Tag Archives: All For the Best

March 25, 2020 – Sonny Suggests Another Option, a Tough Time For Denise, Friends Again, Comparing Decks, Reality Rates & the Bright Side


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)


General Hospital

Nina tells Nelle, welcome to Crimson. Carly walks in, and asks if she just heard that right. Nelle says, her girl got a job.

Monica formally welcomes Portia to General Hospital. She’s glad the board wooed her away from Mercy. Portia says she’s honored to be working there, and Monica says she won’t keep Portia, since she has a lot of paperwork to fill out. Michael and Sasha run in with Wiley, and Michael tells Monica, something’s wrong.

At Kelly’s, Delores says Sam seems to be staying on the straight and narrow, and Sam says, that’s because she is. Delores asks how Sam’s relationship with her ex Jason is going, and Sam says they exchange their son Danny, but they’ve been keeping their distance. (Refraining from a joke here.) She’s been taking Delores’s warnings seriously. They arrange pick-ups at the Quartermaines’. Delores asks if that’s been the full extent of their interaction, but her phone rings, and she tells Sam she has to take the call. She’ll be in touch. Delores goes outside.

Delores asks someone if they’re still on for this afternoon. She laughs, as Spinelli watches. When she leaves, he follows.

Ava makes notes for the auction catalog at the gallery. Trina comes in, and Ava asks what she’s doing there. Trina says she’s been thinking about the catalog, and has some ideas if Ava has time. Ava says, she meant, what is Trina doing at the gallery? She told Trina that she could take time off. Trina says she did, and she’s ready to go back to work. She asks Ava, please take a look. She’s dying for some feedback.

Jordan says, the only way to save TJ is to give Cyrus what he’s wanted all along – his freedom and a full exoneration. Sonny says, that’s exactly what she has to do, and Jordan tells him, don’t be in such a hurry to set Cyrus free. If he’s causing trouble behind bars, just wait until they see what he does on the outside. Sonny says, the guards at Pentenville are better than anyone Cyrus can hire. He’s safe behind bars; they can’t retaliate. Curtis says, once Cyrus is on the outside, Sonny can put an end to this?

Carly tells Nina, she’d love to think Nelle is lying about being hired, but it’s an easy contradiction, and Nina isn’t doing that. Nina says, Nelle will be working as her assistant, and Carly says she can’t believe Nina would make the same mistake twice. Nelle tells Carly, be careful. Carly can ban her from the MetroCourt, but it won’t look good in a custody hearing. She’d be preventing her grandson’s mother from working. Nina suggests Nelle come back tomorrow to fill out the paperwork. She and Carly have some things to discuss. Nelle thanks her for the opportunity, and says she won’t regret it. She can’t wait see Carly every single day. Have a blessed afternoon. She leaves, and Carly says Nina will absolutely regret hiring Nelle. Nina doesn’t think she will.

Michael tells Monica, it’s Wiley’s heart. Brad and Lucas hopes the condition would resolve on its own, but he has labored breathing, like he has a cold. Monica tells him it’s not good to worry until they know what’s going on. She asks Nurse Lynn for an assist; she’s sending Wiley for an EKG. Michael wants to go with him, but Monica doesn’t think that’s a good idea. If he’s nervous or upset, Wiley could pick up on it. She tells him to wait on the fourth floor. Michael hands Wiley off to Lynn, and Monica leaves with them. Sasha tells Michael, Wiley is in good hands. Now they have to do their part, and try to stay calm.

Portia gets a phone call from the school, and asks if they’re certain Trina isn’t there.

Ava says Trina’s research paid off. It’s excellent work. She tells Trina not to worry about finishing the catalog. She just lost her father; there’s no pressure to work. Trina says, thanks, but her parents divorced a long time ago. Her father was a long distance parent, and she had to visit him. In a way, it just feels like he’s gone home. Ava says, except he hasn’t. Trina says she’s fine. Can they just get back to work, and talk about art? Ava says Trina has already discovered something it took her a lot longer to learn; art can be a great solace. The work, but also the pieces themselves. Art is about emotion, and if you find your own emotions are too much to handle, you can step outside yourself, and focus on a piece that speaks to you.

On the phone, Sam tells Spinelli, be careful Delores doesn’t catch him following her. Tracking her is the best way to see what she’s up to. Let her know how it goes. Molly joins her, and Sam asks if she’s heard from TJ. Molly says, it’s been days now. She doesn’t know how Sam and Jason deal with not seeing each other. She’s about to rip her hair out. Sam figured TJ would have contacted Molly by now, and Molly asks, why? Has Sam heard from him? Does she know where he is?

Jordan tells Sonny, she can understand why he wants Cyrus free. He’s easier to eliminate. Sonny says, all he and his people want is for the violence Cyrus brought to Port Charles to end. Jordan says, based on her experience with turf wars, they don’t end; they just evolve. She hates Cyrus more than anyone, but she won’t trigger more violence. Sonny says, whatever happens to Cyrus, his hands are clean, and Jordan says, not because Sonny is innocent, but because he’s an expert in covering his own tracks. If she looks the other way, she’s complicit. Curtis says, whoever’s responsible, releasing Cyrus is effectively signing his death warrant, but by keeping him in jail, they’re signing TJ’s.

Carly says she’s going to give Nina some advice she wishes someone had given her. Nelle is a sociopath. Being near her will cripple Nina in ways she’ll carry the rest of her life. Nina says she gets it, but Carly says she doesn’t, or she wouldn’t have let Nelle in the front door, much less give her a job. She understands why Nina did it. Nina says she doesn’t think Carly does, and Carly says Nelle tugged on Nina’s heartstrings. She gave Nina a song and dance about how she was cruelly kept away from her child, and now Michael and his family want to make that permanent. Nina says, Nelle said that, and Carly says she needs to hear it in context, starting from the night her grandson was born. Nelle tried to kill Michael. Nina says she’s aware, and Carly asks if she’s aware Nelle trapped Michael in a car that was leaking gas. Nelle walked away, hoping the car would explode; hoping the father of her baby would burn to death. And it didn’t stop there. Brad was grieving his son, who’d died from SIDS. Nelle convinced Brad to switch babies with her. Nina says she knows, and Carly says, knowing it and feeling it are two different things. Can she imagine how Michael felt? He thought his baby was dead, and grieved for a year and a half. It’s what Nelle wanted him to do. She took Michael’s empathy, compassion, and generosity, and used them against him, and that’s what she’s going to do to Nina. Nina says, she tried. She said all that. She played on Nina as someone who wanted to be a mother, and said she needed a job on her resume for family court. Carly says Nina gave Nelle what she wanted, and Nina says, now she’s in a perfect position to turn the tables.

Sasha brings Michael some coffee. He wonders what’s taking so long. Sasha says, Wiley has a definite advantage. Michael is on the hospital board, and Wiley’s grandmother is chief-of-staff. He’s been bumped to the front of the line. Michael hates that Wiley is hooked up to machines, but she says the machines will help give an accurate diagnosis. They’ll give the doctors information they need to come up with a treatment plan. He says, Wiley doesn’t know that. He didn’t consider Wiley’s heart condition; it’s been so long since he had an incident. Now that he thinks about it, Wiley’s heart defect is genetic, and neither Shiloh or Willow had a record of it. It still didn’t occur to him that he and Wiley were related. She says, he was lied to and deceived. It’s Brad and Nelle’s fault, not his. He says, all he can think about is that he wants Wiley to be okay.

Sam tells Molly, she hasn’t spoken to TJ, but she and Spinelli tracked TJ through his cell phone. She wanted to go find him, but Jordan insisted on doing it. Molly doesn’t understand. If Jordan has been talking to TJ, why didn’t Jordan tell her?

Trina tells Ava, she wasn’t sure what to write about Franco. His early work still has a huge following. Ava says, his early work is still highly sought after. People have convinced themselves that his genius was a by-product of his brain tumor, and he’s no longer capable of significant work. Trina asks if she doesn’t think so, and Ava says, she thinks the collectors are short-sighted. She thinks Franco’s work has expanded. Portia runs in, saying she’s looking for Trina, and sees Trina is there. She asks why Trina isn’t in school where she belongs. Ava looks at Trina.

Spinelli follows Delores to a bar. He sits down and sees Delores sitting with a man, and says, it can’t be. He takes out his phone, and looks the man up. It’s Councilman Donald Raskin, working for a better Port Charles.

Jordan tells Sonny, okay. So she confesses that she tampered with evidence that sent Cyrus to prison. Cyrus is released, and vanishes in some way that leaves Sonny with his hands clean. Sonny says, Cyrus does business with dangerous people, and lost receipts. They don’t like losing money, and Cyrus has lost millions. What makes her think Cyrus won’t be a target when he gets out? She says, and she sits in prison for twenty years, or less for good behavior. Or more if she also confesses she abused the power of her office to clear the way for Cyrus’s shipment. Curtis says, this is insane. There’s no way he’s condoning her trading her freedom for Cyrus’s. They can forget it. There must be another way to find TJ.

Nina tells Carly, after Nelle filed for custody, Willow wanted her to do a true crime piece on Nelle in Crimson. Carly says she thought Nina and Willow didn’t get along, but Nina says, it’s ancient history. Willow wants to keep Nelle away from Wiley, and do does she. Carly asks, what about the Crimson piece? and Nina says, that’s not going to happen. Nelle isn’t a public figure, she doubts it will drive traffic, and she doesn’t want to open them up to a lawsuit. But that doesn’t mean she can’t help in other ways. She’s sure Carly has heard the old say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Carly says, and who better to testify than Nelle’s current employer. Nina says, exactly. She’s in the perfect position to monitor Nelle. Ideally, Nelle will break the law, but if she doesn’t, Nina can testify on her deceitful, manipulative behavior. She pathologically hates Carly’s family, and Carly especially. She just witnessed Nelle trying to goad Carly. She’s going to use Nelle’s tactics against her. She’s going to let Nelle believe she’s playing her, that she’s falling for it. Let her believe they’re friends, and she’s on Nelle’s side. Then, at the hearing… Carly says, Nina will tell the truth, and Nelle will lose Wiley for good. Nina smiles.

Monica tells Michael, unfortunately, the hole in Wiley’s heart hasn’t closed as they’d hoped. He asks what the next step is, and Monica says, surgery. He asks if she’s sure it’s necessary; Wiley is so young. She says, Michael was younger when he had the same surgery, and came through with flying colors. Once the defect was addressed, there was no more trouble. She’s hoping it’s the same for Wiley. Michael asks when it should be scheduled, and Monica says, it’s an elective surgery, but recommends scheduling it immediately.

Portia tells Trina, she had a meeting with the chief-of-staff at GH. Imagine her surprise when she got a call from the school, and found out Trina didn’t show up for chemistry. Trina says, she already got an A in the class. What’s the point of reviewing stuff she already knows, when she could be doing something meaningful? Portia says, Trina’s not an adult. She’s a student, and belongs in school. She was terrified; she thought something happened. Trina says she’s sorry for scaring Portia, but… Portia says, no buts. It’s unacceptable. Ava suggests they take a deep breath, and Portia asks if Ava didn’t find it odd that Trina showed up in the middle of a school day. Ava says she was surprised Trina was back so soon, and Portia says, maybe Ava should have reached out to the school, or Trina’s mother. Ava knows Trina’s father just died. Her judgement might be cloudy. Ava says, obviously Trina could have communicated better, but Trina is clearly safe. Portia says her daughter was already kidnapped once. Her father was murdered. Communicating better isn’t going to cut it. She looks at Trina, and says Trina knows better.

Sam tells Molly, she doesn’t know if Jordan spoke to TJ, but they’ve been texting. Molly says, Jordan told her, but that was two days ago. This is ridiculous. She admits she handled TJ’s proposal all wrong. She should have been sensitive, and done a better job explaining why it doesn’t feel right for her to get married, at least right now. She was defensive, and gave him a lecture. That’s on her, but he’s making it worse hiding out. She asks if Sam can use the tracker, and find out where he is, but Sam isn’t sure that’s a good idea. She’s sure he’ll get in touch. Molly says, she was sure too, but she was wrong. Nothing is going to be fixed until they’re face to face. Sam tells her, calm down, and messes with her phone. She says, TJ’s location is at 485 Paulson Street. Molly says, it doesn’t make any sense. That’s Jordan’s apartment complex.

Curtis asks if Jordan understands the kind of trouble she would face in Pentenville. She’ll be reunited with the criminals she helped put there. Jordan says, it kills her that she’ll be in prison and Cyrus will be free, but if it’s the only way to protect her son… Sonny says she’s doing what Cyrus wants. He wants her to let fear make her choices. She should step back and consider other options. Jason says, Sonny is right. She can exonerate Cyrus without taking the fall.

Sonny says Jason sees where he’s going, right? Jordan says she doesn’t. If it’s going to save her son, and keep her out of prison, tell her. Jason says, she was on a four-person team, and only the four of them knew the evidence against Cyrus was fabricated. Taggert and the other two are dead. She can claim they framed him without her knowledge or cooperation. She can claim she always believed the bust was legit. After Taggert was murdered, she went back over the evidence, and realized something didn’t add up. Sonny says, she can notify the DEA and the Justice Department of the discrepancy, and let them take over. Curtis likes this angle a whole lot better. It will only garner Jordan respect. She says, they’re asking her to throw her team under the bus?

Michael says, if Monica thinks Wiley should have surgery immediately, take the steps to make it happen. Monica is glad he’s on board, and Sasha says she’s there to help. Monica tells her to support her grandson. Once the paperwork is complete, they can prep Wiley for surgery. Monica pauses a moment, and says she just thought of something. Because it is elective and Michael’s custody agreement is agree still pending, both he and Nelle have to sign off on it.

Carly thanks Nina for putting herself out there. She’s sorry she jumped to conclusions. Nina says, it’s okay. She’s been snowed before. Carly just assumed she was being snowed again. Carly says Nelle snowed her. She prides herself on her instincts, and can usually spot someone like Nelle coming from a mile away, but she didn’t. Nina says, maybe Carly’s judgement was clouded because Nelle saved Josslyn. Carly says, but she didn’t. Carly knows Nina is seeing Jax, so this won’t come as a surprise. He’d do anything for his daughter, and he did. Josslyn needed a kidney, and Jax bought one from Nelle’s father. Jax has to live with that, and Carly pities Nelle for that, but Nelle didn’t choose to save Josslyn. She hasn’t chosen to save anyone in her entire life, and Carly can’t believe she didn’t see that. Nina says Carly didn’t want to see it. Like she didn’t want to see that Sasha wasn’t her daughter. She shows Carly the necklace, and says her daughter would have the other half, but Sasha didn’t; she didn’t even know what it was about. Nina was too busy believing her, and maybe Carly was too lost in her gratitude. Carly tells Nina, one thing she can say about herself is, she learns from her mistakes. She’ll never underestimate Nelle again. Nelle is working every angle all the time. She’d be even more dangerous if she wasn’t so crazy. Nina says she has a problem with that word, and Carly says they’ve both dealt with mental issues. They’ve put in the work, and come out the other side, but Nelle can’t. She lies when she doesn’t have to; she steals when she doesn’t need to. Nina gave her a job, and you’d think Nelle would be happy, but she won’t be. She’s going to do something shady. Nina says, and she’ll be there to catch her. Carly says Nina can’t do it alone. She’ll need help, and Carly is all in.

Ava says she’ll give Portia and Trina some space to talk it out, and goes in the back. Trina says she’s sorry she worried Portia, but she thought Portia trusted her to take mental health days when she needed to. Portia says Trina can’t run off like that. She needs to know where Trina is at all times. End of discussion. Trina says Portia used to trust her, but Portia says Trina never cut school before. Trina says, right; it was a dumb move. She couldn’t take the looks. It happened to Josslyn when Oscar died. Ava goes to her desk, and listens. Trina says, it’s like you’re under a microscope. She’s the girl who’s dad was just murdered. It’s like they’re waiting for her to have a meltdown. Portia asks why Trina didn’t tell her, and Trina says her parents got divorced years ago. Portia says, divorcing someone doesn’t mean you stop loving them. She’s always loved Trina’s father. Their marriage didn’t work out, but her father was a good man, an honorable man. He had a brave heart, and the best of intentions, always. Whenever Trina wants to talk about him, or anything else, she’s there. They hug.

Molly tells Sam, she doesn’t understand why TJ’s phone is at Jordan’s. Does Sam think he’s staying there? Sam says, it’s possible, and Molly wonders why Jordan wouldn’t tell her. Sam says, maybe TJ told her not to say anything. If the roles were reversed, their mom would do the same for her. Molly says she’s sick of guessing. She’s going to see what Jordan has to say. She grabs her coat, and jets. Sam’s phone rings, and Spinelli says he’s found something interesting. Sam says she’s listening, and Spinelli says he’s discovered the target of Delores’s phone calls. She’s at a bar, cozying up to city councilman Donald Raskin. Sam says, that is not a good look for a married woman, and Spinelli says, or a married man. He watches Delores and Donald laughing, and says his research indicates Donald has been married for two decades. Sam says, after all the cheating spouse cases they’ve worked on, they finally have something that works in their favor. He says his sentiments exactly. The game is afoot. Delores and Donald get up, and Spinelli says, their meeting at the bar is concluding. One can anticipate they’ll adjourn elsewhere. Sam tells Spinelli to follow them, and see what happens. He says if he can secure proof, it’s the kind of leverage they need to persuade Delores to give Sam more time with Jason, or maybe let him move back in. She thanks him, and tells him, please be careful. He reminds her that he’s a licensed professional in surveillance. She says, nice try. Cyber-surveillance. She’s the one who does the actual footwork. He says, never fear. He shall be stealth personified. Delores and Donald leave, and Spinelli follows.

Carly tells Nina to keep an eye on Nelle at Crimson, and she’ll take care of the rest. She can have security collect footage on Nelle. If she’s true to form, Nelle is already working a scam; she just has to prove it. Nelle will be back in Pentenville, and Michael will get full custody of his son. Nina says there’s only one part of the plan she’s worried about. Carly.

Nelle strides into the hospital, and asks Michael where her son is. He says, Wiley is being evaluated for surgery. Nelle asks what Michael did to him, and Michael says, nothing. Wiley had shortness of breath. Nelle says, because of his heart? How did Michael let it get this bad. Michael says, when Wiley was born, he was diagnosed with a heart condition. They’d hoped it would get better on its own, but it didn’t. He hands Nelle a clipboard, and she asks what it is. Sasha says, it’s a standard consent form, and Nelle says she didn’t ask Sasha. Michael says, as Wiley’s parents, they both have to sign it before he can have surgery.

Trina is glad she and her mother can remember her dad together, and Portia says, of course (🍷). They can talk about anything. Trina says she can’t call her dad, or send him stupid emojis. Porta says Trina is the reason Taggert could text at all, and Trina says he would send her a text out of nowhere, to let her know he was thinking of her. Portia says they had a special relationship. Trina says, now seems weird; normal, but different. It’s not like anything changed, but her dad will never send her a surprise text again. Now she knows how much his texts meant to her; how much it mattered that he was thinking of her. Trina says, she’s not making sense, is she? but Portia says she is. She understands exactly how Trina is feeling, and she misses him too.

Jordan tells Sonny, they were honorable men, who sacrificed everything for their work, including their lives. Their families are grieving, she’s not going to add to their suffering by tarnishing their memories. Curtis says if the tables were turned, what would Taggert do if they had his daughter, and it was a choice between honoring her memory and saving Trina’s life? She says if they go down, she does too. Sonny says, they already made the ultimate sacrifice. The most important thing now is to put a stop to Cyrus, and save her son. Curtis nods.

Sam’s phone rings, and she asks what did Spinelli find? Delores says, something very disappointing. Her friend is in a very compromising position. Two cops hold on to Spinelli at the bar.

Jordan says, okay, she’s committed, and Sonny says she made the right call. She hopes so, and Sonny says they’ll be in touch. He and Jason leave, and Jordan sits on the coffee table, even though she has a perfectly good couch. Curtis sits next to her, and says, TJ will be okay; he’ll be home in no time. She says it’s the only way to justify what she’s done, and he takes her hand.

In the hallway, Sonny asks if Jason thinks Jordan will see it through. Jason says, she’d do anything for her son. Sonny says, him too. That’s good news, because their friend will be on the outside where they can get to him. Molly comes out of another hallway, and has obviously heard them.

Portia tells Trina, it’s perfectly reasonable to want space. She needs time to process what she’s gone through. When the school called, her mind went to the worst place. She thought Trina had been kidnapped again. Ava continues to listen, and Trina says she’s sorry that she made Portia think that. She really means it. Portia says, Trina is so important to her; Trina is her whole world. Ava starts to tear up, and Portia says she’ll let Trina experience her life. At least until she’s eighteen, and Portia can’t tell her what to do. Trina says, then she’s on her own? Portia says, oh yeah. She’s kicking Trina to the curb. They leave, and Ava dabs at her eyes.

Nina tells Carly that she and Nelle have too much history for Carly to be effective. Just the opposite. Nelle is going to goad Carly as much as she can, and if Carly takes the bait, Nelle will use it against Michael at the trial. Carly says several people have already pointed that out, and Nina says the further away Carly stays, the better. Let Nelle think she’s working Nina. Nina will be friendly, sympathetic, a shoulder to cry on. Maybe she’ll let Nelle complain about Michael, and who knows what might let slip? Carly says she really can’t help? and Nina says, yeah. By staying away. No offense. Carly says, none taken. It’s Nina’s plan, and they’ll do it her way, but Nelle is going to lash out at Carly, and when she does, Carly will have to defend herself. Nina asks if Carly really thinks Nelle will do that, with everything she has at stake. Carly says Nelle can’t help herself. It’s a means to an end. Nelle came to Port Charles to destroy Carly, and she’s not going to stop until Carly stops her.

Nelle wants to know why she’s just finding this out now, and Sasha says, Michael just found out Wiley is his son. Nelle says she didn’t ask Sasha. Why should she consent to a dangerous procedure, when it might not be necessary? He says, Wiley needs this, but Nelle says she disagrees. There are too many risks. There are lifestyle changes that could resolve the issue. He says, surgery can resolve the issue. She says she wants something non-invasive that doesn’t involve cutting open her toddler son. He says, Monica recommended it, and she says, of course (🍷). Monica is a surgeon. He says, don’t do this, and she says, what? Exercise her parental right? She’s not signing off on this.

Tomorrow, Alexis asks if Delores will consider dropping the charges, Laura goes to see Neil, and Willow thinks this time it’s about her.

🌴 That Didn’t Take Long…

Denise is in the hot seat already.


Not her year.


🌪 I Can’t Keep Up…

So who hates each other now? The shame of it is, now that Shannon and Kelly want to be social, they have to distance.


🌗 Night and Day…

And really, as long as they’re getting paid, who cares?


📺 For the Ratings Geek…

90 Day Fiancé is going strong.


🎉 We Made It…

We’re past the first hump of a non-zombie not-quite apocalypse.