong. She sees he’s hurt, and wants to fix that, but he has to promise not to hurt anyone. Put down the knife and let her assistant go. Her name is Max. Tyler pulls Max backward toward the door, and she whispers that she’s like him. He says he’s sorry, and continues to back up with her. Mercer comes forward, and Tyler lets Max go, making a break for it. Sebastian yells, go after him, and Mercer gets on the radio, saying, get him.  

Tyler runs into the haunted funhouse, and Daryl follows. Daryl sneaks around, and pulls aside a curtain, revealing Tyler. He tells Tyler that he has nowhere to go. Tyler asks if Daryl is going to take him in, and Daryl asks if he has a choice. Tyler says, he didn’t mean to… He just wanted to talk, and make her understand. He puts the knife to his own throat, but Daryl says, don’t. Tyler says he screwed up protocols with a prisoner, and got beat up. He lost his apartment, and has no way to help his sister and her kids. Daryl says, he’s got a family? A lot of them don’t have that anymore. Don’t take that away from her. it’s not fair. Tyler cries and gives Daryl the knife, and Daryl cuffs him. On the way out, he runs into Sebastian, who says, so Daryl caught the bastard. He finally did something right. Daryl hands Tyler over to Sebastian, and says, no; Sebastian caught him. Show his mom.

Sebastian takes Tyler back to the ballroom, and there’s applause. Pamela says, well done, and tells Mercer, remove him. Tyler says, don’t think getting rid of him solves anything. There are thousands like him. Resist the Commonwealth! Equality for all! Tyler is taken away, and Lance asks if Pamela thinks he’s telling the truth. She says, no, but she wants him to make sure.

Outside the venue, Yumiko has the guests sign a paper, and hands each of them an envelope of cash. Carol watches as the guests are paid off, and Lance comes out. She asks how the wine was, and he says, great; it’s a good first step. Mercer gives orders to his men. He wants to know how Tyler gained access, and did he have help? He tells Rosita to talk to the waitstaff. Rosita goes inside, and asks if Magna worked with Tyler long. Magna says, they’d never met before tonight. Rosita asks if she’s sure, and Magna asks if Rosita thinks she’s lying. Rosita says she’s just trying to find out what happened, and Magna asks if she heard what Tyler said. Rosita says, that there were others, and asks what Magna thinks he meant. Magna says she has no idea, but for what it’s worth, she believes him. This place reminds her of a city from before. Rosita remembers, doesn’t she? Rosita says she does. So Magna doesn’t know how Tyler got in? Magna says, no.

Ezekiel visits Carol, who snagged a bottle of wine for herself. He looks at the bottle and says, vintage, and she says she’s a lady of high caliber. He says, the highest. Wasn’t that something today? She says, they really know how to throw a party here, and he says, the kids had a blast. He would have loved it… She says she knows, and he takes out a wood box with Henry carved on it. He tells her that he knows it would have been too painful before, but this belongs to her. She says he should keep it, but he says, no. He wants her to have it. This place can be a fresh start… if she wants it to be. She asks how is he really, and he says, great. He still finds reasons to smile. She pours the wine, and says, to fresh starts. They clink glasses, and she says, it’s not bad. He tells her that she always took the big glass.

Day 33 at the Commonwealth. Daryl is in a stormtrooper outfit, and Judith says he looks official. He says, think so? He doesn’t feel official. He tells her that he got her something, and she uncovers a record player. She hugs him, and takes out the Motorhead album. She puts it on, and as the stormtroopers bust into places, we hear Eat the Rich. One of the troopers finds a secret room in the back of a closet. They take off their helmet, and we see it’s Rosita. It’s obviously a basecamp for a resistance member, and she looks through literature and posters that say things like, For Workers, Visibility for Workers

Next time, Eugene wants to expose the Commonwealth; Eugene and Princess break into a house, and the owner comes home early; Carol asks if Lance wants to make her a true believer; and Eugene thinks Stephanie was kidnapped by the government.

🏡 All In the Family…

Six degrees and all that.


🤷🏽‍♂️ Maybe Not…

Word on the street is that TWD’s ending might not be that of the comic.


💐 She’s Not Just High Caliber…

She’s a woman with a mission.


⚰️ Releasing Fear…

Fear the Walking Dead will be here before we know it.

✈️ Gotta Jet…

See you tomorrow for soap and some Sailing. Until then, stay safe, stay making your word your bond, and stay setting up others to win. Sometimes.

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