October 20, 2022 – A Surprise Shows Up At the Boathouse, Topping the Awfulness At the House & Nightmare


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Nina and Sonny are kissing at the MetroCourt Garden, and Nina says, if they keep this up, she won’t get any work done. He guesses he can’t convince her to play hooky, and she says, his powers of persuasion are incredible, but they’re both busy people. His phone rings, and he steps away to take the call. Nina sees Olivia, and suggests Olivia take some time off, and let her handle things. Olivia says, thanks, but she’s all set, and Nina says, they’re partners, aren’t they? And for the most part, things have been going well, right? Olivia commends Nina on handling the details of Brando’s memorial, but says, why don’t they quit while they’re ahead? Let her buy Nina out before the whole thing gets real nasty, because they all know that’s where this is headed.

Holding a rose, Marshall approaches Epiphany at the hospital. She asks what he’s doing here, and he says she’s been studying for the MCATs for almost a year, does she think he wouldn’t show up on her big day to wish her luck? She says it’s good he’s here, because if she crashes and burns on these MCATs today, she’s holding him personally responsible.

Portia, Curtis, and TJ share a table at the Garden, and Portia says she realizes Curtis has some last minute details to settle before they pick a date, but some of these venues are booked years in advance. She feels like everyone is marrying their fiancé in the next 18 months. Curtis asks what TJ thinks, but TJ’s face is in his phone. Portia says she bets TJ and Molly have dozens of wedding invitations on their fridge, and Curtis asks what TJ thinks. TJ looks at a text from Willow: Checking in. R U OK after run-in w/ Nina @ the funeral? Portia says, TJ? and he says he’s sorry. What was the question? Curtis says he guesses now the question becomes, who is more interesting than them?

Michael finds Willow on the patio, and says he thought she had a shift this morning, but she says, Terry gave her a few days off. He says he’s glad Terry is being so accommodating with her pregnancy.

On the phone, Ned says, he’s Chairman of the Board. Valentin can’t just drop off the face of the earth and leave him holding the bag. Call him. Michael comes in with Willow, and says he’s sorry Ned is having trouble with Valentin. Ned says he bets. Have Michael and Drew been able to stop the Aurora stock from freefalling? Michael says, ages ago. At least he and Drew know they can trust each other. Is that how it is with Ned and Valentin?

At the station, Jordan thanks Victor for joining them, and he says, the officer told him that she might have some questions for him about what happened to Lucy Coe. She says she does, and he says he’s more than happy to answer once his attorney gets here. She tells him to wait in the interrogation room, and when he’s gone, Robert says he supposes it’s too much to hope Victor confesses, but Jordan says she doesn’t think there’s much to confess to. Anna says, the evidence suggests otherwise, and Dante says, he had a date with Lucy before she disappeared. They’re well within their rights to hold him for questioning. Robert says, he’s got an alibi, and Anna says, of course (🍷). He’s always got other people doing his dirty work for him. Jordan asks Anna to walk with her a moment, and they leave. Jordan tells Anna, when she first got back on the job, Anna and Laura confided in her that they were working together to find out who killed Luke Spencer, and Victor is up to some grander scheme. As her friend, Jordan has given Anna space to handle that investigation, but as Anna’s colleague, she needs to make sure Anna’s vendetta isn’t clouding her judgement. Anna says, it’s fueling her resolve, but she sees everything clearly, and Jordan says, then she has to ask. Does Anna think Victor could have murdered Lucy? Anna says, absolutely.

A woman (who we assume is Lucy) lies on the edge of the beach, face down, half in the water.

Trina comes into the station, and says she thought Rory was meeting her at ten. He looks at his watch, and says he didn’t realize the time. She asks if he at least packed, and he says he did. She says she thought he couldn’t wait for their weekend getaway, and now he’s distracted. He tells her, things got pretty swamped here last night; long story. She says, if the safety of the citizens of Port Charles is at stake, she can’t really drag him away from his duties. So if he needs to postpone, it’s fine. He says, that’s the furthest thing from his mind, and she says, great, let’s go, but he asks if she’s sure. She was ready to call it real quick. Does she not want to go away with him?

Nina asks where this is coming from. Olivia just got done saying she was doing a good job. Olivia says she’s not doubting Nina’s adaptability or business acumen, but in order for this partnership to work, they have to trust each other, and there’s no way she’s ever going to trust Nina. Nina says, so much for being civil, and Olivia says, this is her civil. When Nina kept Sonny from all of them, she didn’t just hurt Carly and Sonny’s kids; Nina hurt everyone who cares for him. She and Sonny share a first born son. They share a grandchild, so it includes her. Sonny may be okay with Nina, but that doesn’t mean everyone else will be. So why doesn’t Nina let Olivia buy her out of this hotel, for everyone’s sake, and they can all move on with their lives. Nina says, sorry, no deal. Olivia’s stuck with her. Sonny asks if everything’s okay here, and Olivia says, peachy. She’s going to let Nina take care of all this. It turns out she needs a breather after all.

Portia wants to get to the hospital early, so she can wish Epiphany good luck on her MCATs, and Curtis says, it’s great Portia helped Epiphany prepare. He knows Portia’s support means a lot to her. Portia says, Epiphany is her friend, and she’s important to Curtis’s father, so her pleasure. She leaves, and Curtis asks why TJ is so happy all of a sudden. TJ says, this family. They’ve had their ups and downs, but he can’t say how grateful he is that Curtis and Marshall settled in a good place. It’s a huge 180 from last year. Of course (🍷) he’s sure it helps to understand the burden Marshall was carrying.

Marshall asks, how is Epiphany tanking the MCATs – which is not going to happen, by the way – his fault? She says, he walked into this hospital, her hospital, a year ago, and got her to open up about how her entire adult life she’s had this fantasy about going to med school, becoming a doctor after decades of nursing. He encouraged her. Why would he do that? Who goes up to total strangers and encourages them? He says, someone had to, and he’s glad it was him.

Martin arrives at the station, and says he got Dante’s call. Dante asks if he’s heard from Lucy, and Martin says, no. Why does he ask? Robert says, it seems she’s gone missing. Dante says, she was last seen on the docks; there were signs of foul play. Martin asks, what kind of signs? and Dante says, there was evidence that a shot was fired; a bullet casing was found on the pier.

Jordan says, Anna needs to level with her. What exactly did Lucy get mixed up in? Anna says, Lucy was helping with her investigation into Victor. She just needed one piece of information, but Lucy was getting in over her head. Anna tried to pull her out, but forgot how stubborn Lucy can be. Jordan asks how hard Anna really tried to pull Lucy out, and Anna says she brought Martin back here. She thought that would at least limit Lucy’s ability to see Victor. She thinks it was too late. She might have cost Lucy her life. Jordan’s phone rings, and she says, Coast Guard Search and Rescue. Maybe they found evidence that Lucy’s alive.

The woman on the shore moves her hand a little.

Sonny says, this thing with Nina and Olivia isn’t working, and Nina says, Sonny warned her this would happen if she bought into this place. He says he was hoping he was wrong, and she says, Olivia pretty much came out and said she’d be a good partner. He tells her, that’s a step in the right direction, and she says, if she hadn’t done what she did to his family. She looks at TJ, and says, even though she’s looking out for them now.

Curtis says he’s sure it wasn’t easy for TJ’s grandfather to open up about his diagnosis, especially to him. He made a point that he didn’t want to hear Marshall’s excuses about why he abandoned Curtis and TJ’s dad. It never occurred to him how difficult it was to make that decision then, and trying to own up to it now. TJ says, the world has changed since Marshall found out about his schizophrenia. He comes from a time when, if you admitted you had a mental illness, that was considered weakness, a source of shame. That was ridiculous, but Curtis knows how much courage and strength it takes to reach out. Curtis has certainly helped enough people, and TJ is sure he wouldn’t hesitate to rely on family. Curtis says, here’s hoping, and TJ says he hopes Curtis doesn’t mind him asking, but have he and Portia talked about having kids? Curtis says, there’s a lot to consider first, and flashes back to Portia saying there’s no reason to worry about Curtis having a predisposition to mental illness, and Curtis saying, the only reason he’d be tested is if he decided to have children. Nina and Sonny approach their table, and Nina says she hopes they’re not interrupting.

Epiphany tells Marshall, it was a pipe dream. Something to think about when she was bored or fed up with arrogant doctors. The point is, she was happy. She liked the road she was on, and dreaming of the road not taken. Now she’s at a fork in that road, and it’s all his fault. Marshall tells her, all he said was, if going to medical school is something she wants to look into, she should. She says, he called her Dr. Johnson, and now… All these years, she could say to herself, she would have been a great doctor, especially compared to some of these arrogant yahoos. It was something to dream about, to comfort herself with. He asks, how is it going to change? and she says, if she bombs these MCATs, the dream is over. No more imaginary genius doctor. She’ll just be a real life failure.

Dante tells Martin, it’s the early stages of the investigation. They don’t want to get locked in a theory, and miss something important. Jordan and Anna come back, and Martin asks if there’s any news about his Lucy. Jordan says, the Coast Guard finished their preliminary search, but almost a whole day has passed. Martin says, so his Lucy is presumed dead? He doesn’t accept that, not without sufficient evidence. A single casing doesn’t prove anyone’s demise, and what proof do they even have that she was on the docks, much less in the water? Jordan says, they found Lucy’s shoe, and he says, for the sake of argument, say it was Lucy’s. Is it not equally plausible that somebody fired one shot and missed, and Lucy got away? She was running and lost a shoe in the process. Jordan says she has teams in the cities, seeing if Lucy is hiding out anywhere, and Martin sees Victor in the interrogation room. He asks, what exactly does Victor have to do with it? and Robert suggests the go for a walk. Dante says he should let Scotty know. He and Lucy share a daughter. He leaves, and Jordan says, they should notify Lucy’s business partners. Does Anna want to handle that? Anna flies into the interrogation room, and Jordan follows her. Victor asks what he can do for Anna, and Anna says, listen to her. Even if they never find Lucy’s body, this will escalate into a murder charge, and he’ll be the number one suspect. He says he doubts it will get that far, but Anna says, she hopes it doesn’t. Because one way or another, she’ll make it her business to destroy him. Jordan says, Anna… and Anna says, and Victor will wish it had gone through the court. So her suggestion is, he start talking.

The woman sits back on her knees, breathing heavily. She hauls herself out of the water, and walks inland.  

Ned tells Michael, is Valentin unscrupulous and immoral? Obviously. Is he good for ELQ’s bottom line? Unquestionably. Michael says, compared to what the bottom line would have been had the ELQ/Aurora merger gone through? Willow watches, and Michael says, Ned isn’t in any position to lecture him about business. Olivia comes in, and asks Willow, what’s going on here? Willow says, Ned versus Michael, round 72, and Michael says, Ned was leading the charge to keep ELQ in the family. Then when he couldn’t be CEO, he changed his tune really quick. Ned says, Michael tried to drive him out of ELQ by offering him a figurehead position. Michael says, Drew was the obvious choice if the merger happened, and Olivia tells them, stop, both of them, but they don’t listen. Michael says, Drew was taking the biggest risk; he owned the largest block of stock; that is how business works. If Ned cared about ELQ as much as he says he does, Valentin would gone. Willow starts to buckle, and Olivia asks, what’s wrong? Willow starts breathing heavily, and Michael asks if she’s okay.

The woman walks to the Quartermaine boathouse, and goes inside.

Marshall asks if Epiphany is done. Now take that energy and passion, and focus it on medicine. Focus it on helping people, and being the best at what she does. She knows she is, and she loves it. She asks if he’s accusing her of the sin of pride, and he says, there are worse reasons to go to hell. She laughs, and says, only a jazz man could talk about perdition like that. He’s a terrible influence. He says, if he was going to influence her, it would be to set aside her fears. She’s not just a nurse. She’s Epiphany Johnson. She knows all; she sees all. Fear runs from her and hides. She’s been up since the crack of dawn studying; she’s got this. She thanks him for the encouragement, but he says, he’s just stating facts. She says, what if she doesn’t pass? and he says, so what? A valiant effort is not a failure. It’s brave and courageous, and makes him so very proud of her. Portia runs in, and says, good; it’s not too late. She wanted to wish Epiphany luck, not that she’s going to need it. Epiphany thanks her, and says she couldn’t have made it without Portia. Portia says, yes, she could, and she’s got this. Epiphany says, she guesses she should get down there, and Marshall tells her, good luck. She leaves, but then comes back, giving Marshall a quick kiss before racing off. He touches his lips, and looks at Portia.

Michael asks if it’s the baby, but Willow says she just needs some air, and goes outside. Olivia asks if Michael and Ned are proud of themselves.  

Curtis hugs Nina, and asks how she is. They keep missing each other. She says, they have to catch up one of these days. How did Chase’s show go? Curtis says, he brought the house down, and she says, that’s wonderful. Curtis asks to speak to Sonny in private, and Sonny says, lead the way. They go where there are less people, and Sonny asks, what’s on Curtis’s mind? Curtis says, he’s aware that Sonny knows about his father’s medical condition, so Sonny will probably understand where he’s coming from. He’s been doing a lot of reading about genetic counseling, and he saw there are tests to determine if a person has a predisposition to Alzheimer’s. He’s not asking Sonny to divulge his decision, but he made a decision not to find out about certain risk factors that could affect him, and he wonders if he made the right choice.

Trina says, of course (🍷) she wants to go away with Rory, but a comic book convention was never on her bucket list of things to do. She’s sorry. He says he gets it. Not everyone is into comics, but those of them who are can be a little enthusiastic, and that enthusiasm can be overwhelming. (I have been to many a convention, and I concur.) She says, which she totally gets, which is why she’s going. He made such a huge effort to learn why she loves art and history. He says, there was no effort. She made it interesting. She says, that’s why she knows he’ll help her to see why he’s so passionate about a highly different art. Dante asks to speak to Rory before he takes off, and Rory tells Trina, he’ll be right back.

Victor’s lawyer walks in, and asks why members of law enforcement are speaking with her client before she got here. Anna says, they were just having a friendly chat, and the lawyer says, she hopes nobody said anything that could even be remotely construed as coercing a confession. Victor says, they were just catching up, and she says, her client will be happy to answer any questions after they’ve spoken privately. Is he being charged with something? Jordan says, not at the moment, but they’re within their rights to keep him here for 24 hours. The lawyer says, if he’s going to be held that long, they’ll need some water… so they can dust the glass for prints; nice try. Anna says, he was head of the WSB. Doesn’t she think they have his prints? She says, Anna makes a fair point. She’s treating him to the vending machines anyway. Jordan says, then she’ll have to get one for the whole class. Victor gets up to go with her, and says, don’t look so worried. He promises he won’t make a break for it.

Robert tells Martin, for what it’s worth (🍷), until there’s proof, there’s always hope. Martin says, he knows, and for what it’s worth (🍷), if Lucy is alive and well, he’ll never take her for granted again. And he’ll also make who did this pay… dearly.

Willow walks to the boathouse, because she’s really stupid. She leans against the fence, and sees reddish wet footprints leading inside.  

Ned says, it wasn’t his intention to upset Willow, but Michael started it. Michael says, it started when Ned betrayed the family. Olivia tells them to stop. They sound like a couple of children on the playground; you started it, no you started it. She’s been part of this family long enough backstabbing and lying to make the Starks and the Lannisters think it’s over the top. But business aside, they always come back together, because they’re a family. It’s about time they start remembering that.

Willow approaches the boathouse door, because she’s really, really stupid. She opens the door, and says, Brook? She goes inside, sees the woman, and screams. She runs back to the house, and Michael meets her on the patio. He asks if she’s okay, and she says she was by the boathouse. There were footprints coming from the lake, and what looked like drops of blood. She went into the boathouse, and there was a woman. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, but could it be whoever killed Brando? Ned says he’ll call Dante, and asks Olivia to call security. She says, of course (🍷), and sees Michael grab a hefty meat tenderizer, and head out the door. She asks where he’s going, and he says he doesn’t want to let them get away. Olivia runs after him, asking if he’s crazy.

Jordan says, Victor’s alibi is rock solid; they’ll have to release him. She could have a plainclothes officer tail him… Dante comes in, and says, Ned Quartermain just called. He said a woman wandered in from the lake, and is trespassing on the property. Anna says, oh my God, is it Lucy? but Dante says, they didn’t get a good look at her. He wants to send a squad car, but Jordan tells him to check it out personally. Anna starts to leave with him, but Robert says he wants her to stick around, and keep an eye on Victor. He’ll report back to her. He follows Dante out.

Nina sits down, and says, TJ, but he says, Dr. Ashford. She says she wants to apologize if she was too direct at Brando’s funeral. He says, when she warned him that people would start to spread rumors about Willow and him, it seems the only person doing that is her. She says she’s sorry if it seemed out of line, but he says, it was out of line. But he’s not one to hold a grudge, so he’ll accept her apology if she stays out of his business, and Willow’s. She says, Willow and Michael are her business because they’re her grandson’s parents. So if something is happening that she should… He says, she’s got it all wrong, and she says, please enlighten her, because it seems every time she sees him with Willow, there’s a lot more going on than being friends. What’s really happening between them?

Curtis says he’s not trying push Sonny. He just needs Sonny’s wisdom, experience, and insight on his decision. Sonny says, he considered getting tested to see if he had the gene for Alzheimer’s, but didn’t want to go through with it. Not knowing or knowing’s not going to change the outcome, and he didn’t want to keep waiting for it to happen. Curtis says, so Sonny is telling him that he made the right decision, and Sonny says, if Curtis had schizophrenia, he would have shown signs by now. Curtis says, it was about getting facts so he could make decisions about his family, and Sonny says he doesn’t know what Curtis’s plans are, but if they’re what he thinks they are, there’s Curtis’s answer.   

Portia says, rather cozy, and Marshall says, that kiss? He’s a jazz musician. This kind of thing happens all the time. She laughs, and says, it must be so difficult for him, but he says, he barely notices it. She says she knows they’ve been seeing each other, but it seems like they’re getting serious? He says he wasn’t going to broach something like that on her day, and she says, for what it’s worth (🍷), she thinks he’s good for Epiphany. He says, she’s been good for him too. For so long he’s been worried how his family, the people he’s closest to, would react to his diagnosis. Then here comes this woman, someone he just happened to meet, and she couldn’t have been more supportive. He finally learned it’s best to get these things out in the open right away. You can’t live with some huge secret that could undermine your whole relationship.  

Anna asks Jordan if there’s anything, and Jordan says, there’s no security footage from the docks, but a flight path was logged for a drone last night. The New York State Division of Tourism was shooting aerial footage by the lake. Maybe they caught something, and they can get some answers. Victor comes back with his lawyer.

TJ says he won’t explain his relationship with Willow to Nina. He doesn’t owe her any clarification, and neither does Willow, because it’s none of her business. She says she knows he believes that, but she doesn’t believe that. He says she already has a reputation for coming between people. Don’t allow that to be truer than it already is. Sonny comes back and says, Curtis had to go; he’ll catch up with both of them later. TJ says, he’ll see Sonny later, gives Nina a look, and leaves. Nina says, it looks like she and Sonny both have busy days ahead… He asks, what was that with her and TJ?

Olivia runs after Michael, yelling, stop! Don’t be stupid! They get to the boathouse, and he tells her, stay back. He grips the tenderizer, and kicks the door in. Olivia says, oh my God.

Jordan tells Anna that the drone footage was sent in its entirety. Once the time frame is isolated, she’ll bring it out, and they’ll review it together. Martin asks where Robert and Dante are, and Anna says, there was an incident at the Quartermaines. It may or may not be related to Lucy’s disappearance. They’ll know more soon. She asks how he is, and he asks if she really cares. She does realize none of this would have happened if she hadn’t blackmailed him. He would have never left town, and Lucy would have never ended up in Victor’s crosshairs. She says, it is a bit more complicated… but he says he doesn’t think it is. The last time he was with Lucy, she told him what was going on. She told him that she and Anna were at odds. It wasn’t just him with Valentin, Anna was leaning on Lucy, and got her wrapped up in some misguided attempt to take down Victor. How desperate did Anna have to be? How obsessed to involve Lucy in something like that? Anna says she really regrets involving Lucy in this, and he asks why she involved Lucy in the first place. She says, the risks were not that great, and he asks, what are the risks? What was her goal? She looks away, and he says, there it is. There’s more to this than she’s willing to tell him, and he wants to know why.

Epiphany goes into the room where the MCATs are being taken. She sits in front of a computer, and says, here goes nothing. She sees the first question, and quietly laughs to herself.

Curtis sees Portia at the hospital reception desk, and she says she didn’t expect to see him so soon. Marshall says, if he’s there to wish Epiphany luck, he just missed her. He says, no. Epiphany’s got this, but he wishes her well. He came to see them. Portia asks, what’s going on? He says he was doing some thinking, and he’s changed his mind. He wants to explore genetic counseling after all.

Rory tells Trina, he’s now officially all hers, and she says, it’s about time. He takes her bag, and heads out. She hesitates for a moment, then follows him.

Sonny tells Nina, he’s known TJ since he was a little kid. He can’t imagine what they’d be disagreeing about. She says, just add TJ to the long list of people who aren’t her biggest fans. She shouldn’t be surprised. It turns out, TJ is quite close to Willow.  

Dante and Robert arrive at the boathouse, and Dante asks Michael if the woman is inside. Michael nods, and says he’d like to get Willow home. Dante tells him to go, and Olivia comes out. Robert asks if it’s Lucy, but she says, no, it’s not. But before he goes in, he needs to prepare himself. He says, for what? and she says, he needs to see for himself. And I know who it is. My bad for thinking it was Lucy yesterday, but in my defense, that’s what they wanted me to think.

Anna asks Martin to put his trust in her. She knows it’s a lot to ask, and he says, what a sublimely English gift for understatement she has. She says she’s going to do everything in her power to bring Lucy home safely, and he says, what if that no longer possible? She says, then she’ll go after whoever is responsible, and bring them to justice. Jordan comes back, and says, she has the footage queued up to the hour of Lucy’s disappearance. Anna says, Martin may not want to see this, and he says, why? Because he’s just a civilian? He’s staying. Jordan says, the drone is hovering over the lake, but she can zoom in. They see Lucy standing at the pier, and discovering she isn’t alone. They see her holding up her hands, backing up and getting shot, and then falling into the water. Martin says, Anna…?

Victor’s lawyer says, tell her they won’t find any evidence connecting him to this woman’s disappearance. He says he wouldn’t worry about that. He trusts Robert and Anna will be far too distracted to worry about little old him.

Robert and Dante go into the boathouse, and Robert says, oh my God. Ned is there, and we see Holly wrapped in a blanket. She says, hello, Robert.

Tomorrow, Sasha asks Maxie why the police would be looking for Lucy; Robert asks where Holly has been for the last two years; and Drew kisses Carly.

🏂 Congratulations to Winter House for adding an even worse housemate to the cast of awful people who were already in the house. Sadly, I’m talking about you, Craig from Southern Charm. I don’t know if it’s the juju in the house that has made him awful, or he was always this awful and I didn’t notice. Or maybe he’s just awful when he drinks. Some people just shouldn’t, and even girlfriend Paige called him off his rocker and a toddler when he drinks.

And while we’re on the subject, shotgunning a beer when you’re over the age of 21 is really unattractive. Actually, it’s unattractive at any age, but expected from one barely out of their teen years. Giving the finger in a photo doesn’t do you any favors either. And I don’t say that because it’s profane. It’s old. Yawn… So what else can you do?

Craig came in hot, apparently having stayed on a Luke owned property, and nearly blowing the place up. Luke was storying fireworks in the same room Craig was staying in, and Craig thought they were a welcome present. Stupid + awful = disaster. Maybe I keep watching this because I hope I’m being punked. Seriously, how can young professionals – <choke> their words, not mine – in their 30s behave the way these people do? Two nights of broken glass on the floor from the previous night’s party is bad enough, but when asked to pitch in with the cleaning, Craig pitched a hissy fit instead. He told everyone that he made his money so he could not do what he didn’t want to, so why couldn’t he pay a cleaning crew? That seemed fine with everyone, except it was Sunday, and they needed this sh*t cleaned up now. Craig also likes to act like a big shot with his new pillow money. In the first episode, he paid his way into a better room. With hundred dollar bills. Even newbie Kory, Craig’s old college buddy, said Craig’s delivery was always wrong. And the drinking games. So many drinking games.

There were a few fun moments in the snow, and pairing people up by handing out matching costumes that were a half of something, like an avocado and a PB&J sandwich, than playing various non-drinking games. But this is one house that can’t have nice things, and Craig managed to ruin the entire season by episode 2 by acting like a total asshat when he thought Luke got too familiar with Paige by petting her hair. It was an innocuous old friend gesture, but Craig went apesh*t, saying, Luke was making all the girls uncomfortable. Luke finally walked away from the situation to call his sister and vent, waking her up at nearly 3 am. (Again, he’s nearly 40.) Craig stomped around and demanded Luke be banished from Vermont, even though he’s the new guy. He said if Luke didn’t go, he would, and started packing. It looked like Luke was packing too, and someone pulled their car out, but we didn’t see who. It just said, to be continued. My only thought was, they’d both been drinking like fish. Production better get on that. But if Paige was smart, it was her. She deserves better than the Pillow King.

🚢 Abandoning Ship…

Come visit with me tomorrow for soap, spilled tea, a quote or ten, and music scented with Halloween. Until then, stay safe, stay unflappable, and stay remembering, a valiant effort is not a failure. It’s brave and courageous.

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